I£AS m Ma € AS A ©ICAL T COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SEE PAGES 81 to 87 TABLE OF CONTENTS, PAGE tV Class . Book. ' ' Copyright N c COPYKIGIIT DEPOSIT. CHICAGO AS A MEDICAL CENTER CONTAINING CLASSIFIED SCHEDULES of all Medical Lectures and Clinics to be regularly delivered in Chicago during the coming school year, with tables so arranged as to show time and place by a moment's reference. COLLEGES : A list of all Medical Colleges recognized by the State Board of Health. TEACHERS : An alphabetical list, with addresses of all Professors, Lecturers and Instructors in recognized colleges. SOCIETIES: A roster of all Medical Societies of the city, with their officers. JOURNALS: A list of all Medical Journals published in Chicago, and their editors. HOSPITALS: A list of ethical Hospitals, Sanitariums, Infirmaries and Dispensaries of the city, with descriptive matter relating thereto, including attending and consulting medical staffs. MISCELLANEOUS: A copy of the Medical Laws of the State of Illinois, a copy of the State Board of Health's minimum requirements for matriculation looking to the degree of M. D. , Fee Bills, etc., etc. Chicago, 1909 STROMBERG, ALLEN & CO. Compiled by * * *• Publishers J. NEWTON McDONALD *•• 302-304 Clark Street * » • Copyright, December, 1909, By j, newton Mcdonald College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago College of Medicine OF THE University of Illinois COLLEGIATE YEAR, SEPTEMBER TO JUNE Investigation of Equipment and Advantages Cordially Invited Four years' course. Students permitted to specialize in electives. Completely equipped laboratories. Unsurpassed clinical advantages. For catalogue and general information, address DR. FRANK B. EARLE, Secretary ( ingress and Honore Streets CHICAGO, ILLINOIS SEE FACULTY, PAGES 81 TO 87 V £O.A25393? GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Alexian Brothers Hospital 140 Alexian Brothers Hospital Dispensary 161 Alphabetical List of Professors, Lecturers and Instructors in Medical Colleges of Chicago 12-74 Inclusive Amendments of Illinois Medical Law (Italicized Sections), Law of 1907 2 American Hospital 140 Anatomy 125 An Act to Regulate the Practice of Medicine and Surgery in the State of Illinois 1 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Hospital 140 Augustana Hospital , 140 Bacteriology 126 Belden Avenue Hospital 141 Bennett Medical College, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 108-110 Bennett Medical College Dispensaries 161 Beulah Home and Hospital 141 Central Free Dispensary 161 Chemistry 126 Chicago Baptist Hospital 141 Chicago Charity Hospital 141 Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, Professors, Lectures and Clinics 94-97 Chicago Externes Sanitarium 142 Chicago General Hospital 142 Chicago Gynecological Society 11 Chicago Maternity Home 143 Chicago Homeopathic Hospital 142 Chicago Hospital, The 142 Chicago Lying-in Hospital 142-143 Chicago Medical Society 8 College of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 111-112 Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Hospital 143 Chicago Pasteur Institute 143 Chicago Post-Graduate Medical School, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 116-118 Chicago Policlinic and Hospital, Facultv, Lectures and Clin- ics 119-121 Chicago Tuberculosis Institute 162 Chicago Union Hospital 143 Children's Memorial Hospital 144 Christian Hospital 144 College of Medicine and Surgery 94 College of Medicine and Surgery Dispensary 162 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Facultv. Lectures and Clinics 81-87 Columbia Hospital 144 Columbus Hospital 144 Cook County Detention Hospital 144 Cook County Hospital 144-145 Department of Health of Chicago 8 Dispensaries 161-165 Drexel Sanitarium 145 Elizabeth E. Marcy Home Dispensary 162 Englewood Hospital 146 Evangelical Deaconess Home and Hospital 146 Fee Table Adopted by Chicago Medical Society, June 20, 1892. . 8 Fee Table Adopted by Chicago Gynecological Society 11 Frances E. Willard National Temperance Hospital 146 PHYSICIANS' SUPPLY AND DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs and Surgical Instruments 7711. represent many domestic and foreign manufacturers and *^ cany B complete stock of Chemical Apparatus and Reagents, Assay* rs Supplies, Microscopes and other scientific apparatus. Our aim is to supply the medical profession with any article they may need in practice or for their patients, including surgical dressings, trusses, elastic stockings, thermometers, sterilizers, syringes and requisites for invalids. We represent in our stock : Parke, Davis & Co., a full line of their products. Searle & Hereth & Co., a full line of their products. H. K. Mulford Co., a full line of their products. E. R. Squibb & Sons' Medical Preparations. Armour's Physiological Products. Johnson & Johnson's Surgical Dressing. Seabury & Johnson's Specialties. Bauer & Black, Chest Protectors, etc. E. Merck's Pure and C.P. Chemicals. Dr. Geo. Grubler's Tissue Stains. E. Schering's Medical Chemicals. Mcintosh Batteries and Electrodes. Bayer's Pharmaceutical Products. Birtman Batteries and Electrodes. Bausch & Lomb Microscopes and Accessories. Goodrich Rubber Co., full line. Arnold's Sterilizers, all forms. Ear Trumpets, Conversation Tubes. The Randolph Supporters and Bandages. Celluloid Hard Rubber and French Trusses. Pocket and Buggy Cases. Centrifugal Machines, Electric and Hand Power. Eureka Nebulizers, all sizes. SPECIAL PRICE LIST FURNISHED UPON REQUEST *4 TEL. WEST 196 JirflcillnstpMs Optical Ortlfpaedtc and 'crrfcal Instruments Buggy and Hand. Q>ses\ Id qj r REPAIRING .„, INSTRUMENTS TO ORDER.. 125 Honore Street. CHICAGO vii GENERAL INDEX— Continued PAGE Garfield Park Hospital 147 German-American Hospital 147 German-American Dispensary 162 German Hospital 147 German Hospital Dispensary 163 Genito-Urinary 127 Grace Hospital 147 Gynecology 128 Hahnemann Medical College, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics. .101-104 Hahnemann Hospital 147 Hahnemann Hospital Dispensary. 163 Henrotin Memorial Hospital , 148 Hering Medical College and Hospital, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 105-107 Hospitals, Sanitariums and Infirmaries 140-160 Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Dispensary 163 Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary 148 Illinois Free Dispensary 163 Illinois Medical College, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 98-100 Illinois Medical Laws 1 Illinois Post-Graduate Dispensary 163 Illinois Post-Graduate Medical School, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 122-123 Isolation Hospital . , 148 Jenner Free Dispensary 163 Jenner Medical College, Faculty 115 Jewish Aid Society Dispensary 163 Key to Special Schedules 124 Lake Geneva Sanitariums 149 and 168 to 185 Lake Geneva Training School for Nurses xii Lakeside Hospital 149 Lakeside Sanitarium 149 Lake View Hospital 149 Marion Sims Hospital 149 Mary Thompson Hospital 150 Mary Thompson Hospital Dispensary 164 Medical Publications 166 Medical Societies 166 Medicine 129-130 Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases 150 Mental and Nervous Diseases 131 Mercy Hospital 150 Michael Reese Hospital '. 150 Monroe Street Hospital 151 National Emergency Hospital 151 National Medical Dispensary 164 National Medical University and Hospital 114 North Chicago Hospital 151 Nose, Throat and Ear 132 Northwestern University Medical School, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 88-93 Norwegian-Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital 151-152 Norwegian Tabitha Hospital 152 Oak Park Hospital 152 Oakwood Sanitarium 152 Officers of the Illinois State Board of Health ■. 5 Orthopedics 133 Ophthalmology 133 Passavant Memorial Hospital 152-153 Pathology 134 Pediatrics 135 People's Hospital 153 Physiology 136 Illinois Post-Graduate Medical School Only Post-Graduate School in Chicago's Great Medical Center 1844 West Harrison Street - - CHICAGO Subjects presented in general course. General Surger)\ Medicine, ttr 8, Neurology, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Ear, Nose and Throat, e and Venereal Diseases. Extra-Mural Connections with Chicago's Best Hospitals. al courses in Microscopy. Pathology, Bacteriology, Anatysis Hood, Sputum and Urine, X-ray and Electro-Therapy, Refraction, operative Surgery on Cadaver and Dogs, and Physical presented, correlative with general course. atalogue and general information, address a Li \ c WIENER, Sec'y, 1844 W. Harrison St., Chicago. SEE FACULTY, PAGES 122-3 ix GENER AL r INDEX— Continued PAGE Post-Graduate Medical School of Chicago, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 116-118 Post-Graduate Hospital, The 153 Presbyterian Hospital 153-154 Provident Hospital 155 Ravenswood Hospital 155 Reciprocity (Illinois State Board of Health) 8 Reliance Free Dispensary 164 Reliance Medical College, Faculty 113 Robert Burns Hospital 155 Rush Medical College, Faculty, Lectures and Clinics 75-80 Salvation Army Hospital 155 Schedule of Minimum Requirements for Medical Colleges, to be held in good standing 5 South Chicago Hospital 155 South Side Free Dispensary 164 South Side Hospital 155 St. Anne's Hospital and Sanitarium 156 St. Anthony De Padua Hospital 156 St. Bernard's Hotel Dieu 156 St. Elizabeth Hospital 156-157 St. Joseph Hospital 157 St. Luke's Hospital 157-158 St. Luke's Hospital Dispensary 164 St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital 158 Streeter's Private Hospital 158 Surgery 137-138 Swedish Covenant Hospital 159 The Cottage 159 Therapeutics 139 United States Marine Hospital 159 University Hospital 159 University Hospital Dispensary 164 Washington Park Hospital 159 Wesley Hospital 159 West Side Free Dispensary 164-165 West Side Hospital 160 Willard, Frances E., Hospital 146 Willard Hospital Dispensary 162 Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital Rev. H. B. KILDAHL, Rector INGEBORG SPONLAND, Sister Superior Cor. Leavitt St. and Haddon Ave., Chicago Phone Humboldt 534 Take Division Street Car to Leavitt Street or Robey Street Car to Haddon Avenue SEE STAFF, PAGES 151-2 FOR ADVERTISEMENT OF THE LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS See pages 149 and 168 to 185 For address see page 1 83 xi LAKE GENEVA SCHOOL FOR TRAINING NURSES THERE will be open on Tuesday, January 4, 1910, in connection with the Lake Geneva Sanitariums, classes for the Training of Nurses, Men and Women. The course will cover a period of three years. A GROUP OF SANITARIUM CURRICULUM: The subjects taught include Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica and Toxicology; Practical Chem- istry and Bacteriology; Psychology, Sense Training and Precision; Domestic Science, including Cooking and Dietetics. Obstetrics, Diseases, Injuries, Habits; Preparation of Patients for Examinations and Operating-room, Asepsis and Dressings; Training in Nursing in all Departments of Medicine; Instruction and Practice in Baths and Hydrotherapy, Electricity, Massage and Swedish Movements; Invalid Nursing, Companionship and Ethics. Nurses under pay while training. Send for Booklet, Terms and Application Blanks. Address Director of the Training School for Nurses, LAKE GENEVA, WIS. BORCHERDT'S MALT EXTRACT DISTINCTLY U. S. P. A concentrated vacuum extract prepared only from the choicest Barlr\ Malt of High Diastasic Activity Malt Extract, plain Malt-Olive with Hypo. Malt Soup-Extract Malt Extract with Hypo. Malt Extract with Hypo. & C. L. 0. Malt Extract with Cod L. 0. Malt Extract with Yerba Santa Co. Malt Extract with Iron, Q. & Strych. Malt Peptonates with Ars. Malt-Papaya Malt Extract with Cascara SAMPLE AND LITERATURE SENT UPON REQUEST MANUFACTURED BY THE B0RCI1ERDT MALT EXTRACT CO. 217-219-221 N. Lincoln St., Chicago, III. xiii Office Telephone Central 3207 Residence Telephone Wentworth 1190 Wm. Paul Coons, M. D. ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON 39 State Street Chicago, Illinois Successfully Treats All Deformities: Club Feet Diseased Joints Hip Disease Infantile Paralysis Bow Legs Spinal Curvature Pott's Disease Knock-Knees Established 1891 National Medical University OFFICE OF THE DEAN L. D. ROGERS, A. M., M. D., LL. D. 1430 WELLS STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Telephone North 743 Day and evening classes all year. All schools of Practice taught without prejudice or partiality. Obstetrical and general clinics superior The best school for the ambitious, educated young man, who must earn his way through college and who desires the most practical medical education obtainable Send for a copy of the weekly bulletin, containing a synopsis of lectures and quizzes delivered the preceding week SEE FACULTY, PAGE 114 J. H. GREER, M. D., President E. B. BECKWITH, M. D., Medical Director Illinois Orthopedic Sanitarium INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS ESPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO CHRONIC and SPINAL DISEASES General Offices: Suite 208-210 52 DEARBORN STREET Phone Central 6031 xiv CHICAGO, ILL ILLINOIS MEDICAL COLLEGE = CHICAGO msmKmsaasaaaKamammam* Continuous (bourse. Co-educational forms begin in January, May and September \1 LABORATORIES, ill newly equipped and up-to-date, for inorganic, or- aetric work. \\C \ AND THERAPEUTICS. A four years' graded course has been d Stair?. A distinctly new departure in medical education. ! Pint 1 etf 3. Third Year Botany i Fjm a Therapeutics b Pharmtq b Toxicology, Laboratory , Materia Medica c Prescription Writing urgprg Medical Department of Valparaiso University 333 to 339 S. Lincoln Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS This college has an enrollment of four hundred students. The laboratory and hospital facilities are abundant. The faculty consists of men who have distinguished themselves as medical educators. The college is not burdened with debts, and is therefore able to expend all its income upon the courses of instruction. The large attendance is evidence that the college is conducted in the interest of its patrons. The calendar year is divided into three semesters of four months each. The fall semester begins on the last Tuesday of September. The winter semester begins on the first Monday in February. The summer semester begins on the first Monday in May. For catalogues address, J. NEWTON ROE, Secretary. SEE FACULTY, PAGES 94-7 xvi THE CHICAGO HOSPITAL, 811 East 49th Street, Cor, Cottage Grove Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.- A thoroughly modern aseptic and perfectly appointed PRIVATE HOS- PITAL, overlooking Drexel Blvd , and but two blocks from "Washington Park, y courtesy and facility extended to reputable physicians and surgeons. Operating rooms in charge of an experienced surgical nurse. Complete equipment for bacteriological, pathological, urinary and Roentgen diagnosis. All rooms light and well ventilated, with outside exposures, and luxurious and appropriate furnishings. Our aim is to preserve all the comforts of home, while providing the il details of a modern hospital. EXCELLENT PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICE For medical and surgical staff see page 142. ALEX. HUGH FERGUSON, President. JUDGE HENRY D. LAUGHLIN, Secretary. VICTORIA GREEN, Supt. of Nurses. Adolph Gehrmann, M.D. W. A. Evans, M.D. John A. Wesener, Ph.C, M.D . Columbus cTWedical Laboratory A LABORATORY FOR PHYSICIANS CIRCULARS AND FEE TABLE ON APPLICATION Telephone Central 2740 103 State Street, CHICAGO ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. [Extract from the Revised Statutes of Illinois, 1907.] Medicine and Surgery Practice Regulated. An Act to Regulate the Practice of Medicine in the State of Illinois, and to Repeal an Act Therein Named, in force July 1, 1899, as Amended by an Act in force July 1, 1907. Section 1. Organization and Duties of State Board of Health. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly : That the State Board of Health shall organ- ize within three months after the passage of this act ; it shall pro- cure a seal and shall receive through its Secretary applications for certificates and examinations. The President and Secretary shall have the authority to administer oaths, and the board to take testi- mony in all matters relating to its duties. Sec. 2. License from State Board of Health Required — Appli- cations for License — Examinations — Graduates of Legally Chartered Medical Colleges in Illinois in Good Standing Granted Certificates. No person shall hereafter begin the prac- tice of medicine, or any of the branches thereof, or midwifery, in this State without first applying for and obtaining a license from the State Board of Health to do so. Application shall be had in writing, and shall be accompanied by the examination fees herein- after specified, and with proof that the applicant is of good moral character. Applications from candidates who desire to practice medicine and surgery in all their branches shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant is a graduate of a medical college or institution in good standing, as may be determined by the Board- When the application aforesaid has been inspected by the Board and found to comply with the foregoing provisions, the Board shall notify the applicant to appear before it for examination, at the time and place mentioned in such notice. Examinations may be made in whole or in part in writing by the Board, and shall be of a character sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the candidate as a practitioner. The examination of those who desire to practice medicine and surgery in all their branches shall embrace those general subjects and topics, a knowl- edge of which is commonly and generally required of candidates for the degree of doctor of medicine, by reputable medical colleges in the United States. The examination of those who desire to practice midwifery shall be of such a character as to determine the qualification of the applicant to practice midwifery. The examina- tion of those who desire to practice any other system or science of treating human ailments who do not use medicines internally or ex- ternally, and who do not practice operative surgery shall be of a character sufficiently strict to test their qualifications as practition- ers. All examinations provided for in this act shall be con- ducted under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board, which Chicago as a Medical Center. nhn for B fair and wholly impartial method of examina- d, that graduates of legally chartered medical colleges In hllnoi I standing as may be determined by the Board ertlficates without examinations. Stati Board of Health shall be empowered to estab- andard of preliminary education deemed requisite to admis- died c<>lh en in "good standing:' and to require satis- ni of tltis standard by medical col- d that the Board shall not recognize examinations of 'Heal colleges, that have been con ■ faculty or officers of a medical college. The Boaro empowered to determine the standing of literary 01 high schools, seminaries, normal schools, prepara tin Ufa . and the Board mag, in its discretion, ac~ univalent of one or more of the sessions or terms pre equirementa governing medical colleges in (< gooa ling," attt ndance in literary or scientific college in i( good stand- by a degree from said institiition, providing that said literary or scientific college are fully equal to State University of Illinois. TO Practice — Provisions. If the applicant suc- examination, or presents a diploma from a red medical college in Illinois of good standing, the hall Issue to such applicant a license authorizing him to Heine, midwfery or other system of treating human aim ase may be: Provided, that those who are author- to practice other systems can not use medicine internally or ex- iiy or perform surgical operations: Provided, further, that ■ who are authorized to practice medicine and surgery in all their branches shall call or advertise themselves as physicians or doctors: And provided, further, that those who are authorized to practice midwifery shall not use any drug or medicine or attend r than cases of ilabor. Such license shall be in such form as determined by the Board, and in accordance with the pro- l this net: Provided, however, that any willful violation on the part of an applicant of any of the rules and regulations of iverning examinations shall be sufficient cause for the .1 to refuse to issue a license to such applicant. Such certifi- 1 be signed by all members of the Board and attested by tary« The State Board of Health may, in its discretion, issue /•' ' nsi . without examination, on the payment of the proper fees, to a physician, who is a graduate of a medical college in good standing, and has bet n licensed in any country, state or territory, in which the requin mt nts of medical registration are deemed by the State Board of Health to have been practically equivalent to the requirements of •ni registration in force in Illinois, under the provisions of the hich this act is an amendment; provided, that such coun- stati or territory shall accord a like privilege to physicians who hold Issued by the Illinois State Board of Health. And the Board of Health may also, in its discretion, issue a license, ram motion , to a physician ivho is a graduate of a medical <)"<>d standing, and has passed an examination before the 1 n,r "' States Army, the United States Navy, or the United States lhalth and Marine Hospital Service. For thf ir services performed in the enforcement of this '/.. act to which this act is an amendment, the members of tl " " laine, Maryland. Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Vir- ln and Wyoming. .! dished with several other states within a T! state Board of Health does not reciprocate in the u. d on the presentation of diplomas, without ex- u. The law of Illinois does not permit this method of re- : medical licenses. DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH. CITY OF CHICAGO. \V A EVANS, M. D., Commissioner. I \Y. UK ILLY. M. D., Ass't. Commissioner. J. V. BIEHN, M. D M Director of Laboratory. Hi:MAN SPALDING, M. D., Chief Med'l Insp'r. I l» EtAWLJNQS, M. D. f Ass't Chief Med'l Insp'r. C. \V. BEHM, M. D„ Chief Disinfection Staff. M. o. HECKARD, M. D., Reg'r, Vital Stat's. HUNT, M. D., Chief Hos'l & Ambu'e Service. ('HAS B. BALL, Chief San'y Insp'r. [OEHLER, M. D., Chief Food Insp'r. }•; Et PRITCHARD, Secretary. CHICAGO MEDICAL SOCIETY. Was organized as the Cook County Medical Society, April 5th, 1852. The name was changed to the Chicago Medical Society in 1858. Its objects are the interchange of professional experience, iragement of professional zeal, the promotion of friendly feciin^ and the cultivation of medical knowledge generally. Any physician of good standing in the profession shall be eligible for membership. FEE TABLE ADOPTED JUNE 20, 1892. Intended to guide rather than to govern members in making charges for services rendered to patients in average circumstances, under ordinary conditions. The minimum and maximum figures have reference to the degree of responsibility and the time consumed in a given case, rather than to the pecuniary circumstances of the patient, which will often call for a lower charge, or may justify a higher one than is indicated in this table. The fees here given for operations do not include after attend- Offlce consultation, ordinary $ 2 to $ 5 unusual time and means are required for in- vestigation and diagnosis, or with another physician. 5 to 25 treatment, requiring manipulation, use of instru- r topical applications, as for diseases of the ear, throat, nose, urethra, bladder, uterus, rectum mppurating cavities, redressing of wounds, read- justment of splints, use of electricity, etc 3 to 25 ne treatment of the same kind 5 to 35 ordinary 3 to 15 Each additional patient in same family 1 to 6 lis diseases, extra 2 to 5 n 10 p. m. and 6 a. m 5 to 25 dl Buch as requires sacrifice of office hours, or other important engagement, each hour. 5 to 25 Chicago as a Medical Center. For consultation with another physician $ 10 to $ 25 To distant patients, in addition to expenses of travel, each hour 5 to 15 Written opinion or advice , 5 to 25 Examination for life insurance 3 to 10 Vaccination in office 1 to 5 Examination involving a question of legal advice 25 to 200 Autopsy for medico-legal purposes 50 to 200 Attendance at court, by the day 100 to 200 Urinalysis, chemical 2 to 10 Microscopical 3 to 15 Microscopical diagnosis of tissues, sputa, etc 5 to 25 First dressing of superficial wounds, contused or sprained joints, etc 5 to 25 Those involving the smaller arteries, nerve trunks or tendons 25 to 100 Wounds involving large vessels, vital organs, or the visceral cavities (not requiring operation on the vis- cera) 50 to 300 Extirpation of simple superficial tumor, as sebaceous, dermoid, fatty or lymphatic tumors of the scalp, eyelids, face, neck, etc 10 to 50 More complicated benign growths, as tumors of the parotid, mammary, deep cervical, axillary, or in- guinal glands 50 to 300 Malignant growths, similarly situated 100 to 500 Plastic operations for correction of adhesions, ever- sions, inversions and defects of the eyelids, or nasal defects and deformities ; or labial defects, including hare-lip and cleft palate ; or cicatricial contraction about the face, neck and extremities 50 to 500 Operation on nerve trunks 50 to 300 Operation for varicose veins 25 to 100 Operation on larger arteries, as for aneurism or trau- matism 50 to 500 Operations on bone for inflammation, necrosis or sup- puration, including opening of mastoid cells 50 to 500 Amputations : Fingers or toes 15 to 50 Hand or foot 100 to 200 Forearm or leg 100 to 300 Arm 150 to 400 Shoulder joint 200 to 500 Of shoulder (entire) 500 to 1000 Thigh 300 to 800 Hip joint 500 to 1000 Exsection : Smaller joints 25 to 100 Larger joints 100 to 500 Simple fractures : Reduction and first dressing ; small short bones with no tendency to displacement, as of fingers, toes, hand, foot, including ribs 25 to 50 Forearm, arm or clavicle 50 to 200 Leg, patella or thigh 100 to 500 Bones of face with deformity 50 to 300 Dislocations : Reduction and first dressing. Fingers or toes 15 to 25 Clavicle or lower jaw 25 to 200 Larger joints 25 to 500 Compound fractures and dislocations: Same as ampu- tation at corresponding point. r/ a Mi diodl Venter. •;•••;•• :; $10 ° to * 500 Ing soft Parts wi ,1 tendons, cicatri- anchylosis, or minor degrees • 25 t0 ^ 00 ffl In-knee, bony an- i b, etc 100 to 500 Ing appliances to correct or prevent muss, splints, braces, exten- kets or supports, etc 10 to 100 •••; II IZ 2™ or contents of orbit 50 to 300 from Interior of globe 100 to 500 ygrium or strabismus 50 to 200 IS 100 to 500 50 to 200 s within the middle ear 50 to 500 chest or pelvis, and fracture or dislo- 100 to 500 f the bead, as simple fissure of vault or base ring operation : First examination and dress- 50 to 100 ations, as for depressed fracture, re- ;t or old. tumor or abscess 300 to 1000 D vertebra? or within spinal canal 100 to 500 i a : iuetion of strangulated 25 to 100 Operation for strangulation or radical cure 200 to 1000 turn, nose, ear or cervix 25 to 100 n of tapping of the thorax, pericardium, abdo- men, bladder, or for hydrocele 25 to 500 rations, as anal fissure, fistula, dilating stric- ture, deep abscesses, hemorrhoids 50 to 200 n 300 to 800 Operations on kidney, of lesser degree, as nephorraphy nephrotomy 200 to 500 reetomy 300 to 1000 tomy for drainage, tumor, stone, or any purpose, and litholopaxy 200 to 1000 lc operations for congenital or acquired defects of the urethra or bladder 100 to 800 Operations for stricture of the uretha, as urethrotomy, internal or external, rapid dilation, or first passage of instrument in tight stricture for gradual dilation 50 to 300 Amputation of penis 100 to 200 Op on the foreskin 15 to 50 For radical cure of hydrocele, varicocele, castration. 50 to 200 Excision of tongue or removal of malignant growth from upper air passages 200 to 800 Opening of the larynx or trachea 100 to 500 Intubation 25 to 500 :-moval of laryngeal tumors 100 to 1000 Minor operations, as excision of tonsils, simple obstruc- tion from the nares, adenoid growths, or opening the antrum 25 to 100 itions on nasal septum, as for exostosis or defiec- 50 to 200 Of thyroid gland ....!!"!! 300 to 800 •r empyema 50 to 500 gangrene, or foreign body within* the 200 to 800 Operations within the abdominal or pelvic cavity! '.'.'' 100 to 1000 Chicago as a Medical Center. 11 Operations on the uterus, as Alexander's, or within the cavity, as rapid dilatation, curettement or uterine polypus $ 50 to $300 Operations on the cervix, as for laceration, malignant growth, stenosis , 50 to 300 Operations on the vagina, as for labial cysts, vaginis- mus, atresia, cystocele, rectocele, fistula 50 to 300 On female urethra and bladder 50 to 200 On female perineum 100 to 300 Attendance on normal labor 25 to 100 Accidental abortion 25 to 200 Induction of premature labor 50 to 500 Forceps delivery 50 to 200 Version or craniotomy 50 to 300 Placenta praevia 100 to 500 Other complications, as postpartum hemorrhage, extra. CHICAGO GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Organized October 18, 1879. Chartered June 8, 1880. The object of the Society is the discussions of all topics legitimately connected with Gynecology, Obstetrics or the Diseases of Children. OBSTETRICAL FEE TABLE. Attendance upon accidental abortion $ 50 to $ 200 Consultation out of town 100 to 300 Attendance upon normal labor 50 to 100 Version 100 to 200 Extraction, pelvic presentation 100 to 200 Forceps delivery 75 to 300 Craniotomy 100 to 200 Cseesarian Section 500 to 1,000 Induction of premature labor 100 to 500 All subsequent visits to be charged extra at usual rates. GYNECOLOGICAL FEE TABLE. First consultation at office or house $ 10 to $ 25 Subsequent consultations 5 to 10 Written opinion in addition to consultation 10 Ordinary visit at home 5 to 10 Elytorrhaphy 200 Perineorrhaphy 200 to 300 Trachelorrhaphy 200 to 300 Curettement 100 to 200 Rapid dilatation of the uterus 100 to 200 Removal of the uterine polypus 100 to 300 Supra- Vaginal Amputation of Cervix uteri 500 Infra-Vaginal Amputation of Cervix uteri 200 Removal of Hemorrhoids 100 to 300 Dilatation of the Sphincter Ani muscle 100 Operation for fistula in Ano 100 to 300 Removal of Vaginal or Vulvar Cyst 100 to 200 Kolpo-Cystotomy 100 to 200 Removal of Urethral Caruncle 100 Operation for Vaginismus 100 to 200 Operation for labial or Pere-Rectal Abscess 100 Operation for vaginal fistula 300 Urethrotomy 200 Alexander's operation 500 Abdominal section for any purpose 500 to 1,000 Vaginal section for any purpose 54)0 to 1,000 The preparatory and after treatment for surgical operations are not included in the above surgical fees. Alphabetical List of Professors, Lecturers and Instructors in the Medical Colleges of Chicago ABKl- T 174 X Bid Ave. Until 9, 12 to 2, after 6. Aus- Ui Medl. Coll. '03. Asst. Prof, of Oto-Laryng'y . Medl. roll. R), 100 State. 2 to 3:30. Central 1934. Res. Ave. Oakland 417. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Prof, of Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dts*l of Chll.) rook Co. Lying-in and Michael Reese Hosps. A!- Home for Destitute Crippled Chil'n. Mem. Am. M. ,11.. 111! State and Chic. Medl. Socs. ADAMS. NATHANIEL H. (R), 92 State. 11 to 1. Central 1138. W Madison. 4 to 5:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun. 2 to 4. \V 887 Jackson Blvd. Ashland 6783. N. W. Univ. Med S( h. '96. Prof, of Mat. Med., Therap. and Toxicol. 111. lied. roll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl Socs. and Therap'c Club. ALBRo. M. Z. (R). 103 State. 10 to 1. Central 861. Res. 1455 W. 35th. P. and S. New York '87. Lect. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat) Practit's and Prov't Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. ALLEN. PRANK W. (R), 1485 Jackson Blvd. 2 to 4. Kedzie LI. Res. 2088 Gladys Ave. Until 9, at 7 p. m. Kedzie 520. . h '06. Assoc, in Med. (Dis's of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. mi. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. ALLEN. J. HENRY (H), 42 Madison. 1 to 3. Central 32. Res. 471 L' Greenwood Ave. 8 to 10. Oakland 3884. Homeo. Dept. CJnlv. of Mich. '84. Prof, of Skin and Venereal Dis. Hering Med. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. Inter'l Hahneman'n Med. Soc. Author of "Chronic Miasms," Three Vols. "Diseases and Therap's of the Skin," One Vol. Boericke and Tafel, Pub- lishers. ALLEN. THOS. G. (R), 34 Washington. Mon. and Thur. 9 to 11. Central 3913. Res. 5661 Washington Ave. Hyde Park 444. \ \V. Tniv. Med. Sch. '88. Prof. Dis. of Chil. Post-Grad. Ifed. Sch. Instr. Dis. of Chil. Coll. of P. and S. Mem. Am. M. .11., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. ALLEN. \VM. G. (R), 1427 Roscoe. 9 to 10, 7 to 8. Lake View 3888. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '96. Prof, of Anat., Embry'y and Biol'y 111. Medl. Coll. Also Inst, in Anat. Coll. of Phys. and Suite. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. ALLPORT, FRANK tol'l B( BALLINGER. JOHN RALPH (R), 680 W. Division. Until 8:30, 12:30 to 1:30, 6:30 to 8. Humboldt 1333. Rush 1900. Inst. In Neurol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.), Attg. Phys. .: n Luth'n Deacon's Home and Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., te and Chic. Medl. Socs. BANQA, HENRY (R), 70 State. 1 to 3. Central 5119. Res. 456 Salle Ave. Univ. of Basile Switz'd '71. Prof, of Gynec. '..lic'c, Attg. Surg. Michael Reese Hosp. Mem. Am. M.-dl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Gynecol'l Socs. LKER, C. F. (H), 3942 Ellis Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6:30 to 7:30. in. by appointment. Douglas 1555. Hahn. Chic. '80. Prof. of Surg. Hahn. Medl. Coll. and Assoc. Prof, of Gynecol. Ben- [ MedL Coll., Attg. Surg. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e Of Homeo'y, 111. and Chic. Homeo'c Medl. Socs. BARNARD, H. S. (R), 4031 Vincennes Ave. Until 9, 5 to 6. Oak- <<1 995. Rush '89. Lect. on Gynecol. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. DL Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Ger. Medl. Socs. BARNES, WALTER S. (R), 42 Madison. 11 to 12:30. Central ISO. Res. 3801 Grand Blvd. Douglas 2947. Med. Dept. Iniv. of Buffalo, New York, '92. Assoc, in Gynecol. N. W. v. Modi. Sch., Attg. Gynecol. Mercy Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. !., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. BARK. WM. A. (R), 100 State. Randolph 345. Rush '92. Prof. and Head of the Dept. of Ophthal. Chic. Coll. of Med. and ir. Treaa and Prof, of Ophthal. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch., Attg. Phys. (Eye and Ear Dept.) Frances E. Willard Hosp., Attg. Phys. (Eye Dept.) 111. Char'e Eye and Ear Infirm'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BARRETT, CHANNING W. (R), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 5868. Res. 28 St. James Place. By appointment. Lincoln 34 01. Detroit Coll. of Med. '95. Adj. Prof. Gynecol. and Clin. Gynecol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Asst. Prof. (Dis's Of Women) Chic. Polic'c, Attg. Phys. Cook Co. and Marion mis Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl. and Miss. Valley Medl. Assns., Medl. and Chic. Gynecol'l Socs. BA880E, PETER (R), 34 Washington, 1:30 to 2:30. Central 2285. Etes. ;»sG Jackson Blvd. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '97. It Trof. of Pathol, and of Med. (Ner. and Men'l Dis's), Rush Medl. Coll. Neurol't Cook Co., St Elizabeth and redlsh Covenant Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., Am. Assn. of Pathol'a and Bacter's. Am. Assoc, for the Advancement of Chic. Medl., Pathol'l, Neurol'l and Scandinavian rlcan Medl. Socs. BATE8, MoRLEY DE C. R), 168 S. Halsted. Monroe 1858. Res. U ] ^ Va , rr ?f n Ave ' West 206L Rush ' 96 - Inst. In Med. Rush MedL Coll., Attg Phys. Univ'y Hosp. Mem, Am. Medl., 111. State, Chia Medl. Socs. and Phys. Club. Chicago as a Medical Center. 15 BAUM, WM. L. (R), 103 State. 9 to 1. Central 2751, Jefferson Medl., Phil. '88. Prof, of Skin and Ven. Dis's Post-Grad. Medl. Sen., Attg. Dermat. Baptist Hosp. and Cons'g Phys Char'y Hosp., Attg. Phys. (Contag's Dis's) Cook Co. Hosp Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Medico- Legal, Chic. Acad, of Med., Chic. Dermat. and Phys. Club. BAUMAN, FREDERICK (R), 103 State. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Prof, of Genito-Urinary Dis's Reliance Medl. Coll. BEATON, LINDSAY A. (R), 1238 N. Clark 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Lincoln 3307. Rush '05. Prof, of Surg. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. BECK, CARL (R), 92 State. 3 to 6. Central 3035. 1220 N. Clark. 9 to 12. Lake View 1374. Res. 42 Roslyn PI. Lake View 442. Univ. of Prague, Austria, '89. Prof, of Surg. Pathol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Cons'g Surg. Michael Reese Hosp., Pres. and Attg. Surg. North Chic. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol'l, Ger. Medl. Soc. of Chic, Ger. Soc. of Surg., Berlin, Ger. BECK, JOSEPH (R), 92 State. 9 to 1. Central 3035. 1220 N. Clark. 3 to 5. Lake View 1374. P. and S. Chic. (Univ. of 111.) '95. Clin. Prof, of Laryng., Rhinol. and Otol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Attg. Phys. (Ear, Nose and Throat Dept. ) Cook Co. Hosp., Sec. and Attg. Phys. North Chic. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of OphthaTy and Oto-Laryng'l, Am. Laryng'l, Rhinol'l and Otol'l Socs., Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryng'l, Chic. Ophthal'l and Ger. Medl. Soc. BECK, JULIEN B. (R), 339 W. 12th. 9 to 11, 3 to 4, 7 to 8. Monroe 2607. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '04. Asst. in Dermat. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. BECKWITH, E. B. (H), 72 Madison. 9 to 11. Central 962. 52 Dearborn. 11 to 1. Res. 766 W. Adams. By Appointment. West. 2245. Hering Medl. Coll. '08. Lect. on Orthop. and Surg., Hering Medl. Coll. Mem. Southern Homeo. Soc. and Reg'l Homeo. Medl. Soc, Chic. BEEBE, LESLIE W. (H), Oak Park. 8 to 9, 12:30 to 2, 6:30 to 7 :30. Oak Park 28. Chic. Homeo. '97. Adj. Prof, of Surg. Hahn. Medl. Coll., Attg. Phys. Chic. Homeo. Hosp. Mem. 111. Homeo. and Chic Homeo. Medl. Socs. BELFIELD, WM. T. (R), 100 State. 1 to 4. Central 2129. Rush '77. Prof, of Genito-Urinary and Ven'l Dis's Chic Polic'c Assoc. Prof, of Surg. (Genito-Urinary) Rush Med'l Coll. Cons. Phys. (Genito-Urin.) Presby'n and Marion Sims Hosp's. Attg. Phys. Henrotin Mem'l Hosp. Pres. Am. Uro- logical Assocn. Mem. Am. Medl. and Am. Assocn. of Genito- Urinary Surgs., 111., State Medl., Chic. Medl. and Chic. Uro- logical Socs. BENSON, EMANUEL O. (R), 3558 N. Clark. 1:30 to 2:30, 6:30 to 7:30. Edgewater 2153. Rush 1900. Asst. Prof, of Pediat. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BERGMAN, NILS (H), 319 Winthrop Ave. Edgewater 726. Chic Homeo. '92. Prof, of Mechan. Theraps. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. BERN ART, WM. F. (R), 5342 Jefferson Ave. Hyde Park 4361. Detroit Coll. of Med. '99. Inst, in Ven'l Dis's Coll. of Phys. and Surg. BERTLING, A. E. (R), 477 Ashland Blvd. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. West 1184. Rush '95. Assoc. Prof, of Genito-Urinary Dis's Chic Coll. of Med. and Surg., also Asst. in Dept. of Genito-Uri- nary Surg'y 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sen. Attg. Surg. Univ'y Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., HI. State, Chi. Medl. and Ger*n Medl. Socs. 10 eh a Medical Center. mrrt rv W \ (H) L01 State. 1 to 3. Central 1594. Res. Tel. "ciiume S W. UnlV. Medl. Sch. '94 Asst Prof of lv. Medl. Sch. Surg. Post-Grad Medl. Sch. 3urg. Cook Co.. Charity. Wesley and Worn s Hosps \nr. 111. State. Chic. Medl. and Chic. Surg'l and >H Club. PHUR DEAN (R). 100 State. 2 to 4 Central 556 K«s. 1911 Michigan Ave. Douglas 432. Rush 83. Pro^ and BmA Ol the Dept of Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Cons g Surg- Chirs Mem'I Hosp. Same Home for Dest e Crip d in. Att* Surg. Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Assoc, of Am. U> Am. MedL, Am. Surgl. Soc, 111. State and Chic. Medl. S ^ __ . iv. JOHN (R), 504 Cleveland Ave. 1 to 3 7 to 8. Lincoln 26 Garfield Ave. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. 97. t Inst, in Laryng. and Rhinol. Chic. Polic. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BIEHN, JuS. F. (R). 2497 Lakewood Ave. Until 9, 5 to 7. Sedg- wick 505. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '01. Prof, of Bacter y and Clin'l Diag's Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State. Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathofl. Socs. BIERIXGER. W. A. (R). 346 E. North Ave. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Lin- coln 184. Rush 1900. Asst. Inst, in Laryng. and Rhinol. Chic Poli'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BILLINGS, FRANK (R), 100 State. 1 to 4. Canal 556. Res. 35 22d. South 616. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '81. Dean of Faculty, Prof, and Head of Dept. of Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Prof, of Med. Univ. of Chic. Cons. Phys. Cook Co. and Chil's Mem'I Hosps., Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil'n and Michael Reese Hosp. Attg. Phys. Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. Assoc, Am. Pathol'l Assoc, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic Pathol'l and Chic. Neurol'l Socs. BISHOP. A. M. (R). Virginia Hotel. Until 9, 1:30 to 2:30, 6 to 7. North 584. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '98. Asst. Inst, in Gynecol. Chic. Polic'c Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BISHOP, MINNIE R. (H), Chicago Beach Hotel. Hahn. Chic. Clin. Inst in Obst. Hering Med. Coll. and Hosp. BISHOP, SETH S. (R), 103 State. 9 to 4. Central 3007. Res. 719 W. Adams. Chic Med. '76. Prof, of Dis. of Nose, Throat and Ear and Hon. Pres. of the Medl. Faculty 111. Med. Coll. Prof, of Dis. of Nose, Throat and Ear Post-Grad. Medl. School. Surg. Post-Grad. Hosp. Mem. Inter-National and Pan-Am. Cong's, Am. Medl. Assn., 111. State and Chic. Med. Socs. BLACK. ROBT. A. (R). 2901 Wallace. 11 to 12, 7 to 8. Yards 4. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '04. Clin. Asst. in Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. and Prof, of Dis. of Chil. Post-Grad Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Dis's of Child. Chic Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl.. 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. BLACKWOOD, A. L. (H). 31 Washington. 1 to 3. Private Exch. No. 1. Hahn. Chic '88. Prof, of Mat. Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. and South Chic Hosps. Mem. Am. Inst'e of Home. 111. Homeo., Chic Medl., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. BLAIR, J. H. (P. M.), 1061 Tripp Ave. Physio-Med. Inst. Cinn. '82. Prof, of Therap. and Clin. Med., Coll. of Med. and Surg. BLAKE. J. M. (R). 72 Madison. 1 to 3. Central 5011. Res. 4108 Wentworth Ave. 9 to 11, 6 to 8. Yards 236. Rush '03. Prof, of Genito-Urinary Surg. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Mem. Am Medl., 111. State and Chic Medl. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 17 BLAYNEY, FREDERICK H. (R), 578 W. Madison. 9 to 10 and 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Monroe 2274. Res. 1556 W. Adams. Kedzie 1830. P. and S. Chic. (Univ. of 111.) '98. Inst, in Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg, and Asst. Dept. of Surg. II. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Asst. Surg. 2d Regt. 111. N. G. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. and Assn. of Military Surg's of the U. S. BLOCK, LEON (R), 460 Ashland Blvd. 1 to 2:30, 7 to 8. Monroe 1480. Rush '03. Assoc, in Med. Rush. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Mem. Am, Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BLOMGREN, CHAS. E. (R), 1450 Belmont Ave. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Lake View 624. Rush '99. Assoc, in Therap. and Prev'e Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BLOUKE, W. B. (H), 31 Washington. 1 to 3. Priv. Exch. No. 1. Res. 1222 Washington Blvd. 8 to 9 and 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. West 1530. Chic. Homeo. '84. Prof, of Gynecol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Gynecol. Chic. Homeo. and Hahn. Hosps. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. BOTT, GEO. WM. (R), 100 State. 12 to 1. Central 379. Res. 2305 Sherman Ave. Evanston 65. Sioux City Coll. of Med. '93. Univ. of Penn. '98. Assoc, in Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Laryng'l and Otol'l Socs. BORLAND, LEONARD C. (R), 209 State. 11 to 2. Harrison 6688. Res. 1460 Smalley Court. Humboldt 161. Rush '87. Assoc. Prof, of Anat. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Inst, in Anat. Chic. Coll. of Dental Surg. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BOSLER, ARTHUR G. (R), 832 W. 61st. 1 to 2:30, 7 to 8. Wentworth 609. Jenner Medl. Coll. '99. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) 1900. Prof, of Hyg'e State Med. and Jr. Med. Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medll., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BOUFFLEUR, ALBERT I. (R), 100 State. 2 to 4. Central 379. At Monroe Street Hosp. 9 a. m. West 1250. Rush '87. Ass't Prof, of Surg. Rush Med. Coll., Chief Surg. C, M. & St. P. R. R. Cons'g Surg. Cook Co. Hosp. Surg.-in-Chief Monroe Street Hosp. Mem. Am. Asso'n Ry. Surg's, Am. Med., 111. State., Chicago Med., Chicago Surg'l and Chic. Pathol' 1 Socs. BOURQUE, N. O. (R), Auditorium Bldg. Harrison 4442. E. A. Seminary of La. '93. Medl. Dept. (Univ. of Nashville) '97. Nat'l Medl. Univ. Chic. '04. Prof, of Genito-Urinary Dis's Nat'll Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Surg. Nat'l Hosp. Chic. BOYNTON, JOHN R. (H), 72 Madison. 