- * >. 0^ ^^o ^-^ °<. > ■^■> ., \ / / °^ e. .0' ^^^W. s^ to :iy .^' .>^ \^. Ci>' <^' ^oV'^ -f -'' ^'^>. ^-/ ■/- V^ - ' .s 0^ nO .*' % ■ rO^ °_" C ;■. . , '^ O -<^ ,'?v v-s^ *-, '„ '*«>»-r»'5 ■» A >. -< ■S, ^v* A <^ .^' V* ** V '* c>>. > •. ?A o « o ■V.V ^ TABLE OF DISTANCES, WATER AND RAIL, IN LOUISIANA WATER AND RAIL DISTANCES FROM NEW ORLEANS, LA., TO IMPORTANT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES WATER DISTANCES FROM NEW ORLEANS, LA. TO PRINCIPAL PORTS OF THE WORLD U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, NEW ORLEANS, LA. AUGUST 18, 1916 To Accompany Map of Southern Louisiana, Dated March, 1915 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 TABLE OF DISTANCES, WATER AND RAIL, IN LOUISIANA WATER AND RAIL DISTANCES FROM NEW ORLEANS, LA., TO IMPORTANT CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES WATER DISTANCES FROM NEW ORLEANS, LA. TO PRINCIPAL PORTS OF THE WORLD Contents - Pages 5 and 6 Table of Distances Pages 7 to 41, inclusive Index to Table of Distances - - - - Pages 43 to 48, inclusive U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, NEW ORLEANS, LA. AUGUST 18, 1916 To Accompany Map of Southern Louisiana, Dated March, 1915 # WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 CONTENTS. I 'age. Mississippi River from Canal Street, New Orleans, to points between Homo- chitto River, Miss., and the Gulf of Mexico 7 New Orleans via Lake Borgne Canal (private tolls) and Chief Menteur Pass to points on Lake Borgne, Pontchartrain, Maurepas, and tributaries 8 New Orleans via Mississippi River, Lake Borgne Canal, and Rigolets to points on Lake Borgne, Pontchartrain, Maurepas, and tributaries 9 New Orleans to points on the Mississippi Sound, Alabama, Black Warrior, and Tombigbee Rivers via Mississippi River and Lake Borgne Canal 9 New Orleans via New Basin Canal (no connection with Mississippi River) to Lake Pontchartrain, Chef Menteur Pass, and Lake Borgne 10 New Orleans (New Basin Canal) to Lake Pontchartrain, Rigolets, Lake Borgne, and Mississippi Sound 10 New Orleans (New Basin Canal) to points on Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Mau- repas, and tributaries 11 New Orleans (old basin, Carondelet Canal) to Bayou St. John and Lake Pont- chartrain (no connection with Mississippi RiA^ef ) 11 New Orleans to Pearl River, La. and Miss., via New Basin or Lake Borgne Canal 11 Chefuncte River and Bogue Falia (tributaries of Lake Pontchartrain), via new basin or Lake Borgne Canal 12 Tangipahoa River (tributary of Lake Pontchartrain), via new basin of Lake Borgne Canal 12 Tickfaw River and tributaries, Natalbany, Blood, and Ponchatoula Rivers: (Tickfaw is a tributary of Lake Maurepas), via new basin or Lake Borgne Canal 12 Amite River and Bayou Manchac (Amite River is a tributary of Lake Maurepas), via new basin or Lake Borgne Canal 14 Mouth of Old River to points on Upper Atchafalaya and Upper Grand Rivers to junction with Bayou Plaquemine and to Morgan City (Grand River route). • 15 Mouth of Old River to points on Upper Atchafalaya and Upper Grand River and Grand Lake to Morgan City (Grand Lake route) 15 Bayou Plaquemine and Grand River system from Plaquemine, La., to Morgan City : . . .' 16 New Orleans to Morgan City via Company canals (private tolls) to Lake Sal- vador, Bayous Lafourche, Terrebonne, Black, etc 17 New Orleans to Morgan City via Harvey Canal and Company canal to Lake Salvador, Bayous Lafourche, Terrebonne, Black, etc 17 Bayou Des Allemands, Lake Des Allemands, and tributaries * 18 Bayou Lafourche from Donaldsonville to Gulf of Mexico (closed by dam from Mississippi River) 18 Bayou Lafourche to Morgan City via Cancienne Canal (three routes, via Lake Poularde, Bayou Long, or Bayou Boeuf ) 19 Bayou Terrebonne: Houma, La. , to mouth in Terrebonne Bay 19 Houma to Morgan City via Barrows Canal, Bayous Black, Chene, and Boeuf. . 20 New Orleans via Harvey Canal to Bayou Barataria, Lake Villere. Bayou St. St. Denis, Grand Isle, Barataria Bay, and Gulf of Mexico 20 New Orleans to Grand Isle Village and Gulf of Mexico, via Harvey Canal 20 Bayou Des Glaises: Mouth (at Simmesport, La.j to junction with Bayous Rouge, Huffpower, and Boeuf '. 21 Lower Atchafalaya River, Morgan City to Gulf of Mexico, including Atcha- falaya Bay ship channel 21 Morgan City to Plaquemine and New Orleans, via Grand River system, 13ayou Plaquemine, and Mississippi River 22 Pigeon Bayou to Grand Lake 22 5 6 CONTENTS. ^ Page. Bayou Teche: Distance from Morgan City to junction with Bayou Court- ableau (Port Barre) 2^5 Bayous Courtableau, Boeiif, and Cocodrie (mouth of Courtableaii to Alex- andria) 23 Morgan City to points on the existing waterway (westward) 24 Morgan City to Mouth of Vermilion River and mouth of Schooner Bayou, via Atchafalaya River, Wax Bayou, and Vermilion Bay 25- Vermilion River, from liiouth to Lafayette and Arnaud^•ille 25 New Orleans to points on the recommended route of the Inland Waterway as far as Sabine, La. (including Orange, Port Arthur, and Beaumont, Tex.) 26 Mermentau River: ilouth to Mermentau and tributaries 27 Bayou Plaquemine Brule: From mouth Bayou Des Cannes to Crowley 27 Calcasieu River, Lake and Pass: From mouth to Lake Charles and Oakdale. . 28 Sabine River, Lake and Pass: From mouth to Logansport, La 28 Mississippi River between New Orleans and St. Paul, Minn 29 Yazoo River and tributaries (Sunflower and Tallahatchie Rivers, via the Mis- sissippi River from New Orleans, La " 29 Ohio River and tributaries (Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers), via Mississippi River ) from New (3rleans, La 30 New Orleans to points on Illinois River and Chicago, via Mississippi River. . . 30 New Orleans to points on Missouri and Mississippi Rivers 31 New Orleans to points on St. Francis and L'Anguille River, xia, Mississippi River ." 31 New Orleans to Points on Arkansas River and tributaries (White, Black, and Current Rivers), via Mississippi River 31 New Orleans to points on Red River and tributaries (Black, Ouachita and Ten- sas Rivers), Bayous Macon, D'Arbonne, Boeuf, and Bartholomew, via Missis- sippi River and Old River 32 Southwest Pass to points on the Gulf of Mexico, west to Galveston 34 Southwest Pass (eastward) to points in Gulf of Mexico as far as Mobile, via Lakes Pontchartrain, Borgne, and Maurepas 35 New Orleans to Gulf, Atlantic, and Great Lakes ports, United States and Can- ada, in geographical order 36 New Orleans to Gulf and Pacific ports, United States, Canal Zone, Canada, and Alaska 37 New Orleans to the West Indies, Mexico, and Central American ports 37 New Orleans to South American ports 38 New Orleans to European ports, England, etc 39 New Orleans to Mediterranean (south and east), African ports, and Atlantic Islands 40 New Orleans to islands in the Pacific, Australian, and Asiatic ports 40 TABLE OF DISTANCES, WATER AND RAIL. IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 1. — Mississippi River from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to points between Homochitto River, Miss., and the Gulf of Mexico. From New Orleans, Canal Street, to — Water dis- tances. Homochitto River (mouth).. Buffalo River (mouth) Mouth of Old River (Red River) Angola, La Tunica Bayou Bayou Sara Thompsons Creek Port Hickory, La Profit Island, La Port Allen, La Baton Rouge, La Plaquemine 1 /ock, La Bayou Plaquemine Wliite Castle. La Donaldsonvule, La Head of Bayou Lafourche • Convent, La St. James, La Lutcher , La Garyville, La ^ . . Reserve, La Edgard, La Laplace, La Hahnville, La Pecan Grove, La St. Rose, La Kenner, La Avondale. La Southport, La Westwego, La Company Canal Amesvilie, La Harvey, La. (Harvey Canal) . . Gretna, La Canal Street (New Orleans, La.) Algiers, La. (opposite Canal Street) Jackson Barracks, La Chalmette Slip, La Port Chalmette, La Lake Borgne Canal Poydras, La Miles. 220 211 202 201 192 166 157 155 150 133 132 > 112 61 51 46 43 43 39 30 24 22 18J 13i 9 7 7 5 3 2 i 4 5 6 Hi 13 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. From New Orleans, Canal Street, to — English Turn, La Belle Chasse, La Scarsdale, La Dalcour, La Jesuits Bend, La Belair, La Myrtle Grove, I-a Nero, La Diamond, La Pointe a la Hache, La Magnolia, La Bohemia, La Socola, La Dime, La Butler, La Homeplace, La Daisy^ La Orange Farm, La Nairn, La Nicholls, La Doullut Canal Buras, La , Neptune, La Forts St. Philip and Jackson, La Lucas Canal, La The Jump (mouth of Grand Pass) Quarantine, La Cubits Gap (Main Pass) i Pilottown, I;a Head of Passes, La Pass a Loutre, La Head North Pass Head Southeast Pass ! Double Bayou (Southwest Pass) Burrwood, La End of jetties, Southwest Pass. Oysterville, La. (South Pass).. I Port Eads, La. (South Pass)... ■ End of jetties (South Pass) Water dis- tances. Miles. 17 19 m 22 26 29 35 40 45 50 50 51 55 57 58 59 60 63 65 68 71 74 80 84 90 91 93 94i 94 106 99 103 109 114 101 105§ 107i Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. I No water connection. Available depths. —South and Southwest Passes up to quarantine, 30 feet; quarantine to New Orleans, 62 feet; New Orleans to Homochitto River, 35 feet. Plaquemine Lock is 55 by 265 by 10 feet. 7 8 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA, Table No. 2. — From New Orleans via Lalce Borgne Canal {■private tolls) and Chef Menteur Pass to points on Lake Borgne, Pontchartrain, Maurepas, and tributaries. [Lake Borgne Lock, 280 by 40 by 5.6 feet.] From Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to— Water distances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Lock entrance, Lake Borgne Canal Jmiction, Bayou Dupre Mouth Bayou Dupre (Lake Borgne) Martello Castle (mouth Bayou Dupre) Shell Beach, Proctors Landing (Lake Borgne) Mouth Bayou Chaperon (on Lake Borgne) Mouth Bayou Bienvenue (on Lake Borgne) Battery Bienvenue (on Bayou Bienvenue) Chef Menteur Pass (Lake Borgne entrance) Chef Menteur, La Fort Macomb, La Lake Pontchartrain, La. (Chef Menteur entrance) South draw Queen & Crescent trestle (via Chef Menteur Pass and Lake Pont- chartrain) Milneburg, La. (on Lake Pontchartrain) Spanish Fort, La. (on Lake Pontchartrain) West End,La. (on Lake Pontchartrain) Mouth Bayou Bonfouca (on Lake Pontchartrain) * Slidell, La ,. Mouth Bayou Lacombe (on Lake Pontchartrain) Mandeville, La. (on Lake Pontchartrain) Mouth of Chefuncte River ( on Lake Pontchartrain) Madisonville, La. (on Chefuncte River) Houltonville, La. (on Chefuncte River) Mouth of Bogue Falia (on Chefimcte River) Covington, La. (on Bogue Falia River) Mouth of Tangipahoa River (on Lake Pontchartrain) Pass Manchac, La. (on Lake Pontchartrain) Manehac, La. (on Pass Manchac) Lake Maurepas, La. (via Pass Manchac) Mouth of Tickfaw River (via Chef Menteur, Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas) Wadesboro, La. (on Ponchatoula River) Springfield, La. (on Natalbany River) Killian, La. (on Tickfaw River) Mouth of Amite River (on Lake Maurepas) Port Vincent, La. (on Amite River) ^ . Hope VUla, La. (on Bayou Manchac) Mouth of Blind River (on Lake Maurepas) Miles. Hi 14| 18 18 34 20 23 26 26 29 29 34 39 54 551 57 45 52 48 57 63 65 66 73 78 66 67 72 73 91 91 90 83 115 126 Miles. 28 38 Vessels 240 feet in length, 36 feet in width, drawing 5 to 5* feet at low water, can pass Lake Borgne Lock. Draft through Lake Borgne Canal and Bayou Dupre, 6 feet at low water; draft in Lake Borgne, 6 to 9 feet at low'water. Chef Menteur Pass is deep', but on account of shoals in lakes at entrance, only 4 feet draft can be used. Draft at low water in Lake I'ontchartrain, 7 to 10 feet, except 5 to 7 feet over middle groimds between Queen & Crescent bridge and Chef Menteur or Rigolets. Draft to Covington, Wadesboro, Springfield, Killian, and Hope Villa, about 7 feet at low water. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 3. — From New Orleans via Mississippi River, Lake Borgne Canal, and Rigolets to points on Lake Borgne, Pontchartrain, Maurepas, and tributaries. [Lake Borgne Lock, 280 by 40 by 5.6 feet.] From Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to — Lock, Lake Borgne Canal (private tolls) Mouth Bayou Duprc (Lake Borgne) Mouth Rigolets, east end (L. & N. R. R. bridge) Fort Pike, La Mouth West Pearl R i ver Fort Pike, La. (on Rigolets) Lake Pontchartrain , La. ( West Knd, Rigolets) North draw. Queen & Crescent trestle (on Lake Pontchartrain). Mouth Bayou Bonfouca (on Lake Pontchartrain) Slideil, La Mouth Bayou Lacombe, La. (on Lake Pontchartrain) Mandeville, La. (on Lake Pontchart rain) Mouth Chefuncte River (on Lake Pontchartrain) Madison ville, La. (on Chefuncte River) Houltonville, La. (on Chefimcte River) Mouth of Bogue Falia (on Chefuncte River) Covington, La. (on Bogiie Falia) Tangipahoa River (on Lake Pontchartrain) Mouth of Pass Manchac (on Lake Pontchartrain) Pass Manchac, La. (on Pass Manchac) Lake MaurepaS; La Mouth of Tickfaw River via Lake Maurepas and tributaries Wadesboro, La. (on Ponchatoula River) Springfield, La. (on Natalbany River) Killian, La. (on Tickfaw River) Mouth of Amite River (on Lake Maurepas) Port Vincent, La. (on Amite River) Mouth of Bayou Manchac, La. (on Amite River) Hope Villa, La. (on Bayou Manchac) Blind River (on Lake Maurepas) Spanish Fort, La. (on Lalce Pontchartrain over middle grounds) Water distances. Miles. in IS' 40 41 42 48 49 ,->4 59 66 63 74 78 81 82 89 94 81 83 SS 89 96 106 108 106 99 121 135 142 102 73 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. Channel conditions same as Table 2, except 5 feet at low water can be carried over middle groimds, Lake Pontchartrain; the Rigolets, 50 to 70 feet deep. Table No. 4.