L (919 STATE AID SCHOOLS EQUIPMENT ANNIE WEBB BLANTON STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION BULLETIN 104 AUGUST 1, I9I9 ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE OF TEXAS ^ifxaoeT^'Sf^ STATE AID SCHOOLS EQUIPMENT ANNIE WEBB BLANTON STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION BULLETIN 104 AUGUST 1. 1919 ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION '^ STATE OF TEXAS A192-819-15m m 21 1920 A LIST OF EQUIPMENT APPROVED FOR USE IN STATE AID ^ SCHOOLS The equipment listed below has been examined and approved by the State Department of Education as suitable for use in schools receiving State aid for the scholastic year 1919-1920. The prices and terms given are those quoted by the concerns selling the equipment. ■It should be clearly understood that trustees have a right to buy equipment wherever they choose. Equipment not herein listed will be approved if equal in quality to that on our lists, provided the price is not greatly in excess of what we have approved. The purpose of this pamphlet is to aid, and not to hamper, school trustees in the purchase of school equipment. SCHOOL ROOM HEATERS R. E. Bryan, Tyler, Texas. (Price Delivered Texas Common Points.) Grossius Ventilating School Room Heater: No. 22 — 20Tinch fire-pot, for wood only $ 69.50 No. 222 — 20-inch fire-pot, for wood only 74.50 Texas National Ventilating Heaters : No. 18-30 — 18-inch fire-pot, for wood or coal $ 85.00 No, 20-32 — 20-inch fire-pot, for wood or coal 95.00 (Furnished complete, ready to install.) C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas or Houston, Texas.) Waterbury Heaters : No. 18 $ 83.50 No. 20 : 97.50 No. 22 105.00 No. 24 ■. 112.50 J. E. Chambers & Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) Smith System: No. 018, complete .• $ 85.00 No. 020, complete 102,50 No. 022, complete 112.50 No. 024, complete 130.00 C. H. Myers & Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 35, Smith-Myers Heater, 20-inch fire-pot $ 87.50 E. C. Smith, Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Waterbury Heaters: No. 18 (Freight allowed to destination) $ 87.50 No. 20 (Freight allowed to destination) 110.00 Southiue stern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f, o, b. San Antonio, Texas.) Southwestern Heater : No. 230A— 20-inch body, complete $ 87.00 Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. Sanitary Appliance Company, Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) jSTo. 30 — Union Sanitary Heater, complete $ 93.50 Houston Show Case & Manufacturing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Keystone No. 18A, with 18-inch fire-pot $ 85.00 Keystone No. 20B, with 30-inch fire-pot 97.50 Keystone No. 33C, with 33-inch fire-pot 105.00 Heaters for schools north of latitude 31° must have a fire-pot of not less than 30 inches. Heaters purchased before the 15th of August, 1919, will be approved in spite of an 18-inch fire-pot, provided that trustees agree to purchase the larger size as soon as it becomes desir- able to replace the one in use. TEACHEHS' DESKS R. E. Bryan, Tyler, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Tyler, Texas.) No. 53 $ 10.50 No. 51 16.00 No. 4 11.50 No. 6 16.00 C. A. Bryant & Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) No. 13 $ 15.75 No. 9 30.00 No. 41 ^. . . 14.50 ■J. E. Chambers & Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) No. 13 $16.50 No. 14 30.50 Houston Show Case & Manufacturing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 50 $ 15.00 No. 100 19.00 C: H. Myers cS Co., Houston, Texs. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 14 $ 18.75 No. 30 31.25 Nalle & Company, AiLstin, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Austin, Texas.) No. N-140 $ 16.00 No. N-300 18.00 Schott School Supply Company, Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) No. 9 '. $ 19.50 No. 13 15.75 Southern School Work, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) No. 1 '. $ 13.00 No. 13 16.00 No. 9 23.00 Southwestern Seating Co., San Antonw,' Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) No. 226A $ 19.50 No. 94 23.20 No. 74 27.45 Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 53 $ 15.75 No. 49 20.90 No. 47 26.25 TEACHERS' CHAIRS R. E. Bryan, Tyler, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Tyler, Texas.) No. 1106-R $ 4.50 No. 1637-1 6.50 No. 1389-5XY 8.00 No. 1079-5 8.00 C. A. Bryant d: Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) No. 106 $ 4.75 No. 389 6.45 No. 238 10.25 — 6— J. E. Chambers & Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) N"o. 2 .$ 4.00 No. 4 4.80 No. 10 7.90 C. H. Myers & Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 127 $ 4.75 No. 130 12.50 No. 138 9.75 Schott School Supply Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) No. 1106 . .$ 4.00 No. 446 9.75 No. 445 "5.35 No. 452 7.75 Southern School WorJc, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) No. 106 ■. $ 4.75 No. 238 10.50 Southwestern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) No. M-9626 $ 4.75 No. M-992 9.75 No. M-8026 4.75 Union School Furnishing, Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 106-E $ 4.50 No. 389-5 6.25 No. 1120-2XY 10.25 No. 389-5XY '. 12.25 PUPILS' SINGLE DESKS R. E. Bryan, Tyler, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Tyler, Texas.) Economic semi-steel, or Bessemer steel desks : ' Nos. 1 and 2' $ 5.00 Nos. 3 and 4 4.85 No. 5 4.70 Fronts and rears, all sizes 4.50 C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Texarkoma sanitary desks: J^os. 1 and 3 $ 5.75 Nos. 3 and 4 5.43 Nos. 5 and 6 5.28 Fronts, all sizes 5.17 Eears, all sizes 5.07 /. E. Chambers & Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) N"ew Hygienic or New Sanitary Desks: Nos. 1 and 2 $ 5.20 Nos. 3 and 4 5.10 Nos. 5 and 6 , 5.0O Pronts and rears, all sizes 4.80 Houston Show Case & Manufacturing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b.- Houston, Texas.) New Liberty Desks : Nos. 1 and 2 ' $ 5.50 ISTos. 3 and 4 5.35 Nos. 5 and 6. 5.20 Fronts and rears, all sizes 5.05 C. H. Myers <& Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) American Tubular Steel Combination Desks: Nos. 1 and 2 $ 6.20 Nos. 3 and 4 6.10 Nos. 5 and 6 6.00 Eears, all sizes 5.90 Schott School Supply Company, Dallas, Texas. (Prices delivered Texas Common Points.) New Model Sanitary Pattern School Desks : Nos. 1 and 2 $ 4.98 Nos. 3 and 4 -1.80 Nos. 5 and 6 4.65 Fronts and rears, all sizes 4.50 Texas Giant: Nos. 1 and 2 $ 5.15 Nos. 3 and 4 5.00 Nos. 5 and 6 4.85 Fronts and rears, all sizes . -1.70 — 8— Southern School WorTc, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas or Longview, Texas.) ISTew Eclipse Sanitary Desks: Nor. 1 and 2 .$ 5.00 Nos. 3 and 4 4.85 ISTos. 5 and 6 ; 4.70 Fronts^ all sizes 4,60 Rears, all sizes 4.50 Eclipse Steel Combination Desks: Nos. 1 and 2 $ 5.75 Nos. 3 and 4 5.65 Nos. 5 and 6 5.55 Fronts, all sizes 5.45 Rears, all sizes 5.35 Southivestern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. 0. b. San Antonio or Fort Worth, Texas.) Alamo Desks: Nos. 1 and 2 $ 5.55 Nos. 3 and 4 , 5.45 Nos. 5 . , 5.35 Fronts and rears, all sizes 5.20 Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. 0. b. Houston, Texas.) Union Sanitary Desks: Nos. 1 and 2 $ 4.95 Nos. 3 and 4 4.80 No. 5 4.65 Fronts, all sizes 4.55 Rears, all sizes 4.45 Heywood-Wakefield Steel Desks : Nos. 1 and 2 $ 5.80 Nos. 3 and 4 5.65 Nos. 5 and 6 , 5.50 Fronts and rears, all sizes 5.35 BOOK CASES C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. 