HANNAH LOGAN'S COURTSHIP t W Companion f^o/ume SALLY WISTER'S JOURNAL Being- a Quaker Maiden' s Account of Her Experiences luith OJ/icers of the Conti- nental Ar>ny, 1777-177S- Illustrated ivith Portraits, Pacsi»iilcs and Photographs. Edited by Albret Cook Myers, izmo, 224 pages, deckel-edge paper, cloth, $2.00: three-quarters levant, $4.00. A STRICTLY historical document, yet also a romance of unequalled charm. " Has in many respects the attractions of a work ot fic- tion. . . It is one of those books that one needs to read in order to Ret rid of the unreality that is apt to hang about the pages of history," says the Baltimore Sun. "A most delicious piece of literature," says the Inquirer ( Phila. ) " Much of it reads like chapters of the late Revolutionary romances, except that these pages are more vivid and the scenes more natural." — Anier. Historical Rerneio. " Sally Wister is one of those charming maidens whose memory has been preserved by a fortunate accident. We profess ourselves her devoted servants." — Athe7iieum (London). HANNAH L O G A N'S COURTSHIP A True Narrative .■/^4-lr, THE WOOING OF THE DAUGHTER OF JAMES LOGAN, COLONIAL GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND DIVERS OTHER MATTERS, AS RELATED IN THE DIARY OF HER LOVER, THE HONORABLE JOHN SMITH, ASSEMBLYMAN OF PENNSYLVANIA AND icING'S COUNCILLOR OF NEW JERSEY, 1736-1752 EDITED BY ALBERT COOK MYERS l|^f;<;^■i^.^:•:v^::^v?;:^*^v,:;■ivl With Portraits, Manuscripts, Relics and f^iezus FERRIS & LEACH • PUBLISHERS Nos. 29-31 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia LIBRARY Of CONGRksS Two Copies Keceiveu DEC 19 tyo4 Copyniini tntry CUSS OL XXc Noi / a ^ zz 3 COPY B. Copyright, 1904, by Ferris & Leach. am ^ K m a^^f'^a ^ ^■^ ;i M ^k** ctJ^o H^4 B,^ l| JF* ^iS* ^^,^^►1 '^^'^Mv ^^^ H*^ l*iJ»ieiw ^' M 1|^]U ^ " INTRODUCTION ON the warm afternoon of June i, 1744, a courtly company of Virginia gentlemen in cocked hats and gold lace rode out the Old York Road from Philadelphia toward Germantown. They were the Indian Commissioners and suite, but lately arrived in the city en route to make a treaty with the Iroquois at Lancaster. The party had dined sumptuously at the Three Tuns Tavern in Water Street with the Secretary of the Province, Mr. Richard Peters, and * ' after a few Glasses of Good Maderia were now on their way to pay their respects to the venerable statesman and scholar, James Logan, at his beautiful country seat of Stenton. " We got to Mr. Logan's a few minutes after 3," writes ^ William Black, the merry young Secretary of the Commission, " and found him hid in the Bushes, " an Expression the Indians used " two years previously when they found that " their Good Friend James ^ Journal of William Black, Penna. Magazine, I., 406 ff. Cf. Witham Marshe's Journal, Mass. Hist. Coll., VII. 6 Courtship of [i^^j^o- " Logan . . . was so much Oppress' d with sick- " ness as to be obliged to live a Life Retir'd from *' Public affairs." " He had been a very great *♦ Benefactor to the Indians," Black continues, " and " Conducted several Treaties with them, and they "having always found him true to them, had an •' Extraordinary Regard for him : The Commissioners "had some Conversation with him about the Indians, " and told him his Advice would be of the last Conse- " quence to them in Conducting the Treaty; he *' Appear' d [however] somewhat Reserv'd and Spoke " very little : " At last the Tea Table was Set, and one of his " Daughters [Hannah] presented herself in Order to "fill out the Fashionable Warm Water: I was really "very much Surprized," writes the impressionable young Virginian, " at the Appearance of so Charm- " ing a Woman, in a place where the seeming morose- " ness and Goutified Father's Appearance Promised no " such Beauty, tho' it must be allow' d the Man seem'd " to have some Remains of a handsome enough Person, "and a Complection beyond his years, for he was " turned off 70 : " But to return to the Lady, I declare I burnt my " Lips more than once, being quite thoughtless of the " warmness of my Tea, entirely lost in Contemplating " her Beauties. She was tall, and Slender, but " Exactly well Shap'd, her Features Perfect, and "Complection tho' a little the whitest, yet her " Countenance had something in it extremely Sweet. A Pa<:e from William I'.lack's Iliar' J «^?3«W A Page from William lilack's Diary duction] Hannah Logan 7 «« Her Eyes Express' d a very great Softness, denoting "a Compos'd Temper and Serenity of Mind, Her " Manner was Grave and Reserv'd, and to be short " she had a Sort of Majesty in her Person, and Agree- " ableness in her Behaviour, which at once Surprized " and Charmed the Beholders: ^ *' After the Tea Table was remov'd we were going *< to take leave, but it appear' d we must first view his *< Library, which was Customary with him, to any ♦* Persons of Account, He had really a very fine "Collection of Books, both Ancient and Modern. << He seem'd to Regrate that none of his Sons knew " not how to use them, and that he design' d them as •• a Legacy to the City when he died: After the Old " Gentleman had been Complimented on his fine "Taste we Departed." Hannah Logan, the heroine of our narrative, thus pleasantly portrayed by Mr. Black, was the younger of James Logan's daughters. She was named in honor of Hannah Penn, the second wife of William Penn.'^ 1 Jonathan Belcher, Governor of New Jersey, in a letter from Burlington, of May iz, 1748, writes to James Logan: " My best Regards wait on your good Lady and free from all Compliments on your fine fine Daughter." — Belcher MSS., VL, 313, Mass. Hist. Soc, Boston. * In a letter dated Philadelphia, March 29, 1719-20, James Logan writes to his " Hon** Mistress " Hannah Penn : "I have a careful wife & but 3 Children of w<='' y'' last a Girl & called by thy name is but very young." — James Logan's MS. Letter-book, 1717-1728, p. 117, Hist. Soc. Penna., Am .0951. 8 Courtship of [intro- *'Our 4th [child]," writes' the father in 1723, *- In 1741/ at the age of nineteen, he appears actively engaged in the West India Trade with his father, and in the Tenth month of that year, in order to enlarge his nautical and business experience, and to let him see something of the world, he was sent as supercargo in one of his father's vessels on a voyage of five months, to the Island of Barbadoes. The journal which he kept of this trip is printed in the Appendix. Curiously enough, this voyage was made just ten years previously to one made to the same place and at the same age by a Virginia contemporary, the youthful George Washing- ton, who also kept a journal ^ of his travels. In 1743, having reached his majority, John Smith goes to try his fortunes in Philadelphia, where he resided for the next thirteen years, carrying on, with various partners, a flourishing mercantile and shipping trade, and enjoying the company of a delightful society. At first he took lodgings with relatives, but soon set up an establishment of his own in a handsome house in the best part of the town. By the year 1746 his business had become so profitable that he ' Cf. William Nelson's admirable sketch of John Smith in New Jersey Archives, ist series, X., 231-232, footnote. ^ See George Washington's Journal to the Island of Barbadoes, 1751-1752. Edited by Dr. J. M. Toner, Albany, N. Y., 1892. Small 4to. 88 pp. auction] Hannah Logan 37 notes with satisfaction a net gain of ^800 for the year, but hears next day that a Lancaster man who owes him ;^I50 had absconded. "Being likely to *' meet with so Considerable a Loss to-day," he moralizes, "after mentioning Gains yesterday, affords " Room for Reflection on the unstability of Terrestrial "affairs." In this same year he buys a fine country estate with a brick mansion at Point-no-point, on the Delaware above the town, employs a gardener at ^30 per annum, and takes much delight in gardening. His enjoyment in this pleasant pursuit is shown in an entry of 1st month 9th, 1 747 : " Weather quite Agreeable. ** Spent the day at my plantation, in planting pinks, ** Sweet Williams, Filberts, Hazelnuts, Rose & Goose- " berrie Bushes. Had E. Cathrall's Company. The ** first appearance of Greenness in the meadows, with ** the Singing of Blackbirds, the Chirping of Blue-birds, "with the Voice of the Turtle, a little Moderate ** Exercise, & a useful Book by turns all helped to **make this an Agreeable day." He dines with the celebrated John Bartram, American Botanist to the King, "who is very civil in showing his rarities of " sundry sorts." He is very sociable and hospitable at both his town and country house and entertains handsomely a wide 38 Courtship of [intro- circle of friends, including the leading families of his day. His love of fast riding was a subject of concern with his father, who writes to him i mo. 2, 1747 : "I. Pemberton's horse is dead which I hope will " have Greater Effect on you to Convince you of " the Evil of riding so hard than what I said to ♦' you." ^ In 1746, also, he and "several friends " of the Young Sort" formed a social club agreeing to meet at the Widow Evans's public house "once " a week to have a Supper." Thus did he follow his quiet pleasures, and even the occasional loss of a ship, captured by French privateers, did not divert his attention from his readings in Don Quixote, Pope, Shakespeare, Milton and the best con- temporary writers. Fielding's " Joseph Andrews " and "Tom Jones," the Spectator, Tatler, Dr. Sherlock's Treatise on Death are read with apparently equal interest, as they come over the sea. In 1747, he wrote for gratuitous distribution a little book, "The Doctrine " of Christianity, As held by the People called Quakers, " Vindicated : In Answer to Gilbert Tennent's Ser- " mon On The Lawfulness of War." He found time in i 746 to promote the organization of the Philadelphia Contributionship, one of the first 'John Smith Corres., 1 740-1 770, Hist. Soc. Penna. auction] Hannah Logan 39 fire insurance companies in the country, and helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital (1751). He was also prominent in Quaker meetings, serving for a time as clerk of Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting. He took a deep interest in politics, and in 1750 and again in 1 75 1 was elected a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly. He was a trustee of the Library Company and a member of the American Philosophical Society. The romantic interest of the book centers in the pure, sweet story of the courtship. Confided to the diary with Pepysian frankness it possesses all the charm of fiction with the vividness and reality of truth. After young William Black's glowing description of the beautiful and stately Hannah Logan, it is not to be wondered that John Smith also should be smitten with her charms. His first recorded visit to the home of James Logan was early in 1743, but doubtless he had known the family some years before. " The '♦ Moment I saw thee," he writes to Hannah, " I •' Conceived a more than common Regard for thee." This feeling soon ripens into the tender passion, but long he fears to declare his love, "from a Conscious- •'ness of" being much her '♦ Inferiour in every "Respect," in her "Superior Accomplishments, and 40 Courtship of [int^o- <' Station in Life." Should he be "so Unhappy as "not to Succeed" he "must Languish in Silent "Woe." Despairing of success "in the Entertain- " ment of that passion," he used his "utmost Efforts " to Conquer it," and " thought the likeliest way to do "it was to seek another object." He *' found one, "but a very small Acquaintance quite overset" his scheme. He " had been early . . . Tinctured "with Religious sentiments" and "knew a fair out- " side did not constitute happiness, and in short," he writes, " I saw but little else in that person." " Soon after," he quaintly declares in telling the story of his troubles at a later time to Hannah Logan, " I "had some opportunities of Converse where thou was " in Company, which much Enhanced my Esteem. I " plainly saw that thou[gh] the Cabinet was Exquisitely " framed, the mind lodged in it, far Excelled, and thus " renewed and strengthened my former Regard." Yet still he swayed between desire and doubt, but one day on a journey with his friend Michael Lightfoot ( 1683— 1754), ^^^ Provincial Treasurer and an eminent Quaker minister, as they were "riding very seriously "together," Friend Lightfoot told him that he had found a wife for him. " I little Expected," writes John to Hannah, "that he or anybody Else would " have thought me a suitable match for her I had in Auction] Hannah Logan 41 " View, but on mentioning thy name soon perceived " by the Confusion in my Countenance the scituation of ** my thoughts — and added something to what he had •'said, that Affected me with some degree of hope." He is now continually seeing Hannah, '« the *' Charmer," in the City at the houses of her relatives, the Pembertons and Logans. The tea she pours for him is ♦' Nectar and Ambrosia." At a wedding din- ner he is ** sufficiently Roasted about remaining single," but after ♦* being pestered with" such •' Imperti- ** nence " he spends the evening happily (2 mo, 10, 1747) at William Logan's <* with that dear Creature *' H. L., the Charm of whose Conversation Excells, "if possible, those of her person. Her discourse *' seemed more agreeable than common this Even^. *• . . . Oh, could I be Blest with the favour •• of Retiring to it upon every occasion — " Soft Source of Comfort, kind Relief from Care, " And 'tis her least Perfection to be fair." In the autumn of i 747 he hears that Hannah Logan is to be in Burlington on her way from the Yearly Meeting at Shrewsbury to attend Evesham Meeting. He is **in a most uneasy disposition of mind," he writes in his journal, "having an eager Inclination to "go to Burlington to meet the friends from Shrews- -" bury, & was afraid to do it, Least it should disoblige 42 Courtship of H"^''"- " my dearest Hannah, who I expected would be " among them. These different passions contested so " Long that thev Actually made me sick. However, " Love prevailed, and I privately went. They got "to Burlington soon after I did. — I met H. at my *' Brother's. Had but Httle of her Company, thought ** she did not like my coming. Oh Racking thought ! " The next day Hannah Logan " dined with her ♦'friends at my Father's. I was Exceedingly pleased * * to See her there, and yet Trembled Least it was not *• a pleasure to her to be there. What pain is there in •* a state of doubt and uncertainty ! They set out ** after dinner for Mount Holly, and I waited upon **them. . . . Jane & Hannah Lodged at *• B. Bispham's, as I also did." During the night " there fell abundance of Rain, *' and the morning being likewise very rainy & an E. ** Storm, I sent a man to Burlington to Beg the Loan ••of Governour [Belcher's] 4 wheeP Chaise, which ••he readily sent. I wrote to him upon it, and to •• My Dear Father by the same optunity, wherein I ••told him, among other things, that the Health of •* what is dearer to me than Life occasioned my taking ••that Step, Scc"^. About 10 o'clock the Chaise came •* & Jane & Hannah riding in it." This favor from Governor Belcher John was enabled to return in October, 1748, when he brought over on one of his own ships the Governor's intended bride. auction] Hannah Logan 43 and on her arrival ' in Philadelphia procured a four- oared barge and transported her up the river to Bur- lington. "We got in pretty good time to Evesham •* meeting," John continues; *' we dined at the wid° " Evans's, and after dinner Rode to Eliz' Estaugh's, " ... The good widow received us kindly, " but the pleasure that I should otherwise have had in "the Evening's Conversation was Lost by dear " Hannah's having got a pain in her head, which I " thought occasioned by riding too far today." Finally, after these long delays he plucks up courage and "makes proposals of waiting upon her at home & "of Asking her parents' Consent if such attention was " not Absolutely Disagreeable to her. I was in a good " deal of Confusion, but her Good Nature Bore with it, without Endeavouring to Encrease it. And Though " I could not perceive that she was willing I should "take that Step, she Consented to receive" a letter from " me upon my promising not to take that for " any Encouragement. . . . Many were the ^ Shortly after the arrival of this lady, Richard Smith wrote to his son John ( 7 mo. 5th, 1748 ) : " Such is the power of matrimonial thoughts even in 67 years of age. Under a fit of Illness his [the Governor's] feavour has seemingly left him, if this matrimonial affair don't throw him Into another. I am in hopes it will soon cure him, which I heartily wish, and that he may Injoy the Delights he promises himself, for he has been telling me a great deale of the Inconvenience of a single life, like one fond of a change." (John Smith Cor- respondence, Am 158, Hist. Soc. Penna.) 44 Courtship of U^^'""- *' Revolving thoughts with which my mind was ** Crowded after this Conversation, & yet upon the *' whole I found my Affection Encreased by her Gen- "erous behaviour & was thankful for the opportunity "I had of so much Conversation with her. I pray ** God to pour down his Choicest Blessings upon her " head." ^ On the following day (12 mo. 5, 1747), he wrote a long letter to her in which he told his " mind very "fully — the Grounds upon which" he formed his "unalterable Resolution of having her if possible — ** and as there was some difficulty whether my waiting *'upon her parents would be disagreeable or not." Two weeks later (12 mo. 21, 1747) he rode to Stenton, but his thoughts are " disturbed with pain & *' Anxiety Least this Visit should be disagreeable. *♦ Was, however. Courteously received, but I thought ** my fr'* Hannah was not very well pleased with it, ** which quite damped my Spirits. James told me he *' was Glad to see me, & had frequently Expostulated " with his Sons for not bringing me oftener. ** Had very little time alone with Hannah. Apolo- ' John's father tries to do what little he can to smooth the way of the son's wooing. In 1747 he sends a small box of apples, Spit- zenbergs and Newtown and Newark pippins, of his own grafting, to James Pemberton in Philadelphia, with the request that some of the Newark pippins, a "long yallow apple," be sent to Hannah Logan ; " and in 1748, as the courting prospers, begs to present his future daughter-in-law with a four-wheeled chaise. — Letter dated Burlington, I mo. 22, 1747, Pemberton Papers, Hist. Soc. Penna. auction] Hannah Logan 45 " gized for my Visit by saying it was difficult for me "to [be] absent from her." He remained over night, but in the morning Hannah, to his grief, was unwell, for he ' ' had intended to Ask her father & " mother's Consent to make free with the house. . . . *' Her father took me into his Library, & took a great " deal of pains to Entertain me there, but my thoughts *• were so fixed & Intent about his daughter that much "of it was lost," and he soon sorrowfully took his departure. He sees " Hannah [in the city] going home alone " in the Chaise," but knowing " her fears of being ♦• talked of," dares not " Venture to wait upon her." For the next eight months John is kept in suspense, alternating between hope and fear. The truth of the situation seems to be that Hannah was beset by •♦ divers considerable offers," but she would have none of them. She had even "refused Thomas " Crosby, nephew of Josh Crosby, a wealthy & *' valuable man from Jamaica, who," as her father informs Thomas Penn, "offered me ^10,000 down " with him, and more at his death, and as the man ♦♦was himself likely in his person, & no way to be " found fault I should have been content she had " accepted him, but she had her own objections." ' iSmith MSS.,Yi2. 7289, F 128. Vol. III., 1747-1751. Ridgway Branch, Philadelphia Library Company. 46 Courtship of [i"^^"- She was determined upon a single life. Although a very attractive and charming girl she engaged much in religious introspection, and feared that marriage would conflict with her spiritual growth.* How well she carried out her plan of life and withstood the ardent wooing of the tactful and persistent young John Smith is now to be seen. John loses " a great part of the relish " he *' used **to have for other company," and becomes a very frequent visitor at Stenton. On i mo. 9, 1748, he ' takes a ride to Germantown, under pretence of get- ' ting some Cyons, but really upon more Important ' business. Called at Stenton ; found Company ' there, who soon departed. I intended to stay all * night, and accordingly did so. Had an opportunity ' of Telling my mind to James & his wife separately. ' They treated me Civilly, referring me Entirely to * their daughter, and the Old Gentleman told me if I < was her Choice, he would give his Consent &c''. I < had some of the dear Creature's Company, but our * Conversation was so much of the Ambiguous kind, ' that after a Loving & friendly parting I retired to * Bed full of Doubt & perplexity, & Got but little * Sleep. In how much pain is a situation between * hope and Despair. In a letter of the next day (i mo. loth, 1748) he tells her that his unhappy doubt so possesses him that 1 Memorial of her life, written by John Smith in 1762. auction] Hannah Logan 47 he "can scarcely Talk Common Sence," and that it " was not therefore without Reason that I told thee a •' man in Love was the Silliest Creature in the " Universe." A month then passes. One morning, feeling very unwell, " thought perhaps the sight of my dear Han- '< nah might be so like to cure me as anything else, " wherefore I went to ... . Stenton, where " I was very agreeably Entertained. Had in the Even "my Charmer's Company till lo o'clock, and it was "more delightful to me than Ever, and gave me •* greater grounds of hope than I durst before Enter- " tain, and the Old Gentleman treated me in a very " Generous manner," and, as by his own experience, it will be remembered, he was very well able, advised "me how to Court, to have perseverance &c*, and ** acquainting me that he had said more to his daughter "on my behalf than he had ever done on Tho. " Crosby's, though he was to have ^20,000. John returns "home in a Composed, Serene frame "of mind," and is very grateful to a higher power for the favorable aspect of his suit. As the weeks go by he has "a great deal of Conversation with" his "friend Hannah of the most solid & imposing kind," but she is still "very much undetermined in her senti- " ments ; however patience & Resignation is" his " best fortress, and Hope " his " only Comfort." He has a great deal of conversation " with the Old Gen- " tleman her father," concerning " my Circumstances, 48 Courtship of [i"^^°- " and I told him I was worth about 3000 pound clear " Estate. He repeated his willingness to my having " his daughter, and told me if I got her he would give " me his Bills on his Brother for ^7S° Sterling that she •*had already 500 acres of Land of her own, would "have Two thousand pound more at his death, and ** One thousand more at her Mother's. He desired " me to acquaint him when I had any Grounds to hope, ** because he found himself declining, had a mind to ** Settle his Affairs, and would make me an Executor." Hannah begins to show more favorable signs of weakening; "had my dear Hannah's Company till "near 10, and Enjoyed in it a sweet sense of pure '* Love which united us nearly together, and opened a "free & familiar Conversation." Her "principal " Objections against Accepting of my proposals " are removed, and she is " freer & easier to Condescend — "for so I may truly call it — to become mine," and John is jubilant. But three weeks barely pass when he is again sunk into a melancholy by Hannah's determination to put off the affair entirely and to receive fewer visits. It is not until 5 mo. 26, 1748, that he has finally " the fullest Assurances of a Reciprocal Love & " Tenderness. Our conversation was in boundless " Confidence, and with the most perfect Harmony our " Souls seem'd entirely knit and united together, and duction] Hannah Logan 49 *♦ we jountly breathed that the Eternal One might " bless us in a sacred and indissoluble tye, & might •* make us one another's Joy in him." On 6 mo. 1 2th the scene of the love-making changes to the Falls of the Schuylkill, to which the Logans go on an angling excursion. As soon as John learns of it, he follows them and finds <' Hannah «' fishing at some distance from the rest of the com- '♦ pany, so that " he '* had an opportunity to make an "Apology for" his "coming — which was very "generously received, and" he "had the pleasantest " day in fishing that " ever he " Employed that way." " Waited as much as I was capable upon my Hannah " & her mother & we caught some fish, part of w"*" the " Old Gentlewoman & Jemmy took home with them "to dinner," while the others remained for the after- noon and " Caught enough to take to Stenton for " supper." The courtship was now so well advanced that John urged that the proposals of marriage be brought before the Quaker Monthly Meeting, but a new obstacle, mysterious to him, had arisen, and innumerable delays occur. The " Old Gentleman," formerly so favorable to the marriage, " now pretends to be sorry that he has "given his consent," and refuses to explain the change in his sentiments. The situation is thus com- 4 50 Courtship of [1"^^°- plicated by Isaac Norris (i 701-1766), Speaker of the Assembly, a man of high standing, and next to Richard Peters, according to Logan's estimate, the most learned man in Philadelphia. He had come to his father-in-law, 3 mo. (May) 25th, 1748, and asked the hand of Hannah Logan for his younger brother, Charles Norris.^ John Smith, however, says Logan, in writing^ of the aiFair to John Kinsey, "full 10 "weeks before had made his way good " and "the "younger brother" had "never made the least "appearance of a Suitor to any one of our family." The Norris alliance being declined, Isaac Norris went away deeply offended, and to the regret of the 1 Charles Norris (171 2- 1766), son of Isaac Norris and brother of Isaac Norris, Speaker of the Assembly, was a prominent and wealthy merchant of Philadelphia. He was a manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital, a trustee of the General Loan Office of the Province. He built a handsome house where the Custom House now stands. He married, first, Margaret, daughter of Dr. Rodman, of Bucks County, and secondly, in 1759, Maryj daughter of Joseph Parker, of Chester. " Charles Norris is married to Polly Parker," notes Hannah Callender in her Diary [Penna. Mag., XII., 447), 6 mo., 1759, " — a great deal of money on both sides." His only child was the celebrated Mrs. Deborah Logan, wife of Dr. George Logan, of Stenton. — Keith, Councillors. ^Letter, dated 7 mo. 19th, 1749, owned by Mrs. Charles W. Howland, of Wilmington, Delaware. Charles Norris auction] Hannah Logan 5 1 Logan family was ever after estranged from them/ and from John Smith in particular.^ Finally, at the age of twenty-six, John's long- cherished hopes are to be realized. All objections to the nuptials are removed, and the prolonged proposals of marriage begin. 8 mo. 28th, 1748, the young cou- ple set out for Philadelphia to declare their intentions before the Monthly Meeting, " Sarah & Hannah," writes John, riding "in the Chaise & I on horseback. ^ Letters of William Logan to John Smith, one of 3 mo. 28, 1758 (Y i 2, 7291, F 66, Ridgway Branch), and another about 1765 (Am 158, Hist. Soc. Penna. ). ' Although John went himself to Fairhill to invite Isaac Norris to the wedding, he was not received, and the Norrises failed to attend the marriage. The gossip of the town concerning the affair is given in a letter of John's business partner, Abel James, who writes 10 mo. 25, 1748, to James Pemberton, then in London : " As I don't doubt but that thou will be inform'd by others of John Smith's marriage I need not be particular as to the time &c when it was — But yet remembering the freedom I did use to take with thee, I can't help Relating a Singular piece of usage He met with from Isaac Norris — to wit — a few Days before the Marriage Day, He went to fair hill, and on asking for I: N:, the Servant told him that her M'' was in the Green House, on w'^'' J. S. told her to tell him that tiiere was a Person that wanted to Speak with him, on w'='' She went, & (She not knoing who the person was) bro' word that her M' was coming presently, but immediately his Eldest Daughter came into the Room, & finding Johnny's Errand Ran Chearfully & Innocently to her father and presently return 'd & told him that her Dady Said it was well enough, which however odd as it was did not prevent his waiting near half an hour longer, when appeared the Elderly maid thou had the pleasure of Saluting at thy Uncle Logan's in Company with her Cousin Harrison (I mean Molly Lloyd) — To whom he, humble waiter, again resum'd Courage to ask for I. N. & told her that he had been waiting half 52 Courtship of L^"^'^^- * ' James [Logan] gave me his consent in writing to "the Mo: meeting & my father & S[arah] Logan " gave theirs verbally. . . . They went directly " to meeting; I changed my Cloathes, & put on anew ** suit of hair Camblet, then with my father & partner " went also ... In passing [meeting] we were " preserved in a good degree of Calmness ; some " friends thought I spoke too loud, hut everybody an hour, Since the first messenger bro't him word that he might directly Speak with Isaac Norris, and He Should take it kind to Let him know that He yet was waiting to Speak with him, and that an Opportunity to do it would greatly oblige him. But She presently return' d with this Message — ' That her Cousin had Sent his answer by his Child and that he had not more to say,' and that He did not Ciioose to be Spoke with. Tlien John Pray'd he might have the favour to Speak with Betty — to w'''' (after the Message was Delivered) he had for Answer that ' She had Had a fever the Day before and could not come down Stairs.' Thou may Judge in which Confusion our Frd. Johnny was in to have Such Answers and to be Oblig'd to Leave his Business with any body but the Persons themselves that lie was to Invite. Plowever, he was forced to bear the Mortification — and the Family ar.otlier the Day after the Marriage, when thy Uncle & Aunt sent their Chaise Attended by a Messenger to wait on the Children and to Desire that they might come to See them — but they were Denied and the Chaise Sent back as Empty as it came. To the last Relation I was in part an Eye witness, and may Say with great Truth it was a disa- greeable Sight to See & hear the person give their account to Tliy Uncle, Aunt &c that the cliildren could not come & no good Reason why. Thou may easily think the Different Effect it had on the Different Dispositions of the persons concern'd. In fine, it has made a family Uneasiness (tho' not a Family Difference, owing to the good Disposition of one of them), and a Town Talk at a time of the Year when we want Topicks to Talk on. " I'll take leave of that Affair, and Shall Add that it promises to bear happy union to themselves, and appears to be agreeable to all their Friends and Relations, Except the above." (Pemberton Papers, Hist. Soc. Pa. ) duction] Hannah Logan 53 *' agreed that Hannah spoke as well as could be." ■"John began manfully," writes Israel Pemberton, Jr./ *' but found the Last word approbation hard to express, «i-«t Hannah Logan' Courtship and Divers other Matters, as related irk John Smith's Diary Chapter I A YOUTHFUL MERCHANT Fifth month lO, 1743. Being first day, rode to Germantown meeting with Ch"" Wilson ^ & Eleaz'' Sheldon." Dined with several others at James Logan's.^ I opened a dry Good Store "* at Philad* the 14*'' of 10'^ mo: 1743 — Took Lodgings at Coz W"» Callender's,' at /— f. Annum. ' Christopher Wilson, a Quaker minister from Cumberland, Eng. "^ Eleazer Sheldon, a Quaker minister from Dublin. ''This is John Smith's first recorded visit to " Stenton," the home of his future bride. * " A CHOICE Parcel of Molases, to be sold, by Richard Smith, jun"", in Burlington, or by John Smith, at Israel Pemberton's Store, in Philad."-r-Pi;nna. Gaz., June 2, 1743. ^William Callender, Jr. ( 1703-1 763), a native of Bar- badoes, was a son of William and Hannah Callender, of Scotch 66 Courtship of [io"'mo. In the lO*'' mo., 1744-5, 1 Joined with Israel Pemberton, John ReynelP & Israel Pemberton Jun"" in purchasing a small schooner which we made a Brig' of & Called her the Dolphin. Loaded her ourselves. Appointed John Peal m"" & she sailed for Barbadoes the 13*'' ii"* mo.^ Latter End of i'' mo., 1745, I Joined with M. Aspden [?], John Reynell & Israel Pemberton Jun*" in purchasing a new Vessel on the Stocks, a little below Marcus Hook. We made a ship of her. Called her extraction. He married Catharine, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Murfin) Smith, of the Burlington Smiths. Their daughter, Hannah Callender ( 1737-1801 ), who married Samuel Sansom, in 1 762, kept a diary of much interest concerning Philadelphia. Extracts from it are printed in Pa. Mag., XII., 432. 'John Reynell ( —1784), was active in the Friends* meeting and in the civil life of the city. He was a manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1752-1780. — Morton, Pa. Hosp., 412. 'At the Philadelphia Custom-House the " Brigt. Dolphin, John Peele, for Coracoa," was entered out. — Penna. Gaz., Dec. 25, 1744- 1 744] Hannah Logan 67 the Bolton,^ appointed Edw*^ Dowers ^ m"" of her, and She Sailed the 9"^ of 3** mo: for Dublin & Liverpoole. My intimate friend WilHam Griffitts^ went Factor of her. He had Hved several years with his Uncle Thomas^ in this City, during w*"^ time We Contracted such a mutual Friendship, as will not Easily be forgotten. James Pem- berton and I went with him in the Ship to Delaware Capes, which the ship left the 8'''. The time on board was rendered very agreeable by William & Capt. Dowers' Company. After taking our Leave of them, went ashore at Lewis, staid a day * The Penna. Gazette of April 12, 1745, notes that the ship Bolton, Edward Dowers, master, entered out, bound for Belfast. ' " Edward Dowers is removed from his house in Water- street, to the house in Front-street, where Thomas Wells lately lived, and has to sell, Sundry sorts of European goods, and choice Cheshire cheese, cheap for ready money." — Pa. Gaz., Feb. 13, 1749-50. No. 1 105. 'William Griffitts ( — c. 1760), merchant of Philadelphia, son of James Griffitts, of Swansea, Wales, married, April, 1752, Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Morris) Powel. — Moon, Morris Family, 162, 463, 609. * Thomas Griffitts, Irish Quaker and Provincial Councilor of Pennsylvania. 68 Courtship of [3' mo- or two there, & Came home in a pilot boat the I2*'\ About the beginning of 3** mo: 1745, purchased on 8'^ y" Snow Friendship. She sailed for Jamaica the 12"'/ 22^ of 3*^ month James Pemberton ^ and I Left home to go to Flushing. We got there, Scammon Rodman ^ Accompanying ^ The Snow Friendship, Walter Brown, master, entered out for Jamaica, April 12, 1745. — Pa. Gaz., April 12, 1745. ^ James Pemberton (i 723-1 808), son of Israel and Rachel ( ) Pemberton, after completing his education in the Friends' schools became a successful merchant. He figured prominently in the Friends' Meeting and in public affairs. He was one of the founders of the Pennsylvania Hospital, was early interested in the negro question, and became one of the organizers /^^^^U^^ of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, succeeding Franklin as President in 1790. He was one of the Friends who withdrew from the Assembly in 1756, because they could not conscientiously vote to appropriate money for military purposes. He was one of the exiles to Virginia in 1777. — ^J. Granville Leach, in Appleton's Cyc. Bio., 706. •■' Scamon Rodman, of Burlington. — See N. J. Archives, 1st Scries, XX. James Pemberton ^74S] Hannah Logan 69 us from Burlington, the 24*''. Was kindly Rec*^ by Thomas Rodman, at whose house we Lodged while we stayed on the Island. The meeting was Large. The strangers [there] at were Jos* Lord, Abr'" Moss^ & Zech'' Faris. Jemmy & I went to N. York the 28'^, stayed there one night, set out next day & got home the 31'', & found our Brig* Dolphin was arrived the day before from Barbadoes, which was very Agreeable to me. She sailed again for Barbadoes the 1 7'^ of 4**^ mo. The T i*^ of 5*'' mo: 1745, We rec'' news of the Surrender of Louisburg on the 1 7''' Ultimo to K: George. The N. England Troops on this Expedition Gained much Reputation among the Men principled for War. They were Commanded by W"" Pepperill, a N. E** man also, and assisted by a fleet of Ships of War under the Command of Capt° Warren. That Evening & the next the mob were very rude in this City, breaking many Windows that were not Illuminated, but by the Vigilance of ' A Quaker minister of Salem, N. J. He died in 1-48. 70 Courtship of [6*'' mo. the Inhabitants and the prudent Conduct of the then Mayor Edw** Shippen they were suppressed before they had done much mischief. The 4"" of 6*'' mo: 1745, went by Land With several other friends to the funeral of my dear Uncle Caleb Raper at Burlington. Mordecai Yarnal was in Company. There were many people thereat, among whom Mordecai had good Service. The Removal of this near Rela- tion affected me much, both because there- by I lost a Good friend. The City of Burlington a good Magistrate, for he was & had been Mayor thereof several years, And the Church a Useful, hospitable & Substantial Member. Came home next day and the 8"' was at our 5*'' day meet- ing, at which M. Yarnal was married to Molly Roberts. A week or two afterwards I accompanied them home. The Latter End of the y**" & beginning of the 8"' mo: my Sister & Coz., both Eliz'' Smiths, came forth in the Ministry among Friends at Burlington, which the' 1745] Hannah Logan 71 but small at present I hope will prove a Blessing to the Church. The Snow Friendship arrived from Jamaica the 24"' of 7"' mo. We made a Ship of her & put her up for London, appointed Henry Lisle m"", & She sailed for that port the 1 7"' of 9*^ mo. Our Brig* Dolphin again arrived from Barbadoes the 14*'' of 8'^ mo. This Voyage we Sheathed her, and the 24th of 9*^^ mo. Ship Bolton & Brig' Dolphin sailed together from the Wharf, the ship bound for Ireland & Brig* for Barbadoes.^ Eleventh month. 3*^ In the afternoon, the weather being agreeable, John Armitt^ and I rode to Charles Jenkin's ferry on Schuylkill. We ran and walked a mile or two on the ice. On our way thither we stopped to view ' That part of the Diary covering the period 1 1 Mo. 3, 1745, to 8 Mo. 18, 1746, is from R. Morris Smith's "The Burlington Smiths" (Phila., 1877), 131 ff. ^JoHN Armitt, a Friend, a resident of Front Street in 1750. — • Fa. Gaz., June 7. 