>• ^s- * o » o ' A A V'^^ ^,'...-0^^ \-^!^\^^ ^.'-.^-^o^"^ \ ^°.-^"*/ V-^^**'' V^^''/ V-^^ J c ■ JOi'.L P.ARLOW. I'Voin a family portrait, never l)of()ro eiipfravccl. THE HISTORY OF REDDING CONNECTICUT FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIMI^, WITH NOTES ON THE Adams, Banks, Barlow, Bartlett, Bartram, Bates, Beach, Benedict, Betts, Burr, Burritt, Burton, Chatfield, Couch, Darling, Fairchild, Foster, Gold, Gorham, Gray, Griffin, Hall, Hawley, Heron, Hill, Hull, Jackson, Lee, Lyon, Lord, Mallory, Meade, Meeker, Merchant, Morehouse, Perry, Piatt, Read, Rogers, Rumsey, Sanford, Smith, Stow, and Strong families By CHARLES BURR TODD Author of *' Story of the City of New York," ''Life of Aaron Burr," In Olde Connecticut," Etc. m ^ m ^ W, THE GRAFTON PRESS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK LIBRARYof CONGRESS One Ooiif/ Keceived JAti 21 1307 y* CjpyrtKlit Entry , CLASS 4 AXc. No, COPYRIGHT 1906 BY :harles burr todd. Printed for the Author by the Newburgh Journal Company. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. AN interest is attached to the place of one's birth which change of scene rather enhances than removes, and which increases rather than diminishes in intensity as one approaches the later stages of life; this home feeling has been largely instrumental in the production of this work, and to it is due nearly everything of interest or value that the book posses- ses. A history of Redding has been long contemplated by the author as a service due his native town, and as long shrunk from because of the labor, the expense, and the difficulty of its compilation. Whether well or illy done, it is now completed, and goes out to the somewhat limited public for whom it was written. The materials for the work have been drawn largely from the ancient records of the town and parish, from the records of the colony, and from the files of musty papers in the State Library at Hartford. Tradition and oral information have not been neglected, and every reasonable effort has been made to render the work as far as possible a thorough and reliable history of the town. That errors and discrepancies will be found, is to be expected ; but it is not believed that they are sufficiently numerous or important to destroy its historical value. In the preparation of the book the compiler has aimed to preserve the character of a local historian, and has confined himself chiefly to the narration of local facts and incidents. In harmony with this principle, an extended biography of Joel Barlow, at first intended for this work, has been excluded. The sketch of the poet so grew on the author's hands, that it was found it would make a volume by itself, and contained so much of general interest and detail that it could not be made to harmonize with the local character of this work. A con- cise sketch of the poet's life, however, and the original portrait from Ful- ton's oil-painting, that formed the frontispiece of the Columbiad, are in- cluded in its pages. The compiler has not aimed at making a large book ; many facts in few words is what a busy age demands of the historian, and in deference to this demand only such matter as was of real value and interest has been admitted. The church histories and the genealogical notes are, perhaps, the most important, if not the most interesting, portions of the work. It would have added to the value of the ecclesiastical history, no doubt, if it had been prepared by the pastors of the different churches represented; but, with one exception, these had so recently assumed the care of their IV PREFACE. charges, that they did not feel at liberty to undertake it, and the task fell to the lot of the compiler. If this department is not what it might have been, the cause may be found in the disadvantages which a layman must labor under in attempting to write ecclesiastical history. The Rev. Mr. VVelton, rector of Christ Church, very kindly consented to prepare the history of that church, and his paper will be read with interest by our citizens. In preparing the notes on the early families pf the town, it was the writer's intention at first to make them much more complete and exten- sive. But the little interest in the matter manifested by the families con- cerned, and the great labor and expense involved in compiling any thing like a complete history of the thirty or forty families mentioned, led him to abridge the work, and to give the matter in the form of notes taken chiefly from the town and parish records. The fact that the record of some families is given more fully than that of others, is not owing to any partiality on the author's part, but to the fact that these families interested themselves enough in the matter to furnish the data called for. By reference to the title-page it will be seen that the modern method of spelling the name of the town — Redding — is adopted rather than the ancient — Reading. Legally, no such town as Reading exists in Connecti- cut, since, both in the act of incorporation and on the probate seal, the name is spelled Redding; and inquiry elicits the fact that the majority of the citizens prefer the latter method of spelling. It is the opinion of the writer, however, that the original name of the town was Reading, and that if historical precedents are to be followed it should be so named now. In all old documents among the State archives, and in the ancient records of Fairfield (where the name first occurs), the orthography is Reading. In the town and society records it is spelled either Redding or Reding, rarely Reading. Rev. Moses Hill, a gentleman well versed in the an- tiquities of the town, informs me that at the time of its incorporation, in 1767, a meeting was held, at which it was voted that the name of the new town should be Redding ; and the fact that in the original bill incorporat- ing it the name Reading has been crossed out and that of Redding sub- stituted, would seem to point to some such action on the part of the town. I find no entry of any such action, however, in the town records. The books consulted in the preparation of the volume have been Bar- ber's " Historical Collections of Connecticut," Hollister's " History of Connecticut," DeForest's " Indians of Connecticut," Teller's " History of Ridgefield," the Congregational Year-Book, and Stevens' "History of Methodism." The author's thanks are due Mr. Lemuel Sanford, our efficient town clerk, for ready access to the town records, and for many valuable hints and suggestions ; also to Messrs. Thomas Sanford, William E. Duncomb, Daniel Sanford, David S. Bartram, James Sanford, and PREFACE. V David H. Miller, for efficient aid in the preparation of the work. He is also indebted to Rev. Moses Hill, of Norwalk, for data of the Hill and Barlow families ; and to Mr. A. B. Hull, of Danbury, for many papers and documents relating to the history of the town. C. B. T. Redding, March i, 1880. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. Many things happen in the space of twenty-six years, even in a coun- try town. During that period in Redding, Putnam Memorial Camp has been established by the State. There have been brought to light stores of Revolutionary data unknown in 1880, which the author was in a position to avail himself of, and which it seemed a duty to make public. There was also a store of genealogical information in the town and parish records not printed in the earlier edition. Then the beauty and salubrity of the old town has been discovered by residents of neighboring cities who have come, and without doubt will continue to come in ever increas- ing numbers, to make their summer homes in its borders, and to whom a history of the town will be interesting.. These and other considerations have induced the author to issue this second edition, which he trusts will meet with as hearty a welcome as was accorded that of 1880. C. B. T. Redding, November i, 1906, CONTENTS. ♦ « » CHAP, PAGB I. Preliminary Settlement i II. Redding As a Parish 15 III. Town History 21 IV. Revolutionary History And Incidents 29 V. Putnam Camp Ground 45 VI. Gen. Parsons And William Heron 58 VII. Men of Redding in The Army of The Revolution 63 VIII. The Redding "Associations" And The Loyalists 75 IX. The Congregational Church 17 29-1906 83 X. Christ Church 93 XI. Methodist Episcopal Church 106 XII. The Baptist Church in Georgetown 117 XIII. The Methodist Protestant Church in Georgetown ( Now The Congregational) 120 XIV. History of Schools 122 XV. Manufactures 125 XVI. The Gilbert-Bennett Manufacturing Company 128 XVII. Miscellaneous i^o XVIII Redding in The Civil War i jg XIX. Biographical 146 XX. The Summer Colony 181 XXI. The Literary Colony 183 XXII. The Redding Institute i3y XXIII Parish Register of The Congregational Church 193 XXIV. The Early Families of Redding 222 Appendix i. Representatives in The Legislature 283 PHYSICAL HISTORY. " Reading, 6o miles south-west of Hartford, about 5 miles long by 61-2 wide, with an area of 32 square miles. The Saugatuck River crosses it through the middle, north and south ; and the Norwalk River is in the west part. The forest trees are oak, nut trees, etc. Population in 1830, 1686." — United States Gazetteer, 1833. " Like many of the New England villages, it is scattered, and beauti- fully shaded with elms, maples, and sycamores." — Lossing, Field-Book of the Revolution. " The geological character of the town, as throughout Western Con- necticut is metamorphic. Granite and porphyritic rocks, and especially micaceous schists, predominate. The minerals are such as are familiar in such rocks — hornblende, garnet, kyanite, tremolite, etc. In the western part of the town are deposits of magnesian limestone (or dolomite), much of which is quite pure, though some of it contains tremolite and other impurities. The other mineral features of the town are not specially note- worthy, or of general interest. The soil is probably, in the main, the re- sult of the disintegration of the underlying rocks." — Notes of Rev. John Dickinson. HISTORY OF REDDING. CHAPTER I. Preliminary Settlement. The history of the early settlement of Redding differs radically from that of any of the neighboring towns. A new settlement was generally formed by a company of men, who purchased of the Indians a tract of I land in the wilderness, had it secured to them by a charter from the Gen- eral Assembly, and also surveyed and regularly laid out, and then re- moved to it with their wives and families. Danbury, Newtown and Ridge- field were settled in this manner ; but Redding at the time of its first set- tlement was a part of the town of Fairfield, and so continued for nearly forty years — a fact which makes it much more difficult to collect the frag- ments of its early history and to accurately define its original metes and bounds. Fairfield formerly extended to the cross highway leading from the Centre to Redding Ridge, and the entire southerly portion of Redding was given by that town on the erection of the former into a parish in 1729. This portion of Redding was probably surveyed as early as 1640, being included in the purchase made by the proprietors of Fairfield in 1639. Between Fairfield north bounds and the towns of Ridgefield, Dan- bury and Newtown, was an oblong tract of unoccupied land, whose bounds were about the same as those that now exist between Redding and the towns above named ; this tract was variously called, in the early records, the '' oblong," the " peculiar," and the " common lands." It was claimed by a petty tribe of Indians, whose fortified village was on the high ridge a short distance south-west of the present residence of Mr. John Read. This tribe consisted of disaffected members of the Potatucks of New- town, and the Paugussetts of Milford, with a few stragglers from the Mohawks on the west. Their chief was Chickens Warrups, or Sam Mohawk, as he was some- times called. President Stiles says in his " Itinerary " that he was a Mohawk sagamore, or under-chief, who fled from his tribe and settled first at Greenfield Hill, but having killed an Indian there he was again obliged to flee, and then settled in Redding. All the Indian deeds to the early settlers were given by Chickens, and Naseco. who seems to have been a sort of sub-chief. The chief, Chickens, figures quite prominently in the early history of Redding ; he seems to have been a strange mixture 2 HISTORY OF REDDING. of Indian shrewdness, rescality, and cunning-, and was in continual diffi- culty with the settlers concerning the deeds which he gave them. In 1720 he was suspected by the colonists of an attempt to bring the Mohawks and other western tribes down upon them, as is proved by the following curious extract from the records of a meeting of the governor and council held at New Haven, September 15th, 1720: ■' It having been represented to this board that an Indian living near Danbury, called Chickens, has lately received two belts of wampumpeag from certain remote Indians — as it is said, to the west of Hudson River — with a message expressing their desire to come and live in this colony, which said messenger is to be conducted by aforesaid Chickens to the In- dians at Potatuck, and Wiantenuck, and Poquannuck, in order to obtain their consent for their coming and inhabiting among them ; and that here- upon our frontier towns are under considerable apprehensions of danger from Indians, fearing that the belts have been sent on some bad design : " It is Rcsohrd, That Captain John Sherman, of Woodbury, and Major John Burr, of Fairfield, taking with them Thomas Minor, of Woodbury, or such other interpreter as they shall judge meet, do repair immediately to said Indians at Potatuck and Wiantenuck. and cause the said Chickens, to whom the belts and messengers were sent, to attend them, and to make the best inquiry they can into the truth of said story, and what may be the danger of said message, and as they shall see cause, take proper order that the said Indian with the belts, and the principal or chief of the Potatuck and Wiantenuck Indians, attend the General Court at its next session, to receive such orders as may be useful to direct them in their behavior in relation thereunto; and that -Major Burr return home by way of Danbury, that the inhabitants there and in those western parts may be quieted as to their apprehensions of danger from the In- dians, if upon inquiry they find there is no just ground for them." The first deed or grant of land in the ''oblong'' within my knowledge was given to Mr. Cyprian Nichols in 1687. This grant, in Secretary Wylly's handwriting, reads as follows : "At a General Court held at Hartford, October 13, 1687. " This Court grants I\Ir. Cyprian Nichols two hundred acres of land where he can find it, provided he take it up where it may not prejudice any former grant to any particular person or plantation ; and the sur- veyors of the next plantation are hereby appointed to lay out the same, he paying for it. Caleb Stanley." Captain Nichols "took up" his grant in that part of the "oblong" which is now Lonetown, as is shown by the following document : HISTORY OF REDDING. 1 j March i, a. d. 17 ii. j '■ Then laid out ye Grant of two hundred acres of land granted by ye j General Court to Capt. Cyprian Nichols, Oct. 13, 1687, as follows, viz., beginning" at a great Chestnut tree marked on ye south and west side, and J. R. set upon it, standing at ye south end of Woolf Ridge, a little below Danbury bounds, thence running west one hundred rods to a Walnut tree marked on two sides, then running south one mile to a red oak tree marked, then running east one hundred rods to a black oak tree marked, then running north one mile to the Chestnut tree first mentioned. An heap of stones lying at ye root of each of ye trees. We say then thus laid out by us, Thomas Hoyt, Daniel Taylor, Surveyors of ye Town of Danbury. " Entered in ye public books of Entrys for Surveys of Land, folio 14, per Hezekiah Wyllys, Secretary, March 21, 1711." The next two grants in this tract of which we have any record were made, the first. May 7th, 1700, to Mr. Daniel Hilton, and the second October loth, 1706, to Mr. Richard Hubbell. They were laid out nearly at the same time, and side by side, with the preceding grant, as follows : "March 3rd, a. d. 1711. " Then laid out ye Grant of two hundred acres of land made by ye General Court to Mr. Daniel Hilton, May 7, 1700, and ye Grant of one hundred acres, granted October loth, 1706, by ye General Court to Mr. Richard Hubbell, all in one piece as followeth, viz., Beginning at a Wal- nut tree marked, and J. R. upon it, standing a little way North East from ye Hog Ridge, between Danbury and Fairfield, thence running two hun- dred and eighty rods northerly to a Red Oak tree marked, on ye West side of Stadly Ridge, thence running easterly one hundred and eighty- four rods to the Little River at two Elm Staddles and a Red Oak, mark- ed, thence running Southerly, west of ye river, and bounded upon it, two hundred and eighty rods to a bitter Walnut tree, marked, thence running one hundred and sixty rods westerly to the Walnut tree first mentioned, thus and then laid out by us, Thomas Hoyt, Daniel Taylor, Surveyors of the Tozvn of Danbury." These grants were purchased, probably before they were laid out, by Mr. John Read, one of the earliest actual settlers of Redding. Mr. Read was a gentleman of education, and later became an eminent lawyer in A HISTORY OF REDDING. Boston. He was withal something of a wag, as is proven by an Indian deed given him about this time, which he drew up, and which was — what rarely happens — a humorous as well as a legal production.* It reads as follows : " Know all men by these crooked Scrawls & Seals, yt. we Chickens, alias Sam Mohawk, & Naseco, do solemnly declare yt. we are owners of yt. tract of land called Lonetown, fenced round between Danbury and Fairfield, and Jno. Read, Govr. & Commander in Chief there of, & of the Dominions yr-upon depending, desiring to please us, having plied the foot, and given us three pounds in money, & promised us an house next autumn. In consideration yr'of, we do hereby give and grant to him and his heirs the farm above mentioned, corn appertaining, & further of our free will — motion & soverain pleasure make ye land a manour, In- dowing ye land with ye privileges yr of, and create the sd. John Read, Lord Justice and Soverain Pontiff of the same to him and his heirs for- ever: Witness our crooked marks and borrowed Seals, this seventh day of May, Anno Regni, Anno Dei, Gratia Magna Brittannia, and Regina Decimo Tertio, Anno Dom'r, 1714. Chickens, alias „ Sam Mohawk, , mark. his Naseco X mark. Sealed and delivered in presence of his WiNHAM, X mark. his LlACUS, ? crook. Nathan Gold. her Martha Harney, X mark. "The above mentioned Chickens & Naseco — personally appeared & acknowledged ye above Instrument yr free act and chearful deed in Fair- field, ye 7th of May, 1714, before me, N. Gold, Dcpt. Govr." * For this paper and several others that follow, I am indebted to Mr. George Read, of Redding, a lineal descendant of Colonel Read. HISTORY OF REDDING. 5 About 1723 Captain Samuel Couch of Fairfield appears as a large indholder in Redding, and his operations there seem to have caused the sttlers no little uneasiness. The General Court of 1712 had ordered lat all the lands lying between Danbury and Fairfield, not taken up by Ctual settlers, should be sold in Fairfield at public vendue. The land, ovvever, was not sold until the August of 1722, when it was bid off by Captain Couch for himself and Nathan Gold, Esq. No notice of the endue was given to the settlers at Redding, and when news of the sale ached them they became very much excited and indignant, and Mr. lead at once drew up the following protest and petition, which was signed y the farmers and presented to the next General Court at New Haven. jt is noteworthy from the fact that the Quaker system of dates is used. "At a General Court held at New Haven, 8th, loth, 1723. To the Honor'ble the General Court: " John Read in behalf of himself and the rest of the farmers or pro- irietors of farms between Danbury and Fairfield, humbly sheweth, " That the Hon'ble Nathan Gold, Esq., late deceased, and Peter Burr, Lsq., as Agents for ye Colony, held a Vandue lately at Fairfield about 'e time of ye Superior Courts sitting yr in August last, and sold to Capt. samuel Couch, who bid for himself and for s'd Nathan Gold, Esq., all ye and between Fairfield and Danbury not before disposed of for the sum )f . Yr humble pet'rs conceive the same ought not to be •atified : because ye same was done so unexpectedly, and without sufiicient lotice, none of us most nearly concerned knew any thing of it : if ye order )f ye General Court had been freshly passed, ye less notice was need full, Dut lying ten or twelve years, sufficient notice was not given, and well bonsidered it cant be good. The inconveniences are intolerable ; the place IS now growing to be a village apace. Ye lands purchased are but ye i over and over for farms. " The remaining Scraps will be a very lean and scanty allowance for 1 comon, and (are) absolutely necessary to accommodate the place with iliways, and some strips left on purpose for ye use and ye surveying of the farms — Several farms interfere through mistakes and such interfers must be supplied elsewhere ; now in such circumstances it was never the aard fate of any poor place to have ye shady Rock at their door, and ye [)ath out of town or about town sold away from them by ye General Court, therefore, humbly praying ye Hon'ble Court to grant ye same to ye proprietors of farms there in proportion for a common and hiways, or if phe same seem too much, since some persons have bid a sum for our hiways we pray to buy them at first hands, and will pay this Hon'ble Court for the same as much as ye Court shall sett upon, and remain your lienor's most obedient servants. " Jno. Read." 6 HISTORY OF REDDING. When tlie matter came before the Court, Mr. Read produced several witnesses to show that the vendue was conducted in an unseemly and illegal manner; among them Mr. Jonathan Sturges, who deposed as fol- lows : " Some of the Company began to bid for s'd land, and some of the Compaiiy tlesired that Mr. Stone who was there present, would pull out his watcii and that the time for bidding should be but ten minutes, and the watch was laid down on the table ; for a little time the people bid but slow- ly ; but when they perceived the ten minutes to be near out, they began to bid very briskly, and when it come to the last minute, the people bid more quickly, and at the last they bid so quick after one another that it was hard to distinguish whose bid it was ; at the very minute the tenth minute ended ; but I, standing near the watch, spoke and said, 'the time is out, and it's Capt. Couch's bid,' but I am certain Thomas Hill bid twenty shillings more.' " Air. Read did not succeed in his attempt to have the sale set aside, and the lands were adjudged to the purchasers. Captain Couch seems to have disposed of an interest in a part of his purchase to Thomas Nash, of Fairfield, and in 1723. the two received a joint patent for the same; this patent is a curious and valuable document and is given entire : " Whereas, the Governor and Company of the English Colony of Connecticut, in General Court assembled at Hartford, the 8th day of May, Anno Domini 1712, did order and enact that all those lands (lying with- in the said Colony) between Danbury on the north, and the towns of Fairfield and Norwalk on the south, should be sold at Public Vendue, and by said act did fully authorize and empower the llon'ble Nathan Gold and Peter Burr, Esq., both of the town of Fairfield aforesaid, to make sale and dispose of the s'd same lands accordingly, and whereas the s'd Nathan Gold and Peter Burr in pursuance and by force and virtue of the aforesaid act, did by their deed in writing, executed in due form bearing date this first day of May, Anno Domini, 1723, for a valuable sum of money paid by Samuel Couch and Tliomas Nash, both of the town afores'd, Grant, sell, and convey unto them the s'd Samuel Couch and Thomas Nash, one hundred acres of s'd land bounded and butted as fol- lows, that is to say, lying within six rods of the north bounds line of the townships afores'd, and on both sides of the road that leads from Nor- walk to Danbury, and lying the whole length of the one hundred acres formerly laid out to s'd Thomas Nash and bounded westerly by the s'd Thomas Nash, and from the north east corner of s'd Nash, his bound be- ing a black oak stump, that stands on the land, and a small box wood tree, marked in course, running northerly, sixty-eight degrees, eastwardly thirty two rods to a white oak staddle, thence South forty three degrees HISTORY OF KI:DDING. 7 and thirty minutes, eastwardly fifty rods to a rock, and stone on the same, that stands on the eastward side of a brook that runs by the southerly end ! of Umpawaug Hill, between the s'd brook and Danbury road, and from s'd Rock to run North sixty eight degrees, Eastwardly eighty six rods to a mass of stones, then South twenty-two degrees, Eastwardly, one hun- dred and thirteen rods to a white oak sappling. marked, standing on the 1 aforementioned North bounds line of Fairfield, then by s'd line one hun- dred and forty rods up to the South East corner of s'd Nash, his one hundred acres, Danbury road being allowed in above measure of six rods wide, and the hiway by the Township's line of six rods wide, and whereas the s'd Samuel Couch, and Thomas Nash, have humbly desired that they may have a particular grant of s'd Governor and Company made (by Patent) imto them, their heirs and assigns for the same land bounded, butted and described, under the seal of the s'd Colony, know ye therefore, that the Go^'ernor and Company of the s'd Colony, in pursuance, and by virtue of the powers granted unto them by our late Sovereign Lord, King Charles the Second of blessed memoiy, in, and by his Alajestie's letters patent under the great seal of England bearing date the three and twen- tieth day of April, in the fourteenth year of his s'd Majestie's Reign, have given and granted, and by these presents, for them their heirs and suc- cessors do give, grant, ratifie, and confirm unto them the s'd Samuel Couch and Thomas Nash, their heirs and assigns forever, all the s'd piece or parcell of land containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, butted and bounded as afores'd, and all and singular, the woods, timber, under woods, lands, waters, brooks, ponds, fishings, fowlings, mines, minerals and precious stones, upon or within the s'd piece or parcell of land, or every or any part thereof. To have and to hold the as afores'd, and all and singular, the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances of the same, and the reversion or reversions, remainder or remainders, — profits, privileges whatsoever, of and in the s'd piece or parcell of land or ever)'- or any part thereof. To have and to hold the s'd one hundred acres of land hereby granted with all and singular, its appurtenances unto them the s'd Samuel Couch and Thomas Nash, their heirs and assigns to and for their own proper use, benefit, and behoof from the day of the date hereof, and from time to time, and at all times forever here after, as a good, sure, lawful, absolute, indefeasible estate of Inheritance in Fee simple, without any condition, limitation, use, or other thing to alter, change, or make void the same. To be holden of our Sovereign Lord, King George, his heirs and successors, as of his Majes- tie's Manor of East Greenwich, in the county of Kent, in the Kingdom of England, in free and common soccage and not in cappitee, nor by Knight service ; they yielding and paying therefor to our Sovereign Lord the King, his heirs and successors forever, only the fifth part of all the 8 HISTORY OF REDDING. oar of Gold and Silver, which from time to time, and at all times here- after shall be gotten, had or otherwise obtained ; in lieu of all rents, ser- vices, duties and demands whatsoever according to charter. In witness whereof, we the s'd Governor and Company have caused the Seal of the s'd Colony to be hereunto affixed, the fourteenth day of May, Anno George, Magna Brittannia;, &c., Annoque Domini, 1723. G. Saltonstall, Governor. " By order of ,the Governor, Hezekiah Wyllys, Secretary." Subsequently Captain Couch purchased of the Indians a tract of land lying in Lonetown, contiguous to the estate of Mr. John Read, and which a few years later he sold to that gentleman. The deed was given by Chickens, and some of its provisions caused considerable trouble to the colonists in later years. This deed is as follows : " Know all men whom it may concern that I Chicken an Indian Sag- gamore living between Fairfield, Danbury, Ridgefield and Newtown, at a place called Lonetown in the county of Fairfield in the Colony of Con- necticut, in New England, for and in consideration of twelve pounds, six shillings, already paid unto me by Samuel Couch of Fairfield, hus- bandman, have given, granted, bargained, sold, confirmed, and firmly made over unto said Samuel Couch, his heirs and assigns forever, all the lands, lying, being and situate between the aforesaid towns of Danbury, Fairfield, Newtown, and Ridgefield, except what has been by letters patent from the Governor and Company of this Colony of Connecticut made over unto any person or persons or for any particular or public use. To have and to hold unto the said Samuel Couch, and to his heirs and assigns forever the aforesaid granted and described lands or unpatented premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or any manner of way appertaining, affirming myself to be the true owner, and sole proprietor of said land and have just, firm, and only rfghl; to dispose of the same. Reserving in the ivhole of the same, liberty for myself and my heirs to hunt, fish and fowl upon the land and in the waters, and further reserving for myself, my children, and grand children and their posterity the use of so much land by my present dzvelling house or zvigzvam as the General Assembly of the Colony by themselves or a Committee indifferently appointed shall judge necessary for my or their personal improvement, that is to say my Children, children's children and posterity, furthermore. I the said Chickens do covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the said Samuel Couch, that I the said Chickens, my heirs, executors, and administrators, the said described lands and bar- HISTORY OF REDDING. 9 gained premises, unto the said Samuel Couch his heirs etc. against the claims and demands of all manner of persons whatever, to warrant and forever by these presents defend. In confirmation of the above premises I the said Chickens set to my hand and seal this i8th day of February Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and twenty four five Annoque Regis, etc." his Chickens^ X Saggamore. mark But the proprietors of Redding could not long rest satisfied with the sale that had placed in the hands of two men nearly all the unoccupied lands lying in the "peculiar," and in 1725 made a second and, so far as appears, unsuccessful attempt to reverse the former decision of the Court. This attempt took the shape of a petition, and was as follows : " To the Honorable the General Court to be holden at Hartford on the Second Thursday of May, 1725. THE EARNEST PRAYER Of the inhabitants, and of those that have farms in a certain tract of land lying between Fairfield and Danbury, Newtown and Richfield, with whom the Proprietory of a certain division of Land in Fairfield im- portunately joins — " Whereas the Honorable General Assembly of this Colony hath in several of their Sessions, been pleased out of their great goodness & generosity to give unto some of your humble Petitioners & to others of them to sell certain Parcells of Land between the aforesaid towns & many of your Petitioners that they might get a comfortable maintenance & thereby be better able to serve their country have removed from their former habitations with great families of Children unto sd Land where we by ye blessing of God on our Industry have (passed) through (the) many difficulties that generally attend such new & Wooden Habitations and have now yet to go through, which are by us insuperable — but re- flecting upon your Honor's accustomed Goodness, ready protection, and willing encouragement towards all such that have been under ye like circumstances as we now are, makes us far from despairing of Living like rational Creatures and Christians in a very few years, and under our present Circumstances we have often the neighboring Ministers preach- ing ye word of God to us, and when your Honors shall be pleased to grant this our earnest & necessary request our number of Inhabitants will immediately be greatly renewed & we soon able to obtain a Minister & give him an honorable support — and that is to grant the vacant land that lies in slips and pieces between ye Land already given and sold to lO HISTORY OF REDDING. your Petitioners to lye for a perpetual Comon for ye good of ye Parish : otherwise your poor Petitioners hving at a great distance from any place where the public worship of God is attended, must be obliged and their Posterity after them to be soon as the Hathen are — without the outward and ordinary means of Salvation, the Thought of which makes us now most importunately address your Honors with this our Request making no doubt but yt ye desire your Honors have & the great care you have always taken to promote & encourage Religion — will also now be moved to grant your poor Petitioners their Request, it being no more than your Honors have often done even unto every new Plantation, many of which are not nor never will be comparable unto this. Your Honors, granting us this our Request, and it will be as we humbly conceive the most profitable way for ye good of this Colony to dispose of ye land for a perpetual comon, for ye good of a Parish than any other way what- soever: for a flourishing and large Parish such as we are assured this will make will soon pay more into ye Public Treasury than the whole of the Land would do if it were now to be sold : and not only so, but your poor Petitioners & their Posterity preserved from Heathenism & Infidel- ity: for if your Honors should not grant the Land for a common for the good of a Parish your poor Petitioners — the most of us at least, must be shut within the compass of our own land, & cant possibly get ofif unless we trespass, or gain the shift yt the birds of the air have, neither to market nor meeting & we & our Posterity forever unable to have a set- tled Minister & your Honors may easily conceive how greatlv disad- vantageous to our Temporal Interest, which is so great an act of cruelty and hardship that never yet was experienced from your Honors & your Petitioners humbly beg they may not: but yt they may be sharers with their neighbors in your Honor's thoughtful care and regard for them — "And if your Honors in their Prudence and Wisdom shall think it best to sell the aforesaid Land your Petitioners humbly beg they may have the first offer of it, who are always ready to give as much as any shall or will let it lye for a perpetual Common, & your humble Petition- ers beg- and most earnestly desire the Land may not be sold from their doors or confirmed to any yt pretend they have bought it : for whatever pretended sale there has been made thereof already we humbly conceive that it was not with the proper Power & Legality that it ought to be confirmed: and as for its being purchased of the Indian (who both Eng- lish and Indian acknowledge has a good Indian title to it viz. Chicken), is by what we can learn by the Indian himself & ye circumstances of, a sligh peice of policy & we fear Deceit, ye latter of which the Indian con- stantly affirms it to be, for his design as he saith, and being well ac- quainted with him, living many of us near him have great reason to be- lieve him, was to sell but a small Quantity, about two or three hundred HISTORY OF REDDING. I I acres, but in ye deed ye whole of the land is comprehended, which when the Indian heard of it he was greatly enraged, and your Petitioners humbly beg yt such a sale may not be confirmed, lest it prove greatly disadvantageous to this Colony & Cause much bloodshed, as instances of ye like nature have in all Probability in our neighboring Provinces — " Your Petitioners most earnestly &: heartily beg that your Honors would think on them & grant them their request, & your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray — John Read, Will'm Hill, Thomas Williams, Dan'll Crofoot, Stephen Morehouse, Ebenezer Hull, Benjamin Hambleton, Asa Hall, Benjamin Franklin, Joseph Meeker, Moses Knapp, Dan'l Lyon, Nathan Lyon, Thomas Hill, Benajah Hall, George Hull. "And we, ye Proprietors of a certain Division of Land in Fairfield called ye Longlots most heartily join with your Honor's above Petition- ers in their needful request to you, & as we your humble petitioners be- ing well acquainted with the circumstances of them — ^they being our Children Friends & Neighbors & concerned greatly for their welfare do earnestly beg that your Honors would consider how melancholy a thing it is, that these poor people should live destitute of the means of grace for want only of your small encouragement which to give them would not only be most certainly very pleasing to Almighty God but would likewise enrich this Colony if a large & Rich Parish will any ways con- tribute thereto, & as your Petitioners Land runs to & adjoyns to ye afore- said Vacant Land, We for the good of a Parish, thereby to advantage your above poor Petitioners are willing & very ready to give in Two miles of our land adjoining to the afores'd Vacant Land to be within the Parish ; & we are assured if your Honors would grant the afores'd Land to be for a Comon there soon would be a Flourishing Parish ; & being so well acquainted with the Circumstances of the above Petitioners that we cant but earnestly & Pathetically entreat your Honors to grant their Request. " & your Petitioners as in Duty bound shall ever Pray" : Moses Dimon, Joseph Wilson, John Hide, John Wheeler, Theo. Hill, John Sturges, Cornelius Hull, Joseph Wheeler, Elizabeth Burr, Thomas Sanford, Jona Sturgis, John Morehouse, 12 HISTORY OF REDDING. John Smith, Thad's Burr, Andrew Burr, Samuel Wakeman, Samuel Squires, EZEKIEL SaNFORD, Robert Turkey, Jr., Joseph Rowland, William Hill, Nathan Gold, John Gold, Robert Silliman, Daniel Morehouse. The settlement of Georgetown seems to have been begun at about the same time as the other portions of the town, though the present vil- lage has had but a short existence. The first settlers in that section seem to have been Benjamin and Isaac Rumsey, one of whom lived in a house that stood in the old orchard east of the late Aaron Osborne's, and the other near the site of the home- stead formerly owned by Mr. S. M. Main. As early as 1721, Robert Rumsey, of Fairfield, bought of John Applegate a large tract of land located in vvhat is now the village of Georgetown. In 1724 he willed this land to his three sons, Benjamin, Isaac, and Robert. Benjamin and Isaac were actual settlers on this tract, and the former's estate was in- ventoried and distributed in 1744. The earliest settlers located their houses on the three fertile ridges that now form the most striking as well as beautiful features of our landscape. The valleys were avoided, as being literally in the shadow of death from the miasms which they engendered ; the hills, according to the early writers, were open, dry, and fertile, and, being comparatively healthful, were in almost all cases selected as sites for the infant settle- ments. At that day they were covered, like the valleys, with continuous forests of oak, chestnut, hickory, and other native woods, from which every autumn the Indians removed the underbrush by burning, so that they assumed the appearance of natural parks : Indian paths wound through the forest, often selected with so much engineering skill as to be followed later by the highways of the settlers. There were "long-drawn aisles and fretted vaults" in these verdant temples, nooks of outlook, and open, sunny glades, which were covered with tufts of long coarse grass ; groves of chestnut and hickory afforded shelter to whole colonies of squirrels — black, gray, and red. Other game was abundant. Deer, wild turkeys, water fowl, quail, partridges, an occasional bear, and, in the autumn, immense flocks of wild pigeons darkened the air with their numbers. Panthers were seen rarely; wolves were abundant, and the otter and beaver fished and builded in the rivers. Both tradition and the written accounts agree in ascribing to the rivers an abundance of fish; Little River is especially mentioned as being the favorite home of the trout, and tradition asserts that scarcely four generations ago they HISTORY OF REDDING. 15 were so abundant in that stream that the Indian boys would scoop them up in the shallows with their hands. According to tradition, the three first houses in the town were built nearly at the same time. One was in Boston district, where the late Noah Lee's house now stands, the second in the centre, on the site of John Nick- erson's present residence, and the third in Lonetown, built by Mr. John Read, and which occupied the site of Mr. Henry Dimon's present residence. It is related of the lady of the house in the Boston district, that, becoming frightened one day at the conduct of a party of Indians who entered her house bearing an animal unmentionable to ears polite, which they ordered her to cook, she seized her babe, and fled with it two miles through the forest path to her nearest neighbor at the Centre, ar- riving there safely, though breathless and exhausted. It is fair to as- sume, however, that erelong neighbors were nearer. Settlers began to flock in from Stratford, Fairfield, and Norwalk; several families moved here from Ridgefield and Danbury, and the settlement began to assume quite the appearance of a populous community. It is not, however, until 1723 that we get any authentic record of the names of the inhabitants or of their entire number. In that year a petition was presented to the General Court praying that the settlement might be constituted a parish ; and which bears the signatures of twenty-five of the planters or settlers of Redding. This invaluable paper has been preserved in the State Archives at Hartford, and is as follows : " May 9th, 1723. At a General Court in Hartford. " To the Hon hie the Govnr, Assistants and Deputies in Gen' II Court Assembled. " To this Hon'ble Court yr hon'rs most humble pet'rs hereunto sub- scribing, settlers and well wishers to the settlement of a plantation be- tween Fairfield and Danbury, Humbly Shew, That there is a Tract of land lying between Fairfield and Danbury, Ridgefield and Newtown and without all ye claims of the largest pretenders of those towns, contain- ing about two miles wide, north and south, and six miles long, East and West, mostly laid out in particular farms, so that when the farms that casually interfere on others are made up, there will not be one hundred acres of any value left in the whole. " On these farms are one half dozen housen set up, and many more going to be set up, and therefore we humlbly conceive it is of great neces- sity for ye use of them, that are come and coming, and for ye incourage- ment of others to come, to take some prudent care for the establishment of Divine service in that place. That forasmuch as the distance from this land to Fairfield church measures about fourteen miles or better, that is the part on which will certainly be most of the inlargement made, ^4 HISTORY OF REDDING. and on that side the bounds of those lands uncertain; for the grant of 12 miles from the sea given to Fairfield, as far as we can learn has never yet been measured, as it ought long since to have been done. Your hon'rs pet'rs therefore humbly pray that a com'tee liiay be appointed to measure out the twelve miles granted to Fairfield from the and put the vacant land, if any shall then appear into the hands of a Com'tee of ye Court to be dealt out to such as will settle on and improve the same, at such price as will bear ye charge of ye Com'tee therein, first laying- out a farm of 200 acres for ye ministry, 200 for a school, and as much for the first minister that shall settle there, and annex the whole to the town of Fairfield. Settling the bounds of the parish to comprehend so much of the west end of ye long lots of Fairfield as may make it near square at ye discretion of ye Com'tee upon ye view of it when ye pro- prietors of the long lots shall settle their end they may pay their dues there (if they will not be so good as to fling up the west end to a public use, which vi'ould doubtless be their private advantage also.) " Yr hon'rs most humble pet'rs, Nathan Picket, Thomas Williams, Gershom jMorehouse, Asa Hall, John Hall, Joshua Hull, Francis Hall, David Crofut, Robert Chauncey, Jno. Read, Wolcott Chauncey, Isaiah Hull, Daniel * Moses Knapp, William Hill, Jr., Benjamin Sturges, Phillip Judd, Sam'l Hall, Nathan Adams, John Read, 2d, Stephen Morehouse, Burgess Hall, Benjamin Fayerweather, Isaac Hall. Thomas Bailey, Fairfield, as was to be expected, opposed the petition, and her potent influence defeated the measure, and although it was agitated year by year it was not until 1729 that the petitioners eflfected their object, and the little settlement blossomed into the dignity of a parish. The action of the General Court constituting it a Parish is thus recorded in the Colonial Records, vol. vii, pp. 231-2: " Upon the memorial of John Read, in behalf of himself and the rest of the inhabitants of Lonetown, Chestnutt Ridge, and the peculiar be- tween Fairfield and Danbury, shewing to this Assembly, the great diffi- culty they labor under in attending on the publick worship of God, and * Illegible. HISTORY OF REDDING. I 5 the forwardness of the town of Fairfield to encourage them to set up the publick worship of God among themselves, by conceding that two miles of the rear end of their long lots be added to them, in order to the mak- ing them a parish, and praying this Assembly that they may be allowed 10 be a society for the worship of God, with the privileges usually grant- ed to such societies or parishes, and that said society or parish may com- prize those lands that lie encirculed betwixt the townships of Fairfield, Danbury, Newtown and Ridgefield, together with the aforesaid two miles of Fairfield long lots; and that they may have remitted to them their country rate during the pleasure of this Assembly ; and that all the lands aforesaid may be taxed by the order of said Assembly, and that said parish may be annexed to Fairfield, and that it be named Redding. This Assembly grants that the said Lonetown, Chestnutt Ridge and the peculiar tiiereof, be a society or parish by themselves, and to have all the privileges usually granted to societies or parishes, and that said society or parish shall comprize all those lands that lie encirculed betwixt the townships of Fairfield, Danbury, Newtown, and Ridgefield, together with two miles of the rear end of Fairfield long lots. Furthermore this As- sembly doth remit to them their country rate for four years, excluding those only who decline to joyn with them for what is prayed for, of being released of country tax ; and that all the laid out, unimproved lands within the limits of said parish be taxed at six shillings a hundred acres per year for four years, and that the money raised thereby be improved for the defraying the ministerial charges among them in that place ; and that said parish be named Redding." CHAPTER 11. Redding as a Parish. The parish history of Redding covers a space of thirty-eight years, and for this period the only materials we have for our history — except a few entries in the records of the colony — are found in the record book of the First Church and Society. These records seem to have been kept with the most pitiless brevity; only the barest details were set down, and if one desires more than the dry facts of this era, he must draw on his imagination for material. During this period events happened of the greatest mom'ent to the colony. Three of the terrible French and Indian wars occurred, to which Redding contributed her full share of men and money, although Fairfield received the credit. Then there were con- stant alarms of Indians on the border — there were hunting and explor- 1 5 HISTORY OF REDDING. ing parties into the wilderness, under the guidance of the friendly In- dians, and the usual incidents of pioneer life ; all of whic'h would have been vastly entertaining to the men of to-day, and which a hundred years ago might have been taken down from the lips of the actors themselves, but which has passed away with them forever. Things spoken vanish, while things written remain, and the unfriendliness to the pen, of the early settlers, has entailed a sad loss upon their descendants. It is evi- dent, however, that this was the busiest period in the history of the town. The men were abroad in the clearings from morn till night, felling the trees, burning, ploughing, sowing, and reaping, or building churches, school-houses, mills, highways, and bridges. The women remained in the rude cottages, preparing the simple food, carding and spinning wool, weaving it into cloth, fashioning the homely garments of linsey-woolsey and home-spun, and rearing their large families of rosy, healthful chil- dren. This is the picture in the barest outline; the imagination of the leader will fill it out at pleasure; but, as before said, for our details — acknowledged facts — we must turn to the quaint and musty records of the Society. The first Society meeting was held June 5th, 1729, — less than a month after the parish was organized. A fuller account of this meeting will be found in the history of the First Church and Society. The three first committee-men of the parish, elected at this meeting, were John Read, George Hull, and Lemuel Sanford. At this time, too, the "places for setting up warnings for Society meetings" were determined on as fol- lows : " In the lane by Ebenezer Hull, and a Chestnut tree by Mr. John Reads, and a post set up by Moses Knaps." These were the first sign- posts in the town. Ebenezer Hull's house I am unable to locate. Mr. John Read's house has already been located. Mr. Knap lived probably where James Delany now lives. The next February a parish rate or tax of 2d. 2 far. on the pound was laid, and John Hull was appointed the first tax-collector ; he received for gathering the rate fourteen shillings. The next year, February 23d, 1 730- 1 » the rate had risen to gd. on the pound, and John Read appears as collector. The next year, 1732, the first "pound" was built by Mr. John Read, near his house, and at a Society meeting held January 25th, 1732, he was appointed "key-keeper." May 8th, 1732, they petitioned the General Court to have their north-west corner bounds settled, Captain Couch bearing the charges. The same meeting they voted "that there shall be but one sign -post in this society," and voted that this sign-post should be by the meeting-house, which had been built the preceding year on the common. Mr. Hun, the first minister, was settled early in 1733, and the rates that year rose to the high figure of one shilling on the pound. A very important entry appears on the records of a meeting HISTORY OF REDDING. I 7 leld October 17th, 1734, wherein Stephen Burr and Thomas Williams vere appointed a committee to the County Court to desire the court to hoose a committee to lay out the county road from Chestnut Ridge to ''airfield town. This road was probably the first ever laid out through he town, and passed thiough Lonetown, the Centre, and Sanford town, .nd thence nearly direct to Fairfield. December loth, 1735. — Stephen Burr was appointed a committee to JO to the County Court, and desire them to send a committee to lay out lecessary highways in that part of the parish above the long lots. January 26th, 1737. — "Joseph Sanford and Samuel Sanford weie ap- )ointed a committee to take charge of the parsonage money belonging to aid parish, giving a receipt to said parish, and to let the same at their liscretion, and to the best advantage, taking double security in land, and lot to let less than fifty pounds to one man, and for no longer time than ive years, and said committee shall be accountable to the parish commit- ee for the interest of said money, and also at the period of abovesaid erm of five years, for the principal." December 26th, 1737. — It was "voted to have a parish schole, voted o maintain s'd schole by a parish rate voted that John Read, Joseph Lees. Joseph Sanford, John Hull, Matthew Lion, Stephen Morehouse, md Daniel Lion, shall be a com'tee for s'd schole, also that s'd schole •)hall be divided into three parts, that is to say, five months in that quar- er called the Ridge, and five months in the west side of the parish near he mill, and two months at Lonetown, understanding that the centre of division is the meeting hous, and likewise that Stephen Burr belongs to he west side." Thus was established the first school. Subsequent ac- tion of the parish in this direction will be found in the chapter on Schools. At the above meeting, John Read, Esq., was chosen to represent the iociety, "to pray for to be relest from paying country rates." The action 5f the General Court on this petition is given in Colonial Records, vol. >iii, p. 176, as follows: "Upon the memorial of the Presbyterian so- iety in the parish of Reading in Fairfield County setting forth to this \ssembly their low circumstances, and praying a remission of their :ountr\' tax : this Assembly do grant unto the said society their country ax for the space of four years next coming." It wnll be remembered that the bill organizing the parish in 1729 ex- empted it from country rates for four years. In 1733 the Assembly ranted them a further release of four years, and also imposed a "tax )f three shillings per one hundred acres, on all unimproved lands laid Kit in said society for the space of four years, to be exclusive of those ands belonging to persons of the episcopal persuasion (who) by our aw are discharged from paying taxes foV the suppoit of the ministry illowed bv the laws of this Colonv.'' ig HISTORY OF REDDING. When the next quadrenniuni began in 1741, the parish seems to have been on a better financial footing, and no further taxes were remitted. Apropos to the above, it may be remarked that in 1737 the parish rates had risen to is. id. on the pound. Continuing our extracts from the parish records, we find at a meeting held August 22d, 1738, that "it was voted to try for town privileges in s'd Society," and Stephen Burr was chosen agent "to see if the town (/. c. Fairfield) will consent that s'd Society shall have town privileges." This entry gives a hint of the rapid growth of the settlement, and of the energy and enterprise of its inhabitants. There were many reasons why they desired a separation: Fairfield was fourteen miles distant, and the interests of the two were distinct; then they must go to Fairfield to vote, to pay taxes, and to record deeds and conveyances. They could not even have their necessary highways laid out without the consent of that town ; hence we find them making early and persistent efforts for town privileges, so effectually opposed, however, by the mother town, that it was not until twenty-nine years after that the town was organized. In this year, 1739, the place for putting" up warnings for the society's meetings was changed from Umpawaug to the mill-door. In the vote establishing a school in 1737. reference is made to the mill, and it is evi- dent that it was erected at a very early date. The miller and the black- smith were very necessary artisans in a new settlement, and grants of land were in many cases made to induce them to settle ; if such was the fact in Redding, no record of it remains. According to tradition, the first miller was Jabez Burr, and the first mill stood on the Saugatuck, near the present dwelling of Ezekiel Burr, a short distance above where the Nobbs Crook road crosses the stream. October ist, 1740, it was voted to try and get liberty to have the north of Redding set oft" for a town, and in December "to have a pound erected on the highway southwest of Ebenezer Ferry's barn provided he will build it on his own charge," also voted tliat "Ebenezer Ferry be key keeper of the pound and have the profits of it." This was the second pound erected in the parish, the first being at ^Ir. John Read's. In 1 741 they again voted to ask the consent of the town, that "we may have town privileges." No further entries of importance appear until 1746, when Joseph Sanford was appointed agent for the parish to "petition the Superior Court now sitting in Fairfield to appoint a committee to lay out highways through the lands granted to Capt. Couch and Company in s'd parish" (these lands were in Umpawaug). In 1747 a list of the parish officers is given. They were as follows: Lemuel Sanford. selectman; Adam Clark, constable; Daniel Meeker, David Knapp, grand-jurymen; Thomas Taylor, James Gray, James Morgan. Joseph Hawley, Joseph Bradley, HISTORY OF REDDING. 19 Jabez Burr, surveyors of highway ; Ebeuezer Couch, Thomas Taylor, listers; William Burritt, John Mallory, tithing men; Lieutenant Stephen Burr, Joseph Hawley. fence viewers ; Allen Lee, key-keeper for the pound. January 23d, 1749, it was voted that ''Ephraim Jackson shall procure a copy of the doings of the General Assembly concerning hig'hways in the country in this parish," and at the same time complaint was made , against Daniel Deane, the Society's collector for the year previous, for his "mismanagement'' in collecting the rate, and it was voted "that the committee shall prosecute him in case he shall not satisfy them." This action seems to have been carried to T^Ir. Deane at once, for he the next I day makes this humble apology- : Redding, January 24, 1749. " To Mr. Jehu Burr, Mr. Stephen Bctts, and Mr. Samuel Sanford, Com- mit ee men for said Redding: " Gentlemen, I understand you have declared that there is some mismanagement in the rate that I have to gather in the year 1748, and you seem to think that I have done the same, and if you insist upon it. I desire your forgiveness : in so doing yon will much oblige your hum- ble servant. " Daniel Deane." In 1754 the parish again applied for town privileges without success, and again in 1757 with a like result. The next attempt in 1766 was successful, and the Assembly of 1767 passed the long-desired act of incorporation. It will be noticed that liothing is said in the records concerning the tribe of Indians inhabiting the parish, but from other sources we learn that quite important changes had taken place among them. Their chief, Chickens, after causing the settlers no little trouble concerning the deeds which he had given them, had been induced in 1749 to remove with most of his tribe to Scattacook, in New Alilford, and there were now but a few scattered families remaining in the town. No less than three peti- tions of Chickens, complaining of the injustice of the settlers, are pre- served in the Colonial Records. The first, presented to the General Court of May. 1735, asked that in accordance with the provisions of his deed to Samuel Couch in 1725, the Assembly would appoint a committee to lay out to him, his children, children's children, and their posterity, so much land near his wigwam as they should deem necessar}'- for his and their personal improvement ; and the Assembly appointed such a com- mittee. No report of the action of this committee is preserved in the archives ; but ten years later, in 1745, Chickens again petitioned the Assembly to 20 HISTORY OF REDDING. appoint a committee to view his lands for the same purpose, and the As- sembly appointed such a committee "to repair to and upon said land, and having due regard to said deed of conveyance, with the savings and reservations therein contained, to survey and by proper meets and bounds set out for, and to the use of the memorialist and his children, such and so much of said lands as they shall be of opinion— (on hearing all parties or persons therein concerned) — ought to be allowed and set out to said memorialist and his children. The third and last memorial, presented in 1749, is a very interesting document, and is given in full. " The memorial of Capt. Chicken alias Sam. Mohawk of Reading in Fairfield county, shewing to this Assembly that in his deed formerly- made to Capt. Samuel Couch, late of Fairfield, deceased, of his land lying between the township of said Fairfield, and Danbury, Ridgefield and Newtown, he had reserved to himself so much of said land as a com- mittee, appointed by this Assembly, should judge should be sufficient for himself, his children and posterity, for their personal improvement, which said reserve has since been set out by proper meets and bounds in two pieces, containing in the whole about one hundred acres as per the surveys thereof may appear, reference thereunto being had : and showing also that John Read, Esq., late of Boston deceased, l;ad surveyed, and laid out to him two hundred acres of land by the appointment of this Assembly, at a place called Scattacook bounded as in the survey thereof on record : and also shewing that the land aforesaid, laid out to the said John Read, Esq., is much more convenient and advantageous for him, the said Chicken, being well situated for fishing and himting, and that he had made and executed a deed of exchange of his aforesaid hundred acres, lying in two pieces as aforesaid in the parish of Reading to the said John Read Esq. and to his heirs, which said deed bears date October nth, A. D. 1748, and in consideration thereof did receive of the said John Read Esq, a deed bearing date the day aforesaid well executed to him the said Chicken and to his heirs by his attorney John Read Esq. of said Reading, being fully authorized thereunto, of the aforesaid two hundred acres ; praying this Assembly that said deeds, executed as aforesaid, may be allowed of, ratified, and be admitted as good evidence in the law for conveying and fixing the title to the several pieces of land aforesaid." This petition the Assembly granted, and Chickens and his tribe soon after removed to the reservation at Scattacook. His grandson, Tom Warrup, however, remained in Redding, as will be more fully related. HISTORY OF REDDING. 21 CHAPTER 111. Town History. The Act of the General Assembly incorporating the town was as fol- lows: ^*An Act for making and forming the Parish of redding into a DISTINCT Town by themselves. ''Whereas this Assembly are informed that the Parish of Redding in the northwesterly part of the township of Fairfield is very remote from the main body of that town, and that tliey are by their situation almost entirely prevented from attending the publick meetings of said town, and that they suffer very great inconveniences thereby, and that for them longer to continue as a parish of said Fairfield is very inconvenient : Therefore, "Be it enacted b}' the Governor and Council and Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same, That said Parish of Redding be and they are hereby erected, made and constituted .within the limits and bounds of said parish a distinct Town by themselves with all the liberties, privileges and immunities which by law the other towns in this Colony have and do enjoy, and that said new constituted town shall hereafter be called by the name of the Town of Redding, with this limitation and restriction, that but one Representative which said new constituted town shall at any time chuse to attend the General As- semblies shall be at the publick expence. "And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That said Town of Redding shall have and hold their first Town Meeting for the choice of their town officers for the present year some time in the month of June next, which meeting shall be warned by a warrant signed by any justice of the peace in the county of Fairfield, to be directed to some indifferent person to serve, which warrant shall appoint the time and place at which said meeting is to be held, and shall be served at least five days before the day appointed for the holding said meeting." It was passed at the May session, 1767, and a meeting was held, June 15th, 1767, in accordance with its provisions. Colonel John Read was chosen Moderator. Lieutenant Stephen Mead was chosen clerk for the year, and the following town officers elected : Stephen Mead, Fphraim Jackson, Daniel Hill, selectmen ; David Lyon, Asahel Fitch, Daniel Hull, constables ; Benjamin Hamilton, Zalmon Read, fence viewers ; Peter Fairchild, Lemuel Sanford. Jr.. David Jackson, listers ; Thomas Fairchild, Jonathan Couch, grand- jurymen ; Gurdon Merchant, town treasurer: Paul Bartram. Thomas Fairchild, Eleazer Smith, Jr., 2 HISTORY OF REDDING. tithing-men; Ebenezer Williams, Ebenezer Couch, pound keepers; Ger- s^hom .Morehouse, sealer of leather; Benjamin Meeker, Jonathan Mallory, sealer of weig-hts ; Ephraim Jackson, Captain Henry Lyon, and Gurdon Merchant, a committee to take all proper and lawful methods to clear the highways. The town by vote made the i>ound by Elizabeth Sanford's the ••Town pound," and voted "to use the school house by the old meet- ing house for ye place for holding ye town meetings in ye future." The second town meeting was held September 28th, the same year, at which '•it was voted and agreed that whereas the people being within one mile of the Southeasterly end of this Township, and in the Northwesterly end of the town of Fairfield, are about to petition the General Assembly to be held ait New Haven in October next, to be annexed to this town, we are willing and desirous to receive them, and that we will assist them to endeavor to have them annexed to this town by appointing an agent for that purpose," and Colonel Read was appointed such agent. Shortly after they began agitating the question of building a town-house, and in November a meeting wt.s called to provide "for the building or purchase of a Town house and pK>und." The first mention of a turnpike in the town is found in the records of a town meeting held in 1768, wherein (the Hig^nway Committee are instructed "to lay out a road from the School-'house in Lonetown, so called, east, through Col. John Read's land to consort with a highway lately laid out from the road that leads from Danbury to Fairfield, west, through Andrew Fairchild's land, to s'd read's land," and Colonel Read was given liberty to keep a gate at the west end by the school-house, "he having given land to the town." The same year the town offered a bounty of 3s. on every "wile cat" killed, and 2s. for every grown fox, and is. for every young fox. A meeting held September 20th, 1768, appointed a committee to act with a commit- tee of the Superior Court to lay out a highway in Redding from west to east, in rear of the long lots. This will be recognized as the road leading from Boston District to Hopewell, though portions of it must have been in use long ere this. In the records of a meeting held October 6th, 1768, we find a striking example of the towering ambition of the town fathers : this meeting appointed a committee to "present a memorial to the Gen- eral Assembly, praying that Redding be made a County town" Decem- mer 26th, 1768, the selectmen were instructed to "set the districts for the law books belonging to this town, and to enter the names of those persons in each district that hath a right by law to said books, in said books." Several highways were laid out during this year, and the next: one across Sturgis' long lot, beginning at the upright highway above Ebenezer Andrus' barn, "to run southerly slanting down in some suitable way until it comes to the cross highway Southeasterl}' from said barn." The county road from Danbury to Fairfield, originally laid out six rods wide, was reduced to four rods, and Stephen Mead, Gurdon Merchant, and HISTORY OF REDDING. -O Lemuel Sanford were appointed a committee "to lay out the County road, four rods wide, exchanging where it shall be thought necessary, and all at the Proprietor's cost." A hig'hway was also laid out from Samuel Smith's, southerly to the bridge below Daniel Perry's grist-mill. The following interesting entry appears in the records of a meeting held March 6th, 1771 : "Voted and agreed, that whereas a Plan hath been proposed of moving to the General Assembly in May next for the erecting a new county, to consist of the towns of Danfoury, Newtown, Ridgefield, Red-ding, and New Fairfield, we are willing and desirous that said towns shall be erected a county, and that we will assist them to endeavor to have said county estabhshed.'' The committee appointed for this pur- pose were David Lyon, Gershom Morehouse, and James Rogers. In October, 1773, the General Assembly passed a resolution, ''to assert, and in some proper way support their claim to those lands con- tained within the limits and bounds of the charter of this Colony west- ward of the Province of New York" — an act strongl}' disapproved by the people at large. Town meetings were called to protest against it, and a convention comprising delegates from twenty-three towns met in IMiddletown, and adopted a petition and remonstrance to the General Assembly against the proposed action. Redding's atti- tude in the matter is shown by the following extract from the doings of a town meeting held March 14th, 1774: "Whereas it is the opinion of many of the freemen and other inhabitants of this Colony (and of this meeting in particular) that if ye above said Resolve be carried into execution it will inevitably involve the inhabitants of Connecticut in a long, expensive, and fruitless Litigation with Mr. Penn, therefore this meeting appoints and delegates Messrs. William Hawley and Peter Fairchild to attend a meeting to be held at Middletown on the last Wednesday of Instant March, to concert some Proper Methods in order to put a stop to so disagreeable a procedure." But the project of the Assembly was never carried into execution : within a few months an invading army was hovering about its coasts, and the sturdy, bellig- erent little Colony found other vents for its pugnacious spirit. In the Revolutionary War, to which period we are now come. Red- ding played an important part: her people were fully alive to the im- portance and direfulness of the conflict, and bore their full share of the burdens it imposed ; but the town records during this period refer but rarely, and then briefly, to the great conflict. The first action of the town in regard to the war is found in the rec- ords of a town meeting held April 2d, 1777, when a comnnittee consisting of Messrs. William Hawley, Zalmon Read, Thaddeus Benedict, David Jackson, Gershom Morehouse, Stephen Betts, Jr., William Heron, and Daniel Mallory was appointed "to hire a number of Soldiers to serve in the Continental army." It was also voted that the "sum or sums the 2A HISTORY OF REDDING. said Committee promise to, or do pay, to those soldiers that do enhst titemselves as soldiers to serve in said army, as a botmty over and above what the Government bounty is, shall be paid by way of -town rates, and the Selectmen are ordered and desired to make a rate to collect the money." In the records of the same meeting is the following significant entry: "Hezekiah Sanford, Seth Sanford, Daniel Mallory, S. Samuel Smiith, William Hawley, Stephen Betts, Jr., Jonathan Couch, Stephen Gold, and Hezekiah Read, are appointed a committee to take care of the families of those soldiers that are in the service of their country" ; and this also, under date of May 5'th, 1777: "David Jackson, Seth Sanford, Thaddeus Benedict and John Gray are chosen Selectmen in addition to, and to supply the place of Stephen Betts and James Rogers taken pris- oners by the enemy in their expedition to Danbury." The above-named gentlemen were released when the British re-em- barked at Norwalk. September 18th, 1777, it was voted "that the in- junction or requesit from his Excellency the Governor and the Council of Safety be complied with, and that the Committee procure and get double the articles if they can, mentioned in the Governor's said request, and that said Committee be paid by the town, the extra charges that the said articles may cost more than they are set at in said request." Alarch 23, 1778, David Jackson, Zalmon Read, and Ephraim Robbins were ap- pointed a committee to provide clothing for the army. 'May 8th, 1778, Asahel Fitch appears as a committee, "to take care and provide as the law directs for Nathan Coley's family." At the same time he, with Capt. Zalmon Read, was appointed a committee to provade "shirts, shoes, stockins and other articles of clothing for the Continental soldiers." December 17th. 1778, another committee was appointed to care for the families of soldiers as follows : Nehemiah Hull for Nathan Coley's ; Elijah Burr for Stephen Meeker's ; Ebenezer Couch for Elias Bixby ; Nehemiah Sherwood and John Read for Jeremiab Ryan, and William Hawley for Samuel Remong. July 30th, 1779, Micayah Starr, Thaddeus Benedict, and Stephen PJetts were appointed a committee to prepare clothing for the soldiers, and a tax of 2s. on the pound was levied to pay for the same. Several of the records are very annoying from their in- coinpleteness ; the following for instance of a meeting held Septetnber 2d, 1779: "Voted, to ratify the proceedings of the County Convention held Aug. loth, 1779, and to appoint a Committee to carry into effect what w^as recommended in the first resolve of said Convention." Not a word is said as to the object of the Convention, nor is any report of its proceedings given. From other sources, however, we learn that it was called to devise measures to prevent further depreciation of the papyer currency, and also to consider what course should be pursued in dealing with the Tories among them. No record of the proceedings of this convention, interesting and im- HISTORY OF REDDING. portant as it would have been, is found. It was held ait the dwelHng- house of Captain Stephen Betts, on Redding Ridge, January 23d, 1780, the town voted to appoint a commiittee of nine ''to procure and hire nine soldiers to enlist into the Connecticut Line in the Continental army, for the town of Redding." This committee consisted of Stephen Betts, Ezekiel Sanford, David Jackson, Nathaniel Barlow — ^brother of the poet — Asahel Fitch, Hezekiah Read, Elijah Burr, Ephraim Robbins, and Hezekiah Sanford. The committee were also instructed "to use their utmost diligence to hire nine able bodied efficient men to enlist as afore- said, during the war or for three years, or six months, and that they en- list them at such sum or sums of money in any price, or such quantity of provisions of any kind as they shall judge reasonable and just." Six months later, June 26th, they voted to instruct their committee to give to each soldier they enlist for six months, ten bushels of wheat per month or the value in hard money when paid, besides they shall receive the bounty the state offers, but the town shall receive their wages." The same ofifer was made to the drafted men. This offer was probably taken in the belief that the town could more readily collect the wages of the soMiers than they could themselves. November 20th, same year, it was voted, "that the town will lay a tax on provisions to supply their quota of provisions for the Connecticut Line in the Continental Army, and that a rate bill be made apportioning to each individual his proportion of each kind of provision to be raised, viz. flour, beef, and pork, according to his list for the year 1779. George Perry was appointed Receiver of the flour collected by the town, and sworn to a faithful discharge of his trust. Russell Bartlett was appoint- ed Receiver of pork and beef, and was also sworn. At the same meeting a committee was appointed "to repair to the camp and ascertain the num- ber of soldiers of the town now in camp." This order was several times repeated, but none of the reports of the committees are preserved. The following significant entry appears in the records of a meeting held February 5t]i, 1781 : "Voted not to abate assessments for purposes afore- said (1. e. tax, on provisions) on Enos Lee, James Morgan, Hezekiah Piatt, Daniel Lyon, .Vbigail Lyon, Sarah Phinney, David Knapp, James Gray, Abigail Morehouse, Ezekiel Hill, Andrew Fairchild, and Sarah Burr, who have each of them a son or sons or a son or sons in law gone over to the enemies of the United States." At this meeting several who had refused to pay the tax levied for hiring soldiers were assessed double rates. March 28th, 1781, Captain Gershom Morehouse and Lieutenant Nehemiah Hull were appointed a committee "to collect the tents belong- ing to this town" — probably those furnished for the winter encampment of the troops ; at the same time a committee was appointed "to vindicate our claims to the Connecticut Soldiers." April 16, 1781, it was voted 25 HISTORY OF REDDING. "to divide the people into eight classes according to their several lists in order to raise seven soldiers, and one Light Horseman to serve for one year as coast guards." It was voted "that the sixth class (for procur- ing men to serve in the guards at Horse Neck till ye first of March next) shall procure a light horseman and horse, and that the tOM^n shall pay said class all it shall cost them more to procure a man and horse, than it shall cost the other seven classes on a medium." July 5th, same year, a tax of three pence on the pound was laid "to pay last year's six months men, to be paid in Silver, or Gold, or wheat at six shillings a bushel, and to be collected and paid to the selectmen before the loth of July Inst." The next fall. October 30th, 1781, George Perry was chosen "Receiv- er of Grain and flour on the half crown Tax, Benjamin IMeeker and Isaac Meeker to receive the grain and flour on the two sixths tax, and William Hawley Esq. to receive the Beef and Pork on said tax, and to provide casks and salt said provisions as the law directs." The last entry referring to the war appears August nth, 1783, some nine months after the Provisional Articles of Peace had been signed at Paris. It is as follows : " Voted that the select men of this town be desired to move out of this town all those persons that have been over and joined the enem.y, and have returned into this town, and that they pursue the business as fast as they conveniently can according to law." The selectmen on whom this task devolved were, Seth Sanford, James Rogers, Stephen Betts, Hezekiah Sanford, and John Gray. Several items that next follow are important as denoting the progress of events. December 18th, 1781 : "Voted, that the select men be in- structed to petition the General Assembly to annex this town to Dan- bury Probate District," and the road committee was instructed to sell the highway from Nobb's Crook to Captain Grays, and also the 'upright highway" west of Micayah Starr's, from Nathan Rumsey's to the rear of the long lots. August 9, 1782, the town appointed delegates to a County Conven- tion held in Greenfield "to inquire into the progress of illicit trade" : also a Committee of Inspection to assist the informing officers in putting the laws into execution. August nth, 1783: It was voted "that the town will set up a sing- ing school," and a tax of one penny on the pound was laid to pay the singing master. March 13th, 1797: "Voted not to admit Small Pox by innoculation ; voted to admit Small Pox by innoculation next fall." December 14th, 1791, a committee was appointed to apply to the proprietors of the mile of commons for a title to the land in Redding left by said proprietors for a "parade." (This "parade," familiar to all HISTORY OF REDDING. 27 old inhabitants of Redding, was in the large field adjoining the Con- gregational parsonage now owned by Miss Dayton; it was the scene of many militia trainings in later days.) December 19th, 1792: " Voted to reduce the highway from Danbury to Norwalk to four rods wide, and to sell two rods." In 1795 : "Voted that the selectmen prosecute those persons that cut timber on the high- ways." The first town-house was built early in 1798. It stood nearly in the centre of the common, a few yards west of the present building. From the plan submitted December 27th, 1797, by the building com- mittee, we learn that it was "36 feet in length, and 30 feet wide, with 12 foot posts, covered with long cedar shingles, the sides with pine." There was a chimney in each end, and fifteen windows with twenty lights in each. Peter Sanford, Ezekiel Sanford, Samuel Jarvis, Aaron San- ford, Andrew L. Hill, and Simon Hunger were appointed "to receive proposals and contract for building the aforesaid Town House." The builder was Daniel Perry. In 1807 there was a movement to petition the General Assembly, "that Redding be made the shire town of Fairfield County." In 1809 it Vv'as voted unanimously, " That we will prefer a petition to the Congress of the United States for the establishment of a Post Road through this town," and William Heron, Lemuel Sanford, and Billy Comstock were appointed to draft the petition. This was suc- cessful, and the first post-office in the town was shortly after established. It was kept in the dwelling-house of Billy Comstock, who was the first postmaster ; his house stood were the late Mr. Dimon Finch lived, at the fork of the Danbury road, and that leading to Redding Centre, z>ia Nobb's Crook. There are old people in town who remember this first post-office, and the excitement attendant upon the arrival of the weekly mail, carried by the great lumbering Danbury stage, which, with its four horses, its red-faced driver, and crowd of dusty, sweltering passen- gers, was the great tri-weekly event of the villages through which it passed. There is evidence that in early times the town exercised considerable influence in public aflfairs. In the Farmer s Journal (Danbury) for April 8th, 1793, appears a circular letter "sent by a committee appointed to correspond with the different towns in the county of Fairfield," from Reading, as follows : Reading, Apr. 2, 1793. " Gentlemen : We are, by the inhabitants of this town, in a town meeting legally warned for that purpose, appointed a committee to corre- spond with the other towns in Fairfield County respecting the list of persons entered on the records of Congress, a number of whom this town apprehend are really undeserving. We are ordered to ask of you to adopt 2g HISTORY OF REDDING. a similar modt; of appointing a committee ;to corre^^pond accordingly, and if by due enquiry any person, or persons shall be found to be put on the pension list, who arc undeserving, to adopt proper means for redress at a proper board. Signed : Thaddeus Benedict, William Heron, Lemuel Sanford, S. Samuel Smith, James Rogers. To the Selectmen of And in the Farmer's Chronicle (Danbury) for January 6th, 1794: "At a Town Meeting held in Reading, by adjournment, on the 23rd day of December a. d. 1793, 'Voted unanimously. That this Town will exert ourselves in every legal and constitutional method in our power to prevent the sale of the western lands at present, and to obtain a repeal of the act of this state appropriating the avails thereof for the support of the ministrv and schools in this state, as we conceive the same to be impolitic. And that a committee be appointed to correspond with the other towns in this county to effect the purpose aforesaid, and that this vote be sent to the committee appointed to sell those lands, with our re- quest that they will omit to make any contract or sale of them till the sit- ting of the next General Assembly.' " And in the records of a town meeting held April 20th, 1818 : "Voted, That our Representatives to the General Assembly to be hold- en at Haftford in May next, be, and hereby are, instructed to use their influence that measures be taken preparatory to forming a written con- stitution for the Government of this State. That it is the opinion of this meeting, that the State of Connecticut is without a written constitution of Civil Government, and w^e believe it very important for the security of the Civil, and Religious rights, and privileges of the Citizens, that the powers and authorities of the Government should be distinctly defined." The present town-house was erected in 1834. At a town meeting held March 3d, 1834, Mr. Thomas B. Fanton made a proposition "that he would engage to build a new Town House, same dimensions as the old one, of good materials, covering to be of pine, with shutters to the win- dows, outside of house to be painted, and the Whole inside and out, to be finished in a workman like manner, to be erected near the old one, on land belonging to the town, provided the town will g*ive him $400, and the old house," and engaged to save the town from any expense on account of materials provided by the committee to repair the old town house. This proposition was accepted, and John R. Hill. Gershom Sherwood, and Historic Houses. C.r.Xl'RAl. I'L-rXAM-S HKADQrARTERS. 17/8-0. lM-(,ni an old print of iS^h. HISTORY OF REDDING. 29 Aaron Burr. 2d, were appointed a committee "to superintend building said House." There were objections, however, to having the new house built on the old site, and a meetmg held shortly after voted "to relocate the house in the building owned by Thaddeus ]\T. Abbott recently occu- pied for a school house." But other parties objected to this plan, ai.d a third meeting was held before a site satisfactory to all parties could be agreed on. This meeting voted to locate it "on the Southeast corner of Thaddeus M. Abbott's homelot, fronting the public parade on the South, and on the west the Lonetown highway, provided that nothing in this vote interferes with the contract made with Thomas B. Fanton for building said house, and that it be no additional expense to the town." The building belong- ing !to Mr, Abbott which stood on this site was moved away, and the present town house erected in the summer of 1834. From this point until the opening of the civil war the records indicate only the usual routine of town business, and may be profitably passed over in order to make room for the valuable and interesting Revolutionary historv of the town. CHAPTER IV. Revolutionary History and Incidents. Two years had passed since the opening of the War of Independence — years of alternate victory and defeat to the colonists — when a hostile armament of twenty-five vessels bearing two thousand men, the flower of the British army, appeared off Compo, in Westport, on the Connecticut shore. It was the 25th of April, 1777. A few days before news had come to Lord Howe, commanding in New York, that a magazine of mu- nitions of war had been formed by the rebels in Danbury, and which afforded him a pretext for a descent on Connecticut — a step vvhich he had long meditated. The region of country covered by the proposed campaign had been swept of its able-bodied men, who were in the Con- tinental ranks keeping a careful watch on his lordship's regulars ; ])ut that there might be no balk in the operations, an overwhelming force of two thousand picked men was detailed for the expedition. For commanders, Howe chose a nondescript genius, one Governor Tryon, and two military men of ability, General Agnew and Sir William Erskine. Tryon had been Governor of New York ; he had the further merit of being intimately acquainted with Connecticut, and of being consumed w'ith an inveterate hatred for, and thirst for revenge on, the Yankees ; he had a special grudge too against Connecticut, the sturdy little colony having thwarted him in a variety of ways. Her dragoons had scattered the types of his news- -.Q HISTORY OF REDDING. paper organ through the streets of New York; her "Sons of Liberty" had plotted ag-ainst him even in his own city, and she had treated with contempt his proclamations inviting her to return to her allegiance, even printing them in her gazettes as specimens of the governor's pleasant humor. Furthermore, he was well acquainted with the country to be traversed. He had been as far inland as Litdifield, had probably visited Danbury, and had been dined and f^ted at Norwalk, Fairfield, and New Haven. He seems to have acted as guide to the expedition while his two advisers attended to its miiitary details. The troops disembarked at Compo at four in the afternoon, and the same day marched to Weston, about eight miles distant, where they encamped for the night. To oppose these troops there was only a militia corps of old men and boys, not equal in number to one half the invading force. Colonel Cook was in comniiand at Danbury with a company of un- armed militia. General Silliman at Fairfield, General Wooster at Strat- ford, and General Arnold at Norwalk could not muster, all told, more than eight hundred raw, undisciplined men. Under these circumstances Tryon's expedition can only be viewed as a picnic excursion into the country, and as such no doubt he regarded it. On the morning of the 26th his army was early astir, and reached Redding Ridge, where the first halt was made, about the time that the inhabitants had concluded their morning meal. What transpired here is thus narrated by Mr. Hol- lister in his admirable "History of Connecticut," vol. ii, chap. 12 : "On the morning of the 26th, at a very seasonable hour, Tryon ar- rived at Reading Ridge, where was a small hamlet of peaceful inhabitants, almost every one of them patriots, and most of them farmers, who had crowned the high hill, where they had chosen to build their Zion, with a tall, gaunt church, which drew to its aisles one day in seven the people that dwelt upon the sides of the hills, and in the Ixjsom of the valleys, within the range of the summons that sounded from its belfry. By way of satisfying his hunger with a morning lunch, until he could provide a more substantial meal, he drew up his artillery in front of the weather- beaten edifice that had before defied every thing save the grace of God, and the supplications of his worshippers, and gave it a good round of grape and canister, that pierced its sides through, and shattered its small- paned windows into fragments." The only spectators to this heroic dem- onstration were a few women and little children, some of whom ran away at the sight of the red-coats, and others faced the invaders with a men- acing stare." Mr. Hollister is in the main a careful and accurate historian, but a due regard for the truth of history compels us to say that he was mis-' informed in regard to the above facts. The following account is believed HISTORY OF REDDING. 