E199 LIBRARY OF CX)NGRESS DQDDSTDmVD .,s s^ <. ^0^ o. .-^>.\\VX ,-^ V • >• ^ ¥ / c> ?/ /f A- THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA. By Frederick B. Richards, A. B., Glens Falls, N. Y. A residence of ten \' ui , in Ticonderoga inspired me with an appreciation of the histoiy of that most historic spot in America, and when as secretary of the Ticonderoga Historical Society I was largely instrumental in securing the erection of the Black Watch Memorial in that village, I became particularly interested in the record of that famous Highland Regiment which this build- ing commemorates. It has for several years been my wish to M'rite so complete an account of the Black Watch at Ticonderoga that one would need look in no other place for any detail in the history of that regi- ment from the time it left Scotland inl756 until after the capture of Ticonderoga by Amherst in 1759. As a meeting of the New York State Historical Association on Lake Champlain seemed an appro- priate time to present such a paper and the printed histories of that period give only meagre accounts on this subject, Mrs. Rich- ards and I made this an excuse for a trip to the British Isles and a large part of August and September was spent on a Black Watch pilgrimage. We had a very enjoyable trip and gained many in- teresting facts but I am sorry to say that the story is still far from complete. The reason for the lack of more detailed information about the Regiment in the Ticonderoga period is found in the following which is copied from the preface of Stewart of Garth's first edition: ■'The origin of these Sketches and ^Military Details was simply this : When the Forty-second regiment was removed from Dublin to Donaghadee in the year 1771, the baggage was sent round by sea. The vessel having it on board was unfortunately driven on shore by a gale of wind, and wrecked ; the greater part of the cargo and baggage was lost, and the portion saved, especially the regi- 2 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. mental books and records, was much injured. A misfortune some- what similar occurred, when the army, under the Earl of Moira, landed at Ostend in June 1794. The transports were ordered round to Helvoetsluys. with ordere to wait the further movements of the troops. But the vessels had not been long- there, when the enemy invaded Holland in great force, and. entering Helvoetsluys. seized on the transports in the harbour. Among the number of vessels taken were those which had conveyed the Forty-second to Flanders, having on board every article of regimental baggage, ex- cept the knapsacks with which the officers and soldiers had landed at Ostend in light marching order. Along with the baggage, a well- selected library, and, what was more to be regretted, all that re- mained of the historical records of the regiment, from the period of its formation till the year 1793, fell into the hands of the enemy. "After the conclusion of the late war, his Royal Highness, the Commander-in-Chief, directed that the Forty-second should draw up a record of its services, and enter it in the regimental books, for the information of those who should afterwards belong to the corps. As none of the officers who had served previously to the loss of the records in 1794 were then in the regiment, some diffi- culty arose in drawing up the required statement of service; in- deed, to do so correctly was found impossible, as. for a period of fifty-four years previous to 1793, the materials were very defective. In this situation, the conmianding officer, in the year 1817, re- quested me to supply him with a few notices on the subject." It seemed to have been the custom in the British army of that period for a Regiment to carry its entire belongings with it from place to place and the unfortunate practice has swept from exist- ence every trace of the Regimental records of the Black Watch of Ticonderoga. It may be readily seen that if Colonel Stewart who had all the information in 1817 which the British government was able to sup- ply and who was also fortunate in having had an intimate ac- quaintance during his service in the Regiment with officers who have served almost from its formation, was unable to write a com- plete record, the task nearly one hundred years later might be con- sidered well nigh hopeless. There was the hope, however, that some record which was then lost might have been discovered since Colonel Gift Photo by S R. Stoddard. Glens Falls 1910 MEETING N. Y. S HIST. ASSN An Evening Meeting on the Steamer Vermont The '" Pulpitania Carrying Excursionists From Steamer to Old Fort Ti THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 3 Stewart's time or that interesting matter might be found in the archives of the families who had sons in the Black Watch of 1758. It is a fact that only recently the regimental records of the Black Watch of two decades later were found in an old second-hand book store in Portsmouth and, it is still possible that the regimental records of 1758-9, which are now lost, may yet come to light. We find that nearly all the histories of the Highland Regiments follow Stewart of Garth nearly word for word in their accounts of the early history of the Black Watch. A notable exception, how- ever, is "A Military History of Perthshire," which has much that is new. There are also inany interesting letters and other records in "The Chronicles of the Atholl and Ttillibardiue Fami- lies," relating to the service of those of the Black Watch who came from the Atholl Family or estate, and at London we found some dispatches in the Public Record Office in the War Department wjiich I have not seen published. Tbe chief merit, however, if any, which I can claim for this address is that while it does not add much that is new, it does, I think, collect in one article nearly all that is known about the Black Watch of the Ticonderoga period. I might say here, also, that whatever was lacking in in- formation was more than made up by the cordiality of our recep- tion, as we found nearly every Scotchman interested in the oldest Highland Regiment of the British Army and glad to help us in any way possible. We are under special obligation, which I here wish to acknowledge, to Lt. Col. Hugh Rose, the present connuander of the First Battalion of the Black Watch ; Major D. L. Wilson Far- quhareon, D. S. 0., who represented the Regiment at the unveiling of the memorial tablet at Ticonderoga, July 4, 1906, now retired and living at Allargue in Aberdeenshire, the home of the Farqu- harson's for many generations; W. Skeoch Cumming of Edinburgh, artist and authority on Scotch costumes and tartans of the 18th century; Mrs. Campbell of Duustaffnage, present owner of old Inverawe House; the Marchioness of Tulli- bardine, editor of "A Military History of Perthshire," and the Duke of Atholl, present head of the Clan Murray, Honorary Col- onel of the Third Battalion of the Black Watch and compiler of the ''Chronicles of the Atholl and Tullibardine Families." Before proceeding to the Black Watch of Ticonderoga, it would perhaps be well to give a brief historj^ of the Regiment. There is 4 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. considerable difference of opinion as to just when the independent companies which were afterwards to become the present regiment of the line were raised. The earliest record I have seen is that on the 3rd of August, 1667, King Charles II issued a commission under the Great Seal to John, second Earl of Atholl "to raise and keep such a number of men as he should think fit to be a constant guard for securing the peace in the Highlands" and "to watch upon the braes. "1 Prom this time until 1739 the Black Watch was in various stages of formation. 2 It was at the period of the independent companies that the name Black Watch was given— Black from the sombre tartan in contrast to the regular soldiers who at that time had coats, waist- coats and breeches of scarlet cloth, and Watch because their duties were to watch or keep order in the Highlands. The character of the rank and file of the Black Watch of this period was exceedingly high, many gentlemen with servants serving as privates, and in ad- dition to the enlistment being from the best families it was also pos- sible to select only "men of full height, well proportioned and of handsome appearance." There were several reasons for this, the principal one being probably the fact that at that period the car- rying of arms was prohibited by penalties and it became an "ob- ject of ambition with all the young men of spirit to be admitted even as privates into a service which gave them the privilege of wearing arms. ' ' Our interest in the Black Watch, however, is prin- cipally in the Regiment of the line as such and this dates from the commission given by George II, October 25, 1739, as follows: "GEORGE R.— Whereas we have thought fit, that a regiment of foot be forthwith formed under your command, and to consist of ten companies, each to contain one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, three Serjeants, three corporals, two drummers, and one hundred effective private men; which said regiment shall be part- ly formed out of six Independent Companies of Foot in the High- lands of North Britain, three of which are now commanded by captains, and three by captain-lieutenants. Our will and pleasure therefore is, that one serjeant, one corporal, and fifty private men, be forthwith taken out of the three companies commanded by cap- tains, and ten private men from the three commanded by captain- 1 A Military History of Pertiishire, Page 28. The most complete account of the independent companies may be found in "A Military History of Perthshire." THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 5 ■lieutenants, making one hundred and eighty men, who are to be equally distributed into the four companies hereby to be raised; and the three Serjeants and three corporals, draughted as afore- said, to be placed to such of the four companies as you shall judge proper; and the remainder of the non-commissioned officers and private men, wanting to complete them to the above number, to be raised in the Highlands with all possible speed ; the men to be na- tives of that country, and none other to be taken. This regiment shall commence and take place according to the establishment thereof. And of these our orders and commands, you, and the said three captains, and the three captain-lieutenants commanding at present the six Independent Highland Companies, and all others concerned, are to take notice, and to yield obedience thereunto accordingly. G-iven at om* Court at St. James's, this 25th day of October, 1739, and in the 13th year of our reign. By His Majesty's Command, (Signed) : Wm. Yonge. To our Right Trusty and Right Well- Beloved Cousin. John Earl of Craufurd and Lindsay. May, 1740, these ten companies were mustered in a field be- twieen Taybridge and Aberfeldy and became the 43d Foot of the British Army.^ This number was changed to the 42d in 1749. There have been several changes of the official name of the Regi- ment but the "Black Watch" was always the familiar one in the country where it has drawn its recruits and since 1881 has been the official name in the British Army List.^ The uniform of this period was a "scarlet jacket and waist- coat, with buff facings and white lace, tartan plaid of twelve yards plaited round the middle of the body, the upper part being fixed on the left shoulder, ready to be thrown loose and w,rapped over both shoulders and firelock m rainy weather. At night, the plaid served the purpose of a blanket, and was a sufficient covering for the Highlanders. These were called belted plaids, from being kept tight to the body by a belt, and were worn on guards, reviews, and on all occasions when the men were in full dress. On this belt hung the pistols and dirk when worn. In the barracks, and when not on duty, the little kilt or philibeg was worn, a blue bonnet with iSee Appendix for list of officers. 2 See Appendix for tlie regimental names of the Black Watch at differ- ent periods. 6 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. a border of white, red, and green, arranged in small squares to re- semble, as is said, the fess cheque in the arms of the different branches of the Stewart family, and a tuft of feathers, or some- times, from economy or necessity, a small piece of black bearskin. The arms were a mujsket, a bayonet, and a large basket-hilted broadsword. These were furnished by Government; such of the men as chose to supply themselves with pistols and dirks were al- lowed to carry them, and targets after the fashion of the country. The sword-belt was of black leather, and the cartouch-box was car- ried in front, supported by a narrow belt round the middle."^ "While the companies acted independently, each commander assumed the tartan of his own Clan. When embodied, no clan hav- ing a superior claim to offer an uniform plaid to the whole, and Lord CraM^ford, the colonel, being a Lowlander, a new pattern was assumed, and which has ever since been known as the 42d, or Black Watch tartan, being distinct from all others. Lord John Murray gave the Athole tartan for the philibeg. The dift'erence was only a stripe of scarlet, to distinguish it from that of the belted plaid. The pipers wore a red tartan of very bright colours, (of the pattern known by the name of the Stewart or Royal Tar- tan), so that they could be more clearly seen at a distance. When a band of music was added, plaids of the pipers' pattern Avere given to them. "2 Having given briefly the origni of the Regiment, we will pass to the period which is the subject of our article. May, 1756, war having been formally declared between France and England, a body of troops, the Highlanders forming a part, were embarked under the command of Lieut. General James Aber- crombie and landed at New York, June, 1756. These were soon followed by more troops under the Earl of Loudon who was ap- pointed Commander-in-Chief of the Army of America. The official name of the Regiment at this time was the 42d Regiment of Foot, but they are often spoken of in dispatches simply as the Highlanders, because they were the only Highland Regiment then in this section, or as Lord John Murray's High- landers from the custom of the times of calling a Regiment by the J Stewart of Garth, Page 246, Vol. I. 2 Stewart of Garth, Page 247, Vol. I. '•' ^1 €RrNAD!£P. , 4S''* Hect J751. ( /'to'n. a. painting a£ Windsor C'W!Pi;:.'''! AT TICONDEROGA Boulder in Academy Park to the Heroes of the Four Nations — Indian. French. Enftlish and American —Who Fought at Ticonderotfa Monument Marking the Supposed Spot Where Lord Howe was Killed, at the Mouth of Trout Brook (Both Boulder and Monument Were Erected by the Late Rev. Joseph Cook) THE BLACK Vv'ATCH AT TICONDEROGA 17 mer day ; the romantic beauty of the scenery ; the sheen and sparkle of those crystal waters; the countless islets, tufted with pine, birch, and fir; the bordering mountains, with their green summits and sunny crags ; the flash of oars and glitter of weapons ; the ban- ners, the varied uniforms, and the notes of bugle, trumpet, bag- pipe, and drum, answered and prolonged by a hundred woodland echoes. ' I never beheld so delightful a prospect, ' wrote a wounded officer at Albany a fortnight after. "Rogers with the Rangers, and Gage with the light infantry, led the way in whaleboats, followed by Bradstreet with his corps of boatman, armed and drilled as soldiers. Then came the main body. The central column of regulars was commanded by Lord How^e, his own regiment, the fifty-fifth, in ihe van, followed by the Royal Americans, the twenty-seventh, forty-fourth, forty-sixih, and eightieth infantry, and the Highlanders of the forty-second, with their major, Duncan Campbell of Inverawe, silent and gloomy amid the general cheer, for his soul was dark with fore- shadowings of death. With this central column came what are described as two floatmg castles, which were no doubt batteries to cover the landing of the troops. On the right hand and the left were the provincials, uniformed in blue, regiment after regiment, from IMassachusetts. Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Behind them all came the batteaiix, loaded with stores and baggage, and the heavy flatboats that carried the artil- lery, while a rear-guard of provincials and regulars closed the long procession. ' ' It will be unnecessary to go into the details of this disastrous campaign as it is not only well known to most of you but three papers bearing on the subject will be read at this meeting.