9 to 1 and 3 to 6. Cen- tral 962. Hahn. Phil. '80. Pres. and Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. State Homeo. Medl. Assn. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Soc. BRACKEN, WM. S. (R), 906 60th. Until 9, 5 to 8. Wentworth 7016. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '02. Clin. Asst. in Laryng. and Rhinol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Laryng't Wesley Hosp. BRAUD, MAURICE (R), 4654 Vincennes Ave. Rush '05. Asst. in Med. (Ner. and Men. Dis.) Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Michael Reese Hosp. and W. Side Hebrew Charities Disp. BREMERMAN, LEWIS W. (R), 72 Madison. 10 to 1. Central 6338. Jefferson Phil. 1900. Asst. in Surg. (Gen.-Urin.) Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Genito-Urinary Surg. Oak Park Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Urolog'l Socs. I n Mi dical 0( nter. 6914 Wentworth Ave. 3 to 5, 7 to 8. \. VV. Univ. Medl. Sch. 1900. Asst. Clin. \ VV. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., . Medl. S Wentworth Ave. 11 to 1, 6 to 281 E. 43d. 2 to 4, 8 to 9. Wt in Clin. Neurol. N. W. h. Asst. Phys. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., • and Chic. Medl. Socs. >RMAN (R), 34 Washington, when in Chicago. Res. Medl. '68. Rush '78. Emer. Prof, of EMENT VV. (R). 7 Blue Island Ave. 10 to 12, 7 to 9. Res. 5S6 Jackson Blvd. West 1578. Nat. Ihic. '05. Prof, of Toxicol. Chic. Coll. of Med. :rg. tte. Until 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Went- i Indiana Ave. Wentworth 3602. N. W. Univ. Med Sch. 1900. Asst. in Clin. Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. M. in. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. \VIU.AKI> D. (R), 7^ Madison. 12 to 2. Central 2951. Jackson Blvd. Until 9, 6 to 8. Sun. 12 to 2. West Rush '96. Prof, of Thoracic Dis. and Ins'e Exam'n ChiC. OolL of Med. and Surg. Attg. Phys. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic, and Medl. Socs. Mem. Medl. Exam's Assn. L. (H), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 4639. Res. na Ave. Until 9, 6:30 to 7:30. Oakland 437. I lomeo. '01. Adj. Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. .a. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst of Homeo., 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin'l Soc. of Hahn- emann Hosp. •BF.OWER, DAX'L R. (R), 34 Washington. 10:30 to 2:30. Cen- tral 2415. Res. 597 Jackson Blvd. Med. Dept. Georgetown Univ. '64. Prof, of Nerv. and Ment. Dis's Rush Med. Coll. Prof. Dis's Nervous System Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Phys., Ment. and Nerv. Dis's Cook Co., Presby'n and St. Joseph's Hosps. Cons. Phys. Oakwood Springs Sanitar'm, Worn, and Chil. Cons'g Neurol. Presbyt'n, Mary Thompson and St. -eph's Hosps. Mem. Am. Med. and Am. Neurol., Am. Electro-Therap'c and Nat. Assoc, for the Study of Epilepsy, Am. Psychol'l Assn., 111. State, Chic. Med., Chic. Pathol., Chic. ;rol. and Medico-Legal Socs. BROWER, JR., DANIEL R. (R), 34 Washington. 10:30 to 2:30. Central 2415. Res. 1704 Roscoe. Lake View 921. Rush '02. -oc. in Therap. and in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Assoc. ol. St. Joseph's Hosp. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chic. 11. Socs. BROWN, EDW. M. (R), 100 State. 1 to 2:30. Res. Kenwood Hotel, 47th and Ellis Ave. Central 2067. N. W. Univ. Medl. i. '93. Adj. Prof, of Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. m. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. BRCAVX. B. V. L. (R), 100 State. 9 to 12. Central 379. Res. Quadrangle Club. Hyde Park 499. Rush '88. Asst. Prof, of Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Phys. (Eye Dept.) 111. Char'e Eye and Ear Infir'y and Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. ophthal'l Sues., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. O] ics. I. (R). 2340 N. 42d Ave. 8 to 10:30, 6 to 7:30. Irving Park 6. Rush 1900. Assoc, in Laryng. and Otol. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. •Deceased. Chicago as a Medical Center. 19 BROWN, G. LE ROY (H), 3946 Cottage Grove Ave. 10 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Douglas 302. Res. 3805 Ellis Ave. Until 9, 5 to 6. Douglas 1567. Chic. Horaeo. '99. Lect. on and Demon. of Anat. Hahn. Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. , BROWN, HEMAN H. (R), 103 State. 10 to 1, 2 to 3. Central 2073. Res. 838 N. Park Ave. Lincoln 1149. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich. '86. Prof, of Did'c and Clin. Ophthal. 111. Med. Coll. Cons. Surg. Cook Co. Hosp. Attg. Surg. Col. and 111. Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., Am. Acad, of Ophthal'y, Am. Laryng'l, Tri-State, Miss. Valley, 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ophthal'l Socs. BROWN, MOREAU R. (R), 34 Washington. 1 to 3. Sat. 10 to 12:30. Central 1797. Medl. Dept. Univ. of Louis'e, Ky., '76. Prof, of Rhino-Laryng. Chic. Polic'c. Cons' g Phys. Marion Sims Hosp. Medl. Dir'r Nat. Union. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Laryng'l, Am. Climat'l, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryng'l and Phys. Club. Medl. Exam. Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co. BROWN, RICHARD H. (R), 72 Madison. 11 to 2:30. Central 2508. Res. 1217 W. Jackson Blvd. 7 to 8 p. m. West 1069. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '91. Assoc. Prof, of Clin'l Laryng., Rhinol. and Otol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. Phys. (Nose, Throat and Ear Dept.) West Side Free Disp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BRUCE, E. M. (H), 42 Madison. 1 to 3. Central 32. Res. 5314 Washington Ave. Hyde Park 348. Hahn. Chic. '91. Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. BRUMBACK, ARTHUR H. (R), 100 State. 12 to 2. Randolph 345. Res. 530 Jackson Blvd. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '84. Adj. Prof, of Gynecol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. Phys. Robert Burns Hosp. Gynecol. Park Ave. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BUEHLER, W. E. (P. M.), 17 Van Buren (Stein way Hall). 11 to 5. Harrison 5970. Res. 1027 Farwell Ave. Rogers Park 3299. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Chic. '04. Prof, of Obstet. Hering Med. Coll. and Hosp. Prof, of Minor Surg. Bennett Med. Coll. Mem. Nat'l Ass'n of Orif'l Surg., Mem. of Operat- ing Staff Jeff. Park Hosp. BUFORD, COLEMAN G. (R), 100 State. 2 to 3. Central 4536. Res. 429 E. Huron. North 1188. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '94. Inst, in Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Surg. Chil's Mem'l Hosp. Attg. Surg. Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BUHLIG, WALTER H. (R), 5501 S. Halsted. 3 to 5, 7 to 8:30. Wentworth 553. Res. 5533 Union Ave. Went worth 251. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '93. Asst. Prof, of Clin. Pathol, and Li- brarian N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Pathol. Mercy Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BURKHOLDER, J. F. (R), 103 State. 1 to 5. Randolph 1187. Medl. Dept. Western Univ., London, Ont., '92. Pres. 111. Medl. Col. Also Pres. and Prof., Head of the Dept. of Anat., Biol'y and Ophthal'y Reliance Medl. Coll. Prof, of Phys'y Dept. of Dent'y of the Univ. of 111. Prof, of Ophthal'y Chic. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll. Cons. Ophthal't Chic. Gen'l and Lake- side Hosps. Mem. British Medl. Soc, Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ophthal'l Socs. BURM ASTER, PAUL (H), 167 Dearborn. 12 to 2. Hahn. Chic. '95. Prof, of Dis's of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. BURNS, PETER (R), 531 S. Leavitt. 8 to 10, 6 to 8. West 974. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '91. Asst. Prof, of Anat. and Dir'r of the Anatom'l Labor'y N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic Medl. Socs. a Medical Center. W.I. Af Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis. of Cook Co. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., ILL State and Chic. 11. Socs. BYFORD, HENRY T. (R), 100 State. 10 to 12, except Wed. and t. Central 2067. Chic. Medl. '73. Prof, of Gynecol'y and Clin. Gynecol'y Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Prof, of Gynecology, Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. (Hon'y Fac'y) >Jrad. Medl. Sch. Cons'g Gynecol't Michael Reese, t. Lying-in and Mary Thompson Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Gynecol., Inter-Nat'l Cong, of Gynecol's, Western Surg< Mid Gynecol., Southern Surg, and Gynecol., 111. State, Ic, Medl. and Chic. Gynecol. Socs. F. R. S. of M., London. BYRNES, PRANK (R), 1664 N. Clark. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Lake View 467. Rush '94. Jr. Prof, of Surg. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CALLAWAY, \\\ L. (R), 100 State. Randolph 345. Res. 870 War- ren Ave, Wesl 492. Barnes Medl. St. Louis '97. Prof, of rl Med. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. CAMBRSON, ANSON M. (H), 100 State. 11 to 1. Central 771. V. State. Until 10, 6 to 8. North 888. Hahn. Phil. Prof, of Pediat. Hahn. Medil. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Contagious Dis's) Cook Co. Hosp. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of H.) Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. Homeo., Borneo, and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. ICPBELL, A W. (R), 108 5th Ave. Main 1480. Medl. Dept. of Toronto, Can., '80. Prof, of Regional Anat. Coll. of 1. and Surg. CAMPBELL, GRACE H. (R), 872 Jackson Blvd. 1 to 3. West 982. Wcrii. Medl. Chic. '99. Asst. in Med. (Dis. of Chil.) Rush Medl ('nil. IAS. T. (R), 34 Washington. 10 to 2. Central 593. -ue, X. Y.. '89. Med. Dept. Univ. of Tor. '89. M. R C. ir, Nose and Throat Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. state. Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryng'l and Otol. Mem. British Medl. Socs. JOHN G. (G), 6857 Wentworth Ave. 4 to 6, 7 to 8 12. Res. 7143 Princeton Ave. Wentworth 49o! V W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '96. Inst, in Clin. Pediat. N. W. 11. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, and Chic. Medl. BOOS. Chicago as a Medical Center. 21 CAMPBELL, J. F. (R), 100 State. 9:30 to 1. Central 1162. Medl. Pept. Univ. of Tor. '86. Asst. in Clin. Ophthal. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. and Lect'r on Dis. of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Post- Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CAMPBELL, RALPH R. (R), 100 State. 11 to 1. Central 4356. 125 Michigan Ave. Central 190. Jeff. Phil. '90. Prof, of Skin and Vener'l Dis's Chic. Polic'c. Attg. Dermat't Passav't Mem'l Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CAPPS, JOS. A. (R), 100 State. 11 to 1. Central 556. Res. 2216 Prairie Ave. Calumet 835. Harvard Univ. Medl. Sch. '95. Asst. Prof, of Med. Rush Medl. Coll., Attg. Phys. Cook Co. and Presby'n Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. CARLTON, EDW. P. (R), 2431 Dearborn. Calumet 128. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '99. Inst, in Pathol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. CARPENTER, JOHN H. (R), 554 W. Jackson Blvd. 4 to 8. Mon- roe 4181. Nat. Medl. Univ. Chic. '01. Prof, of Electro- Therapy and X-Ray 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Assoc. Prof, of Electro-Therapy Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Electro- Therap't Frances E. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Miss. Valley Medl. Socs. CARR, JAS. G. (R), 987 W. 22d. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Canal 326. Res. 1049 Irving Ave. Canal 19. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '02. Prof, of Med. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. and Inst, in Sr. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CARR, RACHEL HICKEY (R), 100 State. 12 to 1. Randolph 345. Res. 4810 Lake Ave. Oakland 828. Wom's Medl. Chic. '87. Inst, in Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Cons'g Phys. and Surg. Wom's Hosp. Mem. 111. State., Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. CARTER, ALBERT H. (E), 438 W. Harrison. 10 to 12, 5 to 6, 7 to 8. Monroe 3462. Jenner Medl. Chic. '06. Inst, in Surg. Bennett Medl. Coll. CASEDY, H. J. (H), 3034 Michigan Ave. 9:30 to 11:30, 2:30 to 5, 7 to 8. Douglas 4830. Res. 4063 Ellis Ave. Douglas 9485. Hahn. Chic. '03. Lect. on Phys'y Hahn. Medl. Coll. CASS, GEO. T. (R), 1 44th Ave. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '07. Asst. in Physiol'y and Hist'y Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. CASSELBERRY, WM. E. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 1. Central 5432. Res. 1830 Cailumet Ave. South 809. Univ. of Penn. '79. Prof, of Laryng. and Rhinol. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. Attg. Laryng't Wesley Hosp. Attd. Laryng't and Rhinol. St. Luke's Hosp. Chief Attg. Phys (Dis. of Nose and Throat) S. Side Free Disp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Laryng., Am. Climatol. and Nat. Tuber's Assns., 111. State, Chic. Med. Socs. and Chic. CHAFFEE, J. C. M. (H), 26 E. Van Buren. 9:30 to 11:30, 2 to 5. Harrison 1549. Res. 3306 Archer Ave. Clev. Univ. School of Med. '68. Prof, of Homeo. Mat. Med. and Therap. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., Ind. State and Northwestern Ind. Homeo. Medl. Socs. CHENEY, HENRY W. (R), 103 State. Wed. and Sat. 2 to 3. 427 E. 63d. 11 to 12, 5 to 6. Hyde Park 164. Res. Tel. Hyde Park 943. N. W. Univ. Med. '92. Assoc, in Pediat. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. So. Side Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. CHESTER, PAUL (R), 4707 Lake Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Oakland 1118. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '96. Asst. Prof, of Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. as a Medical Center. JOHN 11 Afltor pi. 2 to 3, 7 to 8. North 296. and Prof, of Med. Chic. Polic'c, tin Mem'] and .Marion Sims Hosps. Mem. Chic. Medl., Chic. Soc. of Inter'l Med. ■ 11. Bxam'S Assn. II. It ill). 3604 Grand Blvd. 11 to 1. Douglas 920. "88. Dean and Prof, of Surg. Hahn. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e, 111. . Medl. Socs. ALEX. L. (R), 574 Weiland. Nat. Medl. Univ. and of Climat'y. Sanit'n and Hyg'e Nat. Medl. M. ARCHIBALD (R), Pullman Bldg. 9 to 1. Harrison Madison Ave. Oakland 1338. P. and S. ■ Univ. of 111.) '84. Prof, of Men'l and Nerv's Dis's N. \V. Univ. Medl. Sen. Cons'g Phys. Michael Reese Hosp. . t Mercy, St. Luke's, Wesley, Washington Park and Destit'e Crippled Chil. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Medl. and Medico-Legal Socs. CHURCHILL, FRANK S. (R), 439 N. State. 2 to 3:30. North 1*67. Harvard Univ. Medl. Sch. '90. Asst. Prof, of Med. s of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Chil.) Cook Co., Presby'n and Chil's Mem'l Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. AGGETT, ARTHUR N. (R), 2088 W. 12th. Until 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Sun. 11 to 12. Lawndale 807. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Prof, of Gynecol. Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc CLARK, CHAS. C. (R), 3857 Vincennes Ave. Until 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Sun. 2 to 4. Douglas 1070. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Inst, in Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg, and soc. Prof, of Gynecol. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CLARK. PETER S. (H), 4602 Indiana Ave. Oakland 118. Hahn. Chic. '99. Assoc. Prof, of Gynecol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. and In. Asst. Dis's of Worn. Hahn. Hosp. CLARK, TRACY H. (R), 1240 E. Ravenswood Park. Until 9, 11 to 1, 6 to 8. Edgewater 1043. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '98. B8t Inst, in Gynecol. Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CLEFF, OSCAR (R), 103 State. 11 to 1. Central 2073. Res. 26 Orchard. 6 to 8 p. m. Lake View 640. Rush '01. Jr. Prof, of Med. and Lect. in Obstet. 111. Med. Coll. Surg.-in- Chief Salvat'n Army Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Ic. Medl. Socs. CLBMINSON, H. (H), 715 Lunt Ave. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Lincoln 3979. Hahn. Medl. Chic. '08. Demon'r of Anat. Reliance dl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. OLIVER, P. M\ (H), 3019 Indiana Ave. 11 to 12, 2 to 5, 6:30 to 7:30. Douglas 464. Asst. in Obstet. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Inst, 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn Hosp. COATES, L. B. (R), 1663 N. Clark. Lake View 829. Phys. and . of 111.) '02. Prof, of Bacter'y, Pathol'y and Diss Reliance Medl. Coll. Prof, of Bacter'y and loI y Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. COBB JOSEPH P. (H), 42 Madison. 11 to 1. Central 32. Res. ^oo 471 ! 1 ; , 8 to 9 ' 6:30 to 7:3 °- Oakland 28. Hahn. Chic. 83. Prof, of Pediatrics Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Diss of Chil.) Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst. Am. Neurol'l. r re * S on U - c Home .°' ^ edL TT Soc -' Chic - Homeo., Chic. Neurol'l and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. Chicago as a Medical Center. 23 COLEMAN, W. FRANKLIN (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 3. Central 2856. Res. 5116 East End Ave. Hyde Park 1879. Queen's Univ. and Royal Coll. of Phys. and Surgs., Kingston, Can., '63. M. R. C. S. Eng. '71. Pres. and Prof, of Ophthal. Post- Grad. Med. Sch. Chic. Prof, of Ophthal. 111. Sch. of Electro- Theraps. Con'g Phys. Char'y Hosp. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ophthal. Socs. Phys. Club. COLLINS, C. D. (H), 92 State. 9 to 1. Central 1101. Res. 2963 Indiana Ave. Douglas 1272. Hahn. Chic. '89. Rush '90. Prof, of Skin and Ven 1 Dis's Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e, 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. CONLEY, BERNARD M. (R), Wilmette, 111. Wilmette Tel. 3234. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Inst, in Psych'y Coll. of Phys. and Surg. CONLEY, T. J. (R), 100 State. 4 to 6. Randolph 345. Res. 1607 Humboldt Blvd. Humboldt 3426. Rush '85. Prof, of Surg. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Cons'g Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Attg. Surg. West Side Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. COOK, WM. W. (P. M.), Evanston. Physio-Medl. Coll. Cincin., Ohio, '82. Prof, of Physio-Medl. Therap. Nat'l Univ. and Hosp. COONE, BETHENA (R), 440 E. 57th. 8 to 10, 4 to 6. Hyde Park 4387. Worn. Medl. Chic. '94. Asst. in Med. (Dis. of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. COONS, WM. PAUL (R), 39 State. 10 to 4. Central 3207. Res. Tel. Wentworth 1190. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Chic. '91. Prof, of Orthopedic Surg. Nat'l Medl. Univ. Attg. Orthopedic Surg. Nat'l Emerg'y Hosp. COPELAND, WM. L. (R), 103 State. 12 to 2. Central 2747. Res. 979 Warren Ave. 7 to 8 p. m. Kedzie 40. McGill Univ. '72. Royal Coll. of Surgs. London '73. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Anat. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State., Chic. Medl. and Chic. Therap'c Socs. CORBETT, M. (R), 1086 W. 12th. 10 to 11, 7 to 8. Canal 1455. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '90. Prof, of Gynecol. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. CORCORAN, EDW. A. (R), 1621 W. 12th. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Kedzie 969. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '02. Asst. in Jr. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CORNELL, J. W. (H), 3058 Calumet Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6:30 to 7:30. Sun. 9 to 10. Douglas 107. Hahn. Chic. 1900. Asst. Demon, of Anat. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Clin. Asst. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e, 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. CORWIN, ARTHUR M. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 11. Sun. 9 to 12. Central 2415. Rush '90. Prof, of Phys'l Diag's Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Local Advisor Com. of Am. Health League. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryng. and Otol. Soc. and Phys. Club. COSTAIN, T. E. (H), 42 Madison. 1 to 3. Central 32. Res. 3638 Forest Ave. 8 to 9 and evenings. Douglas 1087. Chic. Homeo. '92. Adj. Prof, of Surg. Hahn. Medl. Coli and Hosp. Attg. Surg. Chic. Homeo. and Hahn. Hosps. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. Hon'y Mem. Ken. State Homeo. Medl. Soc. c/< '/ Medical Center. I R), U9 1 W. Jackson Blvd. 12 to 2. Ked- Prof. of Med. (Dis's of Chil.) Rush .: Phys. (Dis's of Chil'n) Chic. Mater'y Mem* I Hosp. and Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil. of Chil.) Presby'n and Robt. Burns Hosps. Am. Medl., 111. State, Ex. Pros. Chic. Medl. Soc, Chic. iin's an. I Chic. Pediat. Socs. WM. H (R), 398 WVlls. North 308. Medl. Dept. Univ. Inst In Dis's of the Chest Coll. of Phys. and ERICK S. (R), 103 State. 10 to 1, 4 to 5. Cen- 160 Winthrop Ave. Edgewater 2934. Rush Inst. In Otol. X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., An f nphthal., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Ophthal. iryng. and Phys. Club. 89 W. 24th. Canal 2182. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '06. Inst, in Dermat. Bennett Medl. Coll. CUBBINS, WM. R. (R), 42 Madison. 10 to 12. Central 5480. Res. 3 4 30 Rhodes Ave. Douglas 334. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. of Anat. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. and Inst, in Clin. \\ W. Univ. Medl. Sch., Attg. Surg. Wesley, Woman's and Charity Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Pathol. and Chic Medl. Socs. IK, A. C. (E), 845 Clifton Park Ave. Canal 1316. Bennett '99. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Sec'n V.-Pres. and I f Surg, and Surg'l Anat. Bennett Medl. Coll. Surg. Galena Div. C. & N. W. Ry. Mem. 111. Elec. and Chic. Elec. 11. Socs. CULBERTSOX, CAREY (R), 92 State. 1:30 to 3:30. Central 4900. Res. 800 W. Monroe. 4 to 6, by appointment. West 191 '. X. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '98. Inst, in Obstet. Rush Medl. i. Asst. Obstet. and Gvnecol. Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CULVER, P. E. (H), 279 Belden Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Lin- coln 2008. Chic. Homeo. '03. Adj. Prof, of Anat. Hahn. Medl. Coll., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. CUNNINGHAM, WM. J. M. (R), 404 W. 63d. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8:30. Wentworth 1909. Res. 6442 S. Sangamon. Went- worth 865. Rush '04. Clin. Assoc, in Skin and Ven'l Dis's Rush Medl. Coll. CURRY, XORMAN D. (R), 70 State. 9 to 12. Central 5782. Res. -711 Indiana Ave. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Calumet 1152. N. W. Univ. Mod. Sch. '02. Asst. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. MedL, 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CUSHIXG, G. M. (H), 422 W. 63d. 8:30 to 10. 7 to 8. Wentworth 355. Res. 6438 Harvard Ave. Normal 419. Hahn. Chic 1900. Coll. of P. and S. (Univ. of 111.) '04. Adj. Prof, of Pathol, and Bacteriol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Engle- • 1 Homeo. Medl. Socs. ilVVAY. B. C. (R), 34 Washington. 12 to 2. Central 3285. ih Ave. Wentworth 6650. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Lect on Surg. Post-Grad. Medl. School. Attg. Phys. So. • Hosp. CUTHBERTSON. WM. (R), 92 State. 1:30 to 3. Central 3278. l 47th. Oakland 360. Med. Dept. Univ. of Toronto '83. ol. X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Gynecol. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. US8. Valley, Chic. Medl. and British Medl. DABBROUS A. M. (R). 350 S. Wood. West 2190. Jeff. Med. Phil. 96. Assoc. Prof, of Pathol'y Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Chicago as a Medical Center. 25 DAHL, SVENNING (R), 180 Evergreen Ave. 12 to 2, 5 to 7. Humboldt 3197. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '90. Clin. Inst, in Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. Phys. Norwe- gian Luth'n Deaconess Home and Hosp. DANEK, ERIC J. (R), 1517 Lincoln Ave. Lake View 3248. Dear- born Medl. Coll. Chic. '06. Inst, in Mat. Med. and Therap. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. DANFORTH, WM. G. (R), 70 State. 12 to 1. Central 3782. Res. 620 Davis, Evanston. Tel. 987. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '03. Asst. in Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Monroe St. Hosp. Asst. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Aim. Medl., 111. State., Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. DARLING, CHAS. G. (R), 103 State. 10 to 1. Central 1065. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '99. Assoc, in Ophthal. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. Asst. Oculist Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., Am. Acad, of Ophthal., 111. State, Chic. Med. and Ger. Med. Socs. DARLING, U. G. (R), 72 Madison. Thur. 10 to 12, 2 to 3. Cen- tral 2508. Res. Lake Geneva, Wis. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '90. Asst Prof, of Neurol'y and Psych'y Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Asst. Medl. Supt. Lake Geneva Sanltar's. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Ohio Medl. Socs. DA VIES, RAY H. (R), 103 State. 4 to 5. Central 1019. Res. 1522 Edgecomb PI. Lake View 2227. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. '03. Prof, of Gynecol. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs., Phys. Club. DAVIS, ACHILLES (R), 1206 Garfield Blvd. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Oak- land 582. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '99. Asst. Prof, of Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Phys. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. DAVIS, CARL B. (R), 100 State. 2 to 5. Central 379. Res. 751 51st. Oakland 1944. Rush '03. Assoc, in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Surg. Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. DAVIS, E. G. (H), 70 State. 1 to 2. Central 5984. Chic. Homeo. '96. Rush 1900. Assoc. Prof, of Rhinol. and Laryng. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Chic. Union and Hahn. Hosps. DAVIS, GEO. G. (R), 100 State. 3:30 to 5. Central 379. Res. 6515 Kimbark Ave. Hyde Park 2149. Rush '04. Asst. in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. DAVIS, H. I. (R), 92 State. 2 to 4. Central 3746. Res. 5811 Calumet Ave. Until 9, 6 to 8. Wentworth 299. Imperial Univ. of Krakow, Russia, '91. Asst. Prof, of Clin. Psych'y Coll of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Cook Co. Phys. and Supt. Detention Hosp. Attg. Phys. Michael Reese Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. DAVIS, NATHAN S. (R), 72 Madison. 10 to 4. Central 620. Res. 291 Huron. Chic. Medl. '83. Prof, of Prin. and Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Cons' g Phys. Cook Co. and Marion Sims Hosps. Attg. Phys. Mercy and Wesley Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., Am. Climat., 111. State., Chic. Medl., Chic. Acad, of Science, Chic, Pathol., Medico-Legal and Chic. Neurol. Socs. DAVIS, THOS. A. (R), 103 State. 2 to 4. Central 861. Res. 978 W. Jackson Blvd. West 606. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '85. Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Pres. and Prof, of Surg. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Surg. Cook Co. and West Side Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Chic. Surgl. and Phys. Club. // Center. •ate. 10 to 12 Central 861 Res. !65. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '85. and Clin. Surgr. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. and Unlv'y Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl. and Chic. Surgl. Socs. iNARD I'. MM, 1611 Armitage Ave. Until 10, 1 to 3, 7 Humboldt 2451. Phys. and Surg. Chic. (Univ. of 111.) of Gynecol. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. 1 Madison, 9 to 12:30, 4 to 6. Central 5480. dl. Pincin.. Ohio, '85. Prof, of Ophthal., Otol. and i Modi. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e and tlonal TTahnem'n Assn. LANK (R), 32d. Cor. Rhodes Ave. Douglas 353. Coll. B. and Surga (Univ. of 111.) '04. Prof, of Phys'y and rg*l Anat Reliance Medl. Coll. Sec. and Treas. HI. Medl. Surg.-in-Chief Chic. Gen'l Hosp. (formerly Wom's ■lO. BR I,. P. (TI). 411 Milwaukee Ave. 10 to 12. 1 to 3, 7 to Monroe 134 2. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. '06. Prof, of vs'l Dial's Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. DELAMATER, X. B. (H), 31 Washington. 9 to 1. Central 1926. B. Tel. Hyde Park 2020. P. and S. New York '68. Hahn. Prof, of Ment. and Nerv. Dis's Hahn. Med. Coll. urol. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. Homeo. d. Assn.. Chic. Homeo. Med. Soc. Hon. Mem. State Homeo.' B. of Wis., Neb.. Ohio and Mo. DE LEE, JOSEPH B. (R), 34 Washington. 11 to 12:30. Central 165. Res. 3637 Prairie Ave. Douglas 19. N. W. Univ. Medl. h. '91. Prof, of Obstet. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Obstet. and Medl. Dir'r Chic. Lying-in Hosp. Cons'g Obstet. Cook Attg. Obstet. Mercy, Wesley and Prov't Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Gynecol, and Miss. Medl. Socs. DENNIS, GEO. J. (R), 96 State. 3 to 5, and by appointment. ntral 4350. Joplin Coll. of P. and S., Joplin, Mo., '87. Asst. in Clin., Laryng. and Rhinol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am Medl., 111. State. Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. DE ROULET. ALFRED (R), 34 Washington. 1 to 5. Central ri6. Res. 5931 Madison Ave. Until 9. Hyde Park 2307. iiimont Hosp. Medl. Coll., St. Louis, '99. Inst, in Phys'y and Gynecol. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Assoc. Prof, of Tiecol. Reliance Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., Trl-State, 111. Medl. and Chic. Medl. Socs. VAULT, ASA N. (R), 72 Madison. 10 to 1. Central 6888. Ros. 567 W. Congress. Until 10 and 7 to 8. West 1277. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) 1900. Inst. In Clin. Laryng., Rhinol. and Otol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., Til. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. DIAMOND, ISIDORE B. (R), 294 W. Division. Until 9, 1 to 3, 6 s. Monroe 23. South'n Medl. Coll.. Atlanta, Ga., '94. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State I Chic, Medl. Socs. DICKSON, M. p. (R), 100 State. 12 to 1. Randolph 345. Res. awn Ave. 8 to 11, 4 to 8. Hyde Park 1398. P. and S., Ont.. '83. Trinity Univ. '83. L. R. C. P. & S., Edin- Wl Lect. on Gynecol. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl.. 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. 3. (R), 34 Washington. 12 to 2. Central 2856. Res. Rush '95. Inst, in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. r- Michael Reese Hosp. Assoc. Gynecol. St. Joseph's m. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. Soc. and Phys. Club. Chicago as a Medical Center. 27 DOBIJA, FRANCIS (R), 241 E. North Ave. Univ. of Gracoviae, Austria, '94. Clin. Teacher in Rhino-Laryng'y Reliance Medl. Coll. DODSON, JOHN M. (R), 34 Washington. 2 to 4:30 ex. Wed Central 6040. Room 900 Rookery. 12 :30 to 2. Harrison 6800. Res. 5806 Washington Ave. 6 to 8 p. m. Hyde Park 127. Rush '82. Dean of Students and Prof, of Med. (Dis's of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Cons'g Phys. (Dis's of Chil.) Chil. Mem'l Hosp. Treas., Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Chil.) Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Assn. of Anat's, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pediat., Chic. Pathol, and Phys. Club. DOLAN, A. N. J. (R), 853 Wilson Ave. Until 8, 11 to 3, 7 to 8. Edgewater 102. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '98. Asst. Inst, in Ophthal'y Chic. Polic'c. Assoc. Surg. St. Joseph's Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. DONLON, STEPHEN E. (R), 1543 W, 12th. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Kedzie 1389. Rush '95. Inst, in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Gynecol. St. Anthony's Hosp. DORCHESTER C. O. (E), 628 Cleveland Ave. Lincoln 2676. Ben- nett Medl. Chic. '94. Prof, of Eclec. Mat. Med. and Therap. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. DOYLE, F. M. (R), Rhodes Ave. and 32d. Douglas 353. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '04. Prof, of Minor Surg. Re- liance Medl. Coll. Res't Phys. Chic. Gen'l Hosp. (formerly Wom's Hosp.). DROSDOWITZ, THEO. (R), 530 Milwaukee Ave. 10 to 12, 6 to 8. Monroe 1950. Res. 711 W. Taylor. 1 to 2. West 1078. Rush '97. Asst. in Surg. (Genito-Urinary) Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. DUDLEY, E. C. (R), 100 State. 12 to 1. Central 5533. Res. 1617 Indiana Ave. Calumet 888. L. I. Coll. Hosp., Brooklyn, '75. Prof, of Gynecol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Gynecol't Wesley and St. Luke's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Gynecol., British Gynecol, South'n Surg., Western Surg, and Gynecol., 111. State., Chic. Medl., Chic. Gynecol., Chic. Pathol, and Chic. Surg. Socs. DUNCAN, ADELAIDE (R), 6058 Kimbark Ave. 10 to 12, 7 to 8. Hyde Park 1198. Wom's Medl. Chic. '95. Lect. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. DUNN, ELIZABETH H. (R), Univ. of Chicago. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '94. Assoc. In Med. and Anat. Rush Medl. Coll. DWIGHT, FRANK (R), 576 W. Madison. 3 to 5, 7 to 9. Monroe 1345. Res. 131 Palmer Sq. Humboldt 2145. Jenner Medl. Chic. '97. Asst. Demon, of Anat. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) DYAS, FREDERICK G. (R), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 4218. Res. 4037 Ellis Ave. Douglas 3924. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '04. Inst, in Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Surg. Wes- ley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. DYCHE, GEO. B. (R), 103 State. 1 to 2:30. Central 5396. Res. 5220 Washington Ave. Hyde Park 414. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '97. Asst. Prof, of Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. EADS, B. BRINDLEY (R), 103 State. 1 to 3. Central 2073. Res. 683 Washington Blvd. 6 to 8 p. m. West 20. Jeffer- son, Phil. '91. Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., Miss. Valley, 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. EARLE, EDWIN G. (R), Masonic Temple. 1 to 3. Randolph 1330. Res. 524 Orchard. Until 9. 6 to 8. Lake View 1474. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '91. Adj. Prof, of Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. gg Chicago as a Medical Center. PRANK a (R), Ml W. Monroe. 1 to 3, except Thur. v. and by appointment. West 84. Phys. and Surg. Prof, of Pediafs and Clin. Pediat's Co : 1 Burg. Cons'g Phys. Dis's of Chil. Home Crlp'd Chil'n and St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Am. . Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Chic. Gynecol, and ERHARDT, WALDEMAR (R), 586 W. Polk. Monroe 2531. N. W. lniv. Medl. Sch. '97. Inst, in Clin. Med. Coll. of Phys. and B EBEKHAKT. NOBLE M. (R), 72 Madison. 10 to 6. Central 5020. I. Phvs. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Prac. LIm. to Klectro-Therapy and X-Ray. Sec. of Fac'y, Prof, nr, i the Dept. of Electro-Therapy Chic. Coll. of Med. irg. Attg. Surg. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Of Med., Asso. of Am. Med'l Exam's, Am. Electro- ap. Assn., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. EDDY, CRVING H. (R), 1205 Wrightwood Ave. Until 9, 7 to 8. Lincoln 1164. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Inst, in .. Coll. of Phys. and Surg, and Assoc. Prof, of Gyne- OOL 111. Post-Grad. Medl Sch. Medl. Exam.' I. O. O. F. M. in. Am Medl., 111. State and Chicago Medl. Socs. P7ARD8. ARTHUR R. (R), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 4310. N W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '91. Dean and Prof, of the Princ. and Prac. of Med. and Clin'l Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. (Hon'y Fac'y) 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Mercy and Michael Reese Hosps. Cons'g Phys. St. Anth's Hosp. and 111. Char'e Eye and Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State Chic. Medl., Chic. Neurol, and Chic. Pathol. Socs. V JAS. C. (R), 939 Sunnyside Ave. Edgewater 204. Keokuk Medl. Coll. '9 4. Prof, of Proctol'y 111. Medl. Coll. EGGERT, FREDERICK C. (R), 5258 S. Halsted. 1 to 2:30, 7 to 8:30. Yards 1028 N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '98. Inst, in Oper. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. NDRATH, DANIEL N. (R), 103 State. 2 to 4. Randolph 1395. Res. Tel. Oakland 717. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '91. Prof, of Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. Surg. (Univ. of 111.) Cook Co. and Michael Reese Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Uro-Logical, West'n Surgl. and Gynecol. Assns., Miss. Valley, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Surgl. and Chic. I Jynecol. Socs. EISENSTAEDT, SOLOMON (R), 42 Madison. 10 to 12:30. Cen- tral 7163. Res. 4619 Vincennes Ave. Until 9, 5 to 7. Oak- land 1544. Rush '90. Inst, in Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. iy5, lv, -r?f X J L) Atte - Ph y s - Michael Reese Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Medl. Exam's. -INGWOOD, FINLEY (E), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 4819. Res. 2209 Central, Evanston. Tel. 5694. Bennett, Chic. '78. Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap. Bennett Med. Coll. Mem. Nat. Eclec, 111. State Eclec. and Chic. Eclec. Med. Socs. IOTT, ARTHUR R. (R), 103 State. 10 to 1. Central 1594. Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., '89. Prof, of Med. Post- ?r ra ,f ^ edl " Sch - Attgr - Ph y s - Char'y Hosp. Mem. Am. .\i"«ll. Pres. Miss Valley Medl. Assn. Corresp'g Mem. Assn. ouV ro l e gi J7 ? aris ' France. Am. Urological, 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. ELLIOTT CHAS. A. (R), 2900 Indiana Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. i gl ?r s £? 3 V N - W - Univ - Medl. Sch. '98. Asst. Prof, of N T . W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Cook Co., Wesley, a and Attg. Pathol. Mercy Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 29 ELLIS, JOHN B. (R), 31 Washington. 10 to 1. Central 2212. Rush '99. Inst, in Ophthal. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ophthal'l Socs. ENGLAND, E. H. (P M), 6941 S. Park Ave. Wentworth 1380. Chic. Physio-Med. Coll. '96. Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap. Coll. of Med. and Surg. EPPLEN, FREDERICK (R), 100 State. 2 to 5. Central 1821. Rush '06. Asst. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. ERICKSON, CHAS. A. (R), 2459 Wentworth Ave. Until 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Calumet 2818. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '03. Asst. in Clin. Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FANTUS, BERNARD (R), 328 S. Marshfield Ave. 4 to 6 p. m. West 612. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '99. Prof. of Mat. Med. and Therap. and Asst. Prof, of Clin. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap' s Jenner Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. and Am. Pharma'l Assns., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FARA, FRANK J. (R), 586 Center Ave. 10 to 12. Canal 401. Res. 1266 S. St. Louis Ave. 1 to 2. Canal 1855. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Asst. in Clin. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FARRELL, P. J. H. (R), 92 State. Central 5599. Res. Tel. Black 660. Ken. Sch. of Med., Louisville, '92. Prof, of Clin. Med. Rush Med. Coll. Prof, of Naval and Mil'y Med. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Late Surg. Gen'l Army of the Philip's, Otol. St. Joseph's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Laryng. and Otol'l Socs. FARRINGTON, HENRY (H), 31 Washington. 1 to 3. Private Exch. 1. Res. 5223 Washington Ave. Hahn., Phil., '96. Prof. of Mat. Med. Hering Med. Coll. and Hosp. FAVILL, HENRY B. (R), 100 State. 2 to 5. Central 5533. Res. 412 Ontario. North 735. Rush '83. Prof, of Clin. Med. Rush Medl. Coll. and Prof, of Med. Chic. Polyc'c. Dept. of Internal Med. Augustana Hosp. Cons'g Phys. Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil'n. Cons'g. Phys. Marion Sims and Passavant Mem'l Hosps. V.-Pres. and Attg. Phys. St. Luke's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Neurol. Socs. FEHRING, WM. B. (R), 100 State. 12 to 2. Central 379. Res. 558 E. Division. Hours by appointment. North 3270. Rush '03. Inst, in Obst. and Gynecol. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Obstet. and Gynecol. Presbyterian Hosp. Assoc. Gynecol. St. Joseph's Hosp. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FELLOWS, C. GURNEE (H), 31 Washington. 9 to late after- noons by appointment. Central 500. Hahn., Chic, '85. Prof. of Ophthal. and Otol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Eye and Ear Dept.) Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e Ophthal., Otol. and Laryng. Socs., 111. Homeo., Pres. Chic. Homeo. Med. Soc, Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. FERGUSON, ALEX. H. (R), 100 State. 3 to 5. Central 2067. Res. 4619 Grand Blvd. Oakland 3587. Toronto and Trin. Univs., Toronto, '81. Trinity Medl., Tor., '81. Prof, of Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) Mem. (Hon'y Fac'y) 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Surg.-in-Chief Chic. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Surg'l and British Medl. Assns., Inter-Nat'l Cong., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Surg'l Socs. M. D. C. M. FINDLAY, EPHRIAM K. (R), 103 State. 9 to 12. Manitoba Medl. Coll. '93. Asst. Prof, of Clin. Ophthal. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Asst. Surg. (Eye Dept.) 111. Eye and Ear Infir'y. eh a Medical Center, M. (R), 103 State. By appointment. Central i Ave. Until 9, 7 to 8 p. m., ex- PYld Humboldt 2389. Coll. of Phys. and III.) '07. Prof, of Introd'y Chem'y and ; IMivsi v Jenner Medl. Coll. F. R. M. S., Im. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LOO State. 3 to 5. Randolph 345. Res. ,1m, i, it 7124. Univ. of Berlin, Ger., Head of tin- Dept. of Dermat. and Syph'y lied, and Surg. Attg. Phys. Michael Reese m Luth'n Deacon's Home and Hosp. Elizabeth Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. and Chic. . III. State, Chic. Dermat'l, Ger. Med. of Club. JHMAN, i: W. (R), 263 North Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. 586 Burling. Until 8, after 8. Lake Rush '06. Inst, in Sr. Med. Coll. of Phys. and 111.) \ SYLVESTER (R), 1801 Arlington Place. 1 to 2, 5 to 7. raceland 4969. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. '96. Harvey Prof, of Hist'l Anat. and Med. Hering Medl. Coll. v. Embry'y and Physiol'y Nat. Medl. Univ. and FISHER, CHAS. B. M. (R), 477 Rice. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Humboldt 4571. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '07. Adj. )f. of Biol'y, Hist'y and Embry'y Coll. of Phys. and Surg. FIS1 X I R), 4S9 Belden Ave. 2 to 3, 6 to 7. Lincoln 259. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '87. Prof. Dis's of the Chest IC. Pnlic'c. Attg. Phvs. Ger. Am. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FISHER, WM. A. (R), 103 State. 10 to 1. Central 1019. Res. 4161 Berkeley Ave. Oakland 1168. Medl. Dept. Univ. of Mich. '85. Prof, of Clin. Ophthal. Coll. of Phvs. and Surg. niv. of 111.) Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FISKE, DAVID (R). 100 State. 9 to 12. Central 2042. Res. LaSalle Ave. North 2782. Rush 1900. Inst, in Larvng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. and Asst. Prof, in Otol. Chic. Attg. Phys. (Nose and Throat) Chil's Mem'l Hosp. . Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. F. (R), 100 State. 9 to 12. Central 2042. Res. 425 LaSalle Avo. Xorth 2782. Med. Dept. Yale Coll. '83. Prof. Otol. Chic. Polic'c. Cons. Phys. Marion Sims Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Otol'l. 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Ophthal. and Chic. Acad, of Med. 1 ITZ-PATRICK, GILBERT (H), 100 State. 3 to 5. Central 771. Res. "The Lessing." Lake View 1231. Chic. Homeo. '96. -oe. Prof, of Obstet. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. and Hahn. Hosps. Sec. and Treas. Obst'l Soc. Am. * of Homeo'y. 111. Homeo. and Chic. Medl. Socs. FITZ IK, H. PERKINS (R), 39 State. 9 to 4. Central 3670. Prof, of Electro-Therap's Coll. of Med. and Surg. Chic. Eclec. Med. Soc. L. (R). 1789 W. Chicago Ave. 9 to 10, 1 to 2, to 8. Res. 375 N. Hamlin Ave. Humboldt 1301. Rush • Prof, of Med. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. ! 1. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. 1 I-IXX. ELMER if. (E), 745 S. Kedzie Ave. 10 to 12, 1 to 3. mett '05. Asst. Inst, in Mat. Med. Bennett 111. Eclec. and Chic. Eclec. Medl. Socs. J. (E), 412 Fulton, Demon, of Anat. Bennett 11. Coll. Chicago as a Medical Center. 31 FORD, F. C. (H), Masonic Temple. 12 to 1. Central 5856. Univ. of Mich. '90. Prof, of Anat. Hahn. Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. FORRESTER, C. R. (E), 126 State. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Central 4202. Bennett, Chic, '02. Prof, of Clin. Med. (Grace Hosp.) Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FOWLER, ALFRED H. (R), 600 W. 69th. 8 to 10, 4 to 6, 7 to 8. Wentworth 1531. Res. 6953 Eggleston Ave. Garfield 1374. Rush '04. Asst. in Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. FOWLER, EDSON B. (R), 42 Madison. 3 to 4. Central 5480. Res. 3359 Indiana Ave. 12:30 to 2, 7:30 to 8:30. Douglas 1298. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '90. Inst, in Clin. Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., Ill Medl., Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. FOWLER, JOHN V. (R), 312 Grand Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Monroe 1972. Rush '99. Assoc. Prof, of Surg. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Attg. Surg. Frances E. Willard Hosp. and Attg. Surg. Norweg'n Luth'n Deacon's Home. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FOX, CHAS. M. (R), 5001 Calumet Ave. Until 9, 4 to 6, 7 to 8. Oakland 905. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '01. Asst. in Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FRANCIS, CHAS. H. (E), 100 State. 1 to 4. Randolph 345. Sun. by appointment. Res. 1446 Irving Park Blvd. Until 9, after 7 p. m. Lake View 3670. Bennett '94. Am. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '04. Prof, of Ophthal. Bennett Medl. Coll. and Asst. Inst, in Ophthal. Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FRANCIS, FRANK D. (R), 407 Oak. North 1700. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '03. Asst. in Clin. Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. FRANCIS, HORACE M. (R), 2295 Evanston Ave. Rush '06. Asst. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. FRANKENTHOL, LESTER E. (R), 103 Randolph. 1:30 to 3:30. Central 5711. Res. 4825 Woodlawn Ave. Oakland 6. Chic. Medl. '85. Clin. Prof, of Gynecol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Gynecol't Michael Reese and St. Luke's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Gynecol and Phys. Club. FRANKLIN, ISAAC J. (R), 293 W. Division. 2 to 4. 7 to 9. Monroe 2923. Rush '01. Assoc, in Med. (Dis. of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FRANKLIN, W. A. (H), 612 W. Wrightwood Ave. Humboldt 2309. Homeo. Dept. Univ. of Mich. '78. Assoc. Prof, of Pediat. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. FREER, OTTO T. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 3. Randolph 838. Res. Tel. North 555. Rush '79. Asst. Prof, of Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll., also Prof, of Laryng and Otol. Chic. Polic. c. Attg Phys. (Eye Dept.) Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Royal Soc. of Med., London, Am. Medl., Am. Larng. and Otol., Am. Clim'l, 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. Hon. Mem. Ann Arbor Medl. Club. FRENCH, LOUIS C. (R), 103 State. 4 to 6. Central 2073. Res. 1446 Wilson Ave. Edgewater 976. 111. Medl. Coll. '05. Demon, of Anat. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. 111. and Chic. Medl. Socs. FRENCH, M. R. (H), 57 Wabash Ave. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Central 2595. Res. 448 Irving Ave. Ogden 3593. Pulte, Cinn., Ohio '80. Prof, of Phar'y Hering Medl. Coll. Mem. In- ternat'l Hahnem'n Assn., Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. Homeo. Miss. Valley Homeo., Medl. Socs. H Center. ■ANTON A (R). U w J*W l « t S l t.r 11 ^° ** ;52' Ellis av. Oakland 895. Rush '97. ih Medl. Coll. and Assoc. Chic. Polic. Attg. Phys. (Ear, it) Cook Co. and Michael Reese Hosps. Ill State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Laryng. ill (R), LOO State. 2 to 3. Randolph 345. 801 Indiana Ave. Oakland 488. Rush 1900. Inst. i Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. and Michael mi. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. FRIEDRICH, L. H (R), 276 E. North Ave. 8 to 10. 1 to 3. 162. Marion Sims Medl. St. Louis '97. nlto-Urlnary Dis's Chic. Polic. Mem. 111. Med Medl. and Ger. Medl. Socs. [END EMANUEL (R), 70 State. 11 to 3. Central 3329. [ndlana Ave. Doug-las 1065. Rush '90. Inst. In Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Michael Reese and Preeby'n Hospe. Mem. Chic. Medl. [JTCHBY, POSTER (R), 281 E. North Ave. 9 to 10. 7 to 8. Lincoln 1616. Kes. 2456 Lakewood Ave. Edgewater 445. Irurg*] Medl., Phil. '91. Prof, of Oper Surg, and Ap- pUed Anat HI. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and ChlC Medl. Socs. FULLER, AGNES V. (H), 5518 Madison Ave. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Hyde rk 4790. Hahn. Chic. '02. Lect. on Pediat. Hahn, Medl, Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis. of Chil.) Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. of Homeo., 111. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn, Hosp. Li:i: \VM. (H), 100 State. 1 to 4. Central 3596. Res. 4402 Berk, lev Ave. Oakland 177. Rush '87. Prof, of Oper. Surg, and Adj. Prof, of Clin. Surg., Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.), Attg. Surg. Englewood and Univ. Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl;, 111. State., Chic. Medl., Chic Ortho'e, Chic. Surg'l and Phys. Club. FUNCK GEO. W. (R), 2500 Prairie Ave. Calumet 569. Rush Prof. Reg'l Mat. Med. and Therop. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. R <;rSTAV (R), 34 Washington. 1 to 4. Mornings by appointment. Central 3829. Res. 716 Fullerton Ave. Lake Univ. of Wurzburg, Ger. '83. Prof, of Dis. of mach. the Chic. Polic'c, Cons'g Phys. Marion Sims Hosp. Mem. Am. Med., Ger. Cong, of Inter'l Med., Am. Climat., Am. .stro-Enterol'l, 111. State, Chic. Med., Chic. Pathol., Miss'i ley, Tri-State Med. Phys. Club and Ger. Med. Soc. of Chicago. GALLAGHER, MICHAEL L. (R), 6556 Ingleside Ave. 3 to 4, 7 to 8. Hyde Park 3510. Rush '99. Asst. in Med., Rush Medl. [BUS, WM. a (R). 103 State. 9 to 1. Central 861. Res. 1022 rk Ave. Kedzie 6157. Rush '86. Prof, of Clin. Ophthol. an-i Prof, of Ophthal. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., Asst. Ophthal. Chic. Lying-in Hosp., Attg. Surg. (Eye Dept.) 111. Char'] Eye and Ear Infir'y, St. Anne's Sanit'm and Univ'y Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Ophthal. and Oto- Laryng., Chic. Laryng., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. QAMMAGB, ARTHUR E. (E), 4396 N. Clark. Bennett '06. Inst. of Obst. and Gynecol. Bennett Medl. Coll. GEO. A (R), 100 State. 1 to 2. Central 556. Res. 10 Washington Ave. 8 to 10, 7 to 8. Hyde Park 2502. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Inst, in Med. Coll. of Medl. Exam. Equit'l Life Assur'e Co. Mem. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Chicago as a Medical Center. 33 GARDNER, STELLA M. (R). o641 W. Ohio. 2 to 4. Austin 43. Worn. Medl. Chic. '99. Adj. Prof, of Micros'l and Chem. Diag. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. GARRAGHAN, E. F. (R), 103 State. 11 to 2. Central 3647. Res. 3831 Grand Blvd. Douglas 223. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Clin. Asst. Dis's of Eye, Nose and Throat, 111. Med. Coll. Asst. Laryng't Chic. Policlinic. Mem. Am. Med., Am. Acad, of Opthal. and Oto-Laryng., 111. State and Chic. Med. Socs. GARRITY, JAS. (R), 1980 W. Madison. Until 9, 1 to 3. 7 to 8. Kedzie 2193. Res. 1984 Gladys Ave. Kedzie 506. Rush '01. Inst, in Dis's of the chest Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). GAY, ROBT. J. (R), 2928 Indiana Ave. 11 to 1. Douglas 147. Rush '02. Inst, in Therap. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. 111. Medl. and Chic. Medl. Socs. GEHRMANN, ADOLPH (R), 103 State. 9 to 5. Central 2740. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '90. Prof, of Hyg'e and Bacter'y Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Bacter't Coll. Medl. Labor'y. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Public Health Assns., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Chic. Acad, of Med. and Chic. Acad, of Science. GEIGER, A. N. (R), 110 Clybourn Ave. 11 to 12, 7 to 8. North 498. Res. 18 Lincoln Ave. 1 to 2, 5 to 6. Lincoln 903. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) 1900. Asst. Inst, in Laryng. and Rhin. Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl., Chic. Medl. and Ger. Medl. Socs. GEORGE, EDGAR J. (H), 31 Washington. 10 to 1, 3 to 5. Pri- vate Exch. 1. Chic. Homeo. '91. Prof, of Ophthal. and Otol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Eye and Ear Dept.) Hahn. and Chic. Homeo. Hosps. Mem. Am. Inst., Am. Oph- tal'l, 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Assns. GILL, J. C. (R), 34 Washington. 10:30 to 3:30. Central 2415. Res. 1684 W. Monroe. Until 8, 7 to 8 p. m. Kedzie 967. Rush '90. Asst. Prof, of Med. Rush Med. Coll. and Asst. Prof, of Nerv's and Men'l Dis's Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl., Chic. Medl., Chic. Neurol, and Phys. Club. GILMORE, ROBERT T. (R), 103 State. 11:30 to 2. Central 492. Res. 427 63d. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '92. Asst. Clin. Prof, of Gynecol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Gynecol. Prov't and Wesley Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. GOLDSMITH, ALEX. A. (R), 72 Madison. 3 to 4. Central 2951. Res. 5242 Indiana Ave. Until 7 :30. Oakland 945. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '01. Inst, in Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Same Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. and Michael Reese Hosps. Asst. Pathol. Weslev Hospital. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State., Chic. Medl., Treas. Chic. Pathol'l Soc. GOLDSPOHN, ALBERT (R), 34 Washington. .2 to 4. Central 593. Res. 519 Cleveland Ave. Tues., Thur. and Sat. 7 to 8 p. m. Sun. 2 to 4. Lincoln 698. Rush '78. Prof, of Gyne- col. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Gynecol't Evangelical Dea- cons' Home and Hosp. Attg. Gynecol. Post-Grad. and Char'y Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Assn. of Obstet. and Gynecol., Internat'l Period'l Cong, of Obstet's and Gynecol's., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Gynecol'l, Miss. Valley and Medico-Legal Socs. GOLDENBERG, M. (R), 72 Madison. 9 to 3. Central 2640. Res. 726 Washington Blvd. Dearborn Medl. Coll. Chic. '05. Clin'l Teacher in Ophthal. and Otol. Reliance Medl. Coll. Asst. Surg. 111. Char. Eye and Ear Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. a \h dioal ('< nter. ;i. LOO btate. 1 to 3:30. Central 3362. land 1443. Rush 1900. Inst. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. i, u i,; B Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. EUCE L. (R), 103 State. 1 :30 » to 3. Central to 6. Douglas 140. Phys. and E>rof. Of Clin. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. \iic Surg. Cook Co. and Michael Reese [11. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Neurol., : and Phys. Club. I \ h ii. i i:», i, -_'l Woodlawn Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 7. 11 , Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) 1900. Prof. ul. Medl. Sen. Mem. 111. State and Chic. II. .11). 268 LaSalle Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Chic. '87. Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, Eiomeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. HENRIETTA (R), 1 (| 3 State. 1 to 5. Central 3647. Coll. . and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Inst, in Otol., Rhin. I oil. of Phys. and Surg. <;IY A. (R), 26th cor. Butler. 12 to 2. Res. 2930 Indi- an. Calumet 372. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '96. Asst. in Clin. Surg. X. YV. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Baptist and Wesley Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Pediat. . Chic Medl. Socs. GRAHAM, D. YV. (R), 34 Washington. 12 to 1. Central 2191. W. Monroe. 8 to 9, 6 to 7. West 1543. Bellevue Hosp. Medl. Coll. '72. Clin. Prof, of Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Chic. SurgL Socs. \HA.M. EVART A. (R), Presbyterian Hosp. Rush '07. Fellow in Surgery Presby'n Hosp. MIA.M. J. A. (R), 100 State. 3 to 5. Central 2129. Res. 315 lller. North 2019. Rush '02. Asst. Inst, in Gynecol. Chic. Polltfc. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. GRAVES, NATHANIEL A. (E), 518 W. Chicago Ave. 2 to 4. M< Bennett Medl. Coll. '90. Prof, of Med. Bennett Medl. Coll. Mem. Natl Eclec, 111. Eclec. and Chic. Eclec. MedL Socs. lYBEAL, JAMES (R), 600 W. 69th. 3 to 5, 7 to 8. Went- WOrth 1531. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '07. Inst, in In, Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. : ( Ihlc. Medl. Socs. OS. S. (R), 137 39th. 1 to 3. Douglas 2205. Res. >ak< nwald Ave. Oakland 1869. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '95. Prof, of Obstet's Nat. Medl. Univ. and J( >S. ft (E), 52 Dearborn. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wed. and at until S. Sun. 9 to 12. Central 6031. Bennett '75. Prof. ■i'l and Surg'l Genito-Urin'y Dis's Coll. of Med. and Am. Physio-Med. and Chic. Physio-Med. Socs. T S. (R), 103 State. 9:30 to 1. Central 5396. Res. 6739 Parnell Ave. Until 9, 2:30 to 4, 6 to 8. Went- worth 1522. Harvey Medl. Coll. Chic. '03. Clin. Asst. in III. Medl. Sch. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. liES, JOHN P. (R), 241 N. Clark. 1 to 3, 8 to 9. North 199. v>nmore Ave. Lake View 1470. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '99. Asst. Prof. Genito-Urin. Dis's Chic. also Asst. in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. ttate and Chic. Medl. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 35 GRIMMER, A. H. (H), 3402 S. Park Ave. Douglas 5479. Hahn. Chic. '06. Lib'n and Lect'r on Mat. Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. GRINKER, JULIUS (R), 100 State. 10 to 1. Central 4180. Res. 5640 S. Park Ave. Wentworth 6146. Med. Dept. N. Y. Univ. '91. Asst. Prof, of Clin. Neurol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sen. Prof, of Nerv's Dis's Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Neurol. Wesley Hosp. Neurol. Dunning Asylum. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Neurol'l Socs. GRONNERUD, PAUL (R), 103 State. 10:30 to 12:30. Central 4319. Med. Dept. Univ. of Kan. '98. Prof, of Anat. and Oper'e Surg. Chic. Polic's. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. GROSVENOR, LORENZO N. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 1, 5 to 6. Central 1797. Chic. Homeo. '89. Rush '02. Inst, in Ophthal. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Surg. (Ear Dept.) 111. Char'e Eye and Ear Inflr'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Ophthal. and Chic. Larvng. and Otol. Socs. GROSVENOR, WALLACE F. (R). 1156 Sheridan Road. 8 to 9, 4 to 5, 6 to 7:30. Lake View 376. Rush 1900. Assoc, in Obst. and Gynecol. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Chic. Union Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. GRUBBE, E. H. (H), 78 State. 12 to 4. Central 3628. Res. 2960 Indiana Ave. Prof, of Electro-Therap's and Radio'y Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Inst, of Homeop'y, Am. Roentengen Ray Soc, Nat. Phy'l Therap., 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. GRULEE, CLIFFORD G. (R), 103 State. 2 to 3. Central 5396. Res. 51st and Prairie Ave. Oakland 928. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '03. Assoc, in Pediat. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Chil.) Prov't Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. GUTHRIE, E. E. (R). Asst. Dept. of Laryng. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. HADLEY, HORACE A. (P M). 281 S. California Ave. Until 9, 12:30 to 2, after 6. Ogden 2305. Chic. Physio-Med. Coll. '89. Prof, of Anat. and Demon'r of Oper. Surg. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Attg. Phys. Am. Hosp. Mem. Nat'l, State and City Physio-Medl. Socs. HAGEN, JOHN C. E. (E), 1554 W. Madison. Kedzie 2278. Ben- nett '06. Inst, in Obst. and Gynecol. Bennett Medl. Coll. HAGER, S. MEAD (R), 42 Madison. 9:30 to 12:30. Central 5480. Res. 360 E. Erie. North 1186. Medl. Coll. of Ohio '85. Asst. Prof, of Ophthal. Chic. Polic's. Asst. Surg (Ear Dept.) 111. Char'e Eye and Ear Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. HAINES, WALTER S. (R), Rush Med. Coll. Chic. Med. '73. Prof. and Head of the Dept. of Chem., Mat. Med. and Tox'y Rush Medl. Coll. Chem't Presby'n Hosp. HAISELDEN, HARRY J. (R), 1619 Diver sev Blvd. Lake View 2466. Res. 1541 Diversey Blvd. Lincoln 2672. Phvs. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '93. Prof, of Clin'l Surg. (Ger.-Am. Hosp.) Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. HALBERT, H. V. (H), 31 Washington. 9 to 1 p. m. Central 680. Res. 4826 Kimbark Ave. Oakland 77. Hahn. Chic. '87. Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo., Pres. Chic. Homeo. Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. HALL, ALFRED M. (R), 100 State. 9:30 to 12:30. Central 1162. Res. 38 Bellevue PI. North 1776. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '89. Prof, of Otol. Chic. Polic's. Attg. Ophthal. and Otol. Chil's Memorial and Passa't Memorial Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. i Medical Oenti r. 1 to 2, 6:30 to 7:30. 5 Woodlawn Ave. Prof. Of San. Science and I. and Hosp. Madison. 9 to 12, 4 to 6. Central 32. uisville '90. Prof, of Clin'l Surg. Re- KAI w . (R), :: i Washington. 1 to 5. Central 2415. Res. to 7:30. Oakland 1867. Rush '93. Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Neurol't Cook Co. So. Side Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. and Sec, Chic. Neurol. Socs. HALL, WINFTELD S. (R), -131 Dearborn. 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. 18. Prof, of Physi'y and Jr. Dean of the Faculty W. Univ. Medl. Sen. Embry't Chic. Lying-in Hosp. Pres. stu.lv of Alcohol and Narcotics. Mem. Am. Medl f Chic. Medl. Socs. HELLER, (MAS ii;i. L110 Monon Bldg. Harvey Medl. Chic. '97. I ia Med. Reliance Medl. Coll. HALPERIN, GEO. (R), 860 W. Taylor. 1 to 3, 6 to 8. West Rush '05. Asst. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. HALSTEAD, ALBERT B. (R), 103 State. 1 to 3. Central 2751. . Indiana Ave. Douglas 1265. N. W. Univ. Medl. . Clin'l Prof, of Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. and St. Luke's Hosps. Cons'g Surg. 111. r Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, and Gynecol'l Socs., Chic. Medl., Pres. Chic. I hie. Ortho'c Socs. HAMILTON, K. J. C. (P M), 176 Sedgwick. Until 10, 2 to 4, 6 ii 949. Physio-Medl. Chic. '93. Prof, of Gyne- .. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Nat'l, State and City £edl. Socs. HANELIN, WM. B. (R), 560 N. Ashland Ave. 3:30 to 6. Mon- roe 2766. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '06. Inst, in Anat. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. HAXKi:, H. i:. A. (II), 3092 W. 12th. Kedzie 1364. Hahn. Chic. Asm. in Pathol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. HANKS, MARY E. (H), 31 Washington. 11:30 to 1:30. Private 1. Res. 2 2 Bellevue PL By appointment. Boston School of Med. '9 7. Adj. Prof, of Medl. Gynecol. Hahn. Coll. and Clin. Asst. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e, 111. ieo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. HARDON, ROBERT (R), 103 State. 3 to 5. Central 3132. Res. Michigan Ave. Calumet 3180. Med. Dept. Univ. of Han ortho'c Surg. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. U., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ortho'c Medl. HARGER, JOHN R CR), 239 Francisco Ave. West 2228. Rush in Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) HARGREAVES, O, C. (R). 4304 Lake Ave. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 11. Oakland 722. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '04. : on Nei Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am., 111. State and Chic Medl. Socs. HAJ CARLTON A. (H), 42 Madison. 9 to 1. Central 32. Highland Park. 3:30 to 5. Highland Park 20. Chic. Physi'y Hahn. Medl. Coll. Oculist ii ime. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. 1 1 Chicago as a Medical Center. 37 HARPEL, WM. F. (H), 100 State. 2 to 3. Randolph 345. Res. 4234 Calumet Ave. Until 9:30, 12 to 1, 6:30 to 8:30. Hahn. Chic. '05. Lect'r on and Demon'r of Hist'y Hahn. Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. HARPER, JOHN E. (R), Masonic Temple. 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Cen- tral 3667. Medl. Dept. Univ. of N. Y. '78. Prof, of Ophthal. and Clin. Ophthal. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl.,- Chic. Medl., Chic. Ophthal. and Chic. Pathol'l Socs. HARPOLE, WINFIELD S. (R), 103 State. 2:30 to 4. Central 5396. Res. 4287 Madison Ave. Oakland 1060. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '97. Assoc, in Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Asst. Phys. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Anf Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. HARRELL, FRANCIS M. (R). Phys. and Surg. Keokuk '81. Demon'r of Anat. Coll. of Phys. and Surg, and Asst. Dept. of Anat. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. HARRIS, F. G. (R), 103 Randolph. 9:30 to 4:30. Central 433. Res. 873 Jackson Blvd. PI ys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '99. Adj. Prof, of Dermat'y Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. HARRIS, M. L. (R), 100 State. 12:30 to 3:30. Central 2042. Res. 446 Dearborn Ave. North 826. Rush '82. Sec. and Prof, of Surg. Chic. Polic'c. Attg. Surg. Alexian Bros., Cook Co. and Henrotin Mem'l Hosps. Cons'g Surg. Marion Sims Hosp. Attg. Surg. Passav't Mem'l Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Internat'l Surg'l, Am. Surg'l, Am. Soc. of Clin. Surg., West'n Surg'l and Gynecol'l, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Surg'l, Chic. Ortho'c, Chic. Pathol, and Phys. Club. Surg. Chicago Railways Company. HARSHA, WM. M. (R), 103 State. 1 to 4. Central 861. Res. 4201 Grand Blvd. Oakland 198. Chic. Medl. '83. Prof, of Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Cons'g Phys. and Surg. Wom's Hosp. Attg. Surg. Chic. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Miss. Valley, Chic. Surg'l, Phys. Club. HARVEY, JAS. A. (R), 100 State. 2 to 5. Central 1162. Res. Hyde Park Hotel. Hyde Park 530. Rush '96. Asst. Prof, of Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Baptist Hosp. and Chic. Tuberculosis Inst'e. Medl. Dir'r Fed'l Mut'l Assur'e Life Co. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Medl. Exam's Assn. HASELTNE, BURTON (H), 100 State. 10 to 1. Central 4180. Hahn. Chic. '9 6. Prof, of Rhinol. and Laryng. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Nose and Throat) Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo, Am. Ophthal. Laryng. and Otol. Socs. HASKELL, JOHN E. (R), 103 State. 11 to 1. Randolph 1088. Res. 747 E. 51st. Oakland 14. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Inst, in Mat. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. HATFIELD, MARCUS P. (R), 42 Madison. 3 to 5. Central 5480. Res. 3346 S. Park Ave. Douglas 605. Chic. Medl. '72. As- soc. Prof. Clin. Pediat. Coll. of Phvs. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. Am. Medl. Am. Medl. Editors' Assn., 111. Medl., Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. HAWLEY, CLARK W. (R), 72 Madison. 10 to 4. Fridays 10 to 12 only. Central 2508. Rush '85. Prof, of Ophthal'y Post- Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. and Fox River Valley Medl. Assn.s., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ophthal. and Otol. Socs., Phys. Club. eh a Mi dical Venter, '2 to 6. Central 4319. Res. r | d an Eld 2172. Phys. and Surg N. Y Laryng. in. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Prof, of M. .11. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. nd Oto-Laryng., Miss. Valley, 111. State E1AYHURST EMERY R. (R), Univ. Hosp. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. Univ. Hosp. Inst, in Phys'y Coll. of (R), i 1 to 3. Central 1162. Res. 117 S. ;stin 16. Rush '84. Ear, Nose and Throat Attg. Phys. (Eye, Ear. Nose and Park Hosp. and St. Anne's Sanit'm. Mem. Am. Ophthal. and Oto-Laryng., Ill State, Chic. II. and Chic, Laryng. Socs. \I.Y. WM. (R), 1682 Sheridan Rd. Lake View 1257. Rush Prof, of Norv's and Men'l Dis's Chic. Polic'c. HEATH, CLARENCE W. (R), 100 State. 9 to 1. except Monday. Randolph 846 P. and S Chic. 1900. Inst, in Ophthal. N. W. Unl Asst Ocul't Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. i! . Am A-ad. of Ophthal'y and Oto-Laryng., 111. State, tphthal'1 and Chic. Medl. Socs. CHT, D'ORSAY < P. ) . 103 State. 10 to 2. Central 1594. Res. '. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '98. Asst. Prof. and Men'l Dis's N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Michael Reese Hosp. Neurol't St. Elizabeth and Wes- Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Neurol, and .11. Socs. HEI1 P. (R>, 100 State. 2 to 4. Randolph 345. Res. imbull Ave. Canal 33. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '96. Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) g. Reliance Medl. Coll. Surg. Cook Co. Hosp. Q8*g Obstefn Chic. General Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl. and Chic. Pathol'l Socs. IIKl \V. L. (R). 624 W. Chicago Ave. 2 to 3, 6:30 to 10. Humboldt 68. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Adj. Prof, of Mat. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. Phys. Univ. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. UK:. LUDVIG (R). Laboratorv 762 W. Harrison. West 5803 Washington Av. Hyde Park 1632. Coll. of and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '87. Prof, and Head of the of Pathology Rush Medl. Coll. Dir'r of Mem'l Inst'e Tnfect's Dis's. Pathol't Chic. Lying-in Hosp. Cons'g Pathol't Prosby'n and St. Joseph's Hosps. Pathol't Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil'n. Mem. Am. Medl., Pathol'l and Bac- ter'l. Assn of Am. Phys., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol'l Socs. HELD. ALICE R. (R), 669 W. 12th. 3 to 5, 7 to 8. West 679. Rea 333 Lincoln. West 1798. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '07, Asst in Gynecol. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. HELWIG, A. S. 'R), 250 Lincoln Ave. Phvs. and Surg. (Univ. of Inst in Mat Med. and Phar'y Reliance Medl. Coll. HENDERSON, B. W. (H), 4705 Champlain Ave. 10 to 12, 6:30 to 7:30. Oakland 3650. Res. 5459 Lexington Ave. Hyde Hahn. Chic. '94. Adj. Prof, of Phys'l Hahn. Medl. Coll. Mem. Chic Ilomeo. Medl. Soc. ILMER E. (R). 171 Humboldt Blvd. 12 to 1. Humboldt 1794. Rush '96. Asst. Prof, of Surg. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Attg. Surg. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Phys. Club. Chicago as a Medical Center. 39 HERBST, ROBT. H. (R), 100 State. 12 to 2. Central 3770. Res. 1801 Melrose. Lake View 9. Rush, 1900. Inst, in Surg. (Gen.-Urin. ) Rush Medl. Coll. and Ass't Inst, in Gen.-Urin. Dis's Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Urolog'l, 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Urol'l Socs. HERRICK, JAS. B. (R), 103 State. 1:30 to 3:30. Central 1065. Res. 200 Ashland Blvd. Monroe 1201. Rush, '88. Prof, of Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Cons. Phys. Home for Dest'e Crip'l Chil'n. Pres. (Medl. Bd.) and Attg. Phys. Presby'n and Monroe St. Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Ass'n of Am. Phys's, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Neurol., Chic. Pathol, and Phys. Club. HESSERT, WM. (R), 685 E. Fullerton Ave. 12 to 2, 6 to 7:30. Lincoln 1344. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sen. '92. Ass't Prof. Chic. Polic'c. Attg. Surg. Alex'n Bros. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Chic. Surg'l and Phys. Club. HEYM. ALBRECHT (R), 34 Washington. 1 to 4. Central 1829. Res. 631 Cleveland Ave. Lincoln 404. Univ. of Leipzig. '87. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Neurol, and Psych'y Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Prof, of Neurol, and Psych'y 111. . Medl. Coll. Con'g Neurol't Alex. Bros, and St. Mary's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Ger. Medl. Socs. HILL, CHARLES (R), 6301 Cottage Grove Ave. 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Sun., 10 to 11. Hvde Park 3747. Res. 6330 Kimbark Ave. Hyde Park 1792. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sen., '02. Ass't Prof, of Histol. and Embry'y N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl. and Chic. Medl. Socs. HILL, G. M. (H), 100 State St. 2 to 3. Randolph 345. Res. 4700 Grand Blvd. Oakland 1471. Hahn Chic, '97. Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. State Homeo., Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. HILTON, ETTA R. (P M), 208 N. Central Ave. Austin 240. Coll. of Med. and Surg., '05. Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap. Coll. of Med. and Surg. HILTON, ROBT. A. (P M), 208 N. Central Ave. Austin 240. Coll. of Med. and Surg., '04. Prof, of Hygiene and Dietetics, Coll. of Med. and Surg. HINGSTON, JAS. W. (H), 427 63d St. 10 to 12 and 7 to 8. Hyde Park 416. Res. 6519 Monroe Ave. Hvde Park 65188. Hahn. Chic, '82. Prof, of Surg. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Regular Homeo. Soc. of Chic. HIRSHFIELD, A. S. (R). 451 S. Centre Ave. Univ. of Strasburg, Ger., '86. Assoc. Prof, of Med. Reliance Med' Coll. Phys. North Shore Health Resort. HOBSON, SARAH M. (H), 31 Washington. 10 to 11:30. Priv. Exch. No. 1. Res. 5215 Washington Ave. 2 to 3 by appoint- ment. Hyde Park 1245. Boston Univ. School of Med., '90. Adj. Prof, of Pediat's Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis. of Chil.) Hahn. Hosp. Cons'g Phys. Home for the Friendless. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. HODSDEN, BENJ. F. (R), Rush Medl. Coll. Clin. Ass't in Opthal. Rush Medl. Coll. Ass't Surg. (Ear Dept.) 111. Char'e Eye and Ear Inflr'y. HOFFMAN, FRANK F. (E), 822 W. Wrightwood Ave. 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Humboldt 1182. Bennett, '01. Assoc. Prof, of Surg. Bennett Medl. Coll. Attg. Surg. Frances E. Willard Hosp. Mem. 111. Eclec and Chic. Eclec. Medl. Socs. HOIBY, CHAS. O. (R), 1389 Humboldt Blvd. 8 to 10. 7 to 8. Humboldt 847. Res. 242 Grand Ave. 2 to 4. Monroe 2544. Rush, '02. Prof, of Pathol, and Bacter'y Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl. and Chic Medl. Socs. a Medical & 11 to 1. Central 5396. Res. 111. Medl. Coll., '97. ol. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., . LOO State. 1:30 to 3:30. Central . :: n. Ashland Ave. Rogers Park 44. Rush, Coll. of Phys. and Surg, and Inst. Mem. Am. .Medl., 111. State, Chic. i :iub. HOLMES PHILLIP II. (R), 440 W. 63d. Garfield 3757. Phys. 03. Inst, in Sr. Med. Coll. of Phys. [em. III. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. HOI . X. E. cor. 61st and Prairie Ave. 1 to 3, Weptworth 150. Res. 5856 Prairie Ave. Went- worth 2400. X. \V. Univ. Medl. Sch. '05. Inst, in Pediat. X. \V. Univ. Medl. Sch. Prof. Dis. of Chil. Post-Grad. Medl. la's of Child.) Char'y Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. .Medl. Socs. KRUMHOLZ, SIGMUND (R). 287 W. Twelfth. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 9. Monroe 3u3. Bellevue Hosp. Medl. Coll., '99. Asst. in Med. 1 Ner. and .Men. Dis's) Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Neurol't West Side Hebrew Disp. and Orthodox Jewish Home. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. J 1\ ^R), SS Whipple. Jenner Medl. Coll. '07. Clin. In Dermat Reliance Medl. Coll. KUH STDNBT (R), 103 State. 9 to 12. Central 5396. Automatic el Blvd. Oakland 434. By appoint- nt only. Univ. of Heidelberg, Ger., '90. Assoc. Prof, of (Ner. and Men. Dis.) Rush Medl. Coll. Neurol't Cook Co, 1 Reese and Chic. Lying-in Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl Bn. for the Advanc't of Science, 111. State, Chic. :l.. Chic. Neurol., Ger. Medl. and Phys. Club. KU1 :. W. Madison. 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. roe 607. lies. 114 Warren Ave. West 434. Bennett '04. Inst, in Gen.-Urin. Dis's Bennett Medl. Coll. Chicago as a Medical Center. 45 KULIS, JACOB (PM), 3255 S. Halsted. Until 12. 6 to 9 P. M. Yards 1532. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '05. Inst, in Pharma'y and Hygiene Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem Chic. Physio- Medl. Soc. KURTZ, CHAS. J. (R), 633 E. 46th PI. 12 to 1, 6 to 7. Oakland 1107 N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '98. Inst. In Haemat'y N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Baptist and Wesley Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Soc. KUZNIK, MARTHA J. (R), 429 Oak. 9 to 11, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. North 1802. Nat'l Medl. Univ. Chic. '96. Demon, of Obst. Hering Medl. Coll. ana ±iosp. KUZNIK, MAXMIjuLIAN (R), 429 Oak. 4 to 6 P. M. North 1802. Phy». and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Prof, of Clin. Diag. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Prof, of Clin. Diag. and Therap. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. ; also Prof, of Clin. Diag., Ment. and Nerv's Dis's, Jenner Medl. Coll. KYLE, MARION (H), 1549 Aldine Sqr. Pulte Medl. Cin., Ohio, '01. Prof, of Prac. of Med. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. LAFTY, THOS. D. (R), 92 State. 12 to 2. Central 3746. Res. 87 S. Kedzie Ave. Until 10. 4 to 6. Kedzie 48. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '99. Assoc. Prof, of Anat. Bennett Medl. Coll. and Clin. Asst. in Surg. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LAMBERT, RICHARD J. (E), St. Charles, 111. Bennett '07. Inst. in Pharmacy and Mat. Med. Bennett Medl. Coll. LAMBDEN, F. W. (H), Bush Temple, cor. N. Clark and Chicago Ave. 10 to 2. North 948. Res. 1397 Rokeby. 8 to 9, 7 to 8:30 P. M. Lake View 1477. Hahn. Chic. '95. Rush. '96. Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phvs. Hahn. Hosp. and Ger. Am. Hosp. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LAMBORN, WM. H. (R), 72 Madison. 11:30 to 12:30. Central 2951. Res. 610 Sheridan Rd. Highland Park 298. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '02. Asst. in Clin. Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LANE, FRANCIS A. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 1. Central 5729. Medl. Dept. Washington Univ., St. Louis, '99. Assoc, in Op- thal. Rush Medl. Coll. Pathol't 111. Char. Eye and Ear In- fir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. LANG, JOHN M. (R), 861 Homan Ave. 1:30 to 3. After 8. Canal 2134. Rush '95. Prof, of Gynecol. Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LATTIMER, HORACE H. (E), 547 N. California Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Humboldt 1014. Res. 739 Hadden Ave. Hum- boldt 1331. Bennett '85. First V.-Pres. and Prof, of Dermat. Bennett Medl. Coll. Mem. Chic. Eclec. Medl. Soc. LAYTON, EDGAR N. (R), 5900 S. Halsted. 11 to 1, 4 to 6. Went- worth 2552. Res. 5639 S. Peoria. Wentworth 1452. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '03. Inst, in Clin. Neurol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LE COUNT, EDWIN R. (R), 762 W. Harrison. West 862. Res. 6026 Monroe Ave. Hyde Park 3726. Rush '92. Prof, of Pathol. Rush. Medl. Coll. Pathol't Cook Co., St. Anthony's and St. Elizabeth Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LEE, WM. G. (R), 1904 Evanston Ave. Edgewater 1470. Har- vard Univ. Medl. Sch. '04. Assoc, in Obst. and Gynecol. Rush Medl. Coll. and Asst. Inst, in Obstet. Chic. Polic'c. LEHNER, ARTHUR E. (R), 1708 N. Central Park Ave. Humboldt 2666. 111. Medl. Coll. '06. Clin. Asst. in Med. 111. Medl. Coll. I as a Mtdiral Center. (R), 989 W 20th. 4 to 5 7 ; to 8. Canal Coll. of Phya and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) 95. Inst, in and Surgs. R !» (R), 72 .Madison. 11 to 1, 4 to 6. Sat. 962. X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '01. Inst, in \ W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., HI 1 Medl., Am. Uro. and Chic. Uro. Socs. ►BRICK A. (R). 100 State. 4 to 7. Randolph 1; Huron. Phya and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) 89. Gtenlto-Urinary Burg. Jenner Medl. Coll. Surg. Ger.- m. Am. A> ad. of Med.. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic Medl. & CHAR J. (R), T33 Carroll Ave. Until 9. Rush '65. Prof. I. Toll, of Med. and Surg. vis 1> P. (R), 100 State. 4 to 5. Res. 620 50th. Oakland lb '99. Aflat Prof, of Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. *n Hosp. LEWIS THUS. H. (R), 100 State. 11 to 1. Central 5533. Res. •ate. Until 8, 7 to 8 P. M. and by appointment. Nortl *. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '96. Assoc, in Gynecol. N W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Assoc, in Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. ColL Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad. Chic. Medl. and va Club. LBWI80N, MAURICE (R), 691 W. 12th. 2 to 5, 7 to 8. West Res. 1056 Douglas Blvd. By appointment. Canal X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '06. Inst, in Neurol, and Dis's of the Chest Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) and Prof, of Neurol. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Staff . Tuber. Inst'e. Internat'l Cong. Tuber's, Washington, D. C. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LKWY. ALFRED (H), 103 Randolph. 11 to 1. Central 4141. Res. Indiana Ave. Until 9, 6 to 8. Oakland 490. Chic. Homeo. Medl. '97. Rush '98. Adj. Prof, of Rhinol. and rig. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Asst. City Phys. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. LIKBKRTHAL, DAVID (R), 103 State. 12 to 4. Central 2073. 1750 Wrightwood Ave. Lake View 62. Univ. of Vienna, Austria, '94. Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's 111. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Michael Reese Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Chic. Urological Socs. and Phys. Club. LIKBRECHT. GUSTAV (R), 242 W. North Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Monroe 3309. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. '06. Prof, of Prac. of Med. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. LINDEN, FRANK K. (R), 748 S. Halsted. 1 to 2, 6 to 8. Sun. 9:30 to 11. Canal 21. Res. 1398 Jackson Blvd. 8 to 9 A. M. Sun. excepted. Kedzie 1298. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '89. Prof, of Princ. and Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Ic. Medl. Socs. LINNKL. R M (R), 100 State. 1 to 4. Central 1162. Res. 290 Belden Ave, Lincoln 1140. Rush '73. Asst. Prof, of Phys'y and of Med. Rush Med. Coll. Attg. Phys. Presbyt'n Hosp. Cone's Phya Cook Co. Inst, at Dunning. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic Medl., Chic. Pathol. Socs. and Phys. Club. LITTLE, ZACK (R), 363 State. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Harrison and Surgs. Chic. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Prof, of Mat Med. Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 47 LOEB, LUDWIG M. (R), 100 State. 2 to 3:30. Central 398. Res. 3801 Forest Ave. Douglas 1370. Rush 1900. Inst, in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Cook Co., Michael Reese and Presby'n Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LOGAN-GARDNER, WM. H. (R), 42 State. 11 to 5. Central 5057. Am. Coll. of Med. and Surg., Chic, '03. Prof, of Dental Surg. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. LONG, CHAS. H. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 3. Central 2856. McGill Univ. '88. Lect. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Post- Grad. Medl. Sch. LONG, JOHN H. (R), 7748 Sangamon. Wentworth 4651. Prof, of Chem. and Dire'r of the Chemical Labor'y N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. LORCH, GEO. J. (R), 568 W. Chicago Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Hum- boldt 15. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Inst, in Mat. Med. and Clin. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. LORING, J. BROWN (R), 103 State. 9 to 1. Central 2747. Res. 1985 Sheridan Rd. Edgewater 3638. Medl. Dept. McGill Univ.. Montreal. '83. Prof, of Clin. Opthal. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Asst. Surg. (Eye Dept.) 111. Car'e Eye and Ear Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., HI. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LOW, J. H. (H), 3019 Indiana Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 P. M. Douglas 464. Res. Lakota Hotel. Chic. Homeo. '88. Adj. Prof, of the Theory and Prac. of Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. and Hosp. LOWENTHAL, ALBERT A. (R), 103 State. 3 to 4. Central 1019. Coll. of P. and S. (Univ. of 111.) '95. Adj. Prof, of Clin. Neurol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, and Chic. Medl. Socs. and Phys. Club. LUCKHART, A. E. (R), 443 La Salle Ave. 1 to 3. 7 to 8. North 2110. Freiberg Univ., Ger., '01. Assoc. Inst, in Ner's and Men'l Dis's Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LUDWIG, A. E. (H), 1740 N. Ashland Ave. Until 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Lake View 946. Chic. Homeo. '01. Adj. Prof, of Anat. Hahn. Medl. Coll. LYDSTON, G. FRANK (R), 100 State. 1 to 5. Central 2307. Res. Ill 47th. Oakland 1298. Bellevue Hosp. Medl. Coll., N. Y., '79. Prof, of Gen.-Urin'y Surg, and Ven. Dis. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Surg. West Side Free Disp. Attg. Surg. St. Mary's and Samar'n Hosps. Mem. Chic. Acad, of Med. Medl. Exam'r Masons and Knights Templar. LYNAM, THOS. P. (R), 1980 W. Madison. Until 10, 1 to 4, 6 to 8. Kedzie 350. Rush 1900. Clin. Inst, in Orthop. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LYNCH, FRANK W. (R), 100 State. 12:30 to 2. Central 379. Medl. Dept. Johns Hopkins Univ. '99. Asst. Prof, of Obstet. and Gynecol. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Obstet. and Gynecol. Presby'n and St. Joseph's Hosps. Editor Chic. Gynecol'l Soc. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. MACARTHUR, R. D. (R), 204 Dearborn. 11 to 3. Central 2500. Res. 414 Dearbrrn Ave. 8 to 9 A. M., 6 to 7 P. M. North 149. McGill Univ. Montreal, Can., '67. V.-Pres. and Prof. of Skin and Ven'l Dis's Chic. Polic'c. Cons'g Phys. (Skin and Ven'l Dis's) Presby'n and Marion Sims Hosps. Attg. Phys. St. Joseph's Hosp. V.-Pres. and Attg. Phys. Henrotin Mem'l Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl, - "I Socs. ,, m, Heal C< nter. ii (R), 72 Madison. 9 to 12:30. Central 3285 Cincin., '92. Prof. Dis. of the Stomach i |. and Post-Grad. Medl. School. [II. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. i: \. (R), H27 Sheffield Ave. 1:30 to 2:30, 7 ;6 Medl. Coll. Of Indiana '91. Clin. Asst. [edl. Coll. and Asst. Inst, in Skin and Ven 1 i. Dept. of Dermat. 111. Post-Grad. \m. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. MX D. (R), Res. ITT E. 40th. S to 12. Douglas U. Coll. (196 K. Washington) afternoon- Main L032. Jenner Medl. Coll, Chic, '0o and Prof, of Bacter'y Jenner Medl. Coll. TO I R), 332 1-:. 63d. 8 to 12, 5 to 6 Park 1396. Coll. of Med. Univ. of Iowa, Prof, of Abdom'l Surg. Jenner Medl. Coll. [edl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. is H. (R), 3 1 Washington. 12 to 5. Sat. 10 to 12:30. Kimbark Ave. Hyde Park 470. N. \\\ rjnl 1 Asst. in Clin. Laryng. and Rhin. N. W Univ. Medl. Sen, Asst. Laryng't Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. ■ Jhic. Medl. and Chic. Laryng. Socs. ITIN, R. D. (R), TT Jackson Blvd. 2 to 5. Harrison 1775. em Hotel. Med. Dept. McGill Univ. '88. Surgery Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Med. Assn., Medl., Chic, Medl. and Chic. Path'l Socs. Chic. Medl. \ and Phys. Club. . O. (R), 275 E. Ontario. Hahn. Chic. '90. Asst. In Dis's of the Chest Chic. Polic'c. G. W. (R). 100 State. 1 to 5. Central 339. Res. 225 North 986. Bellevue Hosp. Medl. Coll., N. B8. Prof, of Opthal. Chic. Polic'c. Oculist St. Joseph's and St. Vincent's Infant Asylum. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Opthal'l Socs. •:m;l. MILTON , Bvanston. Wom's Med. Chic. '97. Adj. In. C.vnecol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). w*. V. nn. 100 State. 10 to 12. Central 379. Res. m Ave. S to 9, 6:30 to 7:30. Hyde Park 108. Hahn. I Clin. Asst. in Laryng. and Otol. Rush t Sure. (Ear Dept.) 111. Char'e Eye and Ear m. Am. Modi., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Laryng. Socs. VH.l.TAMS SAMUEL A. (R), 3456 Michigan Ave. 7 to 8 ■ 1:30, 5:30 to 6:30. Douglas 3528. Chic. Medl. of Dis's of the Chest, Clin. Med. and Phys'l Reliance Medical Coll. Pres. and Phys.-in-Chief Re- li.-i Disp'y« Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. to. Chic. Modi., Medico-Legal, Chic. Soc. of Internal Med. i Phys. Club. MEINHARDT, M. (R), 31 Washington. 10 to 1, 4 to 5 and appointment. Priv. Exch. No. 1. Res. 1390 Sheridan 1M. Lake View 6332. Harvev Med. Chic. '03. Ass't Inst. in Otol. Chic. Polic'c. Ass't Surg. (Ear Dept.) 111. Char'e and Ear Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. MELBNDY, ROBERT A. (H), 3903 Cottage Grove Ave. 1 to 3, 16 to 7:30. Sun. 9 to 10. Douglas 1725. Res. 3815 Ellis Ave. Douglas 2967. Asst. in Chem. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Clin. lahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. K'l, S. (R), 442 Noble. Until 9. 2 to 4, 6 to 8. Mon- 2811. Kansas City Hosp. and Coll. of Med. '85. Assst. >cs. \ \Y.\1. E. (R), 4 2 Madison. Mon., Wed. and Frid., 2 to 6. appointment only. Central 5480. Res. 3122 S. Park L014. Chic. Medl. '82. Clin'l Prof, of Surg. \ \\\ CJniv. Modi. Sch. Attg. Surg. Mercy Hosp. Cons'g Burg. People's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. . Surgl. Socs. tGANS, LELAND (P M), 370 S. Wood. Physio-Medl. Texas Prof, of Hist, and Dir'r of the Labor'y of Hist'y and Coll. Of -Med. and Surg. MORRIS, ROBT. N. (H), 72 Madison. 2 to 6. Sun. 4 to 5. Cen. _. Res. 702 Leland Ave. Until 10, after 7. Edgewater Hahn. Chic. '89. Reg'r and Prof, of Surg'l Gynec'y Bering Med. Coll. Mem. Am. Inst., Internat'l Hahneman'n J 11. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Regular Homeo. Medl. MORTON, FRANK R. (R), 226 Wells. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. North 114. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of ill.) '01. Asst. in Surg. Rush. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. MOSHER, GEO. W. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 11. Central 2415. 615 B. 43d. 2 to 7 p. m. Oakland 1762. Asst. in and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Phys. (Dis's of Throat) Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. \ ER, RALPH E. (E), 412 Fulton. Bennett '08. Asst. Inst, in Anat Bennett Medl. Coll. MoSS, B. BRUCE (R), 1360 Franklin Blvd. 2 to 5, 7 to 9. Ked- 1362. Res. 1161 Washington Blvd. Until 9. Ashland 892::. Am. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '05. Asst. in Anat. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. TIT. M. J. (H), 100 State. 3 to 5. Central 4639. Res. 3438 Indiana Ave. Douglas 876. Hahn. Chic. '90. Prof, of Mat. Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. Medl. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. WRY, ALBERT E. (R), 3505 Indiana Ave. 12 to 2, 7 to 8. Sun. 12 to 2. Douglas 741. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '98. Asst. It i Mto-Urinary Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Prov't Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., -Urin'y Surgs. and Mil'y Surg. Soc. MUELLER, ANTON (P M), 397 S. Halsted. 1 to 7. Monroe 189. Res. 837 W. 12th Blvd. 8 to 10. Canal 1575. Chic. Physio-Medl. Coll. Chic. '96. Prof, of Dermat. and Toxicol. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Chicago as a Medical Center. 53 MUELLER, E. W. (R), 930 Southport Ave. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Lake View 525. Rush 1902. Assoc. Prof, of Gen. Med. and Phys'l Diag. Chic. Polic'c. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. MURPHY, D. E. (R), 74 Fullerton Ave. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Res. 878 Clybourn Ave. Lincoln 1519. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '01. Asst. in Surg. Chic. Polic'c. MURPHY, JOHN B. (R), 100 State. 2 to 4. Central 1821. Res. 3305 Michigan Ave. Douglas 1057. Rush '79. Prof, of the Princ. and Prac. of Surg, and Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. (Hon'y Fac'y) 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Cons'g Surg. Cook Co., Alex. Bros., Home for Desti'e Crippled Chil. Attg. Surg. Mercy, St. Joseph's, Presby'n, Washington Park and Wesley Hosps. Mem. Surgl. Soc, Paris. Life Mem. Ger. Surgl. Soc. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Surgl. and Chic. Medl. Socs. NAGEL, JOHN S. (R), 92 State. 11 to 1. Central 3278. Res. 323 S. Western Ave. 8 to 9 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun. 3 to 4. West 2431. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '98. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Genito-Urinary Dis's Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Also Prof, of Genito-Urin'y Surg. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. NEFF, JAS. M. (R), 100 State. 2 to 5. Central 1821. Res. 5031 Michigan Ave. Oakland 446. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '98. Asst. Prof, of Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Prof, of Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Surg. Cook Co. and Presby'n Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. NEISWANGER, CHAS. (R), 31 Washington. 8 to 1. Private Exch. 1. 111. Medl. Coll. '98. Prof, of Electro-Therap. 111. Medl. Coll. Pres. and Prof, of Gen'l Electro Therap. 111. School of Electro-Therap's. Mem. Am. Roentgen X-Ray Soc. NELSON, H. PAXTON (P M), 629 Jackson Blvd. Until 9, 12 to 2. West 896. I?hysio-Medl. Inst. Cinn. '80. Prof, of Theory and • Prac. of Med. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Nat'l, State and City Physio-Medl. Socs. NELSON, MICHAEL (R), 835 N. Clark. Until 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Harvey Medl. Chic. '03. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '04. Prof, of Gynecol. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. NELSON, N. C. (R), 97 Lincoln Ave. Until 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Lincoln 164. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '06. Inst, in Med. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. NEWMAN, HENRY PARKER (R), 438 LaSalle Ave. 11 to 12. North 437. Winter Res. San Diego, Cal. Detroit Medl. Coll. '78. Prof, of Gynecol, and Clin'l Gynecol'. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Prof, of Gynecol. Chic. Polic'c. Pres. and Attg. Phys. and Surg. Marion Sims Hosp. Attg. Surg. (Dis's of Women) Henrotin Mem'l Hosp. Cons'g Surg. St. Anthony's and Chic. Mat'y Hosps. Sec. (Gynecol, and Ab- dominal Surg.) Pan-Am. Cong's. One of the Founders of Cong's Periodique Internat'l de Gynecologie et d'Obstetrique. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. State Medl., Chic. Gynecol.. Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Medico-Legal, Chic. Surgl., Chic. Medl. Exam's and Phys. Club. NOBLE, WM. L. (R), 100 State. 10 to 1. Central 4310. Res. 806 Washington Blvd. West 1478. Rush '88. Assoc. Clin. Prof, of Ophthal. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. V.-Pres. and Prof, of Ophthal. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Oculist and Aurist West Side Hosp., St. Joseph's, Prov't Orphan Asylum and St. James' Parochial Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Ophthal'l, Medico-Legal and Miss. Valley Medl. Socs. Chicago OB Medical Center. BDW. T. (R), 92 State. 10 to 12. Central 4900. W ' Hyde Park 2608. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. In.. Laryng. and Rhinol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Hosp. .Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State O. J. (l: Sheffield Ave. Dearborn Medl. l temon'r of Anat and Asst. in Otol., Rhino- and Lect'r in Neurol'l Anat. Reliance Medl. Coll. [AS. L. (R), 525 W. Congress. 11 to 1, 7 to 8. Mon- Rush '03. Asst. in Clin. Otol'y N. W. Univ. Medl. Mem. Am. Medl., III. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LOYD 1». (R), 333 W. 63d. 10 to 12, 7 to 8. Went- Res. 410 W. 65th. 8 to 10. Wentworth 158. '*,. Clin. Prof, of Dis's of the Stomach and Intes's 111. I 'oil. Attg. Phys. 111. Free Disp'y. Mem. Am. Med., III. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. IAS. C. (R), 1336 Washington Blvd. Kedzie 555. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '94. Prof, of Pathol, and Vl Burg. (Grace Hosp.) Jenner Medl. Coll. Asst. Prof, of Pathol, and Adj. Prof, of Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. and Attg. Surg. Grace Hosp. Pathol't St. Anthony's irg. Natl Emer'y Hosp. iSNKU, A. J. (R), 710 Sedgwick. 2 to 4, except Sat. North 24 6. Rush '86. Prof, of Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Surg.-in-Chief Augustana and St. Mary's Mem. Am. and Miss. Valley Medl. Assns., 111. State, Medl.. Chic. Pathol., Chic. Surgl. and Tri-State Medl. \m. Surgl. and Gynecol'l Assn. OCHSNER, B. H. (R), 710 Sedgwick. 2 to 4, except Sat. North Rush '94. Adj. Prof, of Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Burg. (Univ. of 111.). Attg. Surg. Augustana Hosp. Mem. liedl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs., Phys. Club of Chic, South'n Surgl. and Gynecol'l and Chic. Surgl. Soc. OG1 \V. R. (R), 1636 Michigan Ave. 11 to 1, Mon., Wed. and Frid. 3 to 5. Calumet 113. Chic. Med. '84. Inst, in I 'tol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Otol. and Laryng. and Chic. Medl. Socs. OLIVER, CLAUDIUS (E), 48th and Chicago Aves. Austin 3393. Bennett '08. Asst. Inst, in Biol, and Embriol. Bennett Medl. Coll. OLIVER, PAUL (R), 72 Madison. 3 to 5. Central 3285. Res. 514 W. Congress. Rush '01. Asst. in Surg. Rush. Medl. Coll. Attg. Surg. Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. OLKON, D. M. (R), 208 Wabash Ave. 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Harrison Dearborn Medl. Coll. '06. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '08. Assoc. Prof, of Med. Reliance Medl. Coll. JEN, AhnLPH H. (R), 628 W. Lake. 10 to 12, 3 to 5, 7 to 9. 911. Res. 633 Washington Blvd. Until 8, 12 to 1, 6 to 7. West 473. State Bd. '98. Clin. Asst. in Med. 111. Medl. Coll. OLSKX. MARTIN I (R), 883 W. North Ave. Humboldt 2633. Rush Asst. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. V. OLIVER M. (R), 100 State. 9 to 2. Central 3045. Tel. Oak Park 703. Rush '95. Asst. Prof, of Skin, Genito-Urinary and Ven'l Dis's Rush Medl. Coll. Also of Dermat. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. (Skin and Vener'l Dis's) Cook Co., Oak Park and Presby'n Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Dermat., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Chic. Dermat Phys. Club. Chicago as a Medical Coxier. ORNDOFF, BEXJ. H. (R), 42 Madison. 10:30 to 1. Central 5129. Clin. Labor's Frances E. Willard Hosp. 8:30 to 10:30, 2 to 5. West 2181. Asst. Prof, of Pathol, and Inst, in Diag's by Labor'y Methods Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Pathol. Frances E. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. OSGOOD, LUTHER J. (R), 6106 Normal Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Wentworth 1142. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '03. Inst, in Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Pathol't Englewood Hosp. Phys. Prov't Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. OSHER, JULIUS C. (R), 161 TV'. Madison. 10 to 12. 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Monroe 2182. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '93. Prof, of Larvng. and Otol. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. OTRADOVEC. JOS. H. (R), 453 W, 63d. 9 to 11. West 6255. Res. 7235 Union Ave. West 6. Rush '01. Assoc, in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Med., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Chic. Medl. Exam's Socs. OWENS, JOHN E. (R), 34 Washington. 11 to 1 and 4 to 4:45. Central 3466. Res. Lexington Hotel. Calumet 1840. Jeffer- son Med. Phil., Pa., '62. Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Pres. and Attg. Surg. St. Luke's Hosp. Cons'g Surg. Home for Dest'e Crippled Chil. Mem. Am. Med., Am. Surgl., Am. Assn. of Railway Surgs., 111. State., Chic. Medl., Chic. Surgl. and Medico-Legal Socs. OYEN, ALBERT N. (R), 1404 Humboldt Blvd. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Humboldt 1145. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Clin. Asst. in Larvng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Norweg'n Lutheran Deacon's Home and Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Scandinavian and Chic. Medl. Socs. PADDOCK, CHAS. E. (R), 103 State. 1 to 3. Central 4921. Res. 3622 Michigan Ave. Bv appointment. Douglas 11 in. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '91. Asst. Clin. Prof, of Obst. Rush Medl. Coll. Same Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Obst. Baptist and Chary Hosp. and Cons'g Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Attg. Surg. Wom's and Chic. Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl.. 111. State. Chic. Medl.. Chic. Acad, of Med., Miss. Valley, Chic. Gynecol. and Phys. Club. PARDEE, LUCIUS C. (R). 34 Washington. 10 to 3. Central 2716. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '94. Asst. Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Also Prof, of Dermat. Chic. Polic'c. Attg. Dermat Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. and Am. Dermat'l Assns., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Dermat' 1 Socs. PARKER. CHAS. A. (R), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 556. Res. 1660 Fulton. Kedzie 3012. Rush '91. Asst. Prof, of Anat. and Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Surer. Chic. Mem'l Hosp. Mem. Assn. Am. Anat's, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Phys. Club. PARKER, RUPERT M. (R). 5310 S. Halsted. 10 to 11:30, 7 to 8 p. m. except Sun. Res. 3607 Indiana Ave. 1 to 3. after 8 P. m. Sun. 2 to 3. Douglas 1574. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '9 6. Asst. in Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. Ch a •/< dical & nU r. i t. (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 12. Central 22 I [osp. Medl. Coll. '84. Prof. Polic'c. Clin. Prof. Men'l and . W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Neurol't Wesley and rol'f Cook Co. Eastern Char. Eye and Ear Infirm'y. Peo-. Sims Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl. and Am. rliss. Valley, Til. State, Chie. Medl., Chic. fl, of Med. and Phys. Club. ;. i:. (R), :\[ Washington. 10 to 4. Cen-tral 3913. Hyde Park 507. Manitoba Univ. '95. e Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. 111. ■11. SOCS. I M. (R), 92 State. 1 to 4. Central 1138. Res. 1611. Med. Dept. Univ. of New Dis. of the Chest Chic. Policlinic and Prof. ►11. of Phys. and Surg (Univ. of 111.). Aug. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Tri-State and . Medl. S I'AVLIK. OTTO S. (R), 465 Milwaukee Ave. Monroe 902. Res. 48 nal 2012. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '04. Asst. col. X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. : Chic. Medl. Socs. \s A. (R), 92 State. 9 to 1. Central 3326. Res. Ave. After 4. Edgewater 576. P. and S., ;. Inst in Ophthal'v 111. Med. Coll. Mem. Am. . l.i. Medl., Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ophthal'l Soc. JRT (R), 3904 Indiana Ave. Until 9, 3 to 5, 7 to 8:30. 57. X. W. Univ. Med. Sch. 1900. Asst. Med. Instr. X. \V. Univ. Med. School. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. SGTON, J. R (R), 126 THnthrop Ave. Edgewater 1163. r 165. Univ. of Marv'd. Bait.. '87. Prof, of Rectal Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. WM. A. (R), 100 State. 4 to 6. Randolph 345. Res. ntwnrth Ave. Until 10, 11 to 1, 6:30 to 8. Phys. and (Univ. of 111.) '97. Prof, of Therap. 111. Medl. Coll. Phys. (Eye and Ear Dept.) Englewood Hosp. Medl. T'ii'r Seandia Life Inst. Co. of Chic. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., Am. A< ad. of Science, 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. PHELPS, LUCIUS B. (R), 257 W. Madison. 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 6 to roe 24 80. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '07. Asst. in llhinol. and Laryng. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. PHTTJJ1 .LAND H. (E). 52S W. Monroe. Bennett '07. Prof, of Pathoi. and Bacteriol. Bennett Medl. Coll. \XK E. (R), 100 State. 1 to 2. Central 379. Rush Inst, in Clin. Surg. X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. : l. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. O. i\ (R), 72 Madison. 2 to 4. Central 3285. 1567 W. Ohio. Until '.'. 6 to 7. Kedzie 1105. Trin. Medl. Coll., Tor., '95. Prof. Dis's of the Stomach and Intes's Post-Grad. Sch. >RVAL U. (R). 31 Washington. 10 to 1, 4 to 5. Cen- IV.) Lincoln Park Blvd. North 1924. P. and S. Chic. (Univ. of 111.) '85. Prof, of Otol. Chic. Polic'c. Aug. Surg. (Ear Dept.) 111. Char'e Eve and Ear Infir'y. Michael Reese, Paseav't Mem'l and St. Luke's Hosps. Mem. Am. Otol., Am. Laryng.. Am. Larvng.. Rhinol. and Otol. Soc, 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Acad, of Med. Chicago as a Medical Center. 57 PIETROWICZ, STEPHEN R. (R), 829 Milwaukee Ave. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Humboldt 989. Res. 470 W. Division. Humboldt 689. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '98. Prof, of Med. and Clin. Med. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Attg. Phys. St. Mary's of Nazareth Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. PLUMMER, SAMUEL C. (R), 34 Washington. 10 to 11, except Sun. Central 5465. Room 1030 LaSalle St. Station. 11 to 1. Harrison 4676. Res. 4539 Oakenwald Ave. Oakland '97. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '86. Prof, of Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Cons'g Surg. Home for Dest'e Crippled Chil'n. Attg. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., Am. Assn. Railway Surgs., Chief Surg. C, R. I. & P. R. R., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Surgl. Socs. POLKEY, HUGH J. (R), 1236 Argyle Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Edge- water 56. Res. 2089 Sheridan Rd. Edgewater 7695. Rush '03. Asst. in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. POLLACH, PAUL (H), 72 Madison. 11 to 12. Central 962. Res. 486 N. Robey. 2 to 5. Humboldt 1398. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. '95. Prof, of Men. and Ner. Dis. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. POLLOCK, WM. J. (E), 750 W. Chicago Ave. 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. Humboldt 869. Bennett '01. Sec. and Prof, of Med. Bennett Medl. Coll. Mem. Nat. Eclec, 111. Eclec. and Chic. Eclec. Medl. Socs. POORMAN, C. W. (R), 1284 Ogden Ave. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Canal 935. Res. Oak Park. Tel. 307. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Asst. Dept. of Surg. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. PORTER, JOHN L. (R), 72 Madison. 1 to 3. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '94. Prof, of Ortho. Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Att'g Ortho'c Surg. Cook Co., Mary Thomp- son, People's and St. Luke's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Ortho'c, 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Ortho'c Socs. PORTERPIELD, WM. L. (R), 1640 W. 47th. 11 to 12, 8 to 9. Yards 45. Res. 5404 S. Ashland Ave. Until 9, 1 to 2. Yards 1228. Rush '02. Asst. in Med. Rush. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. PORTIS, M. M. (R), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 2129. Res. 5045 Grand Blvd. Oakland 641. Rush '01. Inst, in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Same in Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Cook Co., Mary Thompson, Michael Reese and Wom's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. POST, WILBER E. (R), 100 State. 11 to 1. Central 566. Rush '03. Inst, in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Phys. Presby'n Hosp. POTHOFF, ERNEST W. (R), 685 Ogden Ave. 11 to 1. West 1724. Res. 1139 Austin Blvd. Until 10, 2 to 4. Oak Park 447. Rush '02. Clin. Asst. in Dermat. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. POTTS, HERBERT A. (R). 103 State. 3 to 4:30. Central 1594. Res. 4763 N. Clark. Until 10. 5 to 6, 7 to 8. Rogers Park 4324. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '01. Asst. in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. POWELL, T. M. (H), 1615 Milwaukee Ave. 2 to 5. Humboldt 442. Res. 1267 N. Central Park Ave. Humboldt 1935. Dun- ham Medl. Chic. '98. Lect. on Biol. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. Regul. Homeo. Med. Soc, Chicago. PRATT. EDWIN H. (H), 100 State. 2 to 5. Central 2241. Res. Tel. Evanston 673. Hahn. Med. Chic. '73. Prof, of Surg. Her- ing Med. Coll. and Hosp. and Attg. Surg. Chic. Homeo. Hosp, Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. c/i a Medical Center, ate. 3 to 5. Central 4929. N. Prof, of Med. N. W. Univ. Medl. i.d. Chic. Poljc'c. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. Eye and Ear Infir'y and Attg. Phys. •a Uosps. Chief of Medl. Staff St. Jo- i.ali.as B. (H), LaGrange, 111. Hahn Medl. Coll., 1.. '04. Asst. in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. I), L916 Evanston Ave. Edgewater 1190. Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. Surg. Lake View Hosp. PRICE VKTIiri; L. (R), i_ -Madison. 12:30 to 2. Central 32. M.»nroe 1444. Rush '97. Inst, in Clin. md Surg. Univ. of 111. l>l;i i;\ C. (R), 34 Washington. 3 to 5. Central 5381. lines Ave. Until 9, 12 to 1, after 6. Doug- L61. Worn. Med. Chic. '95. Lect. on Gynecol. Post- S h. Mom. 111. State and Chic. Med. Socs. PRICE WM. A. (R), 410 S. California Ave. Clin. Asst. in Laryng. Rush .Modi. Coll. •\\ \ (R), 70 Madison. 10 to 1. Central 4161. Med. niv. of Penn. '92. Asst. Prof, of Ophthal. and Inst, in the Pathol, of the Eye Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Bap- I Hosp. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of the Eye) Cook Co. Hosp. Am. .Medl., Am. Ophthal. Assns., 111. State and Chic. PUSEY, WM. \. (R), 7_' Madison. 10 to 1. Central 4161. Univ. \ Y. *88. Prof, of Dermat. and Clin. Dermat. Coll. »hys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Attg. Phys. (Skin and Ven'l Cook Co., Michael Reese and St. Luke's Hosps. M. m. Am. Medl. and Am. Dermat'l Assns., 111. State and . Medl. Socs. PYNCHON, EDWIN (R), 103 State. 2 to 5. Central 3647. Res. Michigan Ave. Gray 5S83. Med. Coll. of Ohio, Cincin., of Dis. of the Nose, Throat and Ear 111. Med. II. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., 111. State and Chic. Med. Socs. XL. WM. E. (R), 103 State. 1 to 3. Central 861. Res. 3160 Indiana Ave. South 197. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '69. Dean and Prof of Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. Coll. of Phys. and CJniv. of 111.). Mem. (Hon'y Fac'y) 111. Post-Grad. Medl. a. Cons'g Phys. Cook Co. and Michael Reese Hosps. Attg. vs. Chic. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State., Chic. Medl., Chic. Neurol., Chic. Pathol., Phys. Club., Chic. Acad, of Sci- ence, Soc. of Inter'l Med., Practitioners' Club, Senn Club, Medl. Exam. State Civil Serv'e Comm'n. QUINLAN, WM. W. (R), 42 Madison. 11 to 12:30. Central 32. ing Annex. Lake View 2099. P. and S., New York, *. Prof, of Pediat. Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Pediatric and Phys. Club. \X WM. A. (R), 100 State. 9 to 12. Central 379. Res. 1333 Jackson Blvd. West. 1062. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '67. Inst, in Skin and Wn'l Dis's Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Practi- Hosp. Mom. Am. Medl., Chic. Medl., Internat'l Der- mat'l and Chic. Dermat. Socs. LK. JOHN J. (R), 103 State. Central 3618. Rush '88. Adj. Prof, of Venerea] Dis's Coll. of Phvs. and Surg. (Univ. of HANSOM, S. WALTER (R), Cook Co. Hosp. Rush '07. Asst. in NT. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. RASMUSSEN, IXGEBORG (R), 460 S. Desplaines. 8 to 10. Worn. Medl. Chic. '92. Clin. Inst, in Obst. and Gynecol. Rush Medl. M. in. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 59 RASTALL, FRANK W. (E), 5507 Lexington Ave. 10 to 12, ex- cept Sun. 4 to 6 Mon. and Thur. Hyde Park 4073. Res. 1038 Sheridan Rd. Lake View 24. Bennett '07. Inst, in Phys'l and Clin'l Med. Bennett Medl. Coll. RAWLINGS, ISAAC D. (R), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 231. Res. 1904 Evanston Ave. Edgewater 768. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sen. '93. Inst, in Cont's Dis's at the Isolation Hosp. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Chief Medl. Insp. Dept. of Health. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. RAWSON, VANCE (H), 70 State. 1 to 3. Central 1971. Res. La- Grange, 111., La Grange 72. Hahn. Chic. '01. Adj. Prof, of Anat. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Clin. Asst. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. State and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. READING, EDGAR M. (E), 34 Washington. Mon., Wed. and Frid. 3 to 5. Central 4836. Res. 6416 Monroe Ave. Hyde Park 8. Bennett '76. Prof, of Dis. of the Brain and Ner. System Bennett Med. Coll. Cons. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Mem. Nat. Eclec., Med. Assn., 111. Eclec. and Chic. Eclec. Medl. Socs. REED, CHAS. B. (R), 103 State. 11 to 1. Central 5396. Res. 1357 Sheffield Ave. Lake View 282. Rush '87. Asst. Prof, of Obstet. N. W. Medl. Sch. Assoe. Obstet. Chic. Lying-in Hosp. Attg. Obstet. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Gynecol. Socs. REICHMANN, MAX (R), 109 Randolph. 9 to 4. Central 1155. Res. 1058 Newport Ave. Lake View 1964. Univ. of Prague, Aus- tria, '92. Prof, of Skiagrophy Chic. Pol'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Ger. Medl. Socs. REYNOLDS, ERNST R. (R), 553 W. 63d. 3 to 4:30. Wentworth 734. Res. 6615 Wentworth Ave. Wentworth 2886. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. 1900. Clin. Demon, of Dermat. and Syphol'y N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. REYNOLDS, N. L. (H), 294 Bowen Ave. 8 to 9, 5 to 8. Oak- land 134. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. '04. Lect. on Nerv- ous Anat. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. RHODES, JOHN EDWIN (R), 100 State. 10 to 4. Central 339. Res. 5045 Washington Ave. Drexel 2075. Rush '86. Coll. Historian. Assoc. Prof, of Dis. of the Chest and of Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. Cons'g Laryng't Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil'n, Marion Sims and St. Mary's of Nazareth Hosps. and Chic. Relief and Aid Soc. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Laryng., Am. Climat, 111. State., Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryng. and Otol. Socs., Phys. Club. RICH, CATHERINE B. (R), 100 State. 12 to 2. Central 4900. Res. 728 Sunnyside Ave. Until 9. 5 to 7. Edgewater 565. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Assi. in Obst. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Medl. Exam. North'n Life Insur'e Co. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. RICHTER. HENRY M. (R), 103 State. 3 to 4. Central 1594. Res. 2413^ Prairie Ave. Calumet 2808. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '95. Assoe. in Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Prof. Surg. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Asst. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. RICKETTS, HOWARD T. (R), 357 58th. 1 to 2. Hyde Park 1395. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '97. Asst. Prof, of Pathol. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. RICKFORT, W. O. (R), 5058 S. Halsted. Until 9, 2 to 4. 7 to 8. Yards 1029. Rush '02. Lect. on Gynecol. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. I U nter. 72 Madison. to 11, afternoons by appoint- ; 1717 Chicago Ave., Evanston. ■ and s. New York, '78. Prof, of Ortho. Medl. Sch. Sur- -in-Charge and. Attg. for Dest'e Crip'd Chil'n. Attg. Ortho'c and Michael Reese Hosps. Cons' g Surg. Am. Modi.. Am. Ortho'c, 111. State, I Jhic. Ortho'c Socs. R), 100 State. Randolph 345. Res. 4419 Oakland 852. Lect. on Gynecol. Chic. Post- Sen. , _ _ R), 100 State. 2 to 3:30. Randolph 345. Res. 4419 Oakland 85 2. Univ. of Strasburgh '89. I. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. !hlc. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Chic. Gynecol., Medico- Miss. Valley and Phys. Club. RITTENHOUSE, ERNEST V. (R), 975 Warren Ave. 1 to 2, 6 to 111. Med. Coll. '01. Asst. in Surg, and Inst. In Hlst'y 111. Med. Coll. RITTENHOUSE, YVM. (R), 103 State. 3 to 5:30, except Sun. 73. Res. 975 Warren Ave. 6 to 7 p. m., Sun. 1 to 2 to 7. Kedzie 3350. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '86. an and Prof, of Obstet's 111. Medl. Coll. Same Reliance C ns'g Obst'n 111. Hosp. RITTER, JOHN (R), 170 Colorado Ave. Until 10, after 4. Ked- Rush '80. Inst, in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. . Medl.. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. OSCAR T. (R), 2321 42d Ave. 10 to 12. Rush '89. A Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Surg.-in-Chief Swedish . *st Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and ndin'n Medl. Socs. ROB IM1IXE M. (H), 229 42d. 3 to 5. except Sun. Oakland 4148. Prof. Medl. Dis. of Worn. Hering Medl. Coll. 1 Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., Internat'l Hahnem'n, Reg'l ieo. Medl. Soc. of Chic. BERTS, THOS. G. (H), 72 Madison. 11 to 1. Central 962. R. 2d. Until 9, 6 to 7:30. Oakland 4148. Homeo. Medl. Coll., St. Louis. '77. Prof, of Pediat. and Clin. Dis's of Chil. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. International Hahn'n Medl. Assoc, 111. Homeo., Pres. Regular Homeo. . of Chic. . CHAS. M. (R), 100 State. 10 to 2. Central 2129. Hotel Auditorium. Medl. Dept. Univ. of Iowa '88. . Prof, of Othol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Prof, of tig. and Rhin. Chic. Polic'c. Attg. Ocul't and Aurist [osp. Mem. Am. Medl., Mil'y Surgs. U S. Army, 111. CHlc Medl., Chic. Ophthal., Chic. Laryn. and iphthal. and Otol. JOHN D. (E), 480 W. Monroe. Monroe 634. Res. 39 •mis. Bennett '96. Pres. and Treas., Prof, of Surg. Ben- t Medl. Coll. Attg. Surg. Cook Co. and Jefferson Park 3. Mem. Nat. Eclec, 111. Eclec. and Chic. Eclec. Medl. RO<; C. (R), 72 E. Madison. 12 to 2. Central Res. 1112 Warren Ave. Kedzie 179. Rush '83. Prof. and Head Of the Dept. of Surg. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Chic. Coll. of Dental Surg. Sec. and Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and \i:i. \V. (R), 2204 Michigan Ave. 11 to 1, 7 to 8. 90 E. 21st. Calumet 553. N. W. Univ. Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's Post-Grad. Am. Modi., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. State, Chic. Modi., Chic. Pathol, and Chic. Neurol. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 61 ROGERS, IDA WRIGHT (H), 533 Wells. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. North 743. Hahn. Chic. '84. Prof, of Obst's Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Supt. Nat. Emer'y Hosp. Med. Examr. TVTfi.cc3.bees ROGERS, L. D. '(H), 533 Wells. 9 to 12 and 2 to 3. North 743. Chic. Homeo. Medl. '84. Rush '96. Vice-Pres., Dean and Prof, of Minor, General and Special Surgery Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Attg. Surg. Nat. Emer'y Hosp. Mem. Chic. Homeo. Medl. Soc. ROMINGER, CLARK W. (R), 205 S. Halsted. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Monroe 23 70. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '07. Inst. in Pediat. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. ROOP, HENRY T. (P M), 235 S. Campbell Ave. 2 to 4. Seeley 2125. Physio-Med. Chic. '91. Prof, of Obst. and Clin. Gynecol. Coll. of Med. and Surg. ROSENOW, EDW. C. (R), 100 State. 11 to 5. Canal 556. Res. 4744 Madison Ave. Oakland 1988. Rush '02. Inst, and Dane Billings in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Phys. Presby'n Hosp. ROSIN, C. M. (E), 465 Washington Blvd. Bennett '07. Inst, in Electro-Therap. and Hydro'y Bennett Medl. Coll. ROTHSTEIN, THOR. (R), 92 State. 12 to 2. Central 3173. Res. 6500 S. Green. Wentworth 2623. Univ. of Stockholm, Swe- den, '97. Asst. Prof, of Med. (Ner. and Men.) Dis's Rush Medl. Coll. Neurol. Augustana Chil's Mem'l and Englewood Hosps. Asst. Phys. Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. ROWAN, CHAS. J. (R), 447 Douglas Blvd. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Kedzie 3716. Rush '98. Asst. Prof, of Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Surg. Cook Co., Presby'n and Monroe St. Hosps. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. ROWELL, L. W. (R), Masonic Temple. Central 5605. Rush 1900. Prof, of Prac. of Med. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. RUBOVITZ, WM. H. (R), 103 State. 2:30 to 4. Central 3647. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. 19 00. Prof, of Obst. Reliance Medl. Coll. Cons'g Obst'n Chic. Gen. Hosp. Attg. Surg. United Hebrews Char's Disp'y. RUSSELL, J. W. (P M), 92 State. 11 to 2. Central 3711. Res. 21 E. 26th. Calumet 2170. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Chic. '04. Prof, of Anat. and Compare Mat. Med. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. P. M. Soc, Sec. 111. State P. M. Soc, Mem. Chic. P. M. Soc RUSSELL, SAMUEL J. (R), 3101 Wentworth Ave. 11 to 1, 7 to 8. Yards 1503. Res. 5950 Normal Ave. Wentworth 2651. Har- vey Medl. Coll. Chic '02. Inst, in Neurol. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. RUST, JOHN WM. (E), Willow Springs, 111. Bennett '97. Prof. of Mat. Med. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. RYAN, LAWRENCE (R), 100 State. 2 to 3:30. Randolph 345. Res. 1649 Jackson Blvd. Kedzie 1622. Rush '94. Asst. Prof. of Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Surg. Cook Co. and St. An- thony's Hosps. Mem. 111., State, Chic Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. RYERSON, EDWIN W. (R), 100 State. 9 to 11. Central 3362. Res. 135 Lincoln Park Blvd. North 1404. Harvard Univ. Medl. Sch. '97. Prof, of Orthop. Surg. Chic Polic'c Attg. Surg. Chil. Mem'l and Attg. Orthop'c Surg. Cook Co., St. Elizabeth and St. Luke's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SADLER, WM. S. (R), 100 State. 10 to 2. Central 4356. Res. Tel. LaGrange 98. Am. Medl. Miss'y Coll. Chic '06. Prof. of Physiol'c Therap. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. ,ts a Hi dical Center. SAMUEL (R), 100 State. 5 to 6. Randolph 345. Held Blvd. Oakland 3627. Am. Coll. of Med. Inst, in Gynecol. Chic Coll. of Med. and Surg. Hoep. RY, JEROME R (R), 982 W.Adams. 3 to 6. West 723. t. Prof, of Chem. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. and Chic. Modi. Socs. RD, WILLARD C. (R), 103 State. 11 to 1. Central 2073. nle. 6 to 8 p. m. Sun. 2 to 3. North 1148. X \\ ,11. Sch. '90. Scc.-Treas. and Prof, of Prac. of Med. 11!. Modi. Sch. Cons'g Surg. Salvat'n Army Hosp. Attg. •itlmny's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and goes. S INTEE, HARRIS E. (R), 770 Warren Ave. Until 9, 4 to 7. West I'niv. of Penn. '92. Prof, of Anat. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Same Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. <1 . 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. BAUER, HENRY E. (R), 100 State. 11 to 1. Central 339. Res. rldan Rd. Lake View 689. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Inst. In Gynecol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Surg. Gor. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SAUNDERS, C. B. (R), 303 LaSalle Ave. 12 to 2, 6 to 7. North ■ Natl Medl. Univ. and Hosp. '96. Harvey Medl. Coll. 7. Dunham Medl. Coll. 1900. Prof, of Obst's Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. and 111. Homeo. Medl. Socs. SAURENHAUS, ERNST (R), 46 Bellevue PI. 2 to-4. North 392. Univ. of Heidelberg, Ger., '86. Prof, of Gynecol. 111. Medl. II. Attg. Gynecol' t St. Elizabeth Hosp. Attg. Obstet. St. Mary's of Nazareth Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic Medl. Socs. SAX. A. 6. (H). 6565 Yale Ave. 1 to 3. 7 to 8. Wentworth 677. Halm. Chic. '97. Adj. Prof, of Theory and Prac. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. SAYRE, CHAS. E. (H). 3946 Drexel Blvd. Douglas 2460. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. '94. Prof, of Gynecol. Surg. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Attg. Gynecol't Chic. Homeo. Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. SCHAARE, TO. F. (P M), 311 W. 18th. 8 to 10, 2 to 3. 8 to 9. Canal 1190. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '02. Prof, of Minor Surg. Coll. of Med. and Surg, and Lect. on Surg. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Am. and Chris'n Hosps. Sec. Am. P. M. Assn. Mem. Nat'l State and City P. M. Socs. [MIDT, LOUIS E. (R), 103 Randolph. 1:45 to 3:30. Central 1779. Chic. Medl. '85. Clin. Prof, of Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Prof, of Genito-Urin'y Surg, and Ven'l Dis's Chic. Polie'c. Attg. Gen.-Urin. Surg, and Dermat. Alex'n Bros., Michael Reese and St. Mary's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. •te and Chic. Medl. Socs. SCHMIDT, OTTO L. (R), 103 Randolph. 9 to 12. Central 5711. Chic. Med. '83. Prof, of Med. Chic. Polic'c. Att'g Phys. Alex. and Henrotin Mem'l Hosps. Cons'g Phvs. Michael e Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. SCHMITZ, HENRY (E), 484 W. Chicago Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Monroe 1597. Bennett '97. Assoe. Prof, of Gynecol. Chic. Coll of Med. and Surg. Attg. Surg. St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. •^" GEO. C. (R), Melrose Park. Student Inst, in Clin. Neuml. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. SCHOENFELD, CHAS. J. (R), 818 47th. 8 to 10, 4 to 6. Oakland 168 44th. Oakland 271. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Inst. in. Pediat. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Chicago as a Medical Center. 63 SCHOLES, LYDIA E. (H), 475 S. Leavitt. 12 to 2. Ashland 1014. Hering Med. Chic. '96. Clin. Inst, in Obst. Hering Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. SCHRAGER, VICTOR L. (R), 662 W. 12th. 3 to 5, 7 to 9. Canal 2469. Rush '07. Assoe. in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Presby'n Hosp. SCHROEDER, WM. E. (R), 103 State. 10 to 12. Central 5396. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '91. Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Surg. Cook Co. Hosp. Sur'n- in-Chief People's Hosp. and Attg. Surg. Wesley Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State., Chic. Medl., Chic. Surgl. and Phys. Club. SCHROTH, R. G. (R), 700 Wells. 2 to 4. Black 5. Res. 2389 Wayne Ave. Edgewater 83. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. '04. Prof, of Anat. Bennett Medl. Coll. Same Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. SCHULER, WM. S. (R), 2145 N. Robey. Until 10, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Graceland 5103. Jenner Med. Coll. Chic. '05. Clin. Asst. in Med. 111. Medl. Coll. SCHULTZ, LOUIS (R), 42 Madison. 9 to 5. Central 5129. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Asst. Prof, of Otol., Rhinol. and Laryng. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. SCHUPMAN, A. (H). 96 Sheffield Ave. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Lincoln 1332. Res. 201 Sheffield Ave. Until 9, 12 to 1, 6 to 7. White 2763. Homeo. Medl., St. Louis, '97. Prof, of Prac. of Med. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Asst. in Surg. Bennett Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Nat. Emer'y Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. SCHUSSLER, WALTER R. (E), 324 Dearborn. 12:30 to 2:30, Mon., Thur. and Sat. Harrison 6023. Res. Orland. Orland Exch. 211. Bennett '89. Prof, of Orthop. Surg. Bennett Medl. Coll. Also Prof, of Qrthop. Surg. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. 111. State Bd. of Health. Attg. Surg. Frances E. Willard Hosp. SCHWEERS, FREDRIC (P M), 806 Racine Ave. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '03. Prof, of Physiol, of the Ner's System Coll. of Med. and Surg. SCHWUCHOW, WALTER B. (R), 138 Center. 9 to 1, 3 to 6. Rush '03. Inst, in Pediat. 111. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis. of Chil.) Lake View Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SECOR, WM. L. (R), Thornton Villa, LaGrange, 111. LaGrange 120. Jeff. Medl. Phil. '06. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Phys'y and Physiol'l Chem. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. SEIDEL, ALBERT W. (R), 159 Center. 1 to 3, 7 to 9. Lincoln 1212. Phys: and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Clin. Asst. in Pediat. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. Medl. and Chic. Medl. Socs. SEIFERT, M. J. (R), 103 State. 1 to 3. Central 861. Res. 159 y a Eugenie. 7 to 8 p. m. Lincoln 590. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '99. Asst. Prof, of Oper'e Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Attg. Surg. St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. SEMPILL, ROBERT A. (R), 72 E. Madison. 4 to 6, except Sun. 2 to 4, 7:30 to 8 :30, except Frid. Central 2508. Res. Deming Hotel, Clark and Madison. Central 6417. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '91. Inst. Dermat'y and Ven'l Dis's Coll. of Phys. and Surg. SENN, EMANUEL J. (R), 100 State. 11 to 1. Central 3362. Res. Plaza Hotel. North 1354. Rush '90. Assoe. Prof, of Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Surg. Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. CJUi i Medical Center. . V \\.\i. 1 to 3. Central 3362. Res. 563 Dear- Rush 1900. Inst in Surg. Rush 5. Presby'n Hosp. Attg. Surg. St. Jo- C. (R), 833 Milwaukee Ave. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 898, Res. rreen Ave. Humboldt 2557. irg. (Univ. of 111.) '93. Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Medl. Sch. Prof, of Hist'y, Pathol'y and j 11!. Medl. Coll, Pathol't St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Am. Ihic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Phys. Club. OWARD O. (R), 448 X. ('lark. 2 to 4, 7 to 8. North g. (Univ. of 111.) '02. Inst. in. Gynecol. I. of Tins, and Surg. Attg. Phys. Marion Sims Hosp. . ill. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. B. (R), 100 State. 9 to 12. Central 379. wood Ave. Hyde Park 1864. Dept. of Med. ! Mich. '95. Asst. Prof, of Laryng. and Otol. and Inst, in the Ear, Nose and Throat Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. > Chil. Mem'l and Presby'n Hosps. Mem. Am. .\in Laryng., Am. Otol., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. :i'l and Otol. Socs. SHAW. D. 1M:i: (R), 34 Washington. 4 to 6. Res. 707 Jackson Until 12, after 6. West 1066. Rush '91. Prof, of :g. and Dir'r of the Anat'l Labor'y Chic. Coll. of Med. and Attg. Surg. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Med., 111. State : Chic. Medl. Socs. SHEARS, GEO. F. (H), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 4180. Res. 1 Prairie Ave. Douglas 2358. Hahn. Chic. '80. Pres. and Prof, of Surg. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Cons'g Surg. Cook Co. Hosp. Attg. Surg. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst'e of Homeo'y, 111. State, Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. SHEETS, VAUGHN L. (E), 578 W. Madison. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Mon- roe 2341. Res. 1161 Washington Blvd. Am. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Chic. '03. Inst, in Phys. Diag. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Phys. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State ami Chic. Medl. Socs. JRWOOD, FRAXCIS R. (R), 100 State. 10 to 1. Central 430. Res. 1809 W. Harrison. Kedzie 836. Rush '88. Prof, of irg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. Am. !l.. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SIMMONS, II. L. (H), 100 State. 9 to 5. Central 3422. Res. Oak Park. Oak Park 425. Chic. Homeo. '97. Adj. Prof, of Odontol'y Hahn. Medl. Coll. SIMON, LUDWIG S. (R), 103 State. .1 to 3. Central 2073. Res. 1 Vincennes Ave. Until 9, 5 to 7:30. Oakland 1073. P. and S. X. York '94. Adj. Prof, of Obstet. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Attg. Phys. Michael Reese Hosp. Mem. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. «* SIMPSON, FRANK E. (R), 42 Madison. 10 to 1, 4 to 5. Central X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '96. Inst, in Dermat. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sth. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Dermat. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. SIMPSON, OTTO W. (R). 339 S. Lincoln. Chic. Coll. of Med. and g. '08. Asst. in Gynecol. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. SIPPI, i M W. (R), 100 State. 1:30 to 5. Central 379. ::»45 Ellis Ave. Douglas 708. Rush '90. Prof, of Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Cook Co., Presby'n and Monroe Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Fat hoi. and Chic. Xeurol. Socs. SLAYMAKER, SAMUEL R. (R), 100 State. 1 to 3. Central 1162. L330 Washington Blvd. Kedzie 559. Rush '92. Asst. Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phvs. Cook Co. and Mom-.- St. Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Pathol, and Phvs. Club. Chicago as a Medical Center. 65 SMALL, ARTHUR A. (R), 100 State. 10 to 1. Central 771. Res. 575 Division. 8 to 9 p. m. North 899. Tor. Univ. Medl. Sch. '95. M. R. C. S. (Eng.). L. R. C. P. (Lond.). Assoe. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. British Medl. Soc, Chic. Medl. Soc. SMEDLEY, JAS. E. (R), 167 Locust, nr. N. Clark. 1 to 4/ North 1072. Medl. Dept. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, '90. Prof, of Prac. of Med. Nat'l Medl. Univ. and Hosp. V.-Pres. Ger.-Am. Surgl. Co. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc, Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SMITH, EDWIN M. (R), 305 Division. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 7. North 721. Res. 269 LaSalle Ave. North 990. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '86. Prof, of Surg. Chic. Polic'c. Phys. House of the Good Shepherd. Mem, Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SMITH, J. F. (R), 100 State. 3 to 5:30. Central 556. Rush 1900. Assoc, in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Surg. Presbv'n Hosp. (X-Ray Dept.). Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Surgl. Socs. SMITH, ROBERT (R), Brevoort Hotel. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Main 3936. Rush '03. Prof, of Pathol'y Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SOMERS, GEO. H. (R), 100 State. 12 to 2. Randolph 345. Res. 1639 W. Adams. Kedzie 293. Univ. of Wooster, Clev., Ohio, '90. Prof, of Phys'l Diag's 111. Medl. Coll. SONNENSCHEIN, ROBERT (R), 72 Madison. 12 :30 to 2 :30. Cen- tral 2954. Res. 4744 Prairie Ave. 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Oak- land 974. Rush '01. Assoe. in Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Chic. Medl. Exam. Assn. Attg. Phys. (Nose and Throat Dept.) Chil's Mem'l Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SOPER, JR., ALEX. C. (R), 1321 Sheridan Rd. 8 to 9, 4 to 6. Lake View 738. Res. 26 Junior Ter. Lake View 198. Rush '01. Inst, in Med. Rush. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Chil. Mem'l Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SPEED, KELLOGG (R), 100 State. 11 to 12. Central 556. Res. 4731 Lake Ave. Oakland 1537. Rush '04. Assoe. in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SPRAGUE, J. P. (R), 145 LaSalle. 9 to 2. Central 4943. Res. 494 Belden Ave. 6 to 9 p. m. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '03. Prof, of Ortho'c Surg. Nat'l Medl. L T niv. and Hosp. STACKABLE, WM. H. (R), 1622 W. 12th. 2 to 3, 7 to 9. Canal 1487. Medl. Dept. Univ. of Mich. '03. Asst. Prof, of Obstet. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. STANGLAND, ARTHUR K. (R), 698 N. Maplewood Ave. Hum- boldt 802. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Inst, in Sr. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. ST. BENNO, RICHARD (P. M), 810 N. California Ave. 10 to 12, 6 to 7. Humboldt 14. Coll. of Med. and Surg. '05. Prof, of Clin. Med. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Mem. Nat'l, State and City Physio-Medl. Socs. STEARNS, LESTER M. (R), Oak Park. Oak Park 750. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Inst, in Anat. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. STEARNS, W. M. (H), 31 Washington, Marshall Field Bldg. 9 to 2. Central 1768. Res. Kenil worth, 111. Chic. Homeo. Med. Coll. '80. Ear, Nose and Throat Exclusively. Prof, of Rhinol. and Laryng. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Nose and Throat) Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Insc, Am. Ophthal., Otol. and Laryng. Soc, 111. Homeo., Chic Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. a Medical Center. v K ( R)l L03 State. 10 to 12. Central 861 Res. 2920 Chic. Medl. '73. Actuary Prof. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Co., Michael Reese and Worn s Hosps. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Surg'l, Chic. Pathol'l and Phys. Club. MARTIN (R), 103 State. 2 to 4 Central 3647. Marion Sima Coll. »f Med., St. Louis, '99. Prof, of Minor, < B al Surg'y Nat Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Mem. t\- 0TT< ► J (R), 100 State. 9 to 1, 4 to 5. Randolph 345. Mo. L.mis, '91. Prof, of Dis's of Ear, Nose and I Medl. Sen. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad. thal'y and Oto-Laryng'y, Am. Laryng'l, Rhinol'l and Miss. Valley, 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. [NDLER, AltTHUR (R), 100 State. Univ. of Vienna '02. Prof. Surg. Reliance Medl. Coll. VTENSON AI.KX, P. (R), 100 State. 11 to 12:30. Central 1162. Res. 3S7 N. State. North 929. Rush '98. Inst, in fl. Rush Medl. Coll. Medl. Exam. N. W. Mut'l Life Ins. Co. Milwaukee. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Pathol. Socs. \ I.I.I UN E. (R), 1211 W. Van Buren. 3 to 4, 7 to 8. \\\ Res. 457 Douglas Blvd. Kedzie 2764. Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont, '98. Prof, of Surg. Chic. Coll. of Med. 1 Surg, and Prof. Dis's of Chil. Jenner Medl. Coll. Medl. am. North Am. Life Assur'e Co. Mem. Am.. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. STTLLIAN, ARTHUR W. (R), 72 Madison. 1 to 2. Central 4161. \V. Chicago Ave. 4 to 6. Monroe 1286. Phys. and Univ. of 111.) '99. Inst, in Dermat. and Ven'l Dis's Coll. of Phys. and Surg. STOBER. ALVIN M. (R), 790 W. Dunning (Logan Square). Hum- boldt 2041. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '01. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Pathol. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Also Prof, of Inter. Med. and Clin. Pathol. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. BTOL, SEBASTIAN (R>, 528 S. Halsted. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '82. Prof, of Medico-Legal Science Reliance Medl. Coll. >TTS, J. H. (H), 1249 W. North Ave. 3 to 4. Humboldt 1720. Res. 1930 Grand Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8. Humboldt 1065. Chic. Homeo. '93. Prof, of Obst. Hering Medl. Coll. Same Natl Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Mem. Reg'l Homeo. Med. Soc. ST< »\VE. HERBERT M. (R), 4433 Lake Ave. 6 to 7 :30 p. m. Oak- land 1824. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) »96. Inst, in vr'e Obstet's N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Obstet'n Prov't and Wesley Hosps. Surg. U. S. Bd. of Pens'n Exam's. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. STRAUSS, SIDNEY (R), 5039 Michigan Ave. 3 to 5. Oakland Medl. Dept. of Harvard '04. Asst. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll, Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. LAWN, JULIA CLARK (H & R), 31 Washington. 10 :30 to 1 :30. Wed. and Sun. by appointment. Res. 4300 Ellis Ave. Hahn. Chic '97. Rush '93. Assoe. Prof, of Gynecol. Hahn. Medl. 11. and Clin. Asst. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., Am. Surgl. and Gynecol. Soc. 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo., Am. Medl., 111. • and Chic. Medl. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 67 STREET, RICHARD H. (H), 100 State. 10 to 1. Central 3596. Res. 416 36th PI. Douglas 4003. Hahn. Chic. '98. Adj. Prof. of Rhinol. and Laryng. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Nose and Throat) Hahn. Hosp. Medl. Dir'r 1st Nat. Bk. Pens'n Dept. Medl. Exam. Sec'y Mut'l Life Ins. Co. Mem. Am. Homeo., Ophthal., Otol. and Laryng. Soc. STUART, JOHN (R), 829 Milwaukee Ave. 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 7. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Prof, of Hygiene and Prev'e Med. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. STUBBS, F. GURNEY (R), 103 State. 10 to 2. Wed. and Sat. 10 to 12. Central 1494. Res. 618 E. 46th PI. Oakland 194. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '93. Inst, in Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. Prof, of Laryng. Chic. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll. Asst. Phys. (Dis's of Throat) Presby'n Hosp. Attg. Phys. S. Side Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Ophthal. and Oto-Laryng'y, Miss. Valley, Tri-State, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryng. and Phys. Club. SUKER, GEO. F. (R), 1704 Kenmore Ave. Graceland 4451. Medl. Dept. Univ. of Mich. '92. Prof, of Dis's of the Eye Post- Grad. Medl. Sch. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Acad, of Med.. Miss. Valley and Phys. Club. SULLIVAN, THOS. J. (R), 4709 Michigan Ave. 1 to 3, 6:30 to 7:30. Oakland 1150. Medl. Dept. Univ. of Mich. '80. Prof. of Surg. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Chief -of -Staff, also Chief of Surg'l Staff, St. Bernard's Hotel Dieu Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl. Assn., Mil'y Surg's Assn. of the U. S., 111. Mil'y Surg's Assn., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. SWAN, C. J. (H), 34 Washington. Central 6317. Hahn. Chic. '90. Prof, of Ophthal. and Otol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Eye and Ear Dept.) Hahn. Hosp. Attg. Surg. (Eye and Ear Dept.) Home for the Friendless. SWEENEY, JOHN S. (R), Palmer House. Ky. School of Med., Louisville, '98. Assoc. Prof, of Surg. Reliance Medl. Coll. SWIFT, GEO. W. (R), 227 W. Adams. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '07. Clin. Asst. in Ophthal. Rush Medl. Coll. Pathol. 111. Char'e Eye and Ear Infirm'y. SWIFT, WM. J. (R), 307 Garfield Ave. 3 to 5, 7 to 8. Wentworth 841. Rush '04. Asst. to the Dean and Assoe. in Med. Rush. Medl. Coll. Assoc. Surg. St. Joseph's Hosp. TALBOT, EUGENE S. (R), 103 State. Central 3160. Res. 198 Goethe. Black 1505. Rush '80. Prof, of Stom'y and Dental Surg. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State., Chic. Medl. and Chic. Acad, of Med. TAYLOR, EDWIN A. (H), 72 Madison. 4 to 5:30. 6102 Normal Ave. Wentworth 934. Hering Medl. Coll. '95. Prof, of Mat. Med. and Clin. Med. Hering Med. Coll. and Hosp. Also Prof. of Mat. Med. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. TAYLOR, J. H. (R), 1410 W. Madison. 4 to 6, 7 to 9 p. m. Sun. by appointment. Kedzie 150. Res. 797 Warren Ave. Seeley 5305. Rush '05. Prof, of Hist'y Jenner Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. TENNEY, A. C. (H), 453 W. 63d. 9 to 10, 7 to 8. Went- worth 489. Res. 6548 LaFayette Ave. Wentworth 172. Hahn. Chic. '95. Adj. Prof, of Pathol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. THOMAS, HENRY B. (R), 103 State. 11 to 12. Central 2073. Res. 6530 Lexington Ave. Hyde Park 3144. N. W. Univ. Med. Sch. '03. Inst, in Clin. Ortho'c Surg. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Asst. Ortho'c Surg. Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol, and Phys. Club. Chicago as a Medical ( TH, FRANK P. (P M), 1*2 State. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Cen- Bd. '99. Prof, of Ophthal'y Coll. of Med. and \m. Physio-Medl. and Chic. Physio-Medl. Socs. (R), 9 Blue Island Ave. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. W. Congress. Monroe 1448. Rush t in Surg. Rush Medl. Coll. and Prof, of Gynecol. 111. wdl. Sch. Attg. Surg-. Cook Co. Hosp. THi I J. (Hi. 31 Washington. 3 to 5. Private Exch. No. 11: \ Clark. 8 to 10, 6 to 8. Lake View 941. Med. '88. Prof, of Surg. Hering Med. Coll. sol. and Sum. Chic. Union Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., I lomeo. Medl. Socs. THORNTON FRANCIS IS. (E), 2235 Milwaukee Ave. 1 to 3. mboldt 4051. Res. 14 59 N. Kimball Ave. Humboldt 1127. Prof, of Therap. and of ^led. Bennett Medl. m. 111. and Chic. Eclec. Medl. Socs. ; FREDERICK (R), 103 State. 1 to 3. Central 4319. Res. \V. Monroe. 7 to 8 p. m. Kedzie 1149. Rush '94. Prof. I the Chest and Asst. Prof, of Clin. Med. Coll. of Phys. Surg Cons. Phys. Cook Co. Hosp. Attg. Robt. Burns and St Anthony's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. :. and Chic Pathol. Socs. \ THEO. (R>. 7 2 Madison. 1 to 3. Central 3 285. Res. Warren Ave. 6:30 to 8 p. m. West 909. Phys. and dniv. of 111.) '99. Asst. Prof, of Med. Rush Medl. Attg. Phys. Cook Co. and Presby'n Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. GEO. A. (R), 103 State. 9:30 to 12. Central 3007. 16 Alice PI. Humboldt 1041. P. and S. New York '89. I'rof. of Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Norwegian Luth'n Deacon's Home and Hosp. Asst. Phys. (Throat Dis's) Presbv'n and Wesley Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl.. 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryngl. and Otol. - andi'n Medl. Soc. TREADWEUU CHAS. H. (R), 6220 Jefferson Ave. 4 to 6. 7 to 8 p. in. Hyde Park 45 79. Harvev Med. Chic. '05. Inst, in tro-Therap. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. IWBRIDGE, E. G. (E), 42 Madison. 9 to 12. Central 32. Res. 343 Bradley PI. Until 8. after 5 p. m. Lake View 6439. Bennett '97. Prof, of Ophthal., Otol.. Rhin. and Larvng. Bennett Medl. Coll. Mem. Nat'l, State and City Eclec. Medl. - TUCKER, HENRY S. (R). 72 Madison. 1 to 4. Central 5020. 164 42d. Oakland 158. Bennett Medl. Chic. '79. Am. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Chic. '04. Prof, and Head of the Dept of Gynecol'y Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Cons'g trg. Cook Co. Hosp. Pres. and Attg. Gvnecol't Frances E. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. TURCK PENTON B. (R), 1820 Michigan Ave. 9 to 12. Calumet X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '91. Dis's of the Stom'h and s Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Cons Phvs. Marion Sims Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. TURLEY, PRANCES C. (R), 1220 N. Clark (N. Chic. Hosp.). Lake \ lew 1374. Wom's Medl. Chic. '95. Asst. in Electro-Therapy Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. TTJTEUR, B. B. (R), 103 State. 3 to 5:30. Central 1019. Res. :: . 11 Grand Blvd. Jefferson Medl., Phil., Pa., '90. Prof, of Med. Reliance .Med. Coll. Lect'r on Hvgiene St. Luke's Hosp. Training Sch. Attg. Phys. St. Luke's Hosp. Cons. Phys. Daily News Sanit'm. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 69 TYLER, HARVEY A. (R), 92 State. 1 to 4:30. Central 6759. Res. 555 Dearborn Ave. North 941. Rush '89. Assoe. Prof. of Anat. Chic. Folic' c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. VAN DYKE, GEO. H. (R), 185 Hastings. 9 to 12, 7 to 8. Canal 2472. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '91. Inst, in Clin. Gynecol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. VAN DERSLICE, J. W. (R), 185 Jackson Blvd. 12 to 3. Harrison 1184. Res. 155 N. 64th. Hyde Park 1389. Rush '93. Inst. in Med. (Dis. of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Med., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. VAN HOOSEN, BERTHA (R), 100 State. 3 to 5. Randolph 345. Res. 4845 Calumet Ave. Oakland 1159. Univ. of Mich. '88. Prof, of Clin. Gynecol. Coll. of Phys. and Surgs. (Univ. of 111.). Gynecol. Prov't Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. VAUGHAN, ELMER E. (H), 31 Washington. 1 to 2. 321 Bel den Ave. 8 to 9, 7 to 8. Lincoln 875. Hahn. Chic. '90. Prof. of Surg. Hahn. Medl. Coll. and Hosp. Pres. and Attg. Surg. Chic. Union Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. VAUGHAN, HERBERT G. (R), 306 N. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park. Oak Park 427. Rush '01. Asst. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. VAUPELL, H. HARRISON (R), 1238 W. Lake. Until 10, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. West 414. Rush '97. Prof, of Obstet. Coll. of Med. and Surg. VENN, W. T. (R), 103 State. 4 to 6. Randolph 1088. Res. Au- rora, 111. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '02. Prof, of Dermat'y Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Clin. Teacher in Genito-Urinary Dis's Reliance Medl. Coll. Mem. Fox River Valley and Chic. Medl. Socs. VERMEREN, CYRILLE (R), 92 State. 3 to 6. Central 1338. Res. 1752 E. Grace. Until 9. Lake View 535. Univ. of Brussels '89. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Chic. '98. Prof. of Psycho-Therap's Reliance Medl. Coll. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. VIERS, JOHN W. (R), 34 Washington. Rush '03. Clin. Asst. in Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. VON DER HEYDT, ROBERT (R), 34 Washington. 9 to 1:30. Central 4836. Res. Oak Park. Phys and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Inst, in Ophthal. Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg, and Asst. Dept. of Ophthal. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Asst. (Eye Dept.) 111. Char'e Eye and Ear Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Ger. Medl. Socs. WADE, CHAS. A. (R), 635 W. Jackson Blvd. 12 to 2, after 7. West 1252. Rush '91. Prof, of Pediat. 111. Medl. Coll. Mem. 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Medl. Socs. WAGGONER, JOHNATHAN E. (E), 3018 Elston Ave. Until 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8. Irving Park 1124. Bennett '02. Prof, of Surg. Bennett Medl. Coll. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WAGNER. G. W. (R), 188 N. Clark. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. North 840. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '99. Asst. Inst, in Laryng. and Rhinol. Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WALKER, S. J. (R). 294 E. Chicago Ave. 11 to 1. North 510. Res. 100 Lincoln Park Blvd. North 242. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '93. Asst. Prof, of Men. and Ner. Dis's Chic. Polic'c. Attg. Phvs. Passav't Mem'l Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State.. Chic. Medl., Chic. Pediat. and Phys. Club. WALKER, WM. H. (R), 6309 Ingleside Ave. 9 to' 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. Hyde Park 254. Res. 6323 Greenwood Ave. Until 9, 6 to 7. Hyde Park 406. Rush. 1900. Assoe. in Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. Chi / Medical Center. w .\: State. 1:30 to 3 Central 2751. I >akland '58. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Pediat N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. aptist Hosp. Cons. Phys. Charity and St. Luke's Hosps. Mem. Am. . Medl. Socs. W \: \\ (R), 1074 X. California Ave. Until 9, 2 to 3, 7 • 314. Rush '97. Asst. Prof, of Surg. Chic. irg. .Mom. 111. State and Chic. Medl. WA X. State. 1 to 2, 7 to 8. North 125. Res. Rush '98. Asst. in Gynecol. Chic. L Modi., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. \Y\i 0. B. (H), Z38 Oakwood Blvd. Hering Medl. Chic. '97. . of Mat. Med. Hahn. Chic. WARNER, WM. B. iR), Masonic Temple. 9 to 12. Nat. Medl. Hosp. '02. Prof, of Electro-Therap. Nat. Medl. l'ni\ . : od Hosp. JAS, M. (R). 100 State. 10:30 to 12:30. Central \. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '99. Inst, in Med. Rush Medl. 3. Presby'n Hosp. (E), 1123 W. 59th. Until 10, 1 to 3. Went- worth 1366. Bennett '05. Inst, in Pediat. Bennett Medl. WATERMAN, BIG. FRANKLIN (R), 19 S. California Ave. Until Ogden 2681. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '05. Prof. Orthop. Surg, and Med. Life Insur. Coll. of Med. and g. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WATKINS, THOS. J. (R), 103 State. 11 to 1. Central 1065. Res. 356 1 Grand Blvd. Douglas 266. Bellevue Hosp. Medl. Coll. *86. Clin. Prof, of Gynecol. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Attg. aecol. Mercy, Wesley and St. Luke's Hosps. Mem. Am. Am. Gynecol., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Gynecol., Pathol, and Phys. Club. W.\ AVTON E. (R.), 2431 Dearborn. Student Instr'r in i. X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. WEATHERSON, JOHN (R), 103 State. 2 :30 to 5. Central 861. J739 Prairie Ave. 8 to 9, 6 to 7:30 p. m. Douglas 39. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) 1900. Adj. Prof, of Phys'l Dlagr'8 and Inst, in Sr. Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. M< .11.. Am. Acad, of Science, 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. ol. and Phys. Club. A.VER, GEO. H. (R), 513 Washington Blvd. West. 149. Rush 3oe. of Pathol. Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. (Con- I Cook Co. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. . Pathol. Socs. A. T. (R), 42 Madison. 2 to 4. Res. 8712 Vincennes Until !), 6 to 9. p. m. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. '07. Prof. Prac. of Med. Nat. Medl. Univ. and Hosp. Mem. Chic. Soe. &EO. W. (R), 70 State. 1 to 3, except Sun. Central Res. 11 6 36th. Douglas 1105. Chic. Med. '82. Pres. Illinois State Board of Health. Cons'g Phys. Michael Reese Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. CI WTJ1 N C. (R), 100 State. 2 to 4. Central 1204. Res. ie PL North 1200. Univ. of Edinburgh, Scot, '88. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Obstet. and Gvnecol. Rush Coll. Cons'g Obstet. Chic. Maty Home. Cons'g Phys. ll'a Mem'l and Passavant Mem'l Hosps. Attg. Obstet. and aecol. Presby'n and St. Joseph's Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol. Socs. Chicago as a Medical Center. 71 WEBSTER, RALPH W. (R), 100 State. 9 to 1. Central 556. Res. 5211 Jefferson Ave. Hyde Park 504. Rush '98. Asst. Prof. of Pharmacol'l Therap's Rush Medl. Coll. Pathol'l Chem't Cook Co. Hosp. Mem. Am. Assn. of Pathol't and Bacter't, Am. Assn. for the Advan't of Science, Am. Soc. of Biol'l Chem't, Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Pathol., Miss. Valley, Tri-State, Ger. Med. and Phys. Club. WEBSTER, W. H. (R), 100 State. Detroit Coll. of Med. '89. Prof. of Electro-Therap's Reliance Medl. Coll. Prof, of Genito- Urin'y Dis's 111. Coll. of Electro-Therap's. Attg. Phys. Ger.- Am. Hosp. WEIRICK, C. A. (H), 42 Madison. 11 to 1. Central 32. Res. 578 W. Madison. 8 to 9, 4 to 5, 7 to 8. Monroe 3120. Hahn. Chic. '76. Prof, of Sanitary Science Hahn. Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. Cons'g Phys. Foundlings' Home. WELFELD, JOSEPH (R), 279 Dearborn. 2 to 4. Harrison 2671. Res. 727 Grand Ave. Humboldt 1577. 111. Medl. Coll. Chic. '98. Prof, of Dermat'y Reliance Medl. ^oll. Inst, in Der- mat'y Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. Dermat't St. Mary's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WELLS, HARRY G. (R), University of Chicago. Rush '98. Asst. Prof, of Pathol, and Dean in Medl. Work Rush Medl. Coll. Attg. Phys. Baptist Hosp. WENTZ, HERBERT B. (R), 242 Robey. 2 to 5. 6 to 8. West 2255. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '05. Prof, of Chem'y Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WEST. JOHN C. (R), 936 N. Halsted. 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Lincoln 926. Rush '02. Assoe. in Med. (Dis. of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WEST, OSSIAN J. (R), 126 State. 8 to 5. Central 6239. Medl. Dept. Willamette Univ., Oregon, '89. Prof, of Pathol'y and Bacter'l Chic. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Bacter't Chic. Labor'y. WEST, STEPHEN G. (R), 103 State. 2 to 4:30. Central 1019. Res. 1937 Kimbark Ave. Edgewater 32. Rush '90. Prof, of Gynecol. 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Adj. Prof, of Gynecol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Attg. Gynecol. West Side Hosp. Mem. Am. Med., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Phys. Club. WEST, WM. B. (R), 72 Madison. 2 to 4. Central 347. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '06. Inst, in Ophthal. and Otol. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. WESTMAN, CARL (R), 92 State. 11 to 3. Central 5280. Branch Office and Gymnasium "The Plaza," North Clark, Cor. North Ave., Suite 100. 9 to 11. North 976. Bennett '98. Royal Gym'm Cent'l Inst., Stockholm, Sweden, '03. Inst, in Medl. Gymnastics Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WHALEN, CHAS. J. (R), 34 Washington. 3 to 5. Sun 10 to 12. Central 2415 and 2436. Res. 1150 Granville Ave. Until 9, 7 to 8 p. m. Edgewater 2680. Rush '91. Asst. Prof, of Dis. of the Chest and of Laryng. and Otol. Rush Medl. Coll. and Inst, in Genito-Urinary Dis. Chic. Polic'c. Cons'g Phys. St. Joseph's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Med., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Chic. Laryng., Chic. Pathol, and Climat. Socs. WHEELER, RALPH H. (E), 126 State. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Cen- tral 4202. Bennett Medl. Coll. Chic. '89. Prof, of Emerg'y Surg. Reliance Medl. Coll. WHITE, E. T. (H), 774 E. 47th. 8 to 9. 1 to 2, 6 to 7. Oakland 238. Homeo. Hosp. Coll., Clev'd, '83. Assoe. Prof, of Prac. Hering Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. MedL Socs. a Medical d titer. 396 S. Halsted. Until 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 8 irg. (Univ. of 111) '04 Prof, of nd Surg. Also Prof, of Anat. 111. Post- Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. WH 12 to 1. Randolph 345. Res. Midway 4 IS. W om s Medl. Chic. 92. t-Grad. Medl. Sch. WHITE MART B. (R), 100 State, 11 to 12. Randolph 3 45. Res. Lve. Douglas 1316. Dept. of Med. Univ. of in Gynecol. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Chic. Medl. Socs. WHITMAN', P. s. (in. Belvidere, 111. Hahn. Chic. '72. Prof, of (11. Coll. WTELAND, PRANK (H), 70 Ctate. 3 to 5. Central 5984. At 13 Michigan Ave. S to 9, 7 to 8 p. m. Oakland 2076. Her- Ing hie. '96. Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. . Cell. Attg. Surg. Genito-Urinary Dis's Baptist Mem. Am. Inst, of Homeo., 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. WIENER, A. C. (R), 100 State. 2 to 5. Central 1821. Res. 1523 Univ. of Leipzig, Ger., '86. Sec. and irg. 111. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Attg. Surg. W. Side Hosp. Mem. Am. and Miss. Valley Medl. Assns., 111. State and Chic Medl. Socs. WIGGIN, TWING B. (R), 100 State. 1 to 4. Randolph 345. Res. I takland 7:!<>. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '86. 's Coll. of Phvs. and Surg. Prof, of In- rnal Med. Phys'l Diag's 111. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Attg. PI. side Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. Jlub. WILDER, LOREN (R), Masonic Temple. Rush '01. Clin. Inst. Coll. WILDER, YVM. II. (R), 103 State. 10 to 1. Central 1065. Res. Hyde Park 4S20. Med. Coll. of Richmond, Va., '84. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Ophthal'v Rush Medl. Prof, of Ophthal'y Chic. Policlinic. Ophthal't Chic. Cons. Ophthal't Chil. Mem' 1 Hosp. and Home 3t'e Crip'd Chil. Attg. Phys. CEye Dept.) 111. Char'e !ar Infir'y. Sec. and Attg. Phys. (Dis. of Eye) v'n Hosp. Mom. Am. Medl., Am. Ophthal'l. Miss. Val- ley, Am, Acad, of Ophthal'v and Otol'v, 111. State. Chic. Medl., Chic. Ophthal'l, Chic. Pathol'l, Chic. Neurol'l and Phys. Club. WILKINSON, CARL H. (R), 785 W. Madison. 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 4 to 6. • 1633. Am. Cull, of Med. and Surg. Chic. '04. Inst, in Med. ( .of Med. and Surg. Phys. Frances E. Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl.. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WILL 11 <\ . Tacoma Bldg. 12 to 4. Main 2310. Res. 1805 Sheridan Rd. Edgewater 276. N. W. Union Medl. Sch. '92. Asst Inst, of Surg. Chic. Polic'c. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State < M .ir. Medl. S WILLIAMS. HUGH BLAKE (R), 100 State. 9 to 1, 4:30 to 5:30. il 4819. Medl. Dept. L T niv. of Louisiana '84. V.-Pres. and Prof, nf Ophthal. and Hvgiene 111. Medl. Coll. Asst. Surg. LI. Eye and Ear Infir'y. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. !hic. Medl. and Chic. Medl. Exam's Assn. Chicago as a Medical Center. 73 WILLIAMSON, CHAS. E. (R), 103 State. 9 to 11. Central 2073. Res. 515 Dearborn Ave. By appointment. Medl. Coll. of Ohio, Cincinnati, '96. Prof, of Clin. Med. and Assoe. Prof, of Med. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. Prof, of Dis's of the Stomach Chic. Polic'c. Consg. Phys. Cook Co. Attg. Phys. Evang'l Deaconess' Home and Hosp. Attg. Phvs. St. Eliz- abeth's Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic/ Medl., Chic. Pathol., Ger. Medl. and Phys. Club. WILSON, WM. L. (R), 5533 Monroe Ave. 3 to 5, 7 to 8. Hvde Park 42. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '96. Asst. Prof, of Med. Rush Medl. Coll. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WILSON, W. HENRY (H), 3129 Rhodes Ave. Until 8:30, 12:30 to 2, 6 :30 to 8. Sun. by appointment. Douglas 1498. Hahn. Med. Chic. '98. Registrar and Prof, of Pathol, and Bacter'y Hahn. Medl. Coll. Pathol't Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst, 111. Homeo. and Chic. Homeo. Medl. Socs. WINDELL, ULYSSES G. (R), 940 W. Madison. 11 to 12, 2 to 4. West 737. Res. 923 W. Monroe. West 142. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '94. Clin. Asst. in Surg. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. WINNE, CHAS. W. (R), 92 State. 12 to 2. Mon., Wed. and Frid. Central 3746. Res. 869 Walnut. Until 8, 10:30 to 11:30 and 5 to 8. Kedzie 1375. Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '03. Inst, in Skin, and Ven'l Dis's and Clin'l Asst. in Med. 111. Medl. Coll. Assoe. Prof, of Dermat. Bennett Medl. Coll. Clin. Teacher in Genito-Urinary Dis's Reliance Medl. Coll. Mem. 111. State and Chic. Medl. Socs. WIPPERN, A. G. (R), 100 State. 2 to 6. Central 1323. Phys. and Surg., N. Y., '92. Prof, of Otol. and Rhino-Laryng. Mat. Med. and Chem'y Reliance Medl. Coll. Prof, of Ophthal'y Chic. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Coll. WOELFEL, ALBERT (R), University of Chicago. Univ. of Leip- zig, Ger., '02. Inst, in Phys'y Medl. Dept. Univ. of Chic. WOLFE, JOSEPH G. (R), 72 Madison. 2 to 4. Central 5020. Res. 95 Laflin. Until 8:30, 6 to 7:30 p. m. Monroe 1449. Rush '90. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Pedia's Chic. Coll. of Med. and Surg. V.-Pres. and Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Chil'n) Willard Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pediat. Socs. WOOD. CASEY A. (R), 72 Madison. 10 to 4. Central 1071 or • Central 1897. Univ. of Bishop's Coll., Montreal, '78. McGill Univ. '06. Prof, of Ophthal'y and Otol'y N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Cons'g Phys. (Dis's of the Eye) Cook Co. and Passa- vant Mem'l Hosps. Attg. Phys. (Dis's of Eye and Ear) Wesley, St. Luke's and Chic. Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Acad, of Ophthal., Am. Acad, of Med., Chic. Medl., Chic. Ophthal., Chic. Neurol. Socs. Editor "Annals of Ophthalmol- ogy" and "Ophthalmic Record." WOOD, FRED W. (H), 3901 Cottage Grove Ave. 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8. Sun. 10 to 12. Doug. 762. Res. 3758 Ellis Ave. Doug. 3087. Hahn. Med. Chic. '99. Prof, of Neurol. Hahn. Medl. Coll. Neurol. Hahn. Hosp. Mem. Am. Inst., 111. Homeo., Chic. Homeo. and Clin. Soc. of Hahn. Hosp. WOOD, NATHAN E. (P M), 617 LaSalle Ave. Lincoln 2493. Ben- nett '78. Prof, of Princ. and Prac. and Surg, and Surg'l Path'y Coll. of Med. and Surg. Pres. and Med. Dir'r Chris'n Hosp. Mem. Am. Assn. of Physio-Med. Phys. and Surg.. Chic. Ass'n of Physio-Med. Phys. and Surg. WOODS, B. L. (R), 175 Park Ave. 9:30 to 2:30. West 69. Res. 407 43d Ave. Until 9. 4:30 to 8. Kedzie 1485. Coll. of Phys. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '06. Prof, of Phys'l Diag's Coll. of Med. and Surg. al Center, ,,i.i. IN T. (R), Rush Medical Coll. Inst in Med. ;.|l t. (P dison. Until 8, 12 to 2, 5 to 8. Medl. Chic. '06. Inst in Anat Coll. of 111.). Mem. 111. State and Chic. u I.\ - II I R), 156 Center. 3 to 4, 7 to 8. Lincoln Sheridan Rd. Until 10, 4 to 7. Edgewater 33o8. (Univ. of 111.) '06. Inst, in Hist'y, Biol'y II. of Bhys. and Surg. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. i Chic Medl. S TARROS RACHELLE S. (R), '""State. 10 to 11. Randolph 345. Monroe 644. Wom's Med., Pa., '93. Prof. >e. Prof, of Obst. Coll. of Phys. and iv. of 111.). Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. IAS V. (R), 890 W. 21st. 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8. \". W. Univ. Medl. Sen. '05. Inst, in Oper'e Surg. I. Of Ph: irg. (Univ. of 111.). Mem. 111. and Chic. D. WEBSTER (H), Gross Medl. Coll., Denver, Col., '98. tro-Therap. and Assoe. Prof, of Anat. Hering nd Hosp. rOl 3EPHINE E. (R). 72 Madison. 3 to 5. Central 1678. 71 Park Ave. Ashland 4163. Wom's Med. Chic. '96. In Med- (Dis. of Chil.) Rush Medl. Coll. Asst. Attg. ;ho'c Surg. Home for Dest'e Crip'l Chil'n. Asst. Phys. s of Chil.) Presby'n Hosp. Mem. Chic. Medl. Soc. VI'! ALBERT B. (R), 72 Madison. 11 to 1. Central 2508. 539 Indiana Ave. Until 9. Evening by Appointment. Oakland 2104. N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. '06. Clin. Asst. of \'< r. and Mental Dis's N. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Assoc. Neurol. Chio. Post-Grad. Medl. Sch. Assoc. (Dis's of Chil.) United Hebrew Charat's Disp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State and Chic. Medl. Soc ZAPPFE. FRED C. (R), 100 State. 3 to 5. Central 2067. Res. Lexington Ave. Kedzie 1386. Phvs. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.) '96. Inst, in Clin. Surg. Coll. of Phvs. and Surg. (Univ. of 111.). Attg. Surg. Chic. Hosp. Mem. Am. Medl., 111. State, Chic. Medl. and Chic. Pathol'l Socs. JNSKI, WALTER VON (E), 412 Fulton. Inst, in Anat. Ben- nett Medl. Coll. [SLER, JOSEPH (R), 100 State. 10 to 1. 2 to 4. Central CJnlv. of Vienna '82. Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's X. W. Univ. Medl. Sch. Cons'g Dermat't Michael Reese and Home for Dest'e Crip'd Chil'n. Attg. Dermat't and Wesley Hosps. Mem. Am. Medl., Am. Dermat'l, Dermafl Soc. of Ger'y and Vienna, Internat'l Cong., 111. State, Chic. Medl., Medico-Legal and Phys. Club. ZETP, K ROBERT (R), 2421 Dearborn. 10 to 6. Calumet 1666. 4
. MATHEWS, Ph.D., Prof, of Physiol'l Chem., Univ. , • i ■ ;,. ki.w EIDAN, Ph.D., Prof, of Bacter., Univ. of Chic. R BENSLBT, A.B., M.B., Prof, of Anat, Univ. of Chic. \K R LILLIE, Ph.D., Prof, of Embry'y, Uniy. of Chic. CHARLES J HJERRICK, Ph.D., Prof, of Neur'y, Univ. of Chic. ik\M \V SIPPY, Prof, of Med. ; i i VM H WILDER, Prof, and Head of the Depart, of Opthal'y. ED \ -I'NT, Prof, of Path'y. ,11. W. GRAHAM, Clin'l Prof, of Surg. WILLIAM T. BELFIELD, Asso'e Prof, of Surg. Jul IN EDWIN RHODES, Coll. Hist'n ; Asso'e Prof, of Dis. of the aryng. and Otol. I'M WLLL J. SENN, Ass'e Prof, of Surg. »RGE II. WEAVER, Ass'e Prof, of Path'y. IT, Asso'e Prof, of Med. (Dis's of Chil n). HERBERT X. McCOY, Ph.D., Asso'e Prof, of Phy'l Chem. IMAR KOCH, Ph.D., Asso'e Prof, of Pharma'y. RUDOLPH W. HOLMES, Ass'e Prof, of Obst's and Gynec'y. \LY Kill, Ass'e Prof, of Med. (Ner's and Men'l Dis's). SALISBURY, Ass't Prof, of Chem. (OjBERT 1. LOUFFLEUR, Ass't Prof, of Surg. BIRD M« -P. L1XXELL, Ass't Prof, of Physi'y and of Med. ►B A. I'ATTON, Ass't Prof, of Surg. (Genito-urinary). CHARLES J. W1IALEN, Ass't Prof, of Dis's of the Chest, and of tnd Otol. HARRY G. WELLS, Ass't Prof, of Path'y; Dean in Med. Work, . of Chic. JAMES C. GILL, Ass't Prof, of Med. DAVID LINGLE, Ph.D., Ass't Prof, of Physi'y. PRESTON KYES, Ass't Prof, of Exper'l Path'y. JOSEPH L. MILLER, Ass't Prof, of Med. CH \LLLS A. PARKER, Ass't Prof, of Anat'y and of Surg. WILLIAM J. BUTLER, Ass't Prof, of Med. (Dis's of Chil.). MILL L. SLAYMAKER, Ass't Prof, of Med. I'll A. LAPPS, Ass't Prof, of Med. PRANK S. CHURCHILL, Ass't Prof, of Med. (Dis's of Chil.). • I T. FREER, Ass't Prof, of Laryng'y and Otol. JOJ!X L. WILSON, A.M., M.B., Ass't Prof, of Anot, Univ. of Chic. J. CARLSON, Ph.D., Ass't Prof, of Physi'y, Univ. of Chic. iRGE WASHINGTON HALL, Ass't Prof, of Med. JAMES A. HARVEY, Ass't Prof, of Med. ALBERT B. KEYES, Ass't Prof, of Obst's and Gyne'y. CHARLES M. CHILD, Ph.D., Ass't Prof, of Zoology, Univ. of Chic. PRANK W. LYNCH, M.D., Ass't Prof, of Obst. and Gyne'y. WJLL1AM L. WILSON, Ass't Prof, of Med. THEODORE TILKEN, Ass't Prof, of Med. NORMAN MacLEOD HARRIS, M.B., Ass't Prof, of Bacter'y, Univ. of l il< WARD T. RICKETTS, Ass't Prof, of Path'y, Univ. of Chic. WILLIAM L. TOWER, S.B., Ass't Prof, of Embry'y, Univ. of Chic. [UEL A. MATTHEWS, Ass't Prof, of Exper'l Therap's, Univ. of : A. TORRISON, Ass't Prof, of Laryng'y and Otol. BROWX PLSEY, Ass't Prof, of Opthal'y and Inst'r in the Path'y of the Eye. Chicago as a Medical Center. 77 GEORGE E. SHAMBAUGH, Ass't Prof, of Laryng'y and Otol. and Inst'r in the Anat. of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. DEAN DeWITT LEWIS, Ass't Prof, of Surg. OLIVER S. ORMSBY, Ass't Prof, of Skin, Genito-urinary, and Ven'l Dis's. PETER BASSOE, Ass't Prof, of Path'y and of Med. (Nervous and Mental Dis's). LAWRENCE RYAN, Ass't Prof, of Surg. THOR ROTHSTEIN, Ass't Prof, of Med. (Nervous and Mental Dis's). EDWIN V. L. BROWN, Ass't Prof, of Opthal'y. JAMES M. NEFF, Ass't Prof, of Surg. EDWIN W. RYERSON, Ass't Prof, of Surg. (Orthopedic). CHARLES J. ROWAN, Ass't Prof, of Surg. BASIL C. H. HARVEY, A.B., M.B., Ass't Prof, of Anat., Univ. of Chic. RALPH W. WEBSTER, Ass't Prof, of Pharmac'l Therap's and In- st'r in Med. WARREN H. HUNTER, Ass't Prof, of Medico-legal Path'y. CHARLES E. PADDOCK, Ass't Clin. Prof, of Obst's. JOHN C. HESSLER, Ph.D., Inst'r in Chem'y, Univ. of Chic. EDWARD B. HUTCHINSON, Inst'r in Med. JAMES W. VANDERSLICE, Inst'r in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). MORLEY DeCOSTA BATES, Inst'r in Med. EMANUEL FRIEND, Instructor in Surgery. JOSEPHINE E. YOUNG, Inst'r in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). WILLIAM SENN, Instructor in Surgery. PHILLIP P. S. DOANE, Instructor in Surgery. THOMAS B. FREAS, A.B., Curator of the Chem'l Labor's, Univ. of Chic. ALEXANDER F. STEVENSON, Instructor in Medicine. JULIA D. MERRILL, Inst'r in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). STEVEN E. DONLON, Instructor in Surgery. ERNEST L. McEWEN, Inst'r in Skin, Genito-urinary, and Ven'l Dis's. WILLIAM A. QUINN, Inst'r in Skin and Venereal Diseases. ALEXANDER C. SOPER, JR., Inst'r in Med. JAMES M. WASHBURN, Inst'r in Medicine. MOSES M. PORTIS, Instructor in Medicine. JOSEPH C. FRIEDMAN, Instructor in Medicine. - EDWARD C. ROSENOW, Inst'r and Dane Billings Fellow in Med. GEORGE F. THOMPSON, Instructor in Surgery. REUBEN, M. STRONG, Ph.D., Inst'r in Zoology, Univ. of Chic. LUDWIG M. LOEB, Instructor in Medicine. ELMER L. KENYON, Inst'r in Laryng'y and Otology. F. GURNEY STUBBS, Inst'r in Laryng'y and Otology. JOHN L. JACQUE, Instructor in Medicine. CAREY CULBERTSON, Instructor in Obstetrics. FRANK MASON, Inst'r in Chem., Mat. Med., and Toxi'y. ROLLIN T. WOODYATT, Inst'r in Med., Rush Med'l Coll. ALBERT WOELFEL, Inst'r iln Phys'y, Univ. of Chic. WILBER E. POST, Instructor in Medicine. EDITH E. BARNARD, Ph.D., Inst'r in Chem., Univ. of Chic. HUGO AD OLDENBORG, G.D., Instructor in Therapeutics. ROBERT J. GAY, Instructor in Therapeutics. DAVID FISKE, Instructor in Laryngology and Otology. LORENZO N. GROSVENOR, Instructor in Opthal'y. ROBERT H. HERBST, Inst'r in Surgery (Genito-urinary). ERNEST E. IRONS, Instructor in Medicine. JOHN RITTER, Instructor in Medicine. WILLIAM B. FEHRING, Inst'r in Obst's and Gyne'y. JOHN B. ELLIS, Instructor in Opthalmology. ANDREW F. McLEOD, Ph.D., Inst'r in Chem., Univ. of Chic. Chicago as a Medical & nter. . Insfr in Phys'y, Univ. of Chic, i; KILL Ph.D., Instructor in Anatomy, Univ. of Chic. ; K\SMUSSON, Clin. Inst, in Obst's and Gyne'y. iMGREN, Ass'e in Therap's and Prev'e Med. B HOLMES, A.B., Ph.D., Asse. in Chem., Univ. of Chic. DIAMOND, Ass'e in Medicine. -MALL. Associate in Medicine, u W | \,-|; f. GROSVENOR, Oss'e in Obst's and Gyne y. >ICK 1 BROWN, Ass'e in Laryng'y and Otology. ate in Medicine. . H. DUNN, Asso'e in Med. and in Anatomy, Univ. of WILLIAM H. WALKER, Associate in Medicine. SMITH, Associate in Surgery. C J. FRANKLIN, Ass'e in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). I'll II. oTRADOVEC, Associate in Medicine. SHELFORD, Ph.D., Associate in Zoology, Univ. of • m,i_ . I • ** * DANIEL R BROWER, JR., Asso'e in Therap's and in Med. THOMAS W. LEWIS, Asso'e in Laryng'y and Otology. ►N A. FUIEDBERG, Ass'e in Laryng'y and Otology. RO] HEIN, Ass'e in Laryng'y and Otology. KELLOGG SPEED, Associate in Surgery. :L B. PA VIS, Associate in Surgery. OSCAR T. KOBERG, Associate in Surgery. WILLIAM G. LEE, Associate in Obstetrics and Gynec'y. \ K W. ALLIN, Asso'e in Med. (Diseases of Children). WILLIAM J. SWIFT, Ass't to the Deans and Ass'e in Med. ; W. BOOT, Ass'e in Laryng'y and Otology. FRANCIS A. LANE, Ass'e in Opthal'y. JOHN C. WEST, Ass'e in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). 'AR RIDDLE, Ph.D., Ass'e in Exper'l Therap's, Univ. of Chic. HERMAN I. SCHLESINGER, Ph.D., Ass'e in Chem., Univ. of Chic. MUEL C. RAIFORD, Ass'e in Chem., Univ. of Chic. ERNEST ANDERSON, S.M., Ass'e in Chem., Univ. of Chic. WILLIAM J. M. CUNNINGHAM, Clin. Ass'e in Skin and Ven'l MARY JOHNSTONE, Clin. Ass'e in Obstet. and Gynec'y. \ L 'TOR L. SCHRAGER, Assistant in Surgery. MKHAEL L. GALLAGHER, Assistant in Medicine. BATHENA COONE, Assistant in Med. (Diseases of Chil.). . SIGMUND KRUMHOLZ, Ass't in Med. (Nerv. and Ment. Dis's). MART HEFFERAN, Ph.D., Ass't and Curator of the Bacter'l Mu- I niv. of Chic. IDE THOMPSON, Ass't in Therap's, Rush Med. Coll. SARAH BENEDICT, Ass't in Therap's, Rush Med. Coll. JOHN SUNDWALL, Ph.D., Ass't in Anatomy (Summer Quarter, 5), Univ. of Chic. DALLAS B. PHEMISTER, Assistant in Surgery. FINDLEY JOHN, Assistant in Medicine. JAMES R. GREER, S.B., Ass't in Physiology, Univ. of Chic. PAUL G. HEINEMANN, Ph.D., Ass't in Bacte'y, Univ. of Chic. AXK A. ST. SURE, S.B., Assistant in Anatomy, Univ. of Chic. HERMAN L. KRETSCHMER, Assistant in Surgery. J«)HX P. GRIMES, Assistant in Surgery. PAUL OLIVER, Assistant in Surgery. HFC 1 1 J. POLKEY, Assistant in Surgery. E W. MOSHER, Ass't in Laryng'y and Otol. LEWIS W. BREMERMAN, Ass't in Surgery (Genito-urinary). (, E H. CAMPBELL, Assistant in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). HERBERT H. BUNZEL, S.B., Ass't in Physiol'l Chem., Univ. of Chic. Chicago as a Medical Center. JOHN T. PATTERSON, S.B., Assistant in Zoology, Univ. of Chic. FRANK R. MORTON, Assistant in Surgery. THEO. DROSDOWITZ, Ass't in Surg. (Gen.-Urin.). MAURICE BRAUDE, Ass't in Med. (Ner. and Men. Dis's). MARIA B. MAVER, Ass't in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). HORACE M. FRANCIS, Ass't in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). GEORGE HALPERIN, Assistant in Medicine. SIDNEY STRAUSS, Assistant in Medicine. MARTIN I. OLSEN, Assistant in Medicine. WILLIAM L. PORTERFIELD, Assistant in Medicine. HERBERT G. VAUGHAN, Ass't in Med. (Dis's of Chil.). GEORGE G. DAVIS, Assistant in Surgery. HERBERT A. POTTS, Assistant in Surgery. ALFRED H. FOWLER, Ass't in Laryng. and Otol. JAMES PATTERSON, S.B., Ass't in Anat., Univ. of Chic. ELBERT CLARK, S.B., Ass't in Anat., Univ. of Chic. FRANK C. BECHT, S.B., Ass't in Physi'y, Univ. of Chic. RALPH E. SHELDON, A.M., Ass't in Anat., Univ. of Chic. ROBERT E. BUCHANAN, S.M., Ass't in Bacter'y, Univ. of Chic. . FREDERICK EPPLEN, Assistant in Medicine. ELLIS K. KERR, Assistant in Medicine. FRANKLIN C. McLEAN, Ass't in Pharma'v, Univ. of Chic. JOHN W. VIERS, Clin. Ass't in Laryng. and Otol. EARL BALL, Mechan'l Ass't in Physi'y, Univ. of Chic. WALTER P. McGIBBON, Clin. Ass't in Laryng. and Otol. ERNEST W. POTTHOFF, Clin. Ass't in Dermat'y. ARTHUR N. MACKEY, Clin. Ass't in Dermat'y. HENRY P. BAGLEY, Clin. Ass't in Laryng. and Otol. ALBERT N. OYEN, Clin. Ass't in Laryng'y and Otol. WILLIAM A. PRICE, Clin. Ass't in Laryng. and Otol. BENJAMIN F. HODSDEN, Clin. Ass't in Opthal. ARTHUR P. HUNNEMAN, Clin. Ass't in Opthal. JOHN V. KOCH, Clin. Ass't in Opthal. GEORGE W. SWIFT, Clin. Ass't in Opthal. GUY C. KINNAMAN, Clin. Ass't in Skin and Ven'l Dis's. EVARTS A. GRAHAM, Fellow in Surg., Presby'n Hosp. DAVID N. ROBERG, Fellow in Path'y, Rush Med. Coll. Cft icagfo a* a Mxiirui Cento r. s i — — s -r . c cu §g e-S |&! ^« o -,« -z- - 7 I CM - p. CO «o ■^ -4" Q £-* 5 == iii E-H 91 e CO T3 «a O >* sjg i o g • 2 5 co Cft nd >• K ? S-t"-.® - S = » "B — ~ — 1 > d g ffl® TK . ' «3 S fl — T - — ~ - — C5 CM CM SI ^CM pc?<5 o ==-:~v^ go J& *o CM i 2 _ -* "^ O - r.~= ST 3 4o 4 <*» CM 88T3 g - Sj| ^ -< a - ■s § -; • ~~ as -• — ~-> - — 00 ~ CM «E a * o o -- T = = ~ X d } -■- = o CD tt2^ 2^2 O CO CM - CO o o u, — o 111 JO 1 6 >* O ~~ ~ — - o o ^2o | C |o -o o ■ o o» _o o © z © a a en >» a _o o o • c >l a c © o z o >< cat O o E « JZ Q. o © ©s ■« s «Q c en >» «5 .t;c« c © Chicago as a Medical Center. 81 College of Physicians and Surgeons West 121. Congress and Honore Streets. Organized in 1882. Now the College of Medicine of the Univer- sity of Illinois. Frank B. Earle, M. D., Secretary. Year Commences Sept. 2 2d, r 09, and Closes June 8th, '10. The College of Medicine of the University of Illinois is located on the corner of Congress and Honore streets, Chicago, in the heart of the medical quarters of the city. It was founded in the year 1882 by a number of representative physicians and surgeons. In 1892 the College had a thorough reorganization, and erected a commodious laboratory building, the first building exclusively for laboratory purposes erected by any medical institution in the West. Since that time it has grown with steadiness and rapidity. It became the Medical Department of the University in April, 1897. The College buildings occupy three-fourths of a city block lying between Harrison, Congress, Honore and Lincoln streets, and, for the purposes of medical education, are among the best in the United States. The College building is a brick and stone structure two hundred feet long by one hundred and ten feet deep, and five stories high. It fronts on four streets and stands on a lot entirely adequate in size for such a building, so that it is freely supplied with air and light. The general equipment of the building and the special equip- ment of the laboratories are in keeping with the size and character of the building, and may challenge comparison with those of any other school in the country. FACULTY LIST. EDMUND JANES JAMES, Ph.D., LL.D., Pres., Urbana, 111. WILLIAM E. QUINE, Dean, Prof, of Med. and Clin. Med. DANIEL A. K. STEELE, Actuary, Prof, of Clin. Surgery. OSCAR A. KING, Vice Dean, Prof, of Neur'y, Psych'y and Clin. Med. HENRY P. NEWMAN, Prof, of Gynec'y and Clin. Gynec'y. G. FRANK LYDSTON, Prof, of Gen.-Urin'y Sur'y and Ven'l Dis's. JOHN E. HARPER, Prof, of Ophth'y and Clin. Ophth'y. JAS. M. G. CARTER, Prof. Emer. of Clin. Med. HENRY T. BYFORD, Prof, of Gynec'y and Clin. Gynec'y. WILLIAM A. PUSEY, Prof, of Dermat'y and Clin. Dermat'y. THOMAS A. DAVIS, Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. FRANK B. EARLE, Sec'y, Prof, of Pedia's and Clin. Pedia's. FRANCIS R. SHERWOOD, Prof, of Surgery. ADOLPH GEHRMANN, Prof, of Hyg'e and Bacter'y. WILLIAM M. HARSHA, Prof, of Clin. Surg. MAURICE L. GOODKIND, Prof, of Clin. Med. FRANK E. WYNEKOOP, Prof, of Bio'y, Hist'y and Embry'y. CARL BECK, Prof, of Surgical Pathology. GEO. P. DREYER, Prof, of Phys'y and Physi'l Chem'y. HARRIS E. SANTEE, Professor of Anatomy. JOHN L. PORTER, Prof, of Ortho'c Surg. ALBERT J. OCHSNER, Prof, of Clinical Surgery. ALEXANDER H. FERGUSON, Prof, of Clinical Surgery. ARTHUR M. CORWIN, Prof, of Physical Diagnosis. CHAS. S. BACON, Prof, of Obstetrics. EDW. F. WELLS, Prof, of Clin. Med. and Asso'e Prof, of Med. CHAS. S. WILLIAMSON, Prof, of Clin. Med. and Asso'e Prof, of Med. BERNARD FANTUS, Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therea's and Ass't Prof, of Clin. Med. WM. L. BALLENGER, Prof, of Laryng'y, Rhin'y and Otology. s ,1 Medical & titer. gf.ifW LOTHERS, B.S., LL.B., Prof, of Medical Jurisp e. of. of Clin'1 Gynecol. S. jfARROS, E>rof. of Clin. Obst s and Ass e Prof, of of the Chest and Asso'e Prof, of \ [SON, Prof, of Sur'y and Clin 1 Sur y. VS J. BURRILL, PI 1'. LL.D., Prof, of Botany. S GRINDLEY, ScD., Prof, of General Chemistry. OWN. Prof, of Clinical Neurology. LI AM PULLER, Prof, of Oper. Sur'y and Adj. Prof, of Clin. > \\ Prof, of Clinical Medicine. TWING B WIGGIN, Prof, of Physical Diagmosis. HKR WENTZ, Prof, of Chemistry. GAMBLE, Prof, of Clin. Ophth'y and Ass'e Prof, of th'y. ROWN LORING, Prof, of Clinical Ophth'y. WILLIAM A. FISHER, Prof, of Clinical Ophth'y. X. EISENDRATH, Prof, of Surgery. O. WHITE, Prof, of Anatomy. CH \- C. O'BYRNE, Ass'e Prof, of Pathol, and Adj. Prof, of Sur'y. >N .METTLER, Ass'e Prof, of Neurology. :!> II. BROWN, Ass'e Prof, of Clin. Laryng., Rhinol. and MARCUS P. HATFIELD. Ass'e Prof, of Clin. Pediatrics. WEST, Adj. Prof, of Gynecology. \M\<; W. HARRETT, Adj. Prof, of Gynec'y and Clin. Gynec'y. EDW. H. OCHSNER, Adj. Prof, of Clinical Surgery. BDW. M. BROWN, Adj. Prof, of Clinical Surgery. • HEINECK, Adj. Prof, of Clinical Surgery. EDWIN G. KARLE, Adj. Prof, of Medicine. CLARENCE B. KING. Adj. Prof, of Neu'y and Psych'y. V J. KKARSLEY, Adj. Prof, of Clin. Gynec'y. BDW. L HEIXTZ, Adj. Prof, of Mat. Med. N J. QUIRK, Adj. Prof, of Ven. Dis's. LUDWIG SIMON, Adi. Prof, of Obstetrics. I)W. HUMISTON, Adj. Prof, of Surgery. JLLA M. GARDNER, Adj. Prof, of Micros'l and Chem'l Diag's. CHAS. E. M. FISCHER, Adi. Prof, of Biol'y, Hist'y and Embry'y. ARTHUR H. BRUMBACK, Adj. Prof, of Gynecol. FREDERICK G. HARRIS, Adj. Prof, of Dermat'y. MARY (r. McEWEN, Adj. Prof, of Clin.