- — New Orleans to points on Mississippi Sound, Alabama, Black Warrior, and Tombigbee Rivers, via Mississippi River and Lake Borgne Canal. [Lake Borgne Canal Lock, 280 by 40 by 5.9 feet.] From Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to — Lock, Lake Borgne Canal (private tolls) Mouth Bayou Dupre (Lake Borgne) Shell Beach ( Proctors Landing, Lake Borgne) Mouth of Pearl River via Mississippi Sound Waveland , Miss. , via Mississippi Sound Bay St. Louis, Miss Pass Christian, Miss Gulf port , Miss Biloxi, Miss Ocean Springs, Miss Pascagoula, Miss Mobile, Ala., via Mississippi Sound and Grants Pass. Mobile, Ala., via Mississippi River and Gulf Mobile River via Grants Pass Mouth Tom rjigbee River Mouth Alabama River Demopolis, Ala. (on Tombigbee River) Mouth of Black Warrior River Tuscaloosa, Ala. (on Black Warrior River) Montgomery, Ala. (on Alabama River) Rome, Ga. (on Coosa River) Pensacola, Fla Railroad Water distances distances. from New Orleans. Miles. Miles. m 11 18 34 28 44 55 48 .59 52 63 59 74 67 85 80 90 84 105 100 165 140 253 140 165 210 210 395 257 397 528 299 503 321 758 502 193 246 Draft through Lake Borgne Canal same as Table 2. Draft of 6 to 7 feet can be carried to points on Missis- sippi Sound. Drafi to Demopolis, 3 feet; project to Tuscaloosa, 6 feet. Draft of 2] feet can be carried to Montgomery, Ala., at low water. Through low-water draft from New Orleans to points on the Mississippi Sound and Mobile, 6 to 10 feet; to Demopolis, Ala., 3 feet; to Tuscaloosa, Ala., 3 feet. 61497—16- 10 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 5. — New Orleans via New Basin Canal (no connection with Mississippi River) and Chef Menteur Pass to points on Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne. [New basin canal owned by State of Louisiana; tolls charged. Head of new basin canal opposite Union Depot, South Rampart and Howard Streets, New Orleans.] From New Orleans via Lake Pontchartrain and Chef Menteur to points on Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne. From head of new basin canal to- West end (mouth of new basin canal) Spanish Fort, La.' Milnebure, La.i .• Mandeville, La.' South draw, Queen & Crescent trestle ' Irish Bayou ' .". Chef Menteur Pass (entrance to Lake Pontchartrain) Chef Menteur, La. 2 Fort Macomb, La. 2 Lake Borgne via Chef Menteur Pass Shell Beach, La. (Lake Borgne) via Chef Menteur Pass Mouth of Bayou Lupre (Lake Borgne) via Chef Menteur Pass Mississippi River via Chef Menteur Pass and Lake Borgne Canal Canal Street, New Orleans, via Chef Menteur Pass and Mississippi River Water distances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 19 1 On Lake Pontchartrain. 3 On Chef Menteur Pass. Depths. — New Basin Canal, 7 feet; Lake Pontchartrain, 7 to IS feet (except 5 feet over middle grounds); entrance to Chef Menteur, 4 feet; Lake,Borgne, 6 feet; Lake Borgne Lock, 5.6 feet. Table No. 6. — From New Orleans (head of New Basin Canal) via Lake Pontchartrain and Rigolets to points on Lake Borgne and Mississippi Sound. From head of new basin canal to— Water dis- tances. ; Miles. North draw, Queen & Crescent I trestle (railroad bridge) ! 29 Kigolets (Lake Pontchartrain end) ; 35 Fort Pike, La J 35J Lake Borgne (east end Rigolets) .] 43 Shell Beach (Lake Borgne) j (53 Mouth of Bayou Dupre (Lake ! Borgne) 1 64 Lake Borgne Lock (Mississippi River) via Lake Borgne Canal, Violet, La : 70J Mouth East Pearl River (Pearl ; River) i 49 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 32 28 50 From head of new basin canal to— Via Rigolets and Mississippi Soimd: Waveland, Miss Bay St. Louis, Miss Pass Christian, Miss Gulfport, Miss Biloxi, Miss l^scagoula. Miss Mobile, Ala Pensacola, Fla., via Mississippi Soimd and Gulf Water dis- tances. Miles. 64 C8 72 81 92 111 170 203 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 48 52 59 67 80 100 140 246 Available depths.— 'New Basin Canal, 7 feiet; Lake Pontchartrain, 7 to 15 feet, except 5 feet over middle groimds; entrance to Rigolets, 5 to 7 feet at low water; Mississippi Sound, 6 to 7 feet; Lake Borgne, 6 feet; Lake Borgne Canal, 5.6 feet. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 11 Table No. 7. — New Orleans {New Basin Canal) to points on Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Maurepas, and tributaries. From head of New Basin Canal, New Orleans to- Mouth Bayou Bonfouca (on Lake Pontchartrain) Slidell, La. (on Bayou Bonfouca) Mouth of Bayou Lacombe (on Lake Pontchartrain) Lacombe. La. (on Bayou I.acomlie) Maude ille, La. (on Lake Pontchartrain) Mouth of Chefuncte Ri^ er (on I-ake Pontchartrain ) Madison\ ille, La. (on Chefuncte River) Houlton- ille, La. (on Chefuncte R i^. er) Mouth BofTue Falia (tril aitary of Chefuncte Ki'^ er) Covington, La. (on BoRue Falia Ri' ery Mouth of Tangipahoa Ri ^ er (on Lake Pontchartrain) Mouth of Pass Manehac (on Lake Pontchartrain) Manchac, La. (Akers, post office) (on Pass Manehac) Lake Maurepas xis, Pass Manchac Tickfaw Ri \ er > ia Pass Manchac Mouth of Blood Ri . er (on Tickfaw Ri er) Killian, La. (on Tickfaw Ri'. er) Sprinsr ille. La Mouth of Natalbany Ri->er (on Tickfaw River) Springfield, La. (on Natalbany Ri' er) Mouth of Ponchatonla Ri er (on Natalbany River) Wadesboro, La. (on Ponchatoula River) Mouth of Amite Ri > er via Pass Manchac. Port Vincent, La. (on Amite River), •■ ia Pass Manchac Mouth of Bayou Manchac (on Amite Ri' er) Hope Villa, La. (on Bayou Manchac), ^ ia Pass Manehac Mouth of Blind River (on Lake Maurepas) via Pass Manehac Draft of 7 feet can be carried to all points in this table. Table No. 8. — Neiv Orleans {old basin, Carondelet Canal) to Lake Pontchartrain, via Carondelet Canal, Bayou St. John. [Canal has no connection with Mississippi Riv er; private tolls. Head of canal, Toulouse and Basin Streets, New Orleans, La.] From head of Carondelet Canal (old basin) to- Junction with Bayou St. John Spanish Fort Lake Pontchartrain (mouth of Bayou St. John), end of jetties Available depth!:.— -Dratts to points on Lake Pontchartrain, 5i to 7 feet at low water (except 2 feet over bar at mouth of Bayou St. John). Distances from head of Carondelet Canal to , arious points on Lakes Pontchartrain, Borgne, and Maure- pas are practically the same as from head of Ne'.v Basin Canal. Spanish Fort is 1| miles east of West En«S and 1^ miles west of Milneburg. (See Tables 5, 6, and 7.) Table No. 9. — Pearl River, La. and Miss. [Mouth of Pearl River is 49 miles from head of New Basin Canal, New Orleans, La., a ia Lake Pontchar- train (see Table 6). and 44 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., -. ia La1:e Borgne (see Table 4).J From mouth of Pearl Ri\ er to- Logtown, Miss Queen & Crescent crossing. Mouth of West Pearl River Mouth of Bogue Chitto.. . . Columbia, Miss Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles, t Miles. 14 ! 26 I 49 33 ! 54 I 155 105 From mouth of Pearl Ri\ er to— Monticello, Mis: Rockport, Miss Byram, Miss. . Jackson, Miss.. Water dis- tances. Miles. 211 243 294 313 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 131 17S 185 Draft on Pearl River at low water, to Logtown, 9 feet; 3 feet to mile 145; 1^ feet to Columbia. 12 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 10. — Chefuncte River and Bogue Falia, tributaries of Lake Pontchar train. [Mouth of Chefuncte River is 63 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., via Lake Borgne and Chef Menteur Pass (vide Table 2), and 78 miles from Canal Street via Lake Borgne and Rigolets (see Table 3), and 32 miles from head of New Basin Canal, New Orleans, La., via Lake Pontchartrain (see Table 7).] From mouth of Chefuncte River (Lake Pontchartrain) to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From mouth of Chefuncte River (Lake Pontchartrain) to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Via Chefuncte River: Madison ville, I/a Miles. 2 3 7 9 10 lOJ Miles. Via Bogue Falia: Abita River . . . Miles. 12 m Miles. Covington, La. (New Or- leans ' Great Northern Mouth of Ponchatalawa 66 Creek Junction with Bogue Falia . Ruling depth. — Prom mouth to Covington, La., 7 feet at low water, except occasional shoals at Covington , 5 to 7 feet depth. Table No. 11. — Tangipahoa River, tributary of Lake Pontchartrain. [Mouth of Tangipahoa River is 81 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., via Lake Borgne (see Table 3) , and 35 miles from head of New Basin Canal, New Orleans, La., via Lake Pontchartrain (see Table 7).] From mouth of Tangipahoa River to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From mouth of Tangipahoa River to — Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 3 74 15 16 20 Miles. Hammond & Eastern R. R. crossing Miles. 23 24 27 Miles. Pecosin Creek 58 Wells Ferry Skull Creek SimTTis CrA«V Chappepeela Creek Washley Creek Water Creek 37 1 Depths. — 2 to 6 feet; bars and snags. Table No. 12.— Tickf aw River and tributaries: Nutulbuny, Blood, and Ponchatoula Rivers. [Tickfaw River is a tributary of Lake Maurepas.] [Mouth of 'I'ickfaw River is 43 miles from head of New Basin Canal, New Orleans, La. (see Table 7), and 96 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., via Lake Borgne (see Table 3).] TICKFAW RIVER. From mouth of Tickfaw River to— Mouth Natalbany River Mouth Blood River Killiaii, l-a Whitmores Island, La Springville, La Mouth Big Horn Branch Hammond ove mouth of Amite River.] Moatb of Bayou Manchac to — Hop8 Villa, La Wards Creek 3;«X2isiana Rwy. & Navigation Ca crossing Water I distances. Miles. 7i 8J Rail- road dis- tances from New Or- leans. Miles. 67 Mouth of Bayou Manchac to — Bayou Fountain. Alligator Bayou . Water distances. Miles. Rail- road dis- tances from New Or- leans. Miles. Head of navigation, Hope Villa, La.; draft at mean low water, atenchac, ordinarily 4 to 5 feet. feet, except bar at mouth Bayou TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 15 Table No. 14. — Frojn mouth of Old River to points on upper Atchafalaya and upper Grand River to junction with Bayou Plaquemine and to Moigan City. [Mouth of Old Rivor is 202 miles from New Orleans. GRAND RIVER ROUTE. (See Table 1.)] From Mississippi River (mouth of lower Old River) to— Junction of Atchafalaya and Red Rivers On Atchafalaya River: Mouth of feayou Des Glaises Simmesport, La Yellow Bayou Odenburg, La Mouth of Bayou Moreau Mouth of Bayou Maillard... Jacoby, I^a Mouth of Fishers Bayou McCrea, La Woodside, La Neita, La Mouth of Bayou Current. . . Bayou Current, La Elba, La Mouth of Bayou Latenache. Mouth of Bayou Rouge Month of Cowhead Bayou. . Melville, La. (Texas & Pa- cific crossing) Bayou Misere Mouth of Bayou Petit Prairie Krdtz Springs, La. (Frisco crossing) Mouth of Alabama Bayou. . Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 12 12 16 16 17 18 m 20 20 22 25 29 29 .32 34 .35 3fi 37 40 Miles. 150 'i46 136 133 From Mississippi River (mouth of lower Old River) to — On Atchafalaya River— Con. Mouth of Bayou Courta- bleau Atchafalaya River, La. (Southern Pacific cross- ing) Junction Opolousas Bay and upper Cirand River.. On Orand River: Butte La Rose, La Mouth of Little Atchafalaya River Mouth of Ouske Bay Mouth of Cow Bayou Mouth of Bj^ Tensas River. Mouth of Little Tensas River Mouth of Big Pigeon Bayou. Mouth of Bayou Maringouin Bayou Plaquemine, junc- tion with upper Grand River Morgan City via Grand River system. . I Plaquemine, La., via Plaque- mine Bayou Mouth Bayou Teche via lower Atchafalaya River Water is- tances. Miles. 69 113 161 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 118 Through draft, Old River to Morgan City, 6 feet; parts of Grand River, 6 to 10 feet; parts of Atchafalaya River, 10 feet and over. Table No. 15. — From mouth of Old River to points on upper Atchafalaya, upper Grand River, and Grand Lake to Morgan City. [Mouth of Oil River is 202 miles from New Orleans, La., via Mississippi River.] GRAND LAKE ROUTE. From Mississippi River (mouth of Old River) to— Junction of Atchafalaya and Red Rivers Melville, La Butte La Rose, La Mouth of Little Atchafalaya River via Upper Grand River Mouth of Bayou Larompe via Little Atchafalaya Lake Mongoulis via Bayou Larompe Mouth of Bayou Chene via Lake Mongoulois Lake Chicot via Bayou Chene. Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. Miles. 37 74 79 87 90 94 From Mississippi Iviver (mouth of Old River) to- Grand Lake via Chicot and Keelboat Pass Bayou Pigeon via Grand Lake.. Cypress island Pass via Grand "Lake Head of lower Atchafalaya River via Sixmile Jjake. ...... Mouth of Bayou Teche via lower Atchafalaya River Berwick Bay Morgan City, La., via Berwick Bay ■- Water dis- ■ tances. Miles. 99 107 116 122 124 1.32 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. VIA.SIXMILy; LAKE. Cypress Island Pass (see above table) Berwick Bay via Sixmile Lake. 116 128 Morgan Citv, La., via Berwick Bay :.. 