31 to be correct, our principal informant being an aged inhabitant of Red- ding, and a competent authority : During the halt the main body of the troops remained under arms on the green in front of the church. Tryon, Agnew, and Erskine were in- vited into Esquire Heron's, who lived in the first house south of the church. Here they were hospitably entertained with cake and wine, and with many hopeful prognostications of the speedy collapse of the ''re- bellion." Across the street from the church, in a house a few yards south of the one now occupied by Daniel Sanford, lived Lieutenant Stephen Betts, a prominent patriot, and at whose house it will be remembered the county convention was held in 1779. A file of soldiers entered the house, seized him, and he was taken with them on their march. James Rogers, another prominent patriot, and Jeremiah Sanford, a lad of ten years, son of Mr. Daniel Sanford, met a like fate. The lad, we may remark, was carried to New York and died in the prison ships, June 28th, 1777. Shortly before the army resumed its march, a horseman was observed spurring rapidly down the Couch's Hill road toward them, and approach- ed within musket-shot before discovering their presence ; he then turned to fiy, but was shot, and severely w^ounded in the attempt. He proved to be a messenger from Colonel Cook in Danbury, bearing dispatches to General Silliman, by name Lambert Lockwood. Tryon had formerly known him in Norwalk. where Lockwood had rendered him a service. and seems to have acted on this occasion with some approach to mag- nanimity, as he released him on parole, and allowed him to be taken into a house that his wounds might be dressed. The statement concerning the firing into the church is a mistake, and I am assured that the reverse is true. It is said that the church was not moles'ted at all (except that a soldier with a well-directed ball brought down the gilded weathercock from the spire), and the fact that the rector, the Rev. John Beach, as well as several of its most prominent members, among them the Squire Heron above referred to, were most pronounced loyalists, strengthens the assertion. The British army, after halting an hour or two in the village, resumed its march to Danbury. with the cap- ture and burning of which the reader is no doubt acquainted. Meanwhile the patriots in Redding anxiously waited the approach of the Continental army in pursuit. At length it came in view, marching wearily, with dusty and disordered ranks, a little army of five hundred men and boys, led by Brigadier-General Silliman in person. They had marched from Fairfield that day, and were fully twenty-eight hours be- hind the foe. who was then lying drunken and disorganized at Danbury. A muster-roll of the little band would have shown a most pathetic ex- hibition of weakness. There were parts of the companies of Colonel Lamb's battalion of artillery, with three rusty cannon, a field-piece, and 32 HISTORY OF REDDING. part of th€ artillery company of Fairfield, and sixty Continentals ; the rest were raw levies, chiefly old men and boys. It was eight o'clock in the evening when the troops arrived at Redding Ridge — an evening as dis- agreeable as a north-east rain-storm with its attendant darkness could make it. Here the troops halted an hour for rest and refreshment. At the expiration of that time a bugle sounded far down the street ; then the tramp of horsemen was heard, and presently Major-General Wooster and Brigadier-General Arnold, at the head of a squadron of cavalry, dashed into the village. On hearing that the I^ritish were so far ahead, it is said that Arnold became so enraged that he could scarcely keep his seat, and his terrible oaths fell on his auditors' ears like thunder-claps. Wooster at once as- sumed command, and the column moved forward through the mud as far as Bethel, where it halted for the night. At Danbury, but three miles distant, Tryon's force was sleeping in drunken security, and might have been annihilated by a determined effort, but the command was too much exhausted for the attempt. Tryon the next morning was early astir, being aware that the militia were closing in on him on all sides, and commenced a retreat to his ships, taking the circuitous route through Ridgefield. On learning this move, General Wooster at Bethel divided his command, one detachment under Generals Arnold and Silliman marching rapidly across the country and taking post at Ridgetiekl, while the other, commanded by himself, pressed closely on Tryon's rear. The succeeding fortunes of the patriots — ^how they met the foe at Ridgefield, how Wooster fell gallantly leading on his men, how Arnold performed prodigies of valor, and how the enemy were pursued and harassed until they gained the cover of their ships — 'has be- come a part of our national history, and needs no recounting. News that the British had landed at Compo, that they were encamped at Weston, and would march through Redding the next day, was conveyed to this town at an early hour, and occasioned the greatest consternation to this town at an early hour, and occasioned the greatest consternation and excitement. Money and valuables were hastily secreted in wells and other places of concealment ; horses and cattle were driven into the forests, and the inhabitants along the enemy's probable route held themselves in readi- ness for instant flight. Herod's emissaries could not have excited livelier emotions of terror in the hearts of Judean mothers than did Trwn's in- vasion in the bosoms of the mothers of Redding. He seems to have warred pre-eminently on women and boys. The latter especially he made prisoners of. and consigned to the horrible prison-ships, either holding them as hostages, or on the plea that they "would ver}' soon grow into rebels." The women of Redding had heard of this propensity, and at his approach gathered all the boys of thirteen and under — the older ones were away under arms — and conveyed them to a secluded place near the HISTORY OF REDDING. 33 Forge, where they were left under the charge of one Gershom Barlow ; here they remained until the invader had regained his ships, provisions being cooked and sent in to them daily. Many other incidents of the invasion are current in the town. On receiving intelligence of the landing at Comipo, Captain Read mus- tered his company of militia, and forthwith marched to intercept the in- vaders. At a place called Couch's Rock, in Weston, they came suddenly upon the entire force of the enemy and were taken prisoners. Timothy Parsons, one of the militiamen, had a fine musket which he particularly valued ; this a grenadier took, and dashed to pieces on the stones, saying it should waste no more rebel bullets. Mrs. Thankful Bradley, living in Weston, near the Redding line, was milking by the roadside when the troops surprised her. An ofificer told her to remain quiet, a.nd they would not molest her. She followed his advice and continued milking while the entire army filed by. With the exception of kidnapping the lad Sanford, the British behaved with praise- worthy moderation during their march through Redding. No buildings were burned, and no such enormities committed as marked their descent on Fairfield and New Haven two years later. After their departure nothing further of a warlike nature occurred in the town, until the encampment in Redding in the winter of 1778-9 of the right wing of the Continental Army. These troops had been op- erating along the Hudson during the fall, and as winter approached a coimcil of officers decided that it should go into winter quarters at Red- ding, as from that position it could support the important fortress of West Point in case of attack, overawe the Cow Boys and Skinners of Westchester County, and cover the country adjacent to the Sound. Ac- cordingly, early in November, General Putnam arrived in Redding with several of his general officers to select sites for the proposed camps. Three were marked out: the first in the northeastern part of Lonetown, near the Bethel line, on land later owned by Aaron Treadwell. The second also in Lonetown. about a mile and a half west, on the farm of the late Sherlock Todd, a short distance southwest of his dwelling-house. The third camp was in West Redding, on the ridge lying east of Uriah Grif- fin's, on land now owned by him, and about a quarter of a mile north of Redding Station. The sites of all three camps may be easily distinguished by the ruins of the stone chimneys which formed one side of the log huts in which the troops were sheltered. The first camp was laid out with admirable judgment, at the foot of the rocky blufifs which fence in on the west the valley of the Little River.* Only a few heaps of stone mark the site of the second camp, which was also laid out on the southerly slope of ♦ For a fuller account of this camp see Chapter v. ^, HISTORY OF REDDING. a hill, with a stream of running water at its base. The same may be said I of the camp at Long Ridge. As to the exact location of Putnam's headquarters at this time, au- thorities differ, but all agree in placing it on Umpawaug Hill. Mr. Bar- ber, in his "Historical Collections," says it was the old house that stood until recently on the comer of the road leading down to Sanford's Station, a short distance north of Andrew Perry's present residence. Mr. Lossing, in his "Field Book of the Revolution," makes the same statement ; but I am informed by an aged resident, whose father was an officer in the Rev- olutionary army, and visited General Putnam at his headquarters, that they were in an old house that then stood between the residence of the late Burr Aleeker and that now occupied by Mr. Ephraim Barlow, and that the first-named was his guard-house. The question is one of little importance perhaps, except to those who demand the utmost possible accuracy in the statement of fact. Some of the officers were quartered in the house now occupied by Mrs. Seth Todd, then owned by Samuel Gould ; others in a house that stood on the site of the one formerly occupied by Sherlock Todd. General Parson's headquarters were on Redding Ridge. While the army lay at Redding several events of importance occurred, w'hich are worthy of narrating with some degree of particularity. The troops went into winter quarters this year in no pleasant humor, and al- most in the spirit of insubordination. This was peculiarly the case with the Connecticut troops. They had endured privations that many men would have sunk under — ^the horrors of battle, the weariness of the march, 'Cold, hunger, and nakedness. What was worse, they had been paid in the depreciated currency of the times, which had scarcely any purchasing power, and their devoted families at home were reduced to the^ lowest extremity of want and wretchedness. The forced inactivity of the camp gave them time to brood over their wrongs, until at length they formed the bold resolve of marching to Hart- ford, and presenting their grievances in person to the Legislature then sitting. The two brigades were under arms for this purpose before news of the revolt was brought to Putnam. He, with his usual intrepidjty and decision of character, threw himself upon his horse and dashed down the road leading to his camps, never slacking rein until he drew up in the presence of the disaffected troops. "My brave lads," cried he, "whither are you going? Do you intend to desert your officers, and to invite the enemy to follow you into the country? Whose cause have you been fighting and suffering so long in — is it not your own? Have you no property, no parents, wives, or children? You have behaved like men so far — all the world is full of your praises, and posterity wih stand astonished at your deeds; but not if you spoil all at last. Don't you con- HISTORY OF REDDING. 35 iider how much the country is distressed by the war, and that your of- icers have not been any better paid than yourselves ? But ive all expect i>etter times, and that the country will do us ample justice. Let us all Stand by one another then, and fight it out like brave soldiers. Think vliat a shame it would be for Connecticut men to run away from their )fficers." When he had finished this stirring speech, he directed the icting major of brigades to give the word for them to shoulder, march o their regimental parades, and lodge arms, which was done ; one_soldier ■)nly, a ringleader in the affair, was confined in the guard-house, from vhich he attempted to escape, but was shot dead by the sentinel on duty —himself one of the mutineers. Thus ended the afifair, and no further rouble was experienced with the Connecticut troops. Nothing had so much annoyed Putnam and his officers during the :ampaign of the preceding summer on the Hudson than the desertions vhich had thinned his ranks, and the Tory spies, who frequented his amps, under every vafiety of pretext, and forthwith conveyed the in- "ormation thus gathered to the enemy. To put a stop to this it had been ietermined that the next oft'ender of either sort captured should suffer leath as an example, and according to the usages of war. The time for butting this determination into execution soon arrived. One day some scouts from Putnam's outposts in Westchester County captured a man urking within their lines, and as he could give no satisfactory account )f himself he was at once haled over the borders, and into the presence >f the commander-in-chief. In answer to his queries, the prisoner said ;'hat his name was Jones, that he was a Welshman by birth, and had iettled in Ridgefield a few years before the war commenced : that he had lever faltered in his allegiance to the king, and that at the outbreak of hostilities he had fled to the British army, and had been made a butcher n the camp ; a few weeks before, he had been sent into Westcliester Ibunty to buy beeves for the army, and had been captured as above nar- rated. He was remanded to the guard-house and a court-martial at )nce ordered for his trial. The result is given in the following docu- nent found among the papers of the late Lieutenant Samuel Richards, Paymaster in Colonel Wylly's regiment:* "Feb. 4, 1779. Was tried at a General Court Martial Edward Jones :or Going to and serving the enemy, and coming out as a spy — found Ifuilty of each and every charge Exhibited against him, and according o Law and the Usages of Nations was sentenced to suffer Death. "The General approves the sentence and orders it to be put in Execu- ^:ion between the hours of ten and eleven a. m. by hanging him by the leck till he be Dead." * Many other papers from the Richards collection, both interesting and valuable, ^ill be tound in this work. The originals are in the possession of Hon. D. B. Booth. £ Danbury, who has kindly allowed me to copy from them. ^(1 HISTORY OF REDDING. Two days after another court-martial was held for a similar ofifence, as the following proves: "Feb. 6, 1779. At a Gen'l Court Martial was tried John Smith oJ the 1st Connecticut Regiment for desertion and attempting to go to th( Enemy, found guilty, and further persisting in saying that he will go t( the Enemy if ever he has an opportunity. Sentenced to be shot to deatl and orders that it be put in Execution between the hours of ten and twelv< A. M." General Putnam having two prisoners under sentence of death de^ termined to execute them both at once, or as he expressed it, "make double job of it," and at the same time make the spectacle as terrible an< impressive as the circumstances demanded. The lofty hill dominatinj the valley and the camps (known to this day as Gallows Hill) was chosei as the scene of the execution, the instrument of death being erected on its] highest pinnacle. The details of the execution, for reasons which will appear, I prefer to give in the words of the three different historians who have chronicled it. Mr. Barber, in his "Historical Collections Connecticut," p. 399, says : "The scene which took place at the execution of these men is dej scribed as shocking and bloody. The man on whom the duty of han| man devolved left the camp, and on the day of execution could not b< found. A couple of boys about the age of twelve years were ordered b; General Putnam to perform the duties of the absconding hangman. ThI gallows was about twenty feet from the ground. Jones was compellec to ascend the ladder, and the rope around his neck was attached to th| cross-beam. General Putnam then ordered Jones to jump from the la( der. 'No, General Putnam,' said Jones, T am innocent of the crime lai| to my charge ; I s'hall not do it.' Putnam then ordered the boys beforj mentioned to turn the ladder over. These boys were deeply afifected h\ the trying scene ; they cried and sobbed 'loudly, and earnestly entreat* to be excused from doing any thing on this distressing occasion. Put- nam, drawing his sword, ordered them forward, and compelled them at the sword's point to obey his orders. The soldier that was sbot for desertion was but a youth of sixteen or seventeen years of age. Three balls were shot through his breast : he fell on his face, but immediately turned over on his back ; a soldier then advanced, and putting the muzzle of his gun near the convulsive body of the youth, discharged its contents into his forehead. The body was then taken up and put into a cofifin; the soldiers had fired their pieces so near, that they set the boy's clothes on fire, which continued burning. An ofificer wath a drawn sworn stood by, while every soldier of the three brigades who were out on the occa- sion was ordered to march by and look at the mangled remains." Mr. Barber says in a foot-note that the atyove particulars were derived Historic Houses. II THi<: OLD COL. AAROX BARLOW HOUSE. From its gable window the wife of one of the condemned men saw her husband executed on Gallows Hill, about a mile to eastward. Tn its southeast corner chamber Jf^el Rarlow wrote his "Vision of Colum- HISTORY OF REDDING. 37 from an aged inhabitant of Reading, who was present on the occasion, and stood but a few feet from Jones when he was executed. Mr. Hol- hs'ter. in his "History of Connecticut," takes exception to the above ac- count. In Vol. ii, page 375, of his work, he has the following note: "The Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett, who was pastor of the Congregational church in Redding for a period of fifty years, officiated as chaplain to the encampment during the winter, and was present at the execution. He interceded with General Putnam to defer the execution of Smith until Washington could be consulted — the offender being a youth of seventeen years ; but the commander assured him that a reprieve could not be grant- ed. 'Mr. Bartlett was an earnest and fearless Whig, and openly talked and preached 'rebellion' — so much so, that the Tories, who were numer- ous in the eastern part of the town, threatened to hang him if they could catch him. In consequence of these threats he often carried a loaded musket with him when on his parochial visits. His son and successor m the ministry at Redding — the Rev. Jonathan Bartlett, now (1855) in his ninety-first year — wdl remembers the Revolutionary encampment at Redding and frequently visited it. He is sure that the story in Barber's 'Historical Collections' about Putnam's inhumanity at the execution of .Smith and Jones is incorrect. Though not present himself, he has often heard his father relate the incidents of the occasion ; and furthermore he once called the attention of Colonel Asahel Salmon (who died in 1848, aged ninety-one), who was a sergeant in attendance upon the execution, to the statement, and he declared that nothing of the kind took place." Another historian, Rev. Thomas F. Davies, in an historical sermon delivered at Green's Farms in 1839, also takes exception to Mr. Barber's statement. He says : "Mr. Barber must have been misinformed. Reading is my native town, and from my boyhood I have heard the history of the proceedings on the occasion referred to, and was miidh surprised at the statements in the 'Historical Collections.' The Rev. Mr. Bartlett, whose father was chaplain on that occasion, informs me that General Putnam CQuld not have been guilty of the acts there charged. "That Mr. Barber may have something to substitute for the narrative to which I object, I give the following: "When General Putnam occupied the house of which Mr. Barber has given an engraving, a scene occurred which presents the General in a very amiaMe light. A poor man with a family needing support, and who lived in the neighboring town of Ridgefield, was told by one acquainted with his wants, that if he would visit General Putnam and hold a con- versation with him, he would on his return, and on proof of the fact, give him a bushel of wheat. The temptation in that time of scarcity and taxes was great, and so also was the fear of intruding upon so distinguished nQ HISTORY OF REDDING. an individual ; but the stern necessities of his condition at length induced the poor man to venture. He accordingly presented 'himself at head- quarters, and requested the servant to solicit for him an interview with the General. Putnam promptly summoned the man to his presence, di- rected him to be seated, and listened with interest while the man with great trepidation gave the statement which accounted for the liberty he had taken. The General directed the servant to bring some wine, con- versed for a time very pleasantly with his needy visitor, and then calling for pen and ink, wrote a certificate in which he gave the name of the in- dividual, and stated that he had visited and conversed with General Put- nam, who signed it in his official character. Thus furnis'hed with the means of giving bread to his family, the distressed individual returned to his humble roof; and this anecdote, which I have on the very best authority, is proof that Putnam was not destitute of those kind and gentle affections which are so desirable an ornament of the most heroic char- acter." This diversity of statements led the writer to investigate the matter more thoroughly than he would otherwise have done ; from the testimony of several persons who were present it would seem that Mr. Barber was misinfonned, and that no such scenes took place. Mr. James Olmstead of Redding, who died in 1882, aged eighty-nine years, and whose father was an oiTicer in the continental army and present on the occasion, gives an entirely different version. In an article published in the Danbury NezL's, he says : "My father * * * being an officer himself and well known to some of the officers on duty, was one of the few who were admitted within the enclosure formed by the troops around the place of execution and able to witness all that there took place. After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, the younger prisoner. Smith, was first brought forward to his doom. After he had been placed in position and his death warrant read, a file of soldiers was drawn up in line with loaded muskets, and the word of command given. The firing was simultaneous, and he fell dead on the spot. After the smoke had cleared away it was found that his outer garment, a sort of frock or blouse, had been set on fire by the discharge, and which was extinguished by a soldier who had fired. He was within a few feet of the scaffold when Jones, pale and haggard, was next brought on, his death warrant was read and he seemed to recognize some few of his old friends, but said very little except to bid farewell to all, and his last words, which were, 'God knows I'm not guilty,' and he was hurried into eternity. "My father had a pretty good general knowledge of General Putnam and his eccentricities, and had there been any unnecessary hardships or severity used in the treatment of the prisoners, he most certainly must HISTORY OF REDDING. 39 have seen and known something of it, but in all I ever heard from him or anyone else, no allusion was made to anything of the kind, and in view of all the circumstances I think it may be safe to infer that no such thing ocurred on that occasion." As was to be expected, the citizens of Redding felt quite honored by the selection of their town for the army's winter quarters, and welcomed heartily the dusty battalions as they filed into camp ; but a few months' acquaintance opened their eyes to some of the ways of soldiers, and caused them to speed the army in the spring as heartily as they had wel- comed it in the autumn. The soldiers argued that as they were fighting the country's battles it devolved on the latter to furnish the sinews of war, and plundered the neighboring farmers, whether Whig or Tory, with the utmost impartiality. To them a well-stocked poultry yard or a pen of fat porkers offered irresistible inducements. A milch cow never failed of a circle of devoted admirers, v/hile bands of merry reavers occasionally stole over the borders into the neighboring towns, and har- ried in under cover of night droves of fat cattle, which were killed and eaten with as little formality as they were taken. V/ith the morning would come the owner complaining of these little peccadilloes, but as he could never prove property nor identify the rogues, they usually escaped punishment. After a time, however, the wary farmers foiled the depre- dators by herding" their live-stock over night in the cellars of their houses and in other secure places. The ringleader in all these forays was Tom Warrups, an Indian, grandson of the chief Chickens, whose story is given in the earlier pages of this work, and one of Putnam's most valued scouts and messengers. Tom possessed a great deal of individuality, and impressed himself on a succeeding generation to the extent that numberless anecdotes are re- membered and told about him to this day. Some of these, illustrating the Indian character, are worthy the attention of the grave historian. Tom had a weakness for liquor, which would have caused his expulsion from the camp had it not been for his services as scout and guide. One day he was seen deplorably drunk, and the officer of the day in disgust ordered him to be ridden out of the camp. A stout rail was brought, Tom was placed astride of it, four men hoisted it upon their shoulders, and the cavalcade started. On their way they met General Putnam with his aids, making the rounds of the camp. "Tom," said the General sternly, "how's this? Aren't you ashamed to be seen riding out of camp in this way?" "Yes," replied Tom, with drunken gravity. "Tom is ashamed, vera mooch ashamed, to see poor Indian ride and the Gineral he go afoot." Tom had a house on the high ridge back of Captain Isaac Hamilton's, now owned by John Read. It was built, it is said, in primitive Indian style, of poles set firmly in the ground, then bent and fastened together at the top. This framework was covered with bark, ,Q HISTORY OF REDDING. and roofed with reeds and rushes. Its furniture consisted of frame- work bedsteads, with bedding- of skins, wooden bowls fashioned from pepperage knots, huge wooden spoons, baskets made of rushes or long grass, pails of birch bark, and an iron pot and skillet begged or borrowed from the settlers. His sister Eunice was his housekeeper. Except in war he was a worthless, shiftless fellow, and lived chiefly by begging; hunting and trapping were his recreations. He would often absent him- self from his hut for weeks at a time, sleeping in barns or in the forest. A huge overhanging rock about a mile north of Georgetown often shel- tered him on these occasions, and is still known as Warrups' Rock. Tom's neighbor and landlord before the war was Colonel John Read, son of the early setder of that name. On one occasion the colonel had a company of gentlemen from Boston to visit him, and planned a grand hunt in their honor. Tom was always master of the revels at such times, and piloted the party on this occasion. In their rambles through the forests they came to a spring, and being thirsty one of the party la- mented that they had left their hunting cups behind. Tom at once slip- ped off his shoe, and filling it with water offered it to the guest to drink ; whereupon Colonel Read reproved him sharply for his ill-breeding. Tom drank from the vessel while the homily was being delivered, and then replaced the shoe, observing with the haughtiness of a king, "Good enough for Indian, g^ood enough for white man too." After the war Captain Zalmon Read and Tom were near neighbors, ana the former had a cornfield in dangerous proximity to Tom's cabin ; he missed the corn and suspected Tom, and watching, not only discovered him to be the thief, but also his ingenious plan of procedure. About midnight the Indian would come, basket in hand, and seated on the top rail of the fence would thus address the field : " Lot, can Tom have some corn?" "Yes, Tom," the lot would reply, "take all you want"; whereupon Tom would fill his basket with ears and march off. The next night, as the story goes, the captain armed himself with a grievous hickory club and lay in wait behind the fence. Presently Tom came, re- peated his formula, and proceeded to fill his basket, but when he returned! with it to the fence, it was occupied by the captain, who proceeded to] repeat Tom's formula with a variation. *"Lot, can I beat Tom?" "Yes,' the lot replied, "beat him all he deserves" ; whereupon the fun-loving captain fell upon the culprit and gave him the thorough beating which his roguery deserved. One more anecdote of Tom must suffice. One day he went to aj neighbor's house and demanded whiskey. No, the neighbor was of the] opinion that whiskey was bad for Tom. "Rum, then." "No." "Cider."; "No, cider was bad too; food he might have to keep him from starving, but no fire-water." Tom ruminated. "Well," said he at length, "give! HISTORY OF REDDING. 4 1 me toast and cider" — a favorite dish in those days — and in this way won the desired stimulant. Some years after, when age was creeping on, Tom and his sister re- moved to the Indian reservation at Schaticook, in Kent, whither his tribe had preceded him. and the time and manner of his death was un- known to his white brethren in Redding. This is a long digression, pardonable in this connection only because its subject was one of the brave defenders of his country. Among the papers in the "Richards Collection" are some that are in- teresting as detailing little episodes of camp life, as well as some that possess considerable historic value. They are as follows : " Headquarters, Reading, May, 28, 1779. " Daniel Vaughn and Jonath'n Gore of the 8th Connecticut Regt. Tryd by a Brigade C. M. whereof Lt. Col. Sumner was President, For Stealing a Cup from Capt. Zalmon Read of Reading, The Court are of Opinion the charges against Vaughn and Gore are not supported. " B. O." "Camp, 2nd Hill, Nov. 14, 1778. " The General having obtained permission of the Commander In Chief to be Absent a few days from the Division, the Command will devolve upon Brigadier Gen'l Huntington. Gen'l McDougal is happy that it falls upon a Gentleman in whose care for and attention to the Troops he has the utmost Confidence. The Orders will be issued as usual at the Headquarters of the Division." general Putnam's orders. " Reading, Dec. 18, 1778. " Lieut. Col. Butler of Wylly's Reg. is promoted to the command of the 2nd Company Battalion and is to be obeyed as such. Col. Meigs is appointed Inspector of the Division and to do the duty of Adj. General for the same until further Orders — Quartermaster Belding of the First Conn. Brigade is appointed Quartermaster of the Division and is to do that duty until further Orders. David Humphrey Esq. late Brigade Major to Gen'l Parsons is appointed aide de camp to Gen'l Putnam till further Orders." " Fei;. 13, 1779. " The Gen'l Directs that no person be permitted to visit the Prisoners under sentence of Death Unless at their Request as frequent Complaints have been made that they are interrupted in their Private Devotions by persons who came for no other Purpose but to Insult them." 42 HISTORY OF REDDING. "^t a Cen'l Court Martial held at Bedford Oct. 3, 1778, By order of Gen^ Scott whereof Lt. Col. Blaisden was President. " Elisha Smith a private in Capt. Stoddard's Co. 2d Regt. Light Dragoons was tryed for Deserting to the Enemy last August and Pilot- ing them into and against the troops of this State Defrauding the publick, by selling his horse and Accouterments in a Treasonable Manner to the Enemy and for Menacing and Insulting his officers while a Prisoner, found Guilty, and Sentence Him to Suffer the pains of Death — His Excellency the Commander in Chief Approves the Sentence and Orders s'd Elisha Smith to be Executed next Monday the 12th Inst, at n O'clock A. M. at or near Bedford as Gen. Scott shall Direct." No date : " Divine Service will be performed to morrow at the Church, to begin at 11 O'Clock a. m. Those off Duty are to March from Camp so as to be at the Church by that time." The "Church" was the Congregational at the Centre, and the preach- er the Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett. " Headquarters^ May 27, 1779. " Major General Putnam being (about) to take command of one of the Wings of the Grand Army, before he leaves the Troops who have served under him the winter past, thinks it his Duty to Signify to them his entire approbation of their Regular and Soldier like Conduct, and wishes them (wherever they may happen to be out), a Successful and Glorious Campaign." Hazen's command seems to have been the first to break camp in the spring, as the following proves : " Head Quarters, Reading, March 21, 1779. "Col. Hazen's Regt. will march to Springfield in 3 Divisions by the shortest notice: the first Division will march on Monday next, and the other two will follow on Thursday and Friday next. Weather permitting, and in case the detached parties join the Regt. Col. Hazen will take with him one peice of Cannon and a proportionable Number of Artillery men."' April nth, the following order was issued: " Head Quarters, Apr. nth, 1779. " The officers are Requested to lose no time in Preparing for the field, that they may be ready to leave their present Quarters at the Shortest Notice. The Q. M. Gen'l — as far as it is in his power — will supply those with Portmanteaus, who have not been furnished before, and those who have or shall be provided are on no account to carry chests or Boxes into the field. The portmanteaus are given by the publick to Supersede those of such Cumbersome articles in order to contract the Baggage of the Army and lessen the Number of Waggons, which besides saving the HISTORY OF REDDING. 43 Expense, is attended with many obvious and most Important Military Advantages. The General also thinks it necessary to give explicit notice in time with a View to have the army as little Encumbered as possible in all its movements, and to prevent burthening the public and the farm- ers more than can be avoided. No officer whose Duty does not Really require him to be on horseback — will be permitted to keep horses with the Army — It ought to be the pride of an officer to share the fatigues, as well as the Dangers to which the men are exposed on foot. March- ing by their sides he will lessen every inconvenience and Excite in them a spirit of patience and perserverance. Inability alone can justify a Deviation from this necessary practice. Gen. Washington strongly recommends to the officers to Divest themselves as much as possible of Every thing Superfluous — Taking to the field only what is Essential for Dining and Comfort. Such as have not particular friends within reach with whom they would choose to confide their Baggage, will apply to the O. M. Gen'l who will appoint a place for their Reception and furnish Means of Transportation." " Reading, May 24, 1779. "Gen. Parsons orders the Brigade to be Ready to March to Morrow at 6 o'clock A. M. Complet for Action." This brigade seems to have returned to the Highlands via Ridgefield and Bedford, as General Parsons dates his next order at Ridgefield^ May 30: " That Col. Wyllys furnish a Sergt. Corp. and 12 privates to be post- ed as a Guard this Night one quarter of a Mile in front of where his Regt. is quartered on the road leading to Bedford. That Col. Meigs furnish a Guard of the Same Number and Distance on the road leading to Norwalk. The Revielle to be beat to-morrow morning at the Dawn of Day, the troops to parade at 4 o'clock half a mile below the meeting house, on the road leading to Bedford, for which place they will march immediately after in the same order as this day." " Bedford, May 31st, 1779. " The troops of Gen. Parson's Brigade to have two Days. . . .per man from Capt. Townsend .... refresh themselves, and be ready to march in two hours to Parade near the Meeting house." " Fish KILL, June 2, 1779. "Gen. Parsons orders that Com'sr Sturm deliver one gill of Rum per man, and two Days provision to the troops of his Brigade, this Day. — The Or. master to make return for the sam." 44 HISTORY OF REDDING. Hd. Qr., June 7th, 1779. "General McDougal Orders a Detachment of 150 Men Properly Officered from Gen. Parson's and Huntington's Brigades to parade at 12 o clock, with arms, ammunition, accouterments, Blankets and three days Provisions in front of Gen. Hn. Bd." (Huntington's Brigade.) " Hr. Qr. June 7th, 1779. " The Grand Parade in front of Gen. Hn. Bd. 100 men properly Officered from Hn. Bd. will parade for piquet at 3 o'clock for the future. The Relief will parade at 8 o'clock in the morning. No persons will pass the piquet who cannot give a Good Ac'ct. of himself." " The Signal of Alarm will be three cannon fired Distinctly by the Artillery in the front line." The following orders show the route taken by the army in the fall of 1778 from the Highlands to Redding: " Head Quarters, Fredericksburg, Oct. 16, 1778. "To morrow being the Anniversary of the Surrender of Gen'l Bur- goyne and his Troops to the Arms of America under the Command of Major Gen'l Gates, it will be Commemorated by the firing of thirteen cannon from the Park of Artillery at 12 orClock." " Head Quarters, Oct. 22, 1778. "Nixon's, Parson's and Huntington's Brigades are to march to mor- row morning at 7 'o'clock from the Line under the command of Major Gen'l McDougall — Orders of March — Gen'l Nixon's Brigade leads, Huntington's follows. Parson's brings up the Rear, Commanding Officers of Corps will be answerable for the conduct of their men while on the March. Artillery to March in Centre of each Brigade — the Baggage of Gen'l Officers to March in Rear of the Troops, the other Baggage will march in the same order. Forage and Commissary Waggons in the rear of the Whole." "New Milford, Nov. 5, 1778. "The Honora^ble, the Continental Congress having on the 12th of Oc- tober passed a Resolution to discourage prophaneness in the Army it is inserted in this Division for the information of Officers, and Gen. Mc- Dougall hopes for their aid and Countenance in Discouraging and Sup- pressing a Vice so Dishonorable to human Nature, to the commission of which there is no Temptation enough." " Camp, New Milford, Oct. 26, 1778. "Plis Excellency the Commander in Oiief has Directed the troops to remain here till further orders — and be in Readiness to March at the shortest Notice as Circumstances shall require. While the Division is Reposed, two days bread will be on store Continually, Baked." r»fP53i:3 < [-" D ui u E-' v. HISTORY OF REDDING. 45 These interesting extracts might fitly conclude the story of the army's encampment in Redding ; there are, however, some entries in the parish records, proving that amid the horrors of war sly Cupid found a chance to inflict his wounds, that are worthy of insertion. They are given as entered by the Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett : "Fe'b. 7, 1770. I Joined together in marriage James Gibbins a sol- dier in the army and Ann Sullivan." "March i8th, 1779. I joined together m marriage John Lines, a sol- dier in the army, and Mary Hendrick." "March 30, 1779. I joined in marriage Daniel Evarts a soldier, and Mary Rowland." "Apr. 15, 1779. I joined in marriage Isaac Olmsted a soldier, and Mary Parsons." "Apr. 28, 1779. I joined in marriage Jesse Belknap an artificer in the army, and pAmice Hall." "May 4, 1779. I joined in marriage William Little, Steward to Gen. Parsons, and Phebe Merchant." "May 23, 1779. I joined in marriage Giles Gilbert an artificer in the army, and Deborah Hall.". "March 9, 1780. T joined in marriage William Darrow a soldier, and Ruth Bartram." In the month of June, 1781, Count de Rochamibeau and the Duke de Lauzun marched a column of French troops across Connecticut and took post in Ridgefield, within supporting distance of Washington's army on the Hudson. They passed through Redding on the march, and encamp- ed over night, it is said, on the old parade-ground. Their supply-train numbered eight hundred and ten wagons, most of them drawn by two yoke of oxen and a horse leading. CHAPTER V. Putnam Memorial Camp-Ground. HISTORICAL. In a History of Redding, published in 1880, the author de- scribed the site of Putnam's winter quarters of 1778-9, and predicted that "it will in time no doubt become a favorite place of resort." On the setting of the Connecticut Legislature in January, 1887, Hon. Isaac N. Bartram, of Sharon, introduced the following resolution, Aaron Tread- well, owner of the site, having previously agreed to present the land as a free srift to the State : 46 HISTORY OF REDDING. "Resolved by this Assembly, that a committee consisting of one Sen- ator and four Representatives be appointed to investigate and report at once on the practicability and desirability of obtaining for the state the old Israel Putnam Camp Grounds in the town of Redding, on which traces of said encampment still exist, and the erecting thereon of a suit- able monument or memorial." The resolution passed, and Senator Cole of Bethel, Messrs. Bartram of Sharon, Gorham of Redding, Wessells of Litchfield, and Barbour of Branford, of the House, were appointed a committee to visit the grounds and report. Early in February this committee, accompanied by a num- ber of interested members, proceeded to Redding. They were met at the station by a delegation of citizens of Redding and escorted to the winter quarters which they inspected. To this committee, by request, Charles B. Todd presented a plan for the lay-out of the grounds, which he later embodied in an article on the winter quarters in the New York Evening Post, and which was widely copied by State papers. " It is not proposed to erect a pleasure park, but a memorial. The men it is designed to commemorate were strong, rugged, simple. Its leading features, therefore, should be of similar character and of such an historical and antiquarian cast as to direct the thought to the men and times it commemorates. The rugged natural features in which the pro- posed site abounds should be retained. I would throw over the brooks arched stone bridges with stone parapets such as the troops marched over in their campaigns through the Hudson valley. The heaps of stone marking the limits of the encampment should be left undisturbed as one of the most interesting features of the place. One might be reconstruct- ed and shown as it was while in use. A summer house on the crag guarding the entrance, might be reared in the form of an ancient block- house, like those in storming or defending which Putnam and his rangers learned the art of war. Such a structure, at this day, would be an his- torical curiosity. I know of but two in the world — one on Sugar Island, at the mouth of the Detroit River, and another at Mackinac Island, in the Straits of Mackinaw. For the monument I would suggest a cairn of stones from the neighboring limestone quarry, to be surmounted by a pyramidal monolith of granite, ten feet high, each of its four faces bear- ing an inscription as follows : For the north face : On this spot, and on two others situated one and two miles to the westward respectively. Gen. Putnam's division of the Continental Army encamped during the severe winter of 1778-9, enduring untold priva- tions, in the belief that their sufferings would inure to the benefit and happiness of future millions. HISTORY OF REDDING. Ay On the reverse: The men of '76 who sutfered here. To preserve their memory so long as time endures, the State of Connec- ticut has acquired these grounds and erected this monument, A. D. 1887. On the east face the names of the division and brigade commanders ; on the west an extract from Putnam's address, sHghtly changed. All the world is full of their praises Posterity stands astonished at their deeds. This plan, modified as to details, both by Mr. Todd himself, and from suggestions by John Ward Stimson, Superintendent Isaac N. Bartram and Engineers Hull and Palmer, has since been followed in the lay-out of the Camp. The Special Committee, on February 9th, submitted tlie following report : Your Committee * * * visited the site on February 3d, and found it to be a sloping hillside facing the east, diversified with crags and plateaus and forming the west wall of the valley of Little River, an affluent of the Saugatuck. The ground is two miles from Bethel, the nearest railroad station, and five from Danbury, at which point railroads from all parts of the state converge. A fine forest covers the greater part of the site ; brooks flow through it falling in cascades over the crags, and the general situation is commanding and delightful. The heaps of stone marking the site of the log huts in which the brigades were quartered, are forty-five in number and are arranged op- posite each other in long, parallel rows defining an avenue some ten yards wide and five hundred feet in length. These, with others scattered among the crags, admirably define the limits of the encampment, and form one of the best preserved and most interesting relics of the Revolution to be found in the State, if not in the Country. It was here that Putnam and his brigades wintered in 1778-9. The owner of the site, Aaron Treadwell, offers to donate so much land as the State shall decide to take for the purpose of preserving in- tact forever the old Camp Ground, and for erecting thereon a suitable memorial. Your Committee would recommend the acceptance of the offer of Aaron Treadwell as a gift to the State, and the appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars for the erection of a suitable memorial thereon. They, also, recommend the appointment of a Committee of four, by his Excellency, the Governor, to receive for the State, a deed of said site, and for the laying out of the grounds and the erection of a memorial. A resolution, embodying these recommendations, was passed on April 2ist. 48 HISTORY OF REDDING. The committee appointed by Governor Lounsbury in accordance with the resokition, comprised Hons. Samuel B. Gorham of Redding, and Isaac N. Bartram of Sharon, Messrs. Charles B. Todd and Aaron Treadvvell of Redding. This Committee caused to b- erected during the summer of 1888 the present monument. It was apparent, "however, that the tract of twelve acres which had been presented by Mr. Tread well, very inade- quately preserved the autonomy of the former camp. The line of bar- racks originally extended through the adjoining fields North nearly a quarter of a mile, and to bring the limits of the former winter quarters more within the control of the State, Mr. O. B. Jennings, of Fairfield, purchased the Read property on the north for five hundred dollars, and generously donated it to the State. The whole tract now comprised thirty-two acres, and needed to be fenced and made accessible by means of roads, walks, etc. Messrs. Hull and Palmer, engineers of Bridgeport, were accordingly employed by the committee to make a topographical survey and map, and prepare a plan or lay-out. This plan, with the engineer's estimate of cost, etc., was submitted to the Connecticut Legislature of 1889, at an early date, and a Joint Select Committee of one senator and six representatives was raised to proceed to Redding, view the monument and grounds, and re- port. This Committee, consisting of Senator Bartram of Sharon, Repre- sentatives Sharp of Pomfret, Aliller of Redding, Day of Brooklyn, Chichester of Wilton, Burlingame of Canterbury, and Sunderland of Danbury, visited the Camp early in February, 1889, and were again hos- pitably received and entertained by the citizens of Redding. They re- ported in favor of the whole amount called for in the engineer's estimate — $20,608.55, and an act appropriating this amount passed both Houses and was signed by Governor Bulkiey, June 19, 1889. A commission of seven persons "to be appointed by the Governor," had previously been created, and had been authorized "to accept on behalf of the State any gifts of real estate or money which might be oflfered to the State, * * and to take charge of the Camp Ground until August i, 1891, or until their successors were appointed." Section 2 authorized the commission "to cause said Camp Ground to be fenced and otherwise suitabh^ im-' proved as they should deem meet and proper, provided they did not ex- ceed the amount of money that might be given, together with the amount appropriated by the State therefor, including pay for their own services."' "Said commission to report in full their doings, and the amount by them expended to the next general assembly." Under the second act. Governor Bulkiey appointed the following gen- tlemen as commissioners : Isaac N. Bartram of Sharon, Charles B. Todd of Redding, Oliver B. Jennings of Fairfield, Clement A. Sharp of Pom- ^ill^mM^. .iJS^J 'w3HH^| i ik '^ 5 mm. r: p .^mwf^s •<«£■ V. \;' ) ^~^]^^^ ^"^■^ • '' ^i / ^ , -^% '^V^ \ \ ^ i " w mm^m mmtM - ^ - 'N Vr'^ J 11 I'll X u ai c m o m = P »< ■— O 1; U- U Oh b OU HISTORY OK RKDDING. 49 fret, Oland H. Blanchard of Hartford, Samuel S. Ambler of Bethel, and James E. Miller of Redding. The work of restoring the winter quarters and of laying out the grounds was begun by this commission in July, 1889, and largely com- pleted by the autumn of 1890. A stone house for public comfort and as a museum of relics, a fountain with a jet of water playing on a bed of Connecticut mineral, a walk between the stone heaps and some minor details were left unfinished. It is to be regretted that succeeding com- missions did not in all respects carry out the original plan, thus pre- serving its unity. The present commission appointed by Governor Rob- erts in 1905, comprising John H. Jennings of Southport, William Ward of Naugatuck, William H. Hill of Redding, Thomas A. Evans of Bethel, Charles S. Peck of Danbury, Clarence T. Hickok of Bethel, and George A. Parker of Hartford, has done much to bring the grounds more into harmony with the original design. Since the gift of Mr. Jennings there have been several gifts of land to the State. In 1893, Isaac N. Bartram in order that the entire site mig^ht belong to the State, purchased of Henry Adams twenty-three acres on the east of the Jennings gift and presented it. In 1900, the heirs of Mr. O. B. Jennings presented a large tract of woodland on the north. The total area of the Camp is now one hundred and two acres. DESCRIPTIVE. No Revolutionary relic at all approaching in completeness the Israel Putnam Memorial Camp Ground in Redding can be found in America, and a brief description of the encampment and of the strength, equipment and organization of the army that occupied it can but be of interest in this connection. Col. Humphrey tells us that it was tlie whole right wing of the Con- tinental Army, which had rendezvoused at White Plains that summer, thence marched to Fredericksburg, and thence to Redding, leaving de- tachments to garrison the Highlands. Major-General Israel Putnam was Commander-in-Chief ; Major-General Alexander McDougall, Divi- sion Commander ; Brigadier-General John Nixon, Commanding the first Continental brigade : Brigadier-General Jedediah Huntington, Command- ing the second Continental brigade ; Brigadier-General Samuel Parsons, Commanding the third Continental brigade ; Brigadier-General Enoch Poor, Commanding a brigade of the New Hampshire line ; Colonel Moses Hazen, Commanding a corps of infantry, and General Sheldon, Com- manding a corps of cavalry. It would be interesting to know precisely how many men were encamped here, but it is difficult to fix the exact number. Col. Humphrey says, that in this summer of 1778, three armies were mobilized at White Plains, forming the right wing of the Grand 50 HISTORY OF REDDING. Army ; that it contained sixty regiments of foot, in fifteen brigades ; four batteries of artillery ; four regiments of horse, and several corps of State troops. Not all of this army came to Redding, as before remarked, but from the extent of the three camps, it is evident that a large portion of it was encamped here. Before telling how this great body was organized, officered and con- trolled, it will be proper to sketch briefly the Commanders. With the •history and exploits of General Putnam every school boy is familiar. The quaint old colonial house at Dan vers, Mass., where he was born, is still standing. The incidents of the wolf den, of the powder magazine at Fort Edward, his gallantry at Bunker Hill and on many revolutionary fields are twice-told tales and need not be recounted here. General Alexander McDougall, the second in command, was a native' of Scotland, having been born in the Island of Islay, in 1731. He settled when quite young in New York city, and when the contest between Eng- land and the Colonies began espoused warmly the patriot cause. He was appointed June 30, 1776, Colonel of the first regiment raised for the war in New York city. From this time his promotion was rapid. He was made Brigadier General August 9th of the same summer; Major General October 20, 1777, and witih his command was in the Battle of White Plains, White Marsh, and Germantown. He had been in command of the Highlands during this summer of 1778. In 1780 he was a delegate from New York to the Continental Congress. He died in New York, June 8, 1786. John Nixon, senior Commander of the Connecticut Brigades, was born in Philadelphia, in 1733, his father being a well-to-do ship merchant there. He was port warden of Philadelphia in 1766. An ardent patriot he early opposed tlie tyranny of King George, and in 1776 was commis- sioned Colonel of a Philadelphia regiment to succeed John Cadwallader, who was made Brigadier General. He served with distinction in the battle of Princeton, and suffered with Washington at Valley Forge. Jedediah Huntington was a native of Norwich, Connecticut, a mer- chant and graduate of Harvard College. He entered the army as Colonel at the beginning of the war, and gained the distinction of having served under every general officer in the Revolution, except Stark. Samuel H. Parsons was born in Lyme, Connecticut, May 14, 1737, and was the son of the distinguished clergyman, Rev, John Parsons, He was an able lawyer, and at the opening of the war was King's Attorney for New London County, which office he resigned to enter the patriot army. He originated the design of seizing Ticonderoga; was commis- sioned Colonel of the 6th Connecticut Regiment, April 26, 1775, and Brigadier General in the Continental Army by Congress in August, 1776. He won the perfect confidence of Washington, and there is evidence that he was employed by him on secret service to discover the designs II HISTORY OF REDDING. 5 1 of Sir Henry Clinton. During tJhis winter through Squire Heron, an ostensible loyalist of Redding Ridge, he carried on a correspondence with Clinton, undoubtedly with the knowledge of Washington and Putnam, Heron being to Clinton a bitter tory, but in reality a friend to the colonies. After the war General Parsons was a prominent figure in the settlement of Ohio. General Enoch Poor, Commander of the New Hampshire Line, was born in Andover, Massachusetts, June 21, 1736. After the battle of Lex- ington he raised three regiments in New Hampshire, and took command of one. Congress in February, 1777, commissioned him Brigadier Gen- eral. He had served with honor in the campaign against Burgoyne the summer previous, having led the attack at Saratoga, and had been present at the Battle of Monmouth in the summer of 1778. He died in Camp, near Hackensack, the year after leaving Redding, 1780, and was buried with military honors. Let us next consider the regiments encamped here and learn what we can of their formation, discipline, dress, accoutrements, and the rou- tine of life at the camp. Sheldon's and Hazen's corps seem to have been all the Continentals here, the rest being "state troops" of Connecticut and New Hampshire.* Both classes, state and continental, were, however, modeled largely on the plan of the old militia system of the Colonies, and had been largely recruited from that source. The militia system of Connecticut, just prior to the Revolution, was one of the most perfect and effective ever devised. The bloody French and Indian Wars from 1745, down, had been her school and drill master. Let us study this system briefly. It was or- ganized in 1739, with the Governor as Captain-General and Commander- in-Chief. Thirteen regiments were formed at that time from the "train bands," the militia unit, each commanded by a Colonel, Lieutenant-Col- onel, and Major, who were commissioned by the Governor. A regiment might also include a troop of horse. There was an annual "muster of arms" on the first Monday of May, several "company" trainings a year, and a "regimental muster" once in four years. In 1756 two "company reviews" were instituted to be held yearly on the ist of May and ist of October. In 1767 the Fourteenth Regiment was formed of Cornwall, Sharon, Salisbury, Canaan and Norfolk. In 1769, the Fifteenth was formed of Farmington, Harwinton and New Hartford. In 1771 the Sixteenth, of Danbury, Ridgefield, Newtown and New Fairfield. In 1774 the Seventeenth, of Litchfield, Goshen, Torrington and Winchester, and the Eighteenth, of Simsburv, New Hartford, Hartland, Barkhamsted * State troops were not regularly mustered in, but were lent Washington by their respective states when a special danger threatened, or for a certain purpose. They •were usually under the orders of the Governor and Council of their states. 52 HISTORY OF REDDING. and Colebrook. In October to meet the coming storm, four additional regiments were formed. The Nineteenth, from East Windsor, Enfield, Bolton and that part of Hartford east of Connecticut River. The Twen- tieth, from the miHtary companies of Norwich. The twenty-first, from Plainfield. Canton, Vohintown, and the South Company of Kilhngly ; and the Twenty-second, of Tolland, Somers, Stafford, Willington and Union. In May, 1776, two more regiments were formed, one in Westmoreland County in Pennsylvania, then a part of (^Connecticut, and the other in Middletown and Chatham. Later, in 1776, the Twenty-fifth was formed cf East Haddam, Colchester and the Society of Marlboroug'h, while the cavalry troops were organized into five regiments of light horse. So tliat when the struggle opened, Connecticut had twenty-five regiments of foot and five of horse, armed, officered, and to some extent drilled, that could be called to her defence. All males between sixteen and fifty were liable to serve in these regiments. Not a few of the men were veterans seasoned in the French and Indian wars. The Assembly of 1776, mob- ilized this force into six brigades, appointed a Brigadier-General for each brigade, and two Major-Generals to command the whole. There were then 26.000 men in the colony capable of bearing arms; 1,000 of them beyond the Delaware. These men served in the Continental army in two ways — as enlisted men when they left the state service and were known as continental or regular soldiers, and as militia ordered by the Governor or Assembly to some threatened point, when they were known as state troops. In August, 1776, for instance. Governor Trumbull ordered all the militia west of the Connecticut River — 14 regiments — ^to march to the defence of New York. The Continental service was modeled much after that of Connecticut. The main difference between the continental and the militiaman was, that the former took an oath "to be true to the United States of America, and to serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or op- posers, whatsoever, and to observe and obey all orders of the Continental Congress, and the orders of the General and officers set over me by them," while the state troops swore fealty to their State only. Congress, July 18, 1775, provided that the compan}' should comprise a captain, two lieu- tenants, an ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, a clerk, drummer, fifer and sixty-eight privates. Connecticut at its October session made the same provision, although before that time the State companies had con- sisted of one hundred men. The camp equipment of the militia, provided the full quota had been maintained, seems to have been sufficiently liberal. An order of 1775, enumerates, "90 marquees or officer's tents, 500 private tents, cloth for 48 tents, and for 500 tents, 1,092 iron pots of 10 quarts each — if not pots then tin kettles; 1.098 pails, 2 brass kettles of 10 gallons each for each company, 2.500 wooden bowls. 4 frying pans per company, 6,000 quart HISTORY OF REDDING. :)3 runlets, 60 drums, 120 fifes, i standard for each regiment, a medicine chest and apparatus not to exceed £40 in cost, a set of surgical instru- ments for the corps, 70 books in quarto of one quire each, 2 reams of writing paper, 10 of cartridge paper, i cart for each company, etc." The Continental soldier had to furnish himself with a good musket, carrying an ounce ball, a bayonet, steel ramrod, worm, priming wire and brush, cutting sword or tomahawk, cartridge box containing twenty-three rounds of cartridges, twelve flints and a knapsack. Each man was also to provide himself with one pound good powder and four pounds of balls. The rations of the militia were also sufficiently liberal, provided they could have secured them — ^4 pound of pork, or one pound beef, i pound bread or flour, 3 pints beer Friday, beef fresh two days in the week, j/2 pint rice or pint of meal, 6 ounces butter, 3 pints peas per week, a gill of rum per day when on fatigue, and no other time. Milk, molasses, can- dles, soap, vinegar, coffee, chocolate, sugar, tobacco, onions in season, and vegetables at the discretion of the field-officers are mentioned. The pay of officers and men was as follows : Major General, £20 per month ; Brigadier General, £17; Colonel, £15; Lieutenant-Colonel, £12; Major, £10; Chaplain, £6; Lieutenant, £4; Ensign, £3; Adju'tant, £5, los ; Quar- ter master, £3; Surgeon, £7, los; Surgeon's mate, £4; Sergeant, £2, 8s; Corporal, £2, 4s ; fifer and drummer, £2, 4s ; private, £2. If they found their own arms £10 for use of the latter. The musket prescribed by Connecticut must have a barrel 3 feet 10 inches long, ^ inch bore, bay- onet blade 14 inches long, iron ramrod, good lock and stock well mounted with brass, and the name of the maker on it. is, 6d, was given each man who supplied himself with 3 pounds of balls, 3s for a pound of powder, and 3d for six flints ; otherwise they were supplied out of the Colony stock. By November 14th, as remarked, the troops were all safely ensconced in winter quarters. A few days after, with a terrible northeast snow- storm, winter set in — one of the longest and severest ever known in this region. The mercury sank to its lowest level, and the snow was so deep that all surface landmarks were obliterated, and people traveled in their sledges at will without regard to highways or fences. The poor soldiers, half clad, illy supplied with blankets, camp equipage, food and medicine, and housed in rude log huts, suffered terribly. Tales of the destitution of those times are still current in the town, having been handed down from father to son. We have no account of the destitution at Putnam Camp from the diarists of the period, but from whaJt has been recorded of other winter quarters, we infer that it was bitter in the extreme. Putnam wrote to Washington the spring before as follows : "Dubois Regiment is unfit to be ordered on duty, there being not one blanket in the regiment. Very J, - HISTORY OF REDDING. few have either a shoe or a shirt, and most of them have neither stock- ings, breeches nor overalls. Several companies of enlisted artificers are in the same situation and unable to work in the field." Dr. I'hatcher, in his diary, kept at Valley Forge the winter before, adds to the picture : "Thousands are without blankets and keep themselves from freezing by standing all night over the camp fires. Their foot prints on the frozen ground are marked in blood from their naked feet. For two or three weeks, in succession, the men were on half allowance, now without bread for four or five days, and again without beef or pork. A foreign visitor, walking through the camp, heard plaintive voices within the huts, saying "no pay, no clothes, no provisions, no rum," and whenever he saw a mis- erable being flitting from one hut to another, his nakedness was covered only by a dirty blanket." Washington, in his letters to Congress, also refers in affecting terms to the sad condition of the men in winter quarters. At Lebanon and in Hartford, pitying, large-hearted Governor Trum- bull was making the utmost efiort to succor the distressed troops, in which he was heartily seconded by the Connecticut Assembly. For in- stance, the latter body at its November session, 1776, enacted that the select men of each town should procure and hold in readiness for the soldiers, i tent, i iron pot, 2 wooden bowls and 3 canteens for each iiooo of the grand list of said town; and in January, 1778, it ordered that each town must provide i hunting shirt, 2 linen shirts, 2 pair linen overalls, I pair stockings, 12 pair good shoes, and one-half as many blankets for the continental soldiers. But the towns were so impoverished that, in many cases, they could not respond to the requisitions, and the soldiers suffered accordingly.* Before describing the final breaking up, let us look in upon the camps, and spend a day there with the soldiers. At sunrise, reveille calls them from their beds. After their frugal breakfast, at ten o'clock comes "par- ade," or as we would term it, "guard mounr." The continental soldier, wlien presentable, made no doubt a gallant show in his uniform of blue and buff with bayonets glistening and silken standards waving.** Once every two months the rules and regulations of Congress were read to the men on parade, and there was often some general order or *In 1778, the town of Redding petitioned the Legislature for relief. "Forty- nine of her citizens," says the petition, "have gone to the enemy; six are dead or prisoners; nine are in the corps of artificers; twenty-eight men are in the Con- tinental Army, and one-hundred and twelve in the train bands," leaving scarcely none to man the farms and produce money or supplies to meet the requisitions. **The standard of the First Connecticut Regiment was yellow, of the Second, blue; of the Third, scarlet; of the Fourth, crimson; of the Fifth, white; of the Sixth, azure. Plioti) by Miss Mary C. Boui^htoii. This old Revolutionary elm is said to hi the largest elm in Connecticut. One loot ;;hove the ground it has a girth of thirty feet six inches. The spread of its branches is one hundred and twelve feet. On the site of the cottage in the background (now owned by Miss Eleanor Dayton) stood the house of the Widow Sanford. where the Continental of- ficers banqueted in 1779. I t HISTORY OF REDDING. DD felicitation of the Commander on some event of interest communicated at the same time. The sutler's tents were open until the "retreat" was beaten at sunset, and which sent every soldier to his quarters. Telling Stories and singing patriotic songs were almost the only evening amuse- ments of the soldiers. There were two talented young poets in the camp at this time, whose stirring lyrics sung around the camp fires were well calculated to cheer and animate the soldier, and lead him to forget, or en- dure with cheerfulness his privations. These two poets were Col. David Humphrey, aide-de-camp to General Putnam, and Joel Barlow, who had just graduated at Yale College, where he had distinguished himself by his patriotic commencement poem, the Prospect of Peace. Barlow was a native of Redding, and his brother, Colonel Aaron Barlow, was a meri- torious officer in the continental service, and the personal friend of Put- nam. Both poets later rose to eminence, Humphrey becoming aide-de- camp to, and later the friend and companion of Washington ; Barlow, after filling various offices, died in Poland in 1812, while our Minister to France. On Sunday all the troops presentable were formed in column and marched to the Congregational Church at Redding Centre, where they listened to the sermons of the eloquent and patriotic Parson Bartlett, pas- tor of that church. There were also chaplains of their own in camp, one of them being Abraham Baldwin, of New Haven, who later drafted the Constitution, and became a Senator of the United States from Georgia. One of the recreations of the officers was in practising the rites and amenities of Free Masonry. While the army lay at Redding, American Union Lodge, which followed the fortunes of the army, was re-organized "on application of a number of gentlemen, brethren of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons." Agreeable to the application a summons was issued desiring the mem- bers to meet "At Widow Sanford's,* near Redding Old Meeting House, on Monday 15th inst. (February, 1779), at 4 o'clock past M." At this meeting General Parsons was elected Master. Records of several meet- ings of the Lodge at "Redding viz. Mrs. Sanford's" follow. On March 25th the Lodge gave a state dinner w^hich is thus described : Procession began at half-past 4 o'clock, in the following order : Bro. Whitney to clear the way. The Wardens with their wands. The youngest brother with the bag. Brethren by juniority. *Who was she? According to Mr. John Nickerson, town clerk of Redding, who has made a study of the subject, she was daughter of Col. John Read, 3d, and widow of Sanford, and lived just east of the Congregational parson- age on the site of the cottage now owned by Miss Eleanor Dayton. 56 HISTORY OF REDDING. The Worshipful Master with the Treasurer on his right hand sup- porting the sword of justice, and the Secretary on his left hand support- ing the bible, square and compass. Music playing the Entered Apprentice INIarch. Proceeded to Esq. Havvley's where brother Little delivered a few sen- timents on Friendship. The Rev. Dr. Evans and a number of gentlemen and ladies being present. After dinner the following songs and toasts were given, interspersed with music, for the entertainment of the company : Songs : Hail America f* Montgomery ; French Ladies* Lament ; That seat of science, Athens, And earth's great 'Mistress, Rome, Where now are all their glories? We scarce can find the tomb. Then guard your rights, Americans, Nor stoop to lawless sway, Oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose. My brave America. Proud Albion's bound to Caesar And numerous lords before, To Picts, to Danes, to Normans, And many Masters more. But we can boast, Americans, We never fell a prey. Huzza, Huzza, Huzza, Huzza, For brave America. We led fair fredom hither. And lo, the desert smiled, A Paradise of pleasure Was opened in the wild. Your harvest, bold Americans, No power shall snatch away, A.ssert yourselves, yourselves. Ye sons of brave America. Torn from a world of tyrants, Beneath the western sky We formed a new dominion, A land of Liberty. The world shall own its Masters here. The heroes of the day. Huzza, Huzza, Huzza, Huzza, For brave America. God bless this maiden climate. And through her vast domain Let hosts of heroes cluster, Who scorn to wear a chain. And blast the venal sycophants. Who dare our rights betray. Preserve, Preserve, Preserve, Preserve, Our brave America. I **The song. Hail America, was the most popular in the army. We give it entire. It was sung to the tune of the British Grenadier: HISTORY OF REDDING. 57 Lift up your heads my heroes, And swear with proud disdain, The wretch who would enslave you Shall spread his snares in vain. Should Europe empty all her force, We'd meet them in array. And shout and shout, and fight and tight, For brave America. Some future day shall crown us The masters of the main. And giving laws and freedom To England, France and Spain. When all the isles o'er ocean spread. Shall tremble and obey Their Lords, their Lords, their Lords, The Lords of br^ve America. Mason's Daughter ; On, on, My Dear Brethren ; Huntsmen ; My Dog and Gun, Toasts : General Washington ; The Memory of Warren ; Montgomery and Wooster ; ReHef of the Widows and Orphans ; Ladies of America ; Union, Harmon}' and Peace ; Social Enjoyment ; Contentment. Music : Grand March ; Dead March ; Country Jig ; Mason's Daughter. The festivities were concluded with a speech by Rev. Waldo. At half-past 7 o'clock the procession began returning to the lodge room in reverse order from the afternoon procession, music playing the Mason's Daughter. On April 7th they dined at 3 o'clock, going in procession as before, and dining together "with a number of respectable inhabitants, gentlemen and ladies ; the Rev. Dr. Evans delivered a discourse suitable to the oc- casion ; after dinner there were the usual songs and toasts, and at six o'clock the procession returned to the lodge room. Thanks were pre- sented to the Rev. Dr. Evans for 'his discourse, and to Rev. Mr. Bartlett and the other gentlemen and ladies who favored the lodge with their com- pany at dinner." Bro. Belden's bill for the "two feasts" is given : i s d For Thursday March 25th 45 o 3 Wednesday April 7th 81 14 11 Bro. Sills bill, April 7th 19 14 o Bro. Little's bill, March 25th i 11 o Bro. Little's bill, April 7th 4 16 o The last meeting was held in Redding, April i6th, 1779, the Con- necticut line having about that time marched to the Highlands for the summer campaign. 58 HISTORY OF REDDING. CHAPTER VI. General Parsons and William Heron — A Chapter of the Secret Service of the Revolution. There were sold in London in 1882, at auction, and purchased by Dr. Thomas Addis Emmett, of New York, two volumes in manuscript of the Private Intelligence of Sir Henry Clinton while commanding in New York. These volumes were subsequently pubUshed in the Magazine of American History and created no little comment from the fact that cer- tain letters therein from William Heron of Redding Ridge, to General Oliver de Lancey, Clinton's Adjutant General, indicated Heron as an emissary of the British, and that General Parsons was in communica- tion with them with a view of selling out his country, as Arnold had re- cently done. The letters, which form so serious an indictment of the two patriots, begin February 4th, 1781, when Heron wrote from Redding that he had hoped to see him (de Lancey) in New York before that time, but had failed to obtain a flag of truce. He added that he had been to Hartford and to the camps in the Highlands ; to the former to sound the members of the Secret Convention (which had been held in Hartford the November before) as to what had been done there; to the latter to discover the feeling of the officers and soldiers in the Continental camp, and had succeeded to his entire satisfaction, and he proceeded to tell Clinton that the object of the Convention was to form a closer union of the Eastern and York colonies, make Washington Dictator, and raise money and supplies for the army (all of which had, no doubt, been borne to Clinton by his numerous spies months before). In the Highlands, he added, he spent a night with Parsons and Stark, both of whom were his friends, and gave a very gloomy picture of the destitution and dis- content of the soldiers (which also was perfectly well known to the British Commander). In another letter Heron cautions his correspondent against paying any great attention to the reports of those who only "take up on hear- say." "Some of this class," he continues, "deceive persons in high office with you. They have no access to those from whom perfect knowledge can be obtained," "Believe me," he continues, "there are but few who are let into the secrets of the cabinet, nor could I know them were it not for my intimacy with some of the principal officers in the civil and mili- tary departments arising from my having been a member of the Legisla- ture and being still continued one of a committee appointed by the As- HISTORY OF REDDING. 59 sembly to examine into the staff department." While absent he would "have made it a part of his business to acquire a perfect knowledge of the state of the French at Rhode Island, but finding a person charged with that duty, who he believed would do it with tolerable accuracy, he had not done so." Again : "Private dispatches are frequently sent from your city to the chief here by some traitors. They come by way of Setauket (L. I.j, where a certain Brewster receives them at or near a certain woman's." In another letter he gives the name of one Bradley, a tory in Fair- field, where dispatches for him might be left and where he would leave his communications. An admirable example of the manner in which Heron informed the British Commander of important events after they had occurred, was his account of the attempt by Colonel Humphreys, Washington's aide-de- camp, to seize the person of the British Commander-in-Chief by a rush upon his headquarters at No. i Broadway. "A daring enterprise was lately concerted at the quarters of the chief here," he writes, and goes on to describe the attempt after it had failed. So much was this the case that after a time de Lancey began to grow suspicious, and com- plained that Heron's inforination was either stale or of no importance. The most important task Heron had been given was the winning over to the British cause of his friend General Parsons, and de Lancey now began prodding him to effect this. Heron replied that he had sounded Parsons in several interviews, and he recounts one of their conversations. He began by relating to him a conversation he had with a gentle- man in New York in the highest confidence of the Commander-in-Chief, in which he thus spoke of him (Parsons) : "Don't you judge him to be a gentleman possessed of too much understanding and liberality of sentiment to think that the welfare of his country consists in an un- natural alliance with the enemies of the protestant religion, a perfidious nation with whom no faith can be kept, as all the nations of Europe have experienced," and went on to say that His Majesty's government, know- ing him to be possessed of great talents, and with great influence in the army and with the country, would wish to make use of him for the laudable and honorable purpose of lending his aid in terminating this unhappy war in an amicable reunion with the parent state. Should he undertake it, government would amply reward him both in a lucrative and honorary way and manner, besides making a provision for his son." "He listened with uncommon attention," Heron continues, and replied that it was a matter requiring deliberation and postponed it to another opportunity. Next morning he sent for him, said he was well disposed toward the proposition, doubted if he could influence the army, but thought he could bring the officers of the Connecticut Line over. 6o HISTORY OF REDDING. Other letters to the same effect followed, Heron holding out the lure of winning over Parsons as a means of retaining the confidence of the British and affording him a pretext for visits to the British camp, where he used his eyes and ears with most excellent results for the patriot cause. To a casual reader of the above correspondence, it would appear that both Heron and Parsons were engaged in treasonable communication with the British, and that was the impression given when the letters were first published. But those who know the men, and the methods by which Washington and his generals gained their information of the enemy's plans and movements, will see in it simply a ruse dc guerre of a character often practiced by them and played by Heron and Parsons in this instance with a shrewdness and nerve that must awaken our hearty admiration. Parsons has been fully vindicated in a paper read by Mr. J. G. Woodward before the Connecticut Historical Society in 1896. But in that paper the author gave a very unfair and unjust portraiture of Heron as a base and conscienceless person, who, while active in the councils of the Whigs, was, for purposes of personal gain, selling in- formation to the British, and endeavoring to corrupt General Parsons as poor Arnold had shortly before been corrupted. But a brief examin- ation of the character of Heron, of his environment, and of his later career, will dissipate this false impression and do justice to one of the boldest, most efficient and incorruptible patriots of the Revolutionary age. Who was William Heron? His origin and early youth is shrouded in mystery. He never spoke of it except to say that he was a native of Cork, Ireland, and had been educated at Trinity College, Dublin. We first hear of him as a teacher in the academy at Greenfield Hill ; later as a capable surveyor and engineer laying out the colony roads. Just when he settled in Redding does not appear, but it was sometime prior to the Revolution. In personal appearance he was short, portly, florid, with a deep bass voice and a countenance well calculated to disguise the true sentiments of its owner. General Parsons, in a letter to Washington, dated April 6, 1782, thus describes him : 'T forgot to mention the name of Mr. William Heron of Redding, who has for several years had opportunities of informing him- self of the state of the enemy, their designs and intentions, with more certainty and precision than most men who have been employed. * * He is a native of Ireland, a man of very large knowledge and a great share of natural sagacity, united with a sound judgment, but of as un- meaning a countenance as any person in my acquaintance. W^ith this appearance he is as little suspected as any man can be. An officer in the department of the Adjutant General is a countryman and a very intimate acquaintance of Mr. Heron, througli which channel he has been able I 1 1 1. Historic Houses, RESIDENCE OF MISS EDITH EVERETT BURGESS. Redding Centre. On the site of this house stood in the Revolution the house of Deacon Stephen Burr, uncle of Col. Aaron Burr. Col. Burr often visited there, and wrote in his diary in Paris : "My Uncle Stephen lived on milk punch, and at the age of eighty-six mounted, by the stirrup, a very gay horse and galloped off with me twelve miles without stopping, and was, I thought, less fatigued than I.'' (For sketch, see Connecticut Magazine, Vol. X, No. 2.) j HISTORY OF REDDING. 6 1 frequently to obtain important and very interesting intelligence. * * He has frequently brought me the most accurate descriptions of the j)0.sts occupied by the enemy, and more rational accounts of their numbers, strength and designs than I have been able to obtain in any other way. As to his character, 1 know him to be a consistent national Whig ; he is always in the field in any alarm and has in every trial proved himself a man of bravery. He has a family and a considerable interest in the state, and from the beginning of the war has invariably followed the measures of the country. In opposition to this his enemies suggest that he carries on illicit trade with the enemy, but I have lived two years next door to him and am fully convinced he has never had a single article of any kind for sale during that time. * •' I know many persons of more exalted character are also accused ; none more than Governor Trum- bull, nor with less reason. 