* Brief- ly the army landed at the foot of Lake George the morning of the 6th and the afternoon of the same day Lord Howe at the head of a Ticonderoga party was killed at the outlet of Trout Brook. This is the beginning of the end as Lord Howe was the real, head of the army. Abercrombie took until the eighth to make up his mind what to do and this interim gave the French time to build the fatal breastworks across the ridge about one-half mile west of the Fort and enabled Levis to arrive with reinforcements. ♦Ambercromby's full report to Pitt, under date of July 12, 1758, will be found in Mr. Holden's article on Lord Howe. 18 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. As the breastworks play a most important part in the Battle it will perhaps be well to again quote from Parkman who gives a most comprehensive description. "The trees that covered the ground were hewn down by thousands, the tops lopped off, and the trunks piled one upon* another to form a massive breastwork. The line followed the top of the ridge, along which it zigzagged in such a manner that the whole front could be swept by flank-fires of mus- ketry and gi'ape. It was so high that nothing could be seen over it but the crowns of the soldiers' hats. The upper tier was formed of single logs, in which notches were cut to serve as loopholes ; and m some places sods and bags of sand were piled along the top, with narrow spaces to fire through. From the central part of the line the ground sloped away like a natural glacis; while at the sides, and especially on the left, it was undulating and broken. Over this whole space, to the distance of a musket-shot from the works, the forest was cut down, and the trees left lying where they fell among the stumps, with tops turned outwards, forming one vast abattis, which, as a Massachusetts officer says, looked like a forest laid flat by a hurricane. But the most formidable obstruction was immediately along the front of the breastworks, where the ground was covered with heavy boughs, overlapping and interlaced, with sharpened points bristling into the face of the assailant like the quills of a porcupine. As these works were all of wood, no vestige of them remains. The earthworks now shown to tourists as the lines of Montcalm were begun four days after the battle to replace the log breastwork; and though on the same ground are not ou the same plan." Behind these breastworks the battalions of LaSarre and Lan- guedoc were posted on the left under Bourlamaque, the first bat- tallion of Berry with that of Royal Roussillon in the center under Montcalm and those of LaReme, Beam and Guienne on the right under Levis. A detachment of volunteers occupied the low grounds between the breastworks and the outlet of Lake George and on the side toward Lake Champlain were stationed 450 regulars and Cana- dians, about 3,600 in all. It is always easy to criticise an event after it has occurred, but the results certainly show that if Abercrombie had, from the time of Lord Howe's death, asked Montcalm to outline a policy that THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 19 would be most pleasing to him, he could not have planned his cam- paign more to the advantage of the French. He first gave them time to build those formidj^ble breastworks and then instead of choosing any one of half a dozen plans which would have brought victory, he decided to throw his army unsupported by artillery, which was still at Lake George, at the strongest part of the French position, he himself staying in safety at the saw mill (about which we heard this afternoon in the able paper read by ^Ir. DeLano at the unveiling of the tablet) a mile and a half in the rear of his army.* The sad result is too well known to dwell on and we pass at once to the part played by the Black Watch. They with the 55th were to have formed the reserve but impatient at being left in the rear the Highlanders could not be restrained and were soon in the front endeavoring to cut their way through the fallen trees with their broadswords. Captain John Campbell, who was one of the two soldiers presented to George II in 1743, with a few men, were the only ones to force their way over the breastworks and they were instantly dispatched with the bayonet. Lieut. William Grant of the Regiment writes as follows : ' ' The attack began a little past one in the afternoon and about two the fire became general on both sides. It was exceedingly heavy and without intercession insomuch as the oldest soldier never saw so furious and incessant a fire. The fire at Fontenoy was nothing to it. I saw both." An officer of the 55th Regiment, of which Lord Howe had been the commander, wrote as follows : "With a mixture of esteem, grief and envy, I am penetrated by the great loss and immortal glory acquired by the Highlanders engaged in the late bloody afi'air. Umpatient for the fray, they rushed forward to the entrenchments which many of them actually mounted, their intrepidity was rather animated than dampened by witnessing their comrades fall on every side. They seemed more anxious to avenge the fate of their deceased friends than to avoid a like death. In their co-operation we trust soon to give a good account of the enemy and of ourselves. There is much harmony and friendship between the two regiments." *This General James Abercrombie must not be confused with Sir Ralph Abercrombie who led the Black Watch to victory in Egypt in 1801. 20 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Even the French were impressed with the valor of the Black Watch as Garneau writes in L'Histoire du Canada. ^ "The Highlanders above all, under Lord John Murray, cov- ered themselves with glory. They formed the head of the troops confronting the Canadians, their light and picturesque costume distinguishing them from all other soldiers amid the flame and smoke. This corps lost half of its men and 25 of its officers were killed or severely wounded." Lossing writes, "The whole army seemed envious to excell but the Scotch Highland Regiment of Lord John MuiTay was fore- most in the conflict and sufi'ered the severest loss."" I also give in full the letter written by Capt. James Murray to his brother, Mr. Murray of Strowan, dated Albany, July 19, 1758, as his description of the country and the events during and after the battle lend local color to the picture.^ "My dear Brother:— The last letter I wrote you was dated from Fort Edward camp about 18th June. We proceeded on to Lake George where Fort William Henry formerly stood which was taken and destroyed by the French last year, where we remained until the 5th curt, and then the whole army embarked on the lake in batteaux that hold 23 men with a month's provisions, all the ar- tillery stores was likewise embarked, and everything else belonging to an army. We were divided into brigades. There was in all about 5,000 regulars and 12,000 provincials. We had also light infantry and rangers who had whale-boats which are the lightest and best going boats that can be. We put off about 8 and got fair- ly into the lake which I took to be about 20 miles long and not above two miles at the broadest part of it. There are several small islands which are quite covered with wood and all around the lake is very hilly and quite covered with woods, as the most part of the country is, at least what I have seen on't. This lake abounds m fine trout the meat of which is red, peareh, suckers and several other sorts of fish. There is also plenty of beavers. On the side of the lake there is plenty of deer but I have not seen any since I came to the country. Sometimes when I have been out on command I have killed rattle snakes about four feet long and as thick as the small of one's leg, with 18 rattles, which altogether might be about four inches long. They say some have twenty or more. They have both teeth and a sting. The rattles being at the tail makes them that they can stand up on end and spring a short way at one. AVhen touched they make a great 1. Translation by Bell, Page 539, Vol. I. 2. Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of tiie Revolution. Page 119, Vol. I. 3. Atholl Records, p. 438, Vol. 3 f ^^^^^^^^B i C rM p '' l^ WW .-#" 'w % (/ Hri . .A L . ■f >i^^J ^p. K • m IS^- 4 m Courtesy of TiconderoKa Historical Society LOUIS JOSEPH, MARQUIS de MONTCALM Goion de Saint Veran ( 1712-1759) French Commander-in-Chief THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 21 noise with their rattles. Their bite is not so bad as called for it can be easily cured with oil or salt. They smell exactly like a goat, rather ranker if possible before they are seized but afterwards have almost no smell at all. They make the richest and best soup that can be which I eat of and like much. The meat is but insipid. The 6th we disembarked at the lower end of the lake. In the morning our light infantry and rangers had some skirmishing with the French pickets. Lord Howe was killed at the second shot and he is very much regretted. There was taken that day about 150 prisoners, five of whom were officers. They had a great many kill- ed so that very few of their pickets escaped which consisted in all of about 350. The next day being the 7th, we were making preparations to invest a fort called Theenderora which is five miles from Lake George and is situate on a neck of land that runs into Lake Cham- plain. As to the dimensions of that lake I can't say, and marched within a mile and half of it that evening. The next morning the light infantry made the French sentries and small posts retire to their entrenchments for the French had an encampment about half a cannon shot before their fort, and were entrenched after the fol- lowing manner: They had large cut trees one laid above another a man's height and in the outside there was brush and logs for about 15 paces from it which made it impossible to force their breastworks without cannon which we had not taken up that length as then. They were also under cover of the fort so if we could beat them out of their trenches, they could have retired pretty safely. Between one and two we marched up and attacked the trenches and got within twenty paces of them and had as hot a fire for about three hours as possibly could be, we all the time seeing but their hats and the end of their muskets. About half an hour before we were obliged to retire I received a shot through my thigh after which I stayed a few minutes but finding if I stayed any longer my thigh would turn stifl' and losing a great deal of blood I with help got into the road and that evening with Capt. Gordon Graham, our paymaster, got into a whaleboat and against the next morning got to the upper end of Lake George and was transported down here. I am confined to my bed but the surgeons say my wound looks as well as can be expected, nor is there any sort of danger in it as it has only grazed the bone, so I shall be well soon again. I am in perfect good health, have a good appetite and sleep tolerably well. Our regiment has suffered much. There was the captain, lieutenant and six subalterns killed on the spot and since the major and the lieutenant have died of their wounds. The colonel, four captains, and twelve subalterns are wounded. 180 men killed and 280 wounded. None of the other regiments' losses were near so great. Capt. Stewart was not touched, Capt. Sterling nor Farqu- 22 NEW YORK STx\TE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. harson were not there so are well, but Lieut. Farquliarson's younger brother was killed. Lieut. David Mills, my lieutenant, is not ill wounded and is pretty well, so if you would inform his father-in- lay, Mr. Hamilton of Hutcheson, who stays near Glasgow, you would oblige me. Neil Stewart at Perth knows him. I received a letter from Lord John 15th May letting me know you are all well which gave me a great deal of pleasure but it would much more so to hear from some of you for it is very long since I had that satisfaction, the last being at Ireland, for Lord John wi-ote wrote me no particulars. Offer my humble duty to my dear mother and elsewhere due and best love to dear Lady Charlotte, Lady Smclair, George, Char- lotte and Invercauld, and best blessing attend all the young ones. My kind compliments to Shusy Moray and tell her I had her hair about my neck when I received my wound which might have prob- ably gone to my heart if it had not been wounded already. I am ever your most affectionate brother, James Murray. Thus had the army which landed so proudly two days before been disastrously repulsed, with a loss in killed and wounded and missing of nineteen hundred and forty-four officers and men. In his report of July 12. 1758, Abercrombie gives the casualty of the 42nd as follows: "Killed— Capt. Lt. John Campbell; Lts. George Farquharson, Hugh McPherson, William Bailey, John Sutherland; Ensigns Peter Stewart and George Rattray. Wounded— Major Duncan Campbell; Captains Gordon Gra- ham, Thomas Graeme, John Campbell, James Stewart, James Mur- ray; Lieutenants William Grant, Robert Gray, John Campbell. James Grant, John Graham, Alexander Campbell, Alexander Mcin- tosh, Archibald Campbell, David Mill,* Patrick Balnevis; Ensigns John Smith and Peter Grant. Summary— 1 major wounded, captains 1 killed, 4 wounded; lieutenants 4 killed, 11 wounded; ensigns 2 killed, 2 wounded; ad- jutants 1 wounded; quarter master 1 wounded; sergeants 6 killed, 13 wounded; rank and file 190 killed, 2G5 wounded." Stewart of Garth writes as follo\TO: "Of these the 42nd regiment had 8 officers, 9 Serjeants, and 297 men killed, and 17 officers, 10 Serjeants, and 306 soldiers Avounded. The officers were. Major Duncan Campbell of Inverawe, Captain John Campbell, Lieutenants George Farquharson, Hugh McPherson, AA^-iHiam Baillie, and John Sutherland; Ensigns Pat- rick Stewart of Bonskied and George Rattray killed ; Captains Gor- don Graham, Thomas Graham of Duchray, John Campbell of * This name is given in vai-ious places as MILL, MILLS, MILLER and MILNE. Tiie Duke of'AthoU is authority for the statement that MILNE is correct. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 23 Straehur, James Stewart of Urrard, James Murray (afterward Gen- eral) ; Lieutenants James Grant, Robert Gray, John Campbell, William Grant, John Graham, brother of Duchray, Alexander Campbell, Alexander Mackintosh, Archibald Campbell, David Mil- ler, Patrick Balneaves ; and Ensigns John Smith and Peter Grant, wounded. ' ' Capt. James Murray writes from Albany 17th August, 1758 :^ "As I observed in my last, our regiment has suffered greatly. The Major has since died of his wounds, Sandy Farquharson has got his lieutenancy by seniority which one would not have thought that the youngest ensign of the additionals would have been so soon a lieu- tenant. I am recovering pretty well and can walk about although I am much pained in my knee but hope will be able to soon join the regiment." Capt. James Stewart writes 14th July from Lake George :2 "That all the Captains w^ere wounded, less or more, excepting Cap- tains McNeil and Allan Campbell, that Major Campbell got his right arm wounded, but not dangerous and his son, Lieutenant Alexander Campbell had his arm broke betAvixt the elbow and shoulder, but he was in a good way. ' ' Parkman states that Lt. Alexander Campbell was severely wounded but reached Scotland alive and died in Glasgow. ^ Abercrombie reports to Pitt from Lake George, Aug. 19. 1758 : "Major Duncan Campbell of the 42nd who was wounded in the anil at the battle on the 8th was obliged to liave it cut off and died soon thereafter. "4 It would seem therefore that Major Campbell and his son were not considered seriously wounded and that modern surgery would soon have cured them. The following hoAvever, taken from Gar- neau's L'Histoire du Canada might explain the 'unexpected mor- tality. "Scarcely any of the wounded Highlanders ever recovered, and even those sent home as invalids; their sores cankered, owing to the broken glass, ragged bits of metal, etc., used by the Canadians instead of shot. "^ Abercrombie states in his report of July 12, 1758, "I sent the w^ounded officers and men that could be moved to Fort Edward and Albany." ]\Iajor Campbell was sent to Fort Edward and upon his death nine days after the battle he was buried in the family lot of his 1. AthoU Records, p. 444, Vol. III. 2. AthoH Records, p. 443, Vol. III. 3. Montcalm and Wolfe, p. 435, Vol. II. 4. Public Record Office, C.O.5. 50. 5. Translation bv Bell, page 539, Vol. I. 24 NEW YOKK STATE HISTOKICAL ASSOCIATION. relatives, the Gilehrists. The body was moved to the new Union cemetery between Sandy Hill and Fort Edward in 1871 but the original stone may still be seen and bears this inscription: "Here Lyes the Body of Duncan Campbell of Inversaw, Esqr Major to The old Highland Regt. Aged 55 Years. AVho Died The 17th July, 1758, of The Wounds He Received In The Attack of The Retrench- ments of Ticonderoga or Carillon, 8th July, 1758. ' ' Stewart of Garth says, "The old Highland Regiment having suffered so severely * * * * they were not employed again that year. ' ' In the N. Y. Colonial Records, however, we find that some regulai-s of the 42d and 60th Regts. amounting to 155 men (prob- ably one company of each) were with Bradstreet in his expedition against Fort Frontenac.^ In Abercrombie's report of Aug. 19, 1758, he states that part of the additional companies of the 42nd were sent to reinforce Brig. General Provost at Fort Edward and that one company of the 42nd and some of the recovering men were stationed at Albany. From this it might be inferred that the only part of the Black Watch fit for duty were the three ad- ditional companies which had not been in the battle of July 8th and it is possible that the one company of the 42nd that had been blown out of its course to Antigua and had not arrived at New York until June did not get further north than Albany. The win- ter quarters of the 42nd for 1758 were at New York. (Abercrombie to Pitt, No. 25, 1758.) 2 The official title is now changed to the "42nd or Royal Regi- ment of Foot," and the regiment is commonly called theRoyalHigh- landers. It has erroneously been stated that the Black Watch was granted this honor of being a "Royal" regiment because of its gal- lantry at Ticonderoga, but it is all the more to its credit that it had earned this distinction before the battle at Ticonderoga. The title was granted by special warrant dated July 22, 1758, while the news of the defeat did not reach London until the arrival of Abercrom- bie's aid de camp with dispatches Aug. 20, 1758. N. Y. Col. manuscript O'Callaghan's, p. S27, Vol. 10. Public Record Office C. O. 5 50. H^rc L)^s The Body qlDonc» C ampWfl of Inveria>^ xq ' I Major To "T lie old Hiotiland ^^^^ RecftivPfl lii Til* A«.