'.J, "I ^ ''-> ll'' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/suffoll. .V . ^ Surrogate Recordset H:?verheafi, Sow YorJc : i7o7 ].«i' 162^ : It) witji some recoras of a Xuter a;:',t« ; Aietracls or" AdnSriistra - h; tlons fona v/liis : coried 1V0<5 no 1915 toy vvuiliun A.X>,i.aMeIcjy, w.A. , Post orfice box Vi, BrooAlyn, k«w yor& : assistoa yy ttr. FranK iS. Uiv-T of K'ow V^rK : a.nrt t?;e late Mr. a.'.)t«rT. Brown Miller, of Brooiciyr-, hm YorJ; : wucj.h otli.er ciatu auout jruaij,^ of the^e Long Island, Ke"-- YorK, Fariilei^, J© In the pos«QSKiOi-i of Williar; A.D. iUtrdeley. Ourefiiilv coiiitj -red, v/lth tha copy, as rr;aa9; Sse page two of Voiur.^a Ona of this serioB, O i^ T )S M T «•. . Title : . . „__ ._ ]■■■ ?^v 1. Abstracts of 'Ailli. ; i-Uj-ies 3 j or ^.-j Abstr':cets of Adininistrations : _ . . .„ ^ /ages 34 per 5c:. Valuable and Important iNotos : . . ''.".""' -j^qs 4, .to,i7,^-2»;i7, 7o Petttioiifl : ^ .^ 1 i t;e &, 7, 10, 11,12,15 per 2it :|| i^'+ ior i3 : .3a per ^-^ : oQ ] «t 70 Copies of OomplQta Wilis : pugee •o'<^ and 59 : 72 to wi Notes : viises !>,o,6,v,lO,li,l2,i3, i i,io,lV,^0,23, ?.t',30,33,i7,3o,40,'«,>y.4d,'f9,o0, ■ oi,a2,o3,n*f,.:35,'wO,o7,oo,6-n ■■', 'is Sorae Kotes froci Other Bourcas ; racao 60 w>r a : ,n .*;, Index of Persons : ^ .. „^ ;'-ij?;es i6 rsr 116 Index of Places : i^-j^i^a ix^^ r-si 1^3 B R K L r ;* . ;• V . YORK. JULY, 4. V .' 3. Volume T^o, Suffolk. County, waw YorK, aurrogatR Records at HtvovJieacl, Long Isianci, iJow York, ABSTRACTS. OP. 'v i l i. -j . A : 160 will of John Jivn? or Jayne :or south Ml lis, Si^rroik County : ao fcueinaes nEursea : dated l j.inuary i7iil:pro - vaa 2 Booth ana Huth Bcuth aiid Haimah aialtzi, a sj. luster A : 16s will of jaj;.es Lo] or : or isacthaiTipton : Yi^-wan : dated •. H ^iay Uti^ : irovea 2 April lyvo : ru,v wife Mary loper : ay t5i children, viz., Daiiioi Loper and, ^- "Anij^Le "liOi, er (or ? At"^e lx)X'^r ■?) siJfi'i James Lcpor s*:icl Wiiiiafii Lojer aiid Abrahar; Lo,ver : sr.y grana-aaui,;htsr PJiefcts 1. :to r.y three ,.^rana-sone, viz., Jery&y Loier ( or ? Jereij-icih L^s- per ? J anil Xamisl Layer: ixnCL Hnuvy Loper, tt'iiii,; the sons of my aon Atrahum l*opar lexacutcjrw :r.y :\i.fe iury Juoi-or ana Is'iao Mvjrircis rcltnesries "i^atr-ll. "Hatia, yaoaan, -.ma Ua - than 1^4 Her ana siizJilieth Hand A : 167 nUDcvp itlv:? -/ill of Oaptain i'hoirus Oojiiciini; :of Brifla ~ dier Gsneral De La/icles'.- Kirot Batr..ii.lo.i :sv,'orn iwt Oh.*r - leatoM^n, So, th O.^roiinu ri^J- stir'Jh i7cJ2 ^;::' Lleutananu Ne - hejnlah Rnrrsrspje-ed 2^ years, of :Brii?;.aej;3ral D is oi'ten uot Xn the nraer of tarth : sertiiin ciilldren recsivs ejeQif - 3e l>equ09te : quite often, •„ list or all the oi-.iXarcii anear luter Iv. a will, giving -A-hfit irr ueuaii:- tha craer of birt}f : uTui in s* eh cases, I have nur-toerai eacih criiia U3 tl'ioy 80 un.«5ij.r, without ulijliCatii;^^ the liat : t^e Jii the abovft rlli of TnomixSi Ree%'e : the aate or PHOBATiii of these v;liiB! hu^ been Ineerteu, as Joy afcutract ©hows It, Oftv>n t>;.e 'i'iVghtere -ir*? niari'lea, tut the tewttitor saye liothinfe.- about tTiis, nerely gJ^rlnc; the hajne of his a-x'agii - ter as • Suruh • or • Jane • lin such c ses, i have en - aeavored to maicatw thle as » i>-*rah _. ^ _ ^ " or " June ^^^^ *: often :.), will rarues a auUi^Jiter ^.5""" iLury Jo/.os • or aa " 4rine wife of Brown •, A : lb4 will of : Hutch'lr>6on : of i;^iSthia'i].to.: : P^iyajoi;in : aatoa 2i F...>..ry 17^0 :>rov©ci 3 Ar. :H i7vo : vc; '^'ife aan - null Uutohlnson : to my {z) sons, viz, , «iineon and my ?:;on-ln-Tavv l)t\niQx CorOiiXinu. iiina my Klusiiian J^iathurtiel Domlny : 1^'- >- -^'^ "iiccmr, " tiri^^e^l^iys-! - clan, azici Jonathan .ratlfcrd, :, , ana Cohsttuit Booth A : 172 will of Phefce SajsuniB ; of Runtlnfotoh: wlaov. ji&:n Ssuti- iftls, •deceaserj": autec ii Augu&t 17^7: yror^a <:• April 1790: r,y foriuar husbfinc. Philip Piatt, aoce noai riy four children, viz. , John Platr alia Belah Piatt una Pyi^fce wife of . Wheoler aii0 Ellr'.aleth ^^Ife of _ Ral^.snt (t Rnyiv.ond?): to the children cf my deceaseci ,- - /" -far Mary wif' of ^ __ WloKes (no nfiT'iC!' /j^lvon ^: .^ y tr- i-chiiarer, viz.T "" Phlllr Piatt ahd Hary Sfj,rai9 resreoiJ.torv; Ahur^aB Cojucisng & Jaosu-.isih Bruah iwitnesee? Richard Browii, ooojer,;Ana Reubeirs Johnson, and " Jho,« Ketchiiia, SJeq, 5. Voluius Xwo, Si^rfolk County, Sew Yorii» surro^;at« Recoras at Rivarhead, ioiig Island., Mew Ydj*k. A B 3 •>:' B A T S . J' . 'Jf i L L S . *f56 w.11i or atdeon 3 Mills lot Sjaltyitown : no l,tL»i ness najsea : at^teti IS ifuiie ii?^**- : proved j50 Oct^oiJer i.i34 no wife naiued :ri^" (2^ sons, via., Se.L;3tli A _ „ /Vriiis k Charles AJ.02i2o .Mills : executor lay friend " Wfit, » Wioiaiam '■■ills : w.UnasB9& Charles a . _ Floyd una • ihos. ■ V.1 field : codicil 16 Seite/iiber i<;34 A : IT'i- will of tlkatia Oonlslli^ ; of fti^ntliigton : uq fcusiuasa nai^'Cd : dated l Jxine I7) children, via,, ii;5i«!itiel Srandfora and lieliataboi vtit;,8on to •Ben.^." Scath, decsasija i execiatore ay two sons Ja:ne? Smith and Israel 8r.it>s, with John AKerly rv^it/ieases Danicjl Saxton,cr.rd'>yuiner, and John 8axton» eordw::iiner,and "Jers" Goldsralth : Note- see the large n^anuscript Sr'.ith Genealog;/ hy l/iiliaja A.E. &ar:isi©y 6. VolW(i0 Two, Siiffoiii County, Kew YotJc, siArrogat^ Recoras at Riv«rhouci, long Isi&jia, Uvvs YorK. A B 'i 'i' it A T a . y , W I L X, 3 . Wber 5, page ^r^i : will of (murity B feiiis of ^rdth - town : wiaow ^r iieazer Mills : laisa 17 Jvi;/ i;i53 : T^rovea o Aiigust l :ay fiTeter-in-lJiw tt.ry -S Bsiiiey ; juy (2) tflsteri?, v\z»» !.'k.irl;,i B'A.llay ar.a reia-par-— ;mca 3 «. ^ ^ ^ BiiU^y :in.y u^vhev? ri.g;bfirx I'^iils : to j-iift - rniA« Miilo (ina his son aai-ue'l "P _^ Mills, a tcguest : oxauutors i.'-- :; 8 ^ i-ills o7 Hew Yorl?., 'tna Oal9l) ' S/ui'ii! of H, .-m : vvitru?sso? . __ the oi'ii^ifidi i- etition tor •.vot-te.SiyBiOJnarlty B _ ^_, ^ ^ Kills d.;ea .iO JUiy 1057 iu SjJiitJjtown ; s^e left twT "" "" brothera.via. (John? Bailey oi" i^laslsgippl ixna Benjiiinin B B^li^jy or f' ~ - • -• ? sis - tars, viii., Jiitii-i iJuiiwy una !'•; . . i Har - rlet wife or C;ileb drcl tn of QraiChlotUDi Note - seo thfe large ]:,;>nuscripi. ■Alilg a^.nealogy ijy ^vil - lljiifi A, D, iio.raui«y or .Brooklyn, 3Saw YorJi Liber ci, page 10 : ^/ili of Ohariott^ Bt-olae: of Bouthoia :aat©a 9 i'eiruaiy lojio :provea 7 *te^y I'^oS :)a,y (oj chlldfsn»vl2, juil.i wife "f tteors© Xerry anl »i und Bsr'ipiiiftis V Be^^fc^ iti: ana f&irla Beaiio tyia Leetsx* Baelje vlz»,C'narli?8 .^ BeeLd and Aiistiii BeoliQ :*3xeoutor Jojtn port, auffolK Oijunty, lieiw -xorit : A : 1^/; : ^'Ui of iKxVia a-ardintsr :of tne I9l« of Wir0t,,8wJToik County, Praviiice of hi^w York tQeiitXii,.Bn ; aated 7 Hap - terber 177+ -ma 16 '-iei tew&er 177-' i: rovad .50 A^ugi^iet 1790 : i!iy wife Jerue-hu Gardiner : iay rroperty in iiastharapton : my youii^egt aon DaviU G'^rainer,'ili m ianaa in iJavr London, Conn,: ray sister Jerusha Ociriilnar : niy orotn^r Ssptiraus Gardlnvsr :niy «ist«r H;innii.h liairrilner : my oldest son JoJai Lyor. Gardiner :exeoutors f^i^y two uiicles.vla, ,Oolonai At - raham Gardiner and Captain Duviu -^^ifori and my frien^l Trionas ViGi£jiai'j,isq. : wltnesaei^ John 0?4ai;flela !&ikd ninauB Diiiool and At;T-:-aii-4U Miilisr 'n« A BvelJ® lay (2^ deceai'ea my fion ^reen - 7. Voiuffle two, auffolk County, Kew Yorx, surrogate Records at Hlverheaa, Long Isluni, Jlen' Yuri B 3 T K A C t f? . OF. '^' 1 L ;u A : 42*^ coxitostea will of b.ijsa a M4.Ur of snlthtown : rVittea 2i F^jljiruury !<>«>''/ : proven „ _ August l^io^ : the wiaow of v/iilAtort Miiijj :iay (6> chliarej-uvi^., Washing - ton Mills and Theoaore ilills ana "Vifiri. » wiGKh^'n Mills and Oscar J _ . « iSilxs ajia Amundiv M _^ w.i fe a? . _^ SniitTi ana JoTepbiae Mills and wo ratio v ^^ ^ Mill ana •yilfr'sci J ^ iJlilB :exec\Jtors iu,y go?i:-lj>-iuW iiiar-runa Thowat? SjfiiTh '.iniTiuy son Hc^ra^-lo w _ _ __ Hilie : wit - nees98 ^ ._ the l>oojc petition for proi/at.-;.'* says: trie next of Kin are Horatio Mills aiiu Aniana'i *6'2pli.i.riu i.tl Us ana Washini^jton -'ilis and «'jiliarn Wlcifc - tiaia Mils ana Tlieoaor^ F _ . vUiis and Oecar J?lils E : 5»*6 will or Varilr-a^xan RoVt-ins of Huntington : no business nu,!ueci : Ota tea 1^> DooowLor loOd : proved 20 January ItiOV : coiicil 23 Docefi.ter l or^Liaren, via, .JoshUo. hoifbinc un-i 2,e'i;Uiori KobuSns ana -i^^ary _ „. _, _ : my I'Totret Scuacior RobciTis :ny dau/.^hter Tat-ifriiy wife of Stephen Jurvis : to the children of coles N<:r;W!'an, ^oce-ised, ( no nanists ^ivsn )i Kiy U^ grarjcf-oniiaren, viz., Brewster Jane (? Juynj 'O ^na a^^m-ih Jun« (? Jnyne 'O' executors Jiehesnlah Erusi) ana Sun.uoi Erus'n : vvitn3y?jee Abigail Powt^i ana Jonas Po\v9l •itid If^rael Carll : tiijR will is signed VanijasS.lari hocLlns D : 9 d. Volume Two, suffoijs. oounty, JSew York, Surrogate Heooras &t Rlverheaa, Long Islana, Haw York, AB8TRACT9. OF. WILLS, Win o: Phebo Higgle : of Isilj : Ji : 452 cMXar >n, ylz., Aaron hlgbla anu Joshua Higgle ana ftitfhe tilgble :Ky gru,na-aiiug;r^ter PtteDe i^loliole :exec ~ utors Joshua wiliete of lalip una Selah B ^ strong of Brodcharen iwitnessee Annu uaali ITm Xrm Haw una Oornoiia strong una Pruaence Uaail lote - Samuel uigHle itarrlea 1737 Jean ( T Carpenter ? ) ana reeldea in Juiualca,Long island, Kew YorK : they haa eight cJiiiaren, among whoia wan a son leheinlah Hlgble born 27 August 175 j5 li* Baty ion, Long Isl - ana. Sow YorK :aiea 23 1^ 1^13 in laiip : marriea a Seoember 1777 in Jontaica ( 7 December nas Bible j Mary Hart ( ftiebe Hart has the Bibie^ she was born 20 January 1757 :alea 2O November l€>av in Babylon, or iBllp : a aaughter of Mehonlal't Hart ana i^ry ( Lewis >:thlB higble Bible waB in 1900 in Bayahore, Lon^ Islana, Kew Yorl^, where it wae seen ana ooplea by Mr.Robert Brown Miller, late of Brooklyn, Kew York : The Bible gives 6 chiiaren to Nehetuiah and PTtebe - 1. AiTios Ulgbie born a5 A'^ i77o ! marriea 7 Jcinuar. Ia2j, Ann Haff 2. Hannah HlgLie : born 12 October 17fcO 3. Betsey Hlgoie : fcorn 1^ Movettber ll&d : riiHrriea .^ Mr. Rogers : naa no chllaren "" 4. Sehsnlalri Hlgbie : born 24 February nn'j 5. Joshua Higble : torn 20 August l7rii 7 *tey I7»i9 : narrleu ^ Mr, ^ _ bnaerhiii :8he hSa a son '^iiiiaia S Unaerhlll born ^a Muy lo23 in Babylon, Hew York, where he later Uvea 7. Sainuel Hlgbie : born di February 1792 :alea _^ its^x: murrleu ^ Pruaence awafi ishe aiea c4 Augiast 1690 : they had seven ciJiareti c, Aaron H Hi ble i born 24 October 1794 :aiea 13 Ajrll lv^5l in Babylon : laarrled first •_ 8rirah or M riu Sleight Jshe aiea in Sag Harbor, Long Islarsa, Mew York, 11 Ajril I032 agea 24 yrs. ana 2 fi.ontns, leaving an only chila, WiiilaiTi Hig - tie born ^ ^ : Aaror; mari iea second Mary ^ :haa no chllaren by hlsr Bote - see the large ffianuscrli t Higble Genealogy toy Williais A, D, Sardeley, of Brooklyn, Mew York 9. Volume two, suffolK County, Hew York, Surrogate Records at Hlverhead, Long iBiaiid, JSow YorK ABSTRACTS. 5?. WiLLB. Sarauel Hlgbls and Pruience ( swan ) had seven children, viz., 1. Richard 3 Higgle :fcorn : llyed in Batjyloii,N. Y. 2. Benjamin swan ITigble : l>orn _ ^ _ _ : had no children 3, Francos Higble : horn ^ :marrled ^ John Killor : they had fine child, Frances Miller horn ^ «<-Adole Louise Hlghie :hora tftarrled _ ^ WiliJaia Eaton : lived in Isllj, SuffolK County, Hew York : they had four children 1. James iiaton bom ^_ 2,Adele Eaton born : single 3. Jul! a Eaton born Z -. • single 4,Phebe Eaton born : single S.P^iche Hlgble : born :warrlea Z -. Henry Suydam : they had one child, 1. Louise Suyaam born ^ ^ married _ ^ Mr. Duer of Jiiew Haven, Conn, 0, Julia Hlgbie : born : married _ _ _ Henry Pelletreau : they had no children T.Louise Hlgbie : born Heart t ot Hart Family Bible : coj^led by Mr. Robert B. Miller Neheralah Heartt or Hart born 19 April 171? in Hunt ixig ton, New Yorri: ; died 10 November ITyo : married 1749 ^ry Lewis she was born l|? Mty 1722 : she died they had 6 children, viz., l.Nehemlah Heart or Hart born '^1 October 174-i? :died 21 August i59 :proved 19 March liJ6l :no wife nasied :my l^) children, viz. .Rachel Maria Mills and Cebortii: Anri Mills ana Jonas frills ana i.penetus 8 .Mills: niy {3) £rand-ehllareii,viz. (Mwara Oillett and" Henry GUiett and Daniel (Jiliett ana leaac S _ _ _ _ _ Gillett ana Jane Eriaiia Olliett : exocutt^.rs Lmin Q Davie and Joseih Avery and wiiiiasi Avery : witnesses the original petltioii fc-r probate, Bays : ifipenetus Mills died 17 u. VoiUBiS Two, SuffolJ: Oounty, Sew Yorii, surrogate Kecorde at Hlverhead, long lelaad, iSew York ABSTRACTS. 0F.WILL8. petition for probate : estate of Spenetus Mills January i^ol in Brooicharen :ieft no widow :his heirs ware Jonas Mills and viitQ &llzal3eth Spenetus s . Mills and hie wife fery L : Ruchel U Sniitlri : Deborab A , i.^llls :«ii;dwd." GUllett and his wife ailzateth : ana"~the three minor crilidren, vl2.,a®nry GlilQtt and Jane EmtLzx (illiott and Isauc Glllett ^ Hendrlokson of Hvn - :dat'ed"'2'"janua.ry 1&>^1 :v roved ( hot nasiQ not given ): _ _ Z — HonarlcliBon and Kenry HendrlcKso"n :.';!y {d) dc^gtit3r0,vlz, , Haiinan wifo of Stephen Valentine and Sally Artr. wife of .^ Denny: my daug]f^ter Phele and her eon Char - Tei" 8*lTllcK,not 21 :r.:y ^rand-child JXaiuna Stnlth» my (2) rrand-sone Joim '■/ Hendrlclfson and HcndrlcKson :telng the sons of my asce>.Bed son Staphen aricKson : my grand-»nn Franklin Gould, being a son of iny aeceaseu daughter Mary ^ : executors witnesses »oto -Bee? the in-inuscrlpt Hendrlckson Genealogy by "vliilaBi A. !>• Eardeley, of BrooKlyn, Sew YorK Liber 'Hpage 611 : will cf 'fhomas tington: no business named 3 September 16'f7 :5T;y wife . ray (3 J sons, viz., Albert ^7 HendrlcKson and Thomas not Jil : Carman Hen Liber 4,rage *+53 : will of Jacies Mickerson of Sug Harbor, in Southampton :no cuslnese named: dated 10 inay 104-5 : proved 15 August leH-T : my wife Abigail fiicfcereon : iriy dauglr^ter Mary Abigail ^sieiierson : execufors ni.y wife Abigull Nlcker- son and my son JauTies Watson Klckerson : witnesses Liber 11, page 5 : will of Jesae Mills of Smlthtown : no business named : dated z Fc-bruury 1670 : proved 5 February l<372 ; no wife named :b^ daugliter Ani'i B wif <> of jSdwln A . Siaith and their ttw c?jild.ren,vlx. ,Leroy Bmlth and Je¥se' M Bialth ;my son Egbert s Bllle : ex editors Ty two** children with my friend Benjamin K Tn^e of BrnoKlyn, Mew York :witne93es ^ original petition for"']rrob;ite,8iiys:Jesse Mills died 6 JSov^Lter l grand-d&ughters,vlz. , Martha £ wlfa of Jo"- 8lan Low aiid liannah Woodhuii Miii8~and (inarlotte Augui3ta illllnfffaia& the children of ray d«ce^.a0a son Thomas H Mills : to HanneOi s& . »> «. Oreene ana Clarissa M Fresco tt,t el ng daugjjtere of ray deceased daughter Clarissa : to Mary Wills and Aiartha Mills and Char- lotte iirnma Mills, t>Qlne, the daughters of my son Wiliiai:i Mill9:to Louisa DAi^yORTH and James H lails.fcAing chil- dren of ray deceased son James Mills and^hTs widow Mary Mills my (laugjitfir Charlotte : executors my two grand-sons EthQl'cert fl , ana Ja/iiee « Mills, a son of my deGe:ged son Thomas ^lls : witness"®® Jonas w_^_^ Payne and Isaac w Blydenturgh :oodlcil 2*"tey"*lll:?2 : the original petnion for probate, says :Martha Millie died 2.3 HOYsmber Ic^m- in Suffolk Oount^' ihelrs were M:a,rtha C _^ Killer in Brookhavei; rcjhariotte Blydenburgh in Smithtown":'" Jfithelfcert 8 i*lile axtd Hannah w , Mills and Charlotte A Mills -all in 3«ew YorK "ClTy : Martha C Low ii. Brooklyn, Haw Yor :wiiiiara Mills of Mew- stead, Sew YorKtLo.isa Danforth in Buffalo, Kew YorK: Ja - iwes h „ ?»«iiis in cjhicago :Cia,rls6a Prescott in Missis- sippi : HannalT! y, ^ Orcieii l^n Oiioctaw Territnrv t James M Mills in iT0B- YorK Olty Bote - Samuel Mills :r:orrled 11 Koveuiher I77i> Sarah Mills Jonas Mills xnarried i'f Oetoter 1776 Rachel Bmlth Andrs»7 Mills luarried 12 X'aroh nno Prudence L'HnnOTsdieu 13. Voluj'ie Two, Buff oik County, New York, Surrogate KscordB at Kiverheaa, Long lsl?ina, New Yobx, AB3TRA0TS, 01?. WILLS. G : 405 1^111 of D-dVla Ketcfifm of Kuntlngtoi* : no "business na - "med : datea £3 Airll I6-36 : j.rovea e August io^s : my wife SiisarjnaJ'i Ketcham :i^- (5) nr-ii(lren,viz..,l Atel Ket ~ cham auu 3, Jesse Ketchati ciiid _ Daniel Ketoiiani and ^ 13a - thanlsl KeteJj'd!:. and ^, Conlciln KetcRam : ;/i,v (^jflve tiv-ma - cMldrsn,vi2;.., George GliderslDevs and David K GlldereieevG an;l Plr.,tt- Oliaers^eeve and ii.agsline Glider - sleeve and Bannah GiiderBleeve : t;iy eon. 2, Pi^itt Ke^tcham : executors my t»fo sons, viz, » Abel Ketcham and Jesee Ketch ~ aiTi : wltnaeses Joj^i Kstcham and Leswli^ itetchara and AlLert Ketchaiti G : 130 : will of Moses Mills of SMltntown : no isTtsiness named : dated 14 April lo2^ -.proved 6 August lci3f, :my wife Kancy Kills :m.y grana-clriilc. n^ooes Phliiirs Ml lis :ci,y (2; ditugij - tor8,viz, , Fanny wife of Hudson ana Pegg,y wife of Arthur : executors ny wlfo Huncy JUlls wltJi John S '2. Arthur ami George 3 Pjilllips ."wltrissses Isa?:cC MiTls and Jonas » Mills an.i Jesse Mills also rscordea in G : 2b of pereomi estates :the original jetl - tlon fo- TTObate cay? :Woi^es MIHb died {t 19 June lci55 ?) in P-rcltntown theiro were Fanny wife of Daniel p« _ ^ Hudson of Suffolk County : Margaret wife of Isaac w Artnur of Katchez, MisB. : Moeeo Phillip; JitllB D : H55 will of Zk>i;har Mills : of Hlvernead' : no "busineas named : dated 14 March 1617 tproved 13 februc'i^^f ii>19: my wifa De - llveraziOQ MlllB :my {3) children, viz. , Ruth ... ana Zoyihar Mills and Ftinny „ and my daughter Micy Mills : single, ana Galtriei Mills :exeoutors Simothy Miller and Sophar M _, ^ _ ^ rJiiier and rriy wife deliverance Mills : wltn^Bses^ArurMTller and Uranle Miller and Charlotte Killer; had slaves (no namaaj: coaicll 1& liovoaber ItlS : Ky grand-son Gonrio Honan, to have land adjoining that of fanny Hoiaan Note - Ruth Mills married 1 January 1775 Jonas Uawklngs Timothy Mills marriea 13 Daoemt/er 177i? Phobe S^rdth Martha Mills .fsarried October 177^ David Smith Jonathan Mills married SI .Kovariijer i7*i^ Rachel Kawkings Jonas Mills married 22 August 17*^7 Bll2iatoeth Smith 14. Voliaae Two, sufrolK Qouaty, »e^^ York, Surrogate Records at Rlverhoaa, Lonp, Island, Netir YorK. A B a T R A T 3 . OF. ".