■H m 1 1M HE 1 mm nffiffl H^fl m 1 1 ■ i I ■v>% ^ <$■ ^v <>->•' :%\ *«. . h. > v a 0- ,** %j> 5». ^ p ^ V " .00 GUIDE TO THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA By OWEN C. COY, Ph.D., Director and Archivist Publication of the CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SURVEY COMMISSION 41210 CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO 19 19 CHaii\ 'Pi* \°w c \ COPYRIG HT By Owen G. Coy 1919 *. •f B. FES 18 1920 EB 18 IS A561914 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To His Excellency, William D. Stephens, Governor, Sacramento, California. Sir: Herewith is presented the Guide to the County Archives of California, which is the product of one phase of the activities of this commission in its work of making a survey of material on local history within the state. Respectfully submitted. CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SURVEY COMMISSION. John F. Davis, Chairman. Herbert E. Bolton. Edward A. Dickson. Sacramento, California, August 15, 1919. ( iii ) PREFACE The volume here presented seeks to furnish a guide to the county archives of California as well as a handbook dealing with their care, safety and use. In its preparation four distinct objects have been kept in mind: First, the consideration of the care and safety of the local public records of the state ; second, a general description of the records, giving an account of their content and some idea of their value to the investigator; third, a complete list of all sets of records or documents to be found in the custody of the more important officers in the county, together with a statement as to dates covered and the number of volumes or documents; and fourth, the history of changes in the territorial jurisdiction of the various counties whose archives are under con- sideration. The larger part of the volume is devoted to the lists of records found in the various counties. The counties are arranged in alphabetical order. This arrangement has also been followed in listing the records, unless some other order was obviously more desirable. The archives examined are those of the clerk, recorder, superintendent of schools and the four fiscal officers — auditor, treasurer, assessor, and tax collector. It is unnecessary to state that the first two offices are by far the most important. Although the other offices contain a relatively small amount of material it is felt that the results attained justified the outlay in time and energy. This would not apply, however, to the additional offices, whose archives were therefore not listed. This report is the result of some two years of actual labor on the part of the staff of the commission. Because of the fact that other activities have been carried on at the same time the aggregate time required in its preparation has been longer. Most of the field work was accomplished during the years 1916 and 1917. The date when each courthouse was examined is stated in the introduction accom- panying the report for that particular county. About one-third of the counties were examined by the author personally, the other two- thirds being examined by field assistants of the commission. A special feature of this report is the series of maps showing the changes in the boundaries of the counties. It was at first thought that it would be a simple matter to compile maps indicating the organization of new counties as the state developed. It was soon discovered, how- ever, that the work could not be done at all adequately without making a complete study of the boundary changes of each of the counties. In making this study it was found that the Political Code was entirely antiquated in its provisions defining the boundaries of the counties. In order to remedy this a measure was introduced by the commission (v) and approved by the legislature and governor redefining in full the boundaries of the counties of the state. The maps herein presented are the results of this study and are drawn in accordance with this recent legislation. It is believed that their value will be apparent to all who come in contact with the problem of the changes in county jurisdiction. Throughout the whole enterprise the greatest care has been taken to prevent error, yet in a work so comprehensive as this, including so many detached items of fact, it can not be hoped that it is entirely free from error. In each case the reports upon the archives have been submitted to the official in charge of the office at least twice, once in the typewritten manuscript and again after the matter had been put in type. In most cases the officials approved the report as prepared; some noted errors or omissions; others failed to reply. It is believed that on the whole this volume may be taken as a faithful guide to the contents of the archives as they were at the time the survey was made. No work of this character can be accomplished without the co-opera- tion of many people. In this regard the author was fortunate in having the assistance and advice of many whose help has been most valuable. In the first place, generous acknowledgment is due to Professor Herbert E. Bolton, who as a member of the Historical Survey Com- mission, has by his advice and encouragement made possible the success of this work. Much is due to other historical and archive commissions, especially the reports of the Public Archives Commission of the Amer- ican Historical Association and those of the Public Record Commission of Massachusetts and the volume on the County Archives of Illinois, all of which have been found most useful. The kindly spirit of co-operation shown by the county officials whose archives were exam- ined, the assistance rendered by those in charge of the Bancroft Collec- tion, the Boalt Law Library and the main library at the University of California, as well as the State Library at Sacramento, can not be passed over without a word of appreciation. Mention should also be made of those who, with the author, have served the commission during the preparation of this volume : Mr. Ralph S. Kuykendall, who as field assistant examined a large number of the counties and through criticism and advice has rendered other valuable aid; Mr. Emory Ratcliffe, Mr. C. F. Coan, Dr. W. C. Westergaard, Mr. A. M. North, Mr. G. L. Albright, Mr. E. G. Sewell and Miss May S. Corcoran, all of whom have assisted in the necessary field work. Finally, much appreciation is due Miss Hazel R. Bell, who in a secretarial capacity has given indispen- sable help in the painstaking task of chesking and unifying the entries and in the correction of the proof sheets. Owen C. Coy. Berkeley. California, August, 1919. ( vi ) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface — v List of Abbreviations ix Key to Maps ix PART I. THE CARE AND USE OF COUNTY ARCHIVES. The Care of Archives 1 The practical value of archive study 2 The housing of public records 4 Materials used in record making 6 General observations 10 The Clerk 15 General provisions 15 Court records 16 History and organization of the courts 16 Description of records 20 Supervisors' records 24 History and powers 24 Description of the records 27 Miscellaneous records 29 Office routine and general duties 29 Naturalization 31 Registration 33 Elections _ 37 Marriage and public health 40 Pertaining to private business concerns 42 Relating to other officers — 43 The Recorder 46 General provisions 46 Pre-statehood records 48 Records relating to property titles ,. , 51 Acquisition of original title 51 Transfer and encumbrance of title 54 Miscellaneous property records 63 Vital statistics 66 Miscellaneous records 69 The School and Fiscal Officials 77 The superintendent of schools 77 The fiscal officials 81 The auditor 81 The treasurer 81 The assessor 85 The tax collector 87 ( vii ) CONTENTS— Continued PART II. GUIDE TO COUNTY ARCHIVES. Page Alameda 9^ Alpine !04 Amador HI Butte 116 Calaveras 125 Colusa 131 Contra Costa 142 Del Norte ___. 151 El Dorado 157 Fresno 166 Glenn ___—___-- 175 Humboldt 181 Imperial 194 Inyo 198 Kern 204 Kings 213 Klamath 221 Lake 225 Lassen : 234 Los Angeles 240 Madera : 254 Marin 2 62 Mariposa — 2 69 Mendocino 2 75 Merced — 28 6 Modoc : 297 Mono 303 Monterey 309 Napa 316 Nevada 32 7 Orange 33 6 Placer 345 Plumas — _ 351 Riverside 358 Sacramento — 366 San Benito 379 San Bernardino — 388 San Diego 398 San Francisco 409 San Joaquin 433 San Luis Obispo 442 San Mateo 454 Santa Barbara 461 Santa Clara 472 Santa Cruz _ 484 Shasta 491 Sierra 499 Siskiyou 504 Solano 511 Sonoma 522 Stanislaus 534 Sutter : 541 Tehama — 550 Trinity 557 Tulare 564 Tuolumne 575 Ventura 587 Yolo : 596 Yuba 608 Index to Part I 619 ( viii ) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS x volume without number or letter no. number f. b. filing box p. h. pigeon hole n. d. no date bdl. bundle gen. general rev. revised dept. department stats. statutes amdts. amendments p., pp. page, or pages v. or vol volume Pol. Code Political Code Civ. Code Civil Code Pen. Code Penal Code Code Civ. Proc Code Civil Procedure KEY TO MAPS Accompanying the archive report of each county is a map showing the changes in its boundary and county seat. If there has been no change in boundary the map is given in black only ; otherwise two colors have been added, red to represent the present boundary and blue for earlier lines. In like manner the present county seat is shown by means of a red circle ; former county seats, by blue circles. The dates indicate the period when the place was the county seat. The original boundaries of the county are shown by means of a solid blue line, later changes by broken blue or red lines. In order to aid in distinguishing the boundaries for any period, the lines have been lettered, line a in each case representing the full boundary of the county after the first change was made. Accompanying each map is a legend which refers to the statute or code section defining the boundary as shown upon the map. For 1854 the citations are' to the Redding edition of the statutes. Each map is accompanied by a scale of miles. ( ix ) PART I THE CARE AND USE OF COUNTY ARCHIVES THE CARE OP ARCHIVES THE IMPORTANCE OF ARCHIVES Even as the fabric of modern civilization is built upon the founda- tion of past generations, so both the security of its institutions and the means of further progress depend in a vital manner upon the safety and accuracy of its records. In these Western States, so re- cently the frontier of civilization, the importance of this fact may not at first be evident. In European countries, on the other hand, it has been long recognized as a matter of great importance that the public records be properly preserved, both for administrative and historical reasons. That the local public archives are an indispensable source to the historian is readily apparent to one familiar with that field. For, notwithstanding the other sources of information available to the research worker, he must turn to the public records for a large part of the facts around which he will seek to reconstruct the past. No adequate history of the development of the State of California can ever be written that is not based upon a more or less intimate knowl- edge of the great mass of information found in its local archives. From them is to be obtained first-hand information showing how the pioneer gold-seekers established their government and meted out summary punishment in their local courts ; how in their efforts to find wealth and establish homes they explored remote regions and founded flourishing cities ; and how slavery, although strictly forbidden by the constitution of the state, was allowed to exist for many years. They give in detail the story of the building of roads, the establishment of schools, the founding of churches and fraternal organizations; the growth of wealth and industry into the great current of modern life. Pioneer reminiscences and memoirs have real merit but must be checked with more trustworthy material ; contemporaneous letters, diaries and newspapers are very valuable, but even these may be unreliable on account of personal prejudice or incomplete knowledge. The public archives, on the other hand, contain a vast supply of infor- mation which, on account of its official character, has been gathered or compiled with more regard for accuracy than is the case with much other material. To be sure, the supply of facts to be obtained from the archives is not inexhaustible and upon many subjects may be quite limited, and yet one is surprised to discover that data recorded for one purpose may prove most helpful in throwing light upon some question seem- ingly entirely foreign to the original object, as for example, the use 2—41210 Z COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. of election returns and records of school attendance to indicate rela- tive growth and distribution of population. In similar manner the records of marriages, court proceedings, transfers of property, census reports and election returns, as well as many other record books, contain an array of facts which can not be found elsewhere. That these are of value alike to the historical investigator, the genealogist, and student of social science, is apparent even to the casual observer. Many of the records are veritable mines of information, and scat- tered through the archives are frequently found books or documents whose unique character mark them as possessing unusual value. Among these should be mentioned the Spanish archives at Salinas, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, San Francisco and elsewhere; the alcalde dockets in a large number of counties; the volume of Larkin papers in Monterey County archives ; the many records of Spanish and Mexi- can land grants ; as well as numerous scattering documents showing evidences of Negro and Indian slavery. THE PRACTICAL VALUE OF ARCHIVE STUDY Value to Keepers of Records. The study of archive problems, such as has been undertaken in this present survey, will doubtless be recog- nized as contributing not only to the field of historical research but will also be seen to be of no small value in assisting the keepers of our public records, especially the recorder and clerk, whose duties are largely those of archivists. When it is considered that the average public official is so busily engaged in the routine work of his office that he is unable to devote time to learn the nature of the contents of the great mass of record books piled up by his predecessors, it becomes evident, if he is to be expected to administer intelligently the archives in his possession, that any method whereby he can be helped to become more familiar with these records will be of value. In this respect the work which is represented in this report is aimed to be of value along several lines. In the first place, the study which has been made by this commission in the field of archive science permits it to present to the keeper of records something of the knowledge of experienced and trained archivists, not only in other states, but in European countries as well, where the accumulation of records and documents hundreds of years old has led to a thorough study of this science. Second, the study of the statutes and codes, with the resultant sum- mary of the provisions of the laws dealing with the records, will enable the official, as well as layman, not only to become more familiar with the older records, but also to become more acquainted with the legislation regarding records now being kept, the citation of refer- ences to the codes and statutes being included in order that it may THEIR CARE AND USE. 3 afford an easy reference to the laws themselves. Third, the thorough manner in which the archives, including not only the main offices in the courthouse, but basement, attic, and storerooms as well, have been examined has resulted in the location of many record books which had been misplaced in earlier years. Fourth, in order to secure, in so far as possible, a uniform order in the archive reports an attempt has been made to group the entries in a logical and systematic manner. In many cases the county officials may find it convenient to follow in some degree the grouping and order here suggested. Value to the Taxpayer. That the work here represented has been and will continue to be of value to the taxpayer has already been indicated, for whatever assists in the preservation of the public record for the use of this and future generations, or aids the officials en- trusted with the keeping of these records to become more intelligent and more efficient, will, in so far as it is successful, be of practical benefit to the state as a whole. In addition to those advantages which have already been suggested, the following contributions should also be taken into consideration. First, the study which has been made of conditions existing in the courthouses in reference to danger from fires, dampness, and other elements of destruction, is of no small importance. In many cases, as will be pointed out in the report, there exists grave danger from fires, both from without and from inflammable material used in interior construction. That these conditions should be remedied im- mediately in the interest of the safety of the records, and therefore to the security of property, is readily apparent. Second, the materials used in making these records has been carefully considered, especially in reference to inks and paper. That the millions of dollars which are annually spent by the state in the compilation of these records should not be jeopardized through the use of faulty materials, should be plainly evident to all thoughtful citizens. Third, the close exam- ination of offices, attics, basements, closets and vaults has revealed many valuable record books which had, in earlier years, been mis- placed and given up as lost. In one case, El Dorado County, more than a dozen record books, many dealing with land titles, had been misplaced at the time of a courthouse fire in 1910 and had since that time been considered burned. These were found and returned to their proper place. What was done here was done in many other counties where books were found and returned to their legal custodian. That suits involving property titles valued at thousands of dollars may be averted by the location of these records is more than a mere probability, COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE HOUSING OF PUBLIC RECORDS Fireproof Buildings. If public records are to be permanently pre- served they must both be prepared in such a manner as to insure their ability to endure the rigorous tests of time and they must also be safely housed against loss by fire, decay and other elements of destruc- tion. Since the greatest apparent danger to public records is through fire, an effort is usually made to see that in structures built to house them only fireproof materials are used. Practically all of the court- houses and halls of records constructed during the past two decades have been built in a fireproof manner; many of the older ones, how- ever, fall far below what the standard should be. Since no universal formula is known whereby it is possible to deter- mine when a structure is adequately fireproof, this is largely a matter of individual judgment based upon a general knowledge of dangers from fires and of the local conditions, such as building material, isola- tion, fire protection, and the like. While examining the archives of the various counties an attempt has been made to note whether or not the county archives of California are properly housed. While, in general, it may be said that the courthouses have been built with the idea of guarding the safety of the records, in too many cases this has been inadequately done. Of the fifty-eight counties in the state, thirty-seven were classed as being probably safe from outside fires. In many cases this was due as much to the isolation of the building as to the nature of its material. Thirteen were clearly not fireproof, and eight others were jeopardized by their nearness to other struc- tures which were a constant danger. When an examination was made of the interior of these buildings the results were found to be even less satisfactory, for should a fire once gain headway within the court- house only eighteen gave evidence of being able to confine the fire to its place of origin, while thirty-one were clearly not firepoof, and nine only fireproof in part. To summarize then, thirteen or nearly one- fourth of the counties are not provided with fireproof buildings; twenty-seven or about one-half are partially protected; while but eighteen, less than one-third of the whole, are adequately protected. It should, however, be added that several of these buildings that are not fireproof are provided with vaults, where the greater part of the records are supposed to be kept. It is not, however, safe to assume either that the officers in charge always observe the precaution to place the records in the vault, or even that the vault itself can with- stand much heat. On the other hand, sad experiences have shown that even structures supposed to be proof against fire have been seen to be sadly inadequate when put to the test. It is, therefore, proba- ble that many of the buildings classed as fireproof might not with- stand a severe test. THEIR CARE AND USE. 5 Vaults. \Yhile a very large percentage of the county courthouses are to some extent provided with vaults, they are not used as fully as the safety of the records requires. This is doubtless due to the fact that, as a rule, they are poorly lighted, insufficiently ventilated, and not convenient of access, it being necessary in most cases to remove the books to some other place for consultation. The result is that in many cases the vaults are used for only a very small part of the records, principally those not in current use. Another criticism to be made in regard to vaults is that they are often unsatisfactory as depositories for records because of dampness. This is usually due to their location, it being the common, although mistaken, practice to construct the vault in the basement or cellar or some other part of the building equally undesirable for other purposes. Experience in other states has shown that a vault should not be constructed in a basement, and should, if possible, be built to open into a room which gets the direct sunlight. Since a vault or safe will gather dampness unless opened frequently it should be opened and well ventilated at least once a week. To avoid excessive damp- ness vaults should be constructed with double walls, in such a manner as to permit the passage of air between the walls as well as within the vault. This may be done by means of a small pipe connecting with the flue, in such a manner that the damp air may be carried off and yet no fire be allowed to enter. In case the vault contains a small amount of moisture it may be absorbed through the use of lime, the lime being removed as soon as it becomes slaked. The lime should always be placed in a noncombustible vessel to avoid fire. Storerooms, Basements and Attics. In addition to the main offices and vaults, often a very considerable part of the older county records are stored elsewhere in storerooms, which are most frequently located in basements or attics. While in some cases these rooms are reasonably well equipped for keeping the records safely, as a rule they are brought into service without much regard to their being suitable depositories for books and documents. Not infrequently the base- ments are damp, the attics dusty and mice-infested. In many cases the books are piled away without regard to their future use, with the natural result that all are soon a heterogeneous mass. Seldom are these places adequately equipped with electric lights, so there is constant danger of fire from matches or candles. The material found in such parts of the courthouse consists almost entirely of semi-discarded records, those books which have not been called for by attorneys or searchers for some time. In general this is known as "junk," but, in spite of this commonly applied title, it frequently contains material of considerable historical value as well as documents that may at any time become important court records. That Greater care should be taken of this older material is evident b COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. to anyone who makes even a superficial examination of this class of material. If it is a felony to destroy records some penalty ought to be meted out to the official who permits records to be cast away where they are almost sure to be destroyed by mould, mice, dust or heat. Office Furniture. The equipment and furniture of an office used as a depository for records should be given more careful consideration than it has usually received, judging from what is to be found in the average courthouse. In many buildings the fire hazard is greatly increased because the offices, instead of being furnished with modern fireproof equipment, are supplied with wooden counters, book shelves and other furniture which in a few cases is accompanied by paste- board filing cases. Since smoking is seldom prohibited in these offices, and many are heated by wood stoves, it is apparent that the records kept in such surroundings are constantly in danger from fire. The more modern buildings are equipped with steel counters and enclosed steel filing cases and roller shelved book racks. The latter have the additional advantage in that they not only reduce greatly the danger from fire, but when closed prevent the accumulation of dust, and may be securely locked if there is danger of theft. MATERIALS USED IN RECORD MAKING Not only must the public records be safely housed in fireproof buildings properly equipped with vaults and convenient dry store- rooms, but it is also essential that care be taken to see that the ma- terials used in the public records be selected with great care in order to guard against the danger that the ink with which they are written may fade or that the paper upon which they are written may dis- integrate. Although this commission has not been directly authorized to take up this matter, it has considered it within its jurisdiction to make at least a preliminary examination of the materials used in the offices of the county officials and to compare the results with similar investigation in other states where the public records are more closely supervised. Inks. One of the most important elements affecting the perma- nency of a record is the quality of the ink used. This has long been recognized by the leading archivists of Europe and is being given increasing consideration in our own country. More than a century ago Thomas Astle, the keeper of records in London Tower, called attention to the "utmost importance" that the public records be writ- ten with ink of durable quality. In 1879 the German government, in seeking to protect the permanency of its records, prohibited the use of any other than iron-gall inks in its record books and some time later issued definite instructions as to the methods of classifying and testing the inks intended for use on public records. Subsequent extensive investigations by Schluttig and Neumann developed a THEIR CARE AND USE. 7 definite formula for the manufacture of iron-gall ink, taking into consideration its various chemical elements. In this country investigations along this line were first begun by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through its public record com- missioner, Robert T. Swan. Swan examined the various kinds of ink in use and concluded that many of them are entirely unsafe for use upon records where permanency is an important consideration. 1 None of the inks made from aniline dyes are permanent, and when once obliterated by light, heat, water or other causes, no means has been discovered whereby they can be made legible. Likewise, log- wood inks are unsatisfactory, as they have a tendency to turn brown, if they do not fade entirely. Carbon inks, when made in the proper manner, are permanent, but many so-called carbon inks are either not carbon inks or are improperly made and therefore not safe to use upon the records. Of all the common inks nut-gall and iron inks are, if properly made, considered the most permanent, for even in case the writing made by these inks should fade, it is possible to restore it by a nut-gall or tannate solution. Many inks which are recommended because proof against the action of acids may not be permanent against the action of time and even be dangerous because of their action upon the paper. As the result of Swan's investigations, Massa- chusetts came to adopt, as the standard for ink used upon its public records, the formula for iron tannate inks as worked out by Schluttig and Neumann. This bas subsequently been adopted by the United States Treasury department and other government bureaus. Standard Ink. Although leaving to the manufacturers of ink the opportunity to modify the details in such manner as they believe may facilitate manufacture or improve the quality of ink, there were adopted certain specifications and requirements which all inks, used upon the public records, are required to meet. They demand that the ink shall be gallo-tannate of iron ink, not inferior in any essential quality to one properly prepared in accordance with the specified formula, in which all the ingredients are of the strength and quality prescribed by the United States Pharmacopoeia and the per cent of true acid present in the sample of tannic acid used has been deter- mined by the Leowenthal and Schroeder method. The formula for standard record ink as adopted by Massachusetts is as follows : Take of pure, dry Tannic Acid. 23.4 parts by weight, of crystal Gallic Acid, 7.7 parts, of Ferrous Sulphate, 30.0 parts, of Gurn Arabic, 10.0 parts, of diluted Hydrochloric Acid, 25.0 parts, of Carbolic Acid, 1.0 part. of Water, sufficient to make up the mixture at the temperature of 60° F. to the volume of 1,000 parts by weight of water. Massachusetts, Commissioner of Public Records, Report, 1891, pp. 119-121, 8 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Besides these elements the United States government requires the addition of dye material similar to bavarian blue to give the mixture an immediate color. The inks presented for approval are compared with the standard ink by being submitted to the following tests: 1. A fluid ounce allowed to stand at rest in a white glass vessel, freely exposed in diffused daylight for two weeks to the light and air, at a temperature of 50° to GO F., protected against the entrance of dust, must remain as free from deposit upon the surface of the ink or on the bottom or sides of the vessel. 2. It must contain no less iron, and must have a specific gravity of 1,035 to 1,040 at 60° F. 3. It must develop its color as quickly. 4. After a week's exposure to diffused daylight the color must be as intense a black when used upon the standard record paper, and it must equally resist changes from exposure to light, air, water, or alcohol. 5. It must be as fluid, flow as well, strike no more through the paper, nor remain more sticky immediately after drying. 2 Inks used in California Archives. As the result of inquiries in most of the counties of California it has been found that the inks of more than a dozen different manufacturers are in use in the offices of this state. The greater part of these are well established companies who doubtless have a pride in the quality of the ink manufactured by them, but in several counties inks were used which had been concocted by local dealers. Practically none of the counties had given the matter of the permanency of the ink serious consideration and little attention was given to the different kinds produced by any company to deter- mine whether or not the particular brand used by them was durable. In some it was the habit to mix two kinds of ink together, and in many it was the rule to add water to the ink should it become thick by evaporation. In order that the opinion of the manufacturer might be obtained upon some of these questions a letter was sent to each of them whose address could be obtained. Replies were received from practically all. As might be supposed, all named one or more kinds of ink produced by them which they would recommend for use in public records where permanency is the first consideration. Since many kinds of ink are frequently produced by the same company, it was not possible in all cases to know whether that particular ink, or some other brand, was the one really used. In response to the inquiry as to whether it is safe to mix two or more different kinds of ink, there was a unanimous expression that it should not be done, since it is extremely liable to eliminate the efficiency of both inks. On the question of the advisability of adding water to restore the fluidity of ink there was less decided opinion, but nearly all warned against the practice, for most inks are a chemical compound which, when once disturbed through evaporation, can not be readily restored. It was 'Massachusetts, Commissioner of Public Records, Report, 1901, p. 24. THEIR CARE AND USE. 9 therefore advised that small ink-wells be used, which can be cleaned and refilled frequently. Colored Inks. Examinations made of many bright colored inks indicate that they are apt to fade very quickly and hence should not be used upon records. A number of different kinds of red ink were examined by an expert chemist for Massachusetts with the conclusion that all were more or less fugitive and that there was no permanent red ink. In like manner blue and other colored inks were advised against. Fortunately these colored inks are not used to any im- portant amount upon public records of the state. There has, however, been a custom in some counties to make endorsements upon docu- ments or headings and marginal references on record books in red ink, while the document itself is copied in black. In view of the results of the investigations elsewhere made there can be no doubt that the safer plan would be to make all entries that are a part of a record in black ink only. Stamp-pads. Although colored inks are but little used upon the public records, the use of rubber stamps for dating and indorsing documents is very common, and not infrequently these are used in permanent record books. That there is grave danger from the use of these there can be no doubt for the more brilliant colors — red, purple and green — are apt. to fade very quickly. Black ink pads may prove to be more permanent, but the fact that the ink is not as a rule forced into the paper, as is the case with a pen or typewriter, increases the danger that any imprints made with a rubber stamp may not be permanent. Typewriter Ribbons, With the invention of the book typewriter and the insertable leaf record book many of the offices have adopted the typewriter as an important factor in the copying of records. Al- though it is impossible without an examination of the various makes of ribbons to determine which, if any, are really permanent, black record ribbons produced by reliable companies are to be preferred, while, on the other hand, purple or other colored ribbons are to be avoided. Record Paper. Notwithstanding the importance of securing a per- manent ink it is of equal, if not even greater necessity, that the paper used in the record books and official documents have a quality en- abling it to endure the rigorous test of time. The necessity of pro- tecting the character and quality of the paper used in its records was recognized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts more than a century ago. Subsequent investigations led to the passage of an act, in 1891, specifying that the standard should be "paper made of linen rags and new cotton clippings, well sized with animal sizing." It is explained that linen rags are required because the previous wear upon 10 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. the linen was found to be advantageous; that new cotton was required in order to avoid the excessive use of chemicals in cleaning the old; and that animal sizing was specified in order to avoid chemical treat- ment of the surface. 3 The paper in general use in the record books in the county archives of California appears to be a good quality of ledger paper, and there is probably less danger from inferior quality of paper than from poor ink. Yet the point is of such grave importance that it should not be left to the judgment of the county official without the guidance of scientific experts. In regard to the paper used in the documents which are supposed to remain permanently on file there is much greater danger from an inferior grade being introduced, since these documents are often inscribed upon printed forms furnished by others than the county officials. Since, upon filing, they become a permanent part of the public records, regulations should be adopted prescribing that they be made upon a paper of durable quality. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS Repair of Documents and Records. The constant use to which record books, maps and documents are subject makes it necessary that the keeper of these records, if he conscientiously seeks to perform his duty, must care for their repair. The most common practice is to employ a copyist to transcribe the records to replace the worn book. When they are badly worn this is the only thing that can be done, but in other cases it may be possible by a reasonable amount of care and forethought to repair books before the damage has reached a stage where repair is impossible. In the first place attention should be given to the office equipment to see that the wear upon the books is reduced to the minimum; for this reason horizontal roller shelves are recom- mended in place of the old-fashioned racks where the books were placed on end. The books should be conveniently arranged and labeled so that it will not be necessary to handle any book other than the one desired. A systematic effort should be made to inspect all books regu- larly and repair any damage as soon as it becomes noticeable. There are numerous methods of repairing torn pages so they may be reunited or strengthened without disturbing the reading matter on the page. In many depositories a large number of volumes are constantly being destroyed through handling when the proper care to see that they are promptly rebound would extend their usefulness over an indefinite period. The archives should be periodically inspected and effort should be made to secure the co-operation of all who use the archives to the end that all neglect and needless damage to the records be eliminated. Massachusetts, Commissioner of Public Records, Report, 1901, p. 29, THEIR CARE AND USE. 11 Leather and canvas are most commonly used for the purpose of binding. Although the former was for many years the more popular form of binding, the superiority of canvas has now been demonstrated. Leather has been found to deteriorate and when subject to great heat even to melt into a dark mass which stains the records, when under similar circumstances the canvas bindings remain uninjured. 1 In rebinding it is suggested that the volumes be interleaved with pages larger than the original in order to protect the older paper which in many cases has become brittle and is therefore easily broken. Care also should be taken to see that the correct title and inclusive dates be stamped on the back of each volume. Copying of Records, Through repeated handling records sooner or later become unfit for further use ; it becomes necessary to provide for copying them. Furthermore, the formation of new counties or shifting of county boundaries often places property under the juris- diction of a different county from the one in which the title was originally entered, in which case it is desirable to reproduce the record in the archives of the new county to which the property belongs. In the case of several of the more recently formed counties the act creating the county has provided for the transcribing of all those records which properly pertained to lands in the detached portion. It is unfortunate that this has not been required in every case, for, in addition to the convenience in consulting records, this plan provides an additional official copy of the record which, in case of loss of the original, may be most valuable. In copying records or documents absolute adherence to the text of the original document must be demanded. Unfortunately many of the early copies of documents have not followed carefully the original. This, of course, destroys confidence in the copy and may even render it worthless as an official document. Recent transcripts show greater care in copying and in making the comparisons, so that the criticism which is made of earlier copyists is no longer so fully justified. Photography. The use of photography has been suggested as a means of recording documents. Measures relating to this matter have been before the state legislature at its last few sessions, but up to the present no action has been taken approving of the plan. The argu- ments favoring the method are, first, that a truer reproduction of the original documents would be made by a camera than by any copyist. thus eliminating the errors which often find their Avay into recorded documents; and second, that the expense would be lessened. Massachusetts, Commissioner of Public Records, Report, 1890, pp. 38-39 ; 1892, 74. 12 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Opposed to these arguments are the following important considera- tions: Since many of the documents preserved for record are almost illegible because of poor penmanship, it becomes one of the important functions of the copyist to determine the true wording of the document and then transcribe it into uniform legible script or type. That this, when done in a manner to insure an accurate reproduction of the original, is a valuable service, none can deny. ' Again, up to the present time the paper used for photographic purposes is thicker than the heaviest of ledger paper used in the records and can only be used on one side. The inevitable result would be that the records would require at least twice the space they now occupy and probably an even larger amount. Furthermore, the permanence of the photographic record has not yet been established. There are two essentials to this quality of permanence : first, a paper which will withstand the heavy usage to which a public record is constantly subjected; and second, the imprint upon the record page must be made in a manner w T hich will not permit it either to fade or be erased. It has not yet been sufficiently demon- strated that the photographic impression is capable of enduring perma- nently, while there is an even more grave danger that the paper itself can not sustain the constant wear. In view of these considerations it would seem to be unsafe at present to permit the use of photography as a substitute for the present method of copying documents for the official records. The objections here raised do not, however, apply to transcripts from the official records such as certified copies of recorded documents. Insertable-leaf Record Books. Since 1901 the laws have permitted the use of separate or insertable-leaf record books in the office of the county record keepers. Although the provision was made optional, books of this kind are now employed in nearly all of the counties of the state. For convenience and economy there can be no question as to their desirability. The safety of this kind of a book as a record depends very largely upon the officials in whose care they are placed. During the time that the volume is being filled it must be carefully protected from fraud. All pages should be stamped with their consecu- tive numbers as soon as the volume is commenced, to prevent the substitution of a different page for one already used. As soon as a document is recorded it should be indexed. When the volume has been filled it may be locked and hence become as permanent a record as a sewed book. In general the use of record books of this character is approved by public officials and it is believed that their desirability has been demonstrated ; however, the necessity for caution is an ever present factor. THEIR CARE AND USE. 13 In those offices handling financial records only there are grounds for serious complaint regarding the abuse of the insert able-leaf record books. Due to the fact that insufficient binders are provided, it is found that in far too many cases financial records which might other- wise be valuable are rendered useless because the sheets when filled are not permanently bound, but placed carelessly away in a corner of the office or in the vaults or storeroom without regard to their future use. The result of this is that in many counties where ledgers, cash books, warrant registers, and other records have been well kept during a long period of time they are not to be had for the more recent years. Economy in Archive Space. The problem of sufficient room is a very serious one in many offices. Unfortunately this condition exists not only in those counties that are still using antiquated courthouses, but even in many counties that have but recently built new county buildings. It is too often the case that the county boards do not have sufficient vision to foresee the needs of the future, with the result that expensive and well appointed buildings soon become inade- quate to meet the growing demands of the county. The remedy for this is more care in planning and constructing public buildings. But quite aside from the consideration of the size of the building, the matter of record space requires serious consideration, for it leads sooner or later to an attempt to discriminate between those records which are essential and those which are of less or of no further value, a matter which is too often determined by men incapable of judging the real value of a document. At any time a record which has been unused for years may suddenly become the center of interest in some matter of great importance. An effort should therefore be made to conserve all the space possible and yet not discard anything which may at some time prove to be of value. One way in Avhich this can be accomplished in nearly every courthouse is by discarding the unused pages in record books which are no longer in current use, if need be having the books rebound. Should it become imperative that a portion of the records be destroyed this operation should be carried out under the supervision of some person whose knowledge of the archives and of the uses to which the records may be put enables him to know what documents may be disposed of with the least possible danger. It would be well if no records were allowed to be discarded or destroyed except under the supervision of a state officer specially qualified for that task. The question of space is closely connected with that of centralization of archives. In many states the policy has been adopted that such local archives as are no longer needed for administrative purposes should be centralized at some central archive. There are many issues 14 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. involved in the consideration of this policy snch as local pride opposing removal, the classes of archives that should be removed, and that of adequate space in the central archive itself. In view of these apparent difficulties no recommendation can be made at present. It is, however, believed that the time must come when records whose usefulness to the immediate community has passed should be properly cared for in some place where their real value as historical documents will be more carefully recognized and respected. At present many records of great value to the historian, and pertinent also to the rights of citizens, are carelessly relegated to what is commonly known as the "junk heap." Training of Archivists. So long as the care of public records is made dependent upon the fickle changes of political opinion it can not be expected that their care and safety will at all times be the paramount consideration. While the democratic principle of rotation in office may have elements in its favor in some cases, it can not be justified in refer- ence to those officials entrusted with the immediate care of public records. The remuneration attached to such offices as the county clerk and recorder should be sufficient to make it possible for men of com- petence and ability to devote ther attention to the work ; it should not, on the other hand, be so high as to make the position sought after as a reward for party loyalty, or political favor. When an official has demonstrated his ability and worth his tenure of office should not be disturbed by petty considerations. What is said of elected officials applies also to assistants in these offices. In fact, it frequently is the case under our system of govern- ment that the deputies are more expert in handling the duties of the office than are their superiors. Other states, following the example of the European countries, have seen so clearly the need of trained archivists in charge of their central and local records that they have established schools for training of persons in archive methods. From experts thus trained it is possible for clerks, recorders and other officials to select their staff of assistants. In these new Western States, where our oldest records were written but a few decades ago, it may be too much to expect that public senti- ment will appreciate fully the importance of the safety and permanence of its records. The time will inevitably come, however, when this will be recognized by all and the demand will then be made that the utmost care be exercised both in the preparation and preservation of public records and that none but trained archivists, thoroughly equipped with knowledge and experience in archive science, be given charge of any public records. THE CLERK. 15 THE CLERK GENERAL PROVISIONS The two most important record-keeping offices in the county are those of the clerk and recorder. It is necessary that the worker who desires to exploit the field of local history should become familiar with the records of both of these offices, and have some idea of the contents of the others as well, if he is to make adequate use of historical sources. The clerk has many administrative as well as archive duties, while on the other hand the activity of the recorder is devoted almost entirely to transcribing or otherwise preserving docu- ments which are presented to him for that purpose. For convenience the records under the supervision of the clerk have been divided into three main classes, corresponding to the kinds of work performed by that officer. They are : I, Court records ; II, Supervisors' records; and III, Miscellaneous records. With the first division is to be found a brief historical account of the various courts of which the county clerk has by law been made the clerk, together with a description of the various records kept by the courts. The second division includes all those records kept by the county clerk in his capacity as clerk of the board of supervisors. The third divi- sion is much less easily defined, but includes all other records kept by the county clerk; for many of his duties can not be considered as falling to him either as a clerk of the court or as clerk of the county board. The earliest act prescribing the duties of the county clerk was passed by the first legislature, April 18, 1850, and stated them to be as follows 1 : He was ex officio clerk of the district court, court of sessions and probate court of his county; he was empowered to administer oaths and to receive bonds; was required to attend each term of the county court and the other courts of the county; to keep an office at the county seat and "take charge of and safely keep or dispose of according to law all books, papers and records, which may be filed or deposited in his office." A further section set forth that he . was to issue all writs, enter all orders, judgments and decrees proper to be entered in the minutes; to keep a docket of each court, in which he was to make certain specified entries ; and was to keep such other books or records as might be prescribed by law or by the rules of the court. A few unimportant amendments were made before 1872, when the duties of the clerk were outlined in the Political Code. 2 The first 'Stats. 1850: 261-2. 2 Pol. Code (1872), §§ 4204-4205. 16 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. paragraph reiterated the provision regarding the safe-keeping of all records, books and papers filed or deposited in his office; the second declared that he was to act as the clerk of the board of supervisors, district, county and probate courts and attend each term of them and upon the judges in their chambers when required; third, that he was to issue all processes and notices required to be issued and to keep for each court a docket; fourth, he was to keep an index of all suits in the district and county courts. Among his duties were also included the keeping of such other records and duties as might be prescribed by law. Since that time the changes made in the code have been of little importance. 3 In 1907 the code was rearranged and the sections cited replaced by sections 4178 and 4179, but these did little more than to incorporate the old provisions. With the adoption of the present constitution in 1880, the older courts gave way to the superior court with a consequent change in the title of the clerk's records. 4 COURT RECORDS HISTORY AND ORGANIZATION OF THE COURTS District Court. At the time the state was first organized and for thirty years thereafter the judicial affairs of the counties were admin- istered by three, and, for a part of the time, four separate courts. These were the district court, county court, probate court and the court of sessions. The highest of these was the district court. The district judges held court at the various county seats in their dis- tricts at certain specified dates. The jurisdiction of the court was original in all cases of law and equity and civil cases where the amount exceeded $200; and in all criminal cases not otherwise pro- vided for; it covered all issues of fact in probate cases; and all cases of real property. The county clerk was clerk of the court. By an act of March 11, 1851, the term of the judges was fixed at six years, and the court given appellate jurisdiction over the county court, and the court of sessions in criminal matters. 5 The number of dis- tricts was increased from nine in 1850 to twenty-three in 1879. In the year 1863 the district court was given jurisdiction over cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, toll or municipal fine. In an act approved April 4, 1864, the matter of tax suits was much more fully considered, it being provided that all actions for the collection of taxes on real estate, wherein an order of sale was sought by the plaintiff, should be heard in the district court of the proper 3 Stats. and Amdts. 1880: 102; 1883: 323; 1891_: 322; 1893: 374; 1897: 482. Few references to acts of 1917 and later appear in these notes because this survey of the archives was then alreadv practically completed. 4 Stats. and Amdts. 1907: 404. 5 Stats. 1850:93-96; 1851:31-32. c Stats. 1855 : 117 ; 1863: 335. THE CLERK. 17 county. For the keeping of the records regarding these suits the clerk of the court might be required to procure books as follows : an index book; a register of actions; an order book; and a decree book. 7 Records pertaining to tax suits have been found in more than half of the counties. In five counties the complete set is to be found. This court also had jurisdiction in matters of naturalization, but since the records in reference to this are considered later under the head of Miscellaneous Records no further mention will be made here. Under the constitution of 1879 the district court was discontinued, its jurisdiction within each county being given to the superior court of that county. 8 County Court. By action of the first legislature a county court was established in each county, under the supervision of the county judge. Four regular sessions were to be held annually for the trial of appeals from the justices of the peace and such special cases as might be pending. The county judge was empowered to issue writs of habeas corpus and as conservator of the peace of the county could exercise all the powers of the justices of the peace as conservators of the peace. He was given jurisdiction over probate matters, and was re- quired to hold a session of court for the hearing of such matters on the first Monday of each month. He was also given power to issue writs of injunction, mandamus, attachment and all other writs and processes known to the law. The county clerk was clerk of this court. 9 In 1851 a general law was passed concerning the courts of justice of the state which repealed all previous laws on the subject. Under the new law the county court continued as before to have jurisdiction in lesser civil cases, except that its probate jurisdiction was given to a probate court which w T as created, the county judge being, however, the judge of this new court. The appellate jurisdiction of the county court, which originally included judgments rendered in civil cases in justice's or recorder's courts in the county, w T as extended in 1853 to include also mayor's courts. In 1863 the court of sessions was abolished and its criminal jurisdiction given to the county court. 10 Under the constitution of 1879 this court was discontinued, being superseded by the superior court. 13 Court of Sessions. Under an act of the legislature of 1850 a court of sessions was organized in each county of the state. This court was composed of the county judge and two justices of the peace, the county clerk being clerk of the court. Meetings were to be held every other month and their business was divided into two kinds 7 Stats. 1863-4 :399, 400. s Stats. 1S80: 3. 9 Stats. 1850:217. 10 Stats. 1851:17; 1853:293; 1S63:336. *' Stats. 1880: 3. 3—41210 18 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. known as criminal jurisdiction and county business. The criminal jurisdiction of the court of sessions extended to all cases of assault, assault and battery, breach of the peace, riot, affray, petit larceny and misdemeanors punishable by fine not over $500 or three months imprisonment. In addition to this criminal jurisdiction the court sup- plied the place later taken by the board of supervisors. Since the two kinds of business were radically different the clerk was required to keep a separate set of minutes and records for each. 12 In spite of this provision, however, in many of the counties the minutes were combined. The records relating to county business will be considered under the records of the board of supervisors. An act of March 11, 1851, repealed the former law but embodied most of its features. As given in this act the jurisdiction of the court was: (1) to inquire, by the intervention of a grand jury, of all public offenses committed or triable in the county; (2) to try and determine indictments found therein, for all public offenses except murder, man- slaughter and arson; (3) to hear and determine appeals from the justices', recorders' and mayors' courts in cases of a criminal nature. 13 In 1863 the court of sessions was discontinued and its criminal juris- diction given to the county court. 14 Probate Court. The act of the legislature by which the county court was created gave to that court jurisdiction over probate mat- ters, except that issues of fact joined in the probate court were to be tried in the district court. For the transaction of probate business the county judge was to hold a term of the court on the first Mon- day of every month. 15 In 1851 a distinct court was created, to be known as the probate court, the county judge being made judge of this court. Its jurisdic- tion was similar to that formerly exercised by the county court over probate business. 10 Kegarding issues of fact, it was required that in certain cases they should, on request of either party, be tried in the district court, but might by consent of the parties be tried in the pro- bate court. Appeals were also allowed to the district court from the decisions of this court. 17 In 1864 an amendment to the law of 1851 allowed appeals to the supreme court from decisions of the probate court. In 1868 the sec- tions regarding trial of issues were amended so as to require these issues to be tried by a jury in the probate court instead of in the district court. As thus amended the provisions for the probate court 12 Stats. 1850:210. 13 Stats. 1851:18. 14 Stats. 1863: 337, 346. 15 Stats. 1850:217, 94. ]6 Stats. 1851: 21, 22. "Stats. 1851 : 486 ; 1855 : 132, 300 ; 1861 : 630, 654. THE CLERK. 19 were incorporated in the Code of Civil Procedure in 1872. 1S The probate court was discontinued in 1879, being superseded by the superior court, in accordance with the provisions of the constitution adopted in that year. 19 Probate Records. Although since 1879 the probate court has ceased to exist as a separate court, it has been the rule under the superior court that the records of probate business should be kept separate from the regular civil and criminal business of the court. In the larger counties probate matters are turned over to a special department of the court. There is a great diversity in the methods of keeping the probate records, depending somewhat upon the size of the counties. This department, in common with the others, has a calendar, docket, index, file, register of actions and minutes. With the latter are included orders of the court. The larger offices have a great number of form books for entering orders, but all the volumes of minutes and orders are usually numbered consecutively in one series. In the probate department are also found volumes in which are recorded letters of administration and guardianship, in several different forms, guardians' inventories and appraisements, wills ad- mitted to probate, and the records regarding the collateral inheritance tax. Superior Court. The present judicial system dates from 1880 when, under the provisions of the constitution adopted the preceding year, a superior court was created in each county to care for the business previously handled by the district, county and probate courts. In the smaller counties one judge is sufficient to handle all the business of this court, but in the larger counties several judges are elected to this position. When there is more than one judge the court is divided into departments, a department being assigned to each. One of the judges is then designated as presiding judge, in which capacity he assigns cases to the various departments; other- wise there is no difference in rank among them. It is usually the rule, in so far as practicable, to divide among the different depart- ments the various kinds of cases such as criminal, civil, probate and juvenile matters. In many counties a separate set of records is kept for each of these four classes of business, although in some civil and criminal business are combined. Juvenile Court. The Juvenile Court law, approved March 8, 1909, provided that the superior court .should exercise the jurisdiction conferred by that act. In counties where there were more than one judge, one was to be selected to preside over this court. The ses- l8 Stats. 1863-4:375; 1867-8:628; Code Civ. Proc. (1872), §§ 94-100; 659-671; 1312; 1716. 19 Stats. 1880:3. 20 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. sious of the juvenile court must be held separate from other court sessions, and no persons permitted to be present except such as were connected with the business of the court. The orders and findings of the court were to be recorded in a "book to be kept for that pur- pose and known as the 'juvenile court record.' " 20 The Juvenile Court law of 1915 made no change in the provisions cited above except to require the orders and findings to be entered in a "suitable book or books or other form of written record, to be kept for that purpose, and known as the 'juvenile court record'." 21 In most of the counties this law has been observed. In five of them, however, there are no juvenile court records. DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS Roll of Attorneys. An act of February 19, 1851, provided that admission of attorneys to general practice before all the courts of the state should be made by the judges of the supreme court, although the judges of the district and county courts might admit to practice in their respective courts. The clerk of each court was required to keep a roll of attorneys and counselors at law admitted to practice before the court of which he was clerk, which roll the attorney was required to sign before he received his license, the roll being a record of the court. This arrangement continued in force until the adoption of the Code of Civil Procedure in 1872 when the provision regarding the district and county courts was omitted, being restored, however, by an amendment to the code in 1874. In 1880 the superior court took the place of the district and county courts. In 1895 the provision of the code permitting the superior court to admit attorneys to prac- tice in that court was again removed, and in 1905 the examination and certification of attorneys was made the duty of the judges of the district courts of appeal. The clerks of these courts keep a roll of attorneys and transmit monthly to the clerk of the supreme court a list of those admitted during the month, and the clerk of the supreme court keeps a general roll of all attorneys admitted to practice in the state. 1 Calendar, A book in which the clerk enters the cases before the court according to the date of issue. Under each date of the court session the clerk enters the titles of the cases to come before the court on that day, and after hearing, a notation showing what disposition was made of the case, whether dismissed, continued, etc., and if con- tinued, to what date. 2 This book can not properly be called a record 20 Stats. 1909 :2 13. 21 Stats. 1915:1225. ^tats. 1851:48; Code Civ. Proc. (1872), §§ 276, 280; Code Amdts. 1873-4:404; SO : 55, 56 ; Stats. 1895 : 56 ; 1905 : 5, 6 ; Code Civ. Froc. (1915), § § 276, 280. -'Stats. 1851:75; Code Civ. Proc., § 593. THE CLERK. 21 as it is of little value except for current use of the court. In most counties no attempt is made to preserve it. Docket. A record book showing the title of each case, date of com- mencement, memorandum of each subsequent proceeding in such cause with the date thereof, and list of all fees charged in the cause. In the case of criminal action it must show each indictment according to date of filing; whether a felony or misdemeanor and whether the defendant be in custody or on bail. 3 Execution Book. An amendment to the Practice Act, approved April 2, 1866, provided that when an execution shall have been returned by the sheriff to the clerk, it shall be the duty of the latter to attach the same to the judgment roll. "If any real estate be levied upon, the clerk must record the execution and the return thereto at large, and certify the same under his hand as true copies, in a book to be called the 'execution book,' which book must be indexed with the names of the plaintiffs and defendants in execution alphabetically arranged. ' H Execution Docket. An act of April 22, 1850, provided that the clerk should keep an execution docket in which he should enter an abstract of all executions issued by him, setting forth the names of the parties, character of the writ, amount, if it be for money, date of judgment with reference to page of record in which it was entered, date of execution, officer to whom issued, and return made upon the execution. This act was repealed the following year and the new act contained no mention of an execution docket, but the record was still kept in a number of counties, in five of them down to the present time. 5 File or Judgment Roll. The court file, more technically called the judgment roll, contains in civil cases the following papers : In case the complaint be not answered by the defendant, the summons and the affidavit or proof of service, and the complaint with a memo- randum endorsed on the complaint that the default of the defendant in not answering was entered, together with a copy of the judgment and any orders relating to a change of the parties. 6 In criminal cases the file contains, as required by the Criminal Practice act of 1851: (1). a copy of the minutes of any challenges which may have been interposed by the defendant to the panel of the grand jury, etc. ; (2) the indictment and a copy of the minutes of the plea or demurrer; (3) minutes with reference to challenges of trial jurors; (4) copy of the minutes of the trial; (5) copy of the minutes of the judgment; (6) bill of exceptions, if there be one; (7) the written 3 Stats. 1850:262: 1851:247: Pol. Code (1872), § 4204; (1915), § 417? 4 Stats. 1865-6:703: Code Civ. Proa, § 683. 5 StatS. 1850:444 ; 1851 :153. 6 Code Civ. Proc. § 670. 22 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. charges asked of the court, if there be any. The Penal Code in 1872 added, (8) a copy of all charges given and of the endorsements thereon. This was amended in 1874 and continues in the present Penal Code which says the file shall contain: (1) the indictment or information and a copy of the minutes of the plea or demurrer; (2) a copy of the minutes of the trial; (3) the written instructions given, modified or refused, and the endorsements thereon and a certified transcript of the charge of the court; and (4) a copy of the judgment. 7 This is one of the few court records that may be found in all the counties. The papers are usually filed numerically, the number being the same as that assigned the case when it was entered in court. They therefore follow in general a chronological sequence. In some, as in Sacramento County, the cases which have been dismissed are filed separately, the case number, however, remaining the same. In some of the smaller counties, especially in probate cases, the papers are filed under the initial letter of the parties or estate in court. General Index. The clerk is required to keep, in separate volumes, an index to all suits. One volume is headed "General Index — Plain- tiffs" and has columns for entering the number of the suit, name of plaintiff, name of defendant, date of judgment, page of entry in the judgment book, page of minute book of the court. The other volume is headed "General Index — Defendants" and has a similar arrange- ment of columns. The only difference between the two volumes is that in the first the names of the plaintiffs are arranged alphabetically, while in the second the names of the defendants are so arranged. 8 As a usual thing the index to the court records is very well kept in all the counties. This is probably accounted for by the fact that these records are so often used by searchers of titles. Entries are made chronologically under alphabetical subdivisions. Insanity Commitments. In 1881 an amendment to section 2217 of the Political Code was adopted which requires that the county clerk shall keep a copy of the order committing an insane person to a state hospital and shall prepare an index book showing the name, age and sex of each person ordered confined, together with the date of the order and the name of the institution in which such person is ordered to be confined. 9 Although insanity records appear in all of the counties, they do not uniformly follow the provisions of the law just cited. The record committing the insane person may be found at times in an Order Book, Record of Commitment, Judgment Book, or in the Minutes of Insane. The index referred to is kept in about one-half of the counties. 7 Stats. 1851:263; Pen. Code (1872), § 462; Code Amdts. 1873-4:449; Pen. Code (1915), § 1207. 8 Stats. 1863:260; Pol. Code (1872), § 4204; (1915), § 4178. "Stats. 1881:7; Pol. Code (1915), § 2171. THE CLERK. 23 Insanity — Certificates of Discharge. There was added to the Politi- cal Code in 1903 a provision that when any person is discharged, as recovered, from a state hospital for the insane, a copy of the certificate of discharge may be filed for record with the clerk of the superior court of the county from which said person was committed. The clerk shall record the same in a book kept for that purpose and shall keep an index thereto. 10 In something less than half of the counties this is kept in a separate book ; in the others it is usually entered with the record of commitment. Inquests. An act concerning coroners, passed April 19. 1850, re- quired that after the holding of an inquest the "testimony of the witnesses examined . . . shall be reduced to writing by the Coroner . . and . . . filed by him, with the inquisition [verdict of the jury], in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the County." But if the person charged with the killing had been already arrested the coroner was to deliver this testimony and inquisition to the magis- trate before whom the prisoner was brought, and the magistrate was required to return them to the clerk of the district court. 11 These provisions were incorporated in the Penal Code in 1872, with, how- ever, the "county court" substituted for the "district court" in each case. Recognizances of witnesses, when taken by the coroner, were also required to be filed along with the testimony and verdict. 12 In 1880 these became a record of the supreme court. Judgment Book. A book in which the clerk is required to enter a transcript in full of every judgment rendered by the court in a civil action. Criminal judgments are copied directly into the minutes. 13 Judgment Docket. A book which the clerk is required to keep, having each page divided into columns headed as follows: Judgment debtors ; Judgment creditors ; Judgment ; Time of entry ; Where en- tered in judgment book ; Appeals, when taken ; Judgment of appellate court; Satisfaction of judgment, when entered. In 1907 an amend- ment required an additional column for the date of the entry in the docket. 14 Jury Lists. An act concerning jurors, approved April 28, 1851, provided that after the drawing of the lists of jurors, grand and trial, these lists should be filed in the office of the county clerk. Since that date there has been considerable variation in the method of preparing the jury lists, but the provision for filing in the office of the county clerk has been retained to the present day. 15 10 Stats. 1903:510; Pol. Code (1915), § 2189. n Stats. 1850:265. 12 Pen. Code (1872), §§ 1515. 1516; Code Amend. 1880:35; Stats. 1905:709. 13 Stats. 1851:82; Code Civ. Proc. § 668. u Stats. 1851:82. 83: 1907:720; Code Civ. Proc. (1915). § 672. "Stats. 1851: 291; 1852: 108; 1859: 184; 1863: 631; 1S63-4 : 525; 1881: 70; Code Civ. Proc, § 208. 24 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. About one-third of the counties have these jury lists. On the other hand a Jury Book or Jury Record, containing time of service, fees, etc., is to be found in a very large portion of the counties. Minutes. These are a record of the daily proceedings of the court containing a synopsis of all orders, judgments and decrees proper to be entered, unless the court shall order them to be entered at length. 16 It is customary for the clerk to take rapid notes of the business transacted by the court in blotters or rough minute books. These are later copied in proper form into other books known as smooth minutes. The smooth minutes are considered the minutes of the court, although in some cases the rough minutes have also been pre- served. Frequently they are referred to in preference to the smooth minutes. Register of Actions. A book in which the clerk of the court is re- quired to enter the title of each action, with brief notes under it, from time to time, of all papers filed and proceedings had thereon. 17 This is probably the most important of the court records, as it contains in one place practically a full record of each case. It is therefore much used by searchers of titles. This book, together with the file, minutes and index, constitute the only court records which are always to be found. Reporters' Notes. In all of the courthouses great quantities of court reporters' shorthand notes are to be found. Although they contain a great deal of information the difficulty of deciphering their contents makes them of little actual value. Transcripts on Appeal. When a case is appealed to the supreme court it is required that a transcript including all the evidence, mo- tions, court rulings, etc., be prepared in printed form and bound for the use of the court. It becomes readily apparent, therefore, that the value of such a document is limited only by the nature of the case to which it refers. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS HISTORY AND POWERS Under the provisions of a law passed April 11, 1850, the court of sessions in each county was given authority to control the property of the county, to audit and pay accounts, to levy taxes, to control and manage highways, form townships and election precincts, and to perform many other duties now under the jurisdiction of the board of supervisors. The law provided that the court should hold separate sessions for the transaction of county business and it was required 16 Fol. Code (1915), § 4178. 17 Stats. 1851:134; Code Civ. Proa, § 1052. THE CLERK. • 25 that the minutes and all other records of the court when so sitting should be kept separate and distinct from the records of the court when sitting as a court of criminal jurisdiction, a rule which, as noted elsewhere, was not always observed. The county clerk was made the clerk of the court of sessions and he was required to record in a book kept for the purpose the minutes of the court and regular entries of all resolutions, orders, decisions, judgments and decrees touching county business. 1 An act of April 29, 1851. created for the county of San Francisco a board of supervisors and conferred upon them the powers in matters of county business formerly exercised by the court of sessions. In the following year a similar law was passed applying to all the counties of the state except San Joaquin, Butte, Trinity, Santa Barbara, Ne- vada, Yuba, Solano, Mariposa, Sutter, Placer, Shasta, Siskiyou, Klamath, and Sierra. 2 This law was subsequently, at different times, repealed in so far as it related to the counties of Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Sacramento. Santa Clara, Tulare, and El Dorado, and the powers and duties of the board of supervisors in those counties handed back once more to the court of sessions. 3 March 20, 1855, the law of 1852 was repealed and a new act passed which provided that "there shall be in each of the counties of this State a Board of Supervisors," and from this date the court of sessions ceased to have any legislative functions, although it continued as a criminal court until 1863. There were from time to time special acts relating to the boards of supervisors in particular counties, but it will be unnecessary to notice these acts as they did not affect the general outlines of the law of 1855. This law, variously amended and augmented, was embodied in the Political Code in 1872 and in the various acts providing for a uniform system of county government. 4 The powers and jurisdiction of the board of supervisors, as stated in the law of 1855, were as follows : 1. To make orders respecting and to take care of and preserve the property of the county; 2. To examine, settle and allow all accounts against the county and levy the necessary and lawful taxes ; 3. To examine and audit the accounts of all officers having to do with county money; 4. To lay out. control and manage roads, ferries, bridges, etc. ; 5. To take care of and provide for the indigent sick of the county ; 6. To divide the county into townships and to change these as convenience may require; 1 Stats. 1850: 210. For the composition of this court see page 17. 2 Stats. 1851 :322 ; 1852:87. 3 Stats. 1853:153, 227: 1854:32. 40, 44. 52. 222. 4 Stats. 1855:51 et seq. ; Pol. Code (1872), § 4022-4087; Stats. 1883:299 et seq.; 1891 :295 et seq. ; 1893 :346 et seq. ; 1897 :452 et seq. ; Pol. Code (1915), § 4027-4090. 26 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. 7. To establish and change election precincts and appoint in- spectors and judges of elections ; 8. To control and manage the property of the county and to receive, by donation, any property for the use and benefit of the county ; 9. To lease or purchase any real or personal property necessary for the county, after a proper valuation by three disinterested persons ; 10. To sell at public auction, after thirty days notice, any prop- erty of the county; 11. To cause to be erected, furnished and kept in repair a courthouse, jail or other public buildings, after receiving bids duly advertised; 12. To control the prosecution and defense of all suits to which the county is a party; 13. To do and perform all such other acts and things as may be strictly necessary to the full discharge of the powers and juris- diction conferred on the board. The board was directed to act as a board of equalization, to cause the state and county taxes to be levied, to publish a semiannual state- ment of the revenues of the county, and, by an order entered on the record, to adopt, ratify and confirm all the acts, proceedings and contracts of the court of sessions heretofore made. 5 Subsequent legislation has greatly expanded the powers and juris- diction of the board of supervisors, but most of these later additions were included or implied in the enumeration above. It may, how- ever, be well to note some of these additional powers as they are given in the Political Code : 14. To maintain public pounds and to fix the limits within which animals shall not run at large; 19. To fill vacancies in county and township offices, with certain exceptions ; 26. To destroy pests, such as gophers, squirrels, noxious weeds and insects injurious to fruits or vegetable or animal life ; 27, 28. To protect sheep, fish and game; 29. To provide for working of prisoners on public roads, build- ings, etc. ; 31. To make local police, sanitary and other regulations ; 33. To levy a tax for advertising the resources and advantages of the county; 39. To encourage tree planting; 40. To protect river banks ; 6 41. To replace indexes of county records destroyed by fire or other public calamity; 7 42. To preserve the health of domestic live stock; 8 43. To take a census, in years other than those in which the federal census is taken, of the county or of any township or dis- trict therein. 9 ■•Stats. 1855 :51 et seq. 6 Pol. Code (1915), § 4041 passim. 7 Ibid, § 4043a. s Ibid, § 4056a. 9 Ibid, § 4055. THE CLERK. 27 DESCRIPTION OF THE RECORDS The earlier laws contained only general provisions that the board of supervisors (or eonrt of sessions) should cause to be kept a book in which should be entered fully the minutes of the board and all their resolutions, orders, decisions, judgments and decrees. 10 The Political Code, adopted in 1872, in denning the duties of the clerk of the board, provided that he must: (1) Record all the proceedings of the board; (2) Make full entries of all their resolutions and decisions on all questions concerning the raising of money for and the allowance of accounts against the county; (3) Record the vote of each member on a division or at the request of any member; (4) Sign all orders made and warrants issued by order of the board for payment of money and certify the same to the county auditor; (5) Record the reports of the county treasurer of the receipts and disbursements of the county; (6) Preserve and file all accounts acted upon by the board; (7) Pre- serve and file all petitions and applications for franchises and record the action of the board thereon; (8) Record all orders levying taxes; (9) Perform all other duties required by law or by any rule or order of the board. 11 To which were added in 1883 the following: (10) Authenticate with his signature and the seal of the board the pro- ceedings of the board whenever the same shall be ordered published; (11) Authenticate all ordinances passed by the board, and to record the same at length in the ordinance book. 12 To attempt to analyze all the records to be found in the offices of the boards of supervisors would be impractical. A few of the more im- portant ones have, however, been selected for special consideration. Allowance Book. This is a book in which the clerk is required to record all orders for the allowance of money upon the county treasury, to whom made, on what account, date, number. 13 This record is sometimes called "Record of Claims Allowed" and is similar to the Register of Warrants or Warrant Book kept by the treasurer and auditor, of which it is really a counterpart. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, Sailors and Marines. A law enacted in 1889 requires that the board of supervisors provide for the proper burial of ex-Union soldiers, sailors and marines, who die in the county without sufficient means, the burial to be in charge of some proper person and to be at a cost not to exceed fifty dollars. The person in charge of the burial is required to make a report on the condition and history of the man and his family, this report with the other facts in the case to be entered by the clerk in a book to be kept for that purpose. 14 ^Stats. 1S50 : 211 ; 1852 : 87 ; 1855 : 51. "Pol. Code (1872), § 4030. ^Stats. 1883:302: Pol. Code (1915), § 4038. ls Pol. Code (1872), § 4031. "Stats. 1889:198. 28 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Equalization Records. The minutes of the board of supervisors when acting as a board of equalization are required by the provisions of the Political Code to be kept separate from the regular minutes, for under section 3682 of the Political Code the clerk is required to "record in a book to be kept for that purpose all changes, cor- rections and orders made by the Board" relative to equalization of assessments. 15 These records are usually called Minutes of the Board of Equalization, although frequently the title appears as Orders of Cancellation of Erroneous Assessments. In many counties this provision for a separate book has been disregarded, these entries be- ing placed in the regular Minute Book* of the board. Often the peti- tions and certificates of cancellation themselves are also kept on file. Franchise Book. Since 1872 the clerk has been required to keep a record of each franchise granted by the board of supervisors, stating for what purpose it was granted, length of time and to whom it was issued, the amount of bond and license tax required. 16 Minutes. For the historian the minutes of the board of supervisors constitute the most valuable set of records in the office of the clerk. Since in them the clerk is required to record fully all resolutions and decisions and also the proceedings of all regular and special sessions of the board it can be seen that the value of the record, if properly kept, must depend upon the amount of business taken up by the board. As previously noted, the duties and powers of the board cover a wide field of activity. The usefulness of these minutes will be recognized when it is remem- bered that they contain the record of the formation of townships, elec- tion precincts and school districts ; election returns ; the granting of franchises; the issuance of county bonds; the laying out of highways and building of bridges, school houses and county buildings; as well as the general supervision of all the activities of the county. Ordinance Book. This book was first adopted in 1883 and, as its name implies, contains the record of all ordinances passed by the board of supervisors. 17 Road Records. The Political Code, at the time of its adoption in 1872. prescribed that the clerk of the board should keep a book in which should be recorded all proceedings of the board relating to road districts, including orders laying out, altering, and opening roads. In a separate book he was required to keep a description of each road district, its overseers, roads, highways, contracts, and other matters pertaining thereto. 18 By an amendment adopted in 1883 all of the data previously required to be placed in the book first mentioned was ""Pol. Code (1872), § 3682. "Pol. fori- r 1X72). § 4031. "Stats. 1883 : 302 ; Pol. Code, § 4039. 15 Pol. Code (1872), § 2621. THE CLERK. 29 to be incorporated in the minutes of the board, in addition to which the clerk was to keep a road register in which must be entered the number and name of each public highway in the county, a general reference to its terminal points and course, also the date of the filing of the petitions or others papers, a memorandum of every subsequent proceeding in reference to it, with the date thereof, and the folio, and the volume of the minute book where it is recorded. 19 In actual practice the road records show much less uniformity than might be expected. The common titles are Road Books, Road Min- utes, Road Record and Road Register. These do not, however, indi- cate four different kinds of records, for an examination of the con- tents shows that the records usually fall into one of two classes. The first is a general road record and contains the minutes of super- visors and other similar entries relating to roads. It is, therefore, known as Minutes. Road Record or Road Book. The other is a record of each road or highway, the entries in regard to each road being assembled on one page in the form of a register. T n keeping with its character this is usually known as the Road Register, although fre- quently known as Road Record. There are also in many cases deeds to highways, road petitions, maps of roads, and other records relating to highways. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS In addition to the records already discussed, which the county clerk is required to keep by virtue of his position as clerk of the courts and of the board of supervisors, there are many others which arise from his general duties as clerk of the county. Som'e of these are difficult of classification, since they might be classed in numerous ways, but after careful consideration they have been arranged in six subdivi- sions. For the sake of convenience the naturalization records are also placed here, though these are, strictly speaking, court records. There are, therefore, seven groups of miscellaneous records, as follows : (1) Office routine and general duties; (2) Naturalization; (3) Regis- tration; (4) Elections; (5) Marriage and public health; (6) Pertain- ing to private business concerns; (7) Relating to other officers. OFFICE ROUTINE AND GENERAL DUTIES Under this heading are grouped such records as the clerk's cash book, memorandum of accounts, fee book, special deposit record, and others of this general character. With the exception of the fee book, which is kept in some form by all clerks, there is but little uniformity 19 Stats. 1SS3:7; Pol. Code (1915), § 2622. 30 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. in the titles or form of these records, although they are in general similar in nature. In addition to these financial records there are frequently others relating to correspondence, files of miscellaneous papers and the clerk's land register docket, under the Torrens Land Act. Other titles which deserve more extended treatment are con- sidered in the following paragraphs. Hunting and Fishing Licenses. The game law enacted March 13, 1907, required the county clerk to enter in a book kept for that pur- pose the name and resident address of every person to whom is issued a hunting license, and a description of such person, by age, height, race and color of eyes and hair. The 1909 law repeated this require- ment. By an act of June 16, 1913, a similar provision is made regard- ing "Sporting fishing licenses." Other documents relating to game licenses, such as applications for licenses and license stubs, are also frequently kept by the clerks. They are, however, considered as merely temporary records and are usually soon destroyed. 1 Military Rolls and Military Tax. An act concerning the organiza- tion of the militia, approved April 10, 1850, provided that "all free, white, able-bodied male citizens, between the ages of eighteen and forty- five years, residing in this State, and not exempt by law, shall be subject to military duty. ' ' All who were not exempted by law, and not mem- bers of any volunteer or independent company, were required to pay to the county treasurer two dollars a year as a commutation for the nonperformance of military duty. Provision was made for enforcing the collection of this military tax. This law also required the assessor each year to make out a separate and distinct list of all persons sub- ject to military duty and not exempt by law and not members of any volunteer or independent company. A certified copy of this list was to be sent to the adjutant general of the state and the original list deposited in the office of the county clerk. 2 An act approved April 25, 1855, re-enacted the earlier section regarding those subject to military duty. It also required the asses- sor, as before, to make out a military list, a copy to be transmitted to the brigadier general of the brigade to which his county belonged, and the original to be deposited in the office of the county clerk. This law required the payment of a tax of twenty-five cents by each person on the military list for the support of the volunteer militia of the state. The assessor was to assess this tax and it was to be collected and returned in the same manner as other taxes. 3 An amendatory act of April 10, 1856, increased the military tax to fifty cents and required the state controller to have uniform blank receipts printed and dis- tributed to the various counties for use in the collection of this tax. 4 1 Stats. 1907 : 247 ; 1909 : 663 ; 1913 : 986 ; Deering, Gen. Laws (1915), 486, 489. 2 Stats. 1850:190. 3 Stats. 1855 :136. *Stats. 1856:87. THE CLERK. 31 An act approved May 9, 1861, repealed the previous laws regarding the militia but re-enacted the section regarding' those subject to mili- tary duty. This law also required the assessor, as before, to make out the military list of the county, which list was to be delivered to the clerk of the board of supervisors. These provisions were repeated in the militia act of the following year. 5 An amendatory and supple- mental act passed in 1863 levied upon each male inhabitant of the state of the age of twenty-one years an annual tax of two dollars, to be known as the "military poll tax," to be assessed and collected in the same manner as the state poll tax. Volunteers in the United States army were exempted. 6 The laws of 1855, 1861, and 1862 required the muster roll of each company to be filed with the clerk of the county in which it was located. In a few counties (as Solano and Yuba) were found muster rolls and other papers relating to military companies organized during the Civil War, and it is probable that a careful search of the miscellaneous files would bring to light similar records in other counties. By the adoption of the Political Code in 1872 the previous laws regarding the militia were repealed or superseded. Sections 1895 to 2117 of the code as then adopted had to do with the state militia. Section 1897 required the assessor each year to make out a military roll for the county, as under the earlier laws, and to deliver the same to the clerk of the board of supervisors. The board of equalization must then correct the military roll at the same time as the assessment roll, and the clerk must send a copy of the corrected list to the briga- dier general of the brigade to which his county belonged. 7 In 1897 this was amended by requiring two copies of the roll to be delivered to the clerk of the board of supervisors, and in 1913 by requiring the military roll to be made up only in each odd-numbered year, and by substituting "Adjutant General of the state" for "Brigadier General of the brigade." 8 NATURALIZATION The federal naturalization laws give jurisdiction over naturalization matters to courts of record having a seal, a clerk and jurisdiction in actions in which the amount in controversy is unlimited. Under the old system of courts this business was transacted by the district and county courts; since 1880 it has been done by the superior court. In Los Angeles County all naturalization business has since June, 1915, been handled by the federal courts. 5 Stats. 1861:321 ; 1862 :362. 6 Stats. 1863:446. 7 Pol. Code (1872). §§ 1897, 1899, 1900. s Stats. 1897:406; 1913:710, 711. 32 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. The first naturalization law, passed March 26, 1790, provided a very simple procedure. Citizenship might be conferred by any common law court of record upon a hearing in which it should be shown that the applicant had been at least two years a resident in the United States, and upon his taking the required oath of allegiance. No previous declaration of intention was necessary, but the clerk was required to record the application and proceedings thereon in the records of the court. No special record book seems to have been called for. 9 The next law, passed January 29, 1795, made necessary the filing of a declaration of intention three years before the final application for admission, and also increased the residence requirement to five years. The same provisions were included for recording the proceedings as in the previous law. 10 From that time until 1906 the plan of naturaliza- tion remained much the same, though there were variations in detail and some special enactments at different times. 11 So far as the records were concerned there were no material changes. "While there was no specific requirement in the statutes for special record books, an examination of the records of the various courts in this state shows that special books were, in actual practice, kept for the recording of declarations of intention, petitions and certificates, and for naturaliza- tion indexes of various kinds. A California state law passed in 1872 required the clerk of the court to provide two books, in one of which he should enter in alphabetical order the names of all persons who, from the organization of the court, had declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, together with the date of the declaration. In the other book he was required to enter in alphabetical order the names of all persons ad- mitted by that court to citizenship in the United States, together with the name of the country of which each was before a citizen or sub- ject; the date of admission and the page of the court record book con- taining the order admitting him. 12 The federal naturalization law, approved June 29, 1906, required: (1) A declaration of intention, to be filed at least two years prior to admission; (2) A petition for naturalization, to be filed not less than two nor more than seven years after the declaration of intention; with this must also be filed a certificate of arrival for all aliens coming to this country after June 29, 1906; (3) An examination of the alien by the clerk at the time the petition is presented and a final hearing by the court, after notice, at which time the petition is either granted or rejected. - ' %j !, Stats. at Large I, 103. 10 Stats. at Large I, 414. "Federal Statutes Annotated (see index) ; Rev. Stats., §§ 2165-2174. J2 Stats. 1871-2: 80; Deering, Gen. Laws (1915), 1204. THE CLERK. 33 The blank forms for the declaration of intention, petition for naturalization and certificate of naturalization are furnished by the bureau at Washington. The permanent court records required by the law of 1906 are as follows: (1) The original declarations of intention, bound in volumes and numbered consecutively from volume to volume, beginning with number one in volume one; (2) The petitions for naturalization bound and numbered in similar fashion, together with a record of final orders upon the petitions for naturalization, which in the forms provided by the bureau is kept upon the back of the peti- tion, this book being called "Petition and Record"; and (3) The stubs of the certificates of naturalization. 13 These latter are not always pre- served. REGISTRATION Poll Lists. These constituted the only official register of voters between 1850 and 1866 and were retained to supplement the Great Register between 1866 and 1872. The act to regulate elections, approved March 23, 1850, required the county judge to furnish to each inspector of elections for each election two copies of a blank form containing one column headed "Names of voters" and one column headed "Numbers of votes," with proper captions and certifi- cates. At the time of holding the election the name of each person voting was to be entered on these blanks, together with the number. These poll lists were to be included with the election returns, one copy of which was to be preserved by the inspector for at least six months, and the other sent to the county clerk. 14 The Registry act of 1866 did away with these earlier poll lists and provided for the preparation of poll lists before each election by a board of registration for each precinct. This board was to consist of one clerk and two judges to be elected or appointed to serve for a period of two years. The poll list was to be prepared during the ninety days preceding the election, and was to be completed on the thirtieth day preceding the election, after which it was to be sent to the county clerk, who had it printed, together with the other poll lists for the county. Copies of the printed lists were then sent to each clerk of election, and a final revision was made by the board of registration in the three days preceding the election. The poll list was to be made up from the uncanceled names on preceding poll lists, from the great register and from the oral applications of those entitled to be enrolled as electors for the election. The list was to contain columns for the number, name, date, age, class (whether native or naturalized), occupation and address of each person enrolled, and a 13 Stats. at Large XXXIV, 596 et seq. 14 Stats. 1850:101 et seq.. 4—41210 34 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. column in which the fact of his having voted or his vote having been rejected should be noted at the time of the election. These lists, con- stituting a record of those who voted, were also to be included with the election returns, as in the case of the earlier poll lists. Prior to Jury 1, 1867, registration in the great register was not a necessary prerequisite to enrollment on the poll list; after that date it was, ex- cept in the case of persons naturalized, becoming of age or coming into the county within thirty-five days preceding the election. 15 The Political Code in 1872 abolished these poll lists. In a note the Code Commissioners said: "We have abolished the poll list, . . . have made provision by which the great register will perform all the offices the poll lists were ever intended to perform. Experience has shown that the poll lists are prolific sources of fraud." 10 Great Register. Before 1866 no adequate restrictions were placed upon prospective voters as is now done by the registration laws. This resulted in much confusion and frequent charges of corrupt practice whenever the elections were closely contested. The "Registry Act," so called because it required the registration of all prospective voters, was approved March 19, 1866. By its terms the county clerk was re- quired to provide suitable books to be known as the "Great Register" in which were to be recorded the names of all domiciled inhabitants of the county who were qualified electors and legal voters thereof. The form of the record and the manner of registration were set forth in the law and provided that clear and distinct entries should be made setting forth in separate columns the name of the person in full; his age; the country of his nativity; his occupation and exact residence ; and if a naturalized citizen, further data regarding his naturalization were required. These statements were then to be sworn to by the person registered and that fact stated in the record. A further column was provided for the record of the cancelation of the entry, the cause of the cancelation being stated by either of the words "dead," "removed," "insane" or "infamous." 17 To assist the county clerk in the registration of the voters the county assessor was required to enroll and return to the clerk the names of all unreg- istered persons entitled to registration. He was authorized to admin- ister the oath in the same manner as the clerk, and for his work received a stated remuneration. 18 In a few of the counties, as in Contra Costa and Humboldt, these assessors' returns have been pre- served in the county archives. 15 Stats. 1865-6 : 288 et seq. 16 Pol. Code (1872), § 1095. (See note accompanying this section in Report of Code Commission, 1872.) 17 Stats. 1865-6: 288-301. 18 Stats. 1865-6:290; Pol. Code (1872), §§ 1098-99, 1101; repealed, Code Amdts., 1899: 63. THE CLERK. 35 An amendment to the "Registry Act," which did not materially affect the manner of keeping of the records, was adopted in 1868, 19 bnt otherwise the original provisions were incorporated in the Politi- cal Code when it was adopted in 1872. At this time it was further provided that before the 5th of August, 1873, and every second year thereafter, each county clerk was to make out a copy of the uncan- celed entries existing on the great register on the preceding first day of August. These names were to be arranged alphabetically accord- ing to surnames and numbered consecutively. These lists were then to be printed and copies distributed to each of the election precincts within the county and to certain other depositories, libraries and to electors applying for them. The clerk was also required to file and preserve all affidavits returned to him by the assessor or used before him for the purpose of obtaining registration. 20 By a statute of 1878 it was provided that all qualified voters should register anew in the counties of Fresno, Kern, Tulare, Stanislaus, Merced, Amador, Butte, Nevada and Siskiyou, 21 and other amend- ments provided that in other counties the board of supervisors should have the power to require the new registration of voters whenever in their opinion the conditions demanded it. 22 In 1895 a more thorough change was made in the registration laws. The data required upon the affidavit made by the applicant was now extended to include the full name of the registered person; his busi- ness or occupation; his age, height, complexion, color of eyes and hair; place of residence (ward and precinct) ; time and place of naturalization, if naturalized; the date of entry; post-office address; and whether or not the applicant was able to read the constitution in the English language; to write his own name; and whether or not he was prevented by any physical disability from marking his ballot. 23 The clerk was now required to arrange the registration affidavits in precinct packages. At the end of the period of registration all these affidavits for the county were to be arranged alphabetically and the substance of them entered into separate precinct books. 24 From the data incorporated in these books printed copies of the great register were to be prepared either for the county as a whole or by precincts. In counties where it was not required that a new registration take place, supplemental registers were to be printed. These printed copies were then to be distributed among the officers, election boards, libraries, etc. 25 Since these contain all the data entered on the original affidavits they are a very valuable source of information. "Stats. 1867-8: 647. 20 Pol. Code (1872), §§ 1094-1115. 21 Stats. 1877-8: 693-94. 22 Code Amdts. 1877-8 : 26-27 ; 1889 : 424. 23 Stats. 1895:228; Pol. Code, § 1096. 24 Stats. 1895 :230 ; Pol. Code, § 1113. 25 Stats. 1895 :231-2 ; Pol. Code, § 1115. 36 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Further amendments to the code in 1899 required that in all the counties of the state a new registration should be made on each even- numbered year. At this time a few changes were also made in the data required on the registration affidavits: complexion, and color of eyes and hair were omitted; while on the other hand, the state in which one was born was now required as well as country of nativity. 26 "Within fifteen days after the close of registration the affidavits were to be arranged for each precinct alphabetically, in order of sur- names. These, both originals and duplicates, were then to be bound iuto books and a printed index prepared for each book, the index to show names, ages, addresses and numbers of the voters as they appear in the precinct books. 27 In 1903, the Political Code was further amended to require that all affidavits of registration be preserved for at least five years from the date thereof, but that after the affidavits and duplicates had been preserved for that period they might, upon the order of the board of supervisors, be destroyed. 28 The keeping of the great register was discontinued by an amend- ment to the code approved April 19, 1909, which specifies that the affidavits shall constitute the register required to be kept for the registration of voters, and that the person charged with the registra- tion of voters shall not copy the facts shown by the affidavits as a part of his duties. 29 These affidavits must be preserved for five years, but after that time may be destroyed. An index to the registration affidavits, giving numbers, names, ages, occupations and addresses, must be prepared within five days after the close of registration, and printed to the number of at least one hundred copies ; a general index of all the precincts arranged alphabetically by precincts must then be made, one copy of which is to be kept in the clerk's office for public reference. 30 The adoption of woman's suffrage caused further changes to be made in the form of the registration affidavit. An amendment to the Political Code approved January 9, 1912, provides that the affidavit must show: the full name of the person; sex; occupation; height; country or state of nativity ; exact place of residence ; political affilia- tion, if any; place of naturalization, if naturalized; date and place of marriage and name of person to whom married, if citizenship was thereby acquired; the date of registration; post-office address; and ability to read the constitution, etc., as in the earlier affidavits. 31 The registration law as it now stands is not materially different from the early acts and amendments of which it is the natural 2fi Stats. 1899:60-61; Pol. Code, §§ 1094. 1096. "Stats. 1899:62; Pol. Code, §§ 1103, 1113-1116. 2R Stats. 1903 - 257 29 Stats! 1909:1004; Pol. Code, § 1103. S0 Pol. Code, § 1115. sl Stats. 1911 (extra session), 196. THE CLERK. 37 outgrowth. It provides for the complete registration of voters in each even-numbered year. The registration affidavits must be made in duplicate. The data required upon them, while not so full as under the earlier acts, is somewhat more explicit and requires that the affiant sign the affidavit with his or her accustomed signature. These affi- davits themselves form the great register, the originals being arranged alphabetically by precincts and bound in this order, while the dupli- cates are filed in a strictly alphabetical manner without any regard to precincts. Indexes to the precinct books are prepared and printed, containing the numbers, names, occupations and addresses of the electors as they appear in the registration books. A general index of these books, arranged alphabetically by precincts, must be bound and at least one copy kept in the office of the county clerk for public reference. 32 The Great Register, since it included the names of all the voters in the county and gave a great amount of detailed information regarding each individual, can not be overlooked as a valuable source of infor- mation, both to the student of history and social science. It is, therefore, deeply to be regretted that it is no longer kept as a record and that even the affidavits may after a few years be destroyed. Some of the counties, realizing the value of this as a record, have pro- vided for the continuation of the Great Register. ELECTIONS Election Returns. The act to regulate elections, approved March 23. 1850, provided that the election returns, consisting of the poll list and tallies, with a certificate attached thereto stating the number of votes each person received and the office to fill which such votes were cast, signed by the election officials, should be made up in duplicate, one set to be retained by the inspector and preserved for at least six months, the other set to be endorsed "Election Returns" and sent to the county clerk. The ballots were to be destroyed. The clerk was required, from the returns of the various precincts, to "estimate" the vote of the county and draw up and sign a statement of the same, containing the names of the officers voted for, the number of votes polled at each precinct by each candidate for the office, and the totals for the county, which statement was to be filed, together with the returns from each precinct, in the office of the court of sessions. 33 In 1855 the last phrase was amended to read "in the office of the county clerk." 34 In 1861 an important amendment was adopted, providing that the returns should be canvassed by the board of supervisors and the detailed statement of the result entered by the clerk upon the records of the board. 35 32 Pol. Code (1915), § 1094 et seq. 33 Stats. 1850:101 et seq. s *Stats. 1855 :161. 35 Stats. 1861:529. 38 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. In 1863 the law was further amended by a requirement that the bal- lots, instead of being destroyed, should be strung on a thread or cord and enclosed with the returns sent to the county clerk. This enabled the board of supervisors to recount the ballots in case any elector so demanded. The ballots were to be kept by the clerk at least six months. 36 In the following year a record of challenges and oaths administered was required to be kept by the election officials and in- cluded with the election returns, but this law was repealed two years later. 37 In 1866 an amendment required the election board to keep, separate from the poll list, a list of voters, containing the names of all who voted, numbered consecutively on the left and with the poll list number placed to the right of each name. This list was to be included with the returns sent to the county clerk. 38 In 1872 the election laws, with some amendments, were incorporated in the Political Code adopted that year. These changes were as fol- lows : The ballots were to be sealed up in an envelope separate from the other returns, but otherwise sent in as before, and to be kept, unopened, by the county clerk for twelve months and then, if not required by court actions, to be destroyed. The returns sent to the county clerk, under seal in charge of a member of the election board selected by lot, were to include the copy of the great register (which had now taken the place of the poll list) upon which the names of those voting had been marked, all certificates of registration received by the election board, the list of persons challenged, one copy of the list of voters and one copy of the tally list and list attached thereto. As soon as the returns were canvassed the clerk was required to take the copy of the register returned and file it in his office. 39 These provisions have remained in the code and are the present law with reference to election returns, except as herein noted. In 1899 and 1901 amendments were adopted which require that the election board must post outside of the polling place a copy of the result of the votes cast, and transmit one copy of the same, unsealed, to the county clerk, to be kept open to public inspection. 40 In 1899 a provision was inserted that any person desiring to vote shall write his name and ad- dress (or if unable to do so, have it written for him) on a roster of voters provided for that purpose, and in 1905 a new section was added to the code which requires that the roster of voters shall be sealed up by the election board and sent, in the same manner as the other re- turns, to the county clerk, who shall open all the rosters of voters and keep them open for. public inspection for one year. 41 In 1913 it was M Stats. 1 8 63 : 3 54. "Stats. 1863-4:468; 1865-6:512. -\Stats. 1865-6:511. 39 Pol. Code (1872), §§ 1259-1282. *°StatS. 1899 :83 ; 1901:5. «Stats. 1899:62; 1905:633; Pol. Code (1915), §§ 1204, 1264a, THE CLERK. 39 provided that the list of voters, tally list, etc., theretofore required to be retained by the inspector, shall be sent to the county clerk and by him kept open for public inspection for at least six months. 42 In a few of the counties are to be found election returns for the early periods. In Humboldt County especially they have been pre- served for the years 1853 to 1872. Since they contain the names of voters in each precinct as well as the number of votes cast on each issue they are of great value. During recent years the election re- turns have ceased to be considered historical records and are kept only for a brief period for use in case of dispute. The Minutes of the Supervisors contain the result of the canvass of the returns and, in the absence of the returns themselves, constitute the most valuable record in reference to these matters. Certificates of Nomination and Nomination Papers. These are temporary records and it is sufficient to consider them very briefly. Beginning- with 1891 it is required that certificates of nomination made by conventions and nomination papers, including those filed for the purpose of getting the name of a candidate on either the primary or general election ballot, shall be filed, in the case of county offices, with the county clerk, who shall preserve them for two years and then destroy them. 43 Verification Deputies. Under the Primary law, since 1909, signa- tures to nomination papers have been secured by what are known as "'Verification Deputies." These are persons appointed by a candi- date or his proponents according to form prescribed by law. The document by which such verification deputies are appointed shall be filed with the county clerk. 44 Record of Nominations. The Primary Election law of 1911 contains a provision that the officer with whom nomination papers are filed shall keep a record in which he shall enter the names of all persons filing the same, the party, if any, and the time of filing. An amend- ment approved January 11, 1916, says that he shall enter the names of every person presenting nomination papers for filing, the name of the candidate, the title of the office, the party, if any, and the time of filing. 45 Record of Delegates Elected to Conventions. In the general pri- mary law of 1897 a section is included providing that the clerk must, in a proper book, record the names of all delegates elected to conven- tions, with certain data in reference thereto. In 1899 this provision was incorporated in the Political Code, but in 1901 was repealed. 46 ^'Stats. 1913:226. «Stats. 1891:165 et seq. ; 1909:691 et seq. ; 1911:769 et seq. ; 1913:1379 et sea.; 1915 : 845. ^Primary law, Stats. 1909, 1911, 1913, Sec. 5. 45 Stats. 1911 : 776 ; 1916 (extra session) : 16. 46 Stats. 1897 : 115 ; 1899 : 47 et seq. ; 1901 : 606. 40 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Other Election Records. Tn addition to those here described there are many others of more or less importance. Their names, however, in most cases indicate the nature of their contents. Among these should be mentioned maps and descriptions of precinct boundaries, the record of official ballots, record of election officers, statements of candidates' expenses, etc. In Napa County was found a "Register of persons voting and when." covering the years 1876-1878. This is an interesting record, showing by means of columns, extending across double pages, the registry number, name of voter, age, occupation, citizenship (native or naturalized), residence, precinct voting in, with columns to show the record of the vote for a period of six years. MARRIAGE AND PUBLIC HEALTH Marriage Licenses. The Civil Code (March 21, 1872) first set down the requirement of a marriage license preceding the performance of the marriage ceremony, section 69 of which provided that the parties wishing to be married must first obtain a license from the clerk of the county court showing: (1) the identity of the parties; (2) the real and full names and places of residence; (3) that they are of sufficient age to be able to consent to marriage ; (4) that if the male is under twenty-one or the female under eighteen, that the consent of the par- ent is given or that the party had been married before. Two unimportant amendments were made in this section of the code 47 before 1905, when it was more thoroughly revised. 48 It is now required that the applicant must show upon oath the facts de- manded in the earlier law, while marriages between certain races, or the marriage of imbeciles, insane persons or persons under the influ- ence of intoxicants are forbidden. 49 There is no uniform rule followed by all the clerks in reference to marriage records. By some the stub-books, from which the license has been detached, are carefully preserved, but others make little attempt to preserve them. Many but not all retain the affidavits. The marriage records kept by the recorder are much more satisfactory. Record of Medical Certificates. The first of a series of acts regard- ing- the registration of persons engaged in professions having to do with the public health of the people of the state was enacted April 3, 1876. creating a state board of examiners who were to grant medical certificates to such persons as were qualified to practice medicine. These certificates were to be recorded in the office of the county clerk in the county in which the physician had his practice ; and for this * T Corle Amdts. 1873-4:186; 1880 ^StatS. 1905 : 182. «Civ. Code (1915), § 68-69. THE CLERK. 4l purpose the clerk was to keep a book which would coutain a complete list of the certificates recorded by him. 50 In 1901 this act was re- placed by a new law providing for a board of medical examiners but prescribing for the county clerk duties similar to those previously required. 51 Register of Dentists. On March 12, 1885, an act requiring the reg- istration of dentists was passed. A board of examiners was created to pass upon the qualifications of applicants and it was made unlawful for dentists who were not already practicing to begin practice without first obtaining a license. Practicing dentists were required to file their names for registration with the county clerk within a period of six months, and all new applicants who had been granted licenses were to register before beginning their practice. For this purpose the county clerk was required to keep a book to be known as the "Register of Dentists." An amendment was made to the act in 1893, and a more complete change in 1901, but neither affected the manner of keeping the clerk's record. 52 On March 20, 1903, further changes were made, among them being the requirement that the applicant give his name, age, office address and number of his license ; and in addition file an affidavit that he is the party mentioned in the license. The affidavits were also to be placed on file in a bound volume. 53 Register of Osteopaths. On March 9, 1901, the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners was created., with power to pass upon the qualifications of persons applying for osteopathic licenses. These licenses were to be recorded with the county clerk in a manner similar to other medical licenses in a book known as the "Register of Osteo- paths." 54 On March 14, 1907, the State Board of Medical Examiners was reorganized to include members of the Osteopathic Association and to them was given the power to grant licenses to osteopaths. The clerk was required to keep a record of all certificates filed with him. These are kept in the same volume known above as the "Reg- ister of Osteopaths." 55 Register of Optometrists. On March 20, 1903, the California State Board of Examiners in Optometry was created. Certificates were to be granted by them to persons qualified to practice optometry. These were to be presented to the county clerk for record and placed in a record book provided especially for that purpose. 56 Register of Pharmacists. The State Board of Pharmacy was created in 1891 but the law required no records of licenses to be kept 50 Stats. 1875-76 :792. 51 Stats. 1901:56-64; 1907:255; 1913:734. 52 Stats. 1885:110; 1893:70; 1901:564. 53 Stats. 1903:322; 1915:702-3. 54 Stats. 1901:113. 55 Stats. 1907:252. 56 Stats. 1903:285; 1913:1100-1101. 42 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. other than those of the board itself until 1905, when another act was passed which provided that the county clerk keep a record of certifi- cates granted by the state board in a manner similar to other medical certificates. 57 PERTAINING TO PRIVATE BUSINESS CONCERNS Articles of Incorporation. All the laws regarding corporations have required the filing of the articles of incorporation, but before 1872 there was no uniformity as to the place where they should be filed. 5S In the majority of cases they were to be filed in the office of the county clerk, but in some instances it was required that a certified copy should also be filed in the office of the secretary of state ; while in other cases the original articles were to be filed in the office of the secretary of state. 59 In a few cases the articles were to be filed in the office of the county recorder. 60 In 1872 the corporation laws were codified in the Civil Code and it was provided that all articles of incorporation shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county where the business of the cor- poration is to be transacted and a copy filed in the office of the secretary of state. 61 These articles of incorporation are of great value to any person interested in the history of any incorporated body such as business companies, churches, fraternal societies, private schools, etc. They usually contain a statement of the purpose of the organization or its constitution and by-laws, the names of its directors or officers, if not its whole membership, the date of organization, and other information of this character. In many cases later documents are filed or recorded showing changes in officers and containing financial and statistical reports. As a usual thing the original articles are filed, although in some cases they have been copied in full into a record book. An index to corporations almost invariably accompanies these articles. Rural Cemetery Associations. In 1859 a law was passed providing for the organization of such associations. The officers were required to file with the county clerk a certificate (similar to articles of incor- poration), which certificate the clerk shall record "in a book appro- priated to the recording of articles of incorporation." 62 Bond and Surety Companies. In 1907 an amendment to the Politi- cal Code required the county clerk to keep as one of his records a volume to be labeled "Bond and Surety Companies," the pages of "Stats. 1891:86; ] 893:68: 1901:299: 1905:539. s?StatS. 1850:351. 365. 369, 371, 374; 1853:87; 1855:205; 1857:75; 1859:93; 1861 84 : 1862 :125 : 1865-6 :14?>. 59 Stats. 1850:353, 360, 375; 1851:434. 00 Stats. 1853:171. 274; 1854:237. n5 Civ. Code, § 296. B2 -Stats. 185 9 :2 81. THE CLERK. 43 which must be divided into columns for entering the name of the cor- poration, name of state, territory or country under whose laws it is organized, date of the certificate to do business in this state, date of surrender, revocation, etc., of such certificate, date of new authority to do business. 63 Firms Under Fictitious Names. The Civil Code in 1872 provided that on a change of membership in a firm continuing the use of a part- nership name the person acquiring the right to use such partnership name must file with the county clerk a certificate stating the name of each person dealing under such name and the place of residence of each member. The clerk was required to keep a register in which he must enter in alphabetical order the name of every such partnership and of each partner therein. 64 In 1874 amendments to the code made these provisions more specific. It is required that every person or partnership doing business under a fictitious name must file with the county clerk a certificate stating the name and residence of each member. The clerk must keep a register in which must be entered in alphabetical order the name of every person doing business under a fictitious name and the name of every such partnership and of each partner thereof. 65 RELATING TO OTHER OFFICERS In addition to those records that pertain to the duties of the clerk himself, his archives usually contain many records of, or relating to, other officers, which have come into his possession as clerk of the county and therefore custodian of many documents and reports. Federal Census Returns. The act of March 23, 1850, which pro- vided for the taking of the seventh and subsequent censuses of the United States required that '"Each assistant shall, within one month after the time specified for the enumeration, furnish the original cen- sus returns to the clerk of the county court of their respective counties, and two copies, duly compared and corrected, to the marshal of the district." For the census of 1860 there were no changes made in the law, as the only legislation regarding the taking of the census was contained in the appropriation acts. Before the census of 1870, an act was passed amending the law of 1850 by extending the time for making the reports and making a few minor changes. 66 Since the census of 1850 was taken before the counties of California were fully organized it is but a natural consequence of the time that none of the returns of that year are to be found in the county archives. There are. however, reasons for disappointment in that not more of these "•"Stats. 1907:405: Pol. Code (1915), S 4178. r -*Civ. Code C1872). §§ 2469. 2470. 65 Code Amdts. 1873-4: 253-4; Civ. Code (1915), §§ 2466-70. GG U. S. Stats. 31st Cong., 1st ses., Ch. 11 (1850) ; 41st Cong., 2d ses., Ch. 56 (1870) 44 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. returns for 1860 and 1870 have survived. For the former year, only Del Norte and Yuba have preserved them; for 1870, Alameda, Hum- boldt, San Francisco and Santa Barbara. The great value of these returns to the historical worker is too well known to require much stress. An examination of the published census reports indicates the wide range of information gathered by the census marshals. It should, however, be noted that these original returns contain not only the facts shown in the published reports but much more detailed information as well, for in them the unit is the individual, not the state or county. 67 At the time of the census of 1880 a new act was passed, section 6 of which requires: 68 "Each enumerator, immediately after completing the enumera- tion of the population of his district and before forwarding the same to the supervisor, to make and file in the office of the clerk of the county court or in the office of the court or board adminis- tering the affairs of the county to which his district belongs a list of the names, with age, sex, and color, of all persons enumerated by him, which he shall certify to be true." The laws for all the later censuses have omitted this requirement. Three counties, Humboldt, San Joaquin and Santa Barbara, contain these lists. Since they are merely lists of names they are of little value as compared with the returns of the earlier censuses. Humane Officers. Section 607/ of the Civil Code provides a method for the appointment of humane officers by bodies incorporated for the purpose of prevention of cruelty to animals, subject to the approval of the judge of the superior court. An amendment to this section, adopted in 1913, provides that the county clerk shall enter in a book called the "Record of Humane Officers," the name of every officer so appointed, the number of his badge, name of the corporation appoint- ing him, and date of filing of the appointment. 69 While these books are to be found in most of the counties, they, as a rule, contain very few entries. Justice Court Dockets. As the name implies, this is a docket kept by the justice of the peace. Since the law does not require that all justice court dockets be deposited with the county clerk these records are not to be found in all the counties, and even where they are found they are usually incomplete, both as regards the period of time and portions of the county covered. For the earlier years they have been found to be of greater value historically than the records of more recent years. Other Records. Besides the records above enumerated, a number of others are frequently found, for whose presence in the clerk's c7 In this connection it should be noted that a full set of the returns of the Federal Census of 1860 is to he found in the archives of the secretary of state, at Sacra- mento. The same archives also contain the returns of the state census of 1852. ,;s Stats. at Large XXI, 75. e9 Stats. 1913:511; Civ. Code (1915), § 607f. THE CLERK. 45 office there seems to be no very specific statutory or code provision. Among the more important of these the following should he noted: Notarial records; Coroner's registers; Public administrator's register, and various other reports and account books. 46 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE RECORDER GENERAL PROVISIONS One of the two most important record officers in the county is the recorder, for though he does not have the variety of duties and records that pertain to the clerk, his records are just as essential in a well ordered system of government. While the duties of the clerk are largely administrative and his records are accumulated as a result of his administrative activity, the recorder is essentially an archivist, his chief and only duty being to see that the instruments presented to him are properly transcribed into permanent record books or otherwise safely filed. Since 1850, when the office was created, the duties have gradually been increased through statutory provisions requiring that additional kinds of instruments be recorded. The act which created the office of county recorder, set forth his duties to be as follows : "The Recorder shall have the custody of and shall safely keep and preserve all the books, records, deeds, maps, and papers depos- ited and kept in his office, and it shall be his duty to record or cause to be recorded correctly : 1st. All deeds, mortgages, releases of mortgage, conveyances, deeds of trust, bonds, covenants, powers of attorney, leases, tran- scripts of judgments, or other instruments of writing, whereby any real estate is conveyed or may be affected, which shall have been proved or acknowledged according to law and authorized to be recorded. 2nd. All papers and documents found in or transmitted to their respective offices, of and concerning lands or tenements, and which were received from the Mexican authority at the change of govern- ment. 3rd. All marriage contracts and certificates of marriage. 4th. All commissions and official bonds required by law to be recorded in their offices. 5th. All transcripts of judgments from the District and Justices' Courts which by law are made liens upon real estate and matter of record. ' ' Other sections provided that "the several classes of instruments of writing mentioned in the several subdivisions of the preceding section shall be recorded in separate books, according to their classification therein," and that in addition to the documents above mentioned the recorder should also keep a set of books "for the registration of the separate property of the wife, and shall record all instruments in writing relating thereto, in the manner prescribed in this Act for the recording of other instruments required to be recorded." 1 iStats. 1850: 151-153. THE RECORDER. 47 Since 1850 many other kinds of records have been added to the list of documents authorized or required to be recorded. In 1851 the following five sets of records were specified in addition to those previously named: Wills admitted to probate, mechanics' liens, notices of attachment on real estate, notices of pendency of an action affecting real estate, and notices of pre-emption claims. 2 At the time of the adoption of the Political Code in 1872 a list of instruments which must on application be recorded was incorporated. This list is practically the same as that adopted in the statute of 1851, with the addition of the following titles : grants, mortgages of personal property, and births and deaths. 3 The provisions of the present code are as follows: 4 "He must, upon the payment of his fees for the same, record, separately, in a fair hand, or typewriting, in large and well-bound separate books, either sewed books or an insertable leaf, which when placed in the book cannot be removed : 1. Deeds, grants, transfers, and mortgages of real estate, releases of mortgages, powers of attorney to convey real estate, and leases which have been acknowledged or proved. 2. Mortgages of personal property. 3. Certificates of marriage and marriage contracts. 4. Wills admitted to probate. 5. Official bonds. 6. Notices of mechanics' liens. 7. Transcripts of judgments, which by law are made liens upon real estate in this state. 8. Notices of attachments upon real estate. 9. Notices of the pendency of an action affecting real estate, the title thereof, or the possession thereof. 10. Instruments describing or relating to the separate property of married women. 11. Notices of pre-emption claims. 12. Births and deaths. 13. Certified copies of decrees and judgments of courts of record ; and, 14. Such other writings as are required or permitted by law to be recorded." Realizing that the documents must not only be copied into books but that they must be carefully and permanently preserved and also made readily accessible to the public, the legislation on the subject has always specified that the recorder shall keep "suitable well bound books, wherein shall be recorded in fair and legible hand all instruments of writing authorized or required to be recorded." 5 Other sections required the keeping of an index to each volume of records as well as a 2 Stats. 1851: 200-201. 3 Pol. Code (1872), § 4235. 4 Pol. Code (1915), §4131. Few references to acts of 1917 and later appear in these notes as the survey of the archives was then already practically completed. 5 Stats. 1850: 151, Sec. 3. 48 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. general index. Since the indexes are so constantly nsed by attorneys and searchers of titles they are as a rule prepared and preserved with as much care as the records themselves. With the changes brought about through the invention of the typewriter and insertable leaf record books the statutes were modified to permit the use of these new forms. 7 PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS From the historical point of view the most interesting documents in the archives of the counties are those dealing with the period before the formation of the state government in California. Since these are unique in character and are of such great value they have been listed separately in the main body of this report. While not all of the volumes or documents listed as pre-statehood records are to be found in the office of the recorder, the greater part of them are so located ; it is therefore appropriate that they be considered in connection with the records of that office. They may be divided into four classes: the first two divisions, which are almost entirely in Spanish, contain records relating to the Spanish and Mexican periods ; the others for the period of conquest, 1846-1848 ; and the gold era, 1849-1850. Early Spanish Period. Fortunately, there have been preserved in our local depositories records pertaining to that period when the first Europeans took possession of what they then called Alta California. Although but fragments of the original great body of records, they nevertheless constitute a most valuable source of information regarding conditions and events during that most distant past. The great bulk of the official Spanish manuscript documents relating to California, which came into the possession of the United States upon the transfer of sovereignty from Mexico, were placed in the custody of the United States surveyor-general, bound in some three hundred volumes, and housed in San Francisco. Unfortunately the great fire, of 1906 des- troyed all but about a score of these volumes and left the remainder in a condition which renders them almost incapable of use. Before the disaster which so nearly wiped out the archives of the surveyor-general, a portion of the documents had been returned to the separate counties. With the loss of the general archives the importance of these smaller, less complete collections has been increased. The researches of this commission have shown that records of this character are to be found among the archives of several of the counties and cities. The largest and undoubtedly the most valuable of the local collections is that in the archives of the recorder of Monterey County. This collec- tion consists of sixteen volumes of bound documents dating from 1781 5 Stats. 1850: 152, Sees. 12, 16. 'Stats. 1905: 47-48. THE RECORDER. 49 to 1850. In most cases these are the original documents and were bound while in the possession of the surveyor-general. They include the official reports of the local Spanish governmental and mission authorities, letters, addresses, proclamations and records of petty court proceedings. Since Monterey was for many years the capital of Alta California these documents doubtless contain much very valuable information. In the county archives at Santa Cruz are to be found somewhat more than five hundred original documents covering the period from 1797 to 1845 similar in character to those just described. Search in the other county archives met with disappointment, for in many, where it w T as expected that Spanish records would be located, none were to be found. In some places, however, a search revealed documents of a similar character in the city archives ; this was especially the case in San Jose, one of the old pueblos of the Spanish regime. In the vault of the clerk of that city were found six volumes labeled ■ ' San Jose Archives." These contain original documents dating from 1792 or earlier down to the end of the Mexican period. The unsystematic manner in which the documents were bound prevented anything like an accurate description of the range of subject matter or dates covered in these volumes, except by a more complete examination than was possible in this preliminary survey. That these collections of docu- ments will prove most valuable to the student of Spanish provincial and local history there can be no doubt. Mexican Regime. As might be expected the records relating to the period of Mexican control are much more numerous and varied in their nature. These documents may be grouped into two general classes: First, those relating to land titles ; and second, those which were formed as result of the administration of the government. The former are more widely distributed among the counties, but the latter are more varied in their character. The two most important collections of rec- ords relating to this period to be found in the local archives are in those of Los Angeles and San Francisco. In Los Angeles, one volume, "Record Book A," contains alcalde documents covering the dates following 1825. Accompanying it are volumes of documents relating to the prefecture of Los Angeles from 1834 down to the American period. With these are other documents apparently of more local char- acter which are in the custody of the clerk. In addition to these records in the county archives, there are other volumes for the same period in the archives of the city, among them being minutes of the ayunta- miento, land petitions and financial records. In San Francisco the number of records extant for this period is greater than in Los Angeles, although it is doubtful that they are as important historically, since they relate almost entirely to land titles and matters of a local nature. 5— 41210 50 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Other records in Monterey, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma and else- where deal almost entirely with land titles during these years. In contrast to these land records which may appear to be more or less uninteresting' is a book of unique character in the archives of Monterey County, namely the "Record of Official Acts of Thomas 0. Larkin." Although the record itself is short, it gives an excellent idea of the varied nature of the duties of Larkin as consular agent of the United States government in California, when it was still under control of a foreign power. Period of American Conquest, 1846-48. Records dealing Avith events during the period of the conquest of Alta California by the United States forces are to be found in the archives of Los Angeles, Monterey, ' San Francisco and Sonoma, the chief centers of interest during those years. In Los Angeles and Monterey these are in the form of docu- ments bound together with those of the earlier regimes ; in San Fran- cisco and Sonoma, on the other hand, they are more voluminous and maintain their identity in separate volumes. In San Francisco the greater part of these relate to land matters, being either the register of property acquired under the Mexican government, or the record of sale by the local alcalde or magistrate, as in the case of alcalde grants and the sale of beach and water lots. But there are some miscellaneous records which contain items of more than common interest and an occasional book of peculiar character, such as the ledger of Alcalde Bartlett for the year 1846-47, which appears to be a full financial report of the receipts and expenditures of the local government for this period. The Sonoma records are of interest in view of the importance of that place as a settlement and of the part taken by it and its inhabitants during and following the Bear Flag revolt in June, 1846. They consist of a docket of the Justice Court at Sonoma, August, 1846-April, 1847, alcalde records, land claim records and deed books. The Gold Era, 1849-50. The era of the conquest was quickly followed by the discovery of gold and the resultant influx of population. The transition period was short, the balance being shifted rapidly from the old easy-going Spanish way of doing to the more aggressive Anglo- Saxon mode of life. As a consequence many of the records show no break whatever; until the adoption of the state constitution in 1849 the forms of local government were not changed from the earlier system. The local records during this period are therefore most interesting and valuable, for they show how the invading Americans took control and adapted to their use the existing institutions, especially the office of alcalde and the court of first instance, both of which were essentially Spanish in nature. Unlike anything in the Anglo-Saxon form of gov- ernment, the powers and duties of the alcalde were extensive and to THE RECORDER. 51 some extent autocratic. The following description of the alcalde is well illustrated in the documents in the county archives: "Studying his multifarious functions, we discover with admira- tion, not unmixed with awe, that one and the same person was often supreme judge, clerk of court, town-constable, sheriff, recorder, treasurer, justice of the peace, land-officer, government- agent in land deliveries, superintendent of roads, town board of health, board of school-trustees, arbitrator in petty disputes, gen- eral advisory board for young and old, and even, near the coast, judge in admiralty to pronounce upon all marine cases. ' n Although the records of many of these interesting officials have doubtless long since disappeared, there are preserved in the county archives dockets, ledgers, and other records originally belonging to the alcaldes. The counties in which alcaldes' records have been found are as follows : Contra Costa, El Dorado, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Sacra- mento, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma, Sutter, and Yuba. The records of courts of first instance are found in many cases to accompany the records of the alcaldes. In Los Angeles and Santa Clara they date from 1847, but in the other cases they are for the period following September, 1819, when by Governor Riley an attempt was made to put into execution the full form of government as pre- scribed by the laws of Mexico. 2 These are to be found in Sacramento, San Joaquin and Solano counties. RECORDS RELATING TO PROPERTY TITLES Unquestionably the most important records to be found in the office of the county recorder are those relating to property titles. Since it is recognized that the security of the title of property depends very largely upon its being recorded in the proper manner, practically a full record of property transfers is to be found in these archives. For the convenience of this discussion the records relating to the title of property have been subdivided into three classes: first, those dealing with the acquisition of the original title ; second, those relating to the transfer and encumbrance of property ; and third, miscellaneous prop- erty records. ACQUISITION OF ORIGINAL TITLE Land Claims. From the historical point of view those records which relate to the original acquisition of the land are of great value in showing the beginnings of settlement in a new region. In those parts of the state that were not covered by Spanish and Mexican land ] Shinn, Mining Camps (New York, 1885), pp. 103-104. Proclamation of June 3, 1849. House exec, docs., 31st cong., 1st ses., No. 17. pp. 777-778. 52 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. grants this process is shown in the records of claims for pre-emption or possessory rights, school lands, and swamp and overflowed lands. Although the public lands of California were not open to pre-emption under the federal law until 1853, the legislature, as early as April 11, 1850, passed an act recognizing the right to title of any person occupy- ing or settling upon land belonging to the United States. 1 Since 1851 the recorder has been required to keep a separate record for these pre-emption or possessory claims. 2 By numerous federal enactments lands had been ceded to the states for educational and other purposes. Through these, California came to control a very large share of that part of the public domain which lay within its borders. 3 By a law adopted May 3, 1852, it was provided that the state school lands should be disposed of by means of land warrants, which were sold to individuals who located them upon unoccupied government land. The owner of these school land warrants selected the amount due him through the county surveyor and the action was entered in the record of school lands or school land surveys. This system of land warrants was found unsatisfactory and after 1858 the law was repealed. The state school lands were then located and sold by the state agents in a more direct manner.- Swamp and Overflowed Lands. The swamp and overflowed lands granted to the state by the act of September 28, 1850, 5 were first put on sale in 1855, the survey of the land being made by the county sur- veyor upon petition of the applicant. The record of this survey, together with the claim to the land, was filed with the county recorder. Spanish Land Grants. In those counties where land was held under a former Spanish or Mexican title the process of acquiring titles was naturally very different. The basis of the claim in those cases was the Spanish or Mexican grant. In many cases the original grant, together with lengthy expedientes showing how the grant had been acquired, are preserved in the county archives. Among the volumes listed as pre- statehood records are to be found many books and documents which deal with these early land grants. In other cases the grants are recorded in the early volumes of deeds. Patents. All title to land is based primarily upon the patent of the United States government whether the land was sold directly to the individual or through the state land office. There is, therefore, in every recorder's office a record of patents. This record contains in each case a brief history of the piece of land together with the patent 'Stats. 1850: 203. 2 Stats. 1851: 201. s Stats. at Large V, 455; IX, 519-520; X, 244-248. The disposal of this land was, under certain restrictions, in the hands of the state government. 4 Stats. 1852 : 41; 185S : 248. 5 Stats. at Large, IX, 519-520; Stats. 1855:189. THE RECORDER. 53 granting the land described to the patentee. In the case of the old Spanish ranchos the patent is usually accompanied by a history of the grant under the Spanish and Mexican regimes. They are invariably accompanied also by a map of the rancho. Mining Claims. Of a somewhat different nature and yet closely related to real estate titles are the mining and water claims, for in them the person acquiring title secures only the right to use the land for a certain specified purpose. The mining records are by far the more numerous and on account of the unique position of mining in early California history also the more interesting historically. The record of mining claims usually contains a notice setting forth the name of the claim and that of the locator with date, size and descrip- tion. In some of the leading mining counties these are entered in separate books divided as to quartz claims, placer claims, etc., with further titles for other kinds of mining records. In the counties less given to mining the records are more' simple if they are found at all. Special attention should be given to the mining district records. These are of great historical value, since they show not only the extent of territory covered in the early days of mining operations but also the ideas these rugged pioneers had of law and government, for each of these mining districts was to a large extent a government by itself. The miners met, outlined the boundaries of the district, and determined the manner in which claims should be acquired and held. Most of these district records were kept only by a district recorder and in probably a large majority of cases the records have been lost. In some cases the mining district records, together with filings for claims in such dis- tricts, were handled by the county recorder as a part of the county records. In these cases they were recorded in books devoted entirely to mining claims or are to be found in Deeds, Miscellaneous Records, or similar record books. By a law approved March 27, 1897, all mining district recorders and custodians of records of the several mining dis- tricts in the state were required to transmit to the county recorder all records of the district, the recorder being considered the legal custodian of such records. As result of this act many district record books have been deposited with the county recorders, but it is very probable that many of these records are still outside of the county archives. Water Rights. Records regarding the appropriation of water rights begin with the adoption of the Civil Code in 1872, it being pro- vided in section 1415 of that code that a person desiring to appropriate Avater must post a notice at the point of intended diversion, stating his claim to the water to the amount desired, the purpose for which claimed and the place of intended use, and the means by which he intended to divert it, together with a statement of the size of the flume or pipe. 54 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Within ten days after posting the notice by the claimant he must pre- sent a copy of the same to be recorded by the recorder of the county within which it was posted. 6 This' the recorder was required to record in a volume kept for that purpose. Appropriations of water are now governed by the act of August 10, 1913, which created the state water commission. This act made the process of securing water rights much more complicated and there have been relatively few rights recorded under its provisions. 7 Oyster Beds. An act of April 28, 1851, permitted the planting of oysters in any of the waters of the state below low water mark, if there was not already a natural growth of oysters there. Natural oyster beds were not to be staked off. No one was to be permitted to enter any waters marked off as oyster beds, provided these did not impede the free navigation of the streams. There was no requirement that the location of these beds be filed with any official. 8 On April 2, 1866, an act was approved which permitted the discoverer of an oyster bed to appropriate the same to his own use and benefit. "Within ten days after the discovery he was to stake off the bed and file a description of the same in the county or counties wherein it was located. 9 The provisions of these two acts were embodied in a new act passed March 30, 1874, entitled "An act to encourage the planting and cultivation of oysters.'' This act permitted any citizen of the United States to lay down and plant oysters in any of the public waters of the state, provided they did not thereby obstruct navigation. The locator was to display a conspicuous sign marking the oyster beds, and to stake off and fence the lands used for this purpose. Full description of the bed was then to be filed with the recorder in the county wherein the bed was located. The recorder was then to record the same in a book entitled "Record of Oyster Beds." 10 TRANSFER AND ENCUMBRANCE OF TITLE Deeds. The transfer of property may be made either by voluntary agreement on the part of the former owner or it may be done by legal process. Those documents that effect a permanent transfer of property by agreement of the former holder of the title are usually known as deeds, conveyances for real estate, or bills of sale for personal property. By far the most extensive series of volumes to be found in the recorder's office is that devoted to the recording of deeds. It is also, from nearly every standpoint, the most important, and consequently the one most constantly referred to. For these reasons greater attention has been given by officials to the deed books and they, together with 6 Civ. Code (1872), §§ 1415, 1421. 7 Stats. 1913: 1012 et seq. *Stats. 1851: 432-433. °Stats. 1865-66:848-849. 30 Stats. 1873-74:940-941. THE RECORDER. 55 their all-important indexes, are practically without exception in good usable condition and well cared for. It is to be noticed that in several counties during the first few years the different kinds of records were not all segregated into separate volumes, but were recorded together in a book labeled simply "Records." When, finally, different books came to be used for different kinds of instruments, these early volumes of Records were generally numbered as the first volumes of Deeds, since deeds composed the greater part of their contents. The result is that many of these early deed books might more accurately be described as Miscellaneous Records. At all times the term Deeds has been used in a comprehensive sense to include all instruments by which title to land is transferred. In recent years it has become quite customary to put deeds of trust into a separate series, and in many counties, par- ticularly where the quantity of records is large, it is usual to devote certain volumes of the regular deed series to special kinds of deeds — trust, reconveyance, mining, etc., for which frequently printed forms are used — and to use form books numbered in the regular series for deeds executed by certain land companies doing a large volume of business. Wills and. Decrees of Distribution. When transfers are made by bequest the documents relating to the change in title may be found in the records connected with probate proceedings. In those cases involving the title to real estate the record is kept in the recorder's office in addition to the record of the probate court. Forty of the counties have separate volumes entitled "Wills" or "Wills admitted to probate." There is also to be found in the archives of the recorders of about one-third of the counties a separate record known as Decrees of Distribution or Decrees of Partition containing a copy of probate decrees by which an estate has been divided among the heirs. In about half the counties a separate index is kept for these documents, although the decrees themselves are recorded in books devoted to deeds or miscellaneous records. The Torrens System. By an act approved March 17, 1897, what is known as the Torrens system of certification of land titles is provided for in this state. With the exception of a few counties, notably Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, land owners have not very generally availed themselves of the provisions of this act. The law provides that the recorder of each county be the registrar of titles for that county. Land is brought under the act by the filing with the clerk of a verified petition to the superior court by the owner of any estate or interest in such land. This petition must contain detailed information necessary for the establishment of the title. The clerk is required to endorse on this petition the exact time of its presentation and enter it in a book kept for that purpose and known as the Land 56 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Register Docket. This petition is examined by the court and, after proper notice has been given and published, a date is set for a hearing, at which time all interested in the land in question may appear and be heard either for or against the granting of the petition. At the con- clusion of this hearing action is taken by the court. If the petition is granted a decree of the court is issued setting forth the fact and including a description of the land and a statement of all liens and incumbrances upon it with particulars of the same. Upon the filing of a certified copy of this decree the registrar is required to issue in duplicate a certificate of title, the original to be kept by the registrar and the duplicate given to the owner. The reg- istrar must keep a book called Register of Titles, in which he must enter all original certificates of title, in the order of their numbers, with appropriate blanks for the entry of memorials and notations. Each certificate with its accompanying blanks shall constitute a sep- arate folium of such book. All instruments, notices and papers required or permitted to be filed in the office of the registrar shall be retained and kept in the office and removed only upon proper court order. Certified copies may, however, be made. When registered land is sold or otherwise transferred, a new certificate is issued and the old one canceled. Besides the Register of Titles, the registrar is required to keep two indexes: (1) A Property Index, with pages divided into columns for entering the section or subdivision, range or block, township or lot, and any other description necessary to identify the land, the name of the registered owner, the volume and page of the register in which the land is registered ; ( 2 ) a Name Index, divided into columns showing in alphabetical order the names of all registered owners and all other persons interested in or holding charges against registered land, the nature of the interest, description of the land, the volume and page of the register in which the land is registered. The act requires the use of a uniform system of books, blanks and forms prepared by the attorney-general, state controller and secretary of state. 11 In 1915 this law was superseded by another initiated and adopted at the November election. The new law, which was simply a revision of the act of 1897, removed some objectionable features and introduced some new features with the result that the system is much more attractive. The two most important changes may be noted very briefly: (1) doing away in large numbers of cases with the requirement for abstracts and special maps in plans of surveys; (2) the provision for a "Torrens title assurance fund," which is in effect state title insurance for land roistered under the act. 12 "Stats. 1897: 138 et seq. 32 Stats. 1915: 1932 et seq. THE RECORDER. 57 Leases and Mortgages. Temporary transfers or encumbrances upon property are made by means of leases and mortgages. The nature of both of these is so well known that they require no explanation here. Practically all the counties have separate sets of records for each of these classes of documents. In the case of mortgages there has been an increasing tendency to differentiate those relating to real estate from chattel or crop mortgages. Although mortgages on personal property have been permitted since the first session of the state legislature, formerly they were very much more limited than at present. 13 By subsequent legislation the early restrictions placed upon chattel mortgages have gradually been removed. By the act of May 11, 1853, certain personal property mort- gages were declared to have the same effect as mortgages upon real estate. The kinds of personal property specified, however, confined the mortgage to possessory claims to public lands, buildings and improvements upon such lands, quartz claims, and such other personal property as was by its structure fixed to the soil. 14 On April 29, 1857, an amendment was passed enlarging the list of personal property subject to mortgage and since that time many acts have been passed with the same purpose in view. 15 Upon the adoption of the Civil Code in 1872, the list was incorporated into the code with some additions, the most important being that relating to growing crops. It was also at this time provided that mortgages of personal property must be recorded both in the county in which the mortgager resides and in the county in which the mortgaged property is situated, or to which it may be removed. This requirement is still retained in the code. 16 In practically all the counties chattel mortgages are given a separate set of records. In about a dozen counties crop mortgages are placed in separate volumes. Releases, Satisfactions and Assignments. Eeleases and satisfac- tions of mortgages and leases are usually recorded in a set of volumes different from the mortgages and leases themselves ; however, upon this point there is no uniformity. About one-half of the counties have a set for the releases or satisfactions of mortgages, while about one-third include both mortgages and leases in the same record book. In practically all of the counties a separate volume is kept for the purpose of recording assignments. In general these are entitled assign- ments of mortgages and leases, although they frequently include assign- ments of agreements and judgments as well. In 1872 the Political Code provided that an assignment of a mortgage might be recorded, in which case the record became a notice to all persons subsequently deriving "Stats. 1850 : 2 67. ]4 Stats. 1853 : 153. ]5 Stats. 1857:347: 1861:197: 1863:331; 1863-4:226; 1867-8:111; Civ. Code (1872), § 2955, and by subsequent amendment to tbe same. in Civ. Code, § 2959. 58 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. title from the assignor. 17 In many cases assignments of leases are recorded in the same volume with the assignments of mortgages, although frequently separate volumes are used. The law requires that an index be kept labeled "Assignments of Mortgages and Leases — Assignors," each page of which must be divided into four columns showing : assignors, assignees, instruments assigned, and when and where recorded. In similar manner another index must be kept in which the names of assignees will be placed in the first column and arranged alphabetically. 18 Of somewhat different character are assignments in bankruptcy or assignments for benefit of creditors. It is provided in the Civil Code that an assignment for the benefit of creditors must be recorded and an inventory filed with the recorder. 19 Homesteads. In a negative manner the records relating to homestead exemptions should be included with the records dealing with encumbrance to property titles. Under an act passed in 1851 the legislature decreed that under certain conditions the homestead, con- sisting of a quantity of land together with the dwelling house thereon and its appurtenances not exceeding in value $5,000, selected by the owner, should not be subject to forced sale on execution or to any other fund process from a court for debts contracted after the passage of the act. 20 Amendments made in 1860 extended and modified the terms of the original act. 21 At that time it was required that the person or persons asking for the homestead right should have the declaration acknowledged and recorded as any other conveyances affecting the transfer of real estate. A separate record was to be provided for these homestead declarations. In like manner the declaration of abandonment of homestead was required to be acknowledged and recorded. Another act extended the privilege of the homestead act to unmarried persons and required that the applicant, upon receiving the homestead title, should have it recorded in the office of the county recorder in a book to be called Register of Homesteads of Single Persons. In ten counties abandonments of homesteads are recorded in a separate volume or series of volumes. In all other counties homestead records of all kinds are recorded in a single series and indexed in the same way. Tax Sales. Not all transfers of title result from the voluntary action of the former holder, for on account of the nonpayment of taxes or assessments for public improvements the state or some of its sub- divisions may seize the property, or for other causes similar result may be obtained by private action in the civil courts. ^Civ. Code, § 2934. 18 Pol. Code, § 4132. 1! 'Civ. Code, § § 3458, 3461, 3463-3465. 20 Stats. 1851: 296. 2'Stats. 1860: 89, 313. THE RECORDER. 