1 believe the Governor and Mr. Heron as clear of this business as I am, and I know myself to be totally free from every thing which has the least connection with that commerce." When the army lay in Redding in the winter of 1778-9, Parsons' head- quarters were at Esquire Betts', on Redding Ridge, diagonally across the wide main street from Heron's modest dwelling. It was then in all probability that the two men first met and formed those intimate rela- tions which led Parsons later to recommend Heron to Washington as one of the most promising of their secret service emissaries. Together during that winter the two men concocted a plot to outwit the British Commanders. To the Whigs Heron was to remain a Whig. To the Tories, then very numerous on Redding Ridge, he was to go privately and acquaint them with the fact that he was an emissary of the British Commander, and secretly acting as such. As occasion ofifered he was to slip down to the British camp in New York, see and hear all that Parsons and the patriot chief would wish to know, return and report. When he could not go himself, he was to send, his favorite messenger being, it is said, the gigantic Mohawk chief, Warrups, before referred to. The way he gained the British lines was to ride to Fairfield, leave his horse with a Tory there, cross the sound to Huntington on Long Island, or an adjacent part, and thence make his way into the enemy's lines at New York. This mode of gaining information was a favorite one with Washing- ton and his generals. For instance, Sergeant Major Champe, of Lee's Legion, at the request of the latter, in a plot to capture the renegade Arnold, deserted to the British, and no doubt of his treachery existed in the minds of his comrades until his return to camp (having failed in his object) disabused their minds. Similarly Sergeant Daniel Bissell. of Windsor, deserted to the British for the purpose of gaining information for his chief, was officially proclaimed a deserter, and being unable to 52 HISTORY OF REDDING. get the desired information, or to return, remained with the British an unwilling recruit for thirteen months. The most striking instance, how- ever, is that of John Honeyman, of Griggstown, Pa., Washington's most trusted scout, and of whom Stryker gives an extended account in his "History of the Battle of Trenton." None of his comrades, not even his wife, knew this man's true character. When Washington had a I particularly difficult and dangerous piece of work to do, he employed John Honeyman. Such an occasion presented itself a few days before the famous descent on the Hessians at Trenton on Christmas night, 1776. It was vitally necessary for the success of his plan that the Chief should know, not only the number of the Hessians in their camp across the Delaware from his post, but also the disposition of each regiment, the position of every outpost, and of all scouts and videttes, together with the personal habits of the Hessian commander and the customs of his camp. John Honeyman was therefore sent for, secretly conducted to headquarters and in a secret interview with the commander-in-chief was told what was wanted and how to get it. Dressed as a drover, he went into the Hessian camp with fat beeves to sell, loitered about like a gap- ing rustic until he had obtained the desired information, and then, whip in hand and with a rope dangling from his shoulders as if to tie calves, he slouched out of the camp. Arrived outside the lines he saw two American scouts some distance off, made prisoner of a cow in an ad- joining barnyard, and led her off toward the British camp, snapping his whip meantime to attract the attention of the scouts. They at once pounced on him, bound him, carried him to American headquarters and into the presence of Washington. Ordering out every officer the Com- mander-in-Chief in half an hour was in possession of every fact neces-B sary for his masterly coup. Honeyman was then placed in the guard house with the promise of a short shrift next morning, but during the night mysteriously escaped. To return to Heron. The fact that he was of Irish birth is evidence that he was a pretty good hater of the British. Another strong proof of his patriotism is found in the fact that his townsmen were through- out the struggle honoring him with office, or placing him on committees to advance the patriot cause. For instance, April 2, 1777, he was placed on a committee to hire recruits for the Continental army. June 2d, I779> ^"^e was appointed delegate to a county convention on monetary affairs; Dec. 27, 1780, on a committee to ascertain the length of time certain citizens of the town had served in the army; April 16, 1781, on Committee of Correspondence; Feb. 28, 1782, on committee to form citizens into classes for recruiting purposes. Also for four sessions during the war he served in the Assembly by vote of his townsmen, viz : May, 1778; October, 1779; January, 1780; May, 1781 ; while at the close HISTORY OF REDDING. 63 of the war, instead of being run off to Nova Scotia with the other hated loyalists, he remained and represented his town in the legislature through seventeen sessions, covering a period of eighteen years. Heron, in personal bearing, was aristocratic and domineering, far from popular, and nothing could have exacted such a tribute from his townsmen but the fact known to them that he had performed a signal service to their country. There is another very significant incident in this connection. At a state banquet of members of American Union Lodge, at Widow Sanford's (See Chapter V.), all officers. Gen. Par- sons, as Master, presiding, Heron was given one of the most prominent seats,* which would not have been the case had there been any question as to his loyalty. Heron died on Redding Ridge, Jan. 8, 1819, at the ripe old age of seventy-seven years, and was buried in Christ Church yard. His tomb- stone bears this inscription : In Memory of WiLiAM Heron, Esq., Who was born in the City of Cork, Ireland, 1742, and died Jan. 8, 18 19. I know that my Redeemer liveth and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. CHAPTER VII. Men of Redding in the Army of the Revolution. Worthy of lasting honor were the men of Redding who in a time that tried men's souls, left their homes to fight and endure for freedom and equality in the ragged, half-starved, poorly equipped regiments of the Continental Army. The publication by the State of Connecticut of the rosters of all regiments and companies which served in that war, the painstaking researches of family historians, and in particular William E. Grumman's praiseworthy work in his "Revolutionary Soldiers of Redding, Conn.," enable us to present here what is believed to be a com- plete list of all citizens of the town who served by land or by sea in the historic struggle. *I have this from a citizen of Redding, a leading Mason, who informs me that there is in existence, very jealously guarded by its owner, a book containing a chart or plan of the table at this banquet, with the position of each guest in- dicated thereon. My informant had seen the book, and the position occupied by Heron was as above mdicated. 64 HISTORY OF REDDING. Adams, Abraham — 5th Regt. Conn. Line, in Northern Army, 1775, and saw service at St. Johns and Montreal. Dis. Nov. 28, 1775. Next enlisted Sept. 27, 1777, for 8 mos. in 5th Regt. Conn. Continental Line. Dis. Jan. 9, 1778. Was a pensioner. Adams, Hezekiah — He was too young to serve as a soldier, but joined the army as a teamster and on one occasion drove a wagon loaded with Spanish milled dollars to Baltimore. D., Dec. 25. t8iq: b. in Lone- town Cemetery. Adams, Stephen — Brother of Hezekiah. Was in the 4th Regt. Conn. Militia in the Fishkill Campaign, Octo., 1777. Enlisted in a Regt. of Artificers, Mass. Line ; never returned. Supposed to have d. on the prison ship Jersey in New York Harbor. Andrews, Francis — Corp. in 4th Conn. Mil. in Fishkill campaign. Appointed inspector of provisions, Mch. 13, 1780. (Name spelled "An- dress" in records.) Andrews, Jonathan — Private, 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill campaign. Enlisted June 21, 1776, in Bradley's Battalion. Taken prisoner at Fort Washington, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1776. Andrews, Seth — On duty Oct., 1779. to guard the shore of Long- Island Sound. Barber, Bartholomew — Private in Bradley's Battalion, June 11 ta Dec. 25, 1776. Corp., 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, Mch. 4, 1777, for 3 years. Dis., Mar. 4, 1780. Barlow, Aaron — Colonel, Lieut. The personal friend of General Putnam. With the 5th Conn. Regt. in the Northern Campaign of 1775. Disch. Nov. 28, 1775. Ensign, 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. Mem. Com. of Inspection, Dec. 22, 1777. From April, 1780, served 9^ mos. as Lieut, in Col. Beebe's Regt. of State troops on the Westchester front. i\lay, 1781, Lieut, of Coast Guards at Green's Farms. Lieut.- Col. 4th Conn. Mil., 1794-99. Died in Norfolk, Va., in 1800. (For sketch, see Chap. IX.) Barlow, Joel— Poet. Chaplain of 4th Mass. Brigade. D. near Cracow. Poland, Dec. 24, 1812. (For sketch see Chap. IX.) Barlow, Samuel — Brother of above. Served in the 5th Regt. Conn. Line, in Northern Campaign. Disc. Nov. 28, 1775. On his way home sickened and died at the house of David Mulford, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. An inscription on the tombstone of his father, Samuel Barlow, Sr., in the old b. g. Redding, states: "His son, Mr. Samuel Barlow, resigned his breath in the service of his country. He died and was buried at HISTORY OF REDDING. 65 lynbeck 011 his return from the victory of St. Johns and Montreal, Jan. ;6, A. D. 1776, aged 2^ years. Thus age and youth without distinction fall, Death is the common lot prepared for all." Bartlett, Daniel Collins — Son of Rev. Nathaniel. Served in ;th Regt. Conn. Line, and was present at the capture of St. Johns, Nov. 775. Disc. Nov. 28, 1775, and volunteered to accompany Montgomery .gainst Quebec. Shared in the privations of that abortive campaign, served in the levies gathered to defend Danbury in 1777, and as a private )f the 5th Conn. Regt. in the Fishkill Campaign of the same year. D., )ec. 13, 1837, in Amenia, N. Y. Bartlett, Russell — Bro. of above. Fifer in 6th Co., 5th Regt. "onn. Line. Served in Northern Campaign. Disc, Dec. 11, 1775- Vpr. 26, 1777, captured at Danbury by Tryon's dragoons and confined n the old sugar house in New York, enduring its horrofs ; was released nd returned home. Settled at Hartwick, near Cooperstown, N. Y. D., ^ov. 21, 1828, and is buried at Cooperstown, near James Fenimore Tooper, the novelist. Bartram, Daniel — Served with the militia in Tryon's alarm, April,. .y/y. Probably the Daniel Bartram who served in Major Starr's Regt. )f Light Horse, at Fairfield in 1780-1. Bartram, Isaac — Private in Regt. of Artificers, Mass. Line. En- isted from Danbury, Aug. 22, 1777, for 3 years. Pensioned from Mch. >4, 1818. D., Sept. 13, 1843; buried in Lonetown Cemetery. Grand- ather of ex-State Senator Isaac N. Bartram of Sharon. Noted for his ;;kill as a worker in stone. Bates, Ezra— Enlisted, June, 1776, in ist Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade ; served 6 mos. ; engaged in the battle of White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1776. Re-enlisted, Oct., 1778, and served 6 mos. as teamster, md in 1780, 9 mos. in a Regt. of State troops on the Westchester front. n spring of 1782, he enlisted in the ist Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, and erved 8 mos. and 16 days. Disc, Jan. i, 1783. Bates, Justus — Corp. 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. Batterson, Jeremiah — In 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Northern Cam- )aign. Disc, Nov. 28, 1775. In 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. Belding, Moses — His family received supplies from the town in 780. Record unknown. Bennett, Daniel— In Lt. Col. Canfield's Militia Regt. at West ^oint, Sept., 1781. Probably the Freeman of that name on rolls of 5th 56 HISTORY OF REDDING. I Regt. Conn. Line, May 12 to Dec. 13, 1775, and in Col. Sam. Elmore's Regt. at Fort Schuyler (formerly Stanwix) in 1776. Betts, Stephen — Taken prisoner in Tryon's Raid, 1777, being select- man at the time; carried to New York, but released and returned home. Private in 4th Regt. Conn. Mil. in Fishkill Campaign. Is called Lieut. in the records. Intimate friend of Gen. Parsons and of Heron, 1778-9. BiXBY, Elias — Private, 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Northern Campaign., Disc, Nov. 28, 1775. Enlisted for the war, Dec. 20, 1776, in 5th Regt.. Conn. Cont. Line; promoted Corp., Nov. i, 1778; Sergt., Mch. 3, 1779. 1; Dis., Dec. 20, 1779. In the assault on Stony Point, July 15, 1779. Brothwell, Benjamin — Served five terms in the militia under ;var- ious alarms. Burr, Ezekiel — Corp. in 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, Oct., 1777- Burr, Jabez — Private, 5th Regt. Conn. Line, in Northern Campaign.! Disc, Oct. 3, 1777. Was at Battle of White Plains, Oct. 28, 1776, and; at the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga a year later. Died in Fairfield, Vt., June 28, 1825. Burr, Nathan — Bro. of above. Enlisted in Col. Elmore's Regt., j 1776, and later with Capt. Satterlee. Discharged for inability. Re- ' moved to Pawling, N. Y., where his des. reside, substantial men in thei community. 1! Burr, Stephen — Private in 4th Conn. Militia, Fishkill Campaign. || Burrett, Phillip — Sergt., 4th Conn. Mil. Fishkill Campaign. Byington, John — In 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Northern Campaign.1 Disc, Oct. 15, 1775. Enlisted, Aug. 13, 1776, in Bradley's Battalion,; Wadsworth's Brig. Served at Fort Washington, N. Y. Disc, Dec. 25,; 1776. ]\Ich. 13, 1780, appointed Inspector of Provisions. D., Jan. 26, 1834 ; bur. at Umpawaug, Redding. CoBURN, Edward — Hired to fill the quota of the town of Redding, and was assigned to Waterbury's State Brigade. CoLEY, Gershom — Sergt. 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. Mchi 13, 1780, chosen Inspector of Provisions. CoLEY, James — Private 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. CoLEY, Nathan — In 5th Conn. Regt. in Northern Campaign. Disc.,. Oct. 15, 1775. Enlisted for the war in 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, Apr; 19. ^777- Corporal in 1778; Sergt., 1780. D., x\pr. 18, 1781. HISTORY OF REDDING. 6/ Couch, Daniel — 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Northern Campaign. Disc, July 4, 1775- Couch, Daniel, Jr. — Enlisted in 4th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, Jan. i, 1781, and received a bounty of £30. Couch, Elijah — Served in New York in Major Skinner's Regt. of Light Horse, June 11 to Aug. 3, 1776. Private. 4th Conn. Mil., Fish- kill Campaign, 1777. Davis, John — Lieut. Com. 9th Co., 4th Conn. Mil, 1776. Died the same year. Davis, John — Probably son of above. Served in various commands. He continued in the militia service after the war and rose to be captain. Died Oct. 15, 1840. Dickenson, Lockwood — Enlisted in 20th Light Dragoons, under Col. Elisha Sheldon, Sept. 14, 1780. Killed Mch. 14, 1782. Dixon, James — Private, 4th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, 1781. Enlist- ed for the war and served in the Light Infantry under Lafayette. Com- pleted his service in 2d Regt. Conn. Cont. Line. Fairchild, David — In 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Northern Campaign. Disc, Oct. 22, 1775. Captured in the Danbury Raid. Confined in Trin- ity Church, N. Y. D., a prisoner. May 16, 1777. Fairchild, Ezekiel — Brother of above. Also taken prisoner and carried to N. Y. Returned. Made Inspector of Provisions, Mch. 13, 1780. Fairchild, Is.\ac — Brother of above. In 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Northern Campaign. Disc, Oct., 1775. Fairchild, John — In 5th Regt. Conn. Line. Disc, Oct., 1775. En- listed, Aug. 13, 1776, for defense of the state. Disc, Dec. 25, 1776. Fairchild, Samuel — Corp. 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Fairchild, Stephen — Private, 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. Wounded at Ridgefield, Apr. 27, 1777. The above six brothers were all in the service at one time. Fitch, Dr. Asahel — Surgeons' mate, 5th Regt. Conn. Line, in Northern Campaign, 1775. Served as a private in 4th Conn. Mil., Fish- kill Campaign. D.,^Mch. 31, 1793. Foster, Timothy — Served in Lt. Col. Canfield's Mil. Regt. at West Point, Sept., 1781. Gold, Samuel— Enlisted Apr., 1775, in 5th Regt. Conn. Line, for Northern Campaign, 1775. Jan., 1776, Sergt. under Capt. Isaac Hil- 68 HISTORY OF REDDING. Hard. Sergt. in Wadsworth's Brig, from Apr., 1776, to Jan., 1777. Was in the Danbury Raid, and wounded at Ridgefield. Corp. in the 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. Gray, Capt. John — One of the notable men of the town. He early enlisted in the 4th Conn. Mil., Capt. Johnson Read's Co. (largely made up of Redding men), and in Jan., 1778, succeeded to the command of that company. _ While commanded by him the company marched in the New Haven alarm, July 7th, 1779, and was in action at Norwalk, July nth. He commanded the coast guards at Fairfield for a time, and after the war was much in public life. He m. Ruhamah, half sister to Joel Barlow, Aug. 7, 1757, and after filling many offices in the gift of his townsmen, d. Oct. 25, 1793, and was bur. in the Old Burying Ground. Gregory, Jabez — Private, 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Griffin, Joseph — Private, 4th Conn. Mil, Fishkill Campaign. In 1777 enlisted for 3 years in Lt. Col. Jonathan Baldwin's Regt. of Ar- tificers. Griffin, Morris — 5th Regt., Northern^ Campaign, 1775. Later sea- man on the Colony brig "Defense," Mch. 21 to June 22, 1776. Hawley, Capt. William — A leading citizen. May, 1776, commis- sioned 2d Lieut, of Capt. Elijah Abel's Co. State Troops; promoted ist Lieut. June following. Oct., 1776, com. ist Lieut, in one of the eight battalions then being raised. Lieut. 4th Conn. Mil. at Fairfield, Apr., 1777, also in the Fishkill Campaign, Oct., 1777, and was appointed Com- missary of the Fourth Militia Brigade. Was Capt. in 1780. He held various town offices and rep. the town in the Genefal Assembly at most of its sessions during the historic struggle. He d. Feb. 16, 1797, and was bur. in the Old Burying Ground. Hendrick, Josiah — Private, 4th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line. Enlisted for 3 years, Jan. i, 1781, for £30 bounty. Hendrix, Obed — Private, 4th Regt. Conn. Mil. Reported for re- fusing to march to Fairfield when called out by Capt. Gray, his com- manding officer, to oppose Tryon's landing, 1779. The Court, after hearing the evidence, decided that the defendant was not guilty of the matters alleged, and dismissed the case without costs. HiLLARD, Isaac (Hilliard?) — Com. Lieut, in ist Bat. Conn. State troops to serve from Nov., 1776, to Mch., 1777. Hilliard, Thurston — Enlisted for the war as private in Lt. Col. Jonathan Baldwin's Regt. of Artificers, Mass. Line. Wounded at York- town by a splintered timber. Was a pensioner, beginning Sept. 4, 1794- HISTORY OF REDDING. 6o Milliard, William — Served in the 4th Conn. Mil., 15 days in Apr., 1777. The succeeding Nov. enHsted as private in Lt. Col. Baldwin's Regt. of Artificers, Mass. Line. Hopkins, Henry — M. Mary Burr of Redding, July 26, 1763, and then probably became a resident of the town. Was in the 5th Regt. Conn. Line in the Northern Campaign, 1775. Corp. in the 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, Mch. 10, 1777; was reduced, Sept. i, 1779, and disc, Mch. 10, 1780. He re-enlisted Jan. i, 1781, for 3 years, for £30 bounty, and was assigned to the 2d Regt. Conn. Cont. Line. Later he was in Col. Heman Swift's Regt. of the final formation. Is said to have served every year of the war. HoYT, William — Private, 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Later in Lt. Col. Baldwin's Regt. of Artificers, Mass. Line. Hull, Ezra — Served 4 mos. at New York in Col. David Waterbury's Regt., 1776; 3 mos., from March, 1776, in Col. Gold Selleck Silliman's Regt. (of Fairfield). Was in the Danbury Raid, the Fishkill Campaign, 1777, in the coast guards, and was called out under various "Alarms." Was a pensioner, beginning Mch. 4, 1831. D. Mch. 5, 1837. Hull, James — Private, 4th Regt. Conn. Mil, Fishkill Campaign. Hull, John — Private, 4th Regt. Conn. Mil, Fishkill Campaign. In team service 1778-9, drawing provisions to the winter encampment at Redding. Hull, John, Jr. — Son of above. In 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Cam- paign. D., Apr. 7, 1838. Hull, Lieut. Nehemiah — Lieut. 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. In Jan., 1778, commissioned by the Legislature, Lieut, "of the 9th Co. or train band of the 4th Regiment this State." Filled many town offices. Hull, Zalmon — Private, 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign. Fam- ily tradition says as teamster. D., May 18, 1839. Jenkins, Calvin — Enlisted Apr. i, 1778, as musician, 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, and served to the end of the war. Pensioner, begin- ning Nov. II, 1818. Lived in Lonetown. Lines, David — In Lt. Col. Samuel Canfield's Regt. of Militia, at West Point, Sept., 1781. Lines, John — Probably in 2d Regt. Conn. Cont. Line. Received £30 bounty in 178 1-2. His family was cared for by the town during his army service. 70 HISTORY OF REDDING. Main, Ezekiei^Iii the 9th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, from Aug. 26 to Dec. 16, 1779. Mallorv, Daniel, Jr.— 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Later in Col. Canfield's Mil. Regt. guarding Horseneck. Mallory, John— Private, 4th Conn. Mil. Failed to report on being called out to resist the enemy at Fairfield. Reported to County Court by his superior officer, Capt. John Gray. Seems to have made a good defense, as the Court dismissed the case without costs to the defendant. Marchant — (Merchant) — In 7th Regt. Conn. Line in the Northern Campaign, 1775; later in Col. Bradley's Bat. from Aug. 13 to Dec. 25, 1776. Marchant, Gurdon — Private in Lt. Col. Baldwin's Rgt. of Arti- ficers, Mass. Line. Marchant, Joel — Enlisted in Col. Phillip B. Bradley's Bat. July 3, 1776. Taken prisoner at Fort Washington, N. Y., but returned home. Served at various "alarms " for short periods. Was wounded at Nor- walk, July 11, 1779, on the British retreat from Ridgefield. Was a pensioner. D., Mch. 24, 1844. Marchant, John — In 7th Regt. Conn. Line, July 10 to Dec. 23, 1775. Corp. Bradley's Bat. June 21 to Dec. 25, 1776. Meeker, Seth — Private 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, d. Feb. 5, 1829. Meeker, Stephen — 5th Regt. Conn. Line, Northern Campaign, 1775. Enlisted for the war in 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line. Does not appear on the rolls of May, 1778. Appears in a list of soldiers dis. or deserted previous to January, 1780. Appears on the rolls of Capt. Parsons' Co. 2d Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, June, 1780, as Sergeant. His Regt. was con- solidated with the 9th in 1781 as the 3d, and Stephen Meeker was drafted from this Regt. into the picked Light Infantry Bat., commanded by the Marquis de Lafayette, when he was promoted to be Sergt. His company formed part of the column of Alajor Girnat which stormed a redoubt at Yorktown. Merritt, Ebenezer — Teamster, Oct. 1778. Re-enlisted Apr. i, 1779, for one year, 4th Conn. Mil. In October, 1779, hired a substitute. En- listed for 8 m'os. in the 8th Regt. Conn. Line, served till Jan. 15th, 1780. Monroe. Daniel — Private 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line ; also served in Capt. Taylor's Light Infantry, 2d Regt. Conn. Gont. Line. Morehouse, Aaron — Fifer in Col. Silliman's Regt. at battle of Long Island. Enlisted Nov. i, 1775, at the age of 16. Was with his Regt. when it covered the retreat from New York City, Sept., 1776. Was in HISTORY OF REDDIXG. J I various "alarms" in the State militia. Served in Capt. Gershom More- house's Co. (his father) during the FishkiJl Campaign. He removed to Newtown, Conn., and died there Dec. 3, 1833, 'but is buried in Christ Churchyard, Redding Ridge. He was a pensioner. Morehouse, Billy — Brother of above. In the 4th Regt. Conn. Mil. Also cited before the County Court at Fairfield for failure to march to the relief of Fairfield in 1779, but satisfied the Court that he had a reasonable excuse, as the complaint was dismissed without costs. Morehouse, Elijah — Private 4th Conn. Mil. in the Fishkill Cam- paign, 1777. Morehouse, Capt. Gershom — A prominent citizen, enlisted as a private but was soon commissioned 1st Lieut, ist Bat. Wads worth's Brigade, and later promoted to a captaincy. He led "his company at the battle of White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1776, and after it went out with a flag of truce and met his son-in-law, a captain in the British army. Later he served as 'Captain in the 4th Conn. Mil. in the Fishkill Cam- paign, 1777. Filled various town offices. D. Jan. 22, 1805. (See Morehouse Family, Chap. XXHL) Morgan, Joseph — Also cited before the County Court to answer for not marching with Capt. Gray's Company to the relief of Fairfield in 1779. He appeared and made so good a defence that the Court dis- missed the case without costs. Osborn, David — Sergt. 4th Conn. Mil. in Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Parsons, Abraham — 'Enlisted while a boy. Was in the battle of White Plains and in other parts of Westchester Co. In the skirmish at Horseneck under Putnam, Feb. 25, 1779. Was a private in Col. Water- bury's Regt. of State troops, 1781. After the war Mr. Parsons m. Urana 'Starr and settled on Gallows Hill, near one of the "Camps" of 1778-9. He was a well educated man and full of anecdotes of Geneial Putnam and other officers. He often drew vivid pictures of the privations en- dured by the soldiers at the Camp which he himself had seen and endured. He died in Ridgefield, March 16, 1852, at the ripe age of 88 years and 25 days. Parsons. Daniel — Brother of above. Served five terms in the Rev- olutionary army ; mostly in the 4th Conn. Militia. Rem. to Veteran, Tioga Co., N. Y. Was a pensioner. Parsons, Timothy — Captured by the British in the Danbury Raid and carried to New York. Was a native of Norwalk but long a resident of Redding, d. Nov. 30, 1810. Patchen, Andrew — In 5th Conn. Regt. Northern Campaign. 1775. n HISTORY OF REDDING. Patchen, Ebenezer— Private 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line for 3 yrs. from Jan. 11, 1777. Tradition says he was the soldier wlio saved the life of Arnold at Ridgefield, Apr. 27, 1777, by shooting a British soldier who was aiming at the General. Patchen, Jacob — Made prisoner in the Danbury Raid but escaped. Private in the 4th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line for 3 years from Jan. i, 1781. Was a pensioner. Patchen, Martin — In 5th Regt., Conn. Line, in the Northern Cam- paign, 1775. Mch. II, 1776, enlisted as seaman on the Colony brig "De- fence," Capt. Seth Harding. Perry, George — In 5th Conn. Regt., Northern Campaign. Sergt. 4t'h Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Perry, Isaac — Daniel Perry received an order on the Colony treas- urer for four shillings and sixpence for getting Isaac Perry, "a lame soldier," home from the Northern Camp. He was in Capt. Zalmon Read's Company, Col. Waterbury's Regt. Platt, Isaac — An artificer in Col. Baldwin's Regt. of the Mass. Line. Was a pensioner, d. Oct. 19, 1824. Pl.\tt, Jonas — ^Made prisoner in the Danbury Raid. Private 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, Oct. 1777. Recruit for the Cont. Army, 1780, for 3 mos. and received a bounty. Platt, Samuel — ^Private in Col. Baldwin's Regt. of Artificers, Mass. Line, for 3 yrs. from Dec. 24, 1777. Was a pensioner. Platt, Zebulon — In 4th Conn. Mil. Was tw^ice reported by Capt. Gray for failure to march with his company (Gray's) ; first, June 3, 1779, to the North River "to join the troops there assembled and Defend Against the enemies of the United States of America," and 2d, on July 7, 1779, "to march to Fairfield to join the troops there collecting to op- pose the enemy." On the first count the Court found him not guilty but levied the costs, "£30 lawful money," on him. On the second he was found not guilty and the case was dismissed without costs. Plummer, David — Enlisted from Redding, 178 1-2, received a bounty of £30. Read, Capt. Zalmon — He was a son of Col. John Read of Lonetown Manor, and first entered the service in May, 1775, when he was commis- sioned Captain of the loth Co., 5th Regt., Conn. Line for the Northern Campaign. He served throughout that with honor and was discharged Nov. 28, 1775. The next year found him at the defense of New York as Captain of the 2d Co., ist Bat. Wads worth's Brig, of the Conn. State troops. In March, 1777, he was in command of his old Company of the HISTORY OF REDDING. 73 4th Regfiment and served in the Danbury Raid. In the Fishkill Cam- paign he distinguished himself and received special mention. No further record of service. Later mention of the name no doubt refers to his son. D., Jan. 15, 1801. Read, Ensign Zalmon — Son of above. Private in 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Jan. i, 1781, was com. by Gen. Parsons En- sign in the ist Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, and served mostly in the High- lands until the disbandment of the army. He was a pensioner dating from March 4, 183 1, receiving an annual allowance of $240. He died Oct. 3, 1846, and is buried in the Read b. g. Remong (Raymond?), Samuel — Enlisted Apr. i, 1778, 2d Regt. Conn. Cont. Line. Deserted ; rejoined ; again deserted and was mustered out May, 1780. Joined the Corps of Sappers and Miners Sept. 8, 1780, and is supposed to 'have been at Yorktown, 1781. Was in the service as late as 1783. RoBBiNS, Ephraim — Was in Capt. Gershom Morehouse's Company in the Fishkill Campaign. Was on various committees of the town, and is said to have removed, where is not known. Rogers, Ensign Joseph — Was Ensign in the 2d Regt. Conn. Cont. Line and served from the spring of 1781 to the end of the war. Rem. to Putnam Co., N. Y., after the war. Was a pensioner. RuMSEY, Jeremiah — Served in the 2d Regt. Conn. Cont. Line from Apr. 26, 1782 to Jan. i, 1783. RuMSEY, John — ^Private 7th Regt Conn. Line, July to Dec. 1775. Enlisted May 21, 1777, for the war and was in the 2d Regt. formation of 1783. Rem. to Vermont. Was a pensioner. RuMSEY, Nathan — Was in the Northern Campaign in the 5th Regt. Conn. Line. Disc. Nov. 28, 1775. Enlisted May 21, 1777, for the war, -and was assigned to the 7th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line. Deserted August, 1780, but returned. Ryan, Jeremiah — In the Northern Campaign, 5th Regt. Conn. Line. Enlisted 1776, and served at Fort Schuyler: again Apr. 29, 1777, in the 2d Regt. Cont. Artillery and served as "bombardier" until 1 780-1. Called "Green Jimmy" by his comrades. Salmon, Col. Asahel — Served in various commands from the be- ginning of the war. First in McDougal's N. Y. Regt. for 10 mos. and in tlie 19th Continental Line. Was in the 4th Conn. Mil. in the Fishkill Campaign and attained the rank of Sergt. From April, 1780, served 9 mos. in Col. Bezaleel Beebe's Regt. of State troops. From Feb., 1781, to June 1783, he served in the 8th Regt. Conn. Cont, Line, second formation. tjA HISTORY OF REDDING. He remained in the militia service after the war and rose to be Lt.-Col.. of the 4th Conn. Mil. Pie was a pensioner. Salmon, Gershom — In the 5th Regt. Conn. Line in the Northern Campaign. Later served as private in the 4th Conn. Mil, Fis'hkill Cam- paign. Sanford, Aaron — Served in the 5th Regt. Conn. Line in the North- ern Campaign, 1/75, and in the 4th Conn. Mil. in the Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Sanford, David — A private in the 4th Conn. Mil. at the defense of New York in June, 1776, and fought at White Plains October 28 of that year, and was furloughed on account of sickness. Was in the Danbury Raid and in the action at Ridgefield ; was also in the Fishkill Campaign, and in several "alarms" at Fairfield and Norwalk. d. June 15, 1787. Sanford, Ebenezer — ^In 1779 w-as in the coast guard at Green's Farms, and in various alarms. In 1780 enlisted in the Regt. of State troops commanded by Col. Bezaleel Beebe, and served 9 mos. Sanford, Ezekiel — 'Com. Lieut, in 5th Regt. Conn. Line for the Northern Campaign, 1775. Was ist Lieut, in Wadsworth's Brig, in the defense of New York, 1776. In 1777, appointed Capt. in the 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line; resigned Mch. 17, 1778. January, 1780, aippointed Capt. in the 2d Regt. then being raised to defend the State, but declined. He served on various town committees during the war. Was a pensioner. d. Mch. 8, 1808. Sanford, Ezra — Private, 4th Conn. Mil., Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Sanford, James — Served throughout the war, first as a teamster. In 1779-80-81, he was drafted for service in the coast guard at various times and performed his duties acceptably. He was a pensioner. Sanford, Seth — Ensign in the 4th Conn. Mil. in the Fishkill Cam- paign, 1777. Was much in public life, holding various town offices. Sherwood, Jehiel — Ensign 4th Conn. Mil., January, 1780. Sherwood, Nehemiah — Served in various alarms under different commanders. Pensioned in 1832. Sherwood, Thomas— Private, 4th Conn. Mil., in the Fishkill Cam- paign, 1777. Smith, Erastus— A soldier in the 4th Regt. Conn. Mil. ; was haled before the County Court at Fairfield in 1779, for refusing to march with his regiment to the North River, and fined the costs, £22, i6s., though the Court found him not guilty of the charge. HISTORY OF REDDING. 75 Springer, John — Enlisted from Redding for £30 bounty, but desert- ed June 26, 1 78 1. Springer, Whala — Enlisted from Feb. 7, 1781, for bounty of £30. Served acceptably and was disc. 1784. Sturges, David — In 5th Conn. Regt. in the Northern Campaign, 1775, and in the 4th Conn. Mil. in the Fishkill Campaign, 1777. Thompson, James — Enlisted from Redding, 1781, for £30 bounty. Thorp, Lyman— In Col. Baldwin's Regt. of Artificers for 3 years. Weeks, Micajah — Entered the Cont. service in 1776. Served in various commands and had a somewhat remarkable career as a fighting man. He fought in the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point and Yorktown, acquitting himself creditably in each. Served five years. Was a pensioner. Rem. to Delaware Co., N. Y., and d. Mch. 27, 1826. Wheeler, Ephraim — Enlisted, May 12, 1777, for the war and was ' assigned to the 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line; he deserted Nov. 23, 1777; rejoined the ranks, Apr., 1779, and again deserted, Feb. 10, 1780. White Charles — Was in the 5th Conn. Regt. in the Northern Cam- paign, 1775, and afterward served in the militia. Williams, Jabez — Enlisted in the 5th Regt. Conn. Cont. Line, Dec. 16, 1776. Rem. to New Milford, Vt., about 1784. Wilson, Isaac — Enlisted for the war Mch. 7, 1779. Youngs, Christopher — Enlistd, 1781-2, for a bounty of £30. CHAPTER VIII. The Redding Loyalist Association and the Loyalists. For many years after the Revolution the term ''Tory" was one of reproach, of approbrium ; it conveyed not only reprobation, but detesta- tion and contempt. Within the past few years, however, since the close of our own civil war, a kindlier feeling toward the men who were loyal to their king and country and did their duty as they saw it has obtained. As a rule the loyalists were men of culture, wealth, refinement, and leaders in their respective communities. In Redding at the outbreak of the struggle, they were very numerous, so many indeed, and of so much ability that they formed a "Reading Loyalist Association," and drew up 76 HISTORY OF REDDING. a series of "Resolutions," which they sent to James Rivington's Gazet- teer, the government organ in New York City, with a preamble as fol- lows: "Mr. Rivington : In the present critical situation of publick affairs, we, the subscribers, Freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Read- ing and the adjoining parts in the County of Fairfield, and Colony of Connecticut, think it necessary (through the columns of your paper) to assure the publick that we are open enemies to any change in the present happy Constitution, and highly disapprove of all measures in any degree calculated to promote confusion and disorder ; for which purpose and in order to avoid the general censure, incurred by a great part of this colony from the mode of conduct here adopted for the purpose of oppos- ing the British Government, we have entered into the following resolves and agreements, viz : First. Resolved, That while we enjoy the privileges and immunities of the British Constitution we will render all due obedience to his most Gracious Majesty King George the Third, and that a firm dependence on the Mother Country is essential to our political safety and happiness. Second. Resolved, That the privileges and immunities of this Con- stitution are yet (in a good degree) continued to all his Majesty's American subjects, except those who, we conceive, have justly forfeited their right thereto. Third. Resolved, That we supposed the Continental Congress was constituted for the purpose of restoring harmony between Great Britain and her colonies and removing the displeasure of his Majesty toward his American subjects, whereas on the contrary some of their resolutions appear to us immediately calculated to widen the present unhappy breach, counteract the first principles of civil society, and in a great degree abridge the privileges of their constituents. Fourth. Resolved, That notwithstanding we will in all circumstances conduct with prudence and moderation we consider it an indispensable duty we owe to our King and Constitution, our Country and posterity, to defend, maintain and preserve at the risk of our lives and properties the prerogatives of the Crown, and the privileges of the subject from all attacks by any rebellious body of men, any Committees of Inspection, Correspondence, &c. ("Signed by one hundred and forty-one Inhabitants whose names are to be seen at the Printer's." — adds Rivington.) The effect of this document on the patriots of Redding was like that of a red flag on a bull. They at once set to work to discover its signers HISTORY OF REDDING. n and presently made public in a circular the entire list so far as they be- longed in Redding. It was given out by the Committee of Observation under this preamble : "Whereas, There was a certain number of resolves published — and whereas said Resolves are injurious to the rights of this Colony, and breathe a spirit of enmity and opposition to the rights and liberties of all America and are in direct opposition to the Association of the Con- tinental Congress : and notwithstanding said resolutions were come into with a (seeming) view to secure the said signers some extraordinary privileges and immunities, yet either through negligence in the printer or upon design of the subscribers, said signed names are not made pub- lick — and now if there be any advantage in adopting those principles we are willing they should be entitled there to ; and for which end and for the more effectual carrying into execution said Association we have taken some pains and by the assistance of him who carried said resolves to said Printer we have obtained the whole of said names. But as we mean not to publish the names of any except those who belong to said Reading, their names are as follows : David Knap^ Daniel Morehouse, Andrew Knap, Ephraim Deforest, Daniel Lyon, Lazarus Beach, Nehemiah Seelye, Jr. Seth Hull, Stephen Lacy, Hezekiah Platt, James Adams, Zebulon Platt, Zaccheus jNIorehouse, Timothy Platt, Ephraim Whitlock, Lazarus Wheeler, Jabez Lyon, Prince Hawse, Andrew Patch en, EzEKiEL Hill, David Manrow, Obed Hendrix, Isaac Platt, Enos Lee, John Lee, Nathaniel Barlow, AsAEL Patchen, Benjamin Sturgis, Ebenezer Sturgis, William Lee, Seth Banks, David Turney, John Sanford, Joshua Hall, Jonathan Knap, James Gray, Peter Lyon, John Drew, John Lyon, John Mallery, John Raymond, Eli Lyon, Enos Wheeler, Da\id Crowfoot, Thomas Munson, Nehemiah Seely, Charles IMcNeil, Stephen Betts, Ephraim Meeker, John Layne, Jonathan Meeker, Samuel Hawley, Jonathan Mallery,Jr. John Seymour, Jesse Bearsele, Darling Oyer, Ebenezer Williams, Paul Bartram, John Gyer, Abel Burr, Shubael Bennett, John Picket, John Picket, Jr., James Morgan, Nathaniel Oyer, Asa Norton, Eleazur Olmstead, Isaac Bunnell, Thaddeus Manrow,,. Joseph Gyer, John Sherwood, Simeon Munger, Joseph Burr. 78 HISTORY OF REDDING. The Committee adds : "There are only forty-two Freeholders in the above number. There are several minors, &c., to make the above number of seventy-four that belong to said Reading, and we hereby hold them up to the publick as opposers to the Association of said Congress. Signed by order of the Committee of Observation for said town of Reading, Ebenezer Couch, Chairman." The "Association" met this by publishing the entire list of signers, one hundred and forty-two in all, and the war began in earnest. Not all of those who had signed were ardent adherents to the British cause, and a little "pressure," which the Whigs well knew how to apply, soon won them over to the patriot cause. Others were loyalists from innate conviction, and these were treated with such severity that they fled into the forests and caves of the earth, whence, wherever possible, they made their way into the British lines. The story of the suffering and sacrifices of a few of them may properly find a place in these annals. Their most trusted and beloved leader was no doubt the Rev. John Beach, Rector of Christ Episcopal Church on Redding Ridge.* Obe- dience to his king was to him as obligatory as obedience to his God, and neither threats nor persecution could move him from the path of duty. He was not active ; he signed an agreement not to take up arms for the British cause; also one not to discourage enlistments in the American army (a paper signed by many of the loyalists in the fall of 1775) ; but in the use of the Liturgy in the church service he steadfastly refused to omit the prayers for the king, a position which soon brought upon him the active persecution of the Whigs. In 1888 there was found among the papers of Charles Beach, great grandson of the stern preacher, the following letter, which speaks for itself : " Redding, Feb. 12th, 1778. "Dear Sir : We have no disposition to restrain or limit you or others in matters of conscience. But understanding that you, in your Public Worship, still continue to pray that the King of Great Britain may be strengthened to vanquish and overcome all his enemies, which manner of praying must be thought to be a great insult upon the Laws, Authority, and People of this State, as you and others can but know that the King of England has put the People of these United States from under his protection. Declared them Rebels, and is now at open war with said States, and consequently we are his enemies. '''See Chapter x. HISTORY OF REDDING. /9 "Likewise you must have understood that the American States have declared themselves independent of any Foreign Power — Now Sir, in order that we may have peace and quietness at home among ourselves, we desire that for the future you would omit praying in Public that King George the third or any other foreign Prince, or Power, may vanquish, etc., the People of this Land. "Your compliance herewith may prevent you trouble. "We are. Rev. Sir, with due Respect, your obedient humble servants. "To the Revd. John Beach. Lem'l Sanford, Wm. Hawley, Justices. Hezekiah Sanford, Seth Sanford, Thad. Benedict, John Grey, Wm. Heron, Selectmen of Redding." * Mr. Beach, however, continued to read the prayers for the King, and tradition says that one Sabbath while so engaged a zealous partisan fired at him through the open door, the bullet imbedding itself in the sounding-board behind him. Years after, when that sounding-board was taken down, the bullet was discovered, taken out and kept in her work basket for many years by Mrs. James Sanford of Redding, a grand-daughter of the divine. When the tablet to the memory of Mr. Beach was placed in the present church edifice on Redding Ridge, the bullet, at the suggestion of the Rev. Mr.. Wilkins. then Rector, was placed in the tablet, where it now remains. On another occasion a party of soldiers entered his church at Newtown and threatened to fire on him if he read the prayers for the king. This statement is on the authority of the late Bishop Williams, who related the anecdote to the clergy in Dr. Marble's study in Newtown, after the service at the opening of the present Trinity Church in Newtown, and afterward wrote it out at the request of the late Rev. Dr. Beardsley, as follows : "Stopping for the night at an inn in the neighborhood of Schuylers- ville (N. Y.), perhaps in the place itself, I met an aged man, the father, I think, of the innkeeper, who told me that he was born and passed his early life in Newtown, Conn. He also told me that he perfectly re- membered being in the church at Newtown when soldiers entered, ser- vice being then in progress, and threatened to shoot the officiating minis- ter, the Rev. John Beach, if he read the prayers for the king and the *From Miss Rebecca D. Beach's "Beach-Sanford Genealogy," p. ii5- 8o HISTORY OF REDDING. royal family, Mr. Beach, he said, went on as usual, with no change or even tremor in his voice, and read the obnoxious prayers. My in- formant added that he believed (his recollection on this point was not quite positive) that they, struck with the quiet courage of Mr. Beach, stacked their muskets and remained through the service." It is also told of him, that he was taken once from his house by an armed squad and escorted to the foot of the hill near by and there com- manded to kneel down and pray, as they were about to shoot him. He knelt and prayed, not for himself, but for them, and with such fervor and power that, dismayed and conscience smitten, they silently withdrew, leaving him unharmed. Mr. Beach continued in his policy of passive resistance, but did not live to see the defeat of his cause, as he died March 19, 1782, at the ripe old age of eighty-two.* Lazarus Beach, son of Rev. John Beach, followed in the footsteps of his father, and was a thorn in the flesh of the patriots of Redding. The following extracts from the minutes of the Governor and Council show the manner of proceeding adopted by the Whigs in disciplining their Tory neighbors : "Lazarus Beach, Andrew Fairchild, Nathan Lee, Enos Lee, Abel Burr, of Reading, and Thomas Allen, of Newtown, in the county of Fairfield, being Tory convicts and sent by order of law to be confined in the town of Mansfield to prevent any mischievous practices of theirs, having made their escape and being taken up and remanded back to his Honor the Governor and this Council, to be dealt with, &c. "Resolved, and ordered by the Governor and his Council aforesaid, that the said Lazarus Beach (&c.) be committed to the keeper of the goal in Windham, within said prison to be safely kept untill they come out thence by due order of the General Assembly, or the Governor and his Council of Safety, and that they pay cost oFtheir being apprehended and being remanded, etc., allowed to be £25, 3s, od. Mittimus granted Jan'y 28, 1777." On Feb. 10, 1777, by another order of the Governor and Council the same persons were ordered discharged from the goal on their parole, on their paying all the costs of commitment and all costs that had since arisen. Beach, Burr, Fairchild and Allen were ordered to return to Mansfield and there abide under the direction of the Committee of In- spection of that town, while the two Lees were permitted to return home on their giving bonds for their good behavior. Mr. Beach probably saw the error of his ways as the war progressed, for after it closed he was *For a further account of Mr. Beach, see Giapter X. HISTORY OF REDDING. 8 1 permitted to reside on his ample estate in Redding and there died Jan. 20, 1800. The case of Dr. Nehemiah Clarke of Hartford, was as sad and pa- thetic as is to be found in any of the annals of self-sacrifice, or the lives of the martyrs. When the war broke oat he was living in Hartford with an interesting family, a lucrative practice, and a comfortable home. No man's prospects in the capital city were more flattering. Yet con- science made him an adherent of the Crown, and so obnoxious to the Whigs was he that early in 1774 he removed to Redding, probably be- cause of the influential colony of tories there. In an evil hour, in February of that year, he returned to Hartford to adjust some business affairs there, was seized by a mob and so maltreated that his life was despaired of. Managing to escape he returned to Redding, but the patriot arm was long enough to reach thither, and soon after his arrival there he was again seized by a "numerous banditti," to use his own words, and thrown into the guard house, from which he could only effect his release by signing a bond of iiooo not to go over to the enemy.. This did not afford entire protection, however, for on the loth of May, probably because of indiscreet acts or words on his part, he was forced again to flee to the woods for safety and remained there, leading the life of a hunted animal until the December following, when he succeeded in reaching the British lines, leaving his wife and five children in the hands- of his enemies without any means of support. He served through the war as a surgeon in the British army and on the concluding of a treaty of peace removed, with other loyalists, to the wilds of New Brunswick and was one of the grantees of the present beautiful city of St. John,, capital of that province. The following extracts from court records will show the legal pro- cess employed in the confiscation of Tories' estates. Such extreme meas- ures were not usually adopted unless the person had actually gone over to the enemy: "On information of the selectmen of the town of Redding, in Fair- field County, showing to the Special County Court, held at Fairfield in and for said county on the 6th day of August, 1777, That there is Real Estate Lying in said Redding which Belongs to Joseph Burr, of said Redding, who has put and continues to hold and screen himself under the Protection of the Ministerial Army, &c. A writ was issued by Or- der of said court, dated August 7th, 1777, to seize and to hold said estate and to be dealt with according to law. The said Burr was called at this Court and made Default of Appearance. Thereupon this Court have now Considered the Evidence Relative to said Burr's screening himself as aforesaid, Do order that the Real Estate of said Burr, According ta 32 HISTORY OF REDDING. the Officers' Return on said Writ, be Leafed out for the use and benefit of this State — and for that purpose this Court has Appointed Thad's Benedict, Esq., of Redding." His goods atKl chattels were taken under another instrument, as fol- lows: Fairfield, Adj'd County Court, 2d Tuesday, Decembr., 1777. "On Information of the selectmen of the Town of Redding in Fair- field County, Showing to Lemuel Sanford, Esq., Justice of the Peace for said County, That there is Goods, Chatties and effects in said Redding which Belongs to Joseph Burr, of said Redding, who had put and con- tinues to hold and screen himself under the protection of the Ministerial Army, &c. Said Justice issued out a Writ, dated Aug'st 14, 1777, to seize and to hold said Estate and to be dealt with according to Law. The said Burr was called at this Court — made Default of Appearance — • This Court, having considered the evidences Relative to said Burr's screening himself as aforesaid, do order that the Goods and effects, ac- cording to the Officer's Return on said Writ of said Burr, be Forfeited to the Use and Benefit of this State, and that they be sold according to law, and that execution be Granted, &c." In December of the same year the real estate of the unfortunate exile, which had been ordered leased in August, was ordered sold, as appears by the following : "Whereas, the selectmen of the Town of Redding in Fairfield Coun- ty, did inform John Read, Esqr., Justice of the Peace for said County, that there is estate in Redding and Fairfield, in said county, that Belongs to Joseph Burr, late of said Redding, who has gone over to, Joined with and Screened himself under the protection of the Ministerial Army, &c. ; said Burr was Summoned to appear at this Court to show reason why said Estate should not be Declared Forfeit, &c., as per Writ on file, dated October 15th, 1778. Said Burr was called at this Court and made De- fault of Appearance. Thereupon this Court, having considered the evi- dence Relative to said Burr's Screening himself as aforesaid. Do order that the Estate of said Burr be and the same is hereby Forfeited to and for the use and Benefit of this State, and that the same be Further Dealt with According to Law." Isaac Drew, Ephraim DeForest, John, Joseph and Peter Lyon, and Daniel Read, were among those whose lands were confiscated by regu- lar Court proceedings. Many others were fined for refusing to perform military duty. But at last peace came — the Whigs were triumphant. What now was to be done with the men who had gone over to the €nemy and fought against their old friends and neighbors? Manifestly CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Redding Centre. HISTORY OF REDDING. 83 there was no place for them in the new Commonwealth. Lucifer among the heavenly hosts would not have been more out of place. Banishment was the stern decree, and the Whigs of Redding were by no means back- ward in carrying it out. They called a town meeting Aug. ii, 1783, and "Put to voute," "whether it is the minds of this Aleeting that ye selectmen of this Town be desired to remove out of this Town all those Persons that have been over to and Joined the Enemy and returned into this Town, and that they pursue the business as fast as they conveniently can according to Lazv. Passed in the Affirmative." A few who had prominent kindred among the Whigs, or who had not rendered themselves particularly obnoxious, were spared, but most of them were driven into exile. The British Government granted them lands in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, where they made new homes wonderfully like to those they left behind, as the traveler along the beautiful shores of the Bav of Fundv can but note. CHAPTER IX. The Congregational Church, 1 729- 1 906. The Congregational church was the first religious body organized in the town. Deeply impressed as were our Puritan forefathers with the value of religion to the soul, they were equally impressed with its value to the state, and were careful to rear, side by side with their civil struc- ture, the Church, in which, as they beHeved, the pure Gospel of Christ was preached, and the soundest principles of morality inculcated. Proof of their pious care in this respect is to be found in the history of Redding, as in that of almost every New England town. As early as August, 1729, but three months after they had wrung a reluctant consent from the mother town to assume parish privileges, we find them providing for the settlement of a minister among them in the following manner : "At a Society Meeting held in the Society of Redding, Deacon George Hull chosen Moderator. It was voited that s'd Society would give for the settlement of a minister in s'd society the sum of seventy pounds, and a house, and his wood, and bring it up, and the next year eighty pounds, and raise five pounds a year till it comes to one hundred pounds a year. It was voted, that Edmond Luis, esquire, shall decide 84 HISTORY OF REDDING. the matter as to seting the meeting hous, it was voited that s'd Mr. Luis should come the first week in October to decide the matter afores'd." No minister was settled, however, until 1733 ; the first church edifice was erected early in 1732. It stood a few yards west of the present Methodist church, and nearly in the centre of the public square or com- mon.* A photograph or rough sketch even, of this first church in Red- ding, would be invaluable to men of the present day ; we are certain,^ however, that it was a much more elegant and finished edifice than was ; common in the new settlements. It was two stories high, as we shall i see, and of quite respectable dimensions. It was also lathed and plas- tered, and furnished with galleries, and windows of imported glass, but further details are lacking. All that is to be found in the church records concerning the building is contained in the following extracts : November 12th, 1730. — It was voted "that we will build a meting- hous in said society for the worship of God in the Presbyterian way. Voted that the meting-hous shall be thirty feet long, twenty eight feet wide, and two stories high, voted, that Lemuel Sanford, Thomas Wil- liams, and Daniel Lion, (be) chosen committee for (building) s'd met- ing hous." Feb. 23d, 1 730-1. — "You that are of the minds that all those persons that do, or hereafter may inhabit in this parish, which profess themselfs to be of the Church of England, shall have free liberty to come into this meting hous that is now in building, and attend the Publick worship of God there, according to the articles of faith agreed upon by the assembly of Divines at Seabrook, and established by the laws of this Government, and be seated in s'd hous according to their estats." November 3d, 1732. — "Stephen Burr hath undertaken to cart stones and clay for the underpinning the meting hous for i lb. los. cod. Daniel Lion hath undertaken to underpin the meting hous and tend himself for 2 lbs. 4s. od. Daniel Lion hath undertaken to get the lath and lay them on for 3 lbs. os. od. Stephen Burr and Theophilus Hull are chosen committee to take care of the parsonage" (probably to secure a par- sonage for the expected preacher, as it is not likely that one was then built). It was as yet, however, a church without a pastor. Mr. Elisha Kent had been called in October, 1730, but had declined, as we infer from the silence of the records on the subject. A Society meeting held Alay 8th, 1732, extended a similar call to the Rev. Timothy Mix, and deputed *The corner-stone of the old church may still be seen on the common, a little south of a line drawn from Prof. Frank Abbott's to the store formerly occupied bjr Mr. Mandeville. HISTORY OF REDDING. 85 Deacon George Hull "to go to the association at Stanford to ask advice concerning the settlement of Mr. Mix"; but this call, as in the case of Mr. Kent, seems to have been declined. At length a unanimous call was made to the Rev. Nathaniel Hun, as follows : Jan. 31, 1732-3. — "At a society meeting held in the parish (of) Read- ing, George Hull chosen Moderator for s'd meting, Mr. Nathaniel Hunn by a voit neniinc contradicente was made chois of for the minister of s'd parish, furthermore it was voited at s'd meting to settle upon the s'd Mr. Hunn's yearly sallery as followeth, that is, for the first year of his ad- ministration, seventy pounds current money or bills of Public Credit in New England, the second year, seventy-five pounds, for the third year, eighty pounds, for the fourth year, eighty five pounds, the fifth year ninety pounds, the sixth year, ninety five pounds, the seventh year, a hundred pounds, all in currant money as afores'd, and so on a hundred pounds a year during the term of his continuance in the ministry in s'd parish, and also to give the s'd Mr. Hunn the whole and sole priviledge of all the parsonage land belonging to s'd parish, and to provide him his firewood, during the term aboves'd, also to find him a convenient dwell- ing hous for the first five years, also to give the s'd Mr. Hunn, a hun- dred acres of land on or before the day of his ordination." Feb. 20th, 1732-3. — "It was voited that the ordination of Mr. Hunn shall be on the 21st day of March next," and John Read and George Hull were chosen a committee "to represent the parish concerning the ordination of Mr. Hunn." From this point we have for a guide the church records in the handwriting of Mr. Hunn, its settled pastor. It is called "A Book of Records Wherein is an account, ist of the trans- actions of the church, 2d of persons received to communion, 3rd of per- sons baptized, 4th of marriages, 5th of deaths, 6th of persons who re- new the covenant." The Rev. Sidney G. Law, in his Centennial Sermon, dehvered at Redding, July 6th, 1876, thus speaks of Mr. Hunn's pastorate: "His first record is very brief for so important a matter, viz : 'March 2ist, 1733, I was separated to the work of the ministry by prayer and fasting, and the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery.' The next record gives the choice of deacons, viz: 'At a church meeting INIarch 29, 1733, we made choice of Stephen Burr for a deacon, and some time after we chose Theo. Hull to the same service. . . . ' The next records relate to the adoption of Tate and Brady's version of the Psalms, first for one month, and then for the indefinite future. The first mem- bers of the church enumerated by Mr. Hun were as follows : Col. John Read and wife. Theophilus Hull and wife, George Hull and wife, Peter Burr and wife, Daniel Lion and wife, Daniel Bradley and wife, Stephen 35 HISTORY OF REDDING. Burr and wife, Ebenezer Hull and wife, John Grififen, Nathaniel San- ford, Thomas Fairchild, Lemuel Sanford, Benjamin Lion and wife, Mary wife of Richard Lion, Isaac Hull, Esther wife of Thomas Wil- liams, Esther wife of Benjamin Hamilton. Thus it appears that the church was organized with twenty-six members, including the two dea- cons, about the time that Mr. Hun was ordained, viz., the 21st of March^ 1733. Mr. Hunn married Ruth, a sister of Col. Read.* He was pastor of the church sixteen years. During this time he received about ninety- two men)bers into the church, the most of them by letter of recommenda- tion from neighboring churches. He performed thirty-five marriages and one hundred and ninety-two baptisms. He died while on a journey, and was buried in Boston in 1749. His widow, Ruth Hunn, died in 1766, and was buried near her brother. Col. John Read, in the cemetery west of the parsonage." Mr. Hunn's administration seems to have been a happy and prosper- ous one, and few events of importance occurred during its continuance. The records are taken up with cases of church discipline, with additions to his salary, providing his firewood, and with repairs to the meeting house. in 1738 it was voted "to finish glassing the meting hous, and to finish seating the meting hous as is begun, and do something to the pulpit." In 1739, "voted, that Sergt. Joseph Lee shall get Mr. Hun's wood, and have seven pounds for it." "Voted that the place for putting up warn- ings for society meetings be changed from Umpawaug to the mill door." In 1740, "voted to rectifie the meting hous in the following articles, viz. to put in new glass where it is wanting, and to mend the old. To lay some beams in the gallery and double floor. To fasten the meting hous doors ; to m.ake stairs up the gallery ; to put a rail on the foreside of the gallery," and "that the place for parish meeting shall be at the school house, by the meting hous for the future." In 1741, "voted, to seat the meting hous in the lower part with plain strong seats." In 1742, "voted to impower the parish committee to agree with a person to beat the drum as a signal to call the people together on the sabbath." Again, Feb. 15, 1743-4, "It was voted that the timber and boards provided for seating the meeting house, shall be improved to that end for the use of the Parish." These entries though unimportant in themselves give us pleasant glimpses of the healthy and active life of the church. Mr. Hunn died in the summer or fall of 1749, and for the four following years the '''She was a daughter of the Hon. John Read, who settled at Lonetown in 1714. Both Mr. Law and Mr. Barber are in error in supposing that the original John Read lived and died in Redding. He removed to Boston in 172-2. and his son John succeeded to his title, and to the manor at Lonetown. The latter is the one mentioned in these records. HISTORY OF REDDING. 8/ church was without a pastor. A call was extended to Mr. Solomon Mead in March, 1751, without success, and in November of the same year to the Rev. Izrahiah Wetmore, with a like result. The interim was im- proved by the people, however, in building a new church, which stood nearly on the site of the present edifice. The first action in this important matter was taken at a Society meet- ing held Feb. 9, 1748, when it was put to vote "whether it be necessary to build a new meting hous in s'd Parish," and passed in the affirmative ; whereupon "Left. Joseph Sanford" was appointed agent for the Society to prefer a memorial to the next General Assembly, "to afHx the place whereon the meeting house should be built." The successive stages by which the building grew to completion are defined in a very interesting manner in the records. Dec. 29th, 1799, "It was voted that Deacon Burr and others be a committee to see that there is timber got, and saw- mill logs for a meeting house in this Parish, s'd timber to be 37 ft. in width and 46 ft. in length." Jan. 17th, 1750, the County Court in ses- sion at Fairfield, on the memorial of Redding, appointed Thomas Bene- dict, Esq., and Capt. Josiah Starr, of Danbury, and Samuel Olmsted, Esq., of Ridgefield, a committee to afifix the place whereon the m.eeting- house should be built ; to act with these, the Society appointed a com- mittee composed of John Read, Stephen Burr, Joseph Sanford and Ephraim Jackson. Jan. 29th, 1751, a committee was appointed "to agree with some persons to build the new meting hous." It would appear that ground had not been broken for it as early as April 25th, 1751, for at that date a committee was appointed to meet the County Court's com- mittee "to find a place for the meeting house." It was probably completed and ready for use early in the summer of 1752, as on the 22d of June of that year a call was extended to the Rev. Mr. Tammage to be their preacher, and the old meeting house was sold to Jehu Burr for £34. The manner in which this meeting-house was "seated" (which did not occur until 1763) is an interesting commentary on the manners and customs of the day, and has the further merit of novelty, it being doubtful if another record can be found in New Eng- land detailing so minutely the method of assigning pews in the early Puritan churches. We copy from the records of a Society meeting held at Widow Sanford's, June 23d, 1763 : "Put to vote whether the meeting house of s'd society shall be seated in ye form following viz. a com'te being appointed to Dignify ye pews and other seats in s'd Meeting House the Respective members of s'd society shall sit in s'd pews and seats according to their Rank and De- gree to be computed by their several lists and age, viz. upon ye two last years lists, and to allow three pound per year to be added to a person's gg HISTORY OF REDDING. List for his advancement in a seat, and all at ye discresion of s'd com'te who shall be appointed to Dignify s'd pews and seats, and to inspect the Respective lists and ages of s'd members." The committee appointed was Joseph Sanford, Ebenezer Couch, and Stephen Burr; but Messrs. Sanford and Burr declining to act, Ephraim Jackson and Joseph Banks were chosen in their place. This committee was unable to settle the question satisfactorily, and a meeting was held August nth, 1763, at which the following action was taken: "It was put to vote whether the Dignity of ye pews and seats in ye meeting house should be in the following manner viz. ye pew adjoin- ing ye pulpit stairs first in Dignity: ye pew adjoining ye grait doors, west side, second in Dignity : the fore seat third in Dignity, the second pew west of ye pulpit, fourth : the second seat, fifth : the second pew north from the west door, sixth : the fifth pew north of ye west door seventh : the third pew north of the west door, eighth : the second pew west of ye grait doors ninth : the first pew south of ye west door, tenth : the third seat, eleventh : the second pew south of the west door twelfth : the fourth seat, thirteenth : the front seat in ye gallery, fourteenth : the fore seat on ye side of the gallery, fifteenth : the pews and seats upon ye east end of ye meeting house of Equal Dignity with those upon the west side in same manner and order as they are above mentioned. Passed in the negative." Three months later another meeting was called, and adopted the following plan: "The respective members of the society shall sit in ye pews and seats of the meeting house of s'd Society according to their rank or degree, to be computed by their respective lists and ages, viz. upon the lists given in upon the years 175 1 and 1761 and 1762, and to allow three pounds per year to be added to a person's list for his advancement in a seat or pew the Respective lists and ages of s'd members are to be in- spected, also to give the committee chosen at this meeting power to seat those that are new comers, and have not . . in s'd society, to seat them at s'd committee's discresion. "Likewise to seat ye Widows in s'd Society at the best of ye Com- mittee's judgment, which method of seating s'd meeting house shall continue until s'd Society at their meeting shall order otherwise. "Also voted that s'd com'te shall seat those women whose husbands belong to the Church of England at their discresion." The Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett, the second pastor of the church, was ordained May 23d, 1753, the next year after the church was built. From RESIDENXE OF JOHN B. SANFORD, Redding Centre. The house now occupied by Jonathan Bartlett Sanford is one of the most historic places in the town. In 1753 the Congregational Church in Redding called the Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett, of Guilford, to be its second pastor. It was the custom of those days to give a settlement to the new pastor, and this church gave Mr. Bartlett twenty acres of land. In May, 1753, he brought his bride, Eunice Barker Russell, to Redding, and immediately began building a house on the settlement land. Into this house were built the strong, sturdy principles of the man who for more than half a century did grand service in helping to shape the destiny of the new country. The proportions of the house were laid out on a gener- ous scale, and unlike most country houses of that period, the rooms are large and the ceilings high, and only skilled workmen could have wainscotted the walls and titted the panels with such care and exactness that they show in a very slight degree the wear of a century and a half. In the "Keeping Room" is a corner cupboard, with shelves for the family china, and on the walls are fine portraits of the benign pastor and his wife. A capacious brick oven opens from the side of the great kitchen fire- place, and is still in perfect condition for use. This house was scarcely finished when the French and Indian war broke out and the young wife must have known many anxious hours while tiie pas- tor was absent on his ministrations among his scattered parishioners. When the spirit of discontent with British rule swept over the colonies, it was under this roof that many earnest conferences were held, and when the time for action came the sons of the family were freely sent to aid the cause of liberty. Fearing some sudden attack Mr. Bartlett had stores of ammunition secret- ed in the garret to aid in protecting the little hamlet. The doors of this hospitable house were always open to the youth of the place for whatever instruction the pastor could give them, and among many notable men whose early education began here perhaps the most widely known was Joel Barlow. Rev. Jonathan Bartlett succeeded his father in the ownership of the house. He was a man of rare scholarship and a close friend of Dr. Timothy Dwight, who was a frequent visitor at the house. In 1847, Lemuel Sanford, a nephew of Rev. Jonathan Bartlett, built a house adjoining the main house on the east side, and after the death of his uncle, came into the possession of this historic place, which has ever since been the family home. Mr. Sanford filled the offices of Judge of Probate, Town Clerk and Treas- urer for a continuous period of thirty-five years, and during that time all the records of the town and church were kept in the house without any of the modern safeguards of safe or vault. The house is remarkable for having remained unchanged in outward form or interior arrangement and seems in good condition to stand the storms of another centurv. HISTORY OF REDDING. 89 the record in his own handwriting, we learn that the ministers who as- sisted at his ordination were as follows : "The Rev. Mr. White of Danbury made the first prayer. The Rev. Mr. Todd of East Guilford preached the sermon. Rev. Mr. Kent made the ordaining prayer. Rev. Mr. Mills of Ripston gave the charge, Rev. Mr. Judson of Newtown gave the right hand of fellowship, and Rev. Mr. Ingersoll of Ridgefield made the concluding prayer." Mr. Bartlett came to Redding when a young man fresh from his col- legiate studies, and continued pastor of the church over which he was ordained for fifty-seven years — the longest pastorate, it is said, known to the New England churches. He is described as a gentleman of the old school, kind and considerate, of an equable temper, a just man, a fine scholar, and an eloquent preacher. During his term of service the crude settlement in the wilderness assumed "the dignity of a town. The church grew from infancy to manhood and the country passed from the position of dependent colonies to that of free and sovereign states. In the War of Independence Mr. Bartlett's sympathies were entirely with the patriot cause; two of his sons entered the army, munitions of war were stored in his house, and he himself frequently officiated as chaplain ■during the encampment of Putnam's division in the town in the winter of 1779. Like many of the New England clergymen of that day, he was the teacher of such youths in his charge as might desire a liberal education, and among the many whom he thus fitted for usefulness was the celebrated poet and statesman, Joel Barlow. Mr. Bartlett died Jan. II, 1810, and was buried in the old cemetery west of the church. The simple inscription upon his tombstone reads as follows : The Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett. Died, January 11, 18 10, aged 83 years. "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." — Jesus Christ. During the entire period of Mr. Bartlett's ministry we have in thf church records but one entry of importance, and that is of interest as marking the legal status of the Episcopal Society in the town. This entry is as follows : "To Seth S. Smith of Redding, in Fairfield Co. Greeting, Whereas by law the Episcopal Church in said Redding is become a distinct society whereby the members of the Presbyterian church in said Redding have "become the first society in said town. These are therefore by authority of the State of Connecticut to command you to warn and give notice to all the members of said first society, and all others who by law are ob- liged to contribute toward the support, and the worship, and the ministry 90 HISTORY OF REDDING. with the same, to meet at the meeting house in said Redding on Monday the 20th of December at 12 in order to choose a moderator and necessary- officers. "Redding, December 14, 1785." The Rev. Jonathan Bartlett, third minister of the church, was ordain- ed as colleague with his father, Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett, in 1796. The first of the church records in his handwriting is as follows : "Feb. 3, 1796. I was separated to the work of the ministry and or- dained as colleague with my father Nathaniel Bartlett over the Congre- gational church in Redding in Gospel order and form. The ministers who performed the work were as follows viz. the Rev. Israhiel Wetmore chosen Moderator, Robert Ross made the ordaining prayer, Elisha Rex- ford made the introductory prayer, David Ely preached the sermon. Imposition of hands by N. Bartlett, R. Ross and Rexford. John Ely gave the right hand of fellowship, Samuel W. Stebbins made the con- cluding prayer." Of the life and ministry of this most excellent man, one who knew him intimately, the Rev. Thomas F. Davies, thus wrote: "In February, 1796, Mr. Bartlett was ordained colleague with his father, and after a faithful ministry of thirteen years, greatly esteemed and beloved by his people, was dismissed on account of ill-health, and by his own request. His heart was gladdened near the close of his pastoral life by a powerful and general revival of religion among the people of his charge. After his dismission, and when his health had been in a degree restored, he preached from time to time to destitute congre- gations in the vicinity, and at different periods, as occasion required, to the church of which he had been pastor, with great acceptation and use- fulness. As a preacher he was eminently distinguished, for he was a man 'mighty in the Scriptures.' Large portions of the Word of God, en- tire epistles even, dwelling in his memory, and when an impaired vision rendered the perusal of a book difficult or painful, he reviewed in his own mind, and often rehearsed to others, portions of the Scriptures with comments which rendered his society delightful and instructive. He was a man of native eloquence, and great skill in the examination and exhibition of the subject which came before him. He was a scribe, 'well instructed in the things of the kingdom, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.' While aiding other societies, he was eminently a benefactor to the church and society of which he had been a pastor, for in addition to the ministerial services gratuitously rendered, he gave in money in his various benefactions more to the society than the entire amount received from it during the HISTORY OF REDDING. 9 1 whole period of his ministry, and has also left it a legacy of three thou- said dollars. Useful, honored, and beloved he lived in his native town, inhabiting for nearly a century the same residence, for he was born in the house in which he died. With a calm and humble trust in God, in the entire possession of his mental powers, and with little apparent suf- fering, he fell asleep in Jesus." Rev. Daniel Crocker, of Bedford, N. Y., was called in August, 1809. as colleague with Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett. He was a good man and a successful pastor, and served the church fifteen years, being dismissed in 1824. The Rev. Charles DeWitt Tappen was called, but not settled. The next pastor chosen was Mr. William C. Kniffen in 1825. He was dismissed in 1828. The Rev. Burr Baldwin was next called, but not settled. The next pastor was the Rev. William L. Strong, formerly pas- tor at Somers, Tolland Co., Conn. He was installed June 23d, 1830, and dismissed Feb. 26th, i'-835. In September, 1835, following Mr. Strong's dismissal, a subscription was commenced for the erection of the present church edifice, which was built in 1836. The expense was not to exceed $2,500 with the old meeting-house. In December of the same year a unanimous call was extended to the Rev. David C. Comstock, but was not accepted at that time. In IMarch, 1837, Rev. Daniel E. Manton was called, but not settled. In June of the same year the Rev. Jeremiah Miller was called, and was installed July 12th, 1837. Mr. Miller was dismissed in 1839. In the following year, 1840, Mr. David C. Com- stock was ordained and installed pastor of the church. He was dis- missed in 1845. After him Daniel D. Frost, after preaching as stated supply for eighteen months, was ordained December 30th, 1845. He continued pastor ten years, being dismissed October 13th, 1856. In 1857 the pulpit was supplied by the Rev. Mr. Root. In 1858 the Rev. Enoch S. Huntington supplied the pulpit one year. He presented the com- munion service to the church, for which he received its thanks. In 1859 the church was remodelled and painted, receiving the beautiful fresco which long adorned it. In i860 Rev. W. D. Herrick became pastor, and so continued until 1864. After him Rev. E. B. Huntington, and also Rev. Mr. Barnum, preached for a short time. Rev. S. F. Farmer sup- plied in 1865. Rev. K. B. Glidden was installed September 12th, 1866; resigned December, 1868. In 1869 the Rev. Charles Chamberlain be- came pastor. He resigned in September, 1871. Rev. Sidney G. Law. to whom I am indebted for the above summary of the later history of the church, became acting pastor June ist, 1872, and after a prosperous ministry of six years resigned in 1878. The Rev. William J. Jennings was installed Dec. 17th, 1879, and con- tinued pastor until March, 1892, when he resigned because of failing strength, by this act closing his active ministry. He spent his closing 92 HISTORY OF REDDING. years in his native town of Westport, and when he died was brought back to Redding for burial by the side of his wife and son in the ceme- tery by the parsonage. In September, 1892, the Rev. Clare L. Luther was invited to become acting pastor of the church and was ordained here in October, 1892. During his pastorate the church edifice was remodeled and a large room for social and religious purposes added to the rear of the church. He also undertook the arduous work of transcribing and indexing the church records. A new manual of the church was also published during his pastorate. He resigned in May, 1898, and was succeeded by the Rev. Edward R. Evans, who was ordained pastor in May, 1899, and con- tinued to serve until October, 1903. In August, 1904, the Rev. Louis A. Godard became acting pastor. In June, 1906, Mr. Godard severed his connection with the church, and his successor has not yet been called. Some statistics of this ancient church ready gathered to my hand will prove interesting and valuable. The complete list of those who served it as pastors, with the date of their ordination and dismissal, is as follows : MINISTERS. SETTLED. DISMISSED. DIED. Nathaniel Hunn Mar. 21, 1733 1749 Nathaniel Bartlett May 23, 1753 Jan. 11, 1810 Jonathan Bartlett Feb. 3, 1796 June 7, 1809 Mar. 22, 1858 Daniel Crocker Oct. a, 1809 Oct 24, 1824 Wilham C. Kniffen June 8, 1825 Dec. 17, 1828 William L. Strong June 23, 1830 Feb. 26, 1835 Jeremiah Miller July 12, 1837 July 23, 1839 David C. Comstock Mar. 4, 1840 April 8, 1845 Daniel D. Frost Dec. 30, 1846 Oct. 15, 1856 Enoch S. Huntington 1858 1859 W. D. Herrick i860 1S64 K B. Glidden Sept. 12, 1866 Dec, 1868 Charles Chamberlain i86g Sept., 1871 Sidney G. Law June I, 1872 June I, 1878 DE.ACONS. APPOINTED. DEACONS. APPOINTED. Stephen Burr 1733 Lemuel Sanford 1808 Theophilus Hull 1733 Aaron Read 1808 Lemuel Sanford 1740 Joel Foster 1820 Daniel Mallory 1740 • Lemuel Hawley 1832 Joseph Banks 1776 Samuel Read 1832 Simon Couch 1776 Charles D. Smith 1854 Lemuel Sanford 1785 Rufus Meade 1854 Stephen Betts 1785 Thaddeus M. Abbott 1854 Deacons serving since 1854 have been, John H. Lee, Henry S. Os- born, Ebenezer Hill, and Jonathan B. Sanford. YEAR. CONVERSIONS. YEAR. CONVERSIONS. ^8o8-9 75 1838 30 1823 40 1852 24 1829 8 1855 12 183I 20 N I HISTORY OF REDDING. g^ On Wednesday, Sept. 5, 1883, with appropriate ceremonies, the church celebrated the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its birth. CHAPTER X. Christ Church, 1722-1906. By Rev. Alanson Welton. The present town of Redding is one of the few places in the old Colony of Connecticut where the Episcopal ministry is entitled to the distinction of having been first on the ground, laying foundations, and not building upon those already laid. The Church of England was not planted in New England without strenuous and bitter opposition from the Puritans, who were first in the field. By old English law, indeed, that church was established in all the plantations ; yet it is manifest from the records of the colonial legislation of the charter government of Con- necticut, that previous to 1727, the church of which the king was a member was not recognized as having a right to exist. Congregation- alism was the established religion, "in opposition to which there could be no ministry or church administration entertained or attended by the inhabitants of any town or plantation, upon penalty of fifty pounds for every breach of this act;" and every person in the colony was obliged to pay taxes for the support of this establishment. In this uncongenial soil the Anglican Church of Connecticut was planted — strange to say, not by foreign-born missionaries, but by sece- ders from the ministry of the Congregationalists. The pioneers in this movement were Timothy Cutler, Rector of Yale College ; Daniel Brown, tutor ; James Wetmore, of North Haven ; and Samuel Johnson, of West Haven, a former tutor in the college. These gentlemen, after a pro- fessedly careful and prayerful examination of the subject of church order, discipline, and worship, which' resulted in a conviction that the English Church followed most closely the teaching of the Scriptures and the practice of the church of the first ages, sent to the trustees of the col- lege a formal statement of their views, and declared for Episcopacy — to the no small surprise and consternation of their colleagues in the col- lege and church. The four went to England for Episcopal ordination, where Brown died. The three survivors returned in 1722, as mission- aries of the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," Johnson only being sent to Connecticut. The ante-Revolution- q, HISTORY OF REDDING. ary history of the church at Redding Ridge is mostly to be found in the archives of this Society, as pubUshed in the "Documentary History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Connecticut," and the Rev. Dr. Beardsley's "History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut" — from which sources, mainly, this sketch has been compiled. A letter was addressed to the secretary of the S. P. G., dated October 19th, 1722, signed by John Glover and twelve other heads of families in Newtown, Thomas Wheeler, of Woodbury, and Tyloses Knapp, of Chest- nut Ridge, thanking the Society for the services of the Rev. George Pigot, missionary at Stratford, and earnestly soliciting the appointment of a missionary for themselves at Newtown. The next year, 1723, Mr. Pigot was transferred to Newport, R. I,, and the Rev. Samuel Johnson, his successor at Stratford, "accepted all his missionary duties in Connecticut." In 1727, the Rev. Henry Caner [pronounce Caiiner] was sent to Fair- field, of which town Chestnut Ridge was a part. After having named in his report the several villages or hamlets in the vicinity of his station, he says : "Besides these, there is a village northward from Fairfield about eighteen miles, containing near twenty families, where there is no min- ister at all, of any denomination whatsoever ; the name of it is Chestnut Ridge, and where I usually preach or lecture once in three weeks." In 1728 he says there are four villages "about Fairfield, — Green Farms, Greenfield, Poquannuck and Chestnut Ridge, three of them about four miles distant, the last about sixteen." The same year, the name of Moses Knapp appears as a vestryman of the church at Fairfield. In 1729, "Moses Knap, Nathan Lion, and Daniel Crofoot" objected, in a meeting of the [Presbyterian] "Society of Redding" "against" the "hiering" any other than a minister of the Church of England. These three names appear again in the list of Mr. Beach's parishioners in 1738. The Rev. Dr. Burhams [Churchman's Magazine, 1823] says: "The first Churchman in Reading was a Mr. Richard Lyon, from Ireland, who died as early as 1735." He also says on the authority of "an aged member of the Church in Reading," that "Messrs. [Richard?] Lyon, [Stephen] Morehouse, [Moses] Knapp, [Joshua] Hall, [William] Hill, [Daniel] Crofoot, and [Lieut. Samuel] Fairchild, appear to have composed the first Church in Reading." Nathan Lyon died in 1757, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. Mr. Caner reported in 1728 seven families at Chestnut Ridge; the number reminding us of the "House of Wisdom" with its "Seven Pillars," as the first Puritan organization at New Haven was named. Mr. Caner was succeeded at Chestnut Ridge, in 1732, by the Rev. John Beach, a pupil of Johnson in Yale College, and afterward Presby- terian minister at Newtown for several years. As Mr. Beach was a HISTORY OF REDDING. 