F 74 .T2 05 Copy 1 A Catalogue OF THE PORTRAITS AND OTHER OBJECTS OF HISTORIC VALUE BELONGING TO THE Old Colony Historical Society Taunton, Massachusetts, U. S. A. January i, igo?- — •iiii^ii- Arranged by the Librarian of the Society. A Catalogue OF THE PORTRAITS AND OTHER OBJECTS OF HISTORIC VALUE BELONGING TO THE Old Colony Historical Society Taunton, Massachusetts, U. S. A. January i, igo?'. — iii^iii Arranged by the Librarian of the Society. ^^1 THE OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Old Colony Historical Society was incorporated May 4, 1853- "The objects of the Society are to preserve and perpetuate the history of the Old Colony in Massachusetts, and to collect, hold and preserve documents, books, memoirs and other matters relat- ing to its history." The Society's stated and quarterly meetings are held in Histori- cal Hall, now owned by the Society, and its valuable collections of books and relics are contained in its recently erected library annex, which is a place of safe deposit. The records of its proceedings are already partly published in six collections. Nearly seven hun- dred members, life, resident, corresponding and honorary, are enrolled upon its register. The work of the Society is conducted under the management of a board of directors which is chosen annually. Its annual income is derived chiefly from its regular fees, and its future prosperity and material growth must largely depend upon the encouragement which it shall receive from the co-operation and bequests of its members. The annual membership is $f,.po per year. The life-member- ship is $10.00. . .'•'• Gift > Society PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. WASHINGTON. The portrait of Wash- ington was presented to the Old Colony Historical Society by the directors of the Bristol County Bank, Sept. 19, 1896. Some years later the society had it cleaned, rebacked, and the old mahogany frame guild- ed at an expense of about two hundred dol- lars. It was painted by James Sullivan Lincoln, (see number 41) a native of Taunton, after Stuart's Washington at Newport, R. I. 1 Hon. FRANCIS BAYLIES. Son of William Baylies ; born Oct. 16, 1783 ; lawyer and politician; practised law in Taunton; member of State Legislature, 1827-32-3.5; member of Congress, 1821-27; Register of Probate, 1812-20; Charge de affairs to Brazil in 1832. Author of Plymouth Colony Mem- oirs, 1828. Died Oct. 28, 18.52. Presented by John Ordronaux, L. L. D. 2 EDMUND BAYLIES. Son of Hodijah Baylies and his wife Elizabeth (Lincoln) Baylies; born in Hingham Sept. 22, 1787. Supercargo of many vessels, with cargo for foreign ports, and supplied flour to the Pen- insular army under Wellington. Engaged with T. B. Curtis of Boston for trading in Russia, retired in 1836. A warm supporter of the government in the civil war; director Taunton National Bank, Old Colony Iron Co., Taunton Copper Co., and Taunton Lo- comotive Works. Member Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati. Died May 16, 1878. Presented by Mrs. N. E. Baylies. 3 Gov. MARCUS MORTON. Son of Nathaniel Morton and his wife, Mary (Cary) Morton. Born in Freetown Feb. 19, 1784. Lawyer and politician; graduate of Brown University 1804; Harvard Degree 1840; clerk of Massachusetts Senate 1811; member of Congress 1817-21; member Executive. Com- mittee 1823; Lieutenant Governor 1824; Judge of the Supreme Court 1825-29; Govern- or of Massachusetts 1840 and 1843; Collector of the Port of Boston 1845-48. Died Feb. 6, 1864. Presented by Henry M. Lovering. 4 MA.JOR General GEORGE HAMP- TON CROSSMAN. Son of Captain George Grossman. Born in Taunton Nov. 2, 1799; graduate of West Point 1823; veteran of the Black Hawk, Florida and Civil War. Re- tired 1866. Died June 4, 1882. Presented by George Heron Crossman. 5 ALFRED BAYLIES, M. D. Son of Thomas Baylies and his wife Bethia (God- frey) Baylies. Born Dighton Sept. 16, 1787; studied medicine with his uncle Wil- liam Baylies, commenced practice in Taun- ton 1813. The beloved physician for over fifty years; secretary of King David Lodge A. F. & A. M. for thirty years. His name is borne in many different families in tribute to valued ministrations in times of sickness. Trustee of Bristol Academy. Died July 2, 1873. Presented by Mrs. Frances A. Baylies. 6 Hon. SAMUEL LEONARD CROCK- ER. Son of William Augustus Crocker and his wife Sally (Ingell) Crocker. Born in Taunton March 31, 1834; graduate Brown University 1822; president Taunton Copper Co., Taunton Locomotive Works, Old Col- ony Iron Co. ; member Executive Council 1849; member of Congress. 1853-55; trustee Brown University. Died Feb. 10, 1883. Presented by Mrs. D. N. Couch. 7 WILLIAM ALLEN CROCKER. Son of William Augustus Crocker and his wife, Sally (Ingell) Crocker; elder brother of Sam- uel L. Crocker; graduate Brown University ; was engaged with his brothers in the copper business and other enterprises in Taunton and Norton; president Taunton Branch Rail- road; removed to New York in 1852 and died there in 1871. Presented by his son, George A. Crocker. 8 Hon. HARRISON TWEED. Son of Joshua Tweed and his wife Elizabeth Tweed ; born in South Reading Feb. 17,1806; taught school in Calais, Me., 1833; cashier County Bank, Calais, Me. ; removed to Taunton 1847; was clerk, agent and treasurer of Taunton Locomotive Works; representative 1876-79. Councilor 1876-78. Died Jan. 18. 1885. Presented by his son, Charles H. Tweed. 9 EBENEZER DAWES, M. D. Son of Ebengzer Dawes and his wife, Elizabeth (Bailey) Dawes; born in Scituate March 1, 1791. He was a highly respected physician of Taunton. He is described "as being very polite according to the best definition of politeness, his natural kindness and gentle- ness with the confidence reposed in his skill, made him most welcome." Died in Taunton April 20, 1861. Presented by his son, Rev. Ebenezer Dawes. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. 10 Rev. MORTIMER BLAKE. Son of Ira Blake of Wrentham; born June 10, 1818; paduate of Amherst ISSl; first pastorate Mansfield Dec. 4, 1839; installed pastor WinslowChnrch, Taunton, Dec. 4, 185.5, where he remained thirty years. President Whea- ton Seminary, Norton; author of the His- tory of Franklin, and other works. Died Dec. 22, 1884. Presented by Mrs. Graham. 11 DAN KING, M. D. Son of John King and his wife Jane (Knight) King; born in Mansfield, Conn., Jan. 27, 171)1. He practiced medicine in Taunton fi'om 1841 to 1859; author of several medical works. Died in Greenfield, R. I., Nov. 18, 1864. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. Alex. H. Williams. 12 SAMUEL OLIVER DUNBAR. Son of Samuel Dunbar and his wife, Abigail (Ingell) Dunbar; born in Tilicut Aug. 9, 1800; in 1818 in business in Boston; removed to Taunton 1834, and engaged in the drug business which he continued until his death, being at that time the oldest druggist in Bristol County. Died Nov. 19, 1883. Presented by Charles H. Moore. 13 Hon. JOHN DAGGETT. Son of Eben- ezer Daggett and his wife, Sally (Maxcy) Daggett; born Feb. 10, 1805; graduate Brown University 182(3; lawyer, admitted to the bar 1829; commenced practice in 1830; editor of the "Dedham Patriot"; representative 1836; senator 18.50 and 1866; Register of Pro- bale 1853; the second president of the Old Colony Historical Society. Died Dec. 13, 1885. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. Sheffield. 14 WILLARD LOVERING. Son of Wil- liam Lovering and his wife, Mehitable (Clafin) Lovering; born in Franklin, Mass. Nov. 18, 1801. Early in life connected with the City Mills at Franklin; in charge of Blackstone Canal Co. of Providence, R. I. 1833; subsequently agent Carringtou Mill at Woonsocket; removed to Taunton 1836; manager of the Whittenton Mills for over twenty years; purchased Whittenton Mills in 1858, which he conducted until 1864; rep- resentative 1865-66; president of Taunton Branch Railroad and Taunton Savings Bank, Died Dec. 15, 187.5. Presented by his sons, C. L., W. C. and U. M. Lovering. 15 ROBERT STROBRIDGE DEAN. Son of Robert Dean and his wife, Susan Leavitt (Padelford) Dean; born Feb. 6, 1805; clerk in Field, Fobes and Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1821; in 1824 engaged as agent for Dean Cot- ton Mill, East Taunton ; manager of the Brick Mill; later manager and treasurer of the Dean Cotton and Machine Co., twenty five years ; treasurer of Taunton Locomotive Works; retired in 1873. Died Dec. 18, 1889. Presented by himself. 16 HIRAM BARNEY WETHERELL. Son of Abiather Wetherell and his wife, Martha (Eddy) Wetherell; born Oct. 9, 1811. Mr. Wetherell was a wholesale millinery and dry goods dealer of Boston; lived in Taun- ton; representative 1855; assistant quarter- master Second Brigade, Second Division, 6th Army Corps in the Civil War. Died June 1, 1879. Presented by his son, W. H. Wetherell. 17 CHARLES RICHMOND. Son of Thomas Richmond and his wife, Elizabeth (Fales) Richmond; born in Dighton March 11, 1809. He was the great grandson of Colonel Sylvester Richmond, colonel in the 16th Massachusetts Battalion in the cam- paign against Louisburg in 1745, who re- ceived the French flag at the surrender of the fortress; grandson of Colonel Ezra Rich- mond ; aide to his father in 1745, who received from the hands of King George a captain's commission in the British line, which he held until he became the senior ofiicer in the British army. Charles Richmond was the junior partner in the fiim of "Crocker ct Richmond," (see number 25) and gave to this business firm all his energy. In the commercial world of New York, Baltimore and Phila- delphia, while their course glowed with prosperity, his presence was ever the signal for some fresh enterprise, snd the commis- sion houses bowed in adoration to this lord of cotton and iron. The financial revolution of 1837 involved this firm beyond recovery, and Mr. Richmond, hunted like a beast of prey by his remorseless creditors was obliged to leave his native state, and died in Sacra- mento City, California, Dec. 14, 1849. Presented by his son, Captain Henry Richmond. 