- Gynecol. <:< TTFRIED KOEHLER, Adj. Prof, of Clin. Pediat's. ALBERT A. LOWENTHAL, Adj. Prof, of Clin. Neurol. :PH BECK, Clin. Prof, of Laryng., Rhinol. and Otol. WM L. NOBLE, Asso. Clin. Prof, of Ophthal'y. RALPH S. MICHEL, Asso. Clin. Prof, of Med. SSES G. DARLING, Ass't Prof, of Neur'y and Psych'y. FRANK SMITH, A.M., Ass't Prof, of Zoology. AZARIAH T. LINCOLN, Ph.D., Ass't Prof, of Chemistry. FIARD S. CURTISS, Ph.D., Ass't Prof, of Organic Chem. MATHIAS J. SEIFERT. Ass't Prof, of Oper. Surg. EMANUEL O. BENSON, Ass't Prof, of Pediatrics. [RIAM K. FINDLAY, Ass't Prof, of Clin. Ophth'l. rRIETTA r.ol'LD, Inst'r in Otol., Rhinol. and Laryng. L V. BACHELLE, Ass't Prof, of Obstet. ID D. HOLLENBECK, Ass't Prof, of Obstet. WALTER C. JONES, Ass't Prof, of Surg. Pathol. HIAM I. DAVIS, Ass't Prof, of Clin. Psych'y. WALLACE M BURROUGHS, Inst'r in Surg'y. WALDEMAR EBERHARDT, Inst'r in Clin. Med. ROBERT A. SEMPILL, Inst'r in Dermat. and Ven'l Dis's. Chicago as a Medical Center. 83 JOHN M. LANG, Inst'r in Gynecology. JOHN WEATHERSON, Adj. Prof, of Phys'l Diagn's and Inst'r in S'r Med. RACHEL, HICKEY CARR, Inst'r in Surg. JOHN RALPH BALLINGER, Inst'r in Neur'y. ASA N. DeVAULT, Inst'r in Clin. Laryng., Rhinol. and Otol. PHILLIP H. HOLMES, Inst'r in Sr. Med. LOUIS F. ALRUTZ, Inst'r in Obstet. GEORGE A. GARDNER, Inst'r in Medicine. SOLOMON EISENSTAEDT, Inst'r in Medicine. CORNELIUS L. LENARD, Inst'r in Clinical Surgery. WILLIAM A. CLARK, A.B., Inst'r in Chemistry. FREDERIC W. CARPENTER, Ph.D., Inst'r in Zoology. CHARLES F. BRISCOE, A.M., Inst'r in Botany. FRED C. ZAPFFE, Inst'r in Clinical' Surgery. JOHN E. HASKELL, Inst'r in Materia Medica. GEO. J. LORCH, Inst'r in Mat. Med. and Clin. Med. HENRY E. IRISH, Inst'r in Mat. Med. and Therap's. CHAS. H. TREADWELL, Inst'r in Electro Therap's. CARL WESTMAN, Inst'r in Medical Gymnastics. HOWARD O. SHAFER, Inst'r in Gynecol. IRVING H. EDDY, Inst'r in Gynecol. BERNARD M. CONLEY, Inst'r in Psychiatry. SAMUEL J. RUSSELL, Inst'r in Neurol. WILLIAM F. BERNART, Inst'r in Ven'l Diseases. LESTER M. STEARNS, Inst'r in Anatomy. ERIC J. DANEK, Inst'r in Mat. Med. and Therap. JAMES G. CARR, Inst'r in Senior Medicine. EGON W. FISCHMAN, Inst'r in Senior Medicine. GEORGE L. ALT, Inst'r in Medicine. MAURICE LEWISON, Inst'r in Neurol, and Dis's of the Chest. SIEGFRIED JACKSON, Inst'r in Medicine. ARTHUR K. STANGLAND, Inst'r in Senior Medicine. WILLIAM H. CREDE, Inst'r in Diseases of the Chest. JAMES GARRITY, Inst'r in Diseases of the Chest. EMERY R. HAYHURST, Inst'r in Physiol. FRANCIS DEACON, Inst'r in Physiol. MARK T. GOLDSTINE, Inst'r in Obstetrics. FREDERICK H. BLAYNEY, Inst'r in Clinical Surgery. ARTHUR E. PRICE, Inst'r in Clinical Surgery. WILLIAM G. ALLEN, Inst'r in Anatomy. MINA McEACHERN, Inst'r in Anatomy. GEO. H. VAN DYKE, Inst'r in Clinical Gynecology. GILBERT L. BAILEY, Clin. Inst'r in Orthopedic Surgery. ULYSSES G. WINDELL, Clin. Inst'r in Surgery. SVENNING DAHL, Clin. Inst'r in Surgery. THOMAS P. LYNAM, Clin. Inst'r in Orthopedic Surgery. ARTHUR W. STILLIAN, Inst'r in Dermat'y and Ven'l Dis's. CHARLES F. YERGER, Inst'r in Operative Surgery. WILLIAM B. HANELIN, Inst'r in Anatomy. JOSEPH T. WOOF, Inst'r in Anatomy. CHAS. C. CLARK, Inst'r in Clinical Surgery. WILLIAM B. WEST, Inst'r in Ophthal'y and Otol. GILBERT H. WYNECOOP, Inst'r in Hist'y, Biol'y and Embr'y. JOHN R. HARGER, Ass't in Clinical Surgery. JAMES GRAYBEAL, Ass't in Clinical Medicine. EDW. A. CORCORAN, Ass't in Junior Medicine. FRANK J. FARA, Ass't in Clinical Medicine. MARY B. WHITE, Ass't in Gynecology. FRANCIS McCORD, Ass't in Gynecology. ERNEST S. MOORE, Demon'r of Pathology. FRANCIS M. HARRELL, Demon'r of Anatomy. FRANK A. DWIGHT, Ass't Demon'r of Anatomy. ( ■/, .; d Center. * iiai:i;v i >. WHITE, P Anatomy. Prof, of Pathol, and Adj. Prof, of Sur y. RKIS< 'X MliTTLER, Ass'e Prof, of Neurology. ID 11. BROWN, Ass'e Prof, of Clin. Laryng., Rhinol. and HATFIELD, Ass'e Prof, of Clin. Pediatrics. , WEST, Adj. Prof, of Gynecology. \\ . BARRETT, Adj. Prof, of Gynec'y and Clin. Gynec'y. ll. OCHSNJ Prof, of Clinical Surgery. i:i »\\. M. BROWN, Adj. Prof, of Clinical Surgery. Al.Mi: P. HEINECK, Adj. Prof, of Clinical Surgery. EDWIN G. EARLE, Adj. Prof, of Medicine. B. KING, Adj. Prof, of Neu'y and Psych'y. MARY J. KEARSLEY, Adj. Prof, of Clin. Gynec'y. I.. Hi: ii. Prof, of Mat. Med. JOHN J. QUIRK, Adj. Prof, of Yen. Dis's. LUDWIG SIMON, Adj. Prof, of Obstetrics. CHAS. BDW. HLMISTON, Adj. Prof, of Surgery. JLLA M. GARDNER, Adj. Prof, of Micros'l and Chem'l Diag's. (HAS. E. M FISCHER, Adj. Prof, of Biol'y, Hist'y and Embry'y. UK H. BRUMBACIfc Adj. Prof, of Gynecol. FREDERICK <'■■ HARRIS, Adj. Prof, of Dermat'y. « MARY G. McEWEN, Adj. Prof, of Clin. Gynecol. TFRIED KOEHLER, Adj. Prof, of Clin. Pediat's. ALBERT A. LoWEXTHAL, Adj. Prof, of Clin. Neurol. 3EPH. BECK, Clin. Prof, of Laryng., Rhinol. and Otol. WM. L. NOBLE, Asso. Clin. Prof, of Ophthal'y. EtALPH S. MICHEL. Asso. Clin. Prof, of Med. S G. 1 DARLING, Ass't Prof, of Neur'y and Psych'y. FRANK SMITH. A.M., Ass't Prof, of Zoology. A/A KI AH T. LINCOLN, Ph.D., Ass't Prof, of Chemistry. 5 CLRTISS, Ph.D., Ass't Prof, of Organic Chem. MATH IAS J. SEIFERT, Ass't Prof, of Oper. Surg. EMANUEL O. BENSON, Ass't Prof, of Pediatrics. EPHRIAM K. FIXDLAY, Ass't Prof, of Clin. Ophth'l. fRIETTA GOULD, Inst'r in Otol., Rhinol. and Laryng. [L V. BAOHELLE, Ass't Prof, of Obstet. !D D. HoLLENBECK, Ass't Prof, of Obstet. WALTER C. JONES, Ass't Prof, of Surg. Pathol. IIIA.M I. MAVIS. Ass't Prof, of Clin. Psych'y. WALLACE M. BURROUGHS, Inst'r in Surg'v. WALDEMAR EBERHARDT, Inst'r in Clin. Med. ROBERT A. SEMPILL, Inst'r in Dermat. and Ven'l Dis's. JOHN M. LANG, Inst'r in Gynecology. JOHN WEATHERSON, Adj. Prof, of Phys'l Diagn's and Inst'r in Med. RACHEL HICKEY CARR, Inst'r in Surg. N RALPH BALLINGER, Inst'r in Neur'y. ATJLT, Inst'r in Clin. Laryng., Rhinol. and Otol. PHILLIP II. HOLMES, Inst'r in Sr. Med. LOUIS 1\ ALRUTZ, Inst'r in Obstet. GEORGE A. GARDNER, Inst'r in Medicine. ►MON LISLXSTAEDT, Inst'r in Medicine. LNELIUS L. LENARD, Inst'r in Clinical Surgery. WILLIAM A. CLARK, A.B., Inst'r in Chemistry. FREDERIC W. CARPENTER, Ph.D., Inst'r in Zoology. CHARLES P. BRISCOE, A.M., Inst'r in Botany. ZAPFFE> Inst'r in Clinical Surgery. JOHN E. HASKELL, Inst'r in Materia Medica. LORCH, Inst'r in Mat. Med. and Clin. Med. HENRY E. IRISH, Inst'r in Mat. Med. and Therap's. H. TREADWELL, Inst'r in Electro Therap's. :L WESTMAN, Inst'r in Medical Gymnastics. Chicago as a Medical Center. 85 >* OS^-«*< © °? 4 < P P S3 CO « a; ^ o b q ^c c s3 *■• 2 '-' OS >> J8.§ o g P 16 1—1 00 OQ "S f*4 c P < HMlJI l-H 1 ^ ^ o OS'-' os _ g s Pn bb **» o o o o o o ,0.0,0 h3^J p OS 1 »b §1 -S.s c3 « b ij a g 00 >> So Ho h3 c 53 P m P n 5 ^ Cp .13 -£ » CO rH c5i &b MS (3 pq b o ,-|CO o o P m p oo rH ' _l ^O as 8 (=1 cs" 11 |P 03 OS £ -^ o c3 §b ^ o C c3 b o "c3 O c3 "~b 111 «« o P P 1-3 h3 P P o T*1 P S3 >> M P O b^ O 1 0Q IX" ^3 "o P >» o» o Ph E o S c < >» >» o It ■5 >,« >» >i »» a o c o w •-9 « P 03 o 1 JZ a. M 1 O jC o • JC » o o 9 O a O m If 25 o 3 a. 3 E u 86 Chicago as a Medical Center. DCS 2o §-2 „ 3 -Jri J G32 CO c — CO d o c* O s • o c o c • •1 • 3 o b < EC | j 4 1 1| c 3 u C o o d > o < Q 5 g .£-E' s '* < 3 g o ►3 CO COT - w o > X w ro O< o ~o -^co OS - ,_ _j ,j o; o ^h ,_, . 5 c O-S M * flea** ai .2 N O -^ ft> p - ft. Ik o ■BJlllniS S'fr t-i o « .So =3.£ « o 53 ^ |«3 £ a PQP5 53 5 48 3 o 5 III o S O o III c .E c -J -1 o o 1 p (XI o i Si _ id o -1 _o o 3 a> Z >• .5 JS u £ >» o» _o o 8 c >• Jj> .2 • a. Chicago as a Medical Center. 87 < p CO O o 03 a o cj c3 P3 O CO J £ c" OS o J S3 < Q O ►J a Ph oo a ccoo o o c: O So .2 CQ o co cm . SO >> c 2 c -i ►J •< Q CO PS m 03 Q i"i c8.S >HCO oc 00 » o^ ■E.S *- * £ bfl^l-Q >< < Q CO H Sz; c w IN o o pf o O PQ 00 oooo § 2 c 1§ £ &CXS CO CO of M a 2 OS >> o "2 c hQ Q CO H o 03 hQ ef o 1 1 00 CO II ti >-> O 3 5 S pq CO » (Tt 0» o o >» "<« <« E.E °.l E © C3 © XI O O 13 a o .if «« in 49 >» °» ^ o >* c o _l >» a» e o E M x: j= O c a» «J b >. XI 5 Chi licct 6th, '09 and Closes May 24th, '10 In ] School was founded as a department of the Lind \. in 1864 it was reorganized as the Chieago Medical Col- li became affiliated with Northwestern University, in it assumed the name Northwestern University Medical School, • an integral part of the University. FICERS pF MEDICAL SCHOOL. m ARTHUR R. EDWARDS, A.M., M.D. Jr I >• an WINFIELD S. HALL, A.M., M.D. CHAS. LOUIS MIX, A.M., M.D. JAS. CAREY, PH.D, M.D. FACULTY. RAM W. HARRIS, ScD., LL.D., Pres. of the Univ. •NATHAN SMITH DAVIS, Emer. Dean and Prof, of Prin. and Prac. Of M'-d. and of Clin. Med. •EDWARD O. F. ROLER, Prof. Emer. of Obstet. JOHN H. HOLLISTER, Prof. Emer. of Clin. Med. •RALPH X. ISHAM, Prof. Emer. of Surg, and Clin. Surg. •EDMUND ANDREWS, Prof. Emer. of Clin. Surg. PRANK S. JOHNSON, Emer. Dean and Prof, of Med. and of Clin. Med. JOHN H. LONG, M.S., ScD., Prof, of Chem. and Dir'r of the Chem. Labor's. EMILIUS C. DUDLEY, Prof, of Gynec'ol. JOHN !•:. OWENS, Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. WILLIAM E. CASSELBERRY, Prof, of Laryng. and Rhinol. NATHAN S. DAVIS, Prof, of Prin. and Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. EDWARD W. ANDREWS. Prof, of Surg, and Clin. Surg. PRANK T. ANDREWS, Clin. Prof, of Gynecol. J< 'SKI MI ZEISLER, Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's. WILLIAM E. MORGAN, Clin. Prof, of Surg. ARCHIBALD CHURCH, Prof, of Nerv. and Men. Dis's and Med. Jurisp'ce. JOH N RIDLON, Prof, of Ortho'c Surg. WIXIFIELD S. HALL, Prof, of Physi'y (N. S. Davis Professorship) and J'r Dean of the Fac. ARTHUR R. EDWARDS, A.M., M.D., Prof, of Prin. and Prac. of Med. and of Clin. Med. and Dean of the Fac. IEPH B. DE LEE, Prof, of Obstet. :RT B. PREBLE, Prof, of Med. JOHN B. MURPHY, Prof, of the Prin. and Prac. of Surg, and of Clin. Surg. \'K X. WALLS. Clin. Prof, of Pedia's. FREDERICK R. ZEIT, Prof, of Path, and Bacter'y. SAMUEL C. PLUMMER, Prof, of Clin. Surg. W ILLIA.M E. SCHROEDER, Prof, of Surg, and of Clin. Surg. ALBERT K. HALSTEAD, Clin. Prof, of Surg. THo.MAS J. WATKINS, Clin. Trof. of Gvnecol. LESTER B. 1 KAXKENTHAL, Clin. Prof, of Gvnecol. HUGH T. PATRICK, Clin. Prof, of Nerv. and "Men. Dis's. CHARLES L. MIX, Prof, of Phys'l Diag's and Secy, of the Fac. •Deceas* •.]. Chicago as a Medical Center. 89 CASEY A. WOOD, Prof, of Opthal'y and Clin. Prof, of Opthal'y and Otol'y. FRANK ALLPORT, Prof, of Otol'y and Clin. Prof, of Opthal'y and Otol'y. ARTHUR W. MEYER, Prof, of Anat. ALFRED N. RICHARDS, Ph.D., Prof, of Pharmac'y. LOUIS E. SCHMIDT, Clin. Prof, of Genito-Urinary Surg. JAMES M. NEFF, Assoc. Prof, of Surg. CHAR. B. REED, Ass't Prof, of Obstet. CHAR. HILL, Ass't Prof, of Histol. and Embry'y. LUCIUS C. PARDEE, Ass't Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's. CHAR. H. MILLER, Ass't Prof, of Pharmac'y. PETER T. BURNS, Ass't Prof, of Anat. and Dir'r of the Anatom'l Labor'y. FREDERICK MENGE, Ass't Prof, of Laryng'y and Rhin'y. JULIUS GRINKER, Ass't Prof, of Clin. Neurol. CHARLES M. ROBERTSON, Ass't Prof, of Otology. D'ORSAY HECHT, Ass't Prof, of Ner. and Men. Dis's and Med. Jurisp'e. GEORGE P. MARQUIS, Ass't Prof, of Laryng'y and Rhin'y. GEORGE B. DYCHE, Ass't Prof, of Med. PAUL CHESTER, Ass't Prof, of Med. CHARLES A. ELLIOTT, Ass't Prof, of Med. ACHILLES DAVIS, Ass't Prof, of Med. WALTER H. BUHLIG, Ass't Prof, of Clin. Path'y and Libra'n. JOSEPH BRENNEMANN, Ass't Clin. Prof, of Pediat's. ROBERT T. GILLMORE, Ass't Clin. Prof, of Gynec'y. ASSOCIATES. WILLIAM CUTHBERSON, Associate in Gynec'y. WALTER S. BARNES, Associate in Gynec'y. HARRY M. RICHTER, Associate in Surg. FREDERICK A. BESLEY, Associate in Surg. WINFIELD S. HARPOLE, Associate in Med. DAVID F. MONASH, Associate in Obstet. ALLEN B. KANAVEL, Associate in Surg. THOMAS H. LEWIS, Associate in Gynec'y. HENRY W. CHENEY, Associate in Pediat's. CLIFFORD G. GRULEE, Associate in Pediat's. S. WALTER RANSOM, Associate in Anat. INSTRUCTORS. COLEMAN G. BUFORD, Inst, in Clin. Surg. JOHN G. CAMPBELL, Inst, in Clin. Pediat's. EDWARD P. CARLTON, Inst'r in Pathol'y. FREDERICK S. CROCKER, Inst'r in Otology. WILLIAM R. CUBBINS, Inst'r in Clin. Surg. CHARLES G. DARLING, Inst'r in Ophthal'y. FREDERICK G. DYAS, Inst'r in Med. FREDERICK C. EGGERT, Inst'r in Oper. Surg. EDSON BRADY FOWLER, Inst, in Clin. Med. FRANK GEPHART, Inst, in Chem'y. ALEXANDER A. GOLDSMITH, Inst'r in Med. CLARENCE W. HEATH, Inst'r in Ophthal'y. CHARLES M. JACOBS, Inst'r in Clin. Ortho'c Surg. WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, Ph.C, Inst'r in Chem'y. WILLIAM O. KROHN, Inst'r in Pedia's. ROBERT A. KROST, Inst'r in Pedia's. CHARLES J. KURTZ, Inst'r in Haemat'y. EDGAR N. LAYTON, Inst'r in Clin. Neur'y. VICTOR D. LESPINASSE, Inst'r in Genito-Urinary Surg. EDWARD R. OGDEN, Inst'r in Otology. LUTHER J. OSGOOD, Inst'r in Med. cago 08 u Medical Center. - PIERCE, Inst'r in Clin. Surg. LC D. RAWLINGS, Inst'r in Cont's Dis's at the Isol'n Hosp. 5AUER, Inst'r in Gynec'y. CHARLES J. SCHOENFELD, Inst'r In Pediat's. •CKEY, Inst'r in Clin. Neur'y. SIMPSON, lusfr in Dermat'y. RT M. STOWE, Inst'r in Oper. Obstet. :V B. THOMAS, Inst'r in Clin. Ortho'c Surg. >N, Inst'r in Bacter'y. . WRIGHT, Ph.C., Inst'r in Chem'y. CLINICAL ASSISTANTS. !RT A. BLACK. Clinical Surg. WILLIAM S. BRACKEN, Clin. Laryng'y and Rhinol. WILLIAM E. UUKXNBMANN, Clinical Neur'y. E B. BUTT, Clinical Med. JOHN 1\ CAMPBELL, Clinical Ophthal'y. WILLIAM C. LAXFORTH, Clinical Surg. J. DENNIS, Clin. Laryng'y and Rhin'y. CHARGES A. ERICSON, Clinical Med. RLES M. FOX, Clinical Surg. J RANK D. FRANCIS, Clinical Med. GUT A. (Jo WAX, Clinical Surg. ALEXANDER P. HORWITZ, Clinical Ophthal'y. ALFRED F. JACOBSON, Clinical Dermat'y. tGE T. JORDAN, Clinical Ophthal'y. SIDNEY KLIN, Clinical Med. ARTHUR C. KLEUTGEN, Clinical Med. WILLIAM H. LAMBORN, Clinical Med. OTIS H. MACLAY, Clin. Laryng'y and Rhhfy. MILTON MAXDEL, Clinical Med. CHARLES M. MATTER, Clinical Surg. WILLIAM S. McDOWELL, Clin. Genito-Urinary Surg. ALBERT E. MOWRY, Clin. Genito-Urinary Surg. KhWARD P. NORCROSS, Clin. Laryng'y and Rhin'y. * I'UARLES L. O'BRIEN, Clinical Otology. kJPERT M. PARKER, Clinical Surgery. OTTO S. PAVLIK, Clinical Gynec'y. STUDENT ASSISTANTS. X. ROBERT HARLON, Chemistry. JOS. E. HUBER, Ph.G., Chemistry. FRANCIS J. POWERS, Physiology. M. S. RUEL, Physiology. N. DUXNINGTON, Physiology. \VM. L. McCLURE, Physiology. NET M. SALTER, B.S., Physiology. EDW. C. 1IESTON, Ph.G., Histology. H. IIKXDUICKSON, Histology. (ALL L. SANDBURG, Pharmacology. HERMAN NIELS, Anatomy. Chicago as a Medical Center. 91 p pa p H CO 2 >> o g o 5 b& -§1 g M c a •-3 o '"'oo b>> 3o gg C3 o ft O Zeit, Recn. 1 Laboratory 8-11 Goldsmith, Recn. 11 Clinical 10-12 < P s b^« ►3* o6 , ■ HT ~ , 3«j IN £PbC C— T 3* o6 T ~ l ^i >>bS 0°H ■Sg- oo g^ -9 M ^? ^"o O 5h P CO W Eh >>oo s £ o S cJ"— 1 H-3 eg « 53a oj 00 ^ g£ g >-5_5 CO >> o ™ o c3 CO >> o "c3 o -Q c3 os . . £- o o 33 lis t-5 > o g c3 OS 1-1 b-S OO 1 ^ g.2 o c c30 1* < P w P >>eo o 2 I J i-3 ®_^co 00 .'" , >>ob lis H-5 *~* •-o ^^ CJOO . o s~ >> g b££ JO Q - ►J CO >> o g o -a c3 CO b o "S os^ o."t3 C3CS3 H^3 00 ^ c3 O 3 § 1* <1 P Sz; O o o JO 1-1 0C' -1 "o ■g >> b ^ « o S -g 2 S3 aajB-9 B JO 1 1 b£^ c r >-3 >. CO c "c3 ea co - ^ 1 o o OS >s O "g o c3 oo . , 3h-513 g^.2 _g-s.fi i-5 O ►"3 B CO >. E o c < at _o >» JC Q. 1 u >» ^ °» >• III 51= u >« o> o o A E «5 JC C 'u C © rt CQO _o UJ >» _o O JC #9 Chicago as a .1 (edical Ccntt T. ♦ m o c P H QO c 4) be O c CO 1 .r: w X V ** *2<$> EJ m • ©o * ^06 "5 co O a a -< p d o a ►J j5 .E d 33 "S-2 o*"2 a 3 d o o • -J «♦- § a -"3 -d a 3 3 >H 2s 2 «Jgo £p£g »o OS . ^_, "D O -C i P GO s p a H if- .2 'o cyn-J O s ►3 = c ^ -J ts < o « # <#^> OS -4 . ■«^»o 1— 1 o z o >< «< P 8 T E~^~ o K44 05^5 •S - oo o — (U .2 1 0) -J < P 5 o | £ if o a> a> O OJ .72 C O a P o Q Id p£ f >< gj^d s | *o °>2 »o 2 > < P a 111 *♦ >» # d |g _CT3 C3 .2 O o h E» "3 c« ^3 g C s DC Id > z D Z > €> 0> a CO • o ■o z 2^ J* >» o o o o o c .5 a. o i| °5 • JP O 1 = «fl OS id z o C9 a. Chicago as a Medical Center. M O e Q <3 w cq ej <" °s 3 a> © u 3 <** O 1* g b e3 ©cs^ u P CO OJ fc t/f - OM >■ P JTS'S * H (0 DC H <3* o> 00 Id -Jt* w G J> 1* P d £§## z < P ^s M " 1 , oj ao »- 3 O oc!i z o "2 (— i"-H > O p H >» 0) «5 UJ >» x> c 5 "5 a — £ * £ a. 3 z s If!! _c C h- « m c c o c QC p -COG «« o _o O O o 3 3 z C C 93 Chi( i Medical Center. Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery (Medical Department of Valparaiso University.) 700-6 E St West 1798 mmences Sept. 29th, '09, and Closes Aug. 17th, '10. IfedicaJ Department was established by the University In the corporate name of The American College of Medi- This name was changed to The Chicago College • and Surgery, February 16, 1907. The Valparaiso University was established in 1873. FACULTY. HENRY B. BROWN, A.M., Pres Valparaiso, Ind. OLIVER P. KINSEY. A.M., Vice-Pres Valparaiso, Ind. NRY TUCKER, Dean, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Gynec'y. JASPER N. ROE, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Chem., Phar. and Toxicol. '.UTLER. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Therap's. WM. L. COPELAND. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Anatomy. ANDREW MoDERMID, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Obstet. and Prof, of Gvnecol. EDW. A. 1 ISCHKIN, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Dermat. and ML WALTER R. SCHUSSLER, Prof, of Orthop. Surg. NOBLE M. EBERHART, Prof, and Head of the Depart, of Elec- ti <>-Therapy. ALBRECHT HEYM, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Neurol, and h'v. * 8EPH G. WOLFE. Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Pedia's. C. ROGERS, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Surg. IX M. STOBER, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Pathol. JOHN S. NAGEL, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Genito-Urinary Di. WM. A. BARR, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Ophthal. WM. L. SECOR, Prof, and Head of the Dept. of Physiol, and Phvsiol. Chem. PATRICK H. O'DONNELL, Prof, of Med. Jurisp. DON LEE SHAW, Prof, of Surg, and Dir. of the Anat. Labor. STEPHEN R. PIETROWICZ, Prof, of Med. and Clin. Med. EDW. C. SEUFERT, Prof, of Med. and Clin. Med. JOS. F. BIEHN, Prof, of Bacter. and Clin. Diag. '. D. TIMMONS, Ph.G., Prof, of Chem., Phar. and Toxicol. JOHN STUART, Prof, of Hygiene and Prev. Med. WM. H. GARDNER-LOGAN, Prof, of Dental Surg. MASON LOCKE WEEMS, A.M., M.S., Prof, of Physiol. MAXMILIAN KUZNIK, Prof, of Clinical Diagnosis. S. H. DeWITT, A.M., M.S., Prof. of. Histol. and Pathol. LEE FENT BENNETT, Prof, of Embry. and Comp. Anat. P. J. H. FARRELL, Prof, of Naval and Military Med. WILLARD D. BRODE, Prof, of Thoracic Dis. and Life Insur. am. OTIS NESBIT, Prof, of Therap. JOHN VOL RUST, Prof, of Materia' Medica. JOHN P. BUCKLEY, D.D.S., Prof, of Dental Med. IMENT W. BRIGGS, Prof, of Toxicology. IRY SCHMITZ, Asso'e Prof, of Gynecol. N IT. CARPENTER, Asso'e Prof, of Electro-Therapy. IIUS E. BERTLING, Asso'e Prof, of Genito-Urinary Dis. . C. AMERSON, Asso'e Prof, of Surg. >NARD C. BORLAND, Asso'e Prof, of Anat. Chicago as a Medical Center. 95 JOHN V. FOWLER, Asso'e Prof, of Surg. ELMER E. HENDERSON, Asso'e Prof, of Surg-. THOMAS G. ATKINSON, Asso'e Prof, of Neurol. WILLIAM H. STACKABLE, Ass't Prof, of Obstetrics. JAMES L. FLEMING, Ass't Prof, of Med. LOUIS SCHULTZ, Ass't Prof, of Otol., Rhinol. and Laryngol. LEONARD P. DAWES, Ass't Prof, of Gynecol. ALLEN E. STEWART, Ass't Prof, of Surg-. H. W. WARDLE, Ass't Prof, of Surg. SIMON J. YOUNG, Ass't Prof, of Surg. FREDERICK C. SCHURMEIER, Ass't Prof, of Rhinol., Laryngol. and Otol. GERALD H. STONER, Ass't Prof, of Minor Surg. BENJ. H. ORNDOFF, Ass't Prof, of Pathol. CARL H. WILKINSON, Inst, in Med. ALFRED DE ROULET, Inst, in Physiol, and Gynecol. SAMUEL SALINGER, Inst, in Gynecol. ROBERT VON DER HEYDT, Inst, in Ophthal. VAUGHN L. SHEETS, Inst, in Physical Diagnosis. CLARK W. ROMINGER, Inst, in Pediatrics. FRANK E. FISK, Ph.G., Inst, in Mat. Med. N. C. NELSON, Inst, in Med. FRANCES C. TURLEY, Ass't In Electro-Therapy. JOSEPH WELFELD, Ass't in Dermatol. KATHARINE B. RICH, Ass't in Obstet. E. BRUCE MOSS, Ass't in Anat. GEORGE T. CASS, Ass't in Physiol, and Histol. JULIEN B. BECK, Ass't in Dermatol. LUCIUS B. PHELPS, Ass't in Otol., Rhinol. and Laryngol. ALICE R. HELD, Ass't in Gynecol. OTTO W. SIMPSON, Ass't in Gynecol. GERHARDT E. WYNEKEN, Ass't Sec. Chicago as Q Medical Center. M c O ■o c a M 0) o © 3 73 fl) X o I/) I > DC u O cr 0) o z < u z o Q u s u o UJ -J -J o o o o < o I a S r- ~ i 5 O 8 a. si i? t ^ 3 02 <: > n Q o — — - OS cc ■_ _ - - ~ ■tffl El? » 6 | G a la ■j. -- — = - 3 ~ -3 a o V2 >> Q T - — - CN «£ a? -»£ oj CO M O (J o-g 2 Z g a: g«aQ 3 00 Hi -2 U2 T-IC5© fe 2 s bi6 C CO u sS < - - p - C5 - — 3. © a o OJ c; Hi O o o m © o Q O O 06 .8 a -5 s ■^0*0 02 co 2 -- Q - . — - 5 g « - -7. - h! o o a) oq hI 00 '0 C c Q b ^ . .CO . e 3 °° CM O C Hi g IS a 3 3e s o — ' c - 1 OS >> o O Hi O a S 00 Hi O _§ g Si, * S3 ^ . . •P do O ■50 >. -a t» Is •it >» a» _o a> m m o» « If £5 c ■0 3 Q. 3 -9 >» a 3 CO O "0 a s 75 c « c O) "<« E a> a Chicago as a Medical Center. 97 < p P H <1 GO CM o ►J a p o CD H 1 1 1 1 D o oJ" p S a? c3 o c3 GO CO rP GO "S .tH Jl "O +3 >>_2 - o GO CM O .& o S CD -< p GO « P w CM O a> 1-3 P -P S "5.S CU O <; P GO W P W DSD o 'I d m a U — ^P o CO CD P -a o o O o &p Ppq o > 5 P CO W P "c P P>-3 H O GO >< << P O CD o CO O OS O CO CD GO 00 w CD o O CD P fl Eh O 2 p CO o o -a O o c b 15 o 'E u O c o» b 15 >» -c o> _o o o « c >» O >» °» ^ o >» 11 c o -J >> a> _o a E cd tc O o "■a a. > _o o 3 a» Z Chii a Medical Center. Illinois Medical College Washington Blvd., Corner Halstcd St. anized and Incorporated 1894. Sept 1st; '0», and Closes Aug. 25th, "10 OFFICERS. J r. BURKHOLDER, Pres. Wm. Rittenhouse, Dean. B, V.-Pres. A. Ralph Johnstone. . and Treas. FACULTY. HK.M.W H. BROWN, Prof, of Ophthal'y. WILLIAM RITTENHOUSE, Dean-and Prof, of Obstetrics. \\ [LLARD C. SANFORD, Prof, of Prac. of Med. BENJ. B. i:ADS, Prof, of Surg, and Clin'l Surg. DAVID LIEBERTHAL, Sec'y of Faculty, Prof, of Skin and Ven'l DW SETH S BISHOP, Prof, of Dis's of the Nose, Throat and Ear. ('HAS. S. NEISW ANGER, Prof, of Electro-Therap's. II. SOMERS, Prof, of Phys'l Diag's. NATHANIEL If. ADAMS, Prof, of Mat. Med., Therap's and Toxicol. 5TER I'ilUTCHEY, Prof, of Oper. Surg, and Applied Anat. JAMES G. MASTIN, Prof, of Prac. of Med. EDW. C. SEUFERT, Prof, of Histol'y, Path'y and Bacter'y. EUGENE S. TALBOT, Prof, of Stom'y and Dental Surg. JAMES P. PRESNELL, Prof, of Surg, and Clin'l Surg. HIGH BLAKE WILLIAMS, V.-Pres. and Prof, of Ophthal'y and Jene. EDWIN PYNCHON, Prof, of Dis's of Nose, Throat and Ear. MILTON H. MACK, Prof, of Dis's of the Stom. and Intestines. ST SAURENHAUS, Prof, of Gynecology. WM. G. ALLEN, Prof, of Anat, Embry'y and Biology. CHAS. ALBERT WADE, Prof, of Pediatrics. JAMES C. EGAN, Prof, of Proctology. UECHT HEYM, Prof, of Neurol, and Psychiatry. WM. M PETERSON, Prof, of Therapeutics. DAVID P. MILLER, Prof, of Physiology. WM E. HOLLAND, Asso'te Prof, of Gynecology. BYRNES, Jr. Prof, of Surgery. ANDREW BAXTER MILLER, Jr. Prof, of Surgery. \\i CLEFF, Jr. Prof, of Med. and Inst'r in Obst's. EDW. DeMONTE HOWLAND, Jr. Prof, of Surgery. IKHDERICK KLEENE, Clin. Prof, in Dis's of Nose, Throat and Ear. •VD D. O'BRIEN, Clin. Prof, of Dis's of Stom. and Intest. ZIN P. JOHNSON, Lect. on Life Insur'e Exam'n. !D L. DIVINE, Lect. on Medical Jurisp. LOUIS C. FRENCH, Demon'r of Anatomy. DOUGLAS A. PAYNE, Inst'r in Ophthal'y. RMAN R. HURLBUT, Inst'r in Dermat'y and Ven'l Dis's. ERNEST V. RITTENHOUSE, Ass't in Surg, and Inst'r in Hist'y. '"HAS. W. WINNE, Inst'r in Skin and Ven'l Dis's and Clin. Ass't in Med. WALTER B. SCHWUCHOW, Inst'r in Pediatrics. ADOLPH H. OLSON, Clin'l Ass't in Med. JRT S. GREGG, Clin'l Ass't in Gynecol. WM. A. SCHULER, Clin'l Ass't in Med. TIOMAS D. LAFTRY, Clin'l Ass't in Surg. ROBERT G. MCCARTHY, Clin'l Ass't in Med. i:RT W. SEIDEL, Clin'l Ass't in Pediatrics. AtinirR E. LEHNER, Clin'l Ass't in Med. E. h. GARRAGHAN, Clin'l Ass't in Dis's of Ear, Nose and Throat. Chicago as a Medical Center. 99 >< < H ■< CO Burkholder, Lect. 8- 12 Laboratory c c > CO c B o CO 1 G rj of ■a a < < O fa ^ ° ° S o o a i— 3 o c e. 2 fa >> go fa h4 oo . .si GO CC • .£ t> II CO Q co p W O O o . o o o fa s c^ c3 £ g '§=§£ Jfafa coW r co| a Is 6 Q CO fa Sz; Q W o >> "Sao o 3 JG.O CO io Ooo ■— 5".° IB o O o O o CO fa P H CO o a> fa C 0) < © si ■*f , " H _j . -ii O « ofa jag" 8 o ~ — C ^ c3 o _o s- £f2M 53 s o o 00 bfl 1 "c3 ■gfo O^ o o o c 15 "cS o O Q O >>+± +Z fcj O « GOO C C C* fa<< CO a fa c o c t- o > 0) "o 3 3 cs O r ~ l o • fa"o sffa ■3.8 2» co c3 o '-5 a o ^o 3< as ^ 1"S * "E ^^ o o c" a GO «2 CO •-3 pq CO E o c < >» o» o © js: >, E O O o> o © >< o o CM 2 Is is >» o _o o f a. a 3 CO a c ]o •a a S "5 c a c >» _o o 3 o Z _o o o s e >. C5 Chicago OB a Medical (' >- - d 2 1 o c O •o c (0 M p — 5 — © B E • E 3 «-» o i -j o • - p _ - 00 OO ^J j o o -. - — = - "S © - s Q _r 3 i £ 0) u o u - p - 2 R - - -J o o -J < Q Li £ o z -1 -1 — - -- C5 1 c « - = 1" > CO 1 2 - DC «J I e £ €> .a O o c ai , <5 -J © O >» o» _o o E M -C j= O Chicago as a Medical Center. 101 Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital College Year Commences Sept. 21st, '09, and Closes May 15th, '10. The College Buildings are situated at Nos. 2811-2813-2815-2817 Cottage Grove Avenue, and the Hahnemann Hospital Building in Groveland Avenue, directly east of the College. Organized in 1851, and incorporated in 1855. H. R. Chislett, M. D., Dean, W. Henry Wilson, M.D., Registrar. FACULTY. C. H. VILAS, Emer. Prof, of Opthal'y and Otology. J. R. KIPPAX, Emer. Prof, of Theorv and Prac. J. E. GILMAN, Emer. Prof, of Mat. Med. R. N. FOSTER, Emer, Prof, of Obstet. J. H. BUFFUM, Emer. Prof of Opthal. and Otol. L. C. GROSVENOR, Emer. Prof, of Obstet. A. C. COWPERTHWAITE, Emer. Prof, of Mat. Med. G. F. SHEARS, Pres., Prof, of Surgerv. E. STILLMAN BAILEY, Prof, of Gvnecologv. N. B. DELAMATER, Prof, of Mental and Nervous Diseases. CLIFFORD MITCHELL, Prof, of Chem., Renal Dis's and Clin. Urin. H. V. HALBERT, Prof, of the Theory and Prac. of Med. JOS. P. COBB, Prof, of Pediatrics. E. M. BRUCE, Prof, of the Theorv and Prac. of Med. W. M. STEARNS, Prof, of Rhinol. and Larvng. M. B. BLOUKE, Prof, of Gynecology. H. R. CHISLETT, Dean, Professor of Surgery. C. GURNEE FELLOWS, Prof, of Ophthal. and Otology. A. L. BLACKWOOD, Prof, of Materia Medica. E. E. VAUGHAN, Professor of Surgery. CHAS. E. KAHLKE, Dean of Students, Prof, .of Surgery. W. HENRY WILSON, Registrar, Prof, of Pathol, and Bacter'y. W. E. TAYLOR, Prof, of Materia Medica. F. H. HONBERGER, Professor of Obstetrics. C. F. BARKER, Professor of Surgery. J. T. KENT, Prof, of Materia Medica. A. R. McDONALD, Prof, of Phys'y and Lect. on Theory and Prac. C. A. WEIRICK, Professor of Sanitary Science. C. J. SWAN, Prof, of Opthalmology and Otology. BURTON HASELTINE, Prof, of Rhinology and Laryngology. C. D. COLLINS, Prof, of Skin and Venereal Diseases. S. H. ACRAND, Prof, of the Theorv and Practice of Medicine. F. W. WOOD, Professor of Neurology. E. H. GRUBBE. Prof, of Electro-Therap's and Radiog'y. GEORGE B. WARNE, Prof, of Materia Medica. M. J. MOTH, Prof, of Materia Medica. A. H. GORDON, Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Med. EDGAR J. GEORGE, Prof, of Opthal'y and Otology. F. W. LAMBDEN, Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Med. G. M. HILL, Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Med. CHAS. HUGHES, Esq., Prof, of Medical Jurisprudence. F. S. WHITMAN. Professor of Mental Diseases. FRANK WIELAND, Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Med. F. C. FORD. Professor of Anatomy. G. E. DIENST, Prof, of Materia Medica. ■3. G. DAVIS, Asso'e Prof, of Skin and Venereal Diseases. E. G. DAVIS, Asso'e Prof, of Skin and Venereal Diseases. GEO. M. McBEAN, Asso'e Prof, of Phinol. and Laryngol. PETER S. CLARK, Asso'e Prof, of Gynecology. JULIA STRAWN, Asso'e Prof, of Gynecology. cago as a .1/ ' titer. I ; rZ-PATRICK, Asso'e Prof, of Obstetrics. Prof, of Surgery. Adj. Prof, of Physiology. . Prof, of Surg . I \ i j. Prof. 01" . Prof, of Surgery. Prof, of Pathol, and Bactery. . Prof, of Theory and P li. Prof, of Pediatries. Y i: HANKS, Adj. Prof, of Medl Gynecol \H M. 11' Ldj. Prof, of Pediatries. V P. KIMBALL, Adj. Prof, of Electro-Therap's and Radio' y. H. L. SIMMONS, Adj. Prof, of Odontology. G. 1. ; . Prof, of the Theorv and Prae. of Med. J. HOEHN, Ph.q , Adj. Prof, of Chem. and Toxicol. ALFRED LEWT, Adj. Prof, of Rhinol. and Laryngy. C. V. MARTIN, Adj. Prof, of Pediatrics. J. H. LOW, Adi. Prof, of the Theorv and Prac. of Med. PRANK A. METCALF. Adj. Prof, of Neurology. RICHARD H. STREET, Adj. Prof, of Rhinol. and Laryng'v. SON, Adjunct Prof, of Anatomv. :. CULVER, Adjunct Prof, of Anatomv. MILTON H. BAKER, Adjunct Prof, of Anatomy. IG. Adjunct Prof, of Anatomy. H. J. CASEDY, Lecturer of Phvsiologv. A. C. TEXXEY, Adj. Prcf. of Pathology. W. P. HARPEL, Lect'r on and Demon'r of Histology. THEODORE PROXMIRE. Lecturer on Phvsiologv. 8. B. JARED, Lecturer on Phvsiologv. G. LeROY BROWN, Lect'r on and Demon'r of Path'v. H. H. BAKER. Lecturer on Materia Medica. i. GRIMMER. Lib'n. Lecturer on Materia Medica. AGXES V. FULLER. Lecturer on Pediatrics. J. W. CORNELL. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomv. CLIXTOX C. COLLIER. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomv. G A. HARKXESS, Lecturer on Phvsiologv. J. F. WHARTON, Assistant in Chemistry." A. HAXKE. Ass't in Pathology and Bacter'v. ROBERT A. MELENDY. Assistant in Chemistry. L OLIVER. Assistant in Obstetrics. LEONARD MANNING, Assistant in Materia Medica. I. R. LAUGHLIN, D.D.S., Ass't in Dental Surgery. M. J. HUBENY, Ass't Demonstrator of Anatomv. GEO. P. ADAMS. Special Lect'r on Mental Diseases. Chicago as a Medical Center. 103 < frgS - — O O OOQ n ~- P o s 3-3 PI 53 g .-* :;- «-> >. g»^ 5 -^ o B 5w j 2*3 "is = rccc — O co<»o CO . N „• g « igs<£ 0-2 ' — ID ~ -^-^ = bMS o o re re © o as oa 1=1=-- = 1 I aa ~ • "9 • • _ n BE -J Q ^ B — 3 s3 £u o3 S ~ cq zi oa m re — _; p-S :. «j "= B -fig* R^9 7" ~ ~ -i W ~ "2 QQ Medical 0* < 3 "O X o I u O u O O -J < o Q U z z < Id z I < I -< 1 1 P 5 a ooCQ co" o Q C 88 . a — i 9 oj ~E o" - a -- p V- 2 p i oo id X P CO W - 5 g8 Si 8 o cJ s o CO o a) P o CO a & s o CO o w o co ■<* o ►J >< p CO W p o CO OC O ~s c - - o o .CO c *~ ' a> ►J J* e3 Swan, Lect. 8.30 George, Lect. 8.30 Fellows, Lect. 3.30 >< — • P O o CO l o e =s «> X >» n> _o O o c >» o M "■5 a. 3 3 o o o >• 11 "E « ■ o o c Ci m "6 "5 >> JC CL UJ o "3 « > g.S N OS ^ CNJ i-H.S»0 Ml g.g-g o'S Ci 3 W ^ 00 tn .s 13 o Q 33 S g.13 CO CO £ O ' ' . JC SL E • JZ U ll-i m Ef UJ *- O..C •is 03 _o O JC a. © o c a> ■a 3 Q. 3 -9 Chicago as a Medical Center. 107 Q P trt go Surgery, Lect. 1-3 Amerson, 3-5 O Thompson, Lect. 1 Thompson, Clin. 2 C5 O d O .0 CO < g .si O OS a O OS « c^co "S.S as 11 03 P . O M >» CD «s E O as -0 O c o» M b « f e3 Q -c H- •o c CS as Z ad UJ «T >. UJ S OS 5 n c 1m diced ( Bennett Medical College ad Pulton Str< Monroe 91. Incorporated 1868. Sept -"tli. '00, and Closes June 1st, *10. Tli.' building occupied by Bennett Medical College was built It is located in a part of the city easily .i is within a few blocks of Chicago's great medical FACULTY. ANSON L. CLARK, Emer. Prof, of Obstetrics. HENRY K. WHITFORD, Emer. Prof, of Princ. and Prac. of Med. EDGAR M. READING, Prof, of Dis's of the Brain and Nerv. Sys'm. FINLEY ELLINGWOOD, Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap. NATHANIEL A. GRAVES, Prof, of Med. FRANCIS E. THORNTON, Dean. Prof, of Therap. and Med. HENRY H. LATIMER. First V.-Pres. and Prof, of Dermat. J. 'MX DILL ROBERTSON, Pres. and Treas. and Prof, of Surgery. BDW. G TROWBRIDGE, Prof, of Ophth., Otol., Rhin. and Laryng. (Mi AS. If. BTSHNELL, Prof, of Obstet. and Gyn. ('HAS. H. FRANCIS, Sec. of the Faculty, Prof, of Ophthal. WALTER R. SCHUSSLER, Prof, of Orthop, Surg., Orland, 111. W.M. J. POLLOCK, Secy, and Prof, of Med. ALBERT C. KUBICEK, V.-Pres and Prof, of Surg, and Surg'l Anat. S. J. O'CONNOR, LL.B., Prof, of Med'l Jurisp'e. \VM. D. ZOETHOUT, A.M., Ph.D., Prof, of Physi'y and Chem'y. JOHN A. McDONELL, Prof, of Renal Diseases. ARTHUR GAMMAGE, LL.B., Prof, of Forensic Med. JONATHAN E. WAGGONER, Prof, of Surgery. WILLIAM E. BUEHLER, Prof, of Minor Surgery. JOHN A. CRAVER, DD.S., Prof, of Dentistry. ». R. SCHROTH, Professor of Anatomy. ROLAND H. PHILLIPS, Prof, of Pathol, and Bacter'y. ('HAS. W. WINNE. Assoc. Prof, of Dermatology. THOMAS D. LAFTRY, Assoc. Prof, of Anatomy. FRANK F. HOFFMAN, Assoc. Prof, of Surgery. A. J. CROFT, Inst'r of Dermatology. JOHN C. E. HAGEN, Inst'r in Obstet. and Gynecol. ALBERT H. CARTER, Inst'r in Surgery. ALBERT SCHUPMAN, Inst'r in Surgerv. C. M. ROSIN, Inst'r in Electro-Therap. and Hydrotherapy. ELMER H. FLINN, Asst. Inst'r of Mat. Med. C. H. OLIVER, Asst. Inst'r in Biol, and Embry. RALPH E. MOZER, Asst. Inst'r in Anat. WALTER VON ZELINSKI, Asst. Inst'r in Anat. C. D. BARKER, Asso'e Prof, of Gvnecol. S. M. CLARK, instructor in Pathology. JOS. A. WASHA, Instructor in Pediatrics. ALBERT J. FOELSCH, Demonstrator of Anatomy. OSLA E. KUHN, Inst'r in Genito-Urinarv Diseases. g: ?• LAMBERT. Inst'r of Phar'y and Mat. Med. a *£**£ ^F^ A ^ L ' Inst in Ph y sl - and Cli *'l Diagn's. A L. GAMMAGE, Inst'r of Obstet. and Gvnecol Chicago as a Medical Center. 109 t— 1 © OS !x rt oa © CO O J P o o >*0 '- , >.»-? «1 • « "S < ^5 ^52 th 11- ,3.3 t*3 P o - 2 M Ph m o 5 11 -co 2 2 a Or" C3 I* Q GO ■ « C5 o o H-3 © 8 a S?5 £> "3 o 2 o *£ ° o -£ .9 c" 1-^00 |i| ■gjj IS Ph £ s 2^ >< o CT> o d,0 - < b^ P « -2 m o o 3 ft P W ►3 o .& IP *1 bfi .2 Pi J .s 03 >- o f^ p3 P4 o (M — "M T— 1 -^ P O o i-5 OS « HH* .2* gj >3 ^ So O *» . - ° h -e.S o o _o > J g 2~J 3- >— * CO a> 'Ja C3 © i _ ( 05 o S o— • P o >>"7 ~C3 03 3*3 -SI o C As is Ph -< p a o W u o « o «S c H O 3 & >» E o fS c < >» o >. a. I B O 5* 1! a a m >« M if 25 • a 3 M "•o £ "5 c o c 110 18 (i Mi dual Ci >t(( r. O ■a c I O O -J < o 5 u h Ld z z u m < JS8 >- S of rt E 6 O cf M m of 2 > < P - E c - PC — § - - -- +5 a 11 c 1 PQ >< P - - CO t 1 1 < P □a K Ci of 1 ^ 2 Wpq a ef ho C P O S-g E3 •-5 PQ CO >> o» _o o 9 c >» IS "•0 c O a> M ja O >. at _o c >» c« >» a» _o E m -C -C 0. Chicago as a Medical Center. Ill College of Medicine and Surgery 370-374 S. Wood St. West 2187. Organized in 1885 as the Physio-Medical Institute. Reorganized in 1891 as Chicago Physio-Medical College. Merged into the Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery in 1899. FACULTY. JONAS E. ROOP, Emer. Prof, of Obst's. H. PAXTON NELSON, Prof, of Theory and Prac. of Med. CHARLES H. JOHNSTON, Vice-Pres., Prof, of Pedia's. HORACE A. HADLEY, Dean, Prof, of Anat. and Demon'r of Oper. Surg. CHARLES J. LEWIS, Prof, of Neur'y. N. LA DOIT JOHNSON, Pres., Prof, of Prin. and Prac. of Surg. JOSEPH H. GREER, Prof, of Med. and Surg'l Genito-Urinary Dis's. JOHN C. McCANDLESS, Treas. and Assoc. Prof, of Prac. of Med. and Ner's Dis's. R. J. C. HAMILTON, Prof, of Gynec'y. F. H. ENGLAND, Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap's. ANTON MUELLER, Prof, of Dermat. and Toxicol. HENRY T. ROOP, Prof, of Obstet. and Clin'l Gynec'y. WILLIAM F. SCHAARE, Sec'y, Prof, of Minor Surgery. H. HARRISON VAUPELL, Prof, of Obst's. J. R. BLAIR, Prof, of Therap's and Clin'l Med. ISABELLA HURSEN, Adj. Prof, of Med. THOS. S. S. KERR, Prof, of Physio-Med'l Prin's. FRANK P. THOMPSON, Prof, of Ophthal'y. DAWN B. KERR, Prof, of Physiology. J. W. RUSSELL, Prof, of Anat. and Comp'e Mat. Med. CHAS. M. PADEN. Prof, of Anesthesia. ETTA R. HILTON, Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap's. A. W. CAMPBELL, Prof, of Regional Anat. CHAS. O. HOIBY, Prof, of Path'y and Bacter'y. ROBT. A. HILTON, Prof, of Hygiene and Dietetics. NATHAN E. WOOD, Prof, of Prin. of Surg, and Surg'l Path'y. SEYMOUR STEDMAN, LL.B., Prof, of Med. Jurisp'e. WM. C. COOPER, Ph.G., Prof, of Chem'y and Dir. of Chem'l and Bact'l Labor's. FRANCIS JAMES BUSS, Prof, of Surg'l Gynec'y. RICHARD ST. BENNO, Prof, of Clinical Medicine. FREDERICK SCHWEERS, Prof, of Phys'y of the Nervous System. SIG. FRANKLIN WATERMAN, Prof, of Orthop'c Surg'y and Med'l Life Insur. B. L. T. WOODS, Prof, of Physical Diagnosis. SEYMOUR D. PADEN, D.D.S., Inst'r in Dental Surgery. LELAND MORGANS, Prof, of Hist'y and Dir'r of the Labor'y of Phys'y and Hist'y. EDW. T. KENNEDY, Inst'r in Biology and Embryology. JACOB KULIS, Inst'r in Pharma'y and Hygiene. H. PERKINS FITZPATRICK, Prof, of Electro Therap's. JULIUS C. OSHER, D.D.S., Prof, of Laryng'y, Rhinol'y and Otol'y. SPECIAL LECTURES. During the college year special lectures will be given by the following: P. HOLT, Mat. Med. and Physio-Med'l Princ's, Dallas, Texas. JAMES M. MASSIE, Med'l Gynec'y, Fort Worth, Texas. LESTER H. PAINTER, Dis's of the Nervous System, Dallas, Texas. ROBERT L. SPANN, Path'y and Treat't of Tumors, Dallas, Texas, 3 ■o • X o > X hi O QC D 0) Q Z < id Z o O LJ }h< Q §.2 3 C2 o, o S o o (-3 o O CO O o 1 © d o 55 o ►3 OS O (V 6 ' CO a ►J aT na o $ 00 "o a 6 n p *2 Ci . C ° if CM .2 o © a 3 S pq CO -i-s O IS d o c o a a o H >< - ■- I'o o O o o a- J « 3 ^ 5 £ CO d o d o a d o 1 © a o o •-s p CO CT. o o >. Q. I © U 3 JO © 1- >1 a» _© © o » O o .2 ca c o 'c © C9 © o ML o c o» cs s o >. -C 0. >» ?>, c o -J _o o E pa x: JC O Chicago as a Medical Center. 113 Reliance Medical College Evening School of Medicine. Continuous Ail-Year Sessions. Washington Blvd., Cor. of Halsted St., Chicago, HI. Organized for the purpose of giving to deserving and ambitious students an opportunity of acquiring a medical training in keeping with modern ideas of higher medical education. FACULTY. J. F. BURKHOLDER, Pres., Prof, and Head of the Dept of Anat, Biol'y and Ophth'y. FRANK DEACON, Sec, Prof, of Phys'y and Surg'l Anat. S. A. McWILLIAMS, Prof, of Dis's of the Chest, Clin. Med. and Phys'l Diag's. WILLIAM RITTENHOUSE, Prof, of Obst's. WILLIAM H. RUBOVITS, Prof, of Obst's. A. P. HEINECK, Senior Prof, of Surg. W. H. WEBSTER, Prof, of Electro-Therap's. A. G. WIPPERN, Prof, of Otol. and Rhino-Laryng'y, Mat. Med. and Chem'y. H. W. WOODRUFF, Extra-Mural Prof, of Ophth'y, Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College. STUART JOHNSTONE, Prof, of Clin. Gynec'y and Rectal Dis's. FREDERICK BAUMANN, Prof, of Genito-Urinary Dis's. JOSEPH WELFELD, Prof, of Dermat'y. L. B. COATES, Prof, of Bact'y, Path'y and Ner's Dis's. Associate Prof, of Medicine. ARNOTT STUBBLEFIELD, M.A., LL.B., Prof, of Med'l Jurisp'e. FRANK N. GAGGIN, Prof, of Latin and German. JAMES W. HALL. Prof, of Clin'l Surg. RALPH H. WHEELER, Prof, of Emer'y Surg. F. M. DOYLE, Prof, of Minor Surg. A. RALPH JOHNSTONE, Extra-Mural Prof, of Surg. E. B. TUTEUR, Prof, of Med. SEBASTIAN STOL, Prof. Medico-Legal Science. THEO. C F. ABEL, Ass't Prof, of Oto-Laryng'y. A. STEINDLER, Prof, of Orthopedic Surg. D. M. OLKON, Assoc. Prof, in Med. A. S. HERSHFIELD, Assoc. Prof, of Med. GEO. J. HINN, Extra-Mural Prof, of Med. WALTER C. JONES, Assoc. Prof. Surg. JOHN S. SWEENEY, Assoc. Prof, of Surg. ALFRED DEROULET, Assoc. Prof, of Gynec'y. W. T. VENN, Clin. Teacher in Genito-Urinary Dis's. J. F. KUCERA, Clin. Teacher in Dermat'y. FRANCIS DOBIJA, Clin. Teacher in Rhino-Laryng'y. O. J. NOTHENBERG, Demon'r of Anat., Ass't in Otol'y, Rhino- Laryng'y and Lect'r in Neurol'l Anat. F. J. McDONOUGH, Clin'l Teacher in Genito-Urinary Dis's. D. APFELBAUM, Clin'l Teacher in Genito-Urinary Dis's. A. S. HELWIG, Inst, in Mat. Med. and Phar'y. M. GOLDENBERG, Clin'l Teacher in Ophth'y and Otol'y. CHAS. W. WINNE, Clin'l Teacher in Genito-Urinary Dis's. CHARLES HELLER, Inst, in Med. H. J. ANDREWS, B.S., Ph.G., Ass't in Path'y and Bact y. H. H. PILLINGER, Inst, in Surg. H. CLEMINSON. Demon'r of Anat. 114 Chicago as a Medical Center. National Medical University and Hospital ,1 1891, Day and Night School. 1500 Wells St. ntinuous All-Year Sessions. in the North Division of the city in a very rich rhen. ; . distant from other colleges and dispensaries. The Ital buildings occupy a lot fifty by two hundred on Wells street and west on Wieland street. The a three-story and basement structure, steam- • .1. v.vll lighted and ventilated. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. WILLIS GEORGE EMERSON, Pres. L. D. 1L< tGERS, V.-Pres. P \l'I. r, FILM ASTER, Sec. I. W. ROGERS, Treas. MEDICAL FACULTY. R. G. SCHROTH, Prof, of Anat. B. B. CRAWFORD, Prof, of Chem'y and Toxic'y. A. S FISH, Prof, of His'y, Embrg'y and Phys'y. A. D. COX, Prof, of Hist'y, Embrg'y and Phys'y. L. B. COATES, Prof, of Path'y and Bact'y. H. \V. TRAUB, Prof, of Path'y and Bact'y. .IAS I.. SM FOLEY, Prof, of Prac. of Med. L. W. ROWELL, Prof, of Prac. of Med. A. SCHUFMAN, Prof, of Prac. of Med. MARION E. KYLE, Prof, of Prac. of Med. A. T. WEBER, Prof, of Prac. of Med. GUSTAV LIEBRECHT, Prof, of Prac. of Med. W. T. VENN, Prof, of Dermat'y. J. M. BLAKE. Prof, of Genito-Urinary. N. O. BAURQUE, Prof, of Genito-Urinary. T. D. ROGERS, Dean and Prof, of Minor, Gen'l and Spec'l Surg. O. M. STEFFENSON, Prof, of Minor, Gen'l and Spec'l Surg. }•;. If. JACOBS, Prof, of Minor, Gen'l and Spec'l Surg. LINDSAY A. BEATON, Prof, of Minor, Gen'l and Spec'l Surg. W. P. COONS, Prof, of Orthopedic Surg. J. P. SPRAGUE, Prof, of Orthopedic Surg. TLA WRIGHT ROGERS, Treas. and Prof, of Obst's. T. S. GREEN, Prof, of Obst's. J. H. STOTTS, Prof, of Obst's. C. B. SAUNDERS, Prof, of Obst's. WM. DE BOER, Prof, of Physical Diagnosis. :L IRENAEUS, Prof, of Labor'y Diag's. A. L. CHITTICK, Prof, of Clim'y, Sanit'n and Hvgiene. C. HOFFER, Prof, of Diet's. H. MOJE. Prof, of Mech'Q Therap's. G VERMERER, Prof, of Psycho-Therap's. WM. E. WARNER. Prof, of Electro-Therap's. GEO. W. FUNCK, Prof, of Reg'l Mat., Med. and Therap's. J. C. M. CHAFFE, Prof, of Homeo., Mat., Med. and Therap's. C. O. 1 •' mCHESTER, Prof, of Electric Mat, Med. and Therap's. WM. W. COOK. Prof, of Physio-Med. Therap's. MICHAEL NELSON, Prof, of Gynec'y. PAUL BURM ASTER, Prof, of Dis's of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. A. W. DIXON. Prof, of Med. Jurisp'e. H. TIAISELDEN, Prof, of Clin. Surg. B. J. BROWNSTEIN, Sec. Chicago as a Medical Center. 115 Jenner Medical College Evening School of Medicine. Continuous All-Year Sessions. Incorporated 1892. 196-198 E. Washington St. Organized for the purpose of giving to deserving and ambitious students an opportunity of acquiring a medical training in keeping with modern ideas of higher medical education. THE FACULTY. HIRAM M. MARTIN, Pres., Prof, of Dis's of the Eye and Ear and Clin'l Ophth'y and Otol'y. ORVILLE WM. MacKELLAR, Prof, of Abdom'l Surg. FRANK C. LINDEN, Prof, of Princ. and Prac. of Med. and Clin. Med. MAXMILIAN KUZNIK, Prof, of Clin. Diag's, Men. and Ner's Dis's. H. E. SANTEE, Prof, and Demon' r of Anat. GEO. F. BUTLER, Prof, of Senior Med. and Clin. Therap's. WM. D. ZOETHOUT, A.M., Ph.D., Prof, of Phys'y and Chem'y, Dir'r of the Physiol'l and Chem'l Labor's. BERNARD FANTUS, Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap's. CHAS. C. O'BYRNE, V.-Pres., Prof, of Path'y and Clin'l Surg. (Grace Hosp.) LOUIS F. ALRUTZ, Prof, of Obst's. ALLEN E. STEWART, Prof, of Dis's of Children. JOHN M. LANG, Prof, of Gynec'y. ARTHUR G. BOSLER, Prof, of Hyg'e, State Med. and Junior Med. J. H. TAYLOR, Prof, of Hist'y. FREDERICK A. LEUSMAN, Prof, of Genito-Urinary Surg. C. R. FORRESTER, Prof, of Clin'l Surg. (Grace Hosp.) M. O. HOOVER, Prof, of Minor and Ortho'c Surg. GEO. F. HAWLEY, Prof, of Laryng'y and Rhin'y. CHAS. E. M. FISCHER, Prof, of Introd'y Chem'y and Ass't to Chair of Phys'y. ZACK LITTLE, Prof, of Materia Medica. WILHELMINA McEACHERN, Prof, of Biol., Bot'y, Zool'y, Embry'y and Osteol'y. Dir'r of the Prepar'y Dept. ROBERT SMITH, Prof, of Path'y. ARTHUR N. CLAGETT, Prof, of Gynec'y. JOHN D. MacKELLAR, Clin. Dir'r and Prof, of Bacter'y. CHAS. J. O'CONNOR, LL.B., Prof, of Legal Med. FRANK M. TEBBETTS, Adj. Prof, of Rhin'y and Laryng'y. HENRY TUPPER, Adj. Prof, of Elem'y Chem'y. LOREN WILDER, Clinical Inst. CHAS. C. MILLER, Clinical Inst. ZAN D. KLOPPER, Ass't in Hist'y. 1 1(3 ' l ( '' " /WIN, Prof, of Med. F. A. BESLEY, Prof, of Surg. THOS. J. SULLIVAN, Prof, of Surg. W. H. CUBBINS, Prof, of Surg. \ \\ AL Prof, of Surg. II. M. RICIITER, Prof, of Surg. T. HARDON, Prof, of Orthop. Surg. XKLIX II. MARTIN, Prof, of Gynec'y. L KIES. Prof, of Gynec'y. ALBERT GOLDSPOHN, Prof, of Gynec'y. A. McDERNID, Prof, of Gynec'y. UT JOHNSTONE. Prof. Dis's of the Rectum. PENTON B. TURCK. Prof, of Dis's of Stomach and Intes's. MILTON H. MACK, Prof, of Dis's of Stomach and Intes's. PIERCE, Prof, of Dis's of Stomach and Intes's. W. F. COT. KM AX. Prof, of Dis's of the Eye. C. W. HAWLEY, Prof, of Dis's of the Eye. i'ATILLO, Prof, of Dis's of the Eye. GEO. F. SIXER, Prof, of Dis's of the Eye. ( »TTO J. STEIN. Prof, of Dis's of Ear, Nose and Throat. J AS. T. CAMPBELL, Prof, of Dis's of Ear, Nose and Throat. G. P. HEAD, Prof, of Dis's of Ear, Nose and Throat P. MARQUIS, Prof, of Dis's of Ear, Nose and Throat. I FS GRINKER, Prof, of Ner's Dis's. :. PADDOCK, Prof, of Obst's. ROBT. BLACK, Prof, of Dis's of Children. T. G. ALLEN, Prof, of Dis's of Children. I:<>BT. KROST, Prof, of Dis's of Children, WM. L. BAUM. Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's. D. W. ROGERS, Prof, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's. WM. R CUBBINS, Prof, of Anat. (HAS. A. NEISWANGER, Prof, of Electro Physics. WM. S. SADLER, Prof, of Physical Therap's. O. J. WEST, Lect'r on Path'y and Bacter'y. M. M. Pi >RTIS, Lect on Med. MARIE L. WHITE, Lect. on Gynec'y. DICKSON. Lect. on Gynec'y. DURBIN-RIES, Lect. on Gvnec'y. W. O. RICKFORT, Lect. on Gynec'y. PRICE, Lect. on Gvnec'y. If. S. BARNARD, Lect. on Gynec'y. K C. CUSHWAY, Lect. on Surg. W. P. SCHAARE. Lect. on Surg. M. J. MARVEL, Lect. On Surg. J. P. CAMPBELL, Lect. on Dis's of Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat. C. H. LONG. Lect. on Dis's of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. M. X. ALBRO, Lect. on Dis's of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. JLAIDE nrxCAN, Lect. on Dis's of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ' I I\ MONTEZUMA, Lect'r on Dis's of Stomach and Intes's. HARGREAVES, Lect'r on Ner's Dis's. Chicago as a Medical Center. 117 g-S-a o m Q p co Hawley 9 Albro '1-9 Suker 4 Duncan 4 Sullivan 10 Schaare 10 Richter 4.30 Colloran 4.30 o a o Q Q go w o CO 00 c3 GO 1 IJ P5JJ-2 o w % * n C c3 ^'u^z: Q go •— oa x s 5 SS^co g C3^ > •-3 £— c3 >1 c CO w Oi-H C?3rlH .2 5 S b3 +3 c3 g* g O O CO od t3 CO •3 6 c 05 N O 2 B © o £^«co «3 ^"o b H O W 1-3 PQ CO «0 o 3 -C o E -C or o. O OB _o o a 4> C >» O O a> a. o jC O >> 0> 3 CO Chicago as a Medical Center. cm V o fa a 1 PQo 5* S e c8 £ O Tt< - 2 is o ^< O CO ■>*< Q QQ Q CO J ^co^ d ^ efl O -- o o Si CO b£ P 3£ coco c^J T* CO JB 8S o CO Tin CO O o Sffi o w CO CM o CO CM<^ CM c = i COCO 2s Q £ 3 jt-c fcC a 0J ~ — ~ w r3 = - 1=) H 3 5c — 53 W Wo _5 ^ ^ °^ -^ >< < O r ~ ' — , co CO ,£3 *-• CO C Q ^ g N « CM WO 1||J T*< DQ oo coco .