95 resident of East Redding for about twenty years, and pastor of this church full half a century, his history is substantially that of the parish, or mission, over which he presided. His pastorate was the longest of all the ante-Revolutionary clergy. He was born in Stratford, October 6th, 1700; graduated from Yale at the age of twenty-one, and licensed to preach soon afterwards. He is said to have been selected for the Presbyterian pastorate at Newtown as a "popular and insinuating young man," well fitted to check the growth of Episcopacy, which was there thriving under the ministry of Caner and Johnson. Many Churchmen must have "joined in settling him with Presbyterian ordination," for in 1722 they claimed to be a majority of the population, whereas, for some- time after his "settlement," Mr. Johnson ministered to only about five families. "From these visits . . . frequent and earnest discus- sions resulted between the two teachers, the influence of which was soon evident to Mr. Beach's congregation. After two or three years of patient study and meditation he alarmed his congregation by his frequent use of the Lord's prayer; and still more by reading whole chapters from the Word of God. Next he ventured to condemn a custom, common in their meetings, of rising and bowing to the minister, as he came in among them, and instead of which be begged them to kneel down and worship God. At length [in January, 1731], "after he had been a preacher more than eight years, he told them from the pulpit that, ^ From a serious and prayerful examination of the Scriptures, and of the records of the early ages of the Church, and from the universal ac- knowledgment of Episcopal govei'nment for fifteen hundred years, com- pared with the recent establishment of Presbyterian and Congregational discipline,' he was fully persuaded of the invalidity of his ordination, and of the unscriptural method of organizing and governing congregations as by them practised. He therefore, ' In the face of Almighty God,' had made up his mind to 'conform to the Church of England, as being Apos- tolical in her ministry and discipline, orthodox in her doctrine, and primi- tive in her worship.' He aflfectionately exhorted them to weigh the sub- ject well ; engaged to provide for the due administration of the sacra- ments while absent from them, and spoke of his intended return from England in holy orders. So greatly was he beloved, that a large propor- tion of his people seemed ready to acquiesce in his determination." But the others, in evident alarm and consternation at this "threatened defec- tion from their ranks," held a town meeting "to consult" as to "what was possible to be done with the Rev. Mr. John Beach, under present difficulties"; "voted to have a [day of] solemn fasting and prayer; . . to call in the Ecclesiastical Council of Fairfield to direct and do what they shall think proper, under the . . . difficult circumstan- ces respecting the Rev. Mr. Beach, and the inhabitants of the town of 96 HISTORY OF REDDING. Newtown — also that the first Wednesday of February [1732] be ap- pointed for the fast." The council met, and in spite of Mr. Beach's remonstrances proceed- ed to depose him from the ministry. "From this resulted a printed dis- cussion" between him and his deposers, which ultimately helped rather than hindered the Church of England. Mr. Beach returned from England in Episcopal orders, and took charge of the Newtown and Redding mission in the autumn of 1732. From this period his history and that of his mission may be more ac- curately told in the language of his own letters to the Secretary of the S. P. G. " Newtown in Connecticut^ August 7th, 1735. "Reverend Sir, I think it my duty to acquaint the venerable So- ciety with the present state of my parish, although the alteration since my last has not been very considerable. I have baptized twenty-nine children and admitted twenty-five persons more to the communion, so that the number . . . now at Newtown, Reading, and the places adjacent, is ninety-five. I preach frequently and administer the Sacra- ment at Ridgefield . . . about eighteen miles distant where there are about fourteen or eighteen families of very serious and religious people who have a just esteem of the Church of England, and are very desirous to have the opportunity of worshipping God in that way. I have constantly preached, one Sunday at Newtown ; and the other at Reading; and after I have preached at Reading in the day-time, I . . . preach at Newtown in the evening; and although I have not that success I could wish for, yet I do, and hope I always shall, faith- fully endeavour (as far as my poor ability will allow), to promote that good work, that the venerable Society sent and maintained for me. I am, Rev. Sir, "Your most humble servant, "John Beach." As a specimen of his manner of defending himself against personal attacks we have the following from a controversial pamphlet, in reply to John Dickinson, of New Jersey, in 1736: "1 have evened the scale of my judgment as much as possibly I could, and to the best of my knowledge, I have not allowed one grain of worldly motive on either side. I have supposed myself on the brink of eternity, just going into the other world, to give up my account to my great Judge; and must I be branded for an antichrist or heretic, or apostate, because my judgement determines that the Church of England is most agreeable to the Word of God? I can speak in the presence of God, who knows my heart better than you do, that I would willingly turn I HISTORY OF REDDING. 97 Dissenter again, if you, or any man living will show me reason for it. But it must be reason (whereby I exclude not the Word of God, which is the highest reason), and not sophistry and calumny, as you have hitherto used, and will convince a lover of truth and right." In 1739 he says: "I have one hundred and twenty-three communi- cants, but they live so far distant from each other, that commonly I can administer to no more than about fifty at once, which occasions my ad- ministering it the more frequently; and, though I meet with many dis- couragements, yet I have this satisfaction, that all my communicants (one or two excepted) do adorn their profession by a sober, righteous and godly life." In 1743, some three years after Whitefield began his famous "revival of Puritanism," Mr. Beach says : "My people are not at all shaken, but rather confirmed in their principles by the spirit of en- thusiasm that rages among the Independents roundabout us ; and many of the Dissenters, observing how steadfast our people are while those of their own denomination are easily carried away with every kind of doctrine, have conceived a much better opinion of our Church- than they formerly had, and a considerable number in this colony have lately conformed, and several Churches are now building where they have no minister. . . . Were there in this country but one of the Episcopal order, to whom young men might apply for ordination, with- out the expense and danger of a voyage to England, many of our towns might be supplied which must now remain destitute." (This letter is dated at "Reading, in New England," as all his published reports are, between 1740 and 1760.) "My people are poor, (he continues) and have but few negro slaves, but all they have, I have, after instruction, baptized, and some of them are communicants." In October of the same year he says : "I beg the venerable Society's direction in an afifair I am just now perplexed with. There are about twenty families at New-Milford and New-Fairfield, which are about fifteen miles hence. I preach to them several times a year, but seldom on the Lord's day. They frequently come to Church at Newtown ; but by reason of the dis- tance, they can't attend constantly, and their families very seldom, and, when they can't come to Church, they meet together in their own town, and one of their number reads some part of the common prayer and a sermon. They are now building a Church. . , . But the Inde- pendents, to suppress the design in its infancy, . , . have lately prosecuted and fined them for their meeting to worship God according to the common prayer. . . . The case of these poor people is very hard ; if, on the Lord's day, they continue at home, they must be punish- ed; if they meet to worship God according to the Church of England in the best manner they can, the mulct is much greater; and if they go gy HISTORY OF REDDING. lo the Independent meeting . . . they must endure the mortifica- tion of hearing the Church vilified." After the death of the Rev. Joshua Honeyman missionary at New- port, R. I., in 1750, the church of which he had the care, petitioned the Society that Mr. Beach might be sent to them, as their minister. The petition was granted, but Mr. Beach felt constrained, on account of feeble health to decline the appointment; fearing,-. as he said, that "the people might complain that a wornout man was iiriposed upon them." The first church on Redding Ridge, which vvas built in 1733, and was quite small, was in 1750 replaced by another on the same site, fifty feet long and thirty-six wide, surmounted by a turret, which, in 1797, was replaced by a steeple in which was placed the first bell. This church, according to the style of the period, was furnished with square, high- backed pews, with seats on their four sides ; so that some of their occu- pants had to sit with their backs to the minister. And though others doubtless besides Bishop Jarvis "could see no necessary connection be- tween piety and freezing," there was no heating apparatus in the churches until considerably past the beginning of the present century. "Trinity Church, New Haven, had no means of being warmed until 1822, and none of the rural churches were supplied with stoves until a much later period." Many persons in the rural districts were in the habit of walk- ing several miles, barefooted, to church in summer, and probably did not feel the lack of shoes a great privation. So common was it for men to go to church without their coats, that the first time Bishop Seabury preached in New Haven, a dissenting hearer reported that "he preached in his shirt-sleeves." Often the family was mounted, the parents with a child in arms to be christened, upon one horse, and the older children upon another. Sometimes the whole family were clustered together up- on the ox-cart or sled, and thus they went up to the house of God. In 1759, three years after the breaking out of the "Old French War," Mr. Beach, writing from "Reading, Connecticut, in N. England," says: ■"My parish is in a flourishing condition, in all respects, excepting that we have lost some of our young men in the army ; more, indeed by sick- ness than by the sword, for this countrymen do not bear a campaign so well as Europeans." Eh'. Johnson's playful remark to his son that "Mr. Beach had al- ways these seeming inconsistencies, to be always dying, and yet relish- ing mundane things," would seem to indicate that his friend was not really so near death's door as he often imagined himself ; for example, in 1761, when he says: "My painful and weak state of body admonishes me that, although this may not be the last time of my writing, yet the last cannot be far off" ; and he had supposed himself a "worn out man" several years before. HISTORY OF REDDING. 99 Writing from "New-Town, Oct. 3, 1764," he reports: "My con- gregation at Reading has increased very Httle for some years past, by reason that many who were wont to attend there, though Hving at a distance of 6, 8, or 10 miles, have lately built [eachj a small church near them, where they can more conveniently meet; viz., at Danbury, Ridg- bury, North Fairfield, and North Stratford; which has very much re- tarded the growth of the congregation at Reading: which . now consists of about 300 hearers at one time." Under date of April, 1765, he says: "I am now engaged in a controversy with some of the Independent Ministers about those absurd doctrines, the sum of which is contained in a thesis published by New Haven College last Septem- ber. . . . They expressly deny that there is any law of Grace which promises eternal life upon the condition of faith, repentance and sincere obedience; and assert justification only by the law of innocence and sinless obedience. Though my health is small, and my abilities less, I make it a rule never to enter into any dispute with them unless they begin, yet now they have made the assault, and advocate such monstrous errors as do subvert the Gospel, I think myself obliged by my ordination vow, to guard the people as well as I can against such strange doc- trines." Again he writes in October of the same year, after the publication of that precursor of Revolution, the memorable "Stamp Act," of 1765 : "My parishes continue much in the same condition as in my last. I have of late, taken pains to warn my people against having any concern with seditious tumults with relation to the stamp duty enjoined upon us by the Legislature at home: and I can with truth and pleasure say, that I cannot discover the least inclination towards rebellious conduct in any of the Church people." A year later he says : "For some time past, I have not been without fear of being abused by a lawless set of men who style themselves the Sons of Liberty, for no other reason than that of en- deavoring to cherish in my people a quiet submission to the civil govern- ment. . . . It is very remarkable, that in part of this Colony, in which many missions and Church people abound, there the people are vastly more peaceable and ready to render obedience to the Government of England; but where there is no mission and few or no Church peo- ple, they are continually caballing, and will spill the last drop of blood, rather than submit to the late Act of Parliament." In 1767, he says: "It is some satisfaction to me to observe, that in this town [Newtown], of late, in our elections, the Church people make the major vote, which is the first instance of this kind in this Colony, if not in all New Eng- land." Again in 1769: "There are in these two parishes about 2400 souls, of whom, a little more than half profess the Church of England. Here are about fifty negroes, most of whom after proper instruction lOO HISTORY OF REDDING. have been baptized. . . . Here are no heathens or infidels. I com- monly baptize about lOO children in one year, among them some black children. My actual communicants are 312. Here are no Papists or Deists." In 1771 he writes: "In Reading, my hearers at once are about 300. There is a meeting of Presbyterians about two and a half miles from our Church, in which the congregation is not so large as ours. In a manner, all . . . who live near the Church join with us; scarce any go by the Church to meeting." "The Church, (he says in 1774) stands not in the centre of the town, but on one side, to accom- modate the Church people, who live near, though out of the bounds of Reading." One of the most interesting of his reports is that of May 5th, 1772: "It is now forty years since I have had the advantage of being the venerable Society's Missionary in this place. . . . Every Sunday I have performed divine service, and preached twice, at New Town and Reading alternately; and in these forty years I have lost only two Sun- days, through sickness ; although in all that time I have been afflicted with a constant cholic which has not allowed me one day's ease, or free- dom from pain. The distance between the Church ... is be- tween eight and nine miles, and no very good road ; yet I have never failed ... to attend at each place according to custom, through the badness of the weather, but have rode it in the severest rains and snow storms, even when there has been no track, and my horse near sinking down in the snow-banks ; which has had this good effect on my parishioners, that they are ashamed to stay from Church on account of bad weather. ... I have performed divine service in many towns where the Common Prayer had never been heard, nor the Holy Scrip- tures read in public, and where now are flourishing congregations of the Church of England ; and in some places where there never had been any public worship at all, nor sermon preached by any teacher, of any de- nomination. "In my travelling to preach the Gospel, once was my life remarkably preserved, in passing a deep and rapid river. The retrospect of my fatigues, lying on straw, &c, gives me pleasure; while I flatter myself that my labor has not been quite in vain; for the Church of England people are increased more than 20 to i, and what is infinitely more pleas- ing, many of them are remarkable for piety and virtue; and the Inde- pendents here are more knowing in matters of religion, than they who live at a distance from the Church. We live in harmony and peace with each other, and the rising generation of Independents seem to be en- tirely free from every pique and prejudice against the Church." In a previous report, he said : "They who set up the worship of God accord- HISTORY OF REDDING. lOl ing to our Liturgy, at Lanesboro', at Nobletown and Arlington, proceed chiefly from my parishes. But notwithstanding these frequent emi- grations, my congregations increase." His last report, which was made about six months before his death, is dated October 31st, 1781, and is as follows: "It is a long time since I have done my duty in writing to the vener- able Society, not owing to my carelessness, but to the impossibility of conveyance from here. And now I do it sparingly. A narrative of my troubles I dare not now give. My two congregations are growing : that at Reading being commonly about 300 and at New Town about 600. I baptized about 130 children in one year, and lately 2 adults. New Town and the Church of England part of Reading are, I believe, the only parts of New England that have refused to comply with the doings of the Congress, and for that reason have been the butt of general hatred. But God has preserved us from entire destruction. "I am now in the 826. year of my age ; yet do constantly, alternately, perform and preach at New Town and Reading. I have been 60 years a public preacher, and, after conviction, in the Church of England 50 years ; but had I been sensible of my inefficiency, I should not have un- dertaken it. But now I rejoice in that I think I have done more good towards men's eternal happiness, than I should have done in any other calling. "I do most heartily thank the venerable Society for their liberal sup- port, and beg that they will accept of this, which is, I believe, my last bill, viz: £325, which, according to former custom, is due. [Probably at £50 per annum for six years and a half, or from 1775.] At this age I cannot well hope for it, but I pray God I may have an opportunity to explain myself with safety; but must conclude now with Job's expres- sion : 'Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends !' " Tradition has preserved a few incidents in his experience during the War of Independence: "In the autumn of 1775, several officers of the militia, having collect- ed a number of soldiers and volunteers from the different towns in West- ern Connecticut, undertook to subdue the tories. They went first to Newtown, where they put Mr. Beach, the Selectmen, and other prin- cipal inhabitants, under strict guard, and urged them to sign the Articles of Association, prescribed by the Congress at Philadelphia. When they could prevail upon them neither by persuasion nor by threats, they ac- cepted a bond from them, with a large pecuniary penalty, not to take up arms against the Colonies, and not to discourage enlistments into the American forces." J02 HISTORY OF REDDING. Shortly after the declaration of Independence (i. e. July 23d, 1776) the Episcopal clergy of the colony fearing to continue the use of the Liturgy as it then stood — praying for the king and royal family — and conscientiously scrupulous about violating their oaths and subscriptions, resolved to suspend the public exercise of their ministry. "All the churches were thus for a time closed, except those under the care of Mr. Beach. . . . He continued to officiate as usual" (as himself testi- fies) during the war. "Though gentle as a lamb in the intercourse of private life, he was bold as a lion in the discharge of public duty ; and, when warned of personal violence if he persisted, he declared that he would do his duty, .preach, and pray for the King till the rebels cut out his tongue." Whether the following were separate incidents, or are but different versions of one and the same, is uncertain: It is related that a squad of soldiers marched into his church in Newtown, and threatened to shoot him if he prayed for the king ; but when, regardless of their threats, he went on, without so much as a tremor in his voice, to offer the forbidden supplications, they were so struck with admiration for his courage, that they stacked their arms and remained to listen to the sermon. A band of soldiers entered his church during service, seized him, and declared that they would kill him. He entreated that, if his blood must be shed, it might not be in the house of God. Thereupon they took him into the street, where an axe and block were soon prepared. "Now, you old sinner (said one), say your last prayer." He knelt down and pray- ed : "God bless King George, and forgive all his enemies and mine, for Christ's sake." One of the mob then pleaded to "let the old fellow go, and take some younger man instead." The following is familiar to the people of Redding Ridge parish. The old church of 1750 had a single door in the centre, and the pulpit and chancel were at the west end, opposite the door. A squad of sol- diers, seven in number (hired, it is said, by 'Squire Betts with a gallon of French brandy to shoot Mr. Beach), gathered before the open door of the church, and from one of them a bullet was fired which lodged in one of the ribs of the sounding-board, a foot or more above the head of the venerable preacher. As the congregation sprang to their feet in un- feigned consternation to rush from the church, he quieted them by say- ing: "Don't be alarmed, brethren. Fear not them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul ; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell ;" and then proceeded with his dis- course as if nothing had happened. The "History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut" informs us that "the Redding Association of Loyalists was a strong body, whose secret influence was felt throughout the mission of the venerable pastor ;"' HISTORY OF REDDING. IO3 but how or in what way that influence was exerted, does not appear. The "Sons of Liberty" have been already mentioned in Mr. Beach's re- ports. After the death of Mr. Beach in 1782, the Revs. Richard Samuel Clarke and Andrew Fowler officiated here alternately for a short time. Clarke emigrated to Nova Scotia with others of the missionaries, and many of the members of their flocks, in 1784 or 1785. He returned on a visit in October, 1786. The discontinuance of the stipends of the mis- sionaries by the S. P. G., whose charter restricted its benefactions to the British provinces and plantations, was a severe blow to the Episcopal churches, which had been already greatly weakened by the efifects of the War of the Revolution. Mr. Beach's congregation were exceptions to the general rule, in that they increased while others diminished in fium- bers ; but whether few or many of the Redding Churchmen formed a part of the thirty thousand Loyalists who, Hawkins says, emigrated to the British provinces from New England and New York, it is impossible to ascertain. It is not probable, however, that there were half that number of Churchmen in all New England at the close of the war. The next name on the list of ministers of this parish is that of Tru- man Marsh in 1785, who "visited the Parish every third Sunday"; but, as he was not ordained till 1790, he must have been only a licensed lay- reader, though it is not improbable that he preached — as some of that class did, in those days when there was a dearth of ordained ministers. In 1794, the Rev. David Perry, M. D., minister of the parishes of Red- ding, Ridgefield, and Danbury, in consequence of some reports to his disadvantage as a cleryman, and of some errors in regard to baptism, was suspended from the ministry, and the next year, at his own request, deposed. He returned to the practice of medicine in Ridgefield. The revenues of the Church were gathered after the Revolution much as they were before. "The Episcopal parishes were taxed to build churches and to sustain religious services, and the Diocesan Con- vention assessed the parishes to provide for the Bishop's Fund. Each parish was required to make an annual return of what was called the 'Grand Levy' — that is, its taxable list according to its last enrolment — and upon this return rested the right of a lay delegate to his seat in the convention. The resolution which fixed this rule was adopted in 1803. The first published Grand Levy appeared in the Journal of 1806; and from that time onward for fifteen years the roll of the lay delegates was accompanied by the taxable list of the several parishes which they repre- sented. If the list of any parish exceeded ten thousand dollars, such parish was entitled to . . . two delegates." The Grand Levy of the Redding Parish in 1806 was $12,960. "It is interesting to note the changes since that period in the relative I04 HISTORY OF REDDING. wealth of the Church in Connecticut. In those early days, as reported, Litchfield was stronger than Waterbury or Hartford, Woodbridge was stronger than Meriden, Huntington than Derby, Redding than Bridge- port, and Newtown than New Haven." The longest pastorate since Mr. Beach was that of his great-grand- son, the Rev. Lemuel B. Hull, who resigned his charge in 1836, after twelve years' service. "In 1815, a fund of a little more than $3,000 was raised." On the second Tuesday in October, 1833 — the year in which the present church edifice was built — the Annual Convention of the Diocese at Norwich failed to organize for want of two more lay delegates to form a quorum. "On the morning of that day, at three o'clock, the steam- boat New England, on her passage from New York to Hartford, having on board seventy-one persons, burst both her boilers near Essex, and eight persons were immediately killed and thirteen seriously injured. Among those who were fatally injured were Mr. John M. Heron and Dr. Samuel M. Whiting, lay delegates from Christ Church, Redding; and they were within a mile of their landing-place at the time of the accident." In the spring of that year several members of the parish withdrew by certificate ; among these was John Meeker, clerk. At a parish meeting, October 25th, 1834, the vestry were instructed "to take proper [legal] steps to procure the Records of the Parish from the hands of the late Clerk, without delay." At another meeting in De- cember following, the agents of the parish (James San ford, Jr., and Charles Beach) were authorized to "prosecute to final judgment such suits as they should deem necessary for the recovery of the books, records, funds or other property of the Society, before any Court proper to try the same." In October, 1835, fifty dollars were appropriated from the parish treasury "to enable the agents to carry on the suit commenced against the heirs of John Meeker, deceased." Some money was thus recovered, but the records have never yet been found. In 1847 the old parish debt of $870 (incurred in the building of the church in 1833) was paid by subscription. In 1850 the parish fund, about $2,700, which before had been held as a loan by members of the parish, was by a considerable efifort, and against the desire and judgment of the minority, collected and invested in the stock of the Fairfield County Bank. The same year the church edifice was altered and repaired, at an expense of $380.2^. "On Advent Sunday" of this year, "the last Sunday of my ministry" (says the Rev. Joseph P. Taylor'), "the sum of $600 was collected at the Offertory for the purpose of building a new parsonage." HISTORY OF REDDING. 10$ "The above-named sum," says the Rev. Orsamus H. Smith, his suc- «cessor, "having been put upon the plate in written pledges, there re- mains of them unredeemed in April, 1853, from fifty to one hundred dollars," which being "part of the money relied upon for the building, . the Vestry were obliged to borrow it, and it remains a debt upon the parish. The new house was finished in October, 1851, and im- mediately occupied by the family of Mr. Smith. In 1858, says the Rev. W. W. Bronson: "The Glebe lot was very much improved by the purchase of a strip of land [on the west side] and the erection of a suitable fence, mainly through the exertions of the ladies of the parish." In 1863 the organ was repaired, and the broken bell replaced by a new one of similar tone, from Meneeley's, at Troy. In 1873 the church spire was repaired, and the old [English] weath- ercock, a relic of Colonial times (one of whose legs had been shot off by one of Tryon's soldiers in 1777), having persistently refused to remain upon his perch, was excused from further duty, and a gilded cross erect- ed in his place. The venerable bird, however, is still to be seen on one of the outbuildings of the great-grandson of the Rev. John Beach, in East Redding. The parsonage was adorned in 1874 with a new and spacious veranda, in 1876 with a set of blinds. The noticeable incidents of the year 1879, were the destruction of the church sheds by fire on the evening of the 12th of May, and the acquisi- tion of a baptismal font of Italian marble, purchased with contributions of the Sunday-school and other members of the parish, collected during the rectorship of the Rev. Mr. Kelley. On July 6, 1888, the church having been enlarged and wholly reno- vated, was reopened by Bishop Williams, many of the clergy and a great congregation being in attendance. About 1891 a vocalion organ with two manuals and pedals was added. LIST OF MINISTERS OFFICIATING IN THE PARISH OF CHRIST CHURCH, REDDING. FROM TO Rev. Henry Caner 1727 ^732. " John Beach Oct., 1732 Mar. 19, 1782. " rs'claA^'^i^"'-'" '^8- " Truman Marsh 1795- ( Officiated a short '" David Belden 1786 ■) time only, on ac- ' count of ill-health. " Ambrose Hull 1789 I79i- " David Perry, M. D 1791 Susp'd Nov. 1794 " David Butler Jan. 20, 1799 1804. "' Elijah G. Plumb Jan. 30, 1806 181 1. " Reuben Hubbard 1812 1818. ^' Ambrose S. Todd, D. D 1820 1823. I06 HISTORY OF REDDING. FROM TO Rev. Lemuel B. Hull 1824 Feb. 23, 1836. " Edward J. Darken, M. D Aug. 1836 Dec. 25, 1837. " Charles Jarvis Todd June, 1838 Easter, 1842. " William Atwill May 8, 1842 1845. " David H. Short, D. D Easter, 1845 1846. " Abel Nichols 1846 1847. " Joseph P. Taylor Easter, 1847 Dec, 1850. " Orsamus H. Smith Nov. 29, 1850 Mar. 31, 1853 " Abel Ogden July 10, 1853 Died May 8, 1854 " James Adams Autumn, 1854 Oct., 1856. " Wm. White Bronson 1857 i860. " Alfred Londerback May 25, 1861 Aug. 5, 1862., " Henry Zell March 12, 1863 Died Nov. 5, 1863 " Wm. L. Bostwick Easter, 1864 June 15, 1867. " John W. Hoffman Dec. 6, 1S68 Nov. 30, 1871. " Charles W. Kelley Jan. 5, 1873 April 30, 1876. " Ximenus Alanson Welton July i, 1877 July 8, 1883. " G. Morris Wilkins & others Supplv " Martin B. Dunlap Aug. 17, 1884 Nov. 26, 1888. " Alexander Hamilton 1890 " William A. Swan Apr. 10, 1892 September, 1899. " Charles Thompson Caerr Oct. 15, 1901 June i, 1903, " William H. Jepson Oct. 15, 1903 Now Rector The number of communicants belonging to Christ Church, Redding, as reported at different periods, were : In 1809 55 In i860 59- " 1810 63 " 1863 55 " 1811 67 " 1866 45 " 1815 61 " 1869 i7 " 1817 61 " 1873 40 " 1845 42 " 1874 55 " 1851 60 " 1875 61 " 1854 56 " 1877 59 " 1856 57 " 1878 64 " 1858 58 " 1879 65 " 1859 56 CHAPTER XI. Methodist Episcopal Church— 1 789- 1 906. When Jesse Lee left New York on the mission which was to quicken and vitalize the New England churches, his first resting-place was at Norwalk, where he preached on the highway under a spreading elm, no house being opened to him. From Norwalk he proceeded to Fairfield and New Haven, and from the latter place to Redding. He reached this town on Wednesday, the 24th of June, 1789, and from this period we are to date the origin of the Methodist Church in Redding, although some six months elapsed before it was formally organized. In his journal un- der the above date, Mr. Lee thus narrates some of the incidents of this first visit : METHCMMST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, REDDING CENTRE. HISTORY OF REDDING. lO/' "I travelled a stony road to Redding and according to directions call- ed on Esquire Benedict but he was not at home; so got my horse and rode to Mr. Rogers to consult him about the matter. While I was talk- ing to him Mr. Bartlett a Congregational minister came by, and being informed who I was asked me home with him. After I had been there a while he asked me some questions relative to doctrines, and I endeavor- ed to inform him what kind of doctrines we preached. He said he could not invite me into the meeting house, because I held what he thought was contrary to the gospel. I told him I did not expect an invitation to preach in the meeting house, but if I was asked I should not refuse. However Mr. Rogers sent his son down in a little time to let me know that there was a school house that I could preach in, so I made the ap- pointment for the people at six o'clock. Having met at that hour I preached on 'Isa. 55:6: 'Seek ye the Lord while he may be found,' &c. I bless God that I had some liberty in preaching." The school-house where this first sermon was delivered probably stood on the common near the old meeting-house. The few and simple doctrines that Mr. Lee preached were the witness of the Spirit, the entire efficacy of the Atonement, and the possibility of falling from grace, and they were presented with so much force and earnestness as to produce a deep impression on those who heard them ; yet he had no time to remain and note the effect produced, but rode away the next day, carrying his tidings to other communities. Twice again Lee visited Redding — July 8th, and September i6th of the same year — without seeing any fruits of his efforts ; for, although many were impressed with the truth of his doctrines, they hesitated about coming out openly and joining the new sect. At length on his fourth visit, December 28th, 1789, he "joined two in society for a beginning. A man who has lately received a witness of his being in favor with the Lord led the way, and a woman who I hope was lately converted, followed." This was the second Methodist society organized in New England, the first being at Stratford. The first two members mentioned above were Aaron Sanford and his mother- in-law, Mrs. William Hawley. Mr. Sanford by this act became the first male member of the ^Methodist Church in New England ; he was at once appointed leader of the class thus formed, and its meetings were held for years at his house. After its organization the growth of the So- ciety was very rapid, chiefly through the class-meeting, and that agency^ so effectively used by Methodism, the lay preachers. It is unfortunate that, owing to the loss of the early records of the church, we can give the names of but few of its original members. From the records of the first society I copy the following certificate, dated December 15th, 1789: I08 HISTORY OF REDDING. "I hereby certify that Aaron Sanford of Reading, has constantly at- tended the Methodist meetings in this town, and pays his part toward my support as a minister of the gospel. "Jesse Lee." Similar certificates were given, February 9th, 1790, to Hezekiah San- ford, and August 6th of the same year to Isaac Sherwood and S. Samuel Smith. From the church book of baptisms which has been preserved, we learn that prior to 1794 the early preachers had baptized children of Daniel and Anna Bartram, Silas and Huldah Merchant, Jonas and Lucy Piatt, Paul and Mary Bartram, Jabez and Sarah Gorham, Elijah and Menoma Elder, Aaron and Mary Odle, John and Sarah Sherman, Uriah and Hannah Mead, Benjamin and EHzabeth Knap, Chester and Elizabeth Meeker, Charles and Lucy Morgan, Ezekiel and Easter Bertrani, Jesse and Martha Banks, Isaac and Betty Piatt, and Aaron and Eunice Hunt, and we may safely reckon them as members of the church at that time. Early in 1790 Lee organized his first circuit in New England; it was called the "Fairfield Circuit," and embraced Norwalk, Fairfield, Strat- ford, Milford, Redding, Danbury, Canaan, and intermediate places. The first regularly appointed minister whose name appears on the Society records was John Bloodgood, who was here as early as January 21st, 179 1, perhaps earlier. He was a native of the South, and after serving on the Fairfield Circuit one year, was transferred to the Baltimore Con- ference, to which his ministerial labors were chiefly confined. He died in 1810. Like most of his colleagues, he preached in the school-houses, under trees, sometimes in the barns, but always so fervently, and with such native eloquence, that multitudes flocked to hear him. He was suc- ceeded at the May (1791) session of the Conference by Nathaniel B. Mills and Aaron Hunt. ]\Ir. Mills is described by his colleague, Mr. Hunt, as "a. man small in stature, intelligent, sound, an able preacher, and rather inclined to dejection." He was born in New Castle County, Delaware, February 23d, 1766. He entered the Baltimore Conference in the spring of 1787, and after a laborious ministry of forty-two years, both in New England and the South, was compelled in 1835 to retire to the ranks of the super- annuated, where he remained until his death in 1844. His colleague, Rev. Aaron Hunt, was born in Eastchester, Westchester County, N. Y., March 28th, 1768, and entered the Methodist ministry in 1791, making some of his first essays at preaching on the Redding Circuit. I" I793> while preaching in Redding, he married Miss Hannah San- ford, daughter of the Mr. Aaron Sanford before mentioned, and shortly after "located" in Redding, where he continued to reside for many years, HISTORY OF REDDING. IO9 and where most of his large family of children were born. Mr. Hunt was prominent among the early Methodist preachers, and was well known throughout the State. During his pastorate the church had been encouraged by a visit from the eminent Bishop Asbury, who passed through Redding in June, 1791, during his hasty tour through New Eng- land, and preached here "with much satisfaction," as he remarks in his journal. The church received another and longer visit from him in Sep- tember, 1796. "The society in that village," says Mr. Stevens, the his- torian of Methodism, "had been gradually gathering strength. They as- sembled to greet him at Mr, Sandford's, where he gave them an encour- aging discourse from i Peter i: 13-15." From this time until 181 1, the record of the church is one of continued growth and prosperity ; re- vivals were frequent and accessions many; classes were early formed at Lonetown, Redding Ridge, Sanfordtown, Boston, and at Long Ridge, the latter some years later becoming a separate church organization. Still the society was without a house of worship, and the want was beginning to be severely felt. In 1803 they first leased the town-hall for a place of public worship, as appears by the following extract from the town records: "At a town meeting held December 12, 1803, it was voted, 'That the Town House be leased to the Methodist Society for $15 per year to be used as often, and as much as they please for public wor- ship, and said Society to repair all damage done to the Town House while they are assembled therein for public worship.' " This lease was continued from year to year at varying rates, until the erection of the first church in 181 1. Of the building of this edifice we have no data except such as is contained in this extract from the society records : "At a Society meeting of the Methodists, duly warned and held at the house of William Sanford in Redding, on Tuesday the 30th day of October, 1810. Voted, that Seth Andrews, William Sanford, and John R. Hill be a committee to said society for the ensuing year, to do and transact all temporal business. Voted, that our said committee carry round a subscription paper immediately to raise money for the purpose of building a Meeting-House in said Redding, for the purpose of Divine Worship. "Aaron Sanford, Clerk." The church was built the succeeding summer. It stood on the site of the present residence of Mrs. Wolsey Randle, on land purchased of Jonathan R. Sanford, Esq. His deed conveying the land, dated June 6th, 1811, was given to Seth Andrews, William Sanford, and John R. Hill, trustees for the Methodist church and society in Redding, the con- -sideration being $130. No actual description of the first church is pre- served to us, except that it was built after the usual fashion of Methodist churches in those days. It had no steeple nor tower, no ceiling except I JO HISTORY OF REDDING. the roof, and there were no means of warming it, except by foot-stoves carried in by the female worshippers. With the above exceptions, the following description of an early Methodist church would probably ap- ply to this in every particular: "The building was as unpolluted by paint within and without as when its timbers were standing in their native forest. A gallery extended around three sides. At the extreme end of the left gallery was a small room partitioned off for class meetings. The pulpit was elevated about six feet above the floor, and in form resembled a large dry goods box, the breastworks so high as almost to conceal the preacher if small of stature from view. From the pulpit extended a staircase conducting to the class-room in the gallery, to which the preacher and the members repaired at the close of the public service." * None of the incidents in the history of the old church are so vividly remembered and described as the quarterly meetings which were held there. The quarterly meeting to the early Methodist was the most im- portant of all the institutions of the church, and those held in Redding were especially noteworthy ; it was a sort of home-coming to the mother- church, and at such times all the Methodist homes in town were open to the brethren from abroad. The presiding elder and the two preachers on the "Circuit" were always present on these occasions, and the mem- bership was gathered from Danbury, Ridgefield, Easton, and Newtown, as well as from places more remote. The exercises on these occasions began at 9 o'clock on Sabbath morning with the "love-feast" and the passing of bread and water, of which all partook, as a token of their brotherhood in Christ. At 10.30 a sermon was preached by the elder. At 12 M. the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. At i p. M. another sermon was preached, generally by one of the preachers in charge. At the conclusion of this discourse the genial elder would pro- ceed to designate to the guests their respective places of entertainment. T he day was usually concluded by a series of prayer-meetings held in the different districts, and conducted with great warmth and fervor. The old church seems to have been intended for a temporary struc- ture, and was succeeded in 1837 by the present neat and commodious edifice. A brief account of the erection of the present building will be interesting and probably nezv to many, though barely seventy years have elapsed since its timbers Vv^ere standing in the forest. We find on the society records the following entries : "The members of the Methodist Episcopal Society of Redding are hereby notified and warned, that a society's meeting for said society will be held on Tuesday the 26th day of instant January at one o'clock p. m. *Sermon of Rev. J. L. Gilder, before the N. Y. East Conference. HISTORY OF REDDING. Ill at the Methodist Church in said Redding for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of building a new church in said society, and locating the same near the intersection of the roads near the Town House, appointing a building committee to superintend and carry said object into effect, make arrangements to dispose of the old house if thought proper, and to do any other business proper to be done at said meeting. "Sherlock Todd, Jesse Banks, Aaron Mallett, Trustees. "Redding, Jan. 20, 1836." A society meeting was held at the appointed time — Rev. H. Hum- phreys being chairman, and Thomas B. Fanton, clerk. It was then voted "To approve of the proposed plan in the caption of the subscription paper to raise subscriptions and build a new house. ..." It was also further provided "that the said House shall be located somewhere near the four corners that intersect at Redding Town House, But the said object not to take effect, unless the sum of Two thousand Five hundred Dollars be subscribed, and the said House be built within eighteen months from the date hereof." Voted: "To build a House agreeable to the above caption, provided a place be obtained that is approved by the committee appointed for that purpose." Voted: "To appoint a Building Committee of three persons to super- intend, and take charge, and contract for the same House, viz. : Thomas B. Fanton, John R. Hill, and Gershom Sherwood." Voted : "To add two more to the building Committee — Jesse Banks and David Duncomb." Voted : "To adjourn the meeting two weeks from this day at one p. M. "Thomas B. Fanton, Clerk." No account of the adjourned meeting is to be found in the society records. The twenty-five hundred dollars needed were speedily sub- scribed, and the building was erected in the summer of 1837 and dedi- cated in December of the same year, Rev. C. K. True preaching the ded- ication sermon. In 1868, during the pastorate of Rev. William T. Hill, the church was thoroughly remodelled and refurnished. The pulpit was cut down, and the antique pews exchanged for the present neat and comfortable ones. The rededication service at this time was perhaps the most interesting occasion in the history Of the church. Bishop Janes was present, and J 1 2 HISTORY OF REDDING. preached the dedication sermon to an audience that filled every nook, and corner of the building, and many old pastors and friends of the church added by their presence to the interest of the occasion. In September, 1870, Rev. Aaron Sanford Hill gave to the churcb some ten acres of land lying in the northerly part of the town, the income- from which was to be appropriated to the use of the church. This gift Mr. Sanford supplemented by another of $4,000 in 1871, of which the interest only was to be used in meeting the expenses of the church. This fund is known as the Sanford Hill Fund. In 1877 another benefaction of $500 was given by William A. Sanford, Esq., to be applied in the same manner as the preceding. Revivals in the church have been frequent, and attended with gratify- ing results; notably in 181 5 under the preaching of Rev. Reuben Harris^ in 1822 during the pastorate of Aaron Hunt, in 1838 under that of Rev. John Crawford, in 1855 under Rev. E. S. Hebbard, and in 1867 under! Rev. William T. Hill. According to the minutes of the Annual Conferences the following- ministers were appointed to Fairfield Circuit (which included Redding),, beginning with its organization in 1790 : 1790 John Bloodgood. 1791 Nathaniel B. Mills, Aaron Hunt. 1792 Joshua Taylor, Smith Weeks. 1793 James Coleman, Aaron Hunt. 1794 Zebulon Kankey, Nicholas Snethen. Those appointed to Redding Circuit were : 1795 Daniel Dennis, Timothy Dewey. 1796 Elijah Woolsey, Robert Leeds. 1797 David Buck, Augustus Jocelyn. 1798 William Thatcher. 1799 David Brown. 1800 Augustus Jocelyn. 1801 Samuel Merwin, Isaac Candee. 1802 James Coleman, Isaac Candee. 1803 James Campbell, N. U. Tompkins. 1804 Peter Moriarty, Sylvester Foster. 1805 Peter Moriarty, Samuel Merwin. 1806 Nathan Felch, Oliver Sykes. 1807 James M. Smith, Zalmon Lyon. 1808 Noble W. Thomas, Jonathan Lyon. 1809 Billy Hibbard, Isaac Candee. 1 8 10 Nathan Emory, John Russell. 1811 Aaron Hunt, Oliver Sykes, and John Reynolds. To To To HISTORY OF REDDING. II 3 8i2 Seth Crewel, Gilbert Lyon, S. Beach. 813 Aaron Hunt, Henry Eames, 814 Ebenezer Washburne, Reuben Harris. 815 Elijah Woolsey, Reuben Harris. 816 Samuel Bushnell, John Boyd. 817 Samuel Bushnell, Theodocius Clarke. 818 James M. Smith, Theodocius Clarke. 819 J. S. Smith, Phineas Cook. 820 Laban Clark, Phineas Cook. 821 Laban Clark, Aaron Hunt. 822 Samuel Cochrane, Aaron Hunt. 823 Samuel Cochrane, John Reynolds. 824 Elijah Woolsey, John Reynolds. Redding- and Bridgeport Circuit : 825 Marvin Richardson, H. Humphreys, Frederic W. Siger. 826 Marvin Richardson, H. Humphreys. 827 Henry Stead, John Lovejoy, J. C. Bontecue. Redding Circuit : 828 Henry Stead, Gershom Pearce. 829 Ebenezer Washburn, Gershom Pearce. 830 Ebenezer Washburn, Oliver V. Ammerman. 831 James Young, Josiah Bowen. 832 Nicholas White, Jesse Hunt. 833 Jesse Hunt, John B. Beach. 834 Josiah Bowen, John B. Beach. Reddinsf and Newtown Circuit: [835 Humphrey Humphries, Josiah L. Dickerson, John Davies. [836 Humphrey Humphries. March 28th, 1837, the society, "after due deliberation, existing cir- cumstances being considered, voted to try a station the ensuing year"; which was accordingly done, and the Rev. Humphrey Humphries be- came the first stated pastor. Since then the church has enjoyed the undivided care of its pastors, and has been generally prosperous and aggressive. The list of pastors since 1837 comprises many well-known names and will be read with interest. They are as follows : 1838 John Crawford, 2d; Morris Hill. 1839-1840 Paul R. Brown. 1 841 -1 842 Daniel Smith. 1843 Phillip L. Hoyt. TI4 ^ HISTORY OF REDDING 1844-1 845 William F. Collins. 1S46-] 847 Joseph D. Marshall. 1 848-] 849 Jacob Shaw. 1850-] 851 John L. Gilder. 1852-] 853 Friend W. Smith. 1854-J 855 E. S. Hibbard. 1856-] 857 Hart F. Pease. 1858-] 859 George C. Creevy. 1859-1 860 Wm. H. Gilder. i860-] 862 J. W. Home. 1 862-] 864 George Hollis. 1 864-] 867 David Nash. 1 867-] 870 Wm. T. Hill. 1870-] 872 T. C. Beach. 1 872-] 874 W. R. Webster. 1874-] 877 Joseph Smith. 1877-] 879 John Dickinson. 1879-] 881 J. S. Haugh. 1881-] 884 J. 0. Munson. 1884-] [885 Henry Aston. 1885-] [888 L. P. Perry. 1888-] [889 Nelson L. Porter. 1889- [892 David Taylor. 1892-] [894 E. L. Bray. 1894-] [899 B. C. Pilsbiiry. 1899- [901 F. M. Moody. 1901- [903 G. A. Veits. 1903- 1905 Jabez Scott. 1905- 1907 H. Q. Judd. Of the above list but one, Rev. Jacob Shaw, died and was buried in 1 Redding. Of the laymen who nobly aided these clergymen in their ministry many will be held in grateful remembrance by the church. The names most familiar to the early membership perhaps, were those of the lay preachers : Aaron Sanford, Hawley Sanford, Rory Starr and Wal- ter Sanford ; the class leaders : John R. Hill, Abraham Couch, Urrai Mead, Sherlock Todd, and Bradley Burr; and the official members: Thomas B. Fanton, David S. Duncomb, Aaron Sanford, Jr., Charles Gorham, Eben Treadwell, and John Edmonds. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT LONG RIDGE. The origin of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Long Ridge, as narrated by the Rev. Paul R. Brown, pastor of the church in 1842, was as follows : HISTORY OF REDDING. 1 1 5 ''One evening as Father Coleman (a Methodist preacher) was pass- ing through Starr's Plain on his way to Danbury, he saw a man sitting on the fence by the wayside, and inquired the distance to town. The man told him, and added: "Are you a doctor"? "No, sir." "Are you a lawyer"? "No, sir." "Then," said the man, following up the ques- tion, "What are you"? Father Coleman answered, "I am a Methodist preacher." "Methodist Preacher! What's that"? replied the man. "If you will open your house and invite in your neighbors I will let you hear a Methodist preacher the next time I come this way," was the reply. The offer was accepted, and Father Coleman preached to them on his next visit. He soon organized a class, and among the members of that class was the man who sat upon the fence and questioned the preacher. After that the class grew into a society, and in due time a small church was built at Long Ridge, which gave way to a larger edifice in the course of a few years." The first church was built when the society consisted of but eleven members under the following circumstances : They were assembled for the weekly class-meeting at the house of one of their number, and on speaking of their need of a church, Uriah Griffin remarked that if he had a hundred dollars in hand he would build them a church. David Osborne, the youngest member present, at once agreed to furnish the re- quired sum, and the church was built the same year. This was in 1820-1, during the pastorate of the Rev. Laban Clark. The little society at once became connected with Redding Station as an auxiliary, the preacher in charge there having the care of its temporal concerns, and filling its pul- pit once in four weeks.* In the interim the pulpit was supplied by the lay preachers, Aaron Sanford, Morris Hill, Aaron S. Hill, of Redding, Rory Starr, of Danbury, and others. The society's connection with Red- ding ceased in 1848, and the same relation was formed with the church in Bethel. For several years past it has been a separate station. The pastors of the church from 1820 to 1848 were the same as those of Red- ding, and are given in the history of the Redding Church. The pastors since 1848 have been as follows: 1848-1849 Morris Hill. 1850 Elias Gilbert. 1851-1852 Charles Bartlett. 1853-1854 George Stillman. 1855-1856 Samuel H. Smith. 1857-1858 John Crawford. *The present church edifice is situated in Danbury, a few yards from the Redding line, but as the church was so long identified with Redding, it was thought proper to preserve its history here. ij5 history of redding. 1859 David Osborn. 1860-1861 Sherman D. Barnes, local preacher. 1 862- 1 863 Elias Gilbert. 1864 William H. Adams. 1865 J. W. Bramblee. 1866-1867 G. W. Polley, local. 1868 Stephen J. Stebbins. 1869 James H. Crofut, local. 1870 Frank F. Jorden, local. 1 87 1 William P. Armstrong, local. 1872 Frank J. Jorden, local. 1873 Joseph W. Pattison, local. 1874-1875 William Cogswell, local. 1876 Joseph W. Pattison, local. 1877-1878 Charles A. Wilson, local. 1879-1881 Henry A. Van Dalsem. 1881-1882 George W. Peterson. 1 882- 1 883 Henry Wheeler. 1883-1884 Joseph D. Munson. 1888 Nelson L. Porter. . j 1894-1896 Robert J. Beach. j 1896-1897 F. H. Sawyer. 1 897- 1 898 George W. Osmun. i 1898-1901 D. Carl Yoder. ■ : 1901-1903 A. J. Amery. j 1 903- 1 904 John L. Clymer. 1904-1905 William S. Reed. 1905- 1906 Floyd W. Foster. 1906 John W. Mace. A few yards from Redding Station, on the banks of the Saugatuckl River, is situated the old camp-ground, noted for being the place where the first camp-meeting of the Methodists in New England was held. Just when this event occurred we are unable to state, but it was about 1810, probably under the leadership of Nathan Bangs. The tents of this first assemblage were of the most primitive kind, many of them being constructed of the branches of trees, and others of blankets stretched over a frame-work of poles. Meetings continued to be held in this grove every year for over sixty years. About i860, owing to some difficulty in leasing the grounds, and from other causes, the meetings here were discontinued, and another camp-ground opened at Milford, Conn., on the line of the Naugatuck Railroad. HISTORY OF REDDING. 117 This grove was, however, soon abandoned, never having been popu- lar with the Methodist pubhc. In 1878, after the lapse of nearly twenty years, the old camp-ground at Redding was reopened, and that year a very successful and well-attended meeting was held there. It was supposed, then, that the grove would be purchased and con- tinue to be used for camp-meeting purposes, but this desirable consumma- tion was not effected. CHAPTER Xll. The Baptist Church in Georgetown (now extinct.) That there was a society of Baptists in Redding as early as 1785, appears from an entry in the records of the First Society, dated Decem- ber 9th, 1785, where Michael Wood has a certificate given him by John Lee, Deacon, as a member of the Baptist church in Redding. Similar certificates were given to John Couch, Micayah Starr, and Jabez Wakeman ; but we have no evidence of the existence of a church here until 1833. O'^ the 28th of January of that year an ecclesiastical council was held at the house of Timothy Wakeman, in Redding, and a church formally organized. The record ol the proceedings of this meet- ing constitutes the first entry in the Church Book of Records, and is as follows : "Chose Elder Thomas Lascombe Moderator, and Elder Nathan Wild- man, Clerk. Invited Brethren present to a seat with the Council. Pro- ceeded to hear the Articles and Covenant, also reasons why they wished to be constituted into a Church. The Council unanimously voted to proceed to the constitution. Repaired to the meeting house. Intro- ductory prayer and sermon by Elder Nathan Wildman. Right hand of fellowship in behalf of the Council, and closing prayer by Elder Thomas Lascombe. "Nathan Wildman, Clerk." There were but 18 original members — 4 males and 14 females. For some years there was no settled pastor, and the pulpit was supplied al- ternately, once in four weeks, by Elders S. Ambler, of Danbury, and Stephen B. Bray, a licentiate from Southbury, Conn. Elders N. Wild- man, of Weston ; Erastus Doty, of Colebrook, Conn., and Chandler Cur- tis also preached occasionally. June 3d, 1837, the church extended a unanimous call to Rev. William Bowen, of Mansfield, Conn., which was accepted, and he became the first pastor of the church. He continued I 1 3 HISTORY OF REDDING. to sustain this relation to the church until November, 1838, when he was dismissed, owing to the inability of the society to meet his salary. The same month the church edifice was nearly destroyed by mob violence — the only instance of the kind that ever occurred in this staid and con- servative town. It was 1838, the period of the slavery excitement, when abolitionist and pro-slavery men engaged in almost daily conflict, and men thought to stifle with shot-gun and bludgeon the first faint stirrings of the na- tional conscience. A few pithy entries in the church records thus refer to the aft'air: "Nov. 26th. Rev. Nathaniel Colver lectured on slavery in our meeting house — was disturbed by unruly persons." "27th. Another lecture on Slavery molested as night before." "28th. Meeting house blown up by a mob, but not entirely destroy- ed." This is all the information the church records give us on the subject, but from the files of the Norwalk Gasette for that year we glean a full account of the affair. This article is interesting, as showing the man- ner in which even the Whigs handled the question of slavery at that time. "High-handed Outrage. — We learn that Judge Lynch has been ex- ercising his summary proceedings in this vicinity within the week past. Colver, the abolitionist lecturer, has been holding forth, as we understand, for a number of evenings, on the subject of immediate emancipation, in the Baptist church in Redding, and in the course of his lectures had taken occasion to exhibit before his audience the practical oiiial ganiationism of the Vice-President of the United States, the Hon. Richard AI. Johnson. We are informed that he accused this distinguished personage of mak- ing merchandise of the ofifspring of his own loins, of selling his own sons and daughters into slavery. This so enraged some of his political partisans, that they determined to abolish the walls which had echoed the nefarious libel upon 'Dick, the Tecumseh Killer.' So, after the lecture was concluded, a keg of gunpowder was deposited under the church which had been profaned by these abolition orgies — and about two o'clock on the morning of the 29th ult. the church was blown 'sky-high/ as John Randolph used to say. It was a small building of one story» and not worth more than $500. But notwithstanding the provocation, and notwithstanding the comparatively trifling amount of damage oc- casioned by this wanton outrage, we most sincerely deprecate the pre- valence of a spirit which does violence to the dearest rights of every freeman in the land — the freedom of speech and of opinion. We are no apologists for the intemperate and fanatic zeal of the abolitionists; but we deem it the duty of every press in the land to cry out against such HISTORY OF REDDING. 119 violations of the Constitution and laws. And though we would denounce in the severest terms the exasperating conduct of the abolitionists, we would at the same time do our utmost to bring the trespassers upon the rights which the Constitution guarantees to every citizen and the viola- tors of the public peace, to condign punishment." * This action of the mob, with the dissensions engendered by it, proved a sad blow to the church, and from which it never fully recovered, al- though it continued in existence for several years. Elder John H. Water- bury served the church as pastor for some months in 1839, and was suc- ceeded in 1841 by Elder John Noyes, of North Haven. Mr. Noyes' letter of dismission from the Baptist church in North Haven is as follows : "The Baptist Church in North Haven to the Baptist Church in Reading, "Dear Brethren. This certifies that Rev. John Noyes and his wife Ann are members of this church in good standing, and as such we com- mend them to your Christian affection and fellowship. We have voted that when they are received by you, we shall consider their connection with us dissolved. "In behalf of the church in North Haven. "M. F. Robinson, Clerk. "May I, 1841." April 2d, 1842, Mr. Noyes was dismissed to Phillipstown, N. Y. Rev. George Crocker, of Danbury, supplied the pulpit for the succeed- ing twelve months. Elder David Pease was the next preacher, he being called February nth, 1844. His connection with the church was short and uneventful. There is no record of any other preacher being called ; in fact, the society was becoming too weak to support an organization, and shortly after, in October, 1847, was dissolved by the unanimous vote of its members. *A resident of Georgetown at the time gives the following additional par- ticulars : About two o'clock on the morning following Mr. Colver's lecture, the inhabitants of Georgetown were startled by a tremendous report and rumbling noise, which jarred the houses and broke the windows in the immediate neighbor- hood. In the morning, this unusual disturbance was found to have been caused by the explosion of a keg of powder which had been placed directly under the pulpit, a portion of the underpinning of the church having been removed for that purpose. The pulpit was demolished, the front of the building displaced several fefjt, the windows broken out, and the walls destroyed. J20 HISTORY OF REDDING. CHAPTER Xlll. The Methodist Protestant Church in Georgetown. (Now the Congregational Church.) The Methodist Protestant Church in Georgetown had its origin in a small schism in the Methodist Episcopal Church, commencing about 1818, in the New York Conference. Among the ministers who seceded from the church at this time was the Rev. William M. Still well, who, in 1820, organized a small class of persons in Georgetown, sharers in his peculiar ideas of church polity, but who still retained the name of Methodist, though called by their op- ponents Still wellites. In 1829 a convention was held and adopted the name of Methodist Protestant, and in 1839 the church at Georgetown was formally organized as the Methodist Protestant Church and Society of Wilton Circuit. The first members of the class, so far as can be ascer- tained, were Ebenezer Hill, Banks Sherwood, David Nichols, Isaac Os- borne, and Benjamin Gilbert and wife. The first minister was Rev. William M. Stillwell. The first entry in the church records is as fol- lows: "The first Methodist Protestant church in Redding was organized in the year of our Lord 1839, on the 15th of the 9th month, at a regular warned meeting held at the house of Sturges Bennett. The following officers were chosen. David Nichols, chairman, John O. St. John, sec- retary. John O. St. John was duly elected clerk of said society, and the oath was administered by Walker Bates, Esq. John O. St. John was also elected Treasurer of said society." Aaron Osborne was the first sexton. (He was to open the church thirty minutes before service, sweep the house, make the fires, and at- tend to the lights, for a yearly salary of $6.00.) A house of worship had been built in 1839, prior to the organization of the church, by John O. St. John and Charles Scribner. For a num- ber of years the church records show only the ordinary routine of busi- ness. In 185 1, March loth, a society's meeting passed the following resolutions : "Resolved, ist: That we take into consideration the amount of Dam- age sustained by the society, by the Danbury and Norwalk R. R. crossing the society's grounds near this house of worship. 2nd : That the assess- ment of damages by crossing the society's grounds be left to three men — one chosen by the trustees, one by the Rail Road contractors, and these two to choose a third. 3rd : That the trustees be instructed to hold HISTORY OF REDDING. 12 1 the contractors or Rail Road Company responsible for all damage to the society's house of worship." To these resolutions a meeting held December 27th, 185 1, added the following : "Resolved, by vote of this meeting that the society's committee be au- thorized to give by deed to the Danbury and Norwalk Railroad Com- pany a right of way across said Society's ground, for the consideration of one hundred and fifty Dollars." At a meeting held February 19th, 1853: "On motion S. M. Main and Hiram St. John, were appointed a committee to circulate a subscription to raise money to build a parson- age house." A meeting held November 17th, 1853, voted: "that the society's committee be authorized to circulate a subscription paper, to raise money to the amount of six hundred dollars for the purpose of pur- chasing Mr. Weed's house for a parsonage; and at a subsequent meeting held November 26th, the committee were authorized to purchase Mr. Weed's house so soon as six hundred dollars is pledged for that purpose." It was also voted that the "horse sheds be located 40 feet south of the butternut tree in the yard, provided the ground can be obtained for one dollar." At a meeting held December 7th, 1867, Messrs John R. Sturges, J. O. St. John and Sturges Bennett were appointed a committee to ascer- tain the denominational preferences of all the members of the church, "with a view to a change of name to that of Congregational, or that of letting it be the"JvIethodist Protestant Meeting." This committee reported to an adjourned meeting, held December 14th, in favor of a change of name, and by a unanimous vote the name of the church was changed from Methodist Protestant to Congregational. It was also voted to petition the next legislature to change the name of the society in accordance with the above vote, and to secure to the Con- gregational Society the property now held by the Methodist Protestant Society. The committee appointed for this purpose were Messrs. David E. Smith, Hiram St. John, and E. G. Bennett. From October, 1865, to May, 1875, the church was supplied by Rev. Samuel St. John, of George- town. He was succeeded by Rev. Albert H. Thompson, of Yale Theo- logical Seminary, who supplied the pulpit until November, 1876. Mr. Thompson's successor was Rev. C. B. Strong, of Hartford Seminary, who remained until the close of 1877. The present pasitor, the Rev. C. A. Northrop, began his labors with the church January 6th, 1878, and was ordained and installed as pastor October 2d, 1878. The records of the Methodist Protestant Church give no data of the settlement or dismissal of pastors. From old members of the church, however, I gain the following names of those who served the church in 122 HISTORY OF REDDING. this capacity. The Hst is probably complete,* though tHie names are not given in the order of succession. They were : William M. Stillwell, Stephen Treadwell, Abram Glasgow, Stephen Remington, Sheme- all, Vredenburgh, James Summerbell, Aaron G. Brewer, Richard K. Diossy, James RoUiston, William McCutchen, William H. Bosely, William Cliff, Samuel M. Henderson, Jacob Timberman, Wade, Elizur W. Griswold, Merwin Lent, William H. Johnson, John L. Am- bler, Joseph J. Smith, Joshua Hudson, Thomas K. Witsel, John H. Painter, M. E. Rude, William C. Clarke. CHAPTER XIV. History of Schools. We have before spoken of the care of our Puritan ancestors to pro- vide for the church and the ministry in their infant settlements. They were equally careful to furnish them with the school and the teacher. If piety was one of the pillars of democracy, so also was intelligence ; and church and school were alike deemed indispensable to the growth and security of the state; hence we find the pioneers of Redding making early provision for the establishment of schools among them. The first recorded movement of the parish in the matter was in 1737, when, at a parish meeting held December 26th, 1737, it was voted to have a parish school, and to maintain said school by a parish rate. John Read, Joseph Lee, Joseph Sanford, John Hull, Nathan Lion, Stephen Morehouse, and Daniel Lion were the first school committee. The meeting also voted: "that said school be divided into three parts, that is to say, five months in that quarter called the Ridge, and five months on the west side of the parish near the mill, and two months at Lonetown, understanding that the centre of division is the meeting-house, and that Stephen Burr be- longs to the west side." These were the original school districts of the town ; in them the first rude school-houses were erected, and from the one to the other went the peripatetic school-master as his duties called him. These school-houses were built of logs ; their furniture was of the most meagre description, consisting of a sloping desk of boards affixed to the wall and extending around three sides of the building, benches of rough-hewn plank and a planed pine board whereon the student "figgered" with bits of charcoal. Nor was the curriculum of the schools much more extensive. Reading, *To 1880. HISTORY OF REDDING. 123 writing, and arithmetic were all that was then thought necessary for the country boy to know ; further knowledge was to be acquired in schools of a higher grade. As years passed on, and new families moved into the place, the dis- tricts became strong enough each to support its own school. Hence we find a parish meeting held December loth, 1742, voting: "that the interest of the school money belonging to the parish shall be divided into three equal parts for the year ensuing, for the maintaining of three separate schools (each to be kept by a master), one third part of the money for that part of the Parish east of Little River, one third part for that part of the Parish between Little River and the Saugatuck River, and one third for that part west of the Saugatuck. Provided, that each part of the Parish as above divided, keep a school as above- said three months in the year ensuing, but if any part of the Parish fail in keeping a school as abovesaid, the other two parts that keep said school, shall equally divide the said money between them, and if two parts of the Parish fail in keeping a school as abovesaid, that part of the Parish that shall keep said school the three months, shall draw the whole of the school money." The same districts are defined in the appro- priation of the school money in 1743 as being "the school on the West side of Aspetuck River, the school by Mill River (Saugatuck), and the school by the Church." In 1745 the appropriation was made to the same districts, with the provision that each should "keep a school with a school master sufficient- ly capable to learn children to Wright and Reade." There seems to have been no change in this respect until 1764, when it was voted : "that the school money should be subdivided according to the lists within such subdivisions." In 1768 the bounds of the districts were first set out by a committee appointed at town meeting for the pur- pose. This first committee consisted of Stephen Mead, Daniel Hill, and Daniel Sanford. The school committee for this year, appointed at town meeting, consisted of seven, and it is probable that each represented a district — which would give us seven districts in the town at that time. December 19th, 1792, the following important vote was taken: "that the school money shall be lodged with the Treasurer, and he to collect the interest arising on the school bonds annually by the first day of April, the Interest already arisen and unpaid to be collected forthwith, and in failure of payment of back interest, he to send the bond, or bonds, and collect principal and interest, and to conduct in the same manner on neglect of annual payment of interest on said Bonds, and to pay said Interest and School Money to the School Committee as it may be ap- propriated by the committee of the Districts annually." As to the source or origin of these school bonds, or by whom taken, 124 HISTORY OF REDDING. I am unable to give a positive answer. The town of Redding has a school fund of $400, distinct from the State fund, and which dates back to a period beyond the reach of memory or tradition; it is more than probable, however, that it was the sum realized from the sale of lands in Litchfield County in 1733, called western lands, and which was divided among the several towns in proportion to their poll list and ratable estate for that year and to be secured and forever improved for the use of the schools kept in said towns according to law. Redding, unlike most of her sister towns, has preserved this fund inviolate, and still uses its pro- ceeds in support of her schools. In 1795 came the sale of the Western Reserve, and Connecticut's munificent grant to her common schools, which has put them in the front rank of educational forces, and con- tributed so much to the material prosperity of the State. In October of that year the inhabitants of Redding met, and formed themselves into a school society, in order that they "might have the advantage of the monies arising from the sale of western lands." Peter Sanford, James Rogers, and Simeon Munger were the first committee chosen by this society. Prior to 1870, the cost of supporting the schools above that derived from the school funds was borne by the parents or guardians of the scholars, but in that year the legislature passed a law compelling the towns to maintain free schools, and this plan has since been pursued. From an early period Redding has been favorably known for the number and excellence of her select schools ; some of these were conduct- ed by the pastors of the different churches, and others by professional teachers. One of the earliest of these schools was that kept by S. Samuel Smith, Esq., in the centre. The Rev. Jonathan Bartlett opened a school for boys and young men about 1795, that attained a high reputation and flourished for a term of years ; his school was kept in his dwelling- house — now the residence of Mr. Lemuel Sanford. The first boarding- school in town was opened by Mr. Walker Bates about 1825. Mr. Bates was a pupil of Mr. Bartlett's, and a very successful teacher. A few years after, Mr. Eli Gilbert opened a select school at the centre, which continued in successful operation for a term of years ; and in 1836 two schools were established on Redding Ridge — one by Mr. John Osborne, the other by Mr. Aaron B. Wilson. One of the most noteworthy schools of the town was the Redding Institute, founded by Daniel Sanford, A. M., in the fall of 1847. (See Chapter XXII.) The boarding-school opened by Mr. Burton Bradley about 1850, and Miss Polly Sellick's boarding-school for young ladies, founded in 1844, were successful and well-conducted institutions. The Misses Sanford also had a select school for young children. In 1878 Rev. Aaron S. Sanford, of New Haven, donated the sum of five thousand dollars for the endowment of a High School. This muni- HISTORY OF REDDING. 125 ficent gift was accepted by the people of the town, and the Hill Academy was incorporated under the laws of the State. The first trustees of the institution, seven in number, were Francis A. Sanford, Aaron Tread- well, John Todd, X. Alanson Welton, Stephen Sanford, Thaddeus M. Abbott, and Arthur B. Hill. The first principal of the academy was Mr. T. M. W. George, of Hartford, who closed his first year's labor July ist, 1879. CHAPTER XV. Manufactures. In 1793, under a State law, a specific tax was laid on the various trades and professions, and from the grand list of that year we may gather accurate knowledge of the number of tradesmen, artisans, and professional men in the town at that time. The following table is prepared from this list : Trade or Profession. Tax. ATTORNEYS. Thaddeus Benedict $60 S. Sam Smith 5° PHYSICIANS. Thomas Davies 10 Thomas Peck 10 TRADERS, James Rogers 25 Benj. Sanford & Co 25 Stephen Betts & Co 25 William Heron 25 Ezekiel Jackson & Co 25 Abijah Parsons 25 tailors. Justus Whitlow 5 Joel Byington 5 clothier. Elisha Bradley 5 wheelwright. Joel Gray 5 COOPER. Stephen Gray 5 joiners. Eli Lyon 5 Stephen Lyon 5 Daniel Perry 5 Trade or Profession. Tax. blacksmiths. Aaron Barlow $ 5 Thaddeus Abbott 5 Enoch Merchant 5 weavers. Chauncey Merchant 5 saddler. Edward Starr 5 tanners and shoemakers. Asahel Salmon 5 tavern-keepers. Stephen Betts 15 Ezekiel Sanford 15 Ezekiel Jackson 15 Abel Burr 15 grist-mills. Ephraim Wheeler 3 Stephen Burr and Daniel Perry.... 6 Seth Meeker & Co 4 Crawford & Sanford 5 saw-mills. Stephen & John Fairchild 4 Oliver Sanford 4 Barlow & Sanford 6 Enos & Seth Wheeler 4 iron-works. Oliver Sanford 10 120 HISTORY OF REDDING. From this date down to 1850 the town made a very creditable ad- vance in manufactures. The iron smelting works of Oliver Sanford in Sanfordtown were one of its earliest and most prominent industries. Ore was broug'ht from Brookfield and Roxbury in great wagons and smelted at the mills, and after smelting was conveyed in the same man- ner to Westport or Norwalk, and shipped to various points. This enter- prise was the pioneer of its kind in America, and proved quite profitable to its projector. The works were entirely destroyed in the great freshet of 1805, and never afterward rebuilt, the business being removed to Valley Forge. Fulling-mills were early erected, the first, probably, by Abraham Fairchild about 1742, near Nobb's Crook, on the Saugatuck River. The first woollen-mill was erected in 181 2, near the site of the old fulling-mill, by Comstock, Foster & Co. It did a prosperous busi- ness through the war and for some years afterward. It was later bought by Mr. Joel Foster, one of the members of the old company, who con- tinued the business until the burning of the factory in 1843, or 1844. Carriages began to be built in Sanfordtown as early as 1800, and the business soon became one of the leading industries of the town. Ephraim Sanford built the first carriage factory in the rear of the house on the corner now owned by Mr. George Treadwell. He was succeeded in 1820 by his two sons David and Enoch A. Sanford. David Sanford died in 1834, and the business was continued by Enoch A. Sanford, the susviving partner. A few years after, Daniel Sanford was admitted a partner, and the firm entered largely into the Southern trade. In this they proved unfortunate, and failed. Subsequently Mr. E. A. Sanford formed a partnership with Charles Duncomb, and later with G. A. San- ford, by whom the business was conducted with varying success. In its palmiest days this firm did a large business, employing from twenty-five to thirty men, and maintaining a depot for their goods in New York. Mr. Aaron Bartram built a carriage factory in 1840 and in gompany with Mr. Eben Wilson did a large business for a term of years. Mr. Bradley Sanford began the manufacture of carriage axles in Sanford- town in 1833, and continued it until 1838, when he was succeeded by Mr, G. A. Sanford. Hat-making was at one time a prominent industry in Redding. To Mr. Billy Comstock is due the credit of erecting the first hat manufactory, which stood near his house in the Boston district. Mr. Daniel Gould had a large hat shop in Lonetown, and later Mr. Jesse Banks carried on the business somewhat extensively in Sanfordtown. He employed at one time from twenty-five to thirty men, and supplied the Southern and West India market. Mr. Milo Lee also carried on the business for a number of years, first with Mr. Banks, and afterward in a factory near his house. Bricks were made at one time by Mr. Alanson Lyon, on HISTORY OF REDDING. 127 Redding Ridge; and in the same district a large shirt manufactory was once in successful operation, under the management of Mr. Curtis Fan- ton, and his son, Henry Fanton. In 1856 the Redding Manufacturing Company was organized in Sanfordtown for the manufacture of pins, and other small articles of brass. A large building in Sanfordtown, long icnown as the pin factory, was built by this company; for a time its prospects for a successful career were excellent, but owing to some mis- management on the part of the directors, it soon proved a failure. The Hill Limekiln in Lonetown is perhaps the oldest lime-burning establishment in the State. It was probably opened at an early day by Colonel John Read, who was the owner of the tract of land in which the quarry is situated. In 1810 it came into the possession of Jolm R. Hill, a grandson of Colonel Read, who conducted an extensive business and acquired a fortune. Mr. Hill retired in 1823, and was succeeded at dif- ferent periods by his sons Aaron S. Hill, Moses Hill, William Hill, and John L. Hill. These gentlemen conducted the business with the same energy and success that had characterized their father's management. Since Mr. John L. Hill's retirement, the business has been conducted, successively, by Messrs. Ames & Osborne, Barnes, Smith, Philo Wood, John Todd, and Arthur Todd. In 1842 Squire James Sanford built a foundry on tlie Aspetuck River in the Foundry district, and entered largely into the manufacture of agricultural implements. He had before invented an improved hay-cut- ting machine, in whidi the cutting was done by revolving cylinders furnished with knives, which he manufactured here, and which had an extensive sale throughout the country. The Aspetuck River, dashing through a gorge in this district, fur- nishes abundant water-power,, and this the skill and energy of the San- ford brothers long utilized in the manufacture of buttons. Their three button factories had a capacity of between three and four hundred gross of buttons per day, employed twenty-eight hands, and made this district one of the busiest and most prosperous localities in the town. The pleasant village of Georgetown, in the western part of Redding, owes its existence largely to the establishment in its midst of the Gilbert & Bennett Manufacturing Company's works. An account of tihis great corporaition written for this work by its late president, possesses, since his death, a peculiar interest. 128 HISTORY OF REDDING. CHAPTER XVI. The Gilbert-Bennett Manufacturing Company. By Edwin Gilbert. I have been asked to give an account not only of the above named company but of the conditions of manufacturing that obtained in my boy- hood and youth. These were very different from those of the present day. There were then no great factories, with ingenious and compli- cated machines doing the work of many hands, and a system of organ- ization as perfect and complete as that of any army. The day of the traveling tailor and shoemaker who went from house to house providing shoes and clothing for the families, had barely passed. Such things as were manufactured — and their volume was very small compared to that of the present day — were made in small shops by the proprietor and a small force of journeymen and apprentices. Such were the conditions when in 1818 the idea occurred to Benjamin Gilbert, of Georgetown, that the unused, long hair of cattle and horses collected by him in his business of tanner and currier might be turned to account by weaving into sieves for the use of housewives in sifting meal and flour. He accordingly made a loom in which his wife, a woman of great energy and strong character, wove the hair, and himself made the "hoops," out of sawed strips of wood, by shaving them with the old-fashioned drawing knife. This was the first sieve ever invented. It met a popular demand and it was soon necessary to introduce machinery to saw and smooth the hoops. A good deal of this work was also let out to the neighbors, thus intro- ducing the idea of co-operation and concerted action, as seen in the mod- ern factory. When twelve dozen sieves a day were being produced the business was thought a large one, and the firm moved from the basement of the Gilbert homestead, where it began operations, into an old saw mill near by. About 1826, Mr. Gilbert also invented a machine for picking hair, which proved very successful, and the business so increased that a room was secured in a s'hop in connection with David Nichols, where a small water-wheel furnished power to run the picker and the twisting machine which gave the necessary "curl" to the hair. Another idea of Mr. Gil- bert's about this time, was the making of mattresses from hair, anrl -^i -o of using it to stuff the cushions of carriages, and very soon the firm was furnishing the great carriage manufactories of New Haven, Bridgeport and ortier cities with hair for this purpose. Soon after, Sturges Bennett, of Wilton, who had married the eldest daughter of Benjamin Gilbert, took an interest in the business, under the i HISTORY OF REDDING. 120 firm name of Gilbert & Bennett, and assisted in every way to secure suc- cess. It thus became necessary to obtain a salesman to dispose of their goods, and Edmund Hurlburt, of Wilton, was secured and made a very successful salesman, travehng all over New England with horses and Vvagon, collecting the raw material and selling the finished product. About 1829 the firm was enlarged by the admission of Mr. Hurlburt (who meantime had married another daug-'hter of Benjamin Gilbert) and of William J. Gilbert, the eldest son of the founder. In 1834 the business had so increased that a mill site was bought nearly opposite the present Georgetown railroad station, and a mill built thereon, always known as the "red mill," and used until its destruction by fire in 1889, a period of fifty-five years. In 1842 Edwin Gilbert, the second son of the founder was admitted a member of the firm, and as his health was delicate, he was sent out on the road to sell goods, as his elder brother had been doing for years, journeying as far west as Ohio. In 1847 Benjamin Gilbert, the founder, died after an illness of several years that incapacitated him for active business. Previously, in 1837, some fine wire had been secured and woven into wire cloth on a carpet loom owned by a neighbor — the first wire cloth ever maide in America, and which rendered possible in a short time the manufacture of wire sieves. In 1850 the manufacture of glue was added to the company's busi- ness and some important improvements in its manufacture were intro- duced, notably the substituting of wire for cotton netting on which to dry it, as 'had formerly been done. This revolutionized the method of drying glue and has been adopted by all makers. In April, 1856, David H. Miller, who had previously had some experience in the business in New York, joined the company's staff as bookkeeper and by his business ability contributed greatly to its success. He is at this present writing (February, 1906) Vice-President and Treasurer.