18 ALBERT FIELD. Son of Jude Field and his wife, Abigail (Carpenter) Field; born in Taunton July 4, 1795; commenced shoe nail business in Taunton in 1827 which developed into the "Field Tack Works" of world wide reputation. Died April 25, 1869. Presented by N. Bradford Bean. 19 Mrs. ABIGAIL TISDALE TRES- COTT. Only daughter of Simeon Tisdale and his wife Abigail Tisdale, and wife of Samuel Trescott, a native of Dorchester. She lived in the "Trescott House," west corner of Trescott street, long known as the fire- proof building, having escaped three de- structive fires. Her home was the abode of hospitality and was the scene of merry mak- ing of kindred and friends ; from this home went forth often and with kindly spirit the "widow's mite." Her husband died in Taunton, July 6, 1797, and she remained a widow for more than a generation. Died May 1, 1833. Presented by E. Bawes Tisdale. PORTRA.ITS AND PICTURES. 20 JOSEPH DEAN. Son of Robert Dean and his wife Susan Leavitt (Padelford) Dean. Born Nov. 16, 1811). A flour and grain mer- chant at the Weir. This building is evidence of his great philanthropy, built for a Union Chapel, wherein those having no other place of worship might find here a home, and largely through his influence it came into the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society. Died Aug. 16, 1888. Presented by his wife, Mrs. Martha A. DeoM. 21 TIMOTHY GARDNER COFFIN, Esq. Born at Nantucket Nov. 1, 1788. Law- yer. Early in life engaged in seafaring life ; admitted to the bar 1816. He obtained the foremost rank in his profession, trying his intellectual strength against such opponents as Webster and Choate. He had few equals. Died Sept. 19, 18.'i9, in New Bedford. Presented by E. L. Barney, Esq. 22 Mks. HARRIET BAYLIES MORTON. Daughter of Hon. Francis Baylies and his wife Elizabeth Moulton (Deming) Baylies, and wife of Nathaniel Morton, Esq. Born May 4, 1823, in Taunton. Died in New York city. Presented by Mrs. L. M. S. Moulton. 23 Hon. LEVI PARSONS MORTON. Son of Daniel Oliver Morton and his wife Lucretia (Parsons) Morton. Born May 16, 1824, in Shoreham, Vt. In Boston in 18.50. Removed to Xew York in 18.")1. Organized firm of Morgan and Grinnell 18")4. In 1862 established banking houses of L. P. Morton & Co. In 1869 the firm became Morton, Bliss Co. Member of Congress 1878-80. Envoy Extraordinary to Paris 188.5. Vice President of the United States March 4, 1889. Presented by himself. 24 HODGES REED. Son of John Reed and his wife Mary (Godfrey) Reed. Born in Taunton June 3, 1790. He was for a few years a merchant in Boston, and for many years in Taunton. A member of the legis- lature; an author of religious books and a poet whose verses were esteemed of high order. Many of his hymns were copied and used in church books. Editor of the "Beacon of Liberty"; one of the original organizers of the Winsiow church. Died Dec. 19, 1856. Presented by his son Edgar H. Reed. 25 Hon. SAMUEL CROCKER. Son of Capt. Josiah Crocker and his wife Abigail (Leonard) Crocker. Born Aug. 2, 1772. Town and County treasurer for twenty-five years. Representative 1809-13. Senator 1813-17. Councilor under Gov. Brooks. But it was as a manufacturer that he was most distinguished, having been for a long course of years the senior partner, first in Crocker, Bush & Richmond and afterwards of Crocker & Richmond, (see number 17) which by the large amount of capital em- ployed and extensive business operations procured for Taunton in the earlier part of the last century the reputation of being one of the largest manufacturing towns in the United States. The extensive manufactur- ing establishment of the "Calico Print Works" of Taunton dates back to a period prior to anything of the kind in the country. At that date Taunton claimed the earliest and best herrings; the best brick; and the first and best iron works; and before a single stone had been laid in Lowell for a similar enterprise the firm of Crocker & Richmond had received for their fabrics in 1826 a medal for promoting manufactures and mechanical arts. Died April 3, 18.53. Presented by Mrs. S. C. Cobb and Mrs. Curtis Guild. 26 THOMAS CLARK BROWN. Son of Capt. James Brown and his wife Hester (Sheldon) Brown. Born in Coventry, R. I. Dec. 27, 1783. Removed to Taunton 1800. Saddle and bridle manufacturer. Justice of the Peace. Coroner 1836-37-42. It is said of him that there were three places where he found pleasure — his home, his church, and King David Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Died Nov. 6. 186S. Presented by his son Robert Carver Brown. 27 CHARLES RICE VICKERY. Son of Captain David Vickery, and his wife Pris- cilla (Barnum) Vickery. Born in Taunton Nov. 24, 18(10. In early life an auctioneer. Cashier and president of the Machinists National Bank. Postmaster 1833. Senator 18.54. The last male member of the family in Taunton. Died Jan. 16, 1883. Presented by 31iss Adeline S. Baylies. 28 General DAVID COBB. Son of Thomas Cobb and his wife Lydia (Leonard) Cobb. Born in Taunton Sept. 14, 1748. Graduate of Harvard College 1766. A prac- ticing physician in Taunton for many years. Member of the Provincial Congress 1775. Aide to Washington, and member of his military family. In command of the troops in Shay's Rebellion on Taunton Green 1787; member of Executive Council; Lieutenant Governor of Mass. 1819; member of Mass. Society of Cincinnati. Died April 17, 1830. Portrait painted by Stuart. Presented by Mrs. S. C. Cobb and Mrs. Curtis Guild. 29 Hon. SAMUEL CROCKER COBB. Son of David George Washington Cobb and his wife Abby (Crocker) Cobb. Born iuTaun- ton May 22, 1826. Engaged in business in Boston "in 1842; and in 1847 organized firm of Cunningham & Cobb, and continued in the business for twenty years. Alderman of Roxbury 1860. Mayor of Boston for three years. President Revere National Bank. President Mass. Society Cincinnati. Died Feb. 18, 1891. Presented by 3frs. S. C. Cobb. 8 POKTRAITS AND PICTURES. 30 ROBERT TREAT PAINE, L. L. D. Son of Rev. Thomas Paine. Rorn in Boston March 12, 1731. Graduate of Harvard Col- lege 1749; studied law 17.55; chaplain of Col. Willard's regiment at Crown Point; admitted to the bar 1757; removed to Taunton 176); representative of Taunton; delegate to Con- gress 1774-75. On the 4th of July 1776 he signed the Declaration of Independence, being the only signer from the Old Colony. He removed to Boston 1781, after a resi- dence in Taunton of over twenty years. Attorney General from 1777 to 1790. In 1790 Judge of the Supreme Court of Mass. Died in Boston May 12, 1814. Presented by Capt. Geo. A. Washburn. PA APOLLOS WHITE. Son of Samuel White and his wife Hannah (Andrews) White. Horn in Raynham Feb. 8, 1771. Died in Raynham. 32 Captain SILAS SHEPARD. Born in Wrentham in 1781 ; engaged in the manufac- ture of cotton goods in ISOti, in the old "Green Mill"' on what is now Weir street, Taunton; at one time was associated with Charles Richmond; he built the Oakland Mills and conveited a wild ravine on the banks of Three Mile river into a village of manufacturing industry. Died Dec. 23, 1864, aged S3. Presented by Mrs. L. R. Chesbrough. 33 JOSEPH WEAVER STRANGE. Son of Joseph Strange and his wife, Amitta (Briggs) Strange; born in Taunton Aug. 7, 1811; a skilled mechanic, was early in the employ of Crocker & Richmond; he became a preacher, but subsequently resumed his mechanical work; removed to Bangor 1849; returned to Taunton 1889 and persued his business until his death Feb. 6, 1895. Presented by Mrs. A. A. Francis. 34 SAMUEL BASS KING. Son of Philip King and his wife, (Bowers) King; born May 1, 1788. Cashier and president of the first Taunton Bank. Died Oct 5, 1864. Presented by Mrs. Samuel C. Cobb. 35 EDGAR HODGES REED. Son of Hodges Reed and his wife, Clai issa (Hodges) Reed; born July 3, 1814. A life-long busi- ness man of Taunton; representative 1869; alderman 186.5-8. He is remembered in the city of his birth as an enthusiastic antiquar- ian and accurate genealogist. His records of inscriptions on headstones in the different burying places of Taunton from the earliest to 1800, many now indecipherable, will re- main a monument to his memory. He held office of secretary, librarian and histori- ographer of this society. Died April 25, 1893. Presented by Ids daughter, Mrs. G. A. Washburn. ,36 Captain SYLVANUS NELSON STAPLES. Son of Sylvanus Staples and his wife. Sally (Phillips) Staples; born Aug 2, 1811. He early engaged in sea-faring life; was master of a vessel at the age of 18. In 1836 a dealer in flour and groceries; re- sumed his sea-eoing life until 1867, when he engaged with William H. Phillips in general freight business and sale of iron, coal and lime; this being dissolved he became presi- dent of the Staples Coal Co. in which he continued until his death: director Bristol County National Bank; president Dighton Furnace Co.; and held positions of trust and responsibility in many other companies. Died June 10, 1893. Presented by his son, Herbert M. Staples. 37 ZEPHANIAH LEONARD, M. D. Son of Zephaniah Leonard and his wife Abigail (Alden) Leonard; born April 18, 1773; a physician of Raynham. Died Sept. 1, 1828. Presented by his grandson, W. A. Leonard. 