59 The method of enforcing the collection of taxes on real property has been the subject of frequent legislative enactment since the creation of the state government in 1850. There is no purpose here to enter into a history of the legislation upon the subject, but merely to out- line it as briefly as possible, with particular reference to its bearing npon the records of the recorder. Under the first revenue bill, approved March 30, 1850, it was pro- vided that the treasurer should collect the taxes. No publication of a delinquent tax list was required, it being merely provided that if the taxes on real property were not paid by the required date the property should be sold, after notice, by the treasurer. The treasurer was to execute a deed of conveyance to the purchaser, acknowledge the same and file it in the office of the recorder. The property might be redeemed within a year, but if not so redeemed the deed became abso- lute. 22 The following year the sheriff was made ex officio tax collector, the provisions for the sale of real property for taxes remaining other- wise the same. After the sale the sheriff was required to execute a certificate of conveyance to the purchaser and deposit the same in the office of the recorder. After the expiration of a year, if the property was not in the meantime redeemed, the sheriff was to make a deed to the purchaser. 23 The revenue act of 1852 declared, as had the previous one, that every assessment is a judgment and has the force of an execu- tion against the property and party liable for taxes. The sheriff was required to seize and after notice sell property on which taxes remained unpaid. There seems to have been no specific provision made for redemption. 24 In 1853 the provisions for sale of real estate for taxes were in general the same as in 1851, but now the sheriff, after the sale, was required to execute a certificate of conveyance of sale and deliver a certified copy to the purchaser. The recorder, on being paid his legal fee, was to record this certificate. Six months were allowed for redemption and after that period the sheriff was to execute a deed of conveyance in fee simple and the sale became absolute. 25 This system remained in effect until 1857, when some modifications were made in details of the law. In this year the tax collector was first mentioned in the general revenue bill. This year also for the first time there was a requirement of the publication of a delinquent tax list. The procedure for sale was the same, but after the sale the tax collector was required to issue to the purchaser a certificate in duplicate. The tax collector was also required to keep a book for the purpose of entering a record of lands sold for taxes. The recorder was required to keep a book 22 Stats. 1850: 135 et seq. 2s Stats. 1851: 153 et seq. 21 Stats. 1852 : 18 et seq. 23 Stats. 1853 : 233 et seq. 60 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. similar to that of the tax collector. If the property was redeemed within six months the fact was to be noted on the certificate and on the margin of the book. If no redemption was made within six months, the tax collector was to make, upon demand, a deed which should give a valid title to the property. 20 In 1861 a radical departure was made from the former method of enforcing the collection of taxes on real estate. By the revenue law of that year and by a supplemental act, it was provided that after the publication of the delinquent tax list, this list was, after a specified period and after due notice of the fact, turned over to the district attorney, who was required to bring civil suits in the courts for the amount of the taxes, penalties and costs. In accordance with the work- ing of this law the records of the district court contain many titles relating to tax suits. Judgments secured in these suits became a lien on all property of the defendants liable to taxation. 27 This plan, with minor modifications in detail, continued in force until the adoption of the Political Code in 1872. The Political Code of 1872 did away with the tax suits which have just been mentioned. It provided that after the publication of the delinquent tax list and notice of sale, which notice was required to be filed in the office of the clerk and recorder, the sale should be held by the tax collector. After the sale the latter was to make out in dupli- cate a certificate of sale, one copy of which was to be delivered to the purchaser and the other filed in the office of the recorder, who was also required to make an entry in a book provided for the purpose. The property might be redeemed within twelve months. If so redeemed the recorder was required to note the fact on the certificate and in the record book. If the property was not redeemed within twelve months the tax collector was then to make to the purchaser a deed of the prop- erty, reciting the facts in the case, and this deed conveyed an absolute title, saving only the prior rights of the United States or the State of California. 28 This system, with several amendments in detail, con- tinued in force until 1895. In 1895 amendments to the code were adopted under which the sale of land to private parties for non-payment of taxes was discontinued, and it was provided that at the time of the delinquent tax sale the whole amount of property assessed and then remaining on the delin- quent list, should be struck off to the state as the purchaser, and the proper notations made on the assessment list, provided that on the day of sale the owner or person in possession may pay the taxes, pen- alties and costs due; and provided further, that when the original 20 Stats. 1857: 325 et seq. 27 Stats. 1861: 419, 471. 28Pnl. C!ode (1872). § 3746 et seq. THE RECORDER. 61 tax amounts to $300 or more on any piece of property the state may bring suit for collection. Property thus sold to the state might be redeemed within five years or at any time prior to entry or sale of said lands under the land laws of the state, and during this five years it continued to be assessed as before the sale in the name of its owner until a deed was made to the state. If the property was not redeemed within five years the tax collector was required to make a deed to the property to the state. This deed was to be recorded in the usual manner and then forwarded to the state controller, except in the case of state lands upon which the full purchase price of $1.25 had not been paid. In the latter case the deed was forwarded to the surveyor-general and the land was then open to entry and sale in the same manner as other state lands, except that the former owner was the preferred purchaser for six months. 29 Such lands for which deeds to state had been filed with the state controller 30 were then subject to sale at public auction upon application to the county tax collector and the authorization of the state controller, no bid to be accepted for a less amount than the aggre- gate amount of all taxes, penalties and costs then against the property, including costs of sale. Until so disposed of by the state it might still be redeemed by the former owner upon making the proper payments. If redeemed in this way after the deed has been made to the state the receipts of the treasurer, controller and auditor in connection with the transaction might be recorded in the recorder's office in the book of deeds, and then had the effect of a deed of reconveyance/ 31 An amend- ment adopted in 1913 provided that on the day of the delinquent tax sale any property which had been sold to the state five years before and not since redeemed should be sold by the tax collector at public auction. No bid shall be accepted for a sum less than the amount of taxes, penalties and costs for the year for which the property was sold to the state for delinquent taxes. The purchaser then has thirty days in which to redeem all subsequent taxes, penalties and costs remaining a charge on delinquent taxes. If no sale is made, or the successful bidder does not make the redemption as described within thirty days, then the property is deeded to the state as previously provided. 32 Liens for Public Improvements. The methods employed to compel payment of assessments made for public improvements are very similar to those used to collect the regular property taxes. Liens are filed against the property until the amounts assessed are paid. These are usually for street improvements, or through irrigation, lighting or sanitary districts. 29 Pol. Code, §§ 3785, 3788, as amended by Stats. 1895 : 328, 329. 30 Pol. Code, § 3897, as amended by Stats. 1895: 338. B, Stats. 1895 : 18 et seq. ; 308 et seq. 32 Stats. 1913 : 557 ; Pol Code, § 3898 ; Pol. Code (1915), § 3746 et seq. 62 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Squirrel Claims. An uncommon record of the type just described is that relating to the destruction of ground squirrels. The records of the county officials frequently bring to light illustrations of how local conditions have affected legislation. An interesting instance of this kind is found in the records regarding squirrel claims or squirrel nuisances. Laws on this subject began to appear on the statute books early in the history of the state. They were all special enactments affecting certain specified counties, but sooner or later practically the whole of the agricultural portion of the state was covered by them. They were all designed to encourage the destruction of squirrels, gophers and other similar pests. A typical law is that of March 10, 1874, applying to Contra Costa and Alameda counties. Squirrels are declared to be a nuisance and it is made the duty of all persons owning land to keep it clear of squirrels. Squirrel districts are created and inspectors authorized, whose duty it is to destroy the squirrels wherever the land owners fail to do so. The cost of such destruction, with certain added penalties, are made a lien upon the property, and provision is made for suits to enforce the lien. The recorder is required to keep a special ■record under the provisions of the law. 33 Many similar laws were passed, but all were repealed about 1880, or superceded by the uniform county government act, which authorized the board of supervisors to destroy pests. 34 Special volumes for recording these claims are found in Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara and Stanislaus counties. Attachments, Liens, Lis Pendens. Since 1851 the recorder has been required to keep separate volumes in which to record all notices of attachment upon real estate, mechanics' liens or notices of actions, usu- ally called lis pendens. 35 The latter is a notice of pendency of actions which, if affecting the title to real property, must be filed with the recorder of the county within which the property is located. It must contain the names of the parties, the object of the action and a descrip- tion of the property affected. In nearly all of the counties the law requiring distinct record books has been followed; in a few they have been combined with other records, being, however, kept distinct by means of a separate index. Certificates of Sale under Execution. By a law enacted in 1866, the recorder was required to keep a volume entitled "Certificates of Sale" within which he was to record all certificates of sale of real estate sold under executions or under any order made by any judicial proceeding. In connection with this, he was required to keep an index 33 Stats. 1873-74: 321. 31 Stats. 1880 : 7, 105, 120 ; 1883 : 308 ; Pol. Code (1915), § 4041. s 'Stats. 1851 : 201 ; 1883 : 325 ; Code of Civ. Proa, § 409. THE RECORDER. 63 showing for each entry the name of the plaintiff, the defendant, the purchaser and the date of sale. 30 At the time of the adoption of the Political Code in 1872 this provision was incorporated in that part setting forth the duties of the recorder, and since then has appeared in the various county government acts and is included in the present Political Code. 37 So far as the existing records are concerned, certificates of sale under execution are closely related to certificates of sale for taxes. In some counties the two are kept in a common series, in a few cases the com- mon series covering only a portion of the record and distinct series being used for the balance. Where a distinct series of volumes is used, the titles upon the volumes are found to vary, only a few using the actual title, ' ' Certificates of Sale Under Execution. ' ' Among the more common variations may be noticed "Certificates of Sheriff's Sales" and similar designations. In a number of counties the record- was begun earlier than 1866. Certificates of sale under execution, as also those for taxes, are in their effect similar to deeds and it is therefore not surprising that in some cases these instruments have been recorded in the deed books. In other cases they have found their way into that catch-all, Miscellaneous Records. Transcripts of Judgments. Among the records required to be kept by the recorder since the act of 1850 is the Transcript of Judgments, where the judgment conveyed or affected the title of real estate. It was also specified in the civil practice act of 1851 and continued in the Code of Civil Procedure that a transcript of the original judgment docket certified to by the clerk might be filed with the recorder of any other county. From the time of filing, the judgment becomes a lien upon the property of the judgment debtor within the county, the same as the docketing of the judgment by the clerk had affected the prop- erty of the judgment debtor in the first county. 38 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY RECORDS Maps. No specific law required the recording of maps before the act of March 9, 1893. As early as 1850, however, it was set forth as one of the duties of the recorder that he was to have the custody of, safely keep and preserve all maps, as well as other records deposited in his office. Since the title to a piece of property depends very largely upon the description of its location and since this in turn is often given in terms of a map or surveyor's notes, the importance of the map or record of survey in its relation to the record of the title to the property 36 Stats. 1865-66: 813. 37 Pol. Code (1872), § 4237; Stats. 1883:327; 1891:326; 1893:379; 1897:486; Pol. Code (1915), § 4133. ss Stats. 1850:151-2; Code Civ. Proa, § 674. 64 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. is apparent. It is but natural, therefore, that many maps were filed for record before the law specifically demanded that they be so filed. By the act of March 9, 1893, it was provided that whenever any city, town or subdivision of land into lots, or any addition shall be laid out in lots for sale the proprietors shall have made an accurate map or plat thereof, this map to be certified and filed in the office of the recorder in the county in which the city, town, etc., is situated. 30 An amending act of March 14, 1901, provided that the recorder shall paste all such maps securely in a book of maps, when it shall be deemed to have been recorded. 40 By an act passed in 1907 it was made the duty of the recorder to examine all maps presented for recording, to see whether they conform to his records and the law, and to refuse to accept all maps which do not so conform. 41 An act of March 16, 1907, to define the duties of and to license land surveyors, provides that within sixty days after the making of a survey by a licensed surveyor he must file with the recorder a record of the survey, made in "good draughtsman-like manner." This the recorder is required to paste in a stub book provided for that purpose; he is also required to keep an index to such records of surveys. 42 From this it will be seen that there are at least two sets of maps which are to be found in the office of the recorder: one, frequently entitled a record of maps; the other, a record of surveys by licensed surveyors. While this distinction has been followed in a large number of the counties there is no uniformity in regard to the map records. In addition to these maps there are usually miscellaneous maps of towns, county maps, road surveys, and the like, some of which are of considerable historical value. Licensed Surveyors. By an act of March 31, 1891, to define the duties of and to license land surveyors, the state surveyor-general was required to transmit monthly to the recorder of each county a full and correct list of all persons licensed as land surveyors, and it was made the duty of the recorder to keep these lists in his office in such a way that they may easily be accessible. An act of March 16, 1907, con- tinued in force the provisions of the previous act regarding the filing of licenses. 43 These lists are kept on file, usually in filing boxes, though in a few cases they are pasted into a book. In a few counties an index register is kept. As the lists are all the same and simply duplicates of the surveyor-general's lists, the record in any particular county is of importance only for local reference. Marks and Brands. The influence of the great number of men engaged in the stock and cattle business and of the wide-extending -'Stats. 1893 : 9 6. 40 Stats. 1901 : 2 88-9. 4l Stats. 1907: 290-2. 42 Stats. 1907: 310. 4r: Stats. 1891: 479; 1907: 310; Deering, Gen. Laws (1915), 1870. ttHE RECORDED. 65 (menclosed ranches is to be seen very clearly in the early legislation of the state, and in some of the public records. This is especially to be noticed in the laws regarding the identification of animals, and providing for the recovery of those lost or strayed. By an act of the first legislature it was provided that the owner of horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats or hogs was to have a mark, brand, and counter-brand different from that of his neighbors ; the mark to be different from any other in the county and the brand in so far as possible to be different from any other within the state. The owner was to deliver to the recorder of the county a full description of the ear-mark, and present to him for examination his branding iron, a full description of which was to be recorded in the office of the recorder. The act was modified slightly during the session of 1851, requiring that the mark be cut upon a piece of leather and the brand and counter- brand be burned upon it. This was then to be kept in the office of the recorder and to be considered as evidence in any court of law. 44 No mark or brand was to be considered lawful unless recorded. In order that there might not be confusion regarding the brands of adjacent counties it was further provided that after recording a mark and brand the recorder was to transmit to the recorders of the adjoin- ing counties a transcript of each mark and brand recorded. 45 As a usual rule it is safe to say that these provisions have been very well adhered to. Frequently the early entries are found to have been recorded in Spanish, and in some cases the brand books contain interest- ing specimens of the artistic work of the recorder or his deputies. Estrays. Before 1897 there was no general law relating to estray domestic animals. There were many special acts, whose provisions it is not possible here to relate in detail, although there were some features which were fairly uniform. Beginning with the act of May 1, 1851, which applied to about two-thirds of the counties, the recorder was required to have an Estray Book, in which to keep a record regarding estrays found in the county. Provision was made for the recovery of these animals by their owners where the latter were known or where the brands and marks on the animal were on record in the book of marks and brands. 46 In 1897 and in 1901 general laws were passed which require that persons taking up estray domestic animals shall file a notice with description, etc., in the office of the recorder. Provision is made for the recovery of the animal or animals by their owners and for their ^ale in case the owner is unknown. This law, with some amendments in detail, is now in force. 47 "Stats. 1850 : 214-215 ; 1851 : 411-413 ; 1861 : 373 ; Pol. Code (1915), §§ 3167-3172. 45 Stats. 1851:411-413; Pol. Code, § 3169. 4r 'Stats. 1851 : 299 ; 1856 : 186 ; 1859 : 147 ; 1860 : 9 ; 1863 : 697 ; 1863-4 : 386. 47 Stats. 1897 : 198 ; 1901 : 603 ; 1905 : 395 ; 1907 : 132 ; 1909 : 1060, 1079 ; 1915 : 636. In 1915 the law provided that these notices may be with the county poundkeeper. 6—41210 66 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. The Civil Code provides that the finder of a thing other than a domestic animal must, in ease the owner is known, inform him of the fact. If the owner is not known the finder must, within five days, file an affidavit with the justice of the peace, who will summon three dis- interested persons to make an appraisement of the thing found. Two copies of their report of appraisal and valuation shall be made, one to go to the justice of the peace, the other to the finder, who must within five days have it recorded by the recorder in a book known as the Estray and Lost Property Book. Other sections of the law provide for the recovery or sale of the thing found. 48 Though most of the counties have one or more volumes devoted to estray s, these records do not bulk very large in the aggregate. Only eight counties have more than one volume for this purpose, and in only one (Yolo) are there to be found both an Estray Book and an Estray and Lost Property Book. VITAL STATISTICS The records of vital statistics, notwithstanding their great importance, were during the earlier years very poorly kept. As early as 1851 the statutes required that the recorder keep a record of marriage certifi- cates and contracts, but it was not until the act of April 26, 1858, that any attempt was made to keep a record of any other vital statistics. 1 This act provided for the registration of marriages, births, divorces and deaths. For this purpose the office of state registrar was created, it being provided that : 4 'He shall prepare and furnish to the county recorders of each county suitable blanks and books, prepared according to the follow- ing forms: For Marriages — Entries of the date, locality, name, surname, residence, and age, of the respective parties, the place of nativity of the same, when the record was made, together with the name, place of residence, and official station of the person per- forming the marriage ceremony. For Births — Entries of the date and locality of the same, the name, sex, and color of the child, the names, nativity, color, and residence of the parents, and the date of the record. For Divorces — Entries of the date of the divorce, Christian and surnames, and residence of the parties obtaining the same, title of the court granting the divorce, and the name of the party making the application, the grounds upon which the divorce was granted, and the date when the record was made. For Deaths — Entries of the date, and name, sex, age, color, single or married, occupation, nativity, disease, or cause of death, place of interment, and date when the record was made." The recorder was required to enter every record of marriage, birth, divorce or death, according to instructions received from the state regis- trar. A duplicate of the record w T as required to be sent to the state «Civ. Code, § 1865; Stats. 1905: 613. 'Stats. 1851:200; 1858: 342-344. . THE RECORDER. 67 registrar. In order that the records might be turned in to the recorders it was made the duty of every person performing a marriage ceremony to report it to the recorder. In similar manner physicians, parents, and keepers of institutions were required to report births ; persons obtaining a divorce were to report the fact; and the sexton or other person having charge of burials was to furnish the information for the death records. It was further provided that persons entering the record of each of these matters should pay to the recorder a fee of fifty cents ; while failure to report the fact laid the guilty person liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. Unfortunately, notwithstanding the explicit provisions of the act and the penalties imposed upon persons neglecting to report, the law seems not to have been taken as seriously as its importance demanded. In most cases the records show the statistics for the years 1858, 1859 and probably 1860, but after that date few entries appear. At the time of the adoption of the Political Code in 1872 the secre- tary of the state board of health recommended a simpler law on the subject of vital statistics. All persons performing marriage ceremonies, assisting at births, or in attendance upon deceased persons, funerals or inquests, were required to keep a register showing certain specified facts regarding the case. The marriage certificates were to be recorded within thirty days after the marriage, and in the case of births or deaths the entries were to be reported to the recorder at the end of each quarter. In the case of births and deaths a fee of twenty-five cents a name was imposed, the money to be paid primarily by the parents or the person next of kin. If no fee was paid the fact was to be reported anyway and the money paid by the supervisors of the county. Neglect to report these statistics made the party subject to a fine of fifty dollars. The recorder was to record the facts regarding births and deaths in separate registers known as "Register of Births" and "Reg- ister of Deaths." As the result of this legislation many of the local officials once again were aroused to action ; in some cases this resulted in continuous records, but in the majority of counties they were again neglected after a few years. 2 Amendments to the Political Code passed in 1905 called for more strict attention to the matter of vital statistics and as the result the records from that date seem to be practically complete. By this act, approved March 18, 1905. all persons performing marriage ceremonies were required to file with the recorder within three days after the marriage a certificate of registry of the marriage in which was to be stated, among other things, the date of the marriage ; the sex, age, race, color, birthplace and residence of each of the parties; the number of the marriage; the occupation of the parties; the maiden name of the 2 Pol. Code (1872), §§ 3074-3082. 68 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. woman if previously married; the names and birthplace of the parents of each and the maiden name of the mother of each. This data should be incorporated by the recorder in his Register of Marriages, the original certificate being then sent to the state registrar. In a similar manner physicians or others in attendance at the birth of a child were required within five days to return to the recorder, or if in incorporated cities to the health officer as registrar, a certificate of birth showing the time and place of birth ; the name, sex, race and color of the child; the occupation and residence of the parents, with the maiden name of the mother ; and whether or not the child was born in wedlock. This was to be entered in the Register of Births, after which the original certificate was to be sent to the state registrar. 3 By the amendments to the codes passed in 1907, it was provided that the recorder should make a complete and accurate copy of each certificate registered by him upon a form identical with the original certificate, to be filed and permanently preserved in his office as the local record of such marriage or birth/ More definite rules for the registration of deaths were adopted in a statute approved March 18, 1905. 5 This act gave to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics the general supervision of the records of death. In this they were to be assisted by local registrars, the city clerk or recorder in incorporated cities and towns, and the county recorder in the district lying outside of incorporated municipalities. No burial permit was to be issued until after the return of a satisfactory certificate of death. This certificate must be of standard form recommended by the United States census office and the American Public Health Association and must contain information as to the exact time and place of death ; the name, sex, race and color of the deceased; whether married, single or widowed ; date and place of birth ; name and birthplace of the father ; maiden name and birthplace of the mother ; and the occupation of the deceased. Other items regarding the cause of death, place of burial, etc., are to be supplied by the physician and undertaker. The local registrar is required to make a complete and accurate copy of each certificate upon a form identical with the original certificate, this copy to be filed in his office as the local record of such death. The original certificate is then sent on to the state office. In 1907 further amend- ments were made in regard to the registration of deaths, but none of these affected the method or form of the records as above described. 6 Although during the earlier years the records regarding marriages, births and deaths were very poorly kept, the survey of the county archives shows that since 1905 these various records have been kept in •Stats. 1905 : 104-105. 4 Stats. 1907:114; Pol. Code (1915), § 3078. ■'Stats. 1905 : 115-122. «Stats. 1907:296; Pol. Code (1915), § 2984. THE RECORDER. 69 excellent shape in nearly all of the counties of the state and for the student of sociological questions should furnish invaluable information. Burial Permits. In 1889 a provision was inserted in the Political Code, requiring that burial permits be filed with the recorder. 7 This was repealed in 1905. s but in 1913 a section relating to burial permits was again added to the code, and among its provisions is one requiring superintendents of cemeteries, boards of health and health officers to report weekly to the recorder the names of all persons interred during the preceding week. 9 In one county (Stanislaus) the recorder, taking cognizance of the new provision in 1889, added to the archives of his office a volume for recording burial permits, and this record has been kept up to date. In no other county has a separate record been kept of these permits. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS In addition to those already described there are a number of sets of records in the office of the recorder that are not readily capable of classification. They have therefore been reserved for consideration under the general title of miscellaneous records. As used in this sense, the descriptive title must not be confused with the particular set of records usually known as Miscellaneous Records, although both titles arise from similar conditions. The Miscellaneous Records, sometimes called Miscellany or Promiscuous Records, contain those documents which by their peculiar nature do not naturally belong elsewhere. They therefore, especially in the volumes for the earlier years, contain a great deal of interesting and valuable information from the historical point of view. Agreements. Although not specified as one of the records required to be kept in a separate book, about one-half of the counties have a book for the recording of agreements. In the majority of these counties the title of these records is Agreements, but many use Covenants or Con- tracts or a combination of titles. In those counties which do not have a separate record of this title, instruments of this character are recorded in a volume known as Miscellaneous Records. The index to the record will show at least the names of the contracting parties and the volume and page where the document may be found. It may also give the date and general nature of the document. Architects. By an act "to regulate the practice of architecture," approved March 23. 1901. it is provided that an architect, before enter- ing upon the practice of his profession in this state, must receive a r Stats. 1S89: P,7. ? Stats. 1905 : 107. "Stats. 1913:106; Pol. Code (1915), §3084. 70 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. license from the State Board of Architecture. It is further provided that the license must be recorded in the office of the recorder in each county in which the holder shall practice. A failure to have the license recorded is sufficient cause for revocation of the license. 1 The license may be revoked for cause, and when so revoked by the State Board of Architecture, notice of such revocation is to be sent to the recorder of each county in the state, who shall thereupon mark the certificate "canceled." 2 The provisions of this act, with minor amend- ments, are now in force. 3 In several of the counties this record is kept in a bound volume ; in others, the certificates are merely filed, either with or without an index. Banking Records. Banking Assets; Banking Capital. By an act approved April 1, 1876, all corporations or persons doing a banking business were required to publish in January and July of each year and also file with the recorder a sworn statement of the amount of cap- ital actually paid into such business. In like manner all banking houses were required to publish and have recorded a sworn statement showing the actual condition of the assets and liabilities. The recorder was to keep two sets of well-bound books for the recording of these statements, to be labeled respectively, "Statements of Banking Assets" and "Statements of Banking Capital." This act was repealed by an act dated March 26, 1895. 4 Since these volumes are no longer required to be kept as current records they have been, in many counties, relegated to storerooms. Election Expenses. By the provisions of the act to promote the purity of elections, approved February 23, 1893, candidates and cam- paign committees were required to file itemized statements of their receipts and expenditures, with proper affidavits. In the case of candidates for offices filled by the electors of the state or of political divisions greater than the county, members of the senate and assembly, representatives in Congress and members of state commissions, these statements were to be filed with the secretary of state. In all other cases they were to be filed in the office of the clerk and were also to be recorded in the office of the recorder and to become a public record. These provisions were retained in the act of March 19, 1907, and are still in force. 5 As a result of this law there are in most of the counties volumes devoted to the recording of candidates' and committees' statements of election expenses. A large number of such statements are also to be found recorded in Miscellaneous Records. \Stats. 1901: 643-4. 2 Stats. 1901 : 644. 3 Deering, Gen. Laws (1915) : 59 et seq. 4 Stats. 1875-76:729; 1895:77. 5 Stats. 1893:12 et seq.; 1907:671-2; Deering, Gen. Laws (1915), 353 et seq. THE RECORDER. 71 Fee Books. The first general law regarding fee books was that of April 1. 1864, but before that date there had been passed laws requiring the keeping of fee books in certain counties.' 1 The law of 1864 require! that every officer authorized by law to receive fees for official services should keep a fee book, in which to enter all fees or other compensation received or to be received by him or his deputies giving the date, name of person paying or to pay. and the nature of the service rendered. During January and July of each year this book was to be filed with the clerk of the supervisors with the sworn state- ment of the officer that it was correct. 7 The uniform county government act of March 11, 1883, contained a provision that each officer authorized to receive fees under that act must keep a fee book, open to the public, in which must be entered, at once and in detail, all fees or compensation received by him. On the first Monday of each month he must add up each column to the first day of the month and set down the totals. On the expiration of his term of office he must deliver all fee books kept by him to the auditor. 8 The uniform county government acts of March 31, 1891, and March 21. 1893, incorporated the provisions of both these laws, but the county government act of April 1, 1897, included only the provisions of the law of 1883, and this requirement has been incorporated in the Political Code as it now stands. The fee book is not a record in the ordinary sense, its function being to check the financial operations of the office. It is therefore only temporarily useful and is consequently one of the first to be relegated to the storeroom. These books not infrequently find a more or less permanent abiding place in the auditor's office, and in a few counties, where offices are combined, the fee book of the combined office may be found in the room devoted to the business of the clerk or auditor. An examination will show gaps in the series of fee books in a number of counties, indicating that many of the volumes have been lost or otherwise disposed of. Newspaper Files. It will be seen by examination of this report, that there are in the various courthouses of the state a large number of volumes of newspaper files. These have in large part come into the county archives by virtue of several laws passed by the legislature during the earlier years of the state's history. The most important was the act of April 8, 1862, by which it was made the duty of the recorder of each county to subscribe for from one to three newspapers published within the county, the particular paper or papers to be 6 Stats. 1855:97; 1861:114; 1861:477. 7 Stats. 1863-4: 277. s Stats 1883 * °62 °Stats! 1891: 371, 418; 1893: 442, 509; 1897: 573; 1907: 547; Pol. Code (1915), § 4293. 72 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. designated by the board of supervisors. These papers were to be received and preserved by the recorder, who was to have them bound in volumes and kept in his office "for the use of the Courts, when needed, of strangers, and the inhabitants of the county," all of whom were to have access to them during office hours free of charge. 10 No special act has been found whereby this law was repealed, but in the Index to the Laws of California (1907), prepared under the supervision of the Commission for the Revision and Reform of the Law, it is classed as one of the acts repealed by the codes. 11 Three other laws, whose purpose seems to have been mainly political, have required the deposit of newspapers in the county clerk's office: (1) A law "to provide for the better publication of official and legal notices," approved May 3, 1853, designated by name seventeen news- papers throughout the state in one or other of which all legal notices must be published, each one of the papers serving for one county or a group of counties. These newspapers were required to furnish two copies of each issue to the secretary of state and to the clerk of each county and these officials were ' ' required to keep and preserve the same, open to public inspection." 12 The law was repealed the next year. 13 It is very doubtful whether its provisions were strictly adhered to while it was in force, but certain files which were until recently in the office of the clerk of Santa Clara County were probably deposited there as a result of this law, and it is possible that other instances might be found. (2) An "Act to protect litigants, " enacted in 1870, made it the duty of each district judge to designate one newspaper in each county within his jurisdiction, in which must be published all legal and judicial advertising for that county. Copies of these newspapers had to be furnished to the clerk of the county in which it was published, and he was required to have one file bound. 14 This law was repealed at the next session of the legislature. 15 (3) In 1870 another law was passed which authorized the governor, secretary of state and attorney- general, or any two of them, to select a newspaper published at Sacra- mento to be the official state paper, in which all state official advertising and all legal notices to non-residents must be published. The publisher was required to "furnish two copies of the said newspaper, free of charge, to each and every County Clerk in the State, to be regularly filed by him and kept in his office for reference." 16 This law also was repealed at the next session of the legislature, 17 but its presence on the statute books for two years is the explanation of the files of the Sacramento Reporter to be found in several courthouses of the state. ]0 Stats. 1862: 141. "Davis, John h' . Index to Laws of California (1907 s ) 945. 955. 12 Stats. 1853 : 135. "Stats. 1854 : o. "Stats. 1869-70: 43*. ]5 Stats. 1871-72: 123. 16 Stats 1869-70: 510. n Stats. 1871-72: 122. THE RECORDER. 73 From the historical point of view the effect of these early laws has been most fortunate, for in some cases the files to be found in county offices are the only ones now in existence. Many of these files are still carefully retained in the main offices, but in some other instances, though still kept as a part of the archives, they are very poorly cared for, being crowded into storerocms or basements. In some cases it is known that files once in the courthouse have been removed by private parties. There is no uniformity regarding the particular office within which these papers are now located, for though the bulk of them are in the recorder's office, a considerable number are with the clerk and in a few cases some have been found with the auditor. Newspapers continued to be deposited in various county offices throughout the state long after all these early laws had gone out of operation, and in some counties files of local newspapers are still being received. In part these are no doubt files of the county ' ' official paper, ' ' as the paper is commonly called in which the delinquent tax list is published; and part of them are sent in because of the publisher's desire to have a file of his paper preserved in a safer place than his own office. By an act approved March 19, 1909, the county board of supervisors may authorize the recorder to deposit with any free public library maintained at the county seat such newspaper files or portions thereof as may be in his custody. Before making the deposit, however, the board must obtain from the trustees of the library an agreement that they will properly preserve these files and make them accessible to the public. 155 Official Bonds. The act of February 28, 1850, concerning official bonds of officers, provided that the official bond of the district attorney should be approved by the judge of the district court and filed and recorded in the office of the clerk in some county of the district desig- nated by the judge. The official bonds of the sheriff, coroner, justice of the peace and all other county officers were to be approved by the county judge and filed and recorded in the office of the recorder. The act establishing the recorder's office, approved April 4, 1850, required that official to record in a separate book all commissions and official bonds required by law to be recorded in his office. 19 The Political Code in 1872 provided that unless otherwise prescribed by statute, the official bonds of county and township officers must be approved by the county judge, recorded in the office of the recorder and filed in the office of the clerk. The official bonds must be recorded in a book kept for that purpose entitled "Record of Official Bonds." An amendment in 1873 ls Stats. 1909:436; Deering, Gen. Laws (1915), 462. l0 Stat.s. 1850: 74. 151, 74 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. provided that the clerk's bond, after recording, should be filed in the office of the treasurer. A further amendment in 1880 substituted the superior judge for the county judge as the official by whom the bonds should be approved. These provisions, thus amended, are embodied in the present Political Code. 20 Slavery Papers and Indian Indentures. Although slavery was forbidden by the state constitution many documents to be found in the county archives give abundant proof that this institution did exist for many years after California became a state. These are usually single documents in the form of emancipation or manumission papers which are recorded in deed books or in the volumes devoted to miscel- laneous records. Examples of this may be found in the archives of El Dorado, Los Angeles, Mariposa, Placer, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and elsewhere. In the archives of Humboldt County was found an interesting bundle of documents entitled "Indian Indentures." It is probable the miscellaneous records of other counties having a large Indian popu- lation may also contain similar documents. An act passed April 22, 1850, provided that any person having obtained a minor Indian through the consent of the parents or relatives of the child might go before a justice of the peace and after having shown that no compulsion had been employed to secure the child, require the justice to issue a certifi- cate authorizing the applicant to have the "care, custody, control and earnings" of the child until he was eighteen years of age if a male, fifteen if a female. On the other hand, the applicant agreed to feed and clothe the child and to treat him in a humane manner. 21 In 1860 the act was amended, action now being taken before a district or county judge who was to issue duplicate copies of the articles of indenture, one copy to be filed in the office of the recorder. This act extended the provisions of the former law to include not only children but adults as well if they were held as prisoners of war, or vagrant Indians who had "no settled habitation or means of livelihood, and have not placed themselves under the protection of any white person." In 1863 the acts permitting this practice were repealed. 22 Sole Traders. On April 12, 1852, an act was approved authorizing married women to transact business in their own names as sole traders. Under this act the woman was to make a declaration before a notary stating that it was her intention to carry on business in her own name, setting forth the nature of the business and from what date she would be individually responsible for all debts incurred. This declaration was then to be advertised in some public newspaper of the county and 20 Pol. Code (1872), §§950, 951; Code Amdts. 1873-74: 73; 1880: 20; Pol. Code (1915), §§ 986, 4022. 21 Stats. 1850: 408. ^Stats. 1860:196-197; 1863:743. THE RECORDER. 75 filed with the recorder. 23 The following is one of the first entries in the Record of Sole Traders of Humboldt County : "Magdalena Stanislowsky Sole Trader To all whom it may concern, Magdalena Stanislowsky wife of Griistave Stanislowsky resident within the County of Humboldt and State of California hereby declares and makes known that it is her intention, and that she intends to carry on, in her own name and on her own account within said county and State the business of Brewing, and the business of washing and Ironing and that she will be individually responsible in her own name for all debts contracted by her on account of her said business, and that the amount of capital invested or to be invested in said business does not exceed five thousand dollars. Magdalena Stanislowsky Attest Byron Deming John L. Wagner June 28, AD 1859." An amendment to this act was adopted April 8, 1862, by which it was required that the applicant present the petition at a session of the district court and the creditors of the husband were then to be permitted to interpose objections to the proposed action. The order of the court, entitling the applicant to the privileges of the act, together with the oath of the petitioner, were then to be recorded in a book kept by the recorder for that purpose. The court action was subsequently trans- ferred to the superior court but ether wise the provisions of this act are now incorporated in the Code of Civil Procedure. 24 Special Partnerships. The formation of special partnerships was authorized by an act approved March 4, 1870. This act permitted a special partnership for the transaction of any business except banking or insurance. Such a partnership was to consist of one or more persons called general partners and one or more persons called special partners. A special partner enjoyed certain specified rights and exemptions, the most important being that he was not liable for the debts of the partner- ship beyond the amount of capital contributed to the firm. Each member in the special partnership was required to sign a certificate setting forth the name under which the partnership was to be conducted; the general nature of the business to be transacted; the names of all the partners, with their residences, indicating which were general and which special partners; the amount of capital contributed by each special partner to the common stock; and the period for which the partnership was formed. This certificate was then to be acknowl- edged by each of the partners and recorded in a book to be kept for that purpose by the recorder of the county in which the principal business ^Stats. 1852 : 101-102. 21 Stats. 1882: 108-109; Code Civ. Proc. 1915, §§ 1811-1821. 76 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. of the partnership was to be transacted. It was also to be published in a newspaper of the county, or as near thereto as possible, once a week for four successive weeks. If the business of the partnership was to be conducted in more than one county, certificates should be filed for record in each county. 25 With the adoption of the Civil Code in 1872 the act of 1870 was incorporated almost as it stood into that code. One new feature, however, is to be noted, for in the code it was now provided that the certificate of special partnership should not only be recorded by the recorder but that it should also be filed with the clerk. In their general form the provisions of the act as first adopted are still to be found in the Civil Code of the state. 26 Stallion Register. By an act of May 1, 1911, a stallion registration board was created with authority to issue licenses, and it was provided that all licenses issued for stallions and jacks must be recorded by the recorder in the county in which the stallion or jack is used. An amendment adopted in 1915 did away with the requirement for the recording of licenses by the recorder. 27 25 Stats. 1869-70: 123-125. 2e Civ. Code, §§ 2477-2485. 27 Stats. 1911:1306; 1915:1495. THE SCHOOL AND FISCAL OFFICIALS. 77 THE SCHOOL AND FISCAL OFFICIALS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS The office of county superintendent of schools was first mentioned in an act approved May 3, 1852, entitled "An act to establish a system of common schools." This act, although it defined the duties of the superintendent, failed to state how he was to be elected or appointed. 1 An amendatory act 2 passed the next year provided that "The County Assessor of each and every county in the State shall be, and he is hereby, constituted the Superintendent of Common Schools within and for his county." Although it may appear strange that the assessor should have been entrusted with the headship of the county school department, it must be remembered that in this early period the duties of superintendent of schools were few compared with his activities at present and did not require the full time of an official ; furthermore, a very large share of his duties related to the administration of the school lands which included the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in each township. Under these circumstances the assessor, whose regular duties took him over the whole county, was the natural one in whose hands to place this work. The office of superintendent of schools was made a separate and distinct office in 1855. The act provided that a superintendent of common schools should be elected in the county at each general election. The term of office at that time was fixed at two years. 3 According to the act it was to be his duty : "First, To visit each school in the county under his control, per- sonally, at least once a year, and to exercise a general supervision over the interests of Common Schools in his county, and give to the School Trustees, Marshals and Teachers such aid and counsel as may be important to the prosperity of the schools. Second, To aid the various School Trustees in the examination of teachers for public schools, and to see that the examination in all cases is sufficiently rigid and thorough. Third, To distribute promptly such blank reports, forms, laws and instructions, as shall be deposited in his office for the use of the School Trustees, Teachers and Marshals, and any other officers entitled to receive the same. Fourth, To draw his warrants on the County Treasurer in favor of, and deliver the same to, the persons entitled to receive the same: . . . ^tats. 1852: 117-118. 2 Stats. 1853 : 231. 3 Stats. 1855 : 231. 78 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Fifth, To keep on file in his office the report of the School Trustees, Marshals and Teachers, received by him, and to record all his official acts as such County Superintendent, in a book to be provided for that purpose; and at the close of his official term, to deliver to his successor such records and all documents, books and papers belonging to his office, and to take his receipts for the same, which shall be filed in the office of the County Treasurer. Sixth, To make full report, in writing, annually, on or before the twentieth day [of] November, for the school year ending on the last day of October next previous thereto, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction ; such report to include an abstract of all the various annual reports of the City Boards of Education, School Teachers, Marshals and Teachers, by laws required to be made to the County Superintendent for the preceding school year." In addition to this he was to apportion the school funds among the various districts in proportion to the number of white children residing therein. This list of duties varied from time to time. The Political Code as it now stands defines the general duties of the school superintendent to be as follows : 1. To superintend the schools of the county. 2. To apportion the school moneys to each school district each quarter. 3. To draw requisitions on county funds for expenses of school districts. 4. To keep open for public inspection a register of requisitions showing the use of each school fund. 5. To visit each school in the county at least once annually. 6. To preside over teachers' institutes in the county. 7. To issue temporary certificates to persons qualified to receive them. 8. To distribute all laws, reports, circulars, etc., to school officers. 9. To keep on file the reports of the superintendent of public instruction. 10. To keep a record of his official acts and of the proceedings of the county board of education. 11. To pass upon and approve of all plans for building school- houses, etc., in towns not having city boards of education. 12. To appoint trustees to fill vacancies. 13. To make such reports upon the condition of schools as may be demanded by the superintendent of public instruction. 14. To preserve carefully all reports of school officers and teachers. 15. To grade each school in the county once each year. 16. To recommend and advise the local boards of education in reference to receiving federal aid in teaching Indian children. 4 Annual Report, One of the important records of the office is the annual report to the superintendent of public instruction. This is used 'Pol. Code (1915), § 1543. THE SCHOOL AND FISCAL OFFICIALS. 79 by the state superintendent in the compilation of his annual report. While a large part of the information may therefore be found in printed form in these reports, there is nevertheless much additional valuable information of a local nature to be had from these county superintendents' reports. The reports are compiled in printed form books prepared under the direction of the state superintendent and vary in the nature of their contents according to the ideas of that official. In general they give detailed information regarding the school districts, length of term, number of pupils, attendance, school property, etc. In six counties — Contra Costa, Fresno, Marin, San Diego, Sonoma and Yolo — these reports begin as early as 1865; in Mendocino, Sacra- mento and Santa Clara they date from 1866. In nearly all the offices, with the exception of the early years which are frequently lacking, these reports are complete. Usually several years are bound together in board covers, although in some counties they are filed in their original paper covers. Records of the Board of Education. Since 1880 the superintendent of the schools of the county has been by virtue of his office the secretary of the county board of education. 5 He, therefore, has charge of the records of that board. The most important of these are the minutes of board meetings and the records of examinations of candidates for teachers' certificates or diplomas of graduation from the schools of the county. The minutes of the board are usually known under that title, but they are also referred to as Records or Proceedings. In several counties the first dates of these records precede the year 1880 ; most of them, however, begin at that date. From the date of beginning they are in nearly all cases complete. Certification Records. The granting of teachers' certificates is one of the most important functions of the county board of education. These are issued either after examination or upon the presentation of the required credentials from properly qualified educational institu- tions. The record of this action may be found either in a Record of Certificates, in which entries giving the name, grade of certificate, date issued, and period covered are shown, or in the certificate form-books. The latter are stub-books containing the printed certificates. These form-books vary according to the grade of certificates issued. Since these certificates are usually left on file in the superintendent's office many are to be found unremoved from the stub. In case of removal from the county the certificate is taken out and given to the teacher. These documents may be of much value in ascertaining the record of 5 Code Amdts. 1880: 41. 80 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. a teacher's activity or other information regarding the individuals concerned. School Census Records. Until 1911 the apportionment of school funds was made according to the relative number of children of school age in each school district. 6 To determine this number it was necessary to take a census once a year of all children residing within the district who were of school age. The records are the field notes of the census marshal, and the census report. The former give the name, age, and other information regarding each child in the district and is arranged in the order in which the information was acquired, it is therefore usually by families ; the latter is an abstract based upon the field notes including the names of parents and children. The great value of these records is readily apparent to anyone who has need of information regarding population or in reference to the personal or family history in the community. Unfortunately, the records have usually been con- sidered of only temporary value. In no case were they found to be complete. Since 1911 the apportionment of school funds has been made dependent upon actual school attendance rather than school population, with the result that the school census has been discontinued. Reports of Teachers, Trustees. Since 1852 the superintendent has been required to keep the reports of teachers and trustees and to compile from them the information for his annual report to the state superin- tendent. Unfortunately, as a rule these school district reports have not been kept. In some cases, however, they are still to be found for early dates and furnish very valuable information regarding the begin- ning and development of the school system in the places concerned. Examination Records. Since one of the chief duties of the county board of education is to examine into the qualifications of teachers and candidates for graduation the records relating to this subject are usually kept in separate books. The examination records contain the names of those examined with the grade attained in each subject in which they were examined. This applies both to the examination of teacher and pupils. In some cases files of examination questions are preserved and in others the papers are still be be found. Journal or Record of Official Acts. Since 1852 the superintendent has been required to keep a record of his official acts. This is presum- ably a record book in which is to be inscribed a report of all the activities of the superintendent in the discharge of his official duties. This book is to be found in about one-third of the counties. Its value and impor- tance vary according to the nature of the person holding the office of superintendent. In most cases it follows the form of a diary or e Stats. 1911: 529. THE SCHOOL AND FISCAL OFFICIALS. 81 journal and hence is called a journal. Although many of these books are merely perfunctory statements of official business some of them are of great interest owing to the fact that they are written in a form which gives an insight into the activities of the superinendent. Financial Records. Records relating to financial matters are to be recognized by their titles as Register of Requisitions, Register of Warrants, School District Ledger, Superintendent's Fee Book and Teachers' Retirement Fund Record. At the time of the adoption of the code in 1872 the superintendent was required to keep a Register of Warrants showing the fund upon which the warrant was drawn, its number, to whom issued and for what service, together with a receipt from the person receiving it. 7 In 1880 this was replaced by the Register of Requisitions which is essentially the same record. 8 In some counties both records are kept. The nature of the School District Ledger is evident from its title, for it gives under one heading the financial condition of each separate district or fund. The value of these records is not confined merely to financial matters, as may be seen from the use made of them of recent years to establish the facts in reference to the term of service of public school teachers, such a record being most necessary in connection with claims for the teacher's retirement fund. By an act passed in 1913 teachers are granted a pension upon retire- ment after a specified term of service. The fund for this purpose is raised by levying upon the monthly salary of the public school teachers. A record of this fund is kept by the superintendent. THE FISCAL OFFICIALS The fiscal officials — auditor, treasurer, assessor and tax collector — have under their control a great mass of records relating to the financial end of the county government. Not only will the person studying problems of finance find these records useful, but furthermore the seeker for general historical information is often forced to refer to records of this character in order to verify a fact, or transaction, even though it be only incidentally related to financial matters. For this reason, notwithstanding the fact that they are only incidentally record- keeping officers, they have been included in this guide to county archives, in the belief that the addition of these officers will be found useful to many persons who desire to use the archives. THE AUDITOR In all financial matters the archives of the auditor are most impor- tant. For although the treasurer is custodian of the money and the 7 Fol. Code (1872), § 1543. s Code Amdts. 1880 : 31. 7—41210 82 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. assessor and tax collector are closely connected with the raising of the county's revenue, it is the auditor who is responsible for all money received or paid out in the name of the county. He does not himself handle the county's funds, but is entrusted with the responsibility of seeing that these funds are used in a legal manner. He has, therefore, records dealing with all phases of the financial affairs of the county. In many cases these records duplicate similar ones kept by the treasurer, tax collector or assessor and not infrequently records once used by these officers are deposited with the auditor after they have ceased to be of immediate use to their particular office. For these reasons it has not always been possible to distinguish records which have originated in the auditor's office from those of other officers. On account of the similarity of the records these errors, however, are unimportant. Assessment Rolls. The assessment rolls usually occupy the greater part of the office of the auditor since the law requires that after these books have been made up by the assessor and the taxes gathered by the collector the books shall be given into the charge of the auditor. In general these are divided into original, duplicate, delinquent and per- sonal property assessment rolls. These are records covering the whole county. In addition to these are to be found special books for school, sanitary, irrigation, or lighting districts, and towns. Accompanying the assessment rolls there are usually one or more volumes of indexes to the names of property owners. The original assessment rolls are of value in showing the distribution of property and the development of property values. In ahout two- thirds of the counties these records have been found for the first years of the organization of the county. In the early years the records show that the assessor took particular pains to set down in detail the exact nature of the property as well as its total assessed value. When this was done the assessor's rolls partook of the nature of an annual census of agricultural and industrial products. The published reports of the state surveyor-general before 1880 give much of this data in statistical tables, but the assessment rolls are valuable for distributing the amounts and items among the various individual taxpayers, and for this reason are very useful to one who desires to make a detailed study of any county or community. Unfortunately, during recent years it has become the tendency for assessors to describe the property only in general terms, giving the total valuation of real estate, improvements and personal property. In this case much less definite information can be acquired from the assessment rolls. Bonds. Since the great part of the money spent by the county for improvements upon schools, highways, etc., is raised by means of the sale of bonds, a record of these is kept by the auditor. This record THE SCHOOL AND FISCAL OFFICIALS. 83 is frequently in the form of a register, which gives the character and denomination of the bond, name of purchaser, date of maturity, and date of sale. In addition to the register it is, usually, the custom to paste in serapbooks all interest coupons as well as the canceled bond itself as soon as they have been paid by the county. Care of Dependents. The county assists in the care and support of those persons who through unfortunate circumstances are unable to provide for themselves. In the administration of the funds dealing with this matter several record books are to be found in the county archives; among these are books relating to the county hospital, aged indigents, and the support of orphans and half-orphans. The former relates to the county hospital as an institution whereas the latter deal with individual cases which are wholly or partially supported by the county and state outside of its institutions. They frequently contain much information regarding the dependent persons and their families. License Record., Licenses, unless determined by statute, are fixed by the board of supervisors and collected, in general, by the county tax collector. The auditor, however, keeps a record of all licenses issued and of all funds received from the sale of licenses. In some of the counties the license records are practically complete from early dates and may be found useful in tracing the development of those lines of business for which a license has been required. Tax Sales and Redemptions. The subject of tax sales and redemp- tions of land sold for taxes is too great to be handled here. In the discussion in relation to the archives of the recorder the subject was quite fully considered. 9 The more common titles found in the auditor's office are : Record or certificates of tax sales, delinquent tax record, and redemption of land sold for taxes. School Funds. Records dealing with the school funds are found in the offices of the superintendent of schools, the treasurer, and the auditor. On account of the fact that all three of these officials are in some way concerned in the transaction affecting school funds it is diffi- cult at times to distinguish the books kept by the separate officers. Since one set of records is a check upon the others they must of neces- sity be very similar. The fact is that in many cases they are practically identical. These records relate to school bonds, school district funds, teachers' annuity fund, apportionment of school money, warrants, superintendent 's fee books, and others of a similar nature. Warrant Books. Records dealing with warrants are of two kinds: One a register of warrants ; the other a record of registered warrants. The former is merely a record of claims paid b} r the treasurer, usually °See above, pp. 54-63. 84 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. showing the name of the claimant, the amount of the warrant, the nature of the service by which it was incurred and the date of payment, with the signature of the claimant as a receipt for the amount. The record of registered warrants relates to those warrants which have been presented for payment when no funds were available for meeting the amount of the claim. In this case the warrants are registered and paid, in the order of registration, as soon as money is available in the fund against which they were issued. In actual practice the term Register of Warrants and Registered Warrants are often used indis- criminate^. THE TREASURER In addition to those records which have been considered in the treat- ment of the auditor's office there are others belonging more distinctly in the office of the treasurer. For the purpose of keeping a record of the transactions of his office as well as a check upon the different funds belonging to the county, the treasurer has a number of general record books including a cash book, clay book or journal, and a ledger. Although records of this character have been kept by each of the counties from the date of organization an examination of the archives reveals the fact that not all of the books have been preserved. Many of the early volumes have long since become destroyed or lost. On the other hand, due to the careless use of the loose-leaf system, many of these records for recent years are in danger of being destroyed at any time. The rule should be rigidly enforced, that as soon as a volume of a loose-leaf record has become completed it should immediately be bound in a permanent manner and properly labeled. Inheritance Tax Records. In 1893 the legislature passed an act establishing a tax on collateral inheritances, bequests, and devises. The amount of the tax was determined by the market value of the estate or fixed by appraisers appointed by the court for that purpose, The tax was collected by the county treasurer and the money thus acquired paid over to the controller twice a year. The probate depart- ment of the superior court contains records relating to the property of deceased persons and with them records relating to the inheritance tax. From this court the treasurer is also furnished with a record of appraisements in order to assist him in collecting the proper amount of the tax. Receipts of all money paid for taxes are kept by the treasurer. 10 School Funds. The treasurer's records in reference to public schools are of a twofold character : Those relating to the administration ]0 Stats. 1893 : 193 ; 1905 : 341. THE SCHOOL AND FISCAL OFFICIALS. 85 of school funds; and those relating to the sale of state school lands. Under the former heading are to be found school district accounts, cash books, and ledgers ; records relating to the bonding of school districts ; and those concerning the teachers' annuity and retirement fund. State Land Sales. By action of Congress the states were given control over a large part of the public domain. This included the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in each township, in addition to another 500,000-acre grant, which were set aside as school lands. There were also all swamp and overflowed, tide and salt-marsh lands within the state. Since payments upon lands sold by the state were made through the county treasurer the archives of that officer usually contain separate records dealing with the sales of public lands within the county. As most of this land was school land the record most frequently found is in reference to the sale of school lands. In addi- tion to these, swamp land books are frequently found. These books are often valuable records for anyone making a study of the land question or the early settlement of the region. THE ASSESSOR The chief function of the office of the assessor has always been to determine the value of property subject to taxation within the county, to the end that the taxes of the county may be equitably distributed among the property holders. In addition to this task he was, during the earlier years, given other duties which now fall exclusively to other officers. As seen in the section regarding the duties of the clerk, the assessor was required to assist in the registration of voters. 11 This was doubtless due to the fact that his work throughout the county brought him in contact with a very large portion of the population. This was an important consideration in the days when roads were few and poor. A more peculiar function was attached to the assessor's office during the years from 1853 to 1855 when he was made ex-officio county super- intendent of schools. 12 There is so little in common between appraising the value of taxable property and supervising the education of children that this combination of offices seems strange. Yet it must be remem- bered that during these years the educational system of the state was in a very embryonic stage, there were few schools to supervise, while on the other hand great amounts of school lands within the counties were yet unsold. No one was in a better position to know the location and status of the ownership of these lands than was the county assessor. The duties of the assessor are such that few records remain in his archives. His chief work is to levy assessments on property within the n Above, p. 34, n. IS. 12 Above, p. 77. 86 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. county, the results being incorporated in the assessment rolls which, after being used by the tax collector, are finally deposited in the archives of the auditor. In order to assist him in making proper assessments the assessor frequently has a number of records which are themselves of value to the research worker. Assessment Statements. Statements or affidavits made by property owners in regard to the ownership and valuation of their property form a large part of the records of the assessor's office in many of the counties. In five counties — Calaveras, Humboldt, Mendocino, San Joaquin and Yuba — these records date back to the fifties and sixties. In the other counties they are relatively recent, the earlier lists having been destroyed. The information contained in these statements is similar to that of the assessment rolls. The field notes of the assessor and deputies serve as a check against these statements. Land Office Returns. One of the methods by which the assessor keeps informed in reference to the changes in ownership of lands is by securing reports of patents issued by the federal and state land offices. A record of this character is to be found in about one-third of the counties. It varies in form between large loose-leaf sheets containing the list of land entries, bound volumes for record under townships and sections, and a card index system. When access can not be had to the land office records themselves these records are useful in matters per- taining to the settlement and ownership of land. Poll Tax Records. Before the abolition of the poll tax in 1914, the assessor was charged with the duty of collecting this tax. This was a tax levied by the state upon each able-bodied man between the ages of twenty-one and sixty for the benefit of the state school fund. In con- nection with this was the county road tax levied by the board of supervisors. The utility of the records relating to these taxes consists chiefly in their furnishing names of men residing within the county at the date of the record. As a rule they are less complete and are less uniformly found in the counties than is the great register of voters. Since the poll tax included all able-bodied men between the ages speci- fied, regardless of citizenship or their right to vote, the poll tax records supplement the other records by containing names not found in the great register. Maps. The maps and plat books used by the assessor in keeping a record of owners of real estate are frequently of considerable historical value if, as in a few counties, they have been preserved for earlier years. Together with the regular plat books the assessor very frequently has in his archives early town plats, maps of districts within the county, or maps of private ranchos or holdings. Unfortunately, THE SCHOOL AND FISCAL OFFICIALS. 87 but few of the assessors make it a point to preserve the older maps. In San Diego County an effort is made to obtain copies of all maps relating' to the county or of land surveys within the county. The result is a most valuable collection of maps and surveys of value both to the research worker and to the officials of the county. THE TAX COLLECTOR As is implied in the name, the chief function of the tax collector is to collect the taxes for the county. Some of these, however, as in the case of the tax on personal property unsecured by real estate and in former years the poll and road tax, are collected by the assessor. By a constitutional amendment adopted in 1910 the state and county tax system was divided, the county receiving all funds from taxes on general property, the state being supported by a tax on corporations. In addition to county taxes the tax collector gathers the tax on alL public corporations outside of incorporated cities and any other general taxes required by the state. He is also required to collect all county license fees as well as all state licenses except those granted by the county clerk. In case the tax on property is not paid within the legal time limits the tax collector is required to sell the property to the state. Most of the records of the tax collector consist of cash books, journals, balance records, ledgers, receipts and other books used by him to keep a check upon the amount of money passing through his hands. From the financial viewpoint they are of value, but to the average research worker they are apt to arouse but little interest. For the purpose of collection of taxes the assessment roll for the current year is kept by the tax collector. It is afterwards deposited with the auditor. All taxes which remain unpaid at the end of the time allowed are recorded in a delinquent roll which is kept by the tax collector until the tax is paid or the property sold. The subject of tax sales and redemption of property sold for taxes has been considered more fully in dealing with the archives of the rec order. 13 The license records, since they include all county and state licenses for saloons, peddlers, merchants, auctioneers, etc., are in many cases of value and interest since they give an index to the amount and kind of business done throughout the county. The records of the tax collector are not usually looked upon as being of more than temporary value and, as a result, it is seldom that full sets of records are still to be found in the archives. Many of the tax collectors deposit all books with the auditor or in some storeroom as soon as their immediate usefulness was passed. 13 Above, pp. -5 4-63. * <^ \*! 5M1JOSC i, .--'" \mmiwsa— ' * / V \. XV- c l*j>>.* E R C E D ^ o r - V MEXICO PART II GUIDE TO COUNTY ARCHIVES Blue Red Alameda County. Stats. 1853:56; Pol. Code (1872), §3953. Pol. Code (1874), §3953; (1919), §3909. For key to maps see page ix. A-41210 ALAMEDA COUNTY. 91 ALAMEDA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Alameda County was created in 1853. Before that time a large part of its territory was under the jurisdiction of Contra Costa County which until 1853 extended as far south as Alameda Creek. At that time portions from Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties were taken to form the new county. No important changes have been made in the county boundaries. On the other hand, changes in the location of the county seat were frequent during the first two decades. Originally the seat of justice was placed at Alvarado, or New Haven. Agitation, however, soon arose to have it moved further north and at an election in December, 1854, San Leandro was awarded the honor. In April, 1855, the board of supervisors met at San Leandro and for several months this was the local capital. In August, however, by action of the District Court, the late election was set aside on account of charges of fraud and the county offices once again moved to Alvarado. Since this was not pleasing to a large part of the population, the matter was taken to the legislature, which passed an act fixing the county seat at San Leandro, whither it was taken in March, 1856. The growth of Oakland led to further agitation, with the result that an election early in 1873 chose that place as the center of justice. Opposition from the outside districts, which showed itself in the board of supervisors, caused the buildings to be placed at Brooklyn (now East Oakland) rather than Oakland proper, as was desired by the Oakland people. Appeal was once again made to the legislature, which, during the spring of 1874, passed an act under the terms of which the county buildings were to be erected upon the plaza squares on Broadway. During these changes the county archives were moved from place to place. In 1874 the present courthouse was built. In common with other buildings of its age and style it is not fireproof. It is now used for courtrooms and contains some of the county offices, the Assessor and Tax Collector being located on the first floor. A hall of records across Broadway contains all of the other offices examined. Alterations in the hall of records have been made since the information for this report was compiled. A large addition of reinforced concrete has been built, the first floor of which is occupied by the Clerk. These alterations have materially affected much of the semi-discarded material which is shown in the report to have been in the basement. 92 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. That which is listed as being in the south basement has since been over- hauled and some material, of seemingly worthless nature, has been destroyed, the remainder being classified and arranged on shelves. This basement is at the south end of the Hall of Records, and is under the custody of the clerk. The material reported in the north basement for the most part has been lost, the grand jury having ordered its removal, without consulting the officials under whose custody it belonged. These records were of little administrative value, but many of them would have been useful for historical purposes. This part of the basement is no longer used for storing records. Unless specified otherwise, the term "basement" as used in this report will refer to the basement of the particular office whose archives are being described. The examination of these archives has been made at various times, the Clerk's and Recorder's offices being examined during December, 1915, the other offices during the spring of 1917. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1853-1880 Execution Book, 1872-1879, 1 v. (1), in the north basement; 1879-1880, 1 v. (2). Execution Docket, 1853-1880, 2 v. (1-2). File, 1853-1880, 267 f .b., cases 1-5408 ; also 11 bdls. in the south basement. General Index, 2 v. Judgments, Abstract of, 1870-1876, 1 bdl., in the south basement. Judgment Docket, 1853-1879, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1853-1870, 1 v., in the south basement. Judgment Record, 1853-1879, 7 v. (A-G). Minutes, 1853-1879, 6 v. (A-C, 3-6), indexed. Order Book, 1876-1880, 1 v., in the north basement. Register of Actions, Civil, 1853-1880, 8 v. (A-H) ; Criminal, 1866- 1869, 1 v. (1) ; 1869-1874, 1 v., in the north basement. County Court, 1853-1880 Pile, 1853-1879, 61 f.b., cases 1-1627. General Index, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1 v. (1), in the north basement. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1853-1863 • Minutes, 1853-1863, 2 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1853-date Bonds and Letters Probate, 1861-1879, 5 v. (2-6) ; 1880-1914, 9 v. (1-6). One volume, Pacific Surety Company ; some of volumes overlap in dates, but are supplementary. ALAMEDA COUNTY. 93 Bonds of Executors and Administrators: Upon Qualifying, 1881- 1915, 39 v. (1-29) ; Given on Real Estate, 1888-1909, 2 v. (1,1), 1 v. (3), in the north basement; Pacific Suretj^ Company, 1902- 1907, 1 v. (1) ; Surety Companies, 1902-1915, 4 v. (1, 3, 3-4) U. S. F. & G. Co., 1911-1913, 1 v. (1). Bonds of Guardians: Upon Qualifying, 1881-1915, 20 v. (3-19) Surety Companies, 1902-1907, 1 v. (1). Calendar, 1878-1879, 1 v., in the north basement ; 1882-1885, 1 v. 1888-1892, 2 v., in the north basement; 1892-1898, 1902-1909, 13 v., scattering. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1908, 2 v. Docket: 1890-date, 2 v. (1-2), loose leaf; Dept. 1, 1887-1893, 3 v. (1-3); 1895-1896, 1 v. (6); Dept. 2, 1885-1896, 3 v.; Dept. 3, 1881-1887, 3 v., 1890-1895, 1 v. ; Dept. 4, 1893-1915, 52 v. File, 1853-1880, 128 f.b., cases 1-1224; 1880-date, 1926 f.b., cases 1-21072 ; Extra file, 49 f.b. Index, 1853-1910, 9 v. Inventories, Estates of Minors, Record, 1880-1902, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1907-1910, 2 v. (2-3). Judgment Record, Dismissal of Stipulation, 1899-1905, 2 v. (41-42). Letters of Administration, 1881-1914, 18 v. (3-19) ; with will annexed, 1896-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Public Administrator, 1900- 1912, 1 v. (1) ; Special Testimony, 1890-1916, 1 v. (1). Letters of Guardianship, 1881-date, 9 v. (4-12). Letters Testamentary, 1881-date, 11 v. (2-12). Minutes, 1858-1879, 15 v. (1-15) ; 1880-1896, 477 v. (1-477) ; Dept. 4, Jan. 1896-date, 38 v. (1-38). Printed form books are used almost exclusively, each volume being num- bered in its own series. Since several books may have been used at one time the dates overlap, and the use of half numbers or letters on volumes makes it impossible to ascertain whether or not the series is complete without a careful examination and comparison of each volume. Theoretically, all these volumes form one main series. The current volume at the time they were examined was the number given above. Register of Actions, 1853-1879, 4 v. (1-4) ; 1880-date, 43 v. (1-43). Wills, Record of, 1879-date, 24 v. (1-24). Superior Court, 1880-date Arraignments, 1896-date, 4 v. (1-4). Calendar, Dept. 2, 1881-1888, 1 v., in the north basement. Coroner's Inquests, 1870-date, 108 f.b., cases 1-9563; Index, 1868-date, 2 v. (3-4). Criminal Record, 1880-1896, 1 v. Demurrer Docket, 1880-1913, 45 v. ; Dept. 2, 1881-1882, 1893-1894, 2 v., in the north basement. Docket, Trial, 1880-1913, 74 v., in the south basement; 1913-date; Dept. 2, 1887-1894, 4 v., in the north basement. Examinations, Register of, 1881-1897, 2 v. (1-2). Executions, 1870-1896, 2 bdls., in the south basement. Execution Books, 1879-1896, 13 v. (3-15), in the south basement. 94 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Fee Books, Civil, 1895-1904, 7 v. File, Civil, 1880-date, 2622 f.b., cases 1-48, 112; Criminal, 1880- date, 212 f.b., cases 1-6331 ; Depositions, etc., 40 f.b. General Index, 1880-date : Civil, 40 v. ; Insolvencies, 1 v. Grand Jury Kecord, recent, 2 f.b. ; also 3 v. in the north basement. Insanitv, Certificates of Discharge from State Hospital, 1903-date, 2 v. (1-2). Insanity Commitments, 1897-1910, 5 v. (1-4, 6); File, 20 f.b.; Index, 1869-date, 2 v. ; Dipsomania, 1911-date, 2 v. ; 4 f.b. Insanity, Judgments of, 1903-date, 5 v. (1-5). Insanity, Minutes of, 1903-1909, 3 v. ; 1916-date, 1 v. ; Dipsomania, 1911-date, 1 v. Insane, Record of, 1869-1897, 10 v. Judge's Assignment Docket, 1914-date, 1 v. (3). Judgment Record, 1880-date, 113 v. One volume, 1SSO-1S85, in the north basement. Judgment Docket, 1895-?, 9 v., in the north basement. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1853-1907, 5 v. (1-5), in basement. There are three copies of vol. 2 and two copies of vol. 4. Jurv Book, 1886-1906, 2 v., in the south basement; and Dept. 2, 1885-1896, 1 v.; Dept. 3, 1901, 1 v.; Dept, 4, 1897-1900, 2 v., all in the north basement. Minutes, Dept. 1, 1880-date, 30 v. (1-5, 3-27) ; Dept. 2, 1880-date, 33 v. (1-33) ; Dept. 3, 1881-date, 35 v. (1-35) ; Dept. 4, 1893- date, 10 v. (1-5, 12-14, 14-15) ; Dept, 5, 14 v. (17-30) ; Dept. 6, 1909-date, 6 v. (1-6). Motion Docket, 1881-1912, 34 v. ; Dept. 2, 1888-1895, 4 v., in the north basement. Office Calendar, Probate and Civil, 1909-1912, 12 v. Preliminary Hearings : Police Court Notes, 326 shorthand books in office ; Justice Court papers and reports, 1875-1888, 60 bdls. ; others unclassified in the south basement ; 1895-1897, 10 p.h., in the north basement. Register of Actions, 1880-date: Civil, 86 v. (1-86); Criminal, 12 v. (1-12) ; Taxes, 1 v. (2), in the south basement. Reporters' notes, shorthand, a large quantity in the south basement together with transcripts of evidence and transcripts on appeal ; in the north basement are also 251 p.h. ; 28 boxes. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1903-date Docket, 1903-date, 7 v. (1-7). File, 26 f.b., cases 1-2377. General Index, 1 v. (1). Judgment Record, Commitments, 1913-date, 2 v. Minutes, 1903-date, 5 v. (1-5). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book: Certified List of Claims Allowed, [1885], several rolls in the south basement ; Claims Allowed, 1883-1888, 1 v. ; 1895-1896, 3 v. ; 1902, 1 v., all in the north basement ; " Record of Claims," 1898-1913, 24 v. (1-24). Since 1913 the "Record of Claims" is in the Auditor's office only. ALAMEDA COUNTY. 95 Assessment List, Oakland, 1895, 1 bdl. in the south basement. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, 1889-1901, 2 v. Contract Record, 1897-date, 2 v. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1872-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1 f.b. File, 4-4 f.b. Franchise Book, 1873-1912, 1 v. (1). Index to Documents. 1853-1894, 1 v.; 1894-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; serials 1-13400. Indigents, Dist, No. 2, No. 3, 1894, 2 v., in the basement; 1899, 1 v., in the basement; 1904-1908, 1 v.; 1909-1910, 1 v., in the sonth basement ; 1904-1908, 1 v. Infirmary Directors' Minutes, 1870-1874, 1 v., in the north base- ment. Inventory County Property, 1906-date, 2 f.b. Invoice Book. 1885. 1892-1893. 2 v., in the north basement. Lighting Districts, Record. 1909-1912, 4 v. Liquor Licenses : Applications, 1891-1902, 1 v. ; 1901, 1902, 1904, 1907, 1907-1910, 12 bdls. in the south basement ; current, 3 f.b. ; Protests, 1 f.b. ; Stub-books, 1913-1915, 1 v. Maps, Alameda County, 1907, cloth mounted, 12 copies, in the base- ment. Minutes, Board of Supervisors, 1853-date, 46 v. (1-46) ; Index, 10 v. (1-10) ; Newspaper Clippings, 1885-1893, 3 v. Miscellaneous papers (unexamined), 20 boxes in the north basement. Ordinance Book, 1883-1915, 1 v. (1). Ordinances and Franchises, Index to, 1883-1915, 1 v., worn. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 3 v. Relief, Applications for, ?-1906, 3 v. (5-7), in the north basement. Report, 1905-1906, 1 roll, in basement. Road Record. 1853-date. 8 v. (0, 00, 1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Road Register, 1853-date, 2 v. (1-2). Tax Estimates and Rates, 2 f.b. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Accounts, Memo of, recent, 1 box, in the south basement. Appointments, Deputy Clerks, 1894-1911, 3 bdls., in the south base- ment. Cash Book, 1874-1890, 8 v., in the Clerk's basement; Petty Cash, 1896-1910, 15 v., in the Clerk's basement. Correspondence, Press Copies, 1895-1899, 5 v., in the south base- ment ; Miscellaneous, 1906-1914. Fee Books, 1870-1907, 15 v. Hunting Licenses: Applicaticn stubs, etc., 1 box, in the basement; Register. 1907-1909, 1 v. Military Roll, 1894, 1 v.. in the basement hall; 1908, 1910, 1915, 3 v. Miscellaneous papers, 1886-1900, in the south basement. Official Bonds, 1853-1884, 10 p.h.. in the south basement. 96 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Receipts, stub-hooks, 1895-1897, 1 bdl., in the south basement; 1915, 3 v. Carbon copies of receipts are pasted into the volumes. Special Deposits, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1913, 4 v., in the south base- ment; Auditor's Receipts for Special Deposits, 1906-1915, 1 v., pasted into scrapbook; Superior Court, Dept. 2, 1914-1915, 1 v. Trust Fund, County Clerk, 1914-date, 1 v. Miscellaneous funds, game licenses, court actions, etc. Naturalization Applications for Citizenship : District Court, 1868-1879, 3 v. ; County Court, 1876-1879, 2 v. Certificates of Citizenship, County Court, 1871-1876, 1 v. Declarations of Intention, 1858-1895, 6 bdls., in the basement; Stubs, 1868-1871, 1 v., in north basement; 1871-1880, 4 v. (2-5) ; 1880-1906, 26 v. (1-26). Declarations of Intention, Record of, 1906-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Index, 1853-1910, 1 v. (1). Naturalization : Acts of, District and County Court, 1879, 1 bdl. in the basement; Certificates of, 1880-1904, 14 v. (1-14) ; Record of, 1904-1906, 6 v. (1A-6A) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date. 13 v. (1-13). Naturalization Depositions, 2 f.b. Naturalization Docket, 1909-1913, 1 v. Naturalization Minute Book, 1909-date, 4 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1856-1911. Registration Affidavits of Registration: 1878, 32 bdls., by letters; 1881, 1882, in the south basement; 1900-1910, bound vol., in the south base- ment; 1912-1914, bdls., by precincts, in the basement; 1916, in Registrar's office. Great Register, 1866-1884, 4 v. (1-4), in the north basement; 1885-1886, 1 v. (1), in the south basement, 1 v. (2), in the north basement; 1887-1890, 2 v. (3-4), in the south basement; 1890- 1906, 947 v., in the north basement. Great Register, printed, 1876-date, in the basement. Precinct Maps, 1912, 1914, 1916. These are maps of each township ; there were ten maps covering the whole county in 1916. Elections Candidates' Statements, 1902, 1907, 1 bdl. each, in the south basement. Certificates of Primary Election, 1 f.b. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1 f.b. Votes Cast, Abstract of, 1886, 1 bdl. ; 1892, 1 v., in the south base- ment; 1902, 1 roll, in the south basement. ALAMEDA COUNTY. 97 Marriage and Public Health Marriage License, stubs, 1870-1897, 98 v.; Affidavits, 1897-date, 69 v.; Index. 1910-date, 3 v. (12-14). Dental Register. 1885-1903. 1 v. ; 1903-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Druggists Register, 1905-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 4 v. (A-D). Optometrists Register, 1903-date, 2 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1854-date, 54 f.b., Nos. 1-6630 ; Copy of, 1870-1882, 1 v.; Index, 1854-date, 4 v. (1-4). Bond and Surety Companies, 1910-date, 1 v. (1). Certificates of Sale, 1875-1879, 1883, 4 bdls., in the south basement. Church Elections and Incorporations, 1869-1889, 1 v. Copartnership, Certificates of, 1 f.b., 1-287. C. P. R. R. Freight Rates, Jan. 1, 1876, 1 v., printed. Fictitious Names, Register of Persons and Partnerships Under, 1 v. ; 5 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Partnership, Register of, 1874-1911, 1 v., indexed; File, 5 f.b. Xos. 1-800. Private account books, 20 v. for dates from 1868-1886, in the north basement. Sole Traders' Applications, 1875-1880, 1 bdl., in the south basement. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 10 bdls., in the south basement. These are classified by offices. Cash Counted. Statement of, recent, 1 f.b. Census of 1870 : Field Notes of Census Marshal, 1 bdl., in the south basement. County Officers' Reports, 1906-date : Auditor, 1 f.b.; Treasurer, 2 f.b. ; others, 2 f.b. ; 1 box in the south basement, Coroners, Road Supervisors, Justices of the Peace, etc. District Attorney's Opinions, 189^1897, 1 v. (2) ; Letter Book, 1895-1896. 1 v., all in the north basement. Humane Officers, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets : Oakland Township, 1857-1899, 37 v., all in the north basement except 2 volumes which are in the main office ; Alameda Township, 1896-1898, 1 v. Justices of the Peace, Statement of Fees, 1891-1898. 2 v., in the south basement. Notaries Public. List of. 1894-date, 5 v. ; Index, 1913-date. 1 v. ; Stub-books, 1897-1906, 1 bdl., in the south basement; Records, 31 vols, of various dates, mostly recent. Public Administrator, Register of, 1895-1898, 1 v. ; Reports, in newspapers, about 1911, 1 filing safe. S— 41210 98 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. THE RECORDER Assignments in Bankruptcy, 1867-1884, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Index, 1853-date, 8 v. (1-8). Attachments, 1866-date, 37 v. (A-Z, 27-37) ; Index, 13 v. Banking Assets, 1876-1894, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v., in the north basement. Births, Register of, 1859-1861, 1873-1874, 1888-date, 9 v. (A, A-D, 1-4) ; Record of Chinese Births, 1900-1912, 1 v. Brands, Record of, 1853-date, 1 v. Builders' Contracts, 126 drawers. Builders' Contracts and Bonds, Index, 1885-date, 8 v. (1-8). Certificates of Sale, 1866-date, 18 v. (A-R) ; Index, 10 v. Charters of Cities and Towns, 1895-1911, 1 v. Deaths, Record of, 1859-1860, 1873-date, 13 v. (A-F, 1-7). Decrees of Distribution, Index, 1891-1898, 2 v. (1-2), in the north \)f) sem ent Deeds, 1853-date, 2410 v. (A-Z, 27-2410) ; Index, 1853-1913, 171 v. (1-171), 1914-date, 16 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7); Index, Candidates' and Committees' Statements, 1 v. (1). Estray Book, 1853-date, 1 v. (1) ; another vol. for 1853-1898. Fee Book, 1915-date, 1 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 46 v. (A, A-Z, 27-45) ; Index, 7 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1866-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 7 v. (1-7). Leases, 1857-date, 48 v. (A-Z, 27-48) ; Index, 8 v. (1-8). Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Map Books, 28 v. (1-28) ; Index, 1 v. Marriage Licenses and Certificates, 1853-date, 74 v. (A-Z, 27-74) ; Index, 24 v. (A, 1-23). Marriage Register, 1905-1912. 5 v. (1-5). Mechanics Liens, 1853-date, 70 v. (A-Z, 27-70) ; Index, 17 v. Mining Claims, Affidavits of Labor and Improvements on, 1899-date, 1 v. (1); Index, 1 v. (1). Miscellaneous Record, 1853-date, 60 v. (A-Z, 27-60) ; Index, 13 v. d-13). Mortgages, 1853-date, 1112 v. (A-Z, 27-1112) ; Index, 1853-date, 55 v. (1-55) ; Chattel, 1858-date, 108 v. (A-Z, 27-108) ; Index, 10 v. d-10). Newspapers : San Leandro, Alameda County Gazette, June, 1862-June, 1864; March, 1866-June, 1870, 16 v. Oakland, Daily Transcript, September, 1870-October, 1871, 1 v. Daily Times, July 26, 1884-Jan. 7, 1885, in the north basement. Notices of Action, 1857-date, 42 v. (A-Z, 27-42) ; Index, 29 v. Official Bonds, 1871-date, 19 v. (A-S) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Original papers on file, 190 f.b. Oyster Beds, 1877-date, 1 v. Patents, 1858-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1857-date, 23 v. (A-W) ; Index, 1853-date, 5 v. d-5). Pre-emptions, May, 1853-1871, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. ALAMEDA COUNTY. 99 Proofs of Labor, "Affidavits of Labor and Improvements on Mining Claims," Index, 1 v. (1). Recorded in Mining Claims, a few early ones in Miscellaneous Records. Releases of Mortgages, Index, 1853-date, 44 v. (1-44). School Lands, 1853-1878, 1 v., only two entries; Index, 1 v. (1). Separate Property of Married Women, 1899-date, 1 v. (1). See below under Sole Traders and Separate Property. Sole Traders and Separate Property of Wives, 1878-date, 2 v. (B-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Squirrel Claims, 1874-1876, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, 1857-1861, 1870-1872, 1876-1893, 24 v.; Berkeley, 1909, 1911, 3 v. ; Berkeley School District, 1909, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1892-1894, 190^-1909, 10 v.; Commerce Street, Oakland, 1899, 1 v. ; Street Improvement Bonds, 1915, 1 v. ; Certificates of to State, 1894-1910, 67 v. ; Returns to Assessor of Lands Sold to State, 1895-1901, 7 v. ; 1903-1906, 4 v. ; 1910-1911, 4 v. Tide Lands, 1869-1896, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Water Right Notices, 1872-1915, 1 v. (1). Wills, 1886-date, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Account Book of Superintendent of Schools, 1868-1871, 1 v., in the north basement. Annual Report, 1893-1913, 49 v., unbound; Alameda (City), 1898- 1903, 190^-1914, 15 v.; Oakland, 1892-1914, 17 v, scattering; Berke- ley, 1900-1914, 12 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date. Census Marshal's Field Notes, 1855-1889, scattering:, in the basement; 1870-1880, 1 box; 1900, 1 v. ; Reports, 1855-1879, 1886-1888, 4 boxes, in the basement ; 1903-1910, 11 v. Certificates, Record of, 1891-date, 2 v. ; File, 1911-date. One case of the record for earlier dates is found in the room of the Board of Education. Communications received, 1855-1880, in the basement; Teachers and Trustees, recent, 2 filing cases ; Miscellaneous, 4 letter boxes. Communications sent, 1910-date. In scrapbook marked "Invoices" ; these consist of letters sent to prin- cipals, teachers and trustees, examination questions, etc. Courses of Study, printed, 1907, 1911. Credentials Record, 1910-date. This is a scrapbook of all the circulars from the State Board in regard to credentials. Fee Book of Superintendent, 1893-1906, 1 v. Grammar Schools, Register of Graduation, 1881-1890, 1 v., in tlic base- ment ; 1909-1915, 1915, 1916, 2 vertical files. Institutes, Minutes of, 1898-date, 2 v. Journal, 1857-1866, 1 v. Maps of Alameda County: Allardt, 1874; Nusbaumer & Boardman, 1889, 1900; Prather, 1907. 100 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Maps of Bay Counties: Bancroft's Map of the Bay Counties, 1895 (?) ; Whitaker & Ray, New Relief Map of the Bay Counties, 1905. Receipts, stub-books, 1907-1916, 3 v. School District Clerk's Reports, 1857-1880, 1 box, in the basement. School District Funds, 1883-1886, 1 v., in the north basement; 1896- 1912, 25 v., in the basement; 1912-1913, 4 v. (1-4). Teachers' Examinations, 1915-1916, 2 vertical files. Teachers' Annuity and Retirement Fund, Stub-books of receipts, 1899- 1913, 2 v. Teachers' Library Record, 1911-date, 1 v. Trustees Institutes, Minutes of, 1916-date, 1 v. Trustees, Record and Accounts, Olinda District, 1890-1906, 3 v. These consist of minutes and district accounts. AVarrants, Register of School, 1879-1887, 2 v. ; Registered Warrants, 1907-1908, scrapbook. In the back of this scrapbook are examination questions for the years 1882-1890. THE AUDITOR Affidavits of County Officers, 1905-1912, 1916-date, 4 v. (1-3). Affidavits of Superior Judges, 1902-date, 4 v. (3-6). Allowance Book, "Auditor's Minute Book," 1910-1912, 1 v., pasted in. Application for Relief, 1906-1910, 4 v. (8-11), in the basement. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1854-1889, 1893, 1897, 176 v., in the basement; Index, 48 v. ; 1855, 1 v., worn, in the north basement ; 1904-1914, 856 v. ; Index, 130 v. Personal Property, 1896, 1901, 1904-1912, 12 v. Sanitary Districts, 1893-1905, 14 v., scattering; 1906-1914, 31 v. "Delinquent Tax Lists," 1855-1901, 93 v., in basement; 1902-1914, 59 v. ; 1883, 1 v. (2) , in north basement. Duplicate Tax Book, 1854, 1 v. ; 1861-1862, 1870-1874, 15 v., in basement. Audited Accounts, 1870-1873, 1 v., in north basement; 1873-1909, 20 v. (12-31) ; 1910-1912, 3 v.; 1874-1889, 9 v. (4-12), in basement. Building Bonds, Register, July-October, 1874, 1 v. Cash Book, 1894-1908, 6 v. ; 1914-1915, 1 v. Clerk's Fee Book, 1905-1908, 1 v. Clerk's Petty Cash Record, 1913-1914, 2 v. Court Moneys, Register of, 1902-date, 1 v. Fee Book, 1858-1872, 1 v., in north basement; 1877-1899, 1 v.; 1903- 1904, 1 v. Indigents, Record of, 1909, 1 v. ; Third Supervisorial District, 1900, 1 v., in north basement. Journal, 1853-1874, 1 v. ; 1874-1884, 1 v., in basement; 1884-1893, 1 v. ; 1893-1898, 1 v., in basement; 1898-date, 9 v. Ledger, 1857-1885, 2 v. (1-2), in basement; 1885-1893, 1 v. (3) ; 1893- 1896, 1 v. ; 1898-1913, 6 v. ; 1913-date, 1 v. License Book, 1903-date, 1 v. (3). Maps, mounted, Alameda County, 1915, showing townships, school dis- tricts, etc., § mile to inch; Map of Alameda County in four sections. ALAMEDA COUNTY. 101 Miscellaneous papers, 33 f.b., 120 p.h. ; about 1885, 31 p.h., in north basement. Moneys Deposited with Treasurer, Register of, 1913-date, 2 v. (1-2). Oakland Transit Company, Accounts, 1900-1915, 1 v. (1). Orphans, Record of. 1903. 1 v., in north basement. Payroll. Register of General, 1913-date, 3 v. (1-3), loose leaf; Schools, ±913-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Justice of Peace and Constable, 1913-1915, 1 v. Poll Tax Record, 1873-1891, 1 v., in north basement; 1892-1914, 1 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1877-1878, Brooklyn Township, 1 v., Eden Township, 1 v. ; 1881. Oakland Township, N-Z, 1 v., 1893-1894, 1896, 4 v., all in north basement ; 1897, 1899-1914, 17 v. Public Administrator's Ledger, 1909; 1910-1913; 1914-date, 1 v. each, in safe. Receipts, Register of, 1908-1913, 2 v. (1-2) ; Money Received in County Treasury, 1853-1858, 1 v., in north basement. Recorder's Fee Book, 1878-1881, 3 v.. in north basement; 1882-1889, 6 v., in south basement ; 1889-1900, 8 v. ; 1902-1915, 39 v. Redemption Journal. 1910-1915, 1 v. ; Certificates of Redemption, 1896- 1915. 75 f.b. nos. 1-15900. Revenue Claims Allowed, 1889-1898, 3 v. (2-4), in basement; 1899- 1913, 5 v. (5-9). Road Foreman's Report, 1913-date, 2 v. (1-2), loose leaf. Road Tax, Index, 1894, 1 v., in north basement. Sanitary Funds, 1909-1912, 1 v. School District Bonds, Register, 1884-date, 1 v. School District Funds, 1866-1869, 1 v. (1) ; School Funds, 1878-1883, 2 v., 1885-1890, 2 v., all in north basement; School District Funds, 1890-1898, 4 v., in north' basement ; 1901-date, 17 v.; Ledger School and Capital Funds, 1912-1913, 1 v. School Ledger, 1881-1883, 1 v. (1), in north basement. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1903-1909, 2 v. Special Estate Ledger, 1912-date, 1 v. Statistical Ledsrer, 1895-1899, 1 v., extra large, in north basement. Tax Sales, 1909, 1 v. Taxes, Record of, 1872-1893, 1 v., in north basement ; 1893-date, 4 v. (3-6). Teachers' Annuity Ledger, 1912-date, 1 v. Teachers' Certificates, Receipts, 1857-1882, 2 v. Trust Funds, 1913-date, 1 v. Vouchers, Record of General 1913-date, 5 v. (1-5). Warrants. Register of Orders, 1856-1873. 2 v.. in north basement- Register of Warrants. 1874-1900 (?), 24 v. (3-21c), in basement; Register of General, Salarv, and Infirmary, 1901-1909, 9 v. (23a- 31a) ; 1910-1913, 4 v. (1-4) ; General, 1913-date, 2 v. (1-2), loose leaf; District Road Warrants, 1901-1912, 11 v. ; Official Warrants, 1909. 1 v.; School Warrants, 1866-1874, 1 v. (1), 1880-1881, 1 v., both in north basement; 1913-date, 3 v., loose leaf; Special, 1913- date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Sundry, 1893-1896, 1 v. ; 1901-1910, 11 v.; 1912- 1913, 2 v. 102 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Warrants Canceled, General, 1897-1904, 3 boxes, 1915-1916, 28 f.b. ; School, 1908, 1912, 2 boxes; 1915-1916, 28 f.b., besides about 50 boxes unexamined in basement. Warrant stub-books, 1869-1870, 1889-1890, 2 v., in north basement; School Warrants, 1889-1890, 1897, 1900-1901, 5 v., in north basement. THE TREASURER Allowance Book, Oct. 1882-Dec. 1904, 19 v. (1-19) ; 1904-date, 14 v. (20-26). Since 1914 there are volumes A & B for each number, used for General and Road Funds, respectively. Bonds, Eecord of : School, Sept. 13, 1884-date, 1 v. ; Sanitary, Sept. 30, 1893-date, 1 v. ; Building, Julv-October, 1874, 2 v. ; County Bonds, Oct. 1, 1883, 1 v. Cash Book, October, 1859-1874, 7 v.; 1874-1913, 16 v. (1-16). Daily Cash Balances, 1910-date, 6 v. Day* Book, 1855-1857, 1 v.; 1859-1866, 2 v. Delinquent Tax List, 1874-1875, 1877-1893, 1895-1896, 19 v. Deposit Register, 1907-date, 1 v. Disbursements, Register of, 1869-1913, 51 v. (1-51); 1913-date, new series Fee Book, 1876-1886, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1900-date, 5 v. Journal, Jan. 1, 1857-July 31, 1861; Dec. 22, 1874-Dec. 17, 1886, 2 v. Ledger, Sept. 1, 1853-1913, 9 v. ; 1913-date, 1 v. Licenses, Register of, 1870-1878, 3 v. License and Poll Tax Account, 1864-1870, 1 v. ; 1868-1893, 1 v. Migratory Stock, 1874-1875, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Fund, May 1, 1897-date, 2 v. (1-2). Receipts, Register of, 1859-1891, 4 v. ; 1901-date, 7 v. (4-10). Redemption Book, 1870-1871, 1 v. ; Redemption Book Tax Sales, 1875- 1886, 2 v. (1-2) ; Redemption Journal, 1910-date, 1 v. (1). Road Warrants, 1875-1889, 3 v.; 1891-1895, 1 v. (2). School District Funds, 1866-1880, 2 v.; 1880-1912, 12 v. (1-12) ; Oak- land School District, 1896, 1 v. (1). State Land Record, October, 1881-date, 1 v. Tax Collector's Cash Book, 1883-1884, 1 v. Tax Collector's Register of Property Sold for Taxes. 1857-1861, 1 v. Tax Sales, 1870-1879, 1880-1884, 1886-1893, 21 v. Warrants, Register of, 1871-1894, 5 v. ; Fruitvale Sanitary District, 1896-1905, 1 v. Warrants Registered : County Orders Registered, 1853-1858, 1 v. ; County Orders Redeemed, 1859-1864, 1 v.; Warrant Books, 1863- 1866, 1 v.; 1869-1877, 2 v.; 1877-1904, 1 v. (4). ALAMEDA COUNTY. 103 THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, "List," 1914-date. Automobile Record, 1917, on cards. For several years preceding the record was kept in books. A special statement is required of automobile owners. Building Inspector's Records: Complaints, 5 f .b. ; Record of Building Permits. 4 large f .b. ; Book Record of Complaints and Action in same. Cashier's Records: Cash Book, 1911-date, 6 v.; Ledger. 1911-date, 6 v. For poll taxes and unsecured personal property. Maps and Plats : Plat Books, 1891-date, complete, large number of vols.; Index maps for Assessor's maps, large blue print map, com- plete set for whole county; Block Book of Oakland, 1890, 1 v., in north basement: Wall Maps, county, city, and township, about 20 current maps ; Plates of blocks, 100 drawers. The last named are the plates from which negatives are made for printing the blue print map for the block books. Mortgages, Transcript of : Murray Township, 1861-1878, 1 v. ; Oakland Township, 1 v. (8), 1 v. (10), in north basement. Pencil Roll, current, 79 v. On same form of book as regular assessment roll ; an office memorandum, corrected each year, from which the official roll is written up. These books are used until filled up or worn out. Personal Property, Assessor's Memo Book of, 1900-date, large number of vols. Probate Department Record, current, 3 v. A special record, for use of assessor, of every open case in the probate department of the Superior Court. War Veterans' Exemptions, Index to, current, 1 v., loose leaf; State- ments, file. A special statement is required each year from applicants for exemptions under Sec. li, Art. XIII, cf the state constitution. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 67 v. ; Index, 16 v. Cash Book, 1900-date, 2 v. ; 1904-1905, 1 v., in north basement. Cash Receipts, Grove Street Assessment, 1887, 1 v., in north basement. License Book, 1868-1888, 1 v., in north basement. Licenses, Cash Account of, 1895-date, 2 v. Receipt stub-book, 1 trunk, in south basement. 104 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. ALPINE COUNTY INTRODUCTION Alpine has the distinction of being the smallest county in the state, the population being less than 350. The county was created in 1864, during the time of the mining excitement in that region, at which time the population ran well up into the thousands. There have been no changes in the boundary lines. At the time of the organization of the county in 1864, Silver Mountain was selected as the county seat, but by *■ < i i i i i so 2.Q Stats. Alpine County. 1863-4:178; Pol. Code (1872), §3931; (1919), §3910. 1875 the population of the town had decreased to such an extent that the seat of government was moved to Markleeville, where it has since remained. Until 1898 the county rented buildings for the courts and county offices. In 1886 the I. 0. 0. F. Hall in Markleeville was leased for a courthouse, and in 1898 the building was purchased by the county for ALPINE COUNTY. 105 $500. It is a wooden building of two stories, the greater part of the upper floor being used for a general assembly and lodge room. The court room and offices of the various officials, except the Superintendent of Schools, are located on the first floor. The offices of Clerk, Auditor and Recorder are combined. There is one large main office, which is used by all the officers except the Sheriff-Tax Collector. Adjoining this main office is a small brick vault with iron shutters and double iron door with combination lock. The greater part of the records are stored in this vault and would probably, though not certainly, be safe in case of fire. A few of the older records are relegated to a small room on the second floor. The records of the Superintendent of Schools are not kept in the courthouse. The archives of the county are small in quantity, but the essential records seem to be kept in proper shape. The fixtures of the various offices are not of the most modern design, except a small set of filing boxes and book shelves in the vault. Gas is used for lighting purposes, and the heat is furnished by wood stoves. The examination of the archives was made in July, 1917. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1864-1879 Calendar, 1865-1879, 2 v., in storeroom. The second volume includes calendar of Superior Court, 1SS0-10O5. Executions, 1866-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Execution Docket, 1865-1870, 1 v., in storeroom. The volume is marked "Criminal Calendar — District Court." File, a large box in the vault contains judgment rolls of the Dis- trict, County and Superior Courts. Judgments and Decrees, 1864-1879, 1 v. (A). Includes also same record for Superior Court. ISSO-da'te. Judgment Docket, 1864-1879, 1 v. (A). Includes also same record for Superior Court, 1S80-1904. Minutes, "Records," 1864-1878, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1864-1879, 1 v. (A). And same record for Superior Court, ISSO-ISQ-j. Tax Suits, all in storeroom : Decree Book, 1865-1872, 4 v. (A-D). Register of Actions, 1865-1871, 1 v. (A). Index, 1864-1870, 1 v. (A). "Leger," 1865-1869, 1 v., containing entries of fees in tax suits, and copies of the published notices (summons) of tax suits. 106 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. County Court, 1864-1879 File, see under District Court. General Index, 1 v. (A), in storeroom. Judgments, 1864-1878, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1864-1878, 1 v. (A). Minutes, "Record," 1864-1880, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1864-1878, 1 v., in storeroom. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1864-date Bonds, Probate, 1864-1867, 1881, 1 v., in storeroom; 1871-date, lv. (A). Of the volume in the storeroom only 19 pages were used ; vol. A includes official bonds, 1864-1870. Calendar, 1908-date, 1 v. File, 6 f.b. Letters: Administration, 1864-date, 1 v. (A) ; Testamentary, 1864- date, 1 v. (A). Order Book, 1864-date, 2 v. (A-B). Register of Actions, 1864-date, 2 v. The first volume is called "Fee Book." Wills, Record of, 1871-date, 1 v. (A). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys Admitted to Practice, Record of, 1880-1882, 1 v., only 2 entries. Calendar, 1880-1905, see under District Court; 1905-date, 1 v. Execution Book, see under District Court. File : Civil, 5 f.b. ; Criminal, 1 f.b. ; and see under District Court. General Index, 4 v. (A-B) . The first two volumes are in the storeroom. Insane Commitments, 1880-1893, 1 v. Judgments and Decrees, 1880-date, .see under District Court. Judgment Docket, 1880-1904, see under District Court ; 1905-date, lv. (B). Minutes, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Register of Actions, 1880-1895, see under District Court; 1895- date, 1 v. (B). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1910-date Minutes, 1910-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-1901, 1 v. (1) ; 1907-1916, 1 v. Franchise Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (A). Last entry is dated 1897. Minutes, "Records," 1864-date, 4 v. (A, 2-4) • Index, 1 v. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (A-B) • Index, 2 v. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v : Road Book, 1893-date, 1 v, ALPINE COUNTY. 107 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Book, 1864-1870, 1 v., in storeroom; Clerk and Recorder, 1877- date, 2 v. Hunting Licenses. County Register of, 1907-1912, 1 v. Military List, 1892-1893* 1895-1903, 1905, 1908, 1909, 13 v. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, Record, 1910-date, 1 v. Index, 1 v. Includes applications for citizenship, 1880-1902 ; and admissions to citi- zenship, 1SS0-1909. Naturalization, Record of, 1904, 1 v., only two entries; Petition and Record, 1908-date, 1 v. Naturalization, Certificates of, stub-book, 1909-date, 1 v. Registration Affidavits, 1908-date. Great Register, 1866-1910, 7 v. Precinct Register 1896, 5 v. Elections Abstract of Votes Cast, 1912-date. These are the statements required to be entered in the minutes of the Board of Supervisors, but the form is too large to be inserted in the minute book. They are marked "Supplemental Minutes of Board of Supervisors." Ballots, Record of, 1894-1910, 1 v. Election Returns, original, 1916. Other Records Articles of Incorporation, Index, 1 v. Justice Court Docket, Third Township, 1890-1898, 1 v. Marriage License stub-books, 1883-1906, 1 v. ; 1909-date, 1 v. Notarial Record, A. C. Folger, 1876-1878, 1 v., in storeroom. THE RECORDER Administrator's and Guardian's Sales, 1865-1890, 1 v. (A). Agreements and Contracts, 1865-date. 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Attachments, 1898-date, 1 v. (1). Bills of Sale. 1868-date, 1 v. (A). Births. Register of, 1905-1913, 1 v. (1) ; 1905-1916, 1 v. (1A) ; Record of. 1905-date, 1 v. (2). Vol. 1 has also a few entries for the 70's and a few undated. Vol. 1A is a small volume in paper cover. Brands, 187-1-date, 1 v. (A). Certificates of Sale (under execution), 1866-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths. Register of, 1905-1913, 1 v. (1) ; Record of, 1905-date, 1 v. Deeds. 1864-date, 9 v. (A-I) ; Index, 2 v. 108 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deeds, Trust, 1908-date, 1 v. (1). Decrees of Distribution, see under Miscellaneous. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1904, 1 v. (A), in storeroom; Committees' Statements, 1894-1904, 1 v., in storeroom; 1906-1907, 1 v. (B). Homesteads, 1864-date, 1 v. (A). Incorporation, Certificates of, 1867-1878, 1907, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1864-date, 1 v. (A). Liens, 1864-date, 3 v. (A-C). Lis Pendens, see Pendency of Actions. Maps and Plats ; Map of Markleeville, surveyed by L. L. Hawkins, 1877. 2Jx2J feet. Map showing Markleeville Townsite, surveyed by J. B. Reddick, July and August, 1909, under instructions from Hon. L. T. Price, Superior Judge. Map proper is 34 x 34 inches. Township Plats, 1 v. Wall Map of Alpine County, n.d. This is taken from the plats at the Land Office in Sacramento. Markleeville Townsite: Record, 1909-1911, 1 v.; Journal, 1909-1910, 1 v. ; Field Notes, 1910, 1 v. The Record contains a history of Markleeville Townsite (a sort of register of actions in matter of patenting of townsite and issue of certificates of ownership of lots), 1 page; statement showing issuance of certificates, 1 page ; statement showing owners, 5 pages. The Journal is a record of money expended to obtain the patent. In the Journal was loosely inserted the small volume of Field Notes of the official survey made by J. B. Reddick. Other records are listed under Maps. Marks, see Brands, Marriage Licenses, 1864-date, 1 v. (A) ; Register, 1905-date, 1 v., only 4 entries. Mining district records : Monitor District, 1863-1895, 2 v. (B-C). Vol. B includes building lot claims in town of Monitor. Mogul District, 1874-1891, 2 v. (C-D). Mining Record, 1874-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 6 v. Miscellaneous, 1864-date, 1 v. (A) ; Miscellaneous Record and Decrees of Distribution, 1880-date, 1 v. (B) ; Index, 1 v. Mortgages, 1864-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 4 v.; Chattel, 1864-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index 2 v.; Assignments, 1866-date, 1 v. (A). Newspapers : Bodie, Mono-Alpine Chronicle, Nov. 30, 1878 ; Dec. 21, 1878. Markleeville, Alpine Argus, June 13, 1884-Dec. 25, 1886, 2 v. Alpine Argus, (2), Sept. 15, 1913. Monitor, Gazette, Mar. 18, 1865. Alpine Miner, Nov. 17, 1866 ; May 30, 1868. Argus, Mar. 1, 1880-June 6, 1884, 2 v. In the four volumes of the Argus listed the papers have been filed between pages of other record books. The assessment roll for 1872 has been used for part of them, ALPINE COUNTY. 109 Official Bonds, 1864-1875, 1 v., in storeroom; 1876-date, 3 v. (B-D). Pendency of Actions, 1887-date, 1 v. This bears the outside title "Order Book — Tax Suits — A." Powers of Attorney, 1864-date, 2 v. (A-B). Pre-emption Claims, 1861-1882, 3 v. (A-C), in storeroom. Vol. C is entitled "Possessory Claims." Eeleases of Mortgages, 1864-date, 1 v. (A). Separate Property Man and Woman, 1864-1869, 1 v. (A). Sole Traders, 1865-1868, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Tax Sales, 1873-1894, 2 v. ; Records of Certificates of Sale of Real Estate, 1894-1905, 1 v.; Index (to Record), 1 v. Water Rights, 1872-date, 2 v. (A-B). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 1 Accounts, Record of, 1904-date, 1 v. These show the amounts drawn out and the balance. Annual Report, 1900-date. Earlier ones may be stored in boxes in courthouse. Apportionment of Funds, 1864-date, 2 v. These two books contain the principal school records of the county from 1864-date. Auditor's communications, 1 drawer. Board of Education, Record, 1864-date, 2 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes and Reports, 1895-1910. Certificate Books: Grammar-grade on credentials, 1865-date; on exam- ination, 1864-date; Second-grade on examination, 1864-date. Course of Study of Alpine County Schools, 1898, 1904, 1909, 1913, 1917. Miscellaneous papers, 1 drawer, and also some stored in courthouse. Requisitions, 1905-date, 1 v. ; stubs, 1900-date. Earlier stubs at courthouse. School District Accounts, 1904-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1904-date, 1 v. Superintendent of Public Instruction, communications, 1 drawer. Teachers' Reports, 1895-date. Others in courthouse. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls: Original, 1864, 1865, 1867 ; 1869-date, 25 v. The roll for 1864 is a certified copy of the assessment roll of township 9, Amador County. Regarding the roll of 1872, see under Recorder's Archives, newspaper file. The volumes prior to 1880 are in the store- room. Duplicate, 1872-1875, 4 v., in storeroom. Delinquent. 1875-1877, 1 v. The volume is entitled "Ledger" and the first part of it was used as the ledger of the Good Hope Mining Co., Markleeville, 1864-1865. Personal Property, 1909-date, 1 v. 1 Note — This report was prepared by Mrs. Eugenia M. Bruns, County Superintendent of Schools, who says: "At present (December, 1917) there are only two schools in Alpine County and I find no record of there ever having been more than four schools open at one time, so the records are not extensive." 110 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Auditor's Journal, 1869-1877, 1 v.; 1912-1915, 1 v. Of the last volume only a few pages were used. Auditor's Ledger, 1879-date, 4 v. Cash Book, 1864-1915, 2 v. The first volume is in the storeroom. Income Record, 1880-1915, 1 v. One page for each quarter year, with columns for date, source of revenue, amount and apportionment to various funds. Journal, 1864-1912, 2 v. (x, 2). Account current with collector. First volume is in the storeroom. Journal — Account Current with Treasurer, 1864-1873, 1 v. (A). Contains also Register of Claims of deceased persons, 1888-1904. Ledger, 1913-date, 1 v. License and Tax Accounts, State and County, 1864—1866, 1 v. Also lists of licenses issued, 1867-1869 ; and some entries regarding tax suits, 1866-1869. Road and Poll Tax Rolls, 1892-1905, 1911, 15 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1880-1887, 1 v. ■ Register of School Funds, 1887-1915, 1 v. Warrant register and school district ledger. Warrant Register, 1864-date, 3 v. (A-B, 1911). Vol. A is called "Register of Claims" ; vol. B, "Auditor's Register." THE TREASURER Cash Book, 1877-1912, 1 v. Income Record, 1878-1915, 1 v. Similar to Auditor's record of same name. Journal, 1871-1905, 2 v. First volume is in storeroom. Ledger, 1905-date, 2 v. Records, 1869-1877, 1 v. This is a valuable record, but is kept in an unusual way. Redeemed warrants are listed. In front are statements of the annual tax rate, 1864-1877. State Land Redemption, Cash Book, 1876-1886, 1 v. Warrants Redeemed, 1878-date, 3 v. (x, x, 1912). The first volume is in the storeroom. The last volume is entitled "Warrant Register." Warrants Registered, 1864-1907, 1 v. (A). Entitled "Treasurer's Registry of Warrants." THE ASSESSOR Assessment List Book, 1875-1877, 1879, 8 v., in storeroom; 1916, 1 v. Assessment statement bound in volumes. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1880-1908, 1 v. V •a « O *J O © &D >. ? .8, •4-> T* HH'H C M rH 0» 3 tH "« S O ^ OOco w O .MriHS« « CD tH l^co • • .Pi ■a ■<*< T-i <^1 (jq ^j, ^ Cg "tfi LO t- CD CO t-H *"" (8 in m io eo «; os rt CO 00 00 00 00 ,_| X < 1 1 1 1 1 ode ( key » TO «j TO M O £ c3 rf_™ rt c^q fe M02WmMPL| AMADOR COUNTY. Ill AMADOR COUNTY INTRODUCTION Under the terms of an act passed May 10, 1854, Amador County was created from territory which, up to that time, had belonged to Calaveras County. Its original territory included that part of the present county which lies south of Dry Creek, as well as a considerable portion of what is now Alpine County. By subsequent legislation the northern line was shifted northward to the Cosumnes River. The development of the country lying east of the Sierra Nevada during the early sixties led to the creation of several new counties, one of these being Alpine, which was separately organized in 1864. The greater portion of Alpine was taken from Amador County, reducing that county to about three- fifths of its former area. Since the time of its organization the county seat has remained at Jackson. Two buildings connected by a bridge are used to house the county offices. The older is built of brick and stone, the newer of brick and concrete. They stand on the corner of a block not far distant from numerous wooden buildings. Practically all of the records are in the newer building, since it is considered fireproof. This building would probably be able to withstand fire from the outside, but the use of much wood in the interior finish prevents the interior being considered fire- proof. Gas and electricity are used for lighting purposes, while the rooms are heated by wood stoves. Vaults are not provided except in the Treasurer's office. The archives were examined in July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1854-1879 Execution Book, 1867-1889, 1 v. (A). Extends also into the Superior Court. File, 34 f .b., cases 1-1675 ; Tax Decrees, 4 f .b. General Index, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1854-1879, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. For both District and County Court. Minutes, 1854-1879, 5 v. (A-E). Register of Actions, 1854-1879, 6 v. (A-F). County Court, 1854-1879 File, 10 f.b., cases 1-574. Minutes, 3 v. (A-C). Register of Actions, 1854-1879, 2 v. (A-B). 112 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Court of Sessions, Criminal Minutes, 1854-1859, 1 v. (A). Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date File, 1850-1879, 20 lb., cases 1-421; 1880-date, 83 lb., cases 1-1440. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1887-date, 1 v. Letters of Administration, Guardianship, and Bonds, 1854-1879, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1880-date, 9 v. (A-I). Minutes, 1854-1879, 4 v. (A-D) ; 1880-date, 17 v. (1-17). Register of Actions, 1854-1879, 1 v.; 1880-date, 4 v. (1-4). Superior Court, 1879-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1879-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1887-1901, 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1879-date, 8 f.b.. ; Index, 1 v. Divorces, Interlocutory Decrees, 1903-date, 1 v. Execution Book, 1879-date, 3 v. (A-C). File, 1880-date, 216 f.b. General Index, 1 v. Grand Jury Reports, 1868-date, 2 f.b. Insanity Commitments, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Judgment Record, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). Minutes, 1880-date, 15 v. (1-15). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 6 v. (1-6). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1 f.b., cases 1-15. Minutes and Orders, 1909-date, 1 v. Record, 1909-date, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1909-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Amador Count}^, Organization of, 1 v. An account written by I. C. Shipinan, County Clerk, in 1854. Cancellation of Erroneous Assessments, 1902-date, 1 v. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1872-date, 1 v. Franchise Book, 1883-date, 1 v. Minutes, 1854-date, 11 v. (A-K). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. Orphans and Half -orphans, Record of, 1904-date, 2 v. Road Accounts, 1876-1891, 1 v. Road Book, 1854-1879, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Cash Book, 1854-date, 3 v. Fee Book, 1880-date, 8 v. (1-8). Military Rolls, 1882, 1884, 1888, 1891-1892, in basement; 1901- date, 1 f.b. Miscellaneous file, 1855-date, 46 p.h., in basement ; recent, 3 f.b. AMADOR COUNTY. 113 Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Record, 1907-date, 2 v. ; 1860-date, 1 f .b. ; Index, 1854-date, 1 v. Naturalization, Decrees of, 1880-1906, 2 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1855-date, 1 v. Xaturalization, Certificates of, 1907-date, 6 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1910-date. Great Register, 1866-1909, 10 v. ; Indexes printed, 1910-date. Elections Certificates of Election, 1854-date, 1 p.h. in basement; 1 f.b. Nominations, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Verification Deputies Record, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1905-date, 2 v., indexed. Dental Certificates, 1891-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 1 v. Optometrists, 1904-date, 1 v. Pharmacists and Assistants, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1863-date, 5 f.b. ; Index, 2 v. Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v.; Certificates, 1874-date, lf.b. Private account books, a number of recent date. Relating to Other Officers Appointment of Officers, 1901-date, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1854-1864, 6 p.h., in basement ; 1864-date, 5 f.b. District Attorney's Opinions, 1895-date, 1 f.b. Justice Court Dockets, 1855-date, 17 v. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1912-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Sec below under Powers of Attorney. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1874-date, 2 v. (A-B). Attachments, 1855-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 2 v. Births : Record of, 1873-date, 3 v. ; Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Certificates of Sale, 1866-date, 2 v. (A-B). Conveyances, 1900-date, 5 v. (1-5). Form books, all in use at same time. Deaths, Record of, 1873-date, 4 v. ; Register of, 1905-date, 3 v. Decrees of Partition, 1902-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Deeds, 185^date, 65 v. (A-Z, 1-39) ; Index, 11 v. Vols. A-B also contain Mortgages. 9—41210 114 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deeds of Trust, 1898-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Form books except vol. 5, which is loose leaf. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 3 v. (1-3). Estrays, 1864-1895, 1 v. (B), indexed. Executions, 1891-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Fee Books, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2). Pile of miscellaneous papers, 56 f.b. Homesteads, 1860-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 2 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1859-date, 2 v. (A, 1) ; Index, 2 v. Leases, 1904-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Earlier leases were recorded in Miscellany. Licensed Surveyors, 1 f.b. Lis Pendens, 1854-date, 2 v. (A, 1) ; Index, 2 v. Maps : Official maps, 3 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Amador County, wall maps, 1881, 1904 ; Town Sites, 10 maps. Marks and Brands, 1867-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Adjacent Counties, 1 f.b. Marriages, Record of, 1854-1904, 6 v. (A-P) ; Register, 1905-date, 1 v. ; Marriage Licenses, 1854-date, 6 v. (A-F). Mechanics Liens, 1854-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 2 v. Mining Claims, 1862-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Quartz Claims, Certificates of Location, 1897-1906, 1 v. ; Index, 2 v. ; Preliminary Locations, 1897- 1905, 1 v. ; Proofs of Labor, 1909-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Mining district records : Clinton District, 1870-1897, 1 v. ; Jackson District, 1863-1894, 1 v.; Plymouth District, 1863-1893, 3 v. (A-C) ; Robinson District, 1877, 1 v. ; Volcano District, 1858-1893, 4 v. These volumes are of odd sizes and, for the most part, in bad condition. Miscellany, 1861-date, 8 v. (A-H) • Index, 2 v. Mortgages, Real Estate, 1856-date, 31 v. (C-Z, 1-7) ; Chattel, 1868- date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Official Bonds, 1854-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 2 v. Patents: Miscellaneous, 1872-date, 1 v.; Patents (form book), 1903- date, 1 v. (1); Agricultural, 1877-date, 2 v. (A-B); Index, 1 v.; Homesteads, 1891-date, 2 v. (B-C) ; Town Lots, 1871-date, 1 v. (No. 1) ; Placer Mineral, 1878-date, 1 v. (A) ; Quartz Mineral, 1878- date, 2 v. (A-B). Powers of Attorney, 1854-date, 9 v. (A-I) ; Index, 2 v. The eight, volumes before 1903 are "Powers of Attorney and Agreements.'' Pre-emptions, 1854-date, 3 v. (A-C), indexed. Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1909-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Separate Property of Wives, 1855-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Sole Traders, 1907, 1 v., one entry. Special Partnerships, "Certificates of Partnership," 1891-date, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1915-date, 1 v. Tax Deeds, 1889-1906, 3 v. (1). These contain about a dozen entries in all. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1872-date, 12 v. (A-E, 1-7) ; Redemption Receipts, 1895-date, 2 v. Water Rights, 1872-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 2 v. AMADOR COUNTY. 115 THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1885-1902, 1903-date, 35 v. Census Marshal's Reports, 1883-1906. Certificate Books, 1872-date, 33 v., stub-books. Courses of Study, 1914, 1916. Examinations, Record Book, 1889-date, 6 v. Minutes of Board of Education and Teachers' Institutes, 1880-date, 2 v., Miscellaneous papers, 1883-date. Including correspondence, teachers' and trustees' reports, etc. Tied in bundles. Official Visits, Record of, 1900-1915, 2 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1908-date, 3 v. School District Ledger, 1872-date, 6 v. School District Map, 1914. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, 1887-date, 2 v. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1855-date, 121 v. ; Delinquent, 1855-date, 105 v. Bond Register, 1912-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1876-date, 3 v. Ledger, 1878-date, 6 v. License Record, 1870-date, 3 v. License Tax Collector's Reports, 1870-date, 3 f.b. Reports, 3 f.b. Tax Sales, Record of, 1877-date, 2 v. Treasurer's Reports, 1878-date, 1 f.b. Warrants on file, 1909-date, 24 f.b. THE TREASURER Cash Book, 1878-date, 2 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Appraisements, 1894-date, 1 v. ; Receipts, 1908-date, 2 v. Ledger, 1905-date, 2 v. Miscellaneous papers, before 1909, in basement ; 1909-date, 20 f.b. School Funds, 1889-date, 7 v. (3-9) ; 1859-1906, 9 v.; Warrants, 1909- date, 8 f.b. Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1856-date, 15 v. ; Registered Warrants, 1860- date, 2 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1907-date, 40 v. Field Enrollment Books, 1907-1914, 3 v. Maps : Block Books, 6 v. ; County Map, 1904. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book, 1911-date, 3 v. License Ledger, 1903-date, 1 v. License Register, 1885-1894, 1 v. IK) COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. BUTTE COUNTY INTRODUCTION Butte County was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850. Since at that time Colusa was also attached to Butte County for administrative purposes, its archives also contain records for Colusa County for the year 1850-1851. Many changes have been made in the county boundaries since 1850, for Plumas, Lassen, Tehama, Glenn and Sutter each contain territory which was once a part of this county ; the chief changes, however, were in 1854 when more than half of the original county was cut off and organized under the name of Plumas County, and in 1856 when, upon the organization of Tehama County, a large portion of the northwestern part of the county was added to that county. During the early years the county seat was subject to frequent changes. The original act permitted the voters to choose between Chico and Butte City ; the people, however, preferred neither of these places, hence much confusion. In July, 1850, the administrative center was temporarily placed at Chico, only to be moved the next month to Bidwell Bar, where it remained until Hamilton was made the county seat by a second popular election held in September. The county seat was at Hamilton from October, 1850, to August, 1853, when by legislative act it was again removed to Bidwell Bar. Here it remained until, by a vote of the people, it was established at Oroville in 1856. The courthouse is built of stone and stands in the center of a block three hundred feet square. A portion of it was built in 1856, to which an addition, which houses the offices of Clerk, Auditor and Recorder, was made in 1878. In general it may be said to be safe against outside fires, particularly the newer portion of the building. Its interior con- struction, however, does not render it free from the danger of fires originating within the building. The building is heated by steam and lighted by electricity. The equipment in the main offices is modern and convenient. The shifting of the county seat has resulted in the loss of a number of papers and documents which probably otherwise would still be in the archives. Some of these have been preserved in private collections. Furthermore, the crowded condition of the offices has caused many of the older records, as well as a large number of more recent ones, to be placed in store rooms which are not suitable for this purpose, since they are not fireproof and dust and mice do their work of destruction. These - s - << SLppSLpppppp q ST pa q ja on pa oo j» pa" O ' o Oi & © CD h*«0 COO o.. -— 'CR CO CO to oo'- i ocioooooooooo ^oocncnCrtCTicncn -q-3cO *S • - ^ O o ci fL, • ft L' institutes, record of teachers' examinations, record of examinations fo' graduation from the grammar schools, etc. Census Marshals' Field Notes and Reports, 1907-1910. 2 v. Certificate Books, stubs. 1885-date, 12 v. Certificates, Register of. 1895-date, 1 v. This 1ms also fees for certificates, 1S95-1906, and registered school war- rants. 1895-1903. Courses of Study, 1905-date, printed pamphlets. Current volume is loose leaf. Examinations for Elementary School Diplomas, Record of, 1905-date, 1 v.; Examination Reports of Public Schools, for years ending June 30, 1888, 1890, 1895, 1896, 1 v.. in storeroom. 148 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Fees, Certificate, Superintendent's Account of, 1895-1906, see under Register of Certificates: 1911-date, 1 v. Grading of Schools, 1887-1895, see " Register— Grade of Schools." Institutes, Minutes of, 1896-1901, in Scrap Book; 1904-1908, 1911, 1 v. ; Institute Programs, 1905-date, file. Letters, 24 drawers. Miscellaneous papers, 28 f.b. Orders Presented for Payment, 1903-1908, 1 v. "Register— Grade of Schools," 1887-1902, 1 v. Contains Grading of Schools, 1887-1895, and Register of Trustees, 1887-4902. Register of School Requisitions, 1905-date, 11 v. ; High Schools, 1904- 1905, 1 v. Combined register and ledger. School District Boundaries, 1884-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1872-1873, 1 v., "Journal C," in storeroom; 1873-1880, 1 v., "School District Fund D,"; 1880-1886, 1 v. (A) ; Register of School Districts, 1886-1905, 8 v. (x, C-I) ; 1905-date, see under Register of School Requisitions. Teachers, Record of, 1915-date, 1 v. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1908-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1904-date, file. Trustees, Register of, 1887-1902, see "Register — Grade of Schools;" 1903-date, 2 v. Trustees' Reports, 1904-date, file. Unapportioned School Moneys, 1909-1911, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, 1902-1906, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. Assessment Rolls: Original and Duplicate (including Personal Property), 1850-1915, 200 v. Nine volumes of Personal Property (1897-1906, 1912) are in the store- room. Delinquent, 1853, 1856-1863, 1866, 1868, 1871-1915, 57 v. Cash Book, 1874-date, 21 v. (1-21). Most of these are in the storeroom. Pee Book, 1895-date, 1 v. Hospital Account, 1904-date, 2 v. (1-2). Journal, 1874-1885, 1887-1888, 2 v. (1-2), in storeroom. Ledger, 1874-1875, 1887-1888, 2 v. (3,x), in storeroom; 1889-date, 2 v. License Book, 1878-1883, 1 v.; Register of Licenses, 1881-1889. 2 v. (4,x) ; 1896-1901, 1906-1911, 6 v.; License Record, 1900-date, 1 v. All except the last volume are in the storeroom. Migratory Stock, Assessment of, 1875-1879, 1 small v. Miscellaneous papers, 177 f.b. Orphans on State Aid, Account of, 1904-date, 2 v. ; Record of Orphans in Private Institutions, 1910-date, 1 v. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY. 149 Poll Tax Roll, 1877-1914. 36 v., in storeroom. Pre-emption Claims. May, 1851-June, 1852, 1 v. Redemptions, 1887-date, 7 f.b. Reports to State Controller, 1889-date, file. School Warrants, Register of, 1907-date, 3 v. (2-4). Sheriff's Account Book, 1854-1865, 1 v. Tax Record, Delinquent, 1872-date, 5 v. (1-4, 1) ; Property Sold to State for Delinquent Taxes, 1885-1905, 1 v. (1). Warrants. Register of, 1850-1870, 1887, 1889-1890, 1897-1905. 6 v.; 1908-date, 6 v. (4-9) ; General and School Fund. 1890-1908, 3 v.; Roads and Miscellaneous Funds, 1875-1913 (not complete), 20 v. Most of these are in the storeroom. Warrants Registered, Road Funds, 1873-1898, 3 v., in storeroom. THE TREASURER Bond Record, 1900-date, 1 v. ; Bond Register. 1 v. Cash Book. 1862-date, 17 v. Funding Commissioners, Record of, 1862-1873, 1 v. General Warrant Book, 1864-1882, 2 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, stubs, 1897-date. Ledger, 1857-date, 11 v. (A, A-J) ; Road Fund Ledger, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5). License Record of Tax Collector, 1883-1885, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, 15 f.b. Receipt stub-books, 1882-1908, 2 v. Register of Warrants : Road Funds, 1893-1898, 1 v. ; Hospital Funds, 1872-1893, 1 v. School District Accounts, 1873-1910, 8 v. (1-8). School District Account Book, current, 1 v. School Fund Account, 1857-1863, 1 v. Tax Account, 1873-1874, 1 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1872-1894, 4 v. Treasurer's Balances, 1893-date. Union High School District Accounts, 1901-1911, 1 v. Warrant Book, General and Salary, 1893-1900, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Electors, Assessor's Roll of, 1881-1890, 1892-1894, 1896-1898, 3 v., in storeroom. Field Books, 1853, 1 v. ; 1883-1910, 600 v. ; 1910-date, new form. These contain the statement of the individual assessed. Map Books, recent, 15 v. Mortgage Statements, 1909, 1910, 2 v., in storeroom. Statements made to assessor of holders of mortgages. Mortgages, Assessor's Abstract of, 1882-1913, 25 v., in storeroom. 150 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current. Cash Book, State and County, 1903-1907, 8 v.; Incorporated Towns, 1903-1905, 3 v. ; Road District, 1902, 1903, 2 v. ; all in the storeroom. Ledger, 1883-1889, 1 v., in the storeroom. Road District Tax Book, 1877-1878, 1881, 1885, 1886, 1889, 1891-1893, 1895-1898, 12 v., all in the storeroom. School District Tax Book, 1891, 1 v., in the storeroom. Collection on special taxes in five districts. Taxes Collected: in incorporated towns, 1884-1894, 1896, 1897, 1900, 6 v. ; in school districts, 1902, 1903, 2 v., all in the storeroom. ■CM if ... i ■ Del Norte County. Solid blue Stats. 1857:35; 1858:21. a Pol. Code (1872), §3909. b Pol. Code (1887), §3909. c Stats. 1901 :600. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3916. For key to maps see page ix. DEL NORTE COUNTY. 151 DEL NORTE COUNTY % INTRODUCTION Del Xorte County was created in 1857. Before that time it had been within the limits of Trinity County, and later in Klamath County. Del Norte at first included much territory upon the upper Klamath River around Happy Camp. In 1887, however, the eastern boundary was shifted further west and all of this region given to Siskiyou County. The county seat has always been at Crescent City. The courthouse stands in the center of a large block and is separated from other buildings except a wooden shed, or storehouse, in the rear. It is constructed of wood and is therefore not fireproof. The hazard is increased by the use of wood stoves for heating purposes. A good- sized vault, however, is provided and the attempt is made to keep the greater part of the more valuable records in it. It is located off the office of the Recorder and Auditor and most of his records are kept in it. This is also the case with the older records of the Clerk and other officials. The clerk also has recently had installed an enclosed steel cabinet for his court record books. Just how safe the records would be should the building burn, is a matter of speculation. The danger from fire within the vault is increased by the necessity of using candles for lighting purposes during practically the entire day. The archives of this county were examined in October, 1917. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1857-1879 Calendar, 1857-1873., 1 v. Execution Book. 1866-1877, 1 v., in the vault. File, with Superior Court. General Index, Defendants, 1 v. Judgment Book. 1868-1879, 1 v., in vault. Continues under Superior Court to 1892. Judgment Docket, 1857-1879, 1 v. Minutes, or "Record," 1857-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Vol. B contains Superior Court Minutes, 1880-18S3. Receipt Book. 1857-1888, 1 v., in Supervisors' room. Register of Actions. 1873-1879. cases 1-91, 1 v. Also contains Superior Court Register. 1880-1887. For District Court Register, 1864-1867, sec under Recorder's archives, Separate Property of Wives. Taxes. Decree Book of Delinquent, 1870-1871. Only 31 pages so used: the remainder is used as a register of notaries, 1875-1908, and for medical certificates. 1876-1908. 152 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. County Court, 1857-1879 Calendar and Docket, 1859-1879, 1 v. File, with Superior Court. Judgment Book, 1874-1879, 1 v. (B) ; Record, 1858-1879, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1866-1879, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1857-1862 Minutes, August, 1857-October, 1862. Labeled "Agreements Liber A," and so used after 1862. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1857-date Bonds and Executors and Guardians, 1894-date, 1 v. (A). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905. File, 49 f.b. Letters of Administration and Guardianship, Index, 1 v. Minutes: Record, 1857-1881, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1898-date, 2 v. (A-B). Probate Orders and Decrees, 1874-1893, 1 v. (B) ; 1893-1911, 2 v. (A-B). Probate Record of Wills, Letters Testamentary, Bonds and Letters of Administration, 1861-1891, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1857-1889, 2 v. The first volume, 1857-1864, is labeled "Calendar" ; the second, "Register of Estates." Wills Admitted to Probate, 1891-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-date, 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, 3 f.b. Decree Book, 1911-date, 2 v. (C-D). File : Cases Pending, 24 f.b. ; Old Cases, Civil, 56 f.b. ; Criminal, 22 f.b. This includes also papers of District and County Courts. General Index, 2 v. Grand Jury Reports, 1 f.b. Insanity : Commitments, 1912-date, 1 v. ; Minutes, 1910-1912, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1892-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1903-date, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date. 1 v. Jury Book, 1902-date, 1 v. Minutes, 1883-date, 20 v. (A-T). For 1880-1883, see District Court, Minutes Register of Actions, 1887-date, 5 v. (B-F) ; Appendix, 1880-1892, 1 v. Before 1887, see District Court, Register. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1 f.b. Record, 1909-1910, 1 v. Register, 1909-date, 1 v. DEL NORTE COUNTY. 153 SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1893-1901, 1 v., in vault; 1901-date, 2 v. Canvassers, Minutes of Board of, 1872-date, 2 v. These contain the election returns. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1857-date, 1 v. Minutes, 1857-1867, 1 v.; 1868-date, 8 v. (A-H). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (A). Orphans and Half-orphans, Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Roads and Highways, Record of, 1877-1895. Road Plat Book, 1911-1916, 1 v. School District Boundaries, Record of, 1912, 1 v., loose leaf. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Books, 1865-1869, 1 v.; 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). The volume for 1S65-1S69 is for both Clerk and Recorder. Military Rolls, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1904, 1908. Papers filed, Index to, 1911-date, 1 v. Poll Tax List, 1894. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1880-1906, 2 v. ; Record, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1857-1905, 1 v. Naturalization: Record of, 1857-1880, 1 v. (A); Certificates of, 1871-1903, 3 v. (A-C); Record of, 1904-1906, 1 v.; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1857-1903, 1 v. Registration and Election Affidavits of registration, recent, a great quantity. Great Register, 1866-1898, 4 v. ; 1908-1909, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1914, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1908-date, 1 v. Dental Certificates, 1908-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1908-date, 1 v. For 1876-1908, see under District Court, Taxes. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1868-1912, 1 v. ; 1 f .b. Bond and Surety Companies, Record, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of, 1 v. Partnership Register, 1877-1889, 1 v. Private account books : Cliff Cooper Mining Co., Record, March-August, 1863, 1 v. Evoca Mining Co., Records, March 3, 1860-Jan. 16, 1863; Minutes, 1 v. ; Journal, 1 v., Transfer Book, 1 v. Lannes McLaren, Ledger, 1898-1899, 1 v. 154 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers, 1 f.b. Census Enumerators' Field Notes, 1860, 1 portfolio. Justice Court Dockets, several. Notaries, Register of, 1875-1908. See uote under District Court, Taxes. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1868-date, 2 v. (A-B). The first volume was used originally for Minutes of the Court of Sessions, 1S57-1SG2. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Index of, 4 v. (1-2). Attachments of Real Estate, 1897-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Bills of Sale, 1896-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. ; Notices of, 1903-date, 1 v. (A), indexed. Births, Record of, 1873-1898, 1 v. ; 1903-1905, 1 v. ; Register of, 1905- 1911, 1 v. ; 1912-date, 1 v., certificates. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1866-1868, 1 v. ; 1896-date, 1 v. (A). Deaths : Register of, 1873-1903, 1 v. ; Record of, 1904-1909, 1 v. ; Certificate. 1910-date, 1 v. Deeds, 1857-1869, 1 v. (A) ; 1857-date, 33 v. (A-Z, 27-33) ; Transcript of Deeds from Klamath Countv, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 6 v. Fee Books, 1901-date, 2 v. For 1865-1869, see Clerk's Fee Book. File of miscellaneous papers, 24 f.b. ; and several p.h. in back room. Homesteads, 1860-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of. 1868-1896. 1 v.; 1895-date, 1 v. (A). Land Claims and Pre-emptions, Aug. 1857-1881, 1 v. (A) j Transcripts from Klamath County, 1858, 1 v. Leases, 1857-date, 2 v. (A-B). Vol. A is entitled "Leases and Agreements."' Lis Pendens, 1864-date, 2 v. (x, B) ; Index, 1 v. Mans, Official, 1 v. ; Filed, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Map of Del Norte County, Nov., 1866 (Randall); Map of Del Norte County, 1903 (Wahn- Morgan-Draper Co.). The map of 1SGG is roughly drawn on heavy paper. It is of interest iu showing some of the settlements in the county, the townships, etc. It also shows a number of Indian villages on Klamath River. Scale, one mile to inch. Marks and Brands, 1877-date, 1 v. (A), 9 pages only. .Marriage Record, 1857-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Register of Marriages, 1907- 1913, 1 v. ; Board of Health Certificates, 1914-date, 1 v. Mechanics Liens, 1858-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Transcripts from Klamath County, 1853-1858, 1 v. Mining Records: Deeds, Mining Claims, 1860-1878, 2 v. (A-B). District Records, Rockland District, 1862-1863, 1 v. Contains district laws and minutes. DEL NORTE COUNTY. 155 Locating Notices and Mining Claims, 1860-date, 10 v. (A-J) ; 1915-date, 1 v. (12), 1 p.h. in back room; Index, 1 v, (6). Proofs of Labor, 1892-date, 2 v. (A-B). Miscellany, 1875-date, 2 v. (A-B). Mortgages, 1857-date, 14 v. (A-N) ; Index, 2 v. ; Transcripts from Klamath County, 1858, 1 v.; Transfer of, 1860-1901, 1 v. (A); Assignment of, 1900-date, 1 v. (B) ; Releases of, 1859-date, 2 v. (A-B); Index, 2 v.; Personal Property, 1893-date, 2 v. (A-B), indexed. Newspapers : Crescent City, Herald, June 10, 1854-June 8, 1861, 3 v. Del Norte Record, April 28, 1888-March 16, 1889, 1 v. Official Bonds, 1857-date. 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1900-date, 1 v. Physicians, etc., 1915, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1857-date, 3 v. (A-C), indexed; Revocation of, 1870-1907, 1 v. (A), indexed. Separate Property of Wives, 1873-1898, 1 v. (A). In reality but 17 pages in the middle of the book are used for this pur- pose. The first pages are used as a Register of Actions of the District Court, 1864-1867, followed by a few pages of agreements between the Anita Copper Company and James Black ; and that in turn followed by Register of Actions of District Court, 1868-1872. Sole Traders' Declarations, 1859-1883, 1 v. Special Partnerships, 1882-1893, 1 v. Swamp and School Lands, 1858-1868, 1 v. (A), indexed. Tax Deeds, 1896-date, 3 v. (A-C). Tax Sale. Certificates of, 1895-1917, 19 v. (A-S) ; Certificates of Redemption of Real Estate, 1877, 1 v. Water Rights, 1896-date, 1 v. (A). Wills Admitted to Probate, 1893-date, 1 v. (A). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1895-clate. Apportionment of Funds, 1911-date, 1 package. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1890-date, 3 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes, 1903-1910; Reports, 1903-1910. Certificate Books, stubs, 1894-date. Certificates. Applications for, 1911-date. Communications received: Auditor, 1 package; District Clerks, 1 package ; General, 1 package. Courses of Study, 1904, 1907, 1911, 1914. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1895-date, 1 v. Fee Books of Superintendent, 1911-date, 1 v. Grading of Schools, 1911-date, 1 v. Institutes. Minutes of. 1891-date, 1 v. Opening of Schools, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v. Requisitions. Register of. 1898-date. 1 v.; Requisition stub-books, 1911- date. School District Boundaries. 1899. 1909, 1914, 3 pamphlets. 156 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. School District Ledger, 1897-date, 2 v. School District Maps, current, 1 set. School Library Books, Record of, 1917, 1 v. This list includes former lists. Teachers' Employment Record, 1911-date, 1 package. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1895-date, 3 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1895-date. Trustees, Register of, 1911-date, 1 v. Trustees' Reports, 1895-date. Warrant Register, 1908-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1857-1870, 11 v. ; 1880-date, 66 v. ; Index, 30 v.; Duplicate, 1872-1880, 9 v.; Delinquent, 1885, 1890-date, unbound lists. Bond Register, 1910-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1860-1902, 1 v. Fee Books, 1892-1900, 1 v. Auditor's and Recorder's together. Journal, 1857-1876, 2 v.; 1885-1887, 1 v., in Treasurer's office; 1892- date, 3 v. (C-E). Ledger, 1885-1889, 1 v.; 1892-date, 3 v. (B-D). License Record, stub-book, 1874-1876, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, 12 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans, 1913-date, 1 v. Poll Tax Rolls, 1893, 1895, 1897-1900, 1902. School District Funds, 1891-1892, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1857-1867, 1 v. (No. 1) ; 1869-1888, 1 v. (No. 2) ; 1888-date, 6 v. (1-6); Road District, 1888-1893, 1 v.; School Dis- tricts, 1892-1895, 1 v. ; 1907-1915, 1 v. ; 1915-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Warrants filed, a great pile in the vault enclosed in envelopes. THE TREASURER Cash Book, 1885-1887, 1 v. ; 1893-1914, 3 v. Day Book or Journal, 1885-1890, 1 v. ; 1891-1892, 1901-1902, 1 v., in Auditor 's office ; 1915-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1885-1886, 1 v.; 1899-date, 4 v. (2-5). Monthly Reports, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. School Warrants, 1913-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1913-date, 2 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current. Cash Book, 1904-1917, 4 v. Licenses, Cash Account, 1887-1917, 2 v. . - X t~t~ CD ■ -SO tHt-I £*«»«» q. T-IT-IU5JO ... J? us us m co os !~; O oo oo oo oo oo Jh f* - , - J T-) iH rH rH rH ^3 . .... ,°,o ^ w to w to k5*->0 o EL DORADO COUNTY. 157 EL DORADO COUNTY INTRODUCTION El Dorado was one of the original counties into which the state was divided by the act of February 18, 1850. Since then several changes have been made in its boundaries, in nearly all of which El Dorado has lost something to adjacent newer counties : Amador County, created in 1854, took from El Dorado that portion of its territory lying between Dry Creek and the Cosumnes River, while approximately one-third of Alpine County was taken from El Dorado in 1863 and 1864. The first county seat was Coloma, which, through the prestige gained by the original gold discovery, was the only applicant for the place. After a spirited contest Placerville was given the county seat in 1857, and has retained the honor since that date. In 1861 buildings for the county offices were purchased. Just how long these served is not known. A courthouse was destroyed by fire on May 15, 1910, and many of the records at that time were burned. During the years 1910-1912, before the present building was completed, the county offices were located in various places. During these changes, many of the volumes became misplaced, and were considered burned until discovered during the examination made by the Historical Survey Commission. The present courthouse was accepted in December, 1912, and is apparently fireproof, although much wood is used in the interior construction and the lot upon which the building stands did not permit its being placed far from other buildings. It is lighted by electricity and furnished with steam heat. In general the filing cases and book shelves are modern and fireproof, although a few of the papers are filed in pasteboard filing boxes. With the exception of the offices of the Treasurer and the Tax Collector, there are no vaults. Many older semi-discarded records were found in the basement. The basement has a cement floor and is used in part as a jail. One room has been set apart for older records and is referred to throughout this report as the Clerk's basement. It contains a large number of miscellaneous volumes, many of them showing the effects of the fire. Besides those books there are many others stored away in a small room below the stairs leading down from the Sheriff's office. This is referred to in the report as the Sheriff's basement. Among these latter books were found many old and interesting documents as well as some of present value. They had been misplaced in the con- 158 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. fusion at the time of the fire in 1910, and since then had not been located. They were restored to their proper places and are so listed in the report. This courthouse was examined in May, 1916. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Alcalde's Docket, 1849-1850, 1 v. Inside title, "Old Dry Diggings, Territory of Calif., Oct., 15, 1849- Jan. 25, 1850." Vinel Daniels, Alcalde. The record contains 28 pages of civil suits between the dates given, and 5 pages of probate matters, Oct. 13, 1849. A small volume, 1\ x 12 inches, in Clerk's basement. THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Bar Docket, 1850-1851, 1 v.; 1853-1855, 1 v.; 1858-1867, 1 v.; 1854-1879, 1 v. The volume for 1850-1851 is placed unbound in Judgment Book A ; the last volume is in the Clerk's basement, the others in the Sheriff's base- ment. Court Docket, 1858-1867, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. Docket, 1850-1855, 2 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1854-1865, 1 v.; an undated vol., for cases 31-91. The last two are in the Clerk's basement. Execution Docket, 1851-1879, 2 v., in Clerk's basement. Fee Book, 1851-1856, 1 v. (A). Judgment Book, 1850-1879, 5 v. (A-E). Vol. B is in Clerk's basement. Judgment Docket, 1856-1879, 2 v. (B-C). Minutes, 1850-1852, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; 1854-1879, 6 v. (C-H). Register of Actions, 1855-1856, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; 1857- 1859, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. The volume for 1855-1856 also contains Jury List for 1856-1870. Tax Suits: Decree Eecord, 1864-1873, 2 v. (A-B) ; Order Book, 1865-1873, 1 v. (A). All in Clerk's basement. County Court, 1850-1879 Court Docket, 1851-1863, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. Execution Docket, 1850-1852, 1 v. ; 1850-1878, 1 v. Both in Clerk's basement. Judgment Book, 1857-1879, 1 v. (D). Judgment Docket, 1850-1878, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Minutes, 1851-1857, 2 v., in Clerk's basement; 1857-1879, 3 v. (C-E). Register of Actions, 1861-1867, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. Outside title "County Court Records." 'See also Pre-statehood Records. EL DORADO COUNTY. 159 Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Docket, April, 1856-August, 1857, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; Crim- inal Docket, 1853-1863. 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. The volume for 1856—1857 also contains Judgment Record of District Court, August. IMU-Xovember, 1865. Minutes, 1851-1863, 4 v. All are in Clerk's basement except 1853-1855. Register of Actions. May, 1853-1857, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Fee Book, 1910-clate, 1 v. File, 1850-1880, 30 f.b. ; 1880-date, 84 f.b., cases 1-1256. Index, 1 v. (1). Inventories and Appraisements, 1884-date, 1 v. (A). Letters of Guardianship and Bonds, "Bonds, Letters and Wills," 1861-1867, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; 1867-1879, 1 v. (G) ; 1879-date, 5 v. (C-G) ; Index, 1 v. Minutes, June, 1850-1879, 1 v. (A-D), indexed; 1880-date, 11 v. (D-E, G-H, J-K, M-Q). Original minute book, 1850-1851, paper-bound, and a copy of it with continuation to 1858 in Clerk's basement. Register of Actions, 1910-date, 1 v. (5). Superior Court, 1880-date Docket. 1879-1890, 1 v., cases 1-679. Execution Book. 1866-1885, 1 v., 1885-1912, 2 v. (B-C). File, 91 f.b., cases 1-2179. General Index, 4 v. (1-2). Grand Jury Lists, 1870, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement; Report of John Munson, expert, to the Grand Jury, 1890, in Clerk's basement. The expert's report reviews acts of county officers, 1883-1890. Insanitv, Record of Commitments, 1881-date, 2 v. (A-B). Judgment Book, 1880-date, 5 v. (A-E). Judgment Docket, 1855-date, 2 v. (1-2). Minutes, 1880-date, 11 v. (A-K). Register of Actions, 1910-date, 1 v. (5). Others destroyed in fire of 1910. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date Minutes, 1909-date. 1 v. (1). Record, 1910-date. 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-1882, 1 v. (A), in Clerk's basement. Auditors, Minute Book of Board of, 1874-1880, 2 v. (A-B). Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1880-1913, 1 v., in Clerk's base- ment. File of miscellaneous papers, 10 f.b. 160' COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Minutes : Court of Sessions, May 21-Sept. 28, 1850, 1 v., in Sher- iff 's basement; July, 1851-February, 1857, 2 v. (A, AA) ; Board of Supervisors, 1856-date, 9 v. (B-J) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (A). Road Record, 1850-date, 1 v., with index. Saloon Bonds, 1910-date, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Book, 1853-1855, 1 v., "Denvers Fee Book;" 1855-1857; 1861-1877. The first two are in Sheriff's basement, the latter in Clerk's basement. Hunting License Record, 1913-date, 1 v. Land Entry Record, 1913-date, 1 v. Containing record of entries on United States Land. Poll Tax and Military Rolls, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1901, 1904, 1906, in Sheriff's basement; 1913, 1914. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Record, 1906-date, 2 v. Naturalization, Certificates of, 1869-1883, 1 v. (A) ; 1877-1898 1 v. (B); 1883-1903, 1 v. (C). The first two volumes are for County and Superior Courts, and District and Superior Courts, respectively. Naturalization, Record of, 1903-1906, 2 v. (2, D). Naturalization, Petition and Record, 1904-date, 2 v. Naturalization, Index, 1854-date, 1 v. (1). Registration and Election Affidavits of Registration, current, 11 drawers. Great Register, 1866-1871, 2 v., original and copy; 1889-1902, 5 v. ; 1910-1912, 2 v., all in Clerk's basement; 1914-1915, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, 2 f.b. Nomination, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Record of Ballots, 1892, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 2 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1910-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1901-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, "By Laws of Incorporations," 1873- 1907, 1 v. (A) ; 1 f.b.; Index, 1910-date, 1 v. See also under Recorder, "School Lands, Record A". Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1901-date, 1 v. EL DORADO COUNTY. 161 Private account books : Ledger, 1852-1853, 1 v., but little detail. H. C. Roland, Sacramento, Account Book, August, 1852- March, 1853. Green Mountain Mining Co., Cash Book, 1866-1867 ; Ledger, 1898 ; Journal, 1898-1900. Register of Central Hotel, Placerville, 1881-1882. Ledger of [unknown] Mining Co., 1897-1898, badly scorched. With the exception of the last, these are all in the Sheriff's basement. Relating to Other Officers Justice Court Docket, Placerville, 1859-1860, 1 v. ; 1860-1863, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. Notaries, Records of, E. B. Carson, December, 1858-January, 1860, 1 v., in SherifPs basement; Wm. Burton, Kelseys, 1880- 1900, 1 v. Sheriff's Execution Book, 1872-1876. Record of Sheriff's sales, etc. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1879-date, 6 v.( B-G). Assignments in Bankruptcy, 1868, 1 v., only two entries. In Clerk's basement. The first fifteen pages contain minutes of the "Democratic Club" of Placerville, July-August, 1859, giving the names of 102 members on the roll. Assignments of Mortgages, Agreements and Judgments, 1873-date, 3 v. (A-C); Index, 1 v. (1). Attachments, November, 1850-June, 1874, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; 1909-date, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. (1). The volume for 1850^1874 is entitled "Attachment Record. Suits Pending and Transcript of Judgment." Birth Register, 1859, two entries; 1910-date, 3 v. (1-3). Certificates of Sale by Sheriff, 1856-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deaths, Register of, 1910-date, 3 v. (1-3). Decrees of Distribution, Index to, 1 v. (1). Decrees are entered under Deeds. Deeds, June, 1851-date, 85 v. (A-Z, 27-85); "Informal Deeds and Mortgages," 1852-1853, 1 v. The latter volume was restored to the Recorder s office from the Sheriff's basement. Deeds of Trust, 1912-date, 2 v. (1-2). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1893-date, 2 v.; Commit- tees' Statements, 1894, 1 v., only two entries. Estravs, 1851-1902, 1 v. Fee Books, 1861-1870, in Sheriff's basement; 1877-1897, 3 v.; 1910- date, 1 v. General Index, 1850-1851, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Homesteads, 1860-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Abstract of, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). 162 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Leases, 1855-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-1902, 1 v. ; 1910-date, on file. Lis Pendens, 1874-date, 4 v. (D-G) ; Index, 1 v. (1). See Suits Pending. 