* In 1857 the company began the manufacture of coal hods and continued it until 1864, and in 1861 the manufacture of painted wire cloth, which was the first to be put on the market. A wire mill was built in 1863 for the manufacture of iron wire, and other buildings added from time to time as business de- manded it. Two years later machinery was introduced for weaving wire cloth in power looms which before had been done by hand. On Sunday, May 11, 1874, just at the sun rising, the cry of "fire" startled the village, and the latest, most complete and most valuable of the factory buildings was found to be on fire. There was no fire ap- paratus with which to fight the flames, and the company's officials and the throngs of men, women and children that quickly gathered could do nothing but look on while building after building with its intricate and costly machinery was reduced to as'hes. In an hour and twenty minutes *Elected President on Mr. Gilbert's death. I30 HISTORY OF REDDING. the labor of years was destroyed, and a pnoperty loss of $200,000 sus- tained, on which there was an insurance of but $40,000. Dismay was to be seen on every face — for nearly all were dependent on the factories for ■their daily bread — ^but they were reassured by the officers of the company who declared that the shops should be rebuilt before the snow flew. In rebuilding two new departures were necessary — the firm was or- ganized as a joint stock company, and the Danbury & Norwalk Railroad was prevailed on to run a spur track up to the factories, thus giving much better facilities for shipping freight. In the new factories the latest hygienic and sanitary improvements were introduced, and much more cositly and ingenious machines for the manufacture of the company's staples were constructed. On March 23, 1877, the glue and curled hair department of the business was sold, the company turning its attention more particularly to the production of wire goods. There is no product of wire more universally used at present, perhaps, than galvanized wire cloth, and this product the Gilbert-Bennett Manufacturing Company was the first to invent and place on the market. Thus briefly and imperfectly I have sketched the origin and progress of an industry. When one compares the cellar basement of 1818 and its one article of manufacture with the present factories, covering 150,000 square feet in an area of some fifteen acres, requiring 400 horsepower to drive them, with nearly 600 employes, and scores of patented machin- ery and processes turning out many tons daily of wire cloth, wire netting, wire fencing, fire proofing, and other products of wire, many of them first invented and introduced by the company, the contrast is almost startling, and one can but wonder if the same ratio of improvement is to be continued for the next seventy-five years, and if so, as to the state of perfection that will then be attained. CHAPTER XVII. Miscellaneous. A favorite dish with the Latin nations is the olla podrida — a thing of shreds and patches, composed of odds and ends of the larder that could be utilized in no other way. This chapter is intended as a sort of mental olla podrida, and we have no doubt will prove as varied, if not as savory, as the dish above described. For our first ingredients we inseft some quaint and curious extracts from the town records as follows : January 2d, 1778. It was voted, "that the selectmen provide a Spade, Pick Axe, and Hoe to be kept for the use of digging graves." August HISTORY OF REDDING. j -y j II, 1873, "Voted, that the town will set up a singing meeting. Voted to lay a tax of id. on a pound to pay the Singing Master." March 13, 1787, "Voted not to admit Small Pox by innocuktion : Voted to admit Small Pox by Innoculation next fall." October. 19th, 1795 : "Voted that the selectmen prosecute those persons that cut timber on the highways." September 19th, 1798: "Voted that the dis'trict to which Silas Mer- chant belongs, shall pay him $2 for his dragg." In 1801 tlie town voted to relinquish to Enoch Merchant the fine imposed on him by William Heron, Esq., for "admitting puppet s'hows into his house •contrary to law." December 20th, 1802, John Read, Jr., was "ex- cused" for admitting puppet shows into his house, "on said Read's paying the costs." In 1804 it was voted, "that this town will not remit to Ebenezer Robinson of Danbury, the fine imposed on him by William Heron Esq. for breaking the Sabbath, which fine is now uncol- lected." The same year Aaron Read was appointed "Keeper of the Key to the Town House." In 1807, it was voted to remit the fines' — $1,67 in amount — of Peter Bradley, and Nancy his wife, for Sabbath- ibreaking: also voted, that William Heron Esq. be paid $11.08, amount of costs in defending a suit brought by William P. Jones against him, for a fine collected and paid into the treasury o'f the town. In 1808, -voted that the town will remit the fines of all those persons who labored •on the Sabbath the 31st of July last past, in this town, on payment of costs. In 1817, Daniel Sanford and Aaron Burr were appointed a com- mittee to procure the fish called pike, and put in Umpawaug Pond. In 1840 it was voted, that if any non-resident should kill birds within the limits of the town he should be fined and if he killed robins, except in case of sickness, he should be fined $5. In the records of a town meeting held December 8th, 1806, occurs the following curious entry : "Voted, that S. Samuel Smith, Lemuel Sanford. and Benjamin Meeker be a committee to write to William Crawford re- questing him to name the person belonging to Redding to whom he de- livered Mrs. Sarah Fleming's letter in May last, notifying him that in case of refusal, the Inhabitants of this town, will feel them'selves author- ized to declare bo the world, that he never did deliver such a letter to any person belonging to Redding." Conversing with an aged citizen of Redding on the generous and confiding nature of our towns-people, he substantiated the fact by a list of the public enterprises wbich they had aided at diflferent times, with the amount contributed to each, as follows : Eagle Bank, New Haven $ 6,000 Virginia Land Company 8,000 'Michigan Land Company 20,000 Betliel Bank 40,000 Midland Railroad 20,000 Making a total of $94,000 132 HISTORY OF REDDING. The above in round numbers. He is quite sure that there have been enough minor enterprises aided to swell the grand total to $100,000. Isaac Hilliard was a poet of considerable local celebrity whom Red- ding had the honor of producing, but at this late day I am able to collect but few facts and anecdotes concerning him, and most of these are gathered from the Federal journals, who were his traducers, owing to the fact that Mr. Hilliard, like a true poet, had espoused the cause of the people and was a Whig, The Nezu England Republican of August 29th, 1804, has this to say concerning him : "Forlorn Hope. "Isaac Hilliard, a wretched vagabond, originally of Reading, in Fair- field County, has lately published a large pamphlet, in which he warmly advocates the cause of democracy. To criticise such a work, one must sink himself to a level with the author ; that is, he must become an idiots or a lunatic, or a brute. The composition is just about on a level witii Peter St. John's poetry. The pitiable but wrong-headed writer is now busied in hawking his pamphlets about the streets. He presents them to every man whom he is not afraid to insult, and tells those to whom he delivers them, to pay him twenty-five cents each, if they like the work; otherwise to return it. Never was a man better fitted to any cause than Hilliard to democracy ; and never was a cause better adapted to the man engaged in it than democracy to Hilliard." The pamphlet referred to above, entitled the "Rights of Suffrage," and also Mr. Hilliard's chief poem, "The Federal Pye," tihe writer has been so fortunate as to procure. They are included in a pamphlet of some seventy pages, printed at Danbury in 1804. A brief examination of the first-named work would force one to con- clude that, however brilliant a poet Mr. Hilliard may have been, he was not a master of prose. His nouns, adjectives, nominatives, and verbs are so commingled, that it is difficult to separate them ; but in his preface Mr. Hilliard observes that he has written for persons of limited education, and had not therefore adopted a lofty and flourishing style — Si fact which explains, perhaps, the somewhat ungrammatical construction of his sen- tences. An extract from his poem "The Federal Pye" we will submit for the criticism of the reader. At a Federal "caucus" one Holdfast, a Federalist, arises and opens the proceedings with the following speech : "Brethren, I know you see my tears, The strong expression of my fears. There's no one here that is a stranger — Then every one must know our danger. Poor people all begin to see Their rights are gone, they are not free ; I HISTORY OF REDDING. T -^ i Some wicked men espouse their cause, And say they're lost by cruel laws. They have found out, as sure as death. That they are taxed for their breatih. I am very sorry that our youth Should ever find out so much truth: The poor old men now make a noise And say we tax all their poor boys. Somehow or other, those poor souls Find other States don't tax their polls. They say 'tis cruel, and a sin To pay for breath which they breathe in — And now they all set up this note, If they pay taxes they will vote : They say they've found what we're about — We taxed their polls and left ours out. That faculties, and the poll tax They wish were under the French axe, Together with all those that like 'em, And let it have one chance to strike 'em. Why, they might just as well have said They Avished all Federal rulers dead. The poor will rise in every nation When they are drove to desperation." Etc., etc. Redding is now much sought after by invalids for its health-giving properties, but it has been occasionally visited by epidemics of a fearful character. Small-pox, before Dr. Jenner's discovery of inoculation, was a fearful scourge, and news of its appearance in town always excited the wildest apprehension. The roads near the infected spot were at once fenced up, and no one save the physician and nurse was permitted to have any communication with the stricken farnily. If the disease became epidemic, pest-houses were erected in secluded localities, whither the patients were removed. Those dying of this disease were placed in a rude cofifin, and buried at midnight, the clergyman standing at a safe distance and reading in a loud voice the service for the dead. An epi- demic called the "camp distemper" raged in the town in 1780 — the year succeeding the encampment here of Putnam's division. It seemis to have been of the same general character as the dysentery, but from the fact of its raging more violently in the neighborhood of the camps was called the camp distemper. A severer scourge was an epidemic that visited the town about 18 10, and which displayed many of the characteristics of Asiatic cholera. 134 HISTORY OF REDDING. Strong men were stricken down by it in a day, and there was scarcely a house where there was not mourning for the dead. In one school district alone, Lonetown, it is said that twenty died of tihis disease. The victims of this scourge were interred in the old cemetery near the Gongregational Church. They were buried hastily, at midnight, and the Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett, who officiated on the occasion, stood on the ledge a few yards south of the church and there read the burial service in tones so loud they were heard by residents on Umpawaug Hill, fully two miles distant. The legal document by which a slave was freed in 1806 is a rara avis in 1906, and reminds one that no longer than one hundred years ago our fathers here in Connecticut were slave owners. We copy it from the original now in possession of Miss Julia H. Sanford, of Redding : "To all people to whom these presents shall come, greeting: "Know ye, that whereas Pomp, a negro man, formerly a slave for life to our honored father Hez'h Sanford, late of Redding, deceased, the heirs of s'd Hez'h Sanford's estate verbally agreed that s'd Pomp sliould go free at the age of twenty-five years, provided that he conducted him- self well and was appraised and inventoried according to said time and set off to Aaron Sanford that term of time as part of his portion. S'd Pomp grows uneasy and says he wants a writing to show, and part of his time given off, and further says he will serve one year faithfully from the first day of this inst. April, 1806. Hence we, Aaron Sanford, Hez'h Sanford, and Wm. Sanford, three of the executors on the estate of Hezh. Sanford, late of Redding, deceased, agree and promise to set s'd Pomp free at the ist day of April, 1807, or when he, the s'd Pomp is of full age by law to be set free, on condition that the authority and selectmen will give a certificate or letter of emancipation, and set him free according to law. The condition further is that the s'd Pomp is to serve the s'd Aaron Sanford faithfully in his business of farming one year from the s'd I St day of April, 1806, that is, until the ist day of April, 1807, and try to be prudent, and take good care of his property, and not see it wasted or squandered away, and not to steal or take any of s'd Aaron Sanford's property for his, the s'd Pomp's use and benefit, and to behave himself well as a servant, and not to use any bad language. And the s'd Aaron Sanford is to give in the remainder of time to bring s'd Pomp to the age of twenty-five years, which will be four months and twenty days. "In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, in Redding, the 7th day of April, 1806. "Aaron Sanford, "Witness : ' Hezh. Sanford, "Aaron Morehouse, Wm, Sanford, Joseph Hawley, Lemuel Sanford." HISTORY OF REDDING. 135 Another heirloom treasured by Miss Sanford and which we are per- mitted to copy is the "setting out" or marriage portion given by her grand- father, Andrew Lane Hill, to his daughter Hannah on her marriage to Isaac Beach, Sept. 26, 1797. Mr. Hill was a wealthy man for his day, and the list shows what was thought proper and necessary for a maid of quality at that time : £ s. d. 2 cows valued at 9 o o Feather beds, bolsters and pillows at 13 15 o One 4 ft. cherry table at 2 o o One set of drawers at 10 o o One common dining table at 10 18 o One small round ditto (mahogany) 250 One looking glass 6 6 o Six Windsor chairs, 3 1-6 2 ii o Six common kitchen do 1-6 170 One red chest o 10 o By two brass kettles 2 18 5 59 yards of furniture callico 600 8 pr. sheets at 20 800 8 ditto of pillow cases i 12 o 14 towels, case of diaper, 15 yds i 10 o 18 yards ditto, ditto in table linen i 16 By sundries of crockery, bo't of Lemuel Sanford & Stephen Betts 2 2 i 3 tin milk pans at 2-4 070 6 table spoons at i o 6 o 6 silver i 8 4 By one brass skimmer o 3 6 By two dishes o 2 4 By two iron candlesticks 016 By cash to buy crockery o 3 o By tin plate & other tinware o 5 11 1798 p'd the blacksmith for boiling kettles, iron, etc. . i 8 o Iron pot & kettle 091 Copper tea kettle 18-9 i 9 3 Brass candlesticks, warming pan, 13-6, shovel & tongs, 12 I 5 6 Brasses, &c., for drawers 136 Brass andirons, 2 2-6, common ditto & gridiron.... 206 Two trammels and 13 1-4 pewter at 1-9 132 Block tin teapot 060 Pare of small bellows o 3 o I bedquilt I 12 o 3 bed carry (?) blankets 300 1 coverlid i o o 2 underbeds o 18 o Case of washed knives and forks i 11 10 Two sets of china cups & saucers i 2 o One woman's riding saddle 6 o o One pr. sugar tongs 020 One hair sieve 3 o By fulling iron by Marchand 060 A cedar tub made by Seth Wheeler o 9 o A bedquilt 3 o o By a great spinning wheel o 10 o By a churn made by Seth Wheeler o 8 o Jan. by a flax stretcher o 8 o 99 made by Marchant o 16 o 136 HISTORY OF REDDING. Nov. by a small 99 looking glass o 9 o Freight 9-1 p'd Henry Sturges for bringing the looking glass from New York 009 An old account-book mildewed and mouldy, its leaves discolored by- time, and its writing half illegible from the same cause, may not be sup- posed to furnish very interesting reading ; yet if one will go through its pages carefully, he may cull much that is both instructive and entertain- ing. A book of this character, 130 years old, the daybook and ledger of a former merchant of the town, furnishes the follov/ing extracts : Jan. 24, 1751. Jeavis Hull, Dr. £ s. d. To I ink horn 3/6, reckning 3/ o 6 6 July 2. To 2 qts. rum 16/6, i do. 11/6 i 7 o " 13. To 2 qts. rum 22/, the sugar 6 /, rubston 2^/6 i 11 6 " 22. To 2 qts. rum 22/ i 2 o Sept. 24. To 2 hanks bar. 8/ rum, 2/6. 10 6 Dec. 3. To I ax 55/, i pint rum 2/6 310 1752. To licker 4/p, licker 1/6 o 6 3 1750. Daniel Gould, Dr. £ s. d. Dec. 2. To making clock o 9 O 1751. To punch 2/ 2 O May 16. To 17'^ buckram 16/, 24** woding 16/ i 12 o Aug. 22. To punch 6/^ rum 2/6 o 8 8 Sept. II. To I qt. wine 12/ o 12 o There is also credited to Mr. Gould: I cow waid 389 lb., @ 1/9 25 18 8 Robert Seeley, Dr. July 3, 1753. To Testament 25/, 2 trays 12/, Oct. 22. To 2 lb. nails 14/, i comb 14/, To parshon 15/, to 10 lbs. hogs fat 20/, To I brom 6/, to bunit paper 3/, silk 6/. Other entries at this period are: I gal. molasses at 19/, % bush, salt 17/, almonek 1/9, Philip 6/, i pail 12/, I skimmer 2/('^y i basket 9/, 14 yds. Calocho 13/9, i tray of pins 4/, 2 lbs. brimestone 12/, To paid the pedler 34/, to sundrys training day 25/6, i cake soap 8/, by 3 dear skins £28, OS. od., 4 bbls. £3, % bush, ots 8/, i doz. butins 6/, To poundeg. of sheep 8/, I hogshed 80/, i hankerchief 25/, 6 pipes 2/6, To writing note_2/, i sickle 23/, % bl. powder 11/, i botle 3/, 8 sqr. glass 40/, 90 lbs. pork £9, los. 9d., i pr. cards 45 /, I lb. Tobacco 4/, 17 bush, rj'e in Boolston cleaned £11, 12s. 9d., i oz. Indigo 15/, To charge of writ 16/, 2 qts. Methegling 20/, i beaver hat £13, i caster hat £i, I frying pan 78/, V2 lb. allam 4/, i Spanish dollar 64/, i pr. gloves 23/, i cart- whip 5/, I pr. nee-buckles 6/6, 4 lb. 11 oz. Tobacco 20/10, 3%; lbs. hay sead 54/6, I pr. cart wheels £7, los., i grindston 50/, i lb. shot 3/6, 2 vinegar cruses 20/, i mustard pot lo/, ^ quire paper 7/, i lb. lead 4/, poundeg of 14 hogs 39/4. 2 qt. basons 42/, By poundeg of Barlow's hors 8/, 6 tacks 1/6, To interest, and fall of money 6/, flints 3/, 2 doz. pewter buttons 7/, 35 bush, wheat in Boston cleaned £55, i8s., 3d., I bbl. pork in Boston £20, i hat band 2/. This list might be extended indefinitely, but enough has been given to show the prices of articles in general use at that day. I HISTORY OF REDDING. 137 A Lodge of Free Masons was once in active operation on Redding Ridge, as is shown by the following extract from the records of the Grand Lodge : "Oct. 19th, 1796. A petition from sundry Free-masons residing in the towns of Redding and Weston, was presented to the Grand Lodge of Free-masons then in session at New Haven, praying to be formed into a new Lodge, which petition was laid over until the next session of the Grand Lodge. At the next session of the Grand Lodge of F. &: A. M. held at New Haven on the 17th May, 1797, the prayer of the petitioners was granted, and a Lodge formed under the name of Ark Lodge No. 39, F. 81 A. M. and William Heron was appointed Master." At the October session 1804, of the Grand Lodge, Lemuel Sanford represented Ark Lodge, also at the May Session 1808, the October ses- sion 1808, and the May Session, 1813. In 1823, a Lodge was built by the Members of Ark Lodge No. 39, on Redding Ridge. This Lodge continued its labors until May 12th, 1839, when it surrendered its charter to the Grand Lodge. On the 23d of December, 1869, the charter was again taken up by the following members : David H. Miller, Chas. A. Jennings, Chas. H. Can- field, Lewis Northrop, Chas. O. Olmsted, David E. Smith, H. R. Osborn, E. Thompson, Aaron H. Davis, Luzon Jelliff, Seth P. Beers and Water- man Bates, and is still working, its present Lodge Room being situated in Georgetown. A Lodge of Odd Fellows succeeded that of the Free Masons on Red- ding Ridge, but only continued in active operation for a few years. One of the earliest antislavery societies in the State was organized in Georgetown, in December, 1838. Dr. Erasmus Hudson and Rev. Nathaniel Colver were appointed by the Connecticut Anti-slavery Society agents for the evangelization of the State, and in October, 1838, entered Fairfield County in the furtherance of their mission. They lectured at Sherman, Danbury, Redding, Georgetown, and Norwalk, being driven from each place in succession by mobs who abuse'd and threatened, and in some cases stoned them. At Norwalk they were burnt in effigy, and assailed with brickbats and all manner of missiles. At Weston they or- ganized the first society in the county. In November a call was issued for a convention to be held in Redding^ (Georgetown), December 12th, 1838. On the 29th November, Messrs. Colver and Hudson went to Georgetown to hold meetings. They met on Monday night in the Bap- tist church, but the mob was so violent that the meeting was adjourned until Tuesday evening. All through Tuesday there was great commo- tion among the enemies of the cause, and this culminated in the evening, when a mob composed of men and boys, some with painted faces and some wearing masks, surrounded the church, and assailed it with stones, I'^g HISTORY OF REDDING. clubs, and hideous outcries. Being dispersed by the citizens the band betook itself to quieter forms of miscRief. Dr. Hudson drove to the meeting a beautiful milk-white horse, and on that night his tail was sheared so closely that it resembled a corn-cob ; and other outrages were committed. At this meeting a society was organized, called the George- town Anti-slavery Society. Tlie constitution of this society bears date December 4th, 1838; its officers were: President, Eben Hill; Secretary, William Wakeman ; Treasurer, John O. St. John. From the lofty ridges which form a distinguishing feature of our landscape, fine views of the Sound, the shipping, and of a pleasant coun- try of farms may be obtained. The "Glen" in the valley of the Saugatuck is widely famed for its beautiful and picturesque scenery. The valley of the Aspetuck, in the eastern part of the town, also offers many attrac- tions to the tourist. Little River, in the upper part of its course, flows through a wild and picturesque region and is a famous trout stream. Gallows Hill, in the western part of the town, near Redding Station, was the scene of the execution of a spy and a deserter in the war of the Rev- olution. CHAPTER XVllL Redding in the Civil War. The news flashed over the Vv'ires in 1861 that the flag had been fired upon at Sumter, and that war was imminent, was received by the citi- zens of Redding with the same courage and decision that had been dis- played by their ancestors at the opening of the Revolution, nearly a hun- dred years before. The old flag had been dishonored, and the Union, the inalienable birthright bequeathed by the fathers, had been declared to be at an end. It was felt to be a time for action, for the burying of party differences,, and for uniting in support of the measures which were at once adopted for overcoming the threatened evil. Public meetings were h'eld, at wliich sentiments of the purest patriotism were expressed, and volunteers hast- ened to enroll themselves for the defence of the flag. These acts of loy- alty were supplemented by certain practical measures adopted at special town meetings, and which can be best exhibited by extracts from the town records of the period. On the 23d of April, ten days after Sumter fell, the following "Notice" was issued: "The legal voters of the town of Redding are hereby notified and warned to attend a special town meeting to be held at the Town House Photo by Miss Sarah Marlettc Tabnagc. THE SAUGATUCK VALLFA' FROAF PINNACLE ROCK. OX THE ¥\RM OF G. A. TALMAGE. The river escaping from the cleliles of The Glen here flows through smil- ing meadows to hi compressed a mile l>elovv in the grim jaws of the Devil's Mouth. Photo by (". B. ToUi. Till'. Gl.FX XI". AR XOBR CROOK. HISTORY OF REDDING. 139 in said Town on Monday Apr. 29, 1861, at 2 o'clock p. m., to consider the expediency of appropriating funds to defray the expenses of the fam- ilies of those who enlist in the service of the U. S. army under the present, call of the President for troops. "John Edmond, Burr Meeker, Francis A. Sanford, Selectmen of Redding. "Redding, April 23, 1861." "At a special Town Meeting legally warned and held in Redding on the 29th day of April, 1861, Walker Bates, Esq., chosen Moderator. "Voted, unanimously, that an appropriation be made from the treasury of the Town, for the families of those who have enlisted, or may enlist from the town in the service of the U. S. Government under the present call of the President for troops, the same being a call for 75,000 volun- teers for the space of tihree months. "Voted, unanimously, that such appropriation be as follows, to wit^ three dollars per week for each of the wives, and one dollar per week for each of the children of the several persons enlisting as aforesaid, during the time of service of such person under said call. "Voted, that a committee of three be appointed for each grand divi- sion of the town, to disburse the foregoing appropriation — such commit- tee to receive no pecuniary compensation for their services. Sturges Ben- nett, Thaddeus M. Abbott, and James Sanford chosen such disbursing committee. ''Voted, that the selectmen be instructed to draw orders on the Treas- urer of the Town on application of either of the foregoing named com- mittee, in favor of such as are entitled to an appropriation as aforesaid,, under the foregoing vote. "Voted, that the selectmen be in'struoted to call a special town meeting as soon as practicable, for the purpose of making an appropriation for those who enlist from this town in the service of the U. S. Government. "The above and foregoing is a true record. "Attest, Lemuel Sanford, "Tozvn Clerk" A call for additional troops was issued by the President early in the summer of 1862, and a draft to fill it seemed imminent. Under these circumstances a special town meeting was held July 26th, 1862, at which it was voted, "that the selectmen be a committee to correspond with the Adjutant-General, to ascertain whether if the town fumislhed its quota 140 HISTORY OF REDDING. under the recent call for additional troops, it would exempt the town from a draft under said call," and the meeting was adjourned to July 31st, 1862, to await the action of the Adjutant-General. His answer being in the affirmative, the meeting on reassembling, July 31st, passed this resolution: "Resolved, That a bounty of fifty dollars be offered to every volunteer from this town, who shall enlist into tihe service of the United States between the present time and the 20th of August next, under tlie present call for additional troops, such bounty to be paid to each volunteer enlisting as aforesaid, on certificate of his acceptance from the proper authority when presented to the selectmen." A subsequent meeting held August 23d extended the time in which the bounty would be paid to September ist. Sej^tember ist, a meeting was held for the equalization of bounties, and the bounty of $50 was voted to all who had enlisted prior to the vote of July 31st, 1862, as well as to all who should enlist hereafter, except those enlisting under the first call of tlie President for troops. The selectmen were also authorized "to borrow sudli sum of money as might be needed to carry out suc'h vote. Mr. John Edmond was also appointed an agent for the town to ascertain the full number of those who had enlisted from the town. Six days after, September 6th, another town meeting was held and voted an additional bounty of $50 to all who had previously enlisted (except under the first call), and an additional bounty of $100 to all who should thereafter "volunteer to fill up the quota under the present call," thus making the bounty paid each volunteer $200. Throughout the war the town was anxious to avoid a draft, and made strenuous efforts to fill its quota by volunteering. July 13th, 1863, when a fourth call for troops was daily expected, a town meeting was held, and the selectmen authorized to draw from the treasury of the town and pay over as a bounty "to each person who shall or may be drafted under the next call of the United States Government for troops, and who shall not be able to get excused for physical inability, or any other cause, the sum of $300, or such less sum as the Secretary of War shall fix upon for the procuration of a substitute" ; and George Osborn, David S. Jolm- son, and Daniel Rider were appointed a committee to procure recruits. Substantially the same plan was pursued by the town for filling its quota under the various calls of the Presiden't for troop's, and so successfully, that no draft ever occurred within her limits. The sum total of the war expenses of the town is variously estimated at from twenty-two to twenty- five thousand dollars. The war record of Redding, so far as it relates to the number of men furnis'hed the General Government, is, it is believed, exceeded by but few towns in the State. From official returns in the Adjutant-General's of- fice, it appears that Redding furnished one hundred and eight men to the land forces of the United States — more than one-fifteentb of the entire riintii by Miss Sarah Marlctt : Taliiiai^c ROCK GORGE, LI TlLl-: RIVER, SAXFORDTOWX. A RlvDDING ['ASTORAL. /'//o/o />y C\ />. I'odd. HISTORY OF REDDING. 14! population of the town, and fully one-tliird of all its able-bodied male inhabitants. To tliis number must be added many of her sons who en- listed in other towns and States. The names of these one hundred and eight soldiers constitute a roll of honor whose lustre time will not dim, but brighten, and which all good citizens will be glad to see preserved in this enduring form. They are given with as full details as can be gath- ered from the somewhat meagre returns in the Adjutant-General's office. SECOND REGIMENT (arTILLERY). 1. Andrew H. Sanford, volunteered Jan, 5, 1864, was taken sick through fatigue and exposure while in Virginia, and died in hospital in Philadelphia, June 5, 1864. 2. Morris H. Sanford, volunteered July 21, 1862 ; was made 2d Lieu- tenant, Co. C; promoted to be ist Lieutenant Aug. i, 1863. Again pro- moted to be Captain. Was wounded in the shoulder at the battle of Fisher's Creek. THIRD REGIMENT (THREE MONTHS). MUSTERED IN MAY I4, 1861. 3. George W. Gould, Co. G. Honorably discharged Aug. 12, 1861.. FIFTH REGIMENT. MUSTERED IN JULY 12, 1861. 4. John H. Bennett, Company A. Transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. I, 1863. 5. Rufus Mead, Jr., Co. A. Re-enlisted as a veteran Dec. 21, 1863. 6. Hezekiah Sturges, Co. A. Died Oct. 14, 1861, and is buried in the Hull Cemetery, Sanfordtown. 7. Arthur M. Thorp, Co. A. Transferred to the Invalid Corps Sept. I, 1863. 8. Benjamin F. Squires, Co. A. Served three years, and was hon- orably discharged. SIXTH REGIMENT. MUSTERED IN OCTOBER 28, 1863. 9. John Foster, Co. B. 10. Francis De Four, Co. C. 11. John Murphy, Co. G. SEVENTH REGIMENT. MUSTERED IN SEPTEMBER 5, 1861. 12. Andrew B. Nichols, Co. D. Re-enlisted as a veteran. Killed at the battle of Drury's Bluff, Va., May i6, 1864. 13. Oscar Byington, Co. D. 14. William Nichols, Co. D. Discharged for disability Jan. 3, 1863. 15. George W. Peck, Co. I. Enlisted in United States Army Nov. 4, 1862. 142 HISTORY OF REDDING. 16. Henry Clark, Co. I, recruit. Enlisted Oct. 30, 1863. 17. Jerome Dufoy, recruit. Enlisted Nov. 6, 1863. Killed at Olus- ■tee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864. 18. Emil Durand, recruit. Enlis'ted Nov. 2, 1863. 19. H. R. Chamberlain, recruit. Enlisted Nov. 4, 1863. 20. 'Henry D. Harris, recruit. Enlisted Oct. 29, 1863. 21. Peter Hill, recruit. Enlisted Oct. 31, 1863. Transferred to U. S. Navy Apr. 28, 1864. 22. Robert Hocli, recruit. Enlisted Nov. 3, 1863. 23. John Miller, recruit. Enlisted Nov. 4, 1863. 24. John H. Thomas, recruit. Enlisted Nov. 3, 1863. 25. Antoine Vallori, recruit. Enlisted Oct. 29, 1863. 26. William Wilson, recruit. Enlisted Nov. 6, 1863. 2y. William Watson, recruit. Enlisted Nov. 2, 1863. Transferred to U. S. Navy Apr. 28, 1864. EIGHTH REGIMENT. MUSTERED IN SEPT. 25, 1861. 28. Aaron A. Byington, Corporal, Co. H. 29. Lewis Bedient, Co. H. 30. Thomas Bigelow, Co. H. Re-enlisted as a veteran Dec. 24, 1863. 31. William Hamilton, Co. H. Re-enlisted as a veteran Dec. 24, 1863. 32. William H. Nichols, Co. H. Re-enHsted Jan, 5, 1864. 33. Franklin Paine, Co. I. Died March 8, 1862. 34. Albert Woodrufif, Co. I. Discharged for disability May 11, 1862. 35. Charles M. Piatt, recruit. Enlisted Feb. 24, 1864. NINTH REGIMENT. 36. Michael Dillon, recruit. Enlisted Feb. 17, 1864. TENTH REGIMENT. MUSTERED IN SEPT. 21, 1861. 37. Francis H. Grumman, Co. D. Died Apr. i, 1864. ELEVENTH REGIMENT. MUSTERED IN OCT. 24, 1861. 38. Nathan Cornwall, Sergeant, Co. A. Re-en'listed Jan. i, 1864, and promoted to First Lieutenant. A prisoner at Andersonville. 39. Samuel B. Baxter, Co. A. Discharged for disability Dec. 4, 1862! 40. Charles O. Morgan, Co. A. Wounded by the fragment of a shell, and discharged for disability June 3, 1864. 41. George Sherman, Co. K, recruit. Enlisted Feb. 16, 1864. HISTORY OF REDDING. 143 TWELFTH REGIMENT. DATE OF MUSTER FROM NOV. 20, 1861, TO JAN. I, 1862. 42. George Green, Co. B. Died June ii, 1863, of wounds received at Port Hudson. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. 43. George Lover, Co. A. Mustered in June 16, 1862. 44. Wesley Banks, Co. E. Mustered in Oct. i, 1863. Died Feb. 12, 1864, of wounds received at Morton's Ford, Va. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. DATE OF MUSTER FROM JULY I4 TO AUG. I4, 1862. 45. Waterman Bates, Co. A. Discharged for disability Dec. i8, 1863. 46. Edmund Treadwell, Co. D. Taken prisoner in Florida. 47. George W. Banks, Sergeant, Co. G. Discharged Sept. 15, 1862. 48. David S. Bartram. Enlisted as a private in Co. G, Aug. 16, 1862. Promoted to 2d Lieutenant May 8, 1863. Participated in the bat- tle of Chancellorsville ; and was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Was an inmate of rebel prisons for twenty-two months, experi- encing in succession the horrors of the Libby Prison at Richmond, and of the prison pens at Danville, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, and Goldsboro. He was paroled March i, 1865, near Wilmington, N. C, and succeeded in reaching the Union lines at the latter place. 49. Morris Jennings, Co. G. Discharged for disability March 26, 1863. 50. James M. Burr, Co. G. Discharged for disability March 9, 1863. 51. Martin Costello, Co. G. Taken prisoner. 52. Andrew D. Couch, Co. G. Killed at Chancellorsville May 2, 1863. 53. John W. DeForrest, Co. G. Discharged for disability Apr. 4, 1863. 54. Edmund Godfrey, Co. G. Discharged for disability March 9, 1863. 55. George Hull, Co. G. 56. Burr Lockwood, Co. G. 57. John Lockwood, Co. G. 58. Aaron Peck, Co. G. 59. John M. Sherman, Co. G. . Discharged for disability Dec. 10, 1862. 60. George Whalen, Co. G. 144 HISTORY OF REDDING. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. DATE OF MUSTER FROM AUG. 1 5 TO SEPT. 20, 1862. 61. David H. Miller, Major of the regiment. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 62. Obadiah R. Coleman, Co. D. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 63. Charles A. Gregory. Discharged same date. 64. George W. Gould, Corporal, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 65. Azariah E. Meeker, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 66. Frederic D. Chapman, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31. 1863. 67. Henry H. Lee, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 68. Charles Albin, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 69. Edward Banks, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 70. Henry W. Bates, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1B63. 71. Charles H. Bates, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 72. Smith Bates, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 73. Lemuel B. Benedict, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 74. Peter W. Birdsall, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 75. William F. Brown, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. ']6. Henry F. Burr, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. yy. Martin V. B. Burr, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 78. Aaron Burr, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 79. Ammi Carter, Co E. Died Aug. 12, 1863. 80. William Coley, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 81. Cyrus B. Eastford, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 82. William Fanton, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 83. Charles A. Field, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863: 84. Samuel S. Gray, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 85. James F. Jelliff, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 86. Charles Lockwood, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 87. Elihu Osborne, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 88. John Osborne, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 89. Henry Parsons, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 90. Henry Piatt, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 91. Sanford J. Piatt, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 92. James J. Ryder, Co. E. Discharged Aug 31, 1863. 93. George E. Smith, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 94. Anton Stommel, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 95. Jacob B. St. John, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 96. Ralph S. Meade, Co. G. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 97. Henry Wheelock, Co. G. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 98. George S. Tarbell, Co. G. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 99. Almon S. Merwin, Co. G. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. 100. L>Tnan Whitehead, Co. K. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. HISTORY OF REDDING loi. Seth P. Bates, Sergeant, Co. E. Discharged Aug. 31, 1863. H5 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant. MUSTERED IN MARCH 8, 1864. TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT ( COLORED). 102. John H. Hall, Co, A. 103. John M. Coley, Co. E. 104. Theodore Nelson, Co. E. Died Apr. 6, 1864. 105. Lafayette S. Williams, Co. E. 106. Edward Voorhies, Co. E. 107. Joseph F. Butler, Corp., Co. G. 108. Henry B. Pease, Co. G. 109. Cato Johnson, Co. G. On February 4, 1862, a meeting was held in Georgetown for the pur- pose of electing officers for Co. E, 8th Regt., 2d Brigade, Conn. State Militia, the Company being known as Co. E, National Guard. David H. Miller Hiram St. John Geo. M. Godfrey John N. Main Jas. Corcoran Lewis Northrop David S. Bartram Aaron O. Scribner Wm. D. Gilbert Aaron H. Davis Alonzo Dickson Jerem'h R. Miller Edw'd Thompson Seth P. Bates Geo. W. Gould Albert D. Sturges elected Captain Redding. 1st 2d 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th PRIVATES. Lieut Wilton. Lieut Wilton. Sergt Redding. " Wilton. " Weston. " Redding. " Wilton. Corpl Redding. Wilton. . Redding. • Wilton. John W. Mead Ridgefield. Moses Comstock Wilton. James Lobdell " James F. Jelliff Weston. Hezekiah B. Osborn Redding. Joseph R. Lockwood Wilton Henry Parsons Redding. Wm. H. Canfield " Minot S. Patrick " Charles A. Jennings Wilton. Edwin Gilbert Redding. Df.vid E. Smith " Hiram Cobleigh Samuel A. Main Anton Stommel George L. Dann Wilton. Jonathan Betts Weston. Charles Olmsted Wilton. Charles Albin Redding. Fred D. Chapman Henry Hohman , Wm.'B. Smith " 146 HISTORY OF REDDING. Wm. E. Brothwell Wilton. Azariah E. Meeker Redding. Charles S. Gregory Charles S. Meeker " Charles H. Downs Wm. Coley " Lorenzo Jones Henry F. Burr Obadiah P. Coleman Charles H. Canlield John L. Godfrey Wilton. Sylvester Albin Redding. The company uniformed itself and drilled until August, 1862. When Grovernor Buckingham called for troops to serve for nine months, the entire command volunteered its services, and was accepted. The com- pany was immediately recruited up to 108 men, and reported for duty at Camp Terry, New Haven, where it was mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as Co. E, 23d Regt. Conn. Vols. On the formation of the 23d Regt., Capt. Miller was promoted to be Major of the regiment. Geo. M. Godfrey was elected Captain of Co. E, to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Capt. Miller; and John N. Main promoted to 2d Lieuten- ant, to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Lieut. Godfrey. The company was sent with the regiment from New Haven to Camp Buckingham, on Long Island, and from thence by steamer Che Kiang to New Orleans, where it was embodied in the 19th Army Corps, under Gen. Banks. It was engaged at Lafourche Crossing, La., on June 21, 1863, with a superior force, but came out victorious. The Company was "mustered out" at New Haven, Sept. 3, 1863, after a service of nearly thirteen months. CHAPTER XIX. Biographical. JOEL BARLOW. Joel Barlow, the poet and statesman, was born in Redding, March 24th, 1754. He received his early education first from the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, pastor of the Congregational church in Redding, and second at Moor's preparatory school for boys, near Hanover, N. H. He entered Dartmouth College in 1774, at the age of twenty, and shortly after re- moved to New Haven and was entered at Yale. His college course was a highly creditable one in many respects. During the college terms he was a faithful student, especially winning distinction for literary attain- ments ; and during the long summer vacations he joined the Continental 1 BISHOP THO^fAS F. DAVIKS. HISTORY OF REDDING. 147 army as a volunteer, and aided in fighting the battles of his country. He graduated in 1778. From 1779 to 1783, he was chaplain of one of the Connecticut regiments in the Revolutionary army. Shortly after leav- ing the army in 1783, he married Miss Ruth Baldwin, daughter of Michael Baldwin, Esq., of New Haven, and in 1785 settled as a lawyer in Hartford, Conn. In Hartford Mr. Barlow appears as lawyer, journal- ist (editor of the American Mercury), bookseller, and poet. In the latter capacity he produced a revision of Dr. Watts's "Imitation" of the Psalms, and also, in 1787, his famous poem, "The Vision of Columbus." In 1789 he accepted from 'the Scioto Land Company the position of foreign agent for the sale of their lands in Europe, and went to England and later to France for this purpose ; but shortly after his arrival the company made a disgraceful failure, and he was again thrown on his own resources. Fortunately, his literary reputation had made him quite a lion in the French capital, and he easily succeeded in obtaining work on the French journals. Later he embarked in some mercantile ven- tures, which proved successful and brought him a competence. He at first participated actively in the French Revolution, which broke out soon after his arrival in France, but becoming disgusted with the atro- cities of the Jacobins, he withdrew and went over to England. In Lon- don, in 1791, he published his "Advice to the Privileged Orders," a work which drew out a formal eulogium from Fox in the House of Commons. This was succeeded in 1792 by his "Conspiracy of Kings," a poem so bitterly hostile to royalty, that he found it prudent to leave England for France immediately on its publication. On his return to France, at this time, the privileges of French citizenship were conferred on him, only before accorded to but two Americans, Washington and Hamilton. In 1793 he accompanied Gregorie, former Bishop of Blois, and other digni- taries to Savoy, and aided in organizing that country into a department of the Republic. While here he wrote his "Hasty Pudding," the mock- heroic, half-didactic poem, which has chiefly endeared him to his coun- trymen. In 1795 President Washington appointed him consul to Algiers, with instructions to ratify the long pending treaty with the Dey, and to liberate the American prisoners there. Colonel Humphreys, American Minister to Portugal, an old friend of Mr. Barlow, himself came to Paris to urge him to accept ; and proving successful, the two friends left Paris on the 12th of September, 1795, for Lisbon. From Lisbon Mr. Barlow proceeded to Algiers via Alicant, and after a year and a half of effort, succeeded in ratifying the treaty and in liberating the captives. He then returned to France. During the succeeding eight years he re- sided in an elegant villa near Paris, formerly the property of the Count Clermont Tonnere, enjoying the friendship of the chief men of the na- tion, as well as that of all Americans of eminence who visited the capital. 148 HISTORY OF REDDING. But in 1805 the desire to once more revisit the land he had left seven- teen years before, became too strong to be resisted longer, and disposing of his estates in France, he returned in July of this year to America. He was warmly received in his native land, and after an extensive tour, ex- tending into the western country, he returned to Washington, where he built an elegant mansion called Kalorama, and which was widely famed in its day for its beauty and elegance, and as being the resort of all the famous men of the times. At Kalorama, Barlow gave his chief atten- tion to the cultivation of the Muses, and to philosophical studies. Here, in 1808, he finished his poem, "The Columbiad," which was printed at Philadelphia, and was one of the most elegant volumes ever issued from the American press. He also busied himself with collecting materials for a general history of the United States. In 1811 President Madison offered him the responsible position of Minister to France, in the hope that his reputation and his influence with tlie French Government might secure for us a treaty giving indemnity for past spoliations on our com- merce and security from further depredations. Barlow accepted the position from motives of the purest patriotism, in the belief that his talents and position might be made useful to his country. He sailed from Annapolis in July, 18 11, in the historic frigate Constitution, Captain Hull, which had been placed at his disposal by the Government. His negotiations with Napoleon, while on this mission, were conducted through the Duke de Bassano, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and covered a space of nearly a year and a half. Napoleon acknowledged the justice of the claims of the United States, and expressed a willingness to ratify a treaty of indemnity ; but he was so absorbed in directing the campaign against Russia, and in his other operations on the European field, that it was very difficult to bring the matter to a satisfactory conclusion. At length, on the 25th of October, 1812, Mr. Barlow received a letter from the Duke de Bassano, written at Wilna, Poland, saying that the emperor had deputed the business of the treaty to him, and that if Mr. Barlow would come to Wilna, he had no doubt but that the treaty might be speedily ratified. Barlow, on receipt of the note, at once set out, and travelling night and day, reached Wilna about the first of December, only to find the village filled with fugitives from Napoleon's retreating army, while Bassano was far out on the frontier hurrying forward rein- forcements to cover his Emperor's retreat. Disappointed, Barlow left Wilna and set out on his return to Paris, but was overwhelmed by the debris of the army, an'3 suffered all the horrors and privations of that terrible retreat. At his age he was unable to endure the ordeal, and at Zarniwica, an obscure village in Polanid, he was seized with an acute attack of pneumonia, which in a few days terminated his life, December 26th, 1812. His nephew, Thomas Barlow, who accompanied him as HISTORY OF REDDING. J 49 secretary, provided; a hasty Burial in tlie village cemetery and then con- tinued his flight. There, so far as is known, his remains still rest, wholly forgotten by an ungrateful country. Some years ago an effort was made to have his ashes removed to his native land, and a bill, ap- propriating money for that purpose, passed the Senate, but was stifled in conference. There were few men even in that heroic age who did deeds more worthy of grateful recognition by the American people. ( For a fuller account, see Life and Letters of Joel Barlow, by Charles B. Todd, New York, 1886.) COL. AARON BARLOW. Colonel Aaron Barlow, uncle of the preceding, was a tried and trusted officer of the Revolution and the personal friend of Gen. Israel Putnam. He built the large colonial house on the corner in West Redding now owned by Mr. J. L. Blackman (see engraving), which, with its great double stone chimneys and long roof nearly reaching the ground in the rear, quite fills one's ideal of the old Colonial dwelling. In its long kitchen, tradition says, while the army lay in Redding, "Old Put." and its owner often sat far into the night with a pitcher of mulled cider be- tween them, fighting their battles of the French and Indian wars o'er again or discussing affairs of the country. A copy of the diary kept by Colonel Barlow during the gallant expedition of Generals Schuyler and Montgomery in the fall of 1775 for the capture of INlontreal and Quebec and the ultimate conquest of Canada, is in the writer's possession. At the time of this expedition he was "second sergeant of the Tenth Company in the Fifth Regiment of Connecticut Troops, commanded by Colonel David Waterbury, Jr., Esq.," as his commission states. This regiment was part of the quota of thirty thousand men raised in New England in the summer of 1775 to aid in the siege of Boston, and to take part, with the New York troops, in the expedition against Canada. Barlow's company, commanded by Captain Zalmon Read, was recurited largely in Redding, and marched from that town to Norwalk, June 2, 1775, and the next day to Stamford, where it joined the regiment: June 10 we marched to Greenwich ; June 12 we marched to King street and had a general review. The same day we marched to Greenwich. June 26 we marched to New Rochelle. June 27 we marched to Harlem. June 28 marched to Bowery Lane near New York. June 29 marched to our encampment two miles northwest of New York City and pitched our tents. July 19 we struck our tents and marched to Harlem and pitched our tents. July 26 we struck our tents and embarked on board for Albany. At this point the young soldier's diary begins, and, as affording in- teresting glimpses of the minutiae of the march, as well as of the daily life of the Continental soldier, is worth transcribing in full : I I t-Q HISTORY OF REDDING. Harlem, July 25. — Col. Waterbury with his company, Captain Mead and Cap- tain Smith set sail for Albany. The other seven companies is received orders tc sail to morrow. About 10 of the clock I set out for home expecting to meet th^ Regiment at Albany. Being very poorly with much difficulty I reached home thal^ night about 10 of the clock. I remained very poorly and stayed at home 21 days. Redding, Aug. 16. — I set out to join the regiment, but where I know not, in company with Sergeant Joseph Rockwell about 12 of the clock. My left foot grew so lame that I could hear no weight in the stirrup. We rode as far as David Bar- low's in New Fairfield; there we took dinner. In the afternoon we rode as far as Dover and put up at one French's Tavern. Dover, Aug. 17. — 'We went on our journey and came about twelve of the clock to Ur.cle Israel White's at Sharon. There I dined with them. Sergeant Rockwell went to his father, Wood's being nighest neighbor. There we tarried with our friends till next morning. Sharon, Aug. 18. — About 9 o'clock we set out on our journey for our intended place ; we had not rode above 2 or 3 miles before a pain came in -my right knee ; at the same time the pain in my left foot quite left me. About 12 of the clock we stopped in the south west corner of Shuflfer and took dinner. My knee continued growing worse and worse very fast. I being loth to lose company with much diffi- culty got on my horse again. We rode about six miles and my knee grew so bad I thought I could ride no farther and put up to a tavern; here anointed my knee with Rattle snake's grease and tarryed about two hours : my knee very much swelled and so lame I cannot go one step, nor raise my weight. Sergt. Rockwell being a mind to go forward, with some trouble I got on my horse again. We rode this night as far as Nobletown, where we put up. I was in great distress and pain after I came into the house. There happened in a neighbor and I got him to ride my horse for the Doctor. He came a'bout 10 of the clock in the evening, rubbed my knee and gave me some drops. Nobletown, Aug. 19. — I got up about sun rise feeling poorly and very lame. We got breakfast and Sergt. Rockwell .being a mind to go forward and I loth to lose company concluded to go forward. The Doctor Bleeded me and bathed my knee a long time, and gave me a vial of his ointment and a vial of his drops. About 9 of the clock we set out for Albany and rode about 7 miles into the edge of Clav- erack. My knee began to pain me as bad as ever and we stopped at a tavern. I being resolved to stay till next morning Sergt. Rockwell concluded to tarry with me. The Landlady being a good nurse sweat my knee this night. Claverac, Aug. 20, Sunday. — About 8 of the clock we set out in hopes to reach Albany this day. We rode as far as Kinderhook. Here I met an old acquaintance going to Albany with a wagon empty. I thought I could ride easier in the wagon than on my horse, he being willing to carry me I got Sergt. Rockwell to lead my horse. I rode to Albany with much ease. Come to Greenbush we left our horses and ferried over the river into the city and put up at Thomson's Tavern. Albany, Aug. 21. — Here I found Sergt. Johnson of New Stratford and sent my horse home by him. This morning I went to the Commissary to see if I could tarry a few days till I grew better. He said I might go to whatever place suited me best. I went to one Mr. Zolters. Here I dined on a very good pot pie. This afternoon there was about 500 Indians, some of all the 6 nations came into the city in order to agree with the United Colonies not to fight against them. HISTORY OF REDDING. 151 Albany, Aug. 22. — The Indians encampKicl on Albany Hill. I went up to take a view of their encampment. I found them to be very likely, spry, lustry fellows, drest very nice for Indians; the larger part of them had on ruffled shirts, Indian stockings and shoes, and blankets richly trimmed with silver and wampum. Albany, Aug. 23. — I went to the city to see some thieves tried for their life, 3 negroes, Dick, a boy about 14 years old, one negro condemned to be hanged, one to 'be whipt, 39 stripes on the naked body, rest one week and receive 39 more, to lie in prison one month and then be banished. The other negro and boy receive 39 apiece. Albany, Aug. 24. — I saw a man come from Ticonderoga and says Coll. Water- bury's Regiment is now there but expects to march for Fort St. Johns in about 10 days, which made me think of going forward as quick as possible to join the Regi- ment before it marched. Albany, Aug. 25. — This day the 6 nations of Indians is to tell their minds to the United Colonies by interpreters on both sides. I went to see them. There ■was a large body of square seats made by the old dutch church for the Indians to set on. They made a very beautiful show, being the likeliest, brightest Indians I ever saw. They agreed to set in the corner and smoke their pipes if we let them alone. The colonies agreed to give them a present of 150 pounds worth of goods, the goods to be in laced hats, Indian blankets, calico, Holland, wampum, and other furniture for their use. Albany, Aug. 26. — I expected to set out for Ticonderoga with some teams and wagons my knee not being quite so strong as it was before. About one of the clock we set out on our journey. It being a cold, wet, uncomfortable day I got a very bad cold. We travelled to Half Moon, there we put up. Half Moon, Aug. 27, Sunday. — ^Being very cold for the season my knee grew so stiflf and lame I can hardly walk. The caravan got up their teams, and we went oflF very early. I rode on the cart the bigger part of the day. We went this day about seven miles above Still Water. Still Water, Aug. 28. — ^My knee is very lame, with much difficulty got on the cart, went this day 2 miles below Fort Edward. Fort Edward, Aug. 29. — iBeing wet we tarried till one o'clock before we set out. We went within five miles of Fort George. Below Fort George, Aug. 30. — We set out very early for Lake George where we arrived about nine of the clock. There I met with many of my acquaintance belonging to New Canaan under Capt. Baldwin of New Canaan which had the care of the Battoes. He gave us encouragement that we should have a passage over the lake next morning. Here I met Joseph Rockwell who left me at Albany. Fort George, Aug. 31. — About 9 of the clock we went on board the Battow for Ticonderoga, it being 35 miles. The wind being ahead we went only to Saberday Point, which is 24 miles from Fort George and lodged on green feather (Hemlodc boughs). Saberday Point, Sept. i. — We embarked on board our Battow very early. The wind being ahead we came to the landing about 9 of the clock, it being three miles from the Fort (Ticonderoga). Our regiment marched for Fort St. Johns* 2 days *A British stronghold on the west shore of Lake Champlain. 152 HISTORY OF REDDING. ago, and there we found about 150 of Coll. Waterbury's soldiers, the sick and the cowards, also Capt. Read came in last night by Skeensborough. This afternoon went to view the Fort. I found it a very strong beautiful fort. Ticonderoga, Sept. 2. — There is about 1000 of Coll. Waterbury's Regiment discharged;** a large numlber of Coll. Hermen's Regiment discharged; how many I cannot tell. Coll. Herman's Regiment very sickly but not a man died till last night. Ticonderoga, Sept. 3, Sunday. — The Gunsmith, Blacksmith, Carpenters and Joiners all went to work the same as any other day of the week. Ticonderoga, Sept. 4. — We are loading one sloop and 12 Battoes for St. Johns. Here is 2)7 of Coll. Waterbury's Regiment to go in one Battow. We got ready to embark on board about sun set; the wind being ahead the sloop could not sail. The Battow rowed off and left her. We rowed this night as far as Crown Point and landed about 12 in the night. Here we took up our lodging some in the Battow, some went on shore it being very dark we could see now and then a light. Some got to the old French Barracks. As for my part Lieut. Briggs and I and 2 other soldiers got in an old house and took up our lodging among the fleas. It being very wet and cold we lodged very uncomfortably this night. Crown Point, Sept. 5. — I went to view the fort. I found it to be a very strong, curious fort. The Barracks within it are very beautiful, three in numlber, three stories high. The wooden work is consumed by fire. The stone work is all good and strong. I returned to our Boats and there we cooked a very good breakfast of venison. About 9 of the clock we embarked on board for our intended harbor in company with the other boats, the wind being very strong ahead we had to row 18 miles and put up in a place we called Shelter Harbor about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The wind held so strong ahead we concluded to take up our lodging here this night in the woods. About sun set there came another Boat and lodged with us, the others being behind. Here we kept a guard all night. In the evening one of our soldiers could not be found, I being Sergeant of the Guard this night went to relieve the Sentinel about one o'clock. I being 15 rods from our encamp- ment in the thickest of the bush stept on a man which made me almost cry out "Indian." I knowing his voice did forbear. Shelter Harbor, Lake Champlain, Sept. 6. — The wind being fair we sailed up the lake a few miles. The wind soon turned ahead we being obliged to drop sail and row; we out rowed all the Battow and lodged on an island our boats crew alone. Lake Champlain, Sept. 7. — 'The wind being fair we sot sail this morning the west side of the lake about 10 af the clock. The wind rose so very high and the lake so extremely rough that it broke our mast. We dropped our sails as quick as possible and went to rowing, being still on the west side of the lake and the wind strong in the South East — a dreadful rough, rocky shore. We made for it. We came within one rod of the shore it being so rocky we could not land without losing our Battow perhaps many of our lives, being exceeding heavy loaded. Some cried "Push her ashore." The officers were a mind to go around a point a little ahead of us. We had one sailor aboard, Nehemiah Gorham, who stept to the helm, turned her stern to the shore, and said, "The boat will not live to go around that Point!" Tie told us to double man the oars and we would try for an Island about **Their term of enlistment had expired. HISTORY OF REDDING. 153 40 rods from us against the wind. We all clapped to the oars and rowed with much difficulty and /great distress. Every wave seemed as if it would swallow up our small boat; but through the mercy of God we all arrived safe at the small Island. We had not been here long before we saw the sloop and other boats pass by us on the other (East) side of the Lake the wind being south east, the Lake was not so rough that side, which made us wish ourselves with them. We tarried here till about 4 o'clock afternoon when the wind ceasing a little we hoisted sail again and sailed until about 8 in the evening and took up our lodging in the wood our boats crew alone. Lake Champlain, Sept. 8. — ^We sot sail very early. About 8 o'clock we over- took the sloop aground 8 miles this side of Islandore. As we sailed by the Quar- ter Master General spoke to us in a speaking trumpet and said St. Johns was taken day before yesterday. We shot a gun and Huzzaed. About 8 o'clock we came to Islandore to our Regiment which landed here the 4th instant. I soon heard that St. Johns was not taken. They went out on scout about 1000 men, and came to within a mile and a half of the Fort where they were fired upon by some Indians and Regulars. They returned the tire. There was a hot fire for about 15 minutes. They run off and we retreated back a few rods and put up a Breast work. We lost 8 men and 6 wounded. 4 of Major Hobby's, 4 of Capt. Mead's killed, Major Hobby and Capt. Mead wounded and 4 privates. In the evening they flung bombs at us and drove us out of our Breast work. We retreated back about a mile and put up another Breast work and tarried here till day. Islandore, Sept. 10, Sunday. — There are orders for 25 men out of every com- pany to go to Shambalee about 4 miles above St. Johns. Our company was called out to see who were willing to go. The number turned out very soon. We cooked our victuals and carried 4 days allowance and clothes to shift ourselves once. About 4 of the clock in the afternoon we set out on our journey. As we came near the place where we had our first fight we discovered the enemy before they saw us, some on the shore and some on the Lake in Batteaux. We fired at those on the shore. They returned the fire — grape shot from their swivel boats and small arms from the shore. Our row gallies fired on their boats. The fire continued about ID minutes very hot, then they ran off. We kept our ground till day. We found one Regular and two Indians dead. We suppose we killed some on the water, and wounded some, but not certain. We stripped the Regular and found a very fine gun and sword — the gun with two Barrels the neatest I ever saw, a fine watch some money, and very neatly dressed. St. Johns, Sept. 11. — ^^Morning we returned back to Islandore very much fa- tigued and tired out. Islandore, Sept. 12. — Very wet and cold for the season. Our allowance is only pork and flour which makes very hard living. Islandore, Sept. 13. — We built a fashen (fascine) battery and placed two can- non in order to command the Lake that the enemy may not come upon us. Cold and uncomfortable weather for the season. Islandore, Sept. 14. — 'Fitting up to go to St. Johns as quick as possible in order to take the Fort. Islandore, Sept. 16. — Our Regiment is called out to see who will go by land and who by water. General Schuyler this morning set out for home. Brigadier General Montgomery commands by land Col. Waterbury by water. Of our Regi- ment Capt. Douglas' and Capt Reads company's go by water. Orders is out for 154 HISTORY OF REDDING. all to hold themselves in readiness to strike their tents to morrow morning at the- Beat of drum. This day a party of our men went to Shambalee. Islandore, Sept. 17, Sunday. — We have orders to strike our tents and pack up our baggage in order to march for Fort St. Johns. We all embarked about 11 of the clock. We came within about two miles and a half of the Fort, when the Land forces landed and marched forward one mile and encamped. We lay on the water till night. They fired cannon and Bomb shells at us. Our row gallies fired 45 cannon balls at them but no damage done. St. Johns, Sept. 18. — ^Our land forces built a large breastwork around their en- campment in order to lay siege against the Fort. Resolved to take the Fort or lose our lives. St. Johns, Sept. 10. — They cut a road toward the Fort in order to draw their cannon. The Shambalee party took this day 12 waggon loads of Provision, Rum,, Wine, & Ammunition, from the Regulars and received no damage from them. Toward night the Regulars came out upon the Shambalee party. They wounded 3. of our men and took 2 prisoners. Our men took some provisions and drove them to the fort. St. Johns, Sept. 20. — A number belonging to the water craft went to work with them on land — we cut a road and made bridges within half a mik of the Fort. They fired Bomb shells and cannon Balls more or less every day at us but they have done us no damage by it. St. Johns, Sept. 22. — ^\ve went to building a fasheen Battery about 100 rods this side of the Fort. We carried them through the bushes very still undiscovered by the Regulars till just at night a boat came along the lake about 12 Rods from the shore. A party discovered them, crept down in the bushes by the side of the Lake till they came against us, when they fired on them. They all dropt in the boat. They soon fired on us from the Fort, grape shot, cannon balls, and Bomb- shells did rattle. General Montgomery very narrowly escaped, a Bomb shell fell within three feet of him but we received no damage from them this day. St. Johns, Sept. 23. — They went to work at the Breast works. They fired on us and killed one man with a cannon ball through the body. The breast work is now about 4 feet high. St. Johns, Sept. 24, Sunday. — ^A number of the water craft men went to work with those on the land at building a fasheen Battery about a half mile from the Fort in order to place two cannon to command the latter. They fired on us all day but no damage done. St. Johns, Sept. 25. — We placed two mortars in our upper breast work and 2 cannon in the other Battery about 50 rods below. About 3 of the clock in the after- noon we began to play upon them. There was a very hot fire on both sides until night but I believe no great damage done. St. Johns, Sept. 26. — It being very wet cold uncomfortable weather but little business done this day. St. Johns, Sept. 27. — The storm continued till about 3 in the afternoon: then the fire began very hot on both sides till night. They killed one of our men with a Bomb shell and wounded one. What damage we did them is uncertain. Begins to storm rain again. St. Johns, Sept. 28. — ^The storm continues, a cold wet uncomfortable day. But little firing this day. HISTORY OF REDDING. I 5 5 St. Johns, Sept. 29. — The fire is very hot on Iboth sides, both Bomb shells and cannon balls but little damage that I know. St. Johns, Sept. 30. — Cold stormy weather. Firing on both sides but little dam- age done. St. Johns, Oct. I, Sunday. — The storm continues very cold. We went to work at Breast work round our encampment for fear of the Canadians and Indians. There is talk that 2000 of them are coming against us but hope it is nothing but camp news. But little firing this day. St. Johns, Oct. 3. — Cold, stormy weather yet. 250 Canadians built a breast work the east side of the Lake about 100 Rods from the Fort. Firing on both sides every day but no great damage done. St. Johns, Oct. 4. — ^About 10 of the clock the Regulars went across the Lake in a floating Battery, which was begun for a sloop but never finished, in order to drive off the Canadians. They fired cannon at 'them about half an hour and then with small arms. They attempted to force our Breast work. There was a very hot fire on both sides about half an hour. The Canadians stood their ground well. The Regulars retreated back to their row galley and rowed back to the Fort. The Canadians received no damage except one man wounded. What damage the Reg- ulars received is uncertain. St. John, Oct. 5. — Last night the old scow came in from Ticonderoga. This day we have carried it to our Bomb Battery in order to play on the Fort. This day very pleasant. 'St. Johns, Oct. 6. — We placed the old scow in the Bomb Battery in order to play on the Fort. This evening we flung 8 Bombs on the Fort. They flung 24 at our encampment. No damage done. St. Johns, Oct. g. — This evening about 50 bomb shells flung on both sides. No damage that I know of. St. Johns, Oct. II. — This evening about 40 Bomb shells on both sides. But little damage done except one man's thigh broke with a Bomb shell. St. Johns, Oct. 12. — This day Seth Chase of Capt. Mead's Company died that was wounded yesterday. Nothing remarkable only very cold. St. Johns, Oct. 14. — We opened a Battery on the east side of the Lake about 60 rods from the Fort where two twelve Pounders are placed and played on the Fort with all our cannon and mortars. The hottest fire this day ever hath been done here. We flung some Bombs in the Fort ; what damage done I know not. St. Johns, Oct. 15, Sunday. — Last night Ezra Morehouse of Capt. Dimons Regi- ment died with sickness. One man killed at the east Battery. The most fire this day ever hath been in one day yet. St. Johns, Oct. 16-19. — Three more cannon placed at the east Battery. Firing on both sides every day. St. Johns, Oct. 20. — Last night about 8 o'clock the Regulars at Shambly Fort resigned themselves prisoners after two days seige, with one cannon, there being 80 men, 20 swivels, 50 barrels powder, and 500 stands of arms. St. Johns, Oct. 21. — This day we sent a flag of truce to see if they would give liberty to bring the prisoners and baggage by the Fort at the Lake. They were immediately granted liberty and they were brought this day aboard of our sloop and schooner. ^56 HISTORY OF REDDING. St. John, Oct. 22, Sunday. — They beat a parley at the Fort and sent a Flag of truce to see if our General would send in three women which are amongst our prisoners, they being officers wives, now in the Fort. The General immediately sent them in. St. John, Oct. 23-24. — The prisoners set out for Hartford under the command of Col. Whiting. Firing more or less every day. St. Johns, Oct. 25. — One of the Battalion of Yorkers killed with a cannon Ball in camp this day. St. Johns, Oct. '2.'j. — We moved our cannon and mortars from the gun and bomb battery the west side of the Lake to Headquarters in order to carry them to the north side of the Fort. St. Johns, Oct. 28. — ^We packed up our baggage and marched four miles and encamped 2 miles above the Fort. This night we built a Fasheen Battery about 50 Rods north side of the Fort. St. Johns, Oct. 29, Sunday. — The Regulars discovered our Battery. We guard- ed it with 100 men, I being one of the Guard. They flung upwards of 100 Bomb shells, some cannon and grape shot at us. Wounded one man, broke two guns. One Bomb shell broke within 4 feet of me which made me almost deaf. I believe there were 20 shells broke within two rods of me. This night we dragged four cannon and five mortars to this Breast work in order to play on the Fort. St. Johns, Oct. 30. — ^But little firing this day. This night we played these can- non and mortars. St. Johns, Nov. i. — ^We opened our Battery about 9 o'clock. There was the hottest fire that hath been yet about six hours and they beat a parley and set a flag of truce. St. Johns, Nov. 2. — They sent a flag of truce out three times before the matter was settled. The business being settled about 7 o'clock they resigned themselves Prisoners. They are to march through the country with their own private property with the honors of war giving up the Fort and all the King's stores. St. Johns, Nov. 3. — About 8 of the clock we marched into the Fort there being a large artillery, about 600 stands of arms, about 600 Prisoners. St. Johns, Nov. 5, Sunday. — We have received orders to march to morrow to Montreal. The Prisoners marched for Hartford this day. St. Johns, Nov. 6. — We marched 10 miles this day towards Montreal. Lapaine, Nov. 7. — We marched 6 miles into Lapaine town and there pitched our tents. The weather being cold makes it very uncomfortable living in tents. Lapaine, Nov. 10. — The snow is almost over shoes, a very cold, stormy day, which makes it very uncomfortable for poor soldiers who live in tents. Lapaine, Nov. 11. — About 8 o'clock we struck our tents and marched about half a mile to the River St. Lawrence and embarked on board the Batteaux and rowed about six miles toward Montreal and landed on St. Paul's Island, about 3 miles from Montreal. This evening at the firing of a cannon Governor Carlton and all the Regulars embarked on board the shipping with all the King's stores and sailed down the River. St. Paul's Island, Nov. 12, Sunday. — We embarked on board the Batteaux and rowed within one mile of town and landed and marched into the suburbs, and (^Hk tA^t^ HISTORY OF REDDING. 157 lodged in houses this night. The Canadians kept a guard round the walls of the city this night. Montreal, Nov. 13. — We marched into town about 9 o'clock to the Barracks and cleaned them out in order to live in the same. Montreal, Nov. 15. — ^Began to enlist soldiers to tarry the winter coming. Cold stormy weather. Montreal, Nov. 16. — ^Fitting ourselves to return home. Orders to march to morrow very early.* Montreal, Nov. 17. — We embarked on board the Batteaux and rowed across to Longgine and marched six miles to Lapaine, and lodged in houses this night. Ex- treme cold for the time of year. Lapaine, Nov. 18. — Marched to St. Johns 18 miles, it being a very frozen time we marched through dry. St. Johns, Nov. 19, Sunday. — All hands at work fitting to set sail to morrow morning. Ordered to embark at the firing of the morning gun. St. Johns, Nov. 20. — The wind being ahead so that we can not sail ; About sun- set the wind turned to be fair but very little air stirring. All ordered to be aboard as we may be ready to set sail if the wind should rise. Cold winter weather. The ice is hard so that it will bear horses and carts. St. Johns, Nov. 21. — The wind being fair we set sail about 9 o'clock. There being but very little wind we sailed only 15 miles to Islandore and lay aboard the sloop it being a very stormy, uncomfortable day. Islandore, Nov. 22.. — The wind being almost ahead we set sail and sailed about one mile. We made such poor way ahead we dropt anchor and lay this day on the cold Lake. It being a very stormy day lodged aboard this night. Lake Champlain, Nov. 23. — The wind being ahead we towed the sloop about 3 miles. It being a stormy winter-like day the sloop's crew lodged aboard except myself and two more who lodged in a French House very comfortably. Lake Champlain, Nov. 24. — ^The wind ahead we tawed the sloop about 50 rods and dropt anchor. Again in the afternoon we towed about 4 miles and dropt anchor. All lay aboard the sloop this night. Lake Champlain, Nov. 25. — The wind almost ahead and very calm. We only sailed about 10 miles : all lay aboard the sloop this night it being a very stormy night. Lake Champlain, Nov. 26, Sunday. — ^Being a very cold snow storm the wind in the north we sailed about 60 miles to Crown Point, and dropt anchor and lodged at the Point this night. Crown Point, Nov. 2^. — Set sail before sunrise for Ticonderoga, it being very calm. We arrived at Ticonderoga about 3 o'clock in the afternoon it being 15 miles. Ticonderoga, Nov. 28. — ^We drawed three Batteaux i mile and a half by land into Lake George in order to cross the Lake to morrow in the morning. Ticonderoga, Nov. 29. — We embarked on board the Batteaux this morning, the wind being strong ahead we rowed only 12 miles to Saberday Point, and lodged there this night on the cold ground, the snow being about six inches deep. *The effort to enlist men would seem to have failed. 158 HISTORY OF REDDING. Lake George, Saberday Point, Nov. 30. — The wind beiiijf strong ahead with much difficulty we rowed 24 miles to Fort George. Lodged this night in the Bar- racks. Fort George, Dec. i. — Our baggage being brought in sleighs we marched 17 miles, two miles below Fort Edward, and lodged at Esquire Tuttles. Fort Edward, Dec. 2. — 'We marched 18 miles to Saratoga and lodged at San- dered Bemejess, it being a very wet night. li /Saratoga, Dec. 3, Sunday. — ^The snow being gone we left our sleighs and got carts and marched 36 miles to the New City, it being a very muddy day. New City, Dec. 4. — (Marched 12 miles to Albany and loaded our baggage aboard the sloop in order to set sail to morrow morning. Albany, Dec. 5. — ^The wind being strong ahead we lay this day in town waiting for the wind to turn in our favor. ! Albany, Dec. 6. — 'The wind being near west we set sail about 9 o'clock. The diary fills the last pages of a manuscript book entitled "Aaron Barlow's Book of Orders at New York, began June 13, a. d. 1775," the first twenty-four pages being taken up with the General and Regimental Orders issued while the troops lay at New York and up to the capture of the fort at Islandore. In the Fishkill Campaign, Oct. 5-19, 1777, Col. Barlow served as En- sign in Captain John Gray's Company, 4th Connecticut Militia. In April, 1780, tie was commissioned Lieutenant in Captain Jesse Bedl's Com- pany, Col. Bezaleel Beebe's Regiment of State troops, and served on the Westchester front. In May, 1781, we find him a Lieutenant of the coast guard at Green Farms. After the war he achieved distinction in civil life. He served a term as Deputy Sheriff of Fairfield County, was four terms in the Connecticut Legislature, in October, 1792, May and Octo- ber, 1794, and May, 1795. In the militia service he rose through the grades of Captain and Major to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the 4th Con- necticut Regiment. He was interested with his brother, Joel Barlow, in several industrial enterprises, notably the building of a grist mill (on the site of the one now occupied by J. L. Blackman) for the kiln drying of corn for export to the West Indies. He is also said to have establish- ed an iron foundry with his brother Joel in Weston, probably at the present Valley Forge. Joel Barlow often spent his college vacations with his elder brother, Aaron, and is said by family tradition to have written his Vision of Columbus in this house. In 1800, Col. Barlow went to Norfolk, Va., and died there the same year of yellow fever. AARON SANFORD. Aaron Sanford, the first male member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New England, bapt. May 29, 1757, settled in the centre and lived in the old colonial house on the brow of the hill overlooking the ^ , Ps . bt-O/ ~) HISTORY OF REDDING. 159 valley of Littlq River, now untenanted. He was the leader of the little class of Methodists organized in Redding by Jesse Lee in 1790. The Methodist circuit preachers in their rounds often shared his hospitality, and held their meetings in his house. Later in life he became an accept- able local preacher in that church. His diary, beginning in 1818 and ending in 1844, is in the possession of his grand-daughter, Miss Julia H. Sanford, and shows in a striking way his religious devotion and deep conscientiousness. He records going to prayer meeting, class meeting, and quarterly meeting in Danbury, Ridgefield, Loantown, Norfield, Starr's Plain, Lee's Chapel, Egypt School-house, and other places, and speaks of meeting the sick and praying with them. Jan. 16, 1821, he records : "I went to Nath. Couch's and saw all the children of Thomas N. Couch, late deceased, and talked about religion and prayed with them." March 30, 1823 : "I went to meeting. Mr. Hunt preached. In the intermission my Daughter Hannah spoke with power. It was ren- dered a great blessing." (When one recalls how rigorously the "Stand- ing Order" enforced the Pauline injunction, "Let your women keep silence in the Churches," this was indeed an innovation.) May 2, 1824. he records that "Alice Miller (the Girl) preached. I went." (Perhaps the first instance of a woman's preaching in New England.) Prayer meetings, class meetings, band meetings, love feasts, quarter- ly meetings, camp meetings, and society meetings are mentioned as among the means of grace enjoyed by these early Methodists.* STEPHEN R. MALLORY. "Stephen Russell Mallory, second son of Charles Mallory, of Red- ding, Conn., was born in the West Indies in 1814, and came to the United States when but three months old. In 1819 he accompanied his father to Florida, and was placed at an 'old field school' near Mobile, from whence he was removed to the academy at Nazareth, Pa., where he spent several years. He returned to Florida in 1830, and established his residence at Key West, where he embraced the profession of law. Mr. Mallory filled many important trusts under the State and General Governments, and was collector of the customs and superintendent of the revenue at Key West, under Mr. Polk. In 1850 he was elected to the United States Senate for the term of six years." The above is from Gleason's "Pictorial Companion" for 1853. Mr. Mallory's subsequent career as Secretary of the Confederate Navy is familiar to the reader. MAJOR-GENERAL D. N. COUCH. Major-General Darius N. Couch was born of Redding parents, in South-East, New York, July 25th, 1822. The following sketch of his '•'See also the Sanford Family, Chapter XXIII. l6o HISTORY OF REDDING. career, taken largely from Cullum's History of the Officers and Gradu- ates of the United States Military Academy, will be read with interest: "Darius N. Couch, born in New York, appointed from New York, cadet at United States Military Academy from July ist, 1842, to July I St, 1846, when he was graduated and promoted in the army to Brevet Second Lieutenant 4th Artillery. Served in the war with Mexico in 1846-47-48, being engaged in the battle of Buena Vista, Mex., as Second Lieutenant in Captain Washington's Battery, Light Artillery, for which he was brevetted First Lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct. Participating in the occupation of the Seminole country in 1852-3, he planned and executed at his own expense a scientific expedition into Central and Northern Mexico, the results of which were very creditable to his enterprise. He married, in 1854, a daughter of Hon. S. L. Crock- er, of Taunton, Mass., and grand-daughter of Isaiah Thomas, founder of the Antiquarian Society of Worcester, Mass., and author of the 'His- tory of Printing.' The next year he resigned from the army. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, being settled in Taimton, Mass., he raised the 7th Reg. Alass. Vols., and proceeded to Washington in July, 1861. Was made Brigadier-General in August, and assigned to the command of a brigade in the defence of that city. In McClellan's Campaign on the Peninsula, General Couch commanded the ist Division, 4th Army Corps, holding the left of the line at the siege of Yorktown. At the bat- tle of Fair Oaks, his brave Division held its ground for more than two hours against the combined attack of the Confederate troops. With part of his Division he reinforced Hooker in the hot action of Oak Grove, June 25th, 1862, and was in various skirmishes during the seven days until July ist, on which morning General McClellan posted him on the main road leading to Richmond, where was fought the successful battle of Malvern Hill. "Being promoted to the rank of Major-General, July 4th, 1862, he joined Pope with his Division on the retreat from Manassas, in the Northern Virginia Campaign. October, 1862, in command of the 2d Army Corps, Campaign of the Rapahannock. At Fredericksburg, De- cember I2th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, it fell upon General Couch to assault Mary's Heights, in which desperate work that brave, magnificent 2d Army Corps lost more than 4,000 men. The loss of his Corps at the disastrous battle of Chancellorsville, where he was second in command, was very heavy. In November, 1864, he joined Thomas, who was be- sieged at Nashville, and was assigned by that commander to the com- mand of an Army Corps. In the battle which followed he commanded a division, turned Hood's left, and captured several pieces of artillery and many prisoners. In North Carolina, March, April, and May, he aid- 9^in6i^i^ HISTORY OF REDDING. l6l ed Sherman in closing the war. Resigned in June, 1865, the Great Rebellion having been crushed out. "The General has for several years resided at Norwalk, Conn., hav- ing been Quartermaster-General at Hartford during the years 1877-78." GIDEON H. HOLLISTER. Hon. Gideon H. Hollister, of Litchfield, was a descendant of two of our Redding families, as will be seen by reference to the notes on the Gray and Jackson families. He was born December 14th, 1818, in Washington, Conn., and graduated at Yale College in 1840. Studied law in Litchfield, and was admitted to the bar in April, 1842. He prac- tised law in Litchfield until 1859, when he opened an office in New York. He went as United States Charge d' Affaires to Hayti when that country was under the administration of Salnave. In 1855 he published a His- tory of Connecticut in two volumes, of which two editions, of two thou- sand copies each, have been exhausted. He was the author of three his- torical dramas, one of them bearing the title of "Thomas a Becker." He also wrote a legal treatise on the Law of Eminent Domain. ORVILLE H. PLATT. Orville H. Piatt, late Senator of the United States, was of Redding ancestry. (See Piatt family.) He was born in Washington, Conn., July 19, 1827, and after receiving an academic education, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1849. He at once opened a law office in Meriden, Conn., which city thereafter became his home. Entering politics he became Clerk of the State Senate, 1857; State Senator, 1861-2; member of the Connecticut House of Representatives, 1864, and again in 1869, when he served as Speaker. In 1879, he was elected to the Senate of the LTnited States and held the office by successive re-elections until his death in 1905. Senator Piatt was. at the time of his death, the recognized leader of the Senate, and high in the confidence of the Presi- dent and of the leaders of his party. EBENEZER J. HILL. Ebenezer J. Hill, who has represented the Fourth Congressional District of Connecticut in the House of Representatives at Washington since 1895, was born in Redding, August 4, 1845, (See Hill Family), and educated at the public schools of Norwalk, whither his father soon re- moved, and at Yale College. His first public office was that of Burgess of Norwalk, and he was twice chairman of the Board of School Visitors of that city. He was a delegate to the National Republican Convention of 1884; a member of the State Senate, 1886-7; 0"g term on the State Republican Committee; and in 1895 was elected to represent the Fourth District in Consfress, which office he now holds. 1 52 HISTORY OF REDDING, BISHOP THOMAS F. DAVIES. Bishop Thomas F. Davies of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, though born in Fairfield, was of Redding ancestry. For our sketch of him we cannot do better than to quote from a sermon of the Rev. Edward M. Jefferys, delivered in his former church of St. Peter's, Philadelphia, on the fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, 1906 : "Bishop Davies was descended from a Welsh family which came to America from Herefordshire in 175 1. He was born in Fairfield County, Connecticut,, August 31st, 1831. It was a year that is usually reckoned a turning point in American history — the year that saw great questions which had lain more or less dormant since the beginning of our history becoming questions of the day, and shaking society to its foundations. The Bishop was descended from a long line of ancestors who had been clergymen of the Church of England, and devoted to the crown. From these stanch loyalists he inherited a disposition which, while it was genial, tender and sympathetic, was always conservative in politics and churchmanship. "His education was gotten in the famous schools of his native State, the New Haven Grammar School, Yale University, and Berkeley Divin- ity School at Middletown. At Yale he was a student at a time when there were many men in the University who afterwards became famous in the various walks of life, and yet it is stated by those who were then in a position to know, that he held a real leadership in the student body, and a distinct pre-eminence in the estimation of the Faculty. "His wit and kindness, his bigness of frame and heart and mind, gave him the leadership of the undergraduates ; his quiet dignity, his strength of character and his fine scholarship gave him influence with President Woolsey and the leading professors, and it is said by his college chum (ex-President White, of Cornell), that more than once he was used by the students as an ambassador to make intercession to the Faculty for some delinquent, and that 'in more than one case his intercession pre- vented severity.' "At the age of twenty-two Bishop Davies obtained the Berkeley Scholarship, and graduated from Yale with the famous class of '53. "Following in the footsteps of many of his ancestors, he decided to study for Holy Orders, and entered the Berkeley Divinity School under the Rt. Rev. John Williams, Bishop of Connecticut. For six years he lived with Bishop Williams, became his secretary, and laid the founda- tions of an intimate friendship which lasted till the Presiding Bishop's death. "Bishop Davies had a remarkable talent for languages. He was one of the best Greek scholars Yale University ever produced, and two HISTORY OF REDDING. 