7 2 Courtship of [n^'^mo. the proprietor's green-house/ which at this season is a very agreeable sight ; the oranges, lemons, and citrons were, some green, some ripe, and some in blossom. 15*'' Dined at Israel Pemberton's, and afterdinner Jemmy and I rode on horseback toStenton. R. Pemberton" and M. Jordan^ went in the chaise. We spent two or 1 This was in what was long known as the "Proprietor's Garden," the estate of Proprietor Thomas Penn, son of the Founder. He was in Pennsylvania from 1732 to 1 741, and established his residence in what is now the northwestern part of Philadelphia, between " Bush Hill," the seat of the Hamiltons, and the Schuylkill. A young Virginian, Daniel Fisher, of Williamsburg, who had come to Philadelphia to seek his fortune, and who strolled one Sunday afternoon in May, 1755, " two miles out of town," found the garden very attractive. " But what to me," he writes, "surpassed everything of the kind I had seen in America was a pretty bricked Green House, out of which was disposed (now) very properly in the Pleasure Garden a good many Orange, Lemon, and Citron Trees in great perfection, loaded with abundance of Fruit, and some of each sort seemingly then ripe." " The House here," he continues, " is but small, built of Brick. It is pleasantly situated on an eminence with a gradual descent, over a small Valley, to a handsome level Road cut through a wood, affording an agreeable vista of near Two miles. On the left hand the slope, descending from the house, is a neat little Park, tho' I am told that there are no Deer in it." — Fisher's Diary, Pa. Mag., XVn., 267-8 ; Jenkins, Penn Family, ist ed., 134. ^ R-ivcHEL Pemberton, wife of Israel Pemberton, Sr. ^ Mary Jordan, widow of Robert Jordan, Quaker minister. 1745] Hannah Logan 73 three hours very agreeably there in com- pany with J. Logan, his wife and daughter. The roads very muddy. 17*'' In the afternoon Samuel Wetheri II and I rode to Burlington ; found my rela- tions and friends mostly well, and several of them came to my father's house and spent the evening there. Our discourse ran much upon the state of their province, oppressed by an ill-natured and super- annuated governor.^ 1 8*^ The day fixed for two representa- tives for their city. My father and Cousin Daniel Smith were chosen without a dis- senting vote. Spent most of the evening 1 Lewis Morris (1671-1746), a native of Morrisania, New York, is here referred to. He became the Royal Governor of New Jersey in 1738, and was soon involved in quarrels with the popular party of the Assembly concerning financial matters.— N. J. Archives, II., 217, XL, 546, XV., passim; Coll. N.J. Hist. Soc, IV. ; Winsor, America, V., 220—1. 74 Courtship of [i^'mo. with my aunt M. Raper/ with my brother Samuel, looking over the library of our deceased uncle. Aunt was so kind as to give Sammy and me several of his books. First mojith. i^th \Yej^t- t-Q Samuel Moore's, where we drank tea and spent a considerable time in very agreeable conversation. Had a dispute upon inoculation for small-pox, two or three people in town having got that distemper from New York. It seems clear to me that we who are but tenants have no right to pull down the houses that belong only to the landlord who built them. Third month. 1 2*^ At Point-no-Point. Busy in look- ing for bricks, etc., and had a good deal of conversation with Hugh Roberts upon gardening, etc. Agreed with George Martin to level my terrace-walk, leaving it twenty feet wide ; to make a fall thirty ^ Mary Raper, widow of Caleb. William Plumsted 1746] Hannah Logan 75 inches on a level ; to level the next plot one hundred feet deep ; to do the next fall, turf it and the sides, and plant the whole, etc., for twenty pounds. Was in the after- noon taking up with draining plans, etc. 1 7^'' After dinner S. Noble and I rode to T. Lawrence's^ plantation, then to Bush HilP and Plumstead's, from thence to my place. On our return we found our new Brigantine launched ; called her the Addison. •Thomas Lawrence (1689-1754), of Philadelphia, was a merchant, associated in enterprises with James Logan and the Shippens. He was chosen a Common Councilman in 1722, an Alderman in 1724, and Mayor in 1727, being rechosen in 1728, and again in 1734, 1749 ^""^ "753- ^^ ^^^ ^ member of the Provincial Council, Judge of the County Court, a warden of Christ Church, a Trustee of Philadelphia College, and in many ways prominent. He was a subscriber to the Dancing Assembly. He was married in 1719 to Rachel Lofifield ( 1689-1768 ), daughter of Cornelius Lonfield, of New Brunswick, New Jersey. He died in office as Mayor, April 20, I 754, and was buried in the burial ground at Fifth and Arch Streets. — ^Jenkins, Philadelphia, 238 j Keith, Councillors, 430 ff. 2 Bush Hill Mansion, the residence of ex-Governor Andrew Hamilton, was built by him in 1714. It stood on a tract of land bounded by what is now Fairmount, Vine, Twentieth and Twelfth Streets. — ^Jenkins, Philadelphia, 213. 76 Courtship of [4'' mo. Fourth month. [r'J 29*'' Was at meeting. Eden Haydock was married. G. Whitfield^ and wife, and several of his hearers were there. Fifth month. 9"' We had a report last 7"' day, by a vessel at Newcastle, from Ireland, that the rebels in Scotland were defeated ; and to-day the news by the post confirms the same. They had a very bloody battle, wherein the Pretender's army received a total defeat, but he, with a few of his attendants, escaped. To-night there were a few illuminations, bonfires, etc. 10*'' The mayor ordered there should be no bonfires in the habitable part of the city, and his order was obeyed, and the mob pretty civil, tho' they broke a few Friends' windows. 15"' At meeting. I was, as at many other times, favoured with a sight of the weakness and the vileness of my natural ' Rev. George Whitefield, the famous Calvinlstic evangelist from England. 1746] Hannah Logan 77 disposition, which, with the remembrance of the tender mercies I have repeatedly received, bowed me very low, and made me abhor myself. Oh, may the same sense always keep me in a humble frame of soul ! Drank tea at S. Sansom's. Read Pope's Miscellany. 24'^ This day was observed, by the governor's order, a thanksgiving day ^ for the victory over the Scotch rebels, by all but Friends, of whom too many conformed by keeping their shops shut, etc. 25"' Had, in the evening, the company of Abel Noble, with whom had a long dispute. I undertook to prove him no Christian, and in doing it, was so close 1 ^'■Philadelphia, July JT, \_1-J46'\. — In Pursuance of the Governor's late Proclamation for that Purpose, Thursday last was observed here with a becoming Solemnity, as a Day of Publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Suppression of the Rebellion in Scotland, &c. Great numbers of People attended at all the Places of Worship in the fore Part of the Day ; and his Honour the Governor [Thomas] entertained near a hundred of the principal Gentlemen and Inhabitants of the City at Dinner ; where our Happiness under the present Constitution, both in Church and State, and the great Obligations we have to the Family on the Throne, were properly and decently remember'd." — Penna. Gazette, ]\i\y 31, 1746. jS Courtship of [6'' mo. upon him that he was very angry, and gave me an account of abundance of judgments which had happened upon people who differed with him, as, their buckwheat being killed by the frost, their houses burnt, or dying soon after, with a deal more of such dark nonsense. Sixth month. 12*'' I dined with John Bartram,^ who was very civil in showing his rarities of sundry sorts. 'John Bartram (1701-1777), the eminent botanist, was a native of Darby, Delaware County. A farmer by occupation, he took great pleasure in the care of a botanical garden, laid out and planted by himself, on the west bank of the Schuylkill, near Gray's Ferry. He traveled extensively through parts of America, collect- ing specimens for his garden, and corresponded with the leading botanists of the time, becoming such an authority in his subject that Linnaeus pronounced him " the greatest natural botanist in the world." He received the appointment of American Botanist to George III., holding the office until his death in 1777. Journals of his travels among the Indians of New York and of his journey to Florida were printed in London in 1 75 1 and in 1766 respectively. His quaint old house, built by his own hands in 1 73 1 , and grounds with many of the trees planted by him, yet remain and are known as Bartram's Gardens, a part of the city's park system. — AUibone, Diet., 137; Darlington's Life. v^ /c ^co^i^i^ajpt 1746] Hannah Logan 79 13*'' After dinner went to the post-office, and received a letter from Edward Pening- ton, advising that our fine brigantine, the Addison, was taken by a French privateer, within sight of Antigua, and carried into Martinico. This, tho' a very great dis- appointment to my hopes of that beautiful vessel, I endeavoured to bear with patience and resignation. Then, John Dillwyn ^ and several other friends going to Point, I rode with them, and we spent most of the afternoon at my place. Eighth month. 14*^ Entered into partnership with Abel James, and from thence to 18"" Have been so busy that I have not had time to keep the Journal regularly. Eleventh month. i^* Spent the Morning, as I have done some days past, in settling my Books. Find I have had a profitable Trade last year, having Gained about X^*^*^ Clear of 'John Dillwyn, a prominent Friend of Philadelphia. He was •chosen a member of Common Council in 1732, serving until 1747. 8o Courtship of [^^ '^ mo. Expenses, Losses, &c. Went to Meeting. Sarah Morris^ and Benjamin Trotter^ preached & Durbraugh pray'd. Drank Tea at Edw*^ Cathralls. Spent the Even- ing at a pubHck House with several friends of the Young Sort, where we Agreed to meet once a week to have a Supper, &c'^. 2*^ Heard that B. Clark, of Lancaster, is Absconded, who Owed me about X^5*-^> for which I have his Bond & Judgment. Agreed with Edw"* Drury to go up & seize his Effects if any. Being Hkely to meet with so Considerable a Loss to day, after mentioning Gains Yesterday, affords Room for Reflection on the unstability of Ter- restrial affairs. In the Evening Read a while in Chambers' Dictionary. ^ Sarah Morris (1704—1775) was a regular minister of the ^ yO ^j meeting, mak- CyO^^lnj ^^^^'i^^^^^ reliSious' visits in England and America. She was a daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth Morris. — Friends' Library, VI., 478-480. 2 Benjamin Trotter (i 699-1 768) preached regularly in the Philadelphia meetings for many years, but not always to the edification of John Smith, as shown by later entries. — Friends' Library, XIL, 183. ' B E N J AM IX L AV. 1746] Hannah Logan 81 3'' After dinner Rode with A. James, Jemmy Pemberton &c% to Skuylkill. Had a small spell of Skeeting, but not quite agreeable, the Ice being Rough. Read in the Evening in Don Qiiixotte. 6*'' Agreed with Dan' Toole to go & Live at my plantation, to take Care of the Garden &c'', for which am to give him ^30 per Annum. Spent sometime after dinner with M. Lightfoot at John Armitt's. 7*'' Spent most of the day in Looking over Chambers' Dictionary. Drank Tea at T. [homas] Lightfoot's. 8*'' Jno. Armitt, Jemmy Pemberton, myself, and several other friends Rode to Abington Meeting. T. Gawthrop preach'd & pray'd. We dined at Joshua Morris's, and the three of us mentioned above Lodged there to night, as did T. G. also. Had part of the Evening the Comp-^ of B. Lay,^ the Comi-Cynic Philosopher. ^Benjamin Lay (1677-1760), eccentric philanthropist and reformer, of most peculiar physiognomy, was born in Colchester, 8 2 Courtship of b 9"' We Rode in Comp-^ with our Landlord to Frankfort Meeting, which was small. T. Gawthrop preach'd and D. England, of Quaker parentage. After some years at sea, in which he visited Palestine and other parts of the Orient, he settled in his native town in 1710, and became actively interested in some of the questions of the time, even interviewing George I. himself. So radical in his views did he become that in 1 7 1 7 he was expelled by the Society of Friends. The following year he removed with his wife to the island of Barbadoes, and entered upon the business of a merchant. Here he became much affected by the evils of slavery as he saw it about him, and endeavored to relieve the condition of slaves, not only by personal work among them, but by expostulating with their owners. Such a clamor finally rose against him that he was forced to leave the island 5 and in 1731 he removed to Pennsylvania, locating a few miles north of Philadelphia, at Abington, on the Old York Road. Thenceforth he devoted his life to reform and philanthropy. He was constantly preaching his anti-slavery doctrines, resorting to the most startling expedients to rouse the public conscience. He once carried a bladder filled with blood into a Quaker meeting, and in the presence of the congregation thrust the sword which he had concealed under his coat into the bladder, and sprinkling the blood about exclaimed, " Thus shall God shed the blood of those who enslave their fellow creatures." He also protested against the use of animal food, and strongly disapproved the new fashion of tea-drinking. Once when speaking against the habit from the balcony of the Court House he emphasized his remarks by breaking his wife's new tea service. He published pamphlets in support of his views, circulating them gratis, and doubtless was an effective agent, in spite of his 'eccentricities, in instituting the anti-slavery movement. — Dr. Rush, Essays, 296 ; Vaux, Lay ; Allibone, Diet. Auth.; Appleton's Cyc. Bio. 1746] Hannah Logan 83 Stanton pray'd. We dined at the Widow Chalkley's/ T. G. praying at Table. 10"' (7*^ day) . . . Had several of my friends to spend the day with me at my Plantation, viz., E. Cathrall & wife, Jn° Armitt and wife, Wm. Callender & wife. Uncle Noble, Aunt M. Raper, S. Noble & wife, &c*. 1 1*'' ( I'* day) . . . Was in the morn- ing at the Great house ; M. Emlen pray'd, and Michael Lightfoot^ preach'd. Was afternoon at the Bank ; Sarah Morris & T. Gawthrop preach'd. Drank Tea at Edw*^ 1 Martha Chalkley, widow of Thomas Chalkley( 1675-1741) , the eminent Quaker minister, " Gentlest of skippers, rare sea- saint," who had established his family at Frankford in the mansion now known as Chalkley Hall. A daughter, Rebecca, married Abel James, John Smith's partner in business. 2 Michael Lightfoot (c. 1683-1754), a noted Quaker minister, son of Thomas Lightfoot, also a minister, was a native of Ireland. His first wife, by whom he had all his children, was Mary, daughter of John Newby, of Dublin. He came to Pennsyl- vania with his family in I 71 2, and settled in Chester County. He travelled extensively in America, England and Ireland. In 1743 he removed to Philadelphia to take the post of Provincial Treasurer, an office he held until his death. — Myers, Immigration of the Irish Quakers, 339, passim i Cope, Smedley Family, 195; Proud, Penna., II., 2325 Bowden, Friends, II., 387. 84 Hannah Logan [ 1 1 mo. Cathrall's. Evening, T. G. preach'd & pray'd, very well Indeed. 12"' (2*^ day) . . . Read in Chamber's Dictionary. Supped with Tho' Gawthrop at Jn" Armitt's, from whence went to Israel Pemberton's, and found Isa: Greenleafe ^ just Come up from Virginia. He told us & Jemmy Pemberton, & I had a Letter from Rob* Pleasants Informing of his Mother's death. Isaac brought back the Money which I sent by him. 1 Isaac Greenleafe ( 171 5-1 771), a Friend, one of the early managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital. — Morton, Pa. Hosp. 413. ^^.^z^i^v ^^^^e^ Chapter II. COURTSHIP. Eleventh month. i^th ^^2js, at Meeting. T. Gawthrop preach'd & pray'd. Dined at Israel Pem- berton's with Hannah Logan, ^C Spent the Evening in Reading Sir Thomas More's Utopia. 14"' Waited upon T. Gawthrop & M. Lightfoot to Stenton, & from thence we & many other Friends, viz., M. Jordan,^ S. Morris, M. Emlen, M. Armitt, J. Benezitt, Sarah, Hannah & Wm. Logan, &c% Jos. & Thomas Crosby, to Germantown Meeting, which we thought a Good One. M. Emlen & T. G. preach'd & T. G. pray'd. ' Mary Jordan, widow of Robert Jordan, a Quaker minister, and daughter of Nathan and Mary Stanbury. Her first husband was Richard Hill. She was married a third time to Israel Pemberton, Jr. — Westcott, Hist. Mansions, 498. 86 Courtship of [n^^'mo. We dined at Stenton, and were very agree- ably Entertained. 1 5*^ At meeting. . . . Drank Tea at A. James's, with I. Greenleafe, who went with us to our weekly Club at Widow Evans's. 16*'' Spent the day at my plantation with I. Greenleafe, Jemmy Pemberton, Peter Reeve, Geo. & Sally Mifflin, Debby Morris, Jenny Proud, Peggy Newbury & Bekky Owen, &c'''. Found an Agreeable place to Slide on the Creek. We went and Returned in Slays. All safe & pleased. 17"' Copy'd several Paragraphs from Chambers' Dictionary^ into my Common Place Book. . . . Drank Tea at Edw** Cathrall's. Waited on Eliz" Wyatt home. 1 8*'' Stayed at home in the afternoon, having the Tooth Ache & reading Don Quixote. 19*'' Copy'd several paragraphs into my Commonplace book. Drank Tea at T. Lightfoot's with I. Greenleafe, &c^ ^ Chambers, " The Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences," London, 1738. 1746] Hannah Logan 87 20"' (3'^ day) My Birth day, being now 24 years of Age. Was at meeting. . . . Spent the afternoon Skeeting on Skuylkil with several Agreeable Acquaintances, viz., S. Shoemaker, Jemmy Pemberton, Wm. Griffitts, &c% &c*. 2 1 "' Read in Chambers' Dictionary, &:c*. 22'' Spent the Evening at Wid" Evans's, Scc^. 23'^ Spent the afternoon in Skeeting upon Skuylkill, the Ice very rough. 24"' I. Greenleafe & I with several others Rode to Bristol ; dined at Amos's. Left our horses at Bristol & walked on the River to Burlington. Found Frdswell &c''. 25*'' Was at Burlington meeting. . . . Visited plentifully. 26''' Bot a Red Bird for 5/— & bro* home. 28"' Had at my Lodgings in the Even- ing the Compy of M. Yarnal ^ & wife, A. ' MoRDECAi Yarnall (1705— ), an eminent Quaker minister, son of Francis and Hannah (Baker) Yarnall, lived in Willistown Township, Chester County, until 1747, when he removed to Philadelphia. He married Catharine Meredith (d. 88 Courtship of [i^^'mo. Ashbridge ^ & wife, &c''. Copy'd several passages from Desideritus into my Com- monplace Book. 29"" Read in the Spectators, Tatlers, &c^ My Red Bird dyed. 30"' [On affairs at Monthly Meeting] I prated too much, which forwardness often occasions me uneasiness. Twelfth month. 1^ Was at our Quarterly Meeting. The Business was protracted beyond the usual time by the Debates of some Haverford Welch Men. 3*^ Spent . . . the Evening in Reading Oldham's Satires.'^ f Sup'd at Wid" Evans &c'\ 7*^' After dinner waited upon Rachel 1741) in 1733 and Mary Roberts in 1745. — Futhey and Cope, Hist. Chester County, Pa., 779. ^Aaron Ashbridge (1712— 3 — ), a prominent Friend of Chester County. He was married in 1737 to Sarah Davies, and again in 1746 to Elizabeth Sullivan, a well-known minister among the Friends. — Futhey and Cope, Hist. Chester County, Pa., 465. -John Oldham. "Satyrs upon the Jesuits . . . and some other pieces by the same hand." [By J. O.] 1681. 8vo [Brit. Mus. Cat.] 1746] Hannah Logan 89 Pemberton to Stenton. Found only their own family there. Lodged there to night. 8*"" (i''day) Waited upon the agreeable women to Germantown meeting. Dined & drank Tea at Stenton ; & I returned home having been very Courteously Entertained. 9*^" Had a good deal of Company at the Store. Saw H. L. at Pembertons. 10"' Went to Pembertons, where was H. L., &c^ J J til Was in the afternoon at M. Jordans. Saw H. L. there, & intended to have seen her at her brothers in the Evening, but was disappointed. 13"" Read in the Evening in Dr. Chevne's Essay on Health & Long Life.^ 21'' Heard as soon as I came down Stairs that our Ship Friendship had put into Antigua, having sprung a Leak at Sea, & the Vessel was like to be Condemned there, her upper work being rotten. We ' George Cheyne, An Essay of Health and Long Life, London, 1724, 8" [Brit. Mus. Cat.] 1 90 Courtship of [i'*mo. soon rec"^ a Letter from Cap* Lisle which Confirmed it. This very great disappoint- ment I bear with Resignation & Cheerful- ness, Considering that I know not whethei it's best for me to be Rich or poor. 23** At my plantation in removing thi front Row of Apple trees & planting a Row of Eng: Cherry trees. 26*^ At my plantation, accompanied by S. Noble. Planted some Spruce trees, and my Gardner planted peas & Beans. Spent the Even^at our fire Company. Officiated there as Clerk in room of Jas. Pemberton. First month. IJ47. 4*^ Drank Tea at L Pemberton's.^ Broke a Cup & saucer. ' Israel Pemberton, Sr. (1685— 1754), was a son of Phineas Pemberton (1650-1702), a persecuted Quaker, who emigrated from England to Pennsylvania in 1682 and became a leading settler in Bucks County. He was born in Bucks County, and received a good educa- tion for the time, becom- ing one of the wealthiest and best-known merchants of the Province. He served for nineteen years in the Provincial Assembly, and held numerous other offices. He also occupied a position of great im- portance in the Society of Friends, serving as an elder from 1729 ^/'^ra,^^(>L^^'^t^^^ 1747] Hannah Logan 91 7"' At my plantation, in planting Tulip roots. ^th Weather quite Agreeable. Spent the day at my plantation, in planting pinks. Sweet Williams, Filberts, Hazlenuts, Rose & Gooseberrie Bushes. Had E. Cathrall's Company. The first appearance of Green- ness in the meadows, with the Singing of Blackbirds, the Chirping of Bluebirds, with the Voice of the Turtle, a little Moderate Exercise, & a useful Book by turns all helped to make this an Agreeable day. 12*^ Brought home the 5 Vols, of Jewish Spy.^ Lent them to Antho: Benezitt for his mother. Mem": my name is not in them. 1 8'^ Rode to my plantation. Had there the Comp^' of E. C, James Pember- until his death. His mansion was large, and was the scene of unrivalled hospitality. His wife was Rachel, daughter of Charles Read. — J. Granville Leach, in Appleton's Cyc. Bio., 706. 1 " The Jewish Spy : being a philosophical, historical and critical correspondence, by letters which lately pass'd between certain Jews in Turkey, Italy, France . . . Translated from the originals into French [or rather written] by the Marquis d'Argens (Jean Baptiste Boyer) ; and now done into English." pp. xii. -j- 303. D. Browne: London, 1739, i-nio[Brit. Mus. Cat.] 92 Courtship of [i'*mt, ton, & Wm. Grlffitts. Planted Strawberry- vines &€'■*. 20*'' Spent sometime before dinner at I. Pemberton's withT. Gawthrop,^ H. Logan, &c^ Supp'd at M. Jordan's with Eliza Wyatt" & Sally. Waited upon them home, & smoked a Christian pipe there, &c*. 22^* Drank Tea at Coz Jn° Smith's with Dr. [Thomas] Graeme's wife,'^ Lawyer Price's, Spencer, &c\ ^a ^^i^Ji^fl^ja ;» 1 Thomas Gawthrop ( — 1 780) , an eminent English Quaker minister, born at Skipton, Yorkshire, made several religious visits to America. He married in 735 to Isabel, daughter of Simon Crosfield, of Lowpark, Kendal, Westmoreland, and settled near Gatebeck. Two of his younger sons removed to Pennsylvania. — Friends' Intelligencer, LX., 586. ^ Elizabeth Wyatt, nee Tomlinson, wife of Bartholomew Wyatt, died nth month 20, 1749-50, aged forty-three years. — John Smith's MS. Memorials, 623. (Friends' Library, 142 North sixteenth Street, Philadelphia.) 'Ann Graeme (i 700-1 765), wife of Dr. Thomas Graeme and daughter of Robert and Ann (Newberry) Diggs, was born at St. Albans, England. Her moth- er having married a second time Sir William Keith, who was ^. appointed Governor of ^Pennsyl- t<<' vania, she came over to Philadelphia with her stepfather and his family in 1 71 7. Two years later she was married in Christ c/^WJ:^^^^^^ 1747] Hannah Logan 93 24"' Rode to plantation. Had a pretty- deal of Comp^' there. 26*^' At plantation, in planting privy- Hedges down the side of the Garden. Spent the Even° at Fire Company. 30"' A Lovely day. Waited upon the Governour [George Thomas] ^ in the morning with a Register four our new Snow Prince William, w"'' he readily sign'd, & wish'd us Good Success with her. Then I went to my plantation. In the afternoon saw Compy go to Sam' Parr's, so I walk'd over to see them, & after drinking Tea there, they came & spent some time with me, viz. Jn° Kinsey, Jacob Giles, Is'' Pember- ton, JunV Capt° Heysham, & I. Green- Church to Dr. Graeme. She lived with her husband in Philadelphia and at the Keith Mansion, called Graeme Park, near Horsham^ in what is now Montgomery County. — William J. Buck MSS. on Graeme Park, in possession of the editor. 1 George Thomas, a ^,1^-v planter in the West Indies, /^^^ ^7/C^ *^ assumed the governor- ^^-^l^^' Jfl^^-//Zd<^ ship of Pennsylvania by ^^" appointment of the Penn brothers in 1738. 2 Israel Pemberton, Jr. (i7I5-I779)> son of Israel Pember- ton, received a good education, and engaged in business with his father. He was called the king of the Quakers, and stood in the- 94 Courtship of [2' mo. leafe ; & I was pleased with their Company. [n the Evening the town was Alarmed with the Cry of fire, w'^^ proved a new house in Race y' Consumed. Second month. i^* Read the Conscious Lovers/ Grief Alamode," Sec'' forefront of the non-resistant Friends. He was active in estab- lishing the Pennsylvania Hospital and a liberal patron of many other public institutions of the city. He and some other Friends were not in sympathy with the American cause during the Revolution, and in 1777 Congress, fearing that their influence would be used against the colonies, caused him, his brothers James and John, and other Friends to be sent into Virginia, where they were kept in exile for eight months. — J. Granville Leach, in Appleton's Cyc. Bio., 706. ^ The Conscious Lovers. A comedy [in five acts and in prose]. By Richard Steele. J. Tonson : London, 172.3, 8vo. [Brit. Mus. Cat.] ^ The Funeral ; or Grief a-la-mode. A comedy [in five acts and in prose]. By Richard Steele. London, 1702. 4". Other editions, 171 2 and I 721. [Brit. Mus. Cat.] 1747] Hannah Logan 95 3'' Spent the Even^ in Looking over A View of Westminster Abbey. 7"' Rode to see Jn" Kinsey's^ & I. Pemberton's"^ plantations, also Lebanon* the way as thou goes to y*" Lower ferry. 9"" Attended the marriage of my partner [Abel James] with R[ebecca] Chalkley."* . . . had a pretty deal of Compy at dinner at Abel's, & I was sufficiently Roasted about remaining single 'John Kinsey owned a property immediately opposite Israel .'^emberton's " Evergreen," on the west side of the road leading to the Lower Ferry. Here he built a substantial mansion. It was square in shape, of one story, with a basement, a high hipped roof with a flat top, which was finished off with a balustrade. (n general appearance the house resembled the Norris mansion, " Fairhill." After Kinsey's death the estate was sold to James femberton, in 1758, and it was usually spoken of as *' Pember- Con's Plantation House." It was removed in 1829. — Westcott's Historic Mansions, 504-5. * Israel Pemberton, Sr., built a mansion-house, called "Ever- green," on *a tract of seventy-six acres of ground immediately south of the city, east of the road to the Lower Ferry, extending /rom Cedar Street, or its neighborhood, southward. At his death it was passed to his son James. The site of the mansion was probably on the line of the present Twentieth Street, and near its intersection with Fitzwater Street. — Westcott, Historic Mansions, 503. ' " Lebanon," according to a later entry, was George Emlen's country seat. * Daughter of Thomas Chalkley, the minister. 96 Courtship of [^' "^o- &c^ Was a little in the Even^ at B. Wyatt's, to take Leave of his wife &c''. She insists very much on my taking her son prentice, and I gave her some Expectations I would when I get Settled &c\ I presented her with a Large pearl Tobacco Box set in silver In hopes of being remembred by when she smoakes a pipe. 10"' Had some of H. Logan's Compa^ at L P.'s in y'' forenoon, & hers & many other fr*** in the afternoon at A. James'. . . . Spent part of the Even^ at M. Jordan's & the Remainder at W*" Logan's with that dear Creature H. L., the Charm of whose Conversation Excells, if possible, those of her person. Her discourse seemed more Agreeable than Common this Even^ o after being pestered with much Imperti- nence in the afternoon. Oh, could I be Blest with the favour of Retiring to it upon every occasion — Soft Source of Comfort, kind Relief from Care, And 'tis her least Perfection to be fair. ijth Was very busy; however, got some time to spend at I. P.'s with H. L. 1747] Hannah Logan 97 13^'" At my plantation. Planted Water Mellons. Read the Characters of Charity. Had E. Cathrall's Comp^, which was, as it generally is, very agreeable. In the Even" Read in D^ Sherlocke's Excellent Treatise on death, ^ 14"" Spent the afternoon at the Sup: Court, & the Even^ in reading D''. Sher- lock. I 7^'' At my plantation with Jo: Jordan fishing, &c'\ 24*'' I drank Tea at Coz. Nanny Smith's in Co^ with some fine women who verifyed the Antient Remark, Women's Tongues of Aspden Leaves are made. Third month. 4*'' Met our Library Comp^ & Voted &c*, and spent the Even^ with a Comittee of our fire Comp^ revising the Articles &c^ if" Read this Even^ the ist. Vol: of Atalantis. 9'^ Picked some Ripe Strawberries in my Garden to-day, and was very much • Richard Sherlock, D.D., Practical Meditation upon the Four Last Things, viz. : I. Death. II. Judgment. III. Hell. IV. Heaven. London, 1692, 8vo. [Brit. Mus. Cat.] 98 Courtship of [4'' mo. pleased with reading Paradise Lost, particularly so with the Conversation of Adam & Eve in Paradise. Part of Eve's speech struck my fancy so that I think I can remember it well Enough to set it down, — the Latter part of it being apropos to my present circumstances — With thee Conversing I forget all time. Nor Glittering Star Light, without thee is sweet. Fourth month. I St Walked down to see Gov'' Thomas & his wife take shipping, w*"'' they did at Powel's wharf, being Accompanied by Abundance of people. 11^ Drank Tea at May Calvert's with several Girls. 23'^ Our meeting was very Large. Whitefield, 2 Moravian preachers & several others that were not friends were there. Drank Tea at L Pemberton's with several fr''", and spent the Even^ there with H. Logan &c''. 29*^ Drank Tea at Jno. Armitt's with the Girls, &c'\ 1 747] Hannah Logan 99 Fifth ni07ith. \^ Spent the day at my plantation in reading Dr. Sam'l Clarke's sermons, A Tour thro' Great Brittain, &c'\ 4"' Even^ Read Shakespeare. 9"' Drank Tea at Israel Pemberton's with H. Logan & several other friends. 13"' An Express came up this morning from near Bombay hook, advising, as 'tis said, that there were yesterday afternoon several french privateers there who had Landed some men which were plundering, &C''. The Report preveild, & people were much frightened. A Council was called, &c% but some of us doubted the Truth of it. A little time will manifest whether we are right or not. I drank Tea at Isr' Pemberton's with M, Jordan, &c^ 14"' Heard . . . that the Report which yesterday so alarmed the town proved Groundless, and the many hard Speeches made against the poor Qiiakers for their harmless principles serve only to show the malice of those who made them. 15"' (4*^ day) It is now again said & u. wV \J. lOO Courtship of [5*' mo- supposed true that some Spaniards from a privateer near the Cape ventured in a pilott Boat as far as Bombay Hook, where they went ashore & did some mischief j^th ^^th ^^y~| W^s at meeting; Eliz. Evans & M. Lightfoot preached, & Chattin, a Lad who Hves at B. Franklin's, spoke a few words, as I heard he did ^'^ day Last. Spent some time after dinner at Jn** Armitt's, as I do almost every day, w*^ the Girls, &c*. 23'' (5"' day) We were Invited to the funeral of our worthy friend Evan Evans of No: Wales.^ Drank Tea at I . Pember- ton's. Spent part of the Evening at M. Lightfoot's, whose wife is very unwell. 24*^ (6*^ day) W" Logan, Jemmy Pemberton & I set out about 7. Called at Stenton, where the 2 Hannahs & I. Pem- berton jun" Joined us, & we Rode to No: Wales. The Corps was buried & friends got in the meeting house Just as we got there. The meeting was Large & Solid. Michael Lightfoot preach^ & pray**. We dined at ' North Wales, or Gwynedd. ^747] Hannah Logan loi John Evans's,' & the same Comp^ set out together with Antho: & John Morris. We stopt at Sam' Morris's — i. e. I. P. jun'" & myself — & drank Tea ; & riding pretty fast overtook the rest of the Comp^' & went to Ja^ Logan's, where we stay*^ 'till 9 o'clock. Then Jemmy & I rode home, & our people being gone to Bed, we Lodged at W"" Logan's, having had an agreeable ride tho' upon a Sorrowful Occa- sion, the death of this valuable friend being a very great Loss to the Churches. — Memo: the horse that I rid — being Jemmy's — gave me a fall coming home near fairhill," but I got no hurt. 2^th ^^th j^y^ Finished moving our Store, and wrote our Letters to Mesnard, whose Vessel Left the town today. Dined at A. James's, & spent part of the Evening at Jn" Armitt's. ^JoHN Evans, of Gwynedd, son of Cadwallader Evans, was married 4th month 8, 171 5, to Eleanor, daughter of Rowland Ellis, of Merion. His wife was born in 1685 near Dolgellean, Merionethshire, Wales, and died 4th month 29, 1765. — Jenkins, Gwynedd, 2d ed., 167. John Smith's MS. Memorials, Fiiends' Library, Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia. * Fairhill, home of Isaac Norris. I02 Courtship ot L^"' mo. 31'* (6"' day) Attended our Mo. Meet- ing. Esther White preach'^ & Eliz""" Pen- nock pray''. Business managed prudently. I drank Tea at J. Reynell's. Sixth month. J St i^yth j^^y^ g^^ jj^o Qi-iffith, who is just returned from a Journey to N: England. After dinner A. Benezitt, W" Callender & I rode to my plantation. 4* (3'' day) Saw 2 Live Allegators w*^** were sent from Georgia to Jemmy Pemberton. I o*'' ( 2** day) Agreed with Jenkins to be my Gardener at Richmond, to give him ^30 p"' Annum & pay him Quarterly. Was in the Evening attempting to go to the burial of Jos. Morris's child, but Rain coming on I stopt before we got to the Grave Yard. 1 1*'' (3" day) Agreed with Tho^ Smith to serve me as waiting man (a\ J^io ^, Annum. 13*^' (5"' day) So hot that I was too Lazy to venture to meeting. Drank Tea at Coz. Nanny Smith's. Copied several paragraphs into my Commonplace Book. lunathan Belcher, (iovernor of New Jersey J 747] Hannah Logan lo sj j^th ^_,th ^^y-^ Busy getting my house finish'd. j^th ^jst ^^y^ Suppd at I. Pemberton's with I. Greenleafe, who is Just come from Bush River. 21** (6^'' day) I have been very busy in moving & settling in my new house. 22^ (^yth ^^y^ After dinner J. Pole, I. Greenleafe, W. Griffitts, A. James & myself Rode to Burlington, and found Governour Belcher ^ at my father's, who ^Jonathan Belcher (1682-1757), Governor respectively of Massachusetts and New Jersey, was a son of Andrew Belcher, a prosperous merchant in Boston, and a Provincial Councillor of Massachusetts. He was graduated from Harvard in 1699, and spent six years in Europe, where he visited the Court of Hanover twice, and by making the acquaintance of the Princess Sophia and her son, afterward George I. of England, prepared the way for his future advancement. He returned to Boston as a merchant, and became a representative and council- lor. In 1729 he was sent to England as agent of the colony, and in 1730 was appointed governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, which office he held for eleven years, distinguishing himself by his hospitality and style of living. Like many of the royal governors of the colonies he was soon involved in a contest with the Assembly over the question of his salary, and this, together with some objectionable ?rA^rl I04 Courtship of [6"' mo. Lodges & diets there. We were very kindly received by him & spent the Even^ pleasantly, the a little damped by finding Bro'' Sam', his Wife & Child disordered by a fever. Thus No Roses here but what on thorns do Grow. 24*'' (2*^ day) We rode home, & tonight was the first I slept in my new house, and had the Comp^ of Lyde, Gov' Belcher's son-in-law. 25"' (j'' day) Dined at my own house assumptions of authority, resulted in his removal in 1741. He then went to England, righted himself before the court, and in 1 747 was appointed Governor of New Jersey to succeed Lewis Morris. Here he was able to conciliate the disaffected parties of the previous administration, and governed successfully until his death in 1757. He was deeply interested in education, giving a new charter to the infant College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, and used his personal and official influence in behalf of its endowment. On his arrival in New Jersey he located in Burlington, and made his home for several months with John Smith's father, Richard Smith, for whom henceforth he maintained an intimate friendship, frequently using his influence for preferment of the family. His first wife was Mary Partridge, daughter of William Partridge, Lieutenant-Governor of New Hampshire, whom he had married in 1706. She died in 1736, and during his last visit to England he became engaged to a widow, Mrs. Louisa Teal. In writing to his cousin in London under date of June 29, 1748, Governor Belcher sends his best compliments to "Her Imperial Royal Majesty the Empress Queen of Cesarea," adding that he begins 1747] Hannah Logan 105 with Byfield Lyde/ Esq% with whom I spent much of the day to show him the City, 27*'' (5"' day) Was at meeting. M. Emlen preached and D. Stanton ^ pray'd. " to be impatient," that he is "something oldish." Mrs. Teal and her daughter arrived at Philadelphia in August, and as the entries in the Diary show John Smith received them and escorted them to Burlington, where the widow and Governor Belcher were married September 9, 1748. Of the children, all of whom were by the first wife, Andrew, who was a loyalist in the Revolution, removed to Nova Scotia, and served as a member of the Council ; Sarah married Byfield Lyde ; Jonathan also removed to Nova Scotia and became Chief Justice and Lieutenant-Governor. — Hatfield, Elizabeth, N. J., 377-384 ; Hutchinson, Mass. Bay; Smith, N. J.; Belknap, N. H. ; Neiv England Hist. & Gen. Reg., XXVII., 237 ff; W^nsor, Boston ; Ann. Jud., N. J. ; Pa. Journal, Sept. 22, 1748 ; Appleton's Cyc. Bio.; N. J. Archives. ^ Byfield Lvde, of Boston, son of Edward and Deborah (Byfield) Lyde, born in Boston, March 27, 1704, was graduated from Harvard College in 1 722; was married August 17, 1727, to Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Partridge) Belcher. He was a royalist in the Revolution, leaving Boston with the royal troops. He died in Halifax in 1776. — Winsor, Boston, II., 551 •, Ne-zv Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg., XXVII., 241 ; Drake, Boston, 594; Savage, Gen. Diet., III., 133; Rec. Com., Boston, XXIV., 29. = Daniel Stanton (1708-1768), of Philadelphia, minister of the Society of Friends, traveled e.vtensively in the ministry in Europe and America. — Journal, Phila., 1772, 8vo. io6 Courtship of [6'^ mo. Waited on B. L. to the Proprietor's plantation & Cottar's [?] ferry. 