tf3 Odd, Quaint and Queer Shaksperian Handsomely and Strikingly Illustrated Quotations Words by WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE / Images, war'ly and antickly fashioned, by the painstaking crafttnasters PETER QUINCE, FRANCIS FLUTE, NICK BOTTOM, TOM SNOUT, ROBIN STARVELING, Foregathered and Shackled by SNUG, the Joiner Fyrste quotation 50 cents We must speak by the card or equivocation will undo us. —Hamlet, Act V. Price is 50 cents. — Snug. Marry, I tell thee, it is not meet that I should be sad. —2d part of King Henry IV, Act II. Not necessary to be, if you have so cents.— Snug. Can the world buy such a jewel?— Much Ado About Nothing, Act I. Yes, for 50 cents.— Snug. These be good humors, indeed.— 2d Part of King Henry IV, Act II. Very good, indeed, for so cents.— Snug 'Twill away again from me to you.— Hamlet, Act V. Certainly, for so cents.— Snug. ,ry VI, /ict III. flies.— Ham. Patronesses : LADY MACBETH, DAME QUICKLY, and the MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR PUBLISHER : SHAKSPEARE SNUG 164 Fifth Avenue New York JS92 7^f ^3 1*1 ^^g& P HK A ^^ When Learning's triumph o'er his barb'rous foes, First rear'd the stage, immortal Shakspear rose : Each change of many-colored life he drew, Exhausted worlds, and then imagin'd new : Existence saw him spurn her bounded reign, And panting Time toil'd after him in vain." Yes, I agree and thank you for your motion. The great man down, you mark his favorite Why, that's the way to fool their preparation. —3d Part King Henry VI, Act III. flies. — Hamlet, Act III. —Antony and Cleopatra, Act V. Me, an t please you ; I am Antony Dull. — Love's Labor Lost, Act I. ■Chaff and bran ! porridge after meat. _ Good night, sir-My Octavia, read not my blem- Sharp-tooth'd unkindness, like a vulture here — iroilus and lressida, Act I. ishes in the world's report. King Lear Act II — Antony and Cleopatra, Act II. Thanks, fairest lady. What, are men mad f — Cymbeline, Act I. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 105 987 7 9 The games are done and Caesar is returning. — Julius Cesar, Act I. What grows of it, no matter.— King Lear, Act I. 'Twas no need to bid me trudge. — Romeo and Juliet, Act I. O, Vengeance, Vengeance.— Cymbeline, Act III. Trust not to rotten planks. — Antony and Cleopatra, Act III. [ mm §hi@m> i ■K lypiF g^z^j^Sb a£^^ For mine's a suit that touches Caesar nearer. — Julius Cesar, Act II. If thou be'st not immortal, look about you. Security gives way to conspiracy.— Julius Cesar, Act II. Lord Timon will be left a naked gull. — Timon of Athens, Act I. Peace to this meeting, wherefore we are met. — King Henry V, Act V. At what was all this laughing? — Troilus and Cressida, Act I, We do lock our former scruples in our strong-barr'd gates.— King John, Act II. n Your grace has grown so pleasant.— King Henry VIII, Act II. Shall our coffers, then, be emptied to redeem a traitor home? * — ist Part King Henry IV, Act I. We are to reap the harvest of his son.— King Richard III, Act II. Farewell, my blood ; which if to-day thou shed, Lament we may, but not revenge thee dead.— King Richard, Act II. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5