163 years after his graduation he occupied the chair of Hebrew and Cognate Languages at the Berkeley Divinity School. Bishop Davies was or- dained deacon by Bishop Williams in 1856, and priest the following year. "In 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, he was called from the mis- sionary work about Middletown, and the chair of Hebrew at Berkeley, to the rectorship of St. John's Church, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. "He remained in Portsmouth till 1868, when he was elected rector of St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia. He was rector of this parish for twenty-one years, and during all that time he maintained the high stand- ard left him by his distinguished predecessors. "His rectorship in this parish was a conspicuous success. Statistics can never measure what he did, no matter how instructive they may be; but we must not forget that during his rectorship three thousand souls received Holy Baptism, one thousand persons were confirmed, the En- dowment Fund was begun and successfully continued, St. Peter's House established, two churches built, the influence of the Parish extended in many directions, and seven hundred thousand dollars contributed for Church purposes. "On St. Luke's Day, 1889, the beloved rector was consecrated in this Church Bishop of Michigan. One of his consecrators was Bishop Wil- liams, of Connecticut, his life-long friend and mentor. "Bishop Davies's ministry in the diocese of Michigan was abundantly blessed. His life-long missionary spirit served him well. Many new missions were established under his wise direction, and weak parishes were revived and strengthened. The Church in the city of Detroit en- joyed great prosperity during his entire episcopate, more than keeping pace with the development of the city in the period of its greatest growth. Bishop Davies died in the city of Detroit, Mich., November 9th, 1905." JUDGE WILLIAM STRONG. Judge Strong, though born in Somers, Conn. (1808), resided in Redding from 1830 to 1835, his father, the Rev. William L. Strong, having been pastor of the Congregational Church here during that I period. Judge Strong graduated from Yale College in 1828, made his maiden speech as a lawyer before a Justice Court in Redding, settled as a lawyer in Reading, Pa., became a member of Congress, a Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and in 1870 was appointed a Jus- tice of the Supreme Court of the LTnited States. (See also the Strong Family.) WILLIAM A. CROFFUT. William x-\ugustus Croffut, author, was born in Redding in 1836. Entered newspaper work in 1854, was a private in the United States 164 HISTORY OF REDDING. Army in the Civil War. Was some time editor of the Alinneapolis Tri biine, Rochester (N. Y.) Democrat, New Haven Palladium, and Daib Post of Washington, D. C. Executive officer of the U. S. Geologica Survey, 1888-94. In 1899 he organized and became secretary of tin Anti-Imperialist League; is President of the Liberty League; is Ph. D of Union College. Dr. Croffut is a prolific author, having written tei volumes of poems and several of verse, among the former being, *Tbi Vanderbilts," "Folks Next Door," '"A Mid-summer Lark," "The Opei Door of Dreamland," and the "Crimson Wolf." He also wrote tha opening ode for the World's Columbian Exposition in May, 1893. Hi resides in Washington, D. C. DANIEL NASH MORGAN. The first paternal ancestor of Mr. Morgan in this country was James of Handoff, the fourth son of William Morgan, of a branch of the Tredei gar Morgans of Wales, who was born in 1607, and came to Bostotr Mass., in 1636, and to New London, Conn., in 1640. He niarried Man gery Hill, of Roxbury, Mass., August 6th, 1640. (His brother Mile: settled in Springfield, Mass.) The succeeding generations were Johi: Morgan, born 1645, who married Rachel Dymond, Nov. 16, 1665 ; Isaa. Morgan, born Oct. 24th, 1670, died Nov. 25th, 1754; Peter Morgan, bor: about 1705, who died in Norwich, Conn., August 13th, 1786. He mai^ ried Elizabeth Whitmore of Middletown, Conn., February 23, 1738. Zedekiah Morgan was born in Norwich in 1744. He married Rut Dart, (daughter of John Dart and Ruth Moor Dart, born Dec. 28, 1745) in New London, January 26th, 1769. He moved to Newtown in thi Hopewell district, purchasing a tract of territory covering 690 acre; which is still known as the Morgan farm. He was in the Revolution ary war and during one winter a large number of horses belonging tt the American Army were kept on his premises. His son, Hezekiah Moi gan, was born July 24th, 1773. He lived nearly all his life in Reddim Conn., and died March 24th, 1857. He married Elizabeth Sanford, thli eldest daughter of John and Anna (Wheeler) Sanford of Redding, Df cember 27th, 1796. She was born October 13, 1763. and died Angus 5th, 1853. Ezra Morgan, son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Sanford) Morgar was born in Redding, February 21st, 1801. In his early manhood fci moved to Newtown, and for more than forty years conducted a generr store at what is still known as Morgan's Four Corners. He had a larg farm, was president of the Hatters' Bank in Bethel for years, was a men ber of the Legislature three sessions, and held numerous other publ positions. He died June 9th, 1871. He married, June 5th, 1838, Hai nah Nash, daughter of Regan Daniel Nash, of Westport, Conn. Mr lofici 1 % ;aa| ihi HISTORY OF REDDING. 165 Morgan passed from this life April 15th, 1883. Mr, Nash was born May 12, 1770, (a descendant of John Nash, the first white child born in Norwalk), and after a long, useful and successful career as a miller and financier, died August 2d, 1865. Mr. Nash married, Oct. 8, 1808, Re- becca Camp, of Norwalk, Conn. She was born December i8th, 1774, and died on April 8th, 1854. Daniel Nash Morgan, the eldest son of Ezra and Hannah Nash Mor- gan, was born at Newtown, Conn., August i8th, 1844. He attended the district school until ten years of age, and then the Newtown Aca- demy or the Bethel Institute until he was sixteen ; then for five years he was a clerk in his father's general store. For one year following his majority he was proprietor of the store. For about three years there- after he was of the firm of Morgan and Booth of Newtown Centre. In 1869 he went to Bridgeport and until January ist, 1880, was in the dry goods and carpet business under the firm name of Birdsey and Morgan. At the earnest request of business friends he became, in 1877, ^ director of the City National Bank of Bridgeport, and in January, 1879, its presi- dent, holding that position until May 26, 1893, when he resigned to as- sume the office of Treasurer of the United States, having been appointed by President Grover Cleveland on April nth, 1893, and confirmed by the Senate April 15, 1893. On June ist, 1893, he gave to his predecssor a receipt for $740,817,419.78 2-3. On retiring from the office, July ist, 1897, he took from his successor a receipt for $796,925,439.17 2-3. Mr. Morgan has repeatedly held public office by gift of his fellow citizens, positions wholly unsought by him. As a Democrat in 1873-4 he was a member of the Common Council of his adopted city. In 1877-8, on the Board of Education, and again from 1898 to 1904. In 1880 he was elected Mayor of the City of Bridgeport and again in 1884. In 1883 he represented Bridgeport in the lower house of the State Legis- lature, and was a member of the State Senate in 1885, 1886, and 1893. It was during the latter session that he was appointed Treasurer of the United States, the eighteenth person to hold the position since the forma- tion of the government. In private life and in business Mr. Morgan has held many positions of trust. He was for many years vice-president and then president of the Mechanics and Farmers Saving Bank in the days of its infancy, when it needed strong hands to support it and gain the confidence of the public. From the inception of the Bridgeport Hospital he aided the enterprise and was for several years its President. He was parish clerk thirteen years, then Junior Warden and afterward Senior Warden of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church. He was for two years Worshipful Master of Corinthian Lodge, 104. F. A. M.. and is a member of Hamilton Commandery, 45, K. T., and of Pequannock Lodge, 4, I. O. O. F. Mr. Morgan was the candidate of his party for 1 56 HISTORY OF REDDING. Governor in 1898, and in the election by the Legislature of Connecticut in 1899, of a United States Senator, he received their votes for that ex- alted position. He was also a member of the building committee of the Y. M. C. A. of Bridgeport, and for years one of its directors, and is also interested in the Bridgeport Scientific and Historical Society. Mr. Morgan has been a wide traveler both in foreign lands and in his own country. If he has a fad it is for the collection of autographs and autograph letters, of which he has an exceptionally large and fine collection. His scrap books filled with clippings would make quite a library. Mr. Morgan married, June loth, 1868, Medora Huganen Judson, daughter of the late Captain William A. Judson, of Huntington, Conn., who was captain of a ship making a trip to China before he was 21. He was a descendant of William Judson of Stratford, Conn., in 1639. Mr. Judson was prominent in the afi:airs of his town, having been a mem- ber of both branches of the Legislature, County Commissioner, and was the trying Justice of the Peace for very many years. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan have two children now living, Mary Hunting- ton Morgan, born November 29, 1873, who married, June 9th, 1904, Daniel Edwards Brinsmade, and William Judson Morgan, born May 17, 1881, who married, February 9th, 1904, Helen Jeannette Brinsmade, of Huntington, Connecticut, born Aug. 15th, 1881, daughter of Daniel Sey- mour Brinsmade and Jeannette (Pardee) Brinsmade. A daughter, Flor- ence Newton Morgan, born in Huntington, Conn., Dec. 5th, 1876, died April 1 8th, 1878. The following from Miss Rebecca D. Beach's history of "Reverend John Beach and John Sanford and their Descendants," will be of interest to some living in Newtown and Reading: "Mrs. Morgan (Daniel N.) is herself a descendant of John Beach the first, Through John and Flannah Staples, Ebenezer and Mehitable Gibson, John and Rebecca, Hezekiah and Silliman, Rebecca and Agur Judson, William Agur Judson and Marietta Beardsley. Marietta Beard- sley was the daughter of Ebenezer Beardsley and Maria Beach, who was the daughter of Ebenezer (brother of Hezekiah) and Abbie Beach. The double connection explains itself. The marriages and full family records of the two brothers, Hezekiah and Ebenezer Beach, can be found in the first volume of Town Records (Huntington) at Shelton, Conn. (Town Clerk's Ofifice). Ezra and Hannah (Nash) Morgan had eight children. Elizabeth Sanford Morgan, the eldest child, born March 31st, 1839, married the late Rufus Davenport Cable, of Westport, Conn., Oct. 15th, 1862. Of REV. A. J. SMITH. HISTORY OF REDDING. 1 67 their six children, three daughters are Hving, Mrs. Marcus Bayard But- ler, Mrs. Edward J. Buehner, and Mrs. George A. Robson. Mrs. E. S. (Morgan) Cable, beside the subject of this sketch, is now- living. The other children who are not living and who died unmarried, were : Mary Camp, Harriet Louisa, Cornelia Jane, Hannah Sophia, and Freder- ick Ezra Morgan. The youngest member of the family, Edward Kemper Morgan, born March i6, 1859, died at Bridgeport, April 14th, 1906. He married Charlotte Adelaide Judson of Huntington, Sept. 27, 1883. She has two sons, Daniel Judson Morgan, born June 10, 1885, and Frederick Ed- ward Morgan, born February 13, 1890. Mr. Morgan relates the following stories of his paternal and maternal grandfathers, Hezekiah Morgan and Daniel Nash : 'Tn 1844, the year of my birth, my grandfather Nash was seventy-four years old. That was four years before the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad was built. Mr. Nash was in New York of a Satur- day morning and anxious to get home. He missed the Harlem trains, which ran but once or twice a day, so he walked over forty miles to Westport that day, a part of the way in a snow storm. On his arrival home it was feared he had taken his last walk after such prolonged exer- tion, but he declared next morning that he did not have an ache or a pain in his body; and he lived for twenty-one years afterward, into his ninety-sixth year. "When my grandfather Morgan was a youth, owing to an illness that indicated a fatal termination, 'his physician recommended a sea voyage as a remedy, which he took, taking with him his shroud. A friend went with him simply for a pleasant trip, but was taken sick and died while on the voyage, and was buried at sea, clothed in the funeral garb men- tioned above." The late high sheriff, Thomas Sanford, related to me many years ago the following incident of Redding politics : "When the members of the Legislature were elected one at a time — when a town was entitled to two — and Redding so regularly Republican that Democrats voted simply to stand by their colors, after your grandfather (Hezekiah Morgan) had voted and started for home thCj count of votes showed that a Democrat had been elected, which so elated the victors that they sent me after your grandfather to return and vote for another candidate. When I over- took him and told him my errand, he replied that he felt like saying as did Simeon, 'Lord, let now thy servant depart in peace, for I have seen thv salvation.' " 1 68 HISTORY OF REDDING. > EDWIN GILBERT. Edwin Gilbert was born in Georgetown, Conn., September 7th, 1812, and died at his winter home, Crescent City, Florida, February 281th, 1906. Mr. Gilbert's career emphasizes the fact often noted that in our country of opportunities men may succeed under the most adverse circumstances, provided they are born with a genius for mastery and leadership. His father, Benjamin Gilbert, learned the allied trades of tanner, currier and shoemaker, and was following them when the lad was born and continued to do so for some six years later. But lie possessed inven- tive genius and business ability of a high order and was not long con- tent with the humble role of village shoemaker. In 181 8 he founded the present Gilbert & Bennett Manufacturing Company by taking the long hair of cattle, which he collected as a tanner, and weaving it into sieves for the use of house-wives in sifting meal and flour. Aided by his ener- getic wife, his business prospered, and at the age of sixteen the boy, Ed- win, left school and took a subordinfite position in his father's factory. Here he displayed an inventive talent and business aptitude greater even than his father's, and rose through all the grades — including the selling of the firm's products "on the road," then almost the only way of dis- tributing goods — until in 1844, at the age of thirty-two, he was admitted a member of the firm, which some time before had been enlarged by the admission of his brother-in-law, Sturges Bennett, and of his elder broth- er, William J. Gilbert. Two years later, October 26, 1846, he was mar- ried to Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Wilton, Conn. Mr. Gilbert remained a member of the firm of Gilbert & Bennett until its incorporation in 1874 as the Gilbert & Bennett Manufacturing Company, when he was made a Director. The next year, 1875, he was elected Superintendent and Treasurer, and in 1884, President, which position he held for twenty- two years, or until his death in 1906, at which time he had been a mem- ber of the company for sixty-two years. It is no injustice to Mr. Gilbert's able associates to say that much of the success of the great corporation of which he was so long the head, was due to his inventive genius, courage, energy, and business capacity. The many patented machines and improved processes by which the com- pany produces its specialties at a cost which enables it to hold the mar- ket were most of them invented by him. He had a keen judgment of men, and in the selection of subordinates for liTs great business, showed a sagacity that amounted almost to intuition. His courage and energy were most markedly shown at the time of the great fire of May 10, 1874, when nearly all of the "Upper Factories" were burned, entailing a loss of $200,000, on which there was an insurance of but $40,000. Those were the times that tried the souls of the officials of the company re- tXi cd HISTORY OF REDDING. 169 sponsible for its continued existence and success. Not only were the factories and finished product in ashes, but the complicated machinery, and in some cases the patterns themselves were destroyed. To restore them would be the work of months ; meantime the firm's large orders for goods could not be filled and would be given to others ; notes also would come due that must be met. Then there were the employes, who must be given work and wages. To many the outlook seemed hopeless ; but Mr. Gilbert never despaired. "We will build it all up anew," he declared, and it was done. Most of the labor of rehabilitation fell on him. One intimately associated with him describes him as often walking the floor all night during this period, studying how to meet the responsibility thrust upon him. He was ably seconded in the struggle by his loyal and faithful wife. Gradually the sun broke through the clouds. Creditors were considerate and notes were extended. The factories were rebuilt in a much more modern and substantial manner, and in a few years the business showed a healthful recovery and was on a much more satisfactory basis. But Mr. Gilbert was something more than a successful business man. He was a religious man in the best sense. Philanthropy — love of his "kind — was innate. He took great interest in his employes, encouraging them to own their homes. On his initiative the company put into effect a rule placing a premium on temperance, and provided model tenements which are leased to employes at a rental of $3.00 and $4.00 a month. Life's farm at Branchville, where the children of the New York tene- ments are given a fresh air outing during the summer months, was donat- ed by him. To it he gave large sums during his life and remembered it handsomely in his will. Said Life, in an editorial notice of his death, "The children have lost a benefactor and Life mourns a faithful friend." He was firm in his friendships, generous and hospitable. Progressiveness was a marked trait in his character. Until his de- cease he had as strong an interest in any improvement designed to aid his business as when in the prime of life. Said a friend, an eminent lawyer of judicial mind, "Mr. Gilbert and Dr. Seward were the only old men I ever met who lived for the future rather than in the past." In later life he took great interest in agriculture, and created, near George- town, a model farm of three hundred and fifty acres on which various experiments designed to benefit the industry were carried on. An orch- ard of young apple trees on it he caused to be grafted. "But, Mr. Gil- bert," urged a friend, "Why do you do it? You will never live to eat any of the friiit." "No," he repHed, "I shall not, but others will." This farm Mr. Gilbert left to Storrs Agricultural College with sixty thousand dollars, on condition that it should be used as an agricultural experiment station. I JO HISTORY OF REDDING. Air, Gilbert died possessed of an estate valued at half a million dol- lars, over one-half of which was donated to various worthy institutions. WILLIAM H. GILDER. Of the many earnest, self-sacrificing men who served the Methodist church in Redding none perhaps are more worthy of lasting remem- brance than William H. Gilder, who was here in 1859-60 — the year before- the great war. Of that war a little later Mr. Gilder was one of the un- laureled heroes. At its beginning he was commissioned chaplain of the 40th New York Volunteers, and accompanied his regiment to the front, where he soon won recognition as an earnest and faithful chaplain. In April, 1864, when Hancock's Division — to which his regiment was at- tached — lay at Brandy's Station, A^a., smallpox broke out among the men. Tent hospitals, to which the infected were removed, were hastily im- provised. There was a dearth of nurses to serve therein, all fearing the dreaded scourge. The patients suffered in consequence and many died who might with careful nursing have recovered. Unable to bear the sight of so much unrelieved suffering Mr. Gilder volunteered as a nurse, although he had never had the disease, and entering on his task himself died with the malady on April 13, 1864. He was given a military funeral, at which the whole of Hancock's Division turned out to do him honor. To him his gifted son, Richard Watson Gilder, thus refers in his poem, "Pro Patria" : Comrades ! To-day a tear-wet garland I would bring, But one song let me sing, For one sole hero of my heart and desolate home : Come with me, comrades, come ! Bring your glad flowers, your flags, for this one humble grave ; For soldiers, he was brave ! Though fell not he before the cannon's thunderous breath, Yet noble was his death. True soldier of his country and the sacred cross. He counted gain not loss ; Perils and nameless horrors of the embattled field While he had help to yield. But not where mid wild cheers the awful battle broke, A hell of fire and smoke, He to heroic death went forth with soul elate. Harder his lonely fate. HISTORY OF REDDING. 171 Searching where most was needed, worst of all endured, Sufferers he found immured. Tented apart because of fatal, foul disease — Balm brought he unto these. Celestial balm, the spirit's holy ministry- He brought, and only he. Where men who blanched not at the battle's shell and shot, Trembled and entered not. Yet life to him was oh, most dear — home, children, wife — But, dearer still than life. Duty — that passion of the soul which from the sod Alone lifts man to God. The pest house entering fearless — stricken, he fearless fell, Knowing that all was well ; The high, mysterious Power whereof mankind has dreams. To him not distant seemed. So, nobly died this unknown hero of the war ; And heroes near and far. Sleep now in graves like his, unfound in song or story — But theirs is more than glory. PROF. FRANK F. ABBOTT. Frank Frost Abbott, the son of Thaddeus Marvin and Mary Jane Abbott, was born in Redding Centre at the homestead, where his father and grandfather lived before him, and which he now occupies as a sum- mer home, on March 27, i860. He received his education in the district school of Redding, in Albany, in Yale University, from which he was graduated as salutatorian of the class of 1882, and in the University of BerHn. In 189 1 'he was made Doctor of Philosophy by Yale Univer- sity, in which institution he had been an instructor for several years. In the autumn of the year mentioned he accompanied President Harper to Chicago to assist in the organization of the newly founded University of Chicago, being the first member of the faculty chosen in that institution. He is now Professor of Latin there. In his department he has special- ized in palaeography, epigraphy, and Roman history, and in view of this fact was made American Professor in the School of Classical Studies in Rome in 1901-2. Most of his published work has been in one or another of the fields above mentioned. It consists of the Selected Letters of 1^2 HISTORY OF REDDING. Cicero, a treatise on Roman Political Institutions, a History of Rome, The Toledo Manuscript of the Germania of Tacitus, scientific articles in the American Journal of Philology, the Archiv fiir lateinische Lexiko- graphie, the Classical Reviezv, and Classical Philology, and more popular papers on Roman literary history in the Yale Review, the New England Magazine, the Nation, and other periodicals. He is one of the editors of Classical Philology, a quarterly journal devoted to research in classical antiquity. PROF. MYRON R. SANFORD. Prof. Myron R. Sanford, born in Redding and attended Redding In- stitute until he entered business with his father. In Wesleyan Univer- sity, 1876-80. In charge of the Classical Department of Wyoming Sem- inary, Kingston, Penn., from 1880 to 1886. Assistant Professor of Latin, Haver ford College, 1886-7. Professor of Latin, Haverford Col- lege, 1887-90. Dean of the College and Professor of Latin, 1890-93. Travel and study in the summer of 1892, in Germany and Italy. 1893-4, student in Classical Philology in the University of Leipsic; 1894, student of Archaeology in Rome. Professor of the Latin Language and Litera- ture in Middlebury College, 1894-1906. Author of "Temporibus Hominis Arpinatis" ; contributor to magazines, etc. PROF. AARON L. TREADWELL. Prof. Aaron L. Treadwell was born in Redding, December 23, 1866. Educated in the public schools and in Miss Abbie Sanford's private school at Redding Centre, and prepared for college at Staples Academy, Easton, Conn. Graduated with B. A. at Wesleyan University, Middle- town, in 1888; Assistant in Natural History at Wesleyan, 1888-91; M. A., ibid, 1890; Professor of Biology and Geology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 189 1 -1900; Fellow, University of Chicago, 1892-96 and 1897-8; Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1899; Prof, of Biology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1900, which position he now holds. Mem- ber of the staff of instructors of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood's Holl, Mass., since 1898. Has published many zoological articles in scientific journals. DAVID S. FAIRCHILD. Dean of the Medical College of Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, is of good old Redding stock, being the son of Eli, the son of David, the son of John, who was the son of Abraham Fairchild, who came to Red- ding in 1746 from Norwalk. The latter's son John, born in 1764, was a soldier of the Revolution, and it is said of Abraham that he had at one time six sons in that historic struggle. < Q O I' - Oi HISTORY OF REDDING. 173 Dr. Fairchild was born in Fairfield, Vt., whither his father removed about 1844. He attended the academies of FrankHn and Barre, Vt., after which he studied medicine for a time with Dr. J. O. Cramton of Fairfield, then attended medical lectures at the University of Michigan, during the years 1866, 1867 and 1868. Following his graduation at Al- bany, N. Y., December, 1868, he located in High Forest, Minn., where for three years he was engaged in a gjeneral practice. He located in Ames, Iowa, in 1872. In 1877 he was appointed physician to the Iowa Agricultural College, and in 1879 was elected professor of physiology and comparative anatomy, which position he held until 1893, when he resigned to accept the position of surgeon for the Chicago & Northwest- ern R. R., covering all the lines of that system in the state. He had served as local surgeon for this road in 1884, and through his satisfactory per- formance of the work was promoted two years later to district surgeon; in 1897 he was appointed special examining surgeon for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway system; in 1882 he was elected professor of histology and pathology in the Iowa College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Des Moines, and in 1885 was transferred to the chair of pathology and diseases of the nervous system ; in 1886 he was given the chair of theory and practice, after which time no change was made until his elec- tion to the deanship. For two years previous to the incorporation of the college as a part of Drake University he served as its president. The doctor was engaged in general practice for some sixteen years, but for the past eleven years has devoted himself almost exclusively to consulta- tion, giving particular attention to surgery and nervous diseases. He has contributed numerous articles to the medical journals, and his papers have attracted wide attention in the various medical societies. He has always taken a great interest in medical organizations. In 1873 he issued a call to the profession of Story County to meet for the purpose of form- ing a county medical society, and, at the organization, was elected its president. In 1874 he assisted materially in organizing the Central Dis- trict Medical Society, and in 1886 was made its president. He became a member of the Iowa State Medical Society in 1874, was elected second vice-president in 1886, first vice-president in 1894, and president in 1895. He is active in the work of the Western Surgical and Gynecological As- sociation, and fills the position of president; is prominent in the Ameri- can Medical Association, the National Association of Railway Surgeons, and the American Academy of Railway Surgeons. He was a delegate to the International Medical Congress in 1876; assisted in organizing the Iowa Academy of Sciences, and was chairman of the committee appoint- ed by the State Medical Society to prepare a history of m.edicine in Iowa. Dr. Fairchild was elected Dean of the IMedical Department of Drake University in 1903, which position he has since held. I 74 HISTORY OF REDDING. RICHARD HILL LYON. Richard Hill Lyon, a leading citizen and veteran newspaper worker of South Bend, Ind., is a native of Redding. He was born on the old Hill-Lyon estate, a short distance south of the village, December 20, 1848. His parents were Capt. Eli, 2d, and Louise Winton Lyon, and he is therefore connected with several of the old and influential fami- lies of Fairfield county, including those of Hill, Hull, Beach, Hawley, Sanford, Read, Beardsley, Winton, Seeley, and others. In 1856 he went with his parents to Ypsilanti, Michigan, where the family remained for four years on the farm of Samuel B. Read, a former resident of Red- ding. There Richard attended the common schools and also the State Normal. In i860 another move was made to the western part of Michi- gan in Van Buren county, where Capt. Lyon settled on a new farm. There the lad experienced all the hardships as well as the charms of life in the wilderness. There he became an apprentice in the village printing office at Decatur, and finished his trade in Chicago. In 1874 he located in South Bend, Ind., entering the mechanical department of the South Bend Daily Tribune, then a new enterprise in the field of Indiana journal- ism. For over 30 years he was connected with that institution, rising by his own merits from the printer's case to the editorial chair. He relinquished the latter position late in the year 1905, owing to failing health, but is still a member of the stafif of the Tribune as special writer, and his contributions in the editorial column, as well as those of a legen- dary, historcial and reminiscential character, are highly interesting. He is the author of many works of local history, the most pretentious of which is an illustrated work, "La Salle in the Valley of the St. Joseph." which he wrote in conjunction with Charles H. Bartlett, and which gives a .thrilling account of the adventures of the great French explorer in the vicinity of South Bend in 1679. He was the first white man to set foot on the soil of Indiana. Mr. Lyon is a vigorous as well as an orig- inal writer, and his efforts, covering a variety of subjects, are eagerly read and widely copied by the press. He is a popular member of society, a talented vocalist, and has given much attention to the advancement of the cause of music in South Bend and in the state. He has composed much creditable music of the sacred order. With his estimable wife, known for her charitable and church work and social activities, Mr. Lyon lives in an attractive residential part of the city, where he has a picturesque home on a high terrace, modeled after the quaint old Hill homestead in North End, and the place is known as Redding Ridge. o O QJ ( I HISTORY OF REDDING. ALBERT B. HILL. 175 Albert Banks Hill was born at Redding, Conn., May 28th, 1847. -Al- bert Banks Hill and Arthur Bradley Hill were twins ; and the youngest of seven children of Bradley Hill and Betsey (Banks) Hill. Bradley Hill's mother was the niece of Joel Barlow, LL. D., poet, author and diplomat; who was born in Redding, Conn., in 1754, and died in Poland in 1812. Albert Banks Hill was the son of Bradley Hill of Redding, Conn., who was the son of William Hill of Fairfield, Conn., who was the son of Moses Hill of Fairfield, Conn., who was the son of Joseph Hill of Fairfield, Conn., who was the son of William Hill of Fairfield, Conn., who was the son of William Hill of Fairfield, Conn., who was the son of William Hill of Fairfield, Conn., who came over from England in 1632, twelve years after the Mayflower, and finally settled in Fairfield, Conn. It is recorded that "he was a man of note among the ■colonists." Mr. Hill attended the common schools of Redding and prepared him- self for college with the aid of one term at private school. In 1866 he entered the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale and graduated as Ph. B. with the Class of 1869. In 1870-1871, he was instructor in Mechanics and Surveying, Yale, S. S. S., and received degree of C. E. In 1871 he entered the City Engineer's Department, New Haven, Conn., and was put in charge of the party on Survey of the City of New Haven. In 1872 he was made Assistant Engineer in charge of sewer construction ; and from 1883 to 1892 was City Engineer of New Haven. Since 1892 he has been in private practice as Civil and Consulting Engineer, with office at New Haven, Conn. Mr. Hill has held the following offices: 1883-1892, City Engineer, New Haven, Conn.; 1892, Director American , Society Civil Engineers; 1905, President Connecticut Society Civil Engineers. He is a member of the following societies and clubs : Graduates Club, New Haven, •Conn. ; Chamber of Commerce, New Haven, Conn. ; Connecticut Aca- demy of Arts and Sciences, Connecticut Society Civil Engineers, Ameri- <:an Society Civil Engineers, New England Water Works Association, Finance Committee, Organized Charities Association of New Haven, Conn. Some of the Engineering Works designed by Mr. Hill and executed under his direction as Engineer, were : The swing bridge over Norwalk River at South Norwalk; the steel arch bridges over Mill River, New Haven; over Lake Whitney, Hamden; over Lieutenant River, Lyme. The suspension bridge over Lake Whitney, 270 feet span, for New Haven Country Club. The stone arch bridges, East Rock Park. Rein- forced Concrete arches, in Cheshire, Hamden, Waterbury, and over I 76 HISTORY OF REDDING. Ash Creek, Bridgeport. Electric Railway bridges on various lines radi- ating from New Haven. Park drives : The East Rock, West Rock, and Beacon Hill Park Drives, New Haven Public Park system. Portions of the New Haven sewerage system ; sewerage systems for Danbury, and for Shelton, Conn. ; disposal works for Litchfield, Conn. ; Outfall system, Greenwich, Conn. Electric Railways : Norwalk to South Norwalk ; South Norwalk to Roton Point; Norwalk to Winnipauk; New Haven to Bridgeport ; Bridgeport to Fairfield and Southport ; New Haven to Derby; New Haven to Cheshire; Cheshire to Waterbury; Cheshire to Milldale; New Haven to Wallingford ; New Haven to East Haven; Palmer to Ludlow, ]\Iass. Water Works: As Consulting Engineer to The New Haven Water Company, the Bridgeport Hydraulic Company, and the Greenwich Water Company ; the design of the recent reservoir dams of these corporations. The Saltonstall tunnel of The New Haven Water Company, one-third of a mile long under the Saltonstall Ridge. The construction of the Filtration Plant of The New Haven Water Com- pany. ISAAC NEWTON BARTRAM. Isaac Newton Bartram was born in Redding, March 25, 1838. Son of Isaac Hamilton Bartram and grandson of Isaac Bartram, an artificer of the Revolution, enlisting from Redding and serving through the war. His mother was Lydia Piatt, daughter of Isaac Piatt, who also served through the Revolution as an artificer from Redding. Mr. Bartram has held many public offices in Sharon, Conn., where he settled in 1865. Representative from Sharon in the General Assem- bly in 1868, '72, '76, '86, '87, 91, and in the State Senate from the 19th District in 1889-90. He was appointed Commissioner of Putnam Camp in 1887 by Governor Lounsbury, and was re-appointed by Governor Bulkley and by Governor Morris, holding the office eight years. While a representative in 1887, Mr. Bartram introduced the resolution for re- storing Putnam's old winter quarters. He married Miss Helen Dorothy Winan of Sharon. Their children were, two boys, who died in infancy, Phebe M., who married Charles Rockman Pancoast and resides in Phila- delphia, and Blanche W., who married Henry R. Moore, who died in 1905. THEODORE C. SHERWOOD. Theodore C. Sherwood, son of Moses and Elizabeth Taylor Sher- wood, was born in Redding, Connecticut, January 3rd, i860. Educated in the common schools of Foundry District No. 10 and at Redding In- stitute. Began business life at the age of sixteen with Sanford & White- head, general merchants at Redding Ridge, and remained in their employ Photo by H. J. Kcniicl. RESIDENCE OF GOYN ADDISON TALMAGE. Glen Neisrhborliood. Photo b\ I'roJ. John //. Sit'>itc\ey LIVING ROOM-NORTH SIUE. Showing chimney one hundred and fifty years old. Photo hy I'lof. John II. X/.-nicycr LIVIXG ROOM — EAST SIl»lv HISTORY OF REDDING. 1/7 for one and a half years, after which he was a school teacher for three terms in Newtown, Conn., and his native town. Was graduated at Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in February, 1879, and remained on the farm teaching school until April, 1880, when he broke the home ties, so strong in all rural New England communities, and started west. Until August, 1881, he wandered through the states of Michigan, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa, without becoming permanently settled. Having satisfied his Yankee curiosity in Jooking over the Great West, and his small capital run down to a single fifty-cent piece and fifteen hundred miles from home, on August 8th, 1881, he secured employment as station clerk on the Burlington Railroad at Pacif- ic Junction, twenty miles south of Council Blufifs, Iowa, their key to the great Trans-Missouri Territory, then at the high tide of its immigration. The bridge between Pacific Junction, Iowa, and Plattsmouth, Nebr., was the only one at that time across the Missouri River north of Kansas City, except the Union Pacific Bridge between Council Bluffs and Omaha. At this place he remained until October, 1888, having succeeded in mak- ing himself a pretty good railroad man, it is to be presumed, as he was soon rewarded with promotion. In October, 1888, he was offered the Superintendency of the Des Moines & Kansas City Railroad at Des Moines, Iowa, which he accepted and held until January, 1896, when being offered the position of Assist- ant Gen'l Manager of the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf R. R. (now the K. C. S.), then under construction from Kansas City, Mo., to Sabine Pass, Texas, on the Gulf of Mexico, he accepted and held the position until April, 1897, when he was made General Manager in charge of con- struction of its allied lines north of Kansas City. January ist, 1898, af- ter nearly seventeen years of pretty constant and strenuous railroading, Mr. Sherwood concluded "to go off the track," as he expressed it, and resigned his position to go into business for himself, which he did, asso- ciating himself with two others in a partnership for the purpose of whole- sale dealing in lumber under the name of the Crescent Lumber Com- pany. Starting it new, the three have succeeded in building up a large and prosperous business. Mr. Sherwood was married, October 23rd, 1894, at Eddyville, Iowa, to Miss Mary W^illiams, still living. They have two sons, Theodore, Jr., born May 15th, 1896, and John, born February 8th, 1898. In a letter to the author Mr. Sherwood adds : "As to my success, I feel I have succeeded, although in these days what constitutes success is a much mooted question — money being the standard largely used. If success is having a happy family and being happy with them, succeeding in accomplishing the things that one starts out to do at various times in life, being in a position to educate one's 1^8 HISTORY OF REDDING. children, living without the pinch for necessities staring one in the face, having a comfortable home with good health and in good fellowship with all the world, is success, I am pleased to say I have been a success. New England people transplanted do well most anywhere, if trans- planting is not done too late or too early. There is to my mind a right time, 1 8 to 25 years of age being best. But any New England young man who has but little money, no acquaintance and no influence, who starts out 1,500 miles from home, or contemplates doing so, should make up his mind that he has a man's work before him, and work that de- mands about sixteen hours per day of constant attention. The idea of a good time laid aside for quite a season, temperate in his habits and his word to be depended upon absolutely at all times. In my struggle, many a time the panorama of the rocky hillsides of old Redding appeared to me in my homesickness, and during such times those old hillsides look- ed pretty good to me. But the old Puritan idea of having started out once to do what you believed right and not quit until it was accomplish- ed, sustained me, and I persevered. And while I shall always think of and keep in mind my birthplace, I must confess that I am glad I trans- planted myself when I did." DUDLEY SANFORD GREGORY. Dudley Sanford Gregory, Mayor of Jersey City, N. J., and quite prominent in the affairs of that city for many years, was a native of Red- ding, a descendant of the Sanford and other prominent families. Attorney General Bates of Missouri, was of Redding ancestry. In the several professions Redding has been well represented. Dr. Asahel Fitch, the first physician who settled in the town, is remembered in Fairfield County as a worthy man, and one of its most respectable practitioners of medicine. He was among the principal pioneers in the formation of the County Society, but died soon after its organization. His death occurred in 1792, or about that period. I understand that he was the grandfather of Professor Knight, of Yale College. Among the physicians of Fairfield County who enjoyed a long and successful practice was Dr. Thomas Davies, of Redding. He removed to Redding in 1793, on the decease of Dr. Fitch, and there continued in the duties of his profession until his death, which occurred in 1831. Dr. Davies possessed the reputation of being among the first of the physi- cians of the county who assumed regularly obstetrical duties, and so successful were his labors, that he became particularly eminent in that department. The doctor was once summoned as an important witness to appear before the Court in Fairfield, and not appearing, the sheriff was sent to I HISTORY OF REDDING. 179 compel his attendance. Being absent, and learning on his return that the officer was awaiting at a pubHc-house in the vicinity, he without no- tice to the official rode to Fairfield, and appeared before the Court. On the question occurring with the Court regarding the costs attending the capias, he requested one or two of his legal friends to excuse the delin- quency. The judge decided, notwithstanding, that the law must be ob- served and that the doctor must bear the expenses. Dr. D. then request- ed a hearing in his own behalf, which being granted, remarked: "May it please the Court : I am a good citizen of the State, and since I was sum- moned to attend this Court I have introduced three other good citizens into it." * The Court replied, that for so good a plea, he would leave the parties to pay the expenses. Bishop Thomas F. Davies was the only male descendant of Dr. Davies. Among the later practitioners of the town. Dr. Charles Gorham was very widely known and respected. He was the son of Meeker Gorham and Elizabeth Hubbell, of Greenfield Hill, in the town of Fairfield. He began the study of medicine with Dr. Jehiel Williams, of New Milford, and afterward pursued his studies at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons in New York. He settled in Redding in 1816, at the age of twen- ty-one years, and practised as a physician and surgeon in Fairfield Coun- ty forty-two years. He married Mary, daughter of William King Com- stock, of Danbury. Dr. Gorham is described as a man of more than ordinary strength of character, with a well-balanced mind and sound judgment. He was fond of scientific investigations, and was remarkable for close observation and power of analysis. He died at his residence in Redding Centre, September 15th, 1859. Dr. Moses Wakeman succeeded Dr. Gorham, and until his death, Jan- uary 6, 1892, enjoyed an extensive and lucrative practice. He was born in Fairfield, November, 1829. Studied medicine with his uncle, Dr. Na- thaniel Wheeler, of Paterson, N. Y., for three years, during which period "he attended two full courses of lectures at the New Haven Medical Col- lege, from which institution he received the degree of M. D. After practicing four years in Putnam County, N. Y., on invitation of Dr. Charles Gorham, Dr. Wakeman, in 1858, formed a partnership with him which continued until the latter's death in 1859. On May 31, 1864, Dr. Wakeman was married to Harriet White, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Sanford) Collins of Redding. Their children were, Mary Collins, Henry W. (deceased), and Harriet Wheeler. Mary Collins married Dr. Ernest H. Smith, April 9, 1890. They have two boys, Herman White and Homer Morgan. *FroTn an Address before the Connecticut Medical Convention, in 1853, by Rufus Blakeman, M. D. I ^,o HISTORY OF REDDING. Dr. Ernest H. Smith was born in 1863; prepared for college at the Boston Latin School; graduated at Amherst College, 1885, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, in 1889. Saw six months service in the Emigrant Hospital on Ward's Island, and in 1890 settled in Redding, where he has since remained in the practice of his profession. Among the later practitioners of the town Dr. Annie M. Read, now retired, enjoyed an extensive practice in this and adjoining towns. She graduated from the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary in 1865, from the Woman's Aledical College of the New York Infirmary in 1877, and after six months hospital practice began a general medical practice in Redding, from which she retired in 1904. Among clergymen may be enumerated the following : Rev. Justus Hull, Rev. Lemuel Hull, Bishop Thomas F. Davies ; Rev. William T. Hill, former Presiding Elder of New Haven District; Rev. Aaron K. Sanford, at one time Presiding Elder of Poughkeepsie District, New York Conference; Rev. Aaron S. Hill, Rev. Morris Hill, Rev. Moses Hill, Rev. Hawley Sanford, Rev. Aaron Sanford, Rev. Morris Sanford, Rev. A. B. Sanford, Rev. Piatt Treadwell, Rev. Albert Miller, Rev. Leroy Stowe, and Rev. Joseph Hill. Several of these have attained eminence in their chosen profession. The Rev. Arthur B. Sanford, after fitting for college at Reading Institute, graduated from Wesleyan Uni- versity and entered the Methodist ministry. After filling important ap- pointments, he was, in 1890, chosen assistant editor of the Methodist Re- vieiv, filling the chair acceptably until 1900, when he again entered the pastorate. He has been Secretary of the New York East Conference for many years, and has served on important boards and committees, (For sketch, see Sanford Family, Chapter XXIV.) The Rev. William T. Hill has been in the New York East Confer- ence for fifty-one years, and still preaches occasionally. He has held many important appointments and from 1876 to 1879 was Presiding Elder of the New Haven District, and from 1880 to 1883 of the New York East District. He was pastor in Redding in 1884. The Rev. Albert Miller, D. D., graduated from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, with the degree of A. M., and later received the degree of D. D. from Illinois Wesleyan University. He has had several offers at various times to enter the educational field, but remained in the Methodist ministry, choosing Iowa for his field of labor, until last year, when he accepted the appointment of agent for Cornell College in California. He has been Presiding Elder and has filled other important appointments on Conference boards and committees, and in the pastorate. The Rev. Arthur J. Smith, the popular pastor of the Methodist Epis- copal Church in Danbury, spent a portion of his boyhood in Redding, H O m pa o Pi u O:^ Di HISTORY OF REDDING. igl his father, the Rev. Joseph Smith, having been pastor here for three years from 1874. Rev. Arthur Smith graduated from Wesleyan Aca- demy, Mass., in the business course, in 1874; from Hackettstown, N. J., in 1882, in the coUege preparatory course, and from Drew Theological Seminary in 1885. In 1906 i'rovidence University, Ohio, conferred the degree of D. D. Since joining the ministry in 1885 he has held some of the most important pastorates in the gift of his Conference. The following State Senators have been natives or citizens of Red- ding: Thomas B. Fanton, elected in 1841 ; Lemuel Sanford, 1847; Cor- tez Merchant, 1855; Francis A. Sanford, 1865; James Sanford, 1870; Jonathan R. Sanford, 1877 ; Isaac N. Bartram, 1890. Thomas Sanford, former High Sheriff of the county, and at one time nominee of the Democratic party for Comptroller of the State ; Henry Sanford, formerly president of Adams Express Company, and Aaron Sanford, of Newtown, formerly High Sheriff of Fairfield Counly, were natives of Reddinef. CHAPTER XX. The Summer Colony. Who among city residents was the lirst to discover the beauties of Redding and build a summer house here is an interesting question. The distinction, no doubt, belongs to Frederick Driggs of New York, who, in 1900, bought a tract of land in the Foundry District and built in the greenwood near the banks of the Aspetuck a hunting lodge of logs hewn from the neighboring forest. Mr. and Mrs. Driggs are fond of hunting and fishing and what time he can snatch from business is spent largely in this unique forest home. J. W. Teets, of New York, came next, buy- ing, in 1901, of Mrs. Edward P. Shaw, a lot south of her house, and erecting thereon a pretty colonial dwelling after plans by Ralph S. Town- send, a New York architect. Soon after, Frank Dunell, of New York, bought the Henry Whitehead place on Redding Ridge, and has improved and remodeled it, making of it an attractive country seat. Mr. Dunell is an enthusiast in photography and has a fine collection of photographs of Redding landscapes taken by himself. The following is believed to be a complete list of summer resi- dents, in addition to those named above, now (August, 1906) in Redding, given, not in the order of their coming, but according to locality: Noble Hoggson. of New York, in the old Hull Bradley place, east of the Ridge, one of the stately old homes of Redding, 1 82 HISTORY OF REDDING. which he has greatly beautified and improved. The interior decora- tions of this house are exceptionally rich and elegant. A short distance east John Stetson of New York, bought the Hiram Jennings place, built, it is said, by Lazarus Beach, son of the Rev. John Beach,* and is making it into a beautiful country home. Last year Daniel San- ford bought the Thomas Ryan house and farm, formerly Deacon Lemuel Hawley's, and is making extensive improvements therein. A wing is being added on each end, and the interior is being remodeled and fitted with sanitary plumbing and all modern improvements. When fitted it will be used as a school room and dormitory in winter, and as the Ridge Inn in summer. On Couch's Hill, a mile north of the Ridge, Lester O. Peck bought the large Simon Couch farm and built on it a handsome cottage in colonial style, from plans by a New York architect. Mr. Peck has since bought the farms adjoining him of Ralph Mead and J. W. Sanford, and is one of the largest owners of real estate in Redding. On the lower slope of Redding Ridge, Jeanette Gilder, editor of the Critic, bought the old Floyd Tucker place and does much of her literary work there. On the west side in Sanfordtown, Jesse B. Cornwall of Bridgeport, bought a tract south of George Sanford's and built on the crest of the hill an elegant stone cottage in extensive grounds. The Beers farm, diagonally across the road from George Sanford's has recently been sold to Francis Forman Sherman. Goyn A. Talmage bought the old Hezekiah Hull farm, near the former Hull district school house, and retaining the old stone chimney built around it a pretty sum- mer cottage, preserving the ancient colonial style, and the huge fire- place in which an ox might be roasted w^hole. On the same road a short distance west toward the Glen, Francis V. Warner, editor of Pear- son's Magazine, has bought the old Andrew's place and will have it re- built for a summer home. In the Glen, Henry M. Dater, of the New York Bar, built and has occupied for several seasons a log cabin some- thing like that of his friend, Frederick Driggs, in the Aspetuck Valley. Farther up the Saugatuck Valley, Albert Bigelow Paine, the well known author, bought and remodeled the old Bouton place. Diagonally across from him, a few hundred yards away, stands the old John Davis home- stead, later occupied by Noah Sherwood, which, with the farm of about one hundred acres connected with it, was bought in 1906 by Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain). Later Mr. Clemens bought nearly a hundred acres of fine old forest on the south, bringing his estate to the pictur- esque banks of the Saugatuck River, and will erect on the hill above it a costly stone villa of the Italian order of architecture, and which will be fitted for a winter as well as summer residence. * This distinction is also claimed for the Hull-Bradley ^)lace. u^ O Q Pi o u * HISTORY OF REDDING. 1 83 On Umpawaug Hill, in West Redding, several homes and farms have recently been sold to New York parties for summer residences. Prof. , Lucius M. Underwood, of Columbia College, has transformed the Eph- raim Barlow homestead into a pretty summer cottage, as has his neigh- bor, Frank F. Ewing of New York, the old Stephen Rider place on the south. G. E. Clapp of New York, in the Helen Merchant place, John Doig of New York, in the old Benedict homestead, and Charles Moore of New York, in the Irad Carter place, are other new comers in this section, which is growing rapidly. In the Center, William S. Hill of New York, recently bought of Mrs. Harriet Wakeman the lot between Dr. Smith's and the Methodist par- sonage and will build soon a handsome cottage thereon. Howard Am- ory of New York, has recently bought of Joseph Squires some twenty acres adjoining Miss Burgess on the north, and will build thereon soon it is said. Mrs. Janet O. Thompson has also bought of Joseph Squires the corner lot, store and house, for many years occupied by David Johnson for store, post offiice and dwelling house. Henry Ruff, who in 1905 purchased the old Squires homestead in the Center, sold it to Charles Singer of New York at double the original cost. Half a mile north of the Center, Edward Deacon of Bridgeport, has bought three farms, those of the late Walter Edmonds, Jesse Sherwood^ and Isaac Piatt adjoining, and is making extensive improvements in the first named with a view, it is said, of becoming a permanent resident. The lofty ridges in Loantown, in the northern part of the town, af- fording some of the finest views in the world, still remain largely in the hands of the original owners, who have not placed them on the market. One of the most attractive of these, the Aaron M. Read place, was sold in 1905 to Abraham G. Barnett, a wealthy manufacturer of Pittsburg, Penn., who, it is said, will shortly become a resident. Early in 1906, Miss Mary A. Rushton, of New York, opened in the house formerly owned by Prof. Shaw on Redding Ridge, the Ridge Inn, which proved so attractive to the best people that it is to be kept open as a winter resort as well. CHAPTER XXI. The Literary Colony. For several years past American authors have showed a predilection for Redding, the movement culminating perhaps with Mr. Clemens' choice of it as the home of his declining years ; so that it may with truth 1^^. HISTORY OF REDDING. be said that Redding has a Hterary colony. Brief sketches of its mem- bers can but be of interest to the pubhc. Samuel L. Clemens was born in Florida, Mo., Nov. 30, 1835 ; appren- ticed to the printer's trade; was a Mississippi pilot for a short time; be- came city editor of the Virginia City (Mo.) Enterprise. Alternated be- tween mining and newspaper work until becoming noted as a humorist he began lecturing and writing books. His works are: The Jumping Frog, 1867; The Innocents Abroad, 1869; Autobiography and First Romance, 1871 ; The Gilded Age, 1873, (with the late C. D. Warner) ; Roughing It, 1872; Sketches, New and Old, 1873; Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 1876; Punch, Brothers, Punch, 1878; A Tramp Abroad, 1880; The Prince and the Pauper, 1880; The Stolen White Elephant, 1882; Life on the Mississippi, 1883; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1885; A Yankee at the Court of King James, 1889; The American Claimant, 1892; Merry Tales, 1892; The £1,000,000 Bank Note, 1892; Puddinhead Wilson, 1894; Tom Sawyer Abroad, 1894; Joan of Arc, 1896; Following the Equator, 1898; The Man that Corrupted Hadley- burg, 1900; A Double-Barrelled Detective Story, 1902; Christian Science, 1903. Richard Watson Gilder, born in Bordentown, N. J., Feb. 8, 1844. Educated at St. Thomas Hall, Flushing, a seminary established by his father. Was a private in Landis' Philadelphia Battery in the Emergency Campaign in Pennsylvania in 1863 ; then in the railroad service for two years. Entered newspaper work as managing editor of the Newark (N. J.) Advertiser, and later with Newton Crane founded the Newark Register. Later edited Hours at Home, a New York Monthly, was managing editor, Scribner's Magazine, 1870, and editor-in-chief since 1881, under its present name of the Century. Mr. Gilder's books (poems) are, The New Day, 1875-6; Five Books of Song, 1894; In Palestine, 1898; Poems and Inscriptions, 1901. Mr. Gilder spent a year in Redding in his youthful days, his father, the Rev. William H. Gilder, having been pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church here, and is still a frequent visitor. "The most vivid memories I have of Redding," he said in a chat with the writer recently, "are of going over to meet my old French tutor who came from Danbury to give me a lesson every day, of walking back with him, and of the chats by the way." Jeanette Leonard Gilder, born at St. Thomas Hall, Flushing, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1844. When eighteen years of age became a writer on the New- wark (N. J.) Morning Register, and Newark reporter for the New York Tribune. Later she was associated with her brother, Richard Watson Gilder, in the editorial department of Scribner's monthly (now the Cen- tury Magazine). From 1875 to 1880 she was literary editor, and later musical and dramatic editor of the New York Herald. In January, 1881, Photo by C. B. Todd. Old Davis-Sherwood Homestead, recently bought by Mark Twain. Mr. Clemens' estate extends nearly half a mile south of this and at the extreme southerly portion he will l)uilt a villa of the Italian order of architecture, fitted for both summer ami winter residence. HISTORY OF REDDING. 1 85 she, with her younger brother, Joseph B. Gilder, started the Critic Maga- zine, which she still edits. Over the pen name "Brunswick" she was for eighteen years New York correspondent of the Boston Saturday Even- ing Gazette and Boston Evening Transcript. She is the author of Tak- en by Siege, 1886-1896, and The Autobiography of A Tom-Boy, 1900, (some of the scenes of the latter were taken from her experiences in Redding), and editor of many other works. Miss Gilder owns a pretty cottage on Redding Ridge, and most of her vacation hours are spent in the old town where she lived as a child. Joseph B. Gilder, born in Flushing, N. Y., June 29, 1858, entered the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., 1872; resigned in 1874. Was a reporter in Newark, N. J., 1874-7, reporter and assistant city edi- tor N. Y. Herald, 1870- 1880. In 1881, with his sister, started the Critic Magazine, of which he was co-editor for twenty-one years. From 1893 to 1901 he was president of the Critic Company. Mr. Gilder has written much in prose and verse for the magazines, and has edited many im- portant works. As soon as a suitable site in Redding can be secured, it is said Mr. Gilder will erect a cottage thereon. Albert Bigelow Paine, assistant editor St. Nicholas magazine since June, 1899, was born in New Bedford, Mass., July 10, 1861, began his literary career by contributing to magazines. He is the author of ;"Rhymes by Two Friends" (with William Allen White), 1893; "The Mystery of Eveline Delorme," 1894; "Gobolinks" (with Ruth McEnery Stuart), 1896: "The Dumpies," 1897; "The Autobiography of a Mon- key," 1897; "The Hollow Tree," 1898; "The Arkansaw Bear," 1898: "The Deep Woods," 1899; "The Beacon Prize Medals," 1899; "The Bread Line," 1900; "The Little Lady, The Book," 1901 ; "The Vrm Dwellers," 1901 ; "The Great White Way," 190 1 ; and a biography of the late Thomas Nast. Ida M. Tarbell may be said to belong to the Redding Colony, al- though the fine old farm house she recently purchased for a summer home is in Easton, a few yards from the Redding line. She was born in Erie County, Penn., Nov. 5, 1857, graduated from Titusville High School, and Alleghany College at Meadville, Penn. ; was associate editor of the Chautauquan, 1883-91. Studied in Paris at the Sorbonne and College of France, 1891-4. From 1894 to 1906 editor on the staff of McClure's Magazine. In 1906, with other editors, resigned from McClure's and purchased the American Magazine. She is author of "A Short Life of Napoleon Bonaparte," 1895; "Life of Madame Roland," 1896; "Early Life of Abraham Lincoln," 1896 (with J. McCann Davis) ; "Life of Abraham Lincoln," 1900; "A History of the Standard Oil Company," and of many magazine articles on history and current subjects. 1 86 HISTORY OF REDDING. John Ward Stimson, artist, author and lecturer, has resided for two years past in the old historic Dr. Gorham, house near the Center. Was born in Paterson, N. J., Dec. i6, 1850; graduated at Yale, 1872, and at the Ecole des Beaux Ars, Paris. Became lecturer and teacher of Art at Princeton University ; later for four years was director of the Art Schools of the Metropolitan Museum, New York. In 1888 he founded the Artist-Artisan Institute of New York. Later was director of the Art and Science Institution of Trenton, N. J. Has been for some time As- sociate editor of the Arena, author of "The Law of Three Primaries," "Principles of Vital Art Education," "The Gate Beautiful," "Wander- ing Chords," and of many poems and articles in leading magazines and newspapers. Prof. Frank F. Abbott, of Chicago University (see sketch in Chapter XIX), has a summer residence in Redding, the old home of his father, Deacon Thaddeus M. Abbott, at the Center. Dora Read Goodale, widely known for her three books of poems (with her sister Elaine, now Mrs. Eastman), "Apple Blossoms," 1878; "In Berkshire with the Wild Flowers," 1879, and "All Round the Year," 1880, resides with her mother in the former home of Walter Sanford in the Center. Her mother, Mrs. Dora Read Goodale, is a frequent con- tributor to the press. Prof. Lucien M. LInderwood, Professor of Botany in Columbia Uni- versity since 1896, was born in New Woodstock, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1863. Graduated, Syracuse University, 1877. Is author of "Descriptive Cata- logue of North American Hepaticae," 1844; "Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms," 1899; "Our Native Ferns and their Allies," 1900; "Our Native Ferns and how to Study Them," 1901. Mrs. Kate V. Saint Maur has occupied for several seasons the old Grumman place on the West Side. Mrs. Saint Maur is the author of a book, "A Self-Supporting Home," which has attracted much attention. Miss Frances V. Warner, who has recently become a property owner in Redding, is by birth a Philadelphiaii, of Quaker ancestry, the first Philadelphia Warner having arrived there before William Penn him- self, — before there was a named settlement there even. She has written a great deal for the magazines, but as Associate Editor of Pearson's Magazine is far too busy with other people's writing to attempt any books of her own. William E. Grumman, a native and resident of Redding, in his first book, "Revolutionary Soldiers of Redding, Conn." has shown skill in research and fine literary ability, and will, no doubt, in the future, be- come well known in his chosen field. TROF. DAXIEL SAXFORIV HISTORY OF REDDING. 1 8/ CHAPTER XXll. The Redding Institute, Re-organized 1 905 as the Sanford School. One of the youngest and most important institutions of Redding is the Sanford School, a re-incarnation on broader and more modern lines of the old Redding Institute, which many of our citizens as well as scores of gray-haired graduates in every state and clime will remember. This school was founded in the Fall of 1847, by Daniel Sanford, M. A., who, after securing a thorough education at Wesleyan University and spending several years as a teacher in White Plains, N. Y., returned to Redding, built a large and well appointed school house adjoining his dwelling on Redding Ridge, and opened a boarding and day school for boys. Mr. Sanford was a man of force and character, and because of this and of his influential family connections, his school soon attained a national reputation, his forms being filled with boys from the first fami- lies of New York, Brooklyn, and the Southern states, with not a few from foreign countries. In 185 1 he secured the services of Edward P. Shaw, M. A., a gradu- ate of Wesleyan University, who continued with him as teacher until 1867, when Mr. Sanford retired, and Mr. Shaw became principal and conducted the school successfully until 1873, when a family bereavement joined to advancing years, led him to discontinue it, although he con- tinued a resident of Redding until his death in 1904. A few years before his death the present writer called upon his old preceptor and in the course of conversation remarked on the number of notable men who had received their education in whole or in part at his school. "Yes," said he, "our boys have done pretty well. There is C. B. Thomas, at one time Governor of Colorado, and the silver-tongued ora- tor who put Bryan in nomination for the Presidency. The Rev. Charles E. Briggs of 'Higher Criticism' fame, was another of our scholai^s. The Rev. Arthur B. Sanford, prominent clergyman, and for some years as- sistant editor of the Methodist Revieiv; Prof. Daniel Sanford, of the BrookHne, Mass., High School, a leading educator; Prof. Myron R. San- ford, of Middlebury College, Vermont, author and lecturer; Marshall S. Driggs, President of the Williamsburgh Fire Insurance Company, and connected with many other great corporations of the Metropolis ; Fred- erick Benedict, of the well known jewelry firm of Benedict Brothers, on lower Broadway; Alfred Cammeyer, the great shoe merchant of New York ; Theodore Sherwood, who has been superintendent and general manager of several of the great western trunk lines, with scores of sue- J 88 HISTORY OF REDDING. cessful clergymen, teachers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, and business men, were among our graduates." "What a pity that we couldn't have an *old home day' and get the boys together again," we remarked. "I would welcome it," replied the old instructor. He is dead now and it occurred to the writer while this chapter was yet in embryo that a symposium of the old boys in lieu of it would be interesting; forthwith he broached the subject to several of the more prominent. The Rev. Charles E. Briggs replied, excusing himself because of press of literary work in addition to his lectures, and adding: "I would be glad to honor my old teacher, Mr. Shaw, but I cannot at present. I have stowed away some copies of the magazine the Institute used to pub- lish, with some of my articles, which would doubtless give a good basis for a paper if I had time." Ex-Governor Thomas' reply was in the foim of certain recollections making in the concrete a literary gem : "Though my parents were natives of Connecticut I was born and reared in Georgia. I was there through the war and as a lad was obliged to assume as well as I could the supervision of my mother's plantation, as all the men were at the front. Hence I had little time for school had it been available. So when the war ended my mother took me, at the age of fifteen, to her old home in Bridgeport, and in August follow- ing sent me to the Sanford School. I was a lank, freckled-faced country boy, fresh from the distant South, and painfully conscious of my awkward and uncouth appearance. The war had left us but little, so that my schooling was a heavy burden to my mother and I was clad in a suit of clothes constructed from a couple of second-hand rebel uniforms, rein- forced by a Yankee hat and pair of shoes. The stage ride from Bridge- port to Redding Ridge was one of the ordeals of my life. I was then a rebel to the core and fully alive to the fact that I was 'in the enemy's country.' I had bidden mother good bye and was going I knew not whither. Homesickness is a mild term to apply to my condition. I shrank from the end of the journey. I wanted to die, knowing well that I would not. So I sat by the driver, steeling myself to approaching fate and wishing I were far away in Dixie. I knew that boys were no hypo- crites and that my presence at school would subject me to persecutions, due as well to my appearance as to my origin. "It was dark when the stage halted before the Sanford mansion. As ' I alighted, Mr. Sanford met me at the gate, took me to his wife and asked her to make me comfortable. She tried her best, poor lady, to do so, but I was past all comforting. She gave me supper at her own table, then took me at once to my room, and thus postponed the fateful hour HISTORY OF REDDING. I Sq when I should encounter the boys. That ordeal came with the mornmg, and it lasted for a fortnight with many variations. I was called 'Johnny' because I was a rebel, and 'shorty' because I was tall, and 'dandy' be- cause of my clothes. All the victories of Grant and Sherman were thrown at me. At the same time I was held responsible for the horrors of Andersonville. Treason and disloyalty were my conspicuous crimes. It was broadly asserted that I was privy to the assassination of Lincoln, and one particularly devilish youngster asserted a close resemblance be- tween my own and the features of 'Jeff' Davis. So 'Jeff' was added to my list of names. "I endured what I could not avoid till patience was exhausted. I couldn't run away, for I had no place to run to. I begged my mother to take me away. Finally, I had a fight, and that helped a little. Then, a boy named Ridemour gave me a little consideration and with a grateful heart I strove to make myself companionable by relating some of my war experiences. Unconsciously I thus furnished a welcome remedy for my ills. He repeated some of my stories, so that curiosity usurped the place of malice, and I was patronized that I might tell others. So on Saturdays my room was filled with boys listening to anecdotes of the war from a boy who spoke from personal experiences. Before I knew it I was popular. My wickedness was discarded and my clothes were historic. They warmed to me in regular boy fashion, and of course I responded, and oh, the stories I told. From fact I rapidly descended to fancy. My romances were as extravagant as an immature imagination could make them; but, as long as they met the demand, I was happy. Don't you think they will be overlooked, under the circumstances, by the recording angel? "Messrs. Sanford and Shaw were excellent teachers and thoroughly understood boy nature. Teaching in those days was old-fashioned and thorough. Messrs Shaw and Sanford vigorously insisted on the learn- ing of lessons and the observance of rules. When a boy became derelict, Mr. Sanford did the 'licking,' so he was the one the boys looked out for. Mr. Shaw never struck a scholar. But Mr. Sanford's punishments, though frequent, seemed mild to me. The first time I ever saw him punish a scholar my amusement was audible for he struck him a solitary blow. Where I came from the teacher would drag a delinquent from his seat by the collar and trounce him with a hickor}' switch for three or four minutes until he cried with pain and promised 'to be good.' "My life has been an active one, and if I have been in a measure suc- cessful, it is in large measure due to the good principles and strict dis- cipline I had from the Sanford School." A well known business man of New York City, whom the writer met personally, gave some recollections worthy of being preserved. IQO HISTORY OF REDDING. "My wife would not believe that I ever attended a select school, so I told her the first day I could get away from business I would take her up to Redding and show her the old school-house and the old teacher. It chanced that Labor Day came on Saturday that year, so we started, go- ing to Ridgefield, as we understood there was then no inn in Redding. Next morning I went out to negotiate with the Ridgefield livery man i for a horse and buggy to Redding. "I began by asking how far it was to Redding. He was a David 1 Harum sort of man and spoke with a drawl. 'Wal, mister, its eight : miles as the crow flies, but its twelve the way you've got to go, first tip nigh to Heaven an then descendin' into the pit.' 'But I've got jest the boss for ye,' he added, brightening ; 'he's a climber.' "'What'? said I. " 'A climber — built specially for climbin' hills — fore legs shorter than hind ones — kinder fore-shortened as these painter fellers say. You see, he was foaled and raised on a hill-side and grew that way.' " 'But don't it interfere with his gait on level ground' ? " 'Mister,' said he, 'ther ain't any level ground in these parts.' "It was pretty hilly. You know all about it so I won't enlarge. Down into one deep valley, up the opposing wall ; down into another still deep- er and into a wild, remote, savage glen, with only room for road and river between huge frowning cliffs. "My wife began to get frightened and wanted to know where I was taking her ; but we soon came out into meadows, then around by a grave- yard, and began climbing the last hill into Redding Center. Here I be- gan to recognize landmarks. 'Glory,' said I, 'there's the same old church where the whole school used to go and sit in the gallery, with Mr. Shaw at the head of the class to preserve order.' After sitting and looking at it a while, we set out for Redding Ridge by the same old road I had traveled a thousand times going to and from church, but when we came up on Redding Ridge everything seemed changed. The old Sanford house and store on the corner was gone, new villas and cottages had risen as by magic. But the old Episcopal Church still stood, 'Thank the Lord,' said I, 'there's something left.' The Heron place was gone, but the Sanford house was there, only the old school house with dormi- tory above where the boys slept, and where we got a good trouncing one summer night from Mr. Sanford as we stole in. one by one, after raiding a green corn patch, had been torn down. "We pulled up at Mr. Shaw's and the old man came out. " 'Well,' said I, 'It's the same old boy and the same old teacher.' "He looked at me a while. 'Biess my soul,' said he at last, 'Why, it's B .' HISTORY OF REDDING. I9I "It had been thirty-five years since I had seen him, and I was gray- haired. Would you have thought he would have known me? "Going up to see Cammeyer? Just ask him if he remembers how he licked me out under the horse sheds one night after singing school" ? A big, genial man sat in a small office in the rear of his immense store on Broadway and received his interviewer with favor on his mentioning the Sanford school. "I_ was a pretty bad boy, I guess," he remarked, "and was always getting into trouble of various sorts. The one I remember best occurred at church on a hot July day. The boys always sat in the gallery with Mr. Shaw at the head next the gallery stairs to keep them in proper frame of mind; but that day Jove nodded and another boy and I stole out and turned loose all the worshippers' horses that were hitched along the fence opposite the green, then crept back without being missed. "When church was out and the people went to get their horses, they were missing, and there was great mystification. We were found out though, — some of the neighbors saw us, — and got a good licking, as we deserved. "I remember still more vividly going home one winter for the Christ- mas holidays. It was the Saturday before Christmas, and bitterly cold. The only way was by stage to Norwalk and then by boat to New York. A real old-fashioned blizzard was raging, but I was going home for Christmas and nothing could have stopped me. Good Mrs. Shaw bun- dled me up and gave me a hot brick for my feet. The driver was a great Methodist and sang hymns all the way. Every little while he would look back to see if I was alive, and I guess I would have frozen if I had not been going home." A copy of the school magazine to which Dr. Briggs refers, is in pos- session of Samuel Shaw, Esq., of Bridgeport, and is interesting for its historical essays and grave metaphysical disquisitions, showing the reach- ing out for excellence of budding genius. A copy of the school catalogue for 1859-60 is owned by Prof. Sanford and is before us as we write. The pupils that year numbered thirty-six. The instructors were: Daniel Sanford, A. M., Principal and teacher of Mathematics ; Edward Shaw, A. M., teacher of Ancient Languages and Literature ; Mrs. Helen E. Sanford, teacher of Instrumental Music. The course of study embraced Orthography, Reading, English Grammar, Rhetoric, Composition, Declamation, Geography, Penmanship, Astron- omy, History, Bookkeeping, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonome- try, Surveying, Navigation, Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, the Na- tural Sciences, Latin and Greek Language, French Language. Drawing, Vocal and Instrumental Music. 192 HISTORY OF REDDING. "It is our great aim/' says the catalogue, "to be thorough, and the prevalent method of cramming too many studies at once is repudiated. We aim likewise to inculcate moral and religious principles, and besides developing the mind of the boy, endeavor to give it the impress of high and manly character. While we claim no originality in our method of government, we have been eminently successful in placing the restraint of kindness and good will upon those committed to our charge, and have striven to supply the kindly and sacred influences of home." The expenses per term of five months, including board, tuition and incidentals, were ninety dollars, with five dollars additional for French, Latin, and Greek, and twenty for the use of the piano. There is a page of "Rules," which are interesting as showing the school discipline of that day : "ist. Every member of the school is required to attend morning and evening prayers. "2d. All loud and unnecessary noise in and around the building is at all times forbidden. "3d. No boy will be permitted to leave the bounds without permission from the principal, or go a swimming or skating unaccompanied by a teacher. "4th. The students are strictly forbidden to trespass on the grounds of those residing in the vicinity, nor will they be permitted to meddle with the fruit or injure the property in any way. "5th. Profane and indecent language is strictly forbidden. "6th. No fire-arms or deadly weapons of any kind will be allowed on the premises. "7th. No boy will be permitted to leave school without a line from his parents or guardian. "8th. The kitchen must not be entered by the scholars, except for necessary business. "9th. Students will be held responsible for all injury done to the property of the principal, or of each other. "loth. All lights in the rooms of the boys must be extinguished be- fore 10 o'clock; and no loud noise or disorder of any kind will be allow- ed in the sleeping rooms. "nth. Every member of the school will be required to attend divine service upon the Sabbath." It is a matter for congratulation that this famous old school has been revived, and by one so capable as the son of the original founder. Prof. Daniel Sanford is an M. A. of Yale, and well known as one of the lead- ing educators of the day. For seven years he was head master of the High School at Stamford, Conn., and for fourteen years of the High School of Brookline, Mass., the latter becoming, under him, one of the HISTORY OF REDDING. 193 model high schools of the country. He will, no doubt, add to the efficiency and reputation of the school founded by his father. CHAPTER XXIII. Parish Register of the Congregational Church, Redding/ I 3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 From Greenfield. Original Members. Mr. John Read and Sarah his wife, from Ridgefield. Mrs. Ellen Williams (Thomas). George Hull and wife. Daniel Lyon and wife. Stephen Burr and Elizabeth his wife. Theophilus Hull and wife. Peter Burr and Abagail his wife. | Daniel Bradley and wife. j Ebenezer Hull and wife. J Esther Hambleton (Benjamin). Danbury. John Griffin, Isaac Hull. Nathaniel Sanford. Newtown. Thomas Fairchild. Trumbull. Benjamin Lyon and wife (Esther?). Wilton. Lemuel Sanford. Mary Lyon (Richard). Fairfield. Green's Farms. II. Marriages by the Rev. Nathaniel Hunn. (/ Tvas married to Mrs. Ruth Read, Sept. 14, 1737.) Bate. Man's Name. Woman's Name. Nov. 12, 1734. Georg3 Corns. Anna Hall. Apr. 10. 1735. John Mallery. Elizabeth Adams. Dec. 4, " James Bradley. Abigail Sanford. May 7, 1736. Peter Burr. Rebecca Ward. Aug. 25, " Samuel Smith. Lydia Hull. ♦Copied by C. B. T. Verified by L. S. 194 HISTORY OF REDDING. 2—28, 1737- Peter Mallery. Joanna Hall. 12 — 22, " Daniel Burr. Abigail Sherwood. 7— 2, 1740. Edward Slierman. Rebecca Lee. 5— 9. <> Abraham Adams. Elizabeth Williams. Oct. (( Benjamin Turney. Eunice Lyon. 11—30, 1743- Thomas Rowland. Timzeen ( ?) Jaoock. M. 12 — 28, i< Matthew Rowler( Fowler?) Sarah Gray. | 2- 6, 1744- Ebenezer Mallery. Hannah Keyes (?). 7— 19» « Daniel Meeker, Sarah Johnson. 10—29, << Lemuel Wood. Grissel Mallery. 10—31, (< David Meeker. Hannah Hill. 8—20, 1745- Benjamin Meeker. Katherine Burr. 9— 4, << John Heppin ( ?). Mary Read. 12—24, (< Hezekiah Rowland. Tamar Treadwell. 6—29, 1746. William Truesdale. Deliverance Jayoock. -"'^ 9—19. (< Robert Meeker. Rebecca Morehouse. 10—27, << Seth Wheeler. Ruth Knap. 12—18, (( John Read, Jr. Tabitha Haw'ley. 3— 5» 1747. Nehemiah Sanford. Elizabeth Morehouse. 3— 5. (( Samuel Wood. Mary Mallery. 9-i7> << Samuel Coley. Mary Gray. 10— 8, <( Nehemiah Smith, Rebecca Meeker. 10—17, <( Jonas Piatt. Elizabeth Sanford. 10— 9, (( Gurdon Mardiant. Eleanor Chauncey. II— I, 1748. Daniel Hull. Mary Betts. II— 15, (< Gershom Coley. Abigail Hull. 11—30, <.' Daniel Mallery. Sarah Lee. I— 18, 1749. Gershom Morehouse. Anne Sanford. ^7. 7— 7, 10 — 29, Apr. 12, May 19, May 21, Aug. 21, Dec. 2, 2Z> 1758- 1759- 1760. ij6i. 1762. 1763. Samuel Cable. David Lyon. Paul Bartram. Ebenezer Hull. Jdhn Bartram. Joseph Dikeman. Ebenezer Burritt. William Monroe. John Morgan. Daniel Sanford. Benjamin Davis. Stephen Gray. Michael Benedict. Hezekiah Booth. Hezekiah Smith. Theophilus Hull. Samuel Clugston. Elias Bates. Seth Sanford. John Gray. Jonathan CouCh. Alexander Bryant. James Gray, Jr. John Clugston. Joseph Stilson. Dea. Stephen Burr. Reuben Squire. Joseph Lyon. Isaac Rumsey. Stephen Crofoot. Ric'hard Nichols. John Griffin. Anthony Angevine. Timothy Sanford. David Bartram. Asahel Patdhen. Joseph Sanford, Jr. David Jackson. . Joseph Rumsey. John Hawley. John Hull. George Gage. Mary Piatt. Hannah Sanford. Mary Hawley. Ruth Betts. Charity Buckley. Eunice Darling. Elizabeth Piatt. Eunice Dean. Joanna Banks. Esther Hull. Eunice Nash. - Sarah Ferry. Pette Dike^.an. Abigail Betts. Lydia Lee. Martha Betts. Deborah Mallery. TaJbitha Read. Rebecca Burr. Ruhannaih Barlow. Eunice Griffin. Elizabeth Burr. Asena Taylor. Eunice Mallery. Rebecca Wildman. Abigail Hall. Elizabeth Bryant. Lois Sanford. Abigail St. John, /xdria Couch. Abigail Gold. Katherine Johnson. Esther Burr. Mary Sanford. Phebe Morehouse. Hannah Osborn. Hepsibah Griffith. Anna Sanford. — Sarah Morehouse. Abigail Sanford. Molle Andrews. Sarah Adams. « — 196 HISTORY OF REDDING. Nov. 13, 1763. 16, " 23, " Dec. 3, " Dec. 21, " Feb. 9, 1764. June II, " Aug. 16, " Sept. 24, " Oct. 25. " Nov. 20, " Jan. 15, 1765. <( a July II, " Oct. 2, " Feb. 19, 1766. June 3, " i( <( June 26, " Sept. 18, " Nov. 7, " Nov. 20, " Jan. 8, 1767. Feb. 5, " Feb. 17, " Mch. 12, " 31, " Apr. 2, " 22, '' 23, " June 24, " July 23, " « it Nov. 5, " Nov. 10, " 19, " 29, " Dec. 6, " Mch. 25, 1768. 27, " Noah Hull. John Byington. Elnathan Lyon. Elijah Burchard. Samuel Olmstead. James Grey, Jr. Jesse Banks. John June. Hezekiah Batterson. Ephraim De Forest. John Clugston. Zac'hariah Summers. Samuel Rowley. Eleazer Olmsitead. Hezekia'h Whitlock. Isaac Piatt. James Russica. William Hambleton. Calvin Wheeler. Thomas Rockwell. Ephraim Jackson, Jr. Joseph Griffin. David Tierney. Seth Banks. Ezekiel Fairchild. Nehemiah Hull. Hubbell Bennett. Joseph Meeker. Jacob Lyon. Elijah Burr. Elnathan Sturges. Ezekiel Sanford. James Prindle. Samuel Sanford, Jr. Burgess Hall. Abijah Fairchild. Nathaniel Northrop. Stephen Sanford. Joseph Banks. Levi Seeley, Stephen Meeker. Lt. Peter Fairchild. Sarah Banks. Sarah Gray. Jane Knap. Ruth Morehouse. Sarah Bartram. Mabel Phinney. Mabel Wli^^leij.^ ^ j^v>^-^ Sarab Jeaiiks (JeiJalas,?). Mary Sherwood. Sarah Betts. Charity Jennings. Martha Burr. Sarah Corns. Grace Pickett. Anne Piatt. Mary Pickett. Sarah Rumsey. Martha Prince. Mary Thorp. Tabitha Sanford. Martha Hull. Esther Hall. Sarah Gold. Sarah Piatt. Eunice Andrews. Griswold Perry. Rebecca Pickett. Mary Darling. Hannah Wheeler. Rhoda Sanford. Ruth Hawley. Sarah Sturges. Rhoda Mallery. Sara'h Olmstead. Whitehead. Huldah Burr. Esther Gold. Abigail Ward. Anne Morehouse. Anna Meeker. Anne Lee. Mary Lock wood. HISTORY OF REDDING. 197 Aug. 22, 1768. Jdhn Parker. Sarah Sherwood. Sept. 20, (< Hezekiah Bulkley. Sarah Rumsey. Nov. 8, ii Abel Morehouse. Betty Squire. 9. (t Solomon Northrop. Sarah Knapp. 29, (( John Darling Guyer. Rebecca Hill. Mch. 4. 1769, William Sloan. Mary Read. Apr. 7, <>' Andrew Knapp. Rebecca Monroe. June 20, " Ephraim Robbins. Sarah Couch. July 2^, 1769. Henry Hopkins, Hannah Burr. Aug. 17, ** Nathan Jackson. Elizabeth Osbom. 23. << Silas Lee. Witelee Meeker. Sept. 26, (< Nehemiah Seeley. Sarah Dibble. Oct. 10, << Aaron Barlow Rebecca Sanford. Jan. 24, 1773- Lazarus Wheeler. Hannah Gorham. Feb. 22, << William Bradley. Mary Westcot?t. Apr. 27. <( EHjah Burr. Eunice Hawley. 28, (>' Elnathan Sturgis. Martha Jackson. May 19. (>' Chauncey Merchant. Hannah Hambletc Oct. 17. tt Giles Gilbert.* Deborah Hall. Sept 30, n Joseph Jackson, Jr. Mary Edmond. Oct. 3. II Russell Chapel.* Sarah O&borne. HISTORY OF REDDING. 199 Mch. 9. 1780. William Darrow.