28*^ (6*^ day) Was at our Mo: meeting. Jos: Lynn passed the first time. Israel Pemberton & 1 were appointed to draw a Certificate for Pre: Brown ^ to Croswicks on acct of Marriage. Heard of several who have died today and a few days past with the Yellow fever. 2^th ^^th ^^y^ jj^ ^j^g morning went to the Burial of Andrew Hamilton^ at Bushhill, and afternoon to that of D"" Kearsley's wife. Capt. Lyde set out about noon today for Boston. ' Preserve Brown married Mary Sykes. He was afterward an elder of Chesterfield Meeting, and died 5th month 22, 1760. — Gilbert Cope. 2 Andrew Hamilton ( c. 16 76-1 747) was the most eminent lawyer of his time in Pennsylvania, the champion of the liberty of the press, and the chief projector of what is now known as Inde- pendence Hall. He was a native Scotland. His parentage and career in the Old World he seems to have kept secret, as well as his real name. At one time in his early life he was called Trent. Later he used tlie name of Hamilton. About 1697, he came to Accomac County, Virginia, where he obtained employment as stew- ard of a plantation, and for a time kept a classical school. Here he m.inied the widow of the owner of the estate and thus bettered his pen Andrew Hamilton ^747] Hannah Logan 107 30"' (i'* day) Was pretty much pained in my head ; however was [at] both Meetings at the Bank. Seventh month. 1^ (4*'' day) Rode after dinner with A. James & E. Cathrall to point. When I came home found my Sister & Jenny Large at my house. 9"* (4'^' day) Had an invitation from J. Kinsey to dine with him, but having Company at home prevented me. 12*^ (y*'' day) Rode to the burial of EHz*'' Thomas at Darby. Waited upon D. Morris, &c' home. fortunes. He practiced law in Maryland for some years and then, prior to 1716, removed to Philadelphia. Thenceforth, in addition to his professional duties, he was always holding some public office. He was made Attorney-General of Pennsylvania in 1 71 7; Pro- vincial Councillor in 1721 ; Speaker of the Assembly in 1729; and Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court in I 737. The crowning glory of his career was his famous defense of John Peter Zanger, the printer of New York City, in 1 735, which he undertook without fee or reward. The winning of this case was hailed by the people of the colonies as a great victory for the cause of free dis- cussion of the conduct of public men. Gouverneur Morris referred to Hamilton as "the day-star of the American Revolution," and the Common Council of New York passed a resolution thanking him for his services, and presented him with the freedom of the city. — Charles P. Keith, Provincial Councillors, 120 ff. io8 Courtship of [7*'mo. j^th ^ jst ^^y^ Was morning at the Great meeting, having first visited John Armitt, who came home yesterday from accompany- ing our friend Tho. Gawthrop to N. England. Ann Widowfield pray'd, M. Lightfoot preached above an hour, and very well. 14*'' (2*^ day) Intended today to have gone to see Jane Hoskins,^ who it is said is very ill, but was disappointed. Heard that there are two privateers at our Cape, who have taken several Ships. 1 6'^ (4"' day) Employed in visiting &c** in the morning Jn" Armitt & 1 rode to my plantation. Found my Gardener very ill with a pain in side. Took some care of him by getting him Camomile Tea, &c''. j^th ^^th j^y^ Went to J. Pemberton's. T. Gawthrop came to town while I was there, which gave me a good deal of pleasure to see him return hearty after a fatiguing Mane Hoskins, a Q_uaker minister, a native of London, came to Pennsylvania in 1712 as an indentured servant, serving for a term of three years to pay for her passage. She lived for many years as housekeeper in the family of David Lloyd, at Chester. she made several religious visits to Great Britain. — Autobiography, Friends' Library, I., 460. 1747] Hannah Logan 109 Journey of 1400 miles in Eleven weeks. Had there likewise the Company of Sarah & H. Logan, &c'. Spent part of the Evening at J. Armitt's & J. Reynell's. Heard as I returned home the Certainty of our ship Bolton's being taken at our Cape by a privateer Sloop who has likewise taken several Vessells. Endeavored to be Resigned in this great Loss and disappoint- ment, & to say without murmuring. Shall we receive Good & Shall we not also receive Evil, &c'\ 1 8"' (6**^ day) Had the Condolence of several of our friends on the Loss of the Bolton. 1 9"' ( 7*^ day) Waited upon Gov"" Belcher at Jos: Cooper's, and Conducted him to my house. Had pretty deal of Company to Supper with him. 20"' Was forenoon & afternoon at the Bank, & it being our Annual Meeting was Large. . . . Was Evening at the Great Meeting, at which was Gov*" Belcher. Sam' Large, Nathan Lewis & M. Light- foot preached & T. Gawthrop pray'd. 21"* (2'' day) . . . Afternoon waited iio Courtship of [y^'nio. upon the Governor to the Great house. M. Yarnal, Jos. White and Phebe Smith preach'd & Sarah Morris pray'd. 22*^ (3'' day) Was at our morning meet- ing of business, & was appointed with A. Farrington to draw an Epistle to friends in Maryland ; then waited upon the Governor to the Bank Meeting. Sus'' Morris pray'd, Tho. Carleton,^ Sus'' Morris, N. Lewis & his wife & M. Lightfoot preach'd, & Peter Davis, an ancient friend from N. England pray'd. In the Even*^, Drew the Epistle to Maryland. 25*'' (6"' day) Joined with Governour & Supreme Court did". At the wid" Evans's. Jesse Browne was buried this evening, dying in 48 hours of yellow fever. 26"' (7"' day) Waited upon Gov'" Belcher 1 Thomas Carleton (i 699-1 792), a much-esteemed minister of the Friends, was a native of Ballyhaken, Ireland, and came to Pennsylvania with his parents in 171 1. His residence was in ^ ^ ^^^ y^ Kennett Town- ^^yAcr-yn fi^ ^^7tship, Chester w County. His wife was Hannah Roberts (1689-1758), widow of Robert Roberts, and daughter of William Howell, of Haverford. — Myers, Immi- gration of the Irish Quakers, 286—7 j Futhey and Cope, Chester Co., Pa., 493. 1747] Hannah Logan 1 1 1 over the river on his way to Burlington, as did several others. About noon Jenny Large & E. Smith & I set out for & got to Aaron Ashbridge's in the Evening, where we were kindly received. 27*'' (i"' day) Were at Goshen Meeting. Eliza: Ashbridge ^ & Mary James preach'd & Mary pray'd. We dined at A. A.'s, as did M. Yarnal & Wife & several other friends. Then we visited Davis's, where we drank Tea. 28*'' (2^^ day) Took leave of our kind friends, and got home about 2 o'clock. Heard that Jn" Harding lies dead of the Yellow Fever. 29*'' (3'' day) Had the Comp^ of Jane Hoskins, &c% to dine with me. Spent the afternoon at I. Pemberton Jun"", with the overseers of the press upon Tho^ Chalkley's Journal.^ 1 Elizabeth Ashbridge (171 3-1746), a native of Middlcwich, Cheshire, England, came to America as a redemptioner, and after a wandering career, which she interestingly describes in her auto- biography, she was married to Aaron Ashbridge, of Chester County, and became a Quaker minister. — Friends' Library, IV., 10 ff. '- A I Collection | of the | Works | of | Thomas Chalkley. | In Two Parts. | . . . Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin, 112 Courtship of [s^'^mo. Eighth month. jst^^th ^j^y^ ^^g ^j. meeting. D. Stanton pray'd, Michael Lightfoot preach'd, & M. Emlen pray'd. Being our Annual Election the Old Assembly Men were rechose, viz., John Kinsey, Joseph Trotter, Owen Evan, Isaac Norris, Edw Warner,^ Hugh Evans, Thomas Leech,^ James Morris. For my part, I thought the last Six had been In long Enough, & therefore Voted for W" Callender, Is'" Pembertonjun'', W™Clymer, Hugh Roberts, Jn° Evans & Tho' Fletcher in their room. Rich. Sewel was chose Sheriff in the room of Nlcho^ SculP without opposition & the Assessors Commissioner Jn° Jones, Carpenter. 1^ {G-^ day) Was at our City Election, and Israel Pemberton declining to serve as and D. Hall, MDCCXLIX | 8vo. — Hildeburn, Issues of the Penna. Press, 242. 1 Edward Warner, a prominent Friend, annually elected a member of the Assembly from 1 73 5 until his death in 1 754. 2 Thomas Leech represented Philadelphia County in the Assem- bly for nearly thirty years, being chosen Speaker in 1758. He was vestryman and warden of Christ Church, and a trustee of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. — Pa. Mag., H., 245. 3 Nicholas Scull, a leading surveyor and map-maker, afterward Surveyor-General of the Province. ^747] Hannah Loo-an 1 1 ^^ Burgess, John Dilwyn was proposed in his room, but many being still for the Old hands occasioned us to divide, which, some of the other party understanding, framed a Ticket for John Ross,^ and to get it to pass current among the people put Hugh Roberts with him. This being discovered, united us in prosecuting the Old Tickett, and Israel & Oswald Peel were chose by a large majority, tho' they got 60 Votes for Ross. The Assessors chose are Ste: Armitt, W" Callender, Tho^ Howard, Jn" Dilwyn, Philip Syng^ & Jn"^ Mifflin. 'John Ross ( 1714-1776), a native of New Castle, Delaware, was a son of George Ross, an Episcopal clergyman. He was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in 1735 and by 1 743 had become the chief professional rival of Andrew Hamilton. John Adams, in his Diary, September 25, 1776, says he was " a lawyer of great eloquence and heretofore of extensive practice, a great Tory, but now they say beginning to be converted. ' ' — Appleton, Cyc. Bio. 2 Philip Syng (1703-1789), goldsmith, grandfather of the eminent physician Philip Syng Physick ( 1768-1837) ; married, in 1724, Han- nah Learning, widow, of Cape May, New Jersey, and again, Febru- ary 5th, 1730, Elizabeth Warner (1714-1789). He was City Warden in 1753, City Treasurer 1 759-1 769, and Commissioner of Appeals in 1764. — Hist. Schuylkill Fishing Co., 357; Gilbert Cope. u 114 Courtship of [8*'' mo. f (7"' day) My Bro'' William & Coz John arrived from Barbadoes about noon, to our great Joy, it having been a very sickly time there, several of our young men having died of the Yellow fever, viz., James Bingham, Matthew Medicalfe, &c'. By them I had a very acceptable Letter from Dear Doctor Gamble. 4*'' (I'^'day) R. Pleasants, I. Greenleafe, Jemmy Pemberton & I rode to Stenton, from thence toGermantown meeting, which was silent. We dined & drank Tea at James Logan's, where we were very Genteelly treated. Came home & went to our Evening Meeting. D. Stanton preached & E. Pennock pray'd. gth ^^ti. day) Busy in purchasing & opening a Large quantity of Goods of Sam' Powel, Jun"", Executor, Sc(f. Was to day at meeting, which I thought a very good one. 12*^'* (2*^ day) Had several friends to dine with me, viz., B. Wyat & his wife & daughter, M. Jordan, A. Benezitt & wife, J. Armitt & wife, M. Newbury, M. 1747] Hannah Logan 115 Redwood/ J. Callender, I. Pemberton, Jun"", M. Lightfoot, R. Pleasants, I. Greenleafe & Johny Smith. 16"' (6'^ day) This day my partner & I gave our Bond to W. Coleman & James Pemberton as executor to S. Powel's Estate, viz., one for ^2001—4-3, payable the 25*^' of March next, and the other for ^2000, payable the 25*'' of September, being the amount of sundry Invoices of Goods bought of them. j^th ^^th ^^yj Afternoon John Armitt and I rode to my plantation. Memo : agreed several days ago with Martin Grudy to Rent it to him at ^30 P'' Annum for one year, reserving to myself the Brick house & Garden. jgth ^jst ^^y^ Qj^jj. Antient friend Ann Pierce," alias Pile, was buried this afternoon, 1 Probably Mehitable Redwood, whose father, according to a certificate of removal from the Friends' Monthly Meeting at Newport, Rhode Island, dated yth month 29, 1747, and received by Philadelphia Monthly Meeting 8th month 30, 1747, " required her to Reside amongst the Friends of Philadelphia for some time " for her improvement. — Myers, Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia, 112. 2 Ann Peirce, formerly Webb, was married at Philadelphia, in 1713, to Nicholas Pyle, of Concord, and 4th month i6th, 1725, to George Peirce, of Thornbury, Chester County. — Gilbert Cope. ii6 Courtship of [8"'mo. but I had Company which prevented my being at her funeral. 19*^ (2'^ day) Employed most of it [day] in posting my Books. ^jst ^^th ^^y^ jj^o Reynell & I waited upon Jane Hoskins & Sarah Homan to Burlington on their way to Shrewsbury yearly meeting. We got there in the Evening, & Lit at father's. Found Governour Belcher there, and all well. 22'^ (5"' day) The Gov"" went with us to meeting, which was silent. Jn° & I returned home well, meeting Sarah & Hannah Logan, who were going home. 23'^ (6"' day) Spent the afternoon in reviewing the ace* between S. Carpenter & T. Shute, w^'' W'" Callender, Jn° Armitt & I had sometime since arbitrated, &c*. 24"' (7"' day) A very pleasant day, which I was Exceeding glad of, as I understood H. Logan went to Burlington last night, & my sister & she set out from thence this morning for Shrewsbury. 28* (4"' day) Was this forenoon in a most uneasy disposition of mind, having 1747] Hannah Logan 117 an eager Inclination to go to Burlington to meet the friends from Shrewsbury, & was afraid to do it, Least it should disoblige my dearest Hannah, who I expected would be among them. These different passions contested so Long that they Actually made me sick. However, Love prevailed, and I privately went. They got to Burlington soon after I did. — I met H. at my Brother's. Had but little of her Company, thought she did not like my coming. Oh Racking thought! 29*'' ( 5*'' day) Was at meeting at Burling- ton. The Gov"" &c% was there. . . . H. Logan dined with the friends at my Father's. I was Exceedingly pleased to See her there, and yet Trembled Least it was not a pleasure to her to be there. What pain is there in a state of doubt and uncertainty ! They set out after dinner for Mount Holly, and I ^.waited upon them. . . . Jane & Hannah Lodged at B. Bispham's, as I also did ; the other friends at Josiah White's. 30"^ (6"" day) Last night there fell ii8 Courtship of [^'' "^o- abundance of Rain, and the morning being likewise very rainy & an E. Storm, 1 sent a man to Burlington to Beg the Loan of the Governour's 4 wheel'' Chaise, which he readily sent. I wrote to him upon it, and to My Dear Father by the same optunity, wherein I told him, among other things, that the Health of what is dearer to me than Life occasioned my taking that Step, &C'''. About 10 o'clock the Chaise came & Jane & Hannah riding in it. We got in pretty good time to Evesham meeting, . we dined at the wid" Evans's, and after dinner Rode to Eliz'^ Estaugh's,^ that is Jane, Hannah & I, with Eben"" Hopkin & Isa: Andrews. The good widow received us kindly, but the pleasure that I should otherwise have had in the Evening's Conversation was Lost by dear Hannah's ' Elizabeth Estaugh ( i 682-1 762), daughter of John Haddon, a Friend, of St. George, Surrey, England, came over to New Jersey in 1 70 1, as a girl of nineteen, and settled on a large tract of land owned by her father at the site of the present town of Haddonfield, which was named for her family. In 1702 she married John Estaugh (1676-1742), a young Quaker minister from Kelvedon, England. He died while on a religious visit to the Island of Tortola. — Prowell, History Camden Co., N. J., 646-7. 1747] Hannah Logan 119 having got a pain in her head, which I thought occasioned by riding too far today. 31'^ (7''' day) Leaving the fr*^' at EHz. Estaugh's I rode home, and sent my man to Mount Holly to Bring their horses down to them. Visited several fr*^". Heard of the Arrival of our Snow Prince William at Barbadoes, and think this hath been a week of continued mercies to me. May I be Bowed into deep Thankfulness to the fountain of all Goodness, who doeth whatsoever he pleaseth, and if it be his pleasure still to favovir me with more Blessings which I know I do not merit, or to Try me with distress & pain, which for my many failings & Errors I Justly deserve, may I always be helped to say in Truth & Sincerity, Thy will be done, and Let all thy dispensations produce Praise & Renown to thine Everworthy name Ninth month. 2'' (2"* day) Was at our Quarterly meeting. . . . Business managed in Brotherlv Love & Condescension. I20 Courtship of [9"' >^o- ^th ^^tu j^y^ This evening I spent in diligently posting our Company Books. gti. ^jst j^yj Was forenoon and afternoon at the Bank, which I now call our meeting. Morning Sam' Pennock made a long story, & would have done a much longer, but Antho: Morris told him he had said Enough. 9*'' (2*^ day) I rode to my plantation, drank Tea &c% then had in the Even^ my Brother Samuel's Company. jQth ^^a ^^y-^ Waited upon Tho' Gawthrop to Chester general meeting, as did also Rachel & Jesse Pemberton, M. Jordan & Jn" Armitt. Jesse & I with the women did not get to meeting 'till late. Jn" Griffith ^ was just concluding a testimony, then Peter Davis & Tho" Gawthrop preached & Eliz'' Shipley '^ pray'd. I thought it a good meeting. ^ John Griffith, a noted Quaker minister of the time. The journal of his life and travels has been printed. ^ Elizabeth Shipley, an eminent Quaker minister, second wife of William Shipley, an emigrant from Leicestershire, England, and one of I he founders of Wilmington, Delaware. She was a ^747] Hannah Logan 121 II*'' (4'" day) Lodged at fr*^ Lloyd's \ last night, & came this day with the friends to Darby meeting. Peter Davis preached. I dined at Samuel Bunting's," & we returned safe home. 13"' (6*'' day) Busy in posting our Company books. 14"' (7*'' day) Heard in the Evening the death of Jona : Paul, who a few days ago had a fall from his bourse that fractured his skull, & he died today. 1 5"' ( i'* day) Was morning at the Great meeting. . . . Peter & M. Lightfodt, J. Pemberton, L Greenleafe, &c'' dined with daughter of Samuel Levis, of Springfield, now Delaware County, Pennsylvania. — Ferris, Original Settlements on the Delaware, 252 ff. ' Grace Lloyd, nee Growden, widow of David Lloyd (1656-1731), the well- known leader of the popular party of the Provincial Assembly. They resided at Chester. — Smith, Hist. Del. Co., Pa., 480-1. 2 Samuel Bunting (1699-1758), son of William and Mary Bunting, of Derbyshire, England, came to Pennsylvania in 1722 and settled at Darby. He married Sarah, daughter of Josiah and Sarah Fearne, 9th month 22, 1727. — Morgan Bunting, Chart of Bunting Family. 122 Courtship of [9*"nio. me. Several fr"^^ were gone, viz., T. G. &c% to the burial of J. Paul at Germantown. Was in the afternoon at our own meeting, which was silent. . . . Was at Even- ing meeting, which I thought a very melting time. 1 6"' (2'^ day) Very busy in posting Sec"*" the forenoon, & in the afternoon in review- ing the Accts. between Tho^ Shute & S. Carpenter with the other Arbitrators, and we remain clearly of the same opinion we were when we signed the award. Spent the Even^ at I. Pemberton's, where was W™ & Hannah Logan the Charmer. 17*'' (3*^ day) In the Evening wrote Letters to John Haslam & Christo*" Wilson, intending to send them by the friends who expect to sail in a few days. 1 8*^ (4**^ day) Was part of the day at the Court of Oyer & Terminer, called on purpose to Try three Villains for a Burglary & Robbery of the widow Cox at my Accusing, &c% which was so clearly proved that the Jury soon found them Guilty. 1747] Hannah Logan 123 19"* (5*'' day) Heard that Sentence of Death was passed on the poor Villains mentioned above. Was in the Even^ bound with Isa: Greenleafe to Sam' Clemens for ^350 if Is'" Greenleafe does not send a Title to some land &c' in 12 months. 20*'* (6*'* day) Very busy in writing Letters to go by the friends with Capt. White. Wrote to Elias Bland, D. Hunt, E. Peckover^ & S. Hopwood. ^jst ^^th j^^y^ Spent the day in visiting my fr*^'. Drank Tea at Jn" Armitt's. Had in the Even^ my father's Company. 24''' (3'' day) Was at meeting. B. Trotter & T. G. preached, & the latter pray'd. Helped them pack up &c% & spent the Evening with them at Israel Pemberton's in a silent retirement . sitting under our Vines in quietness, whilst * Richard Smith, Jr., of Burlington, wrote to his son, John Smith, in Philadelphia, under date of Sixth month 19, 1747, that Jonathan Belcher, the newly-appointed Governor of New Jersey, had " at the request of some ffrds in London brought over Edm* Peckovers son who for his father's sake he says he will prefer on his reformation. I have Got thy Bror Sam' to take him in to be at his house In order to keep him out of bad Company." — John Smith's Correspondence, Am 158, Hist. Soc. Penna. 124 Courtship of [9"'mo. some hundreds of the Inhabitants were met at the new Building to sign an Association for defending themselves in case of an Attack which abundance of people are afraid of next Spring.^ 2^th ^^th j^y'j Xho^ Gawthrop having received an inclination to go to Bucks Quarterly Meeting, D. Stanton,C. Marshall & I waited upon him to Neshaminneh, & went with them to the meeting for ministers & Elders. Margett Ellis, Sarah Lewis & Eliz. Morgan preach'd and Marget Lewis pray'd. Dined at Jos. Ritchison's [Rich- ' The Province was now in constant fear of attack from the French, but the Governor vainly urged the necessity for defense. The Quaker majority in the Assembly held to their non-resistance principles and refused to contribute aid for the support of war. Franklin now became an effective leader of the war party, and in this year, 1747, issued his able pamphlet, " Plain Truth," which was largely instrumental in crystallizing public opinion in the deter- mination to adopt a policy of public defense. On November 21st a number of inhabitants met in Walton's school-room and resolved to form an association for military purposes. A committee was appointed to draft a plan of an association, which was submitted to a subsequent assemblage, which met at Roberts' Coffee-House, in Front Street. The next day the articles were ready for signing " at the new building." In three days five hundred signatures were obtained, and the work of volunteering still went on, not only in the City but throughout the Province. — Scharf and Westcott, Philadelphia, I., 214. 1747] Hannah Logan 125 ardson's] , where Daniel & I Lodged ; the other friends went to David Wilson's. 26*^' (5"' day) The meeting was Large. Ben Field's^ wife pray'd, Enoch Pearson & Tho^ Gawthrop preach'd. The Latter was very close upon the Ministers & Elders ; his subject, Watch & pray &c*. Meeting of worship being over, Thomas Gawthrop & I dined at D. Wilson's, & returned home very cold & weary. 27*'' (6"* day) Was at our monthly meeting . . . perceived by the Last minutes that John Armitt, John Morris, Antho. Benezitt & John Drinker were then added to the number of Overseers, & there were Antho. Morris, Jn° Bringhurst, W™ Callender & Jn" Reynells appointed to deal with such persons as refused to acknowledge their fault in joyning to fit out a Ship of War &c'', who now reported that Rob* StretteP told them he would 'Ben Fell (?). ^Robert Strettell (1693—17 ), a native of Dublin, Provincial Councillor and Mayor of Philadelphia ; a Friend, but like James Logan, an advocate of defensive war. — See Myers, Immigration of the Irish Quakers, 263-7 ; Keith, Councillors. 126 Courtship of [9"' mo. send his opinion in writing, w*''' was produced & Read, wherein he justified his Conduct, & charged friends with persecu- tion for Conscience' Sake &c% and they also reported that W™ Coleman and Reece Meredith refused to give any satisfaction. The Affair was deferred another month at the request of some friends who had a mind to visit them. 30^'' (2'' day) Pretty many met at Israel Pemberton's to take Leave of the friends, & had a setting together. Peter preached, then some of us accompanied the fr''" to Chester, viz. Israel Pembertons, Sen and Jun*" and James, Jn° Dilwyn, W™ Brown, Jn" Bringhurst, . . Jesse Elfreth, Isaac Lane [Zane?], Sam^ Noble, W" Logan, Judah Foulk,^ John Morris & myself. Most of them returned. In the Evening those that stayed had a meeting with the fr*^^ & many others at fr'^ Lloyds. 'Judah Foulke (i 722-1 776), was a prominent and active citizen of Philadelphia. From I 745 to 1750 he was Collector of Excise for the city. In 1770 he was sheriff. In 1743 he married Mary, daughter of John and Mary (Claypoole) Bring- hurst. — Jenkins, Gwynedd, isted., 215. 1747] Hannah Logan 127 W" Logan & I Lodged together at Mathers's. Tc7ith month. J St ^'^(1 j^g^y.^ jj^ morning had another sitting with the fr''", . . . then took Leave, and they, viz, T. Gawthrop, P. Davis, J. Griffith, & L Greenleafe went on board Ship Widow, White M'', bound for London, & W. Logan & I saw them on & took leave of them there, I wrote to Uncle Large this morning. We returned home in the afternoon, having H, Logan & E. Hudson in Comp-^', 1^ (4*'' day) Spent some time in the afternoon in again reviewing the trouble- some business between S. Carpenter & T. Shute, & continue still of the same mind. ^th ^^tii ^^y^ Busy in posting, &c''. Was in afternoon at burial of Joseph Richards. 5*'' (7*'' day) Busy in writing. i of the wretches mentioned the 1 8th ultimo were executed to day, the other reprieved. 8"' {-f day) Was at our meeting. D. Stanton preach'd & M. Yarnal pray'd. 128 Courtship of [io»Niio. Drank Tea at John Reynells with M. Redwood &c", where I wrote a Letter to S. Whipple. 9'^ (4*'' day) Had I. Pemberton Jun"" to Invite me to his wedding to-morrow, & in the Even^ had A. Farrington & My bro. Samuel at my house. jQth ^^th ^^y^ Was at meeting. D. Stanton, B. Trotter & A. Farrington preach'd, then Israel Pemberton Jun'' was married to M. Jordan. Both spoke very well. The dinner was at Israel's, house, where there was much Company. Had in the Evening the pleasure of waiting upon Dear Hannah to her brother's, but could not get an opportunity for any private Conversation, which I have long wanted. 1 1 ^'' (6^^' day) Spent the afternoon & Even^' at I. Pemberton jun'■^ 12"' (7'^ day) Being a little disordered in body and a great deal in mind, I kept my Chamber today. j^th ^jst ^^y^ Kept house. Employed the Day in reading and writing. 1747] Hannah Logan 129 14"' (2'' day) Employed it [the day] as yesterday. 15"' (3** day) Was at meeting. Sam' Pennock spoke & D. Stanton pray'd. Had Sally Morris's Comp^ &c"' in the afternoon, 1 6"' (4*'' day) A parcel of us went in Slays to John Kinsey's plantation. Drank Tea &c'\ j^th ^^th ^^y^ Was at meeting, at which J. Bartram was married. Dined with Israel Pemberton jun"". Had afternoon & Even^ at my house the Company yesterday men- tioned viz. Susy Galloway, H. Kearny, M. Redwood, M. Newbury, R. Owen, J. Kinsey sen"" & jun"", J. Foulk & wife, C. Evans, Jos. Galloway jun''. Jemmy Pem- berton &: Jonas Redwood.^ 1 8*'' (6*'' day) Waited upon the most of the above Comp^ to Germantown. Instead of J. Kinsey, J. Pemberton and M. Newbury we had Tho^ Crosby & E. Kearney. Dined at a Tavern & got safe home. The river froze fast last night. ^ Jonas Langford Redwood, son of Abraham Redwood, of Rhode Island, was sent by his father to Philadelphia, probably to attend the Friends' School. — Myers, Quaker Arrivals, 112. 9 130 Courtship of [10'" mo. j^th ^yth ^^^^ Busy writing & reading. 20"' (i"'' day) Was forenoon and after- noon at our own meeting. The former was silent ; at the latter R. Worrell's wife & B. Trotter spoke & M. Lightfoot pray'd. Drank Tea at W" Calender's. Was at Evening meeting ; D. Stanton preach'd & Sally Morris pray'd, & it being slippery walking, I waited upon the latter home, then called and spent some time at I. Pemberton's. 21"' (2'* day) Went in a Slay to W" Callender's plantation & dined there. 22*^ (3'' day) Was at meeting, w'*' was silent. 23*^ (4*'' day) Met the fr''' in the after- noon upon T. Chalkley's Journal. 24*^ (5*'* day) Was at meeting ; B. Trotter preach'd. Afternoon met the fr*** upon T. Chalkley's Journal. 25*'' (6"' day) Was at our Mo. Meeting. Dan^ Stanton preach'd & Aba: Borton pray'd. Report was made that W"" Cole- man, R. Meredith & R. Strettel continued 1747] Hannah Logan 131 in a disposition to Justifie their Conduct, & no likelyhood of tlieir giving fr**" any satisfaction, wherefore A. Morris, J. Pemberton, J. Bringhurst, J. Reynei, I. Pemberton jun"" and myself were appointed to draw up Testimonies against them, and as Amos Strettel ^ had been dealt with for the same, & appeared to be in the like disposition, the same fr*^^ were likewise to draw up one against him. This affair was Conducted with Unanimity except some opposition from Isa: Norris.'^ I was also 'Amos Strettell (1720- ), son of Robert Strettell, Provincial Councillor and Mayor, was married in 1752 to Hannah, daughter of Samuel Hansell, also Provincial Councillor. He became an Alderman in 1776 and Assemblyman in 1780. — Keith, Councillors. ^ Isaac Norris (1701-1766), Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly 1 75 1— 1 766, one of the ablest of the colonial statesmen of Pennsylvania, was a son of Isaac Norris (1671-1735), Mayor and Provincial Councillor, and a grandson of Governor Thomas Lloyd. He was in mercantile business until 1743. Prior to his father's death he resided in W^illiam Penn's " Slate-roof House " ; afterwards he removed to " Fairhill," the country-seat established by his father about 171 8, lying north of the city on the road to Germantown. In 1734 he was elected to the Assembly, and in 1739 came to the fore as the leader of the popular Quaker party. In 1 75 1, when the old State House bell was ordered from England, it was he who directed the famous inscription to be placed around it. He had the literary tastes of the Quaker connection to which 132 Courtship of [10'^ mo. appointed with John Drinker to prepare Testimonies against John Clair and Nicholas Cassel for not attending meetings and marrying out of Unity. Several parts of our discipline necessary on the present worries were ordered to be publicly read. 2^th ^^th (\2.y^ Busy in reading dzc''. 2^^^ (3'' day) Was at meeting. . . . 1 drank Tea at I. Pemberton's, and spent the Evening there in company with several friends, among whom was dear H. Logan, whom I waited upon to her Brother's, and spent some time there in very agreeable Conversation. The Ice in the river began to drive last night. ^Qtb ^^th ^^^^ After dinner Cha: Pem- berton & I rode in my new chair to Point. Drank Tea there. In the Evening read from Brother Samuel, Necessary Truth ^ he belonged, and collected a fine library for that time. He wrote with ease in French and Latin, and had some knowledge of Hebrew. He was married in 1739 ^° Sarah (171 5-1 744), daughter of James Logan, by whom he had one daughter, Mary, who married John Dickinson, the great statesman of the Revolution. — Keith, Councillors, 48 ff. ^ Necessary Truth : Or Seasonable Considerations for the In- habitants of Philadelphia, ... In Relation to the Pamphlet, call'd Plain Truth etc. Philadelphia, 1748. 8" 16 pp. 1747] Hannah Logan 133 &c*. After reading it I carried it to W" Bradford/ & agreed with him to print 500 of them for ^3. 10, & to give them away except sending 50 of them to me. I kept it private only between W. Callender, E. Catheral & myself. 31'' (5*'' day) Was at meeting. M. Emlen, B. Trotter, M. Holland & M. Lightfoot preach'd, and S. Morris pray'd. Dined with the latter & dear H. Logan at I. Pemberton's. After lingering there some time went to LP. Jun*", & received the Book of Discipline to Copy such parts of it as the fr'"^ appointed by the last mo: meeting think necessary to be read publicly, which he read at the Great Meeting house last first day morning. Spent some time in copying it, then had an opportunity of 'William Bradford (1719-1791), printer and soldier of the Revolution. He was a grandson of William Bradford (1658-1752), the first printer in Pennsylvania. For a time he was a partner of his uncle, Andrew Bradford, publisher of the American Weekly Mercury of Philadelphia. In 1 742 he began the publication of the Pennsyl'vatiia yournal. As a major, and afterward as a colonel, he participated in the War of the Revolution. — Appleton Cy. Amer. Bio., I., 350. 134 Courtship of [io*mo. Conversing with Isa: Grifitts,^ in which I Endeavoured to Convince him of his Error in Joining to fit out Ship of War &c% and of his Duty to Acknowledge it, but am afraid it will have but little Effect, though he did not appear to be in the least displeased with me for my Love. W"" Logan & S. Shoemaker^ & E. Catheral were in Company, & the two former Joined too much against me in some parts of the Argument, but as my Aim was not for Victory but Information, we discoursed with [out] heat of passion and friendly. Had afterwards an opportunity of Shewing 1 Isaac Griffitts ( -1755), ^o" °f Thomas Griffitts, Provincial Councillor, served for a time as sheriff of Philadelphia County. / '^ Samuel Shoemaker, of the v^ell-known family of German- town and Philadelphia of that name, was a prominent Quaker merchant of the city, holding numerous prominent positions — Councilman, Alderman, Justice of the Peace, Mayor, City Treasurer, and Member of Assembly. He was a signer of the Non-Importation Agreement of 1765, but was a pronounced loyalist in the Revolution. On the British evacuation of the city in 1778 he accompanied the Army to New York, his property then being confiscated by the Americans. In 1783 he went to England, and in company with Benjamin West, the artist, had an interview with George III. and the royal family, an interesting account of which is given in his diary. — Pa. Mag., II. Mrs. Charles WillinE 1747] Hannah Logan 135 S. S. the 35 Chap: of Jeremiah as proof of one position I advanced & w*''' he acknowledged was sufficient ; — that was, " That it is the Duty of such as are descended from rehgious Parents to obey their precepts & Conform to the Rules they have prescribed, unless they contain any- thing Contrary to the Law of God &c'''. " I spent the Evening with our fire com- pany. 22 of us met, & defence & the Association was much the subject of Con- versation. I said but very little ; only when it was proposed that our Bank Stock should be applied towards purchasing Lottery Tickets,^ & that it should be put to Vote by Balloting, I opposed that, telling them that I feared if we took that private method, perhaps some might Vote for it that would not openly, and if that should be the Case I thought we were members of a Society that had made it a part of their discipline to Caution against being Concerned in Lotteries. I thought ^ The associators projected a lottery scheme to raise the funds necessary for the erection of a battery. 136 Courtship of [n^'mo. it would not be to our Reputation. After some debate the Question was put Whether we should Vote by Ballot or openly, & carried for the latter, 13 against 9. Then the Question was put whether our Bank Stock should be so applied or not, & carried in the Negative, 19 against 3. Eleventh month. i'* The associators marched^ through some parts of the City, in Eleven Com- panies under arms. Chose the following officers, viz : Ab*^: Taylor, Colonel ; Tho* Lawrence, Lieutenant Colonel ; Sam^ Mc- Call ^ major. No. I. Chas: Willing,^ Captain; At- 1 On December 6th six hundred of the associators met at the State House, marching thence to the Court House, where they agreed to the division of the City into Companies, according to wards and townships. — Scharf and Westcott, Philadelphia, I., 215. ^ Samuel McCall (1710-1761), son of Samuel McCall, a prosperous merchant of Glasgow, settled at Philadelphia and engaged in business with John Inglis. He married his cousin Anne, daughter of George and Anne (Yeates) McCall, in 1737. — Penna. Mag., V., 341-2. 'Charles Willing (i 710-1754), son of Thomas Willing, of Bristol, England, emigrated to Philadelphia in 1729 and became a prosperous merchant. In 1 73 1 he married Ann, daughter of Joseph and Abigail Shippen. He was elected Mayor of the city in 1748 and 1754. — Balch, Provincial Papers, XCIX., c, cni. Charles Willing 1747] Hannah Logan 137 wood Shute,^ Lieutenant ; James Clay- poole," Ensign. No. 2. Thos' Bond, Captain ; Rich** Farmer;^ Lieutenant ; Plunket Fleeson, Ensign. No. 3. John I nglis/ Captain; Lynford Lardner/' Lieutenant ; Tho^ Lawrence jun"", Ensign. ' Attwood Shute was chosen Common Councilman in 1743, Alderman in 1755, and Mayor in 1756. — Jenkins, Philad., 290. ^James Claypoole in Walnut Street, painter and glazier, and ■dealer in paints, window glass, etc. — Pa. Gaz., May 17, 1750. *" Richard Farmer, at the Unicorn, in Second-street. A Very large assortment of drugs and medicines, with colours for all sorts of paintings, etc." — Pa. Ga-z., May 3, 1750. "•John Inglis ( -1775), a native of Scotland, established himself as a merchant in Philadelphia, and had several public offices — Councilman, Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, and the like. He was one of the four managers of the City Dancing Assembly from its inception. He married Catharine, daughter of George and Anne (Yeates) McCall, in 1736. — Pa. Mag., V., 335» 338; Balch, Provincial Papers, LXXXI. ^Lynford Lardner (1715-1774), of Philadelphia, son of John Lardner of London, was an important personage of the Province. He served as Receiver General, Provincial Councillor, Keeper of the Great Seal, Trustee of what is now the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the American Philosophical Society, Lieutenant of troop of horse for defense of Philadelphia, original manager of the Philadelphia Dancing Assembly ; married Elizabeth, daughter of William Branson. — American Ancestry; Keith, Councillors, V., 38. 138 Courtship of [n^'mo. No. 4. James Polgreen, Capt° ; W" Bradford, Lieutenant ; W"" Bingham,^ Ensign. No, 5. Peacock Bigger, Capt. ; Jos. Redman, Lieutenant ; Jos: Wood, Ensign. No. 6. Th: Bourne, Capt ; R, Owen, Lieu: ; Fetter Etter, Ensign. No. 7. W" Cuzzins, Capf" ; G. Spof- ford, Lieut. ; A. Mason, Ensign. No. 8. J. Robinson, Capt. ; W. Clemon (?), Lieut ; W. Rush, Ensign. No. 9. J. Coultas," Capt: ; G. Gray,^ jun'', Lieut: ; Ab*": Jones, Ensign. No. 10. J. Ross, Capt. ; R. Swan, Lieut: ; P. Benezett, Ensign. * William Bingham (i 723-1 769), Common Councilman, 1752, subscriber to the first dancing Assembly, m. Mary Stanton. — 363 Hist. Schuylkill Fish. Co. 2 James Coultas, in 1755 Sheriff of Philadelphia County, and in 1 764 Justice of the Peace and Judge of the Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas. — Westcott, Historic Mansions, 173. ^ George Gray, of Gray's Ferry, a Friend, but was expelled from the Friends' Meeting in 1775 for taking sides in the war. He served as a member of the Committee of Safety, as Chairman of the Board of War, as member of Assembly from Philadelphia County in 1772, and afterward as member of the Convention to amend the Constitution of the State, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. — Westcott, Historic Mansions, 173. John Inglis 1747] Hannah Logan 139 No. II. R. Nixon, Capt: ; R. Renshaw, Lieut: ; F. Garrique, Ensign. It is very remarkable that upon this occasion, though people of other persua- sions are so universally afraid, there were not above lo or 12 under our profession that bore arms in this City. Gilbert Tennent's Sermon on the Law- fulness of war^ came out today, and I was so moved at the deceit and Quirks In it that I determined to Essay an answer and accordingly began one. 2*^ Kept Close at Answering G. Tennent. 