0. b. Dallas, Texas.) No. 1, 51x40x12, glass doors $ 15.00 No. 2, 51x40x12, wood doors 14.00 No. 181, 64x28x12^ glass door 15.25 No. 182, 54x40x12, glass doors 32.50 — 9— J . E. Chambers & Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) No. 2337 ' $ 15.00 No. 2338 23.25 Houston Shoiu Case cL* Manufacturing Company, Hoiiston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 25, 36x12x60, four shelves $ 20.00 Nalle & Company, Austin, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Austin, Texas.) No. N-1200, 40xl2x4vS, glass doors $ 18.00 No. N-MOO, panel doors 17.00 Schott School Supply Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices delivered.) No. 5, 44x52x13, glass doors, 4 shelves ^ 23.25 No. 6, 26x56x12, single door, 4 shelves 15.50 Southtvestern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) No. 181, glass door $ 15.00 Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 181, glass door $ 15.25 No. 182, double glass door 22.50 No. 183-A, panel doors 30.00 STEEL BOOK CASES C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. factory.) Steel book case, 66-36-12 $ 32.50 W. C. Hixson, 1670 Bryan Street, Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. St. Louis, Mo.) Texas Steel Schoolbook Cabinet No. 35 : Shipped knocked down $ 42.00 Shipped set up 44.00 Texas Steel Schoolbook Cabinet No. 18: Shipped knocked down ". .$ 25.00 Shipped set up 26.50 Houston Show Case & Manufacturing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Steel book case, 36x12x60, 4 shelves $ 30.00 Steel book case, 36x12x60, 5 shelves 31.50 If set up and crated for shipment, add $2.50. —10— 0. H. Myers & Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) ]^o. 18 steel book case $ 26.50 ISTo. 35 steel book case 44.00 E. C. Smith, Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Waterbury steel lockers, 12x18x72, 6 shelves: 1 unit section $ 18.00 2 imit section, per unit . 16.50 3 unit section, per unit 16.00 4 unit section, per unit 15.50 Waterbury steel lockers, 13x18x60, 5 shelves: 1 unit section $ 16.50 2 unit- section, per unit .' 15.00 3 unit section, per unit 14.50 4 unit section, per unit 14.00 Southern Booh Exchange, Austin, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Aiistin, Texas.) Berger Utility Book Storage Cabinet, 36x18x78 $ 40.00 Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) No. 1512, Union Sanitary Steel Book Case, 30x12x60, two sec- tions, knocked down $ 27.00 Ko. 1512, Union Sanitary Steel Book Case, 30x12x60, two sec- tions, set up • . 30.50 No. 1812, 36x12x60, two sections, knocked down 29.35 No. 1812, 36x12x60,' two sections, set up 33.75 No. 1815, 36x15x60, two sections, knocked down 32.15 No. 1815^ 36x15x60, two .sections, set up 37.25 BLACKBOAEDS R. E. Bryan, Tyler, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Tyler, Texas.) Hyloplate^, 100 or more square feet, per square foot $ 0.17 Less than 100 square feet -18 Green, 1 cent advance over black. C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Beaver Blackboard, per square foot $ 0-1-9 Beavex Grreenboard, per square foot •20-| Orders less than 150 square feet, extra charge of 75 cents for crating. —11— Houston Show Case & Manufacturing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Duroplate Blackdoard, black, per square foot $ 0.18 Duroplate Blaekbord, green, per square foot .19 Hyloplate, black, per square foot .19 Hyloplate, green, per square foot .20| C H. Myers & Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Hyloplate, black, per square foot $ 0.19 Hyloplate, green, per square foot .20 Crating, less than 100 square feet, 75 cents extra. Practical Drawing Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Hyloplate, black, per square foot $ 0.19 Hyloplate, green, per square foot .20^ On orders over 400 square feet, 1 cent less. Schott School Supply Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Hyloplate, block, up to 400 square feet, per square foot $ 0.19 Hyloplate, black, ^400 to 1000 square feet, per square foot .18 Hyloplate, black, over 1000 square feet, per square foot .17^ Hyloplate, green, l cent per square foot over black. Crating, less than 100 square feet, $1.00 extra. South em School Work, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Hyloplate, black, per square foot $ 0.19 Hyloplate, green, per square foot , .20 Southwestern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) Hyloplate, black, per square foot $ 0.19 Hyloplate, green, per square foot .20-^ Add 75 cents for crating under 150 square feet. Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Hyloplate, black, per square foot $ 0.18 Hyloplate, green, per square foot .19-| For crating less than 100 square feet, 50 cents extra. —12— SAmTAEY TOILETS C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. "Pease" Chemical Toilet, per unit complete, f. o. b. factory, Springville, N. Y $ 85.00 Price delivered at nearest railroad point 96.00 (Installation will run from $20 to $30 per unit.) Chemical Closet Corporation, Syracuse, N. Y., C. A. A. Bloemlaum, Austin, Texas, State Manager. (Prices f. o. b. factory.) "Perfection" Chemical Toilet, complete, not installed $ 78.50 (Cost of installation not to exceed $10.) Sanitary Appliance Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Sanitary Chemical Toilet: Single unit, complete, not installed $ 67.50 Single unit, complete, installed 85.00 Two unit tanks, or larger, complete per seat, not installed 65.00 Two unit tanks, or larger, complete per seat, installed 80.00 E. C. Smith, Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. destination.) Waterbury Caustic Closets : 1-bowl installation, complete $ 82.50 2-bowl installation, complete 165.00 3-bowl installation, complete 247.50 4-bowl installation, complete 297.00 5-bowl installation, complete 380.00 Southivestern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. nearest railroad station.) "Wolverine" Chemical Toilet, complete, per seat $ 85.00 SAISFITARY DRINKING FOUNTAINS C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas or Houston, Texas.) Hni-flo Sanitary Fountain, 12 gallons $ 32.50 "Helthgard" Sanitary Fountain, stand, bubbler, and ten-gallon Jar 14.50 McCabe Sanitary Drinking Fountain 100.00 McCabe Sanitary Drinking Fountain, Double Stand 135.00 —13— J. E. Chambers & Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) Smith System Bubbler Fountain: 9-galIon size, 1 bubbler $ 26.50 18-gaIlon size, 1 bubbler 30.00 18-galloD size, 3 bubblers 37.50 Bubbler without fountain 6.50 C. H. Myers & Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Sanitary Drinking Fountain, steel container $ 27.00 Sanitary Drinking Fountain, earthenware container 29.00 Sanitary Appliance Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Saco Drinking Fountain, complete $125.00 Extra bubblers 25.00 Saco Junior Drinking Fountain, 30-gallon capacity, four sani- tary bubblers, charcoal filters, complete 65.00 E. C. Smith, Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. destination.) Waterbury Fountains : Style "D" $ 28.50 Style "A" 14.50 Southern School Work, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. factory, Chicago.) Evercool Stone Jar with bubbler, 5 gallons $ 9.00 Evercool Stone Jar with bubbler, 10 gallons 11.90 Stand and waste pail for above, additional 5.20 Evercool Fountain ISTo. 2, stone jar enclosed in metal jacket with stand and waste pail, 5 gallons 23.00 Evercool Fountain Xo. 2, stone jar enclosed in metal jacket with stand and .waste pail, 10 gallons 28.00 Southtoestern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) Sanitary Drinking Fountain 'No. 2, 10 gallons $ 10.50 J. C. Thomas, HunfsviUe, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. factory.) J. C. Thomas Sanitary Bubbling Drinking Fountain : 4 bubblers, 30-gallon tank $ 42.00 3 bubblers, 20-gallon tank 35.50 2 bubblers, 20-gallon tank 31.00 1 bubbler, 20-gallon tank 26.50 —14— Houston Show Case & Manufacturing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Linn-McCabe Sanitary Drinking Fountains : Single stand outfits ; $100.00 Each additional stand ., 35.00 MAPS R. E. Bryan, Tyler, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Tyler, Texas.) Bacon Standard Series : Mounted Singly, Wood Spring Roller Case $ 4.00 Mounted Singly, Steel Spring Roller Case. 4.25 Mounted in sets of four, drop door case 14.00 Mounted in sets of eight, drop door case 24.00 Mounted in Costello Automatic Case, add $2.00 per set. C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas or Houston, Texas.) Johnston's Educational Series : Mounted Singly, Wood Spring Roller Case $ 5.10 Mounted Singly, Steel Spring Roller Case 5.35 Mounted in sets of four, drop door case 18.75 Mounted in sets of eight, drop door 'case 38.00 Johnston's International Series: Mounted Singly, Wood Spring Roller Case $ 6.25 Mounted Singly, Steel Spring Roller Case 6.50 Mounted in sets of four, drop door case.