130 Through draft about 4 feet, except Cypress Island to Morgan City, over 10 feet; and above Butte La Rose over 10 feet. 16 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 16. — Bayou Plaquemine and Grand River system from Plaqtbemine, La., to Morgan City and on Bayou Grossetete. IPlaqiiemine Lock is 112 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., via Mississippi River. Dimensions of lock, 55 by 260 by 10 feet.] From Plaquemine Lock, La., to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From Plaquemine Lock, La., to- Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Texas & Pacific crossing (on Miles. 3* 4| 5 •i 8 11 16 21 25 27 28 30 30 32 36 37 37 38 40 40 Miles. 85 Grand River system— Contd. Mouth of Old River (upper end Belle Fviver) Miles. 42 48 .51- 51 53 54 55 55 56 58 61 61 62 64 68 70 Miles. Jeanerctte Lumber Camp... Bavou Long (lower end of Belle River) Mouth Bayou Grossetete 92 Mouth of Bayou Magazille (upper end 'Bayou Long). Grand River system: Junction with upper Grand Ramos Lumber Co.'s mill (Skidder Landing) Mouth Bayou Choctaw Mouth Bayou Pigeon ' Mouth Indigo Bayou Mouth of lower Bayou Sorrel Mouth of Bayou MiUiomme. Upper end Flat Lake Lower end Flat Lake (Drews Pass). Mouth Bayou Posiillion Upper Bay Natchez Entrance to Berwick Bay Junction Atchafalaya "River (upper end of Berwick Bay). . Morgan City (Southern Pacific crossing) Lower end of Bay Natchez . . Mouth of Bayou'Fourchy... Upper end of Little Goddel. ^ ■ ■ 81 Population Bend Lower end of Big Goddel . . . 89 Draft, 9 to 10 feet, except Bay Natchez and Flat Lake, 6 feet. BAYOU GROSSETETE, LA. [Mouth of Bayou Grossetete is 7| miles from Plaquemine, La., on Bayou Plaquemine (see Talile No. 16), and 56J miles alcove Morgan City via Grand River system (Taljle 16), and 120 miles from New .Orleans via Mississippi River and Bayou Plaquemine.] Mouth Bayou (irossetete (trib- utary to Bayou Plaquemine) to— Bayou Choctaw Grand Bayou Angellos Store Texas & Pacific crossing. Grossetete, La Southern Pacific crossing Water dis- tances. Miles. 2 9i 12 14f 15i 16 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 100 101 102 Mouth Bayou Grossetete (trib- utary to Bavou Plaquemine) to— Rosedale, La Slack Bros, mill Maringouin, La Bayou Maringouin, La Livonia, La. (Frisco crossing). . Mouth Bayou Fordoche Water dis- tances. Miles. 18 17 24 28J 29 30i Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 105 108 109 114 Draft, 5 feet. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 17 Table No. 17. — New Orleans to Morgan City via Company Canals {-private tolls) to Lake Salvador, Bayous Lafourche, Terrebonne, Black, etc. [Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to Company Canal Lock at Westwego, La., 7 miles.] [Company Canal Lock, 160 by 25 by 6 feet.] From Company Canal, Missis- sippi River, to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From Company Canal, Missis- sippi River, to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Bayou Segnette via Company Miles. 2 8 10 23 23i 33 36i 38 40 Miles. Via Company Canal— Contd. Fay port, La Miles. 40 40 45 53 54 76 83i 86 90 92 94 Miles. Cataouatche Lake via Bayou Bayou Terrebonne, La. (Boui'g) Lake Salvador via Bayou Seg- Houma, La. (Barrows Canal), via Bayou Terrebonne Bayou Black via Barrows Canal. Gibson, La., via Bayou Black. . Bayou Cbene \aa Bayou Black. Bayou Boeuf via Bayou Chene. Ramos, La., via Bayou Boeuf. . Rhoda, La., via Bayou Boeuf.. Morgan City, La., via Bayou Boeuf Mouth of Bayou Des Allemands 70 Company Canal via Bayou Des 67 Via Company Canal: Loekport. La. (Bayou La- fourche) 50 77 79 81 Kimble Canal Through draft Houma to Morgan City, La., 4 feet. Very narrow and at times only 3J feet from mouth to Houma, and only 2J feet at Barrows Canal and Bayou Black. Table No. 18. — New Orleans to Morgan City via Harvey Canal {private tolls) and Com- pany Canal {private tolls) to Lake Salvador, Bayous Lafourche, Terrebonne, Black, etc. [Harvey Canal, 150 by 29.9 by 7 feet. It is 3 miles above Canal Street opposite Louisiana Avenue.] From Harvey Canal Lock, Mis- sissippi River, to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From Harvey Canal Lock, Mis- sissippi River, to — Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Bayou Barataria via Harvey Miles. 5i 5i 9* 11 16 18 30 30 37 37 Miles. Loekport, La. (Company Canal) via B^you Lafourche Miles. m 50 51 52 52 57 65 66 88 95i 98 102 104 106 Miles. 50 Hero's pumping plant via Har- Via Company Canal: Field Lake, La Bayou Terre via Bayou Bara- Mouth Bayou Des Families via Bayou Terrebonne (Bourg). Houma, La. (Banows Canal) via Bayou Terrebonne Bayou Black (Barrows Canal) via Bayou Terrebonne Gibson, La Junction Bayou Villars via 70 Lake Salvador via Bayou Villars Mouth Bayou Des Allemands 67 Harvey Canal No. 2 via Lake Bayou Chene via Bayou Black. Bayou Boeuf via Bayou Chene. Ramos, La., via Bayou Boeuf. . Rhoda, La Larose, La., via Harvey Canal No. 2 . 77 79 Bayou Lafourche, La., via Har- vey Canal No. 2 81 Distance from Company Canal Lock, Mississippi River, to Morgan City via all Company Canal route is 94 miles (vide Table 17). Draft at low water, Mississippi River to Loekport, La., 5i feet; to Morgan City, 4 feet; and only 21 feet in Barrows Canal and Bayou Black. 61497—16 3 18 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 19. — Bayou Des Allemands, Lake Des Allemands, and tributaries . [Mouth of Bayou Des Allemands is 23 miles from Company Canal Lock (vide Table 17) and 30 miles from Harvey Lock, New Orleans"(vide Table 18).] From mouth of Bayou Des Allemands to— Water distances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Company Canal via Bayou Des Allemands Mouth of Bayou De Grey via Bayou Des Allemands Mouth of Bayou Platte via Bayou Des Allemands Black Prince Lsland, La., via Bayou Des Allemands Mouth of Grand Bayou via Bayoli Des Allemands Paradis, La., via Grand Bayou Canal and Bayou Coeodrie • Lower end of Little Lake Des Allemands via Bayou Des Allemands tapper end of Little Lake Des Allemands via Bayou Des Allemands Des Allemands, La. (Southern Pacific crossing), via Bayou Des Allemands Lake Des Allemands, La., via Bayou Des Allemands Mouth of Bayou Fortier via Lake Des Allemands Bayou Bechnel via Lake Des Allemands Mouth of Bayou Lassene via Lake Des Allemands Mouth of Bayou Chevreuil via Lake Des Allemands Mouth of Bayou Tigre via Bayou Chevreuil Junction of Bayou Chegby (Grand) Citamon via Bayou Chevreuil Bayou Verrette via Bayou Citamon Bayou Heron via Lake Pes Allemands Bayou Boeuf via Lake Des Allemands Coulee Madagaie via Bayou Boeuf Mouth of Grand Bayou (Chegby or Cohabanosse) via Bayou Boeuf Lake Soeuf via Bayou Boeuf Lake Boeuf Drainage Canal via Lake Boeuf Bayou Lafourche via Lake Boeuf Drainage Canal Miles. 32 Draft at low water, 4 feet, mouth to Lake Des Allemands; above the lake, 2 to 3J feet. Table No. 20. — Bayou Lafourche {closed by dam from Mississippi River). , [Head of Bayou Lafourche at Donaldsonville has no water connection with Mississippi River.] [Canal Street, New Orleans, to Larose via Harvey Canal, 40 miles (vide Table 18); Canal Street, New Orleans, to Lockport via Company Canal, 43i rdiles (vide Table 17); New Orleans to Donaldsonville, 80 miles (vide Table 1).] From Donaldsonville, La., to — Texas & Pacific crossing Bellerose, La Klotzville, La Paincourtville, La Plattenville, La Napoleonville, La Bertie, La Cancienne Canal Tallien, La Labadieville, La Roger, La Thibodaux, La Lafourche Crossing, La. (South em Pacific crossing) Ariel, La .". Water dis- tances. Miles. Kaiiroaci fSSrew i F™'" Donaldsonville, La., to- Orleans. ! Miles. 64 Q 11 75 U 17 79 IS 20 76 23 72 25 70 31 88 34 61 38 52 43 Lake Boeuf Canal, La Raceland, La Matthews, La Lockport, La. (Company Canal) Larose, La. (Harvey Canal) Cut Off, La Cher Amie Canal, La Yankee Canal Golden Meadow, La Leesville, La Southwestern Louisiana Canal. . Evans Canal .Tunction with Belle Pass Mouth (Gulf of Mexico) Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 45 Miles. 49 53 56i 68 42 46 50 71 78 83 83 92 94 104 105 107 Mouth, Gulf of Mexico, from New Orleans via Mississippi River, Southwest Pass, and Gulf is 160 miles Draft.— Mouth to Lockport, 4J feet; to Thibodaux, 3i feet; to Donaldsonville, 3 feet. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 19 Table No. 21. — Bayou Lafourche to Morgan City via Cancienne Canal. [Approximate distance.] [Cancienne Canal is 3 miles below Napoleonville, on Bavou Lafourche: 88 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, via Harvey route (vide Tables 18 and 20); and SO miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, via Company Canal route (vide Tables 17 and 20). This route (3-foot draft) is available only for launches.] From Cancienne Canal at Bayou Lafourche to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From Cancienne Canal at Bayou Lafourche to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Route Xo. 1. Lake Verret via Cancienne Canal Miks. 9 12 14 15 21 24 7§ 9 13 20 Miles. Route No. ^—Continued. Lower end Flat Lake via Flat Lake Miks. 23 26 9 12 14 15 19 23 27 29 31 Miles. Mouth Fourmile Bayou via Lake Verret Morgan City via Berwick Bay.. Route No. 3. Lake Verret via Cancienne Canal 81 Grassy Lake via Fourmile Bayou Persimmon Pass via Grassy Lake Lake Palourde via Persimmon Pass Mouth Fourmile Bayou via Berwick Bay via Lake Pa- lourde \ Grassy Lake via Fourmile Bavou Morgan City via Berwick Bay . . 81 Persimmon Pass Route No. 2. Lake Palourde via Bayou Cher Amie Lake Verret via Cancienne Bayou Boeuf via Bayou Cher Amie Canal Junction Bayou Chene via Bavou Boeuf Mouth Bayou Magazille via Ramos, La., via Bayou Boeuf.. Rhoda, La., via Bayou Boeuf... Morgan City, La., via Bayou Boeuf 77 Bayou Long via Bayou Maga- zille 79 Upper end Flat Lake via Bayou 81 Long Draft about 3 feet. Table No. 22. — Bayou Terrebonne, La.: Houma, La., to mouth in Terrebonne Bay. [Canal Street, New Orleans, to Bayou Terrebonne at Bourg, 8 miles below Houma^ via Harvey and Com- pany route, 60 miles (vide Table 18); Canal Street, New Orleans, to Bayou Terrebonne at Bourg, 8 miles below Houma, via Company Canal route, 52 mUes (vide Table 17).] Bayou Terreborme at Houma, La. (downstream), to— Houma, La Company Canal (Bourg) Bourg, La. (Company Canal entrance) Water dis- tances. Miles. 8 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. Bayou Terrebonne at Houma, La. (downstream), to— Montegut, La Bush Canal Mouth Bayou Terrebonije Water dis- tances. Miles. 15 23 37 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. From tlourna on Bayou Terrebonne, to Houma on Bayou Black, via Bayou Cane. — Bayou Terrebonne from Houma, La., to Bayou Cane is 3i miles: Bayou Cane from Bayou Terrebonne to Bayou Black is 2| mUes; Bayou Black from Bayou Cane to Barrows Canal is 3 miles! Draft.— Homna, to Bush Canal, 6 feet. From Hoiuna, upstream: To Bayou Cane, draft 3 feet; to Schriever, draft 1 to 2i feet. 20 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 23. — Houvia to Morgan City via Barrows Canal, Bayous Black, Chene, Boeuf, etc. [Barrows Canal at Houma, La., forms a connection with Bayous Black and Terrebonne. Barrows Canal is I mile in length. Houma, La., is 68 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, via Harvey and Company Canal route (vide Table 18), and 60 miles via Company Canal route (vide Table 17).] From junction Barrows Canal and Bayou Terrebonne (Houma, La.) to— Houma, La Bayou Black Southdown Plantation. . Concord Plantation Mandalay Plantation Waterproof, La Orange Grove Plantation Magnolia Plantation Greenwood Plantation... Live Oak Plantation Gibs on, La Bayou Tigre Water dis- tances. Miles. 1 3 4 5 6 10 13 15 16 23 23 Railroad distances from New Orleans.. Miles. From jimction Barrows Caaal and Bayou Terreboime (Houma, La.) to — Bayou Chacahoula Bayou L'Ourse Bayou Cocodrie Alligator Bayou Junction Bayou Chene Junction Bayou Boeuf (via Bayou Chene) Ramos, La., via Bayou Boeuf. Rhoda, La Bayou Shaffer Morgan City, La., via Berwick Bay M'ater dis- tances. Miles. 23 26 29 30 30i 33 37 39 40 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. Draft at low water, Houma to Gibson, 3 feet (at times 2\ feet); Gibson to Morgan City, 3 to 10 feet. Table No. 24. — Neiv Orleans, La., via Harvey Canal {private tolls) to Bayou Barataria, Lake Villere, Bayou St. Denis, Grand Isle, Barataria Bay, and Gulf of Mexico. [No rail connections.] Water distances, from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to — Lock, Harveys Canal (opposite Louisiana Avenue Ferry) Barataria Bayou (Hero pumping plant). Bayou Villars, via Bayou Barataria Junction Bayou Dupont and Rigolettes (Lafitte) Harveys Cut-off, via Bayou Rigolettes. . . Lake Villere, via Harveys Cut-off Miles. 3 Sit 19" 26 33 35 Miles. Water distances, from Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to — Continued. Bayou St. Denis, via Lake Villere 38 Barataria Bay, via Bayou St. Denis 49 Manila village, La., on Barataria Baj^ 50 Fort Livingston (Grand Pass) 63 Grand Isle village 66 Caminada Pass, via Grand Pass 71 Quatre Bayou Pass, via Barataria Bay.. 62J Draft, 6 feet to Lafltte; thence 3 to 3i feet. Dimensions Harvey Lock, 150 by 29 by 9.7 feet. Table No. 25. — New Orleans to Grand Isle Village via Harvey Canal and Gulf of Mexico route: Bayous Barataria and Rigolettes, Little Lake, Grand Bayou, and Barataria Bay. [No rail connection.] Miles. Water distances from Canal Street, New Or- leans, La., to— Harvey Lock 3 Harveys Cut-off (see above table) 33 Bayou Perot 34 Little Lake (upper end) 35 Little Lake (lower end). Grand Bayou. . 