¥ I L L 8 . Llbar 6, rage 70 : will of Pj'.sbe HJgibie of Iglip : aatea 13 AUfe-U0t l<553 J proved 30 April lopo :to my sari wiiHaift iikiwaru liiicierfclil hoxu z'd May 1623 a.t. the house of niy late and recent ftrother Saciuel Hlgbie of Batyion, in the town of Huntington : executors Richard, A _ ^ ^ ^ Uaali and fp.y son wiiliaati Kawurd Underbill twltnesses »oTe'~-~"Pi?ece'"Hljstle vas aesc«naed from Mws,ra hlgble, early 'it New London ana Stratford and Middletown - all in Connecticut : and Jaicaica and Huntington, on Long Xeland, iie» YorK Liber m.,j:;ige 113 5 will of Jonas MJlls of BrooKhaven ; no busl - nsse named :dated iv BecerriLar lo7)mithtown : next of Kin are Oharles Mills, residence not Known : i^leaser Mills In i3ew YorK Olty : Jonathan Mills In Cat sK ill, Hew York ; Hfevry Slizabeth frsiils, a Kiinor, residing at mn& Sing, Hew York : Bgbert M1ills,a minor, at affllthtown : iSdrattjaa B Mills, a ciinor, in nm York City : Benjai?iln Jails in f»mithto^na, NftTv York 15. VolMV!\e. Two, auffolk County, Kew YorK, Surrogate Racoras Jit Klverheaa, hom, 59lan GLaugbters of r^y wlj'a, vi:^, , PiiOlss wife of _^ Kel^ey ( or T Heisoy ?; ana aar-ali i«lfe of , . Smith ; executors Moses Raijh ana David Q-nKlln Bnilth rwitneasee Josiah Smith ana Jofeeph _ KelXuD a : 34-^> vBjii of William Wile or Srslthtown : no business named : a-iteci 2H. aeptornLar 16^3 nrovQd 13 Septoflifcer ld37 t my wife Martha AUlls : \::y aecona son Thomas Heime Mills : my eldest son JaraoB Harvey Milie : lay thii:! son wuiiani Wills : ny daughter A'artha Olive , , „ : my duug/iter Charlotte : to Harmah Mll» Oreeii^ and Clarlsea Greeny, being daug]r:ters of iny leceaeed liaugnter Clarissa : execuTorB my wife Martha ^tillK und niy throe sons Jaiaea H_ \nils and Thoraar H .. VI lis and William Mills and isy daughter Charlotte ~ : witriegj-"!©!' aictiard Gurrett. and *teri8. Bailey and Jesse Garrett the original petition for rroi^ate, eays : Wlliiaiij Mills died 2 August lt;37 in Sirithto^vn : left a widor Martha Mllle> : next Of irin,*iiii.:ii;i Mills in NewBteact, isaria County, iiew YorK : and Olive wife of Paniel R Ml Her of kj,iier*e Place, Lonr: Ii3lana,iSew YorK : and Charlotte wife of "Bich'a. • Bly - denburgh In Srr.ithtown : and Russell Ore'^n^ as guardian for the ml not children Hannah M areenjg. and Clarissa Greeny : ■■% clairr: r;^ade by "Thos, «H Kills, an heir & executor and guardian of the minor ohlidren LouJsa W Mills and Mary b Mills and Jaices h _ J^lls Llher 13, page 54 j ^lll of 3eth Birdy of Aiultyviiie : no DUSl - ness named : dat^sd 4 JJecemter 1^73 : crovijci 23 October 1^77 : n^y wife ffixjer.lenod Pirrdy : ruy (!?) children, tIs. , Henry Purdy and William Purdy and Stephen Purdy and Jolin Puray and itLLI z^iietr; tvife of Ketchair. :executor6 my wife' Experience Purdy and my sou Henry Purdy : witnesses the original petltlor* for prolate, saye : Seth H^rdy died August 1S77 in Babyioji : left u ^Idow- Exi:.erlence Pittdy : am five children, viz,, Henry Purdy and John Purdy and Stephen M _ Purdy anci Kilz?:»t't^th ^if? of a T _ ..^ Ketcham - ail TrrAn:ity villa :& wiiiJaia Purdy ir; BrooJilyn : Sote-the wife was Eixperlence SMIIH ifillzabeth married (ieorge T Ketcheua :8eo my Aral tyvl lie Cemeteries, type-written 16. Volume Two, 8u?folx County, Be^'r Yoi-K, surrogate Rscords at Rlvsrheaci, Long Islana, New Ydtk* ABSTRACTS. OF,WILLf^. D : 166 will of Israel Mills of BrooK^aven : no toualness na - flit^a ; dat-^u 16 February icilO : provoa 2 Kov«atoer X^l^) ci^ildren, vJa,, PaTia 8 _ ^^ MlllB and Xfetry n-if e of ,^ Clarfe ana Jullaner wife of Bajfiiis urui u?i.rtlia : executors Barsjamln Hut - ohlnson ajid l&^raecal Korean and my wife Huth Mills : wit -> nesses Kenry Dayton ana Israel Smith and Julyaner amith : oodlcil 10 October l in Bayehore and *;. Natlxan #111 Jama in Bayshor© and 3* Joaerh WlliijiwriB In Payehora and H. S«talia tagewell on Gold Street, Brooklyn , W. Tf. : and ^.ifeiry Monjon on Arlington St., Kewark, Naw Jersey and 6.£llzaheVn Johrieon on Navy Street, BrooKlyn,K.Y. ! tvT' children ot a deceased brother Karry Ti - tus, viz., l.G©or&e Titus and 2. Mary B38t -both in Elver - head, Kew Yorh jb : 415 will of Scuddsr Plat*: of Huntington : no business na - 2iied : dated 17 Decamluer 16Z6 : proved 9 April i«i29 : my ?.'lf3 ?fertha Piatt ; executors Josial-i Smith and David C ^_ amith : witnesses Alexander Smith artd KeLeoca Smith and "" " Waiter L ^ Scuddar note - see the manuscript Piatt Genealogy toy Wliiiaoit A. 1), JBardeley of BrootiiT*, Kew YorK A : 65 dead© at Riverhoad : 12 Ajrll le>9!? John Mosler and wife JSlizaliOth of BrookraVQnjdeed r ropert;v to their son Hugh Jfosler 17. Voiuroe Two, suffolx Oounty, Hew YorK, Burrosata Records at Rlverliead, Long leland, New YorX, A B S T R A C a' S . OP. V.' 3. L L 8 . iJote - Tne prevloua ana following cil)0tracts of wills are only a portloi* of thoec already fiaJsbea : isore will Tollow in the next voluwe, some tiina tri. the future. Abstracts of a lurgo niwAber of tv.e Aaiiiinlstratloris have been cojnileted and ^-lli be piiTDlishsa ir^ itds, eorias. A large nuiatoor of the orifeilMul PetitlanB for Proeate : anu tfiS original Petitions for MaJnistr tlor^ ; riave tit\^n .il)8tracted. I'hese original papers, seiaoxu on record In the Llijere,are in eome r^sjiecty even inore Sm - portant than the wills, as they contain the i*ull aat© ana place of death in riost casey, and th3 names of the next of Kin, in aoet oasaei with the acraai relationship to th^* Taattvtor, with t\>e plaoeg of retndencs of each. Often a will nmies tut two children, or fSfc-ys "All ffi.y chil- dren M'vl thou t ni:unins uny onej: while the Petition will give the nmx&fi of ali the children, in many cases, nine or ten, or rt.ore. Often the Petition only says " next of icin • ; while the will tails the relationship : or viC3~vsr6a. : ld5 will of Selah A Mills of Sjnithtown : no tusl - personal ) neeo timien : dated iio t^eptember 15^7 : proved 10 i^j estates } loH-^ :no wife nau'ea : ay mother Polly A Mills ; to be sole executor rwitnesses Jonas B Biyden - lourgh and Charles Ji Biggs the original petition for prot-ate, says ; Selah mHIb died 23 April liiHiS ill Smithtown !he left no widow nor children : his mother Polly A „ _ mjiib : hie brother Charles a Mi lis iii3 S, : 12$ will of Isaac Frush of Huntlngto:i : no B'usiness najBed : dated 29 JUne 16Z^ :proved Z AUf^ast Irtii^ my wife Htauoah J/ ^ BrUBh : executors my wife Hannu-h M Brush with Ellphaz Buffet ana Moses Rolph : ^.'itnessen Joseph fil lot and Experience \yhltman and Siiaa Wood 6 ; 212 will of Acios }ii in laliv, Ksw York Trie Bible giver, tnelr fovr children, born In Islip - 1. Hannah Kigbie born 11 Way l^ty Ketciii^n, a daugntar of Jo Jin K^tch^-sn^r^they ii&a one olilld- 1, Wiiilara Henry Higbia : born : njarried ^ ^ Carolii» ^ : and l:)ave had five cLildren, three of ^oJiTare"!. Kajrold Higble tf>x*3a _ _ _ _ 2. Grover Jili^ie born ^ ^ i.yrank Klgbls boni _ _ M-.Sidne^- Higble : bora 1 llovar.ber Ivijl i^t 1 J&ty io31i:diaa 3 January 1902 in Br;-50klyn,Eaw York : Uiarried in Kerapstsad, Kew York, by Rev. Lorenso i> _ _ _ ^ ^ Rushifsore : 2.J August 1^5.'+ to Sllzabstr. Sturkins Riokua born 2^ 19. VolWis Ti^o, Siii'foi;-: County, Ke?; York, Surro^iate Recoras at Ki^efhe^id, Long lelond, Hen Iforx, ABSTRACTS, QF. WILLS, The HIGBIl BIBLIS June lii35 -In Jericho, homi isiana, A'ew York : a aau-g>j,t*?r of Jorjn Bocxus una ?r»efee ( «T*yiKiiJS } Rldaey Higtiie and EilzalBeth atarkins ( Bi>citu« Jhaci fteven chiidren, as per Sariiiy Bil&lc, viz», 1, Sidney Aitraa HlgolQ : corn o October 1^5-} In Bew York :aied 10 Jal3U-ary 1911 in Jersey City : married i? A.usu6t l37 in Broojilyti la daugi.ter of John Miller aiid v.^^rgaret ( Oontre ) thsy riave five chii^ireii 3. Florence £ila Hlgbie : born '.iz Pfey U)oZ in 33rooUiyn : married 11 June liwO oiiurlea iisrury soniiee or Saat Kew YorK;,Lon£ Isl- and, KvTd Yorl*; :oa8 &oxi CLuriea SacjKHian SOMES toorn i^ octo - ter io;Jl m Erooiriyn, New Yor3i ^-.TranV EvariS KigDle : borrj 13 June ld64 in BrooKly-n : died 25 Petruary ia67 5,Karry SinitJ-; Higbie : torn "5 Fsbruary ioq^ : .a^irrisd 13 July l^S? his cousin amsa Bocl£Us of Luk<3Viile,Hacitviile Centre, Loiig Islaud, usv.' Yor/> : a daugiitor ot Townsend Boojsua and iSilza ( Leclaire ) : tlisy hav.-; tivo children 6. Dora Booio HigLie : uotii 6 February UTO : ai-ad 12 March 1899 ; married 13 Juij- lt»>2 Charles Melish : he died la January 1903 aged 3h' years : a ti;>]i. of Charles and Sllzatetii Melish: t.i:3y r.ad ?ri*/us Ellsworth Meliah born 2>» Pecerrtcar 1^93 T.OaBteila Louise aigbie : born 3 February i<^73 : raarried 19 Octo - • tober 1*^90 Alexander Fc Kee : they have four children Liber 26,p:ige 1^0 : will ot Eenry Mills or Set auk et : Brookhaven dated 9 l^ 1:>64 : iroTsa 16 iiovamb-jr ic91 : nxy wife jsiiiza Uill,:. : Ki^; two sons, via. » Stephen H Mills and Bos - well idllo, to be executors : Witnesses „ „ _ the oritUnal petition for probate, says ; Henry Milio died December liS90 in Brookhuven Jlaft a widow Siiza Mills : una" t7,'0 sons ;?tcpi;en K _ _ _ _ 'J11X% and Hoaweii Milia Riverheaa deed : L : lOl : John Mills and Caleb Mills 15 April 1S29 for # 300 sell luiid f^ SHiithtovrn to Timothy ^Cills, Jr. in 20. Voliime Tvw), Siiffoix County, Het? YorK, Surrogate Rooords at Rivarhoaa, Long I6lanl6 : my Vv'ife (hor name not Fj.v&ii. here): my («;) sonfi,vli:;, , Abraham BvuBh anci Thcrnaa Brueh : ny {^) i:rand-children,vi2;,, Thomas »ru8h and ^loia^ BruBij : executors "Kathl. " Bunc® & fry eon Atral'.a.'a Brueh ; wStnessae "Kathl. ■ Havenc and Koxls Burr aaa Piatt Wick^. liter 16, page l?-fi : will of Charles Kills of Broojchaven : no tiUBlness nanied :dated 2 7 Octubor 1^14.5 :proved 5 June 1^52 ; my wife JJancy vins : r-y (a) sony, vlz,,(;harles s: ^ illlls and Alfrod 3 ^ Mills isoie executor B^y wlf's "" Sancy Mille : witnesees Richard Davis and John M _ _ _ _ __ WiliiaRiOon " "" " the oriiTinal i^etltion for probate, gays ; Oharlas Mills died 1 February IS52 in Erooivhaven liijft a widow ^ianoy Mills rand two ooriS, vlz,^ Oharlee Edwin Mills aBd Alfred Mills- both in Phtiadalphia, Peun. Liber 9» page 1«3 : will of William mias : of ComrcacK : no bftsi - nees named : dated S Noveiaber lc»65 : i; roved _ «. „ li65 : Biy wife Ojjlia Mli£8 : executors _^ ^-._ "jltnesaej'? * ._.„_„ 21. Volume Two, Suffolk County, JJew York, Surrogate Hecoras at Siverhead, Long Isluna, New York, ABSTRACTS. OP. WILLS, F : 456 petition for protate on trie will of Oiaeon s also recorded ) lillls : he died zz Septariber l£!34 In SmlthTown"*: in : page 6^) he left a widow Polly A Mills : and two sons, viz. ,8elah A Ml lie, of full age : and Charles Alonzo Mills, a minor : see page 5, for the will D : 340 will of John Mills :of Huntington : no business named : dated 6 January itiOb :proved 9 April l6Zz :«.y wife iisther Mills :ifiy {3) children,viz. ,aiy Mills and John Mills and JerUsha : bequest to Phebe Hewlett, the daugti «- ter of Devlne and Anne Hewlett : executors Devlne Hewlett & my wife iiisther Mills : witnesses Solomon Coles and James Robinson and Arnold Romberg Liber 55i page 247 : will of Caths^rine idills : of Horthport : da - ted 7 Hovewber 1904 :proved d6 fAay 1911 ; my husband Ro - bert Mills : lay (2) daughters, viz, » Mary Mill; and Murgeer- ite Mills : executors uxy two daughters, viz., Kary Alills and Annie wife of Brown of Patchogue : witnesses H : 2d9 will of Ebenezer Chichester : of Huntington :no business named : dated 27 December 1«>31 : proved „ _ October 1840 : my wife Xeziah Chichester : my son Eliphaxet OhlcheBter to be executor with Joel Scudder - witnesses the book petition for probate also naiaes his four lalnor graJid-children, viz. , Henry Buffett and David Buffett and athanlel Buffett and Elbert Buffett Liber 12, page 30ut possibly may be found in the larger and later General Index : tut see first the note on page three of volume one of my Suffolx County, Kew YorK, Surrogate Records, It is to be presumed that the OPyiCB Indox is cowplete and accurate : but a nuj-riber of Instances have been founa of wills omitted from the said index : so one sroulii expect to find other siirdlar omls - sions. The indexes are usually reliable and ooir^let^s. Liber 27, page 359 : will of ifigbert S Mills of Smlthtown no business nuned : dated 6 Septerafcer 1692. : proved 2c> ho vember 1S92 : my wife fillen W .^ Mills : bequest to Ada Ms^ Smith • whom I onsider as an adopted child ": ex eaaitor my wife Ellen Mills ; witnesses the original petition for probate, says : Egbert Mills died 1 November ISVa : In Smltht own :10ft a widow itilen w_ 12111s : and a sister Ann B Smith : a legatee was Ada B mils : 32iS will of Amo; Piatt : of Huntington : no business named : dated 16- April lo2l :prov9d 10 October 1^21 :ray wife Ola - risea Piatt liny niece Ruth Wlllets : my daughter Rebecca Piatt, not 21 years old :to Ramiah Conxilng, daugJiter of John ConKllng, a bequest :my (3) slaters, sria, , Rebecca Ketchu?ii and Judith Rusco and Zurviai-i CojUtllng :Biy deceased sister lito-ry Wiliet. : executors Moses Rolph and John Wood & Piatt Wiliits '.witnesses Silas ConKiin ana Joshua WeeKs & Jesse OonKlln ^3. Volvffi!© Two, Suffolis. County* 14©w York, surrogate Records at Riveriieaa, Long islaiid, Uew York, ABSTRACTS* 03?, V7iLLC. D : 213 will Oi Benjaisiln Brush ot Huntington : no business named : dat«a «:0 ^siay 1619 : provacl 31 J5^y lolV nay wife Anne BruBh : riy (6) chliaren.viz, , Berij^wi" Bruah and SJtiiiman Brush and Sarah and Ezekiel Brush and John Brush and Thomas Brush : executors my sons Benjaciin Brush and SKlliman Bruah : witnesses Theodorus Van wycK & Ezra Smith and Silas Wood : note - SzaKiel Brush married 3 KovQESler 1737 ^^ry Bnrto or Oy^-ter Buy :ana had a aon Benjaciir. Brush tupt. )il62 : murrled 7 J^-y 1*»^5 Ann Parlee horn 13 April 1600 : died 17 February Ici^l :they had rf children, viz., I.Mary Ann Brush :born 23 July lt26 west Hills : died 9 Feti-uary 1893 : married first 10 January 1«^45 Jarvis BiOiSh t;orn 9 Ue- cealaer 1623 :died 2 May IS50 : a son of Guptain John Rogers Brush and Eilzaheth ( Carman ): three children t sh<3 married second Valentine Brush 1. Jarvis ^ Brush horn 30 Movemcer 145*4-6 : died 11 Be - Z.OlarKson J Brush torn died 1 ..^ lii63 3,auBan A _ _ J"_ Brush horn : .married Joseph BarKer of BrooKlyri,New Yorl: :had 3 children 2, Joel Brush : born 2 September 1626 : died 2 septamfcer 1^54^ 3.i5feirgar8t S Brush : horn 27 May lii31 »|., Solomon Brush"" :""horn 2 Octoher ls33 5. David Parlee Brush : born 19 April 1«36 :died 13 June 1913 married 23 Fehruary 1^69 Louise Ciilchastar : had 2 children 1. Annie Louists Brush born lo72 : died 20 Feb. Iii94- ii.lda Chichester Bru8h /aarrled 7 Smie 1907 Soiin H Lutz 6.Lydla A Brush :horn 2 Ostoiuer 1^39 :di0a 6 Fehruary 1^70"; icarTied „ Mr. . tteuggier 7.Arnaruia Bruah : born 1 Januury lii43 e.Elias Barlee Bruah : born 3 Janu-iry ld4o JSote - Amiaiiias Brush married 14 August I77c» Hannah Piatt 2f. Volume Two, BUffolK Oo\Anty» Hew Yoric, surrogate Records at Riverheaa, Long leiaiia, Kew Yorfc. AB3THA0T3, OP, WILLS. G : M-12 will of Katn&nlel M!I£Y of Huntington : no hMBinf*tt named : dated I5 Auguut 1^31 :provea 6 August l&iJ : my wife JSary KII^LY : my {'^) children, via. ,3. J«Ji« KELOy & l.Jonae KEL2.Y und 4, Piatt KULGY and E.Freelove KELfiY, niy youngest daugJiter, not lb ye-irs old : Pty younKeBt son Piatt KEJW^Y : itRy (2) grand-cldidten, rJz, ,AiTieiia Bryan & OonKlin Kiil^Y : executors Bry two eons Jonas Ksioy ana John Keloy v'i%i: Jacob Piatt, the son of my wife : witnesass •Katli'l." His^ie and Rosw^ai Drlggs and George Oaiies tu© Ijook petition for protats also names threj daugiitsrs, viz. ,K9turan wife of Joiir- Place ai^i JantJ-ia wlf^ of it^penetUB ConXlin and Preelove wife of Cooper CJor;ltlin :and four grttnd- children,vi2.,fery Bryani. and Martna Bryanjj. and Janny Sry - aiii and Amelia Bryani,, their guardian toeing Samuel B _ ., Eryaiit, Liter 20, page 102 : will of Willlaia H Mills :of amlthtown ciged 71 years :no business naroed : dated 19 Septeiater 1*5^15 proved 19 Decemtier l6o^ : no wife ftamed : Kiy (4^ crilldren, via, , Sarah A wife of Smltn and JOBephlne wife of _ _ J"_ Fls^ and Kate^wife of L»aonyr.edieu &nd Kanoy J ]I ]I li^ills : executor cnarles L*Horuaedieu : witnesses __ZZ — Z the original petition for probate, aaya : Wiili-'iia Mills died 31 October 0^63 at Smlthtown :ne left nr^ widow ; uix chiidron.vlz., Oscar W . Mills at Patoitogue arid iian - cy Mi lie at gmithtown and lieisoran A MIII3 at W'-w YorJs Olty and Sarah Stnitn at SmlthtoT^-n and JoBcpnina liah of Smlthtown and Kate E . « wife ot Chariea V L'Hoifjnedieu of J^anhasset, Long Island, Hm YorK Liber 21, page 36O : will of Hannah H Mills :of Btony BrooK, in Brooicgaven Idated ^ S'lSbruary iiicJl tproved IM- fcrch 1607 : :ay {Z) sons, viz., Algernon n . MII0 ik Alfred H Kills : rny (7) sr^nd-ciJildr on, viz., &- Biund T Z AUils ana Miiry S Mills ana Isaao B ^ Mills and'^Lor'ensio C Mills and Mend on Mills and arace Esma. Mlile and Eilzabetr) ¥ mils :execu - tors ^_-«.«.