38 Hon. HORATIO LEONARD. Son of Zephaniah Leonard and his wife, Abigail (Alden) Leonard; born Dec. 28, 1780; high sheriff of Bristol County, having with his father held the office for seventy years. Died Dec. 7, 1858. Presented by Mrs. Fannie W. Dean. 39 JOHN ORDRONAUX, L.L. D. Born in New York, Aug. 3, 1830; graduate of Dartmouth College 1850, Harvard Univer- sity 1852; admitted to New York bar 1853; admitted to Plymouth bar 1853; received medical degi'ee, M. D. 18-59; appointed by Governor Seymour to examine drafted men 1861; surgeon Board of Enrollment 1863; assistant surgeon 15th New York State troops 1863; author of many books used by the government; from 1865 to lis93 devoted to lecturing in law and medical schools at University of Vermont, Boston University, Medical College at Washington, Dartmouth, and Columbia, New York; State Commis- sioner of lunacy 1873; appointed 1874 to codify lunacy laws of New York state; in 1870 Trinity College conferred honorary degree of doctor of laws; the first secretary of the Old Colony Historical Society. He delivered commemorative oration of the so- ciety. May 4, 1905. 40 JOHN BRADFORD WILLIAMS. Son of John Williams and his wife, Mary (King) Williams; born in Taunton, removed early in life to New Hampshire and died there. 41 JAMES SULLIVAN LINCOLN. Son of Sullivan Lincoln and his wife, Keziah (Weston) Lincoln; born in Taunton May 11, 1811 ; became a student in Providence under tlie artist Hinckley and followed his pro- fession for more than fifty years. Among his leading portraits are eleven governors of Rhode Island, five mayors of Providence, PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. Ex-Chief Justice Brayton and Colonel Rob- ert G. Shaw for his mother. The portrait of Washington in Historical Hall is a work of his earlier years. Died in Providence Jan. 19, 1888. Presented by his wife and daughter. 42 Captain WILLIAM COBB. Son of Charles Cobb and his wife, Rhoda (Dean) Cobb; grandson of Jonathan, brother of General David Cobb; born in Taunton 1811; removed to Dio;hton 1887; as master of a vessel he sailed in 1849, cai'rying the first gold seekers to California; returning he be- came agent for the Old Colony Iron Co. president LTnion Manufacturing Co., Digh- ton, 1857; president of the Dighton and Somerset Railroad, when it was sold to the Old Colony Railroad; built the bridge at Somerset over the Taunton river. Died July 31, 1875. Presented by his son, M. L. Cobb. 43 MARCUS MORTOXJk., L.L.D. Son of Gov. Marcus Morton and his wife Char- lotte (Hodges) Morton. Born in Taunton Apr. 8, 1819; graduate of Brown University 1838; admitted to Suffolk bar 1840; removed to Andover in 1850; representative 1858; Justice of the Superior Court 18.59; Justice of the Supreme Court 1869; Chief Justice 1882. Died in Andover Feb. 10, 1891. Presented by Mrs. Kimball. 44 ELISHA CLARK LEONARD. Son of Nehemiah Leonard and his wife Hannah Tinkham (Clark) Leonard. Born in Roches- ter Sept. 30, 1819; engaged in whale-oil busi- ness in New Bedford and Springfield. Mem- ber council, New Bedford, 1857; in U. S. Internal Revenue service in civil war and later. Mr. Leonard accumulated a large amount of genealogical data pertaining not only to his own but, other Old Colony fami- lies. Director of the Old Colony Historical Society. Died in New Bedford Sept. 7, 1894. Presented by Hon. Marquis F. King. 45 SAMUEL AUGUSTUS DEAN. Son of Robert Dean and his wife Susan Leavitt (Padelford) Dean. Born Aug. 29, 1810. Mr. Dean was a practical farmer and for many years cultivated the ancestral acres which had descended to him. He was known throughout Massachusetts as "Farmer Dean," having devoted himself untiringly when in the legislature and subsequently for a law to \ be enacted requiring broad wheel tires to be used upon the highways of Massachusetts. Died Oct. 28, 1903. Presented by his wife and daughter. 46 Captain DAVID LEO.VARD. Son of Joseph Leonard and his wife Mary (Packard) Leonard. Born July 29, 1734. He lived and died on his farm in Bridgewater, near Nippenicket Pond. Was with Gen. John Winslow in Nova Scotia in 1756 French and Indian war. Had command of a company in the Plymouth County Reg't during the war of the Revolution. Great grandfather of Hon. John Hay, Sec'y of State. Died Nov. 24, 1813. Presented by Bernard Leonard. 47 Mrs. MARY (HALL) LEONARD. Daughter of Joseph Hall and his wife Mary (Andrews) Hall, and wife of Captain David Leonard. Born Aug. 21, 1750. Died Dec. 4, 1839. Presented by Bernard Leonard. 48 CHARLES BABBITT. Son of Ziba Babbitt and his wife Bathsheba (Luscomb) Babbitt. Born Dec. 3, 1786. Goldsmith and jeweler of Taunton. Died Aug. 13, 1854. 49 THOMAS CORAM. Born at Lyme- Regis in Dorsetshire, England, in 1668; came to Boston in 1693. In l(i99 the subject of this portrait (by Hogarth,) came to Taunton and purchased in the south purchase the site for a ship yard, and there he com- menced ship building. In 1700 his yard and two vessels were seized in execution for debt, and judgment pronounced against him. He related his inflictions to Captain Thomas Leonard, and through him the case was retried, and the property and land of the deputy sheriff who had in the former case unjustly seized the ship yard were levied upon, and fifty nine acres were allowed Mr. Coram for damages. This fifty nine acres of land he conveyed by deed to Kings Cha()el in Boston with the proviso that if ever hereafter the inhabitants of Taunton should be more civilized than they now are and if any should incline to have a Church of England built among them, the vestry men of Kings Chapel have authoiity to grant any part or parcel of this land to them. This was never done, but in 1742 Coram forwarded to St. Thomas Church several books, among which a bible and book of common prayer are now in posses- sion of that society. Two copies of liis books are in the archives of this society. Coram remained in Taunton and Boston ten years, and in the ten succeeding years by unwearied solicitation he obtained a charter for a foundling hospital for exposed and neglected chihlren. His name is immortal- ized by Dickens, in his "Little Dorrit" in the person of the warm tempered and equally warm hearted Tatty-Coram. He died March 29, 1751, aged 84 years. Presented by Mrs. H. B. Wheelwright. 50 JOSEPH CLARENDON BRIGHAM. Son of Joseph Brighani and his wife Sally (Woods) Brigham; born Dec. 20, 1800, in Marlboro; removed to Taunton and com- menced business on "Knotty W.alk" which he continued for several years; removed to Lawrence and became wool buyer for Law- rence Brothers, at home and abroad. In 1810 removed to Northfield, Mass., Avhere he re- sided until his death, Jan. 22, 1879. Presented by W. J. Brigham. 10 PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. 51 Mks. HANNAH CLAPP (LINCOLN) BRIGHAM. Daughter of General Thomas Lincoln and his wife, Esther (Newland) Lincoln, and wife of Joseph Clarendon Brigham; born March 1, 1807, in Taunton. Died Oct. 4, 185.5, in Northfield. .52 SAUL WHITE EDDY. Son of Bar- zillai Eddy and his wife Nancy Hawes (White) Eddy; born in Taunton Feb. 16, 1817; was in the employ of Silas Shepard in 18o2, with Crocker & Richmond in 1844, with Mason Machine Works as superintend- ent for thirty five years, superintendent of the Fall River Machine Works 1880-84; member common council, Taunton; trustee of Taunton Savings Bank; directorof Cohan- net Mills and Taunton Brick Co. Died Feb. 23, 1895. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. O. A. Barker. 5.3 JAMES WILLIAMS GROSSMAN. Son of Robert Grossman and his wife, Sarah Williams (Ware) Grossman; born Sept. 19, 1794; merchant tailor; county commissioner 6 years; trustee Bristol Academy; director Bristol County Bank; president old Cohan- net Bank. Died March 13, 1879. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. Newbury. 54 Rev. CHARLES HENRY BRIG- HAM. Son of Dennis Brigham; merchant of Boston; born July 27, 1820; graduate of Harvard College 1839; ordained pastor of the First Congregational Church, Taunton, March 27, 1844, and remained until 1866: became minister of the Unitarian Church, Ann Arbor, Mich., resigned in 1877. Mr. Brigham was for sixteen years a member of the school committee of Taunton. He con- tributed for many years to the North American Review, The Atlantic, Christian Examiner, Appleton's and other magazines. His life was a rare example of single minded devotion to learning and conscientious per- formance of duty. Died 19, 1879. Presented by Mrs. S. B. C. Dean.. 55 THEODORE DEAN. Son of Eliab Byram Dean and his wife, Charlotte (Wil- liams) Dean; born in Raynham Dec. 31, 1809. A manufacturer of anchors for many years at the "Old Bloomery;" representative 1866; president of the Bristol County Nation- al Bank 18.53 and continued in that office until his death, Jan. 19, 188.5. Presented by J. Kinnecut. 56 BARNEY SMITH. Son of Captain John Smith and his wife, Hannah (Barney) Smith; born in Taunton. The subject of this portrait (after the original by Stuart) re- moved early to Boston and became a wealthy merchant, his store being on State street. He devised an endowment fund for the study of the Hebrew language in Harvard College. He owned and lived in the Gover- nor Hutchinson mansion in Milton. Died in Boston. 1816. presented by Miss Mary Bivers. 57 FREDERICK CRAFTS, A. M. Son of Rev. Thomas Crafts and his wife, Mary (Porter) Crafts; born in North Bridgewater, June 5, 1797; graduate of Brown University 1820; admitted to Plymouth County bar 1822; lawyer; preceptor of the Bristol Academy from June 23, 1828, to June 7, 1837; first principal Taunton High School; master of Hawes and Bigelow Schools, South Boston; principal of Bridgewater Academy 18-55-61 ; assistant provost marshal civil war. Died in Milton, Nov. 20, 1874. Presented by 3Irs. H. W. Crafts. 