liiii!^ II nil 'iiiii Plass Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT A Street Car Directory CITY OF BOSTON ^ SURROUNDINGS PRICE, TEN CENTS. JJ Where.^^.^o'BTACar? A STREET CAR DIRECTORY CITY OF BOSTON AND SURROUNDINGS Comprising the Cities of Lynn, Salem, Cambridge, SOMERVILLE, IvIaLDEN, EvERETT, WaLTHAM, Newton, Quincy, Roxbury, Woburn, Chel- sea AND Medford; and Towns of Wey- mouth, Revere, Saugus, Melrose, Wakefield, Stoneham, Reading, Marblehead, Swampscott, Peabody, Danvers, Bev- erly, Wenham, Ham- ilton, ETC., etc. A/so, the Distant Lines Co7i7iecting with ' v: ESTER, ROCKPORT, PLUM ISLAND, NEWBURY- AMESBURY, SALISBURY BEACH, HAVERHL ' , RENCE, LOWELL, NATICK and FRAMINGH AM. GIVING "ccfions, Terminal Points,, Fares,, Transfers^ etc. Compiled and Copyright, i8g4, by T. W. PRESTON. PUBLISHED BY THE NICHOLS PRESS - THOS. P. NICHOLS. Lynn, Mass. k-. Copyriglit, 1804, by THOMAS W. PRESTON, LvNN, Mass. F1S TO THE PUBLIC. The oft-asked question, where can I get a car for this or that place or point, not only by the stranger or visitor from out of town, but residents, business men and natives of the City of Boston, has never been satisfactorily answered, and until now they were in doubt whether the car they want is to be had on ScoUay Square, Rowe's Wharf, or Boylston Street, frequently being obliged to hire a herdic, or pay two fares, where one would do if properly informed, besides the delay and vexatious loss of time. My book, "Where to Go — How to Get There," (now considered the banner Guide-Book of Boston and surround- ings), which has given such unbounded satisfaction, is in- tended as a path-finder for visitors and pleasure seekers. In this work I intend, in brief form, and more extended in usefulness, a hand-book that will help the business men and general public to unravel the complicated street-car system of Boston and surrounding cities and towns.' As changes and extensions are made I will be prepared in each succeed- ing edition to map out, and explain in complete detail, the network of electric railroads that are fast spreading over and through our cities, towns and outlying country, which afford pleasure, convenience and cheapness of travel to the masses, in the form of the poor man's carriage. While soliciting a generous patronage, I also invite honest criticism from the press and public, hoping to merit your favors. I am yours truly, T. W. PRESTON. October, i8g4. WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? E WILL first show by certain colors what district of Boston, or particular suburb, a car belongs; next (under " Location " and number), we will place ourselves on a designated point, and note every car going right or left, giving number of cars per hour, general direction, and destination ; then we will show, in alphabetical order, as per index, routes, destinations, etc. Next, we cross the country north and east through towns and cities to the bank of the Merrimac River, taking in the distant points of Gloucester, Rockport, Newburyport, and passing through Amesbury, Haverhill, and Lawrence to Lowell, which will soon be connected with Boston. In classifying the street cars in the City of Boston, we will begin with those of the Lynn & Boston Railroad Company, which enter the city from Charlestown via Warren Bridge, near Union Station, and through Beverly Street, Haymarket Square, Sudbury Street to Scollay Square, and returning via Cornhill, Adams Square, Wash- ington Street, Haymarket Square and Beverly Street to Warren Bridge, etc. All other cars belong to the West End Railroad Company, and are classed as follows in DISTINCTIVE COLORS. Dark Blue Cars. — All Dorchester cars, except those for Mt. Bowdoin (marked Grove Hall, Dorchester)\ one line terminates at Union Station, and via Washington (5) 6 - WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? St. and Dorchester Ave. to Field's Corner. The three remaining lines enter the city by Washington St. to •Franklin St., passing down to Chauncy St., and by Sum- mer St. to Washington St., and via Northampton St., Hampden St., and I\It. Pleasant to Milton, Neponset or Meeting-house Hill. Light Blue Cars. — (Via Huntington Ave.) Leave points between Union Station and Tremont House via Sudbury St., going southwest and west. The Park St. line is extended to the Reservoir. All cars on East Bos- ton side from ferry to Bellingham, Chelsea, Orient Heights and Lexington St. Lenioii Yellow Cars. — Columbus Ave. or Tre- mont St. are principally to Roxbury points. The amber cars of Roxbury and Charlestown line pass through Col- umbus Ave. via Warren St. to Grove Hall, and a lemon yellow line from Lenox St. via Columbus Ave, Park and Scollay Sqs., through Charlestown to Davis Sq., West Somerville, and one from Chelsea Ferry to Old Heath St. Amber Yellow Cars. — (Charlestown via Warren Bridge.) All cars for Medford, Maiden, Everett, West Everett, Somerville (via Charlestown) or Bunker Hill are amber color, except one line to Grove Hall, via Washing- ton St. and Blue Hill Ave. There is an amber line in Cambridge, marked Cambridge Circuit. Dark Greeo Cars. — (Shawmut Ave. and Wash- ington St.) The course of these lines are southwest, ex- cept the Cross Tov/n, which goes a Z course, taking the Back Bay Columbus Ave., Northampton and Dudley Sts. to Blue Hill Ave. and Grove Hall, a green line from Chelsea Ferry, and the Grove Hall, Dorchester. WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Scarlet Cars. — (South Boston.) Cars from City Point, marked South Boston on dasher, leave the city from Union Station via Washington St ; from Park Sq. via Columbus Ave. to Berkeley St. and Dover St. Those via Scollay Sq. enter Tremont St., going north from Tem- ple Place, passing the Winthrop monument at the south end of Scollay Sq. to Cornhill, returning to South Boston via Washington St. There is a scarlet line from City Point, marked Ca7nbridge and South Boston^ to Harvard Sq., and a line from Union Station, Causeway St. and Atlantic Ave. to Rowe's Wharf, and Federal and Summer Sts. to Albany and Old Colony Depots, Kneeland St. Crimson Cars. — (Cambridge.) All cars between the different points of Boston and Cambridge, and all cars passing through Cambridgeport or East Cambridge to Brighton, Somerville, Arlington, Newton or Water- town are dark red or crimson. There is also a line to City Point from Harvard Sq. Chocolate Colored Cars. — (Brighton.) Two lines to Oak Sq. and Allston, and one to the Reservoir are this color. Pea Green Cars. — (Back Bay.) See Back Bay. Pale Yellow Cars. — When the electric lines in East Boston are complete, the color will be changed