Mass 1 TM ' - ^ Book .rf. SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT. / ZMI"^ la/i^^y ,///-' r::/fx^f/^zy ^(U^:-<'rA 1 (l^ 1( LORD S0ULI5, ^ftlclNffftv^ 1Relii)ite0 OP ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY CONSISTING OP OF THE EAELIER POETS, WITH SOME OF LATER DATE, NOT INCLUDED IN ANY OTHER EDITION, COLLECTED BY THOMAS PERCY, D.D., M BISHOP OF DROMORE. TO WHICH IS NOW ADDED A SUPPLEMENT OF MANY CURIOUS HISTORICAL AND NARRATIVE BALLADS, REPRINTED FROM RARE COPIES. WITH j^^t CHARLES DESHYER, 253 MARKET STREET. BOSTON: PHILLIPS, SAMPSON & CO. 1855. \^i' Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by FREDERICK BELL, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. 33 '§xdut. The reader is here presented with select remains of our ancient English Bards and Minstrels, an order of men, who were once greatly respected by our ancestors, and con- tributed to soften the roughness of a martial and unlettered people by their songs and by their music. The greater part of them are extracted from an ancient folio manuscript, in the Edi- tor's possession, which contains near two hun- dred Poems, Songs, and Metrical Romances. This MS, was written about the middle of the last century ; but contains compositions of all times and dates, from the ages prior to Chaucer, to the conclusion of the reign of Charles I.* This manuscript was shown to several learned and ingenious friends, who thought the contents too curious to be consigned to oblivion, and importuned the possessor to se- lect some of them and give them to the press. As most of them are of great simplicity, and seem to have been merely written for the peo- ple, he was long in doubt, whether, in the present state of improved literature, they could be deemed worthy the attention of the public. At length the importunity of his friends prevailed, and he could refuse nothing to such judges as the Author of the Rambler and the late Mr. Shenstone. Accordingly such specimens of ancient poetry have been selected, as either show the gradation of our language, exhibit the pro- gress of popular opinions, display the pecu- * Chaucer quotes the oM Romance of " Libius Disconius," and some others, which are found in this MS. It also con- tains several Songs relating to the Civil War in the last century, but not one that alludes to the Restoration. liar manners and customs of former ages, or throw light on our earlier classical poets. They are here distributed into volumes, each of which contains an independent series of poems, arranged chiefly according to the order of time, and showing the gradual im- provements of the English language and poet- ry from the earliest ages down to tlie pre- sent. Each volume, or series, is divided into three books, to afford so many pauses, or resting places to the reader, and to assist him in distinguishing between the productions of the earlier, the middle, and the latter times. In a polished age, like the present, I am sensible that many of these reliques of an- tiquity will require great allowances to be made for them, Yot have they, for the most part, a pleasing simplicity, and many artless graces, which in the opinicm of no mean critics* have been thought to compensate for the want of higher beauties, and if they do not dazzle the imagination, are frequently found to interest the heart. To atone for the rudeness of the more ob- solete poems, each volume concludes with a few modern attempts in the same kind of wri- ting: and, to take off from the tediousness of the longer narratives, they are everywhere intermingled with little elegant pieces of the lyric kind. Select ballads in the old Scottish dialect, most of them of the first rate merit, are also interspersed among those of our an- * Mr. Addison, Mr. Dryden, and the witty Lord Dorset, &c. See the Spectator, No. 70. To these might be added many eminent judges now alive. — The learned Selden appears also to have been fond of collecting these old things See below, CD PREFACE. cient English Minstrels ; and the artless pro- ductions of these old rhapsodists are occa- sionally confronted with specimens of the com- position of contemporary poets of a higher class ; of those who had all the advantages of learning in the times in which they lived, and who wrote for fame and for posterity. Yet perhaps the palm will be frequently due to the old strolling Minstrels, who composed their rhymes to be sung to their harps, and who looked no further than for present ap- plause, and present subsistence. The reader will find this class of men oc- casionally described in the following vo- lumes, and some particulars relating to their history in an Essay subjoined to this preface. It will be proper here to give a short ac- count of the other collections that were con- sulted, and to make my acknowledgments to those gentlemen who were so kind as to im- part extracts from them ; for, while this se- lection was making, a great number of inge- nious friends took a share in the work and explored many large repositories in its favour. The first of these that deserved notice was the Pepysian library at Magdalen College, Cambridge. Its founder, Sam. Pepys,* Esq., Secretary of the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II. and James II., had made a large collection of ancient English ballads, near two thousand in number, which he has left pasted in five volumes in folio ; besides Gar- lands and other smaller miscellanies. This collection, he tells us, was " begun by Mr. Selden ; improved by the addition of many pieces elder thereto in time ; and the whole continued down to the year 1700 ; when the form peculiar till then thereto, viz. of the black letter with pictures, seems (for cheap- ness sake) wholly laid aside for that of the white letter without pictures.'* In the Ashmole Library at Oxford is a small collection of Ballads made by Anthony Wood in the year 1676, containing somewhat more than two hundred. Many ancient po- pular poems are also preserved in the Bodle- yan Library. The archives of the Antiquarian Society at London contain a multitude of curious * A Life of our cui'ious collector, Mr. Pepys, may be seen in the " The Continuation of Mr. Collier's Supplement to his Great Dictionary, 1715, at the end of vol. iii. folio. Art. PEP." political poems in large folio volumes, digest- ed under the several reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, James I., &o. In the British Museum is preserved a large treasure of ancient English poems in MS., besides one folio volume of printed ballads. From all these some of the best pieces were selected ; and from many private collections, as well printed as manuscript, particularly from one large folio volume which was lent by a lady. Amid such a fund of materials, the Editor is afraid he has been sometimes led to make too great a parade of his authorities. The desire of being accurate has perhaps seduced him into too minute and trifling an exactness ; and in pursuit of information he may have been drawn into many a petty and frivolous research. It was however necessary to give some account of the old copies ; though often, for the sake of brevity, one or two of these only are mentioned, where yet assistance was received from several. Where anything was altered that deserved particular notice, the passage is generally distinguished by two inverted ' commas'. And the Editor has en- deavoured to be as faithful as the imperfect state of his materials would admit. For these old popular rhymes being many of them copied only from illiterate transcripts, or the imperfect recitation of itinerant ballad-sing- ers, have, as might be expected, been handed down to us with less care than any other writings in the world. And the old copies, whether MS. or printed, were often so de- fective or corrupted, that a scrupulous adhe- rence to their wretched readings would only have exhibited unintelligible nonsense, or such poor meagre stufi* as neither came from the Bard nor was worthy the press ; when, by a few slight corrections or additions, a most beautiful or interesting sense hath started forth, and this so naturally and easily, that the Editor could seldom prevail on him- self to indulge the vanity of making a formal claim to the improvement ; but must plead guilty to the charge of concealing his own share in the amen.dments under some such general title as a "Modern Copy," or the like. Yet it has been his design to give sufficient intimation where any considerable liberties* * Such liberties have been taken with all those pieces which have three asterisks subjoined, thus %* PREFACE. were taken with the old copies, and to have retained either in the text or margin any word or phrase which was antique, obsolete, unusual, or peculiar, so that these might be safely quoted as of genuine and undoubted antiquity. His object was to please both the judicious antiquary and the reader of taste ; and he hath endeavoured to gratify both vv^ith- out offending either. The plan of the work was settled in con- cert with the late elegant Mr. Shenstone, who was to have borne a joint share in it had not death unhappily prevented him.* Most of the modern pieces were of his selection and arrangement, and the Editor hopes to be par- doned if he has retained some things out of partiality to the judgment of his friend. The old folio MS. above mentioned was a pre- sent from Humphrey Pitt, Esq., of Prior's-lee, in Shropshire,! to whom this public acknow- ledgment is due for that, and many other obliging favours. To Sir David Dalrymple, Bart,, of Hales, near Edinburgh, the editor is indebted for most of the beautiful Scottish poems with which this little miscellany is enriched, and for many curious and elegant remarks with which they are illustrated. Some obliging communications of the same kind were received from John Mac Gowan, Esq., of Edinburgh; and many curious expla- nations of Scottish words in the glossaries from John Davidson, Esq., of Edinburgh, and from the Rev. Mr. Hutchinson of Kimbolton. Mr. Warton, who has twice done so much honour to the Poetry Professor's chair at Oxford, and Mr. Hest of Worcester College, contributed some curious pieces from the Oxford libraries. Two ingenious and learn- * That the Editor hath not here underrated the assist- ance he received from his friend, will appear from Mr. Shenstone's own letter to the Rev. Mr. Graves, dated March 1, 1761. See his works, vol. iii. letter ciii. It is doubtless a great loss to this work, that Mr. Shenstone never saw more than about a third of one of these volumes, as pre- pared for the press. t Who informed the Editor that this MS. had been pur- chased in a library of old books, which was thought to have belonged to Thomas Blount, author of the " Jocular Tenures, 1679," 4to., and of many other publications enu- merated in Wood's Athenas, ii. 73 ; the earliest of which is "The Art of Making Devises, 164G," 4to., wherein he is described to be " of the Inner Temple." If the collection was made by this lawyer (who also published the " Law Dictionary, 1671," folio), it should seem, from the errors and defects with which the MS. abounds, that he had employed his derk in writing the transcripts, who was often weary of his task. ed friends at Cambridge deserve the Editor's warmest acknowledgments: to Mr. Blake- way, late fellow of Magdalen College, he owes all the assistance received from the Pepysian library : and Mr. Farmer, fellow of Emanuel, often exerted, in favour of this little work, that extensive knowledge of ancient English literature for which he is so distinguished.* Many extracts from ancient MSS. in the British Museum, and other repositories, were owing to the kind services of Thomas Astle, Esq. , to whom the public is indebted for the curious Preface and Index annexed to the Harleyan Catalogue.! The worthy Librarian of the Society of Antiquarians, Mr. Norris, deserves acknowledgment for the obliging manner in which he gave the Editor access to the volumes under his care. In Mr. Gar- rick's curious collection of old plays are many scarce pieces of ancient poetry, with the free use of which he indulged the Editor in the politest manner. To the Rev. Dr. Birch he is indebted for the use of several ancient and valuable tracts. To the friend- ship of Dr. Samuel Johnson he owes many * To the same learned and ingenious friend, since Master of Emanuel College, the Editor is obliged for many correc- tions and improvements in his second and subsequent editions; as also to the Rev. Mr. Bowie, of Idmistone, near Salisbury, Editor of the curious edition of Don Quixote, with Annotations, in Spanish, in six vols. 4to. ; to the Rev. Mr. Cole, formerly of Blecheley, near Fenny-Stratford, Bucks; to the Rev. Mr. Lambe, of Noreham, in North- umberland, author of a learned " History of Chess," 1764, 8vo., and Editor of a curious " Poem on the Battle of Flodden Field," with learned Notes, 1774, 8vo.; and to G. Paton, Esq., of Edinburgh. He is particularly indebted to two friends, to whom the public, as well as himself, are under the greatest obligations ; to the Honourable Daines Barring- ton, for his very learned and curious " Observations on the Statutes," 4to. ; and to Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq., whose most correct and elegant edition of Chaucer's " Canterbury Tales," 5 vols. 8vo., is a standard book, and shows how an ancient English classic should be published. The Editor was also favoured with many valuable remarks and correc- tions from the Rev. Geo. Ashby, late fellow of St. John's College, in Cambridge, which are not particularly pointed out because they occur so often. He was no less obliged to Thomas Butler, Esq., F.A.S., agent to the Duke of North- umberland, and Clerk of the Peace for the county of V. Id- dlesex; whose extensive knowledge of ancient Avritings, records, and history, has been of great use to the Editor in his attempts to illustrate the literature or manners of our ancestors. Some valuable remarks were procured by Samuel Pegge, Esq., author of that curious work the "Curialia," 4to. ; but this impression was too far advanced to profit by them all; which hath also been the case with a series of learned and ingenious annotations inserted in the Gentleman's Magazine for August, 1793, April, .Tune, July, and October, 1794, and which, it is hoped, will he continued, t Since Keeper of the Records in the Tower. PREFACE. valuable hints for the conduct of the work. And, if the Glossaries are more exact and curious than might be expected in so slight a publication, it is to be ascribed to the su- per visal of a friend, who stands at this time the first in the world for Northern literature, and whose learning is better known and re- spected in foreign nations than in his own country. It is perhaps needless to name the Rev. Mr. Lye, Editor of Junius's Etymologi- cum, and of the Gothic Gospels. The names of so many men of learning and character the Editor hopes will serve as an amulet, to guard him from every unfa- vourable censure for having bestowed any attention on a parcel of Old Ballads. It was at the request of many of these gentle- men, and of others eminent for their genius and taste, that this little work was undertaken. To prepare it for the pres8 has been the amusement of now and then a vacant hour amid the leisure and retirement of rural life, and hath only served as a relaxation from graver studies. It has been taken up at dif- ferent times, and often thrown aside for many months, during an interval of four or five years. This has occasioned some incon- sistencies and repetitions, which the candid reader will pardon. As great care has been taken to admit nothing immoral and indecent, the Editor hopes he need not be ashamed of having bestowed some of his idle hours on the ancient literature of our own country, or in rescuing from oblivion some pieces (though but the amusements of our ancestors) which tend to place in a striking light their taste, genius, sentiments, or manners. Except in one paragraph, and in the Notes subjoined, this Preface is given with little variation from the first edition in mdcclxv. €miniB. PAGE 1 Ess AY on the Ancient Minstrels in England ix 2 Notes and Illustrations .... xxiii SERIES THE FIRST. BOOK THE FIRST. 1 The ancient Ballad of Chevy-Chase . 2 The Battle of Otterbourne Illustration of the Names in the foregoing Ballads 3 The Jew's Daughter. A Scottish Ballad 4 Sir Cauline 5 Edward, Edward, A Scottish Ballad 6 King Estmere On the word Termagant . 7 Sir Patrick Spence. A Scottish Ballad 8 Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne . 9 An Elegy on Henry, Fourth Earl of North umberland, by Skelton . 10 The Tower of Doctrine, by Stephen Hawes 11 The Child of Elle .... 12 Edom (Adam) o'Gordon. A Scottish Ballad BOOK THE SECOND. {^Containing Ballads that Illustrate Shakspeare.) Essay on the Origin of the English Stage 8 1 Adam Bell, Clym o' the Clough, and Wil- liam of Cloudesly .... 2 The aged Lover renounceth Love 3 Jepthah, Judge of Israel . 4 A Robyn, Jolly Robyn 5 A Song to the Lute in Musicke 6 King Cophetua and the Beggar-maid 7 Take thy old Cloak about thee 8 Willow, Willow, Willow . 9 Sir Lancelot du Lake 10 Corydon's Farewell to Phillis . The Ballad of Constant Susannah . 11 Gernutus, the Jew of Venice . 12 The Passionate Shepherd to his Love, by Marlow The Nymph's Reply, by Sir W. Raleigh 13 Titus Andronicus's Complaint . 14 Take those Lips away 15 King Leir and his Three Daughters 16 Youth and Age, by Shakspeare 17 The Frolicksome Duke, or the Tinker's Good Fortune 135 18 The Friar of Orders Gray . . . 137 104 113 114 115 116 117 119 120 122 124 124 124 128 129 129 132 132 135 PAGE 139 145 145 146 149 153 154 157 159 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 169 BOOK THE THIRD. 1 The more modern Ballad of Chevy Chase Illustration of the Northern Names . 2 Death's Final Conquest, by James Shirley 3 The Rising in the North . 4 Northumberland betrayed by Douglas 5 My Mind to me a Kingdome is 6 The Patient Countess, by W. Warner 7 Dowsabell, by Drayton 8 The Farewell to Love, from Beaumont and Fletcher 9 Ulysses and the Syren, by S. Daniel 10 Cupid's Pastime, by Davison . 11 The Character of a Happy Life, by Sir H, Wotton 12 Gilderoy. A Scottish Ballad . 13 Winifreda 14 The Witch of Wokey 15 Bryan and Pereene. A West India Balladj by Dr. Grainger .... 16 Gentle River, Gentle River. Translated from the Spanish- .... 17 Alcanzar and Zayda, a Moorish Tale SERIES THE SECOND. BOOK THE FIRST, 1 Richard of Almaigne . . . .171 2 On the Death of King Edward L . . 172 3 An original Ballad, by Chaucer . .174 4 The Turnament of Tottenham . . . 175 5 For the Victory at Agincourt . . .179 6 The Not-browne Mayd . . . .180 7 A Balet by the Earl Rivers . . .185 8 Cupid's Assault. By Lord Vaux . .186 9 Sir Aldingar 188 10 The Gaberlunzie Man. Scottish. By King James V 191 11 On Thomas Lord Cromwell . . .192 12 Harpalus. An Ancient English Pastoral 194 13 Robin and Makyne. An ancient Scottish Pastoral 195 14 Gentle Herdsman, tell to me . . . 197 15 King Edward IV. and the Tanner of Tam- worth 199 16 As ye came from the Holy Land . . 202 17 Hardyknute. A Scottish Fragment. By Sir J. Brueo 203 (5) VI CONTENTS. BOOK THE SECOND. PAGE 1 A Ballad of Luther, the Pope, a Cardinal, and a Husbandman .... 209 2 John Anderson my Jo. A Scottish Song . 211 3 Little John Nobody 212 4 Queen Elizabeth's Verses, while Prisoner at Woodstock 214 5 The Heir of Linne 214 6 Gascoigne's Praise of tho fair Bridges, afterwards Lady Sandes . . .218 7 Fair Rosamond. By Thomas Delone . 220 8 Queen Eleanor's Confession . . . 224 9 The Sturdy Rock 226 10 The Beggar's Daughter of Bednal Green . 226 An Essay on the word Fit, and the Ancient Ballad Singing 231 11 Fancy and Desire. By the Earl of Oxford 233 12 Sir Andrew Barton 234 13 Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament. . A Scot- tish Song 239 14 The Murder of the King of Scots . . 240 15 A Sonnet by Queen Elizabeth . . . 241 16 The King of Scots and And. Browne. By W. Elderton 242 17 The Bonny Earl of Murray. A Scottish Song . . . . . . .244 18 Young Waters. A Scottish Song . . 245 19 Mary Ambree 246 20 Brave Lord Willoughby . . . .249 21 Victorious Men of Earth. By James Shir- ley 250 22 The Winning of Cales . . . .251 23 The Spanish Lady's Love . . ,252 24 Argentile and Curan. By W. Warner . 254 ,25 Corin's Fate 259 26 Jane Shore 259 27 Corydon's Doleful Knell . . . .264 BOOK THE THIRD. Essay on the Metre of Pierce Plowman's Visions 265 1 The Complaint of Conscience . . . 272 2 Plain Truth and Blind Ignorance . . 274 3 The Wandering Jew . . . . .276 4 The Lye. By Sir W. Raleigh . . .278 5 Verses (viz. two Sonnets) by King James L 279 6 King John and the Abbot of Canterbury 280 7 You Meaner Beauties. By Sir H. Wotton 283 8 The Old and Young Courtier . . .283 9 Sir John Suckling's Campaigne . . 285 10 To Althea from Prison. By Col. Lovelace 286 11 The Downfall of Charing Cross . . 287 12 Loyalty Confined. By Sir Roger L'Es- trange 288 13 Verses by King Charles L . . . 289 14 The Sale of Rebellious Household Stuff . 290 15 The Baffled Knight, or Lady's Policy . 292 16 Why so Pale? By Sir John Suckling . 294 17 Old Tom of Bedlam. Mad Song the First 294 18 The Distracted Puritan. Mad Song the Second 296 J 9 The Lunatic Lover. Mad Song the Third 297 20 The Lr\cly Distracted with Love. Mad Song the Fourth 298 PAGE 21 The Distracted Lover. Mad Song the Fifth 298 22 The Frantic Lady. Mad Song the Sixth . 299 23 Lilli-Burlero. By Lord Wharton . . 300 24 The Braes of Yarrow. In Imitation of the ancient Scottish Manner. By W. Hamil- ton 301 25 Admiral Hosier's Ghost By Mr. Glover . 303 26 Jemmy Dawson. By Mr. Shenstone . 304 SERIES THE THIRD. BOOK THE FIRST. Essay on the Ancient Metrical Romances 306 1 The Boy and the Mantle . . . .320 2 The Marriage of Sir Gawaine . . . 324 3 King Ryence's Challenge .... 328 4 King Arthur's Death. A Fragment . 329 5 The Legend of King Arthur . . .332 6 A Dyttie to Hey Downe . . . .333 7 Glasgerion 334 8 Old Robin of Portingale .... 335 9 Child Waters 337 10 Phillida and Corydon. By Nio. Breton . 340 11 Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard . . 341 12 The Ew-bughts Marion. A Scottish Song 343 13 The Knight and Shepherd's Daughter . 343 14 The Shepherd's Address to his Muse. By N. Breton ...... 345 15 Lord Thomas and Fair Ellinor . . . 345 16 Cupid and Campaspe. By John Lilye . 347 17 The Lady turned Serving Man . . 347 18 Gil (Child) Morrice. A Scottish Ballad . 349 BOOK THE SECOND. 1 The Legend of Sir Guy . . . .352 2 Guy and Amarant. By Sam. Rowlands . 354 3 The Auld Good-man. A Scottish Song . 358 4 Fair Margaret and Sweet William . . 358 6 Barbara Allen's Cruelty . . . .360 6 Sweet William's Ghost. A Scottish Ballad 361 7 Sir John Grehme and Barbara Allan. Ditto 365 8 The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington . . 362 9 The Willow Tree. A Pastoral Dialogue . 363 10 The Lady's Fall 364 11 Waly, Waly, Love be bonny. A Scottish Song 366 12 The Bride's Burial 366 13 Dulcina 368 14 The Lady Isabella's Tragedy . . .369 15 A Hue and Cry after Cupid. By Ben Jon- son 370 16 The King of France's Daughter . . 371 17 The Sweet Neglect. By Ben Jonson . 374 18 The Children in the Wood . . .374 19 A Lover of Late was I . . . .376 20 The King and the Miller of Mansfield . 377 21 The Shepherd's Resolution. By G. Wither 381 22 Queen Dido, or the Wandering Prince of Troy 382 23 The Witches Song. By Ben Jonson . 384 24 Robin Good-fellow 385 25 The Fairy Queen 387 26 The Fairies Farewell. By Dr. Corbet . 388 CONTENTS. Vll BOOK THE THIRD. PAGE 1 The Birth of St. George . . . .390 2 St. George and the Dragon . . .394 3 Love will find out the Way . . .397 4 Lord Thomas and FairAnnet. A Scottish Ballad 398 5 Unfading Beauty. By Thomas Carew . 399 6 George Barnwell 400 7 The Stedfast Shepherd. By George Wither 404 8 The Spanish Virgin; or the Eflfects of Jealousy 405 9 Jealousy, Tyrant of the Mind. By Dryden 407 10 Constant Penelope 408 11 To Lucasta, on going to the Wars. By Col. Lovelace 409 12 Valentine and Ursine .... 409 13 The Dragon of Wantley .... 414 14 St. George for England. The First Part . 418 15 St. George for England. The Second Part. By J. Grubb 420 16 Margaret's Ghost. By David Mallet . 426 It Lucy and Colin. By The. Tickell . . 427 18 The Boy and the Mantle, Revised, ]iienb. MusicuSy a Minstrel ; and Eliphleofpienfelica. ilfM.n'cMs, Musical. These two words include the full idea of the Minstrel character, expressing at once their music and singing, being compounded of Elip, Musicus, Mimus, a Musician, Minstrel, and Leo'&j Carmen, a Song. (3). From the above word DI155, the pro- fession itself was called Elijcpiaept. [Glig or Glee-craft.] Mu- * Gleman continued to be the name given to a Minstrel both in England and Scotland almost as long as this order of men continued. In De Brunne's metrical version of Bishop Grosthead's Jfanud de Peche. A. D. 1303 (see Warton, i. 61), wo have this, " Gode men, ye shall lere When ye any Gleman here." Fabyan (in his Chronicle, 1533, f. 32), translating the passage from Geoffrey of Monmouth, quoted below in page 28, Note (K), renders Deus Jocclatorom. by God of Gle- men. (Warton's Hist. Eng. Poet. Diss. I.) Fabyan died in 1592. Dunbar, who lived in the same century, describing, in one of his poems, intituled "The Daunce," what passed in the infernal regions " amaugis the Feyndis," says, " Na Menstralls playit to thame, but dowt, For Glemen thaire wer haldin, out. Be day and eke by nicht." Bee Poems from Bannatyne's MS. Edinb. 1770, 12mo. page 130. Maitland's MS. at Cambridge reads here, Glewe men. sica, Histrionia, Mimica, Gesficnlatio : which Somner rightly gives in English, Minstrelsy, Mimical Gesticulation, Mummery. He also adds. Stage-playing ; but here again I think he substitutes an idea too modern, induced by the word Histrionia, which in Middle Latinity only signifies the Minstrel Art. However, it should seem that both mimical gesticulation and a kind of rude exhibition of characters were sometimes attempted by the old Minstrels. But (4). As Musical Performances was the leading idea, so Ijliopian, Cantus mnsicos edere ; and Dhjbeara, ^lipbeam. [Glig- or Glee- beam.] Tympanum; a Timbrel or Taber. (So Somn.) Hence Dlypan. Tympanum pulsare ; and Dlip-meben ; Eliypienbe-uiaben [Glee-Maiden.] Tympanistria: which Somner renders a She-Minstrel ; for it should seem that they had Females of this profession ; one one name for which was also IJlypbybe- nepcjia. (5). Of congenial derivation to the forego- ing, is Irlypc. [Glywc] Tibia, a Pipe or Flute. Both this and the common radix Hrli^^, are with great appearance of truth derived by Junius from the Icelandic Gliggur, Flatus : as supposing the first attempts at music among our Gothic ancestors were from wind- instruments. Vid. Jun. Etyra. Ang. V. Glee. II. But the Minstrels, as is hinted above, did not confine themselves to the mere exercise of their primary arts of Music and Song, but occasionally used many other modes of divert- ing. Hence, from the above root was derived, in a secondary sense, (1). Dleo, and pinpum jlip. FaceiicE. Ijleopian, jocari ; to jest or be merry (Somn.) ; and Ijleopienb, Jocans; jesting, speaking merrily (Somn.). Ijli^maii also signified Jocista, a Jester. Eli^-.^amen [Glee-games], joci. AVhich Somner renders Merriments, or merry Jests, or trick, or Sports: Gamboles. (2). Hence, again, by a common metonymy of the cause for the effect, Iilie, gaudium, alacritas, Icetitia, facetice ; XXX NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. Toy, Mirth, Gladness, Cheerfulness, Glee. [Somner.] Which last application of the word still continues, though rather in a low, debasing sense. III. But however agreeable and delightful the various arts of the Minstrels might be to the Anglo-Saxon laity, there is reason to believe that, before the Norman Conquest at least, they were not much favoured by the clergy ; particularly by those of monastic profession. For, not to mention that the sportive talents of these men would be considered by those austere ecclesiastics as tending to levity and licentiousness, the Pagan origin of their art would excite in the Monks an insuperable prejudice against it. The Anglo-Saxon Harp- ers and Gleemen were the immediate suc- cessors and imitators of the Scandinavian Scalds; who were the great promoters of Pagan superstition, and fomented that spirit of cruelty and outrage in their countrymen, the Danes, which fell with such peculiar severity on the religious and their convents. — Hence arose a third application of words de- rived from Ijli^j, Minstrelsy, in a very un- favourable sense, and this chiefly prevails in books of religion and ecclesiastic discipline. Thus, (1). IrliJ is J>i/ un jeu du priz : Et de faict il semble que de nostre temps, il y en eust encores quelque remarques, en ce que le mot de Jou- ingleur s'estant par succession de temps tourne en batelage, nous avons veu en nostre jeunesse les Jouing leurs se trouver 4 certain jour tons les ans en la ville de Chauny en Pi- cardie, pour faire monstre de leur mestrier devant le monde, k qui mieux. Et ce que j 'en dis icy n'est pas pour vilipender ces anciens Rimeurs, ainsi pour monstrer qu'il n'y a chose si belle qui ne s'aneantisse avec le temps." We see here that in the time of Pasquier the poor Minstrel was sunk into as low esti- mation in France, as he was then or after- wards in England : but by his apology for comparing the Jouingleurs, who assembled to exercise their faculty, in his youth, to the ancient Rimeurs, it is plain they exerted their skill in rhyme. As for King Adenes, or Adenez (whose name in the first passage above is corruptly printed Adams), he is recorded in the " Bi- blioth^ues des Romans, Amst. 1735," 12mo. vol. i. p. 232, to have composed the two Ro- mances in verse above mentioned, and a third, entitled Le Roman de Bertm : all three being preserved in a MS. written about 1270. His Bon Due Henry I conceive to have been Henry Duke of Brabant. (B b 2) " King of the Minstrels," &c.j See Antis's Register of the Order of the Gar- NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. xliii ter, ii. p. 303, who tells us " The President or Governour of the Minstrels had the like denomination of Roy in France and Bur- gundy : and in England, John of Gaunt con- stituted such an officer by a patent; and long before his time payments were made by the crown to [a] King of the Minstrels by Edw. I. Regi Roberto Ministrallo scutifero ad arma commoranti ad vqldia Regis anno 5to. [Bibl. Cotton. Vespas. c. 16, f. 3] ; as likewise [Li- bro Garderob. 25 E. I.] Ministrallis in die nuptiarum Comitissag Holland filiae Regis, Regi Pago, Johanni Vidulatori, &c. Morello Regi, &c. Druetto Month ant, et Jacketto de Scot. Regibus, cuilibet eorum xl. s. Regi Pagio de Hollandia, &c. Under Ed. II. we likewise find other entries, Regi Roberto et aliis Ministrallis facientibus Menistrallias [Ministralcias qu.] suas coram Rege. [Bibl. Cotton. Nero. c. 8, p. 84, b. Comp. Garderob.] That king granted Williolmo de Morlee dicto Roy de North, Ministrallo Regis, domos quae fuerunt Johannis le Botoler dicti Roy Brun- haud. [Pat. de terr. forisfact. 16 E. III.]" He adds below (p. 304) a similar instance of a Rex Juglatomm, and that the " King of the Minstrels," at length was styled in France Roy de Violins, (Furetiere Diction. Univers.) as with us " King of the Fidlers ;" on which subject see below, note (E e 2). (B b 3) The Statute 4 Hen. IV. (1402), c. 27, runs in these terms, " Item, pur eschuir plusieurs diseases et mischiefs qont advenuz devaunt ces heures en la terre de Gales par plusieurs Westours, Rymours, Minstralx et autres Vacabondes, ordeignez est et establiz qe nul Westour, Rymour, Minstral ne Vaca- bond soit aucunement sustenuz en la terra de Gales pur faire kymorthas ou coillage sur la commune poeple illoeques." This is among the severe laws against the Welsh, passed during the resentment occasioned by the out- rages committed under Owen Glendour ; and as the Welsh Bards had excited their country- men to rebellion against the English Govern- ment, it is not to be wondered, that the Act is conceived in terms of the utmost indigna- tion and contempt against this class of men, who are described as Rymours, Ministralx, which are apparently here used as only synonymous terms to express the Welsh Bards with the usual exuberance of our Acts of Parliament: for if their Ministralx had been mere musicians, they would not have required the vigilance of the English leg- islature to suppress them. It was their songs exciting their countrymen to insurrec- tion which produced "les diseases et mischiefs en la Terre de Gales." It is also submitted to the reader, whether the same application of the terms does not still more clearly appear in the Commission issued in 1567, and printed in Evan Evans's Specimens of Welsh Poetry, 1764, 4to. p. v.. for bestowing the Silver Harp on " the chief of that faculty." For after settingforth "that vagrant and idle persons, naming themselves Minstrels, Rythmers, and Bards, had lately grown into such intolerable multitude within the Principality in North Wales, that not only gentlemen and others by their shameless disorders are oftentimes disquieted in their habitations, but also expert Minstrels and Mu- sicians in tonge and cunynge thereby much discouraged, &c." and " hindred [of] livings and preferment," &c. it appoints a time and place, wherein all " persons that intend to maintain their liviilg by name or colour of Minstrels, Rythmers, or Bards," within five shires of North Wales, " shall appear to show their learnings accordingly," &c. And the Commissioners are required to admit such as shall be found worthy, into and under the de- grees heretofore in use, so that they may " use, exercise, and follow the sciences and faculties of their professions in such decent order as shall appertain to each of their de- grees." And the rest are to return to some honest labour, &c., upon pain to be taken as sturdy and idle vagabonds, &c. (B b 4) Holingshed translated this passage from Tho. de Elmham's " Vita et Gesta Hen- rici v.," scil. " Soli Omnipotenti Deo se velle victoriam imputari .... in tantum, quod cantus de suo triumpho fieri, seu per Citha- ristas vel alios quoscunque cantari penitus prohibebat.'' [Edit. Hearnii, 1727, p. 72.] As in his version Holingshed attributes the making as well as singing ditties to Minstrels, it is plain he knew that men of this profes- sion had been accustomed to do both. (C c) " The Household Book," &c.] See Section V. "Of the Nombre of all my lords Ser- vaunts." sliv NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. " Item, Mynstrals in Houshold iii. viz. A Taberet, a Luyte, and a Rebecc." [The Re- beck was a kind of Fiddle with three strings.] Sect. XLIV. 3. " Rewardes to his lordship's Servaunts, &c." " Item, My lord usith ande accustomith to gyf yerly, when his lordschipp is at home, to his Minstrallis that be daily in his household, as his Tabret, Lute, and Rebeke, upon New Yeresday in the mornynge when they do play at my lordis chamber dour for his Lordschip and my Lady, xx. s. Viz. xiii. s. iiii d. for my Lord ; and vi. s. viii. d. for my Lady, if sche be at my lords fyndynge, and not at hir owen ; and for playing at my lordis Sone and Heir's chamber doure, the lord Percy, ii. s. And for playinge at the chamber doures of my lords Yonger Sonnes, my yonge masters, after ziii. d. the pece for every of them. xxiii. iiii. d." Sect XLIV. 2. " Rewards to be geven to strangers, as Players, Mynstralls, or any other, &c. " Furst, my lorde usith and accustomyth to gif to the Kings Jugler; .... when they custome to come unto him yerly, vi. s. viii. d. " Item, my lorde usith and accustomyth to gif yerely to the kings or queenes Bearwarde, if they have one, when they custom to come unto him yerly, — vi. s. viii. d. '' Item, my lorde usith and accustomyth to gyfe yerly to every Erles Mynstrellis, when they custome to come to hym yerely, iii. s. iiii. d. And if they come to my lorde seldome, ones in ii or iii yeres, than vi. s. viii. d. " Item, my lorde usith and accustomedeth to gife yerely to an Erls Mynstralls, if he be his speciall lorde, friende, or kynsman, if they come yerely to his lordschip . . . . And, if they come to my 'lord' seldome, ones in ii or iii years . . .' * * * * * * " Item, my lorde usith and accustomyth to gyf yerely a Dookes or Erlis Trumpetts, if they come vi together to his lordschipp, viz. if they come yerly, vi. s. viii. d. And, if they come but in ii or iii yeres, than x. s. " Item, my lorde usith and accustometh to gife yerly, when his lordschip is at home, to gyf to the Kyngs Shawmes, when they com to my lorde yerely, x. s." I cannot conclude this note without ob- serving, that in this enumeration the family Minstrels seem to have been Musicians only, and yet both the Earl's Trumpets and the King's Shawmes are evidently distinguished from the Earl's Minstrels, and the King's Jugler : Now we find Jugglei's still coupled with Pipers in Barklay's Egloges, circ. 1514. (Warton, ii. 254.) (C c 2) The honours and rewards conferred on Minstrels, &c., in the middle ages were excessive, as will be seen by many instances in these volumes; v. notos (E), (F), &c. But more particularly with regard to English Minstrels, &c., see T. Warton's Hist, of Eng. Poetry, i. p. 89—92, 116, &c., ii. 105, 106, 254, &c. Dr. Burney's Hist of Music, ii. p. 316 —319, 397—399, 427, 428. On this head, it may be sufficient to add the following passage from the Fleta, lib. ii. c. 23. " OrnciUM Elemosinarij est. . Equos relictos, Robas, Pecuniam, et alia ad Elemosinam lar- giter recipere et fideliter distribuere ; debet etiam Regem super Elemosinae largitione crebris summonitionibus stimulare et praeci- pue diebus Sanctorum, et rogare ne Robas suas quae magni sunt precij Histrionibus, Blanditoribus, Adulatoribus, Accusatoribus, vel Menestrallis, sed ad Elemosinae suae in- cremuntum jubeat largiri." Et in c. 72. " Minis tralli, vel Adulatoris.^' (D d) " A species of men who did not sing," &c.] It appears from the passage of Erasmus here referred to, that there still ex- isted in England of that species of Jongleurs or Minstrels, whom the French called by the peculiar name of Conteours, or Reciters in prose. It is in his Ecclesiastes, where he is speaking of such preachers as imitated the tone of Beggars or Mountebanks : — " Apud Anglos est similegenus hominum, quales apud Italos sunt Circulatores [Mountebanks] de quibus modo dictum est ; qui irrumpunt in convivia Magnatum, aut in Cauponas Vinarias ; et ar- gumentum aliquod, quod edidicerunt, reci- tant ; puta mortem omnibus dominari, aut lau- dem matrimonii. Sed quoniam ea lingua mo- nosyllabis fere constat, quemadmodum Ger- manica ; atque illi [sc. this peculiar species of Reciters] studio vitant can turn, nobis (sc. Erasmus, who di4 not understand a word of English) latrare videntur verius quam loqui." Opera, tom. v. c. 958. (Jortin, vol. ii. p. 193.) NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. :lv As Erasmus was correcting the vice of preach- ers, it was more to his point to bring an in- stance from the Moral Reciters of Prose than from Chanters of Rhyme ; though the latter would probably be more popular, and there- fore more common. (E e) This character is supposed to have been suggested by descriptions of Minstrels in the romance of " Morte Arthur ;" but none, it seems, have been found, which come nearer to it than the following, which I shall produce, not only that the reader may judge of the re- semblance, but to show how nearly the idea of the Minstrel character given in this Essay corresponds with that of our old writers. Sir Lancelot, having been affronted by a threatening abusive letter, which Mark King of Cornwal had sent to Queen Guenever, wherein he " spake shame by her, and Sir Lancelot," is comforted by a knight named Sir Dinadan, who tells him " I will make a Lay for him, and when it is made, I shall make an Harper to sing it before him. So anon he went and made it, and taught it an Harper, that hyght Elyot ; and when hee could it, hee taught it to many harpers. And so. . . . the Harpers went straight unto Wales and Cornwaile to sing the Lay. . . . which was the worst Lay that ever Harper sung with harpe, or with any other instrument. And [at a] great feast that King Marke made for joy of [a] victorie which hee had, came Eliot the Harper ; . . and because he was a curious Harper, men heard him sing the same Lay that Sir Dinadan had made, the which spake the most vilanie by King Marke of his treason, that ever man heard. When the Harper had sung his song to the end, King Marke was wonderous wroth with him, and said. Thou Harper, how durst thou be so bold to sing this song before me ? Sir, said Eliot, wit you well I am a Minstrell, and I must doe as I am commanded of these Lords that I bear the armes of. And, Sir King, wit you well that Sir Dinadan a knight of the Round Table made this song, and he made me to sing it before you. Thou saiest well, said King Marke, I charge thee that thou hie thee fast out of my sight. So the Harper departed, &c." [Part II. c. 113, ed. 1634. See also Part III. c. 5.] (E 6 2) " This Act seems to have put an end to the profession," &c.] Although I con- ceive that the character ceased to exist, yet the appellation might be continued, and ap- plied to Fidlers, or other common Musicians ; which will account for the mistakes of Sir Peter Leicester, or other modern writers. (See his Historical Antiquities of Cheshire, 1673, p. 141.) In this sense it is used in an Ordinance in the times of Cromwell, (1656,) wherein it is enacted, that if any of the " persons com- monly called Fidlers or Minstrels shall at any time be taken playing, fidling, and making music in any Inn, Ale-house, or Tavern, or shall betaken proffering themselves, or desir- ing, or intreating any. ... to hear them play or make music in any of the places afore- said ;" they are to be " adjudged and declared to be rogues, vagabonds, and sturdy beggars." This will also account why John of Gaunt's "King of the Minstrels" at length came to be called, like Le Boy des Violons in France, v. note (B b 2), "King of the Fidlers." See the common ballad entitled " The Pedigree, Education, and Marriage of Robinhood with Clorinda, Queen of Tutbury Feast:" which, though prefixed to the modern collection on that subject,* seems of much later date than most of the others ; for the writer appears to be totally ignorant of all the old traditions concerning this celebrated outlaw, and has given him a very elegant bride instead of his old noted Lemman " Maid Marian ;" who to- gether with his chaplain " Frier Tuck" were his favourite companions, and probably on that account figured in the old Morice Dance, as may be seen by the engraving in Mr. Stee- vens's and Mr. Malone's Editions of Shak- speare: by whom she is mentioned, 1 Hen. IV., act iii. sc. 3. (See also Warton, i. 245, ii. 237.) Whereas, from this ballad's conclu- ding with an exhortation to " pray for the King," and "that he may get children,"&c., * Of the twenty-four songs in what is now called " Robin Hood's Garland," many are so modern as not to be found in Pepys' collection completed only in 1700. In the folio MS. (described in p. iii ), are an' lent fragments of the following, viz., Robin Hood and the Beggar. — Robin Hood and the Butcher.— Robin Hood and Fryer Tucke.— Robin Hood and the Pindar. — Robin Hood and Queen Catharine, in two parts. — Little John and the four Bejrgars, and "Robine Hoode his death." This last, which is very curious, has no resemblance to any that have been pub- lished; and the others are extremely different from the printed copies : but they unfortunately are in the beginning of the MS., where half of every leaf hath been torn away. xlvi NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. it is evidently posterior to the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and can scarce be older than the reign of King Charles I.; for King James I. had no issue after his accession to the throne of England. It may even have been written since the Restoration, and only express the wishes of the nation for issue on the mar- riage of their favourite King Charles II., on his marriage with the Infanta of Portugal. I think it is not found in the Pepys collec- tion. (F f ) " Historical Song, or Ballad."] The English word Ballad is evidently from the French Balade, as the latter is from the It9,lian Ballata; which the Crusca Dictionary defines, Canzone, che si canta Ballando, *' A Song, which is sung daring a Dance.'' So Dr. Barney [ii. 342], who refers to a collec- tion of Ballette published by Gastaldi and printed at Antwerp in 1596. [iii. 226.] But the word appears to have had an ear- lier origin : for in the decline of the Roman Empire these trivial songs were called Ballis- tea and SaltatiunculcG. Ballisteum, Salmasius says, is properly Ballisiiuin. Gr. BaWiaeiov ** died r« BaWi^oi. . . . BaWicria SaltatlO. . . . Bal- listium igitur est quod vulgo vocamus Ballet ; nam inde dedacta vox nostra." Saimas. Not. in Hist. Ang. Scriptores VI. p. 349. In the life of the Emperor Aurelian by Fl. Vopiscus may be seen two of these Ballistea, as sung by the boys skipping and dancing, on account of a great slaughter made by the Emperor with his own hand in the Sarmatic War. The first is, *' Mille, mille, niille decollavimus, Unus homo mille decollavimus, Mille vivat, qui mille occidit. Tantum vini habet nemo Quantum fudit sanguinis." The other was " Mille Sarmatas, mille Francos Semel et semel occidimus. Mille Persas quaerimus." Salmasius (in loc.) shows that the trivial Poets of that time were wont to form their metre of Trochaic Tetrametre Catalectics, divided into Distichs. [Ibid. p. 350.] This becoming the metre of the hymns in the Church Service, to which the Monks at length superadded rhyming terminations, was the origin of the common Trochaic Metre in the modern languages. This observation I owe to the learned author of Irish Antiquities, 4to. (F f 2) " Little Miscellanies named Gar- lands," &c.] In the Pepysian and other libraries are presented a great number of these in black letter, 12mo., under the follow- ing quaint and affected titles, viz. : 1. A Crown e Garland of Goulden Roses, gathered out of England's Royal Garden, &c., by Richard Johnson, 1612. [In the Bodleian Library,] 2. The Golden Garland of Princely Delight. 3. The Garland of Good-will, by T. D., 1631. 4. The Royal Garland of Love and Delight, by T. D. 5. The Garland of Delight, &c., by Tho. Delone. 6. The Garland of Love and Mirth, by Thomas Lanfier. 7. Cupid's Garland set round with Guilded Roses. 8. The Garland of Withered Roses, by Martin Parker, 1656. 9. The Shepherd's Garland of Love, Loyalty, &c. 10. The Country Garland. 11. The Golden Garland of Mirth and Merriment. 12. The Lover's Garland. 13. Neptune's fair Garland. 14. England's fair Garland. 15. Robin Hood's Garland. 16. The Maid- en's Garland. 17. A Loyal Garland of Mirth and Pastime. 18. A Royal Garland of New Songs. 19. The Jovial Garland, 8th ed., 1691, &c., &c., &c. This sort of petty publications had an- ciently the name of " Penny-Merriments :" as little religious tracts of the same size were called " Penny Godlinesses." In the Pepysian Library are multitudes of both kinds. (G g) " The term Minstrel was not con- fined to a mere Musician in this country any more than on the Continent."] The discus- sion of the question. Whether the term Min- strel was applied in England to Singers and Composers of Songs, &c., or confined to the performers on musical instruments, was pro- perly reserved for this place, because much light hath already been thrown upon the subject in the preceding Notes, to which it will be sufficient to refer the reader. That on the Continent the Minstrel was understood not to be a mere Musician, but a Singer of Verses, hath been shown in Notes (B), (C), (R), (A a), &c.* And that he was * That the French Minstrel was a singer and composer, &c., appears from many passages translated by M. Le Grand, NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. xlvii also a maker of them is evident from the passage in (C), p. xxv., where the most noted Romances are said to be of the compo- sition of these men. And in (B b), p. xlii., we have the titles of some of which a Min- strel was the author, who has himself left his name upon record. The old English names for one of this pro- fession were Gleeraan,* Jogeler,t and latterly Minstrel ; not to mention Harper, &c. In French he was called Jongleur or Jugleur, Menestrel or Menestrier.X The writers of the middle ages expressed the character in Latin by the words Joculator, Mimus, Histrio, Minis- trellas, &c. These terms, however modern critics may endeavour to distinguish, and apply them to different classes, and although they may be sometimes mentioned as if they were distinct, I cannot find, after a very strict research, to have had any settled appropriate difference, but they appear to have been used indiscriminately by the oldest writers, espe- cially in England ; where the most general and comprehensive name was latterly Min- strel, Lat. Ministrellas, &c. Thus Joculator (Eng. Jogeler or Juglar) is used as synonymous to Citharista, Note (K), p. xxxi., and to Cantor (p. xxxi.), and to Minstrel (vid. infra p. xl.). We have also positive proof that the subjects of his songs were Gestes and Romantic Tales. (V 2) note. So Mimus is used as anonymous to Jocula- tor, (M), p. xxxii. He was rewarded for his singing, (N), p. xxxiii., and he both sang, harped, and dealt in that sport (T 2) which is elsewhere called Ars Joculatoria, (M) ubi supra. Again, Histrio is also proved to have been a singer, (Z) p. xl., and to have gained rewards by his Verba Joculatoria, (E) p. xxvi. And Histriones is the term by which the French word Ministraulx is most frequently rendered into Latin, (W) p. xxxviii., (B b) p. xlii., &c. The fact therefore i>; sufficiently established in "Fabliaux ou Contes," &c.. see torn. i. p. 37, 47. — ii. 306, 313 e.t seqq. — iii. 266, &c. Yet this writer, like other French, critics, endeavours to reduce to distinct and separate classes the men of this profession, under the precise names of Fablier. Conteur, Me.netritr, Mp.nestrel, and Jongleur (torn. i. pref. p. xcviii.), whereas his own Tales confute all these nice distinctions, or prove at least that the title of Menetrier or Minstrel was applied to them all. * See page xxix. f See page xxxvii. X See page xxxvii. Note. 7 that this order of men were in England, as well as on the Continent, Singers ; so that it only becomes a dispute about words, whether here, under the more general name of Min- strels, they are described as having sung. But in proof of this we have only to turn to so common a book as T. Warton's History of English Poetry ; where we shall find ex- tracted from Records the following instances : Ex Registr. Priorat. S. Swithin Winton. (sub anno 1374). " In festo Alwyni Epi . . . Et durante pietancia in Aula Conventus sex Ministralli, cum quatuor Citharisatoribus, faciebant Ministralcias suas. Et post cenam, in magna camera arcuata Dom. Prioris can- tabant idem Gestem in qua Camera suspende- batur, ut moris est, magnum dorsale Prioris habens picturas trium Regum Colein. Ve- niebant autem dicti Joculatores a Castello Domini Regis et ex familia Epi." (Vol. ii. p. 174.) Here the Minstrels and Harpers are expressly called Joculatores ; and as the Harpers had Musical Instruments, the Sing- ing must have been by the Minstrels, or by both conjointly. For that Minstrels sang we have undeni- able proof in the following entry in the Accompt Roll of the Priory of Bicester, in Oxfordshire (under the year 1432). " Dat Sex Ministrallis de Bokyngham cantantihus in refectorio Martyrium Septem Dormientium in Fasto Epiphanie, iv. s." (Vol. ii. p. 175.) In like manner our old English writers abound with passages wherein the Minstrel is represented as singing. To mention only a few : In the old Romance of Emar^ (Series the Third, No. 15, p. 194), which from the obso- leteness of the style, the nakedness of the story, the barrenness of incidents, and some other particulars, I should judge to be next in point of time to Horn-Child, we have " I have herd Menstrelles syng yn sawe." Stanza 27. In a poem of A'] am Dnip (who flourished about 1312) we have this Distich, " Merry it is in halle to here the harpe. The Minstrelles synge. the Jogelours carpe." T. Warton, i. p. 225. So William of Nassyngton (circ. 1480) as quoted by Mr. Tyrwhitt (Chaucer, iv. 319). slviii NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. — "I will make no vain carpinge Of dedes of armys ne of amours As dus Minstrelles and Jestours [Gestours] That makys carpinge in many a place Of Octaviane and Isembrase, And of many other Jestes [Gestes] And namely whan they come to festes.^ See also the Description of the Minstrel in note (E e) from Morte Arthur, which appears to have been compiled about the time of this last writer. (See T. Warton, ii. 235.) By proving that Minstrels were Singers of the old Romantic Songs and Gestes, &c., we have in effect proved them to have been the makers at least of some of them. For the names of their Authors being not preserved, to whom can we so probably ascribe the com- position of many of these old popular rhymes, as to the men who devoted all their time and talents to the recitation of them, especially as in the rhymes themselves Minstrels are often represented as the makers or com- posers? Thus, in the oldest of all, Horn-Child, hav- ing assumed the character of a Harper or Jo- geler, is in consequence said (fo. 92) to have " made Rymenild [his mistress] a lay." In the old Romance of EmarS, we have this exhortation to Minstrels, as composers, otherwise they could not have been at liberty to choose their subjects, (st. 2.) " Menstrelles that walken fer and wyde Her and ther in every a syde In mony a dyverse londe Sholde ut her bygynnyng Speke of that rightwes kyng That made both see and londe," &c. And in the old Song or Geste of Guy and Colbronde (Series the Third, No. 4, p. 193), the Minstrel thus speaks of himself in the first person : " When meate and drinke is great plentye Then lords and ladyes stilf wil be And sitt and solace lythe * The fondness of the English (even the most illiterate) to hear tales and rhymes, is much dwelt on hy Rob. de Brunne, in 1330. (Warton, i. p. 59, 65, 75.) AH rhymes were then sung to the harp: even Troilus and Cresseide, though almost as long as the iEneid, was to be " redde .... or else eonge." 1. ult. (Warton, i. 388.) Then itt is time for mee to speake Of keene knights and kern pes great Such carping for to kythe." We have seen already that the Welsh Bards, who were undoubtedly composers of the songs they chanted to the Harp, could not be distinguished by our legislators from our own Rimers, Minstrels. (Vid. (B b 3) p. xliii.) And that the Proven Qal Troubadour of our King Richard, whp is called by M. Favine Jongleur, and by M. Fauchet Menestrel, is by the old English translator termed a Rimer or Minstrel when he is mentioning the fact of his composing some verses, (p. xxxii.) And lastly, that Holinshed, translating the prohibition of King Henry Y., forbidding any songs to be composed on his victory, or to be sung by Harpers or others, roundly gives it, he would not permit " any ditties to be made and sung by Minstrels on his glorious Vic- tory," &c. Yid. p. xviii. and note (B b 4). Now that this order of men, at first called Gleemen, then Juglers, and afterwards more generally Minstrels, existed here from the Conquest, who entertained their hearers with chanting to the harp or other instruments, songs and tales of chivalry, or as they were called Gests* and Romances in verse in the English language, is proved by the existence of the very compositions they so chanted, which are still preserved in great abundance ; and exhibit a regular series from the time our language was almost Saxon, till after its improvements in the age of Chaucer, who enumerates many of them. And as the Norman French was in the time of this Bard still the courtly language, it shows that the English was not thereby excluded from affording entertainment to our nobility, who are so often addressed therein by the title of Lordings : and sometimes more positively " Lords and Ladies." And though many of these were translated from the French, others are evidently of English origin,t which appear in their turns * Gests at length came to signify adventures or incidents in general. So in a narrative of the journey into Scotland, of Queen Margaret and her attendants, on her marriage with King James IV. in 1503 [in Appendix to Leland. Collect, iv. p. 265], we are promised an account " of their Gestys and manners during the said voyage." t The romance of " Richard Coeur de Lion," (No. 25), I should judge to be of English origin from the names War- drtwe. and Mdrede, &c., vol. iii. p. 194, 195. As is also Eger and Grime (No. 12), wherein a knight is named Sir Gray NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. xlix to have afforded versions into that language ; a sufficient proof of that intercommunity betw^een the Trench and English Minstrels, which hath been mentioned in a preceding page. Even the abundance of such transla- tions into English, being all adapted for popular recitation, sufficiently establishes the fact, that the English Minstrels had a great demand for such compositions, which they were glad to supply, whether from their own native stores, or from other languages. We have seen above that the Joculator, Mimus, Histrlo, whether these characters were the same, or had any real difference, were all called Minstrels ; as was also the Harper,* when the term implied a singer, if not a composer, of songs, &c. By degrees the name of Minstrel was extended to vocal and instrumental musicians of every kind: and as in the establishment of royal and noble houses, the latter would necessarily be most numerous, so we are not to wonder that the band of music (entered under the general name of Minstrels) should consist of instru- mental performers chiefly, if not altogether : for, as the composer or singer of heroic tales to the harp would necessarily be a solitary performer, we must not expect to find him in the band along with the trumpeters, fluters, &c. However, as we sometimes find mention of " Minstrels of Music ;"t so at other times we hear of " expert Minstrels and Musicians of Tongue and Cunning," (B b 3) p. xliii.,$ steel, and a lady who excels in surgery is called Loosipadne, or Lose-pain : these surely are not derived from France. * See the romance of "Sir Isenbras" (vol. iii. No. 14, p 194), sign. a. Harpers loved him in Hall With other Minstrels all. t T. Warton, ii. 258, note (a) from Leland's Collect, (vol. iv. Append, edit. 1774, p. 267.) % The curious author of the " Tour in Wales, 1773," 4to. p. 435, I find to have read these words "in toune and contrey ;" which I can scarce imagine to have been appli- cable to Wales at that time. Nor can I agree with him in the representation he has given (p,. 367), concerning the Cymmorth or meeting, wherein the Bards exerted their powers to excite their countrymen to war ; as if it were by a deduction of the particulars he enumerates, and as it should seem in the way of harangue, &c. After which, " the band of Minstrels struck up; the harp, the crwtli, and the pipe filled the measures of enthusiasm, which the others had begun to inspire." Whereas it is well known, that the Bard chanted his enthusiastic effu- sions to the harp ; and as for the term Minstrel, it was meaning doubtless by the former, singers, and probably by the latter phrase, composers, of songs. Even " Minstrels Music" seems to be applied to the species of verse used by Min- strels in the passage quoted below.* But although, from the predominancy of instrumental music. Minstrelsy was at length chiefly to be understood in this sense, yet it was still applied to the Poetry of Minstrels so late as the time of Queen Elizabeth, as ap- pears in the following extract from Putten- ham's " Arte of English Poesie," p. 9, who, speaking of the first composers of Latin verses in rhyme, says, "all that they wrote to the favor or prayse of Princes, they did it in such manner of Minstralsie ; and thought themselves no small fooles, when they could make their verses go all in ryme." I shall conclude this subject with the fol- lowing description of Minstrelsy given by John Lidgate at the beginning of the 15th century, as it shows what a variety of enter- tainments were then comprehended under this term, together with every kind of instru- mental music then in use : — " Al maner Mynstralcye, That any man kan specifye. Ffor there were Rotys of Almayne And eke of Arragon, and Spayne : Songes, Stampes, and eke Daunces ; Divers plente of plesaunces : And many unkouth notys new Of swiche folke as lovid treue.f And instrumentys that did excelle, Many moo than I kan telle. Harpys, Fythales, and eke Rotys Well according to her [i. e. their] notys, Lutys, Ribibles, and Geternes, More for estatys, than tavernes : Orgay[n]s, Cytolis, Monacordys. — There were Trumpes, and Trumpettes^ Lowde Shall [m]ys, and Doucettes." T. Warton, ii. 225, note (*). not, I conceive, at all used by the Welsh ; and in English it comprehended both the bard and the musician. * " Your ordinarie rimers use very much their measures in the odde, as nine and eleven, and the sharpe accent tipon the last sillable, which therefore makes him go ill favouredly and like a Minstrels musicke." (Puttenham's Arte of Eng. Poesie, 1589, p. 59.) This must mean his vocal music, otherwise it appears not applicable to the subject. t By this phrase I understand, New Tales or Narrative Rhymes composed by the Minstrels on the subject of true and faithful Lovers, &c. THE END OF THE ESSAY. NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ESSAY. *^* The foregoing Essay on the Ancient Minstrels has been very much enlarged and improved since the first edition, with respect to the Anglo-Saxon Minstrels, in consequence of some objections proposed by the reverend and learned Mr. Pegge, which the reader may find in the second volume of the Arch8eol(\gia, printed by the Antiquarian Society ; but which that gentleman has since retracted in the most liberal and candid manner in the third volume of the Archseologia, No. xxxiv. p. 310. And in consequence of similar objections respecting the English Minstrels after the Con- quest, the subsequent part hath been much enlarged, and additional light thrown upon the subject; which, to prevent cavil, hath been extended to Minstrelsy in all its branches, as it was established in England, whether by natives or foreigners. ^eltpes OF ANCIENT POETRY, ETC. " I never heard the old song of Percie and Douglas, that I found not my heart moved more than with a trumpet ; and yet ' it' is sung but by some blinde crowder, with no rougher voice, than rude style : which beeing so evill apparelled in the dust cobweb of that uncivill age, what would it work, trimmed in the gorgeous eloquence of Pindare I" Sir Philip Sydney's Defence of Poetry. SERIES THE FIRST. BOOK I. I. % ^mmt §alteb 0f C^cbii-Cljast The fine heroic song of Chevy-Chase has ever been admired by competent judges. Those genuine strokes of nature and artless passion, which have endeared it to the most simple readers, have recommended it to the most refined ; and it has equally been the amusement of our childhood, and the favourite of our riper years. Mr. Addison has given an excellent cri- tique* on this very popular ballad, but is mis- taken with regard to the antiquity of the com- mon-received copy ; for this, if one may judge from the style, cannot be older than the time of Elizabeth, and was probably written after the eulogium of Sir Philip Sydney : perhaps in consequence of it. I flatter myself, I have here recovered the genuine antique poem ; the true original song, which appeared rude even in the time of Sir Philip, and caused him to lament that it was so evil apparelled in the rugged garb of antiquity. This curiosity is printed, from an old manu- script, at the end of Hearne's preface to Gul. Newbrigiensis Hist. 1719, 8vo. vol. i. To the * Spectator, No. 70, 74. MS. copy is subjoined the name of the author, Ry chard Sheale;* whom Hearne had so little judgment as to suppose to be the same with a R. Sheale, who was living in 1588. But who- ever examines the gradation of language and idiom in the following volumes, will be con- vinced that this is the production of an earlier poet. It is indeed expressly mentioned among some very ancient songs in an old book enti- tled, The Complaint of Scotland,! (fol. 42), under the title of the Huntis of Chevet, where the two following lines are also quoted : The Perssee and the Mongumrye mette,t That day, that day, that gen til day :§ which, though not quite the same as they stand in the ballad, yet difi'er not more than might be owing to the author's quoting from * Subscribed, after the usual manner of our old poets, EXPUCETH [explicit] quoth Rtchard Sheale. f One of the earliest productions of the Scottish press, now to be found. The title page was wanting in the copy here quoted ; but it is supposed to hare been printed in 1540. See Ames. t See Pt. 2, T. 23. § See Pt 1, v. 104. (51). 52 THE ANCIENT BAiXAD OF CHEVY CHASE. memory. Indeed, whoever considers the style and orthography of this old poem will not be inclined to place it lower than the time of Henry VI. : as on the other hand the mention of James the Scottish King,"^ with one or two anachronisms, forbids us to assign it an earlier date. King James I. who was prisoner in this kingdom at the death of his father,! did not wear the crown of Scotland till the second year of our Henry VI., J but before the end of that long reign a third James had mounted the throne.^ A succession of two or three Jameses, and the long detention of one of them in England, would render the name familiar to the English, and dispose a poet in those rude times to give it to any Scottish king he happened to mention. So much for the date of this old ballad : with regard to its subject, although it has no countenance from history, there is room to think it had originally some foundation in fact. It was one of the Laws of the Marches frequently renewed between the two nations, that neither party should hunt in the other's borders, without leave from the proprietors or their deputies. |1 There had long been a rival- ship between the two martial families of Percy and Douglas, which, heightened by the na- tional quarrel, must have produced frequent challenges and struggles for superiority, petty invasions of their respective domains, and sharp contests for the point of honour ; which would not always be recorded in history. Something of this kind, we may suppose, gave rise to the ancient ballad of the Hunting a' the Chevait.^ Percy Earl of Northumberland had vowed to hunt for three days in the Scot- tish border, without condescending to ask leave from Earl Douglas, who was either lord of the soil, or lord warden of the marches. Douglas would not fail to resent the insult, and endeavour to repel the intruders by force : * Pt. 2, V. 36, 140. t Who died Aug. 5, 1406, in the 7th year of our Hen. IV. % James I. was crowned May 22, 1424; murdered Feb. 21, 1406-7.(?) g In 1430. — Henry VI. was deposed 1461 ; restored and slain, 1471. II Item Concordatum est, quod nullus unius partis vel altering ingrediatur terras, boschas, forrestas, warrenas, loca, dominia qusecunque alicujus partis alterius subditi, causa venandi, piscandi, aucupandi, disportum aut solati- um in eisdem, aliave qusecimque de causa, absque licentia ejus — ad quem loca pertinent, aut de deputatis suis prius capt. & obtent. Vid. Bp. Nicolson's Leges Marchi- arum, 1705, 8to., pp. 27, 51. ^ This was the original title. See the ballad, Pt. 1, v. 106, Pt. 2, y. 165. this would naturally produce a sharp conJ9.ict between the two parties ; something of which, it is probable, did really happen, though not attended with the tragical circumstances re- corded in the ballad : for these are evidently borrowed from the Battle of Otterbourn,* a very different event, but which aftertimes would easily confound with it. That battle might be owing to some such previous affront as this of Chevy-Chase, though it has escaped the notice of historians. Our poet has evident- ly jumbled the two subjects together: if in- deed the lines,! ^^ which this mistake is made, are not rather spurious, and the after-insertion of some person, who did not distinguish be- tween the two stories. Hearne has printed this ballad without any division of stanzas, in long lines, as he found it in the old written copy : but it is usual to find the distinction of stanzas neglected in ancient MSS ; where, to save room, two or three verses are frequently given in one line undivided. See flagrant instances in the Har- leian Catalog. No. 2253, s. 29, 34, 61, 70, et passim. THE FIRST FIT. I The Persfe owt of Northombarlande, And a vowe to God mayd he, That he wolde hunte in the mountayns Off Chyviat within dayes thre, In the manger of doughty Dogles, 5 And all that ever with him be. The fattiste hartes in all Cheviat He sayd he wold kill, and cary them away: Be my feth, sayd the dougheti Doglas agayn, I wyll let that hontyng yf that I may. 10 Then the Pers^ owt of Banborowe cam, "With him a myghtye meany ; With fifteen hondrith archares' bold ; The wear chosen out of shyars thre,§ V. 5, magger in Hearne's P. C. [Printed Copy]. V. 11, The the Perse, P. 0. V. 13, archardes bolde off blood and bone, P. C. * See the next ballad, t Vid. Pt. 2, V. 167. % Fit, see ver. 100. g By these " shyars thre" is probably meant three dis- tricts in Northumberland, which still go by the name of shires, and are all in the neighbourhood of Cheviot. These are IslandsJiire, being the district so named from Holy- Island : Norehamshire, so called from the town and castle of Noreham (or Norham) : and Baniboroughshire, the ward or hundred belonging to Bamborough-castle and town. THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF CHEVY CHASE. 53 This begane on a Monday at morn 15 In Cheviat the hillys so he ; The chyld may rue that ys un-born, It was the mor pittfe. The dryvars thorowe the woodes went For to reas the dear ; 20 Bomen bickarte uppone the bent With their browd aras cleare. Then the wyld thorowe the woodes went On every syde shear : Grea-hondes thorowe the greves glent 25 For to kyll thear dear. The begane in Chyviat the hyls above Yerly on a monnyn day ; Be that it drewe to the oware off none A hondrith fat hartes ded ther lay. 30 35 The blewe a mort uppone the bent, The semblyd on sydis shear ; To the quyrry then the Pers^ went To se the bryttlynge of the deare. He sayd, It was the Duglas promys This day to meet me hear ; But I wyste he wold faylle verament A gret oth the Pers^ swear. At the laste a squyar of Northombelonde Lokyde at his hand full ny, .40 He was war ath the doughetie Doglas com- ynge: With him a mighte meany. Both with spear, ' byll,' and brande : Yt was a myghti sight to se, Hardyar men both off hart nar hande Were not in Christiantfe. 45 The wear twenty hondrith spear-men good Withouten any fayle ; The wear borne a-long be the watter a Twyde, Yth bowndes of Tividale. 50 Leave off the brytlyng of the dear, he sayde, And to your bowys look ye tayk good heed ; For never sithe ye wear on your mothars borne Had ye never so mickle need. The dougheti Dogglas on a stede He rode att his men beforne : 55 V. 19, throrowe, P. C. V. 31, blwe a mot, P. C. V, 42, myghtte, P. C, passim, V. 43, bryUy, P. C. V. 48, withowte feale, P. C. V. 62, boys, P. C. V. 54, ned, P. C. His armor glytteryde as dyd a glede ; A bolder barne was never born. Tell me 'what' men ye ar, he says, Or whos men that ye be : Who gave youe leave to hunte in this Chyviat ehays in the spyt of me ? 60 The first mane thatever him an answearmayd, Yt was the good lord Pers6 : We wyll not tell the * what' men we ar, he says, 65 Nor whos men that we be ; But we wyll hount hear in this chays In the spyte of thyne, and of the. The fattiste hartes in all Chyviat We have kyld, and cast to carry them a-way. 70 Be my troth, sayd the doughty Dogglas agayn, Ther-for the ton of us shall de this day. Then sayd the doughty Doglas Unto the lord Persfe : To kyll all thes giltless men, 75 A-las ! it wear great pittfe. But, Pers^, thowe art a lord of lande, I am a yerle callyd within my contre ; Let all our men uppone a parti stande ; And do the battell off the and of me. 80 Now Cristes cors on his crowne, sayd the lord Perse, Who-soever ther-to says nay. Be my troth, doughtfe Doglas, he says, Thow shait never se that day ; Netharin Ynglonde, Skottlonde, narFrance,85 Nor for no man of a woman born. But and fortune be my chance, I dar met him on man for on. Then bespayke a squyar off Northombarlonde, Ric. Wytharynton^ was him nam ; 90 It shall never be told in Sothe-Ynglonde, he To kyng Herry the fourth for sham. v. 59, whos, P. C. V. 65, whoys, P. C. V. 71, agay, P. C. V. 81, sayd the the. P. C. V. 88, on, i. e. one. * This is probably corrupted in the MS. for Rog Wid- drington, who was at the head of the family in the reign of K. Edw. III. There were several succepsively of the names of Roger and Ralph, but none of the name of Richard, as appears from the genealogies in the Herald's 54 THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF CHEVY CHASE. I wat youe byn great lordes twaw, I am a poor squyar of lande ; I will never se my captayne fyght on a fylde, 95 And 8tande my-selffe, and looke on, But whyll I may my weppone welde, I wyll not ' fayF both harte and hande. That day, that day, that dredfuU day : The first fit * here I fynde. 100 And youe wyll here any more athe hountyng athe Chyviat, Yet ys ther mor behynde. THE SECOND FIT. The Yngglishe men hade ther bowys yebent, Ther hartes were good yenoughe ; The first of arros that the shote off, Seven skore spear-men the sloughe. Yet bydys the yerle Doglas uppon the bent, 5 A captayne good yenoughe, And that was sene verament, For he wrought hom both woo and wouche. The Dogglas pertyd his ost in thre, Lyk a cheffe cheften off pryde, 10 With suar speares off myghtt^ tre The cum in on every syde. Thrughe our Yngglishe archery Gave many a wounde full wyde ; Many a doughete the garde to dy, 15 Which ganyde them no pryde. The Yngglyshe men let thear bowys be, And pulde owt brandees that wer bright ; It was a hevy syght to se Bryght swordes on basnites lyght. 20 Thorowe ryche male, and myne-ye-ple Many sterne the stroke downe streight : Many a freyke, that was full free, That undar foot dyd lyght. At last the Duglas and the Pers^ met, 25 Lyk to captayns of myght and mayne ; The swapte together tyll the both swat With swordes, that wear of fyn myll^n. V. 3. first, i. e. flight. V. 5, byddys, P. C. V. 17, boys, P. C. V. 18, briggt, P. C. V. 21. thorowe, P. C. V. 22, done, P.O. V. 26, to, i. e. two. Ibid, and of P. C. * Fit, vid. Gloss. Thes worths freckys for to fyght Ther-to the wear full fayne, 30 Tyll the bloode owte off their basnetes sprente, As ever dyd heal or rayne. Holde the. Perse, sayd the Doglas, And i' feth I shall the brynge Wher thowe shalte have a yerls wagis Of Jamy our Scottish kynge. 35 Thoue shalte have thy ransom fre, I hight the hear this thinge. For the manfullyste man yet art thowe, That ever I conqueryd in filde fightyng. 40 Nay ' then' sayd the lord Persfe, I tolde it the befome, That I wolde never yeldyde be To no man of a woman born. With that ther cam an arrowe hastely 45 Forthe off a mightie wane,* Hit hathe strekene the yerle Duglas In at the brest bane. Thoroue lyvar and longs bathe The sharp arrowe ys gane, 50 That never after in all his lyffe days. He spayke mo wordes but ane, That was,t Fyghte ye, my merry men, whyllys ye may, For my lyff days ben gan. The Persfe leanyde on his brande, 65 And sawe the Duglas de ; He tooke the dede man be the hande, And sayd, Wo ys me for the ! To have sayved thy lyffe I wold have pertyd with My landes for years thre, 60 For a better man of hart, nare of hande Was not in all the north countrfe. Off all that se a Skottishe knyght, Was callyd Sir Hewe the Mongon-byrry, He sawe the Duglas to the deth was dyght ; 65 He spendyd a spear a trusti tre : V. 32, ran, P. C. V. 33, helde, P. C. V. 49, thorowe, P, C. * Wane, i. e. ane, one, se. man, an arrow came from a mighty one ; from a mighty man. t This eeems to have been a Gloss, added. THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF CHEVY CHASE. 55 He rod uppon a corsiare Throughe a hondrith archery : He never styntyde, nar never blane, Tyll he cam to the good lord Persfe. 70 He set uppone the lord Pers^ A dynte that vv^as full soare ; With a suar spear of a myght^ tre Clean thorow the body he the Pers^ bore, Athe tothar syde, that a man myght se, 75 A large cloth yard and mare : Towe bettar captayns wear nat in Christiant^, Then that day slain v^^ear ther. An archar off Northomberlonde Say slean was the lord Persfe, He bar a bende-bow in his hande, AVas made off trusti tre : 80 An arow, that a cloth yarde was lang, To th' hard stele haylde he ; A dynt, that was both sad and sore, 85 He sat on Sir Hewe the Mongon-byrry. The dynt yt was both sad and ear, That he of Mongon-byrry sete ; The swane-fethars, that his arrowe bar, With his hart blood the wear wete.* 90 Ther was never a freake wone foot wolde fle, But still in stour dyd stand, Heawying on yche othar, whyll the myght dre, With many a bal-ful brande. This battell begane in Chyviat 95 An owar befor the none, And when even song bell was rang The battell was nat half done. The tooke ' on' on ethar hand Be the lyght off the mone ; 100 Many hade no strenght for to stande, In Chyviat the hylWs aboun. Of fifteen hondrith archars of Ynglonde Went away but fifti and thre ; Of twenty hondrith spear-men of Skot- londe, 105 But even five and fifti : V. 74, ber, P. C. V. 80, Say, i. e. Sawe, V, 84, haylde, P.C. V. 87, sar, P. C. V. 102, abou, P. C. • This incident is taken from the battle of Otterboum ; in which Sir Hugh Montgomery, knt. (son of John Lord Montgomery) was slain with an arrow. Vid (Crawford's Peerage. But all wear slayne Cheviat within ; The hade no strengthe to stand on hie ; The chylde may rue that ys un-borne, It was the mor pitt^. 1X0 Thear was slayne with the lord Persfe Sir John of Agerstone, Sir Roge the hinde Hartly, Sir Wyllyam the bolde Hearone. Sir Jorg the worthe Lovele 115 A knyght of great renowen, Sir Raff the rych Rugb^ With dyntes wear beaten dowene. For Wetharryngton my harte was wo, That ever he slayne shulde be ; 120 For when both his leggis wear hewyne in to, Yet he knyled and fought on hys kne. Ther was slayne with the dougheti Douglas Sir Hewe the Mongon-byrry, Sir Davye Lwdale, that worths was, 125 His sistars son was he : Sir Charles a Murrfe, in that place, That never a foot wolde fle ; Sir Hewe Maxwell, a lorde he was, With the Duglas dyd he dey. 130 So on the morrowe the mayde them byears Off byrch, and hasell so * gray' ; Many wedous with wepyng tears* Cam to fach ther makys a-way. Tivydale may carpe off care, 135 Northombarlond may mayk grat mone. For towe such captayns, as slayne wear thear, On the march perti shall never be none. Word ys commen to Edden burrowe, To Jamy the Skottishe kyng, 140 That dougheti Duglas, lyff-tenant of the Mer- ches, He lay slean Chyviot with-in. V. 108, strange by, P. C. V. 115, loule, P. C. V. 121, in to, i. e. in two. V. 122, kny, P. C. V. 132, gay, P. C. V. 136, mon, P. C. V. 138, non, P. C. For the names in this page, see the Remarks at the end of the next Ballad. * A common pleonasm, see the next poem, Fit 2d, v. 166. So Harding, in his Chronicle, chap. 140, fol. 148, d(»- scribing the death of Richard I. says, He shrove him then unto Abbots thr© With great sobbyng and wepyng teares. So likewise Cavendish in his Life of Cardinal Wolpey, chap. 12, p. 31, 4to. " When the duke heard thiB, he re- plied with weeping teares," 4o. His handdes did he weal and wryng, He sayd, Alas, and woe ys me ! Such another captayn Skotland within, He sayd, y-feth shud never be. 145 Worde ys commyn to lovly Londone Till the fourth Harry our kyng, That lord Perse, leyff-tennante of the Merchis, He lay slayne Chyviat within. 150 God have merci on his soil, sayd kyng Harry, Good lord, yf thy will it be ! I have a hondrith captayns in Ynglonde, he 155 As good as ever was hee : But Pers^, and I brook my lyffe, Thy deth well quyte shall be. As our noble kyng made his a-vowe, Lyke a noble prince of renowen, For the deth of the lord Pers^, He dyd the battel of Hombyll-down : 160 Wher syx and thritte Skottish knyghtes On a day wear beaten down : Glendale glytteryde on ther armor bryght, Over castill, towar, and town. This was the hontynge off the Cheviat ; 165 That tear begane this spurn : Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe, Call it the Battell of Otterburn. At Otterburn began this spurne Uppon a monnyn day : Ther was the doltgfhtfe Doglas slean, The Persfe never went away. 170 Ther was never a tym on the march partes Sen the Doglas and the Persfe met, But yt was marvele, and the redde blude ronne not, 175 As the reane doys in the stret. Jhesue Christ our balys bete, And to the blys us brynge ! Thus was the hountynge of the Chevyat : God send us all good ending ! 180 ^■^"^ The style of this and the following ballad is uncommonly rugged and uncouth, owing to their being writ in the very coarsest and broadest northern dialect. The battle of Hombyll-down or Humbledon, was fought Sept. 14, 1402 (anno 3 Hen. IV.), wherein the English, under the command of the Earl of Northumberland, and his son Hot- spur, gained a complete victory over the Scots. The village of Humbledon is one mile north-west from Wooler, in Northum- berland. The battle was fought in the field below the village, near the present turnpike road, in a spot called ever since Red-Biggs. — Humbleton is in Glendale Ward, a dis- trict so named in this county, and mentioned above in ver. 163. II. %\t iattle 0f iltekTOt The only battle, wherein an Earl of Douglas was slain fighting with a Percy, was that of Otterbourn, which is the subject of this bal- lad. It is here related with the allowable partiality of an English poet, and much in the same manner as it is recorded in the English Chronicles. The Scottish writers have, with a partiality at least as excusable, related it no less in their own favour. Luck- ily we have a very circumstantial narrative of the whole affair from Froissart, a French historian, who appears to be unbiassed. V. 146, ye seth, P. C. V. 149, cheyfif tennante, P. C. Froissart's relation is prolix ; I shall there- fore give it with a few corrections, as abridged by Carte, who has however had recourse to other authorities, and differs from Froissart in some things, which I shall note in the margin. In the twelfth year of Richard II., 1388, "The Scots taking advantage of the confusions of this nation, and falling with a party into the Westmarches, ravaged the country abou't Carlisle, and carried off three hundred pri- soners. It was with a much greater force, headed by some of the principal nobility, THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF THE BATTLE OF OTTERBOURNE. 57 that, in the beginning of August,* they in- vaded Northumberland ; and, having wasted part of the county of Durham,f advanced to the gates of Newcastle ; where, in a skirmish, they took a 'penon' or coloursj belonging to Henry Lord Percy, surnamed Hotspur, son to the Earl of Northumberland. In their re- treat home, they attacked a castle near Otter- bourn ; and, in the evening of Aug. 9 (as the English writers say ; or rather, according to Froissart, Aug. 15), after an unsuccessful assault, were surprised in their camp, which was very strong, by Henry, who at the first onset put them into a good deal of confusion. But James, Earl of Douglas, rallying his men, there ensued one of the best-fought actions that happened in that age ; both armies showing the utmost bravery ;^ the Earl Douglas himself being slain on the spot;|| the Earl of Murrey mortally wounded ; and Hotspur,^ with his brother Ralph Percy, taken prisoners. These disasters on both sides have given occasion to the event of the engagement's being disputed ; Froissart (who derives his relation from a Scotch knight, two gentlemen of the same country, and as many of Foix)** affirming that the Scots re- mained masters of the field: and the English writers insinuating the contrary. These last maintain that the English had the better of the day : but night coming on, some of the northern lords, coming with the Bishop of Durham to their assistance, killed many of them by mistake, supposing them to be Scots ; * Froissart speaks of both parties (consisting in all of more than 40,000 men) as entering England at the same time ; but the greater part by way of Carlisle. t And, according to the ballad, that part of Northum- berland called Bamboroughshire ; a large tract of land so named from the town and castle of Bamborough, formerly the residence of the Northumberland Kings. X This circumstance is omitted in the ballad. Hotspur and Douglas were two young warriors much of the same age. g Froissart says the linglish exceeded the Scots in ntnn- ber three to one, but that these had the advantage of the ground, and were also fresh from sleep, while the English were greatly fatigued with their previous march. II By Henry L. Percy, according to this ballad, and our old English historians, as Stow, Speed, &c. but borne down by numbers, if we may believe Froissart. 1[ Hotspur (after a very sharp conflict) was taken prison- er by John Lord Montgomery, whose eldest son. Sir Hugh, was slain in the same action with an arrow, according to Crawford's Peerage (and seems also to be alluded to in the foregoing ballad but taken prisoner and exchanged for Hotspur, according to this ballad. ** Froissart (according to the Eng. Translation) says he had his account from two squires of England, and from a knight and squire of Scotland, soon after the battle. and the Earl of Dunbar, at the same time falling on another side upon Hotspur, took him and his brother prisoners, and carried them off while both parties were fighting. It is at least certain, that immediately after this battle the Scots engaged in it made the best of their way home : and the same party was taken by the other corps about Carlisle." Such is the account collected by Carte, in which he seems not to be free from partiality : for prejudice must own that Froissart's cir- circumstantial account carries a great appear- ance of truth, and he gives the victory to the Scots. He however does justice to the cour- age of both parties ; and represents their mu- tual generosity in such a light, that the pre- sent age might edify by the example. " The Englysshmen on the one partye, and the Scottes on the other partye, are good men of warre, for whan they mete, there is a hard fighte without sparynge. - There is no hoo* betwene them as long as speares, swordes, axes, or dager wyll endure ; but lay on eche upon other : and whan they be well beaten, and that the one party hath obtayned the vic- tory, they than glorifye so in their dedes of armes, and are so joyfull, that suche as be taken, they shall be ransomed or they go out of the felde ;t so that shortely eche of them is so contente icith other, that at their de- partynge curtoysly they loill saye, God thanJce you. But in fyghtynge one with another there is no playe, nor sparynge." Froissart's Cronycle (as translated by Sir Johan Bour- chier Lord Berners), cap. cxlij. The following Ballad is (in this present edition) printed from an old MS. in the Cot- ton Library J (Cleopatra, c. iv.) and contains many stanzas more than were in the former copy, which was transcribed from a MS. in the Harleian Collection [No. 293, fol. 52.] In the Cotton MS. this poem has no title, but in the Harleian copy it is thus inscribed, " A songe made in R. 2 his tyme of the bat- tele of Otterburne, between e Lord Henry Percye, Earle of Northomberlande, and the Earle Douglas of Scotlande, Anno 1388." * So in Langham's letter concerning Q. Elizabeth's en- tertainment at Killingworth castle, 1575, 12mo. p. 61 " Heer was no ho in devout drynkyng." t i. e. They scorn to take the advantage, or to keep them lingering in long captivity. X The notice of this MS. I must acknowledge with many other obligations, owing to the friendship of Thomas Tyr- whitt, Esq., late Clerk of the House of Commons. 58 THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF THE BATTLE OF OTTERBOURNE. But this title is erroneous, and added by some ignorant transcriber of after-times ; for, 1. The battle was not fought by the Earl of Northumberland, who was absent, but by his son Sir Henry Percy, Knt. surnamed Hot- spur, (in those times they did not usually give the title of lord to an earl's eldest son.) 2. Although the battle was fought in Richard II/s time, the song is evidently of later date, as appears from the poet's quoting the chron- icles in Pt. II. ver. 26 ; and speaking of Per- cy in the last stanza as dead. It was how- ever written in all likelihood as early as the foregoing song, if not earlier. This perhaps may be inferred from the minute circum- stances with which the story is related, many of which are recorded in no chronicle, and were probably preserved in the memory of old people. It will be observed that the authors of these two poems have some lines in common ; but which of them was the original proprietor must depend upon their priority ; and this the sagacity of the reader must determine. Yt felle abowght the Lamasse tyde, When husbonds wynn ther haye. The dowhtye Dowglass bowynd, bym to ryde. In Ynglond to take a praye ; The yerlle of Fyffe,* withowghten stryffe, 5 He bowynd hym over Sulway :f The grete wold ever together ryde ; That race they may rue for aye. Over ' Ottercap' hyll theyj came in, And so dowyn by Rodelyffecragge, 10 V. 2, Winn their heaye, Harl. MS. This is the North- xtmberland phrase to this day: by which they always express " getting in their hay." * Robert Stewart, second son of King Robert II. ■j- i. e. " over Solway frith." This evidently refers to the other division of the Scottish army, which came in by way of Carlisle. Bowynd, or Bounde him : i. e. hied him. Vid. Gloss. % They : ac. the Earl of Douglas and his party. The several stations here mentioned are well-known places in Northumberland. Ottercap-hill is in the parish of Kirk- Whelpington, in Tynedale-ward. Rodeliflfe- (or, as it is more usually pronounced, Rodeley-) Cragge is a noted cliff near Rodeley, a small village in the parish of Hartburn, in Morpeth-ward : it lies south-east of Ottercap, and has, within these few years, been distinguished by a small tower erected by Sir Walter Blacket, Bart., which, in Armstrong's map of Northumberland, is pompously called Rodeley- castle. Green Leyton is another small village in the same parish of Hartburn, and is south-east of Rodeley. Both the original MSS. read here corruptly, Hoppertop and Lynton. Upon Grene ' Leyton' they lighted dowyn, Styrande many a stagge ; And boldely brent Northomberlonde, And haryed many a towyn ; They dyd owr Ynglyssh men grete vn*ange, To battell that were not bowyn. 16 Than spake a berne upon the bent, Of comforte that was not colde. And sayd, We have brente Northomberlond, We have all welth in holde. 20 Now we have haryed all Bamboroweshyre, All the welth in the worlde have wee ; I rede we ryde to Newe Castell, So styll and stalwurthlye. Uppon the morowe, when it was daye, 25 The standards schone fulle bryght ; To the Newe Castelle the toke the waye, And thether they cam fulle ryght. Sir Henry Percy laye at the Newe Castelle, I telle yow withowtten drede ; 30 He had byn a march-man* all hys dayes, And kepte Barwyke upon Twede. To the Newe Castell when they cam, The Skottes they cryde on hyght, Syr Harye Percy, and thow byste within, 35 Com to the fylde, and fyght : For we have brente Northomberlonde, Thy eritage good and ryght ; And syne my logeyng I have take, With my brande dubbyd many a knyght. Sir Harry Percy cam to the walles, 41 The Skottyssh oste for to se ; " And thow hast brente Northomberlond, FuU sore it rewyth me. Yf thou hast haryed all Bambarowe shyre, 45 Thow hast done me grete envye ; For the trespasse thow hast me done, The tone of us schall dye.'' V. 12, This line is corrupt in both the MSS. viz., « Many a styrande stage." — Stags have been killed within the pre- sent century on some of the large wastes in Northumber- land, y. 39, syne seems here to mean since. * Marche-man, i. e. a scowrer of the marches. THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF THE BATTLE OF OTTERBOURNE. 59 Where schall I byde the ? sayd the Dowglas, Or where wylte thow come to me ? 50 "At Otterborne in the hygh way,* Ther maist thow well logeed be. The roo full rekeles ther sche rinnes, To make the game and glee : The fawkon and the fesaunt both, Amonge on the holtes on ' hee/ 55 Ther maist thow have thy welth at wyll, Well looged ther maist be. Yt schall not be long, or I com the tyll," Sayd Syr Harry Percy e. 60 Ther schall I byde the, sayd the Dowglas, By the fayth of my bodye. Thether schall I com, sayd Syr Harry Percy; My trowth I plyght to the. A pype of wyne he gave them over the walles, 65 For soth, as I yow saye : Ther he mayd the Douglas drynke, And all hys oste that daye. The Dowglas txirnyd hym homewarde agayne. For soth withowghten naye, 70 He tooke his logeyng at Oterborne Uppon a Wedyns-day : And there he pyght hys stand erd dowyn, Hys gettyng more and lesse, And syne he warned hys men to goo 75 To chose ther geldyngs gresse. A Skottysshe knyght hoved upon the bent, A wache I dare well saye : So was he ware on the noble Percy In the dawnynge of the daye. 80 He prycked to his pavyleon dore. As faste as he myght ronne, Awaken, Dowglas, cryed the knyght. For hys love, that syttes yn trone. Awaken, Dowglas, cryed the knyght, 85 For thow maiste waken wyth wynne ; Yender have I spyed the prowde Percy, And seven standardes wyth hym. V. 53, Roe-bucks were to be found upon the wastes not £ar from Hexham, in the reign of Geo. I. Whitfield, Esq., of Whitfield, is said to have destroyed the last of them. V. 56, hye, MSS. V. 77, upon the best bent, MS. * Otterbourn is near the old Waiting-street road, in the parish of Elsdon. The Scots were encamped in a grassy plain near the river Read. The place where the Scots and English fought is still called Battle Rigs. Nay by my trowth, the Douglas sayed, It ys but a fayned taylle : He durste not loke on my bred banner, For all Ynglonde so haylle. 90 Was I not yester daye at the Newe Castell, That stonds so fayre on Tyne ? For all'the men the Percy hade, 95 He cowde not garre me ones to dyne. He stepped owt at hys pavelyon dore, To loke and it were lesse ; Araye yow, lordyngs, one and all. For here bygynnes no peysse 100 The yerle of Mentayne,* thow art my erne. The forwarde I gyve to the : The yerlle of Huntlay cawte and kene, He schall wyth the be. The lorde of Bowghanf in armure bryght 105 On the other hand he schall be ; Lord Jhonstone and Lorde Maxwell, They to schall be wyth me. Swynton fayre fylde upon your pryde To batell make yow bowen : Syr Davy Scotte, Syr Walter Stewarde, Syr Jhon of Agurstane. 110 A FYTTE. The Perssy came byfore hys oste, Wych was ever a gentyll knyght, Upon the Dowglas lowde can he crye, I wyll holde that I have hyght : For thow haste brente Northumberlonde, 5 And done me grete envye ; For thys trespasse thou hast me done, The tone of us schall dye. The Dowglas answerde hym agayne With grete wurds up on ' hee,' 10 And sayd, I have twenty agaynst ' thy' onej Byholde and thow maiste see. Wyth that the Percye was grevyd sore. For sothe as I yow saye : V. 1, 13, Pearcy, al. MS. V. 4, I will hold to what I have promised. V. 10, hye, MSS. V. 11, the one, MS. * The Earl of Mentelth. f The Lord Buchan. X He probably magnifies his strength to induce him to surrender. 60 THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF THE BATTLE OF OTTERBOUKNE. [* He lyghted dowyn upon his fote, And schoote his horsse clene away. 15 Every man sawe that he dyd soo, That ryall was ever in rowght ; Every man schoote hys horsse him froo, And lyght hym rowynde abowght. 20 Thus Syr Hary Percye toke the fylde, For soth, as I yow saye : Jesu Cryste in hevyn on hyght Dyd helpe hym well that daye. But nyne thowzand, ther was no moo ; 25 The cronykle wyll not layne : Forty thowsande Skottes and fowre That day fowght them agayne. But when the batell byganne to joyne. In hast ther came a knyght, 30 ' Then' letters fayre furth hath he tayne, And thus he sayd full ryght : My lorde, your father he gretes yow well, Wyth many a noble knyght ; He desyres yow to byde 35 That he may see thys fyght. The Baron of Grastoke ys com owt of the west, With him a noble companye ; All they loge at your fathers thys nyght , And the battell fayne wold they see. 40 For Jesu's love, sayd Syr Harye Percy, That dyed for yow and me, Wende to my lorde my father agayne, And saye thou saw me not with yee : My te-owth ys plight to yonne Skottysh knyght, 45 It nedes me not to layne, That I schulde byde hym upon thys bent. And I have hys trowth agayne : And if that I wende off thys grownde For soth unfoughten awaye, 50 He wolde me call but a kowarde knyght In hys ionde another daye. Yet had I lever to be rynde and rente, By Mary that mykel maye ; Then evermy manhood schulde be reprovyd 55 Wyth a Skotte another daye. * All that follows, included in brackets, was not in the first edition. Wherefore schote, archars, for my sake, And let scharpe arowes flee : Mynstrells, play up for your waryson, And well quyt it schall be. 60 Every man thynke on hys trewe love, And marke hym to the Trenite : For to God I make myne avowe Thys day wyll I not fle. The blodye harte in the Dowglas armes, 65 Hys standerde stode on hye ; That every man myght full well knowe : By syde stode Starres thre : The whyte Lyon on the Ynglysh parte, Forsoth as I yow sayne ; The Lucetts and the Cress awnts both : The Skotts faught them agayne."^] 70 Uppon sent Andrewe lowde cane they crye. And thrysse they schowte on hyght, And syne marked them one owr Ynglysshe men, 75 As I have told yow ryght. Sent George the bryght owr ladies knyght, To name theyf were full fayne, Owr Ynglysshe men they cryde on hyght, And thrysse the schowtte agayne. 80 Wyth that scharpe arowes bygan to flee, I tell yow in sertayne ; Men of armes byganne to joyne ; Many a dowghty man was ther slayne. The Percy and the Dowglas mette, 85 That ether of other was fayne : They schapped together, why 11 that the swette, With swords of fyne CoUayne ; Tyll the bloode from ther bassonnetts ramie, x^s the roke doth in the rayne. 90 Yelde the to me, sayd the Dowgl5,s, Or els thow schalt be slayne : * The ancient Arms of Douglas are pretty accurately emblazoned in the former stanza, and if the readings were, The crowned harte, and Above stode starres thre, it would be minutely exact at this day. — As for the Percy famUy, one of their ancient Badges or Cognizances was a white Lyon Statant, and the Silver Orescent continues to be used by them to this day : they also give three Luces Arge^vt for one of their quarters. t i. e. The English. THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF THE BATTLE OF OTTERBOURNE. 61 For I see, by thy bryght bassonet, Thow art sum man of myght, And so I do by thy burnysshed brande, 95 Thow art an yerle, or ells a knyght. - By my good faythe, sayd the noble Percy, Now haste thou rede full ryght, Yet wyll I never yelde me to the, Whyll I may stonde and fyght. 100 They swapped together, whyll that they swette, Wyth swordes scharpe and long ; Ych on other so faste they beette, Tyll ther helmes cam in peyses dowyn. The Percy was a man of strenghth, 105 I tell yow in thys stounde, He smote the Dowglaa at the swordes length. That he felle to the growynde. The sworde was scharpe and sore can byte, I tell yow in sertayne; 110 To the harte, he cowde hym smyte, Thus was the Dowglas slayne. The stonderds stode styll on eke syde. With many a grevous grone ; Ther the fowght the day, and all the nyght, 115 And many a dowghty man was ' slone'. Ther was no freke, that ther wolde flye, But styffly in stowre can stond, Ychone hewyng on other whyll they myght drye, Wyth many a bayllefuU bronde. 120 Ther was slayne upon the Skottes syde. For soth and sertenly, Syr James a Dowglas ther was slayne. That daye that he cowde dye. The yerle Mentaye of he was slayne, Grysely groned uppon the growynd ; Syr Davy Scotte, Syr Walter Steward, Syr ' John' of Agurstonne.f 125 V. 116, slayne, MSS. V. 124, i. e. He died that day. * Being all in armour he could not know him. t Our old minstrel repeats these names, as Homer and Virgil do those of their heroes : " — fortemque Gyam. fortemqne Cloanthum, &c., &c. Both the MSS. read here, " Sir James," but see ahove, pt. I. ver. 112. Syr Charlies Morrey in that place, That never a fote wold flye ; 130 Sir Hughe Maxwelle, a lord he was, With the Dowglas dyd he dye. Ther was slayne upon the Skottes syde, For soth as I yow saye. Of fowre and forty thowsande Scotts 135 Went but eyghtene awaye. Ther was slayne upon the Ynglysshe syde, For soth and sertenlye, A gentell knyght, Sir John Fitz-hughe, Yt was the more petye. 140 Syr James Harebotell ther was slayne. For hym ther hartes were sore, The gentyll ' Lovelle' ther was slayne, That the Perceyes standerd bore. Ther was slayne uppon the Ynglyssh perte. For soth as I yow saye : 146 Of nyne thowsand Ynglyssh men Fyve hondert cam awaye : The other were slayne in the fylde, Cryste kepe their sowles from wo, Seying ther was so few fryndes Agaynst so many a foo. 150 Then one the morne they mayd them beeres Of byrch, and haysell graye ; Many a wydowe with wepyng teyres 155 Ther makes they fette awaye. Thys fraye bygan at Otterborne, Bytwene the nyghte and the day : Ther the Dowglas lost hys lyfe. And the Percy was lede awaye,* 160 Then was ther a Scottyshe prisoner tayne, Syr Hughe Mongomery was hys name. For soth as. I yow saye. He borowed the Percy home agayne.f v. 143, Covelle, MS. — For the names in this page see the Remarks at the end of this ballad. V. 153, one, i. e. on. * sc. Captive. t In the Cotton MS. is the following note on ver, 164, in an ancient hand : " Syr Hewe Mongomery takyn prizonar, was delyvered for the restorynge of Perssy." 62 THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF THE BATTLE OF OTTERBOURNE. Now let us all for the Percy praye 1G5 To Jesu most of myght, To bryng his sowle to the blysse of heven, For he was a gentyll knight. *^* Most of the names in the two preced- ing ballads, are found to have belonged to families of distinction in the North, as may be made appear from authentic records. Thus in THE ANCIENT BALLAD OF CHEVY CHASE. Ver. 112, Agerstone.] The family of Hag- GERSTON of Haggerston, near Berwick, has been seated there for many centuries, and etill remains. Thomas Haggerston was among the commissioners returned for North- umberland in 12 Hen. VI., 1433. (Fuller's Worthies, p. 310.) The head of this family at present is Sir Thomas Haggerston, Bart, of Haggerston above mentioned. N. B. The name is spelt Agerstone, as in the text, in Leland's Itinerary, vol. vii. p. 54. Ver. 113, Hartly.] Hartley is a village near the sea in the barony of Tinemouth, about 7 miles from North Shields. It probably gave name to a family of note at that time. Ver. 114, Hearone.] This family, one of the most ancient, was long of great consider- ation, in Northumberland. Haddeston, the Caput Baronice of Heron, was their ancient residence. It descended, 25 Edw. I., to the heir general Emiline Heron, afterwards Bar- oness Darcy. — Ford, &c. and Bockenfield {in. com. eodum) went at the same time to Roger Heron, the heir male ; whose descendants were summoned to Parliament : Sir William Heron, of Ford Castle, being summoned 44 Edw. III. Ford Castle hath descended by heirs general to the family of Delaval (men- tioned in the next article.) — Robert Heron, Esq., who died at Newark, in 1753 (father of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Heron, Bart.), was heir male of the Herons of Bockenfield, a younger branch of this family. — Sir Thom- as Heron Middleton, Bart., is heir male of the Herons of Chip-chase, another branch of the Herons of Ford Castle. Ver. 115, Lovele.] Joh. de Lavale, miles, was sheriff of Northumberland, 34 Hen. VII. Joh. de Lavale, mil., in the 1 Edw. VI. and V. 165, Percyes, Harl. MS. afterwards. (Fuller, 313.) In Nicholson this name is spelt Da Lovel, p. 305. This ^eems to be the ancient family of Delavel, of Seaton Delavel, in Northumberland, whose ancestor was one of the twenty-five barons appointed to be guardians of Magna Charta. Ver. 117, Rugbe.] The ancient family of Rokeby, in Yorkshire, seems to be here in- tended. In Thoresby's Ducat. I eod. p, 253. fol. is a genealogy of this house, by which it appears that the head of the family, about the tiijie when this ballad was written, was Sir Ralph Rokeby, Knt. Ralph being a com- mon name of the Rokeby s. Ver. 119, Wetharrington.] Rog. de Wid- rington was sheriff of Northumberland in 36 of Edw. III. (Fuller, p. 311.) Joh. de Wid- rington in 11 of Hen. IV., and many others of the same name afterwards. See also Nicholson, p. 331. Of this family was the late Lord Witherington. Ver. 124, Mongon-byrry.] Sir Hugh Mont- gomery was son of John Lord Montgomery, the lineal ancestor of the present Earl of Eg- linton. Ver. 125, Lwdale.] Theancientfamilyofthe Liddels were originally from Scotland, where they were Lords of Liddell Castle, and of the barony of Buff. (Vid. Collinses Peerage.) The head of this family' is the present Lord Ra- vensworth, of Ravensworth Castle, in the county of Durham. IN THE BATTLE OF OTTERBOURNE. Ver. 101, Mentaye.] At the time of this battle, the Earldom of Menteith was possess- ed by Robert Stewart, Earl of Fife, third son of King Robert II., who, according to Buch- anan, commanded the Scots that entered by Carlisle. But our minstrel had probably an eye to the family of Graham, who had this earldom when the ballad was written. See Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, 1764, fol. Ver. 103, Huntleye.] This shows this bal- lad was not composed before 1449 ; for in that year Alexander Lord of Gordon and Huntley was created Earl of Huntley by King James II. Ver. 105, Bowghan.] The Earl of Buchan at that time was Alexander Stewart, fourth son of King Robert II. Ver. 107. Jhon stone— Maxwell.] These THE JEW'S DAUGHTER. 63 two families of Johnstone, Lord of Johnston, and Maxwell, Lord of Maxwell, were always very powerful on the borders. Of the former family was Johnston Marquis of Annandale ; of the latter was Maxwell Earl of Nithsdale. I cannot find that any chief of this family was named Sir Hugh ; but Sir Herbert Max- well was about this time much distinguished. (See Doug.) This might have been original- ly written Sir H. Maxwell, and by tran- scribers converted into Sir Hugh. So above, in No I, V. 90, Richard is contracted into Ric. Yer. 109, Swynton,] i. e. The Laird of Swintone ; a small village within the Scottish border, 3 miles from Norham. This family still subsists, and is very ancient. Ver. Ill, Scotte.] The illustrious family of Scot, ancestors of the Duke of Buccleugh, always made a great figure on the borders. Sir Walter Scot was at the head of this fam- ily when the battle was fought ; but his great- grandson, Sir David Scot, was the hero of that house when the ballad was written. Ibid. Stewarde.] The person here designed was probably Sir Walter Stewart, Lord of Dal&winton and Gairlies, who was eminent at that time. (See Doug.) From him is de- scended the present Earl of Galloway. Yer. 112, Agurstone.] The seat of this fam- ily was sometimes subject to the Kings of Scotland. Thus Richardus Hagerstoun, miles, is one of the Scottish knights who signed a treaty with the English in 1249, temp. Hen. III. (Nicholson, p. 2, note.) It was the fate of many parts of Northumberland often to change their masters, according as the Scot- tish or English arms prevailed. Yer. 129, Morrey.] The person here meant was probably Sir Charles Murray of Cock- poole, who flourished at that time, and was ancestor of the Murrays some time Earls of Annandale. See Doug. Peerage. Yer. 139, Fitz-hughe.] Dugdale (in his Baron, vol. i. p. 403) informs us that John, son of Henry Lord Fitzhugh, was killed at the battle of Otterbourne. This was a North- umberland family. Yid. Dugd. p. 403, col. 1, and Nicholson, pp. 33, 60. Yer. 141, Harebotell.] Harbottle is a vil- lage upon the river Coquet, about 10 miles west of Rothbury. The family of Harbottle was once considerable in Northumberland. (See Fuller, pp. 312, 313.) A daughter of Guischard Harbottle, Esq., married Sir Thomas Percy, knt., son of Henry, the fifth, and father of Thomas, the seventh. Earls of Northumberland. III. %\t l^to's Satigfeto, A SCOTTISH BALLAD, Is founded upon the supposed practice of the Jews in crucifying or otherwise mur- thering Christian children, out of hatred to the religion of their parents ; a practice which hath been always alleged in excuse for the cruelties exercised upon that wretched peo- ple, but which probably never happened in a single instance. For, if we consider, on the one hand, the ignorance and superstition of the times when such stories took their rise, the virulent prejudices of the monks who re- cord them, and the eagerness with which they would be catched up by the barbarous popu- lace as a pretence for plunder ; on the other hand, the great danger incurred by the per- 9 petrators, and the inadequate motives they could have to excite them to a crime of so much horror ; we may reasonably conclude the whole charge to be gToundless and mali- cious. The following ballad is probably built upon some Italian Legend, and bears a great resem- blance to the Prioresse's Tale in Chaucer: the poet seems also to have had an eye to the known story of Hugh of Lincoln, a child said to have been there murthered by the Jews in the reign of Henry III. The con- clusion of this ballad appears to be wanting : what it probably contained may be seen in Chaucer. As for Mirryland Toun, it is pro- 64 SIR CAULINE. bably a corruption of Milan (called by the Dutch Meylandt) Town : the Pa is evidently the river Po, although the Adige, not the Po, runs through Milan. Printed from a MS. copy sent from Scotland. The rain rins doun through Mirry-land toune, Sae dois it doune the Pa : Sae dois the lads of Mirry-land toune, Quhan they play at the ba'. Than out and cam the Jevris dochtfer, 5 Said, Will ye cum in and dine ? " I w^innae cum in, I cannae cum in, Without my play-feres nine." Scho powd an apple reid and white To intice the zong thing in : Scho powd an apple white and reid, And that the sweit bairne did win. 10 And scho has taine out a little pen-knife. And low down by her gair, Scho has twin'd tlje zong thing and his life ; 15 A word he nevir spak mair. And out and cam the thick thick bluid, And out and cam the thin ; And out and cam the bonny herts bluid : Thair was nae life left in. 20 Scho laid him on a dressing borde, And drest him like a swine, And laughing said, Gae nou and pley With zour sweit play-feres nine. Scho rowd him in a cake of lead, 25 Bade him lie stil and sleip. Scho cast him in a deip draw-well. Was fifty fadom deip. Quhan bells wer rung, and mass was sung, And every lady went hame : 30 Than ilka lady had her zong sonne, Bot Lady Helen had nane. Scho rowd hir mantil hir about. And sair sair gan she weip : And she ran into the Jewis castfel, Quhan they wer all asleip. 35 My bonny Sir Hew, my pretty Sir Hew, I pray thee to me speik. " lady, rinn to the deip draw-well. Gin ze zour sonne wad seik." 40 Lady Helen ran to the deip draw-well. And knelt upon her kne : My bonny Sir Hew, and ze be here, I pray thee speik to me. " The lead is wondrous heavy, mither, 45 The well is wondrous deip, A keen pen-knife sticks in my hert, A word I dounae spiek. Gae hame, gae hame, my mither deir. Fetch me my windling sheet, 50 And at the back o^ Mirry-land toun Its thair we twa sail meet." IV. Sir Cawlint This old romantic tale was preserved in the Editor's folio MS., but in so very defective and mutilated a condition (not from any chasm in the MS., but from great omission in the transcript, probably copied from the faulty recitation of some illiterate minstrel), and the whole appeared so far short of the perfection it seemed to deserve, that the Editor was tempted to add several stanzas in the first part, and still more in the second, to connect and complete the story in the manner which appeared to him most inter- esting and afiecting. There is something peculiar in the metre of this old ballad : it is not unusual to meet with redundant stanzas of six lines ; but th« SIR CAUXINE. 65 occasional insertion of a double third or fourth line, as ver. 31, &c., is an irregularity I do not remember to have seen elsewhere. It may be proper to inform the reader be- fore he comes to Pt. 2, v. 110, 111, that the Round Table was not peculiar to the reign of King Arthur, but was common in all the ages of Chivalry. The proclaiming a great tour- nament (probably with some peculiar solem- nities) was called " holding a Round Table.^' Dugdale tells us that the great baron Roger de Mortimer "having procured the honour of knighthood to be conferred * on his thre sons' by K. Edw. I., he, at his own costs, caused a tourneament to be held at Kenil- worth; where he sumptuously entertained an hundred knights, and as many ladies, for three days ; the like whereof was never be- fore in England ; and there began the Round Table (so called by reason that the place wherein they practised those feats was envi- roned with a strong wall made in a round form : ) And upon the fourth day, the golden lion, in sign of triumph, being yielded to him ; he carried it (with all the company) to Warwick."— It may further be added, that Matthew Paris frequently calls justs and tournaments Hastiludia Mensce Rotundce. As to what will be observed in this ballad of the art of healing being practised by a young princess ; it is no more than what is usual in all the old romances, and was con- formable to real manners : it being a prac- tice derived from the earliest times among all tJie Gothic and Celtic nations, for women even of the highest rank, to exercise the art of surgery. In the Northern Chronicles we always find the young damsels stanching the wounds of their lovers, and the wives those of their husbands.* And even so late as the time of Queen Elizabeth, it is mentioned among the accomplishments of the ladies of her court, that the " eldest of them are skil- ful in surgery." See Harrison's Description of England, prefixed to Hollingshed's Chron- icle, &c. THE FIRST PART. In Ireland, ferr over the sea. There dwelleth a bonnye kinge ; And with him a yong and comlye knighte, Men call him Syr Cauline. * See Northern Antiquities, &c., vol. i. p. 318, vol. ii. p. 100, Memoires de la Chevalerie, torn. i. p. 44. The kinge had a ladye to his daughter, 5 In fashyon she hath no peere ; And princely wightes that ladye wooed To be theyr wedded feere. Syr Cauline loveth her best of all. But nothing durst he saye ; 10 Ne descreeve his counsayl to no man, But deerlye he lovde this may. Till on a daye it so beffell. Great dill to him was dight ; The maydens love removde his mynd, 15 To care-bed went the knighte. One while he spred his armes him fro, One while he spred them nye : And aye ! but I winne that ladyes love, For dole now I mun die. 20 And whan our parish-masse was done, Oar kinge was bowne to dyne : He sayes. Where is Syr Cauline, That is wont to serve the wyne ? Then aunswerde him a courteous knighte, 25 And fast his handes gan wringe : Sir Cauline is sicke, and like to dye Without a good leechinge. Fetche me downe my daughter deere, She is a leeche fulle fine : 30 Goe take him doughe, and the baken bread, And serve him with the wyne soe red ; Lothe I were him to tine. Fair Christabelle to his chaumber goes, Her maydens followyng nye : 35 well, she sayth, how doth my lord ? sicke, thou fayr ladyfe. Nowe ryse up wightlye, man for shame, Never lye soe cowardice ; For it is told in my fathers halle, 40 You dye for love of mee. Fayre ladye, it is for your love That all this dill I drye : For if you wold comfort me with a kisse. Then were I brought from bale to blisse, 45 No longer wold I lye. Sir knighte, my father is a kinge, I am his onlye heire ; 66 SIR CAULINE. Alas ! and well you knowe, syr knighte, I never can be youre fere. 50 ladye, thou art a kinges daughter, And I am not thy peere, But let me doe some deedes of armes To be your bacheleere. 55 Some deedes of armes if thou wilt doe, My bacheleere to bee, But ever and aye my heart wold rue, Giff harm shold happe to thee, Upon Elridge hill there groweth a thorne, Upon the mores brodinge ; 60 And dare ye, syr knighte, wake there all nighte Untill the fayre morninge ? For the Eldridge knighte, so mickle of mighte, "Will examine you beforne : And never man bare life a,waye, 66 But he did him scath and scorne. That knighte he is a fond paynim, And large of limb and bone ; And but if heaven may be thy speede, Thy life it is but gone. 70 Nowe on the Eldridge hiUes He walke,* For thy sake, faire ladie ; And He either bring you a ready tokfen, Or He never more you see. The lady is gone to her own chamb^re. Her maydens follovring bright : Syr Cauline lope from care-bed soone, And to the Eldridge hills is gone. For to wake there all night. Unto midnight, that the moone did rise, He walked up and downe : Then a lightsome bugle heard he blowe Over the bents soe browne ; Quoth hee, If cryance come till my heart, I am ffar from any good towne. 75 80 85 And soone he spyde on the mores so broad, A furyous wight and fell ; A ladye bright his brydle led, Clad in a fayre kyrtfell ; Perhaps wake, as in vet. 61. And soe fast he called on Syr Cauline, 90 man, I rede thee flye, For * but' if cryance comes till my heart, 1 weene but thou mun dye. He sayth, ' No' cryance comes till my heart, Nor in fayth, I wyll not flee ; 95 For, cause thou minged not Christ before, The less me dreadeth thee. The Elridge knighte, he pricked his steed ; Syr Cauline bold abode : Then either shooke his trustye speare, 100 And the timber those two children* bare Soe soone in sunder slode. Then tooke they out theyr two good swordes, And layden on full faste, Till helme and hawberke, mail and sheelde, They all were well-nye brast. 106 The Eldridge knight was mickle of might. And stiffe in stower did stande. But Syr Cauline with a * backward' stroke He smote oflF his right hand ; 110 That soone he with paine and lacke of bloud Fell downe on that lay-land. Then up Syr Cauline lift his brande All over his head so hye : And here I sweare by the holy roode, Nowe caytiffe, thou shalt dye. 115 Then up and came that ladye brighte, Fast wringing of her hande : For the maydens love, that most you love, Withold that deadlye brande : 120 For the maydens love, that most you love. Now smyte no more I praye ; And aye whatever thou wilt, my lord. He shall thy bests obaye. 124 Now sweare to mee, thou Eldridge knighte. And here on this lay-land. That thou wilt believe on Christ his laye, And thereto plight thy hand : And that thou never on Eldridge come To sporte, gamon, or playe : 130 And that thou here give up thy armes Until thy dying daye. * i. e. Knights. See the Prefaoe to Child '{^e y. 109, aukeward, MS. SIR CAULINE. 67 The Eldridge knighte gave up his armes With many a sorrowfulle sighe ; And sware to obey Syr Caulines hest, 135 Till the tyme that he shold dye. And he then up and the Eldridge knighte Sett him in his saddle anone, And the Eldridge knighte and his ladye To theyr castle are they gone. 140 Then he tooke up the bloudy hand, That was so large of bone, And on it he founde five ringes of gold Of knightes that had be slone. Then he tooke up the Eldridge sworde, 145 As hard as any flint : And he tooke ofi* those ringes five, As bright as fyre and brent. Home then pricked Syr Cauline As light as leafe on tree : 150 I-wys he neither stint ne blanne, Till he his lady see. Then downe he knelt upon his knee Before that lady gay : ladye, I have bin on the Eldridge hills : 155 These tokens I bring away. Now welcome, welcome, Syr Cauline, Thrice welcome unto mee, For now I perceive thou art a true knighte. Of valour bolde and free. 160 ladye, I am thy own true knighte, Thy hests for to obaye : And mought I hope to winne thy love ! — Ne more his tonge colde say. The ladye blushed scarlette redde, 165 And fette a gentill sighe : Alas ! syr knighte, how may this bee. For my degree's soe highe ? But sith thou hast hight, thou comely youth, To be my batchilere, 170 He promise if thee I may not wedde I will have none other fere. Then shee held forthe her lilly-white hand Towards that knighte so free ; He gave to it one gentill kisse, 175 His heart was brought from bale to blisse, The teares sterte from his ee. But keep my counsayl, Syr Cauline, Ne let no man it knowe ; For and ever my father sholde it ken, 180 I wot we wolde us sloe. From that day forthe that ladye fayre Lovde Syr Cauline, the knighte: From that day forthe he only joyde Whan shee was in his sight. 185 Yea, and oftentimes they mette Within a fayre arboure, Where they in love and sweet daliaunce Past manye a pleasaunt houre. tit In this conclusion of the First Part, and at the beginning of the Second, the reader will observe a resemblance to the story of Sigismunda and Guiscard, as told by Boccace and Dryden : see the latter's description of the lovers meeting in the cave ; and those beautiful lines, which contain a reflection so like this of our poet, " Every white, ^' &c. viz. " But as extremes are short of ill and good, And tides at highest mark regorge their flood; So fate, that could no more improve their j oy, Took a malicious pleasure to destroy." Tancred, who fondly loved, &C.''' PART THE SECOND. Everye white will have its blacke. And everye sweete its sowre : This founde the Ladye Christabelle In an untimely howre. For so it befelle, as Syr Cauline 5 Was with that ladye faire, The kinge, her father, walked forthe To take the evenyng aire : And into the arboure as he went To rest his wearye feet, He found his daughter and Syr Cauline There sette in daliaunce sweet. 10 The kinge hee sterted forthe, i-wys, And an angrye man was hee : Nowe, traytoure, thou shalt hange or drawe, And rewe shall thy ladle. 16 Then forthe Syr Cauline he was ledde, And throwne in dungeon deepe : 68 SIR CAULINE. And the ladye into a towre so hye But a stranger wight, whom no man knewe, There left to wayle and weepe. 20 He wan the prize eche daye. ' The queene she was Syr Caulines friend, His acton it was all of blacke, 65 And to the kinge sayd shee : His hewberke, and his sheelde, I praye you save Syr Caulines life. Ne noe man wist whence he did come. And let him banisht bee. Ne noe man knewe where he did gone, When they oa.m e from the feelde. Now, dame, that traitor shall be sent 25 Across the salt sea fome : And now three days were prestlye past 70 But here I will make thee a band, In feates of chivalrye, If ever he come within this land, When lo upon the fourthe morninge A foule deathe is his doome. A sorrowfuUe sight they see. All woe-begone was that gentil knight 30 A hugye giaunt stiffe and starke. To parte from his lady^ ; All foule of limbe and lere ; 75 And many a time he sighed sore, Two goggling eyen like fire farden. And cast a wistfulle eye : A mouthe from eare to eare. Faire Christabelle, from thee to parte. Farre lever had I dye. 35 Before him came a dwarffe full lowe, That waited on his knee, Faire Christabelle, that ladye bright. And at his backe five heads he bare, 80 Was had forthe of the towre ; All wan and pale of blee. But ever shee droopeth in her minde, As nipt by an ungentle winde Sir, quoth the dwarfie, and louted lowe, Doth some faire lillye flowre. 40 Behold that hend Sold^in ! Behold these heads I beare with me ! And ever shee doth lament and weepe They are kings which he hath slain. 85 To tint her lover soe : Syr Cauline, thou little think'st on mee, The Eldridge knight is his own cousine. But I will still be true. Whom a knight of thine hath shent : And hee is come to avenge his wrong, Many a kinge, and manye a duke, 45 And to thee, all thy knightes among. And lorde of high degree. Defiance here hath sent. 90 Bid sue to that fayre ladye of love ; But never shee wolde them nee. But yette he will appease his wrath Thy daughters love to winne : When manye a daye was past and gone, And but thou yeelde him that fayre mayd, Ne comforte she colde finde, 50 Thy halls and towers must brenne. The kynge proclaimed a tourneament, To cheere his daughters mind : Thy head, syr king, must goe with mee ; 95 Or else thy daughter deere ; And there came lords, and there came knights, Or else within these lists soe broad Fro manye a farre countrye, Thou must finde him a peere. To break a spere for theyr ladyes love 55 Before that faire ladye. The king he turned him round aboute. And in his heart was woe : 100 And many a ladye there was sette Is there never a knighte of my round tabl^. In purple and in palle : This matter will undergoe ? But faire Christabelle soe woe-begone Was the fayrest of them all. 60 Is there never a knighte amongst yee all Will fight for my daughter and mee ? Then manye a knight was mickle of might Whoever will fight yon grimme sold^n, 105 Before his ladye gaye : Right fair his meede shall bee. SIR CAULINE. 69 For hee shall have my broad lay-lands, And of my crowne be heyre ; And he shall winne fayre Christabelle To be his wedded fere. 110 But every knighte of his round tabl^ Did stand both still and pale : For v^'henever they lookt on the grim sold^n, It made their hearts to quail. All woe-begone vras that fayre lady^, 115 When she sawe no helpe v^as nye : She cast her thought on her owne true-love, And the teares gusht from her eye. Up then sterte the stranger knighte, Sayd, ladye, be not affrayd : 120 He fight for thee v^ith his grimme soldsin, Thoughe he be unmacklye made. And if thou v^ilt lend me the Eldridge.sworde, That lyeth w^ithin thy bowre, I trust in Christe for to slay this fiende 125 Thoughe he be stiffe in stowre. Goe fetch him downe the Eldridge sworde, The king he cryde, with speede : Nowe heaven assist thee, courteous knighte ; My daughter is thy meede. 130 The gyaunt he stepped into the lists, And sayd, Awaye, awaye : I sweare, as I am the hend soldiln, Thou lettest me here all daye. Then forthe the stranger knight he came In his blacke armoure dight ; 136 The ladye sighed a gentle sighe, " That this were my true knighte !" And nowe the gyaunt and knighte be mett Within the lists soe broad ; 140 And now with swordes soe sharpe of Steele, They gan to lay on load. The soldan strucke the knighte a stroke, That made him reele asyde ; Then woe-begone was that fayre ladyfe 145 And thrice shee deeply sighde. The soldan strucke a second stroke, And made the bloude to flowe : All pale and wan was that ladye fayre. And thrice she wept for woe. 150 The soldan strucke a third fell' stroke, Which brought the knighte on his knee : Sad sorrow pierced that ladyes heart. And she shriekt loud shriekings three. The knighte he leapt upon his feete, 155 All recklesse of the pain : Quoth hee. But heaven be now my speede, Or else I shall be slaine. He grasped his sworde with mayne and mighte. And spying a secrette part, 160 He drave it into the soldan's syde, And pierced him to the heart. Then all the people gave a shoute, When they sawe the soldan falle : The ladye wept, and thanked Christ, 165 That had reskewed her from thrall. And nowe the kinge with all his barons Rose uppe from offe his seate. And downe he stepped intd the listes, That curteous knighte to greete. 170 But he for payne and lack of bloude Was fallen into a swounde, And there all walteringe in his gore, Lay lifelessse on the grounde. 174 Come downe, come downe, my daughter deare, Thou art a leeche of skille ; Farre lever had I lose halfe my landes. Than this good knighte sholde spille. Downe then steppeth that fayre ladyfe To helpe him if she maye ; 180 But when she did his beavere raise. It is my life, my lord, she sayes. And shriekte and swound awaye. Sir Cauline juste lifte up his eyes When he heard his ladye crye, 185 ladye, I am thine owne true love ; For thee I wisht to dye. Then giving her one par tinge looke, He closed his eyes in death, Ere Christabelle, that ladye milde, 190 Begane to drawe her breathe. But when she found her comelye knighte Indeed was dead and gone. She layde her pale cold cheeke to his, And thus she made her moane : 195 70 EDWARD, EDWARD. staye, my deare and onlye lord, For mee thy faithfulle feere ; 'Tis meet that I shold fullowe thee, Who hast bought my love soe deare. Then fayntinge in a deadlye swoune, 2.00 And with a deepe-fette sighe, That burst her gentle hearte in twayne Fayre Christabelle did dye. *^* V. ilrtoarir, ^laMxX A SCOTTISH BALLAD. From a MS. copy transmitted from Scotland. 10 QuHY dois zour brand sae drop wi' bluid, Edward, Edward ? Quhy dois zour brand sae drop wi' bluid? And quhy sae sad gang zee, ? 0, I hae killed my hauke sae guid, Mither, mither : 0, I hae killed my hauke sae guid : And I had nae mair hot hee, 0. Zour haukis bluid was nevir sae reid,- Edward, Edward. Zour haukis bluid was nevir sae reid, My deir son I tell the, 0. 0, I hae killed my reid-roan steid, Mither, mither : 0, I hae killed my reid-roan steid, 15 That erst was sae fair and free, 0. Zour steid was auld, and ze hae gat mair, Edward, Edward : Zour steid was auld, and ze hae gat mair, Sum other dule ze drie, 0. 20 0, I hae killed my fadir deir, Mither, mither : 0, I hae killed my fadir deir. Alas ! and wae is mee, ! And quhatten penance wul ze drie for that, 25 Edward, Edward ? And quhattan penance will ze drie for that ? My deir son, now tell me, 0. He set my feit in zonder boat, Mither, mither: 30 He set my feit in zonder boat. And He fare ovir the sea, 0. And quhat wul ze doe wi' zour towirs and zour ha', Edward, Edward? And quhat wul ze doe wi' zour towirs and zour ha', 35 That ware sae fair to see, ? He let thame stand til they doun fa', Mither, mither i He let thame stand til they doun fa', 39 For here nevir mair maun I bee, 0. And quhat wul ze leive to zour bairns and zour wife, Edward, Edward ! And quhat wul ze leive to zour bairns and zour wife, Quhan ze gang ovir the sea, ? The warldis room, let thame beg throw life, 45 Mither, mither ; The warldis room, let thame beg throw life. For thame nevir mair wul I see, 0. And quhat wul ze leive to zour ain mither deir, Edward, Edward? 50 And quhat wul ze leive to zour ain mither deir? My deir son, now tell me, 0. The curse of hell frae me sail ze beir, Mither, mither : The curse of hell frae me sail ze beir, 55 Sic counseils ze gave to me, 0. This curious Song was transmitted to the Editor by Sir David Dalrymple, Bart., late Lord Hailes. KING ESTMERE. 71 YI. ^iitg (&^tmtxt This old Romantic Legend (which is given from two copies, one of them in the Editor's folio MS., but which contained very great vari- ations) bears marks of considerable antiqui- ty, and perhaps ought to have taken place of any in this volume. It should seem to have been written while part of Spain was in the hands of the Saracens or Moors ; whose em- pire there vras not fully extinguished before the year 1^1. The Mahometans are spo- ken of in ver. 49, &c., just in the same terms as in all other old Romances. The author of the ancient Legend of Sir Bevis represents his hero, upon all occasions, breathing out defiance against " Mahound and Termagaunte ;"* and so full of zeal for his religion, as to re- turn the following polite message to a Paynim king's fair daughter, who had fallen in love with him, and sent two Saracen knights to in- vite him to her bower : " I wyll not ones stirre off this grounde, To speake with an heathen hounde. Unchristen houndes, I rede you fle, Or I your harte bloud shall se." f Indeed they return the compliment by call- ing him elsewhere "A Christen hounde." J This was conformable to the real manners of the barbarous ages : perhaps the same ex- cuse will hardly serve our bard ; for that the Adland should be found lolling or leaning at his gate (ver. 35) may be thought per- chance a little out of character. And yet the great painter of manners, Homer, did not think it inconsistent with decorum to repre- sent a king of the Taphians leaning at the gate of Ulysses to inquire for that monarch, when he touched at Ithaca as he was taking a voyage with a ship's cargo of iron to dispose in traffic.^ So little ought we to judge of an- cient manners by our own. Before I conclude this article, I cannot help observing that the reader will see, in this bal- * See a short Memoir at the end of this Ballad, Note flf. t Sign. C. ii. b. % Sign. C. i. b. g Odyss. A. 105. 10 lad, the character of the old Minstrels (those successors of the bards) placed in a very re- spectable light ;* here he will see one of them represented mounted on a fine horse, accom- panied with an attendant to bear his harp after him, and to sing the poems of his com- posing. Here he will see him mixing in the company of kings without ceremony : no mean proof of the great antiquity of this poem. The further we carry our inquiries back, the greater respect we find paid to the professors of poetry and music among all the . Celtic and Gothic nations. Their character was deemed so sacred, that under its sanction our famous King Alfred (as we have already seenf) made no scruple to enter the Danish camp, and was at once admitted to the king's head-quarters. I Our poet has suggested the same expedient to the heroes of this ballad. All the histories of the North are full of the great reverence paid to this order of men. Harold Harfagre, a celebrated king of Nor- r. way, was wont to seat them at his table above ^ all the officers of his court : and we find an- '^ other Norwegian king placing five of them by his side in a day of battle, that they might be eye-witnesses of the great exploits they were to celebrate. | As to Estmere's rid- ing into the hall while the kings were at ta- ble, this was usual in the ages of chivalry ; and even to this day we see a relic of this custom still kept up, in the champion's riding into Westminster-hall during the coronation dinner. II Some liberties have been taken with this tale by the Editor, but none without notice to the reader, in that part which relates to the subject of the Harper and his attendant. * See Note subjoined to 1st Pt. of Beggar of Bednal, &c. f See the Essay on the ancient Minstrels prefixed to this work. J Even so late as the time of Eroissart, we find Min- strels and Heralds mentioned together, as those who might securely go into an enemy's country. Cap. cxl. § Bartholini Antiq. Dan. p. 173. Northern Antiquities, &c., vol. i. pp. 386, 389, &c. II See also the account of Edward II., in the Essay on the Minstrels, and Note (X.) 72 KING ESTMERE. Hearken to me, gentlemen, Come and you shall heare ; He tell you of two of the boldest brethren That ever borne y-were. The tone of them was Adler younge, 5 The tother was Kyng Estmere ; The were as bolde men in their deeds, As any were farr and neare. As they were drinking ale and wine Within Kyng Estmeres halle : 10 When will ye marry a wyfe, brother, A wyfe to glad us all ? Then bespake him Kyng Estmere, And answered him hastilee : I know not that ladye in any land 15 That's able* to marrye with mee. Kyng Adland hath a daughter, brother, Men call her bright and sheene ; If I were kyng here in your stead. That ladye shold be my queene. 20 Sales, Reade me, reade me, deare brother. Throughout merry England, Where we might find a messenger Betwixt us towe to sende. Sales, You shal ryde yourselfe, brother, 25 He beare you companye ; Many throughe fals messengers are deceived, And I feare lest soe shold wee. Thus the renisht them to ryde Of twoe good renisht steeds, 30 And when the came to King Adlands halle, Of redd gold shone their weeds. And when the came to Kyng Adlands hall Before the goodlye gate, There they found good Kyng Adland 35 Rearing himselfe theratt. Now Christ thee save, good Kyng Adlknd ; Now Christ you save and see, Sayd, You be welcome, King Estmere, Right hartilye to mee. 40 You have a daughter, said Adler younge, Men call her bright and sheene, v. 3, brother, fol. MS. V. 10, his brother's hall, fol. MS. V. 14, hartilye, fol. MS.— V. 27, Many a man ... is, fol. MS. ♦ He means fit, suitable. My brother wold marrye her to his wiffe. Of Englande to be queene. Yesterday was att my deere daughter 45 Syr Bremor the Kyng of Spayne; And then she nicked him of naye, And I doubt sheele do you the same. The Kyng of Spayne is a foule paynim, And 'leeveth on Mahound ; 50 And pitye it were that fayre lady^ Shold marrye a heathen hound. But grant to me, sayes Kyng Estmere, For my love I you praye ; That I may see your daughter deero 55 Before I goe hence awaye. Although itt is seven yeers and more Since my daughter was in halle, She shall come once downe for your sake To glad my guestfes alle. 60 Downe then came that mayden fayre, With ladyes laced in pall. And halfe a hundred of bold knightes. To bring her from bowre to hall ; And as many gentle squiers, 65 To tend upon them all. The talents of golde were on her head sette, Hanged low downe to her knee ; And everye ring on her small fingfer Shone of the chrystall free. 70 Sales, God you save, my deere mad^m ; Sales, God you save and see. Said, You be welcome, Kyng Estmere, Right welcome unto mee. And if you love me, as you saye, 75 Soe well and hartilye. All that ever you are comen about Soone sped now itt shal bee. Then bespake her father deare ; My daughter, I saye naye ; Remember well the Kyng of Spayne ; 80 What he sayd yesterdaye. He wold pull downe my halles and castles. And reave me of my lyfe, v. 46, The king his sonne of Spayn, fol. MS KING ESTMERE. 73 I cannot blame him if he doe, 85 If I reave him of his wyfe. Your castle and your towres, father, Are stronglye built aboute ; And therefore of the King of Spaine Wee neede not stande in doubt. 90 Plight me your troth, nowe, Kyng Estmere, By heaven and your righte hand, That you vrill marrye me to your wyfe, And make me queene of your land. Then King Estmere he plight his troth 95 By heaven and his righte hand. That he wolde marrye her to his wyfe. And make her queene of his land. And he tooke leave of that ladye fayre. To goe to his owne countree, 100 To fetche him dukes and lordes and knightes. That marryed the might bee. They had not ridden scant a myle, A myle forthe of the towne, Bnt in did come the Kyng of Spayne, With kemp^s many one. 105 But in did come the Kyng of Spayne, With manye a bold barone, Tone day to marrye Kyng Adlands daughter, Tother daye to carrye her home. 110 Shee sent one after Kyng Estm^-e In all the spede might bee, That he must either turne againe and i&ghte, Or goe home and loose his ladyfe. One whyle then the page he went, 1 15 Another while he ranne ; Till he had oretaken King Estmere, I wis, he never blanne. Tydings, tydings, Kyng Estmere ! What tydinges nowe, my boye ? 120 tydinges I can tell to you, That will you sore annoye. You had not ridden scant a mile, A mile out of the towne, But in did come the Kyng of Spayne 125 With kempes many a one : V. 89, of tbe king Ms sonne of Spaine, fol. MS. But in did come the Kyng of Spayne With manye a bold barone. Tone daye to marrye King Adlands daughter, Tother daye to carry her home. 130 My ladye fayre she greetes you well. And ever-more well by mee : You must either turne againe and fighte. Or goe home and loose your ladyfe. Sales, Reade me, reade me, deere brother. My reade shall ryde* at thee, 136 Whether it is better to turne and fighte. Or goe home and loose my ladye. Now hearken to me sayes Adler yonge, And your reade must risef at me, 140 I quicklye will devise a waye To sette thy ladye free. My mother was a westerne woman, And learned in gramary6,J And when I learned at the schole, 145 Something shee taught itt mee. There growes an hearbe within this field, And ifi" it were but knowne. His color, which is whyte and redd, It will make blacke and browne : 150 His color, which is browne and blacke, Itt will make redd and whyte ; That sworde is not in all Englande, Upon his coate will byte. And you shal be a harper, brother, 155 Out of the north countrye ; And He be your boy, soe faine of fighte. And beare your harpe by your knee. ■ And you shal be the best harper. That ever tooke harpe in hand ; 160 And I wil be the best singer, That ever sung in this lande. Itt shal be written in our forheads All and in grammaryfe. That we towe are the boldest men 165 That are in all Christenty5. And thus they renisht them to ryde, On tow good renish steedes ; * Sic MS. It should probably be ryse, i. e. my course shall arise from thee. See ver. 140. t Sic MS. X See at the end of this ballad, note *^*. 74 KING ESTMERE. And when they came to King Adlands hall, Of redd gold shone their weedes. 170 And whan the came to Kyng Adlands hall, Untill the fayre hall yate, There they found a proud porter Rearing himselfe thereatt. 174 Sayes, Christ thee save, thou proud porter ; Sayes, Christ thee save and see. Nowe you be welcome, sayd the porter, Of what land soever ye bee. Wee beene harpers, sayd Adler younge, Come out of the northe countrye ; 180 Wee beene come hither untill this place, This proud weddinge for to see. Sayd, And your color were weite and redd. As it is blacke and browne, I wold saye King Estmere and his brother Were com6n untill this towne. 186 Then they pulled out a ryng of gold, Layd itt on the porters arme : And ever we will thee, proud porter, Thow wilt saye us no harme. 190 Sore he looked on Kyng Estmfere ; And sore he handled the ryng, Then opened to them the fayre hall yates. He lett for no kynd of thyng. Kyng Estmere he stabled his steede 195 Soe fayre att the hall bord ; The froth, that came from his brydle bitte, Light in King Bremors beard. Sales, Stable thy steed, thy proud harpfer. Sales, stable him in the stalle : 200 It doth not beseeme a proud harpfer To stable ' him' in a kyngs halle. My ladde he is so lither, he said, He will doe nought that's meete ; And is there any man in this hall 205 Were able him to beate ? Thou speakest proud words, sayes the King of Spaine, Thou harper, here to mee ; There is a man within this halle Will beate thy ladd and thee. 210 V. 202, To stable his steede, fol. MS. let that man come downe, he said, A sight of him wold I see ; And when hee hath beaten well my ladd, Then he shall beate of mee. Downe then came the kemperye man 215 And looked him in the eare ; For all the gold, that was under heaven, He durst not neigh him neare. And how nowe, kempe, said the Kjmg of Spaine, And how what aileth thee ? -220 He sales. It is writt in his forhead All and in gramaryfe, That for all the gold that is under heaven I dare not neigh him nye. Then Kyng Estmere pulld forth his harpe, And plaid a pretty thinge : 226 The ladye upstart from the borde. And wold have gone from the king. Stay thy harpe, thou proud harper, For Gods love I pray thee, 230 For and thou playes as thou beginns, Thou'lt till* my bryde from mee. He stroake upon his harpe againe. And playd a pretty thinge ; The ladye lough a loud laughter, 235 As shee sate by the king. Sales, Sell me thy harpe, thou proud harper, And thy stringes all. For as many gold nobles * thou shalt have' As heere bee ringes in the hall. 240 What wold ye doe with my harpe, * he sayd,' If I did sell it yee ? " To playe my wiffe and me a Fitt,f When abed together wee bee." 244 Now sell me, quoth hee, thy bryde soe gay. As shee sitts by thy knee. And as many gold nobles I will give. As leaves been on a tree. And what wold ye doe with my bryde soe gay, Iff I did sell her thee? 250 More seemelye it is for her fayre bodye To lye by mee then thee. * i. e. entice. Vid. Gloss. f i. e. a tune, or strain of music. See Gloss. KING ESTMERE. 75 Hee played agayne both loud and shrille, And Adler he did syng, '* ladye, this is thy owne true love ; 255 Noe harper, but a kyng. " ladye, this is thy owne true love, As playnlye thou mayest see ; And He rid thee of that foule paynim, Who partes thy love and thee." 260 The ladye looked, the ladye blushte, And blushte and lookt agayne. While Adler he hath drawne his brande, And hath the Sow^dan slayne. Up then rose the kemperye men, 265 And loud they gan to crye : Ah ! traytors, yee have slayne our kyng, And therefore yee shall dye. Kyng Estmere threwe the harpe asyde, And swith he drew his brand ; 270 And Estmere he, and Adler yonge Right stiffe in stour can stand. And aye their swordes soe sore can byte, Through e help of Gramary^, That soone they have slayne the kempery men, 275 Or forst them forth to flee. Kyng Estmere tooke that fayre ladyfe, And marryed her to his wiffe, And brought her home to merry England With her to leade his life. 280 *^* The word Gramarye, which occurs sev- eral times in the foregoing poem, is probably a corruption of the French word Grimoire, which signifies a conjuring book in the old French romances, if not the art of necroman- cy itself. t^t Termagaunt (mentioned above), is the name given in the old romances to the god of the Saracens : in which he is constantly link- ed with Mahound, or Mahomet. Thus in the legend of Syr Guy, the Soudan (Sultan) swears, " So helpe me Mahowne of might. And Termagaunt my God so bright.'' Sign. p. iij. b. Ver. 253, Some liberties have been taken in the following stanzas ; but wherever this Edition dilTers from the pre- ceding, it hath been brought nearer to the folio MS. This word is derived by the very learned editor of Junius, from the Anglo-Saxon Tyn very, and wagan mighty. — As this word had so sublime a derivation, and was so applica- ble to the true God, how shall we account for its being so degraded ? Perhaps Tyn-magan or Termagant had been a name originally given to some Saxon idol, before our ancestors were converted to Christianity ; or had been the peculiar attribute of one of their false de- ities ; and therefore the first Christian mis- sionaries rejected it as profane and improper to be applied to the true God. Afterwards, when the irruptions of the Saracens into Eu- rope, and the Crusades into the East, had brought them acquainted with a new species of unbelievers, our ignorant ancestors, who thought all that did not receive the Christian law were necessarily pagans and idolaters, supposed the Mahometan creed was, in all respects, the same with that of their pagan forefathers, and therefore made no scruple to give the ancient name of Termagant to the God of the Saracens : just in the same man- ner as they afterwards used the name of Sar- azen to express any kind of pagan or idolater. In the ancient romance of Merline (in the Editor's folio MS.) the Saxons themselves that came over with Hengist, because they were not Christians, are constantly called Sarazens. However that be, it is certain that, after the times of the Crusades, both Mahound and Termagaunt made their frequent appear- ance in the pageants and religious interludes of the barbarous ages ; in which they were exhibited with gestures so furious and frantic, as to become proverbial. Thus Skelton speaks of Wolsey : " Like Mahound in a play. No man dare him withsay." Ed. 1736, p. 158. In like manner Bale, describing the threats used by some papist magistrates to his wife, speaks of them as " grennyng upon her lyke Termagauntes in a playe." — [Actes of Engl. Votaryes, pt. 2, fo. 83, ed. 1550, 12mo.] Accordingly, in a letter of Edward Alleyn, the founder of Dulwich College, to his wife or sister,* who, it seems, with all her fellows (the players), had been " by my Lorde Maiors oflBcer [s] mad to rid in a cart," he expresses his concern that she should " fall into the * See Lysons's " Environs of London, 4to. vol. i. 76 SIR PATRICK SPENCE. hands of such Tarmagants." [So the orig. dated May 2, 1593, preserved by the care of the Rev. Thomas Jenyns Smith, Fellow of Dulw. Coll.] — Hence we may conceive the force of Hamlet's expression in Shakspeare, where, condemning a ranting player, he says, " I could have such a fellow whipt for ore- doing Termaga.nt : it out-herods Herod." A. iii. sc. 3. — By degrees, the word came to be applied to an outrageous turbulent person, and especially to a violent brawling woman ; to whom alone it is now confined, and this the rather as, I suppose, the character of Ter- magant was anciently represented on the stage after the eastern mode, with long robes or petticoats. Another frequent character in the old pa- geants or interludes of our ancestors, was the sowdan, or soldan, representing a grim east- ern tyrant : this appears from a curious pas- sage in Stow's Annals [p. 458]. In a stage- play, " the people know right well, that he that plaieth the sowdain is percase a sowter [shoe- maker] ; yet if one should cal him by his owne name, while he sta.ndeth in his majestie, one of his tormentors might hap to break his head." The sowdain or soldan, was a name given to the Sarazen king (being only a more rude pronunciation of the word sultan), as the soldan of Egypt, the soudan of Persia, the sowdan of Babylon, &c., who were gene- rally represented as accompanied vrith grim Sarazens, whose business it was to punish and torment Christians. I cannot conclude this short memoir, without observing that the French romancers, who had borrowed the word termagant from us, and applied it as we in their old romances, corrupted it into Tervagaunte : and from them La Fontaine took it up, and has used it more than once in his tales. — This may be added to the other proofs adduced in this volume, of the great intercourse that formerly subsisted between the old minstrels and legendary writers of both nations, and that they mutually borrow- ed each others' romances. VII. Sir latritli Spnc^, A SCOTTISH BALLAD, is given from two MS. copies, transmit- ted from Scotland. In what age the hero of this ballad lived, or when this fatal expedition happened that proved so destructive to the Scots nobles, I have not been able to discover ; yet am of opinion, that their catastrophe is not altogether without foundation in history, though it has escaped my own researches. In the infancy of navigation, such as used the northern seas were very liable to ship- wreck in the wintry months : hence a law was enacted in the reign of James III. (a law which was frequently repeated after- wards), "That there be na schip frauched out of the realm, with any staple gudes, fra the feast of Simons-day and Jude, unto the feast of the purification of our lady called Candelmess." Jam. III. Parlt. 2, ch. 15. In some modern copies, instead of Patrick Spence hath been substituted the name of Sir Andrew Wood, a famous Scottish admiral who flourished in the time of our Edw. IV., but whose story hath nothing in common with this of the ballad. As Wood was the most noted warrior of Scotland, it is probar ble that, like the Theban Hercules, he hath engrossed the renown of other heroes. The king sits in Dumferling toune, Drinking the blude-reid wine : quhar will I get guid saildr, To sail this schip of mine ? Up and spak an eldern knicht, 5 Sat at the kings richt kne : Sir Patrick Spence is the best sailor, That sails upon the se. The king has written a braid letter,* And signd it wi' his hand ; 10 * A braid letter, i. e. open, or patent; in opposition to close Rolls. ROBIN HOOD AND GUY OF GISBORNE. And sent it to Sir Patrick Spence, Was walking on the sand. The first line that Sir Patrick red, A loud lauch lauched he : The next line that Sir Patrick red, 15 The teir blinded his ee. quha is this has don this deid, This ill deid don to me ; To send me out this time o' the zeir, To sail upon the se ? 20 Mak hast, mak haste, my mirry men all, Our guid schip sails the morne. say na sae, my master deir, For I feir a deadlie storme. Late late yestreen I saw the new moone 25 Wi' the auld moone in hir arme ; And I feir, I feir, my deir master, That we will com to harme. our Scots nobles wer richt laith To weet their cork-heild schoone ; 30 Bot lang owre a,' the play wer playd, Thair hats they swam aboone. lang, lang, may thair ladies sit Wi' thair fans into their hand, Or eir they se Sir Patrick Spence 35 Cum sailing to the land. lang, lang, may the ladies stand Wi' thair gold kerns in their hair, Waiting for thair ain deir lords. For they'll se thame na mair. 40 Have owre, have owre to Aberdour,* It's fiftie fadom deip : And thair lies guid Sir Patrick Spence, Wi' the Scots lords at his feit.f VIII. %a]im |00Jr m)i ittg 0f ^istorttt We have here a ballad of Robin Hood (from the Editor's folio MS.) which was never before printed, and carries marks of much greater antiquity than any of the common popular songs on this subject. The severity of those tyrannical forest-laws, that were introduced by our Norman kings, and the great temptation of breaking them by such as lived near the royal forests, at a time when the yeomanry of this kingdom were everywhere trained up to the long-bow, and excelled all other nations in the art of shooting, must constantly have occasioned great numbers of outlaws, and especially of such as were the best marksmen. These naturally fled to the woods for shelter ; and forming into troops, endeavoured by their num- bers to protect themselves from the dreadful penalties of their delinquency. The ancient punishment for killing the king's deer was loss of eyes and castration, a punishment far worse than death. This will easily account for the troops of banditti which formerly lurked in the royal forests, and, from their superior skill in archery and knowledge of all the recesses of those unfrequented soli- tudes, found it no difficult matter to resist or elude the civil power. Among all those, none was ever more fa- mous than the hero of this ballad, whose chief residence was in Shirewood forest, in Not- tinghamshire ; and the heads of whose story, as collected by Stow, are briefly these. " In this time [about the year 1190, in the reign of Richard I.] were many robbers and outlawes, among the which Robin Hood, and Little John, renowned theeves, continued in woods, despoyling and robbing the goods of the rich. They killed none but such as would invade them, or by resistance for their own defence. " The saide Robert entertained an hundred tall men and good archers with such spoiLes and thefts as he got, upon whom four hun- dred (were they ever so strong) durst not give * A village lying -upon the river Forth, the entrance to which is sometimes denominated De mortuo mart, t An ingenious friend thinks the Author of Hardyknute has borrowed several expressions and sentiment-s from the foregoing, and other old Scottish songs in this collection. 78 EOBIN HOOD AND GUY OF GISBORNE. the onset. He suffered no woma.n to be op- pressed, violated, or otherwise molested ; poore mens goods he spared, abundantlie relieving them vrith that which by theft he got from abbeys and the houses of rich carles : whom Maior (the historian) blameth for his rapine and theft, but of all theeves he affirmeth him to be the prince, and the most gentle theefe." Annals, p, 159. The personal courage of this celebrated outlaw, his skill in archery, his humanity, and especially his levelling principle of taking from the rich and giving to the poor, have in all ages rendered him the favourite of the common people, who, not content to celebrate his memory by innumerable songs and stories, have erected him into the dignity of an earl. Indeed, it is not impossible, but our hero, to gain the more respect from his followers, or they to derive the more credit to their profes- sion, may have given rise to such a report themselves : for we find it recorded in an epi- taph, which,' if genuine, must have been in- scribed on his tombstone near the nunnery of Kirklees in Yorkshire ; where (as the story goes) he was bled to death by a treacherous nun to whom he applied for phlebotomy : *^£ar unir^rit^aJr Isis laitl sttdcn lai? xoltxt £arl of tuntiit^tuu ntK KXtix htx K} 1)U SKt ^zuis ait pijil kaulif im B^oiin ^tuis sitk utiain? KS^i un is mzn hil HSn^Ianii nihix si n%zn. joiiit 24. fesl. Isz'kzmhxis, 1217. This Epitaph appears to me suspicious: however, a late Antiquary has given a pedi- gree of Robin Hood, which, if genuine, shows that he had real pretensions to the Earldom of Huntington, and that his true name was Robert Fitz-ooth.f Yet the most ancient poems on Robin Hood make no mention of this Earldom. He is expressly asserted to have been a yeomanj in a very old legend in verse preserved in the archives of the public library at Cambridge,^ in eight fyties or parts, printed in black letter, quarto, thus inscribed : *' C Here begynneth a lytell geste of Robyn hode and his meyne, and of the proude sher- yfe of Notyngham.^' The first lines are, * See Thoresby's Ducat. Leod. p. 676, Biog. Brit. vi. 3933. t Stukeley, in his Palaeographia Britannica, No. II. 1746. I See also the following ballad, v. 147. g Num. D. 5, 2, " Lythe and lysten, gentylmen, That be of free-bore blode : I shall you tell of a good yeman, His name was Robyn hode. " Robyn was a proude out-lawe. Whiles he walked on grounde ; So curteyse an outlawe as he was one, Was never none yfounde." &c. The printer's colophon is, "(^ Explicit Kinge Edwarde and Robin Hode and Lyttel Johan. Enprinted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the sone by Wynkin de Worde.'" In Mr. Garrick's Collection* is a different edition of the same poem " C Im- printed at London upon the thre Crane wharfe by Wyllyam Copland,^' containing at the end a little dramatic piece on the subject of Robin Hood and the Friar, not found in the former copy, called, " A newe playe for to be played in Maye games very plesaunte and full of pastyme. rought Adam Bell, and Clim of the Clough, And William a Clowd6slee To shoot with our Forester for forty mark ; And our Forester beat them all three. Collect, of Old Ballads, 1727, 1 vol. p. 67. This seems to prove that they were common- ly thought to have lived before the popular hero of Sherwood. Our northern archers were not unknown to their southern countrymen : their excellence at the long-bow is often alluded to by our an- cient poets. Shakspeare, in his comedy of *'Much adoe about nothing," act 1, makes Benedicke confirm his resolves of not yielding to love by this protestation, " If I do, hang me in a bottle like a cat,* and shoot at me, and he that hits me, let him be clapt on the shoulder, and called Adam :" meaning Adam Bell, as Theobald rightly observes, who refers * Bottles formerly were of leather ; though perhaps a •wooden bottle might be here meant. It is still a diversion in Scotland to hang up a cat in a small cask, or firkin, half filled with soot ; and then a parcel of clowns on horseback try to beat out the ends of it, in order to show their dexte- rity in escaping before the contents fall upon them. to one or two other passages in our old poets wherein he is mentioned. The Oxford editor has also well conjectured, that "Abraham Cupid," in Romeo and Juliet, act ii. sc. 1, should be " Adam Cupid," in allusion to our archer. Ben Jonson has mentioned Clym o* the Clough in his Alchemist, act i. sc. 2. And Sir William Davenant, in a mock poem of his, called " The Long Vacation in Lon- don," describes the attorneys and proctors, as making matches to meet in Finsbury fields. " With loynes in canvass bow-case tyde :* Where arrowes stick with mickle pride ; . . . Like ghosts of Adam Bell and Clymme, Sol sets for fear they'l shoot at him. Works, 1673, fol. p. 291. I have only to add further concerning the principal hero of this ballad, that the Bells were noted rogues in the north so late as the time of Queen Elizabeth. See in Rymer's Foedera, a letter from Lord William Howard to some of the ofiicers of state, wherein he mentions them. As for the following stanzas, which will be judged from the style, orthography, and numbers, to be of considerable antiquity, they were here given (corrected in some places by a MS. copy in the Editor's old folio) from a black-letter 4to. Imprinted at London in Lothburge by Wm. Copland (no date). That old quarto edition seems to be exactly followed in " Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, &c. Lond. 1791," 8vo., the variations from which, that occur in the following copy, are selected from many others in the folio MS. above mentioned, and when distinguished by the usual inverted * comma' have been as- sisted by conjecture. In the same MS. this ballad is followed by another, entitled Younge Cloudeslee, being a continuation of the present story, and reciting the adventures of William of Cloudesly's son : but greatly inferior to this both in merit and antiquity. * i. e. Each with a canvass bow-case tied round his loins. AND WILLIAM OF CLOUDESLY. 