-£ C co C Jill ^ i S « -is o co M P S3 1 -a g So O PQ s w >» >. H e» ^ <=» >^ •« c o o ^ o a» o oq a> E o o IS E 11 o c o 3 rt T3 £> s tO © b CD 0) X Q z a. Chicago as a Medical Center. 119 Chicago Policlinic and Hospital A Clinical School for Practitioners of Medicine. Continuous All-Year Sessions. 174-176 E. Chicago ave. North 586 FACULTY. MOREAU R. BROWN, Prof, of Laryng. and Rhyn. JOHN H. CHEW, Treas. and Prof, of Med. R. D. MacARTHUR, V.-Pres., Prof, of Skin and Ven. Dis. WM. T. BELFIELD, Prof, of Genito-Urinary and Ven. Dis. GEORGE F. FISKE, Prof, of Otol. MALCOLM L. HARRIS. Sec. and Prof, of Surg. HENRY HOOPER, Prof, of Obstetrics. F. C. HOTZ, Prof, of Ophthal. HENRY BANGA, Prof, of Gynecol. HENRY P. NEWMAN, Prof, of Gynecol. JOSEPH M. PATTON, Prof, of Dis. of the Chest. HENRY G. ANTHONY, Prof, of Skin and Ven. Dis. OTTO L. SCHMIDT, Prof, of Med. HUGH T. PATRICK, Prof, of Ner. and Men. Dis. GUSTAV FUTTERER, Prof, of Dis. of the Stomach. E. FLETCHER INGALS, Prof, of Laryngol. and Rhinol. HENRY B. FAVILL, Prof, of Med. EDWIN M. SMITH, Prof, of Surg. C. S. BACON, Prof, of Obstet. W. H. WILDER, Prof, of Ophthal. RALPH R. CAMPBELL, Prof, of Skin and Ven. Dis. LUCIUS C. PARDEE, Prof, of Dermatol. FRANK ALLPORT, Prof, of Ophthal. ALFRED M. HALL, Prof, of Otol. JOHN FISHER, Prof, of the Dis. of the Chest. G. W. MAHONEY, Prof, of Ophthal. NORVAL H. PIERCE, Prof, of Otol. OTTO T. FREER. Prof, of Laryngol. and Rhynol. J. R. PENNINGTON, Prof, of Rectal Dis. CHARLES M. ROBERTSON, Prof, of Laryngol. and Rhinol. CHARLES S. WILLIAMSON, Prof, of Dis. of the Stomach. LOUIS E. SCHMIDT, Prof, of Genito-Urinary and Ven. Dis. E. W. RYERSON. Prof, of Orthop. Surg. PAUL GRUNNEROD, Prof, of Anat. and Oper. Surg. ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS. R. B. PREBLE, Asso'e Prof, of Med. A. BELCHAM KEYES, Asso'e Prof, of Gynecol. HARVEY A. TYLER, Asso'e Prof, of Gynecol. W. W. QUINLAN, Asso'e Prof, of Pediat. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS. J. C. GILL, Ass't Prof. Ner. and Men. Dis. S. J. WALKER, Ass't Prof, of Ner. and Men. Dis. NORMAN KERR, Ass't Prof. Surg. D. R. MacMARTIN, Ass't Prof. Surg. WM. HESSERT, Ass't Prof. Surg. WM. HEALY, Ass't Prof. Ner. and Men. Dis. DAVID FISKE, Ass't Prof. Otol. S. M. HAGER, Ass't Prof, of Ophthal. INSTRUCTORS. C. J. WHALEN, Inst, in Genito-Urinary Dis. PAUL F. MORF, Inst, in Surg. S. R. HURLBUT, Inst, in Skin and Ven. Dis. Medical Center, [ATE INSTRUCTORS. Inst In Ner. and Men. Dis's. 1.. 11. FREIDRICH, M.l».. Asso'e Inst, in Genito-Urinary Dis's. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS. EL C WILL. Ass't Inst, in Surg. TRACY H. CLARK, Ass't Inst, in Gynec'y. F. D. HOLLENBECK, Ass't Inst, in Obst's. LLE, Asst Inst, in Obst's. \\ . A. BIERINGER, Asst Inst, in Laryng'y and Rhin'y. JOHN HICK. Asst Inst, in Laryng'y and Rhin'y. (HAS. ft FRANCIS, Ass't Inst, in Ophthal'y. H. A. WARE, Ass't Inst, in Gynec'y. A. H. CKIGER, Ass't Inst, in Laryng'y and Rhin'y. R. H. I! Ass't Inst, in Genito-Urinary Dis's. J. P. GRIMES, Ass't Inst, in Genito-Urinary Dis's. '.. HISHOP, Ass't Inst, in Gynec'y. G. \v. WAGNER, Ass't Inst, in Laryng'y and Rhin'y. O. MacMICHAEL, Ass't Inst, in Dis's of Chest. J. A. GRAHAM, Ass't Inst, in Gynec'y. KINNAMAN, Ass't Inst, in Skin and Ven'l Dis's. A. N. J. DOLAN, Ass't Inst, in Ophth'y. M. MLIXHARDT, Ass't Inst, in Otology. MCRPHY, Ass't Inst, in Surg. 'IrDOXALD, Ass't Inst, in Otology. G. KOEHLER, Ass't Inst, in Surg. H. H. KLEINPELL. Ass't InsL in Dis's of Children. ARTHUR N. MACKEY, Ass't Inst, in Skin and Ven'l Dis's. .WLEWSKI, Ass't Inst, in Dis's of Children. . LEE, Ass't Inst, in Obst's. W. J. MILLS, Supt. Chicago as a Medical Center. 121 < Q p p CO o o J 1 CO e "3 .5 c3 '53 p i g g cu no P a c "3 3 »3 CD P to pi g p § P o p q P o P5 > p S3 V P a .£ *aj P "el P c CD C P P 5 P CO P >> c ■a c3 P p c ~b0 0) m a >> c3 cy c p P e8 P M o m g [3 o J o fQ o p -g P o a> C o w s 1 < P P CD o o "S3 E cd a £ IE o E c* x: J= o. O >> _© o o s >» o en 3 CO 8. o J= O c Z> o 'E a O o 3 o Z « Q o > o» 3 CO >» a> o o o © c >» O IE u o o O IS o -C H- "O c cd « o z CD C S > c E CO o CO p p O o> o = - CM c > r h lO Chicago as a Medical Center. Illinois Post-Graduate Medical School Continuous Ail-Year Sessions. imi West Harrison St. A Clinical School for Practitioners of Med. HONORARY FACULTY. WILLIAM K. QUINB. X B. MTKIM EDWARDS. HENRY T. BYFORD. IXANDER H. FERGUSON. FACULTY. T, \ Pres. and Prof, of Surg. a. C. WIENER, Sec, and Prof, of Surg. r. C< >XI.i:V. Prof, of Surg. MICHEL, Prof, of Internal Med. T. B. WIGGIN. Prof. Internal Med. and Phy'l Diag's. A M. STOBER, Prof. Internal Med. and Clin'l Path'y. XAGEL, Prof, of Genito-Urinary Surg. P. K REIS SL, Prof, of Genito-Urinary Surg. S. G. WEST. Prof, of Gynec'y. THOMPSON, Prof, of Gynec'y. L. MOOREHEAD, Prof, of Gynec'y. M. CORBETT, Prof, of Gynec'y. W. L. NOBLE, V.-Pres. and Prof, of Ophth'y. W. ALLEN BARR, Treas. and Prof, of Ophth'y. S. L. McCREIGHT, Prof, of Ophth'y. A. F. CORWIN, Prof, of Laryng'y. GEO. F. HAWLEY, Prof, of Laryng'y. 0. S. ORMSBY, Prof, of Demat'y. L. HARRISON METTLER, Prof, of Ner's and Men. Dis's. ALIUiECHT HEYM, Prof, of Ner's and Men. Dis's. H. O. WHITE, Prof, of Anat. W. G. ALLEN, Prof, of Anat. J. H. CARPENTER, Prof, of Electro-Therapy and X-Ray. RAT H. DAVIES, Prof, of Gynec'y. M. L. LEWISON, Ass't Prof, of Neurol'y. W. L. CALLAWAY, Prof, of Int'l Med. 1. H. EDDY, Assoc. Prof, of Gvnec'y. CLARK, Assoc. Prof, of Gynec'y. i\ H. BLANEY, Ass't Dept. of Surg. C. W. POORMAN, Ass't Dept. of Surg. ROBT. VON DER HEYDT, Ass't Dept. of Ophth'v. A. E. BERTLING, Ass't Dept. of Genito-Urinary Surg. K. E. GUTHRIE, Ass't Dept. of Larvng'y. A. X. MACKEY, Ass't Dept. of Demat'y. Chicago as a Medical Center, 123 p H GO "£ a o a o a o ft s o xi H o GO bC .5 1 oo o o o O P 3 ft o O o o h-3 P 03 So .2 o ^co II P GO P W O is 1 ©CO t-i^CO ■13J.& >> 1 6 >> c3 w To o P GO 525 P ft O o o 00 ft o "5 <: ei P CM bjD is P3 o a a ft a c H 73 ■p c3 GO CO bfi c »-< pq .a-gfe 1 co°° t-l ^ - >H P GO W '-5 3 03 "S O o 02 CO o <5 o '> P w 2 2o d o O -a .bO '3 O o p O 3 03 c o ft C3 O o c 03 OS ^GO S^co >> o c3 CO a. o o z O ►-a GO E o c < O =1 o Q. 05 SI 1- » o. o 3 < o CT5 3 CO C '■o s c C >> o> JO o 3 © _o o o c >. C3 .2 '-a © a. o.E 2d E2 >» c o >. c» _o o E x: j= o. O Chicago as a Medical Center. SPECIAL SCHEDULES following are SCHEDULES of all lectures and clinics for medical instruction held in the various colleges and hospitals in Chicago, lifted under SPECIAL BRANCHES of practice, viz.: Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Neurology, etc. The hours are found in first column. Asterisks follow each name, which, by reference to the following KEY, will locate the college or hospital where held. KEY TO SPECIAL SCHEDULES t Rush Medical College. • College of Physicians and Surgeons. rlhwestern University Medical School. X Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. II Illinois Medical College. ■ Hahnemann Medical College. ♦ Hering Medical College. -liege of Medicine and Surgery. • Bennett Medical College. + Chicago Post-Graduate Medical School. hicago Policlinic. O Illinois Post Graduate Medical School. k County Hospital. * Merry Hospital. a St. Luke's Hospital. ♦ Wesley Hospital. Willard Hospital. * Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. ° West Side Hospital. University Hospital. Jefferson Park Hospital. •J- American Hospital. © West Side Hebrew Dispensary. Chicago as a Medical Center, 125 SB « >* O H <5 o H-3-1 It it £ 3 "* £ § « £ S ft W O P 6=* Q « £ « w ft s g g °^ s ts ^ 5 ° 3 8 PQ B « . 1 " I— 4 as p= > 02 < B 13 3 a ESS : J g M O 1—1 03 o s hO + I r/1 I Q 02 I OS ^6 £3 « 5 b^ B H !> Cm O p 3 2 so fc B ill g3« (« H c Ph U t* O Hh- Ejh-} dh h o s ffl .J * •< >J .'. hJ-< O H £►3 S 3 Chicago as a Medical Center. DC U h O < GO z - o - © s • CD Q >< - 2» tt« 55 W ■ - - > Ph < w H go z •< pq .-3 < -3 CO <- < * Q ci ^ B P <^ W fe E-. re us >< -< - ■/. - x - — >< te= * • -< 55 ++ 55 * 3 a DO K X •< H p w pq £l eh O core © © >H 55 -< CO cG «< 5 •= 5 % ¥;* 5- I W O Sfl o o •"-' - CQ < CO - — e> ■» INPO ~~ ~ 1 > QC H 12 u Z o < Q H < CO _ gi - s 5 I; O 55 X w « P 3* § 3 S5 ^ 3 3 s 1 a ^2 >< g s Pn • pj 13 1 fer= sod S3 ^ a o c 5 pq GO P H H 13 5 fe= C3 O H < o GO w p EH si ++ O o w GO 5* O Jz; O / • >* * 2 P-< 5 K X o - Eh K W K GO P o K 00 o " " CO Chicago as a Medical Center. 127 CI < z E 6 H Z Id O P P P < < P 3 P .S-S d.S P 3 « cl J H " £ H S H g p *7++d Mi' 6 ^" § tn" 3 §H§W SoSo ^p^£ o SB H P p ■i d S a; P CO Ph P w ® o a OS *1 « « S P £ a p« T 1 is ^ £ h m P° P co P P H l?8ffljgp 2 § S w » g E 9 £ o m ?s £ <5 < « £ OOO'-i o29++ .SOS ejjjj >: w £ a o $ w 2 P « |§§^§ o p SB w p M ® d O d" t-i S W P P O dt^ - -M 5 £ « S W « O ri w o oooh j.;.S d -.S O i» H g 1 ^ s o 2 j P « o r « o O SB "d-Ti* dH g "S o S ^ H SB* SggS (§ W P^CO CO P P O W CO 0)0 — ca CO t Chicago as a Mi dical (\ntcr. > H ++ ' O < lin.f Kbybs, Clin.t k Lynch, Clin.f -£ O P H + c e jz; n 3 p (5 be a >^ > - < - ^ s r u 9 2 ++ = = £ - o PQ O • •8 w a c •< a a < + d 8 K E 11 0) > -- - - - ED CO ;- 6= « "^ C K H C K K 6* >T <0 C^S K S 2 >< Q Q W 2 2 « _ - _ b H ►J B P 9 1= o 9s^-Jt - c -- 1 " 2 ° S s s z (h k 2 * s: j s g c 5 ^ s K ^ less P Hs2 ^ + _d O to g & 'k S as P Q - c . S o d O to" < _d b a K ++ If 6* ■.5 Hi . 31 s o s 2 O 55 o H ►J B P X K 3 p < CO Ifltt a h 2 g 2 3 1 g S £ K W + o « § s u P o w 00 » o Z - CM CO Chicago as a Medical Center. \>d Id Z o Q UJ S < p go W Od.S ~W ^-Q '■to c c.2 c F^^ c Oo^ oo°o |JT -° {«" pf § « % 5 * £■ w £ o 3 £ « £j ° £ ° c^<^ g * ffi - _«~ ~ H £ £ H J s« ^ > « J « a 5 5 g.-J *■• JS8gQ id # *=J 7^_ O £i6^3.so °0 afg feO af ff £9 a 3 ^3 g CQ Hi o I Q * -^ g co !> 3 25 3 5 j S O H - H Z 55 * 2 S H O ■$ « • Q *_ % g " <* « OH ^ O o O rS S .Sno > ^ v > m u « Q H OOCQ O O O ago as a Medical Center. LJ Z o Q u + + o •< EC 1 2 Q - i CO _ - rfS - pa e= ++ > - liiii 1—1 o t« " « = ISBi S 3 o g 3 a** tf 6* - - 7- p h « w h - 5 w - - 5 B ,- a g S S g X co ■■~~c -- ■ . w _ +++ .2 = - X o ° 5 p 3 if M g P * S 5 s 5 ° si ■*■ 5 * K2 - £ S 3 [r. O J J i 1 1 5 Q CO - ►-a S QQ .=.s £3 .So o'rf J - rl « 2 — 5 p= 8 >H o - + J-2 pQ «& Q C/2 £ % * s J -o S3 of a, « ^ & > g 2 3 3 sz; g a H < 322 O H J J O CQ -< Q. ot ■■++ 1* Q O 5a ~ r 2 B cHtB a s a 2*5 si .« z 5 £ o n (r* B 3 si Z -< o < K pq g S I g 5 * « 2 s 3 s ° S fe & O DC U z o z < -J < h z ill 2 ■s.g WW 1-5 Q .5 CO ffl c ++ &=.£++ 1§3d ^*S M -o - O ^ p § 3 w « *W i-iOO ■: 1® < - So + _d "S.dO 55 ffi « ^ s « w £ £ £ 5 § «5 « 2 ^5 p p w ■. *< 9 d u § Sgfg *. _d O H H w 1* _d « O ^0 dO-^ do « ° § « > H «" O W a 1* ft 02 P H Is BO PS &7~ Wo 1*7 d °« coco O .5 5 *.*.< a Offl *i -< H a.B .e5 H V. < J9 a cc PC «r ++ • .E+T.S *& Corwin, ('lin.O Guthrie, Clin. Q Hawley, Clin. O Marquis, Clin. + Hubbard, Clin.+ Menge, Clin.* $ Q m g 1 < 2 - -C-> J C a - 5 5 b K W g S a * >■ _ - . S § 5 o K X > O = /- 2 1 fi Duncan Stein, Campbeli ^uthberts Shambau Brown 4 u < Id Q P CO s E o c 6 w S ■s | § | g 1 1 III s ead, Clin.+ ong, Clin.+ shop, Clin. II chon, Clin. II to K B & a £ Z H 5j K~£* giSS < Ph H < cr X H u 0) Q CO m Q W E fc £ ►* - 5 » « _ ^ W £ -< "-I M £|g3gg| Haseltine, Clin. - Good, Clin.D Marquis, Clin.+ Hubbard, Clin.+ Friedberg, Clin.O o P3 O z ^ ■"= = 3 <4 * < Q OQ H — EH - H 1 • ' 2 - - _- ~ g°* U § £ g « J a — ~ a a o -J O £ ^ oe £ a ib ^ d, « S 2 - Fkllows, CI Head, Clin LoN(i, Clin sselberry, Menge, Cli a 5 a w a c K S C -< ° & s . o " o o 4— >< 5 t0e d B % o r- o Q H a 3 CO Dh ++!»9 cc Q a ej a e «- » g pi |z§sl§ * . c'.S® ~ » fe o 3 x « •^ & O — (N CO ^t Chicago as a Medical Center. 133 5 Q PS co .s to 3 55 ® a o X o 3.S.S CMCN t+ X3 (=1 °J H O J Oh Q 3 + .2 o © + .2 o of o .2* o pq o &7 .2* b | S.J § o p Q CO w + d o o" .2 o H O a o ° 2 d Soffc w w £ « Q ^ £>PQ 9® Is Q CO W Q + d o 55 o O Q c . 2 r^ '-^ £go"" 03 S iJ Pi S S 5 « e3 K > .2*'-§ rf9" co c Q CO P H « 55 cog ® .2 o ^* w 55 o W © .2 b X a ps o c_> ~T d 5°. O ►J 03 jj •2 d 2 ^ o" o" ^ P3 O ^ « o Q O + O ,J H Oh ® .2 o pf © W .2 d eg «c3 + O O CO O a> © M I CO Q Ed CO g s f-^co p CO 1 + o 55" p C3 < w Q CO Q ® _d 55" co 03 s P CO 10 Q O it So rfg' ® d O 55" m « *. _d 55" Q P^ CO O — ««* 0) l.;i Chicago *s < < Q CO Oh P n ++ « w pa H CO o « O pq < *1 • > W CO Q CO Q W ■ o CO ■ w z E-H * K Q CO *2 h4 PS o H « o pa < w pq Q o >> c P5 §■■ ■ BB8B 2§§§ o ^^JS = -?;=: -3 • ■ coo * s CO p O 00 05 o — - CO to be Chicago as a Medical Center. 135 (0 O QC H < Q U Q. 1* P PS P H < go 66 PS J «! O oo of H a o W Q 8 u z GO ® _d 3 w M g s -r. Q. "" .S-S.S.Sd d Sorb's O «++ d c _c 666 n M 2 O ■< PS °«6 «*< P CO K O pj~ - s d c 66 55 V + +6+ 3 ss3 - °H -. fc ^ « £ 5 iJ Eh O J PS OS 1 P GO K % p &7 d PS < O "B § P O d K o CO 6-i Ph Eh £ PS si O .5 3 Eh" pq < >< -a* P GO t3 H ooog fc fc fc a o o > o Is c ►i* «< w &h P co P ■ CD c O •ST. . P <: P CO w ++ = O « C0J3 ++ E* W a o P ++ >< C++ ■< cq cs -< OO n * w P O i g a m SI g£ K O M a ""3 M P 5 « P « b CO S3 O M 00 o O - - M CO *t Chicago as a Medical Center. 137 >- OC LI O X D *© O o<% «? * * £ 05 § | g | | *a*°0 .S.Sa6.a K 05 ^ <: h 8 ° « S S fc ^ 22 Q & > £ - .a - p ^ ^ h ^ h W 5 >£ « g£ £ h a g 5-3 O ? 05 B a g 05 g ■< g M «g££* 66°. 5 > 05 S ^ •< ho Pi =0 fa S £ Eh 22 « « w J£ « O q CO < 55 g fa &" 1 O -*! W ?0"dd 55 to ££ fa W 3^0 .3 g.S*3c3 oo fe C J w ?• , co ^ 2 o fa i fa Ok5 55 P -ks=^f* o h «• i" g h" i rf K H K S fa p « c J fa 5 ^^ 5? g p Q U W g flSi fa fa 05" S co" - 05" H 5 fa 5 SS « H B s 3 S « 05 J B | j S " H ^ S r r 1- ' Z hh i-^ O ffi O H 0<3*r fa" 5 ^ fa £2 g s ^ " Chicago as a Medical Coder. •M-+7 SB o ■ Heineck, Clin.O Ki< hter, Clin.+ Calloran, Clin.+ Friend, Clin.° H u SB 3 a« lOiO >* < g - ++ = < J H £ g § 8 £ £ a w o 3 fc S — - - "- 5 «< t£ JU oq pn c O as* w P j < a GO p = ■M- b s£ o - - s < J * s i g g X° . -g H v - ^ ^ o -< K 2 <; J q H r b b BsSEg a o <: 04 Q CO a - - rifi ^ ^ S w £ c c ft 23 H^DOo - fc g" £ OQ" J J '■c ~ ^ H S Z Oc®. u w - /■ c ft £ O Z ■sKS H ^ as > < - -r. p g o S ■e-J o . p < 6; - 02 .5 ft §« >< Q O ++ d "3 O w s < H ? Z H 1 gs g 0. _c .2 - Q as J H W PC En K ^ as O p 2 Cvi CO tJ- in Chicago as a Medical Center. 130 < - p - < Q Z 02 z < ++ CO O K 00 O 5 - CM <* 1 1 eo lj,i Chicago as a Medical Center. Hospitals, Sanitariums and Infirmaries ALEXIA X BROTHERS HOSPITAL. ii and Racine Aves. North 1005. Incorporated March 27, 1869. The first hospital in America established by this order was a frame building on the corner of Dearborn and Schiller streets, erected In 1866. In 1868 a new building was erected at 569 North Market. r serving the good cause for only three years it was swept away by the great fire of 1871. In 1872 a new building was erected to which a now addition was erected in the spring of 1888. In 1896 the Alexian Brothers built their large and perfectly equipped hos- pital. Has accommodation for 300 patients, and cost over $300,000. BRO. BERNARD KLEPPEL, Pres. BRO. AMBROSE NUSSBAUM, V.-Pres. BRO. SERVATIUS NIEVELLER, Treas. BRO. ALEXIUS JANSEN, Sec. SURGICAL AND MEDICAL STAFF. C oris' g Sur. — John B. Murphy. Cons' a Path't — Walter A. Evans. Att'g^Surg's. — M. L. Harris, W. Hessert, W. H. Allport. Attn Genito-Urinary Surg, and Derma? t — Louis E. Schmidt. Att'g Ophth'c Surg's. — F. C. Harnish, H. C. Welcker. Att'g Phys's. — O. L. Schmidt, F. W. Rohr, W. S. Orth, J. H. Hoel- scher, F. A. Rettig. Med. Snpt. of the Sanat'm and Cons' g Neurit — Albrecht Heym. Att'g Laryng't and Aurist — J. Holinger. Att'g Aurist — H. C. Welcker. Att'g Neur't — S. V. Clevenger. Path't — E. H. Earle. Internes. — F. E. Redan, Edward Nills, M. C. Weidner, N. P. Paulson, Lester Mee, Edward Mikkelson, Wirt B. Dakin. (See Staff of Alexian Brothers Hospital Dispensary.) AMERICAN HOSPITAL. Cor. Monroe St. and Hoyne Ave. This is a modern general hospital, fully equipped for medical and surgical cases, having large, spacious male and female wards and private rooms. Medical Staff — F. J. Buss, N. LeDoit Johnson, Wm. F. Schaare, H. A. Hadley, H. P. Nelson. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE HOSPITAL. 1205 State St. Calumet 897. AUGUSTANA HOSPITAL. Lincoln and Cleveland Aves. Lincoln 22. The Augustana Hospital, of the Deaconess Institution of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church, is a corporate institution according to the statutes of the State of Illinois, and is owned and controlled by the Illinois Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. Organized in 1882 as a charitable institution. May, 1884, hospital work was begun with the view of forming the nucleus of an establishment to meet the needs of the denomination in the Northwest STAFF OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Cons'g Phys. — John Bartlett. Cons'g Neurit — Richard Dewey. Chief of Staff, Surgeon in Chief — Albert J. Ochsner. Chicago as a Medical Center. 141 Dept. of Int'l Med. — Henry B. Favill. Dermat't — James Nevins Hyde. OphthaVt and OtoVt — Oscar Dodd. Obst'n — Rudolph W. Holmes. Neurit — Thor Rothstein. Rhin't and Laryng't— Alfred Hakanson. AtVg Surg. — Edward H. Ochsner. Att'g Phys. — Anders Frick. Junior Att'g Phys. — Charles E. Blomgren. Children's Dis's — Emanuel O. Benson. Adv'y Surg. — Carl W. Johnson. Dept. of Dent'y — Jos. E. Rehnstrom. Internes. — Ernest O. Finney, Edward W. Thuerer, Albert T. Lundgren, Emil E. Torell, Fred R. Disney, Gonzalo Valen- M. WAHLSTROM, Supt. LILA PICKHARDT, Supt. of Nurses. JOHANNA NELSON, Supt. of Nurses. CHARLOTTA JOHNSON, Matron. AMANDA C. LINDSTROM, Office Clerk. BELDEN AVENUE HOSPITAL. 1464 Belden Ave. Lincoln 559. BEULAH HOMES AND HOSPITAL, THE. 959-963 N, Clark St. Lincoln 5. Established in 1896 by Mr. and Mrs. Richards. O. H. RICHARDS, Supt. MRS. O. H. RICHARDS, Ass't Supt. Medical Staff. — W. P. Goodsmith, Sec, H. M. Goodsmith, Edw. E. Moore, G. F. Rulison, House Phys. CHICAGO BAPTIST HOSPITAL. 3410 Rhodes Ave. Douglas 1190. Staff of Physicians and Surgeons. — Jno. C. Delprat, Frank Wie- land, J. H. Stowell, Frederick Menge, Guy Gowan, Brown Pusey, Robt. Dodds, H. G. Wells, R. A. Letourneau, C. E. Paddock, J. A. Harvey, W. L. Baum, F. X. Walls, Chas. J. Kurtz, H. N. Mackechnie, Chauncey W. Courtright, Chas. H. Mix, Joseph Purvis, Supt. CHICAGO CHARITY HOSPITAL. 2407 Dearborn St. Calumet 1168. Since the establishment of the Chicago Charity Hospital in 1888 it has always stood for absolutely free beds and the elimina- tion of all red tape in the assignment of patients. The require- ments for entrance are inability to pay. MEDICAL STAFF. Chief of Staff , Surg. — Franklin H. Martin. Gyne&y. — Franklin H. Martin, Albert Goldspohn. Surgery. — F. A. Besley, W. R. Cubbins, Allen Kanavel. Med. — Arthur Elliott, Robert Dodds. Obst's — Charles A. Paddock. Pedia's — R. A. Krost. Consulting Staff.— E. J. Doering, T. M. Hardie, B. W. Sippy, Sanger Brown, Frank X. Walls, Henry T. Byford, W. F. Coleman, W. L. Baum. MRS. M. K. HOSACK, Supt C. MERRILL PIERCE, Interne, 142 Chicago as a Medical Center. CHICAGO EXTERNES SANATORIUM. 4427 Michigan Chicago, 111. Erected and equipped elegantly and completely with the most approved apparatus for the application of physical thera- peutlc measures, affording the best treatments of the best sanatoria. Din ctor. — Dr. C. P. Caldwell. Ass't Director. — Dr. P. A. Murphy. — Miss M. Long. CHICAGO GENERAL HOSPITAL. 32d and Rhodes Ave. Douglas 353. Formerly Woman Hospital. Medical Staff. — Frank Deacon, Pres. and Resident Physician ; Fred M. Doyle, Sec. and Treas. ; T. W. Kelly, J. Rubovitz. A. P. Heineck, Stewart Johnstone, L. B. Coates, G. W. Hinn. J. F. Burkholder. CHICAGO HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL. 354 South Wood St. West 291. Complete in every department, including pathological labora- tory, mechanical vibration, high-frequency, X-ray, Finsen light, etc. Attending Staff. — E. H. Pratt, C. T. Hood, L. W. Beebe, B. A. McBurnev, W. L. Ruggles, R. G. Knapp, A. R. McDonald, M. B. Blouke, C. E. Sayre, Edgar J. George, T. E. Costain, W. F. Becker, W. F. Haley, E. E. Reininger. House Staff. — W. T. Clarke, C. Bresee. CHICAGO HOSPITAL, THE. 811 E. Forty-ninth St , C >r. Cottage Grove Ave. The building is an imposing steel, fire proof structure, with plenty of steel fire escapes, with outer walls of stone and pressed brick, and is so arranged that every room is an outside room, thus ensuring abundance of light, air and sunshine. From the bay windows below and from all east, north and south windows, views of Drexel boulevard are obtained. The hospital is reached from the city by the Cottage Grove avenue cars, the I. C. R. R., and the South Side Elevated. STAFF. Surgeons and Gynecologists. — Alexander Hugh Ferguson, Wm. M. Harsha, John A. Lyons, V. S. Frankenstein, A. F. Henning, J. G. Craig, Albert Peacock, Fred C. Zapffe. Physicians. — Wm. E. Quine, H. W. Gentles, B. L. Riese, L. Harri- son Mettler. Diss of Children. — Robt. A. Black. Ophth't. — Casey A. Wood, M.D. Dentist. — G. W. Westcott. Supt. and Mngr. — Bertha H. Hosford. Pres. — Alex. H. Ferguson. Sec. — Judge Henry D. Laughlin. CHICAGO LYING-IN HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. 302 Maxwell St. Canal 123. MEDICAL STAFF. Consulting Physicians. — Frank Billings, H. T. Byford, E. C. Dud- ley, J. B. Murphy, Sanger Brown, E. J. Doering, H. B. Favill, W. E. Quine. Chief Obst'n and Med' I Dir'r — Joseph B. DeLee. Asso'e ObsVs — Charles B. Reed, Rudolph W. Holmes. Ass't Obst's — Herbert M. Stowe. Chicago as a Medical Center. \\\) Externe Obst's — Anna Ross Lapham, Fred Werner Supt. of Nurses — Mrs. Emma E. Koch. Nurse in Charge — Miss Anna Keller. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. Path't — Ludvig Hektoen. Ass't Path't — Jean W. Cooke. Pediatrist — I. A. Abt. NeuroVs. — Archibald Church and Sidney Kuh Embry't — W. S. Hall. Dermat't — H. R. Reynolds. OphthaVt — W. H. Wilder. Ass't OvhthaVt — W. E. Gamble. CHICAGO LYING-IN HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY. 294 Ashland Blvd. Monroe 452. The students care for cases in the hospital at 294 Ashland boulevard, and for cases in the dispensary at 302 Maxwell street (See Staff of Chicago Lying-in Hospital, 304 Maxwell St.) CHICAGO MATERNITY HOSPITAL. 1033 N. Clark St. Lincoln 1062. EPFA V. DAVIS, Supt. and Chief Med'l Attendant. EVA RIED, House Phys. Consultants. — A. C. Cotton, A. B. Keyes, J. Clarence Webster John D. Merrill, Anna Blount. CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN R. R. HOSPITAL. 56 E. Kinzie St. JOHN D. ANDREWS, Surg, in Charge. CHICAGO PASTEUR INSTITUTE. 228 Dearborn Ave. North 973. For the preventive treatment of Hydrophobia. A. LAGORIO, M.D., Supt. CHICAGO POLICLINIC HOSPITAL. 174-176 Chicago Ave. North 586. (See Faculty of Chicago Policlinic.) CHICAGO UNION HOSPITAL. 1492 Wellington St. Lake View 327. This institution was organized as a corporation without capital stock, for charitable purposes, and on this basis a charter was obtained from the State of Illinois on the 29th day of May, 1901. On the 23d day of July of the same year the hospital was opened to the public. Can accommodate from 60 to 75 patients. Board of Directors. — Elmer E. Vaughan, Pres. ; F. E. Chandler, V.-Pres. ; J. M. Grove, Sec. ; S. R. Ireland, Treas. ; Thos. S. Smith, A. L. Bentley, E. D. Howland, A. G. Thome, W. R. Hibbs. Hospital Staff. — E. E. Vaughan, F. E. Chandler, A. G. Thome, Geo. DeTarnowsky, J. J. Thompson, George W. Billig, Chas. H. Bushnell, E. D. Howland, Chas. C. Bernard, Wallace F. Grosvenor, Caroline B. Hopkins. Associates. — E. A. Moulton, F. A. Fisher, Edward E. Baxter, Clara Ferguson, Edward G. Davis. MARTHA A. PIPPEREIT, Supt. E. A. MOULTON, Externe. 1 \\ Chicago OS a Medical Center. CHILDREN'S MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Fullertoo Ave. and Orchard St. Lincoln 166. Surgery. — C. G. Buford, Norman Kerr, Edw. W. Ryerson, C. A. Medicine. — F. S. Churchill, J. P. Houston, A. C. Soper, Samuel T. Walker. ut'\) — H. G. Anthony. and Throat — David Fiske. -A. M. Hall. Ear — Geo. E. Shambaugh. Nt ur'y — Thos. Rothstein. J'ath'y — Chas. P. Clarke. Consulting Staff. — Arthur Dean Beven, Frank Billings, Daniel R. Brower, A. C. Cotton, John M. Dodson, W. S. Haines, Lud- vig Hektoen. J. Nevins Hyde, E. Fletcher Ingals, Wm. H. Wilder, J. Clarence Webster. CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL. 617 LaSalle Ave. Lincoln 2493. Medical Staff — N. E. Wood, J. C. McCandlass and Wm. F. Schaare. COLONY ASSOCIATION. 5043 W. Twenty-fourth St., Morton Park, 111. Morton Park 261. For the care and cure of Epilepsy and kindred conditions. GETTA CATER SWEETING, Phys. in Charge. COLUMBIA HOSPITAL. 4607 Champlain Ave. Established 1900 ; Capacity 25 ; Private. A. A. O'NEILL, Surgeon in Chief. JULIA KENNEDY, Supt. COLUMBUS HOSPITAL. Lake View Ave. and Deming Place. Incorporated 1903. Directed by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus under the patronage of the most Rev. James E. Quigley, Archbishop of Chicago. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. GUSTAV FUTTERER, Cons' g Phys. Surgery. — John B. Murphy, Pres. ; Frank Byrnes, Secy. ; Wm. P. Verity ; Antoni Biankini. Medicine. — Wm. D. Storer, Thomas S. Crowe, Julius H. Hoelscher. NeuroVt — Harold Moyer. Derma ft — David Lieberthal. OphthaVt — Heman H. Brown. Laryng't — Geo. P. Marquis. PathoVt — Cosmas A. Garvey. COOK COUNTY DETENTION HOSPITAL. Cor. W r ood and Polk. Established 1890. Capacity, 48. H. I. DAVIS, M. D., Supt. COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL. W r est 171. Occupies an entire block, embracing twelve acres, bounded by Wood, Harrison, Lincoln and Polk streets, Chicago. It was founded in 1865 as an independent hospital, and was then located on the corner of Arnold and 18th streets; later it fell into the Chicago as a Medical Center. 14." hands of the county authorities, and has since steadily grown to its present magnificent proportions, which is unsurpassed by any institution of the kind in this country, perhaps in the world. CHAS. J. HAPPEL, Warden. JOHN B. CALDWELL, M. D., Assistant Warden. JOSEPH F. HASS, Clerk. Consulting Staff — R. H. Babcock, Chas. S. Bacon. Frank Billings, Daniel R. Brower. H. H. Brown, Sanger Brown, Thos. J. Con- ley, A. C. Cow T perthwaite, Nathan S. Davis, Jos. B. De Lee, F. C. Hotz, Stuart Johnstone, Geo. P. Marquis, John B. Murphy, Chas. E. Paddock, Hugh T. Patrick. Wm. E. Quine. E. M. Reading, Geo. F. Shears, D. A. K. Steele, Jas. H. Stowell, Fred- erick Tice, Henry S. Tucker, Chas. S. Williamson, Casey A. Wood. ATTENDING STAFF. Depart, of Surgery — Geo. C. Amerson. E. Wyiiys Andrews, Freder- ick A. Besley, Thos. S. Davis, Chas. Davidson, D. N. Eisen- drath, A. E. Halstead. M. L. Harris, Aime P. Heineck, Chas. E. Humiston, Chas. E. Kahlke, A. B. Keyes, Henry Lewis, B. J. McBurney, Jas. M. Neff, John D. Robertson, Chas. J. Rowan, Lawrence Ryan, Wm. E. Schroeder, Geo. F. Thompson, Samuel L. Weber. Depart, of Medicine. — Leon Block, Jos. A. Capps, Chas. A. Elliott, Jos. Friedman, Alex. A. Goldsmith, M. L. Goodkind, W. S. Har- pole, F. D. Harris, Jas. B. Herrick, Ellis K. Kerr, Ludwig M. Loeb, Jos. A. Miller, Chas. J. Mix, Jos. M. Patton, M. M. Portis, R. B. Preble, B. W. Sippy, S. R. Slavmaker, Theo. Tieken, Edw. F. Wells. Depart, of Obstetrics. — C. W. Barrett, Chas. H. Bushnell, Gilbert Fitzpatrick, H. D. Rochler, Herbert M. Stow r e. Depart, of Nervous and Mental Diseases. — Peter Bassoe, Sidney Kuh, Geo. W. Hall, Harold N. Moyer. Depart, of Children's Diseases. — Isaac A. Abt, Wm. J. Butler, Frank S. Churchill, Gottfried Koehler. Dept. of Contagious Diseases. — Wm. L. Baum, A. M. Cameron, Geo. H. Weaver. Depart, of Diseases of the Eye. — F. W. Kettlestrings, Brown Pusey. Depart, of Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat. — Jos. C. Beck, S. A. Freiberg. Depart, of Skin and Venereal Diseases. — O. S. Ormsby, Wm. Allen Pusey. Depart, of Orthopedic Surgery. — John L. Porter, E. W. Ryerson. Depart, of Pathology. — W,m. A. Evans, E. R. Le Count, W. H. Gideon. Depart, of Pathological Chemistry. — Ralph W. Webster. House Staff. — A. F. Bifield. R. Y. Jones, E. J. Lewis, D. E. Corn- wall, J. D. Geisinger, H. J. Smith, W. B. Dougherty, S. W. Ram- son, Harvey Jackson. J. H. Garberson, R. H. Wellington, B. A. Nillson, R.~ G. Stevenson, A. B. Eustace. N. C. Phillips, V. C. David. A. H. Montgomery, L. E. Handelman, C. P. Sieppel, L. G. Dwan, H. V. Wellinger, H. B. Kingsbury, J. R. Kaufmann. F. A. Speik, C. H. Gowan. L. J. Wilkowski, E. A. Halberg, A. D. Kirlev, E. B. Rogers, W. H. Meents, G. Meigs, R. E. Bach- tel, G. D. Scott. F. B. Riley. B. J. O'Neill, Jr., J E. Tysee, G. T. Johnson, J. S. Eisenstaedt, J. A. Wolfer, B. S. Stevens, W. H. Perry, W. C. Nichols, A. R. McMahon, T. F. Grosvenor. DREXEL SANITARIUM. 4130 Drexel Blvd. L. BLAKE BALDWIN. M. D-. Supt. 1 it; Chicago as a Medical Center. hxglewood hospital. 60th and Green Sts. Wentworth 344. Incorporated April, 1894. Owned and controlled by the Swedish American Hospital Association. cal Staff.— M. W. Bacon, J. Reese, Carl Langer, Wm. Bohart, Win. Fuller, C. P. P. Korssell, J. A. Beardsley, F. A. Weather- ford. Medical Staff. — E. C. Morton, Chas. A. Erickson, J. S. Hunt, J. K. McQuarrie. Gynecological. — C. F. Weir, S. A. Waterman, G. J. Hagens, E. B. Anderson, C. W. Courtright, S. L. Friduss. h'i'c and Ear Staff. — H. R. Boettcher, Wm. Peterson, F. T. Avery. Pediatrics. — J. H. Hess. Neurology. — Thor Rothstein. Pathology. — L. J. Osgood. House Staff — Brand Starnes, Phillip Leight, Walter Nowers, Chas. Salmon. Sup't. — Amelia Dahlgren. Ass't Sup't. — Miss T. L. Townsend. Ass't Surg. — Supervisor Verna Tyhurst. EVANGELICAL DEACONESS HOME AND HOSPITAL.- SU Wisconsin St. Lincoln 1983. Medical and Surgical Staff. — A. Goldspohn, Chas. S. Williamson, Chas. S. Bacon, A. B. Keyes, Ernest A. Matthaei, S. A. Hemmi, C. Hatterman, F. Schurmeier, Chas. B. Wagner, A. J. Schoen- berg, Moritz Schultze, T. J. Doederlein, S. Churchill, W. J. Baum, R. H. Good. House Staff. — Dr. Samuels and Dr. Hurley. FRANCES E. WILLARD NATIONAL TEMPERANCE HOSPITAL. 343-349 S. Lincoln St. West 2181. Was organized under the sanction of the "National Woman's Christian Temperance Union." Although located in Illinois it is not an Illinois institution, but a national organization, and should com- mand national support. The Frances E. Willard National Temperance Hospital Asso- ciation is a legally organized corporation since the spring of 1886. ATTENDING STAFF. HENRY S. TUCKER, Pres. JOSEPH G. WOLFE, V.-Pres. CASSIUS C. ROGERS, Sec'y. Medicine. — Vaughn L. Sheets, J. McDonald Scott, Joseph G. Wolfe, Willard D. Brode, Carl H. Wilkinson Oral Surgery. — Truman W. Brophy. Surgery. — Walter S. Schussler, Frank F. Hoffman, Cassius C. Rogers, Noble M. Eberhart, D. Lee Shaw, John Vanus Fowler, Elmer E. Henderson, Simon J. Young. Gynecology. — Henry S. Tucker, Andrew McDermid. Nose and Throat. — Robert H. Good. Eye and Ear. — William AT Barr. Chemist. — J. Newton Roe. Electro-Therap's. — John H. Carpenter. Path'y. — Benj. H. Orndoff. Executive Committee. — Henry S. Tucker, Joseph G. Wolfe, Cassius C. Rogers. Nurse Committee. — Walter R. Schussler, R. H. Good, E. E. Hen- derson. By-Law Committee. — V. L. Sheets, Andrew McDermid, Wm. A. Barr. Interne Committee. — Noble M. Eberhart, D. L. Shaw, J. V. Fowler. Sup't. — Anna Louise Davis. Surg. Nurse. — JEthel Marie Davis. Chicago as a Medical Center. } 17 GARFIELD PARK SANITARIUM. 1776 Washington Blvd. Kedzie 724 Any reputable physician can take his patients to "Garfield Park Sanitarium" and treat them. House Staff. — Calvin Brown and Geo. Stimpson. GERMAN-AMERICAN HOSPITAL. Incorporated 1896. 1619 Diversey Blvd. Lake View 967. Medical and Surgical Staff. — H. J. Haiselden, Surg.-in-Charge Gen. Medicine. — F. Detlefsen, M. J. Lunn, C. P. Kalliontzis C Rutherford, John Fisher, Homer Jameson, T. C. Guenther' H Hartung, C. W. McMichael. Eye and Ear. — A. Proudfoot. Obst's. — John Deutsch, M. J. McGowan. Path'l. — H. C. Weiskopf. Genito -Urinary — T. H. Leusman. Ass'e Obst'n. — W. C. Spangenberg. Ner's Dis's. — J. H. Kincaid. GERMAN HOSPITAL. Larrabee and Grant Place. Established in 1883. Capacity, 75. P. H. DILG, Supt. GRACE HOSPITAL. 167 Sangamon St., cor. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 2445. Incorporated 1905. Capacity, 50 Beds. Staff of Physicians. — C. C. O' Byrne, Pres. ; C. D. Pence, Sec'y ; C. W. Harrison, A. M. Harvey, F. A. Phillips, M. D. Bates, J. J. Alderson, A. E. Bertling, W. F. Duckett, A. N. Clagett. HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL, THE 2810 to 2814 Groveland Ave. A general hospital for men, women and children. It consists of seven stories and basement, devoted exclusively to the care of the sick. The clinical instructions in the hospital are given by the teach- ing corps of Hahnemann Medical College. This arrangement per- mits the professors who give the didactic lectures in the college to illustrate and enforce their own teaching in the hospital, so that pre- cept and practice go hand in hand. HOSPITAL STAFF. Diseases of Women. — E. Stillman Bailey, M. B. Blouke. Clinical Assistants. — Peter S. Clark, Julia C. Strawn, Mary E. Hanks, Ysabel Richmond, J. F. Schmershall, Susan Laird. Gen'l Med.— H. V. Halbert, E. M. Bruce, W. E. Taylor, A. I. Black- wood, A. R. McDonald, J. T. Kent, S. H. Aurand, M. J. Moth, A. H. Gordon, F. W. Lambden, G. M. Hill, E. H. Grubbe, G. M. Cushing, G. L. Brooks, A. O. Sax, H. C. Miller, A. C. Ten- ney, H. H. Hanke. Men'l and Ner's Dis's. — N. B. Delamater, F. W. Wood. Clin'l Ass't. — Frank A. Metcalf. Skin and Ven'l Dis's. — C. D. Collins, E. G. Davis, F. A. Wieland. Surgery. — G. F. Shears, H. R. Chislett, Chas. E. Kahlke, C. F. Barker, E. E. Vaughan, T. E. Costain. Clin'l Ass'ts. — E. L. Hunter, Vance Rawson, J. W. Cornell, R. A. Melendy. Eye and Ear. — C. Gurnee Fellows, C. Joseph Swan, E. J. George. Clin'l Ass'ts. — Guy Park Conger, W. E. Boynton, L. A. Schultz, C. A. Harkness. 1 is Chicago as a Medical Cotter. Diss of Chil'n. — Jos. P. Cobb, Chas. V. Martin. Sarah H. Hobson. Clin'l Ass'ts. — A. M. Cameron, Agnes V. Fuller. Nose and Throat. — W. M. Stearns, B. Haseltine, Geo. M. McBean. clin'l Ass'ts. — Alfred Lewy, R. H. Street. Obstetrics. — F. H. Honberger, Gilbert FitzPatrick. Urologist. — Clifford Mitchell. l'ath't. — W. Henry Wilson. Supcr't. — John C. Burt, Ph.C. Internes. — J. G. Stone, F. E. Glauner, E. E. Wilcox, H. Cleminson, Byron Biggs, R. L. Baird, J. B. Francis, L. M. Griffin. HENROTIN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Oak St. and La Salle Ave. North 4290. TRUSTEES. JOHN H. CHEW, Pres. R. D. MAC ARTHUR, V.-Pres. M. L. HARRIS, Sec'y. C. S. BACON, Treas. WM. T. BELFIELD. OTTO L. SCHMIDT. HENRY HOOPER. WM. J. MILLS, Sup't. See staff of Chicago Polyclinic. ILLINOIS CHARITABLE EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY. 227 West Adams St. Monroe 1109. Was founded in 1858 by Dr. Edward L. Holmes. TRUSTEES. WM. T. MONTGOMERY, M.D., Pres., Chicago. H. O. EVENSEN, M.D., V.-Pres., Ottawa. ARTHUR E. PHINCE, M.D., Seer., Springfield. CHAS. T. GARRARD, Super' t. SURGEONS. Eye Dept. — Wm. H. Wilder, Oscar Dodd, H. W. Woodruff, Chas. H. Beard, Willis O. Vance, E. V. L. Brown. Ass't Surg. Eye Dept. — W. E. Gamble, J. B. Loring, F. A. Phillips, W. Allen Barr, Nils E. Remmen, Hugh B. Williams, E. K. Findlay, R. J. Tivnen, E. H. Selby, D. C. Orcutt, N. A. Young, M. H. Lebensohn, Robt. Von Der Heydt, Chas. C. Clement, H. Worthington, Lewis K. Beck. Surgeons Ear Dept. — Jas. R. Davey, Norval H. Pierce, H. R. Boett- cher. Ass't Surg's Ear Dept. — W. K. Spiece, S. L. McCreight, S. M. Hager, E. C. Winans, U. J. Grim, Max Meinhardt, Edw. S. Antisdale, Ira Frank, W. P. McGibbon, B. F. Hodsden, Lorenzo N. Gros- venor. Alternate Ass't Surg's, Ear Dept. — Daniel S. Hager, Elmer E. Ken- yon. Pathologist. — Francis A. Lane. Ass't Pathol. — W. K. Spiece, Geo. W. Swift, W. A. Walters. Consulting Staff. — H. N. Moyer. Cons' g Neurol' t. — Hugh T. Patrick. Cons'g Surg. — A. E. Halstead. Cons'g Phys'n. — Robert Preble. ISOLATION HOSPITAL. S. Lawndale Ave. and W. 34th St. Established 1898. Capacity, 25. Public. In charge of Sisters of the Poor. Chicago as a Medical Center. Un LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS Lake Geneva Sanitariums comprise three separate institutions, having separate buildings and separate grounds under one manage- ment, as follows : 1. Lakeside Sanitarium for medical and general sanitarium cases. It includes two buildings, with handsome grounds of ten acres on the shores of Lake Geneva. 2. Oakwood Springs Sanitarium for mental cases and nervous cases requiring guardianship. It is situated on high grounds, in a park of seventy-three acres of exceptional beauty, overlooking the lake and city of Lake Geneva. 3. The Surgical Hospital for surgical cases, with well equipped operating room and large, handsome, airy bedrooms, having large windows and beautiful outlook. Attending and Consulting Physicians. Oscar A. King. M. D.; U. G. Darling M. D. : Oscar Hawkinson, M. D. ; Henry B. Favill, M. D. ; Daniel R. Brower. M. D.; Thomas A. Davis, M. D. ; John H. Chew, M. D. ; E. J. Doering, M. D. ; Frank B. Earle, M. D. ; David B. Graham, M. D. ; James B. Herrick, M. D. ; Sidney Kuh, M. D.; Otto L. Schmidt, M.D. ; Alexander H. Ferguson, M. D. ; Walter B. Metcalf, M. D. ; John E. Harper, M. D. ; Lester E. Frankenthal, M. D. ; D. N. Eisendrath, M. D. ; J. C. Reynolds, M. D. ; W. H. McDonald, M. D. ; Wm. H. Palmer, M. D. ; James Mills, M. D. LAKESIDE HOSPITAL. 4147 Lake Ave. Oakland 1220. Any reputable physician may treat his patients at Lakeside Hospital. Supt. — A. Ralph Johnstone, M. D. LAKESIDE SANITARIUM. See Lake Geneva Sanitariums. LAKE VIEW HOSPITAL. Incorporated 1908. 1728 Belmont Ave. Lake View 1195 Medical and Surgical Staff — Jas. Presnell. Walter Schwuchow. M. F. Dattelzweig, Chas. Gorr, A. K. Warner, Chas. I. Wyne- koop, Jessie I orrester ; John B. Ward, House Pnys'n. MARION SIMS HOSPITAL. 438 La Salle Ave. North 737. Founded in IS 94 and chartered under the laws of the State of Illinois. Cons' g Staff— N. S. Davis, H. B. Favill, E. Fletcher Ingals R. H. Babcock. M. L. Harris, Hugh T. Patrick, M. R. Brown, Geo. F. Fiske, J. H. Chew, Gustav Futterer, John E. Rhodes, R D. MacArthur, Wm. T. Belfield, Weller Van Hook, F. B. Turck, Henry Hooper. RESIDENT STAFF. HENRY PARKER NEWMAN, Pres. and Chief of Staff. C. W. BARRETT, Phys. and Surg. H. O. SIIAFER, Phys. and Surg. M. C. STEWART, Supt. 150 Chicago as a Medical Center. MARY THOMPSON HOSPITAL OF CHICAGO. West Adams and Paulina Sts. West 71. U WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Consulting Staff — Henry T. Byford, Byron Robinson, John Bart- lett, Daniel R. Brower, I N. Danforth, Sanger Brown, John A. Robison, Homer M. Thomas, Oscar J. Price, Arthur MacNeal, Orville W. MacKeller, Wm. A. Evans, W. B. S. Richardson, John L. Porter, M. M. Portis. ATTENDING STAFF. Surg'y and Gyne'y — Lucy Waite, Head Surgeon; Alice Conklin. Med'e — Caroline Hedges, Harriet C. B. Alexander. Obst's — Louise Acres, Emma C. Hackett. Dis's of Chil. — Marie Schmidt, Armina Hill. Oculist and Aurist — Mary Hollister, Haseltine Stephens Walker. Pathol. — Elizabeth N. Brady. Dermat'y — Eugenia Culver, Grace E. Popot. Electro-Therap's — Mary O'Brien Porter. Anaesthetist — S. Josephine McCollum. Dental Surgeon — Emma L. Benham. LUCY WAITE, M. D., Supt. MEMORIAL INSTITUTE FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 762 W. Harrison St. West 862. MERCY HOSPITAL. Prairie Ave. and Twenty-sixth St. Calumet 267. Was founded in 1848 by the Sisters of Mercy and was incor- porated in 1850 as Mercy Hospital and Mercy Orphan Aslyum. The Hospital has an amphitheater, with a seating capacity of Ave hundred, five operating rooms, well equipped laboratories, and can accommodate four hundred and fifty patients. The new addition, which has just been completed, at a cost of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, is a fine example of mod- ern hospital architecture. Consulting Physicians — John H. Hollister, Frank S. Johnson. ATTENDING STAFF. Surg'y. — John B. Murphy, William E. Morgan, E. W. Andrews. Obst's — Joseph B. DeLee, Da\id F. Monash. Gyne'y — Frank T. Andrews, Thomas J. Watkins, Walter S. Barnes. Medicine — Nathan S. Davis, Arthur R. Edwards. Orthopedic Surg'y — John Ridlon. Eye and Ear — Richard J. Tivnen. Neurology — Archibald Church. Dermatology — Joseph Zeisler. Nose and Throat — Frederick Menge. Pathology — F. R. Zeit, Walter H. Buhlig. Dis's of Chil. — Charles A. Elliott. House Staff— C. DeCosta Hoy, F. B. Sorgatz, A. C. Craig, J. G. Frost, M. M. Patton, W. E. Hatch, G. J. Thomas, J. J. Ker- win, G. D. Griffon, F. J. Powers. Externe$—A. Schlapik, C. L. Poley, F. D. Waugh. MICHAEL REESE HOSPITAL. Twenty-ninth St. and Groveland Ave. Calumet 1830. Maintained and managed by the Hebrew Relief Association. A handsome, capacious and modern structure. Chicago as a Medical Center. 1,~>1 Consulting Staff — Frank Billings, Carl Beck. Archibald Church, E3. J. Doering, Jas. Nevins Hyde, Wm. E. Quine, John Ridlon, otto L. Schmidt, D. A. K. Steele, W. Van Hook, Geo. W. Webster, Joseph Zeisler. General Staff — Henry Allport, M. L. Blatt, R. G. Collins, II. I. Davis, Philip S. Doane, Arthur R. Edwards, S. Eisenstaedt, Ira Frank, Jacob Frank, Mortimer Frank, S. A. Friedburg, Jos. C. Friedman, Louis Gordon, A. A. Goldsmith, Ed C. Greene- baum, D'Orsay Hect, M. Herzog, Chas. M. Jacobs, A. D. Kohn, E. J. Kuh, S. Kunz, Gustav Kolisher, L. M. Loeb, J. A. Mc- Gaughey, D. F. Monash, May Michael, Wm. A. Pusey, M. M. Portis, B. L. Riese, Theo. B. Sachs, L. S. Simon, E. F. Sny- dacker, H. H. Schuhmann, Louis Schmidt, S. L. Weber. Service Staff — I. A. Abt, E. Wyllys Andrews, J. L. Baer, Henry Banga, M. Braud, Frank Cary, D. N. Eisendrath, L. E. Frank- enthal, E. Friend, E. A. Fischkin, E. W. Fischell, M. L. Good- kind, L. A. Greensfelder, J. H. Hess, Frank S. Johnson, Harry Kahn, Sidney Kuh, Ernst Lackner, D. Lieberthal, L. L. Mc- Arthur, Geo. Morgenthau, Norval H. Pierce, C. P. Pinckard, Maurice Rubel, D. L. Schram, A. W. Schram. House Staff. — E. E. Spitz, David Straus, T. J. Toner, H. B. Hoover, E. C. Mitchell, I. Talkinski J. Beifeld, INI. C. Hect, F. G. Mor- rill, E. N. Henning, C. J. Fishman, J. R. Condon, Geo. L. Davenport, F. J. Lesemann. MONROE STREET HOSPITAL. 1044 W. Monroe St. West 1256. Incorporated. General, except contagious and insane. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Surg, in Chief — Albert I. Bauffleur. Att'g Phys's — C. D. Westcott, J. B. Herrick, I. N. Danforth, B. W. Sippy, W. S. White, S. R. Slaymaker, Wm. C. Danforth, Harry E. Mock, C. J. Rowan, B. F. Lounsbury. Internes — C. A. Katherman, R. C. Hall. Supt. — Bertha M. Michel. NATIONAL EMERGENCY HOSPITAL. 531 and 533 Wells St. This hospital is located in the same building with the National Medical University. It affords a vast amount of clinical material. The students of the National enjoy the full advantage of its close proximity. , .. The hospital is under practically the same management as the University, and each professor is ex-officio member of the staff. NORTH CHICAGO HOSPITAL. Incorporated 1906. Capacity, 45. 1220 N. Clark St. Lincoln 3316. MEDICAL STAFF. CARL BECK, Pres. and Att'g Surg.. B G. KATZ, V.-Pres. and Att'g Surg. E. G. BECK, Treas. and Att'g Surg. JOS. C. BECK, Sec. and Att'g Surg. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN DEACONESS HOME AND HOSPITAL. Haddon Ave. and Leavitt St. Humboldt 534. Erected in 1902. Norwegian Lutherans of the United Church. 152 Chicago as a Medical Center. OFFICERS. ADOLPH LARSON, Pi M. H. HEGGE, V.-Pres. C, E. TILLER, Sec'y. IT. THOMPSON, Treas. IF. B. KIL.DAHL, Rector. INGEBORG SPONLAND, Sister Superior. 1\ ERICKSON, Clerk. leal Staff — Svenning Dahl, E. E. Henderson, H. J. Burwash, J. V. Fowler, A. Holmboe. Medical Staff — N. T. Quales, J. R. Ballinger, E. I. Hook, A. B. Oyen. J. H. Walsh. Oculist — Oscar Dodd. Dermat't — E. A. Fischkin. Pathologist — David J. Davis. Nose and Throat — G. A. Torrison. Neurologist — L. Harrison Mettler. Obstetrician — H. H. Hanson. X-Rayist — Andreas Klovstact. House Staff — Martin Hagen, Peter Torkelson. Clerk — F. Erickson. NORWEGIAN TABITHA HOSPITAL. Francisco and Thomas Sts. Humboldt 1030. Modern in construction and appointments. Receives patients without regard to nationality or creed. Medical and Surgical Staff — Niles T. Quales, A. Doe, Karl F. Sand- berg, A. Klovostad, Peter Bassoe, Karl L. Thorgaard, Marie A. Olsen, Valborg Song, Helga Ruud, Chas. F. Roan, Thos. Warloe, Martin I. Olsen, Nils Remmen, H. W. Wardle, Geo. M. Schaubel, Louis J. Pritzker, Joseph Prendergast, Chas. P. Moore, Franklin H. Martin. E. A. Fishkin, Theo. Tieken, Theo. Wild, Jr., E. A. Matthaei, J. K. Bartholomew. OAK PARK HOSPITAL. Corner of W. Madison and Wisconsin Sts. Tel. 600. Under the management of the "Sisters of Miser iconic" STAFF. Surgery — John W. Tope, W. F. Scott, W. E. Potter, G. -J. Fleming, Chas. E. Humiston. Medic — E. K. Kerr, T. E. Roberts, H. E. Dodge, C. W. Poor man, Anthony Rud, A. A. Mathews. Obst's — H. C. Worthington, A. E. Blount, J. D. Waller. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat — W. H. Peck, F. W. Kettlest rings, G. P. Head. Dis's of Chil'n — Thos. I .Motter, Ernest Cleverdon. Gen.-Urin'y Sur'y. — L. W. Bremerman. Neur'y — Arthur Loewy. Demat'y and Radio Ther'y — Oliver Ormsby. Ortho'c Sur'y — G. L. Bailey. Path'y — Frances P. Chapman. OAKWOOD SANITARIUM. See Lake Geneva Sanitariums. PASSAVANT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. 192-194 East Superior St. North 1065. Patients are admitted without regard to race, creed or color. No contagious or incurable chronic diseases, insane patients or cases of delirium tremens are admitted. Severe accident cases or severe cases of illness may be received at any time, day or night. Chicago as a Medical Center. 153 MEDICAL BOARD. E. J. BROUGHAM, Pres. R. W. HOLMES, V.