>^ ^ or I he ICerrenchi*etttr of | ; ^lconcferogaorC^^ ani Fort Edward. (Inscription has been Outlined in Chillc for this Photograph) THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 25 A copy of the warrant is as follows : George R. We being desirous to distinguish Our Forty Second Regiment of Foot with some mark of Our Royal favor, Our Will and Pleas- ure therefore is. and we do hereby direct, that from henceforth Our said regiment be called, and distinguished by the title and name of Our Forty-Second, or Royal Highland Regiment of Foot, in all commissions, orders, and writings, that shall hereafter be made out, or isued for and concerning the said regiment. Given at Our Court at Kensington this 22nd day of July 1758, in the thirty second year of Our reign. By His Majesty's command, (Signed) BARRINGTON. The vacancies occasioned in the 42nd were filled up in regular succession and the seven companies which had been ordered at the same tune as the change of title were immediately recruited. These were completed in three months and embodied at Perth, October 1758, each company being 120 men strong, all with few exceptions Highlanders and hardy and temperate in their habits. (Lord John Murray's orders were peremptory that none but Highlanders be taken, but a few O'Donnels, O'Lachians and O'Briens passed mus- ter as Mac Donnels, Mac Lachlans and Mac Briars.) These seven companies with the three additional companies raised in 1757 were formed into a Second Battalion. The officers appointed to the seven new companies w^ere Robert Anstruther, who was senior captain and served as Major, Francis MacLean, Alexan- der Sinclair, John Stewart of Stenton, William ^Murray of Lintrose, Archibald Campbell, Alexander Reid, and Robert Arbuthnot, to be captains ; Alexander MacLean, George Grant, George Sinclair, Gordon Clunes, Adam Stewart, John Robertson, son of Lude, John Grant, James Fraser, George Leslie, John Campbell, Alexander Stewart, Duncan Richardson, and Robert Robertson, to be lieu- tenants; and Patrick Sinclair, John Macintosh, James MacDuff, Thomas Fletcher, Alexander Donaldson, William MacLean, and William Brown, to be ensigns. The seven new companies embarked for the West Indies where they joined with the Old Buffs, Kings, 6th, 63d, 64th, 800 marines and a detachment of artillery amounting in all to 5.560 men un- der the command of Major Generals Hopson and Barrington and of Brigadier Generals Haldane, Armiger, Trapaud and Clavering, m an expedition against ]Martinique and Gaudaioupe. This result- 26 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ed in the capture of Gaudaloupe but was not altogether a success and a great many men were lost by fever and sickness. Of the Royal Higlilanders Ensign MacLean was killed, Lieutenants Mac- Lean, Leslie, Sinclair and Robertson were wounded, and Major An- struther and Captain Arbuthnot died of the fever. One hundred and six privates were killed, wounded or died of disease. This was a severe initiation for the new recruits who had been herding sheep on their native hills nine months before, but as has always been the case with the Black Watch they acquitted them- selves with distinction. The seven companies were then embarked for New York to join the First Battalion where they arrived in July. They just missed being at the capture of Ticonderoga. Major Gordon Graham was ordered at the end of July by General Am- herst then at Crovoi Point to take command of the seven companies and to march them up to Oswego. In August they were ordered to join the First Battalion, Capt. Stewart with 150 men being left at Oswego and the First and Second Battalions, now united, served together for the rest of the campaign. We will now return to the Veterans of the previous year. Af- ter wintering at New York (or on Long Island, as another author- ity states) the old Black Watch now the first Battalion of the Royal Highlanders, recruited again to its full strength and the three ad- ditional companies now a part of the Second Battalion, joined Amherst at Fort Edward in June, 1759.* Col. Grant of the 42d with the Royal Highlanders and light infantry of the army moved forward to Lake George the 20th and the main part of the army followed on the 21st. For five years now Lake George had been the annual mustering place of armies. The campaign this season comprehended three very important enterprises— Wolfe was to attack Quebec from Lower Canada, Prideaux was to proceed against Niagara, and Amherst, now Com- mander in Chief and successor of General Abercrombie, was to drive the French from Lake Champlain and if possible join Wolfe on the St. Lawrence. The army under Amherst consisted of the Royals, 17th, 27th, Royal Highlanders, two battalions of the 55th, Montgomery's High- landers, nine battalions of Provincials, and a battalion of light in- See Appendix for extracts from Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book for rd of daily service of Blacl? Watch in Ticonderoga and Crown Point record of daily campaign THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 27 fantiy and a body of Rangers and Indians with a detachment of artillery. When joined by the 2d battalion of the Royal Americans from the West Indies, this army amounted to 14,500 men, Amherst was never long in one place without building a fort there. Fortified places were built at mtervals of three or four miles along the road to Fort Edward and especially at the station called Halfway Brook, while for the whole distance a broad belt of wood on both sides was cut down and burned to deprive a skulk- ing enemy of cover. At Lake George he started a fort, the ruins of which, now called Foi't George, are in the Lake George Battle Ground Park of which this Association is custodian. July 21st, 1759, Lake George again witnessed a military pag- eant as the army embarked for its second attack on Fort Ticonde- roga. At daylight they landed, beat back a French detachment and marched by the portage road to the sawmill. There was little resistance and the army marched to the former line of entrench- ments which had proved so fatal to Abercrombie. These had been reconstructed partly of earth and partly of log's, and as the French made no attempt at their defense the English encamped along their front and found them excellent shelter from the cannon of the fort. It is the general impression that the French retreated with only faint resistance and that there was hardly a shot fired at the sec- ond attempt to capture Fort Carillon but the following letter from Capt. Murray would correct this impression.* "Camp at the Lines of Burning, Theanderoga, 27 July, 1759. My dear Brother:— I write you these few lines to acquaint you that I am in perfect good health and that the army landed at this end of the lake the 22nd, invested the Fort the 23rd and was very buisy carying on the worcks till the 26th in the night, at which time we had three batteries ready to open, Avhen the enemy abbandoned and set fire to the fort. During the time that the enemy remained they could not keep a hotter fire, for I dare say that fired ten thou- sand cannon shott and five hundred bombs and I don 't believe there has been forty men killed and wounded during that hott fire, altho' all the Bombs fell in different parts among us and that we were nigh point blank of the cannon shott but the line that had been of so much hurt to us last year saved our men this. Your most afft Brother, James Murray," Atholl Records, p. 452, Vol. III. 28 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. I also add Amherst 's report to Governor James DeLancey : Camp at Tienderoga. 27th July, 1759. Sir:- On Saturday morning last I embarked with the army at Lake George, the next day landed without opposition and proceeded to the saw mills, and took post on the commanding grounds, meeting only a trifling opposition from the enemy. We lay on our arms all night and early on the 23rd we continued our march to the ground which I took possession of in the forenoon, the enemy having aban- doned the lines without destroying them, first having carried off their effects as well as sent away the greatest part of their troops. As soon as I was set down before the place and after having re- connoitered it, I ordered the trenches to be opened and batteries to be made, which were finished last night, and were to have opened at break of day, but the enemy did not think proper to wait till then, having about ten of the clock yesterday evening blown up a part of the Fort, and made their escape all to about 20 deserters. Our loss, considering the fire we sustained is inconsiderable. We have only two officers killed, vis. Colonel Townshend, Deputy Adju- tant General and Ensign Harrison of late Forbe's. Bourlamaque had on receipt of orders from Vandreuil retired down Lake Champ] ain leaving four hundred men under Hebecourt to defend the fort as long as possible and then to abandon Ticon- deroga and later when pressed Crown Point and to retreat to Isle- aux-Noix at the outlet of Lake Champlain, where defense was to be made to the last extremity. When the English battery was ready to open fire Hebecourt saw that further resistance was useless and lighting a slow match to the magazine the French escaped down the lake in their boats and a few hours later an explosion which hurled one bastion of old Fort Carillon skyward shook the promontory. Thus did French Carillon become English Ticonderoga and "Ticon- deroga 1758-9" should be among the battle honors to be borne on the Colors of the Black Watch. It is true that these honorary dis- tinctions are only awarded by the King in case of victory but Ti- conderoga 1758-9 would certainly be as much a victory as "South Africa 1899-1902," which has been granted. South Africa was not all victory and the Black Watch suffered at Magersfontein as it did at Ticonderoga under Abererombie. The length of time elapsed since the battle would also be no objection to the honor being new granted as it was not until 1910, two and one half centuries after, that the Regiments which upheld THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 29 British honor ou the Coast of Morocco were authorized to bear "Tangier 1662-1680'' on their colors and appointments. Ticonderoga is the one place on the American continent where England and France, Canada and the United States can all unite on one common ground. The Yankees and English can meet here and clasp hands over the time when they once fought together and there is not even a sectional feeling which detracts from the unani- mity. The North, South, East and West of the United States all join with equal fervor. Each nation had its defeats here at dif- ferent times but each also had its victories." Therefore there is no battle honor which could be conferred on any British regiment that would please more people of different nations than "Ticonderoga 1758-9." The fact that there is at present in the village of Ticon- deroga a public library and historical building dedicated to a Brit- ish Regiment, even though this same regiment in its line of duty fought against us in a later war, is sufficient proof that we consider Ticonderoga of international history and above matters of local prejudice. The rest of the story is soon told. Crown Point was captured and the army was to have moved forward to Isle aux Noix and to the St. Lawrence but a succession of storms so delayed operations that further active movements were abandoned for the remainder of the season. Amherst profiting by the fatal precipitation of his predecessor was slow but sure and in this campaign was successful in every enterprise which he undertook. After the captui'e of CrowTi Point the army under Amherst was mainly employed in building boats on Lake Champlain and forts Amherst at Crown Point and Ticonderoga in the place of old Carillon. The Black Watch was stationed at Crown Point and helped to build Fort Amherst. In November, they went into camp for the winter and in the report of "Garrisons and Winter Quarters of His Majesty's forces in North America under the com- mand of His Excellency, Major General Amherst, Headquarters at New York, 15 Dec, 1759" in the Public Record Office the stations of the Black Watch were as follows: 1st Battalion Royal Highland Regiment, 1 company Halfway Brook, 5 companies Fort Edward. 1 company Fort Miller, 1 company Saratoga, 1 company Stillwater and 1 company Halfmoon, 2d Battalion Royal Highland Regiment, 30 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Albany, one Battalion of the Inniskilling (27th Foot) and two companies of the Rangers were left at Crown Point, six companies Late Brig. Gen'l Forbes 's (17th Foot) at Ticonderoga, and four companies 17th Foot at Fort George. The following season (1760) the Black Watch was with Amherst at the capture of Montreaf which was the end of the French domain on the American Conti- nent. In 1761 the Black Watch with ten regiments embarked for Bar- badoes there to join an armament against Martinique and Havana. After the surrender of Havana, the first battalion of the 42nd and Montgomery's Highlanders embarked for New York which they reached in the end of October, 1762. Before leaving Cuba most of the second battalion of the 42nd fit for service were consolidated with the first, and the remainder shipped to Scotland wdiere they M^ere reduced the following year. The Black Watch was stationed at Albany until the suiimier of 1763, when they with a detachment of Montgomery's High- landers and another of the 60th, under command of Col. Heniy Boquet were sent to the relief of Fort Pitt then beseiged by the Indians. The 42nd passed the winter at Fort Pitt and during the summer of 1764, eight companies were sent with the army of Boquet against the Ohio Indians. After subduing the Indians they return- ed to Fort Pitt, January, 1765. The regiment remained in Penn- sylvania until the month of July, 1767, when it embarked at Phila- delphia for Ireland. Such of the men who preferred to remain in America M^ere permitted to join other regiments. These volunteers were so numerous that along with those who had been previously sent home disabled and others discharged and settled in America, the regiment that returned was very small in proportion to that which had left Scotland. Let us now turn our attention to Major Duncan Campbell as not only would no sketch of the Black Watch of Ticonderoga be complete without the legend with which his name is associated, but we are perhaps more interested in him than any other other officer of the Regiment of that time because he lies buried in the cemetery midway between Hudson Falls (formerly Sandy Hill) and Fort Edward. The other officers and men who were killed July 8, 1758, were doubtless buried on the field of battle and if the AT INVERAWE Old Inverawe House From the River Awe. With Ben Cruachan in the Background View From the West. X Marks the Window of the Ghost Room Bridge Over the Awe Built by Captain William Pitman About 1756 THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 31 graves, wiere ever marked these marks have long since been des- troyed. No ghost story is more widely known or better authenticated than that of Duncan Campbell of Inverawe. It has been made the subject of an address before this Association by the late Robert 0. Bascom at the meeting of July 30, 1901, and has been repeated in many foniLS and in various publications but it will bear still one more repetition. The follownig is taken from Parkman's "Mont- calm and Wolfe" and is the story as was told by Dean Stanley and endorsed by the family of the hero of the tale : "The ancient castle of Inverawe stands by the banks of the Awe, in the midst of the wild and picturesque scenery of the West- ern Highlands. Late one evening, before the middle of the last cen- tury, as the laird, Duncan Campbell, sat alone in the old hall, there was a loud knocking at the gate; and, opening it, he saw a stranger, with torn clothing and kilt besmeared with blood, who in a breathless voice begged for asylum. He went on to say that he had killed a man in a fray, and that the pursuers were at his heels. Campbell promised to shelter him. "Swear on your dirk!"* said the stranger; and Campbell swore. He then led him to a secret recess in the depths of the castle. Scarcely was he hidden when again there was a loud knocking at the gate, and two armed men appeared. "Your cousin Donald has been murdered, and we are looking for the murderer!" Campbell, remembering his oath, pro- fessed to have no knowledge of the fugitive ; and the men went on their way. The laird, in great agitation, lay down to rest in a large dark room, where at length he fell asleep. Waking suddenly in be- wilderment and terror, he saw the ghost of the murdered Donald standing by his bedside, and heard a hollow voice pronounce the w^ords: "Iverawe! Iverawe ! blood has been shed. Shield not the murderer!" In the morning Campbell went to the hiding place of the guilty man and told him that he could harbor him no longer. * The oath of the CampbeHs of Inverawe was Dv Ben Cruachan. Bibliography of the Legend of Duncan Campbell of Inverawe. A. P. Stanley, "Inverawe and Ticonderoga," Fraser's Magazine, Oct. 1880. Robert Louis Stevenson, poem on "Ticonderoga," Scribner's Magazine, December, 1887. Francis Parlcman, Appendix G. "Montcalm and Wolfe," and 'His- torical Handbook of the Northern Tour," Boston, 1885. Robert O. Bascom, "New York State Historical Proceedings," Vol. II., "Fort Edward Book," pages 80-88. C. F. Gordon Gumming in the Atlantic Monthly, September, 1884. W. Max Reid, "Lake George and Lake Champlain." Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, "Tales of the Highlands." Winsor's Critical and Narrative History of the United States. Lord Archibald Campbell, "Records of Argyle," "William Blackwood & Sons, 1885. Winsor's critical and narrative History of the L^nited States. "The Magazine of History," July, 1906. 32 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. "You have sworn on your dirk!'' he replied; and the laird of In- verawe, greatly perplexed and troubled, made a compromise between conflicting duties, promised not to betray his guest, led him to the neighboring mountain (Ben Cruachan) and hid him in a cave. In the next night, as he lay tossing in feverish slumbers, the same stern voice awoke him, the ghost of his cousin Donald stood again at his bedside, and again he heard the same appalling words : "Inverawe! Inverawe ! blood has been shed. Shield not the mur- derer!" At break of day he hastened, in strange agitation, to the cave; but it was empty, the stranger had gone. At night, as he strove in vain to sleep, the vision appeared once more, ghastly pale, but less stern of aspect than before. "Farewell, Inverawe!" it said; "Farewell, till we meet at TICONDEROGA!" The strange name dwelt in Campbell's memory. He had joined the Black Watch, or Forty-second Regiment, then employed in keeping order in the turbulent Highlands. In time he became its major; and, a year or two after the war broke out, he went with it to America. Here, to his horror, he learned that it was ordered to the attack of Ticonderoga. His story was well known among his brother officers. They combined among themselves to disarm his fears ; and when they reached the fatal spot they told him on the eve of the battle,' ' This is not Ticonderoga ; we are not there yet; this is Fort G-eorge."^ But in the morning he came to them with haggard looks. "I have seen him! You have deceived me! He came to my tent last night ! This is Ticonderoga ! I shall die today!" and his prediction was fulfilled." As will be seen by the preceding pages. Inverawe lived nine days after the battle and was not even mortally wounded if it had been possible in those times to have had antiseptic treatment, but the real point of the legend is that he had been warned of Ticonde- roga when he did not know there was such a place, years before there was any prospect of his being sent there and when Ticondero- ga was only the Indian name for a point of land on a lake in the wilderness of a far off continent. To one interested no place could be more fascinating than old Inverawe- everything connected with it breathes of legend and romance and naturally this was one of the first places visited m our Black Watch pilgrimage last summer. Taynuilt, the railroad station nearest Inverawe is a small village across the Awe and about a mile away as the crow flies, but to drive to our destination, one must follow the road two miles up the River to the old bridge 1. More probably Fort Carillon. , .^. 2. Inver means "the mouth of," therefore the mouth ot the River Awe. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 33 which was being built at the time that the Major left for the war in America in 1756. The builder was Captain William. Pitmap apparently a good friend of Duncan of Inverawe as he charged him with the safe keeping during his absence of his daughter Janet and his favorite dog. History does not record what happened to the dog but the Captain married the daughter and in time Inverawe became her property. She later sold Inverawe to her mother's brother, Col. Robert Campbell of Monzie, and when she left the es- tate she washed her hands at the border in a bottle of wine, which we were told was an old Highland custom. After crossing the Awe the road turns down the north side of the River and winds through a magnificent park some of the trees of which must certainly have been there before the Major's time. This is all the more remarkable because with the exception of the parks of the private estates Scotland is nearly a treeless country and even the mountains and wild land which with us would be cov- ered with forests, have there only grass and heather. Then at the end of a delightful four mile drive was old Inverawe house and a most cordial and hospitable welcome from its present owner. The old house has had many additions in the past one hundred and fifty years but the entrance hall and the main part of the build- ing and particularly the room where Duncan Campbell saw the ghost, are still very much as they were in his time. We endeavored to learn as much as possible of the family history of the Campbells of Inverawe, but like the records of the Black Watch of that time, there is little left but tradition. There are two legends of the Campbells of Inverawe which we found in the "Records of Argyle by Lord Archibald Campbell" which are interesting. It seems that a Mary Cameron of the Cam- erons of Callard Castle on the shores of Lochleven, who was forbid- den to love one Campbell, son of the house of Inverawe, their near- est neighbor, M^as locked in the highest room in the front tower of the castle as a cure. While there a boat came from foreign parts with rich shawls and other articles from the far east which were shown to the inmates of the castle, but the plague was also a part of the cargo of this mysterious boat and every inmate of the castle died, except Mary who on account of her being a prisoner was not exposed. But this left her in almost as fatal a predicament, as she 34 NEW YORK STATE HISTORIC'xVL ASSOCIATION. was still locked in and likel}^ to starve to death, but she managed to attract the attention of a passing shepherd, and thus sent word to her lover who at once rescued her and in time they were married (about 1510) and we presume lived happily ever afterwards. Another family tradition was that a Campbell of Inverawe. dying, left a son and heir under the tutorship of his brother. The uncle, a man of fierce and remorseless disposition, had resolved to do away with his nephew and secure the estate to himself. The boy's nurse and foster-mother, upon learning this, fled with her charge to Carnassery in the parish of Kilniartin. When he was within a few years of becoming of age, his uncle invited him to come to Iverawe. Soon after his arrival, accompanied by his servant, he went out to shoot and on his return to the house dmner was ready. When it was being laid, the dogs of the house fought around the table and in the scufifle between them, the cloth was dis- arranged revealing a dagger at the end of the table where the uncle M^as to sit. The servant noticed the dagger and concluding that it boded no good to his master, informed the latter and counselled flight. Going to the stable they saddled the horses and fled. The uncle was no sooner aware of their flight than he set out in pursuit, disappointment and rage spurring him on, and overtook them in the wood of Nant. When they saw him coming on the hill above them, the servant said to the heir, "Yonder is your uncle coming in pur- suit of us. If you do not kill him, he will kill you." The young man hesitated at first to take his uncle's life but realizing the truth of what his servant had said, he put an arrow to the bow, took aim and sent it to its mark. The uncle fell dead from his horse, the victim of his own wickedness and cruelty. A cairn of stones covers the spot where he fell and is called Cairn Mhic Dhonnchaidh to this day. The Campbells of Inverawe were descended from Duncan, one of the sons of Neil. 10th knight of Lochawe, hence the Gaelic name for the family was Mac Dhonnchaidh lonaratha, which means Mac Duncan of Iverawe. Since Janet soldi the Inverawe estate to her mother's uncle, Col. Robert Campbell of Monzie, the estate passed forever from the ownership of the Campbells of Inverawe and all further trace of this branch seems to be lost. Janet, who married William Pitman, THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 35 had only one daughter Susan who died unmarried. As has already been seen, Lieut. Alexander Campbell was wounded at Ticonderoga, died at Glasgow, and was unmarried. All are united that Duncan of Inverawe had a third child but there seems to be conflicting tes- timony as to whether it was a boy or a girl. We were told at In- verawe that the third child was a son who died unmarried, in which event this line would have entirely died out, but Captain Douglass Wimberley of Inverness who has written a book on the Campbells of Kilmartin and Inverawe, states that the third child was a daugh- ter named Ann who married Campbell of Achlain and had seven sons and five daughters, but no more mention is made of this branch of the family and we were unable to trace them further. We tried to find a portrait of Duncan Campbell, but there was not even a tradition of his personal appearance. Charles Mac- Donald of Barrachander, the head gamekeeper, a man now over eighty, wlio has been on the Inverawe estate all his life, and his father before him, said that from his knowledge of the family he would judge him to have been a large man with dark complexion. When we reached home, we questioned the Gilchrist family, de- scendants of the Alexander Gilchrist in whose family lot Duncan Campbell had been buried, and they make the following statement : In 1871, Walter and James Gilchrist, now dead, moved Duncan Campbell's body from the old cemetery at Fort Ediward to the present grave. The body was found in a sealed leaden casket in a brick lined grave and the Gilchrist brothers, being curious to see if anything remained after so many years, opened the coffin. When the casket was first opened the body was found to be intact and al- most as natural as when first buried but in a few minutes after the air touched it, it fell away to dust. The body was of a large man with dark complexion. This tallies exactly with the description of Duncan Campbell as given by Charles MacDonald and is probably as near as we will ever be able to get it. There is still another mystery connected with the family of Duncan of Iverawe, and that is, how does it happen that his wife lies buried in the same graveyard in far-away America, for in the Gilchrist lot is a tombstone which reads, ' ' In memory of Mrs. Ann Campbell of the Family of Balenabe and Consort of Mr. Duncan Campbell, who died August the 10th, 1777 in the 74th year of her 36 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. age." It would seem almost certain that on account of the similar- ity of ages and the coincidence of names that this must have been the wife of the Major, but did she come to America with him as was the custom of the wives of the officers of that day and continue to live with her relatives until her death? The fact that no mention is made of her ownership of Inverawe, which seemed to pass from Mayor Duncan to the daughter Janet would make this probable. As has been noted Duncan Campbell died in 1758 at the age of 55, which would make the year of his birth 1703 and Mrs. Ann Campbell dying at 74 years in 1777 would make the same date of birth. Captain Douglas Wimberley gives the wife of Duncan of Inverawe as Johanna, daughter of Campbell of Ballinaby, the tomb- stone states Ann of Balenabe, which is quite near enough for that period when correct spelling was not one of the virtues. As has perhaps been already noted Inverawe is spelled Inversaw on the Duncan Campbell tombstone. Another headstone beside Mrs. Ann Campbell in the Gilchrist lot reads "Ann Campbell, Daughter of Mr. Archibald and Mrs. Floranee Campbell, who died August the 11th. 1777 in the 4th year of her age." It would seem quite probable that Mrs. Ann Campbell was staying at Mr. Archibald Campbell's at the time of her death and as they died only one day apart that she and the infant Ann, were both stricken with some contagious disease. This second tombstone may give us the clew which will unravel the mystery of relationship and that this and some of the other questions which have arisen may be answered in some future article. OTHER CAMPBELL (iRAVES NEAR DUNCAN CAMPBELL'S Two White Marble Head Stones in Gilchrist Lot. Union Cemetery. Between Hudson Falls (Formerly Sandy Hill) and Fort Edward. (Inscriptions have been outlined in lead pencil for this photograph.) APPENDIX ROLL FROM AN OLD PAPER IN POSSESSION OF THE 7TH DUKE OF ATHOLL. OFFICERS OF THE 42ND HIGHLANDERS, NEW YORK, MAY 22, 1757. Lt. Col. Francis Grant, son of the Laird of Grant, wounded at Ticonderoga. Major Duncan Campbell, of Inverawe, killed at Ticonderoga. Captain Gordon Graham, of Drainie. wounded at Ticonderoga. Captain John Reid. of Straloch, wounded at Martinique. Captain John McNeil, Captain Allan Campbell, son of Barcaldine. Captain Thomas Graeme, of Duchray, wounded at Ticon- deroga. ■ Captain James Abercrombie. Captain John Campbell, of Straclmr, wounded at Ticonderoga. Captain John Campbell, of Duneavis, killed at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant William Grant, of Rothiemurchus family, wound- ed at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant Robert Gray, wounded at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant John Campbell, younger of Glenlyon, wounded at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant George Farquharson, killed at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant Sir James Cockburn.i Lieutenant Kenneth Tolmie. Lieutenant James Grant (adjutant, wounded at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant John Graham (quartermaster), wounded at Ticon- deroga and wounded at Fort Pitt. Lieutenant Hus:h McPhei*son, killed at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant Alex. Turnbull, of Strathcavers. wounded at Mar- tinique. Lieut. Sir James Cockburn. transferred to 48th Foot Ensign Pat- Albany, May, 27, 1758.) 38 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Lieutenant Alex. Campbell, son of Inverawe, wounded at Ti- conderoga. Lieutenant Alex. Mcintosh, wounded at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant James Gray. Lieutenant William Baillie, killed at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant Hugh Arnot. Lieutenant John Suthej-land, killed at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant John Small. Lieutenant Archibald Campbell. Lieutenant James Campbell. Lieutenant Archibald Lamont. Ensign Duncan Campbell, wounded at Fort Pitt. Ensign Patrick Balneavis,i son of Edradour, wounded at Ti- conderoga, wounded at Martinique. Ensign Patrick Stewart, ^ son of Bonskeid, killed at Ticonde roga. Ensign Norman MacLeod. Ensign George Campbell. Ensign Donald Campbell. ^ Ensign James Mcintosh, wounded at Fort Pitt. Ensign Alex. Mcintosh, wounded at Martinque. Ensign Peter Grant, wounded at Ticonderoga. Three additional Companies embarked for America, Novem- ber, 1757. Captain James Stewart, younger of Urrard, wounded at Ticon- deroga. Captain James Murray, son of Lord G. Murray, wiounded at Ticonderoga, wounded at Martinique. Captain Thomas Stirling, younger of Ardoch, wounded at Mar- tinique, wounded at New Jersey, Lieutenant Simon Blair. Lieutenant David Barclay, killed at Martinique. Lieutenant Archibald Campbell, wounded at Ticonderoga. Lieutenant Alex. Mackay. Lieutenant Alex. Menzies. 1. See Foot Note at bottom of preceding page. 2. Miss Ethel Lomas, copiest at Public Record Office, London, is authority for the statement that this should be Peter (not Patrick) Stewart 3. Son of Capt. Lauchlin Campbell of Island of Isla and New York Colony. Blair Castle at Blair Atholl. the Principal Seat of the The Duke of Atholl Reviewing the Atholl High- Duke of Atholl. Oldest Part of Castle Built About landers, a Guard of Over 200 From Atholl Estate. 1255 Whose Average Height is Nearly Six Feet SIR JOHN JAMES HUGH HENRY STEWART-MURRAY. K. T. SEVENTH DUKE OF ATHOLL Honorary Colonel Third Battalion the Black Watch and Present Head the Clan Murray THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 39 Lieutenant David Milne,"* wounded at Ticonderoga, wounded at Martinique. Ensign Duncan Stewart, son of Dereulich. Ensign George Rattray, son of Dalralzion, killed at Ticonde- roga. Ensign Alex. Farquharson. 4. This name is given as David Mills in tlie Army List, but tlie Dulce of AthoU is authority for the statement that Milne is correct. 5. "Ensign John Smith is added in ink to the 1858 Army List in the N. Y. State Library at Albany and is also marked as "wounded at Ticon- deroga." B ROLL OF CAPT. JOHN REID'S COMPANY, NOV., 1757. The following is the roll of Capt. John Reid's Company of the 42nd, wjhich was commanded by Capt. James Murray during the expedition. Taken from Atholl Records, page 440, Vol. III. Capt. James Murray, wounded. Sergt. Alex'r Cumming. Lieut. Kenneth Tolmie. Lieut. David Mill, wounded. Ensign Charles Menzies. Sergt. James McNab. Sergt. John McAndrew. Sergt. John Watson. Wm. Anderson. John Buchanan, killed. Angus Cameron. Hugh Cameron, killed. Wm. Carmichael. Donald Carr, killed. Hugh Christie. Alex. Cumming. James Farquharson, killed. Alex. Eraser. DonaJd Fraser. Donald Fraser. Corporal John Cumming. Corporal Jonathan Grant. Corporal Angus McDonald. Corporal John Stewart. Drum Walter Mclntyre, killed. Drum Alan Campbell. Privates. Hugh Fraser. Hugh Fraser, killed. John Forbes. John Graham. Donald Grant. James Grant. John Grant. John Grant. William Grant. James Gordon. William Gordon. Donald Kennedy. 