58 NATHANIEL MORTON, Esquire. Son of Governor Marcus Morton and his wife Charlotte (Hodges) Morton; born in Taunton Dec. 21, 1821; graduate of Brown University 1840, Harvard Law School 1843; practiced law about 10 years. In this time gained a prominence in his profession reached by few if any of his brethren at so early an age; the first president of the Old Colony Historical Society. Died Feb. 12, 1856. Presented by Mrs. L. M. S. Moulton^ .59 Mrs. ELIZABETH (MOULTON) BAYLIES. Daughter of Howard Moulton of New York; widow of David Dagget Dening of Troy, New York; wife of Hon. Francis Baylies. (See number 1.) 60 SAMUEL CASWELL. Son of Eben- ezer Caswell and his wife, Zebiah (White) Caswell; born Aug. 24, 1760. A farmer, who resided at the home of his ancestors and cultivated their land. Died Jan. 3, 1851. Presented by Mrs. W. Billings. 61 SAMUEL CASWELL, Jr. Son of Samuel Caswell and his wife, Molly (Seaver) Caswell; born Feb. 13, 1795. A dignified and unassuming man, a typical New Eng- land gentleman. Died Sept. 14, 1875. Presented by Mrs. W. Billings- 62 ALEXIS CASWELL, L.L. D. Son of Samuel Caswell and his wife Molly (Seaver) Caswell; born in Taunton Jan. 29, 1799; graduate of Brown University 1822; j^rofes- sor of languages in Columbia College, Wash- ington, D. C; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy of Brown University 1828; president pro tem 1840-41; in 1868 Dr. Caswell was elected president of Brown University, filling the position until 1872; ordained Baptist minister 1827. Died Jan. 8, 1877. Presented by Mrs. W. Billings. 63 JAMES TISDALE. Son of Simeon Tisdale and his wife Abigail Tisdale; born in Taunton, April 26, 1753; was engaged with his brother in business in Taunton; trustee of Bristol Academy; removed to Boston, engaged in business in Merchants' Row, which he continued until death. Died Ott. 28, 1798. Presented by Miss Lucy Ellis Tisdale. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. 11 64 Mrs. DEBORAH DEAN TISDALE. Daughter of Edward Dean, and wife of James Tisdale; born Dec. 22, 1756. Died in 1844, aged 89 years. Presented by Miss Lucy Ellis Tisdale. 6.5 SAMUEL TRESCOTT TISDALE. Son of James Tisdale and his wife, Abigail Trescott (Barney) Tisdale; born in Taunton, Nov. 7, 1802. Early in life a clerk in Boston ; removed to Bridgewater to enter counting house of Lazell Perkins & Co., remained until 182.5; engaged in business with Pratt Brothers of Wareham ; started iron business in New York, which he continued until 1860; manufacturer of cut nails. Died Dec. 3, 1869. Presented by his daughter, Miss Lucy Ellis Tisdale. 66 Mrs. LUCY (ELLIS) TISDALE. Daughter of Benjamin Ellis of Carver, and wife of Samuel Trescott Tisdale; born in 1804. Died Nov. 18, 1881. Presented by her daughter. Miss Lucy Ellis Tisdale. 67 Miss LUCY ELLIS TISDALE. Daughter of Samuel Trescott Tisdale and wife Lucy (Ellis) Tisdale; born May 24, 1830. Presented by herself. 68 Miss ANNIE LOUISE TISDALE. Daughter of Samuel Trescott Tisdale and wife Lucy (Ellis) Tisdale; born Aug. 24, 1841. Died March 20, 1867. Presented by her sister, Miss Lucy Ellis Tisdale. 69 Rev. ERASTUS MALT BY. Son of Benjamin Maltby and his wife. Rebecca (Taintor) Maltby; born 1796; installed min- ister Trinitarian Conyregational Church in Taunton, Jan. 18, 1826, and remained in active service until Sept. 18, 1870, a period of forty five years; graduate of Yale College 1821 ; Andover 1824. His only settlement was in Taunton; his character may be summed up as that of a man of blameless life; his whole ministerial life ran smoothly, tie com- manded universal respect. Died in Taunton March 28, 1883. Presented by 70 Captain JOHN WILLIAxMS DEAN HALL. Son of John Williams Dean and his wife, Mary (Dean) Hall; born Oct 10, 1807, in Raynham. A printer and publisher of newspapers; he published the "Literary Subaltern", of Providence, R. I.; while in Piovidence became an officer in the Prov- idence Light Infantry ; removed to Taunton in 1835; in 1841 and after, editor of American Republican; associated with A. M. Ide in 1862 in charge of Taunton Daily Gazette and Weekly Democrat; continued journalism until 1872; representative 1863; provost marshal in 1861; captain Cohannet Rifle Corps 1836; in 188-5, secretary and chairman Old Colony Historical Society, which office he retained until his death, Jan. 10, 1896. Presented by Rev. S. H. Emery , D. D. 71 HENRY GOODING REED. Son of John Reed and his wife, Rebecca (Gooding) Reed; born July 23, 1810; engaged early in life in the britannia manufacturing busi- ness; in 1835 associated himself with Charles E. Barton, under firm name of "Reed & Barton," which gained a reputation in that line of business second to none in the country. He never held public office. Director of the Taunton National Bank since 1851. Died March 1, 1901, age 90 years. 72 PHILO WASHBURN. Born 1799. Mr. Washburn was a harness maker in early life, but for many years the undertaker of the town, who, in the exercise of his duties laid four generations in their last resting places. Died Oct. 28, 1869. Presented by his sons. 73 NATHANIEL CRANDELL. Son of Nathaniel Crandell and his wife, Sarah (Wilcox) Crandell. Mr. Crandell was born in Tiverton, R. I.; removed to Taunton, where he engaged in business as a baker. Died May 4, 1842. Presented by Mrs. Marrian Leonard 74 WILLIAM BAILEY CRANDELL. Son of Nathaniel Crandell and his wife, Comfoi't (Bailey) Crandell; born in Tiverton April 16, 1801. I'le was one of the original members of the "Beethoven Society"' of Taunton, who, with other musical men and women, secured for our city the reputation so widely known as a music loving commun- ity. There are those still living who re- member the zeal and enthusiasm with which Mr. Crandell and others associated for the cultivation of music. Died April 22, 1872. Presented by his musical friends. 75 SORANUS HALL. Son of Amos Hall and his wife, Susannah (King) Hall; born in Raynham Oct. 9, 1808; a farmer, who resided on the homestead formerly owned by Rev. Perez Fobes; town clerk and treas- urer of Raynham; repi'esentative 1852-3. Died 18.58. Presented by Soranus W. Hall. 76 Hon. CHESTER IS HAM REED. Son of William Reed and his wife, Elizabeth Dean (Dennis) Reed; born Nov. 25, 1823; graduate of Brown University 1845; practiced his profession under firm name of Bassett & Reed; representative 18.50; judge of the police court of Taunton; senator 1858 and 1862; attorney general of Massachusetts 1864; judge of the superior court 1867; resigned in 1870 to resume practice of law; a learned and accomplished lawyer. Died Sept. 2, 1873. 77 Rev. ROBERT CARVER. Born in Taunton, April 20, 1810; graduate of Yale College, 1833; installed at Raynham on Dec. 1, 1847; representative from that town in 1853; resigned and removed to Norton; sub- sequently preached at South Franklin, Mass. ; chaplain 7th Massachusetts Vol. Inf. June 12 PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. 15, 1861. The writer pays tribute to his memory for services well performed in all the duties of his office, from which he in- curred disease which proved fatal, and he died in Orient, New York, March 2, 1863. 78 GEORGE AUGUSTUS CROCKER. Son of William Augustus Crocker and his wife Sally (Ingellj Crocker. Youngest brother of AVilliam Allen and Samuel Leon- ard Crocker, and was engaged with them in their business enterprises. Died Feb. 18, 1864, aged 57 years. 79 REV. CALEB TURNER. Born in 17.35; graduate of Yale College 1753; instal- led as minister in Middleboro in 1760, and remained until 1803, — his only settlement. Died Sept. 11, 1803. Presented by Miss Polly Turner. 80 Mrs. PHEBE (KING) TURNER. Daughter of Josiah King, and wife of Rev. Caleb Turner. Died Aug. 25, 1818. Presented by Miss Polly Turner. 81 ARTEMAS BRIGGS. Son of Nath- aniel Briggs, and his wife Mary (VVinslow) Briggs. Born May 4, 1810.. A grain and flour merchant for many years at the Weir. Died March 23, 1876. Presented by Ins daughter, Mrs. A. H. Hathaway. 82 FREDERICK HATHAWAY. Son of Frederick Hathaway, and his wife Sally (White) Hathaway. Born Dec. 22, 1810; superintendent of Sproat's Mill for many years. Died April 22, ]888. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Hathaway. 83 EDWARD WINSLOW. Son of Ed- ward Winslow, and his wife Magdalen Olly- ver. Born Oct. 19, 1595; member of Pilgrim church at Leyden, 1617; came in the May- flower 1620. He with Stephen Hopkins was the first white men so far as known who trod the soil of Taunton in 1621, on their way to visit Massasoit; governor of Plymouth Colony 1634-36-44-45. He died at sea, 8th of May, 1655. This portrait is a copy from the original in the Pilgrim So- ciety, and is the only portrait of a Pilgrim extant. Loaned by the Pilgrim Society. 84 JOSIAS WINSLOW. Son of Gov. Edward Winslow, and his wife Susanna (Fuller) (White) Winslow. Born in Ply- mouth in 1629; the first native born governor of Plymouth Colony; held office from 1673 to 1680. He was the commander in chief of the forces of the United Colonies of New England in "King Philip's War," and his troops were in Taunton a part of the time; one of the most distinguished men of the colony. Died Dec. 18, 1680, at Marshfield, and was buried by the people of the old colony in testimony of the colony's endeared love and affection for him. Loaned by the Pilgrim Society. 85 Mrs. PENELOPE (PELHAM) WINS- LOW. Daughter of Herbert Pelham, the first treasurer of Harvard College. She came with her father from England in 1638. John Fiske wrote this: Thomas West, the third Lord Baltimore, belonged to a family distinguished for public service; on his mother's side he was nearly connected with Queen Elizabeth; with New England he has one link of association, for his sister Pen- elope West married Herbert Pelham, and his son was the first treasurer of Harvard College. She married in 1657, Gov. Josias Winslow. She survived her husband and died Dec. 7, 1703. Loaned by the Pilgrim Society. 