44 Barataria Bay, via Grand Bayou 54 Miles. Water distances from Canal Street, New Or- leans, La., to— Continued. Manila village 51 Fort Livingston, Grand Pass 61 Grand Isle village 64 Caminada Pass, via Grand Pass 69 Quatre Bayou Pass, via Grand Pass 67 Through draft at low water, Mississippi River to Gulf, 6 feet to Lafitte; and Little Lake route, 3 to 3i feet. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 21 Table No. 26. — Bayou Des Glaises (Simmesport, La.) from mouth to Junction with Bayou Rouge, Huffpower, and Boeuf. [Mouth of Bayou Des Glaises is at Simmesport, La., 12 miles from the Mississippi River, via Old and Ateha- falaya Rivers, and 214 miles above New Orleans, via Mississippi River, Old River, and Atchafalaya River.] From Bayou Des Glaises (Simmesport, La.) to — Mouth of Yellow Bayou Redfish, La., via Bayou Des Glaises Hamburg, La., via Bayou Des Glaises Big Bend, La. (Louisiana Railway & Navigation Co. crossing), via Bayou Des Glaises Sarto, La., via Bayou Des Glaises Little Prairie Bayou, via Bayou Des Glaises Rexmere, La., via Bayou Des Glaises Bordelonville_, La., via Bayou Des Glaises Moreauville, La. (Louisiana Railway & Navigation Co. crossing No. 2), via Bayou Des Glaises Texas & Pacific R. R. crossing, via Bayou Des Glaises Pearl Lake via Bayou Des Glaises Junction with Bayou Rouge, via Bayou Des Glaises Cottonport, La., via Bayou Rouge Evergreen, La Junction with Huffpower, La., via Bayou Rouge Bayou Clear via Bayou Huffpower Bunkie, La., via Bayou HufTpower Head Bayou Boeuf (tributary of Bayou Courtableau) Mouth Bayou Boeuf, junction with Bayous Cocodrie and Courtableau Washington, La., on Bayou Courtableau Water dis- tances. Miles. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 158 ?? 22 ?4 135 25 30 38 40 47 139 142 148 165 45 50 64 64 166 170 68 70 74 175 117 121 154 Draft, 3 to 4 feet in Bayou Des Glaises and Bayou Courtableau; other portions, 1 to 3 feet. Table No. 27. — Loiver Atchafalaya River, Morgan City to Gulf of Mexico, including Atchafalaya Bay ship channel. [New Orleans to Morgan City via Old River, 357 miles (vide Table 14); New Orleans to Morgan City via • Plaquemine (Table 16), 176 miles; via Harvey and Company Canal route, 109 miles (Table 18).] From Morgan City, La. (South- ern Pacific crossing, Berwick Bay), to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From Morgan City, La. (South- ern Pacific crossing, Berwick Bay), to- Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Via Lower Atchafalaya River: Little Wax Bavou Miles. 3 3i 5| 7 9 .? 15 17i Miles. Lower Atchafalaya River, Gulf of Mexico Miles. 17J 2U 27* 37 Miles. Upper end Batemans Lake.. Lower end Batemans Lake.. Inner end of Atchafalaya Bay ship channel Upper end Sweet Bay Lake. Mouth Bavou Shaffer Pointe Au Fer Shell Reef (Eu- gene Island) via Atchafalaya Bav ship channel Mouth Big Wax Bayou Lower end Sweet Bav Lake. Outer end Atchafalaya Bay ship charmel via Atchafalaya Bay ship chfinnp). Mouth Chicken Bayou Shell Island Pass Mouth Deer Island Bavou. . Ruling depths, 12 to 16 feet in Atchafalaya Bay ship channel; balance of route over 20 feet; project depth, 20 feet. 22 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 28. — Morgan City to Plaquemine and New Orleans via Grand River system, Bayou Plaquemine, and Mississippi River. [Bay Natchez, Little Goddel and Big Goddel, Belle River, and Bayou Long form the Grand River system. Morgan City is 101 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, via Company Canal (vide Table 17), and 109 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, via Harvev and Company Canals (vide Table 18). Plaquemine Lock is 55 by 260 by 10 feet.] [This table is the reverse of Table No. 16.) Morgan City (Southern Pacific crossing), Berwick Bay, to— Water dis- tances. Morgan City, La Flat Lake via Berwick Bay Bayou Long (upper end Flat Lake) via Flat Lake Via Bayou Long: Mouth Bayou Milhomme... Mouth Bayou Sorrel Williams Canal Ramos Liunber Co.'s mills. . Manifield Canal Mouth Bayou Magazille, jimc- tion Belle River and Bayou Long Jeanerette Lumber Camp, Belle River Mouth Old River, Belle River.. Bayou Big Goddel, Belle River. Population Bend Big Goddel.. . Lower end Little Goddel Mouth Bayou Fourchv, Little Goddel Lower end Bay Natchez, Little Goddel Via Bay Natchez: Mouth Lake Natchez Pass. . Upper end Bay Natchez Mouth Bayou" Postilion Miles. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. Morgan City (Southern Pacific crossing), Berwick Bay, to — Via Grand River: Pumpkin Point Mouth Indigo Bayou Mouth Bayou Pigeon Mouth B ayou Choctaw Bayou Sorrel Junction Upper Grand River and Bayou Plaque mine. . Via Bayou Plaquemine: Indian village Mouth Bayou Grossetete ... Dardennes Bend Mouth Bayou Jacob . • Mouth Dry Bavou Texas & Pacific R. R. cross- ing Plaquemine, La. (lock) Mississippi River Via Mississippi River: Donaldsonville, La Convent, La Lutcher, La Reserve, La Laplace, La Hahnville, La Pecan Grove, La Kenner, La Avondale, La New Orleans, La Water dis- tances. 112 125 13.3 137 146 152 158 163 176 R ailroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 30 ifilei. 37 39 43 48 53 .50 5U 92 59' 59i 60i 63i 64 64 85 85 Draft 9 to 10 feet except 6 feet in Bay Natchez and Flat Lake. Table No. 29. — Mouth of Pigeon Bayou to Grand Lake. [No rail coimection.] ( Pigeon Bayou is 25 miles from Plaquemine (vide Table 16) and 39 miles from Morgan City (vide Table 2S). ] Miles. Miles. Water distances from mouth Pigeon Bavou to— Junction Pigeon and Littl^ Pigeon Grand Lake via Big Pigeon Bayou. Draft about 5 to 7 feet. Water distances from mouth Pigeon Bayou to— Junction Pigeon Bayou and Bayou Long 7 G rand Lake via Little Pigeon Bayou 12i TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 30. — Bayou Teche. 23 [Mouth of Bavou Teolie is Wj miles above Morgan City and 70^ miles from Plaquemine (vide Taljlo 16) and 161 miles from mouth of Old River (vide Table 14): Morsran City is 101 miles from New Orleans via Company Canal (vide Table 17"); 109 miles from New Orleans via Harvey and Company Canals (vide Table IS): 176 miles from New Orleans via Plaquemine, La. (vide Table 28): and 357 miles from New Orleans via Old River (vide Tables 1 and 14); railroad distance from New Orleans to Morgan City, si miles.] From Morgan Citv to- Morgan Citv , La Glen wild , La., via lower Atcha- falaya River Patterson, La Mouth Bayou Teche Calumet. La., via Bayou Teche Shadyside, La ." Centerville , La ■ Garden City, La Hanson Canal Franklm, La Irish Bend , La Camperdo^vn, La Baldwin, La Charenton, La Adeline. La Jeanerette, La Water dis- tances. Miles. 6 8 lOi lo" 19 21 24 25 2U .32' 35 39 43 47* 53 Raih-oad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 81 91 104 102 98 99 101 105 106 105 112 109 114 From Morgan City to- Olivier, La New Iberia, La Morbihan, La " Vida, La Loreauville, La Keystone Lock, La.' St . Mavtinville, La Levert, La Parks, La Ruth, La Breaux Bridge, La Cecelia, La Bayou Fusilier, La Ariiaudville, La Leonville, La Port Barre, La.,jimction with Bayou Corn-tableau ^ Water dis- tances. Miles. 60 64 67 72 73 S2i 86 89 92 98 101 110 117 117 124 136 Railroad distances from New Orleans. 121 126 132 13:> 134 "i:^9 141 145 149 152 159 1.52 147 1 Dimensions, 30 by 160 by 8 feet. - No connection except at high water. Draft, 6 feet New Orleans to Morgan City and mouth of Bayou Teche via Plaquemine: 3 feet New Orleans to Morgan City via Harvey and Company Canals; mouth Bayou Teche, to Jeanerette, S feet; 4 feet to Arnaudville: V, feet to Leonville; Leonville to Port Barre, practically dry at low water. Table No. 31. — Bayous CourtahleaUj Boeuf, and Cocodrie. {Mouth of Bayou Courtableau is 57 miles below mouth of Old River (vide Table 14): 98 miles above Morgan City via Grand River system (vide Table 14); and 73 miles above Morgan City via Cypress Island Pass and Grand Lake system (vide Table 15). Mouth of Bayou Courtableau closed by log jam; no connec- tion with Atchafalaya River, except at high water, other than Bayou Fordoche and other small streams.] From mouth of Bayou Courta- bleau to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From mouth of Bayou Courta- bleau to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 2 24 4' 4 5 lU 12' 13 19 25 26 28 32 36 41 46 Miles. 1 Whiteville, La Miles. 50 55 62 64 68 75 76 87 98 105 lOS 108 114 lis 120 136 Miles. 168 171 English Bayou via Bayou Corn- 174 Southern Pacific crossing Texas Pacific crossing No. 1 Junction Bayou HutTpower Texas and Pacific crossing No. 2. Chenevville, La 169 137 Texas and Pacific crossmg No. 3. Chicago, Rock Island and Pa- Port Barre, La., junction with 141 R. R. & Gulf crossing Lecompte, La 178 W. & C. R . ,R . crossin" Washington, La. (Southern 154 1 Junction with Bayou Lamourie. i Junction with Bayou Robert, j near Alexandria. 190 Boeuf Jiuiction with Bayou Rapides Begg, La., via Bayou Boeuf 158 162 164 Dubuisson, La Draft.— Bayou Courtableau, 5 feet; Bayou Boeuf, 3 feet to 1 foot. Junction of Bayou Robert with Bayou Rapides is about IJ miles from Red River at Alexandria, La. Bayou Hull'power joins Bayou Rouge 10 miles from junction with Bavou Boeuf via Bavbu Des Glaises (vide Table 26). 24 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Tabie No. 31. — Bayous Courtableau, Boeuf, and Cocodrie — Continued. VIA BAYOU COCODRIE. Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Junction Bayous Cocodrie and Miles. 32 19 41 Miles. Cocodrie Lake Miles. 42 46 51 Miles. Boeuf Western end Cocodrie Lake Longleaf, La. (St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern R.R.). Mouth Bavou Chicot Clearwater, La. (Chicago, Rock Island* Pacific R.R.) 184 190 Dro//.— Cocodrie Bayou, 1 to 3 feet. Boeuf and Cocodrie are generally obstructed above their junction. Table No. 32. — Morgan City to points on the existing Inland Waterway (westward). Route.— Bayou Teche, Hanson Canal, West Cote Blanche Bay, Vermilion Bay, Schooner Bayou, White Lake, Grand Lake, and Mormcntau River. For distances, Morgan City from New Orleans via Company and Han-ey Canals, Plaauemine and Old River, see Tables 14, 16, 17, and 18. Note.— This route is only partially open on account of only 7-foot vertical clearance under the bridges over Hanson Canal; the present route for large vessels is from Morgan City via Atchafalaya River, Wax Bayou, Cote Blanche, and Vermilion Bays. Distance from Morgan City "to mouth of Schooner Bayou by this route is 75 miles. From Morgan City (Southern Pacific crossing) to— Morgan City, La Patterson, La., via lower Atchafalaya River Calumet^ La., via Bayou Teche Garden City, La., via Bayou Teche Hanson Canal, La., via Bayou Teche Bayou Portage, La., via Hanson Canal Franklin Canal, La., via Hanson Canal Mud Lake, La West Cote Blanche Bay via Mud Lake and Jaws Cote Blanche Island via West Cote Blanche Bay Dead Cypress Point via West Cote Blanche Bay Bayou Carlin We'eks Island via Vermilion and Weeks Bay Sallys Island via Cote Blanche Bay Mouth Bayou Petit Anse via Verihilion Bay Avery Island (Salt Mine) via Petit Anse Bay Redfish Point via Vermilion Bay Southwest Pass (Vermilion Bay) via Vermilion Bay. , Mouth Vermilion River via Vermilion Bay Abbeville, La., via Vermilion River , Lafayette, La., via Vermilion River , Mouth Schooner Bayou via \'ermilion Bay , Schooner Bayou Lock via Schooner Bayou White Lake Canal via Schooner Bayou , White Lake via White Lake Canal ." , Turtle Lake Canal, west end White Lake Turtle Lake via Turtle Lake Canal Alligator Lake Canal, west end Turtle Lake Alligator Lake via Alligator Lake Canal Collicon Lake via Collicon Lake Canal West end Collicon Lake Grand Lake, eastern end Inland Waterway Lower Mermcntau River via Grand Lake , Gulf of Mexico via Mermcntau River Upper Mermcntau River via Grand Lake Proposed Intracoastal Canal via Mermcntau River Lake Arthur, l^a., via Mermcntau River Mouth Bayou (^ueue de Tortuc via Mermcntau River Mermentaii, La., via Mermcntau River Mouth Bayou Ncspi((tu' via Mermcntau River , Mouth Plaqucminc Uriilc via Mcdlenka River Crowley, La., via Plaqucminc Brule Bayou "Lacassine via Grand Lake Bayou Misere via Bayou and Lake Lacassine Bayou Little Misere via Bayou Misere AVater dis- tances. Miles. 8 15 24 25 29 30f 32 36 42 52 67 65 52 65 73 65 64 74 98 123 73 77J 78 85 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 115 140 117 1184 134 1.39 151 152J 154 i 176 118 119 123 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 134 146 145 180 m TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 25 Table No. 32. — Morgan City to points on the existing Inland Waterway {westward) — Continued. From Morgan City (Southern Pacific crossing) to- Railroad distances from New Orleans. Lake Misere Canal via Lake Misere Sweet Lake via Lake Miseio Canal ". Calcasieu Lake, North American Land & Timber Co.'s Canal EasI entrance Calcasicu-Sahine Inland Waterway Lake Charles, La ^ West entrance Calcasieu-Sabine Inland Waterway Orange, Tex., on Sabme River Port Arthur, Tex Beaumont, Tex Miles. 