3** Thomas Marriott of Bristol was buried today. S*'' Finished my answer to G. Tennent, & sent to L P. jun'' for Correction & amend- ment. It Contained 34 sides of paper very close wrote, which, considering it was begun ' The late Association for Defence, | Encourag'd, | or [ The lawfulness of a Defensive War. | Represented | in a | Sermon | preach'd | At Philadelphia December 24, 1747 | . By Gilbert Tennent, A. M. | . . . Published at the request of the Hearers I Philadelphia: Printed by William Bradford. [1748] 8vo. Half-title, | i leaf j pp. 46 ; Corrigenda, I leaf. — Hildeburn, Penna. Press, 238. 140 Courtship of [n^^mo. but this day week, and many interruptions in the time by Comp*' &c% shews that I have not been very idle, 11*** After dinner Cha: Pemberton & I rode an hour or two over the Commons. Got a fall out of the Chair w*"'' gave me some pain. 12"' Received my proposed Answer to G. Tennent from I. P. jun with some of his remarks and a letter in Commendation of it. 1 5*'' Some of the overseers of the press, viz: M. Lightfoot, A. Morris, I. Pemberton Sen'" & Jun"", met at my house upon it [answer to G. Tennent] , and after perusing it, I sent it up to John Kinsey with a note desiring his sentiments thereon in writing. 22^^ Some of the Overseers met at my house & went through above one half of it, & Gave me Liberty to send it to the press, insisting that I should put my name to it, which I was very unwilling to do, but in Condescension to my friends' advice agreed to it. 23'' Sent for D. Hall,^ printer, gave him ' David Hall (i 714-1772), printer, was born in Edinburgh, where he learned the printing business. He worked at his trade Dc %■ UJfi; .'INDICATED ;j // / / ,# .1 "•■ '. 4J i ; t. f P JJ f ' . * mm facsimile of Tillf Page of John Smith's Book, 1748 1747] Hannah Logan 141 about one half of it — ordered him to print 1000 of them, send me 500 of them and put an advertisement in the paper that the rest were to be given away. 25*'' Called my piece The Doctrine of Christianity as held by the people called Quakers Vindicated in answer to G: Ten- nent's Sermon on the Lawfulness of War/ 26"' An Advertisement was in Frank- lin's paper" purporting that the above Treatise will be published the 30**^ Inst, to be given away at the printer's, 30*'' This being the day my piece came out the printer's house & indeed my own was like a fair — people came so thick to get them D. Hall told me that he never for a time in London, and then came to America about 1747. He entered into partnership with Benjamin Franklin, also conducting a book and stationery store on his own account. — -Appleton's Cy. Amer. Bio., III., 39. ^ [Smith (John)] The | Doctrine of Christianity, | As held by the People called | Quakers, | Vindicated: | In Answer to | Gilbert Tennent's Sermon | On | The Lawfulness of War | " etc. " Philadelphia : | Printed by Benjamin Franklin and Da-viJ Hall. MDCCXLVIII. I 8vo. pp. iv., 56-f. The Second Edition [Ibid]. — No. 1098, Hildeburn's Issues of the Pennsylvania Press, 1685-1784 ; Joseph Smith's Catalogue of Friends' Books. ^ PennsyI'vania Gazette. 142 Courtship of [i2*^mo. saw a pamphlet in so much Request at first coming out in London. Twelfth month. f (4th day) Paid a Visit to the Wid° Sally Morris, where I found H. Logan. I waited upon her to L P.'s, from thence to her Brother's, but M. Ellis being to Lodge there, I could get none of her Comp^ in private. 4*'>(5*'' day) Was at Meeting. . . . I drank Tea at L Pemberton's with S. Morris & H. Logan. Met in the evening with the latter accidentally at A. Benezitt's. Waited upon her to L P. jun"", where we Supped ; then accompanied her to her Brother's & had an opportunity of some Converse with her. Made proposals of waiting upon her at home & of Asking her parents' Consent if such attention was not Absolutely Disagreeable to her. I was in a good deal of Confusion, but her Good Nature Bore with it, without Endeavouring to Encrease it, And Though I could not perceive that she was willing I should take that Step, she Consented to receive another 1 747] Hannah Logan 143 Letter from me upon my promising not to take that for any Encouragement &c''. Many were the Revolving thoughts with which my mind was Crowded after this Conversation, & yet upon the whole I found my Affection Encreased by her Generous behaviour & was thankful for the opportunity I had of so much Conversation with her. I pray God to pour down his Choicest Blessings upon her head. 5*'' (6"' day) I wrote a long Letter to Dear Hannah, & Got her brother William to Undertake the Delivery of it. I told her in it my mind very fully — the Grounds upon which I had formed my unalterable Resolution of having her if possible — and as there was some difficulty whether my waiting upon her parents would be disagree- able or not, I begged the favor of a Line or two upon that Subject, promising the Utmost Secrecy. Had in the Evening the Company of A. Farrington & my brother William. Abraham told me he was very well Satisfied with my Treatise — that he had begun to Answer G. Tennent's Sermon himself, but felt a full Stop in his mind, & 144 Courtship of [12"^ mo. was told it was in better hands, & plainly saw where &c\ LETTER OF JOHN SMITH TO HANNAH LOGAN. Philad% 1 2th mo: 5th, 1747-8. Dear Friend According to the Sentiments I Entertain of Friend- ship, that part of it which can bear with the weakness, and put the best Construction upon the failings of One Another Manifests the truest and most Exalted height of that Celestial Virtue. Judge, then, what an Opinion I have of thy Generosity in the little Conversation we had last Evening together, when the distress of my mind was such that it was difficult for me to Convey any Idea of my thoughts. Yet Good nature, instead of Endeavouring to Encrease my Confusion, which Thousands of the Sex in such a circumstance would have been glad to do, kindly Bore with my frailty. May Gracious Heaven put it in my power to Shew my Gratitude by Actions, which I really could not by words ; and I Beg thee to Rest fully Assured that no freedom shall ever be miscontrued or turned to thy disadvantage. I am now going to Tell thee some of the Inducements I had to fix my Affections unmoveably, — as I believe they are, whether they should ever be Crown' d with Success or not, — and herein I shall discover some 1747] Hannah Logan 145 weakness, but I have had too many Instances of thy Candour to suspect Severity, nor is there a thought in my Soul but what I could freely disclose to thee. It is now some years since first I conceived a very great Esteem for thy person from several opportunities I had of seeing thee. I knew my Circumstances in the world, nor any Accomplishments I had, did not promise Success in the Entertainment of that passion, and therefore used my utmost Efforts to Conquer it, and I thought the likeliest way to do it was to seek another object. I found one which appeared agreeable, but a very small Acquaintance quite overset mv Scheme. I had been early, thro unmerited kindness. Tinctured with Religious Sentiments. I knew a fair outside did not Constitute happiness, and in short I saw but little else in that person ; wherefore, without ever having given any occasion to Expect that I designed an offer of my person, I as willingly dropt my acquaintance as I had begun it. Soon after that I had some opportunities of Converse where thou was in Company, which much Enhanced my Esteem. I plainly saw that though the Cabinet was Exquisitely framed, the mind lodged in it far Excelled ; and thus as it renewed and strengthened my former Regard, so it increased the difficulty I saw it was obtaining what I so much wished for. Many were the Racking thoughts occasioned by the difl^erent Sensations of desire and doubt. To Enumerate them would require much more time than thou would willingly spare for that purpose. I long bore that Inward Contest before I ever Disclosed it to any 10 146 Courtship of [12*" mo. person, and believe I never should have done [so] at all, but in a Journey that I went with M. Lightfoot, as we were riding very seriously together, he told me he had found out a wife for me. I little Expected that he or anybody Else would have thought me a suitable match for her I had in View, but as He, mentioning thy name, soon perceived by the Confusion in my Countenance the scituation of my thoughts — and Added something to what he had said, that Affected me with some degree of hope, — and he was at that time, and hath been ever since, very near and dear to me, — from that time I thought Seriously about it, and when in any degree favoured with Access to the Throne of Grace, I spread my case there, and with the utmost Submission and Reverence, desired to be Led aright in so weighty an Affair. Many and frequent were my Applications of that Sort, and I often found returns of Satisfaction and peace in these Addresses, and sometimes a nearness and Sympathy with thy Exercises, in such an Affecting manner, that words cannot Convey an Adequate Idea of. Sometimes I have thought I accompanied thee in much weakness and dejection of mind, — in poverty and distress of Soul, and great have been my Sorrows in that State, and frequent my Cries, when I was able to look toward the Holy Hill, that the Everlasting Arm might be underneath to Support and carry through all thy difficulties, and make Every Exercise truly profitable. These Tender Sympathies would look very foolish to those that are unacquainted with the frequent Afflictions that attend a truly Religious 1747] Hannah Logan 147 Life, but as I am very certain thou art not one of those, am therefore very free. . . . And now, my dearest Creature, I should like a great deal of time to Explain to thee the cause of my Conduct — but I am afraid of being Tedious. When I wrote that Letter, I remember I was in a great deal of perplexity, and therefore suppose that conveyed Evident Signs of it. After it was gone, the Reflections which were occasioned in my mind by the Cowardly manner in which I had Acted toward thee gave me much pain, so that for a long time after I was scarcely able to look thee in the face. This Bashfulness must have made some of my Conduct appear very odd to thee, and yet could the Causes be at the time discovered, they would mostly have appeared Justifiable. I have Acted with a great deal of fear and Caution, least I should do any thing that would disoblige thee, and should propitious heaven Incline a tender Sentiment in thee, in my favour, I should think no pains too great to take to Convince thee of the Sincerity of my Love. My dear Hannah, I ask not any hasty Conclusions, I only Beg that thou would weigh my proposal in the most Serious manner, and I trust thou wilt find a freedom to permit my frequent Visits, and that all Objections and difficulties will in time be removed — and we shall know the Encrease of our Esteem for each other by mutual Good Offices. But happy they ! the happiest of their kind : Whom gentle Stars unite, and in one fate Their hearts, their fortunes and their beings blend. 148 Courtship of [12" mo. 'Tis not the coarser tie of human Laws, Unnatural oft, and foreign to the mind, That binds their peace, but harmony itself Attuning all their passions into Love ; Where friendship full Exerts his softest power, Perfect Esteem, Enlivened by Desire Ineffable, and Sympathy of Soul, Thought meeting thought, and will preventing will With boundless Confidence. — Thomson i "Spring.'^ I thought when I asked permission to wait upon thee at Stenton it seemd to put thee into a deep thought. I Concluded thy not absolutely denying my Request was out of pity, and durst I ask such a favour, I would Beg a line or two upon the Subject. I am afraid of coming least it should give thee more uneasiness, and know by omitting it I vastly Encrease my own. If my Generous friend would favour me with her Senti- ments in writing, the Letter should either be immediately returned or destroyed to prevent its being ever known to any mortal but ourselves. I conclude with Observing that Marriage is a Solemn thing, but where undertaken with upright, honest Intentions, and the Blessing of the Almighty Solemnly sought and had therein, it must certainly be the happiest State of Life. And I must tell thee that my views in desiring to have thee mine, are so far [from] being mercenary, that should thou Incline to an Alteration with respect to place of Residence, Manner of Living, Business or anything Else, this Inclination shall be punctually Complied with. I pray God to pour down 1747] Hannah Logan 149 his choicest Blessings upon thy head — and with the Salutation of the Tenderest Regard, I Remain, Thy Truly AiFectionate Friend, John Smith. P. S. , . . From something Expressd at Uncle Pemberton's table one day I spoke to a person who writes a good hand to Copv the book of discipline. As soon as it's done, shall take care to send it to thee. I thought it would not be agreeable to have it in my hand writing, which was the reason of my Employing another. Being at a loss how to Convey this quite private have at length concluded to send it by thy brother, & shall first make him promise Secrecy. [Endorsed] : To Hannah Logan of Stenton. Favour of Wm. Logan. 6*^ (7"' day) Had in the morning a pretty deal of Company. After dinner T. Burgess, J. Logan jun"" & I rode to Burlington. Got a fall off my horse, but with- out much hurt. Found father & fr^'' well. 150 Courtship of [12"' mo. yth ^ jst ^^y-j Was at Burlington meeting, w*"^ was very small. P. Fearn preach'd & pray'd. Several of us sup'd & spent the Evening at Gov"^ Belcher's, who treated us sociably & handsomely. S'^ (2" day) We dined at Brother Samuel's. T. B., Jemmy & I rode to Doctor Rodman's, & drank Tea there. ^th ^^d clay) Tho' the river was near clear of Ice when we went up, it is now quite fast. We dined at Governour Belcher's & drank Tea at Uncle Noble's. 10''' (4*'' day) The same Company re- turned with me home, the Jersey side. Found the River here pretty full of driving Ice ; however, we got over pretty readily. Understood when I came home that A. Farrington had Recommended my Treatise at Concord Qiiarterly Meeting, & told the age of the person who wrote it &c'*. 12"' {6^^ day) Visited & Visiting most of the day. j^th ^^th ^^y-j Had in the Evening the Company of several friends, viz. A. Far- rington, Sam' Cary, Martha Chalkley &c*. 1747] Hannah Logan 151 14"' (i''* day) Went in the morning with A. Farrington to the Great meeting. . . . Was in the Afternoon at our own meeting. Evening A. F. preach'd, conclud- ing " No Sword formed against thee shall ever prosper, and every tongue that riseth up in Judgement against thee thou shall Condemn," &c''. He preached at least an hour at a time each meeting. 15"' (2'' day) A. F. went home. Employed most of the day in reading. 16*'' (3'' day) Dear H. Logan was at meeting, having come to town last night. I spent the Evening with her at I. Pemberton's in pleasant & agreeable Conversation. 17"' (4"' day) Drank tea at I. Pember- ton's of Hannah Logan's making — Nectar and Ambrosia. Went after that to Rob* Strettel with fr''" Testimony against him. — He treated me Civilly upon the occasion. 18*" (5"' day) Visited L Pemberton in the afternoon, who seems to be on the mending hand. ... I gave Eliz" Pcnnock £i for a poor Antient Couple in 152 Courtship of [12"^ mo their Neighborhood, each aged above 80, who suffer for want, tho' they have been reckoned Reputable members of the Church of England. 19"' (6"' day) Visited Israel Pemberton, drank Tea at I. P. jun"^", spent some time at W. Logan's, & the Evening at Jn° Armitt's with S. Morris &c*. 20*'' (7*** day) It is remarkable What an Increase of the number of Beggars there is about this town this winter, — many more than I have before observed, and I have not yet sent any away Empty handed that hath applied to me. A fellow feeling of the Infirmities & wants of our Brethren — as all mankind are — is a duty, and not sufficiently practised, without Administer- ing Relief when in our power. 21'* (i"* day) Was in the morning at our own meeting. M. Yarnal preach'd & pray'd. He and his wife dined with me. After dinner I rode to Stenton ; the roads very muddy, & my thoughts disturbed with pain & Anxiety Least this Visit should be disagreeable. Was however 1747] Hannah Logan 153 Courteously received, but I thought my fr*^ Hannah was not very well pleased with it, which quite damped my Spirits. James told me he was Glad to see me, & had frequently Expostulated with his Sons for not bringing me oftener &c''. Had very little time alone with Hannah. Apologized for my Visit by saying it was difficult for me to [be] absent from her &c". Carried up with me the York paper w''' contained two forged Letters in the name of Eben'" Large and Michael Lightfoot &c^ It also had a paragraph informing that Admiral Boscawen had taken 6 frenchmen of war & several East India men &c^ 22** (2'' day) Understood in the morning that Dear Hannah was unwell, so that tho' I stayd till 10 o'clock she did not appear — w''"' gave me much pain. I had intended to Ask her father & mother's Consent to make free with the house — but as I could not Account for her Indisposition I was afraid to do it least it would disoblige her. How painful & Grievous my reflections upon this occasion were is more pungently felt than I am either able or willing to 154 Courtship of [12*^ mo. describe. My good friend Her father took, me into his Library, & took a great deal of pains to Entertain me there, but my thoughts were so fixed & Intent about his daughter that much of it was lost. I left Stenton about lo o'clock. Overtook a man who was a stranger to me. After some Conversation he let me know he had been bred a Presbyterian, & was now about turning Quaker, & appeared to be turning from name only to name, whereupon I found freedom to give him a pretty deal of Advice — respecting the teaching of the Spirit, the danger of resting in form & name, and the necessity of being acquainted with & wearing the Yoke & Cross of Christ &c*. Had William Morris to dine with me, whose company was agreeable and edifying. Drank Tea at W™ Callen- der's & spent the Evening at home with M. Lightfoot &c^ 23** (3*^ day) Was at meeting. I stay'd with the overseers &c'' to Consult about the business of the Mo. Meeting. The Chief Subject was whether Amos Strettel's paper should be read or not. pp®'^ W W\ 1 3^ : ^747] Hannah Logan 155 As I had read it, I gave my opinion that it ought not, as the Quotations from our Antient friends' writings were unfairly taken and the Inferences unjustly drawn ; but several friends, supposing he would print it, and represent it as ill usage not to have that read w*^^ he offered as his own Vindication, they concluded it best to read it. I dined at A. James's with Sally Morris &C''. Spent some time at I. Pemberton's with Sarah Logan, whom I waited upon to her son's. Spent the remainder of the afternoon at John Dilwyn's with Jn° Armitt &c% where I drank Tea, and part of the Evening with I. P. jun"" & Sam' Preston Moore ^ at Israel Pemberton's. 'Dr. Samuel Preston Moore (1710-1785), son of Richard and Margaret (Preston) Moore, was a prac- titioner in physic at Londongrove, Maryland, prior to I 744, and afterwards in Philadelphia, being for eight years a physician to the Penn- sylvania Hospital. He was a member of the American Philosophical Society, and Provincial Treasurer of Pennsylvania. He was married in 1739 to his cousin, Hannah Hill, daughter of Dr. Richard Hill. — Charles P. Keith, Provincial Councillors, 74; John Jay Smith, Letters of Dr. Richard Hill. 156 Courtship of [12"' mo. 2^th ^^th ^^y^ After dinner Visited at I. Pemberton jun""^, where I found Rob' Pleasants & Rob* Langley just come up from Virginia, who came home & spent the Evening with me. 25*'' (5'^ day) Was at meeting. . . . I dined at WilHam Logan's.^ Drank Tea at M. Lightfoot's with the above two friends, Sally Morris &c% and spent the Evening at home. 16'^ (6*^ day) Attended our Mo: Meet- ing. M. Emlen pray'd. Peter Widow- field past the second time, and Joseph Ritchison — with Mary Allen — Abraham Carlisle, Stephen Stapler and Jn" Burroughs the first time. Amos StretteFs long paper 'William Logan ( i 718-1776), son of James Logan, was sent when twelve years of age to his father's brother, Dr. William Logan, in Bristol, England, to be educated. On his return he became a merchant in the city. On the death of his father he became the owner of Stenton and removed there, devoting himself more particularly to agriculture. He was Common Councilman, 1 743-1 746, and Provincial Councillor, I 747-1 775. A journal of his travels to Georgia has been printed. He was married in 1740 to Hannah (1722-1777), daughter of George Emlen. His son. Dr. George Logan (l 754-1 821), who inherited Stenton, married Deborah Norris, daughter of Charles Norris. — Keith, Councillors, 14 fF. 1747] Hannah Logan 157 was read, and sundry remarks made there- on by several friends. A. Benezitt^ & I were appointed to wait upon him with the result of the meeting thereon. A Certifi- cate for Eliz* Hudson was read and signed- 27^'' (7*^ day) R. Pleasants, R. Langley, Jemmy Pemberton & I rode to Burlington — round by Haddonfield. Lodged at my father's. 28"' (i^* day) Were at Burlington Meeting. M. Lightfoot preached. We visited plentifully, and it being the time of their Quarterly Meeting, had the Company of several very Valuable friends. 1 Anthony Benezet (1713-1784), a philanthropist, was born at St. Quentin, France, a son of John Stephen Benezet. His parents were Huguenots, and shortly after his birth, their property being confiscated, they took refuge in England, where they resided for sixteen years. There young Benezet was educated, and joined the Friends. In 1731 he came with his family to Philadelphia, and in 1736 was married to Joyce Marriott, who became a Quaker minister. In 1 742 he was a teacher in what is now the William Penn Charter School. In 1755 he established a school for girls and conducted it with great success. About 1750 he became much concerned for the welfare of the negroes, and during the remainder of his life wrote many books and pamphlets in the interest of the anti-slavery and general humanitarian movement, undoubtedly doing much to promote the anti-slavery cause. — Roberts Vaux, Life of Benezet. 158 Courtship of E^' mo. 29*'' (2*^ day) We returned home the way we went. First mouthy 1748. I*"' {2^ day) Was at our meeting. Sam' Pennock spoke. The Shoemaker Lad prayd. ... I. P. jun"", W" Logan, R. Pleasants, R. Langley, Jemmy Pemberton & I rode, after dining at L P.'s, to Ger- mantown to see it, and after going through it we came to Stenton & drank Tea. Found G. Tennent^ there. We Conversed freely. We met my dear Hannah at the Gate, having rode out with Chally Pem- berton, who is there to Endeavour the recovery of his health. I spent the Eve- ning at W°^ Logan's. 2'' (4"' day) Waited upon R. Pleasants & R. Langley to see the State House, Library &c% and dined with them at L Pemberton's jun"". Then waited upon them to Skuylkill on their way home. In the afternoon met at James's Coffeehouse with the Auditor's appointed ' Rev. Gilbert Tennent. 1748] Hannah Logan 159 by the Court upon the Affair between Carpenter & Shute. Gave them our Reasons for Awarduig as we did — then withdrew to W™ Logan's, where I drank Tea, & spent part of the Even^ at J. Armitt's. Gave a poor widow ;^20 that has several small children. 4'^ {6'^ day) My partner & I Employd some part of it [the day] in Examining our Books. Had the Visits of several friends. 5"> (7'" day) W. Callender, E. Catherall, W. Logan, Jemmy Pemberton, A. James, J. Foulk and myself rode to the Point, and had an agreeable Jaunt. 6"' (i^May) Was morning & afternoon at our own meeting. 7^*" {2'^ day) Employed in Examining our Comp^ Books. Samuel Mickle's wife died to-day. S^^ (3*^ day) Was at meeting. . . . Saw dear Hannah going home alone in the Chaise, and as I knew her fears of being talked of, I did not Venture to wait upon her. ^th ^^th j^y^ J j.QQJ^ ^ Ride to German- i6o Courtship of [i''mo. town under pretence of getting some Cyons/ but really upon more Important business. Called at Stenton ; found Com- pany there, who soon departed. I intended to stay all night, and accordingly did so. Had an opportunity of Telling my mind to James & his wife separately. They treated me Civilly, referring me Entirely to their daughter, and the Old Gentleman told me if I was her Choice, he would give his Consent &c*. I had some of the dear Creature's Company, but our Con- versation was so much of the Ambiguous kind, that after a Loving & friendly part- ing I retired to Bed full of Doubt & per- plexity, & Got but little Sleep. In how much pain is a situation between hope & Despair. jQth ^^th day) Waited upon Sarah Logan & Cha: Pemberton to town. Was at meeting. ... I dined at Israel Pem- berton's. Wrote a long letter to my dear Hannah, & sent it by Charley Pemberton, who returned there this afternoon. ' Scions — shoots to be engrafted. 1748] Hannah Logan 161 LETTER OF JOHN SMITH TO HANNAH LOGAN. Philad% 1st mo: loth, 1747-8. My Worthy Friend I have not been very well pleased with myself since my spending some time with thee last evening. I had a great deal to say, and ought to have said much more than I did, but an unhappy doubt possesses my Spirits in such a manner whenever I attempt Conversation with thee upon a subject of so near a concernment, that I can scarcely Talk Common Sence. It was not therefore without Reason that I told thee a man in Love was the Silliest Creature in the Universe — and indeed I might have Omitted saying it in words, as my Con- duct had so frequently declared it. My Last night's thoughts, after parting with thee, were Employed in searching the Secret Recesses of my mind to find out if possible the cause of such a doubt. Dear Hannah, I omitted to acquaint thee that I had taken an opportunity to make my mind known to thy parents. They both treated me Civilly upon the Occasion — thy father very kindly — Referring me Entirely to thee, and Assuring me he held no Objection &c*. I hope this Step will not give thee any uneasi- ness. It was certainly my duty, and should have been done some years ago if I durst. John Smith. 11 1 62 Courtship of [i'*mo. jjth ^^th j^y^ Employed the forenoon in Journalizing, and the afternoon at W™ Logan's, who kept his Chamber, being Indisposed with a Cold. j^th ^^th ^^y^ Busy in posting most of the forenoon. Afternoon visited at W" Logan's. Waited upon Sally Morris home. Had a good deal of Conversation with her upon my Stenton proposals. She had done me a particular piece of Service in recommending me to the old Gentleman, for which I had wrote her a Letter of thanks. I spent the Evening at John Reynell's with Jane Hoskins & Eliz* Hudson. j^th ^jet j^^y^ J ^g^t J,-, f}^g forenoon to the Great Meeting. ... I dined at L Pemberton's. Was at our own meet- ing in the afternoon. ... I then went with B. Trotter to the burial of Nathaniel Poole, an antient fr*^ above 80 years of age. Was at the Evening meeting, which was silent. Spent some time after meeting at William Logan's, his sister having come 1748] Hannah Logan 163 to town this Evening, but as he kept his Chamber had none of her Company alone. 14*'' (2*^ day) Spent some time in the afternoon at I. Pemberton's with several fr''^ upon the like occasion, viz, — to visit Samuel Nottingham, who came from Chester to-day. Drank Tea of Hannah's making, & had her Company at her brother's an hour or two. She desired my forbearing my visits till after the meeting &c^ 15'*' (j** day) Was at meeting. . . . Sally Morris & Katy Callender spent the afternoon with us. Samuel [Nottingham] prayd in my parlour, which is the first of his appearance in this town. I waited upon Sally Morris home. 1 8*^ (6*^^ day) I had Sam' Nottingham's Company part of the day, and in the afternoon the visits of several female friends, and in the Even^ the Comp^ of my brothers & sisters &c*. j^th ^^th j^y^ J j^^j ^.j^g Company of pretty many friends come to me at the half-year's meeting. 164 Courtship of [i^'mo. 2Qth ^j8t j^y^ Was all three meetings at the Bank. Morning Hannah Hulford, M. Lightfoot, Jn" Scarborough & Marget Ellis preach'd & Sarah Morris pray'd. Had several friends to dine with me. Eliz'" Morgan pray'd at the Table. After- noon the Meeting was much crowded. Ben. Fell,^ Eliz'' Morgan & John Evans preach'd & Jos. Lord pray'd. The Eve- ning meeting held till past 9 o'clock. Sam' Nottingham pray'd, Isaac Andrews, Jn" Scarborough & S. Nottingham preach'd, & Ben Fell pray'd. 2, jst ^.,(1 (^^Y^ Was at the Bank meeting. Had a pretty deal of Company of the best sort. 22'' (3'' day) The meeting was very much crowded. J° Sikes, Lydia Menden- hall, W"" Harnans [?], Jane Hoskins & S. Nottingham preach'd, & D. Stanton pray'd. 'Benjamin Fell (1703— 1758), son of Joseph and Bridget (Wilson) Fell, was an eminent minister of the Society of Friends. He came to Pennsylvania with his parents in 1 704, and lived in Buckingham Township, Bucks County. — Fell Genealogy, 34. 1748] Hannah Logan 165 23^* (4'^ day) Kept most of it [the day] at home. John Giles was bound appren- tice to us for three years. 24"' (5*'' day) Was at meeting. . . . Peter Widowfield was married. I dined at I. Pemberton's ; my father rode in the afternoon to Stenton. A. Benezitt & I spent some time in the Evening with Amos Strettel in Consequence of the mo: meeting's appointment, but could not prevail with him to make any Acknowledg- ment for his Misconduct. 25'" (6"> day) W- Logan, Jn° Morris, Cha: & Debby Morris & I rode to Chester to see Jane Hoskins & Eliz* Hudson go on board the Brig' Pembroke, A. Burrows master, for Dublin. Found a pretty many friends there. W"^ Logan and I lodged together at Mather's. 26"' (7"' day) The friends went on board, & several of us with them, about 3 o'clock. Then a dozen in Company returned home. Broke one of the Chairs on the road, which occasioned us to dine at Darby whilst it was mended. Upon 1 66 Courtship of [i^'mo. my coming home found my Father &c'' had gone up this morning. ^^th ^ jst j^y^ Was morning & afternoon at the Bank. ... My Gardner, W" Jenkins, died this morning of a pleurisy. I rode in the Evening to Stenton ; Rich*^ Peters^ was there. I had an opportunity of some very agreeable Conversation with my Charmer, but her Conduct is so Cautious and well guarded that I do not yet know whether I dare hope to Gain her or not. ^gth (^2,^ day) Got home before 7 o'clock. Wrote a letter to Sarah Logan to acquaint her that Chally Pemberton bore the ride 'Richard Peters (i 704-1 776), son of Ralph Peters, town clerk of Liverpool, received his early education at Westminster School, and at Leyden in Holland. After five years of legal study in the Inner Temple he took orders, and in 1730 became an ordained clergyman. He came to Pennsylvania in 1735, ^""^ i^M the position of the Secretary of the Land Office for more than twenty-five years. In 1743 ^^ ^^^^ appointed Secretary of the Province and Clerk of the Provincial Council, and in 1749 mem- ber of the Provincial Council. By i 762 he had acquired a fortune, and resigned his secretaryship. From 1764 to 1775 he served as Rector of Christ Church. He also held positions of trust in the College and other institutions of the city. His only child died in infancy. — Keith, Councillors, 235 ff. Rev. Richard Peters 1748] Hannah Logan 167 from Stenton yesterday bravely, & intends to set out for Shrewsbury this afternoon &c\ After dinner Rachel Pemberton, Hannah Logan, William's wife, and I with Chally went over the river and to Eliz"' Estaugh's, who received us very Cour- teously and Entertained us very kindly. 29*^' (j** day) We set out from the Good Widow's about lo o'Clock. Dined at a Tavern at Moore's town, and reached Burlington in the Evening, Found all well there, but the ride fatigued poor Charles very much. 30*^ (4*^' d^y) Chally inclining to rest at Burlington, and S. Nottingham going to be at Mansfield meeting to day, H. Logan and I & many other friends accom- panied him there. The meeting was not very large. Samuel and Hannah Jenkin- son preached and Samuel pray'd. Hannah and I dined at Jn° Buffin's, and after returning to Burlington Visited at Cha. Read's, R. Hartshorne's & Isa: Cono- rotor [?]. 31^* (5"' day) Charles Pemberton, ac- 1 68 Courtship of [2' mo. companied by his brother John,^ my brother William & Johnny Smith, set out for Shrewsbury, and Rachel, Hannah and I returned home, calling at the wid° Estaugh's & Jos: Cooper's in our way. Found our Goods — [?] all opened, and much less damaged than from the length of the time they had been on board we had reason to fear. Secojid month. ^th ^^d j^^y^ Employed myself in trim- ming trees & Caught Cold — so that I was confined to my Chamber till — . 8"' (6"' day) I spent the day at Point with several friends. Had during my Confinement the visits of many particulars whom I esteem. 'John Pemberton ( 1 727-1 795), a Quaker minister, son of Israel and Rachel (Read) Pemberton, was also a wealthy merchant like his father and brothers. He made several religious visits to Europe. He was an exile to Virginia in 1777. — Leach, Appleton's Cyc. Bio., 706; Keith, Councillors. ^748] Hannah Logan 169 9^'' (y*** day) Spent the day at W" Callender's plantation with several agree- able acquaintances, but was so indisposed that I had not a great deal of pleasure. jQth ^jst ^^y^ J ^^g jj^ j.}^g morning very unwell, having had a poor night's rest ; but thought perhaps the sight of my dear Hannah might be so like to cure me as anything else, wherefore I went to German- town meeting, w*^^ was silent, & after to Stenton, where I was very agreeably Entertained. Had in the Even^ my Charmer's Company till lo o'clock, and it was more delightful to me than Ever, and gave me greater grounds of hope than I durst before Entertain, and the Old Gentleman treated me in a very Generous manner, advising me how to Court, to have perseverance S^c", and acquainting me that he had said more to his daughter on my behalf than he had ever done on Tho. Crosby's, though he was to have j^20,000 &c*. jjth (^2*^ day) After a pleasant night's rest, & Breakfasting with my good friends. lyo Courtship of [2'*mo. I returned home, in a Composed, Serene frame of mind, and my thoughts somewhat Employed upon the Greatness of the divine kindness to me all my Life Long, and at this time in particular. He has been a Tender Father, the Best Friend, and kindest Benefactor, his hand hath been full of Blessings, and he hath plenti- fully caused them to descend upon my head. His mercies are new every day, and his Loving kindness often more than I durst ask or think, and Oh ! what is it for ? I have never merited anything ; my returns have rather been like Sour Grapes, than suitable. May my future Life be Cheerfully & freely spent in doing the will of so Gracious & Good a God, who is slow to Anger, delights in mercy, and with him is plenteous Redemption. May the Image of the Earthly be wholly put off, and May 1 in future faithfully bear the Image of the heavenly. I a''' (3*^ day) Was at meeting. Marget Holland preached & Sarah Cox said a few words in prayer ; then Daniel Stanton — with whom I spent the Last Evening in 1748] Hannah Logan 171 Sympathy — preached very Encouragingly. Walked down to Wickoco & round by Jos: Wharton's new house^ &c*. Spent part of the Evening at widow Morris's, having drank Tea at J. Dilwyn's. j^th ^^th ^^y-j Was some time at the Supreme Court. Drank Tea at I. Pem- berton's. Had W"* Logan's Company the Evening. 1 4*'' (5*'' day) Was at meeting. Abraham Moor — who is lately come to live in town — and Mordecai Yarnal preach'd, & D. Stanton pray'd. Then Jos: Richardson was married to M. Allen. I staid & Signd the Certificate. In the Even^ I rode to Stenton & had a great deal of Conversation with my friend Hannah of the most solid & imposing kind. Find her very much undetermined in her senti- ments ; however, patience & Resignation ^Walnut Grove, the seat of Joseph Wharton ( 1 707-1 776), a wealthy Friend, son of Thomas Wharton, an emigrant from England in 1688. The mansion, which was then on the outskirts^ of the city, was the scene of Major Andre's Mischianza during the British occupation of the city in the Revolution. — Westcott^ Historic Mansions ; Keith, Councillors. 1 7 2 Courtship of C^' mo. is my best fortress, and Hope my only Comfort — Hope, the Glad Ray Glanc'd from Eternal Good That Life Enlives & Exalts its powers &c*. Whether I can be so happy as to succeed in my wishes of having her for a partner or not, I have found Benefit in her Con- versation, and a near friendship is begot between us that I hope nothing will be ever able to break, 15*'' (6*^ day) Got up Early & saw Old Hannibal just as he died. After Breakfast I had a great deal of Conversation with Hannah in private, upon which I promised to write to her. 16*'' (7"' day) Wrote a long Religious Letter to my dear Hannah, being as I thought under the Influence of Divine Love whilst I did it. Sent it by Rachel Pemberton. J 748] Hannah Logan 173 LETTER OF JOHN SMITH TO HANNAH LOGAN. Phikd", 2d mo: i6th, 1748. Dear Friend — If I have understood thee right, in our several Conversations upon a Subject, the most dear, and interesting to me, of any Temporal Concerns ; The principal Objection thou has to Accepting my proposal arises from some doubts whether thou ought ever to set thy Affections upon any man. Perhaps I may not have Expressed this in so proper a manner as it should be . . . [etc., etc.] John Smith. 18*^ (2^ day) Busy most of the Day. In the Even^ Rode to Stenton, & under- standing that Hannah was at fairhill Rode to meet her, and did so just at Isa: Norris's fence, & had her dear Company Back & till pretty late in the Even^. She seems not yet determined in her Senti- ments, but uses me with the utmost Generosity and Tenderness. 