86 General JOHN WINSLOW. * Son of Isaac Winslow 3. Josias 2, Edward 1. and his wife Sarah Wensley. Born in Maish- field May 27, 1702. He was a distinguished and successful military officer. He com- manded a company in the unfortunate Cuba expedition in 1740; was colonel in the expe- dition to Nova Scotia in 1755, and assisted at the Arcadian expulsion; was general and commander in chief at Fort William Henry on lake George in 17.56. In the portrait he wears the uniform of a British officer; he was a councilor of the Province. Died in Hingham in 1774. Loaned by the Pilgrim Society. 87 Rev. ENOCH SANFORD, D. D. Son of Captain Joseph Sanford, and his wife Eleanor (Macomber) Sanford. Born Oct. 26, 1795; graduate of Brown University; or- dained minister at Raynham 1823, and remained with the church twenty four years. Died Nov. 30, 1890, age 95 years. Presented by his son, Hon. Elliot Sanford. 88 EDMUND HATCH BENNETT, L.L. D. Son of Hon. Milo Lyman Bennett, and his wife Adeline (Hatch) Bennett. Born in Manchester, Vermont, April 6, 1824; gradu- ate of University of Vermont 1843, admitted to Vermont bar 1847; admitted to Suffolk bar 1848; removed to Taunton and associated in partnership with Nathaniel Morton; later with Henry Williams, subsequently with other lawyers; Judge of Probate and Insol- vency 1858 to 1883; lecturer at Harvard Law School 1870-72; professor at Law School of Boston University 1872-76; Dean of the Faculty 1876-98. Author of many legal books ; first mayor of Taunton, 1864; vice president Old Colonv Historical Society. Died Jan. 2, 1898. Presented by Mrs. Bennett. 89 MA.J. Gen. DARIUS NASH COUCH. Son of Jonatlian Couch and his wife Betsey (Penny) Couch. Born July 23, 1822; gradu- ate West Point 1846; he served in the war with Mexico and the Seminole war 1847. Resigned at Fort Leavenworth; he became connected with the Taunton Copper Co. Before the outbreak of the Civil war tender- ed his services to Gov. Andrew ; colonel 7th PORTRAITS AND TICTURES. Mass. Vol. Infantry June 15, 1801; Maj. Gen. Volunteers July 4, 1862; Commander of the 2d Army Corps; held other important com- mands in the army; Collector Port of Bos- ton 1866-7; Quartermaster-Gen. Conn. 1877-8; Adjt.-Gen. of Conn. 1883-4. Died at Nor- waik, Conn., Feb. 12, 1897. Presented by Mrs. Couch. 90 Rev. PEREZ FOBES, L.L. D. Son of Josiah Fobes and his wife Freelove (Ed son) Fobes. Born in Bridgewater, Sept. 21, 1742; graduate Harvard College 1762; ordained minister of the Congregational church in Raynham, Nov. 19, 1766, where he remained until Feb. 23, 1812, when death closed the scene. As a pulpit orator Dr. Fobes had but few equals. Presented by Elliot Sanford. 91 Rev. STEPHEN HULL. Son of Ste- phen Hull, of Point Judith, R. I. Born at Stonington, Feb. 17, 1779; died in Boston, July 19, 1843. Rev. Stephen Hull succeeded Dr. Fobes, and was installed minister of the church at Raynham, Sept. 9, 1812, and re- signed his charge May 1, 1823. Presented by Ms great grand-daughter, Mrs. Grace Sampson Bartlett. 92 DEBORAH SAMPSON. Daughter of Jonathan Sampson and his wife Deborah (Bradford) Sampson, and wife of Benjamin Gannet. Born Dec. 1760. Her story is one of the most romantic. ''At the age of twen- ty she assumed male attire and enlisted iu the Continental army, under the assumed name of Robert Shurtliffe. She was wound- ed in 17.S2, and extracted the ball herself to preserve her secret, but in 1783 was seized with a malignant fever and carried to the hospital where Dr. Binney discovered her sex; she was discharged Oct. 23, 1783. The General Court of Massachusetts, by a reso- lution declared, "by discharging the duties of a faithful soldier and at the same time preserving the virtue and chastity of her sex unsuspected and unblemished, was dis- charged the service with a fair and honor- able record." Presented by Mrs. Grace Sampson Bartlett. 93 JESSE SMITH. Son of Jesse Smith and his wife Lois (Everett) Smith. Born in Stoughton, Jan. 7, 1777. Came to Taunton in 1814 and purchased from Col. Russell Wood his entire interest in a stage route from Taunton to Newport, established in 1800. He made his headquaiters in a build- ing upon the site occupied by the City Hotel, and continued from year to year to add new lines for passengers, mail and freight. His coaches, painted red, with four and six horses, made upon their arrival and departure a scene of animation and interest. He was a man of generous impulses, and liberal in his contributions to public and private chai'ities. He died in Taunton, Mar. 31, 1840. Presented by Mrs. Sarah J. Breed Gibbs. 94 SIMEON PEASE HUBBARD, M. D. Son of Allen Hubbard and his wife Sarah Bradbury (Lord) Hubbard. Born at Hiram, Maine, Sept. 20, 1827; died at Saco, Maine, July 20, 1897. Graduate in medicine at Worcester 1850; in the Civil war, served as acting assistant surgeon on the battlefield, in the camp and in hospitals; practiced his profession in Taunton 18-58 to 1897. Presented by his soyi, Dr. F. A. Hubbard. 95 Ma.jor JOHN WALLEY. Son of Rev. Thomas Walley. Born in England, 1644. The first commander and major of the regi- ment of Bristol county, in wliich the soldiers of Taunton were incorporated in 1690, when the ensign was the cross of St. George. He was a member of the council 1687; judge of the Superior Court; one of the principal founders of Bristol. Died in Boston, Jan. 11, 1712. Presented by James Edward Seaver. 96 Rev. EPHRAIM JUDSON. Son of Captain Elnathan Judson and his wife Re- becca (Minor) Judson. Born Dec. 5, 1737. Ninth minister of the First Church of Taun- ton; ordained 1780; graduate of Yale Col- lege. He resided on High street, about op- posite the present St. Thomas church. Re- signed Dec. 28, 1790. Settled in Sheffield, where he continued until his deatii, Feb. 23, 1813. A learned divine, acute logician and evangelical preacher. 97 Rev. CALEB BARNUM. Born June 30, 1737. Graduate Princeton College 1757; settled in Franklin, Mass., 1760; installed minister First Church in Taunton, Feb. 2, 1769. He was appointed chaplain of Col. John Gi'eaton's 24th Mass. regiment, Feb. 10, 1776; he followed the regiment into ser- vice: was discharged July 24, 1776. On the way home he was attacked by a fatal dis- ease and died Aug. 23, 1776. Almost his last words were in answer to what he thought of the goodness of the American cause, — "Had I a thousand lives they should all be willingly laid down for it." Presented by Mrs. Jean G. Jackson. 98 Capt. TIMOTHY GORDON. Son of Timothy Gordon, M. D., and his wife Helen (Gilchrist) Gordon. Born in Hingham, Sept. 24, 1818. For many years engaged with the Crocker brothers at the Taunton Copper Works; trustee of Bristol Academy. He was captain of Company G, 4th Mass. mili- tia, on the 16th of April, 1861, and left Taun- ton on that day in command for Fort Mon- roe. On arriving, being on the right of the line, they had the honor of being the first Union soldiers to reach Virginia. Died July 30, 1897, aged 78 years. Presented by James Edward Seaver. 99 DANIEL LEONARD. Son of Col. Ephraim Leonard and his wife Judith (Per- kins) Leonard. Born in Norton, May 29, 1740. Jurist and political writer. Possess- ing great talent and a large fortune he ac- 14 PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. quired great popularity, which he lost by yielding to the persuasions of Gov. Hutch- inson in becoming a loyalist; he left Boston with the British troops; was chief justice of Bermuda. Died in London, June 27, 1829. He resided in a house standing on the site of the present court house. Presented by Elisha C. Leonard. 100 HENRY CUSHMAN PORTER. Son of Charles Porter and his wife Mary (Wash- burn) Porter. Born Nov. 9, 1820. A soldier of the Civil war, he died from disability incurred in the service, Sept. 8, 1863. 101 ISAAC BABBITT. Son of Ziba Bab- bitt and his wife Bathsheba (Luscombe) Babbitt. Born July 26, 1777. A goldsmith and jeweler; in 1822 formed partnership with William Crossman, under the name of Babbitt & Crossman. He commenced work on biitannia metal and making britannia ware on Spring street and other places; re- moved to South Boston, and while there patented "Babbitt metal,'" used for machin- ery bearings throughout the world; for this Congress gave him a gratuity of .$20,000; patented in England 1844; in Russia 1847. Died in McLean hospital, May 26, 1862. 102 GEORGE WILLIAMS. Son of Capt. George Williams and his wife Bathsheba (King) Williams. Sixth in descent from Richard Williams. Born in Taunton, Feb. 26. 1769; married Oct. 25, 1792, Elizabeth Hathaway; died July 25, 1861. 103 WILLIAM BAYLIES, L.L. D. Son of William Baylies, M. D. Born in Dighton, Sept. 15, 1776. Statesman and lawyer; he practiced law for many years in West Bridge- water, and there the poet and journalist, William Cullen Bryant, studied law under his tuition. An upright statesman, a per- suasive lawyer, and a prudent and faithful counselor. Died in Taunton, Sept. 27, 18()5. Presented by Mrs. John E. Howard. 104 EDWARD HARTT DELANO. Son of William Delano and his wife Sarah (Hartt) Delano. Born in Scituate, August 12, Ibll. United States naval engineer; in 1848 con- structed the naval dock at Pensacola; he supervised the construction of the "Merri- mac" and Farragut's flagship "Hartford." (The Frigate "Constitution" was built at Hartt's ship-yard, Boston, owned by the father of Sarah Hartt Delano.) Mr. Delano died at Scituate, April 9, 1859. Presented by his son, Edward Delano. 105 Rev. GEORGE DAVIS MILES. "The Reverend George Davis Miles, M. A. Born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 26, A. D. 1815. Died in the same city, Oct. 24, 1874. First Rector of this Parish and its Generous Benefactor. A faithful Preacher of JesusiChrist and Him Crucified. In Memoriam." From Tablet, St. John''s Church, Taunton. 