219 257 300 278 Draft.— Morgan City to Hanson Canal, 10 feet; through Hanson Canal, 5 feet; balance of route to Sabine River, 5 feet; on Sabine River, Orange to Port Arthur, 26 feet. Table No. 33. — Morgan City to mouth of Vermilion River and mouth of Schooner Bayou via Atchafalaya River, Wax Bayou, and Vermilion Bay. [No rail connection.] [For distances, New Orleans to Morgan City via Company Canal, Harvey Canal, Plaquemine Lock, and Old River, see Tables 14, 16, 17, and 18.] Water distances from Morgan City, La., to— Mouth Vermilion River via Hanson Canal (Table .32) Mouth Schooner Bayou via Hanson Canal (Table 32) Miles. 73 73 Water distances from Morgan City, La., to— Miles. Little Wax Bayou 3 Jmiction Big Wax Bayou 13 Mouth Big Wax Bayou 21 Mouth Vermilion River via Big Wax, Cote Blanche, and \'ermilion Bays 73 Mouth Schooner Bayou 75 For other distances on Vermilion River and westward from Schooner Bayou, see Tables 32 and 34. Through draft, 5 feet. Table No. 34. — Vermilion River from mouth to Lafayette, La. (Mouth of Vermilion River is 73 miles from Morgan City via Island Waterway and Hanson Canal (vide Table 32): 75 miles from Morgan City via Wax Bayou (vide Table 33); 182 miles from New Orleans via Harvey Canal and Inland Waterway (vide Tables 18 and 32). For distances. New Orleans to Morgan City with various routes, see Tables i4, 15, 16, 17, and 18.] From Vermilion Bay, mouth of Vermilion River, to— Water dis- tances. Railroad dis- tances from New Orleans. From Vermilion Bay, mouth of Vermilion Rive'r, to — Water dis- tances. Railroad dis- tances from New Orleans. Devils Elbow Miles. f 9 10 11* 12 14i Miles. Gueydan (Abbeville) Canal Abbeville, La Miles. 24 25 37* 391 49' 50i "li 761 Miles. Live Oak Plantation 146 Campbells Ferry 143 Little Bayou Sebastopol Coulee Keuhling plantation Pinhook Bridge. Foster plantation Southern Pacific crossing, La- Bancker, La 144 Ramsey Plantation, La 17 17 184 22' Bavou Fusilier Youngs Coulee Bayou Teche via Bayou Fusi- lier, at Arnaudville, La Rose Hill sugarhouse '. Perry, La Head of navigation, Pinhook Bridge. Draft at low water, mouth to Milton, 4 feet; to Lafayette, 2i feet . 61497—16 4 26 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 35. — New Orleans to points on the recommended route of the Inland Waterway as far as Sabine River, La., including Orange, Port Arthur, and Beaumont, Tex. [Entrance is to he near Harvey Canal Lock, and is 3 miles above Canal Street, New Orleans, La., opposite Louisiana Avenue Ferry.] From canal lock (Mississippi River) 3 miles below Canal Street, New Orleans, La., to — Proposed route. Compara- tive dis- tances, ex- isting route Railroad distances from New Orleans. Lock Bayou Barataria via proposed canal East end Lake Salvador \'ia Bayou Barataria Proposed canal, west end of Lake Salvador, via Lake Salvador Cross Bayou Lafourche via proposed canal Cross Bayou Terrelionne, via proposed canal Cross Bayou Caillou via proposed canal , Enter Bayou Black via proposed canal .' , Gibson, La. , Bayou Black , Enter Bayou Boeuf Enter Atchafalaya River, Berwick Bay Morgan City, La., on Atchafalaya River Patterson, La., lower Atchafalaya River , Enter Baj'ou Teche Calumet, La., via Bayou Teche , Garden City, La., via Bayou Teche , Enter Hanson Canal via Bayou Teche, Enter east end proposed canal at Little Bay via Mud Lake Cote Blanche Island via proposed canal Bayou Cypremort via proposed canal Weeks Island via proposed canal Mouth Bayou Carlin (Weeks Bay; via proposed canal Continuation of proposed canal via Bayou Carlin Mouth Bayou Petit Anse via proposed" canal Enter Vermilion River ( 3 miles above mouth) via proposed canal Offset Ableville, I^a., via Vermilion River Leave Vermilion River, continuation of proposed canal Schooner Baj'ou via proposed canal Schooner Bayou Lock via Schooner Bayou, existing route East end White Lake Offset Pecan Island West end White Lake (White Canal) Enter Turtle Lake Enter Alligator Lake Enter CoUicon Lake Enter Grand Lake (east entrance) Mouth upper Mermentau River Enter proposed Intracoastal Canal, Mermentau to Sabine section, via Mermentau River Cross Bayou Lacassine na proposed canal East end Lake Misere Canal via proposed canal East end Sweet Lake via Lake Misere Canal Cross North American Land & Timber Co.'s Canal Calcasieu River a ia proposed canal, Black Bayou, and Watkins Canal. Cross Calcasieu River via proposed canal and" Bayou Black Enter Inland Waterway, east end of Calcasieu-Sabine section via Cal- casieu River Offset Lake Charles, La Vinton Canal via Inland Waterway Sabine River via Inland Waterway Offset Orange, Tex Offset Beaumont, Tex., via Sabine Lake and River and Neches River. Port Arthur, Tex., via Port Arthur ship channel and Sal)ine River. . . Miles. 5i 18' 1 30 40 50 52 58 t.i i82i 1 94 1 94 = 102 2 104* 2 109" 2 lis = 119 3 128 134 139 142 144 146 1.51 164 186 166 169 5 1734 5 181' = 188 6 195 5 196 5 198 5 199 5 201 5 213 214* 217" 225 235 237 253 Miles. 255 272 271 278 281 315 299 1 54 1 18" 1 37 1 57 1 106 2 114 2 1164 2 121" 2 130 2 131 3 140 U,57 n63 <173 n73 n75 n73 n8i <206 4 181 5 1854 5 193' 5 200 5 207 5 208 5 210 5 211 5 213 5 225 6 226i 6 226 5 237 6 247 6 264 '265 285 '281 '288 = 291 8 325 8 311 Miles. 91 102 99 146 257 278 300 ' Route \'ia Harvey Canal No. 1 and Company Canal No. 2. 2 Route Morgan City to entrance Hanson Canal, via Atchafalaya River and Bayou Teche. 3 Route in Hanson Canal. < Route via Morgan City via lower Atchafalaya, Wax Bayou, Cote Blanche, and Vermilion Bays. 5 Existing route via Schooner Bayou, White Lake, etc. » Existing route, Mermentau River to Calcasieu Lake, Lake Misere via Lake Misere Canal and North American Land & Timlier Co.'s Canal. ' Existing route, Calcasieu River to Sabine River. 8 Existing route, Sabine River, Sabine Lake, Neches River, and Lake Arthur Canal. Project depth of proposed route. Inland Waterway, 5 by 40 feet, bottom width. The existing route, New Orleans to Morgan Cityi is via Harvey and Company Canals (vide Table 18) and Morgan City to Sabine River, via existing route and Hanson Canal (vide Talile 32). Existing route from Morgan City west is via .\tchafalaya River, Wax Bayou, Cote Blanche, and Ver- milion Bays, and is the only one possible for large boats on account of lack of vertical clearance in the Hanson Canal; also the existing route, Mermentau to Calcasieu via Bayou Misere, Lake Misere, Lake Misere Canal, Sweet Lake, and North American Land & Timber Co.'s Canal, is limited to 34 by 16 feet through the Sweetwater Canal Locks. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 27 Table No. 36. — Mennentau River. [Month of Mermentau River is 314 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, via Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico (vide Tal)les 1 and 4S): 210 miles (Table 3,t) from New Orleans to jnnotion of Collieon Baj-ou and drand Lake, via Ilarveys Canal No. 1, Company Canal No. 2, Bayous Terrebonne, and Black, Atcha- falaya River, Wax Bayou, Cote Blanche Bay, Vermilion Bay, Schooner Bayou, and White Lake (vide Table 35); if via Hanson Canal, the distance is 214 miles from Canal Street, New Orleans, La. (vide Tables 32 and 35).] From Gulf of Mexico to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From Gulf of Me.xico to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 3 54 9' 13 16 16 IS 19 24 24i 34 37 38 36 371 Miles. Miles. 53 53 56 58 72 331 264 70 70 72 954 Miles. 255 Laurents, La Mouth Pumpkin Bayou Mouth Bayou t^ueue de Tortue. Riceville, La., on Bayou Queue de Tortue 175 Mouth upper Mud Lake New Orleans to Riceville via Plaquemine - Morgan City waterway, Wax Bayou, Ver- milion Bay, Schooner Bayou, etc Mouth Little Pecan Bayou . . . . Mouth Little Chenier Bayou Little Chenier Ridge, La Mouth Catfish Bavou New Orleans to Riceville via Harvey Canal, Company Canal, and Houma (Tables 18, 32, and 33) Mouth Grand Lake Mouth Collieon Bayou via Mouth Gueydan Canal Southern Pacific crossing Mermentau, La 180 Mouth Bayou Lacassine Upper end Grand Lake (upper 180 Bayou Nezpique Viterboville, La., on Bayou Nazpique, 23J miles above mouth Proposed intracoastal canal Lakeside, La. (Mermentau River), via Mermentau River. 47 47 48 Junction Bayou, Plaquemine Brule, and Bayou des Cannes. Crowley, La., on Plaquemine Brule 731 95 Mouth Lake Arthur Lowry, La 166 Head of navigation, Crowley, La. Draft at low water, 6 feet, except at bar at the entrance and exit of Grand Lake; 4 to 5 feet in lower Mud Lake; bar at Gulf, 3 to 4 feet. Head of navigation on Nezpique, Viterboville. Table No. 37. — Bayou Plaqueviine Brule from junction Bayou des Cannes. [ For distances from New Orleans and other points, see Table No. 36. Mouth Bayou Plaquemine Brule is 1} miles above mouth of Bayou Nezpique; 263 miles from New Orleans, via inland waterway (Tables 18 and 32) and 3f miles above Mermentau, La. (Table 36).] From mouth Bayou Plaque- mine Brule to — Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From mouth Bayou Plaque- mine Brule to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Thibodaux sawmill Miles. 5 8 12 m 19 Miles. Frisco Bridge Miles. 20 20 21 Miles. Southern Pacific R. R 176 Basin Medlenka Canal, via Estherwood pump Union relift Crowley, La., via drainage canal Roller pumping plant, head of 166 improvement Head of navigation, Crowley, La. account of fallen trees. Draft at low water, 6 feet, except at times reduced to 3 to 6 feet on 28 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 38. — Calcasieu River, Lake, and Pass. [Calcasieu Pass is 357 miles from New Orleans via Mississippi River (Tables 1 and 48) and Gulf of Mexico. Calcasieu Lake at junction with North American Land & Timber Co.'s Canal is 256 miles from New Orleans via Harvey and Company Canal route to Morgan City: thence Hanson Canal, ^'e^milion Bay, Schooner Bayou, White Lake, and Sweetwater Canal (vide Tables 18 and 32). The distance from New Orleans to Calcasieu River via proposed route is 256 miles (Table 35) and via existing route to the same point, Atchafalaya River, and Wax Bayou is 265 miles (Tables 18 and 35).] From Gulf of Mexico to- Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From Gulf of Mexico to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 2* 7" 121 15 16 19?, 21" 22 25 26 26J 28 30 31 33 40 Miles. ' Mouth B ayou D'Inde Miles. 41 424 44 46 455 53 54i 65i 66i 72 73 77 86 99 99 100 1125 1150 I 155 Miles. Pass ' ' . . Mouth Contraband Bayou Lake Charles 1 Mouth Bayou Foret via Calca- Lake Charles, La. (city) Westlake,La. (Southern Pacific 219 Mouth Bayou Bois Connie.. 221 Mouth West Fork Mouth English Bavou Marion, La Mouth Bavou Serpent Jones Bluff Hecker, La Marsh Bavou Frisco R. R. crossing 197 Mouth Bayou Choupique Philips BlulT Motith Bundick Creek Mouth Mill Creek Oakdale (Jasper & Eastern crossing) 221 Mouth Cherry winck Creek 1 Distance approximate. Head of navigation, Philips Bluff. Draft at low water, 4 feet in upper and lower portion of Calcasieu Lake: balance of lake, 51 to 6 feet; balance of stream from mouth to Jones Bluft', 8 to 20 feet; Jones Bluff to Philips BlufT, 6 feet; portion above Jones Blufl', mainly snaggy. Table No. 39. — Sabine River, Lake, and Pass. [Sabine River is 384 miles from New Orleans via Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico (Tables 1 and 48) Sabine River, at junction with inland waterway, 3 miles below Orange, is 281 miles from New Orleans via recommended route (Table 35), 289 miles via Hanson Canal route'(Tables 18 and 32), and 291 miles via Wax Bayou route (Table 35).] From Sabine Jetties (upstream) to- Sabine Light via Sabine Pass. - . Sabine, Tex., Sabine Pass Sabine Pass, Tex., via Sabine Pass Port Arthur Canal via Sabine Pass Mouth Taylor Bayou via Port Arthur Ship Channel Port Arthur, Tex., via Port Arthur Ship Channel Mouth Neches River via Port Arthur Ship Channel Beaumont, Tex., via Neches River Mouth Sabine River via Sabine Lake Mouth Bayou Black via Sabine River Mouth Cow Bayou via Sabine River Inland waterway. La., Calca- sieu-Sabine section' Adams Bayou Orange, Tex.i Echo, La. (Southern Pacific crossing) Mouth Old River Head Old River Kansas City Southern crossing. Water dis- tances. Miles. 6 7 9 10 19 21 29 53 33 34 37 42 42 42i 52i 54 70 71 Railroad distances from New Orlenns. Miles. 309 306 300 257 251 From Sabine Jetties (upstream) to- Dewey ville. La Cypress Bayou Nichols Bayou Duett, La Caney Creek Slayder Creek Big" Cow Creek Brush Creek Belgrade, Tex Santa Fe crossing Bon Weir, Tex Mouth Big Quicksand Creek... Mouth Ridge Creek Mouth Trout Creek Mouth Bavou L'Anacoco Little Cow Creek Almadene, La Mouth Mill Creek Mouth Damrell Creek Jacks, Tex Ten Mile Creek Soybold Creek Pearl Creek Burr Ferry, La Hickman Creek Mouth Sand V Creek Toledo, Tex." Mouth Bayou Toreau Logansport, La Water dis- tances. Miles. 74 81 84 95 106 109 114 115 124 143 143 144 147 149 155 159 167 168 169 172 182 185 187 189 193 196 201 204 321 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 253 1 Distance, inland waterway to Orange, is 3 miles. Dra/i!.— Mouth to Orange, 26 feet; above Orange, reduces gradually to 3 feet. TABLE OF DISTA^^^CES IN LOUISIANA. 