«. witnesses the original petition for probate, says iHannah Mills died 16 Jan - uary l6^6 in BrooKhaven : she left no husband : left two sons, viz., 25. Volume two, Sutrolis. Ccmiity, Kew YorK» Surrogate Records at Kiverheaa, Long ifiuiCL, liiow York,. ABSTRACTS, OP. WILL Algernon S milis at JSast Betuuicet : Aifrea li ^ Mills of stony I^rooK tana the two aaugJ-iters of u, ciecease^a*"soir* Alonzo Mills, viz., Grace K Mills taitt STiAnces a^ _ _ _ ^ Mills of Stfiji.fora, conn. Liber 4, page b^ : will of Israel Piatt of Huntington : no businees naicea idated 16 January 16^ rprovea 9 J'eljru - ary iti4o :no wife naiuea :my zcm John Piatt : to Abigail Piatt, the widow of roy ecn Jesse Piatt : to itlizubetii wife of Zopi^ Ketcnara,l'CJnii a daugiiter of ray son Jesse ■ Piatt :to ay grana-aaughter Ji.Mary wife of Charlas E Tappen : to rny five grana-eniiaren, tne chliaren of «iy ueceaecd aon Jesse Plat t, viz. , l.Ellzubeth Ketohaju &na E.Molly Tappen ajitl i.Cinarlotte wife of ^ ©owns & ^.iiopl^a Piatt ana ^.Piiatie w _ ^ wife of J"„ wiiltfion rexecutore Piatt Coniclln iina the aforeeaTdT'zo'p'riax Ketoha'u : witness se Lil»0r 23, page 92. : will of Josepr.ine Mills of SBiithtown : datea 13 Korerafcer lac:2 : proved 2'd October i6ii in Smlthtown : left a. sister Ansanaa wife of Edmund "Thos." Srslth at 3nlthtown rand three brothers, viz, , Oscar J Mills at Jiorwood,Jiiow Jersey and "Wii - ileu»i ^Iclthgur, Mills ->t 2?. St. John* s Piafle,Broolciyn,ii,Y. , h Wilfred Jdlls In New YorK City :and a nephew Wilfred flor- entlne i^iills, the son of a deceased brother Theodore .^tsiiig Liber 25, vage 557, iwill of ^ary Mills : of Snilthtowi : dared t August 145^:5 rprovea 15 June 1-^« ^^^ J ^^il-l- of Jacot Mills of Wading River ; dated 2o fetruary 1907 : no buslneee ntojied : proved ^i- May l^Od : no wife narried :my nephew Micali M Davie :ir^' brother Laster Mills : to the three children of jay deceaeed Xixo - thar Jsuaes I'ranJclii: itill£i,viz. ,S'rank '2 lails ana Sadie i/Ulla and Ida Mills : to Charles j'"^ ^Z- «. «. Mi lis of Bayshora.the son of ;a.y torother iiugene iiiil8"":'"exe<;utor Charles J ^ _ Milie of Bayshora : v»,itneaser> Liber 3^» r-age 379 : will of wililauj Uenry Mllig : of Siaithtown : dated 1? June lyoo rproved 5 July 1901 riny wife Habecca S Mils : «*y t-AtJ children, viz, , Benry It Mills and Lillian E Mills ; sole executor :r.y wife Rebecca S Mills ; witneesee _ _ _ _ Rlverhe- a deads : Liber L, page ifebruary 1625 : my wife Ueoorah mils :my nephew "iflfta. «• WicKhar! hUXb Jr, of the half blooa ana hXB wife }£iiza : iDequest to Aaron Ha^tna :my (2> naphews,vizi. ,i;ieazer Mils and Richard Mills ; executors wy nephew Wiiiiaxu WicKhgun Mills jr, and "x:la wife &lli&a rwitnesses Ohurlee Seaoury and John Kider - k 1 o and Charles A _ __ _ _ S'ioyd Llluer 4, page 4*^4 : will ox" Wiitmari Brush : of iiuntlngton ; no business named : dated a July lo43 ; proved 3 J)ecajibei 1646 my wife Margaret Brush : c/y {ti) daughters, viz., i^risyt^ wlfeof Henry Pear sail and Margaret _ : Hjy son Whit - man Brush : >?iy daughter teitilda :my grfind-son 'WiltTiian Brush, "oeing tbe son or rey son Ketohairt Brush : Kjy (2> grand-daughters, viz., Ps-jetoe Marlah Brush and Sijurah Ellzal)eth Brush :my (5) daughters,vls, ,|{;sinoy wife of Ket - chara Chichester and imy wife of Alfred Katoham and iilisa wife of Mahlon Chichester aiid Miirijj wife of Henry Jearsall and Margaret : executors my wife iifc rgaret Brush with aetulon Ketchum and Joel Jgrvls : witnesses Alexander Barto and Jidward Brush Note <- Xhe above will has quite a repetition of the names of the Children, as each receives diffetmit itequeets : it also shows there was very little lAiilformlty about the spellings of aafflefi,a8 both Maria i^earsali and tei^riuj;! i'earsall are there :al6o the two ways of spelling Ketch^i and Ketol'^ : In all these al^stracts, where the 10 th. month is given instead of the name ot the month, as Ooti:>tJer,it will sig- nify the person making the will was a Quaker Liber 40, page 362 : will of Jesse Purdy of Aailtyville.in Baby - Ion !no luslnesH mmea i dated lit i^iay 1<5V7 : codicil sous, vi a» , warren Purdy wiia Albert C Purdy :iri.v grand-son Jesse Purdy, hein^ the son of my aeceasedT sot; fills Purdy, not 21 : executors Joshua P Jervfrs and w^ son FranMliu P^srdy : witnesses ^ ^ ^ , „ „ Volurae Two, fiiuf/'olk Oownty, Kew Yorx, S\jrrogat0 Rscords at Riverhe^-^a, Long iBlaiid, KeTv Yorit. AESTRAOlJfi, Oy. WILLS. .Liter 40»page 362: will of Jesse Purdy of itei3.tyviile,in Baby - ion :xh& original potitinn for proVdte, s^i-ys :Je8sa ^nty aiea 17 Deaeirter 1^01 la Babylon;! aft a '^Idow Maria Purely rana fo^r 8on?9,vJ;&. ,Praxi3cl,iii Sinitn i*Uiia r>on of a doceaf>i3d son BliJe L_^ Purdy : tha axeoutor bslriij JoPhua V J^tvIb at iJnityvliie : Uoto - Joshua Purdy iaarried 16 November loSiO Rebecca Smith and had a sou jQ3r?s Purdy ijorn 9 February lo'Sc*: married 19 Lecerater 1^55 %riali Covert born ii June 1<534 : died IM- August 1909 :a daugliter of John Covers k Loretta (L^fferts ; see my "Look on tbc A!nityvllie,25ew Yori;,Ceioeterie8 Liber 12, page 61 : will of Dorcas Perdue izlo jlaoe named : dated 23 Arrii 1375 : proved 29 May 1C75 irny avixna - daughter Henrietta Perdue : exacutors . V;-.ttnes6es . ^ " ' "" the original petition for t rotate, say 3 :rK>rca8 Perdue died 11 May 1675 in East Hainpton tebe left three grand - children, vis, , Henrietta PardUe and William Peruue-both in East Hcuapton : and Mary Perdu o in r,outh Hampton Liber 33» pag« 5fil J will of Wilfred Irving Mlllfs :of amithtown : no tuslnesp narr:ed .'dated 2I Ajril 1893 tproved 7 septeia - ber 1697 ;no wife named : siy nephew Du Bols Smith : my niece 3iJlr>nie M_^^_ Xtott : executors Eu Bois Siaitli & iiiiuiit! U Mritt : witneaees the original pot it! en for probate, says : Wilfred Mills died 17 June 1897 in Suffolk Cniinty : left no widow : a nophe'v^ Du Bole Sniti) ?.vt BnJ t^towri : a niooo Minr.le M^^ Mott at Smlthtown :a brother William WicKhajB Mills at*" "" Avondale,New Jersey : a nephew Wilfred F Mills at Dfcrby, Conn. Rlverhead dead : liber A, page 100 : Captain Thomas Klgble of Hun - tin^tu... 1/ July i«S9v ss.AiK to i5av;ic. Cii,l.c]re3t*.jr of Huntington 29. Voliune Two, Suffolk County, jiaw York, surrogate Records at Hiverheiid, AK:>a& Islauci, Saw Yotx<, ABaTRAOTg, Of. WILLS. Liter 39, pugo ji-4- :wiii or Sclwin A dixxn of Rorocon - koii'iu :no liUsiriesH ruuaed, ; aatea 9 saptjafsbor 190i: pro - VQd 16 Octouar iyOX :my wife ifciry ii Mills ; ny (3J chliareii,vli. , Myron R MlXis" ""tmd Wiifora E Ulis ana Martha J . vXte of ^ ^ Overton ot Lake Qrov<2,SufroiK county, lew TorkT "execu - tor Kartiia, Overtotk : witnesses a : ;i37 will of liaiuiaJr. iUgbi© of KWitington : dated 4 December ItiOO ;f roved ai Aj-ril io^C; : to lay n«pn and « TSsiO, « Carll : wltKossefi the took petition for prolya^te,naineB,a» next of Kin, tSi® four iTilnor ohiliiren oi: John ft ^ _ BayLes,a®ceuaed, viz. .OrlaiiJio Jiuyiee arxOi Bi chard M BnyieB ar!<1. John Bayles and Pliabo Arui Buy lea :and Oleoiiy wife of Bjyaiei Whltcian & Julia Powell, fcoth of new York City, ana Henry Whltson of Oyster Bay & Laauel Carll of »rookXyn, If.Y. U : 55 will of Jareriah Piutt of Siriithtown :• no tiusiness mtmed: dated 25 July I015: proved 9 JatiUiary ial7 tadvanced In years : i;:y wifa l^ne(j& Piatt :my sou Jeremiah Piatt : k^ (3> ncphew3,viz., Jeremiah P Brush and Charles Brush and Zsi^haiiiaHa Brush :eitacutor» my wife Phebe Piatt and my friends Jeraiaiah Brush aiid JoshUi* ajaith: witnesses Charles H _ ^ ^liavaKs and Isaac Buf f et t and Maria Buf- fet t : codicil 6 i;ovei;ii»er I0I5 Litjer 37» lage Zl6 i will of Eenry Purdy of Am4tyviil©,ln Batoy - Ion :no iDUsinesB nujusid : dated *^^ Secewher ig96!proved 22 Decsinber liJ99 :no wife nasiied if^y {i-) sons, viz., Bd - wiii S iPurtiy ufid Charles H „ _ _ _ Purdy: to Lou - Isi^ Purdy, wife of Ky son iidwin Purdy aJiu their two dau - g.hter fa, via,, Louie Puidy ani Sadie Purdy : executors a^ son Edwin T Pyrdy and Jacob !>„„,. HiSfiPSiH : witnesses the original petition fr.r probate, suyt^ : Henry Purdy died 29 December lti96 in Babylon : he left no widow : left two sonsjViz. jSttwin Terry Purdy and Charles Purdy and a daugtit@r-iii- law Lcvuiea Puray ~ all in iittfiityville : and two 30. Voliime Two, SuffoiK fjouiity, Kew Yoric, 8\*rrosate Becorde at Riverheaci, Long Islarid, Ksvv Yor^* ABSTRACTS. 1, W1LL3. original petition ; ilanry Puray or A!riltyT,llj.s, in Babyion ; granA-dausMisrs.viz.jLoxas ?aray,ag3cl 2i yaars, ana 8aaia Purdy,asea la years : axecui&ox- sTicoa i) Romsen of 4 KerasQii P.laovj,TriatiiUBli»Loaa lsiana,Kew YorK ; Hote - Seth Purely luarriQU ii3i5>erien.ca SmlVr* uaa had u 30f4 Hera-y Puiay i:.arrisa .^ *erry 1 : 9 will of Plutt Brush of iiuiitiiiston. : no jjuoiness naiaoci : aatel ii August: icll iproveu x February *t;io :r*o wife oa • mea : isy (5J cnliarin.viz. .Tre^dwali Srueh aiia Israel Brush and "Wytmuzi • Srusli ( ? WiTiUmun Briisii ?) ajiil Piatt EruoJi and katlldtt ^_ : r.y Kr-md-son i*latt BrUEh OnX - ley : oxacutors •Tin.o." Carll and Troadweii Soudder sand "Thos." Kotc^uiM : witiiasseB Jacot Wiiiets and Banjarriln K _ _ Hotart £uid 3a;uuel Jarvis Ko-ce -~Isaao Brush carried 2 iyiay i?4^17»4-!j Sarah Wood and hau a aon riatt Brush oapt. ^ Auguat IH? Lilier 9, paGe ^- : will of «'fa," v/icKharE Mills of amithtown : no tLsinoBS i^iued ;d&ted 10 K:aruh i6it ; the original petition for probata, says he died itit if'fl^niary ic;o> in Broo/UiaViii : isi't a widow Urania Mills next, of kin John 'B iilii^ & William a auKer &■■ Clarence A Balcer,not 14, with their father James I Baker : and Ifeixy Ann awezey 31. Volume Two, SUiToiX County, Kdw Yor]i., surrogate KeoorcLe at Klverheaa, Long Island* ^mi YovK» ABStRACXS.Of.'AlijuS. Llljer ij-, p'^te 392 : viil of Pavia JC^lsey. : of Huntlr^gtor* : no l^UBiiAes£ iiafii6d iciateu i^ January iii4c : j^roved 6 July liiij-c :c.y wife Meai^cr K^LSEY : my {i.) i^rotjiers, viz;., Paniei KILSEV auci Glifcert KiLSiif rtequest to Susan iioyt, the aaiiLir,iiter of &lizaleth , and to Sa-ra^i M ..^ _ Gutter :i^y riepJ:;ew Georte ivILSiY,'~'tii 8jbY t&xecutorB Lawr@j;oe seaman, Jr., axxd Ir'ra^i^J.lr^ ds.ld - Kiore :wltne^6e8 Piatt sopsr and Charles Wio^ss £ : 103 will of Isauc f^lls :of ^Ithtowr. :no Vueluas^ neuaod : dated Z<-j i^ovemttsr it;*: 4 ;provfe(l 1*3 l^rcn lisii^ : no wife iiainea :to iwy trotiu^r-in-law Ben;}aisiri iiilis tirid hie two 8one,vlz», EgGQvt. mils cma Mic^nd Mills : luy {Z) eis - ters.viz., iiorotuy Sii.a Mary Guioline wJfe of — — -^ — Fnlllips :«jy (^-j •:;rotht5rs,vi;a. , itleaaer yills and Wm.Heriry Mills ajid Richard iiiller Mills and Jonathan i-illB :tn Mary Slizatoth Mille,th6- dawgiiter of » BenJ, * Milic rexecutors aeorgo J?jiiiiip8 and Joshua B ^^ flmiti:! rwityjaeaes •aaii*l. " iirusri aiid John 9 Artmir Liber ^i-O, jage 461 : will of oir.i.rlotta £ mils :of Ron - is.onkoj{.a :4ated 2^ ^-jepteir.t.er 1901 : proved 19 Iforch 1902 : my grand-son ifyroi; R ^^ iviiiie isxecutor Morris u _ _ Hawkins of Roniconxor»a : wltussBes . _ "" Li'oer 13» page 403 ; will of Larocta KSI^Y :of Huntliigton :da - ted 27 Woramtoer Itt?*^ :proved 17 JJecaiber l&ld : bequest to Sarai. wife of litus Bunoe and Aiinie H . _ Bryan & armia Hewlett :to Saaiuel Hewlett, eor. of William m ^_ Hewlett :to Anna J Hewlett, .iow the wife of wii - W Wood and Snyaa Hewlatt and Jdwurd *r «.__,» „ Hewlett it^quaist t^ Amiie Bryan aud 7/iiiiiia H ^ Bryai/ rtequeat to thOiUj-b Oolss ajtid S:;.rdi: wife of *i.lliara 1 Jones : executors JaxjoTD C _ _ _ _ Heifiett ana Eaward'"K"^ .. Bry n : witneeses Rlverbead deed : liter 0, page 32 rHezeifcian Ohase of i^'^nn, Maae. &. Thon:ae Hale of Mxf^ ^ovul City ^4 JUi.y loijf sell to Rev, Jnhneon cnase of iiew YorK city I UiUoj* Baptist onurcn ) Voiiiaie Ti^'O, Siiifclx Oourity, Kew York, Surrogata Records at Riverr:ea4» Long laiand, Kaw York. A B 3 T R A C T 8 . J . W I L L f^ . Llcer 6, pcge lH-2 : Fill of Deborsj-i KSLCV : i*>f Hitntington : da - ted 22 Jiuie Ic55 :rro 'ea 17 Secetoier 165-7 : .nsy daughter Vary E wire ot . _ Rov,'urcl : my aauijuiter Margery*"^ ^ ^ ^ » a lunctlc, at t'tlca, New YorX» state Asyluci :my (Z) sonfi, Johij B _ . KELCY nnd Hathan - iel K KULvJY : ey.ecLrors hi^Hi-B Yiogm'Si and i.:y sou luttiiiiiTaT IceUoy ivfitiiessoE c . «. H , _ Oarainer arid William arifriWA tiiQ orig3ny.i v^'^^^'i^^f^ ^'^i the v/iil or 3eiah Burioe ;>r Huatington : Bays : he aled In Kiiiitlngton 7 Arril lo7i? : tbe will was dated i Deceiribsr 1674 : He left a wldov? Si\8a.ii M Bui'iCC : and thre<5 cnlldrcn, viz., Ptudc^^ A Bunce and Helen M Buncc- iuid Barrlet wife of _„ _ .. _ ^ Brtiovi Liber 6» patie H'Oii : will of G.Utert KiiL8EY of H-untlngton :a-»tea 17 Sept ecA^er IS^Z : x roved 10 J.iay 16"56 : my wife Sci-i-aii K3il8£;y :LreQue&t to Silas Wood,no7.' at sea, not iii yoars old :(-!xecutora jos^ern Hale tocilineori Q.na David Orossman : viitr;SiR3e5 Alexander Tcttcjn and Del>orar i^ _ _ . Hoiiialns and ^'Klla ii Ro-brine C : 173 Villi of XiiiiO^ljy milarr.s of Huntington : ■« roved 11 Oc - tober iGll : the petition for rtottite says : he died '^6 Riverhead deed : li'ber E, page 3tl2itial petitinn for pro^.at;5,says : Mt^ria ?uray (l.tea 14 AiJgiist 1906 in Eiliyion :ieft fouv somj.vjlz.jyranlt- lin Hjuith Piiray and rMbart Carii ?uray atta ~iV.-irrei* ?urdy and Jotin Jos>i\;.a Ihway :aii in A,ityv.!lie :a gruiid,-soii Jesoe Purdy In Amltyviile ; a. de-ugviter i;veret?;u, wife of John aardlnor In KuntlUi^ton, Loiig Islanii, Kew TorK Liter M-, ragfl 606 : '.vlll of El^jjun- KILfll-Y or HtiutiJigton : da- ted 12 February 16^1 rxroved 19 October I0I7 staquest to the vldov/ Jt*i;e Oarli cwia to Jojtai Uui;«i;g : ana to Platt C _ ^ _ ^ OiAttlnd liitxa to Leiiaura j£ ^ _ cut - tine tand to John Ji ^ Jarvie, Uie chila of Pht^too tjfjfc of ^Itmaji Jarvis rc-i^q-ueet to Trances A_ ^^ Cutting ana Ci^aTlotc? a Cuttlnii ana V^i^tQ __ Jarvie raxecutorc Lawrerioe Seanian, Jr., aiia Cliarlee*" Wiokes : wltneereB Btephan LeeK and solouon HawKincss F : 251 will of noth Squire :of Soutiiiaiipton, auffolK County : no tuPlncBS nar/.cd :dute(i 10 PecemDer ic.30 :xrovea I5 yetruary ic31 ticy '-vlfe !^arti;u inquire : Ky (3^ soiiSjVlz, NJe>.'olsG Squire and Setr Stiulre and Alden squlra ; my (if) aauf:r:ters»vlr., ,Hanr<.?y ana harr,t9t ^ _ arid Pl.ete ana Eeti^ia _ ^ „ ^: executors ray two eons Alden Squire; and Scth Gquire twltiieeses Dr.fhomae Osbori'. ;in2 P-erJazir Oorwin and Jaiijiy finite Hot*5 - ElllB B'jUire h-.d a son 8eth Squire riarried «.^^ Martha or Patty Corwln 'born _^ « 1/72, \x daughter of Heiiry Convin and Bethia ( Reeve 7 fjoo tj-je icaniiscrJpt Squire Oeneulog^' ty wiiiiar: A, 3)» Eardeisy of Brooklyn, Kaw Torx Ulvarheac^ daed : ll'ber C, yag;8 2^3 rEbenezer Kills : of ^eaKmaa- town,rutcl;iesB County, Kew Yori;; :for oio pounds, Ife Masy 1791 sale to Moses .^iarvin of BrooKhaven Liter D, t;aas 2'>3, i^'idovi? Eii.ic/octn Mills : of smlthtown i 9 May itJll all her rights to tne lands of Jonas Mills, as a gift to ner son (Udeon Kilils Licer S, page 131 tiipen^slus Mllti? and ?df'- Barafc of BrooJc - Siaven a all land i July 1S20 to Warden IJoisey 3^. Volume Two, Suffolk Oounty, Hew YorK, Surrogate Recoras at. Rlverhead, Long island, New tork, ABSTRACTS. OJT. ABMlJilSTRATl 0»S. C : 17 Adjnlnlst ration 13 April 1 : 77 Adifilnistr tion 31 May I6I5 on the estate of James MOger of Brookhaven :provate in 25th Regiment :granted to his brother Henry Jfoger D : 12 Administration 1 August 1812 on the estate of Samuel Mills :of Sroithtown :weaver : granted to his eon Isaac UXllB D : 139 Administration 23 July 1S1«J on the estate of Abraham Brush :of Soithtown: granted to his widow lllzabett: Brush and his brother Moses Brush 164 £ : 1$4 Administration 26 January HS29 on the ertate of Jedldlah Mills :of smlthtown rgranted to his son Benjamin Mills and his son-lih-law Ukana Hawkins E : SI Administration 22 September 1«>25 on the estate of Ira Piatt : of Huiitliigton : granted to his brother Isaac Piatt 35. Volume Iwo, suffolK County, New Yoric, surrogate Records at Rlverhead, Long Island, How Yorx. Abstracts of Administrations, S : 178 Adrainlstrutlon 16 October 1629 on the as tats of GlliQert Blatt Jr., of Huntington :grunted to hie unci© uilfcert Piatt B : 100 Adraini strati on 16 MaroU 1«>26 oh tlis estate of Janes Bee be of aouthold : granted to his brother Ban! el Beebe E : 26 Adralr istratlon 3, October 1^22 on the estate of Thomas Beebe of Sag Harbor :a morchant : granted to his son Lester Beobe B : 99 Administration 16 March ld26 on the estate of Bdward Cartwrlght of Shelter Island : granted to his son-in-law FrederlcK Chase Q : 296 Aamlnlstration 23 June liS^l on the estate of Henry Squire :of Sontharapton : grunted to his widow &t.ry squire and his frienu Edwin Rose : 133 Administration 3 September leJO? on the estate of Joseph Plutt : of Huntington : farraer : granted to his brother Jacob Piatt C : 5 Administration 8 October ISOO on the estate of Aaron Beebe : of Southold : boy.trnan ; granted to a creditor Caleb Woodward C : 91 Adirilnlstratlon September 1605 on the estate of Daniel BruBh : of SmithtoWn : fanaer : granted to his brother-in- law Mills PhllllpB and his son Saciuel Brush : 93 Adininl strati on 31 Augus' IS05 on the estate of Hathaja Beebe : of southoid : boatman : granted to his widow Bathsheba Beebe 36. Vclumo Two, miTTolK County, Mew YorK, surrogate Records at Klv«ri)9aa, Long Xslantl, New YorK, ABSTRACTS, Oy,AI3?.:iJ3ISTRATIOaS, C : 123 Adiri 111 strati on 27 yebruary IdO? on the estate of fitoen - exer Dean :ot Huntington : mariner : grantea to a cred - It or Enoch 9j ith ♦ C : 47 Adralnlstratlon July 1^02 on the estat® of J^athanlel HlgDle : of Huntington : scSoolmaeter : granted to his two brothers Sanl&l Higgle and Stephen Blgble J) : 22 Administration _^ Deoemtoer lntlngton D : 136 Adnlnistratlon 23 July lc;i6 on the estate of Shepherd Higble : of Huntlngto! : ooatman : granted to hia father Jo8e}:h Hlgl>le C : 143 Administration 19 March ISOS on the estate of Jar;ea Ulck - erson : of Sag Harfcor : mariner : granted to xils 8onr-in- law Aljner Sidredge of Sag Harbor I : 24 Administration June 1S66 on the