5 335^ la Am- "PS z 3 5 3 ^■i All par jhy H a p?y D a x jrf\LL FOR THY JS APPY DAY t^U^u. c, ink rua. ^ Copyright 1888. By Hard & Parsons, New York. APPY birds, btippv birds, OTa ^Oina your sweetest now ; Dnowdrops liabtly tip tl?e dew Prom eaci? pearly brow ; £>teal a aleam of simliar^t (@)o run you round to-day, Olnd vj\)\\g tl?e birds ore Carolina, Iriabe loveliest array. (T^LAPPY beams, happy beams, (golden from the sun, ©mile upon fbe flowers fair, bpld them every one ; Wnd warm the little sonasters, (e momma sky. +£a.PPY day, bapp/ day, Hor tl;e sunlight s arace, (gj)\)e merry birds, and dainty flowers W i i 9 sircr? joyous face; Happy for ll;e freeze tbat blows cits perfume o er i\)e lea, l3ut bapDiest tbat all for tbee @9is bappy day sball be. Annie C. McQueen. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllllilllllllllllllillillllllllllllilllllllllllllll 015 988 388 7 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS «■ 015 988 388 7 •