from the present blue to an ecru shade. CONNECTIONS. The cars of the West End Co., of Boston, connect with Lynn & Boston R. R., at Bellingham (Chelsea), Maiden Sq. (Maiden), Main St. and Everett Sq. (Everett), Med- 8 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? ford Sq. (Medford) and between Bunker Hill St. (Charles- town) and Scollay Sq., Cornhill or Adams Sq. At Newton Corner or Watertovvn, with crimson cars for Waltham, Newtonville and West Newton. At Neponset, with amber cars for Quincy via Norfolk Downs and Wollaston Heights, West Quincy, Hough's Neck, Quincy Point, North Weymouth and East Wey- mouth. The Lynn & Boston R.R. Co., with West End R. R. as above, and at Lynnhurst, Stoneham and iMelrose with Wakefield & Stoneham St. R.R. Amber cars. FARES. All fares on the West End cars are on the five-cent basis, except to Arlington, Newton, Watertown or West Medford, and to Medford Sq. via Maiden. Fares on other roads will be shown in alphabetical list of routes. On all street cars, it is better to pay 5-cent fares, which carry you from boundary to boundary besides giving you the benefit of any transfers which are issued, which I will here illnstrate. The schedule fare on the cars from Woburn to Salem via Melrose is 30 cents, v/ith 5 cents additional to Beverly or the Willows. On leaving Woburn, 5 cents carries you to the Stoneham and Melrose boundary. Your next 5-cent fare gives you a transfer to the Saugus and Melrose boundary. (This transfer is required on ac- count of changing to the Lynn and Salem car at Melrosj car shed.) Your next 5-cent fare carries you through Saugus, Lynn and Upper Swampscott to the Lynn and Salem boundary. When you are called on for your next WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 9 fare (5 cents) you are in South Salem, and entitled to a transfer to North Salem, Beverly or the Willows, in all 20 cents, showing a saving of 15 cents. There is nothing illegal or deceptive about this mode of paying fares. TKANSFERS. Boston. — Stop-over transfer checks are issued by the West End R.R. Co. under the following directions: Price 8 cents, good only on day of issue. Red check (forenoon) for morning or forenoon is issued up to 11.30, A.M., and is good to I, p.m. Blue check (afternoon) is good any time during afternoon and evening of day of issue. Free transfer tickets are provided by car starters at the following points, in extension of present ride in same general direction, and used only at place of issue : Harvard Sq., Craigie's Bridge, West Boston Bridge (Cambridge side), Grove Hall, both ends of North Ferry to East Boston, cor. Dudley and Washington Sts. and West Broadway, South Boston. Conductors give free checks at Mt. Auburn and North Ave., to be exchanged for an inward check at Harvard Sq., if required. This is done to prevent 5-cent passen- gers from Watertown, Newton or Arlington getting a free ride to Boston. Lynn. — The Lynn & Boston R.R. issue free transfers to boundaries on 5-cent rides in all cities and towns when two or more of their lines pass thfough, excepting Lynn, where a transfer is good from the outside boundaries of Swampscott, through Lynn, to the farthest boundary of Saugus, excepting North Saugus, which is operated by the Wakefield Co. All 5-cent rides in the city of Lynn and towns of Swampscott and Saugus allow transfers 10 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? to Nahant beach, excepting the Belt Line circuit, which only transfers to a Boston car. Wakefleld. — Free transfers are given to Melrose or to Reading boundary. Watertowii. — Leaving Watertown for Newtonville you can get a 7-cent transfer check to Newton Upper Falls and Echo Bridge Park. Quiiicy. — The Quincy & Boston R. R. Co. issue 8- cent checks from Neponset to West Quincy, Neponset to Quincy Point, and Quincy Point to West Quincy. Revere and ClieLsea. — The Lynn & Boston R.R. give 8-cent transfers on Revere and Chelsea cars ; and the West End R.R. also extend their 8-cent checks to Lynn & Boston cars. Linden. — Passengers on Lynn & Boston R.R. cars for Linden or Revere Beach will require checks for the transfer car. All Transfer Checks must be asked for on payment of fare. WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 11 Location 1. A person at SCOLL.AY SQUARE can take cars to Cars per Direction Hour Goiiigr t City Point 12 N E Forest Piills (via Shawmut Ave.) ... 6 S Green St. (via Shawmut Ave.) .... 16 S Grove Hall (via Huntington Ave. Cross Town) 3 S Grove Hall (via Columbus Ave.) ... 6 S Grove Hall (via Shawmut Ave.) ... 6 S Dudley St. (via Shawmut Ave.) . . . . 16 * Lenox St. (via Tremont St.) 32 * Roxbury Crossing (via Tremont St.) 28 * Old Heath St. (via Tremont St.) . . 15 Jamaica Plain (via Tremont St.) ... 8 Brookline (via Tremont St.) 6 Columbus Ave. to Northampton St. . 22 Huntington Ave. to Massachusetts Ave. 15 Marlboro St. (via Back Bay) 4 City Sq., Charlestown 64 Bunker Hill 6 Charlestown Neck 52 Magoun Sq., Somerville 6 Central St., Somerville 6 * Davis Sq 4 Union Sq., (via Charlestown) . . . . .12 Everett, B. & M. Crossing 28 Everett Sq 12 Maiden (via Everett Sq. to W. Everett) 4 t Go via Cornhill at the Monument. * Go via Hanover Street. 12 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Direction Hour Going West Everett 8 Winter Hill 6 Medford (via Winter Hill) 6 Maiden (via Broadway, Everett) ... 4 East Cambridge 16 Central Sq., Cambridgeport 4 Baldwin St 8 Harvard Sq., (via East Cambridge) . . 4 Union Sq. (via East Cambridge) ... 4 * East Boston Ferry 20 * Chelsea Ferry 4 Union Station .65 Chelsea Sq 20 Washington Ave 8 Woodlawn Cemetery 2 Beachmont 2 Crescent Beach 6 Lynn 4 _ Swampscott 4 ■ Marblehead 2 ■ ■ Revere Beach, summer line, connecting with Lynn cars by transfer (free) . 2 Linden, free transfer from Lynn car . . 2 * Go via Hanover Street. All T.ynn and Boston cars, and all West End cars, not otherwise specified, pass through the Square from Sudbury Street to Cornhill to Adams Square. Location 2. A person at BOWDOIN SQUARE can take cars to Marlboro' St. and Massachusetts Ave. 3 W Oak Sq., Brighton and Allston .... 4 W Harvard Sq 17 W WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Hour Newton - • 4 Mt. Auburn 4 Broadway, Cambridge 4 Arlington and Arlington Heights ... 4 North Ave 10 Porter's Station 4 Summer St 5 Union Station 3 Brighton, Western Ave 13 Direction Going: w w w w w w w N w Location 3. A person at POST OFFICE SQUARE can take cars to City Point 6 S Baldwin St. and East Cambridge ... 6 N City Sq., Charlestown 20 N Charlestown Neck 14 N Bunker Hill 6 N Winter Hill 8 N Franklin St., Somerville 6 N Columbus Ave., to Northampton St. . . 