estate of Daniel P not liber one } Beeio : of So^^tharapton : the original petition saye : he died 17 Arril li^64 in Southampton: left a mother Phebe D wife of Joseph w Robin - 8on of Southampton : and a slater Susan J _ Beebe, aged 15 years : 4c Administration ^lay 1S42 on the estate of Sguiuei Brush of 3iulthtown :the*"orlgl"al retitlon,say8 : he dlea 6 May 1^42 In SjRlthtown :he left no wlaow : three minor cMildren one being Richard Brush uged 16 years e : 62 AdTilnlstratlon May 1S43 on the estate of 2i»i)haiil ^h P Brufih : of Huntington :the original petition, says :^h'e died 11 Airli 164J in Huntington ; he left a widow Sarah M _ „ Brush 37. Volume Two, Suffolk 0) 8 tract 8 of AOt'dnistratlons, L : H-7 Adi/ilKi strati on _ _ hoi^rAbev i8o0 on the estate of Eel^ea ~ cj* C . , Chase : the original petition for aairiJ,]i3,stra ~ tion, says : Rebecca Ctese cileci z,liewjort r;ou;;tj. ,R'iOd£- Island, 5 February l<^07 to Rebecca Oha/nplin Oartm'ight born South Kingston, Hhode Xeland 10 Sspter.f'bef ITo'? : a ciaiighter of saward Cartwrlght : Squire Feeetdriol^ and Rebecca Chase had 9 children I.Ruth hnn Cart\nT3ght Ohaea "oovh 1 Jaiiuary i&0 : ahi; lelt a sister _ tne wife of George sa Henry ^ : im Administration September 1394- on the estate of Siiza i; xiil-i :o"f 'ExouKhaven ;t>)3 original prtt;iTinn for adfliinl"8t7ation says :it!liza Mills died 19 April lc'94 in i»rooinaven ish-a left no nnabana : Yi.ev only c:-;iiare:u, viz., Stapnsn K Millft ar.a Roswell Mi lie tboth in Brools - lyn» Jfiow York 1 : 32t Administration Novemtoer It'o? on the estate of fran - this is not ) cis U flfcslsr :of Rlver^.ead xiyiq original volume one ) pQtitiGrfror'^a'irrJnifitrationsB'.iya :FrririCl9 Mosier died ii6 Septejiiber 1664 in wincnester, Virginia :h& left a widow Elraa Moeier : and 6 minor children, viz. Sdwin E Mosier and Henry W JJoBier and iilla Mofsier and Harvey H Mosier and Fanny B~_ S'S'^ Mosier : all in Hivernead, Slew York 40. Volume Two, auffolK County, Kew York, surrogate Recorda at. Riverheaa, Long ^sianci, Kew YorK. ABSTRACTS. OF. AjJMIMiSTBATlOKS. C : 59 ACMdrdHti-cticn _ _ AUi^;u;5t IdtjV o;: tiie eBtate of Maria A _ . holmes 'oi'''soutiic>id ;the orlglxiai petition tor aominlletration, eaye : Maria Kolree aiea 2 August iiSdo in Soutiioia : She iei't no husttma : three ciiiiaren, viz., H _ _ Alexanaer Hoicies arid Donald M , Holmes & LulaJi F~ ^i^-. — ^^''''^-iTe oj- _ „ Vail : Hote - see the manuacript~KnlmeP Oenealo©^ by Wlillair. A.iiaraelay R : 24S Araninistration ^ ., No'rejTibar 1*597 on the estate of J _„^ Frankll;-) J^Hlle of Scilthtown :the original petition for aa - fiilnl 3 1 ration, suys : sT&nj-.l.tri ktl-ls aiei 10 Novoiaber 1^97 in Smlthtoum : he left a wlaow Matilda Mills tana H- ohli - dren.Tlz. ,yranls: T _ Milla ana Nigeria i' „ iJills and Ida Mills ana aarah J Mills in Brooklyn F : 195 Aclinirilstratlon 5iarch liJ*<-0 on the estate of Mloah T «. « ' Mills of Rirerhead :the original petition for aamini-tra - t Ion, Bays iMlotih Hills aiea lO December lay) In Rivarhead : left no' widow :iaft no chiiaren : his father Gaorlel mils S : 24 Arlntnistratlon J»me i«9i5 on the estate of Timothy Mills of Brookhaveri :the original petition for adininistra - tio.r,saye tTlmothy Mill* ylop., 31 July iti'l :s?ie Isft ro nvstar.a : she isft i'ov.r oijiiaien, viz. .Henry Furay ana John l^V(Xy ana Stephen .is , ^^ Pi2r(3y :all In Babylor :anc Wiiiiair. i*iirdy f-f 3ronKiyn7l^eW York tand fovr gran(i-cMiaren,vlz, ^Aranfio Ketohjaa and tsnrna T Ket chars an ent,ln Southold : she left no husDand : a son Warren I» Beetoe of Orient : a son Thomas H Beetoe of Shelter Island :a daughter Lucretia A wife of David Beebe of Orient :a daughter MarTa wife of Isaac Davis of Oreenport, Suffolk County, New Yorlc 289 Administration April 186<5 on the^estate of George P Mills of Bellport tthe original petition for administration, says saeorge Mills died 6 March 1^68 in •Bell Port*: he left a, widow Sarah A Mills :and a daugtiter Mary A wife of Roe : a son Charles Edwin Mills % and two minor sons, not 21, viz., Jesse C Mills and James Henry Mills 25 Administration on the estate of Orange w Wehb ; the original petition for administration, says : Orange WetlD died 26 June 1869 at sea, one hundred & fifty ifliles from Georgetown :he left a widow Maria A We^jt : and three minor children, viz., Ida A Webl),aged 16 years, and Walter D WeTob,aged I3 years, and Gene - vleve P WeblD, aged one year 162 Administration March I852 on the estate of Gabriel Mills of Riverhead :the original petition for admlnls - tratlon says : Gatoriel Mills died ( T 17 March IS52 ? ) In Riverhead :he left a widow Fanny Ann Mills :and four children, viz., Lester Mills and Jacob Mills and Corrls^ina wife of Vincent Davis -all in Riverhead Jand James F Mills in New York City 258 Administration September 1866 on the estate of Fred « erick H Mils of Brookhaven :the original petition for administration says : Frederick Mills died 22 January 1866 in Stony Brook, in Brookhaven, New York : he left no widow : an only child, a son, Wilfred Frederick Mills, not yet aged IM- years 44. Voliiifie Two, Suffolk County, New YorK, Surrogate Eeoords at Blverheaa, Long Island, New Yorx, ABSTRAOfS.Oy. ADM I KiSr RATIONS, L : 29 AdrainiBtratlon August lV5 1*'^ BtooK - leaven :si:iC left a huebana Alfred K iwJils : ar>a two sons, Lorenzo o ^ Fllig at Patcliogu'e and Kouaoji fJ __ Hills at ?oughK3«p8le, Dnto^iaee County, l^ow Yoric "" oil (^ : 236 Adirirji strati on aeptetaber 1395 «« the eetats of 2'loyd Hills Of Souti.oiu :tLa original petition for aasiinlsjtratlon says : rioyd lillis died 14 i^irch ia9i? In southolct : ho laft a widow Ellsa J ^flllB at FraJijclinville,SuffolJK County, Hew York : Itjft no ctilldren H : 24-5 AdJijJniatration June liiiSQ on the c»8t:j,te of Algernon S MiilB or BrooJthaveri :tne oriijlnal petition for aaiT.inictratioii,8ay6 : Algernon Jiills alea -20 April I46d in Brooifchaven :ha l«jft no v/iaoer : tut tLree chiiursn, ir.ta. , Eaiaund T _ Mills at Stony BrooK and Ma?y s Mlllis and lleaac"?. .vUlis-botJ-i at Set;uuiiet,BsM Yocii 8 : 80 AdUiinletratioa J>eGei:ibat lS9o on the est'i.te or ;-id.n/iie Jj Fardy of Baoylon :the original petition tat ad - Liini3tra.tion,8a:/s : liimiie Puroi' died 5 Septenii-e?: 1^590 in Babylon : sn® left a nufcband WarraJa Purdy :and a dau^i^tar L :Marie ?urdy,not aged 14 years, at AfflityTille,K.Y. h9, Voliime Two, Suffolk County, Hew YorK, Surrogate Records at Rlverlieaa, Long Island, ^em YorK. Atstracta of AdnjLni strati one • K : 39 AanjJnlBtratlon _ _ August lis75 on the estate of Jaiaee H PerrJ^ of f3outhsy'iptou : ths original petition for adSilnl strati on, aayB iJanies Perry dJled X3 AprSi 1^72^ in sout^ianyton :he left a ariaow Anna S _ , Perry : * four cnildren.vlz. ,JaKeg K Perry in Brookiyn,llew York, ard Slwov-»a "^ Perry in BlvOomlnggrove, Sullivan Cotijity,Hew YorK.,and Aiinic E ^ _ ^ ^ Perry Avid Clara M 8_ Wff Perry J : 220 Administration Kovcmler I'SJZ on tijs estate of H©nry M ^ Furdy of %x'ciyloxi :the original petition for ad7nini8t7atlon,says : Henry P»,irdy died 12. Octofcer X&Ji. In XStiQ&t^evf YorK :i;e left a widow ilaristta Purdy : and 3 Children, vi 2. ,Muncy Pu.rdy li? wife .^ine of Smith town : 11 April i«iOH- land to ©eorge mils ii : l«6 : Sophar Mills and Polly his wife of Wading Kiver :de«d S PoliTio.rj' iai9 iund to Sredeilcx i; ._« //411s C : 214 : Jonas Mills of Sjsithtown M february 11^1 to tiis son Jonas Ml lis 30. Volume Two, Suffolk County, Kew York, Surrogate Hecnrdfl at Riverhead, Lortg Isiana, New York, A » 8 t « A T 8 . OF. A B M I S 7 S 'i' H A i' I M 9 115 Admlriiatratlon . Veliruary 1^33 on the estate Oa Lester "Beeoe of Southajmptori tthe original petition for aaMlnisi;rfiitlon fiay« :ieeter Beete alea ( ?ii6 i'ebruary . 1^33 f } In soutiiamvton uie left ino widow : "cut 19 i^ieire or next of Kin, viz, , M.Jaaoxi Be0toe,a cousin aniew York F : 65 AdminlRtratlOFi Deoert^er 1632 on tl' c estate of Henry Beel>e of Soutriold ithe original petition for admSnlstra - tl on, says :Henry BeeDe died «i4 -jiovetncjer 143a in Southold : he left no widow the left no children :Tc?ut left two sis - t ere. vix., Jemima wife of Warren YOUMS and Plteioe wife of "*'llliaj?t 'futhill : hi ft t^-^rae XiTOihevB wera Binatftan Seat a, deceased, an.a laiplialet Beefcejaeoeaseci, ana Aiaos »eebe,ae - ceased ::: and oVacy VaJi aeceaeea ana isiUnlco Mmi.ras,de- ceaeed^and TemrerfUice Beei>e,aec9aRed,ajid Poiiy Hutiery.de - ceased, and SllaaisrJtn Herri B,aeceasea ( prosuiaably all his sisters ) X : Ji77 Adninietration October i90ii on the estate of J _ _^ Chesterfield Mlll^ of southacipton :the original petition for admlntstration says : Chesterfield Kills died 'ai^ May 190(5 in Southampton :he left no widow :ieft one son Ralph C Mllf at 1304 sterling Place, Brooklyn, sew York 51. Volume Two, Suffolii Oouiity, Kew York, Siirrogat© Records at Rlvorheaa, Long Island, Mew York. Atstraote of Aauiaistrations, y : 60 ACiininlBt ration J&y 190$ on the estate of Alfrea A iUilB or Bruoi:i,£;ven ilhe ovl&>ixJi.l petition for aamlnistratlor. sayfc : Alfrea SUliss aiea ii Mi^y 1909 In Brnokliaven :iic left i.o v;le of Sag Harbor ctns original petition for adJiiinlstra - tion saytj : Jason Soete diea 19 septemDOir io'3[> in Sag Harlor :ne left a 7/1 dov^ Al<5tta Beebb ; ajid t/nrae cnildren, via,,?olly E v/ifa of George G Orowell and TJ^iomas I.ester'~Bse'S"s 4aid Ida Eiiat BiaDe Rlverheaa deed : K : 256 : Timot^^ mils sr.and l^.e^^a Ms wife 19 Deceiatsr lo2i of Maithtov^n to son IJiiaotny Mills C : 263 : Sophar Mills, yeoman, of Southold, 13 ^5ay 1794- deed land to Nathaniel Mills of Southold, Hew York 52. Volume Two, SuffolK Courjr,y, Hew Yoric, Surrogate Records at R.tverhe^'.!i,Iong Island, «ew YorK. ABSTRACTS. OP. AUa^INISTRATIOKS. V : 6«^ Ad5i:iniftrat.ton __ 33ec3rater 1902 on the estate of J.&ry 3 Mllia Of •Drooict-ivea : tn^ orlclnsl petition for aaialntetratlotj oays :s?a3py K?iUs diea ^i May 1902 in Brooic - ravCT :8J]5 left no husoanci : fcyt thrs?} cMldren,Y3 3. , a aau^hter saartna J Ovn for acii/iini strati oi) says : Ann E Mills"' aiea 2/ August 18V5 iifi 3i-ooKliav9n rshe left a hvstaua Alfrea E Mills :ana a non Lorenzo c milt ifcotii r'esTdTng in Patohogue, Long inland, Hew Yoric ^ I AiiKlnlstratlon on t'ne estate of XhowuB P Brueh : t."ne original petition for aainir.i strati on Bays^r^Xhonias BrueVi t:3tr;i<-lor. on the estate '^f Brrifth *? Miller of sast Hairrpton :tne original petition for adxpTnTstratlon says :0Rilth Miller died 9 July 1^6i> in East Harnpton : he ,l®ft a widow Phet'o Hiller land three children, viz., Isaac S Miller and Tlr.othy L _ . Miller and Ph®tf A liSlller : and a grand-daughtTr Silzabeth H _ Paraone, agsa 13 year^ 53. Voliime Two, suffoix County, Kav YorK, 9U3rrog;ate Kscorils at Blverhead, Long iJilaM* Hew Yost, Al St r ac t ? r- f AcItt.I nl 6 1 r a 1 1 orjg , : A'-lmSni strati on on tr^e estate of Hmrtetta » „ ""l^rash of Kuntlngton Jt^-iC original petition for aOxaiii - Istri-.tlon Bays : Henrietta Brush aied 'l'( (fctoc-^r !{*&<> irj Hunt. ^n "ton :i*5ft h^r Tjotiier Mary A ._ Briish : ^er ) ' l.T^iOjnag H _ _ _ _. Bnish of uuntingtoii ana e5.^:t Ji ?.»Mary K , Brusli of SmAthtcmi and trcthers} 3.sarar h"S'^ "^^^^ of Matihews and and ) ^. JsjnQs M . _ Bnjsh Jr. ana sisters ) ^.aoorga ^ ;. Brush : all u,ciults : and ttie riinors -S.JorLn q, ?ruen a3:i,d 7. Susan ? „, ^vif? of ^ Wsejcs and ^j.Oiltert A. r Z Z _ Brue'n : Ad'-niiil^tratlon on tne estate of siJj'.atJeth 3?i3et ; of "" . iiuntin^ton :the original petition for adminS strati on saj« : Eii2abGt>; Tleet died l.^ June lc569 In Huntington : tiiQ wido^v of Zoiulon Fle^st ;sho lc;ft t\?o sona,vl7.. ,Vranci8 ^l.-ftt iird sar-uM Heat :t5r!ra3 jninor o"nilc3ren of a deceas- sor. XliOiias :?leet,vi^. ,A:-ir,c Z yieet.aged in- years & '*7111laui "H _ _ 'Fleet ♦not agsil I'i- yearo,ana TfiO/iUiS I ¥leer, not a,';-9d"~14 years' > :aij<\ a aiugi;ter-tr!~iaw Jans Ann IPleet tlie v/iaow of ^jar son Tiiorjac flOr"?t :aii in Hixiitiiigton __ M/alniwtratlOtt on the ogt;*te of Oris KiAli o.t iluntin^toii ; " * "* the ori^.-^inal T}€tUiori, for aircinlttration says :Orlu Hall died 16 9ette«njer liS6ti In liuntlugtoii. :iie left u widow so - pv>Ja YL'ill :aivl four eonR aud five d5f.Hghterr.,vtx. ,aeorgo irelsoa Kali and Bprague Hall and Edwin Hall ana Storrs Hall and L<^ls Hall and MeiSsna Kali wife of _ , Tanner and Alvln".. Hall ^^ir« ^>t ^ ^ ^ ^ BrUier ana Sateyy Hi.ll wife of Preston and. Amelia wifa of sliiOi'^ioro t WrolrilRtration or. XHa estate of Jolm S _ ___ Young of *" """OrS&rjt ttlii'?. origin?,! jetltloii for aamlalstration, pays : Jota Young died V Jrarcri l«^65 isi Orient :>!e left no widow : h& left no cLildren : his f-3t>ier 'nillaTr. Young Bivsrhead : dead : 1 : page 19 : Biebe Hitstla of islip : widow of >^)h0ralah Hlgtle '?.3 Sarteifit'er iii-io deeds land to Her gons Amo3 Ktgbie and Sfinuei MigDia 5*. VoXwne Two, SuffolK Oountj% Sew Yorls, StirrOeSats Records &% B.iverhead,Lo?ig Island, lew lfor&-, A B 3 T K A X 8 . OF. A 3) ^«i i i^ I 3 'S 'K A t I Jci S . _ : Aa:iilrastratio.'i 13 Sov^mtowr l£io6 or* fns sst&te of Spane - ius XetoJiaui uf Huiitiai^taa :ti;'3 orij^inai pai:>itiaa for adiniAlsci-aiiOii saye iSivan^tua Ivetaiiiiiri aiea _ _ _ ^ (aa^e not fi,iY3ivJ in Huiitiiif^toii jiie l&t'l a wi.iow aJj '.ici,Ti"*Xi3tohasi ojtiu four cijiJ.areri»yiz,,Ais;x.Ap.aer 3 . KtjticJiaffi of iiii^sn Cov^, LoiUi l8iaiid,i<',Y, ana fery^vslfe of «. -. Howiana of he origiiml petition for adrainla^ratiow Si*y& JJuinee Brw^ii aied ._ _ (date not here) ia Huut i j.i£f t on lue laft a widov/ tJfeiry Aim -'irusi; : on tii-c boxiCi j^'/]^wrat c'irrj.lti'i :anr : loth ^t Ct*i^tre .MorishestH.Y."* "" ^ : Aauiinirtrtitioii un tm^ est^A^te of JUlia Onrha;« of OouiiuaoK Village :the ori.g}.Al petition for adiiiir48tratlon, says : Julia Ovirliaifj ai&a lO Jwjio 1666 in Huiitington :she left no ehildrtfii : idift a huooana Jonii Gurhaiii 55. VolUMe Two, Suffolk County, Mew York. Surrogate Records at RlverJieaa, Long Islana, New York. Abstracts of Atolntstratlons. « • — — Aamlnistratlon on tJie estate of Joel Bunoe of Hunting - ton :tne original petition for aOinini strati on, says: Joel Bunce aied 29 Arril 1<^53 in Huntington the left a widow Elizabeth mnce :no children are naried in the petition : on the 'Dond appears Piatt Brush and Walter F _ Brush both of Mew YorK ^ : Adrainistration on the estate of Julia H Miller : of East Hampton :the original petition for admTnlst ration says : Julia Miller died lO Januai-y lcJ66 in sast Hampton : she left no husband :but on® daugiriter Phebe m wife of Garj^ner ( she was deceased ) and her son Samuel M _ 0«krdner : : Julia Miller left a sister Elizabeth wife of Jenkins of Renssolaervl lie, Albany County, Hew York rand two irothers, viz.. John H iJulford,in Albany, New York, and Samuel H Mulford.Tn West Ken - dall, Orleans Ooiinty, New York „ : AduiinlatratlOf; on the estate of John Beeler of Orient : the original petition for administration, says : John Beeler died 1 April Idot) In Orient :he left no widow: a nephow John Beeler in Hudsdn City, New Jersey :a niece ifergaret in Bavaria, Germany :a niece Oatii§rlne Beeler in New York City :a neihew Isaiah Beeler who went to Panama, four teen years ago :a nephew Sebastian Chris tier whose present residence is not now known _ : Adrimstration on the estate of Saniel Ketchip of North - port :the original retl^i«>Jfi for adKiinl strati on says :Danlel Ketchara died 28 January 1665 In fiorthport : he left a widow Susan Ketcham rand six chlldren,viz, , Harvey Ketohaci and Edward H Ketcha and Charles Ketchaja and Henry KetchaiT^ and Jesse E Ketohani and Harriet Ketchajai who has since married and is now the wife of Nelson Nelson ( or ? Nelson Kelsor ? )z and a grand-son Francis S Ket Cham, aged 16 years rail are in Huntington : on""the"~bo"nd appear Harvey Bishop and Jonah Bishop Rlverhead : deed : B : 43 : zophar Mills sr. yeoman of Riverhead 4 February 1619 to his son Zophar Mills 50. Volume Two, auffolK County, Now York, aurrogute Records at Rlverheaa, Long lalana, Kew Yorli. ABSTKACTS. OF.ADMlillStCRATIOJJS, Atolnistration on the ©etate ox' John Roe of Broolchav^n the orlglnai petition for acminlstratioa aayss iJohn Hoe aiea 15 Hovoiater i^oo in Brooxhavsn ih.