29 Table Xo. 40. -New Orleans to points on the Miss-issippi River between Nev: Orleans, La., and St. Paul, Minn. From New Orleans, La., to- Canal Street, New Orleans, La. Donaidsonville, La Plaquemine, La Baton Rouge, La Mouth lower end Old River ( Atchafalaya and Red) Mouth ButTalo River Mouth Homochitto River Vidalia, La Natchez, Miss Vicksburg, Miss Mouth Yazoo River Lake Providence, La , Greenville, Miss Arkansas City, Ark Mouth Arkansas River St. Helene, Ark Mouth St. Francis River Memphis, Term Caruthersville, Mo , Water dis- tances. MilCK. 80 112 133 202 211 220 264 2«5 366 371 423 487 527 .563 659 667 735 855 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 209 214 227 292 311 361 453 396 481 From New Orleans, La., to- Tiptonville, Term Mouth Ohio iviver Cairo, 111 Cape Girardeau, Mo St. Louis, Mo Mouth Missouri R iver Alton, 111 Mouth Illinois River (Grafton 111.) Mouth Des Moines River Keokuk , Iowa Biulington , Iowa Rock Island, 111 Davenport , Iowa Mouth Wisconsin River LaCrosse River Winona, Minn Mouth St. Croix River St. Paul, Minn Minneapolis, Minn Water dis- tances. Miles. 880 959 965 1,011 1,142 1,168 1, 181 1,198 1,350 1,353 1,393 1,475 1,475 1,634 1,700 1,725 1,814 1,838 1,854 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 502 554 570 699 921 952 954 1, 161 1,181 1,275 1,285 Draft at low water, south and southwest, through Passes to quarantine, 30 feet; quarantine to New Orleans, 62 feet; New Orleans to Baton Rouge, 35 feet; Baton Rouge to Vicksburg, 11 feet; Vicksburg to Cairo, 9 feet; Cairo to Missouri River, 8 feet; Missouri River to St. Paul, Minn., 4J feet. Table No. 41. — New Orleans to Yazoo River and tributaries (Sunflower and Tallahatchie Rivers) via the Mississippi River. [Mouth of Yazoo River is 371 miles above New Orleans, left bank of Mississippi River.] From New Orleans, La., to- Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From New Orleans, La., to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Mouth Yazoo River (V'icksburg, Miles. 371 416 455 Miles. Miles. 448 549 670 Miles. 281 Miss.) Mouth of Tallahatchie River. . . . Mouth Coldwater River Mouth Sunflower River Yazoo City, Miss 229 Draft at low water, mouth Yazoo River to Yazoo City, 4* feet; to Greenwood, Miss., 4 feet; range between high and low water, 35 feet. ON SUNFLOWER RIVER. [Mouth of Sunflower River is 45 miles above Vicksburg, Miss., and 416 miles above New Orleans, La. From New Orleans, La., to- Holly wood Bar. . Woodbum, Miss. Water dis- tances. Miles. 490 493 Railroad distances from New Orleaas. Miles. From New Orleans, La., to- Clarksdale, Miss. Water dis- tances. Miles. 596 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 344 Draft at mean water, 3 feet to Hollywood Bar; 2 feet above Hollywood Bar for about 100 miles. Rang© between mean and high water, 30 feet. ON TALLAHATCHIE RIVER. [Mouth of Tallahatchie River is 178 miles above Vicksburg, Miss., and 549 miles above New Orleans, La. From New Orleans, La., to — Yazoo Pass. RaUroad Water I distances, distances.! from New Orleans. Miles. 711 Miles. Braft—One foot at low water to Yazoo Pass. Range between high and low water, about 29 feet. 30 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 42. — Ohio River and t'ributaries {Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers). [New Orleans to mouth of Ohio River, 959 miles (Table 40).] From New Orleans, La., to— Mouth Ohio R iver Cairo, 111 Mound City , Iowa Paducah , Ky Mouth Tennessee River... Mouth Cumberland River Mouth Wabash River Mount Vernon, Ind Evansville, Ind Louisville, Ky Water dis- tances. Miles. 959 961 966 1,003 1,005 1,018 1,087 1,105 1,141 1,327 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 554 553 552 676 696 778 From New Orleans, La., to— Mouth Kentucky R iver , Mouth Big Miami River Cincinnati, Ohio '.. Portsmouth , Ohio Mouth Big Sandy River Mouth Great Kanawha River Parkersburg , W. Va Marietta, Ohio Wheeling, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Water dis- tances. Miles. 1,384 1,4.38 1,459 1,573 1,611 1,663 1,743 1,756 1,837 1,928 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 835 942 1,064 1,011 1,093 1,148 Draft at low water, ordinarily 6 feet; in some places navigation is uncertain at low water; as low as 2 to 3 feet, pending completion of locks and dams. TENNESSEE RIVER. [Mouth of Tennessee River is 46 miles above mouth of Ohio River, and 1,005 miles above New Orleans, La.] From New Orleans, La., to — Mouth Tennessee River, Padu- cah, Ky Hamburg, Term Riverton, Ala Florence, Ala Water dis- tances. Miles. 1,005 1,207 1, 231 1,262 Railroad .distances from New Orleans. Miles. 552 438 460 From New Orleans, La., to- Muscle Shoals, Ala Decatur, Ala Chattanooga, Term Knoxville, Term... Water dis- tances. Miles. 1, 26S 1,309 1,469 1,653 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 441 497 608 Draft at low water to Hamburg, Tenn., 4 to 5 feet; Hamburg to Riverton, 2 feet; Riverton, Ala., to Chattanooga, Tenn., 1.5 feet. Range between high and low water at Riverton, 53 feet. CUMBERLAND RIVER. [Mouth of Cumberland River is 59 miles above mouth of Ohio Riverand 1,018 milesabove New Orleans, La.] From New Orleans, La., to— Mouth Cumberland River, Smithland, Ky Clarksville, Tenn Water dis- tances. 1,018 1,142 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. eis From New Orleans, La., to- Nashville, Tenn. Burnside, Ky. . . Water dis- tances. Miles. 1,208 1,536 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 562 Draft at low water, 3 feet, 6 to 8 months of the j'ear, mouth to Nashville; 2J feet Nashville to Burnside 6 months of the j'ear. Table No. 43. — Illinois River and Chicago via Mississippi River. [New Orleans to mouth of Illinois River is 1,198 miles.] From New Orleans, La., to— Mouth of Illinois River. Grafton, 111 Peoria, 111 Water dis- tances. Miles. 1,198 1,198 1,361 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 86i From New Orleans, La., to— Toilet, 111. (Drainage Canal). Chicago, 111 Water dis- tances. Miles. 1,485 1,519 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 876 912 Length of stream under improvement, 223 miles from mouth. Draft about 5 feet. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 31 Table No. 44. — Missouri River. [Mouth of Missouri River, 17.^ miles above Eads Bridge, St. Louis, Mo., 209 miles above mouth of Ohio River, and 1,168 miles above New Orleans, La. (See Table 40.)] From New Orleans, La., to— Mouth Missouri R iver Mouth Gasconade River, Gas- conade, 111 Mouth Osage River Jefferson City, Mo Kansas City," Mo Kansas City, Kans Mouth Kansas River, Kansas City, Kans Fort Leavenworth, Kans Atchison, Kans St . Joseph, Kans Mouth Platte R iver Omaha, Nebr Sioux City, Iowa Water dis- tances. Miles. 1,168 1,272 1,304 i,;n3 1,.5.53 1, .5.54 1, 554 1, .586 1,610 1,641 1,79.5 1,822 1,909 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Afilcs. .824 880 909 927 941 1,080 1,173 From New Orleans, La., to— Mouth St. James or Dakota R iver Mouth Niobrara River Pierre, S. Dak Mouth Cheyenne River Bismarck, N. Dali Mouth l>ittle Missouri River... Williston, N. Dak Mouth Yellowstone River Mouth Milk R iver Mouth Musselshell River Fort Benton, Mont Great Falls, Mont Head Missouri River, source Gallatin River Water dis- tances. Miles. 2,049 2,102 2,334 2,383 2,612 2, 744 2, SS2 2,922 3,009 3, 238 3,447 3,490 3,708 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 1,512 1,720 'i,"969 2,310 2,355 Draft at low water from mouth to Kansas City is 4 feet; Kansas City to Sioux City, 3 feet; Sioux City to Benton, 2 to 3 feet; Benton, Mont., head of navigation; also 2 to 3 feet draft from Great Falls to head of Missouri River. Table No. 45. — 5"^ Frmicis and L'Anguille Rivers via Mississippi River. [Mouth of St. Francis River is 667 miles above New Orleans, right bank.] ST. FRANCIS RIVER. From New Orleans, La., to Water dis- tances. Mouth of St. Francis River. Mouth L'Anguille River Miles. 667 679 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. From New Orleans, La., to- Madison, Ark... Wittsburg, Ark. Water dis- tances. Milts. 727 753 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 456 Draft 3 to 4 feet. L'ANGUILLE RIVER. From New Orleans, La., to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 687 Miles. 433 Depths in St. Francis and L'Anguille Rivers controlled by stages of the Mississippi River. Table No. 46. — Neiv Orleans to points on Arkansas River and tributaries (White, Black, and Current Rivers) via Mississippi River. [Mouth of Arkansas River is 563 miles above New Orleans, La.] ARKANSAS RIVER. From New Orleans, La., to— Mouth Arkansas River Mouth White River. . . Pendleton, Ark Swan Lake, Ark Pine Bluff, Ark Little Rock, Ark Dardenelle, Ark Ozark, Ark Van Buren, Ark Fort Smith, Ark Water dis- tances. Miles. 563 571 613 651 673 737 824 881 920 930 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 444 487 568 610 575 570 From New Orleans, La., to- Mouth Canadian River Webbers Falls Mouth Neosho River (Grand River) Tulsa, Okla Mouth Cimmarron River Arkansas City, Kans Wichita, Kans.,. Hutchinson, Ka'ns Water dis- tances. Miles. 986 1,001 1,024 1,089 1,106 1,271 1,333 1,383 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 680 792 843 891 Draft at low water, 3 feet to Pendleton, Ark.; 2 feet, Pendleton to Swan Lake, Ark.; li feet, Swan Lake to Webbers Falls, Ark.; 1 foot, Webbers Falls to Grand (Neosho) River. 32 TABLE OF DISTAlv^CES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 46. — Neio Orleans to points on Arkansas River and tributaries {White, Black, and Current Rivers) via Mississippi River — Continued. WHITE RIVER. [Mouth White River is S miles above mouth of Arkansas River and is 571 miles above New Orleans, La.) From New Orleans, La., to— Clarendon, Ark., mouth Cache River Devall Bluff, Ark Des Arc, Ark New Augusta, Ark Water dis- tances. Miles. 695 711 760 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 498 534 546 558 From New Orleans, La., to- Newport, Ark Jacksonport, Ark., mouth Black River Batesville, Ark Forsyth, Mo Water dis- tances. Miles. 829 835 872 1,076 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 570 574 600 Under improvement. Draft to Jacksonport, 3 feet; Jacksonport to Batesville, 16 inches. BLACK RIVER, TRIBUTARY OF WHITE RIVER. [Mouth of Black River is 272 miles above mouth of Arkansas River and 835 miles above New Orleans, La.] From New Orleans, La., to- Black Rock, Ark. Pocahontas, Ark . Water dis- tances. Miles. 905 927 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 530 537 From New Orleans, La., to- Mouth Current River. Poplar Bluff, Mo Water dis- tances. Miles. 932 1,048 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 569 Under improvement. Maximum draft, IJ feet to Poplar BluiT; Poplar Bluff is head of navigation. CURRENT RIVER, TRIBUTARY OF BLACK RIVER. (Current River is 369 miles above mouth of Arkansas River and 932 miles above New Orleans, La.] From New Orleans, La., to- Doniphan, Mo .. Van Buren, Mo. Maximum draft, 10 inches to Van Buren, head of navigation. Water dis- tances. Miles. 1,082 1,124 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 573 606 Table No. 47. — Red River and tributaries {Black, Ouachita, and Tensas Rivers, Bayous Macon, D'Arbonne, Boeuf, and Bartholomezv). [Mouth of Old River is 202 miles above New Orleans, La. Junction of Red River, Old, and Atchafalaya Rivers is 209 miles from New Orleans, La.] RED RIVER. From New Orleans, La., to — Mouth Old River... Mouth Red River. . Mouth Black River. Echo Landing, La.. Alexandria, La Boyce, La Mouth Cane River.. Colfax, La Water dis- tances. 3/?7c.?. 202 209 237 293 320 339 356 356 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 183 208 208 From New Orleans, La., to— Montgomery, La.. St. Maurice, La Grand Encore, La. Campti, La Coushatta, La Shreveport. La Fulton, Ark Denison, Texas Water dis- tances. Miles. 374 386 400 409 437 509 684 976 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 223 231 251 243 1260 [300 421 '574 Draft.— Low water, 4 feet to Alexandria; 3 feet to Shreveport; reducing to 1 foot at Denlson. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 33 Table No. 47. — Red River and tributaries {Black, Ouachita, and Tensas Rivers, Bayous Macon, D'Arhonne, Boeuf, and Bartholomew) — Continued. BLACK AND OUACHITA RIVERS. [Black River is a tributary of Red River; Ouachita River is at ributary of Black River. Mouth of Black River is 237 miles from New Orleans, La.] From New Orleans, La., to- Acme Landing, on Black River. Glade, La Parham, La Jonesville, La., mouth Ouachita River ; Mouth Little River, on Ouachita ' R i ver Mouth Tensas River Harrisonburg, La Junction Boeuf and Ouachita. . . Water dis- tances. Miles. 239 263 281 294 293 293 310 318 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. From New Orleans, La., to- Columbia, La Riverton, La Monroe, La Mouth bayou D'Arbonne Ouachita City, La Mouth Bayou Bartholomew... Mouth Saline River Whitehall, Ark Camden, Ark Arkadelphia, Ark Water dis- tances. Miles. 362 369 420 426 447 447 492 576 588 678 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 252 281 382 Draft. — Mouth to Harrisonburg, 3^ feet; to Camden, Ark., 8 inches; to Arkadelphia, 4 inches. TENSAS RIVER, .TRIBUTARY OF OUACHITA RIVER, Jmiction with Black River, Jonesville, La Chantilly, La Lamarque, La Clayton, La Lees Bayou 293 303 312 320 324 205 Kirks Ferry Mouth Bayou Macon Westwood Place !. Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pa- cific R. R. bridge 331 335 374 431 272 Maximum draft, 1§ feet to Westwood Place. BAYOU BOEUF, TRIBUTARY OF BLACK RIVER. [Mouth of Bayou Boeuf is 318 miles from New Orleans, La., and 81 miles above mouth of Black River. From New Orleans, La., to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From New Orleans, La., to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Junction with Ouachita and Miles. 318 370 383 390 Miles. Charlieville, La Miles. 411 419 440 484 Miles. Boeuf Alto, La Mouth Bayou Lafourche Girard, La. (Vicksburg, Shreve- port & Pacific R. R.) Boeuf River post office. La 267 I/anderneau l^anding Wallace Landing Maximum draft, IJ feet to Wallace, La. BAYOU MACON, TRIBUTARY OF TENSAS RIVER. [Mouth of Bayou Macon is 335 miles from New Orleans, La., and 42 miles above mouth of Tensas River.] From New Orleans, La., to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From New Orleans, La., to — Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Junction with Tensas River Miles. 335 357 378 397 Miles. Delhi, La. (Vicksburg, Shreve- port & Pacific R. R.) Miles. 422 447 Miles. Eureka Landing 279 Enrpt T.f^ndinp Floyd, La Tnrfian T.anrling , , , , Maximum draft, IJ feet to Floyd, La. 61497—16 5 34 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 47. — Red River and tributaries [Black, Ouachita, and Tensas Rivers, Bayous Macon, D'Arbonne, Boeuf, and Bartholomeiv) — Continued. BAYOU D'ARBONNE, TRIBUTARY OF OUACHITA RIVER. From New Orleans, La., to— Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. From New Orleans, La., to— Water • dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Junction with Ouachita River.. Miles. 426 470 Miles. Cobb Landing Miles. Miles. 483 Farmerville. La 343 Maximum draft, 1 foot to Cobb Landing. BAYOU BARTHOLOMEW, TRIBUTARY OF OUACHITA RIVER. Jimction with Ouachita River.. Point Pleasant, La Prat Landing 447 475 495 Williams Landing McComb Landing, Baxter, Ark 53G 588 629 Maximum draft, mean low water, 1 foot to McComb Landing. Table No. 48. — Southwest Pass, Mississippi River, to points on the Gulf of Mexico, vjest to Galveston via Gulf. [New Orleans to mouth of jetties, Southwest Pass, is 114 miles; distances from New Orleans by South Pass, about 13 miles longer. Draft about 30 feet through Passes to Mississippi River.] End of jetties. Southwest Pass, westward to — Mouth Grand Pass Mouth Tigre Pass Mouth Red Pass Bay Jaque and Spanish Pass Scdfield Bayou Shell Island Bay Bastian Pass Bastian Bay Bay Joe Wise Chalaud Pass Bay la Mer '. Quatte Bayou Pass Grand Pass (pass to Barataria Bay Fort Livingston Barataria Light (Barataria Bay) Grand Isle, La Caminada Pass Mouth Bayou Lafourche (Pass Fourchon) Bay Marehand Belle Pass Raccoon Pass to TimbaUer Bay. Timbalier Bay Lake Raccourci via Timbalier Bay Grand Pass (Timbalier) Timbalier Island, west end Timbalier Light Caillou Pass (Terrebonne and Timbalier Bay) Cat Island Pass to Terrebonne Bay Mouth of Bayou Terrebonne... . Mouth of Bayou Little Caillou. . Wiuc Island Wine Island Pass Lake Pelto East ]<',n(l Isle Derniere West Knd Isle Derniere : Ship Shoal Light Caillou Hay Caillou or Sister Lake Mouth Bayou Grand Caillou Bayou de Large Bayou do West Bay Junop via Bayou de West. . Oyster Bayou Water dis- tances. Miles. 14 16 20 22 24 27 30 30 31 33 36 37 40 40 40 41 42 46 47 49 50 50 62 55 56 56 78 88 87 80 84 85 84 102 98 95 103 102 105 108 111 109 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. End of jetties, Southwest Pass, westward to — Four League Bayou Atchafalaya Bay Entrance Atchafalya Bay ship channel Morgan City, La., via Lowe Atchafalaya River Southwest Reef Light * Belle Isle Mouth Wax Pass Wax La'- e Morrisons Cut-oS East Cote Blanche Bay West Cote Blanche Bay Jaws or Little Bay via Cote Blanche Cote Blanche Island via Cote Blanche Bay Marsh Island, east end Southwest Pass (Vermilion Bay) Weeks Bay via Vermilion Bay . . Weeks Island via Vermilion Bay Mouth Bayou Petit Anse via Vermilion Bay Avery Island via Vermilion Bay Mouth Vermilion River via Vermilion Bay Abbeville, La., via Vermilion Bay Mouth Schooner Bayou Bills Ridge Fresh Water Bayou Rollover Bayou Constance Bayou lleybours Bayou Mouth Mermentau River Mouth Calcasieu Pass Lake Charles, La End of jetties, Sabine Pass Port Arthur, Tex., via Port Arthur ship channel Orange, Tex., via Sabine River.. Beaumont, Tex., via Neches River Galveston, Tex., via Gulf of Mexico Houston, Tex., via Buffalo River Dallas, Tex., via Trinity River. . Water dis- tances. Miles. 112 165 134 143 143 147 144 145 155 162 151 169 178 178 178 186 182 207 183 178 180 194 198 206 230 243 285 270 290 312 323 330 383 872 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. 134 146 300 257 278 410 362 515 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 35 Table No. 49.^ — Southwest Pass (eastward) via Gulf of Mexico, Breton, Chandeleur, and Mississippi Sounds, and Lake Borgne, Lake Pontchartrain, and Lake Maurepas. [Distances from New Orleans by South Pass, about 27 miles shorter. Draft about 30 feet through passes of Mississippi River.] End of jetties (Southwest Pass) via Gulf to— Whale Bay Mouth South Pass Mouth Belize Bayou Redfish Bayou Mouth Southeast Pass Mouth Northeast Pass Blind Bay Mouth Pass a Lolitre Mouth North Pass Bull Bay Mouth of Twenty-seven Pass Mouth Octave Pass Mouth Main Pass Bird Island Bu-d Island Sound Grand Bay Sable Pomt Sable Island Grand Coquille Bay Little Coquille Bay Raccoon Pass Quarantine Bay Little Bird Island Hose Island Breton Island Battledore Island California Bav Black Bay Mouth River aux Chenes Mouth Bayou Terre aux Boeuf . . Lake La Fortuna Mozambique Point Gardners Point Grass Point EloiBay Deadmans Point Point Chicot Lower end Errol Island Lower end Chandeleur Island. . . Point Comfort Morgans Harbor Old Harbor Island Free Mason Island via Breton and Chandeleur Sound North Island via Breton and Chandeleur Sound Barrel Key Drum Bay Live OakBay Martins Island Elephants Pass Bay Boudreau Water dis- tances. Miles. 17 19 26 2(H 27' 33 35 36 39 44 47 48 52 57 58 60 61 61 64 65* 70' 72 71 70 60 69 74 80 86 90 92 90 80 82 87 86 78 63 70 83 85 78 80 Railroad distances from New Orleans. Miles. End of jetties (Southwest Pass) via Gulf to — Brush Point Door Point Isle Au Pitre Cat Island Light Ship Island Light Chandeleur Light Creole Gap, Mississippi Soimd.. .Johnsons Bayou Three Mile Bayou via Missis- sippi Sound Nine Mile Bayou Petit Island . ". Petit Island Pass Grand Island via Lake Borgee.. Pt. Aux Marchettes Bavou St. Malo Shell Beach Proctor Point Mouth Bavou Dupre Mouth Chef Menteur Pass Via Lake Pontchartrain: Mouth Rigolets North Draw (Queen & Cres- cent trestle) South Draw (Queen & Cres- cent trestle) New Orleans, La Mouth Bayou Bonfouca Mouth Bayou Lacombe. . . . MandeviUe, La Mouth Chefuncte River Mouth Tangipahoa River... Pas'^ Manchac Lake Maurepas via Pass Man- chac Mouth Tickfaw River via Lake Maurepas Mouth Amite River via Lake Maurepas Mouth Blind River Mouth Pearl River via Missis- sipni Sound Bay St. Louis, Miss., via Missis- sippi Sound Pass Christian, Miss., via Missis- sippi Sound Gulfport, Miss., via Mississippi Sound Biloxi,Miss.. via Gulf of Mexico. Horn Island Pass Pascagoula, Miss Mobile, Ala Water dis- tances. Railroad distances from New Orleans. Mile.<). 96 97 105 109 109 98 111 117 119 123 128 128 120 136 144 147 144 152 149 134 149 151 167 153 157 168 173 176 178 185 195 198 110 123 113 124 160 Mtles. 100 140 36 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 50. — Neiv Orleans to Gulf, Atlantic, and Great Lakes ports. United States and Canada in geographical order — Route east and north via Southwest Pass to Gulf and Atlantic and Great Lake^ ports. [Route via South Pass is 27 statute miles shorter for all points north, east, and southeast. Passes of Mississippi River, about 30 feet.] Draft through From New Orleans, La., via Southwest Pass to— Water distances from New Or- leans, La. Nautical miles. Statute miles. Statute miles from- New York. San Fran- cisco. Liver- pool. Shortest railroad distances (statute miles) from New Orleans. New Orleans, La Mobile, Ala Pensacola, Fla Tampa, Fla Key West, Fla Jacksonville, Fla Savannah, Ga Charleston, S. C Wilmington, N. C Norf ol k , V a Ne-ivport News, Va Washington, D. C Baltimore, Md Philadelphia, Pa New York, N. Y New ITaven, Conn Providence, R. I Boston, Mass Portsmouth, N. H Portland, Me St. John, New Brunswick Halifax, Nova Scotia Quebec, Canada: St. Lawrence River Erie Canal Montreal, Canada: St. Lawrence River Erie Canal Toronto, Canada: St. Lawrence River Erie Canal Albanv, N. Y.: Erie Canal Buflalb, N. Y.: St. Lawrence River Mississippi and Illinois Rivers and Great Lakes Erie Canal Cleveland , Ohio: Erie Canal Toledo, Ohio: Erie Canal - Detroit, Mich.: Erie Canal , Chicago, 111.: Erie Canal Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Milwaukee, Wis.: Erie Canal Duluth, Minn.: Erie Canal Mississippi and Illinois Rivers and Great Lakes 220 228 474 570 960 1,059 1,158 1,185 1,509 1,509 1,679 1.679 1,681 1,737 1,823 1,910 1,926 1,964 1,997 2,212 2,126 3,066 2,638 3,196 2,508 3,476 2,228 1,861 3,533 1,844 2,171 2,320 2,397 2,401 2,688 1,328 2,628 3,033 1,937 253 263 546 655 1,105 1,217 1,333 1,363 1,738 1,738 1,930 1,930 1,936 2,000 2,075 2,196 2, 218 2,257 2,296 2,543 2,447 3,530 3,036 3,679 4,000 2,565 2,143 4,066 2.120 2,499 2,671 2,759 2,754 3,092 1.527 3,025 3,491 2,227 1,970 1,909 1,861 1,540 1,299 907 S06 722 636 325 324 4S2 465 271 113 334 374 402 560 686 5,393 5,371 5,340 5,230 5,018 5,532 5,586 5,588 5,621 5,835 5,835 6,027 5,975 6,027 6,059 6,134 6,210 6,253 6,379 6,304 6,460 6,455 5,266 5,205 5,159 4,867 4,626 4,165 4,095 4,013 3,785 3,715 3, 715 3,907 3,907 3,700 3,536 3,450 3,385 3,300 3, 280 3,260 3,120 2,875 141 246 828 1,140 616 661 805 931 1,039 1,040 1,144 1,184 1,281 1,372 1,562 1,607 1,664 1,722 2,062 2,337 1,S34 1,661 1,324 1,517 1,281 1,098 1,038 1,098 997 1,397 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 37 Table No. 51. — New Orleans to Gulf and Pacific ports, United States, Canada, and Alaska — South and west. [Draft same as Table 50.] New Orleans, La., to — Water distances from New Or- leans, La. Nautical miles. Statute miles. Statute miles from- New York. San Fran- cisco. Liver- pool. Shortest railroad distances (statute miles) from New Orleans. Via Southwest Pass and Gulf of Mexico Port Arthur, Tex Galveston, Tex Matagorda Bay, Tex Aransas Pass, Tex Corpus Christi, Tex Mouth Rio Grande .• Colon, Panama Panama, Panama San Diego, Cal San Francisco, Cal Portland , Greg Port Towsend, Wash Seattle, Wash Vancouver, B. C Skagway, Alaska Sitka, A"laska '. 1, ( 'l- 1-14, 1-13. \ '4, his, I '4, '5, '5, '5, •5, •6, '5, 1, 1 1, 2 12, 2 15, ^4, -15, *6, '6, '6, '6, '7, '6, 2,154 2,174 5.4S7 5,512 5, 449 5, 4ti9 1 5, 597 1 8, 501 16,059 1 6, 808 16,912 16,953 1 6,966 1 7, 77S 17,558 749 887 926 939 1, 719 1,499 19,024 1 9, 772 19,910 1 9,917 1 10, 743 1 10, 523 300 420 618 734 2,088 2,482 2,739 2,935 4,051 3,908 1 Via Panama Canal. ■ Via Strait of Magellan. Table No. 52. — New Orleans to West Indies, Mexico, and Central American ports arranged in approximate geographical order. [Route via South Pass is 27 statute miles shorter for ports eastward. Draft 30 feet.] New Orleans, La. (route via Southwest Pass), to — Bahama Islands Turks Island, W.I St. Thomas Island, W.I Guadaloupe, Point a Pitre, Lesser Antilles, W.I. St. Kitts, Leeward Island, W. 1 Port Castries, St. Lucia Island, W.I Barbadoes (Bridgetown), AV. I Port of Spain, Trinidad Island, W. I Curacoa, Santa Anna Harbor, W.I Habana, Cuba Mantanzas, Cuba Cardenas, Cuba Nuevitas, Cuba Baracoa , Cuba Guantanamo, Cuba Santiago, Cuba Manzanillo, Cuba Trinidad, Cuba Cienfuegas, Cuba Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. (Port Royal) Port au Prince, Haiti Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic San Juan, P. R Tampico, Mexico Tuxpam, Mexico Vera Cruz, Mexico Puerto, Mexico Frontera .Mexico Carmen, Mexico Campecha, Mexico Progreso. Mexico Belize, British Honduras ,. Puerto Barrios, Guatemala Puerto Cortes, Honduras 895 1,200 1,605 1,912 1,890 1,927 2,029 2,051 1,679 601 651 671 913 1,093 1,162 1.122 1,022 825 790 1,074 1,219 1,508 1,535 721 747 798 808 784 727 653 584 850 975 965 1 Via Panama Canal. From New Orleans. Nautical miles. Statute miles. 1,030 1,380 1,846 2.198 2,175 2,216 2,336 2,358 1,931 692 749 772 1,050 1,257 1,336 1,292 1,175 949 909 1,235 1,402 1,735 1,765 830 860 919 930 902 S37 752 671 979 1,122 1,110 Statute miles from— New York. 1,108 1,360 1, 051 1,840 2,012 2,106 2,233 2,037 1,413 1,400 1,400 1,462 1,400 1,524 1,568 1,685 1,911 1,951 1,690 1,580 1,700 1,611 2,408 2, 3S8 2,350 2,239 2, 183 2,140 2,048 1,908 2,021 2,129 2,141 San Fran- cisco. 