* Ruth Bartram. Mch. 20, " John Dikeman. Sara'h Meeker. Record of Baptisms. Date. Child's Name. Parent's Name. Mch. 25, 1733. Abel. Nathaniel Sanford. It (1 Abigail. Ebenezer Perry. Apr. 9, " Esther. Daniel Bradley. May 28, " Bethel Benjamin Lyon. (< << Esther. Benjamin Hambleton. July 8, " Elizabeth, Joshua Hall. 29, " Seth. George Hull. <( (< Samuel. Samuel Chatfield. <( << Rachel. Ephraim Sanford. (( << Robbin. Servant of John Hull. Feb. 10, 1734. Timothy. Joseph Sanford. Mch. 31, " Abigail. John Hull. Apr. 7, " Jemima. Baterson. 22, " Daniel. Samuel Sanford. Nov. 10, " Timothy. Daniel Lyon. 24. " Millison. ' '. Joshua Hall. 29, " Esther. Peter Burr. <( << Sarah. Lemuel Sanford. Dec. 15, " Stephen. Daniel Bradley. Mch. 2, 1735. Hezekiah. John Read. 30, " Martha. Deacon Stephen Burr. May 4, " Isaac. Joseph Meeker. U (< Seth. Benjamin Hambleton. Apr. 27, " York. " Servant to Joseph Sanford. May 18, " Abigail. Ephraim Sanford. May 25, " Rebecca. George Hull. It n Anna Aldridge. George and Anna Coins. Aug. 23, " Seth. Samuel Sanford. 31, " Daniel. Samuel Chatfield. Nov. 23, " Jane. Zachariah Squire. Jan. II, 1734. Jdhn. i ' John Mallery. 25, " Eunice. Joseph Darling. It It Andrew. Servant Samuel Sanford. It ti - Caesar. Servant Ephraim Sanford. Feb. 21, 1736. Sarah. Peter Burr. * Soldiers in Putnam's army, encamped in Redding this winter. There is no further record of marriages until 1809. 200 HISTORY OF REDDING. Apr. 4, 1736 Parrow. i8, « Abigail. May 9, .'( Sarah. Jun 13, <( Mabel. 20, (( Sarah. 26, <( Joseph. « « Thomas. (( M Andrew. « (« Kate. (( <( Phillip. July 25, (( Esther. Aug. 22, it John. Nov. I, a Anna. Jan. 2, I 717' Ezra. (( (( Deborah. Feb. 20, << Mary. Mch. 13, << Hannah. Apr. 17, <( Samuel. May 12, <( Ruth. Aug. 14, << Ezekiel. Sept. 4, <( Nanny. Feb. 5, 1738. Rebecca. Mch. 19, <( Mary. Apr. 15, <( John. (( (( Benjamin. (( (( Joanna and Mary 23. (( Amelia. June 4, << Lydia. July 23, « Zalmon. <( « Nathan. <( It Sara'h. Aug. 5, (( Samuel. (( a Genne. 20, (( Nathan. Oct. 15, << Eunice. 22, (( Timothy. <( (( Bille. « <( Eunice. Dec. 17, <( Elizabeth. 31- (( Daniel. Jan. 13, 1739- Rebecca. Mch. 4, << Eunice. ' Servant Deacon Burr. Timothy Piatt. John Griffin. Joshua Hall. Jonathan Morelhouse. Joseph Sanford. Servant John Read. John Hull. Benjamin Lyon. Lemuel Sanford. Peter Burr. Benjamin Hambleton. Obadiah Piatt. Ephraim Sanford. Samuel Ohatfield. Nathaniel Sanford, James Bradley. Parrow. Peter Mallery. Samuel Sanford. James Morgan. Joseph Darling. Jonathan Moiehouse. Benjamin Hambleton. Lemuel Sanford. John Read. David Crofoot. John Darling. Benjamin Lyon. Parrow. Joseph Sanford. Daniel Dean. Thomas Fairdiild. John Griffin. John Mallery. Jonathan Meeker. Peter Mallery. James Bradley. HISTORY OF REDDING. 201 Mch. 4. 1739- 25. " Apr. 24, " May 6, " 12, " 15. " 20, " June 3, July 15. " 29. " Aug. 5. " Nov. II, " 18, " Dec. 2, " 16, " [Feb. 24, 1740. Mch. 9, " Apr. 13, " 20, " 27. " July 6, '' Aug. 17, " Sept. 14, " Oct. 9, " Jan. II, 1741. 10, " Feb. 20, " Apr. 12, " May 10, " 24. " 31. " Aug. I, "^^ Sept. 20, Nov. 22, " Jan. 31, 1742. Fe( Nathan. Dec. 19. (< Benjamin. Jan. i3> 1743- Abigail. Apr. " Nehemiah. May 8, II James. Feb. 12, <( Esther. ' <( Mabel. 19. i< Sibyl. May 27. " Abijah. < ( II Esther. < 1 II Phebe. June 3, II Mary. July I, II Hannah. 8. II Mary. Aug. < 5. It 11 Samuel. David. 12, II Stephen. Sept. 23, II Hannah. Oct. 7, II Anna. 14, (( Ruth. Nov. 5. II Levi. Mch. 10, 1745- Abner. May 5. << Samuel. Jonathan Morehouse. Lemuel Sanford. [Burr Maid servant to Deacon Ebenezer Couch. Edmund Sherman. David Gold. William Burrett. Thomas Fairchild. Solomon Burton. Samuel Sanford. Ebenezer Hull. Joseph Lee, Jr. Jabez Burr. Daniel Gray. Samuel Coley. Ebenezer Ferry. Joseph Sanford. James Bradley. Epbraim Sanford. Jdhn Wbitlock. Gershom Burril. Joseph Darling. William Lee. Adam Clark. Stephen Burr. Ephraim Wheeler. William Burrit. Thomas Fairchild. Nathaniel Sanford. Jonathan Morehouse. Frederick Dikeman, John Grey. Samuel Smith. Joseph Hawley. David Lord. Daniel Gold. John . Lemuel Sanford. Solomon Burton. Edmund Sherman, Nehemiah Booth. Samuel Sanford. HISTORY OF REDDING. 203 July 7. 1745- Abigail. James Bradley. J J 21, << Isaac. Gershom Burril. Sept. " Abijah. William Lee. Oct. 23. << Mary. (Six Thomas Fairchild. dates torn out.) Nov. 5.- 1746. Ruth. Joseph Hawley. 23, >< Jonathan, John Griffin. 27, << Anne. Frederick Dikeman. Dec. 7, " Ezekiel. Abraham Fairchild. Apr. 5. 1747- Daniel. Andrew and Kate. 10, •( Huldah. Jabez Burr. May 10, a Sara'h. Samuel Sanford. < <( Stephen. Stephen Gray. 3I' << Rhoda. Thomas Fairchild. June 7, << Witeley. Benjamin Meeker. 14, << Ruth. Jonathan Mordhouse 22, << Ger shorn. William Truesdale.^ July 26, " Justus. Elias Bates. Aug. 2. << Elijah. Elnafhan. Ebenezer Couch. Daniel Meeker. Oct. 8, (< Daniel. Joseph Rumsey. Jan. 31. 1748. Esther. Hezekiah Rowland. Mch. 20, << John. John Couch. 27. <( Elias. Elias Bixby. < < ( Sarah. Adam Clark. K Martha. Daniel Hull. « Abigail. John Rumsey. M Damaris. Andrew and Kate. Mtfh. 25. << Isaac. Abraham Fairchild. Oct. 20, (( Hanna'h. Daniel Gold. n William. William Truesdale. tt Hanford. Nehemiah Smith. Feb. 2, ^7S2' J6hn. John Read, Jr. « Jdhn. Jonas Piatt. (( Sarah. Elias Bates. Jan. 21, 1753- Stephen. Jdhn Couch. it Mary. James Green. Feb. 25, it Hezekiah. John Read. (( Rachel. Samuel Sanford. « Ephraim. Joseph Rumsey. (( Chauncey. Gurdon Marchant. <( Rachel. Jdhn Rumsey. « Simon. Andrew and Kate. Mch. 28, « Lois. Daniel Meeker. Apr. 5. (( Sarali. William Truesdale.' May 13, « William. William Lee. By Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett. May 27, Mary. June 3, Hezekiah. 24, Stephen. July 8, David. 15. Augustus. <( Joseph. « Josiah. Daniel and Grace Gold. Daniel and Mary Hull. John and Rachel Truesdal Abra'ham and Rachel Fairchild. Ephraim and Elizabetlh Sanford. John and Hannah Gray. Jacob and Kate Lovett. HISTORY OF REDDING. 205 Aug. 26, 1753- Abel Eldridge. <( it Joseph. 11 it Ezra. Feb. 10, 1754- Simon. << « Lena. it <( Jacob. K <( Sarah. Feb. 14, « Sarah. Mch. 3, (( Eunice. 10, « Millison. Apr. 28, " Ezra. 29, (( Hanford. June 9, (< Russell. Aug. I,, (( Daniel. 25, « Nathan. Sept. 22, <( Isaac. 29, « Ruth. Oct. 27, « Stephen. Nov. 13, « Rachel. Jan. 2, 1755- Eunice. 19. (( Ezra. 26, it Theode. Feb. 6, it Ned. 23» if Seth. Mch. 23, it Seth. it K Ezskiel. Apr. 13, it Mary, 20, it Adria. 27, it Esther. June I, it Justin. <( it Mary. 8, it Molle. July 12, it Samuel. it t( Justus. Aug. 13, it Esther and Eunice 3i» ii Abigail <( U John. Oct. 19, it Ann. it it Abigail. Dec. I, tt Hannah. 28, (t Esther. Feb. 22, 1756. Sarah. (Adult.) Abel Eldridge. John and Esther Bates. Jonathan and Deboralh Dudley. tt tt James and Sarah Gray. Benjamin and Mary Dean. Timothy and Anne Hull. Gershom and Abigail Coley. John and Sarah Davis. Gershom and Anne Morehouse. Nehemia'h and Rebecca Smith. Nathanid and Eunice Bartlett. Jonas and Elizabeth Piatt. Daniel and Sarah Mallery. Benjamin and Hannah Hambleton. John and Sarah Read. Daniel and Sarah Coley. William and Sarah Read. John and Hannah Gray. Stephen and Rachel Mead. Ebenezer and Anna Couch, Servt. Samuel Smith. Seth and Hannah Hull. William and Sarali Lee. Jabez and Elizabeth Burr. John and Esther Bates. John and Sarah Coudi. Ephraim and Elizabeth Sanford. William and Deliverance Truesdale John and Esther Rumsey. Samuel Coley, Jr. Abraham and Rachel Fairchild. Daniel and Mary Hull. Benjamin and Katherine Meeker. John Read. Gurdon Merchant. *^ Nehemiah and Eliza'beth Sanford. Daniel and Marv Dean. Benjamin and Henmaih Hambleton. Benjamin and Mary Dean. John and Sarah Davis. 2 o6 HISTORY OF REDDING. Apr. 4, 1756. 10, ''^ May 2, << (< 16, " 23- " 30, " July 18. " Aug. 8, 22, " Jan. 2, 1757. 16, " <( << 23, " Mch. 27, " Apr. 24, " (< << May 29, " July 17, " Aug. 28, " Sept. 4, '' 5, " <( (( Oct. 16, " « (I Nov. 13, " 16, " Jan. 8, 1758. Mdh. 5, " Mch. 7, " 8, " Mch. II, " 26, " Apr. 16, " May 14, " May 21, " June 4, " Mary. Ezra. Deborah. Hezekiah. Hannaih. Samuel. Peter. Eunice. Bille. Nathan. Ephraim. Saralh. Joel. Daniel Collins. Stephen. Hezekiah. Nathaniel and Abigail. Abigail. Ta:bitha. Aaron. Josiah. Elizabeth. Eunice. Ruth. Hannah. Rachel. Solomon. Mabel. Huldah. Burr. Ellenor. Andrew. Isaac. Mary. Benjamin. Stephen. Tabitha. Abigail. Thomas Nash. Aaron. Sarah. Jabez and Deborah Frost. Timodiy and Anne Hull. John and Sarah Read. Joseph and Sarah Rumsey Stephen and Rachel Mead. Eleazer and Lucy Smith, Jr. Samuel and Saraih Sanford. J<.nas and Elizabeth Pla'tt. Gershom and Anne Morehouse. John and Esther Rumsey. Jehu and Sarah Burr. William and Sarah Read. NehemiaJh and Rebecca Smith. Nathaniel and Eunice Bartlett. Jabez and Elizabeth Burr. Daniel and Grace Gold. Nathaniel and Abigail HuM. Daniel and Sarah Mallery Benjamin and Hannah Hambleton. Hezekiah and Hannah Sanford. Daniel and Sarah Meeker. John and Sarah Couch. Timothy and Anne Hull. John and Esther Bates. Daniel and Mary Dean. Nathaniel Griffin. John and Charity Bartram. Ebenezer and Ruth Hull. Ebenezer and Prudence Gilbert. Gurdon and Elenor Marchant. James and Thankful Baker. David Whitlock. Col. John and Saralh Read. Seth and Phebe Raymond. Abraham and Rachel Fairchild. Benjamin and Hannah Hambleton. Daniel and Mary Hull. Simon and Rebecca Couch Gershom and Anne Morehouse. Hezekiah Piatt. HISTORY OF REDDING. 207 y 2, 1758. Aaron. « « Abigail. ig. 2^, (< Hannah. 30, « Samuel. pt. 25, " Betty. :t. 8. (< John. ;c. 20, '• Isaac. n. 14, 1759- Erastus. 28, (( David. 3i» « Joseph. b. 4. (( John. •b. 25, " Anne. (< (< Jesse. « ti Ezra. )r. 15, It Jeremiah. ay 6, ft Samuel. 13. n ti Esther. Zalmon. ne 10, '• Joseph. ly 8, tt Elizabeth. « n John. ■ig. 26, <( Hezekiah. « (( Lucy- << tt Hannah. pt. 9, tt Joel (daughter). « It Huildah. 23. it Mabel. << tt David. 2C. 9. " Catherine. n. 6, 1760. Walker. << << William. 17- <( Sarah. ^b. 3. << Ezra. ch. 16, tt Gurdon. <( tt John. 23. tt Ezra. pr. 19, It Eunice. ine 8, tt Mary. 22, << Jabez. (t John. < a Elizabeth. 19. n Hezekiaili. June 9> « Sarah. Aug. 16, a Justus. Sept. I, << Robert. ( u John. 8, (.' Peter. i5> <( Squire. f( << Stephen. ID, (( Rhoda. t( (< Daniel. June 7, <( Eunice. John and Katherine Griffin. Paul and Mary Bartram. Joseph and Hepsibah Sanford. David and Anna Jackson. James and Ellenor Rogers. Daniel Couch. Silas and Witely Lee. Stephen and Abigail Sanford. Timothy and Mary Sanford. Jared and Mabel Meeker. Seth and Ellen Meeker. Seth and Rebecca Sanford. Gurdon and Ellenor Mardhant. William and Mary Slone. Joseph and Joanna Adams. John and Saraih Byington. Abraiham and Sarah Adams. John and Ru'hamah Gray. Elijah and Rhoda Burr. William and Lydia Hawley. Abijah and Huldah Fairchild. Justus and Hannah Bates. Hezekiah and Sarah Piatt. Martha Darling. Ephraim and Martha Jackson. Oliver and Rachel Sanford. William and Sarah Read. Jabez Frost. Gershom and Ann Morehouse. Abraham and Sarah Adams. David and Abiah Sanford. Daniel and Ann Bartram. Timothy Hull. (Slave) Isaac Gorham. Nathan and Mabel Coley. John and Sarah Davis. Daniel Couch. Obadiah Wood. Ephraim and Sarah Robbins. Preserved Taylor. Jared and Mabel Meeker. Hezekiah and Hannah Sanford. 214 HISTC June 14, 1772. Anna, a >< Ezekiel. July 5> " Aaron. Aug. 2, " Aaron. it a Eli. << « Walter. (t n Mary, Aug. 16, " Elijah. Sept. 6, " Joseph. << n En OS. 20, " Abraham. 24, " Simon. <' <( Lemuel. Oct. 4, " Elias. Nov. I, " Sarah. 2Z, " Molle. Dec. 6, " John. 13, " Mary. Jan. 10, 1773. Israel. it i{ Timothy. 15, " Uriah. Feb. 28, " Anne. Mch. 28, " Jabez. 30, " Mary. Apr. 18, " Phebe. May 2, " Mabel. (< « Rhoda. 6, " Elias. 9. " Ezra. Aug. 15, " Mary. 29, " Seth. Sept. 19, " Hannah, tc it Eunice. tl (t Peg. Oct. 3, " James Gale Nov. 7, " John Read, 21, " Ruth. Jan. 2, 1774. Elnathan. 17, " David. Feb. 20, " David. Mch. 13, " Hezekiah. Apr. 10, " William. 19, " Mabel. HISTORY OF REDDING. David and Anna Jackson. Ebenezer and Rachel Coley. John and Esther Bates. Ebenezer Couch. Jonathan Coudh. William and Mary Stone. David and Sarah Turney. Isaac Gray. Joseph and Grace Burr. Enos Wheeler. Michael Wood. Reuben and Prudence Salmon. Justus and Hannah Bates. Joseph and Mary Darling. Seth and Ellen Meeker. Stephen and Abigail Sanford. Ephraim and Sarah Robbins. Abraham and Joanna Adams. Daniel and Elizabeth Perry, Jr. James and Ellenor Rogers. Daniel and Anne Bartram. Henry and Hannah Hopkins. Michael Wood. Jesse and Mabel Banks. Lemuel and Mary Sanford. Nathaniel and Abigail Terrelh Paul and Mary Bartram. William and Sarah Read. Seth and Rebecca Sanford. Timothy and Elizabeth Parsons. Preserved Taylor. (Slave) Samuel Smith. Dr. Asaael Fitdi. Ephraim and Abigail Wheeler, Jr. Nathan Sanford. Aaron and Rebecca Barlow. David and Abiah Sanford. Jared and Mabel Meeker. Ephraim and Martha Jackson, Elijah Couch. Cornet and Sarah Hill. HISTORY OF REDDING. 215 Apr. 22, 1774. John. May 15, " Polle. 29. '; Abigail. June 19, Molle. July 31, " Sarah. Sept. 4; " Eunice. n a Joseph. it << William. 18, " Lemuel. Oct. 21, " Mary. Nov. 18, " Isabel. Dec. 4, " Samuel. i( a Moses. it ti Ellenor. 18, " Molle. Jan. I, 1775- William. 15. " Sarah. Feb. 3, " Uriah. 5, " Benjamin. 12, " Ninizo. « << Nanny. « " Tamar. 19, " Betty. Mch. 5, '\^ Daniel. Apr. 9, William. n « Esther. It « Zalmon. May 14, Lois. June 25, Samuel << <•• Sarah. July 16, " Aaron. ', i 3-4 yrs. Mch. 19, 1736. Abigail, w. Peter Burr. Aug. 28, " Elizabeth, d. Asa Hull, 7 years. Sept. 3, " Deborah, d. Joshua Hull, 5 yrs. Mch. 22, 1737. , s. Samuel Smith, infant. May 29, " Jesse, s. Timothy Piatt, 2-3. Mch. 1738. Rebecca, d. Peter Mallery, 4 mos. HISTORY OF REDDING. 219 I74I. ^ch. 2q, 1739. ^ay 17, " an. 1740. 29, " ''■eb. 5, " 21, " klch. 20, " ^pr. 15, " 2^, " line " )ct. 20, " uly 4, )€pt. 18, >Ct. 21, " an. 2, 1742. Vlay 1744. Sept. I, 1745. ^ch. 14, 1754. ran. 28, 1755. ^ch. ^y, " Vl-ay 16, " rune 3, " fune 22, " Sept. 2, " \pr. 26, 1757. sept. 23, " Mch. 8, 1758. II, " ^PT. 28, " Feb. 2, 1759. May 5, " 17, " Nov. 15, " Dec. 2, " Oct. 14, 1760. 28, " Nov. 6, " II, " 16, " 26, " Hezekiah, s. John Read, 4 yrs. Seth, s. Samuel Smith. Richard Lyon, ae. 87 yrs. Elizabeth, d. Gershom Burril, 2-3. Anne Aldredge, d. Anne Corns, 4-5. John, s. Joseph Lee, 14 yrs. William Edwards, 22 yrs. Sarah, w. Samuel Chatfield, 34 yrs. Phillip, s. Deacon Burr, 13-14. Thomas, Indian Servt. John Read. Sarah, d. Adam Clark, 10 mos. Isaac Hall. Mary Hull, 17 yrs. Mary, w. David Gray (?) Nathaniel Gray. Nathan, s. James Bradley. , w. John Clugston. Ezra, s. John Bates, 8 mos. Mary Ann, d, William and Mary Raymond, 7 yrs. Esther, d. Ephraim and Elizabeth Sanford, 10 hrs. John Gray, about 47 yrs. Abigail, d. William Lee, 7 yrs. Elizabeth Morehouse. Eunice, d. Widow Hannah Gray, 8 mos. Tabitha, d. Benjamin & Hannah Hambleton i mo. Ensign John Read. Mary, d. Col. John Read, 4 days. Phebe, w. Seth Raymond, 20 yrs. John Clugston, 64 yrs. Samuel s. Eleazar and Lucy Smith, 2 yrs. Joseph, s. Paul and Mary Bartram, 4 days. Dinah, w. Parrow (slave), 46 years. Elizabeth, w. of John Clugston, 55 yrs. Joseph Johnson, 24 yrs. Daniel Barlow, 25 yrs. Esther, d. Nathaniel Hull, i 1-2 yrs. Ruth„ti.VStephen Betts, ^4 yrs. Arsena, w. James Gray, Jr. Elizabeth Hull, 64 yrs. Elizabeth, w. Jabez Burr, 42 yrs. Elizabeth, w. Stephen Burr, 62 yrs. Joseph Rumsey, 40 yrs. 2 20 HISTORY OF REDDING. Dec. 1 6, 1760. 17, " Feb. 2, 1 761. 7- '■ Feb. 25, 1 76 1. « (t Apr. 30, " May I, " June 18, " Dec. 5, 1762. Mch. 10, 1763. 21, " 5. 1764- 19, " June 28, " July 16, - Jan. 20, 1765. Apr. 10, 1766. July 24, " Aug. 8, " Sept. 14, " Oct. 25, " Mch. 26, 1767. June 23, July 9, " Jan. 30, 1768. Feb. 7, " Mch. 7, " Apr. 24, " "4. 28, " May 5, " une II, July 7. " Nov. 6, " Feb. 2, 1769. 9. June 18, " July 16, " Sept. 4, " 26, " Abigail Bixby. Abigail Hull. Capt. Ephraim Sanford, 53 yrs. Daniel Rumsey, ^y yrs. , Nathaniel and Abigail Hull. Nanne, slave Benj. Darling, 15-16. Ensign Elias Bates. Phyllis, slave Benjamin Darling, 11 yrs. Scth, s. Benjamin Hambleton, 6 mos. Ruhamah, w. Calvin Wheeler, 19 yrs. - — ^ Sarah, w. Joseph Rumsey, 20-21. Stephen, s. Abner Taylor, 25 yrs. John, s. Anne Ward (and Mos'es), 7 yrs. , John and Sarah Read, at birtlh. j Eunice, w. John Clugston, 23-24. | Abraham, s. Abraham Fairdiild, 19 yrs. Lois, d. Benjamin and Katherine Meeker, 12 yrs., William, s. William and Lydia Hawley, infant. David Burr, 56 yrs. Deborah, w. Abraham Adams. Ruth, wid. Nathaniel Hunn, 67 yrs. Elnathan, s. Elnathan and Deboraih Sanford, 4 yrS: Abner, s. Gershom and Anna Morehouse, 17 yrs. Esther, d. Nathaniel Hull, infant. Abner Booth, 22 yrs. ! Joanna, w. Joseph Banks, 53 yrs. Matilda, d. William and Sarah Read, 6 mos. Venus, slave Simon Couch. David Bartram, about 60 yrs. Ezekiel, s. Nehemiah and Griswold Hull, infant. Mehetable, w. Josiah, 53 yrs. John Dikeman, 97 yrs. Ephraim Jackson, 65-6. '** Gershom Morehouse, 64 yrs. Elephalet, s, James Gray, 19 yrs. Capt. Samuel Sanford, 62 yrs. , Timothy and Mary Sanford, infant. George Hull, 83 yrs. Ruth, d. Paul and Mary Bartram, 11 hrs. Hannalh Hawley (Joseph), 59 yrs. Esther, d. Stephen and Abigail Sanford. , w. Thomas Williams, 84 yrs. bee. 5, 1769 [eb. 21, 1770. lar. 24, n Lpr. 29, 11 lay 15, it Jov. 6, « 12, i( )ec. 8, tl /[ay 29, I77I. )ec. 12, (( ( 25> lay II, 1772. lUg. 21, (( an. II, 1773- lay II, It .ug. 28, li .pr. 20, 1774- [ay 19, <( Lily 22, (< 31, << ug- 6, (( 28, (( ct. 5> li li It 2. ii 7. It ov. 27, It ec. 17, 11 tl eb. 2, 1775- 4, (( 5, (( HISTORY OF REDDING. 221 -, w. Timothy Piatt, 62 yrs. Hill, s. of George and Anne Mordiouse, 5 yrs. Abner, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Q)uch. Jabez Burr. Daniel, s. Abraham Fairchild, 22 yrs. Gurdon Marchant, 46 yrs. :-■■ Rebecca, d. Daniel Meek-er, 20 yrs. Eunice, d. Dea. Lemuel Sanford, 25 yrs. Anna, d. David and Anna Jackson, 9 mos. Juiseph Hawley, 66 yrs. Parrow. Francis, s. Henry and Hannah Hopkins, i mo. Mary, d. Daniel Couch, 2 mos. Jdhn, s. Stephen Sanford, 2 yrs. Rhoda, w. Elijah Burr, 24 yrs. Betsey Canada (Burr), 17 yrs. Twins, Ghauncey and Hannah Marchant, birth. ^ — Mabel, d. Cornet and Sarah Hill, birth. Huldah, w. Abijah Fairchild, 27 yrs. Sarah, w. Col. John Read, 48 yrs. Widow Allen (supposed) 98 yrs. Squire, s. Obadiah Wood, 2 1-2 yrs. Ellen, w. Seth Wheeler, 23 yrs. Elnatban, s. Aaron and Rebecca Barlow, 10 y. 11 m. Ruth, d. Preserved Taylor, 7 yrs. Hannah, d. Preserved Taylor, 5 yrs. Eleazar Smith, 74 yrs. Darius, s. Onesimus Coley, 6 yrs. Mabel, d. Jesse and Mabel Banks, 2 yrs. Lemuel, s. Reuben and Prudence Salmon, 3 yrs. Nehemiali Smith. Daniel, s. Daniel and Abiah Sanford, 16 mos. Widow Sturges, 80 yrs. Es'tiher, w. Nathan Burr, 21 yrs. Records of marriages, baptisms and deaths of the Congregational hurch close with 1780, and do not begin again until 1809, in the pastor- ;e of the Rev. Daniel Crocker. The early parish records of Christ piscopal Church are missing. The town record of vital statistics be- ins 1767, and ends in 1804. These records were kept in a fragmentary lanner, the town clerk seemingly having invited the heads of families at irious times to bring in for record a list of their children. 222 HISTORY OF REDDING. From 1820 to 1832 ministers and Justices of the Peace reported mar- riages to the town clerk, under a State law; in 1832 a law was enacted compelling them to make such returns. The probate records of Redding date from 1839, and are in the hands of Judge John Nickerson, who is also town clerk, and has the custody of the town records. The clerk of the Congregational Society having charge of its records is John B. Sanford. From 181 2 to 1839 the Pro- bate records were kept in Danbury, where they may be found for those years. Prior to 181 2 they were in Fairfield. CHAPTER XXIV. The Early Families of Redding.* ADAMS. Joseph Adams removed, when a young man, from Boston to Fair- field, and married soon after, Joanna Disbrow of Fairfield. About 1760 he removed to Redding and settled in Lonetown on the farm later owned by his grandson, Stephen. He died May 18, 1826, age 86 years. His children were: Stephen, bapt. Aug. 15, 1762; 2, Hezekiah, bapt. Sept. 30, 1764; 3, Ellen, bapt. Nov. 10, 1765; 4, Abigail, bapt. March 6, 1768; 5, Joseph, bapt. April 28, 1771 ; 6, Israel, bapt. Jan. 10, 1773 ; 7, Aaron, bapt. July 16, 1775 ; 8, Nathan, bapt. Sept. 6, 1778. Of these children Stephen enlisted in the Continental Army and never returned. Hezekiah married Betty Parsons of Redding, and had Betsey, who married John Gray and settled in Norwalk; Stephen, who lived in the old homestead and died aged ninety-nine; Lemuel, who also lived in Redding, and died aged ninety-eight; 'Aaron, who removed to the west, and Elenor, who married Hawley Judd. Stephen married Polly Judd of Bethel, Conn., and had two children, twins, Henry and Harriet. Henry married Juliet Hawley of Monroe, and had three children, George Henry, Eugene and John. George Henry married Miss Emma Olmstead of Redding and had one child, who died in infancy. He died in 1878. Eugene married Miss Josephine Clark of Bethel, Oct. 30, 1872, and has one child. May Helen, who married Theodore Haight of Ridgefield, ♦These notes are not intended as complete histories of the families mentioned, but rather as sketches of the early settlers of the town and as aids to the geneal- ogist. For complete histories the early records of Fairfield, Stratford, Norwalk, West- port, Newtown and Danbury should also be consulted. < Oh < U w ►J X H -J [i c W 5 HISTORY OF REDDING. 223 :onn., June 16, 1904, and has one child, Eugene Milton, born Apr. 16, 905. John married Miss Jennie Sherwood of Redding, and has one m, Clayton Sherwood, born Jan. 4, 1888. Mr. John Adams is foreman f the shipping department of the United States Armory at Springfield, lass. Mr. Henry Adams died Aug. 5, 1906. His wife, JuUet, died lov. 20, 1905. Lemuel, 2d, son of Hezekiah Adams, married Miss Rebecca Hoyt of (anbury, and had two children, Julia, who married Dr. Joseph E. Clark f Redding and had two children, Henrietta and Joseph, and Theodore, ho married Miss Sarah Gates of Newfane, Vt., and had two children, ulia R. and Edgar C. Julia R. died in girlhood. Edgar C. has been )r many years inspector in the United States Armory at Rock Island, linois. Mr. Theodore Adams, after holding a responsible position for thirty- ve years with the large carriage manufacturing firm of William H. mith, of Springfield, Mass., has recently come back to live in the old omestead of his father in Redding. Lemuel Adams held a captain's commission in the State Militia dur- ig the War of 1812, and at one time was detailed to take his company > the defense of New London, then menaced by a British fleet. Israel, sixth child of Joseph Adams, married Abigail Stowe, March 3, 1796, and settled in Lonetown near his father. Their children were, hilo, Linda, Lucinda, John, Huldah, Betsey, Amanda, Polly and Minot, le latter now living, aged 88 years. Israel Adams died Sept. 27, 1838; is wife, Abigail, died Oct. 27, 1824. Joseph Adams, the original settler, died May 18, 1826, aged 86 years; is wife, Joanna Disbrow, died Nov. 5, 1829, aged 90 years. It is related of Hezekiah Adams, second son of Joseph the first, that )o young to enlist as a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, he entered le service as a teamster, and on one occasion drove a wagon, loaded with panish milled dollars, to Baltimore. Abraham Adams, brother of Joseph, was contemporary with him in .edding, and lived where Joseph Hill now resides. His wife was Sarah . Their children were: Ann, baptized March 6, 1768; Deborah, aptized April 28, 1771 ; Sarah, baptized July 31, 1774, died in infancy; arah, baptized October 20, 1776; Eli, baptized January 30, 1780. Fam- y record mentions a son Abraham. This family probably removed to le West. BANKS. Jesse Banks, son of Joseph Banks, of Fairfield, removed to Redding t an early day; married, June 11, 1763, Mabel Wheeler (town record lys Mehitable Wheeler). Their children were: Hyatt, born December 224 HISTORY OF REDDING. 9, 1764; Jesse, born October 29, 1766; Joanna, born July 27, 1768; Mabel, born October 2, 1772, died in infancy; Mary, born June 2^, 1774; Mabel, born November 17, 1776. Jesse married, December 15, 1787, Martha Summers. Mabel mar- ried Ebenezer Foot, August 29, 1797. Seth Banks also appears in Red- ding contemporary with Jesse; married Sarah Pickett, November 20, 1766, and had children: Mehitable, born January 15, 1768, and Thomas; and perhaps others. BARLOW. The Barlow family in Redding is descended from John Barlow, whc appears in Fairfield as early as 1668, and died in 1674. Samuel Barlo\ son of Samuel Barlow, of Fairfield, grandson of John Barlow, he a soi of the first settler of that name, removed to Redding about 1740, anc settled in what is now Boston district, near the present residence of Brad-j ley Hill. He married, first, Eunice^ daughter of Daniel Bradley, of Fairfield, August 2, 1731. Their children were: Daniel, born Novem- ber 24, 1734; Ruhamah, born January 22, 1737; James, born January 29J 1739; Jabez, born March 21, 1742. After the death of his first wifeJ Samuel Barlow married Esther, daughter of Nathaniel Hull, of ReddingJ August 7, 1774. She died August 28, 1775, aged fifty-four years. Theii children were: Nathaniel, born May 13, 1745; Aaron, born February 11^ 1750; Samuel, born April 3, 1752; Joel, the poet, born March 24, 1754; Huldah, born . Mr. Samuel Barlow purchased his farm oi James Bradley for £2500. It consisted of 170 acres, with "buildings thereon," and was bounded on the north by the first cross Highway fror the rear of the long lots — without doubt the road before mentioned lead-j ing from Boston through the Centre to Redding Ridge. "This northei boundary," says Mr. Hill, ""together with the familiar names of the olc owners of property on the other side of the farm, and also the names oi such familiar localities on the farm as 'the boggs,' and the 'flat ridgeJ and the 'up and down road' leading to each from the main road, marfl this farm purchased by Samuel Barlow as being unmistakably the presen^ property of Bradley Hill, and the heirs of Gershom Hill. There was 01 it at the time a good substantial dwelling-house of respectable size, erect-j ed by a previous owner, and which stood about four hundred feet west of the present residence of Bradley Hill, on the same side of the street The house was demolished in 1823. Having purchased this propei January 2, 1749, he undoubtedly located his family on it the following spring, as in subsequent deeds he is recognized as a resident of the 'Parish of Reading.' It was here that Aaron, Samuel, Joel, and Huldah were born. It was here he lived and died, and from here he was buried HISTORY OF REDDING. 225 ti the old cemetery west of the Congregational Church in Redding Cen- re." Of the children of Samuel Barlow, Daniel and Ruhamah died early, ames settled in Ridgefield, on a farm of 130 acres conveyed to him by is father March 30, 1770. He had four children : Samuel, who re- loved to the South ; Lewis, Abigail, and James, who settled in Vermont, abez, the youngest son by the first wife, settled in Ohio. Nathaniel Harlow married Jane Bradley, who was born May, 1744. 'heir children were: Gershom, born October 21, 1865; died of con- [imption September 24, 1794. Esther, born September 30, 1767; a deaf lute; died May 10, 1783. Sarah, born January 16, 1770; died April 11, 845. Jonathan, born April 14, 1772; died August 28, 1775. Betsey, orn August 2, 1778; died September 9, 1864. Huldah, born April 3, 780, a deaf mute; died August 29, 1787. Mr. Nathaniel Barlow died )ecember 26, 1782. Aaron Barlow settled in Redding, in Umpawaug, on a farm purchas- d by his father several years before. He was a man of ability, tall, and ras of imposing bearing, and was an officer in the Revolution. He re- loved to Norfolk, Va., and died there of yellow fever. His children 'eve: Elnathan, who died young; Elnathan, died in the war of 1812; amuel, removed to Ohio; Stephen was a lawyer in Ohio; Daniel, lived tid died in Redding; Aaron, died at sea; Esther, died at Norfolk, of ellow fever ; Joel, died in Redding ; Rebecca, lived and died in Redding ; nd Thomas, called after Thomas Paine by his uncle Joel. Thomas was educated and adopted by his uncle, the poet, and accom- anied him to France as his private secretary. He was also his com- anion on the fatal journey to Wilna. After the death of his uncle, 'homas returned to America and established himself as a lawver in ittsburg, Pa., and died there. Of Joel Barlow, the poet, a full account is given elsewhere. BARTLETT. Fv.ev. Nathaniel Bartlett, second pastor of the Congregational Church L Redding, became a resident in 1753, and so remained until his death I 1810. He married, June 13, 1753, Mrs. Eunice Russell, of Bran- )rd, Conn. Their children were: Russell, bapt. June 9, 1754; Daniel ., bapt. January 16, 1757; Anne, bapt. February 25, 1759; Eunice, ipt. April 26, 1761 ; Jonathan, bapt. October 14, 1764; Lucretia, bapt. [arch 27, 1768. Russell married, February 28, 1776, Rachel Taylor, id had children: Clare, bapt. March 30, 1777, and Flora, bapt. August ), 1779. Daniel C. married Esther Read, January 7, 1778, and settled Amenia, N. Y., where some of his descendants now reside. Rev. mathan Bartlett married, first, Roda, daughter of Lemuel Sanford ; 2 26 HISTORY OF REDDING. I second, Betsey Marvin, of Wilton ; and, third, Abigail, daughter of Lem- uel Sanford. He had no children. Sketches of Rev. Jonathan Bartlett, and of his father, Rev. Nathaniel Bartlett, are given in the history of the Congregational Church. BARTRAM. David Bartram removed from Fairfield to Redding as early as 1733, in which year he appears as surveyor of highways. He was a farmer, and settled in Lonetown. He had five sons and three daughters born in Fairfield, viz. : David, Paul, James ; Daniel, born October 23, 1745 ; John, Mabel, Hannah, and Betsey. All the sons settled in Red- ding. David married, April 30, 1762, Phebe Morehouse, by whom he had Joel, David, John, Jonathan, Hulda, Hepsy, and Phebe. (Family record.) Paul married, September 19, 1756, Mary Hawley. Their children were: Joseph, born January 28, 1758, died in infancy; Mary, born May 12, 1760; Sarah, born August 6, 1762; Eunice, born January 3, 1765; Eli, born March 30, 1767; Ruth, born January 7, 1769; Ezekiel, born July 9, 1770, (Town record); Ezra, bapt. May 9, 1773; Joseph, bapt. March 10, 1776. (Family record mentions a daughter Olive.) Of these children, Mary married Jabez Burr, and removed to Clarendon, Vt. Sarah married Milo Palmer, and removed to the same place. Eu- nice married Daniel Parsons, of Redding. Eli married Dolly Lyon, of Redding; and about 1804 removed to Delaware Co., N. Y. His chil- dren were William, Belinda, Phebe, and Lodema. Ezekiel married Esther, daughter of Jonathan Parsons, of Redding. Their children 1 were: Mary, Jared, Milo, Clarissa, Elizabeth, Jehu, Sarah, Elias, Ezra, Phebe, and Noah. One of his sons, Jehu, studied law and rose to emi- nence in the profession ; was judge, representative, and senator. Ezekiel removed to Ohio at an early day, and settled in Marion, where he resided until his death, March 15, 1845. Ezra was a sailor; married Elinor, daughter of Chauncey Merchant, of Redding, and quitting the sea, re- moved to Delaware Co., N. Y., where he died shortly after, leaving chil- dren — Joel M., Ezra, Uriah, and Lucy. Joseph removed first to Ver- mont, and afterward to Tioga Co., N. Y. Olive married Justus Stillson, of Redding, and removed to Groton, N. Y. James Bartram, son of David, settled in Redding. Was a private in the Revolution. Married Hannah Morehouse, who became the mother of twenty-one children, ten only of whom survived. These were : Isaac, born April 15, 1758; Noah, born 1760; James, born 1770; Aaron, born February 21, 1784; Lucy, Hannah, Betsey, Irena, and Anna. Of these children, Isaac settled in Redding ; married Molly Hamilton, by whom he had seven children : Isaac H., Harry, David, Willis, Chasie, Lucy, Polly, and Huldah. ISAAC H. BARTRAM. HISTORY OF REDDING. 227 Isaac H. Bartram, born May 22, 1785, married Lydia Piatt of Red- ding, November 11, 1811. Their children were: Betsey, born Aug. 5, 1812, m. Charles B. Rich, of Richville, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1833; Mary Jane, born Feb. 27, 1814, married John Harrington, of Newsted, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1861 ; Uriila, born 1816, died in 1822; Sally Hill, born Jan. 20, 1818, married Aaron Squire, of Weston, Apr. 14, 1834; Lydia, died in in- fancy; Lydia B., born Jan. 16, 1822, married Levi Drew of Bethel, Conn., Oct. 13, 1847; Abby, born Aug. 19, 1824, married Perry Fairchild, of Stepney, June 13, 1852; Adaline, born Dec. 29, i826,married AsabelP. Clapp, of Sharon, Oct., 1850; Lucy, born March 20, 1829, married Rev. Charles W. Lockwood, of Monroe, Apr. 23, 1850; Huldah, born July 4, 1831, married Comfort Blake, of Napanoch, N. Y. ; Laura, born Sept. 9, 1833, married Joel Osborne, of Redding, Nov. 9, 1852; Isaac Newton, born March 25, 1838, married Helen Delphine Winans, of New Haven, March 27, 1861 ; Ezra Albert, born Oct. 22, 1843, married Lucy Maria Stowe, of Redding, Oct. 22, 1862. Isaac H. Bartram died April 25, 1864; his wife Lydia died Oct. 6, 1873. Aaron, son of Tames, also settled in Redding, married Eunice Jen- kins, and raised a large family of children. Daniel, fourth son of David, also settled in Redding, was a tanner and currier by trade, and built the first works of the kind'in the town, on the ground later occupied by Walter M. Edmonds for the same purpose. He married, October 10, 1768, Ann Merchant, of Redding. Their chil- dren were: Esther, born April 16, 1770; Gurdon, born October 25, 1771, died in infancy; Anna, born January 23, 1773, died in infancy; Elinor, born March i, 1774, died in infancy; Gurdon, born September 21, 1776; Anna, born August 10, 1778, married Mead, settled in Ridgefield; Elinor, born February 4, 1780, died in infancy; Uriah, born January 9, 1782; Elinor, born October 28, 1783, married Nash, settled in Marion; Julilla, born November 12, 1785, married Bangs, settled in Central N. Y. ; Levi, born November 26, 1787; Phebe, born Septem- ber 19, 1790, married Curtin ; David, born June 5, 1795. At the time of Tryon's invasion, with nearly every other man in the town capa- ble of bearing arms, Daniel Bartram joined the militia and marched to the defence of Danbury. Being absent several days, he sent word to his wife that she must get some one to take the hides from the vats or they would spoil. There was not a man to be found ; and so the brave woman, leaving her four small children to amuse one another, caught her horse, hitched him to the bark mill, ground the bark, took the hides out, turned and repacked them and had just seated herself at the dinner- table when her husband rode up, having gained leave of absence for the purpose of attending to the matter. On the 3d of May, 1810, Daniel Bartram left Redding, accompanied by his wife, his four children, Uriah, 2 28 HISTORY OF REDDING. Levi, Phebe, and David, and several of his neighbors, for what was then the wilderness of Ohio. They arrived in Madison, Lake Co., Ohio, on the loth of June, where they settled, and where many of their descend- ants now reside. Daniel Bartram died in Madison, May 17, 181 7. His widow di^d August 3, 1835. Gurdon Bartram, the eldest son of Daniel, remained in Redding. He married, January i, 1804, Lorraine, daughter of Oliver Sanford, of Redding. Their children were: Aaron R., Lucy A., Barney, Coley, Betsey, Oliver, Daniel S., Ephraim, Levi, Frederick, Mary, and Julia. Gurdon Bartram died April 12, 1845, at the old home- stead later occupied by his grandson David. Uriah, second son of Daniel, settled in Madison, Ohio, where he died quite suddenly of heart- disease, June 28, 1830, leaving a wife and six children. Levi, third son of Daniel, settled in Madison, Ohio; married, June 17, 1813, Betsey Nott Walker, who was born in Ashford, Conn., April 29, 1790. Mr. Bartram died of heart-disease May 12, 1857, leaving a family of five children. His widow died June 13, 1863. David, fourth son of Daniel, also settled in Madison, and subsequently removed to Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. He married, March 12, 1818, Elizabeth Gregory, formerly of Harpersfield, N. Y. They had six children. Mr. Bartram died of heart disease September 2, 1875. John Bartram, son of David the first, married, September 19, 1756, Charity Bulkley. Family record mentions two children, Sally and Sam- uel. BATES. Elias Bates was received to church membership in Redding, Janu- ary 19, 1745. His wife, Sarah, March 4, 1748. There is no hint of his previous residence, and he probably came here direct from England. His children recorded in Redding were: Justus, baptized July 26, 1747; and Sarah, baptized February 2, 1752 ; by a second wife, Tabitha , Walker, baptized January 6, 1760; Elias, baptized February 16, 1761, died in infancy. John Bates, probably son of Elias, married Esther . Their children were: Ezra, baptized March 2;^, 1760, died in infancy; John, baptized July 25, 1762; Sarah, baptized May 5, 1764; Esther, baptized August 23, 1767; Nathan, baptized March 25, 1770; Aaron, July i, 1772; Martha and Slawson, January 26, 1778. Justus Bates, son of Elias, married Hannah Coley, May 23, 1770. They had one child, Elias, baptized October 4, 1772, who married, No- vember 9, 1793, Lydia Andrews, of Redding, and was the father of three children — Walker, born June 4, 1796; Amaziah, born May 17, 1801 ; and Harriet, born May 21, 1804. HISTORY OF REDDING. 2 29 BEACH. John Beach, missionary of the Church of England in Redding, was born in Stratford, Conn., October 6, 1700. His father was Isaac Beach, son of John Beach who came from England in 1643. He graduated from Yale College in 1721. He married, first Sarah , who died in 1756; and, second, Abigail Holbrook, who after his death returned to Derby. He had in all nine children. Those who had families were: Joseph, born September 26, 1727; Phebe, born 1729, married Daniel Hill of Redding, died 1751, leaving a son Abel; John, born 1734, married Phebe Curtis, died in 1791 ; Lazarus, born 1736, had two children, viz., Lazarus, born 1760, and Isaac, born 1773. Lazarus inherited his father's land in Redding, at Hopewell, near which he built his house. Lazarus Beach, Jr., was of a literary turn, and edited a paper at Bridgeport, and afterward at Washington, D. C. On his journey to the latter place he lost his trunk or valise, containing the Beach manuscripts, and all his materials gathered for the purpose of writing a memoir of his distinguished grandfather. He built the house now standing near Mr. Godfrey's. Isaac Beach built the house later occupied by Hull B. Bradley, now Mr. Noble Hoggson's. The Rev. John Beach lived about thirty or forty rods south of the church, proba- bly on the site of the old Captain Munger house, which has long since disappeared. Lucy, daughter of the Rev. John Beach, married Rev. Mr. Townsend, and was lost at sea on her passage to Nova Scotia, probably at the time of the great exodus of Loyalists after the Revolution. The mother of James Sanford, Sen., was the daughter of Lazarus and grand- daughter of Rev. John Beach. BENEDICT. The Benedicts were a Norwalk family and settled quite largely in Ridgefield. The first of the name whom I find in Redding was Thad- deus Benedict, who was a lawyer and town clerk for a term of years. His house stood in the lot adjoining the Congregational parsonage, near the site of the present residence of James Gregory. His law office was under the great elm in front of his house. He married Deborah Read, July 12, 1775, daughter of Colonel John Read, who bore him several children. BETTS. Lieutenant Stephen Betts, a prominent character in the Revolu- tion, lived on Redding Ridge, in a house that stood on the corner, nearly opposite the former residence of Francis A. Sanford. He was an active Whig, and was taken prisoner by the British on their march to Danbury in 1777. He had a son Daniel, and two or three daughters, of whom I 230 HISTORY OF REDDING. have no record. His son Daniel was a merchant for a while on Redding Ridge and then removed to New Haven, where some of his children are now living. BURR. Among the earliest settlers of Redding were Jehu, Stephen and Peter Burr, sons of Daniel Burr, of Fairfield, and brothers of the Rev. Aaron Burr, President of Princeton College. They all appear at about the same time, viz., 1730. In October of that year Stephen Burr was elected a member of the first Society Committee of the parish. He mar- ried Elizabeth Hull, June 8th, 172 1. Children: Grace, born December I2th, 1724; Elizabeth, born January 17, 1728; Hezekiah, born September ist, 1730; Sarah, born November 9th, 1732; Martha, born March 24th, 1735; Esther, born February 5th, 1743; Rebecca. He married, second, Abigail Hall, of New Jersey. He lived in a house that stood where Miss Burgess now lives. His only son, Hezekiah, died December, 1785, un- married. Of the daughters, Grace married Daniel Gold, Elizabeth mar- ried Reuben Squire, Sarah married Joseph Jackson, Martha married Zacariah Summers, Esther married Antony Angevine, and Rebecca, Seth Sanford. Deacon Stephen Burr died in 1779. Of him Colonel Aaron Burr wrote in his journal in Paris : "My uncle Stephen lived on milk punch, and at the age of eighty-six mounted by the stirrup a very gay horse, and galloped off with me twelve miles without stopping, and was I thought less fatigued than I." Peter Burr first appears in Redding as clerk of a society meeting held October nth, 1730. His children were Ellen, baptized September 19, 1734; Sarah, baptized February 21st, 1736; Ezra, baptized January 2d, 1737; Edmund, baptized September 28th, 1761. Peter Burr died in August, 1779. His children shortly after removed to Virginia. Jehu Burr and wife were admitted to church-membership in Redding September 24th, 1738. None of his children were recorded in Redding, and none, so far as known, settled there. He owned property in Fair- field, and probably spent the last years of his life there. Jabez Burr, son of Joseph Burr, of Fairfield, and his wife Elizabeth, appear in Redding as early as 1743. Their children were Elijah, bap- tized May 15th, 1743; Nathan, born January ist, 1745; Jabez, Ezekiel, born March 23d, 1755; Stephen, born January i6th, 1757; Joel, born September 9th, 1759; Eunice, Huldah, and Hannah. Jabez Burr died in 1770. He is said to have settled in the Saugatuck Valley, near the present residence of Stephen Burr, and to have built there the first grist-mill in the town. Of his children, Elijah married Roda Sanford, April 2d, 1767, and had children — Lemuel and Elizabeth; and by a sec- ond wife — Eunice Hawley, married April 27th, 1773 — Joseph, Roda, HISTORY OF REDDING. 231 John (who died of yellow-fever in the West Indies), and Lucy, who mar- ried Jonathan Knapp, of Redding. Nathan, the second son, removed to Pawlings, Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1792, and there founded a numer- ous and wealthy family. Jabez, the third son, married Mary, daughter of Paul Bartram, and removed to Clarendon, Vt., in 1786. He had one son, Aaron. Ezekiel, married Huldah Merchant, of Redding, who bore him three children : Aaron, who lived and died in the house nov/ owned by John Nickerson; William, who removed to Kentucky in 1816; and Huldah, who married Daniel Mallory in 1806, and removed to the West. A son of William Burr became President of the St. Louis National Bank. Another son, George, a teller in the same institution, was the companion of Prof. Wise in his late fatal balloon expedition, and shared the fate of the aeronaut. Stephen Burr married Mary Griffin, of Red- ding. His children were: Clara, Mary, Stephen, and Ezekiel. Joel Burr married Elizabeth Gold and settled in Ballston Springs, N. Y. BURRITT. William Burritt and wife were admitted members of the church De- cember 9th, 1739. No hint of their previous residence is given. Their children recorded at Redding were: Mary, baptized December i6th, 1739; Abijah, January i8th, 1741 ; Roda, October 24, 1742; Sybil, Febru- ary 19, 1744. Gershom Burritt appears at the same time. His son Solo- mon was baptized August 5th, 1739; Noah. January 31st, 1742; Na- thaniel, October 17th, 1743; Isaac, July 21st, 1745. BURTON. Benjamin, son of Solomon Burton, baptized December 19th, 1742. Ruth, daughter, baptized October 7th, 1744. Solomon Burton and wife, church members July 5th, 1741. CHATFIELD. Samuel Chatfield and wife were admitted church members July 29th, 1733. Their children recorded were: Samuel, baptized July 29th, 1733; Daniel, baptized August 31st, 1735; Sarah, April 17th, 1737; Martha, baptized May 20th, 1739. COUCH. Captain Samuel Couch, of Fairfield, was one of the largest landhold- ers in Redding at one time, and was largely instrumental in its settlement. He was, however, never resident here. Ebenezer Couch appears here as early as 1739. His children recorded were: Daniel, baptized July 29th, 1739; Adea, baptized September 19th, 1742; Elijah, baptized July 26th, 1747; Thesde, January 26th, 1755. 232 HISTORY OF REDDING. The following children of John Couch and his wife Elizabeth are recorded: John, baptized March 20th, 1748; Stephen, January 21st, 1753 ; Adria, baptized April 20th, 1755 ; Elizabeth, baptized July 17th, 1757; Samuel, baptized August 30th, 1758. At an early day, nearly the entire district of Couch's Hill was pur- chased by Mr. Simon Couch, of Fairfield, who gave his name to the dis- trict purchased. His wife was Abigail Hall, a member of a notable Fairfield family. His will, dated March 2d, 1712-13, is still in the pos- session of the heirs of Mr. Nash Couch, of Couc^h's Hill, w'ho was a lineal descendant. In this will 'he gives his ''Negro man Jack" and "negro maid Jinne" to his wife, in addition to other bequests. His children men- tioned in the will were: Simon, Jr., Thomas, Abigail, Hannah, Sarah, Isabel, and Deborah. Thomas was lost at sea while on a voyage to Eng- land. Simon settled on his father's estate in Redding; married, Janu- ary 27th, 1753, Rebecca, daughter of Captain Thomas Nash, of Fair field. Their children, as given in the genealogy of the Nash family were: Abigail, baptized February loth, 1754, died young; Simon, bor May i8th, 1755, settled at Green's Farms; Thomas Nash, born April 18th, 1758, settled in Redding; Rebecca, born January 31st, 1761 ; Abi- gail, baptized January 27th, 1765 ; Lydia, born October 20th, 1767. Deacon Simon Couch died April 25th, 1809. Thomas Couch, of Fairfield, removed to Redding prior to the Revo- lution, and settled on Umpawaug Hill. He married, April 2d, 1772, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Nash, of Fairfield. Their children were: Sarah, born August 9th, 1773, died young; Thomas, born September 23d, 1774; Jonathan, born February 13th, 1777, who was the father of Major-General Couch, distinguished in the War of the Rebellion; Sarah, born September i8th, 1779; Nathan, born September 25th, 1781 ; Esther, born December 14th, 1783; Moses, born October 2d, 1786; Edward, born March 7th, 1789; Hezekiah, born March 14th, 1791 ; Mary, born April 2ist, 1793 ; John, born July 28th, 1795. Mr. Thomas Couch died in Red- ding in 1817. At the outbreak of the Revolution Thomas Couch enlisted in the pa- triot army, and was one of the band of heroes who were present with Montgomery at the siege of Quebec. He left his wife with their young children in Fairfield. When Tryon moved on that town, Mrs. Couch had what furniture and grain she could gather put into an ox cart drawn by two yoke of oxen, and started for Redding, where she owned land in iher own right. She followed on horseback, carrying her two dhildren in her arms. At the close of the war, Thomas joined his wife in Red- ding, where they continued to reside until death. Simon Couch, brother of Thomas, settled in Redding, on Umpawaug Hill, about the same time. He married, January 7th, 1776, Eleanor, I- J HISTORY OF REDDING. 233 daughter of Jonathan Nas(h, of Fairfield. Their children were: Eliza- beth, born October 9th, 1776; Jessup, born August 3d, 1778; Seth, bom August 31st, 1780; Eleanor, born August 26th, 1782. Simon, born De- cember ist, 1784; Nash, born April 23d, 1787; Priscilla, born June 27th, 1790; Edward, born July 14th, 1792; Simon A., born December 6th, 1794; Caroline, born June 23d, 1801. Simon Couch died April i6th, 1829. Of the children, Simon and Jessup graduated at Yale College. Jessup gralduated in 1802, and in 1804 removed to Ohillicothe, Ohio, where he practised law until his appointment as Judge of the Superior Court of Ohio in 181 5. This office he continued to hold until his death in 1 82 1. In the War of 1812 he was also aide-de-camp to Governor Meigs, of Ohio, and bearer of dispatches to General Hull. Simon Couch, his brother, settled at Marion, Ohio, where he practised medicine until his death in 1826. CROFUT. This family name has been variously spelled — Crofut, Crofutt, Crow- fut, &c. In Great Britain it is generally spelled Crofutt. An additional "f" was inserted in the name by David K., son of Eri, about 1850, for business reasons. It does not appear that the name was ever identical with the name Crawford. Matthew Crofut, born in Danbury in 171 1, is the first found of the name in the local records of Connecticut. Nothing further is known of him except that he had a son Benjamin, who married Abigail Wood. Matthew Crofut married Sarah Buck, in 1765, in Danbury. He was probably a son of the preceding. Children: Sarah and Samuel, 1767; Seely, 1768; Samuel, 1770; Ohloe, 1773; Eunice, 1775; Eri, 1778. Eri married Betsey Davarin, in 1798. They had children: Lois, 1799; Paulina, 1801 ; Benedict, 1802; Minerva, 18 — ; Lucy Ann, 18 — ; David Knapp, 18 — ; Fidelia, 18 — . Benedict, born September, 1802, married Harriet Newell Hull, and had children: Paulina, Frederick, William Augustus (Jan. 29, 1835), Fidelia, Elizabeth, Emma, Charles. David Knapp (Croffut) married (1840) Harriet Treat. Chil- dren: William Augustus (Crofifut) married (1862) Margaret Marshall, of Danbury. Children: William Marsihall, Margaret, Zoe. Married (1892), (2nd) Bessie Ballard Nicholls, of Washington. DARLING. Eunice, daugihter of Joseph Darling, baptized January 25tih, 1736; Benjamin, baptized April 13th, 1738; Martha, January nth, 1741 ; Joseph, baptized November, 1743. 2 34 HISTORY OF REDDING. FAIRCHILD. Thomas Fairchild removed to Redding from Norwalk in 1733; was one of the original members of the church. His wife Mary was ad- mitted January 29th, 1738. Their children recorded were: Timothy and William, baptized October 22d, 1738; Sarah, April 12th, 1741 ; Abi- jah, May 27th, 1744; Mary, October 27th, 1745. Eli, eldest son of David and Charlotte (Guyer) Fairchild, married , and in 1842 removed to Fairfield, Vt., where other Red- ding families had gone. His children living are: David S. (now Dean of the Medical College, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa. See sketch, Chapter XIX); Mrs. Alton Johnson, of Sioux City, la.; Mrs. Horatio N, Burr, of Fairfield, Vt., and William H., a lawyer in Fairfield, Vt. The latter has two sons, Harold L., now in his junior year at the Uni- versity of Vermont, and Donald S., a student at Montpelier Seminary. Abram Fairchild, probably brother of above, came from Norwalk in 1746, and built the first fulling-mill in the town, near the site later oc- cupied by Deacon Foster's woolen-mill. His wife was Sarah Scribner, of Norwalk. Their children were: Abraham, born January ist, 1745, died aged 17 years; Ezekiel, born October 26th, 1746; Daniel, born De- cember 26th, 1748; Isaac, born March 4th, 175 1 ; David, born June 5th, 1753; Samuel, born July 9th, 1755; Stephen, born March 7th, 1758; Rachel, born February 2d, 1761 ; John, born March 15th, 1764; Ellen, born October i6th, 1767. Six of these brothers were in the Revolution- ary army at one time. David was captured by the British, and confined in Trinity Church, New York. The small-pox was oommunicated to the prisoners — it is said with design, and he with many others died of the disease. Stephen was wounded at Ridgefield, bu; recovered; married Lizzie Fitch, of Wilton. Their children were: Daniel, Kier, Isaac, Ellen, and Stephen. Ezekiel married Eunice Andrews; had four chil- dren; Abraham, Sarah, Abigail, and Burr. Daniel married Betsey Mead, and removed to the West. Isaac married Rachel Banks, and re- moved to Liberty, N. Y. Samuel married Nabbie Piatt, of Redding, and had two children : Aaron and Betsey. John married Abigail Wake- man, of Weston. Their children were: Eli, David, Rachel, Moses, Henry, and Eliza. David married Charlotte Guyer, of Weston. Their children were: Eli, William, David, Mary, and John. Rachel married Seth Andrews, of Redding. Ellen married Minott Thomas, a Baptist clergyman. Stephen, Samuel, and John built a grist mill at an early day on the site of the one later known as Treadwell's mill. It was carried off by the great freshet of 1807, and the large stock of grain it contained was scat- tered over the meadows below. They also owned a saw-mill just be- low, and sawed plank for the soldiers' huts in the Revolution. HISTORY OF REDDING. 235 FOSTER. Reginald Foster, the founder of the family in America, came to this untry in 1638 with his five sons, Abraham, Reginald, William, Isaac, id Jacob, and settled at Ipswich, Essex Co., Mass. Jacob Foster was e ancestor of the Redding family. Jonah Foster settled in Redding out 1775; married Hannah Benedict, of Ridgefield, and shortly after moved to that town, and there resided until his death in 181 5. His n, Joel Foster, was born in Redding November 8th, 1780, and lived in idg'efield witih his parents until 'his marriage with Eseher Seymour in 02. In 1803 he removed to Redding, and bought of Moses Fox a lall place, on which was a fulling-mill and other • conveniences for eapening cloths. This mill stood a little below the present bridge over Dbb's Creek brook, and the ruins of its dam are still to be seen. In 04, Mr. Foster built an addition to his fulling-mill building, which IS leased to Zalmon Toucey, of Newtown, and in which Toucey erected zarding machine, paying a yearly rent of twenty dollars. How long Mr. Toucey's lease continued is not known, but he proba- / soon reliquished it to Joel Foster, as the latter continued the business :til about the time of the opening of the War of 181 2, when a company IS formed, styled Comstock, Foster & Co., who built a woolen factory few rods below the old fulling-mill, and continued the manufacture of )olen goods during the entire period of the war, being very successful. le company, a few years after the war, was bought out by Joel Foster, 10 continued the business until the burning of his factory in 1843 or 44, when he retired. Mr. Foster died in 1854, aged seventy-four ars. He had four children, all born in Redding : Daniel, Betsey, Eliza, d Charles F. GOLD. Daniel, Samuel, and Stephen Gold (now written Gould) brothers, imbers of a Fairfield family that had been prominent in church and ite for several generations, were among the early settlers of the town, Dugh none of their descendants are now found among us. Daniel ap- ars first; he married Grace, daughter of Deacon Stephen Burr, and ed where James Lord later lived. His children, as named in the will Deacon Burr, were: Abigail, who married Richard Nichols; Esther, 10 married Nathaniel Northrop; Sarah, who married David Turney; ary. who married Seth Price ; and Elizabeth. Samuel Gold settled in Lonetown, and built the house later owned Seth Todd. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and was wounded at 2 skirmish in Ridgefield. Some of the officers of Putnam's command d their quarters at Mr. Gold's during their encampment in Redding. e married Sarah Piatt, of Redding. Their children were: Hezekiah, 2^6 HISTORY OF REDDING. Daniel, Burr, Aaron, Sarah, Polly, and Grace. Stephen Gold settled on the farm later owned by Timothy Piatt in Lonetown. 'He is called Cap- tain in the records. He did not long remain a resident of Redding, bul returned, it is said, to Greenfield. GORHAM. Isaac Gorham and his wife Ann first appear on the parish record; January 25th, 1762, when their son Isaac was baptized. There is no him of their former residence, but they were probably from Fairfield. I fine no further record of children. GRAY. Daniel Gray and wife were admitted church-members December 5thi 1742. John Gray and wife February 9th, 1744, on the recommendatioi of Rev. Mr. Dickinson, of Norwalk. The only child of Daniel Gray recorded was James, baptized May 8tbt 1743. The children of John Gray were: Hannah, baptized July ist; 1744; Joseph, July 15th, 1753; Eunice, January 2d, 1755, and (by a sec end wife, Ruamah), Eunice, baptized April 13th, 1760; and Joel, Sep tember nth, 1763. Stephen, son of Stephen and Sarah Gray, was baptized May lotl; 1747. Also Huldah, a daughter, December 14th, 1760. Hannah, Oc*to ber 3d, 1762 ; and Sarah, June 17th, 1764. James Gray, only son Daniel, married Mabel Phinney February 9th, 1764. Their childre were: Jesse, baptized April 14th, 1765; perhaps others. GRIFFIN. John Griffin appears in Redding as early as 1736. His children were Sarah, baptized May 9th, 1736; Annie, baptized October 22d, 1738; an Jonathan, baptized November 23d, 1746. He settled in West Reddingi near the Danbury line. HALL. The Halls were among the earliest settlers in Redding, the name aj pearing on the earliest petitions from the parish. In 1730, at the dii tribution of the estate of Samuel Hall, he is said to be of Chestnut Ridg in Reading. His children, as given, were: Ebenezer, Johanna, Jemimc and Rebecca. Isaac Hall, whose farm lay contiguous to Samuel's, wa one of the orginal church-members, and was recommended by Rev. M Chapman. He died in 1741. Asa Hall and Rachel his wife were ac mitted March 23d, 1736, on the same recommendation. I find no mer ticn of children. HISTORY OF REDDING. HAWLEY. 237 Joseph Hawley and wife were admitted church-members in Decem- 3er, 1740, on recommendation of Rev. Mr. Gold, of Stratford. Their :h'iklren recorded were : Mary, baptized February /itlh, 1742 ; Rutih, ^Jovember 5th,, 1746; Eunice, October 25th, 1750. Joseph Hawley died December 12th, 1771, aged sixty-six years. William Hawley, who ap- pears in Redding as early as 1762, was probably his son. He lived where idward Miller now lives ; married Lydia, daughter of Captain Thomas Slash, of Fairfield, July 12th, 1758. Their children were: Lydia, died n infancy; Joseph, born June 23d, 1762; settled in Redding; Lydia, born ;)ecember 13th, 1763, married Aaron Sanford, of Redding; William, died n infancy; Bille, born February 9th, 1767, removed to the West; Heze- [iah, died in infancy; Hezekiah, born March loth, 1772; Lemuel, died ^oung, of small-pox; William Hawley, died February i6th 1797. Mrs. -,ydia Hawley died April 26th, 181 2. HILL. The founder in America of this family was William Hill, who on lis arrival here about 1632, settled first at Dorchester, Mass., and short- f after removed to Windsor, on the Connecticut River, where he bought a/nd and set out an orchard. At an early day he removed to Fairfield, nd was among the early settlers of that town. He died in 1650. His hildren were: Sarah, William, Joseph, Ignatius, James, and Elizabeth. Villiam, the second child, married Elizabeth . Their children ^ere: Sarah, William, Joseph, John, Eliphalet, Ignatius, and James. Villiam, the third, married , and had children, Sarah, William, oseph, and David. William Hill, the fourth, married Sarah . 'heir children were : Joseph, William, and David. Deacon Joseph Hill, orn April i, 1699; married Abigail Dimon, March 30th, 1731. The hildren of this marriage were: Abigail, born March 21st, 1732; Sarah, orn August 21st, 1733; David, born April 22d, 1737; Ebenezer, born ebruary 26th, 1742 ; Jabez, born June 17th, 1744, and Moses, born Janu- ry nth, 1748. Of the sons, only Ebenezer, Jabez, and Moses married. 'benezer married Mabel Sherwood, January 17th, 1765. Their children 'ere: David, Ebenezer, Seth, Dimon, Joseph, Mabel, Eleanor, Jabez, pA Esther. Ebenezer, hiis second son, married S^arah, daugtiter oi Na- laniel Barlow, brother of the poet, in May, 1791. He removed to Red- ing early in life, and settled in Boston district. His children were: label, Nathaniel B., Gershom, Ebenezer, Moses, and Jabez. Jabez Hill, m of Deacon Joseph Hill, settled in Weston; was a major in the army f the Revolution ; married Sarah, daughter of Colonel John Read, of .edding. The children of this marriage were: Sara'h. John Read, and 238 HISTORY OF REDDING. Moses. Sarah married Timothy Piatt, of Redding. John Read settled in Redding at an early day, and became one of its wealthiest and best known residents. He began his business career by engaging in the manufacture of lime as before narrated, and on his retirement in 1823 purchased the "manor" of his grandfather, Colonel John Read, where he continued to reside until his death in 1851. He married, March 23d, 1799, Betsy, daug'hter of Aaron Sanford, of Redding. Thdr children were : Aaron Sanford, Moses, William Hawley, Betsy, John Lee, Morris, Lydia, and Joseph. John Lee Hill, fifth child of John R. Hill, born June 15, 1810, mar- ried Harriet N. Duncombe, eldest daug-hter of David Duncombe and Ruth Sanford, May 4, 1840. Their children were: William H., born May 1st, 1845, ^"cl Josephine E., bom May 22, 1848. William H. Hill married, first, Mary A. Hotchkiss, daughter of Frederick A. Hotchkiss and Mary Parsons, of Redding, Oct. 5, 1869. She died October i, 1886; and Mr, Hill married, second, Miss Lauretta C. Ballard, Oct. 10, 1888. His chil- dren, all by the first wife, were: John Read Hill, born Dec. 27, 1870; Carrie L. Hill, born Nov. 5, 1872, died June 20, 1876; Frederick H. Hill, born July 18, 1874, and Ernest William Hill, born Jan. i, 1876. Of these children, John Read Hill married, June 24, 1896, Miss Min- nie E. McCollum, born Aug. 7, 1870, in Croton Falls, N, Y., and has one son, Berkley Hotchkiss, born Nov. 28, 1901. Mr. Hill, in Septem- ber, 1890, took a position with D. E. Rogers, of Danbury, in a house- furnishing and furniture store, which position he resigned in 1896 to be- come a member of the Danbury Hardware Company, of which corpora- tion he is now Secretary and Treasurer. He is also Secretary and Treas- urer of the Sanitary Plumbing and Heating Company of Danbury. Mr. Hill is a member of the First Congregational Church of Danbury, and of Union Lodge, No. 40, Free and Accepted Masons ; of Eureka Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; of Crusader Commandery, No. 10, Knights Tem- plar of Danbury ; of Pyramid Temple of the Mystic Shrine, and of Lafayette Consistory of the Scottish Rite of Bridgeport, Conn. He is also a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. He has repre- sented the First Ward in tfhe Common Council of Danbury four years, Frederick H. Hill married Maboth Wolfenden, April 17, 1901 ; has one son, Ernest Wolfenden, born March 30, 1906. Mr. Hill is in the jewelry manufacturing business at Attleboro, Mass. Ernest William Hill, graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, 1900; married, Octo. 14, 1903, Gertrude Irvin, of Tuseola, 111. He is in the New York banking house of N. W. Harris & Co. Moses Hill, son of Deacon Joseph Hill, married Esther, daughter of Ebenezer Burr, of Fairfield, June 17th, 1773. The children by this mar- riage were : William, Abigail, and Es'liher. William married Betsey, HISTORY OF REDDING. 239 LUghter of Nathaniel Barlow, brother of the poet, and had children, radley, Abigail, Horace, Burr, and William. HERON.* In Revolutionary days and before, Squire Heron lived in a house on edding Ridge, just south of the Episcopal Church. After the war be icame a prominent character in the town, and although somewhat bigot- i, and imbued with the Old World notions of caste and social distinc- ons, is said to have exercised a great deal of influence in public affairs, jpecially at town meetings. "We must keep down the underbrush" was favorite remark of his in speaking of the common people. The follow- ig story, illustrating in a marked manner the customs of the day, is ra- ted of him : At one of the annual' town meetings a somewhat illiterate man was ominated for grand juror. Squire Heron, in laced waistcoat, ruffles, nd velvet breeches, and aiding himself with his gold-headed cane, arose ) oppose the motion. "Mr. Moderator," said he, "who is this ? Vhy, a man brought up in Hopewell woods : he fears neither God, man, or the devil. If elected, who will be responsible for his acts? Will 'ou, Mr. Moderator — 'or I ? Why, sir, he can arrest anybody ; he can rrest your Honor, or even myself"; and with like cogent reasons suc- eeded in defeating the obnoxious candidate. Squire Heron died January 8th, 1819, aged seventy-seven years, and 3 buried in the old Episcopal churchyard on Redding Ridge. His chil- Iren were: William, Maurice, Elizabeth, Lucy, Elosia, Margaret, and jusan. William never married. He lived on the old homested in Red- ling all his days, and was a man much respected in the community. His )rother Maurice graduated at Yale College, and shortly after was killed n a steamboat explosion on the Connecticut River, near Essex. HULL. v-^ By Clinton T. Hull, San Francisco, California. George Hull, born in England, about 1590, married at Crew Kerne, Somerset, England, August 27, 1614, Thamzen Michell, of Stockland, Engl. With his wife and children, he sailed from Plymouth, Devon, England, March 30, 1629, in the ship Mary and John, Captain Squeb; settled at Dorchester, Mass. ; was made freeman Mar. 4, 1632, represent- ative for the town to the first Great and General Court held in the colony. May 14, 1634. He was a member of the first board of selectmen of Dor- chester, and "appointed to fix the rate, 1633-1634." He moved to Wind- sor, Conn., 1636; surveyed Windsor, and Wethersfield; moved to Fair- *See Chapter vi, for a sketch of Squire Heron. 240 HISTORY OF REDDING. field about 1646. His wife died previous to the removal to Fairfield. After 1654 he married, second, Sarah, widow of David Phippen, of Bos- ton. He was a member of the General Court of Connnecticut for many terms. He was Associate Magistrate, and with ex-Governor Ludlow, held a monopoly of the beaver trade on the Connecticut River. He died at Fairfield, Conn., 1659. His will, admitted to probate October 20, 1659, names his children: i, Mary, bap. at Crew Kerne, Eng., July 27, 1618; married Humphrey Pinney, of Dorchester, Mass. 2, Josiah, bap. in Crew Kerne, Nov. 5, 1620; married Elizabeth Loomis, at Windsor, Conn. 3, Elizabeth, bap. at Crew Kerne, Oct. 16, 1625 ; married Samuel Gaylord. 4, (2), Cornelius, married at Fairfield, Conn., Rebecca Jones, daughter of Rev. John Jones, pastor of the first church established in Fairfield. 5, Martha. 6, Naomi. Cornelius Hull, 2, (George i), born in England about 1626, came with his parents to Dorchester, and to Connecticut. He was a surveyor like his father, and a large land holder, there being thirty-one entries in the land records at Fairfield in which his name occurs. He was a deputy to the General Court eight terms; Lieut, for Fairfield County, May, 1661 ; Lieut, of the Hon. Major Treat's Life Guard, February 25, 1675. (This was the crack corps of the Conn, levies at the time of King Philip's War.) October 26, 1675, he was ordered by the Governor and Council "to take two men, and make such discoveries of the enemy as you may, and post to us with all speed what intelligence you can of the enemies motions." For his services he received a grant of land. (Colonial Records, iv, 83, 84.) "The first house in Hull's Farms stood on the long lot which runs northward from Mr. John H. Hull's house. The grant of this long lot is recorded in the first volume of land records of the town of Fairfield: 'Granted to Cornelius Hull by ye town of Fayerfieild a parsell of Land lying in ye woods Called his Long Lott, and bounded on ye Northeast with ye land of Steven Hedges deceased, on ye Southwest with ye land of John Burr, on ye Northwest with ye wildarness at ye farther end of ye town bounds, and on ye Southeast with ye half mill (mile?) Common. Recorded this 23 of Feb. 1686-7, ^"d is in bredth twenty-eight rods, re- sarvin to ye towne necessary highways.'" (From the Story of Hull's Farm, by Cyrus Sherwood Bradley.) "Oct. 13, 1692, Lieut. Cornelius Hull was appointed to lay out grants of land to John and Jehu Burr." (Colonial records, iv., 83, 84.) His will, dated September 16, proved Oct. 7, 1695, names his children: i, Samuel, married Deborah Beers, married second, widow, Jane (Hubbell) Frost, dau. of Richard Hubbell; 2, (3) Cornelius, Jr., married Sarah San- ford; 3, Captain Theophilus, married Mary Sanford; 4, Rebecca; 5, HISTORY OF REDDING. 241 rah, married Robert Silliman, ancestor of Prof. Robert Silliman; 6, irtha, married Cornelius Seator. Cornelius Hull, Jr., 3, (Cornelius 2, George i) born at Fairfield about 53, 1655, married Sarah Sanford, 5. (Ezekiel 4, Thomas 3, Anthony Ranulf Sanford i.) "Cornelius Hull, Jr., and wife, Sarah, were ad- ;ted to full communion April 20, 1701." (Fairfield Church records.) eenfield Hill was made a parish 1725, with Cornelius Hull's name at ; head of the list of its members. "He died May 7, 1740, when the age he had founded was bright with the beauty of spring time. He s buried in Greenfield Hill, where lie all the generations that have suc- ded him, and the handsome stone that marks his resting-place is still Droken. He was the first who had a farm there, so it was called Hull's rms." (From the Story of Hull's Farms.) His will, dated 1734-5, nes his children: i, George (4), born 1686, married Martha Gregory; Sarah, bap. August 26, 1694, married Sanford ; 3, Rebecca, bap. g. 26, 1694, married Meeker; 4, Nathaniel (4), bap. Apr. 7, 1695, rried Elizabeth Burr (See Todd's Burr Family) ; 5, Ebeneser (4), ). Jan. 20, 1697, married Martha ?; 6, Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 15, )9, married June 8, 1721, Deacon Stephen Burr (for descendants see rr Family Genealogy) ; 7, Martha, bap. July 13, 1701, married Daniel 2rwood, ancester of Cyrus Sherwood Bradley (author of "The Story Hull's Farms") ; 8, John (4), born about 1703, married Abigail ? Eleanor, bap. Sept. 15, 1706, married Plrerry; 10, Cornelius, Jr. I, born May 14, 1710, married Aug. 24, 1731, Abigail Rumsey. George Hull 4 (Cornelius, Jr. 3, Cornelius 2, George i), born at eenfield Hill, 1686; married Martha Gregory, daughter of Samuel egory of Stratfield, now called North Bridgeport. In the parish ords of Greenfield Hill : "There were admitted to membership George ill, and wife Martha, May 18, 1726, from Fairfield." It is probable .t they retained their membership in the church at Greenfield Hill un- the church was organized at Redding, as he seems to have moved to dding about 1724, from the fact that his name appears on a petition the General Court to be held in Hartford, May 25, 1725, in reference granting certain lands for a "Common." In May, 1729, permission was granted to establish a church in Red- ig. The following August a meeting was held for organization, of icb George Hull was chosen Moderator, and afterwards elected Dea- 1. At a meeting of the church held May 8, 1732, Deacon George Hull s instructed to attend the Association meeting held at Stamford, to I advice as to extending a call to Mr. Mix to become their pastor, but Dears to have failed. At a meeting of the society, held January 31, 32-3, George Hull was chosen Moderator, and a call was extended to ithaniel Hunn. By a deed, dated Danbury, May 19, 1729, a tract of 242 HISTORY OF REDDING. land on Chestnut Ridge, between Danbury and Fairfield, was conveyed to George Hull, and his heirs, by Jonathan Squires. George Hull died Feb. 9, 1769. "We place his name with the name of his father, Cornelius Hull, Jr., the founder of Hull's Farms, with the name of his grandfather, Cornelius Hull, who was a Lieutenant in King Philip's War, and a repre- sentative to the general court for many years, with the name of his great- . grandfather, George Hull, the friend and assistant of Gov. Roger Lud- ; low. From them was inherited the ability which has distinguished the 1 Hull Family for nearly two hundred years. Always restless, always pressing forward ; coming from England to help found Dorchester ; go- ing from Dorchester to help found Windsor ; going from Windsor to ( help found Fairfield ; going from Fairfield to found Hull's Farms ; go- ^ ing from Hull's Farms to help found Redding ; going from Redding westward with the march of civilization, they have left a name behind them of which their descendants may well be proud." (From the Story) of Hull's Farms.) His estate was distributed March 6, 1770, to his children: i, Abigail, I bap. at Fairfield, 1712, died young; 2, Mary, bap. , married Jona- than Squires; 3, Joseph, bap. at Fairfield, Oct. 9, 1715; 4, Abigail, the second, bapt. in Fairfield, June 7, 1721, died Dec. 17, 1760; 5, Thaddeus, bap. at Fairfield, April 14, 1723, died about 1761, unmarried; 6, George, Jr., bap. in Greenfield Hill, Sept. 24, 1727 ; 7, Martha, bap. in Greenfield Hill, Sept. 22, 1731, married Bixby; 8, Seth Hull (5), bap. in Red- ding, July 29, 1733, married Elizabeth Mallory; 9, Rebecca, bap. in Red- ding, May 25, 1735. Seth Hull, 5, bap. in Redding, July 19, 1733, married Elizabeth Mal- lory; she was born Dec. 22, 1738, and died Feb. 22, 1795. Seth Hull died April 15, 1795. Children: i, Abigail, born Jan. 28, 1762, married Hezekiah Read, two of their descendants were Elaine and Dora Read Goodale, the poets; 2, Jonathan (6), born Oct. 25, 1763, married Eunice Beach; 3, Eliphalet, born Dec, 1765, married Prudence Smith, of Brook- field; 4, Walter, born Nov. 21, 1767, drowned at sea off Capt Hatteras, N. C, Mar. 6, 1804; 5, Lazarus, born January 16, 1770, married, Nov. 2, 1794, Anna Read; they moved to Sharon, Mich., where he died Sept. 12, 1838; 6, Hezekiah, born Mar. 24, 1772, died at Redding, Sept. 23, 1810; 7, Martha, born Apr. 28, 1774, married David Belden, an Episcopal minister, had one son, John A. Belden, whose daughter married Levi Warren, M. D. ; 8, Eleanor, born Nov. 20, 1775, died at Redding, 1778; 9, Elizabeth, born June 12, 1779, married Henry A. Townsend; 10, Sarah, born Dec. 20, 1784, died May 27, 1828. Jonathan Hull, 6, (Seth 5), born Oct. 25, 1763, married Eunice Beach daughter of Lazarus and Lydia (Sanford) Beach; she was born HISTORY OF REDDING. 243 Nov. 23, 1769, died Sept. 19, 1822. Jonathan Hull owned vessels trad- ,| ing to the West Indies, having a very excellent and prosperous business, but the interruptions caused by the Napoleonic wars, compelled him to retire with a loss of nearly all 'his capital. With his son Seth he deter- f mined to try his fortune in the new lands Which were then being opened ' in the West. They went to the head- waters of the Allegheny River, where they built a flat boat, in which they floated down that river to the ' Ohio, and down the Ohio to Shawneetown, Illinois, where they com- ' menced to make a settlement, but soon afterwards, that is, on Dec. i, 1820, Jonathan was accidentally killed. Children: i, Lemuel Beach Hull, \ (7), born April 10, 1792, married, Oct. 18, 1824, Polly Waterbury; 2, Eleanor, born May 20, 1794, died Sept. 21, 1814; 3, Seth, born July 31, 1796; May 22, 1823, married Nabby Eveleth. He went wifch his fafher i to the head-waters of Allegheny River, where they budlt a flat boat in which they floated down the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers to Shawnee- town. Illinois. His father, Jonathan, was killed in a mill, in which he was working, at Newhaven, Gallatin Co., 111., Dec. i, 1820. Seth moved to the village of Newhaven, where he joined the Owen Community, and died April, 1835. Lemuel Beach Hull (7), (Jonathan 6), born April 10, 1792, was ap- prenticed to a tanner, and served his full time, but his mind turned to theological subjects, which being noticed by one of his wealthy relatives, he was enabled to take a regular course at a theological institute, after which he was ordained rector of Christ Episcopal Church of Redding, 1824, and served until 1836. Oct. 18, 1824, he married Polly Waterbury; she was born Apr. 19, 1800, died Aug. i, 1881. Children: i, Eleanor Susan, born July 13, 1825, died January 27, 1875 ; 2, HLannah White, born Mar. 27, 1827, died Sept. 6, 1843; 3> •^''^"* Beach Hull (8), born Sept. 17, 1828, married ? died March 17, 1891 ; children: i, Walter B. Hull; 2, Clara Hull, now living at Milwaukee, Wis. Nathaniel Hull 4, (CorneUus, Jr. 3), bap. Apr. 7, 1695; married, Nov. 29, 1 716, Elizabeth Burr, daughter of Daniel Burr. He died 1749. His estate was appraised at £6639 15 shillings, a very large estate for those days. Their children were: Sarah, Elizabeth, Esther, Stephen, Nathaniel, Jr., Peter, Sarah, the second, Ezekiel, David, Aaron, Silas, and Hannah. Esther, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Burr) Hull, was the second wife of Samuel Barlow; one of their children was Joel Barlow, the poet, and Minister to France. Stephen, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Burr) Hull, married Hannah E. Wakeman. Their chil- dren were: Sarah, Rouhamah, David, William, Wakeman, Peter, and Walter. Nathaniel Hull, Jr. 5, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, married Abi- gail Piatt, daughter of Timothy and Margery (Smith) Piatt. They 244 HISTORY OF REDDING. moved to New York State, settling not far from Poughkeepsie. Their children were: Samuel, Nathaniel, Jr., Abigail, Esther, Daniel, Eunice, Ezekiel, and Esther. Of these children, Samuel, 6, married a French lad}', Bathena Norton, moved to Southwest Virginia about 1789, and set- tled where Marion now stands in Smyth County. One of his descend- ants, David D. Hull, and his daughter, Jennie Bane Hull, reside at Marion, Va. Mrs. W. S. Staley, a sister of David D. Hull, took great interest in the Hull family history, and had collected a large and valuable amount of records of her branch of the family, which is now in the pos- session of her niece, Jennie Bane Hull, of Marion, Va. Other descend- ants of Samuel 6 (Nathaniel, Jr. 5), are, Mrs. Smith, and her daughter, Mrs. Churchill, Kinderhook, 111. ; Mrs. Lusk, Ouincy, 111. ; Mrs. Reed, Camppoint, III. ; Mrs. Jennings, Oregon City, Oregon, and Mrs. Ostran- der, Goldendale, Wash. Ezekiel Hull 6 (Nathaniel, Jr. 5) married, moved to Virginia with his brother Samuel, but soon after moved to Ohio; he raised a large family, some of whom moved to Indiana, and to Pike County, Illinois, where a post office was established, named Hull for one of them, and E. S. Hull, one of the descendants is the present postmaster. Another descendant is Rev. Moses Hull, President of the Spiritualist College, White Water, Wisconsin. Nathaniel Hull, Jr. 6 (Nathaniel, Jr. 5), brother of Samuel and Ezekiel, went West in an early day, engaged in fighting Indians in Ken- tucky, and then moved to Illinois. He was Commandant of Fort Kas- kaskia for a number of years. About the year 1800 he returned to his old home in the East, and was accompanied by his brother Daniel. One of his descendants, M. J. Hull, resides in Washington, D. C, another, Mrs. Cox, in San Francisco, California. Silas PIull 5 (Nathaniel 4) married Huldah Goodsell; second, Ellen Bradley ; third Smith ; fourth, Elizabeth Hoyt. Children : Hannah, married Phillip Keeler; Huldah, married Jeremiah Keeler; Bradley, mar- ried Mary Chapman Hull, daughter of Lieut. Jedediah Hull 5 (Cornelius, Jr. 4). The other children of Silas were, David, and Sarah, who died young. Bradley Hull 6 (Silas 5) and Mary Chapman (Hull), had. Burr, Pamelia (who married Elias Burchard; one daughter, Miss Mary Burch- ard, resides in Mill Plain, Conn.), Cherry (married George Crofut), Silas, Aaron B. (married Electa Love), Charles R. and Mary. Aaron B. 7 (Bradley 6) and Electa (Love) Hull, had Henry A., whO' rendered distinguished service in the Civil War, 1861-65, and is now a prominent dentist at New Brunswick, N. J. ; Graham, a soldier in the Civil War, whose daughter, Laura B., married Anthony Rurtdle, Danbury, HISTORY OF REDDING. 245 Conn. ; Bradley, a dentist in Cleveland, Ohio, and Rev. Albert, an Episco- pal minister in New York. Bradley Hull 6 (Silas 5), married, second, Susan Hubbell, and had: Bradley Hubbell, Moses Chapman, LeGrand, and Susan Cornelie. Bradley Hubbell Hull 7 (Bradley 6), married Mary Peabody Hull 8 (George 7, Chapman 6, Lieut. Jedediah 5). Children: George, Mau- rice, Henry, DeWitt, and Caroline. George 8 married Anna Bouton, re- sides in Bridgeport, Conn. ; Maurice 8, married Julia Henderson, Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; Dewitt 8. married Delia Burr, South Wilton, Conn. ; Henry 8 and Caroline 8 died young. Ebenezer Hull 4 (Cornelius, Jr. 3), bap. January 20, 1697; married Martha ? "Among those admitted to full communion were Ebe- nezer Hull and wife Martha." (From Fairfield Church records.) In Greenfield Hill Parish records we find : "Among those admitted to mem- bership, Ebenezer Hull, of Fairfield, May 18, 1726." It is possible that they did not move to Greenfield Hill, but transferred their membership to that place till a church should be organized in Redding, where he moved about 1724, as his name appears on a "Petition to the General Court, to be held in Hartford, the second Thursday in May, 1725." The General Court of 17 12 had ordered that all the lands lying between Dan- bury and Fairfield, not taken up by actual settlers, should be sold at pub- lic auction in Fairfield. The land was not sold till Aug., 1722, and no notice of sale having been given to the settlers, it was bid off by Captain Samuel Couch, for himself, and Nathan Gold, Esq. When the news of the sale reached the settlers, they addressed a petition to the Gen. Court, asking that body to annul the sale, but failed, and a second petition was sent to the Gen. Court of 1725, which is signed by Ebenezer Hull. The first church was organized in Redding 1729. On June 5th of that year the first society meeting was held, at which one of the three places for posting notices of meetings, was "In the lane by Ebenezer Hull's house." The place where this house stood can not now be located. The records of the First Church of Christ in Redding read : "Among the original mem- bers were Ebenezer Hull and wife from Greenfield Hill." He was ap- pointed on the Grand Jury, 1745. Children: Daniel, Ebenezer, Abigail and Nehemiah. Daniel Hull 5 (Ebenezer 4), 13001 1722; married, 1748, Mary Betts, daughter of Stephen Betts of Redding. Daniel Hull was Lieut, in the Redding Company, May, 1754, and captain of the same company, Octo- ber, 1759 (Colonial records of Conn., Vols. 10 and 11). Redding was incorporated at the May session of 1767, and ^t the first town meeting, held June, 1767, Daniel Hull was chosen Constable. With his wife and ■children he moved to New York State in 1770, and settled where South Berlin nov/ stands in Rensselaer County. He was a Lieut, in the Sixth 246 HISTORY OF REDDING. Albany Regiment in the Revolutionary War, and a Magistrate for the county which was then called Albany. He died 1811. Children born in Redding: i, Martha, married Ephraim Jackson, moved to Addison, Vermont ; 2, Hezekiah, was a Lieut, in the Sixth Albany Regiment, mar- ried Lucy Randall ; 3, Justus, was a sergeant in the Revolutionary War, under Col. Van Rensselaer, and took a prominent part in the attack on Fort Edward ; he entered the ministry of the Baptist Church, and devot- ed fifty-six years of his life to that work ; was at one time pastor of the church at Danbury; 4, Abigail, married Samuel Hamlin; 5, Peter, was a soldier in Capt, Shaw's Co. of the Sixth Regiment, married Amy Day; 6, Esther, died young ; 7, Daniel, Jr., married Phebe Green ; he inherited the home farm, and it remained in the possession of his descendants one hundred and twenty-five years ; 8, Stephen Betts Hull, born in Redding, Conn., 1769; moved with his parents to N. Y. ; married Betsey Reynolds; married, second. Electa Morgan ; 9, Harry, born in N. Y. ; 10, Ebenezer, born in N. Y. Of the descendants of these children of Daniel 5 (Ebenezer 4), now living, there are : Halbert D. Hull, Troy, N. Y. ; his daughter, Mrs. Pratt G. Smith, Utica, N. Y. ; Mrs. Maria E. Tifft, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Har- vey Hull, West Burlington, N. Y. ; Frank S. Hull, Newburgt Burr Hull. Alson H. Hull 7 (Dr. William Burr 6) married Mary Banks. Chil- dren : Mary B., Albert B., Andrew L., and Julia, who married Joel Banks. Albert B. 8 (Alson H. 7) married ? Children: Albert B., Jr. and Amelia C, who married G. H. Knapp. William H. 9 (Albert B. 8) married ? Children: Sophia, Harold, and Allison. Eliphalet Burr Hull 7 (Dr. William Burr 6) married HannaJh E. Holmes. Children : V\/'ilHam Burr, John H., and Henry E. William Burr Hull 8 (Eliph'ale't Burr 7) married Charlotte H. Fam- ham. Children : Edgar and Arthur Burr Hull. John H. Hull 8 (Eliphalet Burr 7) married Charlotte A. Taylor. They own and reside in the colonial house mentioned in the "Story of Hull's Farms." Children: Inez H., Charlotte M., Edward T., Harriet E., and Henry M. Theophilus Hull 3 (Cornelius 2, George i) married Mary Sanford, sister of Sarah, wife of his brother Cornelius, Jr., 3. In May, 1705, Theophilus Hull was appointed Ensign of the company at the west end of Fairfield. He was appointed Deputy for Fairfield, May, 1708; Lieu- tenant of West Co. of Fairfield, June, 1709, and Captain the same year. At the same General Court he was appointed on a committee for Fair- field County, with Deputy Governor Gold, Joseph Curtis, Major Peter Burr and Captain Joseph Wakeman. He is named in the will of his father as receiving a slhare ''of his meadow land in ye fields," also another portion of the estate, and was named as one of the executors of the will. The will of Theophilus Hull, proved August 2, 1710, names his wife Mary, daughters Mary and Ann, and four sons, Theophilus, Jr., Eliphalet, John, and Jabesh. Ann Hull 4 (Theophilus 3), baptized Aug. 26, 1694; married Zach- ariah Sanford. Theophilus, Jr., 4 (Theophilus 3), baptized May 22,, i6gy; married HISTORY OF REDDING. 251 sarah ? 'Theophilus Hull and wife Sarali renewed their cove- lant, Feb. 21, 1720." (Fairfield Church Records.) "There were ad- litted to members'hip from Green's Farms Theophilus Hull and wife >arah, May 18, 1726." (Greenfield Hill Parish Records.)' They moved ^■0 Redding prior to 1729, as he and his wife were among 'the original lembers of the First Ghuroh of Christ in Redding, and he was elected )eacon, 1733. His will dated June 7, 1748, proved October 31, 1748, lames : wife Sarah, son Theophilus, and daughter Lydaa, wife of Samuel ISmitfi. His widow Sarah, son Theophilus, and brotlier-in-law Samuel fSherwiood, were joint executors. Theophilus, Jr., 5 (Theophilus, Jr., 4), born February 21, 1725; mar- Iried, January 25, 1759, Widow Martha Betts, at Redding. His will, dated December i, proved 19, 1785, names son Zalmon and daughters Sarah and Lydia Hull. In the oldest cemetery in Redding, Conn., on a stone a few yards southwest of the Congregational Church, -the following inscriptions are placed : "In memory of Mr. Theophilus Hull, who departed this life, Dec. 5, 1785, In the 60th year of his age." "In memory of Mrs. Martha Hull, who departed this life, Apr. 10, 1785, In the 52nd year of her age." Zalmon Hull 6 (Theopihilus, Jr., 5), baptized May 13, 1759; married, March 4, 1784, Eunice Belden. Children: Sarah, Theophilus B., Heze- kialh, Lydia, and Henry. Theophilus B. Hull 7 (Zalmon 6), born 1785; married, October 16, 1810, Sally Betsey Hull, twin daughter of Nehemiah and SaraTi (Jack- son) Hull, of Redding, Conn. A stone in the cemetery before referred to bears the following inscriptions: "In memiory of Mr. Theophilus B. Hull, who died April 17, 1830, aged 44 yrs. 5 m. 12 days. The Son of Man comieth in an hour when ye fhink not." "In memory of Sally, wife of Theophilus B. Hull, who died Feb. 22, 1834, aged 41 years, 2 m. 16 days. Beloved are the dead, w'ho die in the Lord." Elip'halet Hull 4 (Theophilus 3) married Sarah Barlow, daughter of John Barlow. His will, dated March 9, and proved March 22, 1736-7, names wife, Sarah, daughters Miriam, Sarah, Ruth, and Mary, to each of whom he gave iioo, to his eldest son Seth, his gun and £20, the rest of his estate to his sons Seth, John, and Daniel equally. His wife Sarah, John Barlow and Joseph Wakeman were named Executors, with power 252 HISTORY OF REDDING. to sell his lands in New Fairfield. 