19*'' [2^ day) Returned home to Break- fast. Was at meeting, which I thought a good one, & was Glad of it — my Hannah being there. . . . Then Abr. Carlisle 174 Courtship of [2' mo. was married to Ann Brooks. [ stay'd & sign'd the Certificate. Had Sally Morris's Company to dinner with me, with which I was much pleased. In the afternoon took Coz. Nanny Smith & Hannah Callender out in my Chair to my planta- tion & returned safe. 20*^* ^^th jj^y^ Employed the forenoon in posting our Books, and the afternoon in visiting my friends. Drank Tea at W™ Callender's, & waited upon Sarah Armitt &c'* home from thence. 2^j6t ^^th ^g^y^ Wcis at meeting, at w ,ch Stephen Stapler was married. ia"* (6*'' day) Sally Morris & I rode to Stenton, & spent the day very agreeably there, tho' I had less of my Charmer's Company alone than I could have wished. I returned in the Evening alone, Sally inclining to stay there a day or two. Spent part of the Evening with the Widow Morris and at John Reynell's. 23*^ (yth ^^^y^ J employed the day very busily sorting my papers. 2^th ^^d ^^y^ Understood my good 1748] Hannah Logan 175 friend H. Logan came to town to-day — but did not see her. Spent the Even^ at T. Lightfoot's. 26*'' (3'* day) Was at meeting, which I thought a very good one : ResembHng the Antient times when the Sons of God rejoiced together and the morning stars sang for Joy, . . , I spent the Even- ing at Israel Pemberton's with dear H. Logan &c*, 27"' (4*'' day) L Pemberton came home from Shrewsbury with Acc'^ that poor Chally is no better for his riding there, which affected us with sorrow. I spent most of the afternoon there, and part of the Evening at J. Armitt's, 2gth i^^th ^^y.^ Was at meeting, but Alass ! how Different was it to me from the Last I was at. Then the time of singing Birds was Experienced — now nothing but winter in its Extremity, & I was not at a loss for the Cause. I found I had not been so careful of the Govern- ment of my thoughts as I ought to have been, & had thereby been Betrayed into 176 Courtship of [2*^ mo. undue Liberty — which though not noticed Or seen by others had hurt me, by leading from that reverence & awe which ought at all time to possess the Soul. Under some sight of this I suffered in Lamentation & mourning, and was ready to say with the Psalmist — Thou has set a print upon my heel, and has marked [?] all my goings. Yet I had cause to Esteem even the sense of Sorrow as a favour from God, because it is an Evidence that he hath not quite forsaken, and will not yet cast off forever. In the afternoon several friends of us rode to my plantation. Had Alice Bunt- ing's comp^ part of the Evening, and I spent some time at Israel Pemberton jun". 29*'' (6*'' day) Attended our Monthly Meeting from lo o'clock to 4. Eliz'' Pennock pray'd in the meeting of worship. Thomas Brooks, Benjamin Hough & Davis Bassett passed the first time. The affair of Visiting families took up a pretty deal of time, and after solid & deliberate Consideration the following friends were appointed to that service, viz. M. Light- Timothv Matlack ^748] Hannah Logan 177 foot, M. Yarnal, D. Stanton, Tho" Brown, I. Pemberton, J. Kinsey, J. Bringhurst,^ J. Dilwyn, E. Catheral, T. Matlack, Isaac Zane, A. Benezitt & myself. I objected several times to my name being entered upon so great an undertaking, but friends insisted so much upon it that I sub- mitted, concluding if I could do no good, perhaps I may get some. John Morris & I were appointed to draw a Certificate for Daniel Morris & his wife to Gwynedd. Understood after meeting that the women friends appointed upon the affair of Visit- ing families are Eliz* Pennock, Esther White, Joyce Benezitt, M. Emlen, M. Holland, Sally Morris, Rachel & Mary Pemberton, Hannah Parrock, Rebekkah Coleman. I spent the Evening in attending W" Vanderspiegel, Sam' Smith & Sam' Coates iJoHN Bringhurst (1691-1750), a Friend, son of John and Rosina (Prachen) Bringhurst, was born either in London or in Amsterdam, and brought to Philadelphia about 1 700. He became a prosperous merchant, and held several prominent positions in the city. He was married in 171 8 to Mary, daughter of John Clay- poole. — Leach, Bringhurst Family. 12 178 Courtship of [^^ mo. — auditors appointed by the Court of Common pleas to settle an Account depending between Thomas Thomas and I. After hearing all he had to say they agreed to report the Ball^ according to my Books. I then offered him, that though the Court is next week, when Execution is to be obtained, if he would give me Security I would withdraw the action, pay the Costs and stay six months tor the money rather than I would distress him, which the auditors pressed him very much to Accept of as a very generous offer, and what he would meet with from very few men under those Circumstances, and he talks of taking their Advice. 30"' (7"' day) Visited at Isr' Pemberton iun", Joshua Crosby's, &c''. Drank Tea at E. Catheral's with A. Benezitt & wife & Sally Morris. In the Evening Rode to Stenton and found my friends alone. Had my dear Hannah's company till 10 o'clock, & Employed the time in sociable, improving conversation. She let me know she had not freedom to Give it Entirely up, and was not concluded to Accept my 1748] Hannah Logan 179 proposal, & would therefore have me look upon my Visits there entirely upon un- certainties dzd". However, she was so cheerful and agreeable that I will yet Hope. Third month. i"* (i^* day) Had some further Conver- sation with my Charmer, and a great deal with the Old Gentleman her father. He Enquired into my Circumstances, and I told him I was worth about 3000 pound clear Estate. He repeated his willingness to my having his daughter, and told me if 1 got her he would give me his Bills on his Brother for ^750 Sterling, that she had already 500 acres of Land of her own, would have Two thousand pound more at his death, and One thousand more at her Mother's. He desired me to Acquaint him when I had any Grounds to hope, because he found himself declining, had a mind to Settle his Affairs, and would make me an Executor &c*. I returned home time Enough to be in the morning meeting at the Bank. . . . Our Antient friend i8o Courtship of If'^^^, Mary Morris died to day about 74 years of Age. 2'' (2'' day) Was at the Quarterly Meeting of worship. ... I then came out ot meeting Expecting Governour Belcher & my father down, who accordingly came to dinner with me & spent the Evening, which occasioned the Company of several friends. 3'' (3'' day) Waited upon the Governour to our Youths' Meeting. Sam' Notting- ham pray'd & preach'd twice. Had the Company of several to dine & spent the Evening with the Governour &c''. ^th ^^th day) The Governor being to dine at J. Kinsey's, I went with Sam' Nottingham & Several other friends to Darby Meeting. . . . Had the Gov- ernour's Comp^ the Evening. ^th ^^tb (^^y'^ An Appointment being made, several of us waited upon the Gov- ernour to Stenton, where we were very Elegantly & agreeably Entertained. Rich*^ Peters rode in the Chaise with me. The rest of the Comp^ were Jn" Kinsey, My Father, I. Pemberton jun'' & W. Logan. ^748] Hannah Logan i8i o 6"' (6*'' day) Dined with the Governour &c* at Israel Pemberton jun". yth ^yth ^^y^ Being much troubled with the Tooth Ach I Excused myself from dining at 1. Pemberton's with the Gover"" &c% and in the afternoon rode to my plantation, & from thence to W" Callen- der's & drank Tea there. S*"^ (i'^ day) Kept my Chamber, My face being pretty much swelled with the Tooth Ach. Read 7 of D"" [Robert] South's Sermons, and Steel's Christian Hero,^ which I had borrowed of my dear Hannah. 9*'' (2'* day) I still kept my Chamber for the same Reason. The Governour, My father &c'' Returned home this after- noon. lo^'' {2^ day) Got to meeting. B. Trotter & Sarah Morris preach'd & Abr: Mors pray'd. In the Evening I rode to Stenton ; found Chally Pemberton there, whom I ' Richard Steele, the Christian Hero ; an argument proving that no principles but those of Religion are sufficient to make a Great Man. 1 82 Courtship of Lf mo. had not seen since his return from Shrews- bury. Find him much weaker, and in my apprehension not Hkely to Hve long. As his Mother was there I had none of my dear Hannah's Company alone this Eve- ning. II*'' (4*'' day) Had this morning my Charmer's Company alone a good while. Returned home about 10 o'clock. Busy in the afternoon with writing Letters &c* upon business to go by Captain Burk. j^th ^^th ^^y~j Was at meeting. . . , Busy in writing Letters "p Burk, who sailed this day for London. I wrote but one Letter of friendship only, and that was to dear Thomas Gawthrop. j^th ^^th ^^y^ Spent most of the day at W" Logan's, looking over an old Trunk of papers of his father's, which I did at the Old Gentleman's request. Dined & drank Tea there. Evening, W" Callender, Abel James & I met pur- suant to an order of the Orphans' Court to Examine the Acc*^ of the Execu'™ of Joseph Lynn. 174^] Hannah Logan 183 15"' (i'* day) Was morning at the great meeting. ... I dined at W. Logan's with Sally Morris. Was after- noon at the Bank. ... I rode in the Evening to Stenton, & had my dear Hannah's Company till near lo, and Enjoyed in it a sweet sense of pure Love which united us nearly together, and opened a free & familiar Conversation, for which Oh that I may be made thankful Enough! 16*'' (2*^ day) Had several hours' Con- versation with dear Hannah, & was fully Confirmed that her principal Objections against Accepting of my proposals were removed, and that she was freer & easier to Condescend — for so I may truly call it — to become mine. Blessed be the God & father of all my mercies for this unspeakable favour. May every moment of my future Life be Entirely & without reserve devoted to the service of so Good & Gracious a Being, who is thus heaping his unmerited kindnesses upon me. My Soul was in our Conversation, and is at 184 Courtship of [3' mo. present Bowed under the sence of his favourable deahng and my utter Incapacity of myself to make any suitable returns. O gracious & Infinite God, be thou pleased to help my weakness, Strengthen my feeble desires to Love and serve thee above every other Consideration, pardon my former Errings & Strayings, and Oh, make me Every Whit Clean. Let Thy pure Love guide and protect me through all future danger. Let it lead me from one degree of Grace to another, until I am made compleat in thy Beloved Son. And as thou has favoured my dear Hannah and me with a degree of thy uniting Love, Blessed and Holy Father, Encrease it I pray thee, that we may be truly and forever one another's Joy in thee, — that thou may always be our God, and may we never deviate from thy ways. Then wilt thou Continue to Own us with the Bedewings of Celestial rain, the sweet Overshadowings of divine Goodness, through time, and at last admit us through Infinite favour to Join the Heavenly Host in never-ceasing 1748] Hannah Logan 185 Songs of praise to thy High, Holy and Ever worthy name. Such were the devout Ejaculations of my soul. I got home before 12. Dined at Israel Pemberton's with Sam. Notting- ham, who set out this afternoon on his way to Rhode Island. j^th ^^d ^^y^ J ^^g ^j. nieetlng. Sarah Cox spoke; afterwards Michael Lightfoot preach'd & Joyce Benezitt pray'd. I was favoured with some degree of Tenderness & Contrition of Love, & whenever that is the Case I Esteem it a good meeting. Busy in the afternoon in posting our Company Books. I S*"" (4*^ day) Busy forenoon in posting our Company Books. In the Evening Rode to Stenton, but there being Com- pany had but little of my dear Hannah's alone, and in that little I thought she acted with more reserve than I hoped for, but I do not doubt her reasons for it were better than I knew of j^th ^^th jj^^,^ Returned home to Breakfast. Was at meeting. 1 86 Courtship of [3' mo. Afternoon visited at I. Pemberton jun"", where was Sarah Logan, Sally Morris, dzc^. 20"' (6"' day) James Logan sent me yesterday a Letter of his open, to forward after reading it, to Governour Belcher; and to-day I wrote to him a Letter of thanks for that & all other favors &c'\ Wrote also to my dear Hannah.' In the after- noon Jn° Reynells & I rode to Sam' Parr's place. Found a good deal of Com- pany there — & the greatest quantity of Strawberries that I ever saw in one place, as well as the Largest, of which we eat plentifull. 2 J St ^-,th clay) In the morning Abel James and I rode to I. Pemberton's plan- tation to see poor Chally. Found dear H. Logan there. I expect I took my last leave of Charles, he seems so weak. I think he cannot hold it many days. Hedesiredmeto tell Jemmy — who is gone to Burlington with S. Nottingham — that he wanted to see him. After dinner Elizabeth Morris & I rode in the Chaise 1 See Appendix. 1748] Hannah Logan 187 to Burlington, E. Cathrall accompanying us. We got up in 4^^ hours ; found friends there pretty well. 2^d ^j8t ^^y-^ Sammy Noble came up this morning, & brought advice that Chally Pemberton died yester afternoon between 4 & 5 o'clock & is to be buried to-morrow afternoon. The meetings were very large forenoon. Jn" Supres [Symes?] preach'd, Sam^ Nottingham pray'd & preach'd, P. Fearon pray'd & Samuel preached again. He & several other friends dined with us at father's. Afternoon Governour Belcher was at meeting, S. Nottingham preached twice & pray'd. He also pray'd at father's table at dinner. Spent part of the Evening in looking over a proposed answer of Bro"" Samuel's to G. Tennent's reply. Heard that the Snow Otter, man of war, arrived this morning at Philad. 23** {2^ day) We returned about 6 o'clock, having the Comp^ of S. N., P. Fearon, my Father & several others. The burial was very large, the Corpse being 1 88 Courtship of [3' mo. carried into meeting. ... in the Eve- ning several friends met at I. Pemberton's and we had a very satisfactory sitting together. M. Yarnal preach'd and Sally Morris pray'd. I waited upon her home. My dear Hannah was at this meeting, and I was Glad of it. 2^th ^^d j^y^ Was at meeting. My neighbor E. Cathral sat out this morning to accompany S. Nottingham to Rhode Island, & my father Sec" returned home. Spent part of the Even^ at I. Pemberton's. 25"' (4^'' day) Was very busy in the forenoon posting our Company books. After dinner took Eliz. Pennock out to Sam' Parr's. The widow Ashton & Joyce Benezitt went with us. We fared richly in Cherries, Strawberries. 26"' (5"' day) Busy in the morning in posting. Went to meeting. After meeting the friends appointed to the service of visiting families, staid & con- sulted together about it. In the afternoon was at the burial of Sam' Austin's wife. 1748] Hannah Logan 189 Had Stephen & Brandon, two young Gentlemen from Boston, to spend the Evening with me. They were recom- mended tome by a Letter from Governour Belcher. The town was alarmed with the news of a Spanish Brig''' Privateer being at Ready Island, and much frightened were many people about it. if^ {6^^ day) Waited upon Stephen & Brandon to see the State house & Library, which made me late at our Monthly Meeting. . . . Isr. Pemberton jun"" being out of town at the burial of Joseph Kirkbride I was called upon to be clerk, & accordingly was. Thos. Brooks, B. Hough & D. Basset passed the second time, & Francis Harding with Rob: Ballenger the first. Dan' Stanton Laid his Concern of Visiting friends in Barba- does and Great Brittain before this meet- ing. Israel Pemberton & I were appointed to draw a Certificate for him. There was a pretty deal of other business, & the meeting concluded about ^ after one. I was busy the afternoon in posting our Company books. IQO Courtship of [3*^ mo. 23th ^^th j^yj Employed the day at home. In the Evening Rode to Stenton. Found friends there well, and had my dear Hannah's Company till 1 1 o'clock, and the time was spent in Endearing Sociable Conversation. 29"' (i"' day) After breakfast I returned home. Was morning & afternoon at the Bank. . . . There was a Cry of fire which disturbed the meeting while H. J. was speaking, but it proved only a Chim- ney. Had Jemmy Pemberton & W. Griffith's company to dine with me. . . . The disturbance about the privateers being in this Bay & at our Cape continues & Encreases. It is now said there are 4 or 5 of them. 30"' (2^^ day) Busy in different kinds of Employ. Afternoon I waited upon the Boston strangers, Stephen & Brandon, to Point-no-Point. ^j8t ^^d clay) Stephen & Brandon went with me to meeting. . . . after which they dined with me. In the afternoon a person, Noiall [?] Chubb, who goes about 174^] Hannah Logan 191 with a Subscription paper to Send money to the President & Council upon the present Emergency came to me, but I was not free to sign it. However, 1 considered what friends could do in the present circum- stance of things — 5 or 6 privateers at the Capes. The Assembly had made no provision for any Exigencys of Govern- ment, and the council either could or would not Borrow money upon the Credit of the Assembly's repaying it. I thought if a Scheme could be drawn up reciting what J. Kinsey, the Speaker, had said in Council, viz., that he believed if they were put to any Expense in discharge of what they conceived to be their duty, that an adequate provision would be made by the Assembly in support of Government, and Binding the Subscribers to fulfil the Interest and meaning of that declaration, — it would help to still the Clamour & noises of the people, and be a means of healing the disturbances at present among us. According to this scheme I inad- vertently, without consulting with any body, drew up an instrument of writing & 192 Courtship of [V^'mo. sign'd it with one hundred pounds. Jemmy Pemberton followed me with the same sum, & probably many more would have done so, but as soon as Chubb was gone I reflected that I had done a public Act, without consulting with my friends about it, which to say the best of it, was imprudent, let the intention be ever so good. I therefore immediately went into the town & consulted with some of my friends about it, who disapproving of the Act, Jemmy & I went & took up the paper again. Though it was but a little time between the signing & taking it back again, it was quickly reported & spread through the town that we had given those sums toward fitting out a Ship of war &c% and I was really troubled, though the report was false, that we had given them any grounds to raise false reports upon ; but as it was, what might be lawful was not Expedient. Fourth month. j8t ^^th ^^y^ J ]^^^ to-day a great deal of trouble about the foregoing afi^air in Endeavoring to remove the false storys 1748] Hannah Logan 193 that had been raised about, and acknowl- edging my folly in Attempting to set on foot a scheme without consulting my friends about it, and indeed, the meddling with anything of the sort was wrong in me. I Believe friends in such cases ought as much as possible to stand still. Spent the Even^ at I. Pemberton's with M. Lightfoot & M. Yarnal &c'\ 2'' (5''' day) In the Evening I rode to Stenton, & Sally Morris being there, I took a Chaise to bring her home with me. Found friends well. Had my dear Hannah's company till 1 1 o'clock. Told her the whole of the above affair, & had some solid satisfaction .in her remarks upon that and other things. 3'' (6*'' day) Sally & I got home before noon. Afternoon several of us rode to Point-no-Point. I spent the Evening at Israel Pemberton jun". When I came home found my bro. Samuel there. 4*^ (y**^ day) My brother, partner & I waited upon Stephens & Brandon to see 13 194 Courtship of [4"' mo. Germantown & the falls of Skuylkill.^ We returned about noon. Received a Letter from my dear father in answer to one I wrote wherein I had told him that I had some hopes the affair at Stenton would meet with all desirable success. He tells me in answer to it that he is very well pleased with it, and desires that such a Blessing may be sanctyfied to me &c\ Bids me to ask Hannah to give him leave to provide her a fourwheel'd Chaise of the best sort &c''. I wrote him, by bro'' Sam' who returned this afternoon, a letter of thanks. In the Evening W"" Logan & I took a walk to the State house &c'', and in our return called at his house, where we found his wife & my dear Hannah just come to town. Had there also some of Jn° Churchman's'^ company who with other friends began visiting families yesterday. 1 The falls of the Schuylkill River, in consequence of the con- struction in 1 821 of a dam at Fairmount, three miles lower down the river, are no longer visible. Their location, however, is marked by a rock just below the Falls village. — Pa. Mag., XVI., 29. '■^JoHN Churchman (i 705-1 775), a noted Quaker minister, of Nottingham, Cecil County, Maryland. His wife was Marg.Tn-t 1748] Hannah Logan 195 ^tu ^i«t j^y^ ^^g forenoon & afternoon at the Bank meeting. Forenoon M. Yarnal preached & pray'd, afternoon S. Morris, Jn" Churchman & B. Trotter preached. Had several friends' company between the meetings. Was at the Eve- ning meeting. ... I supped at I. Pemberton's, then went to W"" Logan's, where I had Hannah's company for some time. She seems now ahiiost determined to put the affair entirely off", which gives me a great deal of pain. It was difficult Enough to bear the doubts and fears I had before I made suit, but now when I thought I had rational Grounds to hope I should gain her, to have now the afflict- ing prospect of being deny'd, is abundantly more so. 6**" (2** day) My mind to-day was so melancholy & dull on the foregoing account that I went very little out & did but very little at home. Brown, also a minister. They spent upwards of four years on a religious visit to Great Britian. — Futhey and Cope, Hist. Chester Co., Pa., 497. 196 Courtship of [4*^ nio. ^th ^^d j^yj Was at meeting. S. Cox said a few words in prayer & J. C. [John Churchman] preached again. I spent the afternoon with the friends appointed for Visiting the upper part of the town, viz. M. Lightfoot, E. Catherall, E. Pennock, Joyce Benezitt & Hannah Parrock. We were at 5 famihes. . . then the friends came & drank Tea with me. I was Glad to see an openness & freedom at the several families where we visited, and thankful that Truth opened suitable Council in every place. The Remembrancer & opener of the Store house & Treasury of Wisdom was cer- tainly with the Ministers. I omitted mentioning in its proper place that poor P. [?] Chubb the latter end of last week became delirious, supposed to be occasioned by his having schemes for raising money to fit out Ships of war to take the priva- teers at the Cape &c* too much at heart, & going about in hot days, drinking hard & being without sleep &c\ On first day he Jumped out of a window two Story ^748] Hannah Logan 197 high & broke both his Legs & to-day I understand he is in dangerous condition, gth i^^th j^^yj ^^g Ijj^gy ^l^g forepart of the day in posting our Company books. Afternoon, I accompanied the same friends (except Joyce, who was gone out of town) to visit. We were at 5 famihes, Viz. — Cha: West's, Jn° Jones', Rob' Wain's, the Wid° Watson's & Ed'* James's. Michael & Elizabeth had something very suitable to say, one or both, at Every house. ^th ^^th ^^^^ ^^g ^j. jneeting, w*'*' I thought a very dull one. . . . Benj* Hough was married. I staid & sign'd the Certificate. Understanding that some friends down town who think they have a right to govern all Church Affairs, were uneasy at my going with the friends visit- ing families, pretending that they thought, as Reports were gone abroad (tho' false) that I had Contradicted the Testimony I had bore against war, it would therefore lessen the Credit of the Service &c'' — though I saw that this was rash Judgement, yet as I would neither give offence to Jew, 198 Courtship of [4"' mo. Gentile, and especially not to the Church, I therefore avoided going with the friends though much pressed by M. L. &c* thereto. 10*'' (6*'' day) Employed it [the day] in reading Thomas Story's Journal, one of which just arrived, being sent via Mary- land from Christo: Wilson to I. P. In the Evening took a turn with my partner to the Point. jjth ^^th jg^y^ Employed most of it [the day] as yesterday. Supped at I. P. jun'' with H. Logan, A. Benezitt & wife did". Waited upon Hannah to her brother's, & they being gone to Bed, had her Company till after ten o'clock, and we had together a good deal of melting Con- versation, she being determined to put the thing entirely off, but with much persuasion I got a little Liberty for one other time upon it, tho' she told me she could not give me the least hope by putting it off to a future time. ^^tb ^^d ^^y^ Busy in writing &c*. In the Evening took a walk with J. Crosby, J. Kinsey, R. Hartshorne & Th" Crosby ^74^] Hannah Logan 199 to G. Emlen jun™ little place w*"'' he calls Lebanon.^ Were caught there in the hardest Gust of Thunder, Lightning & Rain that we have had this year. Got a Ride home in J. C.'s Chariot. 14*'' (3'^ day) Was at meeting. Tho* Brooks was married. I did not stay to sign the Certificate because I did not hear the young woman say one word. J. C. came home & dined with me. 1 was with the friends at two of the families they visited this afternoon, viz. Ed"^ Evan's & S. Noble's. 1 5''' (4*^ ^^y) Had in the forenoon some of John Churchman's comp^, who gave me a pretty deal of Good Advice in open- ness & freedom, & it was so received. After dinner Rode to the Point with Jn" Armitt & A. James, viewing our Meadows, now covered with Swarths of grass mowed, Grass standing & Cocks of hay. After- ward we went to M. Chalkley's," where ' Between the City and the Lower Ferry, near Israel Pemberton's seat " Evergreen," and John Kinsey's " Plantation House." 2 Widow of Thomas Chalkley. 2 00 Courtship of [4"' mo. we eat plentifully of Extraordinary Cher- ries called the Dutch Duke. 16"' (5"" day) Was at meeting. Daniel Stanton preach'd, then David Basset was married to the widow of David Ellwell. I staid & sign'd the Certificate, as did many other friends, the Couple speaking Audibly & well. I drank Tea at John Reynell's & J. Armitt's with some of the agreeable fair Sex. Had my uncle Jos: Noble & his wife's company to dinner, & spent the Evening with them &c* at W° Callender's. j^th ^^th ^^y^ Read part of Thomson's Seasons.^ Was in the afternoon with the fr*^^ visiting families at W"" Callender's & E. Catherall's. At the first, Joyce, J. Churchman & M. L. preached, and the two last did so at Edward's. jgth ^yth ^^y^ Went to see poor P. Chubb, who seems in a hopeful way. Spent some time at I. Pemberton's with Several agreeable friends. ^ James Thomson, " The Seasons," 2 vols. London, 1730-36 4°. [Brit. Mus. Cat.'] 1748] Hannah Logan 201 2Qth ^^d ^^y-^ Read Thomson's Sea- sons &C''. 2 J St ^^d (^2.y) Rode to the ferry with Jn" Churchman on his return home. Came back time enough & went to meeting. In the evening I rode to Stenton & had my dear Hannah's Company till ten o'clock. Found her still in a disposi- tion to defer the affair till sometime hence, and desirous of my not making frequent Visits untill she can see clearer whether it is her place to accept my proposals or not, w*''' as I perceived it would be agreeable to her I consented to : and then we Conversed together in a very Chearful & agreeable manner. 22'^ (4*'' day) Had a good deal of Hannah's Company this morning and an opportunity of some conversation with her father & mother separately. I Acquainted them how the affair was circumstanced, & the reasons for my not making Visits as frequent as I could wish. They treated me now as heretofore verv kindly & Generously. I got home to dinner, & 20 2 Courtship of [4*^ mo. left Hannah in a much easier and pleas- anter disposition than for some time before, which gives me a great deal of solid satisfaction. In the afternoon went to Geo. Emlen's place with Jemmy Pember- ton, where was W"" Logan's wife, J. Pole- green & wife Scc^. 23^ (5*^ day) Was part of the Evening at I. P. jun". Drew a Certificate for D. Stanton. 24*'' (6*'' day) Was at our Mo: Meeting. Fr: Harding pass'd the 2d time. The Certificate for D. Stanton was approved & signed with the alteration of one word only. I was appointed with some other friends a Trustee for the Lots &c'' belong- ing to the meeting. Was in the Evening at the burial of Hugh Fitzrandolph, a young man lately come from E. Jersey to live in town. ^^th ^^th (^2.y) Read Thomson's Sophonisba.^ 26"' (i'*day) Waited upon M. Light- foot to Merrion. Stay'd some time at 'James Thomson, Sophonisba, a Tragedy. 1748] Hannah Logan 203 David George's. At the meeting Tho^ Davie, Hannah Harrison & Michael preach'd & Michael pray'd. We came back & dined at D. George's, Soon after dinner we had one of the greatest Gusts of Rain, attended with most and sharpest thunder & Lightning that ever I knew. It held up so as that we got home in the Evening without any other damage than being pretty much mudded. Heard of a Tree being split with the Lightening between where we were & the ferry. Several houses in town were likewise struck & a Shallop lying a little below Gloucester point were set on fire & burnt by it — but no lives Lost. 27*'' (2** day) Spent some time in the morning in sympathy with Ezekiel Fitz- Randolph, who breakfasted with me & is very sorrowful for the death of his hopeful brother. Had afterwards the Company of Haggit Peckover, who for some mis- demeanor is obliged to leave Governour Belcher's service. I talked to him very closely & honestly about his misconduct. 204 Courtship of [4*" mo- de Laboured heartily to stir him up to seek Repentance & Reformation, poor unhappy Creature ! I wish the pains that his friends take for & with him may have the desired Effect, for his own and his Valuable father's sake. I Employed part of the afternoon in persuading Coz Nanny Smith to give over the thought of going to Jamaica with Capt. Arthur, which she had determined upon, and I was happy Enough to succeed. I spent the evening in visiting several friends. 28*'' (3*^ day) Was at meeting, which I believe was to others a very good one, but poor I seemed, like the heath in the desert not knowing when good comes. M. Yarnal & D. Stanton preach'd & B. Trotter pray'd. Had W'" Logan's com- pany to dine with me. As 1 was sitting at my door this afternoon I perceived a Bricklayer who works at Building Capt. Dower's house & his negro differing — saw the master strike him, upon which the negro ran down to the End of the wharf & several after him. When he got there 1748] Hannah Logan 205 he swore if his master struck him again he would jump off & drown himself, which the master unhappily doing, the fellow was as good as his word, — jumped off & perished before anybody could save him. This affair Affected me very much. Had in the Evening the company of the fr"^* who are visiting families. 29*'' (4"" day) Busy in the forenoon. After dinner 1 took. Capt. Dowers in my Chair to the falls of Skuylkiil a-fishing. We went in the rain, fished in the rain, & came home in it. Caught but few. ^Qth ^^th ^^yj Called in after meet- ing at I. Pemberton's, & saw my friend Hannah Logan there. Heard that Sophia Hume is come to town. After dinner Jn" Armit & I went to LP. jun""** & saw her there. Was pleased with her Com- pany. Then Jemmy Pemberton & I took a walk to G. Mifflin's country place, where we found some agreeable Girls, whom we waited upon to town. Spent the Evening at our fire company meeting, in more debate than was profitable. 2o6 Courtship of [s'^^o- Fifth month. j8t ^^th j^y^ ^2js, in the forenoon at I. Pemberton's where I had some of dear H. Logan's Company. In the afternoon I went with the friends who are visiting famihes to W"" & Thomas Fisher's, Jacob Cooper & the wid° Owen's. At each of the houses much wholesome advice & counsel was given. I spent some time to-day with the wid° Morris who hath been ill some days. 2*^ (7"' day) Several of us Employd the day in fishing. Had but poor success at it. 3*^ (i** day) I had David George & Jemmy Logan to dine with me. I went to the afternoon meeting, but was obliged to leave it before it was done. Being refreshed with some sleep I went to the Evening meeting. Found myself very ill to-night, — took some Camomile Tea, which threw me into a fine sweat, but I slept little. 4"' (2*^ day) I continued, tho' not quite so bad, so unwell that I kept my bed 174^] Hannah Logan 207 most of the day. Read the first Vol. of Jos. Andrews.^ 5"' (3'' day) Found myself something better. Went to meeting. . . . Had M. Lightfoot & M. Yarnal to dine with me. Was in the afternoon with the friends at Sam* Shoemaker's. 6"' (4"' day) Employed part of the day in reading in the writings of our Antient & valuable friend William Smith, and several chapters in the book of Job. ytb ^^th ^i^y^ Francis Harding was married. Sophia, E. White, J. Benezitt, Rachel & Jemmy Pemberton came home & dined with me. I went with the friends visiting, having Sophia with us, but she said nothing. We were at the widow Elfreth's, the Wid" Durbrugh's, & at Paul Krepner's. I drank Tea at Sam' Pennock's. 8*^ (6'*' day) Went to Merion Meeting, which was very large. I think there were 1 " The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams," Henry Fielding's famous novel, a typical specimen of the racy literature of the time. Sally Wister, as she notes in her Diary of 1778, also read "Joe Andrews." 2o8 Courtship of [5"' mo. more people from town than I have ever seen at a country meeting. ... I dined at Hugh Evans's, with several other friends, and spent sometime both before & after at D. George's. Heard when I came home of the death of poor Piall [?] Chubb. ^tb ^^th j^^y^ ^^g jj^ ^.j^g morning at the burial of P. Chubb, which was in our Burying Ground. There was a large and mixed number of people at it. . . . After dinner several of us rode out with Sam' Nottingham to Samuel Morris's, where S. N., John Armitt, Jemmy Pem- berton & I lodged to-night, & were very kindly Entertained. jQth (^jstj^j^y^ ^g gQ^ J.Q John Evans's an hour before meeting time. The meet- ing was large. . . . Jemmy & I, after dining at John Evans's, set out for home, Samuel & John intending to stay all night. We called at James Logan's as did J. Kinsey & several others, & drank Tea — of my dear Hannah's making. 1 1*^ {^J day) I dined at Edw'' Cathrall's with S. Nottingham, D. Stanton, A. 1748] Hannah Logan 209 Farrington, I. Pemberton &;c^ After dinner we had a sitting there. Samuel pray'd. I had the company of Different Visitors in the afternoon. A. F., P. Fearn & Jn" Woolman & Samuel Galloway spent the evening with me, and the three former Lodged at my house, being come down to take their leaves of the friends who are about to leave us. j^th ^^d ^^y^ p^ Fearn dined with me, & I had several friends' company in the afternoon. I spent the Evening at J. Armitt's, with my dear Hannah, Sam' Nottingham & several other friends. Samuel pray'd before supper. 13"' (4*^ day) Rode to Germantown meeting, which was very large. I suppose there was 30 Chaises & Chairs from town there. . . . Many friends dining at Stenton, I had the pleasure of dining with dear Hannah at a side Table — which I prefer to the most sumptuous & Exact Entertainment without her. j^th ^^th ^^y^ Wrote several letters to go by the friends. Was at meeting, which, 14 2IO Courtship ot [5*^ mo. being the parting one, was very large. After dinner we had a sitting of a large number of friends at I. Pemberton's, w^'^was silent. Then we set out for Chester, I. P. jun"" taking S. N. in his Chaise, and Daniel rode with me in my partner's, which kept us pretty dry. Several fr*^^ rode on horse- back. We were at an appointed meeting at Chester, which began about 6 o'clock. 1 5*'' (6*^' day) Took leave of the friends at their going on board the Snow, P. Draison M'', for Barbadoes, about 6 o'clock in the morning. Then we returned home. j^th ^yth j^y^ After dinner I rode to Burlington to see my father, who hath been some days indisposed, in comp^ with Robert Smith, his son Daniel, & T. Lightfoot. We went over the river to Cooper's round by Coxe's bridge, & so up the new unfinished road. Soon after I got into my father's house a messenger arrived from Amboy with a letter from Capt Peal, advising that our Snow was safe arrived at New York, and Imparting the necessity of some immediate advice, 1748] Hannah Logan 211 so that I determined to set out for thence early in the morning — because to take time to send for either of the other owners would make a great delay. So I wrote to my partner, Borrowed some linen of my bro"" Samuel, & got ready for the Journey. j^th (^j>^t(^ay) Set out with the messen- ger that brought us the news — viz. Ezek Fitzrandolph — about 6 o'clock in the morning. Baited at Croswicks. Dined at Cranbury, where there were a large number of people, the worship of the Presbyterians and Baptists being just con- cluded. We Baited again at South river, and got to Amboy before dark, w'^'' used to be reckoned 50 miles, but by their measuring it lately they find it to be but 47. I waited upon the Collector to see if I could prevail upon him to Enter the Vessel while she lay at New York, but he would not do it unless she came over to the Jersey shore. 18'^ (2** day) Set out for Amboy about 7, & getting a ready passage over the narrows at Symond's ferrv I got to the 2 12 Courtship of [5"* ^'^^■ ferry upon Long Island opposite to York about one. Got to the city soon after. Went to a Tavern & called for some dinner. While I was eating it saw Capt Peal & Spencer going down to the wharf near where I was, which I was very well pleased with, since I did not know where to find either of them. The wind and tide suiting, we got a pilot & sent the Snow over to the Hills, ordering the Captain after Entring her at Amboy to bring her back again. The reason of our Entering there is to save the Tonnage, there being a law in New York imposing a duty of ^2 '^, Ton upon all Vessells entring from beyond seas not owned there. James Burling meeting with me was so kind as to Invite me to take up my quarters at his house, and I accepted it. Drank Tea at Spencer's in the broadway in Company with a sister of Lady Warren's, viz. Jn" Watts' wife,^ & several other fine women. 1 Anne Watts, wife of John Watts, of New York, was a daughter of Stephen^ DeLancey, a wealthy Huguenot merchant of New Work, by his 1748] Hannah Logan 213 19*'' {f day) Walked about the City pretty much. Took a great deal of pains to get a wharf for the Vessel to unload at, and at length got the promise of one. The Captain returned with the Snow before night, having entred & cleared at Amboy. I dined to-day at Spencer's upon a dinner drest after the french mode. Drank Tea at my Lodgings. 20"' (4*^' day) Got the Vessel to the wharf about lo o'clock, & begun to unload. It being their meeting day, I invited my Landlord's daughter Phebe to shew me the way thither, & Joseph ShotwelP of Woodbridge went with us. There was but 4 people besides us — which I took care to mention to some of the delinquents. I dined to-day at Sam^ Burling's, & drank Tea there. Received a letter from my wife Ann, daughter of Stephen VanCortlandt, of Cortlandt Manor. Mrs. Watts' sister, Susanna, married Sir Peter Warren, Admiral of the British Navy. — Famous Families of N. Y. City, I., 91-2 ; Mem. Hist., N. Y., passim ; Nat. Diet. Bio., LIX., 419. ^Joseph Shotwell, of Woodbridge, New Jersey, a Friend of Woodbridge Monthly Meeting. — A. M. Shotwell, Our Family Annals, 1 49. 