106 Rev. ANDREW POLLARD, D. D. Coming from Barnstable, he became the sixth minister of the Winthrop St. Baptist church, Taunton; installed Oct. 24, 1S49; he remained until Dec. 31, 1871, as pastor, and during this time was one of the school com- mittee of Taunton. He removed to South Boston, and was minister of the Fourth church in that city; subsequently was the district secretary of the Ameiican Publica- tion Society. Died Dec. 31. 1875. Presented by Mrs. L. P. Chapman. 107 CHARLES HENRY LOTHROP, M. D. Son of Cornelius White Lothrop and his wife, Eleanor Lincoln Lothrop. Born in Taunton, Sept. 3, 1831. Graduate of Brown University; graduate of the University of the City of New York, June 30, 1858; com- menced practicing his profession at Lj'ons, Iowa; member of the Iowa and Illinois Cen- tral Medical Association; member of exam- ining committee medical dept., Iowa State University; examining surgeon of ]iensions. Gen. Burdette says of him, "No truer pat- riot, no kindlier man than Dr. Lothrop was to be found among the survivors of the great struggle." Surgeon of the 1st Iowa cavalry, was on duty in fifty-two engagements; mem- ber of the Loyal Legion; Charles H. Lothrop Camp, Sons of Veterans, of Dysart, Iowa, was named after him. Died Feb. 6, 1890. Presented by his wife, Mrs. Sarah J. Lothrop. 108 EBENEZER STAPLES. Son of Noah Staples and his wife. Rachel Shaw. Born 1759; died April 14, 1856, aged 96 years, A Revolutionary soldier; farmer; resided at "Bearhole," East Taunton. Presented by Abial B. Staples. 109 GEORGE ANDREWS INGELL. Son of Captain Benjamin Ingell and his wife, Nancy Baker Ingell. Born 1822; died Feb. 2, 1848, in his 20th year; was a partner in the firm of Ingell & Eddy, carrying on the foundry business. Presented by Mrs. George E. Francis. 110 Rev. SAMUEL HOPKINS EMERY, D. D. Son of Joshua Emery and his wife, Elizabeth (Welch) Emeiy. Born August 22, 1815. Graduate Phillips Academy, Andover, 1834; installed pastor of Winslow church, Taunton, Nov. 23, 1837: removed to Bedford, then returned to Taunton; settled in Quin- cy. 111., and remained 14 years; preached in Chicago, Providence, Bridgeport, and .Xorth Middleboro; minister at large in Taunton 10 years. Author of the Ministry of Taunton, History of North Middleboro Church, and History of Taunton. Chaplain, and identi- fied with the sanitary commission in the Civil war; representative 1890; member Old Colony commission for marking historic sites in the Old Colony; third president of the Old Colony Historical Society. Died Oct. 3, 1901. Presented by his friends. PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. 15 111 SALMON WASHBURN. Son of Isaac Washburn and his wife, Betsey (Richmond) Washburn. A life-long business man of Taunton. Born April 7, 1812; died Sept. 25, 1902. Presented by his sons, F. E. and C. H. Washburn. 112 WILLIAM HENRY PHILLIPS. Son of William Stoddard Phillips and his wife, Hannah (Burt) Phillips. Born March 29. 1826. Removed earlj' in life to Taunton, and engaged in sea-faring life, which he contin- ued until 1857; entered into partnership with S. N. Staples, under the firm name of Sta- ples & Phillips, coal, iron and lime; when this firm dissolved he continued business in various lines until his death, April 28, 1893. Presented by his wife and daughter. 113 Commodore SILAS TALBOT. Son of Benjamin and his wife, Rebecca (Allen) Talbot. Born in Dighton, Jan. 11, 1751. A captain in a Rhode Island regiment in the Revolutionary war, at the siege of Boston; wounded 1777. In 1778 captured a British vessel; in 1779 the British sloops "Argo," "King George,"' and others; com- missioned captain in the navy 1779; made prisoner 1780, and confined in Jersey prison ship; carried to England, where the original of this portrait was painted by the celebrat- ed artist, Benjamin West; exchanged in 1781. He was the second commander of the "Constitution," having for his first mate Isaac Hull, who succeeded him in command. He resigned in 1801. Member of Congress from New York. Died in New York, June 30, 1813; buried in Trinity church-yard ; car- ried to the grave seven bullets in his body. Presented by James Edward Seaver. 114 JAMES SPROAT, Esq. Son of James Sproat, Esq., and his wife, Ann (Dennis) Sproat. Born in Taunton. Lawyer; clerk of the courts of Bristol county from 1822 to 1856, succeeding his father. Died Presented by Mrs. Clinton Sproat. 115 SAMUEL LEONARD CROCKER, Jr. Son of Hon. Samuel Leonard Crocker and his wife, Caroline (Thomas) Crocker. Born 1835. Graduate Brown University 1856; ad- mitted to the Suffolk bar 1859. Died in Italy June 27, 1896, aged .59 years. Presented by Mrs. S. L. Crocker. 116 Capt. WILLIAM MASON HALE. Son of Levi Hale and his wife, Meliuda (Pratt) Hale. Born in Taunton, June 26, 1820. For many years engaged with his father as contractor and builder; many of the largest and best churches, mills and other buildings were constructed by them ; captain of Co. D, 7th Mass. Vol. Inf. in the Civil war; representative 1888-9. Died July 2, 1894. Presented by James Edward Seaver. 117 ISAAC WASHBURN. Born Feb. 1. 1755. Revolutionary soldier. A manufac- turer and merchant of Taunton. He was married three times, and had seventeen chil- dren by his three wives. Died Nov. 2. 1832. Presented by Miss H. B. Monroe. 118 Mrs. BETSEY (RICHMOND) WASH- BURN. Daughter of Judge William Rich- mond and his wife, Lois (Gray) Washburn, and wife of Isaac Washburn, above. Born Feb. 16, 1770; died Nov. 2, 1832. Presented by Miss H. B. Monroe. 119 Hon. LABAN WHEATON. Son of George Wheaton and his wife, Elizabeth (Morey) Wheaton. Born in Norton, March 13,1754. Lawyer and politician; represent- ative; member of Congress eight years; chief justice Court of Common Pleas. He found- ed Wheaton Seminary. Died Mar. 23, 1846. Presented by trustees of estate. 120 ELKANAH HALL. Son of Nehe- miah Hall and his wife, Aseneth (Crowley) Hall. Born in Mansfield, July 5, 1819. For many years a teacher in the public schools; town clerk of Mansfield. He presented the silver loving-cup to the Old Colony Histori- cal Society, brought over in the "Fortune" in 1621 by his ancestor George Watson, of Plymouth and Taunton, after whom "Wat- son's pond" derived its name. Died Feb. 1906. Presented by his wife, Mrs. H. S. (Danforth) Hall. 121 Capt. GEORGE ALBERT WASH- BURN. Son of George Washburn. Born Feb. 25, 1835. Early in life engaged in the hardware business under the firm name of Hunt & Washburn. April 16, 1861, he was 1st sergeant of Co. G, 4th Mass. militia, and departed with his company en route for Fort Monroe, for three months' service; cap- tain 18th Mass. Vol. Infantry; wounded and prisoner in Libby prison. This picture is taken in the uniform of the 4th Mass. militia 1861. Town and city treasurer 1863 to 1891. President Taunton National Bank 1891 to date of death. Presented by his wife. 122 Gen. THOMAS LINCOLN. Son of Ambrose Lincoln and his wife, Hannah (Clapp) Lincoln. Born in Taunton, Sept. 4, 1759. Commander of the Bristol county bri- gade in the war of 1812. Died Aug. 15, 1836. Presented by 3/j.ss Harriet A. Newcomb. 123 WILLIAM SEAVER DANFORTH. Son of Allen Danforth and his wife, Lydia (Seaver) Danforth Born Jan. 28, 1832. En- tered Plymoutli Savings Bank under his father, 1860; register of deeds, Plymouth county, 1862, and held the office until his death; president Plymouth Savings Bank; secretarj- of Pilgrim Society thirty-six years; vice president Old Colony Historical Society. Died June 19, 1891. Presented by James Edward Seaver. 16 PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. 124 JOHN SUMMERFIELD BRAYTON, L.L. D. Son of Israel Brayton and his wife, Kesia (Anthony) Brayton. Born in Swanzey Uec. -i, 1826. Graduate of Brown University ISol ; admitted to Suffolk bar 18.58; admitted to Bristol bar; began practice of his profes- sion in Fall River; city solicitor of Fall River 18.54-7; representative 1856; from 1857 to 1864 clerk of the courts; in 1864 entered into partnership with James M. Morton, Esq. ; president First National Bank; president Durfee mills; became financial manager of estate of his sister, Mrs. Young; director of many business enterprises; councilor 1866- 68; trustee of Amherst College; trustee of Brown University; the fourth president of the Old Colony Historical Society. Died Oct. 30, 1904. in Fall River. Presented by John S. and Miss Harriet Brayton. V2b Mrs. JULIA REED EMERY. Daugh- tes of William Reed and his wife, Elizabeth (Dennis) Reed, and wife of Rev. Samuel Hopkins Emery, D.D. Born Sept. 11, 1810; died Feb. 2, 11)01. Presented by her son, Joseph Welch Emery. 126 Col. SILAS PIERCE RICHMOND. Son of Isaac Richmond and his wife, Lucin- da (Pierce) Richmond. Born June 19, 1831. Town clerk and selectman of Freetown; deputy sheriff. He was with John Brown in Kansas in 18.58-9, and was wounded in the battle near Lawrence; captain and adju- tant Mass. militia, and served as such at the battle of Big Bethel June 10, 1861; lieuten- ant-colonel with the army of the Potomac 1862; recruited Sd regiment under oiders from Gov. Andrew 1862; colonel 3d regiment 186:.^; colonel of the 58th Mass. volunteer in- fantry; assistant provost marshal dep't of the South. Presented by himself. 127 JAMES EDWARD SEAVER. Son of Samuel Seaver and his wife, Lepha Miran- da (Hodges) Seaver. Horn July 14, 1840. Secietary and librarian Old Colony Histori- cal Society. Presented by the artist, Ralph Davol. 128 JOHN WEST. Son of David West and his wife, Sarah (Presbrey) West. Born in Boston. Oct. 8, 1770. He engaged in busi- ness in that city as a publisher and book- seller in the firm of West, Richardson and Lord, on Cornhill. Removed to Taunton in 1809, and soon after built a mill for the man- ufacture of paper at Westville, from whom the name of the village was derived, and later bnilt the stone mill for the same pur- pose, which is now (1907) incoi'porated in the present cotton factory. In 1810 he erect- ed the mansion which stood on the site of the present post office, last occupied as a residence by Samuel L. Crocker. Esq. He died in Taunton, Dec. 1, 1827. Presented by his grand-daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Angell West Gould. 