^?i 4,297 2,539 2,950 1,301 1,180 121 1,188 997 2,558 2,996 1,303 1,180 123 1,184 1,024 411 270 401 293 6,639 6,173 366 1 4,332 ^ 4,414 j 2,660 3,030 1,323 1,198 126 1,193 1,021 399 318 61.6 62.2 51.6 93.2 92.7 58.0 58.3 6.5.9 65 9 65 6 88.7 91.1 61.3 68.9 Table 4. -AVERAGE NUMBER OF WAGE E.\RNERS, BY PREVAILING HOURS OF LABOR PER WEEK, STATES: 1919 AND 1914. FOR IN ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE THE PREVAILING HOURS OP LABOR PER WEEK WERE— STATF. C-us T„,,, 44 and under. Between 44 and 48. 48.1 Between 48 and 54. 54. Between 54 and 60. 60. I'nitcd States 1919 6.544 27 m 7 225 ('-) 6 (') 14 1,877 524 16 1,7.53 767 370 2,2. (') 480 6,306 6,306 16,048 1.5,046 ''' 2 1,077 1,002 75 54.6 54.5 4.8.3 6.2 4.5.5 44.6 0.9 71.7 69.5 93.3 Steam ' 93.3 Turbines Internal-combustion engines . . 2.2 28.3 28.3 (=) Rented 6.7' Electric 6.2 Other 0.5 2,168 1,211 957 1,022 448 574 336 48 288 21,220 12. 487 8,733 14, %5 6,306 8,659 4.540 1,1102 3,538 100.0 58.8 41.2 100.0 42.1 67.9 100.0 Rented 22.1 Generated by establishments reporting. . . 77.9 OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM, FLOOR. Primary power, total 8,86 43S 175 23, .509 18, 782 14, 158 100.0 100.0 100.0 113 112 108 4 1 773 773 124 124 142 141 m 1 33 33 14,323 14.321 12,6.55 1,666 2 9, 1S6 9, 1S6 13, ,521 13,. 521 (=) 13,3,33 13.331 825 825 60.9 60.9 53.8 72.0 72.0 94.2 Steam ' . . . 94.2 Tnrbines 7.1 C) 39.1 39.1 (') Rented 314 314 5,261 5,261 28.0 28.0 5.8 5.8 1,670 773 897 446 707 314 393 161 211 33 178 48 17,719 9,186 8,533 4, .501 12,272 5, 261 7,011 3,490 3,. 541 825 2,716 1,967 100.0 51.8 48.2 100.0 100.0 42.9 57.1 100.0 100.0 Rented 23.3 76.7 OltrLOTII. ENAMELED. Primary power, total 100.0 8 8 7 1 27 24 m m 3 134 134 33 33 m 950 950 875 75 2,445 1,%5 tn 4.80 1.045 1,046 1,715 1,715 (») ("■■) 21.1 21.1 19.4 1.7 70.1 56.3 87.2 Steam I 87.2 1.3.8 29.9 29.9 438 438 15 15 3,. 551 3.301 250 252 177 75 78. 9 73.3 6.6 12.8 Elect rie 9.0 3.8- 498 438 60 315 134 181 125 15 110 3.501 3.301 200 2.693 1,045 1,648 999 177 822 lon.o 94.3 5.7 100.0 38.8 61.2 100.0 17.7 82.3 ' Fituire.s for horsepower include for 1909 the amounts reported under the head of "other" owned power. 2 Not reported separately. 3 Less than one-tenth of 1 i>er cent. Table 9,— FUEL CONST'^r^^P, BY STATES: 1919, COAL. Coke (tons, 2,000 poimds). Fuel oils (barrels). Gasoline and other volatile oils (barrel.s). STATE. Anthracite (tons, 2,240 pounds). Bituminous (tons, 2,000 pounds). Gasd.OOO cubic feet). 1019 39,483 43,673 198, 187 176,825 2,773 1 625 16,115 828 140 1914 1,215 6,720 77.543 86,306 27,618 20,663 1,263 1 1,4,58 52 7,440 8,675 140 18, 820 1 Included with fuel oils in 1914. MANUFACTURES. SPECIAL STATISTICS. The various kinds of products manufactured within the oilcloth and linoleum industry are accounted for in Table 10. Comparative quantities and values are given as far as possible for each product in 1909, 1914, and 1919, also the corresponding per cent of increase or decrease during the five-year