40 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Donald Kennedy. John Kennedy. George Me Adam. John McArthur. Donald McColl. Donald McDiarmid. Angus McDonald. Arch'd McDonald. Arch'd McDonald, killed. James McDonald, killed. John McDonald. Lachlan McDonald. William McDonald, killed. Neil McEachern. Peter McFarlane. Peter McFarlane, killed. John McGillvray. Leonard McGlashan. Alex McGregor. Donald McGregor. Robert McGregor. John Mcintosh. Alex Mclntyre. Donald Mclntyre. James Mclntyre, killed. Hector Mclnven. Hugh McKay. Alexr McKenzie. Hugh McKenzie. Hugh McKenzie. John McKenzie, killed. John McKenzie. Roderick McKenzie. Dougall McLachlan, killed. John McLaren. Roderick McLaren. Neil McLeod. Norman McLeod, killed. Donald McLeish. Donald McLeish. William McLinnion. Neil McMillan. Donald McNeil, killed. Neil McNeil. Hugh McPhee. John McPhee. Alex McPherson. Donald McPherson. Donald McQueen, killed. James Michael. Donald Murray. James Murray. James Rea. Alex'r Reid. Alex'r Ross. Donald Ross. Hugh Ross, killed. John Ross. Donald Robertson. Neil Shaw. John Sinclair, died of wounds. John Smith. Walter Spaulding. Alex'r Stewart. Charles Stewart, died of wounds. Donald Stewart, died of wounds. Walter Stewart, died of wounds. Robert Urquhart. Donald Watson. Donald Wheet. William Wishart. Duncan Wright. The above roll was made out at the muster in October, 1757, and contains the names of those who served in the Company for the previous six months. Unfortunately the names of the non- commissioned officers and men who were wounded at Ticonderoga are not shown. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 41 ROLL OF CAPT. JAMES MURRAY'S COMPANY, NOV., 1757. This Company was at Fort Edward captained by Capt. James Abercrombie and not in the battle of July 8, 1758. Atholl Records, p. 431, Vol. III. Sergt. Wm. Grant. Corporal John Leslie. Sergt. Charles Robinson. Corporal Robert Lachlan. Sergt. John McQueen. Drummer Alan Campbell. George Bremmer. Donald Brown. Duncan Cameron. John Campbell. Donald Conacher. William Cowie. James Douglas. Donald Drummond. James Duncan. Alex Fraser (1). Alex Fraser (2). William Fife. Robert Grant. Alex Irvine. James Kennedy. Duncan McAndrew. Donald McDiarmid. Archibald McDonald. Archibald McDonald. Donald McDonald. John McDonald. William McDonald. Peter McFarlane. Alex'r Mcintosh. Robert Mcintosh. Robert Mcintosh. William Mcintosh. Donald McLean. Donald McLean. Privates. Thos. McNab. Alex McPherson. James McPherson. Donald McRaw. Robert Menzies. William Munro. John Murray. Alex'r Nicholson. Alex'r Norrie. Alex'r Reid. Alex'r Robertson. Angus Robertson. Archibald Robertson. Charles Robertson. Donald Robertson. James Robertson. James Robertson. John Robertson. Peter Robertson. James Scroggie. Alex'r Stewart. Alex'r Stewart. Alex'r Stewart. John Stewart. Robert Stewart. Thomas Stewart. William Stewart. John Wighton. John Wiffhton. 42 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. D o o o o J3 :3 -ts ^ -^ ^ "i i ^ I. - O"^© -2 ^ ^ '^ P -ri B i ^ i i ^o QOH,t^P5oK;?^H:sJz;o;^oopH?H^fiH a: ^ pq -^ Q 05 t-l lO 1-5 O -S O a. a: :^ r g ° I _ ^^ o ^ 05 ^ a o o c s 6 s o CI, o '3 S ci 5 O -t-j 1— 1 o s a eter Grant uncan Stewart lex. Farquhars rch. Campbell, o bo CD g q xj p Q O X3 .2 S XI le X '^ o O ^ W c C •-s i-S pL. « ^ < •-J h-; ^ h-j < i-s O < •■y* k!h (D 1^ P^ o 3 -t.3 -t^ 'ZP Ph r^ p— ' V* ^ V, ,- ^ ^ "S ^ ^ s* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ c£ ee c6 '^ ** "• ^ v* -» jH " ■* •^ ~* " " •* ^ S O O S w LORD HOWE STONE Unearthed at Ticonderoga, Cct. 1889, Now Preserved in Black Watch Memorial THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 43 COMPARISON OF LOSSES OF BLACK WATCH AT TICON- DEROGA WITH THOSE OF OTHER WARS. In the "Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861, 1865. A treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary lo^es in the Union Regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics com- piled from the official records on file on the State Military Bureaus and at Washington, by William F. Fox, Lieut. Col. U. S. V., presi- dent of the Society of the 12th Army Corps; late president of the 107th New York Veteran Volunteer Association. Albany Publish- ing Company, Albany, N. Y., 1899." The writer states that he has examined the records of 2,000 regiments of the Union Army and on page 2 he says, "The one regiment in all the Union Army which sustained the greatest loss in battle during the American Civil War was the 5th New Hampshire Infantry. It lost 295 men kill- ed or mortally wounded in action during the four years of service from 1861 to 1865. It served in the first division, second corps. This division was commanded successively by Generals Richardson, Hancock, Caldwell, Barlow and Miles and any regiment that fol- lowed the fortunes of these men was sure to find plenty of bloody work cut out for it. Its loss includes 18 officers killed, a number far in excess of the usual proportions and indicates that the men were bravely led." ' ' There were 34 regiments of the Union Army whose casualities in killed, wounded or missing amounted to 58 per cent or over of the men engaged in one battle in each case, however, there was not a full regiment engaged. For example, the 1st Minnesota at Gettys- burg, which was the highest per centage, had 47 killed and 168 wounded, or a total loss of 215 out of 262 men engaged. This is a loss of 82 per cent. The 9th Illinois at Shiloh had 61 killed, 300 wounded and 5 missing, a total of 63.3 per cent. The Light Brigade which has been immortalized by Tenny- son, took 673 officers and men into that charge at Balaklava in which 113 were killed and 134 wounded, a total of 247 or 36.7 per cent. 44 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The heaviest loss in the German army of the Franco-Prussian war was the 16th Infantry (3d Westphalian) at Mars LaTour which had 509 killed, 619 wounded, 365 missing, a total of 1,484 or 49.4 per cent out of 3,000 men. The regiments of the German army have 3,000 men." The above are the greatest casualties suffered in three great waj^s taken from a book compiled by an authority who had made a study of the subject. Compare with these the loss of the Black Watch at Ticonderaga given by Col. Stewart of Garth as 8 officers, 9 sergeants and 297 men killed and 17 officers, 10 sergeants and 306 soldiers wounded or a casualty of 647 (64.7 per cent) out of the 1,000 men of the 42nd reported by General Abercrombie at Lake George, June 29, 1758. TABLE OF LOSSES OF BLACK WATCH IN SEVEN YEAH WAR. The loss sustained by the regiment during the seven years it was employed in America and the West Indies was as follows: KILLED WOUNDED O O S , faO Ticonderoga, July 8, 1758 1 1 Martinique, January, 1759 Gaudeloupe, Feb. and Mar., 1759 General Amherst's Expedition to the Lakes, July and Aug., 1759 Martinique, Jan. and Feb., 1762. 1 Havana, June and July, 1762, both battalions Expedition under Colonel Bo- quet, August, 1763 1 Second Expedition under Bo- quet, in 1764 and 1765 Total in the Seven Years' War . 1 3 Stewart of Garth, Appendix. Q C- oc «} O G Oi ^ '^ B ^ .^ •rH C3 S 1K iii(i.\L\s >'IILLL\t Ol- AlUXJc;!! AMI .slUOWAX,- llAKI'. (/iV-,.;/.. ,; Miitliitulr in Ol^ fMSfSsiut: •/ Sfytnc,!'!] From "A Military History of Perthshire' OFFICERS IN THE BLACK WATCH 1758-59 THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 67 Gaul," a composition written by Sir Charles Erskine, but set to music by Reid while major of the 42ncl, and which has ever since been a regimental march. Reid also composed several military marches and was esteemed the best gentleman player on the German flute in England. It may safely be predicted that as long as the University exists this old Perthshire soldier of the 18th century will be remembered as one of its benefactors. N. Y. Documentary History IV. Military History of Perthshire, pp. 387-395. John Small. John Small was the third son of Patrick Small, who married Magdalen Robertson, sister of Alexander Robertson, the father of General John Reed. Reid and Small were thus not only neighbors and brother-officers, but first cousins, and were evidently on terms of close friendship. Born in Strathardle, Atholl, Scotland, in 1730, Small, like many of his countrymen of that date, began his military career with the Scots Brigade in Holland, being appointed a 2nd lieutenant in the Earl of Drumlanrig's Regiment when it was raised for service of the States-General in 1747. How long he re- mained abroad is unknown but it is probable that he returned to England when the regiment was reduced in 1752. He did not, how- ever, obtain a commission in the British army until four years later, when he was apointed lieutenant in the 42nd, just prior to its departure for America. So far as is known. Small took part in all the campaigns in which his regiment was engaged from 1756 to 1763. He fought at Ticonderoga in 1758, served with General Amherst's successful expedition to Lake Champlain in the follow- ing year, and took part in the operations which completed the con- quest of Canada in 1760. After the surrender of Montreal he was sent in charge of French prisoners to New York, and we learn from a brother officer that General Amherst had great confidence in him, and frequently employed him "on particular services." Two years later he served in the capture of Martinique and Havanna and ob- tained his promotion as captain. At the peace of 1763 Small was placed on half-pay, but, ac- cording to General Stewart, he was almost immediately put on the full-pay list of the North British Fusiliers (21st) and when in 68 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 1767 the Black Watch left for Europe, most of the men of that regiment who had volunteered to stay in America joined the Fusi- liers in order to sei've under Small, who was "deservedly popular" with them. Small, however, cannot have served long with the 21st, for in the same year in which the Black Watch left America he was appointed "ma.jor of brigade" to the forces in North America. It was probably during the interval between the Seven Years' War and the war with the Americans that he began to acquire the prop- erty in Nova Scotia, part of which he afterwards bequeathed to his cousin, John Reid. M^e have some indication that during this per- iod he interested himself in local politics and formed the friend- ship of at least one American which was of value to him later. Small served throughout the War of Independence though but rare glimpses are obtained of him. He was present as a brig- ade-major at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1777, and in the course of that day his life was saved by the American General Put- nam, who, seeing Small standing alone at a time when all around him had fallen, struck up the barrels of his men's muskets to save his life. Shortly after this. Small raised the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Highland Regiment and was appointed major-commandant. In 1778 the regiment was numbered the 84th and in 1780 he was promoted lieutenant-colonel-commandant of his battalion. He is said to have joined Sir Henry Clinton at New York in 1779, but it is more probable that he was stationed for the most part in Nova Scotia. In March, 1783, Small and his battalion were at Fort Ed- ward, New York, and in the following autumn the battalion was disbanded at Windsor, Nova Scotia, where many of the men settled and formed the present town of Douglas. Small, once more on half-pay, returned home and in 1790 was promoted colonel and three years later was appointed lieutenant governor of Guernsey. In October, 1794, he became major-general and on the 17th of March, 1796, he died in Guernsey and was bur- ied in the church of St. Peter Port. • General Stewart of Garth wrote of General John Small that "No chief of former days ever more fairly secured the attachment of his clan, and no chief, certainly, ever deserved it better. With an enthusiastic and almost romantic love of his country and coun- trymen, it seemed as if the principal object of his life had been to THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 69 serve them, and promote prosperity. Equally brave in leading them in the field, and kind, just, and conciliating in quarters, they would have indeed been ungrateful if they had regarded him other- wise than as they did. There was not an instance of desertion in his battalion." Stewart II, 143. Military Hist, of Pertlishire, pp. 396-399. James Stewart of TJrrard. James Stewart of Urrard, obtained a company in the 42nd, July 18th, 1757. He was wounded at Ticonderoga, 1758. He sold out after the peace. Stewart I. 306, 359. N. Y. Col. MSS., p. 729, Vol. 10. Thomas Stirling. Thomas Stirling, second son of Sir Henry Stirling, of Ardock, was born October 8, 1731. He began his military career in the Dutch service, being given a commission as ensign in the 1st Bat- talion of Col. Marjoribanks' Regiment on the 30th of September, 1747. and was probably placed on half-pay when the establishment of the Scots Brigade was reduced in 1752. On the 24th of July, 1757, having been nominated by James, Duke of Atholl, and having raised the requisite number of men, he was gazetted captain of one of the three companies added to the 42nd in that year. In Nov- ember, 1757, he sailed for America, where he served with his regi- ment in the campaigns of the ensuing years, though he was not present at the first attack on Ticonderoga, owing to the fact that the new companies had been left behind to garrison Fort Edward. He took part in the capture of Martinique in 1762 and was wounded but was able to serve in the capture of Havana later in that year. He returned with his regiment to America and in August, 1765, was sent in command of a company to take possession of Fort de Chartres on the Mississippi. After holding this fort that winter and spring, he returned with his detachment to the regiment in June, 1766. The following year the 42nd left America and for up- wards of eight years was quartered in Ireland, after which it was for a short time in Scotland. In 1770 Stirling was gazetted major of the regiment, and in 1771 lieutenant-Colonel-commandant. Hos- tilities broke out with the Americans in 1775, and Stirling, having 70 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. in five months raised the strength of his regiment from 350 men to 1,200, returned with it in the following spring to America, where he commanded it continuously for three years during the war. He took part in. the engagement at Brooklyn, the attack on Fort Wash- ington, the expedition to Pennsylvania, battle of Monmouth, and others. During 1778-9 he was stationed at or near New York. In June, 1779, he accompanied a force under General Mathews through New Jersey in an attempt to rally the supposed loyalists of that state. This was unsuccessful and ended in the destruction of the town of Spring-field. General Stirling was so severely wounded while leading the attack that he could take no further part in the war. His thigh was broken and fearing to be rendered incapable of further service he refused to have it amputated. He recovered and was invalided home but he does not appear after this to have been ever again fit for active duty. In 1782 he was pro- moted major-general and appointed colonel of the 71st Foot, but his regiment was disbanded the following year. His services were rewarded with a baronetcy and in 1790, he became colonel of the 41st Regiment. In 1796 he was promoted lieutenant-general, and in 1799 he succeeded his brother in the baronetcy of Ardock. He attained the rank of general in 1801 and died unmarried on the 9th of May, 1808. Kenneth Tolmie. Kenneth Tolmie was commissioned a lieutenant in the 42nd Highlanders, 23rd January, 1756, and promoted to the Command of a Company 27th July, 1760. His name is dropped after the Peace of 1763. Wilson's Orderly Book, p. 166. Alexander Turnhull. Alexander Turnbull of Stracathro, appointed ensign June 3, 1752 ; lieutenant Sept. 27, 1756 ; captain Aug. 14, 1762. After 11 years of service, he went on half-pay in 1763 ; full pay of the 32d Foot. He died in 1804 with rank of major. Stewart of Garth, Appendix. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 71 K ORIGINAL REGIMENTAL LIST OF THE BLACK WATCH. From A Military History of Perthshire, images 51.52. Commission dated. No. 1 Company. Colonel and Captain John, Earl of Crawford 25 Oct., 1739 Captain-Lieutenant Duncan Mackfarland 25 Oct., 1739 Ensign Gilbert Stewart of Kincraigie 29 Oct., 1739 No. 2 Company. Jjieutenant-Colonel and Captain Sir Robert Munro, Bart., of Foulis 25 Oct. 1739 Lieutenant Paul Macfei^on 26 Oct., 1739 Ensign Archibald Macknab, younger son of the Laird of Macnab 31 Oct., 1739 No. 3 Company. Major and Captain George Grant • 25 Oct., 1739 Lieutenant John Mackenzie of Rencraig ( ? Kincraig) 28 Oct., 1739 Ensign Collin Campbell 1 Nov., 1739 No. 4 Company. Captain Collin Campbell, yr., of Monzie Lieutenant Alexander Macdonald Ensign James Campbell of Glenfalloch No. 5 Company. Captain James Colquhoun of Luss Lieutenant George Ramsay Ensign James Campbell of Stronslanie^ No. 6 Company. Captain John Campbell of Carrick Lieutenant John Maclean of Kingairloch Ensign Dougall Stewart (of Appin?) No. 7 Company. Captain Collin Campbell of Balliemore Lieutenant Malcom Frazer. son of Culduthel^ Ensign Dougall Stewart 25 Oct., 1739 29 Oct., 1739 25 Oct., 1739 26 Oct., 1739 30 Oct., 1739 3 Nov., 1739 27 Oct., 1739 27 Oct., 1739 26 Oct., 1739 28 Oct., 1739 31 Oct., 1739 25 Oct., 1739 1. Stewart of Garth calls him Dougal Campbell, but he appears as James in his commission. 2. It is not stated to which companies Lieutenants Malcolm Fraser and Francis Grant belonged. No other lieutenants are mentioned for Balliemore and Newmore; they have therefore been assigned respectively to them. 72 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. No. 8 Company. Captain George. Munro of Culcairn, brother of Foulis 29 Oct., 1739 Lieutenant Lewis Grant of Auchterblair 25 Oct., 1739 Ensig-n John Menzies of Comrie 27 Oct., 1739 No. 9 Company, Captain Dougal Campbell of Craignish 30 Oct., 1739 Lieutenant John Maekneil 2 Nov., 1739 Ensi^ Gordon Graham of Draines^ 30 Oct.. 1739 No. 10 Company. Captain John Monro ef Nevvmore 10 May, 1740 Lieutenant Francis Grant, son of the Laird of Grant^ 1 Nov., 1739 Ensign Edward Carrick 28 Oct., 1739 Surgeon George Monro 17 Feb., 1740 Quarter Master John Forbes ' 25 Mar., 1740 Chaplain Hon. Gideon Murray 25 Mar., 1740 Adjutant John Lindsay^ 25 Mar., 1740 3. 