-Pres. E. B. RUTHENBERG, Sec'y. Exec'e Committee — Henry B. Favill, O. J. Waters. Cons'g Staff — Geo. S. Isham, Henry B. Favill, Casey A. Wood, J. Clarence Webster, H. Babcock. Surg's. — E. J. Brougham, O. J. Waters, Carl G. Swenson, M. L. Harris. Phys's. — W. A. D. Montgomery, J. K. Winer, S. J. Walker. NeuroVt. — Hugh T. Patrick. Oculists. — C. H. Beard, A. M. Hall. Laryng't and Aurist. — Norval Pierce. Obstet's. — Henry Hooper, Rudolph Holmes. PathoVt. — E. B. Ruthenberg. BermaVt and Radio Therapist. — R. R. Campbell. Internes. — Chas. W. Burnside, Geo. H. Doane, C. C. Seerley. PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL. Archer Ave. and Twenty-second St. Calumet 2336. The People's Hospital is a private institution, organized in 1897 by Dr. I. C. Gary, to establish an ideal wage-earner's hospitall for those in moderate circumstances. The hospital is well sup- plied with operating rooms and a complete laboratory. I. CLARK GARY, Supt. CONSULTANTS. Phys'n. — Geo. Webster. Neurologist. — Hugh T. Patrick. GynecoVt. — Frank T, Andrews. Surgeon. — Wm. E. Morgan. Surg'n-in- Chief. — Wm. E. Schroeder. Ass't Surg'n-in-Chief. — E. C. Riebel C. A. Elliott, C. H. Ryan, L. N. Barlow, G. G. Burdick, J. R. Kew- ley, John L. Porter, Wm. B. Whitaker, Jas. W. Hall, John S. Sweeney. POST-GRADUATE HOSPITAL, THE 2400 Dearborn St. CaJlumet 110. See staff of the Post-Graduate Medical School of Chicago. PRACTITIONER'S HOSPITAL. 326 S. Center Ave. In affiliation with the Illinois Medical College. Hospital Staff.— Gustavus M. Blech, J. F. Dolamore, J. B. Wein- traub, C. P. Kalliontzis, C. T. Petrulas, H. Rosenblith L. H. Fishman, A. Brumback, A. H. Leviton, Wm. A. Qumn, Merlin Z. Albro, M. Goldenburg, S. Brownstein, C. T. Gramm. JPRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO. West 1831. Location, Congress St., Wood St., Hermitage Ave. and Harrison St. The object of this society is the establishment, support : and management of an institution for the purpose of affording medical and surgical aid and nursing to sick and disabled persons, and to provide them, while inmates of the hospital with ^the mini ™ons of the gospel, agreeable to the doctrine and forms of the Presby- terian Church. 154 Chicago as a Medical ("niter. OFFICERS AND MANAGERS, 1908-9. ALBERT M. DAY. Pres. JOHN B. LORD. V.-Pres. JOHN B. DRAKE. JR.. Treas. WILLIAM A. DOTGLASS, Sec'y. JOSEPH F. TITUS, Ass't Secy. MEDICAL BOARD FOR 1908-9. JAMES B. HERRICK. Pres. Jo I IX M. DODSON, Vice-Pies. WM. H. WILDER. Sec'y. Cons' g Phys's and Surg'ns. — Philip Adolphus, Truman W Brophy. Win. T. Belfield. Ferdinand C. Hotz, R. D. MacArthur, Henry P. Merriman, Wm. T. Montgomery, John A. Robison, John Ridlon, Henry B. Stehman. Att' a Phvs's. — Frank Billings. Joseph L. ^Tiller, James B. Herrick. B. W. Sippy. Att'g Phys'n for Ment. Dis's. — Daniel R. Brower. Att' (i Surg's. — David W. Graham, Arthur Dean Bevan, John B. Murphy. Att'g Obstet's and Gynec's. — J. Clarence Webster. A. Beileham Keyes, Frank E. Lynch Att'g Phys's for Dis's of Chun. — Alfred C. Cotton, John M. Dod- son. AtFa Dermat't. — James Xevins Hvde. Att'g Opthal't.—SV. H. Wilder. Att'g Aurist. — Geo. E. Shambaugh. Att'g Phys's for Throat Dis's. — E. Fletcher Ingals. Otto T. Freer. Path't. — Ludvig Hektoen. Chemist. — Walter S. Haines. ASSISTANTS. Ass't Phys's. — J. A. Capps. E. E. Irons, B. M. Linnell, Ludwig Loeb. Wilbur E. Post, R. I. Rizer, E. C. Rosenow, Thor Rothstein. Theo. Tieken, James M. Washburn. R. T. Woodyatt. Ass't Surg's. — Carl Davis, Emanuel Friend. Dean D. Lewis. Jas. M. Neff, John F. Smith, Paul Oliver, C. J. Rowan, Victor L. Schrager, E. J. Senn, Wm. M. Senn, Fred. B. Moorehead. And't Obstet's and Gynec's. — Carey Culbertson. Wm. B. Fehring. Ass't Phys's for Throat Dis's. — Geo. W. Mosher, Geo. Torrison, F. G. Stubbs. Ass't Phys's for Dis's of Child. — Frank S. Churchill, Julia D. Mer- rill, Josephine Young. Ass't Opthal't. — E. V. L. Brown. Ass't Dermat's. — iL. L. McEwen. Olivei S. Ormsbv. X-Ray Depart. — J. F. Smith. Ass't Res't Path't. — Peter Bassot Urologist. — H. L. Kretschmar. EXECUTIVE STAFF. Superintendent. — Asa. Bacon. Princ'l of School for Nurses. — M. Helena McMillan. Med'l Examiner. — J. F. Waugh. Cashier. — Chas. Adler. Clerk. — Charlotte R. Parnell. Matron. — Eliza B. Martin. Super' t of Nursing. — Gertrude B. Thompson. Ass't Super't of Nursing. — Myra T-T. Jones. Night Superior. — Rachel B. Blanchard. House Staff. — E. A. Graham, A. J. Batty, A. B. Saylor, A. E. Elli- ott. R. D. Harnett. W. W. Hamburger. R. D. Bernard. G. L. Bliss. R. Whitman. R. L. Buffum, F. E. Ewing. J. G. Saam. Chicago as a Medical Center. 155 PROVIDENT HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL. 36th and Dearborn St. Douglas 1086. Was opened for the reception of patients May 1st, 1891. Both male and female admitted, without regard to creed, sect or na- tionality. ATTENDING STAFF. Surg's. — D. H. Williams, A. A. Wesley, J. C. Hepburn, G. C. Hall. Phys's. — E. S. Stewart, L. J. Osgood. D. E. Burrows. Gynec's. — A. W. Williams, B. Van Hoosen, R. T. Gillmore, C. M. Fox. Obstet's. — J. B. De Lee, H. M. Stowe. Gen-Uri'y. — A. E. Mowry, K. A. Zurawski. Pedia's. — C. G. Grulee. A. L. Smith. J. R. White, F. C. Jacobson. Ortho's. — H. B. Thomas, H. O. Jones, E. P. Norcross. Ocu't and Aurt. — W. A. Mann, M. Z. Albro. Internes. — M. Meyerovitz, F. C. Antoine, J. H. Redd. RAVENSWOOD HOSPITAL. 499-501 Wilson Ave. Edgwater 577. Incorporated 1905. Capacity 50. STAFF. G. W. GREEN, Pres. G. N. BUSEY, Treas. E. A. FEATHERSTON, Sec'y. Internes. — Geo. E. Baxter. Geo. B. De TarnaAVsky, H. W. Kinne. Supt. of Nurses. — Miss A. M. Lewis. ROBERT BURNS HOSPITAL.. Washington Blvd. and Hamlin Ave. Kedzie 17. ALEX A. WHAMOND, Pres. B. C. GROUT, Res. Phys'n. AMELIA G. GROUT, Super't. Att'g Staff of Physicians. — A. H. Brumbeck, A. C. Cotton, G. B. Dods, W. S. Harvey, M. C. Korb, B. C. Grout, Frederick Tice, A. A. Whamond, L. Wilder, F. E. Winekop. Interne. — Thos. L. Cockrell. SALVATION ARMY HOSPITAL. 500 La Salle Ave. Capacity 35. OSCAR CLEFF. Surg.-in-Chief. W. C. SANFORD, Cons. Surg. SOUTH CHICAGO HOSPITAL. 730 92nd Place. South Chicago 2. Incorporated in 1900. Medical and Surgical Staff.— A. W. McLaughlin, E. M. Webster, Chas. F. Swan, A. L. Blackwood, D. S. Harvey, S. B. McLeod, J. S. Davis, E. Nelson, John A. Anderson, Hugh H. Perry, A. Hartman. Super't of Nurses. — Miss S. Bell. SOUTH SIDE HOSPITAL. 1045 55th Place. Wentworth 3400. Incorporated 190 7 by the Modern Maccabee Hospital Associa- tion. (56 Chicago 08 a Medical Center. HOSPITAL STAFF. F. GARNEY STUBBS, Pres. D. E. RICHARDS, V.-Pres. ALLAN B. KANAVEL, Sec'y. George W. Hall, W. H. Worthington, Henry W. Cheney, B. C. Cushway, Fred C. Test. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL AND SANITARIUM. 49th Avenue and Thomas St. Austin 115. Under the management of the "Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ." While less than six miles from the City Hail, and one mile north from Lake Street, stands practically in the open prairie — whatever of fresh air and sunshine this climate affords is enjoyed to the fullest extent by this institution. The spacious grounds of twenty acres, adorned by lake, bridge and landscape garden, the whole pervaded by the peace and quiet of the country. ATTENDING STAFF. Physicians. — J. T. Milhamow, J. M. Axelson, J. W. McConnell, An- thony Rud. Surgeons. — Chas. E. Humiston, F. L. Glenn, B. TV. Mack, J. J. Meany. Eye Surgeon. — Wm. E. Gamble. Ear, Nose and Throat. — G. P. Head. Pathologist. — W. Evan Baker. House Staff. — J. L. Knapp, A. Swanson, S. U. Marietta. ST. ANTHONY DE PADUA HOSPITAL. West 19th St. and Douglas Blvd. Canal 406-425. Incorporated and erected in 1898. Conducted by the Francis- can Sisters of the Sacred Heart, under the patronage of the Most Rev. James E. Quigley, Archbishop of Chicago. REV. MARTIN DENTENGER, C. P. P. S. SISTER M. LIOBA, Superioress. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Surg, and Pres. of Staff. — L. Ryan, F. Hartman, F. J. E. Ehr- mann, Leonard St. John. Gynecologists. — E. L. Moorhead, S. E. Donlon, H. J. Brugge, D. H. Cunningham. Dis's of Chest. — F. A. Woodruff, Thos. Faith. Internal Medicine. — F. Tice, J. C. Stubbs. Oculists and Aurists. — F. A. Woodruff, Thos. Faith. Dis's of Chest. — John Stonton. Neurologist. — F. Tice. Dis's of Chil. — M. J. Klien. PathoVs. — C. C. O' Byrne, E. R. Le Count. House Staff. — R. F. Karney, J. B. Maguire, F. R. Thometz. ST. BERNARD'S HOTEL DIEU. 6337 Harvard Ave. Wentworth 805. THOS. J. SULLIVAN, M.D., Surg.-in-Chief. ST. ELIZABETH HOSPITAL. Claremont Ave. and Lemoyne St. Humboldt 329. Incorporated August 17th, 1875. Erected in 1886. Conducted by the Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ. Nursing done by the Sisters only. Chicago as a Medical Center. 157 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. GynecoVs. — M. H. Luken, Ernst Saurenhaus. Burg's. — George Thilo, Sr., W. C. Sanford. Phys's. — A. F. Kramps, C. S. Williamson. N enrol' s. — D'Orsay Heeht, Peter Bassoe. Laryng's, RhinoVs and OtoVs. — T. Melville Hardy, Jacques Holin- ger. OpthaVs. — F. C. Harnish, H. C. Welcker. Derma? s. — E. A. Fischkin. Ortho'c Surg. — Edwin W. Ryerson. Pathol' t. — K. R. Le Count. X-Ray Therapeutist. — D. Cottrell ; M. G. Luken, Ass't. House Staff. — C. W. Jones, J. E. Dolan, T. C. Quigley, Arthur L. Forster, T. J. Henneberry, A. C. Nussle, Frank Dinnen. ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL. 360 Garfield Ave. Lincodn 543. Established in 1860, by the Sisters of Charity. The hospital is fitted with all modern improvements, and has accommodations for 250 patients in wards and private rooms. Both males and fe- males are received. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Chief of Surg'l Depart. — John B. Murphy. Assistant Chief. — C. M. McKenna. Consultants. — Chas. Adams, L. H. Abele, G. W. Reynolds, V. H. Padstata, G. F. Parsons, C. H. Whalen. Att'g Staff of Surgeons. — John B. Murphy, Carl Wagner, C. H. Mc- Kenna, W. N. Senn. Chief of Medical Staff. — R. B. Preble. Chief of GynecoVl Staff. — John G. Webster. Associate Surgeons. — W. J. Swift, A. M. Butzow, Henry Wagner, A. N. J. Dolan. Oculist. — G. W. Mahoney, J. H. Farrell. Nose and Throat. — J. Hallinger, G. P. Marquis. Att'g Physicians. — P. M. Woodworth, J. W. O'Neill, J. A. Small, T. J. O'Malley, J. Hequembourg. Associate Physicians. — A. C. Broell, Wm. Healy, L. Gregory, J. M. Lav in. Neurologist. — D. R. Brower ; Associate, D. R. Brower, Jr. Att'g Gynecologist. — Wm. Thompson ; Associates, Wm. Fehring and P. S. Doane. Obstetrician. — Frank Lynch. Pediatrics. — P. S. Chancelor. House Staff. — M. L. Mendel, G. L. Kauffmann, G. G. O'ConnelJ, F. O. Fredrickson, T. R. Hinchion, G. J. Aste. ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL. 1416 to 1436 Indiana Ave. and 1431 to 1445 Michigan Ave. Calumet 1470. Owing to its central situation it receives many accident cases, and its surgical clinic is consequently large. Clinics are given regularly in medicine, nervous diseases, surgery, gynecology, and diseases of the eye and ear. OFFICERS. JOHN E. OWENS, M. D.. Pres. HENRY B. FAVILL, M. D., V.-Pres. JUNIUS C. HOAG, M. D., Sec'y. 158 Chicago as a Medical Center. ATTENDING STAFF. Surgery. — John E. Owens, W. H. Allport, Lewis L. McArthur, Al- bert E. Halstead. Medicine. — Frank X. Walls, Henry B. Favill, Robert B. Preble. Gynecology. — Emilius C. Dudley, Lester E. Frankenthal, Thomas J. Watklns, William Cuthbertson. Obstetrics. — Frank Carey, Junius C. Hoag. Eye and Ear. — Frank Allport, Thomas A. Woodruff, Casey A. Wood, Paul Guilford. Oral Surgery. — Thomas L. Gilmer. Pathology. — Frederick R. Zeit, Ludvig Hektoen. Orthopedic Surgery. — Frederick Mueller, J. L. Porter, E. W. Ryer- son, Laryngology and Rhinology. — William Casselberry, T. Melville Hardie, Norval H. Pierce. Neurology. — Archibald Church, Sanger Brown. Dermatology and Radiotherapy. — W. A. Pusey. Pathology. — T. L. Dagg. ADJUNCT MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL BOARD. Adjunct Surgeon. — John C. Hollister. Adjunct Physician. — E. B. Hutchinson. Adjunct Obstetrician. — Robert J. Gay. Anaesthetist. — Herman D. Peterson. House Staff. — W. H. Barton, Ed. W. Rodman, N. C. Gilbert, P. H. Linthium, F. C. Huff, G. H. Barksdale, H. Spencer, C. A. Grif- fith, G. T. Wright, H. E. Wheeler, H. R. Hoode, E. C. McMul- len. ST. MARY'S OF NAZARETH HOSPITAL. 545 N. Leavitt, near Division St. Humboldt 604. Incorporated in 1894. Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. A large, new six story building, modern in every detain. Surgical Staff. — A. J. Ochsner, Surg. -in-Chief ; N. M. Percy, F. Pir- nat, Geo. Miller, H. Schmitz, W. A. Kuflewski. Medical Staff. — S. R. Pietrowicz, Chief; D. A. Orth, T. J. O'Malley. OpthaVt. — F. C. Harnish, E. F. Snydacker. Obstet'n. — Ernest Saurenhaus. Larnyg't, RhinoVt and OtoVt. — J. E. Rhodes and J. Hollinger. Ortho's. — Fred Mueller. NeuroVt. — Albrecht Heym. Skin and Ven'l Dis's. — Louis Schmidt. Pediatrician. — F. B. Earle, Cons'g Phys. PathoVt. — E. C. Seufert. Anaesth'r. — J. E. Atkiesson. X-Ray Therapeutist. — C. F. Stotz. Visiting Staff. — M. J. Seifert. D. Moore, T. Z. Xelowski, Edw. Pat- era, J. P. Pfeifer, S. A. Hemmi, A. Martin, D. C. Phillips, F. Patera, T. H. Sandy, L. C. Koir, F. Napieralski, Schwandt, C. P. Schell. INTERNES. Surgical. — R. E. Flannery, John Wetstein. Medical. — R. R. Harris, R. R. Hansen. STREETER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL. 2646 Calumet Ave. Calumet 90. First class in every respect. Any reputable physician can treat his own patients at the above named institution. Chicago as a Medical Center. l.v.) SWEDISH COVENANT HOSPITAL AND HOME OF MERCY. Foster Ave., W. of Lincoln Ave. Edgewater 1 I I THE COTTAGE. See Lake Geneva Sanitariums. THE SURGERY. See Lake Geneva Sanitariums. UNITED STATES MARINE HOSPITAL. Lake View 107. On the lake shore, six miles north of the City of Chicago The area of the grounds is about ten acres, and the building is a handsome four-story granite structure, 300 by 75 feet with a basement, having accommodations for 150 patients. It is the largest hospital of its kind in the country, an^ cost complete $450 - 000. Office, 2 River St. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. Ogden Ave., Congress and Lincoln Sts. West 882. Founded and Incorporated July, 1907. Capacity 90. MEDICAL STAFF. Surg's — .Daniel A. K. Steele, Chas. Davison. Phys's. — Edw. L. Heintz, Lewis J. Hammers. Oostet'n. — Chas. S. Bacon. Neurol' t — Ralph S. Michel Ortho. Surg. — Wm. Fuller. Gen.-Urin. and Derma? t Surg. — Walter Caron. Dis's of Chil. — Wilbur M. French. Oculist and Aurist. — W T m. E. Gamble. House Staff. — Warren Pearce, J. Berger, E. A. Hayhurst, N. Mar- ion. WASHINGTON PARK HOSPITAL. 60th St. and Vernon Ave. Wentworth 58. Staff. — C. O. Young, A. Hakanson, Archibald Church, Eng. Nelson, J. A. Anderson, J. B. Murphy, Frank Billings, Wm. Evans, E. E. Tansey, C. W. Morrow, Hugh J. Polkey. WESLEY HOSPITAL. Twenty-fifth and Dearborn Sts. Calumet 802. Incorporated October 26th, A. D. 1888. In 1899 the trustees elected five men — -William Deering, Norman W. Harris, Gustavus F. Swift, James B. Hobbs and R. D. Sheppard — as a building com- mittee, and it is as a monument to their work that the present hospital building stands today. The cost of the building was $237,000. MEDICAL STAFF. Phys's. — Nathan S. Davis, Arthur R. Edwards, Robert Preble. Francis X. Walls. Surg's. — Samuel C. Plummer, Wm. E. Schroeder. GynecoVs. — T. J. Watkins, E. C. Dudley. Frank T. Andrews. Oostet's. — Jos. B. DeLee, Chas. B. Reed. Neurol's. — Archibald Church, Hugh T. Patrick. Oculists and Aurists. — Frank Allport, Casey A. Wood. Ortho' c Surgeon. — John Ridlon. Derma?s. — Joseph Zeisler, Lucius C. Pardee. Laryng's. — Wm. E. Casselberry, Fred. Menge. Pathol't. — Robert F. Zeit. 160 Chicago as a Medical Center. ASS'T MEMBERS OF MEDICAL STAFF. Ass't Phys's. — Wm. E. Brenneman, Achilles Davis, Chas. A. Elliott, Winfield S. ilarpole. Ellis K. Kerr. Ass't Surg. — Fred. A. Besley, Wm. R. Cubbins, Norman Curry, Fred. G. Dyas, Wm. C. Danforth, Chas. M. Fox, Frank D. Francis, Guy Gowan, Allen B. Kanavel, Chas. J. Kurtz. Chas. M. Matter, Rupert Parker, Ernest C. Riebel, Harry M. Richter. Ass't Gynecol' 8. — Robert X, GiMmore, Frank Van Kirk. Ass't Obstet's. — David F. Monash, Henry D. Roehler, Herbert M. Stowe. Ass't NeuroVs. — Julius Grinker, D'Orsay Hecht. Ass't Ortho'c Sury's. — Chas. F. Eikenbary, Chas. M. Jacobs. Ass't Oculists. — C. G. Darling, Clarence W. Heath, Alex P. Horwitz, Geo. T. Jordan. Richard J. Tivnen. Ass't OcuVs and Aur's. — E. Russell Ogden, Chas. M. Robertson, F. S. Crocker. Ass't Laryng's. — Wm. S. Bracken, Otis H. Maclay, Chas. B. Younger. Ass't Pathol's. — Alex. A. Goldsmith, Gottfried Koehler. House Staff. — Meade Clyne,W. Lynn DuBois, Fred E. Munch, John G. Vaughan, Wm. Beack, Lawrence Kelly, Fred Hudson, Clare Rozor. WEST SIDE HOSPITAL. 18^4 West Harrison St. West 975. Clinical annex to the College of Physicians and Surgeons. MEDICAL STAFF. Surgeons. — T. A. Davis, Pres. ; Alex. C. Wiener ; Thos. J Conley, Treas. ; J. P. Smyth. Gynecologists. — F. S. Hartmann, V.-Pres. ; S. G. West. Oculist and Aurist. — Wm. L. Noble, Sec. Internal Medicine. — W. L. Callaway. Chicago as a Medical Center. 161 Dispensaries ALEXIAN BROTHERS' HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. Belden and Racine Aves. Lincoln 1005. For the treatment of the worthy poor. Open from 10 A M to 12 M., except Sunday. Dispensary Staff. — F. A. Rettig, F. S. Davidson. BENNETT MEDICAL COLLEGE DISPENSARY. Cor. Ada and Fulton Sts. For Staff, see faculty of Bennett Medical College. CENTRAL FREE DISPENSARY. 757 W. Harrison St. West 147. Open daily from 8:30 to 4:30, except Sundays and legal holi- days, for the gratuitous treatment of the sick poor. MEDICAL STAFF. Depart, of Med. — Hours, 8 :30 to 10 :30 A. M. Drs. Frank Billings, J. B. Herrick, B. W. Sippy, B. M. Linnell, J. L. Jacque, A. A. Small, R. T. Woodyatt, J. B. Diamond, W. E. Post, Leon Bloch, J. H. Otradovec, E. E. Irons, R. E. Keating, D. J. Davis, F. L. Strauss, Wm. L. Porterfield, M. I. Olsen, Geo. Halperin. Depart, of Pedia's. — Hours, 8:30 to 10:30 A. M. Drs. J. M. Dodson, A. C. Cotton, W. J. Butler, F. S. Churchill, J. W. Vanderslice, Josephine Young, Julia D. Merrill, A. C. Soper, I. J. Franklin, F. W. Allin, Bathena Coone, Grace H. Campbell, J. C. West, H. G. Vaughan, Maria B. Maver, H. M. Francis. Depart, of Nervous System. — Hours, 8:30 to 10:30 A.M. Drs. D. R. Brower, J. C. Gill, Thor Rothstein, Sidney Kuh, S. Krum- holz, C. F. McClure. Depart, of Surg. — Hours, 1:30 to 3.30. Drs. A. D. Bevan, J. B. Murphy, C. A. Parker, E. W. Ryerson, S. E. Donlon, C. J. Rowan, Kellogg Speed, C. B. Davis, V. Schrager, J. Golden, F. R. Morton, P. Oliver, D. B. Phemister, J. P. Grimes, H. L. Kretschmar, G. G. Davis. Depart, of Surg. (Genito-TJrinary Dis's). — Hours, 3:30 to 5:30 P. M. Drs. W. T. Belfield, J. A. Patton, R. H. Herbst, D. F. Grasse, Theo. Drozdowitz, H. J. Polkey. Depart, of Obstet. and Gynecol. — Hours, 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Drs. J. Clarence Webster, A. B. Keyes, F. W. Lynch, Carey Culbertson, I. Rasmusson, Sara A. Jansen, Mary Johnstone. Depart, of Chest, Throat and Nose Dis's. — Hours, 1:30 to 3 :30 P. M. Drs. E. Fletcher Ingals, J. E. Rhodes, O. T. Freer, G. A. Torri- son, E. L. Kenyon, F. G. Stubbs, T. W. Lewis, S. A. Friedberg, John Ritter, R. Sonnenschein. A. H. Fowler, W. A. Plice. H. T. Barnes, A. N. Oyen, H. P. Bagley. Depart, of Opkthal. and Otol— Hours, 1:30 to 3.30 P.M. Drs. W. H. Wilder, G. E. Shambaugh, E. V. L. Brown, David Fiske, F. I. Brown, L. N. Grosvenor, John B. Ellis, F. A. Lane, G. W. Boot. Depart, of Skin and Ven'l Dis's. — Hours, 1:30 to 3:30 P. M. Drs. James Nevins Hvde, O. S. Ormsby, E. L. McEwen, W. A. Qmnn, W. J. M. Cunningham, E. W. Potthoff, A. N. Mackay. Ki-J Chicago as a Medical Center. CHICAGO TUBERCULOSIS INSTITUTE. 51 La Main 1 166 If you have any reason to fear consumption consult a phy- sician or go to one of the following free dispensaries cooperating with the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute : OFFICERS. HENRY B. FAVILL, M. D., Pres. FRANK BILLINGS, M.D.. First V.-Pres. ROBERT H. BABCOCK, M.D., Second V.-Pres. ERNEST P. BICKNELL, Sec'y. DAVID R. FORGAN, Treas. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. HENRY B. FAVILL, M.D., Pres. ERNEST P. BICKNELL, Sec'y. Head Disp'y Depart. — Ethan A. Gray, M.D. Head Sana'm Depart. — Theo. B. Sachs, M.D. Head Depar't of Immu'y Res'h. — L. Hektoen, M.D. Head Educa'l Depar't. — Geo. F. Shears, M.D. Sherman C. Kingsley, Mrs. Arthur T. Aldis, Wm. A. Evans, M.D. Chicago Policlinic Hospital, 174 E. Chicago Ave. Tuesdavs and Fri- days, 2 to*~3 P. M. J. F. Hultgen, G. A. Gardiner. Rush Medical College. Central Free Dispensary, 757 W. Harrison St. Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11 to 12 M. Ethan A. Gray, John Ritter. B. M. Linnel, Chas. T. Clark, J. A. Harvey. West Side Dispensary (College of Physicians and Surgeons), Con gress and Honore Sts. Tuesdays and Fridays, 11 to 12 M. Fred. Tice. M. Lewison. West Side Dispensary of the Jewish Aid Society. Morgan and Maxwell Sts. Mondays and Thursdays, 3 to 5 P. M. Theodore B. Sachs. Max Biesenthal, Jas. A. Britton. South Side Free Dispensary (Northwestern University Medical School). 2431 Dearborn St. Mondays and Thursdays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Sidney Klein. Hahnemann Hospital Free Dispensary, 2811 Gottage Grove Ave. Mondays and Thursdays, 2:30 to 4 P. M. H. V. Halbert, A. L. Black- wood. \ COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY DISPENSARY. 370-374 South Wood. West 2ib7. See Faculty of the College of Medicine and Surgery. ELIZABETH E. MARCY HOME DISPENSARY. 134 Newberry Ave. Canal 580. See Medical Staff of Elizabeth E. Marcy Home. FRANCES E. WILLARD NATIONAL TEMPERANCE HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. 343-9 Lincoln St. West 2181. See Medical Staff of Frances E. Willard National Temperance Hospital. GERMAN- AMERICAN HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. 1619 to 1629 Diversey Blvd. Lake View 967. DISPENSARY STAFF. John Fisher, Heart and Lungs, Mon. and Sat., 11 A. M. H. J. Haiselden, Surg, and Dis. of Women, Daily, 11 A. M. to 12 M. C. Rutherford, Gen. Med., Wed. and Frid., 11 A. M. to 12 M. H. C. Wieskopf, Dis. of Chil., Tues. and Thur., 11 A. M. to 12 M. Alex. Proudfoot, Eye and Ear, Tues. and Frid., 2 to 3 P. M. Chicago as a Medical Ccnh [63 GERMAN HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. 754-756 Larrabee St. Open from 10 A. M. to 12 M. daily, except Sunday. See Staff of German Hospital. HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. 2813 Cottage Grove Ave. Organized May, 1859. Its several departments, medical and surgical, are in charge of the Faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. ILLINOIS CHARITABLE EYE AND EAR DISPENSARY. 121 S. Peoria St. Monroe 1109. Open from 1:30 to 3 :30. See Staff of Eye and Ear Infirmary. ILLINOIS FREE DISPENSARY. Washington Blvd. and Halsted St. Under the auspices of the Illinois Medical College. CHAS. W. WINNE, M.D., Supt. ILLINOIS POST-GRADUATE DISPENSARY. 819 W. Harrison St. See Faculty of Illinois Post-Graduate Medical School. JENNER FREE DISPENSARY. 196 and 198 Washington St. For Dispensary Staff see Faculty of Jenner Medical College. Open from 1 to 9 P. M. Clinics from 5:30 to 9. Sat., 2 to 9. JEWISH AID SOCIETY WEST SIDE DISPENSARY. 509-511 S. Morgan St. Under the management of the Jewish Aid Society. ATTENDING STAFF. Dis's of Chil. — May Michael. Mon. and Thurs., 3 P. M., M. L. Blatt, Mary M. S. Johnstone, A. B. Yudelson. Wed. and Sat,, 2 P. M., David L. Schram, Mary Schwartz. Int'l Med. — T. B. Sachs. Mon. and Thurs., Max Biesenthal, Louis Rosenzweig, Samuel Robin, Edw. E. Nathan, Aristoph Spare. Tues. and Fri., 2 P. M., Wm. Joffee, A. W. Schram. Wed. and Sat., 3 P. M., F. B. Harmison, H. S. Tufts. Dis's of Women. — Joseph D. Anway, Wed. and Sat., 1 P. M. Henry Banga, Tues., 3:30 P.M., Oscar G. Fischer. Lester E. Frank- enthal, Wed., 11 A. M. L. S. Simon, Louis F. Alrutz. Surgery. — Emanuel Friend, Wed. and Sat., 3 P. M., Geo. W. Wag- ner, A. J. Schwartz. Wm H. Rubovits, Mon. and Thurs., 4 P. M., Wm. A. Lurie, A. S. Hershfield. D. N. Eisendrath, Tues. and Fri., 3 P. M., H. B. Shapiro. Dis's of the Eye. — Mortimer Frank, F. L. Strauss, Wed. and Sat., 2 P. M. Dis's of the Nerv. System. — Sydney Kuh, Wed. and Sat., 3 P. M., Sigmund Krumholz, H. B. Shapiro. Tuberculosis. — Theo. B. Sachs, Mon. and Thur., 3 P. M., Max Bies- enthal. ■ ,_ Dis's of the Ear, Nose and Throat. — L. E. Gordon, Mon. and Thurs., 2 P. M., Harry Kahn, Jos. B. Goldberg, S. A. Friedberg. Intestines.— A. D. Kohn, Tues. and Sat., 10:30 A. M., M. Brande. Diseases of the Skin. — E. A. Fischkin, Wed. and Sat., 1 P. M., J. Dis's of the Genito-Urinary Organs. — Benj. J. Breakstone, Wed. and Sat., 2 P. M., Leo. B. Steiner. „■«■«. Dental Department. — M. L. Aren, Tues. and Thurs., 3 P. M. !til Chicago as a Medical Center. MARY THOMPSON HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. Adams and Paulina Sts. West 71. Attending Staff. — Lucy Waite, Elizabeth N. Brady, Alice Conklin, >line biedgrer, S. Josephine McCollum, Harriet C. ander, .Marie Schmidt, Louise - arietta Farquharson. NATIONAL MEDICAL DISPENSARY. 531 and 533 Wells St. For Dispensary Staff, see Faculty of National Medical Univer- sity and Hospital. RELIANCE FREE DISPENSARY. Washington Blvd., cor. Halsted. For Dispensary Staff see Faculty of Reliance Medical College. Samuel A. Mc Williams, M. D., Supt. SOUTH SIDE DISPENSARY. 2431 Dearborn St. Calumet 128. DISPENSARY STAFF. PRANK X. WALLS, Chief of Dispensary Staff. Medicine. — Arthur R. Edwards, R. B. Preble, Chas. L. Mix, Win'd S. Harpole, E. B. Fowler, Paul Chester, Achilles Davis, Geo. B. Butt, P. D. Francis. L. J. Osgood. Albert Pech, A. C. Kleutgen, Chas. A. Erickson, W. H. Lamborn, Milton Mandel, Sidney Klein, A. J. Willetts. Surgery. — Harry M. Richter, Fred. A. Besley, W. R. Cubbins, Frank E. Pierce, A. B. Kanavel, E. C. Riebel, Robt. A. Black, Chas. M. Fox, Chas. M. Matter. Neurology. — Arch'd Church, Hugh T. Patrick, Julius Grinker, D'Or- say Hecht, Edgar N. Layton, Geo. C. Shockey, Wm. E. Bren- nemann, Albert B. Yudelson. Orthopedic Surgery. — John Ridlon, Chas. M. Jacobs, Henry B. Thomas, A. B. Rankin. Gynecology. — E. C. Dudley, T. J. Watkins, Frank T. Andrews, W. S. Barnes. Henry E. Sauer. Robt. T. Gillmore. Thos. H. Lewis. L. J. Pritzker, O. S. Pavlik. Ophthalmology. — Casey A. Wood. Clar. W. Heath. Chas. G. Daiiins\ R. J. Tivnen, Alex. P. Horwitz, J. F. Campbell, Geo. T. Jordan. Chas. P. Small, Edw. P. Carlton. Otology. — F. Allport, C. M. Robertson, Edw. R. Ogden, Fred. S. Crocker, E. P. Carlton, Chas. L. O'Brien. ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. 1426 Indiana Ave. Calumet 1470. Surges. — Henrv W. Cheney, Thos. J. Knudson. John C. Hollister. Phys's. — Edw. B. Tuteur, Paul J. Faber, R. W. Morris. GynecoVs. — Herman D. Preston, Thos. H. Lewis, Frank S. Van Kirk. Orthop'c Surg. — C. W. Hopkins. Oral Surg. — Arthur Black. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL DISPENSARY. Ogden Ave., Congress and Lincoln Sts. West 882. See Medical Staff of University Hospital. WEST SIDE FREE DISPENSARY. Congress and Honore Sts. West 121. Open from 11 to 12 A. M., and from 2 to 4 P.M. Medicine. — Lorch. Fantus or Treadwell, 11 to 12. Ear 3 Nose and Throat. — Gould, Von Colditz or Waterman, 11 to 12. Gynecology. — McCord, Mon. and Thur., 11 to 12 Chicago as a Medical Center. 165 Orthopedic. — Bailey, Porter or Lyman, Mon., Thurs. and Sat., 11 to 12. Tuberculosis. — Tice and Lewisohn, Tues. and Frid., 11 to 12. Ear. Nose and Throat. — Beck, Goldberger, Hughes, R. H. Brown or De Vault, 2 to 4. Diseases of Children. — Hatfield, Masilks, Crede, Katz or Koehler. 2 to 4. Eye. — Findlay, Loring or Lebensohn, 2 to 4. Gynecology. — Lang, Eddy or Van Dyke, 2 to 4. Nervous Dept. — Baer, Lewisohn, Hanelin or Treadwell, 2 to 4. Skin and Genito-Urinary. — Pusey, Stillians, Sempill or Harris, 2 to 4. Chest. — Williamson, Eberhardt or Heinen, 2 to 4. Medical Societies AMERICAN ECLECTIC MATERIA MEDICA ASSN. Sec. and Treas., Arthur W. Smith, M.D., 1507 S. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY. Sec, J. Richie Horner, Cleveland, Ohio. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSN. Gen. Sec, Geo. H. Simmons. M.D.. L03 Dearborn Ave. CHICAGO ECLECTIC MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SOC. Sec, J. A. McDonell, 1411 W. Madison St. CHICAGO HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOC. Sec, P. M. Culver, BID., 3019 Indiana Ave. CHICAGO LARYNGOLOGICAL AND OTOLOGICAL SOC. Sec. P. Gurnev Stubbs, M.D., 103 State St. CHICAGO MEDICAL SOC. Sec. M. Z. Albro, M.D. CHICAGO OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOC. Sec, W. O. Nance, M.D., 100 State St. CHICAGO PATHOLOGICAL SOC. Sec, Geo. H. Weaver, M. D., 513 Washington Blvd. COOK COUNTY ECLECTIC PATHOLOGICAL SOC. Sec, A. W. Smith, M.D., 1507 S. Spaulding Ave. ILLINOIS HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSN. Sec, Burton Hasel- tine, M.D., 100 State St. ILLINOIS PHYSIO-MEDICAL SOC. Sec, J. W. Russell, M.D., 21 Twenty-sixth St. ILLINOIS STATE ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOC. Cor. Sec, John B. ^tfividlep "PporifL 111 ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOC. Sec, E. W. W^eis, Ottawa, 111. REGULAR HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOC. Sec. and Treas., G. P. Waring, M.D., Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. Medical Journals AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 1416 E. Ravens- wood Park. ARCHIVES OP INTERNAL MEDICINE. Jos. L. Miller, M.D.. Editor, 100 State St. CHICAGO JOURNAL OP HEALTH, 134 Van Bur en St. CHICAGO MEDICAL RECORDER. Archibald Church, M.D., Editor, Pullman Bldg. CHICAGO MEDICAL TIMES. N. A. Graves, M.D., Editor, 1358 Pulton St ELLINGWOOD'S THERAPEUTICS. Finley Ellingwood, M.D., Edi- tor, 100 State St. HYGIENE, DIET AND LONG LIFE. Carl H. Klein, M.D., Editor, 84 Washington St. ILLINOIS MEDICAL JOURNAL. Geo. M. Kreider, M.D., Editor. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSN. Geo. H. Simmons, M.D., Editor, 535 Dearborn Ave. JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Ludvig Hektoen, M. D.. Editor, Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases. MEDICAL STANDARD, THE. P. J. Atkins, M.D., Editor, 355 Dearborn St. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL BULLETIN. Chas. A. Elliott, M.D., Editor, 2900 Indiana Ave. OPHTHALMIC RECORD, THE. P. M. Woodworth, M.D., Editor, 2477 N. Clark St. OPHTHALMOLOGY AND OTO-LARYNGOLOGY. W. O. Nance. M.D., Editor, 100 State St. PLEXUS. Oliver Olson, Editor, College of Phvsicians and Surgeons. PRACTICAL THERAPEUTICS. Thos. G. Atkinson, M.D., Editor, La Grange, 111. RAILWAY SURGICAL JOURNAL, 842 Monadnock Bldg. RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE JOURNAL. B. M. Linnell, M.D., Editor, 100 State St. SURGERY, GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS JOURNAL. Frank- lin H. Martin, M.D., Editor, 103 State St. THE CLINIQUE. H. V. Halbert, M.D., Editor, 31 Washington St. 166 St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital LEAVITT AND THOMAS STREETS HADDEN AND OAKLEY AVENUES TELEPHONE HUMBOLDT 604 Founded May 6, 1 904, by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH This institution has been quietly spreading its good influence, and in 1 900 the old quarters proved too small. A new site was selected, and the erection of a new Thoroughly Modern Building took place, which was completed March, 1902. The location is ideal. A garden of 280 x 1 50 feet, with its beautiful lawns, flower beds and fountain, looks very inviting. The hospital is constructed of cut stone and pressed brick in the French Renaissance style of architecture. It is 196 x 87 feet and five stories high. see staff, page 158 Mother M. DON ATA, Superior Sister M. AMBROSE, Supt. of Nurses SEE STAFF, PAGE 14 THE EVANGELICAL DEACONESS HOSPITAL Is an institution of the Evangelical Association. It has a capacity of forty beds, is new, fireproof in con- struction, and has a noiseless elec- tric automatic elevator. A large germ-proof Pasteur filter provides pure water for general use. The sterilizing, anesthetizing, operat- ing and dressing rooms meet the most scientific requirements. Two house physicians and a corps of about thirty nurses, mostly deaconesses in training, provide good service to patients. Rev. A. J. VEOGELEIN, Supt. Miss E. SINDLINGER, Principal 408 Wisconsin Street CHICAGO 167 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS (For address see page 183.) RESIDENT AND ATTENDING STAFF OSCAB A. KING, M. D., Medical Superintendent and Director. U. G. DARLING, M. D., Resident Physician. OSCAB EAWKINSON, M. D., Resident Physician. J. C. Reynolds, M. D., Attending Physician. W. H. McDonald, M. D., Attending Physician. N. L. Seeleye, M. D., Attending Oculist and Aurist. T. A. Davis, M. D., Chicago, Surgeon, PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES By Permission: Frank Billings, M. D., Chicago. Daniel R. Brower, M. D., Chicago. John H. Chew. M. D., Chicago. Archibald Church, M. D., Chicago. N. S. Davis, M. D., Chicago. T. A. Davis, M. D., Chicago. E. J. Doering, M. D., Chicago. Frank B. Earle, M. D., Chicago. D. N. Eisendrath, M. D., Chicago. Henry B. Favill, M. D., Chicago Hugh T. Patrick, M. D., Chicago. Alexander H. Ferguson, M. D., Chicago. Lester E. Frankenthal, M. D., Chicago. David B. Graham, M. D.. Chicago. John E. Harper, M. D., Chicago. James B. Herrick, M. D., Chicago. H. M. Hurd, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Sidney Kuh, M. D., Chicago. E. J. Kuh, M. D., Chicago. C. B. King, M. D., Chicago. James Mills, M. D., Janesville, Wis. Walter B. Metcalf, M. D., Chicago. Roswell Park, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. William H. Palmer, M. D., Janesville, Wis. William E. Quine, M. D., Chicago. Arthur R. Reynolds, M. D., Chicago. Otto L. Schmidt, M. D., Chicago. Mattheis Corbett, M. D., Chicago. Henry B. Stehman, M. D., Pasadena, Cal. Victor C. Vaughan, M. D., Ann Arbor. Mich. Twing B. Wiggin, M. D., Chicago. Elbert Wing, M. D., Los Angeles, Cal. 168 Lake Geneva Sanitariums HE LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS comprise three separate institutions, having separate buildings and separate grounds under one management, as follows : 1 . Oakwood Springs Sanitarium for mental cases and nervous cases requiring guardianship, with handsome park of seventy-three acres, overlooking the lake and city. OAKWOOD-— MAIN BUILDING 2. Lakeside Sanitarium for medical and general sanitarium cases, with two buildings and grounds of ten acres, charmingly set on the shores of the Lake. 3. The Surgical Hospital for surgical cases exclusively, with well equipped operating room and handsome, airy bedrooms, having large windows and beautiful outlook. 169 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS OAKWOOD, FROM SOUTHEAST These Sanitariums are situated in a region twenty by thirty miles in extent, having the smallest death rate of any such area in the United States. Malaria is here unknown. Lake Geneva, on the shores of which the Sanitariums are located, is a place of great beauty. It is nine miles long, from one to two miles wide and three hundred feet deep. It is abso- lutely free from marsh and weeds. It has a great outflow, but THE TENNIS COURT 170 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS no inlet, and is known as the most beautiful spring-fed body of water in the lake regions of Wisconsin, and by many is considered the most beautiful lake in America. Its shores have been sought by the wealth of the middle-west and south, and it is completely bordered with handsome villas and summer homes. The salubrity of the climate and the healthfulness of the location make it unsurpassed for sanitarium purposes. Every possible out-door diversion has been supplied by nature in her best mood. IN THE GROUNDS OF OAKWOOD The grounds of Oakwood consist of a beautifully wooded park of seventy-three acres, overlooking the lake and city of Lake Geneva, and commanding the most delightful and extensive views. It is more than fifty feet above the lake, presents a charmingly 171 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS undulating surface, covered in its entire area by great oaks and magnificent forest trees, together with gardens, orchard and meadow, through which flows the clear and sparkling White river, the outlet of the Lake. IN THE MEADOW The Lake Geneva Sanitariums were founded by Dr. Oscar A. King: Oakwood, in 1883; Lakeside, in 1893. Oakwood was opened for patients in May, 1885. It is a model institution, constructed at a cost of over $ 1 1 0,000. It is situated on high grounds, in a park of seventy- three acres, of exceptional beauty. OAKWOOD FROM THE WEST 172 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS The plans of Oakwood are such as to give to each patienl a room or a suite, as may be required. These communicate with parlors and halls in such a way as to afford, in all suitable cases, the utmost freedom of house and grounds, or, when desired, many of the most pleasant rooms can be entirely isolated from all others. By these plans, therefore, it is possible to permit the greatest freedom, and, at the same time, to protect every patient in Oak- wood from annoyance by any other. A PARLOR There are no wards. All rooms are private rooms. There are separate parlors and dining rooms for every five or six patients. The bedrooms are large, and all have pleasant outlooks into the park. Many of them have private baths. The plumbing, heating and electric lighting are new and mod- ern, and the furnishings are of the best. 173 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS The system of ventilation is such that any room might be filled with smoke and perfectly cleared in ten minutes with closed windows and doors. The building is fire-proof. Cheerfulness, comfort and safety have been the controlling ideas in the architecture and management. No crowding is at any time permitted, and the number under treatment will be governed at all times and entirely by the best interests of the patients themselves. A DRIVE IN GROUNDS OF OAKWOOD There are private parlors and dining rooms, trained nurses, teachers and masseurs. There is perfect classification, rest, elec- tricity, baths, mental training and rational treatment. 174 LA-ICE GENEVA SANITARIUMS IN GROUNDS OP OAKWOOD Apartments can be taken only by patients actually under treatment. ^S 4& ON LAKE GENEVA 175 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS jp AKESIDE SANITARIUM, comprising two buildings ^y, proper and an amusement hall, is located on the very shores of Lake Geneva, and is utilized for the care and treatment of medical and general sanitarium cases. LAKESIDE— MAIN BUILDING AND COTTAGE These admirably equipped buildings still further serve to favor the classification of patients and furnish the needed individuality of treatment essential alike to refinement and the best results. A GROUP OP NURSES 176 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS The grounds of Lakeside are about a half mile distant from those of Oakwood. A gently sloping and otherwise fine bathing beach, from the grounds of Lakeside, affords pleasure and advantage to patients and guests. Every useful form of bath and hydropathic procedure is provided, together with gymnastic exercises, Swedish movement and massage. IN GROUNDS OF LAKESIDE Regular courses of instruction are given in appropriate fields of knowledge. Mental exercise and drills, together with require- ments of physical and mental performance, are promoted, with a view to restoring, strengthening or developing the faculties, par- ticularly those of perception and the will. Such treatment is 177 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS ON WALK FROM LAKESIDE important in a very large percentage of general sanitarium cases, particularly in neurasthenia, hysteria, depression and habit. Such a course, not of fanciful suggestion but of instruction, tends to the establishment of attention, interest, ambition, purpose and rational expectation in the patient. With the mending of physical ills should follow action, industry and obedience to the philosophy of a useful life. Such a course is regarded as a foundation stone in a permanent cure of hysteria and many other habit symptoms, the result of neuropathic constitution, irrational living, slipshod and vicious educa- tion and idle indulgence — cases that can seldom be treated successfully at home. THE LAKE FROM LAKESIDE 178 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS A large wooded city park, handsome and quiet, abuts the grounds of the Sanitarium, without barrier on the east, lying im- mediately back of the Sanitarium. The lake borders the acres of sanitarium grounds in front and to the west, thereby affording quietude and a delightful outlook from the windows of every room. There are broad porches, wide sunny lawns, fine trees, deep shade and excellent playgrounds. PARLOR IN COTTAGE AMUSEMENTS: In summer, bathing, boating, fishing, sailing, wheeling, golf, tennis, riding and driving are available for patients who have the inclination or for whom it is desirable. In winter, sleighing, skating, ice boat sailing and all outdoor winter sports are available under the most agreeable circumstances. Within doors, billiards, books, social entertainments and agreeable associations pass the time acceptably and with benefit to all. 179 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS THE COTTAGE IN WINTER LABORATORY: Trained assistants are employed in the use of instruments of accuracy and methods of procedure in chemical, microscopical and physical examinations. This, combined with thorough methods of investigation in the psychological department, facilitates the formation of a rational judgment in each individual case. For Diagnosis: At the request of their physicians, patients will be admitted for diagnosis and report only. It has proven advantageous in certain cases, not necessarily requiring sanitarium treatment, but requiring CROQUET AT LAKESIDE 180 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS time for investigation, to come to the Sanitarium to remain a few days until this object has been attained. Particular application is here made to cases suffering from diseases of the nervous system. In case of patients admitted to the Sanitarium for diagnosis, a residence in the Sanitarium for a period of from three to ten days is desirable. :*.1 THE COTTAGE IN SUMMER Quick communication from distant points may be had by tele- phone or telegraph. From points within 200 miles, the long distance telephone is generally more satisfactory. From points other than Chicago it is best to call the Sani- tarium direct, rather than the city office. Consult map and time tables on pages 1 84 and 1 85. 181 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS WALK AT LAKESIDE TERMS will be given on application. The charges will be made as low as the expense and character of the service to be rendered will admit of, and depend upon the condition and requirements of the patient, the rooms occupied, etc. DUCK LAKE-GOOD FISHING 18 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS A GLIMPSE OF COTTAGE PHYSICIANS CALL LONG DISTANCE telephone at Sani- tarium's expense. Physicians desiring to make inquiry concerning the admission of patients can save time by calling, by long distance telephone, the superintendent or other resident physician at the Sanitarium, requesting the operator to reverse the charges. When notified of the time of expected arrival in Lake Geneva, a carriage will be sent to the station to meet patients arriving. For map and time tables see next following pages. For further information, address DR. OSCAR A. KING, Medical Superintendent and Director, LAKE GENEVA, WIS. Long Distance Telephone OR AT PRIVATE OFFICE 72 Madison St., Cor. State St., Phone, Central 2508 CHICAGO, IIJL. AFTER OFFICE HOURS, BETWEEN 5 P. M. AND 9 A. M. AND SUNDAYS, CHICAGO PATRONS CALL TELE PH ON E 1204 WEST 183 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS ■ Chicago & North- Western Ry. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Wisconsin Central Railway. Other Railways. 184 LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUMS Location and Trains The location of Lake Geneva is shown on the accompany- ing map. From Chicago, Lake Geneva is best reached via the Chicago & North- Western Railway. From La Crosse, Madison, Freeport, Beloit, Racine and Mil- waukee it may be reached via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, alighting at Springfield, Wis. All trains are met at Spring- field by omnibus for Lake Geneva— a short ride over a good road. Coming from the north and northwest, it is frequently conven- ient to go south as far as Crystal Lake, changing cars at Crystal Lake to the regular North- Western trains for Lake Geneva. Trains leave Chicago for Lake Geneva over the North- Western Railway, via Crystal Lake, as follows : SUMMER TIME TABLE (From about May 1 5 to November 1 S ) WEEK-DAY TRAINS SUNDAY TRAINS (Time ty 2 to 2 hours) LEAVE CHICAGO LEAVE CHICAGO 8:05 a.m. via Elgin 8:00 a.m Direct 8:50 a.m. Direct 8:45 a.m. Direct 12:30 p.m. via Elgin 2:02 p.m. via Elgin 1:15 p.m. Direct 3:45 p.m. Direct 4:00 p.m. via Elgin Saturday Only 5:12 p.m. Direct 1 :00 p.m. Direct WINTER TIME TABLE (From about November 15 to May 15) WEEK-DAY TRAINS SUNDAY TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO LEAVE CHICAGO 7:00 am. via Elgin 8:05 a.m. Direct 8:45 a.m. Direct 3:40 p.m. Direct 5:12 p.m. Direct 8:45 a.m. Direct 2:00 p.m. via Elgin For Sanitarium address see page 183 185 JAN 3 1910 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Page 159 AUGUSTANA HOSPITAL Pages 140 and 141 WESLEY HOSPITAL Page 159 1S6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS #J &k