1850-1874, under Attachments above. Maps and Plats, 1910-date. 1 v. ; wall map of Placerville, 1872, 8 x 12 ft. Early maps were burned in fire of 1910. Marks, Brands and Estrays, 1851-date, 2 v. (1-2). Marriages: Record of, 1851-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Register of, 1859-1860, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1910-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mechanics Liens, 1853-date, 4 v. (2-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). •The volume for 1853-1857 is in the Sheriff's basement. Mining records : District records: El Dorado District, 1863-1883, 1890-1905, 3 v. (A~B, D), in Clerk's basement. Contains mining laws of Apr. 7. 1863. Other mining district records were burned in the fire. Locations, 1850-date, 21 v. (1, A-T) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4). Vol. E, p. 51, gives rules and regulations adopted at Seneca Bar, May 26, 1851. Notices of Non-liability, 1907-date, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. (1). Proofs of Labor, 1896-date, 12 v. (A-Q). Miscellany, "Record Book A," May 4, 1850- Aug. 9, 1852. This volume was probably used to record all the papers recorded during those dates, as it has deeds, mortgages, notes, bonds, liens, mining claims, marriages, etc. On pages 541 and 545 are to be found two deeds emancipating negro slaves. 1 The book was found in .the Clerk's basement, but was restored to the Recorder. Miscellany, 1887-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Mortgages, 1854-date, 35 v. (A-Z, 1-9) ; Index, 3 v.; Personal Prop- erty, 1880-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. For Mortgages. 1852-1853, see also under Deeds. "Informal Deeds and 'The following- is a transcript of a deed of emancipation recorded in Record Book A, p. 541 : "Taylor Barton to 'Emancipation' Negro Bob ff&S^&SS ssl Cold Spring Precinct Know all men to Whome these presents shall come That I Taylor Barton lately a citizen of the State of Missouri and owner of Slaves do by this instrument under my hand and Seal given this Ninth day of October in the Year of Our Lord Eighteen Hundred & Fifty One Set free from Bondage to me and all men my Slave Bob and do declare him forever hereafter his own man Whereever he may Go Nevertheless I make this Condition that my Said Bob shall remain with me as my Slave faithful and obedient unto me until the twenty rift day of December next Commonly Known as Christmas "Witness my hand & seal on the day & date aforesaid "In presence of Taylor Barton (S.S) Wm F Emerson December 25th 1851 "I do hereby declare my Slave Bob to be forever free from and after this date Taylor Barton (S.S) "In presence of I. G. Canneld J. P. "Filed for Record Jany. 5th 1852 at 4 O'Clock P.M. Jno. A Reichert Recordr of El DoraCo. Cal." EL DORADO COUNTY. 163 Newspapers : Placerville, El Dorado Republican and Nugget, 1910-1915, 6 v. The volumes for 1911—1913 are in the Clerk's basement. Mountain Democrat, 1910-1915, 6 v. The volumes for 1910-1913 are in the Clerk's basement. Official Bonds, April, 1850-1857, 1 v. (A), in Sheriff's basement; 1875- date, 6 v. (B-G) ; Index, 1 v. Vol. A was located in Sheriff's basement, but was replaced in the Recorder's office. Patents, 1869-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Powers of Attorney, 1851-date, 3' v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Pre-emptions, 1850-1877, 3 v. (A, C-D). These were found in Clerk's basement but restored to the Recorder's office. Releases of Mortgages, 1881-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 2 v. "School Lands, Record A," June, 1852-January, 1869. A book of 78 pages. About one-half of the entries are records of school land warrants, the remainder being devoted to Articles of Incorpora- tion, mostly churches, lodges, cemetery associations, etc. Separate Property of Married Women, 1852-date, 1 v. (A). Stallion Register," 1912-date, 1 v. Tax Deeds, 1874-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds to State, 1895-date, 7 v. (1-7). Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1873-1900, 6 v. (1-6), in Sheriff's basement; Sales to State, 1878-1894, 2 v., in Sheriff's basement; Placerville, 1901-date, 1 v. Water Rights, 1872-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 1 Annual Report, 1912-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1910-date, 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1910-date, 2 v. Certificate Books, 1910-date, 12 v. Communications received, 1910-date, 2 vertical files. Courses of Study, 1912-date, 2 v. Diplomas, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Life and Normal school diplomas. Requisition, Register of, 1908-date, 3 v.; Stub-books, 1910-date. School District Boundaries, current, 1 v. School District Map, shown on county map, 1908. School Unit Records, 1910-date, 1 v. ' Showing units of attendance. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1910-date. 6 v., annually; High School Principals, 1 v. Title of School Properties, 1910-date, 1 v. Trustees' Reports, 1910-date. These are filed annually. Refer mainly to valuation of property. ir Fhis office was one of the first destroyed by the fire of 1910, less than five minutes being allowed to save the records. 164 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE AUDITOR Allowance Books, 1883-1896, 2 v. (B-G), in Clerk's basement; 1902- 1908, 1 v. (E). Apportionment of Redemption Sales, 1 v. (2). Assessment Rolls : Original, 1850-1870, in Sheriff's basement; 1875-1881, 1883, 1886-1903, 101 v., in Clerk's basement; 1904-1905; 1910-date; Index, 1911-1914, 4 v. The volume for 1850 is a small book (8 x 13 in.) certified to by the Assessor under date of Aug. 8, 1850. The early volumes give very valuable information regarding the taxable property of the county. Duplicate, 1855-1858, 5 v., in Sheriff's basement. Delinquent, 1852, 1855-1856, 1858, 1862-1869, 16 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1909-1914, 6 v. Bonds of El Dorado County, issued to Sacramento Valley R. R., 1863- 1864, 1 v. ; Bonds issued, June 1, 1887, 1 v. ; School Bonds, 1890-1903, 1 v. All are in Clerk's basement. Cash Book, 1866-1870, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; 1870-1885, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1898-1901, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; Cash Book, unclassified, 1855-1856, 1 v. Indigents, Record of Aged, 1893-1895, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Ledger, 1857-1870, 5 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1881-1899, 2 v., in Clerk's basement; 1899-date, 2 v.; Ledger, unclassified, 1855-1856, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. License Record, November, 1852-March, 1854, 1 v., in Sheriff's base- ment; 1899-1903, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; Collector's reports, 1 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1910-date, 2 v. Poll Tax Accounts, 1869-1902, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Public Administrator's Accounts, 1875-1896, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Receipts and Expenditures, current, 1 v., loose leaf. Reports, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Road Overseers' Ledger, 1861-1864, 1872', 2 v., in Sheriff's basement. School District Funds, 1862-1875, 3 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1880- 1901, 5 v. (A-E), in Clerk's basement; 1910-date. School Warrants, 1915-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of: General, 1865-1885, 1898-1909, 6 v., in Clerk's basement; 1910-date, 3 v. (11-13) ; School, 1880-1898, 2 v. in Clerk's basement; Canceled Warrants, 1912-date. Warrants, Redeemed, 1850-1864, 5 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1865- 1903, 4 v., in Clerk's basement. The volumes in the Sheriff's basement are frequently labelled "County Orders" and contain much interesting information regarding the busi- ness of the county during those years as shown by the warrants issued, since they give the name, number, amount, date, to whom delivered, for what services, when presented, and when redeemed. The last four volumes are labelled "Day Books.'' Warrants Registered, Hospital Land, 1872-1880, 1 v., in Clerk's base- ment. EL DORADO COUNTY. 165 THE TREASURER Cash Book, 1852-1854. 1856-1857, 1874-1878, 3 v., in Sheriff's base- ment; 1878-1883, 1885-1907, 6 v., in Clerk's basement; 1907-date, 2 v. Day Book, 1870-1874, 1880-1886, 2 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1886- 1891, 1 v.. in Clerk's basement. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1907-date. Ledger, 1852-1862, 1868-1870, 2 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1864-1866, 1870-1879: 1883-1902. 6 v., in Clerk's basement; 1905-date, 2 v. Miscellaneous papers, 7 f.b. Monthly Reports, 1860-1861, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1911-date, 1 drawer. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Receipt Books, 1859-1868, 2 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1866-1905, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. School District Ledger, 1889-1891, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. State Land Record, 1880 ?-date, 1 v. Gives date, number, name of purchaser, township, section, etc., acres. Tax Redemption Record, 1911-date, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1911-date, 2 v. ; School Warrants, 1862-1892, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Warrants Registered, 1850-1865, 2 v. ; Wagon Road Fund, June- November, 1858, 1 v. All in Sheriff's basement. Warrants Redeemed, 1850-1864, 4 v., in Sheriff's basement; 1872-1891, 1 v.. in Clerk's basement. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Deeds, 1911-1915, 6 v. Assessment Statements, 1880-1881, in Sheriff's basement; 1910-1912, in Clerk's basement; 1913-date. Field Enrollment Book, 1910-1912, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Maps and Plats : Plat Book of sections, current, 5 v. ; Official Map, El Dorado County. 1908, scale one mile to inch ; Diamond Springs, 1871, blue print, scale. 79.20 feet to inch; Georgetown, 1872, 100 feet to inch. Patents, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Arranged by political townships from entries made in Recorder's Record of Patents. State and United States Land Office Returns, 1905-date. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current. Cash Book, 1898-1904, 7 v.. in Sheriff's basement; 1905-1911, 5 v., in Clerk's basement; 1911-date, 6 v. Delinquent Roll. 1915. 1 y. Ledger, 1861-1864, 1 v.. in Cio-k's basemenl ; 1915-date, 1 v. License Ledger, 2 v.: Cash Book, 1868-1870, 1 v., in Sheriff's base- ment. License Record, June, 1850-1858. 7 v.: 1860-1861, 1 v.; 1868-1870, 1 v. ; Miners' License Receipts. 1855-1858. 1 v. All in Sheriff's base- ment. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1878-1892, 1 v., in Sheriff's basement. 166 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. FRESNO COUNTY INTRODUCTION Fresno County was created April 19, 1856, from territory which previously had been within the limits of Mariposa, Merced and Tulare counties. Although the boundaries of the county have been modified nearly a dozen times since the date of its organization, most of the changes have been relatively unimportant. Two changes, however, greatly reduced the area of the county. The first of these was in 1861 when all of the territory lying east of the Sierras was detached to form a part of Mono County; the other in 1893, when Madera County was formed from that part of Fresno County north of the San Joaquin River. By the act creating the county, the seat of justice was placed at Mil- lerton. A courthouse was built in 1866 and during the same year a jail was also erected. These buildings were of brick and stone. By an election held March 23, 1874, the county seat was moved to Fresno. For a year the records were housed in a temporary structure until the new courthouse was ready for occupancy in August, 1875. In 1888 the courthouse was remodeled by the addition of wings to the original build- ing, besides some other changes. On July 29, 1895, fire did much damage to the building and some of the Clerk 's records were scorched ; however only a few of the records were destroyed. The courthouse stands near the center of a large park made up of four city blocks. It is built of stone, concrete and wood, but is not fireproof, as its past history shows. Some of the offices have vaults, but these hold only a small part of their records. The building is heated by steam and lighted by electricity. The filing-cases and book-racks range in all degrees from the old style wooden cases to modern steel ones. Some of the older records are stored in two rooms in the basement where they are subject to dust and damage from rough handling, as they are piled up without regard to order. Some of these are of much value, although others are of little importance. The examination of these archives was made in September, 1917. cx> >< *> t* -3 to i-i 3 - bo050^-_ • •, •• °CO00 O 3r FRESNO COUNTY. 167 THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1856-1879 Decrees of Foreclosure and Sale, 1876-1910, 1 v. (1). For 1880-1910. consists of Superior Court matter. Entry Docket and Fee Book, 1856-1877, 1 v. (1). Execution Book, 1866-1881. 1 v. Execution Docket. 1857-1879, 1 v. File, 36 f.b., cases 1-1860. General Index, 1872-1879, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1856-1880, 2 v. (1-2). Judgment Docket, 1857-1880, 2 v. (A-B). Minutes, 1857-1879, 2 v. (1-2). Record, 1872, 1 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1874-1879, 3 v. (x, 2-3). County Court, 1856-1879 Entry Docket and Fee Book, 1856-1875, 2 v. Execution Docket. 1863-1879, 1 v. Executions. 1867-1881, 1 v. (1), in Clerk's office. Also contains District and Superior Court matter. File, 12 f.b., cases 1-85. Judgment Docket. 1861-1879. 2 v. (A-B). Jury Book. 1873-1880, 1 v. Minutes. 1856-1879, 3 v. (1-3). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1876-1879, 1 v. (1). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1856-1863 Minutes, 1856-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1856-date Bonds of Administration, 1861-date, 14 v. (A-N) ; Index, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1907, 1 v.; Record, 1905-1907, 5 v. Docket. Old Court, 1 v. Fee Books. 1857-1878, 1 v. File: 1856-1880, 12 f.b., cases 1-158; 1880-date, 103 f.b., cases 1-4650. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1911-date, 1 v. (2). Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1861-date. 10 v. (A-J) ; Index, 1 v. Minute Book, 1856-1879, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1880-date. 66 v. (1-66). These are variously entitled "Probate Proceedings," "Probate Orders." "Superior Court Probate." Order Book. 1876, 1 v. (1) ; Order Fixing Inheritance Tax. 1911- 1913, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions. 1876-date. 11 v. (1. 1-10). Register of Claims, 1877-1902, 1 v. Wills: Record of. 1866-date, 7 v. (1-7); Index, 1 v. (1); Not Proven. 1889-date, 1 f.b. 168 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-date, 1 v. (1). Calendar, 1881-1891, 1 v. (1) ; also annual vols, for each depart- ment. Calendar, Trial, 1887-1896, 7 v. (2-8). Coroner's Inquests, 1859-date, 41 f .b. , Index, 1 v. Decrees of Foreclosure and Sale, 1878-1887, 1 v. See also under District Court. Docket, Dept. 3, 1893-1896, 1 v. Execution Docket, 1880-1896, 2 v. (1-2). Executions, 1881-date, 17 v. Vol. 1 is called "Clerk's Office, Execution." Pile: Civil, 660 f.b., cases 1-19723; Criminal, 90 f.b., cases 1-3645. General Index, 1880-date, 14 v. (1-7). Grand Jury Lists, 1856-1898, 3 f.b. ; Reports, 1858-date, 1 f.b. Insanity Record, 1881-1909, 3 v. (A-C) ; Minutes, 1903-1909, 1 v. (1) ; Orders and Record of Insane, 1909-date, 3 v. (2-4) : Record of Commitments, 1903-date, 7 f.b. ; Certificates of Dis- charge from State Hospital, 1904-date, 1 v. (1), indexed. Judgment Book, 1880-1902, 32 v. (1-32). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 18 v. (1-18). Judgment of Court, 1913-1917, 1 f.b. Jury Book, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Jury Lists, 1856-1898, 3 f.b. ; 1899-date, 1 f.b. Minutes and Orders: Dept. 1, 1880-date, 27 v. (1-27); Dept. 2, 1887-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Dept. 3. 1893-1896, 4 v. (1-4). Orders of Court, 1868-date, 1 f.b. These are Orders for Trial Jurors, etc. Proferts, 1887-1891, 1 f.b. Register of Actions and Fee Book: Civil, 1880-date, 31 v. (1-31) • Criminal, 1880-date, 8 v. (1-8). Reporter's notes, shorthand, in Reporter's office and basement. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1894-date File, 4 f.b., cases 1-775. Minutes and Orders, 1894-date, 1 v. (1). Record, 1904-date, 3 v. (1-3), indexed. Reform School Discharges, 1907-1914, 1 f.b. These include records of commitments as well as discharges. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Affidavits of Publications, 1890-date, 1 f.b. Allowance Book, 1873-date, 9 v. (1-9). Applications for Aid, 1884-date, 1 f.b. Appointments, Railroad Franchises, School and Road Valuations, 1895-date, 1 f.b. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1890-1900, 1 v. (1). Census of Sixth Judicial Township Field Notes, 1914, 4 v. Drainage Districts, 1887-1912, 1 v. (1). This consists of five applications for the formation of drainage districts. FRESNO COUNTY. 1G9 Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1878-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1894-1907, 1 f . b. ; Erroneous or Double Assessments, Certificates of. 1902-date, 1 f.b. Franchise Book, 1882-1900, 1 v. ; Franchises, 1887-date, 2 f.b. Insurance Record, Countv Property, 1898-date, 1 v. Judicial Townships, 1890-1914, 1 f.b. Map, blue print. City of Fresno and Additions, by Geo. L. Hoxie, County Surveyor, 1896. Minutes* 1856-date, 27 v. (A-Z, 27) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) ; State- ment of Votes Polled, 1910-date, 1 v. (1) ; School Bonds, 1901- date, 1 v. (1). Miscellaneous file, 1859-date, 80 f.b. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Ordinances, 1904-date, lib. Orphans and Half-orphans, Record, 1 v. ; Report of Orphanage, 1898-date, 2 f.b. Reclamation of Swamp Lands, 1869-1914, 1 v. (A). This consists of constitution, by-laws, petitions for permits to drain, etc. Reclamation and Irrigation Districts, 1875-date, 8 f.b. Road Deeds. Abstract of, 1863-1910, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Road Records, 1856-1906, 2 v. (A-B) ; Abandonment of High- ways, 1915-date, 1 f.b. ; Road Plans, etc., 12 drawers. Road Register. 1856-1911, 2 v. (1-2) ; Tndex, 1 v. (1). "Statistical Statements" of Fresno County, Roll of, 1910-date. Compiled by the County Financial Agent. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Appointment of Deputies, 1856-1910, 4 f.b. Correspondence record, 1916-date. Countv Property, "New Inventory," 1897-date, 2 f.b. Docked Horses, Register of, 1907-1912, 1 v. Fee Books, 1911-date, 2 v. Hunting and Anglers' Licenses, Receipts for, 1912-1915, 1 f.b. Hunting License stub-books, a 2;reat quantity. Military Roll, 1898-1915, 1 f.b. Tax Sale Publications, 1905-1911, 1 f.b. Veterinary Licenses, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1852-1906, 5 v. CA-E) ; Record, 1906- date. 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1852-1906, 1 v. Naturalization : Decrees or Acts of, 1856-1904, 6 v. (A-F) ; Record of, 1904-1906, 2 v. (G-H) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 8 v. (IS). Naturalization, Certificates of, stub-books, 1906-date. Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1856-1909, 1 v. (1). 170 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1914-1916 ; earlier, in basement. Great Register, 1867-1908, 49 v. Precinct maps : County, 1914-date ; City, 1908-date. Elections Application to serve as Election Officers, 1916, 2 f.b. Certificates of Election, 1856-1910, 3 f.b. Delegates to State Conventions, Record of Elections, 1902, 1 v. Expenses, 1894-1912, 5 f.b. Nomination, Certificates of, 1898-1908, 3 f.b.; Record of, 1900- 1908, 3 f.b. Precincts, 1888-date. 1 f.b. Primary Election Officers, Record of, 1898, 1 v. (1). Proclamations, 1860-date, 2 f.b. Returns, Originals, in basement. Verification Deputies, Certificates of Appointment, 1910-1911, 1 f.b. Marriage and Public Health Dentists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Marriage License Affidavits, 1889-1900, 12 f.b.; 1901-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index to Marriage Licenses, 1 v. Medical Certificates, Record of, 1877-1899, 1 v. (1), indexed. Physicians' Certificates, 1894-date, 1 v. Registered Pharmacists, 1905-date, 2 v. (1-2), indexed. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1857-date, 27 f.b.; Index, "Register of Corporations, 7 ' 1857-date, 1 v. Bank Certificates, 1909-1910, 1 f.b. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1898-1911, 1 v. ; Powers of Attorney, etc., 1915-date, 1 f.b. Bonds of Corporations, 1868-date, 26 f.b. Delinquent Corporations, Certified List of, 1905-date, 1 f.b. Fictitious Names, Register of Firms and Persons Under, 1 v. Partnerships, Certificates of, 3 f.b. ; Register of, 1874-1913, 1 v. (1) ; 1883-date, 1 v. (1). duplicates. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 3 f.b. Auditor's and Treasurer's Quarterly Reports, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1863-date, 18 f.b. Coroner's Register, 1897; Reports. 1893-date, 1 f.b. County Librarians' and Law Librarians' Reports, 1894-date, 1 f.b. County Officers, Affidavits of, 1905-date, 1 f.b. County Physician, Report of, 1898-date, 2 f.b. District Attorney's Opinions, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Health Officer, Report of, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Horticultural Commission, Report of, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Humane Officer's Official Oaths, 1907-date, 1 f.b. FRESNO COUNTY. 171 Justice Court Dockets, 1889-date, 100 v. Livestock Inspector. Report of, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Notaries, Register of. 1889-date, 10 v. Notary Commissions, 1886-1904, 1 f.b. Notary Public Oaths. 1890-date. 1 f.b. Public Administrator. Account Book of, 1885-1902, 1 v. Treasurer's Trial Balance and Monthly Statement, 1905-1913, 3 v. Water Commissioners, Record of, 1876-1888, 1 v. THE RECORDER Agreements, see Covenants. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1871-date, 32 v. (1-32) ; Index, 2 v. Attachments, 1873-date. 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 1 v. Bills of Sale, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1858-date, 2 v. (1-2). Births, 1873-1905, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v.; 1905-date, 6 v. (1-6). Covenants, 1857-date. 84 v.; Index, 12 v. (1-6). Deaths. 1873-1905, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. ; 1905-date, 8 v. Decrees of Distribution. 1870-1904, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index. 3 v. (1-3). Since 1004 these have been recorded under Deeds. Deeds, 1856-date, 603 v. (1-603) ; Index, 62 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 5 v.; Index, 1 v. ; Committees ' Statements, 1893-date, indexed in Miscellaneous. Estrays. 1874-date, filed by years. Fee Books. 1893-date, 39 v. (1-39). Those previous to 1893 are in the Auditor's office. Homesteads, 1861-date, 13 v. (A-M) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments. Transcripts of, 1856-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Land Claims, 1857-1861, 1 v. (A). Leases, 1856-date, 19 v. (A-S) ; Index, 2 v. Licensed Survevors, 1891-date, 1 v. Lis Pendens. 1874-date, 14 v. ( A-N) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Maps: Record of Surveys, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2) ; Map of Plats, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2) ; Miscellaneous Maps, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Card index covering all in effect since March 1. 1910. Marks and Brands, 1856-date, 4 v. ; Index, 2 v. Vol. 1 is entitled "Index of Marks and Brands" : vol. 2, -Records of Brands.'* Marriage Certificates and Contracts, 1856-date, 31 v. (A-Z, 27-31) ; Index. 4 v. There is an additional separate volume for 1856. Mining Claims. 1856-date, 46 v. (A-Z, 1-20) ; Index, 14 v. (1-14). Vols. 1-2 are transcripts of vols. A-C. Vol. 2. pp. 57-58, contains records of claims granted previous to the organization of Fresno County, also proceedings of the Mining Convention in San Carlos District in the counties of Monterey and Mariposa, December. 1854. 172 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Mining district records: Golden, Jan. 15, 1892, 1 v.; San Joaquin, Aug. 13, 1896, 1 v.; Big Dry Creek, Mar. 11, 1888, 1 v. (A) ; Aleade, June 30, 1896, 1 v. (A) ; Coalinga, April 10, 1890, 1 v. The record of the Coalinga Mining- District contains only the resolution of the original meeting. The dates show the time of organization of the districts. Miscellany, 1856-date, 27 v. (A-Z, 27) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Mortgages, 1856-date, 309 v. (A-Z, 27-309) ; Index, 13 v. (1-13) ; Chattel, 1873-date, 138 v. (A-Z, 27-138) ; Index, 6 v. .(1-6). Official Bonds, 1856-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1860-date, 27 v. (A-Z, 27) ; Index, 2 v. Possessory Claims, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1856-date, 13 v. (A-M) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Pre-emption Claims, 1856-1905, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1860-date, 38 v. (1-38) ; Index, 5 v. (1-5), Separate Property of Married "Women, 1856-1914, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. (1). Sheriff Sales, 1856-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3) ; Sheriff's Tax Sales, 1857-1859, 1 v. (A). Sheriff's Certificates of Sale of Eeal Estate, 1856-1857, 1 v. (A). Stallion Register, 1911-1915, 1 v., indexed. Swamp and Overflowed Land, 1857-1882, 1 v. (A). This consists of records of surveys and petitions to reclaim. Tax Deeds, 1886-date, 21 v. (1-21) ; Index, 1 v. Vols. 1-13 are "Tax Deeds to State" ; vols. 14-21 are "Tax Deeds." Water Rights, 1861-1872, scattering; 1872-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Animal Report, 1865-date, 25 v. Apportionment of Fnnds, 1902-date, 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1893-date, 3 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes, 1909-1910; Reports, 1910, 2 bells. The Field Notes are filed under districts in a drawer in the office. Communications from District Clerks, 1904-date, 3 f.b. Filed under headings. Courses of Study, 1915-date ; earlier in basement. Examination for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1899-date, 4 v. "Scrap Album" containing questions and suggestions of county board to teachers, 1907-date, 1 v. Expense Book for Office, 1907-date, 1 v. Fee Books "Journal," 1891-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1893-date, 12 v. The first institute was held in 1870. A record of it is in the Annual Report to the State Superintendent. Official Acts of County Superintendent, 1869-1874, 2 v.; High School, 2 v. Orders, Register of, 1893-1896, 1 v. FRESNO COUNTY. 173 Requisitions, Register of, 1911-date, loose leaf; Requisition stub-books, 1913-date; earlier, in basement. "Teachers 5 Certificate Register," 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Teachers' Library Books. Record of, 2 v. This is a library catalogue. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls: Original, 185(3. 1858-1862, 1868-1870. 1872-date. Duplicate. 1856-1863, 1866. 1872-date. Delinquent, 1870-date. Personal Property, 1885-date. Index, complete. In some instances by years, in others by volume. Certificates of Redemption of Real Estate Purchased by State, 1896- date. 20 lb. Clerk's Fee Books. 1885-1886.. 1 v.; 1891-1892, 1 v. Indigent Account, 1890-date. Journal. 1881-date, 13 v. Justice of Peace Settlements. 1916. 1 f.b. Ledger. 1861-date, 12 v. License Tax Collector's Report, 1912-date. 1 f.b. Miscellaneous files. 1896-date, 28 f.b. Orphans' Claims, Applications, 1916, 1 f.b. Orphans in Private Institutions. 1890-1891; on State Aid, 1894-date, 2 v. Recorder's Fee Books, 1885-date. 33 v. Reports. Statistical Statement, 1897-date, 2 f.b. Road Master's Ledger, 1875-1894. 2 v., incomplete. School District Bonds and Coupons, 1894-date, 11 v. ; Fresno City School District Bond and Coupon Register, 1914-date, 1 v. School Ledger. 1910-date, 6 v. School Warrants. Auditor's Register of, 1910-date. 2 f.b. Sheriff's Fee Book. 1889-1892. 1 v. State Controller's Report, 1899-1907, 1912-date, 2 f.b. Superintendent of Schools. Reports and Estimates, 1907-date. 1 f.b. Tax Ledger, Delinquent, 1893-date. 5 v. Tax Sales to State, 1894-date, 8 v. (1-8). Treasurer's Receipts, 1912-date, 5 f.b. Treasurer's Reports, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Trial Balance, 1896-date, 9 v. Trial Jurors' Certificates. 1895-date, 13 f.b. Warrants on file: School, 1914-date, 60 f.b.; Road. 1897-1901, 1908- date. 123 f.b.; General Order of, 1896, 1 f.b.; Canceled, 1897-1905, 1 f.b. Earlier warrants are in the basement. Warrants, Register of, 1885-date, 31 v. In early years each fund, General. Road, etc., has a volume to itself. In later years all funds were carried in the same volume. 174 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Cash Book, Jan. 2, 1897-date, 22 v. Delinquent Tax Record, 1912-date, 1 v. Fresno City: Ledger, 1902-date, 3 v. ; Street Bond Register, 1908-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1909-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1891-date. Loans of County Funds, Record of, 1907-date, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Redemption Receipt Ledger, 1895-date, 1 v. Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District Assessment List, June 14, 1915. Settlements and Discharges from State Controller, 1907-date. State Land Record, 1893-date, Warrants, Register of. 1909-date, 5 v. (1-5). THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Conveyances, 1915-1917, 30 f.b. Assessment List, Statements to Assessor, 1910-date. Bank Statements. 1910-1916, 2 f.b. Church Exemption Affidavits, 1903-date, 5 f.b. Inventories of County Property, 1912-date, 1 f.b. Maps, 17 v., in basement. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1881-1910, 20 v. ; Statements of .Mortgages and Trust Deeds, 1904-1909, 7 f.b. Plats, filed with Assessment Rolls. Poll Tax Account Books, 1909-1914. Poll Tax Receipt Stubs, in basement. Poll Tax Roll, 1881-1914. State Land Office Returns, 1895-date, 13 f.b. United States Land Office Returns, 1895-date, 13 f.b. Veterans' Exemption Affidavits, 1913-date, 3 f.b. Warehouse Reports, 1916. 1 f.b. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 27 v. ; Memorandum, 17 v. Cash Book, 1886-date, 20 v. Day Book, 1894-1895, 1 v. This is a cash book. Ledger, 1908-date, 4 v. Licenses: Cash Account of, 1903-date, 3 v. ; Register of. 1878-date, 10 v. School District Cash Book, 1891-1894, 4 v. State Sales to Individuals, 1905-date, 1 v. Tax Sales to State, Record of, 1877, 11 v. .ooiato bo OOlOCON . c3 01HHCO--S P( >» os „, ■(J HMt-OH £ E os o» ©oos 8 3 OOOOOSOSrH W O rH rH r-l r-l w jq O E o S E TO 03 TO TO U o 02 02 02 02 Ph £> *i h 2 o B fa -S •S '-< nj q QA O 0) 03 PJ GLENN COUNTY. 175 GLENN COUNTY INTRODUCTION Glenn County was organized in 1891, having been formed of territory cut off from the northern part of Colusa County. The boundaries at first included the town of Princeton and adjacent territory, but this was soon after returned to the parent county. The town of Willows lias been the county seat from the first. The courthouse was built in 1891. It is substantially constructed of brick and wood, occupying the central part of the courthouse square. It is safe from outside fires, but like other buildings of its kind and date can not be considered fireproof so far as interior con- struction is concerned. There are two large vaults used by the Clerk and Auditor-Recorder, and a smaller one in the Treasurer's office, and the greater part of the records of these officers are kept in the vaults. The quantity of records is not as yet large, but additional space will soon be needed by some of the officials. The building is heated by gas, and electric lights are used. The archives were examined in February, 1917. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS Superior Court, 1891-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1891-1897, 1 v. (1). Blotter. 1891-date. 8 v. (1-8). Calendar: Civil, 1891-1913, 2 v. (1) ; Criminal. 1891-1910, 1 v. (1). Coroners' Inquests, 1891-date. 1 f.b. Executions. 1907-date, 1 v. (1). Fee Book and Register of Actions, 1891-date. 12 v. (1-12). File. 1891-date. 371 f.b., cases 1-2266. General Index, 8 v. (1-4). Insane. Record of. 1892-1903, 2 v.; Insane Commitments. 1903. 1 v. The Clerk has just provided a new form book which will be used, begin- ning with 1017. Judgments. 1891-date. 5 v. (1-5). Judgment Docket. 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2). Jury Book. 1891-date. 3 v. (1-3). Minutes. 1891-date. 11 v. (1-14). Orders. Civil and Criminal, 1891-date, 5 v. (1-5). Register of Actions, see under Fee Book. Reporters' notes and Transcripts of Evidence, large number of vols. L76 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Superior Court Probate, 1891-date Bonds, 1891-date, 4 V. (1-1). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905, 1910, 2 v. Decrees, 1891-date, 1 v. (1-1). File, 1891-date, 131 lb., cases 1-719. General Index, 2 v. (1-2). Letters: Administration, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2); Administration with Will Annexed, 1904-1909, 1 v. (1) • Guardianship, 1891- date, 1 v. (1) ; Testamentary, 1892-date, 1 v. (1). Orders, 1891-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Orders naming date of return of sale of real estate, and Orders appointing appraisers, 1910- date, 1 v. Register and Fee Book, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2). Wills, Record of, 1892-date, 2 v. (1-2). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1910-date Record, 1910-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, "Record of Claims Allowed," 1891-1915, 4 v. (1-4) ; Record of Claims, 1891-1911, 6 v. (1-6). The last named series are index volumes. Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1891-date, 1 v. (1). Franchises, Record of, 1903-date, 1 v. Minutes, Apr. 1894-date, 6 v. (2-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). The first volume of minutes was reported stolen from the Clerk's vault. Ordinance Record, 1891-date, 1 v. (1). Road Register, 1891-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Roads, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Docked Horses, Register of, 1907, 1 v. Hunting License : Applications, 1909-date, filed ; Stub-books, large number on file. Military Roll, 1891-1894, 4 v., in Auditor's office; 1895, 1 v. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1891-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Record, 1906-date, lv. Naturalizations, 1891-1903, 1 v. (1) ; Record, 1904-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 1 v. Naturalization Reports, 1915-date, 1 v. Memorandum of reports to the department at Washington. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1910-date. Great Register, 1891-1909, 7 v. Record of Affidavits of Registration sent out to deputies, 1913- clate, 1 v. Precinct maps, current, about 20 in rolls. GLENN COUNTY. 177 Elections Ballot Record. 1892-1904, 1 v. Election Returns. 1912-date. Nominations, Record of. 1914-date, 1 v. Primary Election Officers. Record, 1898. 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Certificates, 1891-1891, 1 v. (1). These are the affidavits for marriage licenses. Marriage License stub-books, 1891—1905, 1 v. Marriage License. Testimony of Applicants for, 1905-date, 3 v. Dentists. Register of. 1903-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1892-date, 1 v. (1) ; Register of, 1892-date, 1 v. Pharmacists. Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. (1). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1891-date, 1 f .b. ; Index, see under Register of Corporations. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of. 1891-date, 1 v. (1). Corporations. Register of. 1891-date. 1 v. Partnership. Register of. 1892-date. 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Bonds of officers, 3 f.b. Justice Court Dockets : Fourth Judicial Township, 1891-1892, 1 v. Notaries. Records of: C. R. Moodey, 1910-1911. 1 v. THE RECORDER Assignments of Judgments, 1891, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1891-1914, 1 v. (1) ; Mortgages, 1914-date, 1 v. (2) ; Leases. 1911-date, 1 v. (2) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Banking Statements: Assets, 1892-1893, 1 v. (1) ; Index. 1 v.; Capital, 1891-1893. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Births: Record of. 1895-1897, 1 v. (1); Register of. 1905-date, 2 v. (1-2). Certificates of Sheriff's Sales, 1891-date. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Contracts and Agreements, 1891-date. 1 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deaths: Record of. 1891-1895, 1 v. (1) ; Register of Duplicate Death Certificates. 1905-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to Deaths, 1891-1895, lv. (1). Decrees of Distribution. Index. 1891-1891. 1 v. Deeds. 1891-date. 58 v. (1-58) ; Index. 6 v. (1-3). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements. 1891-date. 5 v. (1, 1, 2. 2-3) : Committees' Statements. 1891-1898. 1 v. (1). Estrays and Lost Property. 1901-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index. 1 v. (1). Executions. Attachments. 1891-date. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Fee Book, 1891-date, 8 v. (1-8). Homesteads. 1891-date. 1 v. (1) ; Index. 1 v. (1). 1 3—41210 178 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Instruments filed (not recorded), 1910-date, 1 f.b. Judgment, Transcripts of, 1892-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 f.b. Lis Pendens, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Maps and Plats: "Maps, Vol. 1," pages 1-202, 4 v.; "Maps, Vol. 2," pages 206-258, 1 v.; Maps and Surveys, 3 v. (3-5) ; Index to Surveys, 1 v. (1). Maps on rollers in rack, 9 maps. Sacramento Valley Irrigation Company, map of Jacinto unit. Marks and Brands, 1901-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Marriage Record, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Register, 1905- date, 1 v. (1). Mechanics Liens, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Mining Claims, Record of, 1900-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Mining Loca- tions, 1 v. (1). Miscellaneous Records, 1891-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mortgages, 1891-date, 38 v. (1-38) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Mortgages, Personal Property, 1891-date, 26 v. (1-26) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). ' Vols. 5, 9, 11 are Crop Mortgages ; vol. 17, Chattel and Crop ; vols. 19 and 21, Chattel. Official Bonds, 1891-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Orland Unit Water Users ' Association : Stock Subscription and Con- tract, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Excess Land Contracts, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1891-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Residence, Certificates of, 1 v. Satisfaction of Mortgages, 1891-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1) ; Per- sonal Property, 1897-clate, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Stallion Register, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds to State, 1901-1915, 2 v. (1-2) ■ Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, Record of, 1892-1894, 1 v. ; Certificates of Sale to State, 1895- 1911, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Certificates of Tax Sales, State, 1 v. (1), County, 1 v. (1) ; Irrigation District Tax Sales, 1892, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. U. S. Contracts, 1907-1909, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Agreements to convey land for canal line, etc., in Orland project. Water Right Applications for Lands in Private Ownership, 1916-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Under act of June 17, 1902 (Stats, at Large, XXXII, 388), and acts amendatory and supplementary thereto. All in Orland project. Wills, 1892-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. GLENN COUNTY. 179 THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1891-date, annual vols. Board of Education. Minutes of, 1891-date, 4 v. Certificate Books, stubs, 1891-date, large number of vols. Grading of Schools, 1891-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1891-date, 1 v. Journal, 1891-date, 1 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1891-date, 1 v. (1-4). School District Boundaries, 1891-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1891-date, 5 v. (1-5). Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1891-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1891-date, complete file. THE AUDITOR Abstract of Mortgages, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Apportionments and Discharges, 1891-1906, 4 v. (1-4) ; 1911-date, 22 v. The numbered volumes are stub-books. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1891-1915, 92 v. ; Index, 25 v. Operative, 1911-date, 2 v. Delinquent, 1891-1916, 5 v. (1-5). Personal Property, 1895, 1897-1899, 1901-1913, 16 v. ; Index, 14 v. Bond Register, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Certified List of Claims, 1912-1916, 4 bdls. Classified Expenditures, 1911-date, 1 v. and transferred sheets in bdls. Day Book, 1891-1916, 3 v. (1-3). Journal, 1916-date, 1 v. (1). Ledger, 1891-1916, 4 v. (1-4) ; 1916-date, General, 1 v.; Fund, 1 v. The current volumes are loose leaf. License Record, 1913-date, 2 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1891-1914, 23 v. Register of Expenditure Vouchers, Refund Vouchers, Deposit Permits and Departmental Collection Reports, 1916-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1916-date, 1 v. Treasurer's Reports, 1916-date, file. Warrants, Outstanding: General, 1916-date, 1 v.; School, 1916-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1891-1912, 6 v. (1-6) ; 1912-1916, 3 v. (7) j 1916-date, 1 v. Loose leaf beginning 1912. The three volumes numbered 7 are segregated, for Roads and Bridges, Common and Miscellaneous, and Schools. Warrants, Index to, 1891-1916, 7 v. (1-7). ISO COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Bond Register, 1911-date, 1 v. (1) ; School District and County Bond Register, 1887-1910, 1 v. Cash Book and Register of Paid Warrants, 1891-1913, 8 v. (1-8). Certified List of Claims Allowed, 1895-1897, 1 v. (1). Deposit Book, 1916, 1 v. (1). Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1907-1908, 1910-1915, 2 v. Journal, 1891-date, 2 v. (1, x). Ledger, 1891-1915, 4 v. (1-2, x, x) ; 1917-date, see under Register of Warrants; General, 1914-date, 2 v. (x, 1) ; Roads and Bridges, 1912- 1913, 1915-date, 2 v. (x, "Cash Account") ; Schools, 1914-date, 2 v. (*,2). * Poll Tax Receipts, 1891-1903, 1 v. ** Treasurer's account with Auditor. Sacramento Drainage District, Assessment Roll, 1908, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund, 1914, 1 v. Treasurer's Receipts, 1891-1911, 8 v. Warrants, Register of, 1915-1916, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1917-date, 2 v. (School and General). The current volumes are combined Register of Warrants and Ledger. Warrants, Register of Unpaid, 1891-date, 3 v. (1-3). These are registered warrants. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Deeds, 1895-date, 4 v. (1-4). Assessment Statements, 1912-date. The statements for 1915 and 1916 are bound in volumes; prior to thai, in bundles. Card system for descriptions of land, improvements, owners, etc.. 7 large f.b. Delinquent Tax Sales and Redemptions, Assessor's List of, 1892-1901, 1 V. (1). Maps and Plats: Plat books, current, 7 v. Official County Maps, 1894, 1900, 1914. Town and Subdivision maps, large number in box. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1916, 7 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Delinquent, 1915, 1 v. Cash Book, 1891-date, 15 v. One of the volumes (1909-1910) is in the Auditor's office. Licenses Collected, Ledger of, 1 v. *> s- to ts 10 xsr . . , 1 . i *> d- > ^ S cL tf~ c '-^ ) Humboldt County. Solid blue Stats. 1853:161. a Stats. 1859 :98. b Stats. 1860:334; 1862:6; Pol. Code (1872), §3914. c Stats. 1873-4 :755. d Stats. 1901:600. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3920. For key to maps see page ix. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 181 HUMBOLDT COUNTY INTRODUCTION The territory now within the limits of Humboldt County has, since the organization of the state, been a part of three counties and, for a short time, was loosely joined to a fourth. At the first division of the state into counties, in 1850, all that portion of the state north of 40° was roughly made into two counties, Trinity and Shasta, the summit of the Coast Range being given as the division line. Trinity being almost an unknown region, it was joined to Shasta for judicial purposes. In 1851 Trinity County was organized independently for the first time, but by then the excitement in the Klamath mining region led to the division of its territory, the northern half being designated and organized as Klamath County. The county seat of Trinity County was fixed at AYeaverville. The rapid settlement of the coast region made a further division of the territory desirable, and in 1853 the western portion of Trinity was cut off and formed into Humboldt County. In 1871—1875 the last important change in territory was made when a portion of the disorganized Klamath County was annexed to Humboldt. The location of the county seat was the cause of much rivalry among the early towns. Uniontown (Areata) was given the honor in 1853, but the contest continued until 1856, when by act of the legislature the county seat was placed at Eureka. A courthouse and other buildings were not erected until after the removal to Eureka, when a brick building was erected for that purpose, and is still used as a storehouse for some of the old records. The present courthouse was built in 1886, and stands in the center of a block formerly used as a public plaza. It is constructed of brick and from without is little endangered from fire. The offices of the clerk, recorder and auditor are provided with metal book shelves and filing boxes, in the other offices the fixtures are nearly all of wood, and in tli em all a fire arising within the building could gain great head- way. Some of the records of the clerk and recorder and all those of the treasurer are kept in safes or vaults, but with the exception of the latter office these are large enough for only a small part of the records. The building is lighted by electricity and heated by steam. Most of the offices are now overcrowded and many of the records not in actual use are relegated to the attic or to the old courthouse, where dust, mice or other agencies may do their work of destruction. At the suggestion of the Historical Survey Commission, the grand jury of the county has recommended the construction of a hall of records for the better organization and preservation of the records. The examina- tion of these archives was made in October, 1915. 182 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1853-1879 Calendar, 1853-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Execution Book, 1865-1879, 1 v. File, 1853-1879, 61 f .b., cases 1-1418 ; Tax Snits, 1 f .b. Grand Jury lists and reports, 1853-1867, 2 large p.h. in old court- house ; Record of drawings, 1859-1877, 1 v. Index, 1864-1880, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1853-1880, 5 v. (A-E). Vol. A also contains entries for County Court, 1860-1873. Judgment Docket, 1853-1880, 1 v. (A). Entries before 1868 are copied from an earlier book. Jury Book, 1873, 1 v, in attic. Minutes, 1853-1879, 6 v. (A-F). Register of Actions, 1853-1879, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v.; Delin- quent Taxes, 1865-1867, 1 v. Tax Decree Book, September, 1866-August, 1867, 1 v. Trinity County : Docket, 1851-1852, 1 v. ; Minutes, 1851-1852, 1 v. Witnesses and Jurors, List of, 1866-1872, 1 v. County Court, 1853-1879 Calendar, 1853-1868, 1 v. (1). File, 1853-1879, 20 f.b., cases 1-466. Judges' fees and insolvents, 1853-1857, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1860-1873, see under District Court. Minutes, 1853-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Vol. B also contains Minutes of Court of Sessions, 1861-1863. Register of Actions, 1853-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Witnesses and Jurors, 1866-1873, see under District Court. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1853-1863 Calendar, 1853-1859, 1 v. Minutes, 1853-1861, 1 v.; 1861-1863, see under County Court, Minutes, vol. B. Register of Actions, 1853-1865, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1853-date Calendar, 1856-1859, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1909, 3 v. Executors and Administrators, 1858-1859, 1 v. File, 1853-1879, 24 f.b. by letter; 1880-date, 153 f.b. Ledger, 1908-1912, 1 v. Letters of Guardianship and Bonds, 1862-1879, 1 v. ; 1880-date, 4 v. (1-4). Letters Testamentary, Administration and Bonds, 1861-1879, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1880-date," 8 v. (1-8). Minors, Adoption of, 1 f.b. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 183 Minutes, "Record," 1853-1879, 6 v. (A-F) ; Dept, 1, 1880-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Dept. 2, 1896-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions. 1853-1879. 2 v. (A-B) ; 1880-date, 7 v. (1-7). Wills, 1855-date, 5 v. (A-E). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys. Roll of, 1853-1906, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-1898, 4 v. (1-4). Coroner's Inquests, 1859-date, 22 f.b. Executions. 1885-1897, 1 v. Exhibits : maps, diagrams, pictures and various articles, some of which are historically interesting. Feeble-minded Persons, Commitment of, 1 f.b. File. 1880-date, 200 f.b., cases 1-7381; Proferts in matter of Claims to State Lands, 1883-date, 1 f.b. ; Writs of Habeas Cor- pus, 1873-date, 3 f.b. General Index, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2) : Index to Decisions, 1887- 1904, 1 v. Grand Jury Reports, etc., 1890-date, 2 f.b. Insane Persons: Record of Orders, 1881-1897, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1881-1897, 1 v.; Record of Commitments, 1897-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Order of Commitment, 1877-date, 9 f.b. ; Certificates of Dis- charge. 1903-date. 1 v., 1 f.b. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 7 v. (1-7). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 4 y. (1-4). Jurv Book. 1881-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Receipts for jury fees. Civil, 1897-1910. 1 v. ; Jury lists, 1907-date, 3 f.b. Justice Court papers, 3 f.b. Ledger, civil action, 1 v. Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 25 v. (1-25) ; Dept. 2, 1895-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Miscellaneous orders, 1 f.b. ; Rough minutes, 48 v., many others in attic. Receipts, stub-book, 1891-1901, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1880-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Criminal, 1892-1911, 1 v., in attic. Reporter's notes, large quantity in old courthouse. Transcripts of evidence, large number of books in attic and old courthouse. Superior Court. Juvenile, 1905-date File. 1906-date, 4 f.b. Minutes and Orders. 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Actions, 1905-date, 2 v. (1-2). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Books. 1885-date, 8 v. (1-8); Index, 6 v.; Claims Allowed. 1911-date, 19 f.b. ; Claims Rejected, 1 f.b. ; Orders on county treasury, 1 f.b. Boundaries of Townships. Precincts. Road Districts, etc., recent, 1 v. ; Index to, 1886, 1 v. 184 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Boundary between Humboldt and Klamath counties, field notes, August, 1872, one pocket notebook. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers and Marines, 1889-date, 1 v. Communications received and sent, 1855-1859, several p.h. in attic ; 1865-1875, large quantity in old courthouse ; State officers, 1 f .b. ; District attorney, 1 f .b. ; Miscellaneous, 1874-date, 2 f .b. Elections Precincts and Officers, petitions regarding, 1869-date, 1 f.b. Equalization, Minutes of Board of, 1872-date, 1 v.; File, 1858- date, 3 f.b. Erroneous Assessments, petition for cancellation, 1 f.b. Franchise book, 1853-date, 1 v. Hospitial Record, 1 v. ; Miscellaneous papers relating to, 1863-date, 2 f.b. ; Bids for supplies, 1 f.b. Indigents, Record of, 1886-1903, 1 v., used only for half-orphans Indigent affidavits, 1 f.b. Minutes: Court of Sessions, County Business, 1853-1855, 1 v. (A) Supervisors, 1855-date, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Miscellaneous papers : Court of Sessions, 1 f.b. ; Bids, 1 f.b. ; Bonds 1855-date, 1 f.b. ; Courthouse, 1 f.b. ; Inventories, 1907-date 1 f.b.; Petitions, 1862-1894, 6 f.b.; Waterworks, 1 f.b.; Taxes 3 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, 4 f.b. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (1) ; Ordinances, 1 f.b. Orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 1 v. Reclamation districts, 1 f.b. Road Overseers' Accounts, 1855-1869, 4 v. ; 1887-1888, 1 v. Road Record, 1870-1874, 1 v, ; 1887, 1 v. Road Register, 1883-date, 1 v. • Index to Road Book and Register, 1 v. Road Survey Field Notes, 70 small pocket notebooks. Nine of these are for the coast road to Mendocino, ten for the Blocksburg- road, and one for the Lond survey, 1S6S ; the others are miscellaneous. Road Tax lists and reports, 1856-1868, in old courthouse; Assess- ment lists, 1861, 7 books by townships ; 1862-1863, several books ; undated, 7 books. Roads, bridges, etc. : Bids, 1872-date, 5 f.b. ; Claims for damages, 1874-date, 1 f.b. ; Petitions, 1852-date, 8 f.b. ; Specifications, 4 f.b. ; Reports of commissioners, 1862-date, 2 f.b. ; Rights of way, deeds, 3 f.b. ; Ferries, 2 f.b. School District papers and records: Assessment roll, Eureka dis- trict, 1867, 1 v. ; School bonds, 1 f.b. ; Petitions, 1859-1889, 1915, 2 f.b. ; Miscellaneous papers, 4 f.b. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Appointments. 1 f.b. ; Registration clerks, 1 f.b. Cash Book, 1906-1910, 1 v. Certificates and Proclamations from Secretary of State, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Fee Books, 1878-1883, 1 v.; 1897-date, 2 v. (3-4). Hunting Licenses, Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 185 License Account and Salary of Judge and District Attorney, 1868- 1872, 1 v. Military Lists, 1851. 1861-1867, small pocket notebooks ; 1868-1898, in old courthouse ; recent, 1 f .b. Monthly Balances, 1900-date, 1 f .b. ; Monthly reports, 1886-date, 1 f.b. Naturalization Declarations of Intention: District Court, 1853-1880, 5 v. (A-E) ; Superior Court, 1880-1906, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1853-1906, 2 v.; Eecord, 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3). Naturalization, Acts of, District Court, 1869-1879, 1 v. (C) : County Court, 1869-1880, 2 v.; Record, 1880-1906, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 1853-1906, 2 v. (1-2) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 4 y. (1-4). Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1900-1902, in attic; 1904-1908, in old courthouse ; 1910-date, bound by precincts. Assessor's Returns to County Clerk, 1866-1867, roll of large sheets in old courthouse. Cancelled on Great Register, List of Names, 1866-1875, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Great Register, 1866-1909, 20 v. ; 1910-date, the affidavits them- selves are bound as the register. Great Register, List of Names entered, 1868-1899, 5 v. Great Registers of other counties, 1869-1888, 164 in number, in attic and old courthouse. Elections Affidavits relating to, 1 f.b. Boards of Election, 1869, 1 pocket notebook. Candidates ' Statements, 5 f.b. ; Verification statements, 2 f.b. Certificates of Election, 1857, 1 v. ; 1865-1888, 1 p.h. in old court- house ; 1890-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Nomination, 1892. 1 p.h. in old courthouse; 1898- 1900, 1 f.b. Challenge List and Returns, 1914. Election Returns, original, 1853-1872, in old courthouse. This material contains some very interesting documents, as all the returns sent in from the precincts for these years have been preserved. Prob- ably the most interesting are the papers relating to the county seat elections in 1854, for among these may be found the original poll list of Angel's Ranch, a very small precinct, which reported 2,18(3 votes for one of the rival towns. Papers relating to elections, 3 f.b. Poll Lists. 1868, 1869, 1871, in old courthouse. Primary Election Officers, Record of, 1898, 1 v. Roster of Voters, 1908. in old courthouse. Tally Sheet of Canvass by Supervisors, 1890. 186 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1872-1909, 14 lb., in old courthouse; 1910-date, 3 v. (1-3); Recorder's Statements, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Dental Certificates, Register of, 1885-1903, 1 v. ; Register of Den- tists, 1903-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates; Record of, 1876-date, 2 v. (1-2). Optometrists, Registered, 1903-date, 1 v. Osteopathists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1853-date, 14 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Banking Certificates, 1 f.b. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1 v. Bonds of Corporations, Record of Official, 1868-1875, 1 v. (B). Certificates of Insurance, 2 f.b. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Certificates of, 1 f.b. Private accounts books: Eureka Restaurant, 1853-1856, 5 books. In one of these the entries show that during April, 1854, this restaurant purchased $243.60 worth of elk meat. Hull & Monroe, butcher and produce business, 1860-1861, 3 v. Eureka Bakery, Chas. Wiggins, 1875-1877, 2 v. Southmayd, Ledger of, butcher business, 1877, 1 v. Biggs, S. F., Ledger of, liquors, 1883-1887, 2 v. Mary Blaine Mine, 1884, set of four books. Rural Cemetery Associations, Record of, 1909-date, 1 v. ; Incorpo- ration of, 1 f.b. Sole Traders Applications, 1871-date, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Auditor's Reports and Statements, 1 f.b. Bonds, Official, 1853-1894, 4 p.h. in old courthouse ; Index. Coroner's Register, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). Horticultural Commissioner's Reports, 1 f.b. Justice Court Dockets: Eureka township, 1861-1870. 1872-1876, 7 v. ; Bucksport township, 1853-1879, 1 v. ; Tax Suits, 1862, 1 v. Miscellaneous reports, 1859-date, 2 f.b. Notaries, Register of, 1888-date, 1 v. Notarial Records, 1905-1913, 10 v. Oaths of office, 1 f.b. Public Administrator, Register of, 1883-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Account Book, 1889-1892, 1 v. ; Semiannual reports, 1908-date, 1 f.b. Treasurer's Reports, 1900-date, 1 f.b. United States Census Enumerators' Field Notes, 1870, 1 bdl. in old courthouse. United States Census, 1880, list of persons residing within districts, 24 v., in Recorder's office. These contain merely a list of the inhabitants with no further data as given in the earlier census. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 187 THE RECORDER Architects. Record of. 1901-1906. 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Index to, 2 v. Attachments, Record "of, 1855-date, 5 v. (1,B-E) ; Index, 1 v. Banking Assets, Statements of. 1876-1893. 1 v. ; 1 f .b. Bankrnptcv and Insolvency Papers, 1 f.b. Births, Register of. 1856-1859, 1 v. ; 1873-1902, 1 v. ; 1902-date. Building Contracts, etc., mostly recent, 12 p.h. in map case; 1 f.b. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1853-date, 4 v. (A, 1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths, Register of, 1873-1880, 1889-1898. 1 v., incomplete ; Record of, 1905-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1 f.b. Decrees of Distribution, Index to, 1871-date, 1 v. Deeds. 1851-date, 158 v. (A-Z, 1-132). Vol. A is entitled "Record of Town Lots of Humboldt County," 1800- 1865 ; vol. B begins with July 29, 1854. In addition to these volumes there is another, "Green Book, Deeds, City of Eureka," containing entries for 1850. Deeds, Trust, 1911-date, 2 v. (1-2). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894- date, 5 v. (1-5); Candidates' Statements, primary elections, 1912-date. 2 v. (2-3), indexed; Committees' Statements, 1894— date, 2 v. (1-2). Estray Book, 1861-date, 1 v. Pee Book. 1873-1874, 1 v., in attic; 1883-date, 16 v.; also an "Account Book of County Recorder," 1876-1877, containing record of fees, formerly used as a farmers' journal. Homesteads, Register of, 1860-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. Indian Indentures, 1860-1862, 1 bdl. of 105 documents in old court- house. 1 Judgments, Transcripts of, 1 v. •Judgments, Transcripts of Rendered by Justices of Peace, 1855-1882, 1 v., indexed. Land Claims, swamp and overflowed lands, 1853-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Leases, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1863-date, 2 v. Lis Pendens, 1855-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. 1 The following is a full copy of one of these documents : "This indenture made and entered into this 14th day of Aug. A. D. 1860, between A. J. Heustis as county judge of Humboldt County, for, and on behalf of a certain indian boy called and known by the name of Smoky of the first part, and Austin Wiley of said county of the second part witnesseth : "That Whereas the said Austin W r iley has in his possession and under his controll. a certain indian boy named Smoky. And whereas the said Austin Wiley avers that he. with the assistance of James H. Fruit, obtained said indian of his parents, in Mattole Valey, of this county, by and with their consent. And whereas the said Austin Wiley does now apply to me, as county judge of this county, to bind and apprentice the said boy Smoky to him according to law, to learn the art of household and domestic duties about his premises, and in these respects to hold the relation of an apprentice, until he shall arrive at lawful majority, the age of twenty-five years, or for the term of seventeen years next following this indenture, the boy being now considered eight years of ago. And whereas it appears to me that the second party in this agreement, has obtained this boy in a lawful manner, without fraud or oppres- sion, and that the boy Smoky therefore, comes justly under the first provision of law, providing for apprenticeship, approved April the 18th. A. D. I860. "Now therefore, I, A. J. Heustis county judge as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises, and acting for and on behalf of the said indian boy Smoky, do by these presents hind and apprentice, as above stated, the said boy Smoky to Austin Wiley, for, and during the term of seventeen years, next following this indenture, entitling 188 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Maps and plats : Map books, 11 large vols. ; Index, 1 v. ; Maps of Surveys, 1891-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. ; Block Books of Eureka, 1861, 1862, 1866 ; Eureka and Areata, 1863, 1864, 1865 ; also a few undated vols. Maps, mounted: Trinidad, 1871; Eureka, 1888, 1901; Humboldt County, 1898. Maps, miscellaneous unmounted and unbound, about a dozen. Many of these maps are very interesting, c. g., Map of Humboldt City, 1850 ; Map of Hooktown ; Eureka waterfront, 1870, and many road survey maps. Marks and Brands, 1853-date, 3 : v. (A-C) ; 2 boxes of brands burned on leather. Book A begins with the brand of John Kneeland, originally filed in Trinity County ; book B is more detailed, giving record of transfer of brands of cattle and also contains brands for butter. Marriages, Record of, 1854-1858, see Sole Traders; Marriage Register, 1859-1866, 1873, 2 v. Marriage Certificates and Licenses, 1873-date, 15 v. (C-Q) ; Index, 1864^1872, 1 v. (A), also contains record of one license as well; 1873- date, 6 v. (B-D). Mechanics' Liens, 1854-date, 4 v. (A-D). Mining Claims and Water Rights, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; 1874-1890, 1 v., copied into vol. 1 ; Index, 2 v. Miscellany, 1853-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; "County Records of Humboldt County, Bk. A," 1853-1854, 1 v. As the title implies, this set of records contains many kinds of documents, some of unusual interest, viz., the agreements of the various speculation companies which took up the lands on the bay in 1850 ; the Bucksport Land Claim Association ; the articles of the Humboldt Lumber Manu- facturing Co., 1854, etc. Mortgages, 1859-date, 100 v. (A-Z, 1-74) ; Index, 12 v. (1-6) ; Chattel, 1866-date, 14 v. (A-N) ; Index, 2 v. (1). National Guard of California, Register of 10th Bat. of Inf., 1879. him according- to law, to have the care, custody, control and earnings of said boy dur- ing- said period, and all other advantages and responsibilities growing out of this indenture and apprenticeship, that the law contemplates. "And the said Austin Wiley, the second rarty in this agreement, doth hereby agree, obligate and bind himself, that he will truly and faithfully discharge all obligations, on his part, growing out of this indenture according to law. That he will suitably clothe and provide the necessaries of life for the said boy during his term of indenture. That he will in all respects treat him in a humane manner. That he will not take him out of this state, nor transfer him to any party not known in this agreement, without the consent of legal authority endorsed thereon ; and that in all respects he will carry out every provision of law that contemplates the safety, protection and well being of said boy. In witness whereof the parties of this indenture hereunto set their hands and seals the date first above written. A. J. Heustis County Judge 1st party Austin Wilejr, second party. "State of California I co County of Humboldt ) ss "And now comes Austin Wiley and deposes as follows. "The statements made by me in the preamble to this indenture, referring to the age of the indian boy Smoky, and the manner in which I obtained him, are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Austin Wiley. "Sworn to and subscribed before me on Ibis 1.4th day of Aug. A. D 1860. A. J. Heustis county judge of Humboldt County." HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 189 Newspapers (in Clerk's office except as otherwise noted) : Eureka, Humboldt Times, July 14, 1860-Aug. 16, 1862, Aug'. 22, 1863-Aug. 2, 1873, Mar. 4, 1874-Dec. 29, 1877, Jan. 4, 1879- Dec. 30, 1897, 35 v. This paper was called the Times-Telephone from Jan. G, 1883-May S, 1886. Telephone, Dec. 31, 1881-Dec. 23, 1882, 1 v. Northern Independent, July 22, 1869-Aug. 8, 1872, 3 v. West Coast Signal Feb. 8, 1871-Feb. 4, 1874, 3 v. Sacramento, Reporter, 1870-1872, unbound, in old courthouse. Official Bonds, Record of, 1853-date, 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 2 v. Vols. A and B are entitled "Records of the County Clerk." Oyster Beds, Record of, 1893-date, 1 v. Partnership Record, 1873-date, 1 v. (1), indexed. Patents, Record of, 1860-date, 21 v. (1-21) ; Index, 2 v. Powers of Attorney, 1853-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1851-date, 2 v. Releases and Satisfactions of Mortgages, 1907-date, 3 v. ; Index, 1888- date, 4 v. (1-2). Redemption, Certificates of, 1 f.b. School Land Warrants, Record of, 1858-1862, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Separate Property of Married "Women, 1864-date, 1 v. (A) . Sole Traders, 1859-1892, 1 v. (No. 1). Pages 1-31 of this book contain Record of Marriages, 1S54-1S58. Stallion Register, "Propagation License Certificates," 1912-date, 1 v. Survey of Boundary between Mendocino, Humboldt and Trinity coun- ties,* 1891, 1 v. This consists of 54 typewritten pages, describing the country crossed by the surveyors, incidentally giving much information regarding the con- dition of the country, settlements, etc. Suryeyors, Register of Incensed, 1891-date, 1 v. Tax Deeds, 1875-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index by grantors, 1 v. "Trinity County, Cal., Record Book, No. 1," Aug., 1850-Mar., 1851, 1 v. Most of the entries are deeds to lands around Humboldt Bay ; it also contains, unbound, a number of sheets or pages of pre-emption claims. "Union. Record Book of the Town of." 1851-1853, 1 v. The first entry in this book contains the poll list and the results of an election held at Uniontown April 1. 1851. at which time 110 votes were cast. The last entry is dated Oct. 5, 1853. Wills, Record of, 1880-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1854-1873 ; 1883-date, 2 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1871-date, 10 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1893-1899, 1 bdl. in old courthouse. Applications for Certificates, life diplomas, etc., 1 f.b. Auditor. Communications from the, 1887-date, 1 drawer. Board of Education. Record of, 1880-date, 2 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes. 1891: 1909, in old courthouse; 1910. Gives name, age, etc., of each child in the school district and county. 190 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Census Reports, 1882-1884, 1886-1888, 1899-1901, 1903, in old court- house ; 1905-1910, 7 f .b. These are abstracts from the field notes giving the names of the parents with the number of children between 5 and 17. Certificate Books : High school certificates, 1891-date, 5 v. ; grammar-grade on creden- tials, 1887-date, 5 v. (2-6) ; grammar-grade on examinations, 1887-date, 4 v. (2-5) ; second-grade, 1880-1893, 1 v.; primary, 1887-1901, 4 v. ; special, 1891-date, 5 v. Other books containing a few temporary and other certificates of scatter- ing dates. Course of Study in Humboldt County Schools, 1888, 1892, 1895-1896, 1897-1898, several printed copies. District Clerks, communications from, 1 file. These are filed in a cabinet under the names of the various districts. District Clerk's Papers, 3 p.h. in old courthouse. Life diplomas, recommendations for, 1889-date. These are the stubs of recommendations made to the State Superin- tendent. They are divided into two classes — first grade and grammar grade. Maps of Humboldt County, 1886 (Forbes) ; 1893 (Lentell). Official maps ; both have much early information ; used to show the school districts. Miscellaneous papers, 4 p.h. in old courthouse. Requisitions, Register of, 1889-date, 5 v. Requisition stubs, 1891-date. Stub-book of orders on the treasury, corresponding with the record in the school district accounts, etc. Arranged by years and districts. School District Accounts, 1871-1897, 6 v. ; Record of Accounts, 1897- date, 16 v. School Districts, boundaries and description of, 1885, 1 v., printed. School District Ledger : General expenses, 1864-1871, 1 v. ; Building fund, 1867-1871, 1 v. ; both in old courthouse. School Districts, maps of, 3 maps. The first is an old hand-ruled map undated ; another on the Lentell map of 1893, and a larger one for the present time. Superintendent of Public Instruction, communications from, 1905-date, 1 drawer. Teacher's Contracts, current, 1 f.b. ; Notices of Employment of, current, 2 f.b. Teachers' Reports, 1877-date, 1 v. Trustees, Certificates of Election, 1906-date, 4 f.b. ; Oaths of Office, 1 p.h. in old courthouse; Reports, 2 p.h. in old courthouse. Trustees, Register of School, 1886-1890, 1910-date, 2 v. Warrants, Register of School, 1873-1889, 2 v. ; 175 stub-books in old courthouse. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 191 THE AUDITOR Account books: 1872, 1 v., in Clerk's office; 1863-1891, 2 v.; Accounts with Sheriff and Assessor, 1853-1858, 1 v., in Clerk's office; Accounts with Treasurer, 1858-1868, 1 v., also in the Clerk's office. Accounts, Register of, 1870-1880, 2 v. (A-B), in Clerk's office. Assessment Rolls : Original: "Tax List," 1853-1854, 1 v., in attic; "List of Taxable Inhabitants," 1854, 1 v., in Clerk's office; "Assessment Roll and Military Tax," 1855, 1 v., in Clerk's office; Assessment Rolls, 1855, 3 866, 1877, 3 v., also in Clerk's office; 1860, 1862-date, 85 v. ; Index, 1881-1890, in attic ; 50 v. in main office. Delinquent, 1872-date, 43 v.; "List of Property Tax Unpaid," 1858-1860, 3 v., in Clerk's office. Duplicate, 1864, 1 v., in Clerk's office; 1872-1884, 26 v., in attic. Personal Property, 1896-date, 19 v. Cash Book, 1897-1905, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Certificates Filed and Warrants Drawn, 1853-1859, 1 v., in attic ; 1859- 1871, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Dependents Outside Institutions, Abstract of, 1913-date, 1 v. File of miscellaneous papers, bills, etc., 70 f.b. Financial Statements of County Officers, 20 f.b. Indigent Account. 1896-1908, 1 v. ; Monthly Allowance Record, 1907- date, 1 v. Land Payments, Record of, 1885-1906, 1 v. Ledger. ±859-1875, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1880-1887, 1 v. (D). Licenses, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Licenses issued, 1883-1897, 3 v. (2-4), in attic. Licenses Received from State Controller, 1855-1860, 1 v., in Clerk's office. License Tax Collector's Reports, 1878-1899, 1 v., in old courthouse. Miscellaneous papers: old Avarrants, accounts allowed, tax receipts, etc., 17 boxes in old courthouse. Orphans' Claim Record, 1907-date, 2 v. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1907-date, 2 v. Poll and Military Tax Lists, 1883-date, 32 v. Receipts, 1858-?, one large p.h. in old courthouse; Orders and receipts, stub-book, 1888-1890, also in old courthouse. Reports, 1854-1892, one large p.h. in old courthouse; 1870-1875, 1 v., in attic. School District Accounts, 1880-1898, 3 v. ; School Ledger, 1899-date, 2 v. School District Assessment Rolls, 1871-1873, 2 v. School Land Warrants, Index to, 1853-1856, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1908-date, 2 v. ; Canceled warrants, 1908- 1911. 10 bells., in old courthouse; 1912-date, several bdls. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1897-1901, 3 v. (2-4). Swamp Lands, Record of Receipts on, 1858-1863, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Tax Collector's Receipts from Licenses, 1875-1881, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Tax Sales: Certificates of. 1885-1892, 3 large p.h., in old courthouse; Record of, 1872-1910, 20 v. (1-20) ; Index, 2 v. 192 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Treasurer in Account with the Auditor, 1853-1856, in Clerk's office, "Certificates of Election," pp. 1-20. Treasurer's Cash Book, 1860-1893, 8 v. (A-Ii) ; 1896-date, 7 v. (1-7). Treasurer's Reports, 1859-1888, 1866-1870, 1899-1905, 3 v., in old courthouse. Warrants, Register of, 1 v. (A) - 1871-1874, 1909-date, 7 v. (B, D. J-N). Warrants Redeemed, 1853-1858, 1 v., in Clerk's office; Stub-books, 1904-date, about 20 v. ; Stub-books of court warrants, about 30 in old courthouse. THE TREASURER Account Book, general, 1853-1856, 1 v. ; Miscellaneous accounts, 1890- date, 1 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1899-date, file. Bonds, Record of, 1893, 1 v. Cash Book, 1859-1895, 21 v.; 1895-1908, 8 v. (A-H) ;■ 1908-date, 4 v. (1-4). Day Book, 1853-date, 10 v. (1-10). Depository Register, 1910-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, stub-books, 1897-date, 4 v. Ledger, 1853-1856, 1 v. (1) ; 1867-date, 6 v. (A-F). License and Poll Tax Accounts, 1868-1885, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, 1 drawer. These consist of Auditor's receipts ; canceled bonds ; school apportion- ments, 1868-1890 ; rates of taxation, 1867-1882 ; Report of Klamath County Commissioners, etc. Public School Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Road Warrant Register, 1876-1909, 5 v., scattering; 1911-date, 3 v. School District Accounts, 1874-1891, 4 v. (A-D) ; Transfers ordered by Supervisors and Superintendent of Schools, 1886-date, filed. School Warrants, 1889-1894, 1 v. ; 1909, 1 v. (F) ; 1911-date, 4 v. State Lands, Record of, 1858-1867, 1 v. This gives the number of the location, name of the purchaser, class of land (school, swamp and overflowed, etc.), township and section, number of acres, date of location, and record of payments. Warrants Registered, 1858-1874, 2 v.; 1874-1891, 4 v. (B-E) ; 1891- date, 14 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1859-1899, 333 large p.h., in old courthouse; 1900-date, in p.h. in main office. Lands Sold in Humboldt County, Abstract of, 1871-1888, on large unbound sheets in old courthouse. These lists show whether the land was sold under the law governing cash sales, homesteads, pre-emptions, swamp and overflowed lands, etc. They also give name of purchaser, section and township, and acreage. Maps and Plats : Maps of property holders, current, 7 v. ; also a number of maps, mostly town properties, on sliding boards. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 193 Plat Books of Eureka, 3 v., about 1869 or 1870 aud 1880, in old courthouse; Map of Eureka, 1881, showing location of property owners, scale 160 feet to inch ; another on same scale, about 1890. School Districts, Map of, current. Special properties, maps of, recent. Several miscellaneous maps of special properties such as railroads, lumber companies, etc. In the case of the latter the areas cut off during each year are indicated on the map. Trinidad, Map of. n.d. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1871-1883, 1 v.; 1880, 1882, 2 v., in Recorder's office ; also 25 vols, in old courthouse. Mortgages, Record of, 1888-1910. 1 v. Poll Tax Books, 1910-1914, several vols. ; also about 130 vols, in old courthouse and some in attic. Poll Tax Lists, 1864-1870, 1875, 8 v., in old courthouse. Real Estate Record, n.d., 1 v., in Clerk's office. Shows alphabetical list of land owners, with location of their lands. State Land Office. Returns from, 1875-clate. Transfer Book. 1881-1884, 1886, 1888-date, annual vols. United States Land Office, "Record of Final Proofs," 1903-date. Taken from the record of patents in the land office. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current. Cash Book, 1881-1883 ; 1891-date, 26 v. Delinquent Tax Cash Book. 1881-1891, scattering, 7 v. Licenses, Cash Account of, 1897-date, 2 v. (5-6). Licenses Collected, Ledger of, 1885-date, 7 v. (3-9). Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1894, 4 v. (A. 1-3). 14—41210 194 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. IMPERIAL COUNTY INTRODUCTION Imperial County was created in 1907 under a general law adopted that year, and includes that portion of what was previously San Diego Comity, lying east of the line between ranges 8 and 9 east of San Bernardino meridian. Since its formation El Centro has been the county seat. The courthouse was first occupied in January, 1908. It stands on the main business street, closely adjoining other buildings on both sides. The courthouse is constructed of brick, but much woodwork is used. It is therefore not fireproof from either outside or inside fires. Vaults, however, are used for a large portion of the records. Electric lights are used and the building is heated by steam heat, the heating plant being removed from the main building. With a few exceptions the filing cases and other office equipment are modern and convenient, but the offices of Auditor, Assessor and Treasurer are badly crowded. These archives were examined during April, 1917. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS Superior Court, Probate, 1907-date Bonds, 1907-date, 1 v. (1). Calendar, 1907-date, 3 v. Filing Docket, 1908-1910, 1 v. File, 1907-date, 26 f.b., cases 1-470. Letters of Administration, Guardianship and Testamentary, 1907- date, 1 v. (1). Orders and Decrees, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3). Register of Actions, 1907-date, 1 v. Register of Public Administrator, 1908-1911, 1 v. Wills, 1907-date, 1 v. (1). Superior Court, 1907-date Calendar, 1907-date, 3 v. Execution Register, 1913-1915, 1 v. File, 1907-date: Civil, 173 f.b., cases 1-3670; Criminal, 27 f.b., cases 1-594; Juvenile, 1908-date, 2 f.b., 74 cases; Divorce, 15 f.b. General Index, 1907-date, 3 v. Grand Jury, lists, panels, reports, etc., 1908-date, 1 f.b. Habeas Corpus, 1908-date, 2 f.b., cases 1-41. Insane Matters, 1907-date, 4 f.b., cases 1-153. > . O X IMPERIAL COUNTY. 195 Judgment Docket, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments, 1914-date, 2 v. (3-1). Minutes, 1907-date, 8 v. (1-8). Register of Actions: Civil, 1907-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Criminal, 1907- date, 2 v. (1-2). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1907-1916, 2 v. District Attornev, Opinions of, 1913-date, 1 f.b. File, 1915-date, *2 f.b. Minutes, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3). Miscellaneous, 1907-date, 5 f.b. Petitions, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Reports of Officers, 1907-date, 5 f.b. Road Districts, 1907-date, 12 f.b. Road Register, 1908-date, 1 v. (1). School Bond Elections, 1910-date, 6 f.b. School District, petitions, etc., 1907-date, 2 f.b. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Deputies, Record of, 1907-date, 1 v., 5 f.b. Fee Books, 1907-date, 2 v. Notaries, Record of, 1907-date, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1912-date, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record, 1912-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Dentists, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. Doctors' Certificates, Register of, 1914-date, 1 v. (2). Medical Certificates, 1907-date, 1 V. Pharmacists, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, file, 1907-date, 8 f.b., Nos. 1-507 ; Index, 2 v. Fictitious Names, Register of, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Suretv Companies' Credentials and Powers of Attorney, 1909-date, 2 f.b. THE RECORDER . Architects. Report of State Board of, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Assignment of Mortgages, 1907-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 2 v.; Chattel Mortgages, 1907-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1907-date, 2 v. Attachments, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; 5 f.b.; Index, 1 v. 196 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Bills of Sale, 1907-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Births, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Brands. 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2) • 1 f.b. Building Contracts, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Sale, Sheriff's, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Deeds, 1907-date, 121 v. (1-121) ; Index, 10 v. Vols. 1-24 are transcripts from San Diego County. Delinquent Tax List, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Estrav Notices, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Fee Books, 1907-date, 10 v. Homestead Declaration, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Leases, 1907-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. Licensed Surveyors, 1907-date, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens, see Notx*es of Action. Marriage Licenses, 1907-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 4 v. Mechanics Liens, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Mining Claims, 1907-date, 23 v. (1-23) ; Index, 8 v. Vols. 1-6 are transcripts from San Diego County. Mining District Records, Ogilby, 1884-1896, 1 v., Cargo Muchaco, 1888-1893, 1 v. Miscellaneous Records, 1907-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Mortgages, 1907-date, 45 v. ; Index, 6 v. Vols. 1-6 are transcripts from San Diego County. Mortgages, Chattel, 1907-date, 86 v. (1-86) ; Index, 8 v. Vol. 1 is transcript from San Diego County. Notices of Action, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Official Bonds, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1907-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Proof of Labor, 1909-date, 1 v. (I) ; Index, 1 v. Receivers' Receipts, 1907-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. Copies of "Final Certificates" issued by the government, together with copies of receipts for money issued by Register of U. S. Land Office. Release of Mortgages, 1907-date, 8 v. (1-8); Index, 4 v.; Chattel Mortgages, 1907-date, 8 v. (1-8). Tax Sales, Delinquent, 1907-date, 6 v. ; Index, 2 v. Water Claims, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1907-date, 1 v. Board of Education, Record of, 1907-date, 3 v. Certificate stub-books, 1910-date, 1 drawer. Communications received, 1913-date, 3 f.b. Courses of Study, 1913, 1916-date. Fee Book of Superintendent, 1910-date, 1 v. IMPERIAL COUNTY. 197 Fund Register. 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Requisition, Record of, 1911-date, 2 v. ; Stub-book, 1910-date, 17 v. School Distsrict Boundaries, 1911-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1914-date, 3 v. Teachers' Employment Record, 1907-date, 56 f.b. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Teachers' Reports, 1907-date, 56 f.b. Trustees' Reports, 1907-date, 06 f.b. Trustees. Register of, 1909-date, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1910-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls, 1907-1916, 74 v. ; Delinquent, 1907-1916, 10 v. Bond Register, 1913-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1911. 1 v. Journal. 1909-1911, 2 v. Ledger, 1908-1916, 6 v. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1907-date, 2 v. Receipts, 1910-1913. 2 v. Register of Warrants, Road, 1913-date, 1 v. ; General, 1907-date, 3 v. School Warrants, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3). Warrants. Cashed, 1911-1916, 3 v. Warrants on File : General, 1907-date, 36 f.b. ■ Road, 1913-date, 8 f.b. ; School. 1911-date, 10 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, 1911-date, 25 f.b. THE TREASURER Cash Book, 1907-date, 8 v. (1-8). County Warrants, 1907-1910, 2 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1912-date, 1 v. Journal, 1907-1908, 1 v. Ledger, 1907-1910, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, 1911-1917, 9 f.b. Monthlv Report, 1907-date, 1 v. Poll Tax Books. 1907-1914, 25 v. Road Warrant Register, 1907-date, 3 v. School District Ledger. 1907-1913, 1 v. School Warrant Ledger, 1907-1914, 1 v. State Land Record, 1911-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment List, 1911-date, 65 bells. Auto and Motor Bike License Reports, 1910-date, 3 f.b. Maps : Several maps of county and parts of county, roads, school districts, etc. Poll Tax Account Books. 1908-1914, 7 v. Veterans' Exemption Affidavits, 1912-1916, 2 f.b. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls. 1916-date, 15 rolls. Cash Book, 1908-1916, 5 v., in the Assessor's office; 1916-date, 1 v. 198 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. INYO COUNTY INTRODUCTION Inyo County was created by an act of the Legislature approved in 1866. Two years earlier this had been set apart from Mono and Tulare counties and designated "Coso County." This county, however, was never organized, and on March 22, 1866, an act was approved by Governor Low creating Inyo County from the same territory. Two changes have been made in its boundaries, the first in 1870 when an act was passed changing the northern boundary from Big Pine Creek to the present line; the other in 1872 when the southern boundary was placed upon the sixth standard south of Mount Diablo base line. The county seat has always been at Independence. The first courthouse was built in 1866 and was used until destroyed by earthquake, March 26, 1872. A new courthouse was immediately erected which, however, was destroyed by fire on June 30, 1886. Almost all of the county records, however, were saved, due to the presence of mind of two women. On February 10, 1887, the third courthouse was accepted and has been used since that time. It is a two-story frame structure, set off from other buildings and is well protected by a very efficient water system. There is but one vault, in which are kept the books of all the county officers with the exception of those of the Treas- urer, who has a separate vault. The main vault is well lighted by electricity and well ventilated; modern steel filing cases and boxes are used exclusively and the record books are kept free from dust. Some of the files of the Supervisors are kept in a room on the upper floor of the courthouse, and other of the older records, assessment rolls, mining location notices, ledgers, etc., are stored in a room on the upper floor of the concrete jail building, where they are piled in such a way that they are liable to mold and gather dust. This county was examined during June, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1866-1879 Calendar, 1877-1879, 1 v. (I). File of the District and County Court, 1876-1880, 1 f.b. Judgment Book, 1867-1879, 1 v. (A). Judgment Docket, 1867-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1866-1879, 1 v. Register and Fee Book, 1866-1880, 1 v. The record of the conclusion of cases is carried for a year or so past the year 1880. 1-3 ■8 ■3 - %' 3 ■ 0) - - INYO COUNTY. 199 County Court, 1866-1879 Attorneys, Roll of, 1866-1877. In Register and Fee Book. Jury Book, 1872-1880, 1 v., in jail storeroom. Carried on to 1891 as Jury Book of the Superior Court. Minutes, 1867-1879, 1 v. Register and Fee Book, 1866-1879, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1866-date Fee Bcoks and Register, 1866-1880, 1 v. Carried on from 1S80 by the Register of Actions. File, 1866-1880, 1 f .b. ; 1880-date, 54 f .b. Letters Testamentary, Administration and Bonds, 1873-1879, 1 v. (A) ; 1885-date, 2 v. (I-II). Minutes, 1867-1879, 1 v. (A) ; 1899-1901, 1 v. (I) ; 1911-date, lv. (II). Orders and Decrees, 1875-1900. 1 v. (A) ; 1880-date, 7 v/(I-VII). Yol. A contains mainly orders for distribution of property or confirmation of sale of real estate. Register of Actions, 1866-1880, 1 v. (A) ; 1880-date, 3 v. (I-III) ; Index, 1866-date, 1 v. ; 1880-1904, 1 v. Yol. A, 1S66-1SS0, is also a fee book. A new index is being compiled by the present County Clerk. WillSj Record of, 1868-date, 2 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar, 1880-1895, 2 v. (I-II). Docket, 1915-date, 1 v. File, 1880-date, 92 f.b., cases 1-1615. General Index, 1880-date, 2 v. Grand. Jury Lists and Reports, 1886-date, 1 f.b. Insanity, Record of Commitments, 1911, 1 v., one entry. Judgments, Assignments and Satisfaction of, 1867-date, 4 v. (A, 1-3). Jury Book, 1898-1899, 1 v. For 1S80-1891, see Jury Book of County Court. Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 4 v. (I-IV). Trial Juries, 1908-date, 1 f.b. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1876-1883, 1891, 1 v. File, 1871-date, 29 f.b. Franchises, 1891-date, 1 f.b. Hospital Record, 1892-1894, 1 v. ; 1897-1899, 1 v. This contains also a record of indigents. Minutes, 1866-date, 8 v. (I, A-G) ; Index to Road Matters, 1866- 1888, 1 v. 200 COUNTY ARCHIVES 'OF CALIFORNIA. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (I-II) ; 1885-date, 3 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1914-date, 1 v. Road Deeds, 1878-1906, 1 f.b. Road Register, 1866-1894, 1 v. (A) ; 1866-1903, 1 v. Townships, Record of, 1895, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Angler's License, stub-books, 1915, 10 v. Fee Books, 1885-1898, 2 v. (1-2). Hunting* License : Applications, 1909-date, on file ; Record, 1907- 1909, 1 v. ; stub-books, 1911-1913, 44 v. Military Rolls, 1890-date, 2 f.b. Miscellaneous file, 1876-1892, 1 v. ; Index, 1876-1892, 1 v. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, 1869-1906, 2 v. ( A, 1) ; Record, 1907-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1867-1894, 1 v. Naturalization, Decrees of, 1870-1879, 1 v. ; Certificates of, 1880- 1906, 2 v. ; Petition and Record, 1908-date, 2 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1867-1892, 1 v. Registration and Election Affidavits of Registration, 1914-1916, 42 v. ; Cancellation of, 1915, 2 v. ; Record of Affidavits furnished deputies, 1912-date, 3 v. Great Register, 1882-1900, 4 v.; 1890-1896, 1 v.; 1902-1904, 1906, 3 v. Great Register, Printed, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1894, 1914, 1915, 6 v. Nomination Certificate and Record of, 1906, 1 f.b. ; 1914, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License, stub-books, 1902-1909, 2 v., in jail storeroom. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 2 v. (A-B). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1877-date, 10 f.b.; 1892-1902, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1877-date, 1 v. Partnerships, Certificates of, 1874-1899, 1 f.b. Relating to Other Officers Affidavits of Auditor, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Appointments, 1895-date, 3 f.b. District Attorney's Opinions, 1909-date, 1 f.b. Justice Court Dockets: First Township, 1876-1879, 1 v., in jail storeroom ; Second Township, 1878-1880, 1 v. ; Third Township, 1885-1907, 3 v.; Sixth Township, 1881-1892, 1 v., in jail storeroom. Notaries, Records of, 1892-1896, 1 v., Craig, Wells, and Lamar; 1900-1901, 1 v., Allingham; 1910-1913, 1 v., Anderson: 1911- 1913, 1 v., Wells. INYO COUNTY. 201 THE RECORDER Agreements. 1867-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; County Agreements, 1887-date, 2 f.b.; Index. 1893-date, 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages, Leases and Judgments, 1872-date, 3 v. (A-C). Attachments, 1867-date, 3 v. ; Index, 2 v. The index for the years 1867-1877 is in the storeroom of the jail. Bills of Sale, 1877-date, 2 v. (A-B). Births : Record of. 1872-1898. 1 v. ; Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Bonds for Deeds, 1866-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Certificates of Redemption, 1885, 1 v. ; 1885-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1866-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1866-1877, 1 v. Deeds. 1866-1897, 26 v. (A-Z) ; 1897-1902, 6 v. (Al-Fl) ; 1902-date, 28 v. (1-28) ; Index, 1866-date, 7 v. Election expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1900, 1 v., in jail storeroom; 1900-1910, 2 f.b.; 1912, 1 v.; Committees' Statements, 1894-1896; 1 v., in jail storeroom; 1900-1902, 1 f.b., filed with candi dates' statements. Estrays, 1897-1907, 1 v., loose leaf. Executions, 1867-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1867-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1869-1899, 3 v., in jail storeroom; 1899-date, 3 v. Homesteads. 1866-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Instruments Received for Record, Register of, 1898-1913, 6 v. Of these, two volumes for the years 1S98-1908, and two supplemental volumes for the years 189G-1900 are in the storeroom of the jail. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1872-date, 1 v. (A). Land, Water and Mining Claims, 1866-1898, 9 v. (A-I) ; Index, 1 v.; Land and AYater Claims, 1898-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Vol. B of the early series is labeled "Pre-emption Claims." There are several partial indexes to the earlier volumes ; all entries are included in the indexes listed. Leases, 1871-date, 2 v. (A-B). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-clate, 1 f.b. Lis Pendens, 1866-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Maps and plats, 1888-date, 4 v. Marks and Brands, 1866-1908, 1 v. ; Adjacent Counties, 1 f.b. Marriages : Record, 1873-date, 3 v. ; Register, 1905-date, 1 v. Mechanics Liens, 1866-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Mining district records: Panamint, 1873-1874, 1 v.; 1874-1896, 3 v. (A-C); Beveridge, 1877-1890, 2 v. ; South Park, 1 v. ; Sherman, 1 v. ; Cerro Gordo, 1877-1890, 2 v. Mining Locations, 1896-clate, 46 v. (A-Z, 1-20) ; Index, 1896-date, 13 v. (3-15). Miscellanv, 1898-1899, 1 v. (1) ; 1907-date, 2 v. (A-B). Mortgages, 1867-date, 10 v. (B-U) ; Index, 2 v.; Chattel, 1877-1902, 3 v. (A-C), indexed; 1902-date, 4 v. (D-G) ; Index, 1 v. 202 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Official Bonds, 1883-1898, 1 v. (C), in jail storeroom; 1895-1900, 1 v. (D) ; 1910-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1871-1900, 2 v. Partnership, Eecord of, 1887-1905, 1 v. (A). Patents, 1898-date, 1 v. (A). Powers of Attorney, 1866-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1872-date, 1 v. There are two additional index volumes, one for the years 1872-1875, and one for vols. A and B. Proofs of Labor, 1892-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 2 v. Propagation Liens, 1907-date, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages and Leases, Index, 1884-date, 1 v. Road Deeds, 1905-date, 1 v. School Land Claims, 1878-1906, 1 f.b. Separate Property of Wives, 1867-1892, 1 v. (A). Sole Traders' Declarations, 1874-1894, 1 v. (1). Stallion Register, 1913-date, 1 v. Surveys, Record of, Index, 1898, 1 v., only one entry. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1875, 1 v. (A), three entries. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1872-1891, 1 v. (A 1 ) ; 1891-1894, 1 v. (A) ; 1895-1910, 5 v. (I-V) ; Index, 1895-1910, 1 v.; Conveyances of Real Estate for Delinquent Taxes, 1878-1885, 1 v. (I) ; 1896-date, 4 v. (II-V). Water Permits, 1915-date, 1 f.b. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1882-1885, 1 v. ; 1899-date, 16 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1882-1885. 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 2 v. Certificate stub-books : Primary, 1887-1900, 1 v. ; Grammar Grade, 1887-date, 5 v. ; High School, 1903-date, 1 v. Courses of Study. 1896, 1903, 1910, 1913, 1915, 5 v. Grading of Schools, 1882-1884, 1 v. High School Districts, Record of, 1916, 1 v. (1), in the Clerk's office. Institutes, Minutes of, 1895-date, 1 v. Life Diploma Recommendations, 1892-1899, 1 v., stubs. Requisitions : Register of, 1885-date, 1 v. ; Stub-books, 1898-1908, 23 v. School District Ledger, 1882-1884, 1 v., in Apportionments, 1882-1885; 1885-date, 3 v. (II-IV). Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914, 1 v. Visits, Record of, 1892-1893, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1882-1891, 10 v., in jail storeroom; 1892-1893, 1895, 1897- date, 36 v. ; Index, 1881-1889, 1891-1893, 1895-date, 34 v. Duplicate, 1894, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Delinquent, 1881, 1883-1886, 1888-1891, 10 v.; 1893-1897, 4 v.; 1900-1903, 1905-date, 16 v. ; Index, 1883-1884, 1890, 1895-date, 23 v. Personal Property, 1888-1900, 3 v., in jail storeroom; 1907-1910, 4 v.; 1911-1913, 3 v., in jail storeroom; 1914-date, 3 v. INYO COUNTY. 203 Day Book, 1886-date, 7 v. The volume for the years 1S91-1S92 is in the jail storeroom. Field Enrollment Book, 1897-1900, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1907-1911, 13 v. All but the volume for 1909 are in the jail storeroom. Financial Transactions, Record of, 1915-1916, 1 v. Journal, 1886-1893, 1 v. (1). Ledger, 1886-date, 6 v. ; Tax Ledger, 1915-1916, 1 v., small. License Record. 1887-1904, 2 v., in jail storeroom. Poll Tax Roll, 1891-1895, 2 v. Receipts, 1915-date. Reports, 1907-1913, 2 f.b. Labeled "Auditor's and Treasurer's Reports." Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1892, 1 v. (1) ; 1888-1904, 1 v. Warrants Redeemed, 1876-1902, 4 v., in jail storeroom. Warrants, Register of, 1897-1906, 1 v. (1). Warrants on file. 1903-1906, in jail storeroom; 1914-date, in Clerk's vault. Warrant stub-book, 1913-date, 2 v. THE TREASURER Bond Record, 1884, 1890, 1903, 3 v. Day Book, 1892-1895, 1 v. Deposit Register, 1913-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1911-clate, 1 v. Journal, 1872-date, 8 v. Ledger, 1872-date, 6 v. Poll Tax Receipts delivered to Auditor, Register of, 1899-1914, 1 v. Public Moneys, Receipts for, 1913, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Reports, 1907-1913, 2 f.b. Labeled "Auditor's and Treasurer's Reports." Warrants, Register of, 1869-1879, 1 v. ; 1883-1889, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Abstracts, Index, 2 v. Assessment Statements, 1914-1916. Maps and Plats : 3 plat books, one volume being mining plats ; 3 map cases, holding 42 maps; 10 side swinging wall maps; loose section maps of school districts and supervisors' districts. State Land Office Returns, 1893-date. U. S. Land Office Returns, 1898-date. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book, 1902-date, 4 v. Journal, 1900-1903, 1 v. Licenses. Cash Account of, 1903-date, 1 v. Licenses Collected, 1878-1887, 1 v., in jail storeroom. Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1892, 1 v. (1) ; 1888-1904, 1 v.; 1891-1894, 1 v. (A) ; Certificates of Sale of Real Estate, 1895-1910, 5 v. (I-V) ; Index, 1895-1910, 1 v.; Real Estate Sold to State for Delinquent Taxes, 1878-1885, 1 v. (I) ; 1896-date, 4 v. (II-V). 204 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. KERN COUNTY INTRODUCTION Kern County was organized in 1866 from parts of Los Angeles and Tulare counties, with the seat of justice at Havilah. In 1874 the county seat was moved to Bakersfleld, where it has remained. For a short time the seat of government was in the town hall in Bakersfleld, located on the present sight of the Beale Memorial Library. A new courthouse was built in 1876. This building was used until the present one was ready for use in 1912. The present courthouse is a beautiful building occupying two city blocks. Built of stone, brick and steel, it is practically fireproof. It is surrounded on all sides by wide streets. It is steam heated and lighted by electricity. The equipment, book cases, filing cabinets, etc., is with few exceptions of modern steel structure. Most of the offices have small vaults, but these hold only a very small percentage of the records and no effort is made to give them more protection than that afforded by the offices. Many of the older records are piled just as they were moved from the old courthouse, without any attempt at an orderly arrangement, in two rooms in the basement. The records are practically safe in these rooms from everything except dust and the wear and tear of searching through them. The confused jumble makes it very difficult to find out how complete the records are, and any attempt to find an old record is very apt to result in books being thrown around and torn and otherwise damaged. With very little effort and cost, this material could be arranged so it would be free from most of the damage just noted. These records contain a great deal of very valuable material. The Recorder's office is in the Hall of Records, which was built in 1907. It, too, is practically fireproof, although on two sides it is close to buildings which are not. It is steam heated and lighted by electricity. It is equipped with very modern steel book cases, filing cabinets, etc. Its arrangement and equipment leave little to be desired. The examination of the archives was made during June, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1866-1879 Calendar, 1870-1879, 1 v. Decree Book, 1876-1879, 1 v. Decrees and Sales, 1870-1872, 1 v. - 9 / KERN COUNTY. 205 Executions, 1868-1880, 1 v. Execution Docket, Civil 1868-1884, 1 v. This contains Superior Court Docket, 1SSO-1SS4. Files: Civil, 1867-1880, 27 f.b., cases 1-626, a few cases unnum- bered ; Criminal, 1869-1880. General Index, 1866-1880, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1866-1880, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1866-1880, 1 v. Minutes, 1866-1880, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Actions, 1866-1880, 4 v. (1-4) . County Court, 1866-1879 Files: Civil, 1866-1879, 2 f.b., cases 1-97; Criminal, 1869-1879, 3 f.b. General Index, 1866-1879, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1866-1879, 1 v. Minute Book, 1866-1879, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Actions, 1866-1879, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1866-date Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1907, 1 v. Fee Book, 1866-1877, 1 v., in the basement. File, 1866-1880, 11 f.b., cases 1-107; 1880-date, 188 f.b., cases 1-2048. General Index, 1 v. Guardianships and Guardianship Bonds, 1866-1885. Letters Testamentarv, Bonds of Execution, Administration, etc., 1866-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. Minutes, 1866-1876, 1 v. The minutes from ISSO-date are recorded in the regular court minutes. Orders and Decrees, 1880-date, 40 v. (1-40). These volumes have different titles, such as "Decrees of Distribution," "Orders Appointing Appraisers," "Orders Appointing Administra- tors," etc. Register of Actions, 1876-1880, 1 v., indexed, in basement; 1880- date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Wills, 1864-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Vol. 1 is under Letters Testamentary, etc. Superior Court, 1880-date Assignment of Cases, 1913-date, 1 v. Attorneys. Roll of, 1866-date, 1 v. Calendar of Actions, 1880-1903, 6 v. (1-6), in basement; Calendar of Motions, 1894-1896. Coroner's Inquests. 1868-date, 40 f.b., Nos. 1-2045. Decree Book, 1880-1911, 1 v. Decree Book. State School Land, 1880-1893, 1 v. ; 1896-1898, 1 v. Decrees of Foreclosure and Sale, 1897-1907, 2 v. (1-2). Executions, 1880-1902, 3 v. (2-4) ; State School Land Executions, 1896-1898, 1 v. 206 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Execution Docket, 1880-1910, 1 v. File : Civil, 1880-date, 635 f.b., cases 1-10750 ; Criminal, 1880-date, 80 f.b., cases 1-1370. General Index: Civil, 3 v. (1-3) ; Criminal, 1 v. Grand and Trial Jurors, List of, 1896-date, 2 f.b. ; Order Fixing Number of, 1887-date, 1 f.b. Grand Jury, Reports of, 1879-date, 1 f.b. Insanity: Record of Commitments, 1881-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Files of Commitments, 1892-date, 3 f.b. ; Commitments for Intemperance, 1911, 1 f.b., labeled "Hop Heads"; Commission in Lunacy, 1899-date, 1 f.b. Judgment Book: Civil, 1880-date, 21 v. (1-21); Criminal, 1880- date, 5 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Jury Book, 1878-date, 3 v. (x, 2-3). One volume is in the basement. Jury Lists, 1899-date, 1 f.b. Justice Court Commitments, 6th township, 1894-1895, 1 v. Justice of the Peace, Abstracts of Judgments, 1882-date, 2 f.b. ; File of Complaints, Transcripts of Testimony, etc., 1897-1904, 1 f.b. Minutes, 1880-date, 52 v. (1-52). Beginning with vol. 19 each, volume is given the number of the depart- ment to which it belongs. Register of Action, 1880-date: Civil, 25 v. (1-25); Index, 3 v. (1-3) ; Criminal, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Reporters' notes, shorthand, in Reporters' rooms. Sales on Foreclosure, Commissioners' reports and account of, 1896- 1898 ; 1 v. ; Sheriff's return and account of, 1897-1900, 1 v. Superior Court : Rules of, 1904-date, 1 f.b. ; Petitions for extra session, 1904-date, 1 f.b. ; Orders for extra sessions, 1904-date, lib. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1909-date, 3 f.b., cases 1-273. Minutes, 1909-date. Recorded in minutes of Department 2. Record, 1909-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Aged Indigents Outside of Hospitals, List of, 1889-1901, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Allowance Book, 1874-date, 13 v. (1-13) ; 1897-date, 6 f.b. From 1866-1874 allowances are recorded in the minutes. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers and Marines, 1889-date, 1 v. County Hospital, Reports of Steward, 1897-date, 2 f.b. County Superintendent of Education, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Coyote Scalp Certificates, Index and Ledger, 1891-1895, 1 v. File, cases 1-101. Franchise Book, 1874-1902, 1 v. Ledger, 1892-1895, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. KERN COUNTY. . 207 Maps : City of Bakersfleld, 1898, in basement, map in bad condition. County Highway Map, showing highways to be improved under bond issue of $2,500,000. Kern County, 1875, 1888, 1892, 1905, in basement; two maps in file room. The map for 1875 shows township and supervisorial districts ; the one for 1SS8 was compiled from official records and surveys by W. R. Mac- murdo, County Surveyor ; 1892, compiled by W. R. Macmurdo ; and for 1905 was compiled from public records and private surveys by M. W. Buffington, County Surveyor, corrected to 190& Miscellaneous maps and blueprints, 2 drawers. Tejon, Alamos, Castec, and Liebbe Grants, 1883, in basement. Made by W. R. Macmurdo, County Surveyor, and approved by the Board of Supervisors. Town of Delano, 1888, in basement. Surveyed by L. D. Norton. Town of Sumner, n.d., in basement. Minutes, 1866-date, 19 v. (1-19) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Ordinance Book, 1884-date, 2 v. (1-2). Road Book, 1866-1889, 1 v. Road Register, 1872-date, 3 v. (1-3). School District Bonds: Record of, 1914-date, older ones recorded in Minutes ; Reports of Board of Education, File, 1897-date. Supervisors ' miscellaneous papers : Application for Appointment, 1897-date, 1 f .b. ; Cancellation of Taxes, 1897-date, 7 f .b. ; Con- tracts, Bidders' Bonds, etc., 1893-date, 3 f.b. ; Opinion of Dis- trict Attorney, 1899-date ; Petition of Indigents, 1898-date, 1 f.b. Water Commissioners, Record of, 1877-1896, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Anglers' License, stub-book, 1916, 11 v. Earlier volumes are in the basement. Appointment of Deputies, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Cash Book, Jan. 10, 1916-date. Census Returns, Abstract, 1910. Correspondence record, 1915-date, 13 f.b. Docked Horses, Register of, 1907, 1 v. Fee Books, 1885-date, 6 v. (1-6). Vols. 1-3 are in the basement. Hunting License, Register, 1907-1908; Applications, 1914-date; Stub-book, 1914-date. Military Roll, 1900-1915, scattering dates. These are found in the supervisors' room and in the main office. Volumes before this date are in the basement. Receipts, Record of, 1 v. Reports, 3 f.b. Special Deposit, Auditor's Receipts for, 2 f.b. 208 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Naturalization , Declaration of Intention, 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4). Naturalization: Acts of, 1871-1903, 3 v. (x, 1-2); Eecord of, 1903-1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4). Naturalization, Index, 1867-1908, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1867-1880, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1910-date. Those for 1910-1914 are in the basement ; for 1914-date in the main office. Great Register, 1866-1910, 15 v. (1-15). Precinct maps, current, in main office. Elections Abstract of Votes Cast, 1896-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Election and Appointment, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Nomination, 1906-date, 2 f.b. Election Proclamation, Nomination Papers, etc., 5 f.b. Miscellaneous papers in regard to Primary Election, 1914, 2 f.b. Primary Election Officers, Record of, 1898, 1 v. Verification Deputies' Reports, 1906-1914, 2 f.b. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1868-date, 13 f.b. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 2 v. (1-2). Pharmacists, Record of Certificates of, 1905-date, 1 v. Physicians and Optometrists, Record of Certificates of, 1903-date, 1 v. Practising Physicians, Record of Certificates of, 1876-1903, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1866-date, 24 f.b.; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Bank Certificates, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Bond and Surety Companies, Power of Attorney of, 1898-date, 1 f.b. Co-partnerships, Certificates of, 1874-date, 3 f.b. Fictitious Names, Register of Firms and Persons Under, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. Trade Marks, 1913, 1 v., only one entry. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, Certificates of, 1894-date, 3 f.b. Bonds, Official, 1894-date, 3 f.b. Court Commissioners and Court Reporters, Certificates of Appoint- ment and Oaths of, 1903-1913, 1 f.b. Depositions, 1899-1908, 1 f.b. District Attorney's Opinions, 1 f.b. inventories of County Property, 1879-date, 1 f.b. KERN COUNTY. 209 Justice Court Dockets : 6th township, 1889-1905, 22 v., in the base- ment; 7th township, Esquire Seymour, May 26, 1875-July 12, 1876, in Recorder's office. Notaries : Oaths of, 1881-date, 1 f .b. ; Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. Notarial Record, February 18, 1892-February 18, 1893, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1898-1901, 1 v., in the basement. Proferts. 1888-1911, 1 f .b. Reports of Officers, 1897-date, 14 f.b. Tax Collectors, Affidavits of, 1885-date, 1 f.b. Undertakings, 1905-1911, 1 f.b. ; Undertakings on Appeal, 1902- date, 1 f.b.' THE RECORDER Agreements, 1875-date, 39 v. (1-39) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1875-date, 13 v. ; Index, 3 v. Attachments, 1869-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. Banking Statements: Assets, 1877-1893, 1 v., indexed; Capital, 1877- 1893, 1 v., indexed. Births: Register of, 1873-1905, 1 v., indexed; Record of, 1905-date, 6 v. (x. 3-7), indexed. Building Contracts, recent, 23 drawers ; Index, 1 v. Certificates of Sale, 1867-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths : Register of, 1873-1905, 1 v., incomplete ; Records of, 1905- date, 1 v., indexed. Decrees of Distribution, 1891-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. Deeds, 1856-1866, 3 v. (A-C) ; 1866-date, 312 v. (1-312) ; Index, 19 v. Vols. A, B and C are records transcribed from Tulare County. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements. 1896-date, 4 v. (1-4), indexed; Committees' Statements, 1896-1907, 1 v. Estravs, 1908-date, original papers filed bv years. Fee Book, 1874-1880, in basement; 1880-1885, in Clerk's office; 1885- date, 35 v. (1-35). Fee Book, Mining, 1889-date, 12 v. (1-12). Field Notes of Boundary Line between Los Angeles and Kern counties ; also of the Ranchos "Le Liebre," "Costoc" [Castec], and "Los Alamos y Aqua Caliente. " Homesteads, Declarations of, 1866-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 3 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1876-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Leases. 1866-date, 29 v. (1-29) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. Lis Pendens, see Pendency of Actions. Maps and Plats. 1893-date, 4 v. ; Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands. 1866-date, 7 v. (1-7), indexed; Other Counties, 1891-date. filed by date. Marriages: Certificates of. 1866-1904, 1907-1911, in basement; Record of, 1907-date, 3 v., indexed; Record of Licenses, 1905-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index. 3 v. Mechanics' and Laborers' Liens, 1866-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, 2 v. d-2). 210 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Mining district records, 1856-1897, 15 v. These include constitutions, by-laws, record books, notices of claims, etc. of the following districts : French Gulch ; Greenhorn Gulch, 1856 C'ove. 1862 ; Keysville, 1874 ; Green Mountain, 1874 ; Summit, 1878 Goler, 1896; Rodemarker, 1806; Pioneer, 1806; Mojave, 1806; O'Brien, 1807. Mining Records, 1875-date, 115 v. (1-115) ; Index, 26 v. (1-26). Miscellaneous Records, 1866-date, 18 v. (1-18) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Mortgages, 1866-date, 90 v. (1-90) ; Index, 6 v. (1-6) ; Chattel, 1866- date, 38 v. (l-38) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2); Releases, 1872-date, 14 v. (1-11) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Official Bonds, 1866-date, 9 v. (1-9) • Index, 1 v. Patents, 1862-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Pendency of Actions, 1866-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Poso Irrigation District, Certificates of Land Sales of, 1 f.b. Powers of Attorney, 1867-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 1 v. School Lands, Decrees of Foreclosure, 1872-1900, filed in steel case. Separate Property of Wives, and Sole Traders, 1870-1912, 1 v., indexed. Stallion Registration, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v., indexed. Street Improvement Bonds, Record of Sale of, 1913-date, 1 v. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1870-1893, 1 v. These are petitions to form drainage districts, etc. Tax Deeds to State, 1890-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Index, 1 v. Tax Sales, 1873-1892, file of original papers. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1894-date, 21 v. (1-21) ; Index, 1 v.; Incor- porated Cities, 1898-date, 18 v., indexed. In the first series the titles of the volumes vary. Water Rights, 1873-date, 3 v. (1-3), indexed. Wills, Record of, 1893-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, File, 1902-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1873-date, 2 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). Certificates, Applications for, and Register of Teachers, 1895-date, 2 v. (1-2);. 3 f.b. Certificates, stub-books, 1880-date. Communications received : from Auditor, 1912-date, 1 f.b. ; from Board of Supervisors, 1915-date, 1 f.b. ; General, 1912-date, 1 f.b. District Account Book, 1893-date, 2 v. (3-4). Examination for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1911-date, 1 v. Fee Book, 1909-date, 1 v. Journal, 1914-date, 4 v. Opening and Closing of Scho( Is, Records of, 1915-date, 2 f.b. Requisitions and Fund Account, Register of, 1899-date, 11 v. (1-11). Requisition stub-books, Kern County High School, 1914-date. School building blue prints, 1 drawer. School District Ledger, 1905-date, 5 v. (1-5). School District Boundaries, 1915, printed pamphlet. KERN COUNTY. 211 School District Correspondence, 1915-date. One file for each district. School District Map, copy of county map of 1912, with present districts shown. School Library Books, Record of, 1915-date, 1 v. Teachers, Register of, 1895-1913, 1 v., with few entries. Teachers' Employment Record, 1915-date, 1 f b. Teachers' Pension Book, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers ' Reports, 1912-date ; Special Reports, 1903-date. Trustees. Register of, 1888-date, 2 v. One volume is in the basement. THE AUDITOR Account with the Treasurer, 1871-1894, 5 v. (1-5), in the basement. Apportionment Book, 1903-date, 2 v. (1-2). Assessment Book, 1880-1891, 4 v. (1-4), in the basement, Assessment Rolls : Original, 1866-date, 218 v. ; Index, 36 v. Delinquent, 1870-date; Index, 6 v. Duplicate, 1873-1882, 9 v. (1-9), in the basement. Cash Book, 5 v. County Pay Roll, 1911-date, 1 v. Day Book, 1866-1887, 2 v. (1-2), in the basement, Fund Account with Treasurer, 1871-1878, 1 v., in the basement. Journal, 1890-clate, 3 v. (1-3). Vols. 1-2 are in the basement. Ledger, 8 v. License Account with Collector, 1870-1878, 1 v., in the basement. License Register, 1895-1899, 2 v. (1-2) ; License Record, 1899-1904, 2 v. (1-2), all in the basement. License Tax Collector's Statements, 1905-date, 3 v. (1-3). Liquor Licenses, 1899-1900, 1 v., in the basement. Maps: Official Map of Kern County, 1912; Map of the City of Bakers- field and Vicinity, 1911. Migratory Stock, Assessment of, 1877-1878, 1 v., in the basement. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. ; Original papers, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Poll Tax Account with Assessor, 1899-1910, 1 v. Poll Tax List, 1896-1914, 14 v. Property Sold to State for Delinquent Taxes, 1896-1901. 6 v.; Stock Journal, 1 v. Reports to State Controller, 1895-date, 1 f.b. Requisitions. Register of, 1886-1896, 1 v., in the basement. School Bond, Register of, 1895-date, 2 v. School District Assessment List, 1877, 1 v., in the basement. School District Bond Account, 1911-date, 1 v. School District Fund Account, 1897-1909. 1 v. School Districts, A r aluation of, 1910-date, 1 v. 212 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. School Warrants Register and Fund Account, 1896-1912, 4 v. (1-4). Tax Accounts, Personal Property, with Assessor and with State Institu- tions, 1902-1906, 1 v., with Tax Collector, 1899-1907, 1 v. Tax Collector's Statement, 1902-date, 3 v. (1-3). Tax Levies, 1866-date, 1 v. Warrants on file, 1867-date, 313 f .b. Warrants Outstanding, 1897-date, 4 v. (1-4). Warrants, Register of, 1889-date, 22 v. (1-22). Vols. 1-5 are in the basement. THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of, 1881-date, 2 v. (1-2). Cash Book, 1878-1901, 8 v., in the basement; 1902-date, 2 v. Deposit Register, 1907-date, 1 v. Fund Book, 1866-1875, 2 v. (1-2), in the basement. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1907-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1878-date, 3 v. (1-3). Vol. 1 is in the basement. Monthly Reports, 1902-date, file, in the Supervisors' room. Poll Tax stub-books, in the basement. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Road Warrants, Register of, 1881-1890, 1 v., in the basement. School Land Locations, Register of, 1872-date, 4 v. (1-4). School Warrants, Register of, 1870-1887, 3 v. (1-3), in the basement. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Lists, 1895-date. Cash Book, 1895-date, 20 v. Double Assessments, 1875. Field Enrollment, 1898, 1900, 1901. Lands Sold, Abstract of, 1880-date. Letter files, 1899-date, 1 f.b. Maps and Plats: Maps of Bakersfield, 1873, 1887, 1891. The first two are maps of towns lots. Mortgages, Abstracts of, 1891-1908, 19 v. Non-Residents, Index, 1895-date, 2 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1875-1895, scattering. Road District Cash Book, 1889-1890, 1 v. State Land Office Returns, 1895-date. Township Valuation Plat Books, 1898-date, 19 v. United States Land Office Returns, 1895-date. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book, 1881-date. All except current volume are in the basement. Cash Book, Operative Property, 1913, in the basement. Licenses, Cash Account of, 1866-1909, 1 v., in the basement. Tax Sales to State, Record of, 1894-date. 1\ ►>oV\ o \ i o /o _20 _?o 1 Li i ' • i_jL_l._J_.LJ _JL_ 1 f ! Kings County. Blue Red Stats. Stats. 1893:176. 1909:827 ; Pol. Code (1919), §3924. For key to maps see page ix. KINGS COUNTY. 213 KINGS COUNTY INTRODUCTION Kings County was set off from Tulare County in 1893. In 1909 it was given its present boundaries when a part of Fresno County was added. Hanford has been the county seat from the formation of the county. From 1893 to 1897 the county offices were located in various parts of the city, no one building being adequate to accommodate all of them. In 1896 the cornerstone was laid for the present courthouse, into which the county records were moved the next year. To this building an addition was made in 1914. The courthouse is located upon a city block upon which are also the jail and two private houses. It is a building with two stories and a basement, constructed of stone, steel and brick with considerable wood finishings. It is safe from fire from outside and, while not fireproof within, it may be considered reasonably safe. It is heated by steam and electrically lighted. The offices are equipped with vaults, though in no instance do these hold all the records of the office. Some of the book racks and filing cases are of old wooden types, but for the most part new steel racks and cases are used. As may be inferred from the date of formation of the county, there is not the great mass of old records that are to be found in the older counties. However, the basement is being used, to store some of the older materials. Very little of this material is of much value. The examination of these archives was made in July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS Superior Court, 1893-date Attorneys, Rolls of, 1893-1895, 1 v., but few entries. Calendar: Demurrer, 1915-date; Civil, 1895-1905, 1 v.; Law and Motion, 1895-date, several vols. ; Trial, 1901-date, several small vols. Coroner's Inquests, 1893-date, 4 f.b. Executions, 1895, 1 v. (1), but few entries; Index, 1 v. (1). File: Criminal, 1893-date, 15 f.b., cases 1-435; Civil, 1893-date, 149 f.b., cases 1-3471; Depositions, 1896-date, 1 f.b.; Cases transferred from other counties, 1898-1912, 2 f.b. Grand Jury Reports, 1893-date. Filed under Miscellaneous. 214 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Index, General, 1893-date, 2 v. Insanity: Commitments, 1893-1901, 2 v. (1-2); 1901-date, 1 v.; 1893-date, 2 f .b. ; Certificates of Discharge from State Hospital, 1913-1916, 1 v. (1) ; Order Book, "Criminal," Index, 1 v. (1). Judgment Book, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5). Judgment Docket, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). Judgments from Justice Court, Transcripts of, 1894-date. Jury Book, 1893-date, 1 v. (1); Jury Lists, 1893-date; Jurors' Certificates of Fees, 1894-1915, 4 stub-books; Jurors' Orders for Fees, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Minute and Order Book: Civil, 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6); Criminal, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Register of Actions and Fees: Civil, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Crim- inal, 1893-date, 2 v. (1,1); Miscellaneous, 1893-date. Reporters' notes: Shorthand, several notebooks in Clerk's office, remainder in Reporter's office; transcribed, 1893-date, scatter- ing, in Clerk's office. Transcripts on Appeal, 1894, several copies. Superior Court, Probate, 1893-date Adoption, Record of, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Bonds of Administrators and Executors, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Calendar, 1915-date, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Appraisements, current, 2 v., but few entries. Decrees 1893-date 2 v File, 1893-date, 63 f.b., cases 1-806 ; " Exhibits, " 1893-date, 11 f.b. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, filed, 1893-date. Letters of Guardianship and Bonds, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Letters Testamentary and Administration, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Order Book, 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6). Register of Actions, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7). Register of Estates and Fee Book, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, lv. (1). Wills, Record of, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1909-date, 1 f.b. Under head of "Juvenile and Probation Matter." Record, 1909-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Alcoholic Liquors, Statement of Sale and Dispension of, 1912- clate, 1 f.b. Allowance Book, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). Claims Allowed by Board of Supervisors, Clerk's Memoranda of, 1915-date, 2 f.b. Delinquent Roll, County Tax Collector's, printed, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Highway Bids, 4 f.b. KINGS COUNTY. 215 Hospital Record, County Physician's Report, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Map of Kings County showing Township and Precinct, May, 1915. Minutes: Board of Supervisors, 1893-date. 5 v.; Index, 1 v. (1) ; County Commissioners, in organization of county, etc., 1893, 1 v. Ordinances, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Orphans and Half -orphans, Record, 1912-date, 1 v. Petitions, miscellaneous, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Public Roads, Record of, 1 v. Reclamation Districts. 1898-date, 1 f.b. Resolutions, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Rights of Way. Record of, 1895-date, 5 f.b. This includes deeds for rights of way, etc., and is filed under "Road District." Road Orders, 1893-1905. Road Register, 1872-date, 1 v. (1). Record previous to 1893 copied from record in Visalia. School Bond Election Proceedings, 1893-date, 2 f.b. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Anglers' Licenses, stub-book, 1916. Appointment of Deputies, 1899-date, 2 f.b. Correspondence record, 1915-date, 4 f.b. Fee Books, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Fish and Game Commission Matters, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Hunting License: Record, 1916; County Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v.; Stub-books, 1916. Military Roll, 1894-1915. Miscellaneous file. 3 f.b. Special Deposit: Record, 1915-date; Auditor's Receipts for, file. Swamp and Overflowed Land Surveys, 1863-date. Records taken from Tulare County records. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1893-1906, 1 f.b. ; Record of, 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1893-1906, 1 v. Naturalization, Record of, 1893-1906, 2 v. ; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalization. Certificates of, stub-books, 1906-date, 7 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1893-1906, 1 v. (1). Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1912. Great Register. 1896-1906. Elections Ballots. Official Record of. 1894-1902, 1 v. Candidates' Statements, 1894-1912, 1 f.b. Election Papers. 1894-date, 5 f.b. Nomination. Record of. 1910-date, 1 v. (1). Primary Election Officers. Record of, 1898-date, 1 v. 216 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1893-date, 12 v. ; Stub-books, 1893- 1915. Dentists, Register of, 1913, 1 v. (1), only one entry; Index to Dental Certificates, 1 v. (1). Pharmacists, Registered, 1905-1915, 1 v. (1), indexed. Physicians' Certificates, 1893-1913, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1893-date, 8 f .b. ; Index, 1 v. (1). Bond and Snrety Companies, Certificates of Authority, 1912-date, 1 f.b. ; Records of, 1914-date, 1 v. Partnerships, Certificates of, 1893-date, in Miscellaneous Partner- ship Papers. Private account books : Gordon Orchard and Vineyard Co., By-laws and Minutes, 1891-1899. Hanford Raisin and Dried Fruit Packing Co., By-laws, 1892, in Treasurer's office. Johnson & Hunter, Ledger, Day Book and Journal, 1909. Parlin Mining Co., Inc., Minutes, etc., of in case of the People vs., 1909. Relating to Other Officers Affidavits of Expenses of Probation Office, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Appointments and Oaths of Office, 1893-date, 3 f.b. Auditor's and Treasurer's Joint Reports, 1911-date, 2 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1893-date, 3 f.b. County Officials, Reports of, 1893-date, 3 f.b. 1893-1914 are marked "Reports" ; 1914-date are marked "County Offi- cials, Reports of." Justice Reports, 1913-date, 1 f.b. Law Library of Kings County, Minutes of Board of Trustees of, 1904-date, 1 v. Notaries : Register of, 1915-date, 1 v. ; Bonds of, 1911-date, 1 v. ; 1899-date, 3 f.b. ; Records of, Dana J. Newman, 1893-1903, 1 v. ; J. B. Mayer, 1908-1910, 1 v. Public Administrator, Register of, 1899-1909, 1 v., incomplete; 1912-date, 1 v. Treasurer's Reports of Money in County Treasury, 1914-date. Before 1914 filed under "Miscellaneous." THE RECORDER Architects, Cancellation of Certificates of, 1912-1914, 1 f.b. Assignments, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Attachments on Real Property, 1893-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Births: Register of, 1893-1915, 4 v. (1, 1, x, x) ; Record of, Sept. 1915- date, 1 v. Builders' Contracts, 1899-1901, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). KINGS COUNTY. 217 Certificates of Sale. Foreclosure. 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2). Contracts, 1893-date. 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deaths: Register of. 1893-1905. 1 v. (1) ; 1907-1910, 1 v.; Record of, 1905-1907. 1 v. Decrees. 189^-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index. 1 v. (1). Decrees of Distribution. 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4). Deeds. 1893-date. 60 v. (1-60) ; Index, 9 v. (1-9). Deeds of Trust, 1893-date. 19 y. (1-19) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Election expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Primary, 1912-1914. 2 y. (1-2) ; Committees' Statements, 1896-1902. 1 y. (IV EstraYs. 1897-date. 1 f.b. Fee Books. 1893-date. 13 v. (1-13). Hanford, Charter of City of, filed July 11, 1908. Homesteads, Claimants of, 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v.; Aban- donment of, 1893-date. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1893-date. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deases. 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 y. (1). Licensed SurYeyors. Certificates of, 1899-date, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Map Book of Kings CountY. 1 v.; Index. 1 v. (1) ; Record of Surveys, 2 y. (1-2); Index, It. (1). Maps Mounted : Official Map of Kings County. 1893, Walker. Map shows supervisorial districts and precincts, also gives statistics for 1S93 and includes a map of Hanford. Official Map of Kings County, 1908. Compiled from latest county records ; shows cities of Hanford, Lemoore, and Corcoran on larger scale. Marks and Brands, 1893-date, It. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Other Coun- ties, "Foreign Brands." 1900-date, 1 f.b. Marriage Licenses, 1893-date, 6 y. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Volumes are marked "Marriage Licenses" or "Marriage Certificates." Marriages, Register of. 1905-date. 3 v. (x, 1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Mechanics Liens. 1893-date. 1 v.; Index, 1 v. (1). Mining Claims, 1894-1896, 2 v. (A-B). Books A & B in the "Records of the Robinson Petroleum District." MiscellanY. 1893-date. 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 3 y. (1-3). Mortises. 1893-date. 31 v. (1-34) ; Index. 3 v. (1-3) ; Chattel, 1893- date. 18 y. (1-18) ; Index. 2 v. (1-2) ; Crop, 1893-date, 8 v. (1-8). Mortgages, Abstract of. 1886-1897, 1 v. (1). Notices of Action. 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Official Bonds. 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2) ; Index. 1 v. (1). Patents. 1893-date. 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). PoYN-ers of Attorney. 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2). Reclamation Districts. 1895-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Releases of Morteases and Leases. 1893-date. 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Right of Way, 1894-date, 1 v.; Index. 1 v. (1). 218 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Separate Property of. Married Women, Record of, 1894-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds to State, 1893-1914, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales to State, Certificate of, 1894-1911, 17 v. (1-17) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) ; Real Estate, City of Lemoore, 1913-date, 1 v.; City of Hanford. 1903-1905, 3 v. Water Consumers of Citv of Hanforcl, List of, 1898-1901. Will Book, 1894-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1893-date. Reports for 1909-date are in the office, earlier in the basement. Apportionment of Funds, 1893-1914, 1 v. Since 1914 kept in Superintendent's Ledger, also filed. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Certificates: Applications for, 1893-date, 4 v., small; stub-books, 1893- date; Record of Teachers', 1893-date, 1 v. Communication received : from Auditor, 1915-date, 1 f.b. ; from Dis- trict Clerks, 1915-date, 1 f.b. ; General, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Courses of Study, 1914-date, in manuals. Examination for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1893-1905, complete; 1914-date, 2 v. (1-2), scattering. Fee Books of Superintendent, 1893-date, 4 v., small. Institutes, Minutes of, 1894-date, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, a large amount. They include bills, examination papers, results, etc. School District Book, 1893-date, 6 v. This is a fund book and ledger. School District Record, 1893-1901, 1 v. School Districts, map of, 1915. Official map of Kings County, showing school districts. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1893-date, 1 v. Teachers' Pension Book, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1914-date, earlier dates scattering. Trustees' Record, 1893-1902; 1910-date, scattering. Trustees' Reports, 1912-date, incomplete. Warrants, Register of School, 1893-1914, 4 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1893-date, indexed. Delinquent, 1893-1915, indexed. Personal Property, 1897-1899 ; 1905-1908. City of Hanforcl, 1897-date. City of Lemoore, 1901-date. Assessor's Reports, 1905-1915, 1 f.b. KINGS COUNTY. 219 Bond Register. 1888-date, 13 v. Ledger. 1896-date, 3 v. (2-4). License Tax Collector's Report, 1893-1915, 1 v. (1). Miscellaneous papers : Affidavits of Comity Officers, 1908-1914, 1 f .b. ; Financial Reports. 1905-date, 1 f.b. ; Legal Opinions, 1915-date, 1 f.b. ; Proceedings of Supervisors. 1913-date, 1 f.b. ;. Tax Refunds, Double Assessments. 1913-date. 1 f.b. Official Plat Book, 1893-1903. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 1 v. (1). Receipts and Disbursements, Register of, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4). Reports: to Board of Supervisors, 1915-date, 1 f.b.; to County School Superintendent. 1901-date, 3 v. Road District Cash Book, 1893-date. 4 v. (1-4). School Bonds, 1886-date, 2 v. (1-2). School Money, General and Special Receipts, 1899-date, 2 v. School "Warrants. 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5). Tax Sales to State. Abstract of Delinquent, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Warrants on File, School, Road, Salary and Miscellaneous. Vols. 1914-date are filed iu the office : earlier volumes are in the safe. Warrants. Register of, 1893-date, 9 v. (1-9). THE TREASURER Bonds. Register of, 1888-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1893-date. 6 v. (1-6). Delinquent Tax Receipts, stubs, 1894-1905, 1 v. Deposit Register. 1907-date, 1 v. (1). Inheritance Tax Receipts, current, 2 v. Poll Tax Accounts. These are stub-books stored in office and basement. Miscellaneous paper file. 1893-date, 15 f.b. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Receipts and Disbursements, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Reclamation Districts : Receipts and Disbursements of. Ledger, etc. 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2) ; File of Warrants, 1914-date. Road District Cash Book, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4). School District Accounts. 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). School Land Cash Book, 1869-1893. 1 v. Since that date the record is carried in the State Land Cash Book. School Land Ledger. 1869-date, 1 v. Settlement and Discharge from State Controller, 1908-date, 1 f.b. State Land Cash Book. 1869-date, 1 v.; Ledger, 1869-date, 1 v. Treasurer's Receipts. 1893-date, several vols. Warrants, Register of. 1893-date, 1 v. (1). 220 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE ASSESSOR Assessment List, 1893-date. Volumes previous to 1904 are iu the basement. Maps and Plats: Maps : Map of Tulare County, 1883 ; Official Map of Kings County. 1915 ; City of Hanford, Kings County, 1908. Plat Books, Official, previous to 1904, 2 v. ; 1904-date, 12 v. Plats of Property Owners, 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; "Inside," 1 v.; "Outside," 1 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1893-1910. Poll Tax Roll, 1893-1914, 21 v. State Land Office Returns, 1893-date. Veterans' Exemption Affidavits, 1893-date. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1915. Cash Book, 1893-date, 8 v. (1-8). Cash Book, City of Hanford, 1913-date, 1 v. Cash Book, City of Lemoore, 1913-date, 1 v. o U ci o ft Ph > * J fn >. d d *o 08«0<1) w ft KLAMATH COUNTY. 221 KLAMATH COUNTY INTRODUCTION Klamath County was organized by a legislative act passed April 21, 1851, and included that portion of the state of California lying north of a line running due east from the mouth of Mad River, and west of the summit of the Coast Range Mountains. The next year more than one-fourth of this area, along the upper Klamath River, was detached to form a part of Siskiyou County. The county seat was moved three times during the first five years of the county's history, it being located at Trinidad. 1851-1854, Crescent City, 1851-1855, and then at Orleans Bar, 1855-1875. From the very beginning elements were noticeable which later brought about the division and disorganization of the county. Com- munication was difficult ; the shifting mining population, unstable ; and the officials often inefficient or corrupt. The district around Crescent City, being dissatisfied at the removal of the county seat in 1855, secured the formation of a new county, named Del Norte, in 1857. Extravagant and corrupt administration threatened financial ruin, so that by act of the legislature, dated March 28, 1874, the county was dissolved. It was provided in the act that the disincorporation of the county should depend on the approval of the two counties, Humboldt and Siskiyou, which were to share in the distribution of the territory and likewise the debt. Both counties approved of the annexations, but the representatives of Siskiyou failed to meet with those of Humboldt at the time appointed for the final adjustment, so that by action of the court the debt was apportioned and the records turned over to Humboldt County. The archives of the county, probably not very extensive at their best, have suffered much through the various migrations of the county seat. They are at present under the jurisdiction of the Clerk, Recorder and Auditor of Humboldt County. As indicated in the report, they are distributed among these three offices, some, however, being placed in the old courthouse, which is used as a storeroom by the county officials. AYhen the location of the records is other than the office under which they are listed, the exception has been noted in the report. The remarks or comments that are given regarding the care and safety of the HumboMt County records apply likewise to these. 222 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1851-1875 Execution Book, 1864-1875, 1 v. Pile of the District and County Court, 1851-1874, 6 f .b. General Index, 1866-1874, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1852-1874, 1 v. See also Recorder's Archives, Marriages. Judgment Docket, 1866-1874, 1 v. Minutes, 1851-1874, 1 v. ; 1851-1868, 1 v. Kegister of Actions, 1852-1874, 1 v. ; 1862-1871, 1 v. Tax Decree Book, 1868-1872, 1 v. Transcripts from Justice Courts, 1857-1874, 1 v. County Court, 1851-1874 Minutes, 1851-1874, 1 v. ; 1852-1868, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1852-1874, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1851-1864 Minutes, 1851-1864, 1 v. Probate Court, 1851-1874 Claimants, Register of, 1863-1874, 1 v., in Recorder's office. File, 1851-1874, 4 lb. Guardianship and Bonds, "Official Bonds," 1867-1870, in Re- corder's office. Minutes, 1851-1874, 1 v. Proceedings, Register of, 1864-1872, 1 v., in Recorder's office. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Court of Sessions, County Business, Minutes of, 1851-1862, 1 v. Minutes, 1855-1874, 4 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Book, 1871-1874, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1872-1874, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, 1 box, in old courthouse. Naturalization Declarations of Intention and Certificates of Citizenship, 1859- 1874, 2 v. Declarations of Intention, Index to, 1852-1874, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens, Record of, 1852-1874, 1 v. Registration Great Register, 1866-1874, 1 v. KLAMATH COUNTY. . 223 Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Account Book, June 1, 1855-1858, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Journal, Sawyers' Bar, 1863-1866, 1 v., in Auditor's office. This consists of the accounts of a boarding house and bar. Ledger, "Journal," 1862-1866, 2 v., in Auditor's office. This is the record of some firm on the Klamath River dealing in groceries, liquors and meals. Relating to Other Officers ' County Infirmary, Board of Directors, 1868-1870, 1 v., in Auditor's office. Reports of Officers, 3 p.li. THE RECORDER Assignments [of Mortgages], 1873-1874, 1 v. (Book A). Bonds, Record of, 1853-1855, 1 v.; 1867-1874, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Preceding the entries of Bonds in the volume for 1853—1855 is the Record of Brands, 1851-1863 ; and in the back are Powers of Attorney, 1 852-1 S59. Brands, Record of, 1864-1874, 1 v. This volume also contains Assessment List for 1856. For 1851-1863 see under Bonds. Certificates of Sale, 1866-1874, 1 v. Deaths, Record of, 1858, 1 v., only one entry. Deeds, 1851-1874, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Fee Book. 1872-1874, 1 v. Homesteads, 1873-1874, 1 v. For 1860-1873 see under Marriages, etc., Book A; for Index, 1860-1873, see Wills, etc. Judgments, Transcripts of, "Record," 1852-1854. See under Marriages, 1852-1855. Land. Claims to Public, 1853-1874, 1 v. ; Index, 1851-1872, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1872-1874, 1 v. Marriages, Record of. 1852-1855, 1 v.; 1855-1873, 1 v. (A) ; 1860-1864, 1 v., with only three entries. In back of volume for 1852-1855 is Record of Judgments of the District and County Court. 1852-1 854. The volume for 1855-1873 is entitled '"Book A, Marriages, sole-traders, and homesteads." Marriage Certificates, 1873-1874, 1 v. (B) ; Index, 1852-1874, 1 v. Mechanics Liens, 1867-1870, 1 v. Mining Claims and Miscellany, 1856-1874, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index to Mis- cellaneous Articles, 1851-1854, 1 v., pasteboards. Mortgages. 1851-1874. 2 v. (A-B). Official Bonds. 1867-1874, 1 v. (B). Powers of Attorney, 1852-1859, see under Bonds ; 1854-1873, see under Wills. Pre-emption Claims, 1851-1853, 1 y., unbound. Inserted in Marriages, 1852-1855. 224 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Probate Court, Record of Sale, 1870-1874, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages, 1873-1874, 1 v. Preceding this are several pages of Record of Cases in the District and County Court. Sole Traders, 1855-1873. See under Marriages, etc., Book A. Trinidad, Records of, Book A of Deeds, 1850-1851, 1 v. Wills and Powers of Attorney, 1854-1873, 1 v., in Clerk's office; Index of Wills, Powers of Attorney, Sole Traders and Homesteads, 1855- 1873, 1 v. THE AUDITOR 1 Assessment Rolls, 1854, 1855, 3 v. ; 1856, 1 v. ;• 1859-1864, 7 v. ; 1864. one roll of large sheets; 1866, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1869, 1 v.; 1869-1870, 1 v. ; 1873-1875, 3 v. For volume for 1S56 see under Recorder, Brands, 1S64-1874. Bonds Issued, August, 1857, in Record of Funding Commission. Bonds Redeemed, Record of, 1863-1874, 1 v. Day Book, 1870-1873, 1 v. Funding Commission, Record of, May-August, 1857, 1 v. Contains also a list of bonds issued, August, 1857 ; the title on the back of the cover reads "Sheriff's Receipts." Interest Account Book, 1858-1866, 1 v. Ledger, 1863-1874, 3 v. (1-3). License stub-books, 1872-1874 : Billiards, 1 v. ; Liquor, 1 v. Redemption Fund Register, 1863-1874, 1 v. Scrip presented for payment, 1857-1865, 1 v. ; Received, June- August, 1857, 1 v. Sheriff's Receipts, 1862-1874, 1 v. Treasurer's account book, 1872, 1 v. Treasurer's Journal, 1858-1874, 1870-1874, 2 v.; 1871-1874, 2 v. Treasurer's Ledger, 1853-1854, 1 v. Treasurer's Warrant Register, 1866-1871, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Warrants, Register of : Court warrants, 1861-1874, 1 v. ; General, 1867- 1869, 1 v. Warrant stub-book, 1864-1866, 1873-1874, 2 v. a The greater part of these records are located in the old courthouse ; about one- fourth of them are in the Auditor's office, the remainder as indicated in the report. M»V&¥tafc ■>J i»vi^ V >^2- 48 \ <*f -. Solid blue Stats. o Stats. b Stats. c Stats. d Stats. e Stats. f Stats. Red Lake County. 1861:560. 1863-4:111. 1867-8:269; Pol. Code (1872), §3917. 1871-2:305, 903. 1907:135. 1909:326. 1917:1635. Pol. Code (1919), §3925. For key to maps see page ix. B— 41210 LAKE COUNTY. 225 LAKE COUNTY INTRODUCTION Lake County was organized in 1861, having been formed from the northern half of Xapa County as it then existed. The boundary lines have been changed several times, three of these changes being of espe- cial importance. Two of them resulted in annexations, one in 1864 when the upper Eel River area was added, and the other in 1868 when the Long Valley section was annexed. On the other hand, in 1872 the greater part of Knoxville township was detached and placed again in Xapa County. Lakeport was by election made the county seat in 1861. A second election in 1864 confirmed this decision, but in 1867 as the result of a third election, which was contested, the county officials moved to Lower Lake, where they remained for three years, during which time the question was being fought out in the courts and before the legislature, A final election in 1870 gave a majority for Lakeport, and that town has from that date been the county seat. The first courthouse, a wooden affair of two stories, was built in 1861. It was burned to the ground, together with every vestige of the county records except one book of the Treasurer, in February of 1867, shortly before the county seat election of that year. The second (and present) courthouse was built in 1870 at a cost cf about $20,000. It has brick walls, but most of the interior is of wood. There is little danger of fire from the outside. All of the county offices, except those of the Recorder and Treasurer, are located in this building. There is a vault in the Clerk's office, where are kept the greater part of the court records, except the file. There is a small storeroom adjoining the Sheriff's office, but little of value is to be found in it. The same may be said of a small storeroom on the second floor. The Recorder's and Treasurer's offices are located in a small brick building just north of the courthouse. This was built in 1895 at a cost of about $2,000. There is a small vault in the Treasurer's office, but only about a third of the records are kept in it. The book shelves and filing cases in the Recorder's office are of the usual type. The filing cases and one small set of book shelves in the Clerk's office are also of metal and of recent type. None of the other offices have modern fixtures. Electric lights are used in both buildings, and heat is furnished by wood stoves. The archives of the county were examined in April. 1917. 16—41210 226 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1861-1879 Calendar, 1876-1882, 1 v. File, see under Superior Court. General Index, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1868-1884, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1868-1894, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1867-1879, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Eegister of Actions, 1867-1885, 2 v. (1-2). County Court, 1861-1879 Calendar, 1876-1879, 1 v. General Index, 1 v. Judgments, 1867-1879, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1869-1888, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1867-1879, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1867-1879, 1 v. (1). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1861-1863 No records to be found. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1861-date Calendar, 1902-date, 4 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1906, 1 v. File, 97 f.b., cases 1-1116. Index, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Probate Boxes, 1 v. Index to Executions and Letters and Bonds, 1867-1903, 1 v. (1). Letters of Administration and Administrators' Bonds, 1867-1882, lv. (1). Letters and Bonds, 1882-date, 4 v. (2-5) ; Letters Probate, 1908- date, 1 v. (6). Vol. 6 is a form book. Minutes, 1867-date, 12 v. (1-12). Vol. 11 is a form book of orders. Register of Actions, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4). Wills, 1869-1899, 1 v. (1) ; 1887-date, 2 v. (1-2). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1883-date, 8 v. Coroners' Inquests, 3 f.b. File, Civil and Criminal, 122 f.b., cases 1-2508. Includes District Court. [General] Index, 2 v. (1). Grand Jury Reports, etc., 1889-1895, 1 tin filing can in vault; 1896-date, 1 f.b. Index, 3 v. (1-3). LAKE COUNTY. 227 Insane, Record of, 1881-1897, 1 v. ; Insane Commitments, Record, 1903-1905, 1 v. ; Insanity Record, 1909-date, 1 v. ; Order of Com- mitment, Intemperance, 1916-date, 1 v. (1). The Record of Insane (1881-1897) is an alphabetical register. Judgment Book, 1885-date, 5 v. (2-6) ; Index to vols. 2-4, 1 v. For 1880-1885, see under District Court. Judgment Book, State Land, 1892-1910, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1894-date, 2 v. (2-3). For 1SS0-1894, see under District Court. Jurors' Certificates, Register of, 1887-1894, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1880-date, 8 v. (2-9). Register of Actions, 1885-date, 4 v. (3-6). For 18S0-1SS5, see under District Court. Reporters' notes, several dozen vols. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1 f.b. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowances, 1894-1898, 2 v. Duplicates of certified lists. Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1867-1872, 1875-1888, 2 v. The first is a small volume entitled "Minutes of Board of Supervisors, No. 2*." Minutes, Feb. 16, to Mar. 15, 1867, 1 v. (1) ; May 6, 1867-date, 11 v. (1, 3-12) ; Index (to vols. 1-6), 2 v. (x, 2). The second volume is called "Order Book" ; the third is called "Record." Minutes, Claims, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Claims are entered in this book and are not entered in the regular minute book. Ordinances, 1906-date, 1 v. (1). Ordinances in force on Feb. 7, 1906, and those enacted since that date. "The Ordinances in this book are copied from the book entitled Road Boole — Franchise Book by order of the Board of Supervisors." See belovr. Report and Plat Book, County Roads, 1877-1885, 1 v. (1). Field notes and maps of road surveys. Road Book — Franchise Book, 1 v. Contains Board of Supervisors' Road Record, April, 1876-May, 1S77 ; and Ordinances of the Board of Supervisors, 1883-1906 (Nos. 1-134). Road Book, 1876-1881, 1 v.; Dist. No. 1, 1876-1882, 1 v. (1) ; Dist. No. 2. 1876-1881, 1 v. (1) ; Dist. No. 3, 1876-1881, 1 v. (1). Road Record, 1867-1898, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Index of Road Record No. 1, 1 v. Record of Supervisors' actions on petitions for roads and road changes. Road Book of Lake County Plats and Field Notes, 1915-date, 1 v. Similar to preceding. -*-S COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Book or Register, 1885-date, 5 v. (3,x,x, 5-6). The first volume (3) is called "Daily Pile and Fee Book." Hunting License. County Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v. Land Entries, 1904-1913, 1 v. Memo, on small township plats pasted in stub file, of lands filed on. Military Rolls, 1890-1894, 1 tin f.b. ; 1895-1916, 22 v. Seven of the volumes (1896-1902) are in storeroom on second floor. Volume for 1915 is in Assessor's office. Receipts for Papers Taken, 1907-date, 1 v. School Poll Tax for Year 1882, Roll of All Persons Subject to, 1 v. Swamp "and Overflowed Lands, Ledger Account, 1861-1902, 1 v. Prepared by H. V. Keeling in September, 1902, under direction and order of .Board of Supervisors. Has also ownership and description of lands within the various districts. In the vault are a large number of old filing cans, containing mis- cellaneous papers. The greater part of these are recorded instruments not called for, properly belonging to the Recorder's office. There are about twenty cans containing official bonds, appointments and oaths of office, of dates between 1872 and 1903. One can contains reports, 1868-1872. One marked "Coroners' and Insanity Papers" contains only marriage licenses and certificates. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1882-1906, 2 v.; Record, 1906-date, 1 v.; Index, 1867-1894, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens, 1881-1906, 2 v. (1, x). Superior Court decrees admitting- to citizenship. The second volume has no outside title. Petition and Affidavit, 1904-1906, 1 v. Naturalization, Record of, 1904-1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 1 v. Index to Naturalized Citizens, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1914, 1916. Great Register, 1867-1908, 7 v. ; 1906, 23 v. Elections Ballots, Record of, 1896-date, 1 v. Election Returns (original), 1916. Election Returns, 1912-date, 1 v. (1),. Tabular statement of votes cast. LAKE COUNTY. 229 Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books, 1894-1913, 3 v. Marriage License Affidavits, 1913-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates. Record, 1876-date, 1 v. (1). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 3 lb. (1-231) ; Index, 1 v., "Register of Corporations. ' ' Articles of Incorporation, 1870-1881, 1 v. Contains chiefly certificates of toll road companies, with field notes and plats of surveys : but there are a few churches and mining companies. Copartnership, Record of, 1 v. There are only three entries (1S76, 1S87, 1905). Corporations as Sole Sureties, 1910-1913, 1 v. Communications from State Insurance Department filed in stub file book. Partnership, Certificates of, 1 lb. ; Register of, 1874-1891, 1 v. Private account book: Blue Lake Toll Road Companv, 1880-1897, 1 v. Cash account of expenses and tabular account showing for each day the number of wagons, teams, etc., passing over road and collections from same. Relating to Other Officers Appointments and Oaths of Office, 7 f.b. Grand Jury, Experts' Reports to, 1888, 1890, 2 v. Justice Court Docket, Big Valley Township, 1877-1881, 2 v. One of the volumes is in the storeroom. Notarial Records: Several at Middletown, 1879-1894, 1 v. D. L. Bishop, 1883-1884, 1 v. David Williams, 1894-1915, 1 v. Swamp Land District No. 97 of Lake County, Minutes of Board of Trustees, June 14, 1869-Aug. 6, 1870, 1 v., only nine pages used. THE RECORDER Assignments, 1876-date. 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Attachments. 1872-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to Attachments, Notices of Action, Mechanics' Liens, 1 v. (1). Banking Statements : Assets, 1876-1895, 1 v. ; Capital, 1876-1895, 1 v. Births, Register of, 1873-1905, 1 v. (1) ; 1905-date, 4 v. (2-5). Vol. 1 contains very few entries before 1890. Certificates of Sale Under Execution, 1873-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, see under Separate Propertv of Married Women. Deaths: Register of, 1873-1905, 1 v. (1) ; Record of, 1905-1907, 1 v. (2) : Register of, 1907-date, 3 v. (3-5) ; Index (to vol. 1), 1 v. Vol. 1 contains only a few entries before 1890. Decrees [of Distribution, etc.], 1902-1911, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Decrees Foreclosing Interest in State Lands, etc., 1892-date, 1 v. Certified conies pasted in stub file fiook. 1*30 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deeds, 1867-date, 57 v. (1-55) ; Index, 8 v. (1-4) ; Index to Tax Deeds, 1904-date, 1 v. ; Index to Deeds of Mining Claims, 1 v. There are two volumes 9 and two volumes 16. Volumes 9, 16, 25, 88 and 47 are Tax Deeds. Deeds, Trust, 1898-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1898-date, 4 v. Executions, 1872-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Fee Book, 1885-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Daily Pile Book, 1876-1885, 2 v. (1-2). Homesteads, 1867-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Homesteads of Single Persons, 1869, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Patents, Homesteads and Abandonment of Home- steads, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Homesteads and Abandonment of Home- steads, 1 v. (2). The volume for single persons contains only one entry. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1873-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Lis Pendens, see Pendency of Actions. Maps and plats : Map Book, 1 v., only four maps. Record of Surveys, 1892-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Road Surveys and Present Ownership of Lands, 1 v. Plat book of uncertain date, not very recent. Town Maps, 2 v. (x, 2). Township Plats, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1867-date, 1 v. Includes adjacent counties. Marriages and Marriage Contracts, Record, 1867-1881, 1 v. (1) ; Mar- riage Licenses and Certificates, 1881-date, 5 v. (2-6) ; Index to Marriage Certificates, 2 v. (1-2). Marriages, Register of, 1905-date, 2 v. (1-2). Mechanics' Liens, Notices of, 1867-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to Attach- ments, Notices of Action, Mechanics' Liens, 1 v. (1). Mining Claims and Proofs of Labor, 1900-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. (x,2). Mining district records: Lake Mining District, 1871-1890, 2 v. Lower Lake Mining District, 1863-1866, 1 v. Mammoth Ledge District, 1860-1870, 1 v. All the above except the second volume of the Lake District contain laws as well as notices of claims. Miscellaneous Records, 1867-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Vol. 3 is called "Miscellaneous Records and Possessory Claims." Mortgages, 1867-date, 30 v. (1-30) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3) ; Chattel, 1876- date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Official Bonds, 1867-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Papers Filed, Index to, 1895-date, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1867-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index to Patents, Homesteads and Abandonment of Homesteads, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Patents, 1 v. (2). Pendency of Actions, 1867-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to Attachments, Notices of Action, Mechanics' Liens, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Notices of Action, 1 v. (2). LAKE COUNTY. 231 Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Pre-emption Claims, Notices of, 1867-1882, 1 v. (1) • Index, see under Separate Property of Married Women. Redemption, Certificates of, 1900-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Slate Controller's certificates. Releases of Mortgages, 1877-date, 1 v. (1-4); Index: Real Property, 2 v. (x. 2) ; Personal Property, 1 v. Reports, County Officers, Index to, 1871-1882, 1 v. Separate Property of Married Women and Sole Traders, 1867-1898, 1 v. (1) : Index to Separate Property of Married Women and Sole Traders, Pre-emption and Possessory Claims, Certificates of Sale, lv. (1). Stallion Registration, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). No entries since 1915. State Surveyors' Licenses, 1893-date. 1 v. Surveyor General's monthly lists pasted in stub file book. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1890-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales: Record of Tax Sales, 1873-1881, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, Wagon Road District, 1875-1884, 1 v. (2). Certificates of Tax Sales, 1885-1894, 2 v. (3-4). Certificates of Sale to State, 1895-1916, 10 v. (5-14). Index, Tax Sales, 2 v. (1-2). Index to Certificates of Tax Sales, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1890-1893, 1894-1901, 1906-1916, 22 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1902-1909, 1914-date, 2 p.h. Balance Book, 1903, 1905, 1907-date. [Blotter], 1867-1874, 1881-1899, 15 v. Census Marshals' Field Notes and Reports, 1904, 1 p.h. Courses of Study and School Manuals, 1904, 1908, 2 v. ; 1914-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Examinations for graduation from elementary schools, 1915-date, 1 v. High Schools, Record of Formation of Districts, 1 v. Institutes. Minutes of, 1897-date, 1 v. Register of School Orders, 1908-date, 1 v. Registered orders. [School District] Ledger, 1875-date, 10 v. The first volume is called "Journal." Two volumes, 1879-1883, and 1886-1895, are in the storeroom. The current volume is loose leaf. School District Boundaries, 1867-1896 ( ?), 2 v. The first volume is in the storeroom. School Library Books, Record, 1 v. Teachers' Certificates, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v. 232 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1867-1879, 1895-1899, 1916-date. 6 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-1914, 1 v. Teachers, Register of School, 1908-date, 1 v. Has also record of holders of life diplomas and normal documents. Teachers' Reports, 1902, 1 p.h. ; 1913-date, file. Trustees' Institutes, Record of, 1913-1914, 1 v. Trustees' Reports, 1 f.b. Warrant Book, 1872-1873, 1 v.; Register of School Warrants, 1875- 1881, 1 v. ; School Register, 1881-date, 8 v. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, 1878-1884, 1 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1878-1884, 1 v. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1867-1915, 200 v. Two volumes, 1869-1870, and 1875, are in the storeroom. Duplicate, 1872-1874, 3 v. Delinquent, 1867-1895, 1900-1915, 44 v. Index, about 100 v. Wagon Road District, 1874-1879, 5 v. ; Delinquent, 1874-1878, 4 v. Estates, Accounts with, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Journal, 1876-1889, 2 v.; Day Book, Mar.-May, 1876; 1894-1900, 1 v. Ledger, 1867-date, 8 v. (x, x, A, x, C, A, x, C). License Book, Sheriff's Office, 1872-1882, 1 v., in storeroom. [License Record], 1880-1899, 1 v. Orphans on State Aid, Record of, 1905-date, 1 v. Poll Tax Rolls, 1887, 1 v. in storeroom; 1888, 1889, 1893, 1895-1906, 15 v., in storeroom on second floor; 1907-1914, 8 v. Redemptions of Real Estate Sold to State for Delinquent Taxes, 2 v. Taxes of 1870-1915; Redemptions from. 1907-date. The second volume is loose leaf. Redemptions, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Reports, Treasurer's and Auditor's Quarterly, 1873-1879, 1 v. (1). Road Ledger, 1904-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1892-date, 5 v. (B, x, 1-3). School Warrants, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1894, 5 v. Warrants, Register of, 1886-date, 6 v. The first volume is called "Ledger." THE TREASURER Allowance Books, 1874-1878, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Blotter, 1878-clate, 28 v. Variously called Blotter, Day Book or Journal. The first 17 volumes are numbered. Bonds, Register of, 1880-1898, 3 v. Cash Book, 1874-date, 6 v. (x, B-F). LAKE COUNTY. 233 Day Book, Mar. 1867-Apr. 1868, 1 v. (A) ; 1868-1870, 1 v. Vol. A has inside title "Ledger A." It contains also a Registry of War- rants, 1866-1869. Ledger, 1861-1867, 1 v. (A) ; 1867-1868, 1 v. (A) ; 1870-1892, 5 v. (x, x. E-G) ; 1895-date, 3 v. (D, E, x). The first vol. A is entitled "Records-Treasurer's Book A." It is the onlj record book that survived the fire of 1807. It contains also a Registry of Unpaid Warrants, 1861-1864. The second vol. A contains also a Registry of Warrants, 1872-1874. The second vol. E is in the Aud- itor's office. Poll Tax Account, 1872-1890, 1 v. Account with Auditor. Public School Teachers' Ketirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Redemption of Real Estate, 1888-date, 5 v. (A-D). Road District Ledger, 1874-date, 4 v. (x, x, B-C). School District Ledger, 1874-date, 7 v. (A-B, x, A, A-B, 1) ; Con- solidated School Fund, 1876-1881, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1880-1881, 1 v. Scctts Valley Drainage District No. 1, Assessment List, 1916, 1 v. "State Land Certificates, $3.00, No. 1," 1 v. The volume contains : Registry of Warrants, 1867-1871 ; Treasurer of Lake County in account with Register of State Land Office, 1871-1880 ; Levy of Taxes, 1867-1877. The last is an itemized statement of the tax levy for these years. Warrants Registered, 1861-1864, 1872-1874, see under Ledger; 1866- 1869, see under Day Book; 1867-1871, see under State Land Cer- tificates; 1875-1912," 2 v. (x, B). The last two volumes are entitled simply "Register." THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1915, 1916, 1917. Maps and Plats : Town Plats, current, 1 v. ; old, 1 v. Township Plats, current, 1 v. Wall map of county, official, 1909. Mortgages, Abstract of, 4 v. (1-4), in storeroom on second floor. Real Estate, Abstract of. 1877-1903, 5 v.. in storeroom on second floor; Abstract of Transfers of Real Estate, 1907-1916, 10 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1916, 6 v.; Index, 1 v.; Delinquent, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. Cash Book, 1872-1890, 1893-1894, 7 v., in storeroom; 1902-date, 10 v. (1-9). 234 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. LASSEN COUNTY INTRODUCTION Lassen County was first created April 1, 1864, from territory which before that time had been portions of Plumas and Shasta counties. Since its organization the boundaries have remained practically as they are now, while the county seat has always been at Susanville. At the time the examination of these archives was made, July, 1916, a new courthouse was under construction. The records were then being housed in the county jail, a recent limestone structure, while the orig- inal courthouse was used by the contractors for storage purposes. The new building is of stone and concrete and is probably safe from outside fires. The building is to be lighted by electricity and heated by steam. Most of the older records were in the vault and in good condition, although a number were found still in the old courthouse and some in a woodshed. What care was taken of these after the completion of the new building has not been learned. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1864-1879 Calendar, 1864-1879, 1 v., 2 pamphlets ; Duplicate, 1871-1879, 1 v. Execution Book, 1868-1872, 1 v. (1). File, 1864-1879, 1 box. Judgment Book, 1864-1879, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1865-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1864-1879, 1 v. (A). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1864-1872, 1 v.; 1864-1884, 1 v. (8) ; 1864-1867, 1 v. Tax Decree Record, 1867, 1 v. County Court, 1864-1879 Calendar, 1872-1878, 1 v. File, with District Court File. Judgment Docket, 1864-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1864-1879, 1 v. (2). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1864-1879, 1 v. (2) ; 1864-1885, lv. (3). Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1864-date Bonds, 1908-date, 1 v. (2). Calendar, 1871-1879, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1907, 1 v. Blue Red Stats. Stats. Lassen County. 1863-4: 264; Pol. Code (1872), §3912. 1901:76; Pol. Code (1919), §3926. For key to maps see page ix I ? v> a adj»\q 9V\»V0*tU&0 % LASSEN COUNTY. 235 Fee Books, 1864-1867. 1 v.; 1887-1913, 1 v. (A). File: before 1880, with District Court File; since 1880, with Superior Court File. Final Discharge of Administrators and Executors, 1915-date, 1 v. Guardians Inventories and Appraisements, 1908-date, 1 v. index, 1890-1914, 1 v. Letters of Administration, Guardianship and Bonds, 1894-1908, 1 v.; Administration. 1908-date, 1 v. (3) ; Guardianship, 1908- date. 1 v. (2). Letters Testamentary, 1903-1906, 1 v. (3) ; 1908-date, 1 v. (4). Minutes and Orders, 1864-1879, 1 v. ; 1888-1905, 5 v. ; 1908-date, 3 v. (13-15) ; Index, 1913-date, 1 v. Orders and Decrees : Appointing Administrators, 1915-date, 1 v. ; Appointing Appraisers, 1915-date, 1 v. ; Establishing Notices to Creditors, 1915-date, 1 v. ; Publication of Notices to Creditors, 1915-date, 1 V. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1864-1879, 1 v. (A) ; 1887-1895, 1 y. (6) ; 1897-date. 2 v. (B-C). Wills. 1908-date, 1 v. (2). Wills and Bonds, 1864-1908, 1 v. (A). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1870-1894, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-1889, 2 v. (1, x). Coroner's Inquests, 1 f.b. Execution Book, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). File. 196 f.b., cases 1-2184; Current, 32 f.b. (A-Z). General Index, 1864-date, 4 v. Grand Jury Lists, 1 f.b. Insanity Index, 1904-date, 1 v. Intemperance, Commitments for, 1911-date, 1 v. Judgment Docket. 1865-date, 3 v. (A-C). Judgment Record, 1880-date, 4 y. (A-D). Judgments. State School Land, 1896-1909, 1 v. (C). Jury Lists, 1897-1913, 1 y. Minutes, 1880-date, 11 v. ; Index, 1899-date, 2 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1880-date, 11 v. (3-13) ; 1911- date, 1 Y. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1908-date Minutes and Orders, 1908-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Record. 1909-date, 1 y. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book. 1883-1909, 2 v.; 1909-date, 2 v. (3-4). Cancellation of Erroneous Assessments, 1901-1914, 1 v. CoYote Scalp Claims, 1891-1895, 1 v, in Recorder's office. Minutes, 1864-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1864-1892, 2 y. Ordinance Book, 1883-date. 2 v. (1-2). Orphans and Half -orphans. Record. 1899-1911, 2 v. Road Book. Maps and Descriptions, 1895-1914, 1 v. Road Register, 1874-1915, 1 v. 236 C0UN1Y ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Books, 1864-1871, 1 v. ; 1885-date, 5 v. Field Enrollment, 70 v. File, 1864-date, 200 f .b. ; Index, 1 v. Hunting Licenses, Register, 1907-1908, 1 v. Military Rolls, 1883-1889, 3 v. ; 1895-1896, 2 v. ; 1898-1905, 8 v. ; 1907-1913, 7 v. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, 1900-date, 3 v. ; Index, 1865-1905, 1 v. ; stub-books,. 1907-date, 3 v. Naturalization, Record of, 1877-1907, 3 v. ; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1865-1898, 1 v.- Registration Affidavits of Registration, 36 f .b. • Receipts from Deputies for, 1914-date, 2 stub-books; Affidavits of Registration Furnished Deputies, 1916-date, 1 v. Great Register, 1866-1908, 9 v. ; Printed, 1912, 1914, 2 pamphlets. Elections Certificates of Nomination, 1 f.b. Election Ballots, Record of, 1894, 1 v. ; 1916-date, 1 v. Nominations, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Record, 1905-1907, 1 v. ; Stub-books, 1907-date, 2 v. Dentists, Register of, 1883-1914, 1 v.; Dental Certificates, 1888- date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-1909, 2 v.; Physicians' Certificates, 1908-1915, 1 v. Optometrists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, Index, 1892-date, 2 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-1887, 1 v. Private account books : John T. Long, Journal, 1900-1902, 1 v. Susanville Cemetery Record, 1900-1905, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1 f.b. County Surveyor's Record, 1863-1907, 1 v. . LASSEN COUNTY. 237 Justices' Court Dockets: Honey Lake Township, 1860-1864, 1 v.; Transcript, 1861-1872, 1 v.; Janesville Township, 1864-1865, 1 v.; Susanyille Township, 1864-1874, 1 v.; Big- Valley Town- ship, 1880-1887, 1 v.: Township No. 4, 1889-1900, 1 v.; Town- ship No. 1, 1915-date, 2 v., in the Recorder's office. Justice of the Peace Fee Book, Township No. 1, 1915-date, 1 v., in the Recorder's office. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1908-date, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. Entries for 1800-1908, recorded with Bills of Sale and Agreements. Assignments of Mortgages, 1864-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1888-date, 1 v. Entries for 1804-1893. recorded with Releases of Mortgages. Attachments, 1873-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Bills of Sale and Agreements, 1860-1908, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1893- 1907, 1 v.; Bill of Sale, 1909-date, 1 v. (C). Births: Record of, 1894-1903, 1 v.; Register of, 1873-1876, 1 v.; 1904-date, 2 v. Certificates of Sale Under Execution, 1866-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths : Register of, 1874-1875, 1 v., with few entries ; Record of, 1894- 1903, 1 v., with few entries; Duplicate Certificate, 1905-1907, 1 v., in scrapbook ; 1907-date, 1 v. Decrees of Distribution, 1892-clate, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds, 1857-date, 26 v. (A-Z) ; Index, 8 v.; Form Books, 1895-1905, 2 v. (1-2); Bonds for Deeds, 1896-clate, 1 v. (A); Index, 1 v.; Cemetery Deeds, 1899-clate, 1 v. (1). Deeds of Trust, 1894-date,. 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Committees' Statements, 1894-1908, 1 v. (1). Estrays, 1886-1887, 1 v. ; 1906, 1 v., each with few entries. Pee Books, 1883-1884, 1 v. ; 1891-1896, 2 v. ; 1899-date, 5 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1883-date, 1 v. (A) • Index, 1 v. Leases, 1864-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens. 1864-date, 2 v. ; Index, 2 v. Marks and Brands, 1864-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index. 1 v. Marriages: Record of, 1864-1914, 4 v.; 1916-date, 1 v. (3) ; Register, 1905-date, 2 v. Mechanics Liens, 1860-clate, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Mining Claims. 1857-date. 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 3 v. Mining District Record. Havclen Hill: Notices and Laws, 1870-1896, 2 v. ; Proof of Labor. 1878-1894, 1 v. .Miscellaneous Records, 1883-date, 1 v. (B). Tlics*> include estate matters, certificates of purchase, notices of sale, articles of incorporation, etc. Mortgages, 1857-date, 14 v. (A-O) ; Form Books, 1899-date, 4 v. (1-4); Index, 1861-clate, 7 v.; Personal Property, 1863-clate, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index. 1874-clate, 2 v. 238 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Newspapers (all in Clerk's office) : Susanville, Lassen Weekly Mail, 1907-1915, 9 v. Lassen Advocate, 1907-1915, 9 v. Bieber, Big Valley Gazette, 1907-1915, 9 v. Official Bonds, 1864-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1887-date, 1 v. Patents, 1866-date, 9 v. (A-J) ; Index, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages, 1863-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 2 v. Separate Property of Wives, 1867-1914, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 v. Swamp Land Petitions, Record of, 1871-date, 1 v.; 1875-1876, 1 v. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Record, 1862-1865, 1 v. Tax Deeds to State, 1895-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1895-date, 5 v. (A-E) : Index, 1 v. Town Site Field Notes, 1872, 1 v. Water Rights, 1872-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1878-1884, 1886-1889, 1893-1897, 1899-1900, 1906- date. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1907-date, 1 v. Certificate stub-books, 22 v. Pee Book, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1907-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1880-1894, 5 v. ; 1905-date, 3 v. Letter file, 1907-date, 8 boxes. Life Diplomas, Recommendations for, 1909-date, 3 stub-books. Requisitions, 1889-1894, 1 box ; 1913-date, 1 v. 1905-1913 in Ledger. School District Boundaries, n.d., 1 v. School District Maps, 1905, 1916. Teachers' Examination, Record of, 1902-date, 2 v. Teachers ' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1906-date, 1 box. Trustees' Register of, 1906-date, 1 v. Trustees, Reports of, scattering dates. THE AUDITOR AsvSessment Rolls '. Original, 1867-date, 43 v. ; Index, 1890-1915, 26 v. Delinquent, 1872-date, 22 v. Duplicate, 1872-1884, 12 v. Assessor's Accounts, 1893-1894, 1 v. Certificate to Treasurer, 1909-1911, 2 stub-books. Expenditures, Record of, 1901, 1 v. Journal, 1889-date, 3 v. Ledger, 1887-1898, 2 v. ; 1913-date, 1 v. ; Transfer Ledger, 1913-date, 1 v. License Record, 1887-1892, 1 v. License Tax Collector's Accounts, 1864-1902, 7 v.; 1901-date, 1 v. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. Receipts and Expenditures, 1915-date, 1 v. LASSEN COUNTY. 239 Redemption Account, 1883-date, 1 v. Road Overseers Accounts, 1866-1892, 1 v. ; 1873, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1864-1879, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. ; High School Warrants, 1916-date, 1 v. Sheriff's Dav Book, 1889-1893, 1 v.; 1890-1899, 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1861-1868, 4 v.; 1885-1892, 1 v.; 1899-1910, 1 v. Sheriff's Ledger, 1868-1869, 1 v.; 1889-1898, 1 v. Tax Sales, Record of. 1875-1906, 6 v.; Land Index, Townships 21-39, 2 v. Treasurer's Receipts, 1901-1907, 2 stub-books. Warrants. Register of. 1864-1868, 1 v. ; 1873-date, 11 v. ; Presented and Redeemed, 1864-1906, 4 v. ; 1897-1902, 1 v. Warrants on File, 1864-1898, 3 boxes; 1915-date, 15 f.b. THE TREASURER Cash Book, 1864-1866, 1 v. ; 1888-1899, 1 v. ; 1905-date, 2 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1901-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1864-1898. 3 v. ; 1915-date, 1 v. License Accounts, 1903-date, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, l'v. State Land Record. 1865-date, 2 v. (A-B). Warrants. Presented and Redeemed, 1867-1868, 1 v. ; 1889-1897, 1 v. ; 1895-1901. 1 v. AYarrants. Register of School, 1908-date, 1 v. ; Register of High School Warrants, 1908-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Rolls, Operative Property, 1911-date, 1 v. Assessment Statements, 1889-1915, in boxes ; 1916-date, 1 v. Field Enrollment. 70 v. File. 1915-date, 6 boxes. Maps and Plats : Blue Prints and Drawings, 1 steel case. Map of Lassen County. Official, 1884, framed, 36 by 50 inches. Town Plats : Townsite Plats. 1 v. ; Town Plats, Wall, 4 blueprints, 30 by 36 inches ; Index, 1 v. Township Plats, by ranges, 14 drawers ; Index, 2 v. Mortgages. Abstract of. 1884-1889, 1 v.; 1906, 1 v. Poll Tax Rolls, 1866-1871, 2 v. ; 1880, 1 v. ; 1883-1884, 1 v. ; 1888, 1 v. ; 1891-1893. 2 v. : 1895-1908, 14 v. ; 1910-1911, 2 v. Property Lists. 1 filing case. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book. 1864-1901. 1 v.; 1896-1902. 1 v. Licenses Collected. Ledger of. 1875-1889, 2 v. Tax Collections. Accounts of. 1864-1876, 5 v. ; 1879-1887, 3 v. Tax Collections. Delinquent. 1889-1890, 1 v. 240 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. LOS ANGELES COUNTY INTRODUCTION Los Angeles was one of the original counties created at the first session of the legislature. Since the time of its organization its terri- tory has been changed many times. From 1850-1851 its area was much smaller than at present, being located along the coast from the San Mateo Creek to the Triumfo Rancho, and inland to the summit of the Coast Range. The next year, however, a radical change was made in its boundaries. At this time the western boundary was denned much as it is now observed, but extended farther north to include the Tejon Rancho, thence extending northeasterly to the state boundary, and then southerly along this line to San Diego County, including therefore something more than the present San Bernardino County. The area of the county then was probably not less than 31,000 square miles. By subsequent legislation this area has been greatly reduced. In 1853 San Bernardino County took off a great extent of territory on the east; in 1866, Kern took from Los Angeles a part of its area; and in 1889 Orange County was detached and separately organized. For a number of years the boundaries of Los Angeles County have been a matter of much uncertainty, owing to indefinite descriptions and to carelessness in making the surveys. This was especially true of the boundaries common to San Bernardino on the one side and to Ventura on the other. Neither of these lines as surveyed and observed conformed to the descriptions laid down in the Political Code. By an amendment to the code in 1919 these lines, together with the other county boundaries, were redefined and in some cases modified. These changes were, however, unimportant as regards the territory involved. Since the beginning of the county, Los Angeles has remained the seat of justice. The courthouse is built of stone and wood, and stands upon an elevation near the business district of the city. Its interior con- struction is very largely of wood. It is not fireproof from within, and it is very doubtful if it would be able to stand the test of a severe fire in the surrounding buildings. Joining the courthouse on the west is a hall of records erected in 1908. This building is of reinforced con- crete and of modern construction throughout, and may be considered fireproof. Practically all of the archives of the county are in the hall of records. The filing cases and equipment are in general modern and - ■ : ' ' LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 241 convenient, especially in the newer building. Vaults are used for but a very small portion of the archives. Unfortunately, the great amount of business done in the county makes heavy demands upon archive space, with the result that older records have been destroyed as soon as they were deemed to be no longer of current value ; consequently many of the older records found in other counties are not found here. On the other hand, it is possible that some of these may still be in existence, boxed and stored in ware- houses or storerooms, unknown to the present officials and inaccessible to the research worker. Many of the semi-discarded records are stored in the tower of the courthouse and in two or three rooms just below the tower. In general they are books and documents belonging to the Auditor and Superin- tendent of Schools. A number of volumes of Spanish record books were found in the archives of the Recorder and Clerk. For con- venience, these are listed in one group under *the heading, Pre-state- hood Records. They are located in the Recorder's vault, or in the Clerk's private office. The courteous manner in which the officers of the county assisted in the examination of the archives under their jurisdiction greatly facili- tated the work, which would otherwise have been practically an impos- sible task for one unfamiliar with their offices. The examination of these archives was made in December, 1916. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS 1 "Record Book A," Feb. 15, 1825-1847, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. A bound volume of Alcalde's documents and correspondence. The dates given here are for the first and last entries, but documents either before or after the period stated may be included since they do not follow strict chronological arrangement. Most of the documents are in Spanish, but a few are in English. The record is a volume of 1154 pages. 84 x 12 inches, so badly worn that it is kept in a special wooden box in the Recorder's vault. The Index is in English, and is also badly worn. Archives of the Prefecture of Los Angeles, 1834-1850, 2 v. (I-II). Bound volumes of documents, 8* x 12 inches. The first volume has 769 pages and ranges in dates from 1834 to 1849; the second, S89 pages, from 1840 to 1850. In Recorder s vault. Archives of the Prefecture of Los Angeles, 1834-1849, 1 v. (I). A volume of 118 pages, being a translation from the first volume just listed above. In Clerk's office. Translation of Spanish Records, 1840-1850, 1 v. (VIII), in Clerk's office. Chronologically arranged. These are all in Spanish unless otherwise stated. 17—41210 242 CC-UNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. "Fondo Municipal,, 1840, Data," Jan. 31-Dec. 31, 1840, 1 v., in the Clerk's office. A small book of S pages, found within the covers of the "Libro de Acuerdos," etc., listed below. "Libro de Acuerdos bervales [verbales] y sentencias gubernativas Jugado[Juzgado] 1°, Alio de 1843." A book of about 200 pages, 8 x 12 inches, rudely bound in soft leather and clasped with a button. In Clerk's office. Documents relating to San Buenaventura, April 14-16, 1846, 1 v., in Clerk's office. This is the record of a number of documents, signed by Jose Moraga, dealing with affairs in San Buenaventura. "Juzgdo 1°, afio de 1847," in Clerk's office. A record book of Jose Salazar, judge of first instance, covering dates from April 8 to December 23, 1847, with later entries for documents signed by Stephen Foster, alcalde, and Abel Stearns. The latest date is June 22, 1850. In the back are about a dozen loose documents of similar dates. It is 8 x 12 inches in size, bound in soft leather, and clasped with a button. '"Indice del Libro de Registro, 1850-1851, Ygnacio del Valle, Regis- trado, " 1 v., in Recorder's office. An index to docurnents registered, giving a brief statement of their con- tents. Index to Old Archives, 1 v., in Clerk's office. This is an index volume prepared by W. W. Jones in 1853, referring to documents which at that time were evidently in bundles. 20 pages, 8i x 15 inches. THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1880 File, 1850-1879, Civil, 252 f.b., cases, 1-5431; Criminal, 10 f.b., cases 1-133 ; Habeas Corpus, 2 f.b., cases 1-154. One f.b., Criminal, case 92, is labelled "China Riot of 1871." General Index, 6 v. (1-3). Judgment Book, 1850-1879, 8 v. (A-H). Judgment Docket, 1850-1880, 3 v. (I-III) ; 1851-1854, 1 v. Minutes, June 5, 1850-June, 1851, 1 v., small, leather-covered. Order Book, 1868-1869, 1 v. Register of Actions, Nov. 11, 1857-1879, 8 v. (1-8); Criminal, 1872-1879, 1 v. (I) ; Taxes, 1864-1871, 1 v. (I). Tax Decree Record, 1864-1872, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. (1). County Court, 1850-1880 File, 1850-1879, Civil, 42 f.b., cases 1-1205; Criminal, 22 f.b., eases 1-813 ; Habeas Corpus, 1853-1880, 3 f.b., cases, 1-245. Judgment Book, November, 1854-]\ lav ,1877, 1 v. (A). Judgment Docket, 1854-1879, 1 v. .Minutes, May, 1852-1879, 13 v. (2-14). Register of Actions, 1854-1879, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v.; Criminal, 1872-1879, 1 v., pages 1-2 for Homestead Declarations. 3 See also Pre-statehoocl Records. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 243 Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 File, 4 f.b., cases 1-331. Index of Defendants, 1 v. Minutes, 1852-1863, 5 v. (I-V) ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1854-1864, 1 v. (I). Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Bonds: Executors and Administrators, 1886-date, 60 v. (1-60); Guardians, 1887-date, 31 v. (1-31) ; Guardians on Sale of Real Estate, 1891-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Special, 12 v. (1-12). Calendar, 1897-date, 41 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1895-1905, 1 v. (1). File, Judgment Roll 1850-1880, 476 file boxes, cases 1-6640 ; 1880- date, 3192 f.b., cases 1-34065. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1870-date, 21 v. (1-21). Index, 1880-date, 6 v. (A-Z). Judgment Book, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Judgment Docket, current, 1 v. Letters of Administration, 1861-date, 26 v. (1-26) • Administra- tion. Will Annexed, 1887-date, 6 v. (1-6). Letters of Guardianship, 1886-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Guardianship and Bonds, 1862-1886, 4 v. (1-4). Letters Testamentary, 1880-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Testamentary, Administration and Bonds, 1873-1882, 2 v. (2-3) ; 1884-1888, 3 v. (2-4) ; 1884-1897, 1 v. (1), forms. Minutes. 1851-1852, 1 v. (1) ; 1862-1879, 17 v. (1-17) ; 1880-1889, 22 v. (1-22). Orders and Decrees : Decrees of Notice to Creditors, 1891-date, 29 v. (1-29) ; Final Discharge, Administration, Execution, and Guar- dians, 1892-date, 17 v. ; Settlement, 1892-1901, 3 v. (1-3) ; Settle- ment of Account, and Final Distribution, 1892-1901, 7 v. (1-7) ; Admitting "Will to Probate, 1891-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Appointing Administrator, 1891-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Appointing Appraisers, 1891-date, 46 v. (1-46) ; Appointing Guardians, 1891-date, 6 v. Q-6) ; Appointing Inheritance Tax Appraisers, 1911-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Confirming Sale of Real Estate, 1892-1901, 5 v. (1-5) ; Directing Notice for Application for Guardianship, 1908-date, 2 v.; Fixing Inheritance Tax, 1911-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; of Publica- tion, 1891-date, 36 v. (1-36) ; of Sale of Real Estate, 1892-1901, 4 v. (1-4) ; to Show Cause for Sale of Real Estate, 1891-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; to Show Cause Under Section 1469, 1895-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; to Show Petition of Mortgage, 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Actions, 1855-1880, 3 v. (1-3), cases 1-1221; Index, 1850-1880, 1 v.; 1893-date, od y. (1-55), cases 1-34065. Between 1880 and 1893 Probate cases were listed with Register of Civil Cases. Wills, Record of, 1854-date, 109 v. (1-109) ; Index, 1 v. 244 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1855-1907, 1 v. Commitments to Reform School, 1891-1903, 2 v. (I-II). Coroner's Inquest, 1850-date, 199 f.b., cases 1-11, 345; Record of 1850-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; another, 1874-1884. Execution Book, 1882-date, 6 v. (1-VI) ; Index, 1880-1899, 1 v.; Writ of Enforcement requiring sale of real estate, 1890-date, 33 v. (1-33). Exhibits, Record of, 1893-date, 2 v. (2-3) ; Index, 1898-1911, lv. (2). File, Civil, 1880-1913, 7373 f.b, cases 1-100,000; 1913-1914, 1408 f.b, cases Bl-B15,700 ; 1915-date, 304 flat files, cases B15,701- B45,315 ; Criminal, 1880-date, cases 1-10,100, 362 f.b, cases 10, 101-12,075, flat file, 20 drawers; Habeas Corpus, 34 f.b, cases 1-1996 ; Abstract of Judgments, 1886-date, 19 f.b. General Index, 1880-date, 40 v. (1-20); Criminal Index, 7 v.; Sepulveda, 2 v. (1) ; Howard, 2 v. (2). Grand Jury Reports, 1912, 1 v, in Supervisors' rooms; 1914- 1916, 3 v. Insanity Record, 1881-1904, 11 v. (1-11) ; Judgments, 1904-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1881-1910, 2 v. (1-2) ; Minutes, 1912-date, 8 v. (2-9) ; Commitments for Intemperance, 1911-date, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 404 v. (1-404). Includes also judgments for divorces, foreclosures, etc. These are in separate volumes but numbered in same series. Judgment Docket, 1888-date, 24 v. (1-24) ; Dismissal, 1891-1898, 4 v. (III-VI). Jury Book, 1885-1887, 1 v. Law Register Docket, January, 1909-date, 1 v. ; 4 filing cabinets, cases 1-100. Minutes: Dept. I, 1880-1909, 27 v. (1-27) ; 1909-date, 24 v. (1-24) ; Dept. II, 1880-date, 240 v. (1-240), largely Probate matters; Dept III, 1887-date, 32 v. (1-32) ; Dept. IV, 1887-date, 35 v. (1-35) ; Dept. V, 1889-date, 29 v. (1-29) ; Dept. VI, 1889-date, 31 v. (1-31) ; Dept. VII, 1905-date, 13 v. (1-13) ; Dept. VIII, 1905-date, 12 v. (1-12 j ; Dept. IX, 1905-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Dept. X, 1909-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Dept. XI, 1909-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Dept. XII, 1909-date ; Dept. XIII, 1914-date, 4 v. (1-4), also 6 v. (24-28) labeled Dept. 6, 1911-1914; Dept. XIV, 1909- date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Dept. XV, 1913-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Dept. XVI, 1913-date; Dept. XVII, 1913-date, 5 v. (1-5); Dept. XVIII, 1913-date, 5 v. (1-5). Register of Actions, Civil, 1880-date, 228 v. (1-228) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2) ; Criminal, 1887-1891, 3 v. (I-III) ; Index, 1 v. (2) ; Habeas Corpus, Index and Register of Actions, 1916-date, 1 v. Transcripts on Appeal, Index, 1880-1911, 1 v.; 1911-date, in Criminal Index. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 245 Superior Court, Juvenile, 1903-date File- 147 f.b., cases 1-9.400. 12 flat files, eases 9,401-11,145. General Index. 1903-date, 1 v., loose leaf; Card index record of "Dead Cases."' 1903-date; Index of Current Cases, 2 drawers. List of Juvenile Offenders : Juvenile Hall List, 1903-date, 1 v. ; City Jail List, 1916-date, 1 v. ; County Jail List, 1916-date, 1 v. These are all loose leaf. Older lists are bound in bundles. Minutes and Orders, 1903-1915. 12 v. ; 1915-date, 2 v. Loose leaf since 1915 ; one volume each for boys and girls. Register of Actions. July, 1915-date, 4 v. (1-4), cases 9,400-11.145. The earlier cases are in the Register of Actions for cases in Dept. S. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-1891, 7 v. (1-7) ; 1892-1911, 26v. (A-Z) ; 1911-date. Al-Rl ; Index, 1909-1910, 1 v. (5). Appointees. Miscellaneous, 1908-date, 1 v. (II). Budget, 1915-1917. 2 v. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, 1889-date, 1 v. (1). Cancellation of Erroneous Assessments, 1901-1915, 5 v. (1-5). County Charter, Minutes of Meeting of Freeholders for Purpose of Forming, 1912, 1 v. County Property, Inventory of, 1901, 2 v. ; 1907, 1 v. : Property Book for Los Angeles County, current, 1 v. The latter is a volume containing maps by supervisorial districts showing all real estate owned by the county. Election Returns, Minutes, 1906, 1 v. (38A) ; 1911, 1 v. (43A) ; Primary Election Returns. 1910, 4 v.; 1914, 6 v.; Election of Delegates to Party Convention. 1902, 2 v. ; 1904, 1 v. ; 1912, 1 v. Equalization. Minutes of Board of, 1902-date, 15 v., scattering. File, Incorporation. 5 f.b. ; Permits, 8 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, 216 f.b. Franchise Book. 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Record of Payments on Franchises, 1914-date, 1 v. Lighting, Irrigation, Levy Districts ; Boundaries of Levy Districts, 1906-1907. 1 v.. two entries; Manzana Irrigation District Record, 1892-1896, 1 v.; Rubio Protection District, 3 v.; Road and Lighting Districts, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Lighting District Papers, 4 f.b. Maps. Official County Map. (Whitloek), 6x7 feet; Official County Map. 1898, 50x54 in. ; County Highway Map, 1914. 50x54 in.; County Precinct Map, 1914, 36x45 in.; Precinct Map of Los Angeles City. Minutes, Court of Sessions. Apr. 19. 1852-Feb. 5, 1855. 1 v. (2) ; Supervisors'. July 5, 1852-date, 59 v. (1-59) ; Indexes, 3 v. One index volume covers vols. 1-7 of Minutes ; vols. 8-31 are individually indexed ; beginning with vol. 32 there are two indexes, one volume Roads, and one volume General. Officers Reports, 1879-1880, 1 v. (1) ; 1883, 1 v. (3). Ordinance Book, 1883-date. 6 v. (1-6) ; 21 f.b. 246 COUNT x ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Road Book, 1873-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Road Maps, 16 v.; Index to Road Maps, 1 v. ; Bridges and Culverts, First, Fourth and Fifth Districts, 3 v. ; Miscellaneous Petitions, Claims, etc., 70 f .b. Road Register, 1883-date, 1 v. School Districts : Bonds, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Certificates of Establish- ment of High School Districts, 1908-1912, 1 v. ; Record of Organ- ization of High School Districts, 1914-date, 1 v. ; Miscellaneous School Matters, 28 f .b. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Cash Book, 1895-1898, 5 v., small; 1899-date, 5 v. (A-E). Cash Record, 1913-date, 2 v. (1-2). Summon record, totals by departments for each fiscal year. Docked Horses, 1907-1911, 1 v. (1). Fee Book, 1878-1894, 11 v. (1, 1-10) ; 1899-date, 36 v. (16-51) ; Certificates, Clerk's Fee Book, 1911-1915, 7 v. (1-7). Humane Officers, 1913-date, 1 v. Hunting License Record, 1907, 1 v. Ledger, 1899-date, 5 v. (A-E). Miscellaneous Deposits, 1911-date, 1 v. Record of valuable papers deposited with Clerk and kept by him in safe. Miscellaneous Records, 1871-1873, 1 v. Mostly bonds of officers. Pension Certificates, 1 v. Receipt Book, 1886-1888. Trust Funds, 1916-date, 1 v. (1). Naturalization 1 Declaration of Intention, 1850-1889, about 65 v. ; Record of, 1887- 1906, 13 v. (I-XIII) ; 1906-1915, 18 v. (1-18) ; Index, 1850- 1911, 2 v.; Index to Declarations and Petition and Record, 1906-1915, 1 v. Naturalization: Certificate of Citizenship, 1888-1906, 17 v. (I-XVII); Minors, 1876-1879, 1 v.; 1888-1906, 3 v. (I-III) ; Index to Naturalized Citizens, 1850-1906, 2 v. Naturalization, Petition and Record, January, 1907-June, 1915, 28 v. (1-28) ; Index, 1907-1911, 1 v. Registration Records 2 Affidavits of Registration, 1877-1883, 1 v. ; 1900-1901, 74 v. ; 1902- 1903, 185 v. ; 1904-1905, 207 v. ; 1906-1907, 264 v. ; 1908-1909, 350 v. ; 1910-1911, 402 v. ; 1912-1913, 727 v. ; 1914-1915, 763 v. Great Registers, June 17, 1866-Dec. 31, 1909, 67 v. Great Register, Printed Index to, 1896, 1 v. ; 1910-1915, 21 v. Initiative Petitions, etc., Register of, Jan. 1, 1914-date, 1 v. Contains record of all initiative, referendum and recall petitions, etc. Nominations, Register of, Jan. 1, 1912-date, 1 v. a Since June, 1915, all naturalization matters have been handled by the federal court. -In Los Angeles County the registration records are kept by the Registrar of Voters, whose office is independent of that of the County Clerk. It is located on the first floor of the courthouse. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 247 Precinct Maps, 1908-date, filed with County Surveyor. Registration, Record of, Jan. 1, 1914-Dec. 31, 1915, 2 v. Contains registration by precinct, segregated by party and sex. Marriage Records 1 Affidavits of Marriage Licenses, 1864-1887, 25 v. ; 1887-date, 156 v. "Certificates of Marriage — Marriage Contracts, No. 1 — Tran- scribed." Aug. 1, 1851-1854, 1 v., 11 pages only. "Libro 1 de Matrimonies ano de 1850," Jan. 28, 1849-1851, 1 v., Si x 13. cloth, 24 entries. Marriage License Index. October, 1888-date, 14 v. (1-7). Public Health Dental Certificates, 1885-1907, 4 v. (A-D) ; 1903-date, 2 v. (1-2). Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, 1 v. Naturopathic Register, 1907-date, 1 v. (1). Optometrists. Register of, 1903-date. 2 v. (1-2). Osteopaths. Register of, 1901-date, 2 v. (1-2). Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 4 v. (1-4). Veterinary. Medical and Surgical Certificates, 1893-1897, 1 v. (1). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1854-date, 476 f.b., Nos. 1-19, 624; Index, 3 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Record, 1912-date, 1 v. Co-partnerships. Certificates of, 1888-date, 144 letter file boxes. Corporation Sole, No. 1, Record of, 1896-1903, 1 v. A record pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church. Fictitious Names, Register of. 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1874- date, 2 v. (1-2). Private record books, all in the tower except where otherwise noted : Colton Hotel Register, Aug. 15, 1882-Oct. 22, 1883, in the Clerk's office. C. P. R. R. Local Freight Tariffs, 1876, 1 v. printed, in the Clerk's office. Harvard Land & Water Co., By-laws, 1889, 1 v. Holcomb Mining and Milling Co., Minutes, 1894-1895, 1 v. Hotel Mitchell, Register of, 1896-1899 ; Hotel Register, 1877- 1881, 1 v. Pico House, Ledger, 1871, 1 v. Union Depot Hotel Register, 1880-1890, 1 v. Union Sheet Metal Works, Minutes, 1897-1899, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments of Deputies: Constables, 1885-1910, 9 v. (1-9); County Assessors. 1885-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; County Auditors, 1901- date, 1 v. (1) ; Countv Clerk, 1876-date; Miscellaneous County Deputies, 1876-1907. 3 v. (1-3); Sheriffs, 1876-date, 11 v. (1-11). In Marriage License Department. Un the Marriage License Department, on the 0th floor of Hall of Records, 248 COUNT! ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Appointments of Officers : Constables, 1876-1911, 2 v. ; Election Officers, 1876 ; Justices of Peace, 1876-1910, 2 v. ; Miscellaneous, 1876-1908, 2 v.; Road Overseers, 1890, 1 v. (3). Record of Appointments is kept by the Marriage License clerk. Bonds of Officers : 1895-1915, kept in letter files ; 1915-date, in two flat files, Nos. 1-344; Index, 1887-date, 2 v. (1-2). Justice Court, District Attorney's Register of Actions, 1883-1884, 2 v. ; also large number of vols, in tower. Justice Court Dockets: Los Angeles Township, 1872-1873, 1875- 1876, 2 v.; Soledad, Township, 1863-1864; 1867-1874, 1878- 1889, 4 v. ; also, about 37 v., between the dates 1876-1891 in tower. Notaries, Register of, 1870-1890, 2 v.; 1890-date, 11 v. (1-11); Index, 2 v. (1-2). Oaths of Officers, Index to, 1888-1891, 1 v. THE RECORDER 1 Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Index to, 1851-date, 11 v. (1-H). Attachments, 1851-date, 61 v. (1-61) ; Index, 6 v. (1-6). Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1895, 1 v. (1) ; "Capital Stock," 1876-1895, 1 v. (1), mezzanine floor of copyists' room; Index, 1 v. (1), mezzanine floor of copyists' room. Births: Register of, 1867-1881, 1 v.; Record of, 1889-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Certificates, 1907-date, 38 v. (1-38). Brands and Counter Brands, 1835-1851, 1 v. (1), nearly all in Spanish; 1851-date, 2 v. (2-3). Building Contracts, 1911-1913, copyists' room, mezzanine floor; 1914- date, in vault; Notices of Completion, 1912-date, 1 v. (2); Index, 1885-date, 5 v. (1-5). Certificates of Sale, Sheriff's, 1866-date, 42 v. (1-42) ; Index, 8 v. d-8). Certificates of Sale, Street Improvement, 1911-date, 2 v. (1-2). Co-partnerships, 1889-date, 4 v. (1-4), both for general and special partnerships; Index, 1 v. (1). Deaths, Register of, 1873-1877, 1 v. (1) ; Record of, 1889-date, 8 v. (2-9) ; Certificates, 1907-date, 21 v. (1-21). Deeds, 1851-date, 6404 v. (1-6404) ; Index, v. 1-86. Early entries in Spanish as well as English ; vols. 1-2 include Mortgages, Leases, etc., 1851-1850 ; the deed books include also Trust Deeds, Decrees of Partition and Tax Deeds, separate volumes in the set being- used for these entries. Delivery Book, 1884-date, 166 v. (1-166) ; Marriages, 1904-date, 5 v. This gives serial number of document as recorded, its nature and to whom it was mailed or delivered, since May 31, 1911, have used type- writer device keeping an exact record of the address on each envelope mailed out. ■See also Pre-statehood Records, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 249 Estrays, 1890-1897, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1883-date, 1 v. (1). Other entries iu Miscellaneous Records. Fee Books, 1871-1907, 71 v. (1-71), in the courthouse tower; 1907- date, 17 v. (73-89). Homesteads, Declarations of, 1861-date, 70 v. (1-70) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). See under County Clerk, Register of Actions of County Court, Criminal, 1872-1879. Instruments Recorded, 1889-date, 150 v. (1-150). Irrigation Districts, Kecord of, 1889-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; San Fernando Irrigation Water District, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Judgments. Transcript of, 1855-date, 22 v. (1-22) ; Index, 1850-date, 3 v. (1-3). Leases, 1852-date, ^12 v. (2-113) ; Index, 4 v. (A, 1-5). Entries before 1S52 are in Deeds. Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 f .b. ; Index to, 1891-date, 1 v. (1). Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps: Books of Maps, 32 v. (1-32); Index, 2 v. (1-2); Index to Unrecorded Maps and Miscellaneous papers, 1858-date, 1 v. ; Maps of Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Mounted Maps, one case of seven maps ; several other maps in vault ; Baist's Real Estate Atlas of Surveys of Greater Los Angeles, 1914, containing 44 large plats. Marriages, Eecord of Certificate and Contract, 1855-1870, 1 v. (1) ; 1870-date, 267 v. (2-268) ; Index, 30 v. (2-16). Mechanics Liens, 1854-date, 158 v. (1-158) ; Index, 8 v. (1-8). Mining records: Locations, 1896-date, 50 v. (1-50) ; Index, 9 v. (1-9) ; San Gabriel District, 1891-1897, 1 v., in tower of courthouse; Records of Blue Lead Mining District, January, 1875-1888, and Cedar Hill Mining; District, Mav 18, 1889-1900/ 1 v.; Mint Mining District, 1881-1897, 2 v. (No. 1. No. 2). Miscellaneous Records, 1854-date, 268 v. (A, 1-267) ; Index, 10 v. (A, 1-9). Vol. A. 1S54-1872. vol. 1 begins with 1859. The records contain school warrants, preemptions, bonds, corporations, etc. ''Miscellaneous Records, County Court," 1854-1872, 1 v. (1), in balcony, of copyists' room. Includes corporations, school warrants, bonds, etc. Mortgages. 1855-date. 4070 v. (3-4072) ; Index, 1850-date, 39 v. (1-39). Earlier entries in deeds, vol. 1 and 2, which are "Deeds, Mortgages, etc." Mortgages. Chattel. 1857-date. 481 v. (1-481) ; Index, 12 v. (1-12). Notices of Action, 1851-date, 70 v. (1-70) ; Index, 13 v. (1-13). Official Bonds, 1850-date, 50 v. (1-50) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Oyster Beds. 1912. 1 v. (1), only one entry. Partition of Los Angeles and Orange Countv, Minutes of Commission on, Dec. 3. 1889- Auo-. 30, 1890, 1 v., in balcony of copvists' room. Patents. 1860-date. 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Powers of Attorney, 1851-date, 80 v. (2-81) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). No vol. 1, Powers of Attorney being recorded in Deeds. 250 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. Pre-emptions, 1851-1898, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 2 v. (1, 1). Releases of Mortgages, 1853-date, 557 v. (2-558) ; Index, 28 v. (1-28). Residence, Certificates of, 1 v. Separate Property of "Wives, 1851-date, I v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Sole Traders' Declarations, 1885-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds, see Deeds. Tax Sales, 1873-1894, about 120 v. in balcony of copvists' room; Notices of Real Estate Redeemed from Tax Sale, 1891-1903, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1891-1908, 1 v. (1) ; Tax Sales, Irrigation Districts, 1890-1913, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Manzana District, 1901, 1 v. (1) ; San Fernando District, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1887-date, 411 v. (6-417), form books; Index, 1873-1910, 24 v.; Irrigation Districts, 1890-date, 2 v. (1-2), form books; 1893-1896, 1 v. (2), about 11 pp. longhand; Manzana District, 1901, 1 v. (1) ; San Fernando District, 1 v. Torrens Act Records, March, 1915-date : Register of Titles, 4 v. (1-4) ; Reception and Fee Book, 1 v. ; Name Index, 1 v. ; Property Index, City, 1 v. ; Outside, 2 v.; Location Index, 1 v. The first certificate was issued Mar. 23, 1915, — by December, 1916, the total number of certificates was 1130. Water Claims, 1888-clate, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Wills, 1850-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 1 Age of Schooling Certificates, 1912-date, several bdls. Annual Report, 1879-date, 16 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1895-1898, 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes, 1880-1891, 1 v. ; 1891-1894, 1 v.. in tower room ; 1894-1905, 3 v. ; 1910-date, 1 v. Census Marshal's Field -Notes, 1909-1910, several bdls. ; Census Reports, 1910, many bdls. Certificate Applications Taken, 1591-1905, 7 f .b. ; 1912-1914. 1 v. ; Cer- tificate and Life Diploma stub-books, 6 f.b. ; 1910-date, 1 drawer ; Valid Certificates, A-Z, 168 f.b. ; Expired Certificates, 3 f.b. Certificates, Record of, 1880-1891, 1 v.; 1887-1906, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1907- date, 9 v. Communications from School Districts, 1913-1915, 28 p.h. Credential Record, Received and Delivered, 1897-1906. Districts, New School, 1895-1903, 1 v.; New High School Districts, 1903-date, 1 v. ; Change of Boundaries, 1895-1903, 1 v. Educational Association, Constitution and Minutes of Los Angeles County, 1892-1901, 1 v. Examination Papers, many bdls. Grading of Schools, 1895-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of Teachers', 1875-1911, 3 v.; 1911-date. Letter files, 1897-1901. Un addition to the records found in the Superintendent's office, many others are stored loose and in boxes in a room of the courthouse tower. These are in general inaccessible, and but few of them were listed. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 251 Life Diplomas. A-Z. 2 drawers; Life Diplomas, Educational Diplomas and Normal Documents, 1878-1906. Miscellaneous communications, 75 f.b. Miscellaneous pamphlets. Directories of teachers, examination questions, institute programs, etc. Official Acts, Record of, 1885-1891, 1 v. Pay Roll Register. 1913-1915, 8 v. (1-8). Receipts and Disbursements Ledger, 15 v. ; 1900-date, 82 v. School District File, 1882-date, 207 f.b. ; High Schools, 35 f.b. School Ledger : Elementary Schools, 1915-1916 ; Kindergartens, 1915- 1916; Los Angeles City High School Districts, 1913-date, 1 v. (13) ; Elementary Schools, 1913-date, 1 v. (11). Teachers Employed, 1908-1910, listed by school districts; 1910-1914, 1 v. : June. 1911. 1 bdl.. November, 1915. 1 bdl. Teachers Examinations. 1902-date, 1 v. Trustees' Orders. 1903-1904. Trustees, Register of, 1895-1908, 2 v. Visits. Record of Lesal, 1890, 1 v. THE AUDITOR 1 Allowance. 1897. 1 v., in tower; Index to Claims Paid, 1915, 7 v.; 1916, 21 v. Assessment Rolls, 1850, "A list of all persons and properties subject to taxation situate or holding in the County of Los Angeles in the Year A. D., 1850, No. 2." In Board of Supervisors' safe. A book of 25 pases bound in red leather, 15 pages are devoted to property entries, and 10 to poll tax. Tbe book shows the names of 125 property owners. Inserted in this book is a "Statement showing the whole amount of claims against the County of Los Angeles from its organiza- tion to the IS day of Sept. A. D. 1851," 2 pp. recording 92 warrants. Assessment Rolls, 1853-date. 1433 v. ; Iixlex. 52 v. ; Delinquent, 1894- 1915, 253 v. Assessor's Abstract of Mortgages, 1880-1885, 10 v., in tower. Bond and Interest Warrant Register, 1914-date, 3 v. ; Journal, 1915- 1916. 1 v. ; Bond Register. 1861-date, 11 v. ; Memorandum of Bonds, 1903-1907. 1 v.. in tower. Cash Book. 1888, 1889, 1891, 1903, in tower. Correspondence, Index to. 2 v.. in tower. Date Bcok, 1894. 1909. 16 v.. in tower. Journal. 1893-1897. 1 v.. in tower. Journal of Receipts and Disbursements, current. Ledger : Fund. 1885-1892. 12 v. ; 1893-1906, 6 v.. all in the tower. General. 1892. 1893-1895 (1) ; 1896 (2). School District Funds. 1914-1915, 1 v. Practically all of the records of this officp except the current records are stored in the tower of the courthouse, their location here being designated as in tower. The current record's havp been systematized and are therefore fewer in number. 252 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. License : Register of Licenses, 1901-1902, 1904-1905, 2 v., in tower. License Accounts, 1893, in tower. Receipt for Licenses, 1897-1898, 1 v., in tower. License Tax Collector's Account, 1852-1858; 1872-1875, 1898, 1899, 1903. Pay Roll, 1914-1916, 16 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1878, 1880-1881, 1883, 1885-1887, in tower ; Road Poll Tax, 1894, 1 v. Redemptions, 1891, 1 v.; also 2 v., loose leaf, in tower; Certificates, 1902-date, 164 f .b. School District Valuation, 1890-1895, 6 v., in tower. School Journal, 1912, 1 v. (30), in tower. School Requisitions, 1903-1904, 1 v., in tower. Tax Collector, Monthly Report of over and double collections, 1896- 1900, 3 v. (1-3). Tax Sales, Record, 1872-1893, 67 v. (1-67) ; Notice and Affidavits of, 1877-1893, 32 v. Treasurer's Account Book, July 23, 1850-1858, 1 v. Treasurer's Cash Book, 1858-1870, 2 v., in tower. Treasurer's Ledger: State Funds, 1858-1866, 1 v., in tower; Current Expense Fund, 1858-1866, 1 v., in tower; Cash Fund, 1858-1866, in tower ; School Fund, 1854-1858, 1 v., in tower. Treasurer's Receipts, 1887-1910, 24 v., in tower; 1911-date, 6 v. Warrants, Protest of, 1857-1861, 1 v., in tower. "Warrants, Receipts for, 1891-1905, 19 v. (2-20), in tower. Warrants, Register of, 1889, 2 v. (1-2), in tower; 1892-1893, 2 v. (5-6) ; Law Library Warrants, 1892, 1 v., in tower; Outstanding Warrants, 1894-1899, 1902-1905, 1908-1910, 9 v., in tower; School Warrants, 1889-1894, 1 v., in tower; ?-1912, 15 v. (15- 29), in tower; Warrants on File, 1850-date; Auditor's Journal and Warrant Register, 1893-1908, 18 v. (1-18), in tower. The original warrants since 1906 are kept in the main office, the older ones in the tower. THE TREASURER Balance Book, 1901-1912, 2 v., in the vault. Bond Record, 1875-date, 1 v. Bonds, Record of Registered, 1905-date, 1 v. Bonds Issued on Road District Improvement, 1914-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1893-1911, 3 v. Day Book, 1900-date, 42 v. There are five or six volumes annually ; two for schools, one salary, one general, one miscellaneous, formerly also, one for roads. Deposit Permits, filed by year and month. Orders from Auditor, without which the Treasurer accepts no funds. Deposit Register, 1914-date, 1 v. Estates of Deceased Persons, 1889-date, 2 v. Fund Ledger, current, 2 v. Glendora City, Certificates of Sale, 1915-date, 1 v. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 253 Inheritance Tax Record. 1894-date, 9 v., in the vault; Receipts, 1910- date. 1 v. Journal 1889-1910. 1 v., in the vault ; 1910-date, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers. 18 f.b. in vault, in addition to many current letter file boxes. Public Administrator 's Ledger. 1899-1907, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund. 1913-date. Kept on card system of about 5,000 cards. School Funds. 1901-1903. 3 v.. in vault; School Ledger. 1906-1908, 6 v., divided alphabetically. Tax Redemptions, 1891-1903, 1 v. Trust Fund Deposit Ledger, 1896-date, 3 v. A loose leaf record of funds in litigation. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements. 1912-date. For the current year the statements are in the main office, others' are stored elsewhere. Map Books of Property Owners, 1896-date. The current maps, about 300 volumes, are arranged by school districts. They contain all the information filed in the office regarding real estate and improvements. The books before 1S96 were made annually on tracing cloth and have not been kept. THE TAX COLLECTOR Apportionment of Moneys of property sold for taxes by the state, 1901- date, 1 v. Assessment Rolls, current, 89 v. Cash Book, 1887-1905, 28 v.. in the tower; 1905-date, 60 v. Employees Incidental Efficiency Records, 1914-date, 2 v. Indexes. Name, current, 7 v. ; Property, 1914-date, 6 v. From the Property Index one can easily trace the ownership of any piece of real estate. The property is classified into city and tracts ; num- bered tracts, township and section lands. Letters received, 1903-date ; Requests, 30 v. ; Remittances, 39 v. License Journal. 1909-1912, 1 v. ; 1916-date, 1 v. Licenses, Register of, 1906-clate, 11 v. Receipts for Money paid for property sold at sale, 1916-date, 1 box. Registered Letter Receipts. 1909-date, 1 box. Tax Sales, 1878-1893, 26 v.; Abstract of Current Tax Sales, 1910-1915, 21 v. ; Tax Sales by the State. 1906-date, 6 v. ; Index to Tax Deeds, 4 v. Unit Cost Records, 1912-date, 1 v. 254 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MADERA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Madera County was formed in 1893, being set off from Fresno County early in that year. Since that time, Madera City has been the county seat. The Superior Court and the Clerk's office were first located on the second floor of the Eosenthal-Kutner Building. The Tax Collector's and Assessor's offices were housed over the Bank of Madera, now the First National Bank. The Recorder's and all the remaining offices were located in the Dworack Building^ now the Palace Lodging House. In 1895 the Eecorder's office was moved to the Wells-Fargo Company express office, where it remained until the completion of the new courthouse in 1900. In 1897 all the other offices were moved to the Russ House, which was used until the courthouse was ready for use. Fire damaged the second story of the courthouse on December 24, 1906, and court was held in the Masonic Hall from December 31, 1906, until the courthouse was repaired. The present courthouse is a substantial stone building standing in the center of a city block. It is entirely free from the menace of fire from the outside, but the fire which did a great deal of damage to the second story, is ample proof that the building is not fireproof. The courthouse is lighted by electricity and heated by steam. The furnishings vary from modern steel filing cases and book racks to those of wood, the latter being most used. All of the offices have vaults or safes, but these will hold only a small per cent of the records, except in the case of the Clerk's office. A vault is used to store most of the Clerk's records, but the vault itself is not fireproof. Many of the older records are stored in the basement. Some of these are in a dustproof showcase, but no special care is given most of them. A great many show the effect of the fire and damage by water. Some of the material is valuable. These archives were examined in August, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS Superior Court, 1893-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1893-1894, 1 v., in the basement. Calendar: Civil Cases, 1893-1911, 1 v. ; Criminal Cases, 1893-1911, 1 v. ; 1913-date, loose leaf. The Calendar for Civic Cases is labeled "Law Calendar." rf -v- / / ■* MADERA COUNTY. 255 Calendar, Court, 1895, 1 v., in the basement; 1906-date, 1 v. Calendar, Trial, 1893-1911, 1 v.; 1913-date, loose leaf. This is labeled "Trial Docket." Coroner's Inquests, 1902-date, 2 f.b. Decrees, 1893-clate. 5 v. (1-5). Executions. 1893-1909, 1 v., in the basement. Execution Docket. 1893-date, 1 v. (1). File: Civil, 1893-date, 69 f.b., cases 1-1742; Criminal, 1893-date, 20 f.b.. cases 1-356; Abstracts of Judgment, 1894-date, 1 f.b. General Index, 1893-date, 1 v. (1-2). Grand Jury Lists, 1894-date, 1 f.b. ; Reports, 1894-date, 6 f.b. Index Decisions, n.d., 1 v., in the basement. Insanity. Record of, 1907-date, 2 v., indexed ; File, 1904-date, 2 f.b. Judgment Book, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Judgment Docket, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Jury Book, 1893-1909, 1915-date. Jury Lists, 1894-date. Minutes and Orders, see Decrees. Register f Actions and Fee Book: Civil, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Criminal, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). An old volume of Civil Actions, 1893-1903, is in the basement. Reporter's notes: Shorthand, several bdls., in Reporter's office, Clerk's office, and basement; Transcribed, 1898-date; earlier ones in the basement. Transcripts on Appeal, 1902-date. Superior Court, Probate, 1893-date Bonds, 1893-date, 6 v. (A-F). Calendar, 1913-date. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1906, 1 v., in basement. Estates and Fee Book, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). File, 1893-date, 50 f.b., cases 1-486. General Index, 1 v. Letters of Guardianship, 1893-clate, 1 v. (2). Letters Testamentary. 1893-date. 1 v. (1). Minutes and Orders, 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6). Wills, Record of, 1893-clate, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1893-1903, 1 f.b. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File. 1909-date, 1 f.b., cases 1-35. Minutes and Orders, entered in Superior Court Minutes and headed ' ' Juvenile. ' ' Record. 1909-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Board of Commissioners. Minutes of, Mar. 27-May 27, 1893, 1 v. This also contains the first minutes of the Board of Supervisors. Calendar, 1904-date. There are several old ones in the office, and others in the basement. 256 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Claims Allowed, Eegister of, 1895-date, 4 v. (1-2). Equalization, Minutes of Board of, 1896-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Petitions to Cancel Illegal Assessments, 1912-date, 1 f.b. File, 8 f.b. Maps: Bridge Maps, 5 drawers, blue prints, one for each of the five districts; Road Maps, blue prints of roads in the five dis- tricts ; Maps of Deeded Roads, 1893-date, 1 v., indexed. Minutes, 1893-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. Ordinance Book, 1893-date, 1 v. (1) ; 1 f.b. Perpetuation of Government Monuments and Corners Restored, 1907-1913, 1 v., in the Surveyor's office. Road Deeds, Index to, 1895-date, 1 v. ; Road Deeds, Petitions, etc., 1893-date, 9 f.b. Road Minutes, 1893-1894, 1 v. Road Register, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Surveys of Swamp and Overflowed Land, 1893-1911, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Accounts, Memorandum of, 1908-date, 10 f.b. Appointment of Deputies, 1894-date, 2 f.b. Fee Books, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Hunting Licenses, Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v., in the basement ; Stub-books, 1916-date, 1 v. Military Roll, 1911-1915. Miscellaneous file, 1908-date, 4 f.b. Receipt Book, Clerk's, 1900-1910, 1 v. These receipts are for books or papers taken from the office. Receipts, miscellaneous, 2 f.b. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Original, 1887-date. Declaration of Intention, 1893-1906, 1 v., indexed; Record, 1906- date, 2 v., indexed. Depositions taken for use in support of Petition for Naturalization, 1911-1913, a small bdl. Naturalization, Certificate of, 1908-date. Naturalization, Decrees of, 1893-1903, 2 v., indexed; Record of, 1904-1906, 1 v., indexed; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v., indexed; Index, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1894-date. Those for 1916 are in the office, the earlier ones in the basement. Great Register, 1893-1908, in the basement. Precinct Maps: Map of Election Precincts, County of Madera, approved Dec. 8, 1915, by Board of Supervisors; Map of City of Madera, 1913, showing precincts. MADERA COUNTY. Uo i Elections Candidates, Verified Statement of, 1896-date, 2 f.b. Certificates of Election, 1894-date, 4 f.b. Election Returns, 1894-1914, 3 f.b. Nomination Papers, 1912-date ; Record of Nominations, 1910-1914, 1 v. ; Certificates of Nomination, 1893-date, 3 f.b. Record of Ballots, 1896, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of Appointment, 1910-1912, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Dentists. Register of, 1901-date, 4 v. ; Dental Register, 1901-date, 4 v., a few names in each. Medical Certificates, Register of, 1907, 1 v., only one entry; Physicians' Certificates, 1894-date, 1 v. (1). Optometrists, Record of, 1908-date, 2 v., indexed. Osteopathic Certificates, 1902-1913, 1 v. This contains also the Veterinary and Dental Certificates. Pharmacists, Record of, 1907-1915, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1893-date, 4 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Certificates of Authorization for Banks to do Business, 1912-1913, lib. Co-partnerships, Register of, 1908-date, with few entries; Certifi- cates of Partnerships, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Corporations, Register of, 1893-date, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of Firms and Persons Under, n.d., 1 v. ; Certificates of Fictitious Names, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Relating to Other Officers Appointments and Oaths of Office, 1893-date, 3 f.b. Auditor's Statements of Money in Treasury, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1893-date, 3 f.b. Coroner's Register, 1908-date, 1 v. County Officials and Deputies, Index, 1906-date, 1 v. Justice Court : Docket, 1884-1906, in the basement ; Undertaking to Keep Peace, 1907-date, 1 f.b. ; Proceedings of Third Town- ship, in the basement, badly damaged by fire. Notarial Record, 1881-1900, 3 v., in the basement. Public Administrator, Record, 1906-1915, 1 v.; Register, 1904- 1911. 1 v. Reports, miscellaneous, prior to 1907, 3 f.b. ; 1907-date, 3 f.b. These include reports of health, horticultural, live stock, and other officers. 18—41210 258 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE RECORDER Architects, 1901. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2v. (1). Attachments. 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Release of Attach- ments, 1893-1913, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Banking Statements, Bank of Madera : Assets, 1891-1896, 1 v. ; Capital, 1891-1896, 1 v. Bills of Sale, 1893-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Births, Record of, 1892-1905, 2 v.; 1905-date, 4 v. (2-5), all indexed. Certificates of Cancellation of Erroneous Assessments, 1897-1914, 21 f.b. Certificates of Sale by Sheriff, 1894-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Covenants, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. (1) ; 1893-1901, 1 f.b. Deaths : Record of, 1892-date, 6 v. ; Register of, City of Madera, 1907- 1909, 1 v. Decrees of Distribution, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds, 1893-date, 74 v. (1-74) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3). "Deficiency Execution," 1899-date, 2 v. (1-2). Delinquent Taxes, 1896-date, 1 f.b. Drainage Districts, 1895, 1 v. (1). Labeled "Declaration Districts." Election Expenses, Candidates' Statements, 1894-1914, 5 v., 1910-1912, 1 f.b. Vol. 3 also contains a few Committee's Statements. Estravs, 1902-date, 1 f.b. Fee-books, 1914-1916, 1 v. File, 1893-date, 17 f.b. Homesteads, Declaration of, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcripts of, 1893-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Licensed Surveyors, 1891; 1898-date, 1 f.b. Lis Pendens, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Maps, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2); 1897-1909, 1 f.b.; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Foreign Marks and Brands, 1903-date, 1 f.b. Marriage Certificates, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. Marriages, Record of, 1907-date, 1 v. (3). Mechanics Liens, 1893-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Mining Claims, 1893-date, 19 v. (1-19); Index, 3 v.; Transfer of Mining Claims, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 3 v. Alining district records: Hildreth, Minutes, 1886-1896, 1 v. (1) ; King Creek, Record Book, 1879-1897, 2 v. (1-2) ; Mt. Raymond, By-laws, etc, 1882-1892, 3 v. (A-C). Miscellany, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Mortgages, 1893-date, 30 v. (1-30) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Chattel, 1893- date, 21 v. (1-21) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Crop, 1894-date, 13 v. (1, 6-9, 11-12, 14-15, 17, 19-21). Official Bonds, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Vol. 4 is labeled "Swamp and Overflow Land Patents" ; vol. 5 "State Patents School Lands." MADERA COUNTY. 259 Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, n.d., few entries. Powers of Attorney, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Redemption, Certificates of, 1903-date, 1 f.b. Release of Mortgages and Leases. 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Separate Property of Wives, 1896-1897, 1 v. (1). Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds to State, Index, 1 v. ; Tax Deeds, Index, 1 v. These are recorded under Deeds. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1895-1906, 15 v.; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Madera Fire District. 1897, 1 v. ; Madera Irrigation District, 1894, 1 v. Water Rights, 1893-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Water Rights of Madera Canal and Irrigation Co., 1891-1911, 2 v. (2-3). Wills Admitted to Record, 1897-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1893-date. Apportionment of State Funds, Notices of, 1913-date. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). Certificate stub-books, 1893-date. Communications received : from Auditor, 1913-date, one bdl. ; from District Clerks, filed in District filing cases ; General, 1916, 1 f.b. Courses of Study, 1914-date. Day Book, 1899-1903, 1 v., in the basement. Examination Questions, 1916, 1 f.b. Fee Books, 1915, 1 v. Grammar School Graduates. Record of, 1897-date, 2 v. (1-2). Institutes, Minutes of, 1893-date, 1 v. Journal, 1893-1903, 3 v. (1-3), in the basement. Labor Permits, 1912-date, 1 f.b. Moneys in Treasury. Notice of, 1903-date, 1 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1899-clate, 2 v. (1-2) ; Requisition stub-books, 1915-date. School Directories, 1915-date, a few copies. School District Boundaries, 1915-date. School District Fund Book, 1906. School District Ledger, 1899-date, 7 v. (1-7). Vols. 1-4 are in the basement. School District Maps, 1911, blue prints. Teachers' Examinations. Record of, 1893-date, 1 v. (1) . Teachers' Reports, 1914-1915, 1 f.b. Teachers' Retirement Salary Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Trustees' Annual Meeting, Minutes of, 1912, 1 v. Trustees, Certificates of Election of, and of Clerks, 1912-date. These are filed under each district. Trustees' Reports. 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Warrant File, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). 260 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, 1893-date, 11 v. (1-11). Assessment Rolls: Original, 1893-date. Duplicate, 1894, in basement. Delinquent, 1893-date. Personal Property, 1893-date. Index, 1893-date. Day Book and Journal, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5). Dependents Outside Institutions, 1893-date, 2 v. Ledger, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5). License Record, 1899-date, 1 v. License Tax Collector's Report, 1893-date. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1901-date, 2 v. Receipts, Affidavits, etc., 1893-date, in office and basement. Recorder's Fee Book, 1893-1914, 4 v. (1-4). Reports, 1902-date. School Bond Register, 1893-date, 1 v., indexed. School District Ledger, 1899-date, 5 v. (1-2, 2-4). School Warrants, Register of, 1904-date, 2 v. ; School "Warrants, 1905- date, 2 v. (1-2). Treasurer's Reports, 1903-date. Earlier reports in the basement. Warrants, Paid, 1914-date, in office ; earlier in basement ; Outstanding, 24 f.b. Warrants, Register of Redeemed, 1893-date, 11 v. (1-11). THE TREASURER Cash Book, 1893-date, 11 v. (1-11). Day Book, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7). Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1912-date, 1 v. Ledger, General, 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6). Miscellaneous Records, several f.b. Monthly Reports, 1908-date. School Ledger, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7). Settlement and Discharge from State Controller, May, 1915-date. State School Land Record, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). Warrants, Register of, 1893-1896, 1 v., in the basement. Later records are carried in Cash Book. Warrants, Register of Unpaid, 2 v. (2-3). THE ASSESSOR Assessment List, 1898-1915, bound; 1916, filed. Deeds, Abstracts of, 1896-date, 6 v. Delinquent Tax Sales, Abstracts of, 1894-1911, 4 v. MADERA COUNTY. 261 Maps and Plats : Assessor's Abstracts of Lands, "Check Books," 1894-date, 4 sets. One set in basement. County Maps: Fresno, 1892; Madera, 1908, 1914. Plats and Valuations of Real Estate, 1894-date, 2 v. Township Plats of Madera Count}', n.d. Mortgages, Abstracts of. 1893-1912, 8 V. Poll Tax Receipt stubs, 1912-1914. Earlier volumes are in the basement. Poll Tax Roll 1894-1914. ' Volumes before 1906 are in the basement. State Land Office Returns, 1895-date. Tax Sales. Abstracts of, 1902-1911, 2 v. Veteran Exemption Affidavits, 1912-1915, 1 bdl. For 1916 attached to assessment list. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book. 1893-1914. 14 v. License Report, 1899-date, 3 v. (1-3). This contains statement of number of licenses sold, kinds, statement of cash paid to treasurer. Licenses. Cash Account of, 1899-date. Licenses. Register of, 1895-date, 9 v. (1-9). School District Cash Book, 1893-1899, 4 v. Tax Receipts, stubs, 1915-date, several bdls. Earlier ones are in the basement. 262 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MARIN COUNTY INTRODUCTION Marin County was created by act of the first legislature, passed February 18, 1850, it being one of the original counties. Although the statute creating the county provided that until its organization it should be under the administration of Sonoma County, a subsequent enactment, passed April 22, 1850, provided for its separate organization. Since 1850 there have been no important changes in its boundaries and San Rafael has always been its seat of government. The present courthouse, together with the Hall of Records, stands in the center of a block surrounded by trees and lawn. The courthouse is built of brick over a wooden framework, but the Hall of Records is of reinforced concrete. The ability of the courthouse to withstand fire would depend largely upon the severity of the test. The Hall of Records may be considered a fairly safe depository for the archives. Both buildings are lighted by electricity and heated by steam. Several vaults are provided, but they are not used as fully as they should be for the keeping of records. The offices of the Clerk and Recorder in the Hall of Records are well equipped with modern bookshelves and filing cases, but the offices of the older building are less well-provided. A few of the older records were found in the basement of the Hall of Records, which has a good cement floor and has good light and ventila- tion. The archives of this county were examined in January, 1916. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Alcalde Grants, 1850-1853, 1 v., in Recorder's office. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Docket, 1852-1854, 1 v., small. File, 41 f.b., cases 1-709. General Index, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1852-1879, 1 v. ; 1857-1873?, 1 v. Judgments, 1872-1879, 1 v. (C). Minutes, 1850-1861, 2 v., small; 1861-1879, 3 v. (B-D). Register of Actions, 1857-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Solid blue a b c d Red Marin County. Stats. 1850:60; 1851:177. Stats. 1854:121. Stats. 1857:209. Stats. 1860:269; 1861:351. Stats. 1867-8:347; Pol. Code (1872), §3957. Pol. Code (1919), §3929. For key to maps see page ix. y^ry ( :>j^«a& ■ MARIN COUNTY. 263 County Court, 1850-1879 File, 8 f.b., cases 1-344. General Index. 1857-1879, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1854-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Judgments, 1853-1861, 1 v., small. Minutes, 1861-1879, 3 v. (B-D). Register of Actions, 1869-1879, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1851-1863 Minutes,, 1851-1863, 2 v., small. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Collateral Inheritance Tax Appraisements, 1893-1896, 1 v. ; Record, 1905-1907, 1 v., cases 1251-1385. Estates in Marin County, Index of, 1849-1892, 1 v., printed. File: General, 178 f.b., cases 1-2130; Bonds, 26 f.b., filed by letter. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Judgments, 1850-1853, 1 v., small. Letters Testamentary, Administration and Bonds, 1866-date, 10 v. (A-J). Minutes, 1853-1879, 5 v. (A, C-F) ; 1880-date, 28 v. (1-28). Register, 1851-1879, 3 ! v. (A-C) ; 1880^-date, 6 v. (1-6). "Wills, Record of. 1854-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1853-1868, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar: Civil, 1880-1901, 1 v. (1) ; Criminal, 1880-1890, 1 v. (1) ; Trial, 1891-1897, 2 v. Coroners' Inquests, 1857-date, 1 v., 12 f.b., Nos. 1-1111. File: Civil and Criminal, 209 f.b., cases 1-4644; Divorces, 36 f.b.; Insolvencies, 5 f.b., cases 1-88. General Index, 1880-date, 4 v. Insanity, Hospital Record, 1903-date, 1 v. (1) ; Insanity Judg- ments, 1903-date, 1 v. ; another of printed forms ; Commitments for Intemperance, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). Judgment Book, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 1 v. (1). Judgments, 1880-1889, 2 v. (1-2) ; Criminal, 1880-date, 1 v. Jury Book, 1888-1901, 1 v. Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 19 v. (1-19) ; Criminal, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Actions, 1880-date. 11 v. (1-11) ; Insolvents, 1890-1905, 1 v. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1 f.b., cases 1-55. Minutes and Orders, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book: County Fund, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2); Roads, 1889-clate, 2 v. (1-2) ; Hospital, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, 1902-1913, 1 v., four names, 264 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Equalization, Records of Board of, 1872-date, 1 v. (1). File : General, 90 p.h. and 24 f .b. ; Road Petitions, 18 f .b. Hospital Record, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). Maps, etc., 10 drawers. Minutes : Court of Sessions, County Business, 1850-1853, 1 v. ; Supervisors, 1852-date, 14 v. (A-B, B 2 , C-M) ; Index, 2 v. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (1). Orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. Road Minutes, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index to Road Record, 3 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Book, 1852, 1 v., small; 1899-date, 1 v. File, 46 f.b. License Bonds, 1889-date, 1 v. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1871-1906, 3 v. ; Record, 1906-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1853-1906, 1 v. (1). Naturalization of Aliens, 1880-1906, 3 v. (1-3). Naturalization Affidavits: Aliens, 1891-1903, 2 v. (1-2); Minors, 1891-1903, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalization Petition and Record, 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4). Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1852-date, 1 v. (1). Registration and Elections Affidavits of Registration, 1908-date, filed by precincts. Great Register, 1866-1908, 15 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. , Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, before 1903, 11 v. (A-K) ; 1903-date, 20 v. (L-Z, 1-3) ; Index, 1873-date, 2 v. (1-2). Dentists, Register of, 1894-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1904-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-1913, 1 v.; Doctors' Certificates, 1914- date, 1 v. Optometrists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 5 f.b., Nos. 1-600; Index, 1875-date, 1 v. (1). Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1906-date, 1 v. (1). Fictitious Names, Register of, 1911-date, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Partnership, Index to Certificates of, 1875-date, 1 v. (1). Marin County Water Company, Ordinances, 1912-date, 1 v. (]). Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers, 12 f.b. Humane Officer's Record, 1915-date, 1 v, MARIN COUNTY. 265 THE RECORDER 1 Architects, Certificates of, 1901-date, 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1856-date, 6 v. (A-F) f Index, 1 v. of each. Attachments, 1852-1901, 4 f.b., writs Nos. 1-450; 1857-date, 3 v. (A-C). Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1896, 1 v. (A) ; Capital, 1876-1896, 1 v. (B). Births, 1873-date, 5 v. (1-5). Certificates of Sale, 1869-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deaths, Kegister of, 1873-date, 5 v. (1-5). Deeds, 1850-date, 203 v. (A-Z, 1-177) ; Index, 14 v. Election Expense: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 6 v. (1, 1-5). Estravs, 1858-date, 1 v. (A). Executions, 1885-1900, 2 f.b.; 1899-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Fee Books, 1873-date, 17 v. (1-17). General Index, 3 v. (1-3). Homesteads, 1860-date, 6 v. (A-F). Horticulture Commission Record, 1882, 1 v., only six pages. Infirmary Register, 1878-?, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcript of, 1852-date, 4 v. (1, A-C) ; Index to Abstract of Judgments, 1 v. (1). Land Warrants, 1852-1868, 1 v. (A). These are school land warrants. Leases, 1856-clate, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Licensed Surveyors, 1890-date, 1 v. (1). Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps and plats, 1870-date, 4 v., in 19 parts ; Index, 1 v. ; Town Sur- veys, 1873-date, 1 v. ; Index to Record of Surveys, 1 v. (1) ; Mounted Maps of Tracts, Towns, etc., 2 cases, 26 maps ; Map of Marin County, 1872, 80" x 72" ; List of Lands in Marin County, 1861, certified to by Survevor General; San Rafael, 1868; Map of Reclamation Dis- trict, No.*21, n.d.; District No. 25, 1862 ; No. 26, 1862; No. 30, 1862. Marks and Brands, 1849-date, 1 v. (A). Early entries in Spanish. Marriages: Certificates of, 1852-date, 30 v. (A-Z, 1-4) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) ; Register of, 1905-date, 8 v. (1-8). Mechanics' Liens, 1856-clate, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mining Claims, 1 f.b. Miscellany, 1873-date, 18 v. (A-R) ; Index, 8 v. Mortgages, 1850-date, 74 v. (A-Z, 1-48) ; Index, 8 v.; Personal Prop- erty, 1860-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 4 v. Notices of Action, 1857-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Official Bonds. 1855-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Ovster Beds, 1909-date. 1 v. (A). Patents, 1859-date, 3 v. (A 1 , A 2 , B) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Powers of Attorney, 1854-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Pre-emptions, 1853-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Probate Orders, 1856-1875, 1 v. (A). ^ee also Pre-statehood Records, 266 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Releases, 1876-date, 16 v. (A-P) ; Index, 6 v. (1-6). Road Record, 1864-1867, 1 v. San Rafael : Charter, 1 v. ; Townsite Certificates, 1874, 1 v. Separate Property of Married Women, 1854-date, 1 v. (A). Sole Traders' Declarations, 1875-date, 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1871-date, 1 v. (A) ; Receipts for Pav- ments, 1859-1868, 2 v. (A-B). Tax Sales, 1874-1894, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1894-1910, 20 v. ; Sanitary Districts, 3 v. ; San Rafael, 1 v. Unsnrveyed Lands, 1863-1864, 1 v. Water Appropriations, 1913-date, 1 v. Water Company Statements, 1894-date, 1 f.b. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1865-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1895-date, 3 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 3 v. Census Reports, June, 1887. Others reported in the basement. Certificate stub-books, 1866-date. Classification of Pupils, 1902-clate, 1 v. By districts, giving grade, age, attendance, etc. Communications received, 1903-date, 6 filing drawers. Estimates of Expenditures by School Districts, recent, 1 v. Examination Questions, 1880-date. Several bundles of printed questions. General Questions, 1895-1896, 2 bdls. Answers to personal questions asked of persons applying as teachers. Graduation from Elementary Schools, Record of, 1905-clate, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of Teachers', 1891-date, 1 v. Official Acts, Record of, 1 v. Requisition Register, 1880-date, 23 v. School Funds, 1911-date. Teachers' Certificate Register, Life Diplomas, 1894-date, 1 v. Teachers' Employment Record, 1889-date, 1 v. A loose leaf record containing printed lists of teachers ; also a card index of experience of individual teachers. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1866-1869, 1 v.; 1871-1878, 5 v.; 1887-1892, 2 v. Teachers' Retirement Fund Record, 1913-date, 1 v. Trustees, Register of, 1868-date, 3 v. Warrants Registered, 1912-date, 1 v. ; old warrants, 1 bdl. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1851-1859, 8 v.; 1860-1914, 243 v. Duplicates, 1859-1862, 5. v., others in basement. Delinquent, 1860-date, 66 v. Index to Assessment Rolls, 1895-1914. 21 v. MARIN COUNTY. 267 Bond Record: School Bonds, 1885-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Railroad Funding Bill, 1896-date, 1 v. (1). Cash Book, 1885-date, 14 v. Indigent Account, Outside Support of Adults, 1892-date, 1 v. Journal, 1869-1876, 1 v. Ledger, 1855-1876, 3 v.; 1882-1913, 7 v. (2-8); also two additional volumes, 1856-1862, 1872-1882. License Account, 1883-1910, 3 v.; 1910-date, in Tax Collector's office. Miscellaneous File. 235 p.h. ; also several bdls. by dates. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1892-date, 1 v. Poll Tax Lists, 1909-1912, 4 v. Road Sections, Record of, 1875, 1 v. Road Warrants, 1874-1904, 3 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1880-date, 7 v. School District Ledger. 1880, 1 v. (A) ; 1885-1895, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1904- 1906. 2 v. (3) ; 1907-1912, 2 v. (4) ; 1915-date, loose leaf. School District Journal, 1885, 1 v. (1). School Warrants, Register and Ledger, 1895-1907, 6 v. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1880-1892, 2 v.; 1899-1910, 1 v. Tax Record stub-books, recent, 1 v. ; Surplus Warrants, 1908-1913. Tax Sales, Record of, Sanitary Districts, 1899-1914, 3 v. (1, 3-4). Warrants : Register of, 1873-date, 6 v. ; Hospital and Poor Farm, 1897- 1904, 1 v. ; Law Library, 1897-1902, 1 v. ; Salary, 1893-1903, 1 v. Warrants, stub-books of, 1912-date, 19 v. THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of. 1876-date, 1 v. (1). Cash Book. 1882-1887, 3 v. ; 1893-1896, 2 v. ; 1902-1908, 4 v. ; 1915- date, 1 v. Ledger, 1855-1864, 2 v. ; 1866-1883, 6 v. ; 1895-1897, 1 v. ; 1902-1905, 1 v. Miscellaneous Accounts. 1884-1907, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, 48 f.b. Road District Ledger, 1895-date, 2 v. Sanitarv District : Dav Book, 1899-date, 1 v. • Ledger, 1899-date, 1 v. School Ledger, 1874-1904, 5 v. School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of : Hospital, 1882-1900, 1 v. ; Roads, 1882-1888, 1892-1907, 2 v. ; Schools, 1891-1897, 1 v. Warrants Registered: General, 1880-1895, 1 v. (2) ; Roads, 1895-1902, 2 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, Field Books, current, 16 v. ; older books, 20 v. Conveyances, Index to, 1881-1892, 4 v. Maps and Plats, 3 cases containing, respectively, 12 sheets of 33 maps, 13 maps of sections, and 12 maps of tracts, towns, etc. ; Block Books. Mill Valley. 1 v.: Larkspur. 1 v.: San Rafael, 2 v.; Sausalito, one cabinet of drawer boards. Several discarded maps. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1880-?, 2 v. 268 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, Current ; Sanitary District, 3 v. ; General, 15 v. Cash Book, 1898-1900, 2 v. ; 1903-date, 21 v. Loose leaf since 1912. Correspondence file, 1910-date, 40 letter boxes. General License Register, 1894-1904, 2 v. License Accounts, 1883-1900, 3 v.; Liquor License, 1892-1902, 2 v.; 1905-1911, 2 v. Licenses, State and County, 1874-1875, 1 v. ; 1877-1886, 2 v. ; County Licenses, 1882-1895, 2 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1894, 2 v. (A-B). \ \ \ \ N •- r MARIPOSA COUNTY. 269 MARIPOSA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Mariposa was one of the counties created in 1850, and included in general all that part of the San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada region which had not already been assigned to other counties. It extended from Tuolumne County on the north to Los Angeles and San Diego on the south ; from the Coast Range to the eastern boundary of the state. As the region became more populated large portions of the county were cut off. In 1852 more than half was detached to form Tulare County ; in 1855 the western portion of the remainder was sepa- rately organized as Merced County; and in 1856 Fresno County, which then also included what is now Madera County, was created confining Mariposa to what are approximately her present narrow limits. In all, over a dozen counties claim territory which at one time was a part of Mariposa. The county seat was originally placed at Aqua Fria, but in 1854, by vote of the people, it was removed to Mariposa, where it has since remained. At Aqua Fria a log cabin served as a courthouse, but upon the removal to Mariposa, a building was specially constructed for the county's business, and this building still remains, changed only by an addition at one end. The courthouse is built of wood and stands alone in a large square. The building is heated by wood stoves and lighted by electricity. Practically all of the archives are kept in two brick vaults opening into the Clerk's office by iron doors. The shelves and boxes in the smaller, inner vault are of wood ; those in the larger vault, which is really a "hall of records," are of steel, modern in every respect, except the map cases, which are very poor. A few of the older records are stored in the attic, which is dusty and mice-infested. The examination of the archives was made in July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Bench Docket, 1867-1879, 2 v. Execution Book, 1872-1881, 1 v. Execution Docket, 1850-1882, 1 v. File, 1850-1879: Civil, 31 f.b., cases 1-1511; Criminal, 3 f.b., cases A-Z; Miscellaneous. 1 f.b. General Index, 1851-1879, 2 v. r^ 270 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Judgment Book, 1850-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Judgment Docket, 1850-1867, 1 v. Jury Book, 1857-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1850-1879, 2 v. (1-2). See also under Court of Sessions. Register of Actions, 1865-1872, 2 v. Tax Suits : File, 1 f .b. ; Index, 1 v. County Court, 1850-1879 Clerk's Register, 1856-1879, 2 v. Cost Books, 1856-1879, 2 v. County Judge's Certificate of Land Claims, 1878-1880, 1 v. File: Civil, 6 f .b. ; Criminal, 2 f.b. Judgment Book, 1851-1879, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1851-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1851-1879, 2 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 File, 4 f.b., cases 1-1861. Judgment Docket, 1850-1863, 1 v. Minutes, 1850-1863, 2 v. (A-B). Reverse of Vol. A, has orders and minutes of the District Court, July 30- Dec. 5, 1850. "Quartz Record, No. 2," 1850-1852, 1 v. This book contains a miscellaneous collection of records : an index, several sheriffs' returns, docket entries for the County Court and Court of Sessions, as well as mining location notices, mortgages and other instru- ments relating to mines. Although listed here among the court records, it is also included among the Recorder's mining records. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Calendar, 1877-1895, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1905-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1850-1879, 3 v. ; 1880-date, 2 v. File, 1851-1863, 4 f.b. ; 1880-date, 56 f.b. Minutes, 1851-1879, 3 v. (1, A-B) ; 1879-date, 8 v. (1-8). Probate Bonds, 1876-date, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Actions, "Probate Register," 1855-date, 6 v. Wills, Record of, 1854-1904, 1 v., indexed. Since 1904 Wills are recorded in Probate Minutes. Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar, Law and Motion, 1879-date, 1 v. ; Trial, 1879-date, 1 v. Coroners' Inquests, 3 f.b. Docket, 1879-date, 1 v. File: Civil, 49 f.b., cases 1-904; Criminal, 32 f.b.; Index, 1 v. General Index, 1879-date, 2 v. Grand Jury Reports, 2 f.b. Insanity, Record of Commitments, 1879-date, 4 v. ; Index, 4 v. ; Certificates of Discharge from State Hospitals, 1 f.b. Judgment Docket, 1879-date, 1 v. MARIPOSA COUNTY. 271 Judgment Record, 1879-date, 3 v. (D-F). Jury Book, 1880-date, 2 v. Minutes, 1880-date, 3 v. Register of Actions, Civil, 1880-date, 3 v.; Criminal, 1880-date, 1 v. Reporters' notes and transcripts, bdls. in vault. Superior Court, Juvenile No separate books. The records of the few Juvenile Court cases are kept in the other Superior Court records. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1872-date, 6 v. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1854, 1 v. Ex-Union Soldiers, Record of, Burial of, 1 v. File, 1855-date, 100 f.b. Franchise Book, 1882-date, 1 v. Map of Mariposa County, 1898, large wall map. Minutes : Court of Sessions, County Business, 1852-1855 ; Super- visors, 1855-date, 8 v. (A-H). Pages 1-74 of Vol. A are Minutes of Court of Sessions. Ordinance Book, Roads and Highways, 1852-date, 1 v. Road Master's Book, 1863-1885, 1 v. School District Boundaries, Record of, 1869-date, 2 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Book, 1851-1879, 3 v. ; 1879-date, 3 v. Hunting Licenses, stub-books, current year only. Military Rolls. 1862, 1 v. ; recent, 2 f.b. Miscellaneous file, 1850-1879, 1 f.b. Poll Tax Lists, 2 v. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, Record, 1851-1906, 3 v. Naturalizations, 1853-1876, 4 v. (A-D) ; Certificate of Citizenship, 1877-1879, 1 v; Naturalizations, 1880-1902, 1 v. (F) ; 1902-date, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1 v. Registration and Elections Affidavits of Registration, 1908-date, kept in safe. Great Register, 1866-1908, 6 v. Nomination, Record of, 1 v. Precinct Maps, 21 maps. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Licenses: Stub-books. 1880-1907, 2 v. (1-2); Affidavits, 1907-date, 1 v. (5). Dentists, Register of. 1901-date, 1 v. Medical and Pharmacists Certificates, Register of, 1876-date, 1 v. 2/2 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1852-date, 7 f.b., Nos. 1-252 ; Index, 1 v. Some earlier Articles in "Quartz Records No. 2," Recorder's Archives. Domestic Corporations, 1895-date, 24 small printed vols. ; Index, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of Firms, 1 v. Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers, 9 f.b. Coroner's Register, 1889-date, 2 v. Justice Court Dockets, 1854-1889, 4 v. Notarial Records, 1887-date, 5 v. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1861-date, 5 v. (P, R-U). Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Index, 1 v. Recorded in Mortgages and in Leases. Attachments, 1876-date, filed in boxes ; Index, 2 v. Births, Register of, 1873-1876, 1 v. ; 1905-1910, 1 v. ; 1907-date, 2 v. Certificates of Sale Under Execution, 1866-date, 1 v. (A). Deaths, Register of, 1873-1876, 1 v. (1) • 1905-date, 3 v. Decrees of Distribution, 1896-date, 2 v. (I-II). Deeds, 1852-1872, 14 v., lettered; 1872-date, 28 v. (1-28) ; Index, 3 v. The early volumes are lettered in the following order, A-D, G, M, R, S, U, T, W-Z. See also Mining Records, Deeds. Deeds of Trust, 1892-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index in vol. 1. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1893-date, 1 v.; Commit- tees' Statements, 1894-1896, 1 v. Estrays, 1852-1884, 1 v. ; 1884-date, 1 f.b. Fee Books, 1870-date, 4 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 2 v. (N-O). Judgments, Transcripts of, 1853-date, 1 v. (F) ; Index, 1 v. Land Claims, 1852-1882, 1 v. (K) ; Land Book, 1890, 1 v. Leases, 1860-date, 2 v. (L-M). Licensed Survevors, 1891-date, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1859-1889, 1 v. (M) ; Notices of Actions, 1896-date, 1 v. (N). Maps and Plats, 1852-date, 1 v. ; 2 large map cases. Marks and Brands, 1852-date, 2 v. ; Adjacent Counties, 1 f.b. Marriages, Record of, 1851-date, 9 v. ; Index, 1 v. Mechanics Liens, 1852-1889, 1 v. (E). Also in Miscellaneous Records. Mining records : Claim Locations, 1852-1865, 3 v. (A-C), indexed; Location Fee Books, 1911-date, 1 v. ; Preliminary Locations of Placer Claims, 1851, 1 v. (2) ; 1897-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Certificate of Location of Placer Claims, 1897-1899, 1 v. (1) ; Quartz Claims, 1897-1911, 1 v. (1) ; Index of Locators of Quartz Claims, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index of Quartz Mines, 2 v. (1-2). MARIPOSA COUNTY. 273 Deeds, 1897-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. District Record, Coulterville, 1864-1895, 2 v. (A-B), with index in B. Notices of Nonresponsibility, 1916-date, 1 v. Proofs of Labor, 1892-1909, on file ; Index, 1 v. ; 1909-date, 2 v., indexed. "Quartz Records, No. 2," 1 v., see Clerk's Archives, Court of Ses- sions; 1865-date, 12 v. (D-L, N-P). Record, 1850-1851, 1 v. (M) ; 1904-date, 3 v. (M, P, R). The volume, 1S50-51, is labeled inside "No. 1, Mining Records." Miscellaneous, 1856-date, 3 v. (G-I). Mortgages, 1857-date, 14 v. (E, H, X-Z, 1-9) ; Index, 1 v. One volume of Mortgages is simply entitled "185S-1886, Records." The earliest Mortgages are in Deeds. Mortgages, Chattel, 1856-date, 3 v. (V-X). Notices of Action, see Lis Pendens. Official Bonds, 1856-1876, 1 v., indexed; 1877-date, 3 v. (B-D). Some for the early fifties are filed in the file of Miscellaneous papers. Patents, 1857-date, 8 v. (M-T). Powers of Attorney, 1860-date, 2 v-. (O-P) ; Index, 1 v.; Index to Revocations, 1 v. Real Estate "Q," 1863-date, 1 v. This is a certified copy of Orders Confirming Sales of Real Estate. Separate Property of "Wives, 1890, 1 v. ; 1 f .b. Special Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. Tax Deeds to State,' 1875-date, 13 v. (1-13). Tax Sales, Certificate of, 1857-1860, 1 v. (H) ; Certificates of Sale of Real Estate, 1863-date, 1 v.; 1875-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Wills, 1854-1904, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1873-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1880-date, 5 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 3 v. Certificate stub-books: High School Certificates, 1891-1900, 1 v.; Per- manent County Certificates, 1891-date, 5 v. Certificates. Recommendations to accompany Normal School Diplomas, 1901-date, 2 v. ; Life Diplomas, 2 v. Courses of Study, recent, 3 pamphlets. Institutes, Minutes of, 1880-date, 2 v. Ledger, 1880-date, 5 v. Library Fund. 1883-1896, 2 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. ; Stub-books, 1880-date, 1 v. School District Boundaries, 1885-date, 2 v. Teachers' Reports, 1912-date. 1 v. Trustees. Register of, 1882-1910, 1 v. 19—41210 274 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE AUDITOR .' ! Assessment Rolls, 1854-date, 130 v. Blotter, 1858-1894, 2 v. Day Book, 1851-1899, 4 v. Fee Book, 1870-1892, 1 v. Hospital Record, 1866-1895, 3 v. ; Pay Roll, 1884-1896, 1 v. Journal, 1899-date, 1 v. Land Payments, Record of School Land Warrants, 1852-1871, 1 v. Ledger, 1853-date, 4 v. Miscellaneous Register, 1914-date, 1 v. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 1 v. Poll and Military Tax Lists, 2 f .b. ; Poll Tax Roll, 1877, 1 v. ; Military Roll, 1862, 1 v. Redemption, Certificate of, 1911-date. School District, 1862-1865, 1 v. School Library Fund Account, 1911-date, 2 v. Tax List Sales, 1857-1860, 1 v. Tax Sales, Record of, Personal Property, 1858-1874, 2 v. Treasurer's monthly reports, 1911-date. Warrants : General expenses, 1855-1864, 2 v. ; 1880-date, 3 v. ; salary 1893-date, 2 v. ; school, 1852-date, 4 v. ; 1911-date, 46 boxes. THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of, 1865-1876, 1 v. ; Register of Bonds, 1905-date, 1 v Cash Book and Journal, 1869-date, 5 v. Day Book, 1903-1905, 1 v. ; Blotter, 1883-date, 2 v. Deposit Register, 1910-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1910-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1886-date, 2 v. Poll Tax stubs, 1906-1914. School Land, Record of, 1886-1895, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1865-date, 5 v. ; Road, 1905-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessments, Abstract of, 1896-1897, 1 v., in the Auditor's office. Assessment Statements, 1913-date, about 3600. Land Filings, Abstract of, 1852-date, 1 v., Clerk's office. Maps and Plats : Merced County, recent. Town of Coulterville, 1897. Town of Mariposa, 1860. Township Plat Book, current, 1 v., showing property owners. Tuolumne County, 1906. United States Township Survey Plats, 1855-date, 1 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1898-1916, 1 v., in the Recorder's office. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book, 1899-date, 4 v. Delinquent Tax Cash Books, a large number. License Cash Account, 1906-date, 4 v. Licenses Collected, Ledger of, 1888-date, 3 v. . Mendocino County. Solid blue Stats. a Stats. b Stats. G Stats. d Stats. e Stats. f Stats. g Stats. h Stats. Red Pol. C 1850:61; 1851:178 1852:192. 1855:77, 150. 1859:98. 1860:334. 1863-4:111 1871-2:766 1907:135. 1917:1396, 1635. Pol. Code (1919), §3931. For key to maps see page ix. Pol. Code (1872), § 3918. MENDOCINO COUNTY. 275 MENDOCINO COUNTY INTRODUCTION Mendocino was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850, but it was not organized as a separate county until 1859, being until that time united to Sonoma County for judicial, revenue and administrative purposes. During these earlier years the boundaries of the county, especially to the east, were very uncertain and several changes were made before they were satisfactorily estab- lished. Before 1852 the territory around Clear Lake was apparently claimed by both Mendocino and Napa counties. In that year, how- ever, the boundary between the two become more definitely fixed. In 1855 it was again changed at the expense of Mendocino. At the same time the Sonoma-Mendocino line was moved farther north. In 1859, when the county was organized, the boundaries were redefined very much as they have been up to the present, the only important change being made in 1861: when a portion of the head waters of Eel River were given to Lake County. Ukiah has been the county seat continu- ously since 1859, when the county government was first organized. The first courthouse was erected in 1859 at a cost of $6,000, and served the county's needs until 1872, when the present courthouse was built. At first a part of the building was used as a jail, but in 1892 a separate jail was erected on the northwest corner of the courthouse square. In the same year the Hall of Records, occupying the southwest corner of the square, was completed. All of these buildings are solidly built of brick and are reasonably safe from outside fires. The Hall of Records consists of one large room and two small office rooms on either side of the entrance hall. The interior construction of the courthouse proper does not insure against fire. Electric lights are used in both buildings, but the heating is by means of wood stoves and fireplaces and these constitute a serious danger to the records. No vaults are used, except a small one in the Treasurer's office. All of the offices, except that of the Recorder, are badly overcrowded. An old wooden building, fittingly described asa" shack, ' ' about half a block distant from the courthouse square, is used as a storeroom. This building is of the flimsiest construction, almost surrounded by other wooden buildings, and is about as unsafe a storage place for records as could be devised. An examination of this report will show what the building contains. Besides the records there were several drums and cans of oil and a large - number of wooden frames and other 276 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. inflammable material. Mold, dust and cobwebs are everywhere in evidence. It should perhaps be added that at the time of this examination, in December, 1916, the Board of Supervisors had under consideration plans for additions to and modernization of the courthouse building. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1859-1879 Calendar, 1859-1879, 2 v. (1-2) ; Criminal, 1873-1879, 1 v.; Com- mon Law, 1861-1866, 1 v. All in storeroom. Execution Book, 1867-1886, 1 v., in storeroom; Index, 1 v., in storeroom. Fee Book, 1864-1870, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. File, 148 f.b., cases 1-1821. Includes County Court. Judgment Book, 1859-1879, 3 v. (1, x, 3). The last two volumes are in the storeroom. Judgment Docket, 1864-1879, 2 v. (x, 2). The first volume is in the storeroom. Jurors, List of, 1864-1874, 3 v.; Jury Book, District and County Courts, 1874-1876, 1 v. All are in the storeroom. Of the volume for 1874-1876 the first part is a notarial record, 1863-1868. Minutes, 1859-1879, 3 v. (1-3). The last two volumes are in the storeroom. Register, 1864-1872, 1 v. (1) ; Register of Actions, 1871-1877, 2 v. ; Register and Fee Book, 1859-1872, 1 v., in storeroom. Tax Suits : Register of Actions, 1865-1869, 1 v. ; Decree Book, 1865, 1869, 1 v. (1). Only a few entries. County Court, 1859-1879 Calendar, 1859-1879, 2 v., in storeroom. Judgment Book, 1859-1879, 1 v. (1). Judgment Docket, 1859-1879, 2 v. (x, 2). Minutes, 1859-1879, 3 v. (1-3). The first two volumes are in the storeroom. Vol. 2 is entitled "Records." Register, 1861-1874, 1 v. (1) ; Register and Fee Book, 1859-1864, 1 v. Both in storeroom. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1859-1863 Calendar, 1859-1861, 1 v., in storeroom. Minutes, 1859-1863, see under Supervisors' Records, "Register of Roads, Schools, etc." MENDOCINO COUNTY. 277 Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1859-date Bonds and Letters, 1872-1901, 5 v. (x, 1-4) ; Superior Court Bonds, 1896-1912, 2 v. (1-2); Probate Bonds, 1912-date, 2 v. (3-4). The last two volumes are both current, vol. 3 being a form book. Calendar, 1876-1880, 1885-1915, 10 v. (x, 1-9). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-date, 2 v. Decrees, Probate, 1908-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Decree of Settlement of Final Account. 1898-1912, 1 v. (1) ; Decree that Notice to Creditors Has Been Given, 1897-date, 3 v. (1-2, 2) ; Order of Publication of Notice to Creditors, 1896-date, 2 v. (1-2). File, 226 f.b„ cases 1-2893. Final Discharge of Administrators, 1901-date, 1 v. (1). Index to Settled Estates, 1 v. (1). Inventories, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Estate of Isaac Isaac, 1893, 1 v. Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1896-date, 4 v. (1-4). List of Guardians, 1870-1885, 1 v., in storeroom. Minutes and Orders: Probate Court, 1859-1879, 5 v. (x, 2-4, "Day-Book") ; Superior Court Probate, 1880-date, 19 v. (1-18) ; 1896-date, 12 v. of Orders under special titles. Vols. 1 and 2 of first series and vol. 2 of second series are in the store- room. Vol. 2 of first series is entitled "Records." There is one volume numbered £R in second series. The 12 volumes of orders are largely form books. Register and Fee Book, 1859-1864, 1 v. ; Register, 1865-1873, 1 v. (1) ; Register of Actions, 1873-1876, 1 v.; 1880-date, 8 v. (1-8). Wills, Record of, 1860-1899, 3 v. (1-3) ; "Wills, Superior Court, 1880-1892, 1 v. (2) ; Wills, 1897-1903, 1909-date, 3 v. (1, 3-4). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1863-clate, 2 v. (1, x). The unnumbered volume includes the entries in vol. 1. Calendar, 1880-1915, 16 v. Commitments to State Prison, 1897-date, 2 v. (1, 1) ; to County Jail, 1908-date, 1 v. (1). Coroner's Inquests, 6 p.h. Divorce. Decrees of, 1896-1904, 1 v. (1) ; Final Judgment, 1905- 1916. 1 v. (1) ; Interlocutory Decree, 1903-date, 2 v. (1-2). Execution Book. 1880-1886, see under District Court; 1886-date, 4 v. (x, 2-4) ; Executions, 1896-1903, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. The last named volume is a form book. File: Civil and Criminal, 142 f.b., cases 1822-8102; Civil, 7 f.b., eases 8103-8397; Current cases, 55 f.b.; Criminal, 5 f.b., cases lc-132c. Foreclosure. Decree of, 1895-1910, 1 v. (1) ; State School Lands, 1896-1899, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. General Index. 4 v. (x, 2) ; Index to Judgment Roll, 1860-1911, lv. (2). 2tO COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Insane, Record of, 1885-1902, 3 v. (1, 1-2) ; Commitments, 1902- 1915, 6 v. (3-8) ; Order of Commitment, Intemperance, 1912- date, 1 v. (1) ; Certificates of Discharge from State Hospitals, 1903-date, 1 v. Judgments, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Judgment of Dismissal [of action], 1908-date, 1 v. (1). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Jury Book, 1897. 1 v. ; List of Jurors, District; Count}^ and Superior Courts, 1876-1896, 1 v. Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Extra Sessions of Superior Court, 1 v. In the last named volume the only entries are for July and December, 1915. Register of Actions: Civil and Criminal, 1880-1916, 14 v. (1-14) ; Civil, 1916-date, 1 v. (15) ; Criminal, 1915-date, 1 v. (1). Reporters' notes, large number of vols, in storeroom. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date Record, 1910-date, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions, 1909-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-date, 7 v. (x, x, 2-6). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1890-date, 1 v. (1). Cancellation of Erroneous or Double Assessments, 1909-date, 2 v. Certificates of Cancellation [of Certificates of Sale, by Board of Supervisors], 1896-1900, 1 v. (1). Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1915-date, 1 v. Franchises, Record of, ?-1875, 1 v. (1), only 7 pages. Minutes, 1859-date, 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 9 v. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Roads, Schools, Election Precincts, etc., 1859-1870, 1 v. (1). The inside title is "Minutes of the Court of Sessions." The volume con- tains minutes of the Court of Sessions, 1859--1863, pages 1-53 ; lists of road overseers, election officers, constables and justices of the peace, 1867-1870, pages 230-303 ; Toll Bridges, Wharfs and Chutes, license, rates of toll, etc., 1868-1869, pages 308-316, Road Book, 1873-1874, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Cash Book, 1866-1867, 1 v., in storeroom. Fee Books, 1866-1880, 5 v., in storeroom; Superior Court, 1899- date, 3 v. (3-5). Hunting Licenses, County Register of, n.d., 1 v. Index to Notaries Public, Justices of the Peace, Constables and Road Overseers, 1865-1870, 1 v., in storeroom. License Account, 1865-1872, 1 v., in storeroom. Account with Auditor and Controller. Officers, Mendocino County, Register of, 1877-date, 3 v. MENDOCINO COUNTY. 279 Naturalization Declarations of Intention, Record, 1907-date, 4 v.; Index, 1859- 1906, 2 v. (-x, 1). Naturalization : Acts of, 1869-1879, 1 v. ; Decrees, 1880-1903, 2 v. (1-2) ; Record, 1903-1906, 2 v. (1, x) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date. 3 v. (2-1). Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1861-1894, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1908-1916. Great Register, 1866-1909, 8 v., in storeroom. The letters A-D are missing from the first volume. Great Register (printed), 1888, 1 copy in storeroom. Registration Affidavits furnished to Deputies, Record of, 1914- 1916, 1 v. ; Register of, 1912, 1 v. Elections Election Returns, 1908-date. All except the 1916 returns are in the storeroom. Nomination Papers, 1910. Nominations, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books, 1893-1912, 8 v.; Affidavits, 1912- date, 3 v. Three of the stub-books are in the storeroom. Dentists. Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Optometrists, Record of, 1904-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Physicians' and Dentists' Certificates, 1876-1915, 1 v. Physicians, Register of, 1914-date, 1 v. (1). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Banks, 1909-date, 1 v. Banking certificates pasted in book. Certificates of Incorporation and Miscellaneous papers, 1866-1890, 1 v. For earlier years gives only name and date of filing. Corporations, Register of, 1866-date, 1 v. (1). Fictitious Names, Register of, 1 v. Mendocino County Pioneers, Minutes of the Society of, 1889-1893, 1 v., in storeroom. Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Relating to Other Officers Bonds, Official. 5 p.h. Register of Inquests, 1897-date, 1 v. Humane Officers, Record of, 1903-date, only one entry. 280 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Justice Court Dockets: Big River Township, 1893-1896, 1 v.; Ukiah Township, 1861-1870, 3 v., in storeroom. One of these volumes, 1861-1862, contains tax suits only. Notarial Records: Eugene Brown, 1866-1868, 1 v., in storeroom; J. W. Baldwin, 1883, 1 v., in storeroom; Duff B. Wright, 1887- 1891, 1 v., in storeroom; LeGrand Morse, 1889-1899, 2 v. (1-2), in storeroom ; J. C. Ruddock, 1895-1913, 1 v. ; Lee Auten, 1902- 1908, 1 v. ; P. W. Haggreen, 1903, 1 v. ; Christian Suhr, 1906- 1910, 1 v., in storeroom. THE RECORDER Assignments of Judgments, 1861-date, 1 v. (1). Assignments of Mortgages, 1859-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Attachments, 1866-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1893, 1 v. (1) ; Capital, 1876-1893, 1 v. (1). Bills of Sale, 1903-date, 1 v. (2) ; Record of, 1864-date, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Births: Record of, 1907-1914, 2 v. (x, 3) ; 1915-date, 1 v. (5) ; Register of, 1873-1907, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1911-1915, 1 v. (4) ; 1915-date, 1 v. (6). Certificates of Sale, 1868-1911, 27 v. (1-27) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Includes both tax sales and sales under execution. Certificates of Sale, 1859-1894, 31 v. (A-Z, AA-EE) ; Index, 1 v. (4). These are the original certificates, which have just recently been bound by the present Recorder. Deaths: Record of, 1905-1907, 2 v. (2, x) ; 1907-date, 3 v. (3-5); Register of, 1873-1907, 1 v. (1) ; 1915-date, 1 v. (6). Decrees of Distribution, 1891-1907, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds, 1859-date, 149 v. (1-149) ; Index, 12 v. Deeds of Trust, 1898-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Index, 1 v. (2). For vol. 1 see Incorporated Companies, etc. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 3 v. (1-3). Estravs, 1859-date, 1 v. (1). Fee Books, 1874-1878, 1886-1892, 1907-date, 7 v. The first volume is in the storeroom. Homesteads, 1861-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Incorporated Companies, Trust Deeds, By-laws and Certificates of Election of, 1863-1889, 1 v. (1). Instruments Piled, 14 pouches (1-13, A) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcripts of, 1859-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Leases, 1859-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. Surveyor General's notices filed in book. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Map book, 1 v. (2) ; Township plats, 4 v. (2, 1-3) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) ; Map of Licensed Surveyors, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index to Surveys, 1 v. (1) ; Map of Ukiah ; 8 other maps in map rack. MENDOCINO COUNTY. 281 Marks and Brands, 1859-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). There is also a large box of the brands and marks on leather and wood. Marriage Licenses, 1859-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 2 v. (1) ; Index to Marriage Certificates, 2 v. (2). Marriages, Register of, 1905-1907, 1 v. (1) ; Record of, 1907-date, 3 v. (x, 3-4). Mechanics Liens, 1859-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Mining Claims, 1865-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Mining District Records, Ukiah Mining District, 1863-1867, 1 v. Laws and notices of claims. Only IS pages used. Miscellaneous Records, 1862-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Mortgages, 1859-date, 79 v. (1-79) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Chattel, 1861- date, 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Newspapers (in Clerk's office except as otherwise noted) : Ukiah, Mendocino Herald, Nov. 24, 1865-Dec. 27, 1867, 3 v. There are some numbers missing. Mendocino Democrat, Mar. 4, 1865, to end of 1867, 1878, 1879, 5 v. Democratic Weekly Dispatch, Jan. 1878-Dec. 1881, 4 v. April 1, 1881, the Dispatch and the Democrat were combined. See next below. Mendocino Dispatch and Democrat, Jan. 1881-Dec. 1888, 6 v. City Press, July 6, 1877-June, 1884, July, 1885-June, 1886, 8 v.: July 6, 1877-June 27, 1879, Jan. 1880-Dec, 1888, 10 v. Six volumes of the Press are in the storeroom. Republican Press, Jan. 1, 1890-June 26, 1891, 2 v. The Republican Press is a continuation of the Ukiah City Press. Independent, Apr. 13, 1886-Mar. 31, 1888, 2 v. Mendocino County Republican, Apr. 4, 1888-July 17, 1889, 1 v. The Republican was a continuation of the Independent. Notices of Action, 1859-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Official Bonds. 1859-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. (2). Patents, 1861-date, 22 v. (1-22) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Possessory Claims, 1859-1877, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1859-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2) ; 4 v. d-2). Probate Sale of Real Estate and Orders Confirming Same, 1859-1907, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 2 v. (x, 2). Prison Record, 1874-1884, 1 v. Public Lands, Receipts and Certificates of Purchase of, and Assign- ments of Same, 1861-date, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Index, 2 v. (x, 1). Releases of Mortgages, 1859-date, 15 v. (1-15) ; Index to Releases of Mortgages of Real Property, 2 v. (3). School Land Warrants, Location of, 1853-1866, 1 v. (1). Separate Property of Married Women, 1859-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, lv. (1). Sole Traders Declarations, 1860-date, 1 v. (1). 282 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1860-1871, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales: Auditor's Cancellation of, 1905-1908, 4 v.; Certificates of, see under Certificates of Sale. Water Rights, 1872-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1-2). Wills, Record of, 1883-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1866-date, 90 v. One Tolunie containing the reports for 1884-1889 is in the Clerk's office. Apportionment of Funds, etc., 1876-1891, 1915-date, 2 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1907-date, 2 v. Census Marshals' Field Notes and Reports, 1905-1910, 5 large loose leaf volumes in the storeroom. Fee Book, 1897-clate, 1 v. Grade of Schools, 1884-1889, 1 v. Opening and closing of schools, teachers, etc. Graduates, Grammar School, Record of, 1912-1914, 1 v. Graduation, Grammar School, Record of, 1897-date, 1 v. High School Ledger, 1897-1905, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1879-1883, 1887, 1889-1892, 1895-date, 7 v. Journal, 1866-1877, 1891-1892, 8 v. Letter file, 1895-1901, 21 box files in storeroom. Record, 1861-1876, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Register of Requisitions, 1883-1885, 1890, 2 v., in storeroom; 1898- 1899, 1905-date, 5 v. (x, 1-4). School District Boundaries, 1859-1888, 1 v. ; Maps, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1884-1889, 1893-date, 13 v. (2, 4-13, x, x). School Exhibits, Record of, 1907-1914, 1 v. School Fund Register, 1877-1884, 1889-1891, 2 v. School Library Books, Record of, 1 v. Superintendent of Common Schools in account with Mendocino County and the several School Districts, 1861-1866, 1 v. Superintendent's Record, 1895-1904, 1 v. Contains also apportionments, 1904-1916. Teachers' Certificates, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Teachers' Diplomas, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1878-date, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, "Old," 2 large f .b. ; 1882-1883, 1906-date, 11 v. Trustees, Register of School, 1881-date, 4 v. Trustees' Reports, 1882-1885, 3 v. One volume is in the storeroom. Unapportioned Fund, 1876-1886, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1881-1882, 1901-1912, 3 v. The first volume is entitled "Registry of Orders Presented for payment, Supt's office" ; the second is entitled "Register" ; the third, "School Supt's Register of Trustees' Orders." Warrants, Registered, 1916-date, 1 v. Outside title, "Orders Filed and Register of Requisitions N to Z School Supt." MENDOCINO COUNTY. 283 THE AUDITOR Allowances. 1890-1896, 2 v., in storeroom. Apportionments of Superintendent of Schools, 1916-date, 1 v. Contains also transfers by order of the Board of Supervisors. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1859-1860, 1865-1870, 1872-1915, 155 v. Duplicate, 1859-1860, 1872-1876, 1891, 6 v. Delinquent, 1872-1915, 42 v. Personal Property, 1897-1916, 20 v. Index, 42 v.; 1859, 1 v., in Clerk's office; 1862-1863, 1 v., in- storeroom. Auditor's Authorizations, stubs, 1905-1907, 1 v. Auditor's Discharges, stubs, 1905-1907, 1 v. Bonded Indebtedness of Mendocino County, 1910-date, 1 v. Bonds and Coupons, Account of, 1872-1898, 1 v., in storeroom. Bonds Funded, 1862, Auditor's Record of, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Cancellation of Assessments, 1909-1914, 4 v. Orders of Board of Supervisors to Assessor. Certificates to Treasurer, Auditor's account of, 1874-1879, 1 v., in storeroom. Clerk's Fee Book, Superior Court, 1880-1898, 2 v. (1-2). Hospital Record (Outside), 1898-1903, 1 v. Journal, Mendocino County, 1866-1876, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Apportionment of taxes, etc. Journal, 1866-date, 9 v. (B-J). Ledger, 1864-date, 20 v. (A-L7) ; Road Districts, 1877-1885, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1885-1899, 1 v., in storeroom. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1890, 1895-1898, 1904-1914, 16 v. ; 1881, 1 v., in store- room; 1889, 1 v., in Assessor's office. Receipts to Treasurer of Redeemed Warrants, 1899-1906. 1 v. Recorder's Fee Books, 1893-1906, 3 v. Redemptions, Abstract to, 2 v. (x, 2). Redemption of Delinquent Taxes Sold to State, 1899-1902, 1 v. (1). Redemption of Real Estate Purchased by State, Certificates of, 1889- 1896, 1906-1916, 16 v. Segregations, 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1871-1872, 187^1885, 2 v., in Recorder's office; 1885-1910. 5 v.; Register and Fee Book, 1872-1875, 1 v. (1), in Recorder's office; Register of Actions, 1875-1889, 5 v., in Recorder's office. School District Ledger, 1880-1886, 1 v. (A). School Register, 1898, 1 v. (1). Special School Districts, Journal, 1864-1874, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Special School Tax Record, 1899-19-03, 2 v. Tax Collections, 1881, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1884-1888, 4 v., in storeroom: 1888-1904, 17 v. l2: ; 4 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Tax Sales, 1884-1886, 2 v., in Recorder's office; Delinquent, 1874-1880, 2 v., in Recorder's office; Tax Sales to State, Certificates of, 1899, 1 v. (3) ; Tax Sales, Statement (or Abstract) of, ?-date, 9 v. d-4, x). Treasurer's Reports, 1895-1916, 10 v. Trial Balance, 1899-1906, 2 v. Warrants Drawn, Auditor's Account of, 1859-1861, 1 v., in storeroom. Outside title "Records." Warrants, Register of, 1899-date, 8 v. (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10-12) ; School, 1899-date, 6 v. (2, 4, 6, 8-10). Warrants Outstanding, 1899-1916, 2 v. AVarrants Registered, "Register of Warrants," 1866-1889, 1895-1900, 5 v. (x, 2-4, x), in storeroom; Registered Warrants on Road Districts, 1874-1875, 1 v., in storeroom. The last named volume contains also Treasurer's daily cash account, 1864-1867. Warrant Index, 2 v. (x, 2). THE TREASURER Auditor's Authorizations, 1907-date, file. Auditor's Receipts for Warrants Paid, 1907-date, 2 v. Bonds, Funded, 1862. 1 v., in storeroom. Bonds, Register of, 1892-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1866-1885, 4 v., in Recorder's office; 1885-1892, 2 v., in Assessor's office; 1895-1906, 4 v. (5-8), in storeroom. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1899-1906, 4 v., in storeroom ; 1906-date, 2 v. Journal, 1907-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1864-1876, 2 v., in Recorder's office; 1876-1907, 3 v., in store- room; 1907-date, 2 v.; School District, 1899-1905, 3 v. (2-4), in storeroom. Licenses and Poll Taxes, Day Book, 1868-1880, 2 v., in Recorder's office. Poll Tax Books, 1878. 1880, 2 v., in storeroom. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. School Funds, 1874-1884, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1884-1903, 3 v. (x, 2-3), in Assessor's office. [School] Land Book, 1885-date, 1 v. Teller's Cash, 1899-1905, 7 v., in storeroom. Daily record of cash transactions and balances. Warrants, Register of, 1907-date, 7 v. (1-6, 1). Warrants Registered : Registry of County Warrants, Redeemed Warrants, 1859-1876, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Warrant Register and Register of Warrants, 1876-1895, 2 v. Register of Warrants, 1900-date, 1 v. : MENDOCINO COUNTY. 285 THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1860-1880 (partial), 108 v., in storeroom; 1902-1912, in storeroom ; 1913, 1914, in p.h. and f.b. in main office ; 1915-1918, 18 v. The current volumes are loose leaf, four years ou each sheet. Maps : Ownership of Land in Mendocino County, 4 v. ; Maps of Cities, Towns and Grants, 1 v. ; Road Surveys, 1 v., containing maps and field notes. Mortgages. Abstract of, 1876-1889, 5 v. in storeroom and 1 v. in Recorder's office. ''Property Sold to State for Taxes, Redeemed and Unredeemed, 1896," 1895-1900, 1 v. Tax Sales. Abstract of, ?-1914, 2 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1916, 6 v. ; Delinquent, 1 v. Deposits in bank. 1 v. License Book, 1879-1889, 1894-1898, 4 v., in storeroom; License Cash Book, 1898-1899. 1 v.. in storeroom; 1899-1906, 1 v., in Auditor's office; 1907-date, 1 v.; License Tally Book, 1896-1898, 1 v., in store- room; License Register, 1899-1901, 2 v. (1, x), in storeroom. Tax Sales. Record of, 1899-date, 1 v. Treasurer's Receipt to Tax Collector, 1864-1865, 1 v., in storeroom. Reverse has Tax Collector's receipt to Auditor, 1866-1872. 286 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MERCED COUNTY INTRODUCTION Merced County was formed in 1855, being set off from Mariposa County at that time. Originally it was more than twice its present area, since it extended from Stanislaus on the north to Tulare on the south, Kings County not yet having been detached from the latter. The crea- tion of Fresno County in 1856, however, reduced it to its present size. The first election held within the county was on the ' ' Second Monday of May, 1855." The county seat chosen at that time was "the ranch of Turner & Osborne on Mariposa Creek. ' ' Later in the same year it was moved to a place on Snelling 's ranch, at which the nucleus of the town of Snelling had been formed. By an election held December 12, 1872, Merced was chosen as the county seat. Since then the location has not been changed. The first court met at the ranch of Turner & Osborne under the shade of some trees. On the removal of the county seat to Snelling, court was held in the hotel building until a courthouse could be built. Upon the selection of Merced as the county seat the records were moved to the second floor of a building on the corner of L and Fourth Streets. In July, 1874, they were taken to Washington Hall and were kept there until May, 1875, when the present courthouse was ready for use. The courthouse stands in the center of a very attractive park of ten acres. It is a building of two stories and a basement. It is steam heated and electrically lighted. In 1914 a steel and concrete wing was added to the old building and some changes have been made, and others are being made in the interior arrangements; otherwise the building stands as completed in 1875. Set off as it is from other buildings, there is no danger from fire from the outside. The inside, however, is in no sense fireproof. Book racks, file cases, etc., range from the most modern to the old wooden styles. Improvements in these, however, are being made. Most of the offices are furnished with vaults, but with two or three exceptions, these are not large enough to hold the records of the office. Partly because of lack of room, but more because the offices of the old building have been undergoing repairs for a year, many of the old records are stored in the Recorder 's office and many more are piled in the ' ' Tool House ' ' and in the "Gasoline House." Many of these have in them much valuable material. As soon as the repair work is finished it is understood these records will be returned to the proper places. This courthouse was examined in August, 1916. Solid blue Stats. a Stats. b Stats. c Stats. d Stats. Merced County. 1855:125. 1856:183. 1865-6:172. 1867-8:56; Pol. Code (1872), §3934. 1887:103. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3932. For key to maps see page ix. 7 >bv'^ r' r : . • MERCED COUNTY. 287 THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1855-1879 Calendar, 1861-1879, 2 v. File, 1855-1879, 23 f.b. (A-W). Foreclosure, Decrees of, 1877-1879, 1 v. General Index, 1856-1877, 1 v. ; 1866-1879, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1856-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Judgment Docket, 1856-1879, 2 v. Minutes, 1862-1879, 2 v. The Roll of Attorneys is in vol. 2 of this record. Begister of Actions, 1863-1879, 2 v. Suits, Index to, 1875-1879, 1 v. Tax Decree Record, 1872, 1 v. County Court, 1855-1879 Calendar, 1875-1879, 1 v. Docket, Criminal, 1861-1875, 1 v. File : Civil, 18 f.b. ; Criminal, mixed with papers of Court of Sessions and Superior Court, in no order. General Index, 1855-1879, 1 v. ; 1876-1879, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1860-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1855-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Becord. 1862-1879, 1 v. Begister of Actions, 1879. Suits, Index to, 1878-1879, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1855-1863 Audited Accounts, 1855-1858, 1 v. File, with County and Superior Court papers. Minutes, 1855-1863, 1 v. Contains also Decrees of Distribution, Leases and Transcripts of Judg- ments for the Recorder's office. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1855-date Bonds, 1876-date, 4 v. (1-4). Collateral Inheritance Tax Becord, 1901-1909, 2 v. Docket, 1855-1856, 1 v. File, 1856-1879, 8 f.b.; 1880-date, 110 f.b.. cases 1-1160. General Index, 1855-1879, 1 v. (1) ; 1880-date, 1 v. (1). Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Testamentary, etc., 1876- date. 5 v. (1-5). Minutes and Orders, 1855-1879, 2 v. (A-B); 1880-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 1 v. Begister of Actions and Fee Book, 1855-date, 5 v. (A-E). AYills. Becord of, 1856-date. 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. 288 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1894-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-date, incomplete. Coroner's Inquests, 1895-date. Earlier transcripts are boxed up in the Recorder's office. File: Civil, 1880-date, 206 lb., cases 1-3560; Criminal, 1880-date, cases 1-820. Grand and Trial Jnrors, Orders for, 1907-date. Grand Jnry Reports, 1899-date, 2 f.b. Insanity: Record of Commitments, 1887-1909, 3 v. (1-3); Index, 1 v. ; Order of Commitments, etc., 1895-date, 4 f.b. ; Record, 1881-1891, 1 v. ; 1909-date, 1 v. ; Certificates of Intemperance Cases, 1911-date, 1 f.b. ; Lnnacy Commission, 1897-1904, 1 f.b. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 2 v. (A-B). Judgments, Assignments and Satisfaction of, 1880-date, 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 1880-1906, 2 v.; Abstracts of, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Jurors' Fee Book, County and Superior Courts, 1872-1887, 1 v. Jury Book, 1891-1907, 1 v. Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 20 v. (A-J, 11-20). Register of Actions: Civil, 1880-date, 8 v. (A-C, 4-8) ; Criminal, 1880-date, 4 v. (1-4). Reporters' notes, quantities in tool house; Transcripts, 1910-date; earlier volumes in tool house. Suits, Index to, 1880-1893, 2 v. Transcripts on Appeal, in office and tool house. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date Minutes and Orders, 1909-date, 1 v. Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1895-date, 12 v. (1-12). Applications and Petitions, 1890-date, 3 f.b. Appointments, 1907-date, 2 f.b. Bonds, Record of, 1901-date, 1 v. (1). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1 v. Equalization, Petitions for, 1902-date, 2 f.b. Franchise Book, 1875-1900, 1 v. (1). Hospital, Reports of Superintendent of, 1899-date, 4 f.b. Indigents, Applications of, for aid, 1916, 1 f.b. Insurance of County Property, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v. Minutes, June 4, 1857-date, 16 v. (A-P). Miscellaneous file, a number of f.b. These relate to bids, bonds, claims, formation of districts, franchises, incor- poration matters, petitions, resolutions, etc., and cover the years 1889- date. Ordinance Book, 1882-date, 2 v. (1-2); Ordinances, 1887- date, 3 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans, Record of, 1904-1911, 1 v. Road Book, 1855-1878, 2 v. (A-B). MERCED COUNTY. 289 Road Records, Clerk's file of, 1872-date, 14 f.b. Road Register, 1872-1880, 1 v. School Districts, Petitions for, 1907-date, 2 f.b.; Record of High School Districts, 1911-date, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Appointment of Deputies, 1911-date, 2 f.b. Destruction of Coyotes, Certificates and Affidavits of, 1915- date, 1 f.b. Docked Horses: Certificates of, 1 f.b.; Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Fee Books, 1907-date, 2 v. Earlier volumes are iu the Recorder's office and the tool house. Hunting Licenses, County Register of, 1907-1912, 1 v. ; Stub-book, 1914— date Military Roll, 1894-1908. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, 1875-1906, 4 v. ; Record of, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Stnb-books, 1906-date. Naturalization, Decrees of, 1875-1906, 4 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3). Naturalization of Minors, Acts of, 1888-1903, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1911-date. Changing Party Affiliation, Affidavits of, 1916. Great Register, 1866-1896 ; 1900-1909, 15 v. Precinct map, 1909. Entitled "Official Map of the County of Merced, California, 1909"; the nrecinct lines are penciled in. Elections Ballots, Records of, 1892-date, 1 v. Certificate of Election, 1900-1914, 2 f.b. Election Proclamations, original, 1914, 1 f.b. Nomination, Record of, .1910-1914, 1 v.; Certificate of Nomination, 1910-clate, 3 f.b. Primary Election Officers, Record of, 1898-1914, 1 v. Receipts and Expenditures of Candidates, 3 f.b. Verification Deputies. Record of Appointment of, 1910-1914, 1 v. ; Certificates of Appointment, 1916. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License: Affidavits, Stub-books, 1877-1907; 1905-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1905-date; Written consent of parents of minors to marry, 1899-date, 1 f.b. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, Record of, 1876-1904, 1 v. 20—41210 290 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Optometrists. Registered, 1904-1914, 1 v. Pharmacists, Registered, 1905-date, 1 v. (1). Physicians and Surgeons, Record of Authorized, 1903-1913, iv. (i). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1856-1914, 5 f.b. ; Index, 1886-date, lv. (1). Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1894-date, 1 v. ; Certificates of Authority, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Fictitious Name?, Register of Firms and Persons Under, 1878- date, 2 v. Partnership, Certificates of, 1874-date, 2 f.b. Private account books : The Commercial Savings Bank of Merced, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Souza, J. F. Branco, etc., Minutes, Stock Journal, etc. Central Pacific R. R. Co., Rules, Regulations, etc., of Local Freight Tariff, 1876. Wigginton, Blair & Co., Cash Book, 1872. S. K. Spears & Co., Day Book, 1870. Thomas Richardson, Ledger. Hotel Los Banos, Register, 1899-1901, 1 v. California Lumber Company, By-laws, 1874. Farmer's Canal Company, By-laws, 1873. Merced Grange Warehouse Company, By-laws, 1874. The last three volumes are in the Recorder's office. Statements of Sale and Dispension of Alcoholic Liquors, 1913- date, 1 f.b. Relating to Other Officers Appointment, Certificates of, 1907-date, 2 f.b. Auditor's and Treasurer's Reports, 1907-date. Bonds of Officers, 1855-1856. 1 v. ; 1898-date, 1 f.b. The volume for 1855-185(> also contains entries for Estrays for that year. Bonds of Notaries, Certificates of, 1895-1898, 1 f.b. Coroner's Register, 1883-date, 1 v. District Attorney's Opinions, 1884-date, 1 f.b. Expert's Reports, 1900-1910, 1 f.b. Game Warden's Reports, 1900-1903, 1 f.b. Health Officer, Reports of, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Horticultural Commissioner, Reports of, 1895-date. Justice Court Docket, 1857-1864 ; 1885-1886. Notaries: Records of, 1869, large number of various sized books; Register of, 1875-clate, 1 v. (1). Notary Public, Oaths of Office, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Poundmaster, Reports of. 1901-date, 2 f.b. Public Administrator's Record, 1903-date, 2 v. Public Library, Reports of Librarian, 1912-date, 1 f.b. Resignations and Revocations, 1883-date, 1 f.b. Stock Inspector, Reports of, 1903-date, 1 f.b. Supervisors, Auditor's Reports to, 1910-date. MERCED COUNTY. 291 THE RECORDER Agreements, 1855-date, 18 v. (B-R) ; Index, 1 v. The first volume is marked "Mortgage Book." Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1872-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Attachments, 1885-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1896, 1 v. (1) ; Capital, 1876-1896, It. (1). Births: Register of, 1873-1912, 3 v. (1-3), indexed; Record of, 1912- date, 3 v. (4-6). Certificates of Sale. 1867-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v.; Assignments of, 1879-1899, 1 v. Co-partnership, 1869-1871, 1 v. Deaths: Register of, 1890-1901, 1 v. (A), indexed; 1905-1909, 1 v. (1) ; Record of, 1910-date, 3 v. (2-1) ; Index, 1 v. Decrees of Distribution, 1856-date, 2 v. (2-3). Earlier entries are iu Minutes of Court of Sessions in the Clerk's office. Deeds. 1855-date, 131 v. (A-Z, 26-131) ; Index, 1 v. Vol. Q is missing. Deeds of Trust, 1880-date, 15 v. (1-45) ; Index, 4 v.; Index to Recon- veyance of, 1915-date, 1 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1914, 5 v. (1-5); Committees' Statements, 1895-1906, 1 v. Estrays, 1855-date, 2 v., indexed. Other entries for 1855-1856 are in Bonds of Officers for that year, in the Clerk's office. Fee Book, Recorder's and Auditor's, 1876, 1881. File and Fee Book, 1870-date. Earlier fees are recorded with other records. Files of original papers. These are boxed up in a corner of the office and include certificates of sale, deeds, estray papers, marks and brands, etc. General Index, 1 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1856-date, 1 v. (B) ; Index, 1 v. The entries corresponding to vol. A are in the Minutes of the Court of Sessions, in the Clerk's office. Leases, 1858-date, 5 v. (B-F) ; Index, 1 v. (1). The entries corresponding to vol. A are in the Minutes of the Court of Sessions, in the Clerk's office. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps, Official Plats, 1870-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands. 1855-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Marriage Licenses and Certificates, 1855-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1 v. Marriages, Register of, 1873-1901, 1 v.; 1907-date, 2 v. (2-3). Mechanics Liens, 1861-date, 3 v. ; Index. 1 v. Mining Claims and Water Rights. 1873-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Miscellany, 1875-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1 v. 292 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Mortgages, 1855-date, 63 v. (A-S, 20-63) ; Index, 4 v.; Chattel, 1873- date, 24 v. (A-X) ; Index, 4 v.; Crop, 1873-date, 15 v. (C-Q). The first Crop Mortgages, beginning in 1S73, are recorded in vols. A and B of Chattel Mortgages. Newspapers (all in the Clerk's office) : Snelling, Weekly Merced Herald, May 13, 1865-May 5, 1866. The Merced Herald, Aug. 22, 1868-Ang. 14, 1869. San Joaquin Valley Argus, Ang. 28, 1869-Aug. 26, 1871, incomplete. Merced, Tribune, Apr. 5, 1873-Jan. 16, 1875, except Vol. Ill, Nos. 15, 21, 22, 31, Express, Jan. 30, 1875-Dec. 22, 1877, incomplete. Star, June 24, 1880-Dec. 30, 1886. Notices of Action, 1863-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Official Bonds, 1855-date, 6 v. (x, A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Orders: Superior Court, 1880-clate, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v.; Probate Court, 1866-1880, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1861-date, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 1 v. Physicians, Undertakers and Midwives, City of Merced, Register of, n.d., 1 v. Possessory Claims, 1872-1873, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1855-date, 5 v. (x, A-D) • Index, 1 v.; Certificates of, 1913-date, in Clerk's office. The first volume of the powers of attorney contains miscellaneous matter. Real Estate, Orders Confirming Sale of, 1866-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. Release of Mortgages and Leases, 1872-date, 15 v. (A-O). Release of Mortgages, Personal Property, 1875-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. School Land Owners, Record of, 1880-1883, 1 v. School and Swamp Lands, Record of, 1855-1859, 1 v. ; Register of, 1883-1885, 1 v. Separate Property of Married Women, 1873-1900, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Sole Traders' Declarations, 1856, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1869-1903, 1 v. ; Register of. Tax Deeds to State, 1879-1894, 3 v. (1-3). Tax Sales: Record of, 1873-1894, 2 v. (1-2) ; Certificates of and Record Book, 1894-1910, 17 v. ; Turlock Irrigation District, 1899-date, 3 v. Water Rights Agreements, 1884-1900, 3 v. ; Index, 1 v. These consist of agreements of various companies with consumers. Later contracts are entered under agreements. Wills Admitted to Record, 1878-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1900-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1898-date. Apportionment of State School Funds, 1883-1891, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1899-date, 1 v. MERCED COUNTY. 293 Cash Book, 1889-1893, 2 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes, 1910; Reports, 1910. Those before this date are boxed in the Recorder's office. Certificate Books, stubs, 1872-date. County Superintendent, Official Acts of, 1865-1870, 1 v. ; Official Visits of, 1887-1891, 4 v., small. All in Recorder's office. Daily Balances, 1903-date, 7 v. Deeds to School Property and Insurance Policies, 1908-date, 1 f.b. Eighth Grade Records, 1912-date, 2 f.b. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1909-1911, 1 v. ; 1911-date. Entries for 1S92-1895 are in the Record of Teachers' Examination. High School Districts, Papers relating to formation of, 1909-date, 1 f.b. Institutes. Minutes of, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Institute Vouchers, 1912-date, 1 f.b. Map of School Precincts, current. Merced County High School, Minutes of Board of, 1895-1915, 1 v. ; Bills, 1907-1910; Stubs and Duplicates, 1907-1910; Warrants, etc., 1911-date. Miscellaneous Records, 1 box in Recorder's office. These consist of trustees' and teachers' reports, census marshal's field notes and reports, teachers' vouchers, requisition stub-books, election notices, etc., and cover the years 1870, or earlier, to 1900. They are piled in the box in confusion and are difficult to classify. Opening and Closing of Schools, Record of, 1911-date. Receipts of Money Paid into County Treasury by Superintendent, 1910- date, 1 f.b. Requisition Stub-books, 1883-1885, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1900-date. Retirement Salary Fund, 1914— date, 1 v. School District Boundaries, 1872-1880, 1 v., in Recorder's office; Papers on change of, 1911-date, 1 f.b. School District Ledger, 1877-date, 12 v. School Districts, New, 1911-date, 1 v. School Funds, 1866-1876, 1 v. State Superintendent, Opinions of, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1881-date, 2 v. Also contains records of examination for graduation, 1S92-1895. Teachers' Institutes, Minutes of, 1907-date, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1907-date, 4 f.b. Trustees' Contracts with County Library, 1916, 1 f.b. Trustees, Elected and Appointed, 1907-date, 3 f.b. ; List of, 1907-date ; Reports of, 1910-date, 1 f.b. ; Resignations of, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Trustees' Institutes. Proceedings of, 1911-1912, 1 v. Trustees. Notices to Clerks of Boards of, 1911-date, 2 f.b. Trustees, Orders on County Superintendent, 1870. These tiro boxed in disorder in the Recorder's office. Union High School District, Record of Election, 1909-date, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1875-date. Warrants Registered, 1911-date, 1 v. Warrant stubs, 1912-date. There are bunches of these in the office and in the box in the Recorder's office. 294 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE AUDITOR Account Book, with other officers, 1862-1874, 1 v. Apportionments, 1881-date. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1861-1913, Index, all in Recorder's office; 1916, 1 v. Delinquent, 1881-date; Index, in Recorder's office. Auctioneer's License, stub-books, 1879-1880. Auditor and Treasurer, Quarterly Reports of, 1883, 1 v. Some of the earlier reports, and those since 1883 are in the Superior Court room and in the tool house. Bond Register, 1903-date, 1 v. ; School Bonds Paid, 1903-date, 2 f .b. Caravan, Menagerie, etc., License, 1877, in Recorder's office. Cash Book, 1876-1885, 3 v., in tool house. Correspondence Record, 1909-1910, one scrap-book. Day Book, 1914-date, 1 v. District Attorney's Register of Actions, 1874-1906, 6 v. Financial Reports, 1907-date. General Summary, 1911-date, 3 v. Incidental Funds, 1855-1860, 1 v. This includes the Auditor's account with the Sheriff, together with various funds. Journal, 1885-1890, in tool house. Ledger, 1881-1908, in tool house; 1908-date, in main office. Ledger Trial Balance, 1876-1885, 3 v. License Book, 1874-1898, 3 v. Licenses : Hotel or Restaurant, stubs, 1903-1912 ; Liquor, stubs, 1880- 1881, 1 v.", in Recorder's office; Retail Liquor, stubs, 1903-1912; Peddler, 1913 ; Traders and Keepers of Livery Stables, 1879, in Recorder's office. License Tax Collector's Reports, 1876-1913, 1 v. Miscellaneous Receipt Stubs, etc., a great quantity. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1879-date, 1 v; Orphans in Private Institutions, 1915-date, file. Poll Tax Rolls, 1881-1882 ; 1892-1912. Receipts of Other Officers, 1907-date. Many earlier receipts are in the tool house. Report to Board of Supervisors, 1882. Roadmasters' Accounts, 1876. Road and School Valuations, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v. Salary Warrants, stubs, 1907-date, 4 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1881, in Recorder's office. Segregation Ledger, 1915, 1 v. Statement of Balances and Count of Coin in the Treasury, 1885-1889, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1889-1908, 5 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1891-1894, 1 v. Tax Sales, Redemption of Land Sold to State on, 1899-date, 2 f.b. Warrants Drawn on Treasurer, 1876-1901, 5 v. Warrants, General, stubs, 1890-date. The hooks for 1890-1902 are in the tool house. MERCED COUNTY. 295 Warrants on file. paid. 1906-date. 210 f.b. Earlier warrants are in the tool house. Warrants Outstanding, 1882-1883, 1 v. Warrants Redeemed by Treasurer. Auditor's Receipts for, 1885-1889, 1 v.. in Recorder's office: 1887-date; School Warrants, 1913-date. Whittier and Preston Schools, Papers relating to, 1895-1908. THE TREASURER Account with School District Funds, 1871-1876, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Account with State School Land Fund and other Funds, 1862-1864, 1866-1879. 2 v., in Recorder's office. Bonds. Treasurer's Register of. 1881, 1883, 1884, 1887, 4 v. Cash Book. 1880-date, 15 v. 1883-1884, in Recorder's office. Current Expense Fund. 1855-1866, 1877-1880, 2 v., in Recorder's office. Day Book, 1883-1889, 2 v., in Recorder's office. Fund Accounts, 1866-1876, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Fund Book, 1883-1898, 2 v., in Recorder's office. Hospital and Road Funds, 1866-1878, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1909-date. 2 v. Journal, 1891-1908, 3 v. Ledger. 1887-date. Ledger Trial Balance. 1887-date, 4 v. License and Poll Tax Account, stubs, in tool house. Miscellaneous File, 1915-date. Earlier years are in the tool house. Poll Tax Books. 1883-1914, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Receipts for School Lands, 1858, in Recorder's office. Receipts from Clerk, Records of, 1899-1907, 2 v., in Recorder's office. Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District, General Assessment Xo. 1. 1915-date, 1 v. School District Receipt stubs, 1880. School Warrants Redeemed. Treasurer's Receipts for, 1909-date, 2 v. Settlement and Discharge from State Controller, 1915-date. Volumes before this date are in the tool house. State School Land Record. 1883-date, 3 v. Treasurer's Receipts, stubs, 1912-date; Duplicate Receipts of other officers, 1914-date. Receipts before these dates air found in the tool house. Trial Balance, 1885-1887, 2 v., in Recorder's office; 1912-date, 1 v. Warrant Book, 1877-1882, 1 v. Warrants. Records of, 1863-1876. 1 v. ; Warrant stubs, 1873-1874, all in the Recorder's office. Warrants Redeemed, Treasurer's Receipts for, 1907-date, 12 v. 296 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE ASSESSOR Abstracts of Conveyances, 1898-date, card indexed. Assessment List, Statement to Assessor, 1911-date. Church Exemption Affidavits, 1914-date. Land Office Returns, 1910-date, filed with card index. Maps and Plats : 1904— date, 15 v. ; Maps of Cities, block books, 6 v. Mortgages, Record of, 1872-1912; Abstracts of, 1872-1912, all in Recorder's office. Poll Tax Roll, 1881-1914, scattering, in Recorder's office and tool house. Veterans' Exemption Affidavits, 1914-date. Warehouse Reports of Grain Stored on First Monday of March, 1912, file. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1914-date; Index, 1915-date. Cash Book, 1885-1909 ; 1913-date. Cash Book, City of Merced, 1909-1910. Licenses, Cash Account of, 1898-date, 1 v. Licenses Collected, Sheriff's Ledger of, 1885-1887. Licenses Collected, 1905-date; also some earlier volumes. Tax Receipt stubs, 1915-date, filed. Tax Sales to Individuals, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. These are receipts from Treasurer showing payment. - Mi £J^ r > . Modoc County. Stats. 1873-4:124; Pol. Code (1919), MODOC COUNTY. 297 MODOC COUNTY INTRODUCTION Before its separate organization the territory now included in Modoc County was a part of two older counties : Shasta, 1850-1852, and Siski- you, 1852-1874. By a statute of February 17, 1874, that portion of Siskiyou County lying east of the line between ranges four and five east of Mt. Diablo meridian was detached and formed into Modoc County. Since its formation no changes have been made in its boundaries. The county seat was fixed at Dorris Bridge, the name of the town being changed to Alturas in 1876. Prior to 1914 the county records were kept in a wooden courthouse at the south end of Main Street. Fortunately, however, the building escaped the fire which early destroyed the town. The present court- house is substantially built of concrete and stands alone on the block. It is, therefore, safe from outside fires, and its interior construction renders it reasonably safe from interior conflagration. For this reason vaults are not used for the keeping of the records. Steam and elec- tricity furnish heat and light, and the filing cases, bookshelves and other equipment is. in general, modern and convenient. Some of the older, semi-discarded material is kept in a blind room in the basement. The greater part of this is made up of loose papers, stub-books, etc., although there are also here several volumes of early court minutes and minutes of the Board of Supervisors. The room is provided with shelves, but the papers are not arranged in order. These archives were examined during July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court.. 1874-1879 General Index, 1874-1879, 1 v., in the basement. Judgment Book. 1874-1879, 1 v. (1). Judgment Docket, 1874-1879, 1 v. (1). Minutes. 1874-1879, 1 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1874-1879, 1 v. County Court, 1874-1879 General Index, 1874-1879, 1 v., in the basement. Judgment Book, 1874-1879, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1874-1879. 1 v. (1), in Judgment Docket of District Court. 298 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Minutes, 1874-1879, 1 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1874-1879, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1874-date Calendar, 1904-1914, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1905-1906, 1 v. File, 1874-date, 84 f.b., cases 1-680. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1880-date, 1 v. Letters and Bonds, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1892-1905, 1 v. Minutes, 1874-1891, 3 v. (x, 1-2), in the basement; 1891-date, 4 v. (3-6). Orders and Decrees, 1908-date, 2 v. (6-7). Register of Actions, 1874-date, 3 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-date, 3 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1874-date, 3 f.b. Executions, 1878-date, 1 v. File, 120 f.b., cases 1-2143. General Index, 1880-1911, 2 v. Grand Jury Reports, 1894-date, 1 f.b. ; Lists, 1876-date, 2 f.b. Insanity, Record of . Commitments, 1 909-1914, 1 v.; 1890-date, 1 f.b. ; Discharge of Insane Persons, 1904-1915, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 4 v. (x, 2-4) ; Judgments in School Land Cases, 1896-1914, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). Jury Book, 1891-date, 1 v. Minutes, 1880-1900, 6 v. (1-6), all in basement; 1900-date, 6 v. (7-12). Miscellaneous Records : Insane Commitments, Estate Matters, etc., 1880-1884, 1 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1880-date, 7 v. (1-7). Reporters' notes, about 100 shorthand notebooks in basement. Transcript, Neasham vs. Yonkin, 1916, 1 binder, typewritten. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1908-date File, 2 f.b. Record, 1908-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1875-1894, 2 v., in basement; 1894-date, 2 v. .(2-3). Equalization, Minutes of Board of, 1881-1910, 1 v. ; 2 f.b. File : Roads, 4 f.b. ; Ordinances, 1 f.b. ; Petitions, etc., 4 f.b. ; School Affairs, 2 f.b. ; Franchises, 1 f.b. ; Claims, 3 f.b. ; Financial State- ments, 1 f.b.; Military Rolls, 1 f.b.; Bids, 2 f.b.; Reclamation District, 1 f.b. ; Jury Matters, 1 f.b. ; Contracts, 2 f.b. ; Miscel- laneous, 5 f.b. Minutes, 1874-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. MODOC COUNTY. 299 Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. Orphans and Half-orphans, Record of, 1898-1903, 1 v.; 1 f .b. Road Book, 1874-1875, 1 v. Road Register, 1867-1904, 1 v. Road to Big Valley, Minutes of the Board of Supervisors of Siski- you County concerning, 1867-1887, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Naturalization Declarations of Intention, Record, 1874-1906, 2 v. ; 1906-date, 2 v. ; Stub-books, 1907-date, 3 v. ; Index, 1887-1903, 1 v. Naturalization, Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Deposition of, 1911-date, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1914, 1917, binders. Affidavits Furnished Deputies, Record of, 1914, 1 v. Great Register, 1879-1880, 1 v. ; 1888-1890, 1 v. ; 1892, 1 v. ; 1898, 1 v. ; 1904-1905, 1 v., all in basement. Elections Ballots, Record of, 1896-1904, 1 v. Board of Canvassers, Record of, 1910, 1 v. Candidates' Statements, 1892-date, 2 f.b. Election Returns, tabulated, 1911-date, 1 v. Nomination, Certificate of, 1892-date, 1 f.b. ; Record, 1910, 1 v. Verification Deputies' Appointment, Record of, 1910-1914, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1889-date, 1 f.b. ; Stub-books, 1905- 1911, 3 v., in the basement. Dental Certificates. 1885-1913, 1 v., with Medical Certificates; Register, 1913-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 2 v. Also contains Dental Certificates and Register of Co-partnerships. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1875-date, 2 f.b. ; Index, 1889-1913, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Co-partnership, Register of, 1891-1904, with Medical Certificates. Partnership, Register of, 1879-date, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers • Appointments, Oaths and Bonds, 1874-date, 5 f.b. Expert's Reports, 1890-date, 1 f.b. Justice Court Dockets : Hot Springs Township, 1874-1886, 1 v. ; Alturas Township, 1885-1893, 3 v., in Recorder's office. 300 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1878-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1878- date, 1 v. Attachment, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1874-date, 1 v., with Tran- scripts of Judgment. Banking Statements, 1889-1893, 1 v. Births, Register of, 1894-1907, 1 v.; 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Register, 1894-1907 in volume labeled "Vital Statistics," including also deaths and marriages. Certificates of Sale Under Execution, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths, Register of, 1894-1897, 1 v.; 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). See "Vital Statistics" in note under Births. Decrees of Distribution, 1877-1903, 1 v. (1). Deeds, 1874-date, 33 v. (1-33) ; Index, 5 v. (1, 1, 1, 2, 4). Election Expenses, Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 191CMlate, 1 v. Fee Books, 1883-date, 23 v. File, Recorder and Auditor, 26 f.b. Franchises and Miscellaneous, 1877-1905, 1 v., but few entries. Homesteads, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcript of, 1876-date, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Ledger, Recorder, 1901-1902, 1 v. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps and Plats : Maps of private holdings, tracings and blue prints, 1 v., 48"x36"; Town Plats, 1 v., 18" x 30". Marks and Brands, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, with Index to Water Claims. Marriages: Record of, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Register, 1874-1906, 1 v. ; 1907-date, 1 v.; Index, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Mechanics' Liens, 1875-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1875-date, with Notices of Action. Mining Claims, Notices, 1876-1881, 1 v.; 1896-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1896-date, 1 v. Miscellaneous Records, 1874-date, 2 v. ; Index, with Index to Power of Attorney. Contains estrays, certificates of purchase, mining notices, decrees of distribution, articles of co-partnership, bills of sale, etc. Mortgages, 1874-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Index, 1 v. Mortgages, Personal Property, 1874-date, 6 v. (1-6). Notices of Action, 1876-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Official Bonds, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1874-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Powers of Attorney, 1875-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Proof of Labor, 1909-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Reclamation, Swamp Land Districts, 1883-date, 1 v. (1). Releases of Mortgages, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). School Lands Cases, Judgments in, 1896-date, 2 v. Separate Property of Wives, 1874-1911, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1902-date, 1 v. MODOC COUNTY. 301 Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1870-1886, 2 v. Tax Deeds, 1874-date, 6 v. (1, 1-5). Tax Sales. Certificates of, 1883-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1876-date, lv. (1). ' Water Eights, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Wills Admitted to Probate, 1876-date, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1877-1908, in the basement ; 1908-date, all unbound. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 1 v. Census Marshal's Reports, 1 shelf loose papers in basement. Certificates, stub-books of, 1874-date, 17 v., in basement; 20 v., in the Superintendent's office. Communications received from district clerks, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Courses of Study, 1907-date, 9 booklets. Day Book, 1880-1897, 2 v. Examinations by County Board, Record of, 1885-1891, 3 small vols, in basement. Institutes, Minutes of, 1889-1892, 1 v., in basement; 1892-date, 1 v. Life Diplomas, Recommendations for, 1891-date, 6 stub-books. Requisitions : Register of, 1895-date, 4 v. ; Stub-books, 1896-1904, 8 v., in basement. School District Ledger, 1880-date, 7 v. School District Map, current, 24" x 24", on the wall. Teachers' Examination, Record of, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-date, kept in Ledger. Teachers' Reports, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Trustees. Register of, 1887-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1876-date, 79 v.; Index, 1892-date, 23 v. Duplicate, 1888-1892, 4 v. Delinquent, 1874-date, 38 v. Assessor's Accounts, 1880-1894, 2 v. Bond Register. 1912-date, 1 v. Clerk's Fee Book, 1891-1899, 3 v. Day Book. 1873-1904, 3 v. Delinquent List, newspapers, 1 f.b. District Attornev Fee Book. 1899-1906, 1 v. Journal, 1898-1911, 2 v. Ledger, 1874-date, 8 v. License Tax Collector's Reports, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1897-date, 2 v. Road Overseer's Accounts, 1880-1891, 2 v. School District Ledger, 1874-1904, 4 v. Kept since 1904 as a part of the Auditor's Ledger. School Warrants, Register of, 1880-date, 3 v. Warrants, Register of. 1874-date, 9 v. (x, 1, 1-7). Warrants, stubs, 1874-date, 25 v. Warrants on file, 1874-date, in closet off Recorder's office. 'd0'2 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Accounts, 1883-1896, 2 v., in the Auditor's office. Bonds, Canceled, 10 f.b. Cash Book, 1874-1897, 1 v., in the Auditor's office; 1908-1911, 1 v. Day Book, 1874-1876, 1882-1890, 2 v., in the Auditor's office; 1891- 1908, 2 v., in basement; 1908-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1893-1897, 1 v., in basement; 1901-date, 2 v. Miscellaneous file, 14 f.b. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1 v., kept as memorandum. State School Land Record, 1874-date, 2 v. Swamp Land Record, 1873-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of Unpaid, 1915-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessor's Lists, 1915-date, 2 v. Land Office Returns, in County Surveyor's office. Maps and Plats : Alturas, wall map, 4 / x4 / ; Index, 1 v. ; Ft. Bidwell, wall map, 4' x 4' ; Index, 1 v. ; Town Plats, 1 v., 36" x 24" ; Township Plats, Ranges 5-17, 13 v. ; Township Valuation Plats, Agricultural Lands, 1 v., 12"xl8" ; Timber Lands, 1 v., 36"x24". Military Roll, original and duplicate, 1915, 2 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1875-1890, 1 v.; 1906-1909, 1 v.; both in basement. Poll Tax Rolls, 1874-1876, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1889, 1890-1892, 1894, 1906,. 1907, 1909, 13 v., all in Auditor's office; 1900-1901. 1908, 1910-1912, 1914, 7 v., in basement. THE TAX COLLECTOR License Collector's Accounts, 1874-1892, 2 v., in the Auditor's office. Tax Collector's Accounts, Summary, 1884-1893, 2 v., in the Auditor's office. Tax Register, 1887-1889, 1 v., in the Auditor's office; 1901-1912, 3 v., in basement ; 1913-date, 1 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1898-1901, 1 v., in basement. ■ onoM Mono County. Solid blue Stats. x 1861:235. a Stats. 1863-4:178. b Stats. 1865-6:144, 355. c Stats. 1869-70:421 -Pol. Code (1872), §3935. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3934. For key to maps see page ix. MONO COUNTY, 303 MONO COUNTY v INTRODUCTION Mono County was created by an act of the legislature, April 24, 1861, out of those portions of Calaveras, Mariposa and Fresno counties lying east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Since 1861 the boundaries of the^eounty have been changed three times : the first in 1864, at the time of the formation of Alpine County; the others in 1866 and 1870, when portions were annexed to Inyo County. The first county seat was at Aurora, now in Nevada, but then supposed to be in Mono County. It was not until Nevada was admitted as a state and the lines actually surveyed, that the mistake was discovered. An election was held on June 24. 1864, to locate a new county seat. The choice lay between Owensville. now in Inyo County, and Bridgeport, the latter being- selected. The records were then moved from Aurora, the minutes of the Board of Supervisors showing that the first meeting of that body in the new county seat was held September 1, 1864. In 1880 a commodious courthouse was erected, the county's business outgrowing the smaller building theretofore used. This building con- tains the offices of all the county officials and is well fitted throughout. The danger from external fire is not great, due to the isolation of the courthouse from other buildings and to an excellent water system, but the courthouse itself is not fireproof. The offices are heated by means of wood stoves, and oil lamps are used for lighting. For each office, with the exception of the Assessor's, there is a vault containing the records of the office. The Assessor's records are kept in the Recorder's vault. The filing cases and boxes are of wood, and dust easily accumu- lates on the books and papers. Most of the files of the courts, many of the assessment rolls, and various mining records are stored in an upper room of the courthouse; while in a closet of the Sheriff's office are many records of the Tax Collector and Superintendent of Schools, which should be moved to their proper vaults. The examination of these archives was made in June, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1861-1879 Calendar, 1872-1880, 2 v. File, 1861-1880. 8 p.h.. in upper room of courthouse. Judgment Book, 1861-1879. 1 v. (A). Also used for Superior Court Judgment Record, 18SO-1S82. 304 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Judgment Docket, 1862-1881, 1 v. Minutes, 1861-1879, 1 v. ; 1876-1879, 1 v. The latter volume also contains Probate Minutes for tbe year 1S79 and Supervisor's records for that year. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1861-1868, 1 v.; 1869-1883, 2 v. (A, B). The volume for 1861-1868 . includes the Register and Fee Book of the County Court as well as the District Court. It has also an index of 24 pages. Tax Decree Record, 1869-1872, 1 v. Tax Suits, Index, 1868-1872, 1 v. County Court, 1861-1879 File, 1861-1880, 8 p.h., in upper room of courthouse. Minutes, 1861-1880, 1 v. (A). Register and Fee Book, 1861-1880, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1861-1863 Minutes, 1 v. Lettered on the outside "Powers of Attorney, Vol. B." Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1861-date Calendar, 1895-1901, 1 v. ; 1887, 1 v., Dept. No. 2. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1907, 1 v., only one entry. Bonds of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1881-date, 1 v. File, 1861-1900, 8 p.h., in storeroom; cases pending, 18 f.b., in Clerk's vault. Letters Testamentary, Guardianship, Administration and Bonds, 1861-1873, 1 v. (A) ; 1879-date, 1 v. (A). Minutes and Orders, 1861-date, 5 v. (A, 1-4). Register and Fee Book, 1861-date, 2 v. Wills, Record of, 1881-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1880-1890, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-1902, 1 v. Calendar: Civil Cases, 1880-1896, 1 v., Dept. No. 1; 1880-1901, 1 v., Dept. No. 2 ; Criminal Cases, 1880-1907, 1 v. ; 1880-1909, 1 v. ; 1887, 1 v. The calendars for the civil cases have been kept indiscriminately in either volume, for there has been but one department of the Superior Court since the year 1884. Certificate of Superior Judge to Town Lots, 1880-1886, 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1865-1886, 8 p.h. in upper room, arranged alphabetically; 1896-date, 2 f.b., in Clerk's vault. Execution Book, 1892-1901, 1 v. (A). File : Civil, 1880-1915, 24 p.h., in upper room ; 1915-date, 37 f.b. ; Criminal, 1880-date, 8 p.h. All civil cases are supposed to be filed in the upper room as soon as the case is disposed of. Many old cases, however, may still be found in the filing case in the Clerk's office. There is but little criminal busi- ness in this county. MONO COUNTY. 305 General Index, 1861-date, 2 v. Grand Jury Lists. 1892-1903. 1 f.b., in Clerk's vault. Insanity, Commitments, 1887-date, 1 f.b.; Index, 1882-1906, 1 v. Judgment Docket. 1883-date. 1 v. (B). For 1SSO-1SST see the District Court Judgment Docket, page 27. Judgment Record, 1882-date, 2 v. (B-C). For 1SS0-1SS2. see District Court Judgment Book. A. Jury Book. 1880-date, 2 v. Minutes: Civil. Dept. Xo. 1. 1880-1886, 2 v.; Dept, No. 2, 1880- 1883. 1 v.: 1886-date, 3 v. (4-6); Criminal, 1880-1883, 1 v.; 1880-date, 3 v. There has been but one department since 1SS4. Register of Actions. 1880-1881. 1 v. ; 1882-date. 2 v. Reporter's notes. 1894-date, 113 v. Transcripts on Appeal, printed. 1910, 1 v. ; 1915. 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book. 1873-1878, 1 v. ; 1884-date, 2 v. Equalization. Minutes of Board of, 1861-date, 2 v. File, 1874-1901. 110 f.b. in Clerk's vault, 69 p.h. Minutes, 1861-date. 5 v. (A-E). Ordinance Book. 1883-1886. 1 v. (A) ; 1887-date, 1 v. Road Book. 1873-1878. 1 v. Road Overseer's Accounts. 1882-1883, 1 v. Time Book. 1883-1891, 1 v. This book keeps a record of the mileage, etc. of the Supervisors. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties General Fee Book. 1874-1879, 1 v. ; 1885-date, 1 v. Hunting License Applications, 1909-date. 1 p.h. ; Record, 1909, 1 v. : Stub-books, 1909-date. 13 v. Miscellaneous file. 1861-date, 68 p.h., in Clerk's vault. Naturalization Declarations of Intention : 1881-1906, 1 v. ; Record, 1906-date. 1 v. ; Stub-books. 1907-date. 2 v. ; Index, 1861-1882, 1 v. Naturalization "Citizenship," Certificates of, 1870-1902, 2 v.; Record of Naturalization. 1903-1906. 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date. 1 v. Naturalization. Record and Fees of. 1906-date, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens. Index to. 1871-1880. 1 v. Registration and Election Affidavits of Registration. 1906-date, 72 v. Ballots. Official Record bv Precincts. 1898-1900, 1 v. Certificates of Election, i890-date, 2 f.b. Great Register. 1866-1880, 1 v. ; 1881-1884. 1 v. ; 1886-1890, 1 v. ; 1892-1896, 1 v. ; 1900, 1 v. ; 1910, 1 v. ; Supplemental, 1898, 1 v. ; Printed. 1910. 1914, 1916. 3 v. Nomination. Record of, 1910. 1 v. 21— 41210 300 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1904-date, 1 v.; Stub-books, 1881- date, 3 v. Dentists, Registration of, 1908, 1 v., only one entry. Medical Certificates, 1879-date, 1 v. This includes Optometrists and Osteopaths. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1875-date, 7 f.b. ; Index, 1891-date, 1 v. Partnership, Register of, 1878-1902, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 1888-date, 2 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1888-1908, 1 f.b., in Clerk's vault. Justice Court Dockets : Antelope Township, 1913, 1 v. Bodie Township, 1904-1906, 1 v. Bridgeport Township, 1876-1878, 1 v. ; 1878-1883, 1 v. ; 1882- 1886, 1 v. ; 1883-1886, 1 v. ; 1904-1914, 1 v. First Township, 1861-1863, 1 v. Notaries, Record of, 1878-1882, 1 v. (McQuaid and Macartney) ; 1879-1880, 1 v. (Hayne) ; 1880, 1 v. (Morgan) ; 1880-1882, i v. (Holmes). THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Index, 1873-1898, 1 v. Attachments and Executions, 1871-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1861-date, 1 v. Births : Record of, 1873-1908, 1 v. ; Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Certificates of Sale Under Execution, 1873-1914, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1865-1913, 1 v. Deaths, Register of, 1876-1909, 1 v. ; 1905-1909, 1 v. ; 1911-date, 2 v. Deeds of Real Estate, 1861-date, 18 v. (A-S) ; Index, 3 v. (A-C). Deeds, Mining, 1861-date, 25 v. (A-Y) ; Index, 4 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1910, 2 v.; Com- mittees' Statements, 1894-1908, 1 v. Fee Books, 1879-date, 5 v. (1-5). Homesteads, 1861-1910, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1861-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Leases, Contracts, Partnerships, Agreements, etc., 1861-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1861-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1863-date, 1 v. Marriage Certificates, 1862-1907, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1861-date, 1 v. Marriages: Record of, 1899-1915, 1 v.; Register of, 1874-1915, 1 v.; 1905-1913, 1 v. Mechanics' Liens, 1861-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. - Mining Claims, 1861-clate, 16 v. (A-P) ; Index, 5 v. MONO COUNTY. 307 Mining district records: Blind Spring, 1865-1897, 2 v. (x, B). Bodie, 1860-1878, 5 v. (A-E) ; 1879-1881, 1 v.; 1884-1905, 3 v. (H-J) ; 1905-date, 1 v. ; Proofs of Labor, 1882-1914, 5 v. ; Index, 1860-1905, 2 v. Castle Peak, 1867-1881, 2 v. Green Creek, 1889-1896, 1 v. (A). Homer, 1881, 1 v. Indian, 1865-1897, 3 v. (1-2, 5). Patterson, 1880-1896, 3 v. (x, B-C). Miscellany, 1861-1879, 1 v.; 1881-date, 1 v. (A). The earlier dates include notices of incorporation, water sites, mining- locations, land claims, mining claims filed with the Mining Recorder, etc., while the later dates consist of bills of sale, assignments, etc. Mortgages, 1861-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1 v.; Chattel, 1891-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Newspapers : Bodie, Daily Free Press, March-July, 1882, on cross-beam of Recorder's vault. Official Bonds, 1861-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1861-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1861-1912, 1 v. Pre-emptions, 1861-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. Proofs of Labor, 1893-1894, 1 v. (I) ; 1907-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1907-date, 1 v. Separate Property of Wives, 1857-1898, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1861-1898, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, to State, 1872-1879, 1 v. ; 1895-1911, 3 v. ; Conveyances of Real Estate for nonpayment of taxes, 1900-1906, 1 v. ; 1907-1910, 1 v.; 1911-date, 1 v. (A). For the volume of Conveyances 1907-1910, the certificates are pasted in a folio lettered "Invoices." THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1915-1916, 2 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 1 v. Certificate stub-books, 1877-date, 7 v. Day Book, 1905-1912, 1 v., in Sheriff's storeroom. Register of Requisitions, Apportionment of Funds, Journal, Day Book, etc., 1868-1874, 1 v. ; Register of Requisitions, 1880-1905, 2 v. Requisition stub-books, 1915-1916, 6 v. School District Ledger, 1905-date, 1 v. Trustees' Reports, 1880-1881, 1 f.b., in filing case in Supervisors' room. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1862-1863, 3 v. ; 1866-1870, 8 v. ; 1872-1873, 2 v. ; 1875- 1888, 1890-date, 49 v. Delinquent. 1865, 1 v.; 1874, 1 v.; 1878-1883, 1885-1891, 1893- 1896, 1898-date, 36 v. ; Bodie Fire Tax, 1881-1883, 2 v. Duplicate, 1875-1884, 16 v. Operative Property, 1911-date, 6 v. Personal Property, 1881-date, 20 v. Index: Original, 1882, 1884, 2 v.; Duplicate, 1882, 1884, 2 v. 308 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Bond Register, Road, 1878, 1 v. Cash Book, 1880-1885, 1 v. Day Book, 1874-date, .3 v. Journal, 1861-1861, 1 v. Ledger, 1869-date, 6 v. License Record, 1887, 1 v. License Tax Collector's Reports, 1888-1891, 1 v. School Warrants, 1910-1916, 1 v. ; Register of, 1880-1884, 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1885-date, 1 v. Sheriff's Register of Actions, 1874-date, 7 v. Warrant stubs, 1889-date, 9 v. Warrants on file, 1915-1916, 3 p.h. in Clerk's vault. THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of, 1884, 1 v. Cash Book, 1874-1876, 1 v. Day Book, 1864-date, 10 v. This is also kept as a Journal. Deposit Register, 1915-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1912-date, 1 v., one entry. Public School Teacher's Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Reports, 1914-date, 18 folios. Settlements and Discharges from the State Controller, 1880-1884, 1 v. Since 1884 the papers are filed in one f . b. Warrants, Register of, 1865-1884, 2 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1901-date. Maps and Plats, 1896-date, 2 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1878-1901, 1 v. ; 1871-1886, 1 v. The volume for 1878-1901 is marked on the outside, "1884" ; the one for 1871-1886 is marked "1887." THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book, 1864-1878, 3 v.; 1882-1890, 2 v.; 1896-date, 7 v. Licenses Collected, Ledsrer of, 1881-date, 6 v. Tax Receipts, stubs, 1885-1886, 4 v. ; 1901-date, 19 v. Tax Sales, Record 'of, 1882-1898, 2 v. va V OHHMmh ia 10 «o (£> t^. (jj o OOOOOOOOoOrH +J MONTEREY COUNTY. 309 MONTEREY COUNTY INTRODUCTION Monterey was one of the original counties created in 1850. During the early years its southern boundary was changed several times, but none of these changes were of great importance. In 1874, however, San Benito County was created out of a part of Monterey County. Since that date the boundaries have remained the same. Originally the county seat was located at Monterey, which had for so long been the capital of the state under the earlier regime. After several years of struggle on the part of rival towns, especially Salinas and Castroville, the seat of justice was moved to Salinas early in 1873. After the removal to Salinas the county offices were housed for some time in a two-story wooden house purchased by the Supervisors. In January, 1877, this building was burned, with the result that some of the records were also destroyed. In 1879 the present courthouse was completed. Constructed of stone and brick, with heavy metal-covered doors separating each of the offices, it is considered fireproof. There is, however, much wood used in the staircases, supports to the roof, and interior finishing, and it is a question whether the building could stand a severe test from fire should it once gain headway. It stands in the center of a city block, the only structure near at hand being the county jail, a building of red and grey granite. The danger from outside fires, therefore, is slight. The building is lighted by electricity and heated by steam. Many of the older records are stored either in the attic or basement. The latter is more of a cellar than a suitable depositor}^ for public records, and much was found in it which showed the bad effects of dampness. These archives were examined during December, 1915. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS, 1781-1850 1 Archives of Monterey County, 1781-1850, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 1 v. These documents are nearly all in Spanish. Vols. I— V are Criminal Records, 1807-1849 ; the others miscellaneous. They are the original papers which were held by the U. S. Surveyor-General until 1858 and bound by him. They include official correspondence of the Spanish officials, private letters of important men, public addresses and petty court papers. An index to vols. 0-16 helps to make the documents more accessible. They are more or less worn. 'All in Recorder's office. 310 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Copies of Official Consular Acts, Thos. 0. Larkin, Monterey, 1844 1846, 1 v. This is a book of 500 pages, 104x16^, of which 171 pages are used. It contains two kinds of records. The first fifteen pages are a record of his official acts, dating from March 29, 1844, to May 10, 1846. Among them are complaints of American sailors and sea captains, marriage and divorce papers, etc. Most, if not all, of these are in Larkin's hand- writing. Following these entries are 156 pages, numbered from 1 to 156, which constitute a record of title to property owned by Larkin, his family, or friends. It is made up of copies of deeds, grants, etc. taken from the Alcade's records at San Francisco, Monterey and else- where. An index of 4 pages for the latter record. Solares de Monterey, etc., 1835-1850, 1 v. This is vol. A of Deeds of Grants. Translation of Spanish Eecords, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. A translation of Solares, etc., and other grants. Alcalde Book of J. Ezquer, Monterey, Sept. 3, 1849-Feb. 19, 1850. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1889 Calendar, District and Superior Courts, 1873-1889, 1 v. Docket, 1850-1861, 1 v. Execution Book, District and Superior Court, 1867-1883, 1 v., only 16 pp. Fee Book, 1850-1864, 1 v. File of District and County Courts, 344 f.b., cases 1-1560. Judgment Docket, 1868-1879, see Superior Court. Judgments, 1850-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Minutes, 1850-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Order Book, 1872-1879, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1855-1864, 1 v., "Clerk's Register," 1864- 1888, 4 v. (A-D). Tax Suits, Decrees, 1870-1872, 1 v. County Court, 1850-1879 Docket, 1850-1879, 1 v. (A). File, see under District Court. Judgment Docket, 1850-1875, 1 v. (A). Judgments, 1850-1879, 1 v. (A). Minutes, 1850-1879, 4 v. (A-D). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Criminal Docket, 1850-1869, 1 v. Minutes, 1850-1864, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Bonds, 1864-date, 7 v. (1,B-G). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905, 1 v. ; Appraisement, 1899- 1906, lv. (1). MONTEREY COUNTY. oil Docket. 1859-1886. 1 v. (C). Fees, 1850-1860. 2 small vols. File. 1850-1879,, 25 lb. ; 1880-date, 252 f .b. Documents of old probate court were filed by initial letter of the estate ; since 18SO by number of case. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1850-date, 30 v. (A-Z, 1-4) ; Index, 2 v. Order Appointing Administrators, 1863-1880, 1 v.; Index, 1860- 1861. Records and Letters, 1885-date, 5 v. (A-E). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 6 v. (1-6). Wills, 1850-date, 4 v. (B-E). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys. Roll of. 1862-1902, 1 v. Calendar. Law and Motion, 1896-date, 4 v. (B-E). Vols. B-C are in the attic. Calendar. Trial, 1902-date, 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, Index, 1896-date, 1 v. Execution Book, see under District Court. File, 1880-date ; Civil and Criminal, 250 f .b. ; Divorces and Attach- ments, 12 f.b. Insanity : Commitments and Record of, 1881-date, 6 v. ; Commit- ments for Intemperance, 1911-date, 2 v. (1-2). Judgment Docket, 1868-date, 4 v. (1-4). 186S-1S79 is District Court. Judgment Record. 1880-date, 8 v. (A-H). Judgments, Assignments and Satisfactions of, 1856-1904, 1 v. (A). Jury Book, current, 1 v. (C). Minutes, 1880-1911. 13 v. (A-M) ; Civil, 1911-date. 1 v. ; Criminal, 1911-date, 1 v. ; Index to Plaintiffs and Defendants, 3 v. (A-C), two sets each. Register of Actions, 1880-date, 13 v. (1-13). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1906-date File. 1906-date. 3 f.b., cases 1-226. Minutes. 1906-date, 1 v. Record, 1906-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1883-date, 9 v. (1-9). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, Record of, 1897-date, 1 v. Equalization. Minutes of Board of., 1913-date, 1 v. (2). Erroneous Asspssments. Minutes of Cancellation of, 1901-date, lv. (1). File. 104 f.b. Minutes : Court of Sessions, 1850-1855. 1 v. ; Board of Supervisors, 1852-date. 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 4 v. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (A-B). olz COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Rights of Way, Record of, 1864-1912, 2 v. Road Book, 1854-1895, 4 v. (A-D). Roads, Register of, 1883-date, 1 v. School District Boundaries, 1880(f), 1 v.; 1886-1891, 1 v.; High School Districts, 1908-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1872-1874, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1872-1874, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Miscellaneous papers, 64 f.b. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1889-1906, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1852-1906, 1 v. Before 1889 separate papers filed. Naturalized Citizens, 1870-1903, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Naturalization, Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v. ; Naturalization Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Registration and Election Great Register, 1866-date, 26 v. Since 1892 two volumes to each biennial registration, A-L, M-Z. This is one of the few counties which has still continued the great register after 1908. Ballots, Official Record of, 1892-date, 1 v. Maps of Voting Precincts, 1915, 1 v. Nominations, Record of, 1910-1914, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-1912, 1 v. Marriage Marriage License Record, 1872-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1872- date, 3 v. (A-C). Full affidavit replaced two line record, January, 1913. Marriage License stub-book, 1893-1904, 6 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 36 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. (1). Fictitious Names, Register of Persons and Partnerships Under, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-1911, 1 v. Succession to Diocese of Monterey and Los Angeles, Record of, 1878-1913, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Justice Court Docket, Monterey Township, 1885-1892, 1 v. MONTEREY COUNTY. 313 THE RECORDER 1 Agreements, 1850-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 2 v. (A-B). Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1892-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 3 v. (A, C, 1). See also under Releases. Attachments, 1854-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (A-B). Banking Statements : Assets, 1876-1895, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Capital, 1881-1895, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Births, 1863-1878, 1 v.; 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4). Brands, 1850-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Certificates of Sale, Sheriff's, 1850-date, 4 v. (A-D). Deaths, 1859-date, 2 v. (A, 1), entries scattering. Decrees of Distribution, Index, 2 v. (1-2). Decrees of District and Probate Court, Real Estate, 1850-1889, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Deeds, 1850-date, 167 v. (A-Z, 1-141) ; Index, 19 v. (A-S.) Deeds of Grants, 1835-1889, 3 v. (A-C). Deeds of Pacific Grove Retreat, 1876-date, 8 v. (W-Z, 1-4). Deeds, Trust. 1850-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; San Francisco Trust Union, 1892-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1896-date, 5 v. (B, 2-5) : Committees' Statements, 1896-1908, 1 v. (A). Executions. 1879-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Fee Books, 1872-1873, 1885-1886, 1893-1900, 1903-date, 15 v. General Index, October, 1915-date, 2 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 5 v. (A, A-D); Index, 3 v.; Homesteads Abandoned, July, 1861-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. One of the volumes numbered "A" under Homesteads is homesteads of single persons. Leases, 1850-date, 10 v. (A-J) ; Index, 2 v. Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1854-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Maps : Mapbooks of Recorder, 6 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Miscellaneous Maps, Monterey County, 1877, 1898 ; Town of New Republic, 1867, 20"x25" ; Tres Pinos, 1873; Vista del Mar, 1895. Marriage Licenses, 1891-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index. 2 v. (1-2). Marriage. Register of, 1860-1893, 3 v. (x, A-B) ; 1905-date, 3 v. (x, A-B). Mechanics' Liens, 1850-date. 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 2 v. Miscellaneous File. 80 f.b. Miscellaneous Record. 1850-date, 16 v. (A-P) ; Index, 5 v. (A, 1-4). Mortgages. 1850-date. 91 v. (A-Z, 1-65) ; Index, 7 v. (A-G) ; Mort- gages of .Monterey County Bank, 1891-1900, 1 v. (1) ; Salinas City Bank. 1892-1898. 1 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1881-1882, 1898-1908, 3 v. ; Stub-books, 1884. Mortgages: Chattel, 1859-date, 21 v. (A-U) ; Index, 4 v. (A-D) ; Crop, 1891-date. 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Official Bonds. 1859-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Patents, State Lands, 1892-date, 1 v. (1). Patents, U. S., 1859-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Vols. H and J are Homesteads. 1 See also Pre-statehood Records. 314 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Powers of Attorney, 1850-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Pre-emption Claims, 1862-1883, 4 v. (B-E) ; Index, 1 v. (A). For vol. A see School Land Locations. Releases and Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1851-date, 19 v. (A-H, 1-10) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4). School Land Locations, 1853-1871, 1 v. (A), indexed. Separate Property of Married Women, 1850-1912, 1 v. (A). Sole Traders' Declarations, 1855-1906, 1 v. (A). Special Partnerships, 1890-1895, 1 v. (A). Tax Deeds, 1874-1899, 3 v. (A-C) ; State of California Tax Deeds, 1896-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, 1873-date, 27 v. (A-G, 1-20) ; Index, 4 v. (x, A, 1-2) ; Citv Tax Sales, 1875-1885, 3 v. (1-3). Water Eights, 1877-date, 1 v. (A). Wills, 1852-1912, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 2 v. (A-B). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1872-1910, 9 v. ; 1911-date, unbound. Apportionment of School Moneys, 1888-1903, 2 v., in the attic; 1904- date. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-1907, 2 v., in the attic; 1907, 1914-1915, 2 v. Certificate stub-books, 1895-date, 7 v. Fee Book of Superintendent, 1898-1911, 1 v. Grading of Schools, 1902-1910, 1 v. Institute, Minutes of, 1887-1914, 1 v. Journal, 1884-1887, 1893-1896, 1898, 3 v. Miscellaneous papers, recent, 3 cabinets ; also many in the attic. Opening of Schools, Record of, 1892-date, 2 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1880-1890, 1894-date, 10 v. (1-10). School District Accounts, 1867-1872, 1874-1880, 5 v. School District Boundaries, 1890-1908, 1 v. School Library Books, Record of, recent, 1 v. Teachers' Employment, 1888-1892, 1 v.; Teachers' Employment and Date of Opening and Closing Schools, 1910-date, 1 v. Teachers' Examinations, 1887-1905, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund, Record of, 1915-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Teachers, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Treasurer's Journal, Account with Superintendent, 1884, 1898, 2 v. Trustees, Record of School, 1887-1899, 1897-1901, 1907-1911, 1910- date, 4 v. Warrant Register, 1913, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, 1873-1908, 6 v. (2-7), in the attic. Assessment Rolls: Original, 1851-1914, 255 v. Delinquent, 1870-1914, 38 v. Index, 1873-1914, 41 v. ; Index to duplicate rolls, 1889-1914, 27 v. MONTEREY COUNTY. 315 Bond Record, recent, 4 v. Claims, Certified List of. 1891-1899, 2 v., in the attic. Fee Book, Clerk, 1888-1914, 16 v. Journal. 1876-1888, 1893-1905, 5 v., in the attic. Ledger, 1877-1878, 1885-1888, 1893-1900, 4 v. (A), in the attic. Miscellaneous papers, 31 large wooden p.h., in the basement. Orphans on State Aid, 1910-date, 1 v. (2). Pajaro Protection District, Map of, 1914, on the wall. School District Accounts. 1873. 1 v., labeled "Day Book." Warrants, Register of, 1894-1911, 1915, 8 v. THE TREASURER Bonds, Register of. 1899-date, 1 v. ; Courthouse and Jail Bonds, 1878, 1 v. Cash Book. General Expense, 1853-1870, 2 v. ; Current Expense, 1852- 1869, 1 v. Claims Allowed, 1883-1897, 3 v. Day Book, 1878-1880, 1 v. Deposit Record, 1907-date, 1 v. Journal, 1850-1899, 11 v.; 1899-date, 9 v. (A-I). Ledger. 1850-date, 14 v. (A-N). Miscellaneous papers. 1854-date. 66 f.b., with 2 drawers of old papers. Monthly Reports, 1898-date, 1 f.b. Poll Tax Books, 1873-1914, 3 v. School Warrants. Register of, 1880, 1 v. Settlements and Discharges from State Controller, 1 f.b. State School Land, 1862-1902, 3 v. (A-C). Tax Deeds to State, 1880-1903, 1 lb. Teachers' Retirement Salary Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Warrants Registered, 1870-date, 4 v. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Conveyances, 1890-date, 18 v. Assessment Roll, current, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 4 v.; Personal Property, current. 1 v. Auto and Motorbike License Reports, printed, 30 v. Cash Book, 1 v. Maps and Plats : Discarded Maps, 1 bdl. Lot Books, 9 v. Map of King City. 1911 ; Salinas City, 1911. Plat-books : of Sections. 2 v. ; of Grants. 2 v. ; of Monterey City, 1 v. Wall Maps: Monterey County. 1884; 1898. 3 copies; Parine Grove, 1909. 1 copv. Poll Tax Roll. 1910-1914, 5 v. Statements to Assessor, 1913-1914. Veterans' Exemption Affidavits, 1 v. »16 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. NAPA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Napa County is one of the original counties of California. Before 1852 it is impossible to mark the boundaries of the county with any certainty, especially at the north and east, the Clear Lake region being claimed by both Napa and Mendocino counties. Acts passed in 1852 and 1855 established this boundary. There have been a number of other changes in the boundary lines, but only two which have resulted in very large territorial gains or losses. In 1861 Lake County was formed from the northern half of Napa; and in 1872 a considerable area around Knoxville was cut off from Lake and added to Napa County. The city of Napa has been the county seat ever since the organization of the county in 1850. The county has had three courthouses. The first was a two-story frame building erected in 1850. It is said to have been brought from the east around Cape Horn. The second courthouse was built in 1856 at a cost of about $3,000. It was of brick, two stories in height and served the county's needs until 1878. In the latter year the present building was begun and was completed in 1879. The original cost was about $51,000. The walls are of brick, but there is much wood in the interior walls and finish. While reasonably safe from outside fires, it is far from fireproof within. This danger to the records is, however, considerably minimized by reason of the fact that the greater part of them are kept in vaults, both the Clerk's and Recorder's offices being provided with fair-sized vaults. The Treasurer has two small vaults, one of which, containing the older records of the office, is probably the safest storage place in the building. On the second floor is a storeroom, called the "Exhibit Room," in which are stored a number of the older records. A few are also found in the belfry. Steam heat and electric lights are used throughout. The bookshelves and filing cases in the Clerk's and Recorder's offices are of metal of the usual type. The offices of Auditor and Recorder are combined. At the present time a modern, reinforced concrete Hall of Records is nearing completion. The occupation of this building will relieve the present congestion in the courthouse and permit the Clerk to keep all of his records in vaults. These archives were examined in May, 1917. Napa County Solid blue f Red Stats. Stats. Stats. Stats. Stats. Stats. Stats. 1850:61 ; 1851:178. 1852 :192. 1855:77. 1861 :560. 1863-4:111. 1867-8 :269 ; (1872), §3955 1871-2:305. Code Pol. Code (1919), §3936. For key to maps see page ix. / 1 .\irmoO BqsH ; I NAPA COUNTY. 317 PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS " Alcalde's Court, Will Book A," 1 v., in Clerk's office. This book contains the docket of the Alcaldes Court of Nappa [sic] Val- lev. territory of California ; district of Sonoma, Oct. 10. 1849, to Apr. 9, 1850 ; and Justice of Peace Docket. July 25, 1850, to July, 1851. It, howeyer. contains no wills. Deeds, see Recorder's Archives, Deeds, A-B. Old Spanish Grants. 1 f.b.. in Recorder's office. This contains certified traced copies of expedientes, etc., which were filed as exhibits in the old land grant cases. There are 11 bundles of docu- ments relating- to the following ranchos : Napa, Yajome, Collayomi, Guenoc, Caymus. THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Execution Book, 1866-1888, 1 v. (A). After 1880, used for the Superior Court. Execution Docket, 1854-1855, 1 v. File: Series A, 1850-1857, 8 f.b., cases 1-324; 1857-1879, 65 f.b., cases 1-1674; Miscellaneous, 13 f.b. General Index, 2 v. ; Index to cases, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1851-1879, 4 v. (A-D). Judgment Docket. 1852-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Minutes, "Record," 1850-1879, 5 v. (A-E). Register of Actions, 1851-1880, 7 v. (A-G). Tax Suits : Decree Book, 1865-1879, 1 v. (A) ; File, 4 f.b. ; General Index, 1865, 1 v. ; Judgments [Docket] , 1867, 1 v. ; Register. 1865-1879, 1 v. (A) ; Sheriff's Register, 1867-1868, 1 v. The yolume for Judgments contains only one entry. County Court, 1850-1879 Docket. 1851-1858, 1 v. Fee Book, 1862-1879, 1 v. File: Civil. 7 f.b., cases 1-209; Criminal, 12 f.b., cases 1-689. General Index, 2 v. Insolvency Index, 1 v. (1). Judgment Book, 1851-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Judgment Docket, 1864-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1851-1879, 4 v. (A-D). Register of Actions, 1851-1854, 1857-1862, 2 v. (A-B). Vol. A has cases numbered 1-99 ; vol. B has cases numbered 1-57. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Judgment Docket, 1852-1863, 1 v. (A). Minutes, "Record." 1851-1863, 3 v. (A-C). Vol. A contains also minutes of county business to end of October, 1852. a See also Pre-statehood Records. 318 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Administrators' and Executors' Bonds, 1883-date, 4 v. (C-F). Bonds and Letters Book, 1862-1879, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1880-1886, 1894- date, 3 v. (A, C, D). Claims, Register of, 1876-date, 5 v. (x, x, x, 2-3). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1902-1909, 1 v. ; Collateral Tax Book, 1900-1910, 1 v. File: 1850-1880, 48 f.b., cases 1-422; 1880-date, 209 f.b., cases 1-2585. Final Discharge (of administrator, executor, etc.), 1903-date, 2 v. (A-B). Guardians Bonds, 1883-date, 2 v. (B-C). Index to Estates, 1 v. (1). Inventory and Appraisement, 1873-1880, 1 v. (A) ; 1880-date, 3 v. (A-C). Letters of Administration, 1896-date, 3 v. (A-C). Letters of Guardianship, 1896-date, 1 v. (A). Letters Testamentary, 1895-date, 1 v. (A). Minutes and Orders : Record, 1851-1879, 9 v. (A-I). Minutes, 1888-date, 24 v. (K-M, O, Q, S, IT, X, Z, Al, A3, A5-A9, A11-A18). Orders: Admitting Will to Probate, 1897-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Appointing Administrator, 1897-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Appoint- ing Appraiser, 1902-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Appointing Guard- ian, 1917-date, 1 v. (B). Register of Actions, 1852-1879, 3 v. (A-C) ; 1880-date, 7 v. (A-G). Wills, 1852-1879, 3 v. (A, B, x) ; 1880-date, 4 v. (A, B, B, C). Pages 1-12 of the last vol. B contain miscellaneous decrees and orders. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, ?-1915, 1 v. Calendar, General, current, 1 v., loose leaf. Claims, Register of, Insolvency, 1895-1898, 1 v. (A). Coroner's Inquests, 1882-date, 12 f.b., Nos. 1-1050; Index, 1889- date, 1 v. (1). Divorce, Decree Book, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). Docket, 1879-1880, 1 v. Execution. Book, 1880-1888, see under District Court ; 1888-1913, 2v. (B-C). File: Civil, 163 f.b., cases 1-3918; Criminal, 31 f.b., cases 1-607; Commitments to State Hospital, 8 f.b., cases 1-861 ; Commit- ments to Home for Feeble-Minded, 1 f.b. ; Habeas Corpus, 4 f.b. ; Index to Habeas Corpus, 1 v. Foreclosure Decree Book, 1880-date, 4 v. (2-5). General Index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Criminal Record, 1 v. (1). Grand Jury Lists and Reports, 5 f.b. Insane: Order of Commitment, 1895-1915, 1 v. (A) ; Order fixing time for hearing and examination, 1910-1916, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Commitments of Insane Persons, 1 v. (1). NAPA COUNTY. 319 Insolvents, Register of, 1878-1898, 1 v. (1) ; Insolvency file, 13 f.b., eases 1-151, 1-111. The file covers both County and Superior courts. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 5 v. (A-E). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 2 v. (A-B). Jury Book, 1881-date. 3 v. (x, B-C) ; List of Trial and Grand Jurors, 1914, 1915, 2 v. Justice Court. Abstract of, 1896-date, 1 v. (1). Minutes: 1880-date, 2-1 v. (A-I, N, P, R, S2, V, Y, A2, A4, A6- A12) ; Minute Book in Chambers, 1880-1904, 9 v. (A-F, F2, T. W). Order Book, 1880-date, 5 v. (x, 2-5). Form book for attorneys' orders to dismiss actions, etc. Register of Actions, 1880-date, 9 v. (A-I) ; Criminal, 1900-1905, 1 v. Testimony Taken at Trial, 21 f.b., by letters. Includes preliminary hearings. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, "Probation Court," 3 f.b., cases 1-138. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1874-date, 11 v. (1-11). Vols. 2, 3, 9 are in the Exhibit Room ; vols. 6-S are in the belfry. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1889-1890, 1913-date, 2 v. (1, x). Vol. 1 contains only three entries. Equalization, Record of Board, 1872-date, 1 v. File : Road Petitions, 5 f.b., Nos. 1-283 ; Miscellaneous, 50 f.b. Indigent Record, 1896-1911, 2 v. (1, 1). Minutes, Court of Session, County Business, Aug. 5, 1851-end of October, 1852. see under Court Records; Board of Supervisors, "Record." 1852-date, 14 v. (A-G, I, K, M, N, P, Q, S). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (1). Road Matters. Index to, 1 v. (A). Road Record, 1862-1916, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Surveys with maps, field notes, petitions, etc. Road Record, 1881-date, 5 v. (H, J, L, O, R). Proceedings of Board in reference to roads and road matters. School Districts. 1864-1867, 1 v. (A). Boundaries as adopted by the Board May 4, 1865, and petitions for changes and now districts and action of Board thereon, to Nov. 7, 1867. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Exempt Firemen. Record of. 1895-1906, 1 v. (1). Fee Books, 1854-1856, 1864-1870, 1876-1897, 16 v.; 1898-date, 8 v. (1-8). 320 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Hunting and Fishing License Applications, 4 f.b. Military Rolls, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Poll and Military Tax Lists, 1864, small volume in Exhibit Room. School Districts, Notice and Certificates of, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Under Sec. 1725 of the Political Code. Naturalization Declarations of Intention : Originals, 1846-1885, 1896-1906, 4 f.b. ; Stub-books, 1885-1906, 3 v. (1-2, x) ; Record of, 1907-date, 3 v.; Index, 1 v. Naturalization, Acts of: District Court, 1869-1879, 1 v. (1) ; County [and Superior] Court, 1869-1885, 2 v. (A-B) ; Superior Court, 1886-1903, 5 v. (A-E) ; 1903-1906, Adults, 1 v. (F) ; Minors, 1 v. (B). Naturalization: Petitions and Affidavits of, 1903-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3). Naturalization Matters, 3 f.b. Index to Naturalizations, 1 v. ; to Naturalized Citizens, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1912, 1914, 1916. Affidavits, Record of, 1916, 1 v. Great Register, 1880-1909, 20 v. Four volumes are in the Exhibit Room, the balance in the belfry. Great Register, printed, 1869, 2 copies in Recorder's office. Precinct Map, set of four printed maps showing precinct bound- aries in the several Supervisorial districts, outside of cities and towns. Elections Ballot Record, 1892-1906, 1 v. Election Matters, 15 f.b. Election Returns, 1916. Register of Persons voting and When, 1876-1878, 1 v., in Exhibit Room. Double pages divided into columns for showing registry number, name, age, occupation, citizenship (native or naturalized), residence, precinct voting in, and columns for entering record of vote over a period of six years. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Licenses: Stub-books, 1876-1879, 1915-date, 3 v. (x, 14-15) ; Index, 1895 ( ?)-date, 1 v. (1). Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 1 v. (1) ; 1903-date, 1 v. Doctors' Certificates, Register of, 1916-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, Register of, 1876-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, "Corporations," 1859-date, 5 f.b., Nos. 1-652; Index to Corporations, 1 v. (A). Fictitious Names, Register of, 1 v. Partnerships, 1868-date, 1 f.b.; Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). NAPA COUNTY. 321 Private account books: Calistoga Springs, Ledger, 1865, 1 v. Miller & Holmes Mining Co., Jamestown, Tuolumne County, Communications from Supt. E. A. Stent to Secretary Henry Brown, Napa, Cal., and a few to other persons, April 30, 1893, to Nov. 13, 1894, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Relating to Other Officers Appointments of Deputies, 1895-date, 3 v. (A-C). Bonds of Officers, 3 f .b. ; Official Bonds, 1850-1872, 3 v. (A-C). District Attorney, Register of Official Business of, 1858-1861, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets : Napa Township, 1879-1887, 3 v. (3-5), in belfry. Yount Township, 1866-1896, 5 v., in belfry. Notarial Record, "W. E. Deweese, 1880-1890, 1896-1897, 3 v., in Recorder's office. Public Administrator's Register, 1883-1903, 1 v., in Exhibit Room. A few entries also for 1908-1909. Public Administrator's [Reports], 1894-date, 1 f.b. Treasurer's and Auditor's Reports, 1896-date, 3 f.b. THE RECORDER 1 Assignments of Mortgages, Leases and Liens, 1855-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1874-date, 1 v. (2). Attachments, 1852-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index (to D and E), 1 v. (2). Vols. D & E are entitled "Attachments and Executions." Banking Assets, 1876-1894, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v.; Capital, 1876-1894, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. All are in Exhibit Room. Births, Register of, 1873-1905, 1 v.; 1905-date, 2 v. (2-3). Building Contracts, 3 drawers. Certificates of Sale [under Execution], 1852-1891, 1 v. (A); Certifi- cates of Sheriffs' Sales, 1891-date, 1 v. (B) ; Index, 1 v. (2). The earliest certificates in vol. A begin on page 289. Deaths and Births, Register of, 1873-1875, 1 v. 332 deaths (1-332) ; 404 births (1-404). Deaths: Register of, 1873-1905, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Certificates of, 1905-date, 5 v. (3-7). The Veterans' Home at Yountville and the State Hospital at Napa furnish a large number of these deaths. Decrees of Distribution. Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds, 1850-date, 118 v. (A-Z; 27-118) ; Index, 20 v. (1-10) ; Index to Reconveyance Deeds, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Trust Deeds, 1 v. (1). Vols. 83 & 118 are Reconveyance Deeds ; vol. GO. Redemptions ; vols. 59 & 69, Tax Deeds ; vols. 70, 79, 90, 104 & 113, Trust Deeds. Book A of Deeds is a copy of the original earliest records of Napa County ; contains miscellaneous records ; some Spanish ; some of the early instru- ments were acknowledged before the Alcalde in 1849. An earlier copy a See also Pre-statehood Records. 22—41210 322 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. and the original volume are preserved. Original A 7 ol. B is also pre- served. The last page (433) of vol. B is a map, as follows: "Plan of Napa City — Survey made by Jno. E. Brown, April 24th, 1850. Plan made Napa City October 6th. 1850, by Em A. d' Hemecourt, deputy county Sur- veyor." A later endorsement says : "Fractional Blocks A, B, C & D and fractional lots a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h, i, j, k added to this map 8 April, 1861, at the request of Nathan Coombs." Documents Filed, Index, 1 v. Election, Certificates of, 1858-1868, 1 v. Certificate of Napa & Yallejo Telegraph Co., 1859, and a number of church elections. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, Primary, 1914-clate, 1 v. Other statements are recorded in Miscellaneous. Fee Book, 1870-date, 33 v. All prior to 1891 are in the Exhibit Room. General Index, 1857-1873, 2 v. (x, 2). Homesteads, Declarations of, 1860-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index (to vols. B-E), 1 v. (2); Register of Homesteads of Single Persons, 1860, 1 v. (A), only one entry. Instruments not called for, 70 f.b. Judgments. Transcript of, 1852-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (2). Leases, 1853-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1 v. (2). Licensed Land Surveyors, 1891-1894, 1 v. ; 1894-date, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. (1). Liens, Notices of, 1851-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. (2). Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps, 2 v. (1-2) ; Wall maps, Napa County, official, 1915; Napa City and Additions, 1869 ; City of Napa and Surroundings, 1879 ; City of Napa, 1908. [Marks and] Brands. 1851-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Marriage Record, 1850-date, 13 v. (A-B, 3-13) ; Index (to A and B), 4 v.; Index (to 3-13), 2 v. (2-3). Marriages: [Registrv of], 1859-1860, 1 v.; Register of, 1905, 1 v.; 1905-date, 2 v. (1-2). Mining Deeds, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Mining Locations, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 4 v. Miscellaneous Record, 1852-date, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 1887-date, 2 v. (2-3). Mortgages, 1851-date, 81 v. (A-Z; 27-81); Index, 8 v. (1-4); Per- sonal Property, 1858-date, 14 v. (A-N) ; Index, 2 v. (2-3). Newspapers : Napa, Pacific Echo, June 14. 1862-June 6, 1863, 1 v. Register, Aug. 6, 1864-Dec. 7, 1867 ; Feb. 12, 1870-July 19, 1873; Sept. 13, 1873-Feb. 23, 1878; Feb. 7, 1880-Feb. 26, 1881 ; Feb. 4. 1882-Apr. 26, 1901, about 30 v. Reporter, June 7, 1862-June 11, 1864; Nov. 16, 1867-Feb. 5, 1870; Julv 6, 1872-Sept. 20, 1873; May 6, 1876-Sept, 26, 1879; Feb. 11, 1881-Mar. 17, 1882; Feb. 2, 1883-Apr. 20, 1889; Aug. 31, 1889-Dec. 22, 1890. about 15 v. NAPA COUNTY. 323 Journal, Apr. 3, 1884-Dec. 26, 1890; Jan. 6, 1893-end of December, 1916, about 25 v. For several years the Reporter. Register and Journal are bound together in various combinations. St. Helena Star, Feb. 7, 1879-Feb. 20,-1880; Feb. 22, 1895-Mar. 13, 1896, 2 v. Notices of Action. 1853-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index to vols. B-D, 1 v. (2). Official Bonds, 1873-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1886-date, 1 v. (2). Papers filed. 2 f.b. Patents, 1858-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1851-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (2). Pre-emption Claims, 1852-1884, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index (to vol. C), 1 v. Probate. Orders of, 1856-1893, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index (to vol. B), 1 v. Releases of Mortgages, 1853-date, 11 v. (A-B, 3-11) ; Index, Real, 3 v. (2-4); Personal, 2 v. (2-3). School Warrants, Record of Certificates of Location of, 1853-1862, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Separate Property of Married Women, 1876-1898. 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Stallions, Record of. 1913-1915, 1 v. (1). Surveyed and Unsurveyed Lands, 1860-1863, 2 v. (A-B). Copies of Treasurer's receipts for payments on public lands. Swamp Land [Surveys], 1857-1858, 1 v. (B), in Exhibit Room. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Record of Reclamation, 1871, 1885, 1 v. (A), only two entries. Tax Deeds, 1875-1892, 3 v. (1-3). Tax Sales: Certificates of, 1857-1868, 1 v. (1) ; Record of, 1873-1894, 3 v. (2-4) ; Certificates of, 1895-1911, 2 v. (5-6) ; Certificates of, City of Napa. 1897-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index (to vols. 5, 6, A), 1 v. (2). Water Appropriations. 1878-clate. 1 v. (A). Wills, 1869-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (A). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report. 1886-date, 58 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1881-date, 2 v. Certificates, Record of, 1887-1913, 1915-date, 2 v. Examinations. Public Schools : Xapa City, 1885-date, 2 v. ; Country Districts, 1897-1908. 1 v. ; Transcript of Credits, outside districts, 1912-date, 2 v. Fee Book, 1893-date. 2 v. The second volume is called "Cash Book.'' High Schools. Record of. 1912. 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of. 1889-1914. 2 v. Record, Superintendent's Office, 1 v. Contains record of teachers of Xapa County, 1885-1887; Trustees and Clerks. 18S4-18SS : Apportionment of Funds, 1884-1888, 1890-1893, 1899, 1900. 1907. 1908 : Record of Teachers' examinations, 1S84-18S8 ; Public school examinations, 1884-1886 ; Moneys received and paid into Treasury. 1885-1890; Lists of registered orders (or warrants), 1884- 18S9. 1894-1902. 324 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Requisitions, Register of, 1880-1911, 1916-date, 14 v. The first two volumes are called "Register of School Warrants." Requisitions (Registered), 1915-date, 1 v.; see also under "Record." School District Ledger, 1886-date, 8 v. School District Boundaries, 1913-date, 1 v., printed. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1895-date, 4 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1915-date, complete file; before 1915, uncertain. Trustees, Record of, 1911, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Account Book marked "1850," 1 v., in Exhibit Room. The volume contains License account, 1851-1853 ; Delinquent tax list for 1850, 1852-1855 ; List and classification of persons required to take out licenses under revenue law for year 1853 ; List of county orders (warrants), Sept. 1850, to Feb., 1854 (1-359). Allowances Made by Board of Supervisors, Auditor's List of, 1864- 1874, 1 v., labeled "Journal-Order Book"; 1883-1897, 7 v. (x, x, x, 3-5, 4). Apportionment Taxes, 1900-1916, 1 f.b. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1850-1858, 4 v., in Exhibit Room; 1859-1915, 182 v.; Rough, 1862-1872, 35 v. Duplicate, 1853-1858, 5 v., in Exhibit Room; 1853, 1 v., in Clerk's office; 1859-1864, 1872-1876, 11 v. Delinquent, 1850, 1852-1855, in volume marked "1850" in Ex- hibit Room; 1861-1915, 25 v. Personal Property, 1859, 1 v., in Exhibit Room. Index, 1893-1914, 22 v. Bonds, Register of, 1865-1885, 1 v. ; 1880-date, 1 v. Journal, 1859-1871, 1 v. Ledger, 1855-date, 13 v. The earlier volumes have titles other than Ledger, three having no title at all. The first volume (1855-1856) contains also a list of. "County orders which appear on the old book not having been paid by Treasurers," 1850-1855 ; and also "Orders on Treasury of Napa County, Second Series," 1855-1856. License and Poll Tax Record, 1864-1870, 1 v., in Exhibit Room. License Collector [in account with Napa County], 1880-1912, 1 v. Officers' Affidavits and Certificates, 1894-date. 5 f.b. Orphans on State Aid, Record of, 1904-1913, 1 v. ; Record of Orphans on State Allowance, 1913-date, 1 v. Poll Tax Account with Assessor, 1872-1914, 1 v. Redemptions, 6 f.b. Registered Orders, 1878-date, 8 v. Road Warrants, Register of, 1871-1878, 2 v., "Journal." School Warrants, Register of, 1889-date, 5 v. The volume for 1898-1907 is in the Exhibit Room. School District Ledger, 1880-1904, 1907-1912, 5 v. The first volume is called "School Journal." XAPA COUNTY. 325 Segregation Account. 1914-date, 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book. 1861-1866. 1885-1906, 7 v. Oue of the volumes is iu the Exhibit Room. Sheriff's Register of Actions. 1868-1906, 11 v. Tax Sales. 1876-1893. 1 f.b. Warrants, Register of. 1866-1872. 1 v.; 1884-date, 7 v. (3-9). The first volume has no title ; the others are called "Index to Warrants." Warrants Paid. List of. 1892-1891. 1 v. THE TREASURER Allowances Made by Board of Supervisors, Treasurer's List, 1883- 1897. 7 v. (x. x. x*. 3-5. 4). Apportionment Taxes. 1910-date, 1 v. (1) ; State and County School Apportionment. 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Bonds, Register of. 1878-date. 3 v. ; see also under Funded Debt. Cash Bco£ 1859-date. 10 v. The first volume has. pasted in front, a list of License payers in Napa County. 1S59-1S60. .Deposit Record. 1907-date. 1 v. Experts' Reports to Grand Jury. 1911-1914, 1 p.h. Funded Debt, 1856. Register. 1856-1881, 1 v. Funding bonds of 1S56. and Napa Valley Railway Bonds of 1S65-1S6S. Inheritance Tax Receipts. 1906-date, 2 v. Ledger, 1871-date. 5 v. (2-6); Special Ledgers: Court House Fund, 1855-1859. 1 v. ; School Fund, 1853-1856, 1 v. ; State Fund, 1853- 1859. 1 v. : Estrav Fund. 1859. 1 v., also contains Contingent Fund, 1855-1856. Migratory Stcck. Assessment Roll, 1875-1877, 1 v. Poll Tax Account. 1872-1914. 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Redemption Funds, 1875-1889, 1 v. (1). School District Ledger, 1859-date, 8 v. AYarrants Paid. 1889-1892. 1895-date, 15 v. Warrants Registered, "Register of Orders," 1856-1883, 1909-date, 6 v. AVarrants Returned to Auditor, 1887-1889, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements. 1884-date, bound in volumes. Maps and Plats : Plat Books, by Road Districts, current, 3 v. Road Districts and Towns. 1895, 1 v. Wall Maps: Napa County, official, 1895, 1915. Sonoma County, official. 1908. City of Napa, 1908. U. S. and Territories. State of California, various dates, 5 maps. 326 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Mortgages, Transcript of, 1893-1911, 5 v. Poll Tax and Personal Property Account, 1885-1908, 1 v., "Cash." Personal Property Tax Collections, 1890-1894, 1 v. Transfers of Real Property, 1900-date, 5 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 5 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Delinquent, 1912-date, 1 v. ; Operative, 1 v. Cash Book, 1876-1903, 22 v., in Treasurer's office; 1903-date, 18 v. License Stubs, 1903-date. complete. The stubs give a full record. [List of Taxable Property]. 1850-1852, 1 v., in Treasurer's office. Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1894, 1 v. !J u > 00 ft c w o> 3 01 01 O -3 O o m ro U S* •a > z 7. 0. ; Pol. §3937 s o t-OJCO « >J r-lT-frfz-s 0) " "Hft £t rH (M • • _| 185 185 1S5€ (19: o tJ _ o aj oj kO +J-M-M o mmuiQ-t 3 .Q "O 03 ■ « NEVADA COUNTY. 327 NEVADA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Nevada County was created in 1851 from territory that was originally a part of Yuba County. In 1852 a strip was added along the north, and in 1856 a further addition was made, including the territory in the bend of the Middle Yuba River. Nevada City has been the county seat continuously since the creation of the county. From 1851 to 1856 the county offices were housed in wooden buildings rented for the purpose by the county. In July, 1856, the first court- house was completed at a cost of $50,000. Scarcely had the building been occupied when it was destroyed, in the great fire which devastated Nevada City in that year. All of the county records were lost. The courthouse was rebuilt, but in 1863 was again burned out in the general conflagration of November 8th. This time practically all of the records were saved. The courthouse was again rebuilt, at a cost of nearly $50,000, being completed early in 1865. In 1900 extensive alterations were made in the old building and an addition built, the improvements costing about $35,000. The building is of brick and stone, with metal doors and fittings. The interior finish and arrangement is designed to make it fireproof. There is, however, quite an extensive wooden addition on the rear, a part of which is used for the storing of a quantity of the older records. Aside from this wooden addition, there is little danger from exterior fires. There is a small vault in the Treasurer's office, and another somewhat larger, in the Clerk- Auditor 's office. In the latter vault are kept a large part of the early assessment rolls and the election returns. The fixtures in the various offices are in general modern and convenient. Steam heat and electric lights are used throughout. In 1877 the county purchased a lot and brick building in Broad street, and this building was used as the Treasurer's office until after the alteration of the courthouse in 1900. At other times prior to 1877 the Treasurer's office seems to have been located in buildings outside the courthouse. As a consequence all the earlier records of the Treasurer's office are missing. This report is based upon an examina- tion made during July, 1917, 328 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1851-1879 Calendar, 1864-1879, 2 v. Execution Book, 1874-1889, 1 v. (1). Covers Superior Court after 1880. See also under Churches,- etc., in Miscellaneous Records, Pertaining to Private Business Concerns. Execution Docket, 1856-1879, 1 v. File, 139 f.b., cases 1-4731. General Index, 2 v. ; Index to cases, 1 v. (3). A new index for the District and County Courts is now being prepared, in 1 v. Judgment Book, 1856-1879, 6 v. (x, x, 3-6). Judgment Docket, 1856-1879, 2 v. (x, 2). The second volume is called "Judgment Roll." Minutes, "Orders," 1856-1879, 7 v. (1-7). Register of Actions, 1858-1879, 5 v. (x, 2, x, 4-5). The first volume is called "Fee Book." County Court, 1851-1879 Calendar, 1864-1879, 1 v. File: Civil, 1856-1879, 16 f.b., cases 1-665; Criminal, 1863-1879, 7 f.b., cases 1-662. General Index, a new index for County and District Courts is now being prepared, in one volume. Minutes, "Orders," 1856-1879, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1856-1879, 2 v. (x, 2). The first volume is called "Cost Book." Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1851-1863 File, 1856-1863, 2 f.b., cases 1-183 ; Miscellaneous papers, Criminal and Court of Sessions, 1 f.b. Minutes, "Order Book," 1856-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1851-date Bonds, Letters, etc., 1861-1881, 3 v. (1-3) ; Letters and Bonds, 1881-date, 5 v. (1, 3-6) ; Letters of Guardianship and Bonds, 1892-date, 2 v. (2-3). Collateral Inheritance Tax, 1893-1896, 1 v., in storeroom. File, 1856-1879, 42 f.b., cases 1-830; 1880-date, 169 f.b., cases 1-2395. Index, 1 v. Order Book. 1856-1879, 6 v. (x, 2-6) ; 1880-date, 15 v. (1-15). Register of Actions, 1856-1879, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). The first two volumes are called "Cost Book." Wills, 1856-date, 5 v. (1-5). NEVADA COUNTY. 329 Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1856-1906, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-1906, 9 v., in the storeroom. Coroner's Inquisitions, 1882-date, 9 f.b. Execution Book, 1880-1889, see under District Court. Execution Docket, 1880-date, 1 v. (1). File, 267 f.b., cases 1-4579. General Index, 1 v. Grand Jury, Minutes of, in Boston Ravine Election Fraud case (Lord case), 1889, 1 v., in storeroom. Grand Jury Proceedings (and reports), 1865-1880, 1 f.b. Also contains a number of oaths of allegiance by attorneys during Civil War and papers in connection with admission of attorneys to practice. Insane Commitments, prior to 1880, 1 f.b.; 1881-date, 5 v. (1-5). Judgment Book, 1880-date, 6 v. (1-6). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 1 v. (1). Jury Book, 1866-date, 4 v. The first and last volumes are called "Juror's Time Book." The first three volumes are in the storeroom. Justice Court Papers, 1870-1897, 5 f.b. Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 18 v. (1-18). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 10 v. (1-10). Reporter's Notes, large number of volumes in vault and several dozen in storeroom. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1 f.b., cases 1-48. Minutes and Orders, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Boundary Line between counties of Nevada and Sierra, 1868, 1 v. Field notes of survey made by H. S. Bradley. Demands Audited and Allowed, 1864-1872, 1 v., in storeroom. Equalization, Board of, Order Book, 1856-1863, 1 v., "Records"; 1872-date, 2 v. (x, 2). The first two volumes are in the storeroom. File, about 60 f.b. Minutes, "Record," 1856-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, 1 v. Ordinance [Book,] 1883-date, 1 v. Roads, 1868-date, 1 v. Field notes of road surveys made by order of the Board of Supervisors. Also has a map of Truckee, surveyed by Central Pacific Railway, filed 1892. Road Book of Nevada County, April 1, 1868, 1868-1873( ?), 1 v.; Day Book, 1868-1873, 1 v. ; Ledger, 1868-1873, 1 v. The Road Book is a report showing the work necessary to be done on the roads throughout the county, and proposals for doing same. The Day Book contains memoranda of contracts made by the Road Commissioner of Nevada County with contractors for repair and maintenance of roads, by sections, and financial accounts in connection with same. 330 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Road Book, 1884-1889, 1 v. Proceedings of Board of Supervisors in road matters. Only ten pages used. Wagon Road Survey from Nevada to Junction, Field Notes and Report on, June, 1877, 1 v. Also Report on Preliminary Survey for wagon road from Nevada City to North Bloomfield, July, 1877. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Docked Horses, Register of, 1907, 1 v., only two entries. Exempt Firemen : Nevada City, 1869-1913, 1 v. ; North San Juan, 1869, 1873, 1 v. Stubs of certificates issued by County Clerk. Fee Book, 1912-date, 1 v. Fishing License Account, 1910-1912, 1915, 1 v. Military Rolls, 1870, 1 v., in storeroom ; 1899-date, 2 f .b. Town Sites of North San Juan, North Bloomfield, Sebastipol [sic] 1874-1877, 3 v.; Cherokee, Sebastipol [sic] North Bloomfield, Grass Valley South, North San Juan, French Corral, 5 f.b. The volumes are a sort of docket of the county judge in matter of claims for lots in townsites, under act of March 30, 1868, "to authorize and direct the county judges * * * to execute certain trusts in relation to town lands." The filing boxes contain plats of surveys, and papers in reference to claims, surveys, assessments, etc. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1856-1879, 3 v. ; District Court, 1877- 1879, 1 v.; Superior Court, 1880-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Record, 1906- date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1856-date, 1 v. Naturalization: Record of, District Court, 1869-1879, 1 v. (1) ; County Court, 1869-1879, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalizations, Superior Court, 1880-1903, 2 v. (1-2) ; Record, 1903-1906, 1 v. (3) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalization, Certificates of, stubs, 1907-date, 6 v. (1-6). Naturalizations, Index to, 1856-date, 1 v. Registration Affidavits, 1912, 1914, 1916. Affidavits, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Great Register, 1866-1909, 16 v., in storeroom. Great Register (printed), 1876, 2 copies in storeroom; 1877, 4 copies in storeroom and 1 copy in main office; 1882, 1 copy in storeroom. Elections Ballot Record, 1892-date, 1 v. Election Returns, original, 1916. Nominations, Record of, 1910-1912, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-1914, 1916, 2 v, NEVADA COUNTY. 331 Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books, 1895, 1903-1912, 6 v., in storeroom ; 1915-date, 1 v. Dental Register, 1902-date, 1 v. Medical Record, 1876-date, 1 v. Includes dentists' certificates, 1885-1903. Optometry, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. There is also a volume marked "Optometrists Certificates," containing four entries for 1903, which have been copied into the Register. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. (1). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 23 f.b., by letters; Index to Corporations, lv. (1). Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1 v. Churches, etc., Record, 1872-1873, 1 v. Certificates of election of trustees. Contains also, in front, Execution Book. May-Oct., 1866. According to a note this volume had previ- ously been used for records of Bridgeport Township, under the township law of 1862 (repealed Jan. 19, 1864), but the pages containing this record were torn out by the county clerk when the book was appropri- ated for Executions in 1866. Co-partnership, Certificates of, 1874-date, 1 f.b. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-1899, 1 v. (1). Private account books: Carnelian Bay Improvement Co., Cash Book, 1909-1912, 1 v. ; By-Laws, 1912, 1 v. ; Minute Book, Feb. 23-Nov. 26, 1912, 1 v. Caucasian League of Truckee, Apr. 14-Aug. 12, 1876, 1 v. Minutes, constitution, by-laws, list of members and blacklist. Empire Mining Co., Pay Roll, 1875-1879, 1 v. Imperial Paint & Copper Co., Minute Book, 1892-1897, 1 v. Menlo Gold Mining Co., Cash Book, 1891-1901, 1 v. Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Co., Reports, 1877-1887, 1 f.b. New York Hill Mining Co., Minutes, etc., 1865-1869, 1 v., labeled "Rec'rd." Relating to Other Officers Bonds. Official, 1861-1875, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; both in store- room. Justice Court Dockets: Rough and Ready Township, 1883-1903, 2 v.. in storeroom; Nevada Township, 1894-1897, 3 v., in store- room. THE RECORDER Assignments. Index, 2 v. (1) ; Assignments Chattel Mortgages, Index, 1 v. Attachments, 1856-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index. 1 v. (1). Attachments, Executions and Decrees of Foreclosure for vear 1858, 1857-1859, 1 v. Seems to be a Sheriff's docket. 332 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Births, 1873-1905, 1 v. (1) ; Register of, 1905-date, 3 v. (2-4). Vol. 3 is called "Record." Certificates of Sale of Real Estate (under Execution), 1866-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Corporations, 1856-1903, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Articles of incorporation, election of trustees, etc. Deaths, 1873-1905, 1 v. (1) ; Register of, 1905-date, 3 v. (2-1) Deeds, 1856-date, 126 v. (1-126) ; Index, 16 v. (1-8). Deeds, Sheriffs', 1877-1915, 2 v. (1-2); Index to Sheriffs' and Tax Collectors' Deeds, 1 v. Deeds, Trust, 1902-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 4 v. (1-4); Committees' Statements, 1898-1908, 1 v. Estray Notices and Lost Property, 1857-date, 1 v. Fee Book, 1907-date, 2 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Homesteads of Single Persons, 1861-1879, 1 v. The last named volume has only six entries, one of these being for a woman. Instruments Filed, 14 f .b. ; Index, 1893-date, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1856-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1856-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. Liens Filed by Horticultural Commissioner, 1912-1914, 1 v. (1). Liens for expense of destruction of insects and other pests. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps and Plats, 1 v. (1) ; Maps in rack, 14 rolls. Marks and Brands, 1872-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Marriages, 1856-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Vols. 1 and 2 are entitled "Marriage Certificates" ; Vols. 3-10 are entitled "Marriage Licenses." Marriages, Register of, 1905-date, 2 v. (1-2). Mechanics' Liens, 1856-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mining records : Claims, 1856-date, 27 v. (1-27); Index: Names of Claims, 2 v. (1-2) ; Names of Claimants, 5 v. (1-2). Locations, 1850-1870, 4 v. (A-D). Mining district laws and claims. Vol. A is entitled "Mining Record." For laws see vols. A and B. Miners' Record Book No. 2, 1856-1865, 1 v. Proofs of Labor, 1909 r date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Miscellaneous, 1856-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Mortgages, 1856-date, 39 v. (1-39) ; Index, 5 v. (1-5) ; Chattel, 1857- date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Nevada, Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the City of, 1879-1893, 2 v. Nevada Reunion Association, Register, 1878, 1 v. Large volume containing an alphabetical autograph roll of members or pioneers, showing name, date of arrival in county, date of leaving county, place of residence in county, present address, and post-office address prior to arrival in California. NEVADA COUNTY. 333 Newspapers : Nevada City, Daily Transcript, Nov. 1, 1862-Mar. 4, 1865, Sept. 9, 1865-Sept. 5, 1866, Mar. 6, 1867-Sept. 5, 1868, Sept. 6, 1871- Mar. 5, 1878, 23 v. Daily Gazette, Nov. 26, 1866-May 23, 1868, Nov. 30, 1868- Nov. 27, 1869, 5 v. Daily National Gazette, April 4, 1870-Oct. 21, 1871, 3 v. and 2 duplicates of v. 1. Notices of Action, 1856-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Official Bonds, 1856-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1873-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1856-date. 1 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Pre-emption Claims, 1856-1883, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Residence, Index and Record of Certificates of, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Satisfaction of Mortgages, 1856-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Chattel Mortgages, 1857-1872, 1879-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 2 v. Separate Property of Married Women, 1856-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. (1). Includes sole traders' declarations. Tax Deeds, 1878-1915, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, see under Sheriff's Deeds. Tax Deeds, State, 1897-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1873-1911, 13 v. (1-13) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Water Rights. 1872-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Wills. 1873-date. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1876-date, 49 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1878-date, 2 v. Cash Book, 1911-date, 1 v. This is a fee book. Census Marshal's Field Notes and Reports: Grass Valley, 1905, 1906, 1908. 1909 ; Nevada City. 1906-1909 ; Truckee, 1908-1910 ; 11 bdls. See also under School District File. Certificates on file, 1 f .b. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, Reports, 1910- date, 1 v., "Time Book"; Record of Grammar School Graduates, 1892-1900, 1 v. Institutes. Minutes of. 1866-1878, 1891-1902, 1911-date, 3 v. School District Boundaries, current, 1 v. Typewritten sheets bound together. School District File, 1900-date, 46 f.b. Reports and papers, including some census reports. School Warrants, Register of, 1868-date, 11 v., (C-F, 1-6). Two volumes numbered 6. current and transferred sheets, loose leaf. Combined register and school district ledger. Teachers' Examinations. Record of, 1870-1882, 1892-1903, 1907, 11 v. Teachers' Retirement Fund Record, 19l4Udate, 1 v. 334 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Teachers' Roll Book of Credentials, etc., 1914-date, 1 v. Record of certification of teachers, an index to proceedings of board of education. Includes record of all teachers who were teaching in Nevada County in 1914 and all since that date. Trustees, District Clerks, Teachers, Register of, 1888-date, 1 v. Very incomplete for teachers. Warrants, Register of School, 1911-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Accounts, 1903-1912, 1 v. Assessment Rolls: Original, 1862-1916, 290 v. Duplicate, 1872, 1873, 1880, 1881, 21 v., in storeroom. Delinquent, 1863, 1 v., "Records," in storeroom; 1866-1916, 48 v. Balance Book, 1 v. Contains Journal, 1856-1861, and Clerk's Fees, 1866-1868. Bond Coupons Canceled, 1884-1894, 1 v. ; School Bond Interest Cou- pons, Truckee and Grass Valley, 1890-1899, 1 v. ; Truckee Sanitary Interest Coupons, 1908-1915, 1 v. ; Nevada High School District Bonds, 1911-date, 1 v. The first two volumes are in the storeroom. Cash Book, 1868-1871, 1 v., in storeroom. Fee Books: Clerk, 1868-1872, 1877-1912, 5 v.; Recorder, 1870-1872, 1877-1907, 6 v.; Sheriff, 1866-1869, 1872-1884, 1889-1902, 11 v.; Court Fees, 1863-1872, 1 v., "Invoice." All of these volumes are in the storeroom. Journal, 1866-1872, 1 v., in storeroom. Ledger, 1856-1872, 2 v. ; Balance Ledger, 1872-date, 7 v. All except two of these ledgers are in the storeroom. Military and Poll Tax Roll, 1885-1886, 1 v., in storeroom. Redemption of Tax Certificates, Record of, 1896-date, 2 v. (1-2). School District Ledger, 1880-date, 8 v. (1-7). The volumes are entitled "Auditor's School Warrants." School Warrants, Register of, 1909-date, 2 v. (1). Treasurer's Reports, 1872-1875, 1879-1886, 1899-date, 3 v. The first two volumes are in the storeroom ; they contain monthly or bimonthly statements pasted in old assessor's field book. Warrants, Register of, 1856-date, 12 v. (x,x,2-9,x,x). The first volume is entitled "County Warrants Drawn on General Fund" ; the next four are entitled "Auditor's Warrants" ; volumes 5-9 are called "Warrant Book." THE TREASURER Bonds, Register of, 1883-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1890-date, 2 v. Estate Funds, 1891-date, 1 v., "Journal." Fee Book, Treasurer and Collector, 1885-1902, 1 v. NEVADA COUNTY. 335 Journal. 1883-1886. 1 v. (D) ; 1890-date. 6 v. Ledger, 1890-date. 4 v. The volumes are entitled "Fund Book." License and Tax Accounts, 187-1-1900, 6 v. The volumes have various titles. All except the last volume are in the storeroom. Teachers' Permanent Salary Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statement, 1914-date. Delinquent Tax Sales and Redemptions, Assessor's List of, 1891-1910, lv. (1). Field Enrollment (Check Book), a complete set for each year for about 20 years. Land Office Records, 1 v. Complete record for Nevada County from the Sacramento Land Office. Double pages with column headings as follows : Description, Section, Township. Range, Acres, Name of Purchaser, Date of Entry, Name of Mine, Date of Patent, Remarks. Maps and Plats : County Maps, official. 1880; 1913, one showing supervisors' dis- tricts, and one showing school districts. Plat Books, current, 2 v. Town Maps, about a dozen. Township Plats, complete set, to accompany "Land Office Record" above. State and United States Land Office Returns, 1894-date, sheets filed away. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 7 v. ; Truckee Sanitary District, 1907-date, 2 v. ; Indexes to Assessment Rolls, 25 v. Cash Book, 1887-date, 19 v. Series not complete. Six volumes are in the storeroom. m COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. ORANGE COUNTY INTRODUCTION Orange County was created in 1889, from territory which previously had been a part of Los Angeles County. Since its organization there have been no important changes in its boundaries. The county seat has remained at Santa Ana. Previous to 1900 the county officers were housed in temporary offices in the business district. In 1900 the present courthouse was occupied. With the exception of the jail, no other building stands upon the same block. It is built of stone and cement with a tile roof, but much wood is used in its interior construction, especially about the roof and attic. It is • probably safe from exterior fires, but can not be classed as entirely fireproof from within. The building is not equipped with vaults. The office equipment is, in general, modern and efficient. Electric lights and furnace heat are employed. The older records, not in current use, are stored in the basement and attic. These archives were examined in August, 1916. / Orange County. Stats. 1889:123; Pol. Code (1919), §3938. ORANGE COUNTY. 337 THE CLERK COURT RECORDS Superior Court, 1889-date Calendar, 1907-1912, 6 v. ; Law and Motion, 1889-1912, 5 v. (1-5) ; Criminal Causes, 1889-1903, 1 v.; 1903-1913, 1 v., in basement; 1914-date, 2 v. ; Trial Civil Causes, 1889-1910, 3 v. ; 1910-1914, 1 v., in basement. Coroner's Inquests, 1916, 2 f.b. Execution Book, 1895-date, 2 v.; 1889-1907, 4 v. (1-4); Index, 1890-1903, 1 v., in basement. File : Civil, 1889-date, 661 f.b., cases 1-8105 ; Criminal, 1889-date, 72 f.b., cases 1-833 ; Index, 2 v. The probate cases are with the civil cases but are indexed separately. General Index, 1889-1895, 2 v., in basement. Grand Jury Proceedings, 1896-1897, 1 v., in basement; Reports, 1915-date, 2 f.b. Insanity Commitments, 1903-1909, 1 v., in basement; 1909-date, 2 v. (2-3) ; Record of Discharge, 1903-1913, 1 v., in basement; 1907-1916, 1 v. ; Reports, 1909-date, 1 f.b. Intemperance, Judgments of and Order of Commitments, 1912- date, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1889-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; of Dissmissal, 1889-1903, 1 v., in basement; Interlocutory, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3). Judgment Docket, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2). Jury Book, 1890-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Trial Jurors, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Minutes and Orders, 1889-1913, 13 v. (1-13) ; Dept. 1, 1913-date, 2 v. (15-16); Index, 2 v.; Dept. 2, 1913-date, 2 v. (14, 17); Index, 2 v. Register of Actions, Civil and Probate, 1889-date, 19 v. (1-19) ; Criminal, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Civil and Criminal, 1916, 2 v. (20-21). Reporter's notes: Shorthand, considerable quantity on basement shelves; Transcribed, 1895-1900, 5 v., in basement. Superior Court Probate, 1889-date Administrators, Appointment of, 1906-1915, 3 v. (1-3), in base- ment. Appraisers Appointed, 1906-1910, 1 v., in basement. Appraisers and Inheritance Tax Appraisers Appointed, 1911-1914, 1 v.. in basement. Bonds: Administrator and Executrix, 1889-1898, 1 v.; 1906-1915, 3 v. (3-5), in basement; Administration, 1916, 1 v. (6) ; Admin- istration and Guardian, 1899-1912, 2 v. (2-3), in basement; 1912-date, 1 v. (4) ; Miscellaneous, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-2, x). Calendar, 1889-1915, 7 v., in basement. Decrees : Final Discharge, 1912-date, 1 v. ; Showing Notice to Creditors, 1915-date, 1 v. File, 1889-date, with file of Superior Court ; Index, 1 v. 23—41210 338 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Guardians, Appointment of, 1906-1914, 1 v.; Inventories and Appraisements, 1889-1899, 1 v.,. in basement. Index of Probate. 1889-1896. 1 v., in basement. Letters: Of Administration, 1889-1915, 3 v. (1-3), in basement; 1916, 1 v. ; Administrator with Will Annexed, 1890-date, 1 v. ; Guardianship, 1889-1913, 2 v. (1-2), in basement; 1913-date, 1 v.; Guardianship and Bond, 1889-1899, 1 v., in basement; Testamentarv. 1889-1905, 1 v. (1), in basement; 1905-date, lv. (2). Minutes and Orders, 1889-date, 29 v. (1-25, 27-30) ; 1903-1905, 2 v. ; Index, 2 v. The first 27 volumes are in the basement. Orders: Admitting Wills to Probate, 1906-1913, 1 v. (1), in basement; 1913-date, 1 v. (2); Appointing Appraisers, 1910- date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Appointing Administrators, 1913-date, 1 v. (4) ; Publication of Notice to Creditors, 1906-1915, 2 v. (1-2), in basement; 1915-date, 1 v. (3). Register of Public Administration, 1889-1906, 1 v., in basement. Wills, 1889-1912, 3 v. (1-3), in basement; 1907-date, 1 v. (4); Index to book 1, in basement. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1909-date, 7 lb., cases 1-284. Record, 1909-date, 1 v., indexed. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Aged Indigents, Record of, 1889-1895, 1 v. Allowance Book, 1889-1913, 6 v. (1-6), in basement; 1913-date, 3 v. (7-9). Anaheim Irrigation District : Assessment Book, 1889-1892, 2 v., in attic; 1889-1895, 6 v.; Bond Register, 1890, in attic; Col- lector's Cash Book, 1892-1895, 1 v., in basement; Record of, 1894-1895, 1 v., in basement ; Sale Book, 1889-1890, 1 v., in basement. Anaheim Irrigation Security, correspondence, 1889-1895, 1 v., in attic. Equalization, Minutes of Board of, 1890-1891, 1 v. ; 1903-date, 1 v. File: Librarv Districts, 1913-1914, 1 f .b. ; Pipe Line Permits, 1915-1916, 1 f.b.; School District Files, 1909-date, 40 f .b. ; Miscellaneous, 4 f.b. Franchise Book, 1900-date, 1 v. High School Districts and Formation, Record of, 1907-1911, 1 v. Indigents' Record, 1889-1904, 8 v. Map. Judicial Townships of Orange Comity, 1913. Minutes, 1889-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 1889-1891, 1 v., in base- ment ; 1904-date, 7 v. Ordinances, 1889-date, 1 v. ; 1891-date, 5 f.b. Organization of Orange County, 1889, 1 v., in basement. ORANGE COUNTY. 339 Petitions: Road, 1908-date, 18 f.b., cases 1-540; Miscellaneous, 1907-date. 2 f.b.. 34 cases; for Incorporation of Towns, 1910- date. 1 f.b. : Bridge. 1915-date, 1 f.b.; Newport Harbor, 1915- date, 1 f.b. ; Lighting Districts, 1910-1915, 1 f.b., 6 cases ; Pro- tection Districts, 1906-date, 3 f.b. Road Book, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3). Road Register, 1908-date, 2 v. (1-2). Roads and Highways : 1912-date, 2 f.b. ; Improvement Districts, 1913-date, 1 f.b. ; District Reports, 1915-date, 4 f.b. Southern California Panama Exposition, 1915, 1 f.b. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Appointment of Deputies, 1915-date, 1 v. Clerk's Memoranda of Demands, 1916, 1 f.b. Docked Horses, Register of. 1899-1906, 1 v. Fee Book, 1899-1902, 1 v., in basement; 1903-date, 7 v. Hunting License Record, 1907-1908, 1 v. Military Roll, 1904-1913, 10 bdls. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Record of, 1889-1906, 1 v., in basement ; 1911-date. 2 v. ; Stub-book, 1908-date, 1 v. Naturalization. "Citizenship," Certificates of, 1889-1903, 1 v.; Naturalized Minors, 1889-1906, 1 v., both in basement. Naturalization, Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v., in basement; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 3 v. Naturalization. Certificates of, stub-book, 1913-date, 1 v. Registration and Election Affidavits of Registration, 1912, 25 v., in basement. Candidates' Statements. 1915-date, 1 f.b. Election, Certificate of, 1913-date, 1 f.b. ; Notice of. 1896-1907, 2 v. Great Register, 1890-1906, 9 v. ; Index, 1914, 3 v., in basement. Nomination, Record of, 1910, 1 v. ; 1914, 1 v., in basement. Verification Deputies' Record, 1910, 1 v. Voting Precincts, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1889-date, 37 v. (1-37). Dentists, Register of. 1903-date, 1 v. Doctor's Certificates, Register of, 1914-date, 1 v.; Register of Physician's Certificates, 1889-1914, 2 v. Pharmacists. Register of. 1905-date. 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Anaheim Lodge Record. 1883-1891, 1 v., in attic. Articles of Incorporation, 1889-date, 29 f.b., Nos. 1-1063; Surety Companies, 1906-date, 2 f.b. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1906-1912, 1 v. 340 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Co-partnership Certificates, 1911-date, 7 f.b. Fictitious Names, Register of, 1911-date, 1 v. Partnership, Index of, 1890-1911, 1 v., in basement. Relating to Other Officers Auditor's Office, Experts' Reports on, 1907, 1 v., in basement. Bee Inspector's Reports, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Bonds : Of Notaries, 1910-date, 1 f.b. ; Official, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Coroner's Record, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3). County Officers, Monthly Reports of, 1906-date, 5 bdls., in base- ment. County Physician's Report, 1915-date, 1 f.b. District Attorney, Opinions of, 1913-date, 1 f.b. Justice Court Docket, Bureau Park Precinct, 1899, 1 v., in base- ment. Notaries Public, Index of, 1915-date, 1 v. ; Record, 1889-1911, 5 v., in basement. Public Administrator's Record, 1907-date, 2 v. Sheriff's Deputies, 1915-date, 1 f.b. THE RECORDER Assignment of Mortgages and Leases, Index of, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3). Attachments and Executions, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Bank Statements: Assets, 1890-1895, 1 v.; Stock, 1890-1895, 1 v. Births, 1889-date, 6 v. (1-6). Brands, 1890-date, 1 v. ; Brands and Marks of Other Counties, 1911- date, 2 f.b. Certificates of Redemption and Cancellation, 1896-1915, 3 f.b. Certificates of Sale, Sheriff's, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Contracts Filed, Index of, 1889-1916, 1 v. Deaths: Register of, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Certificates of, 1910-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Burial Permits, 1889-date, 6 f.b. Decrees of Distribution, Index, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2). Deeds, 1889-date, 294 v. (1-294); Index, 1889-1892, 2 v.; 1892-date, 20 v. (1-20). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1914, 8 v.; 1914, 1 f.b.; Committees' Statements, 1910-1914, 1 f.b. Estrays and Lost Property, 1891-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Fee Books, 1889-date, 34 v. Homestead Declaration, 1889-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, Transcript of, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Leases, 1889-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 2 v. Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 bdl. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps, Index of, 1889-date, 1 v.; Record of Surveys, 1892-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Maps of Los Angeles County, 1869-1888, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. These are copies of maps recorded in Los Angeles County. ORANGE COUNTY. 341 Marriages: Eecord of, 1889-date, 36 v. (1-35, 75) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3) ; Register of, 1905-1913, 2 v. (1-2). Vol. 75 is from 1892-1895. Mechanics Liens. 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Mining Claims, Index of, 1889-date, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, 1906-date, 3 f.b. Miscellaneous Records, 1889-date, 11 v. (1-10, 80) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Vol. SO covers years 1S93-1897. Mortgages. 1889-date, 200 v. (1-199, 203) ; Index, 10 v. (1-10) ; Chattel, 1889-date, 41 v. (1-40, 83) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Vol. S3 of Chattel Mortgages covers years 1893-1895. Notices .of Action, 1889-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Notices to Redeem, 1910-1911, 1 f.b. Official Bonds, 1889-date, 4 v. (1-3, 98) ; Index, 1 v. Oyster Beds, 1910-date, 1 v. Partnerships, 1890-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1889-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1889-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Releases or Satisfactions of Mortgages, 1889-date, 40 v. (1-37, 58, 70, 86) ; Index, 8 v. (1-4) ; Release of Chattel Mortgages, Index of, 1890-date, 2 v. Separate Property of Married Women, 1889-1912, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1889-1911, 38 v.; Index, 3 v. (1-3); Irri- gation Districts. 1890-1895, 1 v.; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Water Notices, 1890-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Wills, 1890-1914, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Abstract of Proceedings for the formation of School Districts, 1903- 1915. 20 v.; High School Districts, 1904-1915, 5 v. Annual Report, 1889-date, 4 v. .Apportionment of School Money, 1893-1896, 1 v., in Tax Collector's office ; 1897-date. 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1889-1901, 1 v. (1), in the attic; 1902-date. 1 v. (2). Board of Education, Record, 1889-date, 1 v. Certificate stub-book, 1902-1915, 11 v. ' Communications Received from Auditor, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Course of Study, 1903-date, 13 v. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1895-1896, 1 v. ; 1904-date, 2 v. Fee Book of Superintendent, 1889-date, 2 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1908-date, 1 v. List of Books used in High Schools, 1909, 1 v. List of Teachers Subject to Pension Law, 1914-date, 1 v. Record of School Library Books, 1909, 1 v. Requisitions: Register of, 1889-1899. 3 v. (1-3); 1902-date, 10 v. (5-14) ; Stubs, 1912-date, 18 bdls. 342 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. School District Ledger, 1889-1898, 4 v. (1-4), in attic; 1899-date, 11 v. (5-15). School District Map of Orange County, 1908. Superintendent's Balance, 1891-date, 6 v. Teachers' Certificate Record, 1889-date, 1 v. Teachers' Certificates, 1907-date, 2 f.b. Teachers' Employment Record, 1913, 1915, 2 f.b. Teachers' Reports, 1911-date, 5 f.b. Trustees' Elections, 1916, 1 f.b. Trustees, Register of, 1889-date, 2 v. Trustees' Reports, 1913, 1915, 2 f.b. THE AUDITOR Affidavits of County Officers, 1905-date, 5 f.b. Allowance Book, 1889-1897, 2 v. (1-2), in the basement. Apportionment of Taxes, 1908-date, 1 f.b. Assessment Rolls: Original, 1889-1910, 182 v., in basement; 1911-1915, 62 v. Delinquent, 1889-1915, 27 v. Personal Property, 1895-date, 22 v. ; Index, 1889-1915, 28 v. Orange School District, 1907, 1 v. Auditor's Fund, 1889-1905, 1 v. Balances, 1895, 1 v.; 1899-1906, 2 v.; Trial Balance and Monthly Statements, 1916, 1 v. Bond Register, 1890-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Orange County Highway Bonds, 1913-date, 3 v. Cash Book, 1891-1906, 10 v., in attic. Charges Against Tax Collector and Assessor, 1911-1914, 1 v. Fee Book, 1889-1892, 1 v., in basement; 1893-1894, 1 v., in attic; of County Clerk, 1893-1898, 1 v., in the basement. Journal, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2). Ledger, 1889-1900, 1 v., in the basement; 1907-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Con- densed Ledger, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Miscellaneous file, 1902-date, 10 f.b. Newbert Protection District, 1907, 1 v., in the basement. Order to Pay Officers, 1903-date, 11 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, Record of, 1904-date, 2 v. Registered Bond, Index, 1913-1914, 1 v. Reports, 1890-date, 2 f.b. ; 1909-date, 1 f.b. Road Districts Special, 1899-1902, 1 v. ; 1908-1909, 1 v., in attic. School Districts, Valuation, 1889-1906, 1 v.; Day Book, 1900-1906, 2 v., in basement. School Warrants, Register, 1889-date, 6 v. (1-6). Segregated Report, 1893-1895, 1 v., in attic. Statement, 1900-date, 1 f.b. State Redemptions, 1890-1915, 1 f.b., in basement ; 1906-date, 6 f.b. State Sales, 1889-1899, 1 v., in attic. Statistical Report, 1912-date, 3 v. (1-3). Transfer of Funds, 1913-1914, 1 v. (2). ORANGE COUNTY. 343 Treasurer's Receipts. 1900-1915. 1 f.b., in basement, Treasurer's Reports. 1900-date. 1 f.b.; Reports of Other Officers, 5 f.b. Warrant Receipt Book. 1889-1908. 6 v. (1-6). in basement; 1909-date, 8 v. (7-14). Warrants, Register of. 1889-1907. 7 v. (1-7). in basement; 1907-date, 10 v. (8-17). Warrants on File: 1889-1900, 9 boxes in attic; County. 1901-1915, 91 f.b.; 1916, 24 f.b.; School, 1900-1915, 98 f.b., in basement; 1916, 12 f.b. ; Cancelled, 1912. 1 v. ; 1890-1914, 1 barrel and 6 boxes in attic." THE TREASURER Allowance Book. 1889-1897. 2 v. (1-2), in Clerk's basement. Bond Register, 1889-date. 13 v. (1-13) ; Index, 1888-date, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Cash Book. 1889-date. 3 v. (1-3). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1909, 3 v. County Redemption Fund. 1890-1909. 1 v. Daily Balances. 1916, 1 f.b. Bay Book. 1906-1907, 1 v. Deceased Estate Funds. 1913-date, 1 v. Deposit Register. 1907-date. 2 v. ; 1915-date, 1 f.b. Drainage Districts: Balsa. Record, 1901-1915, 1 v. ; 1910-1912. 2 f.b. Delhi. Record, 1909-date. 1 v. ; 1910-date, 3 f.b. ; Bond Register, 1910-date, 1 v. Newport. Record. 1910-1915. 1 v.; 1910-date. 3 f.b.; Bond Reg- ister. 1911-date, 1 v. Talbert, Record, 1907-date. 1 v.; 1910-date, 4 f.b.; Bond Register, 1906-date, 1 v. Westminster, Bond Register, 1916. 1 v. Humane Society. Orange County, 1907. 1 v. Inheritance Tax Appraisers. Report of, 1914-date, 2 f.b. Inheritance Tax Receipts, stub-books, 1907-1911, 1 v. ■ 1914-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Record, 1912-1915, 2 v. Ledger. 1889-1890. 1 v.. in Clerk's basement; 1889-1890, 1 v., in attic; 1915-date. 1 v. Miscellaneous paper file : Canceled Checks, 1913-date, 3 f.b. Income Tax Exemptions, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Justice of Peace. Monthly Statements, 1916, 1 f.b. Newbert Protection District, 1907-date, 1 v.; 1911-date, 3 f.b. Personal Property Rebates. 1903-1915, 8 v.; 1913-1915. 2 f.b.; Trust Fund. 1899-1912, 1 f.b. Road Improvement Bond Book. 1916. 1 v. ; Highway Bonds, 1914-date, 1 f.b. : Highway Coupon Bonds. 1912-date. 1 f.b. Road AYarrants. Register of. 1907-date. 2 v. (1-2). School Bonds. 1910-1914. 30 f.b. School Warrants. Register of. 1891-1905. 3 v. (1-3) ; 1905-date. 5 v. (4-8 . Special Funds. County Clerk. 1910-date, 1 v. 344 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. State Land Sales, Record of, 1889-date, 9 bdls., in basement ; 1914- date, 1 f.b. Teachers ' Permanent Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Treasurer's Journal, 1891-date, 2 v. Treasurer's Register of Highway Bonds, 1913-date, 3 v. Warrants, Register of, 1890-1902, 4 v. (1-4) ; 1897-date, 10 v.; 1916, 1 f.b. THE ASSESSOR Abstract for Assessor of Property Sold to State and Redeemed, 1890- date, 2 v. Assessment List, 1889-1907, 13 boxes; 1910-1915, 257 bdls., in attic; 1916, 38 bdls. Maps: Orange County, 1912, 10 v.; 1912, 22 v. (1-22); Wall Map, 1910 ; Official Map of Los Angeles County, 1888 ; School and Road District of Orange County, 1910 ; City of Santa Ana, 1915 ; City of Orange. 1912 ; Rancho Canon of Santa Ana, 1874 ; Orange County, about 1894, 14 v., in attic. Orange Title Company, Daily Record, 1914-date, 11 bdls. Personal Property Receipt Stubs, 1914, 1 bdl., in attic. Poll Tax Receipt Stubs, 1904-1914, 7 bdls., 4 boxes, 1 barrel, in attic. Poll Tax Roll, Index to, 1912-1914, 3 v. (1-3), in attic. Property Book showing transfers, 1907-date, 68 v. Road District, Property Transfer, Index, 1899-1906, 42 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessor's Book of Mortgages, Index, 1887-1898, 1 v. Bank Balance, 1915-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1911-date, 4 v. Daily Balance, 1915-date, 1 v. District Ledger, 1915-date, 1 v. Drainage Districts : Bolsa, Record, 1894-1896, 1 v. ; Assessment Book, 1900-date, 3 v. ; Index to Ditch Tax, 1893-1896, 1 v. ; Tax Sales, 1901-1904, 2 v. (1-2). Westminster, Record, 1915-date, 1 v. Lighting Districts : Buena Park, 1915-date, 1 v. ; El Modeno, 1915-date, 1 v.; Pla- centia, 1913-1914, 1 v. Property Sold to the State and Redeemed, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2). Sewer Assessment District, No. 1, 1912-date, 1 v. Tax Sales, 1889-1893, 5 v. ; Index, 1889-1894, 6 v. ; 1907-date, 8 v. \~° ■ J? j° - ) -M+-> . . . x C3 ctf rf "S"2 "Tj CCMCQpL|fl|PLH O fa PLACER COUNTY. , 345 PLACER COUNTY INTRODUCTION Placer County was organized April 25, 1851, from territory which had previous^ been parts of Sutter and Yuba counties. Since the date of its formation the territory has been practically the same, and the county seat has always remained at Auburn. The first courthouse was a wooden structure built in 1854, but was soon supplanted by a brick building erected near at hand, the upper stories of the two buildings being connected by a bridge. The present courthouse was first occupied in 1898. It stands alone from other buildings and, with the exception of the dome, is built of brick and stone and may be considered reasonably safe from outside fires. Much wood is used for the interior finish in doors, desks, counters and other furniture. The building is lighted by electricity and heated by steam. Vaults are not used for the record books. The filing cases and book shelves are of metal, but the latter are open and therefore accumulate dust. This examination Avas made during July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1851-1879 Calendar. 1858-1879, 5 v. Fee Book, 1851-1864, 4 v. File, 84 f.b., cases 1-3452. General Index, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1853-1879, 5 v. (A-E). Judgment Docket, 1852-1879, 2 v. Minutes, 1851-1879, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1 v. Register and Fee Book, 1851-1879, 6 v. (x, A, x, E-G). County Court, 1851-1879 Calendar, 1863-1879, 2 v. Fee Book, 1859-1864, 1 v. (A). File. 31 f. b., cases 1-1146. Judgment Book, 1853-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Judgment Docket. 1874-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1851-1879, 6 v. (A, A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Register and Fee Book, 1851-1861, 1 v. (1) ; 1866-1879, 1 v. (2). 346 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1851-1863 File, 4 f.b., cases 1-301. Judgment Book, 1855-1859, 1 v. Minutes, 1851-1879, 4 v. . Register, 1851-1855, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1851-date Fee Books, 1859-1872, 1 v. (A). File, 1851-1880, 40 f.b., cases 1-558; 1880-date, 190 f.b., cases 1-2296. Index, 2 v. Letters and Bonds, 1861-1904, 5 v. (A-E) ; Probate Bonds, 1904- date, 3 v. (F-H) ; Probate Letters, 1904-date, 2 v. (F-G). Minutes, 1851-1879, 5 v. (x, A-D) ; 1887-date, 12 v. (H-S). Register of Actions, 1851-date, 10 v. (A-J). Wills, Record of, 1856-date, 5 v. (A-E). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1875-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-date, 4 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1892-date, 5 f.b.; Index, 1 v. File : Civil, 360 f.b., cases 1-5316 ; Criminal, 12 f.b. General Index, 7 v. Grand Jury Lists, 1880-date, 1 f.b. ; Reports, 1880-date, 2 f.b. Insanity, Record of Commitments, 1893-date, 7 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Intemperance, 1 f.b. ; Certificates of Discharge from State Hos- pitals, 1903-date, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 8 v. (E-L). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 2 v. Jury Book, 1 v. Minutes, 1880-date, 13 v. (A-M). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 15 v. (A-Oj. Reporters' notes, several hundred books in office and dome. Transcripts on Appeal, mostly with case papers. Transcript of Judgment, 1855-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-date, 7 v. File, 15 f.b. and 6 drawers. Franchise Book, 1873-1906, 1 v. (A). Hospital Record, 1889-1895, 1 v. Minutes, 1859-date, 10 v. (B-K). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (1-2). Roads and Highways, 1873-1906, 2 v. (A-B). MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Books, 1859-date, 8 v. Military Rolls, recent. Miscellaneous file, 15 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. PLACER COUNTY. 347 Naturalization Declaration of Intention, 1863-1906, 2 v. ; Record, 1906-date, 3 v., indexed; Index, 1852-1891, 1 v. Naturalization Papers, District Court, 1852-1862, 1 small vol. in bad condition. Naturalization, "Citizenship," Certificates of, 1874-1905, 3 v.; Petition and Eecord, 1906-date, 3 v. Naturalization. Certificates of, stub-books, 1907-date, 6 v. Registration and Elections Affidavits of Registration, 1892-date. Great Register, 1866-date, 12 v. ; printed copies, 1875, 1892-date. Nomination : Record of, 1 v. ; Certificate of, 2 f .b. Precinct Map of Placer County, 1915. Verification Deputies' Record, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Record, 1892-date, 15 v. No record before 1892. Dentists. Registration of, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Optometrists, Registration of, 1904-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Registration of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1873-date, 2 f .b. ; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, 1 v. Fictitious Names. Register, 1 v. Partnerships, Index to, 1874-date, 1 v. Private account books, several of recent date. Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers. 1880-date, 1 v. : 3 f .b. ; Index, 1 v. Justice Court Docket, 1891-1896, 1 v. Notary's Record, 1858-1869, 2 v. Public Administrator's Reports, 1880-date, 1 f.b. THE RECORDER Assignment of Mortgages and Leases, 1857-date, 6 v. (A-B, 2-5) ; Index, 1 v.; Miscellaneous, 1887-date. 1 v. (1), indexed. Attachments, 1870-date. 6 v. (A-F). Bills of Sale. 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). indexed. Births. Record of. 1873-1905, 1 v. (A) ; 1905-date, 4 v. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1852-date, 6 v. (A, A-E). Contracts and Agreements. 1887-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Index, 2 v. Corporations. 1854-1885, 1 v. Deaths. Register of, 1873-date. 3 v., indexed. Declaration of Married Women. 1854-1865, 1 v. Deeds, 1850-date, 165 v. (A-Z, AA-WW, 49-165) ; Index, 17 v. 348 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1906, 2 v. (2-3); 1906-date, 1 f.b. Estrays, 1914-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1902-date, 10 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v.; Abandonment of, 1861-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, 1859-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Land Claims, 1851-1876, 3 v. (A-C). Letters and Agreements, 1859-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 2 v. Licensed Surgeons, 1 f.b. Lis Pendens, 1855-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. Maps and Plats, 1889-date, 6 v. ; Wall maps of Auburn, Colfax, Dutch Flat, Ophir, Tahoe City. Marks and Brands, 1851-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Marriages, Record of, 1851-1905, 10 v. ( A-K) ; 1905-date, 2 v. ; Index, 2 v. Mechanics' Liens, 1851-date, 11 v. (A-L) ; Index, 1 v. Mining Claims, 1850-date, 24 v. (AA, A-W) ; Index, 4 v.; Record of Claims of Auburn Quartz Mining District, 1865-1866, 1 v. (A). Miscellany, 1877-date, 3 v. (A-C), indexed. Mortgages, Realty, 1851-date, 60 v. (A, A-X, 25-59): Index, 4 v.; Personal Property, 1857-date, 19 v. (A-E, 5-19). Newspapers (in Auditor's office) : Auburn, Placer Herald, Sept. 15, 1855-1886, 16 v. ; 1889-1902, 9 v. ; 1901-date, 9 v. ; Duplicate file, 1862-1865, 1881-1886, 1891- 1892. Placer Press, May 5, 1857-May 22, 1858, 1 v. Union Advocate, September, 1862-August, 1863. Stars and Stripes, July, 1863-June, 1867 ; July, 1869-June, 1871 ; July, 1871-November, 1872, 4 v. Placer Republican and Republican Argus, September, 1872- 1881; May, 1885-1902. Leader, 1901-1902, 1 v. Colfax, Sentinel, 1898, 1901-1902, 2 v. Dutch Flat, Enquirer, September, 1862-November, 1867, 5 v. Notices of Intended Sale, 1907-date, 1 v. (1), indexed. Official Bonds, 1851-date, 10 v. ; Index, 2 v. Patents, 1860-date, 13 v. (A-M) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1851-date, 7 v. (A, AA-F) ; Index, 1 v. Probate Orders, 1859-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 1 v. Proofs of Labor, 1865-date, 12 v. ; Index, 2 v. Redemption Certificates, 1876-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1862-date, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 1 v. Separate Property of Wives, 1856-1893, 1 v. Sole Trader's Declarations, 1863-1896, 1 v. (A). Stallion Register, 1911-date, 1 v. Tax Deeds, 1875-date, 9 v. Tax Sales, 1873-1910. 18 v. ; Certificates of Sale for Taxes, 1894-date, 15 v. Water Rights, 1872-date, 3 v. (A-C). Wills, 1874-date, 1 v. (A). PLACER COUNTY. 349 THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1895-1910, 2 v.; 1910-date, unbound. A printed list of teachers employed for each year is pasted into this report. Apportionment of Funds, 1899-date, 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1896-date, 2 v. Certificate stub-book, 1900-date, 10 v. Courses of Study, 1899-date, printed booklets. Examinations of Pupils in Elementary Schools, 1895-date, 18 v. Fee Book, 1913-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of Teachers', 1895-date, 2 v.; Trustees', 1911-date, 1 v. Pupil's Duplicate Report Cards, 1912-1914, 4 v. Recorded Diplomas and Normal Documents, 1894-date, 1 v. Requisition stub-books, 1907-date, 3 v. Returned Certificates, 1915-date, 1 v. School District Boundaries, 1 v. (1). There is in the office a large wall map showing the present boundaries. School District Ledger, 1858-date, 14 v. The financial record of school districts is contained in these volumes, labeled "Ledger," "Journal," "School and Library Fund." Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1900-date, 2 v. Teachers' Reports, 1893-date, 8 f.b. Trustees, Reports of, 1895-date, 1 v. ; current, one f.b. for each district. Unpaid Warrants, Register of, 1899-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1853-date, 190 v. ; Delinquent, 1854-date, 94 v. Each volume is indexed ; there are no other indexes. Cash Book, 1857-date, 10 v. Interest on State School Land, 1858-1865, 2 v. (A-B). Journal, 1857-1888, 5 v. Ledger, 1859-1869, 2 v. ; 1895-date, 3 v. License Book, 1851-1865, 3 v. ; Stub-books in dome. License Tax- Collectors' Reports, 1915-date, 1 f.b.; older ones in dome. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. Recorder's Fee Book, 1870-1882, 1 v. Recorder's and Auditor's Fee Books, 1884-1897, 5 v. Reports to State Controller, 1854-1858, 1 v. School Warrants, 1909-date, 4 v. Tax Rate Book, 1870-date, 1 v. Treasurer's Reports, 1910-date; older ones in dome. Unpaid County Scrip, 1853-1855, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1851-1892, 4 v. ; 1904-date, 4 v. Warrants on file. 1914-date: older ones in dome. 350 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Allowance Books, 1893-1896, 2 v. Cash Book, 1851-1855, 3 v. ; 1868-1875. Collateral Inheritance Tax Book, 1903-date, 1 v.; Receipt stubs, 1907 date, 2 v. Day Book, 1876-1902, 4 v. File, 1855-date, 35 f.b. Journal, 1855-date, 7 v. Ledger, 1855-date, 11 v. (A-K). Monthly Reports, June, 1907-date. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Warrant, Register of, 1892-date, 4 v. Warrants Registered, 1890-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1908-date, 200 f.b. .Maps and Plats, 1 v., somewhat incomplete. Mortgages, Abstract of, a few vols, in dome. Poll Tax Books, a few vols, in dome. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book, 1916, 2 v. License Book, 1913-date, 4 v. \ J .yinuoO acmuiq Plumas County. Solid blue Stats. 1854:129. a Stats. 1863 :11 — 4 1? ir. PLUMAS COUNTY. 351 PLUMAS COUNTY INTRODUCTION Plumas County was created March 18, 1854, from territory which had previously been a portion of Butte County. The only important change in boundaries was made in 1864 when a portion of the county was detached to form the southern part of Lassen County. From the time of the organization of the county the seat of justice has been at Quincy, formerly known as American Ranch. The building which is still used as a courthouse was erected at that time. In 1895 a Hall of Records and a jail were also constructed. The latter are built of brick, but the former is a wooden building and, being heated by stoves, is constantly in danger from fire. Steam is used for heat in the newer building, and all are lighted by electricity. The offices of the Clerk. Auditor, Recorder and Treasurer are located in the Hall of Records; the others are in the courthouse. In general, the office equip- ment is modern and convenient, the Assessor's office being especially well furnished. About 1910 the Supervisors ordered the older records, then kept in the attic of the courthouse, to be examined and the "worthless" ones disposed of. Much material was destroyed in this manner, but for- tunately J. D. McLaughlin, a local attorney, took occasion at this time to preserve many of these discarded records for his private collection. Since they serve to supplement the records in the archives they have been reported as a whole in this report. The examination of these archives was made in July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1854-1879 Calendar, 1876-1880. 2 v., in the woodshed. Decree Book, 1865-1873, 1 v. Fee Book, 1854-1879, 2 v. File, see under Superior Court. Judgment Book, 1854-1880, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Judgment Docket. 1854-1864, 1 v., in the woodshed; 1864-1879, 1 v. Minutes. 1854-1880, 2 v. Register of Actions, 1854-1861, 1 v., in the woodshed; 1861-1880, 3 v.: Index, 1 v.. in the woodshed; Tax Suits, 1865-1872, 1 v.; Index, 1864-1879, 1 v., in the woodshed. 352 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. County Court, 1854-1879 Execution Book, 1865-1879, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Both continue to 1892 as Superior Court record. File, see under Superior Court. Judgment Book, 1870-1879, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1870-1880, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Minutes, 1854-1879, 2 v. Register of Actions, 1872-1880, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1854-1863 Minutes, 1854-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1854-date Bonds and Letters of Administration, 1868-1895, 1 v. (1) ; 1905- date, 2 v. (x, 3). Calendar, 1880-1896, 1 v. Claims, Index to, 1880-date, 2 v. (x, 2). Fee Books, 1855-1870, 1 v. File: Closed Cases, 100 f.b., A-Z; Open Cases, 28 f.b., A-Z. Index, 1878, 2 v., but few entries. Minutes, 1854-1889, 3 v. Order Book, 1867-1890, 2 v. ; 1915-date, 5 v. Since 1915 five form books are employed for recording orders appointing administrators, inheritance tax appraisers, orders for publication of and decrees establishing notices to creditors, and orders of final discharge. Register of Action, 1870-1880, 1 v.; 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). Wills, Record of, 1859-date, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1859-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-date, 4 v. Execution Book, 1880-1892, in the County Court Execution Book. Execution Docket, 1880-date, 1 v. File, District, County and Superior Courts, 144 f.b. Papers of all these courts are filed together in alphabetical order. Grand Jury Reports, 1 f.b. Insanity: Record of Commitments, 1889-1897, 1 v.; 1897-date, 2 v. (1-2); Index, 1880-1892, 1 v.; Commitments for Intem- perance, 1915-date, 1 v. Insolvency Record, 1882-1889, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 1 v. Judgment Record, 1880-1906, 2 v.; 1906-date, 2 v. (3-4). Jury Book, 1880-date, 1 v. Jury Lists, 1878-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1880-date, 13 v, (1-12). Register of Actions: Civil, 1880-1885, 1 v.; 1885-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Criminal, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). -Reporter's Notes, in Clerk's vault. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1906-date Minutes and Orders, 1906-date, 1 v. Record, 1911-date, 1 v. PLUMAS COUNTY, 353 SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1870-1896, 2 v.; Claims Allowed, Record, 1897- 1908, 2 v. Cancellation of Erroneous Assessments, Order of, 1901-1906, 1 v. File, 20 f.b. ; current, 20 f.b. Minutes, 1855-date, 9 v. (1-9). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. Orphans and Half -orphans, Record of, 1902-date, 3 v. (x, x, 3). Road Book, 1872-1893, 1 v. Road Register, 2 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Books, 1885-date, 3 v. (x, x, 2). Hunting Licenses, Applications, in jail; Register, 1907-1908, 1 v. Land Office Business, 1886-1903, 1 v. Maps and Drawings, in Clerk's vault. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, Record of, 1871-date, 3 v. ; Index, 1854- 1901, 1 v. Citizenship: Certificates of, District Court, 1871-1879, 1 v.; County Court, 1871-1879, 1 v. ; Record of, 1880-1903, 1 v. Naturalization : Record of, 1904-1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v. Naturalization, Certificates of, stub-books, 1907-date, 3 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1856-1901, 1 v. Registration Affidavits Furnished Deputies, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. Affidavits of Registration, current. Great Register, 1866-1908, 9 v. Elections Ballots, Record of, 1902-date, 1 v. Certificates of Election, 1873-1896, 1 v. Election Returns, current, in jail cell. Statements of Candidates, 1 f.b. Verification Deputies' Records, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books, 1893-date, 5 v. ; Affidavits, 1905-date, 2 v. Dentists, Register of, 1908-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation. 1871-date, 2 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Index to, 1898-date, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1876-date, 1 v. 24—41210 354 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Private account books: Account Book, 1857, 1 v., in woodshed. Beckwith Hotel, Beckwith, Register, 1902-1905, 1 v. Day Book, 1861, 1 v., in woodshed. Day Book, 1902-1906, 2 v., in jail cell. Hathaway Mill and Lumber Co., By-Laws, 1903, 1 v. Ledger, 1900-1901, 1 v., in jail cell. Ledger, 1910, 1 v. Plumas House, Quincy, Register, 1902-1905, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Bonds and Oaths of Officers, Index, 1886-date, 1 v. Coroners' Register, 1903-date, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets : Washington Township, 1854-1869, 1 v. ; Plumas Township, 1858-1860, 1 v. ; Indian Township, 1886-1914, 3 v., all in jail cell. Notaries, Record of, 1911-1913, 1 v. Oaths of Officers, 1 f.b. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1878-date, 5 v. (2-6) ; Index, 1857-date, 1 v. For 1854-1878 see Bill of Sale and Agreements. Assignments of Mortgages, 1868-date, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Index, 1870-date, 1 v. Attachments, 1864-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Bill of Sale and Agreements, 1854-1878, 1 v. ; Bill of Sale, 1878-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Index, 1894-date, 1 v. Births, Register of, 1873-date, 4 v. Certificate of Sale under Execution, 1865-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths, Register of, 1873-1915, 3 v. (1, x, x). Deeds, 1854-date, 48 v. (1-48) ; Index, 6 v. (1-6). Election Expenses, Candidates' Statements, 1910-date, 1 v. (2). Estrays, 1855-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1878-date, 5 v. File, 20 f.b. Homesteads, 1860-date, 3 v. (1-3) • Index, 1861-date, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1881-date, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1860-date, 2 v. Lis Pendens, 1869-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1883-date, 1 v. Maps and Plats: Town Plats, in Map Rack, 12 Plats; County Map, 1892, by Keddie ; Record of Surveys, 1854-1871, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1854-date, 1 v. Marriages : Record of, 1854-1907, 3 v. ; Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. Mechanics Liens, 1854-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Mining Claims, Placer, 1870-date, 13 v. (1-13) ; Index, 1854-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Quartz, 1870-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 1855-date, 3 v. (1-3). Mining and Water Claims, 1870-1877, 1 v. See also Pre-emptions. PLUMAS COUNTY. 355 Miscellaneous Records, 1873-date, 4 v. (x, 2-4) ; Index, 1874-date, 1 v. These consist of water claims, proceedings of state drainage board, bonds, declaration and inventory, notices, oaths, writs of attachment, affidavits., Mortgages, 1854-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Index, 1 v. Newspapers (in clerk's vault, except as noted) : Greenville, Bulletin, 1887-1890, unbound, tater moved to Quincy. Quincy, Plumas County Bulletin, 1891-1892, unbound. Plumas National, 1887-1891, unbound. Bulletin bought out National and the paper became, National Bulletin, 1892-1904, unbound; 1904-1913, unbound, in the jail cell; 1913-date, in the Treasurer's office. Independent, 1893-1903, unbound; 1909, in the jail cell. Official Bonds, 1854-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1873-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1875-date, 2 v. Powers of Attorney, 1854— date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Pre-emptions, Mining and Water Claims, 1854-1870, 1 v. Proof of Labor, 1898-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Releases of Mortgages, 1860-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). School Lands Records, 1854-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Sole Traders, Declarations of, 1858-1888, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1916-date, 1 v. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1869-1875, 1 v. ; 1873-1900, 1 v. ; 1879- 1897, 1 v. Tax Deeds to State, 1895-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1871-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 2 v. Town Site Records : Crescent Mills, 1882-1902, 1 v. ; Taylorsville, 1873- 1875, 1 v. ; Greenville, 1875-1877, 1 v. Water Claims, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1854-1882, 1 v. (1). See also Pre-emptions, Mining and Water Claims, and Miscellaneous Records. Wills, 1897-1908, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1888-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1884-1891, 1 v. ; 1916-date, 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 2 v. Certificate stub-bcoks, 1880-date. Institutes. Minutes of, 1894-date, 3 v. Record of Official Visits, 1887, 1 v. ; 1911, 1913, 1 v. School District Book, 1878-1883, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1871-date, 11 v. Teachers' Examination, Record of, 1901-date, 3 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1 box. Warrant Register, 1854-1893, 3 v. 356 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, 1870-1901, 2 v. Assessment Rolls, 1855-1857, 3 v., in the woodshed; 1874-date, 58 v.; Index, 1891-1894, 3 v., in the woodshed; 1897-1913, 17 v., in the jail cell; 1889, 1896, 1914, 3 v.; Delinquent, 1874-1915, 41 v.; Per- sonal Property, 1898-1914, 17 v. Bond Register, 1876-1885, 1 v. Cash Book, 1869-1879, 2 v. ; 1895-clate, 3 v. Clerk's Fee Book, 1870, 1 v., in Recorder's vault. Compensation Insurance, Record, 1915-date, 1 v., but few entries. Day Book, 1888-1892, 2 v. Fund Ledger, 1911-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1870-1916, 5 v. Monthly Statement of the Condition of the Treasury, 1897-date, 1 v. Order on Treasury, 1906-1907, 1 v. Receipts and Expenditures, 1914-date, 1 v. ; Transfer Sheets, 1912- 1914, 1 v. Receipts, 1878-1895, 11 v. Redemption of Lands Sold to State, 1895-1900, 1 v. ; Redemption of Lands, Receipts for, 1875-1888, 1 v. Road Ledger, 1911-date, 1 v. Road Overseers, Receipts, 1883-1908, 1 v., in the jail cell. School Warrants, Register of, 1878-1882, 1 v., in the woodshed; 1883- 1906, 2 v. Tax Collector's Settlement, 1880-1882, 1 v. Tax Collections, Register of, 1871-1880, 1 v. ; 1883-1891, 3 v., in the vault of the Superintendent of Schools; 1908-date, 2 v. (1-2), in Tax Collector's office. Treasurer's Reports, Monthly Statements, 1880-1884, 1 v. Treasurer's Settlements, 1878-1892, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1859-date, 5 v. THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1904-date, 2 v. Fund Ledger, 1916-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1911-date, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Warrants Redeemed, Register of, 1878-1888, 1 v., in the jail cell; 1901- date, 2 v. THE ASSESSOR Maps and Plats: Official County Map, by A. W. Keddie, 1874, in Surveyor's office. Plat Books, Surveyor's Townships, Property Ownership, 2 v. Poll Tax Rolls, 1887-1914, 31 v., in jail cell. Real Estate Records, card file, 4 boxes. State and United States Land Office Returns, card file. Transfers of Real Estate, 1915-date, 1 v. PLUMAS COUNTY. 357 THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book. 1870-1878, 1 v.. in the vault of the Superintendent of Schools. Monthly Statement of Taxes and Licenses, 1898-1915, 1 v. Register of Licenses Granted, 1854-1877, 2 v., in the woodshed. COLLECTION OF J. D. McLAUGHLIN School Records Annual Reports to State Superintendent, 1855, 1874, 1877. Apportionment of Funds, 1857, 1859, 1860. Census Marshals' Reports, 1855-1856, 1859, 1860, 1879. Organization of School Districts, 1855. Petition of Citizens of Rich Bar for Formation of School District, May 23. 1858. Teachers' Reports, 1855-1859, 1857-1860. Trustees, Appointment of, 1855. Fiscal Records Assessment Roll. 1858. 1 v. ; Special Assessment, 1859-1860. Auditor's Account with Treasurer, 1881-1890, 3 v. Auditor's Report to the Controller, 1857-1858. Countv Indebtedness, for Funding, 1876. Day Book. Marvsville. 1854-1855, 1 v., 580 pp. Delinquent Tax Lists. 1854-1860. Journal and Ledger, 1854-1877, 1 v. License Record, 1874-1885, 1 v. Receipts and Disbursements, 1858. School Lands Sold, 1882. Taxes Collected, 1856-?. 1 v.; Property Sold for Taxes, 1857; Tax on Pre-emption Claims. 1858. Treasurer's Reports. 1858-1860. Warrants. Register of, 1870-1878, 1 v. ; Warrants Redeemed, 1854-1878. 2 v. Miscellaneous Records Elizabethtown. List of Voters Polled at, 1855, 2 pp. ; Election Returns. 1855; Order Establishing Post Office, 1855. Great Register. 1879, 1884, 1892. 1896. Homesteads. Registering of Final Certificates, 1875-1876, 10 pp. Indebtedness of Plumas' County to Butte County, 1851 (?), 1 p. Oroville-Virginia City R. R.. Petitions against issuance of County Bonds for, 1868. twenty petitions. Justice Court Docket, Plumas Township, 1863-1864, 215 pp. Quincy Virion, Aug. 26. 1865. ' Road District Petitions, 1878, 1 bdl. ; Road Viewers Report, 1882- 1883 ; Report of Countv Survevor on road from Bidwell Place to Ohio Valley. 1873. Swamp Land Case. 1876, 10 pp. United States Land Office Transcript, 1887, 5 pp. 358 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. RIVERSIDE COUNTY INTRODUCTION Riverside is one of the more recent of the counties of the state, having been formed in 1893 out of territory taken from San Diego and San Bernardino counties, 6,044 square miles from the former and 590 from the latter. A slight change in the northern boundary was made in 1919. The county seat has always been at Riverside. For the first ten years the county offices were located in the old Arlington Hotel, but in 1903 the present courthouse was occupied. It, together with the jail, occupies a whole block and is constructed of steel and concrete. It may, therefore, be considered fireproof, although some wood is used in the interior furnishings. Vaults are not generally used, except by the Treasurer. The building is lighted by electricity and is equipped with a furnace. This courthouse was examined in July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS Superior Court, 1893-date Attorney's Receipt Book, Record of Action, 1899-1906, 3 v., in basement. Attorneys, Roll of, 1893-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1897-1899, 3 v., in basement ; 1899-1913, 5 v. ; Law and Motion Calendar, 1893-1895, 2 v., in basement; Trial, Default and Disqualified, 1894-1896, 1 v., in basement. Commitments: Whittier School, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3); Justice Courts, 1895-date, 7 bdls., in basement. Coroner's Inquests, 1893-date, 10 f.b., cases 1-1122; Index, 1 v. Decrees of Foreclosure and Orders of Sale, 1895-1899, 1 v. Execution Record, 1893-date, 10 v. (1-10). Exhibits, 1892-1899, 63 f.b., cases 1-6657. File, 1893-date, 559 f.b., cases 1-7620. General Index, 1893-1914, 3 v. (1-3). Grand Jury Reports, 1893-1898, 1 f.b., in storeroom; 1895-date, 3 f.b. Insanity, Record of Commitments, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. Journal, 1898-1914, 16 v. Judgment Docket, 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Judgment on Foreclosure, State School Land, 1895-1899, 1 v. Judgments, 1893-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Jury Book, 1893-1911, 1 v., in basement; 1912-date, 1 v. - RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 359 Justice Court papers, 1897-date, 3 f.b.; Civil Cases, 1893-1910, 72 bdls., in basement. Minutes. 1893-date, 33 v. (1-33) ; Index, 4 v. Register of Actions, 1893-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Reporters' notes: shorthand, 1909-1914, 3 boxes, in basement; transcribed, 1899-1914, 22 bdls., in storeroom and drawer. Superior Court Probate, 1893-date Calendar, Probate and Insolvency, 1893-1895, 1 v., in basement. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1893-1896, 1 v.; 1905-1909, 3 v.. in basement. Decrees that Notice to Creditors has been given, 1895-1898, 1 v. File, 1893-date, 196 f.b., cases 1-2199. Letters of Guardianship, 1895-1906, 1 v. Letters Testamentary, 1895-1906, 9 v. ; Index, 1 v. Minutes, 1893-1909,' 50 v. Register of Actions, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. Register of Claims Against Estates, 1893-1901, 1 v., in basement. Wills, Record of, 1893-date, 4 v. (A-B, 3-4) ; Index, 1 v. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1909-date, 1 f.b., cases 1-291. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. Record, 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Abstract of Proceedings of School Trustees and Supervisors of Riverside County, 1908-1910, 27 abstracts. Allowance Book, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7). Commissioners' Papers, 1893, 1 bdl., in storeroom; Minutes of Board of Commissioners, April 4, 1893, in basement. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1893-1915, 1 v. File. 1893-date, 141 f.b. Indigents Supported by Riverside County, 1893-1895, 1 v. * Maps, Riverside County; Judicial Townships, 1915; School Dis- tricts, 1915. Minutes, 1893-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Ordinance Book, 1893-1915, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1893-1913, 1 v. Organization of County, Proceedings of Board of Supervisors to perfect, 1893, 1 v. Road Book. 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2). MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Angler's License. 1914, 1 bdl.. in basement. Day Book, 1895-1897, 1 v., in storeroom. Docked Horses, Register of. 1907-1908, 1 v. Fee Book, 1893-1911. 3 v.. in basement; 1911-clate, 2 v. Hunting Licenses, Applications. 1907-1915, 11 bdls., in basement; 1914-date. 3 f.b.; Register, 1907-1909, 1 v.; Stub-books, 1907- 1915, 163 v., in basement. 360 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Inventories of County Property, 1893-date, 1 f.b. ; 1897, 1 f.b., in storeroom. Letter files, 1900-1902, 4 files, in basement. Military Roll, 1893-1915, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Naturalization Declaration of Intention : 1910-date, 3 f.b. ; Record, 1893-date, 6 v. ; Stub-books, 1907-1914, 8 v. ; Index, 1893-1899, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1893-1908, 1 v. Naturalization, Petition and Record, 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3). Registration and Elections Great Register, 1894-1914, 15 v. ; Index, 2 v. Candidates' Statements of Receipts and Expenditures, 1894-date, 6 f.b. Certificate of Election, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Nomination, Certificate of, 1910-1914, 5 f.b. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Licenses, 1893-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Stub-books, 1911-1915, 17 v. ; Index, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; 1899-1909, 2 v., in basement. Dental Register and Veterinary Surgeons, 1893-1901, 1 v. ; Dental Register, 1901-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1893-date, 4 v. ; Index, 1 v. Optometrists, Record of Registered, 1893-1904, 1 v. Osteopathists, Record of Registered, 1901-1905, 1 v. Pharmacists, Registered, 1905-1909, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1893-date, 18 f.b., cases 1-1174; Index, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of, 1 v. ; Certificates of, 1896-date, 2 f.b. Partnership Register, 1893-date, 1 v. Private account books, in the storeroom: Perris Valley Bank, Cash Book, 1890-1895, 2 v. (A-B) ; Ledger, 1890-1895, 2 v. (A-B). The Rowell of Riverside, Register, 1897, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 1893-date, 5 f.b. ; Certificate of Appointment, 1910- 1914, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1893-date, 4 f.b. Justice Court Docket, Hemet, 1895-1897, 1 v., in basement. Notarial Record, 1886-1895, 1 v. ; 1887-1896, 1 v., in basement. Notaries, Index, 1893-date, 1 v. Orchard Inspectors, Report of, 1894-1895, 1 box, in basement. Public Administrator, Report of, 1901-date, 1 f.b. Sheriff's papers, 1895-1905, 5 bdls., in basement. RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 361 THE RECORDER Assignment of Mortgages and Leases, 1893-date ; Index, 2 v. Attachments, 1893-date, 7 v. ; Index, 2 v. Also includes record of executions. Bank Assets, 1893-1894, 1 v. ; Stock, 1893-1891, 1 v. Births, Register of. 1893-date. 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Building Contracts. 1893-date, 1 f.b. and 1 drawer. Certificate of Sale, 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Controller's Receipts. 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4). Co-partnership, 1893-1915, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Deaths. 1893-date. 2 v. (1-2) ; Certificates, 1905-date, 4 f.b. Decrees of Distribution. Index, 1893-1899, 1 v. Recorded in Deeds. Deeds. 1893-date. 448 v. (1-448) ; Index, 6 v.; Deeds of Agreement, 1893-1915. 2 v. (1-2) ; Deeds of Trust, 1893-date, 21 v. Election expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1914, 5 v. (1-5), indexed; Committee's Statements, 1894-1904, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. Estravs. 1893-date, 1 f.b. Executions, "Sheriff's Sales," 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. See also under Attachments. Fee Books. 1893-date. 31 v. (1-31). The boohs are designated by dates, the fees itemized. Homesteads, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments. Transcripts of, 1893-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Leases. 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. Includes also assignments of leases. Licensed Surveyors. 1893-date, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1893-date, 7 v. ; Index, 2 v. Maps and plats : Recorded Maps of Riverside County, 1893-date, 10 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Official Surveys, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Unrecorded maps and papers, 1893-date, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1893-date, 1 v., only 13 pages used. Claimant, facsimile, earmarks, and use of brand given. Marks and Brands of other counties, 1893-date, a few in files. Marriages. 1893-date. 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 6 v.; Register of Marriages, 1905-date. 3 v., indexed. Mechanics Liens. 1893-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Mining Claims. 1893-date, 41 v. (1-41) ; Index, 6 v. Miscellaneous Records. 1893-date. 11 v. (1-11) ; Index, 3 v. Mortgages, 1893-date. 168 v. (1-168) ; Chattel, 1893-date, 41 v. (1-41) ; Index. 3 v. ; Release of Chattel Mortgages, Index, 2 v. ; Index to Crop Mortgages. 3 v. Official Bonds. 1893-date. 6 v. (1-6). Patents. 1893-date. 7 v. (1-7) ; Index. 1 v. Powers of Attorney. 1893-date. 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Pre-emption Claims. 1893-1908. 1 v.. only 27 pages used; Index, 1 v. Redemptions for Auditor's Report, 1901-date, 5 f.b. 362 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Release of Mortgages, 1893-date, 47 v. (1-47) ; Index, 7 v. Riverside Charter, proposed, 1906, 1 v. Separate Property of Married Women, 1893-1904, 1 v., only 23 pages used; Index, 1 v. Sole Trader's Declarations, 1893-1903, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. Special Partnerships, "Co-partnerships," 1893-1915, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. Tax Deeds to State, 1899-date, 2 v. (85-86) ; Index, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificate of, 1893-1911, 51 v. (1-51); Index, 3 v.; for Street Improvement, 1915-date, 1 v. Volumes are dated and instrument numbers marked. Tax Sales, Certificates of, for Irrigation Districts: Allesandro, 1894, 1 v.; East Riverside, 1894-1895, 2 v.; Perris, 1893-1894, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1914-1915, 2 v. (1-2). Tax Sales Made to State, Abstract of, 1880-1895, 2 v. Water Rights, 1893-1915, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Wills Admitted to Probate, 1893-date, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Abstract of Board of School Trustees and Supervisors, 1893-1900, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Annual Report, 1893-1915, 48 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1894-date, 1 f.b. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1893-date, 2 v. Census Marshal's Appointment and Oath of Office, 1894-1904, 72 bdls., in basement; Field Notes, 1907-1910, 95 bdls., in basement; Reports, 1893-1910, 99 bdls. Certificate Books, stubs, 1895-date, 12 v., filed. Communications received, 1895-date, 71 f.b. District Clerk's Certificate to Superintendent, 1893-1904, 72 bdls., in basement. Examination for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1895-1898, 1 v. Grading of Schools, annual reports, 1893-date, 48 v. Institutes, Program of, 1895-date, 2 f.b. Letter file, 1909-1915, 1 f.b. Librarian's Report, 1894-1899, 72 bdls., in basement, incomplete. Opening of Schools, Record of, 1894-1904, 72 bdls., in basement, incomplete. Recommendation for Diplomas, stub-books, 1902-date, 2 f.b. Requisitions, 1893-date, 15 v. School District Boundaries, 1908 -date, 3 f.b. School District Ledger, 1893-1894, 2 v. (1-2). School District Maps, 1906, 1910, in basement. School Library Books, Record of, 1905-date, 2 f.b. School Warrants, stub-book, 1893. Teacher's Certificates, 1899-date, 2 f.b. Teachers and Certificates, 1893-1894, 1 v., in basement. Information is given by districts. Teacher's Employment Record, or "Notices of Employment to Teach- ers," 1893-1903, 72 bdls., in basement. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1899-1915, 2 v. ; 1 f.b. RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 363 Teachers' Institutes, 1895-1905, 1 f.b. Teachers' Reports, 1893-1903, 72 bdls., in basement, incomplete. Trustees, Proceedings of, 1893, 5 v. Trustees, Register of Election, 1893-1903, 2 v., 72 bdls., in basement. Trustees' Reports, 1893-1903, 72 bdls., in basement, incomplete. THE AUDITOR Apportionment Redemption Ledger, 1893-date, 2 v. Apportionment of State Sales, 1894—date, 1 v. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1893-1915, 196 v. Delinquent, 1893-1914, 53 v. (1-53). Delinquent Roll 1S97-1S99 is kept in Assessment Roll for those years. Personal Property, 1900-date, 16 v. Operative Roll, 1914-1915, 2 v. (1-2). Auditor's Balance, 1893-1902, 2 v. (1-2). Bond Register, 1893-date, 4 v. Cancellation of Tax Sales, 1895-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Redemption of Real Estate Purchased by State, 1893- 1915, 60 f.b. County Officers, Monthly Settlements of, 1893-date, 20 f.b. Estimate for Tax Levy and Annual Report, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Fee Book, 1903-1907," 1 v. Fund Journal, 1893-date, 5 v. (1-5). Indigent Cash Allowances outside Hospitals, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Justice of Peace, Orders of, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Ledger, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2). Letter files, 1893-date, 2 f.b., and 1 desk drawer. License Record, 1898-1909, 2 v. (1-2), with few records. Murrietta Irrigation District : Assessment Roll, 1891-1892, 1 v. ; Assess- ment Sales Register, 1892 ; Correspondence, 1891-1892, 1 bdl. ; Day Book, 1890-1894, 1 v. ; Delinquent List, 1892, 1 v. ; Stub-book, 1891, 1 v. All in the storeroom, except the stub-book, which is in the office. Opinions of District Attorney and miscellaneous official communica- tions. 1893-date, 1 f.b. Order to County Treasurer to Receive Funds, 1893-date, 13 v. (1-13). Orders to Transfer County Funds, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1 f.b. Perris Irrigation District: Assessment Book, 1892, 1 v., in storeroom; 1893, 1 v.; Assessment Roll, 1893-1897, 4 v. (1-2), in storeroom; Assessment Sales, 1892-1895, 1 v. Poll Tax and Military List, Index, 1894-1914, 21 v. (1-21). Poll Tax Payers' Roll. 1895-1911. 18 bdls., in basement. Public Administrator, Orders, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Railroad Assessment, 1893-1915, 1 f.b. Redemptions, Record of State, 1894-1899, 1 f.b. School District Ledger. 3 v. (1-3). School Warrants Register, 1893-date, 11 v. (1-11). 364 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. State Settlements, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Statistical Reports, 1906-1915, 11 f.b.; 1910-date, 2 v. (1-2). Superior Court, Orders, 1893-date, 4 f.b. Tax Sales, 1893, 1 v. ; Index, 1894-1914, 14 v. See also Delinquent Assessment Roll. Treasurer's Balance Ledger, 1893-1895, 1 v. Treasurer's Settlement Reports, 1893-date, 195 f.b. Trustees Beaumont, Orders, 1912-date, 1 f.b. Warrants Register, 1893-date, 18 v. (1-18). Whittier Reform School and School of Feeble-Minded, 1893-date, 1 f.b. THE TREASURER Bond Register, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3). Cash Book, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1897-1905, 1 v. Cash Redemption Fund, 1894-1908, 1 v. Certificate of Sale of Real Estate, 1893-1894, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1893-date, 1 v. ; 1909-date, 1 f.b. ; Receipts, 1910-1915, 3 v. County Board, Minutes of, 1893, 6 v. County Officers, Monthly Report of, 1893-date, 10 f.b. Day Book, 1905-date, 6 v. Deposit Register, 1907-date, 1 v. Deputy Treasurer, Check stubs to, 1897-date, 2 v. Interest Account with Banks of Deposit, 1907-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; School Ledger, 1893-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Probate, 1912-date, 1 v. License and Poll Tax Accounts, 1898-1915, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, 1893-date, 11 f.b. These include orders to receive from Auditor, orders to transfer, school bond bids, settlements with state, tax sales certificates, and report of vital statistics. Poll Tax Books, 1893-1914, 4 v. ; Receipts, 1913-1914. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1893-date, 11 v. (1-11). Settlement with the State, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Tax Deeds to State, Record of, 1893-date, 1 v. Treasurer's Balances, 1893-date, 3 v. Treasurer's Receipts for County Redemption Fund, 1894-1910, stubs in vault. Warrants Protested, 1893-1898, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1893-date, 18 v. (1-18). THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Instrument Securing Debt, 1893-1906, 58 v., in the base- ment ; Duplicate, 1893-1910, 30 v. Assessment List, 1913-date, 120 bdls. Lists before 1913 have been destroyed. RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 365 Assessment Roll, 1916, 12 v. (1-12). Assessor's Statement of Personal Property, 1903-1909, 7 bdls., in basement. File, 1899-1910, 12 f.b., in basement. Maps and Plats : Government Plats, 1856-1893, 2 v. Maps of Riverside County, 1887-1893, 11 v. (1-14) ; 1893-1895, 20 v. (1-20), in the basement; 1896-1899, 20 v. (1-20) ; 1899- 1907, 20 v. (1-20) ; 1907-1913, 21 v. (1-21) ; 1913-date, 23 v. (1-23). Riverside Orange Belt, 1890, above hanging maps. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1893, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v., in the basement ; 1893- 1910, 9 v.; Index, 1896-1897, 2 v., in the basement. Poll Tax Receipt stubs, 1906-1908, in basement. Poll Tax, Roll of, 1899. State Land Office Returns, 1870-1899, 1 v. Tax Sales Redeemed, Record of, 1894-1914, 14 bdls. Transfers, 1893-1897, 2 v. (1-2) ; The Daily City and County Re- porter, 1898-1907, 9 bdls. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Ledger, 1893-1905, 9 v., in the basement. Ledger. 1893-1895, 1 v., in the basement. Remittance Register, 1893-1895, 1 v., in the basement. Tax Sales Index, 1896-1914, 4 v. 366 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SACRAMENTO COUNTY INTRODUCTION Sacramento was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850. Since its organization there have been no important modifications in its boundaries, the only changes having been along the Sacramento and Mokelumne rivers where the shifting of the channels made a redefinition of boundaries desirable. The city of Sacramento has always been the seat of the county government. In 1858 the city and county governments were consolidated, and continued to be so administered until 1863. The first courthouse, built in 1850 and 1851, was destroyed by fire in 1854. In the following year a much larger building was completed, built of brick at a cost of $240,000. This was used as a state capital from 1855 until 1869, and during that period the county officials occu- pied offices in other buildings in the city. In 1882 a Hall of Records was completed and occupied. These two buildings were torn down to make room for the present courthouse, which was completed in 1913. This building is one of the finest county buildings in the state. It is constructed of concrete and steel and is well equipped for the safe and convenient handling of the county's business. Besides the main offices, which are located on the first and second floors, the Clerk has a large basement in which are stored a large quantity of the older records. Room 29 in the basement is used partly as an office and partly for the storing of a quantity of old books from the Auditor's office and a smaller number from several other offices. At the time of this examination a number of the older records of the Treasurer were stored in a small room on the fourth floor. At the present time the county records are safely housed, but in the past, at various times and for considerable periods, some of the officials find records have been located in private business houses in the city. As might be expected, this has resulted in some loss and some damage, but the loss and damage have not been so great as might be supposed. The important records are today complete and in an excellent state of preservation. The archives of the county were examined in March, 1917. Sacramento County. Solid blue Stats. 1850 :61 ; 1851 :1T4 : 1857 :132 ; 1S61 :221 a Stats. 1869-70:294: Pol. Code (1872), §3928. b Fol. Code (1878), §3928; (1905), §3928. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3942. For key to maps see page ix. 55-6:223. f^r r s — \a« SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 367 PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS 1 Record — Sacramento County by First Magistrate, Aug. 2, 1849, to Nov. 6, 1849, 1 v. The inside title is "Record of Proceedings had before James S. Thomas, First Magistrate for City and District of Sacramento." Civil, and a few criminal, cases. [Snttersville. Records of]. Aug. 2, 1849-Feb. 7, 1850, 1 v. Deeds recorded by T. N. Ames, Alcalde and Recorder. There are also a few powers of attorney and one marriage certificate, the earliest of record, in the county. The reverse was used for an assessment roll of uncertain early date. The volume was found in room 29, Court of First Instance, Civil, Bonds, Criminal, 1 v. Contains : Civil cases, September and October, 1S49, 7 pages ; Bonds, April to September. 1830. 49 pages ; Reverse has Criminal cases, November. 1849, to April, 1850. Court of First Instance, Sacramento District, California, Minute Book, Oct. 29, 1819, to April, 1850, 2 v. ; Index, 2 v. The second volume is entitled "Fees." Court of First Instance, Judgment Book, Nov. 22, 1849, to Apr. 10, 1850, 1 v. Docket, register, minutes, etc. Alcalde's Docket, Feb. 11, 1850, to July 17, 1851, 1 v. After April 29, 1850, the entries are for the County Court. THE CLERK 2 COURT RECORDS 3 District Court, 1850-1879 Calendar: Criminal. 1878-1879, 1 v. (A) ; Dav, 1863-1879, 3 v.; General Trial, 1876-1880, 1 v. ; Law, 1863-1880, 4 v. Docket, Motion, October, 1850, to September, 1851, and Criminal, August, 1852, to 1856, 1 v. Execution Docket, 1851-1878, 3 v. (B, x, 1) ; Index, 1866-1876, 2v. (1). File: First Series, 1850-1851, 6 f.b., cases 1-647; Second Series, 1851-1879. 268 f.b., cases 1-9066; Cases Pending', 1850-1880, 67 f.b.. cases 1-16668; Criminal Cases, 1855-1882,' 12 f.b., by years; Miscellaneous, 13 f.b.; State Tax Suits, 1874-1880, 51 f.b., cases 1-6176 ; State Tax Decrees, 1875-1879. 11 f.b., decrees 1-393; State and County Tax Suits, 1865-1872, 12 f.b., 3220- 13736: State and Countv Tax Decrees, 1864-1865, 8 f.b., 1-13059; City and Countv Tax Decrees, 1864-1876, 22 f.b., 514-7196; City Tax Suits, 1864-1879. 8 f.b., 1-14414; Old Tax Suits. 1 box. General Index. 1850-1879, 8 v. (A-D). x Pre-statehood Records are arranged chronologically. They are all in the Clerk's office. 2 See also Pre-statehood Records. s In addition to the records listed below, there are in the Clerk's basement a large number of volumes of rough minutes, calendars and fee books which are not here classified. 368 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Judgment Docket, May 6, 1850-Nov. 2, 1850, 1 v., "Judgment Docket previous to Nov. 2- 1850, Dist. Court"; July 7, 1851- 1879, 10 v. (A-J). Judgment Record, May 8, 1850-1879, 9 v. (A-I). The first volume is called "Judgment Book." Jury Book, 1859-1882, 2 v. Minutes: Civil, 1850-1879, 15 v. (A-P) ; Criminal, 1853-1879, 2 v. Register of Actions, 1850-1879, 19 v. (A-T). Tax Suits: Record, 1864-1877, 1 v.; Register of Actions, 1863- 1879, 8 v. (A-G) ; Decrees, 1864-1879, 15 v. (A-L, 1-3) ; Index, 1864-1874, 1 v. (2) ; Court Ledger, 1860, 2 v.; Index, State Tax Suits, 3 v. (x, A, B) ; File, see above. County Court, 1850-1879 Calendar: Civil, 1867-1878, 1 v.; Criminal, 1865-1878, 1 v.; Law, 1854-1858, 1867-1879, 2 v. Fee Book and Register of Actions, 1850-1879, 5 v. (A-B, B, C-D). File: Civil, 1850-1879, 64 lb., cases 1-3666; Criminal, 1850-1879, 31 f.b., by years. Judgment Book: Civil, 1874-1878, 1 v. (A) ; Criminal, 1878-1879, lv. (A). Judgment Docket, 1850-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Jury Book : 1860-1879, 2 v. The first volume includes also the Court of Sessions. Minutes, 1850-1879, 7 v. (A-G) ; Criminal, 1874-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Register of Actions (Book A Criminal), 1851-1859, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 File, miscellaneous, 4 f.b. Minutes, "Record," 1850-1863, 4 v. (x, B-D). Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Adoption, Record of, 1915-date, 1 v. (1). Bonds, Record, 1861-date, 20 v. (A-S, K). Includes also bonds other than probate bonds. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1905-1910, 6 v. (x, 2-3, and three small books for 1910). Estates of Deceased Persons, 1861-1864, 1 v. ; Dates of Motions and Orders, 1860-1864, 1 v. ; Register of Claims Allowed, 1861- 1864, 1 v. The volume first named has pages divided into columns for showing title of estate, name of executor or administrator, date of letters, date of filing accounts, etc. File, 1849-1880, 107 f.b., cases 1-2248; 1880-date, 679 f.b., cases 1-7628. Index, 1849-1870, 1 v. ; General Index to Probate Record, 1 v. (1). Letters: Administration, 1861-date, 18 v. (A-D, 1-14); Special, 1910-date, 1 v. (1) ; With Will Annexed, 1881-date, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Guardianship, 1872-date, 9 v. (A, 1-8) ; Testamentary, 1861- date, 11 v. (x, x, 1-9). SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 369 Minutes, "Record," 1850-date, 83 v. (A-L, 1-71). Orders: Appointing Administrator, 1901-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Appointing Executor. 1901-date. 2 v. (A-B). Register of Claims, Probate, 1890-1915, 1 v.; Register of Estate Claims, 1915-date, 1 v. (2). Register of Actions, "Register of Estates," 1849-date, 19 v. (A-E, 1-14). Unsettled Estates, Register, 1858-1884, 1 v. Wills, 1850-date, 15 v. (x, A-N). Superior Court, 1880-date Arraignments, Dept. 2, 1894-1895, 1 v. Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-1898. 1 v. Calendar: Day, Dept. 1, 1880-1914, 8 v.; Dept. 2, 1882-1910, 6 v.; Dept. 3. 1901-1910, 2 v.; General Trial, Dept. 1, 1880-1900, 2 v. ; Dept. 2, 1883-1897, 1 v. ; Dept, 3, 1897-1907, 1 v. ; Law, Dept. 1. 1881-1913, 13 v. ; Dept. 2, 1881-1917, 19 v. ; Dept. 3, 1895-1914. 7 v. ; Blotter Law and Trial Calendar, Dept. 1, 1889- 1912. 9 v. : Dept. 2. 1886-1916, 17 v. ; Dept. 3, 1895-1916, 7 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1850-1914, 68 f .b. ; 1914-date, file; 1885, 1 v. (A) ; Record of, 1891-date, 2 v. (x, 2). Execution Book. 1893-date, 1 v. (2). Feeble Minded, Commitments of, 1897-date, 2 v. (x, 2). File: Civil Judgments, 1880-date, 723 f.b., 1-12,668; Civil Cases Pending. 1880-date. 156 f.b., 1-22,183; Civil Cases Dismissed, 1879-date. 53 f.b., 1-21,329; Divorces, 49 f.b. by letters; Divorce Cases Dismissed, 5 f.b., 2730-22,063 ; Attachments, 13 f.b., 8359- 22.182; Attachments Dismissed, 5 f.b., 10,197-21,980; Criminal, 1880-date. 125 f.b., 1-5872. General Index, 1880-date, 22 v. (E-O) ; Criminal, 3 v. (1-3). Grand Jury Reports, 1878-1889, 1 f.b. Includes experts' reports. Insane: Commitments, 1881-date, 14 v. (1, 1-13) ; Certificates of Discharge, 1904-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; File, 1914-date, 4 f.b., 1-324; Index, 1914-date, 1 v. Insolvents: Register of [Actions], 1898-1902, 1 v. (1); Register of Claims. 1890-1896, 1 v. ; File, 3 f.b. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 29 v. (1-29); Criminal Judgments, 1880-date, 7 v. (1-7). Judgment Docket. 1880-date, 13 v. (1-13). Jury Book, 1880-date. 4 v. Justices of Peace and Police Court, Record of Testimonv, 1891- date, 2 v. (1-2). Minutes: Civil. 1880-date. 44 v. (1-44); Criminal Record, 1880- date. 23 v. (1-23). Preliminary hearings. 1909-date, 133 f.b. ; Police Court minutes, Sacramento City, 1875. 2 v. Register of Action's: 1880-date. 39 v. (1-39) ; Criminal, 1891-date, 6 v. (1-6). Reporters' notes, large number of vols. Transcript of Evidence, 1877-1906. 21 large p.h. 25—41210 370 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1903-date File, 21 f.b., cases 1-1014. Minutes, 1903-date, 6 v. (1-6). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1891-1895, 2 v. (1-2) ; Claim Register, 1882- 1886, 1890-1916, 20 v. ; Register of Expenditure Vouchers, 1916- date, 1 v. The Register of Expenditure Vouchers is the Claim Clerk's record under a new system installed in 1916. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1889-1898, 1 v. Calendar, 1857-1860, 1 v. Commitments and Claims, Juvenile Court, History of, 1908-1916, 2 v. Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1861-1864, 1872, 1882-1889, 1891-date, 6 v. The volume for 1S72 contains only rough minutes, but has also, on pages 3 to 71, "Transcript from accounts, receipt books, delinquent lists, papers and cash book of M. M. Estee, District Attorney, Sacramento County, March 7, 1864, to March 5, 1866." Minutes: Court of Sessions, County Business, May, 1850-July, 1852, 2 v. (A); May, 1853-February, 1855, see following; Board of Supervisors, July, 1852-May, 1853, 1 v. (B) ; May, 1855-date, 24 v. (C-Z) ; Index for each volume except A, A, C, E. Vol. B contains also the minutes of the Court of Sessions, May, 1853- February, 1855. Ordinances, 1863-date, 1 v. Orphans and Half-orphans, Record, 1904-date, 2 v. ; Orphans on State Aid, 1900, 1 v. Relief, Applications for, 1899-1903, 1 v. (1). Road Register, 1885-date, 2 v. (1-2). School Land Surveys, 1852-1862, 1 v. State Capital, Condemnation of Land for, October, 1872-Pebruary, 1873, 1 v. Minutes and report of Commissioners for appraisal of land condemned for state capital purposes between L & N r 12 & 14, and M & N, 14 & 15. Supervisors' Convention, 1899, 1 v. Roll of members and minutes of convention held in Sacramento in February, 1899. Swamp Land Business, Journal of, 1866-1890, 2 v. ; Swamp Land Surveys, 1856, 1 v. The last named volume contains, first, surveyor's certificates of field notes of surveys 1 to 106 ; then a register of surveys 1 to 974, giving owner, acres, and description by section, etc. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties County Inventory, 1904-date, 2 f.b. Docked Horses, Register of, 1 v. SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 371 Fee Books, 1868-1872, 1879-1890, 10 v.; 1890-date, 52 v. (1-4, 1-48). Hunting License : Applications, 1910-date, 3 large p.h. ; County Register of, 1907, 1 v. ; Reports, 1 f.b. ; Angling License reports, I f.b. Military Rolls, 1862, 1863, 1870, 1880, 1882, 1885, 1895-1913, 1915, 33 v. Poll and Military Roll, 1884-1886, 1 v. Union High School Districts, Formation of, Record of County Clerk, 1895-date, 1 v. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1859-1906, 9 v. (A-I) ; 1847-1906, II f.b.; Record, 1906-date, 8 v. (1-8); Index, 1850-date, 1 v. (A). Naturalization Record: District Court, 1861-1879, 5 v. (A-E) ; County Court, 1871-1879, 3 v. (A-C) ; Superior Court, 1880- 1903, 5 v. (1-5). District Court vol. A is called "Naturalization Book." Naturalizations, Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v. (5) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 5 v. (1-5). Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1910-date, original and duplicate. Great Register, 1866-1912, 68 v. Great Register (printed), 1871, 1873, 1882, 1884, 1886, 5 v.; 1894, 1 v., in Supervisors' room. Maps, wall maps of city and county with precincts marked, 2 maps. Elections Certificates of Election, 1894-date, 2 v. Delegates elected to conventions, 1902, 1 v., in Supervisors' room. Election Returns, 1912-date. Primary Election Officers, Record of, 1898, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage [License] Affidavits, 1867-1868, 1 v. ; 1873-1893, 17 v. ; 1893-date, 19 v. (A-C, 1-15). There are two volumes numbered 14. Marriage License stub-books, 1873-1882, 1884-1911, 152 v. The volume for 1877-1879 is in room 29. Dental Certificates, Register of, 1885-1907, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Register of Dentists, 1903-date 1 v. (3). Medical Certificates, Register of, 1876-date, 2 v. (1-2). Optometry, Certificates of, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). Pharmacist Certificates, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Veterinary Certificates, Register of, 1901-date, 1 v. 372 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1850-date, 31 f.b. ; Index, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Record of Incorporations, 1871-1874, 1 v. The Record contains the full text of the articles. Bonding' Companies, 3 f.b. Partnerships, 4 f.b. (A-Z). Partnerships and Fictitious Names, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-1894, 1 v. (A). Private account books (in room 29) : H. Arents & Co., Ledger, 1853, 1 v. John F. Price & Co., Ledger, 1852-1853, 1 v. S. J. May & Co. (Newspaper & Printing), Ledger, 1855, 1 v. Comins & Bauquier, Ledger, 1862-1887, 1 v. Gerber & Lorenz, Cash Book, 1877-1881, 1 v. Account books of unnamed firms, dates ranging from 1851 to 1872, 15 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, Certificates of: Deputy Constables, 1907-date, 3 v.; Deputy Sheriffs, 1895-date, 5 v. ; Miscellaneous Deputies, 1894- 1911, 1913-date, 9 v. ; Notaries Public, 1894-date, 3v. Bonds, Official, 1853-1872, 3 v. (x, x, C) ; Road [Overseer's] Bonds, 1876-1881, 1 v. Humane Officers, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Justices' Courts, Record of Abstracts, 1916-date, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets : Natoma Township, 1853-1857, 1 v. ; Frank- lin Township, 1874-1894, 1 v. Notaries, Oaths of, 1862-1893, 1 v. Original oaths pasted in book, with index. Notaries, Records of, 19 v., dates ranging from 1864 to 1916. Public Administrators, Reports of, 1 f.b. THE RECORDER Administrators, Register of, 1859-1860, 1 v. Pages divided into columns for showing name of estate, executor or administrator, residence, title of court, date of letters and remarks. Assignments of Mortgages, 1857-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 20 v. d-10). Attachments, 1850-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 7 v. (A-G). Banking Assets, 1876-1909, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Births: Register of, 1858-1860, 1 v.; Record of, 1873-1914, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1894-1905, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Certificates of, 1905-date, 11 v. (1-11). Certificates of Sale [under execution] , 1866-1897, in Certificates of Sale, Vol. 1, and Certificates of Purchase, Vol. 4 (see under Tax Sales) ; 1897-date, 1 v. (5) ; Index, 3 v. (5). Vol. 5 is numbered in the series of Certificates of Sale and Certificates of Purchase (see under Tax "Bales). SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 373 Deaths: Register of. 1858-1860. 1 v.; Record of, 1873-1914, 1 v.; Certificates. 1905-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds, 1850-date. 466 v. (A-Z, 27-466) ; Index, 1850-1910, 602 v. (1-301) ; 1910-date. 8 v. Include deeds of trust, conveyance, re-conveyance, bargain and sale, decrees, cemetery deeds, probate deeds, etc. Some deeds in the early volumes are dated as far back as 1S46. The originals of A and B are in the vault. The first is entitled "Sacramento Co. Records Book A — Schoolcraft Records.'' It is badly worn. Divorces. 1859-1906, 1 v., only ten pages used. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1895-date, 5 v. (1-5); Committees' Statements. 1894-1912, 1 v. (1). Estrays, 1852-date. 2 v. (A-B). Fee Books. 1857-date. 34 v. The volume for 1861-1868 is in room 29. Homesteads of Single Persons, Register of. 1860-1887, 1 v. (1) ; Home- stead Declarations. Married Persons, 1860-1864, 1 v. (1) ; Home- steads, 1864-date. 9 v. (2-10) ; Index, 10 v. (1-10). Homesteads, Abandonment of, 1860-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments [Transcripts of]. 1850-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 3 v. (A-C). Leases, 1852-date, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 30 v. (A-O). Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps and Plats: Map Books, 1851-date, 15 v. (1-15); Index, 1 v.; Surveys. 1891-1913, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1850-date, 1 v. (A). Marriages. 1850-1857. 1 v. (A) ; Marriage Certificates, 1857-date, 47 v. (B-Z, 27-47) ; Index, 94 v. (1-47) ; General index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Mar- riage Certificates, 1858-1860, 1 v. ; Certificates of Marriage, 1905- date, 17 v. (1-17). Mechanics Liens, 1850-date. 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 7 v. (A-G). Miscellaneous, 1872-date. 10 v. (1-10). Mortgages. 1850-date. 181 v. (A-Z, 27-181) ; Index, 1850-1911, 298 v. (A-Z, 27-149); Index, Personal Property Mortgages, 1911-1915, 16 v. (151-172 passim) ; General Index, Real Property, 1911-date, 2 v. ; Personal Property, 1915-date, 2 v. Crop, chattel and personal property mortgages are included in this series. Newspapers (in Clerk's basement) : Sacramento. Reporter. April-September, 1870 ; June, 1871- July, 1872, 3 v. Notices of Action. 1851-date. 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 7 v. (A-G). Official Bonds. 1851-date. 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 8 v. (A-H). Patents. 1859-date. 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 5 v. (1-5). Pov\-ers of Attorney. 1850-date. 9 v. (A-I) ; Index, 9 v. (A-I). Pre-emption Claims. 1850-1882, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 4 v. (A-D). Releases of Mort eases & Leases. 1857-date, 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 30 v. (1-15). Residence. Index to Certificates of, 1 v. Separate Propertv of Married Women, 1851-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 2 v. (A-B). Vol. B is entitled "Separate Property of Married Women and Sole Traders." 374 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Separate Property of Married Women and Sole Traders, 1856-1881, in vol. B above; 1915-date, 1 v. (C) ; Index to C, 1 v. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Index, 2 v. (B-C). Swamp Lands, Reclamation of, 1868-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales: Certificates of Sale, 1866-1874, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 3 v. (1). Includes Cert, of Sale under execution. Certificates of Purchase, 1868-1897, 3 v. (2-4) ; Index, 9 v. (2-4). Vol. 4 includes Cert, of Sale under execution. Certificates of Tax Sales, 1903-1906, 1 v. (6). Property Sold for Taxes, 1864-1894, 3 v. Description of property and when redeemed, if so. Tax Sales to State, Record of Certificates of, 1895-1911, 14 v. (2-15). Tax Sales, Index to Certificates of, 2 v. (2-3). Tax Sales, Abstract of, 1905-1911, 1 v. (1). Water Rights, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Wills, 1858-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1866-1916, 137 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1891-1914, 1 f .b. ; 1915-date, 1 v. See also under Record Book of School Districts, etc. Apportionments (1900-1914), School Trustees (1902-1914), Trans- ferred Attendance (1912-1914), 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1883-1890, 1895-date, 2 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes and Reports, 1886-1889, 1900-1901, 1909, 1910, 6 large bdls. Certificate Books, stubs, various grades, about 50 v. Certificates, Record of, 1890-date, 2 v. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, Record of, 1896-1916, 2 f.b. and 2 bdls. High Schools, Organization of, 1895-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1870-date, 5 v. Several of these are in poor shape. The first volume is in room 29. Office Doings of Superintendent of Schools, 1878-1883, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Office Expenditures, 1907-1915, 1 v. "Record Book of School Districts, School Trustees, Clerks, Apportion- ments, etc., of Supt. of Common Sac. Co.," 1883-1890, 1 v. Has also names of teachers and dates of taking charge of school, 1883. Sacramento City School Department, Order, Requisition and Warrant on, 1915-date, 2 v. School District Boundaries, 1898-date, 4 v. The current volume is loose leaf and has a small map of each district. School District Ledger, 1870-1880, 4 v., "School Book"; 1881-1893, 3 v.; 1902-1913, 3 v. (E, x, x) ; 1913-date, 5 v. (H-K, x). Loose leaf beginning with volume H. SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 375 School District Maps, large county wall map with district boundaries marked. See also under School District Boundaries. Teachers' Certificates Expired, 2 f.b. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1866-1886, 17 v.; 1887-1909, 2 v. Teachers, Record of, 1886-1915, 1 v. One or more pages for each district, showing names of teachers for each year, number of months taught and salary received. Teachers' Reports, 1896-date, 3 bdls. and 6 f.b. Teachers' Retirement Fund Record, 1914-date, 2 v. Trustees, Record of, 1888-1904, 1912-date, 2 v. See also under "Record Book of School Districts, etc." and under Apportionments, School Trustees, Transferred Attendance. Trustees' Reports, 1896-date, 2 bdls. and 1 f.b. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book : Record of County Allowances by the Board of Supervisors, 1855- 1856, 1 v. Register of Sacramento Countv Accounts, 1862-1870, 1 v. Claims, 1865-1870. 1 v. Claim List, 1891-1897, 2 v. Assessment Rolls: Original, 1850-1915, 256 v. Duplicate, 1852-1854, 1856-1862, 1872-1874, 1880, 16 v. Delinquent, 1853, 1870-1915, 55 v. Personal Property, 1879-1914, 53 v.; 1907, 1915, 3 v., in Treas- urer's office. Operative, 1912-1916, 4 v. Index, 1871-1915, 62 v. Drainage District No. 1, 1880, 1881, 4 v. Road Districts, 1861, 11 v. School District, 1880, 1 v. Assessor's Accounts, 1866, 1 v. Contains also assessment roll of Migratory Stock and Migratory tax accounts, 1874-1879. Bond Fund Report, Monthly, 2 v. Auditor's monthly reports on $1,425,000 bond issue of 1908 and $1,750,000 highway bond issue of 1917. Bond Record, 1908-date, 1 v. Form at top of page for details of the bond issue ; below, columns for amount sold, amount redeemed and amount outstanding. Bond Register, County Bonds of 1854, 1855-1864, 1 v. See also under Bond Record and Funded Debt. Bonds and Coupons. 1905-date, 3 v. ; Register of Coupons, 1 v. Redeemed bonds and coupons pasted in book. The Register is for the Hospital, Court House and Jail bonds of 1870 and county bonds of 1872 and 1884. Cash Book. 1858-date, 14 v. 376 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Compensation Insurance, Register, 1915-date, 1 v. Contract Record Book, 1912-date, 1 v. Day Book or Journal, 1855-1883, 7 v. A number of volumes of Journals and Day Books, found in the Treas- urer's and Auditor's offices, room 29 and Clerk's basement, have in this report been classified into two continuous series, one being placed here and the other under a similar title for the Treasurer. The larger num- ber of the volumes are in room 29. Departmental Collection Accounts, Register of, 1916-date, 1 v. Deposit Permits, 1916-date, 1 v. Double and Overpayments of Taxes, 1913-date, 1 v. Estimate Book, 1903-date, 2 v. Ferry and Toll Bridge Licenses, Record of, 1855-1868, 1 v. Funded Debt : Funded Debt of 1853, 1854-1857, 1 v. Funded Debt of 1854, Register of County Warrants and Funded Bonds, 1 v. Courthouse and Jail Fund, Warrants and Bonds of 1855, Record, 1855-1859, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Registry of Funded Warrants and Bonds, "Records," 1855, 1 v. Funded Debt of 1857, 1 v. Register of county bonds under funding act of 1857. Funded Debt of 1859, 1 v. Record of funded warrants and bonds of 1859 and bond issues of 1861, 1863, 1864, 1870, 1872, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1893, 1895. Funded Debt Account, 1882-1890, 1 v. And see under Bonds, etc. Ledger, 1872-1876, 1 v. ; 1903-1916, 4 v. ; Fund Ledger, 1916-date, 2 v. (current and transfer) ; Control Ledger, 1916-date, 1 v. License Book, 1853-1854, 2 v. ; 1896-date, 5 v. ; Register of Licenses, 1853-1858, 2 v. License and Poll Tax Accounts, 1862-1877, 2 v. ; Ledger, 1883-1903, 1 v. License and Water Permit Ledger, city and county, 1857-1860, 1 v. Maps, 1854-1915, 143 v. These are Assessors' plat books. The volumes for 1857 and 1865 are missing. Orphan Record Book, 1907-1908, 1 v. Orphans' Claim Book, 1907-date, 1 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1868-1870, 1874, 1879-1882, 1885-1888, 1890-1912, 37 v. ; Chinese Poll Tax, 1878, 1883, 1887-1889, 5 v. ; Poll and Mili- tary Tax Lists, 1864, 1871, 1872, 1877, 4 v. Property Sold or Deeded to the State, 1898-1911, 1 v. Redemptions, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Register of Accounts, 1858-1860, 1 v. Reports, Monthly, 1907-date, 4 v. Road District Ledger, 1866-1870, 1 v. ; Road Book, 1870-1874, 1 v. ; Road Ledger, 1879-1903, 5 v. Sacramento City School Department, Order, Requisition and Warrant on, 1915-date, 2 v. SACRAMENTO COUNTY. 377 School Bond Interest Payable, July-December, 1916, loose sheets; January, 1917-date, 1 v. School Credit Book. 1908-date, 3 v. Stub of Auditor's reports to School Superintendent. School [District] Ledger, 1887-1899, 1901-1903, 6 v.; 1903-1913, -4 v. (A-D) ; 1914-date, 3 v.; 1855, 1859-1873, 1882-1887, 6 v. Some of the last named volumes are entitled "School Book," "Cash Book" or "Journal." School Warrants (Register), city and county, 1896-date, 38 v. Segregation Ledger. 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book. 1861-1866. 1889-1892, 4 v. Signature Books. 1917-date. Books with warrant numbers and place for signature of person receiving warrant. More convenient than having claimants sign in the warrant book itself. Special School Tax. 1911-date, 1 v. Tax Charges, Collections and Due, 1908-date, 2 v. Tax rolls in account with the Tax Collector, showing taxes charged, col- lected and due. Tax Collector. Accounts with, 1883-1891, 1 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1853, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1858-1863, 1875-date, 35 v. Warrants Registered, 1851-1859. 4 v. ; Issued and Redeemed, 1850- 1852. 1 v. ; Outstanding, current, 1 v. ; Paid, 1916-date, 1 v. The volume of Warrants Issued and Redeemed contains licenses issued, same period. Warrants. Index to, 1903-1908, 2 v. (A-B), in Claim Clerk's office. THE TREASURER Blotter. 1872-1881, 1891-1895. 3 v. The first volume contains also register of licenses, 1852-1855. Bond Register, 1915-date, 1 v.; County Bonds, 1888-1915, 1 v.; 1907- date. 1 v. : Reclamation District Bonds, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Reclamation District Xo. 1000 Bonds, 1911-date, 1 v. ; School Bonds, City, 1911- date. 1 v. : County. 1916-date, 1 v. Bonds of 1859. Register of Coupons for, 1 v. Cash Book. 1853-date. 15 v. Three of these are in room 29. Claim List, 1895-1897. 1 v. Day Book or Journal. 1858-1891, 8 v. See note under Auditor's Day Book or Journal. Deposit Record, 1908-date, 1 v. Entry Book. 1896-1900, 1903-date, 6 v. Petty cash books. Fees of Office. C. L. Bird. City and County Treasurer, 1859-1861, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Payments, 1904-date. 1 v.; Appraisers' Reports, 1913- date. 1 f.b. ; Court Orders, 1913-date, 1 f.b. Land Receipts Book. 1860-1863, 1 v. A record of the original receipts. 3/8 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Ledger: General, Contingent and Special Courthouse Funds, 1852- 1853, 1 v.; State Fund, 1853-1863, 1 v.; Bond, License and Tax, 1864-1883, 2 v. The second of the last named volumes contains also Floating Debt, 1869- 1872, and Register of County Bonds of 1872. License and Poll Tax Accounts, 1860-1864, 1878-1883, 2 v. Licenses, Treasurer's Registry of County, 1855-1858, 1 v.; Day Book, 1857-1859, 1 v. Map Book, city and county, 1906, 1 v. Monthly Reports, 1900-date, file ; Annual Reports, 1909-date, 1 f .b. Poll Tax Accounts, 1883-1912, 1 v. Treasurer's account with Assessor. Reclamation District No. 341, Statement, Report, Estimate, etc., of Board of Trustees to Board of Supervisors, 1894, 1 v. Road District Ledger, 1856-1865, 1 v.; 1865-1870, 1 v., "Day Book"; Road Book, 1877-1881, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. The first two volumes contain also some other accounts. Sacramento Drainage District, assessment roll, 1908-date, 4 v. Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District, assessment roll, 1914- date, 4 v. School Ledger, 1900-1906, 1 v. School Warrant Register, 1896-date, 9 v. Swamp and School Lands, Ledger, 1856-1862, 1 v. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Treasurer's receipt, 1861-1863, 1 v. Swamp Land District Ledger, "Day Book" and "Journal," 1872- 1904, 2 v. ; Journal, 1868-1875, 1 v. Swamp Land Districts, Ledger and Warrant Register, 1881-1903, 1 v. ; 1903-date, 17 v. The volume for 1881-1903 contains other funds also. Beginning 1903 there is one volume for each district. Swamp Land Districts, Statement of assets and boundaries, 1866, 15 small v. Treasurer's Receipt from Auditor, 1872-date, about 20 v. Warrant Register, 1852-1855, 1860-date, 18 v. The volumes prior to 1891 are in the Clerk's basement. Warrants Registered, 1906-date, 2 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1915, 1916, bound in volumes, 28 each year. Card system for property descriptions, ownership, etc., 1912-date. Three years on each card. Maps and plats, 1916, 9 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, city and country, ?-1911, 8 v. (1-4) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3). All of these are in the Recorder's office. Transfer Books, 1912-date, 3 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 17 v. ; Index, 8 v. Cash Book, 1912-date, 4 v. Licenses Collected, Record of, 1908-date, card system. Tax Cash Book, city, 1889-1890, 1 v. Blue Red San Benito County. Stats. 1873-4:95. Stats. 1887:103; Pol. Code (1919), §3943. For key to maps see page ix. SAN BENITO COUNTY. 379 SAN BENITO COUNTY INTRODUCTION San Benito County was formed in 1874 from territory cut off from Monterey County. To the original county there was added in 1887 small sections of territory detached from Fresno and Merced counties. The county seat has from the first been located at Hollister, which is the only town of considerable size in the county. The first courthouse was a modest structure remodeled from a build- ing on the present courthouse site. This first courthouse was sold in 1888 for the sum of $400. The present courthouse, a substantial brick structure, was occupied in the same year. The Hall of Records, a beautiful and well appointed building of steel and concrete, was com- pleted in 1911. These buildings are both well cared for and present a handsome appearance. The Hall of Records is as near fireproof as such a building can be made, as no wood was used in the construction of the building itself and there is practically none in its furnishings. The courthouse proper, with which the Hall of Records is connected by an enclosed corridor, is not so safe as the latter building, but will propably rank above the average in point of safety. Electric lights and steam heat are used. All of the offices have sufficient room for the present records, and a large basement under the Hall of Records provides a safe place for the storage of the older records as their current usefulness expires. The county being comparatively young, the quantity of records is not large. The officials are in general efficient and careful. The offices of Clerk, Auditor and Recorder are combined, as are also those of Tax Collector and Sheriff. These archives were examined in December, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS 1 District Court, 1874-1879 Calendar, 1874-1879, 1 v. Decrees, 1874-1879, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Execution Docket, 1874-1905, 1 v. (1). File, 13 f .b.. cases 1-341 ; Criminal, 1 f.b. ; District and County Court Documents, 1 p.h. Index, 3 v. Judgment Book, 1874-1879, 1 v. (1). Tor transcripts of court records for this territory prior to 1874, see Recorder's archives, Transcript Records. 380 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Judgment Docket, 1874-1897, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1874-1879, 1 v. (1). Order Book, 1877-1879, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1874-1879, 1 v. County Court, 1874-1879 Calendar, 1874-1877, 1 v. File : Civil, 2 f.b., cases 1-57 ; Insolvency, 2 f.b., cases 1-28 ; Miscel- laneous, 1 f.b., not indexed. Index, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1874-1879, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1874-1879, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1874-1876, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1874-date Appraisements, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). Vol. 3 is entitled "Appraisements and Letters Testamentary." Bonds, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4). Vols. 3 and 4 are current, vol. 4 being a form book. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1905-1907, 1 v. ; Collateral Tax, 1901-1911, 1 v. File : County Court, Probate, 4 f.b., cases 1-45 ; Superior Court, Probate, 73 f.b., cases 1-984; Current, 10 f.b. Index, 2 v. Letters (Administration, Guardianship, Testamentary), 1874-date, 3 v. (1-2, 4). All three volumes are current, 2 and 4 being form books. Minutes, 1874-1879, 1 v. (1) ; Orders and Decrees, 1880-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; and another volume numbered 12, a form book with only one entry (1911). Register of Actions, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4). Wills, 1875-1915, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to Wills and Decrees, 1 v. Wills are now copied into Orders and Decrees. Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar, 1880-1882, 1887, 1899, 2 v. Coroner's Inquests, 2 f.b. Decrees, 1880-1914, 3 v. (1-3). Vol. 2 is a form book for Foreclosure and Divorce. Execution Docket, see under District Court. File: Civil, 88 f.b., cases 1-1830; Criminal, 13 f.b., cases 1-236; Insolvency, 6 f.b., cases 1-55 ; Current cases, civil and criminal, 9 f.b. General Index, 2 v. Grand Jury Reports, 1 f.b. Insane: Complaint and Cause (Commitments), 1885-1897, 1 v. (1) ; Commitments, 1897-1912, 1 v. (1) ; Insane and Intemper- ance, Order of Commitments, 1912-date, 1 v. (2) ; Discharge of Insane Patients, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). SAN BENITO COUNTY. 381 Insolvency Proceedings. 1880-1898, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v.; Regis- ter of Actions, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 2 v. (x, 2). Judgment Docket, 1880-1914, 1 v. See also under District Court. Jury Book, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9). Register of Actions: Civil and Criminal, 1880-1886, 1 v.; Civil, 1886-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Criminal, 1887-date, 1 v. Reporters' notes, 1 large p.li. ; 1 f.b. • Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 2 f.b. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1874-date, 8 v. (1-8). Burial Register, 1 v. Ex-Union Soldiers, etc. Only one entry, 1905. Deeds to County, 2 f.b. File, about 50 f.b. ; about 50 p.h. ; 1899-1911, 5 f.b. Hospital Record, 1883-1895, 1 v. List of Aged Persons supported outside of Hospital, 1886-1913, 1 v. Minutes: "Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners created under the act of the Legislature of the State of California . . . to create the county of San Benito, provide for its organization and establish the boundaries thereof, approved Feb, 12, 1874/' February-April, 1874, 1 v. ; Board of Supervisors, 1874-date, 8 v. (1-8). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (1). Orphans Record, Outside, 1902-1903, 1 v. Orphans on State Aid, Record of, 1904-date, 2 v. Road Book, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Register, 1874-date, 1 v.; Papers, 3 f.b., 1-105. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Correspondence record, 1913-date, 5 letter f.b. Fee Book, Clerk and Recorder, 1885-date, 2 v. Hunting Licenses : Applications, 1914, 1915, 2 large p.h. ; 1916, 26 small drawers, by letters ; County Register of, 1907-1909, 1 v. Monthly Report of Condition of Treasury, 1901-date, filed. Miscellaneous file. Clerk and Recorder, about 150 f.b. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1874-1906, 3 v. (1-3) ; Record of, 1906- date, 2 v. (4-5). Certificates of Citizenship, Alien, Minor, Soldier, 1874-1879, 1 v. 382 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Naturalization, Acts of: 1880-1906, 3 v. (2-4); Petition and Record, 1906-date, 2 v. (5-6). Naturalization Fee Book, 1912-date, 1 v. Index to Declarations and Naturalizations, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1906-1908, partial, 1 large f.b. ; 1910, 10 f.b. ; 1912, 1914, 1916, bound by precincts. Affidavits of Registration furnished deputies, Record of, 1912- date, 1 v. Great Register, 1867-1909, 8 v. Registration, Cancellation of, 1914, 1 letter f.b. Elections Ballots, Record of, 1892-date, 1 v. Election Returns, 1914, 1916, in vault in basement ; Bond Election, Ausaymas School District, 1914, 1 bdl. Nomination Papers, 1910, 1 large f.b., 3 p.h. Nominations, Record of, 1910-date, 2 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books, 1874-1894, 1910-date, 5 v. Dentists, Registration of, 1906-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates: Record, 1876-date, 1 v. (1); Register of, 1876-date, 1 v. ; Doctor's Certificate, Record, 1 v. The last named volume is a form book of doctors', druggists', and reciproc- ity certificates and has only one entry. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. (1). Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1 v. Outside title, "Index to Bond and Surety Companies." Corporations, 16 f.b. by letters ; Index, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of Firms and Persons under, 1 v. Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers, 2 f.b. District Attorney's Opinions, 1 f.b. Justice Court, miscellaneous, 2 f.b. Justice Court Dockets: San Juan and Hollister Townships, 1864- 1884, 2 v.; Hollister Township, 1874-1888, 4 v.; San Benito Township, 1887-1893, 1 v. SAN BENITO COUNTY. 383 THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1874-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Attachments: Real Estate, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2); Personal Property, 1874-date. 1 v. ; Index to Attachments and Mechanics Liens, 1 v. (1). Banking Assets, 1876-1893, 1 v. (1) ; Banking Capital, Statement of, 1876-1893. 1 V. (1). Births, Deaths and Marriages, Register of, 1 v.; Births, 1880-1909; Deaths, 1874-1909 ; Marriages, 1893, only one entry. Births, Register of, 1905-date, 4 v. (1-4). * Vol. 1 lias the data arranged in columns. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Correspondence, 1913-1915, 2 letter f.b. Deaths, Register of. 1905-date, 3 v. (x, 3-4). Deeds, 1874^date, 57 v. (1-57) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3). Deeds, Trust, 1878-date. 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Decrees, District, Probate and Superior Courts, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index to Wills and Decrees, 1 v. Decrees of Distribution, Index to, 1 v. (1). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1904-1908, 1914-date, 3 v. (x, 2, 4) ; Record of Candidates' and Committees' Receipts and Dis- bursements, 1908-date, 1 v. (3) ; Statement of Receipts and Expendi- tures, Primary, 1910, 1 v. (1) ; Candidates' Statements of Receipts and Disbursements, Primary, 1912, 1914, 1 v. (2). Estrays, 1 v. Only one entry, 1885. Executions. 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). File Book, 1874-date, 9 v. (1-9). Record of filing of instruments, with columns for date of filing, by whom made, to whom made, at whose request, name of instrument, fees, where recorded, when delivered, to whom delivered. Homesteads, 1874-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index to Patents and Homesteads, 1 v. (1) ; Abandonments of Homesteads, 1876-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Incorporation, Certificates of, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Last entry, 1899. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Transcripts of Judgments and Notices of Action, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Licensed Surveyors, 1903-date, 1 f.b. Surveyor-General's lists. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps: 2 v. (1-2) ; Road, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to road maps, 1 v.; Map of a part of the public roads of San Benito County, surveyed under instructions from the Board of Supervisors by P. P. McCray, 1882, about 3J feet by 18 feet. Marks and Brands. 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Includes Marks and Brands of Adjacent Counties. 384 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Marks and Brands of Adjacent Counties, 4 v. Recorders' certificates filed in books. Marriages: Register, 1905-date, 2 v.; Licenses, 1874-date, 6 v. (1-6) • Index to Marriage Certificates, 1 v. (1). Mechanics Liens, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Attachments and Mechanics Liens, 1 v. (1). Mining District Record, Melville, 1882-1896, 1 v. By-laws and notices of location of claims. Miscellaneous Records, 1874-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index to Powers of Attorney and Miscellaneous, 1 v. ; Index to Miscellaneous Records, 2 v. (2-3). Mortgages: Real Property, 1874-date, 51 v. (1-51) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3) ; Personal Property, 1874-date, 19 v. (1-19) ; Index, 2 v. Notices of Action, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to Transcripts of Judgment and Notices of Action, 1 v. (1). Official Bonds, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Papers not called for, 17 f.b. Patents, 1874-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index to Patents and Homesteads, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index to Powers of Attor- ney and Miscellaneous. Pre-emptions, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Pre-emption Claims and Separate Property of Married Women, 1 v. Propagation Liens, 1892, 1 v. Liens upon horses, all by A. Colwell, dated July 9, 1S92. Releases of Mortgages: Real Property, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Personal Property, 1875-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, Real Property, 2 v. (1) ; Personal Property, 1 v. (1). Separate Property of Married Women, 1875-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Pre-emption Claims and Separate Property of Married Women, 1 v. Stallion Registration, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, Record of (Old Series), 1875-1894, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1894-19] 1, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index to Certificates of Tax Sales, 1 v. (1). Transcribed records from parent counties : Monterey County, 24 v., as follows : Deeds, 1850-1874, 5 v. (A-E). Minutes and Decrees of Probate and District Courts, 1850- 1874, 1 v. (F). Minutes and Judgments of District and County Courts; Transcripts of Judgments on file in Recorder's office; Lis Pendens and Attachments on file but not of record; Certifi- cates of Sheriff's and Constable's Sales; Mechanics Liens; Judgment Docket, Official Bonds, Probate; Orders, District Court ; Appointments of Administrators ; District Court Decrees concerning real estate; 1850-1874, 1 v. (G). Files, District and County Courts, 8 v. (H-O). Releases and Assignments of Mortgages and Leases ; Chattel Mortgages and Miscellaneous, 1 v. (P). SAN BENITO COUNTY. 385 Agreements; Wife's Separate Property; Sole Traders; Notices of Action; Certificates of Sheriff's Sales; Decrees in Tax Suits ; Tax Sales ; Chattel Mortgages and Miscellaneous ; 1850-1874, 1 v. (Q). Pre-emption Claims ; Location of School Land Warrants ; Pat- ents; Deeds of Grant; Miscellaneous; 1 v. (R). Leases ; Homesteads ; Abandonments ; Transcripts of Judg- ment and Miscellaneous; 1850-1874, 1 v. (S). Mortgages, 1850-1874, 2 v. (A-B). Index to Deeds and Mortgages, 1 v. ; Index to Books F-S, 2 v. Fresno County, 1857-1887, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Probate Records from Monterey and Fresno Counties, 3 large f.b. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1874-date, 8 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 3 v. District file, 1911-date, 40 f.b. ; prior to 1911, 40 p.h., in basement. Graduations, Promotions, Report of, 1896-date, 21 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1881-1883, 1 bdl. ; 1895-date, 5 v. Letter file, current, 1 v. Record of Schools and Teachers, 1873-date, 1 v. This volume contains a complete record of employment of each teacher who has ever taught in the county, and also gives lists of teachers of each school each year. School District Boundaries, current, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1874-date, 8 v. School District Map, current. A large wall map showing the district boundary lines. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1903-date, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-1915, several sheets in Trans- fer Ledger. Teachers' Reports, 1910-date, filed in office; prior to 1910, in basement. Trustees, Register of, 1874-1898, 1903-date, 2 v. The first volume has outside title "Register of Warrants." Warrant Register, 1874-1883, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls: Original. 1874-1915, 137 v. Duplicate, 1877-1884, 6 v. Delinquent, 1876-1916, 39 v. Personal Property, 1887-1901, 1911-1914, 35 v.; 1908-1915, 18 v., in basement; 1915, 1 v., in Treasurer's office. Index. 