6 S Union Station 53 N East Boston Ferry 15 N Location 4. A Person on TREMONT STREET, between TRE- MONT HOUSE and BOYL.STON STREET, can take cars to City Point 12 N* Forest Hills (via. Shawmut Ave.) ... 6 S * From Temple Place. 14 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Hour i6 -Cross 35 Green St Grove Hall (via Huntington Ave.- Town) Grove Hall (via Columbus Ave.) Grove Hall (via Shawmut Ave.) Dudley St. (via Shawmut Ave.) Lenox St. (via Tremont St.) . . Roxbury Crossing (via Tremont St.) Old Heath St. (via Tremont St.) . Jamaica Plain (via Tremont St.) . Brookline (via Tremont St.) . . Columbus Ave. to Northampton St. Huntington Ave. to cor. Mass. Ave. Huntington Ave. to Cypress St., Brook- line 7 Huntington Ave. to Park St., Brookline 7 Huntington Ave. to Longwood, Brookline 3 Boylston St., to cor. Massachusetts A\e. 32 Main cor. Pearl St., Cambridge ... 14 Harvard Sq. (via Harvard Bridge) . . 12 Coolidge's Corner, Brookline 18 Reservoir 6 Allston (Brighton) 12 Oak Sq .6 Marlboro St. (via Back Bay) 4 City Sq., Charlestown 30 Bunker Hill 6 Charlestown Neck .24 Magoun Sq., Somerville 6 Central St., Somerville 6 Davis Sq., Somerville 4 Union Sq., Somerville 12 East Boston Ferry 20 Direction Going s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s N N N N N N N N WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 15 Cars per Direction Hour Going Chelsea Ferry 4 N Union Station 65 N Longwood 3 S Location 5. A person at HAYMARKET SQUARE can take cars to Grove Hall and Franklin Park . . . . i8 Norfolk House 8 Field's Corner 8 Milton 2 City Point i6 Albany & O. C. Depots i6 City Square, Charlestown 50 Bunker Hill 12 Union Square 12 Winter Hill 12 Medford 6 Maiden 10 West Everett 8 Everett Square 14 Jamaica Plain ..... 6 Location 6. A person at PARK SQUARE can take cars to Union Station .22 N Grove Hall 12 W Davis Sq., West Somerville 4 N 16 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Direction Hour Going Reservoir 6 W Albany and O. C. Depots 6 S W Brookline Village 8 W Oak Sq., Brighton 6 W Allston *. 12 W Harvard Sq., 12 N Pearl St., Cambridgeport 2 N Clarendon Hill 4 N Spring Hill 2 N City Point . 10 S W City Sq., Charlestown 4 N Field's Corner 4 Scollay Sq 34 N Longwood 3 W Coolidge's Corner 18 W Location 7. person at COPLKY SQUARE can take cars to Grove Hall 6 W Reservoir 6 W Brookline Village 8 W Oak Square, Brighton 6 W Allston 12 W Harvard Sq 12 W Pearl St., Cambridgeport 2 W Field's Corner 4 W Longwood 3 W Scollay Sq 12 E Coolidge's Corner 18 W WHERE CAN T GET A CAR ? 17 Location 8. A person on WASHINGTON STREET, between BOYL.STON STREET and CORNHILL, can take cars to Cars per Direction Hour Going City Point (via Broadway) i8 S City Point (via Bay View) 12 S Albany and O. C. Depots 55 S N. Y. & N. E. Depot 28 S Cor. Broadway and Dorchester Ave. . 47 S Dorchester St., South Boston .... 27 . S Dudley St., (via Washington St.) ... 59 S Franklin Park 12* S Grove Hall (via Washington Street and Warren Street) .' 18 S Grove Hall (via Blue Hill Ave ) ... 12 S Dorchester (via Grove Hall) 6 S Norfolk House .8 S Bartlett St • 23 S Roxbury Crossing 8 S Upham's Corner 20 S Field's Corner (via Mt. Pleasant) ... 14 S Milton (via Mt. Pleasant) 6 S Neponset (via Mt. Pleasant) 4 S Meeting House Hill 6 S Field's Corner (via Dorchester Ave.) . 16 S Milton (via Dorchester Ave.) 4 S Neponset (via Dorchester Ave.) .... 4 S Rowe's Wharf 16 Nf Bowdoin Sq. and West End 6 N * Sundays 22. t North of Summer Street. 18 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR ? Cars per Direction Hour Going City Sq., Charlestown 36 N Bunker Hill 12 N Charlestown Neck 24 N Franklin St., Somerville 14 N Winter Hill, Somerville 8 N Union Sq., Somerville 12 N East Cambridge 6 N East Boston Ferry 15 N Union Station 69 N Location 9. A person at CITY SQUARE, Charlestown, can take cars to Union Sq 12 Davis Sq 6 Magoun Sq 4 Winter Hill 12 Medford 6 Maiden 10 West Everett 8 Everett Sq 14 Bunker Hill 12 Grove Hall 6 Columbus Ave 4 Treraont St. to Lenox St 4 Union Station 60 Albany and O. C. Depots 12 Park Sq ■ • 4 Chelsea Sq 20 Washington Ave 8 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 19 Cars per Hour Woodlawn Cemetery 2 Beachmont 2 Crescent Beach 6 Lynn 4 Swampscott 4 Marblehead 2 Revere Beach, transfer from Lynn car ... 2 Linden, transfer from Lynn car 2 Location 10. A person at OLD COLONY and ALBANY DE- POTS can take cars to City Point (via Broadway) 18 City Point (via Bay View) 8 Rowe's Wharf (during summer months) ... 8 Columbus Ave 6 Bunker Hill and Navy Y?-rd 6 Winter Hill 6 Union Station 29 City Sq., Charlestown 12 Location 11. person at UNION STATION can take cars to Grove Hall (via Warren St.) 9 Grove Hall (via Hampden St.) 6 Norfolk House 6 Forest Hills 6 Milton 2 Field's Corner (via Washington St.) .... 4 20 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Hour Field's Corner (via Dorchester Ave.) .... 4 Rowe's Wharf, during summer months ... 8 Jamaica Plain 6 Columbus Ave 10 Huntington Ave 12 Longwood Ave 3 Brookline, by free transfer at Roxbury Cross- ing • . • . 6 Tremont St., as far as Lenox St 16 City Point (via Broadway) . . 12 City Point (via Bay View) 4 Harvard Sq 4 East Cambridge 12 Spring Hill, Somerville 2 Winter Hill 12 Bunker Hill 12 Davis Sq., West Somerville 6 Magoun Sq., West Somerville 4 ]\Iedford 6 Maiden 10 Everett (East and West) 22 City Sq., Charlestown 60 Park Sq. and Providence Depot 10 Location 12. A person at ROWE'S WHAKF can take cars to Union Station 8 Albany and O. C. Depots 8 Roxbury Crossing 6 Bartlett St., Roxbury 6 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 21 Location 13. A person at HARVARD SQUARE can take cars to Cars per Hour Bowdoin Sq 12 Tremont House 12 Arlington Heights 4 North Ave 8 Newton and Mt. Auburn 4 Huron Ave 3 East Cambridge 4 City Point Park Sq 12 Location 14. A person at WEST LENOX STREET, corner TRE3CONT, can take cars to Jamaica Plain 12 East Boston Ferry 16 Union Station • • 14 Rowe's Wharf 15 Location 15. A person at ROXBURY CROSSING- can take cars to East Boston Ferry i6 Union Station 6 Brookline Village 6 Rowe's Wharf i6 22 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR ? Location 16. A person at corner of DUDLEY and WASHING- TON STREETS can take cars to Cars per Hour Grove Hall 15 Dorchester 6 Field's Corner 15 Forest Hills . 6 Egleston Sq 12 Union Station 22 Scollay Sq 9 Location 17. A person at UPH A3I'S CORNER can take cars to Field's Corner 12 Meeting House Hill . 