129 Hex. CHARLES ANDREW REED. Son of Samuel Reed and his wife, Caroline (Nash) Reed. Born in Weymouth, June 16, 1836. Graduate of Amherst College 1856; principal Hanover Academy 18-58; practiced his profession as a lawyer in Taunton; city solicitor of Taunton for many years: mayor city of Taunton 1895; representative 1881-2; senator 1886; corresponding secretary and director Old Colony Historical Society. Died in Taunton, June, 1900. Presented by Mrs. Frances Eeed Clark and Hon. Silas D. Eeed. Unnumbered. Portrait of ABRAHAM LINCOLN and portrait of DANIEL WEBS- TER. Presented by W. P. Witherell. Unmimbered. Engraving of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Presented by James M. Cushman. BUST OF DANIEL WEBSTER. Born in Salisbury, N. H., Jan. 18, 1782. Graduate of Dartmouth College; admitted to the bar 1805; congress 1813-17; senator 1827-39; sec- retary of state 1840; senator 1845; secretary of state 1850. Died at Marshfield, Oct. 24, 1852. Presented by Elisha C. Leonard. BUST OF SAMUEL SUMNER WILD. Born in Taunton, Feb. 5, 1771. Graduate of Dartmouth College; admitted to the bar 1792; married Eunice, daughter of General David Cobb; justice supreme court of Mass. 1815, in which office he continued for over thirty-five years. His daughter married Hon. Caleb Gushing. Died in Boston, June 22, 1855. Presented by Mrs. S. C. Cobb. 145 The Panel Picture of Taunton Green. The origin of this representation, according to tradition, is this: A painter boarding at the "Porter Inn," then situated on the site of the Mason building, south side of t'ity square, transferred this view of the ''Green" to the panel over the old-fash- ioned fire-place. When this building was removed in 1851 the panel was carefully re- moved and remained for years in the oflice of S. Willian)s, Esq., whose son S. A. Wil- liams donated it to this society. This pic- ture represents the last of the ancient train- ing field of the first settlers of Taunton, surrounded by buildings none of which re- main to-day. A native of Taunton many years ago wrote the following upon Taunton Green: "In former as in recent times it has been the principal arena of chivalric riiilitary dis- play in the town, the amphitheatre whereon the athlete and gladiator have shown their prowess in the peaceful and sportive exer- cise of their skill, — the rostrum upon which have been elevated to the public gaze pat- riots, sages, orators, and reformers; and PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. 17 where even poets with frenzied eye have pierced the sky and hearts of listening mul- titudes with the outpourings of their souls; the warm battle-ground of opposing and nearly equal political foes; where the great interests of peace or war, embargo or no em- bargo, federalism or republicanism, "Adams and liberty," were openly and ardently dis- cussed; where flashing eye, the lip of scorn, the heated breast and angry blow often fol- lowed the tumult of the bosom. The well remembered scene of rejoicing where stood the herald of peace in February 181.5 as pure as untrodden snow beneath her feet, hold- ing the olive branch aloft in the undimmed lunar effulgence. The quick hurrah as rapid and moving as the wild cry of the Cossack, "three times three," and again as parties fraternized or separated under leafy bowers and on the bright lawn, year after year a generation since made glorious the com- memoration of Independence on Taunton Green." 146 Landing of the Norsemen. From the easel of George Anthony Shove, Digh- ton, son of Capt. Anthony Shove and his wife, Abby (Bowen) Shove. Born at New- port, Nov. 8, 1826; died at Dighton, Sept. 28, 1890. Presented by David B. Shove. 147 Cromwell Refusing the Crown — with chart. This historic picture repre- sents a distinguished body of Englishmen, whose likenesses were taken from original portraits, and includes the likeness of Gen. Walley, designated on the chart, the brother of the wife of Rev. William Hooke, the first minister of Taunton. Presented by Governor Joseph Hartwell Williams, Maine. 148 St. Mary Magdelen Church, Taun- ton, England. Built prior to 1308. It is one of the most magnificent and largest of parish churches, having a nave, a chancel, and fine lofty tower at the west end. The tower was erected by King Henry VII; the height 120 feet; the pinnacles 32 feet; total 153 feet. It has six deep-toned bells with chimes. Organ built 1709. Presented by His Worship, Hon. Williain W. Wrenn, Mayor of Taunton, England. 149 The Birth-place of Elizabeth Pole, Chard, England, in 1589. In 1637 a planta- tion was made by her at Tetequet, now a pa\"t of Taunton. Dux femini facti upon our city seal renders recognition of her settle- ment. Presented by James Edward Seaver. St. Thomas Church, Taunton. Designed by Upjohn of New York, who designed St. Thomas on Fifth ave., New York. Stood upon site of present church, consecrated 1829; enlarged 1840-41; removed for present church J 856. Presented by Miss Muencher. New Bedford Fifty Years Ago. Presented by Elisha Clark Leonard. Headquarters Jesse Smith's Stage- coach Lines, Trinitarian church and ad- joining Ijuildings in 1835. His office as de- picted in the picture stood upon the site of the present City hotel. Presented by Mrs. N. E. Baylies. Cohannet Tavern and Porter Inn. Two ancient places of entertainment of Taunton, formerly standing on site now oc- cupied by Mason block, west corner of Weir street. The former became the "Middling Interest" tavern at the beginning of the last century. The panel painting of Taunton Green in Historical Hall came from over the fire-place in the Porter inn. Presented by Middling Interest Tavern. (See fore- going.) ' Presented by Bowers TUoocZ. Knotty Walk. Early lesidences of Gov. Marcus Morton and Judge Samuel Fales. This locality derived the name of Knotty Walk from a row of cedar posts, bristling with short limbs, on a platform supporting a roof, in front of these buildings, placed there by Joseph C. Brigham. when he com- menced business in 1832, and from which he displayed his small wares. Presented by Hellon — Leonard loyalist — Padelford patriot House. Built in 1757 by Radcliffe Hellon. Occupied by Daniel Leonard, loyal- ist, in 1775; by Judge Seth Padelford in 1815; demolished in 1889 for site of present court house; the door frame is in the base- ment of Histoi'ical Hall. Presented by Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb. Crocker-Cobb Mansion. Built in 1820. Demolished for site of present court house. Presented by G. Arthur Hilton. Taunton Green. Two views of the Green from the south and southwest, about 1840. Published by Tappen and Bradford, Boston. Presented by Miss Caroline W. Crandell. Craddock House. Located in Medfoid ; built 1634; oldest house in America. Presented by Parley I. Perrin. The First Congregational (Unitarian) Church, Taunton. Built 1836. Presented by Bristol County Bank Building, before recent alterations. Presented by the Directors. IS PORTRAITS AND PICTURES. Photographs of Home of John and Walter Deane, Chard, Eiifrland, first set- tlers of Taunton, 1638; of the church and school house which they attended. Presented by Mrs. Elizabeth B. Ramsey. The Perils of Our Forefathers. This scene depicts the appearance of the reo;icide Golf at Hadleyand the defeat of the Indians in 1675. Goft" was son-in-law of Walley, another regicide, and Walley was the broth- er of the wife of Rev. William Hooke, first minister of Taunton. Presented by W. P. Wetherell. Gen. Marion in the S^vamp Encamp- ment, invitinff the British officer to dinner. Presented by W. P. Wetherell. Myles Standish on the March. The first military company of the Old Colony, 1621. Presented by J. E. Collett. Yankee Doodle. From the historic painting by Willard, at Salem. OBJECTS OF INTEREST. Silver Loving Cup. Brought from Eng- land in the '-Fortune," by George Watson of Plymouth and Taunton, from whom Wat- son's pond derived its name. Presented by Elkanah Hall, a descendant. Gold "Watch. Once owned by Mrs. Brig- ham (No. 51), daughter of Gen. Thomas Lincoln. Presented by Mrs. Augusta A. Preist. Medals. Fac-slmiles in metal of medals presented by Congress to the officers of the war of the JRevolution and war of 1812-14; once the property of Jared Sparks, author of the Life of Washington. Presented by Mrs. Harriet M. Clemson. "Watch Key. Nathaniel Morton's watch key, with date, Dec. 5, 1776, (a graduate of Brown University and a member of Phi Beta Kajipa society,) and P. B. K. engraved upon it. He was the father of Gov. Marcus Morton. Presented by Mrs. Kimball. Coins. Collected by M. D. Kimball, Boston. Presented by Mrs. Kimball. Medallion Portrait of Mrs. Experience Leonard, daughter of Col. George Leonard, and wife of Lieut -Gov. Perez Bowen of Rhode Island. She was known as "Peddy Bowen." Died 1850, aged 89 years. Presented by Medallion Portrait of Mrs. Rebecca (Dennis) Padelford, wife of Judge Seth Padelford. Presented by Miss Anna D. Heed. Confederate Money, 1861-65. Three- dollar bill and two one-dollar bills. Presented by Mrs. G. H. (Daggett) Sheffield. One thousand dollar bond. Presented by E. Henry Hall. Five-dollar bill. Presented by Frederick Eayers. State Bills — One three-dollar bill and one- dollar counterfeit. Presented by George A. King. Mahogany Tabourette, carved with tiger's head and fieur-de-lis. Le(mard coat of arms. Presented by Miss Caroline A. Sherman. Ancient Mirror. This mirror hung up- on the wall of the Hancock House in Lex- ington, April 19, 1775, where Adams and Hancock were sleeping when awakened by Paul Revere. It was the property of Mary Hawkes, widow of Samuel Thaxter, and the wife of Rev. John Hancock, minister of Lexington from Nov. 2, 1698, to his death, Dec. 6. 