105 PART THE FIRST. Mery it was in the grene forest Amonge the levfes grene, Whereas men hunt east and west Wyth bowes and arrowes kene ; To raise the dere out of theyr denne ; 5 Suche sightes hath ofte bene sene ; As by thre yemen of the north countr^y, By them it is I meane. The one of them hight Adam Bel, The other Clym of the Clough,* 10 The thyrd was William of Cloudesly, An archer good ynough. They were outlawed for venyson, These yemen everyehone ; They swore them brethren upon a day 15 To Englyshe wood for to gone. Now lith and lysten, gentylmen, That of myrthes loveth to here : Two of them were single men, The third had a wedded fere. 20 Wyllyam was the wedded man, Muche more than was hys care : He sayde to hys brethren upon a day, To Carleile he would fare. For to speke with fayre Alyce his wife, 25 And with his chyldren thre. By my trouth, sayde Adam Bel, Not by the counsell of me : For if ye go to Carlile, brother. And from thys wylde wode wende, 30 If that the justice may you take, Your lyfe were at an ende. If that I come not to-morowe, brother, By pryme to you agayne, Truste you then that I am ' taken/ 35 Or else that I am slayne. He toke hys leave of hys brethren two, And to Carlile he is gon : There he knocked at his owne winddwe Shortlye and anone. 40 V. 24, Caerld, in P. C. passim. V. 35, take, P. C. tane, MS. * Clym of the ClougJi means Clem. [Clement] of the Cliff : for so Clough. signifies in the North. Wher be you, fayre Alyce, he sayd, My wife and chyldren three ? Lyghtly let in thyne owne husb^nde, Wyllyam of Cloudeslee. Alas ! then sayde fayre Alyce, 45 And syghed wonderous sore, Thys place hath ben besette for you Thys halfe a yere and more. Now am I here, sayde Cloudeslee, I would that in I were. 50 Now fetche us meate and drynke ynoughe, And let us make good chere. She fetched hym meate and drynke plentye, Lyke a true wedded wyfe ; And pleased hym with that she had, 55 Whome she loved as her lyfe. There lay an old wyfe in that place, A lytle besyde the fyre, Whych Wyllyam had found of charytyfe More than seven yere. 60 Up she rose, and forth shee goes, Evill mote shee speede therfore ; For shee had sett no foote on ground In seven yere before. She went unto the justice hall, 65 As fast as she could hye ; Thys nyght, shee sayd, is come to town Wyllyam of Cloudesly^. Thereof the justice was full fayne, And so was the shirife also : 70 Thou shalt not trauaile hither, dame, for nought. Thy meed thou shalt have ere thou go. They gave to her a ryght good goune. Of scarlate, 'and of graine:' She toke the gyft, and home she wente, 75 And couched her doune agayne. They raysed the towne of mery Carleile In all the haste they can ; And came thronging to Wyllyames house, As fast as they might gone. 80 There they besette that good yem^n Round about on every syde : Wyllyam hearde great noyse of folkes, That thither-ward fast hyed. 106 ADAM BELL, CLYM OF THE CLOUGH, Alyce opened a backe wynd6we, And loked all aboute, 85 She was ware of the justice and shirife bothe, Wyth a full great route. Alas! treason, cryed Alyce, Ever wo may thou be, 90 Goe into my chamber, my husband, she sayd, Swete Wyllyam of Cloudeslee. He toke hys sweard and hys bucler, Hys bow and hys chyldren thre, And wente into hys strongest chamber, 95 Where he thought surest to be. Fayre Alyce, like a lover true. Took a pollaxe in her hande : Said, He shall dye that cometh in Thys dore, whyle I may stand. 100 Cloudeslee bente a right good bowe, That was of a trusty tre, He smot the justice on the brest, That hys arowe burst in three. ' A' curse on his harte, saide William, 105 Thys day thy cote dyd on ! If it had ben no better then myne. It had gone nere thy bone, Yelde the Cloudesl^, sayd the justise. And thy bowe and thy arrowes the fro. * A' curse on hys hart, sayd fair Alyce, 111 That my husband councelleth so. Set fyre on the house, saide the sherife, Syth it wyll no better be, And brenne we therin William, he saide, Hys wife and chyldren thre. 116 They fyred the house in many a place The fyre flew up on hye ; Alas ! then cryed fayre Alice, I se we here shall die. 120 William openyd a backe wynd6w, That was in hys chamber bye. And there with sheetes he did let downe His wife and children three. Have you here my treasure, sayde William, My wyfe and my chyldren thre : 126 For Christfes love do them no harme. But wreke you all on me. V. 85, sic. MS. shop window, P. 0. Wyllyam shot so wonderous well, Tyll hys arrowes were all agoe, 130 And the fyre so fast upon hym fell. That hys bowstryng brent in two. The sparkles brent and fell upon Good Wyllyam of Cloudeslfe : Than was he a wofull man, and sayde, 135 Thys is a cowardes death to me. Leever had I, sayd Wyllyam, With my sworde in the route to renne, Then here among my enemyes wode Thus cruelly to bren. 140 He toke hys sweard and hys buckler, And among them all he ran, Where the people were most in prece, He smote downe many a man. There myght no man abyde hys stroakes, So fersly on them he ran : 146 Then they threw wyndowes and dores on him, And so toke that good yem^n. There they hym bounde both hand and fote. And in a deepe dungeon hym cast : 150 Now, Cioudesle, sayd the justice, Thou shalt be hanged in hast. * A payre of new gallowes, sayd the sherife, Now shal I for thee make ; And the gates of Carleil shal be shutte : 155 No man shal come in therat. Then shall not helpe Clym of the Cloughe, Nor yet shall Adam Bell, Though they came with a thousand mo, Nor all the devels in hell. 160 Early in the mornynge the justice uprose, To the gates first can he gone. And commaunded to be shut full close Lightil^ everychone. Then went he to the markett place. 165 As fast as he coulde hye ; There a payre of new gallowes he set up Besyde the pyllorye. A lytle boy ' among them asked,' What meaned that gallow-tre ? 170 They sayde to hange a good yem^n, Called Wyllyam of Cloudeslfe. V. 151, sic. MS. hye Justice, P. C. from the fol. MS. and P. C. V. 153, 4, are contracted AND WILLIAM OF CLOUDESLY. 107 That lytle boye was the towne swyne-heard, And kept fayre Alyces swyne ; Oft he had seene William in the wodde, 175 And geun hym there to dyne. He went out att a crevis of the wall, And lightly to the woode dyd gone ; There met he with these wightye yemen Shortly and anone. 180 Alas ! then sayd the lytle boye, Ye tary here all too longe ; Cloudeslee is taken, and dampned to death, And readye for to honge. Alas ! then sayd good Adam Bell, 185 That ever we saw thys daye ! He had better have tarryed with us, So ofto as we dyd him praye. He myght have dwelt in greene for^ste, Under the shadowes greene, 190 And have kepte both hym and us att reste, Out of all trouble and teene. Adam bente a ryght good bow, A great hart sone hee had slayne ; 194 Take that, chylde, he sayde, to thy dynner, And bring me myne arrowe agayne. Now gow we hence, sayed these wightye yeo- men, Tarrye we no longer here ; We shall hym borowe by God his grace, Though we buy it full dere. 200 To Caerleil wente these bold yemen, All in a mornyng of maye. Here is a fyt* of Cloudeslye, And another is for to saye. PART THE SECOND. And when they came to mery Carleile, All in ' the' mornyng tyde, They founde the gates shut them untyll About on every syde. Alas ! then sayd good Adam Bell, 5 That ever we were made men ! These gates be shut so wouderous fast. We may not come therein. V. 179, yonge men, P. C. V. 190, sic MS. shadowes sheene, P C. v. 197, jolly yeomen, MS. wight yong men, P. C. * See Gloss. Then bespake hym Clym of the Clough, Wyth a wyle we wyl us in bryng ; 10 Let us saye we be messengers, Streyght come nowe from our king. Adam said, I have a letter written, Now let us wysely werke. We wyll saye we have the kynges scale I holde the porter no clerke. 15 Then Adam Bell bete on the gates With strokes great and stronge : The porter marvelled, who was therat. And to the gates he thronge. 20 Who is there now, sayde the porter. What maketh all thys knockinge ? We be tow messengers, quoth Clym of the Clough, Be come ryght from our kyng. 25 We have a letter, sayd Adam Bel, To the justice we must itt bryng ; Let us in our message to do. That we were agayne to the kyng. Here commeth none in, sayd the porter, By hym that dyed on a tre, 30 Tyll a false thefe be hanged. Called Wyllyam of Cloudeslfe. Then spake the good yeman Clym of tho Clough, And swore by Mary fre, And if that we stande long wythout, 35 Lyke a thefe hanged shalt thou be. Lo ! here we have the kynges scale : What, Lurden, art thou wode ? The porter went* it had been so, And lyghtly dyd off hys hode. 40 45 Welcome is my lordes seale, he saide For that ye shall come in. He opened the gate full shortly e : An euyl openyng for him. Now are we in, sayde Adam Bell, Wherof we are full faine ; But Christ he knowes, that harowed hell, How we shall com out agayne. V. 38, Lordeyne, P. C. * L e. weened, thought, (which last is the reading of the folio MS.)— Calais, or Rouen, was taken from the English by showing the governor, who could not read, a letter with the king's seal, which was all he looked at. 108 ADAM BELL, CLYM OF THE CLOUGH, Had we the keys, said Clim of the Clough, Ryght wel then shoulde we spede, 50 Then might we come out wel ynough When we se tyme and nede. They called the porter to counsell, And wrang his necke in two, And caste hym in a depe dungeon, 55 And toke hys keys hym fro. Now am I porter, sayd Adam Bel, Se brother the keys are here. The worst porter to merry Carleile That ' the' had thys hundred yere. 60 And now wyll we our bowes bend, Into the towne wyll we go. For to delyuer our dere brother. That lyeth in care and wo. Then they bent theyr good ewe bowes, 65 And loked theyr stringes were round,* The markett place in mery Carleile They beset that stound. And, as they loked them besyde, A paire of new galowes ' they' see, And the justice with a quest of squyers, That judged William hanged to be. 70 And Cloudesl^ lay ready there in a cart, bound both fote and hand ; And a stronge rop about hys necke, 75 All readye for to hange. The justice called to hym a ladde, Cloudeslees clothes hee shold have. To take the measure of that yemkn, Ther after to make hys grave. 80 I have sene as great mervaile, said Cloudesle, As betweyne thys and pryme. He that maketh a grave for mee, Hymselfe may lye therin. Thou speakest proudlye, said the justice, 85 I will thee hange with my hande. Full wel herd this his brethren two, There styll as they dyd stande. * So Ascham in his Toxophilus gives a precept ; " The Btringe must be rounde;" (p. 149, ed. 1761;) otherwise, we may conclude from mechanical principles, the arrow will not fly true. Then Cloudesle cast his eyen asyde. And saw hys * brethren twaine 90 At a corner of the market place, Redy the justice for to slaine. I se comfort, sayd Cloudesle, Yet hope I well to fare. If I might have my handes at wyll 95 Ryght lytle wolde I care. Then spake good Adam Bell To Clym of the Clough so free, Brother, se you marke the justyce wel, Lo ! yonder you may him se : 100 And at the shyrife shote I wyll Strongly wyth an arrowe kene ; A better shote in mery Carleile Thys seven yere was not sene. They loosed their arrowes both at once, 105 Of no man had tbey dread ; The one hyt the justice, the other the sheryfe, That both theyr sides gan blede. All men voyded ; that them stode nye. When the justice fell to the grounde, 110 And the sherife nye him by ; Eyther had his deathes wounde. All the citezens fast gan flye, They durst no longer abyde : There lyghtly they losed Cloudeslee, 115 Where he with ropes lay tyde. Wyllyam start to an officer of the towne, Hys axe * from' hys hand he wronge, On eche syde he smote them downe, Hee thought he taryed too long. 120 Wyllyam sayde to his brethren two, Thys daye let us lyve and die, If ever you have nede, as I have now, The same shall you finde by me. They shot so well in that tyde, 125 Theyr stringes wer of silke ful sure, That they kept the stretes on every side That batayle did long endure. They fought together as brethren true, Lyke hardy men and bolde, 130 Many a man to the ground they threw And many a herte made colde. V. 105, lowsed thre, P. C. Ver. 103, can Wed, AND WILLIAM OF CLOUDESLY. 109 But when their arrowes were all gon, Men preced to them full fast, They drew theyr swordfes then anone, 135 And theyr bowes from them cast. They went lyghtlye on theyr way, Wyth swordes and buclers round ; By that it was mydd of the day, They made many a wound. 140 There was an out-horne* in Carleile blowen, And the belles backward dyd ryng, Many a woman sayde, Alas ! And many theyr handes dyd wryng. The mayre of Carleile forth com was, 145 Wyth hym a ful great route : These yemen dred hym full sore. Of theyr lyves they stode in great doute. The mayre came armed a full great pace. With a pollaxe in hys hande ; 150 Many a strong man wyth him was, There in that stowre to stande. The mayre smot at Cloudeslee with his bil, Hys bucler he brast in two, Full many a yeman with great evyll, 155 Alas ! Treason they cryed for wo. Kepe well the gates fast, they bad. That these traytours therout not go. But al for nought was that they wrought. For so fast they downe were layde, 160 Tyll they all thre, that so manfuUi fought. Were gotten without, abraide. Have here your keys, sayd Adam Bel, Myne office I here forsake, And yf you do by my eounsell 165 A new porter do ye make. He threw theyr keys at theyr heads, And bad them well to thryve,t And all that letteth any good yeman To come and comfort his wyfe. 170 Thus be these good yeman gon to the wod, As lyghtly as lefe on lynde ; The lough and be mery in theyr mode, Theyr enemyes were ferr behynd. V. 148, For of, MS. * Outhorne is an old term signifying the calling forth of subjects to arms by the sound of a horn. See Cole's Lat. Diet. Bailey, &c. t This is spoken ironically. When they came to Englyshe wode, 175 Under the trusty tre, There they found bowes full good, And arrowes full great plentye. So God me help, sayd Adam Bell, And Clym of the Clough so fre, 180 I would we were in mery Carleile, Before that fayre meynye. They set them downe, and made good chere. And eate and dranke full well. A second fyt of the wightye yeomen : 185 Another I wyll you tell. PART THE THIRD. As they sat in Englyshe wood. Under the green-wode tre. They thought they herd a woman wepe, But her they mought not se. Sore then syghed the fayre Alyce : 5 * That ever I sawe thys day V For nowe is my dere husband slayne. Alas ! and wel-a-way ! Myght I have spoken wyth hys dere brethren, Or with eyther of them twayne, 10 To show them what him befell. My hart were out of payne. Cloudesl^ walked a lytle beside, He looked under the grene wood lynde. He was ware of his wife, and chyldren three. Full wo in harte and mynde. 16 Welcome, wyfe, then sayde Wyllyam, Under ' this' trusti tre : I had wende yesterday, by swete saynt John, Thou sholdest me never ' have' se. 20 " Now well is me that ye be here, My harte is out of wo." Dame, he sayde, be mery and glad. And thanke my brethren two. Herof to speake, said Adam Bell, 25 I-wis it is no bote : The meate, that we must supp withall. It runneth yet fast on fote. v. 175, merry green wood, MS. V. 185, see part i. v. 197. Y. 20, never had se, P. C. and MS. X 110 ADAM BELL, CLYM OF THE CLOUGH, Then went they downe into a launde, These noble archares all thre ; 30 Eche of them slew a hart of greece, The best that they cold se. Have here the best, Alyce, my wife, Sayde Wyllyam of Cloudeslye ; By cause ye so bouldly stode by me 35 When I was slayne full nye. Then went they to supp^re Wyth such meate as they had ; And thanked God of ther fortune : They were both mery and glad. 40 And when they had supped well, Certayne withouted lease, Cloudeslfe sayd, We wyll to our kyng. To get us a charter of peace. Alyce shal be at our sojournyng 45 In a nunnery here besyde ; My tow sonnes shall wyth her go, And there they shall abyde. Myne eldest son shall go wyth me ; For hym have * you* no care : 50 And he shall bring you worde agayn, How that we do fare. Thus be these yemen to London gone, As fast as they myght ' he,'* Tyll they came to the kynges palh^ce, 55 Where they woulde nedes be. And whan they came to the kynges courte, Unto the pallace gate, Of no man wold they aske no leave, But boldly went in therat. 60 They preced prestly into the hall, Of no man had they dreade : The porter came after, and dyd them call, And with them began to chyde. The usher sayde, Yemen, what wold ye have? I pray you tell to me : 66 You myght thus make offycers shent : Good syrs, of whence be ye ? Syr, we be out-lawes of the forest Certayne withouten lease ; 70 And hether we be come to the kyng, To get us a charter of peace. V. 50, hare I no care, P, C. * i. e. hie, hasten. And whan they came before the kyng. As it was the lawe of the lande. The kneled down without lettyng, 75 And eche held up his hand. The sayed, Lord, we beseche the here, That ye wyll graunt us grace ; For we have slayne your fat falow dere In many a sondry place. 80 What be your nams, then said our king, Anone that you tell me ? They sayd, Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, And Wyllyam of Cloudesl^. Be ye those theves, then sayd our kyng, 85 That men have tolde of to me? Here to God I make an avowe. Ye shal be hanged al thre. Ye shal be dead without mercy, As I am kynge of this lande. 90 He commanded his officers everichone, Fast on them to lay hande. Then they toke these good yemen, And arested them al thre : So may I thryve, sayd Adam Bell, 95 Thys game lyketh not me. But, good lorde, we beseche you now, That yee graunt us grace, Insomuche as ' frely' we be to you come, ' As frely' we may fro you passe, 100 With such weapons, as we have here, Tyll we be out of your place ; And yf we lyve this hundreth yere, We wyll aske you no grace. Ye speake proudly, sayd the kynge ; 105 Ye shall be hanged all thre. That were great pitye, then sayd the quene, If any grace myght be. My lorde, whan I came fyrst into this lande To be your wedded wyfe, 110 The fyrst boone that I wold aske, Ye would graunt it me belyfe : And I asked you never none tyll now ; Therefore, good lorde, graunt it me. Now aske it, madam, sayd the kynge, 115 And graunted it shal be. V. Ill, 119, sic. MS. bowne, P. C. AND WILLIAM OF CLOUDESLY. Ill Then, good my lord, I you beseche, These yemen graunt ye me. Madame, ye myght have asked a boone, 119 That shuld have been worth them all thre. Ye myght have asked towres, and townes, Parkes and forestes plente. None soe pleasant to my pay, shee sayd ; Nor none so lefe to me. Madame, sith it is your desyre, 125 Your askyng graunted shal be ; But I had lever have given you Good market townes thre. The quene was a glad woman, And sayde, Lord, gramarcy ; 130 I dare undertake for them. That true men shal they be. But, good my lord, speke som mery word, That comfort they may se. I graunt you grace, then sayd our king ; 135 Wash, felos, and to meate go ye. They had not setten but a whyle Certayne without lesynge, There came messengers out of the north With letters to our kyng. 140 And whan the came before the kynge. They knelt down on theyr kne ; And sayd. Lord, your officers grete you well, Of Carleile in the north cuntrfe. How fareth my justice, sayd the kyng, 145 And my sherife also ? Syr, they be slayne without leasynge, And many an officer mo. Who hath them slayne ? sayd the kyng ; Anone that thou tell me. 150 "Adam Bell, and Clime of the Clough, And Wyllyam of Cloudesle." Alas, for rewth ! then sayd our kynge : My hart is wonderous sore ; I had lever than a thousande pounde, 155 I had knowne of thys before ; For I have graunted them grace, And that forthynketh me : But had I knowne all thys before, They had been hanged all thre. 160 y. 130, God a mercye, MD. The kyng hee opened the letter anone, Himselfe he red it thro, And founde how these outlawes had slain Thre hundred men and mo : Fyrst the justice, and the sheryfe, 165 And the mayre of Carleile towne ; Of all the constables and catchipolles Alyve were ' scant' left one : The baylyes, and the bedyls both. And the sergeauntes of the law, 170 And forty fosters of the fe. These outlawes had yslaw : And broke his parks, and slayne his dere ; Of all they chose the best ; So perelous out-lawes, as they were, 175 Walked not by easte nor west. When the kynge this letter had red. In hys harte he syghed sore : Take up the tables anone he bad. For I may eat no more. 180 The kyng called hys best archars To the buttes wyth hym to go : I wyll se these felowes shote, he sayd, In the north have wrought this wo. The kynges bowmen buske them blyve, 185 And the queues archers also ; So dyd these thre wyghte yemen ; With them they thought to go. There twyse, or thryse they shote about For to assay theyr hande ; 190 There was no shote these yemen shot, That any prycke* myght stand. Then spake Wyllyam of Cloudesle ; By him that for me dyed, I hold hymn never no good archar, 195 That shoteth at buttes so wyde. 'At what a butte now wold ye shote V I pray thee tell to me. At suche a but, syr, he sayd, As men use in my countree. 200 Wyllyam wente into a fyeld. And * with him^ his two brethren : There they set up two hasell roddes Twenty score paces betwene. V. 168, left but one, MS., not one, P. C. Ver. 185, bly the, MS. Ver. 202, 203, to, P. C. Ver. 204, i. e. 400 yards. 15 112 ADAM BELL, CLYM OF THE CLOUGH, AND WILLIAM OF CLOUDESLY. I hold him an archar, said Cloudeslfe, 205 He prayed the people, that wer there, That yonder wande cleveth in two. That they ' all still wold' stand, 250 Here is none suche, sayd the kyng, For he that shoteth for such a wager Nor no man can so do. Behoveth a stedfast hand. I shall assaye, syr, sayd Cloudeslfe, Muche people prayed for Cloudesly, Or that I farther go. 210 That his lyfe saved myght be, Cloudesly with a bearyng arowe And whan he made hym redy to shote, 255 Clave the wand in two. There was many weeping ee. Thou art the best archer, then said the king, ' But' Cloudeslfe clefte the apple in two, * His sonne he did not nee.' Forsothe that ever I se. And yet for your love, sayd Wyllyam, 215 Over Gods forbode, sayde the kinge, That thou shold shote at me. \ 260 I wyll do more maystery. I geve thee eightene pence a day, I have a sonne is seven yere olde, And my bowe shalt thou here, He is to me full deare ; And over all the north country I wyll hym tye to a stake ; I make the chyfe rydfere. All shall se, that he here ; 220 And I thyrtene pence a day, said the quene. And lay an apple upon hys head, By God, and by my fay ; 266 And go syxe score paces hym fro, Come feche thy payment when thou wylt, And I my selfe with a broad arow No man shall say the nay. Shall cleve the apple in two. Wyllyam, make the a gentleman Now haste the, then sayd the kyng, 225 Of clothyng, and of fe : 270 By hym that dyed on a tre, And thy two brethren, yemen of my chambre, But yf thou do not, as thou hest sayde, For they are so semely to se. Hanged shalt thou be. Your sonne, for he is tendre of age. And thou touche his head or gowne, Of my wyne-seller he shall be ; In syght that men may se, 230 And when he commeth to mans estate, 275 By all the sayntes that be in heaven, Better avaunced shall he be. I shall hange you all thre. And, Wyllyam, bring me your wife, said the That I have promised, said William, quene, That I wyll never forsake. Me longeth her sore to se r And there even before the kynge 235 She shall be my chefe gentlewoman, In the earth he drove a stake : To governe my nursery e. 280 And bound therto his eldest sonne, The yemen thanked them all curteously And bad hym stand styll thereat ; And turned the childes face him fro, Because he should not start. 240 To some byshop wyl we wend. Of all the synnes, that we have done, To be assoyld at his hand. So forth be gone these good yemen, 285 An apple upon his head he set, As fast as they might ' he' ;* And then his bowe he bent : And after came and dwelled with the kynge, Syxe score paces they were meaten, And dye good men all thre. And thether Cloudesly went. Thus endeth the lives of these good yemen ; There he drew out a fayr brode arrowe. 245 God send them eternall blysse ; 290 Hys bowe was great and longe, And all, that with a hand-bowe shoteth : He set that arrowe in his bowe. That was both styffe and stronge. That of heven may never mysse. Amen. Ver. 252, steedye, MS. Ver. 265, And I gave the xvij pence, P. C. Ver. 282, And sayd to some Bishopp wee will Ver. 208, sic. MS., none that, can, P. C. Ver. 212, tc ,P.C. wend, MS. Ver. 222, i. e. 120 yards. Ver. 243, sic. MS., out mel t, p. c. * he, i. e. hie, hasten. See the Glossary. THE AGED LOVER RENOUNCETH LOVE. 113 IL %\t Jlg^lj f 0te ^tmmtWi f 0lJt The grave-digger's song in Hamlet, act v., is taken from three stanzas of the following poem, though greatly altered and disguised, as the same were corrrupted by the ballad- singers of Shakspeare's time : or perhaps so designed by the poet himself, the better to suit the character of an illiterate clown. The original is preserved among Surrey's Poems, and is attributed to Lord Vaux, by George Gas- coigne, who tells us, it " was thought by some to be made upon his death-bed ;" a pop- ular error which he laughs at. (See his Epist, to Yong Gent, prefixed to his Posies, 1575, 4to.) It is also ascribed to Lord Vaux in a manuscript copy preserved in the British Museum.'^ This lord was remarkable for his skill in drawing feigned manners, &c., for so I understand an ancient writer. "The Lord Vaux his commendation lyeth chiefly in the facilitie of his meetre, and the aptnesse of his descriptions such as he taketh upon him to make, namely in sundry of his songs, wherein he showeth the counter/ait action very lively and pleasantly." Arte of Eng. Poesie, 1589, p. 51. See another song by this poet in Series the Second, No. VIII. I LOTH that I did love In youth that I thought swete, As time requires : for my behove Me thinkes they are not mete. My lustes they do me leave, 5 My fansies all are fled ; And tract of time begins to weave Gray heares upon my bed. For Age with steling steps Hath clawde me with his crowch, 10 And lusty ' Youthe' away he leapes, As there had been none such. Ver. 6, be, P. C. [printed copy in 1557.] V. 10, Crowch perhaps should be clouch, clutch, grasp. Ver. 11, Life away she, P. C. * Harl. MSS. num. 1703, § 25. The readings gathered from that copy are distinguished here by inverted commas. The text is printed from the " Songs," &c., of the Earl of Surrey and others, 1557, 4to. My muse doth not delight Me, as she did before : My hand and pen are not in plight, 15 As they have bene of yore. For Reason me denies, ' Air youthly idle rime ; And day by day, to me she cries, ^ Leave off these toyes in tyme. The wrinkles in my brow, The furrowes in my face Say, Limping age will * lodge' him now. Where youth must geve him place. 20 The harbenger of death, 25 To me I se him ride, The cough, the cold, the gasping breath, Doth bid me to provide A pikeax and a spade, And eke a shrowding shete, 30 A house of clay for to be made For such a guest most mete.-j Me thinkes I heare the clarke, That knoles the careful! knell ; And bids me leave my * wearye' warke, 35 Ere nature me compell. My kepers * knit the knot, That youth doth laugh to scome, Of me that * shall bee cleane' forgot, As I had ' ne'er' bene borne. 40 Thus must I youth geve up, Whose badge I long did weare : To them I yeld the wanton cup. That better may it beare. V. 18, This, P. C. Ver. 23, So Ed. 1583 ; 'tis hedge in Ed. 1557, hath caught him, MS. V. 30, wyndynge-sheete, MS. V. 34, bell, MS. Y. 35, wofull. P. C. V. 38, did, P. C. V. 39, clene shal be, P. C. V. 40, not, P. C. * Alluding perhaps to Ecdes. xii. 3. 114 JEPHTHAH JUDGE OP ISRAEL. Lo here the bared skull ; 45 And shipped me into the land, By whose balde signe I know, From whence I first was brought. That stouping age away shall pull • What' youthful yeres did sow. And ye that bide behinde. Have ye none other trust: For Beautie with her band, As ye of claye were cast by kinde, 55 These croked cares had wrought, 50 So shall ye ' turne' to dust. III. I^rt^l^ I^^P Jtrf Isrel In Shakspeare's Hamlet, act ii., the hero of the play takes occasion to banter Polonius with some scraps of an old ballad, which has never appeared yet in any collection : for which reason, as it is but short, it will not perhaps be unacceptable to the reader ; who will also be diverted with the pleasant ab- surdities of the composition. It was retriev- ed from utter oblivion by a lady, who wrote it down from memory, as she had formerly heard it sung by her father. I am indebted for it to the friendship of Mr. Steevens. It has been said, that the original ballad, in blackletter, is among Anthony k Wood's Collections in the Ashmolean Museum. But, upon application lately made, the volume which contained this Song was missing, so that it can only now be given as in the former edition. The banter of Hamlet is as follows : ^^ Hamlet. '0 Jeptha, Judge of Israel,' what a treasure hadst thou ! " Polonius. What a treasure had he, my lord? " Ham. Why, * One faire daughter, and no more, The which he loved passing well.' " Polon. Still on my daughter. " Ham. Am not I i' th' right, old Jeptha ? " Polon. If you call me Jeptha, my lord, I have a daughter, that I love passing well. " Ham. Nay, that follows not. " Polon. What follows then, my lord ? "Ham. Why, 'As by lot, God wot:' and then you know, * It came to passe. As most V. 45, bare-hedde, MS., and some, P. CO. V. 48, Which, P. C, That MS., What is conject. like it was.' The first row of the pious chan- son will shew you more." Edit. 1793, vol. XV. p. 133. Have you not heard these many years ago, Jeptha was judge of Israel ? He had one only daughter and no mo,' The which he loved passing well : And, as by lott, God wot. It so came to pass, As Gods will was. That great wars there should be, And none should be chosen chief but he 10 15 And when he was appointed judge, And chieftain of the company, A solemn vow to God he made ; If he returned with victory, At his return To burn The first live thing, * * * * That should meet with him then, Ofi" his house, when he should return agen It came to pass, the wars was oer, 21 And he returned with victory ; His dear and only daughter first of all Came to meet her father foremostly : And all the way, 25 She did play On tabret and pipe. Full many a stripe. With note so high. For joy that her father is come so nigh. 30 V. 56, wast, P. C. A KOBYN JOLLY KOBYN. 115 But wlien he saw his daughter dear Coming on most foremostly, He wrung his hands, and tore his hair, And cryed out most piteously ; Oh ! it's thou, said he, 35 That have brought me Low, And troubled me so, That I know not what to do. For I have made a vow, he sed, The which must be replenished : 40 •X- -je * * " What thou hast spoke Do not revoke : What thou hast said, 45 Be not affraid ; Altho' it be I ; Keep promises to God on high. But, dear father, grant me one request. That I may go to the wilderness, Three months there with my friends to stay ; There to bewail my virginity ; 51 And let there be. Said she. Some two or three Young maids with me." So he sent her away. For to mourn, for to mourn, till her dying day. -••^ IV. |i mm pig i06p. In his "Twelfth Night," Shakspeare in- troduces the clown singing part of the two first stanzas of the following song; which has been recovered from an ancient MS. of Dr. Harrington's at Bath, preserved among the many literary treasures transmitted to the ingenious and worthy possessor by a long line of most respectable ancestors. Of these only a small part hath been printed in the " Nugae Antiquse," 3 vols. 12mo. ; a work which the public impatiently wishes to see continued. The song is thus given by Shakspeare, act iv. sc. 2. (Malone's edit. iv. 93.) Clown. " Hey Robin, jolly Robin." [sing- ing.] " Tell me how thy lady does." Malvolio. Fool. Clown. " My lady is unkind, perdy. Malvolio. Fool. Clown. " Alas, why is she so ?" Malvolio. Fool, I say. Clown. " She loves another." Who calls, ha?" Dr. Farmer has conjectured that the song should begin thus : " Hey, jolly Robin, tell to me How does thy lady do ? My lady is unkind perdy — Alas, why is she so ?" But this ingenious emendation is now super- seded by the proper readings of the old song itself, which is here printed from what ap- pears the most ancient of Dr. Harrington's poetical MSS., and which has, therefore, been marked No. I. (soil. p. 68). That volume seems to have been written in the reign of King Henry VIII., and as it contains many of the poems of Sir Thomas Wyat, hath had almost all the contents attributed to him by marginal directions written with an old but later hand, and not always rightly, as, I think, might be made appear by other good authori- ties. Among the rest, this song is there at- tributed to Sir Thomas Wyat also ; but the discerning reader will probably judge it to belong to a more obsolete writer. In the old MS. to the 3d and 5th stanzas is prefixed this title, Responce, and to the 4th and 6th, Le Plaintif\ but in the last instance so evidently wrong, that it was thought better to omit these titles, and to mark the changes of the dialogue by inverted commas. In other respects the MS. is strictly followed,' except where noted in the margin — Yet the first stanza appears to be defective, and it should seem that a line is wanting, unless the four first words were lengthened in the tune. 116 A SONG TO THE LUTE IN MUSICKE. A KOBYN, Jolly Robyn, Tell me how thy leman doeth, And thou shalt knowe of myn. " My lady is unkyinde perde." Alack ! why is she so ? " She loveth another better than me : And yet she will say no." I fynde no such doublenes x I fynde women true. My lady loveth me dowtles, And will change for no newe. 10 " Thou art happy while that doeth last ; But I say, as I fynde, That women's love is but a blast, 15 And torneth with the wynde." Suche folkes can take no harme by love, That can abide their torn. " But I alas can no way prove In love but lake and morn." 20 But if thou wilt avoyde thy harme Lerne this lesson of me. At others fieres thy selfe to warme, ' And let them warme with thee.~^ V. % ^m^ t0 i\t %tt m Itwsklit This sonnet (which is ascribed to Richard Edwards^" in the " Paradise of Daintie Devi- ses," fo. 31, b.) is by Shakspeare made the subject of some pleasant ridicule in his "Ro- meo and Juliet," act iv. sc. 5, where he intro- duces Peter putting this question to the mu- sicians. ^' Peter. . . . why 'Silver Sound'? 'why ' Musicke with with her silver sound'? what say you, Simon Catling ? " 1 Mus. Marry, sir, because silver hath a sweet sound. *' Pet. Pretty ! what say you, Hugh Re- becke ? " 2 Mus. I say, silver sound, because mu- sicians sound for silver. " Pet. Pretty too ! what say you, James Soundpost ? " 3 Mus. Faith, I know not what to say. " Pet I will say it for you : It is * musicke with her silver sound,' because musicians have no gold for sounding." Edit. 1793, vol. xiv. p. 529. This ridicule is not so much levelled at the song itself (which for the time it was written Ver. 4, shall, MS. * Concerning Mm, see Wood's Athen. Oxon. and Tanner's Biblioth.; also Sir John Hawkin's Hist, of Music, &c. is not inelegant), as at those forced and unna- tural explanations often given by us painful editors and expositors of ancient authors. This copy is printed from an old quarto MS. in the Cotton Library (Vesp. A. 2-5), en- titled, " Divers things of Hen. viij's time :" with some corrections from The Paradise of Dainty Devises, 1596. Where gripinge grefes the hart would wounde, And dolefulle dumps the mynde oppresse, There musicke with her silver sound With spede is wont to send redresse ; Of trobled mynds, in every sore, 5 Swete musicke hathe a salve in store. In joye yt maks our mirthe abounde, In woe yt cheres our hevy sprites ; Be strawghted heads relyef hath founde, 9 By musickes pleasaunte swete delightes: Our senses all, what shall I say more ? Are subjecte unto musicks lore. The Gods by musicke have theire prayse ; The lyfe, the soul therein doth joye : For, as the Romayne poet sayes, 15 In seas, whom pyrats would destroy, A dolphin saved from death most sharpe Arion playing on his harpe. KING COPHETUA AND THE BEGGAR-MAID. 117 heavenly gyft, that rules the mynd, 19 Even as the sterne dothe rule the shippe ! musicke, whom the Gods assinde To comforte manne, whom cares would nippe ! Since thow bothe man and heste doest move, What beste ys he, wyll the disprove ? -»••- VI. Png &^\tixu u^ i\t l^gpr-SJEft, — ^is a story often alluded to by our old dra- matic writers. Shakspeare, in his Romeo and Juliet, act ii. sc. 1, makes Mercutio say, " Her (Venus's) purblind son and heir, Young Adam* Cupid, he that shot so true, "When King Cophetua loved the beggar- maid. As the 13th line of the following ballad seems here particularly alluded to, it is not improbable that Shakspeare wrote it " shot so trim,^' which the players or printers, not perceiving the allusion, might alter to "true.''^ The former, as being the more humorous ex- pression, seems most likely to have come from the mouth of Mercutio.f In the 2d part of Hen. lY., act v. sc. 3, Falstaff is introduced affectedly saying to Pistoll, " base Assyrian knight, what is thy news? Let King Cophetua know the truth thereof." These lines. Dr. "Warburton thinks, were taken from an old bombast play of "King Cophe- tua,'' No such play is, I believe, now to be found ; but it does not therefore follow that it never existed. Many dramatic pieces are referred to by old writers, J which are not now extant, or even mentioned in any list. In the infancy of the stage, plays were often exhibited that were never printed. It is probably in allusion to the same play that Ben Jonson says, in his Comedy of ' * Every Man in his Humour,^' act iii. sc. 4, * See above, Preface t > Song i. Book ii. of this toI. p. 158. t Since this conjecture first occurred, it has been disco- vered that " shot so trim" was the genuine reading. See Shakspeare ed. 1793, xiv. 393. X See Meres Wits Treas. f. 283. Arte of Eng. Poes. 1589, p. 51, 111, 143, 169. " I have not the heart to devour thee, an' I might be made as rich as King Cophetua." At least there is no mention of King Cophe- tua's riches in the present ballad, which is the oldest I have met with on the subject. It is printed from Rich. Johnson's " Crown Garland of Goulden Roses," 1612, 12mo. (where it is entitled simply " A Song of a Beggar and a King") : corrected by another copy. I READ that once in Affrica A princely wight did raine, Who had to name Cophetua, As poets they did faine : From natures lawes he did decline, 5 For sure he was not of my mind, He cared not for women-kinde. But did them all disdaine. But marke, what hapned on a day. As he out of his window lay, 10 He saw a beggar all in gray. The which did cause his paine. The blinded boy, that shootes so trim^ From heaven downe did hie ; He drew a dart and shot at him, 15 In place where he did lye : Which soone did pierse him to the quicke, And when he felt the arrow pricke. Which in his tender heart did sticke He looketh as he would dye. 20 What sudden chance is this, quoth he, That I to love must subject be. Which never thereto would agree, But still did it defie ? Then from the window he did come, And laid him on his bed, A thousand heapes of care did runne Within his troubled head : 25 118 KING COPHETUA AND THE BEGGAR-MAID. For now he meanes to crave her love, And now he seekes which way to proove How he his fancie might remoove, 31 And not this beggar wed. But Cupid had him so in snare, That this poor beggar must prepare A salve to cure him of his care, S5 Or els he would be dead. And, as he musing thus dyd lye, He thought for to devise How he might have her companye, That did so 'maze his eyes. 40 In thee, quoth he, doth rest my life : For surely thou shalt be my wife. Or else this hand with bloody knife The Gods shall sure suffice. Then from his bed he soon arose, 45 And to his pallace gate he goes ; Full little then this begger knowes When she the king espies. The Gods preserve your majesty, The beggers all gan cry : 50 Vouchsafe to give your charity Our childrens food to buy. The king to them his pursse did cast, And they to part it made great haste ; This silly woman was the last 55 That after them did hye. The king he caVd her back againe, And unto her he gave his chaine ; And said. With us you shal remaine Till such time as we dye : 60 For thou, quoth he, shalt be my wife, And honoured for my queene ; With thee I meane to lead my life, As shortly shall be scene : Our wedding shall appointed be, 65 And every thing in its degree : Come on, quoth he, and follow me. Thou shalt go shift thee cleane. What is thy name, faire maid ? quoth he. Penelophon,"* king, quoth she : 70 With that she made a lowe courtsey ; A trim one as I weene. * Shakspeare (who alludes to this ballad in his " Love's Labour lost," act. iv. sc. 1), gives the Beggar's name Zendo- pTwn, according to all the old editions : but this seems to be a corruption ; for Penelophon, in the text, sounds more like the name of a woman. — The story of the King and the Beggar is also alluded to in K. Rich. II. act v. sc. 3. Thus hand in hand along they walke Unto the king's pallace : The king with courteous comly talke 75 This begger doth imbrace : The begger blusheth scarlet red. And straight againe as pale as lead, But not a word at all she said, She was in such amaze. 80 At last she spake with trembling voyce. And said, king, I doe rejoyce That you wil take me for your choyce. And my degree's so base. And when the wedding day was come, 85 The king commanded strait The noblemen both all and some Upon the queene to wait. And she behaved herself that day, As if she had never walkt the way : 90 She had forgot her gown of gray. Which she did weare of late. The proverbe old is come to passe. The priest, when he begins his masse. Forgets that ever clerke he was ; 95 He knowth not his estate. Here you may read, Cophetua, Though long time fancie-fed. Compelled by the blinded boy The begger for to wed : 100 He that did lovers lookes disdaine. To do the same was glad and faine. Or els he would himselfe have slaine. In storie, as we read. Disdaine no whit, lady deere, 105 But pitty now thy servant heere. Least that it hap to thee this yeare, As to that king it did. And thus they led a quiet life During their princely raigne : 110 And in a tombe were buried both, As writers sheweth plaine. The lords they tooke it grievously. The ladies tooke it heavily. The commons cryed pitiously, 115 Their death to them was paine, Their fame did sound so passingly That it did pierce the starry sky. And throughoute all the world did flye To every princes realme.* v. 90, i. e. tramped the streets. V. 105, Here the Poet addresses himself to his mistress. V. 112, She-weth was anciently the plur. numb. * An ingenious friend thinks the two last stanzas should change place. TAKE THY OLD CLOAK ABOUT THEE. 119 vn. %At % illif €lml atot i\tt — is supposed to have been originally a Scotch ballad. The reader here has an ancient copy in the English idiom, with an additional stanza (the 2d) never before printed. This curiosity is preserved in the Editor's folio MS., but not v^ithout corruptions, vphich are here removed by the assistance of the Scottish Edition. Shakspeare, in his Othello, act ii., has quoted one stanza, vpith some variations, which are here adopted : the old MS. read- ings of that stanza are however given in the margin. This wdnters weather itt waxeth cold, And frost doth freese on every hill. And Boreas blowes his blasts soe bold, That all our cattell are like to spill ; Bell my wiffe, who loves noe strife, 6 Shee sayd unto me quietlye, Rise up, and save cow Cumbockes liffe, Man, put thine old cloake about thee. He. Bell, why dost thou flyte * and scorne ?' Thou kenst my cloak is very thin : 10 Itt is soe bare and overworne A cricke he theron cannot renn : Then He no longer borrowe nor lend, ' For once He new appareld bee, To-morrow He to towne and spend,' 15 For He have a new cloake about mee. She. Cow Crumbocke is a very good cowe, Shee ha beene alwayes true to the payle Shee has helpt us to butter and cheese, I trow, And other things shee will not fayle ; 20 1 wold be loth to see her pine, Good husband, councell take of mee, It is not for us to go soe fine, Man, take thine old cloake about thee. He. My cloake it was a very good cloake, 25 Itt hath been alwayes true to the weare. But now it is not worth a groat ; I have had it four and forty yeere : Sometime itt was of cloth in graine, ■'TIS now but a sigh clout as you may see, 16 It will neither hold out winde nor raine ; 31 And He have a new cloake about mee. She. It is four and forty e yeeres agoe Since the one of us the other did ken, And we have had betwixt us towe 35 Of children either nine or ten ; Wee have brought them up to women and men ; In the feare of God I trow they bee ; And why wilt thou thyselfe misken ? Man, take thine old cloake about thee. 40 He. Bell my wiffe, why dost thou * floute !' Now is nowe, and then was then : Seeke now all the world throughout. Thou kenst not clownes from gentlemen. - They are cladd in blacke, greene, yellowe, or gray, 45 Soe far above their owne degree : Once in my life He * doe as they,' For He have a new cloake about mee. She. King Stephen was a worthy peere, His breeches cost him but a crowne, 50 He held them sixpence all too deere ; Therefore he calld the taylor Lowne. He was a wight of high renowne, And thouse but of a low degree : Itt's pride that putts this countrye downe, 55 Man, take thine old cloake about thee. He. ' Bell my wife she loves not strife. Yet she will lead me if she can ; And oft, to live a quiet life, I am forced to yield, though Ime good- man ;' 60 Itt's not for a man with a woman to threape, Unlesse he first gave oer the plea : As wee began wee now will leave. And He take mine old cloake about mee. V. 41, flyte, MS. V. 49, King Harry . . a very good king, MS. V. 50, 1 trow his hose cost but, MS. V. 51, He thought them 12d. to deere, MS. V. 52, elowne, MS. .V. 53, He ■was king and ware the crowne, MS. 120 WILLOW, WILLOW, WILLOW. VIII. «ito, wiitoto, maim. It is from the following stanzas that Shak- speare has taken his song of the " Willow," in his Othello, act iv. sc. 3, though somewhat varied and applied by him to a female cha- racter. He makes Desdemona introduce it in this pathetic and affecting manner : " My mother had a maid call'd Barbara : She was in love ; and he she lov'd prov'd mad, And did forsake her. She had a song of — Willow. An old thing 'twas, but it express^ her for- tune, Aud she died singing it." Ed. 1793, vol. XV. p. 613. This is given from a black-letter copy in the Pepys collection, thus entitled, "A Lover's Complaint, being forsaken of his Love." To a pleasant tune. A POORE soule sat sighing under a sicamore tree; willow, willow, willow ! With his hand on his bosom, his head on his knee : willow, willow, willow 1 willow, willow, willow ! 5 Sing, the greene willow shall be my gar- land. He sigh'd in his singing, and after each grone. Come willow, &c. I am dead to all pleasure, my true-love is gone; willow, &c. 10 Sing, the greene willow shall be my gar- land. My love she is turned ; untrue she doth prove ; willow, &c. She renders me nothing but hate for my love. willow, &c. 15 Sing, the greene willow, &c. pitty me, (cried he), ye lovers, each one ; willow, &c. Her heart's hard as marble ; she rues not my mone. willow, &c. 20 Sing, the greene willow, &c. The cold streams ran by him, his eyes wept apace ; willow, &c. The salt tears fell from him, which drowned his face : willow, &c. 25 Sing, the greene willow, &c. The mute birds sate by him, made tame by his mones ; willow, &c. The salt tears fell from him, which softened the stones. willow, &c. 30 Sing, the greene willow, &c. Let nobody blame me, her scornes I do prove; willow, &c. She was borne to be faire ; I, to die for her love. willow, &c. 35 Sing, the greene willow, &c. that beauty should harbour a heart that's so hard ! Sing willow, &c. My true love rejecting without all regard. willow, &c. 40 Sing, the greene willow, &c. Let love no more boast him in palace or bower ; willow, &c. For women are trothles, and flote in an houre. willow, &c. 45 Sing, the greene willow, &c. But what helps complaining? In vaine I complaine : willow, &c. WILLOW, WILLOW, WILLOW. 121 I must patiently suffer her scorne and dis- daine. 50 willow, &c. Sing, the greene willow, &c. Come, all you forsaken, and sit down by me, willow, &c. He that 'plaines of his false love, mine's falser than she. willow, &c. 55 Sing, the greene willow, &c. The willow wreath weare I, since my love did fleet; willow, &c. A garland for lovers forsaken most meete. willow, &c. Sing, the greene willow shall he my gar- land! PART THE SECOND. LowE lay'd by my sorrow, begot by disdaine; willow, willow, willow ! Against her to cruell, still still I complaine, willow, willow, willow ! willow, willow, willow ! 5 Sing, the greene willow shall be my gar- land! love too injurious, to wound my poore heart ! willow, &c. To suffer the triumph, and joy in my smart ; willow, &c. 10 Sing, the greene willow, &c. willow, willow, willow ! the willow garland, willow, &c. A sign of her falsenesse before me doth stand : willow, &c. 15 Sing, the greene willow, &c. As here it doth bid to despair and to dye, wiUow, &c. So hang it, friends, ore me in grave where I lye: willow, &c. 20 Sing, the greene willow shall be my gar- land. In grave where I rest mee, hang this to the view, willow, &c. Of all that doe knowe her, to blaze her untrue. willow, &c. 25 Sing, the greene willow, &c. With these words engraven, as epitaph meet, willow, &c. " Here lyes one, drank poyson for potion most sweet." willow, &c. 30 Sing, the greene willow, &c. Though she thus unkindly hath scorned my love, willow, &c. And carelessly smiles at the sorrowes I prove ; willow, &c. 35 Sing, the greene willow, &c. I cannot against her unkindly exclaim, willow, &c. Cause once well I loved her, and honoured her name: willow, &c. 40 Sing, the greene willow, &c. The name of her sounded so sweete in mine eare, willow, &c. It rays'd my heart lightly, the name of my deare ; willow, &c. 45 Sing, the greene willow shall be my gar- land. As then ^twas my comfort, it now is my griefe ; willow, &c. It now brings me anguish ; then brought me reliefe. willow, &c. 50 Sing, the greene willow, &c. Farewell, faire false hearted: plaints end with my breath ! willow, willow, willow ! Thou dost loath me, I love thee, though cause of my death. willow, willow, willow ! willow, willow, willow ! Sing, the greene willow shall be my gar- land. 16 122 SIR LANCELOT DU LAKE. XI. Sir Ionl0t )Jtt Safet This ballad is quoted in Shakspeare's second part of Henry IV., act ii. The sub- ject of it is taken from the ancient romance of King Arthur (commonly called Morte Arthur), being a poetical translation of chap, cviii., cix., ex., in part 1st, as they stand in ed. 1634, 4to. In the older editions the chap- ters are differently numbered. — This song is given from a printed copy, corrected in part by a fragment in the editor's folio MS. In the same play of 2 Henry IV., Silence hums a scrap of one of the old ballads of Eobin Hood. It is taken from the following stanza of " Robin Hood and the Pindar of Wakefield :"— All this beheard three wighty yeomen, Twas Robin Hood, Scarlet, and John : With that they espy'd the jolly Pindar As he sate under a throne. That ballad may be found on every stall, and therefore is not here reprinted. When Arthur first in court began. And was approved king, By force of armes great victorys wanne, And conquest home did bring. Then into England straight he came 5 With fifty good and able Knights, that resorted unto him. And were of his round table : And he had justs and turnaments, Wherto were many prest, 10 Wherein some knights did far excel! And eke surmount the rest. But one Sir Lancelot du Lake, Who was approved well, He for his deeds and feats of armes 15 All others did excell. When he had rested him a while, In play, and game, and sportt, V. 18, to sportt, MS. He said he wold goe prove himselfe In some adventurous sort. He armed rode iii a forrest wide, And met a damsell faire, Who told him of adventures great, Wherto he gave great eare. 20 25 Such wold I find, quoth Lancelott : For that cause came I hither. Thou seemst, quoth shee, a knight full good, And I will bring thee thither. Wheras a mighty knight doth dwell, That now is of great fame : 30 Therfore tell me what wight thou art. And what may be thy name. " My name is Lancelot du Lake." Quoth she, it likes me than : Here dwells a knight who never was 35 Yet matcht with any man : Who has in prison threescore knights And four, that he did wound ; Knights of King Arthurs court they be, And of his table round. 40 She brought him to a river side, And also to a tree. Whereon a copper bason hung. And many shields to see. He struck soe hard, the bason broke ; 45 And Tarquin soon he spyed : Who drove a horse before him fast. Whereon a knight lay tyed. Sir knight, then sayd Sir Lancel6tt, Bring me that horse-load hither, 50 And lay him downe, and let him rest ; Weel try our force together : For, as I understand, thou hast, Soe far as thou art able. v. 29, WJiere is often read by our old writers for whereas; here it is just the contrary. SIR LANCELOT DU LAKE. 123 Done great despite and shame unto 55 The knights of the Round Table. If thou be of the Table Round, Quoth Tarquin speedilye, Both thee and all thy fellowship I utterly defye. 60 That^s over much, quoth Lancelott tho, Defend thee by and by. They sett their speares unto their steeds. And eache att otiier flie. They coucht theire speares (their horses ran, As though there had beene thunder), 66 And strucke them each immidst their shields, Wherewith they broke in sunder. Their horsses backes brake under them, The knights were both astound : 70 To avoyd their horsses they made haste And light upon the ground. They tooke them to their shields full fast, They swords they drew out than, With mighty strokes most eagerlye 75 Each at the other ran. They wounded were, and bled full sore. They both for breath did stand. And leaning on their swords awhile. Quoth Tarquine, Hold thy hand, 80 And tell to me what I shall aske, Say on, quoth Lancelot tho. Thou art, quoth Tarquine, the best knight That ever I did know ; And like a knight that I did hate : 85 Soe that thou be not hee, I will deliver all the rest. And eke accord with thee. That is well said, quoth Lancelott ; But sith it must be soe, 90 What knight is that thou hatest thus ? I pray thee to me show. His name is Launcelot du Lake, He slew my brother deere ; Him I suspect of all the rest : I would I had him here. 95 Thy wish thou hast, but yet unknowne, I am Lancelot du Lake, Now knight of Arthurs Table Round ; King Hands son of Schuwake ; 100 And I desire thee to do thy worst. Ho, ho, quoth Tarqin tho, One of us two shall end our lives Before that we do go. If thou be Lancelot du Lake, 105 Then welcome shalt thou bee : Wherfore see thou thyself defend. For now defye I thee. They buckled then together so, Like unto wild boares rashing :* 110 And with their swords and shields they ran At one another slashing : The ground besprinkled was wyth blood : Tarquin began to yield ; For he gave backe for wearmesse, 115 And lowe did beare his shield. This soone Sir Lancelot espyde. He leapt upon him then, He pulFd him downe upon his knee. And rushing off his helm, 120 Forthwith he strucke his necke in two. And, when he had soe done. From prison threescore knights and four Delivered everye one. * Eashing seems to be the old hunting term to express the stroke made by the wild-boar with his fangs. To rase has apparently a meaning something similar. See Mr. Steevens's Note on K. Lear, act. iii. sc. 7 (ed. 1793, vol. xiv. p. 193), where the quartos read, " Nor thy fierce sister In his anointed flesh rash boarish fangs." So in K. Richard III, act iii., sc. 2 (vol. x. p. 567, 583). " He dreamt To night the Boar had rased off his helm." 124 GERNUTUS THE JEW OF VENICE. €fituW^ imMll t0 l^illis, — is an attempt to paint a lover's irresolution, but so poorly executed, that it would not have been admitted into this collection, if it had not been quoted in Shakspeare's Twelfth- 'Night, act ii. sc. 3. — It is found in a little ancient miscellany, entitled "The Golden Garland of Princely Delights," 12mo. bl. let. In the same scene of the Tvfelfth-Night, Sir Toby sings a scrap of an old ballad, which is preserved in the Pepys collection, [vol. i. pp. 33, 496.] ; but as it is not only a poor dull performance, but also very long, it will be sufficient here to give the first stanza : The Ballad op Constant Susanna. There dwelt a man in Babylon Of reputation great by fame ; He took to wife a faire wom^n, Susanna she was callde by name : A woman fair and vertuous ; Lady, lady : Why should we not of her learn thus To live godly? If this song of Corydon, &c., has not more merit, it is at least an evil of less magnitude. Farewell, dear love ; since thou wilt needs be gone. Mine eyes do shew, my life is almost done. Nay I will never die, so long as I can spie There be many mo, though that she doe goe. There be many mo, I fear not : 5 Why then let her goe, I care not. Farewell, farewell ; since this I find is true I will not spend more time in wooing you : But I will seek elsewhere, if I may find love there : Shall I bid her goe ? what and if I doe ? Shall I bid her goe and spare not ? 11 no, no, no, I dare not. Ten thousand times farewell; — ^yet stay a while : — Sweet, kiss me once ; sweet kisses time be- guile : I have no power to move. How now am I in love ? 15 Wilt thou needs be gone? Go then, all is one. Wilt thou needs be gone ? Oh, hie thee ! Nay stay, and do no more deny me. Once more adieu, I see loath to depart 19 Bids oft adieu to her, that holds my heart. But seeing I must lose thy love, which I did choose, Goe thy way for me, since that may not be, Goe thy ways for me. But whither ? Goe, oh, but where I may come thither. What shall I doe ? my love is now departed. She is fair, as she is cruel-hearted. 26 She would not be intreated, with prayers oft repeated, If she come no more, shall I die therefore? If she come no more, what care I ? Faith, let her goe, or come, or tarry. 30 XL ^txmtm i\t l^to 0f Mitt In the " Life of Pope Sixtus V., translated from the Italian of Greg. Leti, by the Rev. Mr. Farneworth, folio," is a remarkable pas- sage to the following effect. " It was reported in Rome, that Drake had taken and plundered St. Domingo in Hispan- iola, and carried ofi" an immense booty. This account came in a private letter to Paul Sec- chi, a very considerable merchant in the city, who had large concerns in those parts, which GERNUTUS THE JEW OF VENICE. 125 he had insured. Upon receiving this news, he sent for the insurer Sampson Ceneda, a Jew, and acquainted him with it. The Jew, whose interest it was to have such a report thought false, gave many reasons why it could not possibly be true, and at last worked himself into such a passion, that he said, I'll lay you a pound of flesh it is a lye. Secchi, who was of a fiery hot temper, replied, I'll lay you a thousand crowns against a pound of your flesh that it is true. The Jew ac- cepted the wager, and articles were immedi- ately executed betwixt them, that, if Secchi won, he should himself cut the flesh with a sharp knife from whatever part of the Jew's body he pleased. The truth of the account was soon confirmed ; and the Jew was almost distracted, when he was informed, that Secchi had solemnly swore he would compel him to an exact performance of his contract. A re- port of this transaction was brought to the Pope, who sent for the parties, and, being in- formed of the whole afiair, said, *'when con- tracts are made, it is but just they should be fulfilled, as this shall : take a knife, therefore, Secchi, and cut a pound of flesh from any part you please of the Jew's body. "We ad- vise you, however, to be very careful ; for, if you cut but a scruple more or less than your due, you shall certainly be hanged." The editor of that book is of opinion, that the scene between Shylock and Antonio in the "Merchant of Venice" is taken from this incident. But Mr. Warton, in his ingenious " Observations on the Faerie Queen, vol. i. page 128," has referred it to the following ballad. Mr. Warton thinks this ballad was written before Shakspeare's play, as being not so circumstantial, and having more of the nakedness of an original. Besides, it differs from the play in many circumstances, which a mere copyist, such as we may suppose the ballad-maker to be, would hardly have given himself the trouble to alter. Indeed he ex- pressly informs us, that he had his story from the Italian writers. See the " Connoisseur,'^ vol. i. No 16. After all, one would be glad to know what authority " Leti" had for the foregoing fact, or at least for connecting it with the taking of St. Domingo by Drake ; for this expedition did not happen till 1585, and it is very cer- tain that a play of the *' Jewe, representing the greedinesse of worldly chusers, and bloody minds of usurers," had been exhibit- ed at the play-house called the " Bull," before the year 1579, being mentioned in Steph. Gosson's " Schoole of Abuse,"* which was printed in that year. As for Shakspeare's " Merchant of Ven- ice," the earliest edition known of it is in quarto, 1600 ; though it had been exhibited in the year 1598, being mentioned, together with eleven others of his plays, in Meres's "Wits Treasury," &c. 1598, 12mo. fol. 282. See Malone's Shaksp. The following is printed from an ancient black-letter copy in the Pepys collection,! en- titled, " A new Song, shewing the crueltie of ' Gernutus, a Jewe,' who, lending to a mer- chant an hundred crowns, would have a pound of his fleshe, because he could not pay him at the time appointed. To the tune of Black and Yellow." THE FIRST PART. In Venice towne not long agoe A cruel Jew did dwell. Which lived all on usurie As Italian writers tell. Gernutus called was the Jew, 5 Which never thought to dye, Nor ever yet did any good To them in streets that lie. His life was like a barrow hogge, That liveth many a day, 10 Yet never once doth any good, Until men will him slay. Or like a filthy heap of dung, That lyeth in a whoard ; Which never can do any good, 15 Till it be spread abroad. So fares it with the usurer. He cannot sleep in rest. For feare the thief e will him pursue To plucke him from his nest. * 20 His heart doth thinke on many a wile. How to deceive the poore ; His mouth is almost ful of mucke, Y'et still he gapes for more. * Warton, ubi supra. t Compared with the Ashmole Copy. 126 GERNUTUS THE JEW OF VENICE. His wife must lend a shilling, 25 For every weeke a penny, Yet bring a pledge, that is double worth, If that you will have any. And see, likewise, you keepe your day, Or else you loose it all : 30 This was the living of the wife, Her cow she did it call. Within that citie dwelt that time A marchant of great fame, Which being distressed in his need, Unto Gernutus came : 35 Desiring him to stand his friend For twelve month and a day, To lend to him an hundred crownes : And he for it would pay 40 Whatsoever he would demand of him. And pledges he should have. No, (quoth the Jew with Searing lookes,) Sir, aske what you will have. No penny for the loane of it 45 For one year you shall pay You may doe me as good a turne. Before my dying day. But we will have a merry j east. For to be talked long : 50 You shall make me a bond, quoth he. That shall be large and strong : And this shall be the forfeyture ; Of your owne fleshe a pound. If you agree, make you the bond, 55 And here is a hundred crownes. With right good will ! the marchant he says : And so the bond was made. When twelve month and a day drew on That backe it should be payd. 60 The marchants ships were all at sea, And money came not in ; Which way to take, or what to doe To thinke he doth begin : V. 32, Cow, &c., seems to have suggested to Shakspeare Shylock's argiiment for usury taken from Jacob's manage- ment of Laban's sheep, act i.. to which Antonio replies : "Was this inserted to make interest good? Or are your gold and silver ewes and rams? " Shy. I cannot tell. I make it breed as fast." And to Gernutus strait he comes 65 With cap and bended knee. And sayde to him, Of curtesie I pray you beare with mee. My day is come, and I have not The money for to pay : 70 And little good the forfeyture Will doe you, I dare say. With all my heart, Gernutus sayd, Commaund it to your minde : In thinges of bigger waight then this 75 You shall me ready finde. He goes his way ; the day once past Gernutus doth not slacke To get a sergiant presently ; And clapt him on the backe : 80 And layd him into prison strong. And sued his bond withall ; And when the judgement day was come. For judgement he did call. The marchants friends came thither fast With many a weeping eye, 86 For other means they could not find. But he that day must dye. THE SECOND PART. " Of the Jews crueltie ; setting foorth the mercifulnesse of .the Judge towards the Mar- chant. To the tune of Blacke and Yellow." Some offered for his hundred crownes Five hundred for to pay ; And some a thousand, two or three. Yet still he did denay. And at the last ten thousand crownes 5 They offered, him to save. Gernutus sayd, I will no gold : My forfeite I will have. A pound of fleshe is my demand, And that shall be my hire. 10 Then sayd the judge. Yet, good my friend. Let me of you desire To take the flesh from such a place, As yet you let him live : Do so, and lo ! an hundred crownes To thee here will I give. 15 GERNUTUS THE JEW OF VENICE. 127 No : no : quoth he ; no : judgement here : For this it shall be tride, For I will have my pound of fleshe From under his ri|];ht side. 20 It grieved all the companie His crueltie to see, For neither friend nor foe could helpe But he must spoyled bee. The bloudie Jew now ready is 25 With whetted blade in hand,* To spoyle the bloud of innocent, By forfeit of his bond. And as he was about to strike In him the deadly blow : 30 Stay (quoth the judge) thy crueltie ; I charge thee to do so. Sith needs thou wilt thy forfeit have. Which is of flesh a pound : See that thou shed no drop of bloud, 35 Nor yet the man confound. For if thou doe, like murderer Thou here shalt hanged ly : Likewise of flesh see that thou cut No more than longes to thee : 40 For if thou take either more or lesse To the value of a mite, Thou shalt be hanged presently, As is both law and right. Gernutus now waxt franticke mad, 45 And wotes not what to say ; Quoth he at last. Ten thousand crownes I will that he shall pay ; And so I graunt to set him free. The judge doth answere make ; 50 You shall not have a penny given ; Your forfeyture now take. At the last he doth demaund But for to have his owne. No, quoth the judge, doe as you list, 55 Thy judgement shall be showne. * The passage In Shakspeare bears so strong a resem- blance to this, as to render it probable that the one suggested the other. See act iv, sc. 2. '' .Bass. Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly? &c." 17 Either take your pound of flesh, quoth he, Or cancell me your bond. cruell judge, then quoth the Jew, That doth against me stand ! 60 And so with griping grieved mind He biddeth them fare-well. * Then' all the people prays'd the Lord, That ever this heard tell. Good people, that doe heare this song, 65 For trueth I dare well say, That many a wretch as ill as hee Doth live now at this day ; That seeketh nothing but the spoyle Of many a wealthy man, 70 And for to trap the innocent Deviseth what they can. From whome the Lord deliver me, And every Christian too. And send to them like sentence eke 75 That meaneth so to do. printed, the Editor hath had reason to believe that both Shakspeare and the Author of this ballad are indebted for their story of the Jew 1(however they came by it) to an Italian Novel, which was first printed at Milan in the year 1554, in a book entitled, II pecorone, net quale si coniengono Cinqiianta Novelle aniiche, &c., republished at Florence about the year 1748, or 9. — The Author was Ser. Giovanni Fiorentino, who wrote in 1378 ; thirty years after the time in which the scene of Boccace's Decameron is laid. (Vid. Manni Istoria del Decameron di Giov. Boccac. 4to. Fior. 1744. That Shakspeare had his plot from the Novel itself, is evident from his having some incidents from it, which are not found in the ballad : and I think it will also be found that he borrowed from the ballad some hints that were not suggested by the novel. (See above, pt. 2, ver. 25, &c,, where, instead of that spi- rited description of the whetted blade, &c., the Prose Narrative coldly says, " The Jew had prepared a razor," &c. See also some other passages in the same piece.) This however is spoken with diffidence, as I have at present before me only the abridgment of the novel which Mr. Johnson has given us at the end V. 61, griped, Ashmol. copy. 128 THE PASSIONATE SHEPHERD TO HIS LOVE. of his commentary on Shakspeare's play. ' The translation of the Italian story at large is not easy to be met with, having I believe never been published, though it was printed some years ago with this title, " The Novel, from which the Merchant of Venice, written by Shakspeare, is taken, translated from the Italian. To which is added, a translation of a novel from the Decamerone of Boccacio, London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1755, 8vo." XII. %\t l^mwmU B\^\tx^ t0 ]in f 0te* This beautiful sonnet is quoted in the Merry Wives of Windsor, act iii. sc. 1, and hath been usually ascribed (together with the re- ply) to Shakspeare himself by the modern editors of his smaller poems. A copy of this madrigal, containing only four stanzas (the 4th and 6th being wanting), accompanied with the first stanza of the answer, being printed in "The Passionate Pilgrime, and Sonnets to sundry Notes of Musicke, by Mr. William Shakspeare, Lond. printed for W. Jaggard, 1599." Thus was this sonnet, &c., published as Shakspeare's in his lifetime. And yet there is good reason to believe that (not Shakspeare, but) Christopher Mar- low wrote the song, and Sir Walter Raleigh the "Nymph's Reply." for so we are posi- tively assured by Isaac Walton, a writer of some credit, who has inserted them both in his Compleat Angler,"^ under the character of " that smooth song, which was made by Kit Marlow, now at least fifty years ago ; and .... an Answer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days. . . . Old fashioned poetry, but choicely good."— It also passed for Marlow's in the opinion of his contemporaries ; for in the old poetical miscellany, entitled, "England's Helicon,'^ it is printed with the name of Chr. Marlow subjoined to it ; and the reply is signed Ignoto, which is known to have been a signature of Sir Walter Raleigh. With the same signa- ture Ignoto, in that collection, is an imitation of Marlow's beginning thus : " Come live with me, and be my dear, And we will revel all the year, In plains and groves," &c. * First printed in the year 1653, but probably written some time before. Upon the whole I am inclined to attribute them to Marlow, and Raleigh ; notwithstand- ing the authority of Shakspeare's Book of Sonnets. For it is well known that as he took no care of his own compositions, so was he utterly regardless what spurious things were fathered upon him. Sir John Oldcastle, the London Prodigal, and the Yorkshire Tragedy, were printed with his name at full length in the title-pages, while he was living, which yet were afterwards rejected by his first editors Heminge and Condell, who were his intimate friends (as he mentions both in his will), and therefore no doubt had good authority for setting them aside.* The following sonnet appears to have been (as it deserved) a great favourite with our earlier poets: for, besides the imitation above mentioned, another is to be found among Donne^s Poems, entitled, " The Bait," begin- ning thus : " Come live with me, and be my love, And we will some new pleasures prove Of golden sands, &c." As for Chr. Marlow, who was in high re- pute for his dramatic writings, he lost his life by a stab received in a brothel, before the year 1593. See A. Wood, i. 138. Come live with me, and be my lovepN And we wil all the pleasures prove That hils and vallies, dale and field, And all the craggy mountains yield. * Since the above was written, Mr. Malone, with his usual discernment, hath rejected the stanzas in question from the other sonnets, &c., of Shakspeare, in his correct edition of the Passionate Pilgrim, &c. See his Shaksp. vol. x. p. 340. TITUS ANDKONICUS'S COMPLAINT. 129 There will we sit upon the rocks, 5 And see the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals. There will I make thee beds of roses With a thousand fragrant posies, 10 A cap of flowers, and a kirtle Imbrodered all with leaves of mirtle ; A gown made of the finest wool. Which from our pretty lambs we pull ; Slippers linM choicely for the cold ; 15 With buckles of the purest gold ; A belt of straw, and ivie buds, With coral clasps and amber studs : And if these pleasures may thee move, Then live with me, and be my love. 20 The shepherd swains shall dance and sing For thy delight each May morning ; If these delights thy mind may move. Then live with me and be my love. The Nymph's Keplt. If that the World and Love were young. And truth in every shepherd's toung, These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee, and be thy love. But time drives flocks from field to fold, 5 When rivers rage, and rocks grow cold, And Philomel becometh dumb. And all complain of cares to come. The flowers do fade, and wanton fields To wayward winter reckoning yield : 10 A honey tongue, a heart of gall. Is fancies spring, but sorrows fall. Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses. Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies, Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten, In folly ripe, in reason rotten 16 Thy belt of straw, and ivie buds. Thy coral clasps, and amber studs ; All these in me no means can move To come to thee, and be thy love. 20 But could youth last, and love still breed, Had joyes no date, nor age no need ; Then those delights my mind might move To live with thee, and be my love. XIII. ®tas JiKto0nia0'0 C0mgbmt. The reader has here an ancient ballad on the same subject as the play of " Titus Andro- nicus," and it is probable that the one was borrowed from the other: but which of them was the original, it is not easy to decide. And yet, if the argument ofiered above in page 125, for the priority of the ballad of the Jew of Venice may be admitted, somewhat of the same kind may be urged here ; for this ballad differs from the play in several particulars, which a simple ballad-writer would be less likely to alter than an inven- tive tragedian. Thus, in the ballad, is no mention of the contest for the empire between the two brothers, the composing of which makes the ungrateful treatment of Titus afterwards the more flagrant : neither is there any notice taken of his sacrificing one of Tamora's sons, which the tragic poet has assigned as the original cause of all her cruelties. In the play, Titus loses twenty- one of his sons in war, and kills another for assisting Bassianus to carry off Lavinia; the reader will find it different in the ballad. In the latter she is betrothed to the emperor^s son: in the play to his brother. In the tragedy, only two of his sons fall into the pit, and the third, being banished, returns to Rome with a victorious army, to avenge the wrongs of his house: in the ballad, all three are en- trapped and suffer death. In the scene, the emperor kills Titus, and is in return stabbed 130 TITUS ANDRONICUS'S COMPLAINT. by Titus's surviving son. Here Titus kills the emperor, and afterwards himself. Let the reader weigh these circumstances, and some others, wherein he will find them unlike, and then pronounce for himself. — After all, there is reason to conclude that this play was rather improved by Shakspeare, with a few fine touches of his pen, than ori- ginally written by him ; for, not to mention that the style is less figurative than his others generally are, this tragedy is mentioned with discredit in the Induction to Ben Jonson's " Bartholomew Fair, in 1614,^' as one that had then been exhibited " five-and-twenty or thirty years ;" which, if we take the lowest number, throws it back to the year 1589, at which time Shakspeare was but 25 ; an earlier date than can be found for any other of his pieces :* and if it does not clear him entirely of it, shows at least it was a first attempt.f The following is given from a copy in " The Golden Garland," entitled as above ; com- pared with three others, two of them in black letter in the Pepys collection, entitled " The Lamentable and Tragical History of Titus Andronicus," &c. " to the Tune of Fortune," printed for E. Wright. Unluckily, none of these have any dates. You noble minds, and famous martiall wights, That in defence of native country fights, Give eare to me, that ten yeeres fought for Rome, Yet reapt disgrace at my returning home. In Rome I lived in fame fulle threescore yeeres, 5 My name beloved was of all my peeres ; Fulle five-and-twenty valiant sonnes I had, "Whose forwarde vertues made their father glad. For when Romes foes their warlike forces bent, Against them stille my sonnes and I were sent ; 10 * Mr. Malone thinks 1591 to be the sera when our author commenced a ^rriter for the stage. See in his Shaksp. the ingenious " Attempt to ascertain the order in which the plays of Shakspeare were written." t Since the above was written, Shakspeare's memory has been fully vindicated from the charge of writing the above play by the best critics. See what has been urged by Steevens and Malone in their excellent editions of Shakspeare, &c. Against the Goths full ten yeares weary warre We spent, receiving many a bloudy scarre. Just two-and-twenty of my sonnes were slaine Before we did returne to Rome againe : Of five-and-twenty sonnes, I brought but three 15 Alive, the stately towers of Rome to see. When wars were done, I conquest home did bring And did present my prisoners to the king. The queene of Goths, her sons, and eke a Moore, 19 Which did such murders, like was nere before. The emperour did make this queene his wife. Which bred in Rome debate and deadly strife; The Moore, with her two sonnes did growe soe proud. That none like them in Rome might be allowd. The Moore soe pleasMthis new-made empress' eie, 25 That she consented to him secretlye For to abuse her husbands marriage bed, And soe in time a Blackamore she bred. Then she, whose thoughts to murder were inclinde, 29 Consented with the Moore of bloody minde Against myselfe, my kin, and all my friendes, In cruell sort to bring them to their endes. Soe when in age I thought to live in peace, Both care and griefe began then to increase : Amongst my sonnes I had one daughter brighte, 35 Which joy'd, and pleased best my aged sight ; My deare Lavinia was betrothed than To Cesars sonne, a young and noble man : Who, in a hunting by the emperours wife, And her two sonnes, bereaved was of life. He being slaine, was cast in cruel wise, 41 Into a darksome den from light of skies: The cruell Moore did come that way as then With my three sonnes, who fell into the den. The Moore then fetcht the emperour with speed, 45 For to accuse them of that murderous deed. TITUS ANDRONICUS'S COMPLAINT. 131 And when my sonnes within the den were found, In wrongfull prison they were cast and bound. But nowe, behold ! what wounded most my mind, The empresses two sonnes of savage kind 50 My daughter ravished without remorse, And took away her honour, quite perforce. When they had tasted of soe sweete a flowre. Fearing this sweete should shortly turne to sowre. They cutt her tongue, whereby she could not tell 55 How that dishonoure unto her befell. Then both her hands they basely cutt off quite. Whereby their wickednesse she could not write ; Nor with her needle on her sampler sowe The bloudye workers of her direfull woe. 60 My brother Marcus found her in the wood, Staining the grassie ground with purple bloud. That trickled from her stumpes, and bloud- lesse armes : Noe tongue at all she had to tell her harmes. But when I sawe her in that woefull case, 65 With teares of bloud I wet mine aged face : For my Lavinia I lamented more Then for my two-and-twenty sonnes before. When as I sawe she could not write nor speake, 69 With grief mine aged heart began to breake ; We spred an heape of sand upon the ground, Whereby those bloudy tyrants out we found. For with a staffe, without the helpe of hand. She writt these wordes upon the plat of sand : " The lustfull sonnes of the proud emperfesse Are doers of this hateful wickednesse." 76 I tore the milk-white hairs from off mine head, I curst the houre, wherein I first was bred, I wisht this hand, that fought for countrie's fame, In cradle rockt, had first been stroken lame. The Moore delighting still in villainy 81 Did say, to sett my sonnes from prison free I should unto the king my right hand give. And then my three imprisoned sonnes should live. The Moore I causM to strike it off with speede, Whereat I grieved not to see it bleed, 86 But for my sonnes woult^ willingly impart, And for their ransome send my bleeding heart. But as my life did linger thus in paine, 89 They sent to me my bootlesse hand againe. And therewithal the heades of my three sonnes, Which filled my dying heart with fresher Then past reliefe, I upp and downe did goe, And with my tears writ in the dust my woe: I shot my arrowes* towards heaven hie 95 And for revenge to hell did often crye. The empresse then, thinking that I was mad. Like Furies she and both her sonnes were clad, (She nam'd Revenge, and Rape and murder they) 99 To undermine and heare what I would say. I fed their foolish veinesf a certaine space, Untill my friendes did find a secret place. Where both her sonnes unto a post were bound, And just revenge in cruell sort was found. I cut their throates, my daughter held the pan 105 Betwixt her stumpes, wherein the bloud it ran : And then I ground their bones to powder small. And made a paste for pyes streight there- withall. Then with their fleshe I made two mighty pyes, And at a banquet served in stately wise. 109 * If the ballad was written before the play, I should sup- pose this to be only a metaphorical expression, taken from that in the Psalms, " They shoot out their arrows, men bitter words." Ps. 64, 3. t i. e. encouraged them in their foolish humours, or fancies. 1S2 KING LEIR AND HIS THREE DAUGHTERS. Before the empresse set this loathsome meat ; So of her sonnes own flesh she well did eat. Myselfe bereav'd my daughter then of life, The empresse. then I slewe with bloudy knife, And stabb'd the emperour immediatelie, 115 And then myself: even so did Titus die. Then this revenge against the Moore was found, Alive they sett him halfe in the ground, Whereas he stood untill such time he starv'd. And soe God send all murderers may be serv'd. 120 XIV. %At l\mt f ip atoag* The first stanza of this little sonnet, which an eminent critic* justly admires for its ex- treme sweetness, is found in Shakspeare's " Measure for Measure," act iv. sc. 1. Both the stanzas are preserved in Beaumont and Fletcher's "Bloody Brother," act v. sc. 2. Sewel and Gildon have printed it among Shakspeare's smaller poems : but they have done the same by twenty other pieces that were never writ by him, their book being a wretched heap of inaccuracies and mistakes. It is not found in Jaggard's old edition of Shakspeare's " Passionate Pilgrim,f &c. Take, oh take those lips away, That so sweetlye were forsworne ; And those eyes, the breake of day. Lights, that do misleade the morne ; But my kisses bring againe. Scales of love, but seal'd in vaine. Hide, oh hide those hills of snowe. Which thy frozen bosom beares. On whose tops the pinkes that growe Are of those that April wears ; But first set my poor heart free. Bound in those icy chains by thee. 10 XV. f ittg f m anJr \u i\m ^u^\kxL The reader has here an ancient ballad on the subject of King Lear, which (as a sensi- ble female critic has well observed) J bears so exact an analogy to the argument of Shaks- peare's play, that his having copied it could not be doubted, if it were certain that it was written before the tragedy. Here is found the hint of Lear's madness, which the old chronicles § do not mention, as also the ,ex- * Dr. Warburton in his Shakesp. f Mr. Malone in his improved edition of Shakspeare's Sonnets, &c., hath substituted this instead of Marlow's Madrigal, printed above ; for which he hath assigned reasons •which the reader may see in his vol. x. p. 340. X Mrs. Lenox. Shakespeare illustrated, vol. iii. p. 302. g See Jefifery of Monmouth, Holingshed, &c., who relate Leir's history in many respects the same as the ballad. travagant cruelty exercised on him by his daughters. In the death of Lear they like- wise very exactly coincide. — The misfortune is, that there is nothing to assist us in ascer- taining the date of the ballad but what little evidence arises from within ; this the reader must weigh, and judge for Mmself. It may be proper to observe, that Shaks- peare was not the first of our Dramatic Poets who fitted the story of Leio" to the stage. His first 4to edition is dated 1608 ; but three years before that had been printed a play entitled *' The true Chronicle History of Leir and his three daughters Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordel- ia, as it hath been divers and sundry times lately acted, 1605, 4to." — This is a very poor KING LEIR AND HIS THREE DAUGHTERS. 133 and dull performance, but happily excited Shakspeare to undertake the subject which he has given with very different incidents. It is remarkable, that neither the circum- stances of Leir's madness, nor his retinue of a select number of knights, nor the affecting deaths of Cordelia and Leir, are found in that first dramatic piece ; in all which Shakspeare concurs with this ballad. But to form a true judgment of Shakspeare's merit, the curious reader should cast his eye over that previous sketch, which he will find printed at the end of the twenty plays of Shakspeare, republished from the quarto im- pressions by George Steevens, Esq., with such elegance and exactness as led us to expect that fine edition of all the works of our great Dramatic Poet, which he hath since pub- lished. The following ballad is given from an an- cient copy in the " Golden Garland," bl. let. entitled, " A lamentable Song of the Death of King Lear and his Three Daughters. To the tune of When flying Fame.^' King Leir once ruled in this land With princely power and peace ; And had all things with hearts content, That might his joys increase. Amongst those things that nature gave, 5 Three daughters fair had he. So princely seeming beautiful, As fairer could not be. So on a time it pleas'd the king A question thus to move, 10 Which of his daughters to his grace Could shew the dearest love : For to my age you bring content. Quoth he, then let me hear, Which of you three in plighted troth 15 The kindest will appear. To whom the eldest thus began ; Dear fath«r, mind, quoth she, Before your face, to do you good, My blood shall render'd be : 20 And for your sake my bleeding heart Shall here be cut in twain. Ere that I see your reverend age The smallest grief sustain. And so will I, the second said ; Dear father, for your sake, 25 The worst of all extremities I'll gently undertake : And serve your highness night and day AVith diligence and love ; 30 That sweet content and quietness Discomforts may remove. In doing so, you glad my soul, The aged king reply'd ; But what sayst thou, my youngest girl. How is thy love ally'd ? 36 My love (quoth young Cordelia then) Which to your grace I owe, Shall be the duty of a child, And that is all I'll show. ( 40 And wilt thou shew no more, quoth he, Than doth thy duty bind ? I well perceive thy love is small, When as no more I find. Henceforth I banish thee my court, 45 Thou art no child of mine ; Nor any part of this thy realm By favour shall be thine. Thy elder sisters loves are more Than well I can demand, To whom I equally bestow My kingdome and my land. My pompal state and all my goods. That lovingly I may With those thy sisters be maintained Until my dying day. Thus flattering speeches won renown, By these two sisters here ; The third has causeless banishment, Yet was her love more dear : ", For poor Cordelia patiently Went wandring up and down, Unhelp'd, unpity'd, gentle maid. Through many an English town : 50 55 60 65 Untill at last in famous France She gentler fortunes found ; Though poor and bare, yet she was deem'd The fairest on the ground: Where when the king her virtues heard, And this fair lady seen, 70 With fall consent of all his court He made his wife and queen. Her father King Leir this while With his two daughters staid : 134 KING LEIR AND HIS THREE DAUGHTERS. Forgetful of their promised loves, 75 Full soon the same decay'd ; And living in Queen Ragan's court, The eldest of the tvrain, She took from him his chiefest means, And most of all his train. 80 For whereas twenty men were wont To wait with bended knee : She gave allowance but to ten, And after scarce to three ; Nay, one she thought too much for him ; So took she all away, 86 In hope that in her court, good king, He would no longer stay. Am I rewarded thus, quoth he, In giving all I have Unto my children, and to beg For what I lately gave ? I'll go unto my Gonorell : My second child, I know. Will be more kind and pitiful, And will relieve my woe. 90 95 Full fast he hies then to her court ; Where when she heard his moan Return'd him answer, That she griev'd. That all his means were gone : 100 But no way could relieve his wants ; Yet if that he would stay I Within her kitchen, he should have ''™' What scullions gave away. When he had heard, with bitter tears, 105 He made his answer then ; In what I did let me be made Example to all men. I will return again, quoth he, Unto my Ragan's court ; 110 She will not use me thus, I hope, But in a kinder sort. Where when he came, she gave command To drive him thence away : When he was well within her court 115 (She said) he would not stay. Then back again to Gonorell The woeful king did hie, That in her kitchen he might have What scullion boys set by. 120 But there of that he was deny'd Which she had promised late : For once refusing, he should not Come after to her gate. Thus twixt his daughters for relief 125 He wandred up and down ; Being glad to feed on beggars food, r\ That lately' wore a crown. And calling to remembrance then His youngest daughters words, 130 That said the duty of a child Was all that love affords : But doubting to repair to her, Whom he had banish'd so, Grew frantick mad ; for in his mind 135 He bore the wounds of woe : Which made him rend his milk-white locks And tresses from his head. And all with blood bestain his cheeks, With age and honour spread. 140 To hills and woods and watry founts He made his hourly moan, To hills and woods and senseless things, Did seem to sigh and groan. Even thus possest with discontents, 145 He passed o're to France, In hopes from foir Cordelia there. To find some gentler chance ; Most virtuous dame ! which when she heard Of this her father's grief, 150 As duty bound, she quickly sent Him comfort and relief: And by a train of noble peers. In brave and gallant sort, She gave in charge he should be brought To Aganippus' court ; 156 Whose royal king, with noble mind So freely gave consent. To muster up his knights at arms. To fame and courage bent. 160 And so to England came with speed, To repossesse King Leir, And drive his daughters from their thrones By his Cordelia dear. Where she, true-hearted noble queen, 165 Was in the battel slain ; Yet he good king, in his old days, Possest his crown again. But when he heard Cordelia's death, Who died indeed for love ' Of her dear father, in whose cause She did this battle move : 170 FROLICKSOME DUKE, OR THE TINKER'S GOOD FORTUNE. 135 He swooning fell upon her breast, From whence he never parted : But on her bosom left his life. That was so truly hearted. The lords and nobles when they saw The end of these events, The other sisters unto death They doomed by consents ; 180 175 And being dead, their crowns they left Unto the next of kin : Thus have you seen the fall of pride, \ And disobedient sin. XVI. |0ttt^ u)i ^gt is found in a, little collection of Shak- speare's Sonnets, entitled the "Passionate Pilgrime,''* the greatest part of which seems to relate to the amours of Venus and Adonis, being little effusions of fancy, probably writ- ten while he was composing his larger Poem on that subject. The following seems in- tended for the mouth of Venus, weighing the comparative merits of youthful Adonis and aged Vulcan. In the " Garland of Good Will" it is reprinted, with the addition of four more such stanzas, but evidently written by a meaner pen. Crabbed Age and Youth Cannot live together ; Youth is full of pleasance, Age is full of care ; Youth like summer morn, 5 Age like winter weather, Youth like summer brave, Age like winter bare : Youth is full of sport. Ages breath is short ; 10 Youth is nimble, Age is lame : Youth is hot and bold, Age is weak and cold ; Youth is wild, and Age is tame. Age, I do abhor thee, Youth, I do adore thee ; 15 0, my love, my love is young : Age, I do defie thee ; Oh, sweet shepheard, hie thee. For methinks thou stayst too long. 20 *^* See Malone's Shaksp. vol. x., p. 325. XVII. %\t |t0liclis0me guk, gx t\t %mW$ (Bm^i iaidut The following ballad is upon the same sub- ject as the Introduction to Shakspeare's Taming of the Shrew: whether it may be thought to have suggested the hint to the Dramatic poet, or is not rather of later date, the reader must determine. The story is toldf of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy ; and is thus related by an old * Mentioned aboye, song xi. b. ii. t By Ludov. Viyes in Epis. and by Pont. Heuter, Rerum Burgund. 1. 4. 18 English writer : " The said duke, at the mar- riage of Eleonora, sister to the king of Portu- gall, at Bruges in Flanders, which was sol- emnised in the deepe of winter ; when as by reason of unseasonable weather he could nei- ther hawke nor hunt, and was now tired with cards, dice, &c., and such other domestick sports, or to see ladies dance ; with some of his courtiers, he would in the evening walke disguised all about the towne. It so fortuned, as he was walking late one night, he found a countrey fellow dead drunke, snorting on a 136 FROLICKSOME DUKE ; OR, bulke ; he caused his followers to bring him to his palace, and there stripping him of his old clothes, and attyring him after the court fashion, when he wakened he and they were all ready to attend upon his excellency, and persuade him that he was some great duke. The poor fellow admiring how he came there, was served in state all day long: after supper he saw them dance, heard musicke, and all the rest of those court-like pleasures : but late at night, when he ifras well tipled, and again fast asleepe, they put on his old robes, and so conveyed him to the place where they first found him. Now the fellow had not made them so good sport the day before, as he did now, when he returned to himself: all the jest was to see how he looked upon it. In conclusion, after some little admiration, the poore man told his friends he had seen a vision: constantly believed it; would not otherwise be persuaded, and so the jest ended.''' Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, pt. ii. sec. 2, memb. 4, 2d ed. 1624, fol. This ballad is given from a black-letter copy in the Pepys collection, which is enti- tled as above " To the tune of Fond boy.'' Now as fame does report a young duke keeps a court. One that pleases his fancy with frolicksome sport : But amongst all the rest, here is one I protest, Which will make you to smile when you hear the true jest : A poor tinker he found, lying drunk on the ground, 5 As secure in sleep as if laid in a swound. The duke said to his men, William, Richard and Ben, Take him home to my palace, we'll sport with him then. O'er a horse he was laid, and with care soon convey'd To the palace, altho' he was poorly arrai'd: Then they stript off his cloaths, both his shirt, shoes and hose, 11 And they put him to bed for to take his re- pose. Having pull'd off his shirt, which was all over durt. They did give him clean holland, this was no great hurt : On a bed of soft down, like a lord of renown, They did lay him to sleep the drink out of his crown. 16 In the morning when day, then admiring he lay, For to see the rich chamber, both gaudy and gay. Now he lay something late, in his rich bed of state. Till at last knights and squires they on him did wait ; 20 And the chamberlain bare, then did likewise declare. He desired to know what apparel he'd ware : The poor tinker amaz'd, on the gentleman gaz'd. And admired how he to this honour was rais'd. Tho' he seem'd something mute, yet he chose a rich suit, 25 Which he straitways put on without longer dispute : With a star on his side, which the tinker offt ey'd. And it seem'd for to swell him 'no' little with pride ; For he said to himself, Where is Joan my sweet wife ? 29 Sure she never did see me so fine in her life. From a convenient place, the right duke his good grace Did observe his behaviour in every case. To a garden of state, on the tinker they wait, Trumpets sounding before him : thought he, this is great : 34 Where an hour or two, pleasant walks he did view, With commanders and squires in scarlet and blew. A fine dinner was drest, both for him and his guests. He was plac'd at the table above all the rest. In a rich chair ' or bed,' lin'd with fine crim- son red. With a rich golden canopy over his head : 40 As he sat at his meat, the musick play'd sweet. With the choicest of singing his joys to com- pleat. THE FRIAR OF ORDERS GRAY. m While the tinker did dine, he had plenty of wine, Rich canary with sherry and tent superfine. Like a right honest soul, faith, he took off his bowl, 45 Till at last he began for to tumble and roul From his chair to the floor, where he sleeping did snore, \r Being seven times drunker than ever before. Then the duke did ordain, they should strip him amain. And restore him his old leather garments again : 60 ^Twas a point next the worst, yet perform it they must. And they carry'd him strait, where they found him at first ; Then he slept all the night, as indeed well he might ; But when he did waken, his joys took their flight. For his glory ' to him' so pleasant did seem. That he thought it to be but a meer golden dream ; 56 Till at length he was brought to the duke, where he sought For a pardon, as fearing he had set him at nought ; But his highness he said, Thou'rt a jolly bold blade, 59 Such a frolick before I think never was plaid. Then his highness bespoke him a new suit and cloak. Which he gave for the sake of this frolick- some joak ; Nay, and five-hundred pound, with ten acres of ground, Thou shalt never, said he, range the coun- teries round. Crying old brass to mend, for FU be thy good friend, 65 Nay, and Joan thy sweet wife shall my duchess attend. Then the tinker reply'd. What ! must Joan my sweet bride Be a lady in chariots of pleasure to ride ? Must we have gold and land ev'ry day at command ? Then I shall be a squire I well understand : Well I thank your good grace, and your love I embrace, 71 I was never before in so happy a case. XVIII. ^t ixmx 0f irhrs 6raj» Dispersed through Shakspeare's plays are innumerable little fragments of ancient bal- lads, the entire copies of which could not be recovered. Many of these being of the most beautiful and pathetic simplicity, the Editor was tempted to select some of them, and with a few supplemental stanzas to connect them together, and form them into a little Tale, which is here submitted to the reader's can- dour. One small fragment was taken from Beau- mont and Fletcher. It was a friar of orders gray Walkt forth to tell his beades ; 18 And he met with a lady faire Clad in a pilgrime's weedes. Now Christ thee save, thou reverend friar, 5 I pray thee tell to me. If ever at yon holy shrine My true love thou didst see. And how should I know your true love From many another one ? 10 0, by his cockle hat, and staff. And by his sandal shoone.* * These are the distinguishing marks of a Pilgrim. The chief places of devotion being beyond sea, the pilgrims were wont to put cockle-shells in their hats to denote the intention of performance of their devotion. Warb. Shakesp. vol. viii. p. 224. 138 THE miAR OF ORDERS GRAY. But chiefly by his face and mien, That were so fair to view ; His flaxen locks that sweetly curl'd, And eyne of lovely blue. lady, he is dead and gone ! A 'Xady, he's dead and gone ! And at his head a green grass turfe, And at his heels a stone. Within these holy cloysters long He languisht and he dyed, Lamenting of a ladyes love, And 'playning of her pride. Here bore him barefac'd on his bier Six proper youths and tall, And many a tear bedewed his grave Within yon kirk-yard wall. And art thou dead, thou gentle youth ! And art thou dead and gone ! And didst thou dye for love of me ! Break, cruel heart of stone ! weep not, lady, weep not soe : Some ghostly comfort seek : Let not vain sorrow rive thy heart, Ne teares bedew thy cheek. do not, do not, holy friar. My sorrows now reprove ; For I have lost the sweetest youth. That e'er wan ladyes love. V^ And nowe, alas ! for thy sad I'll evermore weep and sigh : For thee I only wisht to live. For thee I wish to dye. Weep no more, lady, weep no more. Thy sorrowe is in vaine : For violets pluckt the sweetest showers Will ne'er make grow againe. Our joys as winged dreams doe flye. Why then should sorrow last ? Since grief but aggravates thy losse, Grieve not for what is past. say not soe, thou holy friar ; I pray thee, say not soe : For since my true-love dyed for mee, 'Tis meet my tears should flow. 15 20 25 30 85 40 45 50 55 And will he ne'er come again ? Will he ne'er come again? Ah ! no, he is dead and laid in his grave, For ever to remain. 60 His cheek was redder than the rose ; The comliest youth was he ! But he is dead and laid in his grave : Alas, and woe is me ! Sigh no more, lady, sigh no more. 65 Men were deceivers ever : "Hi, One foot on sea and one on land, To one thing constant never. Hadst thou been fond, he had been false, And left thee sad and heavy ; 70 For young men ever were fickle found, Since summer trees were leafy. Now sae not soe, thou holy friar, I pray thee say not soe ; My love he had the truest heart : 75 he was ever true ! And art thou dead, thou much-lov'd youth, And didst thou dye for mee ? Then farewell home ; for ever-more A pilgrim I will bee. 80 But first upon my true-loves grave My weary limbs I'll lay, And thrice I'll kiss the green-grass turf, That wraps his breathless clay. Yet stay, fair lady : rest awhile 85 Beneath this cloyster wall : See through the hawthorn blows the cold wind, And drizzly rain doth fall. stay me not, thou holy friar ; stay me not, I pray ; 90 No drizzly rain that falls on me. Can wash my fault away. Yet stay, fair lady, turn again, And dry those pearly tears ; For see beneath this gown of gray 95 Thy owne true-love appears. Here forc'd by grief, and hopeless love, These holy weeds I sought ; And here amid these lonely walls To end my days I thought. 100 THE MORE MODERN BALLAD OF CHEVY-CHASE. 139 But haply for my year of grace* Is not yet past away, Might I still hope to win thy love, No longer would I stay. Now farewell grief, and welcome joy 105 Once more unto my heart ; For since I have found thee, lovely youth, We never more will part. *^.* As the foregoing song has been thought * The year of probation, or novitiate. to have suggested to our late excellent poet Dr. Goldsmith, the plan of his beautiful bal- lad of '* Edwin and Emma," (first printed in his "Vicar of Wakefield,") it is but justice to his memory to declare, that his poem was written first, and that if there is any imitation in the case, they will be found both to be in- debted to the beautiful old ballad "Gentle Herdsman," &c., printed in this work, which the doctor had much admired in manuscript, and has finely improved. See Series the Second, book i. song xiv. ver. 37, &c. THE END OF THE SECOND BOOK. SERIES THE FIRST. BOOK III. I. %\t mm P^i^rn §allai 0f Cpg-ilifease. At the beginning of this volume we gave the old original Song of " Chevy-Chase." The reader has here the more improved edi- tion of that fine heroic ballad. It will afford an agreeable entertainment to the curious to compare them together, and to see how far the latter bard has excelled his predecessor, and where he has fallen short of him. For though he has everywhere improved the ver- sification, and generally the sentiment and diction ; yet some few passages retain more dignity in the ancient copy ; at least the ob- soleteness of the style serves as a veil to hide whatever might appear too familiar or vulgar in them. Thus, for instance, the catastrophe of the gallant Witherington is in the modern copy expressed in terms which never fail at present to excite ridicule: whereas in the original it is related with a plain and pathetic simplicity, that is liable to no such unlucky effect : See the stanza in page 4, which, in modern orthography, &c., would run thus : " For Witherington my heart is woe, That ever he slain should be : For when his legs were hewn in two He knelt and fought on his knee." So again the stanza which describes the fall of Montgomery is somewhat more ele- vated in the ancient copy : " The dint it was both sad and sore, He on Montgomery set : The swan-feathers his arrow bore With his heart's blood were wet." We might also add, that the circumstances of the battle are more clearly conceived, and the several incidents more distinctly marked in the old original, than in the improved copy. It is well known that the ancient English weapon was the long-bow, and that this nation excelled all others in archery ; while the Scottish warriors chiefly depended on the use of the spear : this characteristic difference never escapes our ancient bard, whose description of the first onset (p. 53) is to the following effect : " The proposal of the two gallant earls to 140 THE MORE MODERN BALLAD OF CHEVY-CHASE. determine the dispute by single combat being overruled ; the English, says he, who stood with their bows ready bent, gave a general discharge of their arrows, which slew seven score spearmen of the enemy : but, notwith- standing so severe a loss, Douglas like a brave captain kept his ground. He had divided his forces into three columns, who, as soon as the English had discharged the first volley, bore down upon them with their spears, and breaking through their ranks reduced them to close fighting. The archers upon this dropped their bows, and had recourse to their swords, and there followed so sharp a conflict, that multitudes on both sides lost their lives." In the midst of this general engagement, at length the two great earls meet, and after a spirited rencounter agree to breathe ; upon which a parley ensues, that would do honour to Homer himself. Nothing can be more pleasingly distinct and circumstantial than this : whereas, the modern copy, though in general it has great merit, is here unluckily both confused and obscure. Indeed the original words seem here to have been totally misunderstood, " Yet bydys the yerl Douglas upon the Bent J" evidently signifies, " Yet the earl Douglas abides in the Field:" Whereas the more modern bard seems to have understood by Bent, the inclination of his mind, and accor- dingly runs quite ofi" from the subject.* " To drive the deer with hound and horn Earl Douglas had the bent." v. 109. One may also observe a generous impar- tiality in the old original bard, when in the conclusion of his tale he represents both na- tions as quitting the field, without any re- proachful reflection on either: though he gives to his own countrymen the credit of being the smaller number. " Of fifteen hundred a.rchers of England Went away but fifty and three ; Of twenty hundred spearmen of Scotland, But even five and fifty." He attributes flight to neither party, as hath been done in the modern copies of this bal- * In the present edition, instead of the unmeaning lines here censured, an insertion is made of four stanzas modern- ized from the ancient copy. lad, as well Scotch as English. For, to be even with our latter bard, who makes the Scots to flee, some reviser of North Britain has turned his own arms against him, and printed an edition at Glasgow, in which the lines are thus transposed : " Of fifteen hundred Scottish spiers Went hame but fifty-three : Of twenty hundred Englishmen Scarce fifty-five did flee." And to countenance this change he has sup- pressed the two stanzas between ver. 240 and ver. 249. — From that edition I have here re- formed the Scottish names, which in the modern English ballad appeared to be cor- rupted. When I call the present admired ballad modern, I only mean that it is comparatively so ; for that it could not be writ much later than the time of Queen Elizabeth, I think may be made appear ; nor yet does it seem to be older than the beginning of the last century.* Sir Philip Sidney, when he com- plains of the antiquated phrase of " Chevy_ Chase," could never have seen this improved copy, the language of which is not more an- cient than that he himself used. It is proba- ble that the encomiums of so admired a wri- ter excited some bard to revise the ballad, and to free it from those faults he had object- ed to it. That it could not be much later than that time, appears from the phrase " Doleful Dumps ;" which in that age carried no ill sound with it, but to the next genera- tion became ridiculous. We have seen it pass uncensured in a sonnet that was at that time in request, and where it could not fail to have been taken notice of, had it been in the least exceptionable : see above, b. ii. song vi. ver. * A late writer has started a notion that the more modern copy " was written to be sung by a party of English, headed by a Douglas, in the year 1524; which is the true reason why, at the same time that it gives the advantage to the English soldiers above the Scotch, it gives yet so lovely and so manifestly superior a character to the Scotch com- mander above the English." See Say's Essay on the Num- bers of Paradise Lost, 4to., 1745, p. 167. This appears to me a groundless conjecture; the lan- guage seems too modern for the date above mentioned ; and, had it been printed even so early as Queen Elizabeth's reign, I think I should have met with some copy wherein the first line would have been, God prosper long our noble queen, as was the case with the Blind Beggar of Bednal Green f see Series the Second, No. x. ver. 23. THE MORE MODERN BALLAD OF CHEVY-CHASE. 141 2: Yet, in about half a century after, it was become burlesque. Vide Hudibras, pt. i. c. 3, V. 95. This much premised, the reader that would see the general beauties of this ballad set in a just and striking light, may consult the ex- cellent criticism of Mr. Addison.* With re- gard to its subject: it has already been con- sidered in page 51. The conjectures there offered will receive confirmation from a pas- sage in the Memoirs of Carey Earl of Mon- mouth, 8vo., 1759, p. 165 ; whence we learn that it was an ancient custom with the bor- derers of the two kingdoms, when they were at peace, to send to the Lord Wardens of the opposite Marches for leave to hunt within their districts. If leave was granted, then towards the end of summer they would come and hunt for several days together " with their Greyhounds for Deer :" but if they took this liberty unpermitted, then the Lord War- den of the border so invaded, would not fail to interrupt their sport and chastise their boldness. He mentions a remarkable in- stance that happened while he was Warden, when some Scotch Gentlemen coming to hunt in defiance of him, there must have ensued such an action as this of Chevy-Chase, if the intruders had been proportionably numerous and well-armed : for, upon their being attack- ed by his men at arms, he tells us, " some hurt was done, tho' he had given especiall order that they should shed as little blood as possible." They were in effect overpowered and taken prisoners, and only released on their promise to abstain from such licentious sporting for the future. The following text is given from a copy in the Editor's folio MS. compared with two or three others printed in black-letter. — In the second volume of Dryden's Miscellanies may be found a translation of Chevy-Chase into Latin Rhymes. The translator, Mr. Henry Bold, of New College, undertook it at the command of Dr. Compton, bishop of London ; who thought it no derogation to his episcopal character, to avow a fondness for this excel- lent old ballad. See the preface to Bold's Latin Songs, 1685, Svo. God prosper long our noble king, Our lives and safetyes all ; * In the Spectator, No. 70, 74. A woefull hunting once there did In Chevy-Chace befall ; To drive the deere with hound and home, 5 Erie Percy took his way. The child may rue that is unborne. The hunting of that day. The stout Erie of Northumberland A vow to God did make, 10 His pleasure in the Scottish woods Three summers days to take ; The cheefest harts in Chevy-Chace To kill and beare away. These tydings to Erie Douglas came, 15 In Scottland where he lay : Who sent Erie Percy present word, He would prevent his sport. The English Erie, not fearing that, Did to the woods resort, 20 With fifteen hundred bow-men bold ; All chosen men of might. Who knew full well in time of neede To ayme their shafts aright. The gallant greyhounds swiftly ran, 25 To chase the fallow deere : On Munday they began to hunt. Ere day-light did appeare ; And long before high noone they had An hundred fat buckes slaine ; 30 Then having dined, the drovyers went To rouze the deare againe. The bow-men mustered on the hills, Well able to endure ; Theire backsides all, with speciall care, That day were guarded sure. 35 The hounds ran swiftly through the woods, The nimble deere to take,* Yer. 36, That they were, fol. MS. * The Chiviot Hills aud circumjacent Wastes are at pro- sent void of Deer, and almost stripped of their woods ; but formerly they had enough of both to justify the description attempted here and in the Ancient Ballad of Chevt-Chase. Leyland, in the reign of Hen. VIII., thus describes this county : " In Northumberland, as I heare say, be no forests, except Chivet Hills; where is much Brushe-Wood, and some Okke ; Grownde ovargrowne with Linge, and some with Morse. I have harde say that Chivet HiUs stretchethe 142 THE MORE MODERN BALLAD OF CHEVY-CHASE. That with their cryes the hills and dales An eccho shrill did make. 40 Lord Percy to the quarry went, To view the slaughter'd deere ; Quoth he, Erie Douglas promised This day to meet me heere : But if I thought he wold not come, 45 Noe longer wold I stay. With that, a brave younge gentleman Thus to the Erie did say : Loe, yonder doth Erie Douglas come, His men in armour bright ; 50 Full twenty hundred Scottish speres All marching in our sight ; All men of pleasant Tivydale, East by the river Tweede : cease your sports, Erie Percy said, 55 And take your bowes with speede. And now with me, my countrymen, Your courage forth advance ; For there was never champion yett In Scotland or in France, 60 That ever did on horsebacke come. But if my hap it were, 1 durst encounter man for man, "With him to break a spere. Erie Douglas on his milke-white steede, 65 Most like a baron bold. Rode formost of his company. Whose armour shone like gold. Show me, sayd hee, whose men you bee. That hunt soe boldly heere, 70 That, without my consent, doe chase And kill my fallow-deere. The first man that did answer make Was noble Percy hee ; Who sayd. Wee list not to declare, Nor shew whose men wee bee. Yet wee will spend our deerest blood, Thy cheefest harts to slay. 75 XX miles. There is greate Plente of Redde-Dere, and Roo BuKKES." Itin. vol. Tii. p. 56. This passage, which did not occur when pages 74, 75, were printed off, confirm the accounts there giyen of the Stagge and the Roe. Then Douglas swore a solempne oathe And thus in rage did say, 80 Ere thus I will out-braved bee, One of us two shall dye : I know thee well, an erle thou art ; Lord Percy, soe am I. 85 But trust me, Percy, pittye it were And great offence to kill Any of these our guiltlesse men, For they have done no ill. Let thou and I the battell trye, And set our men aside. 90 Accurst bee he, Erie Percy sayd, By whom this is denyed. Then stept a gallant squier forth, Witherington was his name. Who said, I wold not have it told 95 To Henry our king for shame, That ere my captaine fought on foote And I stood looking on. You bee two erles, sayd Witherinton And I a squier alone : 100 He doe the best that doe I may, While I have power to stand : While I have power to weeld my sword, He fight with hart and hand. Our English archers bent their bowes, 105 Their harts were good and trew ; Att the first flight of arrowes sent. Full four-score Scots they slew. * [Yet bides Earl Douglas on the bent, As Chieftan stout and good. 110 As valiant Captain, all unmoved The shock he firmly stood. His host he parted had in three. As Leader ware and try'd. And soon his spearmen on their foes 115 Bare down on every side. * The four stanzas here enclosed in brack- ets, which are borrowed chiefly fram the an- cient copy, are offered to the reader instead of the following lines, which occur in the editor's folio MS. THE MORE MODERN BALLAD OF CHEVY-CHASE. 143 To drive the deere with hound and home, Douglas bade on the bent ; Two captaines moved with mickle might Their speares to shivers went. Throughout the English archery They dealt full many a wound : But still our valiant Englishmen All firmly kept their ground : 120 And throwing strait their bows away, They grasp'd their swords so bright : And now sharp blows, a heavy shower, On shields and helmets light.] They closed full fast on everye side, 125 Noe slacknes there was found ; And many a gallant gentleman Lay gasping on the ground. Christ ! it was a griefe to see. And likewise for to heare, 130 The cries of men lying in their gore. And scattered here and there. At last these two stout erles did meet, Like captaines of great might: Like lyons wood, they layd on lode, 135 And made a cruell fight : They fought untill they both did sweat, With swords of tempered Steele ; Until the blood, like drops of rain. They trickling downe did feele. 140 Yeeld thee, Lord Percy, Douglas sayd ; In faith I will thee bringe. Where thou shalt high advanced bee By James our Scottish king : Thy ransome I will freely give, 145 And this report of thee. Thou art the most courageous knight That ever I did see. Noe, Douglas, quoth Erie Percy then, Thy profi'er I doe scorne ; 150 1 will not yeelde to any Scott, That ever yett was borne. With that, there came an arrow keene Out of an English bow, Which struck Erie Douglas to the heart, 155 A deepe and deadlye blow : 19 Who never spake more words than these, Fight on, my merry men all ; For why, my life is at an end ; Lord Percy sees my fall. 160 Then leaving lifie, Erie Percy tooke The dead man by the hand ; And said, Erie Douglas, for thy life Wold I had lost my land. 165 Christ ! my verry hert doth bleed With sorrow for thy sake ; For sure, a more redoubted knight Mischance cold never take. A knight amongst the Scotts there was, Which saw Erie Douglas dye, * 170 Who streight in wrath did vow revenge Upon the Lord Percye : Sir Hugh Mountgomery was he call'd, Who, with a speare most bright. Well-mounted on a gallant steed, 175 Ran fiercely through the fight ; And past the English archers all, Without all dread or feare ; And through Erie Percyes body then He thrust his hatefull speare ; 180 With such a v^ement force and might He did his body gore. The stafi" ran through the other side A large cloth-yard, and more. So thus did both these nobles dye, Whose courage none could staine : An English archer then perceiv'd The noble erle was slaine ; He had a bow bent in his hand, Made of a trusty tree ; An arrow of a cloth-yard long Up to the head drew hee : Against Sir Hugh Mountgomeryo, So right the shaft he sett, The grey goose-wing that was thereon, In his harts blood was wett. This fight did last from break of day, Till setting of the sun ; 185 190 195 144 THE MOEE MODERN BALLAD OF CHEVY-CHASE. For when they rung the evening-bell,* The battle scarce was done. 200 With stout Erie Percy, there was slaine Sir John of Egerton,t Sir Robert Ratcliff, and Sir John, Sir James that bold barron ; And with Sir George and stout Sir James, Both knights of good account, 206 Good Sir Ralph Raby there was slaine, Whose prowesse did surmount. For AYitherington needs must I wayle As one in doleful dumpes ;t For when his leggs were smitten off. He fought upon his stumpes. 210 And with Erie Douglas, there was slaine Sir Hugh Mountgomerye, Sir Charles Murray, that from the feeld 215 One foote wold never flee. Sir Charles Murray, of Ratcliff, too. His sisters sonne was hee ; Sir David Lamb, so well esteem'd. Yet saved cold not bee. 220 225 And the Lord Maxwell in like case Did with Erie Douglas dye : Of twenty hundred Scottish speres Scarce fifty-five did flye. Of fifteen hundred Englishmen, Went home but fifty-three ; The rest were slaine in Chevy-Chase, Under the greene woode tree. Next day did many widowes come, Their husbands to bewayle ; 230 They washt their wounds in brinish teares, But all wold not prevayle. Theyr bodyes, bathed in purple gore, They bare with them away : They kist them dead a thousand times, 235 Ere they were cladd in clay. * Sc. the Curfew bell, usually rung at eight o'clock ; to which the modernizer apparently alludes, instead of the " Evensong hell," or hell for vespers of the original author, before the Reformation. Vide suprk, pag. 57, v. 97. t For the surnames, see the Notes at the end of the Ballad. $ i. e. " T, as one in deep concern, must lament." The construction here has generally been misunderstood. The old MS. rea A priest, a priest, sayes Aldingar, While I am a man alive. 185 A priest, a priest, sayes Aldingar, Me for to houzle and shrive.'^' I wolde have laine by our comlie queene, Bot shee wolde never consent ; 190 Then I thought to betraye her unto our kinge^-^ In a fyer to have her brent. ' There came a lazar to the kings gates, A lazar both blind and lame ; I tooke the lazar upon my backe, 195 And on her bedd had him layne. Then ranne I to our comlye king, These tidings sore to tell. But ever alacke ! sayes Aldingar, Falsing never doth well.'"^ 200 Forgive, forgive me, queene, madame, The short time I must live, " No we Christ forgive thee, Aldingar, As freely I forgive." . Here take thy queene, our King Harry^, And love her as thy life, 206 For never had a king in Christen tye, A truer and fairer wifer~\ King Henrye ran to claspe his queene. And loosed her full sone ; 210 Then turnd to look for the tinye boye ; „: The boye was vanisht and gone. But first he had touchd the lazar man. And stroakt him with his hand : The lazar under the gallowes tree , 215 All whole and sounde did stand. ^ The lazar under the gallowes tree Was comelye, straight and tall ; King Henrye made him his head stew^rde To wayte withinn his haU. "5^^* 220 THE GABERLUNZIE MAN. 191 X. t iabulunju itam A SCOTTISH SONG. Tradition informs us that the author of this song was King James Y. of Scotland. This prince (whose character for wit and libertinism bears a great resemblance to that of his gay successor Charles II.) was noted for strolling about his dominions in disguise,* and for his frequent gallantries with country girls. Two adventures of this kind he hath celebrated with his own pen, viz., in this ballad of " The Gaberlunzie Man ;" and in another, entitled " The Jolly Beggar," begin- ning thus : *' Thair was a joUie beggar, and a begging he was boun. And he tuik up his quarters into a land' art toun. Fa, la, la, &c." It seems to be the latter of these ballads (which was too licentious to be admitted into this collection) that is meant in the Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, f where the in- genious writer remarks, that there is some- thing very ludicrous in the young woman's distress when she thought her first favour had been thrown away upon a beggar. Bishop Tanner has attributed to James V. the celebrated ballad of " Christ's Kirk on the Green," which is ascribed to King James I. in Bannatyne's MS. written in 1568 : and notwithstanding that authority, the editor of this book is of opinion that Bishop Tanner was right. King James V. died December 13th, 1542, aged 33. l^y^CHE pauky auld Carle came ovir the lee Wi' mony good-eens and days to mee, Saying, Goodwife, for zour courtesie, Will ze lodge a silly poor man? The night was cauld, the carle was wat, 5 And down azout the ingle he sat, j/'/My doehters shoulders he gan to clap. And cadgiiy ranted and sang. * sc. of a tinker, besgar. &c. Thus he used to visit a smith's daughter at NidJry. near Edinburgh, t Vol. II. p. 203. 25 wow ! quo he, were I as free, As first when I saw this countrie, 10 How blyth and merry wad I bee ! And I wad nevir think lang. He grew canty, and she grew fain ; But little did her auld minny ken What thir slee twa togither were say'n, 15 When wooing they were sa thrang. And ! quo he, ann ze were as black, As evir the crown of your dadyes hat, Tis I wad lay thee by my back, And awa wi' me thou sould gang. 20 And ! quoth she, ann I were as white, As evir the snaw lay on the dike, lid dead me braw, and lady-like, And awa with thee lid gang. Between the twa was made a plot ; 25 They raise a wee before the cock, And wyliely they shot the lock, And fast to the bent are they gane. Up the morn the auld wife raise. And at her leisure put on her claiths, 30 Syne to the servants bed she gaes To speir for the silly poor man. She gaed to the bed, whair the beggar lay The strae was cauld, he was away. She clapt her hands, cryd, Dulefu' day ! 35 For some of our geir will be gane. Some ran to cofi'er, and some to kist. But nought was stown that could be mist. She dancid her lane, cryd. Praise be blest, I have lodgd a leal poor man. 40 Since naithings awa, as we can learn. The kirns to kirn, and milk to earn, Gae butt the house, lass, and waken my bairn, And bid her come quickly ben. The servant gaed where the dochter lay, 45 The sheets was cauld, she was away. And fast to her goodwife can say, Shes afi'with the gaberlunzie-man.->( Yer. 29, The Carline. Other copies. 192 ON THOMAS LORD CROMWELL. fy gar ride, and fy gar rin, And hast ze, find these traitors agen ; 50 For shees be burnt, and hees be slein, The wearyfou gaberlunzie-man. Some rade upo horse, some ran a fit, The wife was wood, and out o' her wit ; She could na gang, nor yet could she sit, 55 But ay did curse and did ban. / Mean time far hind out owre the lee, For snug in a glen, where nane could see, The twa, with kindlie sport and glee, Cut frae a new cheese a whang. 60 The pfiving was gude, it pleas'd them baith. To lo'e her for ay, he gae her his aith. Quo she, to leave thee, I will be laith. My winsome gaberlunzie-man. kend my minny I were wi' zou, 65 Illfardly wad she crook her mou. Sic a poor man sheld nevir trow, Aftir the gaberlunzie-mon. My dear, quo he, zee're zet owre zonge ; And hae na learnt the beggars tonge, 70 To follow me frae toun to toun, And Carrie the gaberlunzie on. Wi' kauk and keel. 111 win zour bread,^ And spindles and whorles for them wha need, Whilk is a gentil trade indeed 75 The gaberlunzie to carrie — o. Ill bow my leg and crook my knee. And draw a black clout owre my ee, A criple or blind they will cau me : While we sail sing and be merrie— o. XI. (Bu %\mu fijrt Cr^mtoHl It is ever the fate of a disgraced minister to be forsaken by his friends, and insulted by his enemies, always reckoning among the latter the giddy inconstant multitude. We have here a spurn at fallen greatness from some angry partisan of declining Popery, who could never forgive the downfall of their Diana, and loss of their craft. The ballad seems to have been composed between the time of Cromwell's commitment to the Tower, June 11, 1540, and that of his being beheaded July 28, following. A short interval! but Henry's passion for Catherine Howard would admit of no delay. Notwithstanding our li- beller, Cromwell had many excellent quali- ties : his great fault was too much obsequi- yousness to the arbitrary will of his master ; but let it be considered that this master had raised him from obscurity, and that the high- born nobility had shown him the way in every kind of mean and servile compliance. — The original copy printed at London in 1540, is entitled, "A newe ballade made of Thomas Crumwel, called Trolle on away." To it is prefixed this distich by way of burthen, Trolle on away, trolle on awaye. Synge heave and howe rombelowe trolle on away. Both man and chylde is glad to here tell Of that false traytoure Thomas Crumwell, Now that he is set to learne to spell. Synge trolle on away. When fortune lokyd the in thy face, — i^ Thou haddyst fayre tyme, but thou lackydyst grace ; 5 Thy cofera with golde thou fyllydst a pace. Synge, &c. Both plate and chalys came to thy fyst, Thou lockydst them vp where no man wyst, Tyll in the kynges treasoure suche thinges were myst. Synge, &c. Both crust and crumme came thorowe thy handes, 10 Thy marchaundyse sayled over the sandes, Therfore nowe thou art layde fast in bandes. Synge, &c. Fyrste when kynge Henry, God saue his grace ? Perceyud myschefe kyndlyd in thy face, Then it was tyme to purchase the a place. 15 Synge, &c. ON THOMAS LOKD CROMWELL. 193 Hys grace was euer of gentyll nature, Mouyd with petye, and made the hys seruy- ture ; But thou, as a wretehe, suche thinges dyd procure. Synge, &c. Thou dyd not remembre, false heretyke, One God, one fayth, and one kynge catholyke. For thou hast bene so long a scysmatyke. 21 Synge, &c. Thou woldyst not learne to knowe these thre ; But euer was full of iniquite : Wherfore all this lande hathe ben troubled with the. Synge, &c. All they, that were of the new trycke, 25 Agaynst the churche thou baddest them stycke ; Wherfore nowe thou haste touchyd the quycke. Synge, &c. Bothe sacramentes and sacramentalles Thou woldyst not suffre within thy walles ; Nor let vs praye for all chrysten soules. 30 Synge, &c. Of what generacyon thou were no tonge can tell, Whyther of Chayme, or Syschemell, Or else sent vs frome the deuyll of hell. Synge, &c. Tho woldest neuer to vertue applye, But couetyd euer to clymme to hye, 35 And nowe haste thou trodden thy shoo awrye, Synge, &c. Ver. 32, i. e. Cain or Ishmael. Who-so-euer dyd winne thou wolde not lose ; Wherfore all Englande doth hate the, as I suppose Bycause thou wast false to the redolent rose. Synge, &c. Thou myghtest have learned thy clothe to flocke 40 Upon thy gresy fullers stocke : Wherfore lay downe thy heade vpon this blocke. Synge, &c. Yet saue that soule, that God hath bought. And for thy carcas care thou nought. Let it suffre payne, as it hath wrought. 45 Synge, &c. God saue kyng Henry with all his power, And prynce Edwarde that goodly flowre, With al hys lordes of great honoure. Synge trolle on awaye, syng trolle on away Hevye and how rombelowe trolle on awaye. tjf The foregoing Piece gave rise to a poetic controversy, which was carried on through a succession of seven or eight Bal- lads written for and against Lord Cromwell. These are all preserved in the archives of the Antiquarian Society, in a large folio Collec- tion of Proclamations, &c., made in the reigns of King Henry YIIL, King Edward VI., Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James I., &c. V. 41, Cromwell's father ia generally said to have been a blacksmith at Putney ; but the author of this Ballad would insinuate that either he himself or some of his ancestors were Fullers by trade. 194 HARPALUS. c ( i II. AN ANCIENT ENGLISH PASTORAL. This beautiful poem, which is perhaps the Harpalus prevailed nought, first attempt at pastoral writing in our lan- His labour all was lost ; guage, is preserved among the " Song ;s and For he was fardest from her thought, Sonnettes" of the Earl of Surrey, &c. , 4to., And yet he loved her most. -^ in that part of the collection which consists of pieces by " Uncertain Auctours." These Therefore waxt he both pale and leane 25 poems were first published in 1557, ten years And drye as clot of clay : after that accomplished nobleman fell a vic- His flesh e it was consumed cleane: tim to the tyranny of Henry VIII., but it is His colour gone away. presumed most of them were composed be- fore the death of Sir Thomas Wyatt in 1541. His beard it had not long be shave ; See Surrey's poems, 4to., fol. 19, 49. His heare hong all unkempt: 30 Though written perhaps near half \ een- A man most fit even for the grave, tury before the " Shepherd's Calender,' * this Whom spitefuU love had spent. will be found far superior to any of those Ec- logues, in natural unafi'ected sentiments, in His eyes were red, and all * forewacht* simplicity of style, in easy flow of versifica- His face besprent with teares : tion, and all other beauties of pastoral poetry. It semde unhap had him long 'hatcht,' 35 Spenser ought to have profited more by so In mids of his dispaires. excellent a model. His clothes were blacke, and also bare ; Phtlida was a faire mayde, As one forlorne was he ; As fresh as any flowre ; Upon his head alwayes he ware Whom Harpalus the Herdman prayde A wreath of wyllow tree. 40 To be his paramour. His beastes he kept upon the hyll, Harpalus, and eke Corin, 5 And he sate in the dale ; Were herdmen both yfere : And thus with sighes and sorrowes shril. And Phylida could twist and spinne He gan to tell his tale. And thereto sing full clere. But Phylida was all to coye, Oh Harpalus ! (thus would he say) 45 For Harpalus to winne : For Corin was her onely joye. Who forst her not a pinne. 10 Unhappiest under sunne ! The cause of thine unhappy day, By love was first begunne. Ilow often would she flowers twine ? For thou wentest first by sute to seeke -^ How often garlandes make A tigre to make tame, 50 Of couslips and of colombine ? 15 That settes not by thy love a leeke ; And al for Corin's sake. But makes thy griefs her game. But Corin, he had haukes to lure, As easy it were for to convert And forced more the field : The frost into ' a' flame ; Of lovers lawe he toke no cure ; As for to turne a frowarde hert, 55 For once he was begilde. 20 Whom thou so faine wouldst frame. * First published in 1579. Ver. 33, &c. The corrections are from Ed. 1574. EOBIN AND MAKYNE. 195 Corin he liveth car^lesse : He leapes among the leaves : He eates the frutes of thy redresse: Thou * reapst/ he takes the sheaves. 60 My beastes, a whyle your foode refraine, And harke your herdmans sounde ; Whom spitefull love, alas ! hath slaine, Through-girt with many a vrounde. happy be ye, beastes wilde, 65 That here your pasture takes : 1 se that ye be not begilde Of these your faithfull makes. The hart he feedeth by the hinde : The bucke harde by the do : 70 The turtle dove is not unkinde To him that loves her so. The ewe she hath by her the ramme ; The young cow hath the bull: The calfe with many a lusty lambe 75 Do fede their hunger full. But, well-away ! that nature wrought The, Phylida, so faire : For I may say that I have bought Thy. beauty all t6 deare. 80 What reason is that crueltie With beautie should have part? Or els that such great tyranny Should dwell in womans hart ? 85 I see therefore to shape my death She cruelly is prest ; To th^ ende that I may want my breath : My dayes been at the best. Cupide, graunt this my request, And do not stoppe thine eares, 90 That she may feele within her brest The paines of my dispaires : Of Corin * who' is carelesse, That she may crave her fee : As I have done in great distresse, 95 That loved her faithfuUy. But since that I shal die her slave ; Her slave, and eke her thrall : Write you, my frendes, upon my grave This chaunce that is befall. 100 " Here lieth unhappy Harpalus By cruell love now slaine : Whom Phylida unjustly thus Hath murdred with disdaine." XIII. l0biti n)s Italipt AN ANCIENT SCOTTISH PASTORAL. The palm of pastoral poesy is here con- tested by a contemporary writer with the author of the foregoing. The critics will judge of their respective merits ; but must make some allowance for the preceding bal- lad, which is given simply as it stands in the old editions : whereas this, which follows, has been revised and amended throughout by Allan Ramsay, from whose " Ever-Green,'^ Vol. I., it is here chiefly printed. The curious reader may however compare it with the more original copy, printed among " Ancient Scottish Poems, from the MS. of George Ban- natyne, 1568, Edinb. 1770, 12mo." Mr. Ro- bert Henryson (to whom we are indebted for this poem) appears to so much advantage among the writers of eclogue, that we are sorry we can give little other account of him besides what is contained in the following eloge, written by W. Dunbar, a Scottish poet who lived about the middle of the 16th cen- tury: " In Dumferling, he [Death] hath tane Broun, With gude Mr. Robert Henryson." Indeed some little further insight into the history of this Scottish bard is gained from 196 ROBIN AND MAKYNE. the title prefixed to some of his poems pre- served in the British Museum ; viz., " The morall Fabillis of Esop compylit be Maister Robert Henrisoun, Scolmaister of Dumferm- ling, 1571." Harleian MSS. 3865, ^ 1. In Ramsay's " Ever-Green," Vol. I., whence the above distich is extracted, are preserved two other little Doric pieces by Henryson ; the one entitled " The Lyon and the Mouse," the other " The Garment of Gude Ladyis." Some other of his poems may be seen in the "Ancient Scottish Poems printed from Ban- natyne's MS.," above referred to. Robin sat on the gude grene hill, Keipand a flock of fie, Quhen mirry Makyne said him till, " Robin, rew on me : I haif thee luivt baith loud and still, 5 Thir towmonds twa or thre ; My dule in dern bot gifi" thou dill, Doubtless but dreid 111 die." Robin replied, Now by the rude, Naithing of luve I knaw, 10 But keip my sheip undir yon wod : Lo quhair they raik on raw. Quhat can have mart thee in thy mude, ! Thou Makyne to me schaw ; ! Or quhat is luve, or to be lude ? 15 | Fain wald I leir that law. ! " The law of luve gin thou wald leir, /' Tak thair an A, B, C ; Be heynd, courtas, and fair of feir, Wyse, hardy, kind and frie, 20 Sae that nae danger do the deir. Quhat dule in dern thou drie ; Press ay to pleis and blyth appeir, Be patient and privie." Robin, he answert her againe, 25 I wat not quhat is luve ; But I haif marvel in certaine Quhat makes thee thus wanrufe. The wedder is fair, and I am fain ; My sheep gais hail abuve ; 30 And sould we pley us on the plain. They wald us baith repruve. Ver. 19, Bannatyne's MS. reads as above, heynd, not keynd, as in the Edinb. edit. 1770. V. 21, So that no danger. Bannatyne's MS. " Robin, tak tent unto my tale, And wirk all as I reid ; And thou sail haif my heart all hale 35 Eik and my maiden-heid : Sen God, he sendis bute for bale, And for murning remeid, I'dern with thee bot gif I dale, Doubtless I am but deid." 40 Makyne, to-morn be this ilk tyde, Gif ye will meit me heir, Maybe my sheip may gang besyde, Quhyle we have liggd full neir : But maugre haif I, gif I byde, 45 Frae thay begin to steir, Quhat lyes on heart I will nocht hyd, Then Makyne mak gude cheir. "Robin, thou reivs me of my rest; I luve bot thee alane." 50 Makyne, adieu ! the sun goes west, The day is neir-hand gane. " Robin, in dule I am so drest, That luve will be my bane." Makyne, gae luve quhair-eir ye list, 55 For leman I luid nane. " Robin, I stand in sic a style, I sich and that full sair." Makyne, I have bene here this quyle ; At hame I wish I were. 60 " Robin, my hinny, talk and smyle, Gif thou will do nae mair." Makyne, som other man beguyle, For hameward I will fare. Syne Robin on his ways he went, 65 As light as leif on tree ; But Makyne murnt and made lament, Scho trow'd him neir to see. Robin he brayd attowre the bent : Then Makyne cried on hie, 70 " Now may thou sing, for I am shent! Quhat ailis luve at me ?" Makyne went hame withouten fail. And weirylie could weip ; Then Robin in a full fair dale 75 Assemblit all his sheip. Be that some part of Makyne's ail. Out-throw his heart could creip ; Hir fast he foUowt to assail, And till her tuke gude keip. 80 GENTLE HERDSMAN. 197 Abyd, abyd, thou fair Makyne, A word for ony thing ; For all my luve, it sail be thyne, Withouten departing. All hale thy heart for till have myne, 85 Is all my coveting ; My sheip to morn quhyle houris nyne, Will need of nae keiping. " Robin, thou hast heard sung and say, In gests and storys auld, 90 ■ TJie man that will not when he may, / Sail have nocht when he wald. I pray to heaven baith nicht and day, Be eiked their cares sae cauld, That presses first with thee to play, 95 Be forrest, firth, or fauld.'' Makyne, the nicht is soft and dry, The wether warm and fair, And the grene wod richt neir-hand by, To walk attowre all where : 100 There may nae j anglers us espy, That is in luve contrair ; Therin, Makyne, baith you and I Unseen may mak repair. " Robin, that warld is now away, 105 And quyt brocht till an end: And nevir again thereto, perfay. Sail it be as thou wend ; For of my pain thou made but play ; I words in vain did spend : 110 As thou hast done, sae sail I say, Murn on, I think to mend." Makyne, the hope of all my heil, My heart on thee is set ; I'll evermair to thee be leil, 115 Quhyle I may live but lett, Never to fail as uthers feill, Quhat grace so eir I get. " Robin, with thee I will not deill ; Adieu, for this we met.'' 120 Makyne went hameward blyth enough, a / Outowre the holtis hair ; Pure Robin murnd, and Makyne leugh; Scho sang, and he sicht sair : And so left him bayth wo and wreuch, In dolor and in care, 126 Keipand his herd under a heuch, Amang the rushy gair. XIV. DIALOGUE BETWEEN A PILGRIM AND HERDSMAN. The scene of this beautiful old ballad is laid near Walsingham, in Norfolk, where was anciently an image of the Virgin Mary, fa- mous over all Europe for the numerous pil- grimages made to it, and the great riches it possessed. Erasmus has given a very exact and humorous description of the superstitions practised there in his time. (See his account of the "Virgo Parathalasia," in his colloquy entitled, " Peregrinatio Religionis Ergo." He tells us, the rich offerings in silver, gold, and precious stones, that were there shown him, were incredible, there being scarce a person of any note in England, but what some time or other paid a visit or sent a present to " Our Lady of Walsingham."* At the dissolution of the monasteries in 1538, this splendid image, with another from Ipswich, was car- ried to Chelsea, and there burnt in the pre- sence of commissioners ; who, we trust, did not burn the jewels and the finery. This poem is printed from a copy in the editor's folio MS. which had greatly suffered by the hand of time ; but vestiges of several of the lines remaining, some conjectural sup- plements have been attempted, which, for greater exactness, are in this one ballad dis- tinguished by italics. v. 117, Bannatyne's MS. reads as above feill, no faill, as in Ed. 1770. * See at the end of this Ballad an account Of the annual offerings of the Earls of Northumberland. 198 GENTLE HERDSMAN. Gentle heardsman, tell to me, Of curtesy I thee pray, Unto the towne of Walsingham Which is the right and ready way. lam " Unto the towne of Walsingh The way is hard for to be gon , And verry crooked are those pathes For you to find out all alone." Weere the miles doubled thrise. And the way never so ill, Itt were not enough for mine offence, Itt is soe grievous and soe ill. 10 " -Thy yeeares are young, thy face is faire. Thy witts are weake, thy thoughts are greene ; Time hath not given thee leave, as yett, 15 For to committ so great a sinne." Yes, heardsman, yes, soe woldest thou say, If thou knewest soe much as I ; My witts, and thoughts, and all the rest, Have well deserved for to dye. 20 I am not what I seeme to bee. My clothes and sexe doe differ farr : I am a woman, woe is me ! Born to greeffe and irksome care. For my beloved, and well-beloved, 25 My wayward cruelty could kill: And though my teares will nought avail, Most dearely I bewail him still. Se was the flower o/ noble wights, None ever more sincere colde bee ; 30 Of comely mien and shape hee was, And tenderlye hee loved mee. When thus I saw he Zoved me well, I grewe so proud his ^aine to see, That 1, who did not know myselfe, 35 Thought scorne of such a youth as hee. *And grew soe coy and nice to please, As women's lookes are often soe. He might not kisse, nor hand forsooth, Unlesse I willed him soe to doe. 40 * Three of the following stanzas have been finely para- phrased by Dr. Goldsmith, in his charming ballad of "Edwin and Emma;" the reader of taste will have a pleasure in comparing them with the original. Thus being wearyed with delayes To see I pittyed not his greeffe. He gott him to a secrett place. And there he dyed without releeffe. And for his sake these weeds I weare, 45 And sacriffiice my tender age ; And every day He begg my bread. To undergo this pilgrimage. Thus every day I fast and pray And ever will doe till I dye ; 50 And gett me to some secrett place. For soe did hee, and soe will I. Now, gentle heardsman, aske no more, But keepe my secretts I thee pray: Unto the towne of Walsingham 55 Show me the right and readye way. " Now goe thy wayes, and God before ! For he must ever guide thee still : Turne downe that dale, the right hand path, And soe, faire pilgrim, fare thee well!" *^* To show what constant tribute was paid to " Our Lady of Walsingham," I shall give a few extracts from the " Household Book of Henry Algernon Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland." Printed 1770, 8vo. Sect. XLIIL, page 337, &c. Item, My Lorde usith yerly to send afor Mi- chaelmas for his Lordschip's Offerynge to our Lady of Walsyngeham. — iiij d. Item, My Lorde usith ande accustumyth to sende yerely for the unholdynge of the Light of Wax which his Lordschip fyndith birnynge yerly befor our Lady of Wal- syngham, contenynge xj lb. of Wax in it < And' still I try'd each fickle art, Importunate and Tain ; And while his passion touch'd my heart, I triumph'd in his pain. 'TOl quite dejected with my scorn He left me to my pride ; And sought a solitude forlorn. In secret, where he dy'd. But mine the sorrow, mine the f&vlt, And well my life shall pay ; I'll seek the solitude he sought. And stretch me where he lay. And there forlorn despairing hid, I'll lay me down and die : 'Twas so for me that Edwin did. And BO for him will I. after vij d. ob. for the fyndynge of every lb. redy wrought by a covenaunt maid with the Channon by great, for the hole yere, for the fyndinge of the said Lyght byrn- ning, — vi s. viiij d. Item, My Lorde usith and accustomith to syende yerely to the Channon that kepith the Light before our Lady of Walsyngham, for his reward for the hole yere, for kep- ynge of the said Light, lightynge of it at all service tymes dayly thorowt the yere, — xij d. Item, My Lorde usith and accustomyth yerely to send to the Prest that kepith the Light, lyghtynge of it at all service tymes daily thorowt the yere, — iij s. iiij d. XV. estors^ story of great fame among our an cestor§T The author of the " Art of English Poesie," 1589, 4to., seems to speak of it as a real fact. Describing that vicious mode of speech, which the Greeks called Actron, i. e. '* When we use a dark and obscure word, ut- terly repugnant to that we should express ;'' he adds, " Such manner of uncouth speech did the Tanner of Tamworth use to King Ed- ward the Fourth ; which Tanner, having a great while mistaken him, and used very broad talke with him, at length perceiving by his traine that it was the king, was afraide he should be punished for it, [and] said thus, with a certain rude repentance, "I hope I shall be hanged to-morrow,'^ for \^Ifeareme\ 1 shall be hanged; whereat the king laughed a good,* not only to see the Tanner's vaine feare, but also to heare his illshapen terme: and gave him for recom- pence of his good sport, the inheritance of Plumpton-parke. ' I am afraid,' " concludes this sagacious writer, " ' the poets of our times that speake more finely and correctedly, will come too short of such a reward,' " p. 214. The phrase here referred to, is not found in this ballad at present,! but occurs with some variation in another old poem, entitled, "John the Keeve,'' described in the following vol- ume (see the Preface to " The King and the Miller"), viz. : •' " Nay, sayd John, by Gods grace, And Edward wer in this place, * Vid. Gloss. t Nor in that of the Barker mentioned below. 26 Hee shold not touch this tonne : He wold be wroth with John I hope, Therefibre I beshrewe the soupe, That in his mouth shold come.'^ Pt. 2, St. 24. The following text is selected (with such other corrections as occurred) from two copies in black letter. The one in the Bodleyan library, entitled, "A merrie, pleasant, and delectable historic betweene King Edward the Fourth, and a Tanner of Tamworth, &c., printed at London, by John Danter, 1596." This copy, ancient as it now is, appears to have been modernized and altered at the time it was published ; and many vestiges of the more ancient readings were recovered from another copy (though more recently printed) in one sheet folio, without date, in the Pepys collection. But these are both very inferior in point of antiquity to the old ballad of " The King and the Barker," reprinted with other " Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry from Authentic Manuscripts, and old Printed Copies, &c., London, 1791, 8vo." As that very antique Poem had never occurred to the Editor of the Reliques, till he saw it in the above collec- tion, he now refers the curious reader to it, as an imperfect and incorrect copy of the old original ballad. In summer time, when leaves grow green^^.. And blossoms bedecke the tree. King Edward wolde a hunting ryde. Some pastime for to see. With hawke and hounde he made him bowne, With home, and eke with bowe ; 200 KING EDWARD IV. AND THE TANNER OF TAMWORTH. To Drayton Basset he tooke his waye, With all his lordes a rowe. And he had ridden ore dale and downe By eight of clocke in the day, 10 When he was ware of a bold tanner, Come ryding along the waye. A fayre russet coat the tanner had on Fast buttoned under his chin, And under him a good cow-hide, 15 And a mare of four shilling."^ Nowe stand you still, my good lordes all, m Under the grene wood spraye ; And I will wend to yonder fellowe, To weet what he will saye. 20 God speede, God speede thee, sayd our king. Thou art welcome, sir, sayd hee. " The readyest waye to Drayton Basset I praye thee to shewe to mee.'' " To Drayton Basset woldst thou goe, 25 Fro the place where thou dost stand ? The next payre of gallowes thou comest unto, Turne in upon thy right hand." That is an unreadye waye, sayd our king. Thou doest but jest I see ; 30 Nowe shewe me out the nearest waye. And I pray the wend with mee. Awaye with a vengeaunce ! quoth the tanner : I hold thee out of thy witt : All daye have I rydden on Brooke my mare, And I am fasting yett. 36 " Go with me downe to Drayton Basset, No daynties we will spare ; All daye shalt thou eate and drinke of the best, And I will paye thy fare." 40 Gramercye for nothing, the tanner replyde, Thou payest no fare of mine : I trowe I've more nobles in my purse, Than thou hast pence in thine. * In the reign of Edward IV. Dame Cecili, lady of Tor- boke, in her will dated March 7, A. D. 1466, among many other bequests, has this, " Also I will that my sonne Thomas of Torboke have 13s. id. to buy him an horse." Vid. Har- leian Catalog. 2176, 27.— Now if 13s. 4d. would purchase a steed fit for a person of quality, a tanner's horse might reasonably be valued at four or five shillings. God give thee joy of them, sayd the king, 45 And send them well to priefe. The tanner wolde faine have beene away, For he weende he had beene a thiefe. What art thou, hee sayde, thou fine felldwe. Of thee I am in great feare, 50 For the cloathes, thou wearest upon thy backe, Might beseeme a lord to weare. I never stole them, quoth our king, I tell you, sir, by the roode. "Then thou playest, as many an unthriffc doth, 55 And standest in midds of thy goode."* ^f^ What tydinges heare you, sayd the As you ryde farre and neare ? " I heare no tydinges, sir, by the masse, But that cowe-hides are deare." 60 "Cowe-hides! cowe-hides! what things are those ? I marvell what they bee ?" What art thou a foole ? the tanner reply'd ; I carry one under mee. What craftsman art thou, said the king, 65 I praye thee tell me trowe. " I am a barker,f sir, by my trade ; Nowe tell me what art thou V I am a poore courtier, sir, quoth he, That am forth of service worne ; 70 And faine I wolde thy prentise bee, Thy cunninge for to learne. Marrye heaven forfend, the tanner replyde, That thou my prentise were : Thou woldst spend more good than I shold winne 75 By fortye shilling a yere. Yet one thing wolde I, sayd our king. If thou wilt not seeme strange : Thoughe my horse be better than thy mare, Yet with thee I faine wold change. 80 " Why if with me thou faine wilt change. As change full well maye wee, * i. e. hast no other wealth, but what thou carriest about thee. t i. e. a dealer in bark. KING EDWARD IV. AND THE TANNER OF TAMWORTH. 201 By the faith of my bodye, thou proude fel- 16we, I will have some boot of thee." That were against reason, sayd the king, 85 I sweare, so mote I thee : My horse is better than thy mare, And that thou well mayst see. " Yea, sir, but Brocke is gentle and mild, And softly she will fare : 90 Thy horse is unrulye and wild, I wiss ; Aye skipping here and theare." "What boote wilt thou have? our king re- p¥d; Now tell me in this stound. " Noe pence, nor half-pence, by my faye, 95 But a noble in gold so round." " Here's twentye groates of white moneye, Sith thou wilt have it of mee." I would have sworne now, quoth the tanner, Thou hadst not had one penni^. 100 But since we two have made a change, A change we must abide, Although thou hast gotten Brocke my mare. Thou gettest not my cow-hide. I will not have it, sayd the kynge, 105 I sweare, so mought I thee ; Thy foule cowe-hide I wolde not beare, If thou woldst give it to mee. The tanner hee tooke his good cowe-hide. That of the cow was hilt ; 110 And threwe it upon the king's sadMle, That was soe fayrelye gilte. " Now help me up, thou fine felldwe, 'Tis time that I were gone : When I come home to Gyllian my wife, 115 Sheel say I am a gentilmon." ^ The king he tooke him up by the legge ; The tanner a f * * lett fall. Nowe marrye, good fellowe, sayd the kyng, Thy courtesye is but small. 120 When the tanner he was in the kinges sa- d^lle. And his foote in his stirrup was ; He marvelled greatlye in his minde, Whether it were golde or brass. But when his steede saw the cows taile wagge, And eke the blacke cowe-horne ; 126 He stamped, and stared, and awaye he ranne, As the devill had him borne. The tanner he puUd, the tanner he sweat. And held by the pummil fast : 130 At length the tanner came tumbling downe ; His necke he had well-nye brast. Take thy horse again with a vengeance, he With mee he shall not byde. "My horse wolde have borne thee well enoughe, 135 But he knewe not of thy cowe-hide. " Yet if agayne thou fayne woldst change, As change full well may wee. By the faith of my bodye, thou jolly tanner, I will have some boote of thee." 140 What boote wilt thou have, the tanner replyd, Nowe tell me in this stounde ? " Noe pence nor halfpence, sir, by my faye, But I will have twentye pound." " Here's twentye groates out of my purse ; And twentye I have of thine : 146 And I have one more, which we will spend Together at the wine." The king set a bugle home to his mouthe, And blewe both loude and shrille : 150 And soone came lords, and soone came knights. Fast ryding over the hille. Nowe, out alas ! the tanner he cryde, That ever I sawe this daye ! Thou art a strong thiefe, yon come thy fel- lowes Will beare my cowe-hide away. 156 They are no thieves, the king replyde, I sweare, soe mote I thee : But they are the lords of the north countr^y. Here come to hunt with mee. 160 And soone before our king they came, And knelt downe on the grounde : Then might the tanner have beene awaye, And had lever than twentye pounde. 202 AS YE CAME FROM THE HOLY LAND. A coller, a coUer, here : sayd the king, 165 A coller he loud gan crye : Then woulde he lever then twentye pound, He had not beene so nighe. A coller, a coller, the tanner he sayd, I trowe it will breed sorrowe : After a coller commeth a halter, I trow I shall be hanged to-morrowe. Be not afraid, tanner, said our king ; I tell thee, so mought I thee, 170 Lo here I make thee the best esquire That is in the North countrie.* 175 For Plumpton-parke I will give thee, With tenements faire beside : 'Tis worth three hundred markes by yeare. To maintaine thy good cowe-hide. 180 the Gramercye, my liege, the tanner replyde, / For the favour thou hast me showne ; 'H«. If ever thou comest to merry Tamwdrth, Neates leather shall clout thy shoen. -<•►- XVI. ^s 2^ tmt ixm t\t |0lg "gmt DIALOGUE BETWEEN A PILGRIM AND TRAYELLEK. The scene of this song is the same as in Num. XIV. The pilgrimage to Walsingham suggested the plan of many popular pieces. In the Pepys collection, vol. I., p. 226, is a kind of interlude in the old ballad style, of which the first stanza alone is worth reprint- ing. As I went to Walsingham, To the shrine with speede, Met I with a jolly palmer In a pilgrimes weede. Now God you save, you jolly palmer ! " Welcome, lady gay. Oft have I sued to thee for love.^' — Oft have I said you nay. The pilgrimages undertaken on pretence of religion, were often productive of affairs of gallantry, and led the votaries to no other shrine than that of Venus.* The following ballad was once very popu- lar ; it is quoted in Fletcher's " Knight of the burning pestle," Act. II., sc. ult., and in ano- ther old play, called, "Hans Beer-pot, his * Even in the time of Langland, pilgrimages to Walsing- ham were not unfavourable to the rites of Venus. Thus in his Visions of Pierce Plowman, fo. I. # " Hermets on a heape, with hoked staves, Wenten to Walsingham, and her f wenches after." f i. e. their. invisible Comedy, &c." 4to. 1618: Act I. The copy below was communicated to the Editor by the late Mr. Shenstone as corrected by him from an ancient copy, and supplied with a concluding stanza. We have placed this, and " Gentle Herds- man," &c., thus early in the work, upon a presumption that they must have been writ- ten, if not before the dissolution of the monasteries, yet while the remembrance of them was fresh in the minds of the people. As ye came from the holy land Of blessed Walsingham, met you not with my true love As by the way ye came ? * This stanza is restored from a quotation of this Ballad in Selden's " Titles of Honour," who produces it as a good authority to prove, that one Inode of creating Esquires at that time, was by the imposition of a collar. His words are, " Nor is that old pamphlet of the Tanner of Tamworth and King Edward the Fourth so contemptible, but that wee may thence note also an observable passage, wherein the use of making Esquires, by giving collars, is expressed." (Sub Tit. Esquire ; & vide in Spelmanni Glossar. Armiger.) This form of creating Esquires actually exists at this day among the Sergeants at Arms, who are invested with a collar (which they wear on Collar Days) by the King himself This information I owe to Samuel Pegge, Esq., to whom the Public is indebted for that curious work, the "Curt alia," 4to. HARDYKNUTE. 