48 v. Bonds, Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. ; Highway Improvement Bonds, 1912- date, 1 v. Dav Book, 1874-date. 3 v. (1-3). Ledger, 1874-date, 3 v. (1-3). 26—41210 386 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. License Book, 1885-1898, 1901-date, 2 v. (1-2). Poll Tax List, Delinquent, 1881, 1883, 2 v. Poll Tax Rolls, 1878-1879, 1886, 1888-1914, 29 v.; 1879-1881, 1884, 1885, 5 v., in basement. Receipts and Expenditures : Current sheets, 1 v. ; Transfer sheets, 1 v. School Ledger, 1880-1900, 3 v. (x, 2-3). School Warrants, Register of, 1880-date, 3 v. (x, 2-3). Sheriff's Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1874-1893, 4 v. Taxes, Excess, 1896-1903, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5). THE TREASURER Auditor's Receipt for Warrants, 3 v. Bonds, Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. ; Highway Improvement Bonds, 1912- date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1874-date, 6 v. (1-6). Daily Cash Balance in banks, 1913-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1901-date, 3 v. Ledger, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2). Ledger State School Lands, 1 v. A complete record of payments. Monthly Reports, 1912-date, filed. Public School Teachers' Permanent Fund, 1913-date, 2 v. The second volume is loose leaf, consisting of copies of the Treasurer's report to the Board in Sacramento. Redemption of Real Estate, 1 v. School Ledger, 1874-date, 5 v. (A-E). Settlements and Discharges from State Controller, filed. Warrants, Register of, 1874-date, 5 v. These are registered warrants. Two of the volumes are in the Auditor's office. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1914-1916, filed in p.h. Land Office Entries, 1874-date, 1 v. Maps and Plats : Plat book of towns, 1 v. ; Township plat book, 1 v. ; Case of 12 sliding boards containing 18 maps ; Township maps, case of 72 sliding boards, 2 maps on each board; Large wall map of San Benito County, 1907, about 5 feet square ; Enlargement of the same, about 10 feet square. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1876-1910, 7 v. Record of Properties, on cards, alphabetically arranged by names of owners, 7 large f .b. ; Index, 1 v. The cards are 5| by 9 inches, with place at the top for name of owner and number of road district. Below this the space is arranged in columns for the number of the school district, property description, real estate value and improvements value. The system was devised by the present County Assessor, Mr. G. W. McConnell. State Land Office Returns, 1 drawer. SAN BENITO COUNTY. 387 THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 6 v. ; Index, 1 v. Cash Book, 1899-date, 6 v. (1-5, x) ; Licenses, 1875-1884, 1 v. License Account, 1910-date, 1 v. ; License Book, 1874-1885, 1887-1899, 2v. (1,1). Tax Sales, Record of, 1898-date, 1 v. The printed delinquent list pasted in a book, with notations on the margin showing the disposition of each item. The itemized tax rate for the year is stamped on each page. Taxes Collected, 1915-date, 1 v. Daily collections and recapitulation. 388 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY INTRODUCTION San Bernardino County was formed in 1853 from territory which had belonged to Los Angeles and San Diego counties. Two more or less important changes have subsequently been made in its boundaries : the first in 1872, when all the territory of the county lying north of the sixth standard was given to Inyo County; the other in 1893, when some 590 square miles were given to the newly organized Riverside County. A portion of the western boundary as surveyed in 1878 did not follow the description given in the statutes or code, hence it was open to dispute. By an act passed in 1917 the line between Kern and San Bernardino was modified. In 1919 an amendment to the Political Code redefined the boundaries in full making a slight change in the Los Angeles-San Bernardino boundary and also in the Riverside- San Bernardino line. Since the beginning San Bernardino has been the county seat. The present courthouse was first occupied about 1873. It is a wooden building and is equipped largely with wooden furniture and heated by wood stoves. It is, therefore, constantly in danger from fire. Fortu- nately, however, most of the offices are located in two additions which have been constructed in recent years: a Hall of Records in 1890, and an addition to the courthouse in 1892. These are of stone and cement and may be considered fireproof, but are greatly endangered by the older wooden building, as well as by private buildings which are not far removed. Vaults are not used to any great extent. The offices are much overcrowded, so that old records are frequently sent to the basement or to the bonfire. These archives were examined in July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1853-1879 Docket, 1871-1874, 1 v., in basement. File, 1853-1879, 72 f.b., cases 1-655. Index, 1857-1879, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1869-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Judgment Docket, 1873-1879, 1 v. (A). Minutes, 1862-1871, 1 v.; 1871-1876, 1 v., in basement; 1876-1879, 1 v. ; 1879, 1 v., in basement. Record of Actions, 1874-1879, 1 v., in basement. Register of Actions, 1871-1875, 1878-1879, 2 v., in basement. Tax Suits: Decrees, 1864-1873, 1 v., in basement; Register of Actions, 1864-1871, 1 v., in basement. ■ • ■ o b befl / oKtbion-ta SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. 389 County Court, 1854-1879 Docket, 1871-1875, 1 v., in basement. Index, 1875-1879, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1868-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1868-1874, 1 v. ; 1874-1879, 1 v., in basement. Register of Actions, 1871-1877, 1 v., in basement. Trial Docket, 1854-1861, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1853-1863 Minutes. 1853-1862, 2 v., in basement. Record, 1858-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1853-date Bonds: of Administrators, 1890-date, 4 f .b. ; 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; of Guardians, 1890-date, 2 f .b: ; 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Calendar, 1892-1898, 2 v., in basement; 1898-1914, 4 v. Claims Against Estates, Register of, 1871-1899, 2 v., in basement ; 1899-date, 2 v. Collateral Inheritance Record, 1905-date, 1 v., in basement. Decrees, 4 f.b. These consist of decrees appointing appraisers, final distribution, and notice to creditors. Docket, 1876-1879, 1 v., in basement. Estate of Wards, Inventory of, 1883-1906, 1 v. Fee Book. 1890-1892, 1 v., in Auditor's office. File, 1880-date. 402 f.b. Letters of Administration, 1860-date, 12 v. ; Index, 1879-date, 1 v.; Letters of Guardianship, 1898-date, 3 v. (1-3); Index, 1 v.; Letters Testamentary, 1898-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Minutes and Orders, 1863-1879, 3 v. ; 1880-1900, 21 v., in base- ment ; 1900-date, 60 v.; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Orders Appointing Appraisers, 1913-date, 1 v. Record, 1853-1862; 1854-1865, 1 v., in basement; Index, 1854- 1894, 3 v.. in basement; 1901-1913, 1 v. Register of Actions. 1864-1881, 2 v.; 1882-date, 12 v. (1-12). Wills, 1856-1884, 1 v.; 1870-1874, in basement; 1875-1909, 1 v.; 1913-date. 1 v.; Index, 1858-date, 1 v.; File. 1889-date, 9 f.b. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of. 1885-1909, 1 v. Calendar. 1887-1912, 7 v., in basement. Calendar en banc, 1888-1907, 13 v., in basement; 1907-date, 3 v. Coroner's Inquests. 1888-1900. 6 f.b., in basement; 1900-date, 20 f.b. Decrees of Foreclosure and Orders of Sale, 1895-date, 2 v. (11-12). Divorce Actions. 1903-date, 1 v., 2 f.b.; Divorce, 1897-1912, 20 f.b., in basement ; 1912-date. 24 f.b. Execution Book. ?-1903. 11 v. (1-11), in basement. Fee Book, 1892-1894, 1 v.. in Auditor's office; 1898-1902, 2 v., in basement. Solid blue San Bernardino County. Stats. 1853:119; 1857: Pol. Code (1872), §3943. West line surveyed 1878. Stats. 1893:159. Stats. 1917:301. Pol. Code (1919), §3944. For key to maps see page lx. 390 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. File, 1880-1895, 338 f.b., 16 bdls., all in basement; 1895-date, 416 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, 1893-date, 15 f.b. Grand Jury Reports, 1885-1893, 1 f.b. Habeas Corpus, 1893-1895, 1 f.b. Index: Civil Actions, 1880-1895, 1 v., in basement; Decisions, 1880-1894, 1 v.; 1880-1887, 1 v., in basement; General, 1880- 1904, 4 v., in basement; 1893-date, 4 v. Insanity : Commitments for, 1887-date, 5 v. ; Commitments for Intemperance, 1912-date, 1 v. ; Certificates of Discharge from State Hospital, 1902-date, 1 v. ; Record of Commitments for Intemperance, 1882-1887, 1 v.; 1890-1897, 3 v. (1-3), in base- ment, all indexed; also, 1895-1897, 1 v., in basement. Judgment Book, 1881-1898, 15 v. (1-15), in basement; 1898- date, 12 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 8 v. Jurors, 1895-1899, 1 v., in the basement. Minutes and Orders, 1880-1887, 6 v. (1-6) ; Department 1, 1887- 1909, 15 v., in basement ; 1909-date, 5 v. ; Department 2, 1887- 1907, 14 v., in basement ; 1906-date, 4 v. ; Index, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 31 v. (1-31). Reporter's notes, shorthand, 1890-1906, large quantity in basement. Transcripts of Evidence, 72 bdls., in basement. Other transcripts of evidence, together with transcripts on appeal, are scattered in basement. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1895-date Order of Commitment, 1895-1906, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-1894, 3 v. (1-3), in basement; 1894-1902, 2 v. (4-5) ; 1902-1904, 1 v., in basement; 1905-1910, 2 v. (7-8) ; 1914-date, 1 v. (12). Applications, Miscellaneous, 11 f.b. These cover the years 1883-date and consist of applications for appoint- ment, bids, bridges, cancellation of tax sales, franchises, liquor licenses, roads and school districts. Boundaries of Voting Precincts, 1894, 1 v., in basement. Bridges and World's Fair, 1891-1893, 1 v.; Bridge Papers, 1890- 1914, 1 f.b. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, 1889-1902, 1 v., in basement; 1909- 1913, 1 v. ; 1914, 1 f.b. Burial Record, County Cemetery, 1914-date, 1 v. Cancellation of Erroneous Assessments, 1887-1889, 1 v., indexed; 1909-date, 1 v. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1872-1898, 1 v., in base- ment ; 1901-date, 1 v. ; Equalization Papers, 1885-1899, 1 f.b. Franchise Book, 1887-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Franchises, 1885-1914, 1 f.b., 1892-1914, 2 f.b., all in basement. Index to Minutes, Ordinances, Franchises, etc., 1858-1905, 1 v. Indigents, Record of, 1901-1903, 1 v., indexed; Indigent Lists, 1903-1914, 2 f.b. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. 391 Minutes, 1858-date, 21 v. (A-U) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2), 1 f.b. in basement. The volumes for 1S58-1S89 are labeled "Record of Board of Super- visors." Miscellaneous papers, 21 f.b., in office and basement, These cover the years 1876-date and consist of affidavits of publication, bids, certificates of title and leases, contracts, grant deeds, incorporation of cities, inventories of county property, irrigation district records, election ordinances, and liquor protests. Ordinance Book, 1883-1899, 1 v.; 1901-1903, 1 v., all indexed; 1900-1914, 2 f.b. Road Book, 1896, 1 v., in basement. Roads, Toll of, 1887-1892, 1 v., in basement. Supervisorial District, Precinct and Township, Eecord of, 1902- 1906, 1 v., indexed. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Appointment of Deputies, 1902-date, 3 f.b. Certificate of Appointment and Oath of Office, 1906-1915, 1 f.b. Coyote Scalps, Record of, 1893-1895, 1 v., in basement ; 1 f.b. Fee Book of Courts, 1878-1885, 1 v. Fee Books, 1883-date, 9 v. Volumes for 1883-1889, 1895-1898, and 1903-1907 are in basement ; for 1SS5-1S95, in Auditor's office. Hunting License: Applications, 1907-1909, 13 bdls. ; 1912, 1914, 2 boxes, all in basement ; Register, 1907-1908, 1 v. License Tax Collections, 1891-1895, 1 v., in basement. Liquor Bonds, 1888-1899, 2 f.b. Military Roll, 1889-1900, 2 f.b. Miscellaneous papers, 1881-date, 25 f.b. Among these are depositions, exhibits, and papers held for fees. Some are in basement. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Record of, 1854-date, 9 v. ; Index, 1854- 1906, 1 v. Naturalization : Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1907-date. 4 v. (1-4). Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1855-1902, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1886, 1 f.b. ; 1898-1913, 404 bdls. ; 1914- date. 217 v., all in basement. Great Register, 1866-1879, 1 v., in basement; 1880-1885, 1 v.; 1886-1890, 2 v., in basement; 1891-1896, 5 v. ; 1898, 2 v., in base- ment ; 1900-1906. 14 v, B9.2 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Elections Candidates' Expenses, Report of, 1910-date, 2 f.b. Certificates of Election, 1885-1895, 2 f.b., in basement. Election Returns, 1914-1915, a great quantity on basement floor. Nomination Papers, 1912, 21 bdls., in basement. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1887-1910, 13 v. (1-13), in basement; 1910-1915, 6 v.; Index, 1895-date, 4 v. (1-4). Dental Surgery Record, 1885-1915, 1 v. Dentists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1891-date, 2 v. Optometrists, Certificates of, 1903-1911, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Physicians' Certificates, 1875-1915, 3 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1891-date, 35 f.b., Nos. 1-2293 ; Index, 1864-1915, 1 v., 1864-1902, 2 v., all in basement. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. Irrigation District, Minutes, 1889-1895, 2 v., in basement. Partnerships, Register of, Index, 1874-date, 1 v. Private account book : Transcontinental Hotel of Colton, Register, 1891, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers, 1885-1893, 2 f.b., in basement. Census Marshal's Report on Inhabitants of San Bernardino County, 1870, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Coroner's Record, 1887-1903, 3 v., in basement. Justice Court Dockets, San Bernardino Township, 1861-1865, 1 v. ; 1871-1901, 36 v., all in basement. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Visitors' Register of, 1904, 1 v., in basement. Notarial Record, 1885-1912, 11 v., in basement. Reports of County Officers, 1884-date, 17 f.b. These include reports of the Assessor, Auditor, Health Officer, Horti- cultural Commissioner, Road Overseers, Road-viewers, Tax Collector and Treasurer. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1857-1898, 19 v. (A-S). Agreements and Trust Deeds, 1886, 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages, Agreements and Leases, Index, 1854-1912, 2 v. (1-2). Attachments, 1862-date, 13 v. ; Index, 1 v. Banking Statements: Assets, 1891-1895, 1 v. ; Capital, 1891-1895, 1 v.: Index, 1 v. Births: Register of, 1873-1891, 1 v.; Record of, 1910-date, 6 v. (1-6), Brands, 1854-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. 393 Building Contracts. Index, 1878-date, 1 v. Cash Journal, 1892-1895, 1 v. Certificates of Sale. 1882-1889, 1 shelf, in basement. Co-partnership, 1874-date, 1 v. ; Index. 1 v. Deaths: Record of. 1910-date, 1 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1873-1909, 3 v. (1-3). Decrees of Distribution. Index. 1891-1893, 1 v. Deeds, 1852-date. 593 v. (A-Z, 27-593) ; Index, 45 v.; Index to Miscel- laneous Deeds San Diego County. 1857-1883, 1 v. Deeds of Grant. 1874-1906, 1 f.b., in basement. Estravs and Lest Property, 1897-1901, 1 f.b.; Index, 1 v. Exchange Register, 1892-1893, 1 v. Fee Books. 1876-date, 51 v. (1-51). Homesteads. 1861-date, 9 v. ; Index, 1 v. Judgments. Transcripts of, 1854-date, 6 v. ; Index, 1 v. Leases, 1856-date. 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1 v. Licensed Surveyors, Index, 1891-date, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1854-date, 10 v.; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Map Books, 1854-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Index, 1 v. Marriage Certificates and Licenses, 1855-date, 31 v. (A-X, 1-12) ; Index. 3 v. (1-3). Marriage Record, 1910-date, 5 v. (1-5), indexed. Mechanics Liens, 1854-date, 11 v.; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Mining Claims. 1859-date, 169 v. (1-27, A-H, J-P, U-Z, 1-121) ; Index, 1891-1892, 1 v. Before 1859 the Mining Claims were recorded in the Miscellaneous Records. Mining district records. 1873-1912, 27 v. Miscellaneous Records, 1854-date. 26 v. (A-Z) • Index, 3 v. (1-3). Mortgages, 1853-date, 337 v. (A-Z, 1-311); Index, 14 v.; Chattel, 1867-date. 38 v. (A-X, 1-14) ; Index, 1874-date. Mound City Land Association Record, 1875-1882, 1 v. ; Maps, 1 v. Newspapers : San Bernardino, Guardian, 1867-1873, 8 v. Valley Index, 1880-1881, 2 v. Notices to Redeem Real Estate, 1892-1893, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Official Bonds, 1854-date, 14 v. (A-M) ; Index, 1 v. Patents 1862-date, 11 v.; Index, 1 v. Possessory Claims. 1854-1902, 3 v. ; Index, 1 v. Power of Attorney, 1854-date, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 1 v. Release of Mortgages. Index, 1871-date, 11 v. (1-11). School Land Claims. 1881-1891, 1 v. Separate Property for Married Women, 1855-1892, 1 v. ; Index, 1855- 1914. 1 v. Sheriff Sales. 1880-date, 10 v.; Certificate of Sale by Sheriff, 1865- 1883. 2 v. (1. Al) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Sole Traders. 1855-1900, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. State School Lands. Index. 1872-1914, 1 v. Survey Record. Index. 1891-1904, 1 v. Tax Deeds to State. 1888-date. 13 v. (1-13). 394 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1872-1893, 22 v. (1-22) ; 1875-1911, 33 v. (1-33) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) ; Tax Sale Certificates for Irrigation Dis- tricts, 1892-1896, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Water Commissioners' Docket Book for San Bernardino County, 1864- 1886, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v.; also transcribed copies, 1864-1877, 1864-1903, 1 v. each. Water Records, 1854-date, 10 v. (A-J) ; Index, 1854-date, 1 v. Wills, 1855-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1871-date, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1867-date, 61 v. Appointment of Census Marshals, 1894-1908, 63 f.b. Apportionment of Funds, 1914-1915, 1 v. Board of Education, Record of, 1905-date, 1 v. Book List for Public Schools, 1906, 2 f.b. Census Marshal's Field Notes, 1893-1908, 63 f.b. ; 14 bdls., in basement; Reports, 1893-1909, 63 f.b. ; 12 bdls., in basement. Certificate stub-books : Grammar, 1901-date, 12 v. High School, 1895-1913, 10 v. Kindergarten, Primary, 1906, 1 v. Life Diploma Recommendations, 1896-date, 4 v. Normal Recommendations, 1894-1904, 1 v. Primary, 1893-1899, 2 v. Special, 1895-1912, 6 v. Certificates Expired, 1884-date, 1 drawer. Communications received, 1855-date, 177 f.b. ; 1914-1915, 2 f.b. County Superintendent of Schools, 1887-1904, 2 v. Examinations : Grammar Grades, 1913-date, 1 drawer ; Seventh and Eighth Grades, 1904-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1872-date, 2 drawers. Librarians' Reports, 1893-1897, 63 f.b. Manual Course of Study, 1914, 1 drawer. Notices, or Certificates, of Employment, 1893-1911, 63 f.b. Opening of Schools, Record, 1896-1908, 63 f.b., incomplete. Orders, Register of, 1892, 1 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1891-1892, 13 v. Requisition Orders, 1891-1899, 69 bdls., in basement; 1905, 1 bdl., 1 drawer. School Boundaries of San Bernardino County, 1914, 1 drawer. School District Fund Ledger, 1886-1915, 8 v. School District Maps, 1913, 2 on the wall. Teachers' Certificates, Record of, Index, 1887-date, 1 v. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1907-date, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1893-1909, 63 f.b. Transfer Fund Ledger, 1899-1905, 1 v. Trial Balance, Superintendent of Schools, 1896-1908, 3 v. (1-3). Trustees' Election, 1898-1912, scattering, 7 f.b. Trustees' Reports, 1894-1914, 84 f.b., 3 drawers. Warrant stubs, 1906-1907, 1910-1915, 3 v., 1 bdl. ; 1911-1912, 8 bdls., 1 drawer. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. 395 THE AUDITOR Abstract Books and Statistics, 1892-1894, 1 v. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1855-date, 376 v. ; Index, 309 v. ; Personal Property Index, 1894-date, 18 v. ; Indexes by Cities, etc., 58 v. ; Citrus Belt Irrigation District, 1892-1895, 1 v.* Assessment Rolls : Delinquent, 1853-date, 63 v. ; Index, 69 v. ; Olive Irrigation District, 1893, 1 v. Cash Book, 1873-1912, 4 v. Cash Journal, 1911-1915, 1 v. County Jail : Record, 1885, 1 v. ; Register, 1886-1893, 3 v. County Officers, Reports of, 1915-date, 3 f .b. Dependents Outside Institutions, 1876-1902, 1 v., in basement. Employment Record of San Bernardino Highway Commission, 1915- date," 3 bdls. Fee Book, 1892-1897, 1 v. Fund Ledger, 1899-1914, 3 v. Hospital Books, Abstract of, 1892-1894, 1 v. Hospital Receipts and Disbursements, 1892-1895, 1 v. Indigent Account, 1912-date, 6 v. Journal, 1892-1910, 6 v. (1-6) ; 1911-1915, 2 v. Ledger, 1893-1898, 1 v. License Record, 1874-1881, 1 v. License Tax Collector's Report, 1877-1882, 1 v. Order, Requisition and Warrant on School Funds, 1913-date, 27 f.b. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. (1-2). Receipts Register, 1890-1893, 1 v. School Bonds, 1889-1900, 1 v. ; 1891-1911, 2 v. (2-3). School Funds District Ledger, 1913, 1 v. School Warrants Ledger, 1883-1887, 2 v. ; 1913-1914, 1 v. School Warrants Register, 1880, 1 v. ; 1892-1893, 1 v. ; 1897-1911, 6 v. ; 1913-1914, 1 v. The volume 1902-1906 is in basement. Segregated Expense Account, 1895, 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1861-1864, 1 v.; 1889-1892, 1 v. Statistical Reports, 1902-1911, 3 v. (A-C). Tax Collector's Ledger, 1895-1909, 2 v. Tax Record, Delinquent, 1897-1898, 2 v. Tax Roll, Index, 1910, 1 v. ; 1912-1913, 2 v. ; 1915, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, Index, 1895-1910, 4 v. Tax Sales Record. 1873-1912, 20 v. ; Index, 1888-1891, 2 v., in base- ment ; 1908-1910. 3 v. Trial Balance. 1893-1912, 12 v. Warrants, Record of, 1870-1873, 1 v., in basement. Warrants, Register of, 1889-1893, 5 v. (A-E) ; 1897-1913, 10 v. (G-P. x) ; 1913, 1 v. Warrants, Bond, 1916, 2 f.b. Warrants: General, 1912-date, 60 f.b.; Hospital, 1913-date, 10 f.b.; Indigent, 1913-date. 3 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, 1915-date, 2 f.b. ; Roads, 1913-1915, 32 f.b.; Salarv, 1913-date, 5 f.b.; Schools, 1911-date, 9 f.b. ,')!)() COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Auditor's Receipts, 1891-1905, 1 f.b. Authorizations, 1890-date, 11 f.b. Bonds and Coupons, 1895-date, 2 f.b. ; Record of Bonds, 1859, 1 v. ; 1891-1903, 1 f.b. Cash Book, 1861-1868, 1 v. Cash and Certificates, 1889-1891, 1 v. Day Book, 1857-1861, 2 v. ; 1893-1895, 1 v. Deposit Register, 1907-date, 3 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1892-1902, 1 f.b.; 1910-date, 1 v. Insurance Papers, 1874-1875, 1 f.b. Journal. 1868-date, 26 v. Ledger, 1855-1899, 11 v. ; 1912-date, 2 v. Loan Register, 1905-date, 2 v. Miscellaneous papers, 4 f.b. Monthly Reports, 1900-date, 1 f.b. Poll Tax Book, 1872-1887, 1 v. Rialto Irrigation District : Bond Register, 1890, 1 v. ; Ledger, 1893- 1894, 1 v. Road Warrants, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. School Bond Register, 1883-1889, 1 v. ; Account of School Bonds, 1891- 1914, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1859-1869, 2 v. ; 1871-1874, 2 v. ; 1877-1886, 3 v. School Land Record, 1887-1912, 3 v. Settlement and Discharges with State Controller, 1906-1915, 1 f.b. Settlements with County Officers, 1887-date, 4 f.b. State Deeds, 1891, 2 f.b. Tax Collector's Ledger, 1892-1899, 2 v. Transfer Fund Ledger, 1900-1914, 3 v. Treasurer's Account with Auditor, 1868, 1 v. ; 1872, 1 v. Treasurer's Report to State Land Office, 1904-date, 1 f.b. Warrants Register, 1854-1879, 1 v. ; 1878-1887, 2 v. ; 1894, 1 v. Volume for 1854-1879 is labeled "Letters." THE ASSESSOR Assessment List, 1895, 1 shelf; 1896-1901, 108 bdls.; 1907, 25 bdls., 1912-date, 128 v., 71 bdls., all in basement of old courthouse. Assessment for Street Improvement, San Bernardino, 1889, 5 v., in basement. Assessment Roll, 1893, 1 v. Cash Book, 1887-1889, 1 v., in basement. Fee Book, 1887-1889, 1 v., in basement. Field Assessment Sheets, 1913-date, in basement. Journal, 1895-1898, 1 v. Ledger, 1895-date, 1 v. Lot Book, 1895-date, 60 v. Maps:, San Bernardino County, 1890, in basement; 1891, 1892, 1910- 1915, 20 v. (1-18, 3A-3B) ; San Bernardino City, 1909, 1 v. Mine Owners, 1916, 1 f.b. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. 397 Mortgages, Abstract of, 1875-1902, 20 v.; 1881-1894, 47 v.; Index, 1888-1895, 14 v., all in basement of old courthouse. Personal Property, Delinquent, 1898, 1 v. Personal Property Tax, 1895-date, 3 v. Poll Tax Account Book, 1888, 1 v. ; 1891, 1 v. Poll Tax Receipts, stubs, 1912, 19 v. ; 1913, 1 box, all in basement, Poll Tax Roll, 1885-1887, 3 v., in Recorder's office; 1892-1893, 2 v.; 1899-1906, 7 v. ; 1909-1913, 5 v., in basement; 1914, 1 v. Soldiers' Exemptions, 1914-date, 2 bdls. ; 1 f.b. State Land Office Returns, 1905-date, 1 drawer. Tax Roll Index, 1894, 1896, 1903, 1904, 4 v., in basement. Transfers, 1904-1915. 21 bdls., 3 drawers. United States Land Office Returns, 1911-date, 1 drawer. Unredeemed Tax Record, 1910-1915, 1 v. Valuation of County by School Districts, 1906-1915, 2 v. (1-2). THE TAX COLLECTOR Account of Auditor, 1864-1877, 1 v. Cash Blotter, 1890-1909, 8 v., in basement. Cash Book, 1899-1900, 1 v. ; 1902-1903, 1 v. ; 1906-1908, 1 v., all in basement ; 1915-date, 2 v. Day Book, 1884-1900. 1 v., in basement. Delinquent Tax Book, 1915-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1892-1899, 2 v., in the Treasurer's office. Letters, 1892-1900, 74 f.b., in basement of old courthouse. Quarterly License Record, 1911-date, 1 v. Record of Tax Sales, 1915-date, 1 v. 398 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SAN DIEGO COUNTY INTRODUCTION San Diego County was one of the original counties created by the statute of February 18, 1850. Since the organization of the county its area has been cut down by subsequent legislation to a small proportion of its original size. The first of these changes was made by the act of 1851, when territory including approximately the present San Ber- nardino County was transferred to Los Angeles County; in 1893 Riverside County was detached, and in 1907 Imperial County was formed from the eastern part of the county. From the beginning, the city of San Diego has been the county seat. The present courthouse dates from 1887. At that time, however, only a portion of the present structure was erected, many subsequent additions having been made. It is constructed largely of stone and concrete and would probably be safe from outside fire, as the county buildings, including the jail, stand on a block by themselves. Whether or not the records can be considered safe from a fire originating within the buildings is not so well established. Vaults are not extensively used for the archives of the offices. In general the office equipment is modern and convenient. Heat is supplied from a furnace and the lighting is by electricity. Many semi-discarded volumes and documents were found in the basement, one portion of which is used by the Auditor, another by the Clerk and other officers. These archives were examined in November, 1916. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS 1 Deeds, 1848-1855, 5 v. (A-E). This set may more properly be referred to as books of record than as deeds for they contain not only deeds but also all other documents recorded by the Alcalde and Recorder. Deeds, 1848-1855, 2 v. (0, 00). These are copies of the five volumes above listed. Vol. O includes the entries in vols. A-C and vol. 00 those for the two vols. D-E. There is also a second copy of vol. 00. In neither of these volumes, how- ever, do the closing entries agree with vol. E, nor do they agree with each other. Wills, 1848-1850, 1 v. The title "Wills" appears inside the book. The first entry is the will of Joseph Snook, recorded by Alcalde Brown, Apr. 4, 1848. This is fol- lowed by several documents in Spanish. On page 6, J. H. Bean, Alcalde and Acting Judge of First Instance, authorizes the Registrar to record in this book all deeds, brands, mortgages, etc. 1 In Recorder's office. San Diego County. Stats. Stats. 1851:172; 1867-8:604. Pol. Code (1872), §3944. Stats. 1893:159. Stats. 1907:275 (general law). Pol. Code (1919), §3945. For key to maps see page ix. SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 399 THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Calendar, 1873-1879, 1 v. (1), in basement. Execution Book, 1877-1879, 1 v. (1). File of 17th District Court, 22 f.b., cases 1-668; 18th District Court, 59 f.b., cases 1-913. General Index, 2 v. (1). Judgment Book, 1856-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Judgment Docket, 1854-1869, 1 v.; 1856-1879, 2 v. (A-B). For end of 1S79, see under Superior Court. Minutes, "Record," 1850-1860, 1 v. (1); "Journal," 1861-1870, 1 v. (2) ; Minutes and Judgments, 1870-1880, 5 v. (3-7). Register of Actions, 1870-1881, 6 v. (1-6). Tax Suits: Decree Record, 1871-1872, 1 v. (1) ; Judgments, 1872- 1876, 2 v. ; Register of Actions, 1856-1875, 4 v. Transcripts of Early Records, 1850-1852, 1 v. Contains record of Court of Sessions and Probate Court, 1850-1852, and District Court, 1850-1851. County Court, 1850-1879 File, 15 f.b., cases 1-181. General Index, 1853-1879, 1 v.; also two other small volumes. Judgment Book, 1872-1879, 1 v. (B). Judgment Docket, 1858-1868, 1 v. ; 1872-1879, 1 v. Minutes, "Record," 1855-1879, 4 v. (3-6). Register of Actions, 1871-1879, 2 v. (2-3). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 File, 1 f.b. Minutes, Dec. 13, 1852-Feb. 2, 1862, 1 v. (2). For earlier years see Transcripts of Early Records under District Court. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Bonds of Administrators, 1887-1904, 6 v. (2-7) ; Guardians, 1887- date, 6 v. (1-6). Calendar, 1889-1891, in basement. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1902-1904, 1 v. ; 1905-1909, 5 v. (1-5). All in basement. Docket, 1850-1852, 1 v. File, 1850-1879, 28 f.b., cases 1-268; 1880-date, 894 f.b., cases 1-7060. Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1909-date, 1 v. Index, 1880-date, 1 v. Letters and Bonds, 1860-date, 12 v. Minutes, 1852-1879, 3 v.; 1880-date, 64 v. (1-64). For 1850-1852, see under District Court, Transcripts of Early Records. Orders Affecting Real Estate, 1857-1867, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions, 1871-1880, 1 v. (2) ; 1880-date, 20 v. (1-20) Wills, Record of, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9). 400 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-1911, 1 v. Calendar: Law and Motion, 26 v., in basement; Criminal, 1883- 1893, 1889-1891, 2 v., also in basement. Coroner's Inquests, cases 1-890, 210 lb., in basement; 891-1949, 5 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Divorce Decrees: Final, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2); Interlocutory, 1907-date, 2 v. Execution Book, 1889-1895, 5 v., in basement. Executions Affecting Real Estate, 1893-1903, 1 v. (1). Exhibits, several drawers of maps, etc. ; others in bdls. in basement. File, 1978 f.b., cases 1-20575. General Index, 10 v. (1-5). Insanity: Record of Commitments, 1881-date, 12 v. (1-12); Not committed, 1903-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v.; Commitments for Intemperance, current, 1 v. ; Certificate of Discharge, 1903- date, 1 v., loose leaf. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9). Vol. 1 contains also same record for District Court for latter part of 1879. Judgments, 1880-date, 43 v. (1-43). Land Register Docket, Torrens Act, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Minutes, Dept. 1, 1880-1889, 9 v. (1-9) ; 1889-date, 26 v. (10-35) ; Dept. 2, 9 v. (1-9) ; Dept. 3, 6 v. (1-6). Papers on Appeal, 1914-date, 1 v. (1). Contains record of papers and exhibits of cases from Justice Courts. Register of Actions, 1880-date, 62 v. (1-62). Reporters' notes and transcripts, great quantities in basement. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 26 f.b., cases 1-788. Minutes and Orders, 1909-1913, 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 3 v. (1-3). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1891-date, 16 v. (1-16). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1890-1911, 2 v. for same years. Equalization, Minutes of Board of, 1890-date, 1 v. File, 1853-1894, several p.h. in basement; recent, 1472 f.b. Franchise Book, Index, 1855-1868, 1 v. Indigents, Record of, 1892-1893, 1892-1894, 1893, 3 v., in base- ment; 1894-1903, 1902-1905, 1902-1913, 3 v. Minutes, 1853-date, 38 v. (1-38). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Orphans on State Aid, 1903-1911, 1 v. ; Record of Orphans and Half-orphans, 1912-date, 1 v. Rights of Way, Easements of, 1898-1902, 1 v. Road Book, 1879-1902, 4 v. (1-4). Road Districts, Abstracts of, 1853-date, 1 v. Road Register, 1883-date, 1 v. (1). San Diego City, picture of, 1873, 12" x 52"; 1910, 12" x 52". San Diego County Highway Commission, Minutes of, 1898-1913, 4 v. SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 401 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Accounts, Memorandum of, 1898, 1 v., in basement. Day Book, 1887-1890, 1 v. (3). Cash Book, 1859-1860, 1 v., in basement ; 1907-1912, 3 v. ; 1914- date, 4 v. Correspondence record, copies of letters sent, 1879-1882, 1 v. ; 1890-1895, 4 v.; 1904, 1 v., in basement; letters received, 1883- 1885, 1 v. Docked Horses, Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v., in basement. Fee Books, 1887-1905, 8 v., in basement ; 1906-date, 5 v. ; Counter Fee Books, 1899-1900, 1 v. Hunting License Record, 1907, 1 v., in basement. Current record kept on temporary card index for each year. Maps, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Large volumes of miscellaneous maps, many of which are of much value. Military Rolls, 1888, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1890-1893, 4 v., all in basement. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, Record, 1891-1906, 9 v. (1-9) ; 1906- date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1853-date, 1 v. Before 1871, the records are in the court minutes. Naturalization Certificates, 1883-1896, 10 v. (1-10) ; Decrees, Dept. 1, 1896-1906, 1 v. (11) ; Dept. 2, 1903-1906, 1 v. (12) ; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1853-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1892-1894; 1896-1897; 1904-1907; 1910-1914, in basement; 1916, 142 binders, 20 filing drawers containing .alphabetical list. Great Register, 1866-1880, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1888, 1892, 1894, 1906, 1908, 11 v. ; printed copies, 1890, 1894. Precinct Maps: County Maps, current; 2 City Maps. Elections Delegates Elected, Record of, 1902-1906, 1 v., in basement. Election Expenses, 1902-1905, 1 v., in basement. Election Matters, 8 f.b. Initiative Petitions, Nomination of Candidates, 1909-date, 1 v. Nominations, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. Poll Lists. 1892. in basement. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License: Stub-books, 1880-1890, 5 v. (A-F) ; Affidavits, 1890-date, 32 v. ; Index in each volume. Chiropody Record, 1916-date, 1 v. (1). Dental Certificates, 1885-1913, 1 v.; 1903-date, 1 v. (1). Homeopathic Record, 1889-date, 1 v. (1). 402 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Naturopathy, 1909-date, 1 v. Optometrists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). Osteopaths, 1905-date, 1 v. Physicians' Certificates, 1876-1905, 1 v.; 1903-date, 2 v. (2-3). Physicians' Certificates, Eclectic, 1906-1912, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 2 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 52 f.b., Nos. 1-3522; Index, 1870-date, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, current, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of, 1874-1891, 1 v.; 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Partnerships, Certificates of, 8 f.b., Nos. 1-966 ; Index, 1 v. Private account books, all in basement : Albemarle Hotel Register, 1888-1889, 1 v. Monevista Ranch, Journal, 1893-1898, 1 v. Occidental & Oriental Company, Journal, 1887-1890, 1 v. S, P. R. R., Freight Rates, 1875, 1876, 2v.;C. P. R. R., Local Ticket Rates, 1879, 1 v. All printed. Unknown, Day Book, 1857, general store in San Diego. Unknown, Journal, 1879, a ranchman's record. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, Deputy Clerks, 26 f.b. ; others, 55 f.b., in basement. Bonds of Officers, 1850-1891, 63 f.b., in basement. Humane Officers, Record, 1913-date, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets, in basement: Janul Township, 1885-1895, 2 v. ; Pala Township, 1881-1886, 1 v. ; San Luis Rey Township, 1888-1904, 1 v.; San Pasqual Township, 1879-1904; San Diego Township, 1850-1854. 1866-1899, 38 v. Notaries, Register of, 1889, 1 v., in basement; 1893-date, 1 v. Notaries' Records, 1880-1909, 20 v. THE RECORDER 1 Architects, 1 f.b. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1864-date, 19 v. (1-19) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Attachments, "Sheriff's Attachments and Levies, Book I," 1856-1879, in balcony; 1858-1892, 7 f.b.; 1878-date, 7 v. (1-7); Index to Attachments and Executions, 2 v. Banking Assets, 1876-1890, 1 v. (1); Capital, 1876-1890, 1 v. (1) ; 1879-1895, 1 f.b. Bills of Sale, 1864-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Births, Register of, 1873-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Vital Statistics, Certificates, 1911-date, 3 v. (1-3). Brands, 1847-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Building Contracts, recent, 20 large steel drawers ; Index, 1885-date, 2 v. 'See also Pre-statehood Records. SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 403 Certificates of Sale under Foreclosure and Execution, 1878-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; 1858-1891, 4 f.b.; Index, 1 v. (1). Deaths, Register of, 1873-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Vital Statistics, 1916-date, lv.(l). Decrees of Distribution, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2). Deeds, 1856-date, 723 v. (1-723); Index, 10 v. (1-20), 6 v. (21), loose leaf. For Deeds and other records before 1856, see Pre-statehood Records. Election Expenses, 3 f.b. Estrays, 1888-date, 1 v. Execution, 1870-date, 7 f.b. Fee and File Book, 1872-date, 79 v. (1-79). Homesteads, Declaration of, 1860-1870, 1 v. (1), pasteboard; 1870- date, 9 v. (2-10), another copy of vol. 2 ; Index, 1 v. Incorporation, Certificates of, 1887-1911, 1 v. (2). Instrument Deliveries, 1887-1888 ; 1890-1891, 2 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1861^1872, 1 v. (1), pasteboard; 1872-date, 4 v. (2-5) - Index, 1878-date, 2 v. Land and Water Contracts, February-Mav, 1890, 2 v. (1), form books; February-April, 1890, 1 v. (3). Land Claims: "Certificate of Location of Military Bounty Warrants and School Land Warrants," 1860-1861, 1 v. (1)', five pages. Leases, 1869-date, 13 v. (1-13) ; Index, 4 v. Lis Pendens. 1872-date, 13 v. (1-13) ; Index, 1878-date, 3 v. (1-3). Maps: Books, 35 v. (1-35), Index, 1 v. (1) ; Maps filed by Licensed Surveyors. 1892-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Maps of S. P. R. R. through school sections, 1880, 1 f.b. ; Wall Maps, San Diego Countv (Clason's) 1912, 66" by 50"; San Diego City, 48" by 70"; 1910, 62" bv 80" ; La Jolla Beach, 1913, 48" by 64" ; Ocean Beach, Point Loma & Roseville, 1913, 40" by 72". Marks, see Brands. Marriage Record, 1856-1913, 29 v. (1-29); 1913-date, 8 v. (30-37), license and certificate ; Marriages, Vital Statistics, 1911-date, 6 v. (24-29) ; Index, 1856-date, 6 v. The certificates are bound in volumes corresponding to the Record entries. Mechanics Liens, 1861-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mining Records : Claims, 1885-1892, 6 v. (1-6). District Records: Cargo Muchado, 1888-1897, 2 v. (1-2) ; Defiance, 1897. 1 v. (1) ; Ogilbv, 1884-1889, 1 v. (1) ; Oneida, 1891-1897, 1 v. (A). Proofs of Labor, 1892, 1 f.b. Miscellaneous Records. 1856-date, 48 v. (1-48) ; Index, 8 v. (1-8) ; 1851-1914, 200 f.b. See also under Deeds and Wills. Mortgages. 1856-date, 261 v. (1-261); Index, 26 v.; Chattel, 1858- date. 41 v. (1-41) ; Index. 8 v. Mortgages. Satisfaction of, 1873-date, 37 v. (1-37). 404 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. .Newspapers (all in Clerk's basement unless otherwise stated) : San Diego, Union, Weekly, 1870, a few copies in the Auditor's base- ment ; Daily, Mar. 20, 1871-July 20, 1873, 5 v. (1-5) ; also a few loose papers, 1871-1872, in Auditor's basement. Bulletin, Sept. 2, 1871. World, July 25, 1872-Jan. 24, 1874, 3 v., with duplicate copy of volume 1. Transcript, December, 1913-date. Official Bonds, 1871-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; also other volumes, Bonds of Notaries, 1865, 1 v. (1), and Official Bonds 1867, 1 v. (1), only one entry; Index, 1878-date, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1869-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Powers of Attorney, 1856-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 2 v. (1, x). Pre-empticns, 1856-1892, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Redemption, Certificate of, 1888— date, 1 v. (re Foreclosures). Releases of Mortgages and Leases, Index to, 1873-1913, 1 v. (1) ; 1914- date, 2 v. Separate Property of Wives, 1885-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1871-date, 1 v. (1). Sole Traders, 1856-date, 1 v. (1) ; another, 1856-1890. Special Partnerships, 1887-date, 1 v. (1). Surveys, Field Notes of, 1892-1896. Tax Deeds to State, 1876-1879, 3 v. (1-3). Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1871-1893, 93 v.; Index, 1 v.; City Prop- erty, 1872-1903, 35 v. ; Certificates of Sale of Land, Irrigation Dis- tricts, 1890-1896, 20 v. ; Linda Vista District, 1912, 8 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1887-1904, 13 v. ; Irrigation Districts, 1890-1895, 2 v.; Index: Town Lands, 1889-1893, 3 v. (A-K, L-P, R-Z) ; County Lands, 1 v. Torrens Act, Certificate of Title, 1913-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Reception Index and Fee Record, 1 v. ; Record of Particulars and Receipt for Certificates issued, 1 v. ; Property Index, 4 v., City. Water Claims, 1883-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Wills, 1848-1850, 1 v. ; 1858-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). For description of the volume for 1848-1850, see Pre-statehood Records. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1865-date, 24 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1887-1891, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; 1909- date, 2 f.b. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1891-1902, 2 v., in Clerk's basement; 1902-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Board of Education, Record Book, 1902-1903, 1 v. Contains copies of letters, examination questions, etc. Census Marshal's Reports, 1891, 1895-1898, in Clerk's basement; Field Notes, 1907-1910, several bdls. in Clerk's basement. Certificates, Application for, 1908-date, 1 v. ; Certificates Granted, 1898-date, 3 v. ; Record of Certificates on File, 1883-1894, 1 v. ; 1894-date, with card index. SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 405 Contracts, Record of, 1915-date, 1 v. Contains record of all school contracts by bids where the cost exceeds $200. Diplomas, Register of Teachers', 1891-date, 1 v. District Clerk's Record, Lawson District, 1889-1892, 2 v.; Wagner District, 1894-1895 ; both in basement. Examination for Graduation, 1 v. ; Record of Proceedings of City Board of Examination, 1889-1893, 1 v., in the basement. Grade Record, 1889-1907, 2 v., in Clerk's basement; Grade Record of Pnpils, 1893-1910, 3 v. (1-3). The latter gives names of pupils with general average and comments. Institutes, Minutes of, 1891-1898, 1 v. Letters and Communications: Letters sent, 1891-1904, 11 v., in Clerk's basement. Miscellaneous papers, 99 f.b., in main office; 400 f.b., in Clerk's base- ment. Basement material includes reports from district clerks, teachers, census, etc. Requisitions. Register of, 1887-date, 27 v. School District Boundaries, 1890, 1891, 1895, 1901, 1906-date, 5 v. School District Ledger, 1883-1887, 1889-1893, 3 v.; Building and Special Fund, 1892-1893, 2 v. (5-6); 1894-1896, 2 v. (7-8), in Clerk's basement; Record of Balances, 1891, 1 v., also in basement. School District Supplies, 1877-1878, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. School Library Books, Record of, 1 v. (1). A large volume giving list and condition of books in each school. Teachers' Examination, Record of, 1889-clate, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-date, 2 v. Teachers, Register of, 1887-1902, 4 v. ; Roster of Teachers, 1894-1915, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1914-1915, 1 v.; 1915-date, on file. Trustees, Register of. 1889-1892, 1905-date, 4 v. Trustees' Reports, current, on file. Warrant Register, Record of Orders Filed, 1885-1899, 7 v. (1-7) ; Stub-books, a great number, all in basement. THE AUDITOR Assessment Roll of 1850. This is a roll on cloth paper 5' x 4' in size. It contains 73 names of tax- payers and gives a detailed account of property held by each. The total value was 570,997.27 pesos. The whole is in Spanish. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1853-1915, 550 v. Duplicate. 1872-1877, 19 v., in Clerk's basement. Delinquent. 1871-1895, 76 v.. part in Clerk's basement. Recapitulation of Assessment Books, 1899-1912, 9 v., in Auditor's basement. Valuation of Road and School Districts, 1888-1890, 2 v.; 1896- 1897. 1 v. ; 1898-1903, 5 v. ; 1906-1908, 2 v. ; 1909-1911, 2 v., in Auditor's basement. School District Assessment Roll, 1870, 1 v., in Auditor's basement. 406 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Auditor's Data Book, 1897-?, 8 v. (1-8), in Auditor's basement. Bond Register, 1886-date, 4 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Highway Bonds, 1910- date, 1 v. ; Road Fund, 1878, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Cash Book, 1876-1879, 1 v. (4); 1886-1891, 3 v.; 1891-1912, 16 v. (8-22), in the Auditor's basement; 1912-1914, 4 v. (23-26). Fee Book, 1891-1897, 4 v., in basement. Financial Statement, 1911, 1 v., in basement. "Gregory Index," 7 v. A geographical index showing at a glance when the taxes on a piece of property are delinquent, when it was sold for taxes and when redeemed. Highway Commission, Minutes, 1908-1911, 4 v. ; Expenditures, 1910- 1911, 1 v. ; Distribution Journal of General Ledger, 1912-1913, 1 v., all in the Auditor's basement. Ledger, 1867-?, 4 v. (1-4) ; 1891-1896, 4 v.; 1900-1907, loose leaf, all in basement; 1909-1914, 6 v. (1-6); Ledger Balances, 1890-1908, 2 v.; Segregation Ledger, 1912-1913, 1 v., in Clerk's basement; 1913- 1915, 2 v. The Segregation Ledger is unique in that, by means of a careful index, the detailed items are segregated as entered, thus enabling one readily to foot up the total expenses against any particular fund. License Ledger, 1887-1903, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. License Tax Collector's Reports, 1888-1891, 4 v., in Clerk's basement. Lot Books, 1871, 1872, 1878-1896, 118 v. ; Old San Diego, 1854, 1 v. ; Index, 106 v. Maps, a number of current maps; Index to maps in Recorder's office, 1887-date, 1 v. Plat Books, San Diego County (W. E. Alexander), n.d., 1 v.; Town- ships, 1890-1896, 11 v. These give plat or map of each congressional township, showing the main physical features, roads, and subdivisions. On the opposite page a table is given stating when the land was patented, number of land office receipt, name of purchaser, section subdivision, and number of acres included. Poll Tax Lists, 1867-1881, 1900-1906, in Clerk's basement. Road District Accounts, 1887, 1890-1894, 2 v., in Clerk's basement. School District Ledger, 1890-1915, 8 v., in basement; current, 1 v., loose leaf; Balances, 1913-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1891-1905, 1907-1914, 6 v., in Clerk's basement. Tax Sales, Redemption from, 1880-1881, 1891-1893, 1893-1896, 1903- 1905, 1906-1908, 5 v., in Clerk's basement; Redemption Register and Fee Book, 1899-date, 3 v. Warrant Receipt Books, 1873-1914, 11 v., in basement. Warrant stub-books, 1871-1892, 40 v., in Clerk's basement. Warrants and Old Vouchers, 147 f .b. ; great bulk in the basement ; School Warrants, 1907-1910, 3 bdls. in Clerk's basement. Warrants, Register of, 8 v. (4-11), in basement; 1909-date, 8 v. (12-19) ; School Warrants, 4 v. (3-6). SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 407 THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of: School, 1881-1887, 1 v.; 1905-date, 1 v. (3); High- way, 1905-date, 1 v. ; Road District, 1914-date, 1 v. Cash'Book, 1859-1876, 3 v.; 1876-date, 25 v. (1-25). Deposit Register, 1907-1910, 1 v. Fees and Commissions Received by Treasurer, 1875-1892, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, stub-books, 1900-date, 5 v. Ledger. 1853-1869, 1 v. (1) ; 1869-date, 22 v. (1-22). License and Poll Tax Book, 1861-1865. Migratory Herds, etc., Record for, 1874-1880, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Redemption of Taxes, 1883-1902, 5 v., scattered; 1900-date, 5 v. Road Warrants, Funded, 1878, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1870-1885, 4 v. (1-4). Scrip Surrendered, Record of, 1883-1885, 1 v. State Land Record, Index, 1883-1895, 1 v. Taxes, Statement of Property Sold for Delinquent, 1879-1882, 1 v. Warrants Redeemed under Act of 1872 and County Bonds Issued, 1855-1872, 1 v. ; 1868-1872, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1875-1888, 1 v.; "Receipt Book," 1889-date, 15 v. (1-15). THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Mortgages, 1908-1911, 45 v. Assessable Lands, Record of, 2 v., East and West. These are very similar to the Tract Books in the United States Land Office and show names of patentees of both State and Federal lands. Assessment Statements, 1854-1896, 280 large p.h. ; 1897-1910, 701 v., all in basement ; 1911-date, 447 v. ; Personal Property, 1915-1916, 19 v. ; Index, 1911-date, 6 v. Assessor's Field Books, current, 41 v. Showing- all improvements in the cities of the county, with a few county districts. Letters received, 1907-date, 30 v. Maps and Plats: Lot Books, current, 46 v. Thes? are large books which serve both as index to owners and maps of property. Books are good for five years. Map Books, 10 v. Miscellaneous maps, 1 file, 350 maps. Kept for reference purposes, include all kinds of maps and surveys. Official Maps, 34 v. Prints of official maps which have been filed with Recorder. Township Plat Book, current, 1 v. Shows government land occupied or open. Soldier's Register. 1912-date, 1 v. Contains S37 names, giving also name of military division, dates of service, age, date of registration and remarks. 408 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 36 v. Cash Book, 1895-1916, about 30 v., in basement; 1916-date, loose leaf. There are also about five volumes in the basement dated earlier than 1895. Cash Payment stubs, 1895-clate, great quantity in basement. Correspondence file, 1895-1916, 550 lb., in basement; 1916-date, 100 f.b. Letter copy books, 1895-date, 18 v. (1-18). Lot Books, 1915-date, 23 v. (1-21, West, East). Sales of Property to the State, Record of, 1895-date, 4 v. (1-4). . J ^ San Francisco County. Solid blue a 1850:156; 1851:174. 1854:121. 1856:146, 176. 1857:209, 222. 1860:269. 1867-8:347; Pol. Code (1872), §3950. Pol. Code (1873-4), §3953. Pol. Code (1919), §3946. For key to maps see page ix. Stats. Stats. Stats. Stats. Stats. Stats. SAN FRANCISCO. 409 CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO INTRODUCTION San Francisco was one of the original counties created in 1850. Before the separation of San Mateo County in 1856 its territory reached as far south as Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties, the boundary running up San Francisqnito Creek to its source and thence west to the ocean. It, therefore, included approximately three-fourths of the present San Mateo County. The boundaries have been changed or redefined several times, but since 1856 the changes have not been of much significance, except as they applied to the waters of the bay. On July 1. 1856, the city and county governments were consolidated. By reason of this action the government of the City and County of San Francisco is unlike any other county or municipal government in the state. In the effect upon the archives the difference is not so marked as might be supposed. This is shown in the report which follows, which is in general similar to the report on other counties. As will be seen by consulting the report, not all of the archives of the government of San Francisco were examined, some of those of a dis- tinctly municipal nature being omitted. All the distinctly county archives were, however, examined and appear in this report. On account of the large population and the peculiar form of govern- ment of San Francisco, the duties of some of the officials vary from the usual routine. The work of the Clerk, for instance, does not coincide at all points with the work of that official in the other counties, the records of the Board of Supervisors, and the Registrar not being under his jurisdiction. These two officers are therefore reported inde- pendently. The records of the County Clerk are to be found in three separate buildings. The records of the civil departments of the Superior Court and the miscellaneous records are located in the office of the Clerk on the third floor of the city hall ; the records of the criminal departments of the Superior Court and the file of coroner's inquests are in the Hall of Justice at the corner of Kearney and Washington streets; while the records of the Juvenile Court are to be found in the Juvenile Detention Home, at 150 Otis street. In this report the records of the civil and criminal departments of the Superior Court are listed separately, this arrangement being considered advisable in view of the actual separation of the records at the city hall and the Hall of Justice. 410 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. The great bulk of the records were destroyed in the fire of April, 1906. All of the records of the Clerk and Board of Supervisors were destroyed except a few bonds and wills. In the Recorder's office some deed books and a few other records were saved. Fortunately, many of the older records of the period before 1850 were saved. These are listed below as pre-statehood records. In the Treasurer's basement are also to be found a large collection of old records dating from 1850. In the absence of court and supervisors' records these constitute a very valuable source of information. Many records for the period preceding the fire are also to be found in the Auditor 's basement. Most of the archives are housed in the new city hall located at the Civic Center. This is a beautiful fireproof building and well adapted to the present needs of the city. The examination of the Recorder's archives was made in November, 1916 ; that of the other offices during the spring of 1917. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS 1 "Spanish Records, Liber 1," 1838-1851, 1 v. The entries are in Spanish. The dates are the elates of the documents and not the dates of recording- in the book. The earliest is Nov. 26, 1838, and the last, Oct. 23, 1851. The book was probably first used about 1850. but there is no clear proof of that. On page 3 the endorse- ment of County Recorder John A. McGlynn appears stating that the foregoing document was recorded Aug. 28, 1850. The volume contains 260 pages, 9 x 15 inches, of which only pages 1-44 are used. It is indexed. A copy and translation are given in "Spanish Records — Translation," etc., pp. 243-302. "Spanish Blotter, B," 1839-1846. 1 v. ; 4 photographic copies, 1 v. each. A record in Spanish dealing with lots in and about Yerba Buena from May 15, 1839, to August, 1846. The original consists of 17 pages Si x 13 inches, badly worn. To prevent further wear it has been tied in a canvas-board cover and properly labeled. The photographic copies were made in November, 1867, by order of the Supervisors and are each properly certified to by the Recorder. Although faded they are easily legible and are better to use than the original. For a copy with translation see "Spanish Record, B," listed below, and "Spanish Records — Translation," etc., pp. 303-325 ; for copy s?e "Official notes — Spanish Blotter, B," etc., pp. 75-88, "Spanish Record, B," 1 v. The title here is misleading as the book contains a copy and translation of "Spanish Blotter, B," the copy and translation having been made Dec. 10, 1849. The whole volume comprises 566 pages, of which only 32 are used. This must not be confused with "Spanish Records, B," 1847-1850, listed below. ''Blotter of Official Notes, etc, of Francisco Guerrero, while Alcalde at different times. 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843." The dates range from May 15, 1839, to Oct. 5, 1843. It is a book of 64 pages, Si x 12 inches, bound in a pasteboard cover, but now tied in a canvas-leather binder. The records are entered" in Spanish. For a copy of this see below, "Official Notes,- Spanish Blotter," etc., pp. 1-73. 'In the Recorder's vault. Entries are here arranged in chronological order. SAN FRANCISCO. 411 "Original Grants, A," 1839-1847, 1 v.; copy, 1 v. The original is a volume of 867 pages. The first page is missing and the first date, therefore, is Dec. 9, 1839. rather than Nov. 12, 1839, as in the copy. The last date is April 30, 1847. The inside title is "Land Records or titles to lots in the Town of Yerba Buena — San Francisco," only the latter half of this appears on page 2 of the original. The earlier entries are in Spanish, the later ones in English. The first 86 pages are indexed. The copy was made under authority of a resolution of the Board of Supervisors March 10, 1S63, and contains 368 pages, 9* x 15 inches. The grants originally recorded in Spanish are copied and translated in "Spanish Records — Translation," pp. 125-240. "Blotter of Official Notes, etc., from the Alcalde of San Francisco, 1846," 1 v. This record is in Spanish, the inside title being, "Cuaderno de Borradores de oficios de 1846." It is a volume of 47 pages, 8| x 12 inches. The original cover being lost, the book is kept in a canvas-board cover. A copy as given in "Official Notes, Spanish Blotter," etc., pp. 91-118. "Investigation in consequence of a complaint made by Rosa Archnleta vs. Fran'co Rocliin, her husband, 1846, before the Alcalde of San Jose." The title given here is the one on the outside of the document and is a translation of the original Spanish title which appears at the beginning of the document. This record is in Spanish, 10 pages, 8 x 12 inches, and is tied in a canvas-board cover with "Miscellaneous Transfer Deeds & District- Deeds. Book B, 'OK'," this latter title being on the cover. A copv of this document may be found in "Official Notes — Spanish Blotter B," etc., pp. 121-126. "Book A. Transfer Deeds," May 6, 1845-May 18, 1846. No original or separate volume for this record has been preserved, some of the entries, however, may be original. The dates are those of the documents entered, not the date of entry, as the last was recorded Dec. 27, 1853. The entries occupy pages 326-371 in "Spanish Records — Translations," etc., and must not be confused with "Transfer Deeds, Liber A," listed below. "Spanish Records, Liber A," July 29, 1846-Jan. 14, 1850, 1 v. This is a book of about 450 pages, 7jr x 13 inches, only 70 of which are used. The entries are in Spanish and pertain to land titles. A copy of pp. 1-57 of this record is given in another volume having the same title. A copy and translation of the entire record may be found in "Spanish Records — Translation," etc., pp. 1-86. Original Grants, Index to. 1846-1850, 1 v. ; copy, 1 v. A volume of 275 pages 10i x 15 inches, covering the period between October, 1846, and April, 1850 ; the copy is a book of 626 pages, 10f x 17 inches. 11 Transfer Deeds, Liber A," 1846-1848, 1 v.; copy, 1 v. Inside title, "Register of Deeds of Sale, District of San Francisco," from Oct. 10, lS46-Jan. 8, 1S48. A volume of 428 pages, 1\ x 12* inches. Pages 1-347 are used under this title. Reversed, pp. 1-81 have a record of ownership of lots under Mexican authority. Lot No. 1 was sold to William G. Rae. agent of the Hudson Bay Co., Sept. 9, 1841. The copy is 9* x 15 inches in size. This record must not be confused with "Book A. Transfer Deeds." 1845-1846, listed above. "Ledger" of the Alcalde, Aug. 15, 1846-Sept. 27, 1847. This is a ledger of Alcalde Washington A. Bartlett showing the receipts and expenditures of public money. The first page contains a copy of an extract from a letter of Gov. Stockton authorizing Bartlett of Yerba Buena to use public money to pay the expenses of government. The ledger gives the names of all persons who have paid or received money, the amount, and reason for the transfer, accompanied by notes justifying his action. Thirty-three pages used out of about 250, "8 x 13 inches. 412 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. "Index to Book A, B & C of Transfer Deeds and Release Deeds, 1846-7-8/' 1 v. Twenty-five pages, 8 x 13 inches, bound in pasteboards, but tied in canvas-leather cover. For a copy see "Official Notes, Spanish Blotter, B," etc., pp. 13S-229, listed below. "Miscellaneous," 1846, 1 v. A volume of 200 pages, S x 13 inches. An index to holders of town lots in San Francisco, arranged numerically from 1 to 715. In the front one page is inserted, upon which is the record of two marriages du ring- October, 1846. "Spanish Records, B," 1847-1850, 1 v. A volume of about 250 pages, 8 x 13 inches, only 33 of which are used. The entries are all in Spanish. The first was recorded Feb. 9, 1847, the last April 20, 1850. This book should not be confused with "Spanish Record, B," listed above, which is a copy of "Spanish Blotter, B," 1839-1846. "Spanish Records, Translation, also Index," 1 v. A record book of 362 pages, 10^ x 16^ inches, containing a copy of the following documents with their translation : pp. 1-86, "Bk. A of Spanish Records" (Spanish Records, Liber A) ; pp. 88-123, "Bk. B of Spanish Records" (Spanish Records, B) ; pp. 124-241, Grants in Spanish lan- guage from Book A of original grants (Original Grants, A) ; pp. 242- 302, "Liber No. 1 of Spanish Records" (Spanish Records, Liber 1), copy and translation of a part of the volume ; pp. 303-325, "Spanish Blotter, B" ; pp. 326-371, "Book A, Transfer Deeds," 1845-1846. "Brand Book No. 1, Miscellaneous Book C," June 1, 1847-Jan. 16, 1901, 1 v. A volume of 19 pages, 9^ x 15 inches, containing only 32 entries. "Water Lots, B," July-September, 1847, 1 v.; copy, 1 v. A volume of 181 pages, 7i x 11^ inches. It is a record of lots sold at auction by Geo. Hyde, First Alcalde, under authorization of Gov. Kearney, dated at Monterey, March 10, 1847, whereby the right and title to beach and water lots on the east front of San Francisco between the points known as the Rincon and Ft. Montgomery was granted to the town of San Francisco. Some of the entries are signed by Hyde, others are unsigned. Marginal notes indicate where the entries have been recorded in other books. The copy has the same title as the original and is a book of 182 pages, 9 x 15 inches. An unsigned cer- tificate on page 182 shows it to have been made under the authority of a resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed March 10, 1863. "Water Lots B-C," Sept. 20-Dec, 7, 1847, 1 v; 2 copies, 1 v. each. The original is a book of 320 pages, 1\ x 11^ inches. The inside title reads "Record Book B.C of title deeds to the Beach and Water Lots of San Francisco" with the added title (in pencil), "A of Beach and Water Lots." One copy is labeled outside "Records," but inside has the title "Lib. B.C. of Beach and Water" (in pencil). It is a book of 320 pages, 8 x 14 inches. The other copy is a larger volume, 333 pages, 9 x 15 inches, and, according to an unsigned certificate, was made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed March 10, 1863. "Original Grants B," 1847-1849, 1 v.; copy, 1 v. The inside title of the original is. "Record Book B. 2nd Register, Original Grants." The first entry is for lot No. 693, Aug. 31, 1847, a grant made by Alcalde Geo. Hyde ; the last entry is dated Oct. 15, 1849, and is signed by Leavenworth as First Alcalde. The original is a volume of 300 pages, 1\ x 12^ inches, of which only 80 are used. The copy, the certificate for which is unsigned, was made under authority of resolution of Board of Supervisors, March 10, 1863. and is a book of 200 pages, 9i x 15^ inches, of which 80 pages are used. It is written in a good, clear hand. SAN FRANCISCO. 413 "Miscellaneous A. A.," Sept. 6, 1847-Jan. 18, 1851. A volume of 172 pages, S x 13 inches, containing much interesting material. Among the entries are deeds to lots in Benicia, to Sheep Island in San Francisco Bay. protests by sea captains, articles of co-partnership, declarations of intention, leases, mortgages, bills of sale, etc. "Miscellaneous Transfer Deeds and District Deeds, Book B, 'OK'/' Nov. 29, 1847-Jnly 25, 1848, 1 v. This is a paper-covered book of 11 pages, 8 x 12 inches, tied in a canvas- board cover, labeled as above. It is an original book of Alcalde Geo. Hvde, with seven additional entries by Leavenworth, bringing it down to" July 25, 1848. "Blotter B, District Record," Nov. 29, 1847-July 12, 1849, 1 v. This is a paper-covered book of 63 pages, 71 x 12 inches, tied in a canvas- board cover with the outside label as above. It is an original record of Alcalde Leavenworth. On pages 1-8, 10-11 are copied most, bin not all of the entries of pases 1—11 of "Miscellaneous Transfer Deeds," etc., of which it is a continuation. The signatures of Alcalde Hyde are not copied and some errors were noticed. "Blotter, B," inside title, "Book B, District Record, Blotter," Nov. 29, 1847-July 12, 1849, 1 v. A volume of 102 pages, 11 x 17 inches, 63 pages being used in the record. This is an exact copy of "Blotter B, District Record," listed above. The following note appears on the first page, which is missing from "Blotter B." etc. : "All the lots noted in this were vacant and unoccupied when granted. All the numbered lots had been offered at Publick auction at the mini- mum price of $15.38 and were passed over there being no bid higher than that sum. T M LEAVENWORTH, July, 1849. First Alcalde Dist. of San Francisco. "This Blotter has been partially copied by a careless clerk having omissions of some certificates. "T. M. LEAVENWORTH." "District Records, Liber B. D. R.," Nov. 29, 1847-July 12, 1849, 1 v. A volume of about 250 pages, 9 x 14| inches, of which 75 are used. The entries in this book are copied from "Miscellaneous Transfer Deeds & District Deeds, Book B, OK," and "Blotter B, District Record," with some additional entries. Pages 1-11 are the same as pages 1-11 of "Miscellaneous Transfer Deeds," etc., with the addition of a certificate by Alcalde Leayenworth on page 8. All the valid entries in "Blotter B, District Record," are copied into this volume. This record is copied in full in "Dist. Record, B," listed below. "Dist. Record, B," Nov. 29, 1847-July 12, 1849, 1 v. A volume of about 200 pages, 9i x 15 inches, of which 76 are used. This is a full copy of "District Records, Liber B.D.R.," listed above. It was made in 1864 under authority of a resolution of the Board of Super- visors. "Official Notes; Spanish Blotter, B; Transfer Deeds; Investigation; Index A. B. C; Release Deeds." This is a book containing copies of older records ; 229 pages. Hi x 17 inches. They are in good penmanship, but neither certified nor trans- lated. The contents are as follows : pp. 1-73, "Blotter of Official Notes &c of Fr'co Guerrero, while Alcalde" ; pp. 75-88, "Spanish Blotter, B"; pp. 91-118. "Blotter of Official Notes, &c from the Alcalde of San Francisco, 1846" : pp. 121-126, "Investigation of a complaint made by Rosa Archuleta vs. Francisco Rochin, her husband, INK;" ; pp. 128-137, "Miscellaneous Transfer Deeds and District Deeds, Book B. •(). K.': pp. 13&-229, "Index to Books A. B. and C. of Transfer Deeds. 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849." 414 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. "Book B of Transfer Deeds," Feb. 1-Sept. 9, 1848, lv.;2 copies, 1 v. each. The original is a book of 217 pages, 7 x 15 inches, and contains in the back 1^ pages of "Notes on California," giving an incompleted account of the trip from Callao to Monterey and thence northward via San Jose. The handwriting is that of Geo. Hyde, First Alcalde, by whom many of the entries in the book were made. The dates correspond with his arrival in California, hence these are doubtless notes made by him. One of the copies, labeled "Records," is a book of 331 pages, 8 x 14 inches, of which 21G pages are used ; and the other a book of 500 pages, 9 x 15 inches, of which only pages 1-217 are used. "C, Land Titles," Sept. 18, 1848-April 6, 1849, 1 v. A large volume 9^ x 15 inches, of which 371 pages are used. As the title states, the documents recorded relate to land titles. The last entry is a deed dated April 6, 1849. The entry is incomplete. A pencil note in the handwriting of Alcalde Leavenworth is added as follows : "Here the Hounds entered the Alcaldes office and seized the Records A Patterson & others entering a [ ?] Tally ho" T M Leavenworth Alcalde." The three words before "Tally ho" were carelessly formed, the last one being entirely illegible. "Miscellaneous Records 2, 1848-49," 1 v. A book of about 250 pages, 8 x 12| inches, 1-71 of which are used almost exclusively for pre-emption claims for the New York volunteers and others, the dates ranging between Dec. 13, 1S48, and May 25, 1849. This is a very interesting record and is not confined to San Francisco, for many entries concern land along the rivers near the gold fields. "Mis., 1849," May 5-Dec. 6, 1849, 1 v. A book of 290 pages, 9 x 15 inches, of which only 36 double pages are used. The records are mortgages, probate petitions and orders ; appraisement of W. A. Leidesdorfi's Estate, bonds, etc. "Mis. Records, BB, Liber BB," Jnne 8, 1849-May 7, 1850, 1 v.; copy, 1 v. The original is a book of 400 pages, 7| x 12J inches, of which 221 pages are used. The book is indexed. The copy is labeled on the outside, "Records." It is a book of 525 pages, 8 x 13£ inches, of which 221 pages are used. "Almond's Records, A," Oct. 8, 1849-Feb. 1, 1850, 1 v. ; copy, 1 v. A book of 338 pages, li x 12 inches, being a record of instruments, a few of which were acknowledged before W. B. Almond, Judge of First Instance. The entries consist of deeds, powers of attorney, etc. The copy is a book of 338 pages, 8 x 13 inches, and is not certified ; it has the outside title "Almond's Records, Liber A." "Almond's Records, B," Dec. 21, 1849-April 13, 1850, 1 v.; copy, 1 v. A record similar to "Almond's Records A." The original has 317 pages, 7i x 12 inches, and is indexed. The copy has 317 pages, S x 13 inches. "Sat. Mort, A," Oct. 8, 1849-Jan. 24, 1852, 1 v. A volume of satisfactions of mortgages, 293 pages, 8 x 12£ inches, indexed. "Alcalde Deeds, 100 vara lots," November-December, 1849, 1 v. This volume is a form book, the original deed forms being bound into a volume 1\ x 9 inches. The entries cover lots 171-305, which were sold during November and December, 1849. A copy of these deeds is given in "Certified Grants, I," listed below. "Alcalde Deeds, 50 vara lots," November-December, 1849, 2 v. These volumes are form books similar to the one just described. The first volume includes the certificates for lots 429-1195, the second 1196-1439. The lots were placed on sale during November and December, 1849. A copy of these may be found in "Certified Grants, II-III," listed below SAN FRANCISCO. 415 'Alcalde Deeds, "Water Lots/' January, 1850, 2 v. Form books, 8 x 10 inches in size. The first volume is for lots 52-575 (passim), the second for lots 576-771. A copy of these deeds may dp found in "Certified Grants, IV— V," listed below. ' Certified Grants," 5 v. (1-5). In accordance with a resolution of the town council of San Francisco, March 26. 1S50, the Alcalde was "authorized to purchase proper books for recording all the deeds and grants and other documents now recorded in copy books, and other small books, now deposited in his office." These were to be transcribed and certified to by the Alcalde. The con- tents of the volumes are as follows : Vol. 1, Title to 100-vara lots Xos. 1-305: Vols. 2-3, Title to 50-vara lots Nos. 9-699, 700-1439; Vols. 4-5, Title to water lots Nos. 1-399, 400-771. 'Mission Book, Ledger," Jan. 5-Sept. 27, 1850, 1 v. A volume of 400 pages, 9 x 15 inches, only 150 of which are used. This book is in reality a record of pre-emption (squatter's) claims together with a copy of the papers in each case. There is usually, as in the case of entry one, a petition to Horace Hawes, Prefect of the District of San Francisco, for a piece of vacant land near Dolores ; this is referred first to Guerrero, sub prefect, to know if the land is vacant, etc. ; then to F. P. Tracy, Justice of the Peace for the Mission Dolores, who, in case there is no opposing title, is ordered to make the grant, if the petitioner is a citizen of the United States ; the grant is made by Tracy, including "legal and perpetual possession and enjoyment thereof, subject to the establishment of any prior claim, and to the action of the United States government." THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS Superior Court, Civil Adoptions, Register of Actions, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). Divorces, Index, 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3). Execution Book, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). File, 1906-date, cases 1-81213. General Index, 1906-date, 96 v. (1-3). ■ Insanity Records: Commitments — Insane, 1906-date, 28 v. (1-28) ; Intemperate, 1906-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Feeble-Minded, 1906-date, 1 v. (1) ; Affidavit of Insanity and Warrant of Arrest, 3 v.; Record of Discharge, 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, Insanity and Intemperance, 3 v. (1-3). Judgment Docket, 20 v. (1-5). Judgment Record, 1906-date, 107 v. (1-107). Justice Court Appeals, Register of Actions, 1906-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3). Minutes, 1906-date, 130 v. (1-130). Quiet Title Department (under McEnerney Act) : Judgment Record, 1906-date, 177 v. (1-177). Minutes, 1906-date, 30 v. (1-30). Register of Actions, 1906-date, 36 v. (1-36). File, 1906-date, cases 1-36098. Register of Actions, 1906-date, 82 v. (1-82). Torrens Act, Land Register Docket, 1906-date, 1 v. (1) ; Judgment Record, 1908-date, 1 v. (1). There have been only seven cases ; the last judgment was rendered in 1909. l For Supervisors' records see below under The Board of Supervisors. 416 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Superior Court, Criminal 1 Appeal from Superior Court to Appellate or Supreme Court, Record of, 1906-1909, 1 v. ; 1909-date, on large sheets attached to a board. Bail Bonds, Index and Register, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). Cash Books, 1906-date, 1 v. A stub-book record of cash bail. Commitments, Police Court to Superior Court, Index and Register, 2 v. . Coroner's Inquests, File, 1906-date (1-623) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). File, 1906-date, cases 1-8079. General Index, 2 v. (1-2). Grand Jury Proceedings, reports, etc., 1907-date, 3 v. Vols. 4, 25 and 42 of the Minute series. Judgment Record, 1906-date: State Prison, 5 v. (1-5); County Jail, 3 v. (1-3) ; Preston & Whittier Schools of Industry, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1906-date, 42 v. (1-42). Register of Actions, 9 v. (1-9). Transcripts on Appeal, large number. Superior Court, Probate Claim Book, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 9 v.; Record of Treasurer's Receipt, Payment of Collateral Inheritance Tax, 1 v. (1). Last named volume has one entry only, 1911. Continuances, 1906-date, 10 v. (1-10). File, 1906-date, cases 1-22591. Index, 12 v. (1) ; 6 v. (2). Indexes to Records saved from fire of April 18, 1906 : Bonds, Old District Court, 1 v. ; Bonds, Probate, 1 v. • Wills, 1 v. Minutes. Orders, Decrees, Letters, Wills, etc., 1906-date, 374 v. (1-374). Separate volumes are devoted to the different kinds of records, but all are numbered in the one series. Register of Actions, 1906-date, 46 v. (1-46). Wills, Index to, 1 v. (1). Superior Court, Juvenile 2 Calendar and Minutes, 1913-date, 6 v. This follows the Record, listed below. Card Index of cases, 6 lb. and transferred cards. This is a record for current reference ; has been in use about three years. All orders (except continuances) are indexed. As soon as the case is finally disposed of the cards are removed from the f. b., but are preset ved for possible future reference. File, 1906-date, old series, 5300 cases ; new series, 1650 cases. General Index and Record, 1913-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1910-1913, lv. (1). Record, 1906-1913, 4 v. (1-4). Register of Actions, 1908-1912, 2 v. (2-3). 'In Hall of Justice. -In Juvenile Detention Home, 130 Otis St. SAN FRANCISCO. 417 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS* Office Routine and General Duties Appointments and Oaths of Office, Index, 1906-date, 2 v. Cash Book. 1906-date, 3 v. ; Civil, 5 v. ; Fines and Forfeitures, 3 v. ; General Department, 6 v. ; License Department, 4 v. ; Probate, 5 v. ; Special, 4 v. Docked Horses, Record of Certificates, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Affidavits and Marriage Licenses, 1906-date, 65 v. ; Index, 10 v. (1-5). Dentists, Record of Registered, 1906-date, 1 v. Optometrists, Record of Registered, 1906-date, 1 v. Osteopathy. Record of Certificates to Practise, 1906-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Record of Registered, 1906-date, 1 v. Pharmacy, Record of Licentiates in, under act of March 28, 1872, 1 v. ; under act of March 15, 1901, 1 v. Physicians and Surgeons, Record of Authorized, 1906-date, 1 v. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1906-date, 22 v. Naturalization, Petition and Record, 1906-date, 59 v. Index, 6 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, File, 1906-date, 1-14, 915; Index, 4 v. Bond and Surety Companies. Index, 1906-date, 1 v. General Partnerships and Fictitious Names, Index, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). Partnerships, File, 1906-date, 1-3149. Relating to Other Officers Humane Officers, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Official Bonds. Index and Register, 1 v. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1906-date, 1 v. Certified Checks (received with proposals), Record of, 1906-date, 1 v. Contracts and Bonds, filed in office of Board of Supervisors, Record of, 1906-date. 1 v. Current Book, 1914-date, 2 v. A record of resolutions, ordinances, etc. ; a sort of docket. Journal of Proceedings, 1906-1913, 20 v. (1-20) ; 1913-date, printed in pamphlet form and bound by years. The 20 volumes from 1906-1913 contain the printed journal, as published in the city and county official paper, pasted in special blank books. For the period between Jan. 1 and April 18. 1906, a file of the city and county official paper contains the journal of proceedings. *For Registration and Election Records see under the Registrar, listed below. 2S— 11210 418 COUNTY ARCHIVES OB 1 CALIFORNIA. Legislative Assembly, Proceedings of, 1849-1850, 1 v. Printed volume filed in case with the Municipal Reports. Municipal Reports of the City and County of San Francisco, 1859-date, annual printed vols. Ordinances, 1906-date, 11 v. (1-11). The printed ordinances pasted in special blank books in the order of their serial numbers (1-4144). Ordinances, file of extra copies for general distribution, 1906-date, 38 f.b. Ordinances, originals as finally enacted and approved, 1913-date, 4 v. Pasted in stub-books specially prepared for this purpose, 500 in each volume, beginning with Ordinance No. 2251. Permits Granted by the Board of Supervisors, 1908-1914, 1 v. Real Estate Owned by the City and County of San Francisco, 1 v. Map of each piece of property with a synopsis of its history. An important record. Resolutions, 1906-date, 20 v. (1-20). The printed resolutions pasted in special blank books in the order of their serial numbers (1-14219). Resolutions, 1906-date, 60 f.b. File of extra copies for general distribution. Resolutions, originals as finally enacted and approved, 1913-date, 9 v. Pasted in stub-books specially prepared for this purpose, 500 in each volume, beginning with Resolution No. 30101. Resolutions and Ordinances Delivered to the Mayor's office from Super- visors' clerk, Record of, 1906 ( ?)-date, several vols. Streets, Acceptance of, 1906-date, 1 v. This has columns for showing name of street, terminal points, date of payments, number of ordinance, and date of acceptance. THE REGISTRAR Affidavit stubs, 1910-date, 3" by 5" file. Affidavits of Registration, 1906-date; Duplicates, filed alphabetically, 1916-date. Applications of registration and election officers, 1912-1913, 1 v. (16). Ballots delivered, voted and returned, Record of, 1906-date, 2 v. ; Primary, 1906-date, 2 v. Bids, Contracts, and Awards, Record of, 1906-date, 1 v. (22). Board of Election Commissioners, Minutes of, May 1, 1906-date, 6 v. Certificate of Nomination and statement of expense filed, Record of, 1906-date, 2 v. (19). Convention, Primary Election,, JRecord of nomination papers a(nd petition for, 1909-date, 1 v. (30). Counting Boards, Municipal Elections, members of, 1917-date. Declarations of Candidacy and Sponsors' Certificates, Municipal Elections, 1911-date, filed. Delegates Elected at Primary Elections, 1^12-date, 1 v. (14). Election officers appointed and who served, List of: General, Primary, Special. 1906-date, 1 v. for each election. SAN FRANCISCO. 419 Election Returns, active, one vault. threat Register, 1873, 1 v. ; Index to, 1904-date, 41 v. Maps of Districts and Precincts, bound, 1906, 1908-date. Naturalized Citizens. Record of, 1898, 1910-date, 3" by 5" file. Cards are prepared from the affidavit of registration and kept on file as a check on future registration. Official advertisements and newspaper clippings regarding election and registration matters, 1906-date, filed. Payroll, 1913-date, 2 v. Petitions filed, 1912-date, 42 bdls. ; Record of petitions : Primary Elec- tions. 1906-date. 1 v. (25) ; Initiative, Referendum and Recall, State and Municipal, 1912-date, 1 v. Poll Books and Tally Lists, 1912-date. Registration and Voting Places, 1912-date, 1 v. (12). Statistical Register, 1878-date, 1 v., loose leaf. This is a very interesting record kept by the Registrar in which are being- compiled statistical tables dealing with registration and election mat- ters, based upon the records found in the office. Among other things are : tables showing the dates of elections, total registration, votes cast, and number of precincts at each election since 1878 ; the number of votes polled and the per cent of those registered who voted ; votes cast for mayor since 1894 ; political affiliations and votes polled by each party ; registration of women and the percentage who voted; nativity of registered voters ; per capita cost of elections, etc. Verification Deputies Appointed. Record of, 1906-date, 1 v. (34). Votes Cast, Statement of, 1906-date, 46 v. (A-Z, AA-SS). Voters, Roster of. 1906-date. The original rosters signed by voters at the time of the election. Found useful to verify signatures. Ward Register. 1876. 1878, 2 v. THE RECORDER 1 Architects. July 16, 1906-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Assignments of Mortgages, Apr. 4, 1906-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, lv. (1). Attachments, Sept. 5, 1850-Julv 18, 1856, 1 v. (1), in the vault; Mar. 28, 1906-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Index. 2 v. (1-2). Building Contracts. Index to. 1906-date, 6 v. (1-6). Building Costs, Record of, 1 v., in the vault. This is a record probably prepared to estimate the value of the improve- ments on property condemned by the city. It has no date, but probably belongs to the '80s. Cash Books, 1906-1914, in basement; 1914-clate, 2 v. Certificates of Sale. Apr. 6. 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Covenants. Apr. 3. 1906-date, 52 v. (1-52) ; Index, 5 v. (1-5). Decrees of Distribution. Index. 1906-date. 2 v. (1-2). The decrees are recorded with Deeds. Deeds. May 31. 1849-Aug. 26. 1850, 11 v. (A-B, D-H, K-N). These do not form a chronological series as several books were kept open at the same time. The earliest entry is in "D," while the latest is in "A." l The Pre-statehood Records are listed separately under that title. 420 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deeds, Aug. 28, 1850-July 27, 1854, 39 v. (1-39); Feb. 19, 1859- Feb. 9, 1860, 8 v. (91-98) ; Aug. 24, 1861-Feb. 11, 1864, 84 v. (141- 223, 226) ; Sept. 18, 1894-Apr. 3, 1906, 508 v. (1627-1657, 1659- 1700, 1746-1786, 1788-2136, 2138-2166, 2168-2176, 2178-2179, 2181- 2182, 2184-2186) ; Index, 71 v. (1, 2, 28, 39-43, 87-149). These books, covering portions of the period before the fire of April, 190G, are referred to as the old series. Deeds, Apr. 3, 1906-date, 960 v. (1-960) ; Index, 70 v. (1-35). These records, which constitute the new series, are seen to begin with the unentered documents in the possession of the Recorder at the time of the fire of April 18, 1906. All the public records for April 12, 13, 14 and 16 were destroyed, those of the 17th were saved. Documents Recorded, Record of number of, 1862-1863, 1876-1877, 1882-1884, 1 v., 30 pp. Franchises, Sept. 2, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). General Index, May, 1850-1913, 296 v. (1-296) ; 1913-1915, 30 v. (1-30) ; 1916-date, 30 v. (1-30). Homesteads, Apr. 3, 1906-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcripts of, Apr. 4, 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. d-2). Leases, Apr. 4, 1906-date, 61 v. (1-61) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. (1). Limited Partnerships, Aug. 8, 1906-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Lis Pendens, Apr. 2, 1906-clate, 109 v. (1-109) ; Index to Notices of Action: General, 3 v. (1-3) ; Quiet Title, 6 v. (2-7). Maps and Plats: Block books of titles acquired by land owners' affi- davits, 14 v. ; Block books of titles by lis pendens, 16 v. ; Block books of Assessor, 1915, 23 v., and photograph copies in 41 vols. ; Block book, 1871; Laguna survey, 1889, certified copy; Licensed surveyor's plats, 1908-date, 1 v. (1) ; Maps of street extension and improve- ment : Stockton Street tunnel, 1912, a map book, with list of property owners affected, benefited, etc., with area of property; Report of Board of Works on Twin Peaks tunnel, vol. Ill; Street extension maps for Arch, Beverly, Bixby, Bright, Montecello, Ralston, Rain- sell, Vernon and Victoria streets, and Orizaba avenue, dated July, 1914, and Vulcan street, November, 1914. Map Books, 6 v. (1, 2a-b, C-D, E-F, G, H), with two certified copies of "1" and "2," one certified copy of each of the others except "H." Maps of subdi- visions on cloth, folded ; Syndicate, West End, Homestead and Bernal Homestead Association, December, 1913 ; Excelsior Homestead, recorded February, 1914 ; Mission District, in part, September, 1914. Index to maps filed and recorded, 1853-1889, 1 v. ; 1853-1912, 1 v. ; 1853-date, 1 v. During the period of the war the maps referring to the Presidio of San Francisco, Ft. Mason, Ft. Miley, Laguna Merced, and Angel Island were removed from the map books to prevent their falling into enemy hands. .Marriage Certificates, May 2, 1906-date, 22 v. (1-22) ; Index, July, 1904-April, 1906, 2 v.; April, 1906-date, 1 v. (1). Marriage License Books, Apr. 17, 1906-date, 140 v. (1-140). Marriage Licenses Delivered, 1914-date, 2 v. (1-2). Mechanics Liens, Apr. 3, 1906-date, 80 v. (1-80) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4). SAN FRANCISCO. 421 Mining Locations. Apr. 7, 1914-date, 1 v. (1), only one entry. Miscellanv. Apr. 2, 1906-date, 81 v. (1-81) ; Index, 10 v. (1-10). Mortgages, Nov. 8, 1895-Apr. 4, 1896, 1 v. (1136) ; New Series, Apr. 3, 1906-date. 460 v. (1-460) ; Index, 1905-1906, 1 v. (62) ; Index, New Series. 24 v. (1-24) ; Personal Property, Mar. 31, 1906-date, 95 v. (1-95) : Index, 4 v. (1-4). [Official] Bonds. Apr. 10, 1906-date. 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Ownership. Notices of, May 13, 1907-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Under act of Mar. 23, 1907. Papers on File, Index to, Mar. 1. 1899-1902, 26 v.; 1902-1904, 28 v., building contracts only; 1904-1906, 30 v. Patents, Aug. 1. 1906-Mar. 24, 1910, 1 v. (1), in vault. Powers of Attorney, Apr. 6, 1906-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Releases of Mortgages, Apr. 4, 1906-date, 88 v. (1-88) ; Index, Decem- ber, 1905-Mar. 30, 1906, 1 v. (39) ; Index, New Series, 16 v. (1-16). Eeleases of Mortgages on Personal Property, Index to, 1 v. (1). Residence, Certificates of, Apr. 19, 1907-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Separate Property of Wives, Feb. 13, 1907-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Sole Traders Declarations, September, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Street Assessment Bonds, Oct. 22, 1914-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Tax Deeds, July 12, 1906-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Torrens Act records: Certificates of Title, 1908-date, 1 v., only eight entries; Record of Particulars and Receipts for Certificates Issued, 1 v. ; Name Index, 1 v. (1) ; Property Index, 1 v. (1). Tunnel Agreements : Stockton Street, Mar. 14, 1913, 1 v. ; Twin Peaks, May 19, 1914, 20 v. (1-20). Water, Notices of Appropriation of, Aug. 13, 1913, 1 v. (1), only one entry. Wilis 'Admitted to Probate. Apr. 19, 1907-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index. lv. (1). THE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Annual Report to State Superintendent, 1906-date. Annual Report to Mayor, 1870-1901, 1906-date, in Superintendent's office. These reports are also published in the Municipal Report for each year. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1906-date, annual vols. Certification and Record of Teachers : Affidavits for Permanent Certificates, 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3). Application for permanent certificates after five years' teaching in the city. Affidavits under Sec. 1892 of the Political Code, 1906-date, 8 v. d-8). Applications for rehabilitation of certificates. Card record of all teachers in city. 1906-date. file. Certification and Appointment of Teachers in the San Francisco School Department, Record of, 1906-date, 1 v. (1). Certificates Filed with Superintendent, 4 f.b. 422 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Certificate stub-books, 1906-date, 25 v. Examination, Minutes of Board of, 1906-date, 1 v. (1). Examination. Record of Board of, 1906-date, 1 v. (1). Fees for Certificates, stubs of receipts, 1906-date, 16 v. Salary and Financial Records: Demands on the Treasury, October, 1905-September, 1915, 11 v. Register of audited demands for salaries. Demands on Treasury, 1908-1911, 1 v. (2). No salaries. Ledger, 1910-1912, 1 v. (2). Principals' Time Sheets, Oct. 1, 1915-Dec. 31, 1916, 4 v. These sheets are bound every three months. School Department Salary Roll, Oct. 1, 1915-Dec, 31, 1916, 4 v. Prepared from the time sheets above. Other financial records at storeroom, bookkeeping department, corner Sutter and Gough streets. Reports of Principals of Schools, 1906-date, complete file. THE AUDITOR Aid, Records of: Ledger, Widows and Minors, 1906-date, 2 v. Accounts of all institutions receiving money on account of commitments by Juvenile Court and Widows' Pension Bureau. Maintenance of Minors, state aid and no state aid: Applications for Aid, 1905-date, filed; Abstracts and duplicates of state claims, 1912-date, filed; Record of children receiving aid, 1905- 1915, 4 v. ; 1915-date, card system, 1 large f .b. ; Index Cards : State Aid, 1 f .b. ; No State Aid, 1 f .b. Orphans, Record of, 1908-1910, 1 v. (1), in the basement. Widows' Pension Bureau (Political Code 2283-2289, as amended in 1913) : Applications for aid, 1913-date, filed; Application book, 1913-date, 1 v. ; Record of widows receiving aid, 1913- 1915, 1 v.; 1915-date. card system, 1 large f .b. ; Index cards, 1 f.b. Appropriation Book, 1906-date. annual vols. Assessment Rolls: Real Estate, 1892. 5 v. (17, 20-21, 28, 40), in basement; 1905- 1915, 632 v. Unsecured Personal Property, 1906-1907, 170 v. Delinquent : Real Estate, 1905-1915, 29 v. ; Personal Property, 1906-1915, 10 v. Index, Real Estate and Secured Personal Property, 1905-1910, 24 v. See under Treasurer's Basement, "Tax Records, Miscellaneous." Auditor's Register, School Demands, 1908-1910, 1 v., in basement. Bank Deposits, 1910-date, 1 v. SAN FRANCISCO. 423 Bonds and Coupons, canceled, 1904-date, 370 v.; 1862-1876, IS v., in the basement; 1851-1873. 33 v., in Treasurer's basement. The -".TO volumes first listed are in the office of the Bond Clerk: volumes for all issues authorized from 1904-date, including many bonds which have not yet been issued (especially in the case of the $45,000,000 water bond issue of 1010). Bonds. Official, 1906-date, filed; Record of, 1881-date, 1 v. Bonds are recorded by Recorder and filed in Auditor's office. Cash Balance Book: City and County, 1906-date, 2 v.; Special Unap- propriated. 1906-date. 2 v. Contract Balances. 1914-date, 2 v. Contract Ledger: No. 1 (Funds), 1906-date, 1 v.; No. 2, 1913-date, 1 v. Demands. Audited. 1870-1872, 1 v., in basement. A segregated register. Does not give names of persons to whom issued. Demands Redeemed, Auditor's Receipts, 1893-1901, 1 v., in basement. Demands. Register of, prior to 1906, 58 v., in basement, as follows: General, 1887-1888, 1890-1898. 1899-1900, 1901-1902, 12 v. General, Miscellaneous, 1899-1900, 1 v. General, Salary, 1890-1898, 1900-1901, 9 v. New City Hall, 1876-1884, 1887-1890, 2 v. Public Works, 1902-1903. 1 v. Public Works and Stationery, 1899-1901, 2 v. Salary, 1899-1900, 1901-1902, 2 v. School, 1890-1904, 18 v. Sundry. 1891-1893. 1894-1899. 1900-1904. 13 v. Demands. Register of. April-June, 1906, 3 v., in basement. Odd volumes used after the lire until new books were prepared. Demands, Register of, 1906-date, 92 v. Demands Audited, Auditor's Receipt for: General, 1906-date, 20 v.; Pay Rolls. Board of Public Works, 1912-date, 8 v. and current sheets ; Fire. 1913-date, 4 v. and current sheets ; Police, 1913-date, 3 v. and current sheets ; Miscellaneous, 1912-date, 4 v. and current sheets. Demands, cancelled, 1905-date. about 1100 f.b., in basement and main office. Fee Reports, 1910-date. 40 large p.h. in basement vault. General Summary of Accounts, 1906-date, 1 loose leaf vol. and trans- ferred sheets. Joint Custody Cash. Record of. 1905-date, 1 v. Record of moneys deposited in vault in joint custody of Auditor and Treasurer. Journal. 1874-date. 6 v. (C-H). Vols. C-E are in basement. Ledger, 1855-1866. 1 v.. in basement; 1874-date, 6 v. (C-H). Vols. C-F are in basement. Ledger, City Comptroller, 1854-1855. 1 v.. in basement. Ledger. Final Clearing, 1906-date. 2 v. License Day Book, 1913-date, 1 v. (63). Licenses issued to Collector. The number (63) lias no significance. 424 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Maps and Plats: Block Books, 1907(1), 15 v.; 1913-1916, 86 v. Since 1913 a new set is prepared annually. Wall Maps, in basement. Precita Valley Lands, etc., n.d. Homesteads of City and Connty of San Francisco, n.d. Map of San Francisco, 1906, Punnett Bros. Official Map of San Francisco, 1913, John Ginty. Police Court Bail Money, Ledger, 1908-date, 49 v. (1-49). Police Court Clerks, Receipts Issued to, 1893-1895, 1 v., in the base- ment. Poll Tax Receipt Books, 1874-date, 1 v. Receipts of Tax Collector for poll tax books. Receipt Books, Miscellaneous, July, 1874-date. Redemptions [of property sold for taxes], 1885-date, 46 f.b. These include about 30,000 certificates. No certificates were destroyed in the fire of 1906. Redemptions, Real Estate purchased by state, 1898-1899, 1 v. Volume containing the record from 1900-1906 was destroyed in the fire. Redemptions of Property Sold to State for Taxes, 1907-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Resolutions of Board of Supervisors, Apr. 1, 1901-February, 1906, 4 v. ; May, 1906-date, several vols. Superior Court Deposits, Ledger: County Clerk Special, 1915-date, 1 v. ; Inheritance Tax, Public Administrator, Absent Heirs, 1915- date, 1 v. Tax Ledger, 1904-date, 1 v. (A) ; 1906-date, 1 v. (B). Taxes on Erroneous Assessments, Refund of, 1912-date, 1 v. Taxes Paid in Duplicate, Record of, 1906-date, 2 v. ; Duplicate Tax Payments Deposited with Treasurer, 1883-1896, 1 v., in basement. Taxes, Record of Delinquent, sold by state, 2 v. Tax Sales, 1905-1915, 11 v. One volume for each year. Treasurer's Receipts, Register of, 1898-1903, 1 v., in basement vault. Treasury Receipts, 1903-date, 7 v. Monthly reports of receipts and expenditures. Tunnel Assessments, Ledger, 1914-date, 1 v. Cover taxes for years 1880-1910. THE TREASURER 1 Auction Tax, State, 1852, 1 v.; Oct. 15, 1853-January, 1855, 1 v.; Auction Tax, May, 1854-1855, 1 v. ; Auction Licenses Collected, State, June 15, 1853-May 15, 1855, 1 v. ; List of Auctioneers in County of San Francisco, 1854, 1 v. Balance Blotter, Bookkeeper's, 1914-date. - x The- great bulk of the Treasurer's records here listed are in a large room in the basement. As a rule these antedate the fire of 1906. In a basement vault are also many older records, although most of the books located there date after 19 05. The current records are to be found in the main office. SAN FRANCISCO. 425 Bank Deposit Record, 1910-date, 1 v. Board of Supervisors. Resolutions passed by, Sept. 5, 1854-June 30, 1855, 1 v.; Orders and Resolutions, Nov. 13, 1893-February, 1895, 1 v. ; Resolutions, Jan. 19, 1898-October, 1899, 1 v. These are resolutions pertaining to financial matters. Bonds, Accounts of various kinds. 1850-1899, 23 v. These books have to do with about 20 (named) bond issues. A number of them are records pertaining to surrender and redemption of bonds. Some of the volumes are small. Bonds, Register of, current; 4-| per cent water bonds, 3 v. (1-3); 5 per cent municipal railroad, 1 v. ; 5 per cent City Hall and Exposi- tion, 1 v. Bond Owners, Book of registered, 1905-date, 1 v. ; Record of Purchasers of Bonds, 1905-date, 3 v. Canceled Bonds and Coupons, 34 v. These bonds date from 1851-1873. Cash Books, City and County Treasurer, 1850-date, 63 v. These volumes cover the period from May 25, 1850-date, with the exception of the years 1S7S-1881, 1884-1888. A few of the volumes overlap others in dates and the titles vary, as, City Cash Book. County Cash Book, Cash Book of City and County Treasurer, etc. Cash Day Books: General Fund, Oct. 1, 1874-June 16, 1892, 41 v.; July 3, 1897-May 27, 1902, 3 v. ; April, 1905-April, 1917, 44 v. ; Sundry Funds, June 19, 1892-1905, 10 v. ; April 1, 1905-June 30, 1917, ±5 v. ; School Funds, 1893-June 30, 1917, 20 v. The volumes of cash day books were not, for various reasons, carefully classified and arranged in series. The statement here given may, however, be accepted in general. Since July 1, 1917, the cash day book is kept in loose leaf form, the sheets of all the funds being bound together at the end of each quarter. Chimney Inspection, Cash Book, June-July, 1906, 2 v. One of these, June 1-9, is an old sheriff's Fee Book, the other, June 2G- July 28, is a book labeled "Register of Property of Deceased Persons." City Hall Warrants, Treasurer's Receipts, September, 1874-May, 1876, 1 v. City Property Sold by Order of Commissioners, Record of Proceeds of, October, 1854, 1 v. Only one page used. Inserted in the volume is a printed copy of the annual report of the city Controller, 1854, and the report of the city Treasurer for November, 1854. Collateral Inheritance Tax, 1894-1896, 1 v. ; Inheritance Tax, Dec. 25, 1894-Sept. 24, 1901, 1 v. ; Record, July 5, 1905-April, 1906 ; Receipt stubs, 1893-date, 17 v. ; Cash Book, November, 1893-date, 2 v. ; Con- sent of Treasurer for Disbursement of Funds, Oct. 26, 1911-date, 30 v.. stubs. Consigned Goods, State Tax on, stubs of receipts, 1-46, Sept. 15, 1855- Apr. 15, 1856, 1 v. ; Persons who have paid tax on consigned goods, May, 1854-April, 1856, 1 v. ; Collector's Accounts of tax on consigned goods, 1855-?. 1 v. 426 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Demands, Auditor's Orders, etc. County Auditor's Orders, "Old Issue, 1850-1852," Register of, May 27, 1850-May 3, 1853, 1 v. Countv Auditor's Orders, "New Issue, 1852," Oct. 5, 1851-Jan. 28, 1853, 1 v. ; Register of, Oct, 25, 1851-Jan. 23, 1854, 1 v. County Auditor's Warrants, Register of, 1854-1856, 1 v. County Auditor's Orders, Register of, Nov. 1, 1854-Mar. 11, 1858, 1 v. This volume and the one following give interesting data regarding the nature of the services for which the orders are drawn. Orders of Board of Supervisors on County Auditor, Oct. 1, 1851- Apr. 30, 1853, 1 v. Bills Ordered Paid [by Board of Supervisors], June 11, 1852- Julv 1, 1855, 1 v. "Bills Sent to the Common Council, 1855-1856," 1854-1856, 1 v. Similar to a*s allowance book ; gives nature of service. •Register of Orders, Miscellaneous Funds: "Register of Demands," June 1, 1860-Dec. 22, 1870; Building Fund, Sept. 16, 1850- Feb. 5, 1852, 1 v. ; Contingent Fund, Apr. 8-Nov. 15, 1853, 1 v. ; City Hall Fund, June 17, 1870-1874, 1 v. ; General Fund, July, 1873-January, 1879, 1895-1901, 4 v.; Police Officer's Warrants, May, 1878 (paid in 3879), 1 v.; School Fund, Nov. 1, 1853- June 30, 1856, 1898, 2 v. ; Street Department Fund, 1873-1882, 1 v. ; Sundry Funds, 1899-1902, 1 v. Certified Register of Demands, Rebates on Taxes Collected, 1896- 1897, 4 v. ; 1898-1900, 8 v. ; 1900-1901, 2 v. Two of the volumes for 1900-1901 are missing. Registered Demands, 1851-1860, 2 v. ; 1866-1874, 2 v. ; 1878-1898, 4 v. The earlier volumes are called "Registry of Demands."' Demands Redeemed, Monthly Return of, May, 1878-July, 1881, 2 v. ; 1881-1896, consecutive series of 8 v. ; 1869-1871, 1874-1878, 1895-1905, 10 v., not in consecutive series; June, 1906-Novem- ber, 1915, 16 v. ; Monthly Funds Redeemed, December, 1915- June 30, 1917, 4 v. Estates of Deceased Persons, Ledger, July 28, 1874-June 28, 1886. Fee Books, "Cash Fees": Clerk of Justice Court, January, 1895-September, 1896, 3 v. ; January, 1900-October, 1905, 6* v. (1-6) ; June 5, 1907-June 30, 1911, 7 v. County Clerk, February, 1895-July, 1897, 5 v.; January, 1900- Mav, 1904, 12 v. (1-12) ; Sept. 1, 1905-Apr. 13, 1906, 2 v. (14-15); June 1, 1906-May 18, 1907, 3 v.; Sept. 4, 1907- June 30, 1911, 17 v. ; Monthly Report, Fees of Clerk of Board of Supervisors, May, 1900-February, 1904, 1 v. Miscellaneous, January, 1896-September, 1897; January, 1900- January, 1902, 1 v. (1) ; August, 1904, 1 v. SAN FRANCISCO. 427 Recorder, January. 1895 ^-September, 1897, 4 v.; January, 1900- Qctober. 1905. 13 v. (1-15) ; Oct. 13, 1905-Apr. 10, 1906, 2 v. (16-17) : June 1. 1906- Aug. 10, 1911. 26 v. Vols. 2 and 12 are missing from the set January, 1900-October, 1905. Sheriff. January, 1895 ( ?) -September, 1897, 2 v.; January, 1900- February. 1905, 4 v. (1-4). Summary of Fees Collected, July 1, 1911-date, loose leaf. Treasurer, February. 1862-February, 1872, 1 v. Insurance Statements. August, 1862-August, 1870, 1 v. Statements (for tax purposes) by insurance companies, showing amount of premiums collected. Originals, pasted in book. Insurance Tax. Treasury Receipts on State, Aug. 9, 1870-January, 1872, 1 v. Interest on Notes. Receipts, 1879-1896, 3 v. Journals and Day Books : Day Book : County. October, 1850-April, 1853, 1 v. ; City Records and Day Book. 1850-1851. 1 v. ; City Treasurer, February, 1852- September. 1854. 1 y. ; Day Book, 1881, 1 v. Journal, July 7, 1855-July, 1895, 6 v., in consecutive series ; 1850- 1859, 5 v., not consecutive, some overlapping; January, 1911- date, 2 v. (A-B). Journal Cash. 1909-date, 1 v. Judgments against city and county of San Francisco, Register of, 1 v. In accordance with act approved Apr. 6, 1859. Judgments. Fifteenth Ave. Extension Assessments, "Judgment Num- bers," 1878, Judgments 1-2561. Ledgers, General, October, 1855-1900, 14 v. ; 1911-date, 7 v. (A-F) ; Countv. 1850-1855. 5 v.; City, 1851-1855, 2 v.; City and Countv, 1856-1857, 1 v.; Absent Heir, 1910-date, 1 v.; Bonds, 1908-1911, 1 v. ; Special Funds. Aug. 1. 1900-Jan. 31, 1911, 3 v. The statement here given, especially for the older Ledgers, should not be accepted too strictly, as many of these books were almost incapable of classification. Books dared before 1900 are in the open basement ; the later ones in the basement vault or in the main office. Licenses, City. 1850, 1 v., "License Book A," July, 1850-June, 1851, July, 1851-December, 1852, 1 v. ; 1852, April, 1854-April, 1855. 2 v. ; March, 1857-September, I860, 5 v. ; January, 1862-September, 1864. 4 v. ; License for Vehicles, Street Department Fund, July, 1872-September, 1874, 2 v.; Passenger Broker's License, April- August. 1857, 1 v. One volume (for 1852) is labeled "Street Directory"' and gives a list of business houses with record of license payments. Pasted in front is a Britton & Rey map of San Francisco [1852?] and a directory of streets. Licenses. State and County : Cash Book, August. 1850-Mareh, 1851; June, 1854-May, 1856; September. 1856-March, 1858, 3 v. A segregated statement of daily receipts, giving location but no names. 428 COUNTY ARC HIVES OF CALIFORNIA. [Record], June, lS54-December, 1857, 6 v.; April, 1858-January, 1859, 1 v. ; November, 1859-Julv, 1866, 6 v. ; September, 1870- March, 1872, 3 v. Some of these, especially the earlier ones, contain much data regarding the business houses in San Francisco. Some are labeled "Day Book." Register, January, 1863-November, 1871, 2 v. Ledger, January, 1868-1872, 1 v. Blotters, July, 1858-September, 1859; February-October, I860; September, 1862-June, 1863 ; July, 1865-October, 1866, 6 v. Other License Records, not classified, covering dates 1854-1869, 22 v. Licenses, State and Municipal: Cash Book, General Fund, September, 1872-April, 1873, 4 v. (3-6) ; September, 1873-February, 1874, 1 v. Daily cash reports of the license tax collector. Lincoln School Lots, Rent Receipts, October, 1875-February, 1881, 1 v. Mayor S. P. Webb, Letters written to Common Council, etc., by, Oct. 6, 1854-June 27, 1855, 1 v. A full transcript of the letters. Sixty pages in all. Patent Issued by the U. S. Government to the City and County of San Francisco of the lands between the Stratton and von Leicht surveys, Mar. 26, 1887. Original patent of S pages, 10xl3f- inches with a map 21x23 inches. Leather cover. Personal Property Taxes, Overpayments, 1896-1897, 1 v. ; 1899-1900, 1 v. ; Cash Day Book, 1896-1897, 2 v. ; 1899-1900, 1 v. ; 1901-1902, 1 v. Police Court Bail Money : Cash Book, 1893-1905, 13 v. (1-14) ; Jan. 22, 1907-Dec. 31, 1910, 5 v. (17-21) ; Jan. 3, 1911-June 30, 1917, 3 v. (1-3). Vol. 7 is missing. Ledger, February-November, 1895, 1 v. (4) ; June 6, 1893- Apr. 9, 1897, 4 v., not in series; September, 1897- April, 1903, 9 v. (7-15) ; Nov. 13, 1906-Aug. 28, 1908, 7 v. (17, 24-28), in series. Police Court Fines, 1874, 1 v. Police Life and Health Insurance Board, Minutes of, 1883-1889, 1 v. Private account books : John Perry, Jr., Ledger, 1856, 1 v. (F). Santa Cruz Lime Co., cash receipts and disbursements, December, 1874-January, 1879 ; 1 v. Probate Receipts, etc., October, 1868-April, 1887, 7 v. ; September, 1891-April, 1894, 1 v. Receipts for moneys paid or received in connection with estate and trust funds. The titles vary. Property of Deceased Persons : Almshouse, Hospital, Pesthouse, 1875-1888, 1 v. Coroner's Property Register, 1874-1880, 1 v.; "Coroner," 1882- 1901, 2 v. Public Administrator's Property Register, 1889-1892, 1 v. Receipt Books, miscellaneous titles, 1850, 1853-1856, 6 v. SAN FRANCISCO. 429 Receipts from City and County officers, December, 1876-December, 1878; May, 1879-March, 1880; May, 1880-Deeember, 1890; Novem- ber, 1891-1893, 5 v. Redemption Receipts. 1857-1889, 41 v.; Jan. 2, 1890-Mar. 11, 1905, 6 v. (Receipts 1-3000) ; July 9. 1903-May 16, 1908, 1 v. (Receipts 3995-4137). Those for 1S57-1SS9 are not complete, as for some years only a part are given, and a few years are missing altogether. Part of the volumes are called "Redemption of Taxes." Redemption of Real Estate Sold to State for Taxes, 1887, 1 v. ; 1907- 1908, 1 v. ; 1902-date. 1 v., loose leaf. Redemptions, Special, Cash Book, 1875-1890, 2 v. (A-B) ; new series, 1890-1905. 1 v. ; Index, 1885-1888, 1 v. Safe Deposit Boxes, Record of Contents of, 1911-date, 4 v. Kept by deputy in charge of the state inheritance tax records, as an office memorandum, showing what these boxes contained and the condition they were in at the time they were first examined by the County Treasurer. School Fund, Cash Day Book, April, 1895-February, 1897, 1 v. ; Feb- ruary 1903-March, 1904, 1 v. ; Disbursement of School Funds, Cash Day Book, 1893-1895, 1 v.; 1904-1905, 1 v. School Teachers' Annuity and Retirement Fund, June- August, 1895, 1 v. ; Cash Day Book, 1896-1898, 1 v. ; Disbursements of School Funds and Amounts Credited to School Teachers' Annuity and Retirement Fund, November, 1900-February, 1902, 1 v. Special Deposit Record, 1864-1880, 1 v. ; Special Deposits from County Clerk. 1864-1881, 1 v.; Treasurer's Receipts, 1864-1873, 1 v.'; July 26, 1894-November 13, 1901; Cash Book, June, 1906-August, 1915, 2 v. ; Ledger, 1906-1915, 2 v. Records of funds deposited with County Clerk on account of court cases. Stamps Sold and Received, account of, July, 1857-April, 1859, 1 v. ; Stamps, Military and Poll Tax. Auctioneers', 1857-1859, 1 v.; Sales of Stamps, July, 1858-December, 1862, 2 v. ; Transactions in Stamps, January. 1863-1872, 1 v. ; Exchange Stamps Sold, 1863-1871, 1 v. ; Insurance Stamps, 1863-1868, 1 v.; Passenger and Attorney's Stamps, .1863-1866, 1 v. State Controller, scrapbook of communications from, March, 1865- Xovember, 1867, 1 v. Original letters pasted in. Street Assessment Fund: Cash Book, 1870-1886, 1 v.; Ledger, 1870- 1886, 1 v.; Treasurer's Receipts, 1870-1887, 3 v. The receipts are for money paid by the City and County Treasurer. Street Funds. Miscellaneous, 1868-1902, 26 v. Accounts in connection with various street extension, widening and paving- projects. Tax Records, Miscellaneous: Assessment Roll. 1853, 1 v. (7) ; State and County Assessment, 1857-1858, 2 v. (4-5) ; State and County Taxes, 1855-1857, 2 v. The last named volumes are blotters, descriptive of property taxed. 430 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Delinquent Tax List, 1877-1878, 1 v., printed. Duplicate Taxes, 1883, 1 v. Index to Tax Books, 1856-1857, 1 v. Poll Tax Account, 1852, 1 v.; Poll Tax Collected, 1852, 1853, 2 v. The last two volumes contain the names of those who paid poll tax. Teachers' Annuity and Retirement Fund Journal, June 1, 1906- Mar. 17, 1915, 1 v. ; Register of Warrants, 1914-date, loose leaf. Treasurer's Report, year ending April, 1853, 1 v.; Monthly Reports, November, 1867-January, 1889, 1 v. ; July, 1914-date, 4 v. The volume for 1867-1889 is a scrapbook containing printed clippings. Treasury Receipts, Treasurer's Receipts and Treasurer's Receipt Books, 1859-1900, 42 v. (2-12, 15, 17, 23-49, 51-52) ; 1900-1905, 10 v. ; Sept. 3, 1908-Dec. 18, 1911, 10 v. Trial Balance, March, 1877-November, 1896, 1 v. Unclaimed Property, Record of Sale, 1865-1879, 1 v. Property taken by the police. AVard Register, 1877, 1 v. Great Register of wards 1-12. Warrants, Register of, October, 1854-June, 1855, 1 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR REAL ESTATE Assessment rolls, current, 41 v. (1-41) ; Personal property, 17 v. (1-17) ; Operative, 1 v. (42), held by Assessor. Back Tax Book, 1899, 1 v., in basement ; 1906-date, 2 v. A tabulation of delinquent taxes paid during current year. Cash record books : Cash Blotter, 1901-1912, 167 v., not complete; current series, 102 v. (1-102). Cash Book on unsecured personal property, 1906, 2 v., in basement. Cashier's account book, 1909-date, 2 v. Cash receipts for taxes paid, city, county and state taxes, 1899, 8 v. (B-F, H, J-K) ; 1900, 2 v." (A-T), in basement. Volumes are marked "R.E. and P.P." Daily Cash Balance, October, 1908-June, 1910, 4 v., in basement. Daily Cash Book, current, 2 v. Daily Statement, 1910-clate, 1 v. Summary of Cash Book, daily, 1906-date, 2 v. ; monthly, 1906- date, 2 v. Check Blotters, 1901, 1903-1907, 35 v., not complete set; Apr. 15, 1910- Xov. 24, 1913, 22 v. (1-22), all in basement. Delivery Book, 1900, 1906-1909, 5 v. ; Mailing Book, 1911, 1 v., all in basement ; 1912-date, 12 v. Duplicate Tax Book, 1906-date, 2 v. Ledger, Real Estate and License, 1906-date, 3 v. ; Real Estate, current, 41 v. (1-41) ; Personal property, current, 17 v. (1-17). SAN FRxVNCISCO. 431 Poll Tax rolls, 1896. 1 v. (S12) ; 1907-1914, 48 v.; Delinquent, 1900, 1 v. (A-M); 1902, 1907-1914, 9 v.; Chinese and Japanese, 1907- 1914, 8 v., all in basement. Skeleton rolls, current. 41 v. (1-41). A copy of the assessment rolls except that it has no property description nor assessment valuation. Used as a record of payment. Stockton Street and Twin Peaks Tunnels: Assessment roll. Stockton Street, 1913-date, 1 v. ; Twin Peaks, 1914-date. 11 v. (1-11), supplement, 1 v. (A). Daily Cash Book, 1913-date, 1 v. Monthly Cash Balance. 1913-date, 1 v.; Monthly balance by volumes, 1914-date, 1 v. Tax Receipt stubs, 1906-date, in basement. LICENSES Account with Auditor : Record of Licenses, 1906-date, 2 v. Licenses received from Auditor, July 1, 1892-May 31, 1901, 1 v. ; Stock Ledger, Aug. 31, 1906-May,' 1914, 4 v., all in basement. Monthly account with Auditor, Dec. 31, 1888-Feb. 28, 1898, 1 v., in basement. Monthly statement, 1906-date, 2 v. ; Daily statement, January, 1907-December, 1908, 1 v., in basement. Cash Book, General Fund, April, 1899-April, 1914, 37 v. (97-115, 118-135). in basement; 1914-date, 11 v. (136-146). Dog Licenses : Alphabetical index, 1906-1908, 2 v., in basement; 1914-date, 4 v. Cash Book, Numerical index, 1898-1903, 5 v. ; 1906-1908, 2 v., in basement. Duplicate tags, applications for, 1901-1908, 7 v., in basement. Record. 1887-1893. 6 v. ; 1895-1898, 3 v., in basement. Jitney bus owners, permit numbers, January, 1915-date, 4 v. License Ledger. General Fund, 1870, 1 v. ; 1875, 1 v. ; October, 1895- June, 1911, 12 v.. in basement ; General Ledger, No. 1, July, 1911- December, 1915. 2 v. ; No. 2, July, 1911-December, 1915, 2 v. License Ledger, Street Department Fund, July, 1875-January, 1878, July. 1884-January. 1887, July. 1893-January, 1902, 6 v. ; Depart- ment of Public Works, February, 1902-January, 1905, 1 v., all in basement. License Record. October. 1904-June, 1909, 1 v., in basement. Liquor Dealers' License Ledger, January, 1907-September, 1913, 3 v., in basement; October, 1913-date. 3 v. Nickel-in-Slot licenses. 1914-1915, 1 v.; Nickel-in-slot and peddlers' License Ledger. January, 1907-June, 1910, 1 v. ; Nickel-in-slot License Ledger. July, 1904r-October, 1906. June, 1910-June, 1913, 2 v.. all in basement. Cash Book. September, 1906-September, 1907, 1 v.; 1908-1910, 3 v., all in basement. Numerical index. 1899-1900. 1905-1906, 1912-1913, 3 v., in base- ment. 432 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. Peddlers' Lieetise Ledger, Cash Book, July-September, 1906, 1 v., in basement; Ledger, July, 1901-January, 1908, 1910, 3 v., in basement; 1913-date, 2 v. Vehicle Licenses : Cash Book, Sept. 21, 1874-July 28, 1889, 11 v. (1-11) ; Jan. 25, 1898-May 29, 1903, 5 v. (19-22) ; May 8, 1906-January, 1912, 3 v. (25-27), all in basement. Cash Book, numerical index, 1907-1912, 6 v., in basement ; 1914- date, 5 v. Index to Vehicles, July, 1885-January, 1888, July, 1891-January, 1903, 5 v., in basement. Ledger, July, 1905- January, 1907, 1 v., in basement. Ledger, alphabetical index, 1907-1912, 6 v., in basement ; 1914- date, 5 v. u Jl* v» J < -r( o& J ■ San Joaquin County. Solid blue Stats. 1850:63; 1851:175. a Stats. 1852:178, 180. b Stats. 1860:34; Pol. Code (1872), c Pol. Code (1878), §3928. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3947. For key to maps see page ix. §3932. SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. 433 SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY INTRODUCTION San Joaquin was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850, and still has practically the same territory, with the exception of a portion near Knights Ferry, which was added to Stanislaus County in 1860. Since the beginning of the county, Stockton has been the seat of justice. The present courthouse is a beautiful building standing in the center of one of the central city blocks. It was erected in 1890. Its position, surrounded on all sides by wide streets, and the exterior finish of stone, render it practically safe from fire without. The interior, however, can not be considered fireproof. Much wood has been used in the walls and supports, as well as in the interior furnishings. The equipment of the offices varies from wooden counters, bookcases and filing cabinets to the more modern steel furniture. Most of the offices are provided with vaults, but probably less than one-fourth of the records are kept within them. Many of the older records are stored away in the attic at the base of the dome. This is entirely dry, but the books and papers are covered with much dust and are in danger of being badly scattered by careless handling. The presence of rats in former times is evident, and there is constant danger of fire, since the darker corners are lighted by means of a tallow candle. Much of this material is of considerable value. The examination of the archives was made in March, 1916. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Archives of Stockton, June, 1849-April, 1850, 1 v. (A), in Recorder's office. This is a record of land titles. Court of First Instance, Minutes of, Oct. 16, 1849-February, 1850, 1 v., in Clerk's office. This was for the court for the District of San Joaquin, George (i. Licit, Judge. A volume of 106 pages. THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1880 Calendar, 1866-1879. 3 v. Docket. Civil, 1850-1854, 2 v. Execution Docket: Civil, 1850-1861, 1 v.; Criminal, 1850-1855. 1 v. 'See also Pre-statehood Records. 29—41210 434 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. File: Civil, 151 lb., eases 1-5146; Criminal, 12 f.b., eases 1-19;?. General Index, 1850-1880, 4 v. (A-B). Judgment Book, 1850-1879, 5 v. (A-E). Jury Book, 1870-1880, 1 v. Minutes, " Record," 1850-1880, 8 v. (A-H) ; Index. Orders, 1864-1867, 1 v. Register [of Actions], 1849-1879, 12 v. (A-L). Swamp Land Suits, 1865-1869, 1 v. Tax Decrees, 1864-1873, 2 v. County Court, 1850-188U Calendar, 1866-1879, 1 v. Docket, 1856-1875, 3 v. (B-D). Entry of Suits, 1850-1856, 1 v. Fee Book, 1850-1860, 1 v. File, 1850-1880, 88 f.b., cases 1-2402. General Index, 1850-1880, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1850-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Judgment Docket, 1858-1878, 1 v. (A). Minutes, "Record," 1855-1879, 6 v. (B-G) ; Index, 1 v. Orders, 1865-1867, 1 v. Register [of Actions], 1875-1878, 1 v. (E). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Docket, 1851-1856, 1 v. Fee Book. 1856-1873, 1 v. File, 1849-1863, 15 f.b. Minutes, 1850-1863, 3 v. Register [of Actions], 1856-1872, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Calendar. 1866-1879, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1893-1899, 1 v. Docket, 1850-1865, 1 v. File, 1850-date, 806 f.b., cases 1-5612. Index, 1850-date. Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1875-date, 8 v. (A-H). Letters Testamentary, 1880-date, 3 v. (A-C). Minutes, 1850-1855, 1 v. (A) ; 1880-date, 4 v. (A-D). Orders, "Records," 1854-1879, 8 v. (C-K) ; 1879-date, 13 v. Probate Bonds, 1861-date ; Bonds and Letters, 1861-1870, 2 v.; Bonds, 1875-date, 7 v. (1-7), form books; Miscellaneous Bonds, 1888-date, 4 v. Register [of Actions], 1850-1880, 4 v. (A-D); 1880-date, 12 v. (A-L). "Wills, Record of, 1850-date, 8 v. (A-H). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1850-date, 1 v. Calendar : Law and Motion, Dept. 3, 1903-date, 1 v. ■ Trial, 1898- date, Dept. 3, 1 v. SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. 435 Coroner's Inquests, 28 f.b., Nos. 1-3500. Execution Book, 1880-date, 2 v. (A-B). File : Criminal, 103 f.b. ; Civil, 835 f.b. ; Divorce, 81 f.b. ; Insol- vency, 57 f.b. General Index, 1880-date, 8 v. (A-D). Insanity Commitments, 1881-1897, 3 v. (A-C) ; Judgments, 1903- date, 2 v.; Minutes, 1903-date, 3 v. (A-B, 1); File, 14 f.b.; Certificates of Discharge from State Hospital, 1904-date, 1 v. Intemperance, Commitments, 1911-date, 2 v. ; Minutes, 1911-date, 1 v. ; File, 2 f.b. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 18 v. (A-R). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 6 v. (A-L). Jury Book. 1900-date, 1 v. (2). Minutes, 1880-date : Dept. 1, 27 v. (A-Z, 1); Dept, 2, 27 v. (A-Z, 1) ; Dept. 3, 7 v. (A-G). Police Court records, 10 v., in the dome. Preliminary examination, Index, 1 v. Register [of Actions], 1880-date; Civil, 23 v. (A-W) ; Criminal, 5 v. (A-E) ; Insolvencv, 1889-1903, 4 v. (A-D) ; Divorce, 1904- date. 2 v. (A-B). Shorthand reports, a great quantity in dome. Superior Court, Juvenile File, 1904-date, 16 f.b., cases 1-444. General Index, 1 v. (A). Judgment Record, 1904-1911, 1 v., in the dome. Minutes. 1904-date, 3 v. (1-3). Register [of Actions], 1904-date, 2 v. (A-B). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1883-date, 16 v. (A-P). Vols. A-L are in the dome. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1 v. Census of O'Neal Township, 1897, 1903, 1907. The last two are in the dome. County Boundary Field Notes, 1860, 1 v. Equalization, Minutes of the Board, 1872-date, 3 v. File, 60 p.h. Franchise Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (A). High School Districts, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. (A). Maps: San Joaquin County, 1883, 1895, mounted maps in dome; unmounted maps. 1 drawer ; Road map, current ; two other road maps, 1867 and somewhat later, in the dome; Stockton, 1894, in the dome; Index to the County Map, 1 v., 450 pp. The index contains much valuable informal ion regarding the first settle- ments. Minutes : Court of Sessions, County Business, 1850-1862, 2 v. (A-B) ; Supervisors, April, 1855-date, 20 v. (A-U) ; Index, 3 v. Since K each volume is individually indexed. 436 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Mono and Sonora Wagon Road, Record of Proceedings of Board of Commissioners for, May, 1863-Jnne, 1864, 1 v. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (A-B). Plans and Specifications, 1 drawer. Road Book, old, 1 v. Road Description Book, 1850, 1 v. Road Register, 1883-date, 2 v. (1-2). Saloon Register, 1894-date, 1 v. Swamp Land Book, 1861-1881, 1 v. Swamp Land Commissioners, 1866-1874, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Deposit Ledger, 1907-date, 12 v. (A-L). Docked-tailed Horses, Register of, 1907-1909, 1 v. Fee Books, 1874-date, 11 v. (A-K). Hunting License Applications, several bdls., in dome. Law Library Funds, 1894-1909, 1 v. Military Rolls, 1912-1915, in Supervisors' room; older ones in dome. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, Record of, 1850-1906, 7 v.; 1906-date; Index, 1851-1906, 1 v. Naturalization, Decrees of, 1867-1879, 2 v. ; Certificates of Citi- zenship, 1875-1903, 3 v.j; Record of Naturalization, 1903-1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 3 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1855-1906, 1 v. Registration and Election Affidavits of Registration, 1914-date. Earlier ones, 1906, etc., are in the dome. Great Register, 1866-1912, 45 v. Great Register, printed, 1884, 1890, 1892, 1894; Other counties for 1880, 1884, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896. The volume for 1896 is in the dome. Official Record of Ballots, 1892-1894, 1 v. Precinct Maps, current. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books, 45 v. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 2 v. (A, 1). Naturopathy Register, 1909-1912, 1 v. Optometrists, Registered, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Registered, 1905-date; 1 v. Physicians' License, 1915-date, 1 v. (2). SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. 437 Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1851-date, 16 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. ; Record of Corporations. 1851-1891, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies. Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. C. P. R. R, Co., Tariff book, 1878, 1 v., in the Supervisors' room. Partnerships. Certificates of, 1874-date, 4 f.b. Partnership Register, 1874-1911, 1 v. (A). Private account books (in Supervisors' room, except as noted) : Cash Book of Brown's Express, Murphy's, 1852. Joshua Webster (Hardware), Stockton, 1870-1873, several vols. Geo. S Locke, Ledger and Journal of, 1825-1826, 1875-?, 1 v., in dome. Relating to Other Officers Appointments. 1853-date, 5 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1914, 1 f.b. Bonds, Record of. 1857-1872, 2 v. Census Enumerators' Returns, 1880, 1 v., in dome. Humane Officers' Record. 1913-date, 1 v., only two entries. Justice Court Records, 50 or more volumes in the dome. Some of these date back to 1853. Notarial Records. 7 v., in north vault. Stockton Board of Health, Minutes of, 1870-1884, 1 v., in the Supervisors ' Room. THE RECORDER 1 Assignments of Mortgages, 1873-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. Attachments. 1855-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 4 v. Banking Statements, 1876-1893, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Births: Record, 1858-1859, 1 v., but few entries; 1873-1905, 1 v. (1) ; Register, 1905-1906, 1 v. (2) ; Certificates of, 1904-date, 13 v.; Index, 1908-date, 1 v. Building Contracts, recent, 24 drawers. Filed alphabetically. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1864-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 3 v. Deaths: Record, 1858-1860, 1 v. (1) ; Register, 1873-1907, 3 v. (1-3) ; Certificates. 1904-date, 14 v. Decrees of Partition, Index, 1 v. Decrees are recorded in Deeds. Deeds. 1850-date, 276 v. (1-276) ; Index, 66 v. (1-33). Deeds of Trust, 1850-1856, 1 v. (D). Divorces. 1859, 1 v. (1), few entries. Election Expenses. 1894-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Estrays, 1851-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. Fee Books, 1864-date, 31 v. (1-31). Loose leaf since 1914. Homesteads, 1860-date. 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments, Transcripts of, 1850-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). ^ee also Pre-statehood Records. 438 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Land Claims, May, 1849-1869, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Claims filed under the possessory title act. Leases, Index to, 1 v. (4). Leases are recorded in Miscellany. Lis Pendens. 1852-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 8 v. (1-4). Maps and Plats, 8 v. (1-8) ; Original Maps, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v.; Record of Surveys, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Map of Stockton, 1851, in frame. Marks and Brands, 1850-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. ; Of Adjoining Counties, 2 f.b. Marriages: Record, 1850-date, 21 v. (1-21); Index, 12 v.; Register, 1859-1862, 1 v. (1) ; Certificates, 1905-date, 11 v. Mechanics Liens, 1850-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Miscellany, 1850-date, 33 v. (1-33) ; Index, 16 v. (1-8). Mortgages, 1850-date, 130 v. (1-130) ; Index, 36 v. (1-18) ; Personal Property, 44 v. (1-44) ; Index, 12 v. (1-6). Newspapers (files earlier than 1905 are in the dome) : Stockton, Independent, July, 1874-January, 1875 ; August, 1892- January, 1893 ; August, 1893-January, 1895 ; August-Decem- ber, 1898 ; July, 1900-July, 1904 ; January, 1905-date. Evening Mail, August, 1884-February, 1885; January-August, 1894; February-August, 1895; February- August, 1896; Feb- ruary-August, 1897; August, 1898-December, 1904; January, 1905-date. Daily Record, April 1896-April, 1897; December, 1898-Decem- ber, 1899; July, 1900-December, 1904; January, 1905-date. Daily Report, 1899-1902, 4 bdls., in south vault; January, 1905- date. Official Bonds, 1857-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1858-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Physicians, Mid-wives & Undertakers, Register of, 1916-date, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1850-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3). Pre-emption Claims, 1858-1870, 1 v. This is entitled, "Cert, of Land Warrants." Releases of Mortgages, 1850-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 10 v. School Land Claims, 1858-1896, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1858-1864, 1 v. Separate Property of Wives, and Sole-Traders, 1850-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Special Partnerships, 1885-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Stallion Register, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Stockton, Charter of, with amendments, 1 v. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Claims to, 1855-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1853-1862, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1872-1905, 9 v. (1-9) ; City Property, 1885-date, 2 v. (1, 9) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Wills admitted to Probate, 1877-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index. 1 v, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. 439 THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Keport, 1877-1903, in the dome; recent ones in office. Apportionment of Funds. 1910-date, 1 drawer. Board of Education. Minutes of. 1880-1895. 2 v., in the dome; 1895- date. 2 v. Census Marshal's Notes, in the dome. Census Reports. 1909. 7 v.. in the dome. Certificate stub-book, 1 drawer. Communications: State and County Officers, 1911-date, 1 file; School Districts, 1911-date, 1 file. The latter contains all communications received from any particular district, i. e., teachers' reports, trustees' reports, etc. Courses of Study, 1911-date. Fee Book of Superintendent, 1911-date, 1 v. Graduation from Elementary Schools, Examination for, 1910-date. Institute. Minutes of, 1903-date, 2 v. Journal of Superintendent of Schools, Jan. 5, 1880-Nov. 15, 1886, 1 v., in the dome. This is a journal or diary relating to official business, kept by the Superintendent during these years. It is very interesting and should be of much value. Requisitions. Register of, 1880-date, 12 v. School Fund Register, 1880-1901, 6 v., in the dome; 1901-date. 6 v. School District Boundaries, Record of, 1850-date, 1 v.; 1890 (?), 1 v., in the dome ; Map, recent. The first volume contains a history of the property and boundaries. Teachers' Examinations, in the minutes of the Board. Teachers' Experience, Record, 1880-date, file. A record of experience of each teacher in San Joaquin County, filed under name of the teacher. Made up from other records. Teachers' Reports, scattering dates, in the dome. Trustees. Register of, 1879-1885, 1 v., in the dome ; 1905-date, 2 v. Trustees' Reports, scattering dates, in the dome. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book. 1883-1899, 8 v. (1, B-H). Assessment List, Linden Protection District. 1911, 1913, 3 v. Assessment Rolls. 1853-date, 251 v.; Index. 1878-date, 35 v.; Delin- quent. 1868-date, 42 v. Auditor's Balances. 1878-1893. 1 v., in the dome; 1893-date, 3 v. Cash Book. 1878-1882. 1 v. Indigent Account, "Cash Book." 1854-1860, 1 v. Journal. 1850-date. 16 v. Ledger. 1881-date. K> v.; Road Ledger, 1879-1907, 5 v. License Record. 1884-1893, 1 v. ; Ledger, 1891-1900. 1 v. License Tax Collectors' Reports. 2 v. Loan Commissioners, Minutes of, 1864-1884, 1 v. Maps, showing Road and School Districts, 1896, 1905, 1912. 440 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Miscellaneous file, 28 f.b. Orphans on State Aid, Record of, 1904-date, 2 v. Poll Tax Account with Assessor, 1872-1885, 1 v. Real Estate Offered for Sale, no bids, 1860, 1 v. Receipt Record, 1856-1881, 2 v. Reports, 1 f.b. School Bonds, Register of, 1898-date, 1 v. Scrip Funded by Court of Sessions, Act of April, 1852, 1 v., in the Supervisors' Room. Scrip Register, 1860-1874, 2 v. Warrants, Record of, 1886-1903, 6 v., in the dome ; Road Warrants, 1890-1892, 1 v., in the dome; Salary AVarrants, 1905-date, 9 v.; Stub-books, 1879-date, 9 v. Warrants, Register of : School warrants, 1887-date, 7 v. ; City Schools, 1910-1916, 1 v. ; Swamp Land Districts, 1901-1909, 1 v. THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of : County Bonds Cancelled, Issue of 1883, 1 v., in the dome ; Highway Bonds, 1910-date, 3 v. ; School Bonds, 1910-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1864-1897, 4 v., in the dome; 1897-date, 3 v. Deposit, Record of Public, 1909-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1908-date, 1 v. Journal, 1880-1897, 4 v.; School Funds, 1888-1897, 2 v., all in the dome. Ledger, 1864-1901, 5 v., in the dome; Estates, 1910-date, 1 v.; Schools, 1 v. License and Poll Tax Accounts, stub-books, 1914-date. Miscellaneous file, 36 f.b. Monthly Reports, 1902-date, 1 f.b. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Registered Warrants, 1910-date, 1 v. School Warrants, 1903-date, 4 v. ; School Warrants Redeemed, 1881- 1887, 1 v., in the. dome. Settlements and Discharges from State Controller, 1902-date, 1 p.h. State Land Book, 1858-date, 1 v. State Lands, Money received by Treasurer on account of, 1878-date, 1 v. Swamp. Land Association Record, 1910-1914, 1 v. Swamp Land Register, 1858-1866, 1 v. Tax Deeds to State, 1887-1894, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1901-1902, 1 v., in the dome ; 1902-date, 9 v. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Lands Sold, 1879-date, filed in vault by years. Assessment Lists, 1862-1912, about 1600 v., in the dome; 1913-1915, 203 v. Maps, 1915, 7 v. ; Older maps, 34 v. in office, 86 v. in the dome ; County Map, mounted, 1883, 1905 ; School District Map, recent. SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY. 441 Mortgages, Index to, several volumes in the dome. Poll Tax Roll, 1874-1886, 1888, 1896-1906, 1911-1914, 16 v., in the dome. Veterans' Exemption Affidavits, 1912-date. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1915, 11 v. Cash Book, 1886-1888, 1891-1894, 3 v., in the dome; 1890, 1 v. Check Register, 1907-date, 2 v. Delinquent Tax Receipts, 1902-date, 14 v. Tax receipt blanks are filled out in advance, all remaining unpaid are then bound as Delinquent Tax Book. Grantees and Grantors. Index to, 1908-date, 1 v. These are copied from the Recorder's records. Licenses Collected, 1882-1890, 1 v., in the dome; City, 1891-1894, 1 v.; County, 1889-1891, 1S99-1902, 2 v., all in the dome. Protection District Assessment Sheets, 12 v. Tax Receipt Books, 1915. Tax Sales, Record of, 1872-1878, 1 v. ; 1878-1886, 1 v., in the dome. 4-1-2 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY INTRODUCTION San Luis Obispo was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850. Its boundaries, both on the north and south, underwent many changes during the years previous to 1872, but none were radical in nature. For the first few years after the forma- tion of the county the records seem to have been kept in a very indifferent manner and an examination of this report will show that very few of the series of record books date from the year 1850. It is probable, however, that very little has been lost, as the later officials gathered up the scattered records and put them in their proper places. Practically all of the records for the first years have been re-copied into books of more permanent character. San Luis Obispo has been the county seat from the first. The first county offices were in adobe buildings and other similar structures. The present courthouse was completed in 1873 at a cost of about $42,000. It is built of brick and occupies the center of a block well located near the center of town. While it is probably safe from outside fires, the same can not be said as to the fire risk from the interior. Electric lights are used. The method of heating, by means of wood stoves, constitutes a distinct menace to the records. The first or base- ment floor is used for a jail and this fact adds to the danger. The Clerk has a large vault, so-called, in which the greater part of the court records are kept. The Auditor, Treasurer and Tax Collector have each a small vault in which a few of their books are kept. The janitor's storeroom is used for the storing of some records, most of which are not of great value. At the suggestion of the commission a small part of these were removed by the Clerk and placed in the vault. Wooden cupboards, built in, adjoining the office of the Superintendent of Schools, are used for storage purposes, as is also a part of a wooden shed in one corner of the courthouse square. The Hall of Records, occupying one corner of the square, was built in 1888. It is a small but solidly built structure of brick, much safer from fire than the courthouse. But here also the heating is done with a wood stove. Except in the Assessor's office, the book shelves and filing cases are for the most part of metal. There is much dust in evidence among the older and semi-discarded records, partly due, no doubt, to the fact that prisoners from the county jail do a considerable amount of the janitor work. The archives of this county were" examined in January, 1917. ™ c X ® O O o CO & Qj i-'ooi-'oooooooogooo i- i cn-atoh-'*.toi-'0 - 0O- Ol >f»- *> h- 1 -3 CO 00«O00 00 W \ ( '5 - - SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. 443 PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Alcalde and miscellaneous papers, 1844-1850, 5 bdls., in Clerk's office. Nearly all in Spanish. El Fondo Municipal de San Luis Obispo, December, 1849-March, 1850. Found in back (reverse) of "List of Accounts," etc., listed below under The Clerk, Court of Sessions. Election Returns, 1849-1850, 1 bdl., in Clerk's office. Original election returns as follows: Election held Aug. 1, 1849, for delegates to the constitutional convention and for local officials, giving names of those who voted and for whom each voted, tabulation and statement of total vote ; Election held Dec. 9, 1849, for Alcaldes and Regidors, giving tabulation of vote cast; Election for county officers, Secretary of Supreme Court and District Attorney, April 1, 1850, giving list of voters, tally sheet and tabulation of vote. THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Docket : Civil, 1854-1867, 1 v. ; Criminal, 1854-1868, 1 v. Execution Book, 1876-1880, 1 v. Fee Book, 1871-1879, 1 v. File, 31 f.b., cases 1-1016; Tax Suits, 1 f.b., cases 1-76; Criminal, 1 f.b., cases 1-5; Miscellaneous, 1877-1880, 1 bdl., in janitor's storeroom. General Index, 2 v. Habeas Corpus, 1857-1880, 6 bdls., in janitor's storeroom. Judgment. Abstracts and Transcripts of, 1858-1880, 5 bdls., in janitor's storeroom. Judgment Book, 1854-1883, 1 v. (A). Judgment Docket, 1854-1881, 2 v. (A, x). Vol. A has also County Court, 1854-1867, and Justice Courts, 1858' (one entry). Minutes, 1851-1882, 3 v. (A-C). Eesister of Actions, Civil, 1867-1883, 2 v. (x, B) ; Criminal, 1874- 1889, 1 v. Tax Cases : Decree Book, 1867, 1 v. ; Register of Actions, 1866-1873, 1 v. County Court, 1850-1879 Execution Book, 1876-1877, 1 v. File. 6 f.b.. cases 1-183; Criminal, 3 f.b., cases 1-128; 3 f.b. by years; 1871, 1 bdl., in janitor's storeroom. C4eneral Index, 2 v. Grand Juries. Reports of, 1859-1870, 1880, 2 bdls., in janitor's storeroom. These reports contain much interesting information regarding conditions in the county, particularly for the earlier years. l See also Pre-statehood Records. 444 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Judgment Book, 1854-1879, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1854-1867, see under District Court ; 1868-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1854-1860, 1864-1879, 2 v. Register of Actions: Civil, 1854-1879, 2 v.; Criminal, 1873-1879, Iv. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Criminal Docket, 1854-1862, 1 v. "List of Accounts presented in compliance with the order of the Court of Sessions of Aug. 5, 1851," 1 v. Contains also : List of Accounts audited from Sept. 20, 1S51-1S55 ; Certifi- cates of Sheriff's Sale under the revenue act, 1856-1857 ; "County Auditor in account with County Scrip" (Registered Warrants), 1852- 1857. The reverse of this volume contains "El Fonclo Municipal de San Luis Obispo," December, 1849, to March, 1850. Minutes, 1851-1863, 1 v. (A). Contains also minutes of the Probate Court, 1851-1874. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Bonds, 1893-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; 5 f.b., Nos. 1-2121. Collateral Tax Record, 1894-1901, 1 v. Decrees and Orders, 1910-date, 4 v. (1-4). File, 129 f.b., cases 1-2125. Guardians Bonds, Letters of Administration, etc., 1865-1867, 1 v. Index of Probate Cases, 1 v. ; Index to Probate Bonds and Letters, 2 v. (x, 2). Inventory of Wards, 1872-1899, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Letters of Administration, 1903-date, 2 v. (B, 3) ; Administration with "Will Annexed, 1913-date, 1 v. (1) ; Guardianship, 1893- date, 1 v. (B) ; Testamentary, Administration and Guardianship, 1861-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Testamentary, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1851-1874, see under Court of Sessions; 1874-date, 13 v. (B, 1-12). Order Admitting Will to Probate, 1904-1909, 1 v. (A). Orders, 1865-1877, 1 v. (A). Register, 1872-1881, 1 v. (A). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1867-date, 9 v. (A-I). Wills, 1858, 1877-date, 3 v. (x, A-B) ; Index, 1 v. The first volume, 1858, is small and has only one entry, the will of Vicente Canet. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, M896, 1 v. (1). Calendar : Law and Motion, 1889-date, 3 v. ; Actions, Criminal, 1890-date, 3 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1859-1881, 9 bdls., in janitor's storeroom; 1883-date, 12 f.b. Execution Book, 1880, see under District Court; 1882-1905, 1 v. (1) ; form book, 55 pages used. Feeble-Minded, Commitment to Home for, 1897-1901, 1 v. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. 445 File: Civil 1880-date, 232 f.b., cases 1-6012; Criminal, 1880-date, 47 f.b.. cases 1-984. General Index, 4 v. (x, B). Grand Jnry Reports, 1 f.b. Insane, Commitments, 1888-1902, 3 v. (x, 1-2) ; Insanity Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (3) ; Papers relating to Insane, 5 f.b.; Index to Insane Record. 1 v. Intemperance, Order of Commitment, 1912-date, 2 v. (1-2). The first volume has only four entries and they are transcribed into vol. 2. Both are form books. Judgment Book, 1880-1883, see under District Court; 1883-date, 10 v. (B-K). Vol. G is a form book for school land cases, 1897-1907. Judgment Docket, 1880-1881, see under District Conrt; 1881-date, 3 v. (A-C). Judgments, Index to, 1854-date, 2 v. (A-B). Jury Book, 1880-1884, 1890-date, 4 v. (x, 2-4). Justices' Courts, Criminal, case papers, 1870, 1974-1875, 1877- 1882, 10 bdls., in janitor's storeroom. Minutes, 1880-1882, see under District Court; 1882-date, 9 v. (D-L) ; Criminal Proceedings, 1895-date, 4 v. (A-D). Orders and miscellaneous papers, 1882-1884, 2 bdls., in janitor's storeroom. Register of Actions: Civil, 1880-1883, see under District Court; 1883-date, 9 v. (C-K) ; Criminal, 1880-1889, see under District Court; 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3). Reporters' notes, hundreds of volumes in main office, in janitor's storeroom and in cupboard adjoining office of Superintendent of Schools. Transcripts of Evidence, several dozen volumes in main office and janitor's storeroom. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 2 f.b., cases 1-113. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Aged Persons Supported Entirely by County, 1892-1903, 1 v.; County Hospital, Statistics of Aged Indigents, 1893-1895, 1 v. ; Record of Aid, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). The last named volume is for Indigents, Orphans, Half-orphans and Abandoned Children. Allowance Book. 1876-date. 8 v. (A-H). Burial of Ex-I T nion Soldiers, etc., 1 v., one entry. Cancellation of Erroneous or Double Assessments, 1901-date, 1 v. ; 2 f.b.. in Recorder's office. Equalization. Minutes of Board, 1872-1882, 1 v. File: Claims. 1870-1895. several hundred bdls., in janitor's store- room; 1895-1911, 24 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, about 175 f.b. 446 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Franchise Book, 1876-date, 1 v. (1). High School Districts, Record of, 1915-date, 1 v. Maps and Plans of roads, bridges, etc., 2 large drawers. Minutes : Court of Sessions, County Business, 1850-1855, 1 v. ; Board of Supervisors, 1852-date, 13 v. (A-M). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (A-B). Register of Claims, 1870-1876, 1 v. Each page is divided into columns for number, claimant, when received, amount, date of payment, remarks. Report of County Expert, Audit of Books and Accounts, 1883- 1916, 35 v. Roads, Proceedings Relative to, 1872-1883, 2 v. (x, B) ; Road Register, 1854-date, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Docked Horses, Register of, 1 v. ; Certificates, 1 f .b. The register has only 10 entries, all for 1907. Fee Book, General, 1903-date, 3 v. (x, 1-2). Hunting Licenses, County Register of, 1907-1909, 1 v. Jurors: Lists of, 3 f .b. ; 1859-1884, 10 bdls., in janitor's storeroom; Certificates, 1880-1893, 10 bdls., in janitor's storeroom. Military Rolls, 1880-1915, passim, 12 v. Miscellaneous file, about 50 f.b. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1852-1884, scattering, 2 f.b. ; 1872-date, 5 v. (A, 1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Vol. A is called Declarations of Citizenship. Certificates of Citizenship, 1872-1903, 7 v. Naturalization, Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v. (3) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 2 v. (4-5). Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1 v. Papers and Affidavits in matters of Naturalization, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1871-1894, 52 bdls., In janitor's store- room; 1896, 1898, several bdls., in cupboard adjoining office of Superintendent of Schools ; 1900, 1902, by precincts, in cupboard adjoining office of Superintendent of Schools; 1910-date, in main office and in Supervisors' room. Great Register, 1866-1898, 5 v. (x, 2-5); 1907-1908, 1 v. ; 1896 and additions of 1898, 38 v. by precincts, in cupboard adjoining office of Superintendent of Schools. Elections Ballots, Record of, 1892-date, 1 v. Certificates of Election, Bonds and Appointments, 1871-1876, 9 bdls., in janitor's storeroom. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. 447 Election Returns, 1849-1850, 1 Ml.; 1914-date, in Supervisors' room. Nomination : Certificates of, 1894-1906, 5 f ,b. ; Nominating Peti- tions, 1914, 4 f .b. ; Record of Nomination, 1912-date, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Licenses Issued, Record of, 1903-date, 1 v. ; Stub-books, 1887-1889, 1891-1895, 1897-1899, 8 v.; Affidavits, 1899-1901, 1 v. ; 1903-date, 5 f .b. Dentists, Register of, 1886-1902, 1905-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, Record of, 1876-1916, 1 v. (1) ; Register of Doctors' Certificates, 1914-date, 1 v. The last named volume is a form book for doctors, drugless practitioners, and reciprocity certificates. Optometry, Record of Examiners in, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 7 f.b., Nos. 1-717; Co-partnership, 1 f.b. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, ?-date, 1 v. Corporations, Index to, 1863-date, 2 v. (x, 2). The first volume is called "Register of Corporations." Fictitious Names, Register of Persons and Partnerships under, 1 v. Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 2 v. The two volumes are duplicates in part. Private account books : Farmers' Alliance Manufacturing & Mercantile Association, Minutes, 1895-1896, 1 v. Industrial Commercial Union, 1899-1907, 3 v. of minutes and account books. Marre & Marre, 1900-1901, 5 v., live stock business. S. L. O. County Nursery Co., Minutes, 1892-1893, 1 v. Templeton Milling Co., Minutes, 1896-1904, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Auditor and Treasurer, Reports of, 1890-date, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1859-date, 11 f.b. Coroner's Register, 1885-1904, 1 v. Horticultural Commissioners, Minutes of County Board of, 1891- 1895, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets: San Luis Obispo Township (Taxes), 1872, 1 v.; Santa Margarita Township, 1885, 1 v.; Santa Margarita and San Jose Townships, 1885-1899, 1 v. Notaries. Register of Officials and, 1895-date, 1 v. Notaries, Records of : J. M. Emmert, 1904-1916, 1 v. ; G. F. Witter, Jr., 1893-1899, 1 v. ; O. T. Harvey, 1890-1897, 1 v. ; O. M. Pence, 1889-1895, 1 v. : No name, 1895-1904, 1 v. Public Administrator, Reports of, 1 f.b. 448 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1870-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index to Assignments of Mortgages, 2 v. (A). Attachments on Real Estate, 1854-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Banking Statements, Assets: 1876-1894, 1 v. (1) ; Capital, 1876-1894, lv. (1). Births, 1859-1880, 1 v.; Register of, 1905-date, 5 v. (2-6). The volume for 1S5S-1SS0 has only eight scattering entries. Births & Deaths, Return of, to Co. Recorder, 1873, 1875, 1 bdl., in janitor's storeroom in courthouse. Brands, 1851-date, 1 v. Contains also : Marriages, 1850-1851, 1852-1854 ; Separate Property of Married Women, 1851, 1 entry ; Wills, 1851-1856 ; Sales of cattle with certain marks and brands, and sales of "right, title and interest" in certain brands, various dates. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1860-1865, 1 v; 1870-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (A). The volume for 1860-1865 is called "Book C of Records of the Sheriff of San Luis Obispo County." Co-partnership, Articles of, 1889-date, 1 v. (A). Deaths, 1 v. ; Register of Deaths, 1873-1882, 1 v. ; Obituary Record, 1890-1905, 1 v.; Record of Deaths, 1905-1907, 1 v.; Register of Deaths, 1908-date, 4 v. (4-7). The first volume listed has only four entries, one each for, 1860, 1879, 1880, 1890. The Obituary Record has scattering entries as far back as 1879. Decrees of Distribution, Index, 2 v. (A-B). Deeds, 1851-date, 140 v. (A-Z, 1-114) • Index, 16 v. (A-P). Deeds, Trust, 1894-date, 11 v. (Al-All). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, Primary, 1910-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; General, 1894-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Committees' Statements, 1894-1910, 1 v. (A). Estrays and Lost Property, Notices of, 1885-date, 1 v. (A). Fee Books, 1878-date, 14 v. (A-P) ; Clerk and Recorder, 1868-1870, 1 v. The last is a small volume with the outside title, "Auditor's Ledger." Homesteads, 1871-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 2 v. (A-B). Homesteads, Abandonment of, 1862-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Instruments: filed for Record, 1874-1878, 1 v.; not called for, 26 f.b. by letters. Judgment, Transcripts of, 1854-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Leases, 1852-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 2 v. (A). Licensed Land Surveyors, 1 f.b. Lis Pendens, see Pending Actions. Maps and Plats: Map Books, 4 v. (1-4) ; Record of Surveys, 1 v. (1) ; Record of Licensed Surveyors' Maps, 1 v. (2) ; Subdivision Maps, 63 p.h. ; Wall Map of San Luis Obispo County, compiled from Offi- cial Records for the Board of Supervisors by A. F. Parsons, County Surveyor, 1913; Wall Map of the city of San Luis Obispo, 1878; Index to Record of Surveys, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Map Book No. 2. Map Books 3 and 4 contain the filing map of the Atascadero Colony. The Subdivision Maps are folded, inserted in small pasteboard cases and filed in wooden p. h. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. 449 Marks and Brands, sec under Brands. Marriages, 1 v.; Register of, 1905-date, 5 v. (x, 2-5) ; Certificates of, 1850-date, 11 v. (A-K). The first volume listed has only 17 entries, 10 for 1859, one for lSf>4, six for 18S0. In the last series after 1SG2 both the license and the certificate are recorded. Vols. D-K are form books. See also under Brands. Mechanics Liens. 1860-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Mining District Records : San Simeon Mining District, 1889-1896, 1 v. ; Adelaida Mining District, 1889-1897, 1899-1900, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Red Rock Mining District, 1896-1897, 1 v. Mining Record, 1899-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Index, 8 v. (1-8) ; a few early notices in ""Miscellaneous Record." Notices of location of claims, proofs of labor, etc. The later volumes contain many oil claims. Miscellaneous Record, 1874-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 2 v. (A-B) ; about 50 f.b. Mortgages, 1851-date, 63 v. (A-Z, 1-37) ; Index, 6 v. (A-F). Mortgages, Chattel, 1869-date, 21 v. (A-U) ; Index, 3 v. (A-C). Vols. G. I, J. N, P are "Crop Mortgages." Official Bonds, 1852-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Order of Probate Court Confirming Sales and Order of Sale, 1 v. Onlv one entry, 1S65. The volume has outside title "Record Golden Gate C. M. Co." Partnership Articles, 1857-1861, 1 v. (A). Contains also "Record of Location of Seminary Lands and School Lands. Book A," 1860-1S62. Patents. 1859-date. 10 v. (A-J) ; Index, 1 v. Pending Actions, 1860-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index to Notices of Action, lv. (B). Powers of Attorney. 1851-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Pre-emptions, 1854-date, 3 v. (x, x, D) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Index to "Liver [Liber] C," 1 v. Releases of Mortgages, 1854-date, 9 v. (A-I) ; Index, 6 v. (A-C). Residence. Certificates of, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Has only one entry, 1909. School Lands, Record of Location of Seminary Lands and, see under Partnership Articles. School [Land] Locations, 1867, 1868, 6 bdls., in janitor's storeroom; in Township 25-31. Separate Property. Wives'. 1854-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index to Separate Property of Married Women, 1 v. (1). See also under Brands. Sole Traders Declarations, 1859-date. 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v., last entry, 1893. Special Partnerships, see under Co-partnerships and Partnership Articles. Stallions, Register of, 1912-date, 1 v. (A). SO— 41210 450 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. Tax Sales: Record and Certificates, 1872-1911, 45 v. (A-Z, 1-19); 1872-1894, 27 f .b. ; Index, 4 v. (x, x, 1-2) ; Certificates of Sale, City of San Lnis Obispo, 1911-1916, 2 v. (I-II) ; City of Arroyo Grande, 1914-1916, 1 v. Water Claims, Notices of, 1885-1915, 2 v. (A-B) ; a few also in "Mis- cellaneous Record." Wills admitted to probate, 1851-1856, see under Brands; 1858-1880, 1 v. (A). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1903-1904, 1908-date, 32 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1 file. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 1 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes and Reports, 1902-1910, 2 large boxes in storeroom in shed. Certificates, Applications for, see under Grading of Schools. Communications Received: from Auditor, 1909-date, 1 file; General, 2 files; "Official Bulletins," 1 file. Fee Book, 1896-date, 1 v. Contains also Auditor's Receipts for 1899-date. Grading of Schools, 1907-1915, 1 v. Contains also applications for certificates, 1912-1915, and action on same. Institutes, Minutes of, 1907-date, 1 v. Official Acts of Superintendent, Record of, 1870-date, 1 v. For some years has lists of trustees, teachers' certificates on file, appor- tionment of funds, etc. Promotion and Grading Record, 1907-1912, 1 v.; "Grading Record Sheets," 1912-date, 4 v. The volumes last listed contain the original reports bound in pamphlets, one for each year. Requisitions, Register of, 1880-1887, December, 1906-February, 1907, 1 v. School District Boundaries, 1907. Printed volume corrected to date by marginal notations. School District Ledger, 1880-1894, 4 v. (3-6). School Library Books, Record of, 1890-date, 1 v. School Superintendent's Ledger and Register of Requisitions, 1895- date, 8 v. (7-13 and Transfer Ledger). As the name indicates this is a special form of record. The vols. 7-10 are called "Ledger" but are practically the same as the later volumes. In 1916 a loose leaf system was adopted. Each page has columns for date, order number, requisition number, in favor of, assigned to, for, and several columns for the school funds, sub-titled for library fund, teachers salary fund, expense fund and building special, each of these again subdivided into columns for Dr., Cr. and balance. The whole is indexed for the various districts. Teachers' Certificates on File, 1887-date, 1 v. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1907-date, 1 v. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. 451 Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-date, 1 v.; Teachers' Retire- ment Salary Fund, School Superintendent's Record, 1913-clate, 1 v. The last volume is loose leaf, containing copies of the county superin- tendent's reports to the Teachers' Retirement Salary Fund Board at Sacramento. Teachers' Reports, 1903-date. 6 p.h. and 10 bdls. Trustees, Bills of, 1911-date, 1 file. Trustees, Certificates of Appointment, 1903-1909, 7 bdls. in storeroom in shed. Trustees. Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Trustees'. Reports, 1903-1901, 1907-1909, 5 bdls. in storeroom in shed. THE AUDITOR Address Book, 1 v. Assessment Rolls : Original. 1851-1861. 1868-1915, 222 v. Duplicate. 1867. 1871-1871, 5 v. Delinquent. 1853. small bell., in Clerk's office; 1867, 1873-1915, 46 V. Personal Property. 1888. 1889, 2 v., in janitor's storeroom; 1896- 1913, 13 y. See note under Index. Index, 80 v. Two volumes of Personal Property. 1S99. 1910, and 4 volumes of Index are in Assessor's office. "Tax List for the year 1859, Town of San Luis Obispo," 1 v., in Recorder's office. Bonds, Register of. 1872-date, 2 y. Clerk's Fee Book, 1899-1903, 1 v. Journal. 1870-date, 12 v. (x, 2-12). Ledsrer, 1870-date, 9 v. (x, x, 3-9). License Account. 1891-1910, 1913, 3 y. Orphans. Record of, 1915-date, 1 v. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1901-1916, 2 y. Receipts, paid warrants, etc., large quantity. Receipts and Expenditures, Current sheets, 1 y. ; Transfer sheets, 1 v. Road Tax Roll, 1893. 1 v. School District Ledger. 1897-1903, 1907-1911. 6 v. Tax Sales. Redemption of, 7 v. Warrants, Outstanding, 1 y. Warrants. Register of, General, 1891-1893, 1 v., in Treasurer's office; 1891-date. 7 v.; Hospital. Salary, Miscellaneous. 1891-1893, 1 v.; Hospital. 1891-date. 1 y. ; Miscellaneous, 1908-date, 1 v. ; Road, 1891- date, 8 v.; Salary. 1891-date, 2 v.; School, 1873-1880, 1891-1893, 1899-date, 9 v. The first volume listed contains also Registered Warrants for May, 1900. Warrants. Register of. "Warrants Registered," 1877-1889, 4 v. (2-5). 452 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Apportionments and Transfers, 14 p.h. Auditor's Statements, 1878-1892, 8 p.h. Bank Book, 1890-1897, 1 v. Bonds, Register of, 1872-1902, 1 v. Cash Account, 1892-1894, 1898-1899, 3 v. Cash Disbursements, 1885-1914, 9 v. (x, x, C-I). Cash Receipts, 1889-1915, 4 v. Certificates of Sale (for taxes), 1875-1894, 24 p.h. Claims Allowed by Board of Supervisors, Certified List of, 1891-1893, 27 small bdls. of large folded sheets. Day Book, 1877-1878, 1 v. Deposit Record, 1908-1909, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1 p.h. Journal, 1855-date, 8 v. (x, B-H) ; 1886-1889, 2 v. Ledger, 1855-date, 9 v. (x, B-H) ; Special, 1915-date, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, about 50 p.h. Monthly Reports, 1892-1896, 1 p.h. Poll Tax Account Book, 1900-1915, 1 v. Receipts and Disbursements, 1915-date, 2 v. This is a continuation of the two series of Cash Receipts and Cash Dis- bursements listed above. School Ledger, 1885, 1890-1898, 2 v. (x, A). State School Land Record, 1874-date, 2 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1896-1898, 1 v. ; Registered Warrants, 1854- 1882, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Deeds, 1888, 1892, 1894-date, 44 v. ; Index, 17 v., and 4 v. in the janitor's storeroom. Assessment Statements, 1914, in bdls. piled on floor; 1915, 1916, 250 p.h. Grain Record, 1912, 1913, 1915, 1916, 4 v. In paper covers, about 50 pages in each volume. Maps and Plats : Plat Books, 33 v. ; Map of Atascadero Colony, 2 v. ; School District Maps, case of 16 sliding boards ; Wall map of San Luis Obispo County, official, 1913, about 4 by 6 feet. Mortgages, Abstract of, 5 v., and 7 v. in the Recorder's office; Index, 1895, 2 v.; 1889-1894, 4 v., in janitor's storeroom. Poll Tax Rolls, 1895-1911, 1913-1914, 19 v.; 1889, 1 v., in janitor's storeroom. Report of Advisory Board on Appraisement of Real Property and Improvements, under Section 40415 of the Political Code, 3 v. The complete report will cover 5 or 6 volumes. The appraisement was made during 1915 and 1916. Road Tax Roll, 1895-1903, 7 v. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. 453 THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1916. 8 v. ; Index, 1 v. Cash Book, 1869-date. 30 v. The first volume, 1S69-18SO, is iu cupboard adjoining the office of the Superintendent of Schools. There are no entries for 1871. License Book, 1869-1878, 1 v. ; Ledger, 1878-1888, 2 v. ; Journal, 1895- 1898, 2 v. ; all in cupboard adjoining office of Superintendent o£ Schools; Record. 1899-date, 5 v. Tax Receipt stub-books, great quantity in main office, janitor's store- room and in cupboard adjoining office of Superintendent of Schools. Tax Sales. 1873-1894. 6 v. (x. B-F) ; Certificates of Sale of Real Estate, 1898, 3 v. (U-W) ; Sheriff's Certificates of Tax Sale, 1858, 1864-1865, 1 v. The last volume listed is in cupboard adjoining office of Superintendent of Schools and contains only six entries. 454 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. SAN MATEO COUNTY INTRODUCTION The county of San Mateo was formed by a subdivision of San Francisco County in 1856. In 1868 an addition was made by the annexation of a portion of territory which had formerly belonged to Santa Cruz County. The county seat was originally located at Bel- mont, but the same year was transferred to Redwood City. At an election held in 1874 San Mateo was chosen as county seat, but through arbitration its removal from Redwood City was prevented. The present courthouse is, for its size, one of the best in the state, having been built in 1908. It stands alone upon a block in the center of the city and is built of stone and concrete. If care is taken 1o close the steel shutters it should be safe from outside fires, while 'the interior construction also appears to be fireproof. The records of the Clerk and Recorder are kept in large rooms which, when closed, are in reality fire and burglar-proof vaults. The building is heated by steam and lighted by electricity. The office equipment is throughout modern and convenient, although not dustproof. The archives of this county were examined in October, 1917. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1856-1879 File, 1856-1879, 53 f .b., cases 1-1438 ; Tax Suits, 6 f .b., cases 1-406. General Index, 2 v. (1). Grand Jury Reports, 1876, in Auditor's basement. Judgment Book, District and County Court, 1856-1879, 3 v. (1-3). Judgment Docket, 1859-1871, 2 v. Jury Lists and Accounts, 1872-1884, in Auditor's basement. Minutes, 1856-1879, 3 v. (1-3). Register of Actions, "Docket," 1856-1879, 3 v. (1-3) ; Tax Suits, 1864-1873, 1 v. Tax Decree Record, 1864-1873, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. County Court, 1856-1879 Docket, 1856-1879, 1 v. (1). File, 1856-1879, 19 f.b., cases 1-578. General Index, 2 v. (1). Minutes, 1856-1879, 3 v. (1-3). zo San Mateo County. • Solid blue Stats. 1856 :146, 176. a Stats. 1857 :209, 222. b Stats. 1867-8:174; Pol. Code (1872), §3951. c Pol. Code (1878), §3951; (1901), §3951. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3949. For key to maps see page ix. OSi y i \ © S SAN MATEO COUNTY. 455 Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1856-1863 Docket. 1856-1863. 1 v. Minutes, 1856-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1856-date Bonds of Administrators. 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Guardians, 1890- date, 2 v. (1-2). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1909, 4 v. (1-4). File. 1856-date, 241 f.b.. cases A-Z, 1-2093. Letters of Administration, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Guardianship, 1889-date, 1 v.; Testamentary, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2). Minutes, 1856-1879, 4 v. (1-4) ; 1880-date, 29 v. (1-29). Papers of Estates, 24 boxes. Register of Actions, 1864-date, 7 v. (1-7). Wills and Letters, 1856-date, 8 v. (1-8). Superior Court, 1880-date File, 1880-date, 314 f.b., cases 1-6189 ; Divorces, 12 f.b. General Index, 4 v. (1-2). Inquests of Coroner, 1870-date, 17 f.b. ; Index, 1907-date, 1 v. Insanity Commitments, 1903-date, 2 v. (1-2), 1 f.b.; Intemper- ance, 1912-clate, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Certificates of Discharge, 1903-date, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1880-clate, 10 v. (1-10). Judgment Docket. 1880-date. 2 v. (1-2). Jury Account Book. 1907-date. 1 v. Jury Lists, recent, 3 f.b. Minutes, 1880-date. 18 v. (1-18). Register of Actions, 1879-date. 14 v. (1-14). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File. 3 f.b.. cases 1-120. Minutes, 1909-date. 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1883-clate, 6 v. (1-6). Equalization. Minutes of the Board of, 1876-clate, 2 v. Erroneous Assessments, Cancellation of, 1897-date, 1 v. (1). File. 60 f.b. ; School District Papers, 9 f.b. ; Liquor Petitions, 1885- date, 7 f.b. Minutes. 1856-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Index, 1 v. Ordinance Book. 1883-1907, 1 v., Nos, 1-217; 1883-date, 3 f.b. Orphans on State Aid. 1904-date, 2 v. Road Record. 1869-1894, 1 v. (1) ; Road Papers, 6 f.b. Road Register. 1856-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index to Road Register and Maps. 1 v. (1) ; Road Map Boole. 3 v. 456 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Cash Book, 1915-date, 1 v. Correspondence, press books, 1895-1909, 10 v., in basement. Docked Horses, 1907, 1 v., about 50 entries. Fee Book, 1885-1915, 4 v. Military Rolls, 1887-date, 2 f.b. Poll Tax List, 1881, in Auditor's basement. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, 1868-1879, 2 v.; 1880-1906, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1885-1906, 2 f.b.; Record of, 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4). Naturalization, Certificates of, 1868-1876, 1 v. ; Naturalizations. 1871-1879, 1 f.b.; 1880-1906, 3 v. (1-3) ; Petition and Record. 1907-date, 4 v. (1-4). Notices of Minors, 1888-1902, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1908-date. Great Register, 1866-1906, 9 v., in Auditor's basement; 1908, 1 v. Elections Ballots, Record of, 1894-1906, 1 v. Election Expenses, 1904-1911, 1 f.b. Nomination Papers, 1 f.b. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1901-date, 8 v. (1-8). Dentists, Roll of, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 1 v.; Doctors' Certificates, 1914- date, 1 v. Optometrists, 1903-clate, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Abstract of Title to Miramontez or San Benito Ranch, as it appears in the Records of San Mateo County, 1 v. This record is on pages 35-71 of a book entitled, on the outside cover, "Record, Court of Sessions," the preceding pages having been cut out. Articles of Incorporation, 11 f.b., Nos. 1-1077; Index, 1863-date, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1898-date, 1 v. Co-partners, Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of, 1 v. Private account book: San Mateo Journal, Subscription Book, 1868-1881, 1 v. SAN MATEO COUNTY. 457 Relating to Other Officers Appointments, Index to. 1911-date, 1 v. Bonds of Officers, 1856-date, 4 f.b. ; Notaries, 1856-date, 2 f .b. Justice Court Dockets. 1856-1881, 5 v. Notaries. Register of, 1902-date, 1 v. ; Records of, 1891-1906, 1 v. (Barber). THE RECORDER Abstracts of Mortgages, 1877-1881. 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages, Leases and Judgments, Index to, 2 v. (1-2). Attachments, 1909-date. 2 v. (1-2) ; Attachments and Executions, 1856-date, 5 f.b. ; Index. 1 v. (3). Earlier indexes with Lis Pendens. Births. Register of. 1881-date, 6 v. (1-6). Building Contracts. 1915-date. 24 drawers. Certificates of Sheriff's Sale, 1876-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1856-date, 2 f.b.; Index, 2v. (1-2). Deaths, Redster of. 1874-date. 5 v. (1-5). Deeds, 1856-date. 259 v. (1-259); Index, 15 v. (1-15); Evergreen Cemetery, 1877-1880. 1 v.; Trust Deeds, 1889-date, 16 v. (1-16). Delivery Book, 1911-date, 4 v. (1-4). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1910-clate, 1 v. (1), 1 f.b.; Primarv Election. 1914-date, 1 v. (2). Estrays, 1856-1882. 1 v. A small book. Seven pages in back are used for recording Marriage Certificates, 1S56-1S59. Fee Book. 1874-1883, 2 v.; 1885-1901, 2 v.; 1911-date, 4 v. (7-10). The books for 1ST4-1SS3 are for Clerk, Auditor and Recorder. General Index. 1879-1910. 6 v. (1-6). Homesteads. 1860-date. 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments. Abstract of. 1857-date. 1 f.b.; Index, 1 v. (1). Leases. 1874-date. 8 v. (1-8) ; Index. 2 v. (1-2). Lis Pendens. 1856-date, 6 v. (1-7) ; 1857-1910, 5 f.b.; Index, Notices of Action. 3 v. (1-3). Vols. 1-2 are "Redemption Claims and Lis Pendens ;" the first two index volumes are Lis Pendens and Attachments. Maps : County Maps in Auditor's basement: San Mateo, 1877, badly worn, 1884. 1894: Alameda, 1874; Monterev, 1877; San Luis Obisno, 1874, 1890; Santa Clara, 1890; Tehama, 1878. Licensed Surveys. 