6 . Union Station 4 Franklin St 18 Neponset 2 Milton 4 Location 18. A person at BROADWAY, South Boston, can take cars to Union Station i6 Scollay Sq 12 Albany and Old Colony Depots 22 City Point 16 Post Office Sq 20 Harvard Sq 8 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 23 Location 19. A person at COOLII>GE'S CORNER can take cars to Cars per Hour Oak Sq 6 Reservoir 6 Allston 10 Tremont House i6 Location 20. A person at MEDFORD SQUARE can take cars to Scollay Sq 6 Maiden 2 Everett Sq 2 West Everett 2 West Medford 2 City Sq., Charlestown 6 Location 21. A person at MALDEN" STATION can take cars to Scollay Sq. (via Ferry St. and Broadway) . 6 Scollay Sq. (via West Everett) 4 Location 22. A person at EVERETT SQUARE can take cars to Scollay Sq. (via Charlestown Neck) .... 12 * Chelsea 2 * Lynn & Boston R.R. 24 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Location 23. A person at CRAIGIE'S BRIDGE can take cars to C^ars per Hour Harvard Sq. (via Cambridge St., E. Cambridge) 4 Central Sq. and Riverside 4 Union Sq. and Spring Hill 2 Clarendon Hill, West Somerville 4 Park Sq 4 Union Station 12 Scollay Sq 8 South Boston 6 Location 24. A person at WEST BOSTON BRIDGE can take cars to Harvard Sq *. . . 24 Newton and Mt. Auburn ... 4 Arlington Heights .... 4 North Avenue 8 Oak Sq., Brighton 4 Allston 4 Riverside 8 Cottage Farm 2 Bowdoin Sq 25 Park Sq 8 South Boston 8 Spring Hill 4 Broadway, Cambridge 4 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 25 Location 25. A person at SULLIVAN SQUARE, Charles- town, can take cars to Cars per Hour West Somerville 6 Magoun Sq 4 Winter Hill ,4 Union Sq 6 Medford 6 Maiden 10 Everett Sq 15 West Everett 4 Union Station 48 Tremont House 10 Park Sq 6 Scollay Sq 39 Grove Hall 6 Dudley St 12 Albany and Old Colony Depots 5 Location 26. A person at BUNKER HILL can take cars to Albany and Old Colony Depots 6 Grove Hall 6 Temple Place 12 Union Station .12 Location 27. A person at NORTH FERRY, East Boston, can take cars to Chelsea 6 Lexington St 6 ^ WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Hour Winthrop 6 Jeffries' Point 4 Bartlett St. (via Washington St., City) ... 12 Roxbury Crossing (City) 15 ScoUay Sq. (City) 15 Location 28. A person at CENTRAL SQUARE, East Boston, can take cars to • Chelsea 6 Lexington St 6 Winthrop 6 Bartlett St. (via Washington St., City.) . . 12 Roxbury Crossing (City) 15 Scollay Sq. (City) 15 Temple Place (cor. Washington St., City) . 12 Location 29. A person at MALDEN SQUARE can take cars to Chelsea 2 in a.m., 4 in p.m. Melrose Highlands .... 2 in a.m., 4 in p.m. Stoneham 2 Woburn 2 Maplewood and Linden 2 Lynn and Salem (via Upper Swampscott) . . i Pine Banks Park 2 in a.m., 4 in p.m. Melrose 2 in a.m., 4 in p.m. Franklin Park, Saugus i Cliftondale i WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 27 Location 30. A person at CHELSEA SQUARE can take cars to Cars per Hour Washington Ave 8 Woodlawn Cemetery 2 Beachmont 2 Crescent Beach • • 6 Lynn, Revere and Linden 4 Lower Swampscott 4 Marblehead 2 Everett Sq 2 JMalden 2 in a.m., 4 in p.m. Melrose Highlands .... 2 in a.m., 4 in p.m. Stoneham 2 Woburn 2 Melrose 2 Location 31. person at STONEHAM SQUARE can take cars to Woburn 2 Melrose Highlands 2 Maiden 2 Everett 2 Chelsea 2 Location 32. A person at DEPOT SQUARE, Woburn, can take cars to Stoneham 2 Melrose Highlands . . . . 2 28 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Hour Maiden 2 Everett 2 Chelsea 2 North Woburn i Winchester i Medford Sq i Location 33. A person at 3IELROSE CAR SHED can take cars to Woburn 2 Stoneham 2 Wakefield 2 Reading 2 No. Saugiis 2 Melrose Highlands 2 Maiden 2 Chelsea 2 Everett 2 Stoneham (via Wakefield) 2 Lynn (via Wakefield) 2 Lynn (via Saugus Centre) 2 Salem 2 Upper Swampscott 2 Location 34. A person at MARKET SQUARE, Lynn, can take cars to Boston 4 Lynnhurst and W^akefield (via No. Saugus) . i Belt Line 2 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 29 Cars per Hour Central Depot 6 Marblehead 2 Wyoma (via Chestnut St.) 2 Glenmere (via Chestnut St.) 2 Lower Swampscott (via Broad and Lewis Sts.) 4 Location 35. A person at CITY HA.I.L. SQUARE, Lynn, can take cars to Boston 4 Myrtle St. (via Franklin St.) 4 Myrtle St. (via Walnut St.) 2 Wyoma and Peabody (via Washington St.) . i Wyoma (via Chestnut St.) 2 Wyoma (via Euclid Ave.) 2 Glenmere (via Chatham St.) 4 Glenmere (via Chestnut St.) 2 Marblehead 2 Lower Swampscott (via Broad and Lewis Sts.) 4 Lewis St. (via Market and Broad Sts.) . . . i Nahant Beach i Highland Circuit 3 Location 36. A person at CENTRAL. SQUARE, Lynn, can take cars to Boston 4 Maiden (via F^ranklin Park, Linden and Maple- wood I 30 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Cars per Hour Melrose, Stoneham and Woburn i Cliftondale 2 Saugus Centre 2 Myrtle St. (via Franklin St.) 4 Lynnhurst, No. Saugus and Wakefield . . . i Myrtle St. (via Walnut St.) i Wyoma and Peabody (via Washington St.) . i Wyoma (via Chestnut St.) 2 Wyoma (via Euclid Ave.) 2 Glenmere (via Chatham Stp 4 Glenmere (via Chestnut St.) 2 Glenmere (via Laighton St.) 2 Glenmere (via Belt Line) 2 Salem 4 Upper Swampscott (via Timson St.) .... 2 Upper Swampscott (via Essex St.) 2 Marblehead 2 Lower Swampscott (via Broad and Lewis St.) 4 Nahant Beach i Location 37. A person at TOWN HOUSE SQUARE, Salem, can take cars to Peabody i Danvers Centre i Putnamville i Danvers Sq 4 Marblehead Fort 4 Willows (via Derby St.) 2 * Willows (via Essex St.) 2 * After 12.30 p.m. WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? 31 Cars per Hour Upper Swampscott 2 Lynn 2 Saugus Centre 2 Melrose 2 Stoneham and Woburn 2 Chapman's Corner, Beverly Cove i North Beverly and Wenham i Gloucester Crossing, Beverly 4 Location 38. A person at the MONUMENT or FORT SEWELL, Marblelieatl, can take cars to Salem and South Salem 4 Danvers ... i Asylum Station i North Salem and Danversport i Swampscott and Lynn 2 Revere, Chelsea and Boston ...;.... 