2 14 Courtship of [5*^ mo- partner advising of the arrival of Jane Hoskins & Betty Hudson at Dublin &c''. 21'' (5''' day) We got out the remain- der of our wines that were to be landed, there being in all 83, & should have done it soon, but our people had imprudently stowed some of them in the ground floor. I dined to-day & drank Tea at Samuel Bound's. Spent the Evening at Henry Haydock's. 22*^ (6*^ day) I spent some time to-day, as I had once before done, with Edw** Burling, who hath been some time Bed- ridden & helpless, witnessing the Evil day to become wherein there is no pleasure. The Captain Collected the freight money & I laid it out in Bills of Exchange. Dined & drank Tea at my lodgings, took leave of my kind friends, & left New York about 4 o'clock. Got to Amboy about 10, which is computed 25 miles, and I was indeed a full hour at the ferry at the Narrows, besides what I was at the two other ferries. Waited upon the Collector 1748] Hannah Logan 215 and paid him his fees. Lodged at Rich'* Fitzrandolph's. 23'' {f^ day) Left Amboy about 6 o'clock. After I had got over South river bridge I took the Left hand road instead of the right, and rode near Ten miles out of my way. However, I got to Cranbury, & dined there. Baited at Croswicks, & got to Burlington about 8 o'clock. Found friends all well. 24*'' (i'* day) Being pretty much tired I staid at Burlington to rest myself. Was at both meetings. . . , Governor Belcher drank Tea with us at Bro. Samuel's. I spent some time in the Evening with Jenny Large, who came to-day from Buckingham, and hath been some time in a very low. Afflicted state of mind. In waiting upon God together some things sprung fresh in my mind, as that saying of Job in his distress, " Though thou kill me, yet will I trust in thee," and that Comfortable Expression in one of the prophets, " Though I have hid my face from thee for a moment, yet with Ever- 2i6 Courtship of [s*"" mo. lasting kindness will I remember thee," with some observations upon them which I communicated to her. She seemed to be much relieved thereby, — may the praise be given to him who when he shutteth none can open, and when he openeth none can shut. 25^^ (a** day) Left Burlington about 6, and got home about 10. Found friends in general well, and my partners well satis- fied with my management of the business I had been about. Spent some time in the afternoon in visiting my friends. Drank Tea at J. Reynell's and at I. P. jun""** with So: Hume &c^ 26"* {2'^ day) Was at meeting. . . . This was to me a peculiarly good meeting. I waited in it for a sence whether it would be suitable for me to renew my visits to dear Hannah Logan ; and in my waiting my mind was filled with sweetness, and enlarged in pure Love & a particular open- ness & freedom, so that I determined in the affirmative. Had Israel Pemberton ^748] Hannah Logan 217 & his wife & Jemmy, W. Logan & his wife to dine with me. In the evening I rode to Stenton. Hannah & her mother were not at home, but soon came, and my dearest Creature received me with a decent agreeable freedom, & we conversed together with solid delight & pleasure. I retired to rest in the arms of Mercy, my soul ascending in praise & Gratitude to the Great Healer of breaches & Restorer of paths to dwell in. Had my dear Hannah's company sev- eral hours, and received the fullest Assur- ances of a Reciprocal Love & Tenderness. Our conversation was in boundless Confi- dence, and with the most perfect Harmony our Souls seem'd entirely knit and united together, and we jointly breathed that the Eternal One might bless us in a sacred and indissoluble tye, & might make us one another's Joy in him. We had the pleasure to reflect that we had a true regard to his fear, & sought his direction & Blessing above all other consideration in this affair, and to consider that the 2i8 Courtship of [5'' mo. Good hand had sanctify'd all our diffi- culties and fears, and given us a Liberty to Love one another without reserve. May we both forever Lean upon his Eternal Arm, and O may I, who am doubly obli- gated by this fresh instance of his match- less mercy, make it the principal Study and Endeavour of my Life to please and serve him who hath dealt thus bountifully with me. I proposed our going to the next monthly meeting, both to Hannah & her mother, & they took till to-morrow Evening to Consider it. I got home to dinner, & spent some time after at W"" Logan's. ^gth ^^th ^^y^ jj^ ^j^g Evening rode to Stenton, but the old Gentlewoman's rea- sons against going to-morrow were so strong that I was obliged to submit to them. Had however my dear Hannah's company till 9 o'clock in the freest and most agreeable manner ; then W. Logan & I rode home together. My father came to town to-day, w*"'' was the reason I returned to night. 174S] Hannah Logan 219 29*'' (6*'* day) Attended our monthly meeting, w*^'^ was but small. ... A cer- tificate was sign'd for S. Nottingham to Wellinborough in , the place of his abode, and one of removal for Rob: Minshall to Darby. I was appointed one of the Representatives to the Quarterly meeting. ^Qth (^jth ^^y-j Hd.d A. Farrington's & several other frd*" company, who are come to the Ou. meeting. 31'* (i'* day) Wrote a Letter to S. Nottingham, J. Ashton. Was morning and afternoon at Bank. Sixth mojith. i^* (2^ day) Attended our Quarterly meeting, w*"'' was very large. . . . The meeting of business held till near 5 o'clock, occasioned by the request of Merion and Abington monthly meeting that the rule which prohibits a man from marrying his wife's first Cousin might be carried up to the Yearly Meeting to be reconsidered. This caused a long debate, and it was at length concluded to refer it back to the 2 20 Courtship of [6'' mo. monthly meetings that they might further consider of it before it is carried up. 2'* (3'* day) My brother Sam' & Sister Betty came down to-day, & I had theirs & Stephen Onion's comp^ to dinner. Supped at Israel Pemberton's with dear Hannah Logan, whom I waited upon to her brother's, where I had her choice company in private till near 1 1 o'clock, and we enjoyed one another in a free, cheerful manner. 3** (4*^ day) My father returned home with A. Farrington. I took some pains to persuade poor Haggit Peckover to go home in Smyter [?] and he at length agreed to do so. Then I went and provided him with a Bed &c''. I wrote letters to Elias Bland, I. Greenleaf & Tho^ Gawthrop to go ^ Smyter [?] who sails to-morrow. 4"' (5*'* day) Employ 'd the afternoon at I. P. jun""' with him, M. Lightfoot & Antho: Morris in looking & reading over a piece which Sophia Hume intends to print. Spent the Even^ & sup'd at W™ Logan's with my dear Hannah, whose I 1748] Hannah Logan 221 company I had also for some time, — the Balm that sweetens Life. Our Snow Prince William came up to- day. I was this morning at the burial of Jos: Govett. ^th ^^th j^^y^ Busy in getting our Snow unloaded. Drank Tea at I. P. jun""^ with Sophia Hume, M. Lightfoot, W" Brown &c^ Had Sally Morris & Mary Armitt to spend the Evening with my sister at my house. ^th ^^th j^y-^ jyjy sister returned home. I drank Tea at Israel Pemberton's, & spent some time at the widow Morris's & J. Armitt's &c''. f" (i^'day) Was at the Bank fore- noon & afternoon. In the first Sarah Banks spoke, Eliza Stephens preached, Sarah pray'd & H. Hulford preached. . . . Then went to the burial of Rich** Armitt, who died suddenly last night of a fit of the Asthma. I help'd twice to carry the Corps, & I think it was the heaviest that I ever felt ; my shoulder was made verv sore by it. Was at the Even^ 222 Courtship of [6*'' mo. meeting. The Shoemaker Lad pray'd & Sarah Banks spoke twice. 8"' (2** day) Employed the forenoon in selHng some of our wines, and the afternoon with the friends at I. P. jun" upon So: Hume's Treatise. In the Eve- ning visited at the Wid. Morris's, & found Sally & my dear Hannah just returned from [?] Cooper's &c'\ Waited upon Hannah to her brother's. ^th ^^d j^y^ Was at meeting. M. Light- foot preach'd & pray'd. Spent the after- noon as yesterday. Rode in the Even^ to Stenton, & spent the time to my very great satisfaction, and I hope to Hannah's. We conversed together upon the highest, as well as lower objects, in a pleasant and open manner, & Embraced each other in pure Love & perfect Confidence. And Greater Temporal happiness cannot be ! O my Soul, forever Bow before the Blessed Dispenser of all Good in deep thankful- ness & Reverence, for thus highly favour- ing of thee — And in a true & faithful friend Hath doubled all my store. 1748] Hannah Logan 223 10*'' (4"' day) Had some of my Charmer's sweet Company & Conversation, & returned home to dinner. Employed the remainder of the day in business & spent the Evening alone — having lost a great part of the relish I used to have for other company beside my dear Hannah's, now I know the value of hers. II*'' (5"' day) Was at meeting, but being hindered by business was late. Old John Wright was preaching when I went in, and held it sometime after ; then Sarah Morris preached, and our Antient friend Eliz* Evans pray'd. Spent some time after at W" Logan's, who kindly informed me that his mother &c* intended to go a-fishing to-morrow morning &c% and I immediately concluded in my mind to make one of the company, but the fear of disobliging my Hannah gave me a good deal of uneasiness. Spent the Eve- ning alone at home. j^th ^^th ^^y>^ J j.Q|^g jj^ ^YiQ morning to the falls of Skuylkill. Found there my dear Hannah fishing at some distance 2 24 Courtship of [6*' mo. from the rest of the company, so that I had an opportunity to make an Apology for my coming — which she very gener- ously received, and I had the pleasantest day in fishing that I ever Employed that way before. Waited as much as I was capable upon my Hannah & her mother & we caught some fish, part of w*^'' the Old Gentlewoman & Jemmy took home with them to dinner, & the remainder we — i.e. W"" Logan & his wife, my Charmer & I — took with us to John Roberts's,^ who kindly invited us to his house. We dined there, took a nap of sleep, & returned to our diversion. Caught enough to take to Stenton for supper, & got safe there about 7. I had my dear Hannah's blessed company till 12, and we never had a more agreeable time together : — I do not mean to the senses altogether, but pleasure to the mind, being mutually favoured with a degree of the heart-melting Love of God, which cemented us together and made us ^ This was probably the John Roberts who was hanged in 1778 for rendering assistance to the British. — Sharpless, Quakers in the Revolution, 193. 1748] Hannah Logan 225 one in him — praised be his most Glorious name ! Great and marvellous are his works, Tender and kind his dealings ! He hath done more for me inwardly & outwardly than ever I could have asked or thought. May I always ascribe the honour to him that ruleth on high, & whose dominion is an everlasting dominion. 13*^ (7*^ day) Was Busy in the morn- ing. W"" Logan & I having got home about 7 o'clock, had Peter Fearn & Anthony Benezitt to dine with me. The latter, after dinner with E. Cathrall, went with me to see Conradus Matthew,^ an Antient Hermit who lives in a lone house about 7 miles from town on Wischickin road, and has done so above 30 years, having taken possession of that house upon the death of Kelpius, a learned man who lived some years there in the same 1 Conrad MatthAi (1678-1748), one of the last of the Pietists, or mystic Hermits, of the Wissahickon, near Germantown. He was a native of Switzerland and came to Pennsylvania in 1 704 to join the Kelpius settlement. With the death of the latter, in 1708, the community declined, and soon Matthai alone remained, leading a life of religious seclusion until his death in 1748. — Sachse, Pietists, 388-401 J Chronicon Ephretense, passim. 15 2 26 Courtship of [6'' mo. recluse manner. Conrad is a Svvitzer by birth, but talks English intelligibly. We found him in pretty good health. When he understood that I was the Author of the Answer to G. Tennent's sermon &c* he expressed a great deal of Gladness to see me, saying his mind has been often with me, and that he thanked God for giving me his Grace in that service &c'^. We had a pretty deal of religious Converse together, but I did not now or when I formerly visited him find that depth of Experience in religion which might be Expected in one that hath so long pro- fessed to withdraw his mind from all other objects to be fixed on that alone. We went from thence to Stephen Benezitt's ^ at Germantown, & the Old Gentleman was glad to see us. We drank Tea with him & returned home. On the way met Daniel Mackanat, who informed us that Capt Mesnard was arrived from London, which piece of good news gave me a great deal of pleasure. Soon after * Father of Anthony Benezet. 1748] Hannah Logan 227 I got home I went to Isr' Pemberton's, & found my Uncle Large there in good health, & father fresher than when he left us. He with P. Fearn &c'' came home & Lodged with me. Found by our Letters, that we have a Cargoe on board of about ^iioosterl" — and I have sundry agree- able things for my own use. 14*^ (i"' day) Was up early in the morning. Uncle Large & P. Fearn setting out for Burlington. Went to the Bank meeting, which I thought would have been a good one if the Life had not been preach'd away. Sam^ Pennock, the Shoe- maker Lad & Abraham Mors spoke, & Sarah Cox pray'd. Spent the afternoon with William Logan at his house. Read there a Sermon of D"" Watts's, & had a little of a young man's ^ company who is come for a Latin School-master for Friends' free school. 15*** (2** day) Was busy in looking over our Letters, Invoices &c''. In the Evening rode to Stenton, took with me a • Robert Willan. 2 28 Courtship of [6"' mo. plan of the damage done by the fire in London, & Gave to the Old Gentleman, & the magazines for March and April, which I left with Hannah, whose dear and most acceptable Company I had till past 1 1 o'clock, and the time seem'd too short to say the many things which occurred in so delightful a scituation. An intimate, sociable and perfectly free conversation with a woman of Good sense, and Good nature, and both temper'd and Govern'd by Religion, is certainly the greatest Tem- poral happiness that a man can possibly Enjoy, and my being thus highly Blessed makes me sometimes reflect with wonder and Amazement, Good God, what am I that thou has thus mark'd me out for one of the happiest of thy Creation ! I often see myself an object so low, & w"'' hath frequently run so retrograde to thy will, that I am unworthy of the least of thy favours, and yet how art thou multiplying and heaping thy kindness upon my head ! No works of mine have ever merited any- thing of thee but wrath & Condemnation : 174^] Hannah Logan 229 — this display then of Love is meer mercy, free Lovingkindness. O may my hfe be one Continual return of Gratitude for so much Overflowing of kindness & Benignity ! 1 6"" {2'^ day) Returned home to break- fast, & was busy in getting our store in order to receive the goods p"" Mesnard. My partner having very sore Eyes occasion'd my close attention to business to be necessary. However, went to meet- ing. Margaret Holland, B. Trotter & Eliz. Stephens & Marg* again spoke. I Employ'd the afternoon very diligently in opening and marking Goods &c'*. morning, & stuck very close to opening, marking and selling Goods all day. Had in the Evening my father's & Robert Willan's^ &c'' Company. ^ Dr. Robert Willan, unmarried, brought a certificate of removal from Scarborough Monthly Meeting, Yorkshire, England, to Philadelphia, in 1748. He came over to take charge of the Friends' School, now the William Penn Charter School. — Myers, Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia, 112. 230 Courtship of [6*^ mo. jgth ^^th j^y^ Employ'd as yesterday. Had in the Evening the company of several Valuable frd^, viz. my father, W™ Morris, Jos: Noble, I. Pemberton jun'" &c^ 19"' (6*'' day) Was very busy in the store, my partner's disorder continuing, but Jemmy Logan being in town, & to return about noon to Stenton, I took time enough to write a few lines to my dear Hannah acquainting her that I often remembred her &c% and with the grateful disposition I am in towards the Great Original & her as the Instrument of the present happy & easy scituation of mind that I am in &c''. My father returned home this morning & Robt. Willan went with him. In the Evening I visited at Israel Pemberton's, both he and Jemmy being unwell. This is the only time I have been lower than Arch street since First-day. ^Qth ^^th ^^y^ Employ'd the forenoon very industriously in business. In the afternoon W"" Logan & I rode to our plantations at the Point. kturute)) OA-^uiuz^ eiH.1^ ^O^cju. f-^aM) A.ij.Jfrtf/xi^tli^ /LtuA ^jh^ a-* S ■'K^{e.(JZ^»ii iIisL^%.Lhcin)i^ ^CtujIjluCQ m %i.i^A.-e-rit^Of /%^'*^:^■ -J/U^ ^vto i^4u/l ^O^c A^..,/ncv< Z/tc.n r/aiii/iA-u^f /c ^u/f^r/«< /iiiuvx4 , ^uL Hoi- U'UiiiMit - -^ "• ^■ .'/.)<.Vf,u''(V (/■,/' ^.s ''-■A).! /f''/ //,:.: rr^^ //< \Qfcdl aa^ /,.,*vPu- //^^a.^/^^ of Bristol, England, brother of James Logan. 19 290 Courtship of [4"' mo. ^th ^^th ciay) Was busy in dispatching our Ship Prince WilHam, w*^^ sailed to-day for Jamaica. My spouse & I spent the Evening at Uncle Pemberton's with Coz. Alice Reed, who came up to-day from Antigua. 7"' (5"' day) We dined at Bro"" W. Logan's. After dinner W. L. & I went to Fewke's^ the painter's, & viewed several pieces & faces of his painting. Under- stood I was to-day chose a member of the School Corporation in the room of John Kinsey, Esq^ 1 1*'* (2*^ day) Heard when I got home that honest Ann Roberts was to be buried to-day, but I was too busy to go to the burial, being settling the Administration of Adam & John Lewis's Estates with Henry Cross & Mary his wife. 13*'' (4^'' day) Were at burial of James Delaplaine, aged 94, at Germantown. 1 Robert Feke (1684-1773), son of John Feke, of Long Island. He was one of the earliest portrait painters to come to Philadelphia, having painted portraits there as early as 1746. — Hist. Mag., III., 348; IV., 20, 280 5 Scharfe and Westcott, Phila., II., 1030. 1750] Hannah Logan 291 After the burial was over the Comp^ retired into the meeting house, & we held a solid good meeting. j^th ^^th j^y^ Towards Evening I went into the river. ^jst ^^th j^y^ j^ j.j^g Evening A. Benezitt & I had Samuel Fisher's Com- pany at my house till past lo o'clock. He acquainted us that he had left friends & Joined with the presbyterians from a persuasion of Judgement, that fr*^^ held several great Errors &c''. We had a pretty deal of Solid Conversation with him on several particulars. He owned he had now received a more satisfactory account of friends' principles than heretofore, Yet in conclusion declared himself fully satis- fied with the way he was in, & that he had no inclination to seek farther &c*. 23"^ (7'^ day) My spouse with Nurse & the child in the Chaise, & I on horse- back, set out about y^ after 6 & Got to Stenton about y^ past 1 1 o'Clock. 28*^ {f" day) Agreed with Rob' Moore for my Point Plantation. He is 292 Courtship of [5'" mo- to pay me ^600 in 3 months for it. Attended the School Corporation, upon advise that I was Chose in the room of John Kinsey there, and accepted of the Trust & received my Commission agree- able to Charter. 29*'' (6*'' day) Attended our mo: meet- ing. ... I was desired to assist Samuel Powell in binding out Seymour Wood, an orphan apprentice. Several new overseers were appointed, & I was much press'd to accept of that service, but as I knew my own unfitness, I Entirely declined it. Fifth month. 9*'' (2'' day) In the afternoon Ed. Catheral & I rode to the Point, & brought home some of our household Goods. j^th ^^th j^y-j ^Tg Executed deeds for the place at the Point to Robert Moore, & for the Woodland at Oxford to Samuel Parr. 1 5"" (i'*day) We with Uncle Pemberton & Owen Jones ^ dined at John Morris's. 'Owen Jones (1711-1793), of Lower Merion and Philadel- phia, at one time Provincial Treasurer of Pennsylvania. He was Owen Jones f 1750] Hannah Logan 293 The two latter rode with me to Stenton, & after smoking a pipe returned home, but I stayed all night. 18"' (4*" day) About i8 friends dined at father Logan's. I rode home in the Evening. 28"' (7"' day) Sam' Powel & I with some trouble bound out Seymour Wood apprentice to Francis Trumble to learn the Joiner & Chair makers Trades. 29"' (i*" day) Went to Even^ meeting. Benj. Trotter made a considerable noise. Sixth month. 3'' (6^'' day) Rode with Jonah [Thomp- son] to Abel James's place at francfort, where we refreshed ourselves, & then went to their meeting. Jonah preach'd & pray'd. 6"' (2*^ day) Attended our Quarterly Meeting. ... I was appointed one of the Representatives to the Yearly Meeting, who are to consider A, Benezitt's proposal for encouraging Schools in the Country &c*. a son of Jonathan Jones, and grandson of Dr. Edward Jones, the leader of the band of Welsh settlers of 1682. — Myers, Sally Wister's Journal, 1 1 . 2 94 Courtship of [6'*' mo. 9"' (5"' day) Was in the Evening by request at Judah Foulke's, upon whose Effects an Execution had been served by direction of the Committee of the House for a deficiency &c% & he being disposed to give up the remainder of his Effects to his other Creditors, he gave a warrant of Attorney to Rich*^ Hockley, J: Jones & myself for that purpose. jQth ^^th ^^y-| Spent some time in warning J. Foulke's Creditors to meet together this afternoon, & they accordingly met & agreed that upon Judah's delivering up all his Effects they would sign him a general Release. He made an assignment of his books &c'' to the same three who have the Warrant of Attorney. j^tu ^^th ^^y^ Read in Fortescue's praise of the Laws of England. 20"' [2^ day) Attended the Vendue of Judah Foulke's Goods all day, & at night Cast up the difference between the Sale & Appraisement. ii** (4"' day) Attended the Vendue of J. Foulke's Goods closely all day. In the 1750] Hannah Logan 295 evening 1 read Tickell's^ Life of Addison ^yth ^,^(1 ^^y^ Jonah [Thompson] & I crossed the River thro a thick fog, & calhng at Enion WilHams's to see James Thornton, who is unwell with a fever, we there met with Antho: Morris & his 3 sons, Anthony, James & John, whose Company and Enion's we had to Trenton. 29*'' (4*^ day) Got to Stenton about noon. Found Sister Hannah & Sally Morris there & all as well as usual, Gilbert Tennent came there, & drank Tea with us. 30*'' (5*^ day) Was in the afternoon at the School Corporation and in the Even^ at the fire Company. Seventh month. 5"' (4*'' day) Spent most of the day with Coz. I. P. jun"" in sorting J. Kinsey's papers. gth i^-^th ^^^-^ Spent part of it [the day] ' Thomas Tickell. The Works of Joseph Addison [with some account of the life and writings of the author, by T. Tickell]. 4 vols. London, 1721. 4". Another edition, Dublin, 1722. [Brit. Mus. Cat.] 296 Courtship of [7* mo. at a Tavern in attending upon the people that had acco*^ to settle with J. Foulke. 12"' (4*'' day) Rode in the afternoon to Stenton & brought my wife home. Met with Edw'^ Shippen jun'' there, just returned from England. j^th ^^th ^^y^ Was at meeting. Sarah Morris, B. Trotter & Joseph Delaplain preached. 1 8*'' (3'' day) Attended the meeting of worship at the upper meeting house. About 40 people dined at our house. 27*'' (5"' day) Spent the Even^ at Uncle & Isr' Pemberton's with John Evans and other friends in Endeavouring to settle the Assembly Ticket. 28"' (6"' day) My wife & I dined at Coz. W. Callender's. Heard that a Company who met to-day at Caspar Wistar's had agreed to have my name put in the Assembly Ticket in the room of Hugh Roberts, who had been before agreed on, but refused to serve. 1750] Hannah Logan 297 Eighth month. j8t ^^d day) As my name was in some of the Tickets, and I understood there were several sorts, I did not Chuse to go up to the Courthouse, but was about the town most of the day spreading Ticketts for Isaac Griffitts, who sets up for Sheriff The election not being like to be over till midnight I went to bed about 10 o'clock. 2'' (3'' day) Heard as soon as I got up that they did not finish Counting the Ticketts till about 6 o'clock this morning, and they stood thus — Assembly Sheriffs Isaac Norris 1799 Isaac Griffitts 1 169 Edw>' Warner 1790 Edw" Collins 1033 Owen Evans 1760 William Biddle 961 Hugh Evans 1745 Edw^i Scull 845 Joseph Trotter 1474 Israel Pcmbertonjun Evan Morgan '1445 1236 Coroners Wm Trotter 1077 John Smith I 230 Geo: Heap 1070 Thomas James W- Gray 942 793 Thomas Leech 562 John Naglee 284 John Morris is chosen Commissioner but I have no list of Assessors. 298 Courtship of P'^'mo. This unexpected promotion made me a little thoughtful, but I was preserved from those fears which at some times would have almost overwhelmed me in such a Circumstance. Visited Jonah Thompson in the morn- ing — who seems better. Was active in the afternoon in promoting Ticketts for Burgesses, and Joseph Fox & W™ Clymer were chose without much opposition, though W" Plumstead & his friends for him made some attempt, but he declined pretty early. Heard that there was some Contest in the Comon Council to-day about the choice of a Recorder. The Two Candidates were B. Franklin & Tench Francis, and notwithstanding the vast superiority of the former's Capacity and Character he had but 19 Votes when the other had 24. William Plumstead^ was chosen Mayor. 1 William Plumsted (i 708-1 765), only son of Clement Plumsted, Mayor and Provincial Councillor, was one of the wealthiest merchants of the City. He held various important offices, serving as Common Councilman, Register-General of Wills, Mayor for three terms, and Provincial Councillor. When about 1750] Hannah Logan 299 Notwithstanding the hurry which poH- ticks occasioned I was to-day at Meeting, and thought B. Trotter preached well. I dined at Edw'^ Cathrall's and drank Tea at Bro'" W. Logan's. 5*^ Was part of the morning at Rob* Moore's, & received ^500 in part pay for Point plantation. After dinner John Morris & I, in pursuance of the agreement of the overseers, visited Thomas Marshall — near Masters's Mill — & dealt closely with him for suffering & Encouraging Gaming in his house & other disorders. He promised to take what we said into consideration. S*** In the afternoon I walked to Ken- sington to see a Vessel Launched. 9*^ Was all the forenoon hearing & Examining the accounts Depending be- middle age he renounced Quakerism and became a prominent Episcopalian. He was a subscriber to the first Dancing Assembly in 1748. He was married, first, in 1733, to Rebecca ( d. 1741 ), daughter of Philip Kearney, merchant ; and secondly, Mary (d. 1799), daughter of George and Anne (Yeates) McCall. — Keith, Councillors, 169 fF. 300 Courtship of [9' mo. tween Jonathan Love & Arent Hassert^ jun'', which they had submitted to the Arbitration of Abel James & myself. 15"' In the Evening I attended the Assembly, who according to Charter met to-day. We unanimously Chose Isaac Norris Speaker, but as the proceedings of the house will be printed I need not be any more particular in my Diary. 30"' Was at meeting. Crazy Hannah Lewis made some disturbance till John Reynell & I took her out of meeting. 31'* Was at the Insurance Office, & began to underwrite. Ninth month. J St With Edw'' Warner, Evan Morgan & Jos: Fox — we being 4 of the Comittee of Accounts — at James Morris's in burn- ing ragged paper money. 1^ We burnt in all but /1538 . 8 .3, but much of it was in small bills w'^'' were Exceedingly defaced. Employed the 'Arent H assert, merchant, in Letitia's Court. — Pa. Gaz., May 17, 1750. 1750] Hannah Logan 301 afternoon in reading over the Votes of former Assemblys of this Province, many of which I have lately Collected. 9*'' I Employed myself in sorting & wiping my books &c*. 13*^ Met in the Even^ with the rest of the Arbitrators between M. Slatter &c% & he being very pressing we agreed to give him the reasons for our award to send to Holland. 1 7*'' Wrote several dunning letters. 1 8*^ We hear to-day that our Ship Prince William is below from Jamaica. ii**' Attended the unloading our Ship most of the day. However, having a Ticket for that purpose, I found time to hear Dr. Thomson's Oration on the Smallpox at the Academy. 26*'' I spent the Evening at the School- house consulting with the rest of the Overseers of the Meeting about our duty. 29"' Attended the meeting of the Overseers of The Free School. We chose John Armitt a member in the room of John Bringhurst deceased. 30 2 Courtship of [lo'^mo. Tenth month. 3'^ Understanding that Father Logan wanted me, I rode up there this morning, but though I found that he wanted a letter wrote to his bookseller, I could not at all apprehend about what. 5"' Had the Comp^ of John Wilson,^ who is recommended to me by John Hunt, and who is come over to seek Employ as a Schoolmaster. 8*^ In the afternoon met the overseers of the School, who unanimously agreed to Employ John Wilson as an usher to Rob* Willan. 15"' At 45 minutes after 10 o'clock in the forenoon my dear wife was happily delivered of a fine boy. 2jd ^jst j^y^ J went to the Evening meeting, w*""" was at first disturbed by John Durburon, supposed to be out of his right 1 John Wilson, unmarried, schoolmaster, produced a certificate of removal, dated 6th mo. 30, 1750, from the Friends of the Monthly Meeting at Ackworth, England, to Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, loth mo. 28, 1750, he being "now usher of Friends School in this City." — Myers, Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia, I 17-1 18. I 1750] Hannah Logan 303 senses, going to prayer, at which the meet- ing rose & stood still till he was stopped. Eleventh month. 17"* Attended the house. The City & County members, all but Ed. Warner, dined with the Governour. Was in the afternoon at the burial of Joseph Emlen. Twelfth month. 12"' Was in the Evening at the Auction of books. Bought none. 13*^ to 16"' At the Auction. 18"' Attended with Joshua Crosby & Anthony Benezitt to sit in the meeting of Ministers & Elders. 19"' At home with James Birkett in consulting about building a Vessel. 20*^ Anthony Benezett & I visited Samuel Jackson in person to deal with him for being concerned in Counterfeiting Cobs & dollars Sec". 21** To the meeting of the Overseers of the School. We were together till late. We chose W. Callender & Samuel Preston 304 Courtship of [i'* mo. Moore to be trustees in the room of Father Logan & Uncle Noble. Fint month, lyji. ytb With Others of the Committee at Charles Norris's in burning ragged money. Dined with Mother Logan & other good friends at Bro'' W" Logan's. Was in the Evening at the Auction. 8"^ The burial of Polly Griffith. 11*^ Jos. Crosby & I were desired to speak, to Lewis Evans to prevent his printing our disapline, which we did, & he promised us he would not. We also spoke to B. Franklin about it. 21'' To the burial of Elis* Greenleafe. 23*^ Israel Pemberton Jun"" & I rode in the morning to our Pastures, & from thence to the Governour's house at Bush- hill & viewed it. 27"' Went to the Vendue of B. Cal- ender's land at Frankfort. Seco7id month. 1^ Was in the Even^' at A. Benezitt's to assist them with a conveyance to their father's burial to morrow. ^750 Hannah Logan 305 3'^ M. Lightfoot & I rode together to Stenton, & from thence to Germantown to the burial of Stephen Benezitt/ at which there was a great number of people. Gilbert Tennent said something at the Grave. A pretty many of us dined at Father Logan's. 4*'' Isr' & I spent the afternoon in revising the minutes of Assembly. 11'^ To the burial of Sarah the wife of Antho: Morris: jun"", which was very large. I helped carry. 12''' I attended the Supreme Court about 1 1 hours to hear the Trial of Christr" Marshall" &c^ ^JoHN Stephen Benezet ( -1751), son of John and Madelaine (Testart) Benezet, was a native of France, where he was married, in 1709, to Judith Delemajanelle. He was a Prot- estant, and in 171 5 had his estate confiscated. After living some time in England, he came to Philadelphia with his family in 173 1, and established himself as a merchant. In 1743, he gave notice in the Penmyl-vania Gazette that he intended to give up trading. During his later life he resided in Germantown. He had three sons, James, Daniel and Anthony Benezet. — MS. Benezet Pedigree, Historical Society, Pennsylvania. ^Christopher Marshall (1709-1797), born in Dublin, became a chemist and pharmacist in Philadelphia, his shop being at the Golden Ball, on the south side of Chestnut Street, between 20 306 Courtship of [3'^"io- j^th Yei-y ill . . . which I appre- hended to be pleurisy, but D"" Shippen thought otherwise. 26th Was at our monthly meeting, Tho' there was a great deal of business & some of it weighty, particularly whether C. Marshall should be disowned, yet I thought upon the whole it was carried on with a good degree of brotherly Love & condescension. 30*'' To see our Vessel on the Stocks at Kensington, which goes on better than I Expected. Third month. 11"' Benj'' Franklin was chosen a Burgess yesterday in the room of William Clymer deceased. 20*'' At the School house to hear a difference between D"" Moore & Rob' Duncan. Second and Third Streets, opposite Strawberry Alley. He had been a Friend, but was expelled from the Society for his attitude on the question of war. He was a member of the Committee of Safety from its formation to the close of the war. He was on confidential terms with members of the Continental Congress, and the diary that he kept during the period is of great historical value. — Appleton Cyc; Winsor, America, VI., 2735 Diary, ed. by Duane ; Pa. Gaz., Feb. 20,1750. 1751] Hannah Logan 307 Fourth month. 3** In the afternoon was at a meeting with the Children in the Schoolhouse appointed by Susannah Morris & Phebe Lancaster, at which they both & Hannah Hulford preach'd & EHs** Pennock pray''. Drank Tea at Bro'^ W. Logan's. Was in the Even^ at my pasture to view the Mowers Sec'*. ytii Was busy most of the morning in purchasing a servant Girl from a Liverpool Vessel. Her name Jane Lincey. 14*'' Alderman Hasell^ was buried this Evening, having died yesterday of a Mortification in his arm. I yesterday signed the subscription paper for the Provincial Hospital with £^'^0. 23*^ At the Evening meeting, & were much disturbed by B. Trotter's preaching. We supped with Uncle Pemberton. Fifth month. 1^ Understood I was yesterday chose 'Samuel Hasell (1691-1751), a native of the Barbadoes, came to Philadelphia before 1750 and engaged in mercantile busi- ness. He was chosen Common Councilman in 1728, Alderman in 1729 and Mayor in 1731, 1732 and 1740. — Keith, Councillors. 3o8 Courtship of [s'^'mo- by the Contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital to be one of the managers there- of, & had notice to meet the rest in the afternoon. ... I met the rest of the Managers of the Hospital, & we agreed to address the proprietors for a Lot. 5*^^ In the afternoon met the Managers of the Hospital, & we viewed several Lots about the town. Were most pleased with one between 9th & loth Streets on the S. side of Mulberry street. 6'^ Met the Managers of the Hospital at R. Peters's, & the address to the Pro- prietor being prepared was approved and signed. We agreed upon a letter to Thomas Hyam & Sylvanus Bevan ^ to request them to Sollicit the affair with the Proprietors. . . . In the afternoon met the Managers again & we sign'd the letter to T. Hyam & S. Bevan, & agreed to meet every month on the first fifth-day of the week. 8*^ In the Evening I met with Tho" Lawrence & Edw*^ Shippen upon an 1 A Quaker apothecary of London. He made the well-known Bevan bust of William Penn. Thomas Lawrence ^751] Hannah Logan 309 Arbitration between Sam' Hazard/ Exec- utor of Evan Morgan, & John Swift, Attorney of Wilhous & Rockliff. We finished it. 14*'' The burial of Jos: Wharton's wife. 20*** I went into the River in the Eve- ning to wash. 21^' Capt Mesnard came up from London this morning "p whom came Bro"" Jemmy Logan & several other fr''^ Went with Jemmy to the Lower Meeting. . . . Jemmy dined with me, & after dinner Aunt Pemberton, He & I rode to Stenton. I had many letters & some goods. It rained in the Even^, but my wife & several others came from Plymouth & joined in the general Joy. 22*^ Was busy in getting my front room altered into a store &c% & in the afternoon was on the publick Acco*^ 27'** Attended the forenoon at the State house on the publick accounts. 'Samuel Hazard ( i 714-1 758) , merchant, came from New York to Philadelphia in 1745. Was one of the first managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital. — Morton, Hist. Penna. Hospital, 410, 3IO Courtship of [6*' mo. Sixth mo7tth. 3"* At our Qiiarterly Meeting of Min- isters & Elders. . . . Uncle Pember- ton desiring to be Excused from serving as Clerk on acco* of his difficulty in hear- ing, I was chosen to succeed him. Peter Fearn, Thomas Lloyd ^ & Sarah Morris dined with us. 6*'' Attended settling the publick accounts at the State house forenoon & afternoon. 7*^' Rich'' Peters having introduced D' Billings to me with a request to recom- mend him to brother Samuel, he hav^ an inclination to settle at Burlington, I accord- ingly wrote by him. 8*'' Attended the Committee of accounts in burning money at the State house. 1 9*'' Attended a Committee at the - State house in the morning, & was at the house in the afternoon. 1 Thomas Lloyd ( -1754) > merchant, son of Thomas and grandson of Governor Thomas Lloyd, married Susanna, widow of Dr. Edward Owen and daughter of Philip Kearney. — Keith, Councillors, 22. 1751] Hannah Logan 311 Seventh month. 5''' Met the managers of the Hospital, & was appointed one of those to Look out for convenient house to begin the design in, & to consider of Rules respect- ing the Admission of patients, &;c'\ 10*'' Waited on the Gov*" with a regis- ter for our new Snow ; then met a Com- mittee appointed by the monthly meeting to discourse Joseph Shute respecting the meeting house ground in So: Carolina &c^ We met at Antho : Morris's, & after a pretty deal of conversation Joseph sign'd & seal'd an Instrument of writing drawn by I. Pemberton Jun^ j^th ^jst ^^^^ ^^g j^jl ^ meetings. . . . We had a Table full of friends to dinner & several to Lodge. 16*'' In the afternoon I went to the meeting at the State house. Sarah Banks, Jane Hoskins, Ann Moore & Sus* Morris preach** & Ann Moore pray**. 22** Was at the Great meeting in the morning. ... In the afternoon at the Bank, . . . also at the Evening meeting. 312 Courtship of [8*'' mo. ^^th ^^th j^y^ jyjgj. sQj^g of (-}^g over- seers of the School, but not being Enough to do business we spent a little time in considering the next Election. Eighth month. I St ^g gQ|. }^ome [from Burlington] in the Dark of the Evening. Found the people in a foam of Politicks. I voted. . . . 