- 23.00 Mounted in sets of eight, drop door case 47.50 Bacon Semi- Contour Series : Mounted in sets of four, Costello Automatic Case $ 17.00 Momited in sets of eight, Costello Automatic Case. 27.30 Texas Map, 1919 Edition: Mounted in Steel Spring Roller Case $ 5.00 J. E. Chambers & Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) Bacon Standard Series : Mounted Singly, on spring roller, dust-proof $ 3.25 Mounted Singly, Steel Spring Roller Case 4.25 Mounted in sets of four, including Texas, drop front case 16.25 Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas, drop front case 25.00 If Costello Automatic Case is wanted, add to cost 2.00 —15— Bacon Semi-Contour Series : Mounted Singly, on spring roller, dust-proof $ 4.50 Mounted Singly, Steel Spring Koller Case 5.50 Mounted in sets of four, including Texas, drop front case 20.50 Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas, drop front case 34.50 If Costello Automatic Case is wanted, add, per set 3.00 Practical Drairing Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Bacon Standard Series : Mounted Singly, steel spring case $ 4.25 Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas, drop front case 25.50 If Costello Automatic Case is wanted; add, per set 2.00 Bacon Semi-Contour Series : Mounted Singly, steel spring case $ 5.50 Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas, drop front case. . . . 33.95 Texas Map, Superior or National Series : Mounted in steel spring roller case $ 7.00 Rand-McNally d- Co., Cliicago, III. (Prices f. o. b. Chicago, 111.) Universal Series (Machine Mounted) : Mounted Singly, Wood Spring Roller Case $ 4,80 Mounted Singly, Steel Spring Roller Case 5.30 Mounted in sets of four, drop front case 21.00 Mounted in sets of eight, drop front case 23.40 Universal Series (Hand Mounted) : Mounted Singly, Wood Spring Roller Case $ 6.00 Mounted Singly, Steel Spring Roller Case 6.50 Mounted in sets of four, drop front case 21 .00 Mounted in sets of eight, drop front case 33.00 Texas Map : Mounted in wood spring roller case $ 4.80 Mounted in steel spring roller case 5.30 Southern School Work, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Bacon Standard Series: Mounted in sets of eight, drop door case $ 23.00 Mounted in individual steel cases, set of eight 38.00 Bacon Semi-Contour Series: Mounted in sets of eight, drop front case $ 33.00 Mounted in individual steel cases, set of eight 44.00 Denoyer-Geppert Series : Mounted in sets of eight, drop front case $ 40.00 Mounted in individual steel cases, set of eight 42.00 —16— Breasted Ancient History Series: 16 maps in roller front case $ 60.00 16 maps in drop front case 53.00 16 maps in handy rack 56.50 Harding European History Series : 24 maps in roller front case $ 85.00 24 maps in drop front case 77.00 24 maps in handy rack 80.00 Hart American History Series : 24 maps in roller front case $ 85.00 24 maps in drop front case 77.00 24 maps in handy rack 80.00 Mounted Separately (Any map in any series) : On cloth, with 3 brass eyelets, each $ 2.00 Cloth, dissected in four parts to fold, with eyelets 3.25 On cloth, with rollers at top and bottom 2.25 On spring roller and board, dust-proof cover 3.75 Same as above, 2 maps on one roller 3.00 In steel spring roller case • *l-75 Southwestern Seating Go., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) Bacon Standard Series : Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas, sectional case $ 25.00 Bacon Semi-Contour Series: Mounted Singly, steel spring roller case $ 5.50 Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas, sectional case 34.50 Texas Map: Mounted in steel spring roller case $ 5.50 Union Scliool Furnisliing Co~, Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Johnston's "Union Series: Mounted Singly, wood spring roller case. . .