period 1914-1919, and the 10-year period 1909-1919. In 1919 there were 14 establishments in New Jersey, 5 in Pennsvlvania, 4 in Massachusetts, 3 in Ohio, 2 in Maine, 2 in New York, 1 in Illinois, and 1 in Indiana. The artificial leather shown in Table 10 was a sub- sichary product of establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture of oilcloth and linoleum. In addition, 17 establishments in 1919 included in the classification "Upholstering materials, not elsewhere specified" reported the production of artificial leather valued at $26,281,966, compared with $6,097,293 reported by 10 establishments in 1914. T.\BLE 10.— DETAILED STATISTICS ON QUANTITY AND VALUE: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. 1919 1914 1909 PFR CENT OF raCREASE.l PRODUCT. 1919 1911 1909 PER CENT OF INCREASE.' 1914 1919 1909- 1919 1914- 1919 1909- 1919 Total value $68,110,081 S25. .=;9S_ .361 $ 166.1 191.8 Floor covering (made on felt back): Square yards 30, 369, .522 $13,909,276 3,332,085 $3,922,-5.58 10,300,416 $4, S21, 190 $2,048,914 m $2,308,485 m m (=) P) $4,589,742 Oilcloth (made on cotton back): Enameled— Square yards 8,460,738 $3,421,188 39,132,641 S12 .i29 flln 18,357,097 $2,495,255 .59,358,872 $3,025,348 .^3 3nfi 669 17,338,440 $2,265,146 61,168,777 $5,639,206 26,215,979 $7, 850, 437 4,460,275 $2,994,491 -53.9 j 37.1 -34.1 108.0 1 -33.7 70.5 16.0 118. 7 -51.2 51.0 -38.0 122.2 -15.7 118.1 120.5 245.2 1 Artiflcialleather: Pyroxylin coated tex- tiles- Value Square yards Value .\U other— .Square yards.. . back): Linoleum, including cork carpet- Square yards . 22 098, 136 All other products, value -11.2 -55.4 Value . . $17,120,654 $10^043; 436 9,834,332 8,479,202 $10 336 391 1 $4 725 837 Inlaid linoleum- Square yards 1 A minus sign (— ) denotes decrease. ' Not reported separately. GENERAL TABLES. Table 11 gives, for 1919, 1914, and 1909, by states, the number of establishments, average number of wage earners, primary horsepower, wages, cost of materials, and value of products for the industry. Table 12 presents, for 1919, statistics in detail for the industry as a whole, and for each state that can be shown separately without the possibility of dis- closing the operations of individual establishments. T.usLE 11.— COMPARATIVE SUMMARY, BY STATES: 1919, 1914, AND 1909. Cen- United States Massachusetts! New Jersey 1919 1914 19,9 1919 1909 1919 1914 1909 Num- ber of eit.ih- lish- ment Wage eimer.s (aver- age num- ber). 6,544 5, 651 5.201 342 220 2,393 2, 190 2,123 Primary horse- power. Wages Cost of male- rials. Value of prod- ucts. Exprei el in thon.^ands. 28,010 $7,719 22,272 3,213 16,125 ' 2,826 1,361 375 325 118 9.704 2,943 S.223 1,287 7,819 . 1,1,S7 $41,509 17,776 15, 550 4,341 1,211 15, 295 7,660 6,638 $68,110 25, 598 23,339 5,747 1,704 25, 535 11,384 10, 143 Cen- sus year. Num-' "'='Se berof eamens ""■^'■^ ber). Pennsylvania 2. -\11 other states. 1919 1914 1919 9 1914 IB 1909 18 2.549 1,803 1,260 1,658 2,858 Primary horse- power. 