203 " How should I know your true love, 5 That have met many a one, As I came from the holy land, That have hoth come, and gone V My love is neither white,"* nor hrowne, But as the heavens faire ; 10 There is none hath her form divine, Either in earth, or ayre. " Such an one did I meet, good sir, With an angelicke face ; Who like a nymphe, a queene appeard Both in her gait, her grace." 15 Yes : she hath cleane forsaken me, And left me all alone ; Who some time loved me as her life. And called me her owne. 20 " What is the cause she leaves thee thus, And a new way doth take, That some times loved thee as her life, And thee her joy did make?" I that loved her all my youth, 25 Growe old now as you see ; Love liketh not the falling fruite, Nor yet the withered tree. For love is like a carelesse childe. Forgetting promise past : 30 He is blind, or deaf, whenere he list ; His faith is never fast. His fond desire is fickle found. And yieldes a trustlesse joye ; Wonne with a world of toil and care, 35 And lost ev'n with a toye. Such is the love of womankinde, Or Loves faire name abusde, Beneathe which many vaine desires, And follyes are excusde, 40 ' But true love is a lasting fire, / Which viewless vestals* tend, That burnes for ever in the soule. And knowes nor change, nor end.' XVII. |arJfgIinM;t^ A SCOTTISH FRAGMENT. As this fine morsel of heroic poetry hath generally passed for ancient, it is here thrown to the end of our earliest pieces ; that such as doubt of its age, may the better compare it with other pieces of genuine antiquity. For after all, there is more than reason to suspect, that it owes most of its beauties (if not its whole existence) to the pen of a lady, within the present century. The following particu- lars may be depended on. Mrs. Wardlaw, whose maiden name was Halket (aunt to the late Sir Peter Halket, of Pitferran, in Scot- land, who was killed in America, along with General Braddock, in 1755),pretendedshehad found this poem, written on shreds of paper, employed for what is called the bottoms of clues. A suspicion arose that it was her own composition. Some able judges asserted it to be modern. The lady did in a manner ac- knowledge it to be so. Being desired to show an additional stanza, as a proof of this, she produced the two last, beginning with ''There's nae light," &c., which were not in the copy that was first printed. The late Lord President Forbes, and Sir Gilbert Elliot, of Minto (late Lord Justice Clerk for Scot- land), who had believed it ancient, contributed to the expense of publishing the first Edition, in folio, 1719. This account was transmitted from Scotland by Sir David Dalrymple, the late Lord Hailes, who yet was of opinion, that part of the ballad may be ancient ; but retouched and much enlarged by the lady above mentioned. Indeed he had been in- * sc. Angels. 204 HARDYKNUTE. formed, that the late "William Thompson, the Scottish musician, who published the "Or- pheus Caledonius," 1733, 2 vols. 8vo., de- clared he had heard Fragments of it repeated in his infancy, before Mrs. Wardlaw's copy was heard of. The Poem is here printed from the original Edition, as it was prepared for the press with the additional improvements. (See below, page 208.) I. Stately stept he east the wa', And stately stept he west. Full seventy years he now had seen, Wi' scarce seven years of rest. He liv'd when Britons breach of faith 5 Wrought Scotland mickle wae : And ay his sword tauld to their cost, He was their deadlye fae High on a hill his castle stood, "With ha's and towers a height 10 And goodly chambers fair to se, "Where he lodged mony a knight. His dame sae peerless anes and fair, For chast and beauty deem'd Nae marrow had in all the land, 15 Save Elenor the queen. in. Full thirteen sons to him she bare, All men of valour stout : In bloody fight with sword in hand Nine lost their lives bot doubt : 20 Four yet remain, lang may they live To stand by liege and land ; High was their fame, high was their migkt. And high was their command. IV. Great love they bare to Fairly fair Their sister saffc and dear. Her girdle shaw'd her middle gimp, And gowden glist her hair. What waefu' wae her beauty bred ! Waefu' to young and auld, Waefu' I trow to kyth and kin, As story ever tauld. The King of Norse in summer tyde, PuflPd up with pow'r and might, 25 30 Landed in fair Scotland the isle 35 With mony a hardy knight. The tydings to our good Scots king Came, as he sat at dine. With noble chiefs in brave aray. Drinking the blood-red wine. 40 VI. " To horse, to horse, my royal liege. Your faes stand on the strand, Full twenty thousand glittering spears The king of Norse commands. ^^ Bring me my steed Mage dapple gray, ^5 Our good king rose and cry'd, A trustier beast in a' the land A Scots king nevir try'd. VII. Go little page, tell Hardyknute, That lives on hill sae hie, 50 To draw his sword, the dread of faes, And haste and follow me. The little page flew swift as dart Flung by his master's arm, " Come down, come down, lord Hardyknute, And rid your king frae harm." 56 Then red red grew his dark brown cheeks, Sae did his dark-brown brow ; His looks grew keen as they were wont In dangers great to do ; 60 He's ta'en a horn as green as glass, And gi'en five sounds sae shill. That trees in green wood shook thereat, Sae loud rang ilka hill. His sons in manly sport and glee, 65 Had past that summer's morn. When low down in a grassy dale, They heard their father's horn. That horn, quo' they, ne'er sounds in peace, We've other sport to bide. 70 And soon they hy'd them up the hill, And soon were at his side. " Late late the yestreen I ween'd in peace To end my lengthened life. My age might well excuse my arm 75 Frae manly feats of strife. But now that Norse do's proudly boast Fair Scotland to inthrall. HAEDYKNUTE. 205 It's ne'er be said of Hardyknute, XVI. He fear'd to figlit or fall. 80 " Sir knight, gin you were in my bower, To lean on silken seat, XI. My lady's kindly care you'd prove. " Robin of Rothsay, bend thy bow, Who ne'er knew deadly hate. Thy arrows shoot sae leel, Herself wou'd watch you a' the day, 125 - That mony a comely countenance Her maids a dead of night ; They've turned to deadly pale. And Fairly fair your heart wou'd chear, Brade Thomas, take you but your lance, 85 As she stands in your sight. You need nae weapons mair. If you fight wi't as you did anes XVII. 'Gainst Westmoreland's fierce heir. " Arise, young knight, and mount your stead ; | Full lowns the shynand day : 130 XII. Choose frae my menzie whom ye please " And Malcolm, light of foot as stag That runs in forest wild. Get me my thousands three of men Well bred to sword and shield : Bring me my horse and harnisine, 90 To lead you on the way." With smileless look, and visage wan, The wounded knight reply'd, " Kind chieftain, your intent pursue. For here I maun abyde. 135 My blade of mettal clear. XYIII. If faes but ken'd the hand it bare, They soon had fled for fear. 95 To me nae after day nor night Can e're be sweet or fair, XIII. But soon beneath some draping tree. Cauld death shall end my care." 140 " Farewell my dame sae peerless good, With him nae pleading might prevail ; (And took her by the hand), Brave Hardyknute to gain Fairer to me in age you seem, With fairest words, and reason strong. Than maids for beauty fam'd. 100 Strave courteously in vain. My youngest sou shall here remain To guard these stately towers, XIX. And shut the silver bolt that keeps Syne he has gane far hynd out o'er 145 Sae fast your painted bowers.'' Lord Chattan' s land sae wide ; That lord a worthy wight was ay XIY. When faes his courage sey'd : And first she wet her comely cheiks, 105 Of Pictish race by mother's side. And then her boddice green. When Picts rul'd Caledon, 150 Her silken cords of twirtle twist. Lord Chattan claim'd the princely maid Well plett with silver sheen ; When he sav'd Pictish crown. And apron set with mony a dice Of needle-wark sae rare. 110 XX. Wove by nae hand, as ye may guess, Now with his fierce and stalwart train. Save that of Fairly fair. He reach'd a rising hight, Quhair braid encampit on the dale, 155 XY. Norss menzie lay in sicht. And he has ridden o'er muir and moss. " Yonder my valiant sons and feirs O'er hills and mony a glen, Our raging revers wait When he came to a wounded knight 115 On the unconquert Scottish sward Making a heavy mane ; To try with us their fate. 160 " Here maun I lye, here maun I dye, By treacherie's false guiles ; XXI. Witless I was that e'er ga faith Make orisons to him that sav'd To wicked woman's smiles." 120 Our sauls upon the rude ; - « 206 HARDYKNUTE. Syne bravely shaw your veins are fiU'd With Caledonian blude." Then furth he drew his trusty glave, 165 "While thousands all around Drawn frae their sheaths glanc'd in the sun ; And loud the bougies sound. To joyn his king adoun the hill In hast his merch he made, 170 While, playand pibrochs, minstralls meit Afore him stately strade. "Thrice welcome valiant stoup of weir, Thy nations shield and pride ; Thy king nae reason has to fear 175 When thou art by his side." XXIII. When bows were bent and darts were thrawn; For thrang scarce cou'd they flee ; The darts clove arrows as they met. The arrows dart the tree. 180 Lang did they rage and fight fu' fierce. With little skaith to mon, But bloody bloody was the field. Ere that lang day was done. XXIV. 185 The King of Scots, that sindle brook'd The war that look'd like play, Drew his braid sword, and brake his bow, Sin bows seem'd but delay. Quoth noble Rothsay, " Mine I'll keep, I wat it's bled a score. 190 Haste up my merry men, cry'd the king As he rode on before. XXV. The King of Norse he sought to find, With him to mense the faught. But on his forehead there did light 195 A sharp unsonsie shaft ; As he his hand put up to feel The wound, an arrow keen, waefu' chance ! there pinn'd his hand In midst between his een. 200 XXVI. " Revenge, revenge, cry'd Rothsay's heir. Your mail-coat sha' na bide The strength and sharpness of my dart:" Then sent it through his side. Another arrow well he marked, 205 It pierced his neck in twa, His hands then quat the silver reins, He low as earth did fa'. XXVII. " Sair bleids my liege, sair, sair he bleids !" Again wi' might he drew 210 And gesture dread his sturdy bow, Fast the braid arrow flew : Wae to the knight he ettled at ; Lament now Queen Elgreed ; High dames too wail your darling's fall, 215 His youth and comely meed. XXVIII. " Take aff, take ajff his costly jupe (Of gold well was it twin'd, Knit like the fowler's net, through quhilk His steelly harness shin'd) 220 Take, Norse, that gift frae me, and bid Him venge the blood it bears ; Say, if he face my bended bow. He sure nae weapon fears." Proud Norse with giant body tall, 225 Braid shoulders and arms strong, Cry'd, " Where is Hardyknute sae fam'd And fear'd at Britain's throne : Tho' Britons tremble at his name I soon shall make him wail, 230 That e'er my sword was made sae sharp, Sae saft his coat of mail." That brag his stout heart cou'd na bide, It lent him youthfu' micht : " I'm Hardyknute ; this day, he cry'd, 235 To Scotland's king I heght To lay thee low, as horses hoof ; My word I mean to keep." Syne with the first stroke e'er he strake, He garr'd his body bleed. 240 XXXI. Norss' een like gray gosehawk's stairM wyld, He sigh'd wi' shame and spite ; " Disgrac'd is now my far-fam'd arm That left thee power to strike :" Then ga' his head a blow sae fell, 245 It made him doun to stoup, HARDYKNUTE. 207 As laigh as he to ladies us'd In courtly guise to lout. XXXII. Fu^ soon he raisM his bent body, His bow he marvell'd sair, 250 Sin blows till then on him but darr'd As touch of Fairly fair : Norse marvell'd too as sair as he To see his stately look ; Sae soon as e'er he strake a fae, 255 Sae soon his life he took. XXXIII. Where like a fire to heather set Bauld Thomas did advance, Ane sturdy fae with look enrag'd Up toward him did prance ; 260 He spurr'd his steid through thickest ranks The hardy youth to quell, Wha stood unmov'd at his approach His fury to repell. XXXIV. " That short brown shaft sae meanly trimm'd, Looks like poor Scotlands gear, 266 But dreadfull seems the rusty point !" And loud he leugh in jear. " Oft Britons blood has dimm'd its shine ; This point cut short their vaunt :" 270 Syne pierced the boasters bearded cheek ; Nae time he took to taunt. Short while he in his saddle swang. His stirrup was nae stay, Sae feeble hang his unbent knee 275 Sure taiken he was fey : Swith on the harden't clay he fell, Right far was heard the thud : But Thomas look't nae as he lay All waltering in his blud : 280 XXXVI. With careless gesture, mind unmov't, On roade he north the plain ; His seem in throng of fiercest strife, When winner ay the same : Not yet his heart dames dimplet cheek 285 Could mease soft leve to bruik. Till vengefu^ Ann returned his scorn, Then languid grew his luik. 27 XXXVII. In thraws of death, with walowit cheik, All panting on the plain, The fainting corps of warriours lay, Ne're to arise again ; Ne're to return to native land, Nae mair with blithsome sounds To boast the glories of the day. And shaw their shining wounds. On Norways coast the widowit dame May wash the rocks with tears, May lang luik ow'r the shipless seas Before her mate appears. Cease, Emma, cease to hope in vain ; Thy lord lyes in the clay ; The valiant Scots nae revers thole To carry life away. XXXIX. 290 295 300 305 Here on a lee, where stands a cross Set up for monument. Thousands fu' fierce that summer's day Fiird keen war's black intent. Let Scots, while Scots, praise Hardyknute Let Norse the name ay dread, 310 Ay how he faught, aft how he spar'd Shall latest ages read. Now loud and chill blew th' westlin wind, Sair beat the heavy shower. Mirk grew the night ere Hardyknute 315 Wan near his stately tower. His tow'r that us'd wi' torches blaze To shine sae far at night, Seem'd now as black as mourning weed, Nae marvel sair he sighed. 320 XLI. " There's nae light in my lady's bower. There's nae light in my ha' ; Nae blink shines round my Fairly fair, Nor ward stands on my wa'. " What bodes it ? Robert, Thomas, say ;"— Nae answer fitts their dread. 326 " Stand back, my sons, I'le be your guide !" But by they past with speed. As fast I've sped o'er Scotlands faes," — ■ There ceas'd his brag of weir, 330 208 HARDYKNUTE. Sair sham'd to mind ought but his dame, And maiden Fairly fair. Black fear he felt, but what to fear He wist nae yet ; wi' dread Sair shook his body, sair his limbs, 335 And a' the warrior fled. * * * * * *^* In an elegant publication, entitled " Scottish Tragic Ballads, printed by and for J. Nichols, 1781, 8vo.," may be seen a con- tinuation of the ballad of Hardyknute, by the addition of a " Second Part," which hath since been acknowledged to be his own com- position, by the ingenious Editor — To whom the late Sir D. Dalrymple communicated (subsequent to the account drawn up above in p. 203) extracts of a letter from Sir John Bruce, of Kinross, to Lord Binning, which plainly proves the pretended discoverer of the fragment of Hardyknute to have been Sir John Bruce himself. His words are, " To perform my promise, I send you a true copy of the Manuscript I found some weeks ago in a vault at Dumferline. It is vn'itten on vel- lum in a fair Gothic character, but so much defaced by time, as you'll find, that the tenth part is not legible.'^ He then gives the whole fragment as it was first published in 1719, save one or two stanzas, marking several pas- sages as having perished by being illegible in the old MS. Hence it appears that Sir John was the author of Hardyknute, but af- terwards used Mrs. Wardlaw to be the mid- wife of his poetry, and suppressed the story of the vault ; as is well observed by the Edi- tor of the Tragic Ballads, and of Maitland's Scot. Poets, vol. I. p. cxxvii. To this gentleman we are indebted for the use of the copy, whence the second edition was afterwards printed, as the same was prepared for the press by John Clerk, M. D., of Edinburgh, an intimate companion of Lord President Forbes. The title of the first edition was, " Hardy- knute, a Fragment. Edinburgh, printed for James Watson, &c., 1719," folio, 12 pages. Stanzas not in the first edition are, Nos. 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42. In the present impression the orthography of Dr. Clerk's copy has been preserved, and his readings carefully followed, except in a few instances, wherein the common edition appeared preferable : viz. He had in ver. 20, but, — V. 56, of harm, — v. 64, every, — v. 67, Zo dow7i, — V. 83, That omitted, — v. 89, And omitted, — v. 143, With argument but vainly strave Lang. — v. 148, say'd. — v. 155, incam- pit on the plain. — v. 156, Norse squadrons. — V. 158, regand revers. — v. 170, his strides he bent. — V. 171, minstrals play and Pibrochs fine. — V. 172, statety went. — v. 182, man. — v. 196, sharp and fatal. — v. 219, which. — v. 241, stood wyld. — Stanza 39 preceded stanza 38. — V. 305, There. — v. 313, blew wrestling. — v. 336 had originally been. He feared a' cou'd be fear'd. The editor was also informed, on the au- thority of Dr. David Clerk, M. D., of Edin- burgh (son of the aforesaid Dr. John Clerk), that between the present stanzas 36 and 37, the two following had been intended, but were on maturer consideration omitted, and do not now appear among the MS. additions : Now darts flew wavering through slaw speede, Scarce could they reach their aim ; Or reach'd, scarce blood the round point drew, 'Twas all but shot in vain : Rigli strengthy arms forfeebled grew, Sair wreck'd wi' that day's toils : E'en fierce-born minds now lang'd for peace, And cur'd war's cruel broils. Yet still wars horns sounded to charge, Swords clash'd and harness rang ; But saftly sae ilk blaster blew The hills and dales fraemang. Nae echo heard in double dints. Nor the lang-winding horn, Nae mair she blew out brade as she Did eir that summers morn. THE END OP BOOK THE FIRST. A BALLAD OF LUTHER, ETC. 209 SERIES THE SECOND. BOOK II. Jl lalk^ 0f "gui^tx, % |05^ a €nVml anJr u fttstanimati. In the former Book we brought down this second Series of poems as low as about the middle of tho sixteenth century. We now find the Muses deeply engaged in religious controversy. The sudden revolution wrought in the opinions of mankind by the Reforma- tion, is one of the most striking events in the history of the human mind. It could not but engross the attention of every individual in that age, and therefore no other writings would have any chance to be read, but such as related to this grand topic. The altera- tions made in the established religion by Henry VIII., the sudden changes it under- went in the three succeeding reigns within so short a space as eleven or twelve years, and the violent struggles between expiring Popery and growing Protestantism, could not but interest all mankind. Accordingly every pen was engaged in the dispute. The fol- lowers of the Old and New Profession (as they were called) had their respective ballad- makers ; and every day produced some popu- lar sonnet for or against the Reformation. The following ballad, and that entitled " Lit- tle John Nobody,^' maj?- serve for specimens of the writings of each party. Both were written in the reign of Edward VI. ; and are not the worst that were composed upon the occasion. Controversial divinity is no friend to poetic flights. Yet this ballad of " Luther and the Pope," is not altogether devoid of spirit; it is of the dramatic kind, and the characters are tolerably well sustained ; espe- cially that of Luther, which is made to speak in a manner not unbecoming the spirit and courage of that vigorous reformer. It is printed from the original black-letter copy (in the Pepys collection, vol. I., folio) , to which is prefixed a large wooden cut, designed and executed by some eminent master. We are not to wonder that the ballad- writers of that age should be inspired with the zeal of controversy, when the very stage teemed with polemic divinity. I have now before me two very ancient quarto black-letter plays: the one published in the time of Henry VIII., entitled "Every Man ;" the other called " Lusty Juventus," printed in the reign of Edward VI. In the former of these, occasion is taken to inculcate great reverence for old mother church and her superstitions :*" in the other, the poet (one R. Wever) with great success attacks both. So that the stage in those days literally was, what wise men have always wished it — a supplement to the pul- pit : — this was so much the case, that in the play of " Lusty Juventus," chapter and verse are every where quoted as formally as in a sermon ; take an instance : " The Lord by his prophet Ezechiel sayeth in this wise playnlye, As in the xxxiij chapter it doth appere : Be converted, ye children, &c." * Take a specimen from his liigh encomiums on the priesthood : " There is no emperour, kyug, duke, ne baron. That of God hath commissyon. As hath the leest preest in the world beynge. * * * God hath to them more power gyvien, Than to any aungell, that is in heven; With V. words he may consecrate Goddes body in flesshe, and blode to take, And handeleth his maker bytweene his handes. The preest byndeth and unbindeth all bandes, Both in erthe and in heven. — Thou ministers all the sacramentes seven. Though we kyst thy fete thou were worthy; Thou art the surgyan that cureth synne dedly: No remedy may we fynde under God, But alone on preesthode. God gave preest that dignite, And letteth them in his stede amonge us be, Thus be they above aungels in degre." See Hawkins's Orig. of Eng. Drama, Vol. I. p. 61. 210 A BALLAD OF LUTHER, ETC. From this play we learn that most of the young people were New Gospellers, or friends to the Reformation, and that the old were tenacious of the doctrines imbibed in their youth; for thus the devil is introduced la- menting the downfall of superstition : " The olde people would believe stil in my lawes. But the yonger sort leade them a contrary way. They wyl not beleve, they playnly say, In olde traditions, and made by men, &c." And in another place Hypocrisy urges, " The worlde was never meri Since chyldren were so boulde ; Now every boy will be a teacher, The father a foole, the chylde a preacher." Of the plays above mentioned, to the first is subjoined the following, Printer's Colo- phon, ^ " Thus endeth this moral playe of Every Man. T[ Imprinted at London in Powles chyrche yarde by me John Skot." In Mr. Garrick's collection is an imperfect copy of the same play, printed by Richarde Pynson. The other is intitled, "An interlude called Luffcy Juventus 'J' and is thus distinguished at the end : *' Finis, quod R. Wever. Im- prynted at London in Paules churche yeard by Abraham Dele at the signe of the Lambe.'' Of this, too, Mr. Garrick has an imperfect copy of a different edition. Of these two plays the reader may find some further particulars in Series the First, Book II., see " The Essay on the Origin of the English Stage ;" and the curious reader will find the plays themselves printed at large in Hawkins's "Origin of the English Drama," 3 vols., Oxford, 1773, 12mo. THE HUSBANDMAN. Let us lift up our hartes all, And prayse the Lordes magnificence, "Which hath given the wolues a fall. And is become our strong defence : For they thorowe a false pretens 5 From Christes blonde dyd all us leade,* , * i. e. denied us the Cup, see below, ver. 94. Gettynge from every man his pence, As satisfactours for the deade. For what we with our Flayles coulde get To kepe our house, and survauntes ; 10 That did the Freers from us fet, And with our soules played the mer- chauntes : And thus they with theyr false warrantes Of our sweate have easelye lyved. That for fatnesse theyr belyes pantes, 15 So greatlye have they us deceaued. They spared not the fatherlesse. The carefull, nor the pore wydowe ; They wolde have somewhat more or lesse, If it above the ground did growe : 20 But now we husbandmen do knowe Al their subteltye, and theyr false caste ; For the Lorde hath them overthrowe With his swete word now at the laste. DOCTOR MARTIN LUTHER. 25 Thou antichrist, with thy thre crownes, Has usurped kynges powers. As having power over realmes and townes, Whom thou oughtest to serve all houres. Thou thinkest by thy jugglyng colours Thou maist lykewise Gods word oppresse ; As do the deceatful foulers, 31 When they theyr nettes craftelye dresse. Thou flatterest every prince, and lord, Thretening poore men with swearde and fyre; All those, that do followe Gods worde, 35 To make them cleve to thy desire, Theyr bokes thou burnest in flaming fire ; Cursing with boke, bell, and candell. Such as to reade them have desyre. Or with them are wyllynge to meddell. 40 Thy false power wyl I bryng dovm, Thou shalt not raygne many a yere, I shall dryve the from citye and towne, Even with this pen that thou seyste here : Thou fyghtest with swerd, shylde, and speare, 45 But I wyll fyght with Gods worde ; Which is now so open and eleare, That it shall brynge the under the borde.* * i. e. Make thee knock under the table. JOHN ANDERSON MY JO. 2H THE POPE. Though I brought never so many to hel, And to utter dampnacion, 50 Throughe myne ensample, and consel, Or thorow any abhominacion, Yet doth our lawe excuse my fashion. And thou, Luther, arte accursed ; For blamynge me, and my condicion, -55 The holy decres have the condempned. Thou stryvest against my purgatory, Because thou findest it not in scripture ; As though I by myne auctorite Myght not make one for myne honoure. 60 Knowest thou not, that I have power To make, and mar, in heaven and hell, In erth, and every creature ? "Whatsoever I do it must be w^ell. As for scripture, I am above it ; Am not I Gods hye vicare ? Shulde I be bounde to followe it, As the carpenter his ruler ?* Nay, nay, hereticks ye are, That will not obey my auctoritie. With this sworde I wyll declare. That ye shal al accursed be. 65 70 THE CARDINAL. I am a Cardinal! of Home, Sent from Christes hye vicary, To graunt pardon to more, and sume, 75 That wil Luther resist strongly : He is a greate hereticke treuly, And regardeth to much the scripture ; For he thinketh onely thereby To subdue the popes high honoure : 80 Receive ye this pardon devoutely, And loke that ye agaynst him fight ; Plucke up your herts, and be manlye, For the pope sayth ye do but ryght : And this be sure, that at one flyghte, 85 Allthough ye be overcome by chaunce. Ye shall to heaven go with greate myghte ; God can make you no resistaunce. But these heretikes for their medlynge Shal go down to hel every one ; For they have not the popes blessynge, Nor regard his holy pard5n : They thinke from all destruction By Christes bloud to be saved, Fearynge not our excommunicacion, Therefore shall they al be dampned. 90 95 II. |0^ii §ittlj^rs0n mg |0. A SCOTTISH SONG. While in England verse was made the ve- hicle of controversy, and Popery was attacked in it by logical argument, or stinging satire ; we may be sure the zeal of the Scottish Re- formers would not suffer their pens to be idle, but many a pasquil was discharged at the Romish priests, and their enormous encroach- ments on property. Of this kind perhaps is the following (preaerved in Maitland's MS. Collection of Scottish poems in the Pepysian library) : " Tak a Wobster, that is leill. And a Miller, that will not steill, * i. e. his rule. With ane Priest, that is not gredy, And lay ane deid corpse thame by, And, throw virtue of thame three. That deid corpse sail qwyknit be." Thus far all was fair : but the furious hatred of Popery led them to employ their rhymes in a still more licentious manner. It is a received tradition in Scotland, that at the time of the Reformation, ridiculous and ob- scene songs were composed to be sung by the rabble to the tunes of the most favourite hymns in the Latin service. Green sleeves and pudding pies (designed to ridicule the popish clergy) is said to have been one of these metamorphosed hymns : Maggy Lauder 212 LITTLE JOHN NOBODY. was another: John Anderson my jo was a third. The original music of all these bur- lesque sonnets was very fine. To give a spe- cimen of their manner, we have inserted one of the least ofi*ensive. The reader will par- don the meanness of the composition for the sake of the anecdote, which strongly marks the spirit of the times. In the present edition this song is much improved by some new readings communi- cated by a friend ; who thinks by the " Seven Bairns," in st. 2d, are meant the Seven Sa- craments ; five of which were the spurious ofi"- spring of Mother Church : as the first stanza contains a satirical allusion to the luxury of the popish clergy. The adaptation of solemn church music to these ludicrous pieces, and the jumble of ideas, thereby occasioned, will account for the following fact. — From the Records of the General Assembly in Scotland, called " The Book of the Universal Kirk," p. 90, 7th July, 1568, it appears, that Thomas Bassendyne, printer in Edinburgh, printed " a psalme bulk, in the end whereof was found printit anebaudy sang, called 'Welcome Fortunes.^"* John Anderson my jo, cum in as ze gae by, And ze sail get a sheips heid weel baken in a pye : Weel baken in a pye, and the haggis in a pat; John Anderson my jo, cum in, and ze's get that. MAN. And how doe ze, Cummer ? and how hae ze threven ? And how mony bairns hae ze ? Wom. Cum- mer, I hae seven. Man. Are they to zour awin gude man ? WoM. Na, Cummer, na ; For five of tham were gotten, quhan he was awa'. III. SittU |0|n |;0b0ig. We have here a witty libel on the Reforma- tion under King Edward VI., written about the year 1550, and preserved in the Pepys collection, British Museum, and Strype's Me- moirs of Cranmer. The author artfully de- clines entering into the merits of the cause, and wholly reflects on the lives and actions of many of the reformed. It is so easy to find flaws and imperfections in the conduct of men, even the best of them, and still easier to make general exclamations about the profligacy of the present times, that no great point is gained by arguments of that sort, unless the author could have proved that the principles of the reformed religion had a natural ten- dency to produce a corruption of manners ; whereas he indirectly owns, that their Reve- rend Father [Archbishop Cranmer] had used the most proper means to stem the torrent, by giving the people access to the Scriptures, by teaching them to pray with understand- ing, and by publishing homilies and other religious tracts. It must however be acknow- ledged, that our libeller had at that time suf- ficient room for just satire. For under the banners of the reformed had enlisted them- selves, many concealed papists, who had pri- vate ends to gratify ; many that were of no religion ; many greedy courtiers, who thirsted after the possessions of the church ; and many dissolute persons, who wanted to be exempt from all ecclesiastical censures : and as these men were loudest of all others in their cries for Reformation, so in ejQfect none obstructed the regular progress of it so much, or by their vicious lives brought vexation and shame more on the truly venerable and pious Reformers. The reader will remark the fondness of our satirist for alliteration : in this he was guilty of no afiectation or singularity ; his versifica- tion is that of Pierce Plowman's Visions, in * See also Biograph. Briant. 1st ed. vol. i. p. 177. LITTLE JOHN NOBODY. 213 ■which a recurrence of similar letters is essen- tial : to this he has only superadded rhyme, which in his time began to be the general practice. See an Essay on this very peculiar kind of metre, prefixed to Book III. in this Series. In december, when the dayes draw to be short, After november, when the nights wax noy- some and long ; As I past by a place privily at a port, I saw one sit by himself making a song : His last* talk of trifles, who told with his tongue That few were fast i' th' faith. I ' freyned'f that freake, Whether he wanted wit, or some had done him wrong. He said, he was little John Nobody, that durst not speake. John Nobody, quoth I, what news ? thou soon note and tell "What maner men thou meane, thou are so mad. He said, These gay gallants, that wil con- strue the gospel. As Solomon the sage, with semblance full sad; To discusse divinity they nought adread ; More meet it were for them to milk kye at a Thou lyest, quoth I, thou losel, like a leud lad. He said he was little John Nobody, that durst not speake. •Its meet for every man on this matter to talk. And the glorious gospel ghostly to have in mind ; It is sothe said, that sect but much unseemly skalk, As boyes babble in books, that in scripture are blind : Yet to their fancy soon a cause will find ; As to live in lust, in lechery to leyke : Such caitives count to be come of Cains kind ;t But that I little John Nobody durst not speake. * Perhaps He left talk. f feigned, MSS. and P. 0. X Cain's kind.] So in Pierce the Plowman's creed, the proud friars are said to be " Of Caymes kind." Vid. Sig. C. ij. b. For our reverend father hath set forth an order, Our service to be said in our seigneurs tongue ; As Solomon the sage set forth the scripture ; Our sufii-ages, and services, with many a sweet song, With homilies, and godly books us among, That no stifi*, stubborn stomacks we should freyke : But wretches nere worse to do poor men wrong ; But that I little John Nobody dare not speake. For bribery was never so great, since born was our Lord, And whoredom was never les hated, sith Christ harrowed hel, And poor men are so sore punished common- ly through the world, That it would grieve any one, that good is, to hear tel. For al the homilies and good books, yet their hearts be so quel, That if a man do amisse, with mischiefe they wil him wreake ; The fashion of these new fellows it is so vile and fell : But that I little John Nobody dare not speake. Thus to live after their lust, that life would they have. And in lechery to leyke al their long life ; For al the preaching of Paul, yet many a proud knave Wil move mischiefe in their mind both to maid and wife To bring them in advoutry or else they wil strife. And in brawling about baudery, Gods com- mandments breake: But of these frantic il fellowes, few of them do thrife ; Though I little John Nobody dare not If thou company with them, they wil cur- rishly carp, and not care According to their foolish fantacy ; but fast wil they naught: Prayer with them is but prating; therefore they it forbear : Both almes deeds, and holiness, they hate it in their thought : 214 THE HEIR OF LINNE. Therefore pray we to that prince, that with his bloud us bought, That he wil mend that is amiss : for many a manful freyke Is sorry for these sects, though they say little or nought ; And that I little John Nobody dare not once speake. Thus in no place, this Nobody, in no time I met. Where no man, ' ne'* nought was, nor no- thing did appear ; Through the sound of a synagogue for sor- row I swett, That * Aeolus'* though the eccho did cause me to hear. Then I drew me down into a dale, whereas the dumb deer Did shiver for a shower ; but I shunted from a freyke : For I would no wight in this world wist who I were, But little John Nobody, that dare not once speake. lY. WRIT WITH CHARCOAL ON A SHUTTER, —are preserved by Hentzner, in that part of his Travels, which has been reprinted in so elegant a manner at Strawberry-Hill. In Hentzner's book they were wretchedly cor- rupted, but are here given as amended by his ingenious Editor. The old orthography, and one or two ancient readings of Hentzner's copy, are here restored. Oh, Fortune ! how thy restlesse wavering state Hath fraught vrith cares my troubled witt ! Witnes this present prisonn, whither fate Could beare me> and the joys I quit. Thou causedest the guiltie to be losed 5 From bandes, wherein are innocents in- closed : Causing the guiltles to be straite reserved, And freeing those that death hath well de- served. But by her envie can be nothing wroughte, So God send to my foes all they have thoughte. A. D. MDLV. EliZABETHE, PrISONNER. -<♦»- nx 0f "gxMt. The original of this Ballad is found in the Editor's folio MS., the breaches and defects in which, rendered the insertion of supple- mental stanzas necessary. These it is hoped the Reader will pardon, as indeed the com- pletion of the story was suggested by a modern ballad on a similar subject. From the Scottish phrases here and there * then, MSS. and P. C. discernible in this poem, it would seem to have been originally composed beyond the Tweed. The heir of Linne appears not to have been a Lord of Parliament, but a Laird, whose title went along with his estate. * Hercules, MS. and P. C. Ver. 4, Could bears, is an ancient idiom, equivalent to Did bear or Hath borne. See below the Beggar of Bednal Green, ver. 57, Could say. THE HEIR OF LINNE. 215 PART THE FIRST. Lithe and listen, gentlemen, To sing a song I will beginne : It is of a lord of faire Scotland, Which was the unthrifty heire of Linne. His father was a right good lord, 5 His mother a lady of high degree ; But they, alas ! were dead, him froe, And he lov'd keeping companie. To spend the daye with merry cheare, To drinke and revell every night, 10 To card and dice from eve to morne, It was, I ween, his hearts delighte. To ride, to runne, to rant, to roare, To alwaye. spend and never spare, I wott, an' it were the king himselfe, 15 Of gold and fee he mote be bare. Soe fares the unthrifty Lord of Linne Till all his gold is gone and spent ; And he maun sell his landes so broad, His house, and landes, and all his rent. 20 His father had a keen stew^rde, And John o' the Scales was called bee : But John is become a gentel-man, And John has gott both gold and fee. Sayes, "Welcome, welcome, Lord of Linne, 25 Let nought disturb thy merry cheere ; Iff thou wilt sell thy landes soe broad. Good store of gold He give thee heere. My gold is gone, my money is spent; My lande nowe take it unto thee : 30 Give me the golde, good John o' the Scales, And thine for aye my lande shall bee. Then John he did him to record draw. And John he cast him a gods-pennie ;* But for every pounde that John agreed, 35 The lande, I wis, was well worth three. He told him the gold upon the borde. He was right glad his land to winne ; The gold is thine, the land is mine. And now He be the Lord of Linne. 40 * i. e. earnest-money ; from the French " Denier k Dieu." At this day, when application is made to the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle to accept an exchange of the tenant under one of their leases, a piece of silver is presented by the new tenant, which is still called a God's-penny. 28 Thus he hath sold his land soe broad, Both hill and holt, and moore and fenne, All but a poore and lonesome lodge. That stood far off in a lonely glenne. For soe he to his father hight. 45 My Sonne, when I am gonne, sayd hee. Then thou wilt spend thy lande so broad, And thou wilt spend thy gold so free : But sweare me nowe upon the roode, 49 That lonesome lodge thou'lt never spend ; For when all the world doth frown on thee, Thou there shalt find a faithful friend.. The heire of Linne is full of golde : And come with me, my friends, sayd hee, Let's drinke, and rant, and merry make, 55 And he that spares, ne'er mote he thee. They ranted, drank, and merry made. Till all his gold it waxed thinne ; And then his friendes they slunk away ; They left the unthrifty heire of Linne. 60 He had never a penny left in his purse, Never a penny left but three. And one was brass, another was lead, And another it was white monhj. Nowe well-aday, sayd the heire of Linne, 65 Nowe well-adaye, and woe is mee, For when I was the Lord of Linne, I never wanted gold nor fee. But many a trustye friend have I, And why shold I feel dole or care ? 70 He borrow of them all by turnes, Soe need I not be never bare. But one, I wis, was not at home ; Another had payd his gold away ; Another call'd him thriftless loone, 75 And bade him sharpely wend his way. Now well-aday, sayd the heire of Linne, Now well-aday, and woe is me ; For when I had my landes so broad. On me they liv'd right merrilee. 80 To beg my bread from door to door, I wis, it were a brenning shame : To rob and steal it were a sinne : To worke my limbs I cannot frame. Ver. 63, 4, 5, &c. Sic MS. 216 THE HEIR OF LINNE. 85 Now He away to lonesome lodge, For there my father bade me wend : When all the world should frown on raee ^^ there shold find a trusty friend. PART THE SECOND. Away then hyed the heire of Linne Oer hill and holt, and moor and fenne, Untill he came to lonesome lodge, That stood so lowe in a lonely glenne. He looked up, he looked downe, 5 In hope some comfort for to winne : But hare and lothly were the walles. Here's sorry cheare, quo' the heire of Linne. The little windowe dim and darke "Was hung with ivy, brere, and yewe ; 10 No shimmering sunn here ever shone. No halesome breeze here ever blew. No chair, ne table he mote spye, No chearful hearth, ne welcome bed. Nought save a rope with penning noose, 15 That dangling hung up o'er his head. And over it in broad letters. These words were written so plain to see : "Ah ! gracelesse wretch, hast spent thine all And brought thyselfe to penurie ? 20 " All this my boding mind misgave, I therefore left this trusty friend : Let it now sheeld thy foule disgrace. And all thy shame and sorrows end." Sorely shent wi' this rebuke, 25 Sorely shent was the heire of Linne ; His heart, I wis, was near to brast With guilt and sorrowe, shame and sinne. Never a word spake the heire of Linne, Never a word he spake but three : 30 " This is a trusty friend indeed, And is right welcome unto mee." Then round his necke the corde he drewe. And sprang aloft with his bodie : When lo ! the ceiling burst in twaine, 35 And to the ground come tumbling hee. Astonyed lay the heire of Linne, Ne knewe if he were live or dead : At length he looked, and sawe a bille, And in it a key of gold so redd. 40 He took the bill, and lookt it on, Strait good comfort found he there : Itt told him of a hole in the wall, In which there stood three chests in-fere.* Two were full of the beaten golde, 45 The third was full of white monhj ; And over them in broad letters These words were written so plaine to see •, *' Once more, my sonne, I sette thee clere ; Amend thy life and follies past ; 50 For but thou amend thee of thy life, That rope must be thy end at last.'^ And let it bee, sayd the heire of Linne ; And let it bee, but if I amend:! For here I will make mine avow, 55 This readej shall guide me to the end. Away then went with a merry cheare. Away then went the heire of Linne ; I wis, he neither ceas'd ne blanne, 59 Till John o' the Scales hous^e he did winne. And when he came to John o' the Scales, Upp at the speere§ then looked hee ; There sate three lords upon a rowe, Were drinking of the wine so free. And John himselfe sate at the bord-head, 65 Because now lord of Linne was hee. I pray thee, he said, good John o' the Scales, One forty pence for to lend mee. Away, away, thou thriftless loone ; Away, away, this may not bee : 70 For Christs curse on my head, he sayd, If ever I trust thee one pennie. Ter. 60, an old northern phrase. * in-fere, i. e. together. M^a vvd^ {'^'^ ' ^ ^ ""^ ^ t i. e. unless I amend. J i. e. advice, counsel. § Perhaps the Hole in the door or window, by which it was speered, i. e. sparred, fastened, or shut. — In Bale's 2d Part of the Acts of Eng. Votaries, we have this phrase (fol. 38). "The dors therof oft tymes opened and speared agayen. THE HEIR OF LINNE. 217 Then bespake the heire of Linne, To John o' the Scales wife then spake he : Madame, some almes on me bestowe, 75 I pray for sweet saint Charitie. Away, away, thou thriftless loone, I sweare thou gettest no almes of mee ; For if we should hang any losel heere, The first we wold begin with thee. 80 Then bespake a good fellowe, "Which sat at John o' the Scales his bord ; Sayd, Turn againe, thou heire of Linne ; Some time thou wast a well good lord : Some time a good fellow thou hast been, 85 And sparedst not thy gold and fee ; Therefore He lend thee forty pence, And other forty if need bee. And ever, I pray thee, John o' the Scales, To let him sit in thy companie : 90 For well I wot thou hadst his land. And a good bargain it was to thee. Up then spake him John o' the Scales, All wood he answer'd him againe : Now Christs curse on my head, he sayd, 95 But I did lose by that barg^ine. And here I proffer thee, heire of Linne, Before these lords so faire and free. Thou shalt have it backe again better cheape. By a hundred markes, than I had it of thee. I drawe you to record, lords, he said. 101 With that he cast him a gods pennie : Ver. 34, of Part I., and 102, of Part H., cast is the readuig »f the MS. Now by my fay, sayd the heire of Linne, And here, good John, is thy money. And he pull'd forth three bagges of gold, 105 And layd them down upon the bord : All woe begone was John o' the Scales, Soe shent he cold say never a vrord. He told him forth the good red gold, He told it forth mickle dinne. 110 The gold is thine, the land is mine, And now Ime againe the Lord of Linne. Sayes, Have thou here, thou good fellowe. Forty pence thou didst lend mee : Now I am againe the Lord of Linne, 115 And forty pounds I will give thee. He make the keeper of my forrest, Both of the wild deere and the tame ; For but I reward thy bounteous heart, I wis, good fellowe, I were to blame. 120 Now welladay ! sayth Joan o' the Scales ; Now welladay ! and woe is my life ! Yesterday I was lady of Linne, Now Ime but John o' the Scales his wife. Now fare thee well, sayd the heire of Linne ; Farewell now, John o^ the Scales, said hee: 126 Christs curse light on me, if ever again I bring my lands in jeopardy. *^^ tit In the present edition of this ballad several ancient readings are restored from tha folio MS. 218 GASCOIGNE'S PRAISE OF THE FAIR BRIDGES. VI. (^mm^u'$ l^xm 0f % im §rftg^s, atetoaris f aig Sante^ ON HER HAVING A SCAR IN HER FOREHEAD. George Gascoigne was a celebrated poet in the early part of Queen Elizabeth's reign, and appears to great advantage among the miscellaneous writers of that age. He was author of three or four plays, and of many smaller poems ; one of the most remarkable of which is a satire in blank verse, called the " Steele-glass," 1576, 4to. Gascoigne was born in Essex, educated in both universities, whence he removed to Gray's Inn ; but, disliking the study of the law, became first a dangler at court, and afterwards a soldier in the wars of the Low Countries. He had no great success in any of these pursuits, as appears from a poem of his, entitled, " Gascoigne's Wodmanship, written to Lord Gray of Wilton.'^ Many of his epistles dedicatory are dated in 1575, 1576, from " his poore house in Walthamstoe :" where he died, a middle-aged man, in 1578, according to Anth. Wood : or rather in 1577, if he is the person meant in an old tract, en- titled, "A remembrance of the well-employed life and godly end of George Gascoigne, Esq., who deceased at Stamford in Lincolnshire, Oct. 7, 1577, by Geo. Whetstone, Gent., an eye-witness of his godly and charitable end in this world," 4to., no date. — [From a MS. of Oldys.] Mr. Thomas Warton thinks "Gascoigne has much exceeded all the poets of his age, in smoothness and harmony of versification,^'* But the truth is, scarce any of the earlier poets of Queen Elizabeth's time are found deficient in harmony and smoothness, though those qualities appear so rare in the writings of their successors. In the " Paradise of Dainty Devises"t (the Dodsley's Miscellany of those times), will hardly be found one rough or inharmonious line: J whereas the numbers of Jonson, Donne, and most of their contemporaries, frequently ofi'end the ear, * Observation on the Faerie Queen, Vol. II. p. 168. f Printed in 1578, 1596, and perhaps oftener, in 4to. black-letter. X The same is true of most of the poems in the " Mirrour of Magistrates," 1563, 4to., and also of " Surrey's Poems," 1557. like the filing of a saw.-^«Pfirhaps this is in some measure to be accounted for from the growing pedantry of that age, and from the writers afi'ecting to run their lines into one another, after the manner of the Latin and Greek poets.'. The following poem (which the elegant writer above quoted hath recommended to notice, as possessed of a delicacy rarely to be seen in that early state of our poetry) pro- perly consists of alexandrines of twelve and fourteen syllables, and is printed from two quarto black-letter collections of Gascoigne's pieces ; the first entitled, "A hundreth sundrie flowres, bounde up in one small posie, &c., London, imprinted for Richarde Smith:" without date, but from a letter of H. W. (p. 202), compared with the printer's epist. to the reader, it appears to have been published in 1572, or '3. The other is entitled, "The Posies of George Gascoigne, Esq., corrected, perfected, and augmented by the author, 1575. — Printed at London, for Richard Smith, &c." No year, but the epist. dedicat. is dated 1576. In the title page of this last (by way of printer's* or bookseller's device) is an orna- mental wooden cut, tolerably well executed, wherein Time is represented drawing the figure of Truth out of a pit or cavern, with this legend, "Occulta Veritas tempore patet" [r. s.]. This is mentioned because it is not improbable, but the accidental sight of this or some other title page containing the same device, suggested to Rubens that well-known design of a similar kind, which he has intro- duced into the Luxemburgh gallery,t and which has been so justly censured for the unnatural manner of its execution. In court whoso demaundes What dame doth most excell ; For my conceit I must needes say, Faire Bridges beares the beh-^^-vv^ * Henrie Pinneman. 1 Le Terns decouvre la Verite. GASCOIGNE'S PRAISE OF THE FAIR BRIDGES. 219 Upon whose lively eheeke, 5 Yet when he felte the flame To prove my judgment true, Gan kindle in his brest, ^ The rose and lillie seeme to strive ,^^ For equall change of hewe : And herd dame Nature boast by hir To break him of his rest, And therewithal! so well His hot newe-chosen love 45 Hir graces all agree ; 10 He chaunged into hate. No frowning cheere dare once presume And sodeynly with mightie mace In hir sweet face to bee. ^Gan rap hir on the pate. Although some lavishe lippes, It greeved Nature muche Which like some other best, To see the cruell deede : 50 "Will say, the blemishe on hir browe 15 Mee seemes I see hir, how she wept Disgraceth aU the rest. To see hir dearling bleede. Thereto I thus replie ; God wotte, they little knowe The hidden cause of that mishap, Nor how the harm did growe : 20 Wei yet, quod she, this hurt Shal have some helpe I trowe: And quick with skin she coverd it, That whiter is than snowe. 55 For when dame Nature first _JB[ad framde hir heavenly face, Wherwith Dan Cupide fled. '' And thoroughly bedecked it For feare of further flame. "With goodly gleames of grace ; When angel-like he saw hir shine. Whome he had smit with shame. 60 It lyked hir so well : 25 Lo here, quod she, a peece Lo, thus was Bridges hurt For perfect shape, that passeth all In cradel of hir kind. Appelles^ worke in Greece. The coward Cupide brake hir browe To wreke his wounded mynd. This bayt may chaunce to catche The greatest God of love, 30 Or mightie thundring Jove himself, (^ That rules the roast above. The skar still there remains ; No force, there let it bee : 65 There is no cloude that can eclipse But out, alas ! those wordes So bright a sunne, as she. Were vaunted all in vayne : And some unseen wer present there, 35 *^* The lady here celebrated was Catha- Pore Bridges, to thy pain. rine, daughter of Edmond second Lord Chandos, wife of William Lord Sands. See For Cupide, crafty boy, CoUins's Peerage, vol. ii., p. 133, ed. 1779. | Close in a corner stoode. __ ^ Not blyndfold then, to gaze on hir : Ver. 62, In cradel of hir kind : i. e. in the cradle of her I gesse it did him good. 40 fisunily. See Waxton's Observations, vol. II. p. 137. 220 FAIR ROSAMOND. YII. im |l0S»m0nt Most of the circumstances in this popular story of King Henry II., and the beautiful Rosamond have been taken for fact by our English Historians ; who, unable to account for the unnatural conduct of Queen Eleanor in stimulating her sons to rebellion, have attributed it to jealousy, and supposed that Henry's amour with Rosamond was the object of that passion. Our old English annalists seem, most of them, to have followed Higden the monk of Chester, whose account, with some enlarge- ments, is thus given by StoAV. " Rosamond, the fayre daughter of Walter Lord Clifford, concubine to Henry II. (poisoned by Queen Elianor, as some thought), dyed at Wood- stocke [a. d. 1177], where King Henry had made for her a house of wonderfull working ; so that no man or woman might come to her, but he that was instructed by the King, or such as were right secret with him touching the matter. This house after some was named Labyrinthus, or Dedalus worke, which was wrought like unto a knot in a garden, called a Maze ;'^ but it was commonly said, that lastly the Queene came to her by a clue of thridde, or silke, and so dealt with her, that she lived not long after : but when she was dead, she was buried at Godstow in an house of nunnes, beside Oxford, with these verses upon her tombe : " Hie jacit in tumbS., Rosa mundi, non Rosa munda ; Non redolet, sed olet, quae redolere solet." " In English thus : " The rose of the world, but not the cleane flowre, Is now here graven ; to whom beauty was lent: In this grave full darke nowe is her bowre, That by her life was sweete and redo ent: But now that she is from this life blent, * Consisting of vaults under ground, arched and walled with brick and stone, according to Drayton. See note on his Epistle of Rosamond. Though she were sweete, now foully doth she / stinke. ^' A mirrour good for all men, that on her thinke." Stowe's Annals, ed. 1631, p. 154. How the queen gained admittance into Ro- samond's bower is differently related. Holins- hed speaks of it as "the common report of the people,. that the queene .... founde hir out by a silken thread, which the king had drawne after him out of hir chamber with his foot, and dealt with hir in such sharpe and cruell wise, that she lived not long af- ter." Vol. III., p. 115. On the other hand, in Speede's Hist., we are told that the jealous queen found her out "by a clew of silke, fal- len from Rosamund's lappe, as shee sate to n take ayre, and suddenly fleeing from the'^ sight of the searcher, the end of her silke fastened to her foot, and the clew still un- winding, remained behinde : which the queene followed, till shee had found what she sought, and upon Rosamund so vented her spleene, as the lady lived not long after." 3d edit. p. 509. Our ballad maker with more ingenuity, and probably as much truth, tells us the clue was gained by surprise, from the knight, who was left to guard her bower. It is observable that none of the old writers attribute Rosamond's death to poison (Stowe, above, mentions it merely as a slight conjec- ture) ; they only give us to understand, that the queen treated her harshly ; with furious menaces, we may suppose, and sharp expos- tulations, which had such effect on her spirits that she did not long survive it. Indeed on her tomb-stone, as we learn from a person of credit,* among other fine sculptures, was en- graven the figure of a cwjp. This, which perhaps at first was an accidental ornament (perhaps only the Chalice), might in after-times sug- gest the notion that she was poisoned ; at least this construction was put upon it, when * Tho. Allen of Gloc. Hall, Oxon. who died in 1632, aged 90. See Hearne's rambling discourse concerning Rosamond, at the end of Gul. Neubrig. Hist. vol. ill. p. 739. FAIR ROSAMOND. 221 the stone came to be demolished after the nunnery was dissolved. The account is, that "the tombstone of Rosamund Clifford was taken up at Godstow, and broken in pieces, and that upon it were interchangeable weav- ings drawn out and decked with roses red and green, and the picture of the cup, out of which she drank the poison given her by the queen, carved in stone.'^ Rosamond's father having been a great be- nefactor to the nunnery of Godstow, where she had also resided herself in the innocent part of her life, her body was conveyed there, and buried in the middle of the choir; in which place it remained till the year 1191, when Hugh bishop of Lincoln caused it to be removed. The fact is recorded by Hovedon, a contemporary writer, whose words are thus translated by Stowe : '\Hugh bishop of Lin- colne came to the abbey of nunnes, called Godstow, .... and when he had entred the church to pray, he saw a tombe in the mid- dle of the quire, covered with a pall of silke, and set about with lights of waxe : and de- manding whose tomb it was, he was answered, that it was the tombe of Rosamond, that was some time lemman to Henry II who for the love of her had done much good to that church. Then, quoth the bishop, take out of this place the harlot, and bury her without the church, lest Christian religion should grow in contempt, and to the end that, through the example of her, other wo- men being made afraid may beware, and keepe themselves from unlawful! and ad- vouterous company with men." Annals, p. 159. History further informs us that king John repaired Godstow nunnery, and endowed it with yearly revenues, " that these holy vir- gins might releeve with their prayers, the soules of his father King Henrie, and of Lady Rosamund there interred."* In what situation her remains were found at the dis- solution of the nunnery, we learn from Le- land, " Rosamundes tumbe at Godstowe nun- nery was taken up [of] late ; it is a stone with this inscription, Tumba Rosamunds. Her bones were closid in lede, and withyn that bones were closyd yn lether. When it was opened a very swete smell came owt of * Vid. Reign of Henry 11., in Speed's History, writ by Dr. Barcham, Dean of Bocking. it."* See Hearne's discourse above quoted, written in 1718 ; at which time he tells us, were still seen by the pool at Woodstock the foundations of a very large building, which were believed to be the remains of Rosa- mond's labyrinth. To conclude this (perhaps too prolix) ac- count, Henry had two sons by Rosamond, from a computation of whose ages, a modern historian has endeavoured to invalidate the received story. These were William Longue- espe (or Long-sword) earl of Salisbury, and Geoffrey bishop of Lincolne.f Geoffrey was the younger of Rosamond's sons, and yet is said to have been twenty years old at the time of his election to that see in 1173. Hence this writer concludes that King Henry fell in love with Rosamond in 1149, when in King Stephen's reign he came over to be knighted by the king of Scots ; he also thinks it probable that Henry's commerce with this lady " broke off upon his marriage with Eleanor [in 1152], and that the young lady, by a natural effect of grief and resent- ment at the defection of her lover, entered on that occasion into the nunnery of God- stowe, where she died probably before the rebellion of Henry's sons in 1173." [Carte's Hist. Vol. I., p. 652.] But let it be observed, that Henry was but sixteen years old when he came over to be knighted : that he stayed but eight months in this island, and was al- most all the time with the King of Scots ; that he did not return back to England till 1153, the year after his marriage with Elea- nor ; and that no writer drops the least hint of Rosamond's having ever been abroad with her lover, nor indeed is it probable that a boy of sixteen should venture to carry over a mistress to his mother's court. If all these circumstances are considered, Mr. Carte's account will be found more incoherent and improbable than that of the old ballad ; which is also countenanced by most of our old historians. Indeed the true date of Geoffrey's birth, and consequently of Henry's commerce with Rosamond, seems to be best ascertained from an ancient manuscript in the Cotton library ; wherein it is thus registered of Geoffrey Plan- * This would have passed for miraculous, if it had hap- pened in the tomb of any clerical person, and a proof of his being a saint. t Afterwards Archbishop of York, temp. Eich. I. 222 FAIR ROSAMOND. tagenet, " Natus est 5° Henry II. [1159.] Fac- tus est miles 25° Henry II. [1179.] Elect, in Episcop. Lincoln, 28°HenryII. [1182.]" Vid. Chron. de Kirkstall, (Domitian XII.) Drake's Hist, of York, p. 422. The ballad of Fair Rosamond appears to have been first published in " Strange Histo- ries or Songs and Sonnets, of Kinges, Prin- ces, Dukes, Lords, Ladyes, Knights, and Gentlemen, &c. By Thomas Delone. Lon- don, 1612." 4to. It is now printed (with conjectural emendations) from four ancient copies in black-letter ; two of them in the Pe- pys library. When as King Henry rulde this land, The second of that name, Besides the queene, he dearly lovde A faire and comely dame. Most peerlesse was her beautye founde, 5 Her favour, and her face ; A sweeter creature in this worlde Could never prince embrace. Her crisped lockes like threads of golde Appeard to each mans sight ; 10 Her sparkling eyes, like Orient pearles, Did cast a heavenlye light. The blood within her crystal cheekes Did such a colour drive, As though the lillye and the rose 15 For mastership did strive. Yea Rosamonde, fair Rosamonde, Her name was called so, To whom our queene, dame Ellinor, Was known a deadlye foe. 20 The king therefore, for her defence, Against the furious queene. At Woodstocke builded such a bower, The like was never seen. Most curiously that bower was built 25 Of stone and timber strong, An hundred and fifty doors Did to this bower belong : And they so cunninglye contriv'd With turnings round about, 30 That none but with a clue of thread Could enter in or out. And for his love and ladyes sake, That was so faire and brighte, The keeping of this bower he gave 35 Unto a valiant knighte. But fortune, that doth often frowne Where she before did smile, The kinges delighte and ladyes joy Full soon shee did beguile : 40 For why, the kinges ungracious sonne, AVhom he did high advance. Against his father raised warres Within the realme of France. But yet before our comelye king 45 The English land forsooke, Of Rosamond, his lady faire, His farewelle thus he tooke : " My Rosamonde, my only Rose, That pleasest best mine eye : 50 The fairest flower in all the worlde To feed my fantasye : The flower of mine affected heart, Whose sweetness doth excelle ; My royal Rose, a thousand times 55 I bid thee nowe farwelle ! For I must leave my fairest flower, My sweetest Rose, a space, And cross the seas to famous France, Proud rebelles to abase. 60 But yet, my Rose, be sure thou shalt My coming shortlye see, And in my heart, when hence I am, He beare my Rose with mee.^' When Rosamond, that ladye brighte, 65 Did heare the king saye soe, The sorrowe of her grieved heart Her outward lookes did showe ; And from her cleare and crystal! eyes The teares gusht out apace, 70 Which like the silver-pearled dewe Ranne down her comely face. Her lippes, erst like the corall redde. Did waxe both wan and pale. And for the sorrowe she conceivde 75 Her vital 1 spirits faile ; FAIK ROSAMOND. 223 And falling down all in a swoone Before king Henryes face, Full oft he in his princelye armes Her bodye did embrace ; 80 And twentye times, with watery eyes, He kist her tender cheeke. Until he had revivde againe Her senses milde and meeke. Why grieves my Rose, my sweetest Rose ? The king did often say. 86 Because, quoth shee, to bloodye warres My lord must part awaye. But since your grace on forrayne coastes Amonge your foes unkinde 90 Must goe to hazarde life and limbe, Why should I staye behinde ? Nay rather, let me, like a page. Your sworde and target beare ; That on my breast the blowes may lighte. Which would offend you there. 96 Or lett mee, in your royal tent. Prepare your bed at nighte. And with sweete baths refresh your grace. At your returne from fighte. 100 So I your presence may enjoye, No toil I will refuse ; But wanting you, my life is death : Nay, death lie rather choose. " Content thy self, my dearest love ; 105 Thy rest at home shall bee In Englandes sweet and pleasant isle ; For travell fits not thee. Faire ladies brooke not bloodye warres ; Soft peace their sexe delightes : 110 ' Not rugged campes, but courtlye bowers ; Gay feastes, nor cruell fightes.' My Rose shall safely here abide. With musicke passe the day ; Whilst I, amonge the piercing pikes, 115 My foes seeke far awaye. My Rose shall shine in pearle, and golde. Whilst Ime in armour dighte ; Gay galliards here my love shall dance, Whilst I my foes goe fighte. 120 29 And you. Sir Thomas, whom I truste To bee my loves defence ; Be careful! of my gallant Rose When I am parted hence." And therewithal! he fetcht a sigh, 125 As though his heart would breake : And Rosamonde, for very griefe. Not one plaine word could speake. And at their parting well they mighte In heart be grieved sore : 130 After that daye faire Rosamonde The king did see no more. For when his grace had past the seas, And into France was gone ; With envious heart, Queene EUinor, 135 To Woodstocke came anone. And forth she calls this trustye knighte In an unhappy houre ; Who with his clue of twined thread, Came from this famous bower. 140 And when that they had wounded him, The queene this thread did gette. And went where ladye Rosamonde Was like an angell sette. 145 But when the queene with stedfast eye Beheld her beauteous face. She was amazed in her minde At her exceeding grace. Cast ofi" from thee those robes, she said, That riche and costlye bee : 150 And drinke thou up this deadlye draught, Which I have brought to thee. Then presentlye upon her knees Sweet Rosamonde did falle ; And pardon of the queene she craved For her ofiences all. 155 " Take pitty on my youthful! yeares, Faire Rosamonde did crye ; And lett mee not with poison stronge Enforced bee to dye. I will renounce my sinful! life. And in some cloyster bide ; Or else be banisht, if you please. To range the world soe wide. 160 224 QUEEN ELEANOR'S CONFESSION. And for the fault which I have done, 165 Though I was forced theretoe, Preserve my life, and punish mee As you thinke meet to doe." And with these words, her lillie handes She wrunge full often there ; 170 And downe along her lovely face Did trickle many a teare. But nothing could this furious queene Therewith appeased bee ; The cup of deadlye poyson stronge, 175 As she knelt on her knee, Shee gave this comelye dame to drinke ; AVho tooke it in her hand. And from her bended knee arose. And on her feet did stand : 180 And casting up her eyes to heaven, Shee did for mercye calle ; And drinking up the poison stronge, Her life she lost withalle. And when that death through everye limbe Had showde its greatest spite, 186 Her chiefest foes did plaine confesse Shee was a glorious wight. Her body then they did entomb, When life was fled away. At Godstowe, neare to Oxford towne, As may be scene this day. 190 VIII. (^um ^lmmf$ €mfmm. ** Eleanor, the daughter and heiress of William duke of Guienne, and count of Poictou, had been married sixteen years to Louis VII. king of France, and had attended him in a croisade, which that monarch com- manded against the infidels ; but having lost the affections of her husband, and even fallen under some suspicions of gallantry with a handsome Saracen, Louis, more delicate than politic, procured a divorce from her, and re- stored her those rich provinces, which by her marriage she had annexed to the crown of France. The young count of Anjou, after- wards Henry II. King of England, though at that time but in his nineteenth year, neither discouraged by the disparity of age, nor by the reports of Eleanor's gallantry, made such successful courtship to that princess, that he married her six weeks after her divorce, and got possession of all her do- minions as a dowery. A marriage thus founded upon interest was not likely to be very happy : it happened accordingly. Ele- anor, who had disgusted her first husband by her gallantries, was no less offensive to her second by her jealousy : thus carrying to ex- tremity, in the different parts of her life, every circumstance of female weakness. She had several sons by Henry, whom she spirit- ed up to rebel against him ; and endeavour- ing to escape to them disguised in man's ap- parel in 1173, she was discovered and thrown into a confinement, Avhich seems to have con- tinued till the death of her husband in 1189. She however survived him many years ; dy- ing in 1204, in the sixth year of the reign of her youngest son, John.'' See Hume's His- tory, 4to. vol. I. pp. 260, 307. Speed, Stowe, &c. It is needless to observe that the following ballad (given with some corrections, from an old printed copy) is altogether fabulous ; whatever gallantries Eleanor encouraged in the time of her first husband, none are im- puted to her in that of her second. Queene Elianor was a sicke wom^n, And afraid that she should dye ; Then she sent for two fryars of France To speke with her speedilye. The king calld downe his nobles all, 5 By one, by two, by three ; "Earl marshal]. He go shrive the queene, And thou shalt wend with mee." QUEEN ELEANOR'S CONFESSION. 225 A boone, a boone ; quoth earl marshMl, The next vile thing that ever I did, 45 And fell on his bended knee ; 10 To you He not denye. That whatsoever Queene Elianor saye, I made a boxe of poyson strong, No harme therof may bee. To poison King Henrye. He pawne my landes, the king then cryd Thats a vile sinne, then sayd the king, My sceptre, crowne, and all, May God forgive it thee ! 50 That whatsoere Queen Elianor sayes, 15 Amen, amen, quoth earl marshall ; No harme thereof shall fall. And I wish it so may bee. The next vile thing that ever I did, Do thou put on a fryars coat, To you I will discover ; I poysoned fair Rosamonde, All in fair Woodstocke bower. And He put on another ; And we will to Queen Elianor goe 55 Like fryar and his brother. 20 Thats a vile sinne, then sayd the king ; Thus both attired then they goe : May God forgive it thee ! When they came to Whitehall, Amen, amen, quoth earl marshall ; The bells did ring, and the quiristers sing, And I wish it so may bee. 60 And the torches did lighte them all. Do you see yonders little boye. When that they came before the queene, 25 A tossing of the balle ? They fell on their bended knee ; That is earl marshalls eldest sonne, A boone, a boone, our gracious queene. And I love him the best of all. That you sent so hastilee. Do you see yonders little boye, 65 Are you two fryars of France, she sayd. A catching of the balle ? As I suppose you bee ? 30 That is king Henryes youngest sonne, But if you are two Englishe fryars. And I love him the worst of all. You shall hang on the gallowes tree. His head is fashyon'd like a bull ; We are two fryars of France, they sayd, His nose is like a boare. 70 As you suppose we bee. No matter for that, king Henrye cryd. We have not been at any masse 35 I love him the better therfore. Sith we came from the sea. The king pulled off his fryars coate. And appeared all in redde : The first vile thing that ever I did, 1 She shrieked, and cryd, and wrung her hands, | I will to you unfolde ; And sayd she was betrayde. 76 Earl marshall had my maidenhead, Beneath this cloth of golde. 40 The king lookt over his left shoulder, And a grimme look looked hee. That's a vile sinne, then sayd the king; Earl marshall, he sayd, but for my oathe May God forgive it thee ! Or hanged thou shouldst bee. 80 Amen, amen, quoth earl marshall ; Ver. 63, 67. She mpans that the eldest of these tw( )was With a heavye heart spake hee. by the Earl MarshaU, the youngest by the king. 226 THE BEGGAR'S DAUGHTER OF BEDNALL-GREEN. TX. %\t StttrJrg i0tL This poem, subscribed M. T. [perhaps in- vertedly for T. Marshall*], is preserved in "The Paradise of daintie Devises/' quoted above in page 218. The two first stanzas may be found accompanied with musical notes in "An Howres Recreation in Musicke," &c., by Richard Alison, Lond., 1606, 4to. : usually bound up with three or four sets of " Madrigals set to Music by Thomas Weelkes, Lond., 1597, 1600, 1608, 4to." One of these madrigals is so complete an example of the Bathos that I cannot forbear presenting it to the reader. Thule, the period of cosmographie, Doth vaunt of Hecla, whose sulphureous fire • Doth melt the frozen clime, and thaw the skie, Trinacrian j^Etna's flames ascend not hier : These things seeme wondrous, yet more won- drous I, Whose heart with feare doth freeze, with love doth fry. The Andelusian merchant, that returnes Laden with cutchinele and china dishes, Reports in Spaine, how strangely Togo burnes -Amidst an ocean full of flying fishes : These things seeme wondrous, yet more won- drous I, Whose heart with feare doth freeze, with love doth fry. Mr. Weelkes seems to have been of opinion with many of his brethren of later times, that nonsense was best adapted to display the powers of musical composure. The sturdy rock for all his strengths By raging seas is rent in twaine : ! The marble stone is pearst at length^ With little drops of drizling rain : The oxe doth yeeld unto the yoke, 5 The Steele obeyeth the hammer stroke. The stately stagge, that seemes so stout, By yalping hounds at bay is set : The swiftest bird, that flies about, Is caught at length in fowler's net : The greatest fish, in deepest brooke, Is soon deceived by subtill hooke. 10 15 Yea man himselfe, unto whose will All things are bounden to obey, For all his wit and worthie skill. Doth fade at length, and fall away. There is nothing but time doeth waste ; The heavens, the earth consume at last. But vertue sits triumphing still Upon the throne of glorious fame : 20 Though spiteful death mans body kill, Yet hurts he not his vertuous name : By life or death what so betides, The state of vertue never slides. -<♦>- ^. %\t i^gpt's §m^\Ux fit "^thmll-^xm. This popular old ballad was written in the reign of Elizabeth, as appears not only from ver. 23, where the arms of England are called the " Queenes armes ;'^ but from its tune's being quoted in other old pieces, written in her time. See the ballad on " Mary Ambree," * Vid. Athen. Ox. p. 152, 316. in this work. The late Mr. Guthrie assured the editor, that he had formerly seen another old song on the same subject, composed in a different measure from this ; which was truly beautiful, if we may judge from the only stanza he remembered. In this it was said of the old beggar, that " down his neck THE BEGGAR'S DAUGHTER OF BEDNALL-GREEN. 227 his reverend lockes In comelye curies did wave ; And on his aged temples grewe The blossomes of the grave/' The following Ballad is chiefly given from the Editor's folio MS., compared with two ancient printed copies : the concluding stan- zas, which contain the old Beggar's discovery of himself, are not, however, given from any of these, being very different from those of the vulgar ballad. Nor yet does the Editor offer them as genuine, but as amodern attempt to remove the absurdities and inconsistencies, which so remarkably prevailed in this part of the song, as it stood before : whereas, by the alteration of a few lines, the story is ren- dered much more affecting, and is reconciled to probability and true history. For this informs us, that at the decisive battle of Eve- sham (fought August 4, 1265), when Simon de Montfort, the great Earl of Leicester, was slain at the head of the barons, his eldest son, Henry, fell by his side, and, in conse- quence of that defeat, his whole family sunk for ever, the king bestowing their great honours and possessions on his second son, Edmund, Earl of Lancaster. ^ PART THE FIRST. / Itt was a blind beggar, had long lost his / sight. He had a faire daughter of bewty most bright : And many a gallant brave suiter had shee, For none was soe comelye as pretty Bessee. And though shee was of favor most faire, 5 Yett seeing shee was but a poor beggars heyre, Of ancyent housekeepers despised was shee, "Whose sonnes came as suitors to prettye Bessee. Wherefore in great sorrow faire Bessy did say. Good father, and mother, let me goe away, 10 To seeke out my fortune, whatever itt bee. This suite then they granted to prettye Bessee. Then Bessy, that was of bewtye soe bright. All cladd in gray russett, and late in the night, 14 From father and mother alone parted shee ; "Who sighed and sobbed for prettye Bessee. Shee went till shee came to Stratford-le-Bow ; Then knew shee not whither, nor which way to goe : With teares shee lamented her hard destinie. So sadd and soe heavy was pretty Bessee. 20 Shee kept on her journey untill it was day. And went unto Rumford along the hye way ; Where at the Queenes armes entertained was shee : Soe faire and wel favoured was pretty Bessee. Shee had not been there a month to an end, 25 But master and mistres and all was her friend : And every brave gallant, that once did her see. Was straight-way enamourd of pretty Bessee. Great gifts they did send her of silver and gold. And in their songs daylye her love was ex- ^ told ; 30 Her beawtye was blazed in every degree ; Soe faire and soe comelye was pretty Bessee. The young men of Rumford in her had their joy; Shee shewed herself curteous, and modestlye coye ; ^' 35 And at her commandment still wold they bee ; Soe fayre and soe comlye was pretty Bessee. Foure suitors att once unto her did goe ; They craved her favor, but still she sayd noe ; I wold not wish gentles to marry with mee. Yett ever they honored prettye Bessee. 40 The first of them was a gallant young knight, And he came unto her disguisde in the night, The second a gentleman of good degree, Who wooed and sued for prettye Bessee. A merchant of London, whose wealth was not small, 45 He was the third suiter, and proper withall ; Her masters own sonne the fourth man must bee. Who swore he would dye for pretty Bessee. And, if thou wilt marry with mee, quoth the knight. He make thee a ladye with joy and delight ; My hart's so inthralled by thy bewtle, 51 That soone I shall dye for prettye Bessee. 228 THE BEGGAR'S DAUGHTER OF BE DN ALL-GREEN. The gentleman sayd, Come, marry with mee, As fine as a ladye my Bessy shal hee : My life is distressed: heare me, quoth hee ; 55 And grant me thy love, my prettye Bessee. Let me bee thy husband, the merchant cold say. Thou shalt live in London both gallant and gay; My shippes shall bring home rych jev^ells for thee, And I will for ever love pretty Bessee. 60 Then Bessy shee sighed, and thus shee did say. My father and mother I meane to obey ; / First gett there good will, and be faithfull to ^; mee, And you shall enjoye your prettye Bessee. To every one this answer shee made, 65 Wherefore unto her they joyfiillye sayd, This thing to fulfill wee all doe agree ; But where dwells thy father, my prettye I wold give, quoth the king, a thousand markes. This man were alive as hee is dead : Yett for the manfuU part hee playd. Which fought soe well with heart and hand, 190 His men shall have twelvepence a day, Till they come to my brother kings high land. *«* Ver. 175, 6 . . . Erie of Nottingham, And soe was never &c., MS. XIII. f aij ^mt IfltpII's $mml A SCOTTISH SONG. The subject of this pathetic ballad the Editor once thought might possibly relate to the Earl of Bothwell, and his desertion of his wife Lady Jean Gordon, to make room for his marriage with the Queen of Scots. But this opinion he now believes to be ground- less ; indeed Earl Bothwell's age, who was upwards of sixty at the time of that mar- riage, renders it unlikely that he should be the object of so warm a passion as this elegy supposes. He has been since informed, that it entirely refers to a private story. A young lady of the name of Bothwell, or rather Bos- well, having been, together with her child, deserted by her husband or lover, composed these affecting lines herself; which here are given from a copy in the Editor's folio MS., corrected by another in Allan Ramsay's Mis- cellany. /- Balow, my babe, lye still and sleipe ! i It grieves me sair to see thee weipe : If thoust be silent, Ise be glad. Thy maining maks my heart ful sad. Balow, my boy, thy mothers joy, 5 Thy father breides me great annoy. Balow, my babe, ly stil and sleipe. It grieves me sair to see thee weepe. ,r^han he began to court my luve, And with his sugred wordes* to muve, His faynings fals, and flattering cheire To me that time did not appeire : But now I see, most cruell hee Cares neither for my babe nor mee. Balow, &c. 10 15 * When sugar was first imported into Europe, it was a very great dainty; and therefore the epithet sugred is used by all our old writers metaphorically to express extreme and delicate sweetness. (See above, No. XI. v. 10.) Sugar at present is cheap and common ; and therefore suggests now a coarse and vulgar idea. Lye still, my darling, sleipe a while. And when thou wakest, sweitly smile : But smile not, as thy father did, To cozen maids : nay God forbid ! Bot yett I feire, thou wilt gae neire Thy fatheris hart, and face to beire. Balow, &c. I cannae chuse, but ever will Be luving to thy father still : Whair-eir he gae, whair-eir he ryde, My luve with him doth still abyde : In weil or wae, whair-eir he gae. Mine hart can neire depart him frae. Balow, &c. 20 25 30 But doe not, doe not, pretty mine, \ To faynings fals thine hart incline ; Be loyal to thy luver trew. And nevir change her for a new : If gude or faire, of hir have care. For womens banning's wonderous sair. 35 Balow, &c. Bairne, sin thy cruel father is gane. Thy winsome smiles maun else my paine ; My babe and I'll together live, He'll comfort me when cares doe grieve : My babe and I right saft will ly, 41 And quite forgeit man's cruelty. Balow, &c. Farewell, farewell, thou falsest youth, That evir kist a womans mouth ! 45 I wish all maides be warnd by mee Nevir to trust mans curtesy ; For if we doe bot chance to bow, They'le use us then they care not how. Balow, my babe, ly stil, and sleipe, 50 It grives me sair to see thee weipe. 31 240 THE MURDER OF THE KING OF SCOTS,, XIV. ^t 3mht 0f % png 0f S0ti The catastrophe of Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, the unfortunate husband of Mary- Queen of Scots, is the subject of this ballad. It is here related in that partial imperfect manner, in which such an event would natu- rally strike the subjects of another kingdom ; of which he was a native. Henry appears to have been a vain, capricious, worthless young man, of weak understanding, and dis- solute morals. But the beauty of his person, and the inexperience of his youth, would dis- pose mankind to treat him with an indul- gence, which the cruelty of his murder would afterwards convert into the most tender pity and regret : and then imagination would not fail to adorn his memory with all those vir- tues he ought to have possessed. This will account for the extravagant eulogium be- stowed upon him in the first stanza, &c. Henry Lord Darnley was eldest son of the Earl of Lennox, by the Lady Margaret Douglas, niece of Henry VIII., and daughter of Margaret Queen of Scotland by the Earl of Angus, whom that princess married after the death of James IV. — Darnley, who had been born and educated in England, was but in his 21st year when he was murdered, Feb. 9, 1567-8. This crime was perpetrated by the Earl of Bothwell, not out of respect to the memory of Riccio, but in order to pave the way for his own marriage with the queen. This ballad (printed, with a few correc- tions, from the Editor's folio MS.) seems to have been vrritten soon after Mary's escape into England in 1568, see v. 65. — It will be remembered, at v. 5, that this princess was Queen Dowager of France, having been first married to Francis II., who died Dec. 4, 1560. Woe worth, woe worth thee, false Scotl^nde ! For thou hast ever wrought by sleight ; The worthy est prince that ever was borne, You hanged under a cloud by night. The Queene of France a letter wrote, 5 And sealed itt with harte and ringe ; And bade him come Scotland within. And shee wold marry and crowne him kinge. To be a king is a pleasant thing. To bee a prince unto a peere : 10 But you have heard, and soe have I too, A man may well buy gold too deare..^- There was an Italyan inJ^hat place, Was as well beloved as ever was hee, Lord David was his name, 15 Chamberlaine to the queene was hee. If the king had risen forth of his place, He wold have sate him downe in the cheare, And tho itt beseemed him not so well, Altho the kinge had beene present there. Some lords in Scotlande waxed wrothe, 21 And quarrelled with him for the nonce ; I shall you tell how it befell. Twelve daggers were in him att once. When the queene saw her chamberlaine was slaine, 25 For him her faire cheeks shee did weete, And made a vowe for a yeare and a day The king and shee wold not come in one^ sheete. Then some of the lords they waxed wrothe, And made their vow all vehementlye ; 30 For the death of the queenes chamberlaine, The king himselfe, how he shall dye. With gun-powder they strewed his roome, And layd greene rushes in his way : For the traitors thought that very night 35 This worthye king for to betray. To bedd tho king he made him bowne ; To take his rest was his desire ; He was noe sooner cast on sleepe. But his chamber was on a biasing fire. 40 Up he lope, and the window brake, And hee had thirtye foote to fall ; Lord Bodwell kept a privy watch, Underneath his castle wall. Ver.l5,sic. MS. A SONNET BY QUEEN ELIZABETH. 241 Who have wee here ? Lord Bodwell sayd : Now answer me, that I may know. 46 " King Henrj the eighth my uncle was ; For his sweete sake some^pitty show." Who have we here ? Lord Bodwell sayd, Now answer me when I doe speake. 50 '* Ah, Lord Bodwell, I know thee well ; Some pitty on me I pray thee take." He pitty thee as much he sayd. And as much favor show to thee, 54 As thou didst to the queenes ehamberlaine, That day thou deemedst him to die.* Through halls and towers the king they ledd, Through towers and castles that were nye, Through an arbor into an orchard. There on a peare-tree hanged him hye. 60 When the governor of Scotland heard m, How that the worthye king was slaine ; He persued the queen so bitterlye, That in Scotland shee dare not remaine. But shee is fledd into merry England, 65 And here her residence hath taine ; And through the Queene of Englands grace, In England now shee doth remaine. XV. |i ^mmt bg (^mm M}M\. The following lines, if they display no rich vein of poetry, are yet so strongly character- istic of their great and spirited authoress, that the insertion of them will be pardoned. They are preserved in Puttenham's " Arte of English Poesie :" a book in which are many sly addresses to the queen's foible of shining as a poetess. The extraordinary manner in which these verses are introduced shows what kind of homage was exacted from the courtly writers of that age, viz. "I find," says this antiquated critic, "none example in English metre, so well maintain- ing this figure [Exargasia, or the Gorgeous, Lat. Expolitio] as that dittie of her majesties owne making, passing sweete and harmoni- eall ; which figure beyng as his very origi- nall name purporteth the most bewtifull and gorgious of all others, it asketh in reason to be reserved for a last complement, and desci- phred by a ladies penne, herself beyng the most bewtifull, or rather bewtie of queenes.* And this was the occasion ; our soveraigne lady perceiving how the Scottish queenes re- sidence within this realme at so great libertie and ease (as were skarce meete for so great and dangerous a prysoner) bred secret fac- tions among her people, and made many of * Pronounced after the northern manner t She was at this time near three-score. the nobilitie incline to favour her partie : some of them desirous of innovation in the state : others aspiring to greater fortunes by her libertie and life : the queene our sove- raigne ladie, to declare that she was nothing ignorant of those secret practizes, though she had long with great wisdome and pacience dissembled it, writeth this dittie most sweete and sententious, not hiding from all such aspiring minds the danger of their ambition and disloyaltie : which afterwards fell out most truly by th' exemplary chastisement of sundry persons, who in favour of the said Scot. Qu. declining from her majestic, sought to interrupt the quiet of the realme by many evill and undutifuU practizes." This sonnet seems to have been composed in 1569, not long before the Duke of Norfolk, the Earls of Pembroke and Arundel, the Lord Lumley, Sir Nich. Throcmorton, and others, were taken into custody. See Hume, Rapin, &c. It was originally written in long lines or alexandrines, each of which is here divided into two. The present edition is improved by some readings adopted from a copy printed in a collection from the papers of Sir John Har- rington, intituled, " Niigse Antiquae," Lond. 1769, 12mo., where the verses are accompa- nied with a very curious letter, in which this sonnet is said to be " of her Highness own 242 KING OF SCOTS AND ANDREW BROWNE. inditing My Lady Willoughby did co- vertly get it on her Majesties tablet, and had much hazzard in so doing ; for the Queen did find out the thief, and chid for her spreading evil bruit of her writing such toyes, when other matters did so occupy her employment at this time — and was fearful of being thought too lightly of for so doing/^ * « ^«- The doubt of future foes Exiles my present joy ; And wit me warnes to shun such snares, As threaten mine annoy. For falshood now doth flow, 5 And subjects faith doth ebbe : Which would not be, if reason ruPd, Or wisdome wove the webbe. But clowdes of joyes untried Do cloake aspiring mindes ; 10 Which turn to raine of late repent, By course of changed windes. The toppe of hope supposed The roote of ruthe will be ; And frutelesse all their graffed guiles, 15 As shortly all shall see. Then dazeld eyes with pride, Which great ambition blindes, Shal be unseeld by worthy wights, Whose foresight falshood finds. 20 The daughter of debate,* ' That discord ay doth sowe, Shal reape no gaine where former rule Hath taught stil peace to growe. No forreine bannisht wight 25 Shall ancre in this port ; Our realme it brookes no strangers force, Let them elsewhere resort. Our rusty sworde with rest Shall first his edge employ, 30 To poll the toppes, that seeke such change, Or gape for such like joy. tit I cannot help subjoining to the above sonnet another distich of Elizabeth's pre- served by Puttenham (p. 197), " which (says he) our soveraigne lady wrote in defiance of fortune.^' Never thinke you, Fortune can beare the sway, Where Vertue's force can cause her to obay. The slightest effusion of such a mind de- serves attention. XVI. f ing 0f %m\% i"^ Jlnte^to Sr0tont This ballad is a proof of the little inter- course that subsisted between the Scots and English, before the accession of James I. to the crown of England. The tale which is here so circumstantially related, does not ap- pear to have had the least foundation in his- tory, but was probably built upon some con- fused hearsay report of the tumults in Scot- land during the minority of that prince, and of the conspiracies formed by different fac- tions to get possession of his person. It should seem from ver. 97 to have been writ- ten during the regency, or at least before Ver. 1, dread, al. ed. V. 9, toyes, al. ed. the death, of the Earl of Morton, who was condemned and executed June 2, 1581 ; when James was in his fifteenth year. The original copy (preserved in the archives of the Antiquarian Society, London) is enti- tled, " A new ballad, declaring the great treason conspired against the young king of Scots, and how one Andrew Browne an Eng- lish-man, which was the king's chamber- laine, prevented the same. To the tune of Milfield, or els to Green-sleeves." At the end is subjoined the name of the author, W. Elderton. " Imprinted at London for Yarathe * She eyidently means here the Queen of Scots. KING OF SCOTS AND ANDREW BROWNE. 243 James, dwelling in Newgate Market, over against Ch. Church," in black-letter folio. This Elderton, who had been originally an attorney in the sheriflF's court of London, and afterwards (if we may believe Oldys) a come- dian, was a facetious fuddling companion, whose tippling and rhymes rendered him fa- mous among his contemporaries. He was author of many popular songs and ballads ; and probably other pieces in this work, be- sides the following, are of his composing. He is believed to have fallen a victim to his bottle before the year 1592. His epitaph has been recorded by Camden, and translated by Oldys. Hie situs est sitiens, atque ebrius Eldertonus, Quid dico hie situs est ? hie potius sitis est. /Dead drunk here Elderton doth lie ; Dead as he is, he still is dry : So of him it may well be said. Here he, but not his thirst, is laid. See Stow's Lend. [Guild-hall.] — Biogr. Brit. [" Drayton," by Oldys, Note B,] Ath. Ox.— Camden's Remains. — The Exale-tation of Ale, among Beaumont's Poems, 8vo. 1653. _. " Out alas !" what a griefe is this That princes subjects cannot be true, But still the devill hath some of his. Will play their parts whatsoever ensue ; Forgetting what a grievous thing 5 It is to offend the anointed king ! Alas for woe, why should it be so. This makes a sorrowful heigh ho. In Scotland is a bonnie kinge. As proper a youth as neede to be, 10 Well given to every happy thing, That can be in a kinge to see : Yet that unluckie country still, Hath people given to craftie will. Alas for woe, &c. 15 On Whitsun eve it so befell, A posset was made to give the king, Whereof his ladie nurse hard tell. And that it was a poysoned thing: She cryed, and called piteouslie ; 20 Now help, or els the king shall die ! Alas for woe, &c. One Browne, that was an English man, And hard the ladies piteous crye, Out with his sword, and bestir'd him than, Out of the doores in haste to file ; 26 But all the doores were made so fast, Out of a window he got at last. Alas, for woe, &c. He met the bishop coming fast, 30 Having the posset in his hande : The sight of Browne made him aghast. Who bad him stoutly stale and stand. With him were two that ranne awa, For feare that Browne would make a fray. Alas, for woe, &c. 36 Bishop, quoth Browne, what hast thou there? Nothing at all, my friend, sayde he ; But a posset to make the king good cheere. Is it so ? sayd Browne, that will I see, 40 First I will have thyself begin, Before thou go any further in ; Be it weale or woe, it shall be so. This makes a sorrowful heigh ho. The bishop sayde, Browne I dec know, 45 Thou art a young man poore and bare ; Livings on thee I will bestowe : Let me go on, take thou no care. No, no, quoth Browne, I will not be A traitour for all Christiantie : 50 Happe well or woe, it shall be so, Drink now with a sorrowfuU, &c. The bishop dranke, and by and by /"' His belly burst and he fell downe : A just rewarde for his traitery. 55 This was a posset indeed, quoth Brown ! He serched the bishop, and found the keyes. To come to the kinge when he did please. Alas for woe, &c. As soon as the king got word of this, 60 He humbly, fell uppon his knee. And praysed God that he did misse. To tast of that extremity : "" For that he did perceive and know. His clergie would betray him so : 65 Alas for woe, &c. Alas, he said, unhappie realme. My father, and grandfather slaine : Yer. 67, His father was Henry Lord Darnley. His grand- father the old Earl of Lenox, regent of Scotland, and father of Lord Darnley, was murdered at Stirling, Sept. 6, 1571. 244 THE BONNY EARL OF MURRAY. My mother banished, extreame ! Unhappy fate, and bitter bayne ! 70 And now like treason wrought for me, What more unhappie realme can be ! Alas for woe, &c. The king did call his nurse to his grace. And gave her twenty poundes a yeere ; 75 And trustie Browne too in like case, He knighted him with gallant geere : And gave him ' lands and livings great, For dooing such a manly feat, As he did showe, to the bishop's woe. Which made, &c. 81 When all this treason done and past, Tooke not effect of traytery ; Another treason at the last, They sought against his majestic : 85 How they might make their kinge away. By a privie banket on a daye. Alas for woe, &c. * Another time^ to sell the king Beyonde the seas they had decreede : 90 Three noble Earles heard of this thin^, And did prevent the same with speede. For a letter came, with such a charme, That they should doo their king no harme : For further woe, if they did soe, 95 Would make a sorrowful heigh hoe. The Earle Mourton told the Douglas then. Take heede you do not offend the king ; But shew yourselves like honest men Obediently in every thing ; 100 For his godmother^" will not see Her noble child misus'd to be With any woe ; for if it be so, She will make, &c. God graunt ail subjects may be true, 105 In England, Scotland, everywhere: That no such daunger may ensue. To put the prince or state in feare : That God the highest king may see Obedience as it ought to be, 110 In wealth or woe, God graunt it be so To avoide the sorrowful heigh ho. XVII. %\!t §0iing fyxl 0f llttrrEg, A SCOTTISH SONG. In December 1591, Francis Stewart, Earl of Bothwell, had made an attempt to seize on the person of his sovereign James YI., but being disappointed, had retired towards the north. The king unadvisedly gave a commi- sion to George Gordon, Earl of Huntley, to pursue Bothwell and his followers with fire and sword. Huntley, under cover of execut- ing that commission, took occasion to revenge a private quarrel he had against James Stewart, Earl of Murray, a relation of Both- welFs. In the night of Feb. 7, 1592, he beset Murray's house, burnt it to the ground, and slew Murray himself; a young nobleman of the most promising virtues, and the very darling of the people. See Robertson's His- tory. The present Lord Murray hath now in his possession a picture of his ancestor naked and covered with wounds, which had been carried about, according to the custom of that age, in order to inflame the populace to re- venge his death. If this picture did not flat- ter, he well deserved the name of the " Bonny Earl," for he is there represented as a tall and comely personage. It is a tradition in the family, that Gordon of Bucky gave him a wound in the face : Murray, half expiring, said, " you hae spilt a better face than your awin." Upon this, Bucky, pointing his dag- ger at Huntley's breast, swore, "You shall be as deep as I ;" and forced him to pierce the poor defenceless body. King James, who took no care to punish * Queen Elizabeth. YOUNG WATERS. 245 the murderers, is said by some to have pri- vately countenanced and abetted them, being stimulated by jealousy for some indiscreet praises which his queen had too lavishly be- stowed on this unfortunate youth. See the preface to the next ballad. See also Mr. Walpole's " Catalogue of Royal Authors," vol. I. p. 42. Ye highlands, and ye lawlands, Oh ! quhair hae ye been ? They hae slain e the Earl of Murray, And hae laid him on the green. Now wae be to thee, Huntley ! 5 And quhairfore did you sae ! I bade you bring him wi' you, But forbade you him to slay. He was a braw gallant, And he rid at the ring ; 10 And the bonny Earl of Murray, Oh ! he might hae been a king. He was a braw gallant, And he played at the ba' ; And the bonny Earl of Murray 15 Was the flower among them a'.- V He was a braw gallant, And he playd at the gluve ; And the bonny Earl of Murray, Oh ! he was the Queenes luve. 20 Oh ! lang will his lady Luke owre the castle downe,* Ere she see the Earl of Murray Cum soundino; throw the towne. xvni. |0ting Watns, A SCOTTISH BALLAD. It has been suggested to the Editor, that this ballad covertly alludes to the indiscreet partiality, which Queen Anne of Denmark is said to have shown for the " Bonny Earl of Murray f and which is supposed to have in- fluenced the fate of that unhappy nobleman. Let the reader judge for himself. The following account of the murder is given by a contemporary writer, and a per- son of credit, Sir James Balfour, knight, Lyon King of Arms, whose MS. of the An- nals of Scotland is in the Advocate's Library at Edinburgh. "The seventh of Febry, this zeire, 1592, the Earle of Murray was cruelly murthered by the Earle of Huntley at his house in Duni- brissel in Fyffe-shyre, and with him Dunbar, sherriffe of Murray. It was given out and publickly talkt, that the Earle of Huntley was only the instrument of perpetrating this facte, to satisfie the King's jealousie of Mur- ray, quhum the Queene, more rashly than wisely, some few days before had commendit in the king's hearing, with too many epithets of a proper and gallant man. The reasons of these surmises proceedit from a proclama- tione of the Kings, the 13 of Marche follow- ing : inhibiteine the zoung Earle of Murray to persue the Earle of Huntley, for his father's slaughter, in respect he being wardeit [im- prisoned] in the castell of Blacknesse for the same murther, was willing to abide a tryall, averring that he had done nothing but by the King's majesties commissione ; and was neither airt nor part in the murther."f The following ballad is here given from a copy printed not long since at Glasgow, in one sheet 8vo. The world was indebted for its publication to the Lady Jean Hume, sister to the Earl of Hume, who died at Gibraltar. About Zule, quhen the wind blew cule, And the round tables began, A' ! there is cum to our kings court* Mony a well-favoured man. * Castle downe here has been thought to mean the Castle of Downe, a seat belonging to the family of Mttrray. t This extract is copied from the Critical Review. 246 MARY AMBREE. The queen luikt owre the castle wa, 5 Beheld baith dale and down, And then she saw zoung Waters Cum riding to the town. His footmen they did rin before, His horsemen rade behind, 10 Ane mantel of the burning gowd Did keip him frae the wind. Gowden graith'd his horse before And siller shod behind. The horse zong Waters rade upon 15 Was fleeter than the wind. But than spake a wylie lord, Unto the queene said he, tell me qhua^s the fairest face Rides in the company. 20 IVe sene lord, and IVe sene laird. And knights of high degree ; Bot a fairer face than zoung Waters Mine eyne did never see. Out then spack the jealous king, 25 (And an angry man was he) 0, if he had been twice as fair, Zou micht have excepted me. Zou're neither laird nor lord, she says, Bot the king that wears the crown ; 30 Ther is not a knight in fair Scotland Bot to thee maun bow down. For a' that she could do or say, Appeasd he wad nae bee ; Bot for the words which she had said 35 Zoung Waters he maun dee. They hae taen zoung Waters, and Put fetters to his feet ; They hae taen zoung Waters, and Thrown him in dungeon deep. 40 Aft I have ridden thro' Stirling town In the wind both and the weit ; Bot I neir rade thro' Stirling town Wi fetters at my feet Aft have I ridden thro' Stirling town 45 In the wind both and the rain ; Bot I neir rade thro' Stirling town Neir to return again. They hae taen to the heiding-hill* His zoung son in his craddle, 50 And they hae taen to the heiding-hill His horse both and his saddle. They hae taen to the heiding-hill His lady fair to see. And for the words the queen had spoke 55 Zoung Waters he did dee. XIX. M% ^m&ru. In the year 1584, the Spaniards, under the command of Alexander Farnese, prince of Parma, began to gain great advantages in Flanders and Brabant, by recovering many strongholds and cities from the Hollanders, as Ghent (called then by the English Gaunt), Antwerp, Mechlin, &c. See Stow's Annals, p. 711. Some attempt made with the assist- ance of English volunteers to retrieve the former of those places probably gave occasion to this ballad. I can find no mention of our heroine in history, but the following rhymes rendered her famous among our poets. Ben Jonson often mentions her, and calls any re- markable virago by her name. See his Epi- caene, first acted in 1609, Act 4, sc. 2. His Tale of a Tub, Act 4, sc. 4. And his masque entitled the Fortunate Isles, 1626, where he quotes the very words of the ballad, Mart Ambree, (Who marched so free To the siege of Gaunt, And death could not daunt, As the ballad doth vaunt) Were a braver wight, &c. She is also mentioned in Fletcher's Scornful Lady, Act 5, subjinem. * Heiding hill ; i. e. heading [beheading hill.] The place of execution was anciently an artificial hillock. MARY AMBREE. 247 « — "My large gentlewoman, my 'Mary Ambree/ had I but seen into you, you should have had another bedfellow/^ It is likewise evident that she is the virago intended by Butler in Hudibras (P. 1, c. 3, v. 365), by her being coupled with Joan d/Arc, the celebrated Pucelle d' Orleans : A bold virago stout and tall As Joan of France, or English Mall. This ballad is printed from a black-letter copy in the Pepys Collection, improved from the Editor's folio MS., and by conjecture. The full title is, *' The valourous acts per- formed at Gaunt by the brave bonnie lass Mary Ambree, who in revenge of her lovers death did play her part most gallantly. The tune is. The blind beggar, &c.'' ' When captaines couragious, whom death cold not daunte. Did march to the siege of the citty of Gaunt, They mustred their souldiers by two and by three. And the formost in battle was Mary Ambree. When brave Sir John Major* was slaine in her sight, 5 Who was her true lover, her joy, and delight, Because he was slaine most treacherouslie. Then vowd to revenge him Mary Ambree, She clothed herselfe from the top to the toe In buffe of the bravest, most seemelye to showe ; 10 A faire shirt of malef then slipped on shee ; Was not this a brave bonny lass, Mary Am- bree? A helmett of proofe shee strait did provide, A stronge arminge sword shee girt by her side. On her hand a goodly faire gauntlett put shee ; 15 Was not this a brave bonny lass, Mary Am- bree? * So MS. Serjeant Major, in P, C. t A peculiar kind of armour, composed of small rings of iron, and worn under the clothes. It is mentioned by- Spencer, -who speaks of the Irish Gallowglass or Foot- soldier as " armed in a long Shirt of Mayl." (View of the State of Ireland.) 32 Then tooke shee her sworde and her targett in hand ; Bidding all such, as wold, bee of her band ; To wayte on her person came thousand and three : Was not this a brave bonny lass, Mary Am- bree? 20 My soldiers, she saith, soe valliant and bold, Nowe followe your captaine, whom you doe beholde ; Still formost in battell myselfe will I bee : Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Am- bree? Then cryed out her souldiers and loude they did say, 25 Soe well thou becomest this gallant array, Thy harte and thy weapons so well do agree, There was none ever like Mary Ambree. Shee cheared her souldiers, that foughten for life. With ancyent and standard, with drum and with fife, 31 With brave clanging trumpetts, that sounded so free ; Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Am- bree ? Before I will see the worst of you all To come into danger of death, or of thrall, This hand and this life I will venture so free: Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Am- bree? 36 Shee ledd upp her souldiers in battaile array, Gainst three times theyr number by breake of the daye ; Seven howers in skirmish continued shee : Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Am- bree? 40 She filled the skyes with the smoke of her shott, And her enemyes bodyes with bullets so hott; For one of her owne men a score killed shee: Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Am- bree ? And when her false gunner, to spoyle her in- tent, 45 Away all her pellets and powder had sent, 248 MARY AMBREE. Straight with her keen weapon shee slasht hira in three : "Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Am- bree? Being falselye betrayed for lucre of hyre, At length she was forced to make a retyre ; Then her souldiers into a strong castle drew shee : 51 Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Am- bree? Her foes they besett her on everye side, As thinking close siege shee cold never abide; To beate down the walles they all did decree: But stoutlye deffyd them brave Mary Ambree. Then tooke shee her sword and her targett in hand, 57 And mounting the walls all undaunted did stand. There daring their captaines to match any three : what a brave captaine was Mary Ambree ! Now saye, English captaine, what woldest thou give 61 To ransome thy selfe, which else must not live? Come yield thy selfe quicklye, or slaine thou must bee, Then smiled sweetlye brave Mary Ambree. Ye captaines couragious, of valour so bold. Whom thinke you before you now you doe behold? 66 A knight, sir, of England, and captaine soe free, Who shortleye with us a prisoner must bee. No, captaine of England; behold in your sight Two brests in my bosome, and therfore no knight : 70 Noe knight, sirs, of England, nor captaine you see. But a poor simple lass called Mary Ambree. But art thou a woman, as thou dost declare, Whose valor hath proved so undaunted in warre? If England doth yield such brave lasses as thee, 75 Full well may they conquer, faire Mary Am- bree. The prince of Great Parma heard of her re- nowne Who long had advanced for England's faire crowne ; Hee wooed her, and sued her his mistress to bee, And offerd rich presents to Mary Ambree. 80 But this virtuous mayden despised them alM He nere sell my honour for purple nor pall : ^ A mayden of England, sir, never will bee The whore of a monarcke, quoth Mary Am- bree. Then to her owne country shee backe did re- turne, 85 Still holding the foes of faire England in scorne ; Therfore English of every degree Sing forth the brave valours of Mary Am- bree. BRAVE LORD WILLOUGHBEY. 249 XX. Irate f 0tlj Siill0tig|te2. Peregrine Bertie, Lord Willoughby of Eresby, had, in the year 1586, distinguished himself at the siege of Zutphen, in the Low Countries. He was the year after, made general of the English forces in the United Provinces, in room of the Earl of Leicester, who was recalled. This gave him an oppor- tunity of signalizing his courage and military skill in several actions against the Spaniards. One of these, greatly exaggerated by popular report, is probably the subject of this old bal- lad, which, on account of its flattering en- comiums on English valour, hath always been a favourite with the people. '^ " My Lord Willoughbie (says a contempo- rary writer) was one of the queenes best swordsmen: .... he was a great master of the art military .... I have heard it spoken, that had he not slighted the court, but applied himselfe to the queene, he might have enjoyed a plentifull portion of her grace; and it was his saying, and it did him no good, that he was none of the Reptilia ; intimating, that he could not creepe on the ground, and that the court was not his element ; for, in- deed, as he was a great souldier, so he was of suitable magnanimitie, and could not brooke the obsequiousnesse and assiduitie of the court." — (Naunton.) Lord Willoughbie died in 1601. — Both Norris and Turner were famous among the military men of that age. The subject of this ballad (which is print- ed from an old black-letter copy, with some conjectural emendations) may possibly re- ceive illustration from what Chapman says in the dedication to his version of Homer's Frogs and Mice, concerning the brave and memorable retreat of Sir John Norris, with only 1000 men, through the whole Spanish army, under the Duke of Parma, for three miles together. The fifteenth day of July, With glistering spear and shield, A famous fight in Flanders Was foughten in the field : 10 The most couragious officers Were English captains three ; But the bravest man in battel Was brave Lord Willoughb^y. The next was Captain Norris, A valiant man was hee : The other Captain Turner, From field would never flee. With fifteen hundred fighting men, Alas ! there were no more. They fought with fourteen thousand then, Upon the bloody shore. 16 Stand to it noble pikemen. And look you round about : And shoot you right you bow-men, And we will keep them out : You musquet and caliver men, Do you prove true to me, rie be the formost man in fight, Says brave Lord Willoughb^y. And then the bloody enemy They fiercely did assail, And fought it out most furiously, Not doubting to prevail : The wounded men on both sides fell Most pitious for to see. Yet nothing could the courage quell Of brave Lord Willoughbfey. For seven hours, to all men's view. This fight endured sore. Until our men so feeble grew That they could fight no more ; And then upon dead horses. Full savourly they eat. And drank the puddle water, They could no better get. When they had fed so freely. They kneeled on the ground. And praised God devoutly For the favour they had found ; And beating up their colours. The fight they did renew. And turning tow'rds the Spaniard;^ A thousand more they slew. 20 25 30 35 40 45 250 VICTOKIOUS MEN OF EARTH. ^he sharp steel-pointed arrows, And bullets thick did fly ; Then did our valiant soldiers Charge on most furiously ; Which made the Spaniards waver, They thought it best to flee, They fear'd the stout behaviour Of brave Lord Willoughb^y. 50 55 / jThen quoth the Spanish general, Come let us march away, I fear we shall be spoiled all If here we longer stay ; For yonder comes Lord Willoughb^y With courage fierce and fell, He will not give one inch of way For all the devils in hell. And then the fearful enemy Was quickly put to flight. Our men persued couragiously. And caught their forces quite ; But at last they gave a shout, Which ecchoed through the sky, God, and St. George for England ! The conquerers did cry. 60 65 70 This news was brought to England With all the speed might be. And soon our gracious queen was told 75 Of this same victory. this is brave Lord Willoughbey, My love that ever won, Of all the lords of honour ^Tis he great deeds hath done. 80 To the souldiers that were maimed. And wounded in the fray. The queen allowed a pension Of fifteen pence a day ; And from all costs and charges She quit and set them free : And this she did all for the sake Of brave Lord Willoughbey. Then courage, noble Englishmen, And never be dismaid ; If that we be but one to ten, i We will not be afraid To fight with foraign enemies. And set our nation free. And thus I end the bloody bout Of brave Lord Willoughbey. 85 90 95 XXI. This little moral sonnet hath such a pointed application to the heroes of the foregoing and following ballads, that I cannot help placing it here, though the date of its composition is of a much later period. It is extracted from " Cupid and Death, a masque by J. S. [James Shirley] presented Mar. 26, 1653. London, printed 1653,'^ 4to. Victorious men of earth, no more Proclaim how wide your empires are : Though you binde in every shore. And your triumphs reach as far As night or day ; 5 Yet you proud monarchs must obey, And mingle with forgotten ashes, when Death calls yee to the croud of common men." Devouring famine, plague, and war. Each able to undo mankind. Death's servile emissaries are : Nor to these alone confin'd. He hath at will More quaint and subtle wayes to kill : A smile or kiss, as he will use the art, 10 15 Shall have the cunning skill to break a heart. THE WINNING OF CALES. 251 XXII. %\t Winmitg 0f &M. The subject of this ballad is the taking of the city of Cadiz, (called by our sailors cor- ruptly Cales) on June 21, 1596, in a descent made on the coast of Spain, under the com- mand of the Lord Hovrard admiral, and the Earl of Essex general. The valour of Essex was not more distin- guished on this occasion than his generosity: the town was carried sword in hand, but he stopped the slaughter as. soon as possible, and treated his prisoners with the greatest huma- nity, and even affability and kindness. The English made a rich plunder in the city, but missed of a much richer, by the resolution which the Duke of Medina the Spanish ad- miral took, of setting fire to the ships, in order to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. It was computed, that the loss which the Spanish sustained from this enterprise, amounted to twenty millions of ducats. See Hume's History. The Earl of Essex knighted on this occa- sion not fewer than sixty persons, which gave rise to the following sarcasm : A gentleman of Wales, a knight of Cales, And a laird of the North country ; But a yeoman of Kent with his yearly rent Will buy them out all three. The ballad is printed with some corrections, from the Editor's folio MS., and seems to have been composed by some person who was concerned in the expedition. Most of the circumstances related in it will be found sup- ported by history. Long the proud Spaniards had vaunted to conquer us, Threatning our country with fyer and sword ; Often preparing their navy most sumptuous With as great plenty as Spain could afford. Dub a dub, dub a dub, thus strike their drums : 5 Tantara, tantara, the Englishman comes. To the seas presentlye went our lord admiral, With knights courageous and captains full good; The brave Earl of Essex, a prosperous gene- ral, With him prepared to pass the salt flood. Dub a dub, &c. 11 At Plymouth speedilye, took they ship va- liantlye. Braver ships never were seen under sayle, With their fair colours spread, and streamers ore their head, Now bragging Spaniards, take heed of your tayle. 15 Dub a dub, &c. Unto Cales cunninglye, came we most speedi- lye, Where the kinges navy securelye did ryde ; Being upon their backs, piercing their butts of sacks, Ere any Spaniards our coming descryde. Dub a dub, &c. 21 Great was the crying, the running and ryd- ing, Which at that season was made in that place ; The beacons were fyred, as need then re- quired ; To hyde their great treasure they had little space. 25 Dub a dub, &c. There you might see their ships, how they were fyred fast, And how their men drowned themselves in the sea; There might you hear them cry, wayle and weep piteously, When they saw no shift to scape thence away. 30 Dub a dub, &c.' 252 THE SPANISH LADFS LOVE. The great St. Phillip, the pryde of the Spa- niards, Was burnt to the bottom, and sunk in the sea; But the St. Andrew, and eke the St. Matthew, We took in fight manfuUye and brought away. 35 Dub a dub, &c. The Earl of Essex most valiant and hardye. With horsemen and footmen marched up to the town ; The Spanyards, which saw them, were greatly alarmed. Did fly for their saveguard, and durst not come down. 40 Dub a dub, &c. Now, quoth the noble Earl, courage my sol- diers all ; Fight and be valiant, the spoil you shall have; And be well rewarded all from the great to the small ; But looke that the women and children you save. 45 Dub a dub, &c. The Spaniards at that sight, thinking it vain to fight. Hung upp flags of truce and yielded the towne ; Wee marched in presentlye, decking the walls on hye, With English colours which purchased re- nowne. 50 Dub a dub, &c. Entering the houses then, of the most richest men. For gold and treasure we searched eche day; In s6me places w^ did find, pyes baking left behind, Meate at fire resting, and folkes run away. Dub a dub, &c. 56 Full of rich merchandize, every shop catched our eyes, Damasks and sattens and velvets full fayre ; Which soldiers m^asur'd out by the length of their swords ; Of all commodities eche had a share. 60 Dub a dub, &c. Thus Gales was taken, and our brave general Marched to the market-place, where he did stand : There many prisoners fell to our several shares, Many crav'd mercy e, and mercye they fannd. 65 Dub a dub, &c. When our brave General saw they delayed all. And wold not ransome their towne as they said. With their fair wanscots, their presses and bedsteds, 69 Their joint-stools and tables a fire we made ; And when the town burned all in flame, With tara, tantara, away wee all came. XXIII. %\t SpMfe faig's I^te. This beautiful old ballad most probably took its rise from one of these descents made on the Spanish coasts in the time of Queen Elizabeth; and in all likelihood from that which is celebrated in the foregoing ballad. It was a teadition in the West of England, that the person admired by the Spanish lady was a gentleman of the Popham family, and that her picture, with the pearl necklace mentioned in the ballad, was not many years ago preserved at Littlecot, near Hungerford, Wilts, the seat of that respectable family. Another tradition hath pointed out Sir Ri- chard Levison, of Trentham, in Stafibrdshire, as the subject of this ballad ; who married Margaret, daughter of Charles Earl of Not- tingham ; and was eminently distinguished as a naval officer and commander in all the THE SPANISH LADY'S LOVE. 253 expeditions against the Spaniards in the lat- ter end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, particu- larly in that to Cadiz in 1596, when he was aged 27. He died in 1605, and has a monu- ment, with his effigy in brass, in Wolverhamp- ton church. It is printed from an ancient black-letter copy, corrected in part by the Editor's folio MS. Will you hear a Spanish lady. How shee wooed an English man ? Garments gay as rich as may be Decked with jewels she had on. 4 Of a comely countenance and grace was she, And by birth and parentage of high degree. As his prisoner there he kept her. In his hands her life did lye ; Cupid's bands did tye them faster By the liking of an eye. 10 In his courteous company was all her joy. To favour him in any thing she was not coy. But at last there came commandment For to set the ladies free. With their j ewels still adorned, 15 None to do them injury. Then said this lady mild, Full woe is me ; let me still sustain this kind captivity ! Gallant captain, shew some pity To a ladye in distresse ; 20 Leave me not within this city, For to dye in heavinesse. Thou hast set this present day my body free. But my heart in prison still remains with thee. /' How should'st thou, fair lady, love me, 25 Whom thou knowst thy country's foe ? Thy fair wordes make me suspect thee : Serpents lie where flowers grow." All the harm I wishe to thee, most courteous knight, God grant the same upon my head may fully light. 30 Blessed be the time and season. That you came on Spanish ground ; . If our foes you may be termed, Gentle foes we have you found : With our city, you have won our hearts eche one, 35 Then to your country bear away, that is your owne. " Best you still, most gallant lady ; Best you still, and weep no more ; Of fair lovers there is plenty, Spain doth yield a wonderous store." 40 Spaniards fraught with jealousy we often find. But Englishmen through all the world are counted kind. Leave me not unto a Spaniard, You alone enjoy my heart ; I am lovely, young, and tender, 45 Love is likewise my desert : Still to serve thee day and night my mind is prest ; The wife of every Englishman is counted blest. " It wold be a shame, fair lady. For to bear a woman hence ; 50 English soldiers never carry Any such without ofience." I'll quickly change myself, if it be so, And like a page He follow thee, where'er thou go. " I have neither gold nor silver 55 To maintain thee in this case. And to travel is great charges. As you know in every place." My chains and jewels every one shal be thy own. And eke five hundred* pounds in gold that lies unknown. ' 60 " On the seas are many dangers. Many storms do there arise, Which wil be to ladies dreadful. And force tears from watery eyes." Well in troth I shall endure extremity, 65 For I could find in heart to lose my life for thee. " Courteous ladye, leave this fancy. Here comes all that breeds this strife ; I in England have already A sweet woman to my wife : 70 I will not falsify my vow for gold nor gain, Nor yet for all the fairest dames that live in Spain." Ter. 65, Well ^ -worth, MS. * So the MS.— 10,000?., P. 0. 254 ARGENTILE AND CURAN. how happy is that woman That enjoys so true a friend! Many happy days God send her ; 75 Of my suit I make an end : On my knees I pardon crave for my offence, "Which did from love and true affection first commence. Commend me to thy lovely lady, Bear to her this chain of gold ; 80 And these bracelets for a token ; Grieving that I was so bold : All my jewels in like sort take thou with thee, For they are fitting for thy wife, but not for I will spend my days in prayer, 85 Love and all her laws defye ; In a nunnery will I shroud mee Far from any companye : But ere my prayers have an end, be sure of this, To pray for thee and for thy love I will not miss. 90 Thus farewell most gallant captain ! Farewell to my heart's content ! Count not Spanish ladies wanton, Though to thee my love was bent : 94 Joy and true prosperity goe still with thee ! " The like fall ever to thy share, most fair ladie.'' XXIV. ^xputih n)s &MU — Is extracted from an ancient historical poem in XIII. Books, entitled " Albion's Eng- land, by William Warner :" " An author (says a former Editor) only unhappy in the choice of his subject, and measure of his verse. His poem is an epitome of the Bri- tish history, and written with great learning, sense, and spirit ; in some places fine to an extraordinary degree, as I think will emi- nently appear in the ensuing episode [of Ar- gentile and Curan,]— a tale full of beautiful incidents in the romantic taste, extremely affecting, rich in ornament, wonderfully va- rious in style ; and in short, one of the most beautiful pastorals I ever met with." [Muses library, 1738, 8vo.] To his merit nothing can be objected, unless perhaps an affected quaintness in some of his expressions, and an indelicacy in some of his pastoral images. Warner is said, by A. Wood,* to have been a Warwickshire man, and to have been edu- cated in Oxford, at Magdalene-hall : as also in the latter part of his life to have been re- tained in the service of Henry Cary Lord Hunsdon, to whom he dedicates his poem. However that may have been, new light is thrown upon his history, and the time and manner of his death are now ascertained, by the following extract from the parish register * Athea Oxon. book of Amwell, in Hertfordshire; which was obligingly communicated to the editor by Mr. Hoole, the very ingenious translator of Tasso, &c. [1608—1609.] " Master William Warner, a man of good yeares and of honest reputation ; by his profession an Atturnye of the Common Pleas ; author of Albions England, diynge suddenly in the night in his bedde, vnthout any former complaynt or sicknesse, on thurs- day night beeinge the 9th daye of March ; was buried the satturday following, and lyeth in the church at the corner under the stone of Walter Ffader." Signed Tho. Hassall Vi- carius. Though now Warner is so seldom men- tioned, his contemporaries ranked him on a level with Spenser, and called them the Ho- mer and Virgil of their age.* But Warner rather resembled Ovid, whose Metamorphosis he seems to have taken for his model, having de- duced a perpetual poem from the deluge down to the era of Elizabeth, full of lively digres- sions and entertaining episodes. And though he is sometimes harsh, affected, and obscure, he often displays a most charming and pathetic simplicity : as where he describes Eleanor's harsh treatment of Rosamond : Ver. 86, So the folio MS. Other editions read his laws. * Athen. Oxon ARGENTILE AND CURAN. 255 With that she dasht her on the lippes So dyed double red : Hard was the heart that gave the blow, Soft were those lippes that bled. The edition of " Albion's England" here followed was printed in 4to., 1602 ; said in the title page to have been " first penned and published by William Warner, and now re- vised and newly enlarged by the same au- thor/' The story of " Argentile and Curan" is, I believe, the poet's own invention ; it is not mentioned in any of our chronicles. It was, however, so much admired, that not many years after he published it, came out a larger poem on the same subject in stanzas of six lines, entitled, " The most pleasant and delightful historie of Curan a prince of Danske, and the fayre princesse Argentile, daughter and heyre to Adelbright, sometime King of Northumberland, &c., by William Webster, London, 1617," in eight sheets 4to. An indifferent paraphrase of the following poem. — This episode of Warner's has also been altered into the common Ballad, "of the two young Princes on Salisbury Plain," which is chiefly composed* of Warner's lines, with a few contractions and interpolations, but all greatly for the worse. See the collection of Historical Ballads, 1727, 3 vols., 12mo. Though here subdivided into stanzas, War- ner's metre is the old-fashioned alexandrine of fourteen syllables. The reader therefore must not expect to find the close of the- stan- izas consulted in the pauses. The Bruton's * being' departed hence Seaven kingdoms here begonne, Where diversly in divers broyles The Saxons lost and wonne. King Edel and King Adelbright 5 In Diria jointly reigne ; In loyal concorde during life These kingly friends remaine. When Adelbright should leave his life, To Edel thus he sayes ; By those same bonds of happie love, That held us friends alwaies ; 10 By our by-parted crowne, of which The moyetie is mine ; By God, to whom my soule must passe, 15 And so in time may thine ; 33 I pray thee, nay I cdnjure thee, To nourish, as thine owne. Thy niece, my daughter Argentile, Till she to age be growne ; 20 And then, as thou receivest it, Resigne to her my throne. A promise had for his bequest. The testator he dies ; But all that Edel undertooke, 25 He afterwards denies. Yet well he ' fosters for' a time The damsell that was growne The fairest lady under heaven ; Whose beautie being knowne, 30 A many princes seeke her love ; But none might her*obtaine ; For grippell Edel to himselfe Her kingdome sought to gaine ; And for that cause from sight of such 35 He did his ward restraine. By chance one Curan, sonne unto A prince in Danske, did see The maid, with whom he fell in love, As much as man might bee. 40 Unhappie youth, what should he doe ? His saint was kept in mewe ; Nor he, nor any noble-man Admitted to her vewe. One while in melancholy fits 45 He pines himselfe awaye : Anon he thought by force of arms To win her if he maye : And still against the kings restraint Did secretly invay. 50 At length the high controller Love, Whom none may disobay, Imbased him from lordlines Into a kitchen drudge, That so at least of life or death 55 , She might become his judge. Accesse so had to see and speake. He did his love bewray, And tells his birth : her answer was, She husbandles would stay. 60 256 AKGENTILE AND CURAN. Meane while the king did beate his braines, So wasting, love, by worke, and want. His booty to atchieve, Grew almost to the waine : Nor caring what became of her, But then began a second love, 105 So he by her might thrive ; The worser of the twaine. At last his resolution was 65 Some pessant should her wive. A country wench, a neatherds maid, Where Curan kept his sheepe. And (which was working to his wish) Did feed her drove : and now on her He did observe with joy e Was all the shepherds keepe. 110 How Curan, whom he thought a drudge, Scapt many an amorous toye.* 70 He borrowed on the working dales His holy russets oft. The king, perceiving such his vein, And of the bacon's fat, to make Promotes his vassal still, His startops blacke and soft. Lest that the basenesse of the man And least his tarbox should offend, 115 Should lett, perhaps, his will. He left it at the folde : Assured therefore of his love, 75 Sweete growte, or wig, his bottle had. As much as it might holde. But not suspecting who The lover was, the king himselfe A sheeve of bread as browne as nut In his behalf did woe. And cheese as white as snow, 120 And wildings, or the seasons fruit The lady resolute from love. He did in scrip bestow. Unkindly takes that he 80 Should barre the noble, and unto And whilst his py-bald curre did sleepe So base a match agree : And sheep-hooke lay him by. On hollow quilles of oten straw 125 And therefore shifting out of doores. He piped melody. Departed thence by stealth ; Preferring povertie before 85 But when he spyed her his saint. A dangerous life in wealth. He wip'd his greasie shooes, And clear'd the drivell from his beard. When Curan heard of her escape. And thus the shepheard wooes. 130 The anguish in his hart Was more than much, and after her " I have, sweet wench, a peece of cheese, From court he did depart ; 90 As good as tooth may chawe. And bread and wildings souling well, Forgetfull of himselfe, his birth, And therewithall did drawe. His country, friends, and all. J J ' ' And only minding (whom he mist) His lardrie) and in 'yeaning' see 135 The foundresse of his thrall. " Yon crumpling ewe, quoth he. Did twinne this fall, and twin shouldst thou, Nor meanes he after to frequent 95 If I might tup with thee. Or court, or stately townes. But solitarily to live " Thou art too elvish, faith thou art, Amongst the country grownes. Too elvish and too coy: 140 Am I, I pray thee, beggarly. A brace of years he lived thus, That such a flocke enjoy ? Well pleased so to live, 100 And shepherd-like to feed a flocke " I wis I am not : yet that thou Himselfe did wholly give. Doest hold me in disdaine J C5 Is brimme abroad, and made a gybe 145 To all that keepe this plaine. * The construction is, "How that many an amorous toy, or foolery of love, 'scaped Curan;" i. e. escaped from him, being off his guard. Ver. 112, i. e. holy-day Russets. V. 135, Eating, P. CC. AKGENTILE AND CURAN. 257 " There be as quaint (at least that thinke Themselves as quaint) that crave The match, that thou, I V70t not v^hy, Maist, but mislik'st to have. 150 " How vrouldst thou match? (for well I wot, " Thou art a female) I Her know not here that willingly / With maiden-head would die. " The plowmans labour hath no end, 155 And he a churle will prove : The craftsman hath more worke in hand Then fitteth unto love : " The merchant, traffiquing abroad, Suspects his wife at home : 160 A youth will play the wanton ; and An old man prove a mome. " Then chuse a shepheard : with the sun He doth his flocke unfold, And all the day on hill or plaine 165 He merrie chat can hold ; " And with the sun doth folde againe ; Then jogging home betime, He turnes a crab, or turnes a round, Or sings some merry ryme. 170 " Nor lacks he gleeful! tales, whilst round The nut-brown bowl doth trot ; And sitteth singing care away, Till he to bed be got : " Theare sleepes he soundly all the night, Forgetting morrow-cares : 176 Nor feares he blasting of his come. Nor uttering of his wares ; " Or stormes by seas, or stirres on land, Or cracke of credit lost : 180 Not spending franklier than his flocke Shall still defray the cost. " Well wot I, sooth they say, that say . More quiet nights and dales The shepheard sleeps and wakes, than he AVhose cattel he doth graize. 186 Ver. 153, Her know I not her that, 1602. V. 169, i. e. roasts a crab, or apple. V. 171, to tell, whilst round the bole doth trot. Ed. 1597. " Beleeve me, lasse, a king is but A man, and so am I ; Content is worth a monarchie | And mischiefs hit the hie ; 190 " As late it did a king and his Not dwelling far from hence, Who left a daughter, save thyselfe, For fair a matchless wench.^' Here did he pause, as if his tongue 195 Had done his heart offence. The neatresse, longing for the rest, Did egge him on to tell How faire she was, and who she was. She bore, quoth he, the bell 200 "For beautie : though I clownish am, I know what beautie is ; Or did I not, at seeing thee, I senceles were to mis. * * 4f -Sfr * " Her stature comely, tall ; her gate 205 Well graced ; and her wit To marvell at, not meddle with. As matchless I omit. " A globe-like head, a gold-like hairci A forehead smooth, and hie, 210 An even nose ; on either side Did shine a grayish eie : " Two rosie cheeks, round ruddy lips, White just-set teeth within ; A mouth in meane ; and underneathe 215 A round and dimpled chin. " Her snowie necke, with blewish veines, Stood bolt upright upon Her portly shoulders : beating balles Her veined breasts, anon 220 " Adde more to beautie. Wand-like was Her middle falling still. And rising whereas women rise :* * * — Imagine nothing ill. " And more, her long, and limber armes Had white and azure wrists ; 226 And slender fingers aunswere to Her smooth and lillie fists. 258 ARGENTILE AND CURAN. " A legge in print, a pretie foot ; " Her loved I (wretch that I am Conjecture of the rest : 230 A recreant to be) Eor amorous eies, observing forme, I loved her, that hated love, Think parts obscured best. But now I die for thee. " With these, raretie ! with these " At Kirkland is my fathers court, 275 Her tong of speech was spare ; And Curan is my name, But speaking, Venus seemM to speake, In Edels court sometimes in pompe, The balle from Ide to bear. 236 Till love countrould the same : " But now — what now ? — deare heart, how " With Phoebe, Juno, and with both now? Herselfe contends in face ; What ailest thou to weepe V 280 The damsell wept, and he was woe, Wheare equall mixture did not want Of milde and stately grace. 240 And both did silence keepe. " Her smiles were sober, and her lookes I graunt, quoth she, it was too much, Were chearefull unto all : That you did love so much : Even such as neither wanton seeme But whom your former could not move. Nor waiward ; mell, nor gall. Your second love doth touch. 286 " A quiet minde, a patient moode, 245 And not disdaining any ; Not gybing, gadding, gawdy : and Sweete faculties had many. Thy twice-beloved Argentile Submitteth her to thee. And for thy double love presents Herself a single fee, 290 In passion not in person changed, "A nimph, no tong, no heart, no eie, 249 And I, my lord, am she. Might praise, might wish, might see ; They sweetly surfeiting in joy, i For life, for love, for forme ; more good, And silent for a space. More worth, more faire than shee. When as the extasie had end, 295 Did tenderly imbrace ; " Yea such an one, as such was none, And for their wedding, and their wish Save only she was such : Got fitting time and place. Of Argentile to say the most, 255 Were to be silent much.'^ Not England (for of Hengist then Was named so this land) 300 I knew the lady very well. Then Curan had an hardier knight ; But worthies of such praise. His force could none withstand : The neatresse said : and muse I do, Whose sheep-hooke laid apart, he then A shepheard thus should blaze 260 Had higher things in hand. The * coate' of beautie.* Credit me, First, making knowne his lawfuU claime In Argentile her right, 306 Thy latter speech bewraies. He warr'd in Diria,* and he wonne. Thy clownish shape a coined shew Bernicia* too in fight : But wherefore dost thou weepe ? o The shepheard wept, and she was woe, And so from trecherous Edel tooke And both doe silence keepe. 266 At once his life and crowne, 310 And of Northumberland was king. " In troth, quoth he, I am not such, As seeming I professe : Long raigning in renowne. But then for her, and now for thee. * During the Saxon heptarchy, the kingdom of North- umberland (consisting of six northern counties, besides I from myselfe digresse. 270 part of Scotland) was for a long time divided into two lesser sovereignties, viz., Deira (called here Diria) which contained * i. e. emblazon beauty's coat. Ed. 1597, 1602, 1612, read the southern parts, and Bernicia, comprehend those which Coote. lay north. JANE SHORE. 259 XXV. Qxxn*$ iutt Only the three first stanzas of this song are ancient : these are extracted from a small quarto MS. in the Editor's possession, written in the time of Queen Elizabeth. As they seemed to want application, this has been at- tempted by a modern hand. CoRiN, most unhappie swaine. Whither wilt thou drive thy flocke ? Little foode is on the plaine ; Full of danger is the rocke : Wolfes and beares doe kepe the woodes ; 5 Forests tangled are with brakes : Meadowes subject are to floodes ; Moores are full of miry lakes. Yet to shun all plaine, and hill. Forest, moore, and meadow-ground, 10 Hunger will as surely kill : How may then reliefe be found ? Such is hapless Corins fate : Since my waywarde love begunne, Equall doubts begett debate What to seeke, and what to shunne. vSpare to speke, and spare to speed ; Yet to speke will move disdaine: If I see her not I bleed, Yet her sight augments my paine. What may then poor Corin doe? Tell me, shepherdes, quicklye tell ; For to linger thus in woe Is the lover's sharpest hell. 15 20 XXVI. ane Sfe0rK Though so many vulgar errors have pre- vailed concerning this celebrated courtesan, no character in history has been more per- fectly handed down to us. We have her portrait drawn by two masterly pens ; the one has delineated the features of her person, the other those of her character and story. Sir Thomas More drew from the life, and Drayton has copied an original picture of her. The reader will pardon the length of the quotations, as they serve to correct many popular mistakes relating to her catastrophe. The first is from Sir Thomas More's History of Richard HI. written in 1513, about thirty years after the death of Edward IV. " Now then by and by, as it wer for anger, not for covetise, the protector sent into the house of Shores wife (for her husband dwelled not with her) and spoiled her of al that ever she had (above the value of 2 or 3 thousand marks), and sent her body to prison. And when he had a while laide unto her, for the manner sake that she went about to bewitch him, and that she was of counsel with the lord chamberlein to destroy him : in conclu- sion, when that no colour could fasten upon these matters, then he layd heinously to her charge the thing that herselfe could not deny, that al the world wist was true, and that na- theless every man laughed at to here it then so sodainly so highly taken,' — that she was naught of her body. And for thys cause, (as a goodly continent prince, clone and fautless of himself, sent out of heaven into this vicious world for the amendment of mens manners), he caused the bishop of London to put her to open pennance, going before the crosse in pro- cession upon a sonday with a taper in her hand. In which she went in countenance and pace de- mure so womanly ; and albeit she was out of al array save her kyrtle only, yet went she so fair and lovely, namelye, while the won- 260 JANE SHOKE. dering of the people caste a comly rud in her chekes (of which she before had most misse) that her great shame wan her much praise among those that were more amorous of her body, then curious of her soule. And many good folke also, that hated her living, and glad wer to se sin corrected, yet pittied thei more her penance than rejoiced therin, when thei considred that the protector procured it more of a corrupt intent, than any virtuous affeccion. " This woman was born in London, wor- shipfuUy frended, honestly brought up, and very wel maryed, saving somewhat to soone : her husbande an honest citizen, yonge, and goodly, and of good substance. But foras- muche as they were coupled ere she wer wel ripe, she not very fervently loved, for whom she never longed. Which was happely the thinge, that the more easily made her encline unto the king's appetite, when he required her. Howbeit the respect of his royaltie, the hope of gay apparel, ease, plesure, and other wanton welth, was able soone to perse a soft tender hearte. But when the king had abused her, anon her husband (as he was an honest man, and one that could his good, not presuming to touch a kinges concubine) left her up to him al together. When the king died, the lord chamberlen [Hastings] toke her:* which in the kinges dales, albeit he was sore enamoured upon her, yet he forbare her, either for reverence, or for a certain frendly faithfulness. " Proper she was, and faire : nothing in her body that you wold have changed, but if you would have wished her somewhat higher. Thus say thei that knew her in her youthe. Albeit some that ' now see her (for yet she liveth)' deme her never to have bene wel visaged. Whose jugement seemeth me some- what like, as though men should gesse the * After the death of Hastings, she was kept by the Mar. quis of Dorset, son to Edward IV.'s queen. In Rymer's Foedera is a proclamation of Richard's, dated at Leicester, October 23, 1483, wherein a reward of 1000 marks in money, or 100 a year in land is offered for taking " Thomas late Marquis of Dorse-," who " not having the fear of God, nor the salvation of his own soul, before his eyes, has damnably debauched and defiled many maids, widows, and wives, and ' lived in actual adultery with the wife of Shore.' " Buck- ingham was at that time in rebellion, but as Dorset was not with him, Richard could not accuse him of treason, and therefore made a handle of these pretended debauch- aries to get him apprehended. Vide Rym. Feed. torn. xij. page 201. bewty of one longe before departed, by her scalpe taken out of the charnel-house ; for , now is she old, lene, withered, and dried up, nothing left but ryvllde skin, and hard bone. And yet being even such, whoso wel advise herr visage, might gesse and devise which partes how filled, wold make it a fair face. " Yet delited not men so much in her bewty, as in her pleasant behaviour. For a proper wit had she, and could both rede wel and write ; mery in company, redy and quick of aunswer, neither mute nor ful of bable ; sometime taunting without displeasure, and not without disport. The king would say. That he had three concubines, which in three divers properties diversly excelled. One the meriest, another the wiliest, the thrrde the holiest harlot in his realme, as one whom no man could get out of the church lightly to any place, but it wer to his bed.,v The other two wer somwhat greater personages, a,nd natheles of their humilite content to be nameles, and to forbore the praise of those properties ; but the meriest was the Shoris wife, in whom the king therfore toke special pleasure. For many he had, but her he loved, whose favour, to sai the trouth (for sinne it wer to belie the devil) she never abused to any mans hurt, but to many a mans comfort and relief. Where the king toke dis- pleasure, she would mitigate and appease his mind: where men were out of favour, she wold bring them in his grace : for many, that had highly offended, shee obtained par- don : of great forfeitures she gate men remis- sion : and finally in many weighty sutes she stode many men in great stede, either for none or very smal rewardes, and those rather gay than rich : either for that she was con- tent with the dede selfe well done, or for that she delited to be sued unto, and to show what she was able to do with the king, or for that wanton women and welthy be not alway covetous. " I doubt not some shal think this woman too sleight a thing to be written of, and set amonge the remembraunces of great matters : which thei shal specially think, that happely shal esteme her only by that thei ' now see her.' But me semeth the chaunce so much the more worthy to be remembred, in how much she is 'now' in the more beggerly con- dicion, unfrended and worne out of acquaint- ance, after good substance, after as grete JANE SHORE. 261 favour with the prince, after as grete sute and seeking to with al those, that in those days had busynes to spede, as many other men were in their times, which be now famouse only by the infamy of their il dedes. Her doinges were not much lesse, albeit thei be muche lesse remembred because thei were not so evil, f For men use, if they have an evil turne, to write it in marble ; and whoso doth us a good tourne, we write it in duste,. Which is not worst proved by her; for *at this daye' shee beggeth of many at this daye living, that at this day had begged, if shee had not bene.^' See More's Workes, folio, black-letter, 1557, pp. 56, 57. Drayton has written a poetical epistle from this lady to her royal lover, and in his notes thereto he thus draws her portrait: ''Her stature was meane, her haire of a dark yel- low, her face round and full, her eye gray, delicate harmony being betwixt each part's proportion, and each proportion's colour, her body fat, white and smooth, her countenance cheerfuU and like to her condition. The pic- ture which I have seen of hers was such as she rose out of her bed in the morning, hav- ing nothing on but a rich mantle cast under one arme over her shoulder, and sitting on a chaire, on which her naked arm did lie. What her father's name was, or where she was borne, is not certainly knowne: but Shore, a young man of right goodly person, wealth, and behaviour, abandoned her bed after the king had made her his concubine. Richard III., causing her to do open penance in Paul's church-yard, 'commanded that no man should relieve her,' which the tyraivt did, not so much for his hatred to sinne, but that by making his brother's life odious, he might cover his horrible treasons the more cunning- ly." See England's Heroical Epistles, by Michael Drayton, Esq,, London, 1637, 12mo. The history of Jane Shore receives new illustration from the following letter of King Richard HI., which is preserved in the Harl. MSS., Number 433, Article 2378, but of which the copy transmitted to the Editor has been * These words of Sir Thomas More probably suggested to Shakspeare that proverbial reflection in Hen. VIII., Act 4, sc. 11. " Men's evill manners live in brass : their virtues We write in water." Shakspeare, in his play of Richard III., follows More's History of that reign, and therefore could not but see this passage. reduced to modern orthography, &c. It is said to have been addressed to Russell bishop of Lincoln, lord chancellor, Anno 1484. By the KING. " Right Reverend Father in God, &c., sig- nifying unto you, that it is shewed unto us, that our Servant and Solicitor Thomas Ly- nom, marvellously blinded and abused with the late Wife of William Shore, now living in Ludgate by our commandment, hath made Contract of Matrimony with her, as it is said, and intendeth to our full great marvel, to effect the same. WE, for many causes, would be sorry that he should be so disposed ; pray you therefore to send for him, and in that ye goodly may, exhort, and stir him to the con- trary : And if ye find him utterly set for to marry her, and none otherwise would be advertized, then, if it may stand with the laws of the church, we be content that the time of marriage be deferred to our coming next to London ; that upon sufficient Surety found of her good abearing, ye do so send for her Keeper, and discharge him of our said commandment, by Warrant of these, commit- ting her to the rule, and guiding of her Father, or any other, by your direction, in the mean season. Given, &c. " RIG. Rex." It appears from two articles in the same MS. that King Richard had granted to {he said Thomas Linom the office of King's So- licitor (Article 134), and also the Manor of Colmeworth, com Bedf., to him, his heirs male (Article 596). An original picture of Jane Shore almost naked is preserved in the Provost's Lodgings at Eton ; and another picture of her is in the Provost's Lodge at King's College, Cam- bridge : to both which foundations she is supposed to have done friendly offices with EdM^ard IV. A small quarto mezzotinto print was taken from the former of these by J. Faber. The following ballad is printed (with some corrections) from an old black-letter copy in the Pepys collection. Its full title is, " The woeful lamentation of Jane Shore, a gold- smith's wife in London, sometime king Ed- ward IV. his concubine. To the tune of ' Live with me,' &c." [See the first volume.] To every stanza is annexed the following burthen : 262 JANE SHORE. Then maids and wives in time amend For love and beauty will have end. If Rosamonde that was so faire, Had cause her sorrowes to declare, Then let Jane Shore with sorrowe sing That was beloved of a king. In maiden yeares my beautye bright 5 "Was loved dear of lord and knight ; But yet the love that they required, It was not as my friends desirM. My parents they, for thirst of gaine, A husband for me did obtaine ; 10 And I, their pleasure to fulfille, Was forc'd to wedd against my wille. To Matthew Shore I was a wife. Till lust brought mine to my life ; And then my life I lewdlye spent, 15 Which makes my soul for to lament. In Lombard-street I once did dwelle, As London yet can witnesse welle ; Where many gallants did beholde My beautye in a shop of golde. 20 I spred my plumes, as wantons doe. Some sweet and secret friende to wooe, Because chast love I did not finde Agreeing to my wanton minde. At last my name in court did ring 25 Into the eares of Englandes king. Who came and lik'd, and love requir'd, But I made coye what he desir'd : Yet Mistress Blague, a neighbour neare, Whose friendship I esteemed deare, 30 Did saye, It was a gallant thing To be beloved of a king. By her persuasions I was led For to defile my marriage-bed, And wronge my wedded husband Shore, 35 Whom I had married yeares before. In heart and mind I did rejoyce, That I had made so sweet a choice ; And therefore did my state resigne, To be king Edward's concubine. 40 From city then to court I went, To reaps the pleasures of content ; There had the joyes that love could bring, And knew the secrets of a king. When I was thus advanc'd on highe 45 Commanding Edward with mine eye. For Mrs. Blague I in short space Obtainde a livinge from his grace. No friende I had but in short time I made unto a promotion climbe ; 50 But yet for all this costlye pride, My husbande could not mee abide. His bed, though wronged by a king, His heart with deadlye griefe did sting ; From England then he goes away 55 To end his life beyond the sea. He could not live to see his name Impaired by my wanton shame ; Although a prince of peerlesse might Did reape the pleasure of his right. 60 Long time I lived in the courte, With lords and ladies of great sorte ; And when I smil'd all men were glad, But when I frown'd my prince grewe sad. But yet a gentle minde I bore 65 To helplesse people, that were poore ; I still redrest the orphan's crye, And sav'd their lives condemned to dye. I still had ruth on widowes tears, I succour'd babes of tender yeares ; 70 And never look'd for other gaine But love and thankes for all my paine. At last my royall king did dye, And then my dayes of woe grew nighe ; 74 When crook-back Richard got the crowne. King Edwards friends were soon put downe. I then was punisht for my sin. That I so long had lived in ; Yea, every one that was his friend. This tyrant brought to shamefuU end. 80 Then for my lewd and wanton life, That made a strumpet of a wife, I penance did in Lombard-street, In shamefull manner in a sheet. JANE SHORE. 263 .Where many thousands did me viewe, 85 Who late in court my credit knewe ; Which made the teares run downe my face, To thinke upon my foul disgrace. Not thus content, they took from mee My goodes, my livings, and my fee, 90 And charg'd that none should me relieve, Nor any succour to me give. Then unto Mrs. Blague I went, To whom my jewels I had sent, In hope therebye to ease my want, 95 When riches fail'd, and love grew scant : But she denyed to me the same When in my need for them I came;' T(? recompence my former love, Out of her doores shee did me shove. 100 So love did vanish with my state, Which now my soul repents too late ; Therefore example take by mee, For friendship parts in povertie. But yet one friend among the rest. Whom I before had seen distrest. And sav'd his life, condemned to die, Did give me food to succour me : For which, by lawe, it was decreed That he was hanged for that deed ; His death did grieve me so much more, Than had I dyed myself therefore. 105 110 Then those to whom I had done good Durst not afford mee any food ; Whereby I begged all the day, 115 And still in streets by night I lay. My gowns beset with pearl and gold, Were turn'd to simple garments old ; My chains and gems and golden rings, To filthy rags and loathsome things. 120 Thus was I scorn'd of maid and wife. For leading such a wicked life ; Both sucking babes and children small, Did make their pastime at my fall., I could not get one bit of bread, 125 Whereby my hunger might be fed : Nor drink, but such as channels yield, Or stinking ditches in the field. Thus, weary of my life, at lengthe I yielded up my vital strength, 130 Within a ditch of loathsome scent, Where carrion dogs did much frequent : The which now since my dying daye. Is Shoreditch call'd, as writers saye ;* , Which is a witness of my sinne, 135 For being concubine to a king. You wanton wives, that fall to lust, Be you assur'd that God is just ; Whoredome shall not escape his hand. Nor pride unpunished in this land. 140 If God to me such shame did bring, That yielded only to a king, How shall they scape that daily run To practise sin with every one? You husbands, match not but for love, 145 Lest some disliking after prove ; Women, be warn'd when you are wives, What plagues are due to sinful lives : Then, maids and wives, in time amend, For love and beauty will have end. * But it had this name long before ; being so called from its being a common Sewer (vtdgarly Shore) or drain. See Stow, 34 264 CORYDON'S DOLEFUL KNELL. XXVII. C0rgkn's §Mul flKriL This little simple elegy is given, with some Her herse it shall be carried corrections, from two copies, one of which is By youths that do excell ; in "The Golden Garland of Princely De- And when that she is buried, lights/' I thus will ring her knell, Ding, &c. 20 The burthen of the song, "Ding Dong, &c.," is at present appropriated to burlesque A garland shall be framed subjects, and, therefore, may excite only lu- By art and natures skill, dicrous ideas in a modern reader ; but, in the Of suudry-colouydiiowei'S, time of our poet, it usually accompanied the In token of good-will.* most solemn and mournful strains. Of this Ding, &c. kind is that fine aerial dirge in Shakspeare's Tempest: And sundry-colour'd ribbands 25 On it I will bestow ! " Full fadom five thy father lies, Of his bones are corrall made ; But chiefly black and yellowe rf With her to grave shall go. Ding, &c. Those are pearles that were his eyes ; Nothing of him that doth fade, I'll decke her tombe with flowers, But doth sufi'er a sea-change The rarest ever seen. 30 Into something rich and strange : And with my tears, as showers. Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell, I'll keepe them fresh and green. Harke now I heare them, Ding dong bell. Ding, &c. *' Burthen, Ding dong.'' Instead of fairest colours. I make no doubt but the poet intended to Set forth with curious art, J conclude the above air in a manner the most Her image shall be painted 35 solemn and expressive of melancholy. On my distressed heart. Ding, &c. My Phillida, adieu love ! O' For evermore farewell ! And thereon shall be graven Ay me ! I've lost my true love, Her epitaph so faire. And thus I ring her knell, " Here lies the loveliest maiden, Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, 5 That e'er gave shepheard care." 40 My Phillida is dead ! Ding, &c. I'll stick a branch of willow At my fair Phillis' head. In sable will I mourne ; Blacke shall be all my weede For my fair Phillida, Our bridal bed was made : 10 Ay me ! I am forlorne. Now Phillida is dead ! But 'stead of silkes so gay, She in her shroud is laid. Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, 45 My Phillida is dead ! Ding, &c. I'll stick a branch of willow At my fair Phillis' head. Her corpse shall be attended, * It is a custom in many parts of England, to carry a By maides in fair array, flowery garland before tlie corpse of a woman wlio dies Till the obsequies are ended, 15 unmarried. And she is wrapt in clay. t See aboTe, preface to No. XI. Book II. t This alludes to the painted effigies of Alabaster, Ding, &c. anciently erected upon tombs and monuments. THE END OF TH E SECOND BOOK. THE COMPLAINT OF CONSCIENCE. 265 SERIES THE SECOND. BOOK III. I. %\t €mn^lmi at &muimtt I SHALL begin this Third Book with an old allegoric satire : a manner of moralizing, which, if it was not first introduced by the author of " Pierce Plowman'sYisions/^ was at least chiefly brought into repute by that ancient satirist. It is not so generally known that the kind of verse used in this ballad hath any affinity with the peculiar metre of that wri- ter, for which reason I shall throw together some cursory remarks on that very singular species of versification, the nature of which has been so little understood. ON THE ALLITERATIVE METRE, WITHOUT RHYME, IN PIERCE plowman's VISIONS. We learn from Wormius,* that-the ancient Islandic poets used a great variety of mea- sures : he mentions 136 different kinds, with- out including rhyme, or a correspondence of final syllables : yet this was occasionally used, as appears from the Ode of Egil, which Wor- mius hath inserted in his book. He hath analyzed the structure of one of these kinds of verse, the harmony of which neither depended on the quantity of the syl- lables, like that of the ancient Greeks or Ro- mans ; nor on the rhymes at the end, as in modern poetry; but consisted altogether in alliteration, or a certain artful repetition of the sounds in the middle of the verses. This was adjusted according to certain rules of their prosody, one of which was, that every distich should contain at least three words beginning with the same letter or sound. Two of these corresponding sounds might be placed either in the first or second line of the distich, and one in the other ; but all three were not regularly to be crowded into one * Literatura Rtinica. Hafniae 1636, 4to.— 1651, foL The Islandic language is of the same origin as our Anglo-Saxon, being both dialects of the ancient Gothic or Teutonic. Vid Hickesii Prsefat. in Grammat. Anglo-Saxon & Moeso-Goth- 4to, 1689. line. This will be the best understood by the following examples.* *' Jlfeire og Jlfinne " (?ab (rinunga Mogn heimdaller.'^ Enn (rras huerge." There were many other little niceties ob- served by the Islandic poets, who, as they retained their original language and pecu- liarities longer than the other nations of Go- thic race, had time to cultivate their native poetry more, and to carry it to a higher pitch of refinement than any of the rest. Their brethren, the Anglo-Saxon poets, oc- casionally used the same kind of alliteration, and it is common to meet in their writings with similar examples of the foregoing rules. Take an instance or two in modern charac- ters :t " SJceoj) tha and SkyredQ "iZam and iZeahsetl yS/typpend ure. " jBeofena rikes." I know not, however, that there is anywhere extant an entire Saxon poem all in this mea- sure. But distichs of this sort perpetually occur in all their poems of any length. Now, if we examine the versification of " Pierce Plowman's Visions," we shall find it constructed exactly by these rules ; and there- fore each line, as printed, is in reality a dis- tich of two verses, and will, I believe, be found distinguished as such, by some mark or other in all the ancient MSS., viz. ** In a Somer Season, | when * hot'J was the /S'unne, I SJio-pe me into >S'/iroubs, | as I a SJie^pQ were ; In jBabite as an ^armet, [ un-Hbly of werkes. Went Wjde in thys world | l^onders to heare," &c. * Vid. Hickes Antiq. Literatur. Septentrional. Tom. I. p. 217. t Ibid. $ So I would read with Mr. Warton, rather than either " soft," as in MS., or " set," as in P. CO. 266 ON ALLITERATIVE METRE. So that the author of this poem will not he found to have invented any new mode of ver- sification, as some have supposed, but only to have retained that of the old Saxon and Gothic poets ; which was probably never wholly laid aside, but occasionally used at different intervals: though the ravages of time will not suffer us now to produce a regu- lar series of poems entirely written in it. There are some readers, Avhom it may gra- tify to mention, that these " Visions of Pierce [i. e. Peter] the Plowman," are attributed to Robert Langland, a secular priest, born at Mortimer's Cleobury in Shropshire, and fel- low of Oriel college in Oxford, who flourished in the reigns of Edward III. and Richard II., and published his poem a few years after 1350. It consists of xx Passus or Breaks,* exhibiting a series of visions, which he pre- tends happened to him on Malvern hills in Worcestershire. The author excels in strong, allegoric painting, and has with great hu- mour, spirit, and fancy, censured most of the vices incident to the several professions of life ; but he particularly inveighs against the corruptions of the clergy, and the absurdi- ties of superstition. Of this work, I have now before me four different editions in black-letter quarto. Three of them are printed in 1550 hy Robert Crowley, dwelling in Elye rentes in Holburne. It is remarkable that two of these are mentioned in the title-page as both of the second impression, though they contain evident variations in every page.f The other is said to be newly e imprynied after the authors olde copy by Owen Rogers, Feb. 21, 1561. As Langland was not the first, so neither was he the last that used this alliterative spe- cies of versification. To Rogers's edition of the Visions is subjoined a poem, which was probably writ in imitation of them, entitled, " Pierce the Ploughman's Crede." It begins thus: * The poem properly contains xxi parts ; the word ^assws, adopted by the author, seems only to denote the break or division between two parts, though by the ignorance of the printer applied to the parts themselves. See Series III., preface to ballad III., where Passus seems to signify pawse. t That which seems the first of the two, is thus distin- guished in the title-page, nowe the seconde tyme imprinted hy Rdb&rte Crowlye ; the other thus, nowe the seconde time imprinted by Robert Crowley. In the former the folios are thus erroneously numbered, 39, 39, 41, 63, 43, 42, 45, &c. The booksellers of those days did not ostentatiously affect to multiply editions. " Cros, and Curteis Christ, this beginning spede For the i^aders i^rendshipe, that i^ourmed heaven. And through the /Special ^Spirit, that ^rong of hem tweyne. And al in one godhed endles dwelleth." The author feigns himself ignorant of his Creed, to be instructed in which he applies to the four religious orders, viz., the gray friars of St. Francis, the black friars of St. Domi- nic, the Carmelites or white friars, and the Augustines. This affords him occasion to describe in very lively colours, the sloth, ig- norance, and immorality of those reverend drones. - At length he meets with Pierce, a poor ploughman, who resolves his doubts, and instructs him in the principles of true religion. The author was evidently a follower of Wiccliff, whom he mentions (with honour) as no longer living.* Now that reformer died in 1384. How long after his death this poem was written, does not appear. In the Cotton library is a volume of an- cient English poems,! two of which are writ- ten in this alliterative metre, and have the division of" the lines into distichs distinctly marked by a point, as is usual in old poetical MSS. That which stands first of the two (though perhaps the latest written) is enti- tled, " The sege of I erlam,'^ [i. e. Jerusalem] being an old fabulous legend, composed by some monk, and stuffed with marvellous fig- ments concerning the destruction of the holy city and temple. It begins thus : " In 5^yberius Tjme . the ^Trewe emperour Sjr Sesar hymself . be/Sted in Rome AVhyll Pylat was Provoste . under that Prynce ryche And /ewes Justice also . of Judeas londe ITerode under empere . as jETerytage wolde Kjng," &c. The other is entitled, " Chevalere Assigne'^ [or De eigne], that is, " The Knight of the Swan,'^ being an ancient Romance, begin- ning thus : '• All-TFeldynge God . TFhene it is his Tfylle Wele he TFereth his TFerke . With his owene honde * Signature : STtt. t Caligula A. ij. fol. 109, 123. ON ALLITERATIVE METRE. 267 For ofte JSirmes -were Hente . that ^elpe we ne myzte Nere the Ejznes of 5ym . that lengeth in ^evene For this," &c. Among Mr. Garrick's collection of old plays* is a prose narrative of the adventures of this same Knight of the Swan, " newly translated out of Frenshe into Englyshe, at thinstigacion of the puyssant and illustryous prynce, lorde Edward duke of Buckyng- hame." This lord, it seems, had a peculiar interest in the book, for in the preface the translator tells us, that this, " highe dygne and illustryous prynce my lorde Edwarde by the grace of god Duke of Buckyngham, erle of Hereforde, Stafforde, and Northampton, desyrynge cotydyally to encrease and aug- ment the name and fame of such as were re- lucent in vertuous feates and triumphaunt actes of chyvalry, and to encourage and styre every lusty and gentell herte by the exemply- ficacyon of the same, havyng a goodli booke of the highe and miraculous histori of a famous and puyssaunt kynge, named Oryant some- time reynynge in the parties of beyonde the sea, havynge to his wife a noble lady; of whome she conceyved sixe sonnes and a daughter, and chylded of them at one only time ; at whose byrthe echone of them had a chayne of sylver at their neckes, the which were all tourned by the provydence of god into whyte swannes, save one, of the whiche this present hystory is compyld, named Hel- yas, the knight of the swanne, ' of whome lini- ally is dyscended my sayde lorde/ Thewhicho ententifly to have the sayde hystory more amply and unyversally knowen in thys hys natif countrie, as it is in other, hath of hys hie bountie by some of his faithful and trusti servauntes cohorted mi mayster Wynkin de Wordef to put the said vertuous hystori in prynte at whose instigacion and stir- ing I (Roberte Copland) have me applied, moiening the helpe of god, to reduce and translate it into our maternal and vulgare english tonge after the capacity and rude- nesse of my weke entendement." — A curious picture of the times ! While in Italy litera- ture and the fine arts were ready to burst * K. vol. X. t W. de Worde's edit, is in 1512, See Ames, p. 92. Mr. G.'s copy is " ^ Imprinted at London by me William Copland." forth with classical splendour under Leo X., the first peer of this realm was proud to de- rive his pedigree from a fabulous " Knight of the Swan.''* To return to the metre of Pierce Plowman: In the folio MS. so often quoted in this work, are two poems written in that species of ver- sification. One of these is an ancient allego- rical poem, entitled " Death and Life" (in 2 fitts or parts, containing 458 distichs), which, for aught that appears, may have been writ- ten as early, if not before the time of Lang- land. The first forty lines are broke as they should be into distichs, a distinction that is neglected in the remaining part of the tran- script, in order, I suppose, to save room. It begins, " C%rist Christen king that on the Crosse tholed ; Hadd Paines and Passyons to defend our soules ; Give us GVace on the Ground the (rreatlye to serve. For that i?oyal Bed blood that Pann from thy side," The subject of this piece is a vision, wherein the poet sees a contest for superiority between " our lady Dame Life," and the " ugly fiend Dame Death ;" who with their several attri- butes and concomitants are personified in a fine vein of allegoric painting. Part of the description of Dame Life is, " Shee was brighter of her .Slee, then was the bright sonn : Her Pudd Pedder then the Pose, that on the Pise hangeth : ifeekely smiling with her ilfouth, , And iferry in her lookes ; Ever Paughing for Pove, " as shee Pike would. And as shee came by the Pankes, the Poughes eche one Uhey Powted to that Padye, And Payd forth their branches ; Plossomes and Purgens Preathed full sweete ; Plowers Plourished in the Prith, where shee Perth stepped ; X He is said in the story book to be the grandfather of Godfrey of Boulogne, through whom I suppose the duke made out his relation to him. This duke was beheaded May 17, 1521, 13 Henry VIH. 268 ON ALLITERATIVE METRE. And the (rrasse, that was Gr2.j, (rreened belive/' Death is afterwards sketched out with a no less bold and original pencil. The other poem is that which is quoted in the 181st page of this work, and which was probably the last that was ever written in this kind of metre in its original simplicity, unaccompanied with rhyme. It should have been observed above in page 181, that in this poem the lines are throughout divided into distichs, thus : Grant 6rracious God, (rrant me this time, &c. It is entitled, " Scottish Feilde" (in 2 fitts, 420 distichs,) containing a very circumstan- tial narrative of the battle of Flodden, fought Sept. 9, 1513 : at which the author seems to have been present, from his speaking in the first person plural : " Then we Tild downe our I^ents, that Told were a thousand." In the conclusion of the poem he gives this account of himself: " He was a G^entleman by /esu, that this (rest* made : Which /S'ay but as he /Sfaydf for >S^ooth and noe other. At 5agily that jBearne his hiding place had ; And his ancestors of old time have yeardedj theire longe, Before William Conquerour this Cuntry did inhabitt. Jesus J5ring * them'^ to ^lisse, that jBrought us forth of bale, That hath jHearkned me Seare Or iZeard my tale." The village of Bagily or Baguleigh is in Cheshire, and had belonged to the ancient family of Legh for two centuries before the battle of Flodden. Indeed, that the author * Jest, MS. t Probably corrupted for — " Says but as he Saw." X Yearded^i. e. buried, earthed, earded. It is comraon to pronounce " Earth," in some parts of England " Yearth," particularly in the North.— Pitscottie, speaking of James III., slain at Bannockbourn, says, " Nae man wot whar they yearded him." g"us," MS. In the second line above, the MS. has •' bidding." was of that country appears from other pas- sages in the body of the poem, particularly from the pains he takes to wipe off a stain from the Cheshiremeu, who it seems ran away in that battle, and from his encomiums on the Stanleys Earls of Derby, who usually headed that county. He laments the death of James Stanley, bishop of Ely, as what had recently happened when this poem was written ; which serves to ascertain its date, for that prelate died March 22, 1514-5. Thus have we traced the Alliterative Mea- sure so low as the sixteenth century. It is remarkable that all such poets as used this kind of metre, retained along with it many peculiar Saxon idioms, particularly such as were appropriated to poetry: this deserves the attention of those who are desirous to recover the laws of the ancient Saxon Poesy, usually given up as inexplicable : I am of opinion that they will find what they seek in the metre of Pierce Plowman.* About the beginning of the sixteenth cen- tury this kind of versification began to change its form : the author of ** Scottish Field," we see, concludes his poem with a couplet in rhyme: this was an innovation that did but prepare the way for the general admission of that more modish ornament : till at length the old uncouth verse of the ancient writers would no longer go down without it. Yet when Rhyme began to be superadded, all the niceties of Alliteration were at first retained along with it ; and the song of " Little John Nobody" exhibits this union very clearly. By degrees the correspondence of final sounds engrossing the whole attention of the poet, and fully satisfying the reader, the internal embellishment of Alliteration was no longer studied, and thus was this kind of metre at length swallowed up and lost in our common Burlesque Alexandrine, or Anapestic verse,t * And in that of Robert of Gloucester. See the next note. f Consisting of four Anapests { o o -) in which the ac- cent rests upon every third syllable. This kind of verse, which I also call the Burlesque Alexandrine to distinguish it from the other Alexandrines of eleven and fourteen syllables, the parents of our lyric measiire (See examples, pp. 151, 152, &c.) was early applied by Robert of Gloucester to serious subjects. That writer's metre, like this of Lang- land's, is formed on the Saxon models (each verse of his containing a Saxon distich) ; only instead of the internal alliterations adopted by Langland, he rather chose final rhymes, as the French poets have done since. Take a specimen. ON ALLITERATIVE METRE. 269 now never used but in ballads and pieces of light humour, as in the following song of " Conscience," and in that well-known dog- grel, *' A cobler there was, and he lived in a stall." But although this kind of measure hath with us been thus degraded, it still retains among the French its ancient dignity ; their grand heroic verse of twelve syllables''^ is the same genuine offspring of the old alliterative metre of the ancient Gothic and Francic poets, stript like our Anapestic of its allitera- tion, and ornamented with rhyme. But with this difference, that whereas this kind of verse hath been applied by us only to light and trivial subjects, to which by its quick and lively measure it seemed best adapted, our poets have let it remain in a more lax uncon- fined state,! as a greater degree of severity and strictness would have been inconsistent with the light and airy subjects to which they have applied it. On the other hand, the French having retained this verse as the vehicle of their epic and tragic flights, in order to give it a stateliness and dignity were " The Saxons tho in their power, tho thii were so rive, Seve kingdoms made in Engelonde, and sutlie but vive : The king of Northomberlond, and of Eastangle also, Of Kent, and of Westsex, and of the March, therto." Robert of Gloucester wrote in the western dialect, and his language differs exceedingly from that of other contempo- rary writers, who resided in the metropolis, or in the mid- land counties. Had the heptarchy continued, our English language would probably have been as much distinguished for its different dialects as the Greek ; or at least as that of the several independent states of Italy. * Or of thirteen syllables, in what they call a feminine verse. It is remarkable that the French alone have retained this old Gothic metre for their serious poems ; while the English, Spaniards, &c., have adopted the Italic verse of ten syllables, althougli the Spaniards, as well as we, anciently used a short-lined metre. I believe the success with which Petrarch, and perhaps one or two others, first used the heroic verse of ten syllables in Italian Poesy, recommended it to the Spanish writers ; as it also did to our Chaucer, who first attempted it in English ; and to his successors Lord Surrey, Sir Thomas Wyat, &c. ; who afterwards improved it and brought it to perfection. To Lord Surrey we also owe the first introduction of blank verse in his versions of the second and fourth books of the ^neid, 1557, 4to. t Thus our poets use this verse indifferently with twelve, eleven, and even ten syllables. For though regularly it consists of four anapests ( o o - ) or twelve syllables, yet they frequently retrench a syllable from the first or third anapest ; and sometimes from both ; as in these instances from Prior and from the following song of Conscience : Who has eer been at Paris must needs know the Greve, The fatal retreat of th' unfortunate brave. HS stept to him straight, and did him require. obliged to confine it to more exact laws of Scansion ; they have therefore limited it to the number of twelve syllables ; and by making the Caesura or Pause as full and distinct as possible, and by other severe re- strictions, have given it all the solemnity of which it was capable. The harmony of both, however, depends so much on the same flow of cadence and disposal of the pause, that they appear plainly to be of the same original ; and every French heroic verse evidently con- sists of the ancient Distich of their Francic ancestors: which, by the way, will account to us why this verse of the French so natu- rally resolves itself into two complete hemi- stichs. And indeed by making the caesura or pause always to rest on the last syllable of a word, and by making a kind of pause in the sense, the French poets do in effect reduce their hemistichs to two distinct and independent verses : and some of their old poets have gone so far as to make the two hemistichs rhyme to each other.* After all, the old alliterative and anapestic metre of the English poets being chiefly used in a barbarous age, and in a rude unpolished language, abounds in verses defective in length, proportion, and harmony ; and there- fore cannot enter into a comparison with the correct versification of the best modern French writers ; but making allowances for these defects, that sort of metre runs with a cadence so exactly resembling the French heroic Alexandrine, that I believe no peculiarities of their versification can be pro,duced, which cannot be exactly matched in the alliterative metre. I shall give by way of example a few lines from the modern French poets ac- commodated with parallels from the ancient poem of " Life and Death ;" in these I shall denote the Caesura or Pause by a perpendicu- lar line, and the cadence by the marks of the Latin quantity. Le, succes fut tovjours \ tin enfant deVauddce; All shall drye with the dints | that I deal with my hands. Lliomme prudent voit trop \ Villusion le sTdt, Yonder damsel is death | that dresseth her to smite. L'lntrepide voit mieux \ et le fdntome fiiit.f When she dolefully saw | how she dang downe hir folke. Meme aux yeux de Vinjuste | un injuste est h6rrible.% Then she cast up a crye | to the high king of heaven. * See instances in L'Hist. de la Poesie Frangoise par Massieu, &c. In the same book are also specimens of alli- terative French verses. t Catalina, A. 3. % Boileau Sat. 270 ON ALLITERATIVE METRE. Du mensonge toujours \ U vrdi demeure mditre, Thou Shalt bitterlye bye | 6r else the booke faileth. Pour pdroitre honnete homme \ en un mot, il fdut Vetre* Thus I fared throughe a frythh i where the flowers were I manye. To conclude ; the metre of Pierce Plow- man^s Visions has no kind of affinity with what is commonly called Blank Verse ; yet has it a sort of harmony of its own, proceed- ing not so much from its alliteration, as from the artful disposal of its cadence, and the contrivance of its pause ; so that when the ear is a little accustomed to it, it is by no means unpleasing ; but claims all the merit of the French heroic numbers, only far less polished ; being sweetened, instead of their final rhymes, with the internal recurrence of similar sounds. This Essay will receive illustration from another specimen in Warton's " History of English Poetry," Vol. I., p. 309, being the fragment of a MS. poem on the subject of "Alexander the Great," in the Bodleian Li- brary, which he supposes to be the same with Number 44, in the Ashmol. MSS., containing twenty-seven pasus, and beginning thus : Whener folk fastid [feasted, qu.] and fed, fayne wolde thei her [i. e. hear] Some farand thing, &c. It is well observed by Mr, Tyrwhitt, on Chaucer's sneer at this old alliterative metre (Vol. iii. p. 305), viz.: 1 am a Sotherne [i. e. Southern] man, I cannot geste, rom, ram, raf, by my letter. That the fondness for this species of versifi- nation, &c., was retained longest in the north- ern provinces : and that the author of " Pierce Plowman's Visions" is in the best MSS. called " William," without any surname. (See vol. iv. p. 74.) ADDITIONS TO THE ESSAY ON THE ALLITERATIVE METRE. Since the foregoing Essay was first printed, the Editor hath met with some additional examples of the old alliterative metre. The first is in MS.,t which begins thus : * Boil. Sat. 11. f In a small 4to. MS. containing liands. leaves, in private Crist Crowned ^yng, that on Cros didest,* And art Comfort of all Care, thow,t kind go out of Cours With thi ^alwes in HeYen J3eried mote thu be. And thy Tforshipful TFerkes Worshiped evre, That suche >S'ondry >S'ignes ^hewest unto man. In Dremyng, in Drecchyng,J and in Derke swevenes. The author from this proemium takes occa- sion to give an account of a dream that hap- pened to himself ; which he introduces with the following circumstances : Ones y me Ordayned, as y have Cfte doon. With i^rendes, and i^elawes, i^rendemen, and other ; And Caught me in a Company on Corpus Christi even, Six, other^ >S'even myle, out of ^S'outhampton, To take ilfelodye, and iWirthes, lamong my With i?edyng of Bomaunces, and J?evelyng among, The Dym of the i)erknesse Drewe me into the west ; And be Con for to spryng in the Crey day. Than iift up my iyddes, and ioked in the sky, And jfnewe by the jE'ende Cours, hit clered in the est: -Blyve y busked me down, and to 5ed went, For to Comforte my ^ynde, and Cacche a slepe. He then describes his dream : Methought that y ^oved on Ifigh on an H\\\, And loked Doun on a i)ale Depest of othre ; Ther y Sbmq in my ^Sighte a /S'elcouthe peple ; The ilfultitude was so jlfoche, it ifighte not be nombred. Methoughte y herd a Crowned J^yng, of his Comunes axe A ^oleynell >S^ubsidie, to /S'usteyne his wei:res. % * * * * With that a Clerk ^neled adowne and Carped these wordes, iiege iord; yif it you iike to iisten a while, Soto. >^awes of /S'alomon y shall you shewe sone. * Didst dye. f though. § i. e. either, or. 11 Solemn. % being overpowered. ON ALLITERATIVE METRE. 271 The writer then gives a solemn lecture to kings on the art of governing. From the demand of subsidies "to susteyne his werres," I am inclined to believe this poem composed in the reign of King Henry V,, as the MS. appears from a subsequent entry to have been written before the 9th of Henry VI. The whole poem contains but 146 lines. The alliterative metre was no less popular among the old Scottish poets, than with their brethren on this side the Tweed. In Mait- land's Collection of ancient Scottish Poems, MS. in the Pepysian library, is a very long poem in this species of versification, thus in- scribed : Heir begins the Tretis of the Twa Marriit Wemen, and the Wedo, compylit be Maister William Dunbar.* " Upon the ilfidsummer evven ilfirriest of nichtis I iLTuvit furth alane quhen as ilfidnight was Besyd ane 6^udlie Gvene Gsirth,f full of G^ay flouris jffegeit J of ane ^uge S'icht with Sawthorne treeis Quairon ane Bird on ane ^ransehe so B'lrst out hir notis That nevir ane Blythfuller J5ird was on the Benched hard, &g." The author pretends to overhear three gossips sitting in an arbour, and revealing all their secret methods of alluring and governing the other sex ; it is a severe and humorous satire on bad women, and nothing inferior to " Chaucer's Prologue to his Wife of Bath's Tale." As Dunbar lived till about the middle of the sixteenth century, this poem was probably composed after " Scottish Field'' (described above in p. 268), which is the latest specimen I have met with written in England. This poem contains about five hundred lines. But the current use of the Alliterative Metre in Scotland, appears more particularly from those popular vulgar prophecies, which * Since the above was written, this poem hath been printed in "Ancient Scottish Poems, &c., from the MS. col- lections of Sir R. Maitland, of Lethington, knight of London, 1786," 2 Tols. 12mo. The two first lines are here corrected by that edition. t Garden. % Hedged. B Bough. 35 are still printed for the use of the lower peo- ple in Scotland, under the names of "Thomas the Rymer," "Marvellous Merling,'' &c. This collecti-on seems to have been put together after the accession of James I. to the crown of England, and most of the pieces in it are in the metre of " Pierce Plowman's Visions." The first of them begins thus : " Merling sayes in his book, who will Read jRight, Although his ^S'ayings be uncouth, they ^hall be true found. In the seventh chapter, read TFhoso Will, One thousand and more after Christ's birth, &c." And the " Prophesie of Beid :" " Betwixt the chief of Summer and the /S'ad winter ; Before the ^eat of summer JTappen shall a war That -E/urop's lands Earnestly shall be wrought And -EJarnest J?nvy shall last but a while, &c." So again the " Prophesie of Berlington :" "When the i?uby is i?aised, i?est is there none, But much i?ancour shall ^ise in i?iver and plain. Much /Sbrrow is ^een through a >S^uth-hound That beares iZbrnes in his Head like a wyld J3"art, &c." In like metre is the " Prophesie of Waldhave:" " Upon iowdon iaw alone as I iay, iooking to the Lennox, as me iief thought, The first ilforning of il/ay, ilfedicine to seek For Jfalice and Jfelod}'- that ilfoved me sore, &c." ^ And lastly, that entitled " The Prophesie of Gildas:" " When holy kirk is Tfracked and JFill has no Wit And Pastors are Pluckt, and Pil'd without Pity When idolatry Is In ens and re And spiritual pastours are vexed away, &c." 272 THE COMPLAINT OF CONSCIENCE. It will be observed in the foregoing speci- mens, that the alliteration is extremely neglected, except in the third and fourth instances ; although all the rest are written in imitation of the cadence used in this kind of metre. It may perhaps appear from an attentive perusal, that the poems ascribed to Burlington and Waldhave are more ancient than the others : indeed the first and fifth ap- pear evidently to have laeen new modelled, if not entirely composed about the beginning of the last century, and are probably the latest attempts ever made in this species of verse. In this and the foregoing Essay are men- tioned all the specimens I have met with of the Alliterative Metre without rhyme: but instances occur sometimes in old manuscripts, of poems written both with final rhymes in the internal cadence and alliterations of the Metre of Pierce Plowman. The following song, entitled " The Com- plaint of Conscience," is printed from the Editor's folio manuscript : some corruptions in the old copy are here corrected ; but with notice to the reader wherever it was judged necessary, by enclosing the corrections be- tween inverted ' commas.' As I walked of late by * an' wood side. To God for to meditate was my entent ; Where under a hawthorne I suddenlye spyed A silly poore creature ragged and rent. With bloody teares his face was besprent, 5 His fleshe and his color consumed away. And his garments they were all mire, mucke, and clay. This made me muse, and much ' to' desire To know what kind of man hee shold bee ; I stept to him straight, and did him require His name and his secretts to shew unto mee. His head he cast up, and wooful was hee, 12 My name, quoth he, is the cause of my care, And makes me scorned, and left here so bare. Then straightway he turned him, and prayd * me' sit downe, And I will, saithe he, declare my whole greefe ; 16 Ten 1, one, MS. V. 15, him, BIS. My name is called "Conscience:" — whereatt he did frowne. He pined to repeat it, and grinded his teethe, * Though now, silly wretche, I'm denyed all releef,' ' Yet' while I was young, and tender of yeeres, 20 I was entertained with kinges, and with peeres. There was none in the court that lived in such fame, For with the kings councell * I' sate in com- mission ; Dukes, earles, and barrons esteem'd of my name ; And how that I liv'd there needs no repeti- tion : 25 I was ever holden in honest condition, For howsoever the lawes went in West- minster-hall, When sentence was given, for me they wold call. No incomes at all the landlords wold take, But one pore peny, that was their fine ; 30 And that they acknowledged to be for my sake. The poore wold doe nothing without councell mine: I ruled the world with the right line : ' For nothing was passed betweene foe and friend, But Conscience was called to bee at * the' end. 35 Noe bargaines, nor merchandize merchants wold make But I was called a wittenesse therto : No use for noe money, nor forfett wold take. But I wold controule them, if that they did soe : 39 * And' that makes me live now in great woe. For then came in Pride, Sathan's disciple,--^ That is now entertained with all kind of people. He brought with him three, whose names * thus they call' That is Covetousnes, Lecherye, Usury, be^ side: Ver. 19, not in MS. V. 23, he sate, MS. V. 35, an end, MS. V. 43, they be these, MS. THE COMPLAINT OF CONSCIENCE. 273 They never prevaiPd, till they had wrought my downe-fall ; 45 Soe Pride was entertained, but Conscience decried, And ' now ever since' abroad have I tryed To have had entertainment with some one or other ; But I am rejected, and scorned of my brother. Then went I to the court the gallants to winn, But the porter kept me out of the gate : 51 To Bartlemew Spittle to pray for my sinne, They bade me goe packe, it was fitt for my state ; Goe, goe, threed-bare Conscience, and seeke thee a mate. Good Lord, long preserve my king, prince, and queene, 55 With whom evermore I esteemed have been. Then went I to London, where once I did 'dwell:' But they bade away with me, when they knew my name ; For he will undoe us to bye and to sell ! 59 They bade me goe packe me, and hye me for shame: They lought at my raggs, and there had good game ; . /^^his is old threed-bare Conscience, that dwelt with saint Peter ; But they wold not admitt me to be a chim- ney-sweeper. Not one wold receive me, the Lord * he' doth know ; 64 I having but one poor pennye in my purse, On an awle and some patches I did it bestow; 'For' I thought better cobble shooes than doe worse. Straight then all the coblers began for to curse. And by statute wold prove me a rogue, and forlorn e. And whipp me out of towne to ' seeke' where I was borne. 70 Then did I remember, and call to my minde, The Court of Conscience where once I did sit: Not doubting but there I some favor shold find, For my name and the place agreed soe fit ; Ver. 46, was derided, MS. wonne, MS. V. 70, see. V. 53, packe me, MS. V. 57, But there of my purpose I fayled a whit, 75 For ' thoughe' the judge us'd my name in everye ' com.raissioi!,' The lawyers with their quillets wold get 'my' dismission. Then Westminster-hall was noe place for me; Good lord ! how the lawyers began to assemble, And fearfull they were, lest there I shold bee; The silly poore clarkes began for to tremble ; I showed them my cause, and did not dis- semble ; Soe they gave me some money my charges to beare. But swore me on a booke I must never come there. Next the merchants said, Counterfeite, get thee away, 85 Dost thou remember how wee thee fond ? We banisht thee the country beyond the salt sea, And sett thee on shore in the New-found land ; And there thou and wee most friendly shook hand, And we were right glad when thou didst refuse us ; 90 For when we wold reape profitt here thou woldst accuse us. Then had I noe way, but for to goe on To gentlemens houses of an ancyent name ; Declaring my greefi*es, and there I made moane, ' Telling' how their forefathers held me in fame : 95 And at letting their farmes ' how always I came.' They sayd, Fye upon thee ! we may thee curse: • Theire' leases continue, and we fare the > worse. And then I -was forced a begging to goe To husbandmens houses, who grooved right sore, 100 And sware that their landlords had plagued them so. That they were not able to keepe open doore, Nor nothing had left to give to the poore : Therefore to thi s wood I doe me repayre, Where hepps and hawes, that is my best fare. 105 V. 76, condicion, MS. V. 77, get J^ MS. V, 95, And how, MS. V. 101, so sore, MS. 274 PLAIN TRUTH AND BLIND IGNORANCE. Yet within this same desert some comfort I have Of Mercy, of Pittye, and of Almes-deeds ; Who have vowed to company me to my grave. Wee are * all' put to silence, and live upon weeds, 'And hence such cold house-keeping pro- ceeds '/ 110 Our banishment is its utter decay, The which the riche glutton will a:nswer one day. Why then, I said to him, me-thinks it were best To goe to the clergie ; for dailye they preach Eche man to love you above all the rest ; 115 Of Mercye, and Pittie, and Almes-' deeds', they teach. 0, said he, noe matter of a pin what they preach. For their wives and their children soe hange them upon. That whosoever gives almes they will* give none. Then laid he him down, and turned him away, 120 And prayd me to goe, and leave him to rest. I told him, I haplie might yet see the day For him and his fellowes to live with the best. First, said he, banish Pride, then all Eng- land were blest ; For then those wold love us, that now sell their land, 125 And then good 'house-keeping wold revive' out of hand. II. ftain %mi\ u)i §Iin5r 'i^mtmtt This excellent old ballad is preserved in the little ancient miscellany, entitled, "The Garland of Good-will." Ignorance is here made to speak in the broad Somersetshire dialect. The scene we may suppose to be Glastonbury Abbey. God speed you, ancient father, And give you a good daye ; What is the cause, I praye you, So sadly here you staye ? And that you keep such gazing 5 On this decayed place. The which, for superstition, Good princes down did raze ? IGNORANCE. Chill tell thee, by my vazen,* That zometimes che have knowne 10 A vair and goodly abbey Stand here of bricke and stone ; Ver. 109, Ul, MS. V..110, not in MS. * i. e. faithen : as in the Midland counties they say honsen, closen, for houses, closes. A. And many a holy vrier, As ich may say to thee. Within these goodly cloysters 15 Che did full often zee. Then I must tell thee, father, In truthe and veritife, A sorte of greater hypocrites^) Thou couldst not likely see; 20 Deceiving of the simple With false and feigned lies : But such an order truly Christ never did devise. ■ ; IGNORANCE. Ah ! ah ! che zmell thee now, man ; 25 Che know well what thou art ; A vellow of mean learning, Thee was not worth a vart : Vor when we had the old lawe, A merry world was then ; 30 Yer. 119, almes-deeds. V. 126, houses every where wold he kept, MS. * We ought in justice and truth to read " can." PLAIN TRUTH AND BLIND IGNORANCE. 275 And every thing was plenty IGNORANCE. Among all zorts of men. Cham zure they were not voolishe TRUTH. That made the masse, che trowe Why, man, ^tis all in Latine, 75 Thou givest me an answer, And vools no Latine knowe. As did the Jewes sometimes Were not our fathers wise men. Unto the prophet Jeremye, 35 When he accus'd their crimes : 'Twas merry, sayd the people, And they did like it well ; Who very much rejoyced To heare the zacring bell ? 80 And joy full in our rea'me, o When we did offer spice-cakes Unto the queen of heav'n. 40 TRUTH. But many kinges and prophets. IGNORANCE. As I may say to thee. Chill tell thee what, good vellowe, Have wisht the light that you have Before the vriers went hence, And could it never see : A bushell of the best wheate For what art thou the better 85 Was zold vor vourteen pence ; A Latin song to heare, And vorty egges a penny, 45 And understandest nothing. That were both good and newe ; That they sing in the quifere ? And this che zay my zelf have zeene, And yet ich am no Jewe. IGNORANCE. TRUTH. hold thy peace, che pray thee, Within the sacred bible The noise was passing trim 90 We find it written plain, 50 To heare the vriers zinging. The latter days should troublesome As we did enter in : And dangerous be, certaine ; And then to zee the rood-loft That we should be self-lovers, Zo bravely zet with zaints ; — And charity wax colde ; But now to zee them wandring 95 Then ^tis not true religion 55 My heart with zorrow vaints. That makes thee grief to holde. TRUTH. IGNORANCE. The Lord did give commandment, No image thou shouldst make. Nor that unto idolatry You should your self betake ; The golden calf of Israel Moses did therefore spoile ; Chill tell thee my opinion plaine, And choul'd that well ye knewe, Ich care not for the bible booke ; 100 Tis too big to be true. 60 Our blessed ladyes psalter Zhall for my money goe ; Zuch pretty prayers, as there bee,* The bible cannot zhowe. And Baal's priests and temple Were brought to utter foile. TRUTH. IGNORANCE. Nowe hast thou spoken trulye, 65 But our lady of Walsinghame 105 For in that book indeede Was a pure and holy zaint, No mention of our lady, And many men in pilgrimage Or Romish saint we read : Did shew to her complaint. For by the blessed Spirit Yea with zweet Thomas Becket, That book indited was, 70 And many other moe : 110 And not by simple persons, The holy maid of Kent* likewise As was the foolish masse. Did many wonders zhowe. * Probably alluding to the illuminated psalters, missals, * By name Eliz. Barton, executed April 21, 1534. p. 570. stow, 276 THE WANDERING JEW. Such saints are well agreeing To your profession sure ; And to the men that made them 115 So precious and so pure ; The one for being a traytoure, Met an untimely death ; The other eke for treason Did end her hateful breath. 120 IGNORANCE. Yea, yea, it is no matter, Dispraise them how you wille : But zure they did much goodnesse ; Would they were with us stille ! We had our holy water, 125 And holy bread likewise, And many holy reliques We zaw before our eyes. TRUTH. And all this while they fed you With vaine and empty showe, 130 Which never Christ commanded, As learned doctors knowe : Search then the holy scriptures, And thou shalt plainly see That headlong to damnation 135 They alway trained thee. IGNORANCE. If it be true, good vellowe, As thou dost zay to mee. Unto my heavenly fader Alone then will I flee : 140 Believing in the Gospel, And passion of his Zon, And with the zubtil papistes Ich have for ever done. III. W^t MmxWm^ |A» The story of the Wandering Jew is of con- siderable antiquity: it had obtained full credit in this part of the world before the year 1228, as we learn from Matthew Paris. For in that year, it seems, there came an Armenian archbishop into England, to visit the shrines and reliques preserved in our churches ; who, being entertained at the monastery of St. Albans, was asked several questions relating to his country, &c. Among the rest a monk, who sat near him, inquired "if he had ever seen or heard of the famous person named Joseph, that was so much talked of; who was present at our Lord's crucifixion and conversed with him, and who was still alive in confirmation of the Christian faith." The archbishop answered. That the fact was true. And afterwards one of his train, who was well known to a servant of the abbot's, interpreting his master's words, told them in French, "That his lord knew the person they spoke of very well : that he had dined at his table but a little while before he left the East : that he had been Pontius Pi- late's porter, by nameCartaphilus ; who, when they were dragging Jesus out of the door of the Judgment-hall, struck him with his fist on the back, saying, 'Go faster, Jesus, go faster, why dost thou linger ?' Upon which Jesus looked at him with a frown, and said, ' I indeed am going, but thou shalt tarry till I come.' Soon after he was converted, and baptized by the name of Joseph. He lives for ever, but at the end of every hundred years falls into an incurable illness, and at length into a fit or ecstasy, out of which when he recovers, he returns to the same state of youth he was in when Jesus suffered, being then about thirty years of age. He remem- bers all the circumstances of the death and resurrection of Christ, the saints that arose with him, the composing of the apostles' creed, their preaching, and dispersion ; and is himself a very grave and holy person." This is the substance of Matthew Paris's account, who was himself a monk of St. Al THE WANDERING JEW. 277 bans, and was living at the time when the Armenian archbishop made the above rela- tion. Since his time several impostors have ap- peared at intervals under the name and cha- racter of the "Wandering Jew;" whose several histories may be seen in Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. See also the Turk- ish Spy, Vol. II., Book 3, Let. 1. The story that is copied in the following ballad is of one, who appeared at Hamburgh in 1547, and pretended he had been a Jewish shoemaker at the time of Christ's crucifixion. — The ballad however seems to be of a later date. It is preserved in black-letter in the Pepys collec- tion. /When as in fa ire Jerusalem Our Saviour Christ did live. And for the sins of all the worlde His own deare life did give; The wicked Jewes with scoffes and scornes 5 Did dailye him molest. That never till he left his life. Our Saviour could not rest. When they had crown'd his head with thornes, And scourg'd him to disgrace, 10 In scornfuU sort they led him forthe Unto his dying place, Where thousand thousands in the streete Beheld him passe along, Yet not one gentle heart was there, 15 That pityed this his wrong. Both old and young reviled him, As in the streete he wente. And nought he found but churlish tauntes, By every ones consente : 20 His owne deare crosse he bore himselfe, A burthen far too great. Which made him in the streete to fainte, With blood and water sweat. Being weary thus, he sought for rest, To ease his burthened soule. Upon a stone ; the which a wretch Did churlishly controule ; And sayd, Awaye, thou King of Jewes, Thou shalt not rest thee here ; Pass on ; thy execution place Thou seest nowe draweth neare. 25 30 And thereupon he thrust him thence ; At which our Saviour sayd, I sure will rest, but thou shalt walke, 35 And have no journey stayed. With that this cursed shoemaker, For offering Christ this wrong. Left wife and children, house and all, And went from thence along. 40 Where after he had scene the bloude Of Jesus Christ thus shed, And to the crosse his bodye nail'd, Awaye with speed he fled. Without returning backe againe 45 Unto his dwelling place. And wandred up and downe the worlde, A runnagate most base. No resting could he finde at all, No ease, nor hearts content ; ' 50 No house, nor home, nor biding place : But wandring forth he went From towne to towne in foreigne landes, With grieved conscience still, Repenting for the heinous guilt 55 Of his fore-passed ill. Thus after some fewe ages past In wandring up and downe ; He much again desired to see Jerusalems renowne, 60 But finding it all quite destroyd, He wandred thence with woe, Our Saviours wordes, which he had spoke, To verifie and showe. " I'll rest, sayd hee, but thou shalt walke," So doth this wandring Jew 66 From place to place, but cannot rest For seeing countries newe ; Declaring still the power of him, Whereas he comes or goes, 70 And of all things done in the east, Since Christ his death, he showes. The world he hath still compast round And scene those nations strange, That hearing of the name of Christ, -75 Their idol gods doe change : To whom he hath told wondrous thinges Of time forepast, and gone, And to the princes of the worlde Declares his cause of moane : 80 278 THE LYE. Desiring still to be dissolv'd, And yeild his mortal breath ; But, if the Lord hath thus decreed, He shall not yet see death. For neither lookes he old nor young, 85 But as he did those times, When Christ did suffer on the crosse For mortall sinners crimes. He hath past through many a foreigne place, Arabia, Egypt, Africa, 90 Grecia, Syria, and great Thrace, And throughout all Hungaria, Where Paul and Peter preached Christ, Those blest apostles deare ; There he hath told our Saviours wordes, 95 In countries far and neare. And lately in Bohemia, With many a German towne ; And now in Flanders, as tis thought, He wandreth up and downe : 100 Where learned men with him conferre Of those his lingering dayes. And wonder much to heare him tell His journey es, and his wayes. If people give this Jew an almes, 105 The most that he will take Is not above a groat a time : Which he, for Jesus' sake. Will kindlye give unto the poore. And thereof make no spare, 110 Affirming still that Jesus Christ Of him hath daily e care. ' He ne'er was scene to laugh nor smile, But weepe and make great moane ; Lamenting still his miseries, 115 And dayes forepast and gone : If he heare any one blaspheme, Or take God's name in vaine. He telles them that they crucifie Their Saviour Christe againe. 120 If you had scene his death, saith he, As these mine eyes have done. Ten thousand thousand times would yee His torments think upon : And suffer for his sake all paine 125 Of torments, and all woes. These are his wordes and eke his life Whereas he comes or goes. IV. m^ 3p. BY SIR WALTER RALEIGH, — Is found in a very scarce miscellany enti- tled " Davidson's Poems, or a poeticall Rap- sodie divided into sixe books The 4th impression newly corrected and augmented, and put into a forme more pleasing to the reader. Lond. 1621, 12mo." This poem is reported to have been written by its cele- brated author the night before his execution, Oct. 29, 1618. But this must be a mistake, for there were at least two editions of David- son's poems before that time, one in 1608,* the other in lOll.f So that unless this poem was an after-insertion in the 4th edit, it must have been written long before the death of * Catalogue of T. Rawlinson, 1727. t Catalogue of Sion coll. library. This is either lost or mislaid. Sir Walter: perhaps it was composed soon after his condemnation in 1603. See Oldys's Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, p. 173, fol. GoE, soule, the bodies guest, Upon a thankelesse arrant ; Feare not to touche the best, The truth shall be thy warrant : Goe, since I needs must dye, 5 And give the world the lye. Goe tell the court, it glowes And shines like rotten wood; Goe tell the church it showes What's good, and doth no good : ' IC If church and court reply, Then give them both the lye. VERSES BY KING JAMES I. 279 Tell potentates they live Acting by others actions ; Not lov'd unlesse they give, 15 Not strong but by their factions ; If potentates reply, Give potentates the lye. Tell men of high condition, That rule affairs of state, ■ 20 Their purpose is ambition, Their practise onely hate ; And if they once reply, Then give them all the lye. Tell them that brave it most, 25 They beg for more by spending, Who in their greatest cost Seek nothing but commending ; And if they make reply. Spare not to give the lye. 30 Tell zeale, it lacks devotion ; Tell love, it is but lust ; Tell time, it is but motion ; Tell flesh, it is but dust ; And wish them not reply, 35 For thou must give the lye. Tell age, it daily v^asteth ; Tell honour, how it alters ; Tell beauty, how she blasteth ; Tell favour, how she falters ; 40 And as they shall reply, Give each of them the lye. Tell wit, how much it wrangles In tickle points of nicenesse ; Tell wisedome, she entangles 45 Herselfe in over-wisenesse ; And if they do reply, Straight give them both the lye. Tell physicke of her boldnesse ; Tell skill, it is pretension ; 50 Tell charity of coldness ; Tell law, it is contention ; And as they yield reply, So give them still the lye. Tell fortune of her blindnesse ; 55 Tell nature of decay ; Tell friendship of unkindnesse ; Tell justice of delay : And if they dare reply, Then give them all the lye. 60 Tell arts, they have no soundnesse, But vary by esteeming ; Tell schooles, they want profoundnesse, And stand too much on seeming : If arts and schooles reply, 65 Give arts and schooles the lye. Tell faith, it's fled the citie ; Tell how the countrey erreth : Tell, manhood shakes off pitie ; Tell, vertue least preferreth; And if they doe reply. Spare not to give the lye. 70 So, when thou hast, as I Commanded thee, done blabbing, Although to give the lye Deserves no less than stabbing, Yet stab at thee who will. No stab the soule can kill. 75 V. ^txm bg f tag |aiTO |. In the first edition of this book were in- serted, by way of specimen of his Majesty's poetic talents, some punning verses made on the disputations at Sterling; but it having been suggested to the Editor, that the king only gave the quibbling commendations in prose, and that some obsequious court-rhymer put them into metre ;* it was thought proper to exchange them for two sonnets of King James's own composition. James was a great versifier, and therefore out of the mul- titude of his poems, we have here selected * See a folio, intituled, "The Muses welcome to King James." 280 KING JOHN AND THE ABBOT OF CANTERBURY. two, which (to show our impartiality) are written in his best and his worst manner. The first would not dishonour any writer of that time ; the second is a most complete ex- ample of the Bathos. A SONNET ADDRESSED BY KING JAMES TO HIS SON PRINCE HENRY. From King James's Works in folio : where is also printed another called his Majesty's " own Sonnet ;" it would perhaps be too cruel to infer from thence that this was not his Majesty's own sonnet. God gives not kings the stile of Gods in vaine, For on his throne his scepter do they swey : And as their subjects ought them to obey, So kings should feare and serve their God againe. If then ye would enjoy a happie r eigne, 5 Observe the statutes of our heavenly King ; And from his law make all your laws to spring ; Since his lieutenant here ye should remaine. Rewarde the just, be stedfast, true, and plaine ; Represse the proud, maintayning aye the right ; Walke always so, as ever in His sight, Who guardes the godly, plaguing the pro- phane. And so ye shall in princely vertues shine. Resembling right your mightieKing divine. A SONNET OCCASIONED BY THE BAD WEATHER WHICH HINDERED THE SPORTS AT NEW- MARKET, IN JANUARY, 1616. This is printed from Drummond of Haw- thornden's Works, folio : where also may be seen some verses of Lord Stirling's upon this sonnet, which concludes with the finest Anti- climax I remember to have seen. How cruelly these catives do conspire I What loathsome love breeds such a baleful band Betwixt the cankred King of Greta land,* That melancholy old and angry sire, And him, who wont to quench debate and ire 5 Among the Romans, when his ports were clos'd?t But now his double face is still dispos'd. With Saturn's help, to freeze us at the fire. The earth ore-covered with a sheet of snow, Refuses food to fowl, to bird, and beast : 10 The chilling cold lets every thing to grow, And surfeits cattle with a starving feast. Curst be that love and moughtj continue short. Which kills all creatures, and doth spoil our sport. VI. ^ingi |0feit ani \\t %\M 0f dantEburg* The common popular ballad of " King John and the Abbot" seems to have been abridged and modernized about the time of Jfimes I., from one much older, entitled, " King John and the Bishop of Canterbury." The Editor's folio MS. contains a copy of this last, but in too corrupt a state to be reprinted ; it however afforded many lines worth reviv- ing, which will be found inserted in the ensu- ing stanzas. The archness of the following questions and answers hath been much admired by our old ballad-makers ; for besides the two copies above mentioned, there is extant another bal- lad on the same subject (but of no great anti- quity or merit), entitled, "King Olfrey and the Abbot."^ Lastly, about the time of the civil wars, when the cry ran against the bishops, some puritan worked up the same story into * Saturn. f Jatras. % i. e. may it. § See the collection of Historical Ballads, 3 toIs. 1727. Mr. Wise supposes Olfrey to be a corruption of Alfred, in his pamphlet concerning the White Horse in Berkshire, 6,15. KING JOHN AND THE ABBOT OF CANTERBURY. 281 a very doleful ditty, to a solemn tune, con- cerning " King Henry and a Bishop ;" with this stinging moral : " Unlearned men hard matters out can find. When learned bishops princes eyes do blind." The following is chiefly printed from an ancient black-letter copy, to "The tune of Derry down." An ancient story He tell you anon Of a notable prince, that was called King John ; And he ruled England with maine and with might. For he did great wrong, and maintein'd little right. And He tell you a story, a story so merry e, 5 Concerning the Abbot of Canterbiirye ; How for his house-keeping, and high renowne. They rode poste for him to fair London towne. An hundred men, the king did heare say. The abbot kept in his house every day ; 10 And fifty golde chaynes, without any doubt. In velvet coates waited the abbot about. How now, father abbot, I heare it of thee. Thou keepest a farrc better house than mee, And for thy house-keeping and high re- nowne, 15 I feare thou work'st treason against my crown. My liege, quo' the abbot, I would it were knowne, I never spend nothing, but what is my owne ; And I trust, your grace will doe me no deere, For spending of my owne true-gotten geere. Yes, yes, father abbot, thy fault it is highe. And now for the same thou needest must dye ; 22 For except thou canst answer me questions three, Thy head shall be smitten from thy bodie. And first, quo' the king, when I'm in this stead, 25 "With my crowne of golde so faire on my head, Among all my liege-men so noble of birthe, Thou must tell me to one penny what I am worthe. Secondlye, tell me, without any doubt, 29 How soone I may ride the whole world about. And at the third question thou must not shrink, But tell me here truly what I do think. 0, these are hard questions for my shallow witt. Nor I cannot answer your grace as yet : But if you will give me but three weekes space. 35 He do my endeavour to answer your grace. Now three weeks space to thee will I give, And that is the longest time thou hast to live ; For if thou dost not answer my questions three, 39 Thy lands and thy livings are forfeit to mee. Away rode the abbot all sad at that word, And he rode to Cambridge, and Oxenford ; But never a doctor there was so wise, That could with his learning an answer devise. 44 Then home rode the abbot of comfort so cold. And he mett his shepheard a going to fold : How now, my lord abbot, you are welcome home; What newes do you bring us from good King John ? " Sad newes, sad newes, shepheard, I must give; That I have but three days more to live : 50 For if I do not answer him questions three, My head will be smitten from my bodie. The first is to tell him there in that stead, 53 With his crowne of golde so fair on his head, Among all his liege men so noble of birth, To within one penny of what he is worth. The seconde, to tell him, without any doubt How soone he may ride this whole world about : And at the third question I must not shrinke, But tell him there truly what he does thinke." 282 KING JOHN AND THE ABBOT OF CANTERBURY. Now cheare up, sire abbot, did you never hear yet, 61 That a fool he may learne a wise man witt ? Lend me horse, and serving men, and your apparel, And He ride to London to answer your quar- rel. 64 Nay frowne not, if it hath bin told unto mee, I am like your lordship, as ever may bee : And if you will but lend me your gowne. There is none shall knowe us in fair London towne. Now horses, and serving-men thou shalt have. With sumptuous array most gallant and brave ; 70 With crozier, and miter, and rochet, and cope, Fit to appear 'fore our fader the pope. Now welcome, sire abbot, the king he did say, Tis well thou'rt come back to keepe thy day ; For and if thou canst answer my questions three, 75 Thy life and thy living both saved shall bee. And first, when thou seest me here in this stead. With my crowne of golde so fair on my head, Among all my liege-men so noble of birthe. Tell me to one penny what I am worth. 80 " For thirty pence our Saivour was sold Among the false Jewes, as I have bin told : And twenty-nine is the worth of thee. For I thinke, thou art one penny worser than hee." 84 The king he laughed, and swore by St.Bittel,* I did not think I had been worth so littel ! — Now secondly tell me, without any doubt. How soone I may ride this whole world about. " You must rise with the sun, and ride with the same. Until the next morning he riseth againe ; 90 And then your grace need not make any doubt, But in twenty-four hours you'll ride it about." The king he laughed, and swore by St. Jone, I did not think, it could be gone so soone ! — Now from the third question thou must not shrinke. But tell me here truly what I do thinke. 96 "Yea, that shall I do, and make your grace merry : You thinke I'm the abbot of Canterbiiry ; But I'm his poor shepheard, as plain you may see, That am come to beg pardon for him and for mee." 100 The king he laughed, and swore by the masse. He make thee lord abbot this day in his place ! " Now naye, my liege, be not in such speede, For alacke I can neither write, ne reade." Four nobles a week, then I will give thee. For this merry jest thou hast showne unto mee ; 106 And tell the old abbot when thou comest home. Thou has brought him a pardon from good King John. *^* Meaning probably St. Botolph. THE OLD AND YOUNG COURTIER. 283 VII. |0tt ll^HM ^mtut This little sonnet was written by Sir Henry "Wotton, knight, on that amiable princess, Elizabeth daughter of James I. and wife of the Elector Palatine, who was chosen King of Bohemia, Sept. 5, 1619. The consequences of this fatal election are well known: Sir Henry Wotton, who in that and the following year was employed in several embassies in Germany on behalf of this unfortunate lady, seems to have had an uncommon attachment to her merit and fortunes, for he gave away a jewel worth a thousand pounds, that was presented to him by the emperor, "because it came from an enemy to his royal mistress the queen of Bohemia." See Biog. Britan. This song is printed from the EeliquicB Wbttoniance, 1651, with some corrections from an old MS. copy. You meaner beauties of the night, That poorly satisfie our eies More by your number, than your light ; You common people of the skies, What are you when the moon shall rise ? 5 Ye violets that first appeare. By your pure purple mantles known Like the proud virgins of the yeare. As if the spring were all your own ; What are you when the rose is blown ? 10 Ye curious chaunters of the wood. That warble forth dame Nature's layes, Thinking your passions understood By your weak accents : what's your praise. When Philomell her voyce shall raise ? 15 So when my mistris shal be scene In sweetnesse of her looks and minde ; By virtue first, then choyce a queen ; Tell me, if she was not designed Th' eclypse and glory of her kind ? 20 YIII. %\t ®Ilr M)i |0ung €mxthx. This excellent old song, the subject of which is a comparison between the manners of the old gentry, as still subsisting in the times of Elizabeth, and the modern refine- ments afiected by their sons in the reigns of her successors, is given, with corrections, from an ancient black-letter copy in the Pepys collection, compared with another printed among some miscellaneous " poems and songs" in a book entitled, "Le Prince d' Amour," 1660, 8vo. An old song made by an aged old pate. Of an old worshipful gentleman, who had a greate estate. That kept a brave old house at a bountiful rate, And an old porter to relieve the poor at his gate; Like an old courtier of the queen's, And the queen's old courtier. With an old lady, whose anger one word They every quarter paid their old servants their wages, And never knew what belong'd to coachmen, footmen, nor pages. But kept twenty old fellows with blue coats and badges ; Like an old courtier, &c. 1 284 THE OLD AND YOUNG COURTIER. ^•With an old study filFd full of learned old Like a flourishing young gallant, newly come ( books, to his land, With an old reverend chaplain, you might Who keeps a brace of painted madams at his , know him "by his looks, command, f With an old buttery hatch worn quite off the And takes up a thousand pound upon his hooks, father's land, And an old kitchen, that maintained half a And gets drunk in a tavern, till he can nei- dozen old cooks. ther go nor stand ; Like an old courtier, &c. Like a young courtier, &c. With an old hall, hung about with pikes. With a new-fangled lady, that is dainty, nice, guns, and bows. and spare, With old swords, and bucklers, that had borne Who never knew what belonged to good house- many shrewde blows. keeping, or care. And an old frize coat, to cover his worship's Who buyes gaudy-colored fans to play with trunk hose, wanton air. And a cup of old sherry, to comfort his cop- And seven or eight different dressings of other per nose ; women's hair ; Like an old courtier, &c. Like a young courtier, &c. With a good old fashion, when Christmasse With a new-fashion'd hall, built where the was come. old one stood, To call in all his old neighbours with bagpipe Hung round with new pictures, that do the and drum. poor no good. With good chear enough to furnish every old With a fine marble chimney, wherein burns room. neither coal nor wood. And old liquor able to make a cat speak, and And a new smooth shovelboard, whereon no man dumb. victuals ne'er stood ; Like an old courtier, &c. Like a young courtier, &c. With an old falconer, huntsman, and a kennel With a new study, stuft full of pamphlets, of hounds, and plays. That never hawked, nor hunted, but in his And a new chaplain, that swears faster than own grounds, he prays. Who, like a wise man, kept himself within With a new buttery hatch, that opens once in his own bounds. four or five days. And when he dyed gave every child a thou- And a new French cook, to devise fine kick- sand good pounds ; shaws, and toys ; Like an old courtier, &c. Like a young courtier, &c. But to his eldest son his house and land he With a new fashion, when Christmas is draw- assign'd. ing on. Charging him in his will to keep the old On a new journey to London straight we all bountifuU mind. must begone. To be good to his old tenants, and to his And leave none to keep house, but our new neighbours be kind : porter John, But in the ensuing ditty you shall hear how Who relieves the poor with a thump on the he was inclin'd ; back with a stone ; Like a young courtier of the king's, Like a young courtier, &c. And the king's young courtier. SIR JOHN SUCKLING'S CAMPAIGNE. 285 "With a new gentleman-usher, whose carriage With new titles of honour bought with his is compleat, With a new coachman, footmen, and pages to carry up the meat. With a waiting-gentlewoman, whose dressing is very neat, Who when her lady has din'd, lets the servants not eat ; Like a young courtier, &c. father's old gold. For which sundry of his ancestors old manors are sold ; And this is the course most of our new gal- lants hold, Which makes that good house-keeping is now grown so cold, Among the young courtiers of the king, Or the king's young courtiers. *^^ -••>- IX. Sir |0^n SutMiiq's eEampipt When the Scottish Covenanters rose up in arms, and advanced to the English borders in 1639, many of the courtiers complimented the king by raising forces at their own ex- pense. Among these none were more distin- guished than the gallant Sir John Suckling, who raised a troop of horse, so richly accou- tred, that it cost him 12,000^. The like ex- pensive equipment of other parts of the army, made the king remark, that " the Scots would fight stoutly, if it were but for the Englishmen's fine cloaths." [Lloyd's Me- moirs.] When they came to action, the rug- ged Scots proved more than a match for the fine showy English : many of whom behaved remarkably ill, and among the rest this splen- did troop of Sir John Suckling's. This humorous pasquil has been generally supposed to have been written by Sir John, as a banter upon himself. Some of his con- temporaries, however, attributed it to Sir John Mennis, a wit of those times, among whose poems it is printed in a small poetical miscellany, entitled, ** Musarum deliciae : or the Muses recreation, containing several pieces of poetique wit, 2d edition. — By Sir J. M. [Sir John Mennis] and Ja. S. [James Smith]. London, 1656, 12mo."— [See Wood's Athen83, II., 397, 418.] In that copy is sub- joined an additional stanza, which probably was written by this Sir John Mennis, viz.: " But now there is peace, he's return'd to increase His money, which lately he spent-a, But his lost honour must lye still in the dust; At Bar wick away it went-a." Sir John he got him an ambling nag, To Scotland for to ride-a, With a hundred horse more, all his own he swore. To guard him on every side-a. No Errant-knight ever went to fight 5 With halfe so gay a bravada. Had you seen but his look, you'ld have sworn on a book, Hee'ld have conquer'd a whole armada. The ladies ran all to the windows to see So gallant and warlike a sight-a, 10 And as he pass'd by, they said with a sigh, Sir John, why will you go fight-a ? But he, like a cruel knight, spurr'd on ; His heart would not relent-a. For, till he came there, what had he to fear ? Or why should he repent-a ? 16 The king (God bless him!) had singular hopes Of him and all his troop-a : The borderers they, as they met him on the way, For joy did hollow, and whoop-a. 20 286 TO ALTHEA FROM PRISON. None lik'd him so well, as his own colonell, Who took him for John de "Wert-a ; But when there were shows of gunning and blows, My gallant was nothing so pert-a. For when the Scots army came within sight, And all prepared to fight-a, 26 He ran to his tent, they ask'd what he meant, He swore he must needs goe sh*te-a. The colonell sent for him back agen, To quarter him in the van-a, 30 But Sir John did swear, he would not come there, To be kiird the very first man-a. To cure his fear, he was sent to the reare, Some ten miles back, and more-a ; Where Sir John did play at trip and away. And ne'er saw the enemy more-a. 36 X. ®0 ^l\\m torn |ris0it. This excellent sonnet, which possessed a high degree of fame among the old cavaliers, was written by Colonel Richard Lovelace, during his confinement in the gate-house Westminster : to which he was committed by the House of Commons, in April, 1642, for presenting a petition from the county of Kent, requesting them to restore the king to his rights, and to settle the government. See Wood's Athense, Vol. II., p. 228, and Lysons's Environs of London, Vol. I., p. 109 ; where may be seen at large the affecting story of this elegant writer, who after having been distinguished for every gallant and polite ac- complishme'ut, t>e pattern of his own sex, and the darling of the ladies, died in the low- est wretchedness, obscurity, and want, in 1658. This song is printed from a scarce volume of his poems entitled, "Lucasta, 1649, 12mo.," collated with a copy in the Editor's folio MS. When love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at my grates ; When I lye tangled in her haire ; 5 And fetter'd with her eye, Ver. 22, John de Wert was a German general of great reputation, and the terror of the French in the reign of Louis XIII. Hence his name became proverbial in France, where he was called De Vert. See Bayle's Dictionary. The birds that wanton in the aire, Know no such libertye. When flowing cups run swiftly round With no allaying Thames, 10 Our carelesse heads with roses crown'd, Our hearts with loyal flames ; When thirsty griefe in wine we steepe, When healths and draughts goe free, Fishes, that tipple in the deepe, 15 Know no such libertie. When, linnet-like, confined I With shriller note shall sing The mercye, sweetness, majestye, And glories of my king ; 20 When I shall voyce aloud how good He is, how great should be, Th' enlarged windes, that curie the flood, Know no such libertie. Stone walls doe not a prison make, 25 Nor iron barres a cage, Mindes, innocent, and quiet, take That for an hermitage : If I have freedom in my love. And in my soule am free, 30 Angels alone, that scare above, Enjoy such liber tie. ' ^ Ver. 10, with woe-allaying themes, MS. Thames is used for water in general. THE DOWNFALL OF CHARING-CROSS. 287 XI. %\t g0tonMl 0f tf^mng-foss* Charing-Cross. as it stood before the civil wars, was one of those beautiful Gothic obelisks erected to conjugal affection by Edward I., who built such a one wherever the hearse of his beloved Eleanor rested in its way from Lincolnshire to Westminster. But neither its ornamental situation, the beauty of its structure, nor the noble design of its erection (which did honour to humanity), could pre- serve it from the merciless zeal of the times : For, in 1647, it was demolished by order of the House of Commons, as popish and super- stitious. This occasioned the following not unhumorous sarcasm which has been often printed among the popular sonnets of those times. The plot referred to in verse 17, was that entered into by Mr. Waller the poet, and others, with a view to reduce the city and tower to the service of the king ; for which two of them, Nathaniel Tomkins and Richard Chaloner, suffered death, July 5, 1643. Vid. Athen. Ox. II. 24. Undone, undone the lawyers are, They wander about the towne, Nor can find the way to Westminster, Now Charing-cross is downe : At the end of the Strand, they make a stand. Swearing they are at a loss, 6 And chaffing say, that's not the way. They must go by Charing-cross. The parliament to vote it down Conceived it very fitting, For fear it should fall, and kill them all, In the house, as they were sitting. They were told, god-wot, it had a plot, Which made them so hard-hearted, To give command, it should not stand, But be taken down and carted. 10 15 Men talk of plots, this might have been worse For anything I know. Than that Tomkins, and Chaloner Were hang'd for long agoe. 20 Our parliament did that prevent, And wisely them defended, 37 For plots they will discover still Before they were intended. But neither man, woman, nor child, 25 Will say, I'm confident. They ever heard it speak one word Against the parliament. An informer swore, it letters bore, Or else it had been freed ; 30 I'll take, in troth, my Bible oath, It could neither write, nor read. The committee said, that verily To popery it was bent ; , For ought I know it might be so, 35 For to church it never went. What with excise, and such device, The kingdom doth begin To think you'll leave them ne'er a cross, Without doors nor within. 40 Methinks the common-council shou'd Of it have taken pity, ^Cause, good old cross, it always stood So firmly to the city. Since crosses you so much disdain, 45 Faith, if I were as you, For feare the king should rule again, I'd pull down Tyburn too. V Whitelocke says, "May 3, 1643, Cheap- side-cross and other crosses were voted down," &c. — But this vote was not put in execution with regard to " Charing-Cross," till four years after, as appears from Lilly's Observa- tions on the Life, Sec, of King Charles, viz., " Charing-Cross, we know, was pulled down, 1647, in June, July, and August. Part of the stones were converted to pave before Whitehall. I have seen knife-hafts made of some of the stones, which, being well polish- ed, looked like marble." Ed. 1715, p. 18, 12mo. See an account of the pulling down Cheap- side Cross, in the Supplement to Gent. Mag, 1764. 288 LOYALTY CONFINED. XII. f0pUg €auim)i. This excellent old song is preserved in Da- vid Lloyd's " Memoires of those that suffered in the cause of Charles I." London, 1668, fol. p. 96. He speaks of it as the composi- tion of a worthy personage, who suffered deeply in those times, and was still living with no other reward tl\^n the conscience of having suffered. The author's name he has not mentioned, but, if tradition may be cre- dited, this song was written by Sir Roger L'Estrange. — Some mistakes in Lloyd's copy are corrected by two others, one in MS., the other in the " Westminster Drollery, or a choice Collection of Songs and Poems, 1671," 12mo. Beat on, proud billows ; Boreas blow ; Swell, curled waves, high as Jove's roof ; Your incivility doth show, That innocence is tempest proof ; Though surly Nereus frown, my thoughts are calm ; 5 Then strike, Affliction, for thy wounds are balm. /■' That which the world miscaiis a jail, A private closet is to me : Whilst a good conscience is my bail. And innocence my liberty : 10 Locks, bars, and solitude, together met. Make me no prisoner, but an anchoret. I, whilst I wisht to be retir'd. Into this private room was turn'd ; As if their wisdoms had conspir'd 15 The salamander should be burn'd : Or like those sophists, that would drown a fish, I am constrained to suffer what I wish. The cynick loves his poverty ; The pelican her wilderness ; 20 And 'tis the Indian's pride to be Naked on frozen Caucasus : Contentment cannot smart, Stoicks we see Make torments easie to their apathy. These manacles upon my arm 25 I, as my mistress' favours, wear ; And for to keep my ancles warm, I have some iron shackles there : These walls are but my garrison ; this cell, Which men call jail, doth prove my citadel. I'm in the cabinet lockt up, 31 Like some high-prized margarite, Or, like the great mogul or pope, Am cloyster'd up from publick sight : Retiredness is a piece of majesty, 35 And thus, proud sultan, I'm as great as thee. Here sin for want of food must starve, Where tempting objects are not seen ! And these strong walls do only serve To keep vice out, and keep me in : 40 Malice of late's grown charitable sure, I'm not committed, but am kept secure. So he that struck at Jason's life,* Thinking t' have made his purpose sure, By a malicious friendly knife 45 Did only wound him to a cure : Malice, I see, wants wit ; for what is meant Mischief, oft-times proves favour by th' event. When once my prince affliction hath, Prosperity doth treason seem ; 50 And to make smooth so rough a path, I can learn patience from him : Now not to suffer shews no loyal heart, When kings want ease subjects must bear a part. What though I cannot see my king 55 Neither in person nor in coin ; Yet contemplation is a thing That renders what I have not, mine : My king from me what adamant can part, Whom I do wear engraven on my heart ! 60 N Have you not seen the nightingale, A prisoner like, coopt in a cage, How doth she chaunt her wonted tale, In that her narrow hermitage ! 64 Even then her charming melody doth prove, That all her bars are trees, her cage a grove. * See this remarkable story in Cicero de Nat. Deorum, Lib. 3, e. 28. Cic. de Offic. Lib. L c 30; see also Val. Max. 1,8. VERSES BY KING CHARLES I. 289 I am that bird, whom they combine Thus to deprive of liberty ; But though they do my corps confine, Yet maugre hate, my soul is free : And though immur'd, yet can I chirp, sing Disgrace to rebels, glory to my king. 70 and My soul is free, as ambient air, Although my baser part's immew'd, Whilst loyal thoughts do still repair T' accompany my solitude : Although rebellion do my body binde. My king alone can captivate my minde. 75 XIII. mxm IJH f mg €\uxlt$ g " This prince, like his father, did not con- fine himself to prose : Bishop Burnet has given us a pathetic elegy, said to be written by Charles in Carisbrook castle [in 1648]. The poetry is most uncouth and unharmo- nious, but there are strong thoughts in it, some good sense, and a strain of majestic piety.'^ Mr. Walpole's Royal and Noble Au- thors, vol. I. It is in his ** Memoirs of the Duke of Ha- milton," p. 379, that Burnet hath preserved this elegy, which he tells us he had from a gentleman who waited on the king at the time it was written, and copied it out from the original. It is there entitled, ** Majesty IN Misery : or an Imploration to the King OF Kings." Hume hath remarked of these stanzas, " that the truth of the sentiment, rather than the elegance of the expression, renders them very pathetic." See his History, 1763, 4to. Vol. V. pp. 437, 442, which is no bad com- ment upon them. — These are almost the only verses known of Charles's composition. In- deed a little poem " On a Quite Conscience,'^ printed in the Poetical Calender, 1763, vol. VIII., is attributed to King Charles I. ; be- ing reprinted from a thin 8vo., published by Nahum Tate, called " Miscellanea Sacra, or Poems on Divine and Moral Subjects." Great monarch of the world, from whose power springs The potency and power of kings. Record the royal woe my suffering sings ; And teach my tongue, that ever did confine Its faculties in truth's seraphick line, 5 To track the treasons of thy foes and mine. Nature and law, by thy divine decree, (The only root of righteous royaltie) AVith this dim diadem invested me : With it, the sacred scepter, purple robe. The holy unction, and the royal globe: Yet am I levell'd with the life of Job. 10 The fiercest furies, that do daily tread Upon my grief, my grey discrowned head, Are those that owe my bounty for their bread. They raise a war, and christen it tJie cause, 16 While sacrilegious hands have best applause. Plunder and murder are the kingdom's laws ; Tyranny bears the title of taxation. Revenge and robbery are reformation, 20 Oppression gains the name of sequestration. My loyal subjects, who in this bad season Attend me (by the law of God and reason), They dare impeach and punish for high trea- son. 25 Next at the clergy do their furies frovni; Pious episcopacy must go down. They will destroy the crosier and the crown. Churchmen are chained, and schismaticks are freed, Mechanicks preach, and holy fathers bleed, The crown is crucified with the creed. 30 The church of England doth all factions fos- ter, The pulpit is usurpt by each impostor, Extempore excludes the Paternoster. The Presbyter, and Independent seed Springs with broad blades. To make religion bleed Herod and Pontius Pilate are agreed. 36 290 THE SALE OF EEBELLIOUS HOUSEHOLD-STUFF. The corner stone's misplac'd by every pa- vier: With such a bloody method and behaviour Their ancestors did crucifie our Saviour. My royal consort, from whose fruitful w^omb So many princes legally have come, 41 Is forc'd in pilgrimage to seek a tomb. Great Britain's heir is forc'd into France, "Whilst on his father's head his foes advance : Poor child ! he weeps out his inheritance. 45 With my own power my majesty they wound, In the king's name the king himself 's un- crown' d ; So doth the dust destroy the diamond. With propositions daily they enchant My people's ears, such as do reason daunt, 50 And the Almighty will not let me grant. ' They promise to erect my royal stem, To make me great, t' advance my diadem, If I will first fall down, and worship them ! But for refusal they devour my thrones, 55 Distress my children, and destroy my bones ; I fear they'll force me to make bread of stones. My life they prize at such a slender rate, That in my absence they draw bills of hate, To prove the king a traytor to the state. 60 Felons obtain more privilege than I, They are allowed to answer ere they die ; 'Tis death for me to ask the reason, why. But sacred Saviour, with thy words I woo Thee to forgive, and not be bitter to 65 Such, as thou know'st do not know what they do. For since they from their lord are so disjointed, As to contemn those edicts he appointed, How can they prize the power of his anointed ? Augment my patience, nuUifie my hate, 70 Preserve my issue, and inspire my mate ; Yet, though we perish, hless this church and state. XIV. %\t Mt n\ %MX\m% ^mu\A)iSM. This sarcastic exultation of triumphant loyalty is printed from an old black-letter copy in the Pepys collection, corrected by two others, one of which is preserved in " A choice collection of 120 loyal songs, &c." 1684, 12mo. — To the tune of Old Simon the king. Rebellion hath broken up house, And hath left me old lumber to sell ; Come hither, and take your choice, I'll promise to use you well : Will you buy the old speaker's chair? 5 Which was warm and easie to sit in. And oft hath been clean'd I declare, When as it was fouler than fitting. Says old Simon the king, &c. Will you buy any bacon-flitches, The fattest, that ever were spent? 10 They're the sides of the old committees, Fed up in the long parliament. Here's a pair of bellows, and tongs. And for a small matter I'll sell ye 'um ; They are made of the presbyters lungs, 16 To blow up the coals of rebellion. Says old Simon, &c. I had thought to have given them once To some black-smith for his forge ; 20 But now I have considered on't. They are consecrate to the church : So I'll give them unto some quire. They will make the big organs roar, And the little pipes to squeeke higher 25 Than ever they could before. Says old Simon, &c. THE SALE OF REBELLIOUS HOUSEHOLD-STUFF. 291 Here's a couple of stools for sale, One's square, and t'other is round ; Betwixt them both the tail 30 Of the Rump fell down to the ground. Will you buy the states council-table. Which was made of the good wain Scot ? The frame was a tottering Babel To uphold the Independent plot. 35 Says old Simon, &c. Here's the beesom of Reformation, Which should have made clean the floor, But it swept the wealth out of the nation, And left us dirt good store. 40 Will you buy the states spinning-wheel. Which spun for the roper's trade ? But better it had stood still, For now it has spun a fair thread. Says old Simon, &c. 45 Here's a glyster-pipe well try'd. Which was made of a butcher's stump,* And has been safely apply'd. To cure the colds of the rump. Here's a lump of Pilgrim's-Salve, 50 Which once was a justice of peace, Who Noll and the Devil did serve ; But now it is come to this. Says old Simon, &c. Here's a roll of the states tobacco, 55 If any good fellow will take it ; No Virginia had e'er such a smack-o. And I'll tell you how they did make it : 'Tis th' Engagement, and Covenant cookt Up with the Abjuration oath ; 60 And many of them, that have tookt, Complain it was foul in the mouth. Says old Simon, &c. Yet the ashes may happily serve To cure the scab of the nation. Whene'er 't has an itch to swerve To Rebellion by innovation. A Lanthorn here is to be bought. The like was scarce ever gotten. 65 * Alluding probably to Major-General Harrison, a butcher'G son, -who assisted Cromwell in turning out the Long Parliament, April 20, 1653. For many plots it has found out Before they ever were thought on. Says old Simon, &c. 70 Will you buy the Rump's great saddle, With which it jocky'd the nation? And here is the bitt, and the bridle, 75 And curb of Dissimulation : And here's the trunk-hose of the Rump, And their fair dissembling cloak. And a Presbyterian jump, With an Independent smock, 80 Says old Simon, &c. Will you buy a Conscience oft turn'd, Which serv'd the high-court of justice, And stretch'd until England it mourn'd : But hell will buy that if the worst is. 85 Here's Joan Cromwell's kitching-stuff tub. Wherein is the fat of the Rumpers, With which old Noll's horns she did rub. When he was got drunk with false bumpers. Says old Simon, &c. 90 Here's the purse of the public faith ; Here's the model of the Sequestration, When the old wives upon their good troth. Lent thimbles to ruine the nation. Here's Dick Cromwell's Protectorship, 95 And here are Lambert's commissions, And here is Hugh Peters his scrip Cramm'd with the tumultuous petitions. Says old Simon, &c. And here are old Noll's brewing vessels, 100 And here are his dray, and his slings ; Here are Hewson's awl, and his bristles ; With diverse other odd things : And what is the price doth belong To all these matters before ye ? 105 I'll sell them all for an old song, And so I do end my story. Says old Simon, &c. Ver. 86, This was a cant name giTen to Cromwell's wife by the Royalists, though her name was Elizabeth. She was taxed with exchanging the kitchen-stuff for the candles used in the Protector's household, &c. See Gent. Mag. for March, 1788, p. 242. Ver. 94, See Grey's Hudibras, Pt. I. Cant. 2, ver. 570, &c. V. 100, 102, Cromwell had in his younger years followed the brewing trade at Huntingdon. Col. Hewson is said to have been originally a cobler. 292 THE BAFFLED KNIGHT, OR LADY'S POLICY. XV. GiTEN (with some corrections) from a MS. She slipped herself within the gate. 35 copy, and collated with two printed ones in And lockt the knight without-a. Roman character in the Pepy collection. Here is a silver penny to spend. / There was a knight was drunk with wine, And take it for your pain, sir ; A riding along the way, sir ; And two of my father's men I'll send And there he met with a lady fine, To wait on you back again, sir. 40 Among the cocks of hay, sir. He from his scabbard drew his brand, Shall you and I, lady faire, 5 And wiped it upon his sleeve-a ! Among the grass lye down-a : And cursed, he said, be every man. And I will have a special care That will a maid believe-a ! Of rumpling of your gowne-a. She drew a bodkin from her haire, 45 Upon the grass there is a dewe, And whip'd it upon her gown-a ; Will spoil my damask gowne, sir : 10 And cursed be every maiden faire. My gowne and kirtle they are newe. That will with men lye down-a ! And cost me many a crowne, sir. A herb there is, that lowly grows. I have a cloak of scarlet red, And some do call it rue, sir : 50 Upon the ground I'll throwe it ; The smallest dunghill cock that crows, Then, lady faire, come lay thy head ; 15 Would make a capon of you, sir. We'll play, and none shall knowe it. A flower there is, that shineth bright. yonder stands my steed so free > Some call it mary-gold-a : Among the cocks of hay, sir ; He that wold not when he might. 55 And if the pinner should chance to see. He shall not when he wold-a. He'll take my steed away, sir. 20 The knight was riding another day. Upon my finger I have a ring With cloak and hat and feather : Its made of finest gold-a, He met again with that lady gay. And, lady, it thy steed shall bring Who was angling in the river. 60 Out of the pinner's fold-a. Now, lady faire, I've met with you. go with me to my father's hall ; 25 Fair chambers there are three, sir ; And you shall have the best of all, You shall no more escape me ; Remember, how not long agoe You falsely did intrap me. And I'll your chamberlaine bee, sir. The lady blushed scarlet red, And trembled at the stranger : 65 He mounted himself on his steed so tall. How shall I guard my maidenhead And her on her dapple gray, sir : 30 From this approaching danger ? And there they rode to her father's hall. Fast pricking along the way, sir. He from his saddle down did light, In all his riche attyer ; 70 To her father's hall they arrived strait ; And cryed, As I am a noble knight. 'Twas moated round about-a ; I do thy charms admyer. THE BAFFLED KNIGHT, OR LADY'S POLICY. 293 He took the lady by the hand, Who seemingly consented ; And would no more disputing stand : 75 She had a plot invented. Looke yonder, good sir knight, I pray, Methinks I now discover A riding upon his dapple gray, My former constant lover. 80 On tip-toe peering stood the knight, Fast by the rivers brink-a ; The lady pusht with all her might : Sir knight, now swim or sink-a. O'er head and ears he plunged in, 85 The bottom faire he sounded ; Then rising up, he cried amain, Help, helpe, or else I'm drownded ! Now, fare-you-well, sir knight, adieu ! You see what comes of fooling : 90 That is the fittest place for you ; Your courage wanted cooling. Ere many days, in her fathers park, Just at the close of eve-a. Again she met with her angry sparke ; 95 Which made this lady grieve-a. False lady, here thou'rt in my powre, And no one now can hear thee : And thou shalt sorely rue the hour. That e'er thou dar'dst to jeer me. 100 I pray, sir knight, be not so warm With a young silly maid-a : I vow and swear I thought no harm, ^Twas a gentle jest I playd-a. A gentle jest, in soothe he cry'd, 105 To tumble me in and leave me ! What if I had in the river dy'd ? That fetch will not deceive me. Once more I'll pardon thee this day, Tho' injured out of measure; 110 But thou prepare without delay To yield thee to my pleasure. Well then, if I must grant your suit. Yet think of your boots and spurs, sir : Let me pull off both spur and boot, 115 Or else you cannot stir, sir. He set him down upon the grass. And begg'd her kind assistance ; Now, smiling thought this lovely lass, I'll make you keep your distance. 120 Then pulling off his boots half-way ; Sir knight, now I'm your betters : You shall not make of me your prey; Sit there like a knave in fetters. The knight, when she had served him see. He fretted, fum'd, and grumbled : 126 For he could neither stand nor goe, But like a cripple tumbled. Farewell, sir knight, the clock strikes ten, Yet do not move nor stir, sir : 130 I'll send you my father's serving men, To pull off your boots and spurs, sir. This merry jest you must excuse. You are but a stingless nettle : You'd never have stood for boots or shoes, Had you been a man of mettle. 136 All night in grievous rage he lay, Rolling upon the plain-a ; Next morning a shepherd past that way, Who set him right again-a. 140 Then mounting upon his steed so tall, By hill and dale he swore-a : I'll ride at once to her father's hall ; She shall escape no more-a. I'll take her father by the beard, 145 I'll challenge all her kindred ; Each dastard soul shall stand affeard ; My wrath shall no more be hindred. He rode unto her father's house. Which every side was moated : 150 The lady heard his furious vows, And all his vengeance noted. Thought shee, sir knight, to quench your rage, Once more I will endeavour : This water shall your fury 'swage, 155 Or else it shall burn for ever. Then faining penitence and feare, She did invite a parley : Sir knight, if you'll forgive me heare, Henceforth I'll love you dearly. 160 294 OLD TOM OF BEDLAM. My father he is now from home, And I am all alone, sir : Therefore a- cross the water come ; And I am all your own, sir. False maid, thou canst no more deceive ; 165 I scorn the treacherous bait-a : If thou would'st have me thee believe, Now open me the gate-a. The bridge is drawn, the gate is barr'd, My father he has the keys, sir; 170 But I have for my love prepar'd A shorter way and easier. Over the moate I've laid a plank Full seventeen feet in measure ; Then step a-cross to the other bank, And there we'll take our pleasure. 175 These words she had no sooner spoke, But strait he came tripping over: The plank was saw'd, it snapping broke ; And sous'd the unhappy lover. 180 XVI. From Sir John Suckling's Poems. This sprightly knight was born in 1613, and cut off by a fever about the 29th year of his age. See above, Song IX. of this book. Why so pale and wan, fond lover? Prethee, why so pale ? Will, when looking well can't move her, Looking ill prevail ? Prethee why so pale ? 5 Why so dull and mute, young sinner ? Prethee, why so mute ? Will, when speaking well can't win her, Saying nothing doe't ? Prethee why so mute ? 10 Quit, quit for shame ; this will not move. This cannot take her ; If of herself she will not love Nothing can make her, The devil take her ! 15 XVII. MAD SONG THE FIRST. It is worth attention, that the English have more songs and ballads on the subject of madness, than any of their neighbours. Whe- ther there be any truth in the insinuation, that we are more liable to this calamity than other nations, or that our native gloominess hath peculiarly recommended subjects of this cast to our writers ; we certainly do not find the same in the printed collections of French, Italian Songs, &c. Out of a much larger quantity, we have selected half a dozen " Mad Songs" for this work. The three first are originals in their respective kinds ; the merit of the three last is chiefly that of imitation. They were writ- ten at considerable intervals of time ; but we have here grouped them together, that the reader may the better examine their compara- tive merits. He may consider them as so many trials of skill in a very peculiar sub- ject, as the contest of so many rivals to shoot in the bow of Ulysses. The two first were probably written about the beginning of the last century ; the third about the middle of OLD TOM OF BEDLAM. 295 it ; the fourth and sixth towards the end ; and the fifth within the eighteenth century. This is given from the Editor's folio MS. compared with two or three old printed copies. — With regard to the author of this old rhapsody, in Walton's Complete Angler, cap. 3, is a song in praise of angling, which the author says was made at his request " by Mr. William Basse, one that has made the choice songs of the ' Hunter in his Career,' and of 'Tom of Bedlam,' and many others of note," p. 84. See Sir John Hawkins's curious edition, 8vo., of that excellent old book. Forth from my sad and darksome cell, Or from the deepe abysse of hell, Mad Tom is come into the world againe To see if he can cure his distempered braine. Feares and cares oppresse my soule ; 5 Harke, howe the angrye Fureys houle ! Pluto laughes, and Proserpine is gladd To see poore naked Tom of Bedlam madd. Through the world I wander night and day To seeke my straggling senses, 10 In an angry moode I mett old Time, With his pentarchye of tenses : When me be spyed, Away he hyed. For time will stay for no man : In vaine with cryes I rent the skyes. For pity is not common. Cold and comfortless I lye : Helpe, oh helpe ! or else I dye ! Harke ! I heare Apollo's teame, The carman 'gins to whistle ; 15 20 Chast Diana bends her bowe. The boare begins to bristle. Come, Vulcan, with tools and with tackles, To knocke off my troublesome shackles ; 26 Bid Charles make ready his waine To fetch me my senses againe. Last night I heard the dog-star bark ; Mars met Venus in the darke ; Limping Vulcan het an iron barr, And furiouslye made at the god of war: 30 Mars with his weapon laid about, But Vulcan's temples had the gout, 34 For his broad horns did so hang in his light, He could not see to aim his blows aright : Mercurye, the nimble post of heaven. Stood still to see the quarrell ; Gorrel-bellyed Bachus, gyant-like, Bestryd a strong-beere barrell. 40 To mee he dranke, I did him thanke. But I could get no cyder ; He dranke whole butts Till he burst his gutts. But mine were ne'er the wyder. Poore naked Tom is very drye : A little drinke for charitye ! Harke, I hear Acteon's home ! The huntsmen whoop and hallowe : Pvingwood, Royster, Bowman, Jowler, All the chase do followe : The man in the moone drinkes clarret, Eates powder'd beef, turnip, and carret, But a cup of old Malaga sack Will fire the bushe at his backe. 45 50 55 38 296 THE DISTRACTED PURITAN. XVIII. MAD SONG THE SECOND, — Was written about the beginning of the seventeenth century by the witty bishop Cor- bet, and is printed from the third edition of his poems, 12mo. 1672, compared with a more ancient copy in the Editor's folio MS. Am I mad, noble Festus, When zeal and godly knowledge Have put me in hope To deal with the pope, As well as the best in the college ? 5 Boldly I preach, hate a cross, hate a sur- plice, Mitres, copes, and rochets ; Come hear me pray nine times a day, And fill your heads with crochets. In the house of pure Emanuel* 10 I had my education Where my friends surmise I dazePd my eyes With the sight of revelation. Boldly I preach, &c. They bound me like a bedlam, 15 They lash'd my four poor quarters ; Whilst this I endure, Faith makes me sure To be one of Foxes martyrs. Boldly I preach, &c. These injuries I suffer 20 Through antichrist's perswasion : Take off this chain. Neither Rome nor Spain Can resist my strong invasion. Boldly I preach, &c. Of the beast's ten horns (God bless us !) 25 I have knock'd off three already ; If they let me alone I'll leave him none i But they say I am too heady. Boldly I preach, &c. * Emanuel College, Cambridge, was origioally a seminary of Puritans. When I sack'd the seven-hill'd city, 30 I met the great red dragon ; I kept him aloof With the armour of proof. Though here I ha,ve never a rag on. Boldly I preach, &c. With a fiery sword and target, 35 There fought I with this monster : But the sons of pride My zeal deride. And all my deeds misconster. Boldly I preach, &c. I un-hors'd the Whore of Babel, 40 With the lance of Inspiration ; I made her stink, And spill the drink In her cup of abomination. Boldly I preach, &c. I have seen two in a vision 45 With a flying book* between them. I have been in despair Five times in a year. And been cur'd by reading Greenham.f Boldly I preach, &c. I observ'd in Perkin's J tables 50 The black line of damnation ; Those crooked veins So stuck in my brains. That I fear'd my reprobation. Boldly I preach, &c. * Alluding to some visionary exposition of Zech. ch. v. ver. 1; or, if the date of this song would permit, one might suppose it aimed at one Coppe, a strange enthusiast, whose life may he seen in Wood's Athen. toI. II., p. 501. He was author of a hook, intituled, " The Fiery Flying Roll :" and afrerwards published a Recantation, part of whose title is, " The Fiery Flying Roll's Wings dipt," Ac. t See Greenham's Works, fol. 1605, particularly the tract intituled " A sweet Comfort for an Afflicted Conscience." X See Perkin's Works, fol. 1616, vol. I. p. 11 ; where is a large half sheet folded, containing " A survey, or table, declaring the order of the causes of salvation and damna- tion," &c., the pedigree of damnation being distinguished by a broad black zig-zag line. THE LUNATIC LOVER. 297 In the holy tongue of Canaan 55 I plac'd my chiefest pleasure : Till I prick'd my foot With a Hebrew root, That I bled beyond all measure. Boldly I preach, &c. I appeared before the archbishop,* 60 And all the high commission ; I gave him no grace. But told him to his face, That he favour'd superstition. Boldly I preach, hate a cross, hate a sur- plice, 65 Mitres, copes, and rochets : Come hear me pray nine times a day. And fill your heads with crotchets. XIX. %\t pKdit l0lj^r, MAD SONG THE THIRD, —Is given from an old printed copy in the British Museum, compared with another in the Pepys collection ; both in black-letter. Grim king of the ghosts, make haste, And bring hither all your train ; See how the pale moon does waste, And just now is in the wane. Come, you night-hags, with all your charms. And revelling witches away, 6 And hug me close in your arms ; To you my respects I'll pay. I'll court you, and think you fair, Since love does distract my brain : 10 I'll go, I'll wedd the night-mare. And kiss her, and kiss her again : But if she preve peevish and proud. Then, a pise on her love ! let her go ; I'll seek me a winding shroud, 15 And down to the shades below. A lunacy sad I endure, Since reason departs away ; I call to those hags for a cure, As knowing not what I say. 20 The beauty, whom I do adore, Now slights me with scorn and disdain ; I never shall see her more : Ah ! how shall I bear my pain ! I ramble, and range about 25 To find out my charming saint; While she at my grief does flout, And smiles at my loud complaint. * Abp. Laud. Distraction I see is my doom, Of this I am now too sure ; 30 A rival is got in my room, While torments I do endure. Strange fancies do fill my head, While wandering in despair, I am to the desarts lead, 35 Expecting to find her there. Methinks in a spangled cloud I see her enthroned on high ; Then to her I crie aloud. And labour to reach the sky. 40 When thus I have raved awhile, And wearyed myself in vain, I lye on the barren soil. And bitterly do complain. Till slumber hath quieted me, 45 In sorrow I sigh and weep ; The clouds are my canopy To cover me while I sleep. I dream that my charming fair Is then in my rival's bed, 50 Whose tresses of golden hair Are on the fair pillow bespread. Then this doth my passion inflame, I start, and no longer can lie : Ah ! Sylvia, art thou not to blame 55 To ruin a lover ? I cry. Grim king of the ghosts, be true, And hurry me hence away, My languishing life to you A tribute I freely pay. 60 To the Elysian shades I post, In hopes to be freed from care, Where many a bleeding ghost Is hoverino; in the air. 298 THE DISTRACTED LOVER. XX. %\t fabg gistrarto Mi\ f 0te, MAD SONG THE FOURTH, — Was originally sung in one of Tom D'Ur- fey's comedies of Don Quixote, acted in 1694, and 1696 ; and probably composed by him- self. In the several stanzas, the author re- presents his pretty Mad-woman as, 1. sul- lenly mad ; 2. mirthfully mad : 3. melan- choly mad : 4. fantastically mad : and, 5. stark mad. Both this and Num. XXII. are printed from D'Urfey's " Pills to purge Me- lanchol " 1719, vol. 1. From rosie bowers, where sleeps the god of love. Hither ye little wanton cupids fly : Teach me in soft melodious strains to move "With tender passion my heart's darling joy: Ah ! let the soul of musick tune my voice, 5 To win dear Strephon, who my soul enjoys. Or, if more influencing Is to be brisk and airy, With a step and a bound, With a frisk from the ground, 10 I'll trip like any fairy. As once on Ida dancing Were three celestial bodies : With an air, and a face. And a shape, and a grace, 15 ni charm, like beauty's goddess. Ah ! 'tis in vain ! ^tis all, 'tis all in vain ! Death and despair must end the fatal pain : Cold, cold despair, disguis'd like snow and rain. Falls on my breast ; bleak winds in tempests blow ; 20 My veins all shiver, and my fingers glow : My pulse beats a dead march for lost repose. And to a solid lump of ice my poor fond heart is froze. Or say, ye powers, my peace to crown, Shall I thaw myself, and drown Among the foaming billows ? Increasing all with tears I shed. On beds of ooze, and crystal pillows. Lay down, lay down my lovesick head ? 25 30 No, no, I'll strait run mad, mad, mad ; That soon my heart will warm ; When once the sense is fled, is fled, Love has no power to charm, Wild thro' the woods I'll fly, I'll fly. Robes, locks shall thus be tore! 35 A thousand, thousand times I'll dye Ere thus, thus in vain, — ere thus in vain adore. XXI. %\t listrariA f 0ter, MAD SONG THE FIFTH, — Was written by Henry Carey, a cele- brated composer of music in the beginning of the eighteenth century, and author of several little theatrical entertainments, which the reader may find enumerated in the "Com- panion to the Play-house," &c. The spright- liness of this songster's fancy could not pre- serve him from a very melancholy catastro- phe, which was effected by his own hand. In his Poems, 4to. Lond. 1729, may be seen another mad song of this author, beginning thus : " Gods, I can never this endure. Death alone must be my cure," &c. — — — — - — — — — — — THE FRANTIC LADY. 299 I GO to the Elysian shade, Pity my pains, 21 Where sorrow ne'er shall wound me ; Ye gentle swains ! "Where nothing shall my rest invade, Cover me with ice and snow, But joy shall still surround me. I scorch, I burn, I flame, I glow ! I fly from Celia's cold disdain, 5 From her disdain I fly ; Furies, tear me, 25 She is the cause of all my pain. Quickly bear me For her alone I die. To the dismal shades below ! Where yelling, and howling, Her eyes are brighter than the mid-day sun, And grumbling, and growling. When he but half his radiant course has run, Strike the ear with horrid woe. 30 When his meridian glories gaily shine, 11 And gild all nature with a warmth divine. Hissing snakes, See yonder river's flowing tide, Fiery lakes Would be a pleasure, and a cure : Which now so full appears ; Those streams, that do so swiftly glide, 15 Not all the hells, Where Pluto dwells, 35 Are nothing but my tears. Can give such pain as I endure. There I have wept till I could weep no more. And curst mine eyes, when they have wept To some peaceful plain convey me, their store : On a mossey carpet lay me. Then, like the clouds, that rob the azure Fan me with ambrosial breeze, main. Let me die and so have ease ! 40 I've drain'd the flood to weep it back again. XX :ii. . ®|[« Iran tit faiyj. MAD SONG ' rHE SIXTH. This, like Number XX., was originally Pour them all on my soul, sung in one of D'Urfey's Comedies of Don It will hiss like a coal. Quixote (first acted about the year 1694), and But be never the cooler. 10 was probably composed by that popular song- ster, who died Feb. 26, 1723. 'Twas pride hot as hell. This is printed in the " Hive, a Collection That first made me rebell. of Songs," 4 vols., 1721, 12mo., where may From love's awful throne a curst angel I fell ; be found two or three other mad songs not And mourn now my fate, admitted into these volumes. Which myself did create : 15 Fool, fool, that consider'd not when I was well I I BURN, my brain consumes to ashes ! Adieu ! ye vain transporting joys ! . Each eye-ball too like lightning flashes ! Off ye vain fantastic toys ! Within my breast there glows a solid fire. That dress this face — this body — to Which in a thousand ages can't expire ! allure ! Bring me daggers, poison, fire ! 20 Blow, blow, the winds' great ruler ! 5 Since scorn is turn'd into desire. Bring the Po, and the Ganges hither, All hell feels not the rage, which I, poor I, 'Tis sultry weather ; endure. 300 LILLI BURLERO. XXIII. Silli §tirln0. The following rhymes, slight and insignifi- cant as they may now seem, had once a more powerful effect than either the Philippics of Demosthenes or Cicero ; and contributed not a little towards the great revolution in 1688. Let us hear a contemporary writer. " A foolish ballad was made at that time, treating the Papists, and chiefly the Irish, in a very ridiculous manner, w^hich had a burden said to be Irish words, ' Lero, lero, liliburlero,^ that made an impression on the [king's] army, that cannot be imagined by those that saw it not. The whole army, and at last the people, both in city and country, were singing it perpetually. And perhaps never had so slight a thing so great an effecf — Burn et. It was written, or at least republished, on the Earl of Tyrconnel's going a second time to Ireland in October, 1688. Perhaps it is unnecessary to mention, that General Richard Talbot, newly created Earl of Tyrconnel, had been nominated by King James II. to the lieutenancy of Ireland in 1686, on account of his being a furious papist, who had recom- mended himself to his bigoted master by his arbitrary treatment of the protestants in the preceding year, when only lieutenant-general, and whose subsequent conduct fully justified his expectations and their fears. The vio- lence of his administration may be seen in any of the histories of those times : particu- larly in Bishop King's " State of the Pro- testants in Ireland," 1691, 4to. Lillihurlero and Bullen-a-lah are said to have been the words of distinction used among the Irish Papists in their massacre of the Protestants in 1641. Ho ! broder Teague, dost hear de decree ? Lilli burlero, bullen-a-la, Dat we shall have a new deputie, Lilli burlero, bullen a-la. Lero lero, lilli burlero, lero lero, bullen a-la, 5 Lero lero, lilli burlero, lero lero, bullen a-la. Ho ! by shaint Tyburn, it is de Talbote : Lilli, &c. And he will cut de Englishmen's troate. Lilli, &c. 10 Dough by my shoul de English do praat, Lilli, &c. De law's on dare side, and Creish knows what. Lilli, &c. But if dispence do come from de pope, 15 Lilli, &e. We'll hang Magna Charta and dem in a rope. Lilli, &c. For de good Talbot is made a lord, Lilli, &c. 20 And with brave lads is coming aboard : Lilli, &c. Who all in France have taken a sware, Lilli, &c. Dat dey will have no protestant heir. 25 Lilli, &c. Ara ! but why does he stay behind ? Lilli, &c. Ho ! by my shoul 'tis a protestant wind. Lilli, &c. 30 But see de Tyrconnel is now come ashore, Lilli, &c. And we shall have commissions gillore. Lilli, &c. And he dat will not go to de mass, 35 Lilli, &c. Shall be turn out, and look like an ass, Lilli, &c. Now, now de hereticks all go down, Lilli, &c. 40 By Chrish and shaint Patrick, de nation's our own. Lilli, &c. Ver. 7, Ho by my shoul, aJ. ed. THE BRAES OF YARROW. 301 Dare was an old prophesy found in a bog, Lilli, &c. " Ireland shall be rul'd by an ass and a dog." Lilli, &c. 46 And now dis prophesy is come to pass, Lilli, &c. For Talbot's de dog, and Ja'^* is de ass. Lilli, &c. *^.* The foregoing song is attributed to Lord Wharton in a small pamphlet, entitled " A true relation of the several facts and cir- cumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Qaeen Elizabeth's birthday, &c.," third edition, London, 1712, price 2d. — See p. 5, viz., "A late Viceroy [of Ireland], who has so often boasted himself upon his talent for mischief, invention, lying, and for making a certain LilUhurlero Song ; with which, if you will believe himself, he sung a deluded prince out of three kingdoms." XXIV. IN IMITATION OF THE ANCIENT SCOTS MANNER, Was written by William Hamilton, of Bangour, Esq., who died March 25, 1754, aged 50. It is printed from an elegant edi- tion of his Poems, published at Edinburgh, 1760, 12mo. This song was written in imi- tation of an old Scottish ballad on a similar subject, with the same burden to each stanza. A. Busk ye, busk ye, my bonny bonny bride. Busk ye, busk ye, my winsome marrow. Busk ye, busk ye, my bonny bonny bride, And think nae mair on the Braes of Yarrow. B. Where gat ye that bonny bonny bride ? 5 Where gat ye that winsome marrow ? A. I gat her where I dare na well be seen, Puing the birks on the Braes of Yarrow. Weep not, weep not, my bonny bonny bride. Weep not, weep not, my winsome marrow ; Nor let thy heart lament to leive, 11 Puing the birks on the Braes of Yarrow. B. Why does she weep, thy bonny bonny bride ? Why does she weep, thy winsome marrow ? And why dare ye nae mair well be seen 15 Puing the birks on the Braes of Yarrow ? A. Lang maun she weep, lang maun she, maun she weep, Lang maun she weep with dule and sor- row; Ver. 43, What follows is not in some copies. And lang maun I nae mair weil be seen 19 Puing the birks on the Braes of Yarrow. For she has tint her luver, luver dear. Her luver dear, the cause of sorrow ; And I hae slain the comliest swain. That eir pu'd birks on the Braes of Yar- row. Why rins thy stream, Yarrow, Yarrow, reid ? 25 Why on thy braes heard the voice of sor- row? And why yon melancholious weids Hung on the bonny birks of Yarrow ? What's yonder floats on the rueful rueful flude? 29 What's yonder floats ? dule and sorrow ! 'tis he the comely swain I slew Upon the duleful Braes of Yarrow. Wash, wash his wounds, his wounds in tears, His wounds in tears with dule and sorrow; And wrap his limbs in mourning weids, 35 And lay him on the Braes of Yarrow. Then build, then build, ye sisters, sisters sad, Ye sisters sad, his tomb with sorrow ; And weep around in waeful wise His hapless fate on the Braes of Yarrow. 302 THE BRAES OF YARROW. Curse ye, curse ye, his useless, useless shield, My arm that wrought the deed of sorrow. The fatal spear that pierc'd his breast, His comely breast on the Braes of Yarrow. Did I not warn thee, not to, not to luve ? 45 And warn from fight ? but to my sorrow Too rashly bauld a stronger arm Thou mett'st, and fell'st on the Braes of Yarrow. Sweet smells the birk, green grows, green grows the grass, Yellow on Yarrow's bank the gowan, 50 Fair hangs the apple frae the rock, Sweet the wave of Yarrow flowan. Flows Yarrow sweet? as sweet, as sweet flows Tweed, As green its grass, its gowan as yellow, As sweet smells on its braes the birk, 55 The apple frae its rocks as mellow. Fair was thy luve, fair fair indeed thy luve, In flow'ry bands thou didst him fetter ; Tho' he was fair, and weil beluv'd again Than me he never luv'd thee better. 60 Busk ye, then busk, my bonny bonny bride. Busk ye, busk ye, my winsome marrow, Busk ye, and luve me on the banks of Tweed, And think nae mair on the Braes of Yar- C. How can I busk a bonny bonny bride ? How can I busk a winsome marrow ? 66 How luve him upon the banks of Tweed, That slew my luve on the Braes of Yar- row? Yarrow fields, may never never ram Nor dew thy tender blossoms cover, 70 For there was basely slain my luve, My luve, as he had not been a lover. The boy put on his robes, his robes of green. His purple vest, 'twas my awn sewing : Ah ! wretched me ! I little, little kenn'd 75 He was in these to meet his ruin. The boy took out his milk-white, milk-white steed, Unheedful of my dule and sorrow : But ere the toofall of the night He lay a corps on the Braes of Yarrow. 80 Much I rejoyc'd that waeful waeful day ; I sang, my voice the woods returning : But lang e'er night the spear was flown. That slew my luve, and left me mourning. What can my barbarous barbarous father do, 85 But with his cruel rage pursue me ? My luver's blood is on thy spear, How canst thou, barbarous man, then wooe me? My happy sisters may be, may be proud With cruel and ungentle scof&n', 90 May bid me seek on Yarrow's Braes My luver nailed in his cofi&n. My brother Douglas may upbraid, upbraid. And strive with threatning words to muve me: My luver's blood is on thy spear, 95 How canst thou ever bid me luve thee ? Yes, yes, prepare the bed, the bed of luve. With bridal sheets my body cover. Unbar, ye bridal maids, the door, Let in the expected husband lover. 100 But who the expected husband husband is ? His hands, methinks, are bath'd in slaugh- ter : Ah me ! what ghastly spectre's yon Comes in his pale shroud, bleeding after. Pale as he is, here lay him, lay him down, lay his cold head on my pillow ; 106 Take aff, take afi" these bridal weids. And crown my careful head with willow. Pale tho' thou art, yet best, yet best beluv'd, could my warmth to life restore thee ! Yet lye all night between my breists, ,. Ill No youth lay ever there before thee. Pale, pale indeed, luvely luvely youth ! Forgive, forgive so foul a slaughter : And lye all night between my briests ; 115 No youth shall ever lye there after. A. Return, return, mournful mournful bride. Return, and dry thy useless sorrow : Thy luver heeds none of thy sighs, 119 He lyes a corps in the Braes of Yarrow. ADMIRAL HOSIER'S GHOST. 303 XXV. Jtimiol Jjmf$ (B\a$t, — Was a party song written by the inge- nious author of " Leonidas,''* on the taking of Porto Bello from the Spaniards by Admi- ral Vernon, Nov. 22, 1739.— The case of Ho- sier, which is here so pathetically represented, was briefly this. In April, 1726, that com- mander was sent with a strong fleet into the Spanish West-Indies, to block up the galleons in the ports of that country, or should they presume to come out, to seize and carry them into England : he accordingly arrived at the Bastimentos near Porto Bello, but being em- ployed rather to overawe than to attack the Spaniards, with whom it was probably not our interest to go to war, he continued long inactive on that station, to his own great re- gret. He afterwards removed to Carthagena, and remained cruising in these seas, till far the greater part of his men perished deplora- bly by the diseases of that unhealthy climate. This brave man, seeing his best officers and men thus daily swept away, his ships exposed to inevitable destruction, and himself made the sport of the enemy, is said to have died of a broken heart. Such is the account of Smollett, compared with that of other less partial writers. The following song is commonly accompa- nied with a Second Part, or Answer, which being of inferior merit, and apparently written by another hand, hath been rejected. As near Porto-Bello lying On the gently swelling flood, At midnight with streamers flying Our triumphant navy rode ; There while Vernon sate all-glorious 5 From the Spaniards' late defeat : And his crews, with shouts victorious, Drank success to England's fleet : On a sudden shrilly sounding, Hideous yells and shrieks were heard ; 10 Then each heart with fear confounding, A sad troop of ghosts appear'd, * An ingenious correspondent informs the Editor, that this Ballad hath been also attributed to the late Lord Bath. 39 All in dreary hammocks shrouded. Which for winding-sheets they wore, And with looks by sorrow clouded 15 Frowning on that hostile shore. On them gleam'd the moon's wan lustre, When the shade of Hosier brave His pale bands was seen to muster Rising from their watery grave. 20 O'er the glimmering wave he hy'd him, Where the Burford* rear'd her sail, With three thousand ghosts beside him. And in groans did Vernon hail. Heed, oh heed our fatal story, 25 I am Hosier's injur'd ghost, You who now have purchas'd glory At this place where I was lost ! Tho' in Porto-Bello's ruin You now triumph free from fears, 30 When you think on our undoing, You will mix your joy with tears. See these mournful spectres sweeping Ghastly o'er this hated wave, Whose wan cheeks are stain'd with weeping ; These were English captains brave. 36 Mark those numbers pale and horrid. Those were once my sailors bold ; Lo, each hangs his drooping forehead. While his dismal tale is told. 40 I, by twenty sail attended, Did the Spanish town affright: Nothing then its wealth defended, But my orders not to fight. Oh ! that in this rolling ocean I had cast them with disdain. And obey'd my heart's warm motion To have quell'd the pride of Spain! 45 For resistance I could fear none. But with twenty ships had done, What thou, brave and happy Vernon, Hast achiev'd with six alone. Then the bastimentos never Had our foul dishonour seen, Nor the sea the sad receiver Of this gallant train had been. * Admiral Vernou's ship. 50 55 304 JEMMY DAWSON. Thus, like thee, proud Spain dismaying, And her galleons leading home, Though condemned for disobeying, I had met a traitor's doom, 60 To have fallen, my country crying, He has play'd an English part, Had been better far than dying Of a griev'd and broken heart. Unrepining at thy glory, 65 Thy successful arms we hail ; But remember our sad story, And let Hosier's wrongs prevail. Sent in this foul clime to languish, Think what thousands fell in vain, 70 Wasted with disease and anguish. Not in glorious battle slain. Hence witli all my train attending From their oozy tombs below. Thro' the hoary foam ascending, 75 Here I fe^d my constant woe : Here the bastimentos viewing, We recal our shameful doom. And our plaintive cries renewing, Wander thro' the midnight gloom. 80 O'er these waves for ever mourning Shall we roam depriv'd of rest, If to Britain's shores returning You neglect my just request ; After this proud foe subduing, 85 AVhen your patriot friends you see, Think on vengeance for my ruin. And for England sham'd in me. XXVI. Initmg giitoS0n. James Dawson was one of the Manchester rebels who was hanged, drawn, and quartered, on Kennington-common, in the county of Sur- rey, July 30, 174G. This ballad is founded on a remarkable fact, which was reported to have happened at his execution. It was written by the late William Shenstone, Esq., Boon after the event, and has been printed amongst his posthumous works, 2 vols. 8vo. It is here given from a MS. which contained some small variations from that printed copy. /'^CoME listen to my mournful tale, / Ye tender hearts, and lovers dear ; Nor will you scorn to heave a sigh. Nor will you blush to shed a tear. And thou, dear Kitty, peerless maid, 5 Do thou a pensive ear incline ; For thou canst weep at every woe, And pity every plaint, but mine. Y'oung Dawson was a gallant youth, A brighter never trod the plain ; 10 And well he lov'd one charming maid, And dearly was he lov'd again. One 'tender maid she lov'd him dear, Of gentle blood the damsel came, And faultless was her beauteous form, 15 And spotless was her virgin fame. But curse on party's hateful strife, That led the faithful youth astray The day the rebel clans appear'd; had he never seen that day ! 20 Their colours and their sash he wore. And in the fatal dress was found ; And now he must that death endure, Which gives the brave the keenest wound. How pale was then his true love's cheek 25 When Jemmy's sentence reach'd her car! For never yet did Alpine snows So pale, nor yet so chill appear. With faltering voice she weeping said, Oh, Dawson, monarch of my heart, 30 Think not thy death shall end our loves, For thou and I will never part. Yet might sweet mercy find a place. And bring relief to Jemmy's woes, George, without a prayer for thee 35 My orisons should never close. The gracious prince that gives him life Would crown a never-dying flame. And every tender babe I bore Should learn to lisp the giver's name. 40 POEMS ON KING ARTHUR. 305 But though, dear youth, thou should'st be dragg'd To yonder ignominious tree, Thou shalt not want a faithful friend To share thy bitter fate with thee. then her mourning-coach was call'd, 45 The sledge mov'd slowly on before ; Tho' borne in a triumphal car, She had not lov'd her favourite more. She followed him, prepared to view The terrible behests of law ; 50 And the last scene of Jemmy's woes With calm and stedfast eye she saw. Distorted was that blooming face, Which she had fondly lov'd so long: And stifled was that tuneful breath, 55 Which in her praise had sweetly sung: And sever'd was that beauteous neck, Round which her arms had fondly clos'd : And mangled was that beauteous breast, On which her love-sick head repos'd : CO And ravish 'd was that constant heart, She did to every heart prefer ; For though it could his king ft)rget, 'Twas true and loyal still to her. Amid those unrelenting flames 65 She bore this constant heart to see ; But Avhen 'twas moulder'd into dust. Now, now, she cried, I'll follow thee. My death, my death alone can show The pure and lasting love I bore: 70 Accept, heaven, of woes like ours, And let us, let us weep no more. The dismal scene was o'er and past, The lover's mournful hearse retir'd ; The maid drew back her languid head, 75 And sighing forth his name expir'd. Tho' justice ever must prevail, The tear my Kitty sheds is due ; For seldom shall she hear a tale So sad, so tender, and so true. 80 THE END OF THE THIRD EOOK. SERIES THE THIRD. BOOK I. An ordinary song or ballad, that is the delight of tho common people, cannot fail to please all such readers as are not unqualified for the entertainment by their affectation or their ignorance; and the reason is plain, because the same paintings of nature which recommend it to the most ordinary reader will appear beautiful to the most refined. Addison, in Spectator, No. 70. |0cms 0n Jiiug Jirtljur, fee. The third series being chiefly devoted to romantic subjects, may not be improperly in- troduced with a few slight strictures on the old metrical romances : a subject the more worthy attention, as it seems not to have been known to such as Iiave written on the nature and origin of books of chivalry, that the first compositions of this kind were in verse, and usually sung to the harp. 306 ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES, &c. I. The first attempts at composition among all barbarous nations are ever found to be poetry and song. The praises of their gods, and the achievements of their heroes, are usually chanted at their festival meetings. These are the first rudiments of history. It is in this manner that the savages of North America preserve the memory of past events ;* and the same method is known to have pre- vailed among our Saxon ancestors, before they quitted their German forests.f The ancient Britons had their bards, and the Gothic nations their scalds or popular poets, J whose business it was to record the victories of their warriors, and the genealogies of their princes, in a kind of narrative songs, which were committed to memory, and delivered down from one reciter to another. So long as poetry continued a distinct profession, and while the bard or scald was a regular and stated officer in the prince's court, these men are thought to have performed the functions of the historian pretty faithfully ; for though their narrations would be apt to receive a good deal of embellishment, they are sup- posed to have had at the bottom so much of truth as to serve for the basis of more regular annals. At least succeeding historians have taken up with the relations of these rude men, and, for want of more authentic records, have agreed to allow them the credit of true his- tory.§ After letters began to prevail, and history assumed a more stable form, by being com- mitted to plain simple prose ; these songs of the scalds or bards began to be more amusing than useful. And in proportion as it became their business chiefly to entertain and delight, they gave more and more into embellishment, and set oif their recitals with such marvellous fictions as were calculated to captivate gross * Yid. Lasiteau Moeurs des Sauvages, t. ii. Dr. Browne's Hist, of the Rise and Progress of Poetry. t Germani celebrant carminibus antiquis (quod unum apud illos memorije et annalium genus est) Tuistonera, &c. Tacit. Germ. c. 2. X Barth. Antiq. Dan. lib. i. cap. 10. — Wormii Literatura Runica, ad finem. g See " Northern Antiquities, or a Description of the Manners, Customs, &e., of the ancient Danes and other northern Nations, translated from the French of M. Mallet," 1770, 2 vol. 8vo. (vol. i. p. 49, &c.) and ignorant minds. Thus began stories of adventurers with giants and dragons, and witches and enchanters, and all the monstrous extravagances of wild imagination, unguided by judgment and uncorrected by art.* This seems to be the true origin of that species of romance which so long celebrated feats of chivalry, and which at first in metre, and afterwards in prose, was the entertainment of our ancestors, in common with their con- temporaries on the Continent, till the satire of Cervantes, or rather the increase of know- ledge and classical literature, drove them ofi" the stage, to make room for a more refined species of fiction, under the name of French romances, copied from the Greek. f That our old romances of chivalry may be derived in a lineal descent from the ancient historical songs of the Gothic bards and scalds, will be shown below, and indeed appears the more evident, as many of those songs are still preserved in the north, which exhibit all the seeds of chivalry before it be- came a solemn institution.! " Chivalry, as a distinct military order, conferred in the way of investiture, and accompanied with the solemnity of an oath, and other ceremonies," was of later date, and sprung out of the feu- dal constitution, as an elegant writer has clearly shown. ^ But the ideas of chivalry prevailed long before in all the Gothic nations, and may be discovered as in embryo in the customs, manners, and opinions of every branch of that people. That fondness of going in quest of adventures, that spirit of challenging to single combat, and that re- spectful complaisance shown to the fair sex (so difi'erent from the manners of the Greeks and Romans), all are of Gothic origin, and may be traced up to the earliest times among all the northern nations. (| These existed long before the feudal ages, though they were called forth and strengthened in a pecu- liar manner under that constitution, and at length arrived to their full maturity in the times of the Crusades, so replete with roman- tic adventures.^ * Vid. infra, pp. 4, 5, &c. f Viz. Astraea, Cassandra. Clelia, &c. f Mallet, vid. Northern Antiquities, vol. i. p. 318, Ac, vol. ii. p. 234, &c. § Letters concerning Chivalry, 8vo. 1763. II Mallet. If The seeds of chivalry sprung up so naturally out of the original manners and opinions of the northern nations, I ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. 307 Even the common arbitrary fictions of ro- mance were (as is hinted above) most of them familiar to the ancient scalds of the north, long before the time of the crusades. They believed the existence of giants and dwarfs ;* they entertained opinions not unlike the more modern notion of fairies ;t they were strongly possessed with the belief of spells and en- chantment ;t and were fond of inventing combats with dragons and monsters. | The opinion therefore seems very untenable, which some learned and ingenious men have entertained, that the turn for chivalry, and the taste for that species of romantic fiction, were caught by the Spaniards from the Ara- bians OK Moors after their invasion of Spain, and from the Spaniards transmitted to the bards of Armorica,]] and thus difi'used through that it is not credible they arose so late as after the esta- blishment of the feudal system, much less the crusades. Nor again, that the romances of chivalry were transmitted to other nations, through the Spaniards, from the Moors and Arabians. Had this been the case, the first French Romances of chivalry would have been on Moorish or at least Spanish subjects : whereas the most ancient stories of this kind, whether in prose or ver.=e, whether in Italian, French, English, &c., are chiefly on the subjects of Charle- magne, and the Paladins; or of our British Arthur, and his knights of tbe Round Table, &c., being evidently bor- rowed from the fabulous Chronicles of the supposed Arch- bishop Turpin, and of JefFery of Monmouth. Not but some of the oldest and most popular French romances are also on Norman subjects, as Richard Sans-peur, Robert Le Dlahle, &c.; whereas I do not recollect so much as one in which the scene is laid in Spain, much less among the Moors, or descriptive of Mahometan manners. Even in Amadis de Gaul, said to have been the first romance printed in Spain, the scene is laid in Gaul and Britain; and the manners are French : which plainly shows from what school this species of fabling was learnt and transmitted to the southern nations of Europe. * Mallet, North. Antiquities, vol. i. p. 36 ; vol. ii. passim t Olaus Verel. ad ITervarer Saga, pp. 44, 45. Ilickes's The.saur. vol. ii. p. 311. Northern Antiquities, vol. ii. passim. X Ibid. vol. i. pp. 69, 374, &c., vol. ii. p. 216, &c. § Rollof 's Saga, cap. 35, &c. il It is peculiarly unfortunate that such as maintain this opinion are obliged to take their first step from the Moorish provinces in Spain, without one intermediate resting-place, to Armorica or Bretagne, the province in France from them most remote, not more in situation than in the manners, habits, and language of its Welsh inhabitants, which are allowed to have been derived from this i>land, as must have been their traditions, songs, and fables; being doubtless all of Celtic original. See p. 3. of the " Dissertation on the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe," prefixed to Mr. Thos. Warton's History of English Poetry, vol. i. 1774, 4to. If any pen could have supported this darling hypothesis of Dr. Warburton. that of this ingenious critic would have effected it. But under the general term Oriental he seems to consider tbe ancient inhabitants of the north and south of Asia as having all the same manners, traditions, and fables; and because the secluded people of Arabia took the lead under the religion and empire of Mahomet, therefore ! Britain, France, Italy, Germany, and the north. For it seems utterly incredible that one rude people should adopt a peculiar taste and manner of writing or thinking from an- other, without borrowing at the same time any of their particular stories and fables, without appearing to know anything of their heroes, history, laws, and religion. When the Romans began to adopt and imitate the Grecian literature, they immediately natu- ralized all the Grecian fables, histories, and religious stories ; which became as familiar to the poets of Rome as of Greece itself. Whereas all the old writers of chivalry, and of that species of romance, whether in prose or verse, whether of the northern nations, or of Britain, France, and Italy, not excepting Spain itself,* appear utterly unacquainted everything must be derived from them to the northern Asiatics in the remotest ages, &c. With as much reason under the word Occidental, we might represent the early traditions and fables of the north and south of Europe to have been the same ; and that the Gothic mythology of Scandinavia or the Druidic or Celtic of Gaul and Britain, differed not from the classic of Greece and Rome. There is not room here for a full examination of the minuter arguments, or rather slight coincidences, by which our agreeable dissertator endeavours to maintain and defend this favourite opinion of Dr. W., who has been himself so completely confuted by Mr. Tyrwhitt. (See his notes on "Love's Labour Lost," &c.) But some of his positions it will be sufficient to mention : such as the referring the Gog and ]Magog, which our old Christian bards might have had from Scripture, to the Jaguiouge and Nagiouge of the Arabians and Persians. &c.. (p. 1 3.) — That " we may venture to aflRrm, that this [Geoffrey of Monmouth's] Chronicle, supposed to contain the ideas of the Welsh bards, entirely consists of Arabian inventions." (p. 13.) — And that, ''as Geoffrey's History is the grand repository of the acts of Arthur, so a fabulous history, ascribed to Turpin, is the ground-work of all the chimerical legends which have been related concerning the conquests of Charlemagne and his twelve peers. Its subject is the expulsion of the Saracens from Spain; and it is filled with fictions evidently con. genial to those which characterize Geoffrey's History." (p. 17.) — That is, as he afterwards expresses it, "lavishly deco- rated by the Arabian fablers." (p. 58.) — We should hardly have expected that the Arabian fablers would have been lavish in decorating a history of their enemy; but what is singular, as an instance and proof of this Arabian origin of the fictions of Turpin, a passage is quoted from his fourth chapter, which I shall beg leave to offer, as affording decisive evidence that they coiild not possibly be derived from a Mahometan source. Sc. "The Christians under Charle- magne are said to have found in Spain, a golden idol, or image of Mahomet, as high as a bird can fly. — It was framed by Mahomet himself of the purest metal, who, by his knowledge in necromancy, had sealed up within it a legion of diabolical spirits. It held in its hand a prodigious club ; and the Saracens had a prophetic tradition, that this club should fiill from the hand of the image in that year when a certain king should be born in France," &c. Vid. p. 18, Note. * The little narrative songs on Morisco subjects, which the Spaniards have at present in great abundance, and 308 ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. with whatever relates to the Mahometan nations. Thus with regard to their religion, they constantly represent them as worshipping idols, as paying adoration to a golden image of Mahomet, or else they confound them with the ancient Pagans, &c. And indeed, in all other respects they are so grossly ignorant of the customs, manners, and opinions of every branch of that people, especially of their heroes, champions, and local stories, as almost amounts to a demonstration that they did not imitate them in their songs or ro- mances : for as to dragons, serpents, necro- mancies, &c., why should these be thought only derived from the Moors in Spain so late as after the eighth century ? since notions of this kind appear too familiar to the northern scalds, and enter too deeply into all the northern mythology, to have been transmitted to the unlettered Scandinavians, from so dis- tant a country, at so late a period. If they may not be allowed to have brought these opinions with them in their original migra- tions from the north of Asia, they will be far more likely to have borrowed them from the Latin poets after the Roman conquests in Gaul, Britain, Germany, &c. For I believe one may challenge the maintainers of this opinion to produce any Arabian poem or history, that could possibly have been then known in Spain, which resembles the old Gothic romances of chivalry half so much as the Metamorphoses of Ovid. But we well know that the Scythian nations situate in the countries about Pontus, Colchis, and the Euxine Sea, were in all times infa- mous for their magic arts ; and as Odin and his followers are said to have come precisely from those parts of Asia, we can readily ac- count for the prevalence of fictions of this sort among the Gothic nations of the north, without fetching them from the Moors in Spain, who for many centuries after their irruption lived in a state of such constant hostility with the unsubdued Spanish Chris- ■which they will peculiarly romances (see Series I. Book iii. No. 16, &c.), have nothing in common with their proper romances (or histories) of chivalry; which they call Histo- rias de Cavalkrias : these are evidently imitations of the French, and show a great ignorance of Moorish manners : and with regard to the Morisco, or song-romances, they do not seem of very great antiquity : few of them appear, from their subjects, much earlier than the reduction of Granada, in the fifteenth century : from which period, I believe, may be plainly traced, among the Spanish writers, a more perfect knowledge of Moorish customs, &c. tians, whom they chiefly pent up in the moun- tains, as gave them no chance of learning their music, poetry, or stories ; and this, to- gether with the religious hatred of the latter for their cruel invaders, will account for the utter ignorance of the old Spanish romancers in whatever relates to the Mahometan nations, although so nearly their own neighbours. On the other hand, from the local customs and situations, from the known manners and opinions of the Gothic nations in the North, we can easily account for all the ideas of chivalry, and its peculiar fictions.* For, not to mention their distinguished respect for the fair sex, so different from the manners of the Mahometan nations,! their national and domestic history so naturally assumes all the wonders of this species of fiibling, that almost all their historical narratives appear regular romances. One might refer, in proof of this, to the old northern Sagas in general: but, to give a particular instance, it will be sufficient to produce the history of King Regner Lodbrog, a celebrated warrior and pirate, who reigned in Denmark about the year 800. J This hero signalized his youth by an exploit of gallantry. A Swedish prince had a beautiful daughter, whom he intrusted (probably during some expedition) to the care of one of his officers, assigning a strong castle for their defence. The officer fell in love with his ward, and detained her in his castle, spite of all the efforts of her father. Upon this he published a proclama- tion, through all the neighbouring countries, that whoever would conquer the ravisher, and rescue the lady, should have her in marriage. Of all that undertook the adventure, Regner alone was so happy as to achieve it ; he deli- vered the fiiir captive, and obtained her for his prize. It happened that the name of this discourteous officer was Orme, which, in the Islandic language, signifies serpent: where- fore the Scalds, to give the more poetical turn to the adventure, represent the lady as de- tained from her father by a dreadful dragon, and that Regner slew the monster to set her at liberty. This fabulous account of the exploit is given in a poem still extant, which is even ascribed to Regner himself, who was * See Northern Antiquities, passim, t Ibid. t Saxon Gram. p. 152, 153.— Mallet, North. Antiq. vol. i. p. 321. ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. 309 a celebrated poet, and which records all the valiant achievements of his life.* With marvellous embellishments of this kind, the scalds early began to decorate their narratives: and they vi-ere the more lavish of these in proportion as they departed from their original institution ; but it Avas a long- time before they thought of delivering a set of personages and adventures wholly feigned. Of the great multitude of romantic tales still preserved in the libraries of the north, most of them are supposed to have had some foundation in truth ; and the more ancient they are, the more they are believed to be connected with true history .f It was not probably till after the historian and the bard had been long disunited, that the latter ventured at pure fiction. At length, when their business was no longer to instruct or inform, but merely to amuse, it was no longer needful for them to adhere to truth. Then succeeded fabulous songs and romances in verse, which for a long time prevailed in France and England, before they had books of chivalry in prose. Yet, in both these countries, the minstrels still retained so much of their original institution as frequently to make true events the subject of their songs ;J and, indeed, as during the barbarous ages, the regular histories were almost all written in Latin by the monks, the memory of events was preserved and propagated among the ignorant laity, by scarce any other means than the popular songs of the minstrels. II. The inhabitants of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, being the latest converts to Christianity, retained their original manners and opinions longer than the other nations of Gothic race: and, therefore, they have preserved more of the genuine compositions of their ancient poets than their southern neighbours. Hence the progress among them, from poetical history to poetical fiction, is very discernible: they have some old pieces, that are in effect complete romances of chivalry.^ They have also (as hath been * See a Translation of this poem among "Five Pieces of Runif Poetry," printed for Dodsley. 1764, 8vo. t Vid. Blallet, Northern Antiquities, passim. I The Editor's MS. contains a multitude of poems of this latter kind. It was probably from this custom of the min- strels that some of our first historians wrote their chronicles in verse, as Robert of Gloucester, Harding, &c. g See a specimen in 2d vol. of Northern Antiquities, &c., p. 248, &c. observed) a multitude of sagas,* or histories on romantic subjects, containing a mixture of prose and verse of various dates, some of them written since the times of the crusades, others long before ; but their narratives in verse only are esteemed the more ancient. Now, as the irruption of the Normansf into France under Rollo did not take place till towards the beginning of the tenth cen- tury, at which time the Scaldic art was arrived to the highest perfection in Rollo's native country, we can easily trace the de- scent of the French and English romances of chivalry from the northern sagas. That conqueror doubtless carried many scalds with him from the north, who transmitted their skill to their children and successors. These, adopting the religion, opinions, and language of the new country, substituted the heroes of Christendom instead of those of their pagan ancestors, and began to celebrate the feats of Charlemagne, Roland, and Oliver ; whose true history they set off and embel- lished with the scaldic figments of dwarfs, giants, dragons, and enchantments. The first mention we have in song of those heroes of chivalry, is in the mouth of a Norman warrior at the conquest of England ;t and this circumstance alone would sufficiently account for the propagation of this kind of romantic poems among the French and Eng lish. But this is not all ; it is very certain that both the Anglo-Saxons and the Franks had brought with them, at their first emigrations into Britain and Gaul, the same fondness for the ancient songs of their ancestors, which prevailed among the other Gothic tribes,^ and that all their first annals were transmitted in these popular oral poems. This fondness they even retained long after their conver- sion to Christianity, as we learn from the ex- amples of Charlemagne and Alfred. || Now * Eccardi Hist. Stud. Etym. 1711, p. 179, &c. Hickes's Thesaur. vol. ii. p. 314. f i. e. Northern Men; being chiefly emigrants from Norway, Denmark^ &c. J See the account of Taillefer in Essay and Note. g Ipsa carmina memorias mandabant, et praelia inituri decantabant : qua memoria tam fortium gestorum a majori- bus patratorum ad imitationem animus adderetur. Jor- navde.s de GotJiis. II Eginhartus de Carolo magno. " Item barbara, et anti- quissima carmina, quibus veterum regum actus et bella canebantur. scrip?it," c. 29. Asserias de iElfredo magno. "Rex inter bella, &c. . . . 310 ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. poetry, being thus the transmitter of facts, would as easily learn to blend them -with fic- tions in France and England, as she is known to have done in the north, and that much sooner, for the reasons before assigned.* This together with the example and influence of the Normans, will easily account to us why the first romances of chivalry that appeared both in England and Francef were composed in metre as a rude kind of epic songs. In both kingdoms, tales in verse were usually sung by minstrels to the harp on festival oc- casions: and doubtless, both nations derived their relish for this sort of entertainment from their Teutonic ancestors, without either of them borrowing it from the other. Among both people, narrative songs, on true or ficti- tious subjects, had evidently obtained from the earliest times. But the professed roman- ces of chivalry seem to have been first com- posed in France, where also they had their name. The Latin tongue, as is observed by an in- genious writer,:]; ceased to be spoken in France about the ninth century, and was suc- ceeded by what was called the romance tongue, a mixture of the language of tlie Franks and bad Latin. As the songs of chi- valry became the most popular compositions in that language, they were emphatically called Romans or Romants ; though this name was at first given to any piece of poetry. The romances of chivalry can be traced as eai'ly as the eleventh century. | I know not if the Boman de Brut, written in 1155, was such : But if it was, it was by no means the first poem of the kind ; others more ancient are still extant, || And we have Saxonicos litres recitnre, et maxime c;irmina Faxonioa memoriter discere, aliis imperare, et solus assidue pi'O viribus, studiosissime non desinebat." Ed. 1722, 8vo. p. 43. * See above, pp. 307-9, &c. j- The romances on the subject of Perceval, San Graal, Lancelot du Lac, Tristan, &c., were among the first that appeared in the French language in prose, yet these were originally composed in metre : The Editor has in his pos- session a very old French MS. in verse, containing Vandtn Roman de Perceval; and metrical copies of the others may be found in the libraries of the curious. See a note of Wanley's in Ilarl. Catalog. No. 2252, p. 49, &c. Nicolson's Eng. Hist. Library, 3d Ed. p. 91, &c.— See also a curious collection of old French romances, with Mr. Wanley's account cf this sort of pieces, in Harl. MSS. Catal. 978, 106. % The Author of the Essay on the Genius of Pope, p. 282. g Ibid. p. 283. Hist. Lit. torn. vi. vii. 11 Voi Preface aux "Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes Fran- cois des xii., xiii., xiv., et xv. siecles, &c. Paris, 1756, 3 torn. 12mo.," (a very curious work). already seen, that, in the preceding century, Avhen the Normans marched down to the bat- tle of Hastings, they animated themselves, by singing (in some popular romance or bal- lad) the exploits of Roland and the other he- roes of chivalry.* So early as this I cannot trace the songs of chivalry in English. The most ancient I have seen is that of Hornechild, described below, which seems not older than the 12th century. However, as this rather resembles the Saxon poetry than the French, it is not certain that the first English romances were translated from that language.! We have seen above, that a propensity to this kind of fiction prevailed among all the Gothic na- tions ;% and though, after the Norman con- quest, this country abounded with French ro- mances, or with translations from the French, there is good reason to believe that the Eng- lish had original pieces of their own. The stories of King Arthur and his Round- Table may be reasonably supposed of the growth of this Island ; both the French and the Arraoricans probably had them from Bri- tain. | The stories of Guy and Bevis, with some others, were probably the invention of English On the other hand, * See the account of Taillefer in P-ssay, and Note. And see Kapin, Carte, &c. — This song of Roland (whatever it was) continued for some centuries to be usually sung by the French in their marches, if we may believe a modern French writer. " Un jour qu'on chantoit la Chanson de Poland, comme c'etoit I'usage dans les marches. II y along temps, dit il [John K. of France, wlio died in 1634], qu'on ne voit plus de Polands parmi les Francois. On y verroit encore des Rolands, lui repondit un vieux Capitaine, s'ils avoient un Charlemagne h, leur tcte." Vid. tom. iii. p. 202, des Essaies Hist, sur Paris de M. de Saintefoix. who gives, as his authority, Boetlnvs in Hist. Scotorum. This author, however, speaks of the complaint and repartee as made in an assembly of the states (rocatn senatu), and not upon any march, &c. Yid. Boeth. lib. xv., fol. 327. Ed. Paris, 1574. t See, on this subject. Notes ou the Essay on the Ancient Minstrels (s. 2), and (G G). X The first romances of chivalry among the Germans were in metre: they have some very ancient narrative songs (which they call Lieder), not only on the fabulous heroes of tlieir own country, but abo on those of France and Britain, as Tristram, Arthur, Gawain, and the Knights von der Tafdrovde. Vid. Goldasti Not. in Eginhart. Vid. Car. Mag. 4to., 1711, p. 207. ^ The Welsh have still some very old romances about King Arthur: but as these are in prose, they are not pro- bably their first pieces that vere composed on that subject. II It is most credible that these stories were originally of Englif^h invention, even if the only pieces now extant should be found to be translations from the French. What now pass for the French originals were probably only amplifica- tions, or enlargements of the old English story. That the ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. 311 the English procured translations of such ro- mances as "were most current in France: and in the list given at the conclusion of these remarks, many are doubtless of French ori- ginal. The first prose books of chivalry that ap- peared in our language were those printed by Caxton ;* at least, these are the first I have been able to discover, and these are all trans- lations from the French. Whereas romances of this kind had been long current in metre, and were so generally admired in the time of Chaucer, that his rhyme of Sir Thopas was evidently written to ridicule and bur- lesque them.f He expressly mentions several of them by name in a stanza, which I shall have occa- sion to quote more than once in this volume. Men speken of romaunces of pris Of Horn-Child, and of Ipotis Of Bevis, and Sire Guy Of Sire Libeux, and Pleindamour, But Sire Thopas, he bereth the flour Of real chevalrie.J Most, if not all of these, are still extant in MS. in some or other of our libraries, as I shall show in the conclusion of this slight essay, where I shall give a list of such metri- cal histories and romances as have fiiUen under my observation. As many of these contain a considerable portion of poetic merit, and throw great light on the manners and opinions of former times, it were to be wished that some of the best of them were rescued from oblivion. A judi- cious collection of them accurately published, with proper illustrations, would be an impor- French romancers borrowed some things from the English, appears from the word Termagant, which they tooli np from our minstrels, and corrupted into Tervagaunte. See p. 19, and Gloss. "Termagaunt." * Recuyel of the Hystoryes of Troy, 1471. Godfrye of Bolnyne, 1481. Le Morte de Arthur, 1485. The Life of Charlemagne, 148.5, &c. As the old minstrelsy wore out. prose books of chivalry became more admired, especially after the Spanish romances begao to be translated into English, towards the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign: then the most popular metrical romances began to be reduced into prose, as Sir Guy Bevis, &c. •j See extract from a letter, written by the Editor of these volumes, in Mr. Warton's Ob<('ryations, vol. ii. p. 139. I Canterbury Tales (Tyrwhitt's Edit.) vol. ii. p. 238. Tn all the former ediiions, which I have seen, the name at the end of the 4th line is Bkmdamoure. 40 tant accession to our stock of ancient English literature. Many of them exhibit no mean at- tempts at epic poetry : and though full of the exploded fictions of chivalry, frequently dis- play great descriptive and inventive powers in the bards who composed them. They are at least generally equal to any other poetry of the same age. They cannot indeed be put in competition with the nervous productions of so universal and commanding a genius as Chaucer; but they have a simplicity that makes them be read with less interruption, and be more easily understood; and they are far more spirited and entertaining than the tedious allegories of G )Aver, or the dull and prolix legends of Lydgate. Yet, while so much stress was laid upon the writings of these last, by such as treat of English poetry, the old metrical romances, though far more popular in their times, were hardly known to exist. But it has happened, unluckily, that the antiquaries, who have revived the works of our ancient writers, have been, for the most part, men void of taste and genius, and therefore have always fastidiously rejected the old poetical romances, because founded on fictitious or popular subjects, while they have been careful to grub up every petty fragment of the most dull and insipid rhy- mist, whose merit it was to deform morality or obscure true history. Should thepublic encou- rage the revival of some of those ancient epic songsof chivalry, they would frequently see the rich ore of an Ariosto or a Tasso, though buried it may be among the rubbish and dross of barbarous times. Such a publication would answer many important uses : It would throw new light on the rise and progress of English poetry, the history of which can be but imperfectly understood if these are neglected : It would also serve to illustrate innumerable passages in our ancient classic poets, which, without their help, must be for ever obscure. For, not to mention Chaucer and Spenser, who abound with perpetual allusions to them, I shall give an instance or two from Shak- spcare, liy Avay of specimen of their use. In his play of King John our great drama- tic poet alludes to ;in exploit of Richard I., which the reader will in vain look for in any true history. Faulcunbridgo says to his mo- ther, act i. sc. 1: 312 ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. "Needs must you lay your heart at his dis- pose ... Against ^A^hose fiirie and unmatched force, The awlesse lion could not wage the fight, Nor keepe his princely heart from Richard's hand : He that perforce robs lions of their hearts May easily winne a woman's :" — — The fact here referred to, is to be traced to its source only in the old romance of Richard Coeur de Lyon,* in which his encounter with a lion makes a very shining figure. I shall give a large extract from this poem, as a spe- cimen of the manner of these old rhapsodists, and to show that they did not in their fictions neglect the proper means to produce the ends, as was afterwards so childlishly done in the prose books of chivalry. The poet tells us, that Richard, in his re- turn from the Holy Land, having been disco- vered in the habit of " a palmer in Almaye," and apprehended as a spy, was by the king tlirown into prison. Wardrewe, the king's son, hearing of Richard's great strength, de- sires the jailor to let him have a sight of his prisoners. Richard being the foremost, War- drewe asks him, " if he dare stand a buffet from his hand?" and that on the morrow he shall return him another. Richard consents, and receives a blow that staggers him. On the morrow, having previously waxed his hands, he waits his antagonist's arrival. Wardrewe accordingly, proceeds the story, " held forth as a trewe man," and Richard gave him such a blow on the cheek, as broke his jaw-bone, and killed him on the spot. The king, to revenge the death of his son, orders, by the advice of one Eldrede, that a lion, kept purposely from food, shall be turned loose upon Richard. But the king's daugh- ter, having fallen in love with him, tells him of her father's resolution, and at his request, procures him forty ells of white silk " ker- chers ;" and here the description of the com- bat begins: The kever-chefesf he toke on honde. And aboute his arme he wonde ; * Dr. Grey has shown that the same story is alluded to in Rastell's Chronicle: As it was doubtless originally had from the romance, this is proof that the old Metrical Pi-omances throw light on our first writers in prose: many of our ancient historians have recorded the fictions of romance. t i. e. Handkerchiefs. Here we have the etymology of the word, viz., " Couvre le Chef." And thought in that ylke while, To slee the lyon with some gyle. And syngle in a kyrtyll he stode, And abode the lyon fyers and wode, AVith that came the jaylere, And other men that wyth him were, And the lyon them amonge ; His paws were stifife and stronge The chambre dore they undone, And the lyon to them is gone. Rycharde sayd, Helpe, Lorde Jesu ! The lyon made to hym venu, And wolde hym have all to rente ; Kynge Rycharde besyde him glente* The lyon on the breste him spurned, That aboute he tourned. The lyon was hongry and megre, And bette his tayle to be egre ; He loked aboute as he were madde ; Abrode he all his pawes spradde. He cryde lowde, and yanedf wyde. Kynge Rycharde bethought hym that tyde What hym was beste, and to hym sterte. In at the throte his honde he gerte. And rente out the herte with his honde, Lounge and all that he there fonde. The lyon fell deed to the grounde : Rycharde felte no wem,J ne wounde. He fell on his knees on that place. And thanked Jesu of his grace. What follows is not so well, and therefore I shall extract no more of this poem. — For the above feat the author tells us, the king was deservedly called Stronge Rycharde Cure de Lyowne. That distich which Shakespeare puts in the mouth of his madman in King Lear, act 3, sc. 4, IMice and rats and such small deere Have been Tom's food for seven long yeare, has excited the attention of the critics. In- stead of deere, one of them would substitute geer; and another cheer. ^ But the ancient reading is established by the old romance of * i. e. slipt aside. f i. e. yawned. X i. e. hurt. 2 Dr. Warburton.