2 Location 39. A person at GLOUCESTER CROSSING, BEV- ERLY SQUARE, can take cars to Salem (Town House Sq.) 4 Chapman's Corner, Beverly Cove i Peabody Sq i Danvers and Putnamville i Wenham and Hamilton (Hamilton, summer only) I 32 WHERE CAN I GET A CAR? Location 40. A person at PEABODY SQUARE can take cars to Cars per Hour Lynn and Wyoma i Salem and Beverly (via Essex St ) 2 Danvers and Putnamville i Willows I North Salem 2 Location 41. A person at CITY HALL SQUAKE, Quincy, can take cars to Neponset 2 West Quincy 2 Quincy Point 2 East Weymouth 2 Hough's Neck (summer line) INDEX OF ROUTES West End, Quincy and Boston, Newton, Newton and Boston, and Watertown and Newtonville Street Railway Companies, radiating from Scollay Square, Boston. Albany and Old Colony Depots (Kneeland St.). /^edcar—irom Union Station, via Causeway St. and Atlantic Ave. Atnber car — from Bunker Hill, and all South Boston cars, except Broadway extension. See Locations 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 25, 26 Allston. Chocolate car — at Tremont House, via Tremont and Boylston Sts., Massachusetts Ave. and Beacon St. to Coolidge's Cor. and Harvard Ave. Chocolate car — from Bowdoin Sq. and West Boston Bridge, Main and River Sts., Cambridge- port. See Locations 2, 3, 6, 7, 19 Arlington and Arlington Heights. Crimson car — at Bowdoin Sq., cor. Green St., via West Bos- ton Bridge, Main St., Harvard Sq. and North Ave. See Locations 2, 13, 24 Aslimont and Milton. Dark Blue car — from Union Station and Franklin St., via Washington St., or Dorchester Ave. See Locations 5, 8 Back Bay (Union Station line). Pale Greeti car — from Washington and Northampton Sts., and runs via Northampton St., Columbus Ave., Massachusetts Ave., Marlboro St., Arlington St., Beacon St., Charles St.; Cambridge St., Bowdoin Sq., Green St., Staniford St., Causeway St., returning, via Port- land St., Chardon St., Bowdoin Sq., Green St., Chambers St., Cambridge St., thence same route. See Locations 2, 11 (33) 34 INDEX OF ROUTES. Baldwin Street — see East Cambridge. Bartlett Street — see Highlands. Bowdoin Square. Terminus of cars from Cam- bridge, Somerville, Arlington and Newton, Route of Back Bay and Belt Line. See Locations 13, 24 Brighton. Oak Square. Terminus of Allston and Brighton car. (One of the longest rides from Boston). See Locations 2, 4, 6, 7, 19, 24 Western Ave. Crimson car — from Bowdoin Sq., via Cambridgeport. See Location 2 Broadway — see Cambridge^ Chelsea^ Everett, South Boston. Brookline. Blue car — from Tremont House, via Boylston St. and Huntington Ave., also Reservoir and Allston cars. See Locations 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 15 Bunker Hill. Amber car — from Grove Hall, via Warren St. ; Albany and Old Colony Depots; Scol- lay Sq. Green car — from Grove Hall, via Blue Hills Ave. See Locations 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 26 Cambridge. Broadway. Crimson car — from Bowdoin Sq. to Harvard Sq. See Locations 2, 24 Cambridge Circuit. A?nbercar — from River St., Prospect St., Cambridge St., Harvard Sq., Main St., Pearl St., Putnam Ave. ; Putnam Ave., Pearl St., Main St., Cambridge St., Prospect St., River St. Harvard Square. Crimson car — marked Cam- bridge or East Cambridge ; or Arlington, Mt. Au- burn or Newton cars at Bowdoin Sq. ; or Red car at City Point. See Locations 1,2,3,4,6,7,11, 13,18,23,24 Pearl Street and Putnam Avenue. Crimson car—\\2i Back Bay and Harvard Bridge. See Locations 4, 7 INDEX OF ROUTES. 35 Cambridge — continued. Summer Street. Red car — from Bowdoin Sq. See Location 2 Central Street — st& Somerville. Caiiibriclg-eport. Central Square. Take any Cambridge car except East Cambridge. Central Square — see Cambridgeport. Cliarlestown. City Square. Take any Charles- town, Everett, Lynn, or Revere car. See Locations 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, lO, 11, 20 Chelsea. Broadway. Any Chelsea, Revere, or Lynn car. See Locations 1, 5 Chelsea Ferry. Gree?i car — on Washington or Hanover Sts., or Chelsea Ferry cars. See Locations 1, 4 Cliestnut Hill Reservoir. Chocolate car — on Tremont or Boylston Sts., via Massachusetts Ave. and Beacon St. Light Blue car — via Huntington Ave. (old Park St. line). See Locations 6, 7 City Point — see South Boston. City Square — see Charlestown. Clarendon Hill, Crimson car — irom Park Sq., via Charles St. and Craigie's Bridge, Somerville Ave.; and Davis Square, West Somerville. See Locations 6, 23 Columbus Avenue. Green or Yellow cars— on Tremont St. See Locations 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 Coolidge's Corner. Take Reservoir or Allston car. See Locations 4, 6, 7, 19 Davis Square. Yellow ^ar— Highland Ave. Red car — Clarendon Hill. See Locations 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 23 Dorchester. Field's Corner. Dark Blue car — at Franklin St., or Warren Bridge, via Mount Pleasant, or Dor- chester Ave. See Locations 5, 8, 11, 10, 17 36 INDEX OF ROUTES. Dorchester — continued. Field's Corner. (Park Sq, Cross Town line), starts from Park St. (Dorchester), via Dorchester Ave., Savin Hill Ave., Pleasant St., Stoughton St.. Dud- ley St., Washington St., Northampton St., Colum- bus Ave., Massachusetts Ave., Huntington Ave., Boylston St., Church St., to Park Scj., returning via Boylston St., thence same route. See Locations 6, 7, 16 Grove Hall. Green car — via Warren and Wash- ington Sts. See Locations 5, 8, 9, 11 Dorchester Street — see South Boston. Dudley Street. Take any Mt. Pleasant, C^rove Hall, or Forest Hill car. See Locations 1, 4, 8, 16, 25 East Boston Ferry (377 Commercial St.). Yel- low car — from Old Heath St. (Roxbury), via Tre- mont St., Scollay Sq. and Hanover St. Green car — from Bartlett St. (Highlands), via Washington St., Temple Place, Tremont and Hanover Sts., to Ferry. See Locations 1, 3, 4, 8, 14, 15 East Cambriclg-e. Crimson car — from City Point or Scollay Sq., via Leverett St., Craigie's Bridge and Cambridge St., East Cambridge, See Locations 1, 3, 8, 11, 23 Baldwin Street. Crimson car — Sudbury St. to Scollay Sq. and Cornhill, to Washington St. and Leverett St. to Craigie's Bridge. See Locations 1, 3, 11 East Somerville. Winter Hill. Amber car— north from Boylston St. See Locations 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 25 East Weymouth. Terminus of Quincy cars from Neponset, Quincy and Quincy Point. 5 cents from latter place. See Location 41 Echo Bridg-e Park. Scarlet car— a.t Watertown or Newtonville. See Neivton car. ■'^ INDEX OF ROUTES. 