1^ Obtained a List of the votes for Officers yesterday. Those for Assembly- men were as follows viz: Edward Warner 1473 Isaac Norris 1468 Evan Morgan 1457 Joseph Trotter H54 Hugh Evans 1448 John Smith 1006 Joshua Morris 935 Henry Pauling 930 Isr' Pemberton ]"■ 543 Joseph Fox 330 Ben" Franklin 40 The reason why the Votes for me run lower than the rest, I am told, was, some people met & agreed to put Jos: Fox in the County & me in the City, and I had 1751] Hannah Logan 313 before 1 went out of town very much desired to be left wholly out, which per- haps might have some Effect. Had to- day some of Elias Bland's company, who came in a day or two ago. There was some strife about the choice of Burgesses. Supp'd at I. Pemberton jun". The Tickets upon counting them stood thus Benjamin Franklin 495 Hugh Roberts 473 Joseph Fox 391 W" Plumstead 303 1662 One half of these being 831, is I sup- pose a great many more than ever voted for the city before. 3*^ We dined at Uncle Pemberton's. After dinner I met with B. Franklin & Jn" Mifflin, being appointed by the Supreme Court Auditors in a Cause, long Depending there, between the Lessors of [?] Story & one Coppock. We heard one Evidence, & agreed to meet again next 2'^ day at 2 o'clock. Then spent an hour or two with the managers of the Hospital. 314 Courtship of [8*'' mo. y*'' Spent the afternoon on the audit of Court between Story & Coppock. Heard several Evidences & agreed to meet again 5"' day Even^ at 6 o'clock. 9*'' In the Even^ was a while at B. Franklin's in Examining i witnesses in the affair between Story & Coppock. lo*'' Charles Norris was to be married to-day. 11*^ In the morning D" Bond, Isr^ Pemberton & I viewed the late Dwelling house of J. Kinsey Esq'' & were of opinion it would be a suitable place to take to begin the Hospital in. 12*^ Father Logan being unwell, my wife and I rode to Stenton & back again in the Even^. 14*'' Met the managers of the Hospital in the morning & viewed J. Kinsey's house. i^th Pitted out my 4-wheerd Chaise to bring some of Jemmy Pemberton's wedding guests to meeting. Was at the meeting, which was large & solid. Mord. Yarnall and Eliz'^ Hudson preach'd & M. Y. pray'd ; then Jemmy Pemberton Dr. Phineas Bond ^75i] Hannah Logan 315 was married/ Immediately after which I went up to the Assembly & was qualified. Molly Morris & Sister Hannah dined with me. Attended the house in the afternoon. Spent the Evening at Hannah Lloyd's with the new married Couple. 16'^ Joshua Morris dined with me. ly*** I spent the Even^ with Jn" Reynell & Owen Jones at Josh. Crosby's in looking over some Acco*® which he desired to View. i8*'' (6'^ day) to if" {i'' day) Differ- ent sorts of weather but mostly good. Father Logan being likely to die, was there almost every day, & sat up two nights. 28*'' Rode to Stenton in the morning & staid all day, & sat up at night with Father, who seems near his End. 29*'* Father Logan continuing much the same, my wife & I rode home in the Evening, but soon after a messenger came 'James Pemberton, son of Israel, was married October 15, 1751, to Hannah, daughter of Mordecai and Hannah (Fishbourne) Lloyd. 3i6 Courtship of [8*' mo. with news of Father's being worse, but the night being very dark I durst not Venture to take my wife out & therefore staid with her. 30"' To Stenton. Found father a little revived, bnt insensible, & we think a-dying. little after 1 1 o'clock Father Logan changed, & his breath grew shorter & shorter till about 20 minutes after 12 o'clock when he Expired ^ in a very easy manner. In the afternoon & Evening we 1 Philadelphia, November 7. Thursday last, after a long Indis- position, died the honourable James Logan, Esq: in the 77th Year of his Age ; and on Saturday his Remains were decently interr'd in the Friends Burying Ground in this City, the Funeral being respectfully attended by the principal Gentlemen and Inhabi- tants of Philadelphia and the neighboring County. His Life was for the most Part a Life of Business, tho' he had always been passionately fond of Study ; He had borne the several Offices of Provincial Secretary, Commissioner of Property, Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, and for near two Years govern' d the Province as President of the Council, in all which publick Stations, as well as in private Life he behav'd with unblemished Integrity : But some Years before his Death he retir'd from publick Affairs to Stenton his Country Seat, where he enjoy'd among his Books that Leisure which men of Letters so earnestly desire. He was thoroughly versed both in ancient and modern Learning, acquainted with the 1751] Hannah Logan 317 consulted about several changes relating to the burial. Ninth month. i'* (6*'' day) Came to town & gave some necessary directions about the burial. After dinner took both my Chaises up to Stenton & accompanied the Corpse to Bro"" W. Logan's house. 1^ (7''' day) Cold & windy, the Invi- tation being at one o'clock. We moved about y^ after two. There was a large company. The Corpse was carried into meeting. B. Trotter & M. Lightfoot Oriental Tongues, a Master of the Greek and Latin, French and Italian Languages, deeply skilled in the Mathematical Sciences, and in Natural and Moral Philosophy, as several Pieces of his Writing witness, which have been repeatedly printed in divers Parts of Europe, and are highly esteemed by the Learned. But the most noble Monument of his Wisdom, Publick Spirit, Benevo- lence, and affectionate Regard to the People of Penmyl-vania, is his Library ; which [he had been gathering for] 50 years past, with the greatest Care and Judgment, intending it a Benefaction to the Publick for the Increase of Knowledge, and for the common Use and Benefit of all Lovers of Learning. It contains the best Editions of the best Books in various Languages, Arts and Sciences, and is without Doubt the largest, and by far the most valuable Collection of the Kind in this Part of the World, and will convey the Name of Logan thro' Ages with Honour, to the Latest Posterity. — Penna. Gazette, Nov. 7, 175 1. 3i8 Courtship of [9*'' mo. preach'd and M. Emlen pray'd. After the burial I spent the Even^ at Bro'" Logan's, where we had a pretty deal of Company. j'* Several of us accompanied mother Logan home. B. Trotter, Ann Moore & Mary Knight, having been at German- town meeting, came there afterwards & had a sitting with us in which the two latter preach'd. 10^'' About 10 o'clock Coz° William Smith came on a message to let me know that my dear Father changed about 5 hours after I left him & that his life was despaired of. I therefore immediately sent to Mother Logan to desire the Loan of Gerrard to drive my Chaise, & he quickly coming I took brother Richard with me in it and got to Burlington before dark. II* (2*^ day) Were up by break of day intending to be at Amboy to-night, but just as we were ready to set out a messenger came who had rode all night to acquaint us that our dear Father departed ^750 Hannah Logan 319 this life about 5 o'clock in the Evening of Seventh day & that they had brought his Corps to Cranbury last night. Met the Corpse at Croswicks ; from thence accompanied it to Burlington. 12"' My wife & near 20 more from Philad'' came up. The Invitation was at 1 1 o'clock, & the Company was large. We moved about 5^ after 12, and after Interring the Corpse retired into the meeting house. ... A Publick Invi- tation was given to dinner, & many came. 14*'' Reached Stenton. 15*'' In the Even^ the Children being together. Mother shewed Father Logan's will, about which there was a pretty deal of Conversation. 26'^ At the burial of Coz. M. Light- foot, which was large & solid. 28*^ In the afternoon met the Over- seers of the School, & was in the Even^ at the fire Company. Tenth month. 12'^ Met the managers of the Hospital in the Even^. 320 Courtship of [i'*mo. First month, 17^2. j8t ^^th ^j^yj According to the new method of computing time. 9*^ We dined with Mother Sec** at Bro"" WilHam Logan's. After dinner we spent some time in preparing a state"* of the case respecting Father Logan's will &c* to consult council upon, L Norris Excepting to it. 10"' Was visited by a German who wanted some conversation about religion &c*. After dinner W. Logan & I waited on Tench Francis with the state""' of the case agreed upon last night. 13'^ In the morning met the Con- tributors to the P. Hospital to consider the proposed law &c% & was appointed with 3 other of the managers to attend a comittee of s*^ managers in further con- sidering it. 14*'' Spent about 5 hours with the Committee of the Contributors to the Hospital in considering the proposed law. 16*'' With the Committee of the Con- tributors to the Hospital, and agreed to Dr. Tiiomas Cnchvalader 175^] Hannah Logan 321 report several amendments to the pro- posed law. 17'^ In the morning I attended the general meeting of Contributors at the Courthouse, and after deliberate consider- ation the Law respecting the duty & power of the managers & Treasurer was past. . . . Mem°. — After the Con- tributors had passed the above law they appointed a Comittee, of whom 1 was named one, to prepare a particular law respecting the choice of the Physicians &c*. 20"" This was my birth-day, being 29 years of age. Was at meeting & served as Clerk. . . . Spent 5 hours of the afternoon & Evening with the Committee of the Contributors to the Hospital in considering the law proposed relating to the Physicians &c*. This Committee are D" Grame, Kearsley, Cadwallader^ & ' Dr. Thomas Cadwalader (i 707-1 779), son of John Cad- walader, an early Welsh settler of Merion, was an eminent physician of Philadelphia. In 1 75 1 he subscribed towards the stock of the Pennsylvania Hospital, of which he was one of the original physi- cians. The same year he was elected a member of che Common Council and served until 1774. He was called to the Provincial 21 322 Courtship of [2' mo. Moore, W" Plumstead, Jos Fox, Alex"" Stedman;' W" Griffitts, B. Franklin, H. Roberts, Isr' Pemberton J'" & myself. 21''* Spent a considerable time in the afternoon at Jn° Reynell's in hearing a complaint of some Germans against James Chattin. Second niotith, ^d jgj.1 Pemberton j' & I waited upon W. Allen" Esq"" with our Hospital Law to be confirmed. ... In the after- noon I met the Assembly according to adjournment. Council in 1755, and retained the position until the Revolution. He was married in 1738 to Hannah, daughter of Thomas Lambert, of New Jersey. — Keith, Councillors, 371 ff. 1 Alexander and Charles Stedman conducted a dry goods store in Second Street, in 1750. — Pa. Ga^., May 3, 1750. ^William Allen (i 704-1 780), a native of Philadelphia, studied law in London. Served as Common Councilman in 1727, was a member of the Assembly and was associated with Andrew Hamilton in pur- chasing the site for the State House. He married Hamil- ton's daughter, Margaret, and by this marriage and his own gains became one of the richest men in the Province. He was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1750. — ^Jenkins, Phila., 239. William Allen ^75^] Hannah Logan 323 4"' {2" day) to 8**^ (y*'^ day) . . . Was every day at the Assembly, & 5th-day dined with the Governour. lo**" In the forenoon at the Hospital, & in the afternoon at the Assembly. J jth (j^day) to 15*'' (y^'^day) Was every day at the Assembly. ly*** (2** day) to 22<* (y"' day) Every day at the Assembly. Third month. yth Was at the Assembly; & after, E. Morgan & I waited upon the Gov'' with sundry Bills, messages, &c% which I delivered, but not with so much presence of mind as I could wish. gth ]y[y ^gg^j. ^-^g ^ ^ ^ ^gg delivered of a fine Girl, which I call Hannah. I y*^ Caspar Wistar was buried to-day. 20*'' Were 5 hours at W"" Plumstead's, examining witnesses in relation to Father Logan's will, & hearing Isaac Norris's objections. 26*'' In the afternoon at the meeting of the Overseers of the School, & in the Evening at the fire Comp^. 324 Hannah Logan [j'' "^o- if" (6^^^ day) A Cold N. E. wind & some rain. Attended our monthly meet- ing. M. Emlen pray'd & Sarah Morris preach'd. Wm. Griffitts passed the second time, and Anthony Morris jun' with Eliz* Hudson the first. APPENDIX EXTRACTS FROM THE EARLIER PARTS OF JOHN SMITH'S DIARY A Voyage to Barbadoes in 1741 Tenth month, 17 41. Having a mind to See the Island of Barbadoes, and to know the manner of living at Sea, and to Survey the wonders of the Lord in the deep, and having my father's Consent So to do, I Set out from home [Burlington, New Jersey] for Philadelphia by land on the 8th of 10 mo : 1741, being 3d day of the week. The next day about 2 o' Clock P.M. I sett out from Philadelphia in the Brig" Burlington, Wm. Condy master. Belonging to my father, and her Cargo Con- signed to me and my Coz. Samuel Noble, who also went with me. The wind being a head we turned it from Philadelphia, and about two miles below the town on Pennsylvania Shore we gott aground, and there lay till the next tide. My desires to the Lord before I left home were to he Enabled to be wholly resigned to his blessed will, and that if it were Consistent there- with He might preserve me from the hands of unrea- sonable men without and from the Power of the more unreasonable Enemy within. 1741] Barbadoes 327 10th of lo'"' & 5th of the week, the tide having floated us, we weighed anchor about 2 o'Clock A.M. but it being Stark Calm they towed us down to Red Bank, where we dropt Anchor about 8 o'Clock A.M. to wait for the next tide, having again touched a ground a little above the mouth of Skuilkill, but Soon gott ofF again. The time that we lay at Anchor here, I spent with a great deal of pleasure in viewing the boats. Shallops &C'' that with the flood passed by us. I think there was 9 or 10 of them, and but one topsail Vessel, which was a Sloop from New York. The day I left home I wanted 43 days of being 19 years of age, and had a good Certificate from the monthly meeting of friends in Burlington. Weighed Anchor about 3 o'Clock P.M., and the wind blowing briskly right a head we turned it down, and In the Evening mett a Pilot boat, by whom we heard that Capt. Redmon's great Ship was lost on the Sheers. She was very large, mounting 24 Gunns, and had i 50 pipes of wine on board, being just gone from Phila- delphia and Bound to South Carolina. About 9 o'clock in the Evening we Anchored just opposite the town of Marcus hook. 11"' Weighed Anchor about 3 o'Clock P.M., and the wind being N.N.W. we laid it down finely. As we passed by Christeen Creek, I thought Wilming- ton made a beautiful appearance, seeming to stand under and upon the side of a high hill. We passed New Castle about SunSett. I think it seems to have much about the same number of houses as Burlington, but 328 A Voyage to [10*'' mo. not nigh So regularly built. Came to an Anchor at 8 o'clock in the Evening between Salem and Ready point, and could distinguish but one house in Salem. J 2th Wind at N. N. E. We Laid it down to the lower End of Reedy Island, where we found many Vessells waiting for a North Wester. In all that lay there to-night was 14 topsail Vessells. 13"" Lay at Anchor at Reedy Island, alias Lazy harbour. 14"* Still detained at Reedy Island by Contrary winds. This morning flood tide there passed by us 2 Ships, 2 Snows, a Brig", a Sloop & a Schooner. I 5"^'' Lay at Anchor at Reedy Island, and in the afternoon the wind blowing hard at S.W., and Cap" M'Ckederick's Ship having but one Anchor out. She dragg'd it and drove foul of our Bowsprit and broke our flying Gibb Boom short off, but our Capt" being a Carpenter Soon Spliced it, and had it up again before night. 17"' of lo"" mo. & 5"''' of the week. Weighed Anchor about 4 o' Clock in the morning, being 1 5 Sail in Company, the wind at N.N.W. we were the Last Vessel that weighed but one and then some of them were 7 or 8 mile a head of us. About 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon we ran by 2 Sail, and left the Capes a Stern, about 5 in the Evening, and the wind blowing hard before 12 o' Clock we ran by 9 sail more. The other two were bound for Virginia, and so did not steer the Same Course that we did. ^74i] Barbadoes 329 As soon almost as we got out of the Capes the Wind Chop'd about to the Eastward, which Occasion'd a great swelling Sea, that made both my Coz. S. N. and me very Sea Sick, and so we Continued most of the passage. We saw Several Sail Vessells at Sea, but were not Chased by any. We saw but very few fish, 2 of which were Grampus's, one we suppose to be about 23 or 24 feet long, the other about 16 or 17. i^."" of I i"* mo., being 5"" of the week, made Land about j4 after 12 o' Clock at noon, bearing W. of us, and then we Supposed it to be about 9 Leagues from us. 15"', being 6"' of the week, about 11 o' Clock in the morning, we anchored in Carlisle-Bay, and the man of war's boat Came on board and prest 2 of our men. Coz. Benj* Callender & Isaac Williams Came on board of us, and with them we went on Shore at Bridge- town, where we were told the Sorrowful news of the death of our worthy friend Thomas Chalkley at Tortola. To-day we took lodgings at the widow Katharine Borden's. 1 7"" Being first day of the week We went to meetings forenoon and Afternoon, but they were both Silent, Jn" Oxley being gone to the Spring meeting Most of this day Kind Doctor Gamble and his wife gave us their Company at our Lodgings, and Invited us to Come and see them, which we many times did ... I think we dined 7 times at their house while we were on the Island, twice at Jn' Oxley' s, once at Jn" Ritchison's, twice at Joseph 330 A Voyage to [n'^'mo. French's, once at Jn" Gibson's, once at Rowland Gibson's, once at Jacob Luke's, twice at Wid" Harper's Estate at Black Rock, once at Joseph Callen- der's, once at Rich'^ Callender's, twice at Sam' Floyd's, once at Robt Gray's, & once at Joseph Jackson's, and once at Robt Edgell's. Barbadoes is a very pleasant Island, the air temper- ate, the fruits delicious. In the day time there is a Constant Sea Breeze, which mitigates the heat of the Sun, and very often Gentle Showers of rain, which refreshes the earth. I think I never felt it so hot there as it sometimes is at Philadelphia. But we were there in the Coolest time of the Year. Of Roots they have Yams & Potatoes in abundance, and many delicate fruits as Pine apples, oranges. Shaddocks, Plantains, Guavoes, Bananoes, and a delicate fruit w"'' they call the forbidden fruit, somewhat larger than an Orange. On the Island there are several towns viz. Bridge- town, Speightstown and Austin's. Bridgetown con- tains a large number of houses, but very Irregularly built. There are but three that's fit to be called Streets, which are Broad Street, the Roe Buck and Swan Street, the rest being but Alleys and narrow Lanes, of which there are many. Swan Street is mostly Inhabited by Jews, who carry on a great trade here, and have a large Synagogue, to which I and others one day went to See their manner of worship. The Men were together below, and the women in the Galleries above, but the latter have no part in the service. The men had each a small book in their 1741] Barbadoes 331 hands and a White Veil about their Shoulders, which at perticular parts of their worship they pull over their heads, and one of their Arms naked as far as the Elbow with a leather String tite bound round it. When we came to the door one of them came out and very Com- plasantly askt us in, and in we went. It was the day which they kept in memory of the Jews' deliverance from Haman's Plot. They then shewed the five books of Moses which was wrote on Parchment and rolled up. The ends of the frame which rolled them up were tipt or Gilt with Gold, and upon it hung several Small Golden or Gilt bells. At the opening of it the men Bowed towards it, with their Eyes fixed upon it, and seemed to rejoice very much, but their worship being in the Portugese language we could not understand them. The two Ministers whom they call the Rabbi and the Priest appeared very devout. But the rest of the people were Sometimes praying with their eyes lifted up to heaven, sometimes laughing, and sometimes talking about their ordinary business. Most of the Inhabitants profess to belong to the Church of England, who have a very large worship house in Bridgetown, besides several others on the Island. That at Bridgetown has a Chime of Seven bells. The Steeple of it is very high, and from the top thereof we have a fine prospect of the town, the Bay and the Country. One of our Company had the Curiosity to Count the Steps by which we ascended, and found there was 127. Friends have a meeting house at Bridgetown, and 332 A Voyage to [12**^ mo. several others on the Island, viz. one at Speightstown, one at the Spring, one at the thicketts and one at Punkin hill, but there are but few friends belonging to them. Carlisle Bay (on which Bridgetown stands) is a large Capacious bay, big enough to Contain a great nuniber of Vessells. It is Commanded by several forts, the biggest of which is Needham's, in which they say there is near loo Cannon mounted. It is also guarded by two men of war. The Portland, a 50-gun Ship, and the Scarborough, a 20-Gun Ship, were then Stationed there. At this Island there is a very great trade carried on with Guinea, England, Ireland and the Northern Continent. It was Judged there was 1 50 Sail of Merchantmen in the bay at one time while we were there. At or about the 20th of 12th mo: the Salthidas fleet sails yearly. This year they numbered 46 sail besides the Portland who Conveyed them. Speightstown is not near so big as Bridgetown. Its bay is Commanded by Several forts well planted with large Cannon. Austin is but a small town. Their water in this Island is not very Good, but the wealthiest Inhabitants have their Stones, that is a large porous Stone with a hollow in the middle into which the water is poured, and Distills thro' the pores of the stone, and an Earthen Jarr underneath receives it. This Clarifies and Cools the water and makes it pleasant. Their chief drink is Punch, besides which 1741] Barbadoes 333 they have Sorrel drink. Ginger-drink, fey, maubie, and several other Sorts. They have abundance of Negroes on the Island, some of their Estates having upwards of 200 of them. Nay, 1 was told of one man that upon three Estates had upwards of 900 Negroes, and they use them coarsely, giving them hardly anything to eat but a pint of Corn a day for each Slave and a little Salt. I was at Speightstown twice. Once we went by water and staid there three days, the other time Coz. Benj' Callender & I rode there together, from whence we went to Rowland Gibson's, and so home. Once several of us went to the Spring (7 miles from town) meeting, being first day. After meeting staid and Lodged that night at Jacob Luke's, The next day we went to Mount Hellibel, a very high mountain about 2 miles from the Spring, from the top of which we have a prospect of the Sea all round the Island, except one small place. From the Mount we went to Jn" Gibson's & so home. Once several of us rode to the Wid» Harper's Estate, w'" is about 7 mile from town, where we staid two days. The 22d of the 2d month, 1742, we set sail from Carlisle Bay, being 6th day of the week, having on board Capt. Henry Coombe and Isaac Williams Jun% who came as passengers with us. We saw several sail ofVessells on the passage, and after we had been 9 days from Barbadoes, we discovered the Island of Bermudas, which we Judged to be 4 or 5 leagues from us. The day before we saw our Cape we saw a great number 334 A Journey to [3' mo- of Whales (I believe so) playing in the Sea, some of which were very large. Three of them came very near us, I believe within lo or 15 foot of the Vessel. We Imagined they were each of them above 60 feet long. The I 3t'> of 3* month, being the 5"^ of the week, about Yi an hour after 8 o' Clock A.M., we made land, and about i 2 came a breast of the Capes, where we took in a pilott, and the 16"' of 3'^ mo. — being first day — about 6 o' Clock in the Evening we arrived safe at Philadelphia. The next morning I got a horse and rode home, where I found my father and family all well. Thanks be to God the Father of all our mercies. I also found my brother Samuel married to Jane Kirkbride. They were married in the i ith mo. last. When I came home I found our friend Samuel Hopwood at my father's. This was a worthy Elder and Minister of Jesus Christ Come from England to visit these parts . . . He was aged about 67 years, and yet was one of a hale hearty Constitution, travelled very much, and in his preaching streined himself Exceedingly, having a very loud Voice, and Standing a great while. 174^] New York 335 A Journey to New York. ^Se-veral iveeh later than the preceding.'\ I took a ride with Coz. Benj' Smith & his Wife & Coz. Katy Callender to New York. We rode to Elizabethtown point, where we left our horses and went by water to York. As we were going along we stopped at Brunswick, which is a very thriving town, but Scituate very low. While we staid there I had the Curiosity to Count the houses, and 1 think there were about 140 of them. We staid a week in New York, which is a large, populous City, the buildings mostly larger than those oi Philadelphia, but the town is not nigh so handsome nor so regularly laid out. Their new Dutch Church (as they call it) is a very large building. We ascended to the top of its Steeple by I I 8 steps, from whence we had a very fine prospect of the town and the river. As Coz. Katy & I were returning homewards in the Shays, Coming to Cross- wicks Creek opposite Watson's Ferry, the horse run into the Creek, and oversetting the Shays threw us into the Creek, where in all probability we should have been drowned if God . . . had not sent us relief in the needfial time. Matthew Watson's boats Came and took us up, but the horse was almost drowned. 33^ Diary of [1736 Miscellaneous Extracts 1736. In this year our Worthy friend John Fother- gill (from Old England) visited friends. In these American Parts, It being the third time he had been here on that account. He was an antient man, tall and Well Shap'd, Very Zealous against Sin and Iniquity. His testimony was Large, Sound and Weighty. He had a Very Loud Voice, and often- times had Great Auditory' s In these Parts, To Whom (by the Assistance of the Grace by which he was Sent among us) he would open the misteries of the kingdom, in a lively & powerful Manner. An Elder he was Worthy of Double Honour. He travelled most of (If not all) the English Governments on this Conti- nent, and Returned home In the Latter End of 1737, Visiting Barbadoes In his Way. In 1736, If I mistake not, Edward Tyley (from Old England also) Visited the Churches In these Parts. He was a Young Man of a Middle Stature, a pleasant Countenance and a Comely aspect. He was very zealous In his ministry and fervent In prayer, and having Visited Meetings, In this and the Neighbor- ing Governments, He returned home, being accom- panied by our friend Daniel Stanton, as far as Boston In New England. 1737. Ruth Courtney and Susannah Hudson (from Ireland) Visited these parts. Ruth Courtney was an Elderly Woman, Her Gift of Publick Preach- ing Not Very Large, Yet Sound and Well Received. Susannah Hudson was a Young Woman, Very tender, and well Concerned In her testimony as also In prayer. 1738. John Hunt, from England, visited Friends in these parts. He was a Young man of Low Stature, Somewhat Slow of Speech (In his testimony) Yet Safe ^739] John Smith 337 and very Correct, Devout In his prayers, which he Uttered with Great Humility. 1738—9, iith month 5th. Transcribed a paper Entitled, A Scheme for a Bank-Stock In New Jersey Scc\ 6th. Paid Wm. Buckley a ballence of ^i is 2i.^d due to him on Ace' of Sugar Shipt me P' Capt. Arthur. 8th. Sent By Wm. Hancock a letter to my father at Amboy, wherein was two books, one of them Entituled A true State of the Case of R. R. widow &c''. The other. Remarks Upon Zenger's Tryal &c*. Made some Verses on Pure Love. The Contents whereof may be Seen In the Collection of Writings, &c% Page (26) lith. Wrote a paper Entitled, A Meditation In Prose, The Contents Whereof may be Seen in the Collection of Writings &c*, page (26) 1 2th. Began to translate Mat. Corderii &c* from Latin Into English. 2 1 St. Our fr''^ Jn" Cadwallet & Enoch Pearson were at our meeting. 1 2th month iqth. I Was at Ancocas meeting, whereat were our friends John Salkil and Alexander Seaton. 1st mo. 2 1 St, 1739. I Went to ancocas meeting. Whereat were our Friends John Hunt and John Churchman. I 2th month 4, 1739. Was our monthly meeting, whereat were Several Publick friends that did not belong thereto : Viz. Clark Rodman, John William- son, Jacob Orum, Richard French, John Sikes, Thomas Evans, Mary Wilkins and Hannah Forster, and that Night thro' the Carelessness (as was Supposed) of Ann White (that us'd to mind It) the fire In the 3 38 Diary of [^739 Upper Chamber of the Httle Meeting house kindled, and (as it was Suppos'd) Some of it fell off the hearth on the floor and so set It afire ; But it Was not Dis- covered till about I I o'clock the next Day, when (thro' Mercy) by the help of the Engine and Many People Most Part of the Roof of the Great house was Saved and the Lower floor & the timbers of the upper, In the little one, were also Saved, but the Roof of the little House & the S. W. Side of the Roof, and the Lanthorn of the Great house were AH Burnt. As the Engine was playing In the Great House, some timbers of the terret fell & hurt Several people. Samuel Brown was the Worst hurt, for one of the timbers fell upon his head & knockt him down So that he was Carried out for Dead, but In about five hours, Came to him- self again, but his head being Very much Bruised he Continued 111 Several Weeks. Thomas Pryor (also) had his Collar Bone Broke. 9th. Uncle Caleb Raper took the Qualification to be Mayor of the City of Burlington In the Room of Edward Pierce Deceas'd, and Coz. Robert Smith to be Recorder of S'* City In the place of Isaac Decow, who was Preferred to be one of the Judges of the Quarter Sessions for the County. 27th. I Bought of Sarah, Wife of Simon Nightin- gale, The Third and Last Vol. of Stephen Crisp's Sermons, being Twelve Declarations & 2 prayers, price IS 8d. 1st month 4, 1739—40. This day Elizabeth, Daughter of Jon. Large, was to have been Married, but was disappointed. The man's Name that was to have had her is Robert Swingett, who had been in the Country from Old England about Six Months. This morning a Young Man that Came in the Same Vessel with him Came to Bristol, and hearing he was Going to be married Went to Some friends that Intended to i74o] John Smith 339 be at the wedding and Told them that he knew the man had a wife and Child In England, and he being Very Positive in his Story & his account being Very Probable the Couple Were not married. So that It was thought the Certificate that he produced at the monthly meeting was a forged one. It was afterwards Confirmed from England that he had a wife & Child. 7th. I Sent Money i 2s by George Page to buy me Whitefield's Journals & Sermons, as also Fuller Sc Holmes on the Suffering of the people Called Quakers, Barcroft's Journal, and Ma'' Drummond on Internal Revelation ; which he not Going Returned. 2d mo. 4th or 5th. I Bought of Benjamin ffranklin the following Books (viz. ) Piety Promoted, the five parts Bound together ; W. Edmundson's Journal ; Jno. Banks's Journal, Thomas Wilson's Journal, John Barcroft's Journal & Fuller & Holmes on the Sufferings of the people called Quakers. They all together Cost 30s. LETTER, JOHN SMITH TO JOHN WARDELL. Burlington, 2d mo. 23d, 1740. I agree with thee that An Epistolary Correspondence (when maintained in Amity & on profitable Subjects) Is not only Satisfac- tory, but may be very Improving. Our Assembly is now Sitting, & the Governor has made a long Speech to them wherein among other things he tells them that he has called them together to give them a Second Opportunity to do what good they Can for their Country by proposing Such Laws as Are wanting or Amending those Already made. He also Insists on their Coming to Some Resolutions about fixing the Seat of Govern- ment. Last Seventh day War against Spain was declared here in due form, together with our Governor's Proclamation for Encouraging Volunteers to go in the Intended Expedition against some of the Spanish West Indies, of which I Suppose John Eaton will Send you two or three. There Seems to be a better harmony Subsisting at Present between 340 Diary of [1740 the Governor & Assembly, than Was Last Sessions at Amboy, which gives Room to hope of some good being done. We hear from Philadelphia that George Whitefield is Arrived there & preaches daily to great numbers of people. Last first day morning before Church time he preached a Sermon on faith In Opposition to the doctrine of Good works being absolutely necessary to our Justification in the Sight of God. And at Church (so Called) their Parson (Comminings ) preached up works in Opposi- tion to Whitefield and in the Evening Whitefield Again preached in Opposition to him, So that those of the Black Robe Sometimes display their different Opinions There has been some dispute about Henry Fisher, and he is now Expelled the house because of his being an Alien, and Somerset is to have a New Election for another in his Room. George Whitefield is going for New York. 5th mo. 25th, 1740. I this morning Accompanied the Governour's Lady, daughter, Grandaughter & Aunt Mary Raper to Visit Thomas Nevvbould, & re- turned home in the Evening, the women being much delighted with the beautiful prospect of the meadows &ca in that part of the Country. 7th mo. 19. Our Yearly Meeting began .... Kezia Baker from the main near To Long Island .... Conducted it in prayer. . . . This Kezia was a youngish Widow, tall and Slim, very plain in apparell and Speech, had a notable Gift, Seldom very long but weighty & Lively. loth mo. Robt Jordan went in to Barbadoes and several other islands in the West Indies in a new brig" Called the Burlington, Belonging to my father. iith mo. 31. I Went to Philadelphia in a Slay with Coz. M. Noble, and the next day being first, after forenoon meeting I Dined at Israel Pemberton Sen", The next day I was at their quarterly meet- ing & the next day returned home. Whilst I was at Philadelphia Thomas Lightfoot told me that they had a Letter from his father Micah Lightfoot dated in the seventh month Last wherein he Informed them that he 1741] Joi'i^^ Smith 34.1 was then travelling In Ireland, and that Samuel Bonas from England was his Companion, and Intended to Continue so till he got to London, which he expected would be in the ninth month. LETTER, JOHN SMITH TO JAMES PEMBERTON. Burlington, 1st mo. loth, i74o[-4i]. Poor country people are almost continually Complaining for want of Hay, Corn, Meat &c''''', and abundance of their horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep die for want. One Man hath Lost 5 or 6 Cattle, above 20 sheep & near 40 hogs. Many are forced to give them Wheat to keep them alive, and it is well for them that Can get it for themselves to Eat, for it and almost Every thing Else but frost and Snow is very Scarce up in the Country. 1st mo. 29th, I 74 1. This Last Winter I Trans- scribed the women's monthly meeting's minutes into the Standing book from the ist mo. A.D. 1732 to 1st mo. I 741. LETTER, JOHN SMITH TO JAMES PEMBERTON. 2 mo. 14, 1741. I Suppose thou has heard the Report of the greatest Peer of the Realm's being found out In Maryland, To wit the under Sheriff of Cecil County proving to be Heir apparent to the Duke of Norfolk, Hereditary Earle Marshall of England, I should be glad To be Informed if there is any truth in the report &c*. LETTER, JOHN SMITH TO ELIAS BLAND. Burlington, 2d mo. 14th, 1741. My Brother acquaints me th;it our friend John Hunt was married to an agreeable Woman (a Widow) on the 25th December Last, with a fortune of Two Thousand pounds. 3 mo. 6th. The Sellar for a house for my brother Samuel was begun to be dugg. 6 mo., I 74 1. At our Youths' meeting this month was a little maiden preacher from Bethlehem meeting 342 Diary of [^741 — her name Jane Symcock. She begun to Speak in meetings before She was i o year old, and is not yet 1 1 till next I St month, as She told me herself, and tho' I have not heard her preach, yet Several that have told me that She speaks very notably and very much to their Satisfaction. 7 mo., 1 74 1. Within these three months a Dis- temper Called the Yellow fever proved very Mortal at Philadelphia. It first seized the party with a violent pain in the head and back, and Some died with it quickly after being taken. Some the same day, some in two days and Some in more, but if they lived in it five days there was hopes of their recovery. It was thought that the violent heat of the fever Rotted the bowels of those that died with it, for Quickly after their Decease, and some before. Smelt so offensive that people Could hardly abide to be near them. I heard that Dr. Thos. Bond Dissected a man that had died with it and who had been well and hearty three days before. Upon opening his bowels he found them to be very much Decayed, and putting his hand up into his breast, it felt as if he had put it in scalding water, which caused him much pain in his hand for some time after. They say the most Suc- cessive Remedy for it is vomiting and Sweating. Of this Distemper Great numbers of people died. Some Shut up their houses and went into the Country for fear of it. Among those that died were Hannah Emerson, Eliz°^ Hatton, Sarah Thomas, Thos. Hatton, Jn» Ambler, Ew** Bridges, Henry Wormley, Thos. Say, Sam' Fisher. 7 mo. 19, I 74 1. Being Seventh day. Went from home about lo o'clock A. M. by Water to Philadel- phia, Intending to stay the yearly meeting. I Got down about 4 o'clock P. M. Lodged that night at uncle Noble's. 1742] John Smith 343 20th. Being first day, went to the Great house to the forenoon meeting, the service of which was thus managed : first Robt. Jordan preacht very lively tho' not long, then Benjamin Farris spoke, he is a young man from New Milford, In N. E. : After him Rich-i French preacht, then John Smith spoke a few words, and then Benj" Farris concluded the meeting in prayer and praise to God the father of Spirits. I dined this day at Uncle Noble's. The afternoon meeting In the Great house (for I was not at the Bank at all) was thus ordered : first Kezia Baker preacht, then Dan' Stanton, then Marget Ellis spoke a few words, then John Cadwallet, who spoke Extraordinary notable against Pride and Vain fashions, particularizing Hoop Petticoats, then Susannah Morris Concluded the meeting in sweet Supplication and prayer. The Evening meeting, which was very much thronged, was thus Conducted : first some man spoke a few words, then Kezia Baker preacht notably, then Benj" Farris, then John Evans, who was Extraordin- arily opened In good advice and Counsel, then Susannah Morris spoke short and Sweet, and Daniel Stanton Concluded the meeting in fervent prayer. 