— Dr. Grey. ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROxMANCES. 313 Sir Bevis, which Shakspeare had doubtless often heard sung to the harp. This distich is part of a description there given of the hardships suffered by Bevis, when confined for seven years in a dungeon : Rattes and myse and such small dere Was his meate that seven yere. Sign. F iii. III. In different parts of this ^York, the reader will find various extracts from these old poetical legends ; to which I refer him for farther examples of their style and metre. To complete this subject, it Avill be proper at least to give one specimen of their skill in distributing and conducting their fable, by which it will be seen that nature and common sense had supplied to these old simple bards the want of critical art, and taught them some of the most essential rules of epic poetry. I shall select the romance of Libius Disconius,* as being one of those mentioned by Chaucer, and either shorter or more intel- ligible than the others he has quoted. If an epic poem maybe defined,! "A fable related by a poet, to excite admiration, and inspire virtue, by representing the action of some one hero, favoured by heaven, who exe- cutes a great design, in spite of all the obsta- cles that oppose him :" I know not why we should withhold the name of epic poem from the piece which I am about to analyze. My copy is divided into nine parts or can- tos, the several arguments of which are as follows. PART I. Opens with a short exordium to bespeak attention : the hero is described ; a natural son of SirGawain a celebrated knight of King Arthur's court, who being broiight up in a forest by his mother, is kept ignorant of his name and descent. He early exhibits marks of his courage, by killing a knight in single combat, who encountered him as he was hunting. This inspires him with a desire of seeking adventures : therefore clothing him- self in his enemy's armour, he goes to King Arthur's court, to request the order of knight- * So it is intituled in the Editor's MS. But the true title is Ze baux discnnus, or the Fair Unknown. See a note on the Canterbury Tales, vol. iv. p. 333. t Vid. " Discours sur la Poesie Epique," prefixed to Telemaque. hood. His request granted, he obtains a promise of having the first adventure as- signed him that shall offer. — A damsel named Ellen, attended by a dwarf, comes to implore King Arthur's assistance, to rescue a young- princess, "■ the Lady of Sinadone," their mis- tress, who is detained from her rights, and confined in prison. The adventure is claimed by the young knight Sir Lybius : the king assents ; the messengers are dissatisfied, and object to his youth ; but are forced to acqui- esce. And here the first boftk closes with a description of the ceremony of equipping him forth. PART II. Sir Lybius sets out on the adventure : he is derided by the dwarf and the damsel on account of his youth : they come to the bridge of Perill, which none can pass without en- countering a knight called William de la Braunch. Sir Lybius is challenged : they just with their spears: De la Braunch is dismounted : the battle is renewed on foot : Sir William's sword breaks : he yields. Sir Lybius makes him swear to go and present himself to King Arthur, as the first fruits of his valour. The conquered knight sets out for King Arthur's court: he is met by three knights, his kinsmen ; who, informed of his disgrace, vow revenge, and pursue the con- queror. The next day they overtake him: the eldest of the three attacks Sir Lybius ; but is overthrown to the ground. The two other brothers assault him : Sir Lybius is wounded ; yet cuts off the second brother's arm : the third yields ; Sir Lybius sends them all to King Arthur. In the third even- ing he is awakened by the dwarf, who has discovered a fire in the wood. PART III. Sir Lybius arms himself, and leaps on horseback: he finds two Giants roasting a wild boar, who have a fair lady their captive. Sir Lybius, by favour of the night, runs one of them through with his spear: is assaulted by the other: a fierce battle ensues: he cuts off the giant's arm, and at length his head. The rescued lady (an earl's daughter) tells him her story ; and leads him to her father's castle; who entertains him with a great feast ; and presents him at parting with a suit of armour and a steed. He sends the giant's head to King Arthur. 314 ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. Sir Lybius. maid Ellen, and the dwarf, renew their journey : they see a castle stuck round with human heads ; and are informed it belongs to a knight called Sir Gefi'eron, who, in honour of his leman or mistress, chal- lenges all comers: he that can produce a fairer lady, is to be rewarded with a milk-white faulcon, but if overcome, to lose his head. Sir Lybius spends the night in the adjoining town: in the morning goes to challenge the faulcon. The ktoights exchange their gloves : they agree to just in the market-place : the lady and maid Ellen are placed aloft in chairs ; their dresses : the superior beauty of Sir Gefferon's mistress described : the cere- monies previous to the combat. They engage : the combat described at large: Sir Gefferon is incurably hurt ; and carried home on his shield. Sir Lybius sends the faulcon to King Arthur ; and receives back a large present in florins. He stays forty days to be cured of his wounds, which he spends in feasting with the neighbouring lords. Sir Lybius proceeds for Sinadone: in a forest he meets a knight hunting, called Sir Otes de Lisle: maid Ellen charmed with a very beautiful dog, begs Sir Lybius to bestow him upon her ; Sir Otis meets them, and claims his dog : is refused : being unarmed he rides to his castle, and summons his fol- lowers : they go in quest of Sir Lybius : a battle ensues : he is still victorious, and forces Sir Otes to follow the other conquered knights to King Arthur. Sir Lybius comes to a fair city and castle by a river-side, beset round with pavilions or tents: he is informed, in the castle is a beau- tiful lady besieged by a giant named Maugys, who keeps the bridge, and will let none pass without doing him homage : this Lybius re- fuses : a battle ensues : the giant described: the several incidents of the battle ; which lasts a whole summer's day: the giant is wounded; put to flight; slain The citizens come out in procession to meet their deli- verer: the lady invites him into her castle; falls in love with him : and seduces him to her embraces. He forgets the princess of Sinadone, and stays with this bewitching lady a twelvemonth. This fair sorceress, like another Alcina, intoxicates him with all kinds of sensual pleasure ; ?end detains him from the pursuit of honour. Maid Ellen by chance gets an opportunity of speaking to him ; and upbraids him with his vice and folly : he is filled with remorse, and escapes the same evening. At length he arrives at the city and castle of Sinadone: is given to understand that he must challenge the constable of the castle to single combat, before he can be received as a guest. They just : the constable is worsted : Sir Lybius is feasted in the castle : he declares his inten- tion of delivering their lady ; and inquires the particulars of her history. " Two Necro- mancers have built a fine palace by sorcery, and there keep her enchanted, till she will surrender her duchy to them, and yield to such base conditions as they would impose." PART VIII. Early on the morrow Sir Lybius sets out for the enchanted palace. He alights in the court: enters the hall : the wonders of which are described in strong Gothic painting. He sits down at the high table : on a sudden all the lights are quenched: it thunders, and lightens ; the palace shakes ; the walls fall in pieces about his ears. He is dismayed and confounded : but presently hears horses neigh, and is challenged to single combat by the sorcerers. He gets to his steed : a battle ensues, with various turns of fortune : he loses his weapon ; but gets a sword from one of the necromancers, and wounds the other with it: the edge of the sword being secretly poisoned, the wound proves mortal. He goes up to the surviving sorcerer, who is carried away from him by enchantment: at length he finds him, and cuts off his head : he returns to the palace to deliver the lady; but cannot find her: as he is lamenting, a window opens, through which enters a horri- ble serpent with wings and a woman's face : it coils round his neck, and kisses him ; then is suddenly converted into a very beautiful lady. She tells him she is the lady of Sina- ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. 315 done, and was so enchanted, till she might kiss Sir Gawain, or some one of his blood : that he has dissolved the charm, and that herself and her dominions may be his reward. The knight {whose descent is by this means dis- covered) joyfully accepts the offer; makes her his bride, and then sets out with her for King Arthur's court. Such is the fable of this ancient piece: which the reader may observe, is as regular in its conduct, as any of the finest poems of classical antiquity. If the execution, particu- larly as to the diction and sentiments, were but equal to the plan, it would be a capital performance ; but this is such as might be expected in rude and ignorant times, and in a barbarous unpolished language. IV. I shall conclude this prolix account with a list of such old metrical romances as are still extant ; beginning with those men- tioned by Chaucer. 1. The romance of " Home Childe" is pre- served in the British Museum, where it is entitled ]>e ^este of King Home. See Cata- log. Harl. MSS. 2253, p. 70. The language is almost Saxon, yet from the mention in it of Sarazens, it appears to have been written after some of the Crusades. It begins thus : All heo ben blyfe )?at to my son^ ylype : A son 5 ychulla ou sinj Of AUof fe jode kyuje,* &c. Another copy of this poem, but greatly altered, and someAvhat modernized, is pre- served in the Advocates' Library at Edin- burgh, in a MS. quarto volume of old Eng- lish poetry [W. 4, 1], No. xxxiv., in seven leaves or folios,! entitled Horndiild and Maiden Einivel, and beginning thus : Mi leve frende dere, Herkeu and ye may here. 2. The Poem of Ipofis (or Ypotis) is pre- served in the Cotton Library, Calig. A. 2, fo. * i. e. May all they be blitho, that to my song listen : A song I shall you sing, of Allof the good king, &c. t In each full page of this vol. are forty-four lines, ■when the poem is in long metre: and eighty-eight when the metre is short, and the page in two columns. 77, but is rather a religious legend, than a romance. Its beginning is, He ]?at wyll of wysdome here Herkeneth now ze may here Of a tale of holy wryte Seynt Jon the Evangelyste wytnesseth hyt. 3. The Romance of Sir Guy was written before that of Bevis, being quoted in it.* An account of this old poem is given in Series I., Book ii.. No. I. To which it may be added, that two complete copies in MS. are preserved at Cambridge, the one in the public Library,! the other in that of Caius College, Class A 8. In Ames's Typog. p. 153, may be seen the first lines of the printed copy. — The first MS. begins, Sythe the tyme that God was borne. 4. Guy and Colhronde, an old romance in three parts, is preserved in the Editor's folio MS. (p. 349). It is in stanzas of six lines, the first of which may be seen in vol. ii. p. 191, beginning thus : When meate and drinke is great plentye. In the Edinburgh MS. (mentioned above) are two ancient poems on the subject of Guy of Warwick: viz. No. xviii. containing twen- ty-six leaves, and xx. fifty-nine leaves. Both these have unfortunately the beginnings wanting, otherwise they would perhaps be found to be different copies of one or both the preceding articles. 5. From the same MS. I can add another article to this list, viz. The Romance of Rem- brun son of Sir Guy ; being No. xxi. in nine leaves : this is properly a continuation of the History of Guy: and in art. 3, the Hist, of Rembrun follows that of Guy as a necessary part of it. This Edinburgh Romance of Rembrun begins thus : Jesu that erst of mighte most Fader and Sone and Holy Ghost. * Sign. K. 2, b. t For this and most of the following, which are mentioned as preserved in the public Library, I refer the reader to the Oxon Catalogue of MSS., 1697, vol. ii. p. 394; in Appendix to Bishop Moore's MSS. No. 690, 33, since given to the University of Cambridge. olG ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. Before I quit the subject of Sir Gujj, I must observe, that if we may believe Dugdale in his Baronage (vol. i. p. 243, col. 2,) the fame of our English Champion had in the time of Henry IV. travelled as far as the East, and was no less popular among the Sarazens, than here in the West among the nations of Chris- tendom. In that reign a Lord Beauchamp travelling to Jerusalem, was kindly received by a noble person, the Soldan's lieutenant, who hearing he was descended from the fa- mous Guy of Warwick, *' w^iose story they had in books of their own language," invited him to his palace ; and royally feasting him, presented him with three precious stones of great value ; besides divers cloaths of silk and gold given to his servants. G. The Romance of Si/r Bevis is described in Series I. Book iii. No. 1. Two manuscript copies of this poem are extant at Cambridge ; viz. in the public library,* and in that of Caius Coll. Class A. (5).— The first of these begins, Lordyngs lystenyth grete and smale. There is also a copy of this Romance of Sir Bevis of Hamptoun, in the Edinburgh MS. No. XXII. consisting of twenty-five leaves, and beginning thus: /■ Lordinges herkneth to mi tale, Is merier than the nightengale. The printed copies begin difierent from both, viz. Lysten, Lordinges, and hold you styl. 7. Liheaux {Libeav.f, or Lyhius) Disconins is preserved in the Editor's folio MS. (pag. 317) where the first stanza is, Jesus Christ christen kinge, And his mother that sweete thinge, Ilelpe them at their neede, That will listen to my talo, Of a Knight I will you tell, A doughty man of deede. Library (Calig. A. 2, fol. 40), but containing such innumerable variations, that it is appa- rently a different translation of some old French original, which Avill account for the title of Le Beaux Disconus, or The Fair Un- known, the first line is, Jesu Christ our Savyour. As for Pleindamovr, or Blandamoure, no romance w^ith this title has been discovered ; but as the word Blaundemere occurs in the romance of Lihius Disconins, in the Editor's folio MS. p. 319, he thought the name of Blandamoure (which was in all the editions of Chaucer he had then seen) might have some reference to this. But Pleindamovr, the name restored by Mr. Tyrrwhitt, is more remote. 8. Le Morte Artliure is among the Harl. MSS. 2252, § 49. This is judged to be a translation from the French ; Mr. Wanloy thinks it no older than the time of Henry VII., but it seems to be quoted in Syr Bevis (Sign K. ij b.) It begins, Lordinges that are leffe and deare. In the Library of Bennet College, Cam- bridge, No. cccLi. is a MS. entitled, in the catalogue. Acta Arihuris Metrico Anglicano, but I know not its contents. 9. In the Editor's fi)lio MS. are many songs and romances about King Arthur and his Knights, some of which are very imper- fect, as King Arthur and the King of Corn- wall, (p. 24) in stanzas of four lines, begin- ning, * Come here,' my cozen Gawaine so gay. The Turlic and Gawain (p. 38), in stanzas of six lines, beginning thus: Listen lords great and small.* but these are so imperfect that I do not mako distinct articles of them. See also Series I. Book I. No. 1, 2, 4, 5. An older copy is preserved in the Cotton * Tn the former oJitions ; .aftei thn n bore, followed men. lion of n fi a^ment in the pame MS. intituled. Sir Lirmel, in distiths (p. 32); but this being only a >h rt ball.od, r.nd No. COa, sec. 31. Yid. Catalog. MSS. p. 391. not relatin;; to King Arthur, is here omitted. ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. 317 In the same MS. (p. 203) is the Greene Kaiglii, in two parts, rehiting a curious ad- venture of Sir Gawain, in stanzas of six lines, beginning thus : List : when Arthur he was k : 10. The Carle of Carlisle is another roman- tic tale about Sir Gawain, in the same MS. p. 448, in distichs : Listen : to me a little stond. In all these old poems the same set of knights are always represented with the same manners and characters ; which seem to have been as well known, and as distinct- ly marked among our ancestors, as Homer's heroes were among the Greeks ; for, as Uli/s- ses is always represented crafty, Achilles irascible, and Ajax rough ; so Sir Gawain is over courteous and gentle, Sir Kay rugged and disobliging, &c. " Sir Gawain with his olde curtesie," is mentioned by Chaucer as noted to a proverb, in his Squire's Tales. Canterb. Tales, vol. ii. p. 104. 11. Syr Launfal, an excellent old romance concerning another of King Arthur's knights, is preserved in the Cotton Library, Calig. A. 2, f. 33. This is a translation from the French,* made by one Thomas Chestre, who is supposed to have lived in the reign of Henry VI. (See Tanner's Biblioth.) It is in stanzas of six lines, and begins, Be douzty Artours dawes. The above was afterwards altered by some minstrel into the romance of Sir Latnhewell, in three parts, under which title it was more generally known. f This is in the Editor's folio MS. p. 60, beginning thus : Doughty in King Arthures dayes. 12. Eger and Grime, in six parts (In the Editor's folio MS. p. 124), is a well invented tale of chivalry, scarce inferior to any of Ariosto's. This, which was inadvertently * Tlie Freneh original is preserved among the Ilarl. MSS. r;n.97S, pec. 112. Lavval. t See Laneliani's Letter conr^rning Queon Elizabeth's liutortainmoat at Killiagworth, 1275, 12mo. p. Gi omitted in the former editions of this list, is in distichs, and begins thus: It fell sometimes in the land of Beame. 13. The Romance of Merline, in nine parts, (preserved in the same folio MS. p. 145) gives a curious account of the birth, parent- age, and juvenile adventures of this famous British prophet. In this poem the Saxons are called Sarazens ; and the thrusting the rebel angels out of Heaven is attributed to " oiire Lady." It is in distichs, and begins thus : He that made with his hand. There is an old romance Of Arthour and of Merlin, in the Edinburgh MS. of old Eng- lish poems : I know not whether it has any- thing in common with this last mentioned. It is in the volume numbered xxiii., and ex- tends through fifty-five leaves. The two first lines are, Jesu Crist, heven king, Al ous graunt gode ending. 14. Sir Isenhras (or as it is in the MS. copies, Sir Isumbras) is quoted in Chaucer's R. of Thop. v. 6. Among Mr. Garrick's old plays is a printed copy ; of which an account has been already given in Series I. Book iii. No. 8. It is preserved in MS. in the Library of Caius Coll. Camb. Class A. 9. (2) and also in the Cotton Library, Calig. A. 12. (f. 128.) This is extremely difi'erent from the printed copy, E. g. God fat made both erfe and hevcne. 15. Emara, a very curious and ancient ro- mance, is preserved in the same volume of the Cotton Library, f. G9. It is in stanzas of six lines, and begins thus: Jesu }>at ys kyng in trone. IG. Chevelere assigne, or, The Knight of the Swan, preserved in the Cotton Library, has been already described in the Essay on P. Plowman's Metre, &g. Series II, Book iii. No. 1, as hath also 17. The Sage of JSrlam (or Jerusalem), 318 ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. which seems to have been written after the other, and may not improperly be classed among the romances; as may also the fol- loAving, which is preserved in the same vol- ume ; viz. 18. Owaine Myles, (fol. 90), giving an ac- count of the wonders of St. Patrick's Purga- tory. This is a translation into verse of the story related in Mat. Paris's Hist. (sub. ann. 1153.) — It is in distichs beginning thus: God ]?at ys so full of myght. In the same manuscript are three or four other narrative poems, which might be reck- oned among the romances, but being rather religious legends, I shall barely mention them ; as Tundale f. 17. Trentale Sci Grego- rii, f. 84. Jerome, f. 133. Uustache, f. 136. 19. Octaman imperator, an ancient romance of chivalry, is in the same volume of the Cot- ton Library, f. 20. — Notwithstanding the name, this old poem has nothing in common with the history of the Roman emperors. It is in a very peculiar kind of stanza, whereof 1, 2, 3, and 5, rhyme together, as do 4 and 6. It begins thus Ihesu )?at was with spere ystonge. In the public Library at Cambridge,* is a poem with the same title, that begins very differently Lyttyll and mykyll, olde and yonge. 20. Eglamour of Arias (or Artoys) is pre- served in the same volume with the foregoing, both in the Cotton Library, and public Li- brary at Cambridge. It is also in the Edit- or's folio MS. (p. 295) where it is divided into six parts. — A printed copy is in the Bod- leian Library, C. 39, Art. Seld., and also among Mr. Garrick's old plays, K. vol. x. It is in distichs, and begins thus : Ihesu Crist of heven kyng. 21. Syr Triamore (in stanzas of six lines) is preserved in MS. in the Editor's volume (p. 210), and in the public Library at Cam- * No. 690 (30). Vid. Oxon. Catalog. MSS. p. 394. bridge, (690, ^29. Vid. Cat. MSS. p. 394).— Two printed copies a,re extant in the Bodleian Library, and among Mr, Garrick's plays, in the same volumes with the last article. Both the Editor's MS. and the printed copies begin, Nowe Jesu Chryste our heven kynge. The Cambridge copy thus : Heven blys that all shall wynne. 22. Sir Degree {Degare, or Begore, which last seems the true title), in five parts, in dis- tichs, is preserved in the Editor's folio MS. p. 371, and in the public Library at Cam- bridge (ubi supra).— A printed copy is in the Bod. Library, C. 39, Art. Seld., and among Mr. Garrick's plays, K., vol. ix. The Editor's MS. and the printed copies begin, Lordinge, and you wyl holde you styl. The Cambridge MS. has it, Lystenyth, lordyngis, gente and fre. 23. Ipomydon (or Chylde Ipomydon) is preserved among the Harl. MSS. 2252, (44.) It is in distichs, and begins, Mekely, lordyngis, gentylle and fre. In the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, Kk. 3, 10, is an old imperfect printed copy, want- ing the whole first sheet A. 24. The Squyr of Loioe Degre, is one of those burlesqued by Chaucer in his Rhyme of Thopas.* — Mr. Garrick has a printed copy of this among his old plays, K. vol. ix. It begins. It was a squyer of lowe degre, That loved the kings daughter of Hungre. 25. History e of K. Richard Cure [Ccewr] de Lyon (Impr. W. de Worde, 1528, 4to.) is preserved in the Bodleian Library, C. 39, Art. Selden. A fragment of it is also remaining in the Edinburgh MS. of old English poems, * This is alluded to by Shakspeare in his Henry V. (Act 5), where Fluellyn tells Pistol, he will make him a squire of low degree, when he means to knock him down ON THE ANCIENT METRICAL ROMANCES. 319 No. xxxvii., in two leaves. A large extract from this romance has been given already- above (p. 311.) Richard V7as the peculiar patron of chivalry, and favourite of the old minstrels and Troubadours. See Warton's Observ. vol. i. p. 29, vol. ii. p. 40. 26. Of the following I have only seen No. xxvii., but I believe they may all be referred to the class of romances. The K7iiglit of Courtesy and the Lady of Faguel (Bodl. Lib. C. 39. Art. Sheld. a printed copy.) This Mr. Warton thinks is the story of Coucy's Heart, related in Fauchet, and in Howel's Letters (v. i. s. 6, 1. 20, See Wart. Obs. v. ii. p. 40.) The Editor has seen a very beautiful old ballad on this subject in French. 27. The four following are all preserved in the MS. so often referred to in the public Library at Cambridge (690, Appendix to Bp. More's MSS. in Cat. MSS. tom. ii. p. 394,) viz. The Lay of Erie of Tholouse, (No. xxvii.,) of which the Editor hath also a copy from "Cod. MSS. Mus. Ashmol. Oxon.'^ The first line of both is, Jesu Chryste in Trynyte. 28. Roberd Kijnge of Cysyll (or Sicily,) showing the fall of pride. Of this there is also a copy among the Ilarl. MSS. 1703 (3.) The Cambridge MS. begins, Princis that be prowde in prese. 29. Le hone Florence of Rome, beginning thus : As ferre as men ride or gone. 30. Dioclesian the Emperour, beginning, Sum tyme ther was a noble man. 31. The two knightly brothers Amys and Amelion (among the Harl. MSS. 2386, ^ 42) is an old romance of chivalry ; as is also, I believe, the fragment of the Lady Belesant, the duke of Lombardy's fair daughter, men- tioned in the same article. See the Catalog, vol. ii. 41 32. In the Edinburgh MS. so often refer- red to (preserved in the Advocates' Library, W. 4, 1,) might probably be found some other articles to add to this list, as well as other copies of some of the pieces mentioned in it; for the whole volume contiins not fewer than thirty-seven poems or romances, some of them very long. But as many of them have lost the beginnings, which have been cut out for the sake of the illuminations, and as I have not had an opportunity of ex- amining the MS. myself, I shall be content to mention only the articles that follow ;* viz. An old romance about Rouland (not I be- lieve the famous Paladine, but a champion named Roidand Louth; query) being in the volume. No. xxvii., in five leaves, and wants the beginning. 33. Another romance, that seems to be a kind of continuation of this last, entitled, Otuel a Knight (No. xxviii., in eleven leaves and a half.) The two first lines are, Herkneth both zinge and old, That willen heren of battailes bold. 34. The King of Tars (No. iv., in five leaves and a half; it is also in the Bodleian Library, MS. Vernon f. 304), beginning thus: Herkneth to me both eld and zing. For Maries love that swete thing. 35. A tale or romance (No. i., two leaves) that wants both beginning and end. The first lines now remaining are, The Erl him graunted his will y-wis. that the knicht him haden y told. The Baronnis that were of mikle pris. befor him they weren y-cald. 36. Another mutilated tale or romance (No. iii. four leaves). The first lines at present are, To and tellen him Mr. Steward will y gon. the sothe of the Reseyved bestow sone anon, gif zou will serve and with hir be. * Some of these I give, though mutilated and diyested of their titles, because they may enable a curious inquirer to complete or improve other copies. 320 THE BOY AND THE MANTLE. 37. A mutilated tale or romance (No. xi. in thirteen leaves). The two first lines that occur are, That riche Dooke his fest gan hold With Erls and with Baronns bold. I cannot conclude my account of this curi- ous manuscript, without acknowledging that I was indebted to the friendship of the Rev. Dr. Blair, the ingenious professor of Belles Lettres in the University of Edinburgh, for whatever I learned of its contents, and for the important additions it enabled me to make to the foregoing list. To the preceding articles, two ancient met- rical romances in the Scottish dialect may now be added, which are published in Pin- kerton's "Scottish poems, reprinted from scarce editions.'' Lond. 1792, in 3 vols. 8vo. viz. 38. Gawan and Gologras, a metrical ro- mance, from an edition printed at Edinburgh, 1508, 8vo., beginning, In the tyme of Arthur, as trew men me tald. It is in stanzas of thirteen lines. 39. Sir Gawan and Sir Galaron of Gallo- way, a metrical romance, in the same stanzas as No. xxxviii., from an ancient MS. begin- ning thus : In the tyme of Arthur an aunter* betydde By the Turnwathelan, as the boke tells ; Whan he to Carlele was comen, and conqueror kyd, &c. THE END OP THE ESSAY. Both these (which exhibit the union of the old alliterative metre, with rhyme, &c., and in the termination of each stanza the short triplets of the Turnament of Tottenham) are judged to be as old as the time of our King Henry VI., being apparently the production of an old poet, thus mentioned by Dunbar, in his "Lament for the Death of the Makkaris:'' " Clerk of Tranent eik he hes take. That made the aventures of Sir Gawane." It will scarce be necessary to remind the reader, that Turnewatlielan is evidently Tearne-Wadling, celebrated in the old ballad of the Marriage of Sir Gawaine. See the concluding Notes to No. 4, Series I. Book i., and No. 19, Series I. Book iii. Many new references, and perhaps some additional articles might be added to the fore- going list from Mr. Warton's "History of English Poetry," 3 vols. 4to., and from the notes to Mr. Tyrwhitt's improved edition of " Chaucer's Canterbury Tale," &c., in 5, vols. 8vo., which have been published since this Essay, &c., was first composed ; but it will be sufficient once for all to refer the curious reader to those popular works. The reader will also see many interesting particulars on the subject of these volumes, as well as on most points of general literature, in Sir John Hawkins's curious " History of Music," &c., in 5 vols. 4to., as also in Dr. Burney's History, &c., in 4 vols. 4to. Wilt iffg m)s i\i itutttk, — Is printed verbatim from the old MS. described in the Preface. The Editor believes it more ancient than it will appear to be at first sight ; the transcriber of that manuscript having reduced the orthography and style in many instances to the standard of his own times. * L e. Adventure. The incidents of the "Mantle" and the " Knife" have not, that I can recollect, been borrowed from any other writer. The form- er of these evidently suggested to Spenser his conceit of " Florimel's Girdle," B. iv. C. 5, St. 3. That girdle gave the virtue of chaste love And wivehood true to all that did it beare; THE BOY AND THE MANTLE. 321 But whosoever contrarie doth prove, Might not the same about her middle weare, But it would loose or else asunder teare. So it happened to the false Florimel, st. 16, when Being brought, about her middle small They thought to gird, as best it her became, But by no means they could it thereto frame, For ever as they fastned it, it loos'd And fell away, as feeling secret blame, &c. That all men wondred at the uncouth sight And each one thought as to their fancies came. But she herself did think it done for spight, And touched was with secret wrath and shame Therewith, as thing deviz'd her to defame: Then many other ladies likewise tride About their tender loynes to knit the same, But it would not on none of them abide, But when they thought it fast, eftsoones it was untide. Thereat all knights gan laugh and ladies lowre. Till that at last the gentle Amoret Likewise assayed to prove that girdle's powre. And having it about her middle set Did find it fit withouten breach or let, Whereat the rest gan greatly to envie. But Florimel exceedingly did fret, And snatching from her hand, &c. As for the trial of the Home, it is not pe- culiar to our Poet : It occurs in the old Ro- mance, entitled " Morte Arthur," which was translated out of French in the time of King Edward IV., and first printed anno 1484. From that romance Ariosto is thought to have borrowed his tale of the Enc"hanted Cup, C. 42, &c. See Mr. Warton's Observations on the Faerie Queen, &c. The story of the Horn in Morte Arthur varies a good deal from this of our Poet, as the reader will judge from the following ex- tract. " By the way they met with a knight that was sent from Morgan la Faye to King Arthur, and this knight had a fair home all garnished with gold, and the home bad such a virtue, that there might no ladye or gentlewoman drinke of that home, but if she were true to her husband : and if shee were false she should spill all the drinke, and- if shee were true unto her lorde, shee might drink peaceably : and because of Queene Guenever and in despite of Sir Launcelot du Lake, this horne was sent unto King Arthur." This horn is intercepted and brought unto another king named Marke, who is not a whit more fortunate than the British hero, for he makes " his queene drinke thereof and an hundred ladies more, and there were but foure ladies of all those that dranke cleane," of which number the said queen proves not to be one [Book II., chap. 22, Ed. 1632.] In other respects the two stories are so dif- ferent, that we have just reason to suppose this Ballad was written before that romance was translated into English. As for Queen Guenever, she is here repre- sented no otherwise than in the old Histories and Romances. Holinsh6d observes, that " she was evil reported of, as noted of incon- tinence and breach of faith to hir husband." Vol. L, p. 93. *^* Such readers as have no relish for pure antiquity, will find a more modern copy of this ballad at the end of the volume. In the third day of may, To Carleile did come A kind curteous child. That cold much of wisdome A kirtle and a mantle 5 This child had uppon, With ' brouches' and ringes Full richelye bedone. He had a sute of silke About his middle drawne ; 10 Without he cold of curtesye He thought itt much shame. God speed thee. King Arthur, Sitting at thy raeate : And the goodly Queene Guenever, 15 I cannott her forgett. I tell you, lords, in this hall ; I hett you all to * heede ;' Except you be the more surer Is you for to dread. 20 Ver. 7, branches, MS. Y. 18, heate, MS. 322 THE BOY AND THE MANTLE. He plucked out of his ' porterner/ And longer wold not dwell, He pulled forth a pretty mantle, Betweene two nut-shells. Have thou here, King Arthur : 25 Have thou heere of mee : Give itt to thy comely queene Shapen as itt is alreadye Itt shall never become that wiffe. That hath once done amisse, 30 Then every knight in the kings court, Began to care for ' his.' Forth came dame Gu6never ; To the mantle shoe her ' hied ;' The ladye shee was newfangle, But yett shee was affrayd. 35 "When shee had taken the mantle ; She stoode as shee had beene madd : It was from the top to the toe As sheeres had itt shread. 40 One while was it ' gule :' Another while was itt greene ; Another while was it wadded : 111 itt did her beseeme. Another while was it blacke 45 And bore the worst hue : By my troth, quoth King Arthur, I thinke thou be not trile. Shee threw down the mantle, That bright was of blee ; 50 Fast with a rudd redd, To her chamber can shee flee. She curst the weaver and the walker That clothe that had wrought ; And bade a vengeance on his crowne, That hither hath itt brought. 56 I had rather be in a wood. Under a greene tree ; ' Then in King Arthurs court Shamed for to bee. 60 Kay called forth his ladye, And bade her come neere ; Sales, Madam, and thou be guiltye, I pray thee hold thee there. Ver. 21, poterver, MS. MS. V. 41, gaule, MS. v. 32, his wiffe, MS. V. 34, bided, Forth came his ladye 65 Shortlye and anon ; Boldlye to the mantle Then is shee gone. "When she had tane the mantle, And cast it her about ; 70 Then was she bare * Before all the rout.' Then ever knight. That was in the kings court. Talked, laughed, and showted 75 Full oft att .that sport. Shee threw downe the mantle, That bright was of blee ; Fast, with a red rudd. To her chamber can shee flee. 80 Forth came an old knight Pattering ore a creede. And he proferred to this litle boy Twenty markes to his meede ; And all the time of the Christmasse, Willingly e to ffeede ; 86 For why this mantle might Doe his wiffe some need. When she had tane the mantle. Of cloth that was made, 90 She had no more left on her, But a tassell and a threed : Then every knight in the kings court Bade evill might shee speed. Shee threw downe the mantle, 95 That bright was of blee ; And fast, with a redd rudd, To her chamber can shee flee. Craddocke called forth his ladye, 100 And bade her come in ; Saith, Winne this mantle, ladye. With a little dinne. Winne this mantle, ladye. And it shal be thine, If thou never did amisse 105 Since thou wast mine. Ver. 75, lauged. THE BOY AND THE MANTLE. 323 Forth came Craddockes ladye The litle boy stoode Shortlye and anon ; Looking out a dore ; But boldlye to the mantle * And there as he was lookinge Then is shee gone. 110 He was ware of a wyld bore.' When she had tane the mantle, He was ware of a wyld bore. 155 And cast it her about, Wold have werryed a man : Upp at her great toe He pulld forth a wood kniffe It began to crinkle and crowt : Fast thither that he ran : Shee said, bowe downe, mantle, 115 He brought in the bores head, And shame me not for nought. And quitted him like a man. 160 ' Once I did amisse, He brought in the bores head, I tell you certainlye. And was wonderous bold : "When I kist Craddockes mouth He said there was never a cuckolds kniffe | Under a greene tree ; 120 Carve itt that cold. When I kist Craddockes mouth Before he marryed mee. Some rubbed their knives Uppon a whetstone : 165 When shee had her shreeven, Some threw them under the table, And her sines shee had tolde : And said they had none. The mantle stode about her 125 Eight as shee wold : King Arthur, and the child Stood looking upon them ; 170 Seemelye of coulour All their knives edges Glittering like gold : Turned backe againe. Then every knight in Arthurs court Did her behold. 130 Craddocke had a litle knive Of iron and of Steele ; Then spake dame Gu^never He britled the bores head 175 To Arthur our king ; Wonderous weele ; She hath tane yonder mantle That every knight in the kings court | Not with right, but with wronge. Had a morssell. See you not yonder woman, 135 The litle boy had a home. That maketh her self soe ' cleane' ? Of red gold that ronge : 180 I have seene tane out of her bedd He said there was noe cuckolde Of men fiveteene; Shall drinke of my home ; / But he shold it sheede ' Priests, clarkes, and wedded men Either behind or beforne. From her bedeene : 140 Yett shee taketh the mantle. Some shedd on their shoulder. 185 And maketh her self cleane. And some on their knee ; He that cold not hitt his mouthe, Then spake the litle boy. Put it in his eye : That kept the mantle in hold ; And he that was a cuckold Sayes, king, chasten thy wiffe, 145 Every man might him see. 190 Of her words shee is to bold : Craddocke wan the home, Shee is a bitch and a witch. And the bores head : ^ And a whore bold : His ladie wan the mantle King, in thine owne hall Unto her meede. Thou art a cuckold. 150 Everye such a lovely ladye God send her well to speede 195 Ver. 134, wright, Mg. V. 136, cleare, MS. V. 140, by deene, MS. Yer. 170, them upon, MS. V. 175, or birtled, MS. 324 THE MARRIAGE OF SIR GAWAINE. II. ®l]e llamEg^ 0f Sir iatoEiit^, Is chiefly taken from the fragment of an old ballad in the Editor's MS., which he has reason to believe more ancient than the time of Chaucer, and what furnished that bard with his Wife of Bath's Tale. The original was so extremely mutilated, half of every leaf being torn away, that without large sup- plements, &c., it was deemed improper for this collection : these it has therefore received, such as they are. They are not here particu- larly pointed out, because the " Fragment'^ itself will now be found printed at the end of this volume. PART THE FIRST. King Arthur lives in merry Carleile, And seemely is to see ; And there with him Queene Guenever, That bride soe bright of blee. And there with him Queene Guenever, 5 That bride soe bright in bowre : And all his barons about him stoode, That were both stiffe and stowre. The king a royale Christmasse kept, With mirth and princelye cheare ; 10 To him repaired many a knighte. That came both farre and neare. And when they were to dinner sette And cups went freely round : Before them came a faire damsfelle, 15 And knelt upon the ground. A boone, a boone, Kinge Arthiire I beg a boone of thee ; Avenge me of a carlish knighte. Who hath shent my love and mee. 20 At Tearne-Wadling* his castle stands, Near to that lake so fair, * Tearne-Wadling is the name of a small lake near Hes- keth in Cumberland, on the road from Penrith to Carlisle. There is a tradition, that an old castle once stood near the lake, the remains of which Avere not long since visible. Team, in the dialect of that country, signifies a small lake, and is still in use. And proudlye rise the battlements, And streamers deck the air. Noe gentle knighte, nor ladye gay, 25 May pass that castle-walle : But from that foule discurteous knighte, Mishappe will them befalle. Hee's twyce the size of common men, Wi' thewes, and sinewes stronge, 30 And on his backe he bears a clubbe, That is both thicke and longe. This grimme barone 'twas our harde happe. But yester morne to see ; When to his bowre he bare my love, 35 And sore misused mee. And when I told him. King Arthi^re As lyttle shold him spare ; Goe tell, sayd hee, that cuckold kinge. To meete mee if he dare. 40 45 Upp then sterted King Arthiire, And sware by hille and dale. He ne'er wolde quitt that grimme bar6ne Till he had made him quail. Goe fetch my sword Excalibar : Goe saddle mee my steede ; Nowe, by my faye, that grimme barone Shall rue this ruthfuUe deede. And when he came to Tearne Wadlinge Benethe the castle walle : 50 " Come forth ; come forth ; thou proud barone, Or yielde thyself my thralle.'' On magicke grounde that castle stoode, And fenc'd with many a spelle : Noe valiant knighte could tread thereon. But straite his courage felle. 55 Forth then rush'd that carlish knight, King Arthur felte the charme : His sturdy sinewes lost their strengthe, Downe sunke his feeble arme. 60 THE MARRIAGE OF SIR GAWAINE. 325 Nowe yield thee, yield thee, King Arthiire, Now yield thee, unto mee : Or fighte with mee, or lose thy lande, Noe better termes maye bee, Unlesse thou sweare upon the rood, 65 And promise on thy faye, Here to return e to Tearne-Wadling, Upon the new-yeare's daye : And bringe me worde what thing it is All women moste desja-e : 70 This is thy ransome, Arthur, he sayes, He have noe other hyre. King Arthur then helde up his hande, And sware upon his faye, Then tooke his leave of the grimme barone, And faste hee rode awaye. 76 And he rode east, and he rode west, And did of all inquyre, What thing it is all women crave, And what they most desyre. 80 85 Some told him riches, pompe, or state ; Some rayment fine and brighte ; Some told him mirthe ; some flatterye, And some a jollye knighte. In letters all King Arthur wrote. And seal'd them with his ringe : But still his minde Avas helde in doubte, Each tolde a different thinge. As ruthfulle he rode over a more, He sawe a ladye sette 90 Betweene an oke, and a greene holleye, All clad in red* scarlette. Her nose was crookt and turnd outw^rde. Her chin stoode all awrye ; And where as sholde have been her mouthe, Lo ! there was set her eye : 96 Her haires, like serpents, clung aboute Her cheekes of deadlye hewe: A worse-form'd ladye than she was. No man mote ever viewe. 100 * This was a common phrase in our old writers; so Chaucer in his Trologue to the Cant. Tales, says of the wife of Bath: Rer hosen were of fyne, scarUt red. To hail the king in seemelye sorte This ladye was fulle faine : But King Arthilre all sore amaz'd, No aunswere made againe. What wight art thou, the ladye sayd, 105 That wilt not speake to mee ; Sir, I may chance to ease thy paine. Though I bee foule to see. If thou wilt ease my paine, he sayd, And helpe me in my neede ; 110 Ask what thou wilt, thou grimme ladyfe, And it shall bee thy meede. sweare mee this upon the roode. And promise on thy faye ; And here the secrette I will telle, 115 That shall thy ransome paye. King Arthur promis'd on his faye, And sware upon the roode ; The secrette than the ladye told, As lightlye well shee cou'de. 120 Now this shall be my paye, sir king, And this my guerdon bee. That some yong fair and courtlye knight. Thou bringe to marrye mee. Fast then prick'd King Arthiire 125 Ore hille, and dale, and downe: And soone he founde the barone's bowre ; And soone the grimme baroiine. He bare his clubbe upon his backe, Hee stoode bothe stiffe and stronge ; 130 And, when he had the letters reade, Awaye the lettres fiunge. Nowe yielde thee, Arthur, and thy lands. All forfeit unto mee ; For this is not thy paye, sir king, 135 Nor may thy ransome bee. Yet hold thy hand, thou proude barSne, I praye thee hold thy hand ; And give mee leave to speake once more In reskewe of my land. 140 This morne, as I came over a more, I sawe a ladye sette Betwene an oke, and a greene holleye, All clad in red scarlette. 326 THE MARRIAGE OF SIR GAWAINE. Shee sayes, all women will have their wille, What though her chin stand all awrye, This is their chief desyre ; 146 And shee be foule to see : Now yield, as thou art a barone true, I'll marry her, unkle, for thy sake, 35 That I have payd mine hyre. And ril thy ransome bee. An earlye vengeaunce light on her ! Nowe thankes, nowe thankes, good Sir Ga- The earlish baron swore : 150 wkine : Shee was my sister tolde thee this. And a blessing thee betyde ! And shee's a mishapen whore. To-morrow wee'll have knights and squires. And wee'll goe fetch thy bride. 40 But here I will make mine avowe, To do her as ill a turne : And wee'll have hawkes and wee'll have For an ever I may that foule theefe gette, houndes. In a fyre I will her burne. 156 To cover our intent ; And wee'll away to the greene forest, PART THE SECONDE. As wee a hunting went. HoMEWARDE prickod King Arth\ire, Sir Lancelot, Sir Stephen bolde, 45 And a wearye man was hee ; They rode with them that daye ; And soone he mette Queene Guenever, And foremoste of the companye That bride so bright of blee. There rode the stewarde Kaye : What newes ! what newes ! thou noble king, Soe did Sir Banier and Sir Bore, Howe, Arthur, hast thou sped ? 6 And eke Sir Garratte keene ; 50 Where hast thou hung the earlish knighte ? Sir Tristram too, that gentle knight. And where bestow'd his head ? To the forest freshe and greene. The earlish knight is safe for mee. And when they came to the greene forrfest, And free fro mortal harme : 10 Beneathe a faire holley tree On magicke grounde his castle stands. There sate that ladye in red scarl^tte 55 And fenc'd with many a charme. That unseemelye was to see. To bowe to him I was fuUe faine, Sir Kay beheld that lady's face. And yielde mee to his hand : And looked upon her sweere ; And but for a lothly ladye, there 15 Whoever kisses that ladye, he sayes. I sholde have lost my land. Of his kisse he stands in feare. 60 And nowe this fills my hearte with woe, Sir Kay beheld that ladye againe. And sorrowe of my life ; And looked upon her snout ; , I swore a yonge and courtlye knight, Whoever kisses that ladye, he sayes,' Sholde marry her to his wife. 20 Of his kisse he stands in doubt. Then bespake him Sir GawMne Peace, brother Kay, sayde Sir Gaw^ne, 65 That was ever a gentle knighte : And amend thee of thy life : That lothly ladye I will wed ; For there is a knight amongst us all. Therefore be merrye and lighte. Must marry her to his wife. Nowe naye, nowe naye, good Sir Gawaine ; What marry this foule queane, quoth Kay, My sister's sonne yee bee ; 26 r the devil's name anone ; 70 This lothlye ladye's all too grimme. Gett mee a wife wherever I maye. And all too foule for yee. In sooth shee shall be none. Her nose is crookt and turn'd outw^rde : Then some tooke up their hawkes in haste, Her chin stands all awrye ; 30 And some took up their houndes ; A worse form'd ladye than shee is And sayd they wolde not marry her, 75 Was never seen with eye. For cities, nor for townes. THE MARRIAGE OF SIR GAWAINE. 327 Then bespake him King Arthi^re, And sware there by this daye ; For a little foule sighte and mislikinge, Yee shall not say her naye. 80 Peace, lordlings, peace ; Sir Gawaine sayd : Nor make debate and strife ; This lothlye ladye I will take, And marry her to my wife. Now thankes, nowe thankes, good Sir Ga- waine, 85 And a blessinge be thy meede ! For as I am thine owne ladye, Thou never shalt rue this deede. Then up they tooke that lothly dame. And home anone they bringe : 90 And there Sir Gawaine he her wed, And married her with a ringe. And when they were in wed-bed laid. And all were done awaye : "Come turne to mee, mine own wed-lord, 95 Come turne to mee I praye." Sir Gawaine scant could lift his head, For sorrowe and for care ; When, lo ! instead of that lothelye dame, He sawe a young ladye faire. 100 Sweet blushes stayn'd her rud-red cheeke, Her eyen were blacke as sloe ; The ripening cherrye swellde her lippe, And all her necke was snowe. Sir Gawaine kiss'd that lady faire, 105 Lying upon the sheete, And swore, as he was a true knighte. The spice was never soe sweete. Sir Gawaine kiss'd that lady brighte. Lying there by his side : 110 *' The fairest flower is not so faire : Thou never can'st bee my bride." I am thy bride, mine owne deare lorde, The same whiche thou didst knowe, That was soe lothlye, and was wont 115 Upon the wild more to goe. Nowe, gentle Gawaine, chuse, quoth shee. And make thy choice with care ; 42 "Whether by night, or else by daye, Shall I be foule or faire ? 120 " To have thee foule still in the night, When I with thee should playe ! I had rather farre, my lady deare, To have thee foule by daye." What when gaye ladyes goe with their lordes To drinke the ale and wine ; 126 Alas ! then I must hide myself, I must not goe with mine ? " My faire ladyfe, Sir Gawaine sayd, I yield me to thy skille ; 130 Because thou art mine owne lady^ Thou shalt have all thy wille." Nowe blessed be thou, sweete Gawaine, And the daye that I thee see ; For as thou seest mee at this time, 135 Soe shall I ever bee. My father was an aged knighte, And yet it chanced soe. He tooke to a wife a false ladyfe, Whiche broughte me to this woe. 140 Shee witch'd mee, being a faire yonge maide, In the greene forest to dwelle ; And there to abide in lothlye shape, Most like a fiend of helle. Midst mores and mosses ; woods, and wilds ; To lead a lonesome life ; 146 Till some yong faire and courtlye knighte Wolde marrye me to his wife : Nor fully to gaine mine owne trewe shape, Such was her devilish skille ; 150 Until he wolde yielde to be rul'd by mee. And let mee have all my wille. She witchd my brother to a carlish boore. And made him stiffe and stronge ; And built him a bowre on magicke grounde. To live by rapine and wronge. 156 But now the spelle is broken throughe, And wronge is turnde to righte ; Henceforth I shall bee a faire lady^, And hee be a gentle knighte. 160 328 KING RYENCE'S CHALLENGE. IIL f ing igma's CI]aIItng^. This song is more modern than many of those which follow it, but it is placed here for the sake of the subject. It was sung be- fore Queen Elizabeth at the grand entertain- ment at Kenelworth castle in 1575, and was probably composed for that occasion. In a letter describing those festivities it is thus mentioned : A " Minstral came forth with a sollem song, warranted for story out of King Arthur's acts, whereof I gat a copy, and is this : " So it fell out on a Pentecost, &c." After the song the narrative proceeds : "At this the Minstrell made a pause and a curtezy for Primus Passus. More of the song is thear, but I gatt it not." The story in Morte Arthur, whence it is taken, runs as follows: "Came a messenger hastely from King Ryence of North Wales, saying, that King Ryence had discomfited and overcomen eleaven kings, and everiche of them did him homage, and that was this : they gave him their beards cleane fiayne ofi", — wherefore the messenger come for King Ar- thur's beard, for King Ryence had purfeled a mantell with kings beards, and there lacked for one a place of the mantell, wherefore he sent for his beard, or else he would enter into his lands, and brenn and slay, and never leave till he have thy head and thy beard. Well, said King Arthur, thou hast said thy message, which is the most villainous and lewdest message that ever nian heard sent to a king. Also thou mayest see my beard is full young yet for to make a purfell of, but tell thou the king that — or it be long he shall do to me homage on both his knees, or else he shall leese his head.''' [B. I. c. 24. See also the same Romance, B. I. c. 92.] The thought seems to be originally taken from Jeff. Monmouth's Hist. B. X. c. 3, which is alluded to by Drayton in his Poly- 01b. Song 4, and by Spenser in Faer. Qu. 6. 1. 13, 15. See the observations on Spenser, vol. II. p. 223. The following text is composed of the best readings selected from three different copies. The first in Enderbie's Cambria Triumphans, p. 197. The second in the Letter above men- tioned. And the third inserted in MS. in a copy of Morte Arthur, 1G32, in the Bodl. Li- brary. Stow tells us, that King Arthur kept his round table at " diverse places, but especially at Carlion, Winchester, and Camalet, in Som- ersetshire.^' This "Camalet," sometimes a famous towne or castle, is situate on a " very high tor or hill, &c." [See an exact descrip- tion in Stow's Annals, Ed. 1631, p. 55.] As it fell out on a Pentecost day. King Arthur at Camelot kept his court royall, With his faire queene dame Guenever the gay; And many bold barons sitting in hall; With ladies attired in purple and pall ; And heraults in hewkes hooting on high, Cryed, Largesse, Lai^gesse, Chevaliers tres- Jiardie.* A doughty dwarfe to the uppermost deas Right pertlye gan pricke, kneeling on knee; With Steven fulle stoute amids all the preas, Sayd, Nowe, sir King Arthur, God save thee, and see ! Sir Ryence of North-gales greeteth well thee. And bids thee thy beard anon to him send, Or else from thy jaws he will it off rend. For his robe of state is a rich scarlet mantle, With eleven kings beards borderedf about, And there is room lefte yet in a kantle. For thine to stande, to make the twelfth out : This must be done, be thou never so stout; This must be done, I tell thee no fable, Maugre the teeth of all thy round table. * Largesse, Largesse. The heralcls resounded these words as oft as they received of the bounty of the knights. See " Memoires de la Chevalerie," torn. I. p. 99. The expression is still used in the form of installing knights of the garter. t i. e. set round the border, as furs are now round the gowns of Magistrates. KING ARTHUR'S DEATH. 329 When this mortal message from his mouthe past, Great was the noyse bothe in hall and in bower : The king fum'd ; the queene screecht ; ladies were aghast ; Princes puff'd ; barons blustred ; lords be- gan lower ; Knights stormed; squires startled, like steeds in a stower ; Pages and yeomen yell'd out in the hall, Then in came Sir Kay, the ' king's' seneschal. Silence, my soveraignes, quoth this courteous knight. And in that stound the stowre began still: * Then' the dwarfe's dinner full deerely was dight ; Of wine and wassal he had his wille : And when he had eaten and drunken his fill,! An hundred pieces of fine coyned gold Were given this dwarf for his message bold. But say to Sir Ryence, thou dwarf, quoth the king, That for his bold message I do him defye ; And shortlye with basins and pans will him ring Out of North-gales ; where he and I With swords, and not razors, quicklye shall trye, Whether he, or King Arthur will prove the best barber ; And therewith he shook his good sword Es- calabor. *^* Strada, in his Prolusions, has ridi- culed the story of the Giant's Mantle, made of the beards of kings. IV. fling ^xWixxx's gotfe* A FRAGMENT. The subject of this ballad is evidently ta- ken from the old romance " Morte Arthur," but with some variations, especially in the concluding stanzas ; in which the author seems rather to follow the traditions of the old Welsh Bards, who " believed that King Arthur was not dead, but conveied awaie by the Fairies into some pleasant place, where he should remain e for a time, and then re- turne againe and reign in as great authority as ever." Holinshed, B. 5, c. 14 ; or, as it is expressed in an old Chronicle printed at Antwerp, 1493, by Ger. de Leew, " The Bre- tons supposen, that he [King Arthur] shall come yet and conquere all Bretaigne, for certes this is the propbicye of Merlyn ; He sayd, that his deth shall be doubteous ; and sayd soth, for men thereof yet have doubte, and shullen for ever more, — for men wyt not whether that he lyveth or is dede." See more ancient testimonies in Selden's Notes on Po- lyolbion, song 3. This fragment, being very incorrect and imperfect in the original MS., hath received some conjectural emendations, and even a supplement of three or four stanzas composed from the romance of " Morte Arthur." On Trinitye Mondaye in the morne. This sore battayle was doom'd to be : Where manye a knighte cry'd, Well-awaye ! Alacke, it was the more pittle. Ere the first crowinge of the cocke, 5 When as the kinge in his bed laye, He thoughte Sir Gawaine to him came,* And there to him these wordes did saye. Nowe, as you are mine unkle deare. And as you prize your life, this daye meet not with your foe in fighte ; Putt off the battayle, if yee maye. 10 * Sir Gawaine had 'beeii killed at Arthur's landing on his return from abroad. See the next Ballad, ver. 73. 330 KING ARTHUR'S DEATH. For Sir Launcelot is nowe in Fraunce, And with him many an hardye knighte : "Who will within this moneth be backe, 15 And will assiste yee in the fighte. The kinge then call'd his nobles all, Before the breakinge of the daye ; And tolde them howe Sir Gawaine came, And there to him these wordes did saye. His nobles all this counsayle gave, 21 That earlye in the morning, hee Shold send awaye an herauld at armes, To aske a parley faire and free. Then twelve good knightes King Arthure chose, 25 The best of all that with him were : To parley with the foe in field. And make with him agreement faire. The king he charged all his hoste. In readinesse there for to bee : But noe man sholde no weapon sturre, Unlesse a sword drawne they shold see. 30 And Mordred on the other parte. Twelve of his knights did likewise bringe ; The beste of all his companye, 35 To holde the parley with the kinge. Sir Mordred alsoe charged his hoste, In readinesse there for to bee ; But noe man sholde noe weapon sturre, But if a sworde drawne they shold see. 40 For he durste not his unkle truste, Nor he his nephewe, sothe to tell ; Alacke ! it was a woefulle case, As ere in Chrystentye befelle. But when they were together mette, 45 And both to faire accordance broughte ; And a month's league betweene them sette. Before the battayle sholde be foughte ; An addere crept forth of a bushe, Stunge one o' th' king's knightes on the knee : 50 Alacke ! it was a woefulle chance, As ever was in Christentie. Ver. 41, 42, the folio reads father sorme. When the knighte found him wounded sore. And sawe the wild-worme hanginge there ; His sworde he from his scabberde drewe : 55 A piteous case, as ye shall heare. For when the two hostes sawe the sworde, They joyned battayle instantlye ; Till of so manye noble knightes. On one side there were left but three. 60 For all were slaine that durst abide. And but some fewe that fled awaye : Ah mee ! it was a bloodye fielde. As ere was foughte on summer's daye. Upon King Arthur's own partye, 65 Onlye himselfe escaped there. And Lukyn Duke of Gloster free, And the king's butler Bedevere. And when the king beheld his knightes. All dead and scattered on the molde ; 70 The teares fast trickled downe his face ; That manlye face in fight so bolde. Nowe reste yee all, brave knights, he said, Soe true and faithful to your trust : And must yee then , yee valiant hearts, 75 Be lefte to moulder into dust ! Most loyal have yee been to mee. Most true and faithful unto deathe : And, oh ! to rayse yee up againe, How freelye could I yield my breathe ! 80 But see the traitor's yet alive, Lo where hee stalkes among the deade ! Nowe bitterlye he shall abye : And vengeance fall upon his head. And vengeance fall upon staye, my liege, then sayd the duke : staye for love and charitie ; Remember what the vision spake. Nor meete your foe, if it may bee. 0, staye mee not, thou worthye wight. This debt my loyal knights I owe : Betide me life, betide me death, 1 will avenge them of their foe. 85 90 Then straite he grasp'd his trusty e speare, And on his horse then mounted hee : As his butler holpe him to his horse, 95 His bowels gushed to his knee. KING ARTHUR'S DEATH. 331 ! then sayd the noble king, That I should live this sight to see ! To see this good knight here be slaine, All for his love in helping mee ! 100 He put his speare into his reste, And to Sir Mordred loud gan crye ; Nowe sette thyself upon thy guarde, For, traitor, nowe thy death is nye. Sir Mordred lifted up his svs^orde, 105 And fierce to meet the king ran hee : The king his speare he through him thrust ; And fathom thorow his bodie. When Mordered felt the stroke of death, And found that he was wounded soe ; He thruste himselfe upon the speare, And strucke the king a deadlye blowe. 110 Then grimmlye dyed Sir Mordered, Presentlye upon that tree : And bloody streames ranne from the kinge Ere to the duke returned hee. 116 Sir Lukyn then he thus bespake, Sir knyghte, thou hast beene faithfulle tryde, Nowe take my sword Excalibar,* That hangs so freelye by my syde : 120 take my sword Excalibar, And there into the river throwe : For here, henceforth, benethe this tree, All use of weapons I foregoe. And fare thee well, thou trustye sword, 125 A better neer had valiant knighte. With thee full ofte, and manye a daye, Have I withstood my foe in fighte. With this good fauchion in my hande, Oft have I reapd the bloody feelde : 130 But now the fatalle houre is come, That never more I may thee weelde. The duke to the river side he went, And there his owne sword in threwe he ; But he kept back Excalibar, 135 He kept it back in privitie. * More commonly called Calihum. Escodherd. In the folio MS.. For all of coleyne was the blade ; And all the hilte of precious stone : And ever alacke ! then sayd the knighte. Must such a sword awaye be throwne ? Then backe he came unto the kinge, 141 Who sayd, Sir Lukyn, what did yee see? Nothing, my liege, save that the winde Blewe oer the waters faire and free. goe againe, then sayd the kinge, 145 good Sir Lukyn, goe againe : Into the rivere throwe my sword. Nor keepe me lingering here in paine. The duke then to the river went. And the kings scabbard in threwe hee ; But hee kept backe Excalibar, 151 And hid it undernethe a tree. Then backe he came to tell the kinge, Who sayde, Sir Lukyn, sawe ye oughte ? Nothinge, my liege, save that the winde 155 Nowe with the angrye waters fought. Lukyn, Lukyn, said the kinge. Twice haste thou dealt deceytfullye : Alacke, whom may wee ever truste, 159 When suche a knighte soe false can bee ? Saye, wouldst thou have thy master dead ; All for a sword, that wins thine eye : Nowe goe againe, and throwe it in, Or here the one of us shall dye. The duke, all shent with this rebuke, 165 No aunswere made unto the kinge : But to the rivere tooke the sworde, And threwe it far as he coulde flinge. A hande and arme did meete the sworde, And flourishd three times in the air ; 170 Then sunke benethe the renninge streme. And of the duke was seen noe mair. All sore astonied stood the duke ; He stood as still, as still mote bee : Then hastend backe to tell the kinge ; 175 But he was gone from under the tree. 332 THE LEGEND OF KING ARTHUR. But to what place he cold not tell, For never after hee did him spye : But hee sawe a barge goe from the land, 179 And hee heard ladyes howle and crye.* And whether the kinge were there, or not, Hee never knewe, nor ever colde : For from that sad and direfulle daye, Hee never more was scene on molde. V. %\t "gqm^i af f ing ^xl\ux. We have here a short summary of King Arthur's History as given by Jeff. ' of Mon- mouth and the old Chronicles, with the addi- tion of a few circumstances from the romance Morte Arthur, — The ancient chronicle of Ger. de Leew (quoted above in p. 329) seems to have been chiefly followed : upon the au- thority of which we have restored some of tlie names which were corrupted in the MS., and have transposed one stanza, which ap- peared to be misplaced, [viz. that beginning at V. 49, which in the MS. followed v. 36.] Printed from the Editor's ancient folio Manuscript. Of Brutus' blood, in Brittaine borne, King Arthur I am to name ; Through Christendome, and Heathynesse Well knowne is my worthy fame. In Jesus Christ I doe beleeve ; 5 I am a Christyan bore ; The Father, Sone, and Holy Gost One God, I doe adore. In the four hundred ninetieth yeere, Over Brittaine I did rayne, 10 After my savior Christ his byrth : What time I did maintaine. Ver. 178, see MS. V. 1, Bruite, MS. V. 9, He began his reign, A. D. 515, according to the Chronicles. * Not unlike that passage in Virgil: Summoque ulularunt vertice nympTice. Ladies was the word our old English writers used for Nymphs : As in the following lines of an old song in the Editor's folio MS. " When scorching Phoehus he did mount, Then Lady Venus went to hunt: To whom Diana did resort. With all the Ladyes of hills, and Talleys, Of springs, and fioodes, &c." The fellowshipp of the table round, Soe famous in those dayes ; Whereatt a hundred noble knights, 15 And thirty sat alwayes : Who for their deeds and martiall feates, As bookes done yett record, Amongst all other nations Wer feared throwgh the world. 20 And in the castle off Tyntagill King Uther mee begate Of Agyana a bewtyous ladye, And come of ' hie' estate. And when I was fifteen yeere old, 25 Then was I crowned kinge : All Brittaine that was att an uprore I did to quiett bringe. And drove the Saxons from the realme Who had opprest this land ; SO All Scotland then throughe manly feats I conquered with my hand. Ireland, Denmarke, Norway, These countryes wan I all ; Iseland, Gotheland, and Swethland ; And made their kings my thrall. I conquered all Gallya, That now is called France ; And slew the hardye Froll in feild My honor to advance. And the ugly gyant Dynabus Soe terrible to vewe, That in Saint Barnards mount did lye,' By force of armes I slew : 35 40 Ver. 23, She is named Igema in the old Chronicles. V. 24, his, MS. V. 39, Froland field, MS. Froll, according to the Chronicles, was a Roman knight, governor of Gaxil. V. 41, Danihus, MS. A DYTTIE TO HEY DOWNE. 333 And Lucy us the emperour of Rome 45 For there my nephew Sir Gawaine dyed, I brought to deadlye wracke ; Being wounded in that sore, And a thousand more of noble knightes The whiche Sir Lancelot in fight 75 For feare did turne their backe : Had given him before. Five kinges of " paynims" I did kill Thence chased I Mordered away. Amidst that bloody strife ; 50 Who fledd to London right, Besides the Grecian emperour From London to Winchester, and Who alsoe lost his liffe. To Cornewalle tooke his flyght. 80 Whose carcasse I did send to Rome And still I him pursued with speed Cladd poorlye on a beere ; Till at the last wee mett: And afterward I past Mount-Joye 55 Wherby an appointed day of fight The next approaching yeere. Was there agreed and sett. Then I came to Rome, where I was mett Where we did fight, of mortal life 85 Right as a conquerour, Echo other to deprive. And by all the cardinalls solempnelye Till of a hundred thousand men I was crowned an emperour. 60 Scarce one was left alive. One winter there I made abode : There all the noble chivalrye Then word to mee was brought Of Brittaine tooke their end. 90 Howe Mordred had oppressd the crowne : see how fickle is their state What treason he had wrought That doe on feates depend ! Att horns' in Brittaine with my queene 65 There all the traitorous men were slaine. Therfore I came with speede Not one escapte away ; To Brittaine backe, with all my power, And there dyed all my vallyant knightes | To quitt that traitorous deede : Alas ! that woefull day ! 96 And soone at Sandwiche I arrivde, Two and twenty yeere I ware the crowne Where Mordred me withstoode: 70 In honor and great fame ; But yett at last I landed there, And thus by death was suddenlye With effusion of much blood. Deprived of the same. 100 $ iita V ^t0 L Copied from an old MS. in the Cotton Li- Who strives to breake the sturdye Steele > brary, [Vesp. A. 25,] entitled, " Divers things Or goeth about to staye the sunne ; of Hen. viij's time." Who thinks to causse an oke to reele. Which never can by force be done : 10 Who sekes to tame the blustering winde, Or causse the floods bend to his wyll. That man likewise bestoweth paine, Thoughe that his laboure be in vaine. Or els against dame nature's kinde Who thinks to stryve against the streame, | To 'change^ things frame by cunning And for to sayle without a maste ; skyll: Unlesse he thinks perhapps to faine. 15 That man I thinke bestoweth paine, 5 His travell ys forelorne and waste ; Thoughe that his laboure be in vaine. And so in cure of all his paine. His travell ys his cheffest gaine. Ver. 49, of Pavye, MS. V. 4, causse, Ma Ver. 92, perhaps fates. 334 GLASGERION. So he lykewise, that goes about To please eche eye and every care, Had nede to have withouten doubt A golden gyft w^ith hym to beare : For evyll report shall be his game, Though he bestovre both toyle and paine. 20 God grant eche man one to amend ; 25 God send us all a happy place ; And let us pray unto the end. That we may have our princes grace : Amen, amen ! so shall -we gaine A dewe rev^ard for all our paine. 30 VII. §U^txxau An ingenious Friend thinks that the fol- lowing old Ditty (which is printed from the Editor's folio MS.) may possibly have given birth to the Tragedy of the "Orphan," in which Polidore intercepts Monimia's intend- ed favours to Castalio. See what is said concerning the hero of this song (who is celebrated by Chaucer under tlie name of Glaskyrion) in the Essay prefixed to Series the First, Note H. Glasgerion was a kings owne sonne, And a harper he was goode : He harped in the kinges chambere, Where cuppe and caudle stoode. And soe did hee in the queens chamber, 5 Till ladies waxed ' glad.' And then bespake the kinges daughter ; And these wordes thus shee sayd. Strike on, strike on, Glasgerion, Of thy striking doe not blinne : 10 Theres never a stroke comes oer thy harpe, But it glads my hart withinne. Faire might he fall, ladye, quoth hee. Who taught you nowe to speake ! I have loved you, ladye, seven longe yeere 15 My minde I neere durst breake. But come to my bower, my Glasgerion, When all men are att rest : As I am a ladie true of my promise, Thou shalt bee a welcome guest. 20 Home then came Glasgerion, A glad man, lord ! was hee. And, come thou hither, Jacke my boy ; Come hither unto mee. Ver. 6, wood, MS. Yer. 16, harte, For the kinges daughter of Normandye 25 Hath granted mee my boone : And att her chambere must I bee Beffore the cocke have crowen. master, master, then quoth hee, Lay your head downe on this stone : 30 For I will waken you, master deere, Afore it be time to gone. But up then rose that lither ladd, And hose and shoone did on : A coller he cast upon his necke 35 Hee seemed a gentleman. And when he came to the ladies chamber, He thrild upon a pinn.* The lady was true of her promise, Rose up and lett him in. 40 He did not take the lady gaye To boulster nor to bed : * Nor thoughe hee had his wicked wille, A single word he sed.' He did not kisse that ladyes mouthe, 45 Nor when he came, nor youd : And sore mistrusted that ladye gay, He was of some churls bloud. But home then came that lither ladd, And did off his hose and shoone ; 50 And cast the coller from off his necke : He was but a churl^s sonne. * This is elsewhere expressed ' twirled the pin' or ' tirled at tfie pin' [See B. II. S. VI. v. 3], and seems to refer to the turning round the button on the outside of a door, by which the latch rises, still used in cottages. OLD KOBIN OF PORTINGALE. 335 Awake, awake, my deere master, The cock hath well-nigh crowen. Awake, awake, my master deere, I hold it time to be gone. 55 For I have saddled your horsse, master, Well bridled I have your steede : And I have served you a good breakfast For thereof ye have need. 60 Up then rose good Glasgerion, And did on hose and shoone ; And cast a coller about his necke : For he was a kinge his sonne. And when he came to the ladyes chamber, He thrild upon the pinne : 66 The ladye was more than true of promise, And rose and let him inn. Saies, whether have you left with me Your bracelett or your glove ? 70 Or are you returned backe againe To know more of my love ? Glasgerion swore a full great othe. By oake, and ashe, and thorne ; Lady, I was never in your chamber, 75 Sith the time that I was borne. then it was your lither foot-page, He hath beguiled mee. Then shee pulled forth a little pen-kniffe, That hanged by her knee : 80 there shall never noe churl^s blood' Within my bodye spring : No churles blood shall ever defile The daughter of a kinge. Home then went Glasgerion, 85 And woe, good lord, was hee. Sayes, come thou hither, Jacke my boy, Come hither unto mee. If I had killed a man to night. Jack, I would tell it to thee : 90 But if I have not killed a man to-night, Jacke, thou hast killed three. And he puld out his bright browne sword, A dryed it on his sleeve, And he smote ofi" that lither ladds head, 95 Who did his ladye grieve. He sett the swords poynt till his brest, The pummil untill a stone : Throw the falsenesse of that lither ladd, These three lives werne all gone. 100 vm. ®Kr i^Mn at |0riinplt From an ancient copy in the Editor's folio MS., which was judged to require consider- able corrections. In the former Edition the hero of this piece had been called Sir Robin, but that title not being in the MS. is now omitted. Let never again soe old a man Marrye soe yonge a wife. As did old Robin of Portingale ; Who may rue ail the dayes of his life For the mayors daughter of Lin, god wott, 5 He chose her to his wife. And thought with her to have lived in love, But they fell to hate and strife. 43 Ver. 76, litle, MS. They scarce were in their wed-bed laid, And scarce was hee asleepe, 10 But upp shee rose, and forth shee goes, To the steward, and gan to weepe. Sleepe you, wake you, faire Sir Gyles? Or be you not within ? Sleepe you, wake you, faire Sir Gyles, 15 Arise and let me inn. 0, I am waking, sweete, he said, Sweete ladye, what is your will ? I have unbethought me of a wile How my wed-lord weell spill. 20 Ver. 19, unbethought [properly onbethought], this word is still used in the Midland counties in the same sense as bethought. 33G OLD ROBIN OF PORTINGALE. Twenty-four good knights, shee sayes, That dwell about this towne, Even twenty-four of my next cozens Will helpe to diuge him downe. All that beheard his litle footepage, 25 As he watered his masters steed ; And for his masters sad perille His yerry heart did bleed. He mourned still, and wept full sore I sweare by the holy roode SO The teares he for his master wept Were blent water and bloude. And that beheard his deare master As he stood at his garden pale : Sayes, Ever alacke, my litle foot-page, 35 What causes thee to wail ? Hath any one done to thee wronge Any of thy fellowes here ? Or is any of thy good friends dead, That thou shedst manye a teare ? 40 Or, if it be my head bookes-man, Aggrieved he shal bee : For no man here 7dthin my howse, Shall doe wrong unto thee. 0, it is not your head bookes-man, 45 Nor none of his degree : But, on to-morrow ere it be noone All deemed to die are yee. And of that bethank your head steward, And thank your gay ladie. 50 If this be true, my litle foot-page, The heyre of my land thoust bee. If it be not true, my dear master, No good death let me die. If it be not true, thou litle foot-page, 55 A dead corse shalt thou lie. call now downe my faire ladye, call her downe to mee : And tell my ladye gay how sicke, And like to die I bee. 60 Ver. 32, blend, MS. V. 47, or to-morrow, MS. V. 56, bee, MS. DoAvne then came his ladye faire, All clad in purple and pall : The rings that were on her fingers. Cast light thorrow the hall. What is your will, my owne wed-lord What is your will with mee ? see, my ladye deere, how sicke, And like to die I bee. And thou be sicke, my own wed-lord, Soe sore it grieveth me : But my five may dens and my self e Will ' watch thy' bedde for thee. 65 70 And at the waking of your first sleepe, We will a hott drinke make : And at the waking of your 'next' sleepe, 75 Your sorrowes we will slake. He put a silk cote on his backe. And mail of manye a fold : And hee putt a Steele cap on his head. Was gilt with good red gold. 80 He layd a bright brown e sword by his side. And another alt his feete : "And twentye good knights he placed at hand, To watch him in his sleepe." And about the middle time of the night, 85 Came twentye-four traitours inn : Sir Giles he was the foremost man, The leader of that ginn. Old Robin with his bright browne sword, Sir Gyles head soon did winn : 90 And scant of all those twenty-four, Went out one quick agenn. None save only a litle foot-page. Crept forth at a window of stone : And he had two armes when he came in, 95 And he went back with one. Upp then came that ladie gaye With torches burning bright : She thought to have brought Sir Gyles a drinke. Butt she found her owne wedd knight. 100 Ver. 72, make the, MS. V. 75, first, MS. CHILD WATERS. 337 The first thino;e that she stumbled on It was Sir Gyles his foote : Sayes, Ever alacke, and woe is mee ! Here lyes my sweete hart-roote. The next thinge that she stumbled on It was Sir Gyles his heade : Saycs, Ever, alacke, and woe is me ! Ileere lyes my true love deade. Hee cutt the pappes beside her brest, And did her body spille ; He cutt the eares beside her heade, And bade her love her fiUe. 105 110 He called then up his litle foot-page, And made him there his heyre ; And sayd, henceforth my worldlye goodes And countrye I forsweare. 116 He shope the crosse on his right shoulder, Of the white ' clothe' and the redde,* And went into the holy land, Whereas Christe was quicke and dead. 120 *%ij* In the foregoing piece, Giles, steward to a rich old merchant trading to Portugal, is qualified with the title of Sir, not as being a knight, but rather, I conceive, as having received an inferior order of priesthood. IX. Cpli miim. Child is frequently used by our old writers, as a Title. It is repeatedly given to Prince Arthur in the " Faerie Queen :" and the son of a king is in the same poem called " Child Tristram> [B. 5, c. 11, st. 8, 13.— B. 6, c. 2, St. 36.— Ibid. c. 8, st. 15.] In an old bal- lad quoted in " Shakspeare's King Lear," the hero of Ariosto is called Child Roland, Mr. Theobald supposes this use of the word was received along with their romances from the Spaniards, with whom Infante signifies a "Prince." A more eminent critic tells us, that " in the old times of chivalry, the noble youth, who were candidates for knighthood, during the time of their probation were called Iiifans, Varlets, Damoysels, BacJieliers. The most noble of the youth were particularly called Infans." [Vid. Warb. Shakesp.J A late commentator on Spenser observes, that the Saxon word cnihz knight, signifies also a *' Child." [See Upton's Gloss, to the F. Q.] The Editor's folio MS., whence the follow- ing piece is taken (with some corrections), afibrds several other ballads, wherein the word Child occurs as a title ; but in none of these it signifies " Prince." See the song entitled Gill Morrice, in this volume. It ought to be observed, that the word Child or Chield is still used in North Britain to denominate a Man, commonly with some contemptuous character afiixed to him, but sometimes to denote Man in general. Childe Waters in his stable stoode' And stroakt his milke white steede: To him a fayre yonge ladye came As ever ware womans weede. Sayes, Christ you save, good Childe Waters ; Sayes, Christ you save, and see: 6 My girdle of gold that was too longe, Is now too short for mee. And all is with one chyld of yours, I feele sturre att my side : My gowne of green e it is too straighte ; Before, it was too wide. 10 If the child be mine, faire Ellen, he sayd, Be mine as you tell mee ; Then take you Cheshire and Lancashire both, Take them your owne to bee. 16 If the childe be mine, faire Ellen, he sayd, Be mine, as you doe sweare: Then take you Cheshire and Lancashire both, And make that child your heyre. 20 Ver. 118, fleshe, MS. V. 13, be inne, MS. * Every person, who went on a Croisade to the Holy Land, usually wore a cross on his upper garment, on the right shoulder, as a badge of his profession. Different na- tions were distinguished by crosses of different colours: The English wore white; the French red; &c. This cir- cumstance seems to be confounded in the ballad. [V. Spel- man, Glo«.s.] 338 CHILD WATERS. Shee sales, I had rather have one kisse, Child Waters, of thy mouth ; Than I wolde have Cheshire and Lancashire both, That lye by north and south. And I had rather have one twinkling, 25 Childe Waters, of thine ee : Then I wolde have Cheshire and Lancashire both, To take them mine owne to bee. To morrow, Ellen, I must forth ryde Farr into the north countrie ; 30 The fairest lady that I can find, Ellen, must goe with mee. * Thoughe I am not that lady fayre, Yet let me goe with thee :' And ever I pray you, Child Waters, 35 Your foot-page let me bee. If you will my foot-page be, EU^n, As you doe tell to mee ; Then you must cut your gowne of greene, An inch above your knee : 40 Soe must you doe your yellowe lockes, An inch above your ee : You must tell no man what is my name ; My foot-page then you shall bee. Shee, all the long day Child Waters rode, 45 Ran barefoote by his side ; Yett was he never soe courteous a knighte, To say, Ellen, will you ryde ? Shee, all the long day Child Waters rode, Ran barefoote thorow the broome ; 50 Yett hee wa* never so curteous a knighte, To say, put on your shoone. Ride softlye, shee sayd, Childe Waters, Why doe you ryde soe fast ? The childe, which is no mans but thine, 55 My bodye itt will brast. Hee sayth, seest thou yonder water, Ellen, That flows from banke to brimme. — I trust to God, Child Waters, You never will see* mee swimme. 60 * i. e. permit, suffer, &c. But when shee came to the waters side, Shee sayled to the chinne : Except the Lord of heaven be my speed, Now must I learne to swimme. 65 The salt waters bare up her clothes ; Our Ladye bare upp her chinne ; Childe Waters was a woe man, good Lord, To see faire Ellen swimme. And when shee over the water was, Shee then came to his knee : 70 He said, Come hither, thou faire Ellfen, Loe yonder what I see. Seest thou not yonder hall, Ellfen ? Of redd gold shines the yate : Of twenty foure faire ladyes there, 75 The fairest is my mate. Seest thou not yonder hall, Ellfen? Of redd gold shines the towre : There are twenty four faire ladyes there, The fairest is my paramoure. 80 I see the hall now, Child Waters, Of redd gold shines the yate : God give you good now of yourselfe, And of your worthye mate. I see the hall now, Child Waters, 85 Of redd golde shines the towre : Grod give you good now of yourselfe, And of your paramoure. There twenty four fayre ladyes were A playing att the ball : 90 And Ellen the fairest ladye there. Must bring his steed to the stall. There twenty four fayre ladyes were A playinge at the chesse ; And Ellen the fayrest ladye there, 95 Must bring his horse to gresse. And then bespake Childe Waters sister, These were the wordes said shee ; You have the pretty est foot-page, brother, That ever I saw with mine ee. 100 But that his bellye it is soe bigg, His girdle goes wondrous hie : And let him, I pray you, Childe Waters, Goe into the chamber with mee. Ver. 84, woldlye, MS. CHILD WATERS. 339 It is not fit for a little foot-page, 105 And soe doe thou the good black oats, That has run throughe mosse and myre, To carry mee better awaye. 140 To go into the chamber with any ladye, That weares soe riche attyre. Up then rose the faire Ell^n, And gave his steede corne and hay ; It is more meete for a little foot-page, And soe shee did the good blacke oates, That has run throughe mosse and myre, To carry him the better away. To take his supper upon his knee, 111 And sitt downe by the kitchen fyer. Shee leaned her backe to the manger side, And grievouslye did groane : 146 But when they had supped every one, She leaned her back to the manger side, To bedd they tooke theyr waye : And there shee made her moane. He sayd, come hither, my little foot-page. And hearken what I saye. 116 And that beheard his mother deere, Shee heard her there monand,* 150 Goe thee downe into yonder towne, Shee sayd, Rise up, thou Childe Waters, And low into the street ; I think thee a cursed man. The fayrest ladye that thou can finde, Hyer her in mine armes to sleepe, 120 For in thy stable is a ghost. And take her up in thine armes twaine That grievouslye doth grone : For filinge* of her feete. Or else some woman labours of childe, 155 Shee is soe woe-begone. Ellen is gone into the towne, And low into the streete : Up then rose Childe Waters soon, The fairest ladye that shee cold find, 125 And did on his shirte of silke ; Shee hyred in his armes to sleepe : And then he put on his other clothes. And tooke her up in her armes twayne, On his body as white as milke. 160 For filing of her feete. And when he came to the stable dore, I pray you nowe, good Childe Waters, Full still there he did stand, Let me lye at your bedds feete : That hee mighte heare his fayre Ell^n, For there is noe place about this house, 130 Howe shee made her mon^nd. Where I may ^sayef a sleepe. She sayd, Lullabye, mine owne deere child. * He gave her leave, and faire Ell^n LuUabye, dere child, dere ; 166 ' Down at his beds feet lay :' I wold thy father were a king, This done the nighte drove on apace, 135 Thy mother layd on a biere. And when it was neare the daye. Peace now, hee said, good faire Ell^n, Hee sayd. Rise up, my litle foot-page, Be of good cheere, I praye ; 170 Give my steede corne and haye ; And the bridal and the churching both Shall bee upon one day. * i. e. defiling. See Warton's Observ. vol. II. p. 158. t i. e, essay, attempt. * Sic in MS. 1. e. moaning, bemoaning, Ac. 340 PHILLIDA AND CORYDON. X. I^illita m)i ^fix^M. This Sonnet is given from a small quarto MS. in the Editor's possession, written in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Another copy of it, containing some variations, is reprinted in the Muses Library, p. 295, from an ancient miscellany, entitled England's Helicon, 1600, 4to. The author was Nicholas Breton, a writer of some fame in the reign of Eliza- beth ; who also published an interlude, enti- tled "An old man's lesson and a young man's love,'' 4to., and many other little pieces in prose and verse, the titles of which may be seen in Winstanley, Ames' Typog., and Os- borne's Harl. Catalog., &c. — He is mentioned with great respect by Meres, in his second part of "Wit's Commonwealth," 1598, f. 283, and is alluded to in Beaumont and Fletcher's " Scornful Lady," Act 2, and again in " Wit without Money," Act 3.— See Whal- ley's Ben Jonson, vol. III., p. 103. The present Edition is improved by a copy in " England's Helicon," vol. III., edit. 1614, 8vo. In the merrie moneth of Maye, In a morne by break of daye, With a troope of damselles playing Forthe ' I yode' forsooth a maying : When anon by a wood side, 5 Where as Maye was in his pride, I espied all alone Phillida and Corydon. Much adoe there was, god wot ; He wold love, and she wold not. 10 She sayde, never man was trewe ; He sayes, none was false to you. Pie sayde, hee had lovde her longe : She sayes, love should have no wronge. Corydon wold kisse her then : 15 She sayes, maydes must kisse no men, Tyll they doe for good and all. When she made the shepperde call All the heavens to wytnes truthe, Never loved a truer youthe. 20 Then with manie a prettie othe, Yea and nay, and faith and trothe ; Ver. 4, the wode, MS. Sucbe as seelie shepperdes use When they will not love abuse ; Love, that had bene long deluded, 25 Was with kisses sweete concluded ; And Phillida with garlands gaye Was made the lady of the Maye. fit The foregoing little pastoral of " Phil- lida and Corydon" is one of the songs in " The Honourable Entertainment gieven to the Queenes Majestic in Progresse at Elve- tham in Hampshire, by the R. H. the Earle of Hertford, 1591," 4to. [Printed by Wolfe. No name of author.] See in that pamphlet, " The thirde dales entertainment. " On Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock, as her Majestic opened a casement of her gallerie window, ther were 3 excellent musi- tians, who being disguised in auncient coun- try attire, did greete her with a pleasant song of ' Corydon and Phillida,' made in three parts of purpose. The song, as well for the worth of the dittie, as the aptnesse of the note thereto applied, it pleased her Highoesse after it had been once sung to command it againe, and highly to grace it with her cheere- fuU acceptance and commendation. " The Plowman's Song. "In the merrie month of May, c&c." The splendour and magnificence of Eliza- beth's reign is no where more strongly painted than in these little diaries of some of her summer excursions to the houses of her nobility ; nor could a more acceptable present be given to the world, than a republi- cation of a select number of such details as this of the entertainment at Elvetham, that at Killingworth, &c., &c., which so strongly mark the spirit of the times, and present us with scenes so very remote from modern manners. *^* Since the above was written, the Pub- lic hath been gratified with a most complete work on the foregoing subject, entitled " The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, &c. By John Nichols, F. A. S., Edinb. and Perth, 1788," 2 vols., 4to. LITTLE MUSGRAYE AND LADY BARNARD. 341 XI. Sittle ftwsgrate atti faig ^mmt This ballad is ancient, and has been popu- lar ; we find it quoted in many old plays. See Beaum. and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle, 4to., 1613, Act 5. The Ya- rietie, a comedy, 12mo., 1649, Act 4, &c. In Sir William Davenant's play, "The Witts," Act 3, a gallant thus boasts of himself: " Limber and sound ! besides I sing Mus- grave, And for Chevy-chace no lark comes near mee." In the Pepys Collection, vol. III., p. 314, is an imitation of this old song, in 33 stanzas, by a more modern pen, with many alterations, but evidently for the worse. This is given from an old printed copy in the British Museum, with corrections ; some of which are from a fragment in the Editor's folio MS. It is also printed in Dryden's Collection of Miscellaneous Poems. As it fell out on a highe holye daye, As many bee in the yeare, When yong men and maides together do goe, Their masses and mattins to heare, Little Musgr^ve came to the church door, 5 The priest was at the mass ; But he had more mind of the fine wom^n, Then he had of our Ladyes grace. And some of them Avere clad in greene, And others were clad in pall ; 10 And then came in my Lord Barnardes wife, The fairest amono- them all. Shee cast an eye on little Musgr^ve As bright as the summer sunne : then bethought him little Musgr^ve, This ladyes heart I have wonne. 15 Quoth she, I have loved thee, little Musgrave, Fulle long and manye a daye. So have I loved you, ladye faire, Yet word I never durst save. 20 I have a bower at Bucklesford-bury,* Full daintilye bedight. If thoult wend thither, my little Musgrave, Thoust lig in mine amies all night. Quoth hee, I thanke yee, ladye faire, 25 This kindness yee shew to mee ; And whether it be to my weale or woe, This night will I lig with thee. All this beheard a litle foot-page, By his ladyes coach as he ranne : 30 Quoth he, thoughe I am my ladyes page, Yet Ime my Lord Barnardes manne. My Lord Barnard shall knows of this, Although I lose a limbe. And ever whereas the bridges were broke, He layd him downe to swimme. 36 Asleep or awake, thou Lord Barnard, As thou art a man of life, Lo ! this same night at Bucklesford-Bury Litle Musgrave's in bed with thy wife. 40 If it be trew, thou litle foote-page. This tale thou hast told to mee. Then all my lands in Bucklesford-Bury I freelye will give to thee. But and it be a lye, thou litle foot-page. This tale thou hast told to mee. On the highest tree in Bucklesford-Bury 45 All hanged shalt thou bee. Rise up, rise up, my merry men all, And saddle me my good steede ; 50 This night must I to Bucklesford-Bury ; God wott, I had never more neede. Then some they whistled, and some they sang, And some did loudlye saye. Whenever Lord Barnardes home it blewe, Awaye, Musgrave, away. 56 * Bucldejkld-berry, fol. MS. 342 LITTLE MUSGRAYE AND LADY BARNARD. Methinkes I heare the throstle cocke, Methinkes I heare the jay, Methinkes I heare Lord Barnards home ; I would I were awaye. 60 Lye still, lye still, thou little Musgr^ve, And 'juggle me from the cold ; For it is but some shephardes boye A whistling his sheepe to the fold. Is not thy hawke upon the pearche, 65 Thy horse eating corne and haye? And thou a gay lady within thine armes : And wouldst thou be awaye ? By this Lord Barnard was come to the dore. And lighted upon a stone : 70 And he pulled out three silver keyes, And opened the dores eche one. He lifted up the coverlett, He lifted up the sheete ; How now, how now, thou little Musgr5,ve, 75 Dost find my gaye ladye sweete ? I find her sweete, quoth little Musgrgive, The more is my griefe and paine ; Ide gladlye give three hundred poundes That I were on yonder plaine. 80 Arise, arise, thou little Musgrave, And put thy cloathes nowe on, It shall never be said in my countree, That I killed a naked man. I have two swordes in one scabbkrde, 85 Full deare they cost my purse ; And thou shalt have the best of them, And I will have the worse. Ver. 64, Is whistling sheepe ore the mold, fol. MS. The first stroke that little Musgrave strucke, He hurt Lord Barnard sore ; 90 The next stroke that Lord Barnard strucke, Little Musgrave never strucke more. With that bespake the ladye faire, In bed whereas she laye, Althoughe thou art dead, my little Musgrave, Yet for the I will praye : 96 And wishe well to thy soule will I, So long as I have life ; So will I not do for thee, Barnkrd, Thoughe I am thy wedded wife. 100 He cut her pappes from ofi" her brest ; Great pitye it was to see , The drops of this fair ladyes bloode ^ Run trickling downe her knee. Wo worth, wo worth ye, my raerrye men all, You never were borne for my goode : 106 Why did you not ofiPer to stay my hande. When you sawe me wax so woode ? For I have slaine the fairest sir knighte, That ever rode on a steede ; 110 So have I done the fairest lady, That ever ware womans weede. A grave, a grave, Lord Barnard cryde. To putt these lovers in ; But lay my ladye o' the upper hande, 115 For shee comes o' the better kin. fit That the more modern copy is to be dated about the middle of the last century, will be readily conceived from the tenor of the concluding stanza, viz. " This said Mischief by Lust was wrought ; Then let us call for Grace That we may shun the wicked vice, And fly from Sin a-pace." THE KNIGHT, AND SHEPHERD'S DAUGHTER. 343 XII. %\t dto-iug^te, llran* A SCOTTISH SONG. This sonnet appears to be ancient: that Ive nine milk-ews, my Marion, and its simplicity of sentiment have recom- A cow and a brawney quay ; mended it to a place here. Ise gie tham au to my Marion, Will ze gae to the ew-bughts, Marion, Just on her bridal day. And zees get a grein sey apron, 20 And wear in the sheip wi' mee? And waistcote o' London broun ; The sun shines sweit, my Marion, And wow bot ze will be vaporing y But nae half sae sweit as thee. Marion's a bonnie lass ; 5 Quhaneir zo gang to the toun. And the blyth blinks in her ee : And fain wad I marrie Marion, Gin Marion wad marrie mee. Ime yong and stout, my Marion, None dance lik mee on the greine ; 25 Theire's gowd in zour garters, Marion ; And gin ze forsak me, Marion, And siller on zour white hauss-bane:* Ise een gae draw up wi' Jeane. Fou faine wad I kisse my Marion 11 Sae put on zour pearlins, Marion, At eene quhan I cum hame. And kirtle oth' cramasie, 30 Theire's braw lads in Earnslaw, Marion, And sune as my chin has nae haire on Quha gape and glowr wi' their ee I sail cum west, and see zee. At kirk, quhan they see my Marion ; 15 Bot nane of them lues like mee. XI II. f |e f nig|t, M)i S )\lt^\txV$ |att#en This ballad (given from an old black letter Good morrowe to you, beauteous maide, 5 Copy, with some corrections) was popular in These words pronounced hee: the time of Queen Elizabeth, being usually I shall dye this daye, he sayd, printed with her picture before it, as Hearne If Ive not my wille of thee. informs us in his preface to " Gul. Neubrig, Hist. Oxon, 1719, 8vo., vol. I., p. Ixx." It is The Lord forbid, the maide replyd, quoted in Fletcher's comedy of the Pilgrim, That you shold waxe so wode ! 10 Act 4, sc. 1. ' But for all that shee could do or saye He wold not be withstood.^ > There was a shepherds daughter Came tripping on the waye ; And there by chance a knighte shee mett, Which caused her to staye. Sith you have had your wille of mee, And put me to open shame. Now, if you are a courteous knighte. Tell me what is your name ? Some do call mee Jacke, sweet heart. 15 *Hauss-iane, i. e. The neck-bone. Marion had probably a silver locket on, tied close to her neck with a ribband, an usual ornament in Scotland ; where a sore throat is called " a sair hause," properly halse. And some do call mee Jille ; But when I come to the kings faire courte 44 They call me Wilfulle Wille. 20 344 THE KNIGHT, AND SHEPHERD'S DAUGHTER. He sett his foot into the stirrup, And awaye then he did ride ; She tuckt her girdle about her middle, And ranne close by his side. But when she came to the brode wat^r, 25 She sett her brest and swam me ; And when she \^as got out againe, She tooke to her heels and ranne. He never was the courteous knighte, To saye, faire maide, will ye ride ? And she was ever too loving a maide To saye, sir knighte abide. 30 When she came to the kings faire courte. She knocked at the ring ; So readye was the king himself 35 To lett this faire maide in. Now Christ you save, my gracious liege, Now Christ you save and see, You have a knighte within your courte This daye hath robbed mee. 40 What hath he robbed thee of, sweet heart? Of purple or of pall ? Or hath he took thy gaye gold ring From off thy linger small ? He hath not robbed mee, my leige, 45 Of purple nor of pall : v But he hath gotten my maiden head, Which grieves mee worst of all. Now if he be a batchelor. His bodye He give to thee; 50 But if he be a married man. High hanged he shall bee. He called downe his merrye men all. By one, by two, by three ; Sir William used to bee the first, 55 But nowe the last came hee. He brought her downe full fortye pounde, Tyed up withinne a glove : Faire maide, He give the same to thee ; Go, seeke thee another love. 60 Ver. 50, His bodye lie give to thee.] This was agreeable to the feudal customs: the lord had a right to give a wife to his vassals. See Shakspeare's "All's well that ends well." He have none of your gold, she sayde, Nor He have none of your fee ; But your faire bodye I must have, The king hath granted mee. Sir William ranne and fetchd her then 65 Five hundred pound in golde. Saying, faire maide, take this to thee. Thy fault will never be tolde-. Tis not the gold that shall mee tempt, These words then answered shee, 70 But your own bodye I must have, The king hath granted mee. Would I had dranke the water cleare, When I did drinke the wine. Rather than any shepherds brat 75 Shold bee a ladye of mine ! Would I had drank the puddle foule, When I did drink the ale. Rather than ever a shepherds brat Shold tell me such a tale ! 80 A shepherds brat even as I was, You mote have let me bee, I never had come othe kings faire courte, To crave any love of thee. He sett her on a milk-white steede, 85 And himself upon a graye ; He hung a bugle about his necke, And soe they rode awaye. But when they came unto the place. Where marriage-rites were done, 90 She proved herself a dukes daughter, And he but a squires sonne. Now marrye me, or not, sir knight, Your pleasure shall be free : If you make me ladye of one good towne, He make you lord of three. 96 Ah ! curst bee the gold, he sayd. If thou hadst not been trewe, I shold have forsaken my sweet love. And have changed her for a newe. 100 And now their hearts being linked fast, They joyned hand in hande: Thus he had both purse, and person too, And all at his commande. < LORD THOMAS AND FAIR ELINOR. 345 XIV. ®^e Sfe^e|i^ryi5 gitotss t0 lis llns^ This Poem, originally printed from the small MS. volume mentioned above in No. X., has been improved by a more perfect copy in "England's Helicon/' where the author is discovered to be N. Breton. Good Muse, rocke me aslepe With some sweete harmony : This w^earie eyes is not to kepo Thy wary company. Sweete Love, begon a while, 5 Thou seest my heavines : Beautie is borne but to beguyle My harte of happines. See howe my little flocke, That lovde to feede on highe, 10 Doe headlonge tumble downe the rocke, And in the valley dye. The bushes and the trees, That were so fresh e and greene, Doe all their deintie colors leese, And not a leafe is scene. The blacke birde and the thrushe, That made the woodes to ringe, 15 With all the rest, are now at hushe, And not a note they singe. 20 Swete Philomele, the birde That hath the heavenly throte, Doth nowe, alas ! not once afforde Recordinge of a note. The flowers have had a frost, 25 The herbs have loste their savoure ; And Phillida the faire hath lost * For me her wonted' favour. Thus all these careful sights So kill me in conceit : That now to hope upon delights, It is but meere deceite. 30 And therefore, my sweete muse, That knowest what helpe is best, Doe nowe thy heavenlie conninge use To sett my harte at rest : . 35 And in a dreame bewraie What fate shal be my frende ; Whether my life shall still decaye, Or when my sorrowes ende. 40 ■^9^ XV. S^rir %\mm anlr |air (^limx, — Is given (with corrections) from an ancient copy in black-letter, in the Pepys collection, entitled "A tragical ballad on the unfortu- nate love of Lord Thomas and fair Ellinor, together with the downfall of the browne girl.'' — In the same collection may be seen an attempt to modernize this old song, and reduce it to a different measure : a proof of its popularity. Lord Thomas he was a bold forrestfer, And a chaser of the kings deere; Faire Ellinor was a fine wom^n, And Lord Thomas he loved his deare. Come riddle my riddle, dear mother, he sayd, And riddle us both as one ; 6 Whether I shall marrye with faire Ellinor, And let the browne girl alone ? The browne girl she has got houses and lands, Fair Ellinor she has got none, 10 And therefore I charge thee on my blessing, To bring me the browne girl home. And as it befelle on a high holidaye. As many there are beside. Lord Thomas he went to faire Ellinor, 15 That should have been her bride. 346 LORD THOMAS AND FAIR ELINOR. And when he came to faire Ellinors bower. He knocked there at the ring, And who was so ready as faire Ellinor, To lett Lord Thomas withinn. 20 What newes, what newes, Lord Thomas, she sayd ? What newes dost thou bring to mee ? I am come to bid thee to my wedding, And that is bad news for thee. God forbid. Lord Thomas, she sayd, 25 . That such a thing should be done ; 1 thought to have been the bride my selfe. And thou to have been the bridegrome. Come riddle my riddle, dear mother, she sayd. And riddle it all in one ; 30 Whether I shall goe to Lord Thomas his wedding. Or whether shall tarry at home ? There are manye that are your friendes, daughter. And manye a one your foe, Therefore I charge you on my blessing, 35 To Lord, Thomas his wedding don't goe. There are manye that are my friendes, mo- ther; But were every one my foe. Betide me life, betide me death, To Lord Thomas his wedding I'ld goe. 40 She cloathed herself in gallant attire, And her merrye men all in greene ; And as they rid through every towne, They took her to be some queene. But when she came to Lord Thomas his gate, She knocked there at the ring ; 46 Ver. 29, It should probably be Reade me, read, &c., i. e. Advise me, advise. And who was so readye as Lord Thomas, To lett faire Ellinor in. Is this your bride, fair Ellinor sayd ? Methinks she looks wonderous browne ; 50 Thou mightest have had as faire a wom^n, As ever trode on the grounde. Despise her not, fair Ellin, he sayd, Despise her not unto mee ; For better I love thy little finger, 55 Than all her whole bodfee. This browne bride had a little penknife, That was both long and sharpe, And betwixt the short ribs and the long, She prick'd faire Ellinor's harte. 60 Christ thee save, Lord Thomas hee sayd, Methinkst thou lookst wondrous wan ; Thou usedst to look with as fresh a coldur, As ever the sun shone on. Oh, art thou blind. Lord Thomas? she sayd. Or canst thou not very well see ? 66 Oh ! dost thou not see my owne hearts bloode Run trickling down my knee. Lord Thomas he had a sword by his side ; As he walked about the halle, 70 He cut off his brides head from her shoul- ders. And threwe it against the walle. He set the hilte against the grounde, And the point against his harte.' ■' There never three lovers together did meete. That sooner againe did parte. 76 *^* The reader will find a Scottish song on a similar subject to this, towards the end of this volume, entitled "Lord Thomas and Lady Annet." THE LADY TURNED SERVING-MAN. 347 XVI. Cttpiiij an& Cumpsp. This elegant little sonnet is found in the Loses them too ; then down he throws third act of an old play, entitled "Alexander The coral of his lippe, the rose and Campaspe," written by John Lilye, a Growing on's cheek (but none knows how), celebrated writer in the time of Queen Eliza- With these, the crystal of his browe, beth. That play was first printed in 1591 : And then the dimple of his chinne ; but this copy is given from a later edition. All these did my Campaspe winne. At last he set her both his eyes. Cupid and my Campaspe playd She won, and Cupid blind did rise. At cardes for kisses ; Cupid payd : Love ! has she done this to thee ? He stakes his quiver, bow and arrows, What shall, alas ! become of mee ? His mothers doves, and teame of sparrows ; XVII. % faig kmli Snhm-Wnn. — Is given from a written copy, containing And trembling hid in mans array, some improvements (perhaps modern ones). I scant with life escaped away. 20 upon the popular ballad, entitled, " The fa- mous flower of Serving-men ; or the Lady In the midst of this extremitie, turned Serving-man.'^ My servants all did from me flee : Thus was I left myself alone, You beauteous ladyes, great and small,' With heart more cold than any stone. I write unto you one and all. Whereby that you may understand Yet though my heart was full of care, 25 Heaven would not suffer me to dispaire, What I have suffered in the land. Wherefore in haste I chang'd my name I was by birth a lady faire, 5 From fair Elise, to sweet Williame : An ancient barons only heire, And when my good old father died, Then I became a young knightes bride. And therewithal! I cut my haire, Resolv'd my man's attire to weare ; 30 And there my love built me a bower, Bedeck'd with many a fragrant flower ; 10 And in my beaver, hose and band, I traveird far through many a land. A braver bower you ne'er did see Than my true love did build for mee. At length all wearied with my toil, I sate me down to rest awhile ; And there I livde a ladye gay. My heart it was so fill'd with woe, 35 Till fortune wrought our loves decay; That downe my cheeke the teares did flow. For there came foes so fierce a band, 15 That soon they over-run the land. It chanc'd the king of that same place With all his lords a hunting was. They came upon us in the night, And seeing me weepe. upan the same And brent my bower, and slew my knight ; Askt who I was, and whence I came. 40 348 THE LADY TURNED SERVING-MAN. Then to his grace I did replye, I am a poore and friendlesse boye, Though nobly borne, nowe forc'd to bee A serving-man of lowe degree. Stand up, faire youth, the king reply'd, 45 For thee a service I'll provyde ; But tell me first what thou canst do ; Thou sbalt be fitted thereunto. Wilt thou be usher of my hall, To wait upon my nobles all ? 50 Or wilt be taster of my wine, To Hend on me when I shall dine? Or wilt thou be my chamberlaine, About my person to remaine ? Or wilt thou be one of my guard, 55 Aud I will give thee great reward? Chuse, gentle youth, said he, thy place. Then I reply'd, If it please your grace, To shew such favour unto mee, Your chamberlaine I faine would bee. 60 The king then smiling gave consent, And straitwaye to his court I went ; Where I behavde so faithfullie, That hee great favour showd to mee. Now marke what fortune did provide ; 65 The king he would a hunting ride With all his lords and noble traine. Sweet William must at home remaine. Thus being left alone behind, My former state came in my mind : 70 I wept to see my mans array ; No longer now a ladye gay. And meeting with a ladyes vest, Within the same myself I drest ; With silken robes and jewels rare, 75 I deckt me, as a ladye faire : And taking up a lute straitwaye, Upon the same I strove to play ; And sweetly to the same did sing, As made both hall and chamber ring. 80 (" " My father was as brave a lord, As ever Europe might afford ; My mother was a lady bright: My husband was a valiant knight : " And I myself a ladye gay 85 Bedeckt with gorgeous rich array; The happiest lady in the land Had not more pleasure at command. " I had my musicke every day Harmonious lessons for to play ; 90 I had my virgins fair and free Continually to wait on mee. " But now, alas ! my husband's dead. And all my friends are from me fled. My former days are past and gone, 95 And I am now a serving-man.'' And fetching many a tender sigh, As thinking no one then was nigh, In pensive mood I laid me lowe, My heart was full, the tears did flowe. 100 The king, who had a huntinge gone, Grewe weary of his sport anone, And leaving all his gallant traine, Turn'd on the sudden home againe : And when he reach'd his statelye tower, 105 Hearing one sing within his bower, He stopt to listen, and to see Who sung there so melodiouslie.^ ^ Thus heard he everye word I sed. And saw the pearlye teares I shed, 110 And found to his amazement there, Sweete William was a ladye faire. Then stepping in, Faire ladye rise. And dry, said he, those lovelye eyes. For I have heard thy mournful tale, 115 The which shall turn to thy availe. A crimson dye my face orespred, I blusht for shame, and hung my head. To find my sex and story knowne. When as I thought I was alone. 120 But to be briefe, his royall grace Grewe so enamour'd of my face, The richest gifts he proffered mee, His mistress if that I would bee. Ah ! no, my liege, I firmlye sayd, 125 I'll rather in my grave be layd. And though your grace hath won my heart, I ne'er will act soe base a ^zx\,^^ y^ GIL MORRICE. 349 Faire ladye, pardon me, sayd hee, Thy virtue shall rewarded bee, And since it is soe fairly tryde. Thou shalt become my royal bride. 130 Then strait to end his amorous strife, He tooke sweet AVilliam to his wife. The like before was never seene, y A serving-man became a queene.t^ 135 XVIII. iil Itjcrrrith A SCOTTISH BALLAD. The following piece hath run through two editions in Scotland : the second was printed at Glasgow in 1755, 8vo. Prefixed to them both is an advertisement, setting forth that the preservation of this poem was owing " to a lady, who favoured the printers with a copy, as it was carefully collected from the mouths of old women and nurses ;'' and " any reader that can render it more correct or complete," is desired to oblige the public with such improvements. In consequence of this advertisement, sixteen additional verses have been produced and handed about in manu- script, which are here inserted in their pro- per places : (these are from verse 109 to verse 121, and from verse 12-4 to verse 129, but are perhaps, after all, only an ingenious interpo- lation.) As this poem lays claim to a pretty high antiquity, we have assigned it a place among our early pieces : though, after all, there is reason to believe it has received very consi- derable modern improvements : for in the Editor's ancient MS. collection is a very old imperfect copy of the same ballad : wherein though the leading features of the story are the same, yet the colouring here is so much improved and heightened, and so many addi- tional strokes are thrown in, that it is evi- dent the whole has undergone a revisal. N. B. The Editor's MS., instead of " Lord Barnard," has "John Stewart;" and instead of " Gil Morrice," " Child Maurice," wliich last is probably the original title. See above, p. 337. Gil Morrice was an erl^s son, His name it waxed wide ; It was nae for his great rich&s, Nor zet his mickle pride ; Bot it was for a lady gay, 5 That livd on Carron side. Quhair sail I get a bonny boy. That will win hose and shoen ; That will gae to Lord Barnards ha', And bid his lady cum ? 10 And ze maun rin my errand, Willie ; And ze may rin wi' pride ; Quhen other boys gae on their foot, On horse-back ze sail ride. no ! oh no ! my master dear ! 15 I dare nae for my life ; I'll no gae to the bauld barons, For to triest furth his wife. My bird Willie, my boy Willie ; My dear Willie, he sayd : 20 How can ze strive against the stream ? For I sail be obeyd. Bot, my master dear ! he cryd, In grene wod ze're zour lain ; Gi owre sic thochts, I walde ze rede, 25 For fear ze should be tain. Haste, haste, I say, gae to the ha', Bid hir cum here wi speid : If ze refuse my heigh command, 111 gar zour body bleid. 30 Gae bid hir take this gay mantM, 'Tis a' gowd bot the hem ; Bid hir cum to the gude grene wode, And bring nane bot hir lain : And there it is, a silken sarke, 35 Hir ain hand sewd the sleive ; And bid hir cum to Gill Morice, Speir nae bauld barons leave. Ver. 11, something seems wanting here, perhaps, 'bout the hem. V. 32, and 350 GIL MORRICE Yes, I will gae zour black errand, Ze leid, ze leid, ze filthy nurse, Though it be to zour cost ; 40 Sae loud I heird ze lee ; Sea ze by me will nae be warn'd, I brocht it to Lord Barnards lady ; In it ze sail find frost. I trow ze be nae shee. 90 The baron he is a man of might, Then up and spack the bauld baron. He neir could bide to taunt, An angry man was hee ; As ze will see before its nicht, 45 He's tain the table wi' his foot. How sma' ze hae to vaunt. Sae has he wi' his knee ; Till siller cup and 'mazer'* dish 95 And sen I maun zour errand rin In flinders he gard flee. Sae sair against my will ; I'se mak a vow and keip it trow. It sail be done for ill. 50 Gae bring a robe of zour eliding. And quhen he came to broken brigue. He bent his bow and swam ; That hings upon the pin ; And I'll gae to the gude grene wode. And speik wi' zour lemm^n. 100 bide at hame, -now Lord Barn&,rd, And quhen he came to grass growing, Set down his feet and ran. I warde ze bide at hame ; And quhen he came to Barnards ha', 55 Neir wyte a man for violence. Would neither chap nor ca' : That neir wate ze wi' nane. Bot set his bent bow to his breist. And lichtly lap the wa'. Gil Morice state in gude grene wode, 105 He wauld nae tell the man his errand, He whistled and he sang : Though he stude at the gait ; 60 what mean a' the folk coming, Bot straiht into the ha' he cam, My mother tarries lang. Quhair they were set at meit. His hair was like the threeds of gold,; Drawne frae Minerva's loome : ^110 Hail ! hail ! my gentle sire and dame ! Hia lipps like roses drapping dew, My message winna waite ; His breath was a' perfume. Dame, ze maun to the gude grene wod 65 Before that it be late. Ze're bidden tak this gay mantM, His brow was like the mountain snae Tis a' gowd bot the hem : Gilt by the morning beam : Zou maun gae to the gude grene wode. His cheeks like living roses glow : 115 Ev'n by your sel alane. 70 His een like azure stream. The boy was clad in robes of grene. And there it is, a silken sarke, Sweete as the infant spring : Your ain hand sewd the sleive ; And like the mavis on the bush, Ze maun gae speik to Gill Morice: He gart the vallies ring. 120 Speir nae bauld barons leave. The lady stamped wi' hir foot, 75 The baron came to the grene wode, And winked wi' hir ee ; Wi' mickle dule and care. Bot a' that she coud say or do. And there he first spied Gill Morice Forbidden he wad nae bee. Kameing his zellow hair : That sweetly wavd around his face, 125 Its surely to my bow'r-womkn ; That face beyond compare: It neir could be to me. 80 He sang sae sweet it might dispel I brocht it to Lord Barnards lady ; A' rage but fell despair. I trow that ze be she. Then up and spack the wylie nurse, (The bairn upon hir knee) V. 88 Perhaps, loud say I heire. Ver. 128. So Milton, If it be cum frae Gil Morice, 85 It's deir welcum to mee. Vernal delight and joy: ahle to drive All Badness hut despair. B. iv. v. 155. * i. e. a drinking cup of maple : other edit, read ezwr. Ver. 58, Could this be the wall of the castle ? i GIL MORRICE. 351 Nae wonder, nae wonder, Gill Morice, Obraid me not, my Lord Barnard ! My lady loed thee weel. 130 Obraid me not for shame ! The fairest part of my bodie Wi' that saim speir pierce my heart ! Is blacker than thy heel. And put me out o' pain. 180 Zet neir the less now, Gill Morice, Since nothing bot Gill Morice head For a' thy great beautife, Thy jelous rage could quell, Ze's rew the day ze eir was born ; 135 Let that saim hand now tak hir life. That head sail gae wi' me. That neir to thee did ill. Now he has drawn his trusty brand, To me nae after days nor nichts 185 And slaited on the strae ; Will eir be saft or kind ; And thro' Gill Morice' fair body I'll fill the air with heavy sighs. He's gar cauld iron gae. 140 And greet till I am blind. And he has tain Gill Morice' head Enouch of blood by me's bin spilt, And set it on a speir ; Seek not zour death frae mee ; 190 The meanest man in a' his train I rather lourd it had been my sel Has gotten that head to bear. Than eather him or thee. And he has tain Gill Morice up, 145 With waefo wae I hear zour plaint ; Laid him across his steid. Sair, sair I rew the deid. And brocht him to his painted bowr, That eir this cursed hand of mine 195 And laid him on a bed. Had gard his body bleid. The lady sat on castil wa', Dry up zour tears, my winsome dame, Beheld baith dale and doun ; 150 Ze neir can heal the wound ; And there she saw Gill Morice' head Ze see his head upon the speir. • Cum trailing to the toun. His heart's blude on the ground. 200 Far better I loe that bluidy head, I curse the hand that did the deid. Both and that zellow hair, The heart that thocht the ill ; Than lord Barnard, and a' his lands, 155 The feet that bore me wi' silk speid, As they lig here and thair. The comely zouth to kill. And she has tain her Gill Morice, I'll ay lament for Gill Morice, 205 And kissd baith mouth and chin : As gin he were mine ain ; I was once as fow of Gill Morice, I'll neir forget the dreiry day As the hip is o' the stean. 160 On which the zouth was slain. I got ze in my father's house, *^* This little pathetic tale suggested the "Wi' mickle sin and shame ; plot of the tragedy of " Douglas." I brocht thee up in gude grene wode, Since it was first printed, the Editor has | Under the heavy rain. been assured that the foregoing ballad is still Oft have I by thy cradle sitten, 165 current in many parts of Scotland, where the And fondly seen thee sleip ; hero is universally known by the name of But now I gae about thy grave, "Child Maurice," pronounced by the common The saut tears for to weip. people Cheild or Cheeld; which occasioned ^ the mistake. ^^ And syne she kissd his bluidy cheik, / And syne his bluidy chin : It may be proper to mention, that other | 170 copies read ver. 110 thus : 'i^ better I loe my Gill Morice That a' my kith and kin ! " Shot frae the golden sun." Away, away, ze ill womkn, And an il deith mait ze dee : And ver. 116 as follows : Gin I had kend he'd bin zour son, 175 He'd neir bin slain for mee. 45 THE END " His een like azure sheene." OF THE FIRST BOOK. 352 THE LEGEND OF SIR GUY. SERIES THE THIRD. BOOK II. I. %\t 3m^ ^f -^i^ *^s — Contains a short summary of the ex- ploits of this famous champion, as recorded in the old story books ; and is commonly en- titled "A pleasant song of the valiant deeds of chivalry achieved by that noble knight Sir Guy of Warwick, who, for the love of fair Phelis, became a hermit, and dyed in a cave of craggy rocke, a mile distant from War- wick." The history of Sir Guy, though now very properly resigned to children, was once ad- mired by all readers of wit and taste: for taste and wit had once their childhood. Al- though of English growth, it was early a favourite with other nations : it appeared in French in 1525 ; and is alluded to in the old Spanish romance Tirante el bianco, which, it is believed, was written not long after the year 1430. See advertisement to the French translation, 2 vols. 12mo. The original whence all these stories are extracted is a very ancient romance in old English verse, which is quoted by Chaucer as a celebrated piece even in his time (viz.), " Men speken of romances of price. Of Home childe and Ippotis, Of Bevis, and Sir Guy, &c.^' (R. of Thop.) and was usually sung to the harp at Christ- mas dinners and brideales, as we learn from Puttenham's Art of Poetry, 4to., 1589. This ancient romance is not wholly lost. An imperfect copy in black letter, " Im- prynted at London r;;;for W^Jiani Copland)" in 34 sheets 4to. without date, is still pre- served among Mr. Garrick's collection of old plays. As a specimen of the poetry of this antique rhymer, take his description of the dragon mentioned in ver. 105 of the follow- ing ballad : "A messenger came to the king. Syr king, he sayd, lysten me now, For bad tydinges I bring you, In Northumberlande there is no man, But that they be slayne every chone : For there dare no man route. By twenty myle rounde aboute, For doubt of a fowle dragon. That sleath men and beastes downe. He is blacke as any cole Rugged as a rough fole ; His bodye from the navill upwarde No man may it pierce it is so harde ; His neck is great as any summere ; He renneth as swifte as any distrere ; Pawes he hath as a lyon : All that he toucheth he sleath dead downe. Great winges he hath to flight, That is no man that bare him might. There may no man fight him agayne, But that he sleath him certayne : For a fowler beast then is he, Ywis of none never heard ye." Sir William Dugdale is of opinion that the story of Guy is not wholly apocryphal, though he acknowledges the monks have sounded out his praises too hyperbolically. In par- ticular, he gives the duel fought with the Danish champion as a real historical truth, and fixes the date of it in the year 926, aetat. Guy 67. See his Warwickshire. The following is written upon the same plan as ballad V. Book I., but which is the original, and which the copy, cannot be de- cided. This song is ancient, as may be in- ferred from the idiom preserved in the mar- gin, ver. 94, 102 : and was once popular, as appears from Fletcher's Knight of the Burn- ing Pestle, Act 2, sc. ult. It is here published from an ancient MS. copy in the Editor's old folio volume, collated with two printed ones, one of which is in black letter in the Pepys collection. THE LEGEND OF SIR GUY. 353 Was ever knigh^ for ladyes sake Soe tost in love, as I Sir Guy For Plielis fayre, that lady bright As ever man beheld with eye ? She gave me leave myself to try, 5 The valiant knight vrith sheeld and speare, Ere that her love she wold grant me ; AVhich made mee venture far and neare. Then proved I a baron bold, In deeds of armes the doughtyest knight That in those dayes in England was, 11 With sworde and speare in fieild to fight. An English man I was by birthe : In faith of Christ a christyan true : The wicked laws of infidells I sought by prowesse to subdue. 15 ' Nine' hundred twenty yeere and odde After our Saviour Christ his birth, When King Athfelstone wore the crowne, I lived heere upon the earth. 20 Sometime I was of Warwicke erle, And, as I sayd, of very truth A ladyes love did me constraine To seeke strange ventures in my youth. To win me fame by feates of armes 25 In strange and sundry heathen lands ; Where I atchieved for her sake Right dangerous conquests with my hands. For first I sayled to Normandye, And there I stoutlye wan in fight 30 The emperours daughter of Almaine, From manye a vallyant worthye knight. Then passed I the seas to Greece To helpe the emperour in his right ; Against the mightye souldans hoaste 35 Of puissant Persians for to fight. Where I did slay of Sarazens, And heathen pagans, manye a man ; And slew the souldans cozen deere. Who had to name doughtye Coldr^n. 40 Eskeldered a famous knight To death likewise I did pursue : And Elmayne King of Tyre alsoe, Most terrible in fight to viewe. Ver. 9, The proud Sir Guy, PC. MS. and P. V. 17, Two hundred, I went into the souldans hoast, 45 Being thither on embassage sent, And brought his head awaye with mee ; I having slaine him in his tent. There was a dragon in that land Most fiercely mett me by the ways 50 As hee a lyon did pursue, Which I myself did alsoe slay. Then soon I past the seas from Greece, And came to Pavye land aright : Where I the duke of Pavye killed, 55 His hainous treason to requite. To England then I came with speede, To wedd faire Phelis lady bright : For love of whome I travelled farr To try my manhood and my might. 60 But when I had espoused her, I stayd with her but fortye dayes, Ere that I left this ladye faire. And went from her beyond the seas. All cladd in gray, in pilgrim sort, 65 My voyage from her I did take Unto the blessed Holy-land, For Jesus Christ my Saviours sake. Where I Erie Jonas did redeeme. And all his sonnes, which were fifteene, 70 Who with the cruell Sarazens In prison for long time had beene. I slew the gyant Amarant In battel fiercely e hand to hand : And doughty Barknard killed I, 75 A treacherous knight of Pavye land. Then I to England came againe. And here with Colbronde fell I fought: An ugly gyant, which the Danes Had for their champion hither brought. 80 I overcame him in the feild, And slew him soone right valiantlye; Wherebye this land I did redeeme From Danish tribute utterlye. And afterwards I ofi*ered upp 85 The use of weapons solemnlye At Winchester, whereas I fought. In sight of manye farr and nye. 354 GUY AND AMARANT. * But first/ neare Winsor, I did slaye A bore of passing might and strength ; 90 Whose like in England never was For hugenesse both in bredth and length. Some of his bones in Warwicke yett Within the castle there doe lye : One of his sheeld-bones to this day Hangs in the citye of Coventrye. 95 On Dunsmore heath I alsoe slewe A monstrous wyld and cruell beast, Calld the Dun-cow of Dunsmore heath ; Which manye people had opprest. 100 Some of her bones in Warwicke yett Still for a monument doe lye, And there exposed to lookers viewe As wondrous strange, they may espye. A dragon in Northumberland 105 I alsoe did in fight destroye. Which did bothe man and beast oppresse, And all the countrye sore annoye. At length to Warwicke I did come, Like pilgrim poore, and was not knowne ; And there I lived a hermitts life 111 A mile and more out of the towne. Where with my hands I hewed a house Out of a craggy rocke of stone ; And lived like a palmer poore 115 Within that cave myself alone : And daylye came to begg my bread, Of Phelis att my castle gate ; Not knowne unto my loved wifPe, Who dailye mourned for her mate. 120 Till att the last I fell sore sicke, Yea sicke soe sore that I must dye ; I sent to her a ring of golde. By which she knew me presentlye. Then shee repairing to the cave 125 Before that I gave up the ghost ; Herself closd up my dying eyes : My Phelis faire, whom I lovd most. Thus dreadful death did me arrest. To bring my corpes unto the grave ; 130 And like a palmer dyed I, Wherby I sought my soule to save. My body that endured this toyle. Though now it be consumed to mold ; My statue fair engraven in stone, 135 In Warwicke still you may behold. II. iiig M)i ^rauxmxt. The Editor found this Poem in his ancient folio manuscript among the old ballads ; he was desirous, therefore, that it should still accompany them ; and as it is not altogether devoid of merit, its insertion here will be pardoned. Although this piece seems not imperfect, there is reason to believe that it is only a part of a much larger poem, which contained the whole history of Sir Guy : for, upon compar- ing it with the common story book 12mo., we find the latter to be nothing more than this poem reduced to prose; which is only effected by now and then altering the rhyme, and throwing out some few of the poetical ornaments. The disguise is so slight, that it Ver. 94, 102, doth lye, MS. is an easy matter to pick complete stanzas in any page of that book. The author of this poem has shown some invention. Though he took the subject from the old romance quoted before, he has adorned it afresh, and made the story entirely his own. Guy journeyes towards that sanctifyed ground. Whereas the Jewes fayre citye sometime stood. Wherein our Saviours sacred head was crownd. And where for sinfull man he shed his blood : To see the sepulcher was his intent, The tombe that Joseph unto Jesus lent. GUY AND AMARANT. 355 With tedious miles he tyred his wearye feet, And passed desart places full of danger, At last with a most woefuU wight* did meet, A man that unto sorrow was noe stranger: For he had fifteen sonnes, made captives all To slavish bondage, in extremest thrall. 12 A gyant called Amarant detaind them, Whom noe man durst encounter for his strength : Who in a castle, which he held, had chaind them : 15 Guy questions, where ? and understands at length The place not farr. — Lend me thy sword, quoth hee, He lend my manhood all thy sonnes to free. With that he goes, and lays upon the dore, Like one that sayes, I must, and will come in: 20 The gyant never was soe rowz'd before : For noe such knocking at his gate had bin : Soe takes his keyes, and clubb, and cometh out. Staring with ireful countenance about. Sirra, quoth hee, what business hast thou heere ? 25 Art come to feast the crowes about my walls ? Didst never heare, noe ransome can him cleere, That in the compasse of my furye falls : For making me to take a porters paines, With this same clubb I will dash out thy braines. 30 Gyant, quoth Guy, y'are quarrelsome I see, Choller and you seem very neere of kin : Most dangerous at the clubb belike you bee ; I have bin better armd, though nowe goe thin ; 34 But shew thy utmost hate, enlarge thy spight, Keene is my weapon, and shall doe me right. Soe draws his sword, salutes him with the same About the head, the shoulders, and the side: Whilst his erected clubb doth death proclaime, Standinge with huge Colossus' spacious stride, 40 * Erie Jonas, mentioned in the foregoing ballad. Putting such vigour to his knotty beame, That like a furnace he did smoke extreame. But on the ground he spent his strokes in vaine. For Guy was nimble to avoyde them still, And ever ere he heav'd his clubb againe, 45 Did brush his plated coat against his will: Att such advantage Guy wold never fayle, To bang him soundlye in his coate of mayle. Att last through thirst the gyant feeble grewe. And sayd to Guy, As thou'rt of humane race, 50 Shew itt in this, give natures wants their dewe, Let me but goe, and drinke in yonder place: Thou canst not yeeld to ' me' a smaller thing. Than to graunt life, thats given by the spring. I graunt thee leave, quoth Guye, goe drink thy last, 55 Goe pledge the dragon, and the salvage bore :* Succeed the tragedyes that they have past. But never thinke to taste cold water more: Drinke deepe to death and unto him carouse : Bid him receive thee in his earthen house. 60 Soe to the spring he goes, and slakes his thirst ; Takeing the water in extremely like Some wracked shipp that on a rocke is burst, Whose forced hulke against the stone does stryke ; Scooping it in soe fast with both his hands. That Guy admiring to behold it stands. 66 Come on, quoth Guy, let us to worke againe, Thou stayest about thy liquor overlong ; The fish, which in the river doe remaine. Will want thereby; thy drinking doth them wrong : 70 But I will see their satisfaction made. With gyants blood they must, and shall be payd. Villaine, quoth Amarant, He crush thee streight ; Thy life shall pay thy daring toungs offence : Ter. 64, bulke, MS. and PCC. * Which Guy bad slain befora 356 GUY AND AMARANT. This clubb, which is about some hundred weight, 75 Is deathes commission to dispatch thee hence : Dresse thee for ravens dyett I must needes ; And breake thy bones, as they were made of reedes. Incensed much by these bold pagan bostes, Which worthye Guy cold ill endure to heare, 80 He hewes upon those bigg supporting postes. Which like two pillars did his body beare: Amarant for those wounds in choller growes And desperatelye att Guy his clubb he throwes : Which did directly on his body light, 85 Soe violent, and weighty there-withall. That downe to ground on sudden came the knight ; And, ere he cold recover from the fall, The gyant gott his clubb againe in fist, 89 And aimd a stroke that wonderfullye mist. Traytor, quoth Guy, thy falshood He repay, This coward act to intercept my bloode. Sayes Amarant, He murther any way, With enemyes all vantages are good : could I poyson in thy nostrills blowe, 95 Besure of it I wold dispatch thee soe. Its well, said Guy, thy honest thoughts ap- peare. Within that beastlye bulke where devills dwell ; Which are thy tenants while thou livest heare, But will be landlords when thou comest in hell: 100 Vile miscreant, prepare thee for their den, Inhumane monster, hatefull unto men. But breathe thy selfe a time, while I goe drinke, For flameing Phoebus with his fyerye eye Torments me soe with burning heat, I thinke My thirst wold serve to drinke an ocean drye : 106 Forbear a litle, as I delt with thee. Quoth Amarant. 'Thou hast noe foole of mee. Noe, silly e wretch, my father taught witt. How I shold use such more enemyes as thou ; By all my gods I doe rejoice at itt. 111 To understand that thirst constraines thee now; For all the treasure, that the world containes. One drop of water shall not coole thy vaines. Releeve my foe ! why, 'twere a madmans part : 115 Refresh an adversarye to my wrong ! If thou imagine this, a child thou art : jSToe, fellow, I have known the world too long ^ y To be soe simple : now I know thy want, A minutes space of breathing I'll not grant. And with these words heaving aloft his clubb 121 Into the ayre, he swings the same about : Then shakes his lockes, and doth his temples rubb, And, like the Cyclops, in his pride doth strout : Sirra, sayes hee, I have you at a lift, 125 Now you are come unto your latest shift. Perish forever: with this stroke I send thee A medicine, that will doe thy thirst much good; Take noe more care for drinke before I end thee, And then wee'll have carouses of thy blood ; Here's at thee with a butcher's downright blow, 131 To please my furye with thine overthrow. Infernall, false, obdurate feend, said Guy, That seemst a lump of crueltye from hell ; Ungratefull monster, since thou dost deny The thing to mee wherin I used thee well': With more revenge, than ere my sword did make, 139 On thy accursed head revenge He take. Thy gyants longitude shall shorter shrinke. Except thy sun-scorcht skin be weapon proof: 140 Farewell my thirst ; I doe disdaine to drinke ; Streames keepe your waters to your owne behoof; Or let wild beasts be welcome thereunto ; With those pearle drops I will not have to do. Here, tyrant, take a taste of my good-will, For thus I doe begin my bloodye bout : 146 GUY AND AMARANT. 357 You cannot chuse but like the greeting ill ; It is not that same clubb will beare you out; And take this payment on thy shaggye crowne — A blowe that brought him with a vengeance downe. 150 Then Guy sett foot upon the monsters brest, And from his shoulders did his head divide; "Which with a yawninge mouth did gape, un- blest ; Noe dragons jawes were ever seene soe wide To open and to shut, till life was spent. 155 Then Guy tooke keyes, and to the castle went, Where manye woefull captives he did find, Which had beene tyred with extremityes ; Whom he in freindly manner did unbipd, And reasoned with them of their miseryes ; Eche told a tale with teares, and sighes, and cryes, 161 All weeping to him with complaining eyes. There tender ladyes in darke dungeons lay, That were surprised in the desart wood, And had noe other dyett every e day, 165 But flesh of humane creatures for their food : Some with their lovers bodyes had beene fed, And in their wombes their husbands buryed. Now he bethinkes him of his being there, To enlarge the wronged brethren from their woes : 170 And, as he searcheth, doth great clamours heare. By which sad sound's direction on he goes, Untill he findes a darksome obscure gate, Arm'd strongly ouer all with iron plate. That he unlockes, and enters, where appeares The strangest object that he ever saw ; 176 Men that with famishment of many yeares. Were like deathes picture, which the painters draw ; Divers of them were hanged by eche thombe; Others head-downward : by the middle some. With diligence he takes them from the walle. With lybertye their thraldome to acquaint: Then the perplexed knight their father calls. And sayes. Receive thy sonnes though poore and faint : 184 I promisd you their lives, accept of that ; But did not warrant you they sliold be fat. The castle I doe give thee, heere's the keyes, Where tyranye for manyyeeres did dwell: Procure the gentle tender ladyes ease, 189 For pittyes sake, use wronged women well: Men easilye revenge the wrongs men do ; But poore weake women have not strength thereto. The good old man, even overjoyed with this, Fell on the ground, and wold have kist Guys feete : 194 Father, quoth he, refraine soe base a kiss, For age to honor youth I hold unmeete : Ambitious pryde hath hurt mee all it can, I goe to mortifie a sinfull man. *^* The foregoing poem on "Guy and Ama- rant" has been discovered to be a fragment of *' The famous historic of Guy earle of War- wicke, by Samuel Rowlands, London, printed by J. Bell, 1649," 4to., in xii. cantos, begin- ning thus : " When dreadful Mars in armour every day." Whether the edition in 1649 was the first is not known, but the author Sam. Rowlands was one of the minor poets who lived in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I. and perhaps later. ITis other poems are chiefly of the religious kind, which makes it proba- ble that the history of Guy was one of his earliest performances. — There are extant of his (1.) " The betraying of Christ, Judas in dispaire, the seven words of our Saviour on the crosse, with other poems on the passion, &c., 1598, 4to." [Ames Typ. p. 428.]— (2.) A Theatre of delightful Recreation. Lond. printed for A. Johnson, 1605,'' 4to. (Penes editor.) This is a book of poems on subjects chiefly taken from the Old Testament. (3.) " Memory of Christ's Miracles, in verse, Lond. 1618, 4to." (4.) "Heaven's glory, earth's vanity, and hell's horror." Lond. 1638, 8vo. [These two in Bod. Cat.] In the present edition the foregoing poem has been much improved from the printed copy. 358 FAIR MARGARET AND SWEET WILLIAM. III. A SCOTTISH SONG. I HAVE not been able to meet with a more ancient copy of this humorous old song, than that printed in the Tea-Table Miscellany, &c., which seems to have admitted some corrup- tions. Late in an evening forth I went A little before the sun ^ade down, And there I chanc't, by accident, To light on a battle new begun : A man and his wife wer fawn in a strife, 5 I canna weel tell ye how it began; But aye she wail'd her wretched life, Cryeng, Evir alake, mine auld goodman ! HE. Thy auld goodman, that thou tells of. The country kens where he was born, 10 Was but a silly poor vagabond. And ilka ane leugh him to scorn : For he did spend and make an end Of gear * his fathers nevir' wan ; He gart the poor stand frae the door : 15 Sae tell nae mair of thy auld goodman. SHE. My heart, alake ! is liken to break, Whan I think on my winsome John, Ilis blinkan ee, and gait sae free, Was naithing like thee, thou dosend drone ; Wi' his rosie face, and flaxen hair, 21 And skin as white as ony swan. He was large and tall, and comely withall ; Thou'lt nevir be like mine auld goodman. Why dost thou plein ? I thee maintein ; 25 For meal and mawt thou disna want; But thy wild bees I canna please. Now whan our gear gins to grow scant. Of houshold stuff thou hast enough ; Thou wants for neither pot nor pan ; 30 Of sicklike ware he left thee bare ; Sae tell nae mair of thy auld goodman. SHE. Yes I may tell, and fret my sell, To think on those blyth days I had, Whan I and he together ley 35 In armes into a well-made bed : But now I sigh and may be sad, Thy courage is cauld, thy colour wan, Thou falds thy feet, and fa's asleep ; Thou'lt nevir be like mine auld goodman. Then coming was the night sae dark. And gane was a' the light of day : The carle was fear'd to miss his mark, And therefore wad nae longer stay : Then up he gat, and ran his way, I trowe, the wife the day she wan ; And aye the owreword of the fray Was, Evir alake ! mine auld goodman. 41 45 IV. |air Uarprri anJr Sterf Willim. This seems to be the old song quoted in Fletcher's " Knight of the Burning Pestle," Acts 2d and 3d ; although the six lines there preserved are somewhat different from those in the ballad, as it stands at present. The reader will not wonder at this, when he is informed that this is only given from a mo- dern printed copy picked up on a stall. Its full title is, " Fair Margaret's Misfortunes ; or Sweet William's frightful dreams on his wedding night, with the sudden death and burial of those noble lovers." — The lines preserved in the play are this distich, FAIR MARGARET AND SWEET WILLIAM. 359 " You are no love for me, Margaret, I am no love for you." And the following stanza, " When it was grown to dark midnight, And all were fast asleep. In came Margarets grimly ghost, And stood at Williams feet. These lines have acquired an importance by giving birth to one of the most beautiful ballads in our own or any other language. See the song entitled " Margaret's Ghost," at the end of this volume. Since the first edition some improvements have been inserted, which were communi- cated by a lady of the first distinction, as she had heard this song repeated in her in- fancy. As it fell out on a long summer's day, Two lovers they sat on a hill ; They sat together that long summer's day, And could not talk their fill. I see no harm by you, Margaret, 6 And you see none by mee ; Before to-morrow at eight o' the clock A rich wedding you shall see. Fair Margaret sat in her bower-window. Combing her yellow hair ; 10 There she spyed sweet William and his bride. As they were a riding near. Then down she layd her ivory combe, And braided her hair in twain : She went alive out of her bower, But ne'er came alive in't ao;ain. 15 When day was gone, and night was come, And all men fast asleep, Then came the spirit of fair Marg'ret, And stood at Williams feet. 20 Are you awake, sweet William ? shee said ; Or, sweet William, are you asleep ? God give you joy of your gay bride-bed, And me of my winding-sheet. When day was come, and night was gone, 25 And all men wak'd from sleep, Sweet William to his lady sayd, My dear, I have cause to weep. 46 I dreamt a dream, my dear lady^, Such dreames are never good : 30 I dreamt my bower was full of red ' wine,' And my bride-bed full of blood. Such dreams, such dreams, my honoured sir, They never do prove good : To dream thy bower was full of red ' wine,' And thy bride-bed full of blood. 36 He called up his merry men all. By one, by two, and by three ; Saying, I'll away to ftiir Marg'ret's bower, By the leave of my ladle. 40 And when he came to fair Marg'ret's bower He knocked at the ring ; And who so ready as her seven brethren To let sweet William in. Then he turned up the covering-sheet, 45 Pray let me see the dead : Methinks she looks all pale and wan, She hath lost her cherry red. I'll do more for thee, Margaret, Than any of thy kin ; 50 For I will kiss thy pale wan lips, Though a smile I cannot win. With that bespake the seven brethren, Making most piteous mone : You may go kiss your jolly brown bride, 55 And let our sister alone. If I do kiss my jolly brown bride, I do but what is right ; I neer made a vow to yonder poor corpse By day, nor yet by night. 60 Deal on, deal on, my merry men all. Deal on your cake and your wine :* For whatever is dealt at her funeral to-day, Shall be dealt to-morrow at mine. Fair Margaret dyed to-day, to-day, 65 Sweet William dyed the morrow : Fair Margaret dyed for pure true love, Sweet AVilliam dyed for sorrow. Margaret was buryed in the lower chancel. And William in the higher: 70 Out of her brest there sprang a rose, And out of his a briar. Ver. 31, 35, swine, PCC. * Alluding to the dole anciently given at funerals. 3G0 BARBARA ALLEN'S CRUELTY. They grew till they grew unto the church i iop, Then came the clerk of the parish, And then they could grow no higher ; As you the truth shall hear. And there they tyed in a true lovers knot , And by misfortune cut them down, Which made all the people admire. 76 Or they had now been there. V. §arkrE ^M'^ Cnultg. Given, with some corrections, from an old I cannot keep you from your death ; black-letter copy, entitled, " Barbary Allen's Farewell, sayd Barbara Allen. cruelty, or the Young Man's Tragedy." He turnd his face unto the wall, In Scarlet towne, where I was borne, As deadlye pangs he fell in : There was a faire maid dwellin. Adieu ! adieu ! adieu to you all, 35 Made every youth crye, AVel-awaye ! Adieu to Barbara Allen. Her name was Barbara Allen. As she was walking ore the fields. All in the merrye month of May, 5 She heard the bell a knellin ; When greene buds they were swellin, Yong Jemmye Grove on his death-bed la And every stroke did seem to saye. y» Unworthy Barbara Allen. ~'-'' V- 40 For love of Barbara Allen. She turnd her bodye round about, He sent his man unto her then, To the towne where shee was dwellin; You must come to my master deare. 10 And spied the corps a coming : Laye down, laye down the corps, she sayd, That I may look upon him. Giff your name be Barbara Allen. With scornful eye she looked downe, 45 Her cheeke with laughter swellin : For death is printed on his face, Whilst all her friends cryd out amaine ; Unworthye Barbara Allen. And ore his hart is stealin : Then haste away to comfort him. 15 lovelye Barbara Allen. When he was dead, and laid in grave. Her harte was struck with sorrowe, 50 Though death be printed on his face, And ore his harte is stealin, Yet little better shall he bee mother, mother, make my bed. For I shall dye to-morrowe. For bonny Barbara Allen. 20 Hard-harted creature him to slight, Who loved me so dearly e : So slowly, slowly, she came up. that I had beene more kind to him^ 55 And slowly she came nye him ; When he was alive and neare me ! And all she sayd, when there she came. Yong man, I think y'are dying. She, on her death-bed as she laye, Beg'd to be buried by him ; He turned his face unto her strait, 25 And sore repented of the daye. With deadlye sorrow sighing ; That she did ere denye him. V 60 lovely maid, come pity mee. Ime on my deth-bed lying. Farewell, she sayd, ye virgins all. And shun the fault I fell in : If on your death-bed you doe lye. Henceforth take warning by the fall What needs the tale you are tellin ; 30 Of cruel Barbara Allen. V SWEET WILLIAM'S GHOST. 361 VI. md wmM^ ii]0st A SCOTTISH BALLAD. From Allan Ramsay's Tea-table Miscel- lany. The concluding stanza of this piece seems modern. There came a ghost to Margaret's door, With many a grievous grone, And ay he tirled at the pin ; But answer made she none. Is this my father Philip ? 5 Or is't my brother John ? Or is't my true love Willie From Scotland new come home ? 'Tis not thy father Philip ; Nor yet thy brother John : 10 But 'tis thy true love Willie From Scotland new come home. sweet Margret ! dear Margret ! I pray thee speak to mee : Give me my faith and troth, Margret, 15 As I gave it to thee. Thy faith and troth thou'se nevir get, ' Of me shalt nevir win,^ Till that thou come within my bower, And kiss my cheek and chin. 20 If I should come within thy bower, I am no earthly man : And should I kiss thy rosy lipp. Thy days will not be lang. sweet Margret, dear Margret, 25 I pray thee speak to mee : Give me my faith and troth, Margret, As I gave it to thee. Thy faith and troth thou'se nevir get, * Of me shalt nevir win,' 30 Till thou take me to yon kirk yard, And wed me with a ring. My bones are buried in a kirk yard Afar beyond the sea, And it is but my sprite, Margret, That's speaking now to thee. 35 She stretched out her lily-white hand, As for to do her best : Ilae there your faith and troth, Willie, God send your soul good rest. 40 Now she has kilted her robes of green, ' A piece below her knee : And a' the live-lang winter night The dead corps followed shee. Is there any room at your head, Willie, 45 Or any room at your feet ? Or any room at your side, Willie, Wherein that I may creep ? There's nae room at my head, Margret, There's nae room at my feet, 50 There's no room at my side, Margret, My coffin is made so meet. Then up and crew the red red cock, And up then crew the gray: Tis time, tis time, my dear Margret, 55 That ' I' were gane away. No more the ghost to Margret said. But, with a grievous grone, Evanish'd in a cloud of mist. And left her all alone. 60 stay, my only true love, stay. The constant Margret cried: Wan grew her cheeks, she closed her een, Stretch'd her saft limbs, and died. 362 THE BAILIFF'S DAUGHTER OF ISLINGTON. VII. Sir |0l]n §xt\mt mla §rtra glten^ A SCOTTISH BALLAD. Printed, with a few conjectural emenda- tions, from a written copy. It was in and about the Martinmas time, When the greene leaves wer a fallan ; That Sir John Grehme o' the west countrye, Fell in luve wi' Barbara Allan. He sent his man down throw the towne. 5 To the plaice where she was dwellan: haste and cum to my maister deare, Gin ye bin Barbara Allan. hooly, hooly raise she up, To the plaice wher he was lyan ; 10 And whan she drew the curtain by, Young man I think ye're dyan.* its I'm sick, and very very sick, And its a' for Barbara Allen. the better for me ye'se never be, 15 Though your harts blude wer spillan. Remember ye nat in the tavern, sir. Whan ye the cups wer fillan : How ye made the healths gae round and round, 20 And slighted Barbara Allan ? He turned his face unto the wa', And death was with him dealan ; Adiew ! adiew ! my dear friends a', Be kind to Barbara Allan. Then hooly, hooly raise she up, 25 And hooly, hooly left him ; And sighan said, she could not stay, Since death of life had reft him. She had not gane a mile but twa, AVhan she heard the deid-bell knellan ; 30 And everye jow the deid-bell gied. Cried, Wae to Barbara Allan ! mither, mither, mak my bed, mak it saft and narrow: Since my love died for me to day, 35 Ise die for him to morrowe. VIII. ^t SEiliff's ^m^likx jcrf |slmjit0it. From an ancient black-letter copy in the Pepys Collection, with some improvements communicated by a lady as she had heard the same recited in her youth. The full title is, "True love requited: Or, the Bailiff's daughter of Islington." Islington in Norfolk is probably the place here meant. *An ingenious friend thinks the rhymes Dyand and Ly- and ought to be transposed : as the taunt, Young man, I think ye're lyand, would he very characteristical. There was ayouthe, and a well-beloved youthe, And he was a squires son : He loved the bayliffes daughter deare, That lived in Islington. Yet she was coye, and would not believe 5 That he did love her soe, Noe nor at any time would she Any countenance to him showe. But when his friendes did understand His fond and foolish minde. They sent him up to faire London An apprentice for to binde. 10 THE WILLOW TREE. 363 And when he had been seven long yeares, And never his love could see : Many a teare have I shed for her sake, 15 When she little thought of mee. Then all the maids of Islington Went forth to sport and playe, All but the bayliffes daughter deare She secretly stole awaye. She pulled off her gowne of greene, And put on ragged attire, And to faire London she would go Her true love to enquire. And as she went along the high road, The weather being hot and drye, She sat her downe upon a green bank, And her true love came riding bye. She started up, with a colour soe redd, Catching hold of his bridle-reine ; One penny, one penny, kind sir, she Will ease me of much paine. 20 25 30 Before I give you one penny, sweet-heart, Praye tell me where you were borne. At Islington, kind sir, sayd shee, 35 Where I have had many a scorne. I prythee, sweet-heart, then tell to mee, tell me, whether you knowe The bayliffes daughter of Islington. She is dead, sir, long agoe. 40 If she be dead, then take my horse, My saddle and bridle also ; For I will into some farr countrye. Where noe man shall me knowe. staye, staye, thou goodlye youthe, 45 She standeth by thy side ; She is here alive, she is not dead, And readye to be thy bride. farewell griefe, and welcome joye, Ten thousand times therefore ; 50 For nowe I have founde mine owne true love, Whom I thought I should never see more. -••#- IX. A PASTORAL DIALOGUE. From the small black-letter collection, en- titled " The Golden Garland of princely De- lights," collated with two other copies, and corrected by conjecture. How now, shepherde, what meanes that? Why that willowe in thy hat ? AVhy thy scarffes of red and yellowe Turn'd to branches of greene willowe ? CUDDY. They are chang'd, and so am I ; i Sorrowes live, but pleasures die: Phillis hath forsaken mee, Which makes me weare the willowe-tree. Phillis ! shee that lov'd thee long ? Is shee the lass hath done thee wrong ? 10 Shee that lov'd thee long and best, Is her love turned to a jest? Shee that long true love profest, She hath robb'd my heart of rest : For she a new love loves, not mee ; 15 Which makes me wear the willowe-tree. WILLY. Come then, shepherde, let us joine, Since thy happ is like to mine : For the maid I thought most true Mee hath also bid adieu. 20 Thy hard happ doth mine appease, Companye doth sorrowe ease : Yet, Phillis, still I pine for thee. And still must weare the willowe-tree. 364 THE LADY'S FALL. WILLY. CUDDY. Shepherde, be advis'd by mee, 25 Herdsman, I'll be rul'd by thee, Cast off grief and willowe-tree : There lyes grief and willowe-tree : 30 For thy grief brings her content, Henceforth I will do as they, / And love a new love every da.j.'-p *^ She is pleas'd if thou lament. * ' ■•w X. ®|« yuiu's lull, — Is given (with corrections) from the Shee kept it from her parents sight editor's ancient folio MS., collated with two As close as close might bee. printed copies in black-letter ; one in the And soe put on her silken gowne British Museum, the other in the Pepys Col- None might her swelling see. lection. Its old title is, " A lamentable ballad of the Lady's fall." To the tune of «'In Unto her lover secretly 25 Pescod Time, &c." — The ballad here referred Her greefe shee did bewray, to is preserved m the " Muses Library," Bvo., And, walking with him hand in hand, p. 281. • It is an allegory or vision, entitled These words to him did say ; " The Shepherd's Slumber," and opens with Behold, quoth shee, a maids distresse some pretty rural images, viz.: By love brought to thy bowe. Behold I goe with childe by thee, Tho none thereof doth knowe. 30 ]' In pescod time when hound to horn Gives eare till buck be kil'd, And little lads with pipes of come Sate keeping beasts a-field. The litle babe springs in my wombe To heare its fathers voyce. " I went to gather strawberries Lett it not be a bastard called. 35 By woods and groves full fair, &c » Sith I made thee my choyce : Come, come, my love, perform thy vowe Makke well my heavy dolefull tale, And wed me out of hand ; You loyall lovers all, leave me not in this extreme And heedfully beare in your breast Of griefe, alas ! to stand. 40 A gallant ladyes fall. Long was she wooed, ere shee was wonne, 5 Think on thy former promises. To lead a wedded life, Thy oathes and vowes eche one ; But folly wrought her overthrowe Remember with what bitter teares Before shee was a wife. To mee thou madest thy moane. Too soone, alas ! shee gave consent And yeelded to his will, Though he protested to be true, And faithfull to her still. 10 Convey mee to some secrett place. And marye me with speede ; Or with thy rapyer end my life. Ere further shame proceede. 45 Shee felt her body altered quite, Her bright hue waxed pale, Alacke ! my beauteous love, quoth hee, 50 Her lovelye cheeks chang'd color white. 15 My joye, and only dear ; Her strength began to fayle. Which way can I convey thee hence. "When dangers are so near ? Soe that with many a sorrowful sigh, Thy friends are all of hye degree, This beauteous ladye milde. And I of mean estate ; With greeved hart, perceived herselfe Full hard it is to gett thee forthe 55 To have conceived with childe. 20 Out of thy fathers gate. i THE LADY'S FALL. 365 Dread not thy life to save my fame, And thus with many a sorrowful sigh. 105 For if thou taken bee, Homewards shee wen_t againe : My selfe will step betweene the swords, Noe rest came to her watery e eyes, And take the harme on mee: 60 She felt such privye paine. Soe shall I scape dishonour quite ; In travail strong shee fell that night, And if I should be slaine, With many a bitter throwe ; 110 What could they say, but that true love What woefull paines shee then did feel, Had wrought a ladyes bane. Doth eche good woman knowe. But feare not any further harme ; 65 Shee called up her waiting mayd. My selfe will soe devise. That lay at her bedds feete. That I will ryde away with thee Who musing at her mistress woe. 115 Unknowen of mortall eyes : Began full faste to weepe. Disguised like some pretty page Weepe not, said shee, but shutt the dores, | He meete thee in the darke, 70 And windowes round about, And all alone He come to thee Let none bewray my wretched state, Hard by my fathers parke. But keepe all persons out. 120 And there, quoth hee, He meete my deare mistress, call your mother deare, If God so lend me life, Of women you have neede. On this day month without all fayle 75 And of some skilfull midwifes helpe. I will make thee my wife. That better may you speed. Then with a sweet and loving kisse, Call not my mother for thy life. 125 They parted presentlye, / And att their partinge brinish teares Nor fetch no woman here ; The midwifes helpe comes all too late, Stoode in eche others eye. 80 My death I doe not feare. Att length the wished day was come, With that the babe sprang from her wombe, On which this beauteous mayd. No creature being nye. 130 With longing eyes, and strange attire, And with one sighe, which brake her hart, | For her true lover stayd. This gentle dame did dye. When any person shee espyed 85 The lovely litle infant younge, Come ryding ore the plaine. The mother being dead, She hop'd it was her owne true love : Resigned its new received breath 135 But all her hopes were vaine. To him that had it made. Then di',1 shee weepe and sore bewaylo Next morning came her own true love, Her most unhappy fate ; 90 Affrighted at the newes. Then did shee speake these woeful! words, And he for sorrow slew himselfe, As succourless she sate ; Whom eche one did accuse. 