37 Everett. Broadway. Take Everett car marked Broadway. See Locations 1, 5, 21 Everett Square. Amber car — from Scollay Sq., via Warren Bridge and Charlestown. See Locations 1, 5, 9, 11, 20, 25 Field's Corner — see Dorchester. Forest Hills. Green car — from Union Station, via Tremont St., Sbawmut Ave. and Washington St., to Egleston Sq. See Locations 1, 4, 11, 16 Franklin Park — see West Roxbury. Franklin Street — see Soinerville. Green Street — see Highlands. Grove Hall — see Dorchester, Roxbury. Bartlett Street. Green car — from East Boston North Ferry, via Washington St. See Locations 8, 12 Green Street. Green car — from Chelsea Ferry, or Forest Hills car. See Locations 1, 4 Harvard Square — see Cambridge. Hougli's Neck — see Qnincy. Huntington Avenue. Light Blue car—irom Tremont St., or any car marked Huntington Ave. See Locations 1, 4 Jamaica Plain — see Roxbury. Lenox Street. Yellow car — on Tremont St., or Scollay Sq., or Belt Line car, West. See Locations 1, 4, 14 Ijongwood. Blue car — on Tremont, or Boylston Sts. See Locations 4, 6, 7 Magoun Square — see So7nervi.lle. 38 INDEX OF ROUTES. Maiden. Via Ferry Street, Everett. A^nber car — via Charlestown. See Locations 1, 5, 21, 28 Via West Everett. Amber car — via Charles- town. See Locations 1, 5, 20, 21, 28 Via Winter Hill, Amber car — via Charles- town. See Locations 1, 5, 25 Marlboro Street. Take any Brookline, Reservoir, AUston, or Back Bay car from Tremont House, except Huntington Ave. See Locations 1, 4 Medford, via Maiden. Amber car — via Charles- town, Everett, or West Everett. See Locations 1, 5, 20, 21, 25 Medford Square, via Winter Hill. Afnber car— via Charlestown. See Locations 1, 5, 25, 32 Meeting- House Hill. Dark Blue car— from Franklin St., via Washington St. and Mt. Pleasant, to Upham's corner and Geneva Ave. See Locations 7, 8 Milton. Dark Blue car — from Union Station, via Washington St. and Dorchester Ave., and from Franklin St., via Mt. Pleasant Route. See Locations 8, 1 7 Mount Auburn. Take any Mt. Auburn, Newton, or Harvard Sq. car, free transfer from latter at Har- vard Sq. See Locations 2, 13 Neponset. Dark Blue car — from Franklin St., via Washington St., via Mt. Pleasant route to Field's Corner and Adams St., to Neponset. See Locations 8, 17 Newton. Crimson car — Bowdoin Sq., and Cam- bridge route. See Locations 2, 13 Newton Corner. Terminus of West End Co's Critnson car, connecting with Newton St. Ry. Co's cars for Newtonville, West Newton and Waltham. See Locations 2, 13 INDEX OF ROUTES. Newtonville. Scarlet car — from Watertown to Newton Upper Falls and Echo Bridge. Criinson car — from Newton to Waltham. See — Newton. Newton Upper Falls. See Echo Bridge. See Newton. North Cambridge. North Avenue. Take any Cambridge car (ex- cept Pearl St.) and transfer at Harvard Sq., or North Ave. and Arlington car. See Locations 2, 13 Porter's Station. Red car — from Bowdoin Sq. See Location 2 Spring Hill. Crimson car — marked Union Sq. See Locations 1, 5, 11, 24 Norfolk House. Green car — from Union Station, via Washington St., and terminates at Old Heath St. See Locations 5, 8 Oak Square — see Brighton. Old Heath Street — see Roxbury. Park Square and Providence Depot. Ter- minal and central point of several routes. See Locations 9, 11, 13, 23, 24, 25 Pearl Street and Putnam Avenue — see Cambridge. Porter's Station — see A'orth Cambridge. Prospect Park — see Waltham. Quincy. Hough's Neck. See Qnincy Centre. See Location 41 Quincy Centre. Amber car — to Neponset, Quincy Point and East Weymouth, West Quincy and Manet Beach, or Hough's Neck. East Weymouth and the Beach, lo cents, remainder, 5 cents. See Location 41 Quincy Point. Cars from Neponset, Quincy, or East Weymouth, a pretty summer resort on the South Shore. 8-cent check from Neponset. 5 cents from other points. See Location 41 Reservoir — see Chestnut Hill. 40 INDEX OF ROUTES. RoAve's Wharf. Yellow ca?- — from Roxbury Crossing, West Lenox St., Tremont and Summer Sts. Green car — on Washington and Summer Sts, and Atlantic Ave. Red car — ixoxw Union Station, via Causeway and Federal Sts., to Kneeland St. See Locations 2, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15 Roxbury. Grove Hall. Take any Cross-town or Grove Hall car. See Locations 1,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 25, 26 Jamaica Plain. Lemon Yellow car — at Union Station, Scollay Sq., or Tremont St. See Locations 1, 4, 5, 11, 14 Old Heath Street. Terminus of " Norfolk House " and East Boston Ferry routes, and reached by cars of Jamaica Plain route. See Norfolk House and Locations 1, 4, 8 Roxbury Crossing*. Yellow cars — for Jamaica Plain, or Old Heath St., via Tremont St. See Locations 1, 4, 8, 12, 15 Scollay Square. Boston is known as the Hub of the Universe, of which Scollay Square is the axle or pivot, the radiating and distributing point of trade and travel. See Locations 6, 7, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 Somerville. Central St. Red car — on Charles St., or Crai- gie's Bridge, via Somerville Ave. See Locations 1, 4 Franklin St. Amber car — via Charlestown from Boylston St. See Locations 3, 8 Magoun Square. Amber car — from Scollay Sq., via Charlestown. See Locations 1, 5, 25 Union Square, via Cambridge. Crimson car — from Scollay Sq. to Spring Hill, North Cam- bridge. See Locations 1, 5, 11, 23 Union Square, via Charlestown. A7nber car — on Washington St., north from Temple place to Warren Bridge. See Locations 4, 5, 8, 9, 25 I INDEX OF ROUTES. 41 South Boston. Broadway. Red car — from Harvard and Park Sq. See Locations 6, 8, 11 City Point. Red ox Crijnson car. Locations 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, lO, 1 1, 13, 18, 23, 24 Dorchester Street. 7?^^ (ftzr -via Washington St. from Union Station, Transfer Station (free) at West Broadway, near City Point. See Locations 8, 11 Spring" Hill — see N'ortJi Caifibridge. Summer Street — see Cambridge. Tremont Street. Boston's great artery of travel, entering from Scollay Square to Roxbury Crossing. See Locations 9, lO, 11 Union Square — see Somerville. Union Station. From whose tracks more trains are despatched than from any other passenger Depot in the world, and at or near whose entrance, street cars pass. See Locations 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, lO, 12 Upper Falls — see N^eivton. Waltliam. Prospect Park. Terminus of Crim- son car of Newton St. Ry Co. The point of land in the vicinity of Boston first sighted by mariners ap- proaching Boston Harbor. See Newton. Western Avenue — see Brighton. West Everett. Amber car — on Scollay Sq., Corn- hill to Warren Bridge and Charlestown. f See Locations 5, 9, 11, 20, 21 West Medford. 5-cent ride to Maiden or Med- ford Sq. West Newton. Near Waltham beyond Newton- ville. See N'ewton. West Quincy. Amber car — at Neponset, Quincy, 'Weymouth, or Quincy Point. See Location 41 42 INDEX OF ROUTES. West Roxbiiry. Fraxklix Park. Take any Grove Hall car. See Locations 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 25, 26 Winchester. Cars from Woburn and North Wo- burn to Symm's Corner, and in summer to Medford Sq. 5-cent ride from either point. See Location 32 Winter Hill — see East So7nerviUe. ROUTES OF LYNN & BOSTON R. R. Street Railways from Distant Points not yet Connected with Boston. Amesbviry — see page 5 1 . Annisquani— see Glou .ester. Asbury Grove — see Ha7niiton. Asylum Station — see Daiivers. Bass Rocks — see Gloucester. Bay View — see Gloucester. Beach Bluff Avenue — see Lynn. Beaclmiont — see Revere. Belt Line Circuit — see Lynn. Beverly. Beverly Cove. Cars from Town House Sq., Sa- lem, via Beverly to Chapman's Corner, Hale St. Five-cent ride from Salem. See Locations 37, 3t) Gloucester Crossing. Terminus of cars from Wenham, Salem, Peabody and Danvers. Route of cars to Beverly Cove. Five cents from Salem or Wenham. See Locations 37, 39, 40 Brier Neck — see Gloucester. Central Square — see Lynn. Chelsea. Chelsea Square.