® left a wlaow Tem - porance A Roe of Patchogue :an(l four chiiaren.vlz. , John J£ Roe ot Proojchaven ana George ¥ Roe of Brooklyn, New YoriL :and Julia A- . Hoe of Bro()K - haven :and Henrietta ^ Roe, not yet aged i^- years __ ^ Adirii 111 St ration on the ©state of Prswster Coiii£lin of Hun - tlngton 27 AUf;;u8t 1&66 :the original petition for adf^inls ~ tratlon say© rBrewster OorJvlln aiju ( date not given )ln Huntington :he left a widow Xiianda Ooniilin : & four chlldren,vl2;.,Kenry F Conklln and iiC^ar Ooriklln and Jawies B Conklln and Caroline CoiUciin : on the bond ai-pear Gaorge A Soutxder and Wiiiiaia W Wood and OonJtllr. Gould and Walter Brush and FrederlcK G sacxils Administration on the estate of John (J Schniatl© of iBllp :the original petition for adraini titration says : Jolin Schnidtle died 2 7 Dece-'fiter liio^ in Hew York City the left a widow Theresa Schnldtle of Isllp : no other heirs Administration on the estate of Daniel Beers of Orient : the original petition for adralnl strati on says : Dsmiel Beers died 23 June KJ63 in Orient :he left u widow Sophia Beers :and five children,vlz, , Jane the widow of Rev. Robert Carver of Taunton, feiss. : and Henry Sf Beers of Kew York City, and Catharine wife of John B Young of Orient, and Sarah the widow of Blaokwell of Brook - lyn. Hew York, and Imma J ^ ^ . Beers . Adrrlnlatratlon on the estate of Sophia L Plsrson of Souttjaiapton :the original petition for administration says : Sophia Plerson died t, April l«io5 in Southaitipton : no hustand is nanied : tut two children, vi2i,, William E ^ Pisraon Jxnd Anna s Pierson :i>oth in Southampton *" 57. Volume Two, Sur folic County, N«w YorK, Surrogate Hecords at Rlverhaaa, Long Isiund, iiew YorJi. Abstracts or Administrations. a — J — -. Administration on the eetete of Charity s_ Roto - tins of Port Jefferson Uhe original petition fo7 admin - Istratlon saya :cnarity Hotl^lns died 26 January 1«J66 in Port J^ffaraon :ane left three sisters, viz. , Irene RoliDtns of BrooiOaaven and Oathjirlne Hobblne and ^jiaizabeth wife of Affizi 8turtevant :and eiijnt nephewa and nieces, yi2, ,i, Charles J RoiJtlns and ^.Daniel A Robijine and 3. Henry Rolabins and 4, Jane Vflfe of Josepii H _ _ __ Harris and 5.WlHiaai H Roliblns and o, Isaac^RobMns and T.yamiy wife of Joshua Carman and d, Irene wife of Horace Overton : all of BrooKftaven.Hew York « : Adoiinlstration on the estato of iiary o Terry of Manorvllle njie original petition for adalriTsTracion says Mary Terry died ^ Octoljer l H Anttoenuan and my daugjiter i^iary KlJzaj:;eth Btootitoff zwitnaee^s George L . i^iwoil and Thoiftas Braolae -DOth of J.a!rjaica the original pet:ition for probate sai-s :Joiiii Airsiuerman died 31 Octol*er 1^79 in Jaaaica :h« left no widow :but five chil- dren, viz, » the widow 3arDr. A Jnoetranrt in Brooklyn, iview YorK : Blniscn B , _ Arr!i)er::.'Kn at Hlncl^ley, Medina County, Ohio :?tlary r- „ n-ife of Abrain Btoothoff : widow Kanhei S ^optrf^na : and Jacot s ..._«. AiaLerman of Jamaica, N^iw York ~ *" L : 275 * Jamaica flurroj^ate :aamijiistratiori on the estate of Jesse U Higgle of Jaiiiulca :the origirial petition for ad/nl nipt ration eay?; :he? oJed <:V Ji»x;Giaier iU6o in Jaiaaica :he left a wiuow Viarjs Ketiecoa iiigbie and two children, Seorge E . _ «. Hlgt'ie aged IM- y«ars and Jane Hlgbie ag@d 5 years Some notes From Other dourcea. ii : I2d : Jaunaica Surrogate :a'ary Aim Berry cf Eye, 'VeBt Chester Courtty.yiew YorK.ana .Sfetrg-^ret wife of Btephea Wc.itore of Brooklyn, New yori£,cin<,l Ot^roiine Vari Rir«='^ oi' Kew Yorl, and Phefoe Etta Ketc'-am of Ai'^Jtyviii© ~aii heXng of rail uge : and the two mir-ors Se-rah 7^orry ^ad Eil7.abeth Berry :apprai - sers were Timothy J Xerry arid Seth Piircor <^ ,5 : Jairtaica surrogate :will of Jr>s(?rh thatford of Jaraioa : dated i J?t a widow f%uth HlgbJe : and six cJilicren, Abraham Burtie Higbie aiid Abigail Higbie ana ibll^ab&th Higble aod Hannah Kigfcie and Kuth Higfcle ?^;c3 riiiian.. Johnson Higbie : Note - the wife riis Ruth Hea:drici:son, a daughter of Isaac liendricitBon and Hannah : the aaughter Ruth Higbie married Daniel Qrace : Elizabeth Higbie carried Cornelius Hendriclseon : Abraheir; HJgble marrie'2 Kll?,atoeth N .^ foPdlcK ::: this family livad in Springfield, Janiaica 63. Some Notes Tron^ Otiior snurcee. Lll?er iv tpage Kjz : Jama.lcu ^lixrogate ;T'f.ill a,t Oonw^jii Willis : of MariJi^tseat, quoona Oouxity and State of Jil«w YorK laated 24- : k. ino» ~ Xi'..'*-? tnioveci £4 April Ac-;i+9: no ivife rianied Rare no ti.slneea nrijreci :d.lreot riy exeoutoik^ to sell m^ stosK of Cretvres,farn-ilng utenftilH an Carrlaii;es :to luy son Benjamin E . vvtiiiR una hie cniiarert (xio naities here^ :to Bi.y dai^nter iiarjiah , T^-lfe of Leonard .aott una ber chll • atf^n :to my wife Sir-iatett, '.'liil« seventy fire aollars yearly during her lit^ '.in case all ^y execu'-ors should de - ceuee refore my ?>rife, Sen Benjamin or Daughter tvixnnnh :to my aaughter iiai4i:iah '^tott,! ^ive the portrait of Jatf^QB Oornwall : to my srand-son fJiiriuei Wlliia»l ftive my Watch: to my Grand~son l^.enetua a ^ Willi a, 1 g,lvs rr^y silver sleeve buttons rexeuutors ay Prother-in-law Berg*ii?ti» iiicks & my friends Sa;r.uei l»cott 3.f.a sUas Mott of .^lU-iasjeet :witaess - eB Hlcharasori Oc-rnwall of iiaiiiiasBet and Mary iiicxs of Great Seek rcodiaii 31-5 :..o.-l«i4o : i-.-ri^nd-daiightsr i^ary £; _ '«iflllis,daug;>it.{:-r of ray soi, B9nj;iJHin "Villii; iwlUieases Rlcii - nruS^ii Cornwall and Siizabeth H „ _ ^ Cornwall tSurrogate vas Kenry 1 Uagner Liber one, page 206 : Ja^nalca 3urrog;*te :will of Acrahain Hendrick - son of Flushing :duted 19 9t>rtaT;i;;©r ld36 .-proved 14 June l«i3c 'no wire niuted :t!eque3t8 to Jaria Berf^en and Abraliara "Bfiigev :to th« initch Ueforaed Ohuroii in Jamaica :to Abraham Kenan cisi on, the son of Alra*na.rn li^ndriokson of Springfield : to iicy nephev.- Josejh iwoore :to icy sister Aiietta wife of Stcrhens a.nd hsr tnrse a£,ughterB, viz., Catharine Stephens and Margaret Stephens and -feilia Stephens :ajy niece Harmah 'Valdron : executors my thrse friends AL;rahaiti B©rgen & Jairiec itendrlciieon aiid litke Uergen : witneeees _ _ _ _^ „ Liber one, page 3^o : jaiaa.ica surrogate :Till of Judith HendricK - son of JjJEalca. : dated l^ Jime l«ii'2 : vf»th A ,. _. A/nlx^riifan h.m BenjfinSn Aeilsermaa : to the To) ohlldren of OornelJug Ajiiberw&ijTvTz. jJoJ'm A ^ Aaibeiinun and wailiaru P AiT^Lernan aufi ©haries D ~ — Z Mberman aiid Alice A ^ Amtenaan and -Plieta Eliza AoiF^- laaii una Aiury h-Sieter Afiiterciaii : executors iiii' sons Isaac AialDer - feian -and Oonieitus Ambarmsoi iwitiieeees Joseph a ^ ^ Klghie ana Chnrleg w arragu© *" "" the original petition for probate, guys tHloholaf- Ar.Derman died »:(^> Hoveiu^m' KSc^v in th« town or JamaiQa ihe laft a wl - dow iiJllziu AriJbermitii :two ohiiure« I&ariC Aiu^eriv^an ?.uid corae - iiu8 Airjiarninn lix ^jo.jui-'Q.HiighKet Sara.y. Jbinn;a Bliaw, daughter of my daugritor Phebe Steria Stoothoff : three chiidrsiA of his decfiaaed daughter fiara?' Jane JjUll8,viJi. ,£rjcholas A_^^ Mills Of Hemp Stead ♦ana Wliliaia S . JiiillB of Jax-jaioa, & at bar i he A . wif'? oi" j;Air;es i; _ _f*_ _ Afutierinan : a grQJia-eoii Benjunsin .. _ Anil'ersr.iai.oi' h-ls Ki^n JoJijn Am - tienotttU, deceaBen : Marietta I'oeter ana Siiste Foster, bsing dat^ghtere of Elizabeth (A'nl^eru'an^ yoster,who was a daughter of hie deoeused/ eon Jo>ji] mhtitam.n Liter 5, page 164 : Jamaica Bijrro£;£it« :the original petition for probat'j or. tlx- v^ixi of JcH/'diao Rhodee tsa^'s she ditiu ^i- AUg ~ ij«jt lc:tc>o In Heripp^tead :ehr> ioft four chlidren,vl2. ,E9ri.ry i'ihode? and Blixaheth wife of Kehemlah Suruil'd and Sa,rah S _^ Hhoaes and Jarmet v-'ife of 'Uailiiiugy HoW;ins :a7id on© graM**^ child (/harles _ GiiaerBlse'^?ft, the son of a aeceassd dav^ghf.er ifery amK GiTde^'eieeva Li'iuer ^+, "page ^■62 ; J&jaaioa Surrogate :thf.' oiiiiihul petitioii for •prohate on t>.e estate of .Tohn RJ.o^dgs Mated 2o Jui;^- 1849 of J)t«i of John aiid Mva Bayiis Uha son SaroiJsX fUlle -jarrlea sccor.d t,>i© wider jane Pearsail,toorn Jane- Mott. :th3 brouisr Aury Mills married first J^axy Mbtt» aaughtcr of Honry Atott :i;.e vriarried socoud B.'ary i?risollla Carrentcr,cia'U6J';te>x of Kwitnajni al Qa,rpenter una .Vatieace ( Ballny or Bay lis ): tl;Q ^raaa-aaughter Harriet Louisa ft^illB 9/ho narrlert Oeor^xe Chaniterie E : Ik ; Japialca surrogate :a(3niiul8tratlori. 17 April liiZa on the estate of Joiin Holies of AeoiYstaaa igraiitod to Elizabeth Howes of Houi^ssteaa J : 132 : JciTulcu surrogate :&.(\r:;inlst ration a Augiiet iij29 on the eatuta c;f Hor-r^ Uo^raef; ot flv.Bhing :i:;rantea to llaniiah lioimes ana Wliliaia B ^ _ Sowiar Lll.er ;:, page hd9 :Jaiciaioa surroi^ate :wJlll of CJirletoplier Kl^.oaes of Juntiica :no T:)UBineBf3 naiied taated 15 jjAr.uary lci4£: pro- vea 5> 8 ept Grater lc$M-2 :no wife nawea ;to the two sons of ny trct>:«r Joim Bi:ouee»viz., Johr; miodes and Petsr RJ'iOcies : I'dquestp to Kehepiiaii B/ioaee and OiarKaon BJtodss mia Wiill&ra iliioaes ana Richiu-a K&oaea :executoi-s "Wm* *' hhoaes aiia An - arew j^ .^ Betii^.t hua Coiitfi OliAO'i ;w:Ltue.0nes ^ tho origiriiil petition for crotate says rcrirl stopfer RJioass died. 22 Januury 1^42 ir; Jyjr^alca :h3 Xsft no wAdow ll'Ut Ms fatnt^r SiinlQi Rhoase 3r. Uiote-sea the manuscript BJioa'^s OeneaiOiSy by William A.J^.iSardelgy or BrooiayrijSew YorJc Kots - Josae 3cofl«ia jriarried 4 April 1793 Ellauoath squires CaptaJln mchn WicKjis mar-rlea 3 January l?^'*'' Saraii l^iile Jeaediah •liils narrlad 17 Fcfcrwcry USh- iilizsttetri Mills 66, Some Notes IToja Qtiior Sources. LSber 2 : page 37d rJamaiCi surrogate :fvili of Samuel W" _ _ ^ _ Mills ot Jamaica :no l-usirteea namei : datea, ^ii Auiu^i;"" 1033 : proved a Se^'tesi&er 1661 lisy wife Har.riuh ^4 lis : my (■+^ ciiiidren»viz. jAtire iUiis (? aURY fULLS ?):ana Henry 2Jiii» imd liary _ , and PJ-^eue _ ip'.y ^iaughter Ju - dah _■ ueceaeed aaid her c*J:iilaren""(no ritunas givenj: to ElJaacafn Aim Mlil«,tiie aaui^ittsr of ray eoii Josspn Milia, ileeaaaea : execvtore . . ^ . ^ witneByes _ ,. . . „ ^flflTL tJie orlginb.1 petition tov prolate, "say s":*"saf-y el Mills aie4 ii9 ^^ambAy lool Ixi Jamaica : txe UiiX a •7»iacw L'f^-raiaO;; Kills : anci rout chiiarsr;, viz.,:a'nry ililis and AUS7 Milia uiiu Mavy wifs of jo>in AT^-erruw ana sil:5a'ccson»a ritnor, of Jaiiiaica Mott^ - BHTr!\:ei w »'i}iia !Tj.'irri f:«ti Kauche ci^ Harini^i'i Slraoneott, % CLsMiThzer of Aiiry ainonoon ancl Mary (Higtiej .* J\j'iitl; Sarab SAilis r^arriea Obarlss Bondricicson ioiu their Boa Jsujcb ^ea- UricXaon i^riied Let tie H2*iariclcsoii,a£i.ug]'iter oi Wiiiiara Henarlc:tcBon arid 5fe.rla (Carpenter): Jossph Mils marriea filizatoeth Aim Heinser;, daughter of JoJirj tana Alctta Keiiisen Liter one : page 33'-^ iJatnaica surrogute iv/ill of ElJ^AtTseth Rtip©! - ye of Netv'tovn taatea 22 October it;x7 :j-rovea 23 septeialaer IftH-H- : 807; Arvr'AT-fiK KapeXye rt^irae chMare?i, vlr.., laria Rapelye ajia i:>a Noti - Garrst H'^^ridrlaKaou ii::i.rrl'3{i 9 Jamiary -./'i^o J-uaitli Ludl^iA Siriiiiial hendrioksori married 4 yetoruary ii^oo flathariria Burtls ClTiarles SiraoBson -siarried il Kovaaiiaei 1<>00 Phobe Baldwiii 67. some Notes ?rom Other Souroes, liber M-, page ^62 : Jamaica surrogate :wHl of John RJioaaeB : of Jarr.alca :no tueUrcfsg namaa : date^ 27 January IS4t : rrovea 6 Augitet 164-9 :ny ^ite %ry Riioades uay (t/ aaii ~ g>iter8|rla. jCatJijarlne and Sarah ^ ^ : a^ grand-eon William Henry Ludlip : executors luy two sons-ln- iaw, viz,, Willi am Ludium and Stephen Mills k ©y 2-mig)i.l?or • Danl, • L-adliiTi : wltnesRas Kote-John Rnoadesj died 7 June IS4-9 ag©a o9 years; Me widow Va,Ty D _ ^ _ Hhoades died 20 Hoverater Itio^ aged S4 years Liber e,pag9 168 rJamalca surrogate :wlll of Wiiilain L HendricXson of JajT«aloa :tyie original petition for |"rol;ute says rWllllam Hendrftclrson died H- January i<3i?6 in Jamaica : tie left a widow Vjarla Ken-Srloksor. :aua ei^nt chiiarea^vlz. Dajilel B _^ Hendriciceon and Kendrloi: A ^ ^ Hen - drlckson and Elizat)©tl! wife of Bernardus Beiine|. ana Saraji A wife of Steflier^ Nostrand -all of Jaraelcarand Wil - llaffi L ^ir'.endrlckHon o.t T^roo'klyrifiliev': Yorkrand the minors Aletta Johanna UendrioKeon and Jolin 9 HendrlcJfesoa and Judith Hendrtclteon tKote-hle wife wee Maria B£iSJ?STl Lllter 3 :page 2^y^ :Jauialca Surrogate :wlli of Daniel Ehoa&s of Jamaica idated 23 Pecemter 164-3 :prcvfd 2O January 16^-k : no ti^slneps naised mo V7ifc» naiaed :ioequ28t to Eiizal^eth Hlgt'ie and to ifary Eigtis !tc t^.e two chilciren of £ii2iabetli Higbls,vlz, .Letta Ann Klgtole and Daniel Higbls rexecutors the petition says the left no widow :Hnd no children mext of l£ln ranlQl Rh,odesi 8r, LiVer 5 ipeg© 275 :'Tsijna.ioa surrogate :will of Charity AiP-lierLoan : of Jamaica :wldow of Abraham Aciierman cdated 17 Bovoxaber 1637 :provcd 17 ?>'s.y 16SS :to ^ly nisce Mary Louisa hlokoK of Her? Yorir. City :to ray brothers and sisters Uiuriiss . not siven hers J: sole executor my brother Andrew Kostrand ; of Wes^ yarro8,WestGneeter County, sevv York : witnesses .^ fiote-aee the manueoript Arnberman Uenealogy toy William a«D. Eardeley of Brootlyn, New York Liber 7» page 439 : Jamaica Surrogate :wiil of timothy RfiOdesithe petition saye he died 2g April li'37 in l?iughiiiS :he left a widow Margaret Hhodes :and 2 children, Mary wife or Juhn Hetris^ & Eliza wife of Albert 3 Cone of iJiizabethtown, H.J, 68. Some Sotes Froai Other Sources. Liber '4 :x^age 177 rJanialca Surrogate :wlii of Nathaniel Rnoaes : of Jarnaica :no lauslness tianiGa :aa.ted 29 Januarj 1^47 : proved 12 April m^l :ir:y wife M&.ria FC'.oaes :tri^ (2jcail - 'Iren, Joiin Rlioiivjs ana J'-artin?* Anii. wife of Tiioinas Cornwall : £':xecutor8 Tltnssses ^ the original petition for probate, says tKatluaniel Hhoiiss ' died Z I'etruary ii''^7 t^'i J::.'.malca ilr.e- left a widow iiarla Rhodes :a eon Jo-an KJiorJes :a da^igiiter Sfe-rtha Ann vlfe of Thomar • COPJsrSLi • Liter 5 : jaga 'J'JJ :JGCiaioa Siirro£c»te :wlil of Louisa Senton of Hofth H<2frp8tead t'vidow of Cftarles Der.ton -^f P^ds Parle : dated 2 Jfeirot. 1*^39 :proved 19 Septeiater la9o :iay iicn au - gvstus Dt?nton and Ms vflfo Sarah ruay ^ra«d~diiught.er Louisa C UsntOiiia daugnt'i? of iry son Leor^ard i?aj^,ton :to iSiy Den'ton and Wji^ldo Benton, t^® two chiidrer. of liiy decaused son Oaorge ^ _ «. D'mton Jsols oxocutor lay flon Auguofus PoatQXi : lyltnefloes Hot'?- Gie tr.e nanusarlft Sentoii Oezisalo^ i^y Wiillafn A.D. JSardel<3y:, of Brooklyn, Se»r YorK Li^^T 15 : page 172 :Jaoaloa surrogate :will of Tiwatiij^ i^udj. of H^rjpstoad :the original potltion for |?rol3ate,8uir9 : he died 2? tTuly 1«63 i:a Horapstead :'ne left a widow ?reeiove Bl-iods :.'ind ton anildri?ii»viz,',i»An^i wife of ".»3«:ijaraln BnKer of K^T? Yor3« and 2.ChWBhcmr4 'vifg of Siinmai Post ana 3.i''J.ia - at)etn wife of Charles Miliar-Dotli of aerapatead :ana 4, HannaJi Jojio Hhods ovsr 14- /eurB and 5»Ai4drew :;^0u8 aged over- I'i yo^^rs -juid 6. Val-^ntinc Rliods aiid 1 ^'L'ttuiQ^B Rhode ai\d d.Ella Tmods rir.d 9, Stephen T-Ciods aud 10. John ffiiods i: a paternal uncle of these children is Luke Rl-iods of Heiu^jstead Lll)er 9 rpaga 12? Mapuilci Surrogate :vflll of Joiui namxlaiiBoix x of Korth Hentpctead :the orlfjinal petition for proiuatejSays : John Hsndrlckson dlod 15 Jaautay I6o0 in J^orth Haipatead :he left a widow Eliza iienCfrioKson land fiva ohlldrea :l,Hul«tt Eendrickfson and the luinors a.ifeirlaaua Sfenarlckson aixd 3,i2i - bort iv _ _ _ __ Hendrlcltson and 4. Hannah Amelia HendrlcKBoa : and 5.Adaii'na Hendrickson Li~oer 2 : page 336 '.Jainalca surrogate :wm of Ann iinodes : the petition 8ay3 she died 25 December lcS59 in iSempstead :she left & hUBTsand Bobert Rhodes : liut no children 69. Some Motes iTora <3t!ier Sources. of Jajttalca :trie original petition for prolate suyeTthe widow Frances ajDoaae dlea 7 April 1% Hewlett ) Hanry Hetvlett ::: filiae, Aia. wifvi fii' lex'^ei Hewlett of Heripsteac, of lifti"- aeceasea Lrotner Oueirlee Hewlett I.Charles Eowlett in Oyster Bay { being t^-'e five Ciiliaren g.Iownsend Hewlett ( of her d^oeased sistyr 3.SafliUdi Hewlett of f/est Inaiei^ ( t^ary Hawistt H-,jjiyiii8 Hewlatt 5. Martna. Hewlett ( Hote-ATslatavir H _ AnoadB cied 3 Sov^rolier l<5f»0 agert 76 years* 7 jaoiiti^,an^ Ic; aays xmHVTleC. 4- An/jiist li>l6 ^'ranofjs Hswl'atv Che died awed 6*? years, 5 niont^s^aM 3 days : a. ciaughHtfi of Cxi«il©« hewiett ana l!&,rtti& LilJer 10 : page 3oC iJamaioa aurrogr^to :wili of SlslflEiore KenarSok - sou of Slushing :the oeiginal petition for prou&te, pays : he aiea 1'*^ September i^^ :provef jos^^gh GarjAaii, both of Hew YoriL City t&jxd ha left, goven grand-cxmaxen, via,, l.Chri3t5aii& ^'ite of Ale?caij,dar Pipev of (weihg tiie two chll - 3alt liike Hi ty, Utah, and <\ ite.ry wife ut (armi or a deceased Oaorgi^ 3 . &alth. of CoWiCii Bl\4f f s {aa\:t^j;iter Bl:lsa lo'^ t iJoii2ng3 ::;::::: l^JotiTi. npr&cue a.Pj-iele si?r^*gue ( ^eiri^; th»i five children tff 3.Wesie:' 3pr?igiie,all of JiuDii.stei;a ( a dUigiitei- Siirai; Aia-i, the ■ M-.Thoicaa SvrfctSUQ in iJerv Yovi; 01 ty ( ci'ijc©a;i.«ju itii't' of Saj/iuel 5.Sr4,rith wife of Samuel Pla.oe of ( Si.rufc:uc Brooi;ly2i» ile^A' Yt>r2^ I.:!"b(3r 1^^ : page 129 :Jur?.aicu fnirrogu.te :v;lii of £iias 3 Heinirlci.»?ori of Jm^aiQix :tho ^i^gluci.! petition for pTohate su^'0 :iU.ia.s Euadricksoa died 6 Pdueriuor I005 in Ji^iaaloa : r'i left a wddow Charity H*?ndrloifSou : und four children, via. il.iifiill:/ Henarioli^oii and ii.Joim lioiiarioiison - lioth of JaEiaioa :3hd i.PiieDe a wife of Peter Petersoii uxid 'f.^dwurd HendricKecm-feu'an Bruoiayii7iaW""Yor3s: liiber 12 : page 459 :Jaiaaioa 8\irroii:at9 ;wlli of Roliert Rhojids of ii'jiapetoad :t;ha original pQt'tion *o:' .vrcbute,aay3 : he died 20 oU)ie. 1665 in H'.i'jipstaEa :he left no widow : but 3 chlldren,vlis,,i.Johu .^ liuoix'la aiid 2.2i;aotjrjy Rhoads l>oth of 3rooi;iyn»iJev; Yorii :ana 3.Heljeecii viita of Samuel H iJenton or Hecjpetehwl : KMia he i'ift, six grand - Chi. Idr yn,rl a. ,l,auruii wif© of ( Qoorge Hewlett of Harsips'^sad and i. ( beiiig the six children Sfery B ^ _, Bhoads of HfiHiiJ8tead( of a sozi Qeorge B _ _ ^ an5 3.Rol>ert Rlioacis of Brooklyu, ( KrioadSt deceased "" ■" " H-rrf Jfork and '4*Ai?ii RJiouao aiid 5, ( George H __ _, ^ _ Riioadw uud 6,^"ii-( li;^.'r Rlioade tall tiire© of ?erth /unlioy^Madlesex Coiuity, Ne?? Jersey Liior 3 : page 229 rjarrialof*. flurra|--.ite :w.tll of Majy Kho^d^s of JtvojiJcH :xetltion says, she died <.0 Sovsaljar lLAM 71. Somo Hotes yroa QXHqt Souroea. OoT.y of i\2gXBteT In fai&lly Blfcla or WlilSyLT'. Tupp In tho pos-f^encton oro ^ S_ "^/liitOplii Busl'iwioK, Lang l3lana,N€ay YorX ttaKor^ ;niiy 2c' <',li.lJ51 : versatjiis et literatlfl^, lay Reverend Ci?orge S Goracn : Rector of St. peter*s Bpiecopal Clrarch, rQeiiSA.ril» ITw YojrJs. ( nee Kote or;a ^ taiilar.) Tapp ^om in honinxi II tr.Deo S t?iat 59 2* ^ J^'ac 1750 ( seo notg 2 j ^llllar; Tapi; Is Mary Bnitl': ;torrty* from Havana 7.Anr,-e rnarrS'ec! A.l5ei AiKcn :3;ied in Loui?3Ville, :?ir.,of cholera 1S49 S.Jane Tr.rjrri'?