140 false, forsworne, and faithlesse man. The mother with her new borne babe, Disloyall in thy love. Were laide both in one grave ; Hast thou forgott thy promise past. 95 Their parents overworne with woe, And wilt thou perjured prove? No joy thenceforth cold have. And hast thou now forsaken mee Take heed, you dayntye damsells all, 145 In this my great distresse, Of flattering words beware. To end my days in open shame. And to the honour of your name Which thou mightst well redresse ? 100 Have an especial care. Woe worth the time I eer believ'd Too true, alas ! this story is, That flattering tongue of thine : As many one can tell : 150 Wold God that I had never seene By others harmes learn to be wise. The teares of thy false eyne. And you shall do full well. 366 THE BRIDE'S BURIAL. XI. mult mat S0te to ^mwt A SCOTTISH SONG. This is a very aucient song, but we could wherfore shuld I busk ray head? only give it from a modern copy. Some Or wherfore shuld I kame my hair ? editions instead of tbe four last lines in For my true love has me forsook. 15 the second stanza have these, which have too And says he'll never loe me mair. much merit to be wholly suppressed : Now Arthur-seat sail be my bed. The sheets shall neir be fyl'd by me : Saint Anton's well sail be my drink, Since my true love has forsaken me. " Whan cockle shells turn siller bells, And muscles grow on every tree, 20^ When frost and snaw sail warm us aw', Marti'mas wind, when wilt thou blaw. Than sail my love prove true to me." And shake the green leaves aff the tree ? i See the Orpheus Caledonius, &c. gentle death, whan wilt thou cum ? For of my life I am wearie. Arthur' s-seat, mentioned in ver. 17, is a hill near Edinburgh ; at the bottom of which Tis not the frost, that freezes fell, 25 is St. Anthony's well. Nor blawing snaws inclemencie ; ^Tis not sic cauld, that makes me cry, WALY waly up the bank, And waly waly down the brae, But my loves heart grown cauld to me When we came in by Glasgowe town, And waly waly yon burn side, Where I and my love wer wont to gae. I leant my back unto an aik, 5 We were a comely sight to see. My love was cled in black velvet, 30 And I my sell in cramasie. I thought it was a trusty tree ! But had I wist, before I kisst. But first it bow'd and sjne it brak, That love had been sae ill to win ; Sae my true love did lichtly me. I had lockt my heart in a case of gowd, And pinnd it with a siller pin. 35 waly waly, gin love be bonny, And, oh ! if my young babe were born, A little time while it is new ; 10 And set upon the nurses knee. But when its auld, it waxeth cauld, And I my sell were dead and gane I And fades awa' like morning dew. For a maid again Ise never be. 40 XII. ®|{ ink's giirial From two ancient copies in black-letter: Like to the drooping vine. 5 one in the Pepys' Collection; the other in the Cut by the gardener's knife. British Museum. Even so my heart, with sorrow slaine, To the tune of " The Lady's Fall." Doth bleed for my sweet wife. Come mourne, come mourne with mee, By death, that grisly e ghost, You loyall lovers all ; My turtle dove is slaine, 10 Lament my loss in weeds of woe, And I am left, unhappy man. Whom griping grief doth thrall. / To spend my dayes in paine. THE BRIDE'S BURIAL. 367 Her beauty late so bright, Like roses in their prime, Is wasted like the mountain snowe, •► 15 Before warme Phebus' shine. Her faire red coloured cheeks Now pale and wan ; her eyes That late did shine like crystal stars, Alas, their light it dies : 20 Her prettye lilly hands, With fingers long and small, In colour like the earthly claye, Yea, cold and stiff withall. When as the morning-star 25 Her golden gates had spred, And that the glittering sun arose, Forth from fair Thetis' bed ; Then did my love awake, Most like a lilly-flower, 30 And as the lovely queene of heaven, So shone shee in her bower. Attired was shee then Like Flora in her pride, Like one of bright Diana's nymphs, 35 So look'd my loving bride. And as fair Helens face Did Grecian dames besmirche, So did my dear exceed in sight All virgins in the church. 40 When we had knitt the knott Of holy wedlock-band. Like alabaster joyn'd to jett, So stood we hand in hand. Then lo ! a chilling cold 45 Strucke every vital part. And griping griefe, like pangs of death, Seiz'd on my true love's heart. Down in a swoon she fell, As cold as any stone ; 50 Like Venus picture lacking like, So was my love brought home. At length her rosye red. Throughout her comely face, As Phoebus beames with watry cloudes 55 Was cover'd for a space. 47 When with a grievous groane, And voice both hoarse and drye, Farewell quoth she, my loving friend. For I this daye must dye ; 60 The messenger of God With golden trumpe I see. With manye other angels more. Which sound and call for me. Instead of musicke sweet, 65 Go toll my passing-bell ; And with sweet flowers strow my grave, That in my chamber smell. Strip off my bride's arraye. My cork shoes from my feet ; 70 And, gentle mother, be not coye To bring my winding-sheet. My wedding-dinner drest, Bestowe upon the poor. And on the hungry, needy, maimde, 75 Now craving at the door. Instead of virgins yong. My bride-bed for to see, Go cause some cunning carpenter, To make a chest for mee. 80 My bride laces of silk Bestow'd, for maidens meet, May fitly serve, when I am dead, To tye my hands and feet. And thou, my lover true, 85 My husband and my friend. Let me intreat thee here to staye. Until my life doth end. Now leave to talk of love, And humblye on your knee, 90 Direct your prayers unto God : But mourn no more for me. In love as we have livde, In love let us depart ; And I, in token of my love, 95 Do kiss thee with my heart. ^ staunch those bootless teares. Thy weeping tis in vaine ; 1 am not lost, for wee in heaven Shall one daye meet againe. 100 368 DULCINA. With that shee turn'd aside, And now this lover lives As one dispos'd to sleep, A discontented life, And like a lamb departed life : Whose bride was brought unto the grave | Whose friends did sorely weep. A maiden and a wife. 120 Her true love seeing this, 105 A garland fresh and faire Did fetch a grievous groane. Of lillies there was made, As tho' his heart would burst in twaine, In sign of her virginitye, And thus he made his moane. And on her coffin laid. darke and dismal daye. Six maidens all in white. 125 A daye of grief and care, 110 Did beare her to the ground : That hath bereft the sun so bright, The bells did ring in solemn sort, Whose beams refresht the air. And made a doleful! sound. Now woe unto the world, In earth they laid her then. And .all that therein dwell, For hungrye wormes a preye ; 130 that I were with thee in heaven, 115 So shall the fairest face alive For here I live in hell. At length be brought to claye. XIII. §nUxnK. Given from two ancient copies, one in black- He demands what time for pleasure print, in the Pepys Collection, the other in the Can there be more fit than now : Editor's folio MS. Each of these contained She sayes, night gives love that leysure, | a stanza not found in the other. What seemed Which the day can not allow. the best readings were selected from both. He sayes, the sight 25 This song is quoted as very popular in * Improves delight. "Walton's Compleat Angler," chap. 2. It Which she denies : Nights mirkie noone | is more ancient than the ballad of " Robin In Venus' playes Good-Fellow" printed below, which yet is Makes bold, shee sayes ; supposed to have been written by Ben Jonson. Forgoe me now, come to mee soone. 30 As at noone Dulcina rested But what promise or profession In her sweete and shady bower, From his hands could purchase scope ? | Came a shepherd, and requested Who would sell the sweet possession In her lapp to sleepe an hour. Of suche beautye for a hope ? But from her looke 5 Or for the sight 35 A wounde he tooke Of lingering night Soe deepe, that for a further boone Foregoe the present joyes of noone? The nymph he prayes. Though ne'er soe faire Wherto shee sayes, Her speeches were, Forgoe me now, come to me soone. 10 Forgoe me now, come to mee soone. 40 But in vayne shee did conjure him How, at last, agreed these lovers ? To depart her presence soe : Shee was fayre, and he was young : Having a thousand tongues to allure him, The tongue may tell what th' eye discovers ; | And but one to bid him goe : Joyes unseene are never sung. Where lipps invite, 15 Did shee consent. 45 And eyes delight, Or he relent ; And cheekes, as fresh as rose in June, Accepts he night, or grants shee noone ; j Persuade delay ; Left he her a mayd, What boots, she say. Or not ; she sayd Forgoe me now, come to me soone ? 20 Forgoe me now, come to me soone. 50 THE LADY ISABELLA'S TRAGEDY. 369 XIV. W(it Sal^s Isatolfa's %x^t^. This ballad is given from an old black- letter copy in the Pepys Collection, collated with another in the British Museum, H. 263, folio. It is there entitled, " The Lady Isa- bella's Tragedy, or the Step-Mother's Cruelty: being a relation of a lamentable and cruel murther, committed on the body of the Lady Isabella, the only daughter of a noble Duke, &c. To the tune of, The Lady's Fall.'' To some copies are annexed eight more modern stanzas, entitled, " The Dutchess's and Cook's Lamentation.'^ There was a lord of worthy fame, And a hunting he would ride, Attended by a noble traine Of gentrye by his side. And while he did in chase remaine, 5 To see both sport and playe ; His ladye went, as she did feigne, Unto the church to praye. This lord he had a daughter deare, Whose beauty shone so bright, 10 She was belov'd, both far and neare. Of many a lord and knight. Fair Isabella was she call'd, A creature faire was shee ; She was her fathers only joye ; 15 As you shall after see. Therefore her cruel step-mother Did envye her so much, That daye by daye she sought her life, Her malice it was such. 20 She bargained with the master-cook, To take her life awaye : And taking of her daughters book, She thus to her did saye. Go home, sweet daughter, I thee praye, 25 Go hasten presentlie ; And tell unto the master-cook These wordes that I tell thee. And bid him dresse to dinner streight That faire and milk-white doe, 30 That in the parke doth shine so bright, There's none so faire to showe. This ladye fearing of no harme, Obey'd her mothers will ; And presentlye she hasted home, Her pleasure to fulfill. 35 She streight into the kitchen went. Her message for to tell ; And there she spied the master-cook, Who did with malice swell. 40 Nowe, master-cook, it must be soe, Do that which I thee tell : You needes must dresse the milk-white doe, Which you do knowe full well. Then streight his cruell bloodye hands, 45 He on the ladye layd ; Who quivering and shaking stands, While thus to her he sayd ; Thou art the doe that I must dresse ; See here, behold my knife ; 50 For it is pointed presently To ridd thee of thy life. then, cried out the scullion-boye, As loud as loud might bee ; save her life, good master-cook, 55 And make your pyes of mee ! For pityes sake do not destroye My ladye with your knife ; You know shee is her father's joye, For Christes sake save her life. 60 1 will not save her life, he sayd, Nor make my pyes of thee ; Yet if thou dost this deed bewraye, Thy butcher I will bee. Now when this lord he did come home 65 For to sitt down and eat ; He called for his daughter deare, To come and carve his meat. 370 A HUE AND CRY AFTER CUPID. Now sit you downe, his ladye sayd, sit you downe to meat ; 70 Into some nunnery she is gone ; Your daughter deare forget. Then solemnlye he made a vowe, Before the companie : That he would neither eat nor drinke, 75 Until he did her see. then bespake the scullion-boye, With a loud voice so hye ; If now you will your daughter see, My lord cut up that pye : 80 Wherein her fleshe is minced small, And parched with the fire ; All caused by her step-mother, Who did her death desire. And cursed bee the master-cook, 85 cursed may he bee ! I proffered him my own heart's blood, From death to set her free. Then all in blacke this lord did mourne ; And for his daughters sake, 90 He judged her cruell step-mother To be burnt at a stake. Likewise he judg'd the master-cook In boiling lead to stand ; And made the simple scullion-boye The heire of all his land. 95 XV. ^ f we Enly €xi ate €^l)i. This song is a kind of Translation of a pretty poem of Tasso's, called Amove fuggi- tivo, generally printed with his " Aminta," and originally imitated from the first Idyl- liura of Moschus. It is extracted from Ben Jonson's Masque at the marriage of Lord Viscount Hadington, on Shrove-Tuesday, 1608. One stanza, full of dry mythology, is here omitted, as it had been dropped in a copy of this song printed in a small volume called " Le Prince d' Amour. Lond. 1660,'' 8vo. Beauties, have yee seen a toy, Called Love, a little boy, Almost naked, wanton, blinde ; Cruel now, and then as kinde ? If he be amongst yee, say ; 5 He is Venus' run away. Shee, that will but now discover Where the winged wag doth hover, Shall to-night receive a kisse, How and where herselfe would wish : 10 But who brings him to his mother Shall have that kisse, and another. Markes he hath about him plentie ; You may know him among twentie : All his body is a fire, 15 And his breath a flame entire : Which, being shot, like lightning, in, Wounds the heart, but not the skin. Wings he hath, which though yee clip, He will leape from lip to lip, 20 Over liver, lights, and heart ; Yet not stay in any part. And, if chance his arrow misses, He will shoot himselfe in kisses. He doth beare a golden bow, 25 And a quiver hanging low. Full of arrowes, which outbrave Dian's shafts ; where, if he have Any head more sharpe than other, With that first he strikes his mother. 30 Still the fairest are his fuell, When his daies are to be cruell ; Lovers hearts are all his food. And his baths their warmest bloud : Nought but wounds his hand doth season, 35 And he hates none like to Reason. Trust him not : his words, though sweet, Seldome with his heart doe meet : All his practice is deceit ; Everie gift is but a bait : 40 Not a kisse but poyson beares ; And most treason's in his teares. THE KING OF FRANCE'S DAUGHTER. 371 Idle minutes are his raigne ; If by these yee please to know him. Then the straggler makes his game, Beauties, be not nice, but show him. 50 By presenting maides with toyes 45 Though yee had a will to hide him, And would have yee thinke them joy es ; Now, we hope, yee'l not abide him, ^Tis the ambition of the elfe Since yee heare this falser's play. To have all childish as himselfe. And that he is Venus' run-away. XVI. W^t f iitg 0,f lance's gaitglrto. The story of this Ballad seems to be taken Which when her father proved. 15 from an incident in the domestic history of Sorely e he was moved. Charles the Bald, King of France. His And tormented in his minde. daughter Judith was betrothed to Ethelwulph He sought for to prevent them ; King of England: but before the marriage And, to discontent them, was consummated, Ethelwulph died, and she Fortune cross'd these lovers kinde. 20 returned to France : whence she was carried off by Baldwyn, Forester of Flanders ; who, When these princes twaine after many crosses and difficulties, at ler igth Were thus barr'd of pleasure, obtained the king's consent to their marriage. Through the kinges disdaine. and was made Earl of Flanders. This ] lap- Which their joyes withstoode: pened about A. D. 863. — See Rapin, Henault, The lady soon prepar'd 25 and the French Historians. Her Jewells and her treasure: The following copy is given from the Edit- Having no regard or's ancient folio MS. collated with another For state and royall bloode ; in black-letter in the Pepys Collection, eu- In homelye poore array titled, " An excellent Ballad of a prince of She went from court away. 30 England's courtship to the King of France's To meet her joye and hearts delight } daughter, &c. To the tune of Crimson AVho in a forrest great Velvet." Had taken up his seat. Many breaches having been made in this To wayt her coming in the night. old song by the hand of time, principally (as But, lo ! what sudden danger 35 might be expected) in the quick returns of To this princely stranger the rhyme ; an attempt is here made to repair Chanced, as he sate alone ! them. By outlawes he was robbe4, And with ponyards stabbed. Uttering many a dying grone. In the dayes of old. When faire France did flourish, 40 Storyes plaine have told. Lovers felt annoye. The princess, arm'd by love, The queene a daughter bare. 5 And by chaste desire. AVhom beautye's queene did nourish All the night did rove She was lovelye faire Without dread at all : She was her fathers joye. Still unknowne she past 45 A prince of England came. In her strange attire ; Whose deeds did merit fame. 10 Coming at the last But he was exil'd, and outcast : Within echoes call, — Love his soul did fire, You faire woods, quoth shee, Shee granted his desire, Honoured may you bee. 50 Their hearts in one were linked fast Harbouring my hearts delight ; 372 THE KING OF FRANCE'S DAUGHTJER. Which encompass here And his face did wash My joye and only deare, With her trickling teares : My trustye friend, and comelye knight. Every gaping wound 105 Sweete, I come unto thee, 55 Tenderlye she pressed, Sweete, I come to woo thee ; And did wipe it round That thou mayst not angry bee With her golden haires. For my long delaying ; Speake, faire love, quoth shee, For thy curteous staying Speake, faire prince, to mee, 110 Soone amends He make to thee. 60 One sweete word of comfort give : Lift up thy deare eyes. Passing thus alone Listen to my cryes, Through the silent forest, Thinke in what sad griefe I live. Many a grievous grone All in vain she sued, 115 Sounded in her ears : All in vain she wooed. She heard one complayne 65 The prince's life was fled and gone. And lament the sorest, There stood she still mourning. Seeming all in payne, Till the suns retourning. Shedding deadly teares. And bright day was coming on. 120 Farewell, my deare, quoth hee, Whom I must never see ; 70 In this great distresse For why my life is att an end, Weeping, wayling ever, Through villaines crueltye : Oft shee cryed, alas ! For thy sweet sake I dye, What will become of mee? To show I am a faithfull friend. To my fathers court 125 Here I lye a bleeding, 75 I returne will never : While my thoughts are feeding But in lowlye sort On the rarest beautye found. I will a servant bee. hard happ, that may be ! While thus she made her mone, Little knowes my ladye Weeping all alone 130 My heartes blood lyes on the ground. 80 In this deepe and deadlye feare : A for'ster all in greene, With that a grone he sends Most comelye to be scene. Which did burst in sunder Ranging the woods did find her there. All the tender bands Moved with her sorrowe, 135 Of his gentle heart. Maid, quoth hee, good morrowe. She, who knewe his voice, 85 What hard happ has brought thee here ? At his wordes did wonder ; Harder happ did never All her former joyes Two kinde hearts dissever : Did to griefe convert. Here lyes slaine my brother deare. 140 Strait she ran to see. Who this man shold bee, 90 Where may I remaine, That soe like her love did seeme : Gentle for'ster, shew me, Her lovely lord she found 'Till I can obtaine Lye slaine upon the ground. A service in my neede ? Smear'd with gore a ghastlye streame. Paines I will not spare : 145 Which his lady spying, 95 This kinde favour doe me, ' Shrieking, fainting, crying. It will ease my care ; Her sorrows could not uttered bee : Heaven shall be thy meede. Fate, she cryed, too cruell : The for'ster all amazed. For thee — my dearest Jewell, On her beautye gazed, .150 Would God! that I had dyed for thee. 100 Till his heart was set on fire. If, faire maid, quoth hee, /^His pale Hppes, alas ! You will goe with mee. Twentye times she kissed, You shall have your hearts desire. THE KING OF FRANCE'S DAUGHTER. 373 ; He brought her to his mother, 155 And above all other He sett forth this maidens praise. Long was his heart inflamed, At length her love he gained, ^ And fortune crown'd his future dayes. Thus unknowne he wedde 161 With a kings faire daughter : Children seven they had, Ere she told her birth. Which vphen once he knew, 165 Humblye he besought her. He to the world might shew Her rank and princelye worth. He cloath'd his children then, (Not like other men) 170 In partye-colours strange to see : The right side cloth of gold. The left side to behold, Of woollen cloth still framed hee,* Men thereatt did wonder; 175 Golden fame did thunder This strange deede in every place: The King of France came thither. It being pleasant weather, In those woods the hart to chase. 180 The children then they bring, So their mother will'd it, * This will remind the reader of the livery and device of Charles Brandon, a private gentleman, who married the Queen Dowager of France, sister of Henry VIII. At a tournament which he held at his wedding, the trappings of his horse were half cloth of gold, and half frieze, with the folUowing motto : "Cloth of Gold, do not despise, Tho' thou art match with Cloth of Frize, Cloth of Frize, he not too bold, Tho' thou art matcht with Cloth of Gold." See Sir W. Temple's Misc. vol. III. p. 356. Where the royall king Must of force come bye : Their mothers riche array, 185 ■ Was of crimson velvet: Their fathers all of gray, Seemelye to the eye. Then this famous king. Noting every thing, 190 Askt how he durst be so bold To let his wife soe weare, And decke his children there In costly robes of pearl and gold. The forrester replying, 195 And the cause descrying,* To the king these words did say, Well may they, by their mother, Weare rich clothes with other, Being by birth a princesse gay. 200 The king aroused thus. More heedfullye beheld them, Till a crimson blush His remembrance crost. The more I fix my mind 205 On thy wife and children. The more methinks I find The daughter which I lost. Falling on her knee, I am that child, quoth shee ; 210 Pardon race, my soveraine liege. The king perceiving this. His daughter deare did kiss. While joyfull tearesdid stopphis speeche. With his traine he tourned, 215 And with them sojourned. Strait he dubb'd her husband knight ; Then made him Erie of Flanders, And chiefe of his commanders : 219 Thus were their sorrowes put to flight. = 1. e. describing. See Gloss. 374 THE CHILDREN IN THE ^OOD. XVII. %\t Stout f^glut. This little madrigal (extracted from Ben Jonson's Silent Woman, act 1, sc. 1, first acted in 1609) is in imitation of a Latin poem printed at the end of the variorum Edit, of Petronius, beginning "Semper munditias, semper Basilhsa decoras, &g.'' See Whalley's Ben Jonson, vol. IL, p. 420. Still to be neat, sill to be drest, As you were going to a feast : Still to be poud'red, still perfum'd : Lady it xS lO be presumed, Though art's hid causes are not found, 5 All is not svreet, all is not sound. Give me a looke, give me a face, That makes simplicitie a grace ; Robes loosely flowing, haire as free : Such sweet neglect more taketh me, 10 Than all th' adulteries of art. That strike mine eyes, but not my heart. XYIII. %\t €\iMn m % Mmt The subject of this very popular ballad (which has been set in so favourable a light by the Spectator, No. 85) seems to be taken from an old play, entitled " Two lamentable Tragedies ; the one of the murder of Maister Beech, a chandler in Thames-streete, &c. The other of a young child murthered in a wood by two ruffins, with the consent of his unkle. ByRob.Yarrington, 1601,4to.'' Our ballad-maker has strictly followed the play in the description of the father and mother's dying charge : in the uncle's promise to take care of their issue : his hiring two ruffians to destroy his wards, under pretence of sending them to school: their choosing a wood to perpetrate the murder in : one of the ruffians relenting, and a battle ensuing, &c. In other respects he has departed from the play. In the latter the scene is laid in Padua : there is but one child: which is murdered by a sudden stab of the unrelenting ruffian : he is slain him,-elf by his less bloody companion ; but ere he dies he gives the othe-^ a mortal wound: the latter living just long enough to impeach the uncle ; who, in consequence of this impeachment, is arraigned and executed by the hand of justice, &c. Whoever com- pares the play with the ballad, will have no doubt but the former is the original: the language is far more obsolete, and such a vein of simplicity runs through the whole performance, that, had the ballad been writ- ten first, there is no doubt but every circum- stance of it would have been received into the drama: whereas this -was probably built on some Italian novel. Printed from two ancient copies, one of them in black-letter in the Pepys collection. Its title at large is, " The Children in the Wood : or, the Norfolk Gentleman's Last Will and Testament : to the tune of Rogero, &c." Now ponder well, you parents deare, These wordes, which I shall write ; A doleful story you shall heare. In time brought forth to light. A gentleman of good account 5 In Norfolke dwelt of late. Who did in honour far surmount Most men of his estate. Sore sicke he was, and like to dye, No helpe his life could save ; His wife by him as sicke did lye, And both possest one grave. No love between these two was lost, Each was to other kinde. In love they liv'd, in love they dyed, And left too babes behinde : 10 J5 1 THE CHILDREN IN THE WOOD. 375 The one a fine and pretty boy, The parents being dead and gone, 65 Not passing three yeares olde ; The children home he takes, The other a girl more young than he, And bringes them straite unto his house, And fram'd in beautyes molde. 20 Where much of them he makes. The father left his little son, He had not kept these pretty babes As plainlye doth appeare, A twelvemonth and a daye. 70 When he to perfect age should come. But, for their wealth, he did devise Three hundred poundes a yeare. To make them both awaye. And to his little daughter Jane 25 He bargain'd with two ruffians strong. Five hundred poundes in gold, Which were of furious mood. To be paid downe on marriage-day. That they should take these children young, Which might not be controU'd: And slaye them in a wood. 76 But if the children chance to dye, He told his wife an artful tale. Ere they to age should come, 30 He would the children send Their uncle should possesse their wealth ; To be brought up in faire London, For so the wille did run. With one that was his friend. 80 Now, brother, said the dying man. Away then went those pretty babes, Look to my children deare ; Rejoycing at that tide. Be good unto my boy and girl. 35 Rejoycing with a merry minde. No friendes else have they here: They should on cock-horse ride. To God and you I recommend They prate and prattle pleasantly. 85 My children deare this daye ; As they rode on the waye. But little while be sure we have To those that should their butchers be 5, Within this world to staye. 40 And work their lives decaye : You must be father and mother both, So that the pretty speeche they had. And uncle all in one ; Made Murder's heart relent: 90 God knowes what will become of them And they that undertooke the deed, When I am dead and gone. Full sore did now repent. With that bespake their mother deare, 45 Yet one of them more hard of heart. brother kinde, quoth shee, Did vowe to do his charge. You are the man must bring our babes Because the wretch, that hired him, 95 To wealth or miserie : Had paid him very large. And if you keep them carefully, The other won't agree thereto. Then God will you reward ; 50 So here they fall to strife ; But if you otherwise should deal, With one another they did fight. God will your deedes regard. About the childrens life : 100 With lippes as cold as any stone, And he that was of mildest mood. They kist their children small : Did slaye the other there, God bless you both, my children deare AVithin an unfrequented wood ; With that the teares did fall. 56 The babes did quake for feare ! These speeches then their brother spak B He took the children by the hand. 105 To this sicke couple there, Teares standing in their eye, The keeping of your little ones And bad them straitwaye follow him, Sweet sis.;er, do not feare: 60 And look they did not crye : God never prosper me nor mine, And two long miles he ledd them on. Nor aught else that I have. While they for food complaine : 110 If I do wrong your children deare, Staye here, quoth he, I'll bring you bread, When you are layd in grave. 48 When I come back againe. 876 A LOVER OF LATE. These pretty babes, with hand in hand, Went wandering up and downe ; But never more could see the man 115 Approaching from the towne : Their pretty e lippes with black-berries, Were all besmear'd and dyed, And when they sawe the darksome night, They sat them downe and cryed. 120 Thus wandered these poor innocents. Till deathe did end their grief, In one anothers armes they dyed, As wanting due relief: No burial ' this' pretty ' pair' 125 Of any man receives, Till Robin-red-breast piously Did cover them with leaves. And now the heavy wrathe of God Upon their uncle fell ; 130 Yea, fearfull fiends did haunt his house, His conscience felt an hell ; His barnes were fir'd, his goodes consumed. His landes were barren made. His cattle dyed within the field, 135 And nothing with him stayd. And in a voyage to Portugal Two of his sonnes did dye ; And to conclude, himselfe was brought To want and miserye : 140 He pawnM and mortgaged all his land Ere seven years came about. And now at length this wicked act Bid by this meanes come out : The fellowe, that did take in hand These children for to kill, Was for a robbery j udg'd to dye, Such was God's blessed will : Who did confess the very truth. As here hath been display'd: Their uncle having dyed in gaol, Where he for debt was layd. You that executors be made. And overseers eke Of children that be fatherless. And infants mild and meek ; Take you example by this thing, And yield to each his right. Lest God with such like miserye Your wicked minds requite. 145 150 155 XIX. ^ I^ ber 0f SEtt Printed with a few slight corrections. from Yet would I her asse freelye bee, the Editor's folio MS. Soe shee would helpe, and beare with mee. An' I were as faire as shee. A LOVER of late was I, Or shee were as kind as I, For Cupid would have it soe, What payre cold have made, as wee, 15 The boy that hath never an eye, Soe prettye a sympathye : As every man doth know : I was as kind as shee was faire, I sighed and sobbed, and cryed, alas ! But for all this wee cold not paire. For her that laught, and called me ass. Paire with her that will for mee, With her I will never paire ; 20 Then knew not I what to doe. That cunningly can be coy, When I saw itt was in vaine For being a little faire. A lady soe coy to wooe, The asse He leave to her disdaine ; Who gave me the asse soe plaine : 10 And now I am myselfe againe. Ver. 125, these . . . babes, PP. Vex. 13, faine, MS. i THE KING AND MILLER OF MANSFIELD. 377 XX. %\t fmg ani Silte 0f W^uMt It has been a favourite subject with our English ballad-makers to represent our kings conversing, either by accident or design, with the meanest of their subjects. Of the former kind, besides this song of the King and the Miller, we have King Henry and the Soldier ; King James I. and the Tinker ; King Wil- liam III. and the Forester, &c. Of the latter sort, are King Alfred and the Shepherd ; King Edward IV. and the Tanner ; King Henry VIII. and the Cobler, &c. A few of the best of these are admitted into this collection. Both the author of the following ballad, and others who have written on the same plan, seem to have copied a very ancient poem, entitled, " John the Reeve," which is built on an adventure of the same kind, that happened between King Edward Longshanks and one of his Reeves or Bailiffs. This is a piece of great antiquity, being written before the time of Edward IV., and for its genuine humour, diverting incidents, and faithful pic- ture of rustic manners, is infinitely superior to all that have been since written in imita- tion of it. The Editor has a copy in his an- cient folio MS., but its length rendered it improper for this volume, it consisting of more than 900 lines. It contains also some corruptions, and the Editor chooses to defer its publication, in hopes that some time or other he shall be able to remove them. The following is printed, with correc- tions from the Editor's folio MS. collated with an old black-letter copy in the Pepys Collection, entitled, " A pleasant ballad of King Henry II. and the Miller of Mansfield, PART THE FIRST. ^ Henry, our royall king, would ride a hunting / To the greene forest so pleasant and faire ; To see the harts skipping, and dainty does tripping : Unto merry Sherwood his nobles repaire : Hawke and hound were unbound, all things prepar'd 5 For the game, in the same, with good regard. All a long summers day rode the king plea- santlye. With all his princes and nobles eche one ; Chasing the hart and hind, and the buck gal- lantlye. Till the dark evening forc'd all to turn home. 10 Then at last, riding fast, he had lost quite All his lords in the wood, late in the night. Wandering thus wearilye, all alone, up and downe. With a rude miller he mett at the last ; Asking the ready way unto faire Notting- ham ; 15 Sir, quoth the miller, I meane not to jest. Yet I thinke, what I thinke, sooth for to say, You doe not lightlye ride out of your way. Why, what dost thou think of me, quoth our king merrily. Passing thy judgment upon mo so briefe? Good faith sayd the miller, I mean not to flatter thee, 21 I guess thee to bee but some gentleman thiefe ; Stand thee backe, in the darke; light not adowne. Lest that 1 presentlye crack thy knaves crowne. Thou dost abuse me much, quoth the king, saying thus ; 25 I am a gentleman ; lodging I lacke. Thou hast not, quoth th' miller, one groat in thy purse ; All thy inheritance hangs on thy backe. *I have gold to discharge all that I call ; If it be forty pence I will pay all. 30 If thou beest a true man, then quoth the miller, I sweare by my toll-dish, I'll lodge thee all night. Here's my hand, quoth the king, that was I ever. Nay, soft, quoth the miller, thou may'st be a sprite. * The king says this. 378 THE KING AND MILLER OF MANSFIELD. Better I'll know thee, ere hands we will shake ; 35 With none but honest men hands will I take. Thus they went all along unto the millers house : Where they were seething of puddings and souse : The miller first enter'd in, after him went the king ; Never came hee in soe smokye a house. 40 Now, quoth hee, let me see here what you are. Quoth the king, looke your fill, and tioe not spare. I like well thy countenance, thou hast an ho- nest face : With my son Richard this night thou shalt lye. Quoth his wife, by my troth, it is a handsome youth, 45 Yet it's best, husband, to deal warilye. Art thou no run away, prythee, youth, tell ? Show me thy passport, and all shal be well. Then our king presentlye, making lowe cour- tesye, 49 With his hatt in his hand, thus he did say; I have no passport, nor never was servitor, But a poor courtyer, rode out of my way: And for your kindness here ofi'ered to mee, I will requite you in everye degree. Then to the miller his wife whisper'd secret- lye, 55 Saying, It seemeth, this youth's of good kin, , Both by his apparel, and eke by his man- ners ; To turn him out certainlye, were a great sin. Yea, quoth hee, you may see, he hath some grace When he doth speake to his betters in place. Well, quo' the millers wife, young man, ye're welcome here ; 61 And, though I say it, well lodged shall be : Fresh straw will I have, laid on thy bed so brave, And good brown hempen sheets likewise, quoth shee. Aye, quoth the good man ; and when that is done, 65 Thou shalt lye with no worse than our own Sonne. Nay, first, quoth Richard, good-fellowe, tell me true, Hast thou noe creepers within thy gay hose? Or art thou not troubled with the scabbado ? I pray, quoth the king, what creatures are those ? 70 Art thou not lowsy, nor scabby? quoth he : If thou beest, surely thou lyest not with mee. This caus'd the king, suddenlye, to laugh most heartilye. Till the teares trickled fast downe from his eyes. 74 Then to their supper were they set orderlye, With hot bag-puddings, and good apple- pyes; Nappy ale, good and stale, in a browne bowle. Which did about the board merrily e trowle. Here, quoth the miller, good fellowe, I drinke to thee, And to all ' cuckholds, wherever they bee.' I pledge thee, quoth our king, and thanke thee heartilye 81 For my good welcome in everye degree : And here, in like manner, I drinke to thy Sonne. Do then, quoth Richard, and quicke let it come. Wife, quoth the miller, fetch me forth light- foote, 85 And of his sweetnesse a little we'll taste. A fair ven'son pastye brought she out pre- sentlye, Eate, quoth the miller, but, sir, make no waste. Here's dainty lightfoote ? In faith, sayd the king, I never before eat so daintye a thing. 90 I wis, quoth Richard, no daintye at all it is, For we doe eate of it everye day. In what place, sayd our king, may be bought like to this ? AVe never pay pennye for itt, by my fay : Ver. 80, courtnalls, that courteous be, MS. and P. THE KING AND MILLER OF MANSFIELD. 379 From merry Sherwood we fetch it home here ; Now and then we make bold with our kings deer. 96 Then I thinke, sayd our king, that it is veni- son. Eche foole, quoth Richard, full well may know that : Never are wee without two or three in the roof, Very well fleshed, and excellent fat : 100 But, prythee, say nothing wherever thou goe; We would not, for two pence, the king should it knowe. Doubt not, then sayd the king, my promist secresye ; The king shall never know more on't for mee. A cupp of lambs-wool they dranke unto him then, 105 And to their bedds they past presentlie. The nobles, next morning, went all up and down. For to seeke out the king in everye towne. At last, at the millers ' cott,^ soone they es- py'd him out. As he was mounting upon his faire steede ; To whom they came presently, falling down on their knee ; 111 Which made the millers heart wofully bleede ; Shaking and quaking, before him he stood, Thinking he should have been hang'd, by the rood. 114 The king perceiving him fearfully trembling, Drew forth his sword, but nothing he sed: The miller downe did fall, crying before them all, Doubting the king would have cut off his head. But he his kind courtesye for to requite. Gave him great living, and dubb'd him a knight. 120 PART THE SECONDE. When as our royall king came home from Nottingham, And with his nobles at Westminster lay ; Recounting the sports and pastimes they had taken, In this late progress along on the way ; 4 Of them all, great and small, he did protest. The miller of Mansfield'b sport liked him best. And now, my lords, quoth the king, I am determined Against St. Georges next sumptuous feast. That this old miller, our new confirmed knight. With his son Richard, shall here be my guest : 10 For, in this merryment, ^tis my desire To talke with the jolly knight, and the young squire. When as the noble lords saw the kinges pleasantness, They were right joyful! and glad in their hearts : A pursuivant there was sent straighte on the business, 15 The which had often-times been in those parts. When he came to the place, where they did dwell, His message orderlye then ^gan he tell. God save your worshippe, then said the mes- senger, And grant your ladye her own hearts de- sire ; 20 And to your sonne Richard good fortune and happiness ; That sweet, gentle, and gallant young squire. Our king greets you well, and thus he doth say, You must come to the court on St. George's day; 24 Therfore, in any case, faile not to be in place. I wis, quoth the miller, this is an odd jest: What should we doe there? faith, I am halfe afraid. I doubt, quoth Richard, to be hang'd at the least. Nay, quoth the messenger, you doe mistake ; Our king he provides a great feast for your sake. 30 Then sayd the miller, By my troth, messen- ger, Thou hast contented my worshippe full well. Hold here are three farthings, to quite thy gentleness, For these happy tydings, which thou dost tell. 34 380 THE KING AND MILLER OF MANSFIELD. Let me see, hear thou mee; tell to our king, We'll wayt on his mastershipp in everye thing. The pursuivant smiled at their simplicitye, And making many leggs, tooke their re- ward ; And his leave taking with great humilitye To the kings court againe he repaired ; 40 Shewing unto his grace, merry and free, The knightes most liberall gift and bountie. When he was gone away, thus gan the miller say, Here come expences and charges indeed ; Now must we needs be brave, tho' we spend all we have ; 45 For of new garments we have great need : Of horses and serving-men we must have store, With bridles and saddles, and twentye things Tushe, Sir John, quoth his wife, why should you frett, or frowne ? 49 You shall ne'er be att no charges for mee ; For I will turne and trim up my old russet gowne. With everye thing else as fine as may bee; And on our mill-horses swift we will ride. With pillowes and pannells, as we shall pro- vide. In this most statelye sort, rode they unto the court, 55 Their jolly sonne Richard rode foremost of all; Who set up, for good hap, a cocks feather in his cap, ^.And so they jetted downe to the kings hall; The merry old miller with hands on his side ; His wife, like maid Marian, did mince at that tide. 60 The king and his nobles that heard of their coming, Meeting this gallant knight with his brave traine ; Ver. 57, for good hap : i. e. for good lack ; they were go- ing on a hazardous expedition. V. 60, Maid Marian in the Morris dance, was represented hy a man in woman's clothes, who was to take short steps in order to sustain the female character. Welcome, sir knight, quoth he, with your gay lady : Good Sir John Cockle, once welcome againe : And so is the squire of courage soe free. 65 Quoth Dicke, A bots on you do you know mee? Quoth our king gentlye, how should I forget thee? That wast my owne bed-fellowe, well it I wot. Yea, sir, quoth Richard, and by the same token, Thou with thy farting didst make the bed hot. 70 Thou whore-son unhappy knave, then quoth the knight, Speake cleanly to our king, or else go sh***. The king and his courtiers laugh at this heartily, While the king taketh them both by the hand ; With the court-dames, and maids, like to the queen of spades 75 The millers wife did soe orderly stand. A milk-maids courtesye at every word ; And downe all the folkes were set to the board. There the king royally, in princelye majestye, Sate at his dinner with joy and delight ; When they had eaten well, then he to jesting fell, 81 And in a bowle of wine dranke to the knight: Here's to you both, in wine, ale and beer ; Thanking you heartilye for my good cheer. Quoth Sir John Cockle, I'll pledge you a pot- tle, 85 Were it the best ale in Nottinghamshire : But then said our king, now I think of a thing ; Some of your lightfoote I would we had here. Ho ! ho ! quoth Richard, full well I may say it, 89 'Tis knavery to eate it, and then to betray it. Why art thou angry ? quoth our king mer- rilye ; In faith, I take it now very unkind : THE SHEPHERD'S RESOLUTION. 381 I thought thoa wouldst pledge me in ale and wine heartily. Quoth Dicke, You are like to stay till I have din'd : 94 } You feed us with twatling dishes soe small ; { Zounds, a blacke-pudding is better than L- all. Aye, marry, quoth our king, that were a daintye thing, , Could a man get but one here for to eate. /With that Dicke straite arose, and pluckt one from his hose, 99 Which with heat of his breech gan to sweate. The king made a proffer to snatch it away: — 'Tis meat for your master : good sir you must stay. Thus in great merriment was the time wholly spent ; And then the ladyes prepared to dance. Old Sir John Cockle, and Richard, inconti- nent 105 Unto their places the king did advance. Here with the ladyes such sport they did make. The nobles with laughing did make their sides ake. Many thankes for their paines did the king give them, Asking young Richard then, if he would wed ; 110 Among these ladyes free, tell me which liketh thee? Quoth he Jugg Grumball, Sir, with the red head : She's my love, she's my life, her will I wed ; She hath sworn I shall have her maidenhead. Then Sir John Cockle the king call'd unto him, 115 And of merry Sherwood made him o'er seer; And gave him out of hand three hundred pound yearlye : Take heed now you steale no more of my deer: And once a quarter let's here have your view ; And now, Sir John Cockle, I bid you adieu. XXI. ®fe^ Sfe^Ufeeri'g |[^sifluti0n. This beautiful old song was written by a poet, whose name would have been utterly forgotten, if it had not been preserved by Swift, as a term of contempt. " Dryden and Wither" are coupled by him like the "Bavins and Maevius'^ of Virgil. Dryden however has had justice done him by posterity: and as for Wither, though of subordinate merit, that he was not altogether devoid of genius, will be judged from the following stanzas. The truth is, Wither was a very voluminous party-writer: and as his political and satirical strokes rendered him extremely popular in his lifetime : so afterwards, when these were no longer relished, they totally consigned his writings to oblivion. George Wither was born June 11, 1588, and in his younger years distinguished him- self by some pastoral pieces, that were not inelegant ; but growing afterwards involved in the political and religious disputes in the times of James I. and Charles I., he employed his poetical vein in severe pasquils on the court and clergy, and was occasionally a suf- ferer for the freedom of his pen. In the civil war that ensued, he exerted himself in the service of the Parliament, and became a con- siderable sharer in the spoils. He was even one of those provincial tyrants, whom Oliver distributed over the kingdom, under the name of Major Generals ; and had the fleecing of the county of Surrey: but, surviving the Re- storation, he outlived both his power, and his affluence ; and giving vent to his chagrin in libels on the court, was loQg a prisoner in Newgate and the Tower. He died at length on the 2d of May, 1667. During the whole course of his life, Wither 382 QUEEN DIDO. was a continual publisher ; having generally for opponent, Taylor the Water-poet. The long list of his productions may be seen in Wood's Athenae Oxon. vol. II. His most popular satire is entitled "Abuses whipt and stript/' 1613. His most poetical pieces were eclogues, entitled, "The Shepherd's Hunt- ing," 1615, 8vo., and others printed at the end of Browne's " Shepherd's Pipe," 1614, 8vo. The following sonnet is extracted from a long pastoral piece of his, entitled " The Mistresse of Philarete," 1622, 8vo., which is said in the preface to be one of the Author's first poems ; and may therefore be dated as early as any of the foregoing. /Shall I, wasting in dispaire, I Dye because a woman's faire? Or make pale my cheeks with care 'Cause another's rosie are ? Be shee fairer then the day, 5 Or the flowry meads in may ; If she be not so to me. What care I how faire shee be ? Shall my foolish heart be pin'd 'Cause I see a woman kind ? Or a well-disposed nature Joyned with a lovely feature ? 10 Be shee meeker, kinder, than The turtle-dove or pelican : If shee be not so to me, What care I how kind shee be ? Shall a woman's virtues move ""^ Me to perish for her love ? Or, her well-deservings knowne, Make me quite forget mine owne ? Be shee with that goodnesse blest, Which may merit name of Best ; If she be not such to me. What care I how good she be ? 15 20 25 Cause her fortune seems too high Shall I play the foole and dye ? Those that beare a noble mindeX Where they want of riches find, ^ Thinke what with them they would doe, That without them dare to woe ; 30 And, unlesse that minde I see,^ What care I how great she be?' Great or good, or kind or faire, I will ne'er the more dispaire : If she love me, this beleeve ; I will die ere she shall grieve. If she slight me when I wooe, I can scorne and let her goe : If shee be not fit for me, What care I for whom she be ? 35 40 XXII. ^tiun |i&0* Such is the title given in the Editor's folio MS. to this excellent old ballad, which, in the common printed copies, is inscribed, " Eneas wandering Prince of Troy." It is here given from that MS. collated with two different printed copies, both in black letter, in the Pepys Collection. The reader will smile to observe with what natural and affecting simplicity, our ancient ballad-maker has engrafted a Gothic conclu- sion on the classic story of Virgil, from whom, however, it is probable he had it not. Nor can it be denied, but he has dealt out his poetical justice with a more impartial hand than that celebrated poet. When Troy towne had, for ten yeer( Withstood the Greekes in manfull wise. Then did their foes encrease soe fast, That to resist none could suffice : Wast lye those walls, that were soe good, 5 And come now growes where Troy towne stoode. ^neas, wandering prince of Troy, When he for land long time had sought, At length arriving with great joy, To mighty Carthage walls was brought ; Where Dido queene, with sumptuous feast, 11 Did entertaine that wandering guest. Ver. 1, 21, war, MS. and PP. QUEEN DIDO. 383 And, as in hall at meate they sate, The queene, desirous newes to heare, Says, of thy Troys unhappy fate' 15 Declare to me thou Trojan deare: The heavy hap and chance soe bad, That thou, poore wandering prince, hast had. And then anon this comelye knight, With words demure, as he cold well, 20 Of his unhappy ten yeares 'fight,' Soe true a tale began to tell. With wordes soe sweete, and*sighs soe deepe. That oft he made them all to weepe. And then a thousand sighes he fet, 25 And every sigh brought teares amaine ; That where he sate the place was wett. As though he had seene those warrs againe: Soe that the queene, with ruth therfore, Said, Worthy prince, enough, no more, 30 And then the darksome night drew on, And twinkling starres the skye bespred ; When he his dolefull tale had done. And every one was layd in bedd : (A^Where they full sweetly tooke their rest, 35 Save only Dido's boyling brest. This silly woman never slept, But in her chamber, all alone, As one unhappye, alwayes wept, And to the walls shee made her mone ; That she shold still desire in vaine 41 The thing, she never must obtaine. And thus in grieffe she spent the night, Till twinkling starres the skye were fled. And Phoebus, with his glistening light, 45 Through misty cloudes appeared red ; Then tidings came to her anon, That all the Trojan shipps were gone. And then the queene with bloody knife Did arme her hart as hard as stone, 50 Yet, something loth to loose her life, In woefull wise she made her mone ; And, rowling on her carefull bed, With sighes and sobbs, these words she sayd: wretched Dido queene ! quoth shee, 55 I see thy end approacheth neare ; For hee is fled away from thee, Whom thou didst love and hold so deare : What is he gone, and passed by ? hart, prepare thyselfe to dye. 60 49 Though reason says, thou shouldst forbeare, And stay thy hand from bloudy stroke ; Yet fancy bids thee not to fear. Which fetter'd thee in Cupids yoke. 64 Come death, quoth shee, resolve my smart! — And with those words shee peerced her hart. When death had pierced the tender hart Of Dido, Carthaj^nian queene ; Whose bloudy knife did end the smart, Which shee sustain'd in mournfuU teene; -ZEneas being shipt and gone, 71 Whose flattery caused all her mone ; Her funerall most costly made, And all things finisht mournfullye ; Her body fine in mold was laid, 75 Where itt consumed speedilye: Her sisters teares her tombe bestrewde ; Her subjects griefe their kindnesse shewed. Then was iEneas in an ile In Grecya, where he stayd long space 80 Whereas her sister in short while Writt to him to his vile disgrace ; In speeches bitter to his mind Shee told him plaine he was unkind. 84 False-harted wretch, quoth shee, thou art ; And traiterouslye thou hast betraid Unto thy lure a gentle hart. Which unto thee much welcome made; My sister deare, and Carthage' joy, Whose folly bred her deere annoy. 90 Yett on her death-bed when shee lay, Shee prayd for thy prosperitye. Beseeching god, that every day Might breed thy great felicitye : Thus by thy meanes I lost a friend ; 95 Heaven send thee such untimely end. When he these lines, full fraught with gall, Perused had, and wayed them right, His lofty courage then did fall ; And straight appeared in his sight 100 Queene Dido's ghost, both grim and pale : Which made this valliant souldier quaile. Mncas, quoth this ghastly ghost, My whole delight when I did live. Thee of all men I loved most ; 105 My fancy and my will did give ; For entertainment I thee gave, Unthankefully thou didst me grave. 384 THE WITCHES' SONG. Therfore prepare thy flitting soule To wander with me in the aire: 110 Where deadlye griefe shall make it howle, Because of me thou tookest no care : Delay not time, thy glasvse is run, Thy date is past, thy life is done. stay a while, thou lovely sprite, 115 Be not soe hasty h convay My soule into eternall night, Where itt shall ne're behold bright day: doe not frowne ; thy angry looke Hath * all my soule with horror shooke.' 120 But, woe is me! all is in vaine, And bootless is my dismall crye ; Time will not be recalled againe, Nor thou surcease before I dye. lett me live, and make amends 125 To some of thy most dearest friends. But seeing thou obdurate art, And wilt no pictye on me show, Because from thee I did depart, And left unpaid what I did owe : 130 I must content myselfe to take What lott to me thou wilt partake. And thus, as one being in a trance, A multitude of uglye feinds About this woffuU princo did dance ; 135 He had no helpe of any friends : Ills body then they tooke avray, And no man knew his dying day. XXIII. Sfee ®itcl]cs' gong. — From Bon Jonson's Masque of Queens, presented at Whitehall, Feb. 2, 1G09. The Editor thought it incumbent on him to insert S(mie old pieces on the popular superstition concerning witches,., hobgoblins, fliiries, and ghosts. The last of these make their appearance in most of the tragical bal- lads ; and in the following songs will be found some description of the former. It is true, this song of the Witches, filling from the learned pen of Ben Jonson, is rather an extract from the various incantations of classical antiquity, than a display of the opin- ions of our own vulgar. But let it be obser- ved, that a parcel of learned wiseacres had just before busied themselves on this subject, in compliment to King James I., whose weak- ness on this head is well known : and these had so ransacked all writers, ancient and modern, and so blended and kneaded together the several superstitions of different times and nations, that those of genuine English growth could no longer be traced out and dis- tinguished. Ver. 120, MS. Ilath mads my brcalho my lift; fjrsookc. By good luck the whimsical belief of fairies and goblins could furnish no pretence for torturing our fellow-creatures, and therefore we have this handed down to us pure and unsophisticated. I HAVE been all day looking after A raven feeding upon a quarter: And, soone as she turn'd her beak to tho south, I snatch'd this morsell out of her mouth. I have beeno gathering wolves haires, 5 The madd dogges foames, and adders eares ; The spurging of a deadmans eyes: And all since the evening starre did rise. 3 wiTcn. I last night lay all alone 9 0* the ground, to heare the mandrake grone ; And pluckt him up, though he grew full low: And, as I had done, the ccckc did crow. ROBIN GOOD-FELLOW. 385 4 wiTcn. And I ha' beene chusing out this scull From charnell houses that were full ; From private grots, and publilie pits ; And frighted a sexton out of his wits. I have been getting ; and made of his skin A purset, to keepe Sir Cranion in. 15 5 WITCH. Lender a cradle I did crepe By day ; and, \vhen the childe was a-sleepe At night, I suck'd the breath ; and rose, 19 And pluck'd the nodding nurse by the nose. 6 wiTcn. I had a dagger: what did I with that? Killed an infant to have his fat. A piper it got at a church-ale. I bade him again blow wind i' the taile. 7 WITCH. A murderer, yonder, was hung in chaines ; The sunne and the Avind had shrunke his veines : 2G I bit off a sinew ; I clipp'd his haire ; I brought off his ragges, that danc'd i' the ayrc. 8 WITCH. The scrich-owles egges and the feathers blacke, The bloud of the froggc, and the bone in his backc 30 9 WITCH. And I ha' beene plucking (plants among) Hemlock, henbane, adders-tongue, Night-shade, moone-wort, libbards-bane ; 35 And twise by the dogges was like to be tane. 10 WITCH. I from the jawes of a gardiner's bitch Did snatch these bones, and then leap'd the ditch : Yet went I back to the house againe, 39 Kill'd the blacke cat, and here is the braine. 11 WITCH. I went to the toad, breedes under the wall, I charmed him out, and he came at my call ; I scratch'd out the eyes of the ovvle before ; I tore the batts wing : what would you have more ? DAME. Yes : T have brought, to helpe your vows, 45 Horned poppie, cypresse boughes. The fig-tree wild, that growes on tombes, And juice, that from the larch-tree comes, The basiliskes bloud, and the vipers skin : And now our orgies let's begin. ■tr- XXIV. H0bin (S0ijHHl0to, — Alias Pucke, alias IIodgoblin, in the creed of ancient superstition, was a kind of merry sprite, whoso character and achieve- ments arc recorded in this baUad, and in those well-known lines of Milton's L' Allegro, which the antiquarian Peck supposes to be owiug to it: ^^'^'Tells how the drudging Goblin swet To earn his creamo-bowle duly set: When in one night, ere glimpse of morne. His shadowy flail hath thresh'd the corn That ten day-labourers could not end; Then lies him down the lubber fiend, And stretch'd out all the chimneys length, Basks at the fire his hairy strength, And crop-full out of doors he flings. Ere the first cock his matins rings." The reader will observe that our simple ancestors had reduced all these whimsies to a kind of system, as regular, and perhaps more consistent, than many parts of classic mythology : a proof of the extensive influence and vast antiquity of these superstitions. Mankind, and especially the common people, could not everywhere have been so unani- 386 ROBIN GOOD-FELLOW. mously agreed concerning these arbitrary Sometimes I meete them like a man ; notions, if they had not prevailed among Sometimes, an ox, sometimes, a hound; thera for many ages. Indeed, a learned friend And to a horse I turn me can ; in Wales assures the Editor, that the exist- To trip and trot about them round. ence of Fairies and Goblins is alluded to by Bat if, to ride, 35 the most ancient British Bards, who mention My backe they stride. them under various names, one of the most More swift than winde away I go, common of which signifies " The spirits of Ore hedge and lands. the mountains." See also Preface to Song Thro' pools and ponds XXV. I whirry, laughing, ho, ho, ho ! 40 This song, which Peck attributes to Ben Jonson (though it is not found among his When lads and lasses merry be. works) is chiefly printed from an ancient With possets and with juncates fine; black-letter copy in the British Museum. It Unseene of all the company, seems to have been originally intended for I eat their cakes and sip their wine ; some Masque. And, to make sport, 45 This ballad is entitled, in the old black- v' ' I fart and snort ; letter copies, " The merry Pranks of Robin And out the candles I do blow: Goodfellow. To the tune of Dulcina," &c. The maids I kiss ; (See No. XIII. above.) They shrieke — Who's this ? I answer nought, but ho, ho, ho ! 50 From Oberon, in fairye land, The king of ghosts and shadowes there, Yet now and then, the maids to please, Mad Robin I, at his command. At midnight I card up their wooll ; Am sent to vicAve the night-sports here. And while they sleepe, and take their ease, What revell rout 5 With wheel to threads their flax I pull. Is kept about, I grind at mill 55 In every corner where I go, Their malt up still ; I will o'ersee, I dress their hemp, I spin their tow. And merry bee, If any 'wake. And make good sport, with ho, ho, ho ! 10 And would me take. I wend me, laughing, ho, ho, ho ! 60 More swift than lightening can I flye When house or harth doth sluttish lye/"-\ ./ About this aery welkin soone. And, in a minutes space, descrye I pinch the maidens black and blue ; Each thing that's done belowe the moone. The bed-clothes from the bedd pull I There's not a hag 15 And lay them naked all to view. Or ghost shall wag. 'Twixt sleepe and wake, 65 Or cry, ware Goblins ! where I go ; I do them take, But Robin I And on the key-cold floor them throw. Their feates will spy, If out they cry, And send them home, with ho, ho, ho ! 20 Then forth I fly, And loudly laugh out, ho, ho, ho ! 70 Whene'er such wanderers I meete, # As from their night-sports they trudge When any need to borrowe ought, home ; We lend them what they do require: With counterfeiting voice I greete, And for the use demand we nought; And call them on, with mee to roame Our owne is all we do desire. ^^- Thro' woods, thro' lakes, 25 If to repay, 75 Thro' bogs, thro' brakes ; They do delay, Or else, unseene, with them I go, Abroad amongst them then I go. All in the nicke And night by night, To play some tricke I them alight 79 And frolicke it, with ho, ho, ho I 30 With pinchings, dreames, and ho, ho, ho I THE FAIRY QUEEN. 387 "When lazie queans have nought to do, But study how to cog and lye ; To make debate and mischief too, ^Twixt one another secretlye : I marke their gloze, And it disclose, To them whom they have wronged so When I have done, I get me gone, And leave them scolding, ho, ho, ho ! 85 90 When men do traps and engins set In loope holes, where the vermine creepe. Who from their foldes and houses, get Their duckes and geese, and lambes and sheepe : I spy the gin. And enter in, And seeme a vermine taken so ; But when they there Approach me neare, I leap out laughing, ho, ho, ho ! 95 100 By wells and rills, in meadowes greene, We nightly dance our hey-day guise ; And to our fairye king and queene We chant our moon-light minstrelsies. When larks gin sing, 105 Away we fling ; And babes new borne steal as we go, And elfe in bed We leave instead, And wend us laughing, ho, ho, ho ! 110 From hag-bred Merlin's time have I Thus nightly revell'd to and fro: And for my pranks men call me by The name of Robin Good-fellow. Fiends, ghosts, and sprites, 115 Who haunt the nightes, The hags and goblins do me know; And beldames old My feates have told ; So Vale, Vale : ho, ho, ho ! , 120 XXV. %\t lairg ^xxttu. We have here a short display of the popu- lar belief concerning Fairies. It will afford entertainment to a contemplative mind to trace these whimsical opinions up to their origin. Whoever considers, how early, how extensively, and how uniformly, they have prevailed in these nations, will not readily assent to the hypothesis of those who fetch them from the East so late as the time of the Croisades. Whereas it is well known that our Saxon ancestors, long before they left their German forests, believed the existence of a kind of diminutive demons, or middle species between men and spirits, whom they called Duergar or Dwarfs, and to whom they attributed many wonderful performances, far exceeding human art. Vid. Hervarer Saga Olaj Verelj. 1675. Hickes Thesaur. &c. This Song is given (with some corrections by another copy) from a book entitled " The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence, &c." Lend. 1648. 8vo. Come, follow, follow me, You, fairy elves that be: Which circle on the greene. Come follow Mab your queene. Hand in hand let's dance around, For this place is fairye ground. When mortals are at rest. And snoring in their nest ;, Unheard, and unespy'd. Through key-holes we do glide ; Over tables, stools and shelves, We trip it with our fairy elves. 10 And, if the house be foul With platter, dish, or bowl, Up stairs we nimbly creep, 15 And find the sluts asleep : There we pinch their armes and thighes ; None escapes, nor none espies. 388 THE FAIRIES FAREWELL. ,/^ut if the house be swept, And from uncleanness kept, 20 We praise the household maid, And duely she is paid : For we use before we goe To drop a tester in her shoe. Upon a mushroomes head 25 Our table-cloth we spread ; A grain of rye, or wheat. Is manchet, which we eat ; Pearly drops of dew we drink In acorn cups fill'd to the brink. 30 The brains of nightingales, With unctuous fat of snailes, Between two cockles stew'd. Is meat that's easily chew'd ; Tailes of wormes, and marroAv of mice 35 Do make a dish, that's wonderous nice. The grashopper, gnat, and fly. Serve for our minstrels! e ; Grace said, we dance a while. And so the time beguile : 40 And if the moon doth hide her head. The gloe-worm lights us home to bed. On tops of dewie grasse So nimbly do we passe. The young and tender stalk 45 Ne'er bends Avhen we do walk: Yet in the morning may be seen Where we the night before have been. XXVI. %\t ifiixm imMl This humorous old song fell from the hand of the witty Dr. Corbet (afterwards Bishop of Norwich, &c.), and is printed from his Poetica Stromata, 1648, 12mo, (compared with the third edition of his poems, 1672). It is there called "A proper new Ballad, en- titled. The Fairies Farewell, or God-a-mercy Will, to be sung or whistled to the tune of The Meddow Brow, by the learned ; by the unlearned, to the tune of Fortune." The departure of Fairies is here attributed to the abolition of monkery: Chaucer has, with equal humour, assigned a cause the very reverse, in his " Wife of Bath's Tale." " In olde dayes of the King Artour, Of which that Bretons speken gret honour, All was this lond fulfilled of faerie ; The elf-quene, with hire joly compagnie Danced ful oft in many a grene mede. This was the old opinion as I rede ; I speke of many hundred yeres ago ; But now can no man see non elves mo, For now the grete charitee and prayeres Of limitoures and other holy freres. That serchen every land and every streme, As thikke as motes in the sonne heme, Blissing halles, chambres, kichenes, and boures, Citees and burghes, castles high, and toures, Thropes and bernes, shepenes and dairies, This maketh that ther ben no faeries : For ther as wont to walken was an elf, Ther walketh now the limitour himself, In undermeles and in morweninges. And sayth his Matines and his holy thinges, Ab he goth in his limitatioun. Women may now go safely up and doun, In every bush, and under every tree, Ther is non other incubus but he. And he ne will don hem no dishonour." Tyrwhitt's Chaucer, I. p. 255. Dr. Richard Corbet, having been bishop of Oxford about three years, and afterwards as long bishop of Norwich, died in 1635, setat 52. Farewell rewards and Fairies ! ^ Good housewives now may say ; For now foule sluts in dairies, Doe fare as well as they : And though they sweepe their hearths no less Than mayds were wont to doe, 6 Yet who of late for cleaneliness Finds sixe-pence in her shoe?T, THE FAIRIES FAREWELL. 589 10 Lament, lament old Abbies, The fairies lost command ; They did but change priests babies, But some have chang'd your land: And all your children stoln from thence Are now growne Puritanes, Who live as changelings ever since, 15 For love of your demaines. At morning and at evening both You merry were and glad. So little care of sleepe and sloth, These prettie ladies had. When Tom came home from labour, Or Ciss to milking rose, Then merrily went tlieir tabour, And nimbly went their toes. Witness those rings and roundelayes Of theirs, which yet remaine ; Were footed in Queene Maries dayes On many a grassy playne. But since of late Elizabeth And later James came in ; They never danc'd on any heath, As when the time hath bin. By which wee note the fairies Were of the old profession : Their songs were Ave Maries, Their dances were procession. But now, alas! they all are dead, Or gone beyond the sens, Or farther for religion fled, Or else they take their ease. A tell-tale in their company They never could endure ; And whoso kept not secretly Their mirth, was punish'd sure: It was a just and Christian deed To pinch such blacke and blue: / 0-how the common-welth doth need ' . Such justices as you ! Now they have left our quarters ; A Register they have, Who can preserve their charters ; A man both wise and grave. An hundred of their merry pranks, By one that I could name Are kept in store ; con twenty thanks To William for the same. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 To William Churne of Staffordshire Give laud and praises due. Who every meale can mend your cheare With tales both old and true: GO To William all give audience. And pray yee for his noddle : For all the fairies evidence Were lost, if it were addle. *^* After these songs on the fairies, the reader may be curious to see the manner in which they were formerly invoked and bound to human service. In Ash mole's collection of MSS. at Oxford [Num. 8250, 1400, 2,] are the papers of some Alchymist, which contain, a variety of Incantations and Forms of Con- juring both Fairies, Witches, and Demons, principally, as it should seem, to assist him in his great work of transmuting metals. Most of them are too impious to be reprinted ; but the two following may be very innocently laughed at. Whoever looks into Ben Jonson's "Alchy- mist," will find that these imposters, among their other secrets, affected to have a power over Fairies : and that they were commonly expected to be seen in a crystal glass appears from that extraordinary book, "The Relation of Dr. John Dee's action with Spirits, 1659," folio. " An excellent way to gett a Fayrie. (For myself I call Margarett Barrance ; but this Avill obteine any one that is not allready bownd.) "First, gett a broad square christall or Venice glasse, in length and breadth three inches. Then lay that glasse or christall in the bloud of a white henne, three Wednes- dayes, or three Fridayes. Then take it out, and wash it with holy aq. and fumigate it. Then take three hazle sticks, or wands of an yeare groth ; pill them fayre and white ; and make * them' soe longe, as you write the Spiritts name, or Fayries name, which you call, three times on every sticke being made flatt on one side. Then bury them under some hill, whereas you suppose Fayries haunt, the Wednesday before you call her: and the Friday foUowinge take them uppe, and call her at eight or three or ten of the clocke, which be good planetts and houres for that turne : but when you call, be in cleane 390 THE BIRTH OF ST. GEORGE. / life, and turne thy face towards the east. And when you have her, bind her to that stone or glasse." "An unguent to annoynt under the eyelids, and upon the eyelids eveninge and morn- inge : but especially when you call ; or find your sight not perfect. ^^ " R. A pint of sallet-oyle, and put it into a viall glasse : but first wash it with rose- water, and m ary gold-water : the flowers 'to' be gathered towards the east. Wash it till the oyle come white; then put it into the glasse, ut supra: and then put thereto the budds of holyhocke, the flowers of marygold, the flowers or toppes of wild thime, the budds of young hazle : and the thime must be gathered neare the side of a hill where Fayries use to be : and ' take' the grasse of a fayrie throne, there. All these put into the oyle, into the glasse : and set it to dissolve three dayes in the siinne, and then keep it for thy use ; ut supra." After this receipt for the unguent follows a Form of Incantation, wherein the Alchy mist conjures a Fairy, named Elaby Gathon, to appear to him in that chrystall glass, meekly and mildly ; to resolve him truly in all manner of questions ; and to be obedient to all his commands, under pain of damna- tion, &c. One of the vulgar opinions about Fairies is, that they cannot be seen by human eyes, without a particular charm exerted in favour of the person who is to see them : and that they strike with blindness such as, having the gift of seeing them, take notice of them mal a-propos. As for the hazle sticks mentioned above, they were to be probably of that species called the " Witch Hazle ;" which received its name from this manner of applying it in incantations. THE END OF BOOK THE SECOND. SERIES THE THIRD. BOOK III. I. W^t §irt| 0f SI i^0rgt The incidents in this, and the other ballad of " St. George and the Dragon,'" are chiefly taken from the old story-book of the Seven Champions of Christendome ; which, though now the plaything of children, was once in high repute. Bp. Hall, in his satires, pub- lished in 1597, ranks " St. George's sorell, and his cross of blood," among the most popular stories of his time ; and an ingenious critic thinks that Spenser himself did not disdain to borrow hints from it;* though I much doubt whether this popu- * Mr. Wharton. Vid. Observations on the Fairy Queen, 2 Tol. 1762, 12mo. passim. lar romance were written so early as the Faery Queen. The author of this book of the Seven Champions was one Richard Johnson, who lived in the reigns of Elizabeth and James, as we collect from his other publications ; viz. — " The nine worthies of London : 1592," 4to. — "The pleasant walks of Moor fields: 1607," 4to. — " A crown garland of Goulden Roses, gathered, &c.: 1612," 8vo.— "The life and death of Rob. Cecill, E. of Salisbury, 1612," 4to.— " The Hist, of Tom of Lincoln," 4to., is also by R. J., who likewise reprinted " Don Flores of Greece," 4to. The Seven Champions, though written in a wild inflated style, contains some strong THE BIRTH OF ST. GEORGE. 301 Gothic painting ; which seems for the most part, copied from the metrical romances of former ages. At least the story of St. George and the fair Sabra is taken almost verbatim from the old poetical legend of " Sir Bevis of Hampton." This very antique poem was in great fame in Chaucer's time [see above pag. 352], and is so continued till the introduction of print- ing, when it ran through several editions, two of which are in black-letter, 4to., " imprinted l'3MiV^jyxaiiB-,-5PP^A^I?4'/' "without date ; con- taining great variations. As a specimen of the poetic powers of this very old rhymist, and as a proof how closely the author of the Seven Champions has fol- lowed him, take a description of the dragon slain by Sir Bevis. " Whan the dragon, that foule is, Had a syght of Syr Bevis, He cast up a loude cry. As it had thondred in the sky; He turned his bely towarde the son ; It was greater than any tonne : His scales was bryghter then the glas, And harder they were than any bras : Betwene his shulder and his tayle, Was forty fote withoute f^xyle. He waltred out of his denne, And Bevis pricked his stede then, And to hym a spere he thraste That all to shyvers he it braste: The dragon then gan Bevis assay le, And smote Syr Bevis with his tayle : Then downe went horse and man, And two rybbes of Bevis brused than. After a long fight, at length, as the dragon was preparing to fly, Sir Bevis " Hit him under the wynge. As he was in his flyenge. There he was tender without scale, And Bevis thought to be his bale. He smote after, as I you saye. With his good sword Morglaye. Up to the hiltes Morglay yode Through harte, ly ver, bone, and blonde ; To the ground fell the dragon, Great joye Syr Bevis begon. Under the scales al on hight: He smote off his head forth right, And put it on a spere : &c." Sign K. iv. 50 Sir Bevis's dragon is evidently the parent of that in the Seven Champions, see Chap. III., viz. — "The dragon no sooner hod a sight of him [St. George] but he gave such a terrible peal, as though it had thundered in the elements. . . . Betwixt his shoulders and his tail were fifty feet in distance, his scales glistering as bright as silver, but far more hard than brass ; his belly of the colour of gold, but bigger than a tun. Thus wel- tered he from his den, &c. . . . The champion . . . gave the dragon such a thrust with his spear, that it shivered in a thousand pieces: whereat the furious dragon so fiercely smote him with his venomous tail, that down fell man and horse: in which fall two of St. George's ribs were so bruised, &c. At length .... St. George smote the dragon under the wing where it was tender without scale, whereby his good sword Ascalon with an easie passage went to the very hilt through both the dragon's heart, liver, bone, and blood. — Then St. George cut off the dragon^s head, and pitcht it upon the truncheon of a spear, &c." The History of the Seven Champions, being written just before the decline of books of chivalry, was never, I believe, translated into any foreign language : but " Le Roman de Beuves of Hantonne" was published at Paris in 1502, 4to., Let. Gothique. The learned Selden tells us, that about the time of the Norman invasion was Bevis famous with the title of Earl of Southamp- ton, whose residence was at Duncton in Wilt- shire: but he observes, that the monkish enlargements of his story have made his very existence doubted. See Notes on Poly-Olbion, Song III. This hath also been the case of St. George himself, whose martial history is allowed to be apocryphal. But, to prove that there really existed an orthodox Saint of this name (although little or nothing, it seems, is known of his genuine story), is the subject of "An Historical and Critical Inquiry into the Exist- ence and Character of St. George, &c. By the Rev. J. Milner, F.S.A., 1792, 8vo." The Equestrian Figure worn by the Knights of the Garter, has been understood to be an emblem of the Christian warrior, in his spiritual armour, vanquishing the old serpent. But on this subject the inquisitive reader may consult "A Dissertation on the Original 392 THE BIRTH OF ST. GEORGE. of the Equestrian Figure of the George and of the Garter, ensigns of the most noble order of that name. Illustrated with copper-plates. By John Pettingal, A.M., Fellow of the So- ciety of Antiquaries, London, 1753," 4to. This learned and curious work the author of thelllstorical and Critical Inquiry would have done well to have seen. It cannot be denied, but that the following ballad is for the most part modern : for which reason it would have been thrown to the end of the volume, had not its subject procured it a place here. Listen, lords, in bower and hall, I sing the wonderous birth Of brave St. George, whose valorous arm., Rid monsters from the earth : Distressed ladies to relieve 5 He travell'd many a day ; In honour of the Christian faith, Which shall endure for aye. In Coventry sometime did dwell A knight of worthy fame, 10 High steward of this noble realme ; Lord Albert was his name. He had to wife a princely dame, Whose beauty did excell. This virtuous lady, being with child, 15 In sudden sadness fell : For thirty nights no sooner sleep Plad clos'd her wakeful eyes, But lo ! a foul and fearful dream Her fancy would surprize : 20 She dreamt a dragon fierce and fell Conceiv'd within her Avomb ; Whose mortal fangs her body rent Ere he to life could come. All woe-begone, and sad was she ; 25 She nourisht constant woe : Yet strove to hide it from her lord. Lest he should sorrow know. In vain she stroA^e : her tender lord, Who watch'd her slightest look, 30 Discovered soon her secret pain. And soon that pain partook. And when to him the fearful cause She weeping did impart, With kindest speech he strove to heal 35 The anguish of her heart. Be comforted, my lady dear. Those pearly drops refrain ; Betide me weal, betide me woe, I'll try to ease thy pain. 40 45 And for this foul and fearful dream. That causeth all thy woe. Trust me I'll travel far away But I'll the meanirg knowe. Then giving many a fcmd embrace, And shedding many a teare. To the weird lady of the woods, lie purpos'd to repaire. To the Ave'ird lady of the woods. Full long and many a day, 50 Thro' lonely shades, and thickets rough He winds his Aveai-y Avay. At length he reach'd a dreamy dell With dismal ycAvs o'erhung; Where cypress spred its mournful boughs. And pois'nous nightshade sprung. 56 No chearful gleams here pierc'd the gloom, He hears no chearful sound ; But shrill night-ravens' yelling scream, And serpents hissing round.] GO The shriek of fiends ; nd damned ghosts Ran howling thro' his ear: A chilling horror fn ze his heart, Tho' all unus'd to fear. Three times he strives to win his way, 65 And pierce those sickly dews : Three times to bear his trembling corse His knocking knees refuse. At length upon his beating breast He signs the hol_) crosse; 70 And, rouzing up his Avonted might. He treads th' unhallowed mosse. Beneath a pendent craggy cliff, All vaulted like a grave. And opening in the solid rock, 75 He found the inchanted cave. THE BIRTH OF ST. GEORGE. 393 80 85 An iron gate clos'd up the mouth, All hideous and forlorne ; And, fasten'd by a silver chaine, Near hang a brazed home. Then offering up a secret prayer. Three times he blowes amaine: Three times a deepe and hollow sound Did answer him againe. " Sir knight, thy lady beares a son, Who, like a dragon bright, Shall prove most dreadful to his foes, And terrible in fight. " His name advanc'd in future times On banners shall be worn : 90 But lo ! thy lady's life must passe Before he can be born.'' All sore opprest with fear and doubt Long time Lord Albert stood ; At length he winds his doubtful way 95 Back thro' the dreary wood. Eager to clasp his lovely dame Then ftist he travels back : But when he reach'd his castle gate. His gate was hung in black. 100 In every court and hall he found A sullen silence reigne; Save where, amid the lonely towers. He heard her maidens 'plaine ; And bitterly e lament and weep, 105 With many a grievous grone : Then sore his bleeding heart misgave, His lady's life was gone. With faultering step he enters in. Yet half affraid to goe ; 110 With trembling voice asks why they grieve, Yet fears the cause to knowe. " Three times the sun hath rose and set •" They said, then stopt to weep : Since heaven hath laid thy lady deare 115 In death's eternal sleep. " For, ah ! in travel sore she fell So sore that she must dye ; Unless some shrev;d and cunning leech ' Could ease her presentlye. 120 " But when a cunning leech was fet, Too soon declared he, She, or the babe must lose its life ; Both saved could not be. " Now take my life, thy lady said, 125 My little infant save : And commend me to my lord, When I am laid in grave. " tell him how that precious babe Cost him a tender wife: 130 And teach my son to lisp her name, Who died to save his life. *'Then calling still upon thy name. And praying still for thee ; Without repining or complaint, 135 Her gentle soul did flee." What tongue can paint Lord Albret's woe. The bitter tears he shed, The bitter pangs that wrung his heart. To find his lady dead ? 140 He beat his breast: he tore his hair; And shedding many a tear, At length he askt to see his son ; The son that cost so dear. New sorrowe seiz'd the damsells all : 145 At length they faultering say : "Alas! my lord, how shall we tell? Thy son is stoln away. { " Fair as the sweetest flower of spring, Such was his infant mien : 150 And on his little body stampt Three wonderous marks M'ere seen : *' A blood-red cross was on his arm ; A dragon on his breast.: A little garter all of gold 155 Was round his leg exprest. " Three carefull nurses we provide Our little lord to keep : One gave him sucke, one gave him food, And one did lull to sleep. 160 " But lo ! all in the dead of night, We heard a fearful sound : ^ Loud thunder clapt ; the castle shook ; And lightning flasht around. 394 ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON. " Dead with affright at first we lay ; 165 Whose vigorous arms are tome away But rousing up anon, By some rude thunder-stroke. We ran to see our little lord: Our little lord was gone ! At length his castle irksome grew, 185 He loathes his wonted home ; " But how or where we could not tell His native country he forsakes. For lying on the ground, 170 In foreign lands to roame. In deep and magic slumbers laid, The nurses there we found." There up and downe he wandered far. Clad in a palmer's gown : 190 grief on grief! Lord Albret said: Till his brown locks grcAv white as wool, No more his tongue could say, His beard as thistle down. When falling in a deadly swoone, 175 Long time he lifeless lay. At length, all wearied, down in death He laid his reverend head. At length restor'd to life and sense Meantime amid the lonely wilds 195 He nourisht endless woe, His little son was bred. No future joy his heart could taste, No future comfort know. 180 There the weird lady of the woods Had borne him far away, So withers on the mountain top And train'd him up in feates of armes. A fair and stately oake, And every martial play. 200 * II. The following ballad is given (with some j The grief whereof did grow so great corrections) from two ancient black-letter co- Throughout the limits of the land, 20 pies in the Pepys Collection : one of which is That they were wise men did intreat in 12mo., the other in folio. To shew their cunning out of hand ; What way they might this fiend destroy, Of Hector's deeds did Homer sing ; That did the country thus annoy. And of the sack of stately Troy, What griefs fair Helena did bring, The wise men all before the king, 25 Which was Sir Paris' only joy: This answer fram'd incontinent ; And by my pen I will recite 5 The dragon none to death might bring St. George's deeds, an English knight. By any means they could invent : His skin more hard than brass was found, Against the Sarazens so rude That sword nor spear could pierce nor wound. Fought he full long and many a day ; Where many gyaunts he subdu'd, When this the people understood, 31 In honour of the Christian way : 10 They cryed out most piteouslye. And after many adventures past The dragon's breath infects their blood, To Egypt land he at last. That everye day in heaps they dye : Among them such a plague is bred, 35 Now as the story plain doth tell, The living scarce could bury the dead. Within that country there did rest A dreadful dragon fierce and fell, 15 No means there were, as they could hear. Whereby they were full sore opprest: For to appease the dragon's rage, Who by his poisonous breath each day But to present some virgin clear. Did many of the city slay. Whose blood his fury might asswage ; 40 ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON. 395 Each daye he would a maiden eat, For to allay his hunger great. This thing by art the wise-men found, Which truly must observed be ; Wherefore throughout the city round A virgin pure of good degree Was by the king's commission still Taken up to serve the dragon's will. Thus did the dragon every day Untimely crop some virgin flowr, Till all the maids were worn away, And none were left him to devour : Saving the king's fair daughter bright, Her father's only heart's delight. 45 60 55 Then came the officers to the king. That heavy message to declare. Which did his heart with sorrow sting; She is, quoth he, my kingdom's heir : let us all be poisoned here, Ere she should die, that is my dear. 60 Then rose the people presently. And to the king in rage they went ; They said his daughter dear should dye, The dragon's fury to prevent : Our daughters all are dead, quoth they, Aud have been made the dragon's prey: 65 And by their blood we rescued were, And thou hast sav'd thy life thereby ; And now in sooth it is but fair, For us thy daughter so sould die. 70 save my daughter said the king ; And let me feel the dragon's sting. Then fell fair Sabra on her knee. And to her father dear did say, father, strive not thus for me, 75 But let me be the dragon's prey ; It may be for my sake alone This plague upon the land was thrown. 'Tis better I should dye, she said, Than all your subjects perish quite ; 80 Perhaps the dragon here was laid. For my offence to work his spite : And after he hath suckt my gore. Your land shall feel the grief no more. What hast thou done, my daughter dear, 85 For to deserve this heavy scourge ? It is my fault, as may appear, Which makes the gods our state to purge ; Then ought I die, to stint the strife, And to preserve thy happy life. 90 Like mad-men, all the people cried, Thy death to us can do no good ; Our safety only doth abide In making her the dragon's food. Lo ! here I am, I come, quoth she, 95 Therefore do what you will with me. Nay stay, dear daughter, quoth the queen, And as thou art a virgin bright. That hast for vertue famous been. So let me cloath thee all in white; 100 And crown thy head with flowers sweet, An ornament for virgins meet. And when she was attired so, According to her mother's mind, Unto the stake then did she go ; 105 To which her tender limbs they bind : And being bound to stake a thrall. She bade farewell unto them all. Farewell, my father dear, quoth she. And my sweet mother meek and mild ; 110 Take you no thought nor weep for me. For you may have another child : Since for my country's good I dye, Death I receive most willinglye. The king and queen and all their train 115 With weeping eyes went then their way, And let their daughter there remain. To be the hungry dragon's prey : But as she did there weeping lye, Behold St. George came riding by. 120 And seeing there a lady bright So rudely tyed unto a stake, As well became a valiant knight, He straight to her his way did take : Tell me, sweet maiden, then quoth he, 125 What caitif thus abuseth thee ? And, lo ! by Christ his cross I vow, Which here is figured on ray breast, I will revenge it on his brow, And break my lance upon his chest: 130 And speaking thus whereas he stood, The dragon issued from the wood. 390 ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGOxV, The lady that did first espj The dreadful dragon couiing so, Unto St. George aloud did cry, 135 And willed him away to go ; Here comes that cursed fiend quoth she, That soon will make an end of me. St. George then looking round about. The fiery dragon soon espy'd, 140 And like a knight of courage stout, Against hini did most fiercely ride ; And with such blows he did him greet. He fell beneath his horse's feet. For with his launce that was so strong, 145 As he came gaping in his face. In at his mouth he thrust along ; For he could pierce no other place: And thus within the lady's view This mighty dragon straight he slew. 150 The savour of his poisoned breath Could do this holy knight no harm. Thus he the lady sav'd from death. And home he led her by the arm ; Which when King Ptolemy did see, 155 There was great mirth and melody. "When as that valiant champion there Had slain the dragon in the field. To court he brought the lady fair, "Which to their hearts much joy did yield. He in the court of Egypt staid ICl Till he most ftilsely was betray'd. That lady dearly lov'd the knight, He counted her his only joy ; 165 But when their love was brought to light, It turn'd unto their great annoy: Th' Morocco king Avas in the court, Who to the orchard did resort, Dayly to take the pleasant air, 170 For pleasure sake he us'd to walk, Under a wall he oft did hear St. George with Lady Sabra talk : Their love he shew'd unto the king. Which to St. George great woe did bring. Those kings together did devise 170 To make the Christian knight away, With letters him in curteous wise They straightway sent to Persia: I3at wrote to the sophy him to kill, 180 And treacherously his blood to spill. Thus they for good did him reward With evil, and most subtilly By such vile meanes they had regard To work his death most cruelly; Who, as through Persia land he rode, With zeal destroy'd each idol god. 185 For Avhich offence he straight was thrown Into a dungeon dark and deep ; Where, when he thought his wrongs upon, He bitterly did wail and weep : 191 Yet like a knight of courage stout. At length his way he digged out. Three grooms of the King of Persia By night this valiant champion slew, 195 Though he had fasted many a day ; And then away from thence he fl.ew On the best steed the sophy had ; Which Avhen he knew he was full mad. Towards Christendom he made his flight, 200 But met a gy ant by the way, With whom in combat he did fight Most valiantly a summers day : Who yet, for all his bats of steel, Was forc'd the sting of death to feel. 205 Back o'er the seas with many bands Of warlike souldiers soon he. past. Vowing upon those heathen lands To work revenge ; which at the last, Ere thrice three years were gone and spent, He wrought unto his heart's content. 211 Save onely Egypt land he spar'd For Sabra bright her only sake. And, ere for her he had regard, He meant a tryal kind to make : 215 Mean while the king, o'ercome in field, Unto saint George did quickly yield. Then straight Morocco's king he slew, And took fiiir Sabra to his Avife, But meant to try if she were true 220 Ere with her he would lead his life; And, tho' he had her in his train, She did a virgin pure remain. Toward England then that lovely dame The brave St. George conducted strait, 225 An eunuch also with them came. Who did upon the lady Avait; These Ihree from Egypt Avent alone. Now mark St. George's valour sliown. LOVE WILL FIND OUT THE WAY. 397 When as they in a forest Avcre, 230 Their rage did him no whit dismay, The lady did dosire to rest: Who, like a stout and valiant knight, Mean while St, Goor<2;e to kill a deer, Did both the hungry iyons slay 250 For their repnst did think it best: Within the Lady Sibra' sight: Leaving her with the ounuch there, Who all this while sad and demure, Whilst he did go to kill the deer. 235 There stood most like a virgin pure. But lo ! all in his absence came Now when St. George did surely know Two hungry lyons fierce and fell, This lady was a virgin true. 255 And tore the eunuch on the same His heart was glad, that erst AA'as wofe, In pieces small, the truth to tell; And all his love did soon renew: Down by the lady then they laid, 240 Ho set her on a palfi-ey steed. Whereby they shew'd, she was a maid. And towards England came with speed. But when he came from hunting back, Where being in short space arriv'd 2G0 And did behold this heavy chance, Unto his native dwelling place ; Then for his lovely virgin's sake Therein with his dear love he liv'd, His courage strait he did advance. 245 And fortune did hir, nuptials grace: And came into the lions sight, They many years of joy did see, ' Who ran at him with all their might. And led their lives at Coventry. 265 III. f fllit toill m t jttt t\t mm. This excellent song is ancient: but we But if she, whom love doth honour, could only give it from a modern copy. Be conceal'd from the day. ,rOvER the mountains, Set a thousand guards upon her. Love will find out the way. And over the waves ; Under the fountains, And under the graves; Some think to lose him, 25 Under floods that are deepest, 5 By having him confin'd; Which Neptune obey ; Over rocks that are steepest, And some do suppose him. Poor thing, to Le blind ; Love will find out the way. But if ne'er so close ye wall him. Do the best that you ma}^ 30 Where there is no place Blind love, if so ye call him, For the glow-worm to lye ; 10 Will find out his way. Where there is no space For receipt of a fly ; Where the midge dares not venture, You may train the eagle Lest herself fast she lay ; To stoop to your fist; 35 If love come he will enter, 15 Or you may invcijilc And soon find out his way. The phenix of the cast; The lioness, ye may move her You may cstoom him To give o'er her prey : A child for his might; But you'll ne'er stop a lover, Or you may deem him He will find out his way. 40 A coward from his flight: 20 % ,* 398 LORD THOMAS AND FAIR ANNET. IV. A SCOTTISH BALLAD, — Seems to be composed (not without im- Her oxen may dye i' the house, Billie, 30 provements) out of two ancient English ones, And her kye into the byre ; printed in the former part of this volume. And I sail hae nothing to my sell, See book I. ballad XV., and book II. ballad Bot a fat fadge by the fyre. IV. — If this had been the original, the au- thors of those two ballads would hardly have adopted two such different stories: besides this contains enlargements not to be found in either of the others. It is given, with some corrections, from a MS. copy transmitted And he has till his sister gane : Now, sister, rede ye mee ; sail I marrie the nut-browme bride. And set fair Annet free ? 35 from Scotland. Ise rede ye tak fair Annet, Thomas, f Lord Thomas and fair Annet i Sate a' day on a hill ; Whan night was cum, and sun was sett, And let the brovvne bride alane ; Lest ye sould sigh and say, Alace ! What is this w^e brought hame? 40 They had not talkt their fill. No, I will tak my mithers counsel. Lord Thomas said a word in jest, 5 And marrie me owt o' hand ; Fair Annet took it ill: And I will tak the nut-browne bride ; A'! I will nevir wed a wife Fair Annet may leive the land. Against my ain friends will. Gif ye wuU nevir wed a wife, A wife wuU neir wed yee. 10 Sae he is hame to tell his mither, And knelt upon his knee : Up then rose fair Annets father Twa hours or it wer day, And he is gane into the bower, Wherein fair Annet lay. 45 rede, rede, mither, he says, A gude rede gie to mee : sail I tak the nut-browne bride, 15 And let faire Annet bee ? Rise up, rise up, fair Annet, he says, Put on your silken sheene ; Let us gae to St. Maries kirke, And see that rich weddeen. 50 The nut-browne bride haes gowd and gear, Fair Annet she has gat nane ; And the little beauty fair Annet has, it wull soon be gane ! 20 My maides, gae to my dressing-roome, And dress to me my hair ; Whair-eir yee laid a plait before, See yee lay ten times mair. 55 And he has till his brother gane : Now, brother, rede ye mee ; A' sail I marrie the nut-browne bride, And let fair Annet bee? My maids, gae to my dressing-room, And dress to me my smock ; The one half is o' the holland fine, The other o' needle-work. 60 The nut-browne bride has oxen, brother, 25 The horse fair Annet rade upon The nut-browne bride has kye ; He amblit like the wind, I wad hao ye marrie the nut-browne bride, Wi' siller he was shod before, And cast fair Annet bye. W burning gowd behind. UNFADING BEAUTY. 399 Four and twantye siller bells 65 I did get the rose-water Wer a' tyed till his mane, Whair ye wull neir get nane,^. And yae tift o* the norland wind, For I did get that very rose-water 95 They tinkled ane by ane. Into my mithers wame. Four and twantye gay gude knichts The bride she drew a long bodkin, Hade by fair Annets side, 70 Frae out her gay head-gear, And four and twanty fair ladies, And strake fair Annet unto the heart, As gin she had bin a bride. That word she nevir spak mair. 100 And whan she cam to Maries kirk, Lord Thomas he saw fair Annet wex pale, She sat on Maries stean : And marvelit what mote bee : The cleading that fair Annet had on 75 But whan he saw her dear hearts blude. It skinkled in their een. A' wood-wroth wexed hee. And whan she cam into the kirk, He drew his dagger, that was sae sharp, 105 She shimmer'd like the sun ; That was sae sharp and meet, The belt that was about her waist, And drave into the nut-browne bride. Was a' wi' pearles bedone. 80 That fell deid at his feit. She sat her by the nut-browne bride. Now stay for me, dear Annet, he sed. And her een they wer sae clear. Now stay, my dear, he cry'd ; 110 Lord Thomas he clean forgat the bride. Then strake the dagger untill his heart. Whan fair Annet she drew near. And fell deid by her side. He had a rose into his hand, 85 Lord Thomas was buried without kirk-wa, And he gave it kisses three, Fair Annet within the quiere ; And reaching by the nut-browne bride. And o' the tane thair grew a birk, 115 Laid it on fair Annets knee. The other a bonny briere. Up than spak the nut-browne bride, And ay they grew, and ay they threw. She spak wi' meikle spite ; 90 As they wad faine be neare ; And whair gat ye that rose-water. And by this ye may ken right well, That does mak yee sae white ? They were twa luvers deare. 120 V. This little beautiful sonnet is reprinted Hee, that loves a rosie cheeke. from a small volume of ** Poems by Thomas Or a corall lip admires, Carew, Esq., one of the gentlemen of the pri- Or from star-like eyes doth seeke vie-chamber, and sewer in ordinary to his Fuell to maintaine his fires. majesty (Charles I.) Lond. 1640." This ele- As old time makes these decay, $ gant and almost forgotten writer, whose So his flames must waste away. poems have been deservedly revived, died in the prime of his age, in 1639. But a smooth and stedfast mind. In the original follows a third stanza ; Gentle thoughts, and calme desires. which, not being of general application, nor Hearts with equal love combined, of equal merit, I have ventured to omit. Kindle never-dying fires : 10 51 Where these are not, I despise O-L Lovely cheekes, or lips, or eyes. -X- * * JiJ 400 GEORGE BARNWELL. VL §tfixp §arntoHl The suhjoct of this ballad is sufficiently popular from the modern play which is founded upon it. This was Avritten by George Lillo, a je^A'eller of London, and first acted about 1730.— As for the ballad, it was printed at least as early as the middle of the last cen- tury. It is here j^iven from three old printed co- pies, which exhibit a strange intermixture of Roman and black-letter. It is also collated with another copy in the Ashmole Collection at Oxford, which is thus entitled, " An excel- lent ballad of George Barnwell, an apprentice of London, who . . . thrice robbed his master and murdered his uncle in Ludlow." The tune is " The Merchant." This tragical narrative seems to relate a real fact; but when it happened I have not been able to discover. THE FIRST PART. All youth of fair England That dAvell both far and near, Regard ray story that I tell, And to my song give ear. A London lad I was, 5 A merchant's prentice bound ; My name George Barnwell ; that did spend My master many a pound. Take heed of harlots then, And their enticing trains ; 10 For by that means I have been brought To hang alive in chains. As I upon a day, Was walking through the street About my master's business, 15 A wanton I did meet. A gallant dainty dame And sumptuous in attire ; With smiling look she greeted me, And did my name require. 20 Which when I had declar'd, She gave me then a kiss, And said, 1 1 vould come to her 1 should have more than this. Fair mistress, then quoth I, 25 If I the place may know. This evening I will be with you, For I abroad must go, To gather monies in, That are my master's due: 30 And ere that I do home return I'll come and visit you. Good Barnwell, then quoth she, Do thou to Shoreditch come, And ask for Mrs. Millwood's house, 35 Next door unto the Gun. And trust me on my truth. If thou keep touch with me, My dearest friend, as my own heart Thou shalt right welcome be. 40 Thus parted we in peace, And home I passed right ; 4 Then went abroad, and gathered in. By six o'clock at night. An hundred pound and one: 45 With bag under my arm I went to Mrs. Millwood's house. And thought on little harm ; And knocking at the door. Straightway herself came down ; 50 Rustling in most brave attire, WiUi hood and silken gown. Who, through her beauty bright, So gloriously did shine. That she amaz'd my dazzling eyes, 55 She seemed so divine. GEORGE BARNWELL. 401 She took me by the hand, And with a modest grace, Welcome, sweet Barnwell, then quoth she, Unto this homely place. 60 And since I have thee found As good as thy word to be : A homely supper, ere we part, Thou shalt take here with me. pardon me, quoth I, Fair mistress, I you pray > For why, out of my master's house, So long I dare not stay. Alas, good sir, she said. Are you so strictly ty'd, You may not with your dearest friend One hour or two abide ? Faith, then the case is hard ; If it be so, quoth she, 1 would I Avere a prentice bound, To live along with thee : Therefore, my dearest George, List well what I shall say, And do not blame a woman much, Her fancy to bewray. Let not affection's force Be counted lewd desire ; Nor think it not immodesty, I should thy love require. With that she turn'd aside. And with a blushing red, A mournful motion she bewray'd By hanging down her head. A handkerchief she had All wrought with silk and gold : Which she to stay her trickling tears Before her eyes did hold. This thing unto my sight Was wondrous rare and strange ; And in my soul and inward thought It wrought a sudden change: That I so hardy grew, To take her by the hand : Saying, Sweet mis'vess, why do you So dull and pensive stand? 65 70 75 Call me no mistress now. But Sarah, thy true friend, Thy servant, Millwood, honouring thee, Until her life hath end. If thou wouldst here alledge, 105 Thou art in years a boy ; So was Adonis, yet was he Fair Venus' only joy. Thus I, who ne'er before Of woman found such grace, 110 But seeing now so fair a dame Give mo a kind embrace I supt with her that night, With joys that did abound ; And for the same paid presently, 115 In money twice three pound. An hundred kisses then, For my farewel she gave ; Crying, Sweet Barnwell, when shall I Again thy company have? 120 stay not hence too long, Svc'eet George, have me in mind. Her words bewicht my childishness, She uttered them so kind : So that I made a vow, 125 Next Sunday without fail. With my sweet Sarah once again To tell some pleasant tale. When she heard me say so, The tears fell from her eye ; 130 George, quoth she, if thou aost fail, Thy Sarah sure will dye. Though long, yet loe ! at last, The appointed day was come, That I must with my Sarah meet; 135 Having a mighty sum Of money in my hand,* Unto her house went I, Whereas my love upon her bed In saddest sort did lye. 140 * The having a sum of money with him on Sunday, &c., shows this narrative to have hei'n penned before the civil wars : the sti i;t observance of the Sabbath was owing to ■lOU j change of manners at that period. 80 85 90 95 402 GEORGE BARNWELL. What ails my heart's delight, My Sarah dear ? quoth I ; Let not my love lament and grieve, Nor sigliing pine, and die. But tell me, dearest friend, 145 What may thy vroes amend, And thou shalt lack no means of help, Though forty pound I spend. With that she turnM her head, And sickly thus did say, 150 Oh me, sweet George, my grief is great, Ten pound I have to pay Unto a cruel wretch ; And God he knows, quoth she, I have it not. Tush, rise I said, 155 And take it here of me. Ten pounds, nor ten times ten, Shall make my love decay, Then from my bag into her lap, I cast ten pound straightway. 160 All blithe and pleasant then. To banqueting we go ; She proffered me to lye with her. And said it should be so. And after that same time, 165 I gave her store of coyn. Yea, sometimes fifty pound at once ; All which I did purloyn. And thus I did pass on ; Until my master then 170 Did call to have his reckoning in Cast up among his men. The which when as I heard, I knew not what to say : For well I knew that I was out 175 Two hundred pound that day. Then from my master straight I ran in secret sort ; And unto Sarah Millwood there My case I did report. 180 " But how she us'd this youth, In this his care and woe, And all a strumpet's wiley ways, The SECOND PART may showe." THE SECOND PART. Young Barnwell comes to thee. Sweet Sarah, my delight ; I am undone unless thou stand My faithful friend this night. Our master to accompts 5 Hath just occasion found ; And I am caught behind the hand Above two hundred pound : And now his wrath to 'scape, My love, I fly to thee, 10 Hoping some time I may remaine, In safety here with thee. With that she knit her brows. And looking all aquoy. Quoth she, What should I have to do 15 With any prentice boy ? And seeing you have purloyn'd Your master's goods away. The case is bad, and therefore here You shall no longer stay. 20 Why, dear, thou know'st, I said, How all which I could get, I gave it, and did spend it all Upon thee every whit. Quoth she, Thou art a knave, 25 To charge me in this sort. Being a woman of credit fair. And known of good report. Therefore I tell thee flat. Be packing with good speed ; 30 I do defie thee from my heart. And scorn thy filthy deed. Is this the friendship, that You did to me protest? Is this the great affection, which 35 You so to me exprest? Now fie on subtle shrews ! The best is, I may speed To get a lodging any where For money in my need. 40 False woman, now farewell. Whilst twenty pound doth last, My anchor in some other haven With freedom I will cast. GEORGE BARNWELL. 403 When she perceiv'd by this, 45 I had store of money there, Stay, George, quoth she, thou art too quick: Why, man, I did but jeer. Dost think for all my speech, That I would let thee go ? Faith, no, said she, my love to thee I wiss is more than so. 50 You scorne a prentice boy I heard you just now swear. Wherefore I will not trouble you. 55 Nay, George, hark in thine ear; Thou shalt not go to-night, What chance soe're befall : But man we'll have a bed for thee. Or else the devil take all. 60 So I by wiles bewitcht And snar'd with fancy still. Had then no power to ' get' away, Or to withstand her will. For wine on wine I call'd. And cheer upon good cheer ; And nothing in the world I thought For Sarah's love too dear. Whilst in her company, I had such merriment ; All, all too little I did think, That I upon her spent. A fig for care and thought ! When all my gold is gone, In faith, my girl, we will have more. Whoever I light upon. My father^s rich, why then Should I want store of gold ? Nay with a father sure, quoth she, A son may well make bold. Pve a sister richly wed, ril rob her ere I'll want. Nay then, quoth Sarah, they may well Consider of you scant. Nay, I an uncle have : At Ludlow he doth dwell : He is a grazier, which in wealth Doth all the rest excell. 65 70 75 85 Ere I will live in lack, And have no coyn for thee ; 90 I'll rob his house, and murder him. Why should you not ? quoth she : Was I a man, ere I Would live in poor estate : On father, friends, and all my kin, I would my talons grate. 95 For without money, George, A man is but a beast: But bringing money, thou shalt be Always my welcome guest. 100 For shouldst thou be pursued With twenty hues and cryes. And with a warrant searched for With Argus' hundred eyes. Yet here thou shalt be safe ; 105 Such privy wayes there be. That if they sought an hundred years, They could not find out thee. And so carousing both Their pleasures to content : 110 George Barnwell had in little space His money wholly spent. Which done, to Ludlow straight He did provide to go. To rob his wealthy uncle there ; 115 His minion would it so. And once he thought to take His father by the way, But that he fear'd his master had Took order for his stay.* 120 Unto his uncle then He rode with might and mam, Who with a welcome and good cheer Did Barnwell entertain. One fortnight's space he stayed 125 Until it chanced so. His uncle with his cattle did Unto a market go. His kinsman rode with him. Where he did see right plain, 130 Great store of money he had took : When coming home again, * i. e. for stopping and apprehending him at his father's. 404 THE STEDFAST SHEPHERD. Sudden -within a wood, He struck his uncle down, And beat his brains out of his head ; 135 So sore he crackt his crown. Then seizing fourscore pound, To London strai.^ht he hyed, And unto Sarah Millwood all The cruell fact descryed. 140 Tush, 'tis no matter, George, So we the money have To have good cheer in jolly sort. And deck us fine and brave. Thus lived in filthy sort, 145 Until their store was gone: When means to get them any more, I wis, poor George had none. Therefore in railing sort. She thrust him out of door : 150 Which is the just reward of those, Who spend upon a whore. O ! do me not disgrace In this my need, quoth he. She called him thief and murderer, 155 With all the spight might be : To the constable she sent. To have him apprehended ; And shewed how far, in each degree, He had the laws ofi"ended. IGO AVhen Barnwell saw her drift, To sea he got straightway ; Where fear and sting of conscience Continually on him lay. 165 Unto the lord mayor then, He did a letter write ; In which his own and Sarah's fault He did at large recite. Whereby she seized was And then to Ludlow sent : 170 Where she was judg'd, condemned, and hang'd. For murder incontinent. There dyed this gallant quean. Such was her greatest gains : For murder in Polonia, Was Barnwell hang'd in chains. Lo ! here's the end of youth, That after harlots haunt ; Who in the spoil of other men, About the streets do flaunt. 175 180 VII. %\t StAfcst Sl^jfen^Jr. These beautiful stanzas were written by George Wither, of whom some account was given in the former part of this volume : see the song entitled " The Shepherd's Resolu- tion," Book II. Song XXI. In the first edi- tion of this work only a small fragment of this Sonnet was inserted. It was afterwards rendered more complete and entire by the addition of five stanzas more, extracted from Wither's pastoral poem, entitled, " The Mis- tress of Philarete," of which this song makes a part. It is now given still more correct and perfect by comparing it with another copy, printed by the author in his improved edition of " The Shepherd's Hunting," 1620, 8vo. Hence away, thou Syren, leave me. Pish ! unclaspe these wanton armes ;) Sugred words can ne'er deceive me, (Though thou prove a thousand charmes). Fie, fi.e, forbeare ; 5 No common snare Can ever my affection chaine : Thy painted baits. And poore deceits. Are all bestowed on me in vaine. 10 I'me no slave to such, as you be ; Neither shall that snowy brest Rowling eye, and lip of ruby Ever robb me of my rest : THE SPANISH VIRGIN, OR EFFECTS OF JEALOUSY. 405 Goe, goe, display 15 Shall I haunt the thronged vallies, Thy beauty's ray Whilst ther's noble hils to clinibe ? To some more-soone enamour'd swaine : No, no, though clownes 45 Those common wiles Are scar'd with frownes, Of sighs and smiles I know the best can but disdaine : Are all bestow'd on me in vaine. 20 And these He prove : So will thy love Be all bestowed on me in vaine. I have elsewhere vowed a dutie ; 50 Turne away thy tempting eye: Shew not me a painted beautie ; I doe scorn to vow a dutie, These impostures I defie: Where each lustful! lad may wooe : My spirit lothes 25 Give me her, whose sun-like beautie Where gawdy clothes Buzzards dare not scare unto : And fained othes may love obtaine: Shee, shee it is 55 I love her so, Affoords that blisse Whose looke sweares No ; . For which I would refuse no paine : That all your labours will be vaine. 30 IT But such as you, Can he prize the tainted posies, Fond fooles, adieu ; Which on every brest are worne ; You seeke to captive me in vaine. GO That may plucke the virgin roses From their never-touched thorne? Leave me then, you Syrens, leave me; I can goe rest 35 Seeke no more to worke my harmes : On her sweet brest, Craftie wiles cannot deceive me. That is the pride of Cynthia's traine : Who am proofe against your charmes Then stay thy tongue ; You labour may G5 Thy mermaid sono- To lead astray Is all bestowed on me in vaine. 40 The heart, that constant shall remaine: And I the while Hee's a foole, that basely dallies. Will sit and smile Where each peasant mates with him : To hear you spend your time in vaine. 70 YI II. ®je Spiiis^ ffirg in, ar MttU 0f |eal0ttsg» The subject of this ballad is taken fro m a All tender hearts, that ake to hear folio collection of tragical stories, entitled. Of those that suffer wrong ; "The theatre of God's judgments, by Dr. All you, that never shed a tear, Beard and Dr. Taylor, 1642." Pt. 2, p. 89. Give heed unto my song. — The text is given (with corrections) f i-om two copies; one of them in black-letter in the Fair Isabella's tragedy 5 Pepys Collection. In this every stanza is ac- My tale doth far exceed : companied with the following distich by way Alas, that so much cruelty of burden : In female hearts should breed ! In Spain a lady liv'd of late, " Oh jealousie ! thou art nurst in hell : Who was of high degree ; 10 Depart from hence, and therein dwell." Whose wayward temper did create Much woe and misery. 406 THE SPANISH VIRGIN, OR EFFECTS OF JEALOUSY. Strange jealousies so filled her head With many a vain surmize, She thought her lord had wrong'd her bed, And did her love despise. 16 A gentlewoman passing fair Did on this lady wait ; With bravest dames she might compare ; Her beauty was compleat. 20 Her lady cast a jealous eye Upon this gentle maid ; And taxt her with disloyaltye ; And did her oft upbraid. In silence still this maiden meek 25 Her bitter taunts would bear, While oft adown her lovely cheek Would steal the falling tear. In vain in humble sort she strove Her fury to disarm ; 30 As well the meekness of the dove The bloody hawke might charm. Her lord, of humour light and gay, And innocent the while, As oft as she came in his way, 35 Would on the damsell smile. And oft before his lady's face, As thinking her her friend. He would the maiden's modest grace And comeliness commend. 40 All which incens'd his lady so. She burnt with wrath extreame ; At length the fire that long did glow. Burst forth into a flame. For on a day it so befell, 45 When he was gone from home, The lady all with rage did swell, And to the damsell come. And charging her with great ofience And many a grievous fault ; 50 She bade her servants drag her thence, Into a dismal vault, That lay beneath the common-shore : A dungeon dark and deep : Where they were wont, in days of yore, 55 Offenders great to keep. There never light of chearful day Dispers'd the hideous gloom ; But dank and noisome vapours play Around the wretched room : 60 And adders, snakes, and toads therein, As afterwards was known, Long in this loathsome vault had bin, And were to monsters grown. Into this foul and fearful place, 65 The fair one innocent Was cast, before her lady's face ; Her malice to content. This maid no sooner enter'd is. But strait, alas ! she hears 70 The toads to croak, and snakes to hiss : Then grievously she fears. Soon from their holes the vipers creep, And fiercely her assail : Which makes the damsel sorely weep, 75 And her sad fate bewail. With her fair hands she strives in vain Her body to defend : With shrieks and cries she doth complain, But all is to no end. 80 A servant listning near the door. Struck with her doleful noise. Strait ran his lady to implore ; But she'll not hear his voice. With bleeding heart he goes agen 85 To mark the maiden's groans ; And plainly hears, within the den. How she herself bemoans. Again he to his lady hies With all the haste he may : 90 She into furious passion flies, And orders him away. Still back again does he return To hear her tender cries ; The virgin now had ceas'd to mourn ; 95 Which fill'd him with surprize. In grief, and horror, and affright, He listens at the walls ; But finding all was silent quite. He to his lady calls. 100 JEALOUSY, TYRANT OF THE MIND. 407 Too sure, lady, now quoth he, The other close her neck embrac'd, 115 Your cruelty hath sped ; And stopt her gentle breath. Make hast, for shame, and come and see ; I fear the virgin's d^ad. The snakes, being from her body thrust, Their bellies were so fill'd. She starts to hear her sudden fate, 105 That with excess of blood they burst. And does with torches run : Thus with their prey were kill'd. 120 But all her haste was now too late, For death his worst had done. The wicked lady, at this sight, With horror strait ran mad ; The door being open'd, strait they found So raving dy'd, as was most right, The virgin stretch'd along : 110 'Cause she no pity had. Two dreadful snakes had wrapt her round, Which her to death had stung. Let me advise you, ladies all, 125 Of jealousy beware: One round her legs, her thighs, her wast. It causeth many a one to fall, Had twin'd his fatal wreath : And is the devil's snare. I] K.. |eal0W5S, %ant 0f % flinly. This song is by Dryden, being inserted in In absence, or unkind disdaine, his Tragi-Comedy of *' Love Triumphant," Sweet hope relieves the lovers paine : &c. — On account of the subject, it is inserted But, oh, no cure but death we find here. To sett us free From jealousie, 15 What state of life can be so blest, Thou tyrant, tyrant of the mind. As love that warms the gentle brest ; Two souls in one ; the same desire False in thy glass all objects are. to grant the bliss, and to require? Some sett too near, and some too far : If in this heaven a hell we find, 5 Thou art the fire of endless night. Tis all from thee. The fire that burns, and gives no light. 20 Jealousie ! All torments of the damn'd we find Thou tyrant, tyrant of the mind. In only thee, Jealousie ! All other ills, though sharp they prove. Thou tyrant, tyrant of the mind. Serve to refine and perfect love : 10 52 408 CONSTANT PENELOPE. X. C0nstHut |titd0p. The ladles are indebted for the following notable documents to the Pep^'s Collection, where the original is preserved in black-letter, and is entitled "A L iokinsi-^-lass for Ladies, or a Mirrour for Married Women. Tune, Queen Dido, or Troy town." When Greeks and Trojans fell at strife, And lords in armour bright were seen ; When many a gallant lost his life About fair Ilellen, beauty's queen ; Ulysses, general so free, 5 Did leave his dear Penelope. When she this wofull news did hear, That he would to the warrs of Troy ; For grief she shed full many a tear, At parting from her only joy ; 10 Her ladies all about iier came, To comfort up this Grecian dame. Ulysses, with a heavy heart. Unto her then did mildly say, The time is come that we must part ; 15 My honour calls me hence away ; Yet in my absence, dearest, be My constant wife, Penelope. Let me no longer live, she sayd, Then to my lord I true remain ; 20 My honour shall not be betray'd Until I see my love again ; For I will ever constant prove, As is the loyal turtle-dove. Thus did they part with heavy chear, 25 And to the ships his way he took ; Her tender eyes dropt many a tear ; Still casting many a longing look : She saw him on the surges glide, And unto Neptune thus she cry'd : 30 Thou god, whose power is in the deep, And rulest in the ocean main. My loving lord in safety keep Till he return to me again : That I his person may behold, 35 To me more precious far than gold. Then straight the ships with nimble sails Were all convey 'd out of her sight: Iler cruel fate she then bewails. Since she had lost her hearts delight. 40 Now shall my practice be, quoth she, True vertue and humility. My patience I will put in ure, My charity I will extend ; Since for my woe there is no cure, 45 The helpless now I will befriend : The widow and the fatherless I will relieve, when in distress. Thus she continued year by year In doing good to every one ; 50 Iler fjime Avas noised every where, To young and old the same was known. That she no company would mind, AVho were to vanity inclin'd. Menu while Ulj'sses fought for fame, ^Mongst Trojans hazarding his life: Young gallants, hearing of her name, Come flocking for to tempt his wife: For she was lovely, young, and ftiir, No lady might with her compare. 55 CO With costly gifts and jewels fine, They did endeavour her to wdn ; With banquets and the choicest wine. For to allure her unto sin : Most persons were of high degree, 65 AVho courted fair Penelope. With modesty and comely grace Their wanton suits she did denye: No tempting charms could e'er deface Her dearest husband's memorye: 70 But constant she would still remain, Ilopeing to see him. once again. Iler book her dayly comfort wa^^ And that she often did peruse; ' She seldom looked in her glass ; 75 Powder and paint she ne'er would use. I wish all ladies were as free From pride, as was Penelope. VALENTINE AND URSINE. 409 She in lier needle took delight, To see the towers to ashes turn'd: And likewise in her spinning-wheel ; 80 Then came Ulysses home to see 95 Iler maids about her every night His constant, dear, Penelope. Did use the distaff and the reel : The spiders, that on rafters twine, blame her not if she was glad. Scarce spin a thread more soft and fine. When she her lord again had seen. Thrice-welcome home, my dear, she said, Sometimes she would bewail the loss 85 A long time absent thou hast been: 100 And absence of her dearest love : The wars shall never more deprive Sometimes she thought the seas to cross, Me of my lord whilst I'm alive. Her fortune on the waves to prove. I fear my lord is slain, quoth she, Fair ladies all, example take; He stays so from Penelope. 90 And hence a worthy lesson learn. All youthful follies to forsake, 105 At length the ten years siege of Troy And vice from virtue to discern: Did end ; in flames the city burned ; And let all women strive to be And to the Grecians was great joy, As constant as Penelope. X I. ®0 fumk, m §m^ t0 % ®m. By Col. Richard Lovelace: from the vol- True, a new mistresse now I chase, 5 ume of his poems, entitled " Lucasta, Lond., The first foe in the field ; 1G49," 12mo. The elegance of this writer's And with a stronger faith imbrace manner would be more admired if it had A sword, a horse, a shield. somewhat more of simplicity. Yet this inconstancy is such, Tell me not, sweet, I am. unkinde, As you too shall adore ; 10 That from thejnunnerie I could not love thee, deare, so much, Of thy chaste breast and quiet minde Lov'd I not honour more. To warre and armes I flie. X] I. fahntin^ a nli Irsin^ The old story-book of Valentine and Orson " Over the dyke a bridge there lay, (which suggested the plan of this tale, but is That man and beest might passe away: not strictly followed in it) w\as originally a Under the bridge where sixty belles; translation from the French, being one of Right as the Romans telles ; their earliest attempts at romance. See " Le That there might no man passe in, Bibliotheque de Romans, &c." But all they rang with a gyn.'' The circumstance of the bridge of bells is Sign. E. iv. taken from the old metrical legend of Sir Bevis, and has also been copied in the Seven In the Editor's folio MS., was an old poem Champions. The original are, on this subject, in a wretched corrupt state, 410 VALENTINE AND URSINE. unworthy the press : from which were taken such particulars as could be adopted. PART THE FIRST. When Flora 'gins to decke the fields With colours fresh and fine, Then holy clerkes their mattins sing To good Saint Valentine ! The King of France that morning fair 5 He would a hunting ride: To Artois forest prancing forth In all his princelye pride. To grace his sports a courtly train Of gallant peers attend ; 10 And with their loud and cheerful cryes The hills and valleys rend. Through the deep forest swift they pass, Through woods and thickets wild ; When down within a lonely dell 15 They found a new-born child ; All in a scarlet kercher lay'd Of silk so fine and thin : A golden mantle wrapt him round, Pinn'd with a silver pin. 20 The sudden sight surpriz'd them all ; The courtiers gathered round ; They look, they call, the mother seek ; No mother could be found. At length the king himself drew near, And as he gazing stands, The pretty babe look'd up and smil'd, And stretch'd his little hands. Now, by the rood, King Pepin says, This child is passing fair : I wot he is of gentle blood ; Perhaps some prince's heir. Goe bear him home unto my court With all the care ye may : Let him be christen'd Valentine, In honour of this day : 25 30 35 And look me out some cunning nurse ; Well nurtur'd let him bee ; Nor ought be wanting that becomes A bairn of high degree. 40 They look'd him out a cunning nurse ; And nurtur'd well was he ; Nor ought was wanting that became A bairn of high degree. Thus grewe the little Valentine, Belov'd of king and peers; And shew'd in all he spake or did A wit beyond his jears. But chief in gallant feates of arms He did himself advance, That ere he grewe to man's estate He had no peere in France. 45 50 And now the early downe began To shade his youthful chin ; When Valentine was dubb'd a knight, 55 That he might glory^ win. A boon, a boon, my gracious liege, I beg a boon of thee ! The first adventure that befalls, May be reserv'd for mee. 60 The first adventure shall be thine ; The king did smiling say. Nor many days, when lo ! there came Three palmers clad in graye. Help, gracious lord, they weeping say'd ; And knelt, as it was meet : 66 From Artoys forest we be come, With weak and wearye feet. Within those deep and drearye woods There wends a savage boy ; 70 Whose fierce and mortal rage doth yield Thy subjects dire annoy. 'Mong ruthless beares he sure was bred ; He lurks within their den : With beares he lives ; with beares he feeds. And drinks the blood of men. 76 To more than savage strength he joins A more than human skill : For arms, ne cunning may suffice His cruel rage to still : 80 Up then rose Sir Valentine, And claim'd that arduous deed, Go forth and conquer, say'd the king, And great shall be thy meed. VALENTINE AND URSINE. 411 Well mounted on a milk-white steed, 85 His armour white as snow ; As well beseem'd a virgin knight, Who ne'er had fought a foe : To Artoys forest he repairs With all the haste he may ; 90 And soon he spies the savage youth A rending of his prey. His unkempt hair all matted hung His shaggy shoulders round : His eager eye all fiery glow'd : 95 His face with fury frown'd. Like eagles' talons grew his nails : His limbs were thick and strong ; And dreadful was the knotted oak He bare with him along. 100 Soon as Sir Valentine approached, He starts with sudden spring ; And yelling forth a hideous howl, He made the forests ring. As when a tyger fierce and fell 105 Hath spyed a passing roe, And leaps at once upon his throat ; So sprung the savage foe ; So lightly leap'd with furious force The gentle knight to seize : 110 But met his tall uplifted spear, Which sunk him on his knees. A second stroke so stiff and stern Had laid the savage low ; But springing up, he rais'd his club, 115 And aim'd a dreadful blow. The watchful warrior bent his head. And shun'd the coming stroke ; Upon his taper spear it fell. And all to shivers broke. 120 Then lighting nimbly from his steed, He drew his burnisht brand: The savage quick as lightning flew To wrest it from his hand. Three times he grasp'd the silver hilt ; Three times he felt the blade; Three times it fell with furious force; Three ghastly wounds it made. 125 Now with redoubled rage he roar'd ; His eye-ball flash'd with fire ; 130 Each hairy limb with fury shook ; And all his heart was ire. Then closing fast with furious gripe He clasp'd the champion round, And with a strong and sudden twist 135 He laid him on the ground. But soon the knight with active spring, O'erturn'd his hairy foe : And now between their sturdy fists Past many a bruising blow. 140 They roll'd and grappled on the ground. And there they struggled long : Skilful and active was the knight ; The savage he was strong. But brutal force and savage strength 145 To art and skill must yield : Sir Valentine at length prevail'd And won the well-fought field. Then binding strait his conquer'd foe Fast with an iron chain, 150 He tyes him to his horse's tail. And leads him o'er the plain. To court his hairy captive soon Sir Valentine doth bring ; And kneeling down upon his knee, 155 Presents him to the king. With loss of blood and loss of strength The savage tamer grew ; And to Sir Valentine became A servant try'd and true. 160 And 'cause with beares he erst was bred. Ursine they call his name ; A name which unto future times The Muses shall proclame. PART THE SECOND. In high renown with prince and peere Now liv'd Sir Valentine : His high renown with prince and peere Made envious hearts repine. It chanc'd the king upon a day 5 Prepar'd a sumptuous feast: And there came lords, and dainty dames, And many a noble guest. 412 VALENTmE AND URSINE. Amid their cups, that freely flowed, IMad and outrageous with the pain, Their revelry and mirth, 10 He whiil'd his mace of steel: A youthful knight taxM A^alentino The \Q"y wind of such a blow 55 Of base and doubtful biith. Had made the champion reel. The foul reproach, so g;r0vssly urg'd, It haply mist; and now the knight His generous heart di^l wound: His glittering sword display'd. And strait he vow'd he iie'er would rest 15 And riding round with whirhvind speed \ Till he his parents found. Oft made him feel the blade. 60 Then bidding king and peers adieu, As Avhen a large and monstrous oak Early one summer's day. Unceasing axes how : With faithful Ursine by his side, So fast around the gyant's limbs From court he took his way. 20 The blows quick-darting fiew. O'er hill and valley, moss and moor, As when the boughs w-ith hideous fal 65 For many a day they pass ; Some hapless woodman crush : With such a force the enormous foe At length, upon a moated lake, They found a bridge of brass. Did on the champion rush. Beyond it rose a castle fair, 25 Y-built of marble stone : A fenrful blow, alas ! there came, The battlements were gilt with gold, Both horse and knight it took. 70 And glittred in the sun. And laid them senseless in the dust; So fatal was the stroke. Beneath the bridge, with strange device, A hundred bells were hung ; 30 Then smiling forth a hideous grin, That man, nor beast, might pass thereon, The gyant strides in haste, But strait their larum rung And, stooping, aims a second stroke: •' Now caytifF breathe thy last I" 75 This quickly found the vouthful pair, Who boldly crossing o'er. But ere it fell, two thundering blow^s The jangling sound bedeaft their ears, 35 Upon his scull descend: And rung from shore to shore. From Ursine's knotty club they came. Who ran to save his friend. 80 Quick at the sound the castle gates Unlock'd and opened wide, Down sunk the gyant gaping wide. And strait a gyant huge and grim And rolling his grim eyes: Stalk'd forth with stately pride. 40 The hairy youth repeats his blows : Now yield you, caytiffs, to my will ; He gasps, he groans, he dies. He cried with hideous roar; Or else the wolves shall eat your flesh. Quickly Sir Valentine reviv'd With Ursine's timely care : 85 And ravens drink your gore. And now to search the castle walls Vain boaster, said the youthful knight, 45 The venturous youths repair. I scorn thy threats and thee : I trust to force thy brazen gates. The blood and bones of murder'd knights | And set thy captives free. They found where'er they came : At length within a lonely cell 90 Then putting spurs unto his steed. They saw a mournful dame. He aim'd a dreadful thrust; 50 Her gentle eyes were dim'd with tears The spear against the gyant glanc'd, And caus'd the blood to burst. Her cheeks were pale with woe : And long Sir Valentine besought Her doleful tale to know. 95 Ver. 23, i e. a lake that served for a moat to a castle. VALENTINE AND URSINE. 413 "Alas! youn;; knight," she weeping said, Condole m}' wreichod fate ; A childless mother litn-e you sec ; A wife without a mate. 100 *' These twenty winters here forlorn I've drawn my hated breath ; S.)le witness (jf a m.)nster's crimes, And wishing aye for death. " Know, I am sister of a king, 105 And in my early years "Was married to a mighty prince, The fairest of his peers. "With him I sweetly liv'd in love A twelvemonth and a day : 110 When, lo ! a foul and treacherous priest Y-wrought our loves' decay. " His seeming goodness wan him pow'r ; lie had his master's ear: And long to me and all the world 115 , /' lie did a saint appear. "One day, when we were all alone. He proff'er'd odious love: The wretch with horrour I repuls'd. And from my presence drove. 120 *' lie feign 'd remorse, and pitious beg'd His crime I'd not reveal: Which, for his seeming penitence, I promis'd to conceal. " With treason, villainy, and wrong, 125 My goodness he repay'd : With jealous doubts he fill'd my lord, And me to woe betray 'd. " He hid a slave within my bed. Then rais'd a bitter cry. 130 My lord, possest with rage, condemned Me, all unheard, to dye. " But, 'cause I then was great with child, At length my life he spar'd: But bade me instant quit the realme, 135 One trusty knight my guard. *' Forth on my journey I depart, Opprest with grief and woe ; And towards my brother's distant court, With breaking heart, I goc. 140 " Long time thro' sundry foreign lands We slowly pace along: At length, within a forest wild, I fell in labour strong : "And while the knight for succour sought And left me there forlorn, 14G My childbed pains so fjist increast Two lovely boys were born. " The eldest fair, and smooth, as snow That tips the mountain hoar: 150 The younger's little body rough With hairs was cover'd o'er. " But here afresh begin my woes: While tender care I took To shield my eldest from the cold 155 And wrap him in my cloak ; "A prowling bear burst from the wood, And seiz'd my younger son : Affection lent my weakness wings, And after them I run. 160 " But all forewearied, weak and spent, I quickly swoon'd away ; And there beneath the greenwood shade Long time I lifeless lay. "At length the knight brought me relief. And rais'd me from the ground : 106 But neither of my pretty babes Could ever more be found. "And while in search we wander'd far. We met that gyant grim ; 170 Who ruthless slew my trusty knight. And bare me off with him. "But charm'd by heav'n, or else my griefs. He offer'd me no wrong ; Save that within these lonely walls 175 I've been immur'd so long." Now, surely, said the youthful knight. You are Lady Bellisance, Wife to the Grecian emperor: Your brother's King of France. 180 For in your royal brother's court Myself my breeding had ; Where oft the story of your woes Ilath made my bosom sad. 414 THE DRAGON OF WANTLEY. If so, know your accuser's dead, 185 And dying own'd his crime ; And long your lord hath sought you out Thro' every foreign clime. And when no tidings he could learn Of his much-wronged wife, 190 He vow'd thenceforth within his court To lead a hermit's life. Now heaven is kind ! the lady said ; And dropt a joyful tear: Shall I once more behold my lord ? 195 That lord I love so dear ? But, madam, said Sir Valentine, And knelt upon his knee ; Know you the cloak that wrapt your babe, If you the same should see ? 200 And pulling forth the cloth of gold In which himself was found ; The lady gave a sudden shriek And fainted on the ground. But by his pious care reviv'd, 205 His tale she heard anon ; And soon by other tokens found, He was indeed her son. But who's this hairy youth, she said ; He much resembles thee : 210 The bear devour'd my youngest son, Or sure that son were he. Madam, this youth with bears was bred, And rear'd within their den. But recollect ye any mark 215 To know your son agen ? Upon his little side, quoth she, Was stampt a bloody rose. Here, lady, see the crimson mark Upon his body grows ! 220 Then clasping both her new-found sons She bath'd their cheeks with tears ; And soon towards her brothers court Her joyful course she steers. What pen can paint King Pepin's joy, 225 His sister thus restor'd ! And soon a messenger was sent To chear her dropping lord : Who came in haste with all his peers, To fetch her home to Greece ; 230 Where many happy years they reign'd In perfect love and peace. To them Sir Ursine did succeed, And long the sceptre bare. Sir Valentine he stay'd in France, 235 And was his uncle's heir. *** — ♦t*' XIII. ®p grapn at Wimtlq. This humorous song (as a former Editor* has well observed) is to old metrical romances and ballads of chivalry, what Don Quixote is to prose narratives of that kind : — a lively satire on their extravagant fictions. But although the satire is thus general, the sub- ject of this ballad is local and peculiar; so that many of the finest strokes of humour are lost for want of our knowing the minute circumstances to which they allude. Many of them can hardly now be recovered, although * Collection of Historical Ballads in 3 vols. 1727. we have been fortunate enough to learn the general subject to which the satire referred, and shall detail the information with which we have been favoured, in a separate memoir at the end of the poem. In handling his subject, the Author has brought in most of the common incidents which occur in Romance. The description of the dragon* — his outrages — the people flying to the knight for succour — his care in choosing his armour — his being dressed for * See above, p. 352, and p. 390. THE DRAGON OF WANTLEY. 415 fio;bt by a young damsel — and most of the circumstances of the battle and victory (al- lowing for the burlesque turn given to them), are what occur in every book of chivalry, whether in prose or verse. If any one piece, more than other, is more particularly levelled at, it seems to be the old rhyming legend of Sir Bevis. There a Dragon is attacked from a well in a manner not very remote from this of the ballad : There was a well, so have I wynne, And Bevis stumbled ryght therein. •}«• * -x- * Than was he glad without fayle. And rested a whyle for his avayle ; And dranke of that water his fyll ; And than he lepte out, with good wyll, And with Morglay his brande He assayled the dragon, I understande : On the dragon he smote so faste, Where that he hit the scales braste : The dragon then faynted sore, And cast a galon and more Out of his mouthe of venim strong, And on Syr Bevis he it flong: It was venymous y-wis. This seems to be meant by the Dragon of Wantley's stink, ver. 110, As the politic knight's creeping out, and attacking the dra- gon, &c., seems evidently to allude to the fol- lowing ; Bevis blessed himselfe, and forthe yode, And lepte out with haste full good ; And Bevis unto the dragon gone is ; And the dragon also to Bevis. Longe and harde was that fyght Betwene the dragon and that knyght ; But ever whan Syr Bevis was hurt sore, He went to the well, and washed him thore ; He was as hole as any man, Ever freshe as whan he began. The dragon sawe it might not avayle Besyde the well to hold batayle ; He thought he would, wyth some wyle, Out of that place Bevis begyle ; He woulde have flowen then awaye, But Bevis lepte after with good Morglaye, And hyt him under the wynge, As he was in his flyenge, &c. Sign. M. jv. L. j. &c, 53 After all, perhaps the writer of this ballad was acquainted with the above incidents only through the medium of Spenser, who has as- sumed most of them in his " Faery Queen." At least some particulars in the description of the Dragon, &c., seem evidently borrowed from the latter. See Book I., Canto 11, where the Dragon's " two wynges like sayls — huge long tayl — with stings — his cruel rending clawes — and yron teeth — his breath of smo- thering smoke and sulphur" — and the dura- tion of the fight for upwards of two days, bear a great resemblance to passages in the following ballad : though it must be confessed that these particulars are common to all old writers of romance. Although this ballad must have been writ- ten early in the last century, we have met with none but such as were comparatively modern copies. It is here printed from one in Roman letter, in the Pepys Collection, col- lated with such others as could be procured. Old stories tell how Hercules^ A dragon slew at Lerna, "With seven heads, and fourteen eyes, To see and well discerne-a : But he had a club this dragon to drub, 5 Or he had ne'er done it, I warrant ye : But More of More-Hall, with nothing at all, He slew the dragon of Wantley. This dragon had two furious wings, ■ Each one upon each shoulder ; 10 With a sting in his tayl, as long as a flayl, Which made him bolder and bolder. He had long claws, and in his jaws Four and forty teeth of iron ; With a hide as tough as any buff, 15 Which did him round environ. Have you not hear^ how the Trojan horse Held seventy men in his belly ? This dragon was not quite so big. But very near, I'll tell ye. 20 Devoured he poor children three, That could not with him grapple ; And at one sup he eat them up, As one would eat an apple. All sorts of cattle this dragon did eat, Some say he ate up trees. And that the forests sure he would Devour up by degrees : 25 416 THE DRAGON OF WANTLEY. ./For houses and churches were to him geese [ and turkies ; He ate all, and left none behind, 30 But some stones, dear Jack, that he could not crack. Which on the hills you will find. In Yorkshire, near fair Rotherham, The place I know it well ; Some two or three miles, or thereabouts, I vow I cannot tell ; 36 But there is a hedge, just on the hill edge, And Matthew's house hard by it ; there and then was this dragon's den, You could not chuse but spy it. 40 r ! Some say, this dragon was a witch ; Some say, he was a devil, For from his nose a smoke arose, And with it burning snivel ; Which he cast off, when he did cough, 45 In a well that he did stand by ; Which made it look just like a brook Running with burning brandy. /Hard by a furious knight there dwelt, / Of whom all towns did ring, 50 For he could wrestle, play at quarter-staff, kick, cuff and huff. Call son of a whore, do any kind of thing: By the tail and the main, with his hands twain He swung a horse till he was dead ; And that which is stranger, he for very anger Eat him all up but his head. 56 These children, as I told, being eat ; Men, women, girls, and boys. Sighing and sobbing, came to his lodging. And made a hideous noise : 60 save us all. More of More-hall, Thou peerless knight of these woods ; Do but slay this dragon, who won't leave us a rag on. We'll give thee all our goods. /Tut, tut, quoth he, no goods I want ; 65 j But I want, I want, in sooth, \ A fair maid of sixteen, that's brisk and keen. With smiles about the mouth ; Hair black as sloe, skin white as snow. With blushes her cheeks adorning ; 70 To anoynt me o'er night, ere I go to fight, And to dress me in the morning. This being done, he did engage To hew the dragon down ; But first he went, new armour to 75 Bespeak at Shefiield town ; With spikes all about, not within but without, Of steel so sharp and strong ; Both behind and before, arms, legs, and all o'er, Some five or six inches long. 80 Had you but seen him in this dress, How fierce he look'd and how big, You would have thought him for to be Some Egyptian porcupig: He frighted all, cats, dogs, and all, 85 Each cow, each horse, and each hog : For fear they did flee, for they took him to be Some strange outlandish hedge-hog. To see this fight, all people then Got up on trees and houses, , 90 On churches some, and chimneys too ; But these put on their trowses, Not to spoil their hose. As soon as he rose, To make him strong and mighty. He drank by the tale, six pots of ale,~--t 95 And a quart of aqua-vitae. It is not strength that always wins, For wit doth strength excell ; Which made our cunning champion Creep down into a well ; 100 Where he did think, this dragon would drink, And so he did in truth ; And as he stoop'd low, he rose up and cry'd, boh! And hit him in the mouth. Oh, quoth the dragon, pox take thee, come out, 105 Thou disturb'st me in nay drink : And then he turn'd, and s ... at him ; Good lack how he did stink : Beshrew thy soul, thy body's foul. Thy dung smells not like balsam ; 110 Thou son of a whore, thou stink'st so sore, Sure thy diet is unwholesome. THE DRAGON OF WANTLEY. 417 Our politick knight, on the other side, Crept out upon the brink, And gave the dragon such a douse, 115 He knew not what to think : By cock, quoth he, say you so, do you see ? And then at him he let fly With hand and with foot, and so they went to^t; And the word it was, Hey boys, hey ! 120 Your words, quoth the dragon, I don't un- derstand ; Then to it they fell at all, Like two wild boars so fierce, if I may Compare great things with small. Two days and a night, with this dragon did fight 125 Our champion on the ground ; Though their strength it was great, their skill it was neat. They never had one wound. At length the hard earth began to quake, The dragon gave him a knock, 130 Which made him to reel, and straitway he thought. To lift him as high as a rock. And thence let him fall. But More of More- hall, Like a valiant son of Mars, As he came like a lout, so he turn'd him about, 135 /-vAnd hit him a kick on the a . . . / Oh, quoth the dragon, with a deep sigh. And turn'd six times together, Sobbing and tearing, cursing and swearing Out of his throat of leather ; More of More-hall ! thou rascal ! 140 Would I had seen thee never ; With the thing at thy foot, thou hast prick'd my a . . . gut. And I'm quite undone for ever. / Murder, murder, the dragon cry'd, 145 \ Alack, alack, for grief: Had you but mist that place, you could Have done me no mischief. Then his head he shaked, trembled and quaked. And down he laid and cry'd ; 150 First on one knee, then on back tumbled he. So groan'd, kickt, s . . ., and dy'd. *^* A description of the supposed scene of the foregoing ballad, which was communica- ted to the Editor in 1767, is here given in the words of the relator : " In Yorkshire, six miles from Rotherham, is a village, called Wortley, the seat of the late Wortley Montague, Esq. About a mile from this village is a Lodge, named Warn- cliff Lodge, but vulgarly called Wantley : here lies the scene of the song. I was there above forty years ago : and it being a woody rocky place, my friend made me clamber over rocks and stones, not telling me to what end, till I came to a sort of cave ; then asked my opinion of the place, and pointing to one end, says. Here lay the Dragon killed by Moor of Moor-Hall : here lay his head ; here lay his tail ; and the stones we came over on the hill, are those he could not crack ; and yon white house you see half a mile off, is Moor-Hall. I had dined at the lodge, and knew the man's name was Matthew, who was a keeper to Mr. Wortley, and, as he endea- voured to persuade me, was the same Mat- thew mentioned in the song: in the house is the picture of the Dragon and Moor of Moor- Hall, and near it a well, which, says he, is the one described in the ballad. fit Since the former editions of this hu- morous old song were printed, the following " Key to the Satire," hath been communica- ted by Godfrey Bosville, Esq., of Thorp, near Malton, in Yorkshire ; who, in the most obliging manner, gave full permission to sub- join it to the poem. Wancliffe Lodge, and Warncliffe Wood (vulgarly pronounced Wantley), are in the parish of Penniston, in Yorkshire. The rec- tory of Penniston was part of the dissolved monastery of St. Stephen's, Westminster ; and was granted to the Duke of Norfolk's family: who therewith endowed an hospital, which he built at Sheffield, for women. The trustees let the impropriation of the great tithes of Penniston to the Wortley family, who got a great deal by it, and wanted to get still more : for Mr. Nicholas Wortley attempted to take the tithes in kind, but Mr. Francis Bosville opposed him, and there was a decree in fa- vour of the modus in 37th Eliz. The vicar- age of Penniston did not go along with the rectory, but with the copyhold rents, and was 418 ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND. part of a large purchase made by Ralph Bos- ville, Esq., from Queen Elizabeth, in the 2d year of her reign : and that part he sold in 12th Eliz. to his elder brother Godfrey, the father of Francis ; who left it, with the rest of his estate, to his wife, for her life, and then to Ralph, 3d son of his uncle Ralph. The widow married Lyonel Rowlestone, lived eighteen years, and survived Ralph. This premised, the ballad apparently re- lates to the lawsuit carried on concerning this claim of tithes made by the Wortley family. "Houses and churches were to him geese and turkeys :" which are titheable things, the Dragon chose to live on. Sir Francis Wort- ley, the son of Nicholas, attempted again to take the tithes in kind : but the parishioners subscribed an agreement to defend their mo- dus. And at the head of the agreement was Lyonel Rowlestone, who is supposed to be one of " the Stones, dear Jack, which the Dragon could not crack.'' The agreement is still preserved in a large sheet of parchment, dated 1st of James I., and is full of names and seals, which might be meant by the coat of armour, "with spikes all about, both within and without." More of More-hall was either the attorney, or counsellor, who conducted the suit. He is not distinctly remembered, but More-hall is still extant at the very bot- tom of Wantley [Warncliff] "Wood, and lies so low, that it might be said to be in a well : as the Dragon's den [Warncliff Lodge] was at the top of the wood, "with Matthew's house hard by it." The keepers belonging to the Wortley family were named, for many generations, Matthew Northall : the last of them left this lodge, within memory, to be keeper to the Duke of Norfolk. The present owner of More-hall still attends Mr. Bos- ville's Manor Court at Oxspring, and pays a rose a year. " More of More-hall, with no- thing at all, slew the Dragon of Wantley." He gave him, instead of tithes, so small a modus, that it was in effect, nothing at all, and was slaying him with a vengeance. " The poor children three," &c., cannot surely mean the three sisters of Francis Bosville, who would have been coheiresses, had he made no will? The late Mr. Bosville had a contest with the descendants of two of them, the late Sir Geo. Saville's father, and Mr. Copley, about the presentation to Penniston, they supposing Francis had not the power to give this part of the estate from the heirs at law ; but it was decided against them. The Dragon (Sir Francis Wortley) succeeded better with his cousin Wordesworth, the freehold lord of the manor (for it is the copyhold manor that be- longs to Mr. Bosville) having persuaded him not to join the refractory parishioners, under a promise that he would let him his tithes cheap : and now the estates of Wortley and Wordesworth are the only lands that pay tithes in the parish. N. B. The "two days and a night," men- tioned in ver. 125, as the duration of the com- bat, was probably that of the trial at law. XIV. Bl §tiiqt fax €n^lmh THE FIRST PART. As the former song is in ridicule of the extravagant incidents in old ballads and metrical romances ; so this is a burlesque of their style ; particularly of the rambling transitions and wild accumulation of un- connected parts, so frequent in many of them. This ballad is given from an old black-letter copy in the Pepys Collection, " imprinted at London, 1612." It is more ancient than many of the preceding ; but we place it here for the sake of connecting it with the Second Part. Why doe you boast of Arthur and his knightes, Knowing 'well' how many men have en- dured fightes ? For besides King Arthur, and Lancelot du lake. Or Sir Tristram de Lionel, that fought for ladies sake ; ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND. 419 Read in old histories, and there you shall see How St. George, St. George the dragon made to flee. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Mark our father Abraham, when first he resckued Lot Onely with his household, what conquest there he got : David was elected a prophet and a king, He slew the great Goliah, with a stone within a sling : Yet these were not knightes of the table round ; Nor St. George, St. George, who the dragon did confound. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. . Jephthah and Gideon did lead their men to fight. They conquered the Amorites, and put them all to flight ; Hercules his labours 'were' on the plaines of Basse ; And Sampson slew a thousand with the jawbone of an asse, And eke he threw a temple downe, and did a mighty spoyle : But St. George, St. George he did the dra- gon foyle. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Soni soit qui mal y pense. The warres of ancient monarchs it were too long to tell. And likewise of the Romans, how farre they did excell ; Hannyball and Scipio in many a fielde did fighte : Orlando Furioso he was a worthy knighte : Remus and Romulus, were they that Rome did builde : But St. George, St. George the dragon made to yielde. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. The noble Alphonso, that was the Spanish king, The order of the red scarffes and bandroUes in did bring :* He had a troupe of mighty knightes, when first he did begin. Which sought adventures farre and neare, that conquest they might win ; The ranks of the Pagans he often put to flight : But St. George, St. George did with the dragon fight. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Many 'knights' have fought with proud Tamberlaine : Cutlax the Dane, great warres he did main- taine : Rowland of Beame, and good * Sir' Oli- vere In the forest of Aeon slew both woolfe and beare : Besides that noble Hollander, ' Sir' Goward with the bill : But St. George, St. George the dragon's blood did spill. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Valentine and Orson were of King Pepin's blood : Alfride and Henry they were brave knightes and good : The four sons of Aymon, that foUow'd Charlemaine : Sir Hughon of Burdeaux, and Godfrey of BuUaine : These were all French knights that lived in that age : But St. George, St. George the dragon did assuage. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. * This probably alludes to " An Ancient Order of Knight- hood, called the Order of the Band, instituted by Don Al- phonsup, King of Spain, ... to wear a red ribband of three fingers breadth," &c. See Ames' Typog. p. 327. 420 ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND. Bevis conquered Ascapart, and after slew the boare, And then he crost beyond the seas to com- bat with the moore : Sir Isenbras and Eglamore, they were knightes most bold ; And good Sir John Mandeville of travel much hath told : There were many English knights that Pagans did convert : But St. George, St. George pluckt out the dragon's heart. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mat y pense. The noble Earl of Warwick, that was calFd Sir Guy, The infidels and pagans stoutlie did defie ; He slew the giant Brandimore, and after was the death Of that most ghastly dun cowe, the divell of Dunsmore heath ; Besides his noble deeds all done beyond the seas : But St. George, St. George the dragon did St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Richard Coeur-de-lion, erst king of this land. He the lion gored with his naked hand :^^ The false Duke of Austria nothing did he feare ; But his son he killed with a boxe on the eare: Besides his famous actes done in the holy lande : But St. George, St. George the dragon did withstande. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Henry the fifth he conquered all France, And quartered their arms, his honour to advance ; He their cities razed, and threw their cas- tles downe. And his head he honoured with a double crowne : He thumped the French-men, and after home he came ; But St. George, St. George he did the dra- gon tame. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. St. David of Wales the Welsh-men much advance : St. Jaques of Spaine, that never yet broke lance : St. Patricke of Ireland, which was St. Georges boy. Seven yeares he kept his horse, and then stole him away : For which knavish act, as slaves they doe remaine : But St. George, St. George the dragon he hath slain e. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. XV St. i^rp for €t^\uX THE SECOND PART, — Was written by John Grubb, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford. The occasion of its being composed is said to have been as fol- lows. A set of gentlemen of the university * Alluding to the fabulous exploits attributed to this king in the old romances. See the Dissertation prefixed to the Third Series. had formed themselves into a Club, all the members of which were to be of the name of George ; their anniversary feast was to be held on St. George's day. Our Author soli- cited strongly to be admitted ; but his name being unfortunately John, this disqualifica- tion was dispensed with only upon this condi ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND. 421 tion, that lie would compose a song in honour of their Patron Saint, and would every year produce one or more new stanzas, to be sung on their annual festival. This gave birth to the following humorous performance, the several stanzas of which were the produce of many successive anniversaries.