8 mo. 3d, 1742. Esther Clear, minister, buried at Phila. The last Summer the bloody flux proved very mortal about Crosswicks, 3 or 4 out of a family dying out of several families. It was also at Philadelphia, where it carried off Job Goodson and several others. After Yearly Mtg. Edmund Peckover went towards Md. accompanied by Wm. Thomas, who came last Spring from Tortola, where he and many others had been lately convinced of friends' principles. 8th mo. 6th, 1742, about 10 A. M., Robt. Jordan died at Israel Pemberton's house. He was buried the 344 Diary of [1742 7th, being fifth day of the week, his Corps being accompanied to the meeting house and from thence to the grave by a great number of friends and others. At the meeting Micah Lightfoot preach'd. 9 mo. ioth,To Adams meeting, whereat was our friend Eliza Pleasant (sister to Robt. Jordan), from Virginia. 19th. Came Elias Bland here from Phila. on his way to N. Eng. Also Jas. Pemberton, Wm. Griffith, Jn" Bringhurst, Jr. II mo. 28, 1742. About this time a Vessel arrived at Philad'' from Antigua which brought us the Sorrowful news of the Death of our much Esteemed friends John Estaugh and John Cadwallader at Tortola. They went from here about the 13th of the 8 mo. and had a passage of about 25 days there. The account received from John Pickering of Tortola In- formed us that John Cadwallader was taken 111 of the flux at Sea, but lived 1 8 days after he arrived, and a Comfortable time in visiting them. Sometime before he died, being sensible of his death, he desired to be buried by T. Chalkley, which was accordingly done the [?] of 9th mo: Jn° Estaugh had more time, and was of great service among them. He was taken off by a fever, and was very sensible during his Illness, Going away like a Lamb, Singing Hymns and praising God to the very Last, and was also Interred by T. Chalkley the 6th of 10 mo. These were two Antient friends .... both about 65 years of age and had been preachers about 40 years .... J. C. was a Welch man, and therefore not so fluent in the English tongue, but his ministry was neverless very acceptable, being sound and lively . . . . J. E. was an English man, and an Extraordinary Gift in the ministry he had, was fluent in Speech, Elegant in Expression and had a good Delivery .... 1743] John Smith 345 2 mo. 9, 1743. To Doct"' Shaw's plantation. 2 mo., 1743. About this time we had the follow- ing paragraph in the publick prints, viz : " Dublin, Feb. 12, Last Monday night died much Lamented in the 91st year of his age Mr. George Rooke, Sen'', and on Thursday his Corpse was conveyed from his own house to the Quakers meeting house in Meath street with great solemnity, and from thence to their burying place. Dolphin-barn-lane . . . " 3 mo. 1 7th. At an appointed mtg. at Mansfield for ministers, Lydia Dean and Dinah James from Chester Co, This Dinah is a young [married] wo- man, sister to Jn" Churchman. I 8th. To Phila. to m. of My cousin Mary Noble with Sam' Wetherill. 22. Edmund Peckover went to Phila. to burial of John Oxley, John Oxley, minister, was born at Chester, Pa., but lived mostly in Barbadoes. LETTER TO DR. JOSEPH GAMBLE IN BARBADOES. 3 mo. 27, 1743. He Qohn Oxley] arrived at Philadelphia the loth of this Inst. (I think). My Coz., S. Noble, T. Lightfoot and my Self went down the River to meet the Ship, and John knew us ( tho' in an Exceedingly weak Condition). That evening between lo & i i o'clock we carried him a shore in a hammock to Jn" Bringhurst's, where he continued sensible untill he died. 34^ Letters of [1748 LETTER OF JOHN SMITH TO HANNAH LOGAN Philad% 3d mo: 20th, 1748. My Dear Hannah — The generous manner in which thou treated me the last time but one I was at Stenton — for I will not say quite so much of the last — fills me with Inexpressible Gratitude. There are very few minds capable of being truly generous, and I thank God I have found thine to be one : fewer still are able when they have generous sentiments to continue and Retain them, but Am fully Confident thou will be one of that happy number. I had occasion at present to write to thy father about his Letter to Governour Belcher, which the Dear Old Gentleman sent me open ; and I could not forbear Expressing a little of my opinion of thee. It he should show it thee, I Beg thee to forgive my freedom ; they are the real and severe Effects of a Settled and fixed Judgement, and not from any Inten- tion to Complement at the Expence of my Integrity. I think I Abhor that disposition as much as any man alive. I cannot tell, my dear friend, how I shall support so long an Absence as thou Seemed willing to Enjoin me. I hope for pardon, if I wait upon thee the latter end of next week : Ten of the longest days they will be to me of any I ever knew in my Life. Thou will easily perceive by the Style of this letter that I am not in the easiest disposition. To think of thee as a part of myself, as of one heart and Soul with me, for that 1748] John Smith 347 I firmly Believe has been the Case ; and not be Allowed to Visit thee. To look at thee. To hear thy refined sentiments, charmingly Expressed, To think of thee, as one United to me in Tender and Immortal ties, and yet that could with so much coolness and indifference desire me not to make such frequent Visits! Oh Hannah, Can there be a Circumstance so difficult to retain a Calm Serene mind in ? I have often wished thou could see my whole thought, but never more than at this Juncture, for I am [in] capable of Express- ing them. I heartily wish thee every desirable Bless- ing, and am in the utmost tenderness & Sincerity, Thy True & faithful Friend John Smith. To make up for my own deficiencies I Enclose a Letter from Dear Edmund Peckover — If I durst ask such a favour as a few Lines from thee the beginning of the week, I promise Entire Secrecy. Indulge me so much. Dear Hannah. 34 8 John Smith [^749 LETTER, JOHN SMITH TO JAMES PEMBERTON, LONDON. 3d mo. 5, 1749. We have now in town some Deputies from the six nations upon a Treaty. Their chief business is to Congratulate the new Governour upon his arrival, & being one of their own Countrymen &c% and to Com- plain of the White People's settling upon their Lands beyond the purchase. I was a day or two ago at the state house with the Interpreter to see them. There happened to come some West Indians, the women drest in great hoops, at which the Indians made a great Admiration, seeming to wonder that anybody should Encumber themselves with such a dress. One of the Gentlemen had a large black bag to his Wig, at which one of the Indians pointing asked the Interpreter whether that was a woman. . . My brother Samuel has taken the new house that Capt. Dowers built, and Expects to move in about a month. Marriage seems to be at a stand among us ; there was not one couple at the last mo: meeting, nor any Expected but Jona: Mifflin & the Widow Edgell and a daughter of Caspar Wister's with a son in law of Tim Matlack's. 1 Pemberton Papers, Hist. Soc. Penna. James Loran's Pewtei' I 'latter Inventory 349 15 John and Hannah Smith's Part of Household Goods &c [at Stenton] A Chest of drawers, a dressing table & dressing box with 8 Cane Chairs, Feather bed & furniture in the South Chamber with a pair of Andirons Shovel, tongs & bellows . . . The two wheeled Chaise The Looking Glass in the little front room A Truckle bedstead, bed. Bolster & pillow A pair of brass top Andirons with Shovel & tongs in the common back room A maple desk with walnut spice box in the back parlour 2 An Old Chest of drawers, a rush bottom chair with 3 mops & dressing glass in the Green room .... In the North back Garret a servands bed & bedstead 14* part of pewter from A to B in the Inventory i/^* part of the Table linnen from C to D j4 of a. suit Damask & i ditto muslin Curtains A large Enamell'd China dish 25s 3 small dishes, 8 half pint blue & white cups with a spoon boat .... I blue China plate & 4 Coffee Cups . . 6 half pint blue & white Cups & 9 China plates I blue & white China bowl 3s ... . 24 syllabub Glasses, 2 Glass pyramid salvers 15 12 4 3 17 17 10 17 10 5 4 9 16 3 3 50 Inventory 23 Jelly Glasses, i large & 3 small tum- blers 14 1 1 China Cups Sc 8 saucers 15 A small bell metal skillet & a Copper stew pan I Iron Chafing dish 3s6d i Lazy back 2s 5 6 i/^'i part of the Lumber 3s 4d . . . . 3 4 An Old Oaken table with 2 Cane Chairs, 7 6 A black leather Chair in the Entry . . 76 18 bottles Metheglin 18 4 8 bottles Cherry wine 8 8 bottles English beer 5 6 bottles Elderberry wine 6 — Yi 2, 7289, F. 181, Smith MSS., Ridgway Branch Philadelphia Library Company. By the will of their mother, dated 4 mo. 8th, 1754, William and James Logan received " each one piece ot Silver plate, such as they shall chuse," but Hannah Smith received the remainder of the plate and a negro woman named Menah. The negro woman, however, seems to have been kept at Stenton. John Smith, evidently, did not wish to have a slave in his home. He writes, 9 mo. 4, 1753, to John Luke, of Philadelphia : <• I am obliged to thee for preventing the Consignment of a negroe to me, as I do not chuse either to buy or sell them." He does not hesitate, however, to sell Palatine redemptioners. — Ibid, F. 173. INDEX Abington 81, 219 Addison, The, 75, 79 Alborough 26 Alden, Elizabeth, 58 Alexander, James, 265 Allen, Mary 156, 171 Allen, William, 265, 270, *322 Allinson, Samuel, 58 Ambler, John, 342 Amboy, 210-215, 255, 318, 337, 340 Andrews, Isaac 118, 164, 264 Andrews, Jacob, 233 Anson's, George, "Voyage,". 253 Antigua 79, 89, 290, 344 Arbuckle, James, 266 Armitt, John, "Tl, 81, 83, 84, 98, 100, 101, 108, 109, 114-116, 120, 123, 125, 152, 155, 159, 175, 199, 200, 205, 208, 209, 221, 265, 270, 271, 273, 275, 283 301 Armitt, Mary, 85, 221 Armitt, Richard 221 Armitt, Sarah, see Sarah (Ar- mitt) Logan. Armitt, Stephen 113 Arthur, Capt 204, 337 Ashbridge, Aaron, *88,111 Ashbridge, Elizabeth (Sulli- van) 88, nil Ashton, J., 219 Ashton (Widow) 188 Aspden (?), M 66 Associators, The, 136 " Atalantis," 97 Atwood, Wm., 269 Austin, 330, 332 Austin, Samuel, 188 Baker, Kezia, 340, 343 Ballinger, Robert, 189 Bank stock 135, 136 Banks' Journal, John 339 Banks, Sarah, 221, 222, 311 Barbadoes 66, 69, 71, 119, 189, 210, 326, 330, 333, 336, 340 345 Barcroft's Journal, John, 339 Bartram, John *78, 129 Bassett, Davis (?), ...176, 189, 200 Bayle 264, 267, 272 152 Belcher, Jonathan, 7, 27, 55, *103-105, 109, 110, 116, 150, 181, 186, 187, 189, 203, 215, 236-238, 255, 264, 265, 270, 276, 279, 303, 304, 311, 323, 346 Belcher, Louisa (Teal), 236-238, 255 Benezet, Anthony, 91, 102, 114, 125, 142, *157, 165, 177, 178, 198, 225, 243, 251, 254, 264, 268, 270, 272, 274, 281, 284, 288, 291, 293, 303 304 Benezet, John Stephen, 85, 226, 304 *305 Benezet, Joyce (Marriott),. 177, 178, 185, 188, 196, 197, 198, 200, 207, 250, 251, 253, 254, 260, 2C1, 265, 266 273 Benezet, P., 138 Bermudas, . .». 333 Bevan, Sylvanus, *30S Biddle, William 297 Bigger, Peacock, 138 Billings, Dr., 310 Bingham, James 114 Birkett, James 303 Bispham, B 117 Black, William, Journal of, . .5, 7 Black Rock, 330 Bland, Elias 123, 220, 248, 313, 341, 344 Bolton, The, 67, 71, 109 Bombay Hook, 99, 100 Bonas [Bownas?], Samuel, ... 341 Bond, Dr., 237, 285, 314 Bond, Thomas 137 Bond, Dr. Thomas 342 Borden, Katherine 329 Borton, Aba., 130 Boscawen, Admiral, 153 Boston, 189, 190, 336 Bound, Samuel 214 Bourne, Th., 138 Bradford, William '133, 138 Braham, 25, 26 Brandon, 189, 190, 193 Bridges, Edward 342 Bridgetown 329-332 Bringhurst, John 125, 126, 131, n77, 263, 301 345 Bringhurst, John, Jr., 344 Bristol 87, 139, 255, 338 3 52 Courtship of [Index Brooks, Ann, 174 Brooks, Thomas, 176, 189, 199 Brown, Isa., 261 Brown, Preserve, *106, 267 Brown, Preserve, Jr 268, 269 Brown, Samuel, 338 Brown, Thomas 177, 252 Brown, William, ....126, 221, 264 271 Browne, Jesse, 110 Brunswick, 335 Buckingham, 215 Buckley, William, 337 Bucks Quarterly Meeting 124 Budden, Captain 245, 246 Buffln, John, 167 Bunting, Alice, 176 Bunting, Samuel, *121, 273 Burgess, F., 287, 288 Burgess, Thomas, ....149, 150, 269 Burk, Captain, 182 Burling, Edward, 214 Burling, James, 212 Burling (?), Phebe, 213 Burling, Samuel, 213 Burlington 24, 26, 28, *33, 56, 65, 69, 70, 73, 87, 103, 111, 116-118, 149, 150, 157, 167, 186, 187, 210, 215, 216, 227, 233, 234, 238, 249, 254, 276, 278, 285, 310, 312, 318, 319, 326, 327, 338 ' ' Burlington, Tlie, ' ' 340 Burroughs, John, 156 Burrows, A., 165 Bush Hill Mansion, ...75, 106, 304 Bush River, 103 Cadwalader, John, 262, 344 Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, ....*321 Cadwallet (?), John, ....337, 343 Calendar, change of, 320 Callender, Benjamin, 304, 329, 333 Callender, Hannah, 174 Callender, Joseph, 115, 330 Callender, Katv, ....163, 287, 335 Callender, Richard, 330 Callender, William, ....35, 83, 102, 112, 113, 116, 125, 130, 133, 1.54, 159, 169, 174, 181, 182, 200, 241, 243, 264, 267, 269, 270, 281, 283, 296, 303 Calvert, Mav 98 Carleton, Thomas *110 Carlisle, Abraham, 156, 173 Carlisle Bay, 329, 332, 333 Carpenter, S., ...116, 122, 127, 159 Cary, Samuel, 150 Cassel, Nicholas 132 Catherall, Edward, ....37, 80, 83, 84, 86, 91, 97, 107, 133, 134, 159, 177, 178, 187, 188, 196, 200, 208, 225, 232, 234, 260, 266-270, 281, 284, 285, 2S7, 292, 299, 344 Catherall, Rachel, 287 Chalkley, Martha *83, 150, 199 Chalkley, Thomas, ...111, 130, 329 Chalkley, Rebecca 95 Chambers's Dictionary, 80, 81, 84, 86, 87 Chanders, Paul, 251 Chattin, James 100, 322 Chester, ....120, 126, 163, 165, 210, 247, 289, 345 Chesterfield, 234 Cheyne's Essay on Health and Long Life, 89 Christiana Creek 327 Chubb, Piall or Noiall (?), .. 190, 192, 196, 200, 208 Churchman, John, ...*194-196, 199-201, 337 Clair, John, 132 Clark, B., 80 Clarke, Dr. Samuel, 99 Claypoole, James, *137 Clear, Esther, 343 Clemens, Samuel, 123 Clemon, W. , 138 Clifton, John, 233 Clymer, William, 112, 275, 298, 306 Coates, Samuel, 177 Coleman, Rebecca, 177 Coleman, William, ...115, 126, 130 Collins, Edward, 297 Collins, Isaac, 58 Collins, Susanna 58 Colonial Dames of America, ... 22 Comminings, .• 340 Commonplace Book (John Smith's), ...86, 88, 102, 241, 264 Concord, 150 Condy, Captain William 326 Conorotor (?), Isa. 167 Coombe, Captain Henry, 333 Cooper, Hannah, 278 Cooper, Jacob, 206 Cooper, .Jos., 109, 168 Cooper's, 210, 222 Coppock, , 313, 314 Correa, Abbe, 24 Cottar's (?) Perry 106 Coultas, James, *138 Counterfeiting, 303 Couper, Dr. James, 58 CoujX'r, Mary, 58 Court of Common Pleas, 178 of Oyer and Terminer, 122 Orphans' 182 Superior, 97 Supreme, 110, 171, 305, 313 Courtney, Ruth 336 Cowie, Captain 255 Cox, John, Jr. , 58 Cox (Widow), 122 Cox, Sarah, 170, 185, 196, 227 Coxe's Bridge, 210 [ndex] Hannah Logan 353 Craribuiy 211, 215, Crisp's Sermons, Stephen, Crosby, Joshua, 85, 178, 198, 199, 263, 269, 303, 304, Crosby, Thomas, 129, 169, Cross, Henry, Cross, Mary, Croswicks, 106, 211, 215, 319 Crosswicks Creek Darby, ....107, 121, 16.5, 180, 219, 248 Davie, Thomas, Davis, Dr. George Davis, Peter, ....110, 120, 121, Dean, Lydia, Decow, Isaac, Delaplaine, James, Delaplaine, Joseph, Desideritus, Dialogues on Education Dickinson, John, 21, Dicks, Peter *247, Dillwyn, John, ...57, •79, 113, 126, 155, 171 Dillwvn, Susanna (Painter), 57, 246 Dillwj-n, Susanna, Dillwyn, William, Discipline, Book of, Dolphin, The 66, 69, Dolphin-barn-lane Don Quixote, Dowers, Captain Edward, . .67, 204, 205, 258-260, Draison, P., Drinker, Henry S. , Drinker, John, 125, Drinker, John Drummond, Mary, on " In- ternal Revelation," Driirv, Edward, Dublin 67, 165, Duncan, Robert, Durbraugh, Durbrugh (?), Durburon, John, Eaton. John, Edsell. Robert Edgell (Widow) , 280, Edmonson's Journal, W Elections 112, 243, 297-299, 312 Elfreth, .Ter Elfreth, .Tesse, Elfreth C Widow) Rli^abethtown Ellis. Margaret, ..142, 164, 239, Elwell. D.ivid, Emerson. Hannah Emlen, George 21, Emlon, O., .Tr Emlen. Hannah, see Hannah (Emlen) Logan. 319 Emlen, Joseph, 303 338 Emlen, M 83, 85, 105, 112, 133, 156, 177, 251, 256, 318, 324 315 Emlen, Samuel, 57 198 England, 2!)0, 332 29<1 Estaugh, Elizabeth 'llS, 290 119, 167, 168 Estaugh, John, 344 Etter, Petter, 138 Evan, Edward, 199 Evan, Owen, 112, 207, 297 Evans, C. , 129 Evans, Elizabeth, 100, 223 Evans, Ellen 284 Evans, Evan, 100 Evans, Hugh, ...112, 208, 297, 312 Evans, John, *101, 112, 164, 208, 296 Evans, Lewis 304 Evans, Thomas, 337 Evans (Widow), ....86-88, 110, 118 Evergreen, 95 Evesham, 118 Fairhill, 21, 101, 173. 244, 256, 259 Falls of the Schuylkill River, 194, 205, 223 Faris, Zechariah, 69 Farmer, Richard, *137 Farris, Benjamin, 343 Farrington, Abraham 110, 128, 143, 150, 151, 209, 219, 220, 273 286 Fearn, Peter, 150, 187, 209, 225, 227 310 Feke, Robert *290 Fell, Benjamin, 125, *164 Fielding, Henry, ....207, 240, 28S Fire company, 90, 93, 97, 135, 295, 319 Fislibourne, W. , 287 Fisher, Henrj% 340 Fisher, John 272 Fisher, Samuel 288, 291, 342 Fisher, Thomas 206 Fisher, William 206, 271 Fishing, ....20.5, 206, 223, 224, 285 Fitzosborn's, Sir Thomas, Let- ters, 277 Fitz-Randolph. Ezekiel, ..203, 211 Fitzrandolph, Hugh, 202 Fitzrandolph, Richard 215 Fleeson. Plunket, 137 313 Fletcher. Thomas, 112 233 Flovd, Samuel 330 126 Flashing, 68 207 Forman, .John 263 335 Forstor, Hannah 337 343 Fortescue's " Praise of the 200 Laws of England," 294 342 Fothergill, .John 336 202 Foulke, Judah •126, 129, 199 1,59, 261, 294 296 Fox, Joseph, 298, 300, 312, 313, 322 Francis, Tench, •278, 298, 320 343 335 273 203 58 127 345 338 290 296 88 272 24 248 280 57 57 133 71 345 86 348 210 58 132 58 339 80 214 300 207 302 339 330 348 339 354 Courtship of [Inde Frankford, ..82, 234, 287, 293, 304 Frankford Road, 283 Franklin, Benjamin, ...13, 24, 30, 100, 141, 262, 298, 304, 306, 312-314, 322, 339 Franklin, Governor William, . . 56 French, Joseph 330 French, Richard, 337, 343 Friendship, The, 68, 71, 89 Fuller & Holmes, on " Suffer- ings of the People Called Quakers," 339 Galloway, Jos., Jr., 129 Gallowav, Samuel 209 Gamble," Dr. Joseph, 114, 329, 34.5 Garrigue, F., 139 Gawthrop, Thomas, 81-85, *92, 108, 109, 120, 122-125, 127, 182, 220 Genet, French minister, 24 George, David, 203, 206, 208 George III. of England, 69 Georgia, 102 Germantown, 5, 65, 85, 89. 114, 122, 129, 158, 160, 169, 194, 209, 226, 240, 244, 252, 254, 283, 290, 305, 318 Germantown, Battle of, 24 Gerrard, 318 Gibson, John, 330, 333 Gibson, Rowland, 330, 333 Giles, Jacob, 93 Giles, John, 165 Gloucester Point, 203 Goodman, Captain, 261 Goodson, Job, 343 Goshen, Ill Govett, Jos 221 Graeme, Ann (Diggs) *92 Graeme, Dr. Thomas, 92, *237 321 Gray, 'George, jr., nss, 253 Gray, Robert 330 Gray, William 297 Great Britain 189 " Great Brittain, A Tour thro' " 99 Greenleafe, Elizabeth, 304 Greenleafe, Isaac, *84, 86, 87, 93, 103, 114, 115, 121, 123, 127, 220, 263, 269 273 Griffith, John, 102, *nO, 127 Griffith, Polly, 304 Griffith, William 190, 344 Griffitts, Isaac *134, 276, 297 Griffitts, Mary 275 Griffitts, Thomas *67 Griffitts, William, *67, 87, 92, 103, 322 324 Grudv, Martin, 115 Guinea 332 Gwvnedd, 100, 177 Haddonfield 157 Hall, David *140, 141 Hamilton, Andrew *106 Hamilton, James, *255 Hancock, William, 337 Hannibal, Old, 172 Harding, Francis, ....189, 202, 207 Harnaus, William, 164 Harper (Widow) 330, 333 Harrison, Hannah, 203 Hartshorne, R., 167, 198 Harvey, Rebecca Minshall, . . . 248 Hasell, Samuel, *307 Haslam, John, 122 Hassert, Arent, Jr., *300 Hatton, Elizabeth 342 Hatton, Thomas 342 Haverford, 88 Haydock, Eden, 76 Haydock, Henry, 214 Hazard, Samuel, *309 Heap, George, 297 Hellibel, Mount, 333 Heulings, Esther, 58 Heulings, William .58 Hevsham, Captain, 93 Hill, Deborah, 58 Hill, Dr. Richard 58 Hilles, Gulielma Maria, see Gulielma Maria (Hilles) Howland. Hilles, Samuel 53 Hilles, William, Samuel, and John, 58 Hockley, Richard 294 Holcomb, Mary 272, 273 Holland, 301 Holland, Margaret, ...133. 170, 177, 229, 273 Holland, (the book bind- er), 267 Homan, Sarah, 116 Hopkin, Ebenezer, '. 118 Hopwood. Samuel, 123, 334 Home, William, 280 Hoskins, Jane, *108, 111, 116-118, 162, 164, 165, 214, 248, 311 Hough, Benjamin, 176, 189, 197 Howard, Thomas, 113 Howe, Lord 2t Howland, Charies W., 58 Howland, Gulielma Maria (Hil- les) 58, 60 Hudson. Elizabeth, ..127, 157, 162, 165, 214, 314 324 Hudson, Susannah, 336 Hugh, Ellis 284 Hulford, Hannah, 164, 221, 251, 307 Hume, Isabella 10 Hume, Sophia, ..205, 207, 216, 220-222, 241, 242, 247 289 Hunt, D., 123 Hunt, John, 289, 302, 336, 337, 341 Hunterdon 259 Hutton, John *232 index] Hannah Logan 355 Uutton, Thomas, 232 Hyiim, Thomas, 308 Indian Commissioners, 5 Indians, 5, 14, 348 Inglis, John, "IS? Inoculation 74 Ireland, 71, 76, 332, 341 Iroquois, 5 Jackson, Joseph 330 Jackson, Samuel, 303 Jamaica 68, 71, 204, 290, 301 James, Abel 79, 81, 86, 95, 96, 101, 103, 107, 115, 155, 159, 182, 186, 193, 198, 199, 210, 211, 214, 229, 230, 240, 245, 250, 258, 260, 269, 275, 279, 293 300 James, Dinah, 345 James, Edward, 197 James's Coffee House, ..158, 275-279 James, Mary Ill James, Michael 2G9 James, Rebecca (Chalkley), .. 95 James, Thomas, 297 Jasson ( ?), Captain, 236 Jefferson, Thomas 24 Jenkin, Cliarles, 71 Jenkins, William 102, 166 Jenkinson, Hannah, 167 Jenkinson, William, 167 Jennings, Samuel 27 Jewish Spy, The, 91, 264 Jones, Abraham, 138 Jones, John, 112, 197, 294 Jones, Owen, *292, 293, 315 Jordan, Jo., 97 Jordan, Mary, see Mary (Jor- dan) Pemberton. Jordan, Robert, 340, 343, 344 Kearney, E. , 129 Kearnv. H 129 Kearsley, Dr 106, 321 Kelpius 225 Kensington, 299, 306 King, Joseph, 269 Kinsev, John, 93, 95, 107, 112, 129, 140, 177, 180, 191, 198, 208, 209, 270, *285, 286, 288-290, 292, 295, 314 Kinsey, John, Jr 129, 253 Kirkbride, Jane 334 Kirkbride, Joseph 189 Knight, Mary, 318 Kock (Widow), 280 Krepner, Paul, 207 Lancaster, Pa., 5, 80 Lancaster, Phebe 307 Lane [Zane?], Isaac, 126, 177 Langley, Robert, 156-158 Lardner, Lynford, *1.37 Large, Ebonezer, 153 Large, Elizabeth, 338 Large, Jenny, ..107, 111, 215, 233 Largo, Jolm 338 Large, Samuel 109 Large (Uncle) 127, 227, 233 Law, William 263 Lawrence, Robert, 280 Lawrence, Thomas, ..*75, 136, 308 Lawrence, Thomas, Jr 137 Lawson, Captain, 236, 237, 248, 257 Lay, Benjamin, *81, 82 Lebanon, 95, 199 Leech, Thomas *112, 243, 297 Letter, James Logan to Sarah Read, 19, 20 Letter, John Smith to Elias Bland 341 Letter, John Smith to James Pemberton, 341 Letter, John Smith to John Warden, 339 Letter to Dr. Joseph Gamble,.. 343 Letters of John Smith to Han- nah Logan, ....144, 161, 173, 253 Lewes, Delaware, 67 Lewis, Adam, 290 Lewis, Hannah, 300 Lewis, John 290 Lewis, Margaret, 124 Lewis, Mordecai, 58 - Lewis, Nathan 109, 110 Lewis, Sarah 124 Library, The (Philadelphia), see Philadelphia Library. Lightfoot, Michael 81, *83, 85, 100, 108-110, 112, 115, 121, 130, 133, 140, 146, 153, 154, 156, 157, 164, 176, 177, 185, 193, 196-198, 200, 202, 203, 207, 220-222, 232-234, 246, 251, 258, 261, 267, 268, 271, 273, 277, 281, 284, 286, 305, 317, 319, 340 344 Lightfoot (?), Peter 121 Lightfoot, Thomas, 81, 86, 175, 210, 264, 269, 281, 340, 345 Linccv, Jane 307 Lisle,' Henry, 71, 90 Liverpool 67, 234, 307 'Lloyd, David, 13 Llovd, Grace (Growden),.*121, 126, 241, 248 Lloyd, Hannah, 315 Llovd, Mordecai, 284 Lloyd, Tliomas, 269, 275, 277, *310 Logan, Albanus C, Esq 21 Logan, Deborah, 23 Logan, Dr. George 23 Logan, Hannah, . .6-*9, 21, 73, 85, 89, 92, 96, 98-100, 109, 116-118, 122, 127, 128, 132, 133, 142-149, 151, 1.53, 1.54, 1.58-160, 163, 166. 167, 169, 171-175, 178, 179, 181-186, 188, 100, 193-195, 198, 201. 202, 205, 206, 208, 209, 216-218, 3 5^ Courtship of [Inde 220, 222-224, 228, 230-236, 238-210, 242-247, 249-254, 256, 257, 259, 264, 266-268, 270, 271, 273, 281, 283, 284, 286, 287, 289-291, 296, 302, 309, 314-316, 319, 323, 346, 347 Logan, Hannah (wife of Wil- liam) 167, 168, 194, 217, 224, 247, 250, 254, 257, 271, 281, 295 315 Logan, H;mnah (Emlen), 21 Logan, James, ..5, 16-*20, 23, 28, 65, 73, 101, 114, 153, 154, 160, 169, 179, 182, 186, 201, 208, 228, 231, 232, 235, 240, 242, 243, 245, 249, 250, 254, 256-259, 261, 281, 282, 293, 302, 304, 305, 314-*316, 320, 323 Logan, James, Jr., 21, 149, 150, 206, 230, 233, 234, 240, 246, 270, 276, 279, 282, 288, 289, 309 Logan, Miss Maria Dickinson,. 21 Logan, Patrick 10, *11 Logan, Sarah (Read), 19, 20, 85. 109, 116, 155, 160, 166, 179, 186, 201, 217, 218, 223, 224, 231, 239, 241, 244, 249, 250, 252, 254, 256, 259, 260, 264-266, 271, 283, 284, 304, 318, 319 320 Logan, Sarah (Armitt), ...21, 174 Logan, Sarah, Jr 8, 9, 20 Logan, William 21, 85, 96, 100, 101, 122, 126-128, 132, 134, 142, 143, 149, 152, *156, 158, 159, 162, 165, 171, 180, 182, 183, 194, 195, 198, 202, 204, 217, 218, 220, 222-225, 227, 230, 235, 241, 242, 247, 248, 2.50, 252, 257, 259, 260, 263, 26.5, 268-271, 273, 274, 276, 280, 282, 286, 288, 290, 299, 304, 307, 317, 318 320 Logan, Dr. William 8, 21, 179, *289 London 71, 127, 142, 182, 226, 228, 236, 245, 255, 309, 341 Long Island 212, 340 Lord, Jos., 69, 164 Louisburg, Surrender of, 69 Love, Jonathan, 300 Luke, Jacob 330, 333 Luke, John 269, 271-273 Lyde, Byfield, 104, *10.5, 106 Lynn, Joseph, 106, 182 McCall, Samuel n36 McKedrick, Captain 328 Maekanat, Daniel 226 Mansfield 167 Marcus Hook 289, 327 Marriott, Thomas 139 Marshall. Christopher 120, *305 306 Marshall, Thomas 299 Marsha, Witham, Journal of, . 5 Martin, George, 74 Martinique 79 Maryland, 110, 198, 341 Mason, A 138 Masters' Mill, 299 Masters' Plantation, 274 Masters' Wharf 286 Mathers, , 127, 165, 248 Matlack, Timothy, 177, 348 Matthai, Conrad, ....*225, 226, 235 Maugridge, Drury, 279, 280 Maugridge, William, *279, 280 Medicalfe, Matthew, 114 Mendenhall, Lvdia 164 Meredith, Reece, 126, 130 Merion, 202, 207, 219 Mesnard, Captain, 101, 226, 229, 245, 247, 289, 309 Mickle, Samuel, wife of, ..159, 269 Mifflin, George, 86, 205 Mifflin, John, ..113, *275, 278, 313 Mifflin, Jona., 348 Mifilin, Sally, 86 Minshall, Rebecca, see Rebecca Minshall Harvey. Minshall, Robert, 219 Moor (?), AbraJiam, 171 Moore, Ann, 311, 318 Moore, John 251, 260 Moore, Robert 291, 292, 299 Moore, Samuel 74 Moore, Dr. Samuel Preston, *155, 239, 262, 269, 304, 306, 322 Aloorestown 167 Moravian preachers, 98 More, Sir Thomas 85 Morgan, Elizabeth, 124, 164 Morgan, Evan, ..297, 300, 309, 312 .323 Morris, Anthony, 58, 101, 120, 125, 131, 140, 220. 269, 295 311 Morris, Anthonj', Jr 269, 295, 305 324 Morris, Charles, 165 Morris, Daniel, 177 Morris, Debby 86, 107, 165 Morris, Eliza 258 Morris, Elizabeth, 186, 266, 286 289 Morris, Gulielma Maria 58 Morris, James, 112, 29.5, 300 Morris, .Tolin 101, 125, 126, 165, 177, 264, 287, 292, 293, 295, 297, 299 Morris, John, 58 Morris, Joshua, ..81, 102, 312, 315 Morris, Lewis *73, 339, 340 Morris, Margaret (Hill), 58 Morris, Mary 180, 315 Morris, Samuel, 208 Index] Hannah Logan 357 Morris, Sarah •80, 83, 85, 110, 129, 130, 133, 142, 152, 155, 156, 162-164, 174, 177, 178, 181, 183, 186, 188, 193, 195, 221-223, 236, 244, 250, 251, 257, 258, 260, 261, 264, 266, 267, 269-271, 274, 280, 284, 286, 287, 295, 296, 305, 310 324 Morris, Susanna, ....110, 251, 284. 307, 311, 343 Morris (Widow), 171, 174, 206, 221, 222 Morris, William 58, 154, 230 Moss (Mors?), Abraliam, ..*69, 181, 227 Mount Holly, 117, 119 Mulberry Street, 308 Murfin, Sarah, 234 Naglee, John, 297 Narrows, The, 214 Needhain's Fort 332 Neshaminy 124 New Castle, Del 58, 76, 327 New England, 69, 102, 108, 110, 344 New Garden, 232 New Milford, 343 New York 69, 74, 210-212, 214, 335, 340 Newbould, Thomas, 340 Newburj', M., 114, 129 Newbury, Peggy, 86, 247 Nightingale, Sarah, 338 Nightingale, Simon, 338 Nixon, R., 139 Noble, Abel 77 Noble, Jos., 83, 150, 200, 230, 304, 342, 343 Noble, M-. 340 Noble, Mary, 345 Noble, Samuel, 75, 83, 90, 126, 187, 199, 261, 326, 320, 345 Norfolk, Duke of, 341 Norris, Bethy 260, 272 Norris, Charles, »50, 304, 314 Norris, Deborah, 244 Norris, Isaac 20, 112, *131, 173, 244, 256, 259, 260, 262, 273, 297, 300, 312, 320, 323 Norris family, 21, 272 North AVales IOC Nottingham, Samuel, 163, 164, 167, 180, 185-188, 208- 210, 219 Old York Road, 5 Onion, Stephen, 220 Orphans' Court, 182 Orum, Jacob, 337 Overseers of the Press, ....111, 112, 130 140 Owen, R 138 Owen, Rebecca, 86, 129 Owen (Widow) , 206 Oxford, 292 Oxley, John, 329, 345 Page, George 339 Painter, Susanna, see Susanna (Painter) Dillwyn. Palatines 237, 238 Panmure, Lord, 10 Paper Money, burning, ..300, 304, 310 Parker, Josiah, *247 Parr, N.athanicl, 232, 2.35 Parr, Samuel 93, 186, 188, 269, 287, 292 Parr's Cove, 285 Parrock, Hannah, 177, 196 Parrock, James, *261) Parrock, John 258, 259 Paul, Jona., 121, 122 Pauling, Henry, 312 Peal, John 60, 210, 212-214 Peale, Paul, 26 Pearsall, Rachel C, 58 Pearsall, Robert, 58 Pearson, Enoch, 125, 337 Peckover, Edmund 123, 204, 343, 345, 347 Peckover, Haggit 203, 220 Peel, Oswald, 113, 243 Peirce, Ann (Webb) (Pyle).. .*115 Pemberton, Charles, 132, 140, 158, 160, 166, 167, 175, 181, 186, 187 Pemberton, Israel, Sr., 65, 66, 72, 84, 85, *90, 92, 95, 96, 98-100, 103, 106, 112, 122, 123, 126, 130-133, 140, 142, 149, 151, 152, 155, 158, 160, 162-164, 171, 175, 177, 181, 185, 186, 188, 189, 193, 195, 198, 200, 205, 206, 209, 210, 216, 220, 221, 227, 2.30, 241, 246, 264, 265, 268-271, 273, 283, 284, 287, 290, 292, 296, 305, 307, 310, 313, 314, 340, 343 Pemberton, Israel, Jr 66, *93, 94, 100, 101, 111, 112, 115, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133, 139, 140, 142, 152, 155, 156, 158, 176, 178, 180, 181, 186, 189, 193, 198, 202, 205, 210, 216, 220-222. 230, 247, 248, 265, 266, 268-270, 278, 283, 284, 286, 288, 295-297, 304, 311-313 322 Pemberton, .Tames, 56, 67, *68, 69. 72, 81, 84, 86, 87, 90, 91, 100-102, 108, 112, 114, 115. 121, 126, 129, 1.57-159, 1S6, 190, 192, 202, 205, 207, 208. 217, 224, 230, 231, 247, 2&5, 269, 288. 314, *315, 341, 344 Pemberton, .Tesse, 120 Pemberton, .John, ...*168, 254, 265, 271, 281, 288 289 358 Courtship ot [Index Pemberton, Mary (Jordan), 72, *S5, 89, 92, 96, 99, 114, 120, 128, 177 244 Pemberton, Rachel *72, 88, 120, 167, 168, 172, 177, 182, 207, 217, 254, 260, 271, 281, 309 Pemberton's Plantation House, 95 Pembroke, The, 165 Penington, Edward, 79 Penn, Hannah, 7 Penn, Thomas, the Proprietor, 28, 72, 106 Penn, William, 7, 9, 12, It Penn, William, Jr., 18 Pennell, John, ..247, 248, 257-259 Pennoek, Elizabeth, ..102, 114, 151, 176, 177, 188, 196, 197, 265, 278 307 Pennoek, Samuel, 120, 129, 158, 207, 227, 264 Pennsylvania Gazette, 283 Pennsylvania Hospital, ...307, 308. 311, 313, 314, 319-323 Pepperill, William 69 Peters, Richard 5, *166, ISO, 259, 262, 265, 270, 279, 308 310 Philadelphia, ....65, 187, 326, 330, 334 342 Philadelphia Contributionship, 38 Philadelphia Library, ..16, 97, 158, 189 Pickering, John, 344 Pickering, Thomas, 24 Pierce. Edward, 338 Pleasant, Eliza 344 Pleasants, Robert, ....84, 114, 115, 156-158 Plumsted, William, ..75, *298, 313, 322, 323 Plymouth, 309 Point-no-point 74, 79, 107, 132, 159, 168, 190, 193, 198, 199, 230, 273, 284, 287, 291, 292, 299 Pole, John, 103, 269 Polgreen, James, 138, 202 Poole, Nathaniel, 162 Pope, Alexander 77, 282 Poquessin, 234 Powell, Samuel, 115, 269, 292, 293 Powell, Samuel, Jr 114, ♦268 Price (Lawver) 92 Prince William, The 93, 119, 221, 290, 301 Privateers, 79, 99, 100, 108, 109, 189-191, 196 Proud, Jenny, 86 Prvor, Thomas 338 Punkin Hill, ■ 332 Pusey, Caleb 57 Quarry, Cglonel Robert, 13 Randolph, John, 24 Rankin, Captain, 234 Paper, Caleb, 70, 338 Paper, Marv, *74, 83, 340 Read, Charles, ....19, 20, 56, 167 Read, Sarah, see Sarah (Read) Logan. Ready Island 189, 328 Red Bank, 327 Redemptioners, 237, 238, 307 Redman, Joseph 138 Redmon, Captain, 327 Redwood, Jonas Langford, ...*129 Redwood, Mehitable, •115, 128, 129 Reed, Alice, 290 Reed, James, 289 Reeve, Peter 86 Renshaw, R. , 139 Revnell, John, *66, 102, 109, 116, 125, 128, 131, 162, 174, 186, 200, 216, 269, 300, 315 322 Rhode Island 185, 188 Ridiards, Joseph 127 Richardson, Jos., 124, 156, 171 269 Richmond, 102 Ritchison, John 329 Roberts, Ann 290 Roberts, Hueh, ....58, 74, 112, 113, 275, 296, 313 322 Roberts, John *224 Roberts, Mary 58 Roberts, Molly (Yarnall), 70 Robinson, J., 138 Rockliflt, see Wilhous & Roek- lifF. Rodman, Clark 337 Rodman, Scamon, 68 Rodman, Thomas 69 Rodman. Dr., 150 Rooke, George, Sr., 345 Ross, .lohn *1V3 Ross, J., 138 Rush, W., 13S Russell, Honorable Bertrand, . . 59 Salem 328 Salkil, John 337 Sansom, S., 77 Sassafras Street, 279, 280 Say. Thomas, 342 Scarlxirough, John, 164 Schuvlkiir River, The, ....71, 81. 87. 1.58, 265, 327 Scotland 76 Scull, Edward 297 Scull, Nicholas *112 Seaton, Alexander, 337 Sewel. Richard 112 Shakespeare, William, 99 Shaw, Dr 345 Sheldon, Elcazer 65 Sherlocke's Treatise on Death, 97 Shipley, Elizabeth, "120 Shippen, Ann, 17, 18 Index] Hannah Logan 359 Shippen, Edward (Mayor), 17, IS, 70. 254, *262, 270 308 Shippen, Edward, Jr. (Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, and son of Mayor), *245, 296 Shippen, Edward (of Boston and Philadelphia) 262 Shippen, Joseph (of German- town)), 262 Shippen, Dr. William, ..*281, 306 Shoemaker Lad, Tlie, 158, 222, 227, 246 Slioemaker, Samuel 87, *134, 207 285 Shotwell, Joseph, *213 Shrewsbury, 16, 117, 167, 168, 175 182 Shute, Attwood, "IS? Shute, Joseph, 116, 311 Shute, Thomas, 122, 127, 159 Sikes, .John, 164, 337 Skating, 81, 87, 265 Slater, Michael 275-278, 280, 283, 301 Small-pox 74, 301 Smith, Abigail Bowne 58 Smith, Abigail (Rapier) 24 Smith, Albanus 59 Smith. Alys Whitall Pearsall,. 59 Smith. Benjamin, 335 Smith, Caroline M., 59 Smith, Charles Logan, 58 Smith, Daniel, 73. 210, 285 Smith, Elizabeth 25, 58, 70, 111, 220, 221, 249, 250, 252, 255, 261, 283, 287 288 Smith, Elizabeth Pearsall 59 Smith, Hannah, 58 Smith, Hannah (born 1753),... *58 Smith, Hannah (Logan), see Hannah Log-in. Smith, Hannah, Jr., 323 Smith, Hannah Whitall, 59 Smith, Horace J 59 Smith, James, •58 Smith, James Logan, 58 Smith, John, 30-*39 Smith, John (cousin of the au- thor), 92, 115, 168 Smith, John (1761-1803), *58 Smith, John, Jr., 261 Smith, John J 58 Smith. John Jay (1798-1881), 58, 59 60 Smith, Lloyd Pearsall 58 Smith, Margaret Hill 58 Smith, (Cousin) Mary 232 Smith, Mollie 283 Smith, Morris, 59 Smith, Nanny 97, 102, 174, 204 233 Smith, Phebe 110 Smith, Rachel 58 Smith, Richard (1593-1647), .. 26 Smith, Richard (1626-1688), .. 26 Smith, Richard, *25, 260, 318 Smith, Richard, Jr., *24, 25-30, 73, 103, 117, 123, 149, 166, 180, 181, 187, 188, 194, 210, 218, 220, 227, 229, 230, 234, 238, 249, 250, 252, 255, 260, 267, 268, 273, 276, 282, 283, 287, 318, 319, 326, 334, 337, 340 Smith, Richard M 58 Smith, Richard Morris, 59, 60 Smith, Robert 210, 254, 338 Smith, Robert Pearsall 59 Smith, Samuel 25, *28, 56, 74, 104, 120, 128, 132, 150, 177, 187, 193, 194, 211, 215, 220, 255, 256, 260, 266, 271, 276, 283, 285, 286, 310, 334, 341 Smith, Samuel (grandfather of John), 25, 26 Smith, Sarah Logan, *57, 58 Smith, Susanna Dillwvn, 58 Smith, Thomas ." 102, 253 Smith, William (of Braham), 26 Smith, William (cousin to au- thor), 318 Smith, William, " Antient and valuable friend," 207 Smith, William Lovett, ...*25, 114, 143, 168 South's, Dr. Robert, Sermons,. 181 South Carolina, 311, 327 South River, 211, 215 Spectator, The, 88 Speightstown, 330, 332, 333 Spencer's (in the Broadway, N. Y.) 212, 213 Spofford, G., 138 Stanton, Daniel 83, *105, 112, 114, 124, 125, 127-130, 164, 170, 171, 177, 189, 200, 202, 204, 208, 210, 336, 343 State House, The, 158, 189, 194 309-311 Stapler, Stephen, 156, 174 Stedman, Alexander '322 Stedman. Charles, •322 Steele, Richard 94, 181 Stenton, ..5, 15, 21-24, 72, 85, 86, 89, 100, 114, 148, 149, 152, 154, 158, 160, 166, 167, 169, 171, 173, 174, 178, 180, 181, 183, 185, 190, 193, 194, 201, 209, 217, 218, 222, 224, 227, 230, 231, 234, 235, 238, 240, 242-246, 249, 250, 2.52, 253, 257-262, 206, 268, 270, 274, 279, 281-285, 289, 291, 293, 295, 296. 305, 309, 314-317, 319 Stephens, Eliza, 221, 229 Stewardson, George 58 Stewardson, Thomas, 58, 60 Story, Thomas, 17, 18 360 Courtship of [Index story's, Thomas, Journal, 198, 240 Strettell, Amos *131, 154, 156 I60 Strettell, Robert, ...*125, 130, 151 Superior Court, 97 Supreme Court, ..110, 171, 305, 313 Swan, R., 138 Swift, John 309 Swingett, Robert, 333 Symcock, Jane, 342 Symes (?) (Sytres?) (Supres?), John, 187, 233 Symond's Ferry, 211 Syng, Philip, *113 Tatler, The, 88 Taylor, Abraham, 136 Taylor, Dr. Jeremiah, " Imita- tion of Christ," 231 Teal, Louisa, see Louisa (Teal) Belcher. Tennent, Rev. Gilbert 139- 141, 143, 158, 187, 226, 288, 295, 305 Thanksgiving Proclamation, . . 77 Thomas, Elizabeth 107 Tliomas, George, *93, 98 Thomas, Sarah, 342 Tliomas, Thomas, 178 Thomas, William, 343 Thompson, Jonah, ...293, 295, 298 Thomson, James, 148, 200, 201, 202 Thornton, James, 295 Three Tuns Tavern, 5 Tickell's, Thomas, Life of Ad- dison, 295 Tillotson, Dr. John 283 Toole, Daniel 81 Tortola 329, 343, 344 Trenton 295 Trotter, Benjamin, ..*80, 123, 128, 130, 133, 162, 181, 195, 204, 229, 236, 256, 264, 265, 271, 284, 293, 296, 299, 307, 317, 318 Trotter, Joseph, 112, 297, 312 Trotter, William, 297 Tnimble, Francis, 293 Turkish Spy, The, 288 Tyley, Edward, 336 Vanderspiegel, William, ..177, 280, 285 Virginia 84, 156, 328, 344 Virginia Indian Commission, 5, 9 Wain, Robert, 197 Wain, M., Jr. 265 Warden, John, 339 Warden's 241 Warner. Edward, ..*112, 269, 297, 300, 303 312 Warren, Captain 69 Warren, Lady Susanna (De Lancey) 212 Washington, George, 24, 36 Watson, Matthew, 335 Watson (Widow) 197 Watson's Ferry, 335 Watts, Anne, *212 Watts, Dr. Isaac, 227 Wellinborough 219 Welch Men (from Haverford) . 88 West, Cha 197 West Indians, 348 West Indies, 27 Westminster Abbey, 95 WetherUl, Samuel, 73, 345 Wharton, Joseph, *171, 309 Whipple, S., 128 White, Ann 337 White, Captain, 123, 127 White, Esther 102, 177, 207, 247, 258 White, John 264 White, Josiah, 110, 117 Whitefield, Rev. George, ..*76, 98, 339, 340 Wicaco 171 Widow, The, (ship), 127 Widowfield, Ann, 108 Widowfield, Peter, 156, 165 Wilhous & Rockliff, 309 Willan, Dr. Robert 227, *229, 230, 243, 254, 257, 262, 266, 302 Williams, Enion, 295 Williams, Isaac 329 Williams, Isaac, Jr., 333 Williamson, John 337 Willing, Charles, *136 Wilkins, Mary 337 Wilmington 327 Wilson, Christopher, ..65, 122, 198 Wilson, David, 125 Wilson, John, *302 Wilson's, Thomas, Journal, . . . 3.39 Wissahickon Road, 225 Wister, Caspar, .269, 296, 323, 348 Witt, Dr. Christopher, *283 Wood, Joseph, 138 Wood, Seymour 292, 293 Wood, Thomas 254 Woodbridge, 213 Woolman, John 209 Wormley, Henry 342 Worrell,' R., 130 Wortliington, Daniel 287 Wright, John, 223 Wyatt, B., 96, 114 Wyatt, Elizabeth 86, *92, 277 Yarnall. Mordecai 70, *87, 110, 111, 127, 152, 171, 177, 188, 193, 195, 204, 207, 232, 236, 271 314 Yates, Anne, 26 Yates, Wniiam, 26 Yellow fever, ..106, 111, 114, 342 York, 153, 335 Zachary, Lloyd, 269 Zane, Isaac, see Isaac Lane. 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