«. $ 4.50 Moimted Singly, steel spring roller case 4.75 Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas 31.50 Bacon Semi-Contour Series: Mounted Singly, wood spring roller case $ 5.50 Mounted Singly, steel spring roller case 5.75 Mounted in sets of eight, including Texas 34.50 Map of Texas, Cram's Superior Series : Mounted in wood spring roller case $ 5.35 Mounted in steel spring roller case 5-50 Atlas of Texas History (Bevised Edition) 25.00 — IT- GLOBES R. E. Brijan, Tijler, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Tyler, Texas.) Stationary Meridian: No. 322— 12-inch $ 8.00 Movable Meridian: No. 223— 12-inch $ 0.00 Full Mounted: No. 225— 12--inch $ 11.00 Hanging : 12-inch $ 9.00 C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas or Houston, Texas.) Stationary Meridian : No. 222— 12-inch $ 8.75 No. 242— 18-inch 27.00 Movable Meridian : No. 223— 12-inch $ 9.80 No. 243— 18-inch 29.00 Full Mounted: No. 224— 12-inch $ 10.85 No. 244— 18-inch 31.50 Hanging : 12-inch $ 10.50 18-inch 29.50 J. E. Chambers d- Co., Waco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) Stationary Meridian: No. 224^12-inch $ 8.60 N-o. 244— 18-inch 27.00 Movable Meridian: No. 223— 12-inch $ 9.60 No. 243— 18-inch 27.00 Full Mounted: No. 225— 12-inch $ 11.60 No. 245— 18-inch 37.00 Hanging : 12-inch $ 10.50 18-inch 39.50 —IS- C'. H. Myers & Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Movable Meridian: 12-inch $ 9.75 18-incli 22.50 Hanging : 12-inch $ 10.50 18-inch 23.50 Practical Drawing Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Stationary Meridian: 12-inch $ 8.10 Movable Meridian: 12-inch $ 9.00 Full Mounted: 12-inch $ 11.00 Hanging : 12-inch $ 9.60 Band-McNally Co., Chicago, III. (Prices f. o. b. Chicago, 111.) Stationary Meridian: 12-inch .." $ 8.00 18-inch 25.20 Movable Meridian : 12-inch $ 8.80 18-inch 27.20 Hanging : 12-inch $ 11.00 18-inch 28.00 Southern School Worh, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Stationary Meridian : 12-inch $ 8.10 Movable Meridian : 12-inch $ 9.00 Full Mounted: 12-inch, stationary meridian $ 10.00 Hanging : 18-inch with sash weight $ 19.60 18-inch with moon weight 20.50 Southwestern Seating Co., San Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) Stationary Meridian : No. 222— 12-inch $ 8.75 Full Mounted: No. 225— 12-inch $ 11.90 —19— Hanging : 12-inch .$ 10.00 18-inch 29.00 Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Stationary Meridian : JSTo. 222— 32-inch $ 8.50 Movable Meridian : No. 223— 13-inch $ 9.50 Full Mounted: No. 224— 12-inch $ 10.50 Hanging : 12-inch $ 10.00 PHYSIOLOGY CHAETS C. A. Bryant Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas or Houston, Texas.) Johnston's set of 12 charts on cloth $ 18.50 Johnston's set of 8 charts on cloth 14.75 J. E. Chambers & Co., ^aco, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Waco, Texas.) Caxton's No. 2496, 15 plates, muslin back, on tripod stand. . . .$ 15.00 C. 11. Myers & Co., Houston, Texas. (Price? f. 0. b. Houston, Texas.) Jameson's $ 16.00 Practical Drawing Co., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Johnston's 12 plates, manual and stand, cloth $ 18.50 Jameson's 13 plates and stand 15.00 Southern School Work, Inc., Dallas, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Dallas, Texas.) Denoyer-Geppert, with stand .• $ 18.00 Jameson's • ] 3.50 Southwestern Seating Co., Son Antonio, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. San Antonio, Texas.) Johnston's 12 plates, cloth backed $ 18.50 Jameson's 14 plates, cloth backed 16.00 Union School Furnishing Co., Houston, Texas. (Prices f. o. b. Houston, Texas.) Jameson's 14 plates, with stand $ 16.00