11,871 9,554 5,074 4,495 7,931 Wage^ Cost of mate- rials. Value of prod- ucts. Expressed in thousands. 3,065 1,072 1,386 854 1,521 11,873 4,647 10,000 5,469 7,701 28,806 7,165 8,022 7,049 11,492 ' Not separately reported in 1914. '^ Not separately reported in 1909. OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM. Table 12.— DETAILED STATEMENT, BY STATES: 1919. INDUSTRY AND STATE. Num- ber of estab- lish- ments OILCLOTH ANIi LINOLEUM. United State'^ Massai^husetts. .. New Jersey Pennsylvania. .. .\11 other states.. OILCLttTH AND LINf)LEUM. FLOOR. United states New Jersey Pennsylvania XU other states -. . OILCLOTH, ENVMELED. Uniled States PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE INDUSTKY. Massachusetts New Jersey .\11 other states K . Hi Total. 7, .573 .375 2,73a 3, 010 1,443 2,419 3, oie 819 375 320 (-.24 Pro- prie- tors and firm mem- bers Sala- ried offi- cers, super- in- tend- ents, and man- agers. 20 95 102 37 197 71 102 24 Clerks, etc. Male. 508 7 IBS 220 113 Fe- male 2G0 B 78 145 31 Wage earners. Aver- age nmn- ber. Number, 15th day of- WAGE EARNERS DEC. 15, OR NEAREST REPRESENTATIVE DAY. Maximum month 0,644 l| De 7,8fi2 342 2, 393 2,549 1,200 Oc • 4U De 2,978 ' De 3,030 415 143 220 52 08 145 12 5,414 2,136 2,549 729 De 2.BfiO De 3,0.30 ,130 Ij De 1,323 342 257 531 Oc De 411 318 Minimum month. Fe 4,674 Fe 252 Se l,7(i3 Mh 1,707 Mh 4, 030 Ja' 1,544 Mh 1,767 Total. J a 872 Fe Ja 252 219 7,789 399 2,978 2,954 1,458 Fe- male 7,308 6,463 2,6B0 2,954 849 399 318 009 331 2,880 2,790 1,301 6,113 2,573 2,790 750 331 313 5.51 Under 16. Fe- male 29 12 4 , 23 2 60 100 Capital. 800,586,645 2,091,690 24,119,752 21.255,523 12,519,680 49, 803, 688 21,287.275 21,255,52:! 7, 21 ;0, 890 10,782,957 11,1.52,348 2,091,090 2, 832. 477 5,258,790 E.KPENSES. Salaries. Officials $1,030,986 84, 258 402, 180 423.850 182, oi;o 400,951 423, 850 98, 070 229, 477 84, 258 01,229 83, 990 Clerks etc. 30, 4S4 313,316 467.375 219, SU 285. 178 407,:i75 104,0:i3 30, 484 28, 13S 115.778 INDUSTRY AND STATE. OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM. United Slates Massachusetts — New .lersey Pennsylvania ,\ll other states... OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM, FLOOR. United States ,\ew .lersey Pennsylvania All other .stucs^ OILCLOTH, EN\MELE1>, United States Massachusetts Sew Jersey All Dther states ' EXPENSES— continued. $7,718,960 $15, 798 324, 758 2, 942, 921 3,0i;4,992 l,.i8M,295 6,51S.0S9 2,655,789 3.'K;4,992 707.. 308 324, 758 287, 132 588, 987 Rent and taxes. For con- tract work. $8, 321 7, 500 8,298 8, 298 7,500 Rent of fac- tory. $2, 352, 992 321 8, racc: Maine, 1 establishment. New York, 1. and Ohio, 1. » i^hietly ele<-tric moiors operated nv rented (or purchased) current: other power included (chiefly shaft-belt or transmitted power from neighboring power plants). LIBRARY OF CONGRESS liiiiiiiittiiii 018 534 990 1 '^ r LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 018 534 990 1 I HoUinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F03-2474