* This diverting poem was long handed about in manuscript ; at length a friend of Grubb's undertook to get it printed, who, not keep- ing pace with the impatience of his friends, was addressed in the following whimsical macaronic lines, which, in such a collection as this, may not improperly accompany the poem itself. EXPOSTULATIUNCULA, sivO QUERIMONIUN- cuLA ad Antonium [Atherton] ob Poema JoHANNis Grub Viri 'fov coat/i; ingeniosissimi in lucem non- dum edit. ToNi ! Tune sines divina poemata Grubbi Intomb'd in secret thus still to remain any longer, Tovvofx,a aov shall last, a rpvjSjSs Sta^rtspfj Grubbe tuum nomen vivet dum nobilis ale-a Efficit heroas, dignamque heroe puellam. Est genus heroum, quos nobilis efficit ale-a Qui pro niperkin clamant, quaternque liquoris Quem vocitant Homines, Brandy, Superi Cherry-brandy, Sagpe illi long-cut, vel small-cut flare Tobacco Sunt soliti pipes. Ast si generosior herba (Per varies casus, per tot descrimina rerum) Mundungus desit, tum non funcare recusant Brown-paper tost^, vel quod fit arundine bed- mat. Hie labor, hoc opus est heroum ascedere sedes ! Ast ego quo rapiar? quo me feret entheus ardor, Grubbe tui memorem ? Divinum expande poema. Quae mora ? quse ratio est, quin Grubbi pro- tinus anser Virgilii, Flaccique simul canat inter olores? * To this circumstance it is owing that the Editor has never met with two copies in which the stanzas are ar- ranged alike : he has therefore thrown them into what appeared the most natural order. The verses are properly- long Alexandrines, hut the narrowness of the page made it necessary to suhdivide them: they are here printed with many improvements. I At length the importunity of his friends I prevailed, and Mr. Grubb's song was pub- lished at Oxford under the following title : The British Heroes, A New Poem in honour of St. George, By Mr. John Grubb, School-master of Christ-Church. OxoN. 1688. Favete Unguis : carmina non prius Audita, musarum sacerdos Canto. HoR, Sold by Henry Clements. Oxon. / The story of King Arthur old Is very memorable, \ The number of his valiant knights, And roundness of his table : The knights around his table in 5 A circle sate, d'ye see : And altogether made up one Large hoop of chivalry. He had a sword, both broad and sharp, Y-cleped Caliburn, 10 Would cut a flint more easily Than pen-knife cuts a corn ; As case-knife does a capon carve. So would it carve a rock And split a man at single slash, 15 From noddle down to nock. As Roman Augur's steel of yore Dissected Tarquin's riddle, So this would cut both conjurer And whetstone thro' the middle. 20 He was the cream of Brecknock, And flower of all the Welsh : But George he did the dragon fell, And gave him a plaguy squelsh St. George he was for England; St. Dennis was for France ; 25 Sing, Soni soit qui mal y pense. Pendragon, like his father Jove, Was fed with milk of goat ; And like him made a noble shield Of she-goat's shaggy coat: 30 On top of burnisht helmet he Did wear a crest of leeks ; And onions' heads, whose dreadful nod ^ Drew tears down hostile cheeks. Itch and Welsh blood did make him hot, And very prone to ire ; 36 W was ting'd with brimstone, like a match, And would as soon take fire. 422 ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND. As brimstone he took inwardly When scurf gave him occasion, 40 His postern puff of wind was a Sulphureous exhalation. The Briton never tergivers'd, But was for adverse drubbing, And never turned his back to aught, 45 But to a post for scrubbing. His sword would serve for battle, or For dinner, if you please ; When it had slain a Cheshire man, ^Twould toast a Cheshire cheese. 50 He wounded, and, in their own blood, Did anabaptize Pagans : But George he made the dragon an Example to all dragons. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; 55 Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Brave Warwick Guy, at dinner time, Challeng'd a gyant savage ; And streight came out the unwieldy lout Brim-full of wrath and cabbage : 60 He had a phiz of latitude, And was full thick i^ th' middle ; The cheeks of puffed trumpeter. And paunch of squire Beadle.^ But the knight felPd him like an oak, 65 And did upon his back tread ; The valiant knight his weazon cut. And Atropos his packthread. Besides he fought with a dun cow, As say the poets witty, 70 A dreadful dun, and horned too, Like dun of Oxford city : The fervent dog-days made her mad. By causing heat of weather, Syrius and Procyon baited her, 75 As bull-dogs did her father : Grasiers, nor butchers this fell beast E'er of her frolick hindred ; John Dossetf she'd knock down as flat, As John knocks down her kindred : 80 Her heels would lay ye all along. And kick into a swoon ; Frewin'sJ cow-heels keep up your corpse. But hers would beat you down. * Men of bulk answerable to tbeir places, as is well known at Oxford. f A butcber tbat then served the college. X A cook, who on fast nights was famous for selling cow-heel and tripe. She vanquisht many a sturdy wight, 85 And proud was of the honour ; Was pufft by mauling butchers so. As if themselves had blown her. At once she kickt, and pusht at Guy, But all that would not fright him ; 90 Who wav'd his winyard o'er sir-loyn, As if he'd gone to knight him. He let her blood, frenzy to cure, And eke he did her gall rip ; His trenchant blade, like cook's long spit. Ran thro' the monster's bald-rib : 96 He rear'd up the vast crooked rib. Instead of arch triumphal : But George hit th' dragon such a pelt. As made him on his bum fall. 100 St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Ho7ii soit qui mal y -pense. Tamerlain, with Tartarian bow. The Turkish squadrons slew ; And fetch'd the pagan crescent down, 105 With half-moon made of yew : His trusty bow proud Turks did gall With showers of arrows thick. And bow-strings, without strangling, sent Grand-Visiers to old Nick : 110 Much turbants, and much Pagan pates He made to humble in dust ; And heads of Saracens he fixt On spear, as on a sign-post : He coop'd in cage Bajazet the prop 115 Of Mahomet's religion, As if 't had been the whispering bird. That prompted him, the pigeon. In Turkey-leather scabbard, he Did sheath his blade so trenchant : 120 But George he swing'd the dragon's tail. And cut off every inch on't. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. The amazon Thalestris was 125 Both beautiful and bold ; She sear'd her breasts with iron hot. And bang'd her foes with cold. Her hand was like the tool, wherewith Jove keeps proud mortals under : 130 It shone just like his lightning, And batter'd like his thunder. Her eye darts lightning, that would blast The proudest he that swagger'd, ST. GEORGE FOE ENGLAND. 423 And melt the rapier of his soul, 135 In its corporeal scabbard. Her beauty, and her drum to foes Did cause amazement double ; As timorous larks amazed are With light and with a low-bell : 140 With beauty, and that lapland charm,* Poor men she did bewitch all ; ' Still a blind whining lover had, As Pallas had her scrich-owl. She kept the chastness of a nun 145 In armour, as in cloyster : But George undid the dragon just As you'd undo an oister, St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. 150 Stout Hercules was offspring of Great Jove and fair Alcmene : One part of him celestial was, One part of him terrene. To scale the hero's cradle walls 155 Two fiery snakes combin'd. And, curling into swaddling cloaths, About the infant twin'd ; But he put out these dragons' fires, And did their hissing stop ; 160 As red-hot iron with hissing noise Is quencht in blacksmith's shop. He cleans'd a stable, and rubb'd down The horses of new-comers ; And out of horse- dung he rais'd fame 165 As Tom Wrenchf does cucumbers. He made a river help him through ; Alpheus was under-groom ; The stream, disgust at office mean, Ran murmuring thro' the room : 170 This liquid ostler to prevent Being tired with that long work, His father Neptune's trident took. Instead of three-tooth'd dung-fork. This Hercules, as soldier, and 175 As spinster, could take pains ; His club would sometimes spin ye flax, And sometimes knock out brains : H' was forc'd to spin his miss a shift By Juno's wrath and hfer-spite ; 180 Fair Omphale whipt him to his wheel, As cook whips barking turn-spit. From man, or churn, he well knew how To get him lasting fame : * The drum. t Who kept Paradise Gardens at Oxford. 54 He'd pound a giant, till the blood, 185 And milk till butter came. Often he fought Avith huge battoon, And oftentimes he boxed ; Tapt a fresh monster once a month, As Hervey* doth fresh hogshead. 190 He gave Anteus such a hug. As wrestlers give in Cornwall : But George he did the dragon kill, As dead as any door-nail. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; 195 Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. The Gemini, sprung from an egg, Were put into a cradle : Their brains with knocks and bottled-ale. Were often-times full addle : 200 And, scarcely hatched, these sons of him, That hurls the bolt trisulcate. With helmet-shell on tender head. Did tustle with red-ey'd pole-cat. Castor a horseman, Pollux tho' 205 , A boxer was, I wist : The one was fam'd for iron heel : Th' other for leaden fist. ^ Pollux to shew he was a god. When he was in a passion 210 With fist made noses fall down flat By way of adoration : This fist, as sure as French disease, Demolish'd noses' ridges : He, like a certain lordf was fam'd 215 For breaking down of bridges. Castor the flame of fiery steed With well-spur'd boots took down ; As men, with leathern buckets, quench A fire in country town. 220 His famous horse, that liv'd on oats, Is sung on oaten quill ; By bards' immortal provender The nag surviveth still. This shelly brood on none but knaves 225 Employ'd their brisk artillery : And flew as naturally at rogues. As eggs at thief in pillory. | * A noted drawer at the Mermaid tavern in Oxford, f Lord Lovelace broke down the bridges about Oxford, at the beginning of the Revolution. See on this subject a ballad in Smith's Poems, p. 102. Lend. 1713. X It has been suggested by an ingenious correspondent, that this was a popular subject at that time: Not carted Bawd, or Dan de Foe, In wooden RufiF ere blustered so. Smith's Poems, p. 117. 424 ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND. Much sweat they spent in furious fight, Much blood they did effund : 230 Their whites they vented thro' the pores ; Their yolks thro' gaping wound ; Then both were cleans'd from blood and dust To make a heavenly sign ; The lads were, like their armour, scowr'd, And then hung up to shine ; 236 Such were the heavenly double-Dicks The sons of Jove and Tyndar : But George he cut the dragon up, As he had bin duck or windar. 240 St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Gorgon a twisted adder wore For knot upon her shoulder : She kemb'd her hissing periwig, 245 And curling snakes did powder. These snakes they made stiff changelings Of all the folks they hist on ; They turned barbars into hones, And masons into free-stone : 250 Sworded magnetic Amazon Her shield to load-stone changes ; Then amorous sword by magic belt Clung fast unto her haunches. This shield long village did protect, 255 And kept the army from town. And changed the bullies into rocks. That came t' invade Long-Compton.* She post-diluvian stores unmans, And Pyrrha's work unravels ; 260 And stares Deucalion's hardy boys Into their primitive pebbles. Red noses she to rubies turns, And noddles into bricks : But George made dragon laxative ; 265 And gave him a bloody flix. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. By boar-spear Meleager got An everlasting name, And out of haunch of basted swine, He hew'd eternal fame. This beast each hero's trouzers ript. And rudely shew'd his bare-breech. 270 * See the account of Rolriclit Stones, in Dr. Plott's Hist, of Oxfordshire. Pricktbut the wem, and out there came 275 Heroic guts and garbaclge. Legs were secur'd by iron boots No more than peas by peascods : Brass helmets, with inclos'd sculls, Wou'd crackle in's mouth like chesnuts. His tawny hairs erected were 281 By rage, that was resistless ; And wrath, instead of cobler's wax, Did stiffen his rising bristles. His tusks lay'd dogs so dead asleep, 285 Nor horn, nor whip cou'd wake 'um : It made them vent both their last blood, And their last album-grecum. But the knight gor'd him with his spear, To make of him a tame one, 290 And arrows thick, instead of cloves, He stuck in monster's gammon. For monumental pillar, that His victory might be known. He raised up, in cylindric form, 295 A collar of the braAvn. He sent his shade to shades below, In Stygian mud to wallow ; And eke the stout St. George eftsoon. He made the dragon follow. 300 St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. Achilles of old Chiron learnt * The great horse for to ride ; H' was taught by th' Centaur's rational part, 305 The hinnible to bestride. Bright silver feet, and shining face Had that stout hero's mother ; As rapier 's silver'd at one end. And wounds you at the other. 310 Her feet were bright, his feet were swift, As hawk pursuing sparrow : Her's had the metal, his the speed Of Braburn's^ silver arrow. Thetis to double pedagogue 315 Commits her dearest boy ; Who bred him from a slender twig To be the scourge of Troy ; But ere he lasht the Trojans, h' was In Stygian waters steept ; 320 As birch is soaked first in piss, ^ , When boys are to be whipt. / * Eradhurn, a gentleman commoner of Lincoln college, gaye a silver arrow to he shot for hy the archers of the nniversitj of Oxford. ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND. 425 With skin exceeding hard, he rose From lake, so black and muddy, As lobsters from the ocean rise, 325 With shell about their body : And, as from lobster's broken claw, Pick out the fish you might ; So might you from one unshell'd heel Dig pieces of the knight. 330 His myrmidons robb'd Priam's barns And hen-roosts, says the song ; Carried away both corn and eggs. Like ants from whence they sprung. Himself tore Hector's pantaloons, 335 And sent him down bare-breech'd To pedant Radamanthus, in A posture to be switched. But George he made the dragon look. As if he had been bewitch'd. 340 St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mat y pense. Full fatal to the Romans was The Carthaginian Hanni- bal ; him I mean, who gave them such 345 A devilish thump at Cannge : Moors thick, as goats on Penmenmure, Stood on the Alpes's front : Their one-eyed guide,* like blinking mole, Bor'd thro' the hind'ring mount : 350 Who, baffled by the massy rock, Took vinegar for relief; Like plowmen, when they hew their way Thro' stubborn rump of beef. As dancing louts from humid toes 355 Cast atoms of ill savour To blinking Hyatt,f when on vile crowd He merriment does endeavour. And saws from sufi'ering timber out Some wretched tune to quiver : 360 So Romans stunk and squeak'd at sight Of Affrican carnivor. The tawny surface of his phiz Did serve instead of vizzard : But George he made the dragon have 365 A grumbling in his gizzard. St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Horii soit qui mal y pense. The valour of Domitian, It must not be forgotten ; 370 * Hannibal had but one eye. t A one-eyed fellow, who pretended to make fiddles, as well as play on them ; well known at that time in Oxford. Who from the jaws of worm-blowing flies, Protected veal and mutton. A squadron of flies errant, Against the foe appears ; With regiments of buzzing knights, 375 And swarms of volunteers : The warlike wasp encourag'd 'em With animating hum ; And the loud brazen hornet next. He was their kettle-drum : 380 The Spanish Don Cantharido Did him most sorely pester, And rais'd on skin of vent'rous knight Full many a plaguy blister, A bee whipt thro' his button-hole, 385 As thro' key-hole a witch. And stabb'd him with her little tuck Drawn out of scabbard breech: But the undaunted knight lifts up An arm both big and brawny, 390 And slasht her so, that here lay head, And there lay bag and honey : Then 'mongst the rout he flew as swift, As weapon made by Cyclops, And bravely quell'd seditious buz, 395 By dint of massy fly-flops. Surviving flies do curses breathe, And maggots too at Caesar: But George he shav'd the dragon's beard. And Askelon"^- was his razor. 400 St. George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense. John Grubb, the facetious writer of the foregoing song, makes a distinguished figure among the Oxford wits so humorously enu- merated in the following distich : Alma novem genuit celebres Rhedj^cina poetas Bub, Stubb, Grubb, Crabb, Trap, Young, Carey, Tickel, Evans. These were Bub Dodington (the late Lord Melcombe), Dr. Stubbes, our poet Grubb, Mr. Crabb, Dr. Trapp, the poetry-professor. Dr. Edw. Young, the author of Night-Thoughts, Walter Carey, Thomas Tickel, Esq., and Dr. Evans, the epigrammatist. As for our poet Grubb, all that we can * The name of St. George's sword. 426 MARGARET'S GHOST. learn further of him, is contained in a feAv Cujus variam in Unguis notitiam, extracts from the University Register, and et felicem erudiendis pueris industriam. from his epitaph. It appears from the for- grata adhuc memoria testatur Oxonium. mer that he was matricukxted in 1667, being Ibi enim JEdi Christi initiatus, the son of John Grubb, " de Acton Burnel in artes excoluit : comitatu Salop, pauperis." He took his de- Pueros ad easdem mox excolendas gree of Bachelor of Arts, June 28, 1671 : and accurate formavit : became Master of Arts, June 28, 1675. He Hue demum was appointed Head Master of the Grammar unanimi omnium consensu accitus, School at Christ Church; and afterwards eandem suscepit provinciam, chosen into the same employment at Glou- quam feliciter adeo absolvit, cester, where he died in 1697, as appears ut nihil optandum sit from his monument in the church of St. nisi ut diutius nobis interfuisset ? Mary de Crypt in Gloucester, which is in- Fuit enim scribed with the following epitaph : propter festivam ingenii suavitatem, simplicem morum candorem, et H. S. E. prsecipuam erga cognatos benevolentiam Johannes Grubb, A. M. omnibus desideratissimus, Natus apud Acton Burnel in agro Salopiensi Obiit 2do die Aprilis, Anno D'ni, 1697, Anno Dom. 1645. ^tatis suae 51. X^ n. ^npr^ t's ^\nl This ballad, which appeared in some of Her face was like an April morn, 5 the public newspapers in or before the year Clad in a wintry cloud : 1724, came from the pen of David Mallet, And clay-cold was her lily hand. Esq., who in the edition of his poems, 3 vols. That held her sable shrowd. 1759, informs us that the plan was suggested by the four verses quoted above in page 359, So shall the fairest face appear, which he supposed to be the beginning of When youth and years are flown: 10 some ballad now lost. Such is the robe that kings must wear, " These lines, says he, naked of ornament, When death has reft their crown. and simple as they are, struck my fancy; and bringing fresh into my mind an unhappy Her bloom was like the springing flower, That sips the silver dew ; The rose was budded in her cheek, 15 adventure much talked of formerly, gave birth to the following poem, which was writ- ten many years ago." The two introductory lines (and one or two Just opening to the view. others elsewhere) had originally more of the ballad simplicity, viz., But love had, like the canker-worm. Consumed her early prime : "When all was wrapt in dark midnight, And all were fast asleep," &c. The rose grew pale, and left her cheek ; She dy'd before her time. 20 'TwAS at the silent solemn hour, "Awake !" she cry'd, " thy true love calls, When night and morning meet ; Come from her midnight grave ; In glided Margaret's grimly ghost, Now let thy pity hear the maid And stood at William's feet. Thy love refus'd to save. LUCY AND COLIN. 427 " This is the dark and dreary hour 25 When injur'd ghosts complain ; Now yawning graves give up their dead, To haunt the faithless swain. " Bethink thee, William, of thy fault, Thy pledge and broken oath : 30 And give me back my maiden vow, And give me back my troth. " Why did you promise love to me, And not that promise keep ? Why did you swear mine eyes were bright, Yet leave those eyes to weep ? 36 " How could you say my face was fair. And yet that face forsake ? How could you win my virgin heart, Yet leave that heart to break ? 40 " Why did you say my lip was sweet, And made the scarlet pale ? And why did I, young witless maid, Believe the flattering tale ? " That face, alas ! no more is fair ; 45 These lips no longer red : Dark are my eyes, now clos'd in death. And every charm is fled. " The hungry worm my sister is ; This winding-sheet I wear : 50 And cold and weary lasts our night. Till that last morn appear. " But hark ! the cock has warn'd me hence ! A long and last adieu ! Come see, false man, how low she lies, 55 Who died for love of you." The lark sung loud ; the morning smiFd With beams of rosy red : Pale William shook in every limb, And raving left his bed. 60 He hyed him to the fatal place Where Margaret's body lay : And stretch'd him on the grass-green turf. That wrapt her breathless clay : And thrice he calFd on Margaret's name. And thrice he wept full sore : 66 Then laid his cheek to her cold grave. And word spake never more. ^ In a late publication, entitled " The Friends, &c.,'' Lond., 1773, 2 vols, 12mo. (in the first volume), is inserted a copy of the foregoing ballad, with very great variations, which the Editor of that work contends was the original ; and that Mallet adopted it for his own, and altered it, as here given. — ^But the superior beauty and simplicity of the pre- sent copy gives it so much more the air of an original, that it will rather be believed that some transcriber altered it from Mallet's, and adapted the lines to his own taste ; than which nothing is more common in popular songs and ballads. XVII. %ntu M)i €nUn — ^Was vn-itten by Thomas Tickell, Esq., the celebrated friend of Mr. Addison, and Editor of his works. He was the son of a Clergyman in the North of England ; had his education at Queen's College, Oxon ; was under-secretary to Mr. Addison and Mr. Craggs, when successively secretaries of state; and was lastly (in June, 1724) appointed secretary to the Lords Justices in Ireland, which place he held till his death in 1740. He acquired Mr, Addison's patronage by a poem in praise of the opera of Eosamond, written while he was at the University. It is a tradition in Ireland, that this song was written at Castletown, in the county of Kildare, at the request of the then Mrs. Conolly — probably on some event recent in that neighbourhood. Of Leinster, fam'd for maidens fair, Bright Lucy was the grace ; 428 LUCY AND COLIN. Nor e'er did Liffy's limpid stream " To-morrow in the church to wed, Reflect so fair a face. Impatient, both prepare But know, fond maid, and know, false youth, Till luckless love and pining care 5 That Lucy will be there. 40 Impaired her rosy hue, Her coral lip, and damask cheek, " Then, bear my corse, ye comrades, bear, And eyes of glossy blue. The bridegroom blithe to meet ; He in his wedding-trim so gay. Oh ! have you seen a lily pale, I in my winding-sheet.^' When beating rains descend? 10 So droop'd the slow-consuming maid ; She spoke, she died ; — her corse was borne. Her life now near its end. The bridegroom blithe to meet ; 46 He in his wedding-trim so gay. By Lucy warn'd, of flattering swains She in her winding-sheet. Take heed, ye easy fair : Of vengeance due to broken vows, 15 Then what were perjured Colin's thoughts ? How were those nuptials kept? 50 Ye perjured swains beware. r r The bride-men flock'd round Lucy dead, And all the village wept. Three times, all in the dead of night, A bell was heard to ring ; Confusion, shame, remorse, despair, And at her window, shrieking thrice, At once his bosom swell : The raven flap'd his wing. 20 The damps of death bedew'd his brow, 55 He shook, he groan'd, he fell. Too v^ell the love-lorn maiden knew That solemn boding sound ; From the vain bride (ah, bride no more !) And thus in dying words, bespoke The varying crimson fled, The virgins weeping round. When, stretch'd before her rival's corse, She saw her husband dead. 60 " I hear a voice you cannot hear, 25 Which says, I must not stay ; I see a hand you cannot see, Which beckons me away. Then to his Lucy's new-made grave, Convey'd by trembling swains. One mould with her beneath one sod. For ever now remains. " By a false heart, and broken vows, Oft at their grave the constant liind 65 In early youth I die. 30 And plighted maid are seen ; Am I to blame, because his bride With garlands gay, and true-love knots, Is thrice as rich as I ? They deck the sacred green. "Ah Colin ! give not her thy vows ; But, swain forsworn, whoe'er thou art. Vows due to me alone : This hallow'd spot forbear ; 70 Nor thou, fond maid, receive his kiss, 35 Remember Colin's dreadful fate, Nor think him all thy own. And fear to meet him there. THE BOY AND THE MANTLE. 429 XVIII. AS REVISED AND ALTERED BY A MODERN HAND. Mr, Warton, in his ingenious Observations on Spenser, has given his opinion, that the fiction of the " Boy and the Mantle'' is taken from an old French piece entitled " Le Court MaDtel," quoted by M. de St. Palaye, in his curious *' Memoires sur I'ancienne Chevale- rie,'' Paris, 1759, 2 torn. 12mo. ; who tells us the story resembles that of Ariosto's en- chanted cup. -'TIS possible our English poet may have taken the hint of this subject from that old French romance ; but he does not appear to have copied it in the manner of execution: to which (if one may judge from the specimen given in the Memoires) that of the Ballad does not bear the least resemblance. After all, His most likely that all the old sto- ries concerning King Arthur are originally of British growth, and that what the French and other southern nations have of this kind were at first exported from this island. See Memoires de TAcad. des Inscrip., torn, xx., p. 352. In the " Fabliaux ou Contes," 1781, 5 tom. 12mo., of M. Le Grand (tom. I., p. 54), is printed a modern Version of the Old Tale Le CouH Mantel, under a new title, Le Manteau maliailU, which contains the story of this Ballad much enlarged, so far as regards the Mantle, but without any mention of the Knife or the Horn. / In Carleile dwelt King Arthur, / A prince of passing might; And there maintained his table round, Beset with many a knight. And there he kept his Christmas 5 "With mirth and princely cheare, When, lo ! a straunge and cunning boy Before him did appears. A kirtle and a mantle This boy had him upon. With brooches, rings, and owches, Full daintily bedone. 10 He had a sarke of silk About his middle meet ; And thus with seemely curtesy, He did King Arthur greet. 15 " God speed thee, brave King Arthur, Thus feasting in thy bowre ; And Guenever thy goodly queen, That fair and peerlesse flowre. 20 " Ye gallant lords, and lordings, I wish you all take heed, Lest, what you deem a blooming rose Should prove a cankred weed.'' 25 Then straitway from his bosome A little wand he drew ; And with it eke a mantle Of wondrous shape and hew. ** Now have thou here. King Arthur, Have this here of mee, 30 And give unto thy comely queen, All-shapen as you see. " No wife it shall become, That once hath been to blame." Then every knight in Arthur's court Slye glaunced at his dame. 35 And first came Lady Guenever, The mantle she must trye. This dame, she was new-fangled, And of a roving eye. When she had tane the mantle, And all was with it cladde. From top to toe it shiver'd down. As tho' with sheers beshradde. One while it was too long. Another while too short, And wrinkled on her shoulders In most unseemly sort, 40 45 430 THE BOY AND THF, MANTLE. Now green, now red it seemed, Then all of sable hue. 50 " Beshrew me quoth King Arthur, I think thou beest not true." A saint his lady seemed, With step demure and slow. And gravely to the mantle With mincing pace doth goe. 95 Down she threw the mantle, Ne longer would not stay ; But storming like a fury, 55 To her chamber flung away. When she the same had taken, That was so fine and thin. It shrivelFd all about her. And show'd her dainty skin. 100 She curst the whoreson weaver, That had the mantle wrought : And doubly curst the froward impe, Who thither had it brought. 60 Ah ! little did her mincing, Or his long prayers bestead ; She had no more hung on her. Than a tassel and a thread. " I had rather live in desarts Beneath the green-wood tree : Than here, base king, among thy groomes. The sport of them and thee." Down she threwe the mantle, With terror and dismay. And, with a face of scarlet, To her chamber hyed away. 105 Sir Kay call'd forth his lady, 65 And bade her to come near : " Yet dame if thou be guilty, I pray thee now forbear." Sir Cradock call'd his lady, And bade her to come neare ; " Come win this mantle, lady, And do me credit here. no This lady, pertly gigling, With forward step came on, 70 And boldly to the little boy With fearless face is gone. " Come win this mantle, lady. For now it vshall be thine, If thou hast never done amiss, Sith first I made thee mine." 115 When she had tane the mantle, With purpose for to wear : It shrunk up to her shoulder, 75 And left her b"**side bare. The lady gently blushing. With modest grace came on, And now to trye the wondrous charm Courageously is gone. 120 Then every merry knight, That was in Arthur's court, Gib'd and laught, and flouted. To see that pleasant sport. % 80 When she had tane the mantle. And put it on her backe. About the hem it seemed To wrinkle and to cracke. Downe she threw the mantle, No longer bold or gay, But with a face all pale and wan, To her chamber slunk away. ** Lye still," shee cryed, " mantle ! And shame me not for nought, I'll freely own whate'er amiss, Or blameful I have wrought. 125 Then forth came an old knight, 85 A pattering o'er his creed ; And proffered to the little boy Five nobles to his meed ; " Once I kist Sir Cradocke Beneathe the green wood tree : Once I kist Sir Cradocke's mouth Before he married mee." 130 " And all the time of Christmas Plumb-porridge shall be thine, 90 If thou wilt let my lady fair Within the mantle shine." When thus she had her shriven, And her worst fault had told, The mantle soon became her Right comely as it shold. 135 THE BOY AND THE MANTLE. 431 Most rich and fair of colour, Like gold it glittering shone: And much the knights in Arthur's court Admir'd her every one. 140 Then towards King Arthur's table The boy he turn'd his eye : Where stood a boar's head garnished With bayes and rosemarye. When thrice he o'er the boar's head 145 His little wand had drawne, Quoth he, ''There's never a cuckold's knife Can carve this head of brawne." Then some their whittles rubbed On whetstone, and on hone : 150 Some threwe them under the table, And swore that they had none. Sir Cradock had a little knife, Of steel and iron made ; And in an instant thro' the skull 155 He thrust the shining blade. He thrust the shining blade Full easily and fast ; And every knight in Arthurs court A morsel had to taste. 1 60 The boy brought forth a home, All golden was the rim : Said he, " No cuckolde ever can Set mouth unto the brim. " No cuckold can this little home 165 Lift fairly to his head ; But or on this, or that side, He shall the liquor shed." Some shed it on their shoulder. Some shed it on their thigh ; 170 And hee that could not hit his mouth, Was sure to hit his eye. Thus he that was a cuckold, Was known of every man: But Cradock lifted easily, ' 175 And wan the golden can. Thus boar's head, horn and mantle, Were this fair couple's meed : And all such constant lovers, God send them well to speed. 180 Then down in rage came Guenever, . And thus could spightful say, 55 *' Sir Cradock's wife most wrongfully Hath borne the prize away. " See yonder shameless woman, 185 That makes herselfe so clean : Yet from her pillow taken Thrice five gallants have been. " Priests, clarkes, and wedded men. Have her lewd pillow prest : 190 Yet she the wonderous prize forsooth Must beare from all the rest." Then bespake the little boy, Who had the same in hold : " Chastize thy wife. King Arthur, 195 Of speech she is too bold : " Of speech she is too bold, Of carriage all too free ; Sir king, she hath within thy hall A cuckold made of thee. 200 " All frolick light and wanton She hath her carriage borne : And given thee for a kingly crown To wear a cuckold's home." *** ■^^■^ The Eev. Evan Evans, editor of the Specimens of Welsh Poetry, 4to., affirmed that the story of the " Boy and the Mantle," is taken from what is related in some of the old Welsh MSS., of Tegan Earfron, one of King Arthur's mistresses. She is said to have possessed a mantle that would not fit any immodest or incontinent woman ; this (which the old writers say, was reckoned among the curiosities of Britain) is frequently alluded to by the old Welsh Bards. C^LEiLE, so often mentioned in the Bal- lads of King Arthur, the editor once thought might probably be a corruption of Caer-leon, an ancient British city on the river Uske, in Monmouthshire, which was one of the places of King Arthur's chief residence ; but he is now convinced that it is no other than Car- lisle, in Cumberland ; the old English Min- strels, being most of them Northern men, naturally represented the Hero of Romance as residing in the North : and many of the places mentioned in the Old Ballads are still to be found there ; as Tearne- Wadling, &c. Near Penrith is still seen a large circle, surrounded by a mound of earth, which re- tains the name of Arthur's Round Table. 432 THE ANCIENT FRAGMENT OF XIX. %\t ^umt ix^mmt 0f t\t Itarriage nf Sir iatoaiiit The Second Poem in the Third Series, entitled " The Marriage of Sir Gawaine, having been offered to the reader with large conjectural Supplements and Corrections, the old Fragment itself is here literally and exactly printed from the Editor's folio MS. with all its defects, inaccuracies, and errata ; that such austere Antiquaries as complain that the ancient copies have not been always rigidly adhered to may see how unfit for publication many of the pieces would have been if all the blunders, corrup- tions, and nonsense of illiterate Reciters and Transcribers had been superstitiously retain- ed, without some attempt to correct and amend them. This Ballad had most unfortunately suffered by having half of every leaf in this part of the MS. torn away ; and, as about nine stan- zas generally occur in the half-page now re- maining, it is concluded that the other half contained nearly the same number of stanzas. KiNGE Arthur lines in merry Carleile and seemely is to see and there he hath w* him Queene Genev' y* bride so bright of blee And there he hath w*^ him Queene Genever y* bride soe bright in bower & all his barons about him stoode y* were both stiffe and stowre The K. kept a royall Christmasse of mirth & great honor , . when . . [About Nine Stanzas wanting.] And bring me word what thing it is ye a woman most desire this shalbe thy ransome Arthur he sayes for He haue noe other hier K. Arthur then held vp his hand according thene as was the law he tooke his leaue of the baron there and homword can he draw And when he came to Merry Carlile to his chamber he is gone And ther came to him his Cozen S"^ Gawaine as he did make his mone And there came to him his Cozen S*" Gawaine* y* was a curteous knight why sigh yo" soe sore vnckle Arthur he said or who hath done the vnright peace o peace thou gentle Gawaine y* faire may thee be ffall for if thou knew my sighing soe deepe thou ,wold not meruaile att all Ffor when I came to tearne wadling a bold barron there I fand w*'' a great club vpon his backe standing stiffe & strong And he asked me wether I wold fight or from him I shold be gone 0* else I must him a ransome pay & soe dep't him from To fight w*^ him I saw noe cause me thought it was not meet for he was stiffe and strong w'^ all his strokes were nothing sweete Therfor this is my ransome Gawaine I ought to him to pay I must come againe as I am sworne vpon the Newyeers day And I must bring him word what thing it is [About Nine Stanzas wanting.] Then King Arthur drest him for to ryde in one soe rich array towards the foresaid Tearne wadling y* he might keepe his day And as he rode over a more hee see a lady where shee sate *Sic THE MARRIAGE OF SIR GAWAINE. 433 betwixt an oke and a greene hollen she was cladd in red searlett Then there as shold have stood her mouth then there was sett her eye the other was in her forhead fast the way that she might see Her nose was crooked & turnd outward her mouth stood foule a wry a worse formed lady thee shee was neuerman saw w**^ his eye To halch vpon him k. Arthur this lady was full faine but k. Arthur had forgott his lesson what he should say againe What knight art thou the lady sayd that wilt not speake tome of me thou nothing dismayd tho I be vgly to see for I haue halched yo" courteouslye & yo** will not me againe yett I may happen S' knight shee said to ease thee of thy paine Giue thou ease me lady he said or helpe me any thing thou shalt haue gentle Gawaine my cozen & marry him w*** a ring Why if I helpe thee not thou noble k. Arthur of thy owne hearts desiringe of gentle Gawaine [About Nine Stanzas wanting.] And when he came to the tearne wadling the baron there cold he srinde* yfi^ a great weapon on his backe standinge stiffe & stronge And then he tooke k. Arthurs letters in his hands & away he cold them fling & then he puld out a good browne sword & cryd himselfe a k. And he sayd I haue thee & and thy land Ar- thur to doe as it pleaseth me for this is not thy ransome sure therfore yeeld thee to me * Sic MS. And then bespoke him noble Arthur & bade him hold his hands & give me leave to speake my mind in defence of all my land the* said as I came over a More I see a lady where shee sate betweene an oke & a green hollen shee was clad in red scarlette And she says a woman will haue her will & this is all her cheef desire doe me right as thou art a baron of sckill this is thy ransome & all thy hyer He sayes an early vengeance light on her she walkes on yonder more it was my sister that told thee this she is a misshapen hore But heer He make mine avow to god to do her an euill turne for an euer I may thate fowle theefe get in a fyer I will her burne [About Nine Stanzas wanting.] THE SECOND PART. Sir Lancelott & s"" Steven bold they rode w*^ them that day and the formost of the company there rode the steward Kay Soe did S^ Banier & S-" Bore S' Garrett w*^ them so gay soe did S"" Tristeram y*^ gentle k* to the forrest fresh & gay And when he came to the greene forrest vnderneath a greene holly tree their sate that lady in red scarlet y* vnseemly was to see S"" Kay beheld this Ladys face & looked vppon her suire whosoeuer kisses this lady he sayes of his kisse he stands in feare S'" Kay beheld the lady againe & looked vpon her snout whosoeuer kisses this lady he sales of his kisse he stands in doubt * Sic MS. 434 THE MARRIAGE OF SIR GAWAINEJ Peace coz. Kay then said S'' Gawaine amend thee of thy life for there is a knight amongst us all y* must marry her to his wife What wedd her to wiffe then said S'^ Kay in the diuells name anon gett me a wiffe where ere I may for I had rather be slaine Then soome tooke vp their hawkes in hast & some tooke vp their hounds & some sware they wold not marry her for Citty nor for towne And then be spake him noble k. Arthur & sware there by this day for a litle foule sight & misliking [About Nine Stanzas wanting.^ Then shee said choose thee gentle Gawaine truth as I doe say wether thou wilt haue me iji this liknesse in the night or else in the day And then bespake him Gentle Gawaine w*^ one soe mild of moode sayes well I know what I wold say god grant it may be good To haue thee fowle in the night when I w*'^ thee shold play yet I had rather if I might haue thee fowle in the day What when Lords goe w*^ ther seires* shee said both to the Ale and wine alas then I must hyde my selfe I must not goe withinne And then bespake him gentle gawaine said Lady thats but a skill And because thou art my owne lady thou shalt haue all thy will Then she said blesed be thou gentle Gawaine this day y* I thee see for as thou see me att this time from hencforth I wilbe * Sic in MS. -ptofdres, i. e. Mates. My father was an old knight & yett it chanced soe that he married a younge lady y* brought me to this woe Shee witched me being a faire young Lady to the greene forrest to dwell & there I must walke in womans liknesse most like a feeind of hell She witched my brother to a Carlist B . . . [About Nine Stanzas wanting.^ that looked soe foule & that was wont on the wild more to goe Come kisse her Brother Kay then waine & amend the of thy liffe I sweare this is the same lady y* I marryed to my wiffe. lid S' Ga- S'" Kay kissed that lady bright standing vpon his ffeete he swore as he was trew knight the spice was neuer so sweete Well Coz. Gawaine says S*" Kay thy chance is fallen arright for thou hast gotten one of the fairest maids I euer saw w*^ my sight It is my fortune said S"" Gawaine for my Vnckle Arthurs sake I am glad as grasse wold be of raine great Joy that I may take S' Gawaine tooke the lady by the one arme S"" Kay tooke her by the tother they led her straight to k. Arthur as they were brother & brother K. Arthur welcomed them there all & soe did lady Geneuer his queene w*^ all the knights of the round table most seemly to be seene K. Arthur beheld that lady faire that was soe faire & bright he thanked christ in trinity for S"" Gawaine that gentle knight THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH. 435 Soe did the knights both more and lesse reioyced all that day for the good chance y* hapened was to S^ Gawaine & his lady gay. Fj&nis In the Fac Simile Copies, after all the care which has been taken, it is very possible that a redundant e, &c., may have been added or omitted. -•♦^ %\t jOTt 0{ ®Erfito0ii|. This ballad, together with that already printed, entitled " The Friar of Orders Gray,^^ forming what may be considered the whole of Bishop Percy's original compositions, is here appended as a necessary addition to the foregoing collection. FIT I. -^ (Dark was the night, and wild the storm, ' And loud the torrent's roar ; And loud the sea was heard to dash Against the distant shore. Musing on man's weak hapless state. The lonely Hermit lay ; When, lo ! he heard a female voice Lament in sore dismay. With hospitable haste he rose, And wak'd his sleeping fire ; And snatching up a lighted brand. Forth hied the rev'rend sire. All sad beneath a neighbouring tree A beauteous maid he found. Who beat her breast, and with her tears Bedew'd the mossy ground. " weep not, lady, weep not so ; Nor let vain fears alarm ; My little cell shall shelter thee, And keep thee safe from harm." " It is not for myself I weep, Nor for myself I fear ; But for my dear and only friend. Who lately left me here : "And while some shelt'ring bower he sought Within this lonely wood. Ah ! sore I fear his wandering feet Have slipt in yonder flood." ** ! trust in heaven," the Hermit said, " And to my cell repair ! Doubt not but I shall find thy friend, And ease thee of thy care." Then climbing up his rocky stairs, He scales the clifi" so high ; And calls aloud, and waves his light To guide the stranger's eye. Among the thickets long he winds, With careful steps and slow: At length a voice return'd his call, Quick answering from below : " tell me, father, tell me true, If you have chanc'd to see A gentle maid, I lately left Beneath some neighbouring tree : "But either I have lost the place. Or she hath gone astray : And much I fear this fatal stream Hath snatch'd her hence away." " Praise Heaven, my son," the Hermit said; **The lady's safe and well:'' And soon he join'd the wandering youth, And brought him to his cell. Then well was seen, these gentle friends, They lov'd each other dear : The youth he press'd her to his heart ; The maid let fall a tear. Ah ! seldom had their host, I ween, Beheld so sweet a pair : The youth was tall, with manly bloom ; She, slender, soft, and fair. The youth was clad in forest green, With bugle-horn so bright : •^ ^nv^, ^>^«vNA>^ ^ v^vj^^^tiki^'fi^, . 436 THE HEKMIT OF WARKWORTH. She in a silken robe and scarf, Snatched up in hasty flight. " Sit down, my children," says the sage ; " Sweet rest your limbs require :" Then heaps fresh fuel on the hearth, And mends his little fire. " Partake," he said, " my simple store, Dried fruits, and milk, and curds ;" And spreading all upon the board, Invites with kindly words. *' Thanks, father, for thy bounteous fare ;" The youthful couple say : Then freely ate, and made good cheer, And talk'd their cares away. " Now say, my children (for perchance My counsel may avail). What strange adventure brought you here Within this lonely dale ?" " First tell me, father," said the youth " (Nor blame mine eager tongue). What town is near ? Whose lands are these ? And to what lord belong V " Alas ! my son," the Hermit said, " Why do I live to say. The rightful lord of these domains Is banish'd far away ? " Ten winters now have shed their snows On this my lowly hall. Since valiant Hotspur (so the North Our youthful lord did call) " Against Fourth Henry Bolingbroke Led up his northern powers. And, stoutly fighting, lost his life Near proud Salopians towers. " One son he left, a lovely boy. His country's hope and heir ; And, oh ! to save him from his foes It was his grandsire's care. " In Scotland safe he plac'd the child Beyond the reach of strife. Nor long before the brave old Earl At Braham lost his life. " And now the Percy name, so long Our northern pride and boast, Lies hid, alas ! beneath a cloud ; Their honours reft and lost. " No chieftain of that noble house Now leads our youth to arms ; The bordering Scots despoil our fields, And ravage all our farms. " Their halls and casties, once so fair, Now moulder in decay ; Proud strangers now usurp their lands, And bear their wealth away. "Not far from hence, where yon full stream Runs winding down the lea. Fair Warkworth lifts her lofty towers, And overlooks the sea. " Those towers, alas ! now lie forlorn, With noisome weeds o'erspread. Where feasted lords and courtly dames. And where the poor were fed. " Meantime far ofi", ^mid Scottish hills, The Percy lives unknown : On strangers' bounty he depends. And may not claim his own. " might I with these aged eyes But live to see him here, Then should my soul depart in bliss !" — He said, and dropt a tear. " And is the Percy still so lov'd Of all his friends and thee ? Then, bless me, father," said the youth, " For I, thy guest, am he." Silent he gazed, then turn'd aside '' To wipe the tears he shed ; And lifting up his hands and eyes, Pour'd blessings on his head : " Welcome, our dear and much-lov'd lord. Thy country's hope and care : But who may this young lady be, That is so wondrous fair ?" " Now, father ! listen to my tale, / And thou shalt know the truth : And let thy sage advice direct My inexperienc'd youth. THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH. 43^ " In Scotland I've been nobly bred Beneath the Regent's* hand, In feats of arms and every lore To fit me for command. " With fond impatience long I burn'd My native land to see : At length I won my guardian friend,] To yield that boon to me. " Then up and down in hunter's garb I wander'd as in chase, Till in the noble Neville'sf house I gain'd a hunter's place. " Some time with him I liv'd unknown. Till I'd the hap so rare To please this young and gentle dame, That Baron' daughter fair.'' " Now, Percy," said the blushing maid, " The truth I must reveal ; Souls great and generous, like to thine, . Their noble deeds conceal. " It happen^ on a summer's day. Led by the fragrant breeze, I wander'd forth to take the air Among the greenwood trees. " Sudden a band of rugged Scots, That near in ambush lay, Moss-troopers from the border-side. There seiz'd me for their prey. " My shrieks had all been spent in vain ; But Pleaven, that saw my grief. Brought this brave youth within my call, Who flew to my relief. " With nothing but his hunting spear. And dagger in his hand. He sprung like lightning on my foes. And caus'd them soon to stand. " He fought till more assistance came : The Scots were overthrown : Thus freed me, captive, from their bands, To make me more his own." * Rolbert Stuart, Duke of Albany. See the continuation of Fordun's Scoti-Chronicou, cap. 18, cap. 23, &c. t Ralph Neyille, first Earl of Westmoreland, who chiefly- resided at his two castles of Brancepeth and Raby, both in the Bishopric of Durham. " happy day V the youth replied : " Blest were the wounds I bear ! From that fond hour she deign'd to smile, And listen to my prayer. " And when she knew my name and birth, She vow'd to be my bride ; But oh ! we fear'd (alas, the while !) Her princely mother's pride: " Sister of haughty Bolingbroke,* Our house's ancient foe. To me, I thought, a banished wight, Could ne'er such favour show. " Despairing then to gain consent, At length to fly with me I won this lovely timorous maid ; To Scotland bound are we. " This evening, as the night drew on, Fearing we were pursued, We turn'd adown the right-hand path, And gain'd this lonely wood : " Then lighting from our weary steeds To shun the pelting shower. We met thy kind conducting hand. And reach'd this friendly bower." *' Now rest ye both," the Hermit said ; " Awhile your cares forego : Nor, Lady, scorn my humble bed : — We'll pass the night below."! LoYELT smiPd the blushing morn. And every storm was fled : But lovelier far, with sweeter smile. Fair Eleanor left her bed. She found her Henry all alone, And cheer'd him with her sight ; The youth consulting with his friend Had watch'd the livelong night. * Joan, Countess of Westmoreland, mother of the young lady, was daughter of John of Gaunt, and half-sister of King Henry IV. t Adjoining to the cliff which contains the Chapel of the Hermitage, are the remains of a small building, in which the Hermit dwelt. This consisted of one lower apartment, with a little bedchamber over it, and is now in ruins; whereas the Chapel, cut in the soUd rock, is still very en- tire and perfect. What sweet surprise o'erpower'd her breast! Her cheek "what blushes dved, When fondly he besought her there To yield to be his bride ! — " Within this lonely hermitage There is a chapel meet : Then grant, dear maid, my fond request And make my bliss complete." " Henry, when thou deign'st to sue, Can I thy suit withstand ? When thou, lov'd youth, hast won my heart, Can I refuse my hand ? " For thee I left a father's smiles, And mother's tender care ; And whether weal or woe betide, Thy lot I mean to share." *' And wilt thou then, generous maid ! Such matchless favour show, To share with me, a banish'd wight, My peril, pain, or woe ? "Now Heaven, I trust, hath joys in store To crown thy constant breast : For know, fond hope assures my heart That we shall soon be blest. ^ " Not far from hence stands Coquet Isle* Surrounded by the sea ; There dwells a holy friar, well known To all thy friends and thee ; " 'Tis Father Bernard, so rever'd For every worthy deed ; To Raby Castle he shall go. And for us kindly plead. " To fetch this good and holy man Our reverend host is gone ; And soon, I trust, his pious hands Will join us both in one." Thus they in sweet and tender talk The lingering hours beguile : At length they see the hoary sage Come from the neighbouring isle. With pious joy and wonder mix'd He greets the noble pair, * In the little island of Coquet, near Warkworth, are still seen the ruin=! of a cell, which belonged to the Bene- dictine monks of Tinemouth- Abbey. And glad consents to join their hands With many a fervent prayer. Then strait to Raby's distant walls He kindly wends his way : Meantime in love and dalliance sweet They spend the livelong day. And now, attended by their host. The Hermitage they view'd. Deep-hewn within a craggy cliff. And overhung with wood. And near a flight of shapely steps, All cut with nicest skill. And piercing through a stony arch, Ran winding up the hill : There deck'd with many a flower and herb His little garden stands ; With fruitful trees in shady rows. All planted by his hands. Then, scoop'd within the solid rock, Three sacred vaults he shows : The chief, a chapel, neatly arch'd, On branching columns rose. Each proper ornament was there. That should a chapel grace ; The lattice for confession fram'd, And holy-water vase. O'er either door a sacred text Invites to godly fear ; And in a little scutcheon hung The cross, and crown, and spear. Up to the altar's ample breadth Two easy steps ascend ; And near, a glimmering solemn light Two well-wrought windows lend. Beside the altar rose a tomb All in the living stone ; On which a young and beauteous maid In goodly sculpture shone. A kneeling angel, fairly carved, Lean'd hovering o'er her breast ; A weeping warrior at her feet ; And near to these her crest.* * This is a Bull's Head, the crest of the Widdrington fa- mily. All the figures, &c., here described, are still visible, only somewhat effaced with length of time. THE HERMIT OF WAKKWORTH. 439 The clift, the vault, but chief the tomb Attract the wondering pair : Eager they ask, " What hapless dame Lies sculptured here so fair V The Hermit sigh'd, the Hermit wept, For sorrow scarce could speak : At length he wip'd the trickling tears That all bedew'd his cheek. " Alas ! my children, human life Is but a vale of woe ; And very mournful is the tale Which ye so fain would know 1" THE HERMIT'S TALE. Young lord, thy grandsire had a friend In days of youthful fame ; Yon distant hills were his domains, Sir Bertram was his name. Where'er the noble Percy fought, His friend was at his side ; And many a skirmish with the Scots Their early valour tried. Young Bertram lov'd a beauteous maid, As fair as fair might be ; The dew-drop on the lily's cheek Was not so fair as she. Fair Widdrington the maiden's name, Yon towers her dwelling-place ;*' Her sire an old Northumbrian chief, Devoted to thy race. Many a lord, and many a knight, To this fair damsel came ; But Bertram was her only choice ; For him she felt a flame. Lord Percy pleaded for his friend. Her father soon consents ; None but the beauteous maid herself His wishes now prevents. But she, with studied fond delays. Defers the blissful hour ; And loves to try his constancy, And prove her maiden power. * VTiddrington Uastle is about five miles south of Wark- worth. 56 " That heart," she said, " is lightly priz'd, Which is too lightly won ; And long shall rue that easy maid Who yields her love too soon." Lord Percy made a solemn feast In Alnwick's princely hall; And there came lords, and there came knights, His chiefs and barons all. With wassail, mirth, and revelry. The castle rang around : Lord Percy call'd for song and harp, And pipes of martial sound. The minstrels of thy noble house, All clad in robes of blue, With silver crescents on their arms, Attend in order due. The great achievements of thy race They sung : their high command : How valiant Mainfred o'er the seas First led his northern band.* Brave Galfred next to Normandy With venturous Rollo came; And, from his Norman castles won, Assum'd the Percy name.f They sung how in the Conqueror's fleet Lord William shipp'd his povrers, And gain'd a fair young Saxon bride With all her lands and towers. J Then journeying to the Holy Land, There bravely fought and died ; But first the silver crescent won, Some paynim Soldan's pride. * See Dugdale's Baronetage, p. 269, &c. ■j- In Lower Normandy are three places of the name of Percy : whence the family took the surname of De Percy. J William de Percy (fifth in descent from Galfred or Geoffery de Percy, son of Mainfred) assisted in the con- quest of England, and had given him the large posses- sions, in Yorkshire, of Emma de Porte (so the Norman writers name her), whose father, a great Saxon lord, had ' been slain fighting along with Harold. This young lady, William, from a principle of honour and generosity, mar- ried : for having had all her lands bestowed upon him by the Conqueror, 'he (to use the words of the old Whitby Chronicle) wedded hyr that was very heire to them, in discharging of his conscience." See Harl. MSS. 692 (26). He died at Mountjoy, near Jerusalem, in the first cru- 440 THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH. They sung how Agnes, beauteous heir, The Queen's own brother wed, Lord Josceline, sprung from Charlemagne, In princely Brabant bred ;* How he the Percy name reviv'd, And how his noble line, Still foremost in their country's cause, With godli'ke ardour shine. With loud acclaims the list'ning crowd Applaud the master's song, And deeds of arms and war became The theme of every tongue. ^ Now high heroic acts they tell. Their perils past recall : When, lo ! a damsel young and fair Stepp'd forward through the hall. She Bertram courteously address'd ; And, kneeling on her knee, — " Sir knight, the lady of thy love Hath sent this gift to thee." Then forth she drew a glittering helm, Well plaited many a fold ; The casque was wrought of temper'd steel, The crest of burnish'd gold. " Sir knight, thy lady sends thee this, And yields to be thy bride. When thou hast prov'd this maiden gift Where sharpest blows are tried. Young Bertram took the shining helm. And thrice he kiss'd the same : " Trust me, I'll prove this precious casque With deeds of noblest fame." Lord Percy and his Barons bold, Then fix upon a day To scour the marches, late opprest, And Scottish wrongs repay. The knights assembled on the hills A thousand horse or more : * Agnes de Percy, sole heiress of her house, married Jos- celine de LouTaine. youngest son of Godfrey Barbatus, Duke of Brabant, and brother of Queen Adeliza, second wife of King Henry I. He took the name of Percy, and was ancestor of the earls of Northumberland. His son, lord Richard de Percy, was one of the twenty-six barons chosen to see the Magna Charta duly observed. Brave Widdrington, though sunk in years The Percy standard bore. Tweed's limpid current soon they pass, And range the borders round : Down the green slopes of Tiviotdale Their bugle-horns resound. As when a lion in his den Hath heard the hunters' cries. And rushes forth to meet his foes ; So did the Douglas rise. Attendant on their chief's command A thousand warriors wait : And now the fatal hour drew on Of cruel keen debate. A chosen troop of Scottish youths Advance before the rest ; Lord Percy mark'd their gallant mien. And thus his friend address'd : " Now, Bertram, prove thy lady's helm. Attack yon forward band ; Dead or alive I'll rescue thee. Or perish by their hand." Young Bertram bow'd, with glad assent And spurr'd his eager steed. And calling on his lady's name, Rush'd forth with whirlwind speed. As when a grove of sapling oaks The livid lightning rends ; So fiercely 'mid the opposing ranks Sir Bertram's sword descends. This way and that he drives the steel. And keenly pierces through ; And many a tall and comely knight. With furious force he slew. Now closing fast on every side, They hem Sir Bertram round : But dauntless he repels their rage, And deals forth many a wound. The vigour of his single arm Had well nigh won the field ; When ponderous fell a Scottish axe. And clave his lifted shield. Another blow his temples took, And reft his helm in twaine ; THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH. 441 That beauteous helm, his lady's gift ! — —His blood bedew'd the plain. Lord Percy saw his champion fall Amid th' unequal fight ; "And now, my noble friends," he said, " Let's save this gallant knight." Then rushing in, with stretch' d-out shield, He o'er the warrior hung. As some fierce eagle spreads her wing To guard her callow young. Three times they strove to seize their prey, Three times they quick retire : What force could stand his furious strokes, Or meet his martial fire ? Now gathering round on every part The battle rag'd amain ; And many a lady wept her lord, That hour untimely slain. Percy and Douglas, great in arms, There all their courage show'd ; And all the field was strew'd with dead, And all with crimson flow'd. At length the glory of the day The Scots reluctant yield, And, after wondrous valour shown, They slowly quit the field. All pale, extended on their shields, And weltering in his gore, Lord Percy's knights their bleeding friend To Wark's fair castle bore.* " Well hast thou earn'd my daughter's love," Her father kindly said ; "And she herself shall dress thy wounds, And tend thee in thy bed." A message went ; no daughter came, Fair Isabel ne'er appears ; " Beshrew me," said the aged chief, " Young maidens have their fears. " Cheer up, my son, thou shalt her see. So soon as thou canst ride ; * Wark Castle, a fortress belonging to the English, and of great note in ancient times, stood on the southern banks of the River Tweed, a little to the east of Tiriotdale, and not far frcm Kelso, It is now entirely destroyed. And she shall nurse thee in her bower, And she shall be thy bride." Sir Bertram at her name reviv'd, He bless'd the soothing sound ; Fond hope supplied the nurse's care, And heal'd his ghastly wound. One early morn, while dewy drops Hung trembling on the tree. Sir Bertram from his sick-bed rose ; His bride he would go see. A brother he had in prime of youth, Of courage firm and keen ; And he would tend him on the way, Because his wounds were green. All day o'er moss and moor they rode, By many a lonely tower ; And -'twas the dew-fall of the night Ere they drew near her bower. Most drear and dark the castle seem'd That wont to shine so bright ; And long and loud Sir Bertram call'd Ere he beheld a light. At length her aged nurse arose. With voice so shrill and clear,— " What wight is this, that calls so loud, And knocks so boldly here ? " 'Tis Bertram calls, thy lady's love, Come from his bed of care : All day I've ridden o'er moor and moss To see thy lady fair." " Now out, alas !" she loudly shriek'd ; "Alas ! how may this be ? For six long days are gone and past Since she set out to thee." Sad terror seiz'd Sir Bertram's heart, And ready was he to fall ;'' When now the drawbridge was let down, And gates were opened all. " Six days, young knight, are past and gone, Since she set out to thee ; And sure, if no sad harm had happ'd. Long since thou wouldst her see. 442 THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH. " For when she heard thy grievous chance, She tore her hair, and cried, 'Alas ! I've slain the comeliest knight, All through my folly and pride ! " 'And now to atone for my sad fault And his dear health regain, ni go myself and nurse my love, And soothe his bed of pain/ " Then mounted she her milk-white steed One morn at break of day ; And two tall yeomen went with her, To guard her on the way." Sad terror smote Sir Bertram's heart, And grief o'erwhelm'd his mind : " Trust me," said he, " I ne'er will rest Till I thy lady find." That night he spent in sorrow and care ; And with sad-boding heart Or ever the dawning of the day His brother and he depart. " Now, brother, we'll our ways divide O'er Scottish hills to range ; Do thou go north, and I'll go west ; And all our dress we'll change. " Some Scottish carl hath seiz'd my love, And borne her to his den ; And ne'er will I tread English ground Till she's restor'd again. '•* The brothers straight their paths divide, O'er Scottish hills to range ; And hide themselves in quaint disguise And oft their dress they change. Sir Bertram, clad in gown of gray, Most like a palmer poor. To halls and castles wanders round, And begs from door to door. Sometimes a minstrel's garb he wears, With pipe so sweet and shrill ; And wends to every tower and town. O'er every dale and hill. One day as he sat under a thorn. All sunk in deep despair. An aged pilgrim pass'd him by. Who mark'd his face of care. "All minstrels yet that ere I saw Are full of game and glee ; But thou art sad and woe-begone ! I marvel whence it be I" " Father, I serve an aged lord, Whose grief afflicts my mind ; His only child is stolen away. And fain I would her find." " Cheer up, my son ; perchance," he said, " Some tidings I may bear : For oft when human hopes have fail'd. Then heavenly comfort's near. " Behind yon hills so steep and high, Down in a lowly glen. There stands a castle fair and strong, Far from the abode of men. "As late I chanc'd to crave an alms, About this evening hour, Methought I heard a lady's voice Lamenting in the tower. "And when I ask'd what harm had happ'd. What lady sick there lay ? They rudely drove me from the gate. And bade me wend away." These tidings caught Sir Bertram's ear, He thank'd him for his tale ; And soon he hasted o'er the hills, And soon he reach'd the vale. Then drawing near those lonely towers, Which stood in dale so low. And sitting down beside the gate. His pipes he 'gan to blow. " Sir Porter, is thy lord at home, To hear a minstrel's song ; Or may I crave a lodging here. Without ofience or wrong ?" "My lord," he said, "is not at home, To hear a minstrel's song ; And, should I lend thee lodging here, My life would not be long." He play'd again so soft a strain. Such power sweet sounds impart, He won the churlish porter's ear, And mov'd his stubborn heart. THE HERMIT OP WARKWORTH. 443 ''Minstrel/' he said, "thou play'st so sweet, Fair entrance thou should'st win ; But, alas ! I'm sworn upon the rood To let no stranger in. " Thanks, gentle youth," she often said ; " My thanks thou well hast won : For me what wiles hast thou contriv'd ! For me what dangers run ! " Yet, minstrel, in yon rising cliff Thou'lt find a sheltering cave ; A.nd here thou shalt my supper share, And there thy lodging have." "And ever shall my grateful lieart Thy services repay :" — Sir Bertram would no further hear, But cried, " Vile traitor, stay ! All day he sits beside the gate, And pipes both loud and clear : All night he watches round the walls, In hopes his love to hear. • " Vile traitor ! yield that lady up I" And quick his sword he drew ; The stranger turn'd in sudden rage, And at Sir Bertram flew. The first night, as he silent watch'd All at the midnight hour, He plainly heard his lady's voice Lamenting in the tower. With mortal hate their vigorous arms Gave many a vengeful blow ; But Bertram's stronger hand prevail'd. And laid the stranger low. The second night, the moon shone clear, And gilt the spangled dew ; He saw his lady through the grate, But 'twas a transient view. " Die, traitor, die !" — A deadly thrust Attends each furious word. Ah ! then fair Isabel knew his voice And rush'd beneath his sword. The third night, wearied out, he slept 'Till near the morning tide ; When, starting up, he seiz'd his sword, And to the castle hied. " stop," she cried, " stop thy arm ! Thou dost thy brother slay !" — And here the Hermit paus'd and wept : His tongue no more could say. When, lo ! he saw a ladder of ropes Depending from the wall : And o'er the moat was newly laid A poplar strong and tall. At length he cried, " Ye lovely pair. How shall I tell the rest? Ere I could stop my piercing sword, It fell, and stabb'd her breast." And soon he saw his love descend Wrapt in a tartan plaid, Assisted by a sturdy youth In Highland garb y-clad. "Wert thou thyself that hapless youth? Ah ! cruel fate !" they said. The Hermit wept, and so did they : They sigh'd ; he hung his head. Amaz'd, confounded at the sight, He lay unseen and still ; And soon he saw them cross the stream, And mount the neighbouring hill. " blind and jealous rage," he cried, " What evils from thee flow V The Hermit paus'd ; they silent mourn'd : He wept, and they were woe. Unheard, unknown of all within, The youthful couple fly ; But what can 'scape the lover's ken, Or shun his piercing eye ? Ah ! when I heard my brother's name And saw my lady bleed, I rav'd, I wept, I curst my arm That wrought the fatal deed. With silent step he follows close Behind the flying pair, And saw her hang upon his arm With fond familiar air. In vain I clasp'd her to my breast, And clos'd the ghastly wound ; In vain I press'd his bleeding corpse, And rais'd it from the ground. 444 THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH. My brother, alas ! spake never more, His precious life was flown ; She kindly strove to soothe my pain, Regardless of her own. "Bertram," she said, "be comforted, And live to think on me : May we in heaven that union prove. Which here was not to be ! " Bertram,'^ she said, " I still was true ; Thou only hadst my heart : May we hereafter meet in bliss ! We now, alas ! must part. " For thee I left my father's hall. And flew to thy relief, When, lo ! near Cheviot's fatal hills I met a Scottish chief, " Lord Malcolm's son, whose proffer'd love I had refus'd with scorn ; He slew my guards, and seiz'd on me Upon that fatal morn ; "And in these dreary hated walls He kept me close confin'd ; And fondly sued, and warmly press'd, To win me to his mind. " Each rising morn increased my pain. Each night increas'd my fear ! When, wandering in this northern garb, Thy brother found me here. " He quickly form'd the brave design To set me, captive, free ; And on the moor his horses wait, Tied to a neighbouring tree. " Then haste, my love, escape away, And for thyself provide ; And sometimes fondly think on her Who should have been thy bride." Thus, pouring comfort on my soul. Even with her latest breath. She gave one parting, fond embrace, And clos'd her eyes in death. In wild amaze, in speechless woe, Devoid of sense, I lay : Then sudden, all in frantic mood, I meant myself to slay. And, rising up in furious haste, I seiz'd the bloody brand :* A sturdy arm here interpos'd. And wrench'd it from my hand. A crowd, that from the castle came, Had miss'd their lovely ward ; And seizing me, to prison bare, And deep in dungeon barr'd. It chanc'd that on that very morn Their chief was prisoner ta'en ; Lord Percy had us soon exchang'd, And strove to soothe my pain. And soon those honour^ dear remains^ To England were convey'd ; And there within their silent tombs, With holy rites, were laid. For me, I loath'd my wretched life. And long to end it thought ; Till time, and books, and holy men, Had better counsels taught. They rais'd my heart to that pure source Whence heavenly comfort flows : They taught me to despise the world And calmly bear its woes. No more the slave of human pride, Vain hope, and sordid care, I meekly vow'd to spend my life In penitence and prayer. The bold Sir Bertram, now no more Impetuous, haughty, wild : But poor and humble Benedict, Now lowly, patient, mild. My lands I gave to feed the poor. And sacred altars raise; And here, a lonely anchorite, I came to end my days. This sweet sequester'd vale I chose, These rocks and hanging grove ; For oft beside that murmuring stream My love was wont to rove. My noble friend approv'd my choice ; This blest retreat he gave : * i. e. sword. THE HERMIT OF WARKWORTH. 445 And here I carv'd her beauteous form, And scoop'd this holy cave. Full fifty winters, all forlorn, My life I've lingered here ; And daily o'er this sculptur'd saint I drop the pensive tear. And thou, dear brother of my heart ! So faithful and so true. The sad remembrance of thy fate Still makes my bosom rue ! Yet not unpitied passed my life, Forsaken or forgot, The Percy and his noble sons "Would grace my lowly cot ; Oft the great Earl, from toils of state And cumbrous pomp of power, Would gladly seek my little cell, To spend the tranquil hour. But length of life is length of woe ! I liv'd to mourn his fall : I liv'd to mourn his godlike sons And friends and followers all. But thou the honours of thy race, Lov'd youth, shalt now restore ; And raise again the Percy name More glorious than before. He ceas'd ; and on the lovely pair His choicest blessings laid : While they, with thanks and pitying tears, His mournful tale repaid. And now what present course to take They ask the good old sire ; And, guided by his sage advice, To Scotland they retire. Meantime their suit such favour found At Raby's stately hall. Earl Neville and his princely spouse Now gladly pardon all. She, suppliant at her nephew's* throne The royal grace implor'd : To all the honours of his race The Percy was restor'd. The youthful Earl still more and more Admir'd his beauteous dame : Nine noble sons to him she bore, All worthy of their name. * King Henry V. Anno 1414. \i^iu^a. In the following additions the Editor has endeavoured to form a selection that shall be agreeable and interesting to the general reader, and not unsatisfactory to the antiqua- ry or the scholar. It has been an essential part of his design to collect only the ballads that appeared most worthy of preservation, and not to reprint those which have no stronger recommendation than their rarity — rejecting none because they are sufficiently known — and accepting none because they are merely scarce. He has omitted no opportunities of consulting avail- able sources of information, whether acces- sible to all readers or to be obtained only by patient industry and careful search. It will be perceived he has not modernized the orthog- raphy, believing that these " old and antique Songs," will be most readily welcomed in their ancient dress. " The garb our Muses wore in former years." His leading purpose was, so to arrange these pieces as to obtain variety of style without regard to the period at which they were written, or the sources in which they originated — prefacing each by such explana- tory remarks as should communicate all the information he was able to obtain concerning its history. f 0ljm J00VS |mt| Hnlr '§mml We copy this ballad from Ritson's " Col- lection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated English Outlaw, Robin Hood." A brief notice of him has been already given ; the notes we here introduce concern exclusively his "Death and Burial:" for the "facts" concerning which we are indebted to the indefatigable collector, who seems to have gathered together, by im- mense labour, every item of information that exists upon the subject. The old chronicles are somewhat circumstantial touching the final exit of the hero. " The king att last," says the Harleian MS., " sett furth a procla- mation to have him apprehended," &c. Grafton, after having told us that he " prac- tised robberyes, &c.," adds, "The which beyng certefyed to the king, and he, beyng greatly offended therewith, caused his pro- clamation to be made that whosoever would bryng him quicke or dead, the king would geve him a great summe of money, as by the recordes in the Exchequer is to be seene : But of this promise no man enjoyed any benefite ;" for as long as he had his " bent bow in his hand," it was scarcely safe to meddle with the " archer good." Time, however, subdued his strength and spirit. Finding the infirmities of old age increase upon him, and being "troubled with a sicknesse," according to Grafton, he "came to a certain nonry in Yorkshire called Bircklies [Kircklies], where desiryng to be let blood, he was betrayed and bled to death." The Sloane MS. says, that " [being] dystem- pered with cowld and age, he had great payne in his lymraes, his bloud being corrupted; therfore, to be eased of his payne by letting bloud, he repayred to the priores of Kyr- kesly, which some say was his aunt, a woman very skylful in physique & surgery ; who, perceyving him to be Robyn Hood, & way- ing hoAve fel an enimy he was to religious persons, toke reveng of him for her owne (446) ROBIN HOOD'S DEATH AND BURIAL. 447 howse and all others by letting him bleed to death. It is also sayd that one sir Roger of Doncaster, bearing grudge to Robjn for some injury, incyted the priores, with whome he ■was very familiar, in such a manner to dis- patch him." The Harleian MS., after men- tioning the proclamation " set furth to have him apprehended," adds, "at which time it happened he fell sick at a nunnery in York- shire called Birkleys [Kirkleys] ; & desiring there to be let blood, hee was betrayed & made bleed to death." According to the Sloane MS. the prioress, after "letting him bleed to death, buryed him under a great stone by the hyw^ayes syde :" which is agreeable to the account in Grafton's Chronicle, where it is said that after his death, " the prioresse of the same place caused him to be buryed by the high- way side, where he had used to rob and spoyle those that passed that way. And vpon his grave the sayde prioresse did lay a very fayre stone, wherein the names of Robert Hood, William of Gol.desborough, and others were graven. And the cause why she buryed him there was, for that the common passen- gers and travailers, knowyng and seeyng him there buryed, might more safely and without feare take their jorneys that way, which they durst not do in the life of the sayd out- lawes. And at eyther ende of the sayd tombe was erected a crosse of stone, which is to be scene there at this present." There appears to be reasonable ground for the belief that Robin Hood was thus treach- erously dealt with. The circumstance is dis- tinctly referred to in the ballad entitled " A Lytell Geste of Robine Hode," — a long met- rical narration, consisting of eight fyttes or cantos, and containing no fewer than four hundred and fifty stanzas. It bears conclu- sive evidence of antiquity, and may be consi- dered at least as old as the time of Chaucer. The ballad — "Robin Hood's Death and Burial" — although its style is comparatively modern, is clearly based upon one much older: — it contains passages of too "genuine" a character to have been the production of an age much later than that in which flourished the hero of the grene-wode. The reader will, no doubt, desire to know something concerning the career of Robin's famous lieutenant, "Little John." "There etandeth," as Stanihurst relates, "in Ostman- 57 towne greene (now in the centre of the city of Dublin), an hillocke, named Little John his Shot. The occasion," he says, "pro- ceeded of this. In the yeere one thousand one hundred foure score and nine, there ranged three robbers and outlaws in England, among which Robert Hood and Little John weere cheefeteins, of all theeves doubtlesse the most courteous. Robert Hood being be- trayed at a nunrie in Scotland called Brick- lies, the remnant of the crue was scattered, and everie man forced to shift for himselfe. Whereupon Little John was faine to flee the realme by sailing into Ireland, where he so- journed for a few dales at Dublin. The citi- zens being doone to understand the wander- ing outcast to be an excellent archer, request- ed him hartilie to trie how far he could shoot at random ; who yeelding to their behest, stood on the bridge of Dublin, and shot to that mole hill, leaving behind him a monu- ment, rather by his posteritie to be woonder- ed, than possiblie by anie man living to be counterscored. But as the repaire of so no- torious a champion to anie countrie would soone be published, so his abode could not be long concealed : and therefore to eschew the danger of [the] lawes, he fled into Scot- land, where he died at a towne or village called Moravie." When Robin Hood and Little John, Went o'er yon bank of broom. Said Robin Hood to Little John, We have shot for many a pound : But I am not able to shoot one shot more, 5 My arrows will not flee ; But I have a cousin lives down below, Please God, she will bleed me. Now Robin is to fair Kirkley gone, As fast as he can win ; 10 But before he came there, as we do hear, He was taken very ill. And when that he came to fair Kirkley-hall, He knock'd all at the ring, But none was so ready as his cousin herself For to let bold Robin in. 16 " Will you please to sit down, Cousin Robin," she said, " And drink some beer with me ?" 448 ROBIN HOOD'S DEATH AND BURIAL. 'No, I will neither eat nor drink, Till I am blooded by thee." 20 " Well, I have a room, cousin Robin," she said, "Which you did never see. And if you please to walk therein, You blooded by me shall be." She took him by the lilly-white hand, 25 And let him to a private room, And there she blooded bold Robin Hood, Whilst one drop of blood would run. She blooded him in the vein of the arm, And locked hira up in the room ; 30 There did he bleed all the live-long day, Untill the next day at noon.* He then bethought him of a casement door, Thinking for to be gone. He was so weak he could not leap, 35 Nor he could not get down. He then bethought him of his bugle-horn, Which hung low down to his knee, He set his horn unto his mouth, And blew out weak blasts three. 40 Then Little John, when hearing him. As he sat under the tree, " I fear my master is near dead. He blows so wearily." * The following stanzas are from the poem referred to in the Introduction—" A Lytell Geste of Kobyn Hode :" — " Yet he was heguiled, I wys, Through a wycked womkn. The pryoresse of Kyrkeply, That nyewas of his kynne. " They toke togyder theyr counsell Robyn Hode for to sle, And how they myght best do that dede, His banis for to be." Then Little John to fair Kirkley is gone, 45 As fast as he can dree ; But when he came to Kirkley-hall, He broke locks two or three : Untill he came bold Robin to. Then he fell on his knee ; 50 "A boon, a boon," cries Little John, " Master, I beg of thee." " What is that boon," quoth Robin Hood, " Little John, thou begs of me?" " It is to burn fair Kirkley-hall, 55 And all their nunnery." " Now nay, now nay," quoth Robin Hood, " That boon I'll not grant thee ; I never ' hurt' woman in all my life, Nor man in woman's company. 60 " I never hurt fair maid in all my time, Nor at my end shall it be ; But give me my bent bow in my hand, And a broad arrow I'll let flee ; And where this arrow is taken up, 65 There shall my grave digg'd be. " Lay me a green sod under my head, And another at my feet ; And lay my bent bow by my side, Which was my music sweet ; 70 And make my grave of gravel and green, Which is most right and meet. " Let me have length and breadth enough. With a green sod under my head ; That they may say, when I am dead, 75 Here lies bold Robin Hood." These words they readily promis'd him, Which did bold Robin please': And there they buried bold Robin Hood, Near to the fair Kirklfeys. 80 '0ri .Swttlis, This ballad is the composition of John Leyden : it was first published in the " Min- strelsy of the Scottish Border," and subse- quently, in the collected works of the estima- ble and accomplished writer. The hero of the story is supposed to be William Lord Soulis, who was of royal descent, and who entered, with several other nobles of rank. LORD SOULIS. 449 into a conspiracy against Robert de Bruce, the object of which was the elevation of Soulis to the Scottish throne.''^ " Local tradition," writes Sir Walter Scott, " more faithful to the popular sentiment than history, has recorded the character of the chief, and attributed to him many actions which seem to correspond with that character. His portrait is by no means flattering; uniting every quality which could render strength formidable, and cruelty detestable. Com- bining prodigious bodily strength with cru- elty, avarice, dissimulation, and treachery, is it surprising that a people, who attributed every event of life, in a great measure, to the interference of good or evil spirits, should have added to such a character the mystical horrors of sorcery? Thus, he is represented as a cruel tyrant and sorcerer ; constantly employed in oppressing his vassals, harassing his neighbours, and fortifying his Castle of Hermitage against the King of Scotland ; for which purpose he employed all means, human and infernal ; invoking the fiends by his in- cantations, and forcing his vassals to drag materials, like beasts of burden. Tradition proceeds to relate, that the Scottish King, irritated by reiterated complaints, peevishly exclaimed to the petitioners, ' Boil him if you please, but let me hear no more of him.' Satisfied with this answer, they proceeded with the utmost haste to execute the commis- sion ; which they accomplished by boiling him alive on the Nine-stane Rig, in a cauldron said to have been long preserved at Skelf-hill, a hamlet betwixt Hawick and the Hermitage. Messengers, it is said, were immediately des- patched by the King, to prevent the effects * One of his accomplices, David de Brechin, was execu- ted. He was nephew to the king, and his only crime was his having concealed the treason in which he disdained to participate. '• As the people thronged to the execution of the gallant youth, they were bitterly rebuked by Sir In- gram de Umfraville, an English or Norman knight, then a favourite follower of Robert Bruce. 'Why press you,' said he, ' to see the dismal catastrophe of so generous a knight? I have seen ye throng as eagerly around him to share his bounty, as now to behold his death.' With these words he turned from the scene of blood, and, repairing to the king, craved leave to sell his Scottish possessions, and to retire from the country, ' My heart,' said Umfraville. 'will not, for the wealth of the world, permit me to dwell any longer where I have seen such a knight die by the hands of the executioner.' With the king's leave, he interred the body of David de Brechin, sold his lands, and left Scotland for ever. The story is beautifully told by Barbour, Book 19 th." of such a hasty declaration : but they only arrived in time to witness the conclusion of the ceremony. The Castle of Hermitage, unable to support the load of iniquity which had been long accumulating within its walls, is supposed to have partly sunk beneath the ground ; and its ruins are still regarded by the peasants with peculiar aversion and ter- ror. The door of the chamber, where Lord Soulis is said to have held his conferences with the evil spirits, is supposed to be opened once in seven years, by that demon to which, when he left the castle never to return, he committed the keys, by throwing them over his left shoulder, and desiring it to keep them till his return. Into this chamber, which is really the dungeon of the castle, the peasant is afraid to look ; for such is the active malignity of its inmate, that a willow inserted at the chinks of the door, is found peeled, or stripped of its bark, when drawn back. The Nine-Stane Rig, where Lord Soulis was boiled, is a declivity, about one mile in breadth and four in length, descending upon the Water of Hermitage, from the range of hills which separate Liddesdale and Teviotdale. It de- rives its name from one of those circles of large stones, which are termed Druidical, nine of which remained to a late period. Five of these stones are still visible ; and two are particularly pointed out, as those which supported the iron bar upon which the fatal cauldron was suspended." The ruins of the Castle of Hermitage still exist ; and still, according to Stephen Oliver — " Rambles in Northumberland, and on the Scottish Border," — the neighbouring pea- santry whisper of the evil spirit believed to be confined there, and who, after locking the door of the dungeon, had thrown the key over his shoulder into the stream. The author also states that the cauldron, the muckle pot in which Soulis was reported to have been boiled, is an old kail-pot, of no very extraor- dinary size, which was purchased by some of the rebel army in 1715. The castle is now the property of the Duke of Buccleugh. It w-as, in 1546, the residence of the Earl of Bothwell ; and here Queen Mary is said to have visited him, riding from Jedburg to Hermitage, and back again, in one day. The Earl was lying ill of a wound received from John Elliot of the Park, a desperate free- booter, whom he had attempted to apprehend. 450 LORD SOULIS. Sir Walter Scott considers that the idea of Lord Soulis' familiar was derived from the curious storj of the " Spirit Orthone and the Lord of Corasse," which he prints in a note to the ballad, " in all its Gothic simplicity, as translated from Froissart, by the Lord of Berners." Orthone enters the service of the knight : — "So this spyrite Orthone loved so the knyght, that oftentymes he would come and vysyte him, while he lay in his bedde aslepe, and outher pull him by the eare, or els stryke at his chambre dore or windowe. And whan the knyght awoke, than he would saye, * Or- thone, lat me slepe/ ' Nay,' quod Orthone, ' that I will nat do, tyll I have shewed thee such tydinges as are fallen a-late.' The ladye, the knyghtes wife, wolde be sore afrayed, that her heer wald stand up, and hyde herself under the clothes. Than the knyght wolde saye, ' Why, what tydinges hast thou brought me?' Quod Orthone,'! am come out of England, or out of Hungry, or some other place, and yesterday I came hens, and such things are tallen, or such other.' " The connexion between them was broken by the knight unwisely desiring to see the form of the spirit, with whose voice he had become familiar. Orthone appeared before him in the semblance of " a leane and yvell favoured sow." The knight set his hounds upon it, at which the spirit took offence, and never afterwards came to the " bedde syde" of the lord. " The formation of ropes of sand, according to popular tradition, was a work of such difficulty, that it was assigned by Michael Scott to a number of spirits, for which it was necessary for him to find some interminable employment. Upon discovering the futility of their attempts to accomplish the work as- signed, they petitioned their taskmaster to be allowed to mingle a few handfuls of barley- chaff with the sand. On his refusal, they were forced to leave untwisted the ropes which they had shaped. Such is the tradi- tionary hypothesis of the vermicular ridges of the sand on the shore of the sea." Lord Soulis he sat in Hermitage Castle, And beside him Old Redcap sly ; — " Now, tell me, thou sprite, who art meikle of might, The death that I must die ?"— " While thou shalt bear a charmed life, 5 And hold that life of me, 'Gainst lance and arrow, sword and knife, I shall thy warrant be. " Nor forged steel, nor hempen band, Shall e'er thy limbs confine, 10 Till threefold ropes of sifted sand Around thy body twine. " If danger press fast, knock thrice on the chest, With rusty padlocks bound ; Turn away your eyes, when the lid shall rise, And listen to the sound." 16 Lord Soulis he sat in Hermitage Castle, And Redcap was not by : And he called on a page, who was witty and To go to the barmkin high. 20 "And look thou east, and look thou west. And quickly come tell to me, What troopers haste along the waste, And what may their livery be." He looked over fell, and he looked o'er flat, But nothing, I wist, he saw, 26 Save a pyot on a turret that sat Beside a corby craw. The page he looked at the skrieh of day, But nothing, I wist, he saw, 30 Till a horseman gray, in the royal array. Rode down the Hazel-shaw. " Say, why do you cross o'er moor and moss ?" So loudly cried the page ; " I tidings bring, from Scotland's King, 35 To Soulis of Hermitage. " He bids me tell that bloody warden, Oppressor of low and high. If ever again his lieges complain, The cruel Soulis shall die." 40 By traitorous sleight they seized the knight, Before he rode or ran. And through the keystone of the vault They plunged him both horse and man. May she came, and May she gaed, By Goranberry green ; 45 LORD SOULIS. 451 And May she was the fairest maid Far from relief, they seized the chief; That ever yet was seen. His men were far away ; 90 Through Hermitage slack they sent him back May she came, and May she gaed, To Soulis' castle gray ; By Goranberry tower ; 50 Syne onward fure f )r Branxholm tower And who was it but cruel Lord Soulis Where all his merry-men lay. 94 That carried her from her bower ? " Now, welcome, noble Branxholm's heir ! He brought her to his castle gray, Thrice welcome," quoth Soulis, " to me ! By Hermitage's side ; Say, dost thou repair to my castle fair, Says — " Be content, my lovely May, 55 My wedding guest to be ? For thou shalt be my bride." And lovely May deserves, per fay, A bride-man such as thee \" 100 With her yellow hair, that glittered fair, She dried the trickling tear ; And broad and bloody rose the sun. She sighed the name of Branxholm's heir. And on the barmkin shone, The youth that loved her dear. 60 When the page was aware of Red Ringan there. ** Now, be content, my bonny May, Who came riding all alone. And take it for your ham^ ; Or ever and aye shall ye rue the day To the gate of the tower Lord Soulis he You heard Young Branxholm's name. speeds, 105 As he lighted at the wall. "O'erBranxholm tower, ere the morning hour. Says — "Where did ye stable my stalwart When the lift is like lead sae blue. 66 steeds. The smoke shall roll white on the we night, And the flame shall shine dimly throng ary And where do they tarry all V h." " We stabled them sure, on the Tarras Muir ; We stabled them sure," quoth he— 110 Syne he's ca'd on him Ringan Red, " Before we could cross the quaking moss A sturdy kemp was he ; 70 They all were lost but me." From friend, or foe, in Border feid, Who never a foot would flee. He clenched his fist, and he knocked on the chest. Red Ringan sped, and the spearmen led And he heard a stifled ^roan ; Up Goranberry slack ; And at the third knock each rusty lock 115 Ay, many a wight, unmatched in fight. 75 Did open one by one. Who never more came back. He turned away his eyes as the lid did rise, And bloody set the westering son. And he listened sllentlie ; And blood}* rose he up ; And he heard breathed slow, in murmurs low, But little thought young Branxholm's heir *' Beware of a coming tree !" 120 Where he that night should sup. 80 In muttering sound the rest was drowned, He shot the roebuck on the lee. No other word heard he ; The dun deer on the law ; But slow as it rose, the lid did close The glamour sure was in his ee With the rusty padlocks three. When Ringan nigh did draw. * * * -X- ■5f O'er heathy edge, through rustling sedge. 85 Now rose with Branxholm's ae brother 125 He sped till day was set ; The Teviot, high and low ; And he thought it was his merry men true, Bauld Walter by name, of meikle fame, When he the spearmen met. For none could bend his bow. 452 LORD SOULIS. O'er glen and glade, to Soulis there sped The fame of his array, 130 And that Teviotdale would soon assail His towers and castle gray. With clenched fist, he knocked on the chest, And again he heard a groan ; And he raised his eyes as the lid did rise, But answer heard he none. 136 The charm was broke, when the spirit spoke, And it murmured suUenlie, — " Shut fast the door, and for evermore Commit to me the key. 140 " Alas ! that ever thou raisedst thine eyes, Thine eyes to look on me ! Till seven years are o'er, return no more, For here thou must not be." Think not but Soulis was wae to yield 145 His warlock chamber o'er: He took the keys from the rusty lock, That never were ta'en before. He threw them o'er his left shoulder, With meikle care and pain ; 150 And he bade it keep them fathoms deep, Till he returned again. And still, when seven years are o'er, Is heard the jarring sound ; When slowly opes the charmed door 155 Of the chamber under ground. And some within the chamber door Have cast a curious eye ; But none dare tell, for the spirits in hell. The fearful sights they spy. 160 When Soulis thought on his merry-men now, A woful wight was he ; Says — " Vengeance is mine, and I will not repine. But Branxholm's heir shall die ! " What would you do, young Branx- holm, 165 Gin ye had me, as I have thee V — " I would take you to the good greenwood And gar your ain hand wale the tree." " Now shall thine ain hand wale the tree, For all thy mirth and meikle pride ; 170 And May shall choose, if my love she refuse, A scrog bush thee beside." They carried him to the good greenwood Where the green pines grew in a row : And they heard the cry, from the branches high, 175 Of the hungry carrion crow. They carried him on from tree to tree, The spiry boughs below ; " Say, shall it be thine, on the tapering pine To feed the hooded crow ?' 180 " The fir-tops fall by Branxholm wall, When the night blast stirs the tree, And it shall not be mine to die on the pine I loved in infancie." Young Branxholm turned him and oft looked back, 185 And aye he passed from tree to tree ; Young Branxholm peep'd, and puirly spake, " sic a death is no for me !" And next they passed the aspin gray, Its leaves were rustling mournfullie ; 190 " Now choose thee, choose thee, Branxholm gay!_ Say, wilt thou never choose the tree?" — " More dear to me is the aspin gray, More dear than any other tree ; 195 For, beneath the shade that its branches made, Have pass'd the vows of my love and me." Young Branxholm peep'd, and puirly spake, Until he did his ain men see. With witches' hazel in each steel cap, In scorn of Soulis' gramarye ; 200 Then shoulder-height for glee he lap, — " Methinks I spye a coming tree !" — "Ay, many may come, but few return :" Quo' Soulis, the lord of gramarye; " No warrior's hand in fair Scotland 205 Shall ever dint a wound on me !" — "Now, by my sooth," quo' bold Walter, " If that be true we soon shall see." — His bent bow he drew, and his arrow was true, But never a wound or scar had he, 210 LORD SOULIS. 453 Then up bespake him true Thomas, He was the lord of Ersyltoun ; " The wizard's spell no steel can quell, Till once your lances bear him down." — They bore him down with lances bright, 215 But never a wound or scar had he ; With hempen bands they bound him tight. Both hands and feet, on the Nine-stane lee. That wizard accurst, the bands he burst : They mouldered at his magic spell ; 220 And neck and heel, in the forged steel, They bound him against the charms of hell. That wizard accurst, the bands he burst: No forged steel his charms could bide: Then up bespake him true Thomas, 225 " We'll bind him yet, whate'er betide." The black spae-book from his breast he took, Impressed with many a warlock spell. And the book it was wrote by Michael Scott, Who held in awe the fiends of hell. 230 They buried it deep, where his bones they sleep, That mortal man might never it see ; But Thomas did save it from the grave When he returned from Faerie. 234 The black spae-book from his breast he took, And turned the leaves with curious hand ; No ropes, did he find, the wizard could bind. But threefold ropes of sifted sand. They sifted the sand from the Nine-stane burn, And shaped the ropes sae curiouslie ; 240 But the ropes would neither twist nor twine For Thomas true and his gramarye. The black spae-book from his breast he took, And again he turn'd it with his hand And he bade each lad of Teviot add The barley chaff to the sifted sand. 245 The barley chaff to the sifted sand They added still by handfuls nine: But Redcap sly unseen was by, And the ropes would neither twist nor twine. 250 And still beside the Nine-stane burn, Ribbed like the sand at mark of sea, The ropes that would not twist nor turn Shaped of the sifted sand you see. The black spae-book true Thomas he took, Again its magic leaves he spread ; 256 And he found that to quell the powerful spell, The wizard must be boiled in lead.* On a circle of stones they placed the pot, On a circle of stones but barely nine ; 260 They heated it red and fiery hot, Till the burnished brass did glimmer and shine. They roU'd him up in a sheet of lead, A sheet of lead for a funeral pall ; They plunged him in the cauldron red, 265 And melted him, lead, bones, and all. At the Skelf-hill, the cauldron still The men of Liddesdale can show; And on the spot, where they boiled the pot, The spreat and the deer-hair ne'er shall grow. 270 * " The tradition concerning the death of Lord Soulis," writes !-ir Walter Scott, '• is not without a parallel in the real history of Scotland." Mellville, of Glen lure, Sheriff of the Mcarns,'was detested by the barona of hi.s country. Kei- terated coQiplaints of his conduct having been made to James I,, the monarch answered, in a moment of un- guarded impatience, " Sorrow gin the sheriff were sodden, and !>ui ped in broo !" The words were construed literally. The baroLS prepared a fire and a boiling cauldron, iutc which they plunged the unlucky sheriff. 454 THE FRERE AND THE BOYE. %\t ixtxt attir % S0ge: ^ lltrg (§ntt This well-known tale is furnished, in its present dress, by a copy in the public library of the University of Cambridge, "Enprynted at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de Worde ;" compared with a later edition in the Bodleian library, " Imprinted at London at the long shop adionyning vnto Saint Mildreds Church in the Pultrie by Edward Aide ;" both in quarto and black-letter, and of singular rarity, no duplicate of either being known to exist.* There is, indeed, a very old, though at the same time a most vulgar and corrupted copy extant in the first of those libraries (MSS. More, Ee. 4, 35), under the title of "The Cheylde and his step-dame,'' of which, besides that almost every line exhibits a various reading, the concluding stanzas are entirely different, and have, on that account, been thought worth preserving. But the most an- cient copy of all would probably have been one in the Cotton library, if the volume which contained it had not unfortunately perished, with many things of greater importance, in the dreadful fire which happened in that no- ble repository, anno 1731. Vide Smith's Catalogue, Yitellius D. XII. From the mention made in verse 429 of the city of " Orlyaunce," and the character of the " Offycyal," it may be conjectured that this poem is of French extraction ; and, in- deed, it is not at all improbable that the ori- ginal is extant in some collection of old Fa- bliaux. A punishment similar to that of the good wife in this story, appears to have been inflicted on the widow of a St. Gengulph, for presuming to question the reality of her hus- band's miracles. See Heywood's History of Women, p. 196. God that dyed for vs all, And dranke both eysell and gall Brynge vs out of bale, And gyue them good lyfe and longe That lysteneth to my songe, 5 Or tendeth to my tale. * There was once a copy of one or other of the ahove edi- tions, or some different impression, with divers other cu- rious pieces, in the printed library of Anthony k Wood (No. 66) ; but the article, with others of the like natxire, appears to have been clandestinely taken out. There dwelled an husbonde in my countre That had wyues thre, By processe of tyme, By the fyrst wyfe a sone he had, 10 That was a good sturdy ladde, And an happy hyne. His fader loued hym Aveel, So dyde his moder neuer a dele, I tell you as I thinke ; 15 All she thought was lost, by the rode, That dyde the lytell boye ony good, Other mete or drynke. And yet y wys it was but badde. And therof not halfe ynough he had, 20 But euermore of the worste : Therfore euyll mote she fare, For euer she dyde the lytell boye care, As ferforth as she dorste. The good wyfe to her husbonde gan saye, I wolde ye wolde put this boye awaye, 26 And that ryght soone in haste ; Truly he is a cursed ladde, I wolde some other man hym had, That wolde hym better chaste. 30 Then sayd the good man agayne. Dame, I shall to the sayne, He is but tender of age ; He shall abyde with me this yere, Tyll he be more strongere, 35 For to Wynne better wage. We haue a man, a stoute freke, That in the felde kepeth our nete, Slepynge all the daye. He shall come home, so god me shelde, 40 And the boye shall into the felde, To kepe our beestes yf he may. Then sayd the wyfe, verament, Therto soone I assent. For that me thynketh moost nedy. 45 On the morowe whan it was daye, The lytell boye wente on his waye, To the felde full redy ; Of no man he had no care. But sung, hey howe, awaye the mare,* 50 And made ioye ynough ; Forth he wente, truly to sayne, *This seems to have been the beginning or title of some old ballad. Maystress Tyll of Brentford takes notice of it in her •' Testament," 4to. b. 1. " Ah syrra, mary a way the mare." THE FRERE AND THE BOYE. 455 Tyll he came to the playne, Hys dyner forth he drouth : Whan he sawe it was but bad, 55 Fal lytell lust therto he had, But put it vp agayne ; Therfore he was not to wyte,'" He sayd he wolde ete but lyte, Tyll nyght that he home came. 60 And as the boye sate on a hyii. An olde man came hym tyii, Walkynge by the waye ; Sune, he sayde, god the se. Syr, welcome mote ye be, 65 The lytell boye gan saye. The olde man sayd, 1 am an hongred sore, Hast thou ony mete in store, That thou mayst gyue me? The chylde sayd, so gv)d lue saue, 70 To sucli vytayle as I haue Welcome shall ye be. Therof the olde man was gladde, The boye drewe forth suche as he had, And sayd, do gladly. 75 The olde man was easy to please. He ete and made hym well at ease. And sayd, sone, gramercy. Sone, thou haste gyuen mete to me, I shall the gyue tliynges thre, 80 Thou shalt them neuer forgete. Then sayd the boye, as 1 trowe, It is best that 1 liaue a bowe, Byrdes for to ' shete.' A bowe, sone, 1 sliall the gyue, 85 That shall last the all thy lyue, And euer a lyke meie, Shote therin whau thou good thynke, For yf thou shote and wynke, The prycke thow shalte hytte. 90 Whan he the bowe in honde felte, And the bolt-es vnder his belte, Lowde than he lough ; He sayd, now had 1 a pype, Though it were neuer so lyte, 95 Than were I gladde ynough. A pype, sone, thou shalte haue also, In true musyke it shall go, I put thee out of doubt ; All that may the pype here 100 Shall not themselfe store. But laugh and iepe aboute. What shall the thyrde be? For I wyll gyue the gyftes three, Ver. 60, came home, De W. V. 84, shote, De W. shoote, A. V. 99, 1 do the weU to wyte. De W. 58 As I haue sayd before. 105 The lytell boye on hym lough, And sayd, syr, I haue ynough, I wyll desyre no more. The olde man sayd, my trouth I plyght, Thou shalte haue that I the hyght; 110 Say on now and let me se. Than sayd the boye anone, I haue a stepdame at home. She is a shrewe to me: Whan my fader gyueth me mete, 115 She wolde theron that I were cheke, And stareth me in the face ; Whan she loketh on me so, I wolde she sholde let a rappe go, That it myght rynge ouer all the place, Than sayd the olde man tho, 121 Whan she loketh on the so She shall begyn to blowe ; All that euer it may here Shall not themselfe stere, 125 But laugh on a rowe. Farewell, quod the olde man. God kepe the, sayd the chylde than, I take my leue at the ; G(»d, that moost best may, 130 Kepe the bothe nyght and day. Gramercy, sone, sayd he. Than drewe it towarde the nyght, lacke hym hyed home full ryght. It was his ordynaunce ; 135 He toke his pype and began to blowe, All his beestes on a rowe, Abonte hym they can daunce. Thus wente he pypynge thrugh the towne, His beestes hym folowed by the sowne, 140 Into his faders close ; He wente and put them vp echone, Homewarde he wente anone, Into his faders hall he gose. His fader at his souper sat, 145 Lytell lacke espyed well that. And sayd to hym anone, Fader, I haue kepte your nete, I praye you gyue me some mete, I am an hongred, by Saynt Ihone 150 I haue sytten metelesse All this daye kepynge your beestes. My dyner feble it was. His fader toko a capons wynge. And at the boye he gan it fljnge, 155 And badde hym ete apace. Ver. 105, to the before. Idem. 456 THE FRERE AND THE BOYE. That greued his stepmoders herte sore, As I tolde you before, She stared by in in the face, With that she let go a blaste, 160 That they in the hall were agaste. It range ouer all the place. All they laughed and had good game, The wyfe waxed red for shame, She wolde that she had ben gone. 165 Quod the boye, well I wote, That gonne was well shote, As it had ben a stone. Cursedly she loked on him tho, Another blaste she let go, 170 She was almoost rente. Quod the boye, wyll ye se How my dame letteth pelletes fle, In fayth or euer she stynte ? The boye sayde vnto his dame, 175 Tempre thy bombe, he sayd, for sharae : She was full of sorowe. Dame, sayd the good man, go thy waye, For I swere to the by my faye, Thy gere is not to borowe. 180 Afterwarde as ye shall here, To the hous there came a frere. To lye there all nyght ; The wyfe loued him as a saynt. And to hym made her complaynt, 185 And tolde hym all aryght : Wee haue a boye within ywys, A shrewe for the nones he is, He dooth me moche care ; I dare not loke hym vpon, 190 I am ashamed, by Saynt lohn, To tell you how I fare : I praye you mete the boy tomorowe, Bete h3un well and gyue hym sorowe, And make the boye lame, 195 Quod the frere, I shall hym bete. Quod the wyfe, do not forgete, He dooth me moche shame: I trowe the boye be some Avytche. Quod the frere, I shall hym teche, 200 Ilaue thou no care ; I shall hym teche yf I may. Quod the wyfe, I the praye, Do hym not spare. On tho morowe the boye arose, 205 Into the felde soone he gose, His beestes for to dryue ; The frere ranne out at the gate, Ver. 186, So A. and MS. all omitted in De W. He was a ferde leest he came to late, He ranne fast and blyue. 210 Whan he came vpon the londe, Lytell lacke there he fonde, Dryuynge his beestes all alone ; Boye, he sayd, god gyue the shame, What hast thou done to thy dame? 215 Tell thou me anone ; But yf thou canst excuse the well, By my trouth bete the I wyll, I wyll no lenger abyde. Quod the boye, what eyleth the? 220 My dame fareth as well as ye. What nedeth ye to chyde? Quod the boye, wyll ye wete How I can a byrde shete. And other thynge withall ? 225 Syr, he sayd, though I be lyte. Yonder byrde wyll I smyte. And gyue her the I shall. There sate a byrde vpon a brere, Shote on boy, quod the frere, 230 For that me lysteth to se. He hytte the byrde on the heed, That she fell downe deed. No ferder myght she flee. The frere to the busshe wente, 235 Vp the byrde for to hente, He thought it best for to done. lacke toke his pype and began to blows, Then the frere, as I trowe. Began to daunce soone ; 240 As soone as he the pype herd, Lyke a wood man he fared, He lepte and daunced aboute ; The breres scratched hym in the face. And in many an other place, 245 That the blode brast out ; And tare his clothes by and by, His cope and his scapelary, <*-.V And all his other wede. He daunced amonge th(U"nes thycke, 250 In many places they dyde hym prycke, That fast gan he blede. lacke pyped and laughed amonge. The frere among the thornes was thronge, He hopped wunders hye ; 255 Ver. 211, So A. and MS. a londe. De W. Ver. 255. A hoppyd wonderley hey ; The boy seyde, and lowhe with all, Thes ys a sport reyall, For a lord to se. MS. More. THE FRERE AND THE BOYE. 457 At the last he held vp his honde, And sayd I haue daunced so longe, That I am lyke to dye ; Gentyll lacke, holde thy pype styll, And my trouth I plyght the tyll, 260 I will do the no woo. lacke sayd, in that tide, Frere skyppe out on the ferder syde, Lyghtly that thou were goo. The frere out of the busshe wente 265 All to ragged and to rente, And torne on euery syde ; Unnethes on hym he had one cloute, His bely for to wrappe aboute; His barneys for to hyde. 270 The breres had hym scratched so in the face, And fin] many an other place. He was all to bledde with blode ; All that myght tlie frere se, Were fayne awaye to flee, 275 They wende he had ben wode. Whan he came to his boost, Of his iourney he made no boost, His clothes were rente all ; Moche sorowe in his herte he had, 280 And euery man hym dradde, Whan he came in to the hall. The wyfe sayd, where hast thou bene? In an euyll place I wene. Me thynkcth by thyn arraye. 285 Dame, I haue ben with thy sone, The deuyll of hell hym ouercome, For no man elles may. With that came in the good man, 290 The wife sayd to hym than. Here is a foule araye ; Thy sone that is the lefe and dere. Hath almoost slayne this holy frere, Alas ! and welawaye ! 295 The good man sayd, henedicite! What hath the boye done frere to the? Tell me without lette. The frere sayd, the deuyll hym spede, He hath made me daunce, maugre my hede, Amonge the thornes, hey go bette.* 301 The good man sayd to hym tho, Haddest thou lost thy lyfe so, It had ben grete synne. The frere sayd, by our lady, 305 The pype went so meryly, *The name, it is probable, of some old dance. To "dance hey go mad," is still a common expression in the North. That I coude neuer blynne. Whan it drewe towarde the nyght, The boye came home full ryght, As he was wont to do ; 310 Whan he came into the hall, Soone his fjxder gan hym call. And badde hym to come hym to. Boye, he sayd, tell me here, What hast thou done to the frere ? 315 Tell me without lesynge. Fader, he sayd, by my faye, I dyde nought elles, as I you saye, But pyped him a sprynge. 319 That pype, sayd his fader, wold I here. Mary, god forbede ! sayd the frere; His handes he dyde wrynge. Yes, sayd the good man, by goddes grace. Then, sayd the frere, out alas ! And made grete mournynge. 325 For the loue of god, quod the frere, If ye wyll that pype here, Bynde me to a post ; For I knowe none other rede. And I daunce I am but deed, 330 Well I wote my lyfe is lost. Stronge ropes they toke in honde, The frere to the poste they bonde, In the myddle of the halle ; All that at the souper sat 325 Laughed and had good game thereat, And said the frere wolde not fall. Than sayd the good man, Pype Sonne, as thou can, Ilardely whan thou wylle. 340 Fader, he sayd, so mote I the, Haue ye shall ynough of gle, Tyll ye bydde me be styll. As soon as lacke the pype bent, All that there w^ere verament, 345 Began to daunce and lepe ; Whan they gan the pype here, They myght not themselfe stere. But hurled on an hope. The good man was in no dyspayre, 350 But lyghtly lepte out of his chayre, All with a good chere ; Some lepte ouer the stocke. Some stombled at the blocke, And some fell flatte in the fyre. 355 The good man had grete game. How they daunced all in same ; The good wyfe after gan steppe, Ver. 312. His fader dyde hym soone call, De W. V. 327, that he pype, De W. V. 339, Pype on good sone, De W. 458 THE FllERE AND THE BOYE. Euermore she kest her eje at lacke, Frydaye came as ye may here, 410 And fast her tajle began to cracke, 360 lackes stepdame and the frere Lowder than they coude speke. Togeder there they mette ; The frere hymselfe was almoost lost, Folke gadered a grete pase, For knockynge his heed ayenst the post, To here euery mannes case, He had none other grace ; The offycyall was sette. 415 The rope rubbed hym vnder the chynne, There was moche to do. That the blode downe dyde rynne, 366 Maters more than one or two, In many a dyuers place. Both with preest and clerke ; lacke ranne into the strete, Some had testamentes for to preue After hym fast dyde they lepe, And fayre Avomen, by your leue, 420 Truly they coude not stynte ; 370 That had strokes in the derke. They went out at the dore so thycke, Euery man put forth his case. That eche man fell on others necke, Then came forth frere Topyas, So pretely out they wente. And lackes stepdame also ; Neyghbours that were fast by, Syr offycyall, sayd he, 425 Herde the pype go so meryly, 375 I haue brought a boye to thee. They ranne into the gate ; Which hath M'rought me moche woe; ] Some lept ouer the hatch e, He is a grete nygromancere, They had no time to drawe the latche, In all Orlyaunce is not his pere, They wende they had come to late. As Ity my trouth I trowe. 430 Some laye in theyr bedde, 380 He is a wytche, quod the wyfe ; And helde vp theyr hede, Than, as I shall tell you blythe, Anone they^ were waked ; Lowde coude she blowe.^ - Some sterte in the waye, Some laughed without fayle. Truly as I you saye, Some sayd, dame, tempre thy tayle, 435 i Stark bely naked. 385 Ye wreste it all amysse. By that they were gadred aboute, Dame, quod the offycyall, I wys there was a grete route, Tel forth on thy tale. Dauncynge in the strete ; Lette not for this. Some were lame and myght not go. The wyfe was afrayed of an other cracke, | But yet ywys they daunced to, 390 That no worde more she spacke, 441 On handes and on fete. She durste not for drede. The boye »ayd, now wyll I rest. The frere sayd, so mote I the, Quod the good man, I holde it best, Knaue, this is long of the With a mery chere ; That euyll mote thou spede. 445 Sease, son, whan thou wylte, 395 The frere sayd, syr offycyall. In fayth this is the meryest fytte The boye wyll combro vs all, That I herde this seuen yere. But yf ye may him chaste ; They daunced all in same, Syr, he hath a pype truly. Some laughed and had good game Wyll make you daunce and lepe on hye, And some had many a fall. 400 Tyll your herte braste. 451 Thou cursed boye, quod the frere, The offycyall sayd, so mot I the, Here I somon the that thou appere Before the offycyall ; That pype wolde I fayne se. Ver. 423, Than cam soret capias, MS. Y. 432, blyue, A. Loke thou be there on Fry day e, Yer. 453, &c. I wyll the mete and I may, 405 That pype well y se, For to ordeyne the sorowe. He Peyde, boy, hes het her? The boye sayd, by god auowe, Ye seer, be mey ffay, Anon pype ws a lay, Frere, I am as redy as thou. And make vs all cher. And Frydaye were to morowe. The offeciall the pype hent, And blow t«ll his brow hen bent, Bot therof cam no gle ; Ver. 361, Lowde, De W. V. 392, They, W. V. 402, 403, The offeciall seyde. this ys nowth, Y som' the afifor the comserey, MS. Be god that me der bowthe, THE FRERE AND THE BOYE. 459 And knowe what mjrth that he can make. But to holde stylle for goddes grace, Mary, god forbede, thaa sayd the frere, And for the loue of Mary mylde. That he sholde pype here, 456 Than sayd lacke to them echone, 470 Afore that I hens the waye take. If ye wolde me graunte with herte fre, Pype on, lacke, sayd the offycyall, That he shall do me no vylany, I wyll here now how thou canst playe. But hens to departe euen as I come. lacke blewe vp, the sothe to saye, 460 Therto they answered all anone. And made them soone to daunce all. And promysed him anone ryght, 475 The offycyall lepte ouer the deske, In his quarell for to fj ght. And daunced aboute wonder faste, And defende hym from his fone, Tyll bothe his shynnes he ail to brest, Thus they departed in that tyde, Hym thought it was not of the best, 465 The offycyall and the sompnere, Than cryed he vnto the chylde, His stepdame and the frere. To pype no more within this place, With great ioye and moche pryde. 480 Het ys not worthe a sdo. And a nethe meyt hepe. Be mey fay, qod the freyr, The offeciall began to star, The boy can make het pype cler. And seyde, hafe for they heyr. y bescro hem for hes mede. Stent of they lay, The offecial bad the boy a say. And boldeley haske of me, Nay, qod the freyr, er that a way What thou welt hafe for thy gle, For that y for bede. Y schall the redey pay. Pype on, qod the offeciall, and not spar. Then to stend Jake began. The freyr began to star, The offeciall was a werey man, Jake hes pype bent. Mey trowet y pleyt y the, As Rone as Gake began to blow, Thes was a god gle. All they lepyd on a rowe. And seyde Ihe worst that euer they se, And ronde abowt they went For hot was er neyth. The offeciall had so gret hast, Then bespake the offeciall, That boyt hes schenys brast, And leytley Gake can call, A pou a blokys hende. Hes pype he hem hent. The clerkys to dans they hem sped, And gaffe hem xx s. And som all ther eynke sched, And euer mor hes blesyng. And som ther bekes rent, For that merey ft't. And som cast ther boky[s] at the wall. When Gake had that money hent, And som ouer ther felowys can fall, Anon homard he went. So weytley they lepyd. Glad sherof was he ; Ther was withowt let, He waxed a wordeley marchande. They stombylled on a hepe, A man of gret degre. They dansed all a bow the, Hes stepdame, y dar say. And yever the freyr creyd owt, Dorst neuer after that day. Y may no lengger dans for soyt, Nat wonley ones desplese. Y haffe lost halfife mey cod war, They lowyd togedyr all thre. When y dansed yn the thornes. Hes father, hes stepdame and he, Som to crey they began. Affter yn gret eys. Mey boke ys all to toren; And that they ded, soyt to say, Som creyd withowt let. Tho hewyn they toke the way. And som bad hoo ; Withowtyn eney mes. Som seyde het was a god game, Now god that dyed for os all, And som seyde they wer lame, And dranke aysell and gall, Y may no leynger skeppe; Bryng them all to they bles, Som dansed so long. That beieuet on the name Jhc. Tell they helde owt the townge, 460 KEMPION. ^tmi^xau We copy tnis ballad from the " Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border;" where it is given " chiefly" from " Mrs. Brown's MS.," with *' corrections from a recited fragment." Sir Walter Scott, in some prefixtory remarks, re- fers to several traditionary anecdotes, still current in Scotland and on the borders, con- cerning huge and poisonous snakes, or " worms," destroyed by gallant knights in the olden time. The manor of Sockburne, in the bishopric of Durham, is held of the bishop by the service of presenting to him on his first entrance into his diocese, an an- tique sword or falchion, to commemorate the slaying of a monstrous creature that devoured men, women, and children, — by Sir John Conyers, who received the manor as a reward for his bravery. Pollard's lands, near Bishop Auckland, are held by a similar tenure ; and the founder of the noble family of Somerville is said to have performed a deed as wonder- ful — by thrusting down the throat of the snake a burning peat, "bedabbed with pitch, rosett, and brimstone." A rude sculpture carved above the entrance to the ancient church at Linton in Roxburghshire, is said to represent this exploit ; of which " the vul- gar tell us," — The wode Laird of Lariestoun Slew the wode worm of Wormiestoune, And wan all Lintoun parochine. The story of the " Lambton worm" as re- corded in Surtees' " History of Durham," is still more remarkable. The heir of Lambton, profanely fishing on a sabbath day, hooked a small worm or elf, which he carelessly threw into a well ; in process of time it grew to a huge size, and madepreyof the whole country, levying a contribution daily of "nine cows' milk," and, in default of payment, devouring man and beast. The heir who had wrought the mischief, returning from the crusades, determined to destroy it; and, by the advice of a witch, or wise woman, clad himself in a coat of mail studded with razor blades; select- ing as the scene of battle the middle of a river, so that as f^xst as the worm was cut to pieces the stream carried away the dissevered parts, and thus prevented their subsequent adhesion. The knight had promised, however, that he would slay the first living thing that met him after his victory ; this chanced to be his father, and, as he refused to keep his vow, it was decreed that no chief of his family should die in his bed for nine generations. Popular tradition continues to point out the vscene of the encounter. Stories of men and women transformed into monsters are suffi- ciently numerous, and have been found among every people. Many such exist in England, in Scotland, and in Ireland ; in the latter country they are invariably supposed to occupy lakes of unfathomed depth, out of which they occasionally arise and make ex- cursions among adjacent mountains, bearing with them to their "palaces" beneath the waters, the cattle of some unhappy " neigh- bour," and not unfrequently the neighbour himself. The origin of the superstition is believed to have been Danish. The tradi- tions of Denmark are full of such romances ; and it is more than probable, that it may have been introduced, by its sea-kings, into the British Islands. " The ballad of Kempion," writes Sir Wal- ter Scott, " seems, from the names of the per- sonages and the nature of the adventure, to have been an old me rical romance degraded into a baHad by the lapse of time, and the corruption of reciters." The allusion to the " arblast bow" would seem to affix the com- position to a remote date.* Two ballads which relate to a similar incident have been preserved ; one entitled " Kemp Ovi'yne," by Mr. Motherwell, and another " The Laidly Worm of Spindleston-Heugh," affirmed to have been composed, in 1270, by Duncan Frazier, "living on Cheviot," but supposed to have been, at least re-written, by Mr. Robert Lambe, vicar of Norham. In " Kemp Owyne," ' dove Isabel' is transformed into a monster by her stepmother, and doomed to retain her savage form — * The string of the arbalast, or arbalipt. was drawn to the notch in the rentre by means of a wheel, which was usually hung to the girdle of the archer. KEMPION. 461 Till Kemp Ovryne come ower the sea And borrow her with kisses three. The three kisses are of course given ; when, instead of the beast " whose breath was Strang, whose hair was lang," — Her breath was SAveet, her hair grew short, And twisted nana about the tree ; And, smilingly, she came about, As fair a woman as fair could be. The ballad of the " Laidly (loathsome) Worm" Avas no doubt greatly altered by Mr. Lambe, but there is evidence that the story was " generally known in Northumberland" long before he printed the version attributed to Duncan Frazier ; and it is to be regretted that he did not communicate it as he received it — stript of its "amendments and enlarge- ments." In this ballad, the daughter of the King of Bamborough is metamorphosed by hei' step-mother, and restored to her natural shape by her brother " Childy Wynd," who avftnges the wrong done to his sister by con- verting the foul witch into a toad. As in " Kempion," and " Kemp Owyne," the resto- ration to humanity is effected by "kisses three:"— " 0, quit thy sword and bend thy bow, And give nie kisses three ; For though I am a poisonous worm, No hurt I'll do to thee. "0, quit thy sword and bend thy bow, And give me kisses three ; If I'm not won, ere the sun goes down, Won I shall never be." He quitted his sword and bent his bow. And gave her kisses three ; She crept into a hole a worm, But out stept a lady. Percy prints the ballad of the " Witch of Wokey," written in 1748, by the ingenious Dr. Harrington of Bath. She "blasted every plant around ;" and was encountered, not by a knight, but by a " lerned wight," who hav- ing chauntede out a goodlie booke, and sprinkled, plentifully, holy water, — Lo. where stood a hag before. Now stood a ghastly stone ! " Cum heir, cum heir, ye freely fee'd, And lay your head low on my knee. The heaviest weird I will you read, That ever was read to gay ladye. "0 meikle dolour sail ye dree, 5 And aye the salt seas o'er ye'se swim ; And far mair dolour sail ye dree On Estmere crags, when ye them climb. " I weird ye to a fiery beast, And relieved sail ye never be, 10 Till Kempion, the kingis son. Cum to the crag, and thrice kiss thee."— meikle dolour did she dree. And aye the salt seas o'er she swam ; And far mair dolour did she dree 15 And aye she cried for Kempion, Gin he would but come to her hand. Now word has gane to Kempion, That sicken a beast was in his land. 20 "Now, by my sooth," said Kempion, "This fiery beast I'll gang and see." — "And by my sooth,' said Segramour, " My ae brother, I'll gang wi' thee." Then bigged hae they a bonny boat, 25 And they hae set her to the sea ; But a mile before they reached the shore, Around them she gared the red fire flee. "0 Segramour, keep the boat afloat, And let her na the land o'er near; 30 For this wicked beast will sure gae mad. And set fire to a' the land and mair." — Syne has he bent an arblast bow. And aimed an arrow at her head ; And swore if she didna quit the land, 35 Wi' that same shaft to shoot her dead. " out of my stythe I winna rise, (And it is not for the awe o' thee,) Till Kempion, the kingis son, 39 Cum to the crag, and thrice kiss me." — He has louted him o'er the dizzy crag. And gien the monster kisses ane ; Awa she gaed, and again she cam. The fieryest beast that ever was seen. 462 THE DEMON LOVER. " out o' my stythe I winna rise, 42 (And not for a* thy bow nor thee,) Till Kerapion, the kingis son, Cum to the crag, and thrice kiss me." — And he has gi'en her kisses twa : 50 Awa she gaed, and again she cam. The fieryest beast that ever you saw. " out of my den I winna rise, Nor flee it for the fear o' thee, Till Kempion, that courteous knight, 55 Cum to the crag, and thrice kiss me." — He's louted him o'er the lofty crag. And he has gi'en her kisses three : Awa she gaed, and again she cam. The loveliest ladye e'er could be ! 60 " And by my sooth," says Kempion, " My ain true love, (for this is she,) They surely had a heart o' stane, Could put thee to such misery. " was it warwolf* in the wood? 65 Or was it mermaid in the sea? Or was it man or vile woman, My ain true love, that mis-shaped thee V — ** It wasna warwolf in the wood, Nor was it mermaid in the sea : 70 But it was my wicked step-mother. And wae and weary may she be !" — " 0, a heavier weird shall light her on, Than ever fell on vile woman ; Her hair shall grow rough, 75 And her teeth groAv lang, And on her four feet shall she gang. " None shall take pity her upon ; In Wormeswood she aye shall wan ; And relieved shall she never be, 80 Till St. Mungo come over the sea." — And sighing said that weary wight, " I doubt that day I'll never see !" %\t ^mau f 0ljK. This ballad first appeared in the " Min- strelsy of the Scottish Border ;" it was com- municated to Sir Walter Scott by Mr. William Laidlaw, by whom it was "taken down from recitation." Mr. Motherwell, by whom it was reprinted in his valuable volume, " Min- strelsy, Ancient and Modern," surmises that, ** although it would be unfair for a moment to imagine that Sir Walter Scott made any addition to it, Mr. Laidlaw may have im- proved upon its naked original." That he did so, is by no means unlikely ; nor is it very improbable that, in passing through the alembic of the great Magician of the North, it received additional purity, without losing aught of its intrinsic worth. Mr. Motherwell, " with all his industry, was unable to find it in a more perfect state than this," — which the reader will be interested in comparing with the appended copy from the "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border :" — " I have seven ship upon the sea Laden with the finest gold, And mariners to wait us upon — All these you may behold. " And I have shoes for my love's feet, Beaten of the purest gold. And lined with the velvet soft, To keep my love's feet from the cold. " how do you love the ship," he said, " Or how do you love the sea ? Or how do you love the bold mariners, That wait upon thee and me ?" " I do love the ship," she said, "And I do love the sea: But woe be to the dim mariners, That nowhere I can see." They had not sailed a mile awa', Never a mile but one. When she began to weep and mourn, And to think on her little wee son. * Warwolf signifies a magician, possessing the power of transforming himself into a wolf, for the purpose of ravage and destruction. " hold jour tongue, my dear," he said, " And let all your weeping abee, For I'll soon show to you how the lilies grow On the banks of Italy." They had not sailed a mile awa', Never a mile l)ut two, Until she espied his cloven foot, From his gay robes sticking thro'. They had not sailed a mile awa', Never a mile but three, When dark dark grew his eerie looks, And raging grew the sea. They had not sailed a mile awa', Never a mile but four. When the little wee ship ran round about And never was seen more. If this be, in reality, the skeleton which Mr. Laidlaw clothed in sinews and flesh, he has given unquestionable proof of genius of a very rare order. There is, however, little doubt that he had actually " taken down, from recitation," a much more perfect copy, to which he gave some " finishing touches" of Lis own ; for the composition bears un- equivocal marks of old time ; and a collateral proof of its antiquity, in a more extended form, is supplied by an authority, to which reference is made by the accomplished editor of the latest edition of the "Border Min- strelsy." Mr. Buchan, in his *' Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, hitherto unpublished," prints another version of the story, under the title of " James Her- ries ;" with this difference, however, that here, the lover, who wreaks his vengeance on the " fause woman," is not a demon with a " cloven foot," but the ghost of a " first true love ;" — the other incidents are precisely similar, and many of the lines are exactly the same ; although as a whole it is far less grand, touching, and dramatic, than the ver- sion as preserved by Sir Walter Scott. Mr. Buchan gives three additional stanzas, de- scriptive of the misery of the betrayed hus- band ; they are fine and effective, and contri- bute strongly to impress the moral of the tale : — 59 [ "0 wae be to the ship, the ship, And wae be to the sea ; And wae be to the mariners Took Jeanie Douglas frae me ! "0 bonny, bonny was my love, A pleasure to behold ; The very hair o' my love's head Was like the threads of gold. " bonny was her cheek, her cheek, And bonny was her chin ; And bonny was the bride she was, The day she was made mine." The legend contained in the ballad is, ac- cording to Sir AV alter Scott, " in various shapes current in Scotland ;" but it is by no means peculiar to that country. Similar stories are told in many of the English coun- ties ; and in Ireland it is very common ; the moral conveying a warning against the crime of infidelity. Sir Walter says, " I remember to have heard a ballad, in which a fiend is introduced paying his addresses to a beauti- ful maiden ; but, disconcerted by the holy herbs she wore in her bosom, makes the fol- lowing lines the burthen of his courtship ; — ■ ' Gin ye wish to be leman mine, Lay aside the St. John's wort, and the ver- vain.' " The same power of keeping away evil spirits is attributed to the vervain in Ireland ; where, when it is pulled by village mediciners, while the morning dew is on the ground, this verse is generally repeated :— " Vervain, thou growest upon holy ground, In Mount Calvary thou wert found ; Thou curest all sores and all diseases, And in the name of Holy Jesus, I pull you out of the ground." The unhappy lady whose fate is described in the accompanying ballad had no such "protection," and was without that surer safeguard, to which the great poet refers as a possession, o'er which No goblin or swart fairy of the mine Hath hurtful power. 464 THE DEMON LOVER. " WHERE have you been my long, long love, This long seven years and man-?" " I'm come to seek my former vows, Ye granted me before/' *' hold your tongue of your former vows, 5 For they will breed sad strife ; hold your tongue of your former vows, For I am become a wife.'' He turned him right and round about, And the tear blinded his e'e ; 10 "I wad never hae trodden on Irish ground. If it had not been for thee. " I might have had a king's daughter, Far far beyond the sea ; 1 might have had a king's daughter, 15 Had it not been for love o' thee." *' If ye might have had a king's daughter, Yersell ye had to blame ; Ye might have taken the king's daughter, For ye kend that I was nane." 20 '* faulse are the vows o* womankind, But fair is their faulse bodie ; I never would hae trodden on Irish ground, Had it not been for love o' thee." ** If I was to leave my husband dear, 25 And my two babes also, what have you to take me to, If with you I should go ?" " I have seven ships upon the sea, The eighth brought me to land ; 30 "With four and twenty bold mariners, And music on every hand." She has taken up her two little babes, Kissed them baith cheek and chin: ** fare ye weel, my ain two babes, 35 For I'll never see you again." She set her foot upon the ship. No mariners could she behold ; But the sails were o' the taffetie, And the masts o' the beaten gold. 40 She had not sailed a league, a league, A league but barely three, When dismal grew his countenance, And drumlie grew his e'e. The masts that were like the beaten gold, 45 Bent not on the heaving seas ; And the sails, that were o' the taffetie, Filled not in the eastland breeze. They had not sailed a league, a league, A league but barely three, Until she espied his cloven foot, And she wept right bitterlie.* 50 " hold your tongue of your weeping," says he, " Of your weeping now let me be ; I will shoAV you how the lilies grow 55 On the banks of Italy." "0 what hills are yon, yon pleasant hills, That the sun shines sweetly on?" " yon are the hills of heaven," he said, " Where you will never win." 60 *'0 whaten a mountain is yon," she said, " All so dreary wi' frost and snow ?" " yon is the mountain of hell," he cried, " Where you and I will go." And aye when she turn'd her round about, Aye taller he seemed to be ; 66 Until that the tops o' the gallant ship Nae taller were than he. The clouds grew dark, and the wind grew loud, And the levin filled her e'e ; 70 And waesome wailed the snow-white sprites, Upon the gurlie sea. He struck the top-mast wi' his hand, The foremast wi' his knee ; And he brake that gallant ship in twain, And sank her in the sea. * In Mr. Buchan's ballad, remorse is made to visit the heroine, not by the sight of the "cloven foot," but by a feeling more natural and more worthy : — She minded on her dear husband, Her little son tee. And, at the same time, — The thoughts o' grief came in her mind, And she langed for to be hame; While the miserable woman thus prays: — " I may be buried in Scottish ground, Where I was bred and born." HOW A MERCHANDE DYD IIYS WYFE BETRAY. 465 |i0to n "^m^mh bgb \p WiU Srirag. The story of this ancient poem seems to have appeared in all possible shapes. It is contained in a tract entitled " Penny-wise, pound-foolish ; or a Bristow diamond, set in two rings, and both crack'd. Profitable for married men, pleasant for young men, and a rare example fur all good women," London, 1631, 4to. b. L, and is well known, at least in the North, by the old ballad called "The Pennyworth of Wit." It likewise appears, from Langham's letter, 1575, to have been then in print, under the title of "The Chap- man of a Pennyworth of Wit ;" though no edition of that age is now known to exist. The following copy is from a transcript made by the late Mr. Baynes from one of Bp. More's manuscripts in the public library at Cam- bridge (Ff, 2. 38, or 690), written apparently about the reign of Edward the Fourth, or Richard the Third ; carefully but unnecessa- rily examined with the original. The poem itself, however, is indisputably of a gi-eater age, and seems from the language and orthography to be of Scottish, or at least of North country extraction. The fragment of a somewhat different copy, in the same dialect, is con- tained in a MS. of Henry the Sixth's time in the British Museum (Bib. Har. 5396). It hns evidently been designed to be sung to the harp. Lystenyth, lordyngys, y you pray, IIow a merchand dyd hys wyfe betray, Bothe be day and be nyght, Yf ye wyll herkyn aryght. Thys songe ys of a merchand of thya cuntre, That had a wyfe feyre and free ; 6 The marchand had a full gode wyfe, Sche louyd hym trewly as hur lyfe, What that euyr he to hur sayde, Euyr sche helde hur wele apayde : 10 The marchand, that was so gay, By another woman he lay ; He boght hur gownys of grete pryce, Furryd with menyvere and with gryse, To hur hedd ryall atyre, 15 As any lady myght desyre Hys wyfe, that was so trewe as ston, He wolde ware no thyng vpon : That was foly be my fay, That fayrenes schulde tru loue betray. 20 So hyt happenyd, as he wolde, The marchand ouer the see he schulde; To hys leman ys he gon, Leue at hur for to tane ; With clyppyng and with kyssyng swete, 25 When they schulde parte bothe dyd they wepe. Tyll hys wyfe ys he gon, Leue at her then hath he tan ; Dame, he seyde, be goddys are. Haste any money thou woldyst ware? 30 Whan y come bezon(^e the see That y myzt the bye some ryche drewrfe. Syr, sche seyde, as Christ me saue, Ye haue all that euyr y haue ; Ye schall haue a peny here, 35 As ye ar my trewe fere. Bye ye me a peny worth of wytt, And in youre hert kepe wele byt. Styll stode the merchand tho, Lothe he was the peny to forgoo, 40 Certen sothe, as y yow say. He put hyt in hys puree and yede hys way. A full gode wynde god hath hym sende, Yn Fraunce hyt can hym brynge; A full gode schypp arrayed he 45 AYyth marchaundyce and spycerfe. Certen sothe, or he wolde reste, He boght hys lemman of the beste, He boght hur bedys, brochys and ryngys, Nowchys of guide, and many feyre thyngys ; He boght hur perry to hur hedd, 51 Of safurs and of rubyes redd ; Hys wyfe, that was so trew as ston, He wolde ware nothyng vpon : That was foly be my fay, 55 That fayrenes schulde trew loue betray. When he had boght all that he wolde, The marchand ouyr the see he schulde. The marchandys man to his mayster speke, Oure dameys peny let vs not forgete. 60 The marchand swore, be seynt Anne, Zyt was that a lewde bargan, To bye owre dame a penyworth of wytt, In all Fraunce y can not fynde hyt. 466 HOW A MERCHANDE DYD HYS WYFE BETRAY. * An* olde man in the halle stode, 65 The marchandjs speche he undurzode : The olde man to the marchand can saj, A worde of counsell y yow pray, And y schall selle yow a peny worth of wyt, Yf ye take gode hede to hyt: 70 Tell me marchand, be thy lyfe, Whethyr haste thou a leman or a wyfe ? Syr, y haue both, as haue y reste, But my paramour loue I beste. Then seyde the olde man, withowten were. Do now as y teche the here ; 76 When thou comyst ouyr the salte fome, Olde clothys then do the vpon, To thy lemman that thou goo, And telle her of all thy woo ; 80 Syke sore, do as y the say, And telle hur all thy gode ys loste away. Thy schyp ys drownyd in the fom, And all thy god ys loste the from ; Whan thou haste tolde hur soo, 85 Then to thy weddyd wyfe thou go ; Whedyr helpyth the bettur yn thy nede, Dwelle with hur, as Cryste the spede. The marchand seyde, wele must thou fare. Have here thy peny, y haue my ware. 90 When he come ouer the salte fome, Olde clothys he dyd hym vpon, Hys lemman lokyd forthe and on hym see, * And seyde to hur maydyn, how lykyth the ? My love ys comyn fro beyonde the see, 95 Come hedur, and see hym wyth thyn eye. The maydyn seyde, be my fay. He ys yn a febuU array. Go down, maydyn, in to the halle, Yf thou mete the marchand wythalle, 100 And yf he spyrre aftyr me. Say, thou sawe me wyth non eye ; Yf he wyll algatys wytt. Say in my chaumbyr y lye sore syke, Out of hyt y may not wynne, 105 To speke wyth none ende of my kynne, Nother wyth hym nor wyth none other, Thowe he ware myn own brother. Alias ! seyde the maydyn, why sey ye soo? Thynke how he helpyed yow owt of moche wo. 110 Fyrst when ye mett, wyth owt lesynge, Youre gode was not worthe xx s., Now hyt ys worthe cccc pownde. Of golde and syluyr that ys rounds; Ver. 65, And. V. 79. 80. These two lines are in the MS. inserted after the four following. Gode ys but a lante lone, 115 Some tyme men haue hyt, and some tyme none ; Thogh all hys gode be gon hym froo, Neuyr forsake hym in hys woo. Go downe, mi\dyn, as y bydd the, Thou schalt no lenger ellys dwelle with me. The maydyn wente in to the halle, 121 There sche met the marchand wythall. Where ys my lemman ? where is sche? Why wyll sche not come speke wyth me? Syr, y do the wele to wytt, 125 Yn hyr chaumbyr sche lyeth full syke, Out of hyt sche may not wynne. To speke wyth non ende of hur kynne, Nother wyth yow nor wyth none other, Thowe ye were hur owne brother. 130 Maydyn, to my lemman that thou go, And telle hur my gode ys loste me fro, My schyp ys droAvnyd in the fom. And all my gode ys loste me from ; A gentylman have y slawe, 135 Y dar not abyde the londys lawe ; Pray hur, as sche louyth me dere, As y have ben to hur a trewe fere. To kepe me preuy in hur chaumbyr. That the kyngys baylyes take me neuyr. 140 Into the chaumbyr the maydyn ys goon, Thys tale sche tolde hur dame anone. In to the halle, maydyn, wynde thou downe, And bydd hym owt of my halle to goon. Or y schall send in to the towue, 145 And make the kyngys baylyes to come ; Y swere, be god of grete renown, Y wyll neuyr harbur the kyngys feloun. The maydyn wente in to the halle. And thus sche tolde the merchand alle ; 150 The marchand sawe none other spede, He toke hys leve and forthe he yede. Lystenyth, lordyngys, curtes and hende, For zyt ys the better fytt behynde. THE SECOND FIT. Lystenyth, lordyngys, great and small : The marchand ys now to hys own halle ; Of hys comyng hys wyfe was fayne, Anone sche come hym agayne. Husbonde, sche seyde, welcome ye be, How haue ye farde beyonde the see? 160 Dame, he seyde, be goddys are. All full febyll hath be my fare ; All the gode that euer was thyn and myn Hyt ys loste be seynt Martyn ; HOW A MERCHANDE DYD HYS WYFE BETRAY. 467 In a storme y was bestadde, 165 Was y neuyr halfe so sore adrad, Y thanke hyt god, for so y may, That euyr y skapyd on ly ve away ; My schyp ys drownyd in the fom, And all my gode ys loste me from ; 170 A gentylman haue y slavve, I may not abyde the londys lawe ; I pray the, as thou louest me dere, As thou art my trewe weddyd fere, 174 In thy chaumber thou woldest kepe me dern. Syr, sche seyde, no man schall me warne : Be stylle, husbonde, sygh not so sore, He that hathe thy gode may sende the more ; Thowe all thy gode be fro the goo, I wyll neuyr forsake the in thy woo ; 180 Y schall go to the kyng and to the quene, And knele before them on my kneen, There to knele and neuyr to cese, Tyl of the kyng y haue getyn thy pees : I can bake, brewe, carde and spynne, 185 My maydenys and y can sylvyr wynne, Euyr Avhyll y am thy wyfe. To maynten the a trewe mannys lyfe. Certen sothe, as y yow say, All nyght be hys wyfe he lay, 190 On the morne, as he forthe yede, He kaste pn hym a ryall wede, And bestrode a full gode stede, And to hys lemmans hows he yede. Hys lemman lokyd forthe and on hym see, As he come rydyng ouyr the lee, 196 Sche put on hur a garment of palle. And mett the marchand in the halle, Twyes or thryes, or euyr he wyste, Trewly sche had hym kyste. 200 Syr, sche seyde, be seynt John, Ye were neuyr halfe so welcome home. Sche was a schrewe, as haue y hele, There sche currayed fauell well. Dame, he seyde, be- seynt John, 205 Zyb ar not we at oon ; Hyt was tolde me beyonde the see, Thou haste another leman then me. All the gode that was thyn and myne, Thou haste geuyn hym, be seynt Martyn. Syr, as Cryste bryng me fro bale, 211 Sche lyeth falsely that tolde the that tale ; Hyt was thy wyfe, that olde trate, That neuyr gode worde by me spake ; Were sche dedd (god lene hyt wolde!) 215 Of the hau« all my wylle y schulde ; Erly, late, lowde and stylle, Of the schulde y haue all my wylle : Ye schall see, so muste y the. That sche lyeth falsely on me. 220 Sche leyde a canvas on the flore, Longe and large, styffe and store, Sche leyde theron, wythowten lyte, Fyfty schetys waschen whyte, Pecys of syluyr, masers of golde; 225 The marchand stode hyt to be holde: He put hyt in a wyde sakk. And leyde hyt on the hors bakk ; He bad hys chylde go belyue. And lede thys home to my wyue. 230 The chylde on hys way ys gon. The marchande come aftyr anon ; He caste the pakk downe in the flore, Longe and large, styf and store, As hyt lay on the grounde, 235 Hyt was wele worthe cccc pownde : They on dedyn the mouth aryght, There they sawe a ryall syght. Syr, sayde hys wyfe, be the rode. Where had ye all thys ryall gode ? 240 Dame, he seyde, be goddys are. Here ys thy penyworth of ware ; Yf thou thynke hyt not-^ele besett, Gyf hyt another can be ware hytt bett ; All thys wyth thy peny boght y, 245 And therfore y gyf hyt the frely ; Do wyth all what so euyr ye lyste, I wyll neuyr aske yow accowntys, bo Crysto. The marchandys wyfe to hym can say, Why come ye home in so febull array ? 250 Then seyde the marchand, sone ageyn, Wyfe, for to assay the in certeyn ; For at my lemman was y before, And sche by me sett lytyll store. And sche louyd bettyr my gode then me, ' And so wyfe dydd neuyr ye. 256 To telle hys wyfe then he began, All that gode he had takyn fro hys lemman ; And all was becawse of thy peny, Therfore y gyf hyt the frely ; 260 And y gyf god a vowe thys howre, Y wyll neuyr more have paramo wre, But the, myn own derlyng and wyfe, Wyth the wyll y lede my lyfe. Thus the marchandys care be gan to kele. He lefte hys folye euery dele, 266 And leuyd in clennesse and honest^ ; Y pray god that so do we. God that ys of grete renowne, Saue all the gode folke of thys towne: 270 Jesu, as thou art heuyn kynge, To the blys of heuyn owre soules brynge. 468 FAUSE FOODRAGE. Jfause |'00irage. This ballad was originally published in the " Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," where it is stated to have been " chiefly given" from the MS. of Mrs. Brown, of Falkland.* Al- *"An ingenious lady," writes Sir Walter Scott, "to whose taste and memory the world is indebted." She was the youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Gordon, professor of philosophy in King's College, Aberdeen; and the cir- cumstances, under which Fhe obtained so much profi- ciency in ballad lore, are thus explained in a letter from her father to Alexander Fraser Tytler, Esq. : — " An aunt of my children, Mrs. Farquhar, now dead, who was mar- ried to the proprietor of a small estate, near the sources of the Dee, in Braemar. a good old woman, who had spent the best part of her life among flocks and herds, resided, in her later days, in the town of Aberdeen. She was pos- sessed of a most tenacious memory, which retained all the gongs she had heard from nurses and countrywomen in that sequestered part of the country. Being naturally fond of my children, when young, she had them much about her, and delighted them with the songs and tales of chivalry. My youngest daughter, Mrs. Brown, of Falk- land, is blessed with as good a memory as her aunt, and has almost the whole of her songs by heart." They were subsequently written down by her nephew, Professor Scott, " as his aunt sung them." To this MS. reference is frequently made by the editor of the •' Border Minstrelsy," — " as containing a curious and valuable collection," from which he procured " very material assistance," and which often furnished him with "various readings, and supple- mentary stanzas," to such as were known on the Borders. Jamieson, also, thus acknowledges his obligations to this lady: — "For the groundwork of this collection, and for the greater and more valuable part of the popular and roman- tic tales which it contains, the public are indebted to Blrs. Brown, of Falkland. Besides the large supply of ballads taken down from her own recitation many years ago, by Professor Scott, of Aberdeen, — in 1800, I paid an unex- pected visit to Mrs. Brown, at Dysart, where she then happened to be for health, and wrote down, from her un- premeditated repetition, about a dozen pieces more, most of which will be found in my work. Several others, which I had not time to take down, were afterwards transmitted to me by Mrs. Brown herself, and by her late highly-respectable and worthy husband, the Reverend Dr. Brown. Every person, who peruses the following sheets, will see how much I owe to Mrs. Brown, and to her ne- phew, my much esteemed friend. Professor Scott; and it rests with me to feel that I owe them much more for the zeal and spirit which they have manifested, than even for the valuable communications which they have made. As to the 'authenticity' of the pieces themselves, they are as authentic as traditionary poetry can be expected to be; and their being more entire than most other such pieces are found to be, may be easily accounted for, from the cir- cumstance, that there are few persons of Mrs. Brown's abi- lities and education who repeat popular ballads from me- mory. She learnt most of them before she was twelve years old, from old women and maid-servants. What she once learnt she never forgot; and such were her curiosity and industry, that she was not contented with merely knowing the ■-'tory, according to one way of telling, but studied to ai-quire all the vai-ieties of the same tale which ehe could meet with." though there can be no question that it re- ceived nf)any improvements in passing through the hands of the accomplished editor, there can be as little doubt of its antiquity in some ruder state; for Sir Walter Scott and Mr, Motherwell both affirm that it has been " popu- lar in many parts of Scotland ;" and by the former it is asserted, that he had made " strict inquiry into the authenticity of the song," in consequence of a line, in verse 31, strongly resembling one that occurs in the avowedly modern ballad of " Hardyknute,"— Norse e'en like grey goss-hawk stared wild. His doubts were removed by the evidence of a lady of rank (Lady Douglas, of Dou- glas, sister to the Duke of Buccleuch), who not only recollected the ballad as having amused her infancy, but could repeat many of the verses. For the leading incident of the poem, and the beautiful episode introduced into it— the exchange of the children, upon which the story is made to depend— there appears to be no historical authority. At least, Sir Walter Scott has referred to none ; and if there had been any, it would not have escaped his search. Yet it is not improbable that some such circumstance did actually occur ; the old ballad-makers were seldom mere inven- tors ; and tragedy, w^ith all its attendant events, may be considered as by no means rare or uncommon to a remote age. That its age is "remote" is rendered certain, by the references to King Easter and King Wester ; who, it is surmised by Sir Walter Scott, were " petty princes of Northumberland and West- moreland. From this," he adds, " it may be conjectured, with some degree of plausibility, that the independent kingdoms of the east and west coast were, at an early period, thus denominated, according to the Saxon mode of naming districts from their relative posi- tions, as Essex, Wessex, Sussex." In the "Complayntof Scotland," mention is made of an ancient romance, entitled, "How the King of Estmureland married the King's daughter of Westmureland." But Mr. Kit- son is of opinion, that— " Estmureland and Westmureland have no sort of relation to FAUSE FOODRAGE. 469 Northumberland and Westmoreland. The former was never called Eastmoreland, nor were there any kings of Westmoreland, un- less we admit the authority of an old rhyme, cited by Usher ;— Here the King We.^tmer Slew the King Rothinger. In the old metrical romance of " Kyng Horn," or " Horn Child," we find both West- nesse and Estnesse ; and it is somewhat sin- gular, that two places, so called, actually ex- ist in Yorkshire at this day. But " ness," in that quarter, is the name given to an in- let from a river. There is, however, great confusion in this poeai, as "Horn" is called king, s imetimes t)f one country, and some- times of the other. In the French original, Westir is said to have been the old name of Ilirland or Ireland ; which, occasionally at least, is called Westnesse in the translation, in which Britain is named Sudene ; but here, again, it is inconsistent and confused. It is, at any rata," adds the le.irned antiquary, " highly probable, that the story, cited in the 'Complayntof Scotland,' was a romance of ' King Horn,' whether prose or verse ; and, consequently, that Estmureland and West- mureland should there mean England and Ireland ; though it is possible that no other instance can be found of these two names occurring with the same sense." Of the Scottish origin of this ballad there is internal evidence ; and several of the phrases made use of, besides the titles to which we have referred, afford corroborative proof of its antiquity. The term " kevil," used in the third verse, — And they cast kevlls them amang, And kevils them between ; And they cast kevils them amang, AVha suld gae kill the king, — Is thus explained by Sir Walter Scott, — *' 'Kevils'— lots. Both words originally meant only a portion or share of any thing. — Leges Burgoram, cap. 59, de lot, cut, or kavil. Sla- tua GUdcE, cap. 20. Nallns emat lanani, d^c, nisi fuerit coufrater Gildce, doc. Ncque lot neque cavil habmt cum aliqvo contratre nos- tro. In both these laws, 'lot' and 'cavil' signify a share in trade." King Easter has courted her for her lands, King Wester for her fee. King Honour for her comelye face, And for her fair bodie. They had not been four months married, 5 As I have heard them tell, Until the nobles of the land Against them did rebel. And they cast kevils them amang, And kevils them between ; 10 And they cast kevils them amang, Wha suld gae kill the king. some said yea, and some said nay, Their words did not agree ; Till up and got him, Fause Foodrage, 15 And swore it suld be he. When bells were rung, and mass was sung, And a' men bound to bed. King Honour and his gaye ladye In a hie chamber were laid. 20 Then up and raise him, Fause Foodrage, When a' were fast asleep. And slew the porter in his lodge, That watch and ward did keep. 0, four and twenty silver keys 25 Hung hie upon a pin: And aye, as ae door he did unlock, He has fastened it him behind. Then up and raise him. King Honour, Says—" What means a' this din ? 30 Or what's the matter, Fause Foodrage, Or wha has loot you in ?" — ■ " ye my errand weel sail learn Before that I depart."— Then drew a knife, baith lang and sharp, 35 And pierced him to the heart. Then up and got the queen hersell, And fell low down on her knee ; " spare my life» now, Fause Foodrage, For I never injured thee. 40 " spare my life, now, Fause Foodrage, Until I lighter be ! And see gin it be lad or lass. King Honour has left wi' me."— 470 FAUSE FOODRAGE. 45 50 55 60 "0 gin it he a lass," he says, " VVeel nursed it sail be; But gin it be a lad bairn, He sail be hanged hie. "I winna spare fur his tender age, Nor yet for his hie hie kin ; But soon as e'er he born is, He sail mount the gallows pin." — four-and-twenty valiant knights Were set the queen to guard ; And four stood aye at her bouir door, To keep both watch and ward. But when the time drew near an end, That she suld lighter be, She cast about to find a wile, To set her body free. she has birled these merry young men With the ale but and the wine. Until they were a' deadly drunk As any wild-wood swine. " narrow, narrow, is this window, And big, big, am I grown !" — Yet through the might of our Ladye, Out at it she has gone. She wandered up, she wandered down, She wandered out and in ; 70 And, at last, into the very sAvine's stythe, The queen brought forth a son. Then they cast kevils them amang. Which suld gae seek the queen ; And the kevil fell upon Wise William, And he sent his wife for him. 65 75 80 O when she saw Wise William's wife, The queen fell on her knee ; "Win up, win up, madam!" she says: " What needs this courtesie ?" — *' out o* this I winna rise, Till a boon ye grant to me ; To change your lass for this lad bairn, King Honour left me wi'. " And ye maun learn my gay goss-hawk 85 R-ight weel to breast a steed ; And I sail learn your turtle dow As weel to write and read. " And ye maun learn my gay goss-haw^k To wield baith bow and brand; 90 Arid I sail learn your turtle dow To lay gowd wi' her hand. " At kirk and market when we meet, We'll dare make nae avowe, 94 But — Dame, how does my gay goss-hawk? — Madame, how does my dow ?"* When days were gane, and years came on, Wise William he thought lang ; And he has ta'en King Honour's son A-hunting for to gang. 100 It sae fell out, at this hunting, Upon a simmer's day, That they came by a fair castell, Stood on a sunny brae. *' dinna ye see that bonny castell, 105 Wi' halls and towers sae fiir? Gin ilka man had back his ain. Of it you suld be heir." — " Hew I suld be heir of that castell. In sooth, I canna see ; 110 For it belangs to Fause Foodrage, And he is na kin to me." "0 gin ye suld kill him, Fause Foodrage, You would do but what was right ; For, I wot, he killed your father dear, 115 Or ever ye saw the light. "And gin ye suld kill him, Fause Foodrage, There is no man durst you blame; For he keeps your mother a prisoner. And she daurna take ye hame." — 120 *"Thia metaphorical language," says Scott, "was cus- tomary among the northern nations. In 925, King A del- stein sent an embassy to HaraW Harfager, King of Nor- way, the chief of which presented that prince with a sword. As it was presented by the point, the Norwegian chief, in receiving it, unwarily laid hold of the hilt. The English ambassador declared, in the name of his master^ that he accepted the act as a deed of homage. The Nor- wesrian prince resolving to circumvent bis rival by a simi- lar artifice, sent, next summer, an ambassy to Adelstein, the chief of which presented Haco, the son of Harald. to the English prince ; and placing him on his knees, made the following declaration: — ^ Saraldus, Normanorwn Eex, amice te sau at; albamque hanc avem bme institutam miitit utque melius delnceps e.rudias. postulaV The King received young Ilaco on his knees, which the Norwegian accepted, in the name of his master, as a declaration of inferiority ; according to the proverb, ' Is minor sanjper habetur, qui cdterius Jilium educat.' " SIR AGILTIIORN. 