'Aliriam 5 (Eliphale't 4) married Jabez Gorham. Sarah 5 (Eliphalet 4) maried Ebenezer Bradley. Seth Hull 5 (Eliphalet 4), born 1728-9, married Hannah Rumsey. They moved to New York State and settled near Saratoga. Some of the famous springs were on his farm. Two of his sons, Eliphalet and Seth, Jr., took an im- portant part in the Revolutionary War, after which they moved to Yates County, N. Y. Some of their descendants are Mrs. Emma (Buel) Lee, and her sister. Miss Buel, of Benton Center, N. Y. ; Will Buel Hull, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Cyrus E. Hull, of the Railway Mail Service, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. Erastus Hull, Avon, Michigan, and Theodore B. Hull, of t Tudor, Sutter County, CaUfornia, who owns a large ranch near Marys- ville, California, on which he raises large quantities of fruit. Another descendant is Cyrus Sherwood Bradley, of Southport, author of the ; "Story of Hull's Farms." John Hull 5 (Eliphalet 4), born April 2, 1704, married Elizabeth Adams. He was a lawyer and settled at Newton. Children : Ebenezer, Elijah, John Jr., Eliphalet, Mary, and perhaps others. Ebenezer 5, born Oct. 5, 1729, married ? Children: Abel, Elijah, John, Eliphalet, Mary, who married Simeon Shepard. There may have been other chil- dren. Elijah 6 (John 5) married Rebecca Summers. Children: Ebenezer, Elijah, Jr., John; Betty, married Taylor; Lucy; Sarah, married Abijah Sherman ; Huldah, married Sanford ; Polly, married Tomlinson ; Rhuama, married — — Hays ; Anna, married Sherman ; Agnes, married Piatt ; and Rebecca, married Barnum. John, Jr. 6 (John 5) married Sarah Hepburn. One daughter, Phebe, married George Shepard, son of Lieut. Timothy Shepard. Eliphalet 6 (John 5), born Jan. i, 1737-8. Oct. 30, 1765, married Rebecca Baldwin, daughter of James and Lydia Baldwin, of Newton. Children: Anna, who married Allan Shepard. One of her grandsons is W. Farrand Felch {"Noel Little"), who was the editor of the Genea- logical Department of the Hartford Tunes for a number of years, and is now located at Petal uma, California. The other children of Eliphalet 6, were ; Abiah, married Samuel A. Judson ; Lydia, married Alanson North- rup, and second, Captain Botsford ; Esther ; Betty, married David Booth ; and Rebecca, married Shepard, Daniel Hull 5 (Eliphalet 4) married Betty Beardsley. Children: Daniel, Jr., Hezekiah, Banks, and seven daughters, Molly, Sarah, Han- nah, Betsey, Abigail, Rachel, and Deborah. JACKSON. Ephraim Jackson and his wife Martha removed to Redding from Green's Farm, Fairfield, in 1748, and were admilifed church-miembers the HISTORY OF REDDING. 253 ame year. He died April 2Sth, 1765, aged sixty-five years. The chil- rcn of his son, Ephraim Jackson, were as follows: Aaron, baptized No- ciiiber I2tli, 1767; Mollie, baptized July 23d, 1769; Peter, September ;th, 1771 ; Hezekiah, February 27th, 1774. David Jackson appears in vedding as early as 1763 ; was probably son of Ephraim ; married No- /ember i8th, 1762, Anna Sanford. Their children were: Ezekiel, bap- ized October 23d, 1763; David, February 2d, 1766; Anna, September ?,oth, 1770, died in infancy; Anna, September 14'th, 1772; and by a sec- ond wife, Esther, Moses, baptized December nth, 1774; perhaps others, fizekiel, son of David, married Hannah Grey, April 30th, 1786 (Town [Record.) Their children were : Anna, born December 21st, 1786 ; Hiram, born April 22d, 1788; Samuel, born December 29th, 1789; Clarissa, born .December 25th, 1792; Laura, bom February 28th, 1794; Harriet, born December i8th, 1795. Harriet married Gideon H. Hoillister, of Wood- bury, and became the mother of Judge Gideoii H. Hollister, the historian of Connecticut. LEE. William Lee and wife were admi'tted church members May 23d, 1742. Their children recorded were: Daniel, baptized January 8th, 1744; Abi- jah, baptized September 21st, 1745; Abigail, baptized May 5th, 1748; William, baptized April 5th, 1753 ; Seth, baptized March 23d, 1755. Joseph Lee and wife admitted May 8tlh, 1737. Their daughter Mary was baptized May 8th, 1743. LYON. Among 'the original members of the church at its organization in 1733 appear the name of Daniel Lion and v/ife, of Benjamin Lion and wife — recommended by Rev. Mr. Gay — ^and Richard Lion and wife. All settled in the southeastern part of the town, near what is now the Easton line. The record of their families is as follows : Children of Daniel were : Jonathan, baptized April 12th, 1741. Children of Benjamin were: Bethd, baptized May 29th, 1733; Joihn, baptized August 22d, 1736; Samuel, bap- tized August 20th, 1738 ; Phebe, baptized February 24th, 1740. Ridiard Lion died in January, 1740, aged eighty-seven years. Captain Eli Lyon, a descendant of Richard Lion above named, lived in the old Lyon homestead on Redding Ridge on the site of the present home of Jesse Sanford. He married Betty Hill, daug*hter of Abel Hill, Esq., a prominent rrian of the town, and died July 11, 1811, aged 78 years. His wife died February 19, 1808, aged 73 years. They had four children : Camilla, b. Jan. 23, 1803, m. Samuel B. Read, rem. to Ypsilanti, Mich., and died there in 1854; Hannah, b. Jan. 5, 1807, m. Daniel Lyon, and died at Ypsilanti, June 9, 1871 ; Elizabeth, b. Mc*h. 31, 1809, and after the death of her sister Camilla, married Samuel B. Read, and died 254 HISTORY OF REDDING. in Ypsilanti in 1901, aged 92 years ; Eli, b. June 9, 181 1, in the old homefl stead at Redding, and lived there until 1856, when he rem'Oved to Ypsiij lanti, Mich., where many Redding people went at that time. He raanl ried Mary Hamlin, of Newtown, Conn., who died after two years, leavii^l a son, Frederick H., who died in 187 1 of consumption, aJt Ypsilantiil Captain Eli Lyon married second, November 17, 1834, Louis'a Augustal Winton, daughter of Col. James Winton, of Bridgeport, Conn., w^ho bowl him eleven diildren, eight in Redding and three after their removal tcf Michigan. She died in Decatur, Mich., in 1888, and he died Dece 9, 1890, at the home of his son, R. H. Lyon, in South Bend, Ind. Thdl children were: (i) Mary Frances, (2) Uri Sedey, (3) Elizabeth Hait^ naih, (4) Richard Hill, (5) Alice Louisa, (6) William Smith, (7) George Winton, (8) Annie Estelle, (9) Thomas Brownell, (10) Bessie Porter^ and one son died in infancy. Richard Hill (4) went witih his parents to Ypsilanti and grew up, with the country ; was educated at the public schools and *tihe seminary at Ypsilanti and High Sdhool at Decatur; learned the printer's tradce Of musical talent, he entered the piano trade and followed i't a few years^ then entered the office of the South Bend Tribune, a leading newspaper: of Indiana, and rose to be editor. He married, Aug. 15, 1876, Francesi Odell Kurtz, and they have since resided in South Bend, Ind.* LORD. David Lord was admitted church-member in 1744, recommended byji Rev. Mr. Parsons, of Lyme. Hi^ children were: David, baptized Julyy 8th, 1744; Elizabeth, baptized March 5th, 1749; perhaps others. MALLORY. Jonathan Mallory and wife were admitted church-members December: 22d, 1735, on recommendation of Rev. Mr. Chapman. She w^as Eliza- beth Adams. They were married April loth, 1735. Their children 1 were: Jonathan, baptized January nth, 1736; Eliza, baptized December 17th, 1738; perhaps others. Peter Mallory married Joanna Hall Febru- ary 28th, 1737. Children: Rebecca, baptized February 5th, 1738, died in infancy; Rebecca, baptized January 13th, 1739; Ebenezer Mallory and Hannah Keys were married February 6th, 1744. No children found. Daniel Mallory and Sarah Lee were married November 30th, 1748. Their children were: Daniel, baptized October 25th, 1750; Nathan, Au- gust 25th, 1754; Abigail, April 24th, 1757; Sarah, May 15th, 1763; Jo- seph, baptized February 12th, 1767; Eunice, daughter of Daniel Mallory, Jr., and his wife Rachel, was baptized September 5th, 1779. Samuel and Charles Mallory were born April 6th, 1780. The names of the parents *For a sketch of Mr. Lyon, see Chapter xix. HISTORY OF REDDING. 255 are not given. Charles Mallory was the father of Stephen Mallory, United States Senator from Florida, and later Secretary of the Con- federate Navy. MEADE. Stephen Meade, the first of the name in Redding, appears as early as 1755- He married Rachel Sanford, daughter of Ephraim Sanford. Their children were : Jeremiah, born March 22d, 1752 ; Ezra, baptized January 19th, 1755; Hannah, baptized May 9th, 1756; Esther, baptized August 17th, 1760; Thaddeus, baptized October 25th, 1761 ; Stephen, baptized January 24fch, 1768. Stephen Meade is called lieutenant and captain in the records. He was a man quite prominent in town affairs ; was elected the first clerk of the town at its organization in 1767, and held other important offices. He lived in the Centre, on the si'te of the present residence of Squire Brotheston. MEEKER. Benjamin Meeker and wife were admitted church-members June 4th, 1747. She was Catherine Burr. They were married July 20th, 1745. Their children were: Witely, baptized June 7th, 1747; Esther and Eu- nice, baptized August 13th, 1755; Azariah, baptized February 5th, 1769; Daniel Meeker married Sarah Johnson, July loth, 1744. Their children were: Elnathan, baptized July 26th, 1747; Jared, baptized January 29th, 1749; Rebecca, baptized January 20th, 1751; Lois, baptized March 28th, 1753 ; Josiah, baptized July 17th, 1757. About the same time appear David Meeker and Robert Meeker. The former married Hannah Hill, October 31st, 1744. The latter Rebecca Morehouse, September 19th, 1746. I find no record of children. Joseph Meeker appears as early as May 4th, 1735, when his son Isaac was bap- tized. MERCHANT. Gurdon Merchant married Elinor Ohauncey (probably of Fairfield) December 9th, 1747. Their children were: Amelia, baptized February 5th, 1749; Chauncey, February 25th, 1753; John, baptized August 31st, 1755; Elinor, January 8th, 1758; Gurdon, March i6th, 1760; Joel, June 6th, 1762; Phebe, May 20th, 1764; Silas, May 8th, 1766. Gurdon Mer- chant was the first town treasurer, and held other offices of trust. The family figures quite prominently in the later history of the town. 256 HISTORY OF REDDING. MOREHOUSE.* Thomas More'house, the immi^ant ancestor, was in Wethersfield^ Conn., as early as 1640. In 1641 he removed to Stamford and was one of the original twenty-nine white settlers of that town who purchased it of the New Haven Colony, who had previously bought it of the Indians for 100 bushels of corn. (New Haven Colonial Record.) In 1653, he removed to Fairfield and died there in 1658, leaving a widow, Isabel (probably a second wife) -and children: i, Hannah; 2, Samuel ; 3, Thomas ; 4, Mary ; 5, Jonathan, and 6, Jdhn. He and his son Samuel were made freemen by the General Court, October, 1664. Samuel (2), born as early as 1637, died 1687, in Fairfield, and was buried in the old cemetery there. He married Rebecca, daughter of Wil- liam and Rebecca Odell. He was a surveyor, Lieut, of the military com- pany, and the first marshal or sheriff of Fairfield County. His children were: i, Samuel; 2, Thomas; 3, John; 4, Daniel, 5, James; 6, Rebecca; 7, EHzabeth; 8, Hannah; 9, Mary, and 10, Ann. John (3), son of Samuel (2), married Ruth, dlaughiter of John Bar- low, Jr., and Abigail (LockwOod) Barlow, and died in Fairfield, 1727. Children: James (4), Ruth (4), Stephen (4), Gurshom (4), Elizabeth (4), died in infancy; Elizabeth (4), James (4), Abijah (4), John, Jr. (4), Ephraim (4), Ann (4), and James (4). By will of John Morehouse, proved March 28, 1727, it appears that Stephen Morehouse above had then settled in Chestnut Ridge (now Red- ding). Later, his brother, "Gershom Morehouse and wife," were ad- mitted to the church in Redding (May 8, 1737) on recommendation of Rev. Mr. Hobart, of Fairfield. Stephen (4), mentioned above, settled in Redding, probably on Couch's Hill, and is said to have been the founder of the Episcopal parish in that town. He died May 2, 1767, "in ye 66bh year of his age," and was bnried in the Episcopal churchyard on Redding Ridge,, where his tombstone may still be seen. He married, March 21, 1722, Abigail, daughter of John and Abigail (Minor) Tredwell, who died Sept. 6, 1759. aged 56 years. Their children were: Joseph (5), Daniel (5), Elizabeth (5), Abigail (5), Stephen, Jr. (5), Ann (5), John (5), Abel (5). All of these children settled out of Redding, in New Milford, New Preston, and Washington, Conn., and in Amenia, N. Y. There have been three other Episcopal parishes founded in Litchfield County by the descendants of Stephen (4). *The name was originally spelled Moorhouse. In Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History, occurs this entry: Nicholas Blundell, in the reign of Edward HI. in the 6th year (1333) granted to Henry de Moorhouse and Margery his wife, a parcel of land in Little Crosby, lying near the Moorhouse's called "Crosby Meadow." The spelling of the name Moorhouse as above is quite common even now. HISTORY OF REDDING. 257 Gershom (4) Morehouse, mentioned above, married Sarah, daughter John Hill, Apr. 22, 1725. Children: Gershom, Jr. (5), born Nov. , 1727; Elizabeth (5), born Jan. 3, 1730; Ruth (5), born Dec. 23, T^-j^. Gershom, Jr. (5), married Anna Sanford, January 18, 1748. He 'as a captain in the Revolutionary army and commanded a company at le battle of White Plains. His son-in-law was a captain in the British Lrmy, and after the battle they met under a flag of truce to confer on amily matters. His children were: Ezra (6), Billy (6), Aaron (6), ane (6), Anna (6), Hill (6), Lucy (6), Betty (6), Elizabeth (6), Ruth 6), Polly (6), and Tabit'ha (6). Gershom, Jr., died in Redding, Jan. I 2, 1805, aged yy years. Aaron (6), son of Gershom, Jr. (5), entered the Revolutionary army r7rell as the necessities of the daily life. Silks, satinis. arid broadcloth were as much a part of the stock as l^he calicoes and the jeans; drugs and lotions were to be found there, as well as the staples that maintained the community. If the carpenter did not find the FRANCIS A. SANFORD, HISTORY OF REDDING. 269 odd hinge or lock necessary to ^the new house, the order for it was left at the "store." Here the housewife could furnish from garret to cellar her wew ihonie, if it were not too pretentious ; no department was forgotten in the multifarious supply that streamed forth from the unfailing source. An amusing incident related of two men in a neighboring town will show how complete was the asaortment carried, even thoug^h the story cantiot iiow be verified. One hiad wagered the otiher that he could not ask for anything which the merchant could not supply. Devising w'hat seemed to him an impossible request, the other of the two went to the store and innocently asked if he might see a "second-hand pulpit." The clerk led him to a loft in an adjoining storeroom arid showed 'him the article in question, which had been boug'ht some timve before at the dism'antling of an laband'oned church. Perhaps nowhere in New England was a stock more varied tlian at the Ridge store. Under Mr. Sanford's management the circle of trade grew until, in some directions, its radius was six and seven miles. To (illustrate by a detail or two, in the height of its activity, the grocery 'department needed a hogshead of m.olasses each month to supply its customers ; flour was, one year, bought by the carload ; tons of butter were yearly sent to the Bridgeport market and even to New Haven ; eggs by the thousands of dozen were barreled and sent out in continuous flow; earthen ware oame each year by the wagon-load from the pottery at Norwalk ; the contents of crates of the better ware, straight from the packers in England, were awaited by the dames who loved a tastily fur- nisihed table. Where all the 'hides, hickory nuts, and huckleberries came from was as great a wonder as where the cases of calico and loads of com and "feed" disappeared to. W'hy has not some one written up the relation of the country store to the economics of the early republic ? What dick- erings and bargainings there were in the thirty years of the development of trade at the Ridge ! What pleasantries, what arguments in religion, politics, the social order over the bartering — discussions out of which came cluanged views of life and duty. To illustrate the pleasantry of those sturdy men, one incident will be sufficient. Late, one zero night, a prominent member of the Ridge comnumity stood buttoning bis coat and drawing on his gloves. "Boys, I'd give a dollar if I had that stove to go home by." "You sihall have it," shouted some one, and, bars be- ing found, and the stovepipe detached, four men carried the red-hot stove out into the arctic temperature and over tihe hill to the west, while the rash proposer tried to extract a dollar's worth of warmth out of the venture. The Ridge is no longer a center of trade. The farmers, the drovers, the clergymen of that evening circle are gone. One name only remains 270 HISTORY OF REDDING. unstarred — that of the genial village tailor, with his English pleasantries, who measured critically, if he did not weigh in a balance, his fellow townsmen. Honor and reverence be to him while he still lingers in green old age, most worthy representative of departed colleagues strong and true. But though he built up and mianaged the business in all its details, Mr. Sanford's real forte from the first was to be seen in other than the daily barter. The conduct of this, so far as possible, he left to others. He loved a larger line of work. In 1852, two years after he acquired the business, a petition was circulated by the people of the Ridge which brought him die post-mastersliip ; the same year saw him notary public and Justice of the Peace, offices which he held practically continuously until he left Redding in 1879. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was a Selectman, and united with his two associates in the call for a special town meeting "to consider the expediency of appropriating funds to defray the expenses of the families of those v/ho enlist in the service of the United States army." Throughout the strife he Avas a staunch and enthusiastic supporter of the national administration. In 1865, while the clouds of war yet hung over the land, he was elected Senator for the nth District, and filled an important place in the counsels of that Legis- lature, originating useful measures still in force. Again, in 1868, he was a member of the Legislature, as a Representative. Long he was a Com- missioner of the Superior Court. In the passing years there also came to him constant opportunities for advice in the more unnoticed, but hard- ly less important, offices of administrator of estates, executor of wills, treasurer of his church, chairman of school boards, and banker of the community — and these, with other trusts, occupied all the spare hours of a busy life. His safe was always full of papers, not only of those of the immediate neighborhood, but of those of adjoining localities. What varied scenes the store beheld in the changing years ! Here came complainants to "Squire Frank" concerning those who were dis- turbing the public peace or welfare ; here men were more than once sent behind prison walls ; here droves of cattle were exchanged for endorsed notes ; here was heard the 'T give, devise, and bequeath" of the last will and testament ; the annual tax was on certain days to be paid here ; here the hard-working farmer came to leave his small gains to be put into somie saving institution, or some widow to apply to the Governiment for pension ; committees of all kinds and complexions m^ett here and arrived at decisions that affected the interests and welfare of a wide-spread com- munity. The center of this life, Mr. Sanford gave the best of his years to these and similar activities. When remonsitrated with that some par- ticular act was unrewarded he would answer, "Oh, well, ihe cannot afiford to pay a lawyer's fees." It was in the same spirit that he sent a substitute y. ^ iTl 6\ 1^ <^ 00 r/1 "^ U ;^^ A rt < r-5 OcJ _ tlH 4j O ^ oi HISTORY OF REDDING. 271 to the war, though exempt by official position. Who sihall say that he did not reap full reward in the joy of service to 'his fellow men ? The burning of his residence, store, and other buildings on May 12, 1879, marked the end of his activities in Redding. Afterwards he lived in New York, later in Fairfield and in Bridgeport. From his early years he was a most conscientious and valuable mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church — of which his grandfather, Aaron Sanford, had been the first male member and the first steward, class lead- er, and local preacher in New England. Throughout his long life, he illustrated in his daily walks the many virtues of Christian discipleship. In serenity and a good man's hope of the life immortal, he died at Bridge- port, Conn., September 13, 1899. Lucy Knapp Sanford, his wife, the faithful, untiring companion of all his enterprises — herself a resident of Redding, and a descendant of sturdy and historic families, both on the paternal and maternal sides — died a few months later, May 23, 1900. Of the children of Francis A. and Lucy H. Sanfofd : Arthur Benton Sanford was educated in preparatory schools and at Wesleyan University, becoming a member of the (f> B. K. Society at grad- uation, and afterwards taking the M. A. degree in course. Having joined the New York East Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he served as pastor in Connecticut, New York City, and Brooklyn — one pastorate being at John Street, New York City, the mother churdh of American Methodism. In 1890, he became Assistant Editor of the Methodist Review, filling that position till 1901, and for a short period Avas acting editor of the publication. He was, besides, at the General Con- ferences of 1888 and 1892, one of tlie editors of the Daily Advocate; in 1891, editor of the Proceedings of the Second Ecumenical Methodist Conference, at Wasihington, D. C. ; in 1891-1901, editor of llhe Methodist Year Book and the General Minutes of the Church. After long service as an Assistant Secretary of his Conference, he became Secretary of that body in 1897, and yet fills this important office, being also editor of the annual Minutes of the Conference. In 1900, he was a delegate to the Ecumenical Missionary Conference of all Denom- inations, in New York City; in 1901, he was a member of the Third Ecumenical Methodist Conference, held in Jdhn Wesley'-s "Cathedral Church," the City Road Chapel. London, England ; in 1904, he went as a delegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Los Angeles, California. In 1904-5, he served as President of the New York Preachers' Meeting, of the Methodist Episcopal Qiurch. In 1886, he married Miss Nellie M. Hunt, daughter of the late Sand- ford Hunt, D. D., Agent of the Methodist Book Concern in New York city. Their children are Arthur Hunt Sanford, now a Sop^homore at 272 HISTORY OF REDDING. Princeton University, and Laurence Hunt Sanford. In 1893, tlie subject of our sketch received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Syra- cuse University. Among other prominent positions 'he has filled, Dr. Sanford is now a member of the Methodist Historical Society in the city of New York, and one of its Vice-Presidents ; a member of the Board of the Deaconess Home, Brooklyn, N. Y, ; a Trustee of the John Street M. E. Church Trust Fund Society ; a Manager of the American Sabbath Union; a Manager of the Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; and a Trustee of Syracuse University. He has been a some- time lecturer on early Methodism and on European and American travel. At present, he is a pastor in the New York East Conference. For a sketch of Prof. Myron R. Sanford, see Chap. xix. Walter, the third son of Aaron Sanford, Sr., married, December 6, 182 1, Harriet M. Booth. She bore him one son, Charles, w'ho died October 29, 1901. After her death Mr. Sanford married second Emily Gorham. William, fourth son of Aaron Sanford, Sr., married, May 2d, 1832, Harriet Tuttle. They had one daughter, Martha Tuttle, who died April 30, 1852, aged eig5iteen years. Of the daughters of Aaron Sanford, Sr., Betsey married Jolhn Read Hill, of Redding. Hannah married the Rev. Aaron Hunt, a Methodist clergyman, celebrated in his day as being the first to successfully contest the o'ld colonial law -wthich forbade all ministers except those of the "Standing Order" to perform the marriage ceremony. Mr. Hunt was at one tim'e located and resided for several years in Redding. Charlotte married Thomas B. Fanton. Lydia married Aaron Sanford Hyatt. Lemuel Sanford, second son of Lemuel Sanford, settled in the Centre, near 'his father. He married, September 20th, 1768, Mary Russell, of North Branford, Conn. The circumstances attending his marriage are thus narrated : He left Redding on horseback, early on the morning of his wedding-'day, but was delayed on the road and did not reac^h Branford until midnight. By that time the wedding guests had dispersed and the family had retired ; but he roused them up, collected the guests, and the ceremony was performed. The next day bride and groom returned to Redding, travelling on horseback. The children of Lemuel and Mary Sanford were: Lemuel, born July i8th, 1769 ; Roda, born Mar. 4th, 1773 ; Mary, born May iSbh, 1776, married Dr. Thomas Peck ; Abigail, bom 1779, died in infancy; Jonathan R., born February nth, 1782; Abigail, born April i8th, 1784; Lucretia, born May 4th, 1786. Mr. Lemuel Sanford died March 12th, 1803, at Danbury, in the per- formance of his duties as Judge of the County Court, leaving a most honorable record. He had filled all the positions of honor and trust in his native town, and during the Revolution had been a member of the HISTORY OF REDDING. '^IZ Committee of Supply, the duties of which kept him absent in Danbury and Fairfield nearly the whole period of the war. He several times represented the town in the General Assembly, and also held the office of Associate Judge of the County Court. Lemuel Sanford, eldest son of Judge Sanford, after being educated at President Dwight's famous academy on Greenfield Hill, returned to Redding, married Mary Heron, daughter of Squire Heron, and settled in the Centre, on the farm now owned by Albert Gorham. He was a man of much ability, and quite prominent in town affairs. He had but two children, Mary and Julia. Jonathan Russell Sanford, second son of Lemuel and Mary Russell Sanford, married Maria, daughter of Dr. Thomas F, and Hannali Chrissy Davies, October 17, 1808. Their children were: Amanda, Maria, Lem- uel, Jonathan R., and Thomas. It has been the lot of very few men to be so closely identified with the affairs of their native town. In 1808, the year of his marriage, he was elected Town Clerk and Treasurer, and held these offices by consecutive appointment the remainder of his life, a period of nearly half a century. After his election as Judge of Pro- bate he continued in that office till he reached the age of seventy. In 183 1, he succeeded his brother Lemuel as Clerk and Treasurer of the Congregational Society and continueid to serve the church in that capacity till two years before his death. At different periods he represented the town in the State Legislature, and it is said of him in Crosby's Obituary Records that he discharged 'the duties of all the various trusts both of a public and private nature with a sternness of integrity and a purity of purpose seldom equaled, and through a long life 'lie enjoyed in an emi- nent degree the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. He died August 21, 1858. Judge Lemuel Sanford, eldest son of Jonathan Russell and Maria (Davies) Sanford, was born in Redding, September 18, 1816. Following closely in the footsteps of his father and grandfather he became in his early manihood deeply interested in the affairs of his native town. Under the personal instruction of his uncle. Rev. Jonathan Bartlett, he acquired a fine classical education, and early in life developed a taste and talent for legal studies which continued all through 'his life. His 'habits of close investigation into any case that came to his notice gave him the enviable record of never having a decision given by him reversed, when cases decided by him were carried into the higher courts. During the time his father was Probate Judge, he filled the office of Probate Clerk, and at the retirement of his father, he was elected to suc- ceed him, and with the exception of one year cotLtinued to hold the office till he also reached the age of retirement. At the Town Meeting im- mediately succeeding his father's death, 'he was unanimously elected to 2 74 HISTORY OF REDDING. fill the offices of Town Clerk and Treasurer, left vacant. In con- tinuous faithful service of nearly fifty years, although for much of the time his party wais in tlhe minority, he continued to hold these offices, with an interim of but one year, till the time of his dealth, in 1890. In 1847 he represented the Eleventh Senatorial District in the State Senate to the entire satisfaction of his constituents, being at that time the youngest member of the Senate. His whole life was spent in 'Ms native town, taking the deepest interest in whatever pertained to its welfare, and that he 'had the esteem and confidenoe of his fellow townismen was evidenceid by the numerous positions of trust and respon- sibility ftliat were given to his care irrespective of party. He was also an honorary member of the Fairfield Historical Society. For many years he was a member of the Congregational Church, and succeeded his father as Clierk and Treasurer of the Society, con- tinuing in office till his death. He married Abby Maria, daughter of Braid!ley and Be'tsey Hill, and built, in 1847, the house adjoining that of his uncle, Rev. Jonathan Bartlett. He died June 9th, 1890. His only son, Jonathan Bartlett Sanford, married Edith Dayton, of Riiladelphia, Pa., and occupies the old homestead. There were six daughters: Mary Russell, who married Henry S. Osborn, of Redding, died Dec. 9th, 1895; Sarah Elizabeth; Abbie Bartlett, married Rev. Wm. Bailey Hague, of Galesburg, 111 ; Martha Hill, married Henry S. Osiborn ; Alice Amanda, married Wm. Bartow Hill, of Gr&enfield, Conn. ; Gertrude Lucre'tia, mar- ried LeRoy Woolsey Randle, of Wilton, Conn. Jonathan R., the second son, represented his town in the Connecticut General Assembly, 1854, 1870, 1874, and was Senator from Vhe Elev- enitih District in 1878-9. He also held many 'town offices, was high in his party councils, and was often appointed to appraise and administer estates. He married. May 16, 1847, Clarissa, daughter of the late Deacon Samuel Read. They had but one child, Hannah Maria, who died suddenly at the age of twertty-five. He died February 28, 1897, Thomas Sanford, the youngest son, was for many years one of *he best known and most influential jmen in his oounty. In 1850 he was appointed Deputy Sheriff, which office he held for six years. In i860 he was elected Sheriff of the Counlty, which office he filled for three years to the satisfaction of his constituents, but dedined a re-nomination. He served in the State Legislature in 1856, and again in 1877, and at various times served on imporitant State 'Oommissions appoimteld by the Governor. He was also largely employed in the settlement of 'estates. He married Charlotte A. Hewitt. They had a son, Thomas F., now a Professor in the University of California, and a daughter, Mary A. Ezekiel, third son of Lemuel Sanford the first, married Abigail Starr, November 21st, 1773, and settled in Boston district, in the western part HISTORY OF REDDING. 275 of the town. His children were: MolHe, baptized December i8th, 1774. Rebecca, baptized April 24th, 1777. Ezekiel, baptized November ist, 1778. Abigail, baptized Mardi ipt^h, 1780; perhaps others. He is called captain in the old records. Some of his descendants are now living in Amenia, N. Y. Samuel Sanford the first, settled in Umpawaug. He is called captain in the records. His children were: Daniel, baptized April 22d, 1734; Seth, baptized August 23d, 1735; Mary, March 19th, 1738; David, De- cember 2d, 1739; Abigail, Januar)- 30th, 1743; Samuel, May 5'th, .1745; Sarah, May lotjh, 1747; Esther, Apnil i6th, 1749; Ezra, March 25th, 175 1 ; Rache'l, February 25th, 1753 ; Peter, May 23d, 1756. Captain Sam- uel Sanford died November 6t^h, 1768, aged sixty-two years. Daniel married Esther Hull, April i8t)h, 1758. lOhildren: Eli, bap- tized August 16, 1761 ; Chloe, July sth, 1767; and others. Sefh married Rebecca, daughter of Deacon Stephen Burr, April 25th, 1759. Her chil- dren, named in Deacon Burr's will, 1776, were: Elias, Ebenezer, Jodl, Elijah, Samuel, and Scth. Mary married Timothy Sanford, sion of Joseplh. Abigail married John Hawley, December 21st, 1762. Samuel, Jr., married Sarah Olmsted, July 23d, 1767. (Town record.) His dhil- dren recorded were: Uriah, baptized February 14th, 1768; Thomas, De- cember 17th, 1769. Peter married Abigail Keder, June ist, 1780. Ephraim Saniford, son of Ezekiel, Jr., settled in Sanfordtown, and was a large land owner there, as is S'hown by severaid deeds now in the posses'sion of his descendants, some of which date back as far as 1733. His children by his wife Elizabeth Mix, according to the parisfh record, were : Radhel, baptized July 29th, 1733 ; Abigail, baptized May i8th, 1735; John, April 2g\^i, 1739; Oliver, September 20th, 1741 ; Lois, Sep- tember 17th, 1743; Huldah, May 5'fh, 1748; Augustus, Ju'l'y I5t/h, 1753; Esther, April 27th, 1755. His will, dated January 30th, 1761, mentions ako Ephraim, Elizabeth, and Tabith'a. Ephraim Sanfoird, according to the family tradition, was tbe first man having a store of goodls in Red- ding. His goods were brought from Bositon. Of his dliirdreti, Abigail married Daniel Jackson, Octdber 2d, 1755. John married Anna Wheeler, and settled in the Foundry district, in Redding. His dhildren were: Jameis, Steplien, Ephraim, John, (Eli, Huldah, Dods, BaJster, Elizabeth, and Annie. James, the eldest son, settled in the Foundry district, near his fadhier. He was a (teamster in the Revolutionary a,rmy, and was present at the execution of Jones and Smith on Gallows Hill. He mar- ried Sarah, daugliter of John Bdach, and grand-daughter of Rev. Jo/hn Beach, the faithful missionary of the Ghurdh of England. He is called "Squire James" inrtftie records and was a man of force and prominence in the community. He lived in the old homestead on Rock House Hill, still tenanted by one of his descendants. He married Sarah 2^6 HISTORY OF REDDING. Beach, daughter of Lazarus Beach and Lydia Sanford, in 1780, and died April 14th, 1842, aged 84 years. His children were: Lemuel, born Nov. 20, 1781 ; Lydia Ann, born Aug. i, 1782; Isaac, born Apr. 23, 1786; Alan- son, born Jan. 20, 1789; Sally, born Feb. 14, 1794; John Beach, born Oct. 10, 1796; James, Jr., born Jan. 10, 1799; Charles, born Jan. 7, 1801 ; a child, born Oct. i, 1804; Harriet, born , died April 29, 1840; Maria, born April, 1811, died March 28, 1824. James Sanford, Jr. above, married, Jan. 27, 1822, Miss Eliza French, and had children : John Turney, who died in infancy ; Turney, born Jan. 22,, 1825; Senah, born Feb. 24, 1828; James, 3d, born Oct. 19, 1830; Sarah, born June 7th, 1833; Stephen, born March 28, 1835; Betsey, bom Sept. 13, 1838; Perkins, born Feb. 24, 1841 ; Abby, born July 21, 1843; Henry, born Jan. 29, 1846; Charles, born Feb. 5th, 1849. Of the above children, Turney married Mary Roe, of Southport, Conn., and had one child, George Turney, who married Florence Hill, of New Orleans, La., and died in Mississippi, Dec. 31, 1894, leaving a daughter, Beulah. James Sanford, 3d, married Sarah Meeker, of Redding, and has one son, William Clinton, who married Miss Edith Cole, of Weston, and one son, James Harold. Sarah married William E. Duncomb, of Redding, and had one daugh- ter, Emma Eliza, who married George Benjamin Beers, of Easton. Stephen married ]\lary Sophia Banks, of Redding, and has children: Emory Perkins and Stephen Ernest. Emory married Olivia Sanford, of Redding, and has two children. Betsey married George B. Sherwood, of Easton, and had one child, James Arthur Sherwood. Charles married Hannah Sherwood, and has two daughters, Elsie and Lucy. Died, JMay 26, 1883, Squire James Sanford, the father. John Sanford, Jr., son of John and Anna (Wheeler) Sanford, married first, 1788, Lydia Wheeler, of Weston, and second, Elizabeth Parsons. His children, all by the first wife, were: Elizabeth, born Aug. 15, 1790; Ruth, born April 22, 1792; Margaret, born Oct. 20, 1794; Sarah, born Jan. 25, 1797; John W., born May 21, 1799; Eli, born Aug. 4, 1801 ; Lydia A., born March 17, 1804. Of these children, Elizabeth married Aaron Lyon and had three chil- dren, Lemuel, Mary Eliza, and Lydia Louisa. Ruth married David Dun- combe, and had children: Henry B., David S., Asabel S., Charles, Harriet N., Lydia A., Aaron H., and William E. Margaret married Henry Dean ; no children. Sarah married Garry Dayton, and had children : Betsey, Caroline, Betsey, Lydia Ann, San- ford, and Charles W. John W. married Altha Fanton, of Weston, and HISTORY OF REDDING. 277 had chiiaren: Mary Ann, unmarried; George Wheeler, died Dec. 6, 1842, aged 18 years; Harriet Stevens, died Feb. 4, 1853, aged 27 years; Flora Maria, died April 30, 1894, aged 66 years ; Edward J. and Georgiana. Edward J. removed to Knoxville, Tenn., in early life, where be be- came a prominent man, being at one time the RepubUcan nominee for Governor of Tennessee. He married, Aug. 21, i860, Miss Emma Chav- annes, daughter of the Rev. Adrian Chavannes, of Lausanne, Switzerland. Their children were: Edward T., now a prominent lawyer of Knoxville, Tenn., and who married Lutie Mallory Woodruff, of Knoxville, and has two children: Dorothy and Anna Magee; and Emma, who married Ed- ward Jackson Sanford, elder son of the Hon. William Eli Sanford, M. P., of Hamilton, Can., and has one child, Constance Phyllis. Georgiana, fourth daughter of John W. Sanford, married the Rev. Charles W. Kelley, July 11, 1876. Eli Sanford, the youngest son of John Sanford, Jr., married Feb. 26, 1826, in New York City, Miss Eveline Argall, and had children: Eliza, Lydia Ann, Hannah J. (died May 5th, 1849, aged 18 years), and William E. Of these children, Eliza married, ist, Elijah P. Farmer, and second, Dr. James T. Alley, of Buffalo, N. Y. She had one child by the first husband : Hannah Eliza, who died in infancy ; and one by the second, William Sanford. Mrs. Alley died Aug. 11, 1886. Lydia Ann married Andrew Meeker, of Redding, and had one child, who died in infancy. William E. Sanford, youngest child of Eli, born Aug. 21, 1834, in New York, married, first, Emmeline Sanford Jackson, and on her death in 1858, Sophia Vaux, of Ottawa, Can. His children, ail by the second marriage, are Edward J., Henry Vaux (died in infancy), Edna and Muriel. Hon. William E. Sanford settled in Hamilton, Canada, and engaged in commercial pursuits. He is president of a large manufacturing con- cern, and is intimately connected with many monied and educational insti- tutions of Canada. In the year 1887, he was appointed by Her Majesty a member for life of the Canadian Senate, and has also been a member of various Government Commissions. He resides in Hamilton, Canada. Stephen Sanford, son of John and Ann (Wheeler) Sanford, married Sarah Curtis, of Huntington, Conn., and had children: Nehemiah C, Charlotte, Phoebe, John, Charles, Stephen, Jr., and Nelson, all of whom settled out of Redding, largely in Newtown and Roxbury, Conn. Nehe- miah C. married Nancy Bateman Shelton, of Huntington, and had an only child, Henry Shelton Sanford, who attained prominence in many lands and was of signal service to his country in her hour of need. Mr. Sanford began his diplomatic career as attach^ at St. Petersburg in 1847, 2 78 HISTORY OF REDDING. under Hon. Ralph I. Ingersoll. The next year, 1848, 'he was acting Secretary of Legation under Hon, Andrew J. Donelson at Frankfort. In 1849 he was appointed by President Taylor, Secretary of Legation at Paris, under Hon. William C. Revis, and on the departure of the latter in 1853, Charge de Affaires for nearly a year, arranging for our first pos- tal convention with France. He resigned and returned to this country in 1859, ^"^ soon after was sent by President Buchanan to New Gre- nada to negotiate for the extension of the Panama Railroad charter. His house in Washington during the winter of 1860-61, the year of the Peace Congress, was a centre of decisive discussion. Mr. Lincoln, immediately after his inauguration, appointed him Minister to Belgium, and within three days he was on his way to Paris under confidential instructions. His mission to Belgium was made to cover much diplomatic ground. Governor Seward said of him : "Mr. Sanford during the first year of the war was the Minister of the United States in Europe." During the eight and a half years that Mr. Sanford remained in Belgium he nego- tiated and signed the treaties of the Scheldt, of Commerce and Naviga- tion, of Trade Marks, and the Consular Convention, the first ever made by Belgium. The extradition treaty he had discussed failed by reason of one point, since yielded by our government. On Mr. Sanford's retirement from the diplomatic service and return to his native country, he became much interested in the industrial devel- opment of the South, particularly of Florida. In the latter he founded the town of Sanford, at the head of navigation on the St. Johns. There he created an extensive orange grove and tropical garden a mile out of the village. In this grove Mr. Sanford had gathered every species of orange known to horticuituriats from all over the world, and pretty much every important tropical fruit and plant. The writer was invited to visit it one day, as the guest of the diplomat, who gave his visitor a most in- teresting account, not only of the trees and plants, but of his efforts in securing them. This grove, a vast service in introducing improved species of the citrus family into Florida, was ruined by the great freeze of 1895. In 1884, Mr. Sanford again entered the diplomatic service as Plenipotentiary of the International Congo Association. In 1884-5 he was Plenipotentiary of the United States at the Berlin Conference, and signed, Feb. 26th, 1885, with his colleague, Minister Kasson, the Act G^n^rale, opening up the Congo region to our commerce and mission- aries. A year later he dispatched to the Congo from Brussels the "San- ford Exploring Expedition" for scientific and commercial discovery and information. This became, in 1888, in Brussels, a large stock company, with seven steamers and ten stations. It was one of the disappointments of Mr. Sanford's life that he could not interest American capital in this enterprise. In February, 1891, he sailed for America to look after his HISTORY OF REDDING. 2 70 business interests there, being 'then in 111 health, and died at the White Sulphur Springs, Va., May 21, 1891. Mr. Sanford married, Sept. 21, 1864, in Paris, France, Miss Gertrude Ellen du Puy, of Philadelphia, Pa. Their children were: Henry Shelton, Gertrude Ellen du Puy, Frida Dolores, Ethel, Helen Carola Nancy, Leo- pold Curtis, and Ebvyn Emeline Willimine Gladys McKinnon. Oliver Sanford, son of Ephraim, married, in April, 1767, Rachel, daughter of Deacon David Coley, of Weston. Their children were: Mary, baptized July 31st, 1768; David, August 20th, 1769; Ephraim, September rsth, 1771 ; Abigail, May 29th, 1774; Enoch A., April 28th, 1776; Levi, December 14th, 1777; Oliver C., Abigail, Mary, Betsey, and Lorraine. SMITH. Anna, daughter of Samuel Smith, of Redding, was baptized July 6th, 1740 ; and Seth Samuel, son of Samuel and Lydia Smith, September 28th, 1760. The latter was the first lawyer who located in Redding. He had an office in the Centre, -where also 'he kept a select sdhool. He was town clerk for a term of years, and wrote a most elegant hand, as will be re- membered by those familiar with the records of his times. He also filled many other important positions in the town. He married Hulda^h . Their children were: Zalmon, baptized February 3d, 1780; and probably others. STOWE. Robert Stow, the first of the name in Redding, settled in Lonetown, on the farm now owned by Albert Bartram. He married Anne Darrow, January 26th, 1775. Their children were: Daniel, born July 4th, 1779; Abigail, born April nth. 1776, married Israel Adams; Sarah, born October 4th, 1777; Sarah, born August nth, 1781 ; Sumner, bom September 17th, 1783; Huldah. born February 6th, 1787; married An- drew Andrus, of Danbury ; Abraham, born March 4th, 1792 ; Polly, bom September 20th, 1794, married Moses Parsons of Newtown. Robert Stow died November 5th, 1795. Daniel Stow married Lucy Hoyt, of Bethel, and settled in Redding, near his father. His children were : Rob- ert, Almira, Sarah, Harriet, Lucy, Sumner, Mary, and Polly. Abraham settled in Bethel. Sumner died when a young man. STRONG. For the following notes of the descendants of the Rev. William L. Strong, I am indebted to his grandchild. Miss May D. Strong, of Pitts- ton, Pa. My gnandfather had eleven children, who grew to years of maturity, and ail married. The eldest. Judge William Strong, born 1808, gradu- 2 So HISTORY OF REDDING. ated at Yale 1828; afterwards a lawyer in Reading, Pa., a member of Congress, a judge of the Supreme Court of Penn., and, in 1870, made Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, He had seven chil- dren, only three of whom survive him ; one married and two single daugh- ters ; he has one grandson, however, who bears his own name, of WilHam Strong. The second son, Newton Deming Strong, graduated at Yale in 1831; became a lawyer in St. Louis, married there, and died there in 1866, leav- ing no children. The third son, Edward, born 1813, graduated at Yale 1838; became a Congregational minister, was settled in New Haven, Pittsfield, and Bos- ton; died in 1898, leaving two sons and one daughter. The fourth child, Harriet, married Frederic Pratt, of Fayetteville, N. Y, She died without children in 1864, aged fifty-three. Fifth child, Mary, born 1815, married Rev. Robert Wilson, a Presby- terian minister ; she still Hves, a widow, at the age of ninety, and all her three children survive. The sixth child, Elizabeth, married Henry H. Cooley, a merchant of Auburn, N. Y. She died at the age of seventy-five. One son alone of three children survive her. Seventh child, Theodore, born 1820, educated for Yale, like his brothers, but prevented from ma'triculaJting by failing sight ; entered a business life, and served as President of the First National Bank of Pittston, for forty-one years, having but recently resigned. He still lives at the age of eighty-six ; also five of his eight children survive. The eighth child, Samuel, graduated at Yale in 1843 5 became a Con- gregational minister ; was settled during a short pastorate in Springfield, Mass. He left that profession because of failing health, and studied law, but died in 1856, aged thirty-four. Ninth child, Abigail, married Nelson H. Gaston, of New Haven, w^ho died after six years. She still lives, aged eighty-two; also one of her three children. Tenth child, Julia, married Rev. Henry Darling, a Presbyterian min- ister; afterwards President of Hamilton College; died, aged twenty-five, without children. Eleventh child, Helen, married John Loveland, a merchant of Pitts- ton, Penn. She died in 1886, aged fifty-six years, survived by but one of her four sons. Other settlers in the town at an early date, but who do not appear to have been permanent residents, were : Daniel Bradley, Thomas Williams, Thomas and William Squire (of Fairfield), Ebenezer Ferry, George Cow- den, Nathaniel Booth, Edmund Sherman, Jonathan Squire, John Whit- HISTORY OF REDDING. 28 1 lock, John Truesdale, Frederick Dikeman, and John Nott. The families of Byington, Chapman, Hamilton, Knapp, Osborne, Dennison, Bennett, St. John, Gilbert, Johnson, Abbott, Duncomb, Edwards, Olmstead, Rider, Treadwell, and Todd figure in the later records of the town. HISTORY OF REDDING. APPENDIX I. 283 Representatives to the Legislature. October, 1767. Col. John Read. May, 1768. None. October, 1768. Capt. Stephen Mead. May, 1769. Col. John Read, Capt. Henry Lyon. October, 1769. Capt. Henry Lyon. May, 1770. Capt. Stephen Mead, Mr. Lemuel Sanford. October, 1770. Col. John Read, Mr. Lemuel Sanford. May, 1771. Col. John Read, Mr. Lemuel Sanford. October, 1771. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford. May, 1772, Col. John Read, Mr. Hezekiah Sanford. October, 1772. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford. May, 1773. Col. John Read, Mr. Hezekiah Sanford. October, 1773. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. James Rogers. May, 1774. Mr. William Hawley, Mr. Peter Fairdhild. October, 1774. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Hawley. May, 1775. Mr. William Hawley. October, 1775. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Hawler May, 1776. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Seth Sanford. October, 1776. Mr. Samuel Sanford, Jr., Mr. Stephen Betts, Jr., May, 1777. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. Daniel Sanford. October, 1777. None attended. January, 1778. Mr. Seth Sanford. February, 1778. Mr. Lemuel Sanford. May, 1778. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Heron. October, 1778. Mr. Lemuel Sanford. May, 1779. Mr. Seth Sanford. Octobei, 1779. Mr. William Hawley, Mr. William Heron. May, 1780. Mr. William Hawley, Mr. William Heron. October, 1780. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. Seth Sanford. Ma>, 1781. Unrecorded. October, 1781. Capt. William Hawley. Mdv, 1782. Mr. Stephen Betts. October, 1782. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. Stephen Betts. May, 1783. Mr. Stephen Betts, Mr. Thaddeus Benedict. October, 1783. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. Stephen Betts. .284 HISTORY OF REDDING. May, 1784. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Thaddeus Benedict. October, 1784. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Heron. Zvlay, 1785.. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. William Heron. October, 1785. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. William Heron. May, 1786. Mr. William Hawley. October, 1786. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. William Heron. May, 1787. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Heron. C ctober, 1787. Mr. William Heron. May, 1788. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Heron. October, 1788. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Heron. May, 1789. Mr. William Heron. October, 1789. Mr. Lemuel Sanford, Mr. William Heron. May, 1790. Mr. Thaddeus Benedict, Mr. William Heron. October, 1790. Mr. Thaddeus Benedict, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. May, 1791. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. October, 1791. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. May, 1792. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. October, 1792. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Aaron Barlow. Alay, 1793. ^^r. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. October, 1793. Mr. Hezekiah Sanford, Mr. Simeon Munger. May, 1794. Mr. Thaddeus Benedict, Mr. Aaron Barlow. October, 1794. Mr. Thaddeus Benedict, Mr. Aaron Barlow. May, 1795. Mr. Thaddeus Benedict, Mr. Aaron Barlow. October, 1795. Mr. William Heron, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. May, 1796. Mr. William Heron, Mr. James Rogers. October, 1796. Mr. William Heron, Mr. James Rogers. May, 1797. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Seth Samuel Smith. October, 1797. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Seth Samuel Smith. May, 1798. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Seth Samuel Smith. May, 1799. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Stephen Jackson. October, 1799. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Stephen Jackson. May, 1800. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Seth Samuel Smith. October, 1800. Mr. Andrew L. Hill, Mr. Stephen Jackson. May, 1801. Mr. Andrew L. Hill, Mr. Stephen Jackson. October, 1801. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Peter Sanford. May, 1802. Mr. S. Samuel Smith, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. October, 1802. Mr. Aaron Sanford, Mr. Joshua King. May, 1803. Mr. Seth S. Smith, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. October, 1803. Mr. Seth S. Smith, Mr. Andrew L. Hill. May, 1804. Mr. Seth S. Smith. October, 1804. Mr. Simeon Munger, Mr. Peter Sanford. May, 1805. Seth Samuel Smith, Andrew L. Hill. October, 1805. Simeon Munger, Peter Sanford. HISTORY OF REDDING. May, 1806. Andrew L. Hill, Simeon Hunger. October, 1806. Andrew L. Hill, Simeon IMunger, May, 1807. Andrew L. Hill, Simeon Munger, October, 1807. Seth Samuel Smith, Lemuel Sanford. May, 1808. Andrew L. Hill, Lemuel Sanford. October, 1808. Lemuel Sanford, Simeon ]\lunger. May, 1809. Andrew L. Hill, Lemuel Sanford. October, 1809. Andrew L. Hill, Lemuel Sanford. May, 1 8 10. Andrev/ L. Hill, Lemuel Sanford. October, 1810. Andrew L. Hill, Lemuel Sanford. May, 181 1. Samuel Whiting, Peter Sanford. October, 181 1. Andrew L. Hill, Samuel Whiting. May, 1812. Andrew L. Hill, Lemuel Sanford. October, 1812. Andrew L. Hill, Lemuel Sanford. May, 1813. Lemuel Sanford, Samuel Whiting. October, 1813. Lemuel Sanford, Samuel Whiting. May, 1814. Lemuel Sanford, Samuel Whiting. October, 18 14. John Meeker, Lemuel Sanford. May, 181 5. Jonathan R. Sanford, Samuel Whiting. October, 1815. Simeon Munger, Hezekiah Read, Jr. May, 1816. Isaac Beach, Hezekiah Read, Jr. October, 1816. Samuel Whiting, Hezekiah Read, Jr. May, 1817. Isaac Beach, Benjamin Meeker. October, 1817. Jonathan Meeker, John R. Hill. May, 1818. Billy Comstock, Aaron Sanford, Jr. October, 1818. William Sanford, John Meeker. May, 1819. Billy Comstock, Hezekiah Read, Jr. 1820. Isaac Coley, Jonathan R. Sanford. 1 82 1. Daniel Barlow, Seth Wheeler. 1822. Billy Comstock, John R. Hill. 1823. John R. Hill, Aaron Sanford, Jr. 1824. Ephraim Sanford, Rowland Fanton. 1825. Benjamin Meeker, William Sanford. 1826. Joel Merchant, Michael, Jennings. 1827. Thomas B. Fanton, Gershom Sherwood. 1828. John M. Heron, William Sanford. 1829. Aaron Sanford, Daniel Barlow. 1830. Gershom Sherwood, Gurdon Bartram. 1831. Jonathan R. Sanford, Jared Olmstead. 1832. Ralph Sanford, Walker Bates. 1833. Jacob Wanzer, Thaddeus B. Read. 1834. Thomas B. Fanton, Bradley Hill. 1835. Thomas B. Fanton, Walker Bates. 285 286 History of redding. 1836. Ralph Sanford, Burr Meeker. 1837. Timothy Parsons, Jesse Banks. 1838. Thomas B. Fanton, Aaron Perry. 1839. Thomas B. Fanton, Benjamm Meeker. 1840. Walker Bates, David S. Duncomb. 1841. Thaddeus M. Abbott, Morris Hill. 1842. Hezekiah Davis, John W. Sanford. 1843. Edward Starr, Jr., Barney Bartram. 1844. Charles Beadh, Oharks D. Smith. 1845. Peter S. Coley, Aaron R. Bartram. 1846. James Sanford, Harry Meeker. 1847. Bradley Hill, Samuel S. Osborn. 1848. Burr Bennett, Floyd Tucker. 1849. Daniel C. Rider, Henry Couch. 1850. Matthew Greg'ory, Rufus Mead. 185 1. Milo Lee, Frederick D. Dimon. 1852. Aaron Burr, Aaron B. Hull. 1853. Ebenezer Wilsion, Turney Sanford. 1854. Jonathan R. Sanford, Walker Bates. 1855. Cortez Merc-hant, Gurdon B. Lee. 1856. Thomas Sanford, Milo Lee. 1857. John O. St. John, David B. Sanford. 1858. James Sanford, Benjamin S. Boug'hton'. 1859. 'John Edmond, Matthew Greg^ory. i860. Jacob Shaw, Daniel S. Sanford. 1861. Edmund T. Dudley, Matthew Gregory. 1862. Walker Bate's, George Osborn. 1863. John Edmond, David H. Mead. 1864. Walker Bates, Aaron Treadwell. 1865. Tihomas B. Fanton, William Hill. 1866. Charles Osborne, Edward P. Shaw. 1867. David S. Johnson, William B. Hill. 1868. Francis A. Sanford, B. S. Boug'hton. 1869. Aaron H. Davis, William H. Hill. 1870. Jdhn S. Sanford, J. R. Sanford. 1871. E. F. Foster, Luzon JelHfif. 1872. Henry S. Osborn, Arthur B. Hill. 1873. Stebbins Baxter, Moses Hill. 1874. J. R. Sanford, Edward P. Shaw. 1875. Turney Sanford, Henry Burr Piatt. 1876. James Sanford, Orrin Piatt. 1877. Thomas Sanford, George F. Banks. 1878. Azariah E. Meeker, Daniel Sanford. 1879. Harvey B. Rumsey, George Coley. HISTORY OF REDDING. 28? 1880. David S. Bartram, Azariah Meeker. 1881. David H. Miller, William F. Mandeville. 1882. Thomas Sanford, Ebenezer F. Foster. 1883. James E. Miller, Charles Porter. 1884. Jesse L. Sanford, Eli Osborn. 1885. John N. Nickerson, Uriaih S. Griffin. 1886. 'Michael Connery, William C. Sanford. 1887. Samuel B. Gorham, David E. Smith. 1889. Seth Sanford, James E. Miller. 189 1. Edwin Gilbert, William H. Hill. 1893. William F. Mandeville, Henry S. Osborn. 1897. Henry S. Osborn, Nathan Perry. 1899. Albert A. Gorfiam, John Todd. 1901. William H. Hill, Aaron H. Davis. 1903. John Todd, Aaron H. Davis. 1905. William E. Hazen, William H. Hill. Redding was made a Probate District in 1839, The successive Judges of Probate have been: Thomas B. Fanton, Jonathan R. Sanford, Thaddeus M. Abbott, Lemuel Sanford, Edward P. Shaw, and John Nick- erson, the present incumbent. INDEX. PAGE Abbott, Elijah 216 Frank F 84, 171, 186 Thaddeus M 29, 92, 125, 171 Adams, Aaron 215 Abigail 211 Abraham 64, 194, 213, 216 Ani 211 Deborah 213, 220 Eli 218 Elizabeth 193 Ellen 210 Henry 49 Hezeiciah 64, 210 Israel 214 James T], 106 Joseph 213 Molle 210 Nathan 14, 217 Salle 210 Sarah 195, 215 Stephen 64, 208 Rev. Wm. H 116 Agnew, Gen 29, 31 Albin, Charles 144, 145 Sylvester 146 Thomas 80 Allen, Widow 221 Ambler, Rev. John L 122 Samuel S 49 S. S 117 Amery, Rev. A. J 1 16 Ammerman, Rev. O. V 113 Andrews, Eunice 196 Francis 64. 198 Jonathan 64 Molle 195 Seth 64, 109 Ebenezer 22 Sarah 215 Stephen 197 Angevine, Anthony 195 Applegate, Benj 12 Isaac 12 John 12 Robert 12 Armstrong, Rev. Wm. P ti6 Arnold, Gen. B 30, 32 Asbury, Bishop 109 Aston, Rev. Henry 114 Atwill, Rev. William 106 Bailey, Thomas 14 Baker, Thankful 206 Baldwin, Abraham 55 Rev. Burr 91 PAGE Ruth 149 Banks, Edward 144 George W 143 Jesse 108, no, 126, 196, 211 Hint 210 Joanna 195, 212, 220 Joseph 88, 92, 96 Mabel 218, 221 Mary 215 Philena 198 Sarah 196 Seth ^^, 196 Wesley 143 Bangs, Nathan Rev 116 Barber, Bartholomew 64 Barlow, Aaron Col.. .55, 64, 125, 149, 197 Bette 217 Daniel 219 Elnathan 214, 215, 221 Ephraim 34 Gershom 33 Joel 55, 64, 89, 146, 158 Nathaniel 25, ^^ Ruhamah 195 Samuel 64, 216 Stephen 218 Thomas 147 Barnes, Rev. S 116 Barnett, A. G 183 Barr, James T 143 Bartlett, Abigail 217 Anne 207 Rev. Charles 115 Daniel C 65, 198, 206 David 150 Eunice 208 Flora 218 Rev. Jonathan. ..yj, 90, 107, 124, 210 Lucretia 211 Rev. Nathaniel. .9, 37, 42, 45, 54, 88, 90, 134, 146, 194. Russell 25, 65, 205 Bartram. Aaron 126 Anne 214, 217 Charity 207 Daniel 65. 108, 197 David 195, 220 David S 143. I45 Eli 211 Rllenor 215, 218 Esther 212 Ezekiel 108, 213 Gurdon 216 Hon. T. N 45, 46. 47. 48. 40 290 INDEX. PAGE Isaac 65, 181, 203, 207 Isaac H 176 Jabez 207 John 195 Joseph 207, 216, 219 Mabel 206 Mary 198, 207 Paul 21, TJ, 108, 195, 214 Rene 218 Ruth 45, 199, 209, 212, 220 Sarah 196, 208 Bates, Aaron 214 Charles H 144 Elias 208, 214, 220 Esther 211 Ezra 65, 20s, 207, 219 Henry W 144 John 208 Justus 65, 197, 203, 213 Martha 217 Mary ic^, 205 Nathan 212 Ruth 198, 206 Sarah 204, 210 Seth P 145 Slauson 217 Smith 144 Walker 128, 139, 207 Waterman 137, 143 ^Batterson, Beth 217 Hezekiah 196, 209 Jemima 199 Jeremiah 65, 198 Mary 210 "Baxter, Austin 198 Samuel B 142 Beach, Charles 78, 104 David, Rev ii, 112 Ebenezer 166 Isaac 135 Rev. John 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 31, 78-9, 94, 105, "3 Lazarus "j"], 80 Rebecca D 166 Rob., Rev 116 Rev. S 113 Rev. T. C 114 Beardsley, Ebenezer 166 Bearslee, Jim 'J^ Beers, Seth P 137 Belden, Rev. David 105 Belding, Moses 65 Belknap, Jesse 45, 198 Bedient, Lewis 142 Benedict, Billie 217 Fred 187 Hiram 218 Jesse 198 Lem'l B 144 Michael 19S Samuel W 217 Sarah 216 Thaddeus. .23, 24, 28, 79, 82, 125, 108 Thos 87 PAGE Bennett, Daniel 65 E. G 121 Hubbell 196 John H 141 Shubael -j-j Sturges 120, 121, 128, 1^9, 168 Thaddeus M 139 Betts, Abigail 195 Daniel 216 Enoch 198 Jonathan 145 Martha 195 Mary 194 Ruth 195, 219 Sarah 196, 218 Stephen. .19, 25-6, 29, 31, 61, 66, ^^, 92, 125, 194 Stephen, Jr 23-24 Bigelow, Thos 142 Birdsall, Peter W 144 Bissell, Daniel 61 Bixby, Abigail 220 Ellen 197 Elias 24, 66, 205 Mabel 197 Blackman, J. L 149 Blanchard, O. H 49 Bloodgood, Rev. John 108-12 Bontecue, Rev. J. C 113 Booth Abner 202, 220 D- B 35 Hezekiah 195 Solomon 201 Bosely, Rev. Wm. N 122 Bostwick, Rev. Wm. L 106 Boutell, Clare 216 Bowen, Rev. Josiah 113 Rev. Wm 117 Boyd, Rev. John 113 Bradley, Abigail 203 Burton 124 Daniel 85, 193 Elisha 125 Esther 199 Eunice 200 Ezekiel 200 James 193, 201 Jonathan 197 Joseph 18 Mary 204 Nathan 202, 219 Peter 131 Stephen 199 Mrs. Thankful 33 William 197 Brambler, Rev. J. W 1 16 Bray, Rev. E. L 114 Stephen S 117 Brewer, Rev. Aaron 122 Briggs, Rev. Chas 187-8 Brinsmade, Daniel E 166 Helen J 166 Bronson, Rev. W. W 105, 106 Brothweli, Benj 66 INDEX. 291 PAGE Wm. E 146 Brown, Daniel 93 Rev. David 112 Rev. Paul K 113 Wm. F 144 Bryant, Alex I95 Elizabeth I95 Buckley, Charity 195 Bulkley, Hannah 194, 207 Hezekiah I97 Sarah I97 Burr, Aaron 29, 131, I44 Abel n, 80, 125 Abigail 207, 218 Andrew 12 Betsey C 221 Bradley 114 Comfort 197 Daniel 194 David 220 Elijah 24, 25, 196, 197, 202 Elizabeth ir, 194, I95. 213, 219 Ephraim 206 Esther 195, 199, 202, 217, 221 Ezekiel 18, 66, 205 Ezra 200 Hannah I97, 217 Henry F I44, 146 Huldah 196, 203 Jabez 18, 19, 66, 198, 221 Jehu 19, 87 Joel 207 Maj. John 2 John, Jr 194 Joseph IT, 81-2, 214-15 Katherine I94 Lemuel 212 Martha 196, I99 Martin V. B I44 Nathan 66 Peter 5-7. 85, I93 Phillip 219 Rebecca I9S. 201 Rhoda 216-22 Sarah 25-199 Stephen. .17, 18, 19, 66, 84, 87, 88, 92, 122, 125, 193, 195, 206 Thaddeus 12 Buehner, Mrs. Edw. J 167 Bunnell, Isaac 11 Burchard, Elijah 196 Burhams, Rev. Dr 94 Burril, Elizabeth 219 Isaac 203 Nathaniel 202 Noah 201 Solomon 201 Burritt, Abijah 201, 218 Bette 216 Ebenezer I95 Mary 201 Phillip 66, 198 Rhoda 202 William 19, I94, 215 Sybil 202 Burton, Benjamin 202 Ruth 202 Bushnell, Samuel, Rev 113 Butler, David 10=;, 216 Joseph F 145 Mrs. Marcus M 167 Byington, Aaron 215, 142 Joel 125, 213 John 66, 196, 210 Lucina 210 Oscar 141 Reuben 212 Sarah 217 Cable, Rufus D 166 Samuel I95 Cadwallader, John 50 Cammeyer, Alfred 187 Campbell, Rev. Jas 112 Camp, Rebecca 164 Candee, Rev. Isaac 112 Caner, Rev. Henry 94, lOS Canfield, Chas. H 137, 146 Wm. H. 145 Carter, Ammi I44 Chamberlain, Rev. Chas 91 H. R ..142 Chapel. Russell . 198 Chapman, Daniel 215 Fred D I44, I45 Mary 198 Chase, Seth I55 Chatfield, Daniel I99 Martha 201 Samuel I99. 200 Sarah 219 Chauncey, Eleanor I94 Robert U Chickens i, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20 Cobleigh, Hiram I45 Coburn, Edward 66 Cochrane, Rev. Samuel II3 Cogswell, Rev. Wm 116 Coleman, Rev. Jas 112, 115 Obadiah R I44, 146 Coley, Abigail 213 Azariah 216 Daniel I94 Darius 212, 221 David 208 Ebenezer I97 Elizabeth 209 Eunice I94, 205 Ezekiel 214 Ezra 207 Gershom 66, 194 Hannah I97 Isaac 211 James 66 Jesse 207 Tohn M 145 Mary 198. 202 292 INDEX. PAGE Mollie 205 Nathan 24, 66, 197, 217 Ruth 197, 203 Samuel 194 Stephen 205 William 144, 146 Zalmon 215 Collins, Wm. F. Rev 114 Colver, Rev. Nathaniel 118, 137 Clark, Abigail 201 Adam 18 Henry 141 James 202 Rev. Laban 113 Nehemiah, Dr 81 Rev. R. S 103, 105 Sarah 201, 204, 219 Rev. T 113 Rev. Wm. C 122 Clapp, G. E 183 Clemens, Samuel L 182, 184 Cliff, Rev. Wm 122 Clinton, Sir Henry 51, 58 Clugston, Beth 198 David 207 Elizabeth 219 Eunice 220 John 195, 196, 219 Mary 218 Samuel 195 Clymer, L. John, Rev 116 Comstock, Billy 27, 126 Rev. David C 91 Lydia 198 Moses 145 Copley, Daniel 198 Corcoran, James 145 Corns, Anna A 199 Annie E 219 Elizabeth 201 George 193 Sarah 196 Cornwall, Jesse B 182 Nathan 142 Costello, Martin 143 Cook, Rev. Phineas 113 Couch, Aaron 214 Abigail 210 Abner 212, 221 Abram 114 Adra 202 Adria 195, 205 . vndrew D 143 .\nna 209 Annie 210 ^ Daniel 67, 20T ■ , Daniel, Jr 67 - Gen. D. N 150 Ebenezer 19, 22, 24, 78, 88 Eli_ ; 214 Elijah (i'j, 20.^ Elizabeth 206 Eunice 215 Hannah 200 PAGE Jesup 217 John 203, 117, 208 Jonathan 21, 24, 195, 198, 218 Joseph 212 Levi 2og Lucy 208 Lydia 211 Mary 213, 221 Mollie 217 Rebecca 208 Samuel, Capt 5, 7. 8, 19, 20 Sarah 207, 197, 213 Simon, Capt 16, 18, 92 Stephen 204 Theoda 198, 205 Thomas N 206 William 214 Crawford, Rev. John 112, 113 Wm 131 Creevy, Geo. C. Rev 114 Crocker, Rev. Daniel 91 Rev. George 119 Crofoot , Daniel ..| 11, 94. David ^^ Nathan 200 Stephen 195 Crofut, David 14 Rev. Jas. H 116 Croffut, Wm. A 163 Crowel, Seth 113 Curtis, Chandler 117 Cutler, Timothy 93 Dann, George L 145 Darkin, Edw. J. Rev 105 Darling, Benjamin 198, 200 Eunice 195, 199 Gyer ^7 John 213 Joseph 202 Martha 201 Mary 196, 203, 217 Sarah 200, 214 Darrow, Anna 198 William 45, 199 Dart, John 164 Ruth 164 Dater. Henrv M 182 Davies, Rev. John 113 Dr. Thomas 178 Rev. Thomas F ZT, 90, 125, 162 179, 180 Davj«. Aaron H 137, 145 Benjamin 195 Daniel 208 Esther - 213 Eunice 212 John 67, 207 Martha 209 Millicent 198 Millison 205 .Samuel 215 Sarah 205 Stephen 210 INDEX. '■93 PAGE Deacon, Edward 183 Dean, Abigail 205 Daniel ig, 194 Esther 205 Eunice 195, 200, 209 Hannah 206 Huldah 207 John 210 Lydia 211 Rachel 206 Rene 210 Sarah 205 DeForest, Ephraim yy, 82, 196 John W 143 DeFour, Francis 141 DeLancey, Oliver 58, 59, 60 Dennis, Rev. Daniel 112 Dewey, Rev. Timothy 112 Dibble, Sarah 197 I Dickinson, John 96, 114, 113 Lockwood 67 Dickson, Alonzo 145 Dikeman, Aaron 211 Anna 216 Anne 203 Benjamin 208 Betts 195 Fred 202 Hezekiah 207 John 199, 220 Joseph 195, 209 Levi 197 Peter 212 Samuel 215 Zalmon 225 Dillon, Michael 142 Dimon, Henry 13 Moses II Diossy, Rev. Richard K 122 Dixon, James 67 Doty, Erastus 117 Downs, Charles H 146 Drew, Annie 210 Daniel 209 Isaac 82 John 77 Driggs, Fred 181 Marshall S 187 Dudley, Lena 205 Simon 205 Dufoy, Jerome 142 Duncomb, Chas 126 David Ill Dunlap, Rev. M. B 106 Dunell, Frank i8r Dunning, Wm 198 Durand. Emil 142 Dymond, Rachel i6zi Fames, Rev. Henry 113 Eastford, Cyrus B 144 Edmonds, John 114. 139, 140 Mary 198 Edwards, William 219 Emory, Nathan, Rev. . 112 Evans Rev Edw. R '.W^s, 92 ^. ^hos^^ A ^ ; ^9 Evarts, Daniel 41; 108 Elder Elijah ■:::::'':.]^ Eldndge, Abel ao"; ^ Joseph ' " -'DC Fly David, Rev //'^ Ely Rev. John QO Emmitt, Dr. Thos. A " 58 Erskine. Wm. Sir 20 v Ewing. Frank F '.'.'.'. . '183 Fairchild, Abigail 212 -^b'iah 202', 196," 198 Abram 126, 172, 220 ^'■t^w 8, 22, 1 25 g'lle , 206 'Janiel 197, 203, 218 221 S^^!^ ^ ■■■67, 204 P.f'J s 172 Ellen 211 Ezekiel 67, 196, 203 . John 67 Fairchild, John. ...125, 197, 209, 215, 217 Huldah 221 Tsaac 67, 204 Mary 203 Nathan 202 Peter 21, 23, 196 Rachel 208 Rhoda 203 ^^mnd 67,94/205 -'arah 201. 211, 213 Stephen 67, 12^;. 206 Thomas 21, 86, 193 Timothy 200, 216 Fanton, Curtis 127 Henry 127 Thos. B 28, in, 181 Wm 144 Farmer, Rev. S. F. 91 Fayerweather. Benj 14 Ferry, Abigail 199. 218 Ebenezer 18, 202 John 201 Sarah 195. 201 Field, Chas. A 144 Finch, Dimon 27 Fitch, Abigail E 216 Asahel 21, 25, 67, 178 Clarina 212 Ellis A 216 Hannah 212 Jas. G 2T4 Martha 218 Felch. Rev. Nathan 112 Fleming. Mrs. Sarah 131 Foster, Rev. Floyd W it6 Joel 92, 126 John 141 Rev. Sylvester 112 Timothy 67 Fowler, Rev. Andrew 103 294 INDEX. PAGE Franklin, Benj " Frost, Betsey ^og Daniel ^^3 Rev. Daniel D 9^ Hannah 20« Mary ^^ Stephen 212 Gage, Geo ^95 George, T. M. W 125 Gibbins, Jas 45- iQo Gibson, Ebenezer • Id" Gilbert, Benj 120, 128, 129 168 Burr 206 Edwin 128, 129, 145, 168 Eli 124 Elias, Rev "5 Giles 45> iqS John 207 Wm. D 145 Wm. J 129, 168 Gilder, Jeanette 182, 184 Rev. John L 114, no Jos. B i8S Richard W 170, 184 Rev. Wm. H 114, 170 Glasgow, Rev. Abram 122 Glidden, Rev. K. B 91 Glover, John 94 Godard, Rev. Louis A 92 Godfrey, Edward 143 Geo. M 145 John L 146 Gold, Abel 198 Abigail 195;, 202 Elizabeth 198, 207 Esther 196, 20.^ Grace 2l8 Hannah 204 Hezekiah 206 John 12 Mary 197, 204 Nathan 4, 5. 7, 12 Samuel 34, 67, 198 Sarah 196 Stephen 24. 202 Thomas I94 Goodale, Dora R 186 Mrs. Dora R 186 Gould, Daniel 126, 136 Geo. W 141, 144, 145 Gore, Jona 41 Gorham. Anne 198 Chas 114 Dr. Chas 179 Hannah 197 Isaac 208 Tabez 108 Neheminh 152 Samuel B 46, 48 Grav. Arsena 21Q Hannnh .^ 202, 208 Huldah 208 PAGE Elijah 214 Eliphalet 220 Eunice 205, 207, 219 Jacob 205 Jas 18, 25, 77, 195. IQO, 202 Jerry 210 Joel 125, 209 John 24, 26, 68, 79, 195, 213, 219 Joseph 204 Mary 194, 219 Nathaniel 219 Obadiah 201 Samuel S I44 Sarah 194, 196, 209 Stephen 125, 195, 203, 212 Gregory, Chas. A I44, 146 Dudley S 178 Jabez 68 Isaac 198 Griswold, Rev. E. W 122 Grumman. Francis H I42 Wm. E 63, 186 Griffin, Aaron 207 Abigail 208 Esther 213 Eunice 195, 200, 216 Hannah 217 Huldah 209 John 86, 193, 195, 212 Jonathan 203 Joseph 68, 196 Mollie 211 Morris 68 Sarah 194, 200, 208 Solomon 206 Uriah 33, "5 Griffith, Hepsibah I95 Samuel 209 Green, Geo 143 Jos 215 Jonah 215 Mary 204 Guyer, Eunice 216 John D 197 Ruth 198 Gyer, John 77 Joseph 77 Nathaniel 77 Hall, Abigail 19, 57 Anna 193 Asa II, 14 Benajah ll Burgess 14, 196 Deuorah 45, 198 Elizabeth 99 Esther 196 Eunice 45, ig8 Francis 14 Isaac 14, 219 Joanna 194 John 14 John H 145 Joshua 77, 94 INDEX. 295 PAGE Mabel 200 Millison 190 Samuel 14 Hambletpn, Amelia 200 Benj 11^ jg4^ 200 Esther, Mrs 193, igg Hannah 107, 205 Isaac ig8, 205 Seth igg^ 208, 220 Tabitha 206, 21Q William igg Hamilton, Rev. A 106 Benj 21 Esther 86 Isaac, Capt 39 William 142 Harney, Martha 4 Harris, Henry D 142 Rev. Reuben 112 Haupfh, Rev. J. S 1 14 Eunice 197, 204 Ezekie] 197 Hezekiah 213 John 195 Hawley, Hannah 220 Joseph 18, 19, 1.14, 208. 221 Lemuel 215, 92 Mary 195, 201 Mollie 210 Ruth 203, 196 Samuel TJ, 202 Sarah 194 Tabitha 194 Wm 23, 24, 26, 68, 79, 210, 220 Mrs. Wm 107 Hawse, Prince 77 Hazen, Moses, Col 49 Henderson, Rev. Samuel 122 Hendrick. Josiah 68 Mary 45, 198 Hendrix. Obed 68, TJ Heppin, John 194 Heron, John M 104 Wm 23, 2^, 28, 31, 51, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62. (i% 79, 125, 131, 137 Herrick, Rev. W. D 91 Hibbard, Billv, Rev 112 Rev. E. S 114 Hickok, Clarence T 49 Hide, John ll Hill, Aaron S 112, 127, 180 Albert B I75 Andrew L 27, 135 Ann 197 Arthur B 125 Daniel 21, 123 Ebenezer 02 Ebenezer J 161 Eben 120, 138 Ezekiel 25, "jy John L 127 John R 28, -09, no, III, 127 Hannah 194 Rev. Jos 180 Mabel 214, 221 Margery 164 Rev. Morris 113, 180 Moses 127, 180 Peter 142 Bille 211 Rebecca 197 Thomas 6, 11 Wm. II, 12, 14, 127, 49', 94 Wm. S 183 Rev. Wm. T m, 112, 114, 180 Hillard, Isaac 68, 132 Thurston ' 68 Wm '.■;;;; g^ Hilton, Daniel 3 Hoch, Robert \\ 142 Hoffman, W. John ".!!.'!! 106 Hoggson, Noble .\^i Hollis, Rev. George 114 Holiister, Gideon H ...!i6i Holman, Henrv ' 145 Honeyman, John 62 Rev. Joshua 98 Hopkins, Francis 221 Henry ...69, 197 Huldah 2x5 Jabez *!'.!;!!!2i4 ,, Mary 214 Home, Rev. J. W 114 Hovt. Henry 217 Rev. Phillip Y ...!.!.!'.!!!ii3 Thomas % Wm ::::;::::: 69 Hubbard, Rev. Reuben loc Hubbell, Richard !'.".!".!.' 3 Hudson, Dr. Erasmus 137 Rev. Joshua 122 Hull. Abigail. .194, 199, 206, 216, 2i7,'220 Abraham 208 Rev. Ambrose 105 Ann 217, Cornelius xx Daniel 21, 194, 21a David 208, 200 Deborah 218 Ebenezer n, 16, 86, 19V, 195 Elizabeth 218, 219 Ellen 209 Esther. ..195, 200, 209, 211, 219, 220 Eunice 206, 209 Ezekiel 210. 211, 220 Ezra 69, 206 George. ..II, 16, 83, 85, 14^ ig^ 220 Hannah 198, 208 Hezekiah 204, 212 Huldah 206 Isaac 86, 193 Isaiah 14 James 69, 136 John 16, 17, 69, T22, 195, 207 Joshua .\ . 14 Rev. Justus 180. 205 296 INDEX. PAGE Rev. Lemuel B 104, 106, 180 Lydia i93, 212 Mary 219 Martha 196, 204 Nathaniel I94, 206 Nehemiah 24, 25, 69, 196, 202 Noah 196 Peter 212, 207 Rebecca ^99 Samuel 210 Sarah i97. -205. 207 Seth 11, 205, 199 Theophilus 84, 85, 92, i93, I95 Zalmon 69, 207 Humphrey. David 41. 49. 55 Humphreys, Rev. H 1 1 1 Hunn, Rev. Nathaniel 16, 85, 86, 193 Ruth 220 Hunt, Aaron 108. 1 12 Rev. Jesse Ii3 Huntington, Rev. E. B 9^ Rev. Enoch S 9^ Jeddiah, Gen 41, 44, 49, 50 Hurlburt, Daniel 212 Edmond 129 Sarah 212 Jackson Aaron 211 Anna 213, 214 221 Daniel I94 David 21, 23, 24, 25, 195. 197 210 Ephraim 21. 22, 87, 88. 196, 220 Esther 216 Eunice 211 Ezekiel 125, 209 Grace 197 Hezekiah 214 Joseph, Jr 198 Martha I97, 217 Mollie 212 Moses 215, 218 Nathan I97 Peter 213 Janes, Bishop m Jarvis, Samuel 27 Jacocks, Aradal 211 Esther 210 Deliverance 194 Jemima 201 Huldah 209 Jeremiah 208 Timzeen I94 Jeanks, Sarah 196 Jelliff ,Jas. F 144. I45 Luzon 137 Jenkins, Calvin 69 Jennings, Charity 196 Chas. A 137, 145 John H 49 O. B 48, 49 Morris 143 Rev. Wm 91 Jepson, Rev. Wm. H 106 Jocelyn, Rev. A 112 PAGE Johnson, Cato I4S David S I40 Catherine 195 Joseph 219 Samuel 93, 94 Sarah I94 Wm. H. Rev 122 Jones, Edward 35, 3^ Elizabeth Miss 158 Lorenzo 146 Wm. P 131 Jordan, Rev. Frank F 116 ■jiidd. Horace Q., Rev II4 Phillip 14 Judson. Agur 166 Charlotte A 167 Medora H 166 Rebecca 166 Wm. A 166 Juno, John 196 Kanhey, Rev. Zeber T 12 Kelley. Chas., Rev 106 Kent, Rev. Elisha 84 Keyes, Hannah I94 Knaop. Andrew 11, I97 Benj 108 David 18, 25, 11 Jane 196 Jonathan 11 Moses II, 14, 16, 94 Ruth 194 Sarah 197 Kniffin, Rev. Wm. C 91 Lacy, Stephen Vl Lane, Sarah I97 Lascombe, Thos 117 Lauzun, Duke de 45 Law, Rev. Sidney G 85, 91 Law, David 202 Elizabeth 203 Layne, John 11 Lee, Abigail 203, 219 Abijah 203 Allen 19 Ann 196 Cloe 213 Daniel 202 Enos 25, 11, 80, 198 Eunice 218 Hannah 201 Henry H 144 John 11, 117, 219 John H 92 Jesse 106, 108 Sergt. Joseph 86, 122 Lydia 195 Mary 194, 202 Milo 126 Nathan 80 Noah 13, 215 Rebecca 194 Sarah 194 INDEX. 297 Seth 205 Silas 197 William ^^, 204 Lees, Joseph 17 Leeds, Rev. Robert 112 Lent, Rev. Merwin 122 Lion, Benjamin 86 Daniel 17, 122 Mary 86 Matthew 17 Nathan 122 Lines, John 45, 69, 198 Rebecca I97 Little, William 45, 198 David 69 Lobdell, James I45 Lockwood, Burr I43 Chas 144 John 143 Joseph R 145 Lambert 3' Mary 196 Louderback, Alfred, Rev 106 Lovejoy. Rev. John Ii3 Lover, George 143 Lovett. Josiah 204 Luis, Edward 83, 84 Luther, Rev. Clare L 93 Lyon. Abigail 2? Alanson 126 Beniamin ^93 Bethel I99 Daniel 1 1, 25, -JT, 84, 85, 193 David 21, 23. 195 Eli n, 125, 174 Elnathan 196 Eunice ^94 Rev. Gilbert "3 Henry, Capt 22 Hnldah 197 Jabez n Jacob 196 John 11, 82, 200 Jonathan 112, 201 Joseph 82, 195, 197 Mary I93 Nathan ", 94 Peter 11, 82 Phebe 2or Richard 94, 219 Richard H I74 Samuel 200 Stephen 125 Timothv I99 Rev. Zalmon 112 Mace, Rev. John W "6 Main. Kzekiel 70 John M 14.=; Samuel A I4=; M I2T S. S 12 Mallery, Abigail 206 Daniel 23, 24, 92, 194, 204 PAGE Daniel, Jr 70 Deborah 195 Ebenezer I94 Elizabeth 200 Eunice 218 vjrissel 194 John 19, 70, 193, 199 Jonathan 22 Jonathan, Jr 77 Joseph 211 Nathan 205 Peter 194 Rebecca 200, 2x8 Rhoda 196 Samuel 198 Sarah 209 Stephen R i59 William 217 Manrow, David n Thaddeus "71 Manton. Rev. Daniel E 9^ Marsh. Rev. Truma.n T03, 105 Marshall. Rev. Jos. D 114 McCutchen, Rev. Wm 122 McDougal A. Gen 41, 44, 49, 50 ATcYe.nl. Seth 216 McNeil. Charles 77 Mead. Esther 207 Ezra 205 Hannah 206 John W 145 Ralnh S 144 Rufus 92 Rufus. Jr 141 Rev. Solomon 87 Stephen . . 21, 22, 123, 211 Thaddeus 208 Urrai 108, 114 Meeker. Anna; 196 Azariah E 144, 146, 212 Benjamin 22, 26, 131, 194, 213 Burr 34, 139 Chas. S 146 Chester T08 Daniel 18, 194, 200, 213 David 194. 214 Elnathan 203 Ephraim T7 Esther 205. 217 Eunice 205, 2T.<; Isaac 194. 199, 2X2 Jared 203 John 104, 216 Tonathan 11 Joseph II. 196, 2x6 Josiah 206 Lois 204. 220 Mabel xo8 Mollie 214 Rebecca X94. 204. 213. 22T Robert 104 Sarah I99 Seth 70. X08 Seth X25. X07 298 INDEX. PAGE Stephen 24, 70, 196 Witeley 197, 203 Merchant, Ann 197 Annie 203 Benjamin 215 Chauncey .••125, 197, 204 Cortez 181 Eleanor 206 ' Enoch r'iZS, 131, 211 Gurdon. .21, 22, 70, 194, 207, 220, 221 Hannah 218 Joel 70, 208 John 70, 205 Johnnie 216 Lemuel 213 Phebe 38, 45, 209 Sarah 204 Silas 108, 131, 210 ' Merritt, Ebenezer 70 Rev. Samuel 112 Merwin, Almon S 144 Miller, Rev. Albert 180 David H 129, 137, 144, 145 Jas. E 48, 49 Rev. Jeremiah 91 Jeremiah R 145 John 142 Mills, Rev. Nathaniel 108, 112 Minor. Thomas 2 Mix. Rev. Timothy 84. 85 Monroe, Daniel 70 Rebecca 197 William 195 Moody, Rev. F. M 114 Morehouse, Aaron 70, 134. 206 Abel 197 Abigail 25 Abner 220 Anne 196 Ann 209 Billy 71, 198, 206, 212 Daniel 12, 77 Elizabeth 194 Elizabeth R 213, 219 Elijah 71, 202 Ezra 155, 205 Gershom 14, 22, 23, 25, 71, 194 Hannah 201 Hill 201, 221 Jane 198, 208 Joanna 200 John II Lucy 211 Mary 200 Olive 218 Phebe 195, 202 Polly 215, 216 Rebecca 194 Ruth 196, 203 Sarah 195, 200 Stephen il, 14, 17, 94, 122 Tabitha 190 Zaccheus 77 Morgan, Abbe 201 PAGE Anne 201 Chas. 142 Daniel N 164, 165 Edward K 167 Elizabeth S 166 Ezra 164 Florence N 166 Charles 108 Hezekiah 164, 167 Isaac 164 James 18, 25, 77, 197 Joseph 164 John 164, 195, 200 Joseph 71 Mary H 166 William 164 William J 166 Moriarty, Rev. Peter 1 12 Mulford, David 64 Munger, Simeon 27, 77, 124 Munson, J. O. Rev 114 Rev. Joseph 116 Thomas 77' Murphy, John 141 Naseco 1-4 Nash, Daniel 167 Rev. David 114 Eunice 195 Hannah 164 John 164 Regan D 164 Thomas 6, 7 Nelson, Theodore 145 Nichols, Rev. Abel 106 Andrew B 14 Cyprian 2, 3 David 120, 128 Eli 198, 21.'? Hannah 198 Richard 195 William 141 William H 142 Nickerson, John 13 Nixon, Gen. John 44, 49, 50 Northrop, Rev. C. A 121 Lewis 137, 145 Nathaniel 196 Solomon 197 Norton, Asa 77 Noyes, John, Rev 119 Odle, Aaron 108 Ogden. Abel, Rev 106 Olmstead, Eleazer 77, 196 Olmsted, Charles 14S Charles 137 James 38 Isaac 45, 198 Samuel 87, 196 Sarah 196 Osborne, Aaron 12, 120 Osborn, Daniel 198 David 71, IIS INDEX. 299 PAGE Deborah 208 Elihu 144 Elizabeth 197 Ephraim 204 George 140 Hannah 19S Henry S 92 H. R 137 Hezekiah B 145 Isaac 120 John 124, 144 Lois 197 Sarah 198 William 220 Osmun, Rev. Geo. W 116 Ovsterbanks, David 201 Paine, Albert B 182. 185 Franklin 142 Painter, Rev. John H 122 Parker, Geo. A 49 Parsons, Aaron 218 Abijah 125 Abraham 71 Daniel 71 Hannah 214 Henry 144 John 197 Henry 145 Rev. John 50 Margaret 218 Mary 45, 198 Sabra 198 Gen. Samuel. ..43, 44, 49, 50, 58, 59, 60, 61 Timothy 33, 71 Patchen, Andrew 71, ']^ Asael ^^ Asahel 195 Ebenezer 72 Jacob 72 Martin 72 Patrick, Minot S 14? Pattison, Rev. Jos. W 116 Pease, Rev. David 119 Rev. Gersihnm t T.i Rev. Hart F T14 Henry B 145 Peck, Aaron 143 Charles S 49 George W 14 Lester 182 Thomas 125 Penn, William 23 Perry, Andrew 34 Daniel 23, 27, 125 David 103 Rev. David lO'; EH 2t6 George 25, 26, 72 Griswold T96 Isaac 72. 217 Rev. L. P 114 Timothy 214 PAGE Person, Ellen 215 Esther 215 Jonathan 198 Peterson, Rev. Geo. W 116 Phinney, Mabel 196 Sarah 25 Pickett, Grace 196 John -71, 198 John, Jr 77 Mary 196 Nathan 14 Phebe 198 Rebecca 196 Pigot, Rev. George 94 Piisbury, Rev. B. C 114 Piatt, Aaron 217 Abigail 194, 200, 207 Ann 196 Betty 215, 217 Chas. M 142 Daniel 205 Elizabeth I95. 201 Eunice 198, 206 Griswold 211 Henrv I44 Hezekiah 25, ^7, 2Qf^ Isaac 72, 7T, 108, 196 Jesse 218 John 204 Jonas 12. 108, 104 Justus 208 Luana 210 Marv 195, 200 Obadiah 217 Orville H., Sen 161 Polle 217 Robert 213 Samuel 12, 197 Sanford J I44 Sarah 196, 198, 206, 216 Slawson 210 Timothy 11 William 210, 215 Zebulon 72, 11 Plummer. David 72 Plumb. Elijah J.. Rev loq Policy, Rev. G. W 116 Poor, Enoch, Gen 49. 5^ Porter, Rev. N. L 114. "6 Price, Seth 197 Prince, Martha 196 Prindle, Tames 196 Putnam, Gen. Israel... 33, 34. 35- 36, VJ, 42, 49, 53 Ramong. Samuel 198 Raymond, Benj 206 " EHsha 204 Tohn n Mary A 219 Phebe 219 Read. Aaron 92, 131. 211 Abigail 205 Ann 216 300 INDEX. Dr. Annie M i8o Daniel 82, 197 Deborah 198, 206 Esther 198, 208 Eli 210 George 4 Hezekiah. .24, 25, 198, 199, 204, 217, 219 Henry 208 Huldah 208, 211 John, 1st.. 3, 4, 5, 8, II, 13. 14, 16, 17, 18 John, Col 21, 22, 24, 39, 40 Col. John, 3rd.. 55, 82, 85. 86, 122, 127, 193, 204, 210, 219 John, Jr 131, 194 Mrs. John I93 Joseph 212 Lemuel 213 Mabel 207 Marv 206, 194, 197, 214, 219 Matilda 211, 220 Samuel 92, 209 Sarah 206, 217, 221 Rachel 198, 205 Ruth 86, 193, 205 Tabitha 19S Talcot 210 Ulilla 218 William 194, 207 Zalmon. .21, 23, 24, 33, 40, 41, 72, 73, 200 Reed, Rev. Wm. S n6 Remington. Rev. Stephen 122 Remong. Samuel 24, ^2) Rescue, Thomas 198 Rexford, Rev. Elisha 90 Reynolds, John, Rev 112 Richards, Samuel 35 Richardson, Rev. M 113 Rider, Daniel 140 Rivington, James 76 Robbins, Chas 216 Rphraim 21 25, 73, I97 John 218 Mary 214 Sarah 216 Stephen 213 Robinson, Ebenezer 131 M. F 119 Robson, Mrs. Geo. A 167 Rochambean. Count de 45 Rockwell, Joseph 150 Thomas 196 Rogers, Aaron 213 Abigail 216 Cloe 211 Elizabeth 217 James. 23, 24, 26, 28, 31, 124, 125, 211 Josiah 209 Joseph TS Uriah 214 Rolliston, Rev. James 122 "Ross, Rev. Robert 90 Rowland, Esther 203 Hezekiah 194 Joseph 12 Mary 45. 198 Thomas I94 Rowler, Matthew 194 Rowling, MoUie 210 Samuel 196 Reeds. Rev. M. E 122 Rulf, Henry 183 Rumsey, Abagail 197, 204, 208 Benjamin 12 Betty 216 Daniel 203, 218, 220 David 207 Eben 211 Ellen 208 Ephraim 204 Esther 209 Isaac 12, 19s, 217 Isabel 215 Hezekiah 206 Jere IZ, 209 John 73, 207 Joseph 195, 219 Mary 205, 208 Nathan TZ, 206 Noah 211 Rachel 204 Robert 12 Ruth 210 Sarah 196, 197, 215, 220 Rushton, Mary A 183 Russell. Eunice 194 Rev. John 112 Russica. James 196 Ryan. Jeremiah 24, TZ Ryder. Jas. J I44 Simon 211 Saint Maur. Katherine V 186 Salmon. Col. Asahel Zl^ 73- 125 Gershom 74 Lemuel 214, 221 Simon 214 Sanford, Aaron... 27, 74. 107, 108, 109, T14, 134, 158. 181, 206 Rev. Aaron K 180 A. S. Rev 124 Abel 199 Abigail.. .193, 194. 195, 202. 215, 218 Andrew H 141 Ann 205 Anna 195, 200, 202 Rev. A. B 180, 187 Anne I94 Augustus 108, 204 Benjamin 125, 212 Bradley 126 Catherine 207 Cloe 2X1 Daniel... 31, 123, 124, 126, 13T, 182, 187, 191, 192, 195, 199, 216, 221 • David 74, 126, 201, 212, 2T4 INDFX. 301 Ebenezer 74 209 Eli 17, 208 Elias 208 Elijah ••••212 Elizabeth -2-2, 164, I94 Elnathan ••209, 220 Enoch 126, 215, 216 Ephraim 126, i97. i99, 213, 220 Esther. . .202, 203, 205, 212, 215, 219, 220 .Eunice 213, 221 Ezekiel....i2, 25, 74, 125, IQO, I97. 202, 216, 217 Ezra 74 Francis A 125, I39, 181 Gershom 203 Q ^ 120 Hannah ." .' .' .'.'.".'.... I95, 200, 207, 217 Hawley "4, 180 Mrs. Helen ig^ Henry • • ^^^ Hezekiah. .24, 25, 26, 79, 108 134, 208 Huldah 197, 203, 213, 215 James 74, 127, I39. 181, 201 James, Jr ^04 Mrs. James 79 Jeremiah 31, 207 Joel 210 John 11, 164, 201, 213, 214, 221 Jonathan B 92 Jonathan R 109, 181 Joseph... 17, 18,87,88, 122, 195, 200 Tulia H o----Q"Q^/f Lemuel. .16, 18, 23, 27, 28, 79, 82, 86, 92, 124, 131, 134, T37, 139, i«^' 193, 201, 212 Lemuel, Jr 21, 92 Levi 2^7 Lois 195, 202. 215 Lucv 207 Lydia ; 200 Marv 195, 200, 212, 216, 218 Mollie 213, 215 Morris H ^4i Rev. I^Iorris ^°o Mvron R.. Prof ....172, 187 Nathaniel 86, 193, 200 Nehemiah ■••209 Oliver 125, 126, 201 Peter ^24, 206 Rachel 199, 204 Rebecca • ^97 Rhoda T96, 203, 214 Ruth 200, 214 Samuel i7, I9, 202, 213, 220 Samuel. Jr ^96 Sarah I94. 199, 203, 212, 217 Seth 24. 26, 74, 79, I95, I99, 214 Solomon N •••209 Stephen ^25, 196, 202 Sturgis 210 Tabitha k-o-i?3 Thomas ", 167, 181, 212 Timothv 195, 199 PAGE Uriah .' 211 Walter "4 William 109, 112, 134, 210 Zalmon 211 Zachariah 210 Sawyer, Rev. F. H 116 Scott, Rev. Jabez ii4 Scribner, Aaron O I45 Charles 120 Enoch 204 Seeley, Daniel 198 Levi 196 Nehemiah 11, I97 Nehemiah, Jr 11 Robert 136 Seymour, John 11 Siger. Rev. Fred ii3 Sellick, Polly 124 Silliman, Hezekiah 166 Robert 12 Sharp, Clement A 48 Shaw, Edward P 187, 191 Rev. Jacob 1 14 Sherman, Edward 194 Francis F 182 George ^42 Capt. John 2 John L 201 John M 143 John 108 Levi 202 Vincent 202 Sherwood, Abigail I94 Banks ^20 Gershom 28. m Isaac 108 Jehiel 74 John IT- Mary I90 Nehemiah 24, 74 Sarah ^97 Theodore ^87 Thomas 74 Short. Rev. David H 106 Sloan. Wm ^97 Molle 217 Samuel 216 Tabitha 213 William 215 Springer, John 75 Whala 75 Smith Ann 20T Ann 194 Rev. Arthur J 180 Azariah 200 Charles D 92 Rev. Daniel ^13 David E 121, I37, US Eleazar 221 Eleazer, Jr 21 Elisha 42 Erastus 74. 207 Dr. Ernest H ^79, 180 Eunice - 302 INDEX. PAGE Ezra 207 Rev. Friend W 114 George E I44 Hanford 204, 205 riezekiah IQS Rev. James M 112, 113 Joel 206 John 12, 36 Rev. Joseph 114 Rev. Joseph J 122 Mary 202 Nehemiah 194. 217, 221 Rev. O. H 105, 106 Phebe 198 Samuel 23, 115, 193, 206, 207, 219 Seth Samuel... 24, 28, 108, 124, 125, 131, 208, 89, 201, 219 Tabitha 211 William B 14S Zalmon 218 Snethen, Rev. Nicholas ir2 St. John, Abigail I95 Hiram 121, 145 Jacob B 144 John 120, 121, 138 Sarah 198 Rev. Samuel 121 Seth 212 Squires, Benjamin F 141 Betty 107 Jane 1Q9 Samuel 12 Reuben 19,'^ Staples, John 166 Starr, Abigail 107 Edward 125 Capt. Josiah 87 Micayah 24, 117 Piatt 216 Rory 114 Sarah 218 Stead, Henry, Rev 113 Stebbins, Rev. Samuel 90, 116 Stetson, John 182 Stillman, Rev. George 115 Stillwell, Rev. Wm 120, 122 Stilson, Joseph 195 Stimson, John W 47, 186 Stommell, Anton 144, I45 •Stone, Robert 198 Sarah 212 Stow. Abigail 216 Daniel 218 Rev. Leroy 180 Sarah 217 Walter 214 Strong, Rev. C. B 121 Rev. Wm. L 91 Wm., Judge 163 Sturges, Abigail 198 Albert D 145 Benjamin 14, T7 David 75 Ebenezer ^^ PAGE Elnathan 196, 197 Henry 136 Hezekiah 141 John II John R 121 Jonathan 6, 11 Rachel 197 Sarah 196 Sullivan, Ann 45, 198 Summerbell, Rev. Jas 122 Summers, Zachariah 196 Swan, Rev. Wm. A 106 Sykes, Rev. Oliver 112 j Talmage, Goyn A 182 Tammage, Rev. Mr 87 Tappen, Rev. Chas. DeWitt 91 'larbell, George - 144 Ida M i8s Taylor, Anna 195 Daniel 3 Rev. David 114 Eunice 214 Hannah 212, 221 Isaac 203 Rev. Joseph P 104, 106 Rev. Joshua 112 Preserved 210 Rhoda 213 Ruth 212, 221 Stephen 220 Thomas 18, 19 Teets, J. W 181 Terrell, Elias 214 '1 hatcher. Rev. Wm 112 Thomas, C. B 187, 188 Elizabeth 198 John H 142 Rev. Noble II2 Thompson, Rev. Albert H 121 E. , 137 Edward I45 Mrs. Janet 183 James 75 Thorp, Arthur M 141 Lyman 75 Mary 196 Todd, Ambrose S. Rev 105 Arthur 127 Chas. B 46, 47, 48 Chas. J. Rev 106 John 125, 127 Sherlock 33, ill, 114 Tompkins. Rev. Mr 112 Tierney, David 196 Timberman, Rev. Jacob 122 Treadwell, Aaron 33, 45, 47, 48, 125 Aaron L., Prof 172 Eben 114 Edmund I43 Rev. Piatt 180 Stephen, Rev 122 Tamar 194 True, C. K., Rev lii fi D 1 0, 8 INDEX. 303 Truesdale, Betty 207 Gershom 203 Hiel 208 John 204 Joseph 197 Justice 205 Molle 209 Sarah 204 Stephen 204 William 194, 204 ^-Tlnimbull, Gov. J 54, 61 Tryon, Gov. Wm 29, 30, 31, 32 Turney, Benj 194 David Tj Mary 214 Robert, Jr 12 Turrell, Nathaniel 197 Underwood, Prof. L. M \?>% Vallori, Antoine 142 Van Dalsen, Rev. H. A 116 Vaughn, Daniel . . | 41 Viets, Rev. G. A 114 Voorhies, Edward I4"5 Wakeman, Jabez 117 Dr. Moses 179 Samuel 12 Timothy I17 William 138 Ward, Abigail 196 Esther 197, 209 John 209, 220 Molle 198, 209 Rebecca 193 William 49 Warren, Francis V 182, 186 Warrup, Tom 20, 38, 61 Washburn, Rev. Eben 113 Washington, Gen. G 43, 50, 53, 61, 62 Waterbury. Rev. John H 1 19 Watson, William 142 Webster. W. K. Rev 114 Weeks, Micajah 75 Rev. Smith 112 Welton, Rev. Alanson 93 Rev. X. A 106, 125 Wepoat, Esther 209 Eunice 209 Jane 209 Westcott, Mary 197 Wetmore, Rev. Izariah 87, 90 James 93 Whalen, George 143 Wheeler, Abigail 215 Anna 164 Calvin 196, 201, 211 Ellen 221 Enos TJ, 125, 214 Sphraim 75, 125 Esther 216 Hannah 196, 211 Rev. Henry 116 Tohn II PAGE John R 214 Joseph II Lazarus '^'j^ 197 Mabel 196, 202 Peter 212 Ruhamah 209, 212, 220 Seth 125, 135, 194 i homas 94 Wheelock, Henry 144 Whinkler, Henry 197 White, Charles 75 Israel 150 Samuel 197 Nicholas, Rev 113 Whitehead, Lyman 144 Whiting, Samuel M 104 Whitlock, Ephraim -j-j David 208 Ebenezer 201 Hannah 202 Hezekiah 196, 201 Isaac 206 Whitmore, Elizabeth 164 Whitlow, Justus 125 Wildman, John 201 Nathan 117 Rebecca 195 Wilkins, Rev. G. M 106 Williams, Bishop 105 Ebenezer 22, ^^ Elizabeth 194 Mrs. Ellen 193 Esther 86 Jabez 75 Lafayette S 145 Thomas 11, 14, 17, 84 Wilson, Aaron B 124 Rev. Charles A 116 Eben 126 Isaac 75 Joseph II William 142 Witsel, Rev. Thos. K 122 Wood, Abraham 214 Esther 211, 216 James 212 Joseph P 216 Lemuel 194 Mary 218 Michael 117 Phebe 214 Philo 127 Samuel 194 Squire 213, 221 Uriah 215 Woodruff, Albert 142 Woodward, J. G 60 Woolsey, Rev. Elijah 112 Wooster, Gen 30, 32 Yoder, Carl D 116 Youngs, Abraham 217 Christopher 75 James, Rev 113 Zell, Rev. Henrv 106 '£' .^*^"- ^° W"- ^ J'*'<^ .'* ^'^ " ^ Mi'. 71 ^^-n^ •3-' '^ "o'li/MXV *■* J- ^^ \ 4 o^ V-^' .-^^r -^^0^ 5^ . ^V^ ^^0^ HO^ «■ « „ o ' -ir o>^i>j(jl-ltS)0 014 076 276 3 1^ 1