- Terminus of " Through Line " from Woburn, Stonehara, Melrose, Maiden and Everett. All cars from Marblehead, Swamp- scott, Lynn, Revere and the Beaches pass here to and from ScoUay Sq. Five cents from Boston. See Locations 1, 9, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 (43) 44 INDEX OF ROUTES. Chelsea — continued. Washington Avenue. Cream colored car — from Scollay Sq. branching to the left at Bellingham from Broadway. Five cents from Boston. See locations 1, 9, 30 Clif tondale — see Saugus. Crescent Beach — see Revere. Danvers. Danvers Centre. Lemon yellow cars irovc^Vi'c.x- blehead to Asylum Station, and Maroon cars from Salem via Peabody, pass here. Ten cents to Marblehead, five cents to other points. See Locations 37, 38, 39, 40 Asylum Station. Terminus of Yellow cars from Danvers, Salem, Marblehead. Fifteen cents from Marblehead; ten cents from Salem; five cents from Danvers. See Locations 37, 38 PuTNAMViLLE. The home of General Israel Put- nam and terminus of Maroon cars from Salem and Beverly via Peabody. Five-cent fare from Peabody or transfer from Asylum Station. Ten cents from Salem. See Locations«37, 39, 40 Danversport. Route of North Salem, Danvers and Marblehead cars. Five-cent ride from Dan- vers ; five-cent ride from Salem. See Location 37 Dedhain — see page 51. Everett. WooDLAWN Cemetery. Cream colored cars from Scollay Sq. via Washington Ave. Five-cent fare from Boston. See Locations 1, 9, 30 Frainiiighain, South — see page 51. Franklin Park — see Saiigjis. Glenniere — stQ Lynn. Gloucester — see page 51. Annisquam — see page 51. Bass Rocks — see page 51. Bay View — see page 51. INDEX OF ROUTES. 45 Gloucester — continued. Brier Neck — see page 51 East Gloucester — see page 51. Lanesville — see page 51. Hamilton. AsBURY Grove. Terminus of cars from Wenham and Camp Ground of M. E. Society. Summer line only. Five-cent ride from Wenham. See Location 39 Haverhill — seepage 51. Highland Circuit — see Lynn, Hyde Park — see page 51. Lakeside — see Lynn. Lanesville — see Gloucester. Lawrence — see page 51. Lewis Street — see Lynn. Linden — see Revere. Lovrell — see page 51. Lynn. Cream colored cars from Scollay Sq. through Charlestown, Chelsea, Revere and Saugus Marsh- es to Lynn, and beyond to Swampscott and Mar- blehead. See Locations 1, 9, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 38, 40 Beach Bluff Avenue. The dividing line between Swampscott and Marblehead is near here, and is nine miles from the boundaries at Cliftondale, or Saugus and Melrose line, which is a five-cent ride by transferring at Central Sq., and a five-cent ride from Revere and Saugus line. See Location of Marblehead cars. Belt Line Circuit. Crimson car, seven miles continuous ride, five cents. Take car at any point. From South St., Western Ave., Eastern Ave., Brookline to Chatham St., Bloomfield St. to Gold- 46 INDEX OF ROUTES. Lynn, Belt Line Circuit — continued. fish Pond, Chestnut, Howard and Friend to Sils- bee and Mt. Vernon Sts., Central Depot. L^xchange and Broad to Revere Beach Depot and Market St., State, Pleasant and Wheeler to Blossom St., and Alley, Commercial and Neptune Sts. to South St. Central Square. The " Castle Garden " or " Scollay Square " of Lynn. If you want a steam or electric car, barge or herdic. Central Sq. is your place. Five-cent ride from all points in the city, Saugus (except Xo. Saugus). andSwampscott See Location all cars marked Lynn. Glexmere, via Maple Street. Emerald green cars, route same as Lakeside, entering Essex St. via Ireson St., and taking Maple St. from Chat- ham St. to the left. Five-cent ride. See Locations 35, 36 Highland Circuit. Scarlet car with Tartan band, circling from Central Depot to the rear of old High Rock, and returning via Market St. Five-cent ride. See Locations 35, 3G Lewis Street. Route of Swampscott and Boston cars, terminus of Lemon yelloiu cars ixova Myrtle via Walnut and Washington Sts. Five-cent ride. See Locations 34, 35, 3G Lakeside. E}}ierald green car from Myrtle St. near Breed's Pond, and via Boston, Franklin and Market Sts., Broad and Union Sts., Mason and Essex to Chatham St. and Euclid Ave., around Flax Pond to Pickering School and Sluice Pond. Five-cent ride. See Locations 35, 30 Lynnhurst. Terminus of Maroon cars from Cen- tral Sq. to No. Saugus boundary, connecting with Amber cars for Wakefield, Reading, Melrose and Stoneham. See Locations 34, 36 Lynn Woods. Route Wyoma from West Lynn and Great Woods road. Five cents from Lynn or West Lynn. See Locations 34, 35, 3(> > INDEX OF ROUTES. 41 !Lyiin — continiied. Myrtle Street. Emerald green cars to Glen- mere and Lakeside, via Franklin and Chatham Sts. See Locations 35, 36 Nahant Beach. Terminus of cars from Central Depot, and Yellow line from Myrtle St. via Wal- nut and Washington Sts., and by transfer from all five-cent routes except Belt Line. See Location 36 Wyoma. Light blue cars from Lynn Common Station via Market St. to Central Depot, and Union and Chestnut Sts. to Broadway and Wy- oma Sq. Five cents from West Lynn or Peabody, See Locations 34, 35, 36, 40 Maiden. Maplewood. Route of Yellow r^rj-forthe Beach and Maiden cars to Lynn. Five cents to Maiden or Linden: ten cents to Lynn; Maiden to Lynn, ten cents; Maiden to Cliftondale, five cents; Mai- den to Linden, five cents; Maiden to Revere Beach, ten cents; Maiden to Boston via Revere, ten cents. See Locations 29, 36 Maiden Square, Lemon yellow to Maplewood, Linden and Revere Beach, ten cents. Maroon cars to Lynn and Upper Swampscott, via Maple- wood, Linden, Franklin Park and Cliftondale, ten cents. To Chelsea, Everett and Melrose, five cents; Stoneham and Woburn, ten cents. See Locations 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37 Pine Banks Park. Maiden and Melrose boun- dary and route of cars from Woburn to Chelsea, local transfer (free) from cars of Lynn and Salem line, after crossing boundary of Saugus and Mel- rose. See Locations 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 Maplewood — see Maldeti. Marblehead — see Lymi cars and Locations 1, 9, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37 48 INDEX OF ROUTES. Melrose, Five-cent ride from Maiden, Stoneham or Saugus. Ten cents from Lynn, Swampscott, Woburn or Chelsea. Fifteen cents from North Woburn, Winchester, Salem or Boston, via Chel- sea. Boston to Melrose, ten