471 The boy stared wild like a grey goss-hawk, Says, — " What may a' this mean ?" " My boy, ye are King Honour's son, And your mother's our lawful queen," ** gin I be King Honour's son, 125 By our Ladye I swear, This night I will that traitor slay. And relieve my mother dear !" — He has set his bent bow to his breast, And leaped the casteil wa' ; 130 And soon he has seized on Fause Foodrage, Wha loud for help 'gan ca'. "0 baud your tongue, now, Fause Foodrage, Frae me ye shanna flee;" — Syne pierced him through the fause, fause heart, 135 And set his mother free. And he has rewarded Wise William Wi' the best half o' his land ; And sae has he the turtle dow, Wi' the truth o' his right hand. 140 Bit ^giltljnrn. This ballad is the production of Matthew Gregory Lewis ; and our principal motive in introducing it into this collection is to supply an example of his compositions, for its merits are not such as to warrant the selection upon other grounds. His writings, although now nearly forgotten, had, at one period, no incon- siderable influence upon the literature of the age : the success that attended his publica- tions induced a host of imitators, and, for awhile, his "school" may be almost said to have formed the taste of the country. But the unnatural will always be the ephemeral ; and that which is not based upon Truth, Time will be certain to destroy. With the exception of two or three of his more roman- tic ballads — "Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogene," and, perhaps, " Osric the Lion" — the poems of Lewis are as completely con- signed to oblivion as if they had never been printed ; even his vain and useless " Ro- mances," which have passed through nume- rous editions, are now seldom read ; and are republished only by caterers for the meretri- cious or the vicious. Merit of a particular order he undoubtedly had; public attention is never obtained, even for a season, without it ; but his works possessed very little of real value, and the world has lost nothing by the obscurity into which they have sunk. He was "the first to introduce something like the German taste into English fictitious, dra- matic, and poetical composition ;" and no less an authority than Sir Walter Scott considers 60 that he did service to our literature by show- ing, that " the prevailing taste of Germany might be employed as a formidable auxiliary to renewing the spirit of our own, upon the same system as when medical persons at- tempt, by the transfusion of blood, to pass into the veins of an aged and exhausted patient, the vivacity of the circulation and liveliness of sensation which distinguish a young subject." It is certain, that at the period in which he "flourished," English literature had become sluggish, inert, and comparatively valueless; while " the realms of Parnassus," more espe- cially, seemed to lie open to the first bold in- vader, whether he should be a daring usurper, or could showalegitimate title of sovereignty.* Lewis was " born to fortune ;" his father held the lucrative appointment of under-secretary at war; and he was himself a member of parliament as soon as his age permitted him to occupy a seat. During a residence in Germany, he had opportunities of indulging his inclination for the marvellous ; and he and * " Lewis was a martinet, if I may so term him, in the nccuracy of rhymes and of numbers; I may add he had a right to be so. for few persons have exhibited more mas- tery of rhjme, or greater command over the meloc^y of verse." * * * * "His works were admii-ed, and the author became famous, not merely through his own merit, though that was of no mean quality, but because he had in some measure taken the public by surprise, by u^ing a style of composition, which, like national melo- dies, is so congenial to the j^eneral taste, that though it palls by being much hackneyed, it has only to he for a short time f irgotten in rd(U' to recover its original popu- larity." — Sir "Walter Scoi^r. 472 SIR AGILTHORN. his imitators, towards the close of the last century, absolutel}' flooded the libraries of Gi-eat Britain with their tales of enchantment and diablerie, in poetry and prose. Lewis's publications are the romances of " The Monk," "Feudal Tyrants," and "Romantic Tales ;" " Tales of Wonder" and " Tales of Terror," in verse ; " The Castle Spectre" and " Adelmorn," romantic dramas; " Venoni," a tragedy ; a volume of miscellaneous poetry, and the "Bravo of Venice," a translation from the German. He died in 1818, while on his voyage home from a visit to his patri- monial property in Jamaica. An idle story has been circulated, that his death was occa- sioned by poison, administered to him by a negro whom he had incautiously acquainted with his intention to emancipate the whole of his slaves at his decease. His volumes of ballads, "Tales of "Won- der" and "Tales of Terror," were compara- tive failure's ; to the first, Sir Walter Scott, Southey, Leyden, and others, contributed, and their contributions sufficed to give value to the work. It was published in 1801, "for the author." Lewis, however, vras tempted to "drive it out" into two volumes, royal 8vo., which were sold at a high price. "Pur- chasers murmured at finding this size had been attained by the insertion of some of the best known pieces of the English language, such as Dryden's ' Theodore and Honoria,' Parnell's 'Hermit,' Lisle's ' Porsenna, King of Russia,' and many other popular poems of old date, and generally known, which ought not in conscience to have made part of a set of tales, ' written and collected' by a modern author." The consequence was, that the costly and weighty volumes met with little or no public approval. What had been at first received as simple and natural, was now sneered at as puerile and extravagant. "An- other objection was," adds Sir Walter Scoit, " that my friend Lewis had a high but mis- taken opinion of his own powers of humour. The truth was, that though he could throw some gayety into his lighter pieces, after the manner of the French writers, his attempts at what is called pleasantry in English wholly wanted the quality of humour, and were generally failures. But this he would not allow ; and the ' Tales of Wonder' were filled, in a sense, with attempts at comedy, Avhich might be generally accounted abortive." One important consequence, at least, fol- lowed this introduction of a new style into our literature: to his acquaintance with Lewis we are probably indebted for the vast store- house of wealth bequeathed to us by Sir Walter Scott. " Finding Lewis," he says, "in possession of so much reputation, and conceiving that if I fell behind him in poeti- cal powers, I considerably exceeded him in general information, I suddenly took it into my head to attempt the style of poetry by which he had raised himself to fame ;" and, he adds, "out of an accidental acquaintance" with the popular author, which " increased into a sort of intimacy, consequences arose which altered almost all the Scottish ballad- maker's future prospects in life." He was first stimulated to the translation of some German ballads; and soon acquired confi- dence to attempt " the imitation of what he admired." Lewis had, about this period, announced the publication of a woik, the title of which sufficiently indicates its cha- racter — "Tales of Wonder," — and to this work Scott readily agreed to contribute. It was published in two volumes, in the year 1801 ; and contained, among others, the bal- lads of " Glenfinlas" and the "Eve of Saint John," by Sir Walter — compositions which he can scarcely be said to have afterwards surpassed. The encouragement the young author here met with, led to the collection and subsequent publication of the "Min- strelsy of the Scottish Border," originally printed by James Ballantyne, at Kelso. What "great events from little causes flow !" — pos- sibly if " Monk Lewis" had never existed as a versifier, the genius of Scott might have been directed into some less serviceable chan- nel ; for, mainly out of the trivial circum- stances here briefly recorded, he "gradually, and almost insensibly, engaged himself in that species of literary employment" — " mo- dern imitations of the ancient ballad." Oh ! gentle huntsman, softly tread, . And softly wind thy bugle-horn ; Nor rudely break the silence shed. Around the grave of Agilthorn ! Oh ! gentle huntsman, if a tear 5 E%r dimmt'd for others' woe thine eyes, Thou'lt surely dew, with drops sincere, The sod where lady Eva lies. SIR AGILTIIORN. 473 Yon crumbling chapel's sainted bound 9 Their hands and hearts beheld them plight ; Long held yon towers, will) ivy crowned, The beauteous dame and gallant knight. Alas ! the hour of bliss is past, For hark! the din of discord rings: 14 War's claiion sounds, Joy hears the blast, And trembling plies his radiant wings. And must sad Eva lose her lord? And must he seek the martial plain? Oh ! see, she brings his casque and sword ; Oh ! hark, she pours her plaintive strain ! " Blessed is the village damsel's fate, 21 Though poor and low her station be ; Safe from the cares which haunt the great, Safe from the cares which torture me ! " No doubting fear, no cruel pain, 25 No dread suspense her breast alarms ; No tyrant honour rules her swain, And tears him from her folding arras. *• She, careless wandering 'midst the rocks. In pleasing toil consumes the day; 30 Aiid tends her goats, or feeds her flocks, Or joins her rustic lover's lay. "Though hard her couch, each sorrow flies The pillow which supports her head ; She sleeps, nor fears at morn her eyes 35 Shall wake, to mourn a husband dead. " Hush, impious fears ! the good and brave Heaven's arm will guard from danger free; When death with thousands gluts the grave, His dart, my love, shall glance from thee ; "While thine shall fly direct and sure, 41 This buckler every blow repel ; This casque from wounds that face secure, Where all the loves and graces dwell. " This glittering scarf, with tenderest care, My hands in happier moments wove; 46 Cursed be the wretch, whose sword shall tear The spell-bound work of wedded love ! " Lo ! on thy falchion keen and bright, I shed a trembling consort's tears ; 50 Oh ! when their traces meet thy sight, Rexnember wretched Eva's fears ! "Think how thy lips she f(mdly pressed. Think how she wept — compelled to part; Think every wound which scars thy breast. Is doubly marked on Eva's heart!" — 56 " thou ! my mistress, wife, and friend I" — Thus Agilthorn with sighs began ; "Thy fond comp:aints my boson\ rend, Thy tears my fainting soul unman : 60 "In pity cease, my gentle dame. Such sweetness and such grief to join ! Lest I forget the voice of Fame, And only list to Love's and thine. " Flow, flow, my tears, unbounded gush ! 65 Rise, rise, my sobs, I set ye free : Bleed, bleed, my heart! I need not blush To own that life is dear to me. "The wretch whose lips have pressed the bowl, ^ The bitter howl of pain and woe, 70 May careless reach his mortarl goal, May boldly meet the final blow : " His hopes destroyed, his comfort wrecked, A happier life he hopes to find ; But what can I in heaven expect, 75 Beyond the bliss I leave behind? " Oh, no ! the joys of yonder skies. To prosperous love present no charms ; My heaven is placed in Eva's eyes, My paradise in Eva's arms. 80 " Yet mark me, sweet ! if Heaven's command. Hath doomed my fall in martial strife. Oh ! let not anguish tempt thy hand To rashly break the thread of life 1 " No ! let our boy thy care engross, 85 Let him thy stay, thy comfort be; Supply his luckless father's loss, And love him for thyself and me. " So may oblivion soon efface The grief Avhich clouds this fatal morn ; And soon thy cheeks aiford no trace 91 Of tears which fall for Agilthorn !" He said ; and couched his quivering lance: He said ; and braced his mooi>.y shield : — Sealed a last kiss, threw a last glance, 95 Then spurred his steed to Flodden Field. 474 SIR AGILTIIORN. But Eva, of all joy bereft, Stood rooted at the castle gate. And viewed the prints his courser left, While hurrying at the call of fate. 100 Forebodings sad her bosom told, The steed which bore hi in thence so light, llcr longing eyes would ne'er behold Again bring home her own true knight. While many a sigh her bosom heaves, 105 She thus addressed her orphan page: — " Dear youth, if e'er my love relieved The sorrows of thy Infant age : " If e'er I taught thy locks to play Luxuriant round thy blooming face ; 110 If e'er I wiped thy tears away, And bade them yield to smiles their place : "Oh ! speed thee, swift as steed can bear, Where Flodden groans with heaps of dead ; And o'er the combat, home repair, 115 And tell me how my lord has sped. " Till thou return'st each hour's an age, An age employed in doubt and pain ; Oh ! haste thee, haste, my little foot-page, Oh ! haste and soon return again." 120 ** Now, lady dear, thy grief assuage. Good tidings soon shall ease thy pain ; I'll haste, I'll haste, thy little foot-page, I'll haste, and soon return again." Then Osway bade his courser fly ; 125 But still, while hapless Eva wept. Time scarcely seemed his wings to ply, So slow the tedious moments crept. And oft she kissed her baby's cheek, Who slumbered on her throbbing breas*^ ; And now she bade the warder speak, 131 And now she lulled her child to rest. " Good warder, say, what meets thy sight ? What see'st from the castle tower ?" "Nought but the rocks of Elginbright, 135 Nought but the shades of Forest-Bov^-er." "Oh, pretty babe! thy mother's joy. Pledge of the purest, fondest flame, To-morrow's sun, dear helpless boy, May see thee bear an orphan's name. 140 " Perhaps, e'en now, some Scottish sword The life-blood of thy father drains ; Perhaps, e'en now, that heart is gored, Whose streams supplied thy little veins. " 0, warder, from the castle tower, 145 Now say what objects meet thy sight?" " None but the shades of Forest-Bower, None but the rocks of Elginbright." " Smil'st thou, my babe? so smiled thy sire, When, gazing on his Eva's face, 150 His eyes shot beams of gentle five, And joyed such beams in mine to trace. " Sleep, sleep, my babe ! of care devoid : Thy mother breathes this fervent vow — Oh, never be thy soul employed 155 On thoughts so sad as hers are now ! '* Now, warder, warder, speak again ! What seest thou from the turret's height!" " Oh, lady, speeding o'er the plain. The little foot-page appears in sight!" IGO Quick beat her heart, short grew her breath ; Close to her breast the babe she drew — " Now, heaven," she cried, "for life or death !" And forth to meet the page she flew. "And is thy lord from danger free? 165 And is the deadly combat o'er?" — In silence Osway bent his knee, And laid a scarf her feet before. The well-known scarf with blood was stained, And tears from O'^way'.s eyelids fell ; 170 Too truly Eva's heart explained, W^hat meant those silent tears to tell. " Come, come, my babe 1" she wildly cried, " We needs must seek the field of woe: Come, come, my babe ! cast fear aside ! 175 To dig thy father's grave we go." " Stay, lady, stay ! a storm impends ; Lo ! threatening clouds the sky o'erspread ; The thunder roars, the rain descends, 179 And lightning streaks the heavens with red. " Hark, hark, the AA'inds tempestuous rave I. Oh ! be thy dread intent resigned ! Or, if resolved the storm to brave, Be this dear infant left behind !" THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOM THUMBE. 475 " No, no ! with me my baby stays ! 185 With me he lives ; with me he dies ! Fhish, lightnings, flcash ! your friendly blaze Will shew me where my warrior lies." see she roams the bloody field. And wildly shrieks her husband's name: see she stops and eyes a shield, 191 A heart the symbol, wrapt in flame. His armour broke in many a place, A knight lay stretched that shield beside ; She raised his vizor, kissed his face, 195 Then on hif bosom sunk and died. Huntsman, their rustic grave behold : 'Tis here, at night, the fairy king. Where sleeps the fair, wdiere sleeps the bold, Oft forms his light fantastic ring. 200 'Tis here, at eve, each village youth With freshest flowers the turf adorns; 'Tis here he swears eternal truth, By Eva's faith and Agil thorn's. And here the virgins sadly tell, Each seated by her shepherd's side, How brave the gallant warrior fell, How true his lovely lady died. Ah ! gentle huntsman, pitying hear, And mourn the gentle lovers' doom ! Oh ! gentle hunstman, drop a tear, And dew the turf of Eva's tomb. So ne'er may fate thy hopes oppose ; So ne'er may grief to thee be known ; They who can weep for others' woes, 205 210 215 Should ne'er have cause to weep their own. re fife anb geat^ of %m f l]wmbe. It is needless to mention the popularity of the following story. Every city, town, vil- lage, shop, stall, man, woman, and child, in the kingdom, can bear witness to it. Its an- tiquity, however, remains to be inquired into, more especially as no very ancient edition of it has been discovered. That which was made use of on the present occasion bears the following title: "Tom Thumbe, his life and death : wherein is declared many mar- uailous acts of manhood, full of wonder, and strange merriments. Which little knight lived in king Arthurs time, and famous in the court of Great Brittaine. London, print- ed for John Wright. 1630," It is a small 8vo. in black letter, was given, among many other curious pieces, by Robert Burton, author of the Anatomy of Melancholy, to the Bodleian Library (Seld. Art. L. 79.), and is the oldest copy known to be extant. There is a later edition, likewise in black letter, printed for F. Coles, and others, in Antony h Wood^s collection, which has been collated, as has also a different copy, printed for some of the same proprietors, in the editor's posses- sion. All three are ornamented with curious cuts, representing the most memorable inci- dents of our hero's life. They are likewise divided into chapters by short prose argu- ments, which, being always unnecessary, and sometimes improper, as occasioning an inter- ruption of the narrative, are here omitted. In Ben Jonson's Masque of the Fortunate Isles, designed for the Court, on the Twelfth Night, 1626, Skelton, one of the characters, after mentioning Elinor Humming, and others, says Or you may have come In, Thomas Thumb, In a pudding fat, With Doctor Rat. Then " The Antimasque follows : consisting of these twelve persons. Owl-glass, the four Knaves, two Ruffians, Fitz-Ale, and Vapor, Elinor Humming, Mary Ambree, Lang Meg of Westminster, Tom Thumb, and Doctor Rat."* Five years before there had appeared "The History of Tom Thumbe, the Little, for his * Works, by Whalley, vi. 195. "Doctor Eat, the curate," 18 one of the Dramatis Fersonce in "Gammar Gurtoa'a Needle." 476 THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOM THUMBE. small stature surnamed King Arthur's Dwarfe: Whose Life and adventures containe many strange and wonderful accidents, pub- lished for the delight of merry Time-spenders. Imprinted at London for Tho. Langley, 1621, (12m(). bl. 1.)" This, however, was only the common metrical story turned into prose with some foolish additions by R. I. [Richard Johnson.] The Preface or Introductory Chapter is as follows, being indeed the only part of the book that deserves notice. 'j My merry Muse begets no Tales of Guy of Warwicke, nor of bould Sir Beuis of Hamp- ton ; nor will I trouble my penne with the pleasant glee of Robin Hood, little lohn, the Fryer and his Marian ; nor will I call to minde the lusty Pindar of Wakefield, nor those bold Yeomen of the North, Adam Bell, Clem of the Clough, nor William of Clou- DESLY, those ancient archers of all England, nor shal my story be made of the mad merry pranckes of Tom of Bethlem, Tom Lincolne, or Tom a Lin, the Diuels supposed Bastard, nor yet of Garagantua that monster of men,* but of AN OLDER ToM, A ToM OF MORE ANTI- QUITY, a Tom of a strange making, I meane Little Tom of Wales, no bigger than a Millers Thumbe, and therefore for his small stature, surnamed Tom Thumbe The ancient Tales of Tom Thumbe in the olde time, haue beene the only reuiuers of drowzy age at midnight; old and young haue with his Tales chim'd Mattens till the cocks crow in the morning ; Batchelors and Maides with his Tales haue compassed the Christmas fire- blocke, till the Curfew-Bell rings candle out; the old Shepheard and the young Plow boy after their dayes labour, haue cavold out a Tale of Tom Thumbe to make them merry with : and who but little Tom, hath made long nights seem short, and heauy toyles easie ? Therefore (gentle Reader) considering that old modest mirth is turned naked out of doors, while nimble wit in the great Hall sits vpon a soft cushion giuing dry bobbes; for which cause I will, if I can new cloath him in his former liuery, and bring him againe into the Chimney Corner, where now you * This is scarcely true; the titles of the two last chap- ters being, 1. " How Tom Thumbe riding forth to take the ayre. met with the great Garagantua. and of the speech that wa"? betweene them." 2. " How Tom Thumbe after conferenf'ehad with groat Garagantua returned, and how he met with King Twadle." must imagine me to sit by a good fire, amongst a company of good fellowes ouer a Avell spic'd Wassel-bowle of Christmas Ale telling of these merry Tales which hereafter folloAT." This is in the editor's possession. In the panegyric verses (by Michael Dra}"-- ton and others) upon Tom Coryate and his Crudities, London, 1611, 4to., our hero is thus introduced, along with a namesake, of w^hom, unfortunately, we know nothing fur- ther: "Tom Thumbe is dumbe, vntill the pudding creepe, "In which he was intomb'd, then out doth peope. "Tom Piper is gone out, and mirth bewailes, "He neuer will come in to tell vs tales."* We are unable to trace our little hero above half a century further back, when we find him still popular, indeed, but, to our great mortification, in very bad company. "In our CHILDHOOD (says honest Reginald Scot) our mothers maids haue so terrified vs with an ouglie diuell. . . and haue so fraied vs with bull beggers, spirits, witches, vrchens, clues, hags, fairies, satyrs, pans, faunes, sylens, kit with the cansticke, tritons, centaurs, d^varfes, giants, imps, calcars, coniurors, nymphes, changlings, incubus, Robin good-fellow, the spoorne, the mare, the man in the oke, the belle-waine, the firedrake, the puckle, Tom Thombe, hob-gobblin, Tom tumbler, boncles, and such other bugs, that we are afraide of our owne shadowes."f To these researches we shall only add the opinion of that eminent antiquary Mr. Thomas Hearne, that this History, " how- ever looked upon as altogether fictitious, yet was CERTAINLY founded upon some authen- TicK History, as being nothing else, origi- nally, but a description of King Edgar's DWARF."J * In a different part of the work we find other charac- ters mentioned, whose story is now, perhaps, irretrievably forgot : I am not now to tell a tale Of George a Green, or lacle a Vale, Or yet of Chittiface. f Discouerie of Witchcraft. London. 1584, 4to. p. 155. See also Arrhb. Ilarsnet's Declaration of Popish Impos- ture. Ibi. Ifi04. 4to. p. 135. J Benedictus Jb'ias, Appendix ad Pro'fationem, p. r.v. Mr. Hearne was probably led to fix upon this monarch by THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOM TIIUMBE. ■477 In Arthurs court Tom Thumbe did liue, ToM Thumbe, the which the Fayry-Queene A mau of uiickle might, Theie gave him to his name, The best of all the table round, Who, with her traine of Goblins grim, And eke a doughty kni:staff; and annotations by several hands. To whirh In pieces broke them quite ; is pivfix'd historical and critical remarks on the life and writings of the author." London, 1729, folio. Dr. Wag- staff's comment was written to ridicule that of Mr. Addi- son, in the Spectator, upon the ballad of Chevy-Chase, and For which they were most soundly whipt, Whereat he laught outright. 80 is inserted in his works. Ver. 67, the. V. 68, a taker. 478 THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOM TIIUMBE. And so Tom Thumbe restrained was Untill such tiaie his mother went 125 From these his sports and play, A milking of her kine, And by his mother after that Where Tom vnto a thistle fast Compel'd at home to stay. She linked with a twine. Whereas about a Christmas time, S5 A thread that helde him to the same. His father a hog had kil'd, For feare the blustring winde 130 And Tom 'would' see the puddings made, Should blow him thonce, that so she might | 'For fear' they should be spil'd. Her Sonne in safety finde. He sate vpon the pudding-boule, But marke the hap, a cow came by, The candle for to hold ; 90 And vp the thistle eate. Of which there is vnto this day Poore Tom withall, that, as a docke, 135 A pretty pastime told : Was made the red cowes meate: ! For Tom fell in, and could not be Who being mist, his mother went 1 For euer after found, Him calling euery where. Where art thou Tom ? where art thou For in the blood and batter he 95 Tom? Was strangely lost and drownd. Quoth he. Here mother, here : 140 [ Where searching long, but all in vaine, I His mother after that Within the red cowes belly here, Into a pudding thrust her sonne, i Instead of minced fat. Your Sonne is swallowed vp. 100 The which into her feareful heart Most carefull dolours put. Which pudding of the largest size, Into the kettle throwne, Meane while the cowe was troubled much, | i Made all the rest to fly thereout, In this her tumbling wombe. 146 As with a whirle-wind blowne. And could not rest vntil that she Had backw^ard cast Tom Thumbe : ; For so it tumbled vp and downe, 105 ; Within the liquor there, Who all besmeared as he was, ; As if the deuill 'had' been boyld; His mother tooke him vp, 150 Such was his mothers feare. i To beare him thence, the which poore She in her pocket put. lad 1 That vp she tooke the pudding strait, : And gaue it at the doore 110 Now after this, in sowing time, f Vnto a tinker, which from thence His father would him haue 1 In his blacke budget bore. Into the field to driue his plow, And therevpon him gaue 155 But as the tinker climb'd a stile. By chance he let a cracke : A whip made of a barly straw, Now gip, old knaue, out cride Tom Thumbe, To driue the cattle on : There hanging at his backe : 116 Where, in a furrow'd land new sowne, Poore Tom was lost and gon. \ At which the tinker gan to run, And would no longer stay. Now by a raven of great strength 160 But cast both bag and pudding downe. Away he thence was borne, ] And thence hyed fast away. 120 And carried in the carrions beake Euen like a graine of come, From which Tom Thumbe got loose at last And home return'd againe: Unto a giants castle top. Where he from following dangers long In which he let him fall. 165 In safety did remaine. Where soone the giant swallowed vp Ver. 87, to. V. 88, feared that. V. 107, had there. His body, cloathes and all. 1 i THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOM THUMBE. 479 But in his belly did Tom Thumbe So great a rumbling make. That neither day nor night he could 170 The smallest quiet take, So trauelling two dayes and nights, With labour and great paine, He came into the house whereas His parents did remaine ; 215 Untill the gyant had him spewd Three miles into the sea, Whereas a fish soone tooke him vp And bore him thence away. 175 Which was but halfe a mile in space From good king Arthurs court. The which in eight and forty houres He went in weary sort. Which lusty fish was after caught And to king Arthur sent. Where Tom was found, and made his dwarfe, Whereas his dayes he spent But comming to his fathers doore, 220 He there such entrance had As made his parents both reioice, And he thereat was glad. Long time in liuely ioUity, 180 Belou'd of all the court, And none like Tom was then esteemed Among the noble sort. His mother in her apron tooke Her gentle sonne in haste, 225 And by the fier side, within A walnut shell, him plac'd : Amongst his deedes of courtship done. His highnesse did command, 185 That he ould dance a galliard braue Vpon his queenes left hand. Whereas they feasted him three dayes Vpon a hazell nut. Whereon he rioted so long 230 He them to charges put ; The which he did, and for the same The king his signet gaue, Which Tom ab ut his middle wore 190 Long time a girdle braue. And there-upon grew wonderous sicke, Through eating too much meate, Which was sufficient for a month For this great man to eate. 235 Now after this the king would not Abroad for pleasure goe, But still Tom Thumbe must ride with him, Plac't on his saddle-bow. 195 But now his businesse call'd him foorth, King Arthurs court to see, Whereas no longer from the same He could a stranger be. Where on a time when as it rain'd, Tom Thumbe most nimbly crept In at a button hole, where he Within his bosome slept. But yet a few small April drops, 240 Which setled in the way. His long and weary iourney forth Did hinder and so stay. And being neere his highnesse heart, 200 He crau'd a wealthy boone, A liberall gift, the which the king Comanded to be done, Until his carefull father tooke A birding trunke in sport, 245 And with one blast blew this his sonne Into king Arthurs court. For to relieue his fathers wants, And mothers, being old ; 205 Which was so much of siluer coyne As well his armes could hold. Now he with tilts and turnaments Was entertained so. That all the best of Arthurs knights 250 Did him much pleasure show. And so away goes lusty Tom, With three pence on his backe, A heauy burthen, which might make 210 His wearied limbes to cracke. 61 As good Sir Lancelot of the Lake, Sir Tristam, and sir Guy; Yet none compar'd with braue Tom Thnm, For knightly chiualry. 255 480 THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOM THUMBE. In honour of which noble day, And for his ladies sake, A challenge in king Arthurs court Tom Thumbe did brauely make. Gainst whom these noble knights did run, Sir Chinon and the rest, 261 Yet still Tom Thumbe with matchles might Did beare away the best. At last sir Lancelot of the Lake In manly sort came in. And with this stout and hardy knight A battle did begin. 265 Which made the courtiers all agast, For there that valiant man Through Lancelots steed, before them all, In nimble manner ran. 371 Yea horse and all, with speare and shield, As hardly he was scene. But onely by king Arthurs selfe And his admired queene. 275 Who from her finger tooke a ring, Through which Tom Thumbe made way. Not touching it, in nimble sort, As it was done in play. He likewise cleft the smallest haire 280 From his faire ladies head, Not hurting her whose euen hand Him lasting honors bred. Such were his deeds and noble acts In Arthurs court there showne, 285 As like in all the world beside Was hardly scene or knowne. Now at these sports he toyld himselfe That he a sicknesse tooke, Through which all manly exercise 290 He carelesly forsooke. Where lying on his bed sore sicke, King Arthurs doctor came, With cunning skill, by physicks art, To ease and cure the same. 295 His body being so slender small, This cunning doctor tooke A fine prospective glasse, with which He did in secret looke Into his sickened body downe. And therein saw that Death / Stood ready in his wasted guts A To sease his vitall breath. 300 ■ij'.. His armes and leggs consumed as small As was a spiders web, 305 Through which his dying houre grew on. For all his limbes grew dead. His face no bigger than an ants, Which hardly could be scene: The losse of which renowned knight 310 Much grieu'd the king and queene. And so with peace and quietnesse He left this earth below ; And vp into the Fayry Land His ghost did fading goe. 315 Whereas the Fayry queen receiuM, With heauy mourning cheere, The body of this valiant knight, Whom she esteem'd so deere. For with her dancing nymph es in greene, 320 She fetcht him from his bed. With musicke and sweet melody, So soone as life was fled : For whom king Arthur and his knights Full forty dales did mourne ; 325 And, in remembrance of his name That was so strangely borne, He built a tomb of marble gray, And yoare by yeare did come To celebrate the mournefuU day, And buriall of Tom Thum. 330 Whose fame still Hues in England here, Amongst the country sort ; Of whom our wives and children small Tell tales of pleasant sport. 335 THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. 481 t «b^ 0f St |0|n. This ballad — the composition of Sir Walter Scott — was originally published in the "Tales of Wonder," edited by M. G. Lewis. The scene of the Tragedy, " Smaylho'me, or Smallholm Tower, is situated on the northern boundary of Roxburghshire, among a cluster of wild rocks, called Sandiknow Crags. The tower is a high square building, surrounded by an outer wall, now ruinous. The circuit of the outer court, being defended on three sides by a precipice and morass, is accessible only from the west by a steep and rocky path. The apartments, as usual in a Border keep, or fortress, are placed one above another, and communicate by a narrow stair ; on the roof are two bartizans, or platforms, for defence or pleasure. The inner door of the tower is wood, the outer an iron gate ; the distance between them being nine feet, the thickness, namely, of the wall. From the elevated situ- ation of Smaylho'me Tower, it is seen many miles in every direction. Among the crags by which it is surrounded, one, more eminent, is called the Watch fold, and is said to have been the station of a beacon in the times of war with England. Without the tower- court is a ruined chapel. Brotherstone is a heath, in the neighbourhood of Smaylho'me Tower."* When the ballad was republished in the " Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," it was accompanied by some account of the battle of " Ancram Moor," to which reference is made in the poem, as " running red with English blood" from the fight between "keen Lord Evers" and * This Ballad derives additional interest from the fact that " the ancient fortress and its vicinity formed the scene of the Editor's infancy, and seemed to claim from him this attempt to celebrate them in a Border tale." References are made, in the introduction to the 3d canto of " Mar- mion," to " those crags, that mountain tower. Which charm'd my fancy's wakening hour." " It was a barren scene, and wild, Where naked cliffs were rudely piled ; But ever and anon between Lay velvet tufts of softest green ; And well the lonely infant knew Recesses where the wallflower grew;" " The Douglas true and the bold Buccleuch," — a fight that was ever famous in the annals of border warfare.* It took place in 1546. Evers and his colleague Sir Brian Latoun, having been promised by the English king a feudal grant of the country they had reduced to a desert, Archibald Douglas, the seventh Earl of Angus, is said to have sworn tow^rite the deed of investiture upon their skins with sharp pens and bloody ink, in resentment for their having defaced the tombs of his ances- tors at Melrose. He kept his word ; at the head of one thousand men, aided by the fa- mous Norman Lesley with a body of Fife-men, and " the bold Buccleuch" with a small but chosen body of his retainers, Evers and La- toun were met, at Ancram Moor,f with an army consisting of three thousand mercena- ries, one thousand five hundred English Bor- derers, and seven hundred Scotchmen of "broken clans," who changed sides during the engagement, and, joining their country- men, made a most merciless slaughter among * In the 1st volume of" Border Minstrelsy" is printed a ballad which appears to have been written to commemo- rate the circumstance of Sir Ralph Evers being ennobled on account of the vigour with which he prosecuted the Border warfare : — " And since he has kepte Berwick upon Tweed, The town was never better kept, I wot; He maintain'd leal and order along the Border, And still was ready to prick the Scot. " With our Queen's brother he hath been, And rode rough-shod thro' Scotland of late ; They have burn'd the Mers and Tiviotdale, And knocked fuU loud at Edinburgh gate." Lord Evers was slain at Ancram Moor ; and " was bu- ried in Melrose Abbey, where his stone coffin may still be seen — a little to the left of the Great Altar." t The spot on which the battle was fought is called Lil- yard's Edge, from an Amazonian Scottish woman of that name, who is reported, by tradition, to have distinguished herself in the same manner as Squire Witherington. The old people point out her monument, now broken and de- faced. The inscription is said to have been legible within this century, and to have run thus : — " Fair maiden Lylliard lies under this stane. Little was her stature, but great was her fame, Upon the English louns she laid mony thumps. And, when her legs were cutted off, she fought upon her stumps." 482 THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. the English fugitives. "In the battle fell Lord Evers and his son, together with Sir Brian Latoun, and eight hundred English- men, many of whom were persons of rank. A thousand prisoners were taken. Among these was a patriotic alderman of London, Read by name, who, having contumaciously refused to pay his portion of a benevolence demanded from the city by Henry VIIL, was sent by royal authority to serve against the Scots. These, at settling his ransom, he found still more exorbitant in their exactions than the monarch." Concerning the ballad of " The Eve of St. John," Sir Walter Scott gives us no informa- tion except in the notes — and they refer ex- clusively to the localities among which he has laid the scene of a romantic drama. He does not appear to have pointed the moral from any particular incident ; yet the lesson conveyed by the story, that " Lawless love is guilt above," is not the less forcible because it has reference to no express local tradition. The stanzas which close the tale are full of solemn gran- deur ; seldom has a more impressive picture been' exhibited in lines so few : — " There is a nun in Dryburgh bower, Ne'er looks upon the sun ; There is a monk in Melrose tower, He speaketh word to none. " That nun, who ne'er beholds the day, That monk who speaks to none — That nun was Smaylho'me's Lady gay, That monk the bold baron." The Baron of Smaylho'me rose with day, He spurred his courser on, "Without stop or stay, down the rocky way. That leads to Brotherstone. He went not with the bold Buccleuch, 5 His banner broad to rear ; He went not 'gainst the English yew, To lift the Scottish spear. Yet his plate-jack was brac'd, his helmet was lac'd, And his vaunt-brace of proof he wore ; 10 At his saddle-gerthe was a good steel sperthe. Full ten pound weight and more. The Baron return'd in three days' And his looks were sad and sour : And weary was his courser's pace, As he reach'd his rocky tower. 15 He came not from where Ancram Moor Ran red with English blood ; Where the Douglas true, and the bold Buc- cleuch, ^Gainst keen Lord Evers stood. 20 Yet was his helmet hack'd and hew'd, His acton pierced and tore. His axe and his dagger with blood imbrued, — But it was not English gore. He lighted at the Chapellage, 25 He held him close and still ; And he whistled thrice for his little foot-page, His name was English Will. " Come thou hither, my little foot-page. Come hither to my knee ; 30 Though thou art young, and tender of age, I think thou art true to me. " Come tell me all that thou hast seen, And look thou tell me true ! Sinco I from Smaylho'me tower have been. What did thy lady do?" 36 " My lady, each night, sought the lonely light, That burns on the wild Watchfold ; For, from height to height, the beacons bright Of the English foemen told. 40 " The bittern clamour'd from the moss, The wind blew loud and shrill ; Yet the craggy pathway she did cross, To the eiry Beacon Hill. " I watch'd her steps, and silent came 45 Where she sat her on a stone ; — No watchman stood by the dreary flame, It burned all alone. " The second night I kept her in sight, Till to the fire she came, 50 And, by Mary's might ! an armed knight Stood by the lonely flame. " And many a word that warlike lord Did speak to my lady there ; But the rain fell fast, and loud blew the blast, And I heard not what they were. 56 THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. 483 ** The third night there the sky was fair, And the mountain-blast was still, As again I watch'd the secret pair, On the lonesome Beacon Hill. 60 "And I heard her name the midnight hour. And name this holy eve ; And say, ' Come this night to thy lady's bower ; Ask no bold baron's leave. *' * He lifts his spear, with the bold Buccleuch ; His lady is all alone ; 66 The door she'll undo to her knight so true, On the eve of good St. John.' — " ' I cannot come ; I must not come ; I dare not come to thee ; 70 On the eve of St. John I must wander alone ; In thy bower I may not be.' — " * Now, out on thee, faint-hearted knight ! Thou shouldst not say me nay ; For the eve is sweet, and, when lovers meet, Is worth the whole summer's day. 76 " * And I'll chain the blood-hound, And the warder shall not sound, And rush( s shall be strew'd on the stair ; So, by the black rood-stone, and by holy St. John, 80 I conjure thee, my love, to be there ! ' — " * Though the blood-hound be mute, And the rush beneath my foot, And the warder his bugle should not blow. There sleepeth a priest in the chamber to the east, 85 And my footstep he would know.' — " * fear not the priest, who sleepeth to the east ! For to Dryburgh the way he has ta'en ; And there to say mass, till three da;ys do pass. For the soul of a knight that is slayne.' — " ' He turn'd him round, and grimly he frown'd ; 91 Then he laughed right scornfully — ' He who says mass-rite for the soul of that knight, May as well say mass for me : *' * At the midnight hour, 95 When bad spirits have power, In thy chamber will I be.' — With that he was gone, and my lady left alone. And no more did I see." Then changed, I trow, was that bold Baron's brow, 100 From the dark to the blood-red high — " Now, tell me the mien of the knight thou hast seen, For, by Mary, he shall die !"— *' His arms shone bright, in the beacon's red light ! His plume it was scarlet and blue ; 105 On his shield was a hound, In a silver leash bound. And his crest was a branch of the yew." — " Thou liest, thou liest, thou little foot-page, Loud dost thou lie to me ! 110 For that knight is cold, And low laid in the mould. All under the Eildon-tree."— "Yet hear but my word, my noble lord! For I heard her name his name ; 115 And that lady bright she called the knight Sir Richard of Coldinghame." — The bold Baron's brow then changed, I trow. From high blood-red to pale — " The grave is deep and dark — 120 And the corpse is stiff and stark — So I may not trust thy tale. "Where fair Tweed flows round holy Melrose, And Eildon slopes to the plain. Full three nights ago, by some secret foe. That gay gallant was slain. 126 " The varying light deceived thy sight. And the wild winds drown'd the name ; For the Dryburgh bells ring. And the white monks do sing, 130 For Sir Richard of Coldinghame !" He passed the court-gate, And he oped the tower gate, And he mounted the narrow stair, To the bartizan seat, 135 Where with maids that on her wait, He found his lady fair. 484 THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. That lady sat in mournful mood ; Look'd over hill and vale ; Over Tweed's fair flood, and Mertoun's vrood, And all down Teviotdale. 141 " Now hail, now hail, thou lady bright V — " Now hail, thou Baron true ! What news, what news, from Ancram fight? What news from the bold Buccleuch ?" — 146 " The Ancram Moor is red with gore, For many a southern fell ; And Buccleuch has charged us, evermore, To watch our beacons well." — The lady blush'd red, but nothing she said : Nor added the Baron a word : 151 Then she stepp'd down the stair to her cham- ber fair, And so did her moody lord. In sleep the lady mourn'd, And the Baron toss'd and turn'd, 155 And oft to himself he said, — " The worms around him creep, And his bloody grave is deep It cannot give up the dead I" — It was near the ringing of matin-bell, 160 The night was well nigh done. When a heavy sleep on that Baron fell, On the eve of good St. John. The lady look'd through the chamber fair, By the light of a dying flame ; 165 And she was aware of a knight stood there — Sir Eichard of Coldinghame ! " Alas ! away, away I" she cried, " For the holy Virgin's sake !" — " Lady, I know who sleeps by thy side ; But, lady, he will not awake. 171 " By Eildon-tree, for long nights three, In bloody grave have I lain ; The mass and the death-prayer are said for me, But, lady, they are said in vain. 175 "By the Baron's brand, near Tweed's fair strand, Most foully slain, I fell ; And my restless sprite on the beacon's height, For a space is doomed to dwell. " At our trysting-place, for a certain space, I must wander to and fro ; 181 But I had not had power to come to thy bower, Hadst thou not conjured me so."— Love master'd fear — her brow she cross'd ; " How, Richard, hast thou sped ? 185 And art thou saved, or art thou lost ?"— The vision shook his head ! " Who spilleth life shall forfeit life : So bid thy lord believe : That lawless love is guilt above, ' This awful sign receive." 190 He laid his left palm on an oaken beam. His right upon her hand ; The lady shrunk, and fainting sunk, For it scorch'd like a fiery brand. 195 The sable score of fingers four Remains on that board impressed ; And for evermore that lady wore A covering on her wrist.* There is a nun in Dryburgh bower, 200 Ne'er looks upon the sun ; There is a monk in Melrose tower. He speaketh word to none. That nun, who ne'er beholds the day, That monk who speaks to none — 205 That nun was Smaylho'me's Lady gay. That monk the bold Baron. * The circumstance of the " nun who never saw the day," is not entirely imaginary. Neither is the incident of the lady wearing a covering on the wrist to conceal " the sable score of fingers four." Sir Walter says it is "founded on an Irish tradition." The circumstance referred to is not of a remote date. We have ourselves seen the bracelet said to have been thus used — and worn untU death be- trayed the secret of the wearer. FRENNET HALL. 485 ixtuntt fall We copy this ballad from Herd's collection of "Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, &c.," where it first appeared, unaccompanied, however, by note or com- ment, and leaving little room for doubt that it was the production of a modern pen, — " written belike (we quote from Motherwell) by the ingenious hand to whom we are in- debted for the Ballads of ' Duncan' and 'Ken- neth,' which appear in the same work, and which, by the way, we may be pardoned for saying, are but indifferent imitations of the Ancient Ballad style."* It was reprinted by Ritson, who considers it to have been " suggested by one composed at the time, a few stanzas of which were for- tunately remembered by the Rev. Mr. Boyd, translator of 'Dante,' and were obligingly communicated to the Editor by his very inge- nious and valuable friend, J. C. Walker, Esq." These stanzas we have introduced in a note. The ballad of which Ritson gave a fragment has, however, been since rescued entire. It is entitled the "Fire of Frendraught," and its history is thus given by Motherwell. "For the recovery of this interesting ballad hitherto supposed to have been lost, the public is in- debted to the industrious research of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq., of Edinburgh, by whom it was obligingly communicated for insertion in the present collection. It has already appeared in a smaller volume of ex- ceeding rarity, printed at Edinburgh, in the beginning of 1824, under the title of 'A North Country Garland,' but with the disad- vantage of containing a very considerable * " In 1769, Mr. Herd published his Ancient and Modern Songs, Heroic Ballads, &c., and again, in 1776, in two vol- umes, — a collection of much merit, and one wherein many curious lyrical pieces have found a sanctuary. The prin- cipal faults of this compilation conisist in its ancient and modern pieces being indiscriminately mingled together; and that no reference is even made to the authorities from which they are derived, except what this slight announce- ment contains : " It is divided into three parts. The first is composed of all the Scottish Ancient and Modern Heroic Ballads, or Epic tales, together with some beautiful frag- ments of this kind. Many of these are recovered from tra- dition, or old MSS., and never before printed. The second part consists of sentimental, pastoral, and love songs: and the third is a collection of comic, humorous, and jovial songs.' " — Motherwell, " Introduction to Minstrelsy, An- cient and Modern." number of slight verbal and literal inaccura- cies," — which in Motherwell's version are removed. The ballad has a high degree of poetic merit, and probably was written at the time by an eye-witness of the event which it records ; for there is " a horrid vivacity of colouring and circumstantial minuteness in the description of the agonies of the unhappy sufferers, which none but a spectator could have given." The old ballad thus begins : " The eighteenth of October, A dismal tale to hear, How good Lord John and Rothiemay Were both burnt in the fire." The Scottish Historians detail the appalling circumstances commemorated in the ballad. The Viscount Aboyn, son to the Marquis of Huntley, and the young laird of Rothiemay, were guests in the castle of the Laird of Frendraught. "All being at rest, about mid- night that dolorous tower took fire. * * * Aboyn ran up stairs to Rothiemay's cham- ber and wakened him to rise ; and as he is awakening him, the timber passage and loft- ing of the chamber hastily take fire, so that none of them could run down stairs again ; so they turned to a window looking to the close, where they piteously cried many times, ' Help, help, for God's cause.' The laird and lady, with their servants, all seeing and hear- ing the woful crying, made no help or manner of helping ;* which they perceiving, cried * A passage in the old ballad is said to have received a singular illustration. When the youths in their agony called upon Lady Frendraught for mercy, she is made to reply, " The keys are casten in the deep draw well, Ye cannot get away." Mr. Finley, after regretting that all his attempts to reco- ver the ballad had proved unsuccessful, relates the follow- ing circumstance. " A lady, a near relation of mine, lived near the spot in her youth for some time ; and remembers having heard the old song mentioned by Ritson, but can- not repeat it. She says there was a verse which stated that the lord and lady locked the door of the tower, and flung the keys into the draw-well ; and that, many years ago, when the well was cleared out, this tradition was cor- roborated by their finding the keys — at least such was the report of the country." 486 FRENNET HALL. oftentimes mercy at God's hands for their Bins ; syne clasped in each others arms, and cheerfully suffered their martyrdom." The Ballad-maker thus describes the horrible catastrophe: — Aboyn is answering to his servant, who entreats him to " loup down ;" — " loup, loup, my dear master, loup. and come to me ; I'll catch you in my arms two, One foot I will not flee !" **But I cannot loup, I cannot come, 1 cannot win to thee ; My head's fast in the wire window, My feet burning from me. *' My eyes are seething in my head, My flesh roasting also, My bowels are boiling with my blood, Is not that a woeful woe. ** Take here the rings from my white fingers, That are so long and small, And give them to my lady fair, Where she sits in her hall. " So I cannot loup, I cannot come, I cannot loup to thee — My earthly part is all consumed, My spirit but speaks to thee." The historian continues : — " Thus died this noble Viscount, of singular expectation, Ro- thiemay a brave youth, and the rest, by this doleful fire, never enough to be deplored, to the great grief and sorrow of their kin, pa- rents, and haill common people, especially to the noble Marquis. No man can express the dolour of him and his lady, nor yet the grief of the Viscount's ain dear lady, when it came to her ears, which she kept to her dying day, disdaining after the company of men all her lifetime, following the love of the turtle dove." Whether Frendraught and his lady were actually guilty can now never be ascertained. The popular voice was against them ; yet it is more than probable that the ballad and tradition have doomed innocent people to an infamous immortality. A gentleman named Meldrum was executed for the burning, but on very insufficient evidence ; and he died " without any certain and real confession, as was said, anent this doleful fire, occurred in October, 1630. The fire When Frennet Castle's ivied walls ' Through yellow leaves were seen ; When birds forsook the sapless boughs, And bees the faded green ; Then Lady Frennet, vengefu' dame, 5 Did wander frae the ha', To the wide forest's devrie gloom, Among the leaves that fa'. Her page, the swiftest of her train, Had dumb a lofty tree, 10 Whase branches to the angry blast Were soughing mournfullie. He turn'd his een towards the path That near the castle lay. Where good Lord John and Rothiemay 15 Were riding down the brae. Swift darts the eagle through the sky. When prey beneath is seen : As quickly he forgot his hold, And perch'd upon the green. 20 " hie thee, hie thee, lady gay, Frae this dark wood awa' ! Some visitors of gallant mein Are hasting to the ha'." Then round she row'd her silken plaid, 25 Her feet she did na spare, Until she left the forest's skirts A long bow-shot and mair. " where, where, my good lord John, tell me where ye ride ? 30 Within my castle-wall this nicht 1 hope ye mean to bide. " Kind nobles, will ye but alicht, In yonder bower to stay. Soft ease shall teach you to forget The hardness of the way." " Forbear entreaty, gentle dame, How can we here remain ? Full well you know your husband deir Was by our father slain : 35 ** The thoughts of which, with fell revenge, Within your bosom swell : Enraged you've sworn that blood for blood, Should this black passion quell.'' " fear not, fear not, good Lord John, 45 That I will you betray, Or sue requital for a debt Which nature cannot pay.* "Bear witness, a' ye powers on high ! Ye lichts that 'gin to shine ! 50 This nicht shall prove the sacred cord That knits your faith and mine.'' The lady slie, with honey'd words, Enticed the youths to stay ; But morning sun ne'er shone upon Lord John and Rothiemay. » 55 %\lt f 0lTm (^mxxd; gx, to^as Srmmg^, This " pleasant History," which " may be sung to the tune of Floras Farewell," is here republished from a copy printed at London for F. Cotes and others, 1677, 12mo. bl. 1., preserved in the curious and valuable collec- tion of that excellent and most respected an- tiquary Antony k Wood, in the Ashmolean Museum ; compared with another impression, for the same partners, without date, in the editor's possession. The reader will find a different copy of the poem, more in the bal- * The following are the stanzas referred to in the intro- ductory remarks : — " The reek it rose and the flame it flew. And, oh ! the fire augmented high. Until it came to Lord John's chamber window, And to the bed where Lord John lay. " ' help me, help me, Lady Frennet, I never etth;d harm to thee. And if my father slew thy lord, Forget the deed and rescue me.' " He looked east, he looked west. To see if any help was nigh ; At length his little page he saw, Who to his lord aloud did cry. "'Loup down, loup down, my master dear, What though the window's dreigh and hie, I'll catch you in my arms twa, And never a foot from you I'll flee.' " ' How can I loup, you little page ? How can I leave this window high? Do you not see the blazing low. And my twa legs burnt to my knee ?' " It was the publication of these fine and vigorous stanzas which led to a general search for the old ballad. At length it was recovered by Kirkpatrick Sharpe in the manner we have described. A rich and rare addition was thus made to the ballad Lore of Scotland. It is worthy of note, that in this fraaiment, also, guilt is attributed to Lady Frennet. 62 lad form, in a collection of " Ancient Songs," published by F. Johnson, Both copies are conjectured to have been modernized, by dif- ferent persons, from some common original, which has hitherto eluded the vigilance of collectors, but is strongly suspected to have been the composition of an old North country minstrel. The full title is— "The Lovers Quarrel: or Cupids Triumph : being the pleasant history of Fair Rosamond of Scotland. Being daugh- ter to the Lord Arundel, whose love was ob- tained by the valour of Tommy Pots: who conquered the Lord Phenix, and wounded him, and after obtained her to be his wife. Being very delightful to read." Of all the lords in Scotland fair, And ladies that been so bright of blee, There is a noble lady among them all, And report of her you shall hear by me. For of her beauty she is bright, 5 And of her colour very fair, She's daughter to lord Arundel, Approv'd his parand and his heir. He see this bride, lord Phenix said, That lady of so bright a blee, 10 And if I like her countenance well. The heir of all my lands she'st be. But when he came the lady before, Before this comely maid came he, god thee save, thou lady sweet, 15 My heir and parand thou shalt be. 488 THE LOVERS QUARREL. Leave off your suit, the lady said, As you are a lord of high degree, You may have ladies enough at home, And I have a lord in mine own country ; For I have a lover true of mine own, 21 A serving-man of low degree, One Tommy Pots it is his name, My first love, and last that ever shall be. If that Tom Pots [it] is his name, 25 I do ken him right verily, I am able to spend fourty pounds a week. Where he is not able to spend pounds three. God give you good of your gold, she said, And ever god give you good of your fee, 30 Tom Pots was the first love that ever I had, And I do mean him the last to be. With that lord Phenix soon was mov'd. Towards the lady did he threat. He told her father, and so it was prov'd, 35 How his daughters mind was set. daughter dear, thou art my own, The heir of all my lands to be, Thou shalt be bride to the lord Phenix, If that thou mean to be heir to me. 40 father dear, I am your own. And at your command I needs must be, But bind my body to whom you please, My heart, Tom Pots, shall go with thee. Alas ! the lady her fondness must leave, 45 And all her foolish wooing lay aside. The time is come, her friends have appointed, That she must be lord Phenix bride. With that the lady began to weep. She knew not well then what to say, 50 How she might lord Phenix deny. And escape from marriage quite away. She call'd unto her little foot-page, Saying, I can trust none but thee, Go carry Tom Pots this letter fair, 55 And bid him on Guildford-green meet me : For I must marry against my mind. Or in faith well proved it shall be ; And tell to him I am loving and kind, And wishes him this wedding to see. 60 But see that thou note his countenance well, And his colour, and shew it to me ; And go thy way and high thee again, And forty shillings 1 will give thee. For if he smile now with his lips, 65 His stomach will give him to laugh at the heart, Then may I seek another true love, For of Tom Pots small is my part. But if he blush now in his face, Then in his heart he will sorry be, 70 Then to his vow he hath some grace, And false to him I'le never be. Away this lacky boy he ran. And a full speed forsooth went he, Till he came to Strawberry-castle, 75 And there Tom Pots came he to see. He gave him the letter in his hand. Before that he began to read. He told him plainly by word of mouth. His love was forc'd to be lord Phenix bride. When he look'd on the letter fair, 81 The salt tears blemished his eye. Says, I cannot read this letter fair. Nor never a word to see or spy. My little boy be to me true, 85 Here is five marks I will give thee, And all these words I must peruse, And tell my lady this from me : By faith and troth she is my own, 89 By some part of promise, so it's to be found, Lord Phenix shall not have her night nor day, Except he can win her with his own hand. On Guildford-green I will her meet. Say that I wish her for me to pray, For there I'le lose my life so sweet, 95 Or else the wedding I mean to stay. Away this lackey-boy he ran. Then as fast as he could hie. The lady she met him two miles of the way, Says, why hast thou staid so long, my boy ? My little boy, thou art but young, 101 It gives me at heart thou'l mock and scorn. He not believe thee by word of mouth. Unless on this book thou wilt be sworn. THE LOVERS QUARREL. 489 Now by this book, the boy did say, 105 And Jesus Christ be as true to me, Tom Pots could not read the letter fair, Nor never a word to spy or see. He says, by faith and troth you are his own, By some part of promise, so it's to be found. Lord Phenix shall not have you night nor day, Except he win you with his own hand. 112 On Guildford-green he will you meet, He wishes you for him to pray. For there he'l lose his life so sweet, 115 Or else the wedding he means to stay. If this be true, my little boy, These tidings which thou tellest to me, Forty shillings I did thee promise. Here is ten pounds I will give thee. 120 My maidens all, the lady said, That ever wish me well to prove, Now let us all kneel down and pray, That Tommy Pots may win his love. If it be his fortune the better to win, 125 As I pray to Christ in trinity, He make him the flower of all his kin. For the young lord Arundel he shall be. THE SECOND PART. Let's leave talking of this lady fair. In prayers full good where she may be, Now let us talk of Tommy Pots, 131 To his lord and master for aid went he. Bat when he came lord Jockey before. He kneeled lowly on his knee, What news ? what news ? thou Tommy Pots, Thou art so full of courtesie. 136 What tydings ? what tydings ? thou Tommy Pots, Thou art so full of courtesie ; Thou hast slain some of thy fellows fair, Or wrought to me some villany. 140 I have slain none of my fellows fair. Nor wrought to you no villany, But I have a love in Scotland fair, And I fear I shall lose her with poverty. If you'l not believe me by word of mouth, But read this letter, and you shall see, 146 Here by all these suspitious words That she her own self hath sent to me. But when he had read the letter fair. Of all the suspitious words in it might be, Tommy Pots, take thou no care, 151 Thou'st never lose her with poverty. For thou'st have forty pounds a week. In gold and silver thou shalt row, And Harvy town I will give thee, 155 As long as thou intend'st to wooe. Thou'st have forty of thy fellows fair, And forty horses to go with thee. Forty of the best spears I have, And I myself in thy company. 160 1 thank you, master, said Tommy Pots, That proffer is too good for me ; But, if Jesus Christ stand on my side, My own hands shall set her free. God be with you, master, said Tommy Pots, Now Jesus Christ you save and see ; 166 If ever I come alive again, Staid the wedding it shall be. god be your speed, thou Tommy Pots, Thou art well proved for a man, 170 See never a drop of blood thou spil. Nor yonder gentleman confound. See that some truce with him thou take. And appoint a place of liberty ; Let him provide him as well as he can, 175 As well provided thou shalt be. But when he came to Guildford-green, And there had walkt a little aside, There he was ware of lord Phenix come. And lady Rosamond his bride. 180 Away by the bride then Tommy Pots went. But never a word to her he did say. Till he the lord Phenix came before. He gave him the right time of the day. welcome, welcome, thou Tommy Pots, 185 Thou serving-man of low degree. How doth thy lord and master at home, And all the ladies in that country ? 490 THE LOVERS QUARREL. My lord and master is in good health, master, yet it is unknown. 1 trust since that I did him see ; 190 Within these two days well try'd it must be, Will you walk with me to an out-side, He is a lord, I am but a serving man, 235 Two or three words to talk with me ? I fear I shall lose her with poverty. You are a noble man, said Tom, I prethee, Tom Pots, get thee on thy feet, And born a lord in Scotland free, My former promises kept shall be ; You may have ladies enough at home, 195 As I am a lord in Scotland fair. And never take my love from me. Thou'st never lose her with poverty. 240 Away, away, thou Tommy Pots, For thou'st have the half of my lands a year, Thou serving-man stand thou aside ; And that will raise thee many a pound, It is not a serving-man this day, Before thou shalt out-braved be. That can hinder me of my bride. 200 Thou shalt drop angels with him on the ground. If I be a serving-man, said Tom, And you a lord of high degree, I thank you, master, said Tommy Pots, 245 A spear or two with you I'le run, Yet there is one thing of you I would fain, Before I'le lose her cowardly. If that I lose my lady sweet. Appoint a place, I will thee meet, 205 How I'st restore your goods again ? Appoint a place of liberty. If that thou win the lady sweet, 249 For there I'le lose my life so sweet, Thou mayst well forth thou shalt pay me, Or else my lady I'le set free. If thou losest thy lady thou losest enough, On Guildford-green I will thee meet, Thou shalt not pay me one penny. No man nor boy shall come with me. 210 You have thirty horses in one close. As I am a man, said Tommy Pots, You keep them all both frank and free, rie have as few in my company. Amongst them all there's an old white horse. And thus staid the marriage was, This day would set my lady free ; 256 The bride unmarried went home again, That is an old horse with a cut tail. Then to her maids fast did she laugh, 215 Full sixteen years of age is he ; And in her heart she was full fain. If thou wilt lend me that old horse, Then could I win her easily. 260 My maidens all, the lady said. That ever wait on me this day. That's a foolish opinion, his master said. Now let us all kneel down. And a foolish opinion thou tak'st to thee ; And for Tommy Pots let us all pray. 220 Thou'st have a better then ever he was. Though forty pounds more it should cost me. If it be his fortune the better to win, As I trust to God in trinity, He make him the flower of all his kin. your choice horses are wild and tough, 265 For the young lord Arundel he shall be. And little they can skill of their train; If I be out of my saddle cast, THE THIRD PART. They are so wild they'l ne'r be tain. When Tom Pots came home again, 225 To try for his love he had but a week, Thou'st have that horse, his master said, 270 For sorrow, god wot, he need not care. If that one thing thou wilt me tell ; For four days that he fel sick. Why that horse is better then any other. With that his master to him came, I pray thee, Tom Pots, shew thou to me. Says, pray thee, Tom Pots, tell me if thou That horse is old, of stomach bold, doubt, 230 And well can he skill of his train, 275 Whether thou hast gotten thy gay lady, If I be out of my saddle cast. Or thou must go thy love without. Ile'l either stand still, or turn again. t;he lovers quarrel. 491 Thou'st have the horse with all my heart, And my plate coat of silver free, An hundred men to stand at thy back, 280 To fight if he thy master be. I thank you master, said Tommy Pots, That proffer is too good for me, I would not for ten thousand pounds, Have man or boy in my company. 285 God be with you, master, said Tommy Pots, Now as you are a man of law. One thing let me crave at your hand. Let never a one of my fellows know. 290 For if that my fellows they did wot, Or ken of my extremity. Except you keep them under a lock. Behind me I'm sure they would not be. But when he came to Guildford-green, He waited hours two or three, 295 There he was ware of lord Phenix come, And four men in his company. You have broken your vow, said Tommy Pots, The vow which you did make to me. You said you would bring neither man nor boy, 300 And now has brought more than two or three. These are my men, lord Phenix said. Which every day do wait on me ; If any of these dare proffer to strike, rie run my spear through his body. 305 I'le run no race now, said Tommy Pots, Except now this may be. If either of us be slain this day, The other shall forgiven be. 310 I'le make that vow with all my heart, My men shall bear witness with me ; And if thou slay me here this day. In Scotland worse belov'd thou never shalt be. They turn'd their horses thrice about, To run the race so eagerly ; 315 Lord Phenix he was fierce and stout. And ran Tom Pots through the thick o' th' thigrh. He bor'd him out of the saddle fair, Down to the ground so sorrowfully. For the loss of my life I do not care, But for the loss of my fair lady. 320 Now for the loss of my lady sweet. Which once I thought to have been my wife, I pray thee, lord Phenix, ride not away. For with thee I would end my life. 325 Tom Pots was but a serving-man, But yet he was a doctor good. He bound his handkerchief on his wound, And with some kind of words he stancht his blood.* He leapt into his saddle again, 330 The blood in his body began to warm, He mist lord Phenix body fair. And ran him through the brawn of the arm : He bor'd him out of his saddle fair, Down to the ground most sorrowfully ; 335 Says, prethee, lord Phenix, rise up and fight, Or yield my lady unto me. Now for to fight I cannot tell, And for to fight I am not sure ; Thou hast run me throw the brawn o' the arm, 340 That with a spear I may not endure. Thou'st have the lady with all my heart. It was never likely better to prove With me or any nobleman else That would hinder a poor man of his love. Seeing you say so much, said Tommy Pots, I will not seem your butcher to be, But I will come and stanch your blood, If any thing you will give me. As he did stanch lord Phenix blood, 350 Lord ! in his heart he did rejoice ; I'le not take the lady from you thus. But of her you'st have another choice. Here is a lane of two miles long, At either end we set will be, 355 The lady shall stand us among. Her own choice shall set her free. * i. e. he made use of a charm for that purpose. 492 KATHARINE JANFARIE. If thou'l do so, lord Phenix said, To lose her by her own choice it's honesty, Chuse whether I get her or go her without. Forty pounds I will give thee. 361 But when they in that lane was set, The wit of a woman for to prove, By the faith of my body, the lady said. Then Tom Pots must needs have his love. Towards Tom Pots the lady did hie. To get on behind him hastily ; Nay stay, nay stay, lord Phenix said, Better proved it shall be. 366 370 Stay you with your maidens here. In number fair they are but three ; Tom Pots and I will go behind yonder wall, That one of us two be proved to dye. But when they came behind the wall, The one came not the other nigh, 375 For the lord Phenix had made a vow. That with Tom Pots he would never fight. give me this choice, lord Phenix said, To prove whether true or false she be, And I will go to the lady fair, 380 And tell her Tom Pots slain is he. When he came from behind the wall. With his face all bloody as it might be, lady sweet, thou art my own, For Tom Pots slain is he. 385 Now have I slain him, Tommy Pots, And given him deaths wounds two or three; lady sweet, thou art my own. Of all loves, wilt thou live with me ? If thou hast slain him, Tommy Pots, 390 And given him deaths wounds two or three, I'le sell the state of my fathers lands, But hanged shall lord Phenix be. With that the lady fell in a swound, For a grieved woman, god wot, was she ; Lord Phenix he was ready then, 396 To take her up so hastily. lady sweet, stand thou on thy feet, Tom Pots alive this day may be; I'le send for thy father, lord Arundel, 400 And he and I the wedding will see : I'le send for thy father, lord Arundel, And he and I the wedding will see ; If he will not maintain you well. Both lands and livings you'st have of me. I'le see this wedding, lord Arundel said, 406 Of my daughters luck that is so fair, Seeing the matter will be no better, Of all my lands Tom Pots shall be the heir. With that the lady began for to smile, 410 For a glad woman, god wot, was she ; Now all my maids, the lady said, Example you may take by me. But all the ladies of Scotland fair, And lasses of England, that well would prove, 415 Neither marry for gold nor goods, ._ Nor marry for nothing but only lover' For I had a lover true of my own, A serving-man of low degree ; . 419 Now from Tom Pots I'le change his name, For the young lord Arundel he shall be. atlr^rin^ Mjnfuh. Of this ballad — first published in the "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border"— the editor informs us that it is " given from seve- ral recited copies." It has obviously under- gone some alteration ; yet much of the rugged character of the original has been retained. The scenery of the ballad is sa4d, by tradi- tion, to lie upon the banks of the Cadden- water, " a small rill which joins the Tweed (from the north) betwixt Inverleithen and Clovenford." It is also traditionally stated that Katharine Janfarie "lived high up in KATHARINE JANFARIE. 493 the glen" — a beautiful and sequestered vale, connected with Traquair, and situated about three miles above Traquair House. The re- cited copies, from which it is probable Sir Walter Scott collected the verses he has here brought together, exist in Buchan's "Ancient Ballads and Songs," and in Motherwell's " Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern." It de- rives interest and importance, however, less from its intrinsic merit, than from the cir- cumstance of its having given to Scott the hint upon which he founded one of the most brilliant and spirit-stirring of his composi- tions — the famous and favourite ballad of Young Lochinvar. It will gratify the curious to compare the passages in the two that most nearly resemble each other. We, therefore, print the following extracts from Young Loch- invar, taken from the notes to the modern edition of the "Minstrelsy:" — " Then spoke the bride's father, his hand on his sword, (For the poor craven bridegroom said never a word) 0, come ye in peace here or come ye in war, Or to dance at our bridal, young Lord Lochin- var?" » * * * •?«• " ' I long woo'd your daughter, my suit you denied, Love swells like the Solway, but ebbs like its tide, — And now I am come with this lost love of mine, To lead but one measure, drink one cup of wine.' * * -x- * * " The bride kiss'd the goblet ; the knight took it up; He quaff'd off the wine, and he threw down the cup. She look'd down to blush, and she look'd up to sigh, With a smile on her lips, and a tear in her eye. * * -Jt * 4fr " One touch to her hand, and one word in her ear. When they reach'd the hall door, and the charger stood near : So light to the croupe the fair lady he swung, So light to the saddle before her he sprung ! ' She is won ! we are gone, over bank, bush, and scaur ; They'll have fleet steeds that follow,' quoth young Lochinvar." •X- -X- » * * Gordon of Lochinvar was, we are told, the head of a powerful branch of that name, afterwards Viscounts of Lochinvar. Mother- well's version, entitled Catherine Johnstone, was " obtained from recitation in the West of Scotland," and shows the state in which the " popular ballad" is there preserved. The " Laird o' Lamington" here figures ; and it is worthy of remark, as proving a common ori- gin, that " the Laird of Lamington" was the title given to the ballad in the first edition of the Border Minstrelsy. A few stanzas from Motherwell's version will exhibit the varia- tions between the two copies. The Lord of Lamington having received tidings that his lady-love was about to be wedded to an Eng- lish gentleman, suddenly enters the wedding- house, where " Four and twenty belted knights Sat at a table round ;" who rose to honour and to welcome him ; the ballad thus proceeds : — " 0, meikle was the good red wine, In silver cups did flow ; But aye she drank to Lamington, For with him would she go. " 0, meikle was the good red wine, In silver cups gaed round ; At length they began to whisper words, None could them understand. " ' came ye here for sport, young man, Or came ye here for play ? Or came ye for our bonny bride, On this her wedding-day 2' " * I came not here for sport,' he said, ' Neither did I for play ; But for one word o' your bonnie bride, I'll mount and go away.' " They set her maids behind her. To hear what they would say ; But the first question he ask'd at her. Was always answer'd nay ; The next question, he ask'd at her, Was * Mount and come away !' 494 KATHARINE JANFARIE. *' It's up the Couden bank, And down the Couden brae ; And aye she made the trumpet sound, It's a weel won play. " 0, meikle was the blood was shed, Upon the Couden brae ; And aye she made the trumpet sound, It's a' fair play." Of the two versions to which we have re- ferred, and another published by Mr. Buchan, Mr. Robert Chambers has composed a fourth. Several stanzas, however, are obviously bor- rowed from other sources, — Gil Morrice espe- cially. The following passages occur towards the conclusion : — " There were four and twenty bounie boys, A' clad in Johnstone-grey ; They said they would take the bride again, By the strong hand, if they may. " Some o' them were right willing men, But they were na willing a' ; And four and twenty Leader lads Bade them mount and ride awa'. •' Then whingers flew frae gentles' sides, And swords flew frae the sheas ; And red and rosy was the blude Ran down the lilye braes. " The blood ran down by Cadden bank, And down by Cadden brae; And, sighing, said the bonnie bride, * 0, wae's me for foul play V " * My blessing on your heart, sweet thing ! Wae to your wilful will ! There's mony a gallant gentleman Whose blude ye hae garr'd spill.' " There was a may, and a weel-far'd may, Lived high up in yon glen : Her name was Katharine Janfarie, She was courted by mony men. Up then came Lord Lauderdale, 5 Up frae the Lawland Border ; And he has come to court this may, A' mounted in good order. He told na her father, he told na her mother. And he told na ane o' her kin ; 10 But he whisper'd the bonnie lassie hersell. And has her favour won. But out then came Lord Lochinvar, Out frae the English Border, All for to court this bonny may, Weel mounted, and in order. 15 He told her father, he told her mother, And a' the lave o' her kin ; But he told na the bonny may hersell. Till on her wedding e'en. 20 She sent to the Lord o' Lauderdale, Gin he wad come and see ; And he has sent word back again, Weel answer'd she suld be. And he has sent a messenger 25 Right quickly through the land. And raised mony an armed man To be at his command. The bride looked out at a high window, Beheld baith dale and down, 30 And she was aware of her first true love, With riders mony a one. She scoffed him, and scorned him, Upon her wedding day ; And said — " It was the Fairy court 35 To see him in array ! "0 come ye here to fight, young lord, Or come ye here to play ? Or come ye here to drink good wine Upon the wedding day ?" — 40 " I come na here to fight," he said, " I come na here to play ; I'll but lead a dance wi' the bonny bride, And mount and go my way." It is a glass of the blood-red wine 45 Was filled up them between. And aye she drank to Lauderdale, Wha her true love had been. He's ta'en her by the milk-white hand. And by the grass-green sleeve ; 50 He's mounted her hie behind himsell, At her kinsmen speir'd na leave.^ * [" One touch to her hand, and one word in her ear, When they reach'd the hall door, and the charger stood near; So light to the croupe the fair lady he swung. So light to the saddle before her he sprung! * She is won ! we are gone, over bank, bush, and scaur ; They'll have fleet steeds that follow,' quoth young Lochin- var." Marmion.'] HOW THE WISE MAN TAUGHT HIS SON. 495 " Now take your bride, Lord Lochinvar ! Now take her if you may ! But, if you take your bride again, 55 We'll call it but foul play/' There were four-and-twenty bonnie boys, A' clad in the Johnstone grey ; They said they would take the bride again, By the strong hand, if they may. ^0 Some o' them were right willing men, But they were na willing a': And four-and-twenty Leader lads Bid them mount and ride awa'. Then whingers flew frae gentles' sides, And swords flew frae the shea's, And red and rosy was the blood Ran down the lily braes. 65 The blood ran down by Oaddon bank. And down by Caddon brae ; 70 And, sighing, said the bonnie bride — " wae's me for foul play I" My blessing on your heart, sweet thing I Wae to your wilfu' will ! There's mony a gallant gentleman 75 Whae's bluid ye have garr'd to spill. Now a' you lords of fair England, And that dwell by the English Border, Come never here to seek a wife, For fear of sic disorder. 80 They'll haik ye up, and settle ye bye, Till on your wedding day ; Then gie ye frogs instead of fish, And play ye foul, foul play. i0to % Miu llan im^\i \n Bart. This little moral piece, which, for the time wherein it was written, is not inelegant, is given from a manuscript collection in the Harleian library in the British Museum (No. 1596), compiled in the reign of King Henry the Sixth. It is not supposed to have been before printed, nor has any other copy of it been met with in manuscript ; there is how- ever a striking coincidence of idea in Mr. Gilbert Cooper's beautiful elegy entitled " A father's advice to his son," as well as in the old song of " It's good to be merry and wise;" which the more curious reader may consult at his leisure. liYSTENYTH all, and ze well here How the wyse man taght hys son ; Take gode tent to thys matere, And fond to lere yf the con. Thys song be zonge men was begon, 5 To make hem tyrsty and stedfast ; But zarn that is oft tyme yll sponne, Euyli hyt comys out at the last. A wyse man had a fay re chyld. Was well of fyftene zere age. That was bothe meke and mylde, Fayre of body and uesage ; 63 10 Gentyll of kynde and of corage, For he schulde be hys fadur eyre ; Hys ftidur thus, yn hys langage, 15 ' Taght' hys sone bothe weyll and fayre : And sayd, son, kepe thys word yn hart, And thenke theron 'tyll' thou be ded; Zeyr day thy furst weke, Loke thys be don yn ylke stede : 20 Furst se thye god yn forme of brede,* And serue hym * well' for hys godenes, And afturward, sone, by my rede, Go do thy worldys besynes. Forst, worschyp thy god on a day, 25 And, sone, thys schall thou haue to *mede,^ Skyll fully what thou pray. He wyll the graunt with outyn drede, And send the al that thou hast nede As 'far' as meser longyyth to strech, SO This lyfe in mesur that thou lede, And of the remlant thou ne rech. Ver. 16, That. V. 18, thyll. V. 22, wyU. Y. 26, mad. V. 30, for. * i e. go to maes. 496 HOW THE WISE MAN TAUGHT HIS SON. And, sone, thy tong thou kepe also, And be not tale wyse be no way, Thyn owen tonge may be thy fo, 35 Therfor beware, 8one, j the pray. Where and when, son, thou schalt say, And be whom thou spekyst oght; For thou may speke a word to day That seuen zere thens may be forthozt. 40 Therfore, sone, be ware be tyme, Desyre no offys for to bere. For of thy neyborys mawgref, Thou most hem bothe dysplese and dere, Or ellys thy self thou must 'forswere,* 45 And do not as thyn offys wolde, And gete the mawgrefe here and there, More then thank a thousand fold. And, sone, yf thou wylt lyf at ese. And warme among thy neyburs syt, 50 Lat newefangylnes the plese Oftyn to remewe nor to flyt, For and thou do thou wantys wyt, For folys they remewe al to wyde ; And also, sone, an euyl ' sygne' ys hyt, 55 A mon that can no wher abyde. And, sone, of syche thyng j the warne, And on my blyssyng take gode hede, Thou vse neuer the tauerne ; And also dysyng j the forbede : 60 For thyse two thyngys, with outyn drede, And comon women, as j leue, Maks zong men euyle to spede, And ' falle' yn danger and yn myschefe. And, sone, the more gode thou hast, 65 The rather bore the meke and lowe ; Lagh not mych for that ys wast, For folys ben by laghing * knowe.' And, sone, quyte wele that thou owe, So that thou be of detts clere ; 70 And thus, my lefe chylde, as j * trowe,' Thou mest the kepe fro davngere. And loke thou wake not to longe, Ne vse not rere soperys to late ; For, were thy complexion neuyr so strong, Wyth surfet thou mayst fordo that. 76 Of late walkyng oftyn debate, On nyztys for to syt and drynke Yf thou wylt rule thyn astate, Betyme go to bed and wynke. 80 Ver. 45, for swete. V. 55, sagne. V. 64, fuUe. V, 68, knone. V. 71, trewe. And, sone, as far furth as thou may, On noil enquest that thou come, Nor no fals wytnesse bere away. Of no manys mater, all ne sum: For better the were be defe and dowm, 85 Then for to be on any enquest. That aftyr myzt be vndurnome, A trewe man had hys quarel lest. And, sone, yf thou wylt haue a wyfe. Take hur for no couetyse, 90 But loke, sone, sche be the lefe, Thou wyfe bywayt and wele awyse. That sche be gode, honest, and wyse, Thof sche be pore take thou no hede. For sche ' schal' do the more seruys, 95 Then schall a ryche with owtyn drede. For better it is in rest and pes, A mes of potage and no more, Then for to haue a thousand mes, With gret dysese and angyr sore. 100 Therfore, sone, thynk on thys lore, Yf thou wylt haue a wyfe with ese. By hur gode set thou no store, Thoffe sche wolde the bothe fesse and sesse. And yf thy wyfe be meke and gode, 105 And serue the wele and ' plesantly', Loke that thou be not so wode. To charge hur then to owtragely : But then fare with hur esely. And cherysch hur for hur gode dede, 110 For thyng ouerdon vnskylfully, Makys wrath to grow where ys no nede. I wyl neyther glos ne ' paynt,' But waran the on anodyr syde, Yf thy wyfe come to make pleynt, 115 On thy seruandys on any syde. Be nott to hasty them to chyde. Nor wreth the or thou wytt the sothe, For wemen yn wreth e they can not hyde, But sone they reyse a smokei rofe. 120 Nor, sone, be not jelows, j the pray, For, and thou falle in jelosye. Let not thy wyfe wyt in no way, For thou may do no more foly; Ver. 95, schalt. V. 106, plesantyl. V. 113, praynt. V. 118, The MS. reads vrreth the not, bat the word not is in- serted by a different, though very ancient, hand, which has corrected the poem in other places; and in certainly redundant and improper. BARTHRAM'S DIRGE. 497 For, and thy wyfe may onys aspye 125 That thou any thyng hur mystryst, In dyspyte of thy fantesy. To do the wors ys all hur lyst. Therfore, sone, j byd the Wyrche with thy wyfe as reson ys, 130 Thof sche be seruant in degre, In som degre she felaw ys. Laddys that ar bundyn, so haue j blys, That can not rewle theyr wyves aryzt, That makys wemen, so haue j blys, 135 To do oftyn wrong yn plyzt. Nor, sone, bete nott thy wyfe j rede. For ther yn may no help ' rise,' Betyng may not stond yn stede, But rather make hur ' the to despyse:' 140 Wyth louys awe, sone, thy wyfe chastyse, And let fayre wordys be thy zerde ; Louys awe ys the best gyse. My sone, to make thy wyfe aferde. Nor, sone, thy wyfe thou schalt not chyde, Nor calle hur by no vyieus name, 146 For sche that schal ly be thy syde. To calle hur fowle yt ys thy schame ; Whan thou thyne owen wyfe wyl dyffame, Wele may anothyr man do so : 150 Soft and f^iyre men make tame Herte and buk and wylde roo. And, sone, thou pay ryzt wele thy tythe,* And pore men of thy gode thou dele ; And loke, sone, be thy lyfe, 155 Thou gete thy sowle here sum hele. Thys world hyt turnys euyn as a whele, All day be day hyt wyl enpayre. And so, sone, thys worldys wele, Hyt faryth but as a chery fare. 160 For all that euyr man doth here, - Wyth besynesse and trauell bothe, All ys wythowtyn were, For oure mete, drynk, and clothe ; More getys he not, wythowten othe, 165 Kyng or prynce whether that he be. Be hym lefe, or be hym loth, A pore man has as mych as he. And many a man here gadrys gode All hys lyfe dayes for othyr men, 170 That he may not by the rode, Hym self onys ete of an henne ; But be he doluyn yn hys den, Anothyr schal come at hys last ende, Schal haue hys wyf and catel then, 175 That he has gadred another schal spende. Therfor, sone, be my counseyle, More then ynogh thou neuyr covayt, Thou ne wost wan deth wyl the assayle, Thys werld ys but the fendys bayte. 180 For deth ys, sone, as I trowe. The most thyng that certyn ys, And non so vncerteyn for to knowe, As ys the tyme of deth y wys ; And therfore so thou thynk on thys, 185 And al that j haue seyd beforn : And Ihesu * bryng' vs to hys blys, That for us weryd the crowne of thorn. §artferHm's gitp^ This beautiful and most touching fragment was originally published in the " Border Min- strelsy ;" we know far too little concerning it ttJ satisfy the interest it excites. Accord- ing to Sir Walter Scott, it was "taken down by Mr. Surtees (the historian of Durham county) from the recitation of Anne Douglas, Ver. 135, The latter half of this line seems repeated by mistake. V. 138, be. V. 140, to despyse thee. * The author, from this and other admonitions, is sup- posed to have been a parson. an old woman who weeded in his garden.'^ Her memory, however, was defective, and she was enabled to preserve only snatches of the old song — the breaks thus left were filled up by Mr. Surtees ; so that the appended copy is in reality made complete,— even so far as it exists, — by the aid of a modern pen. " The hero of the ditty," says Sir Walter, " if the reciter be correct, was shot to death by nine Ver. 180, The latter part of this stanza seems to be want- ing. V. 187, brynd. 498 BARTHRAM'S DIRGE. brothers, whose sister he had seduced, but was afterwards buried, at her request, near their usual piece of meeting, which may ac- count for his being laid, not in holy ground, but beside the burn. The name of Barthram, or Bertram, would argue a Northumbrian origin; and there is, or was, a Headless Cross, among many so named, near Elsdon in Northumberland. But the mention of the Nine-Stane Burn, and Nine-Stane Rig, seems to refer to those places in the vicinity of Her- mitage Castle {the scene of the Ballad of Lord Soulis), which is countenanced by the men- tioning our Lady's Chapel. Perhaps the hero may have been an Englishman, and the lady a native of Scotland, which renders the catas- trophe even more probable. The style of the ballad is rather Scottish than Northumbrian. They certainly did bury in former days near the Nine-Stane Burn ; for the Editor remem- bers finding a small monumental cross, with initials, lying among the heather. It was so small that, with the assistance of another gentleman, he easily placed it upright." Upon one passage— " A friar shall sing for Barthram's soul, While the headless cross shall bide" — Mr. Surtees observes, that in the return made by the Commissioners on the Dissolution of Newminster Abbey, there is an item of a chauntry for one priest to sing daily ad cru- cem lapideam. Probably many of these crosses had the like expiatory solemnities for persons slain there. The ballad is, no doubt, founded upon some actual occurrence ; for the incident it relates must have been common enough in the old days of Border warfare— when to national animosity was frequently added the stimulus of personal wrong. Of the hapless Barthram, however, and the lady who " tore her ling long yellow hair," and " Plaited a garland for his breast, And a garland for his hair," we know nothing, even from tradition. But the composition carries with it a con- viction that its foundation was in truth. The picture is at once so striking, so touching, and so impressive, as to leave no doubt that Barth- ram was left " Lying in his blood, Upon the moor and moss," and that the hand of a loving but unhappy woman " Cover'd him o'er with the heather flower, The moss and the lady-fern." The fragment is classed by Sir "Walter among Historical Border Ballads— the ballads that relate events which we either know " ac- tually to have taken place, or which, at least, making due allowance for the exaggerations of poetical tradition, we may readily conceive to have had some foundation in history," — such ballads as Avere current on the Border, and which, although now existing but in " scraps," were once universally chaunted— " Young wemen, whan thai will play, Syng it among thaim ilk day." " "Who will not regret," exclaims Sir Wal- ter Scott, " that compositions of such interest and antiquity should be now irrecoverable ? But it is the nature of popular poetry, as of popular applause, perpetually to shift with the objects of the time ; and it is the frail chance of recovering some old manuscript, which can alone gratify our curiosity regarding the ear- lier eflForts of the Border Muse. Some of her later strains, composed during the sixteenth century, have survived even to the present day ; but the recollection of them has, of late years, become like that of a ' tale which was told.' " As to the mode in which some of these " old and antique songs" have been preserved, we have a few striking notes in the " Border Minstrelsy." — "Whether they were origi- nally the composition of minstrels professing the joint arts of poetry and music, or whether they were the occasional effusions of some self-taught bard, is a question into which I do not mean to inquire. But it is certain that, till a very late period, the pipers, of whom there was one attached to each Border town of note, and whose office was often here- ditary, were the great depositaries of oral, and particularly of poetical tradition. About spring time, and after harvest, it was the cus- tom of these musicians to make a progress through a particular district of the country. BORTHWICK'S DECREE. 499 The music and the tale repaid their lodging, and they were usually gratified with a dona- tion of seed corn. By means of these men much traditional poetry was preserved, which must otherwise have perished. Other itine- rants, not professed musicians, found their welcome to their night's quarters readily in- sured by their knowledge in legendary lore. The shepherds also, and aged persons, in the recesses of the Border mountains, frequently remember and repeat the warlike songs of their fathers. This is more especially the case in what are called the South Highlands, where, in many instances, the same families have occupied the same possessions for cen- turies." It was from the latter source that Sir Wal- ter chiefly drew the materials for his work ; — they were, he states, " collected during his early youth ;" and among the notes to the latest edition of the " Minstrelsy" is the fol- lowing : — " There is in the library at Abbots- ford a collection of ballads, partly printed broadsides, partly in MS., in six small vo- lumes, which, from the handwriting, must have been formed by Sir Walter Scott while he was attending the earlier classes of Edin- burgh College." Buchan's collection was gathered directly as they fell from the lips of old people. We rejoice to learn that his rug- ged, but primitive and interesting volumes, are about to be reprinted "by subscription" — they have been long out of print. They shot him dead at the Nine-Stane Rig, Beside the Headless Cross, And they left him lying in his blood, Upon the moor and moss. They made a bier of the broken bough, The sauch and the aspin gray. And they bore him to the Lady Chapel, And waked him there all day. A lady came to that lonely bower, And threw her robes aside ; She tore her ling long yellow hair, And knelt at Barthram's side. She bathed him in the Lady-Well, His wounds so deep and sair ; And she plaited a garland for his breast, And a garland for his hair. 10 15 They rowed him in a lily-sheet, And bare him to his earth ; And the Gray Friars sung the dead man's mass. As they pass'd the Chapel Garth. 20 They buried him at the mirk midnight, When the dew fell cold and still, When the aspin gray forgot to play, And the mist clung to the hill. They dug his grave but a bare foot deep, 25 By the edge of the Nine-Stone Burn, And they cover'd him o'er with the heather- flower, The moss and the lady fern. A Gray Eriar staid upon the grave, And sang till the morning tide ; 30 And a friar shall sing for Barthram's soul, While the Headless Cross shall bide. 0r xtVs Mttxtt, In the vicinity of North Berwick (a small fishing town nine miles from Dunbar), rises North Berwick Law, a steep mountain, whose height from base to summit is computed at three miles. There is a tradition in the neighbourhood that Borthwick would give his daughter only to that suitor who should bear her to the summit of the mountain with- out setting her down. To this proposal the heir of Cockburnspath joyfully acceded, and the adventure terminated as it has been de- scribed in the ballad. From the top of North Berwick Law a beautiful prospect presents itself to the eye. The shores of Fife, with Canny Edinbro', may be distinctly seen. The " Ewe and the Lamb" are two isolated rocks not far from the shore. The " Bass" is too well known to require any notice. A short 500 BORTHWICK'S DECREE. distance from the town of North Berwick, on a sloping cliff, is situated a ruined tower, which is still pointed out by the fishermen as the abode of the " Manly Borthwick of old." Such trials of strength as narrated in the ballad were by no means uncommon. In the Iliad, a Grecian king is indebted for his wife to his skill in the dance, having " kept the floor" (to use a border expression) against all competitors, and tired them out. Borthwick of North Berwick Law, Wons in his Seaward Tower — Which looketh on to the German Sea, A wild and lanely Bower. The sea mew and the shrieking gull, 5 May sing him to his sleep, For the wash o' the wave comes oure the top 0' Borthwick's auncient keep. Fair is the winding vale o^ Tweed, Fair is the dawn of day, 10 Fair is the opening of the spring, And sweet the gush of May. But fairer, rarer, sweeter far, Is Borthwick's Isabel, She hath an eye — a rosy lip, 15 What tongue her charms can tell. Up in the morning early oh. Up in the early morn ; Who lies abed when abroad he may go, With hounds and hunting horn ? 20 Up rose the heir of Cockburnspath, And a wilfu' youth is he, " Let there be danger in the way, My true love I'll go see." " Nay, do not go to North Berwick," 25 Plis trusty yeoman said, " For Borthwick's scouts lay on the lea, To take thee quick or dead. " Love gives me strength, love gives me speed. Love aids me where I go ; 30 Not for his scouts will I turn back, Or lout to them I trow." He had not gone abune a mile, A mile or barely three. When four stout hallyons unawares, 35 Sprung on him from the lea. And *they have bound his arms ahint With cord and hempen band, " Does Borthwick treat me in this sort. Like a thief upon your land ?" 40 " Wha' finds the wolf, or prowling tod Within the Laird's domain. Small weight shall rest upon his head Who hath the vermin slain." 45 " Why do I find thee here, young man, Thou heir of Cockburnspath ; To come sae soon when warnit away Is daurful of our wrath. " Did I not say, a fathers nay Forbid thy coming here ; 50 A true man's word should kept thee back. Why come in such effeir ? *' My dochter Isabel is trothed To Murray o' Marshall's Mead, Why thrust thy self beneath my sword, Why court her for thy greed ?" 55 60 " Every man may chase the hare So long as runs it free, Every man drinketh of the Burn That sings unto the sea." " Every man's no, is not a * Nay,' For now and evermore ; I may yet swim unto the land When thrust out from the shore. "What Murray o' Marshall Meadows hath, Do I not hold the same ? 66 He hath no more or I enough Of bravery and fame. " If he has noble blood and birth. Strong limbs ! why so have I ; 70 If Murray outbrags me at a game Gude faith then let him try. " Thy dochter is no sheep or steer That thou shouldst market her ; I'll bid thee a bode, and give thee a fee, 75 If thou bringst her to the fair." Borthwick he thought awhile, and then Ettled the laugh in his eye. Then turn'd to Murray, and daffin spake To Cockburn ryghte courteously. 80 BORTHWICK'S DECREE. 501 " I will not have ye fi>>:ht this out, Much better it were I wisse, To set ye both at a trial of skill, In a game of pleasantness. " The laugh kills not as swords can do, 85 The tongue knit with a jest, Flytes at a stab and cannot wound The body with unrest. " Who carries my dochter to Berwick Law, Here from, and back again ; 90 No let or stop upon the ground Shall have my child for his pain. " For we come of the manly Borthwicks still, In the auld and auncient days, Who better loved the trick o' strength, 95 Than the dark and bloody ways. *' Call hither my dochter Isabel, Now Murray I speak it so, Carry my bairn to North Berwick Law, Or here thy suit forego." 100 Loud laughed the Lord o' Marshall's Mead, " I bear no maid," said he ; " She that is lady o' my love. Must bear the weight o' me." " A craven's boast is quickly said," 105 The heir of Cockburn cried ; *' Come, Isabel, thou art fit one That I should make my bride. " Throw off thy shoes, my pretty bird, Thy girdle and pearl necklace ; 110 A pin's point almost weighs a pound Before I end my race. " For to the top of North Berwick Law, Is three long miles and more, And the heavy toil up the mountain side 115 Will make it seem a score." He took her in his manly arms, And started in his race. Never a one who followed him Could keep up with his pace. 120 And now he sung as the banks grew steep, And made him pant and blow ; *' Love gives me strength, love gives me speed. Love aids me where I go. "Lay still within my arms, sweet luve, 125 Lay still my Isabel ; For the gully's deep ani^ the scaur is steep, And the distance it is fell. "Give me a glance o' thine hazel eye, When I falter in my race, 130 Or breathe the breath of thy honey mou* Upon my heated face." " Love gives me strength, love gives me speed," Undauntedly he sung: And wi' the burden o' his sang, 135 The rocks around him rung. " Seest thou the top of the mountain yet?" Unto his luve he cried ; " Nothing but heather and ling around," Fair Isabel said and sighed. 140 " I see the Isle of May, and the Bass, And the Yewe and Lamb in the sea. The shores o' fife, the Dunbar coast, Wi' canny Edinbrie." "0 Isabel, I 'gin to faint, 145 For the way is long and steep ;" The pretty maiden bowed her head, And long, long did she weep. " that I were a Bird this once, But now and for thy sake, 150 Willie sweet, have courage yet, And one mair effort make. " give me not to Murray's arms, I'll breathe upon thy face ;" It freshened him, and he upward rushed, 155 New heartened in the race. He staggered now, for his legs grew tired, And his arms were weak as tow ; And as he strove to keep his feet, He flicker'd to and fro, 160 " That ever love should not be light, That ever that form of thine Should tire my heart, and stoutest limbs, And bid my courage tyne." " faint not yet, I see the top. And a Saugh tree by a stone." Poor Willie he gathered up his strength, And his heart sent forth a groan. 165 502 SIR GILLUM OF MYDELTOUN ** My Isabel, my strength does fail, And the top we have not won ;" *' Oh Willie, dear, one struggle mair, Ere strength and hope are gone." 170 He clenched his teeth and drew hard his breath, Like a man to win or die ; Then did he rush o'er scaur and bush, 175 And gained the mountain high ! He gained the Saugh tree, and he placed Fair Isabel on a stone. And forward fell upon his face Wi' a deep and hollow groan. 180 Borthwick the youth raised in his arms, " He'll come roun' when he's nurst." — But the blood cam' ow're poor Willie's lips, For his very heart had burst. There's a green grave on North Berwick Law, 185 And a maniac comes and sings, And wi' the burden o' hf r sang The valley 'neath her rings. " Love gave him strength, love gave him speed," So sings this mad damsel; 190 " Never a love was yet so fayre But fortune it was fell." A hunter ranged one early morn, The top o' Berwick Law, Wi' her cauld cheek on a caulder staue, 195 Withouten stir, withouten moan Yon fair Mayden he saw. Sit igillum al ^iMtmn, This is a tradition, common amongst the fishermen of Holy Island and the Main, which I have woven into a ballad. The feat of Sir Gillum is not original, some Irish Knight on the coast of Ireland having performed the same action ; the prophecy and the results being the same. Who Sir Gillum of Middel- ton was, I am at a loss to discover. Romero, who is introduced as King of the Holy Isle, was governor thereof in the time of Edward the Third ; he was afterwards governor of Coldingham, where he was surprised with his companions, and brutally murdered by a ma- rauding party of Soots. He was given to piratical expeditions on his own account, and inherited his plundering propensities from his forefathers, who no doubt had often launched their sea bark to the inspiring strains of the Scalds and Minnesingers. Bade calls Lindisfarn a Semi Island, and as he justly observes, twice a continent in one day ; for at the flowing of the tide it is en- compassed with water, and at the ebb there is an almost dry passage both for horses and carriages to and from the main land ; from which if measured in a straight line it is dis- tant two miles eastward ; but on account of several quicksands, passengers are obliged to make so many detours that the distance is almost doubled. The water over these flats at spring tide is only seven feet. At the north-west part of the island, a tongue of land runs into the sea about a mile in length. At the southernmost point is a rock of a coni- cal figure, whereon is the Baron's " Castle of red rock stone," almost perpendicular, sixty feet in height, and crowned by a small for- tress. There are four caves or coves as they are called, to the north-north-east of the island, and in one of these Sir Gillum Stabled his dappled steed In a cave on the eastern shore. The largest of these caves is upwards of fifty feet long, with an entrance just large enough to admit a man. The principal feature of any interest on this island is its venerable abbey, now in utter ruins. "The abbey," says Pennant, "retayns at this day one singular beauty ; the tovrer has not formed a lantern, as in other cathedrals: but from the angles, arches spring, crossing each other diagonally to form a canopy roof." One of these arches yet remains unloaded SIR GILLUxM OF MYDELTOUN, 503 with any superstructure, supported by the south-east and north-east pillars, and orna- mented with zigzag moulding: a "granite rainbow," as a gentleman termed it. The whole abbey is composed of a soft red free- stone, and renders the aspect of the place dark and forbidding. "In Saxon strength that abbey frowned." Marraion. The rock on which the castle of " red rock stone" stands, is inaccessible save only by a winding path, belting the rock on the south- ern side. A fortress in this situation, before the use of gunpowder, must have been impreg- nable ; the castle being above any engine's reach, and the rocks too high to be scaled. A small detachment was kept here during the war, but was discontinued in 1819. When days are long and nights are short, And the sky is bright and sheen, And merrily sing the cushat and merle From out the leavis so green. When trouts leap at a Summer jfly, 5 And hay be newly mawn, To see his luve in the Holy Isle, Gaed Gillum of iMydeltoun. He cantered over the Fenham flats, AVhen the tide was back the while, 10 Which once a day doth change that spot From Continent to Isle. The quicksands lurk by Manuel's head, And deep is Waren's Bay ; Yet gallantly with eident hand 15 Sir Gillum rude on his way. Romero's daughter looked from her bower Over the wave-ribbed sand, And she spied Sir Gillum, her own true knight, Midway the isle and the land. 20 She donned he^ kirtle o' Lincoln's green, Which was of the silk so fair, And she went forth to the eastern shore, To taste the caller air. 64 I Sir Gillum he stabled his dapple steed 25 ' In a cave on the eastern shore ; Its roof and sides were of the rock, And the sand drift was its door. Romero is proud, and is almost King Of Farn and the Holy Isle ; 30 No man dare say to this Baron, " nay," Yet hope to live the while. Romero was drinking at the board, In his castle of red rock stone, A youth cam' in, and before his stool 35 He laighly louted down. "Thy dochter walks on the eastern shore With Gillum of Mydeltoun ;" The Sea King, wi' gobelet in his hand. He strake the youth on the croun. 40 " Thou liest, thou churlish loon," he cried, " With Gillum of Mydeltoun !" And he churned his teeth like a boar in rage, And girned at the trembling loun. "Gillum, he slew my sister's sonne 45 Last Whitsun tryst was a year ; His mither sail weep his loss the night Were he a Soldan's peer. " Bring me a rope, and an oaken staff. And I will bind him fast; 50 Short be his shrift, for he shall swing From yonder tall top mast." The mother wept for her dochter's fame. That ever she gave her birth ; Quo' he, " Our al)bey has dungeons enow 55 To hide her shame from earth." He girded his sword unto his thigh ; A sting that oft had stang ; And he's away wi' henchman an' rope Mydeltoun's heir to hang. 60 These yonge luvers walkit on the sea shore, The Baron he gnawed at his thoomb ; they were twa pullets in gleesome play, When the fox crawls thro' the broom. Gillum he kissed fayre Annie's cheek. As pleasantly did they chat ; The Baron he mutter't between his teeth, *' I'll notch thy face for that." 65 504 SIR GILLUM OF MYDELTOUN. He waited until the rising tide Covered the yellow sand ; Then rose he up from the waving bent With his faulchion in his hand. 70 ** I will not leave thee, fayre Annie, but kisse Thy sweete lips o'er and o'er ; An armful of rushes shall be my bed, 75 In my steed's cave on the shore." " 'Twere better thou goest," fayre Annie she cried, *' For a swieven I had of thee : That a ratton it louped into my neck, And rugget me grievously." 80 Sir Gillum he heard a voice loud cry, *' Bold traytor, turn and stand !" And he saw the Baron upon the bent, Wi' his faulchion in his hand. "Yield thee or fight thee, bold traytor, 85 My top mast to swing doun ;" "I will do neither, an I wisse," Quoth Gillum of Mydeltoun. *' Thou art my Annie's father," he said, " Albeit an enemy ; 90 I will not battle against thy hand. For the love 'tween Annie and me." The Baron and henchman closed on him, When Sir Gillum he drewe his blade ; And whistled the sword around his head, 95 As stern defence he made. He clove the henchman to the teeth Wi' a downright wicked blow ; Parted his head, as the halflings fell Upon his shoulders low. 100 He threw the Baron a heavy fall. And bore fayre Annie away, Untill he gained the eastern neuk. And heard his charger neigh. He placed fair Annie in saddle seat ; And then sprung up afore, And plunged his gude steed in " the sea, And swam for Fenham shore. "A purse of gold for a coble boat. To catch yon cursed thief; A beggarly Scot to be her mate, Good lord, I had as lief." — 105 110 Four fishermen sprang to their boat, Four fishers I trow were they; Wi' a heave and shout they ran her out, 115 And their boat launched in the sea. Three times the surging waters washed Fair Annie from her place, And thrice Sir Gillum held her fast. Within his close embrace. 120 Three miles and more is Fenham shore Unto the Holy Land ; And like a swan, the steed it swam, Till he reached the yellow sand. The steed it swam, and the coble shot, 125 Whilst the fishers rax'd at the oar, Was ne'er such a race, the steed I say First landed at Fenham shore. As Gillum rode up Chester Hill, He met a woman old ; 130 She craved him there to give her alms. For in sooth her limbs were cold. He drew a noble from his purse. And gave it yon eldern dame ; "Pray for me, gude wife," he said, "for the road 135 Is not oft trod I came." She gave an eildricht laugh at the gold : Thy fortune I will prie, Not every knight so gallant and brave Doth give his gold so free." 140 She told him then some proven truths, That long ago had past ; " The bonny beast you ride upon Shall be your death at last." He patted the neck of his courser fleet, 145 " Good mother, you do but jest ; For Rupert is gentle, swift, and good, As a child at a nourice breast !" " The wierd is written in heaven," she said, " And scartit in hell below ; 150 Rupert will lay thee on thy bier In mickle dool and woe." " Alas and well a day !" he cried, " That ever it should so fall ; That I must slay the noblest steed 155 That was ever stabled in stall." THE DEATH OF KING MALCOLME. 505 He rode fleete Rupert down to the sane For his herte was sad with woe ; The tears were in Sir Gillum's eyes, For he loved that courser soe. Slowly Sir Gillum he lighted doun, Took off the saddle and reins ; Quo* he, " I am about to make Small guerdon for thy pains." 160 165 He drew his sword so sharp and bright, And turned away his eye. For his heart was soft, that he might not see That peerless charger die. But love o' life will turn the scale, In man or beast at need ; 170 Sir Gillum jaloused the safer way, Was e'en to kill his steed. He struck fleete Rupert aneath the leg. The blood spun frae the wound, 175 Till the noble charger moaned in pain. And so fell on the ground. He turned his eye to Sir Gillum's face, And said, but with nae tongue, " Did I carry thee thro' the rushing tide 180 For thee to do this wrong ?" * * * * * Sir Gillum is happy. Sir Gillum is proud. For a mother is Annie his bride ; And wi' a frien' in the sweet spring time. He walkit forth in his pride. 185 He passed where the bones o' his proud charger Were bleaching in the wind ; And Sir Gillum he said, " A better steed In Englonde thou couldst not find, " Than was the fleete one that lieth here ; The tod and the corby crow 190 Have fed upon his peerless limbs, And his flesh and blood also. " 'Tvvas told me once that my fleete Rupert," lie said in laughing mood, " Should be my death ; so I slew the steede, That my life should still be good." 196 He careless kicked his horse's head. Whitening in sun an' the rain, When a splinter o' bone strake into his foot. And caused him mickle pain. 200 The leech he cannot cure that wound, And still it mortifyes ; In spite of skill, or of earthly will, Sir Gillum of Mydeltoun dies. " A foolish wierd has proven ryghte : 205 Farewell, my fayre Annie, For the fliithful steed I slew in my need. Is now avenged on me. " Where Rupert's bones lie in the mist, Annie, lay my corse ; 210 And let that knight take most delight. To cherish the steed that has borne him in fyghte. And never slay his Horse." %\t itatl of fjng PaMmt Is founded on the historical facts subjoined. Alnwick Castle appears to have been a place of great strength immediately after the Nor- man Conquest ; for in the reign of King William Rufus, it underwent a remarkable siege from Malcolm the Third, King of Scot- land, who lost his life before it, as did his son Prince Edward. The most authentic account of this event seems to be that given in the ancient Chronicle of Alnwick Abbey, of which a copy is preserved in the British Museum. This informs us, that the castle. though very strong, was in danger of being taken by assault ; and being cut off from all hopes of succour, was on the point of sur- rendering, when one of the garrison under- took to rescue it by the following stratagem. He rode forth completely armed, with the keys of the castle tied to the end of his spear, and presented himself in a suppliant manner before the king's pavilion, as being come to surrender up the possession. Malcolm too hastily came forth to receive him, and received a mortal wound. The assailant escaped 506 THE DEATH OF KING MALCOLME. through the river, which was then swoln with rain. The Chronicle adds, that his name was Hammond, and that the place of his passage over the river, was long after known by the name of " Hammond's Ford ;" proba- bly where the bridge was afterwards built. Prince Edward, Malcolm's eldest son, incau- tiously advancing to revenge his father's death, received a wound, of which he died three days after. The spot Avhere Malcolm was slain is distinguished by a cross, which was restored in 1774, by Elizabeth, Duchess of Northumberland, who was immediately descended from the unfortunate king, by his daughter Queen Maud, wife of King Henry I. of England. The west side of the cross bears the inscription, " Malcolm ye third, King of Scotlande was slain, on this spot, besieging Alnwick Castle, Nov^^ 13, a.d. M.XCIII." On the east side, "Malcolm's Cross decayed by time, was restored by his descendant, Elizabth Duchess of Northumb*^, M.D.CCLXXIV." The Cross has three steps to the pedestal ; on the north side are sculp- tured a crown and thistle, and on the south side a lion rampant, with other devices. The pedestal and capital of the old Cross still remain amongst the adjoining trees. The sun was glinting thro' the shaws, And flowered the elder tree. When Malcolme, King o' braid Scotland, Rose up from the dew wet lea. 4 Sing oh so mournfully, so dulefully. He held wild Morkall in Alnwick Towers, Wi' a ring o' armed men ; And all his warriors tented round, Were thousands three and ten. Sing oh. &c. 10 He pressed so sorely on the walls, They were like to eat the stane ; They slaughtered hounds and pinin' yauds. Picked rattons to the Bane. Sing oh, &c. 15 Morkall he swore to eat his gluves, Or ere he yields the wa's. And they are made of good doe's hide. That, louped in Durham's shaws. Sing uh, &c. 20 His bauldest men can hardlings bear The weight o' their iron graith ; A mother wad scaircely ken't her son In that griesly band o' death. Sing oh, &c. 25 It was upon a day in Spring, When the scent came frae the thorn, The Scottice monarch summon't them, With three waughs o' the horn. Sing oh, &c. 30 " Come doun from out your castell grey, That wons upe, a pen for poultry. Coidhen, knew. Couth, could. Covetise, covetousness. Coyntrie, Coventry. Cramasie, s. crimson. Crancky, merry, sprightly, exult- ing, Cranion, skull. Credence, belief. Crevis, crevice, chink. Cricke, s. properly an ant, but means probably any small in- sect. Crinkle, run in and out, run into flexures, wrinkle. Cristes curs, Christ's curse. Croft, an enclosure near a house. Croiz, cross. Crook my knee, make lame my knee. They say in the north, \ " The horse is crookit," i. c. lame. " The horse crooks," i. e. goes lame. Crook, twist, wrinkle, distort. Croicch, crutch. Crouneth, crown ye. Crowt, to pucker up. Crumiding, crooked ; or perhaps with crooked knotty horns. Cryance, belief, f. (7/-ea»ce,[whence recreant]. But in p. 12, col. 1, &c., it seems to signify fear, f. Crainte. Cule, cool. Cum, s. come, came. Cummer, s. gossip, friend, f. Com- mire, Compere, Cure, care, heed, regard. Cartes, courteous. D. Dale, s. deal, Bot give I dale, un- less I deal. Dame, mistress. Oure dameys peny, Our mistress's penny. Dampiied, damned, Dampned, condemned. Dan, an ancient title of respect, from Lat. Dominus. Dank, moist, damp. Danske, Denmark, query. Darr'd, s, hit. Darh, perhnps for Thar, there. Dart the trie, s. hit the tree, Daukin, diminutive of David. Daunger huult, coyness holdeth. Dawes, (introd.), days. Deulan, deland, s. dealing. Deare day, charmiug pleasant day. Deas, Deis, the high table in a hall, from f. Dais, a canopy. Dee, s. die, De, dey, dy, die. Dede is do, deed is done. Deed (introd.) dead. Deid, s. Dede, deed. Item, dead. Deid-bell, s. passing-bell. Dell, deal, part. Ecery dell, every part. Dell, narrow valley. Dele, deal. Delt, dealt. Deelye dight, richly fitted out. Demains, demesnes, estate in lands. Deme, deemed, judge, doomed. Deemed, doomed, judged, Ac; thus, in the Isle of Man, judges are called deemsters. Den, grave, Denny, deny (rhythm! gratia). Dent, a dint, blow. Deimt, s. deemed, esteemed. Deip, s. Depe, deep. Deir, s. Deere, Dere, dear. Deir, s. dear. Item, hurt, trouble, disturb. Deol, dole, grief. Deepe-fette, deep-fetched. Depured, purified, run clear. Deere, hurt, mischief. Deerly, preciously, richly. Dere, Deye, die. Dere, Deere, dear, also hurt. Derked, darkened. Deru, s. secret, I dern in secret. Descreeve, describe. Descrye, Describe, describe. Denyz, devise, the act of bequeath- ing by will. Dight, decked, put on. Dight-dicht, s. decked, dressed, prepared, fitted out, done. Dill, dole, grief, pain. Dill I drye, pain I suffer. Dill waa dight, grief was upon him. Dill, still, calm, mitigate. Din, Dinne, noise, bustle. Ding, knock, beat. Dint, stroke, blow. Discust, discussed. Disva, s. does not. Dis, this. Distrere, the horse rode by a knight in the tournament. Dites, ditties. Dochter, s. daughter. Do gladly, eat heartily. Dois, s, Doys, does. Dole, grief. Dol. See Deol, Dule. Dolours, dolorous, mournful. Dolefuldumps, sorrowful gloom, or heaviness of heart. Doluyn, delved, buried. Do7i, down. Dosend, s. dosing, drowsy, torpid, benumbed, &c. Doth, Dothe, doeth, do. Doubt, fear. Doublet, a man's inner garment, waistcoat. Douhteous, doubtful. Doughetie, i, e. doughty man. Doughte, Doughete, Doughetie, Doioghtye, doughty, formidable. Doughtiness of dent, sturdiness of blows. Dounae, s, am not able : properly, cannot take the trouble. Doute, doubt. Item, fear. Doutted, doubted, feared. Douzty, doughty. Dozter, daughter. Doz-trogh, a dough-trough, a kneading-trough. Dradde, dreaded, feared. Drake. See Brenand Drake. Drap, s, drop, Drapping, s. dropping. GLOSSARY. 547 Dre, suffer. Drede, fear, doubt. Breid, s. Dretde, Drede, dread. Breips; s. drips, drops. Dreiry, s. dreary. Drewte. The word properiy sig- nified love, courtship, &c., and hence a love-token, or love-gift j in which sense it is used by Bp. Douglas. Dfie, s. suffer. Drovgh, drew. Bronyevft, drovers, such as drive herds of cattle, deer, &c. Droiocy drew. Drye, suffer. Dryghies, dryness. Dryncf, drink. Dryvnrs, drovers. Duble dyse, double (false) dice. Bnde, did. Dudest, didst. Dnghtie, doughty. Dule, s. Duel, Dot, dole, grief. Dwellan, JDwelland, s. dwelling. Dyan, Dyand, s. dying. Dyce, s. dice, chequer-work. Dyd, Dyde, did. Dyght, dicjht, dressed, put on, put. Dyht, to dispose, order. Dyne, s. dinner, Dynte, dint, blow, stroke. Dysgysyiige, disguising, masking. Dyrt, vid. Dight. E. Fame, Erne, uncle. Eard, s, earth. Earn, s. to curdle, make cheese. Eatke, easy. Eather, s. either, Ech, Eche, Eiche, Elke, each. Ee, s. Eie, eye. Een, Eyne, eyes. Ee, even, evening. Effiind, pour forth. E/fsoon, in a short time. Elked, s. added, enlarged. Eitu s. even. Eir, Evir, s. e'er, ever. Eke, also ; Eike, each. Eliern, s. elder. Eldridge, Scntice, Elriche, El- ritck, Elriche ; wild, hideous, ghostly. Item, lonesome, unin- habited, except by spectres, &c. Gloss, to A. Ramsey, Elritcht, laugh. Gen. Shep. a. 5. In the ballad of ?ir Cawline, we have '* Kldrid're Hill," pt. 1, ver. 59, Eldridge Kni-ht. pL 1, v. 63. pt. 2, V. 86. EldridKe Sword, pt. 1, v. 145. So Gawin Douulns calls the Cyclops, the '• I'Jrifhe Brethir," i. e. bretlin^n ; and in bis Prologue, he thus describes the night-owl, " Laithely of forme, with crukit cam- scho beik, Ugsome to here was his wyld Elriche skriek." In Bannatyne's MS. Poems (fol. 135, in the Advocates' Library at Edin- burgh) is a whimsical rhapsody of a deceased old woman, travelling in the other world, in which, "Scho wanderit, and zeid, by to an Elrich well." In the Glossary to G. Douglas, El- riche, &c., is explained by *' wild, hide- ous, Lat. Trux. immanis ;" but it seems to imply somewhat more, as in Allan Ramsay's Glossary. Elke, each. Elliiviynge, embellishing. To il- lumine a book was to ornament it with paintings in miniature. Ellyconys, s. Helicons. Elvish, peevish, fantastical. Ert}e, kinsman, uncle. Endyed, dyed. Eny, s. Eyn, eyes, Ene, s. even. Enharpid, hooked or edged with mortal dread. Enkankered, cankered. Enouch, s. enough. Ensue, follow. Entendement, f. understanding. Ententify, to the intent, purposely. Envie, Envye, malice, ill-will, in- jury. Er, Ere, before, are. Ere, ear. Erst, s. heretofore. Eterminable, interminable, unli- mited. Ettled, aimed. Evanished, s. vanished. Everiche, every, each. Everychone, every one, Everych, cue, every one, Ewhughts, or Ewe-botights, s. are small enclosures, or pens, into which the farmers drive (Sco- tice, weir) their milch ewes morning and evening, in order to milk them. They are com- monly made with fall-dykes, i, e. earthen dykes. Eyre, heir. Eysell, vinegar. Ezar, azure. F. Each, Feche, fetch. Fader, Fatheris, s. Fadur, father, fathers. His fadur eyre, his father's heir. Fadge, s. a thick loaf of bread, figuratively, any coarse heap of stuff. i?'a, s.fall. Fa's, s. thou fallest. Fain, Fayne, glad, fond. Faine, Fayne, feign. Faine of fighte, fond of fighting. Fair of feir, s. of a fair and healthful look. (Ramsay) per- haps, far off (free from) fear. Fallan, Falland, s. falling. Falds, s. thou foldest. Fals, false. Item, falleth. Falser, a deceiver, hypocrite. F(dsing, dealing in falsehood. Fannes, instruments for winnow- ing corn. Fang, seize, carry off. Farden, fared, flashed. Fare, go, pass, travel. Fare, the price of a passage, shot, reckoning. Farley, wonder. Fauell, deceit. See Skelton's Bowge of Courte. The mean- ing of the text is nevertheless still obscure, though it should seem to be the origin of our modern phrase to curry favour. Fanlcone, faulcon. Fauzt, faucht, s. fought. It., fight. Favjn, s. fallen. Fay, Faye, faith. Fayere, fair. Fayne, fiiin, glad. Faytors, deceivers, dissemblers, cheats. Feare, Fere, Feire, mate. Feat, nice, neat. Featously, neatly, dexterously. Fehle, Fehull, Fehyll, poor, wretched, miserable. Fe, fee, reward ; also bribe. But properly fee is applied to lands and tenements which are held by perpetual right, and by ac- knowledgment of superiority to a higher lord. Thus, in fee, i. e. in feudal service, 1. feudum, i, hills. Hye, Hyest, high, highest. Kame, s. comb. Hilt, taken off, flayed, Sax. hj'lden. Hyght, promised. Kameing, s. combing. Hinch-hoyft, Heiich, properly Hyghte, on high, aloud. Kan, can. haunch-men, pages of honour, Hyne, a hind is a servant. Kantle-piece, corner. pages attending on persons of Hyp-halt, lame in the hip. Karls, carls, churls, Karlis of office. Hyndattowre, s. behind, over, or kynd, churls by nature. Hind, s. behind. about. Kaitk, s. chalk. Hinde, Hend, gentle. Hyu, his, also is. Kaided, called. Hinys, s. hangs. Hyt, (intro.) it. Kawte and keene, cautious and Hinny, s. honey. Hyznes, highness. active, 1. cautus. Hip, Hej), the berry ■which con- Keipand, s. keeping. tains the stones or seeds of the Keel, s. raddle. dog-rose. I. Kele, cool. Hir,Hir lane, s. her, herself alone. Kempes, soldiers, warriors. Hirsel, s. herself. Ich, I, Ich hiqveth, I bequeath. Kemperye-man, soldier, warrior, Hit, it. Hit he write, it be written. Iclipped, called. fighting-man. Hode, hood, cap. iff, if- "Germanis camp, exerdtum, aut lo- Hoo, ho, an interjection stopping or desisting, hence stoppage. f/ere, to gather. Ifeth, in faith. cum ubi exercitus castrametatur, sig- nificat: inde ipsis vir Castrensis, et militaris kemffer, et Aempher et Kemper, Hollen, probably a corruption for Ilfnrdly. s. ill-favoured, uglily. et Icimber, et kamper, pro varietate dia- holly. lid, I'd, I would. leetorum vocatur. Vocabulum hoc nostro sermone nondum penitus exo- Holden, hold. He, I'll, I will. levit: Norfolcienses enim plebio, et Hole, whole. Hall, idem. Ilka, s. each, every one. proletario sermone dicunt." He is a Hooly, s. slowly. like, every Ilk, every one. kemper old man, i. e. " Senex vegetus est." " Hiuc Cimbris suum nomen; Hvltes, woods, groves, in Norfolk Ilk, This Ilk, s. this same. Kimher enum homo bellicosus pugil, a plantation of cherry-trees, is Ilk one, each one. robustus miles, &c., significat." She- ringham de Angler, nentis orig. pag. called a " cherry holt," also I-lore, lost, I-etrike, stricken. 57. Eectius au tem Lazius [apud eun- sometimes '* hills." Im, him. dum, p. 49]. " Cimbros, a bello quod Impe, a little demon. kamff, at Saxonice kamp, nuncupatos Holtes seems eTidently to signify crediderim, unde bellatores, viri dk hills in the following passage from Tu- In fere, I fere, to gather. kempffer, die kemper." berville's " Songs and Sonnets," 12mo. 1567, fol 56. Ingle, s. fire. Kempt, combed. " Yee that frequent the hilles, Inowe, enough. Kerns, s. combs. And hi,^hest Holtes of all, Into, s. in. Kend, s. knew. Assist me with your skilful quilles, And :isten wh'm I call." Litres, entrance, admittance. Ken, Kenst, know, knowest. As also in this other verse of an ancient lo forth, corruptly printed so. Ke7\e, keen. poet, " Underneath the Holtes so hoar." should probably be loo, i. e. Keepe, care, heed. So in the old halloo. play of Hick Scorner (in the Holtis hair, s. hoar hills. Ireful, angry, furious. last leaf but one), " I#eepe not Holy-roode, holy cross. Ise, I shall. to clymbe so hye," i. e. I study Holy, wholly, or perhaps hole, Is, is, his. not, care not, tfcc. whole. I trowe, (I believe) verily. Kepers, &itenyih, (Intro.) listen. 3Ieid, s. mood. 3fort, death of the deer. Lyth, Lythe, LytJisome, pliant. Meise, s. soften, reduce, mitigate. Mosses, swampy grounds, covered flexible, easy, gentle. Meit, s. Meet, fit, proper. with peat moss. Lyven na Ilore, live no more, no 3Iell, honey; also, meddle, min- 3Iost, must. longer. gle. 3fote J thee, might I thrive. Lyzt, light. Me, men. Me con (men 'gan). Movght, mot, mote, might. Men of armes, gens d'armes. Motve, may, 3Ioii, s. mouth. M. Meniveere, a species of fur. 3Iuchele host, 3Iickle boast, great Meuse the faught, s, p. measure boast. Mnden, made. the battle. To give to the 3Iude, s, mood. Ifahound, Mahowne, Mahomet. mense, is to give above the 3Iulne, mill. Mitir, s. Mare, more. measure. Twelve, and one to 3fun, 3Iaun, s, must. Mait, s. might. the mense, is common with 3Iure, 3Iures, s. wild downs, Maje-iie, Maist, Mayeste, may'st. children in their play. heaths, &c. ilakinrj, sc. verses, versifying. 3Ienzie, s. Meaney, retinue, com- 3Iurne, 3Iurnt, 3Iurning, s. mourn, Makys, iVakes, mates. pany. mourned, moui-ning. As the words make and mate were Merehea, marches. 3Iusis, muses. in some ca^es used promiscuously by ancient writers ; so the words cake and cate soem to have been applied with Messager, f. messenger. Me-thtniketh, methinks. 3fyllan, Milan steel. 3fyne-ye-ple, perhaps, many plies, the sauie indifferency : this will illus- trate that conimnn English Proverb, " tt3 tutu Gat (i. e. Cate; in pan." A pan-cake is in Northamptonshire still Met, Meit, s. Mete, meet, fit, pro- per. Meyn^. See 3feany. or folds. Monyple is still used in this sense in the North. (Mr. Lambe.) called a'Pan-cate. Mickle, much, great. 3Iyrry, merry. Male, coat of mail. 31'icht, might. Mysuryd, misused, applied to a Mane, man. Item, moan. 3Iidge, a small insect, a kind of bad purpose. Mane, Mainiiig, s. moan, moaning. gnat. 3Iyzt, Myzty, might, mighty. Mainjouel, an engine used for dis- 3Iightte, mighty. charging great stones, arrows, Minged, mentioned. Ac, before the invention of 3finny, s. mother. N. gunpowder. Minstral, s. minstrel, musician,&c. March jierfi, in the parts lying MinstreUie, music. NaitMng, s. nothing. upon the marches. 3Iirke, s. dark, black. Nams, names. March-pine, March-pane, a kind Mirkie, dark, black. Na, Nae, s. no, none. of biscuit. Ifirry, s. Meri, merry. Nane, s. none. Margnrite, a pearl, 1. 3Iisdouht, suspect, doubt. Nar, nor. Item, than. Marrow, s. equal. Miscreants, unbelievers. Natheless, nevertheless. 3Iark, a coin, in value 13s. Ad. 3Iishap, misfortune. Nat, not. Mart, s. marred, hurt, damaged. 3fi)ikaryed, miscarried. Near, s. Ner, Nere, ne'er, never. Mast, Maste, may'st. Misken, mistake, also, in the Scot- Neat, oxen, cows, large cattle. Maaterye, Mayestry, a trial of skill, tish idiom, "let a thing alone." Neatherd, a keeper of cattle. high proof of skill. (Mr. Lambe.) Neo.tresse, a female keeper of cat- Mangre, spite of, ill will (I incur). 3Iister, s. to need. tle. Maiigre, in spite of. 3fither, s. mother. Neigh him neare, approach him Manger, Mangre, spite of. 3Iode, mood. near. Maun, s. must. 3Ioiening, by means of,'f. Nee, Ne, nigh. Mann, s. Mun, must. 3Iold, mould, ground. Neir, s. Nere, ne'er, never. Mavis, s. a thrush. 3Io, 3foe, more. Nere ne luere, were it not for. Mawt, s. malt. Mome, a dull, stupid person. Neist, Nyest, next, nearest. Mayd, Mnyde, maid. 3Ionund, moaning, bemoaning. New/angle, Nevj/angled, fond of Maye, maid, (rhythmi gratia.) Mone, moon. novelty, of new fashions, &c. Mayne, foroe, Strength, horse's 3 fan, s, month. Nicked him. of naye, nicked him mane. Monynduy, Monday. with a refusal. GLOSSARY. "■■- 553 NicM, s. night. Owre, s. over. Piece, s. a little. Nipt, pinched. Owre toord, s. the last word, the Pighf, Pyght, pitched. Nuble, a gold coin, in value 20 burthen of a song. Pil'd, peeled, bald. groats, or fis. 8rf. Owt, out. Pine, famish, starve. Nobles, Noblesse, nobleness. Pious ehanson, a godly song, or Nollys, noddles, heads. P. ballad. Nam, took, Nome, name. Mr. Rowe's Edit, has " The first row Nonce, purpose, For the nonce, for Pall, a cloak or mantle of state. of the Kubrick." v hich has been sup- the occasion. Palle, a robe of state. Purjile posed by Dr. Warburton to refer to the red-lettered titles of old Ballads. Non, none. None, noon. and pall, i. e. a purple robe or In the large collection made by Mr. Norland, s. northern. cloak, a phrase. Pepys, I do not remember to have seen Norse, s. Norway. Palmer, a pilgrim, who, having one single ballad with its title printed in red letters. North-gnles, North Wales. been at the Holy Land, carried Non, now. a palm branch in his hand. Pite, Pittye, Pyle, pity. Nourice, s. nurse. Paramour, lover. Item, a mis- Plaine, complaint. Nont, Nocht, s. nought, also not. tress. Plaining, complaining. seenas for * ne mought.' Parde, Perdie, verily, f. par dieu. Play and, s. playing. Nowght, nought. Paregall, equal. Play-feres, playfellows. Nowls, noddles, heads. Partake, participate, assign to. Pleasance, pleasure. Noi/e, annoy, query. Parti, party, a part. Plein, complain. Nozt, nought, not. Pattering, murmuring, mumbling, Plett, s. platted. Nurtured, educated, bred up. from the manner in which the Plowmell, a small wooden ham- Nye, Ny, nigh. Paternoster was anciently hur- mer occasionally fixed to the Nyzt, night. ried over, in a low, inarticulate plow, still used in the North; voice. in the Midland counties in its Pa, s. the river Po. stead is used a plow-hatchet. 0. Pauky, s. shrewd, cunning, sly. Phjzt, plight. or saucy, insolent. Poll-cat, a cant word for a whore. Ohraid, s. upbraid. Paves, a pavice, a large shield Pollys, Powlls, Polls, head. Ocht, s. ought. that covered the whole body, f. Pompal, pompous. Oferlyng, superior, paramount. pauvois. Pondered, a term in Heraldry, for opposed to underling. Pavilliane, pavillion, tent. sprinkled over. gin, s. if, a phrase. Pay, liking, satisfaction, hence Popingay, a parrot. Onfuughten, Uv/onghten, unfought. well apaid, 1. e. pleased, highly Porcupig, porcupine, f, porcepig. On-lo/t, aloft. satisfied. Porterner, perhaps pocket or On, one, an. Paynim, pagan. pouch, Pautoniere in fr. is a On, one, On man, one mani Pearlins, a coarse sort of bone- shepherd's scrip (vide Col- One, on. lace. grave.) Ony, s. any. Pece, Piece, sc. of cannon. Portres, porteress. Onys, once. Pele. a baker's peel. Powlls, polls, heads. Or, Ere, before ; OR seems to have Penon, a banner or streamer. Poionnes, pounds, (rhyth. gratia.) the force of the Latin vel and borne at the top of a lance. Poio, Pou, Powed, s. pull, pulled. to signify even. Pentnrchye of tenses, five tenses. Preas, Prese, press. Or-ere, before. Perchniinc, f. parchment. Preced, pressed, Presed. Or-eir, before ever Perelous, parlous, perilous, dan- Prest, f. ready. Orisons, s. prayers, f. ORAISONS. gerous. Presfly, Prestlye, readily, quickly. Osf, Oste, Oust, host. Per fay, verily, f. par foy. Pricked, spurred forward, travel- On, Oure, you, your. Ibid., our. Peere, Pere, Peer, equal. led a good round pace. Oat alas! exclamation of grief. Peer, Peerless, equal, without Pricke-ioand, a wand set up for a Otit-brayde, drew out, unsheathed. equal. mark. Out-horn, the summoning to arms Perfight, perfect. Prickes, the mark to ehoot at. by the sound of a horn. Peering, peeping, looking nar- Priefe, prove. Out ower, s. quite over, over. rowly. Priving, s. proving, tasting. Outrake, an out-ride, or expedi- Perill, danger. Prove, proof. tion. To raik, s. is to go fast. Perkin, diminutive of Peter. Protcess, bravery, valour, military Outrake is a common term Perlese, peerless. gallantry. among shepherds. When their Pees, Pese, peace. Prowes, prowess. sheep have a free passage from Persit, Pearced, pierced. Prude, pride. Itpm, proud. enclosed pastures into open and Pertc, part. Pryhe, the mark, commonly a airy grounds, they call it a good Pertyd, parted. hazle wand. outrake. (Mr. Lambe.) Petye, pity. Pryme, daybreak. Oicare of none, hour of noon. Peyn, pain. Piling, s. pulling. Owches, bosses or buttons of gold. Philomcne, Philomel, the nightin- Puissnnt, strong, powerful. Owene, Atoen, Ain, s. own. gale. Pnlde, pulled. Owre, Owr, a. o'er. Pibrochs, s. Highland war- tunes. Purchased, procured. 554 GLOSSARY. Purfel, an ornament of embroid- Reakt, regarded. Rues, Rwethe, pitieth. ery. Rede, Rend, advise, advice. Rugged, pulled with violence. Purfelled, embroidered. Rede, Redde, read. Rushy, should be Rashy gair, Purvayed, provided. Redresse, care, labour. rushy stuff, ground covered Refe, bereave, or perhaps Rive, with rushes. Q. split. Ruthful, rueful, woful. Refe, Reve, Reeve, bailiff. Ruth, pity. Qttadrmit, four-square. Reft, bereft. Ruthe, pity, woe. Quoil, shrink, flinch, yield. Register, the officer who keeps the Rydere, ranger. Quaint, cunning, nice, fantastical. public register. Ryde, i, e. make an inroad. Quarry, in hunting or hawking Reid, s. advise. Rynde, rent. is the_glaughtered game, &c. Reid, s. reed. Rede, red. Ryschys, rushes. Quat, s. quitted. Reidroan, s. red-roan. Rywe, rue. Quay, Quhey, s. a young heifer, Reek, s. smoke. Ryzt, right. , called a Whie in Yorkshix'O. Rekeles, Recklesse, regardless, void Quean, sorry, base woman. of care, rash. S. Quell, subdue, also kill. Remeid, s. remedy. Quel, cruel, murderous. Renneth, Renning, runneth, run- Safer, sapphyre. Quelch, a blow or bang. ning. Saft, s. soft. Quere, quire, choir. Renn, run. Saif, s. safe. Quest, inquest. Renish, Renisat, perhaps a deriva- Sair, s. sore. Quha, s. who. tion from Reniteo, to shine. Saim, s. same. Quhair, s. where. Renyed, refused. Sail, s. shall. Quhar, s, where. Rescoiis, rescues. Saif, s. save, Savely, safely. Quhan, Whan, a. when. Reeve, bailiff. Saisede, seized. Quhaneer, s. whene'er. Reve, bereave, deprive. Sark, shit-t, shift. Quhatten, s. what. Revers, s. robbers, pirates, rovers. Sar, Sair, s. sore. Quhat, s. what. Reweth, regrets, has reason to re- Sa, Sae, s. so. Quhen, s. when. pent. Sat, Sete, set. Quhy, s. why. Rew, s. take pity. Saut, s. salt. Quick, alive, living. Rewth, rutb, Rewe, pity. Savyde, saved. Quillets, quibbles, 1. quidlibet. Ryall, Ryal, royal. Saw, Say, speech, discourse. Quitt, requite. Richt, s. right. Say, Assay, attempt. Quo, quoth. Riddle, seems to be a vulgar Say, saw. Quyle, s. while. idiom for unriddle ; or is per- Say us no harm, say no ill of us. Quyrry. See Quarry, above. haps a corruption of reade, i. e. Sayne, say. Quyte, requited. advise. Scant, scarce. Item, scantiness. Quyt, s. quite. Ride, make an inroad. Schall, shall. Qwyknit, s. quickened, restored Rin, s. run. Rin my errand, a con- Schapped, perhaps swapped. Vid. to life. tracted way of speaking for loc. " run on my errand." The pro- Sehattered, shattered. R. noun is omitted. So the French Schaw, s, show. say faire message. Schene, s. Sheen, shining, also Eade, s. rode. Rise, shoot, bush, shrub. brightness. Bae, a roe. Rive, rife, abounding. Schip, s. ship. Raik, s. to go a-pace, Raik on Roche, rock. Sehiples, s. shipless. raiD, go fast in a row. Roode- cross, crucifix. Scho, Sche, s. she. Paine, reign. Rood-loft, the place in the church Schone, shone. Raise, s. rose. where the images were set up. Schoote, shot, let go. Ranted, s. were merry. Vide Rood, Roode, cross, crucifix. Schowte, Schowtte, shout. Gloss, to Gentle Shepherd. Ronne, ran, Roone, run. Schrill, s. shrill. Rashing, seems to be the old Roufe, roof. Schuke, s. shook. hunting term for the stroke Route, go about, travel. Sclat, slate, little table-book of made by a wild boar with his Routhe, ruth, pity. slates to write upon. fangs. Rowned, Roionyd, whispered. Scomfit, discomfit. Eamjht, reached, gained, obtained. Row, Rowd, s. roll, rolled. Scot, tax, revenue, a year's tax Rayne, reane, rain. Rowyned, round. of the kingdom, also shot, reck- Raysse, race. Rowght, rout. oning. Razt, Raught, or self-bereft. Rudd, ruddiness, complexion. Scathe, hurt, injury. Readies, careless. Rude, s. Rood, cross. Sed, said. Reade, Rede, advise, hit off. Ruell-bones, perhaps bones di- Seik, s. Seke, s. seek. Read, advice. versly coloured, f. Riole, or per- Sek, sack. Readme, Reaume, realm. haps small bone rings fi'om the Sel, Sell, self. Reas, raise. f. rowe^Ze, a small ring or hoop. — Selver, Siller, silver. Reave, bereave. Cotgrave's Diet. Seneachall, steward. GLOSSARY. 655 Sene, seen. Sich, Sic, s. such, Sich, s. sigh. French word saouler, " to stuff Sen, s. since. Sick-like, s. such-like. and cram, to glut." Vid. Cot- Senvy, mustard seed, f. senvie. Side, s. long. grave). Sertayne, Sertenlye, certain, cer- Sied, s. saw. Sowden, Soiodain, sultan. tainly. Sigh-clout, (Sythe-clottt), a clout Soione, sound, (rhyt. gr.) See, Sees, s. sea, seas. to strain milk through, a strain- Soivre, sour. Se, Sene, Seying, see, seen, seeing. ing clout. Soiore, Soare, sore. Seething, boiling. Sighan, Sighand, s. sighing. Sowter, shoemaker. Seetyicall, see Cetywall. Sik, Sike, such. Soy, f. silk. Seve, seven. Siker, surely, certainly. Spak, Spaik, s. spake. Sey you, say to, tell you. Siller, s. silver. Speere. Vide locum. Sey, s. say, a kind of woollen Sindle, s. seldom. Spec, Sjjrik, Spack, s. spake. stuff. Sitteth, sit ye. Sped, speeded, succeeded. Seyd, s. saw. Sith, since. Speik, s. speak. Shave, Be shave, be shaven. Skaith, Scath, harm, mischief. Speir, s. Spere, Speare, Speere, Shaws, little woods. Skalk, perhaps from the Germ. Spire, ask, inquire. Shear, entirely, (penitus). Sheele, She'll, she will. Schalck, malicious, perverse (Sic Dan. Skalek nequitia, ma- So Chaucer, in his Rhyme of Sir Thopas, Sheene, Skene, shining. licia, &c. Sheringham de Ang. " He sough te north and south, Sheits, Shetes, s. sheets. Orig. p. 318),- or perhaps from And oft he spired with his mouth." i. e. iuquired.— not, spied, as in the Shee's, she shall. the Germ. Schalchen, to squint. new edition of Canterbury Tales, vol. Sheene, shining. Hence our northern word Skelly, ii. p. 234. Shent, shamed, disgraced, abused. to squint. Spence, Sjiens, expense. Shepenes, Shipens, cow-houses. Skinker, one that serves drink. Sjjendyd, probably the same as sheep-pens, a. s. Scypen. Skinkled, s. glittered. spanned, grasped. Sheeve, Shive, a great slice or Skomfit, discomfit. Speered, Sparred, i. e. fastened. luncheon of bread. Skott, shot, reckoning. shut. Shield-bone, the blade bone, a common phrase in the north. Slade, a breadth of greensward between plow-lands or woods, So in an old " Treaty se agaynst Pestilence, &c., 4to. Emprinted by Shimmered, s. glittered. Ac. Wynkyn de Worde," we are exhorted Shimmering, shining by glances. Slaited, s. whetted, or perhaps to " spere (i. e. shut or bar) the wyn- dowes agenst the south," fol. 5. Shirt of mule or mail, was a gar- wiped. ment for defence, made all of Slattered, slit, broke into splinters. Spillan, Spilland, s. spilling. rings of iron, worn under the ^^«w;, slew, (Sc. Abel). Sjjill, Spille, spoil, come to harm. coat. According to some the Slean, Slone, slain. Spill, spoil, destroy, kill. hauberk was so formed. Sleath, slayeth. Spindles and whorles, the instru- Shoea, s. Shoone, shoes. Slee, s. slay, also sly. ments used for spinning in Shoke, shookest. Sle, Slee, Sley, Slo, slay, Sleest, Scotland, instead of spinning Shold, Sholde, should. slayest. wheels. Shape, shaped. Ship, s. Slepe, sleep. The rock, spindles, and whorles are Shape, betook me. Slode, slit, split. very much used iu Scotland aud the northern parts of Northumberland, at Shorte, s. shorten. Slone, slain. this time. The thread for shoemakers, Sho, Scho, s. she. Slo, Sloe, slay. Sloughe, slew. and even linen webs, and all the twine Shote, shot. of which the Tweed salmon nets are made, are spun upon spindles. They Shradds, Vid. locum. Smithers, s. smothers. are said to make a more even and Sh-ead, cut into small pieces. Sna', Snaw, s. snow. smooth thread than spinning wheels. Mr. Lambe. Shreeven, Shriven, confessed her Soil, Saulle, Soicle, soul. sins. Soldain, Soldan, Soioden, sultan. Sporeles, spurless, without spurs. Shreto, a bad, an ill-tempered per- Sonn, s. Son, sun. Spole, shoulder; f. espaule. It son. Sond, a present, a sending. seems to mean, " arm-pit." Shreioard, a male shrew. Sane, soon. Sprente, spurted, sprung out. Shrift, confession. Sort, company. Spurging, froth that purges out. Shrive, confess. Item, hear con- Soothly, truly. Spurn, Spume, a kick. See Tear, fession. Sooth, truth, true. Spyde, spied. Shroggs, shrubs, thorns, briers. Soth, Sothe, South, Southe, Soath, Spylt, spoiled, destroyed. G. Doug. Scroggis. truth. Spyi, Spyte, spite. Shullen, shall. Soth-Ynglonde, South England. Squelsh, a blow, or bang. Shnlde, should. Sondan, Sovdain, suUiin. Stabille, perhaps 'stablish. Shunted, shunned. Sonldnn, Soldan, Soivdan, sultan. Stalwart, Stalworth, stout. Shiirting, recreation, diversion, Sovld, s. Sidd, should. Stalworthlye, stoutly. pastime. Vid. Gawin Douglas's Souling, victualling. Sotrle is Stane, s. Slean, stone. Gloss. still used in the north for any Stark, stiff, entirely. Shyars, shires. thing eaten with bread; a. s. Startojjes, buskins, or half boots Shyuand, s. shining. suple, suple, Job. xxi. 5. (or worn by rustics, laced down be- Sih, kin, akin, related. to soide, may be from the fore. 556 GLOSSARY. Stead, Stede, place. Stean, s. stone. Steedye, steady. Stel, steel, Steilly, s. steely. Stele, steel. Steid, s. Stede, steed. Steir, s. stir. Sterris, stars. Sterne, stern, or perhaps, stars. . /S'feri, start, started. Sterte, Sterted, started. Steven, time. Steven, voice. Still, quiet, silent. Stint, stop, stopped. Stirande stage, a friend inter- preted this, " many a stirring travelling journey." Stondei-es, standers by. Sloup of loeir, pillar of war, Stoiind, Stonde, (Intro.) space, moment, hour, time. Stoand, time, Astound, a-while. Stour, Stower, Stoure, fight, dis- turbance, &G. This word is applied in the north to signify dust agitated and put into mo- tion, as by the sweeping of a room. Slower, Stowre, stir, disturbance, fight. Stown, stolen. Stowre, strong, robust, fierce. Stra, Strae, s. straw. Streiglit, straight. Strekene, Stricken, struck. Stret, street. Striek, strict. Strike, stricken. Stroke, struck. Stude, Stuid, s. stood. Styntyde, stinted, stayed, stopped. Styrt, start. Suar, sure. Summere, a sumpter horse. Sum, s. some. Sunlpters, hOrses that carry clothes, furniture, &q. Sune, s. soon. Suore by ys chin, sworn by his chin. Surcease, cease. Stithe, Swith, soon, quickly. Sicapte, Siuapped, Sioopede, struck violently, Scot. Sweap, to scourge, (vid. Gl. Gaw. Dougl.) or perhaps exchanged; sc. blows, so " Swap or Swopp" signifies. Swaird, the grassy surface of the ground. Swarvde, Swnrved, climbed, or, as it is now expressed in the midland counties, Swarm, To sivarm, is to draw onesolf up a tree, or any other thing, cling- ing to it with the legs and arms, as hath been suggested by an ingenious correspondent. Swa, Sa, so. Swat, Swatte, Swotte, did sweat. Swear, sware. Swearde, Sioerd, sword. Sweare, swearing, oath, Sweaven, a dream. Sweit, s. Swete, sweet. Sweere, Swire, neck. Sweypyls. A Sweypyl is that staff of the flail, with which corn is beaten ouc, vulg. a Supple, called in the midland counties, a Swindgell, where the other part is termed the hand-staff. Sicinkers, labourers, Swith, quickly, instantly. Swyke, sigh. Swyoing, whoring. Swypyng, striking fast, (Cimb. Suipan, cito agere, or rather " scourging" from volvere, rap- tare). — Scot. Sioeap, to scourge. Vide. Glossary to Gawin Dou- glas. Sych, such. Syde-shear, Sydis-ahear, on all sides. Syd, side. Syne, s. then, afterwards. Syshemell, Ishmael. Syth, since. Syzt, sight. Taihen, s. token, sign. Taine, s. Tane, token. Take, taken. Talents, perhaps golden orna- ments, hung from her head to the value of talents of gold. Targe, target, shield. Tear, this seems to be a proverb, " That tearing, or pulling, oc- casioned his spurn or kick," Teene, Tene, sorrow, indignation, wrath, properly injury affront, Teenefu, s. full of indignation, wrathful, furious, Te he ! interjection of laughing, Teir, s. Tere, tear. Tent, s, heed, Termagaunt, the god of the Sa- racens, See a memoir on this subject in page 75. The old French romancers, who had corrupted termagant into tervagant, couple it with the name of Mahomet, as constantly as ours : thus, in the old Roman de Blanchardin, " Cy guer pisou tuit Apolin, Et Mahomet et Tergavant." Hence Ion taine, with great humour, in his tale entitled "La Fiancee du E.oy de Garbe," says, " Et reviant Mahom. Jupin, et Terva- gant, Avec maint autre die unon moins ex- travagant." Mem. de I'Acad. des Inscript, tom. 20, 4to, p. 352. As termagant is evidently of Anglo- Saxon derivation, and can only be ex- plained from the elements of that lan- guage; its being corrupted by the old French romancers proves that they borrowed some things from ours. Terry, diminutive of Thierry, Theodoricus, Didericus. Lat. also of Terence. Te, to, Te make, to make. Tha, them, Thah, though. Thair, their, Thair, Thare, there. Thame, s. them. Than, s, then. Thare, Their e, Ther, Thore, there. Thear, Ther, there. Thee, thrive, Ifote he thee, may he thrive. The God, seems contracted for The he, i. e. high God. The, Thee, thrive. So mote I thee, so may I thrive. So in Chaucer, passim, Canterbury Tales, vol. i. p. 308. " God let him never the." The, they, The wear, they were. The, thee, Thend, the end. Ther-for, therefore. Therto, thereto, Thes, these. Ther, their. Thii, they. Thie, thy, Thotve, thou. Thi sone, thy son. Thilke, this. Thir towmonds, s. these twelve months. Thir, s. this, these. Thirtti thousent, thirty thousand. Thocht, thought. Thole, Tholed, suffer, suffered. Tho, then, those, the. Thouse, s. thou art. Thoust, thou shalt, or shouldest. Thrall, captive. Thraldom, cap- tivity. Thrang, s. throng, close. Thro.wis, s. throes. Threape, to argue, to aflRrm or assert, in a positive overbearing manner. Thre, Thrie, s. three. Thrie, Thre, three. Thrif, thrive. Thrilled, twirled, turned round. Thritte, thirty. Throng, hastened. Thropes, villages. Throw, s. through. Thruch, Throuch, S. through. Thud, noise of a fall. GLOSSARY. 557 Tkewes, manners, limbs. Thei/ther-ward, thitherward, to- ■wards that place. Tihbe. In Scotland, Tibbe is the diminutive of Isabel. Tl/t, s. pufif of wind. Till, s. to, when, query. Till, unto, entice. Tild duion, pitched, qt. Timkin, diminutive of Timothy. Tine, lose. Tint, s. lost. Tiried, twirled, turned round. Too-fall, s. twilight. Too-t;dl of the night, " seems to be an ima,L!;e drawn from a suspended canopy, so let fall as to cover what is below."— Mr. Lambe. To, too. Item, two. Tone, T'one, the one. Ton, Tone, the one. Tor, a tower ; also a high pointed rock, or hill. Tow, Toioe, two, Twa, s. two. Tow, s. to let down with a rope, &c. Toioyn, town. Traiterye, treason. Trenchant, f. cutting. Tres-hardie, f. thrice hardy. Treytory, Traitnry, treachery. Trichard, treacherous, fr. tricheur. Tricthen, trick, deceive. Tride, tried. Trie, s. Tre, tree. Triest furth, s. draw forth to an assignation. Trifidcate, three forked, three pointed. Trim, exact. Troth, truth, faith, fidelity. Trovgh, Tronth, troth. Trowthe, Trolh, Tru, true. Trow, believe, trust, also verity. Trumped, boasted, told bragging lies, lying stories. So in the north they say, "that's a trump," i. e. a lie; "she goes about trumping," i. e. telling lies. Trumps, made of a tree, perhaps, " wooden trumpets," musical instruments fit enough for a mock tournament. Tuik, s. took. Tuke gude kerp, s. kept a close eye upon her. Tul, s. till, to. Turn, such turn, such an occasion. Turnes a crab, so. at the fire roasts a crab. Tush, an interjection of contempt, or impatience. Twa, s. two. Twayne, two. Twin'd, s. parted, separated. Vid. Gr. Douglas. Twirile, twist, s. thoroughly twisted, " twisted/ twist," f. tortille. IT. twirled Uch, each. Uf/some, s. shocking, horrible. Uubcthoughi, for bethought. So Unlosse, for loose. Unctuous, fat, clammy, oily. Undermerles, afternoons. Undight, undecked, undressed. Unkempt, uncombed. Unmacklye, mis-shapen. Unmiifit, s. undisturbed, uncon- founded, perhaps Unmuvii. Unreeled, opened ; a term in falcn. Unsett Steven, unappointed time, unexpectedly. Unsonsie, s. unlucky, unfortunate. Untyll, unto, against. Ure, use. Uthers, s. others. V. Vair, (Somersetsh. Dialect,) fail'. Vatzient, s. valiant. Vazen, (Som.) probably for Fai- then, i. e. faiths ; as Housen, Closen, ifec. Venu, (Intro.) approach, coming. Vices, (probably contracted for devices) screws, or perhaps, turning pins, swivels. An in- genious friend thinks a vice is rather "a spindle of a press," that goeth by a vice, that seem- eth to move of itself. Vilane, rascally. Vive, (Somerset.) five. Voyded^ quitted, left the place. Vriers, (Som.) friars. W. Wa, s. wa, wall. Wadded, perhaps from Woad, i. e. of a light blue colour. Taylor, in his History of Gavel-kind, p. 49, says, '• Bnglil, from the British word brith, which signifies their wad- de-colour ; this was a light blue." — Minshew's Dictionary. Wad, s. Wold, Wolde, would. Wae,', woe, woful. Waeioorth, s. woo betide. Waine, wagon. WaUoioit, s. faded, withered. Walker, a fuller of cloth. W(dtered, Weltered, rolled along, also wallowed. Waltering, weltering. WaJy, an interjection of grief. Wame, s. womb. Wame, Wem, s. belly. Wane, the same as Ane, one. So Wone, is one. In fol. 355 of Bannatyne's MS. is a ghort fragment in which Wane is used fov Ane; or, one: viz. '• Amongst the monsters that we find, There's wane belovved of womankind, Kenowned for antiquity. From Adame drivs his pedigree." Wan neir, s. draw near. Wanrvfe, s. uneasy. War, aware. Warde, s. advise, forewarn. Ward, s. watch, sentinel. Warke, s. work. Warld, s. world. Warldis, s. worlds. Waryson, reward. Waryd, s. accursed. Wassel, drinking, good cheer. Wute, s. Weete, Weie, Witte, Wot, Wote, Wotte, know. Wate, s. blamed. Prat, of Wyte, to blame. Wat, Wot, know, am aware. Wat, s. wet, also knew. Wax, to grow, become. Wayward, froward, peevish. Wayde, waved. Wenl, wail. Weale, happiness, prosperity, Ac. Weave in, s. drive in gently. Wearifu', wearisome, tiresome, disturbing. Wecde, clothing, dress. Weedes, clothes. Wee, s. little. Weel, well, also we'll. Ween, Ween'd, think, thought. Weet, s. wet. Wedous, widows. Weil, s. Weepe, weep. Weinde, s. Wende, Went, Weende, Weened, thought. Weid, s. Wede, Weed, clothes, clothing. Weird, wizzard, witch, properly fate, destiny. Well aioay, exclamation of pity. Weldynge, ruling. Wei of pite, source of pity. Welkin, the sky. Weme, womb, belly, hollow. Wem, (Intro.) hurt. Wende, went, Wcndefh, goQth, Wende, Weene, thought. Wend, Wends, go, goes. Wene, Weenest, ween, weenest. Werre, Weir, s. war. Warris, 8. wars. Werryed, worried. Wereth, defendeth. Werke, work. Wer, were. Wes, was. 658 GLOSSARY. .'. A Westlin, s, western. Wondersly, Wonderhj, won- Ye seth, Y-seth, in faith. Westlings, western, or whistling. drously. Ycha, Ilka, each, every. Wha, s. who. Won, wont, usage. Yeldyde, yielded. Whair, s. where. Wone, one. Yenoiighe, ynoughe, enough. Whan, s. when. Worshijyfully friended, of wor- Yerrarchy, hierarchy. Whang, s. a large slice. shipful friends. Yere, Yeere, year, years. Wheehjng, wheeling. Worihe, worthy. Yerle, Yerlle, earl. Wheder, whither. Wot, know, think. Yerly, early. Whig, sour whey, or butter-milk. Wote, Wot, know, I loote, verily. Yese, s. ye shall. While, until. Wonche, mischief, evil, a. s. pohT, Yestreen, s. yester evening. Whilk, s. which. i. e. Wogh. Malum. Yf, if. Whittles, knives. Wo, Woo, woe. Yfere, together. Whit, jot. Wow, an exclamation of wonder. Y-founde, found. W hoard, hoard. also Vow, London dialect. Ygnoraunce, ignorance. Whorles. Vide Spindles. Wracke, ruin, destruction. Yll, ill. Whos, whoso. Wrang, s. wrung. Ylke, Ilk, same. That ylk, that Whylhj^, whilst. Wreake, pursue revengefully. same. Wi', s. with. Wrench, wretchedness. Ylythe, (Intro.) listen. Wight, person, strong, lusty. Wright, write. Yn, in. Wight, human creature, man or Wringe, contended with violence. Yn house, home. woman. Writhe, writhed, twisted. Ynglonde, England. Wighty, strong, lusty, active, Wronge, wrong. Yngglishe, Ynglysshe, English. nimble. Wrougt, wrought. Yode, went. Wi(/htli/e, vigorously. Wroken, revenged. Youe, you. will, s. shall. Wall, s. will. Y-picking, picking, culling, ga- Wild, worm, serpent. Wyght, strong, lusty. thering. Wildingn, wild apples. Wyghtye, the same. Ys, is, his, in his. Wilfull, wandering, perverse, err- Wijld, wild deer. Y-slatv, slain. ing. Wyn7ie, Win, joy. Ysto7ige, (Intro.) stung. Winnae, will not. Wynnen, win, gain. Yt, it. Windar, perhaps the contraction Wynde, Wende, go. Yth, in the. of Windhover, a kind of hawk. Wyste, knew. Y-we7'e, were. Windling, s. winding. Wyte, blame. Y-wis, I wis, verily. Will, s. get, gain. Wyt, Wit, Weet, know. Y-wrought, wrought. Winsome, agreeable, engaging. Y-wys, truly, verily. Wirke toidier, work more wisely. Y. Y-yote, molten, melted. Wisse, direct, govern, take care of, a. s. pi jr* -plan. Y, I, Y synge, I sing. Z. Wiss, know, wist, knew. Yae, s, each. Zacring-bell, Som. Snoring bell, a Wit, Weet, know, understand. Yalping, s. yelping. little bell rung to give notice Withouten, Withoiighten, without. Yaned, yawned. of the elevation of the host. Wobster, s. Webster, weaver. Yave, gave. Zee, Zeene, Som. see, seen. Wood-wroth, s. furiously enraged. Yate, gate. Zees, ye shall. Woodioeele, or Wodeivale, the Y-beare, Y-boren, bear, borne. Ze, s. ye, Zee're, ye are. golden ourle, a bird of the So Y-founde, found, Y-mad, Zede, Yede, went. thrush kind. Gloss. Chaue. made, Y-wonne, won. Zef Yef\L The original MS. has Wood- Y-built, built. Zeirs, s. years. weete. Ych, Yche, each. Zellow, s. yellow. Wode, Wod, wood, also mad. Ycholde yef, I should if. Zeme, take care of, a. s, seman. Wode-ioard, towards the wood. Ychone, each one. Zent, through, a, s, zeonb- Woe-begone, lost in woe, over- Ychon, each one. Zestrene, s, yester e'en. whelmed with grief. Ychulle, (Intro.) I shall. Zit, s. Zet, yet. Woe-man, a sorrowful man. Ychyseled, cut with the chisel. Zonder, s. yonder. Woe-worth, woe be to [you], a. s. Y-cleped, named, called. Zong, s. young. northan (fieri) to be, to become. Y-con'd, taught, instructed. Zou, s. you, Zour, s. your. Woe, woful, sorrowful. Y-core, chosen. Zoud, s. you'd, you would. Wolde, would. Ydle, idle. Zoiir-lane, Yourlane, alone, by Wonne, dwell. Yee, eye. yourself. Wonders, wondrous. Yearded, buried. Zouth, s. youth. Wonde, (Intro.) wound, winded. Ye bent, Y-bent, bent. Z\de, s. Yule, Christmas. Won'd, Wonn'd, dwelt. Yede, Yode, went. Zung, s. young. «-.ij* The printer has usually sul )stituted the letter z, to express the character t, which occurs in old MSS., but we are not to suppose that this 7- was ever pronounced a 3 our modern z; it had rather the force of y (and perhaps of gh), I )eing no other than the Saxon lett ir T. which the Scots and English have, in many instances, changed into y, as ^eajib, yard, jeap., ye£ ir, geon J, young, &c. / 013 999 847 9 ■'■'ll'llte ■:ipi ,;.l! -A^-' :!;'ili!'!ii^i:;''':: fellJ!!^;: !l^i';!i'^l":: ♦-f.; «|!ffti;,ii;i;i:;. . ' i' I ■ 1,: , i] . -■■. i.-r.; „. ^ ■ ■ r;,: ■ •: ,1' .. • : .'■.Vll'..;- r^] t ^'.'. ^\'i