14 v. ; Index. 1899-date, 1 v. Mounted Maps: San Mateo County (Easton), 1868; San Mateo County (Cloud), 1877; San Mateo County (Bromfielcl), 1894; San Mateo County (Newman), 1909; Redwood Citv (Smith), 1871. Official Maps, bound. 12 v.: Index. 1 v. (1). Marks and Brands. Index to. 1856-date. 1 v. (1). Marriages. 1859-1861. 1 v. ; Marriage Licenses. 1862-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 1862-date. 2 v. (1-2) : Marriage License Delivery Book, 1915- date. 1 v. (1) ; Register of Marriages, 1905-date, 4 v. (1-4). See also under Estravs. 458 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Mechanics Liens, 1860-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Vol. 1 of Index is "Mechanics' Liens and Pre-emption Claims." Miscellaneous Records, 1857-date, 29 v. (1-29) ; Index, 5 v. (1-5). Mortgages, 1856-date, 85 v. (1-85) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Chattel Mort- gages, 1874-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Newspapers (in Clerk's basement) : Redwood City, Times, Apr. 6, 1861-April, 1865; April, 1866- April, 1875 ; April, 1876-April, 1893 ; April, 1903-April. 1905 ; April, 1906-April, 1909. Democrat, Jan. 7, 1909-Dec. 30, 1915. Official Bonds, 1856-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Oyster Beds, 1874-1912, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1857-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Physicians and Undertakers, 1905-date, 1 v. ; Physicians, Undertakers, and Midwives, 1915-clate, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1874-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Pre-emption Claims, Index, 1 v. See also Index to Mechanics' Liens and Pre-emption Claims. Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1874-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3). Residence, Certificates of, 1 v. School and Swamp Land Surveys, 1856-1879, 1 v. ; Swamp Land Receipts and School Lands, 1859-1867, 1 v. Separate Property of Married Women and Sole Traders, 1856-date, 1 v. (1). Special, or Co-partnerships, 1874-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Stallion Registration, Record of, 1 v. (1). Swamp Land Reclamations, 1882-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, 1873-1899, 7 v. (A-G) ; Duplicates, 5 v. (A-E) ; Tax Deeds to State, 1875-1911, 1 v.; Redemption of Lands Sold to State, Con- troller's Receipts, 1897-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1912-date, 1 v.; Certificate of Tax Sales, 1895-1900, 14 v. (1-14) ; Index, 1 v. Tide Land Surveys, 1868-1878, 1 v. Water Rights, 1872-date, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1905-date. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 1 v. Certificate stub-books, 1886-date, 10 v., scattering. Courses of Study, 1897-date, 4 v. Examinations for Graduation, 1896-date, 2 v. High School Districts, Formation of, 1912-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1882-date, 1 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1882-date, 7 v. School District Boundaries, 1872-date, 1 v. Teachers' Employment Record, 1913-date. Teachers' Examination, Record of, 1901-date, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-date. Teachers' Reports, 1895-1905, in basement; 1906-date, 3 f.b. Trustees, Register of, 1902-date, 1 v. Warrants. Register of Receipts for, 1912-date, 1 v. SAN MATEO COUNTY. 459 THE AUDITOR Accounts, 1859, 1864-1867, 2 v., in basement. Allowance Book. 1898-1904, 1 v., in basement; 1904-1912, 2 *\ (2-3). Assessment Kolls : Original, 1856-1908, 190 v., in basement; 1909-1915, 105 v.; Index, 1887-1899. 11 v. ; 1908-date, 14 v. Duplicate, 1862-1863, 1872-1881, 26 v., in basement. Delinquent. 1861, 1863-1910, 39 v., in basement; 1911-1915, 9 v. Sanitary Districts, Lomita Park, 1911-1912, 1 v.; Menlo Park. 1905-1912. 7 v., in basement ; 1913-1915, 3 v. ; San Mateo Home- stead, 1909-1913, 2 v. Bond Coupon Books. 5 v.. in basement; 18 v. The volumes in the main office include county, school district, and road bonds outstanding. Bonded Indebtedness, Register of, 1898-date, 1 v. Cash Account and Warrant Register, 1901-1907, 1 v., in basement. Cash Book, 1882-1887; 1890-1896, 3 v., in basement ; 1910-date, 2 v. Court Demands, 1898-date, 2 v. (1-2). Jury, witness, and reporter's fees. Day Book. 1872-1879, 2 v., in basement, File, 144 f.b. Journal, 1915-date, 1 v. (1). Ledger, 1867-1878, 1903-1905, 2 v., in basement; 1905-1915, 4 v. (6-9) ; 1915-date, 2 v. Since 3915 two loose leaf volumes : one general ledger and a fund ledger. Recorder's Fee Book, 1901-1910, 4 v. (3-6). Redemption of Delinquent Taxes, 1907-1915, 3 v. ; Certificates of Redemption of Real Estate purchased by state, 1895-1909, 9 v. (1-9 V, in basement; 1909-date, 24 v. (10-33) ; Index, 3 v. (2-4). Register of Demands allowed by Auditor, 1864-1909, 10 v., in base- ment; 1909-1914, 6 v.; 1916-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Register of Receipts of Money paid into Treasury, 1864-1872, 1 v., in basement. Registered Warrants, "Unpaid Claims," 1911-date, 2 v. School District Ledger, 1901-date, 4 v. School Superintendent's Cash Book, 1895-date, 1 v. (2). School Warrants, 1900-1909, 1 v., in basement; 1909-1914, 2 v. (1-2). Segregation of Receipts and Expenditures, July, 1915-date, 1 v. Trial and Grand Jury Accounts, 1885-1907, 1 v., in basement. THE TREASURER Bonds held by County Treasurer, Register of, 1915-date. 1 v. Cash Book, 1861-1864, in Clerk's basement; 1881-date, 10 v. Journal, 1864-date, 8 v. Ledger, 1856-1859, 1 v.. in Auditor's basement. Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Warrants Registered, 1861-date, 2 v. 460 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Roll, Lomita Park Sanitary District, 1913-date, 1 v. Assessment Statements, 1914-date, 72 f.b. Maps and Plats : Block Books, 49 v. Official Map of San Mateo County (Newman), 1909. Old Maps, 1871-date, 1 v. Sliding Board of Maps, 10 sections, 5' by 1\' . Mortgages, Abstract of, 1874-1892, 1902-1903, 5 v., in Auditor's base- ment. Transfers, Abstract of, 1910-date, 33 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1916, 16 v. Cash Book, 1892-1908, 1 v., in Auditor's basement; 1911-date, 1 v. Licenses Issued, 1907-1914, 1 v. Tax and License Account, 1915-date, 1 v. A v ffl aj aJ ro" k* O «?o p £ CO e Stat Stat Stat Stat Pol. Stat Pol. key to p -Q £ -0 o «,© o-e >0 to a> TO ti SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. 461 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Santa Barbara County was created in April, 1850, and before Janu- ary 1, 1873, included also that territory which now comprises Ventura County. During the early years the boundaries were shifted many times, but none of the changes were radical in nature, being- merely attempts to arrive at a more satisfactory line. The city of Santa Barbara has been the county seat since the beginning of the county. The present buildings occupy the center of a block. The main struc- ture was erected in 1872, and additions have been made from time to time. The present quarters are very crowded, making necessary the storing of considerable quantities of valuable records in basement and attic storerooms, where they are* subject to deterioration from moisture, dust, mice, etc. The buildings are of brick, stone, and wood, and are far from being fireproof. The Recorder's vault is probably fireproof, and it is large enough to contain the more important county records. It is provided with modern fire and dustproof fixtures, conveniently arranged for use by the public. The records both of Recorder and Clerk have been type- written since 1903, and a loose leaf system has been in use most of that time. All the records are kept on a very heavy ledger paper. The Clerk's vault is provided with fireproof fixtures for its books and recent files, but the older records are mostly in wooden files on the second floor of the vault. Only the books in current use are kept outside of the vault in the main office. While the Recorder's offices and vault are in a separate building, the Clerk's quarters are part of the original courthouse and hence are subject to damage from fires originating there. The Auditor and Tax Collector are each provided with a small vault. The buildings are heated by a crude oil furnace and lighted by electricity. For miscellaneous records not in current use, the officials have had to resort to basement and attic storerooms. The former, though fairly fireproof, is far from moisture-proof. Their heavy barred iron doors give witness to their use in early days as a place of safe-keeping for prisoners. The attic storeroom is entirely unfit for use as a storeroom of any sort ; it is neither fire, dust, nor rat proof. Fortunately, this room is not extensively used. These archives were examined in June, 1916. 4(>2 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS 1 "Libro de Acuerdos del Ayuntamiento de Santa Barbara desde 13, de Mzo. de 1849," 1849-1850, 1 v. A volume S x 12-J inches, of which 25 pp. are used. In Spanish. Solares y Terrenos de Lavranza, 1835-1850, 1 v., in Spanish. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Calendars, 1870-1881, 3 v. Decrees, 1865-1866, 1 v. Defaults, 1858-1866, 1 v. Executions, Book of, 1874-1905, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Begun under Sheriff N. A. Covarrubias and concluded under the present sheriff, Nat Stewart. General Index, 1851-1877, 1874-1879, 4 v. Judgment Book, 1851-1853, 1870-1879, 3 v. (x, B-C). The volume for 1851-1853 is in the Auditor's vault. Judgment Docket, 1851-1879, 2 v. "List of Suits commenced in the District Court of the First Judicial District for the Year 1869-1870," 1 v., only 11 pp. Minutes, 1850-1879, 4 v. (A-D). Unbound minutes for 1853 are in the Auditor's vault. Register of Actions, 1850-1879, 5 v. (A-E) ; Tax Suits, 1864-1869, 1 v. County Court, 1850-1879 General Index, 1851-1879, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1851-1874, 1 v. (A) ; Judgments, 1874-1879, lv. (C). . Judgment Docket, 1858-1874, 1 v. Minutes, 1850-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Contains description of the seal ordered by Judge Joaquin Carrillo. Eegister of Actions, "Docket of the County Court," 1851-1879, 3 v. (A-C) ; Register of Actions, 1869-1872, 1 v. Rules of Practice in the County Court . . . adopted March, 1854, 1 v., only 14 pp. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Criminal Docket, 1853-1863, 1 v. Summary of each case from indictment to sentence. Minutes, 1850-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Calendar, Law, Motion, Probate and Insolvency, 1881-1910, 9 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1909, 2 v. ■In Recorder's office. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. 463 Decree Books. 1867-1870. 1871-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Docket, 1850-1852. 1 v., paper bound. Inventories and Appraisals. Book of, 1874-1901, 2 v. Letters of Administration, 1864-date, 5 v. (A-E). Letters of Guardianship, 1874-1897, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Minute Books. 1850-1879. 6 v. (A-E) ; General Index, 1 v. This includes an unnumbered volume of Minutes, 1S52-1S54. A volume of "Index to Minutes, Probate Court, Recorder's Office,'' 1854-1859, is in the Auditor's office. Minutes, Index to, current, 1 v. Miscellaneous Probate Orders, 1850-1852, in Auditor's vault. Probate Cases, miscellaneous, 1853-1854, 1 package, in basement. Register of Actions, 1852-1879, 4 v. Wills, Record of, 1851-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, n.d., 1 v., incomplete. Calendars. General. 1881-1882, 1889-date, 13 v. Calendar for 1881-1882 is in basement ; 3 volumes for 1900-1902, in the office of the Board of Education. Conviction of Infamous Crimes, 1893, 1 v., only one entry. Coroner's Inquests, 18 f.b. ; Index, 1900-date, 1 v. Defaults, Judgments by, 1876-date, 3 v. General Index. 1880-date, 6 v. Index to Papers. County and Superior Courts, n.d., 1 v. Insane Persons, Index to Names of, 1881-date, 3 v. (A-C). Judgment [Books], 1880-date, 10 v. (A-J). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 2 v. (A-B). Jury Books, 1874-date, 3 v. (A-C). Minute Books, 1880-date, 32 v. (A-Z, 1-6). Register of Actions and Proceedings, 1880-date, 23 v. (A-W). Shorthand reports, a great quantity in basement storeroom. Transcripts of cases, 1857-1910, passim. The great majority are in the basement storeroom, a few are in the Clerk's vault, and half a score are stored in the attic. Witness Fees, 1895-1896, 1 v. (A). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date Minutes. 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2). Record, 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Abstract of Road Deeds, 1876-1904, 5 v. Allowance Books, 1874-date, 6 v. (A-F). Bills Allowed, 1858-1874. loose bdls., in the basement. Board of Equalization. Minutes. 1872-1879, 1883-date, 2 v. (x, B). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers and Marines, 1894-date. 1 v. Clerk's Memoranda of Claims Allowed, about 1905-1908, loose bdls., in basement. Franchise Books, 1885-1901, 1 v. 464 COUNTS AKCIIIVKS OF CALIFORNIA. Minutes: Court of Sessions, County Business, Nov. 18, 1850-Nov. 16, 1854, and Board of Supervisors, Aug. 6, 1855-date, 16 v. (x. A-O) ; Index, 1866-date, 1 v. The Minutes of the Court of Sessions occupy part of the first volume. Minutes of Road Commission, 1876-1877, 1 v. Orders, 1871-1884, loose bdls., in basement. Orders for Saloon Licenses, 1905-date, 1 f.b., in Tax Collector's vault. Ordinance Books, 1883-date, 2 v. (A-B). Papers, Index to, n.d., 1 v. Quarterly Reports, about 1884-1901, loose bdls., in basement. Road Books, 1874-date, 2 v. (A-B). Road Index, n.d., 1 v. This is indexed according to township and range. Road Matters, n.d., 1 v. Road Register No. 1, 1870-1914, 1 v. Road Reports, about 1880-1884, loose bdls., in basement. "Santa Barbara Road District," n.d., 1 v., in Tax Collector's vault. Superintendent of Schools, Report to Supervisors, 1903, 1904, 3 v MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Docked Horses, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1899-date, 4 v. Hunting Licenses, Register of, 1907-1909, 1 v. Letter Books, 1857-1860, 1887-1895, 4 v. Military Rolls, 1862, 1866, 1870, 1871, 1874-1876, 1881, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1888, all in basement; 1896-1902, bound volumes; 1903-1910. Transcripts of Cases, Justice Court, 1908-1910, passim, only five cases. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Record of, 1906-date, 3 v. ; Index, 1850- 1906, 1 v. Naturalization: Certificates, 1856-1904, in f.b.; Record of, 1904- 1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 3 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1850-1904, 1 v. Registration Great Register, 1866, 1875-1909. Great Register, printed, 1872, in Auditor's office; 1877, 1879, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, supplementary ; 1890, 1896, 1898, 10 v. Registration of Voters, 1876; 1878, partial; 1880, partial; 1892- 1894, 1900, 1904-1907, 1911, 1914. Elections Certificates of Election and Oaths of Office, 1851-1897, in base- ment; 1897-date, in f.b. Election Returns, 1850-1855; 1857, in Auditor's vault; 1859, 1861- 1863, 1890, 1892, 1896, 1904. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. 465 Nomination: Certificates and Papers, several boxes in vault and basement; Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Official Record of Ballots. 1892-date, 1 v. Primary Election Officers, 1898. Tally Lists, 1887. 1911, for special elections. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1 f.b. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates. 1876-1903, 1 v. (1). Optometrists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of. 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1865-date, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Index to, 1906-date, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of, 1912-date, 1 v. A continuation of Register of Partnerships, below. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-1911, 1 v. Private account books. These include a variety of "Exhibits" used in trials, such as account books of building and development companies, hotel registers, ranch accounts, etc. Trinity church. Record of election of vestrymen, etc, Feb. 3, 1887. Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers, 1 f.b. Commissioners, Chicago Exposition, 1892, 1 package in basement; St. Lords Exposition, 1904, 1 package. District Attorney's Register, 1887-1893, 1 v., in Tax Collector's vault. Expert's Report, 1910, by A. R. Edmonson. Justice Court Transcripts. 1852-1898, passim, in basement; 1908- 1910, passim, 30 v. Minutes of Countv Law Librarv Trustees, 1891-date, 2 v. Notarial Registers, 1877-1882, 1887-1890, 1887-1898, 1896-1898, 1903-1905. 6 v. United States Census Enumerators' field notes, 1870, 1 bdl., in basement ; "List of Persons" in enumeration districts 1-6, June 1, 1880, in basement. THE RECORDER 1 Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1864-date, 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 1 v.; Personal Property, 1889, 1 v. (A), only 3 pp. Attachments of Real Estate. 1855-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 4 v. Banking statements: Assets. 1876-1893, 1 v.; Capital, 1876-1893, 1 v. Births: Reports for City of Santa Barbara, 1867-1897; Record for City of Santa Barbara. 1888-1915, 2 v.; Register for county, 1873- date, 6 v. (A-F). 'See also Pre-statehood Records. 31—41210 46'6 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Brands and Earmarks, Record of, 1834-date, 2 v. (A-B). Builders and other Contracts, Index to, 2 v. The contracts are saved only temporarily and are kept in tubes. Certificates of Sale [under execution], 1853-date, 6 v. (A-F). Deaths: Register, 1878-1910, 2 v. (A-B) ; Duplicate Certificates, 1905- date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Record, 1888-1910, 1 v., for city. Decrees of Distribution, Index to, 1891-date, 1 v. These Decrees are indexed also in Deeds. Deeds, 1851-date, 179 v. (A-Z, 1-153) ; Index, 21 v.; Deeds, Recorder's office, 1850-1855, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 7 v. (1-7); Index, 1 v. ; Itemized Statements of Receipts and Expenditures. 1891, 1896, 1900, 1901, in basement; Committees' Statements, 1894-1914, 2 v. (1-2). Fee Books, General, 1870-1884, 4 v. ; 1903-1905, 7 v. Homesteads, 1861-1874, 1 v.; 1861-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 2 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1851-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 2 v. Leases, 1853-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 2 v. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Actions. Maps and surveys: "Book of Records of Surveys for the County of Santa Barbara," dated Nov. 21, 1853, signed by Vitus Wackenreuder, County Surveyor; this book has been badly damaged in an attempt at repairing; "County Surveyor's Record Book," 1861-1872; 1861- 1916, 8 v. ; Mounted Maps, 4 racks containing 20 maps. Marriages, Record of, 1850-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 6 v.; Marriages, 1856-1868, 1 v. ; Register of County Judge, 1856-1876, 1 v., scatter- ing dates, in Auditor's office; Declarations of, 1884-1895, 1 v. (1) ; Register of, 1905-1915, 3 v. Mechanics Liens, 1854-date, 3 v. (A-C). Mining Locations, Index to, 1908-date, 2 v. (A-B). These instruments are recorded in Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous, 1857-date, 14 v. (A-N) ; Index, 5 v. Mortgages, 1850-date, 110 v. (A-Z, 1-84) ; Index, 8 v.; Chattel, 1857- date, 34 v. (A-Z, 1-8) ; Index, 4 v. Newspapers (in Clerk's office) : Santa Barbara, Weekhj Press, 1881-1884, 4 v. Notices of Actions, 1857-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 3 v. Official Bonds, 1850-date, 7 v. ; Index, 1 v. Originals for various years, including 1874-1875, 1887-1890, 1891-1897, are in the basement. Partnership. Certificates of, 1883-1911, 1 v. (A). Patents, 1861-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1 v. Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1915, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1850-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 2 v. Pre-emption Claims, 1852-1887, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Reclamations, 1909, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages, 1853-date, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 4 v.; Personal Property, 1898-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Separate Property of Married Women, 1853-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. 467 Sole Traders, 1862, 1 v. (A), in Auditor \s vault; 1873-1874, 1 v. (A); 1876-1903, 1 v. (B). Squirrel Inspection, Claims of Liens in, 1912-1914, 1 v., only 6 pp. Stallions and Jacks, Register of, 1912-1915, 1 v. Tax Sales: Certificates of, to state, 1874-1909, 15 v. (A-O) ; Index, 2 v.; Certificates,. city of Santa Barbara, 1893-date, 1 v.; Index, 1 v.; Certificates of Sale. Improvement Bonds, 1 v. \Vater Claims, 1877-1915, 1 v. Water Permits, 1916-date, 1 v. Application for a Permit to appropriate the Public Waters of the State of California. Wills, 1883-1908, 1 v. (1). An interesting- document here is the will of Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard, transferred hence from the parish records of New Orleans. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1902-date, 13 v. A copy for 1905-1906 is in the Tax Collector's office. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 2 v. Census Marshal's Reports, 1908. Certificates of Election and Oaths of Office, recent, several bdls. ; Oaths of office, 1869-1875, in basement. Certificates : Primary, Grammar School, High School, Temporary, Pre- liminary, 1880-date, 40 v. Three volumes, first-grade certificates, 1S82-1SSG, and second-grade cer- tificates, 1880-1886, are in attic storeroom. District School, County and State Funds, 1862-1863, 1 v. ; 1870-1878, 1 v., in Tax Collector's vault. Documents to accompany diploma, 1894-1901, 1902-1908, 2 v., stub- books. Fee Book, 1907-date, 1 v. Grammar School, Promotions from, 1907-date, 2 v. High Schools, Records of Accounts, 1891, 1 v. Records of elections for establishing High Schools in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Lompoc, Carpinteria, and Santa Ynez Valley. Life Diplomas, Recommendations for, 1900-1901, 1905-1914, 2 v.; Stub-book, 1901-date, 1 v. Official correspondence, 1864, 1875-1882, unbound, in basement. Pupils' Examination Record Book, 1898-date, 2 v. Report of Teachers now teaching, 1914-clate, 1 v., for pension fund purposes. Reports of Superintendent. 1859, 1863, unbound, in basement. Requisitions, Register of School, 1881-1888, 1 v.; 1888-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Requisition stub-book, 1906-1907, 1 v. Teachers' Examinations, 1899-date, 3 v.; Questions and Answers, 1871, 1 bdl. Teachers' Reports, 1891-date, loose bdls. Trustees' Record of Schools. 1886-date, 1 v. 4lVS COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Trustees' Reports, 1861, 1868, 1873, in basement; Miscellaneous Reports, in loose bdls., in attic storeroom. Salary Stubs for School Districts, 1905-date, 20 f .b. School Warrants, 1863-1881, 3 v. ; Register of, 1873-1881, 1 v. Warrant stub-books, 1902-date. THE AUDITOR Account with various institutions, 1913-1914, 1 v. This refers to state institutions supported partly by county. Annual Report, 1850, 1899-date, 15 v., printed. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1850-1862, 13 v. ; 1863-1915, 143 v. Duplicates, 1850-1861, 12 v. ; 1872-1883, 19 v. Personal Property, 1911-1914, 4 v. Operative Property, 1911-date, 6 v. Delinquent, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1860, 1861, 1863, 6 v.; 1864-1866, 1869, 1871-1873, 1885-date, 36 v. Index, 1881-date, 36 v. Bell School District, Assessment Book, 1878, 1 v. Bond Register, 1901-date, 1 v. ; County and School District Bonds, 1891-1907, 1 v. Bonds, Certificates, and Coupons, cancelled, 1866-1872, 1 v. Cash Book, 1850-1858, 1 v. Clerk's Fee Book, 1883-1894, 6 v. Commitment Register of Auditor, 1913-date, 1 v. Persons committed to various public institutions. Data Book, current, 1 v. Day Book, 1873-1892, 3 v. (A-C). Deeds, Mortgages, etc., Acknowledgment of, 1868-1870, 1 v., only 16 pp. used. Delinquent Military Tax, 1855, 1 v., unbound. Delinquent Taxes Received, List of, 1868-1871, 1 v., in basement, only 15 pp. used. Fee Book, 1866-1872, 3 v. ; 1883-1887, 1 v. Fund Ledger, 1910-1911, 1 v. (I) ; Fund Ledger, Treasurer's Office, 1876-date, 3 v. (B-D). General Ledger, 1910, 1 v. Indigent List, 1881-date, 5 v. Journal, 1892-date, 3 v. (E-F). Journal, County Treasury, 1850-1858, 1 v. Ledger, in account with Tax Collector, Assessor, Road Overseers, 1853- 1860, 1874-1876, 1883-1885, 3 v. License Accounts, 1874-1882, 2 v., in basement; Record Book, 1883, 1 v. Liquor License stub-books, 1904-1911, 1913-1914. List of Property sold to State of California for Non-payment of Taxes, with Redemption, 1875-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 2 v. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. 469 Miscellaneous package : Assessment Eolls. 1850. 1852-1854; Auditor's Report. 1850; Book "A" of Sole Traders. 1862. 3 pp.. folio; Delinquent Taxpayers. 1853; District Court Minutes. 1853; k 'El Senor D[on] Jose de la Ghierra," n.d., an index; Election Returns, 1857; Original Auditor's List of Assessments for 1855: Report of Committee on Jail Contract, n.d. ; Statements of Property Owned, 1850, 1863 : Taxable Persons and Property.. 1852. Miscellaneous papers. 364 f.b. "Old Record Index." n.d., 1 v. Orphans Outside. Record of. 1881-1912. 1 v. ; Record of Orphans, Half-orphans, etc.. on State Aid. 1904-1911, 1 v. Payroll of Countv Officers. 1879-date. 2 v. (A-B). Poll Tax Roll. 1880-1881, 1 v. Recorder's Fee Books. 1885-1892, 7 v. Road Poll Tax Receipts, recent, in basement. Sheriff's General Fee Books, 1885-1914. 3 v. Statistical Reports. 1909-1910, 1 v. (A). Stub-books, Delinquent Tax Redemptions, 1902-date. These include •"Clearance Receipts" stubs. Tax Lists, 1850, sworn statements. Tax Sales. City of Santa Barbara. 1874-1878, 1 v. Treasurer's Account with Auditor, 1854-1857, 1 v. "Warrants, Countv Superintendent. 1859. 1863, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880-1882. loose on shelves in office; County Auditor, 1875-1880, loose bdls. 3 in office; "Not paid for want of funds," 1859, loose Mis., in office. Warrants. Private Register, 1874. 1 v., only 1 p. ; Register of, 1859- 1861. 1 v.. only 3 pp.; 1874-date, 19 v. (A-S) ; Register of School, 1880-date. 10 v. (1-3. D-J) ; Register of Unpaid, 1910-date, 1 v. Warrants of County, stub-books for, January-June, 1915. Earlier stub-books are stored in basement. THE TREASURER 1 Balance Book. 1885-1915. 4 v. (A-D). Bond Register. 1915-date. 2 v. Bonds. 1860-1868. 1 v. Cash Book. 1858-1885. 1 v.. in Tax Collector's vault. Day Book. 1905-1916. 2 v. General Ledger. 1915-date. Inheritance Tax Receipts. 1906-date, 3 v. Journal. 1858-1885. in Tax Collector ? s vault: 1891-1915. 7 v. Ledger. 1850-1856. 1858-1913. 8 v. The volumes for 1858-1884 are in the Tax Collector's vault ; several are labeled "Blotter." x The County Treasurer's office is in a local bank where the Treasurer is cashier. The current records are kept in the main vault, but the older records are stored in a very damp and poorly ventilated vault, in the basement. An old trunk there contains a variety of papers, including- Certificates of Sale. Conveyances of Real Estate. County Auditors' Receipts, Poll Tax Receipts, Settlements and Discharges from State Con- troller, etc. 470 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Licenses, 1850-1866, 1 v., in Tax Collector's vault. For Licenses, 1859-1872, see Poll Tax Receipts from Controller, below. Memorandum Book of Funds, 1859-1862, 1 v., in Tax Collector's vault. Order Book, 1850-1858, 1 v. Poll Tax Receipts from Controller, 1859-1899, 1 v. These contain also "Licenses Received from Controller," 1854-1872, and "Accounts of Unknown Persons," 1878-1911. Reclamation District No. 798 (Santa Maria), 1916. Assessments charged property owners by commissioners. Redemption Funds, 1875-1899, 1 v. (1). Reports of Moneys Received on account of state lands, 1863-1873, 1889- date, unbound. Road Funds, Register of, 1880-date, 1 v. Taxes, Report of, March, 1866, 1 v., in basement. This is written in Spanish. Teachers' Permanent Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. (A). "Warrants: Salary Fund, 1880-1899, 1 v.; Hospital Fund Warrant Register, 1880-1899, 1 v. ; Register of County Warrants, 1889-1890, 22 v., kept in small bank books; Register of General Fund Warrants, 1880-1899, 1 v.; Register of Warrants, 1901-1914, 1 v.; Warrants Paid, 1895-date, 14 v. (A-M), includes one extra numbered volume. THE ASSESSOR Cash Book, current, 1 v. Check Books, miscellaneous vols., mostly for 1907 and after. Daily Reports, 1910-date. Secured from the local abstract companies. Maps and Platbooks : Government Survey Books, 2 v. ; Land Grant Books, 2 v. ; Pueblo Lands, 3 v. ; Miscellaneous Maps, 3 v. and 1 case ; City and County Maps, 9 maps on rollers; Block Books, 1888-date, 10 v. The block books include new books prepared for the city proper for the period since 1906. Mortgages, Book of, 1879-1907, 5 v. (A-E). Poll Tax Books, 1877, 1888, 1890, 3 v., in attic storeroom. Poll Tax Rolls, 1898-1914, 17 v. Five vols., 1898-1902, are in the attic storeroom. Property Lists, 1914, 7 v. Statements to Assessor, 1909-date. Many of the statements for previous years are in basement storeroom. THE TAX COLLECTOR Auditor's Receipt to Tax Collector, 1906^date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1877-1879, 2 v. ; 1914-date, 1 v. ; Cash Book of Taxes, 1883- 1890, 1892-date, 13 v. The volume for 1914-date is for business with banks. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY. 471 Fee Book. 1883-1885, 1 v. Indexes to Taxpayers, by towns, sundry vols., mostly undated. Letter files. 1906-date. * License Books, 1871-date, 4 v. License Cask Book, Liquor. Peddlers, etc., 1894, 1 v. Poll Tax Books, 1882. 1885, 1892, and two undated books, 5 v. Protests against Payment of Taxes, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Sale of Property by the State, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Tax Receipt Book stubs. 1906-date. Tax Receipt stubs, 1906-date. Includes daily cash receipts from adding machine slips, filed according to day. month, and year. Tax Sales. 1872-1892, 1894-1896, 4 v. Taxes Paid bv Banks and Real Estate Firms, 1 f.b. Taxes Sold to the State, 1879-1880, 1 v. Transfers of Real Estate, 1892, 1 v. 472 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SANTA CLARA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Santa Clara is one of the counties created by the original division of the state in 1850. The only important change in boundary was made in 1853 when Washington township was detached to form part of Alameda County, although there have been other minor changes for the purpose of rectifying and denning the boundaries. San Jose has been the county seat from the first- It is impossible, without rather extensive research, to give a complete account of the public buildings prior to 1868, but the following facts may be noted : The first courthouse was built in 1850 or 1851 on First Street, a two-story building, adobe below and frame above. In 1851 the county procured the use of the Bella Union on Santa Clara Street as a courthouse. Prior to 1853 the State House was used by the county for some time, and after that date an adobe building on Lightstone Alley. A short time later in the same year the "What Cheer House" at Second and San Fernando was purchased for a courthouse. A county jail was built in 1855. In 1860 the county rented the upper part of the City Hall as a courthouse. The present county buildings occupy the north half of the block bounded by Market and First, St. John and St. James streets, and consist of the following: the courthouse, of brick and stone, completed in 1868 ; county jail, in rear of courthouse, of brick and steel, built about 1870; Hall of Records, of brick and stone, completed in 1893, and closely connected with the courthouse by corridors ; Hall of Justice, of brick and steel, completed in 1906, partially destroyed by the earth- quake in that year, and reconstructed and finally occupied in 1910. These buildings are reasonably safe from outside fires, but the court- house and Hall of Records can hardly be considered absolutely fireproof in interior construction. There are several small vaults, but only a small part of the records are kept in them. Two rooms in the basement, one being a vault with combination steel doors, house a quantity of old books and papers, exhibits, election returns, etc., from the Clerk's office, and a few books and papers belonging to the Treasurer. The Tax Collector and Assessor are located in the Hall of Justice; the Supervisors' room and Registration office are in the courthouse'; and the remainder of the offices are in the Hall of Records. Steam heat and electric lights are used throughout. The book stacks and fixtures are, for the most part, modern and convenient. These archives were examined in October, 1916. Blue Red Santa Clara County. Stats. 1850:156; 1851:174; 1852:178. Stats. 1853:56; 1855:228; Pol. Code (1872), For key to maps see page ix. § 3952; (1919), § 3951. -y ) ^r*$> "~ ■ : aeaV, tv»S n t+ r /' ^ °£ &? j.j .YlnuoO etgIO etnB3 I .si-si?. SANTA CLARA COUNTY. 473 PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Accounts of the ship "Sterling," 1844, 1 v., in Clerk's basement. Court of First Instance, Record of, 1847-1850, 1 v.; and file, in Clerk's office. The record contains docket entries of the Alcalde of San Jose, Oct. 10, 1847-May 11. 1850. Also contains a roll of attorneys practicing before the Judge of First Instance of the Pueblo of San Jose, Dec. 3, 1849, and rules and regulations of the Court of First Instance of San Jose. "Expedientes" of ranchos, etc., 1 f.b., in Recorder's office. These consist of 17 certified traced copies of expedientes and grants relat- ing to ranchos. The dates given in parentheses are those of the years in which the copies were certified. The documents are as follows : Grant to B. Bernal de Martin. 2 pp. (1864). "Experiente primovido en solicitud del parage nombrado 'Pala' por Joaquin Higuera.' 1 10 pp. (1862). Grant to Higuera under date of 1835. 2 pp. (1862). ''1839 Expedients promovido por D. Sebastian Peralta y Jose ller- nandes en pretencion del pararge nombrado de Los Gatos 206." 9 pp. (1859). Grant of Gov. Figueroa to Josefa Romero (Las Animas). 6 pp. (1861). Quintini Ortega et al., petitioners (San Ysidro rancho). 24 pp. (1861). Original grant of Einconada de Los Gatos. 3 pp. (1859). Expediente for Pastoria de las Borregas 1841. 9 pp. (1859). Grant of Pastoria de las Borregas. 5 pp. (1859). Expediente "solicitado por el Yndigeno Ynigo, 422." 17 pp. (1860). Expediento relating to Rineon de San Francisquito. 10 pp. (I860). Grant of Rincon de San Francisquito. 9 pp. (1860). Document purporting to be original grant to "Indigeno Inigo." 3 pp. (1860). Expediente . . . por Narvaez . . . San Juan Bautista. 14 pp. (1860). Original grant of Yerba Buena to Chaboya. 6 pp. (1869). Expediente relating to Yerba Buena. 6 pp. (1869). Original grant of rancho Pala. 3 pp. (186-). A bundle in the basement, labeled "Old papers, Deeds, Receipts, Maps, Translations, Etc." contains a similar tracing made in 1853 in con- nection with the grant of Santa Teresa to Joaquin Bernal. "Lista de los Individuos que tienen Cavallada en la Jurisdicion de Pueblo de San Jose." 1806. An original document of two pages, 7| x 12 inches, pasted on the back cover, inside, of the "Libro que manifiesta los Solares" etc. This docu- ment is not included in the certified copy "Records, 1" made in 1870 and stacked with Deeds. "Records, Deeds, 1," inside title, "Libro que manifiesta, los Solares ccnsedidos a los Ciudadanos de esta Demarcion en el Ano de 1842, Ysidoro Guillen," 1 v., in Recorder's vault. A volume 12 x 13 inches. For this record 44 pages were used. It is , 02 K SHASTA COUNTY. 491 SHASTA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Under the act of February 18, 1850, practically all the northern portion of the state, including a portion of the Sacramento valley, was organized under one county — Shasta. It included all the northeastern part of the state, extending westward to the Coast Range of mountains and southward as far as Red Bluff, on the Sacramento River. To its jurisdiction was also added the territory of Trinity County, which included all that part of the state westward from Shasta County. As might be expected, numerous changes have been made in the area of the county. In 1851 Trinity was separately organized ; in 1852, Siskiyou was detached, including with it the present Modoc County; in 1856, Shasta contributed to the area of the newly created Tehama County; and in 1861 it was finally reduced to its present area by the creation of Lassen County, which drew heavily from Shasta. Since 1864 no changes have been made. The county seat was originally placed at Reading's Ranch, but was moved in 1851 to Shasta City, where it remained until 1887, when it was established at Redding, its present location. The courthouse was built in 1889. It is constructed of concrete and may be considered safe from outside fires. It is not fireproof from fires originating within the building. In 1909 the Hall of Records, a fireproof structure, was erected. Steam heat and electric lights are used. In general, the filing equipment and bookshelves are modern and convenient. Many semi-discarded records are well cared for in a vault adjoining the former office of the Clerk, a room now used by the Superior Court. This is referred to in the report as the Clerk's vault. These archives were examined in June, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Calendar. 1852-1879, 4 v. Execution Docket, 1852-1860, 2 v. Fee Book. 1852-1855, 1 v. File. 37 f.b. Judgment Book, 1861-1879, 1 v. Judgment. Docket, 1852-1860, 1 v. Minutes. 1851-1874. 4 v. ; 1875-1879, 1 v. 492 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Register of Actions, 1852-1879, 4 v.; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Register of Cases Disposed of, n.d., 1 v. Tax Suits, Decree Book, 1865-1868, 1 v. County Court, 1851-1879 Appearance Docket, 1855-1858, 1 v. File, 10 f.b. Minutes, 1851-1863, 1 v. ; 1864-1872, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1864-1868, 1 v. ; 1873-1878, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Fee Book, 1851-1854, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1852-1860, 1 v. Minutes, 1851-1863, 2 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Bonds, Administrators', Executors' and Guardians', 1908-date, lv. (1). Bonds, Wills, etc., 1858-1859, 1 v.; 1864-date, 12 v. (x, 1-11); Bonds, 1905-date, 2 f.b. The volume for 1891 is in the vault. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1905-1907, 2 v. Decrees of Final Discharge, 1915-date, 1 v. (1). Decrees of Notices to Creditors, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Fee-books, 1859-1892, 4 v. File, 1860-date, 150 f.b., cases 1-1768. Minutes and Orders, 1851-1877, 4 v. (B-E) ; 1877-1879, 1 v., in vault. Orders Appointing Administrators and Letters of Administration, 1908-date, 3 v. (1-3). Orders Appointing Appraisers, 1908-date, 1 v. (1). Orders and Decrees, Probate Proceedings, 1880-1882, 2 v. (1-2), in the vault; 1886-date, 17 v. (3-19). Orders Directing Notices to Creditors, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions, 1864-1868, 1 v.; 1884-date, 4 v. (1-4). Wills, 2 f.b. See also Bonds, Wills, etc. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1880-date, 1 v. For district and county courts see their minute books. Calendar, 1889-1895, 3 v., in vault. Coroner's Inquests, 1860-1899, in vault; 1899-date, 1 v. Execution Book, 1883-1888, 1 v., in vault. Fee Book, Civil, 1889-1901, 2 v., in vault. File, Civil and Criminal, 267 f.b., cases 1-5123. Grand Jury Lists, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Grand Jury Reports, 1895-date, 2 f.b. Insanity, Record of Commitments, 1889-1890, 1 v., in vault ; Index, 1887-date, 1 v. ; Minutes and Judgment of, 1909-date, 1 v. SHASTA COUNTY. 493 Judgment Book, Civil and Criminal, 1880-1906, 6 v. (1-6) ; Civil, 1906-date, 4 v. (7-10) ; Criminal, 1906-date, 1 v. (1). Judgment Docket, 1860-date, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments for Divorce: Final, 1908-date, 1 v. (1) ; Interlocutory, 1908-date, 1 v. (1). Jurv Lists, 1900-date, 2 f.b. Jury Venires, 1900-date, 2 f.b. Minutes, 1880-1882, 1 v., in vault; 1882-date, 22 v. (2-23). Minutes of Orders for Witnesses' expenses, 1912-date, 1 v. Register of Actions, Civil and Criminal, 1880-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 8 v. (1-4). Reporter's notes, shorthand, 100 v., in vault. Transcript on Appeal, George W. Gallanar, Appellant, June, 1905, 1 v., in vault. Transcripts of Reporters' Notes on Primary Hearing, typewritten, 50 cases, in vault. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date Minutes and Orders, 1909-date, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1909-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Accountant, Reports of Public, 1911-1915, 5 v. Allowance Book, 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1892-date, 1 v. File : Bonds and Contracts, 1885-date, 2 f.b. ; Deeds to County, 1889-date, 1 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, 1900-date, 10 f.b. Franchise Register, 1887-1897, 1 v. Minutes: Court of Sessions, County Business, 1851-1858, 1 v., in vault; Board of Supervisors, 1858-1877, 4 v. (1-4), 1877-date, 20 v. (A-T). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (1-2). Orphans and Half-orphans, Record, 1883-1904, 1 v. Road Book, 1851-1907, 1 v. Road District Record, 1861-1864, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Correspondence record, 1900-date, 10 letter boxes in vault. Fee Books, 1868-date, 14 v. Hunting Licenses, Applications and stub-books, in the vault. Law Library Fund, 1896-1898, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, a number of disarranged papers in the vault. Miscellaneous papers filed and returned, 1884-1904, 1 v. Receipts given to the Clerk, 1900-date, 2 f.b. Naturalization Declaration of Intention. 1852-1906, 4 v.; Index, 1 v.; Record, 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3). 494 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Naturalization, Decrees of, 1869-1903, 4 v.; Record of Natural- ization, 1904-1906, 1 v.; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2).' Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1852-date, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1910-1912, in binders in vault; 1912- 1914, 72 binders ; 1916, by precincts, 64 boxes in filing case. Great Register, 1866-1908, 8 v. ; Printed, 1888, 1890, 1894, 1896. Elections Candidates' Affidavits 1912-date, 3 f.b. ; Petitions, 1910-date, 2 f.b. ; Statements, 1914-date, 2 f.b. Certificates of Election, 1910-date, 1 v. Election Returns, 1916, 15 sacks, in vault. Primary Election Officers, Register of, 1898, 1 v. Record of Ballots Ordered and Used, 1892, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books, 1915-date, 2 v. ; earlier years, in vault. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 2 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1877-date, 7 f.b., Nos. 1-800; Index, 1863-date, 1 v. Bonds of Corporations, 1880-date, 1 f.b. Certificates and Powers of Attorney in Insurance Matters, 1913- date, 1 v. Partnership, Certificates of, 1874-date, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Private account books, 4 v. of recent date, in vault. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 1897-date, 4 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1899-date, 2 v. Delinquent Tax Publications, 1899-date, 1 f.b. Justice Court Docket, Buckeye Township, 1887-1889, 1 v., in vault. Notaries, Record of, 1891-1898, 2 v. Oaths and Bonds of Officers, 1894-date, 3 f.b. Public Administrator : Account Book of, 1895-1897, 1 v. ; Public Accountant's Report on Work of, 1891-1911, 3 v.; Register of, 1883-1900, 1 v. Treasurer's Monthly Reports, 1893-date, 1 f.b. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1870-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1851-date, 2 v. (1-2). Architects, Certificates of, 1901-date, 1 v. (1). Attachments, 1899-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1881-date, 2 v. (1-2). Banking Statements, 1885-1893, 1 v. Bills of Sale, 1902-date, 1 v. (1). Births : Register of, 1874-1902, 1 v. ; 1907-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. SHASTA COUNTY. 495 Certificates of Sale Under Execution, 1890-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1902-date, 1 v. (1). Contracts, Notice of Completion of, 1898-date, 1 v. (1). Co-Owners, Notice to Delinquent. 1913-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Correspondence record. 1905-date, 11 letter files in balcony. Deaths : Register of, 1871-1902, 1 v. ; 1905-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. ; Certificates of, 190^1905, 1 v. ; 1905-date, 3 f .b. The Kegister for 1905-date is really au Abstract of Certificates. Deeds, 1863-date, 124 v. (1-124) ; Index, 1854-date, 32 v. (1-16) ; Deeds of Trust, 1887-date, 12 v. (1-12) ; Index, 10 v. (1-5) ; Railroad Deeds, 1882-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. (1). See also Mortgages, Deeds, etc., 1S51— 1S63. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Committees' Statements, 1898-1908, 1 v. (1). Estrays, 1879-date. 2 v. Fee Books, Cash Received and Expended, 1891-date, 17 v.: 1891-1901, 4 v., in vault; 1903-date. 4 v. Homesteads, 1861-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments, Transcripts of. 1893-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1884-date, 2 v. (1-2). Land Claims, 1851-1857, 2 v. (B, R). Leases, 1860-date. 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1856-date, 2 v. (1, 1). Licensed Land Surveyors, Index of, 1 v. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps and Plats: Mines, Lands. Town Divisions, 1892-date, 4 v. ; Maps, 1-168. Old original maps, 1 v. ; Maps, 1-71. Town Plat Book, 1888. 1 v. Index. 1886-1897, 1 v. Surveyors' maps, list of, 1 v. Marks and Brands. 1860-date. 3 v. (x, 2-3) ; Index, 1 v. Marriages, Record of, 1852-date, 13 v. (F-R) ; Index, 1855-date, 4 v. (1-2) ; Register of, 1874-1902. 1 v.: 1905-date, 2 v. Mechanics Liens, 1851-date, 5 v. (x, 2-5) ; Index, 1861-date, 1 v. (1). Mining Claims : Affidavits of Labor and Improvements on, 1892-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. ; Notice Fees, 1896-1898, 1 v. Mining district records : Dog Creek, 1875-1897, 2 v. ; Flat Creek, 1878- 1912. 7 v.: French Gulch, 1863-1897, 4 v. (1-4) ; Pittsburg, 1863- 1896, 3 v. (A-C) : Slate Creek. 1887-1897, 1 v. Miscellaneous records, 1867-date, 38 v. (1-38) ; Index, 1851-date, 11 v. (1-11). These records are almost entirely milling claim notices. Other records included are : bill of sale, notice of sale, notice of intended sale, deed to cemetery lot. articles of co-partnership, interlocutory decree of divorce, notice of consolidation, abandonment of mark, etc. Mortgages. Deeds. Agreements, Powers of Attorney, etc., 1851-1863, 6 v. (A, C, E-H). Mortgages. 1859-1881. 1 v., in balcony; 1868-date, 33 v. (1-33) ; Index 1851-date, 10 v. (1-5). Mortgages. Personal Propertv. 1879-date, 9 v. (2-10) ; Index 1853- date. 6 v. (1-3). 496 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Mortgages: Assignment and Satisfaction, 1889-1895, 2 v. (1-2) ; Assign- ment, 1895-1899, 1 v. (3) ; Satisfaction, 1895-1899, 1 v. (3) ; Assign- ment and Satisfaction, 1899-date, 3 v. (4-6) ; Satisfaction, 1908-date, lv. (7). Notices of Action, 1862-date, 3 v. (x, 2-3) ; Index, 3 v. Official Bonds, 1850-1884, 3 v., in vault; 1884-date, 4 v. (S-V) ; Index, 1896-date, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1856-date, 13 v. (1-13) ; Index, 5 v. (1-5). Powers of Attorney, 1866-date, 4 v. (1-4) • Index, 1855-date, 2 v. (1-2) . Proofs of Labor, 1899-date, 3 v. (1-3). Receipts, 1897-1912, 2 v. Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1857-date, 4 v. (1-2) ; Index, 4 v. School Land, Record of Decrees in State, 1897-date, 1 v. (1). Sole Traders' Declarations, 1878-1899, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1913-date, 1 v. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1875-1903, 1 v. Tax Deeds, 1875-date, 13 v. (A-B, D-N) ; Index, 1885-date, 2 v. (1-2). Tax Sales, Certificates of Delinquent, Record of, 1866-date, 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2); Happy Valley Irrigation District, 1903, 1 v.; Index, 1 v. Trustees Bond in Bankruptcy, Order Approving, 1903-date, 1 v. Water Rights, 1898-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1871-date, 2 drawers of pamphlets. Apportionment of Funds, 1899-date, 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 2 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes and Reports, 1898-date. These consist of two shelves full of bundles of papers and are in a locker in the hall. Certificate Books, stubs, 1892-date, 20 v. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1907-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1884-date, 2 v. Manual for Schools, 1895, 1915, 2 pamphlets. School District Boundaries, 1858-date, 3 v. School District Fund Ledger, 1878-1882, 2 v., in Clerk's office; 1882- date, 10 v. Teachers' Examination, Record of, 1873-date, 1 drawer of pamphlets. Teachers' Reports, 1898-date, 24 f.b. Warrants, stubs of, 1897-date, 36 f.b. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls: Original, 1852-1862, 14 v., in Clerk's vault; 1855, 1 v.; 1872-1873 1 v., in Clerk's vault; 1861-1916, 152 v.; Index, 1881-1915, 38 v. Delinquent, 1858-1915, 94 v. ; Index, 1891-1915, 33 v. Operative Property, 1913-1914, 1 v. Bills drawn on the Treasurer, 1908-1915, 36 f.b., in balcony of Record- er's office. SHASTA COUNTY. 497 Certificates. Delinquent Tax Sales, 1872-1915, 5 v. (1-5). Dav Book, 1899-1907, 3 v. Fee Book, 1891-1910, 2 v., in Clerk's office. Hospital and Orphan Record, 1908-date, 1 v. Journal. 1890-1891. 1 v., in Clerk's vault; 1899-1907, 1 v. Ledger, 1864-1899, 6 v. License Accounts, 1901-date, 2 v. License Tax Collector's Reports, 1900-date, 1 f.b. Lot Book, 1 v. Plat Book, Delinquent Tax Sales, 2 v. One vol.. East ; one vol., West. Receipts, 1887-1888, 1 v., in Clerk's vault. Receipts and Expenditures, Record of for statistical purposes, current, 1 v. School District Bond Ledger, 1891-1896, 1 v. ; 1908-1909, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1864-1878, 1 v., 1884-1885, 1 v., 1887-1889, 2 v., 1891-1892, 1 v., all in Clerk's vault; 1892-1908, 4 v. (3-6). School Warrants, Register of, 1908-date, 2 v. (1-2). Tax Record. Delinquent: Actions, 1870-1872, 1 v., in Clerk's vault; Receipts, 1870-1872, 1 v., in Clerk's vault; Redemptions, 1878-1906, 2 v. Warrants Disbursed, 1857-1862, 1 v., in Clerk's vault. Warrants on file. 1912-date, 36 f.b. Warrants, Register of, 1857-1877, 3 v., 1883-1884, 1 v., all in Clerk's vault: 1884-date, 9 v. (1-9). THE TREASURER Accounts. Incompleted, 1888-1889, 1 v., in Clerk's vault. Cash Book, 1861-1890, 4 v.. in Clerk's vault. Dav Book. 1892-1893, 1 v., in Clerk's vault. Journal. 1862-1868, 1 v., in Clerk's vault; 1911-1916, 6 v. Ledger. 1911-date, 6 v. Miscellaneous file, 1916-date. 20 f.b. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1915-date, 1 v. Reports, annual, 1862-1875, 2 v., in Clerk's vault. School Land Books, 1861-1872, 1 v., in Clerk's vault; 1873-date, 6 v. Warrants Cancelled, Treasurer's Statement of, 1901-1909, 9 rolls of loose leaf sheets in Clerk's vault. Warrants Purchased by Redemption Fund, 1858-1874, 2 v., in Clerk's vault. AVarrants L^npaicl Oct. 7. 1857, or Scrip Account Book, 1854-1857, 1 v., in Clerk's vault. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Deeds, 1875-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 6 v. Assessment List of Delinquent Tax Sales and Redemptions, 1874-date, 2 v. Assessment Rolls, Index. 1908-1914, 7 v. Assessor's Statements, 1915-date, 20 v. 33—41210 498 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Lot Book, Description of Property by Townships : East, 2 v. ; West, 2 v. Maps and Plats: Map of Anderson and Additions, 1892, E. A. Zoellin, worn and ink-stained, 36" x 36", mounted on roller. The map shows blocks as laid out. Map of Cottonwood and Additions, 1892, worn, 36" x 36". The map shows the blocks. Official Map of Shasta County, 1891, Carl R. Briggs & Co., size 4' x 6', mounted on roller. The map shows supervisors' districts, precincts, mining claims, school districts, and a picture of the courthouse built in 1889. It has been defaced by marks of officers. Other copies of the map are in the Clerk's office, the Sheriff's office, and in the upper hall of the Hall of Records. Plat Book : of Townships, East, 1 v. ; West, 1 v. ; of Towns, 1 v. Reading Grant Abstract, 1897, 1 v. Shasta Land Office Transcripts, West and East, 2 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Correspondence record, 1904-date, 7 letter files, 30 folders and 5 boxes. Ledger, 1857-1864, 3 v., in Clerk's vault. License, Cash Account of, 1906-date, 2 v. Licenses Collected, Ledger of, 1904-date, 2 v., loose leaf. This is a temporary record. License Receipt Book, stubs, 50 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1911-1914, 3 v. Tax Collections, Register of, 1892-1893, 1 v., in Clerk's vault; 1884, 1 v., in Clerk's office; 1906-date, 8 v. The latter does not include licenses and land sales. Tax Receipts, stubs, 1909-date, 375 v. Receipts for earlier dates are in the attic. CJf-rh-i SO ■ C-Oi 00 fO u2 \a o ooc- 1- tH m O O ^ 02 PH C~41?10 SIERRA COUNTY. 499 SIERRA COUNTY INTRODUCTION That territory now designated as Sierra County was originally a portion of Yuba County! The increase in population during the early fifties, together with the difficulty of communication with Marysville, the county seat, led to the separate organization of Sierra County by an act approved April 16, 1852. Since that time the boundaries have been shifted or redefined some six or eight times, but none of these affected any great portion of territory. Since 1852 the county seat has been at Downieville. The present courthouse, a wooden structure, is said to have been constructed soon after the organization of the county. It stands among a group of wooden buildings and hence is in no way fireproof. The building is lighted by electricity, but is heated with wood stoves. The building is provided with two brick vaults and these are in general used for the official records. The filing cases and office furniture is largely of wood and somewhat antiquated. This courthouse was examined in June, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1852-1879 File, 100 p.h., cases 1-2964. Judgment Book, 1853-1879, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Judgment by Confession, 1852-1858, 1 v. Judgment Docket. 1855-1879, 2 v. ; Index, 1852-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1852-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Register of Actions, 1859-1879, 3 v. (E-G) ; Index, 1852-1879, 1 v. County Court, 1852-1879 File, 14 p.h., cases 1-481. Judgment Book, 1854-1879, 2 v. (x, B) ; Index, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1874-1879. 1 v. (B) ; Index, 1 v. Minutes, 1853-1879, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1874-1879, 1 v. ; Index, 1864-1879, 1 v. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1852-1863 Minutes, 1852-1863, 2 v. 500 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1852-date Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1901-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1861-1874, 1 v. File, 77 p.h., cases 1-872. Letters Testamentary, Administration and Bonds, 1864-1879, 1 v. Minutes and Orders,*1856-1879, 4 v. (A-D). Register of Actions, 1851-1861, 2 v., in the Treasurer's vault ; 1865-1877, 1 v. Register of Estates, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1852-date, 1 v. Calendar, 1880-1883, 1 v. ; 1888, 2 v. File, 100 p.h., cases 1-1424. Insanity, Records of Commitment, 1887, 1 v., with few entries. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgment Record, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Jury Time Book, 1888-date, 1 v. Minutes, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1880-date, 3 v. (G-I). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1910-date Record, 1910-date, 1 v. . SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-date, 2 v. (x, 2). Franchise Book, 1854-date, 1 v., with few entries. Minutes, 1855-date, 6 v. (A-F). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. Orphans : List of, 1898-date, 1 v. ; On State Aid, 1904-date, 1 v. ; Orphans and Half-orphans, Accounts, 1897-1903, 1 v. ; Records, 1889-date, 3 v. Road Book, 1854-1903, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Books, 1870-date, 5 v. Hunting Licenses, Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Record, 1906-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1852- 1905, 1 v. Naturalization, Acts of, 1869-1888, 3 v.; Records of, 1888-1906, 2 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens Index, 1852-1905, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, by Precincts, 1916, 18 binders; Record of Affidavits Furnished Deputies, 1912-date, 1 v. Great Register, 1888-1909, 10 v. SIERRA COUNTY. 501 Elections ' Nomination, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. ; Certificates of, 1912-date, 2 f.b. Primary Election Officers, 1898, 1 v. Record'of Ballots, 1892-date, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of Appointment, 1912-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1897-date, on file ; earlier incomplete. Dentists, Register of, 1886-1904, 1 v. ; 1907-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates. Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. Optometrists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. ; Index to Certificates of Partnership, 1855-date, 1 v. Private account books : Alaska M. & M. Co., Books of, 1890-1895, 3 v. Davis, Sam, Virginia City, Day Book, 1865, 1 v., in the attic. Sierra Valley Stock and Agricultural Co., 1888-1890, 3 v. Relating to Other Officers Justice Court Dockets: Eureka Township Transcripts, 1860-1879, 1 v. ; Lincoln Township, 1852-1888, 2 v. ; Butte Township, 1852- 1870, 3 v. THE RECORDER Abstract of Mortgages, 1895-1902, 1 v. ; 1906-1910, 1 v. Bank. Water, and Quartz Claims, 1855-1857, 1 v. Births : Register of, 1873-1907, 2 v. ; Duplicate Certificate, 1907-date, 2 v. Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1866-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Contracts and Agreements, 1852-date, 4 v. (D-G).; Index, 1 v. Contracts and Miscellaneous, 1853-1858, 2 v. Deaths : Register of, 1873-1905, 1 v. ; Duplicate Certificate, 1905-date, 1 v. Decrees of Distribution, 1893-1904, 1 v. Deeds. 1852-date, 51 v. (A-Z, 1-25) ; Index, 5 v. (1-8). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 2 v. (x, 2); Committees' Statements, 1894-1914, 1 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 2 v. (A-B). Judgments. Transcripts of, 1881-date. 1 v. (2). Leases, 1870-date. 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1856-date, 1 v. Lis Pendens, se e Notices of Actions. Maps and Plats : Maps and Drawings, 1861-date, map rack (A-H). Includes maps relating to suits, townsites, bridges, mines and roads. Town Plats, 1 v., 30" x 36". 502 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Marks and Brands, 1869-date, 1 v. (A), with few entries. Marriages, Births, Divorces, Deaths, 1853-1879, 1 v. (A). Marriages: Record of, 1880-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Index to Marriage Certifi- cates, 1873-date, 1 v. ; Register, 1905-date, 2 v. Mechanics Liens, 1852-date, 4 v. (A-D). Mining Association. Downieville, 1852-1853, 1 v. Mining Claims: Quartz, 1853-date, 12 v. (A-M) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) ; Placer, 1853-date, 11 v. (A-L) ; Index, 1852-date, 4 v. (1-4). Mining District Records : Eureka Flat, 1853-1866, 2 v. ; Poverty Hill, 1853-1860, 1 v. Mortgages, 1852-date, 13 v. (A-N) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) : Personal Prop- erty, 1857-1859, 1 v. (A) ; 1859-1863, 3 v. (B-D), in the Treasurer's vault; 1863-date, 2 v. (E-F). Newspapers (all in vault except as noted) : Downieville, Sierra Democrat, 1858-1864, 4 v. Weekly Standard, Apr. 1864-Sept. 1864. Sierra Age, May-Aug. 1871, 1 v. A duplicate of the same volume is in the attic. Mountain Messenger, June, 1862-date, 40 v. Sacramento, Reporter, Apr. 1870- July, 1872, 4 v. A duplicate of the same is in the attic. Notices of Actions, 1865-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. Official Bonds, 1852-1861, see Powers of Attorney; 1861-1878, 1 v. (A), in the Treasurer's vault ; 1878-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Index, 1861-date, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1852-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Before 1861 this record also contains Official Bonds. Pre-emptions, 1852-1881, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1852-date, 1 v. Quartz Claims and Water Privileges, 1852, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages, 1866-1907, 1 v. (A) • Index, 1866-date, 1 v. Sales : Downieville Lots, 1883-1884, 1 v. ; Sierra City Lots, 1887, 1 v. Satisfaction of Mortgages, 1907-date, 1 v. (B). Sole Traders' Declarations, 1862-1910, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1912-date, 6 v. (1-6). Tax Deeds, 1875-date, 6 v. .(1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1873-date, 5 v. (1, x, 1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Townsite field notes: Downieville, 1887, 2 v.; Goodyear Bar, 1887, 1 v.; Sierra City, 1880, 1 v. Wills Admitted to Probate, 1852-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 1 Annual Report, 1887-date, 28 pamphlets, in vault. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 2 v. Certificates, stub-books, 1886-date, in vault. Communications received, 1903-date. Courses of Study, 1903-date, 2 pamphlets. District Records of Superintendent, 1866-1874, 1 v., in vault. Downieville School District, Minutes of Board, 1870-1879, 1 v., in vault. 1 A large portion of these records are kept by the Superintendent in his residence. Others are kept in the vault in the office of the Treasurer ; these are indicated by the word "vault." SIERRA COUNTY. 503 Institutes, Minutes of, 1878-1905, 1 v. Requisition stub-books, 1899-date. Requisitions, 1886-date, 18 v., pasted in scrapbook, in vault. School District Bonds, Register of, 1902-1903, in Clerk's vault. School District Boundaries, 1886-date, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1859-date, 9 v., in vault. Superintendent's Record, 1855-1861, 1 v. ; 1865-1887, 1 v., both in vault. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1872, 1 pamphlet; 1893-date, 1 v., both in vault. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1913-date, 1 p.h. Teachers' Reports, 1889-1891, 1 v., in vault; 1903-date, 3 v. Trustees. Register of, 1887-date, 1 v. Trustees' Reports. 1903-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1863-date, 62 v. Duplicate. 1861, 1866, 1872, 1873, 4 v. Delinquent, 1866, 1 v. ; 1870-date, 45 v. Index. 1908-date, 9 v. Journal, 1862-1874, 1 v., in Treasurer's vault; 1875-date, 3 v. Ledger, 1861-1876, 1 v., in Treasurer's vault; 1876-date, 2 v. License Ledger, 1895-date, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1880-1881, 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1861-1887, 1 v. ; 1893-1902, 1 v., in the attic; Record Book. 1856-1898, 3 v., in the attic. Warrants: Register of, 1873-1888, 1 v.; Redeemed, 1861-1867, 1 v.; On File, in Clerk's vault; Salary stub-books, 1915-date, 2 v. ; General stub-books. 1883-1887, 2 v., in Treasurer's vault. THE TREASURER Bonds, Wagon Road, Record of, 1870-1887, 1 v. Cash Book. 1864-1874. 1 v. ; 1889-date, 4 v. Journal, 1861-1903, 3 v. Ledger, 1859-date, 5 v. Property Redeemed, 1877-1904, 1 v. Warrants Redeemed, Register of, 1860-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1915-date. Maps and Plats: Map Book, Assessment of Property, 1870-1893, 100 v.. in the attic; 1893-date, 79 v., in Treasurer's vault. Plat Book of Surveyors Townships, 2 v. Mortgages. Abstract of. 1878-1884, 2 v., in Clerk's vault. Poll Tax Rolls. 1897-1914, 18 v., in Clerk's vault. State and United States Land Office Returns, with County Surveyor. THE TAX COLLECTOR Licenses. Cash Account of, 1910-date, 1 v. Tax Collectors' Book of Description, 1876-1894, 1 v., in the attic, 504 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SISKIYOU COUNTY INTRODUCTION Siskiyou County was created in 1852 from territory which had previously belonged to Shasta, Trinity and Klamath counties. Since its organization several changes have been made in its territory. The first of these was in 1874, when the eastern portion of the county was detached to form Modoc County. The next year the dissolution of Klamath County was completed and a large part of that county annexed to Siskiyou. In 1887 the line with Del Norte was modified, giving Siskiyou that part of the Klamath River around Clear Creek and Indian Creek. Yreka has always been the county seat. The older part of the courthouse was erected in 1856. It was built of brick. Two wings of concrete were added in 1896, and a Hall of Records, also concrete, was built in 1909. The latter is a separate building. These buildings may be considered safe from exterior fires, but the old courthouse would not resist fire originating within the building. The Hall of Records appears to be fireproof. The Auditor's office, only, is provided with a vault. Steam and electricity furnish the heat and light. The older records that are considered of little value are piled in the basement of the Hall of Records, not far from the furnace. Among these were records dating from 1852 to 1914, and ranging from legal papers to assessment rolls and original deed books. This examination was made in June, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1852-1879 File, 1855-1879, 46 f.b., cases 1-2000. General Index, 1853-1879, 3 v. Judgment Docket, 1852-1879, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments, 1852-1879, 4 v. (1-4). Minutes, 1852-1879, 4 v. (1-4). Motion Docket, 1858-1861, 1 v., in basement. Register of Actions, 1855-1878, 4 v. (1-4). Tax Suits: Decree Record, 1865-1872, 1 v.; Register of Actions, 1865-1872, 1 v., in Recorder's office. County Court, 1852-1879 File, 1853-1879, 18 f.b. General Index, 1852-1879, 2 v. (1-2). Minutes, 1852-1879, 3 v. (1-3). $ 5? 2 « ao ca 2. Pi c 2i ?5 P £3 £- p p" I- 1 <© 00 00 I- 1 00 OO «o.. .. 1 to.. .. - oo--- cnco UK P P M tO»" - 5° CO ^co^ eo - <£> — en _^?S en I CO f^J* > — ^ — 2 o SISKIYOU COUNTY. 505 Court of Sessions. Criminal, 1852-1863 File, 1854-1861, 4 f.b. Index, 1852-1863, 1 v. Minutes, 1852-1863, 2 v. (1-2). Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1852-date Bonds of Administrators and Executors, 1913-date, 1 v. (6). Bonds and Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1912-date, lv. (5). Bonds and Letters of Administrators, 1856-1912, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1861-date. 1 v. Calendar, 1883-1891, 1 v. File, 1856-date, 140 f.b., cases 1-1722, case 518, 2 drawers. Index, 1853-date, 2 v. (1-2). Letters of Administration, 1892-1912, 1 v. (3) ; 1912-date, 1 v. (4). Letters of Administration and Testamentary, Index, 1867-date. Letters of Guardianship and Testamentary, 1908-date, 1 v. (2). Minutes, 1852-1879, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1880-date, 13 v. (x, 2-13). Register of Actions, 1856-date, 6 v. (1-6). Register of Claims, 1869-date, 2 v. Wills, Record of. 1856-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1857-date, 1 v Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar, 1880-date, 2 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1857-1887, 4 f.b. Executions, 1866-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). File, 210 f.b., cases 1-4351; current, 34 f.b. (A-Z). General Index, 1880-date, 6 v. Insanity, Judgment and Order of Commitment, 1909-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1903-date, 1 v. ; Commitments for Intemperance, 1913- date, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). Judgment Record, 1880-date, 7 v. (1-7). Jury Book, 1880-1905, 1 v. Minutes, 1880-date, 18 v. (1-18). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 7 v. (5-11). Register and Judgments, Index to, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Reporters' notes, shorthand, 100 notebooks, in the basement. Transcripts, typewritten, in the basement. Transcripts on Appeal, John Daggett vs. Yreka Mining and Milling Company, 1903, 1 v., in the basement. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1883-date, 4 v. (2-5). Equalization. Minutes of Board of, 1872-1915, 1 v. File, 1857-date, 60 f.b. Funding Commission, Record of, 1858, 1 v., in the basement. Hospital Record, 1894-date. 3 f.b. Minutes: 1854-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1856-date, 3 v. (1-3). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (1). Road Overseers' Accounts, 1857-1863, 1 v. Road Register, 1906-date, 1 v. (2). Scott Valley Levee District, Minutes Creating, 1910, 1 v. 506 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Attorneys' Receipts for Papers Returned, 1883-date, 3 v. Corespondence record, 1900-date, 6 letter files. Fee Books, 1864-1890, 3 v., in the Recorder's office; 1899-date, 3 v. (1-3). Field Enrollment, 1896-1897, 2 v., in the Recorder's office; 1898- 1900, 3 v., 1904, all in the basement; 1905-1906, 2 v., in the Recorder's office; 1907-1914, 8 v. Hunting License Register, 1904-1908, 2 v. Military Rolls, 1894, 1901, 2 v., in the basement; 1915, 1 v. Miscellaneous papers, 1852-date, 120 f.b., 10 boxes, in basement. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1880-1906, 1 v. (1) ; Record, 1906-date, 2 v. Naturalization: Record of, 1880-1906, 3 v. (1-3); Petition and Record, 1906-date, 4 v. (x, x, 2-3). Registration Affidavits of Registration, current, 20 binders. Great Register, 1866-1908, 11 v. ; Index, 1908, 1914, 2 pamphlets, printed. Precinct Boundaries, 1910, 1 v. Elections Nomination, Certificates of, 1910, 1 f.b. Record of Ballots, 1892-date, 1 v. Verification Deputies Records, 1910, 1 f.b. Votes Cast, 1898, 1900, 1902, in drawer. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1890-1908, 1 f.b. Dentists, Register of, 1904-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Corporations, Register of, 1854-date. Partnerships, Register of, 1887-date, 1 v. Private account books, 50 v., in the basement. About twenty of these date from the fifties, and a few of them are accounts of length. Most of the volumes are rough day books. Relating to Other Officers Auditors' Reports, 1884-1904, 1 drawer. Justices of Peace Dockets : South Township, 1865-1881, 1 v. ; Etna Township, 1896-1902, 1 v. ; Humbug Township, 1852, 1 v. ; 1857- 1859, 1 v., all in the basement. Miscellaneous reports, 1857-1900, 6 f.b. Notarial Records, 1864, 1891-1893, 2 v., in the basement. Sheriff's Papers, 2 f.b. SISKIYOU COUNTY. 507 THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1885-date, 1 v. (2) ; Index, lv. (1). Attachments, 1883-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index. 1876-date, 1 v. Bill of Sale, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1895-date, 1 v. (1). Births, Register of. 1872-date, 6 v. (1-6). Bonds, Record of County, 1883-1904, 1 v.; Record of School, 1880- 1890, 1 f.b. Certificates of Sale, 1866-date. 3 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; 1855-1893, 9 f.b. Deaths, Register, 1873-1896. 1 v. (1) ; 1910-date, 2 v. (4-5). Decrees of Distribution, 1891-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds, 1860-date, 88 v. (8-95) ; Index, 9 v. (1-9) ; Klamath County Deeds. 1854-1875, 2 v. (1-2). Deeds and Mortgages, 1852-1860, 7 v. (1-7). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1898-date, 2 v. (1-2); Committees' Statements, 1898-1912, 1 v. (1). Estravs, 1852-1860, in basement. Fee Books. 1898-date, 11 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments. Transcripts of, Superior Court, 1887-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Justice's Court, 1857-date, 1 v. Land Claims. 1852-1885, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1855-1860, 2 f.b., in Clerk's office; Index, 1852-1879. 1 v. (1). Leases, 1884-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Lis Pendens, see Notices of Actions. Maps : Plat Books of Towns, 1 v. ; of Sections, 6 v. (1-6) ; of Town Lots, 2 v. (1-2). Marks and Brands, 1852-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1853-1915, 1 v. (1). Marriages: Record, 1853-date, 11 v. (1-11) ; Index, 2> v. (1-3) ; Register, 1907-date, 3 v. (2-4). Mechanics Liens, 1852-date. 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1853-date, 1 v. (1). Mining records : Claims, 1852-date. 50 v. (1-50): Index, 6 v. (1-6). Claims and Water Rights, Del Norte County, 1867-1887, 1 v. District Records : Oro Fino, 1856, 1 v. ; South Fork, 1892-1897, 1 v. : Canal Gulch, 1856-1860, 1 v., all in the basement. Proof of Labor, 1893-date, 7 v. (1-7). Miscellaneous Records, 1883-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1900-date, 1 v. (2) . These records contain certificates of sale, certificates of purchase, bank statements, certifications of legal papers, etc. Miscellaneous Records, Klamath County, 1856-1874, 1 v. This volume contains all the papers recorded except deeds. Mortgages. 1860-date, 34 v. (8-41) ; Index, 1852-date, 4 v. (1-4). For mortgages before 1860 see Deeds and Mortgages. Mortgages. Personal Property, 1857-date. 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Newspapers : Bartel. McCloud River Pioneer, 1889-1893, 2 v. Dorris. Booster, 1908, 1912, 2 v. 508 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Dunsmuir, News, 1890-1914, 16 v. Herald, 1897-1898, 1 v. Dispatch, 1910-1912, 2 v. Plain Dealer, 1912, 1 v. Etna, Scott Valley Advance, 1897-1914, 10 v. Standard, 1898, 1 v. Fort Jones, Scott Valley News, 1878-1895, 11 v. County Reporter, 1895-1898, 3 v. Farmers and Miners, 1902-1914, 6 v. Montague, Messenger, 1911-1914, 2 v. Mott, North Star, 1883-1890, 3 v. Sisson, Mount Shasta Herald, 1887-1892, 4 v. Mascot, 1891-1895, 2 v. Mirror, 1896-1904, 6 v. Headlight, 1904-1914, 5 v. Yreka, Journal, 1862-1914, 45 v. Union, 1862-1897, 34 v. Tribune, 1880-1883, 3 v. Siskiyou Telegram, 1890-1891, 2 v. Siskiyou News, 1895-1914, 13 v. Daily Reporter, 1898-1899, 2 v. Summit Lookout, 1913, 1 v. Notices of Actions, 1863-date, 4 v. (1-4). Official Bonds, 1852-date, 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). • Patents, 1864-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Powers of Attorney, 1884-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1853-date, 1 v. (1). Receipts for papers left with the Recorder, 1885-date, 1 v. Redemption, Certificates of, 1887-date, 3 v. (x, 1-2) ; 2 f.b. Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1886-date, 2 v. Residence, Certificates of, 1909-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Separate Property of Wives, 1853-1913, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1900-date, 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1881-1885, 1 v. Tax Sales, Record, 1858-date, 10 v. (1-10); Index, 1895-date, 1 v.; Certificates of Delinquent Tax Sales, 1852-1859, 2 v.; 1872-1880, 1 v., all in the basement; 1881-1893, 6 v. Water Rights, 1872-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Wills Admitted to Probate, 1895-1914, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1888-1898, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1904, 1905, 2 pamphlets each. Apportionment Record, 1858-1863, 1 v. • 1890-1892, 1 v., in the base- ment; 1892-date, 1 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). Certificate stub-books, 1910-date, 4 v. Certificates and Diplomas, Record of, 1887-1907, 1 v., in the Recorder's office. Certification of Teachers, 1888-date, 1 v. Communications received, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Courses of Study, 1900-date, 15 pamphlets. SISKIYOU COUNTY. 509 District Record, 1890-1891, 1 v., in the Recorder's office. This record refers to grades, teachers, opening, closing, term, and salaries. Examination for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1907-date, 1 v. Grading of Schools, 1900-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1868-date, 2 v. Letter file, 1911-date, 10 f.b. Requisitions pasted in scrap books, 1890-1911, 10 v., in the basement. School District Accounts, 1864-1872, 1 v., in the basement; 1884-1909, 16 v. (x, 1-15), in Recorder's office; 1909-date, 7 v. (16-22). School District Boundaries, 1874, 1 v., in the basement; 1875-date, 2 v. Superintendent of Schools, Record of, 1857-1870, in the basement; 1870-1886, 1 v., in the Recorder's office; Record of Visits, 1890-1894, 2 v., 1901, 1 v., all in the basement. Teachers' Examination Record, 1897-date, 1 v. Teachers' Library Books, Record of, 1892-date, 1 v. This is a record of the district library books kept in the districts. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1910-date, 1 v. Trustees' Orders, Register of, 1891-1910, 2 v., in the Recorder's office. Trustees, Register of, 1891-1905, 1 v. Trustees' Reports, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Vote for High School District, Record of, Dunsmuir, 1911, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Warrants, Register of School, 1873-1911, 7 v., in the Recorder's office; 1911-date, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Account Book of the Treasurer, Sheriff and Assessor, 1860-1871, 1 v., in the Recorder's office. Assessment Rolls, in Recorder's office, unless otherwise stated: Original, 1852-1857, 18 v., 1861, 2 v., all in the basement; 1858- 1914, 126 v.; 1914, 5 v., in the Auditor's office; 1915, 5 v., in Tax Collector's office; 1916, 4 v., in the Assessor's office; Index, 1880-date, 36 v. Duplicate, 1857, 1 v., in the basement; 1860, 1 v.; 1872-1874, 4 v. Delinquent, 1871-1873, 2 v., in the basement; 1874-1914, 30 v.; Index, 1880-date, 30 v. Klamath County, 1874-1875, 1 v. Ledger, 1861-1872, 1 v., in the basement; 1872-date, 4 v. (1-4). Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1911-date, 2 v. Rate of Taxation, 1882-date, 1 v. Redemptions, 1911-date, 1 v. Salary Ledger, 1885-1887, 1 v., in the basement. School District Ledger, 1900-date, 2 v. Warrants Redeemed and Bonds Issued, 1854-1858, 2 v., in the basement 1898-1904, 5 f.b., in the Clerk's office. Warrants, Register of County, 1852-1871, 2 v. (1-2), in the basement 1871-date, 7 v. (2-9). Warrants, Register of School, 1880-1911, 5 v., in the Recorder's office 1911-date, 2 v. 510 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Accounts, 1853-1857, 1 v., in the basement; 1857-1860, 1 v., in the Recorder's office; 1866-1878, 1 v. (2) • 1878-1906, 2 v. (3-4), in the Recorder's office; 1906-date, 1 v., in the Auditor's office. Allowance Book, 1853-1882, 1 v. Cash Account, 1858-1880, 2 v., in the basement; 1880-1884, 1 v., in the Recorder's office; 1884-1895, 1 v., in the basement; 1895-1914, 12 v., in the Recorder's office; 1915-date, 2 v. Day Book, 1915-date, 2 v. Deposit Register, 1911-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1910-1914, 2 v. Journal, 1877-1885, 1 v., in the Recorder's office; 1885-1891, 1 v., in the basement; 1892-1909, 1 v., in the Recorder's office; 1912-1914, 1 v. Land Records, 1858-1875, 1 v. ; 1886-1894, 1 v. ; 1903-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1868-1872, 1 v., in the basement; 1878-1909, 5 v., in the Recorder's office; 1912-1914, 1 v. School District Ledger, 1873-1883, 1 v., in the basement; 1907-date, 4 v.,. in the Recorder's office. State School Land Record, 1859-1872, 1 v. (1). Warrants, Register of, 1868-1901, 1 v., in the Recorder's office. "Warrants Unpaid for lack of funds, 1871-1878, 1 v., in the Recorder's office. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, in basement. Journal, 1897-1898, 1 v., in the basement. Maps and Plats: Plat Books : City and Town, 3 v. ; Township, 10 v., 20 townships in each vol. ; Township, 1 v., showing the assessed valuation per acre of each 40-acre tract. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1875-1899, 3 v. (2-3), in the Recorder's office; 1899-1909, 2 v. (4-5), in the basement. Poll Tax Roll, 1892, 1 v., in the basement; 1893-1898, 6 v., in the Recorder's office; 1899-1910, 9 v., in the basement; 1910-1912, 3 v., in the Recorder's office; Delinquent Poll Tax Roll, 1905-1910, 5 v., in the basement; 1910-1911, 2 v., in the Recorder's office. Real Estate Transfers, Record of, current, 2 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1915, 5 v. (1-5) ; Delinquent, 1915, 1 v. Cash Book, 1904-date, 2 v. Cash Tax Blotter, 1896-1906, 4 v., in the basement. Correspondence record, 1907-date, 6 letter files. Licenses, Cash Account, 1883-1904, 3 v., in the basement; 1911-date, 1 v. Licenses Collected, Ledger of, 1891-1903, 2 v., in the basement; 1902- date, 1 v. Solano County. Solid blue Stats. 1850:61; 1851:179; 1852:192. a Stats. 1853 :20. b Stats. 1855:77. C Stats. 1857 :108. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3956. For key to maps see page ix. SOLANO COUNTY. 511 SOLANO COUNTY INTRODUCTION Solano County was included in the original group of twenty-seven counties into which the state was divided in 1850. While there have been a number of changes in the boundary lines, the amount of territory involved has not been large. The county seat for the first eight years was at Benicia. but in 1858 an election fixed the seat of government at Fairfield, where it has since remained. In 1873-1874 a determined effort was made to change the county seat to Vallejo. This effort met with some temporary success, but Fairfield finally emerged triumphant from the struggle. The first permanent courthouse was erected in 1859 at a cost of about $25,000. In 1878 a Hall of Kecords was built, and in 1887 a building was erected, filling the space between the two older buildings and com- pleting what was for more than thirty years Solano County's court- house. In December, 1911, the present courthouse was completed. This is a fine building of steel, concrete and granite, modern in every respect, and designed with a view to making it both fire and burglar proof. The fixtures of the various offices are in keeping with the general character of the building. Each of the offices represented in this report has a small storeroom in the basement, in which are kept part of the older records. The con- tents of these storerooms are for the most part in fair shape, though they are not in all cases properly segregated. These archives were examined during July, 1917. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Minutes of the Court of First Instance, District of Sonoma, Oct. 26, 1849-April 10, 1850, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Records of Court of First Instance, District of Sonoma, Stephen Cooper, Judge; S. Bynum, Clerk; April 15-17, 1850, in the Clerk's office. THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 ' Execution Book, 1866-1879. 1 v. (1) ; 1878-1879, see under Superior Court. Execution Docket, 1850-1851. 1 v., in storeroom. 'See also Pre-statehood Records. 512 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. File, 84 f.b., cases, 1-3219. Index Suits, 1850-1879, 2 v. Judgments, 1850-1881, 5 v. (1-5). Vol. 5 is also marked Vol. 1 of Superior Court. Judgment Docket, 1850-1867, 2 v. Minutes, 1850-Nov. 14, 1879, 9 v. (1-9) ; November and December, 1879, see under Superior Court ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1853-1879, 7 v. (x, x, x, 4-7). Tax Suits: Register of Actions, 1864-1872, 3 v. (x, 2-3) ; Order Book, 1864-1872, 1 v. (1) ; Decrees, 1865-1872, 1 v.; file, 6 f.b., cases 1-2150; Index, 1864-1872, 1 v. County Court, 1850-1879 File, 24 f.b., cases 1-889. Index, County and Superior Court, 1850-1887, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1850-1879, 1 v. ; 1851-1867, 1 v. Judgments, 1853-1866, 1 v. (1) ; 1853-1879, 1 v. (1). Minutes, September, 1851-1879, 8 v. (x, x, 3-8) ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1850-1879, 2 v. ; 1879, see under Superior Court. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 File, 4 f.b., cases 1-277. Index to Minutes, 1855-1863, 1 v. ; Index to Cases, 1 v., both in storeroom. Minutes, 1850-1863, 3 v. (x, x, 2). The first volume, 1850-1853, contains also County Business. For 1853- June, 1854, see below. Supervisors' Minutes, vol. 1. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Appraisements and Inventories, 1870-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Bonds of Administrators, 1863-date, 8 v. (x, 2-8) ; Index, 1 v. The first six volumes are in the storeroom. Claims, Register of, 1868-date, 3 v. (1-3). Vol. 1 is in the storeroom. Collateral Tax, 1897, 1910, 1 v. ; Collateral Inheritance Tax, 1905- 1906, 1 v., in storeroom. File, 1850-1880, 11 f.b. ; 1880-date, 297 f.b., cases 1-3834. Index, 1850-date, 1 v. ; Probate Papers, 1851-1908, 1 v. Letters Testamentary and of Administration, 1861-1892, 2 v. (1-2). Letters of Administration, 1889-date, 5 v. (3-7). Contain also letters testamentary and of guardianship. Vol. 3 is in the storeroom. Minutes, 1850-date, 42 v. (1-42) ; Index, 4 v. Register of Actions, 1858-date, 11 v. (x, 2-11). Wills, 1856-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Bonds of Commissions, 1894-1895, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. A form book for bonds of commissioners appointed by the court to sell property. Only four entries. SOLANO COUNTY. 513 Coroner's Inquests, 1850-date, 20 f.b. Execution Book, 1878-1899, 2 v. (2-3) ; Index, 1 v., in storeroom. File: Civil, 238 f.b., eases 1-5921; Criminal, 23 f.b., cases 1-1235. General Index, 4 v. (x, 2) ; Criminal Index, 1879-date, 1 v. Grand Jury Reports, etc., 1850-date, 6 f.b. Insane Commitments, Record, 1881-date, 6 v. (x, 2-6) ; Index, 1903-date, 1 v. ; Discharges from Napa State Hospital, Notices of, 1903-date, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1880-1881, see under District Court; 1881-date, 10 v. (2-11) ; Judgment Book A, 1914-date, 1 v. The last named volume is a form book for judgments in cases of the Board of Fish and Game Commissioners of the State of California against fish nets of various kinds, to have same declared nuisances and ordered destroyed. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Jurv Book, 1872-1885, 1890-1899, 2 v., in storeroom; 1899-1915, 1 v. Minutes, 1879-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Index, 3 v. Register of Actions: Civil, 1879-1882, 1 v. (3); 1883-date, 16 v. (2-17) ; Criminal, 1878-date, 3 v. (1-3). Witness Book, 1893-1902, 1 v. vSuperior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 2 f.b., cases 1-130. Minutes. 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Record. 1909-date. 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-date, 8 v. (x, 2-8). The first four volumes are in the storeroom. For October-December, 1853, see under Ledger below. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, etc., 1895-date, 1 v. Equalization. Minutes of Board, 1862-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. For 1854 see under Ledger below. File : Hospital, Court House and Jail, Bids and Contracts, 1876- date, 3 f.b. ; Ferries and Wharves, 1850-date, 1 f.b. ; Roads, 11 f.b., Xos. 1-579 ; Miscellaneous, 35 f.b. Indigents, Record of, 1887-1891, 1 v.; Register of, 1887-1895, 1 v., in storeroom. Ledger, 1 v. Contains allowances by Court of Sessions, October and December, 1S53 ; and Minutes Board of Equalization, August-December, 1854. Minutes : Court of Sessions, 1850-1853, see under Court Records ; Board of Supervisors, 1855-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 2 v. Vol. 1 contains Court of Sessions, County Business, 1853-1855, and Criminal Business, 1853-June, 1854. Ordinance Book. 1883-date. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Road Minutes. 1873-date. 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Proceedings of Board in road matters. 514 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Road Overseers' Accounts, 1873-1883, 1 v. Road Papers, Index, 1 v. Road Record, 1861-1913, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Reports of viewers, surveys, field notes, etc. Road Register, 1861-date, 2 v. (1-2). Roads, General Index, 1 v. Swamp Land Minutes, 1866-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Includes (pages 1-75) a "Transcript of Minutes from Records of old Board of Swamp Land Commissioners, relating to Districts in Solano County," 1861-1866. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Books, 1876-1880, 1887-1907, 5 v., in storeroom; 1908-date, 2 v. File of papers containing: Statement showing the outstanding debt of Solano County on first day of May, 1855, and amount and condition of all prop- erty and revenue belonging to the county on said day. "List of outstanding county warrants issued . . . previous to May 1, 1854, . . . which remain unfunded and unre- deemed on May 1, 1855." Statement showing amount of Funded Debt of county, also date of bonds, number and name of parties to whom issued, to first day of May, 1855. "List of County warrants issued . . . -since May 1, 1854, up to May 1, 1855, . . . which remain uncanceled and unredeemed on May 1, 1855." File, miscellaneous, about 100 f .b. Military Rolls, 1893, 1896-date, 1 lb.; Muster Rolls and other papers relating to military companies in Solano Countv, 1861- 1871, 1 f .b. Road and Courthouse Improvement Bonds, County Clerk's Register of, 1878-1887, 1 v., in storeroom. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1854-1906, 2 v. (1-2) ; Record, 1907- date, 3 v. ; Index, 1868-1906. 1 v. Orders Admitting to Citizenship : County Court, 1873-1879, 1 v. (A) ; District Court, 1873-1883, 1 v. '(A) ; Decrees Admitting to Citizenship, 1883-1906, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index to Orders Admitting to Citizenship, 1853-1906, 1 v. Naturalization Petition and Record, 1907-date, 4 v. (1-4). Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1906-date. The affidavits for 1906, 1908, 1910 are in the storeroom. Great Register, 1866-1908, 19 v. SOLANO COUNTY. 515 Elections Election Returns, 1916. Nominations, Record of, 1914, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1899, 7 f.b. ; 1889-1891, 1 v., in store- room. Marriage License stub-books, 1899-1911, 7 v., in storeroom; 1911- date, 6 v. Dentists, Register, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Record of Authorized Physicians and Surgeons, 1908-date, 1 v. (1). Optometry Certificates, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 6 f.b. (1-758) ; Index, 1 v.; Certificates of Incorporation, 1870-1874, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Record, 1 v. (1). Co-partnerships, 1874-date, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Fictitious Names, Persons and Partnerships, 1 v. Private account books : Ferrell, White & Co., Suisun City, Journal, 1861-1866, 3 v., in Treasurer's storeroom. H. K. Nurse, Meat Market, Denverton, Cal., Day Book and Ledger, 1877, 2 v., in Auditor's storeroom. San Jose del Rosaria Gold and Silver Mining Co., Chihuahua, Mexico, Minutes of Trustees, February- July, 1864, 1 v., in Treasurer 's storeroom. Suisun Detective Society, Record, 1860-1862, 1 v., in Treasurer's storeroom. Contains minutes of meeting for organization, by-laws, list of members, financial account. Eleven pages used. Balance of book contains two invoices of the stock of merchandise of J. B. Lemon & Co., 1860, 1801. A. L. "White Water-Elevator Co., Minute Book, 1893-1895, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Relating to Other Officers Experts' Reports to Grand Jury, 1912, 1916, 2 v. Humane Officers, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v., only one entry. Justice Court Dockets : Montezuma Township. 1872, 1878-1880, 1 v., in storeroom. Suisun Township. 1861-1864, 1870-1872, 1874-1876, 1879-1882, 1892-1894, 5 v., in storeroom. Notarial Records: A. C. Harvies, 1899-1903, 1 v.; W. G. Wvman, 1872-1880. 1 v.; S. X. Norton, 1888-1904, 2 v. (A, B) ; H. G. Perry, 1904-1906, 1 v. All except the first volume are in the storeroom. Notaries, Register of, 1886-date, 1 v. 516 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE RECORDER Agreements, 1870-date, 10 v. (3-12) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Vols. 3-6 and 10 are called "Bonds, Covenants and Agreements." Vol. 9 is not yet in use. Assignments, 1864-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 2 v. Attachments, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1903, 1 v. (1) ; Capital, 1876-1903, lv. (1). Benicia Land Claims, 1 v. This is a special record, with double pages. The left-hand page is headed "Claims Filed with the Trustees of the City of Benicia, in accordance with an act of the legislature of the State of California of April 20, 1866, entitled 'An Act to Settle the Title to Lands in the Town and City of Benicia, in the County of Solano.' " The right-hand page is headed "Awards Made and Certificates Issued by the Trustees of the City of Benicia, in accordance with an act of Congress, entitled 'An Act to quiet the title to certain lands within the corporate limits of the City of Benicia and Town of Santa Cruz in the State of California,' approved July 23, 1866, and an act of the legislature of the State of California, approved April 20, 1866." There are in all 250 claims. Births, Marriages, Divorces and Deaths, Record of, 1858-1860, 1 v., in storeroom. There are no entries under Divorces and Deaths. Births, Register of, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4). Boundary Commission, Napa and Solano County, 1857, 1 v. Minutes of Commission appointed by the legislature and approved April 23, 1857, to adjust the amount of indebtedness of Napa County to Solano County and to provide for payment thereof. By-Laws, 1873-1887, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). By-laws of corporations, reclamation districts, etc. Certificates of Sheriffs' Sale, 1866-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deaths, Register of, 1873-date, 4 v. (1, x, 1, 3). The volumes are consecutive. The second vol. 1 is entitled "Certificates of Death." Deeds, 1848-date, 231 v. (A-Z, Al-Ml, 40-231) ; Index, 16 v. (Al, Bl, 2-7). The first books of Deeds are copies of the original record books of Benicia. Four of the original volumes are in the storeroom. Deeds, Trust, 1872-date, 20 v. (1-20) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1902-date, 3 v.; Commit- tees' Statements, 1902-1910, 1 v. Estray Notices, Record of, 1852-1873, 1 v., in storeroom. Fee Books, 1876-date, 15 v. The first five volumes are in the storeroom. Homesteads, 1860-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Abandonment of, Index, 1 v. Instruments not called for, about 40 f.b. Inventories in matter of assignments for benefit of creditors : Moses Blum, 1884, 1 v. ; Bamberger & Levy, 1885, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1853-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). SOLANO COUNTY. 517 Licensed Surveyors, Register of. 1891-date, 1 v. Liens, 1850-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Lis Pendens, 1853-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Maps, 6 v. (1,1-5) ; Index, 1 v.; Wall maps: Solano County, official, 1872, 1890, 1909, 1915 ; City of Vallejo and vicinity, showing city of Yallejo as surveyed by John B. Frisbie in 1868, with later subdivisions and additions to March, 1911 (Griffiths) ; Vallejo, 1868 (E. H. Rowe), map about 4 feet bv 5 feet in glass frame in Treasurer's office. Marks and Brands, 1854-date, 1 v. (1). Marriages, 1850-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Marriages, Register. 1905-1915, 1 v. Mechanics' Liens, see Liens. Miscellaneous, 1866-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Yol. 4 contains certificates of completion and acceptance of buildings, etc.. 1904-date. Vols. 3, 5, 6 are form books for Bills of Sale, 1904- date. Yol. 7 is a similar book, not yet in use. Mortgages, 1853-date, 140 v. (1-140) ; Index, 9 v. (1-4) ; Chattel, 1857- date, 38 v. (1-38) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Newspapers (in Recorder's storeroom unless otherwise noted) : Vallejo, Evening Chronicle, April 18, 1870-Oet. 29, 1874; Nov. 21, 1874-May 23, 1878; April 13-Dec. 31, 1881; Feb. 20-Aug. 16, 1882; -21 v. Weekly Chronicle, Sept, 23, 1882-March 14, 1884; Jan. 30, 1891- Jan. 29, 1892 ; 2 v. The second volume is in the Clerk's office. Solano Democrat, April 23, 1870-Feb. 28, 1874, 7 v. Four of the volumes are alike, and there is much overlapping in the others. Name changed to the People's Independent, Dec. 27, 1873. Solano Daily Times, June 15, 1880-April 15. 1881, 1 v. Suisun, Solano Press, May 31, 1862-Dec. 18, 1867, 6 v. Solano Republican. Jan. 6, 1870'-Feb. 26, 1874; Nov. 15, 1877- Dec. 11, 1879; Jan. 24, 1890-Feb. 13, 1891; 5 v. The papers in the second volume belong in the middle of the first volume. Rio Yista, Gleaner. Oct. 19, 1878-Feb. 15, 1879, 1 v. Sacramento Fiver News, Feb. 28, 1890-Feb. 20, 1891, 1 v. Dixcn. Tribune, Jan. 5-June 15, 1894, 1 v. Sacramento, Reporter, April 16. 1870-July 30, 1872, 5 v. and dupli- cate in 5 v. One volume in vault in Clerk's office, balance in Clerk's storeroom. Official Bonds, 1853-1872. 2 v. (1-2). in Clerk's storeroom; Index, 1 v., in Clerk's storeroom; 1872-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. Oyster Beds. 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Partnerships. Register of. 1884-1898, 1 v. (1). Patents. 1859-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Possessory Claims. 1851-1871, 2 v. (1-2). Powers of Attornev, 1853-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Satisfactions [of Mortgages], 1862-date, 37 v. (1-37); Index, 9 v. (1-5). 518 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Separate Property of Married Women, 1850-1904, 1 v. (1) ; Index, lv. (1). Sole Traders, 1851-date, 1 v. (1). Stallion Registration, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). State School Lands, Receipts of, 1858-1863, 1 v. (1). County Treasurer's receipts. Swamp Lands, Receipts, 1858-1863, 1 v. (1). Swamp Lands, 1855-date, 2 v. (1-2). The first volume, 1855-1868, is devoted to surveys ; the second, 1869- date, to petitions to Board of Supervisors for reclamation districts, actions by Board, by-laws of districts, etc. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Table of, Dec. 16, 1861, roll of large sheets. Record of lands taken up under provisions of the acts of the legislature approved April 28, 1855, April 21, 1858, and April 18, 1859. Tax Sales, 1851-1879, 1 f.b. (1-376) ; 1873-date, 32 v. (1-32) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3) ; Certificates of Sale of Real Estate, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). The last named volume is for non-payment of local improvement bonds under the Improvement Act of 1911 ; all for the city of Vallejo. Vallejo City Charter, 1899, 1 v. ; 1911, 1 v. ; Amendments, 1902, 1 v. Water Rights, 1895-date, 2 v. (1-2). Wills, 1873-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 1 Annnal Report, 1863-date, complete except one or two years ; 1880-clate, bonnd. Apportionment of Funds, 1884-date, 2 v. The first A'olume is in the storeroom. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 3 v. ; Index, 1 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes and Reports, 1893-1910, several boxes and bdls. in storeroom. Courses of Study, several issues. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1889-date, 3 v. Fee Book, 1890-date, 1 v. The record of certificates granted and renewed may be found from this book. Institutes, Minutes of, 1888-date, 1 v. Promotions, Record of Grammar Schools, 1896-date, 7 v. Record of Official Acts, 1895-date, 1 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1880-date, 17 v. This is a combined Register and District Ledger. The first volume is called "Journal," the second "Ledger." The first 12 volumes are in the storeroom. School District Boundaries, 1890-date, 1 v. Suisun School District, No. 4, Minutes of proceedings of Board of Trustees, 1863-1869, 2 v. The first volume is in the storeroom, the other in the Recorder's office. iThe information given in this report regarding the records in the main office was kindly furnished by Mr. D. H. White, the superintendent of schools. The material in the store room was examined by our field assistant. SOLANO COUNTY. 519 Teachers' Examinations, Record of. 1883-date, 2 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers, Register of, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2). Incomplete before 1S99. Teachers' Reports, 1895-date, complete file. Trustees. Register of. 1884-date. 2 v. The first volume is iu the storeroom. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1851-1854, 5 v. in Recorder's storeroom; 1853-1881, 45 v. in storeroom: 1882-1915, 150 v. Subsequent or Supplemental. 1860, 1861, 1863-1864, 3 v. in Recorder's storeroom; 1866-1867. 1 v., in Recorder's office. Duplicate. 1854. 1858-1862, 1872-1875, 1880, 16 v., in storeroom; 1861. 1862, 2 v.. in Recorder's storeroom. Delinquent, 1850, 1852, 1854-1855, 1857-1861, 8 v., in Recorder's storeroom: 1856, 1857, 1863-1871, 12 v., in storeroom; 1872-1915, 43 v. Drainage Districts. 1879-1880, 2 v. Index, 1881-1915, 35 v. Bond Register. 1868-1890, 3 v. Clerk's Fee Book, 1880-1886, 2 v., in storeroom. Compensation Insurance, Pay Roll for, 1915-date, 1 v. Expenditures. Record of, 1912-date, 5 v. Journal [Poll Tax and Personal Property Tax], 1879-1891, 2 v., in storeroom. Journal, 1868-1891, 2 v., in storeroom-, 1891-date, 3 v. Ledger, 1854-1858, 1868-1894, 6 v., in storeroom; 1866-1868, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom; 1895-date, 7 v. License Ledger. 1859-date, 2 v. License, Receipts for, 1887-1897, 1 v. Also contains receipts for poll tax receipts, 1887-1914. Orphans and Half -orphans on State Aid, 1913-date, 1 v., loose leaf. This is not a financial record, but a personal record of the orphans. Personal Propertv Taxes, Assessor's Report to Auditor, 1884, 1889- 1907. 19 v.. in storeroom; 1908-1916, 8 v. Poll Tax Rolls, 1878. 1 v.. in Treasurer's storeroom; 1891, 1893-1895, 1897, 1899. 1900, 1902-1914, 20 v. Most of these are in the Tax Collector's office. Receipts, 1903-1904. 1908-1916, 8 v. The first two volumes are in the storeroom. Receipts. Auditor's Register of, 1912-date, 1 v. Certificates to Treasurer. Receipts, Segregation of, 1912-date, 1 v. Entitled "Auditor's Ledger," 520 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Redemptions, Register of, 1897-date, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1880-1912, 4 v. (1-4) ; Auditor's Register of School Trustees' Orders, 1912-date, 5 v. Tax Collector's Journal, 1915-date, 1 v.; Ledger, 1915-date, 1 v. Tax Sales and Delinquent Taxes, Auditor's Property Index of, 1873- date, 3 v. This is a special record, recently installed. One volume is for subdivisions, one for cities and towns, and the third for property by township and range and special grants, not included in the other two volumes. Tax Sales, 1851, 1 v. ; 1854-1858, 1 v. ; Abstract of Property Sold for Taxes, 1850, 1 v. ; Tax Sales in City of Benicia, 1851, 1 v., all in Recorder's storeroom. Trial Balances, 1903-date, 2 v. AVarrants, Register of, 1850-1857, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom; 1872- date, 10 v. (1-10). Vols. 1-4 are in the storeroom. The volume for 1850-1857 has no out- side title ; it has record of warrants from number 1 to number 2201. THE TREASURER Allowance Book, 1883-1897, 4 v. The last volume is in the storeroom. Benicia City, 1 v., in the storeroom. This volume contains: (1) Proposals for redemption of bonds and war- rants of the city of Benicia, 1860-1S72; (2) Registry of Benicia City warrants presented and not paid for want of funds, 18G8-1878 ; (3) Solano county road fund warrants funded 1878. Bonds dated June 1, 1878. Bond Fund Register and Ledger account of Transfers, 1883-1900, 1 v. Bond Register : Railroad Bonds, 1868-1890, 1 v. ; School Bonds, 1907- date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1857-date, 19 v. Delinquent Tax — Bids for Printing, 1 v., in storeroom. The volume contains: (1) Treasurer's account, 1850, 1852-3; (2) Pro- posals for redemption of Solano County warrants and funded bonds, 1871-1877; (3) Proposals for printing delinquent tax list and award of same, 1879-1887; (4) Minutes of Loan Commissioners, March, 1875-February, 1876. Deposit Record, 1910-1913, 1 v.; Ledger, 1910-1913, 1 v. (1). Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1908-date, 4 v. Journal, July-December, 1850, April, 1852-October, 1853, 1 v., in store- room ; 1853-1892, 2 v. (x, 1) ; 1915-date, 1 v. (3). The volume first named has no outside title ; it contains also tax collec- tions, 1871. Journal, 1 v., in storeroom. This contains : License and poll tax accounts, 1861-1882 ; Account of redemption moneys, 1873-1886; Some other minor accounts. Page 228, Statement of Outstanding Indebtedness of Solano County, Nov. 1, 1874. Page 2SO-1, Statement showing the operation of the county general fund from May 1, 1854, to March 1, 1864. Ledger, 1853-date, 12 v. (x, x, 3-12). License Books, 1878-1916, 7 v. Five of these books are in the storeroom. SOLANO COUNTY. 521 Migratory Stock, Assessment List, 1874-1875, 1 v., in storeroom. Monthly Reports, 1912-date, file. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. State School Lands, Register of Payments, 1859-date, 1 v. ; 1858-1873, 1 v., in storeroom. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Register of Payments, 1855-date, 1 v. Trial Balance, 1915-date, 1 v. Warrants. Register of, 1855-date, 2 v. (x, 2). Registered warrants. The first volume is in the storeroom. THE ASSESSOR Assessment List, 1898-date, large number of volumes. These are the assessment statements bound in volumes. Maps and Plats: Block Books of Cities, 8 v. City Maps, 1 v. Maps in rack: Benicia, Rio Vista, Vacaville, Yallejo, 1868, 1892; Solano County, 1872. Plat Books, current, 2 v. Subdivisions, 2 v. Yallejo Township (outside the city), 1 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1880-1911, 22 v. Two of these are in the Recorder's office, and fifteen in the Recorder's storeroom. Transfers of Deeds, 1898-date, 27 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1916, 1 v. ; Delinquent, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Assessment List of Sacramento Drainage District, 1908, 1 v. Assessment List for General Assessment No. 1, Sacramento & San Joacpiin Drainage District, 1915, 1 v. Cash Book. 1872-date, 67 v. Beginning with 1913, loose leaf system. Sheets for 1913 are in storeroom. Journal. 1915-date, 1 v. (1). Ledger, 1915-date, 1 v. Tax Certificates, 1857-1862, 1866-1872, 1 v., in storeroom. Record of Tax Sales. Tax Sales. 1873-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. 522 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SONOMA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Sonoma was one of the original counties created in 1850. As it was first created its area was somewhat smaller than at present, but this was more than offset by the fact that for many years Mendocino County was in reality a part of Sonoma. In 1859. that county was separately organized, and the boundary of Sonoma County established much as it is now. The county seat was originally located at Sonoma, but in 1854 it was removed to Santa Rosa, where it has remained. During the earthquake of 1906 the courthouse, built about 1886, was badly damaged and the construction of a new one became neces- sary. There is no indication, however, that any great part of the county records were lost at that time. The present courthouse is one of the best in the state. It is of reinforced concrete and is doubtless entirely fireproof. Vaults are not extensively used for the records, although the Clerk and Recorder are provided with enclosed steel cabinets for books and documents. The building is electrically lighted and is heated by steam. Many of the older semi-discarded records are kept in the basement in a room which is used for general storage purposes. Some of them were found to be of considerable interest and value. In view of the space available it is unfortunate that these old records are not more carefully preserved. The Commission has called the attention of the proper officials to this matter and the promise has been made that the evil will be remedied. This courthouse was examined in December, 1917. PRE-STATEHOOD AND OTHER EARLY RECORDS, 1836-1856 1 "Grants, Sonoma City, A-2," 1836-1854, 1 v. This is a record book which seems to have belonged originally to M. G. Vallejo. The first document is a grant made by Vallejo, as director of colonization of the northern frontier, to Salvador Vallejo, dated Jan. 11, 1836. Following this are 2\ pages which seem to be an index or list of grants for the year 1S37. There are also two entries for 1842. All are endorsed with Vallejo's rubric. On page 7 appears an entry by "John H. Nash, Chief Justice," granting to Nathan Coombs certain lots in Sonoma. The date of this grant is March 3, 1S47. Similar entries follow to page 85, the last date being April 8, 1854. In the back of the book are two pages in Spanish, probably a private record of Vallejo's. No transcript of this volume was found. ir These are all in the Recorder's office except as noted. See also note under Probate Orders, in archives of the Clerk, Sonoma County. a Stats. 1850 :60 ; 1851: 178. b Stats. 1852 :236; 1853 :20 G Stats. 1855 :150, 77. d Stats. 1859 :98. Red Stats. 1917 1396 Solid blue Pol. Code (1919), §3957. For key to maps see page ix. £/ * UfW* SONOMA COUNTY. 523 "Expedientes, 1," 18-11-1844. A volume composed of twenty Spanish documents dealing with land grants on the "frontera del norte.'" The first of these relates to the grant of Saucelito to William Richardson, Oct. 15. 1S41. The last pertains to the Napa rancho, and is dated February S, 1S44. The documents are not arranged in strict chronological order, for there are a number dated in 1S45 and 1S46. Brands, Register of, 1843-1856, 1 v. The title on the first page of this book is "Book 1 of Alcalda Records." It is devoted mostly to brands, but it also contains other records. The earlier entries are all Spanish. The book is badly worn. Docket of the Justice's Court Sonoma, Aug. 5, 1846-April, 1847, 1 v. This is a small volume of 50 pages Si x 12* inches. 1 "First Book B of Deeds. &c, ? ' 1846-1847. This title is on the fly-leaf, there is no title on the cover. The first page is headed : "A — Transcript of land claims in the Military District of the post of Sonoma, N. California" with the later addition "Book, 'A,' Military land claims." The first entry is for the land claim of Samuel Kelsey. Aug. 12. 1816, before John H. Nash, J. P.; the last entry (p. 38) is the record of the brand of David Tinkey, dated Dec. 30, 1847. Alcalde Record, Apr. 27, 1847-September, 1849, 1 v., in the Clerk's office. "C, Deeds, C," 1847-1849, 1 v., indexed. This is a book of 301 pages containing many kinds of records. The first document recorded is a deed, Mark West to John Lewis, et al., Oct. 11, 1S47 ; the last a brand record dated July 12, 1849. Many of these records are in Spanish. "With the exception of the last two documents it has been copied in Liber A of Deeds, Transcribed Records. "Grants, Sonoma City, A," 1847-1849; "B," 1849-1850. On the inside the title appears, "Juzgada 1° de Sonoma — Libro de Expedientes de Solares. Alio de 1844," while on the first page of entries the title reads "Book A of Alcalda, Records of Sonoma City Lots." The first entry is for lot No. 53, granted by L. W. Boggs to Nicolas Carriger, under date of Nov. 3, 1847 ; the last entry is to lot 365, dated Jan. 12, 1S49. This is a book of printed forms. It is much worn but it has been repaired by mounting the worst worn pages on linen. The entries from this book (excepting pages 191-192) have been transcribed into Liber A of Deeds, Transcribed Records, 1-136. Vol. B is evidently a continuation from A. The first entry is a deed to James Gregson for lot No. 104, June 1, 1S49. The last entry is for lot No. 347, granted to John Griffith. Aug. 15, [1849]. On the reverse of the last page, entirely covered in the process of mounting and repairing, is a document dated Jan. 12, 1850. This volume has been copied into Liber A of Deeds, Transcribed Records of Sonoma Co., 137-215. T The value of the book may be judged to some extent bv the first entry which is here given in full as it appears on the records. "Post of Sonoma) X. California \ r. a. ) Aug 5th 1846 Xo 1 vs » Larceny Continued Loriena ' until the 6th inst. On a careful examination of this cause, it is considered by the Court that the evidence against the deft., has been fully sustained by the testimony. Therefore it is considered by the Court that there be inflicted without delay fifteen lashes by hard switches on' his bear back, well laid on, and then be discharged John H. Xash. JP The foregoing sentence is approved and Lieut. Sears is directed to have it car- ried into execution forthwith J. W. Revere Lt. US Navy Commanding at Sonoma Aug 6th 1S46. I do herebv certify that I have executed the above sentence J Sears 1 Lieu" 524 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. "D, Deeds, D," 1849-1850, 1 v., indexed. A volume of 197 pages, containing deeds, mortgages, brands, etc. The first entry is dated June 13, 1849 ; the last, May 17, 1850. A copy in Liber A of Deeds, Transcribed Records, 451-596. "E, Deeds, E," 1850-1853, 1 v. A volume of miscellaneous documents ; the first being a record of a Sheriff Sale, Jan. 12, 1850 ; the last a land claim record, June 20, 1853. Copied in full in Liber A of Deeds, Transcribed Records, 597-871. "F, Deeds, F," 1850-1851, 239 pp. Mostly, if not entirely, composed of deeds. The dates range from Oct. 11, 1850 to Dec. 3, 1851. A full copy is found in Liber B of Deeds, Transcribed Records, 2-287. "G, Mortgages, G," June 19, 1851-Nov. 20, 1854, 234 pp. Transcribed in Liber B of Deeds, Transcribed Records, 288-527. "H, Deeds, H," Nov. 17, 1851-Aug. 23, 1852, 238 pp. Transcribed in Liber B, Transcribed Records, 528-734. "K, Powers of Attorney, K" [1851] -1856. Contains all kinds of records. Powers of Attorney, Agreements,, etc. The first document is dated Apr. 22, 1840, the last, Sept. 3, 1856. The date of recording is not given. Transcribed in Liber B, Transcribed Records, 736-970. "Deeds. M," Aug. 30, 1852-Apr. 27, 1854. Transcribed in full in Deeds, Liber C, 1-415. "Deeds. N," Mav 1, 1854-Mav 19, 1856. "Deeds, B," Jan. 7. 1856-June 18, 1857. Pases 17-74 of this book are copied in Liber A of Deeds, Transcribed Records, 216-246. "Liber A of Deeds, Transcribed Records of Sonoma Co." This is one of three volumes into which many of the early records have been transcribed. Thev are not certified, and the headings of the various comnonent parts are not always adequate. The records tran- scribed in this volume are as follows: pages 1-136. Grants, Sonoma City. A. entered under the title "Book A of Alcalda Sonoma City." The last two pa^es of th° original are omitted. Pases 137—215, Grants, Sonoma City, B, under th* heading "Book B." Pages 216-246. Deeds. B. 1856—1857, under the title "2nd Book B." onlv pages 17-74 however being- given. Pages 248-450. Deeds, C. 1847-1849. as "Book C." The last two documents of the original are omitted in the transcript. Pas^s 451-596. Deeds. D, 1849-1850, as "Book D." Pages 597-871. Deeds, E, 1850 | -1853, as "Book E." At the end of the volume is the endorsement, "H. B. Martin for T. H. Pyatt, Co. Recorder." "Liber B of Deeds, Transcribed Records of Sonoma Co." A volume similar to Liber A just described. Here the reference to the original records is less explicit than in Liber A. Th Q transcribed docu- ments are as follows: pages 2-287. Deeds. F, 1850-1851 : pages 288-527. "Book G" of Mortgages, 1851-1852: pages 528-734, Deeds. H. 1851- 1852. as "Book H" : pages 736-970, Powers of Attorney, K., 1851-1S56, as "Book Xo. 1, K." Liber C of Deeds, Transcribed Records. The outside title is "Deeds, Liber C." -It is a full transcript of Deeds. M, 1852-1854. SONOMA COUNTY. 525 THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Calendar, October, 1857-October, 1862, 1 v. ; Equity Calendar, 1863-1876, 1 v., in basement. Decree Book, establishing and reinforcing a Lien, 186-4-1868, 1 v. (A), a form book. Docket Book, March, 1855-Dec. 18, 1880, 1 v. (A-D). Fee Book, October, 1857-October, 1859. File, old series. 1850-1863, 40 f.b., cases 1-1294; new series, 1863- 1880, 124 f.b., cases 1-2925. General Index, 1 v. Judgment Book, September, 1850-1855, 1 v., indexed; 1855-1879, 6 v. (B-G) ; Index, 1 v. ; Assignment of Judgments, November, 1855-Mav, 1860, 1 v. (A). Judgment Docket, 1851-1859, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Tax Judgments, July 29, 1862-Oct. 17, 1864, 1 v. (A). Jury Record, 1861-1879, 2 v. (A-B), in basement. Minutes, Oct. 27, 1857-1879, 5 v. (B-F). Register of Actions and Fee Book, June 1850-1879, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index to each; Tax Suits, April, 1864-December, 1871, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. (A). County Court, 1850-1879 Calendar, January, 1858-1878, 2 v. Docket, Jan. 5, 1858-Nov. 24, 1879, 2 v. (B-C). Fee Book, November, 1857-September, 1859, 1 v. File, 55 f.b. General Index, 2 v. (1). Judgment Book, January, 1858-1879, 2 v. (B-C). Judgment Docket, 1854^-1857, 1 v. (A). Minutes, Oct. 3, 1857-1879. 5 v. (C-H). Register of Actions, October, 1857-September, 1859, 1 v. ; Fee Book and Register of Actions, October, 1859-January, 1880, 3 v. (A-C). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Fee Book, 1857-1859, 1 v., in basement. Judgment Book, 1858-1859, 1 v. Minutes, October, 1859-1863, 2 v. Register, July, 1857-February, 1862, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Bonds of Administrators, 1897-date, 3 v. (2-4), 10 f.b., in vault; of Guardians on Qualifying, 1883-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; on Sale of Real Estate. 1885-date. 1 v. (1) ; 12 f.b., in vault; Miscellaneous Bonds. 1868-1906, 3 v. (C-D, 2) ; Surety Bonds, 1912-date, 1 v. (1) : General Index to Suretv Bonds, 1 v. Calendar, July, 1862-1880, 1 v.; 1880-1912, 13 v. (1-13). a See also Pre-statehood Records. 526 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Collateral Inheritance Tax Records, 1894-1901, 1 v.; 1905-1908, 3 v. Docket, July-October, 1857, 1 v. (2), in basement. Fee Books, Dec. 28, 1857-October, 1859. File, 1850-date, 500 f.b., cases 1-6625. Index, 1 v. Letters of Administration and Bonds, 1861-1870, 1 v. ; 1871-1884, 1 v., in basement; Letters of Administration, 1884-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, l'v. ; Letters of Administration with will annexed, 1884-date, 1 v. (1). Letters of Guardianship, 1870-date, 3 v. (A, 1-2). Letters Testamentary, 1872-date, 3 v. (A, 1-2). Minutes, May, 1850-1879, 15 v. (A-O) ; 1880-date, 56 v. (1-56). Probate Orders, "Record," Aug. 3, 1847-1854, 1 v. A note says : "The first six cases in this book are from the Alcalde Record and are all the probate minutes of record prior to Book A." Register of Actions, October, 1857-September, 1859, 1 v. (A) ; Register and Fee Book, 1847-1879, 4 v. (A-D) ; 1880-date, 12 v. (1-12). Wills, Record of, 1854-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; 18 f.b.; Index, 1 v. (1). Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar: Civil, 1880-1910, 17 v. (1-17); Criminal, 1880-1900, 8 v. (1-8) ; Civil and Criminal, 1900-1913, 5 v. (9-13). Execution Book, 1878-1903, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1879-1897, lv. (A). File: Civil, 1880-date, 1182 f.b., cases 1-10411; Criminal, 1896- date, 62 f.b., cases 1-976. General Index, 10 v. (1-5). Grand Jury Reports, 1852-date, 4 f.b. Inquests, 1856-date, 29 f.b. Insanity: Record of Commitments, 1881-1891, 1 v.; 1897-date, 3 v.; Intemperance, 1911-date, 1 v. (1) ; Minutes of Insanity, 1892-1897, 1 v. (2) ; 1903-1907, 1 v. (1) ; 1912-date, 1 v. (1) ; Intemperance, 1912-date, 1 v. (1) ; Register of Insane, 1903- date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Feeble-Minded, 1913-date, 1 v. (1) ; Insanity File, 10 f.b. ; Certificates of Discharge, 1904-date, 1 v. (1). Judgment Book, 1880-date, 22 v. (A-V). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 15 v. (A-O). Jury Fee Book, 1917-date, 1 v. (1). Jury Lists, 1876-date, 7 f.b. ; Grand Jurors, 1859-date, 4 f.b. Jury Record, 1879-1896, 3 v. (C-E), in basement; 1896-1906, 2 v. (F-G). Minutes: Civil, 1880-date, 26 v. (A-Z) ; Criminal, 1880-date, 14 v. (1-13, 13). Register of Actions, Civil and Criminal, 1880-1900, 16 v. (1-16) ; Criminal, 1896-date, 2 v. (17-18) ; Civil, 1901-date, 13* v.' (17-29). Superior Court, Juvenile File, 1909-date, 2 f.b. Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SONOMA COUNTY. 527 SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, List of orders drawn, Oct. 3, 1859-1869, 1 v., in basement ; Allowances, 1894-1902, 4 v. ; Claim reports, current, loose leaf; Indigent Allowances, 1909-1915, 1 v. (1). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, 1889-date, 1 v. Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1872-1908, 1 v. ; 1910-date, 1 v. File, 72 f.b. High School Districts, Minutes of, 1917-date, 1 v. Indigents, Record of, 1893, 1 v. Minutes, 1852-May, 1856, 1 v. ; September, 1857-date, 19 v. (3-21) ; Index, 1 v. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (A-B). Orphans Record, outside, 1900-1902, 1 v. Rights of "Way, Abstract of Deeds of, 1860-date, 3 v. (1-3). Road Book, No. 2, 1873-1876, 1 v. A description of Road Districts. Road Record, 1861-1868, 1 v. (A), with maps; January, 1873- August, 1906, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index to Roads, 1852-date, 2 v.; Index to Road District Minutes, 1898-1903, 5 v. (Districts 1-5). MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Correspondence record, current, one vertical file case. Day Book, 1873-1876, 1 v., in basement. Deputies, 1902-date, 4 f.b. Docked Horses, 1907, 1 v. (1) ; 1 f.b. Fee Books, 1874-1885, 1 v.; 1885-date, 13 v. (1-13). Vols. 2, 3, 6 and 7 are in the basement. Journal, 1859-1872, 1 v., in basement. Land Register Docket (Torrens Act), 1915, 1 v., only one entry. Military Rolls, 1876, 1882, 1885, 1887, 1890, in basement. Miscellaneous papers, Index to, 1911-date, 1 v. Pound District Record, 1915-date, 1 v. (A). Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1851-1875, 2 f.b.; Record, 1879-1906, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1852-1890, 1 v. Naturalization Record, County Court, 1873-1892, 1 v.; District Court, 1873-1895, 1 v.; Index, 1856-1889, 1 v.; Naturalization of Minors, 1888-1903, 1 v. (1) ; Naturalization Record, 1893- 1906, 2 v.; Petition and Record, 1907-clate, 3 v. (1-3). Registration Affidavits of Registration, current, 10 vertical files. Great Register, 1866-1906, 16 v. (1-10) ; Printed, 1883-1888, 1 v., in basement. Registration Deputies' Accounts, 1912-date, 2 v. (1-2). 528 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Elections Election Papers, 13 f.b. Nomination, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Licenses: Record, 1865-1867, 1 v. ; Applications for, 1870- 1884, 2 v.; Stub-books, 1896-1904, 7 v. (1-7) ; 1907-1909, 3 v.; Affidavits, 1884-1894, 3 v. ; 1894-date, 10 v. Dental Certificates, 1885-date, 2 v. (1-2). Medical Certificates, 1876-date, 4 v. (1-4). Optometrists, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. (1). Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1853-date, 13 f.b.; Index, 1 v. (1). Bond and Surety Companies, Index, 1 v. (1). Co-partnership, Certificates of, 1874-date, 4 f.b. ; Register of Part- nership, 1874-date, 1 v. (1). Fictitious Names, Register of, 1 v. Private account books, 1854-date, about a dozen volumes in the basement. Relating to Other Officers Auditor's Reports, 1873-1901, 3 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1851-1891, 6 f.b.; 1859-1869, 1 v. (B). Humane Officers, Record of, 1 v. (1). Officers and Deputies, 1851-1899, 8 f.b. THE RECORDER 1 Applications for State Lands, Index, 1864-1868, 1 v. Assignment of Mortgages and Leases, 1856-date, 19 v. (A-S) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Attachments, 1858-date, 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Banking Statements, 1876-1893: Assets, 1 v.; Capital, 1 v. Births, Record of, May-October, 1859, 1 v.; 1872-1882, 1 v. (1) ; 1885- 1903, 1 v. (2) ; 1905-1907, 1 v. (3) ; 1907-1915, filed but not recorded; 1915-clate, 1 v. (4), certificates. Bonds and Agreements, 1857-date, 19 v. (A-S) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Brands, Register of, 1850-date, 2 v. (A-B). Vol. A is a transcript of brand entries in the earlier records. See Brands under P re-statehood and other early records. Building Contracts, 150 drawers. This cabinet also contains a number of original maps, copies of which have been placed in the map books. Certificates of Sale by Sheriff, April, 1856-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, lv. (1). Deaths, Record of, 1873-1905, 4 v. (1-4) ; 1905-1915, filed but not recorded; 1915-date, 2 v. (5-6). x See also Pre-statehood Records. SONOMA COUNTY. 529 Decrees of Distribution, 1891-date. 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Deeds, 1856-date, 349 v. (7-356) ; Index, 64 v. (1-32). For deeds before 1S5G, see Pre-statehood and other early records. Divorces, 1859-1898, 1 v. An index rather than a record. Entries refer to various volumes of Deeds, where decrees are recorded. Documents filed but not recorded, Index, 1892-date, 1 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 5 v. (1-5); Committees' Statements, 1894-1908, 1 v. (1) ; Treasurers' Statements, 1908-1912, 1 v. (2). Estravs, 1856-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Fee Book, 1906-date, 7 v. (19-26). Homesteads, Register of, 1860-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3) ; Abandonment of, 1861-date, 3 v. (1-2, C) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcripts of. District Court, 1854-1894, 1 v. (S) ; Justice Courts, 1854-date, 3 v. (P-R) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Leases, 1856-date, 14 v. (A-N) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Letters Testamentary, Record of Filing, 1859-1860, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1856-date, 8 v. (A-H) ; Index, 6 v. (1-6). Maps: Bound map books, 1854-date, 33 v. (1-33) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Mounted maps: Map of Petaluma (Jaspar O'Farrell), 1848; Peta- luma (Stratton), 1865; Petaluma, 1880; Petaluma Rancho, 1860. Marks and Brands, 1856-date, 1 v. (B) ; Index, 1 v. (1). For record of brands before 1856' see Brands. Marriages, Record of. May, 1850-date, 35 v. (A-Z, 1-9) ; Index, 14 v. (1-7). Vol. A covers dates to 1S64 and is the full record of the marriages. On an extra leaf later inserted is the record of four marriages at Sonoma, 1S46-1847, one of them signed by Mcintosh, the others by Nash, as Justices of the Peace. The later volumes give the full certifi- cate and license. Marriages, Register of, 1858-1860, 1 v. ; 1883, 1 v. (1) ; 1905-1907, 1 v. ; 1907-1915, filed but not recorded. Mechanics Liens. 1857-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Mining Claims, 1915-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Earlier entries recorded in Promiscuous Records. Miscellany, see Promiscuous Records. Mortgages, November, 1854-date, 290 v. (A-Z, 1-264) ; Index, 28 v. (1-14) ; Chattel. 1851-date, 36 v. (A-Z, 1-10) ; Index, 6 v. (1-3). See also Pre-statehood and other early records, especially, "G, Mortgage? G." Official Bonds, 1873-date. 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Patents, "Land Patents," 1858-clate, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 3 v. (A, 1-2) Physicians. Undertakers, etc., 1915-date, 1 v. (1). Powers of Attorney, 1856-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index, 1 v. (1). See Pre-statehood and other early Records especially, "K, Powers of Attorney, K." Pre-emptions, Possessory Claims, 1853-1859, 2 v. (O-P) • 1859-1878 2v. (3-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Probate Orders, 1858-date, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 1 v. (1). These are orders for sale of real estate. 35—41210 530 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Promiscuous Records, 1857-date, 12 v. (B-M) ; Iudex, 4 v. (1-4). Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1855-date, 42 v. (A-Z, 1-16) ; Index, 26 v. (1-13). Residence, Index to Certificates of, 1 v. (1). School Land Warrants, 1852-1857, 1 v., "Sonoma Co. Records, L"; 1857-1859, 1 v. (M) ; 1859-1867, 1 v. (A). Separate Property of Wives, 1851-date, 2 v. (I-J). Sheriffs Deeds, Dec. 17, 1852-Nov. 7, 1859, 1 v. (N). Sole Traders Declarations, 1862-1909, 1 v. (1). Special or Co-partnerships, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Stallion Register, 1 v. (1). Swamp Land Reclamation, 1873-1883', 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1855-1863, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds, 1894-date, 4 v. (1-4). Tax Sales, 1857-1861, 1 v. (A) ; 1882-1903, 10 v. (3-12) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3) ; Sales to State, 1903-1910, 10 v. (13-22). Tax Judgments, Index to, 1862-1866, 1 v. Wills, Record of, 1883-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1865-date, 39 v. The report for 1904-1905 was found in the basement. Apportionment of Funds, 1876-1897, 2 v. ; Balance Sheets, 1898-1905. For 1858-1859 see Board of Education. Board of Education, 1887-date, 3 v. ; Record of Regular Meetings of County Board of Examinations, 1865-1867, 1 v. The record of examinations really begins on page 117 with July, I860. The book also contains record of apportionments, 1858-1859, and Register of School Warrants, 1858-1859. Census Marshal's Field Notes, 1909-1910, in basement; Reports, 1859- 1860, 1 v. Certificates, Applications for, 1898-date, 1 v. ; Register of, 1880-date, 1 v. Communications received from School Districts, 180 f.b. Examinations, Seventh Grade, 1904-1912, 1 v.; Applications for Diplomas (pupils), 1889-1906, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1892-date, 2 v. Letters sent, press copies, 1899-1905 ; current, 4 vertical letter files. Official Visits, 1882, 1 v. "Records of 1857," 1 v. Contains teachers' reports, etc. Requisitions, Register of, 1880-1891, 3 v. ; 1894-1906, 5 v. School District Accounts, 1860-1870, 2 v.; 1871-1884 5 v (A-E) • 1911-1914, 1 v. " School District Boundaries, 1895, 1904-date, 2 v. The volume for 1895 contains also the trustees' register for 1895-1898. School District Record, 1898-date, 3 v. Includes reports of teachers and trustees, record of opening and closing of schools, etc. SONOMA COUNTY. 531 School Library Record, 1870-1873, 2 v. ; Accounts, 1870-1874, 2 v. Sonoma County Teachers' Reading Circle, Minutes, Sept, 3-Oct. 2, 1886, 1 v. Teachers' Examinations, 1876-date, 2 v. Teachers' Library Record, 1893-1899, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1858-1859, 1 v. A very full record showing names of pupils, subjects taught, books used, etc. Trustees, Register of, 1868-1882, 1 v. For the years 1895-1898 see under School District Boundaries ; since 189S in School District Record. Trustees' Reports, 1858-1861, 1 v. Contains very good reports. Warrant Register, 1873-1880, 1 v. ; State, County and Library Funds, 1884-1896, 6 v. ; 1896-1911, 13 v.'(C-O) ; 1911-date, 2 v. For 1858-1859 see above under Board of Education. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, County Orders, 1887, 1 v. ; General Fund, 1859-1867, 1 v. ; Indigent Fund, 1891-1897, 1 v. ; School Fund, 1893-1901, 2 v., all in basement ; General Fund, 1893-1897, 1 v. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1851-date, 271 v.; Petaluma Township, 1859-1860, 1 v.; Sonoma Township, 1867, 1 v., in basement; Court House School District, 1878-1890, 13 v., in Recorder's office. The original assessment roll for 1851-1852 is of much interest in that it gives a list of all taxpayers, with a detailed account of the number of acres, values of land, improvements, personal property, etc. In the front are 31 pages containing the signatures of 190 property owners who have subscribed to the oath (which is given in full) regarding ownership of property. Index, 1887-1907, in basement ; 1907-date, 1 v. for each year. Duplicate, 1861-1862, 1 v. ; 1872-1874, 2 v., in basement. Delinquent, 1864-date, 41 v. Bond Record, current, 1 v. ; Register of School Bonds, 1912-1915, 1 v. Cash Book, 1882-1883, 1 v., 1888-1890, 2 v., 1893, 1 v., all in basement. County Orders Issued, May, 1862-1869, 1 v., in basement. Day Book, 1866-1873, 2 v., in basement. Disbursements, 1914^date, 2 v. Journal. 1861-1889, 1 v., in basement; 1900-1901, 1 v., in basement; 1903-1907, 1 v. Ledger, County Funds, 1878-1884, 2 v., in basement; 1885-1891, 1 v. (B), in Recorder's office; 1891-1901, 1 v. (C), in basement; 1901- date, 1 v. License Book, 1886, 1 v., in basement. Licenses, 1868-1877. 2 v. (B-C), in basement. Poll Tax Roll, 1877, 1881-1886, 1888, 1890-1891, 1893-1900, 1902, 1904, 1907, all in basement; 1906, 1911. Recorder's Fee Book, January-October, 1857, 1 v.; also vols. 1-16, in basement; 1902-1906, 2 v. (17-18). 532 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Redemption, Record of, current, 1 v. Road Tax Record, 1866, 1 v. (A), in basement. School District Accounts, 1883-1885, 1 v. ; 1860-1888, 2 v., in basement, labeled "Day Book," "Journal." State Lands, Receipts of County Treasurer on Account of, 1903-date, 1 v. Statistical Record, 1916-date, 2 v. Tax Sales, Record of, 1872-1894, 1 v., in basement. Warrants, Register of, 1869-1873, 1 v.; 1896, 1 v. (1) ; 1898, 1 v. (3) ; 1898-1899, 1 v. (5) ; State School Funds, 1882-1883, 1 v.; 1899-1901, 1 v. (1) ; County School Fund, 1880-1883, 2 v.; 1899-1901, 1 v. (1) ; Special School Fund, 1899-1901, 1 v. (1) ; Library Fund, 1882-1883, 1 v. ; Indigent Fund, 1899-1905, 1 v. (1) • 1909-1915, 1 v. ; Road Fund, 1899-1908, 1 v.; General Fund, 1899-1904, 1 v. (1) ; 1909-1915, 2 v.; Miscellaneous, 1899-1905, 1 v. (1). Warrants on file: General, 1914-date, 11 f .b. ; Others, 1913-date, 10 f.b. Warrants issued by Auditor, 1876-1880, 1 v. ; Returned by Treasurer, 1873-1876, 1 v. (1), both in basement. Warrants Redeemed, February-October, 1855 ; Orders Redeemed, 1859, 1 v., in basement; County Orders Redeemed, 1875-1891, 2 v. (2-3),' in basement. THE TREASURER Account with Clerk, 1858-1859, 1 v., in basement. Allowance Book : Orders on Salary Fund, 1909-date, 1 v. ; General Fund, 1898-date, 6 v. ; on School Funds Applied, 1906-date, 5 v.; Road Funds, 1895-1898, 1 v. ; 1903-1914, 3 v. Bonds, Book and Coupons, canceled, 6 v. Bond Ledger, 1880-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1861-1886, 5 v. (A-E) ; 1886-1888, 1 v. (F), in basement; 1898-date, 3 v. Deposit Register, "Loan Book," 1907-date, 1 v. Estates of Deceased Persons, 1880-date, 2 v. Gopher Bounty, orders for Rebate, 1906-date, 1 v. Journal, 1890-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1861-1885, 1 v. ; 1886-1896, 2 v. (1-2), in basement; 1896-1913, 2 v. ; 1915-date, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 2 v. School District Ledger, 1880-1886, 2 v., in basement; 1887-1889, 2 v.; 1890-1902, 4 v., in basement. Tax Sales Redemption, 1893-date, 2 v. Warrants, Register of, 1910-date, 1 v. ; General Fund and Courts, 1912- date, 2 v. ; State School Fund, 1906-1909, 1 v. ; Indigent Fund, 1898- date, 6 v. ; Road Fund, 1915-date, 2 v. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Mortgages, 1881, 1888, 1896-1907, 14 v. Assessment Statements, 1915-date. Assessor's Great Register, 1896, 1 v., in basement. Similar in form to Clerk's Great Register. SONOMA COUNTY. 533 Field Books, 19Q1, 1 box, in basement. Maps: Block Books : Healdsburg, 1912-date ; Petaluma, 1914-date ; Santa Rosa, 1910-date; Sebastopol, 1914^date. Maps on sliding boards, 120 maps by townships and cities. Subdivision Books, current, 5 v., showing ranchos and resorts. Poll Tax Roll, 1876-1877, 1 v., in basement. Property Ownership Books, 1895-date, about 150 v. These are kept by township and range in ledger form showing ownership and transfer of land. Each volume is indexed. Transfer Books. 1893-1895, 3 ! v., in basement; Transcript of Transfers, 1895, 1899, 1900-1906, 17 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 10 v. Cash Book, 1881, 1 v., in basement; 1907-date, 2 v. License Cash Book, 1874-1883, 1 v., in basement. License Ledger, 1907-date, 1 v. Taxes Collected, Office Record of, 1877-1880, 3 v., in basement. Tax receipt stubs, 1905-date, 2 cabinets. Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1895, 3 v. (1-3) ; Abstract of Property sold to state, 1897, 1 v., in basement; Statement of property sold for taxes, 1895-date, 1 v. 5o4 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. STANISLAUS COUNTY INTRODUCTION On April 5. 1854, an act was approved creating Stanislaus County out of territory which had previously been a part of Tuolumne. To this original area was added, in 1860, the triangular-shaped portion north of the Stanislaus River. This had hitherto been a part of San Joaquin County. In 1866 a modification was made in the southern boundary whereby a considerable portion of the southwestern part of the county was detached from Stanislaus and given to Merced County. At the next session of the legislature this area was restored to Stanislaus County, the earlier boundary being reaffirmed. The county seat, during the earlier years, was subject to frequent changes, it having been located in four other places before it was established at Modesto in 1872. At the first election Adamsville was selected as county seat. This town had started in 1849, but since it did not yet have many buildings, it is said the first court was held "out of doors under a large tree." Within a few months a second election was called and the county seat moved to Empire City. This place retained the local capital from November, 1854, to 1856, when the honor was passed on to La Grange. In 1862 Knights Ferry was made county seat and so remained until 1872, when it was moved to Modesto. The present courthouse, which was constructed in 1872, stands alone in the center of a city block. It is built of brick with an outer surface of concrete. The interior supports are of wood. It probably would be safe from outside fires, but the amount of wood in the interior con- struction and furnishings prevents it being considered fireproof from within. Vaults are provided for the Clerk and Treasurer. The latter official keeps about one-half of his records in the vault, but a very small part of the Clerk's records were kept in the vault. The building is lighted by electricity and heated, for the most part, by steam heat; this, however, was supplemented in the Clerk's office by a wood stove. The examination was made in March, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court.. 1854-1879 Calendar, 1868-1879, 1 v. File of District and County Courts, 1854-1879, 50 f.b., cases 1-1286. General Index, 1854-1879, 1 v. ; Civil, 1855-1879, 1 v. ; Tax Suits, 1 v. Stanislaus County. Solid blue Stats. 1854 :40 ; 1855 :245. a Stats. 1860:34. b Stats. 1865-6:172. o Stats. 1867-8:56; Pol. Code (1872), §3933. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3958. For key to maps see page ix. ,/ s^Uvt/n.abft \¥ * c >M ■ ,(2781) STANISLAUS COUNTY. 535 Judgment Book, 1854-1879, 3 v. (1-3). Minutes, 1854-1879, 1 v. (1-1). Register of Actions. 1861-1879, 4 v. (2-5) ; Tax Suit, 1868-1872, 1 v. [Tax] Decree Record, 1865-1872, 1 v. (A). County Court, 1854-1879 Calendar, 1852-1869, 1 v. File, see District Court. Judgment Book, 1854-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1874-1877, 1 v. ; Insolvency, 1878-1879, 1 v. Court of Sessions, 1854-1863 Minutes, 1854-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1854-date Calendar, 1903-1906, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1894-date, 3 v. File: 1854-1880, 15 f.b., cases lj-156i; 1880-date, 152 f.b., cases 1-1933. Index, 1854-date, 1 v. Letters Probate, 1879-date, 2 v. (1-2) . Letters Testamentary, etc., "Probate Court Record," 1873-1887, 1 v. Minutes and Orders, 1872-1879, 3 v. (1-3) ; 1880-date, 19 v. (1-19). Probate Bonds, 1878-date, 7 v. Record, 1866-1875, 2 v. Register of Actions, 1875-1879, 1 v.; 1880-date, 4 v. (1-4). Wills, 1872-date. 3 v. (1-3). Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar, Law and Motion, 1880-1909, 4 v. (1-2, 2-3) ; 1909-date, loose leaf; Trial, 1880-1899, 2 v.; 1902-1913, 1 v. Coroner's Inquest, 9 f.b., cases 1-400; Index to Jury Inquisitions, 1900-date, 1 v. Execution Book, 1913-date, 1 v. Execution Docket, 1880-1883, 1 v. File: Civil. 276 f.b., cases 1-5003; Criminal, 63 f.b., cases 1-1039; Attachments, 3 f.b. ; Divorces, 5 f.b. General Index : Civil, 1880-date, 6 v. ; Criminal. 1860-date, 1 v. Insanity: Record of Commitments, 1886-1901, 2 v. (A, 2), 4 f.b.; Record, 1903-date. 2 v. ; Judgments and Orders, 1903-date, 2 v. ; Index, 1893-date, 1 v. ; Certificates of Discharge from State Hospitals. 1903-date. 1 v. Intemperance, Commitments for, 1911-clate, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). Judgments, Civil and Criminal, 1880-date, 8 v. (1-8). Jury Book, 1885-date. 2 v. Minutes and Orders. 1880-date, 23 v. (1-23) ; Foreclosure, 1879- 1913. 2 v. (1-2) ; Commissioner's Decree of Foreclosure, 1896- clate. 2 v. (3-4). 536 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Register of Actions: Civil, 1880-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Criminal, 1880- date, 2 v. (l-2)._ Reporters' transcripts filed with case papers. "Witness Fees, 1896, 1 v. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 3 f.b., cases 1-186. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Orders and Findings, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1), cases 1-186. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1876-date, 8 v. (1-8). Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, 1890-1909, 1 v. Equalization, Minutes of Board of, 1875-date, 1 v. File, 81 f.b. Franchise Book, 1893-date, 1 v. Minutes : Court of Sessions, 1854-1855 ; Board of Supervisors, 1855- date, 18 v. (1-18) ; Index, 4 v.; Board of Canvassers, 1878-date, 1 v. The minutes of the Court of Sessions, 1854-1855. are in vol. 1 of Super- visors' Minutes. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. Plans and Specifications, 5 drawers. Prices Offered for County Supplies, 1885-1893, 1899, 1907, 3 v. Road Record, 1854-1871 ; Record of Public Highways, 1862-1872, 1876-1880. Typewritten records of all roads. Road Register, 1883-date, 2 v. (1-2). Saloon License, Applications Received, 1903-1904. School District Boundaries, Record of, n.d. [1890?], 1 v.; Index, 1864-date, 1 v. Sonora and Mono Road Commissioners, Record of Proceedings, 1864-1867, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Dock-tailed Horses, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. (1). Fee Books, 1891-date, 5 v. Hunting License Applications, Records and stub-books, a large number, many in attic above vault. Map of Alameda County, 1874, a large wall map. Military Roll, 1895-1915, 20 v. Poll Tax List, 1903-1914, 1 v. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, 1877-1906, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index 1854- 1877, 1 v.; 1906-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1854-date, 1 v. Naturalization : Acts of, County Court, 1869-1879, 1 v. (A) ; 1869- 1906, 5 v. (A-E) ; 1906-1900, 1 v. (1) ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 4 v. (1-4). STANISLAUS COUNTY. 537 Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1854-1906, 1 v. ; Index of Petitions for Naturalization, 1871-date, 1 v. (1). Registration and Election Affidavits of Registration, recent. Great Register, 1866-1908, 14 v. Nomination, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. Precinct Maps, current, on wall. Verification Deputies' Record, 1910-date, 2 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License, stub-books, 1875-1907, 8 v. (A-H) ; Affidavits, 1907-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1875-date, 1 v. Dentists, Register of, 1903-date, 2 v. (1-2). Medical Licenses, 1876-date, 2 v. (1-2). Optometrists, Registered, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Registered, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 8 f.b., Nos. 1-650; Index, 1887-1913, 4 v. (1-4). The index is really a register as it contains practically all the information on the certificates. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1894-date, 1 v. Fictitious Names, Register of Firms, 1911-date, 1 v. Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. ; Certificates, 1908-date, 1 f.b. Private account books : Ledger of John G. Marvin, 1849-?, 1 v. Record of First Cong. Church, 1887-1895, 2 v. Billy H. Consolidated Mining Co., 2 v. Ceres Board of Trade, Record of, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers. 1850-date, 7 f.b. ; Index, 1909-date, 1 v. THE RECORDER Assignment of Mortgages and Leases, 1874-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Attachments, 1855-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1896, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v.; Capital, 1876-1896, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Births, Record of, 1874-date, 6 v. (1-6). Burial Permits, 1889-date, 3 v. (1-3). Certificates of Sale, 1866-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 3 v. Deaths, Register of, 1873-date, 3 v. (1-3). Deeds, 1854-date, 227 v. (1-227) ; Index, 12 v. (1-6). Special volumes for trust deed, deeds of reconveyance, etc. 538 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deeds of Trust: Index, 4 v. (1-2) ; Assignments, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Election Expenses, Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 5 v. (1-4, 4) ; Index, 1 v. Estrays, 1 v. (1). Executions, 1871-date, 1 v. (1). Fee Books, 1885-date, 20 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcript of, 1875-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Leases, 1870-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1). Lis Pendens, 1875-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Maps and Plats, 8 v. (1-8) ; Record of Surveys, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1854-date, 3 v. (1-2), 1 drawer; Index, 1 v. Marriages, Eecord of, 1854-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Register, 1905-date, 3 v. (x, 2-3). Mechanics Liens, 1854-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Miscellany, 1854-date, 17 v. (1-17) ; Index, 4 v. (1-2). Mortgages, 1854-date, 105 v. (1-105) ; Index, 12 v. (1-6) ; Chattel Mortgages, 1868-date, 52 v. (1-52) ; Index, 2 v. Newspapers (in a small loft above the Clerk's vault) : Modesto, Stanislaus County News, Dec. 2, 1870-Dec. 8, 1871, July- September, 1876, 2 v. Tuolumne City, News, March 13, 1868-Nov. 25, 1870, 1 v. Sacramento, Reporter, Apr. 16, 1870-January, 1872, 3 v. Official Bonds, 1855-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Patents, 1858-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Plans and Specifications, 1 drawer. Powers of Attorney, 1854-date, 3 v. (1-3). Pre-emption Claims, 1854-1873, 1 v. (1) ; 1875-date, 1 v. Vol. 1 is "Possessory Claims ;" this is also used for Water Rights. Reclamation District, Petition for, 1895-date, 1 v. (1). Releases of Mortgages, 1869-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 10 v. (1-5). Separate Property of Married Women, 1875-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Squirrel Record, 1877, 1 v. (1). Stallion Register, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1855-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Tax Deeds, Irrigation Districts, 1889-1902, 1 v. (1). Tax Sale, Certificate of, 1873-date, 8 v. (1-8). Wills, 1911-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1888-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1914-date, 1 drawer. Also contains partial file of previous copies. The amounts are posted in warrant register. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 3 v. Census Marshal's Field Notes and Reports, 1908-1909, stored in box. Certificate Books, stubs, 1 drawer. Certificates, Applications for, 1909-1913 and scattering dates. Communications received, 1 filing case. Three sections, one each for communications from auditor, district clerks, and general. STANISLAUS COUNTY. 539 Courses of Study, 1891, 1892, 1900, 1905, 1909, 1912, one copy each. Fee Books, 1890-date, 1 v. Grading of Schools. 1910-date. Record shown in annual county directories on file for these dates. Institutes, Minutes of, 1903-date, 1 v. Journal of Superintendent of Schools, 1859-1871, 1 v. ; March 7, 1870- 1872, 1 v., in Clerk's office. These records, especially the volume 1859-1S71, contain much information. The volume for 1870-1872. has also the record of examinations 1876- 1S77 and the School District Record. The first pages in the earlier volume were used as a docket by E. S. Marvin, Justice of the Peace, 1853-1856. Requisitions. Register of, 1874-date, 16 v. Requisitions stub-books, 1911-March 1, 1916. Since then the receipt is kept in warrant register. School District Boundaries, 1890, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v., loose leaf. Index is to Minutes of Supervisors and shows changes since 18.90. School District Maps. One large map of all Districts. File of individual District Maps partly completed. School library books, Record of, 1 v. Record of books adopted by County Board of Education for school libraries. Teachers' Employment Record, 1912-date, file. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1887-date, 2 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1 drawer. Lists each year on file. Teachers' Reports, 1900-1915. Trustees, Register of, 1908-date, 1 v. Trustees' Reports, 1 file. Reports during present administration. Warrant Register, 1874-date, 16 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls, 1860-date, 237 v., early dates scattering. Bond Register, 1915-date, 1 v., loose leal Journal. ?-1914, 7 v. (2, 4-9). Ledger, 1857-1858, 1 v.; 1889-1912, 8 v. (3-10). The volume for 1857-58 is labeled "Deeds." Orphans and Half-orphans on State aid, 1904-date, 1 v. School District Funds, 1908-1913, 2 v. (2-3). Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1884, 2 v. ; City property : Modesto, 1887- date, 1 v. (1). with index; Xewman, 1910-date, 1 v. (1), with index; Oakdale, 1908-date. 1 v. (1), with index; Turlock, 1909-date, 1 v., with index; Irrigation Districts: Modesto, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2), with index; Oakdale, 1911-date, 1 v. (1), with index; Turlock, 1889-date, 2 v. (1-2), with index. Warrants. Register of, 1854-1865, 1 v.; "Registered warrants," 1870- 1896, 11 v. ; 1901-1912, 5 v., scattering dates. Current record is kept in stub-books for various funds. 540 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Account Book, 1856-1864, 2 v. Bond Record : Courthouse, 1872, 1 v. ; School and Road, 1882-date, 3 v. Cash Book, 1857-1877, 1880-1887, 1897-date, 8 v. Deposit Register, 1910-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1905-date, 2 v. Ledger, 1856-1872, 1883-date, 14 v. ; Ledger of Estates, 1891, 1 v. Monthly Reports, 1886-1898, 4 v. Poll Tax Book, 1864-1887, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. School District Funds, 12 v. (1-12). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1855-1862, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1870-date, 17 v. Warrants, Registered, 1868-1884, 1889-1897, 3 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1896-date, 275 v. Older ones are stored away. Maps and Plats, current, 10 v. ; Block Books, current, 9 v. ; Discarded maps, 4 v. ; U. S. Government Surveys, 1 v. The last volume is made up of certified drafts made from the U. S. Land Office Plat Books. Maps of Stanislaus County, 1877, 1895, 1906, 1912, showing ranches, towns, etc. ; School District Map, 1916. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1889-, 16 v., in Auditor's office. Real Estate Transfers, 1911-date, 8 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, Migratory Stock, 1874-1881, 1 v.; Modesto, 1880- 1886, 5 v. Cash Book, 1910, 1914, 2 v. Delinquent Tax Cash Book, 1874-1881, 1 v. ^»-«*Av©iav Sutter County. Solid blue Stats. 1850:62. a Stats. 1851:176. b Stats. 1852:237. c Stats. 1854:26. d Stats. 1856:231 ; 1863-4:301 e Stats. 1865-6 :223. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3959. For key to maps see page ix. SUTTER COUNTY. 541 SUTTER COUNTY INTRODUCTION Sutter was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850. At that time it included the southwestern portion of the later created Placer County and a piece of territory along the west which now belongs to Colusa County. Territorial changes — subtrac- tions or additions — were made in 1851, 1852, 1854, 1856 and 1866, before the boundaries were finally fixed in their present location. The law creating the county located the county seat at Oro, but that place had no suitable buildings, so the Court of Sessions at its first meeting decreed that the seat of government should be at Nicolaus until proper buildings were available at Oro. Early in 1851 the county seat was moved to Auburn, but in that year Auburn became the county seat of the newly created county of Placer. Vernon then became the seat of government for Sutter County and so continued for about a year, when Nicolaus again obtained the coveted prize and retained it for two years. In the fall of 1854 a contested election seems — the records are very obscure — to have given the county seat to Yuba City for a few months, but later, on a final decision, returned it to Nicolaus. In 1856, however, an election was held, under authorization of the legislature, in which Yuba City was, by a large majority, selected as the seat of government for the county, and it has so continued to the present day. The first permanent courthouse was erected in 1858 and continued in use until 1871, when it was destroyed by fire. A new and better building was completed in 1812, but this also was almost completely destroyed by fire in 1899. It was rebuilt, however, and is still in use. The building has brick walls, but the floors and much of the interior finish is of wood, and it can not be considered fireproof. All of the offices except those of the Clerk and Auditor-Recorder are in this building. There is also a storeroom in which are stored some of the older records. Besides those listed as in the storeroom, a number of others, found there, were removed to the Hall of Records. The Hall of Records was completed in 1892. It is constructed of brick and stone, with a concrete floor and iron doors. It consists of a main office, where the records are kept, and two smaller offices on either side of the entrance. The fixtures are of metal and of the type usually found in such buildings. The courthouse and Hall of Records are well isolated from other buildings, occupying half of a large block, and surrounded on all sides 542 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. by extensive lawns. Electric lights and wood or coal stoves are used in both buildings. The courthouse is also piped for gas, and this is used for light in the storeroom and for heat in some other parts of the building. The records of the county were examined in February, 1917. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS "Records of Gilbert A. Grant, Sub-Alcalde at Vernon, Sacramento District, A.D., 1849-1850." In Recorder's Archives, Book A of Mortgages. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Calendar, 1857-1866, 1 v., in storeroom. Docket, 1850-1857, 1 v., in storeroom. Execution Docket, 1850-1857, 1 v., in storeroom. Fee Book, 1850-1864, 3 v., in storeroom. File, 1871-1879, 17 f.b., cases 1-363; Miscellaneous cases, 1 f.b.; Judgment rolls and other papers, 1850-1860, 15 p.h., in store- room ; Case No. 222, 1 v., in storeroom. General Index, 2 v. Judgment Book, August, 1850-1879, 3 v. (B-D) ; Index, 2 v. (B,D). Judgment Docket, 1851-1879, 2 v. (x, B). Minutes, 1850-1858, 1872-1879, 3 v. (A-B, A). Vol. B is called "Record." Register, 1872-1879, 1 v. (1) ; Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1871-1879, 1 v. County Court, 1850-1879 Calendar, 1872-1879, 1 v. File, 1871-1879, 5 f.b., cases 1-99. Judgment Book, 1857-1879, 2 v. (A, A) ; Index, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1857-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Vol. A is in the storeroom. Minutes, 1850-1860, 1872-1879, 2 v. (x, A). The first volume has also declarations of intention for the years 1850- 1853. Register, 1871-1879, 1 v. (1) ; Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1871-1879, 1 v. (A). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Docket, 1850-1858, 1 v., in storeroom. Minutes, 1850-1863, 3 v. The first two volumes contain both Criminal and County Business until 1855 ; but there are no entries for Criminal Business for the follow- ing periods: March, 1851, to March, 1852, and July, 1853, to January, 1854. Whether this is due to a lack of business is not apparent. SUTTER COUNTY. 543 Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Bonds and Letters, 1872-date, 5 v. (A-E). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1896, 1905-1907, 2 v. The first volume has only one entry. File. 1871-1880, 18 f.b., cases 1-222; 1880-date, 90 f.b., cases 1-951. Index. 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). Inventory Book. 1888. 1 v. Minutes, 1872-1879, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Orders and Decrees, 1880-date. 9 v. (1-9). Register of Actions, 1872-date, 5 v. (1, 1-4) ; Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1872-1879, 1 v. (A). Wills, Record of. 1856-date, 3 v. (A-C). Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys. Roll of, 1880-1901, 1 v. Calendar, n.d., 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, 2 f.b. File, 94 f.b., cases 1-1774. General Index, 2 v. Grand Jury Reports. 1892-date, 1 f.b. Insane. Record of, 1897-1901, 1 v. ; Record of Commitments of, 1902-1904, 1 v. ; Commitment Book, 1904-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Cases of Insanity. 1872-date, 1 f.b. [Intemperance] Commitment Book, 1913-date, 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Judgments, 1880-date, 4 v. (1-4). Jury Book. 1872-date, 3 v. Minutes and Orders. 1880-date, 6 v. (1-6). Register of Actions, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1910-date File. 1 f.b.. cases 1-13. Minutes. 1910-date, 1 v. (1). Record. 1910-date. 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1872-1878, 1 v., in storeroom; 1885-1887, 1 v. (1). Burial of Ex-Fnion Soldiers, etc., 1895-date, 1 v. Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1872-date, 2 v. (A-B). Field Notes of Public Surveys, prior to 1871, 1 v. Certified transcripts of township, boundary and subdivision lines. File. 1872-date, 73 f.b. ; Miscellaneous, about 50 f.b. Minutes: Court of Sessions, 1850-1855, see under Court Records; Board of Supervisors. 1855-date, 10 v. (A-J) ; Index, 10 v. Ordinance Book. 1883-date, 1 v. (A). Orphans and Half-orphans supported entirely by Sutter County outside of Hospital or Home, 1898-1904, 1 v. Road Book. 1851-1886, 2 v. Maps of surveys, actions of Board of Supervisors, description of roads, etc. 544 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Docked Horses, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v., only one entry. Fee Book, 1915-date, 1 v. Hunting License : Applications, 1913-1916, several bdls., filed ; County Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v. Maps : Large box containing about two dozen maps in rolls, mostly of reclamation and drainage districts and their plans. Military Rolls, 1897-1898, 1900-1913, 1915, 17 v. Miscellaneous file, 24 f.b. Poll and Military Lists, 1882-1886, 1891-1893, 1895, 1896, 11 v. The volume for 1S93 has also the military list for 1894. Eight of these volumes are in the storeroom. Some are entitled "Poll, Dog and Mili- tary List." Poll Tax List, 1881, 1 v., in storeroom. Naturalization Declarations of Intention : County Court, 1850-1853, see Minutes of County Court ; District and Superior Court, 1868-1906, 1 v. ; Record, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Naturalizations, 1872-1906, 3 v. (x, 2-3) ; Petition and Record, 1908-1916, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1910-1916, by precincts. Great Register, 1872-1909, 10 v. ; 1896-1898, by precincts, 18 v. Great Register (printed), 1894, 5 copies in storeroom; for other counties, 1894, Kern, Mendocino, Monterey, Nevada, Shasta. Precinct Maps, 2 maps. Elections Ballot Record, 1892, 1900, 1 v. Election Returns, original, 1916, Primary and General Elections ; Statement of Election Returns, 1916-date, 1 v. Nomination Papers, 1910, 1916, filed. Primary Election Officers, Record of Names for, 1898, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Licenses : Record of, 1893-1907, 1 v. ; stub-books, 1895- 1907, 4 v. ; Affidavits, 1907-date, 2 v. Dental Register, 1908-date, 1 v. Physicians, Record of Certificates of, 1876-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 3 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Co-partnerships, Certificates of, Index to, 1874-date, 1 v. Private account books : Sutter City Lumber & Milling Co., Minutes, 1889-1895, 1 v., in Treasurer's office. SUTTER COUNTY. 545 Relating to Other Officers District Attorney's Register (of cases), 1872-1879, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets, in storeroom : T. H. Rolfe & Wm. F. Nelson, 1850-1852, 1 v. Has notices of lost property taken up, 1852-1853. Yuba Township, 1855-1856, 1 v. Vernon Township, 1856-1861, 1 v. Has estrays, 1857-1862. Sutter Township, 1858-1886, 2 v. Butte Township, 1864-1873, 1 v. Levee District No. 1, Directors' Record, 1872-1901, 1 v. (A). Minutes of Board of Directors. Levee District No. 2, Record of the Doings of, 1876-1912, 1 v. Minutes of the Board of Directors. Minutes of Meetings of the Reclamation Fund Commission, under the authority and in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An act to provide for funding the indebtedness of the reclamation and levee districts of the state, ' ' approved March 30th, 1872 ; 1872-1893, 1 v. THE RECORDER 1 Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1887-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. Attachments, 1895-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v.; Attachments and Tran- scripts of Judgments, 1850-1857, 1 v. (B). Banking Assets and Liabilities. Statements of, 1890-1893, 1 v. (1). Births, 1859, 1 v., in storeroom; Register of, 1873, 1 v., in storeroom; 1894-date, 6 v. Brands, 1850-date, 2 v. (D, B) ; 1 f.b. The file box contains : a number of brands on leather ; certified transcript of brands and marks of Yolo County prior to 1874; same for Colusa County ; marks and brands of adjacent counties, Recorders' certificates. Certificates of Redemption (of land sold for taxes), 1903-date, 1 f.b. Certificates, Sheriff's (of sale under execution), 1866-date, 1 v. Deaths, Register of, 1873-date, 5 v. Deeds, 1850-date, 58 v. (A-Z, 27-58) ; Index, 4 v. Early volumes include Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, etc. Deeds, Trust, 1885-date, 11 v. (1-11). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1914, 1 v. ; 1 f.b.; Primarv, 1914, 1 v. Estrays, 1853-1857, 1 v. (A) ; 1872-date, 1 f.b. Executions, 1867-date, 1 v. (A). Homesteads, 1860-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. Instruments not called for, 30 f.b. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1855-date, 1 v. (A). For 1850-1855 see under Attachments. Leases, 1857-date. 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 2 v. Licensed Surveyors, 1 f.b. a See also Pre-statehood Records. 36—41210 546 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA.. Lis Pendens, 1868-1894, 1 v. (A) ; Notices of Action, 1895-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. ' Maps and plats : Books of Surveys, 3 v. ; Township Plats, 1 v. Book 1 of Surveys consists of 12 maps on rollers in a rack. Marks, see Brands. Marriages, 1859-1860, 1 v., in storeroom ; Register of, 1904-date, 4 v. Marriage Certificates and Contracts, 1850-1862, 1 v. (A). Has also one decree of divorce granted in 1855. Marriage Eecord, 1862-date, 6 v. (B-G) ; Index, 2 v. Certificates and licenses. Mechanics Liens, 1850-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 2 v. Miscellaneous file, about 25 f.b. Miscellaneous Record, 1851-date, 3 v. (B-D) ; Index, 2 v. Mortgages, 1851-date, 39 v. (A-Z, 27-39) ; Index, 2 v. Book A, pages 1-239, was originally used for the Records of Gilbert A. Grant, Sub-Alcalde at Vernon, Sacramento District, A. D. 1849-1850. These consist chiefly of Deeds and Mortgages. "Book A for Mort- gages" of Sutter County records begins on page 240 and continues to page 542. Mortgages, Chattel, 1858-clate, 11 v. (A-K) ; Index, 2 v. Vols. E & I are Crop Mortgages. Notices of Action, see Lis Pendens. Official Bonds, 1855-date, 5 v. (A-B, B-D) ; Index to first B, C and D, 3 v. Patents, 1862-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1850-date, v 3? v. (D, A-B). Pre-emptions, 1851-1870, 3 v. (A-C). Releases of Mortgages, 1885-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. School Land Claims, 1858-1868, 1 v. Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands of Sutter County, 1861, 1 v., in store- room. This is a tabular statement compiled by Phil E. Drescher, County Sur- veyor. Swamp Land Surveys, 1855-1873, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1866-date, 1 v. (A). Minutes of the Board of Supervisors as a board of Swamp Land Com- missioners ; By-laws and amendments and surveys of reclamation districts. Tax Sales, 1873-1908, 2 v. ; Certificates of Tax Sales, 1895-date, 6 v. (1-6); Index, 1 v. (1). Water Rights Agreements, 1906-date, 1 v. (A) . Agreements between the Sutter County Canal Company and second parties for water to be furnished for irrigating purposes. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1911-date, 5 v. Apportionment of Funds, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1900-date, 1 v. Census Marshals' Reports, 1908, 1 f.b. SUTTER COUNTY. 547 Certificate Books, stubs : Temporary High School, 1901-date, 1 v. ; High School, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Grammar on examination, 1908-date, 1 v. ; Grammar on credentials, 1911-date, 1 v. ; Grammar special, 1903- date, 1 v. Communications, 1911-date, file. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, Record of, 1905-date, 1 v. Fee Book, 1911-date, 1 v. File, about 60 f.b. Institutes, Minutes of, 1915-date, 1 v. Journal, School District. 1868-1876, 1 v., in storeroom. Official Visits, Superintendent's Record of, 1879-1880, 1887-1890, 3 v., in storeroom. Public school registers: Hill District, 1887-1892, 2 v., in storeroom; Prairie District, 1899- 1901, 1 v., in storeroom; Auburn District, 1902-1903, 1 v., in Clerk's office. Recommendation for Life Diploma, 1902-date, 1 v. Sales District Record, Trustees, 1865-1873, 1 v., in storeroom. School District Ledger, 1876-1888, 2 v., in storeroom. School District Map, 1915, wall map about 4x5 feet. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1900-date, file. Trustees, Register of, 1898-date, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1889-date, 5 v. Combined Register and Ledger. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls: Original, 1850-1862, 1864, 11 v., in storeroom; 1872-1915, 72 v. Duplicate, 1850, 1852, 1854, 1856, 1857, 1859-1862, 13 v., in store- room ; 1858. 1872-1875, 1880, 1881, 6 v. Delinquent, 1872-date, 26 v. "Delinquent List after the fire," 1872, 1 v., in storeroom. Index, 1881-1915, 42 v. Assessment Rolls, Levee Districts; District No. 1, 1872, 1875-1889, 10 v., in storeroom; 1873-1874, 1889-1915, 11 v.; Index, 11 v.: Delinquent, 1872-1878, 1 v.; 1878-1879, 1882-1883, 2 v., in storeroom. District Xo. 2, 1872-1876, 3 v., in storeroom; 1906-1910, 1 v. District Xo. 5, 1873-1880, 1885-1886, 9 v. District Xo. 6, 1872-1890, 16 v. The volume for 1S72 contains a map of Drainage District No. 1, 1880. District Xo. 9, 1880, 1890, 1900, 3 v. Assessment Rolls. Swamp Land District Xo. 70, 1878, 1 v., in storeroom- 1891-1895, 1901-1904, 5 v. Assessment Rolls, Xorth Butte School District, 1877-1878, 2 v., in storeroom. 548 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Assessment Rolls, Live Oak Slough Protection District, 1895, 1 v., and duplicate. Includes report of the Board of Commissioners of the district on cost, benefits and damages, etc. Assessment Roll, Snake River Protection District, 1896, 1 v., and duplicate. Includes report of the Board of Commissioners of the district on cost, benefits and damages, etc. Balance Sheet, 1877-1886, 3 v., in storeroom; 1903-date, 4 v. Bond Book, 1870-date, 1 v. Fee Books : Clerk, Auditor and Recorder, 1878-1888, 5 v., in storeroom ; 1891-1892, 1 v.; Auditor and Recorder, 1893-date, 13 v.; Clerk, 1893-1894, 1903-1914, 4 v. ; Sheriff, 1883-1884, 1907-1914, 3 v. File, 1885-date, 100 f.b. Journal, 1872-1883, 2 v., in storeroom; 1880-date, 7 v. Ledger, 1872-1877, 1 v., in storeroom; 1877-date, 5 v. Orphans on State Aid, Record of, 1904-date, 2 v. Real Estate Sold for Taxes, 1858, 1 v., in storeroom. School District Ledger, 1887-1903, 1910-1911, 1916-date, 3 v. "Warrant Receipt Book, 1903-date, 2 v. Form book with 18 receipts on each page. "Warrant Register of Levee District No. 2, 1880-1911, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1871-1895, 1901-date, 8 v. (1-3, 5-9). THE TREASURER Accounts, 1855-1862, 1 v., in storeroom. Allowance Book, 1888-1895, 1 v. Bonds, Record of, 1870-date, 2 v. Cash Book, 1885-1886, 1 v., in storeroom; 1895-date, 6 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1905-date, 3 v. Journal, 1865-date, 8 v. Ledger, 1872-date, 8 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Reports, Record of, 1872-1885, 4 v., in storeroom. Settlements and Discharges from State Controller, file. Treasurer's Commissions, 1882-1892, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1872-date, 2 v. Registered warrants. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Deeds, 1902-date, 3 v. ; Index, 6 v. Assessment Statements, 1915, 1916, and large quantity for previous years. Field Enrollment Book, 1905-1911, 7 v. Land Sold to State for Delinquent Taxes, Abstract of, 1875-1897, 1 v. Maps and plats: Township Plat Books, 1884, 1887-1889, 2 v., in storeroom; 1892, 1 v., in Clerk's office; 1900, 1903, 1907-1916, 9 v. Town Plats, 1 v. Subdivision Plats, 1 v. SUTTER COUNTY. 