^ Charles Enrtlin.fivjlecl In .i?rooi:lyn» v.Y.26 ?3b»l;0rae8, hogs and ix-iiitj-y, -jxcept out cow w'r .U'Jii I give to iuy a;ais)'.ter Phtiue C-arcLJr.er, £i"j6 Lavi.ne her oholoSj ana lay sheep Viiilch X iaive to h^^ duugiitei Rach-^iji-nu lr» case iriy grana~iJori Kobert Co not survSv- ae than I elVw' to riy auuiiiif.er Eachwi ail that 1 have ijiven in this «rixi to him. 1 aiao give wo isy srahd-^son i;ol33rt one bea»tolotGr ajiia iiii.law6»rjiu» pal*' of s'hQ:itti & pillow cases iiiiil outf oea^tead. ariu one 8llv9r porringer. Ho lay isrand-aori Al^raiuun Oardiiier, olviest aon of ity 4aceaS«d son Oaptaiii Atoraha.li aarciiner, I give luui 'u^oquoaiih to him ^•' hi. a hsirs mgr othar ttilTsr uufeT. and auoh toola at huu-tandry « wiinaije us I iuaj' own ut r^y doc^jasa,my icltohan tdngs n Harry iJulforcl five dollars, to ay ^raiiU-tiOii Jci*athf.;ri Thotnx bon i<^ allvei iuilK-pot and £ilv«r toa sj:oone,and to x^ kirimA'^Bon Atoraham a.i,raiiier i'hoLipSOii iiiy silver cut 73. Volume Two, Suffoix County, i\m-{ Yorii, Surrogate Kecords at Kiverhetwi, Loiig l8X»r.'.d, ifew YorK. as t4:4en ot my affoction for th*u, voth. To m^- niece Ratn Bage I give ona ^;uin*:'a to puxcJ-^ciSe a mournins rJiie Sot cie. Jc ny taati^u-aauaii'^-ez- Siijju Pao&er Uardi - nei I give rr^* ^0X(3. beads, the ir.fiifhig glaee !ri. tnr- parlovT cr.aBiVer Ji-nd eSx aia.j-er n'di;^in«5. tp ny granci-d'aU/jhtor T^>3l;e Gt^rAlnct the ■^'^l.f^r or Saiiuel Mllar I t^ive tho jao\ir.'.4':.^ ring, of %h9 family ot Garctlner and tanKaid .aisirtod «l'. 3,* and tea Pott & ropper cafcl^* vat th® lage of g£^ta tfclr^cj? I £;iva hei- fflotr.ey, liy dau^iter* during her life. Tc; w^,' grar.a-daiigi.tcr Ji^ry SiiJtj; Oaral.',.er I rivo the Kcurr.Jug vU-q of tiiW fajT.Jly ;'f Smlt^.jisf^. oi.e Silver Pfirvii^.vor, To h\y aai>^}itfr B'd'jLt?!! m:afciva«to l-.(?r Jislri; and tiesi^iiB forevtsr X QlYQ i'Md "cequQiiii. aftc-r paying (:,.y Jtet a©l>t8,BH tM r6F>t»r98idue and rejaai/-;df: of ;j.y est ft* ot ul2. Xln&e lEclndirife; oiie qvj*rter of a sriS/re of troutiiuj: tunat I /'ai-'e fcou - gnt, uii i;.y i-rcvieictiB for tte ti^iraiy* Kj* croy.t ot sitiiiii grc'Wirg or ?:cuBeaj ar-ci eTsr;!^ othos arttcl^c' r.nd thing that, I Liay ovti ut rs^- accc&ee ej; ~- cept wiiit is givea av:ay ji.fc is &».bov«& iiigiit-loned ifc, this ray last will, anfl in oaeo iiit>:er of t>,e as-ove lf.%i\.%. h-^ dd di« cefore -.y a^iicease thai X do ^Ive to tb© la'^vnilly "oegotten child or yniidren of such l9gal.u<;! wxiat ViiiS i;ivea to i;li- ot her purer.t,'rtrM3, t.f ox-icr- legatee have riO such ehiici or childr«m., ^'imi. tju^ li'rotJxTS tUiU 6iot6ri> of &v^fh le^ate^ sjiail hav*;^ equally such proper ty BO £.,ivf=;';, ox'.iejit In ca»a my grand-son Ftol/ort Biioul^ d,!e l?o-roro }i^ decease, then I give and \>« - qiieath to rjy daiACiitor Kachel Mulford wiati I >iav(3 fi.tveii hirr. a-ooifc» ar»d finally I do h9r3t>y uoiiBt.it\>tC' and api^oir.t isc; QOMtUi ' Joim i-yon cardiner Eeqai/e of G-irditners Island and Tsy daughter Ba - cl!el 'vuiforJ or the fiurvSvor of thon'.»EX'3Ci!t.or8 or thte m^ i^jit rill zx^c tes!t3ir:ent»her9i5y revoKing Jill li-y iOr*T.or v/Slls and declaring tiilB to Jifc^. ny last will antS tastranent. In i?ltncs3S whereof I hare hertsviito sett ity 'nai'.d and s«&.i this twenty day of Septe.-^rosr v>ne tr.aueaiia eieht htJndred aM five. Signett, 3eal5 ^ry niaith torn 3 O'^toTior 1725 fT;:/^t:t\to-«i: -Uoa 19 .-i^y l-'>07 :a aa-ugii - tor Of Hatliaalcl SmltVi and Pnate ( licrrzLL } X x X X X X X X X X X :i r. x x x x )' x x x % >i jc x >: x /. x x x ic x Litar A ! Tigo 402 Conplat^ vrill rvJng tha* It le ap - rolr-tfjci for mn rriCci to Ule,dC' rr/e ]i;:.?.rtJi v,o te 'burl'-Jd Ui a aeaeat Cliristiaja icrnr.er a^ t^.i? asscretior. of n©^ l^xecutors Ip^ersl'-arter H;ir':oa,iiOthir4^ douvtl^ig t^ut at tbe sen - srs-l resurrection I s^trrli receive tl.^ sjaaa ciga.:in '^y tT--? lulghty powsr of f>o^l,a.i{l as toacmiig SUC5:! worlftiy F^tata vr:-."rrs7rstr. St *ian Tl3??s3ri ^oa to Llos^ r.e tu t^Jc life. I .i^ive* deYise and dlST^'^'se of t>ie ssjae In maiii.er ani. form fr^lloTtTig.tc rit ;rirst.l glv5 &r*d i3«?c5u:'at;i to iriy Sou Jonn Crurdlr.tjr all r.y „,,.„.. W£'i.Tln^ aiX'-'^-Ql. Iten-:,! glvg urto riy sor* Janes ^'^t^in^v all Bni-\ag, 75. volume T-vo, ?mTfor& C-ovinty, Tf.-r,*: Tori.. 3i;rrD§L;,ts Racorae at Rlverhc?i4, Lorig J&iaj^d, i^iew Y^rs. Sotep, Bdo]<-?. Dr ^lia*'. I T'^ijr >iHve a^;^a!nEt J^im at, the tlrou or rgr aacease. Item., All t>y3 rey A«it!nte,^nt>3 reul '.tjid tJ^rennaX^K^iiroiitR aK-::eptea, I ordsr and harety arjtHorlxo anj.c?; of the'^ as tave Mpofe *,h°»n thf? exeouulon h^reoJ^to sell t-.t t*ielr ilsoretA on, an-t the i.ioutay I f?lvg ari^. ■b'>q">.i«at^ J.r4 t^o fclloTins ,'ryojior,vl7. ; ona equal fifth part *,o ny tour £r':vnd~'jr.lI'lrori» that in to pay on*? tWrc?. part tVier-sor to ^otur aurJltiflrjone t,i';iir,i to ^Ifatchcr CJara^.r-CT an'ti f>ii3 third t.o Srmlce ar.l mizatet^. (lardiritir ftnuully,on';3 oqnal titth part to jay ecn Jo^m (■MrH.n?r,one sipril fjfth p'-irt. to "C' snr., Jarsia Sar^lnsr.nrji oqtial riftli ^:;ayt to my sou Bar.^!ainl.i3 Qarainer, ana on<» .?'^v,al fift-)i rart to ny daygfttcr Mary (Sard-^ner. it 'in, !fy' will is tliat sny »«?sro aar* Otirf . 156 set at XlT5 3rty lmr:;oaiat-:;'ly after siy i32(3:ia«?. srev^rtlieleijij rr J-ia ^nall ia-UTjahav.^ juid cim^Saact It fjnall'-Aprear to t^e major part of my a^Qoutors that he wiii toe- coma aiarija^oie, tr.-^y s?iall ra - taXn hXm Xn ger^ltudi, ana t^ -mi 13 tiJi^t all re/ oth^r Hsgroes tnat ir-all T^>Q fhilrty yi?Arfl of ag::- at t^7,!3 tlja? of r^r (ioc.r'.se,r;G ty .vy S»..:e<;utf,rn Irjieaiat^^ly man - uait .-vriu set at lilswrty ojifi tii? reeld'ii.^ fso soon as th-^y shs,!! sciroralXy arrive at that ag©» Lastly, I (10 lisreT^y conct.nrit.^ an;3 ariolnt ?,'llllan Horton or ty..:^ town aforosaJd ajid ^^y sons Jolm (JardSner an-l Benjamin OaraJnar^ . ,„^,, ^ „ and u-^^ frtsj^a l^ar^J*?! Oci:crn E?.rjcutors cr tnXB. :i.y last ¥111 ar.a f©» t&ient. tn ?4tn9S-; wJr.orsor I Vui^re ■.-.•eretG r.3t py l-Xind. anA Real thJs seiren^eentr. day of May in tJ-iQ year f^f t^u? Loxfl. on« tIio\:eanci rev^n Mindred and iiluety thre^, jo?3n Gc-.rUner (ZZHHZZI^ SJgr!e(3,3SD.lc»d,rva:liBhe4 n.nC eeclared by tiie Testator as and teflt&I^.kt^lri the presence of ue rho voro present at the execution- 76. Volume Two, Suffolk County, Hew York, surrogate Rscoraa at Rlverneaa, long Isiana, k©w Yom. Liber A : page M-oa Oowpiete will of John Oarainer Daniel Ostorn Mary Osbo rn her Anna X Clark ffiark This will was proved 7 Boveinter 1795 Hote-John Oarainer toorn {^ January) 1727 tdied 19 October 1793 rburied Mat tl tuck, Long lBlbnd,Naw York :F.arriea first ( 9 March 1749)Mary Beere :6he dlea iz jiovemter 17<>1 : married second Hannah (T Clark ?) :8he died 12 March 17«s7 Note -the above arid following copiplete wills are copied word for word, and line per llne.av they upiear In the book copies : peculiar spellings, capitals, etc.: one line In the book copy, makes about a line and a half when type-written. Administration on the estate of David Gardiner of the Isle of Wight, In Suffolk County, »ew York, was granted 27 August 1790 to his two nephwro Hathanlel Gardiner and David ISulford :for the goods, chat - tela and credits that have n 't yet been adnlnlstered :thi8 Is an original paper in the flies at Hlverhead, Mew York. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Liber D : page *f7 : Complete will of John lyon Gardiner In the name of God, Amen ; I, Jolm Lyon Gardiner of Gardiner's Island In the town of £ast Hampton, County of Suffolk and state of jiew York, do isake and pub - 11 sh this my last will and testament in manner and form following, viz.; I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Gardiner all the personal property which she posessea at the time of our marriage and all such as she has since received or procured from the estate of her 77. Volufae Two, siiffoik Oounty, New Yoric, surrogate Records at Riverheaa, Long islana, Hew York, titer D : page 4-7 : Complete will of joto Lyon Garainer Father or of any of her relations to ner sole and atooliate use and disposal. I also give and teqiieath unto my said wife the ^80 & lmpro?eraant of my house and lot In the village of East Hampton with all the adjoining lots. Aleo the lot called the orchard and a piece of meadow at the throe-wJ le-harfcour with the privilege of talclf*g timber from ir^r woodland and fenolri^ for fuel and also the use aiid ImproreaTient if half a share in Montauk with the use and Improvement of my stoolt of cattle and horses In the village of East Hacipton. I also give and bequeath to my said wife the use of one- fourth part of (ay silver plate, hooice and houee-hold furniture. I also give and hequeath to my said wife an Annr4ty of seven hundred dollars to te paid to her on the first day of May In each and every year ty ray son David J.Gardiner out of the estate hereinaf - ter (jevised to him, and In case my sals wife shall choose to reside on Gardiner's Island after my son David arrives to the age of twenty-one years, then in such case I give and toequeath to her a residence in my mansion house on said Island and also a corafortahle eufcslstence to toe provided and furnished her by my said son David out of the estate hereinafter devised to hira on condition however of her relinquishing to my two sons John 0, Gardiner and Samuel B. Gardiner her right to the use of the house lands and stock, above bequeathed to her In the village of £ast Ha&p)ton and Montaulc, It Is ley will and Intent that all the ar)ove bequests to my said Wife except the first shall continue no longer than she reinalns cy widow and are made on conal - tlon that she excepts of them In lieu of her right of dovrer In my estate. I give and bequeath to my said wife all lajj colored servants. I give and bequeath to my two daughters Sarah D. Gardiner and Jiary B. Gardiner each the suni of eight thousand dollars out of the monies due to me on bonds and notes and in stocK which I , *^ ^ „„ «v. ♦>.« hold in the BanXs in the 01 ty of Sew Yorfc and In the funds of the United States, the income of 7ti. VolWDQ Two, Q-uttoln. Coi«ity, ifew YorK, surrogate Recoras at Riverheaa, Long laiaaa, »sw Yorit. Lllser D : page 4? Oompiete will of Jolm lyon Gardinei- which not e^enaeci in their education to be put at Interest ami4ally until they shall iDecorue entltlea to the principal. Ana In case of the aeath of either of nv saia daughters under age and without lawful issue I bequeath the share of such deoeaBed daughter as followo vis., one half thereof to the survivor and the other Jialf thereof to wy tY/o eons Joto and Suauol. And in case of the death of l*oth of my said daughters vmder age and without leaving lawful issue,! bequeath the shares or portlona of iny aaid aaugjrit-e^s to ny said two sone John and Samuel. In case my saia daughters or either of them shall choose to reside on Gardiner* s Island after vny son David arrives at the age of twenty-one years, I bequeath thern a residence in Ejy iiionslon house there with a comfortable subelBtenc« to be furnished by iny son David out of the estate hereinafter devised to Mm so long as th<^ sliali ra - aaln single. I give, bequeatit ray plate, books and furniture subject to the Interest above be - queathed to a;y Wife in the saiae to my five children ;Davld, Sarah, Mary, John and Samuel, to be divided equally among th^sn, I give ana bequeath unto my three nephews Charles Gardiner, David Gardlnor and John L. Gardiner, the three sons of iriy late brother David Gardiner deceased each the suia of one hundred & fifty dollars. I give and devise^ niy dwelling house in the village of JSasthampton with all ray lands on Loiig Island ^^^ (except the lot on which my store^lt erected at the Fire - place anft my rights in i*>ntjiu]5 to my two oons John Q. Gardiner and Samuel B.Gardiner as tenants In coKurion to theni and their hwlra forever. I give arid uoqueath to roy said two sons John and Samuel txy stocK of horses and cattle at East Haraptoxi. TTie above devise and bequests to ay said t^o sons John and Samuel are never - theless subject to the intarest bequeathed above to aiy wife In the said preniises or a part thereof. I also give and bequeath to iny said two sons John and Saciuel each the suj« of twtjlve hundred dollars to be paid to them by ray son David out of the estate here - 79. VolUEie Two, fliiffolji Couiity, hen YorX, 3urro^u.t© Records at KaverheaU, Loiig ieiana, fiew Ycrir* Liter D : page 4? : Conalete will of John i^on Ourainer. 1 rafter devised to him on their arriving to the age of twenty-one years respectively. If either of iny uald eons John or safauel shotilcs die lantier age without leaving lawful issue at hie death, I hereby device and hequeath the share or portion of such deceased child real and personal to the pvrvjvor and hie heirs. I give and devise tlie lelaiid whereon 1 now reside usually called OarOlner*B Island together with all and singular the privileges and apper - tainances thereto UeloneinR or in anywise appertaining and alpo the atore house at Fireplace with the lot on which it is erected to my son Darid J. Gardiner and his heirs forever. all I also give £ind henyeath unto ray said eon David J.Gardiner aM my cattle, sheep, horses, hogs and poultry which I may have on Liy said Island at the tlrie of a^ de- cease. And all my hay and other provender for cattle. Also one hundred and twexity l>ushels of wheat eighty hushels of Indian corn and all the grain growing on the land. Also all ray farming uten - 8 lis, iny blacKsmlths and weavers tools, Alto my hoats and the implements helonging to them. Also ffiy hoards, planK and Iron with every article on hand which may have heen purchased or procu- red for the use of the said Island. Also jny sple slass and my family paintings, The atove devise and tequest to my son Davll are herel^y made suhject to the payment of the ahove legacies, annuity and cojitrilsutions, particularly mentioned and directed to tee paid out of the said estate. And If my said son Pavi^l shall nsgleot or refuse to ooffiply with the said dlrec - tlons or to pay the ssld legacies, annuity and oontrlhutlons T^hen the same ought to he made, I herehy auth-rlze and direct Piy Executors hereli>-after named or such of theR-< as taKe upon them the execution of this my last will, the survivors or survivor of them to levy the same as they 5hall respectively heoome due out of the personal estate atoove oequeath - ed to my said son David, and In case that shall he wasted or Insufficient that then they levy the do, Voxiine Two, SufToXK Ooiinty, New York;, Surrogate Records at RlverJiead, Long Island, Mew York, Liber D : page M-7 : Complete will of John lyon Oardlner. same out of the rents and profits or the ealfl real estate abore Ceritm. to him, and for that pwr ~ poeo are Tiereby Invested with full power from tlp^e to time to lease such x>art of the said real estate for one or nore year or years as will enable tl:;)ein,out of t^-e flaid rente, to pay and satisfy the said demarids eo due ae afore - s&ld. The abovo devise to my son £iavia is also niade eutject to the Interest in said premises above bequeathed to riy v?lfe and tvpo daughters respectively. But If my eald Bon David J. Gardiner should die lander the ag-j of twentv-one years and without leavir»s lawful issue living dtp hie death, I devise and bequeath the above prsn48es,real and personal, to my son John G.Oardlner and his heirs forever. And If both my seld sons Uavid and John shor^ld die under age and v^ithout leaving lawful isflue/at tneir death, I then devise the aforesaid pr«iU6es,reai and V'«2*8onai,. to ray son Sainuel S, Gardiner and his heirs forever. In case the estato herein devised and bequeathed to icy yaid^son David enouid by his death under age and without lawful Issue devolve on my said eor John, I then devise my lands on Long Island wholly to my said son Samuel,. And in such case and also in case the said estate shall devolve on my said son Samuel It shall be subject to the sa^ie chare;ee a^nd Incumbrances of ray wife and daughters as it would have been in the hands of ray said son David and my sxecutors shall have th« saaie power to inforoe the discharge of them. I give ind devise all the residue and remainder of my estate, real and personal, not abovo particularly diepoeea of In whatever !t way consist or wherever It may be situated to my two sons John G. Gardiner and Samuel :b. Gardiner and their heirs as tenants in conimon, I hereby authorize ny Executors the survivors or survivor of th«i to sell' and dospose of -^.11 or luiy part of ray land lying out of the town of Sastharapton as thsy shall judge will be most beneficial to ^^, ^ * ^ ^„ «« my estate and on such sale to execute good and sufficient deeds in the law to the purclsasers thereof. Volitjiie TuOt surfoli County, :i&w Ycri, Surrogate Recoras at Hlverhead, Long Island, l^ew YorK. LlVer D : fAge 47 : Complete will of Jonn Lyon Garainer, I also authorize my aaid iSxecutors to sell aiia alspose ot inv stoclc In the fuTi&Q of tlie Unltea states ana ray stocK ix. the taaics of is'ew Yorit when in their Jua^rent a sale would te fcsrisficlal to irsj? sstate. I jr.eretjy nominate and ap-ROlnt ay tiQlovea viit'i 3arai. Garainsr Executrix * , and my friends Jonathan Uaytow of Mst .Harapton, Sawiiusl S.Gardi - nei of the City of ^^w YorX and AtraJiam Parsons Ssqr.of East Hairipton.Execxitors of this riy last will jiiid testaitsrit, protesting tKat it Is not ray intention by euch appointment to aiochariie a.!3^ domand due to ray estate fror?; aiiy one of ay said Executors, I alEc honstjy coiistltute and appoint my isald A'xecutrix and ;^:?ceoutors guardians of said children. And 1 do hereby revoke, amiui and disallovf all former and other wills ty raej inaao,deolareing this to "oe my last win and teataoaant,. Signed, saaled, puhlleivjd and deolaiad by tha ?