1. e. Drynie. A younger son of the Laird. 4. See note to Lieutenant Malcolm Fraser. 5. Garth gives the adjutant as being Gilbert Stewart (presumably the ensign to the Colonel's Company). He probably acted in this capacity until John Lindsay was gazetted to the regiment. OFFICERS OF THE 42ND ROYAL HIGHLAND REGIMENT AS COPIED FROM THE BRITISH ARMY LIST, PUBLISHED 20TH JUNE, 1759. Col. Lord Jno. Murray, Lt. Gen. Lt. Col. Francis Grant. Capt. Thomas Stirling. Major Gordon Graham. Capt. Francis McLean. Capt. John Reid. Capt. Archibald Campbell. Capt. John McNeil. Capt. Alexander St. Clair, Capt. Allan Campbell. Capt. AVilliam Murray. Capt. Thomas Graeme. Capt. John Stuart. Capt. James Abercrombie. Capt. Alexander Reid. Capt. John Campbell. Capt. William Grant. Capt. James Stewart. Capt. David Haldane. Capt. James Murray. Capt. Lieut. Robert Gray. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 73 Lieut. John Campbell. Lieut. Kenneth Tolme. Lieut. James Grant. Lieut. John Graham. Lieut. Alex. Turnbull. Lieut. Alex. Campbell. Lieut. Alex. Mcintosh. Lieut. James Gray. Lieut. John Small. Lieut. Arch. Campbell, Sen. Lieut. James Campbell. Lieut. Archibald Lament. Lieut. David Mills. Lieut. Simon Blair. Lieut, David Barclay. Lieut. Archibald Campbell, Jr. Lieut. Alex. Mackay. Lieut. Robert Menzies. Lieut. Patrick Balneavis. Lieut. John Campbell, Sen. Lieut. Alex. McLean. Lieut. George Sinclair. Lieut. John Murray. Lint. Gordon Clunes. Lieut. James Fraser. Lieut. John Robertson. Lieut. John Grant. Lieut. George Leslie. Lieut. Duncan Campbell. Lieut. Adam Stuart. Lieut. Donald Campbell. Lieut. George Grant. Lieut. James Mcintosh. Lieut. Robert Robertson. Lieut. John Smith. Lieut. Peter Grant. Lieut. Alex. Farquharson. Lieut. John Campbell, Jr. Lieut. George Sinclair. Ensign Elbert Herring, Ensign William Brown. Ensign Thomas Fletcher. Ensign Alex, Donaldson, Ensign ^illiam Mcintosh. Ensign Patrick Sinclair, Ensign Archibald Campbell, Jun Ensign John Gregor. Ensign Lewis Grant, Ensign Archibald Campbell, Sen Ensign John Graham, Ensig-n Allan Grant, Ensign John Leith. Ensign Charles Menzies, Ensign Archibald McNab. Ensign John Chas. St. Clair. Ensign John Gordon. Ensign Neil McLean. Ensign Thomas Cunison. Sergt. Phiueas McPherson. Chaplain James Stewart, Adj. James Grant. Adj. Alex. McLean. Quarter Master John Graham, Quarter Master Adam Stewart, Surgeon David Hepburn, Surgeon Robt. Drummond, Agt,, Mr, Drummond, Spring Garden. The following corrections were interlined in ink in the above Army List of 1759, which was found in the British Museum: Capt. John Raid was made Major, Aug. 5, 1759. Capt. John Campbell, removed to the 17th. Capt. David Haldane, removed to a Regiment at Jamaica. Lieut. Alexander McLean, made captain of corps of Highlanders. Lieut. George Sinclair, dead. Lieut. George Sinclair, removed to Crawford's Regiment. Ensign Thomas Fletcher, made lieutenant June 1, 1759. Ensign William Mcintosh, removed to Keith's Corps. Sergt. Phineas McPherson, made ensign June 1, 1759. Lauchlan Johnson, made chaplain 20th August, 1759, in place of James Stewart. Alexander Donaldson, made adjutant 20th March, 1759, in place of Alexander McLean. 74 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. M REFERENCES TO THE BLACK WATCH IN THE 1759 CAM- PAIGN TAKEN FROM "COMMISSARY WIL- SON'S ORDERLY BOOK." Albany, 22 May, 1759. Two companies of the Royal Higliland Regiment are also to receive batteaux and load them with pro- vision and baggage. A sergeant and 12 men of the Rhode Island Regiment are to relieve a party of the Royal Highland Regiment at the Half-Way House on the way to Schenectady; they are to march tomorrow morning and carry six days' provision with them. Albany, 23d May, 1759. Three captains of the Royal High- landers summoned among others to a general Court Martial, of which Col. Francis Grant was President, to set tomorrow at the Town House in Albany at 3 o'clock to try all prisoners that may be brought before them. Albany, 26th May, 1759. An officer and 25 men of the Royal Highland Regiment with a week's provision to be sent this after- noon to the Widow McGinnes House to protect settlement; one Company of the Royal Highland Regiment to march tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock; they will take their tents and camp equipage with them, for which a wagon will be allowed on sending to Col. Bradstreet for it; the officer commanding that company to call upon the General this night. The General Court Martial of which ■ Col. Grant is President to meet again tomorrow at 8 o'clock. Albany, 31st May, 1759. The Royal Highland Regiment to march tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock to Ha If moon, where they will take the artillery under their charge and escort the same to Fort Edward. Fort Edward, 6th June, 1759. Lieut. Col. Robinson will mark out the Camp tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock that the Regiments may take up their ground as they arrive ; the Regiments to encamp ** * Royal Highlanders on the right. A Serj. and 16 men of ye Royal Highlanders to take the General's Guard. Fort Edward, 7th June, 1759. The Regiments are not to change their encampment until the ground be quite dry. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 75 Fort Edward, 8th June, 1759. The Regiments to change their encampment this day at 12 o'clock. Fort Edward, 9th June, 1759. Field Officer for the Picquit tomorrow. Major Graham, The Light Infantry of the Highland Regiment is to practice fireing ball tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock, near the Royal Block House on the other side of the river. The Royal Highland Regiment to furnish 2 captains, 6 subs., and 200 men * * * ; this detachment to take batteaux tomorrow morning at day break. The Royal Highland Regiment to take 20 batteaux, and 60 of the 200 men with arms to serve as a covering party. The whole to take provisions for tomorrow with them ; they are to proceed to Col. Haviland's Camp, opposite to Fort Miller, where the commanding officer will apply to Col. Haviland who will order the batteaux to be immediately loaded, that the whole party may return to Fort Edward without loss of time. Fort Edward, 10th June, 1759. Field Officer for the Picquit this night Major (Gordon) Graham, for tomorrow Major (Allen) Campbell, Colonel of the day, Col. (Francis) Grant. Two cap- tains of the Royal Highlanders to sit with others in General Court Martial tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, to try such prisoners as are on the Provost Guard. The Royal Highlanders and Mont- gomery^ 's Regiments to send as many men this afternoon at 4 o'clock as are necessary to clean the ground where the Light In- fantry is to encamp. They will receive axes on applying to the store-keeper in the Fort, which they will return when they have finished that work. Fort Edward, 11th June, 1759. Colo, of the day, Col. Grant. Field Officer of the Picquits, Major Campbell. Fort Edward, 12th June, 1759. Block Houses to be relieved tomorrow by the Line * * * the one joining the east side of the Bridge by 1 Sub., 2 Serjts., 2 Corpls. and 24 men of the Royal Highlanders; the one in the front of the Right of the Royal, one Serjt., one Corpl. and 10 men of the Royal Highlanders. Fort Edward, 13th June, 1759. The Royal Highland Regi- ment to strick their tents tomorrow at Revallie Beating. The Royal Highlanders posted in their Block Houses as per ordered of yesterday, to be relieved immediately. 76 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Fort Edward, 17th June. The First Battalion Massachusetts to strike their tents at Revallie Beating and march half an hour after to the Halfway Brook where the commanding officer will put himself under the command of Col. Grant. Fort Edward, 19th June, 1759. The Royal Highlanders will furnish one Sub. and 30 men towards the working party required tomorrow to repair the roads. Fort Edward, 20th June. Capt. Campbell of the Royal High- land Grenediers is appointed Major to the Battalion of Greuediers for the Campaign. Lake George, 22d June, 1759. The Royal Highlanders to re- ceive one day's fresh beef tomorrow. Lake George, 24th June. Field Officer for tomorix>w, Major Graham. Lake George, 26th June, 1759. The Royal Highlanders to re- ceive 7 days' provisions tomorrow. Lake George, 27th June. Generals Guard tomorrow, Royal Highlanders. 2 Companies of Grenediers with 2 Companies of Light Infantry ordered this morning with as many Rangers and Indians as Maj. Rogers can furnish, the w'Jiole commanded by Maj. Campbell, to march tomorrow two hours before daybreak by the same route Col. Haviland took; which post Capt. Johnson will show, and to remain there whilst the boats are fishing. They are to take one day's provisions and to go as light as possible as they are not only a covering party to the boats, but to attack any body of the enemy they may find. Lake George, 5th July, 1759. A General Court Martial to set tomorow morning at the President's Tent at 8 o'clock for the trial of a man suspected of robbery * * * Major Graham and two captains of the Royal Highlanders to attend. Lake George 8th July, 1759. The Royal Highlanders Avill take the Gen's Guard tomorrow half an hour after 4. Lake George, 11th July, 1759. Capt. John Campbell of the Royal Highlanders is appointed Major in the late Forbes, and is to be obeyed as such. Royal Highlanders to receive 35 batteaux. Oars and whatever else belongs to the batteaux will be delivered at the same time. Each batteaux will carry 12 barrels of flour or 9 of pork when ordered to load, and it is supposed will have about 20 men or a few more in each battoe. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 77 Lake George, 12th July. A General Court Martial of the Regulars to be held to morrow morning at 6 o'clock. Col. Grant President, Major John Campbell to attend. Lake George, 13th July. Colonel of the Day tomorrow, Col. Grant. Field Officer tomorrow night, Major Graham. Generals Guard tomorrow, Royal Highlanders. The General Court Martial of which Col. Grant was President, is dissolved. Royal Highland- ers to receive a proportion of flour for five days wihich they are get baked tomorrow and keep. Lake George, 19th July, 1759. The Royal Highlanders one of the Regiments appointed to sit in general Court Martial tomorrow at 6 o'clock. The Regiments to load their batteaux tomorrow morning beginning at 5 o'clock in the following manner, Montgom- ery's Pork, Royal Highlanders, Flour, * * * two regiments to load at a time, one flour and one pork, and to be allowed an hour for loading, and when loaded to return to their stations. Lake George, 20th July, 1759. For the day this day, Reg-ulars, Col. Grant. On landing the Col. Grant to take the command of the late Forbes' Brigade. Camp near Ticonderoga, 22d July. For the Picquit tomorrow night. Major Graham. Camp before Ticonderoga, 23d July, 1759. Collo. of the day tomorow% Collo. Grant. Field Officer of the Picquits this night, Major Graham. Camp at Ticonderoga, 24th July, 1759. Serjt. Murray of the Royal Highland Regiment is appointed to oversee people making Fasciens, and to keep an account of the number made. Camp at Ticonderoga, 25th July, 1759. The following car- penters *** James Frazer, George McDougall, James Frazer, John McColme, John Robinson, James Gumming, and James Mc- Donald of the Royal Highlanders to be at the sawmills tomorrow at 5 o'clock and if Capt. Loreing should not be there they will receive their directions from Brigadier Ruggles. The Royal Highland Regiment to draw tomorrow early two days bisquit and two days pork, bisquit in lieu of flour, which com- pletes them to the 28th inclusive. Ticonderoga, 26th July, 1759. Adjutant for the day tomor- roAv Royal Highlands. 78 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Ticonderoga, 28th July, 1759. A General Court Martial of the line to be held at the President's tent at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- ing. Col. Grant, President, two Majors and ten Captains, two of whom were from the Royal Highlanders. Ticonderoga, 29th July, 1759. The ovens to be given for the use of the troops in the following manner: — * * * No. 2 to the Inniskilling and Royal Highlanders. No bakers but such as those Corps imploy to bake in any of those ovens. The Royal Highland Regiment to striek their tents and march immediately to the Land- ing Place, and they will send their tents and baggage in batteaux. Ticonderoga, 1st August, 1759. As a number of shoes are come up, intended for the use of the Army, and Avill be delivered to them at the prime cost in England, which three shillings and six pence per pair. The Regiments may receive in the following manner and proportion, or as many of that proportion as they like to take by applying to Mr. Tucker, agent to Mr. Kilby at the Landing Place. Royal Highlanders 366. Capt. Reid is appointed Major to the Royal Highland Regi- ment. Crown Point, 5th August, 1759. Collo. of the day tomorrow Regulars Collo. Grant; Field officer for the Picquits tomorrow night Maj. Reid. CroAvn Point, 6th August, 1759. Adjutant of the day tomor- row Royal Highlanders. As twenty-four barrels of Spruce beer is come to the fort the corps may send for it immediately in the following proportions * * * Royal Highlanders, three barrels. Crown Point, 7th August, 1759. Corporal Sinclair of the Highlanders and Parceloo of the Inniskilling Regiment with 16 leabrours used to digging to attend Lieut. Gray tomorrow at 5 o'clock; the evening gun is the signal for the working party to leave of work. Crown Point, 8th August, 1759. The Regulars to receive 4 days provisions tomorrow of pork, beginning at Revallie Beating by Forbes followed by Royal Highlanders, etc. It is concluded that they have their bread from Ticonderoga as was ordered. Crown Point, 10th August, 1759. Ens. Gregor of the Royal Highlanders * * * are appointed overseers of the works that are carrving on at the fort. They will attend Lieut. Col. Eyre tomor- THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 79 row morning at 5 o'clock and follow such directions as they shall receive from him. Crown Point, 11th August, 1759. Collo. of the day tomorrow. Collo. Grant. For the building of the fort the following quarriers * * * five of the Royal Highlanders * * * to attend Lieut. Col. Eyre tomorrow morning at the hour of work, and are to continue daily to work as quarriers. Crown Point, 12th August, 1759. Adjutant of the Day to- morrow. Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 14th August, 1759. Field officer for the work tomorrow. Major Reid. Crown Point, 15th August, 1759. The following Surgeons Mates are to join the Regiments and serve as Mates in room of Of- ficers serving as such; Mr. Goldthwat an additional Mate in the Royal Highlanders to be put on the establishment of Forbe's, Mr. Carter to the Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 16th August, 1759. The following sawiers are to attend Lieut. Col. Eyre tomorrow at 5 o'clock: * * * Royal Highlanders, Robert Kennedy, John McFarling and Robert Bain. The following masons are likewise to attend Lieut. Col. Eyre tomor- row morning at 5 o'clock: * * * Royal Highlanders, Dougal Me- Keafter and John Stewart. The above artificers are to work daily and to follow such directions as they shall receive from Lieut. Col. Eyre. Crown Point, 17th August, 1759. Collo. of the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. The following masons to attend Lieut. Col. Eyre tomorrow morning at five o'clock: * * * Royal Highlanders An- gus McDonald and William Milligan. Crown Point, 18th August, 1759. Adjutant of the day tomor- row. Royal Highlandes. Crown Point, 24th Aug., 1759. Adjutant of the day. tomor- row. Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 27th August, 1759. The following soldiers to attend Lieut. Eyre tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock and to take their directions from him: Royal Highlanders, John Fraser, John Mc- Elvore, James Bruce, Allex'r Sutherland. Crown Point, 28th Aug. Field Officer of the work tomorrow- Major Reid. 80 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Crown Point, 30 August, 1759. Adjutant of the day, Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 1st Sept. Collo. of the day, tomorrow, CoUo. Grant. Crown Point, 3d September, 1759. JohnMcNeal, Grenadier in Royal Highland Regiment, * * * to attend Lieut. Col. Eyre this day at 12 o'clock and to follow such directions as he shall give. Crown Point, 4th Sept., 1759. Collo. of the day, tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Field Officer for the work. Major Reid. The men of the Royal Highland Regiment who have been employed in mak- ing baskets will be paid for the same by the Quartermaster's ap- plying to Mr. Gray this afternoon after the work is over. The Regiments to receive tomorrow morning two pounds of fresh meat and one pound of rice for the number of men set opposite the names of each corps, and the Regiments are to apply said fresh beef and rice entirely for the use of the sick. Royal Highlanders 22. Crown Point, 5th Sept., 1759. Field Officer for the works to- morrow, Major Reid. Adjutant of the day, tomorrow. Royal High- landers. Allex'r Forbes of the Royal Highlanders, mason, to ac- company Lieut. Col. Eyre tomorrow and follow such directions as he shall give. Crown Point, 6th Sept. Serjt. Clark of the Royal Highlanders to be one of the four sergeants to attend the works daily and to receive directions from Lieut. Col. Eyre. Crown Point, 7th Sept. For the day, tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Crown Point, 11th Sept. Adjutant of the day tomorrow. Royal Highlanders. A general court martial of the Regulars to sit tomorrow at the President's Tent at 8 o'clock; Collo. Foster,, Presi- dent, Major John Campbell, Major Reid, * * one captain of the Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 12th Sept. A detachment of 100 Grenadiers, 30 of the Light Infantry of Regiments, non-commissioned officers in proportion to be commanded by a captain of the Grenadiers and 2 Subalterns of each Corps to parade tomorrow at Revallie beating on the left of the front of the light infantry and to take 30 bat- teaux to Ticonderoga where he is to apply to the Commissary and load 15 with 30 barrels of flour in each batteaux, the other 15 with 16 barrels of pork each. The Royal Highland Regiment to furnish THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 81 the batteaux and the captain commanding the party will see them this night that they may be ready to set off at Revallie beating and to return as soon as they are loaded. Crown Point, 15th Sept., 1759. For the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Field Officer for the Picquits this night, Regulars Major Reid. Field officer for the works tomorrow. Major John Campbell. Crown Point, 16th Sept., 1759. Field Officer for the works to- morrow, Major Reid. Crown Point, 17th Sept. Adjutant of the day tomorrow, Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 18th Sept., 1759. For the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Crown Point, 21st Sept., 1759. For the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. For the Picquits this night, Major Reid. Field Officer for the works tomorrow. Major John Campbell. Crown Point, 23d Sept., 1759. Adjutant of the day tomorrow, Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 25th Sept. Lieut. Tolmey of the Royal High- landers is appointed Overseer for the work on the fort and to re- ceive his directions from Lieut. Col. Eyre. Crown Point, 26th Sept., 1759. Field officer for the Picquits this night. Major John Campbell ; tomorrow night. Major Reid. Crown Point, 27th Sept., 1759. For the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Field Officer for the Picquits this night. Major Reid. Crown Point, 29th Sept. Adjutant for the day tomorrow, Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 30th Sept.. 1759. Collo. of the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Crown Point, 2d Oct., 1759. Field Officer for the Picquits this night. Major John Campbell ; tomorrow night. Major Reid. Crown Point, 3d October. For the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Field Officer for the Picquits this night, Major Reid, Field Officer for the works tomorrow, John Campbell. A General Court martial of the Regulars to sit at the President's tent tomor- row at 9 o'clock * * * two captains of the Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 5th Oct., 1759, Adjutant of the day tomorrow, Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 6th Oct., 1759. For the day tomorrow. Collo. Grant. The regular regiments to give in their cartridges that are 82 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. damaged this day to the artillery and to receive as much powder, paper, ball and twine as will compleat their ammunition. The Royal Highlanders 475. Crown Point, 7th October. The Regiments to prepare their batteaux to the following numbers and to have their sails fixed according to patern Col. Haviland approved of; * * * Royal Highlanders 24, * * * CroM^n Point, 8th October. Royal Highlanders are to take two batteaux more than what were ordered yesterday. Crown Point, 9th October. For the day tomoiTow, Collo. Grant. Field Officer for Picquits this night. Major Reid. The un- dermentioned Corps are to send a batteaux each at Retreat beating to Ticonderoga to receive tomorrow morning the following number of loaves weighing six pounds and a half each ; they are to pay to the person Gen. Lyman appoints to receive the money the follow- ing sums being one penny sterling for baking seven pounds of flour : Royal Highlanders 460 loaves, 1 : 7 ; 8 Sterling. * * * The Royal Highlanders are to leave a Subaltern Officer each, exclusive of officers employed as overseers at the King's Works, with three Sergeants, three Corp 'Is each with the men that are left behind ; when the Regiments march, the officers and men of each corps will encamp on the Center of the encampment of the Corps * * * and a sentry to be kept in the encampment that nothing may be spoiled or taken away during the absence of the Regiment. The Regiments are to give the following nimibers for the Brig and Sloop and will send seamen if they have them : For the Brig, * * Royal Highlanders 14 men. Cro^vn Point, 11th Oct., 1759. Adjutant of the day tomor- row, Roj^'al Highlanders. On Lake Shamplaine, 12th Oct., 1759. Collo. for tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Ligonier Bay, 14th Oct., 1759. Field Officer for the Picquit this night. Major John Campbell; tomorrow night. Major Reid. Lake Shamplaine, 15th Oct., 1759. For the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Field Officer for the Picquits this night. Major Reid. Camp at Schuylers Island, 18th Oct., 1759. For the day to- morrow, Collo. Grant. Crown Point, 22nd Oct., 1759. Adjutant of the day tomor- row, Royal Highlanders. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 83 Crown Point, 25th October. 22 men of the Royal High- landers are to be sent to the Hospital at Fort Edward. * * The surgeon of the Royal Highlanders is to attend them to Fort Ed- ward, a Corporal and 6 men of the Royal Highlanders with one batteaii * * * are to convey the sick to the Sawmills, where the officer will leave the batteau with Lieut. Col. Miller and march the sick to the Landing Place. Crown Point, 27th Oct., 1759. For the day tomorrow, CoUo. Grant. Field Officer for the Picquits this night. Major Reid. Crown Point, 28th Oct., 1759. Adjutant for the day tomor- row. Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 30th October. Officer for the day, tomorrovv, Collo. Grant. A General Court martial to be held at the Presi- dent's Tent tomorrow at 9 o'clock to try all such prisoners as shall be brought before them; Col. Grant, President, * * * One Cap- tain of the Royal Highlanders. Crown Point, 31st Oct., 1759. Field Officer for the Picquits this night, Major Reid. The General Court martial of which Collo. Grant was President is dissolved ; the Prisoners of the Royal High- land Regiment is acquitted. Crown Point, 1st Nov., 1759. For the day tomorrow, Collo. Grant. Crown Point, 3d Nov., 1759. For the Picquits tomorrow night. Major John Campbell ; for the works tomorrow, Major John Campbell ; Adjutant of the day tomorrow. Royal Highlanders. N COLONEL ROGER TOWNSHEND. Roger Townshend, fifth son of Charles Viscount Townshend, was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Feb., 1758, and served as Adjutant-General in the Expedition against Louisbourg, and Deputy Adjutant- General in this Campaign with Rank of Colonel. He was killed in the Trenches before Ticonderoga by a cannon ball on the 25th July, 1759, and his remains were transmitted to Al- bany for interment. His spirit and military knowledge justly entitled him to the esteem of every soldier; and accordingly the loss of him was universally lamented. Knox I, 360. 389. 401, 403. Wilson's Orderly Book, page 77 84 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Supplement to the New York Mercury, Tuesday, July 31, 1759. Extract from a letter dated Albany, July 29, 1759, "The same evening (July 27), an Express arrived from Ti- eonderoga, with an account of Colonel Townshend being killed, in reconnoitering the Fort, by a cannon ball. ****** Yesterday about 12 o'clock, Colonel Townshend 's corpse ar- rived here, and was decently interred." The following is a copy of the inscription on the monument to Col. Townshend in Westminster Ahhey : "This Monument was erected By a disconsolate Parent The Lady Viscountess Townshend To the Memory of her Fifth Son ^ The Hon'ble Lieut. Colonel Eoger Townshend who was killed by a Cannon Ball on the 25th of July, 1759, in the 28th year of his age as he was reconnoitring ye French lines at Ticonderoga In North America From the Parent the Brother and the Friend His sociable and amiable manners His enterprizing Bravery And the Integrity of his Heart May claim the tribute of affliction Yet Stranger weep not For tho' premature His Death His life was glorious Enrolling Him with the names of those Immortal Statesmen and Commanaers Whose wisdom and Intrepidity In the course of this Comprehensive and Successful War Have extended the Commerce And upheld the Majesty of these Kingdoms Beyond the idea of any former age." The following is an extract from a Iriter from the head verger of Westminster Ahhey : "I should like to draw your attention to the broken bayonet in the upper part of the Townsend monument. It is a relic of the struggle between the French and English in Photo by Head Verger. Especially for this Association Work MONUMENT TO LIEUT. COLONEL ROGER TOWNSHEND IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY iThe Bayonet on Monument Found on Battle Field of Ticonderoga and placed on Memorial by Dean Stanley) THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 85 North America and it comes from Ticonderoga and may have been used in that particular 'march to Ticonderoga, where Col. Town- shend was killed. It was given to Dean Stanley when in America and he fixed it on the monument as he did the wreath of leaves on the monument of Major Andre. Lord Eversley, who when H. M. first Commissioner of Works was the Rt. Hon. J. G. Shaw Lefevre— is much struck by the Town- shend inscription, especially the latter part, which, he has told me, is worthy of Edmund Burke and which I know he would like to attribute to that great orator and statesman." O BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Military History of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Edited by the Marchioness of Tullibardine. Perth R. A. & J. Hay, 1908. Chronicles of the Atholl and Tullibardine Families. Collected and arranged by John, Seventh Duke of Atholl, K. T., in Five Volumes. Ballantyle Press, 1908. Sketches of the Character, Manners and Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland, with details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments, by Colonel David Stewart (of Garth), Edinburgh. Archibald, Constable & Co., 1822. The Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans and Regiments, by John S. Keltic, F. S. A. S. Edinburgh, A. Fullarton & Co. The Regimental Records of the British Army, by John S. Far- mer, London, Grant Richards, 1901. An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch High- landers in America, etc., by J. P. INIacLean, Ph. D. Cleveland, The Helman-Taylor Co. Glasgow, John ]\IacKay, 1900. Historical Record of the 42nd or Royal Highland Regiment of Foot. 1729-1844. Illustrated. London, Parker, 1845. Historical Record of the 73rd Regiment, 1780-1851. Illus- trated. London. Parker, 1851. Chronology and Book of Days of the 42nd Royal Highlanders, The Black Watch, 1729-1905. Berwick-on-Tweed, Martin's Print- ing AVorks, 1906. 86 KEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. History of Black Watch. Johnston, 1893. The Black Watch. The Record of an Historic Regiment, by- Archibald Forbes, LL. D. Cassell & Co., 1910. Black Watch Episode of the Year 1731, by H. D. Mac William. Johnstown, 1908. Short History of the Black Watch, 1725-1907. Blackwood, 1908. The Official Records of the Mutiny in the Highland Regiment (The Black Watch), A Loudon Incident of the Year 1743, by H. D. MacAVilliam. Johnston. 1910. Legends of the Black Watch, by James Grant, Routledge, 1904 Brown's Highland Clans. Knox's Journal. Beaston's Naval and Military Memoirs. A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. Chambers. Glasgow, 1832-35. Pennsylvania Colonial Records. Correspondence of William Pitt when Secretary of State, with Colonial Governors, etc., by Gertrude Selwyn Kimball. MacMil- lian, 1906. Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book. Expedition of the Brit- ish and Provincial Army under Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Amherst, against Tieonderoga and CrowTi Point, 1759. Albany, J. Munsell. Lon- don. Trubner Co., 1857. New York Colonial Manuscript, by Broadhead, Weed, Par- sons & Co., Albany, 1856. History of Canada. Translated from L'Histoire du Canada by F. X. Garneau, by Andrew Bell. Richard Worthington & Son, Montreal, 1866. Illustrated Histories of the Scottish Regiments by Lieut. Col- onel Percy Groves. Illustrated by Harry Payne. Edinburgh, 1893. The Regimental Records of the 1st and 2nd Battalions The Black Watch. The Regimental Records of the Perthshire Militia, now the 3rd Battalion, The Black Watch. Cannon's Official History of the 42nd, 1729-1844. Cannon's Official History of the 73rd, 1779-1850. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 87 The Annual Register. Records and Badges of the British Army. Chichester. Standards and Colors of the Army. Milne. AVar Medals of the British Army. Carter and Long. The Black Watch. Andrew Picken. Reminiscences of a Campaign. John Malcolm, 42nd. Retrospect of a Military Life, Q. M. S. Anton, 42nd. Fontenoy, The Campaign of. Skrine. Mangalore, The Seige of. By an Officer Present. Recollections of a Military Life. Sergeant Morris, 73rd. Military Reminiscences (Polygar Campaigns). Colonel Welsh. Five Years in Kaffirland (Second War). Mrs. Ward. Campaigning in Kaffirland. The 5th Regiment Royal Scots of Canada. Captain Chambers. History of the British Army. J. W. Fortescue. Memoirs of Sergeant Donald Macleod. Late 42nd. Reminiscences of a Veteran. Alexander Robb, Late 42nd. SETTLEMENTS OF THE SCOTCH HIGHLANDERS IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. The final success of the sons of Captain Lauchlan Campbell in obtaining redress inspired others who had belonged to the Lauch- lan Campbell New York colony to petition for a similar response for their hardships and losses. In 1764 they succeeded in obtain- ing a grant of 47,450 acres located in the present township of Ar- gyle and a small part of Fort Edward and Greenwich. The origi- nal plan included a stately street from the banks of the Hudson River on the east through the tract upon which each family should have a town lot that he might not only enjoy the protection of near neighbors but also have the companionship of which the High- lander is so particularly fond. The plan, however, made no allow- ance for the rugg-ed nature of the country and consequently the magnificent street was located over hills whose proportions pre- vented its use as a public highway while some of the lots were un- inhabitable. S8 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION". Anderson , Mary. Baine, Mary. Belton, Mary. Campbell Catherine. Campbell Mary. Campbell Elizabeth. Campbell Archibald. Campbell Duncan. Campbell Alexander. Campbell Malcolm. Campbell Marian, Campbell George. Campbell James. Campbell Duncan, Jr. Campbell John. Campbell Duncan, Sr. Campbell Robert, Jr. Campbell Ann. The following- is an alphabetical list of the grantees and fur- ther information as to the location of the lots can be obtainetl from "Highlanders in America," by MacLean, pages 184 to 186. Lindsey, Duncan. Livingston, Isabella. McAnthony, Ann. McAlpine, Dougall. McArthur, Duncan. McAllister, Charles. McArthur, Patrick. McAlpine, Robert. McAllister, Barbara. McAllister, Margaret. McArthur, Charles. McArthur, John. McArthur, Alexander. McCore, Archibald. McCullom, Archibald. McCarter, John. McCarter, Archibald. McCoy, Edward. McCore, John. McCarter, Catherine. McDonald, Allan. McDuffie, Ann. McDougall, Donald. McDuffie, Duncan. McDuffie, John. McDonald, James. McDonald, John. McDougall, Duncan. McDougall, Agnes. McDuffie, Donald. McDougall, John. McDougall, Hugh. McDougall, Archibald. McDougall, Angus. McDougall, Alex. McDuffie, Malcolm. McDonald, Neil. McDonald, Alex. McEwen, John. McEwen, Archibald. McEwen, Marian. McEwen, Hannah. McEachron, Neil. Cargill, Elizabeth. Cargill, Jane. Cargill, James. Cargill, John. Cargyle, Margaret. Caldwell, Elizabeth. Clark, Daniel. Christie, Alexander. Clark, AVilliam. Eraser, Elizabeth. Eraser, William. Ferguson, Jenette. Gillaspie, Neil. Gilchrist, John. Gilchrist, Alexander. Graham, William. Graham, Mary. Graham, Angus. Gilchrist, Margaret. Gillis, James. Gilchrist, Duncan. Hammel, Mary. Hunter, William. Johnson, Daniel. Lindsey, David. THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 89 McEloroy, Hugh. McFadden, Neil. McFadden, Duncan. McGowne, Mary. McGowne, Archibald. McGowan, John. McGuire, Duncan. McGowne, John, Jr. McGowan, John, Sr. McGuire, John. Mcllfender, Catherine. Melntyre, John. Mclntyre, Donald. McKerwan, Duncan. McKallor, Dougall. McKenzie, Florence. McKenzie, John. McKallor, Edward. McKenzie, George. McLean, Catherine. McMullin, Donald. McNeil, Archibald. McNeil, Roger. McNeil, Morgan. McNachten, Alexander. McLeod, Mary, McVarick, Florence. Montgomery, Alex. Montgomery, Hugh. Nevin, Archibald. Nutt, James. Nevin, Rachael. Ray, Elizabeth. Reid, Duncan. Reed, Roger. Reid, John. Shaw, Catherine. 