cents, via West End from Maiden. See Locations 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36i Melrose Highlands. On route of cars from Melrose to Stoneham and Woburn. Free trans- fer on cars from Saugus boundary to Melrose (Lynn and Salem line). See Locations 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 Natick and South Natick — see page 5 1 . Newburyport — see page 5 1 . Norfolk and Suburban St. Ry, — see page 51. Peabody. Scarlet car — via Broad and Exchange St. to Central Depot, Andrew and Market Sts. to Essex St., and Washington and Boston Sts. to Broadway, Wyoma, and Boston, Washington and Main Sts. to Peabody Sq. Ten cents from Lynn; five cents from Danvers or Salem. See Locations 35, 36, 37, 39, 40 Pine Banks Park — see Malde?t. Plum Island — see page 51. Putnaniville— see Danvers. Rockport — see page 5 1 . Reading. Amber cars from Wakefield, Stoneham, North Saugus, Melrose and Lynn, five-cent ride from Wakefield. See Location 33 Revere. Beachmoxt. Light green cars from Scollay Sq. via Beach St., Revere. Five-cent ride. See Locations 1, 9, 30 Crescent Beach. Maroon cars from Scollay Sq. via Chelsea and Revere to Western Ave. Five- cent ride. See Locations 1, 9, 30 INDEX OF ROUTES. 49 Revere — continued. Linden. On route Lynn and Maiden cars, and Revere Beach line from Maiden, and free transfer from Boston at Revere St., and five cents from Maiden, Cliftondale or Boston. See Locations 29, 30, 36 Revere Beach. By transfer (free) from Lynn cars at Revere St. ; or in Summer by car from Scollay Sq. Fare, five cents from Boston. Salem. Town House Square. The business center of Witch City, at one time the Liverpool of New England. Five-cent ride to Beverly, Peabody. Ten cents from Lynn, Wenham or Asylum Sta- tion and Danvers. See Locations 29, 33, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40 Salem Willows. Maroon cars from Town House Sq., Salem, via Essex St., Block House Sq. and Fort Ave. to Salem Neck. Five-cent ride or free transfer to or from city limits. See Locations 37, 40 Salisbury Beach — see page 51. Saugus. Cliftondale. Route of Maroon cars from Lynn to Maplewood and Maiden. Five-cent ride from Lynn or Maiden. See Locations 29, 36 East Saugus. Route of cars to Lynn from Saugus Centre to Melrose, and Cliftondale to Maiden. See Location 36 Franklin Park. Trotting Park near route of cars from Lynn to Maiden. Five cents from Mai- den; ten cents from Lynn. See Locations 29, 36 North Saugus. Amber cars from Lynn boundary to Wakefield, five-cent ride. See Locations 33, 34, 36 Saugus Centre. Route of Maroon cars from Salem via Lynn and East Saugus to Melrose. Fare, fifteen cents from Salem; five cents from Lynn; ten cents from Melrose. See Locations 33, 36, 37 50 INDEX OF ROUTES. Stoneham. Terminus of Wakefield and Stoneham R. R. line, route of Chelsea and Woburn cars. Five- cent ride to Woburn, Melrose or Wakefield, or via Wakefield to Melrose. See Locations 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37i Swaiiipscott — see Lynn cars and Locations 1, 9, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 Lower Swampscott. Cream colored cars to Mar- blehead, Lynn, Revere, Chelsea and Boston. Fifteen cents or two for twenty-five cents from Boston or Chelsea ; ten cents from Revere ; five cents from Lynn or Marblehead. See Locations 1, 30, 34, 35, 36, 38' Upper Swampscott. Maroon cars to Salem, Lynn, Cliftondale, Linden, Maple wood, Maiden, Saugus and Melrose, connecting with Woburn and Chelsea line. Five cents from Cliftondale or Lynn or from the Saugus and Melrose boun- dary, nine and one-quarter miles. See Locations 29, 33, 36, 37; Town House Square — see Salem. Wakefield. A7nber cars — from Lynn line via North Saugus, Stoneham, Melrose and Reading. See Locations 33, 34, 36 Washington Avenue — see Chelsea. Wenbani. Terminus of cars from Beverly and Hamilton Camp ground, five-cent ride. See Locations 37, 39 Woburn. Terminus of through line from Chelsea, connecting with Lynn and Salem at Melrose. Route of North Woburn, Winchester and Med- ford line. Fares to Lynn and Chelsea, fifteen cents; to Everett and Maiden, ten cents; Boston via Medford, fifteen cents ; Salem, Marblehead and Boston via Chelsea, twenty cents. See Locations 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37 Woodlawn Cemetery— see Everett. Wyoma — see Lynn. APPENDIX. GLOUCESTER STREET RAILWAY CO. First Division. From B. & M. Station, through Main St. to East Gloucester, a distance of three miles or more. Fare, five cents ; time, thirty minutes. Second Division. Starting from Main St. passing the B. & M. R. R. Station through Washington St., p.;st the villages of Riverdale, Annisquam and Bay View to Lanesville. Distance, seven miles; fare, ten cents; time, forty-five minutes. In connection with these, an exten- sion is under way from a point near Bass Rocks to Brier Neck, a distanceof about three miles, following the shore toward Rockport. HAVERHILL AND AMESBURY STRFET RAILWAY. Haverhill to Amesbury, fare, twenty cents; distance, twelve miles. Amesbury to Newburyport, fare, ten cents ; distance, ten miles. Amesbury to Salisbury Beach, fare, ten cents; distance, ten miles. Newburyport to Plum Island, fare, ten cents; distance, three miles. LOWELL, LAWRENCE AND HAVERHILL STREET RAILWAY. Lowell to Lawrenre. fare, fifteen cents ; distance, ten miles. Lawrencj to Haverhill, fare, ten cents; distance, nine miles. NATICK AND FRAMINGHAM STREET RAILWAY. South Natick to Natick, five cents. Natick to South Framingham, five cents. NORFOLK AND SUBURBAN ST. RY. Soon to be connected with the West End St. Ry. at Forest Hills, running from Dedham through Hyde Park. (51) In Lynn Woods with Pen and Camera. Finely illustrated. By Hon. Nathan M. Hawkes. one of the Park Commissioners, Cloth, $1.25 ; half leather, $2.00 Patriotic Selections for Memorial Day. Compiled by Miss Harriet L. Matthews and Miss Elizabeth E. Rule of the Lynn Public Library. School edition, 50 cents Campaigning with Banks and Sheridan. By Frank M. Flynn. Personal Reminiscences of the war for three years Cloth, $1.25 Map of Lynn Woods. Published in pocket form 15 cents Studies of the Essex Flora. The Flora of Essex County, Mass. By Cyrus Mason Tracy. Second revised edition. Cloth, 5i.oo Where to Go — How to Get There. A guide of electric car routes radiating from the City of Boston ; also places of interest and amusement. By T. W. Preston 25 cents Studies in the Beginnings of Christianity. For Sunday Schools. By J. M. Pullman, D. D Special rates to Sunday Schools. Published by THE NICHOLS PRESS, THOS. P. NICHOL LYNN, - - r.ASS. Itoo ^1 i ■!ii ■filiiii 11 i !llij