*lthin named Tastator to be hie last will and tes - t anient In preeonco of us who have euli scribed our nawiae as witneeaes thereto in presence of the testator thi6 25 th. day of Octobiir A, D, 1216 the word thsr;i being interlined on the fifth page tetvseen the m- th arid 15 th lines from the top, Levris MwardB — _— — — ^ Phabo oonkim ^ohn L, Gardiner ( 3u« n. J Abal Huntington This will was j:xovQa 29 Rovo^nber 1^16. Hote ~ John Oardlnor horn 9 June 171^ : aied 19 J©iy 176^ jjriurriod firat 26 iiay 1737 Ellaafceth £!ulford born 22 August 171^ dies. £1 October 175't lajiVightcr of UazthQYi lajtifora und itiilzctbeth (Charfiold ) laarriod second 21 Nnvofiiher 1755 BCborah widow of iiev.Ephralfi Avory of Porufi-et, Conn.; daughter of Samuel Lothrop of ^^orwlull»Oomi.,alia _ Deborah ( OUOW ;: widow Ctabortili Qardlner siarrlea third 3 June 17^7 Major General leraal PiitnijuA '.she died i^ October 1777 in tho Ui^i - laiids, new Toric John and Elizabeth Qardiner had six children, v*2,, Volui&e Two, Suffolk County, New York, Surroi^ate Recoras al Hlverheaa, Long Island, Hew Yori:. IParlfJ. oardin;sr torn ^ Oqi^ob«r 175^ died, ti Bf^tev^un 1??4: oar - rlea 15 Dacamber 17«>6 tTerueVja BUELL "born 5 ^yiovember 1749 11. ^a 2M. F'Jbniary 174.^2 :a dSiUgMer of Hev,3f*muel B^iELX. :she married secoM H Deccrroar 1776 l^aac OoriXHn^ 2. Mary lARtilPSR >)orri 19 .ruly l?'+0 a:a?iev.2il:ljah blaotjs of Sairbrooic, (Joim. : Estrrled siecoml 1 Deccssv-er I7t3'^' Rev, 8 1 ex hen Joiineon of li^met 3. John GAHDIHiiR born 6 .JUne 17^5 ciled £2 April l7'^-7 : : : : /co^jH. **.Jolm GAHriKSR toorn 19 May 1747 died 2V -^^ay X4.'13 tir.arrlen rirst 9 Serteinber 1771 Joanna ConKllrj^ : raurrieci second . ^ P.achei aARDliJSK tho 'vldotv of jxa-ria .mifoyd :n'cirriod tiurd "* Haimali Hii^vens 5.iaiza?iet>i GardikIr lorn 24 J\jre 17*^9 : Uld she isi^rry Petsr PUiriX-y ? 6,Jerttslia GARDIKSR torn 10 JSejitenlev l?^l : rarrlod , _ «. Lavle Oei-orne *~ John ana l>e?;orurj Oardijtsh r.ua tvr, aJJiaren, vlz», ~ .> « 7,Hanriah OAR»INSR ^orn 31 DecOTjber 1757 : r.''.&rrl9':i Bfiinuel Willlama of Brooklyr*, Coiin, : tJ.sy had no crmurej'i iS.SiiTptlraus aARDIUiia torn ^ii' i^ecenT-er 1759 flJea 19 June .'.?7? 0ii€l9 Uavld ana Jsx-uslia UAJREINifiR r.ad two children, viz., — l.john Lyon aARDlKSTi born e Noventer 1770 «iie'reaerlcK D 3.J^ary Bralnara fMPril5:!SE iDorn k X>^c»l80$ died 22; ?et),2a33 4.Joh2i Griswoid GAluriHJfiH lonx 9 ?^(3j;t.lcia dlsd 7 J^Jfts 1^61 sing. 5.8af:.uei Buell O/U^CIKE-R liorri 6 Apr.lt'l^ dJed 5 J^ui.lfic^a married Mary G _„ Tiionipson dai^-snter of Jonathan of Mew York 2,Duvia GABIMNSR i~r n ~9 'Felin^-ary 1772 died g April it;i5 carried flret 7 July 1796 Julia HavanR daugjiter of Jaroes Havens : lived In yi\Uihln£,H»Y, :fr.arri.eCi second 1><06 Lydia DANN of staia - ford,florin« :8hQ raarried second Oharles w . Van Riinst I.Ciiarles GARI'I?*ER torn 7 ?5r;.y 17^7 disd 12 March lis^? Chester, Ohio :marri9d 29 Aug, Ivsiil Luoy a'CCT^'AK daughter at Levi 2, David GARDINER Uorn 1 January 1799 died 25 February 154^0 tur - lea Briageh;xpjpton: parried 20 February IJao iJarietta HUB - TIllG'^IOisi, daugj'tei of Er. Atai HUNTlKGl'Oil 3. John Lion GARDBfiR born 27 June ItiOi : died 3 septeraoer i.eDe Bunce "born 26 July 17«0 idled 9 »'ay .li'3S in HUfjtlngton : new Y'^t-X :;narrle(l , . Matthew CAWUm aM rr^d Fnoelse Q OAHDIK® tern 13 Fal'iuary l':5i6 muuin^ton : ifarrled "" "" ifdwar.-t H Brush Henry iPrtJSJi laarrled lo6« Tanny RysaiD aAllDIMR of ;iun - tlnp.tari,.^'^^' YorK, a dauiihtet ot George ConXlln^^ aABX-lMSR ana Mary { BRYANT ) Samuel Fleet Tsorn 12 August 1763 In H-ur»tijnf^t07i,tone Xelar.d.N.Y. : dl«!d 22 Novsra1:5er 1^423 inarrl^fl. ?.3 Karon l^sOO llliatatn GAR • DINER bnrn 1« Jul:r iTTf? 'iJe?'1. 5 Si^pcerol-.ar Id 13 tJ'.ey iia(i three Chliaren, viz.., 1, Jonathan Gardiner FLEST :born 7 May l^oi tinarried 5 HrAroh 1531 Lyala seaman rbs-^rn 3 March 151^'- Jsrioiio, vsn* Yorlfe : a jorn 8 Muoist I336 J*.Jane Louise TLW'^ lorn 21 Jun-s ld3t? H.WUltap!. Harrlrf»!^m FLKITT T>orn r-:? nwetib^jr ISOi}- :ai9d 5 Ma; 1^5*^ 3.Jon.nn5», Maria, 5'L?.i*:T 1t>r>rn 6 Ifoven\ber I0O9 dlea 'i aied 12 l&*y IScSS In Denver, Ooio. : married _ at HorsaheiAas, Hew York, to Mary Frances Carpenter : they had no <;hilaraj:i Volume Two, Suffolk County, isew "Jfork, Surrogate Records at Klverheaci» Long Island, JSew Yori. Some Kotee Frcui Other Sources. iienry Wdteon married 14-2 ,H3n,l77E ciesientlne Uiiaerhill* dauigh - t«r of At^rajmm and P^.e■^:ie rndeTlilXl itLey had £', sen Thoraas W?}2tec>r 'fion? 1779 trrrArrSea leof Arxn Wiiiota, a dar.gyiter of ^ecor Wjllets : 'Jtion-i;'*? "and Mm Jiad S cLSidren - l.Karmah whitbok torn ^ 1606 i«*irr3M _ ^ «. Joseph fcmr.send g.-Jfertha 'STH ITBC.*i torn Z '^^^'^ inarriefl _ ^ IJi.LOjid. i^'lilets 3. Daniel WHIT80K torn _ Z - l^^^O mrrleilTSO.>r t ■•«! Iti- >■!• fi'!P.-ltl3 r aiea gl- 9 ;iiO.- 1.-13 5. Ann WHITSOS torn 13- 9 rao.-l«il4 : died lt<33 : married -. "^^ 111 am billets 6. Jacob K _ _ J^vffilTSOK T5orri l?~i n!0.l ;no.- 1762 : married . Kartba wiCT.'iES, -a daii^Mer of Xbel aaa Mary Wlckes of liovth Castl9,New Y^ri: : they had a son Stephen WOOD l:>orn 4- 1?. iL.o,-1792 r/narrled Pr.efce Uai^iaSILL, a daughter of CalsTb f?.na Sllsalsstlri Und^srMli O^iarlefl and Hanpiih ^iP};.U.tng hai -•* son fJo.muel 'Vhitlng toorn 1- 5 mo, 1764 :dl^d 26- S ^io.-l«32 T)arJ9n»0onr» : .married _.. ^ Molly ., ^ rslie diM 2S~5 iao.«1829 ihiia 10 cftiidr-3n,vls, I.Anna WTtlFO "fcom 13-3 no. -1792 ; died 13- 11 (uo.^is^c 2.Cia.riesa vviUTIM^ ^orn : -liffd 25- «' ^^o.- IdV? 3. Harvey or Henry TOXTli^a "^orn „. : marrlea , .„ Ab:',ga41 ._, : ti.oy l;:td five chUdran* t1:5. , l.,Tan"e WHIT I Ha i^orn 2 - 4 mo, - lijli^ 2, Anne WHIXIUG Xiovv. 2.1 • 10 itio. ^ l(il9 3.CvjH'rl0R WMlXIwa t;nrn 31 - 12 mo. ~ Vi?--} 4.K8nry MlTUifG corn iij - 9 mo. - lo'27 5.Mel.!«3R?i ^s?FUTI.V'(r T3orn 2'J ~ o ino. - ld^9 4. Jesse \WITIS(i torn _ _ _ -« 5.Hanna>5 whITINO t>oTr. ?.0^ 9 no. -IdOO : died r^s ~ 7 mo. ~ lw70 6. Alice TOlTIlJd liorn 3-4 ko.- 1^03 : aisd i-r ~ ii jao. ~ lii^B 7.«nebe WITINO born 9 ~ 4 mo. - liiOlj S.Mary v/hitxng born 13 - 2 mo. - l^Oc 9.Ji!ar1a 'f?HITIKO bom 15 - 6 rno. - liilO lO.Ellzabetn WHITING born 17 - 2 mo. - 1^13 «5. Volume Two, suffolK Oovmty, New YorK, surrogate Records at RlTerhead, Long leiana, ITew YorK, some Uotee Ftop; Other scvrcoa, Alexande-i Youag :aiea 20- 1 wo. -.1763 In Phillips I*recjj5«3t, Hew York tmavried aaran : tyiey hm l.ftferal'i YOUfa fcorn 17- 11 rt^o.^u 32^113 f 2,siijab IfOlisa torn „ : ?r.arrl*scl atoi't 1763 Joanr^., _ ^ they /ftadi a ejorfHobert YOWG born : rnarrtei about 1790 Har.nato .. ,_ _, _ ^. 3,JoH2t YOUl^G born : niarrled about 176!? ioroas Silas and m%h wniteon nan .u sor; wiii®ts >*r;1tfjoK y^ovn l aitU 17«0 died ^ ooto^jer 1^47 ircarried , liSOS Kaoral Whitney torn 2 Octotier 17t)4 aied !> January l^^^ :they had 2 aaughtors - 1. Sarah "^HlT^JON laorn 19 March 1^09 died 7 J^iiy 1<^72 2.liary WHITBON fcorn Josetsli and Haniiah WHITBOJS r^d two ohildrsn, viz.* l.Johii WltfJON "00m 3 - ii «no.- i*i5 i.Sainuel WHItSOK liorn 3-10 mo. ~ liil7 57 8amuorri ____ 3.Detoorah wiOKS bom : *^,mvy ^leKS ^orn . _ 5,sanmwi w.ic:ifl born : 6, Jacoi:? wiOKS born . _ _ 7. Daniel WlOKS ijorn „ Z 1 ."I • d.StQtrhfin ^'ICKS t^orn Rlohard wsojf^s liorn ll^^o : diod xm.^ : iftarriad .^ 1770 Martha horn _ , . 1750 :had 13 children 1, Hannah ^iOKSS horn ^ SS^. i?*?^ 2.i»h«h0 wifiKiES born 1775 • orn 17^S3 : died . 1505 7.An}ie '??I«?iSS ijorii , _ 1?«5 -* died _ , ISOii: iJ.R?oh-j:r«l 'wiCFBa tern ^ 17t;7 :murriea 3?ffituitl)&> , 9. alias ^viOKES horn 17<59 :: h€^ I'-ua a soii Isaac wiOKSg 10. James wiCKliS horn Z — ^"^91 Hi sai-w©2. v?it3i, iif«^c»,oo y«it}iaa. 27, 30 iv'^ni tat:i.:i 4 .Vancy 3d ^^et.3 3,'^,li,33»o6 Hutn 13 Sarah 3»4,iO».i3, 67, Sarafc sai-sateth 6ii 64- i^arto : Beeoe : „. ^ ijiaetoufeii ": brown : _ __ Brusn : _ ~ Carpenter : iilaliL : OooK ; Duiryapie"*: ij\ievy : __ __ iittuny : ~ ~ l)owu8 : "" uuev : J'^''. -fcf.lmtras :"*_' S'ish : _ Z ^ Oardnfc'r : J" ^eirtrd : Uraswoid : ttfcileey : __ ^ Ha.^ruaonu : J Kwivlsfe : __ _ /iartsiiOrn :' iiawiMus : _ hwisey ; _ _ rfer*ariOASOi*. iieuggior : liiii : ■ Hovatu T 211 Hud 8 or. : "2 1 Jenitliis :"_" JorviQ : "" seiSGT/ : 1' ' J 5 &&tcii&!m " KetohUfT: : _ KiiflDf^riy t"", i.'Horcme(Jieu Sfattnews : if.09iQX : _ Z kulford : S Hlohols : __ Overton : ^ ^ 37 ^A . ^. 37 4,iii 3'^ 5*^ .5 .» - Ac. ,.« 5 ^ '^0 ^>. 45 . - - li — ^ 'i'5 ^ ^ 'J 45 -.35 •*'5_ m 5 ^ -- -. 37, 3^ 5*^ — — -. .^ 3o ». .„. -. 3 ?, 15 . - 10 . 5S : _ 24 53 , ^ _ 37. 3tf ^5 29, 45 \ a 7. Volijme TWO, suffolJc Oouuty, sew Yorlc, surmgats Rscorda at HlvaxY^'^ad, Long IfMsma, Hew Tori. luaex oi" Persons : py^e 8, P&reons : PerauQ : _ Pfcill'ip« ; Piatt : _ Powers : „ Pre&tof. : Raiment : Roe : Bog.drf> ; ^ Kowland : SJclOaore : S3f.lllfr;ajf; : smltJi : _ Stqilians : suydair* : _ 3weezy : „ taniier : ^ Terry : _ Xucfcer : . MxalBTtiill Val'3iitine Van ^CK : Waiters : Weeke : „ •Wjieelur : Whltson : WiOAes : . W1CK8 : :. _ 1*^ WSiiets : 5'*- 5 ^1-31 ^9 b3 - *^ 55 37 ^_ 6,7» 15, 2it, ^ o3 III 7 -.- *^5 53 30 .« -.'"J"- 37 _ >- 53 4 11^25 4 Aia'Derwan 1^5 .-.37 fcmie 71 Ssthar 9 SathaiUel 9 40 SUsari Jan« 40 Am^; erroan : _ ^>'^ Gen«?alofi7 <>7 willow 64 Aurahari 67 Wood A"'C'r3!ve AlKsn AJcarly Arthur Avtity 64 : Alice A i>*f T^a.jU'iiu C „ 64 CaU.arirje A . 64 OAiLvity 61 ChsTlef P . ii'* Cornell u« 64 Mlza 64 X'.lSzatJ^ti-i 64- Sllza'bet)! A Ina-ic i'-v Jaco'c n . _ 61 Jsvco'K Sctiooaniaiier 61 J.2ir.es Ji _ ., «>^ John 61, 64, 6(;. JoTnn A , 6^ JS^r^ardt. 61 Margaret Jane 61 Mary 64, 66 I'fery EXl7,al'0t>: 61 Hary ii&Bter 64 NicVtolas 64 KJcholae T ^ 64 J>heb< !^jri3 6^^ 64 61 iiaaliel Sarah A So.rah Ai sar?i.r) J^'.ne Simeon 61 ^dmeon a „ I'tlllari P , ^ 13 Isa^ac ^■^""_ .. John S _ _ ji!ari:aTet teggy 13 : 50 >r53. Daisorah Pai^ny i^aam 63 Frances 10 Genealogy 10, 2 George w Gliiaert A Gilbert D Haniiah 10 Hannah n -.-23 -32 . 46 &3 34 -^54 - 53 - 53 52 17 Brush : Harriet 32 Harriet '& 52 Henrietta 53 Henrietta D . 53 Henry 03 Henry Jarvis 26 Ida Ohio; ester 23 leaac 10, 17, 30 Israel 30 Jacamlcih 4 Jaccamlah 36 Janiee 54 James m 53i54 Jamea » 52 Jane iO Jane M 10 jrarvlft 20, 23 Jarvl e 23 Jennie 4o Jeremiah 29 JeremiaJi P , 29,54 Jeese 2o Joel 23 John 23,36,46 John » 36 John H 53 Johii R _ .^ 20 John Hagera 20, 23 Julia 10 Ketcham 27 Lewis 10 Margaret 27 iforgaret a 23 Bfeiria 27 Marian 27 Maria H 10 a^ry 20, 2o Mary A 53 Mary Ann 23, 54 Mary i£ 53 Matilda 20,'*30 Minerva $4 Moses 34 iSancy 10, 27 9U Volxane Two, Suffolk Coiiiity, Sew YorK, surrogate Reoords at RiveriieaG., Long Isluiid, Sew YorJc. Srush Brusri IMsx of PersoriS Kejaemian 7» ^6 Pli9'D0 10, 20 PjiQbe Mar i ah 27 Piioebd C &3 Piatt 10,50,55 HI chard 36 S3£il. 31 Samuel 7, 20, 35. Saiaual 36, 54 Sarah 10, 23, 30 Sarah A 53 Sarah Silzalseth 27 page 6. aaruh G « 52 sar^ui M 36 Sslah 26 SKiliman 23 Soloraon 23, 46 SUSail A 23 3U9an P ^ 53 Thomaa 20, 23, Thomas 52, ^^ Thowaa ? 52 IJhomae H 53 Thomas J 46 Thomas P 52 Treadwell 30 Valentine 23 Walter 56 Walter I" 10,55 Wetman 30 Whitman 27, 30 wife 20 WUllaia W ._ 46 aetuion 20 2»ephanlah 29 Zephanlah P 36 Zophar 2 Bryan : Amelia 24 Aims H 3i Annie 3i Sdwara K 51 William B 3i Bryant : Araelia 24 Bry^3t ; ?anny 24 iiiartha 24 Mary 24 **J!aiy 83 Saraual S -. 24 Bu@ll : Jaruaha d2 Saauel 62 Buffett : David 21 Elhert 21 Sliphaa 17 Hanry 21 Isaac 29 .Maria 29 iiathaniel 21 William Piatt 10 Buno© I Elizabeth 55 ?i9et 7 Harriet 32 Helan f 32 Joel 55 Hathl. 20 Pheh© 83 Phebe A 32 Sarah 3i Sarah Amelia 25 9eiah 32 Susan M 32 Titus 31 Burnell : Aurolia B — — ' Burr : Moris 20 Burt is : Catharine 66 Bur to : aee Barto Mary 23 BtJSted : nizatisth 16 i:stella 16 Jane 16 Mary 16 Phebe 16 Carll : Israel 7 Jane 35 Leuiuel 29 Ti.'ao 29, 30 Tlinotliy 29 Carman : Elizabeth 23 • n. Volumft Two, SuffolK Oountj, Ner,' YorK, surrogata iiecor4s at Klverhead, Long lBliuiert 37 AlVert 3 ifo Ali)ert stillcian 3« Brewster 4-2 Brewster Y 42 Catharine 46 Catharine fiditha 38 Catherine 37 Delia ^^ Elizabeth 37 Slizaheth Lilly 3iJ Sllz'iteth B _ _ 46 aiiellne 37, 46 Bnmellne 3^ Iredario 37 treaerlcl: 35»37t3«i4& Frederick A 37, 3S Harriet 37, 46 Harriet Keweii 3S EeseKlah 31 Johnson 31 Lyaia C 37,46 Ciiase : CaroilnQ 37 Margaret L , 37,46 Ifiargsret Lafftyette 3S Nancy 3 is Oliver 37 Rebeocji 37, 46 P.etecca C _ 37, 46 Retecca Oharopiin 37, 3S Ruth 37 Ruth Ann Cartwrlght 37 Squire 3? William 3« Ghatfleld : Slizabeth al John 6 Chichester : cemetery 27 Uavld ^2nry y .•■55 Charioa L 37 Jacob 44 - Frsa 37 Jai;ie3 B 56 Henry 33 Jantha 2H IS'vaO t , „ 37 Phe^>e ^, dl Jos'^ph 3 Piatt 23 Llbby 37 RebeoKah 3 .Wi-rtha 53 Conkline : ^licana 3 Patty 33 Epenetus 5 Covert : Joim 2t iiaiinafc 5 Loretta 2& 43 Crowell : Oc^orge Q 51 T);,0Kva8 66 Polly P . 51 Cornwall : Kiiaafceth H _ _ 63 Cuffe : Jane lo J&ir.es 63 OurHam : John 54 Biohardson 63 Julia 5^ Comwsll : MMcth^ Anxi 66 cutter : tJarah M 31 42 V4, Volwjne Two, suffolic comity, New York, surrogate Records at Rlverhead, Long Isia«a, »ew ^gtk. In4ox of JPersons : pag© 9. Cutting : flUarioi^o A Frances a „ _ 33 LaT^iara H ""_ _ 33 Piatt C _ ...^ _"_ 33 Dalryrjiple t , ^ ^ ^0 UixTy 40 Danfortb : Louisa 12 Dann : Lycsia tt Darling : Eltza ^t^ Davis : Oorrianny, 43 Isaac 45 Lewis G 10 Maria 4 '4 Rlchara iio VlBCent 45 Dayton : Kenry 16 Jonathan HI Polly 45 Dean : Ebenezer 3^ Deery : _ _ _ _ ^5 Mary Ann 45 De LancJe :Bri)5ad?er Genl.3 Denny : _ .^ 11 Bally Ann 11 Denton : aeneaiogy 68 Augustus 6o CJriarlQS 61, 66 QeorgQ W ... 63 Leonartl 6t' Louiarj, CiS Louisa ... ^ 6^ P^obeoca 70 flamuol H 70 Saral'i 6 a Wal(\o 6d DlDDSl : Sinen^ 6 Dltmis : Georf?e '^9 M 3^ Dollenge : ObrlRtl^ina 70 Eliza 70 Marji' 70 Doiiiiny : Nathaniel 4 Donahue : Jeannette 4a 33 Doughty : Ami Eliza B «^6 John H 46 Louicy 39 Downs : £5 OharloUc? t.f=/ 8ara>i a .„ .„ , 26 Doxsey : Adrian 60 , Anthony 60 Maria 60 Mary 60 Driggs : KciS-weil ci4 Duer : _ 9 vt, 9 Louisa 9 LouiBa 8ny Gardiner : Atranatn 6, 12., CJiarles 76, 62 colonel 72 Gardiner '^1 6^ 74 : "Davia 6, 7i^. 76, David 7T, 7S, ^9, 'David oO, 6'2 Uavia J _ .^ 77,79,80 David Johnson 62 Pel o ran oi, 6'i Eliza-betii 75, 61, Sliaal:etn 62, 33 Slixa PtiCKer 73 aaliy Foote 4J3 S"un,loe 75 Everett a 26, 33 Faml ly 73 panny Rysaai 63 yi^toj-'ar 75 aeor.^e OoxiK - liijg 63 Hannah 6, 76, 62 Jaiiies 74 Jar el 75 JeniSJja ??, 32 Jatur 75 Jo^inna ^2 Joim i^S, 33. 74, John 75. 76, 7«. John 79, SO, Jor-jn 81, 6ii John a 77. ao John Qximola 62 John L 7^»6i Jonn Lion ^2 Jot'ji Lyon 6, 73 1 76, JoJ-jn Lyon 77, 76, 79, John Lyon, 20, 61, 62 Julia oZ Luoy 62 Lyifsan 63 Marietta 62 Aary 72, 75. 74, ifary 75f 76, 76, Mary 62, 63 Mary B .„ 77 96. Voltuae Two, Suttolk County, lew YorK, surrogate Records at Kiverheaa, Long Xeland, Ifew York. ivAe-x of Pereong : page 11, Gardiner : ^nry Brain - arcl 82 l&,yy <53 mry tiZ Mary Badtn 73 iWattbew ^3 Bttthajilel 72, 76 _ K _ 32 Phei.~ 7i^, 137 "^f Piioe^je G «3 Rachel 7^7 13t ^ Rotert 72, 73 Robert m-nlXti 72 Siuuiiel 7o, 79, SO Ssiriiiel B __ ^ 77»^0 Ha/uuel B>ielT "SZ Baiuuel B 72 1 81 Bardh 7^^, 73, Gladwlsh aoldamlth Gordon Gould Gracle Gardner : _ ^ saraii D 77 SarJih Dlodate 6Z Sej tlmi^H 6j ia,rie«i i 62 Ruth 62 : Ojic.j;cy 71 HamaT'i M , Joiin T J", "" Ma 15 nda 62 "" ' : Ci.ar-e?a 15 Hanna,h M Ka.ina)! M.1 11a I5 Ritsseli 15 i^rcus s _ WUi3a*i 32 . _ _ 5 AOh5lBVr**5 JOlVi «2 Sarah d2 saray) 3 „ _^ ^ Ar>n ii - — Araie 1<^ SI 2 Z-^x 46 : Heiivy X . Tii0r!>.as 3I Aivlna tj3 AnifcJiia 53 BetP.ey $3 iiawiii 53 - 10 11 - 7X Gracy Grahan GreerA Green© Grlfiln Grirnth Grlswoia 12 uc 12.15 16 llaff : Hagar Hague r Hal0 : Hall : ^2 60, 63»6tJ 97. VolUE© Two» suffolK County, New Yoric, surrogate Records at Rlverhead, Long isiand, New YorK, ii'idex of Persons : page U. Hall : Lois 55 MeliGea 53 Orla 53 Sopliiii 53 apragui? 53 Otorre 53 f5 hawl;lns : Carol! Ti 37, 3^ s Morris M 31 Hand : Handee Elizabeth 3 Katiill 3 : _ ^ -A ifaroy 54 UeXflori 45 Parrrienaa 45 Pheiie 45 Polly 45 Harris ; see Harris Jang 57 • Sally 45 Saralri ii-u JOS-Jph M _ 57 Sarali A _ ..^ 45 Hart : BlMe 9 Tal'ltha 45 DarxJal 9 Heartt : Bible 9 cJllDsrt 9 l)aniel v Josjiua 9 Oiicert v Lewis 9 Jo8l';ua 9 Mary i, 9 Lewis 9 Mercy 9 Mary 9 Nehemiah i., 9 Mercy 9 PliQte H. V jbiebeffiirirj v Hartshorr. : 3c t Ptebe 9 Evaiv^eline 3S Helrte : sarati 10 Hartt : Ktcah 5 Heieey : ^5 Havens : cr;ar?.es H _ „ M ^aw «• 29 Phet'© it- Haanaii t;2 Heridrckeon : 5 Jaries 6«i aenealogy 11 JUllO oii vita 11 jilfitM. 20 Afcra^iajft 63 Kawicii^B : Joriiis 13 AdaiiiVi? 6^' - Raciiei 13 Albert:, v _ _ _ _ H Rlit>l 13 Alatta Jo>:i&n - Solomon 33 na 67 Hawkins : 37 » 3 County, Hew YorX, Surrogate RecordB at KiveriK^feci, Lopg; Xfaandj Mew YorK. Index of Persons page 13. Hendrlci.son : Cathurint- <>6 Oatiiarlne Ann 6^ OJiarlty 70 Chariea 60 Corneiiiifo 06 Daoaioi B 6/ sii'«i^ 70 -■-"-* K11 H«3 ?. „ ^ ^ 70 Itii2ia 63, ot' *~ EiS2.Hl.eth «jii,67 Eanlly 70 Gai'ret. 06 OeoriiO •-' 69 xla 6{$ iieiiar'tCK A _, 67 Henry ilj 00 ~* Ida v^j Isaac o^ J'fe;COic- 66 JarjtJS 63, 60, 69 JoJin (»d, 70 John S o7,69 Joiin // .]! ""il Judith 63»oo,o7 JU'lith Ann 03 Judltl) nH.r;*h 66 Jul la Ann 0,5 Lett.io 66 Maria 46, o7 HenaricKson Herri 8 Heuggler Hewlett Mar i anna 00 Mary ii,69 Pet2r 69 ■Tiriet-e A Pheto Mm 69 Ruth 62 Sally An:) ii Samuel 66 Saral-i A 70 Hlgble S3, ignore 69 St ex 1 If ill XI ThoFbij n _ 11 William t.B, "«')fe",'"67 _-.^ 67 see Il^vrlp.' Ellaatfeti; 50 : 23 : iii^iAfa- J Aniie 21 *" Oriarleg 69 ikl^r.ru. J __ £11 '2, 67 Mlzal'etn a 62 iiiizabetn j^naritins id, Imraa IV yannle 39 i'lorence iilia 19 FrbiJices 9 Franx ic3 Goorgo ri _ .. _ ^ t»l arover LiHr.arfi fi _ _ 9 Rlcmroi ■£ ^ ^Z ^i . RUtn ui:. Sarau'^l 6 » 9, 14, 53 Sfirauei A 39 Saran a ' ' stiQphera 30 Sidney irf, 19 Sidney Alfrou. 19 19 Stephen 36 Tno/'ias ze.y 57 William Hanry IS Willia^.i JuitTiSon 62 Hlgtoy : Aaron 9 Sstlier V yamKy 9 liaTjriah 9 Jayne 9 Jossi?'ft 9 24arth!?. 9 Sarah 9 Thomas 9 HJggina : Lor'^ca 4? Ilildreth : At)*gaii ^0 Ami (yO Isaac 30 Johxj 5-0 Lester yO Lvther ^0 Samuel f , 50 8haara3^ 3O Hill : 3 Mehetalijel 5 Hofeart : Ssajairdn K 30 100. Volume Two, Suffolk County, Mew York, Surrogate Recorae at Rlverheaa, Long Island, Bew York. Index of Persons page 15. Holmes : Genealogy 40 Abram 47 Atoram L 47 Benilce M 47 Ponald M 40, 44 Evelina A 47 Frances S 44 Gertrude Sophia 44 H Alexfmder 40 H 8 49 Hanriar! 