1752. They were the parents of Gov. John Hancock. Presented by Mrs. Job M. Godfrey. Mahogany Desk. Once owned by Lieut. Col. Henry Jackson, commanding 16th regi- ment Massachusetts line in the war of the Revolution; was presented by him to Gen. David Cobb, formerly an officer in his regi- ment; descended to his grandson, Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb, who in his will de- vised it to the Old Colony Historical Society. Maple Desk. Of the household effects of Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D. Born Sept. 17, 1721; died at Newport, Dec. 20, 1808. He was the hero of Mrs. H. B. Stowe's "Minis- ter's Wooing." Presented by Bev. Samuel Hopkins Emery, D. I). Ancient Chest of Dra-wers. Presented by Mrs. Betsey Harvey (Eeed) Briggs. OBJECTS OF INTEREST. 19 Ancient Maple Writing Desk. P}-esented by Harmon Pierce. Chair Table. Presented by Bev. Samuel Hopkins Emery, D. D. Altar Railing and Pulpit Ornaments. Formerly a part of St. Mary Macrdalen church, Taunton. England (No. 141). Presented by Edward Lebault, Taunton, England. Hexagon Table. Used by Nathaniel Morton, first president of the Old Colony Historical Society, in his profession, 1850. Presented by Marcus M. Rhodes. Draft-Box. Used by the provost-maishal of Taunton in the Civil war, from which the numbers were taken indicatinoj the person to serve as a soldier in the quota demanded of the town. Presented by Ezra Davol. Sign of Hodijah Baylies, Collector of the port of Diohton, 1784-180.5. Presented by Mrs. N. E. Baylies. Ancient Tavern Sign. Hung in front of the Burt tavern, Berkley. Presented by William Babbitt. Window Shutter. The window shutter of a window in the house of the loyalist Daniel Leonai'd, through which the passage of the bullets may be seen fired by some of the patriots excited by his recreancy. Presented by Hon. Samtiel Crocker Cobb. Military Equipments : — Sword and Uniform Coat worn by Gen. David Cobb. Presented by Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb. Sword, Sash, Belt and Shoulder Straps worn by Gen. Ebenezer W. Pierce in the Civil war. Presented by himself. Sword, Chapeau and Epaulets worn by Lieut.-Col. Philip Hathaway. Presented by Mrs. C. M. Hathaioay. Sword, Belt, Uniform Coat and Cap worn by Ensign Hosea E. Tinkham, Freetown, in liie Civil war. Bequest in will. Sword wornbyCapt. William M. Hale, 7th and 37th Mass. Vol. Infantry. Loaned by Miss Lillian B. Pizer. Sword, Belt and Sash worn by Capt. 0th- niel Gilmore, 7th Mass. Vol. Infantry. Presented by his mother, Mrs. Mary H. Gilmore. Sword worn by 1st Lieutenant Augustus Crocker, adjutant 4th reg't Mass. militia. Sword of Brigade Major William Seaver, Bristol County brigade, war of Revolution. Presented by James Edward Seaver. Sword, Shoulder Straps and Cap worn by James Edward Seaver at the charge of Marye's Heights, May 3, 1863; Co. F, 7th Mass. Vol. Infantry. Presented by himself. Sword worn by Captain Joseph Davis at Bunker Hill, under Putnam. Presented by his grandson, William Davis. Ancient Hunting Sword. Presented by Mrs. Charles H. Lincoln. Pepper-box, Pistol. Pistol of the Mexican War. Stack of Arms, comprising flint-lock mus- kets used in the French and Indian and Revolutionary wars. Presented by JV. A. Cushman and Herman Pierce. Drum used by Allen K. Bassett, 4th Mass. regiment, in the Civil war; The fife of Stephen Austin. Presented by Mrs. Rand. Uniform Coat of the British army, worn by a drummer boy in 1777, at Newport, R.I. ; found after the evacuation by the British. Presented by Capt. George A. Washburn. Liberty Cap and Coat worn by Tobias Gil- more (see "Old Toby,'' following). Sioux Indian's Hood. Found after the massacre in Minnesota in 18(51. Presented by Mrs. Peckham. Uniform, Chapeau, Epaulets and Spurs worn by Governor Marcus Morton at his in- auguration, 1840. Presented by his daughter, Mrs. Kimball. Sword Knot, of sword of Brig.-General George Godfrey, commanding Bristol Coun- ty brigade in the war of the Revolution. Presented by Edgar H. Reed. Buttons from uniform coat worn by Bri- gade-Major William Seaver in the war of the Revolution. Presented by James Edward Seaver. Stone Jug carried by Lemuel Morton at the seige of Quebec, holding soldier's allow- ance of rum. Presented by James M. Cushman. Pistol carried by James M. Cushman, Co. G., 4th Mass. militia, at battle of Big Bethel. Presented by himself. Plate from Flag-staff, 33d regiment Mass. Vol. Infantry. Presented by Col. Elisha Boane. French Cockade worn in the French Revo- lution by Claude Musee, also his corres- pondence in French, when at Belle Isle, France. Found at Richmond, Va., in the Civil war. Presented by Dr. L. Vernon Briggs. 20 OBJECTS OF INTEREST. Badfje woi-n by John Ordronaux, in Lon- don, July 4th, 1861, at a gathering of loyal Union men. Presented by himself. Cartridge Box and Cartridges, with pow- der, from the war of the Eevolution. Cutlass and Cannon Balls taken from Taun- ton river by Staples & Phillips while diedg- iiig the river near the bridge, Oct. 3, 1881. Presented by Staples & Phillips. Union Jack of England. Presented by George H. Kite, Town Clerk, Taunton, England. Flag of Co. G, 4th Mass. militia, presented to the company by Mrs. Amelia S. (Baylies) Southgate, May 28, 18.56. , The flag was jjre- sented to the society by members of the company; the case by Captain George A. Washburn. A piece of "Old Glory" and of the Massa- chusetts state flag, carried by the 7th Mass. Vol. Infantry when mustered out, and now deposited at the State House, Boston. Taken from the original. Presented by James Edward Seaver. Old Toby. The cannon in front of 'His- torical Hall was owned by Tobias Gilmore, whose native name was Sliilbodee Turry- ^Verry, the son of an African chief. Sold at auction on the slave-block at Newport, by Capt. John Gilmore, he was brought to the home of his master. During the war of the Revolution he offered to go into the ser- vice in place of his master in exchange for his freedom. His service is recorded in the Mass. state archives. Under General David Cobb he entered the military family of Washington as a servant, and on his dis- charge this cannon was given him for his faithful services. In after years, on the 4th of July, he would bring this cannon to Taunton Green and fire it, once for each of the thirteen states, and once more for "Marsa Washington." Indian Tomahawks, Arrow Heads and Stone Implements. This collection of In- dian implements of war and peace were all gathered from the ground in the Old Colony, and were made and used by the Wampanoag Indians. Presented by Capt. Giles L. Leach, Joseph Dunbar, Henry S. Hart, Marshall B. Baker and John H. Eddy. Stone Mortar. The stone mortar in front of Historical Hall was used by the Indians for beating corn into meal by a stone pestle. It was brought from Tiverton, and found near the wigwam of Weetamoe, the squaw- sachem of the Pocasset Indians, whose head in 1676, being severed from her body, was placed on a pike-staff on Taunton Green. Head-stone of Grave. This head-stone marked the grave of Edward Babbitt, who was killed by the Indians June, 1675, when on his way from his home near the present Berkley bridge to the garrison house in Taunton. Head-stone of Indian Grave. This head-stone marked the grave of a praying Indian, so called, having been converted to Christianity. The inscription is believed to have been written by Rev. Samuel Danforth in 1688. Dighton Writing Rock. Situated in Berkley, Mass., on the east bank of Taunton Great river, is, next to Plymouth rock, one of the best known landmarks in America. Its inscriptions up to within a few years have always been thought to have been made by Norsemen, but on the authority of John Fiske of Harvard University, and oth- ers, it is now believed the characters were drawn by Algonquin Indians. Presented to the Old Colony Historical Society by deed by the Royal Society Northern Antiquarians of Copenha- gen, January 30, 1889. Stone Cherub. The stone cherub in His- torical Hall was once a part of the ancient tower of St. Mary Magdelen church, Taun- ton, England. This church was endowed and built in 1308. It has received since sev- eral additions as well as a new tower. An early description of the church states, "that the middle aisle of the church had on each side seven pillars, the capitals, if they may be so called, ai-e formed of cherubs. In one of the modern additions this cherub was re- moved from its ancient place." Presented by Edward Tebault, Taunton, England. Canes : — Rev. John Pipon's cane. Presented by John Seaver Sampson. Gen. David Cobb's cane. Presented by Hon. Samuel C. Cobb. Rev. S. H. Emery's cane, made from wood of the old Spring street meeting house. Presented by Dr. Emery . Jesse B. Smith's cane. Pocket-books : Nathaniel Morton's pocket-book, and Gov- ernor Marcus Morton's pocket-book. Presented by Mrs. Kimball. William Baylies' pocket-book. Presented by John Ordronaux. Miscellaneous : — Brick from Libby prison. Presented by R. Henry Hall. Saddle-bags. Presented by 3L-s. Babbitt. OBJECTS OF INTEREST. 21 Piece of Iron Cable from the battleship "Maine," destroyed in Havana harbor. Presented by Charles F. Johnson. Piece of the Bi'itish frigate "Somerset," wrecked off Cape Cod 1776. Presented by Miss Mary Eldridge. Piece of same. Presented by N. A, Cushman. Ancient Pitch-pipe. Presented by J. F. Montyomery. Spoon, moulded from mould once owned by Pereg;rine White. Presented by L. A. Littlefield. Ink-horn, used l)y Rev. Simeon Doo;