549 Poll Tax, Record of, 1879-1880, 1 v., in storeroom. Eoad Tax, 1871-1881, 1 v., in storeroom. Subdivisions, 1911-1915, 1 v. Has list of subdivisions with names of all owners of land within same. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 3 v. ; Index, 2 v. Assessment Rolls, Levee District No. 1, 1883-1905, 1 v. ; current, 1 v. ; Levee District No. 9, 1890, 1898-1910, 6 v. ; current, 1 v. Assessment Rolls of Reclamation and Drainage Districts, current: Reclamation Districts : No. 777, 1 v. ; No. 70, 1 v. ; No. 1001, 2 v. ; No. 803, 1 v. ; No. 1500, 1 v. ; No. 1000, 1 v. Drainage Districts : Sutter, 1 v. ; Sacramento and San Joaquin, 2 v. Cash Book, 1885-1890, 1 v., in storeroom; 1895-date, 7 v. Delinquent Tax Sales. 1904-1905, 1 v. License Book, 1883-1891, 2 v., in storeroom. State and County Taxes Collected, 1876-1878, 1 v. 550 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. TEHAMA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Tehama County was created in 1856 from territory which had previously been parts of Shasta, Colusa and Butte counties. The boundaries were redefined several times before*1859, but only two acts involved much area : one in 1857, when the territory between South Fork of Cottonwood and Beegum creeks was annexed from Shasta County; the other in 1859, when the southeast border was fixed as at present, thus giving back to Butte County a small area northwest of Mud Creek. The county seat was originally at Tehama, but was moved shortly afterward to Red Bluff, where it has since remained. The courthouse is of three parts. The middle portion, a wooden structure with one vault, was built in 1856. To this a brick and cement addition, which is used by the Clerk and Recorder, was made during the seventies. At the south end is the jail, a new structure of stone and con- crete. It is heated by steam and lighted by electricity, but can not be considered fireproof. The one vault is in the Assessor's office. The later records are, for the most part, kept in modern and convenient filing cases and book racks, but the older, semi-discarded material is stored away in boxes in the jail basement. Only one of these boxes was examined. In it were found many valuable old records, as will be indi- cated in the report. The other boxes are said to contain old warrants, vouchers, and other material of more or less value. The examination was made in June, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1856-1879 Attorneys, Roll of, 1860, 1 v., with few entries. Calendar, 1865-1875, 3 v., in jail basement. Docket, 1856-1860, 2 v. Execution Docket, 1856-1858, 1 v. Fee-book, Civil Actions, 1864-1865, 1 v., in jail basement. File, 66 f.b., cases 1-1732. General Index, 1856-1879, 4 v. (1-2) , Judgment Book, 1856-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Judgment Docket, 1856-1866, 2 v. Minutes, 1857-1879, 3? v. (A-C). Register of Actions and Fee-book, 1856-1859, 1 v., in jail basement; 1860-1879, 4 v. ; Index, 1866-1877, 1 v. W SP a V9 2. Oj 5 & tf c 5 hcJGQWM 2.ppp ^ qM jb oa a O pi 9 H n c 1-1 oo oo oo 3 '-'^-.'lCi «o 3 pa '-'MMM ED tj " wots -x ^WOJO o g CO" ' o c n 3 OO •e ■ I - ■ *< B ft Q o ►— a ' 1/ \ *J> TEHAMA COUNTY. 551 County Court, 1856-1879 Calendar. 1878-1879, 1 v. File, 1856-1879, 10 f.b., cases 1-471. General Index, 1 v. Judgment Book, 1859-1876, 1 v. Minutes, 1856-1879, 3 v. (A-C). Court of Sessions, Criminal Minutes, 1856-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1856-date Calendar. 1915-date. 1 v. Fee-books, 1861-1868. 1 v., in jail basement. File, 1856-1880, 16 lb., cases 1-258; 1880-date, 99 f.b., cases 1-1414. Letters Testamentary. Administration and Bonds, 1863-1869, 1 v., in jail basement. Minutes and Orders, 1856-1879. 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1866-1876, 1 v.; 1879-date, 4 v. (A-D). Wills, Record of, 1858-date, 4 v. (A-D). Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar: Civil, 1880-1898. 3 v.; 1915-date, 1 v.; Criminal, 1880- 1887. 1 v.. in jail basement; 1891-1894, 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1880-date, 6 f.b. File. 1880-date. 132 f.b., cases 1-3635. Grand Jury Lists, 1890-date, 1 f.b. Insanity, Record of Commitments, 1898-1909, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 1903-date, 1 v. ; Order of Commitments, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Judgment Record, 1888-date. 5 v. (A-E). Jury Lists. 1881-1889, 1 v., in jail basement. Legal papers. Journal of receipt and return of, 1890-1894, 1 v. Minutes and Orders, 1880-date, 26 v. ( A-Z) . Order Book. 1906-date, 5 v. (1-5). Register of Actions, Civil and Criminal, 1883-date, 7 v. (A-G) ; Index. 4 v. (1-2) ; Criminal, 1897-date. 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Reporter's notes, shorthand, 1880-date, 200 notebooks. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1909-date, 1 f.b. Minutes and Orders, 1909-date, 1 v., with few entries. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1903-date, 6 v. (1-6). Bids. 1900-date, 2 f.b. Bills and Petitions, 1860-1915, 21 f.b. Contracts. 1900-date, 3 f.b. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1872-1873, 1 v., in jail basement. File of miscellaneous papers, 20 f.b. Franchises, 1915-date, 1 f.b. 552 COUNTY ARCHIVES OP CALIFORNIA. Funding Commissioners, Record of Proceedings, 1864-1867, 1 v. Only 13 pages used. Hospital Records, 1893-1894, 1 v. ; Pay Roll, 1889, 1 v. Liquor Licenses, Petition and Bond, 1905-1912, 2 f.b. Minutes, 1856-date, 15 v. (A-P) ; Index, 4 v. (3-6). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. (A). Orphans and Half-orphans, Record, 1915-date, 1 v. Rights of Way, Record of, 1884-date, 2 v. (A-B). Road Petitions, 1898-date, 3 f.b. Road Record, 1856-1883, 1 v. ; Index, 1860-1891, 1 v. Road Register, 1856-1908, 1 v. Road Viewers' Account Book, 1858, 1 v., in jail basement; Reports, 1857-1903, 6 f.b., cases 1-225. Surveyors' Estimates, 1900-date, 1 f.b. Wagon Road, Record of Proceedings of Tehama County, 1863, 1 v., 45 pages. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Accounts, 1905-date, 1 f.b. Cash Book, 1895-1900, 2 v.; 1907-date. 3 v. Fee Books, General, 1864-1868, 1 v., 1874-1875, 1 v, all in jail basement; 1880-1896, 4 v.; 1897-date, 9 v. (A-I). Hunting and Fishing License, Applications, 1912-date, 6 letter files. Letter Book, 1888-1896, 2 v. License Register, 1883-1898, 1 v. Military Rolls, 1896-1915, 19 v., in paper binders. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Record, 1888-date, 3 v. ; 1903-1907, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1856-1906, 1 v. Naturalization Depositions, 1915-date, 1 f.b. Naturalization, Record of, 1886-1906, 3 v. (A, A, C), with few entries ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 2 v. Naturalization, Certificates of, stubs, 1906-date, 3 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1864-1906, 1 v. (A). Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1910-date, 50 binders. Great Register, 1878-1910, 10 v. Registration, Certificates of Cancellation, 1900-date, 1 v. Registration Index, 1910, 1912, 2 pamphlets, 1 f.b. Elections Candidates' Affidavits of Expense, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Election, 1900-1908, 1 f.b. Election Returns, current, 25 sacks. Miscellaneous election papers, 1900-date, 3? f.b. Nomination, Certificates of, 1900-1908, 1 f.b. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. TEHAMA COUNTY. 553 Marriage and Public Health Marriage License: Affidavits, 1886-date, 10 v., stubs. Marriage Licenses, Consents to, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 2 v. Optometrists and Osteopaths. Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of. 1905-date, 1 v. Physicians, Register of, 1876-date, 3 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1892-date, 3 f.b. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Corporations, Register of, 1860-1915, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1871-date, 1 v. Powers of Attorney by Surety Companies, Index, 1910-1914, 1 v. Private account books, miscellaneous, 30 v. All of these are in the Clerk's office except one, which is in the jail base- ment. They consist mainly of cash books, day books and ledgers, and cover the years 1854-1S90. Register of Papers of Private Parties, filed and returned, 1895- date, 2 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments and Oaths, 1916-date, 1 f.b. Assessor's Reports, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Auditor, Receipts from, 1916-date, 1 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 1856-1859, 1 v. ; 1881-1902, 1 v. ; 1893-1898, 1 f.b. District Attornev's Opinions, 1908-date, 1 f.b. Justice Court Dockets: Antelope, 1861, 1 v.; Red Bluff, 1862-1863, 1 v. ; Corning, 1891-1898, 1 v. ; Lassen, 1858, 1 v. ; Paskenta, 1892, 1 v., all in jail basement; Monthly Reports, 1902-date, 1 f.b. Notaries, Record of, 1901-1902, 1 v. ; 1912-1913, 1 v. Officers' Reports, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Public Administrator, Account Book of, 1887-1898, 1 v. Sheriff's Office, Notices sent from, 1903-1906, 1 v.; Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v., all in jail basement. Sheriff's Register of Actions, 1878-1890, 2 v., in jail basement. Treasurer's Reports, 1898-1915, 3 f.b. Treasury, Monthly Statement of Condition of, 1916-date. THE RECORDER Agreements : Coneland Water Co., 1910-date, 1 v. ; Los Molinos Land Co., 1911-date. 1 v. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1879-date, 2 v. (A-B). Attachments. 1857-1895, 1 v. (A) ; 1894-date, 1 v. (B) ; 1891-date, 1 f.b. ; Index, 1864-date, 1 v. (1). Births: Register of, 1890-1901, 1 v.; 1915-date, 1 v.; Certificates of, 1906-date, 2 v. (A-B). Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1866-1869, 1 v. ; 1894-date, 1 v. (B). 554 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deaths: Certificates of, 1890-date, 3 v. (x, A-B) ; Register of, 1915- date, 1 v. Deeds, 1856-date, 112 v. (A-Z, 1-86) ; Index, 12 v. (1, 1, 1-10) ; Rail- road, 1880-1905, .3 v. (A-C) ; Reconveyances, 1906-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds of Trust, 1879-date, 30 v. (A-Z, 1-4) ; Index, 1892-date, 2 v. (2-3). Election Expenses, Candidates' Statements, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Estrays, 1902-date, 1 f.b. See also Marks, Brands, and Estrays. Execution Book, 1866-1869, 1 v.; 1894-date, 1 v. (B). Fee Books, 1878-1879, 1 v.; 1894-1898, 2 v., in Auditor's office. The fees are entered in a general fee book kept by the Clerk, who is Recorder and who was also Auditor until 1915. Homesteads, 1860-date, 4 v. (B-E) ; Index, 1 v. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1893-date, 1 v. Leases, 1878-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1858-1879, 1 v., in jail basement; 1880-date, 1 v. Licensed Surveyors, 1899-date, 1 v. ; 1906-date, 1 f.b. Lis Pendens, 1857-date, 2 v. (x, B) ; 1894-date, 1 f.b.; Index, 1865- date, 1 v. (1). Maps and Plats : District Plat Books, 2 v. The county is divided into 164 divisions. Plat Book of Red Bluff, 1 v. Township Plat Books, 9 v. Marks, Brands, and Estrays, 1856-date, 3 v. (A-C). Marriages, Record of, 1856-date, 10 v. (A-J) ; Register, 1859-1861, 1 v. ; 1873-1874, 1 v. ; 1915-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1856-date, 6 v. (A-C, 1-3) ; Certificates, 1903-date, 2 v. (A-B). Mechanics Liens, 1878-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1856-date, 1 v. (1). Mining Locations, 1901-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1903-date, 1 v. (1). Miscellaneous Records, 1856-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 1856-date, 2 v. d-2). Mortgages, Real, 1858-date, 44 v. (A-Z, 1-18) ; Index, 1857-1880, 6 v. ; 1880-date; Personal Property, 1877-date, 25 v. (A-Y) ; Index, 1886- date, 3 v. (3-5). Newspapers (all bound and in jail basement) : Red Bluff, Sentinel, March, 1881-February, 1882, January, 1885- December, 1887, 4 v. People's Cause, June, 1883-May, 1884, June, 1885- June, 1886, 2 v. Official Bonds, 1856-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; 1893-1898, 1 f.b. Patents, 1858-date, 12 v. (A-L) ; Index, 1861-date, 1 v. (1). Powers of Attorney, 1878-date, 3 v. (x, A-B) ; Index, 1860-date, 1 v. (1). Pre-emption Claims, 1861-1876, 1 v. (B) ; Index, 1856-1876, 1 v. Satisfaction of Mortgages, 1879-date, 5 v. (A-E). Sheriff Sale, 1859-1906, 1 v. (B). Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 v. (1), TEHAMA COUNTY. 555 Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Petitions for, 1874-1875, 1 v. (A) . Tax Deeds to State. 1889-date, 8 v. (1-8). Tax Sales. Certificates of: to Individuals, 1889-1894, 2 v.; to State, 1889-date. 20 v. (1-2, 1-18) ; Index, 1 v.; 1894-date, 18 v. (1-18) ; Index. 1 v. Transcribed Eecords. Shasta Countv, 1861, 1 v. (A) ; Butte and Colusa County, 1852-1856. 2 v. (A, C). Water Notices. 1911-date, 1 v. (1) : Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report. 1890-date. 3 v. Beard of Education. Minutes of. 1880-date, 2 v. Institutes. Minutes of. 1884-1897, 1 v., in jail basement; 1897-date, 1 v. Record Book. 1865-1868. 1 v., in jail basement. Requisitions. Register of. 1890-date, 3 v. ; Stub-books, 1899, 1900, 2 v., in jail basement. School District Ledger. 1872-1875, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, in boxes in jail basement, unexamined. "Warrant Register. 1880-date. 12 v., in Auditor's office. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1856-date, 126 v. ; Index, 1881-1915, 49 v. The volumes for 1862-1S6G are in the Clerk's office. Duplicate. 1858-1859. 1 v. ; 1861-1862, 2 v. ; 1873-1878, 3 v. ; 1880- 1881, 1 v. Delinquent, 1862-1915, 56 v. ; Index, 1881-1915, 35 v. Bond Register. 1905-date, 1 v. Bonds Paid. 1907-date, 1 f.b. Indigent Fund and Salarv Warrant Stubs, 1899-date, 1 v. Journal. 1880-date. 9 v. (1-9). Ledger, 1880-date. 4 v. (1-4). License Register, 1898-1908, 1 v.. in Assessor's vault. Miscellaneous papers, 16 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1916-date, 1 v. Poll Tax, 1889-1891. 1 v. Receipts from the Treasurer. 1907-date, 2 f.b. Redemption of Real Estate, Certificates of, 1910-1912, 1 f.b. Reports. 1907-date. 2 f.b. School District Ledger. 1880-date, 5 v. (A-E). Sheriff's Fee Book, 1885-1902, 4 v.. in Clerk's office. Tax Register. 1906-1912. 1 v. Warrants on file, 1898-date. 116 f.b. These consist of Road and Salary, School and General Warrants. Warrants. Register of. 1863-1864, 1 v., in the jail basement; 1878- date, 9 v. (B, E-M). 556 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TREASURER Bonds, Record of, 1896-1914, 1 v. Cash Book, 1857, 1 v., in jail basement ; 1912-date, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1906-1911, 1 v. Deposit Register, 1912-1913, 1 v. Land Payments, Receipts for, 1858-1878, 1 v., in jail basement. Ledger, School, 1884-1887, 1 v. ; 1907, 1 v. Monthly Reports, 1910-date, 2 f .b. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fnnd, 1914-date, 1 v. State Land Sales, 1889-1906, 1 v. ; Marysville, 1869-1911, 1 v. ; Shasta, 1861-1915, 1 v. ; all in Assessor's vault. Trial Balance, Tehama County, 1878-1902, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1908-date, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1908, 1909, 1914, 1915, 140 f.b. Deeds, Index to Sellers, 1894-date, 22 v. ; Index to Buyers, 1894-date, 22 v. Deeds of Trust, Abstracts of, 1878-1908, 3 v. Maps and Plats: Subdivisions of Grants, Old Maps, 1 v. This volume contains about 25 maps of old grants or subdivisions of grants. The maps are from surveys made, for the most part, in 1880, and run from 20 to 40 chains to the inch. Wall Maps : Plat of Town of Samuel Posen, 1887, 36" x 36", 300 ft. to inch. Plat of Town of Red Bluff, 1878, 36" x 36", 200 ft. to inch. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1878-1908, 3 v. Official Timber Estimates, current, 1 v., loose leaf. Poll Tax Rolls, 1887-1914, 28 v. Present Owner Book, 1890-date, 4 v. Roll of Electors, 1880-1890, 1 v. Taxpayers, Index of Addresses, 1912-date, 2 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, Delinquent, 1915, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. License and Poll Tax, Cash Account of, 1861-1868, 1 v., in jail basement. Tax Register, 1883-date, 35 v. Also serves as Cash Book for Delinquent Taxes and Licenses. Tax Sales, Record of, 1909-date, 1 v. V / Trinity County. Solid blue Stats. 1850:62. a Stats. 1851:179. b Stats. 1853:161. c Stats. 1855:200. d Stats. 1859:98. e Stats. 1860:334; Pol. Code (1872), §3919 f Stats. 1871-2:766. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3961. For key to maps see page ix. TRINITY COUNTY. 557 TRINITY COUNTY INTRODUCTION Trinity County was one of the counties created by act of the first legislature. It, however, was not organized until the next year, 1851, being in the meanwhile attached to Shasta County. Its territory as originally created embraced all that part of northwestern California lying north of the 40th parallel and west of the summit of the coast range ; it therefore included the present counties of Trinity, Humboldt, Del Norte and western Siskiyou. Before the time of its organization this original area had been reduced by the creation of Klamath County, which was made to include that portion of Trinity County lying north of a line running due east from the mouth of Mad River. In 1853 the remaining territory was again divided by the formation of Humboldt County from its Avestern portion. After 1853' no important changes were made in the territory of Trinity County, except the reannexaticn from Klamath County of that portion of the upper Trinity River basin lying north of the Klamath line. The county seat has always been located at Weaverville. The first courthouse was built upon a hill near the Catholic Church, but was destroyed by fire. The present courthouse is a substantial brick building upon Main Street. On the south it closely joins other buildings, used for store and business purposes, while on the north a narrow street or alley separates it from wooden buildings. Practically all of the couture records, excepting those of the Superintendent of Schools, are in the office of the County Clerk, who is also Recorder and Auditor. The Treasurer also occupies a corner of the same office. This room, together with the basement below it, is especially well pro- tected from fires by heavy brick walls, concrete floors, and iron shutters. Danger from fire from without is therefore greatly reduced, notwith- standing the location of the courthouse so near to other buildings. The main building is lighted by electricty and is heated by wood stoves. In view of the fact that a large part of the office furnishings are of wood, this heating method presents a constant danger, for a fire origi- nating within the office itself might be disastrous. The lower floor, or basement, under the Clerk's office, is used as a storeroom for the older records. It is separated from the adjoining parts of the building by heavy walls. Since, however, this part of the building is not provided with electricity, candles are used for lighting purposes. The records contained in this room are listed with those of the main office, excepting ~wS COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. two or three boxes of unclassified papers, among which were old court papers of early dates, Auditor's vouchers, etc. The office of the Superintendent of Schools is located in a building used also as a county library. This is a small wooden building closely adjoining other business property on Main Street. The examination of this courthouse was made in September, 1917. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1851-1879 File, 81 f.b., in basement. Fifty-one of these filing boxes contain papers alphabetically arranged ; the others are numbered from 1-341. Judgment Book, 1853-1855, 1 v.; 1857-1879, 2 v. (C-D). Judgment Docket, see under Superior Court. Jury Book, 1860-1861, 1 v., in the basement. Minutes, "Journal," 1852-1879, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1857-1879, 1 v. Register of Actions, Oct. 25, 1852-1879, 5 v. The volume for 1855-1856 is "Register of Actions, Judgments and Docket." County Court, 1851-1879 File, 20 f.b. Judgments, 1853-1855. Minutes, "Journal of Countv and Probate Court," 1851-1855, 1 v. ; Journal of County Court, 1855-1874, 2 v. ; Minutes, 1874- 1879, 1 v. ; Index, 1852-1877, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1852-1879, 3 v. Volume for 1855-1867 labeled "Register of Actions, Judgments and Docket" ; the volume 1868-1879 is in the basement. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1851-1863 Minutes, "Journal," October, 1851-1863, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1851-date Administrators' Bonds and Oaths, 1862-1889, 1 v. (2). Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1897-1901, 1 v. (1). File, 1850-1880, 28 f.b., in basement ; 1880-date, 44 f.b., cases 1-475. Minutes: "Journal," 1855-1879, 3 v. (B-D) ; Index, 1851-1877, 1 v. ; Minutes, 1887-date, 5 v. (3, 5, 7, 9, 11). For Minutes 1851-1855 see under "Minutes of the County Court." Orders and Decrees, 1871-1912, 3 v. (D, 1-2). Probate Bonds and Letters, 1890-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). See also above, Administrators' Bonds and Oaths. Register of Actions, 1860-1880, 1 v. Since 1880 these are recorded in the Register of Superior Court. Wills Admitted to Probate, 1911, 1 v. (1). TRINITY COUNTY. 559 Superior Court, 1880-date Execution Docket, 1874-1883, 1 v. File, Civil and Criminal, 90 f.b., cases 1-1090. General Index, 1 v. (1). Inquests, 1906-1912, 7 f.b., in basement; 1912-date, 2 f.b. Insanity, Record of Commitments, 1892-1913, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1892-date. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 2 v. (1-2). Judgment Docket, 1857-1908, 1 v.; 1909-date, "Docket," 1 v. Entries before 1SS0 are for District Court. Minutes, Civil and Criminal, 1879-date, 7 v. (1-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) ; Index, 2 v. Since vol. 3 the odd-numbered volumes are used for Probate Department. Register of Actions, 1881-date, 4 v. (1-4). Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1 f.b., cases 1-12. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1872-1882, 1 v. File, 1860-1900, 54 f.b., in basement ; recent, 18 f.b. Franchise Book, 1902, one entry. Maps : Official map of Trinity County, 1894. Scale, two miles to the inch ; gives names of owners of principal mines of the county. Minutes, "Journal of Court of Sessions," October, 1851-October, 1854, 2 v. (A-B) ; Minutes of Supervisors, May, 1855-date, 10 v. (A-J) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 1 v. Orphans and Half-orphans, List of, 1895-1898, 1912. Road Owners Accounts, 1864-1892, 2 v., in the basement. Township Boundaries, 1872-date, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee Book. 1855-1857, 1 v. ; 1864-date, 2 v. Hunting License Register, 1907-1908, 1 v. Military Rolls, 1855, 1 v.; 1872-1879,' 9 v., in the basement; 1909- date, 1 1 f.b. Papers on File in Clerk's Office, Index, 1857-1878, 1 v., in the basement. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, 1853-date, 4 v. ; Index, 1855-1898, 1 v. The volume from 3S53-185.*> contains also the Sheriff's accounts for 1853-1854 ; the volume 1870-1906 is labeled "District Court." Naturalization: Acts of, 1853-1883, 1869-1902, 2 v.; Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v. ; Petition and Record, 1906-date, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index, 1855-1893, 1 v. 560 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1900-1914, in basement ; 1916-date, 16 v. Affidavits of Registration Furnished Deputies, 1912-1914, 1 v. Great Register, 1866-1898, 4 v. ; 1902, 1 v. ; 1906-1908, 1 v. Elections Ballot Record, 1892-1906, 1 v. Contains sample ballots and number given each precinct. Nominations, Record of, 1910, 1 v. Primary Election Officers Record, 1898, 1 v. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1907-date, 1 v. Dentists, Register of, 1895-date, 1 v. Medical and Pharmacists' Certificates, 1876-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1859-date, 3 f .b. Also 4 f.b. in the basement. Partnership, Certificates of, 1875-1910, 1 v. Private account books : A. J. Thompson, Ledger, 1851-1852, 1 v. Howe & Jones, Ledger, 1858-1859, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Justice Court Dockets : Long Ridge, 1895-1897 ; New River, 1861- 1862, 1 v.; Canon Creek, 1860-1863, 1 v.; Weaverville, 1866- 1876, 1 v. ; 1883-1893, 1 v. THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Index, 1 v. Attachments and Executions, 1859-1879, 1 v. (K) ; Attachments, 1880- date, 1 v. (Ill) ; Index, 1 v. Births : Register of, 1873-1889, 1 v., few entries ; Record of, 1896-1905, 1 v.; Register, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). Certificates of Sale, 1881-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Deaths, Register of, 1873-1889, 1 v., few entries; Record, 1905-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Certificates, 1905-1909, 1 v. Decrees of Distribution, Index, 1893-date, 1 v. Recorded in Deeds. Deeds: "Deeds, etc., B, 1851-1853," 1 v. (3) ; 1853-date, 36 v. (5-39). Vols. 5-11 are also lettered D, E, I, J, R, O, P. Deeds, Trust, 1906-date, 2 v. (1-2). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1912, 1 v. (1) ; Com- mittees' Statements, 1894-1908, 1 v. (1). Estrays, Marks and Brands, 1855-date, 1 v. (1). Executions, 1879-date, 1 v. (Ill) ; Index, 1859-date, 1 v. TRINITY COUNTY. 561 Fee Book, 1872-1888, 2 v., in the basement; 1892-1909, 2 v. (2-3). General Index, 1851-1896, 8 v. These volumes are labeled "Trinity Real Estate & Abstract Co.," but were made by aud belong to the county. They are unique in that the names of both grantees and grantors are together arranged in a care- fully alphabetized manner and. by use of 56 columns extending across the "double page, notations are entered showing at a glance every time the name appears as a party connected with a recorded instrument. Three volumes complete the alphabet. There are also five volumes of plat indexes, showing all entries made in the records against any par- ticular parcel of land. Homesteads, Declaration of, 1861-date, 1 v. (S). Judgments. Transcripts of, 1890-date, 1 v. (1). Junction City Townsite, Record Book, 1891-1897, 1 v. ; Field Notes of Survey and Index, 1 v. Land Claims, 1852-1877, 2 v. (C, T) ; Index, 1 v. Leases, 1892-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens, 1868-1916, 1 v. (1) ; Notices of Action, 1916-date, 1 v. (2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Maps : Licensed Surveys, 1892-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Marriages : Licenses and Certificates, 1857-date, 3 v. ; Index, 1 v. ; Register, 1873-1881, 1 v., in the basement; Record, 1893-1905, 1 v.; Register, 1905-date, 1 v. First twenty pages of first volume of Licenses and Certificates contain "'Oaths of Officers,'' etc. Mechanics Liens, 1856-date, 3 v. (G, 1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Mining records : Labor Affidavits, 1891-date, 1 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Original Affidavits, 1895-1909, 10 v. Mining Claims. 1856-1873, 1 v. (F) ; 1898-date, 15 v. (14-28) ; Index bA^ Claims, 2 v. ; Index by Locators, 1851-1896, 1 v. Mining District Record, New River, 1884-1897, 3 v. (1-3). Miscellaneous papers, 18 f.b. Miscellanv, 1865-1875, 1 v. (Y) ; 1874-date, 11 v. (4-14) ; Index, 1851- 1896, 1 v. Mortgages, 1856-1879, 3 v. (A, N, H) ; 1879-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index of Old Mortgages, Liens and Leases, 1 v. ; Chattel, 1857-date, 2 v. (M, 6) ; Index, 1 v. Newspapers : AVeaverville, Trinity Journal, Jan. 22, 1875-Dec. 29, 1894, 12 v.; January, 1897-December, 1907, 4 v. Notices of Action, see Lis Pendens. Official Bonds. 1854-1882, 4 v., 1882-1892, 1 v. (1), all in the basement; 1892-date, 1 v. (2) ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1872-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Physicians and Undertakers, 1915-date, 2 entries. Powers of Attorney, 1890-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Releases of Mortgages and Leases, 1893-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Sole Traders' Declarations, 1857-1871, 1 v., in the basement. Tax Deeds, 1875-1907, 6 v. (1-6) ; Certificates of Tax Sale, 1873-1894, 2 v. (A, 1) ; Certificates of Sale of Real Estate for Taxes, 1895-1911, 6 v. (2-7) ; Index, 1 v. 37—11210 562 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Water Notices, 1883-1915, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1851-1896, 1 v. The index is arranged by names of streams, giving also the names of locations, date and page of record. "Weaverville Town Lots," Record Book, 1877, 1 v.; Field Notes of Survey and Deeds, 1877-1894, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Wills, 1851-1880. 1 v., in the basement; 1881-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1894-1914, 2 v. ; 1915-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1895-date, 2 v. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1895-date, 1 v. ; High School, 1909- date, 1 v. Board of Education, Record, 1895-date, 1 v. Contains a record of all certificates issued, examinations given, etc. Census Reports, 1875-1891, 1 f.b., in the basement. Certificate stub-books, current, several books; older books in the base- ment. Fee Book, 1895-date, 1 v. Grading of Schools, 1895-date, 1 v. Institutes, Minutes of, 1899-date, 1 v. Ledger, 1912-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Official Visits, Record of, 1895-date, 1 v. Receipts, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Record of moneys deposited with Treasurer. School District Boundaries, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1912-date; older ones in the basement of courthouse. Trustees, Register of, 1882-date, 1 v. Trustees' Reports, 1915-date, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1900-date, 2 v. THE AUDITOR Allowance Book, 1883-date, 3 v. Apportionment Journal, 1865-1913, 4 v., in the basement; 1913-date, 1 v. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1852-1882, in the basement ; 1883-1904, 22 v. ; 1905-date, 26 v. ; Index, 1883-date, 35 v. Duplicate, 1855-1859, 3 v., in the basement. Delinquent, 1860-1872, 10 v., in the basement; 1877-date, 16 v. (1-16) ; Index, 1885-date, 15 v. Auditor's Accounts, November, 1852-1855, 1 v.; 1855-1872, 4 v., in the basement; Accounts with Assessor, 1857-1868, 2 v., in the basement; Accounts with Tax Collector, 1855-1862, 1 v., in the basement. Bond Records, 1890-1893, 1 v., in the basement. Hospital Receipts, 1858-1868, 1 v., in the basement. Indigent Sick Cash Book, 1857-1859, 1 v., in the .basement. Journal, 1856-1859, 1872-1882, 3 v., in the basement. TRINITY COUNTY. 563 Ledger, 1864-1879, 1 v., in the basement; 1881-date, 3 v. (1-3). License Record, 1853-1851, 1 v. ; 1858-1867, 1 v., all in the basement. Miscellaneous papers, 21 f.b. and several wooden boxes in the basement. Orphans and Half-orphans. 1904-date, 1 v. Receipts for Blanks delivered to Tax Collector, 1859-date, 1 v. School Ledger. 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2). Tax Record, Delinquent, 1892-1910, 1 v. Treasurer's Receipt Record, 1883-1891, 2 f.b., in the basement; 1907- date, 3 v. "Warrants, Register of. 1868-1891, 1 v., in the basement; 1892-date, 5 v. (2-6). Warrants Redeemed, 1855-1894, 2 v., in the basement; 1894-date, 4 v. Warrants on file : General, 1864-1886, 3 f.b. ; 1913-date, 18 f.b. ; School, 1860-1898, 7 f.b. THE TREASURER Account with State Controller, 1861-1872, 1 v., in basement. Cash Book, 1853-1871, 3 v., in the basement ; 1907-date, 3 v. Day Book, 1857-1867, 1 v., in the basement. Fee Book, 1891-date, 1 v. Almost entirely estates of deceased persons. Fee Record, 1907-date, 1 v. A loose leaf record of fees received by county officials. Fund Book, 1862-1869, 1 v., in the basement. Ledger, 1859-1879, 2 v. j 1895-1907, 1 v., all in the basement ; 1907-date, 2 v. Licenses, State and County, 1868-1881, 1 v., in the basement. Monthly Reports, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914^-date, 1 v. Also a loose leaf volume containing carbon copies of remittances to State Controller showing names of payees. Receipts given to Auditor, 1907-date, 1 v., loose leaf. Road District Accounts, 1872, 1 v. (B), in the basement. School Ledger, 1895-1905, 2 v., in the basement ; 1907-date, 2 v. Warrants Redeemed, 1890-1907, 2 v., in the basement; 1907-date, 1 v., loose leaf ; Warrants Cancelled, 1859-1868, 1 v., in the basement. Warrants, Register of, 1856-1911, 1 v., in the basement. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, 1893-1911, 181 paper boxes, in the basement; 1911-date. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1879-1893 ; 1896-1910, 2 v. Poll Tax Account, Memorandum of, 1873, in the basement. THE TAX COLLECTOR Cash Book, 1881-1893, 1 v. ; 1904-1911, 4 v., in the basement. License Account, 1864-1866, 1871-1875, 1901-1905, 3 v., in the basement. 564 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. TULARE COUNTY INTRODUCTION Tulare County was set off in 1852 from the southern part of Mariposa and the northern part of Los Angeles counties. It has been since then greatly reduced in size by the formation of new counties: Fresno in 1856, Kern and Inyo in 1866, and Kings in 1893. The county seat was originally at "Woodsville, 1852-1853. In 1853 it was changed to Visalia, where it has since been. The Board of Supervisors at their first meeting ignored the name "Visalia" and ordered the place to be called "Buena Vista." Public sentiment favored the former name in honor of Nathaniel Vise, "the original locator, ' ' and the name Buena Vista was soon dropped. The first courthouse was a log cabin built in 1851 by a man named Woods and in which he is said to have been skinned alive by the Indians. The officers kept their accounts "on scraps of paper or in their heads" while the "records were deposited in their pockets, or as the oldest inhabitant says, ' Thrown into an open box that stood in the room '. ' ' On the removal of the county seat to Visalia, a combination courthouse and jail was built (1853) . This was a one-room building 20 feet square with a post in the middle to which prisoners were chained. This build- ing was replaced in 1859 by a brick building 40 by 60 feet with two stories and a basement. This served until 1876, when the present courthouse was built. In 1908 the north and south wings were added. The courthouse occupies one block and is surrounded by streets of average width. Across the streets on all sides except the east are buildings that are in no sense fireproof, and the burning of these would endanger the courthouse. The courthouse itself is of stone, steel, cement and wood. It can not be considered fireproof. Especially is this true of the furnishings, floors, stairways, etc., of the older parts. Vaults are used in most of the offices, but only a small per cent of the records are kept in these, except in the Auditor's office, whose records are kept in a large vault that forms one of the rooms of his office. It is doubtful if this is fireproof, however. The book racks, filing cases, etc., in most of the offices are modern, convenient, and the filing cases dustproof. An exception to' this is found in the Supervisors' room in which the old wooden cases formerly used in the Clerk's office are now in use. The building is lighted by electricity and heated by steam, except the attic, which has no regular lighting or heating system. Tulare County. Stats. 1852:240. Stats. 1856:183. Stats. 1865-6:355, 796. Stats. 1867-8:40. Pol. Code (1S72), §3940. Stats. 1873-4:700. Stats. 1875-6:397. Stats. 1893:176. Pol. Code (1919), §3962. For key to maps see page ix ~X/>o L?l ■ \o\\oe\ a 3io\ \j« ) / TULARE COUNTY. 565 In the attic are stored quite a number of old records, some of which are valuable, though for the most part they are not of very great importance. The damage from dust and occasional handling by attend- ants or persons looking up old records is very great. This courthouse was examined during July, 1916. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1852-1879 Calendar, 1871-1879, 1 v. Cash Book, Sheriff's Fees, etc., 1860-1867, 1 v. Execution Book, 1866-1870, 1 v. Executions, 1854-1880, 1 f.b. File : Civil, 1855-1879, 44 f.b., cases 1-1241 ; Criminal, 1861-1879, 2 f.b., cases 1-28. General Index, 1854-1879, 3 v. ; Criminal, n.d., 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1861-1879, 2 v. (1-2). Judgments, 1858-1879, 1 v. Minutes, 1858-1879, 2 v. (2-3). Order Book, 1857-1873, 1 v. (A) . Kegister of Actions : Criminal, 1866-1872, 1 v. ; Delinquent Taxes, 1868-1870, 2 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1857-1879, 3 v. (1-3). Tax Decrees, Record of, 1865-1873, 4 v. (1-4). Venires, 1860-1877, 1 f.b. County Court, 1852-1880 Calendar, 1871-1879, 1 v. Executions, 1861-1868, 1 v. ; 1868-1880, 1 f.b. Fee Books, 1857-1880, 3 v. (1-3). File: Civil, 1854-1880, 6 f.b., cases 1-230; Criminal, 1853-1880, 9 f.b., cases 1-345. General Index, 1854-1879, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1876-1879, 1 v. Judgments, 1858-1879, 1 v. (A). Labeled "Judgments District Court, 1858-71." Minutes, 1853-1877, 3 v. (1-3). Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1864-1879, 3 v. Register of Actions, Criminal, 1865-1871, 1 v. Venires, 1860-1880, 1 f.b. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1852-1863 Minutes, 1852-1858, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1852-date Bonds of Administrators and Executors, 1863-date, 9 v. (A-H) ; Index, 1 v. Two volumes are lettered "D." 566 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Calendar, 1911, in attic. No record was kept before this date. Fee Books, 1872-1880, 1 v. (B). File, 1854-1880, 21 f.b., cases 1-262; 1880-date, 249 f.b., cases 1-2672. General Index, 3 v. (1-3). Guardians' Inventories and Appraisements, 1876-1882, 1 v. Letters of Administration and Testamentary, 1897-date, 3 v. (D-F) ; Letters of Administration, 1863-1908, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. ; Files, 1883-date, 47 f.b. Letters of Guardianship, 1906-1908, 1 v. (A) . Letters Testamentary, 1906-1908, 1 v. (A). Minutes and Orders, 1866-date, 24 v. (1-23). Probate Decrees, 1881-date, 9 v. (1-9). Register of Estates, etc., 1860-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Wills, Record of, 1859-date, 5 v. (1-5). Superior Court, 1880-date Adoption, Record of, 1878-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Papers, 1878-date, 1 f.b. Attorneys, Roll of, 1891-date, 2 v. (2-3). Calendar, Law and Motion, 1911-date, 2 v., in the attic; Trial, 1891-date, 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1852-date, 15 f.b., cases 1-1016; Index, 1 v. Decrees, 1887-1896, 3 v. (1-3) ; Decrees of Foreclosure of School Lands, 1869-1887, 1 v. File : Attachments, 1896-date, 3 f.b. ; Civil, 1880-date, 1800 f.b., cases 1-8783 ; Criminal, 1880-date, 39 f.b., cases 1-1316 ; Divorce, 1894-date, 7 f.b. ; Habeas Corpus, 1858-date, 2 f.b. ; Insolvency, 1893-1898, 8 f.b., cases 1-87. General Index, 1880-date; Civil, 8 v. (1-4) ; Criminal, 1880-1894, 1 v. Grand Jury Lists, 1908-date, 1 f.b. Grand Jury Reports, 1904-date, 1 f.b. Insanity : Commitments, 1852-date, 7 f.b. ; Record of Commitments, 1881-1911, 4 v. (2-3), in attic; Index, 1860-1899; Record, 1909- date, 1 v. ; State Commission in Lunacy, 1897, 1 f.b. Intemperance Commitments, Order Fixing Time of Hearing and Examination, 1911-date, 1 v. (1) ; File, 1 f.b. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 14 v. (1-14). Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 5 v. (1-5). Jury Book, 1886-date, 2 v. (2-3) ; Jury Lists, 1880-date, 2 f.b. Land Register Docket, 1915, 1 v. (1). Minutes and Orders: Civil, 1880-date, 17 v. (1-17); Criminal, 1880-date, 7 v. (1-7). Register of Actions : Civil, 1880-date, 19 v. (1-19) ; Criminal, 1893- clate, 3 v. (1-3) ; Insolvent Debtors, 1893-1898, 1 v. Reporter's notes, large number in Reporter's office. Transcripts on Appeal from Justice Courts, 1872-date, 1 f.b. Transcripts of Testimony Before Coroner's Jury, files in attic. TULARE COUNTY. 567 Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. Record, 1909-date, 2 v. (1-2). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1877-date, 6 v. (1-6). Appointment, Applications for, 1889-date, 1 f.b. ; Appointment and Oath of Office, 1 f.b. Auditor's Estimates and Financial Reports, 1888-date, 2 f.b. Bonds and Agreements, 1911, 1 f.b. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, 1902-1914, 1 V. (1). Certificates of Cancellation of Erroneous Tax Sales, 1880-date, 2 f.b. Claims Allowed, 1909-date, 17 f.b. ; Rejected, 1893-1895, 1 v. Deeds, Right of Way, 1880-date, 2 f.b. Equalization, Minutes of the Board of, 1877-date, 2 v. (1-2). Erroneous Assessments, Cancellation of, 1889-1895, 1 v. ; Double Assessment, Files, 1910-date, 3 f.b. ; Affidavits for Reductions on Taxes, 1892-date, 4 f.b. Franchise Book, 1853-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1888-date, 1 f.b. Horticulture Commissioner, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Hospital Reports, 1879-date, 3 f.b. Indigents' Allowance, 1897-date, 1 f.b. Indigents, Orphans and Half-orphans, Applications of, 1893-date, 2 f.b. Invoices, 1875-1878, 1 v. Letters, miscellaneous, 1902-date, 1 f.b. Minutes, "Records" : 1852-date, 16 v. (1-15) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). There are two volumes marked "3." Vol. 1 is marked "Organization of County, 1852." Orders on Road Funds, 1874, 1 v. Ordinance Book, 1883-1911, 2 v. (1-2) ; Ordinances, 1900-1905, 1 f.b. Railroad Commission Orders, 1912-date, 1 f.b. Rebate Matters, on Taxes, etc., 1888-1900, 1 f.b. Reclamation Districts, papers, 1857-1875, 1 f.b. Reports, Incorporations and Miscellaneous, 1872-1911, 1 f.b. Road Book. 1868-date, 7 v. (1-7). Road Masters, Clerk's Account with, 1858-1874, 1 v. Road Register, 1854-date, 5 v. (1-5). Two volumes are numbered "2" ; one of these covers 1854-1879. No. 1 dates from 1877. Roads : Abandonments of Public Roads, 1895-date, 2 f.b. ; Public, 1859-date, 31 f.b. ; Toll, 1859-1893, 1 f.b. ; Road Petitions, etc., 1872-date, 6 f.b. Saloon License, Applications for, 1908-1911, 1 f.b. School District Boundaries, Record of, 1 v. (1). School File : Bonds, 1880-date, 10 f.b. ; School Business, Petitions, 1881-date, 5 f.b.; Special Tax, 1890-?, 2 f.b. 568 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Squirrel Affidavits, 1905, 1 f.b. State Highway Commission, papers, etc., 1916-date, 1 f.b. Storm, Water and Protection District, 1909-date, 1 f.b. Swamp Lands : District No. 16 ; District No. 45 ; District No. 48. Township Plat Book, n.d., 1 v. Townships, Judicial, 1893-date, 1 f.b. Water Rights, Petitions, 1862-1888, 1 f.b. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties County Statistics, 1905-1907, 1 f.b. Courthouse Bonds, Register of, 1876, in Supervisors' room. Docked Horses, Register of, 1907, 1 v. (1). Hunting License stub-books, 1916. Military Roll, 1887, 1 v., in attic; 1891-date, 1 f.b., in Supervisors'. room. Miscellaneous papers, 1860-date, 2 f.b. Receipts, Record of, 1891-1893, 1 v. Special Deposit, Auditor's Receipts for. Statement of Money in County Treasury, 1909-date, 1 f.b. Trust Fund, County Clerk's, 1 v. Naturalization Declaration of Intention : 1854-1895, 4 f.b. ; Record of, 1907-date, 1 v. ; Index to, 1855-1906, 1 v. (1). Naturalization: Acts of, 1880-1903, 2 v.; Record of, 1904-1906, 1 v.; Petition and Record, 1911-date, 2 v. (2-3). Naturalization, Certificates of, 1906-date, 1 v. Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1860-1903, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration. Late ones in Clerk's office ; earlier in attic or destroyed. Great Register, 1914 ; Printed, 1908-1909, in attic. Precinct Maps, 1916. Elections Candidates, Affidavits of, 1910-1915, 2 f.b. ; Itemized Statement of Expenses, 1906-date, 1 f.b. Certificates of Election, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Nomination Papers, 1914, 3 f.b. ; Record of Nomination, 1910-1914, 1 v. Verification Deputies' Record, 1914-1916, 2 f.b. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License Affidavits, 1905-date, 5 v. ; Index, 1893-date, 4 v. Alcoholic Liquor, Receipts, Sales and Disbursements of, Filed by Druggists, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 2 v. Medical Certificates, Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. (1). Optometrists, Record of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Record of, 1905-date, 1 v. TULARE COUNTY. 569 Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1863-date, 24 f.b. ; Index, 4 v. (1-4). See also Recorders office, Book of Corporations. Authorization to do Banking Business, 1907-1914, 1 f.b. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1907-date, 1 v. (1). Bonds of Corporations. 1908-date, 1 f.b. Fictitious Names, Register of Firms and Persons Under, 1911- date. 1 f.b. Partnership, Register, 1874-date, 1 v. (1) ; Certificates of, 1907- date, 1 f.b. ; 1871-1910, 1 f.b. Private account books : Diana Oil Co., By-laws and other records. Dillwood Lumber Co., Ledger, Journal, Time Book, Papers, etc. Relating to Other Officers Appointment, Certificates of, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Bonds. Official, 1852-date, 7 f.b.; Index, 1893-date, 1 v. (1). Constable Reports, 1913-date, 4 f.b., in Supervisors' room. County Physicians and Health Office, 1901-date, 3 f.b., in Super- visors' room. District Attorney's Opinions, 1889-date, 1 f.b., in Supervisors' room. Jurors, Trial, Order for, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Justice of Peace, Reports of, 6 f.b., in Supervisors' room; Record, Third Township, 1861-1866, 1 v. Notaries. Bonds of, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Notary Public and Public Officers' Oaths of Office, 1911-date, 1 f.b. Oaths of Office and Revocations, 1854-1903, 7 f.b. Public Administrator: Reports of, 1896-date, 1 f.b.; Account Book of, 1911-1913, 1 v. Treasurer's Statements, 1893-date, 6 f.b., in Supervisors' room. THE RECORDER Architects. Cancellation of Certificates of, 1 f.b. Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1856-date, 21 v. (A-Y) ; Index, 3v. (1-3). Vol. A is also A of Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, etc. Attachments. 1857-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Banking Statements: Assets. 1876-1893, 1 v., indexed; Capital, 1876- 1891. 1 v.. indexed. Births, 1873-date, 8 v. (1-8), indexed. Builders' Contracts, 1914-date : Index, 1885-date, 1 v. (1). Certificates of Sale. 1868-date, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index, 1 v. Corporations. Book of. 1866-?. 1 v.: Certificate of Incorporation, "Tule River Water Ditch Company," 1866. The Book of Corporations is a small ror-ord book among other miscel- laneous records. It contains Certificates of "The Great American Water Ditch Company." "The First Presbyterian Church of Visalia," '"The Methodist-Episcopal Church of Visalia," etc. 570 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deaths, Register of, 1873-date, 5 v. (1, 1-4), indexed. Decrees of Distribution, 1891-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4) ; Probate, 1869-1896, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Deeds, 1856-date, 259 v. (A-Y, 1-241).; Index, 39 v. (1-39). There are no volumes numbered C, Z, J, Q, 59, GO, 70. Among the Deeds there is an old book covering the years 1855-1857; it is marked "P" and contains Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorney, etc. Deeds, Letters Patent, etc., 1860-date, 27 f.b. Deeds of Right of Way, 1884-date, 11 v. (1-12) ; Index, 2 v. -(1-2). There is no vol. 4. Deeds of Trust, 1876-date, 47 v. (1-47) ; Index, 6 v. (1-6). Divorces, 1859, 1 v., one entry, District Court. Certified copies of Decrees involving real estate are copied and indexed in Deeds. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1903-date, 4 v. (1-3), two volumes numbered 3; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Primary, 1912-date, 2 v. Estravs, 1880-1888, 1 v. (A) ^Notices of Estrays, 1852-date, 2 f.b. Executions, 1869-1890, 2 f.b.; 1890-date, 1 v. (1); Index, 1 v. (1). Executors and Administrators, 1859, 1 v., only one entry. Fee Books, 4 v. The earlier record is in the Auditor's office. Homesteads, 1860-1913, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Abandonment of, 1866-date, 2 v. (1, A). Judgments, Transcripts of, 1858-date, 4 v, (A-D) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Leases, 1862-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v.; 1859-1881, 1 f.b. Licensed Surveyors, List of, 1891-date, 1 v. (1) ; Notices of Appoint- ment of Licensed Survevors, 1 f.b.; Index, 1 v. (1). Lis Pendens, 1855-date, 5 V. (A-E) ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Maps, 1860-date, 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Maps of Licensed Sur- vevs, 1892-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Marks and Brands, 1852-date, 3 1 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1) . Marriages: Licenses, 1853-date, 19 v. (A-T) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4); Register of, 1905-date, 5 v. (1-5). In the first named series there is no volume lettered Q. Mechanics Liens, 1857-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; 1859-1870, 1 f.b. Mining Claims, 1891-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mining records, Mineral King District, 1873-1894: Claims, 2 v. (1-2) ; Minutes, 1873-1893, 1 v. ; Names of Lodes, 1 v. ; Proof of Labor, 1 v. ; Transfers, 2 v. (1-2) ; Miscellaneous papers. Miscellanv, 1888-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mortgages, 1860-date, 164 v. (A-Z, 1-141) ; Index, 15 v. (1-15). Letters J and Q not used in series. Mortgages/Chattel, 1873-date, 72 v. (A-Z, 1-48) ; Index, 10 v. (A-K). Letters J and Q are not used in the series, nor I in the Index. Newspapers, 1876-date, only those having Tax Collector's delinquent tax list. Official Bonds. 1857-1877, in Supervisors' room; 1877-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1 v. TULARE COUNTY. 571 Patents, 1860-date, 18 v. (E-X) ; Index, 5 v. (1-5). Letters Q and R omitted from series. Physicians and Undertakers, Register of, 1915-date, with few entries. Possessory Claims, 1856-1893, 2 v. (A-B). Powers of Attorney, 1860-date, 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2) ; 1855- 1876, 1 f .b. Reclamation Districts, 1869-1907. Release of Mortgages and Leases, 1862-date, 150 v. (A-Z, 1-124) ; Index, 13 v. (1-13). Releases of Mortgages, Personal Property, 1903-date ; Index, 3 v. (1-3). Separate Property of Married Women, 1857-date, 1 v. (A), indexed. Sheriff's Sales, 1876-date, 1 v. (1) ; 1857-date, 10 f.b. Sole Traders' Declaration, 1860-1897, 1 v. (1), indexed. Labeled "Declaration of Married Women." Stallion Register, 1912-date, 1 y., indexed. Swamp Lands, 1852-1904, 2 v. (A, F), indexed. The record is complete and F is the older volume. Tax Deeds to State, 1876-date, 24 v. (1-24) ; Index, 4 v. (1-4). Tax Sales to State, Certificates of, 1894-date, 38 v. (1-38) ; Cities, 1914-1915 ; Irrigation District No. 1, 1 v. ; Fire Districts and Cities, 1897-date, 1 v. (4) ; Alta Irrigation District, 1890-1894, 2 v. (1-2). Water Rights, 1872-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Wills, Record of, 1874-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (1). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1875-date. Apportionment of Funds, 1861-1903, 2 v. This is found in the School District Accounts after 1903. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 3 v. Vols. 1 and 2 are marked "Record." Census Marshal's Field Notes, 1906-1910, filed with Reports; Reports, 1906-1910. 13 cases. Certificate stub-books, 1894-date. Certificates, Applications for, 1910-date, scattering, 3 f.b. Communications received : from Auditor, 1912-date, 1 f.b. ; from Dis- trict Clerks, 1900-date, scattering, filed under each district ; General, letter file. 1912-date. Courses of Study, 1915-date. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, 1911-date. These are either printed separately or found in the County School Directory. Fee Books of Superintendent, 1903-date. Fees for 1S61-186S are in the Journal. Grading of Schools, 1880-1888, 1 v. Institutes, Record of, 1868-date, 5 v. Opening of Schools, Record of, 1880-date. In Record of School Districts. 572 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Requisitions, 1906-date, files in the office. School District Boundaries, 1877-date, 3 v. School District Maps and Plats, 1885-date, 2 v. School Fund, 1883-1895, 5 v. (B-E). T\vo volumes are marked "D." School Ledger, 1873-1882, 2 v. Superintendent's Official Acts, n.d., 4 v., with few entries. Teachers' Employment Record, 1880-date. This is found in the Record of School Districts. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1880-date, 1 v. Teachers' Permanent Fund Record, 1914— date, 1 v. Teachers' Reports, 1882-date, 18 f.b. Teachers' Retirement Fund Applications, 1914-date, 1 f.b. Trustees' Orders, 1901-date, 56 f.b. Trustees, Register of, 1861-date, 2 v. (1-2). These are called "Journal" and "Record of School Districts." Trustees' Reports, 1900-date, scattering. Warrant Register, 1861-date. The earliest of these are in two books marked "Journal," the later ones in the Register of Warrants and the latest in the School District Accounts. THE AUDITOR Account with Sheriff, 1857-1876, 1 v., in the Treasurer's office; Account with Tax Collector, 1876-1906, 3 v. ; Account with Treasurer, 1876- 1893, 1 v. Allowance Book, Certified List of Claims, 1883. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1858-date. Duplicate, 1856, 1872-1876, 1895. Delinquent Lists, 1866-1873 ; Delinquent Roll, 1873-date. Index, 1881-date. Assessment Rolls, Cities, 1912-date, 6 v. These are for the cities of Exeter, Dinuba, Lindsay, Porterville, Tulare and Visalia. Bond Register, School District, 1892-date, 5 v. Cash Book, City Treasurer, Visalia, 1876-1882. Cash Books, Receipts and Disbursements, 1885-date, 5 v. Clerk's Fee Books, 1890-date, 9 v. (1-9). Vol. 3 is in the attic, vol. 9 in the Clerk's office. Fund Book, 1864-1894, 7 v. (A-G). Hospital Record, Miscellaneous Funds, 1875-1878, 1 v. Indigent Record of Allowance, 1893-date, 2 v. Invoice, Assessor's Report, 1856-1857, 1 v. Letters, 1903-1904, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. License Book, 1890-1903, 4 v. License Collector, Account With, 1876-1893, 1 v. Mortgages, Recorder's Abstract of, 1888, 1 v. Official Plat Books, 1884-date, 32 v. TULARE COUNTY. 573 Orphans, Half-orphans and Abandoned Children Supported by Tulare County, 1859-1911, 1 v. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1907-1911, 1 v. ; Record of, 1911-date, 2 v. (1-2). Poll Tax Roll, 1893, 1 v. Prisoner's Record, 1913-date. This is a record of the amount paid the county by each district for the support of prisoners. Recorder's Fee Book and General Fee Book, 1876-date, 31 v. Road District Cash Book, 1903-date, 1 v. Road Fund, 1875-1877, 1 v. Road Ledger, 1889-1891, 1 v. Road Warrant Register, 1911-date. School Ledger, 1915-date, 1 v. ; School Fund Ledger, 1880-1888, 1 v. School Warrants, Register of, 1880-date, 19 v. Special School Fund Account, 1904-1908, 1 v. ; Special and High School Funds, 1909-date, 1 v. Summary, State and County Rates, 1910-date. Tax Collector, Totals of Rolls and Charges to, 1905-1912, 4 v. Tax Record, Delinquent, 1911-1913, 2 v. Tax Sales: Record, 1876-1896, 8 v.; Register of, Tule River Irrigation District, 1893-1896, 1 v. ; Abstract of Delinquent, 1876-date, 5 v. Taxes, Delinquent : Redemption of, 1893-1910, 3 v. ; Collection of, 1874r-1899, 1 v. Treasurer's Account with State Funds and Other Funds, 1861-1866, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Treasurer's Cash Book, 1866-1868, 1 v. Treasurer's Receipts for State Lands, 1859-1863, 1 v. Warrants on File. These include school warrants, road warrants, salary warrants, etc., the recent ones being filed in cases by years and the older ones piled on top of the book and filing cases. Warrants, Register of and Abstract of Expenditures, 1876-date, 9 v. THE TREASURER Bonds, Register of, 1887-1891, 1 v. ; Bonds of County Clerk, on file. Cash Book, 1856-date, 16 v. This is labeled "Receipts and Disbursements." County Treasurer in Account with Public Administrator, 1910-date, 1 v. Deposit Record, 1910-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1905-date, 2 v. Levee District No. 1, Receipts and Disbursements of, 1891-date, 1 v. Miscellaneous file, 1909-date ; piles of earlier papers are in the attic. Miscellaneous Records, about 1890, 2 v., small. Monthly Reports, 2 lb., in Supervisors' room. Poll Tax stub-books. Recent ones in office, older in attic. Pound Fund, Record of, 1903-date, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. 574 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Road Warrants, Register of, 1904-date, 2 v. For earlier records see Register of Warrants. School Funds, 1875-date, 1 v. Statements and Discharges from State Controller, 1890-date. State School Land Record, 1855-date, 3 v. Swamp Lands, 1855-date, 3 v. Warrants, Register of, 1857-date, 22 v. ; Registry and Redemption of, not paid for want of funds, 1893-date, 2 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment List, 1912-date ; also a great quantity in the attic. Assessment Roll, city of Visalia, 1884, 1 v. Ledger, 1887-1892, 1 v. Maps and Plats: Town Plats, "Assessments," 1914-date, 17 v. Miscellaneous Plats: These include town plats, colony plats, plat book, official plats, and township plats. Mortgages, Plot Book, 1892-1910, 8 v. Mortgages, Recorder's Abstracts of, 1881-?, scattering. The volume for 1898 is in the Auditor's office ; the remainder are in the attic. Poll Tax Roll, 1894-1897 ; 1900-1914. State Land Office Returns, 1885-1908, 3 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Authorization from State Controllers to sell property, File, 1903-1915. Cash Book, 1903-date, 26 v. ; Stubs, 1912-date. Stubs before 1912 are in the attic. Licenses, Cash Account of, 1893-1904, 3 v. Liquor License stub-book, 1908-1915, 1 v. Maps: Official Map of Tulare County, 1909, with statistical data, approved and adopted by Board of Supervisors. Tax Receipts, stubs, 1915. Tax Sales, Record of, 1903-date, 3 v J }' X i • - \ v i rS «. 5 m Ph TUOLUMNE COUNTY. 575 TUOLUMNE COUNTY INTRODUCTION Tuolumne was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850. At that time it included also the present county of Stanislaus, which was detached in 1854. reducing Tuolumne to the present boundaries. Souora has been the county seat during the entire period since the organization of the county. The first courthouse, built in 1852, was a wooden building and was used until 1898. The present building was occupied in December, 1899. During the period of construction the county officers and records were housed in various buildings in Sonora. The present courthouse is a modern structure of steel, brick and concrete, occupying a block near the center of town. It is safe from outside fires, and probably as nearly fireproof in interior construction as the average public building. It is lighted by electricity and heated with steam heat. All of the offices included in this report are located on the second floor, except that of the County Superintendent of Schools, which is on the first floor. The offices of Clerk and Auditor are combined. The Superintendent of Schools combines his duties with those of principal of the Jamestown school. The Clerk- Auditor has a large vault in which the greater part of the court records and Auditor's records are kept. The Treasurer also has a small vault in which his current records are kept. On the first floor is an archive room, or storeroom, in which are stored a quantity of the older records from the various offices. A smaller room adjoining (formed by closing up one end of a hallway running through the building, and used also as the office of the Sealer of Weights and Measures) contains a number of volumes and a large quantity of papers tied in bundles and filed in pigeonholes and piled on top of cases. In the following report these two rooms are designated as Archive Koom (AR) and Small Archive Room (SAR), and a casual examination will reveal the amount of material contained in them. The danger from interior fire would seem to be greatest in these two rooms, as practically their entire contents are inflammable. The archives were examined in November, 1916. 576 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Criminal Register, 1862-1884, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Execution Docket, 1852-1857, 1 v. (A), in SAR. Executions, 1850-1866, 17 bdls., in SAR. Fee Book, 1850, 1 small v., in SAR. File, 53 f .b., cases 1-1722 ; 1850-1859, 1864-1867, 1870, 94 bdls., in SAR. General Index, 1863-1897, 2 v. (A), in SAR. Insolvents, Discharge of, 1853-1867, 9 bdls., in SAR. Judgment Book, 1850-1879, 4 v. (A-D). Vol. D is also used for the Superior Court. Judgment Docket, 1851-1879, 4 v. (A-D). Vol. D is also used for the Superior Court. Jury Book: District Court and Court of Sessions, 1850-1852, 1 v., in SAR ; District Court, County Court and Superior Court, 1864- 1886, 1 v., in SAR. The first volume contaius also the ledger of some business house for January, 1852. Minutes, 1850-1879, 5 v. (A-E). Vol. A is entitled "Record" ; Vol. E, pp. 375 if. is vised for Superior Court minutes. Register of Actions, 1853-1879, 6 v. (B-G). Vol. G continues into the Superior Court. Tax Suits: Register of Actions, 1865-1872, 2 v. (A-B), in SAR; Tax Decree Book, 1865-1872, 2 v. (A-B), in SAR; General Index, Taxes, 1865-1869, 1 v. (A), in AR; File, 1865-1872, 22 bdls, in SAR. Vol. B of the Register of Actions has outside title, "Day-Book, Taxes." Vol. B of the Decree Book has outside title, "Record Delinquent Taxes." County Court, 1850-1879 Clerk's Register, 1853-1879, 2 v. (A-B). Grand Jury Reports, 1855-1871, 1 v., in SAR. This book contains much interesting information concerning conditions in the county during the period covered. Minutes, 1850-1879, 4 v. (A-D) ; Index to B, 1 v. File, 1850-1879, 75 bdls., in SAR. Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 File, 1850-1863, 38 bdls., in SAR. Minutes, 1850-1859, 2 v. (A-B), in SAR; 1859-1863, 1 v., "Record C." Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1850-date Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-date, 1 v. Fee Book, 1852-1856, 1 v., in SAR. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. 577 Fee Docket, 1852-1856, 1 v., in SAR. File, 1850-date, 121 f .b., cases 1-1659 ; current cases, 26 f.b. by letters ; Index to Probate Files, 1 v. Due to confusion incident to erection and occupation of the present courthouse in 1899, the probate file before that date is not arranged chronologically, but it is completely indexed. Index, 1896-1899, 1 v., in SAR, Journal, 1850-date, 6 v. (x, x, C-F) ; and two parallel vols., 1856- 1870. Letters of Administration, 1890-date, 3 v. (1-3). Letters Testamentary, 1890-date, 1 v. (1). Minutes and Orders, 1850-date, 10 v. (A-J). Probate Bonds, 1861-1872, 1885-date, 6 v. (A-C, 3-5) ; Index to C, 1 v. Wills, 1852-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Calendar, 1889-1899, 2 v., in SAR; 1900-1901, 1 v. (2). Coroner's Inquests. 9 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. (1). Execution Book, 1866-1896, 2 v., in SAR; 1896-1910, 1 v. (B). The second volume has outside title, "Record." File, 219 f.b., cases 1-3385. General Index, 4 v. Insane: Index, 1 v. (1) ; Record of Commitments, 1898-date, 1 v. (A) ; Commitments, Intemperance, 1913-date, 1 v. (1). Insolvency Docket, 1897-1900, 1 v., in AR. Judgment Book, 1880-date, 1 v. (D-G). Vol. D, pp. 1-374, is used for the District Court. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 4 v. (D-G). Vol. D is continued from the District Court. Jury Book, 1886-1890, 1 v., in SAR; Jury Time Book, 1890-1912, 1 v. ; Jury Roll, 1912-date, 1 v. The first volume contains also School Land Receipts for 1859-1860. Minutes, 1880-date, 9 v. (E-M). Pages 1-37G of vol. E are Minutes of District Court. Order Book in Chambers, 1853-date, 3 v. (A-C). Pages 1-G25 of vol. A are for the County Court. Register of Actions., 1880-date, 7 v. (G-M). Pages 1-186 of vol. G are for the District Court. Reporters' notes. 22 v.; several hundred vols., in AR and SAR. Transcripts of Evidence, several bells., in main office and SAR. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date Minute Book, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions, "Record," 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Order Book, 1909-date. 1 v. (1). 38—41210 578 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Abstract of Title of Lot 2 of Block 35 of the City of Sonora, Oct. 9, 1915, 1 v. Allowance Book, 1899-date, 5 v. (1-5). Vols. 1-3 are in SAR. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers and Marines, 1889-date, 1 v. (1). Equalization, Minutes of Board, 1884— date, 1 v. File, 26 f.b. ; 15 p.h., in AR ; 32 bdls., in SAR. Hospital and Poorhouse, Monthly accounts of, 1883-1895, 1 v., in SAR. Outside title, "Day-Book." Liquor License Applications, Protests and Bonds, 1899, 1 bdl., in AR. Minutes, 1852-date, 10 v. (1-10). 'Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. Orphans and Half -orphans, 1897-date, 3 v. (x, x, 1). Road Book, 1-1872, 1 v. (1) ; Register, n.d., 1 v., in SAR. Sonora and Mono Wagon Road Bonds, issued 1863 ! , Record of, 1 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Cash Book, 1907-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1864-1889, 5 v., in SAR. Hunting and Fishing Licenses, County Register of, 1907-1908, 1 v., in AR; Stub-books, 1916, bdl. of small books. Military Rolls, 1861-1869, 3 bdls., in SAR; 1882-1896, 1 p.h., in AR; 1898-date, 1 f.b. Miscellaneous file, 40 f.b. ; 124 bdls. in SAR and 2 boxes in AR. The bundles and boxes include all the papers in AR and SAR not other- wise classified in this report, and consequently may include some which do not properly belong in the Clerk's office. Monthly Statements of Clerk's and Recorder's office, 1870-1872, 1 v., in SAR. Receipts: General, 1858, 1870-1887, 2 v.; Road and Poll Tax (Assessor's Receipt to Clerk for blank receipts), 1858-1860, 1 v.; Road Labor Tax (record of license, hospital, and road poll tax receipts), 1872-1885, 1 v. All the above receipt books are in SAR. Receipts for papers delivered, 1903-date, 1 v. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1850-1885, 1 v. and 28 bdls., in SAR; 1886-1911, 1 f.b. ; 1904-1906, 1 v. ; Record of, 1907-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1850-date, 1 v. Citizenship Record, 1880-1903, 1 v. (1). Certificates of naturalization in form book. Naturalization and Final Paper* Certificates of, 1852-1857, 7 bdls., in SAR. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. 579 Naturalization : Petition and Affidavit, 1903-1906, 1 v. ; Record of, 1903-1906, 1 v.: Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalization, Certificates of. stub-books, 1906-date, 7 v. Naturalized Citizens. Index, 1851-date, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1866-1871, 1876-1898, 35 Mis., in SAR; 1869-1875. 1879-1882. 2 bdls., in AR; 1912, 1914, in AR; 1916, in steel filing case in Clerk's vault. Affidavits of Registration furnished deputies, Record of, 1912- date. 1 v. Great Register, 1866-1909, 9 v.. in AR ; Precinct registers and supplement. 1896-1898. 26 v.. in AR. Great Register, printed, 1898, 25 copies in SAR; Other counties, 1898.36v., in SAR. Index to precinct registers. 1900-1910, several in Recorder's office and in SAR. Elections Candidates' Statements, 1896-1902, 1 p.h.. in AR, Certificates of Election, 1892-date. 1 f .b. ; Certificates of Election and Appointment. 1879-1891. 1 bdl.. in SAR. Election Returns: General election, 1916, in Clerk's vault; Primary and special elections. 1910-1916. in AR, Nomination Papers. 1910. large bdl., in AR, Nominations. Record of. 1910-date. 1 v. Official Ballots printed bv Countv Clerk for General Election, Record of, 1892, 1 v.. in AR ; 1911. 1 v. Poll Lists. 1868. 1869, 1871, 3 bdls., in SAR, Primary Election Officers, Record of, 1898, 1 v., in SAR. Verification Deputies. Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License stub-books. 1901-1903. 1 v.. in SAR; 1903-1909, 2 v.. in AR : 1909-date, 2 v. Dentists. Register of. 1901— date, 1 v. Optometrists. Record of. 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacists, Register of, 1905-date, 1 v. Physicians' and Dentists' Certificates, 1876-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation. 6 f.b.. Nos. 1-833; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies. Record of. 1906-date, 1 v. Co-partnerships. 1875-clate. 1 v. Private account books : Brown's Flat L'nion Fluming Company, see under County Treasurer. "License and Poll Tax Record." Consolidated Golden Gate and Sulphuret Mining and Devel- opment Company, large number of books and papers, elates running from 1889 to 1895. 580 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. "Lombardo & Co. Quartz Mill, Cherokee, Agosto 1, 1858, Tuolumne County, California," Ledger. Also contains some accounts of the Louisiana Mine and of C. Lombardo and some other similar records. Some accounts as late as 1884. Starbird, Sears & Smith ( ?), Sonora, 1873-1879, 1 v., Day-Book. Union Lodge No. 169, K. of P., Sonora, weekly receipts of convention, 1901-1905, 1 v., in AR. Sole Traders Applications, 1 bdl., in SAR. Relating to Other Officers Bonds of Officers, 4 f .b. ; 1850-1891, 24 bdls., in SAR; 1854-1858, 1 v. (A), in SAR; Notaries, 1876-1892, 1 p.h., in AR. Cash in County Treasury, Count of, 1873-1898, 1 p.h., in AR. Coroners' Register, 1857-1880, 1 v., and an old volume recopied, both in SAR. County Jail Book, 1856-1866, 1 v., in SAR. Names of persons committed to jail, charges, and disposition of cases. Humane Officers, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. Justices of Peace : Judgment and Execution, 1 f .b. ; Papers, 1861- 1867, 1893-1896, 2 bdls., in SAR; Transcripts, 1850-1860, 1863, 1874-1880, 5 bdls., in SAR; 1880-1888, 1 p.h., in AR. Public Administrator, Reports of, 1857, 1 bdl., in SAR. Report of Wm. B. Daugherty, Certified Public Accountant, to the Grand Jury, Feb. 3 1 , 1913 ; Audit of books of county for year 1912 ; typewritten report in binder cover, 62 pages. Sheriff: Cash Book, 1895-1898, 2 v., in AR; Fee Book, 1885-1897, 1 v., in AR; Ledger, 1878-1884, 1 v., in SAR; Record of Tax Sales, 1873-1891, 1 v., in AR, Treasurers' Reports, 3 f.b. THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, 1873-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Attachments, 4 f.b.; 1852-1856, 1863-1867, 2 bdls., in SAR; Index, 1 v. Births : Record of, 1859-1874, 1 v. ; Register of, 1900-date, 3 v. (x, x, 3) . Certificates of Sale under Execution, 1854-date, 3 v. (x, 1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Chinese Camp Townsite : Books and Papers, 1873, 1 bdl., in SAR ; Cer- tificates of Land Claims, 1 bdl., in SAR. Deaths: Record of, 1859-1874, 1894-1909, 2 v. (x, 2) ; Register of, 1907- date, 2 v. (3-4) . Decrees of Distribution, Index, 1 v. The Decrees are found in "Probate." Deeds, 1850-date, 78 v. (Al, 1-11, 13-78) ; Index, 14 v. Vol. 1 is the earliest volume. For vol. 12, see under Powers of Attorney. Early volumes of Deeds contain miscellaneous records, deeds, mortgages, claims, powers of attorney, certificates of sale, assignments, leases, etc. Deeds of Trust, 1911-date, 4 v. (1-4). Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-1914, 3 v. (1-3); 1 f.b.; Committees' Statements, 1894-date, 1 v. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. 581 Estravs, 1852-1863. 1 bdl., in SAE ; 1852-1888, 1 v. (1); 1868-date, 1 v., "Index Estrays." Fee Books, 1861-1874, 1899-date, 6 v. (x, x, 1-4). Field Notes of Towns. 2 v. (1-2) ; Original Field Note Books, 11 v. The first two volumes above contain a copy of the notes contained in the eleven field notebooks, which are in various pocket sizes, notes of surveys of various towus in Tuolumne County. Homesteads. 1860-date. 1 v. (1-4) ; 1860-1862, 1864-1868, 2 bdls., in SAR : Index, 1 v. Jamestown Townsite : Field Notes. Books and Papers, 1877, 1 bdl., in SAE: Papers, n.d., 1 bdl., in SAR. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1850-date, 1 v. (2) ; Index, 1 v. Leases, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v.; 1850-1855, 1 v. Index volume for 1850-1S55 is for Leases recorded in early deed books. Licensed Surveyors. 1891-date, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Liens, 1850-date. 5 v. (4, "1-4," 5-7) ; Mechanics Liens, ?-1865, 1 bdl., in SAR : Index. 4 v. Lis Pendens, 1853-1867, 1 bdl., in SAR; 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Maps and plats: current, 1 v.; old plat books, 2 v. (2-3) ; Map rack containing 14 maps; 2 loose maps; Official map of Tnolnmne County, 1906, large wall map; "Maps of Surveys, Tuolumne County," 1 bdl., in SAR ; Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1850-date. 1 v. (1) ; 2 drawers of the brands on leather; Adjacent counties. 1868-1869, 1 bdl., in SAR. Marriage Records : "Marriage Licenses," 1859-1860, 1 v. A certified register with columns for date, locality, names of parties, residence, age, color, single, widowed, by whom married, residence, official station, date of record, remarks. Only 10 pages used. Marriages, 1852-1871, 4 bdls., in SAR. "Marriages 1-4," 1850-1862, 1 v. Copy of certificates of persons performing ceremonies. Marriage Licenses, 1862-date, 7 v. (1-7). Form books with license and certificate on same page. Register of Marriages, 1907-date, 1 v. Form book under present law. Index to Marriage Certificates, 6 v. (1-3). Mining records : "Claims, Vol. VII," 1851-1853, 1 v. Inside title. "Vol. VII, Pre-emption Claims." Contains a note reading "For Pre-emption Claims recorded prior to Sept. A. D. 1851, see vol. I and the Index labeled 'Pre-emption Claims.' " See abo vo . Do^ds. vol. 1, and below, under Pre-emptions. "Claims 1-7," 1853-1857, 1 v. Claims, 1857-date. 5 v. (8-12). The volumes of Claims contain notices under a great variety of titles. The following were noted in a hasty glance through some of them : Claim, land claim, placer claim, quartz claim, mineral claim, timber claim, pre-emption claim, possessory claim, water right, mill site, tun- 582 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. nel site, marble, gravel, etc. The later volumes consist largely of placet- claims and water rights. Quartz claims after 1872 should appear in "Quartz Claims" (below), but vol. 8 of Claims has a few as late as 1876. Quartz Claims, 1872-1899, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, for vols. 1-5 is in each volume ; vols. 6-10 have each a separate index volume. Vol. 1, pages 1—11, contains minutes of meeting (quartz miners' con- vention) held at Sonora, Saturday, Oct. 5, 1872, for organization of the Tuolumne Mining District, and rules and regulations then adopted governing the location, manner of recording and amount of work neces- sary to hold possession of a quartz claim. Quartz Claims, 1899-date, 5 v. (11-15) ; Index, 1 v. Vol. 11, pages 1-5, contains minutes of a meeting held Saturday, April 29, 1S99, and the rules and regulations then adopted. Quartz Claims, Preliminary Notices of Location, 1897-date, 2 v. (1-2). Quartz Claims, Certificates of Location, 1898-date, 1 v. (1). Last entry, January, 1903. Placer Claims, Preliminary Notices of Location, 1897-date, 1 v. (1). Last entry, November, 1902. Proofs of Labor, 1909-date, 3 v. (1-3). Mining district records: "Record of Table Mountain Claims," 1855-1890, 1 v. Contains minutes of meetings held Jan. 9, 1855, Aug. 5, 1869, and Decem- ber, 1877, rules adonted and notices of location. "Book of Record of the Philadelphia Mining District, Tuolumne County, CaL, 1868," 1866-1875, 1 v. Contains "mining and by-laws of Phil. Min. Dist. made and passed at a meeting . . . June 26, 1868," and notices of location of claims thereunder. "Book of Records for Philadelphia Mining District, Tuolumne County, CaL, Wm. Hassel, Recorder, Jan. 23, 1877," 1877-1880, lv. Contains minutes of meeting, rules adopted and notices of location of claims. Miscellaneous, 1882-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Mortgages, 1852-date, 25 v. (1-25) ; 1859-1890, 7 bdls,, in SAR; Index, 1850-1858, 2 v. ; 1858-date, 6 v. (1-3) ; Chattel, 1857-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 1 v. ; Personal, Index, 2 v. Newspapers (part in the AR) : Sonora, Union Democrat, Aug. 23, 1862-Nov. 11, 1876, 14 v. American Flag, Nov. 27, 1862-Feb. 18, 1864, 1 v. A few numbers missing. Last seven numbers are bound with the Amer- ican Eagle (below). American Eagle, March 3, 1864-Aug. 27, 1864, 1 v. Herald, October, 1865-October, 1867, 2 v. Tuolumne Independent, January, 1877-December, 1912, 36 v. ; 1913-date, unbound. Columbia, Tuolumne Courier, Aug. 23, 1862 ; Nov. 8, 1862-July 14, 1866, 4 v. Jamestown, Mother Lode Magnet, 1897-1904, 1906, 9 v. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. 583 Official Bonds, 1851-date, 5 v. (9-13). Papers filed, but not recorded, 3 : f.b. Partnerships, 1892-date, 1 v. (1) ; Special, 1896-date, 1 v. Patents, 1891-date, 4 v. (E1-E4) ; Index, 1 v., "Day-Book." Possessory Claims, 1856-1870, 5 bdls., in SAR. Powers of Attorney, 1863-date, 1 v. (12) ; Index, 2 v. Powers of Attorney before 1863 are found in Deeds. Pre-emptions, Index, 4 v. (1-4), and one old volume recopied. The notices are found in Claims. See under Mining records. Probate, 1858-date, 3 v. (1-3). Certified copies of probate court orders of sale of real estate, orders con- firming sales of real estate, and decrees of distribution. Redemption, Certificates of, 1899-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Residence, Certificates of, 1 v. (1). Only one entry, July, 1911. Sales, Notices of Intended, 1908-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. School [Land] Warrants, 1852-1860, 1 v., in SAR. Contains also "Record of Corporations," 1852-1854. Separate Property of Married Women, 1852-1870, 1873-date, 2 v. (8, 10) ; Index, 1 v. Includes Sole Traders, etc. Stallion Register, 1914-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds to State, 1897-date, 8 v. (1-8). Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1857-1860, 1890, 5 bdls., in SAR; 1873-1911, 18 v. (1-18) ; Index, 2 v. Vol. 1 lias outside title, "Index, Tax Sales." THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1907-1916, 7 v. Board of Education, Minutes of. 1887-date, 2 v. File, 24 f.b. Minutes of the School Trustees of the Town of Columbia, 1855-1881, 1 v., in AR, Pages 13-22, Nov., 1856-April, 1858, are missing. Public Schools Journal, 1858-1870, 1 v. Contains also School District Boundaries, 1873. Recommendation for State Diplomas, stub-book, 1890-1901, 1 v., in AR. School District Ledger, 1878-1889, 1896-date, 6 v. (x, B-E, x). School Manual, 1902, 1916, several printed copies. Sonora Union High School, Record, 1915-date, 1 v. Trustees, Register of, 1892-1906, 1 v. Warrant Register, 1912, 1 v. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls : Original, 1855, 1860-1900, 78 v., in AR; 1856, 1858, 1862 (Dist. 1), 3 v., in SAR; 1865 (Dist. 4), 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1901-1915, 90 v., in Assessor's office. 584 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Delinquent : "Delinquent Tax List," 1854, 1 v., in AR; "Delinquent Lists and Tax Sales," 1857-1860, 1 v., in SAB,; 1867 (Dist. 1), 1870-1881, 1883-1885, 1901, 16 v., in AR; 1886-1915, 30 v., in main office. Personal Property, 1897-1900, 4 v., in AR. Sonora, 1891-1900, 10 v., in AR. Index, 15 v., in AR; 34 v., in Assessor's office. Bonds Issued and Outstanding, Register of, 1908-date, 1 v. Cash Book, 1893-1899, 2 v., in SAR; 1899-date, 5 v.. (1-5). Day Book, 1870-1899, 5 v., in SAR; 1899-1909, 1 v. Funded debt, 1853-1863 : "Statement of Amount, etc., of County Auditor's Warrants, Pre- sented and Registered by Clerk of Board of Fund Commissioners : and Bonds Issued to Fund the Same in pursuance of an act to fund the debt of Tuolumne County," 1853, 1 v., in SAR. Coupon Books, for above bond issue, 1853-1863, 2 v., one in AR, one in SAR. Minutes of Board of Fund Commissioners, 1853-1861, 1 v., in AR. The book contains also the Certificate of Incorporation of the Gee Chong Company, a cemetery association, Oct. 18, 1866. Reports of Fund Commissioners, Treasurer and Auditor, 1 bdl., in SAR, Funds, current, Record of, 1 v. Journal, 1864-1870, 1 v., in AR ; 1872-1893, 3 v. (A-C), in SAR. Journalized Cash Book, 1885-1889. 1 v. (B), in AR. Ledger. 1864-1899, 5 v., in SAR; 1900-1912, 3 v. (1-3). License Register, 1868-1869, 1 v., in SAR. Receipts and Expenditures : current sheets, 1 v. ; transfer sheets, 1 v. School Warrant Register, 1880-1897, 2 v., in AR; 1912-date, 1 v. Statistical Record, current, 1 v. Tax Rates, 1889-date, 1 v. Itemized statement of rate for each year. Tax Sales, Index to Delinquent, 1911-date, 1 v. Treasurer's Reports and Certificates, 1857-1904, 30 bdls., in SAR. Vouchers, 1853-1907, 219 bdls., in SAR; 1898-1910, 70 p.h., in AR. Warrants, Record of Purchased, 1858-1880, 2 v., in SAR, Warrants, Register of, 1850-1853, 1 v., in Recorder's office; 1853-1856, 1901-1904, 2 v., in SAR; 1904-date, 3 v. The volume for 1850-1853 has outside title, "Poll Tax Account." Warrants, Register of Road, 1904-1914, 1 v. Warrants Registered: "Scrip Book," 1852-1864, 1 v., in SAR; 1864- 1907, 3 v. (x, A, 3), in AR; 1853-1855, 1 v., in SAR. Warrant stubs, 1900-1914, 18 p.h., in AR; Books, 1884-1886, 2 v., in AR ; 1867-1869, 1883-1899, 15 v. and 5 bdls., in SAR. THE TREASURER Auditor's Certificates, 1885-1889, 3 v., in SAR. Cash Book, 1885-1914, 8 v., in AR; 1914-date, 1 v. Day Book, 1878-1906, 2 v., in AR; 1906-date, 2 v. Deposit Register, 1907-date, 1 v. TUOLUMNE COUNTY. 585 Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1900-date, 2 v. .Journal, 1859-1872, 1 v., in SAR. Ledger, 1855-1864. 1891-1911, 4 v. in AR ; 1911-date, 1 v. Licenses and Poll Tax Record, 1861-1871, 1 v., "Journal." Contains also on pages 1-01 day book of some saloon, with drinks charged from June to September, 1856 ; and, on pages 93-99, Constitution and Record of the Brown's Flat Flnming Company, 1861. Poll Tax and License Receipts, 1861-1914, 1 v. Auditor's receipt to the Treasurer. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Reports and Certificates, 1888, 1889, 1891-1905, 9 p.h., in AR. Reports, Semi-annual, 1886-1890, 1 v., in AR. Flimsy sheets in press copying book. School District Ledger, 1886-1888, 1909-1912, 2 v., in AR. School Districts, Register of, 1890-1891, 1 v. ; 1902-1906, 1 v., in Super- intendent's office. School Ledger, 1906-1909, 1 v., in Superintendent's office; 1911-date, 2 v. This and the two preceding titles belong in same series. Statement of Fees Paid into County Treasury, 1900-1901, 1 v., in AR. Contains also "Taxes for 1893," list of names and amounts paid. This occupies first part of the book. Treasurer's Account with Auditor, 1870-1914, 1 v. Licenses and poll taxes. Warrants, Register of, 1886-1912, 7 v., in AR; 1912-date, 2 v. Warrants, Register of Unpaid, 1897-date, 1 v. Registered warrants. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Deeds, Index to, 1908-1914, 1916, 8 v. Address Book, 2 v. Assessment Statements, 1906, 12 v.; 1907, 12 v., in AR; 1915, 6 v.; current, 17 v. ; various dates, 10 p.h. and several bdls., in AR. Maps and Plats, 1 v. Mining Claims, Index to, 1909-date, 8 v. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1878-1901, 3 v., in AR ; 1900-1905, 2 v. Personal Property Tax Collections, 1903-1907, 1 v., in AR ; 1906-date, 8 v. Poll, Road and Hospital Tax Receipt stubs, 1912-1914, 11 p.h. Poll Tax: Rolls, 1903, 1 v.. in AR ; Receipt stubs, 1889-1907, 2 boxes in AR, State Land Office Returns, 1884-1892, 1 v., in AR. Tax Deeds, Index to, 1897-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, Index to, 1895-1911, 1 v. 586 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 6 v. ; Index, 2 v. Cash Book, 1899-1900, 1915-date, 2 v. License Record, 1915-date, 1 v. License Tax, 1915-date, 1 v. Licenses Collected, Ledger of, 1885-1893, 2 v., in SAR; 1893-1905, 3 v Tax Receipt stub-books, current, 6 v. ; 1892-1898, about 60 v., in SAR various dates, 81 v. and large number of bdls., in AR. Tax Sales, Record of, 1891-1893, 1 v., in SAR. -_.._. ,_,,. -,.-,.-.-* -y ^#A - Ventura County. Solid blue Stats. 1871-2:484. a Survey of 1881. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3964. For key to maps see page ix. VENTURA COUNTY. 587 VENTURA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Ventura County began its existence on January 1, 1873. The act providing for its separation from Santa Barbara County was passed by the state legislature on March 22. 1872. In 1881, however, when the boundary between Los Angeles and Ventura was surveyed, the line followed was not that defined in the code of 1872 but the line of 1856 between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties. By a code amendment adopted in 1919 the boundaries were redefined and changed on the east and north. The city of Ventura has always been the county seat. The first courthouse was built in 1873, and served the purposes of the county until 1912. when the offices and archives were all moved into the present new building, a beautiful structure erected at a cost of nearly $300,000. The present courthouse is practically fireproof, the window and door frames, and a few wooden fixtures moved over from the old building, mainly in the Clerk's vault, being about the only inflammable materials used. It has no vaults, except a small one in the Treasurer's office housing a safe, the intention having been to construct the building in so solid a manner that no vaults would be needed. While the courthouse is prac- tically immune from the possibility of a destructive fire from within or without, since it occupies an isolated position on the side of the hill, its windows are of plain glass and, though locked on the inside, can not be said to be particularly proof against burglary. The third or attic story is provided with three dry, easily ventilated storerooms, labeled in this report as Recorder's, Clerk's and Sheriff's storerooms. The windows in the Clerk's storeroom are screened to keep out the bats and other undesirable inhabitants of public record rooms. Ventura County citizens may well be proud of their court- house; it is the best sort of insurance against the irreparable loss of those records that must ever be the main source of the county's history. The archives of this county were examined during June, 1916. 588 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1873-1879 Blotter, 1875-1877, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Calendar, 1873-1879, 1 v. Execution Docket, 1874-1878, 1 v. General Index, 1873-1879, 2 v. Index to Conrt Papers, 1873-1881, 1 v. Judgment Books, n.d., 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1873-1879, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1873-1879, 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1873-1878, 1 v. County Court, 1873-1879 ' Calendar, 1873-1879, 1 v. ■ General Index, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1873-1879, 1 v. (1). Minutes, 1873-1879, 2 v. Register of Actions and Fee Book, 1873-1880, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate, 1873-date Bonds, 1873-date, 5 v. Bonds of Executors, etc., 1901-1912, 1 v. Calendar, 1905-1912, 2 v. ; 1915-date, 1 v. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1911, 2 v. Index, 1873-date, 1 v. Inventory of Appraisements, 1874-1910, 1 v. ; Minors, 1 v. Letters Probate, 1873-date: Testamentary, 2 v. (1, x) ; Testamen- tary, Administration and Guardianship, 1 v. (2) ; Administra- tion, 2 v. ; Guardianship, 1 v. Vol. 1, Letters Testamentary, includes also Letters of Administration and Guardianship. Minutes, 1873-1891, 6 v. ; Index, 1873-1879, 1 v. Register of Actions, 1880-1906, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. There is also an undated index, apparently for the years preceding. Transferred Court Papers, Index to, n.d., 1 v. Will Books, 1873-date, 3 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys' Instructions, 1885-1891, 1 v., a scrapbook in Recorder's storeroom. Attorneys, Roll of, 1887-1899, 1 v., only 2 pages. Calendar, General, 5 v. (1-5) ; current, 2 v. Calendar, Probate and Insolvency, 1886-1905, 3 v. Coroner's Inquests, 15 f .b. ; Index, 1873-date, 1 v. Executions, Index to, 1874-1902, 1 v., partly used. Executions, Sheriff's, 1874-1903, 1 v. (1). General Index, 4 v. Insane Commitments, Index to, 1874-1893 ; 1901-date, 2 v. VENTURA COUNTY. 589 Insane Persons, Index, 187-4-1913, 1 v. (1). Judgment Book, Index, n.d., 1 v. Judgment Docket, 1880-date, 3 v. (1-3). Judgments, Civil and Criminal, 1880-date, 8 v. Jury Books, 1873-date, 2 v. (1-2). Minutes, 1880-date, 32 v. The rough minutes of the Clerk have been preserved in a number of instances, among them those for 1SS1-1SS6, 3 v. Register of Actions, 1880-date, 17 v. ; Criminal Cases, 1882-1889, 1 v., only 16 pages used. Reporters' notes. Hundreds of them are stored on a dozen shelves in the Clerk's storeroom, and these include a number of Justice Court cases. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Register of Actions, 1909-date, 1 v. SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Books, 1873-1911:, 11 v., in Clerk's storeroom. Recent books are bound month by month. Allowances, Register of, 1873-1908, 9 v. (1-9), in Recorder's store- room. Board of Equalization, Proceedings, 1877-1887, 1 v. Burial of Ex-Union Soldiers, Record of, 1893-date, 1 v. ; 1 f.b. Franchise Book, 1885-1889, 1 v. (1); "Franchises, 1885-1905," 1 v., in Recorder's office. Minutes, 1873-date, 14 v. ; Index for vols. 1-7, 1 v. ; Index to Pro- ceedings, 1873-date, 2 v. A volume of rough minutes for 1876-1SS1 is preserved in the Recorder's storeroom. Ordinance Book, 1883-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. "Record of the Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners appointed . . . 1872 to perfect the organization of the County of Ventura." This is in the handwriting of Thomas R. Bard, Clerk of the Board, later U. S. Senator from California. Road Register, 1873-1889, 2 v. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Bonds, 1873-date, 2 v. These are samples pasted in scrapbooks. "Clerk's Order Book," 1891-1902, 1 v., in Clerk's storeroom. Fee Books, 1873-date, 11 v. These include 4 volumes of Clerk's and Recorder's fee books, 1873-1887, all in the Recorder's storeroom. Vols. 1-4, 1888-1908, are in the Clerk's storeroom. Hunting Licenses, 1913-1914. Applications that have come in during 1912 and after are in the Clerk's storeroom. 590 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Map, Index, n.d., 1 v. Military Duty, Persons subject to, 1873, 1 v., in Recorder's store- room. Military Roll, 1889-1900, 12 v. The six volumes for 1889-1894 are bound. Naturalization Citizenship, Certificates of, 1873-1879 ; 1903, 2 v., only three entries. Declarations of Intention, 1873-1879 ; 1907-date, 3 v. These are in Petitions for Naturalization, 1907-date. Declarations and Naturalized Citizens, Index to, 1873-1883, 1 v. (1) . Naturalization, Certificates of, 1907-date, 4 v., stub-books. Naturalizations, Record of, 1880-1906, 2 v. (1, x) ; Petitions for Naturalization, 1907-date, 2 v. Registration and Elections "Certified Abstracts of Statement of Votes of Ventura County ... in General Elections," 1898, 1900, 1902, in Clerk's storeroom. Great Register, 1873-1908, 16 v., in Clerk's storeroom. Precinct Books for County, 1896, 22 v., in Clerk's storeroom. Precinct Registers, 1906-date, printed. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License: Stub-books, 1878-1903, 7 v.; Affidavits, 1903- 1915, 6 v. Dentists, Register of, 1885-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, Record of, 1876-date, 2 v. (1-2). ' Optometrists, 1903-date, 1 v. Registered Pharmacists, Record of, 1905-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, Index to, 1873-date, 1 v. Corporations, 1874-1897, 1 v. No entries from 18S2-189T. Fictitious Names, 1912-date, 1 v. Partnerships, Register of, 1874-1912, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Expert's Reports to Grand Jury, 1914, 1915, 2 v. Justice Court Dockets, Saticoy township, 1893-1899, 1903-1906, 1904-1905, 3 v., in Clerk's storeroom. Justice Court Dockets, Ventura township, 1862-1871, 1873-date, 45 v. The two volumes for 1862-1871 are in Spanish and preserved in the Clerk's storeroom. The Justice Court records for the years preceding 1906 appear to have been destroyed by the retiring justice. All the records, excepting those of felony cases,- which are in the Clerk's vault, have been preserved in the Justice's office since 1906. Notarial Records, 1878-1912, passim, 19 v. Seventeen books are in Clerk's storeroom, one in the Clerk's vault, and one in the Recorder's storeroom. VENTURA COUNTY. 591 THE RECORDER Assignments of Mortgages, 1873-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 2 v. Attachment, Notices of, 1873-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. For 1S53-1S73, see under Transcribed records from Santa Barbara County. Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1879, 1 v. (1) ; Capital, 1876-1879, lv. (1). Births and Deaths, Register of, 1873-1901, 1 v. (1). Practically worthless, as dates are mostly omitted. Births, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. (4). Bonds for Deeds and Agreements, 1876-1904, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Cash Book, Recorder, 1882-1886, 1892, 4 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Certificates of Sale, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Deaths, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. (4). Decrees, 1873-1884, 1 v. (1). Decrees of Distribution, 1892-1894, 1 v., scarcely used. Deeds, 1852-date, 157 v. (A-E, 1-152) ; Index, 12 v. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, 1894-date, 4 v. (1-4); Committees' Statements, 1894-1908, 1 v. (1). Estrav and Lost Property Book, 1890-1898, 1 v., only two pages, in Recorder's storeroom. Fee Book, 1885-date, 12 v. (1-10). The books for 1885-1887 are in the Recorder's storeroom. Franchises, 1885-1905, 1 v. (1). Homesteads, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. ; Abandonment of, 1875- 1913, 1 v. (1). Instruments filed for Record, 1873-1905, 7 v. This is practically a fee book. Judgments, Transcripts of, 1874-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Leases, 1873-date, 9 v. (1-9); Index, 1 v.; Assignments, 1875-date, 3 v. (1-3) : Index, 2 v. Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. Lis Pendens, see Notices of Action. Maps by Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, n.d., 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1873-date, 1 v. (1). Marriage Licenses, 1873-date, 9 v. (1-9) ; Index, 2 v. ; Marriage Licenses filed, 1889-1891, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Marriages, Register of, 1905-1914, 1 v. Mechanics Liens, 1873-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Mining Claims, 1879-date. 23 v. (1-23) ; Index, 4 v.; Index to Mining Locations, 1879-1881, 1 v. Mining district records : Alamo, 1878-1880, 1 v. ; Ojai, 1897, 1 v. ; Piru, 1874-1897, 3 v.; Piru and Alamo, 1878-1879, 1 v. (1); Index to Miners [1888?], 1 v. Miscellaneous Record, 1873-date, 8 v. (1-8) ; Index, 1 v. Vols. 3. 5 and S contain numerous maps of additions and subdivisions. Mortgages, 1873-date, 81 v. (1-81): Index, 8 v.; Chattel and Crop, 1873-date, 40 v. (1-40) ; Index, 3 v. Mortgages, Marginal Satisfactions of, 1894-1910, 3 v. 592 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Newspapers : Ventura, Independent, April. 1896-June, 1898, 2 v. Weekly Democrat, Jan. 17, 1891-December, 1894, 4 v. Weekly Free Press, November, 1875-October, 1878; October, 1881-December, 1882; August, 1891-December, 1894; January- December, 1896, 11 v. Signal, April, 1871-April, 1885, 13' v. Notices of Action, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. Notices of Intention to Locate, 1912, 1 v. Official Bonds, 1873-date, 7 v. (1-7) ; Index, 1 v. Patents, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1873-1874, 1 v., scarcely used, in Recorder's storeroom. Powers of Attorney, Revocation of, 1862-date, 1 v. Pre-emption Claims, 1873-1904, 1 v. (1). Releases of Mortgages, 1873-date, 15 v. (1-15) ; Index, 4 v. Separate Property of Married Women, 1873-1898, 1 v. ; Index, 1 v. Sole Traders, 1875-1911, 1 v. (1). Special Partnerships, 1885-1914, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Sugar Beet Contracts, 1899; Index, 1 v. (1). Tax Sales, Certificates of, 1873-date, 16 v. (1-16). For 1853-1873, see under Transcribed records from Santa Barbara County. Tax Sales, Index to Record of Certificates of, 1895-date, 1 v. Transcribed Records from Santa Barbara County: Assignments of Mortgages and Leases, Separate Property of Mar- ried Women, Marriage Contracts, Miscellaneous, 1851-1874, 1 v. (A). Homesteads, Abandonment of Homesteads, Patents, Index to, 1861- 1873, 1 v. Leases, Pre-emption Claims, Homesteads, Patents, 1861-1874, 1 v. Mortgages, 1850-1873, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1848-1873, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, Attachments, Real Property, Notices of Action, Certificates of Sale, 1853-1873, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Releases, Assignments, etc., Index to, 1868-1873, 1 v. Wills, Decrees and Orders, 1856-1872 ; Index, 1 v. Water Notices, 1873-1915, 3 v. (1-3). Wills, 1865-1907, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Reports, 1878, 1879, 1881-1900, 1902-date. Apportionment of School Funds, recent, in Recorder's storeroom. Board of Education: Proceedings, 1880-1891, 1 v., in Recorder's store- room ; Minutes, 1891-date, 5 v. Census Marshal's Reports, 1898, 1 v.; 1904-1909, loose bdls., in Record- er's storeroom. Certificates, 1888-1904, 15 v., stub-books, in Recorder's storeroom. Documents to accompany Normal School Diplomas, stub-book, 1891- 1897, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. VENTURA COUNTY. 593 Examiners, Record Book County Board of, 1873-1875, 1878-1886, 1888- 1891, 4 v. High School Record Book, 1891-date, 1 v. Description of the organization and history of the five high schools in the county. Letter files. State Superintendent's Letters, 1910-date, 1 f.b. Life Diplomas, 1891-1907, 1 v.; Card Index of, 1907-date; Recom- mendations for, 1889-1901, 2 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Manual for Schools, 1891-1915, scattering, 12 v. Official Acts, Record of, 1S78-1898, 1 v. Official Visits, Record of, 1879-1885, 2 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Promotion Records, Ventura County, 1893-date, 23 v. "Ramona's Home," 16 photographs. It is located near Pirn, Ventura County. The photos are by Brewster. Requisitions, 1889-1891, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom; Stubs, 1891- 1901, 1903-1901, in p.h., in Recorder's storeroom. School Directories, 1903-date, 1 p.h. School district records, 1891-date, 82 f.b. These records contain teachers' reports, trustees' appointments, and elec- tion certificates, claims, orders, and the official acts of the superin- tendents. School District Registers, 1883-1902, 6 v., for Sisar, Live Oak, Alamo districts. Besides these, there are also to be found in the Recorder's storeroom a Sisar school district Journal, 1893—1894, an Alamo Trustees' Record, 18S8-1899, Rincon Librarian's Record, 1891-1892, and a Live Oak Dis- trict Record, 1S89-1900. School Warrants, 1873-date. Nine volumes are in the Superintendent's office, the remainder in the Auditor's office and the Recorder's storeroom. Teachers, Card Index of, 1901-date, 2 f.b., nearly complete. Teachers' Institute Record, 1891-1894, 1899-1902, 1907, 10 v. Teachers' Retirement Salary Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. This volume is made up of copies of the superintendent's report to the State Board. Trustees' Orders, 1889-date. In packages, unbound, practically complete. A few for 1807-1901, and 1898—1899 are in the Recorder's storeroom. Trustees ' Records, 1891-date, 1 v. Warrants on Auditor. 1893-1895, 1897, in p.h., in Recorder's storeroom. THE AUDITOR Annual Reports, 1903-1911, 1916, 13 v. Assessment Rolls : Original. 1873-date, 116 v. ; Index, 1874-date. Duplicate, 1873-1880, 6 v. Delinquent Tax, 1873-date, 36 v. Operative Property, 1911-1915, 4 v. San Buena Ventura School District, 1880. 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. 39—41210 594 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Cash Book, 1874, 1 v., only 7 pages, in Recorder's storeroom; 1897- 1898, 1 v., in Tax Collector's vault. Cash Book, 1890, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Cash Book of Clerk, Recorder, etc., 1878-1883, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Day Books, 1873-date, 6 v. Vols. 1-4 are in the Recorder's storeroom. Delinquent Tax Sales, 1875-1876, 1 v. Delinquent Taxes, scrapbook, etc., 1880, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Ledger, County School Superintendent, 1876-1900, 6 v. Ledger, School Warrants, 1905-1908, 1 v. Ledgers, 1873-1890, 4 v., in Recorder's storeroom. These books belong to Auditor's and Treasurer's offices, and have not been further identified. Licenses, Auditor's Receipts to Tax Collector for, 1878-1882, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Orphans and Half-orphans, Record of, 1904-date, 2 v. Outstanding Warrants, 1881, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom; 1902-date, 2 v. Personal Property Tax, "Collected by Assessor," 1896-date, 21 v. Poll Tax receipts, 1873, stub-book; 1886-1888, 9 v., in Clerk's storeroom. Poll Taxes, paid and delinquent, 1881-1884, 4 v., in Recorder's store- room. Register of Requisitions, 1895-1896, 1 v. School Requisitions, Register of, 1880-1886, 1 v., in Recorder's store- room. School Warrants, Register of, 1878-1879, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom; 1880-date, 10 v. (1-10). Sheriff's Fee Book, 1885-1910, 4 v. A volume for 1889-1892 is in the Recorder's storeroom, the others in the Clerk's storeroom. Tax Sales, 1874-1894, 2 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Warrants, Register of, 1873-date, 17 v. THE TREASURER Bonds, County, 9 f.b. Cash Books, 1873-date, 3 v. The first two volumes, 1873-1903, are in the Sheriff's storeroom. Day Books, 1873-date, 5 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Day Books, Bank deposits, 1907-date, 3 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1906-date, 2 v. Ledger, 1887-date, 4 v. A volume entitled "Ledger, County Treasurer," 1S98-1903, is in the Recorder's storeroom. Receipts from the State Controller, 1 f.b. Teachers' Permanent Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Warrants, Register of, 1873-date, 31 v. These include 5 volumes of Registers of School Warrants, 1887-1912. Under the present Treasurer the warrants are registered in loose leaf binders, one for each fund. Twelve volumes of Warrant Registers, 1887-1913, are in the Sheriff's storeroom, and 9 volumes, 1873-1905 ( 1-9 ) , in the Recorder's storeroom. VENTURA COUNTY. 595 THE ASSESSOR Abstract Companies, Weekly Reports of, 1905-date, 1 v. There are two volumes of a similar nature for 18S9-1S91 and 1893 that have been prepared by the Assessor. Assessment Rolls, Index to Personal Proper!}^ 1902, 1 v. Assessment Statements, 1906-date, 112 v. There is a volume for each road district and one for each incorporated city. Block Books, 1896-date, 9 v. There is an undated block book in the Recorder's storeroom. Files, current, 65 f.b. Lots in Eastern Addition, Index to, 1 v. ; Index to Lots in Original Township Plat, 1 v. Maps, miscellaneous, 19 drawers and 20 cases; Map Book, 1876-1880, 1893-date, 4 v. Poll Tax Roll, 1898, 1902, 1906, 1909-1914, 9 v. There are duplicate volumes for 1910-1914, and a separate roll for Japanese, 1912-1914. Property Owners, Index to, 1 v., in Recorder's storeroom. Recorder's Abstract of Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, etc., 1907-1909, 1 v. Sales, 1891-1895, 2 v. Tax Roll, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1903, 1904, 1907, 6 v. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, current, 4 v. (1-4). Auditor's Receipts, 1907-date, 1 f.b. Blotter, 1911-date, 4 v. Cash Book, 1911-date, 2 v. Delinquent Lists, 1908-date, printed. Letter files, 1907-date, 2 f.b. License Book, 1899-1907, 1 v. ' Taxpayers, Index to, 1916, 1 v. Tax Receipt Book stubs, 1907-date, Nos. 1-5100. Tax Receipt Cash stubs, 1907-date. 596 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. YOLO COUNTY INTRODUCTION Yolo County was created in 1850, being one of the original counties of the state. At that times its territory was nearly twice as large as at present, for it extended as far north as the northern line of Sutter County, including, therefore, the greater part of what is now Colusa County. By subsequent legislation in 1851 and 1856 Colusa has been moved southward at Yolo's expense. Since 1857 practically no changes have been made. The law creating the county fixed the seat of government at Fremont, a town then existing on the Sacramento River which gave promise of becoming a place of importance (a promise which signally failed of fulfillment). In 1851 the county seat was moved to Washington, where it remained for six years. In 1857 it was moved to Cacheville, now Yolo, and in 1861 returned to Washington. In 1862, however, an election definitely and finally located the county seat at the town of Woodland, which was then just springing into prominence. The first courthouse, erected and furnished at a cost of about $30,000, was occupied early in 1865 and continued to be used until 1916, when it was torn down to make way for the courthouse which is now in course of construction. In 1888 the increasing business of the county neces- sitated the erection of a Hall of Records. At the present time (March, 1917) all of the county offices, except that of the Tax Collector, are crowded into this building. The office of the Tax Collector is located in the county jail, the offices of Sheriff and Tax Collector being com- bined. The Hall of Records is a brick building, lighted by electricity and heated with wood stoves ; it will be removed when the new court- house is completed. The latter structure will be one of which the people of Yolo may well be proud, as it is designed to include the best features of the most modern fireproof construction, and will besides be an orna- ment to the city and county. The building will cost about $250,000. ' The examination of these archives was made in March, 1917. PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Record of town of Franklin, October, 1849-April, 1850. A record kept by Henry A. Weeks, the Alcalde. In Recorder's office. Deeds, A, pp. 1-24. ifrtmunl IS So -SI Washington £>«.i/i »**» »- rt ,*i^' Yolo County. Solid blue Stats. 1850:156. q Stats. 1851:179 ; 1856:124. b Stats. 1857 :108. c Stats. 1865-6:162; Fol. Code (1872), §3929. Red Pol. Code (1919), §3965. For key to maps see page ix. ( ; '>v . YOLO COUNTY. 597 THE CLERK COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Calendar: Bar, 1871-1877, 1 v.; Day, 1871-1883, 2 v.; Equity, 1877-1879, 1 v. ; Law, 1871-1878, 1 v., all in storeroom. Execution Docket, 1851-1879, 2 v. (x, B). Executions, 1866-1867, 1 v. File: First Series, 1850-1855, 3 lb., cases 1-142. Old series, 1855- 1879: Civil, 55 f.b., cases 1-1607; Criminal, 12 f.b., cases 120-325. Reclamation, Swamp and Tax Suits, 9 f.b. Miscellaneous, 3? f.b. In the storeroom : Criminal, 16 f.b., cases 1-123 ; Old Criminal, 25 f.b., by letters. General Index, 2 v. Judgment Docket, 1853-1882, 2 v. (A-B). Judgment Record, 1853-1884, 3 v. (A-C). Minutes, ''Records," 1850-1879, 5 v. (A, A-D). Register of Actions : Fee Book, 1855-1862, 1 v. ; Register of Actions, 1862-1870, 1 v.; Fee Register, 1870-1875, 1 v.; Register of Actions, 1875-1880, 1 v. ; Register of Criminal Actions, 1872- 1886, 1 v. (A). Tax Suits : Decrees, 1864-1874, 1 v. (A) ; Register of Actions, 1864- 1873, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1864-1871, 1 v. (A). The Register of Actions includes also suits of Reclamation District No. 108, 1871-1879. County Court, 1850-1879 Calendar, 1874-1879, 1 v., in storeroom. Fee Book, 1868-1870, 1 v. ; Fee Register, 1870-1880, 1 v. File. 13 f.b., cases 1-807. General Index, 2 v. Judgment Record, 1857-1879, 1 v. (F). Minutes, 1850-1879, 5 v. (x, C-F). The first volume is entitled "Swamp Land Suits & Minutes to County ( Jourt, 1850 to 1867," and contains minutes of County Court, 1850- 1854, and register of swamp land suits, 1864-1867. The second volume (C) is called "County Court Order Book." Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 File, 1 f.b. Minutes, ''Order Book." 1854-1863, 1 v. Probate Court and Superior Court Probate. 1850-date Bonds, 1873-date, 3 v. (B-C, G). These volumes contain bonds that can not be entered in form books. Bonds: Administrators, 1889-date, 3 v. (E-G) ; Guardians, 1889- date, 2 v. (F-G). Bonds and Letters, 1862-1873, 1 v. 598 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Calendar, 1871-1878, 1 v., in storeroom. Fee Book, 1851-1871, 1 v. (A) ; Fee Register, 1871-date, 9 v. (B-J). File, 1850-1880, 32 f.b., cases 1-392; 1880-date, 225 f.b., cases 1-2121. Index, 6 v. (1-6). Letters : Administration, 1870-date, 6 v. ; Administration with Will Annexed, 1881-1888, 1 v. (B) ; Guardianship, 1888-date, 2 v. (x, B) ; Testamentary, 1884-date, 2 v. Minutes and Orders: Minutes, 1850-1852, April-June, 1854, 2 v. (1-2) ; Record, 1854-1862, 1 v. (A) ; Orders, 1862-1870, 1 v. (B) ; Record, 1870-date, 24 v. (C-Z). Register of Actions, see under Fee Book. Wills, 1859-date, 4 v. (A-D). Superior Court, 1880-date Blotter, 1898-date, 13 v. (3-15). Calendar: Motion and Law, 1879-date, 17 v. (x, x, 2-5, 5-15) ; Trial, 1879-1887, 1897-date, 3 v. (x, 3-4) . All except the last two volumes of the Motion and Law Calendar and the last volume of the Trial Calendar are in the storeroom. Coroner's Inquests, 1872-1891, 5 f.b., in storeroom; 1891-1911, 25 f.b. (1-561), in storeroom; 1911-date, 4 f.b. (562-773). Execution Docket, 1880-date, 1 v. (1). Executions, Real Property, 1873-date, 1 v. File: Civil, 250 f.b., cases 1-4651; Criminal, 8 f.b., cases 326-481. General Index, 6 v. (1-3). Insane, Miscellaneous and Record, 1 v. (A) ; Insane Commitments, 1898-1902, 1909-date, 2 v. (2-3) ; Insanity Discharges, Record of, 1911-date, 1 v. (1). Vol. A contains certificates of election of trustees of First Congregational Church, 1875; two sets of adoption papers, 1877, 1880; insane com- mitments, 1881-1887, 1891-1898. Judgment Docket, 1880-1882, see under District Court ; 1882-date, 3 v. (C-E). Judgment Record, 1880-1884, see under District Court ; 1884r-date, 6 v. (D-I). Jury Book, 1871-date, 4 v. ; Jury Lists, 11 f.b. The first volume is in the Recorder's office, the second in the storeroom. Three of the filing boxes are also in the storeroom. Minutes and Orders: Civil and Criminal, 1880^1883, 1 v. (1) ; Civil, 1883-date, 11 v. (2-12) ; Criminal, 1880-date, 4 v. (1-4). Register of Actions : Civil, 1880-date, 14 v. (1-14) ; Criminal, 1880- 1886, see under District Court; 1887-date, 2 v. (A-B). Reporters' notes, large quantity in storeroom. Transcripts of evidence, large quantity in storeroom. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File, 1 f.b. Minutes, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). YOLO COUNTY. 599 SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book, 1873-date, 10 v. (A-J). Equalization. Record of Board, 1872-date, 2 v. (A-B). Franchises, 1897-date, 1 v., only one entry. Minutes. "Record": Court of Sessions, County Business, 1850- 1854. 1 v. : Board of Supervisors, 1854-date, 14 v. (A-N) ; Gen- eral Index, 2 v. The volume for the Court of Sessions is entitled "Supervisors' Minutes X'* and contains also criminal business of that court for 1854. Besides the General Index there are two other index volumes containing entries for part of the volumes of minutes. Ordinances. 1883-date, 2 v. Road Register, 1891-date, 1 v. (1). Roads and Highways, 1853-1870, 1 v.; Roads, 1878-1902, 1 v. (D). Proceedings of the Board with reference to roads. Roads, Index to Records of, 1 v. Township plats with roads shown thereon and reference to entries in the several road books. Swamp Land District No. 18, Supervisors' Record, 1866-1873, 1 v. (A). Minutes of the Board of Supervisors organized for the transaction of business for Swamp Land District No. IS. The outside title of the volume is "Supervisors' Record — A — S. L. Dist. IS." MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Fee and Cash Book, 1885-date, 11 v. The first nine volumes are in the storeroom. Fee Book, 1897-date, 2 v. (3-4) ; Marriage License and Miscel- laneous, 1887-1907, 2 v., in storeroom. Hunting License : Applications. 1911, 1914, 1915, 1 box and 3 bdls., in storeroom; 1916, in main office; Count v Register of, 1907- 1909, 1 v. Military Lists, 1873, 1871, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1890, 1895, 7 v., in storeroom. Miscellaneous file, about 50 f.b., in main office and 20 f.b., in store- room. One of the file boxes in the storeroom contains the muster roll and other papers of the Woodland Guards, 1S63. Miscellaneous File Book. Appointments, Articles of Incorporation, 1876-1887, 1896. 1 v. Naturalization Declaration of Intention, Stub-books, 1870-1906, 5 v. (x, x, B-D) • Record. 1906-date. 2 v. ; Index, to 1906, 1 v. Acts of Naturalization : District Court, 1870-1879, 1 v. ; County Court and Superior Court, 1870-1888, 1 v.; Naturalizations, 1888-190:]. 1 v.; Naturalization Record, 1903-1906, 1 v.; Petition and Record. 1906-date, 2 v. Naturalized Citizens. Index, to 1906, 1 v. 600 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1906-1914, in storeroom; 1916, in main office. Great Register, 1866-1909, 12 v. Elections Ballots, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Election Returns, Primary, General and Special, 1912, 1914, 1916. Nominations, Record of, 1914-date, 1 v. Poll List of East Grafton Precinct, Knights Landing, for elections of May 16, 1868, Sept. 1, 1869, Oct. 20, 1869, 3 v. Primary Election Officers, Record of, 1898, 1 v. Lists of names drawn by Board of Supervisors from different parties at beginning of year from which to select primary election officers during the year. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage License : Stub-books, 1874-1905, 10 v., in storeroom ; Affidavits, 1905-date, 3 v. The first two volumes of affidavits are in the storeroom. Dental Certificates, 1885-date, 2 v. ; Register of Dentists, 1 v. Druggists, 1893-date, 1 v. Medical Certificates, Record of, 1876-date, 1 v. (1). Optometry, Register of, 1903-date, 1 v. Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1856-1886, 1 f.b. ; 1886-date, 4 f.b., Nos. 1-407 ; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, 1 v. (1). Partnerships, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. (A) . Private account books : Asberry, Lambert & Co., Woodland and Cottonwood: Cash Book, 1871-1872, 2 v. ; Ledger, 1871-1873, 2 v. Black-smith and Machine shop Journal, 1885-1892, 1 v. Cacheville Agricultural Ditch Co., Account Book, 1859-1870, 1 v. Showing the capital of each member as originally subscribed and amount of special assessments paid by them. Central Hall Association, Cash account, 1871, 1 v. Davidson, M., Cacheville, General Store, Ledger, 1861-1865, 1 v. Davisville, Store at, Day Book, August and September, 1868, 1 v. ; Journal, 1869, 1 v. Farmers Club of Yolo County, Records, 1872, 1 v. ; Ledger, 1872-1873, 1 v. The first volume contains minutes of meeting held Dec. 7, 1872, at which the constitution and by-laws were adopted ; the constitution and by-laws and list of members. YOLO COUNTY. 601 Harris & Hubbell, "Woodland, Machine shop, Day Book, 1878- 1879, 1 v. [Hesperian College], Tuition and salary accounts, 1876-1878, 1 v. Huston. Goldman & Co., and Huston Bros., Knights Landing and Blacks Station, Day Book and Journal, 1868-1878, 5 v.; Cash Book, 1868-1878, 1 v.; Ledger, 1870-1878, 2 v. Martin, J., Knights Landing, Journal and Ledger, 1875-1879, 2 v. Minis & Read, "Woodland, Journal, 1885-1886, 1 v. Myrick & Hoag, Black-smiths, Journal, 1850-1852, 1 v. Pike & Hazard Co. (and successors), Boston, Ledger, 1839- 1852, 1 v. Soule, W. H., Woodland, Journal and Ledger, 1894-1896, 2 v. Woodland Hook and Ladder Co., Treasurer's account, 1870- 1872, 1 v. Yolo Winery, Ledger, 1885-1891, 1 v. Relating to Other Officers Appointments, 1860-1892, 3 f.b., in storeroom; 1892-date, 2 f.b. Bonds, Official, 1872-1891, 7 f.b., in storeroom; 1894-date, 2 f.b. Current bonds are kept in steel cabinet under key. Grand Jury, Experts' Report to, 1882, 1 v., in storeroom. Humane Officers, Kecord of, 1913-date, 1 v. Justice Court Dockets : Cache Creek Township, 1858-1862, 1 v. ; Washington Township, 1857-1859, 1888-1889, 3 v.; Woodland Township, 1889-1891, 1 v., all in storeroom. Notaries Commissions and Bonds, 1860-1891, 3 f.b., in storeroom; 1891-date, 1 f.b. Notarial Record, Maurice Nathan, Winters, 1903-1908, 1 v. Public Administrator's Semiannual Reports, 1895-date, 1 f.b. THE RECORDER Attachments, 1873-date, 3 v. (B-D) ; Index to Attachments and Lis Pendens. Banks. Corporation By-laws, Pre-emptions, 1 v. This volume contains : pre-emptions, 1853-1871 ; statements of banking- capital and assets, 1876-1894 ; corporation by-laws, 1874. Bills of Sale, 1852-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. Births, Register of, 1878-1904, 1 v. (A) ; 1908-date, 2 v. (1-2). Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1905-1907, 1 v. (A). Building Contracts, Specifications, etc., 116, numbered, on shelf; Index, 1 v. ; Pile of other older ones, unnumbered, on floor. Certificates of Sale. Commissioners', 1896-1900, 1 v.; Sheriffs', 1866- date, 2 v. (A-B). Covenants. 1911-date. 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (A). Deaths. Register of. 1878-1916, 2 v. (A-B) ; 1905-1907, see under Births, Marriages and Deaths: 1908-date, 2 v. (1-2). Decrees of Distribution, 1910-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). 602 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deeds, 1850-date, 91 v. (A-Z, 27-91) ; Index, 12 v. (1-12). Vol. A. pages 1 to 24, contains records of the town of Franklin, kept by Alcalde Henry A. Weeks, October, 1849-April, 1850. Deeds, Cemetery, 1909-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds, Road, 1889-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Deeds of Trust, 1909-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Election Expenses: Candidates' Expense Record, 1894-1908, 2 v. (A-B) ; Candidates' Statements, 1912-1916, 2 v. (1-2) ; Committees' Expense Record, 1894-1904, 1 v. (A) . Estrays, 1853-date, 1 v. (1) ; Estrays and Lost Property, 1886, 1 v. The last named volume contains only one entry, it being for lost property. Fee Books, 1867-1874, 12 v. ; 1881-date, 13? v. (1-13) . The 12 volumes first named are small diary-form "Daily Journals" or "Cash Books." File, 154 f.b. Instruments not called for ; filed and not recorded ; miscellaneous. Homesteads, 1861-date, 5 v. (A-E) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Judgments, Transcripts of, 1864-date, 1 v. (A) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Knights Landing, Certificates for Property in, January and February, 1871, 1 v. Certificates of County Judge that due application has been made and fee paid for lots. Leases, 1854-date, 7 v. ( A-G) ; Index to Assignments and Leases, 1 v. Licensed Surveyors, Names of, 1891-date, 1 v. (1). Liens, 1850-date, 3 v. (G, A-B). Lis Pendens, 1873-date, 4 v. (B-E) ; Index to Attachments and Lis Pendens, 1 v. • Index to Lis Pendens, 1 v. (C). Maps and Plats : Map Books, 3 v. (1-3). Maps and Surveys, 4 v. (1-4). Subdivision Maps, a number of these filed in long round cans. Maps on rollers in rack, 3 maps. Map of Woodland, prepared by J. I. Underhill, 1869. This map shows the names of the owners of the lots and pieces of land. Index, 1 v. Marks and Brands, 1850-date, 1 v. (E) ; Adjacent Counties, 1 f.b. Marriage Contracts, 1875, 1 v. Pre-marriage settlement. Only one entry. Marriages, Record of, 1859-date, 7 v. (Cl-I) ; Index to Marriage Cer- tificates and Separate Property of Married "Women, 1 v.; Index to Marriage Certificates, 1 v. (2). Marriages, Register of, 1905-1907, see under Births, Marriages and Deaths; 1908-date, 2 v. (x, 2). Mining Claims, 1861-date, 4 v. (F, 2-4). Vol. F is entitled "Limited Partnerships & Mining Claims" ; it contains two partnership notices, dated 1850 and 1852; the remainder of the book is devoted to mining notices. Miscellaneous Records, 1867-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 2 v. (A-B). Mortgages, 1852-date, 71 v. (A-Z, 27-71) ; Index, 10 v. (1-9). YOLO COUNTY. 603 Mortgages, Chattel, 1857-date, 22 v. (A-V) ; Index, 1 v. (1-4). Vols. H. I, J, M, O. Q are "Crop Mortgages." Newspapers : Knights Landing, News, Nov. 1, 1862-Oct. 24, 1863, 1 v. Woodland, News, Oct. 29, 1864-Oct. 21, 1865, 1 v. Official Bonds, Commissions and, 1850-1851, 1 v. (B). Official Bonds, 1853-date, 7 v. (A, C, C-G) . Patents, 1859-date. 6 v. (A-F) ; Index, 1 v. Powers of Attorney, 1852-date, 3 v. (A-C) ; Index to Official Bonds and Powers of Attorney, 1 v. (A). Pre-emptions, 1850-1853, 1 v. (1) ; 1853-1871, see under Banks, Corpo- ration By-Laws, Pre-emptions. Reclamation, 1870-date, 1 v. (A). Records in reference to reclamation and swamp land districts. Redemption, Certificates of, 1896-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Releases of Mortgages, 1908-date, 2 v. (A-B) ; Index, 4 v. (A-D). School Lands, 1852-1862, 2 v. (1-2). Location of school land warrants. Separate Property of the Wife, Homestead Exemptions, Sole Traders, 1850-1902, 1 v. (H) ; Separate Property, 1876-1893, 1 v. Sole Traders, 1874-1891, 1 v. Stallion Registration, Record of, 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1853-1861, 3 bdls. Tax Deeds, to State, 1896-1915, 3 v. (A-C). Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1909, 2 v. (A-B) ; Tax Sales to State, Cer- tificates of, 1895-1911, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Water, Appropriation of, 1895-date, 1 v. (1). Wills, Record of, 1873-date, 1 v. (B). THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Report, 1865-date, annual vols. For some years there are two or more volumes. The reports for 1905- 1914 are bound in two volumes. Board of Education, Minutes of, 1880-date, 4 v. Census Marshals' Field Notes and Reports, 1870-1905, scattering, 6 bdls., in storeroom ; 1903, 1907, 7 p.h. Certificates Filed, Record of, 1877-1882, 1 v. Certificates. Life Diplomas, etc.. Record, 1870-1913, 1 v. Certification of Teachers, 1914-date, 1 v. See also under Record of Teachers. Examinations for Graduation from Elementary Schools, Record, 1892, 1895-1897, 1902-1905, 7 bdls., in storeroom ;' 1903, 1910-1912, 2 v. The volume for 1903 has also report of teachers' examinations, 1903-1900, 1909. Grading of Schools, "Record — Schools Graded," 1880-date, 1 v. Institutes. Minutes of, 1880-date. 3 v. Official Visits, Record of, 1887, 1897, 2 v. Requisitions, Register of, 1880-1913, 12 v. (E-M) ; 1913-date, 1 v. The last volume is loose leaf. 604 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. School District Boundaries, 2 v., and 1 v. in storeroom. School District Ledger, 1865-1887, 5 v. (A-B, D, C, x). Vol. A has also lists of trustees, 1866-1868, minutes of the county board of examination, 1865-1868, and tabulation of the school census, 1866. Vol. B has also list of trustees appointed, 1868-1870. Special Funds, 1891-1893, 1 v. Teachers Examinations, Record of, 1870-1890, 1895-1902, 9 v. ; 1903- 1906, 1909, see under Examination for Graduation from Elementary Schools. Teachers, Record of, 1913-date, 1 v. This is a record of certificates. Teachers' Reports, 1871-1906, 26 p.h. ; 1906-date, file. Many of the reports for the earlier years have been lost. Trustees, Register of, 1880-date, 2 v. THE AUDITOR Accounts, 1857-1870, 2 v., in storeroom. Assessment Rolls : Original, 1852-1915, 157 v.; 1870-1871, 4 v., in storeroom. Duplicate, 1853, 1859, 1860-1862, 1872-1881, 14 v. Delinquent, 1850, 1855-1857, 1864-1915, 51 v. Personal Property, 1916, 1 v. Index, 1885-1888, 4 v., in storeroom; 1889-1916, 55 v. Supplementary, 1911-1915, 6 v. Drainage, 1881, 2 v. Special Tax Roll, 1911-1912, 1 v. ; 1912-1915, 3 v., in storeroom. Special School Tax Roll, 1894-1911, 11 v. All except one volume are in the storeroom. Bond Register, 1914-date, 1 v. Bonds and Coupons, 1911-date, 1 v. ; 1915-date, 2 v. Paid bonds and coupons pasted in book. Two reclamation district and five school district bond issues in the three books. Cash Book, 1870-1902, 4 v. (x, 2-4) , in storeroom ■ 1902-date, 2 v. (5-6) . County Hospital Accounts, 1883-1894, 1 v. (1). Day Book, 1866-1899, 4 v. (x, 2-4), in storeroom; 1900-date, 4 v. (5-8). File, 36 f.b. Ledger, 1870-date, 3 v. (x, 3-4) ; 1876-1912, 1 v. ; General Ledger, 1883, 1 v. The first volume is in the storeroom. License Ledger, 1883-1888, 1893-1910, 5 v., in storeroom. Licenses Issued by the Auditor, Schedule of, 1853-1854, 1 v. Contains also license and poll tax receipt accounts, 1855-1857, and re- ceipts of officers for statutes, codes, etc., 1857-1870. Licenses, "Journal," 1866-1869, 1 v., in storeroom. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1904-1916, 2 v. Paid Warrants, Auditor's Register of, 1916-date, 2 v. (A-L, M-Z). A record used to prevent duplication of claims. YOLO COUNTY. 605 Personal Property Tax Collected by Assessor, 1874-1878, 1881, 1884- 1895. 1900, 24 v.. in storeroom. Poll [Tax] Lists, 1874. 1876-1879, 1885-1890, 13 v., in storeroom. Receipts and Expenditures, 1910, 1 v. (1). Report to State Controller of Financial Transactions, 1911-date, annual volumes. Small pamphlets. Reports, Auditor's and Treasurer's Quarterly, 1872-1883, 1 v. Road Ledger, 1883-date. 2 v. (1-2). School Ledger, 1880-date. 8 v. (x, 2-8). The first three volumes are iu the storeroom. SeoTeaation Ledger. 1916-date, 1 v. Special School Tax, Record of, 1884, 1886-1889, 1891-1893, 9 v., in storeroom. Swamp and Overflowed Land, Abstract of Purchases of, 1855-1862, 1 v. This gives dates of payments of principal and interset and date of act under which purchase was made. Tax Sales, Record of, 1895-date, 1 v. Published lists pasted in book, with marginal notation of redemption. Tax Sales, Transcript of, current, 2 v. Includes all property sold and not yet redeemed ; one volume for towns, the other for townships. Warrant Book, 1883-1893, 2 v. (x, 2), in storeroom. Register of warrants. Warrant Register, or Register of Warrants, 1899-date, 8 v. THE TREASURER [Accounts], 1853-1860, 1 v.; 1853-1861, 1 v. The two volumes are in part duplicates. Assessment Rolls: Migratory Stock (from other counties), 1874-1879, 1 v. ; Reclamation District No. 900, 1912-date, 1 v. ; 1914-date, 1 v. ; Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District, 1915-date, 1 v. ; Sacramento Drainage District, 1906-date, 1 v. The assessment rolls of Reclamation District No. 900 are for two bond issues aggregating $1,500,000. Bonds, Register of, 2 v. For county bond issues of Aim'. 1, 1884, and Aim. 1. 1885, and Escalante School District bonds of Jan. 10, 1891. Cash Book, 1861-date, 7 v. (x, x, 2-6). Day Book. 1864-1873. 1878-date, 12 v. (x, x, x, x, 3-10). Estate of Deceased Persons. 1875-1880, 1 v. Funds Deposited, Record of. 1909-date, 1 v. Inheritance Tax Receipts, 1906-date. 2 v. Journal. 1861-1864, 1873-1878, 2 v.: Swam]) Land, 1855-1861, 1 v. The Swamp Land journal contains also: Road Fund Account. 1859-1861; School and Seminary Lands Account. 1859-1861 ; and some other mis- cellaneous accounts for the same period. 606 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Lands Sold for Taxes to the State of California, 1875-1888, 1 v. Ledger, 1863-1869, 1 v. ; 1869-1877, see under School Ledger of same dates; 1878-1898, 2 v.; 1902-date, 2 v. (2, 7). The last volume, 1915-date, is a combined ledger and warrant register and takes its number from the cash book series, which it was at first intended to supersede. Ledger : General Fund, 1866-1870, 1 v. ; Hospital and Contingent Fund, 1866-1870, 1 v. ; Road Fund, 1866-1870, 1 v. ; Road District, 1892- 1895, 1 v. ; State Fund, 1864-1870, 1 v. The last named volume contains also record of receipts from state school and swamp lands, 1870-1884. Monthly Reports, 1913-date, file. Reclamation District No. 742, Record Book of, 1 v. Contains minutes, 1903-1914, and claims, 1907-1911. Poll Tax Accounts, 1872-1914, 1 v. Public School Teachers' Permanent Fund, 1913-date, 1 v. Reclamation Districts, Registered Warrants, 1870-date, 20 v. Redemption Funds, 1874-1893, 1 v. (1). School Lands, 1861-date, 1 v. Record of payments. School Ledger, 1855-1861, 1 v., "Invoice Schools"; 1866-1877, 2 v.; 1891-1900, 3 v. (x, 2-3). The volume for 1869-1877 contains also other funds, same dates. State Military Accounts,, 1864-1866, 1 v., in storeroom. Accounts for Woodland Guards and Washington Guards. Contains also school fund account, 1866. Swamp and Overflowed Lands, 1855-date, 1 v. ; 1861-1864, 1 v. Record of payments. See also under Journal. Warrants, Record of Redeemed, 1913-date, 1 v. Warrants, Redeemed, 1865-1901, 3 v. Warrants, Registered, 1854-1856, 1 v., "Journal B,"; 1857-1861, 1 v., "Register"; General, 1861-1914, 8 v. (x, x, x, x, 4-7); 1915-date, see under Ledger; Hospital Fund, 1878-1914, 4 v. (x, 2-4) ; Road Fund, 1878-date, 4 v. (x, 2-4) ; Salary Fund, 1878-1910, 2 v. Journal B, 1854-1856, contains also general accounts, 1854-1861. Reg- ister, 1857-1861, contains also miscellaneous accounts, reports, etc., 1862-1863. Woodland School District, Redemption and Interest Fund, 1872-1875, 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Assessment Statements, "List Book," 1863-1904, 358 v., in storeroom; 1905-1907, 14 v. (A-N) ; 1908-1910, 14 v. (A-N) ; 1911-date, 14 v. (A-N), loose leaf, and 5 v. of transferred sheets. Delinquent Tax Sales and Redemptions, Assessor's List of, 1875-1897, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. YOLO COUNTY. 607 Maps and Plats : Maps (Towns and Acreage), 1901-1914, 30 v., in storeroom; 1915, 1916, 4 v. ; Oakland, Antioch & Eastern Railway, right-of-way map, sheets 20 to 35, 1913, 3 rolls; Southern Pacific Company, rights-of-way and holdings, 2 rolls of maps. Mortgages, Abstract of, 1876, 1880-1908, 29 v., in storeroom; Index, 1902-1910, 9 v., in storeroom. Real Estate Transfer Book, 1893-1895, 2 v., in storeroom. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls, 1916, 6 v. ; Index, 1 v. Cash Book, 1885-1894, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. License Order Book, 1893-date, 5 v. Pases divided into columns for date, name, residence, term of license, kind of license, amount. All except the last volume are in the store- room. Licenses Issued, Record of, 1885-1889, 1 v., in Recorder's office. Record, 1885-1887, 1 v. (1), in storeroom. Tax Sales, Record of, 1873-1894, 2 v., in Recorder's office. 608 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. YUBA COUNTY INTRODUCTION Yuba was one of the original counties into which the state was divided in 1850. At that time it included also the present counties of Nevada and Sierra and a portion of Placer. Nevada and Placer were separately organized in 1851, and Sierra in 1852. Marysville has been the seat of government during the entire period of the county's existence. The present courthouse was built in 1855 at a cost of $22,000. The walls are of brick, the floors of wood. There is little danger from out- side fires, but the interior construction would impose no serious obstacle to a fire started within the building. In this building are housed the offices of the Assessor, Treasurer-Tax Collector, Superintendent of Schools, Sheriff, and Justice of the Peace, on the first floor, and the Superior Court room, Judge's chamber, Supervisors' room and Law Library, on the second floor. In part of the basement are stored a large quantity of discarded records, books and papers, the latter in boxes and the former piled about in rather a haphazard fashion. All this material is exposed to the destructive action of mould, dust and mice, particularly of mould. Much of this is of little or no importance, but there are some things of value, as the report shows. Besides the items listed as in the basement, there were found there three early minute books of the County Court and Court of Sessions, a Register of Suits before the First Alcalde of Marysville, several volumes of the School Superintendent's annual reports to the State Superintendent, and some other records, all of which were removed to their proper places upstairs or in the Hall of Records. The Hall of Records was built in 1895, of brick, steel and concrete. It consists of a large main room in which are kept practically all the records of the Clerk, Auditor and Recorder, and two smaller office rooms on either side of the entrance. The office is supposed to be fire and burglar proof, as it has a concrete floor, no windows — the light coming from a large skylight — and all the doors leading into it are of steel. The basement is used as a jail, and the older jail building adjoins it in the rear. The officials in the Hall of Records have ample room for all present needs, though additional stacks may soon be necessary. Electric lights and steam heat are used in both buildings. The office fixtures in the Hall of Records are for the most part modern and convenient. The examination of these archives was made in January, 1917. ►Tj 05 l "d M JO CQ CC 2,p 2,gT p p p 2 o o ' 9f ® ® «« H» r- oo i- 1 25? °° 00 00 to oo £? ct en en <©.. Men - tsJ- ts3 CO ~} b0 bsois' «» woo... --- ' ■ '- - f V o YUBA COUNTY. 609 PRE-STATEHOOD RECORDS Register of Suits before the First Alcalde of Marysville, Stephen J. Field, January-May, 1850, 1 v., in Clerk's office. A very interesting volume. In several cases prisoners found guilty were sentenced to receive lashes upon the bare back ; one example, taken from pages 112-117, is here given : In the case of "The People of the State of California vs. Frederick Burcholder and John Barrett," the jury found the defendant Barrett guilty of stealing a tin box containing about sixty dollars worth of gold dust and a gold dust bag containing a quantity of gold dust of the value of from twelve to fifteen hundred dollars. The judgment of the Court was : "Therefore it is ordered that the said defendant John Barrett be taken from this place to Johnson's ranch (the place where the theft was committed), and there receive on his bare back within twenty four hours from this time fifty lashes well laid on ; and within forty eight hours from this time fifty additional lashes well laid on ; and within three days from this time fifty additional lashes well laid on ; and within four days from date fifty additional lashes well laid on ; and within five days from date fifty additional lashes well laid on. But it is ordered that the four last punishments be remitted provided the said defendant make in the meantime restitution of the said gold dust bag and contents. The Sheriff is ordered to execute this judg- ment. Witness my hand and seal this seventh day of April, A. D. 1S50. Stephen J. Field (Seal) First Alcalde of Marysville." The record adds, under date of the 8th : "The sentence executed by the infliction of twenty lashes, after receiving which he confessed the theft of the bag containing from twelve to fifteen hundred dollars in sold dust and made restitution of the same." THE CLERK 1 COURT RECORDS District Court, 1850-1879 Calendar. 1859-1863, 3 v., in basement. Cost Book or Ledger. 1851-1879, 12 v. These books are really fee dockets. Seven volumes are in the basement. Court Fees, 1862-1872. For District. Probate and County Courts. Docket, 1872-1880, 1 v., in basement. Execution Book, 1850-1853. 1866-1868, 2 v. The first volume is really a docket. Execution Docket, 1855-1860, 1 v. For District Court, County Court and Court of Sessions. File, 1850-1879, 175 f.b.. cases 1-5137. Judgment Book, 1850-1889, 7 v. (1-7). Judgment Docket, 1850-1879. 2 v. (x, 2). Minutes. 1850-1879, 9 v. (1-9). Register [of Actions], 1850-1879, 11 v. (1-11). Tax Suits: Register of Actions, 1864-1866, 2 v.; Decree Book, 1864-1866. 1 v. : Index. 1 v. J See also Pro-statehood Records. 610 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. County Court, 1850-1879 Calendar, 1858-1863, 2 v., in basement. Cost Book, 1854-1861, 1 v. ; 1851, 1861-1866, 3 v., in basement. General Index, 2 v. Judgment Book, 1853-1879, 2 v. (x, 2). Judgment Docket, 1853-1879, 3 v. (1-3). Minutes, 1851-1879, 7 v. (x, x, 1-5). Kecord Book of County Court, 1850-1853, 1 v. Has outside title "County Court Docket," but it is so made up that it really supplements and completes both the Minutes and Register. Register [of Actions], 1853-1879, 3 v. (x, x, 3). Court of Sessions, Criminal, 1850-1863 Calendar, 1859-1862, 2 v., in basement. Cost Book or Ledger, 1852, 1854-1861, 4 v. Three of these volumes are in basement. Docket, 1850-1855, 1 v. Jury Book, Court of Sessions and County Court, 1850-1867, 2 v., in basement. The second volume has also lists of witnesses from 1S61 to 1867. Minutes, 1850-1863, 4 v. The second volume includes also entries for County Business from Octo- ber, 1851, to end of April, 1852; see under Board of Supervisors. Register. of Actions, 1856-1863, 2 v. Superior Court, 1880-date Attorneys, Roll of, 1850-1909, 1 v. Coroner's Inquests, 1894— date, 5 f.b. File, 1880-date, 171 f.b., cases 1-3915. General Index, 2 v. Insanity records: Insane Commitments, 1864-date, 5 v. ; 3 f.b. There is considerable variation in the titles of the volumes. Record of Insane Persons, 1876-date, 1 v. Has double pages divided into columns for : date of arrest, name, nativity, age. occupation, by whom arrested, taken to asylum by. amount of money on person, cause of insanity, committed to, examined by doctors, remarks. Patients Discharged from State Hospitals, Record of, 1903-date, 1 v. Intemperance, Judgment of and Order of Commitment, 1911-date, 2 v. ; 1 f.b. Judgment Book, 1880-1889, see under District Court; 1889-date, 4 v. (8-11). Judgment Docket. 1880-date, 1 v. Jury Book, 1874-date, 3 v. ; Lists, 1894-1911, 2 f.b. Minutes, 1880-date, 11 v. (1-11). Register [of Actions], 1880-date, 7 v. (1-7). YUBA COUNTY. 611 Superior Court Probate and Old Probate Court, 1850-date Bonds. Guardians and Administrators, 1861-1873, 1 v. Includes Letters. Bonds and Letters. 1873-date, 6 v. (1-6). Collateral Inheritance Tax, n.d., 1 v. (1), only five entries. Collateral Inheritance Tax Record, 1905-1909, 2 v. Cost Book. Ledger or Fee Book, 1854-1863, 2 v. ; 1862-1871, 1874- 1880, 5 v., in basement. Executors and Administrators, 1859, 1 v., an index. File. 1850-date. 203 lb., cases' 1-2616. Minutes. 1850-date, 12 v. (1, 1, 1-10). Some of the volumes are called "Record," some "Minutes" and others '"Probate Proceedings." Probate Bonds, 1852-date. 6 f.b. Register [of Actions], 1852-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 1 v. Wills, Record of, 1850-1867, 1878-1908, 2 v. (x, 3) ; 1859-date, 6 f.b. Superior Court, Juvenile, 1909-date File. 2 f.b. Minutes. 1909-date. 1 v. Record, 1909-date, 1 v. (1). SUPERVISORS' RECORDS Allowance Book. "Bills Allowed," 1853-1859, 1 v., in basement; "Accounts Allowed," 1857-1858, 1872-1881, 2 v.; "Allowance Book." 1860-1883, 4 v.. in basement; "Supervisors' Bill Book," 1858-1905. 5 v.; "List of Claims," 1905-date, 3 v. (1-3). The last two titles constitute the Allowance Book in the usual form. The volumes entitled "Bills Allowed" and "Allowance Book" seem to form a separate series, in which each item is given in form similar to the following : "Ordered that Ef. Woodrow be allowed the sum of Forty Dollars out of special fund for Pigeon Hole Cases for Courts." Nota- tion in the margin gives date and number of warrant. The several items for each date are grouped together. The volumes entitled "Ac- counts Allowed" do not seem to fit properly into either series. Equalization. Minutes of Board. 1872-date, 1 v. File, about 50 f.b. Franchise Book, 1897-date. 1 v. (1). Indigent Deceased. Soldier, Sailor, Marine, 1911-date, 1 v. Minutes: Court of Sessions, County Business, 1850-1854, 2 v.; Board of Supervisors, 1855-date, 11 v. (1-11). The minutes of the Court of Sessions for County Business from October. 1851, to end of April. 1852. are found also in the Criminal records of that Court. Vol. 1 of the Board of Supervisors contains also minutes of the Court of Sessions. County Business, for December, 1So4. Ordinance Book. 1883-date, 1 v. (1). Eoad Book. 1885-1891. 1 v. (1), in basement. Road Masters' Accounts. 1872-1875. 1 v. Contains also register of Notaries for the same period. 612 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Office Routine and General Duties Docked Horses, Register of, 1907-date, 1 v. Fee Books, 1871-1880, 1885-1906, 8 v., in basement; 1907-date, 2 v. Hunting Licenses, County Register of, 1907-1909, 1 v. Loan Book, 1915-date, 1 v. Marysville Fire Department : Record, 1855-1862, 1 v. ; Register, 1851-1862, 1 v. Military Lists: 1853-1880, scattering, 8 v., in basement; 1885-1895, scattering, 9 v. See also Miscellaneous file. Miscellaneous file, about 60 f.b. One file box labeled "Miscellaneous Not Court Papers" contains : Jury Lists and Justices' Reports, 1850-1857 ; monthly reports of condition of treasury. 1895-1902, 1911-1914; Muster Roll of Hooker Guards, 1863; Muster Roll of Marysville Rifles, 1864; Muster Roll of Sara- gossa Light Guard, 1865 ; and other miscellaneous papers. Naturalization Declarations of Intention, 1856-1906, 3 v. (1-3) ; Record, 1907- date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Naturalization, Acts of: County Court, 1869-1879, 2 v.; District and Superior Courts, 1869-1889, 1 v. (1) ; Naturalization Book, 1889-1903, 1 v. (2); Record, 1904-1906, 1 v.; Petition and Record, 1907-date, 2 v. (1-2). Naturalization Index, 1 v. Registration Affidavits of Registration, 1914, 1916, originals and duplicates, bound by precincts. Great Register, 1866-1909, 14 v. Elections Ballot Record, 1892-date, 1 v. Has a sample ballot of each election pasted in the book in addition to the usual record of ballots printed and delivered. Candidates' Statements, 1910-date, 2 f.b. Election Officials, 1854-1866, 1 v., in basement; Primary Election officers, 1898, 1 v. Election Returns, Primary and General, 1914, 1916 ; Special, 1915. Nominations, Record of, 1910-date, 2 v. ; Nomination Papers, 1914- date, 1 f.b. Verification Deputies, Record of, 1910-date, 1 v. Marriage and Public Health Marriage Licenses : Register, 1865-1912, 5 v. ; Record, 1913-date, 1 v. ; Stub-books, 1897-1910, 1912-1916, 14 v. Dental Register, 1914-date. 1 v. ; Register of Surgeon Dentists, 1885-date, 1 v. Optometry. Register of Persons Engaged in, 1903-date, 1 v. Pharmacy Register, 1905-date. 1 v. Physician and Veterinary Certificates, Register of, 1876-date, 1 v. Physicians and T^nriertakers, Register of, 1 v. YUBA COUNTY. 613 Pertaining to Private Business Concerns Articles of Incorporation, 1851-date, 7 f.b. ; Index, 1 v. Bond and Surety Companies, Record of, 1881-date, 1 v. Corporations, Certificates of, 1855-1856, 1 v. A small volume with outside title, "Society, Church" ; has only four eutries. Fictitious Names, Register of Persons and Partnerships under, 1 v. Partnership, Register of, 1874-date, 1 v. Private account books, 1851-1860, about 50 in basement. Very few have name of firm. About a dozen are valuable as showing- prices of various commodities. Others have little apparent value. A selected few would show range of prices over whole period covered. Sole Traders, 1859-1870, 1 f.b. Relating to Other Officers Appointment and Revocation of Deputies, 2 f.b. Bonds of Officers, 5 f.b. Experts' Reports to Grand Jurv, Audit of County Books, 1910- 1915, 6 v. Justice Court dockets : Linda Township, 1860-1872, 1 v. ; Long Bar Township, 1861- 1867, 1 v.; North East Township, 1907, 1 v.; Bear River Township, 1854-1858, 1 v., in basement; "West Bear River Township, 1866-1878, 1 v., in basement; Parks Bar Town- ship, 1863-1864, 1 v., in basement. The Bear River and West Bear River dockets contain also estray notices. Notarial Record, Mary A. Cull, 1912, 1 v. Notaries, Justices. Constables, Register of, 1895-date, 1 v. Prisoners of Yuba County, 1855-1857, 1 v. Record of Protests (of notes) before Chas. M. Gorham, Notary Public, 1860-1862, 1 v., in basement. Undertakings, Appeal Bonds, Etc, 1884-date, 2 f.b. U. S. Census Enumerators' Returns for Yuba County, 1860, 2 v., in basement. Large sheets fastened between cover boards. THE RECORDER Agreements, Bonds and, 1862-1894. 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. Agreements, Contracts and, 1895-date, 3 v. (2-4) ; Index, 2 v. Assignments of Mortgages, 1887-clate, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 2 v. Attachments, 1856-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 2 v. ; Releases of. Index, 1 v. Banking Statements: Assets, 1876-1893, 1 v. ("Banks 1"); Capital, 1876-1893. 1 v. ("Banks 2"). Births, 1856-1862, 1 v. ; Register of, 1873-date, 4 v. (1-4). Brands, 1850-date. 1 v. (1). Canal and Levee and Drainage Districts. Record. 1874-1880, 1 v. Two entries under act of March 2. 1874. to "provide for the protection of lands from overflow in the county of Yuba," and one under an act of April 23, 1880, "to promote drainage." Certificates of Sale under Execution. 1894-date, 1 v. (2) ; "Certificates of Tax and Sheriffs' Sales," 1854-1893, 1 v. (1). 614 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. Deaths. 1858-1861, 1 v. ; Register of, 1873-date, 3 v. (1-3). Deeds. 1850-date, 70 v. (1-70) ; Index, 20 v.; Reconveyance, 1904-date, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (1) ; Trust, 1887-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. Delivery Book, 1880-date, 2 v. Divorces, 1858, 1 v., only one entry. Election Expenses: Candidates' Statements, General, 1894^date, 4 v.; Primary, 1912-date, 2 v.; Committees' Statements, 1894-1908, 1 v. Eliza, Records of, 1850, 1 v., "P. W. K. No. 1." Original drawing of lots in the town of Eliza and deeds subsequent thereto. Estrays, 1851-date, 1 v. (1). Executions, 1893-date, 1 v. (2) ; Judgments and Executions, 1850- 1893, 1 v. (1) ; Index, 1 v. (2). Fee Books, 1871-1889, 1891-1906, 9 v., in basement; 1911-date, 2 v. Homesteads, 1860-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. (1). Instruments not called for, 144 f.b. Inventory in the matter of the assignment for the benefit of the cred- itors of A. J. Wightman and C. Hampton, Co-partners, 1885, 1 v. Judgment, Transcripts of, 1888-date, 1 v. (2) ; Index, 2 v. Leases, 1851-date, 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 2 v. (3). Licensed Surveyors, 1891-date, 1 v. Liens, 1850-date, 3 v. (1-3) ; Index, 1 v. Lis Pendens, see Pendency of Actions. Maps and Plats : Government Plats of Yuba County, 1 v. Licensed Surveyors' Maps, 2 v. (1-2). Map of Smartsville, 1877, 1 v. One large map and field notes of survey. Townsite Plat Book of Strawberry Valley, 1884, 1 v. One large map folded. Index to Record of Surveys, 1 v. Marriage Records of M. Y. B. Danby, Justice of the Peace, Marysville, 1852-1853, 1 v., small. Marriages, 1858-1868, 1905-date, 4 v. ; Certificates and Licenses, 1851- date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 6 v. Mining Deeds, 1862-1866, 2 v. (x, 1). The first volume is a small book containing deeds to the Blue Point Min- ing Company of Sucker Flat, in 1862, all being given by men who were the shareholders in the company. Seven deeds in all. Mining district records : Brown's Yalley Mining District, 1864-1896, 2 v. Minutes of meetings and notices of claims. Empire Hill and Yuba River, 1854-1864, 1 v. Notices of mining claims. Missouri Mining District, 1855-1884, 1 v. Rules adopted in 1855 and subsequently thereto and notices of claims from 1872-1884. Also some bills of sale. Miscellaneous Records, 1850-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index, 2 v. (1-2). Mortgages, 1850-date, 31 v. (1-31); Index, 2 v.; Chattel, 1857-date, 10 v. (1-10) ; Index, 4 v. YUBA COUNTY. 615 Newspapers : Marysville, Daily California Express, Oct. 1. 1862-Sept. 30, 1863, 2 v. Daily Democrat, July 1, 1893-Dec. 30. 1916, 48 v. Daily Appeal, Oct. 1, 1862-June 30. 1916, 105 v. Official Bonds. 1852-date, 6 v. (1-6) ; Index, 4 v. Patents. 1857-date. 5 v. (1-5). Pendency of Actions. 1851-date. 3 v. (1-3) ; Index. 2 v. (1-2). Powers of Attorney. 1850-date, 2 v. (1-2) ; Index, 1 v. Pre-emptions. 1850-date. 5 v. (1-5) ; Index. 4 v. Reclamation Districts, By-Laws, It. (1) : Index, 1 v. Only one entry. Releases of Mortgages and other instruments, 1851-date, 5 v. (1-5) ; Index. 4 v. School "Warrants. 1856, 1 v. Location of school lands. Only one entry. Separate Property of Wife. 1864-1910, 1 y. ; Index, 1 v. Sole Traders Declarations. 1851-1895, 1 v. Stallion Register. 1912-date, 1 v. (1). Tax Deeds. 1876-date. 4 v. (1-4) ; Index, 1 y. Tax Sales. 1873-1896, 2 v. (1-2) ; Certificates of, 1895-1911. 3 v. (3-5) ; Index. 1 v. Water Claims. 1874-date, 1 y. (1) ; Index inserted. The volume is entitled "Index Water Claims." Wills. 1867-1881, 2 y. ; "Book of Wills, No. 1," 1 v. The last named volume has onlv two entries, one for 1S62 and one for 1S70. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Annual Reports. 1871-1875. 1880-1881, 1884-1891. 1892-1896 1899- 1900. 1908-date. 28 v. Apportionment of Funds. 1871-1883, see under School District Ledger; 1895-1898. 1 v. Board of Education. Minutes of. 1905-date, 1 v. Certificates Issued. Record of. 1911-date, 1 v. Shows fees collected. Examinations of Pupils, Record of. 1887-1903. 1906-date. 5 y. The first volume includes also teachers' examinations for 1SS4-1SS6. Institutes. Minutes of. 1888-date. 1 v. Record of Terms. 1895-1908, 1 v. ; 1908-date, see under Register of Certificates, below. Record of opening and closing of schools. For the period from 1902 to 1908 the record is very incomplete. Register of Certificates and Record of School Terms, 1908-date. 1 v. Has entries for last title only. Record of School Library Books. 1 v. School District Ledger, 1871-1883. 2 y., in basement. Contains also apportionments for each vear. The first volume has no outside title, the second has title '•Journal." 616 COUNTY ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA. School district map, wall map of county, about 3 by 5 feet, with the school districts shown in colors. School Manual, 1912, 1916, printed pamphlets. The last issue is loose leaf. Superintendent's Register of Trustees' Orders, 1887-1899, 1 v., in basement. Teachers' Examinations, Record of, 1873-1875, 1887-date, 3 v.; 1884- 1886, see under Examinations of Pupils. Trustees, Register of, 1891-date, 1 v. "Warrant Register, 1880-1890, 3 v., in basement; 1908-date, 5 v. Since 1908 the record is a combined Register and Ledger. THE AUDITOR Assessment Rolls: Original, 1850-1860, 1863-1866, 1868-1915, 118 v. Duplicate, 1850-1854, 1856, 1857, 1861, 1868, 1869, 1872-1875, • 1880, 1881, 21 v. ; 1855, 1858, 1859, 5 v., in basement. Delinquent, 1850-date, 29 v. Index, 1892-date, 46 v. Bear River Levee District No. 1, Warrant Audit Account, 1884-1888, 1 v. Cash Book, 1913-date, 1 v. Journal, 1854-1855, 1 v. ; 1858-1864, 1870-1876, 2 v., in basement ; 1900- 1916, 4 v. (3-6). The volume for 1854-1855 is called "Day Book." Ledger, 1850-1858, 1868-1875, 3 v., in basement; 1900-1914, 1916, 3 v. The two volumes for 1850-1858 are called "Auditor's Book." License and Tax Accounts, 1852-1854, 1 v., in basement. Called "Auditor's Book." Miscellaneous file, 110 f.b. Orphans and Half-orphans on State Aid, 1904-date, 2 v. Receipts and Expenditures, current sheets, 1 v. Road District Accounts, 1880-1885, 1 v., in basement. Road poll taxes, etc. School Warrants, Register of, 1897, 1903-1904, 1 v. Sheriff's Fee Book, 1872-1885, 1889-1891, 1899-1906, 4 v., in basement. Tax Sales, Record of, 1857-1859, 1 v. Treasurers' Reports on State Lands, 1881-1907, 1 v. "Warrant Receipts, 1898-1913, 5 v. (1-5). Form books with 12 receipts on each page. Warrants, Register of, 1850-1863, 2 v., in basement; 1894-1899, 1 v. (2), in basement; 1913-date, 2 v. Warrants Outstanding, 1 v. TUBA COUNTY. 617 THE TREASURER Cash Book. 1850-1854, 1 v., in basement: 1912-date, 3 v. (1-3). Vol. 3. beginning in 1915. is a combined Cash Book and Ledger. Inheritance Tax Receipts. 1907-date, 2 v. Journal. 1864-1869, 1 v.. in basement. Ledger. 1864-1868. 1 v.. in basement: 1889-1915. 1 v.: 1915-date, see under Cash Book. Monthlv Reports. 1912-date, filed. Poll Tax Accounts. 1889-1914. 1 v. Public School Teachers' Retirement Fund, 1914-date, 1 v. Settlements and Discharges from State Controller, 1914-date, filed. Warrant Registers of Reclamation Districts: No. 10, 1914-date, 1 v.; Xo. 784. 1910-date. 1 v. ; No. 817, 1911-date, 1 v. "Warrants Registered. 1914-date. 1 v. THE ASSESSOR Abstract of Deeds. 1895-date, 3 v. (1-3) : Index, 16 v. Assessment Statements. 1915. 1916. in p.h. Delinquent Tax Sales. 1913-date, 1 v. Field Enrollment Book. 1895-1914. 20 v., in basement. Large books with double page divided into columns for showing details regarding name. age. poll tax liability, military duty liability, poll tax payment, residence, postoffice address, occupation, by whom employed, whether owner of real estate, nativity, whether naturalized or not. Maps and Plats: Official U. S. Government Plats, 1 v.; Plat Book, City of Marysville, 1855-1894. 30 v.. in Recorder's office: 1895-date, 23 v.; Township Plat Books. 1866-1893. 19 v.. in Recorder's office: 1895- date. 23 v. -. Subdivision Maps, 1 v. ; Official Map of School Districts. 1913. wall map about 3' x 5' : Official County Maps, 1902, 1909, wall maps about 3' x 5'. Mortgages. Abstract of. 1880. 1882-1883, 2 v., in basement; 1895-1900, 1909. 16 v.. in Recorder's office. THE TAX COLLECTOR Assessment Rolls. 1916. 2 v. ; Index, 1 v. Cash Book. 1855-1861. 2 v.. in basement: 1912-date, 2 v. Licenses: Record of. 1851-1858. 3 v., in basement; Cash Account of. 1912-date. 1 v.: Ledger. 1912-date, 1 v. Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District, General Assessment No. 1. June 15. 1916, 1 v. Tax Sales. Record of. 1872-1894. 2 v. INDEX. Acquisition of original title, records relat- ing to. 51-54. Actions, description and importance of register of, 24. Adjacent counties, brands of. 65. Agreements. 69. Alameda county, law regarding squirrel claims, 62. Alcalde, office of, 50 : powers and duties, 50. 51 ; records, 51. Allowance book, 27. American conquest. 1846-48 ; records re- lating thereto. 50. Annual report to superintendent of schools. 78, 79. Architects, record of licensed. 69, 70. Archive space, economy in, 13. Archive study, practical value to record keeper. 2 : to taxpayer, 3. Archivists, training of. 14. Articles of incorporation, 42. Assessment rolls. 82. Assessment statements. S6 : orders of can- cellation of erroneous assessments, 28. Assessor, duties and records, S5-87. Assignments. 57, 58. Astle. Thomas, on importance of good inks. 6. Attachments. 62. Attics, for housing public records. 5. Attorneys, roll of. 20. Auditor. 81-84 : importance of records, S1-S2 : records described. S2-S4. Banking records : assets, capital, 70. Bartlett. alcalde, ledger for 1S46-47. in San Francisco archives. 50. Basements, for housing public records, 5. Binding of records. 11. Births, records. 66-6S : register of, 67. Board of education, records, 79. Board of supervisors. See Supervisors. Bond and surety companies. 42. Bonds. 82, S3 : record of official bonds, 73. 74. Brands, and marks. 64-65. Buildings, fireproof needed for public records. 4 : conditions in California, 4. Burial of ex-union soldiers, sailors and marines. 27. Burial permits, 69. Business concerns, records of clerk per- taining to private. 42. 43. Calendar, a court record, 20 ; seldom pre- served. 21. Canvas, better than leather for binding- records, 11. Census records. See School and Federal census. Cemetery associations, rural, 42. Certification records, record of certificates issued to teachers, 79. Claims, land, 51, o2 ; pre-emption or pos- sessory. 52 ; mining, 53. Clerk. 15-45 ; general duties, 15. 16 ; court records, 16-24 ; supervisors' records, 24—29 ; miscellaneous records, 29-45 ; duties as clerk of board of supervisors, 27. Colored inks, not permanent, 9. Commitments for insanity, description and various titles used, 22. Contra Costa county, squirrel claims, 62. Copying of records, 11 ; photographing of records, 11-12. County court, history and jurisdiction, 17 ; superseded by superior court, 1880, 17. Court records, history and organization of courts, 16-20 ; records described, 20-24. Court of sessions, history of, 17, 18 ; jurisdiction. IS ; duties under law of April 11, 1S50, 24, 25. Courts of first instance, 50 ; records of, 51. Deaths, register of. 67 ; registration by state bureau of vital statistics, 6S. Decrees of distribution or partition, 55. Deeds, 54, 55. Delegates elected to conventions, records of. 39. Dentists, register of. 41. Dependents, care of, records concerning county hospitals, aged indigents, or- phans' and half orphans, S3. Destruction of records, 13. Discharge from state hosiptal, certificates of. 23. District court, history and jurisdiction of, 16, 17 ; records required to be kept, 17 ; superseded by superior court in 1880, 17. Distribution, wills and decrees of, 55. Docket. 21 ; execution docket. 21 : judg- ment docket, 23. Documents and records, repair of. 10. El Dorado county, lost records recovered, 3. Election expenses, statement filed by candidates and committees, 70. Election records, 40; Napa county, "Register of persons voting and when." 1876-78, 40. Election returns, provisions in act of 1850, 37; later amendments, 37, 38; no longer preserved, 39 ; result of canvass found in minutes of supervisors, 39; for Humboldt county, 1S53-72, 39. Elections, 37-40. 620 INDEX. Encumbrance of title, transfer and, 54-63. Equalization records, 28. Erroneous assessments, orders of cancel- lation of, 28. Estrays, acts regarding, 65, 06: estray books, 65 ; estray and lost property book, 66. Examination records, SO. Execution book, 21 ; execution docket, 21. Federal census returns, laws regarding, 43. 44 ; preserved in what counties, 44. Fee books of recorder, 71. Fictitious names, provisions of acts re- garding firms under, 43. File or judgment roll, contents in civil and criminal cases, 21. Fire, danger of in California courthouses, 4. Firms under fictitious names, provisions of acts regarding, 43. Fiscal officials, 81-87; auditor, 81-84; treasurer, S4-S5 ; assessor, 85-87 ; tax collector, 87. Fishing licenses, hunting and, 30. Franchise book, 28. Furniture and equipment of public record buildings should be fireproof, 6. General index, to suits, 22 ; recorder's, 47. Gold era, 1849-50, 50, 51 ; powers and duties of alcalde, 50, 51 ; records of courts of first instance, 51. Great register, provided for by Registry Act of I860. 34; description of. 34; provisions of Political Code, 1872, 35 ; later changes. 35. 36 ; preservation re- quired, 1903. 36 ; discontinued in favor of registration affidavits, 1909, 36 ; changes in affidavits. 1912, 36 ; present requirements. 37 ; value to student of history and social science, 37. Flealth, records relating to public. 40. Flomesteads. provisions of acts regarding, 58 ; register of homesteads of single persons, 58 ; homestead declarations. 58; declaration of abandonment of, 58, Horizontal roller shelves recommended, 10. Hospitals, records concerning county, S3. Housing of public records. 4-6 ; fireproof buildings, 4 : vaults, 5 ; storerooms, basements and attics, 5 : office furniture, 6. Humboldt county : election returns. 1853- 72, 39; record of Indian indentures, 74 ; sole traders declaration, 75. Humane officers, record of, 44. Hunting and fishing licenses, 30. Importance of archives, 1-2. Improvements, liens for public, 61. Incorporation, value and description of articles of, 42. Indentures, record of Indian. See Indian. Index to suits, general, 22. Indian indentures in Humboldt county archives, record of. 74 : acts regard- ing, 74. Indigents, records concerning aged, S3. Inheritance tax records, 84. Inks and their effect on the permanency of a record, 6 ; Thomas Astle on im- portance of, 6 ; investigations of Schluttig and Neumann, 6 ; of Com- monwealth of Massachusetts and United States Treasury Department, 7 ; inks used in California archives, S ; ink tests, S ; colored inks not permanent, 9. Inquests, 23. Insanity, commitments. 22 ; certificates of discharge from state hospitals, 23. Insertable-leaf record books, 12 ; com- plaints regarding in fiscal offices, 13. Investigations regarding proper inks, 6, 7. Judgment book, 23. Judgment docket, 23. Judgment roll, 21. Judgments, transcripts of, 63. "Junk.'' term often improperly applied to semidiscardecl records, 5. Jury lists. 23, 24 ; jury book or jury record. 24. Justice court dockets, 44. Juvenile court records, 19, 20. Land claims, 51, 52. Land grant records, 2 ; Spanish land grants, 52. Land office returns, 86. Land register docket, kept under Torrens system, 55, 56. Land sales, state, 85 ; school lands, 52 ; swamp and overflowed lands, 52. Larkin papers in Monterey archives. 2, 50. Leases and mortgages, acts affecting, 57. Licensed surveyors, 64. License record, in auditor's office, S3. Licenses, hunting and fishing. 30. Liens, 62 ; liens for public improvements, 61. Lime, use of unslacked lime to absorb moisture recommended, 5. Lis pendens, 62. Los Angeles, Spanish archives at, 2 ; records concerning American conquest, 50 ; records relating to Mexican regime in city and county archives, 19. Lost records recovered in El Dorado county, 3. Maps, recorder must file. 63 : acts of 1893' and 1907 regarding, 64 ; in as- sessor's office, 86, 87. Marines, burial of ex-union, 27. Marks and brands, 61 ; acts concerning, 65 : brands of adjacent counties, 65. Marriage licenses, provisions in code of 1872, 40' : present requirements, 40. Marriage and public health, records of clerk relating to. 40; marriage records of recorder, 66-69. Massachusetts, report of commissioner of public records cited, 7, 8, 10, 11 ; standard record ink adopted. 7 ; stan- dard record paper adopted, 9. INDEX. 621 Materials used in record making, need for care in their selection. 6-10; inks, 6- 9 ; paper. 9-10 ; stamp pads, 9' ; type- writer ribbons. 9. Medical certificates, record of, 40. Mexican regime, collections in archives of Los Angeles and San Francisco, 49 ; "Record of Official Acts of Thomas O. Larkin" in Monterey county archives, 50. Military rolls and military tax. provisions of acts from 1850-63, 30 ; provisions of code of 1872, 31. Mining claims. 53; mining district records, 53. Minutes, of the courts. 24: of the board of equalization. 28 : of supervisors, value to historian. 2S : canvass of elec- tion returns in supervisors' minutes, 39. Miscellaneous records : of clerk. 29-45 ; of recorder. 09-76. Moisture in vaults removed by unslacked lime. 5. Monterey. Spanish archives at Salinas, 2 ; Larkin papers. 2 : records concerning American conquest, 50. Mortgages, acts affecting leases and, 57. Napa comity. "Register of persons voting and when." 1876-78, 40. Naturalization, under jurisdiction of dis- trict court. 17 : under superior court, 31 : laws affecting, 31-32 : records re- quired by law of 1900. 33. Negro and Indian slavery mentioned. 2. Newspaper files : in recorder's office, act of 1862. 71: in comity clerk's office, laws of 1853 and 1S70, 72; in public libraries, act of 1909. 73. Nomination, certificates of and nomina- tion papers, 39: provisions of law of 1911 regarding record of nominations, 39. Office furniture and equipment, fireproof needed in public record buildings, 6. Office routine and general duties of clerk, 29-31 . Official acts: Thomas O. Larkin, in Monterey archives. 50: superintendent of schools, so. SI. Official bonds. 8,ee Bonds. Optometrists, register of. 41. Ordinance book. 28. Original title acquisition of. 51-54. Orphans and half orphans, records con- cerning, 83. Osteopaths, register of. 41. Overflowed lands, swam]) and. 52. Oyster beds, 54. Paper for records, need of care in select- ing, !) : paper adopted by Massachusetts, 9: paper used in California archives, 10. Partition, decrees of. 55. Patent-;, record of. 52—53'. Pharmacists, laws of 1891 and 1905 re- garding register of, 41, 42. Photography as a means of recording documents, arguments in favor, 11 ; arguments against, 12. Poll lists, only official register of voters between 1S50 and 1866, 33; changes made by Registry Act of 1800, 33; abolished by Pol. Code of 1872, 34. Poll tax records, SO. Possessory claims. See Pre-emption. Pre-emption or possessory claims, separate record kept since 1851, 52. Pre-statehood records. 48-51 : records for early Spanish period, 48 ; Mexican re- gime, 49 : period of American conquest, 1840-48. 50: Gold Era, 1849-50, 50- 51. Primary election law of 1911, 39. Private business concerns, pertaining to, 42, 43. Probate cases, jurisdiction of district court. 10; of county court, 17. Probate court, created in 1851, 17 ; his- tory, jurisdiction, 18 ; superseded by su- perior court in 1880, 19. Probate records, 10, 17, 19. Public health, records of clerk, 40. Public improvements, lien for. 6.1. "Record of Claims Allowed," 27. Record keepers, practical value of archive study to, 2; training of, 14. Record paper, need for careful selection, 9. Recorder. 4(')-7<; : general duties. 46-48; pre-statehood records. 48-51 : records re- lating to property titles, 51-66; vital statistics. 66-69 : miscellaneous records, 09-70. Records, binding of. 11 ; copying of, 11. Redemptions, tax sales and. S3. Register of actions, 24. Register of titles, record kept under Tor- rens system, 56. • Registration, 33-37 ; poll lists, 33 ; great register, 34-37; registration affidavits replace great register, 1900, 30: changes due to woman suffrage, 36; present re- quirements, 37. Registry Act of 1S66, 33. Releases, satisfactions and assignments, 57, 58. Repair of documents and records. 10-11. Reporters' notes, 24. Road records. 28-29 ; road register, 29. Roll of attorneys, 20. Rural cemetery associations. 42. Sailors, burial of ex-union. 27. Sale, certificates of under execution, 02: certificates of for taxes. 63; various titles used, 03; sometimes recorded in deed books, 03. Salinas, Spanish archives al. 2: Larkin papers at. 2. 622 INDEX. San Francisco, Spanish archives at, 2 ; records relating to Mexican regime, 49 ; records concerning American conquest, 50 ; board of supervisors created for San Francisco county, 25. Santa Cruz, Spanish archives at, 2. Satisfaction, 57, 58. Schluttig and Neumann, investigations in regard to inks, 6 ; formula for iron tan- nate inks adopted by Massachusetts and by United States Treasury Depart- ment, 7. School and fiscal officials, 77-87 ; super- intendent of schools, 77-81 ; auditor, 81-84 ; treasurer, 84-85 ; assessor, 85- 87 ; tax collector, 87. School census records, 80. School funds, auditor's office, 83 ; treas- urer's office, 84, 85. School land. warrants, 52. Sessions, court of : history, 17, 18 ; juris- diction, 18, 24, 25. Slavery papers, mentioned, 2 ; where found, 74. Soldiers, sailors and marines, burial of ex-union, 27. Sole traders declarations. 74, 75 ; sample entry, 75. Sonoma archives, records cited, 50. Space required for archives, need of economy in, 13. Spanish archives at Los Ahgeles, Salinas, San Francisco and Santa Cruz, 2. Spanish land grants, 52; mentioned, 2. Spanish period, importance of records for, 48 ; in Monterey county archives, 48 ; in San Jose archives, 49. Special partnerships, 75. Squirrel claims, 62; in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, 62. Stallion register, 76. Stamp pads, danger of use on public records, 9. Standard ink, general requirements, 7 ; approved formula, 7. Standard record paper, 9. Stanislaus county, record of burial per- mits, 69. State bureau of vital statistics, 68. State land sales, 85. State registrar of vital statistics, duties of, 66, 67. State school land warrants, 52. Storerooms, basements and attics, for housing public records, 5. Superintendent of schools, 77-81 ; county assessor the superintendent by act of 1 852, 77 ; made a separate office, 1855, 77; duties, 1855, 77; Pol. Code, 1915, 78; records, 78-81. 1 Superior court, organization and composi- tion, 19. Supervisors, board of, created for county of San Francisco, 25; for all counties of the state, 25 ; powers and duties by law of 1855, 25, 26 ; additional powers, 26; duties of the clerk, 27; records, 27-29. Surety companies, bond and, 42. Surveyors, licensed, 64. Swamp and overflowed lands, 52. Swan, Robert T., public record commis- sioner of Massachusetts, investigations concerning inks, 7. Tax collector, duties and records, 87. Taxpayer, value of archive study to, 3. Tax sales, 58; provisions of acts of 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1857, 59; of 1861, Pol. Code 1872, 1895, 60-61; of 1913, 61. Tax sales and redemptious, auditor's records, 83. Tax suits, jurisdiction of district court in, 16. Teachers, reports of, 80. Title, acquisition of original, 51-54; transfer and encumbrance of title, 54- 63 ; register under Torrens system, 56. Torrens system, provisions of law of 1S97, 55, 56 ; changes in law, 1915, 56 ; land register docket, 55, 56 ; register of titles, 56. Training of archivists, 14. Transcripts on appeal, 24. Transcripts of judgments, 63. Transfer and encumbrance of title, 54-63. Treasurer, records kept by, 84-85. Trustees, reports of school, SO. Typewriter ribbons, 9. United States Treasury Department, ink formula adopted by, 7. Vaults but little used, poorly lighted and ventilated, 5 ; suggested remedies, 5. Verification deputies, 39. Vital statistics, 66-69; duties of state registrar, 66 ; neglect in keeping of records, 67 ; provisions of Pol. Code, 1872, 67; amendments of 1905, 67; registration of deaths as provided by act of 1905. 68 ; state bureau of vital statistics, 68; burial permits, 69. Warrant books, 83-84; register of war- rants, S3, 84 ; record of registered war- rants, 83', 84. Water rights, records of, 53-54. Wills and decrees of distribution. 55. Yolo county, estray book and estray and lost property book, 66. 41210 10-19 1M o o N V ' '"o X . c ^ •%. , - ,o- .: ■# ,0o. o N ^ "^ •* V * ■'/% o_ •/ o , v* ,Cy o x 4 ^ - °.,. %. \<$ -/ ^ 1 vV v- v v * ,-A *>. * 8 0< = ^ -/ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 802 335 A HI II mi m m m I ■ .......