05 Harvy A 44 Henry t)5 Henry A 44 Laura L ^ 44 Ltncoln 49 Loretta 47 Lulan F H 40 Mfirgaret Helen 47 Maria A 40 Marvin 44 Mary E , 47 Oliver 49 Oliver 8 49 Sarah A , 47 Sylvester B 47 Whlttler V 49 WUilam 47 Homan : Fanny 13 George 13 Mordecal 16 Homes : filizafceth 65 John 65 Horton : WiillaK 75 Howard : 32 Mary £ 32 Howell : 45 David 5 Elithla 45 Gershom 45 Hannah 45 Isaac 45 Fhete 74 Folly 45 Howell : Sally 45 Hoyt : Ellzal;eth 31 Luc ret la oO Monson 60 Susan 31 Hubbard : Joim 3 Hubbs : George K 14 Joseph 3^ " Mary 5d Hudson : 13 Daniel M 13 Fanny 13 Huntington : Abel ^1, ^2 Marietta &Z Hunttlng : Benjamin 34 F R .. Hutchinson : BenJ^isln 16 Elizabeth 4 Ely 4 Hannah 4 Henry 4 John 4 Mary 4 Mehita&le 4 Fhebe 4 SaiTiUel 4 Ireland : Ezra 63 Jacob 57 Judith Ann 03 Walter 57 Jane : Brewster 7 Hannah 7 John 3 Mary 3 Mlcage 3 Mlcajah 3 Jarvis : Henry 26 John E 33 Joshua F ^& Mary iio Fhebe 33 Samuel 30 Stephen 7 Tab 1 thy 7 4 4 101. VoliJine Two, stiff oix Ooimty, ^en YorK, Surrogate Recoras at Hiv3rJiea 54 Jacob 42 John 42 Jor.&8 41 Joseph 42 Lrretta 31 M _ Phliraore Marlan'*4T Orlanao 41 Phebe 15 Sarah 32.54 Sarah E William : Kelson : ^ _ -. - 7. Abol 13 Abigail 54 Albert 13 Alfred 27 Al3xancl©3r B Affiy 27 41 40 s 54 55 15 54 iOii. VoliMe Two, Sufi:oi^ eounty, liew York, mjrTCis;ate Reooras at Rivtirneaa, Long iBlana* Kew yorJc, Index of Persons page U, Ketcham : Aran4o »^2 Oliarlaa 55 OoracUn 13 Uaniel 13. 55 Pavie 13, 60 Ed ward H «. 55 s:ilzabeuri5. ^^5 Eiaina F H2 Epar.^tus 5^ Frances E 55 a T 15 George T 15 Harriet 55 Harvey 55 Henry 55 Jarvl 8 N „ .^ ^z Jesse 13 Jesse E 55 Jolan 13, oO Keturuli 7 Lewis 13 LewJB G 42 i^artha 60 fery 54 iJlnerva 5^- K&ncy 54 Uathanlel I3 Pheba 7 Pj-.C'lJO Etta 02 Piatt 13 sviean 55 Si^samiah 13 Thos 30 ZoxiYiB. 25 Zophar 10,25 Ketchwui : „ „ _ 10 Ann 10 Jojai liJ rAaTy IS Ee'baooa £2 "efcuiors 2 7 Kll8i A 06 SllzatetJi Ann 66 SlizaleJth F „ _ _ 24 fillzaljeth 8 47 Ellen 22 ~ Elleii W 22 Elvlna 40 Ely 21 ECilly 40 Sncy 13 Bpenetus 10,11.^3 jBiper!,eti;.s 3 , 10, 11 SBtrer £l "" Stheltsrt s _ _ „ _ 12 Eugene 2o Eugene f 40 Farity 13 Fawiy Ann 43 Floyd 4S Fn;.-nces E 24 FninKllri 40, 45 PrarUi 7 Sjo,40 FrederloK 43 Frederick H „ _ „ _ 11-3, 49 Galrlel 13, 40, 43 Ooorge 45, ^9 George P 43 Gidoon 33 Oiaeon S , 5, 21 105. Voiiuae fwo, sufrolK County, Long Inland., Ke^ YorJt, S"urro,^ate Records at Riv^^risead!,! New Yoi-js. Mi 11 a : Qvj^oe S 25 A^ils Graao Eiiima 2 if Harmah D 26 Haiiiiah H 24 Hannah W 12 Haiu'fcvh Wood - htill 12 Karri e^ 65 Harriet Loulee 65 Henry 19,U-5»5i» <>5 Henry F ^ 51 • Horatio 7, M-4 ' Kor&.-^-lo W 44 • Ida 26, 40 Itvin B , 47 Isaac 13 1311 34, 45 I^.aac B _ „ _ _ ?4,48 Israel 16 JlCOt 26, 43 JgJ^iOE 12 Jaries i" , 4* J __ _ C)i88ter - "" f i*eld 50 J FranXlir. 40 Jame¥ franKlln 20 Ja'nes H _ 12 , 15 Jairos Eenry 43 Jam-d!8 Jfervey I5 J«aaaiah 65 Joaridiah 26,3*^.42 Je3rusSia 21 J'9?:5se 10,11,13,21 Jogo*5 _ 21, 43 Jolin 19,21, 4'4747 John ? 30. 47 Jonas 10,11,12,13, Jonas 14, 33 f 49 Jo^ms S 13 Joriatijan""6,13.14, 31. Jomitx^an 32. 34 pag© 20. ; Josephine 7,24,25, Jooophine 30, 44 Judtih 66 JuXlansr 16 Kate 24 Ltiura 25 Lemon Benton 4i5 Leeter 26,43, 47, 51 Lev;le 26,^2 L'Hojnmoaieu 44 LUllan E , 2t3 Lorenzo C 24, 4iJ, Lori'nzr ^ _ 31% 52 LoviSga 12 Loid sa w _^_ 15 Lyaia Ami 44 ;t!ar£iaret 13 Ha.rgiJerite 21 Ma.rla 14, 25 yi&.x\n. L 25 i&artha 12,13,15* 1^ Martha E 12 MurUiu J 2^, 52 Martha ouve 12,15 Mary 12,14,16.25,52,66 Wds-y A _ .^ 43 E'iry Ann 14 Mary B 15 Mary Caroline 51 Jfor>' E 24, 29, Eary E . 4d, 52 Mary Eitkily 12 MiVy Ell 2a - l-eth 14, 31 mry L • _ 11 Maiy P 26 Utitlldu 40 Hendon Q 24 mcah H 2o MJci..>i T _ ~ . 40 lionaou 51 "" Sfonaon . _ _. 4d, 5 i 106, Volume Two, Siiffollfc Oouiity, New Yorii^, surrogate Reoorae at Rlverhead, Long Isiana, Mew Yori:. Inaex of Persoxis : Mills : Moses 13, 49 Mills ivioees PhiiUrs 13 Myron B. „ -. '^^t Uyvon K "I _ Z 3if 5^ f«yrtlo iiilien 51 nancy 13,24, «•? Nancy J 24 Hathaniei >-yX Nellie » _ _ 47 Hlcholas A , 64 Oscar If'i'jt'yO Oscar J „ 25, Oscar J „ 30, 44 Oscar W 24 Peg^ 13" " PheTse l^^ 51 < bo Polly A 17,21,49 Raohal .U» 13 Saofeal M _ 11 Racnei Unrih, 10 Balph 50 Relaecca 3 "" 26 Biclrard «i7T 4^"" Ricnard i) _ 4ti Bloiiard ^11 - l-'^r 31 R0SW«3ll 1*^,3^ mxtti 13 » 1* Rlltj! A 12 mxitn Alifta 12 9 _ _ ^ Kate 26 Sadie 26 Sar>uel 12, 34, 44, Samuel 63, 66 Saiauel P 9afi(U6l * Sarah I2.33,t>4,65 Sarah A 24,43 Sarah J „ Z ^^ S-'irah Jan« 64 "~ selah 17 Selah ft 5,17 Selah A I 20 Sidney 45 "" 66 44 67 19 39 25, 30 . 7. . -_ 30,44 page 21. : Stephen 64, Stephen H _^ Stephen W Z Theoaor*? Y, Theodora >' Thonaa 12 Tho/aaa H ^ ^ 12,15 Thomae Helm© T5"" Thos H _ «. 15 Timothy A2,"i3, 19, Timothy 40, 51 Urania 30 Washington 7, Washl «gfcon 30, 40 Wllford * _ _ 29 Wiifred 7, Wilfred £ WUfrea Floren - tine 25 wufrad »red - ariok 43 WJ li'rea ^ _ Wilfred 1 I _Z _30,44 wiitroa irvi/ig 2»to Kecords at Riverr.eaa, Long Island, Kew York, liiuex Oil Pereons page £•«.. Moore i diaries iienja - r.iiu 10 joeepi. u3 "Jrioriiae oo Mosi^r : . . i7» 3*^ see iiofeur Gati.arii.e Sdl - C&tl.eriae 37 Edwin ii. 39 Eliza DC tii 16 Ella G 39 teinii 39 fanny i; 39 IraneiB 39 Francie D 39 Harve^' h 39 hQuiy r* 39 Hiifeli 16 Johr io Mott : A&roii I! .^ 5^ C^ft-rlot te B 5S Ellz'rtoett J _ , 3^ c-eorge i 5*^ HaJinali o3 Karuudi C o3 iienry 65 Jane 6^ Jobr 5u Leonart 03 Mary 63 mmiie u „ iii ?h«t'*3 8 5«th 55 » ^^ Kuiford : Harry 7*^ John K 55 jonaiioi-n 4 Julia 57 Mary ^ J&.ltth©Vif «-l Racliei 73 » ^^i Rici:*aru 72 Sail lit el ii - 55 Muncey : Jeete ^^i Miarletla 41 Jaancy : SaraJi 9 Silas 9 ^^inaey : laari«j\ta v9 Murray : Agn^g *-i'5 Jart-es. '^5 Rash : Kary Sj^m^ 19 Wllliajv. 19 Kegro : eee colore^ see slaves cuff 75 iseleon : liarriet 55 Hc'isoii 55 Kewman : chiiuran 7 coxes 7 iJi.rtola 1 : ^5 Charity 6 . - ^5 Pliete c- Hlckerson : Allga^l 11 Janes ii, 36 Janiea '-i'utson 11 iflary Alulgali 11 Nostrand : Aiidr«^v 67 Charity 67 Rachel 61 Rachel S _ .^ « - ^1 Reii', 61 Baruh A ol Baiuh Ann bi, 07 fitephei;. 67 Wl 113 -dru 61 Sutoory : Polly 50 'X3ce£ : : CL'vute £4 Oakley : Piatt Brush 30 lOS. Voliiine Two, SuffolK County, New Yor:fe, surrogate Recoras at RiverJioad, Long lalana, ETew Yorfc, l-adox or Osborne Osjnun : OotKlsy : Zopnar B 2.0 zo-rnar Jarusn 20 Osl^orn : Danlai B, 76 Mary (6 Thomas 33 : Lewi 3 d«i Eiizaoeti-i J 5d Overton : i:9, 45 Horaces 5f Irono 37 Jiartria 2^ Martha J 29, 5*^ Ta"bJtha k-5 Parmele : ^5 Phe'o« 3 Parsone : 4 XtraJiara e>l SlUatati; H „ 5^ Payng : J"nnas w 12 Pearsal.! : Hanry -.'t» 67 itergaret o'i Mary 6h»6(, 70 ^n 13 _ _ ^ _ 67 Sarah 6^f, 67 Ab lather R 69 Ann 70 ITances t>9 G eovge B „ 70 G(ior^e ii „ _ _ 70 John , 70 Mary B _ _ _ 70 Rebecca 70 Robert 'I 'J narah 70 Timothy To Wllilur-i C Genealogy 03 '^ Abr;:vha:n Uai; - sen 69 Adellu 70 Alexander 70 70 111. voXuiTfi Two, SuffolK Oount.;,'» Pevr YorK, surrof^iit^d Records at Hlverhead, Lmig loiai-.d, Hev; ioi-^. lna4 Petei 65 Reteeca 70 Ricnard 65 B.ot)ert 6ii saral:,' 6~> SaraJ) .i2i _ _ ^ ^ t*^ Saral". Alh 70 finotuy 67 Wit). 65 Rhods : Aletta 69 Anare<» 6c2 Ann 68 Sila 66 Franc en 6e Freelove 68 Rhods 26 ^ », 97 .^ 57 ^ 57 lAlKt' 6SJ Ifeity 69 . Sarah 69 Stephen oiJ Xlnothy 6S Ritci) : TUGiaaB I ,_. Robtilna : 0'itiieriii.e~5? Otuu-ity 5V Charity E „ . Otorlae J „. . j^etiorah iT^^ Irene j?] Isaac i;7 JaniJ'it yU. J'oshua 7 Julia K 3^ *iary 7 Scuciitev 7 talli^iaagfi o4 Vanhaciah 7 ViiUf^yiii^iuh 7 Willi feuii ii ^ .. _ _ 57 Zebulon 7 Robinson : J^mefi £X Joeepin '# 3^ Phelie H „"_^ 3<> Ho3 : . '+:^ 30 Mrs, ^0 Catharine '46 Catharine Edi ~ George 7 ^ 56 Henrietta l! , _ 56 Joho 56 Jolm S ^ ^ 3w Julia A „ .. _ _ 5«> ii^ary A __ ^ _ „ ^3 Tsiaperauce A . _ 5«> 112, Volume Two, SiiffolK County, Kew York, Surrogate ReoordB at Hiverhead, Long Islandi »ew Yorik, Index o€ Persons : page 27, Roe : Thouiaa 36 Saxton : Daiilel 5 Thos 46 John 5 William 21 Thomas H 26 Rogers : ;; 8 Sayres : Gilbert 62 Betsey S Joseph 62 Edward C _ 50 SohencK : Jolui 66 John 10 Sctoldtl© : John 56 Neheittlah 3 John A ,^ 56 Rolph : Moses I0.i5»i7. Theresa 56 Moses ii2,29 scJdmore : see SKldmor© Reu'oen 10 Frunklin 3I Romberg : Arnold 21 Scofield ; BUzatQth 03 Rose : fidwiii 35 Jesse e>5 John 34 Scott : Anna 41 Rosenlaanner : Henrietta 42 Cynthia Anna 41 Rowland : 54 Lizzie P 41 Mary 54 tery £ _ 41 Rusco : Judith 22 Oscar 41 ~ Rushtnore : Lorenzo D Ig Pheba J 41 PheTse 5^ " ~ Samuel S 41 Stephen 5^ Sarah s 41 Sage : Etenr. 4 Soudder : George A 5 Saralj 23 Slater : Augusta 13 Hannah lii John Id John. Henry IS Kary 1^ Milton 16 Slaves : 13 B©e negro 8<3e colored cuff 75 Slalght : J^rla S Sarah S Sllngerland : Alethea 62 Smith : 6,7.15.24,45, fcaelly 73 Genealogy 5 AlJlgall 41 Ada B 22 Ada May 22 Alexander 16 Amanda 30 Amanda M 7, 30 Amanda M 45 Ann B ^ 11, 22 Ann Buffet t li BenJ. 5 Ben J awl n 5 Oalel) 6 Canaan 60 Catherine 60 page 28. Christopher 60 Cornelia 71 Daniel 32, 63 David 13 David lo David Ooiiklin T5 DU BolB 2ii Edmund 32 Edmund T 25, 30 Edmund Thoirias 7. 25, Sdt'iund Thonae 30 EdiTiUnd Thos, 25, 44 Edwin 11 Kdwln A 11 Ellsaoeth 13. 62, 63 Smroa 54 Enoch 36 Esther 60 Experience 15, 30. SxperieiiCe 42 yorrsst 14 Preelove 5 George 54 George L . 54 George 8 70 Hannah 3. 45 Harriet 6 Harriet E 6 Harvey 41 Israel 5, 16 Jacoh 45 Jaiaes 5 Jesse M _ . ^ 11 Jot 32 Jonathan li> Joshua 29 Joshua B 31 Joeiah 15. lo Jothajs oO Juliana 11 Julyaner 16 Leroy 11 ifergaret 54 Margaret Helen 47 U4. Volume Two, SuffoiK Oovinty, Sstt Yor3c, surrogate Records at Rlverheaa, Long islana, Hew York, Inaex of Persons : page 29. Smith : Maria 14 Maria L _ m- Mary 70, 7i,~74 Mary J)e Por - rest. 14 Katl:tanl©l oi, 74 Otadlah 32 Oligdlali 62 PlTiet)© 13, 61, 74 Rachel 12 Rachel u 11 Rel>eN3ca 16^^26 *~ Rvssel J _ 16 Riith 3 9£ijauel I „ _ 14 Sarah 15. 24 Sarah A 24 Sari^. Araella 25 Uriah 61 Willi an; 5 Snedlker : Abrahaia 62 Sormee : Charles Back - man 19 Charles Henry 19 Tlorenoe Ella 19 Soper ; Piatt 31 southard : Catharine 41 B,mry 40,41 Jarnee B ^ 40 John Oeorge "5o Margaret 41 ?«ary 40 Mlnr-le 41 Phel^e 40 Susayj Jane 40 Spr^gue : Charles w John 70 "^ Pr.-^te 70 Samuel 70 Sarah 70 B&rah Ann 70 TiiOfias 70 WeelQT 70 Squire : Genealogy 3^ Aid en 33 Bet hi a 33 Ellis 33 Harmey 33 -Harriet 33 Henry 31? ?aartha 33 Mary 35 Nicholas 33 Patty 33 Phebe 33 8eth 35 Squires : Siizalaeth 65 John 3 Xhoirias 3 St ark Ins : PSr.ebe 19 stedirian : Levi c2 Lucy t!2 St ej) hens : — ^3 Alletta 63 Catharine 63 31p;aila 63 3fe,rgaret 63 Stephenson : ffranols S _ _ Thotiias 44 Stoothoff : Abram 61 Jfery fi 61 Mary Eliza - ■fceth 61 PJiate Maria 64 Sarah Enaria 64 William 61 strong : Cornelia Q Louisa 45 Selah B S 64 Sutphln : John 62 Suyiara : 7 Atigall 7 Henry 9 Louisa 9 ^rgaret 60 PJiela 9 Swan : Prudence d, 9 44 115. VolWTne Two, Si^rfolic County, Ncrv YorK, ^irrogat© Records at Rlvorhsaa, Long Island, New YorK, Index or Persons : page 30. Sweezy : „ 45 Caroline A ^3 Swezey : Mary Ann'30 "" Tagewell : Sateila 16 Tanner : 53 Hftllssa 53 Tapp : Anne 71 laward 71 Ellzatjeth 71 Francis 71 Jan« 71 Maria 71 Mary 71 9ara>i 71 Wasulngton 71 Wiiiiara 71 viiiieuB Hora - tio 71 Wm. Horatio 71 Tappen : Charles S 25 Mftlly 25 Terry : ..30 Ensna C 57 QQovge y , _ **^ OertriJde 80 - piila 44 Hannali H5 Julia 6 Sfery 57 Mary c 57 That ford : Ann 62 John 62 Joseph 62 Sarah Eliza - beth 62 Susan 62 Thompson : Abraham Gardl - ner 7^ Charles G 6Z Dairi.d, ©2 "" pa-fid a „ , 62 Slisatieth iiZ Thompson : j^TeaQriciL D S2 Gardiner -32 "" Jon-aithan 7^^* «>2 m,,ry az Sarah Dlo - date 62 Sarah Q «2 TUlot : Joseph 17 "" Tstus : children 16 Titus : 238lia 16 George lo Harry I6 Henry Ifrost ^d Jane 16 Jane M . 16 Mar^'- 16 Phefeo lo, itt Sa*mioi 5d To bey : Warden 33 Tomlinson : Joseph - Hale 3^ Tot ten : Alexander 32 Townsend : Delia 16 Evelina A 47 Haim.ah 84 Jonr^than 71 Joseph ti4 W2 Unaeriilii : nizatoeth a4 John w ^3 Fr.eije ^7 iiH- •Sarah S3 Sarah Oorne - ila 63 WUllam E S Willie Sd - ^ard 14 40 F 42 50 34 ; 40 Hannah 11 Phebe 40 Stephen 11 : Ann 53 Towns end 56 Van Llew : Oalal;) 6^ Van Ranst : Oharles W Lydla 62 Riper : Oa.ro lino 62 \^'Ci : . 20 llizaheth 20 rneodorus 23 Waldron : Haruiah 63 Walters : 37 Loranso 36,46 Mur^aret 62 Margarat L Margaret Laf&yette i^ary E 4? SaEiuel 20 Step'XiSa 62 Wehh : oeneTisva 1? 43 «'hltpian Ida A Maria A _ . Melvina ^^6 Orange 43 Orange w 43 Walter D 43 Weeks : 53 Van Van 37, 33 4 /a^iay 33 Oaorga 71 s_ 71 : Aoitgall 6k AXI0& o4 Aima C)4 Anne 84 Oharlee S4 Qiariuaa b'4 Hai^nah a!')- iiarvey 34 iienry o4 Jana 4>4 Joswe 5 Hach'31 S5 Kicl'iard .S5 S&jiasel 4 iiOraoitia <^4 l3uac b'4 J^aOoU 30, ^4 Joshua 61 MiAtXlib. fi4 ^'fe.ry t;4 Butii ii2 Sarah 5^ ^illjaiu i>4 Wiiiiame : Charlotte 32 muert T _ ^ 32 liilizal^eth 16 filizuDcJth ? 32 jfisteila 1^ Hai'aiah u2 leruai 32 Jane 32 Josaj.h 16 isaxtoaiat 61 Muxgaret -3 61 Marj'- 16 iid-ti.uu 16 ^£i.-:$'ijii lo Richura 9 61 3&IiiU'il <52 TiKothy 32 Williuai 3^-» 61 Wiiiiaiii 2 . « 61 Wilciot 32 Williamson : .Toiai M 20 Willis : B'SLjaaln 63 lid. Volume Two, Suffolk. County, Hew YorK, surrogate Records at Biverheaa, Long Island, New York. imex of Persoxis page 77 Willis : BejfUHmln H 63 Wooa : Sarnuel a4 Oorriwell 63 B11zaV?in. 63 EperatU9 a 63 Hannai; 63 ~ " Kam^a^ _ . 63 M^iry .^ _ 63 Samuel 63 MflliJajri 60 Wllmot : iTsjicy 71 Paredr. 71 WilHts : Piatt 22 Wise : A(^~ellB. 70 Ben,5ar!ir 70 Aruy g'M-'" Anna .T _ 31 Siiz-alteth ?7 Slizalieth Lilly 3<5 Sarim i55 WUliari 53 youngs : Jcnilna 50 v/arren 5^ XXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Index or Plaoee page !• Altaj-iy County, ,k«?w York : 55 Altanjr, Now Yr>rK : 55 Amlty^lile.Lon;?: lpland,lfew YorK : 15|i>5.S7i^^i»30,33t3<^i^o,4s,50, Angelica, ^3'7 Yorlc : 63 62 Arizo«a H6 Avondale» Bfnv Jersey : 26 Babylon, Lorvg lsian, 79 Flslrjlcill, ner Yox\: : 71 Flat^usli, Long leland» Ne*^ YorX : 1^3, 30, 45 yiusMngilonf l$lat»(i, Hew YorJi : 3S»60,?>l,6:5,65,tS7»69 Port Schuyler, sew York : 71 FraliKlin'rille, Lor.?f island. Hew YorK : M-S Freetown, Mas?.: 37 TreifiOiit, ^"e^ Yort : 3^ Fresh Pond, Ion«? Iglfuad, Hew YorK : ^H Oalva, mine is : 41 ftardinerf Iclnina,. Long Island, Sew Yorlr : 7«>.77»7S,79 Glen Cove, Long Island, New YorK : 5^ Oeorgetuwiii, . .^_.^^-.*^3 Grand Rt-.plde, \'ic?i,: Vf Great KeclK, lr>ng Xsiajid, Kew York : o3 Great ScutJ-i Bay : 18 Greenpoint, lor.g Iriland, New YorK : 3« Oraenr^ort, l^w.. Island, New York. : 37»3S, ^5* H6 Guilford, Conr, ; 5^ Havana, C^i^ia : 71 H6smpstead,Long lRian4,New YorK : 1^, 60,^1, 62, 03, 6*^, 65, 6«, 69, 70 Henry county, 111 1 note : 4i Hlcksville, Long leiand, JSew YorK : HS. Fl£j;laa!is, rev? Yoric ; '^l KlnoKley, onlo : 61 Horeei-'eads, Kew YorK : S3 Hudson City, Ke^' v^oreey : 55 .> , , ^, Hurt ington, Long Island, Kew YorK ; 3.M',5»T,9,i0.ii,13»14-,15,lt>,]L7, 20,21,2?..?3.2^.25»2a»^7,SS,29,30,3l,3i-,53»34,35»36,40,i».l, J4.2, U.6, ii7, '-^-^ » '*9. 52 . 53, 5*^, 55t 5^. 57. 5t , 63 Hyde ParK, }Jm- YorK : 66' Ipswich, Mass. i 3t' „,.,., ., ^^ islip, Lor.£ Island, Sew YorK : 7,':i»9,l»<',lT,i^,35»^5»^7,51»53.56 121. Voliuae two, Bui-folK County, ITew YovK, Surrogate iiecox-as at l-.3vsrlitiaa, Long i8ia/j.u, Mm Yoric. Ind^x or Places : page 4. Isle or *lgh^., Lorig Island, New Yori( : 6, 76 Jawaloa.Long l»lfci,nu» New YorX : 6,l4,4x,4ij-,39»: 0,61. 62.63,64,65, 66, iT, 6*5, 09, 70, 71 Jeilcho.Lc^ii^ ielaniij^ew Yorit : 19, 60, 83 Jersey City : 19 KentUGky : H-^ Kings County, Lcii.f{ Island, New York : 45 Kings Parlc, Ic/.e. Islana, Kow^ York : 4t> LaKe Crovo,Lorxfo Iplund, hem Yoric : 29, 46 LaicQVllle, loiifci Island, Ke?« York : 19 LOi.don, Erigluiid : 71 Loiiisviiifc, iCcrituoKy : 71 LyciG, Corau : o^a Lynn, Maes, ; 51 Maiiiaroneck, liev. Yoik ; 46 Manhasset, H^nji irltma, New YorK : 24, 65 Kanorvilxe, Lor55»60,oo, 67, 70, 74, Newtown, Loiig liiaiid. New York 66 77,ig Is'lnnd, New Yoris : Orlemia Oounti?, K>tw ¥orK : «>.^ Oyster Pny,Lonv^ IeUnti,New Yor:ts PalTsi T!each, Florida : H-9 Panama : 55 Patchogiu>»Lone; tslana,Sew York PeeKHKllx, }i€w YoTlf : 71 P©rt}i Am'l)oy5 jiew jere«y : 70 Philadelphia, ?enn, : iiO, U-1, 47 PJrilliJps Preciinct, v.m York : 35 Pleaeanit Yalip^^ ir^w York : 60 Pom fret, (iora\: 81 Port jeffersor, Long island, New YorK Poii£rsl.rj?.;pSifi, %Qf^ toT'K : 48 Queans Oovnty, Lon? lalaiid, Ke*r Yorlc ^\j sens', Long Islar!')* Hew York : 54 (luof^ie, lonr, iflar^e, sew York : 16 R0n»;'efsisAervUJ«i N?^ YorJc : 35 RiTorhead. Km^, I^Im^^.Hw Yorlr :l3»io»26,2a,3l,32,33,39,40,i^, Rocniana Oo-unty, K^^irfYork 47 *3,4'^f 53i3i?i 76 Roclc^ni© 0*?jitr*i, Lor 2 Ifiland, Nw YorK. : 15 RonKonicoma, Lor>£ lelv-nd, iT-ew Yorlc : *i9, 3i» 5^ Rye, Ke? YotX : 62 : 12, 26, 57 ¥if 46» 63 11,16.55»36,44,49,51,5^ 44 Sag Hartor, Lor 2 IsIfM, Se-v YovlL 8t, J"aT2?8, LctitT jpland, Mew York : Salt lake Olty, Utah : 70 San Franc t9Co, Calif,: 69 SayurooK, Oor.n, : S2 Seta-uKet, Umi^ Tfllf'r-a, K^w Ycrl^ : 19, £5» ^ Shelter island, Long Island, Kew York : 55»37,3^i»43,46 81r[-: niri^;, JT'?w YorK : 14 Sralthto'TO, Long Isa^nd, Hew York : 5»6,7,10,ii»iii,i3»i4,l5,l7,19, ao,21/a2,?'^^5,?6,?-7,^-i^»30,3i,32»33,34,3'?,56.3^.40,42,44,45, 49, 51, 53/ 54, 74 Southa^npton.Lonf; Ieilanct,Hew York : 8out;.amton, Lon^, Isltma, Hetv York ll,33i35,36,39, 49, 30» 51,50 5 South Hsjnp'»'.OTi^ Long Inlimd, Now YotK : £<•>, 34 Southold, Long lulnrM. He^/ YorF :3.6.35i37,40,43,4<5,.^0,bl,57,58f Soyth iCtngston, TCrtna^. Island. : 37 South MUls, Lon,'^ l!5l;ina, How YorK Sprlnsjriel-l., Lo:%5 I8lr\ii(l, li«w York Stamfora, Conn. : ?.5» ^^ 74 61, 08,03,04,65 123. Volume Two» 9ufrol!c Ommty, nsw Yr.rX, Surro^att Records at Kiveri^eaa, Long Xsiana, Mm TorK. ItiUex of Places : page o. atanwlcKs, Faw TorK : 71 8t9Vl:)en County, lior-.^ Yoyk : y^. StocKton., Oaiif. : jS' 8tor»y ProoJs, Luii^i iilana, Hew YorK : 24, ^5, ^o% M-^, 47, 4i5 Stony PoJnt, A