8haw, Duncan. Shaw, Donald. Shaw, John, Sr. Shaw, Neil. Torrey, John. Thompson, Eleanor. Thompson, Dougall. Taylor, Duncan. Torry, Mary. Torrey, David. AYidrow, Jane. McNeil, Elizabeth. For several years after 1764 the colony on the east and what is now Hebron township was augmented by a number of discharged Highland soldiers, mostly from Montgomery's Regiment, who set- tled on both sides of the line of the township. They had in all probability been attracted to this spot partly by the settlement of the colony of Captain Lachlan Campbell and partly by that of the Scotch-Irish at New Perth (Salem). These additional settlers took up their claims owing to a proclamation made by the king in Octo- ber, 1763, offering land in America without fees, to all such offi- cers and soldiers who had served on that continent and who de- sired to establish their homes there. Nothing shows more clearly than this proclamation the lofty position of an officer in the British service at that time as compared with a private. A field officer received four thousand acres: a cap- tain three thousand ; a lieutenant, or other subaltern commissioned officer, two thousand ; a non-commissioned officer, whether sergeant or corporal, dropped to two hundred acres, while the poor private 90 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. was put off with fifty acres. Fifty acres of wild land, on the hill- sides of Washington County was not an extravagant reward for seven years' service amidst all the dangers and horrors of French and Indian warfare. Among the early buildings in New Perth (Salem), was a log church, said to be the first religious place of worship erected be- tween Albany and Canada. N. Y. Col. Manuscripts by O'Callaghan, page 904, Vol. 7, re- cords the fact that James Eddington, a reduced subaltern of the 42d was granted, 22 Oct., 1766, 2,000 acres on the west side of the Connecticut River, in the Co. of Cumberland, and page 905, Vol. 7, states that George Bremmer, late of 42d, was granted, 13 Feb'y, 1767, 200 acres east of the Hudson River, in the County of Albany. The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly for Oc- tober, 1910, Vol. XIX, No. 4, has the following : ' ' ( Atholl ) Reference to the comprehensive ' ' Gazettier ' ' of the world, shows that the town of Athol here mentioned, Athol, Mass., is the only place in America so named (with the single exception of a small town in Northern New York). The only other locality so named is the district in the north of Scotland, embracing about 450 square miles, elevated and very picturesque, Blair-Atholl, a fertile vale on the Garry and the forest of Atholl containing some 100,000 acres are stocked with red deer and game. It gives the title of Duke to the head of the Murray family, it chief proprietor, whose seat is at "Blair Castle" near Mts. Benygloe and Gairn Gower. ' ' This is of two fold interest for as we have already seen there was close connection between the Black Watch of 1758-9 and the Murray family of Blair Atholl and as Athol in New York State was settled in the latter part of the Eighteenth Century by Cam- erons, McEwans, Murrays and McMullens from Blair Atholl it is quite possible that at least some of the settlers first saw the coun- try while serving with the Black Watch in the French and Indian War. i>^'''f#: %,,■«»-/ f4«JBi , «i\,r.» ■-■ *^^ c2o ^ < CQ THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 91 Q TICONDEROGA. Ticonderoga, familiar as the name of the historic fortress at Lake George, was written by Sir William Johnson, in 1756, Tionde- rogue and Tieonderoro, and in grant of lands in 1760, "near the fort at Ticonderoga." Gov. Golden wrote Tieontarogen, and an Iroquoian sachem is credited with Decariaderoga. Interpretations are almost as numerous as orthographies. The most generally quoted is from Spofford's Gazetteer: "Ticonderoga, from Tsin- drosie, or Cheonderoga, signifying 'brawling water', and the French name, Carillon, signifying 'a chime of bells,' were both suggested by the rapids upon the outlet of Lake George." The French name may have been so suggested, but neither Tsindrosie or Cheonderoga means "brawling water." The latter is probably an orthography of Teonderoga. Ticonderoga as now written, is from Te or Ti, "dual," two; Kaniatare, "lake," and -ogen, "in- tervallum, divisionem" (Bruyas), the combination meaning, liter- ally, "Between two lakes." Horatio Hale wrote me of one of the forms "Dekariaderage, in modern orothography, Tekaniataro- ken, from which Ticonderoga, means, simply 'Between two lakes.' It is derived from Tioken, 'between,' and Kaniatara, 'lake.' Its composition illustrates a peculiar idiom of the Iroquoian language. Tioken when combined with a noun, is split in two, so to speak, and the noun inserted. Thus in combining Tioken with Oneonte, 'mountain,' we have Ti-ononte-oken, 'Between two mountains,' which was the name of one of the Mohawk castles— sometimes wTitten Theonondiogo. In like manner, Kaniatare, 'lake,' thus com- pounded, yields Te-kaniatare-oken, 'Between two lakes.' In the Huron dialect Kaniatare is contracted to Yontare or Ontare, from which, with io or iyo, 'great,' we get Ontario (pronounced On- tareeyo), 'Great lake,' which combined with Tioken, becomes Ti- onteroken, which would seem to be the original of Golden 's Tierdn- deroga." ("Indian Geographical Names," by E. M. Ruttenber, page 71. Vol. VI, New York State Historical Association.) 92 _. NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. R TESTIMONIALS TO THE BLACK WATCH. The Virginia Gazette, July 30, 1767, published an article from which the following extracts have been taken : "Last Sunday evening, the Royal Highland Regiment em- barked from Philadelphia for Ireland, which regiment, since its ar- rival in America, had been distinguished for having undergone most amazing fatigues, made long and frequent marches through an un- hospitable country, bearing excessive heat and severe cold with alac- rity and cheerfulness, frequently encamping in deep snow, such as those who inhabit the interior parts of this province do not see, and which only those who inhabit the most northern parts of Europe can have any idea of, continually exposed in camp and on their marches to the alarms of a savage enemy, who, in all their attempts, were forced to fly. * * * And, in a particular manner, the free- men of this and the neighboring provinces have most sincerely to thank them for that resolution and bravery with which they, under Colonel Boquet, and a small number of Royal Americans, defeated the enemy, and ensured to us peace and security from a savage foe: and, along with our blessings for these benefits, they have our thanks for that decorum in behavior which they maintained during their stay in this city, giving an example that the most amiable behavior in civil life is no way inconsistent with the character of the good soldier; and for their loyalty, fidelity, and orderly be- havior, they have every wish of the people for health, honor, and a pleasant voyage." Extract from speech by the elder Pitt in vindication of the employment of Highland Regiments, of which the Black Watch was the first raised of the eighty-six during the four wars between 1739 and 1815. "I sought for merit wherever it was to be found; it is my boast that I was the first Minister who looked for it and found it in the mountains of the North. I called it forth and drew into your service a hardy and intrepid race of men, who, when left by your jealousy, became a prey to the artifice of your enemies, and had gone nigh to have overturned the State in the war before the last. These men in the last war were brought to combat on your side, they served with fidelity as they fought with valour, and con- quered for you in every part of the world." THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 93 COPY OF ALL REFERENCES TO THE BLACK WATCH OF THE TICONDEROGA PERIOD TO BE FOUND IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA AT OTTAWA. 1 am indebted for this Memorandum to Arthur Doughty Litt. D., Archivist of the Dominion of Canada. 1758. March 29, New York. Abercrombie to Haldimand ( 1 ) Plan of opera- tions settled at Home. Southern Operations. 1756. New York. Corps, Blakeney's, Lord John Murray's, &c. B.6 p.35 M.204-2 p.397 Shirley to Fox 1756. June 21. New York. Just arrived from Albany Major Abercrombie and General AVebb arrived one on the 25th of June and the other the next morning with great part of Ot- way's Regiment and with all the Highland Regi- ments. &c. In a letter from Abercrombie to London dated Albany, 3d Aug., 1756. Col. Schuyler's New Jersey Regiment and four North Carolina Companies are barely sufficient to Garrison Oswego and keep the communication open to Schenectady and there remains the 48th Regi- ment together with Otway's and the Highlanders to Garrison Fort William Henry, &c., &c. M. 205-1 p. James Abercrombie to On the 15th April sailed from Plymouth and arrived here on the 16th June with General Otway's and Lord John Mur- ray's Regiments, &c. B.205-1 p.8 94 1756. Aug. 29. Albany. 1756. Sept. 4. Boston. 1756. Nov. 22. Albany. NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Loudon to Fox. Though I was informed that the whole Trans- ports with the Highland Recruits were arrived, I heard this morning that there were still five miss- ing, and that those that are come were very short of Provisions, they were victualled only for two months, &c., &c. M.205-1 p.240 Shirley to Loudon. Upon this I beg leave to observe to your Lord- ship, that it appearing from Col. Webb's letter to me, dated from New York the 9th June, that Ot- way's and the Highland Regiments might be daily expected there (Oswego). I I What confirms me in the matter is, that your Lordship told me, when I had the honour to wait on you, when the day you set from New York, being the 26th July that the Garrison at Oswego was so Aveak, that the 44th Regiment was to be sent to strengthen it and at the same time your Lordship mentioned, that you thought 900 men, by which I suppose your Lordship meant Otway's and the Highland Regiments were but a few to cover the country. I M.205-2 p.306. Loudon to Fox. The 42nd Regiment, I quarter at Schenectady, from whence they take the posts, on the Mohawk river, &c. M.207-1 p.2 THE BLACK WATCH AT TICONDEROGA 95 1757. Loudon to Pitt April 25. As the Garrison (Fort Henry) had been New York. troubled with the scurvy I had ordered Lieutenant General Otway's Regiment to relieve them, and Colonel Monro met the account of the attack being- made on the Fort on his march ; he immediately left his baggage, and made all possible dispatch to Fort Edward, where he received the account of their being retired. Colonels Gage and Burton fol- lowed him directly with the remains of the 44th and 46th Regiments and the Highlanders were set in motion from Schenectady. They all marched without Tents, and lay in the woods, &c. \ We have on that river (Mohawk), at Schenec- tady, and up to the German Flats, the Highland Regiment, upwards of a thousand men, &c. M.207-1. p.174. 1758. Loudon to Pitt , Feb 'y 14. storming of New York. Fort Herkemer and I threw in part of the 42nd Regiment of Highlanders into Schenectady, that there might be no want of numbers for this service. M.208... p.2. Division of Manuscripts, February 22, 1911. THE BLACK WATCH MEMORIAL AT TICONDEROGA. The genesis of this memorial was an address made by the late Joseph Cook at the services held in front of the boulder erected to the heroes of Tieonderoga, Academy Park, Ticonderoga, N. Y., July 31, 1899, in which he made this remark: "There ought to be a memorial to the Black W^atch composed largely of Scotch High- landers who, with the Colonials charged Montcalm's entrenchments for eight consecutive hours." 96 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The writer, wlio was secretary of the Tieonderoga Historical Society at that time, had the honor of being- the medium through which this chance remark became an enduring memorial of brick and stone. He was unsuccessful, however, until Mr. David Will- iams, then publisher of "The Iron Age," a summer resident of Tieonderoga at Rogers Rock, came to his assistance. Mr. Andrew Carnegie was the generous donor of the funds to build this mem- orial. The grants were in two amounts, the first gift for a public library with the usual provisions, and the second gift, with no limitations, with which to build an historical addition to the lib- rary, thus making it both a public library and historical building. The laying of the corner stone, Oct. 4, 1905, was made the oc- casion for one of the greatest celebrations Tieonderoga has ever seen. The Pipe band of the 5th Royal Scots of Canada, High- landers, noAv the 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada, from Mon- treal, and the Regimental band and a Battalion of the 5th Infan- try, U. S. A., from Plattsburgh, were the principal features of the parade. It was particularly appropriate that the Royal Scots should be present, as they are allied to the Black Watch and wear the same uniform. It was also an education to the thousands of spectators, few, if any of whom had ever seen Highlanders in full regimentals marching to the music of bagpipes. After the exer- cises of the day, the Royal Scots visited the ruins of old Fort Ti- eonderoga, about two miles from the village and the picture of a body of Highlanders with their scarlet coats and tartan kilts marching up the green slopes of the old ramparts, with the setting sun behind them, was one never to be forgotten and which probably had not occurred since the Revolution. The officers of the present Black Watch Regiment, then sta- tioned at Fort George, Scotland, being advised of the Memorial, sent the following letter to the secretary of the Tieonderoga His- torical Society: "Dear Sir: Your letter 9th Sept., 1905, on the subject of a Black Watch Memorial, has been perused by the Commanding Offi- cer and the Officers of the 1st battalion of The Black Watch, for- merly called the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment, and it was also submitted and discussed at the Annual Gathering of Black Watch Officers— past and present— recently held in Edinburgh. I am At "Allargiie MAJOR D. L. WILSON-FARQUHARSON, D. S. O. Representative of the Black Watch, at Unveiling of Memorial Tablet. Ticonderoga July 4. 190b '12 THE P.T,Af:K WATCH AT TfCONDFROnA. 97 authorized to inform you that all Ranks of the Regiment are prou-l to know that the Tieonderoga Historical Society has decided to ap- propriate an alcove in the Tieonderoga Free Public Library as a memorial to the 42nd Regiment, to commemorate their services in the engagement before Fort Tieonderoga on July 8, 1758. The suggestion contained in your letter, to the efl'ect that Officers of the Regiment might be disposed to erect a tablet on a wall of the Alcove to the memorj^ of the officers and men of the 42nd who were killed or wounded in the action has met with the unanimous ap- proval of those to whose notice it has been brought, and I am to in- form you that such a Tablet will gladly be provided and that the work of executing the Tablet will be entrusted to a London firm as soon as a suitable design has been decided upon. In order to assist us in choosing a suitable form of tablet I shall be much ob- liged if you can favor me with a rough plan of the alcove, the dimensions of the actual wall on which the Tablet will rest, and an idea of the general style of the building. I shall be glad to hear from you as soon as you can convenient- ly supply the information for which I have asked. I am, Sir. yours truly, D. L. Wilson Farquharson, Major The Black Watch. The exercises for the unveiling of the memorial tablet July 4, 1906, was made the occasion for another grand celebration at which the full bag-pipe band of the 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada and a company of 50 men from the same regiment, making a total of 75 Highlanders, were a feature of the parade. Major D. L. Wilson Farquharson of the Black Watch, came over from Scotland to unveil the tablet in behalf of the Regiment. It was accepted by Frank B. Wickes of Tieonderoga for the Tieonderoga Historical Society. The address of the day was delivered by Senator Edgar T. Brackett of Sai'atoga Springs. 98 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAT. ASSOCIATION. List of Officers, N on-Commissioned Officers and Partial List of 31 en Composing Ticonderoga Detachment, 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada, Jidy Uh, 1906. Capt. A. F. Gault. A. Bishop. Capt. V. C. Buchanan. Jeffries. Capt. C. M. Monsarrat. J. A. McLean. Capt. J. Muir, Quartermaster. W. Marsh. Sergt. Major D. A. Bethune. J. Ferguson. Q. M. Sergt. B. Howard. J. Corbett. Col. Sergt. J. H. A. Mackay. J. Palmer. Staff Sergt. T. A. Gardiner. C. Myers. Staff Sergt. J. Phillips. C. Black. Sergt. C. Denman. J. Stuart. Sergt. P. Forde. J. Rooney. Sergt. T. Mitchell. Dean. Bugle Sergt. P. Broadhurst. A. Reid. Drum Sergt. F. W. Flood. A. Williams. Drum Major G. Foley. A. Betts, Pipe Major D. Manson. D. Reid. Sergt. J. MacLean. L. Pickering. Corp^ P. W. MacFarlane. Pipers. Corp. PI. Massey. R. Morrison. Corp. N. Manson. M. McLeod. Corp. P. Sutton. J. Ferrier. Privates. D. McArthur. J. Bayley. D. Brash. F, H. Benson. J. Husband. Walsh. B. Milligan, A. E. Smith. Drummers S. Tapster. J. Ryan. Scobie. Gore. P. Roache. Kemp. J. Coclcburn. Jones. THE BLACK WA AT TICONDEROGA BY FREDERICK B. RICHARDS, A. B. Secretary New York State Historical Association GLENS FALLS. N. Y. An Excerpt from Volume X of the Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association. H J oy "^i. 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