15.030 1 4, 820 14,971 1 5, 097 1 5, 122 15,211 15,121 1 4, 591 ■4,946 1 5, 003 1 5, 026 1 4, 868 14,661 1 4, 588 14,580 1 4, 610 14,650 1 4, 675 1 4, 421 1 4, 678 14,710 14,930 1 5, 503 I 5, 469 15,429 1 5, 379 1 5, 300 15,228 15,137 14,963 1 4, 726 1 4, 685 14,631 Liver- pool. 4,690 4,448 4,116 4,140 4,221 4,171 4,405 4,637 4,746 4,746 4,746 4,600 4,570 4,676 4,720 4,837 5,065 5,105 4,830 4.743 4,531 4,056 5,741 5,721 5,683 5,713 5,541 5,473 5,381 5,241 5,354 5,462 5,474 38 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 32. — New Orleans to West Indies, Mexico, and Central American parti arranged in approximate geographical order — Continued. New Orleans, La. (route via Southwest Pass), to — From New Orleans. Nautical miles. Statute miles. Statute miles from— New York. San Fran- cisco. Liver- pool. Ceiba, Honduras Trujillo, Honduras Bluefields, Nicaragua San Juan del Norte (Greytown), Nicaragua Port Limon, Costa Rica Colon, Panama Panama, Panama Punta Arenas, Costa Rica Corinto, Nicaragua La Union, Salvador San Jose, Guatamala Champerico, Mexico Salina Cruz, Mexico Acapulco, Mexico Manzanillo, Mexico Mazatlan, Mexico Guaymas, Mexico La Pas, Mexico Esenesada de Todos Santos, Mexico 945 940 1,190 1,254 1,324 1,395 1 1, 43S 2 12, S2S '1,909 12,121 1 2, 228 1 2, 324 m,6.54 1 2, 394 1 2, 608 ' 2, 864 ni,940 1 3, 100 13,444 1 3, 808 ' 3, 618 14,221 1,087 1,081 1,368 1,444 1,522 1,606 1 1, 654 2 14,772 1 2, 195 1 2, 442 1 2, 562 1 2, 676 2 13, 420 1 2, 7.53 1 3, 003 1 3, 298 2 13, 750 1 3, 565 1 3, 966 14.385 1 4, 161 1 4, 854 2,120 2,109 2,271 2,340 2,352 2,273 1 2, 323 1 4, 553 1 4, 503 14,104 1 4, 070 14,008 1 3, 780 1 3, 737 12,865 1 3, 109 1 3, 229 1 3, 343 2 12,941 14.510 1 3, 670 13,965 2 13, 270 14,232 1 4, 633 1 5. 052 1 4, 828 1 5, 521 3,276 3,023 2,903 2,773 2,656 2,474 2,111 1,844 1,540 1,716 1,440 537 5,453 5,444 5,338 5,393 5,403 5,237 1 5, 287 1 5, 829 1 6, 073 1 6, 193 1 6, 307 2 13, 364 16,634 1 6, 929 2 13, 693 1 7, 196 1 7, 597 18,016 1 7, 794 1 8, 487 1 Via Panama Canal. 2 via Strait of Magellan. Table No. 53. — N'ew Orleans to South American ports, arranged in geographical order. [Distances are via Southwest Pass; if via South Pass, distances are about 7 statute miles shorter. Draft same as Table 50.] New Orleans via Southwest Pass to- From New Orleans. Nautical miles. Statute miles. Statute miles from- New York. San Fran- cisco. Liver- pool. Atlantic ports: Colon, Canal Zone Panama, Panama Cartagena, Colombia La Cruaria, Venezuela Georgetown, British Guiana Paramaribo; Dutch Guiana. Cayenne, Dutch Guiana Para, Brazil Pernambuco, Brazil Bahia, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santos, Brazil Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. . Montevideo, Uruguay Buenos Aires, Argentina Punta Arenas, Chili Pacific ports: VaMivia, Chili Coronel, Chili Valparaiso, Chili Coquimbo, Chili Antofagasta, Chili Iquique, Chili Callao, Peru Paita, Peru , Guayaquil, Ecuador Panama, Panama 1 1,395 11,438 1,469 1,849 2,392 2,662 2,782 3,288 4,138 4,537 5,312 5,312 5, 525 5, 992 6,291 1 6, 688 6.413 7, 363 1 5, 381 1 4, 496 1 4, 260 1 4, 054 2 8, 796 1 3, 851 1 3, 701 1 3, 425 2 9, 559 1 2, 784 1 2, 279 1 2, 231 11,438 1 1, 606 11,654 1,689 2,126 2,751 3,061 3,199 3,781 4,759 5,218 6,109 6,109 - 6, 354 6,892 7,235 1 7, 692 7, 375 8,467 1 6, 188 ' 5, 170 I 4, 899 1 4, 662 2 10,115 1 4, 429 1 4, 256 1 3, 938 2 10, 992 1 3, 201 1 2, 621 1 2, 565 1 1,654 1 2, 273 1 2, 323 2,134 2,127 2,553 2,640 2,826 3,392 4, 258 4,709 5,493 5,493 5,738 6,337 6,630 6,630 6,761 8,000 6,863 1 5, 758 1 5,572 1 5, 335 1 4,611 1 4, 787 ' 4,611 1 3, 873 • 3, 310 1 3, 286 1 2, 323 3, 780 3,737 1 4,110 1 4, 755 1 5, 523 1 5, 723 '5,913 16,511 1 7, 759 1 8, 218 1 9, 001 2 9, 827 2 9, 583 2 8, 994 2 8, 635 2 8, 635 2 8, 775 2 7, 1.32 2 7, 132 6,218 5,919 5,320 5,484 5, 320 4,591 4, 0.57 4,017 3,737 1 5, 237 1 5, 287 5,050 4,706 4,625 4, 625 4,625 4,783 4,678 5,137 5,922 5, 922 6,166 6,788 7.058 7. 058 7,190 8,423 8,423 2 8, 722 1 8, 536 18,299 2 10, 073 1 8, 110 1 7, 751 1 7, 575 1 6, .837 1 6, 274 ' 6, 200 1 5, 287 1 Via Panama Canal. 2 Via Strait of Magellan. TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. 39 Table No. 54. — New Orleans to European ports. Distances are via Southwest Pass; if South Pass is used, distance about 27 statute miles shorter; 1 nautical mile equals 1.151 statute miles.] New Orleans, La., to— ENGL.VND. Liverpool (Is ew York to Liverpool) . Birkenhead Bristol Lizard Plymouth Southampton Dover London Hull Newcastle SCOTL.\ND. Leith Dundee Kirkwall (Orknes) Glasgow (New York to Glasgow) . IRELAND. Belfast Dublin Queenstown (New York to Queens- town) Kinsale WALE.S. Swansae Cardiff SWEDEN. Stockholm Malmo Gothenburg NORWAY. Christiania Christ iansand Bergen (New York to Bergen) . . DENMARK. Copenhagen (New York to Copen- hagen) Aarhuus Esbjerg RUSSIA. Archangel Petrograd Riga Odessa Batum GERMANY. Danzig Stettin Hamburg (New York to Hamburg) Cuxhaven Bremerhaven Miles. Nautical. Statute 4,573 3,071 4,573 4,520 4,464 4,514 4,620 4,719 4,8:^5 4,908 5,038 5,230 5, 238 4,666 4,486 2,989 4,580 4,483 4,333 2,840 4,300 4,473 4,513 6,003 5,475 5,345 5,390 5,180 5,269 3,700 5,400 3,870 5,379 5,084 6,834 6,123 5,940 6, 739 6,997 5, 730 5, 621 5,110 3,620 5,060 5,065 5,266 3,536 5,266 5,202 5,138 5,195 5,320 5,432 5,568 5,649 5,801 6,020 6,029 5,370 3,442 5,166 5,272 5,160 4,986 3,270 4,949 5,148 5,194 6,912 6,300 6,150 6,203 5,963 6,064 4,255 6,218 4,457 6,202 5,851 7,865 7,047 6, 837 7,748 8,045 6,595 6,470 5,881 4, 169 5,824 5,830 New Orleans, La., to— GERMANY— continued. Bremen Wilhelmshaven HOLLAND. Amsterdam Gravenhage (The Hague) Maassluis Rotterdam •. (New York to Rotterdam) Flushing BELGIUM. Antwerp (New York to Antwerp). FRANCE. Calais Havre (New York to Havre) Cherbourg Rochelle Bordeaux Cette Marseille (New York to Marseille). . PORTUGAL. Lisbon (New York to Lisbon)... SPAIN. Huelva Cadiz Gibraltar (New York to Gibraltar). . Valencia Barcelona ITALY. Genoa Naples (New York to Naples) Venice Palermo, Sicily AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Trieste (New York to Trieste) Fiume Ragusa GREECE. Piraeus (Athens) (New York to Athens) . . . TURKEY IN EUROPE. Constantinople (New York to Constanti- nople) Fayal, Ozores Miles. Nautical. Statute 5,100 5,058 5,200 4,873 4,839 4,854 3,329 4,810 4,854 3,358 4,720 4,664 3,164 4,594 4, 534 4,600 5,235 5,262 3,907 4,365 3,015 4,535 4,535 4,569 3,197 4,930 5,085 5,429 5,559 4,187 6,370 5,469 6,313 4,890 6,300 6,073 5,949 4,577 6,392 5,020 3,448 5,873 5,822 5,985 5,612 5,570 5,590 Z,8U 5,536 5,587 3,867 5,433 5,368 3,644 5,288 5,219 5,295 6,025 6,047 4,499 5,026 3,472 6,807 6,807 5,249 3,6S1 5,674 5,843 6,239 6, 389 4,821 7,332 6,295 7,270 5,631 7,251 6,990 6,847 5,283 ,348 5,780 3,970 40 TABLE OF DISTANCES IN LOUISIANA. Table No. 55.— A^fy Orleins to Meiiterranean (south and east) African ports and Atlantic islands. [Route via Southwest Pass; If South Pass is used, distance is about 27 statute miles shorter. Draft through Passes of Mississippi River, about 30'feet.] New Orleans, La., via Southwest Pass to— From New Orleans Nautical miles. Statute miles. Statute miles from — New York. San Fran- cisco Liver- pool. Gibraltar, Spain Tangier, Morocco, Africa Algiers, Algieria , Tunis, Tunis Sfax, Tunis Tripoli, Tripoli Alexandria, Egypt Port Said, Suez Canal, Egypt Bierut, Turkey in Asia Smyrna, Turkey in Asia Constantinople, Turkey in Europe Aden, Arabia Zanzibar, Africa Mozambique, Africa Mauritius (Port Louis) Tamatave, Madagascar Port Natal (Durban), Africa Port Elizabeth, Africa Cape Town, Africa Loanda, Africa Kongo, Africa Lihrenlle, Africa Fernando Po, Africa Cape Coast Castle, Africa Monrovia, Africa Sierra Leone (Free Town), Africa ISLANDS IN SOUTH ATLANTIC. Funcal, Madeira Islands St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands Ascension Islands St. Helena Islands 4,569 4,569 4,994 .5, 447 5,629 5,687 6,431 6,494 6,587 6,241 6,392 2 7, 890 2 9, 660 3 9, 791 3 9, 255 3 9, 722 3 9, .522 3 8, 184 3 7, 802 7,367 6,627 6,507 6,267 6,207 5,607 4,940 4,775 3,954 3,847 5, 003 5,671 5, 249 5,249 5, 738 6,264 6,470 6,536 7,393 7,466 7,575 7,174 7,348 2 9, 073 2 11,117 3 11,275 3 10, 650 3 11,195 3 10, 950 3 9,424 3 8, 983 8,483 7,621 7,493 7,207 7,138 6,448 5,685 5,501 4,541 4,430 5,761 6,530 3,681 3,681 4,170 7,695 4,902 4,968 5, 825 5, 898 6,007 5,606 5,780 2 7, 505 2 9, 549 3 10, 685 3 10, 060 3 10, 605 3 10, 360 3 8,834 3 8, 393 3 7, 893 6, 563 6,426 6,012 5,956 5,422 4,626 4,356 3,161 3,356 5,127 5,989 1 8, 776 1 8, 776 1 9, 265 ' 9, 791 1 9, 997 1 10, 063 1 10, 922 1 10, 993 1 11,102 ' 10, 701 1 10, 875 4 12, 600 M4,644 ^14,152 5 13, 577 5 14,072 = 13, 827 5 12,301 5 11,860 11,360 10,601 10,473 10,187 10,118 9,428 ■ 8, 665 8,481 8, 230 7,550 8,636 9,405 1,490 1,490 1,979 2,505 2,711 2,777 3,634 3,707 3,816 3,415 3,589 2 5,314 2 7, 358 3 9, 793 3 9,175 3 9, 713 3 9,468 3 7,942 3 7, 533 3 7, 033 5, 638 5,500 5,085 5,029 4,456 3, 699 3,429 1,644 2,844 4,600 5,230 1 Via Panama Via Canal. 2 Via Suez Canal. 3 Via Cape of Good Hope. 4 Via Panama Canal and Suez Canal. 5 Via Cape of Good Hope and Panama Canal. Note. — San Francisco to Mauritius (Port Louis), 13,430 statute miles via Honolulu and Singapore; San Francisco to Cape Town, Africa, 16,080 miles via Honolulu and Sunda Straits. Table No. 56. — New Orleans to islands in the Pacific, Australia, and Asiatic ports, arranged in geographical order. (Comparative distances from New York, San Francisco, and Liverpool are by shortest route. Route is via Southwest Pass: if South Pass is used, distance is about 7 statute miles shorter. Draft through Passes of Mississippi River, about 30 feet.) From New Orleans. Statute miles from— New Orleans, La., via Southwest Pass to— Nautical miles. Statute miles. New York. San Fran- cisco. Liver- pool. ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC. 1.5,264 1 5, 924 15,965 / ■ 1 6, 123 t 2 13, 728 1 6, 190 16,533 1 7, 126 1 7,145 17,148 1 7, 391 17,563 1 7, 726 17,877 1 6,062 16,819 16,869 1 7, 051 2 15, 808 1 7, 128 17,523 18,206 1 8, 228 18,231 18,511 1 8, 709 1 8, 897 19,071 17,718 2,408 1 10, 682 Monuti Island, Gilbert Islands :::::::::::;:::;:;:; 1 Via Panama Canal. 2 Via Magellan Strait. TABLE OF DISTAXCES IN LOUISIANA, 41 Table No. 56.— New Orleans to islands in the Pacific, Australia, and Asiatic ports, arranged in geographical order — Continued. New Orleans, La., via Southwest Pass to— ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC— Continued. Wake Island Jaluit, Marshall Island Kusaie Island (Lollo Harbor), Caroline Islands Lgi Islands, Solomon Islands ■ Port Lloyd, Ogasawara Island Guam (Port Apra), Marianas Panama Canal and Balintang Channel . Manila, P. I.: Panama Canal, San Francisco, and Yokohama Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope .../...... V/.V Wellington, Xew Zealand: Panama Canal Cape Town .^. Suez Canal Magellan Strait Aukland, New Zealand < Sydney, Australia: Panama Canal Cape of Good Hope Suez Canal Hobart, Tasmania: Panama Canal Suez Canal '.'.'.'... Melbourne, Australia: Panama Canal. From New Orleans, Nautical miles Cape of Good Hope. Suez Canal . Adelaide, Australia: Panama Canal Cape of Good Hope .........VV. Suez Canal Vladivostok, Siberia (Panama Canal).. ..V....V.V. Hakodate, Japan Yokohama, Japan: Panama Canal Panama Canal and San Francisco Panama Canal and Honolulu .' . Suez Canal and Singapore Cape of Good Hope Shanghai, China: Panama Canal and Honolulu Panama Canal and San Francisco Panama Canal, Honolulu, and Yokohama... Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope Hongkong, China: Panama Canal Panama Canal, San Francisco, Yokohama, and Shanghai Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope . Singapore, China: Panama Canal Suez Canal \\'.\ Cape of Good Hope '.. Calcutta, India: Panama Canal and St. Bernardino Straits Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope. Madras, India: Panama Canal and St. Bernardino Straits. . . Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope Colombo, Ceylon : Panama Canal and St. Bernardino Straits . . Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope Bombay, India: Panama Canal and St. Bernardino Straits. . . Suez Canal Cape of Good Hope 1 Via Panama Canal. 8 Via Suez Canal. * Via Rarotonga Islands 1 7, 669 i'8.104 18,-197 >S,6S6 I 9, 204 I 9, ■126 1 10, 785 1 10,970 12, 902 14,392 I 7, 943 ' 14,639 1.5, 773 11, 760 ' 1 7, 950 ;9,112 13,913 15, 126 1 9,245 14, 488 1 9, 366 13, 443 14,379 I 9, 726 13, 161 14,072 19,271 1 9, 120 1 9, 219 19,517 14, 924 14,848 1 10, 453 110,070 1 10, 558 13, 742 14, 249 110,693 111,112 12, 986 13, 397 111,943 11,600 11,924 1 13, 586 11,244 12,884 113,517 10, 598 12, 109 1 13, 533 9,984 11, 770 1 14, 403 9, 5.50 12,001 Statute miles. 1 9, 177 1 9, 332 ' 9, 785 1 10, 003 1 10. 599 1 10, 855 112,419 1 12, 639 14,8.57 16,565 •9,147 16, 858 IS, 151 13, .54 2 19,155 1 10, 493 16, 014 17,410 1 10,640 16,629 1 10, 785 15,840 16, 516 111,194 15, 148 16,197 110,676 1 10, 198 110,502 1 10, 616 110,959 17,186 17,090 112,037 ,111,596 1 12, 158 15,825 16,400 112,244 1 12, 796 14,954 15, 420 i' 13, 7.53 13,352 13,713 1 15, 645 12,941 14,829 I 15,557 12, 198 13, 937 1 15, 584 11.497 13,547 1 16, 586 10, 985 13,813 Statute miles from — New York. San Fran- cisco. Liver- pool. 1 13,086 I 9, 814 11,160 11,452 5, 819 7, 164 3 6,825 5 8, 056 1 12, 557 "i'il,'343 111,169 1 12, 825 112,911 8,627 '5,' 263 5,223 6,204 7,262 1 14,420 2 11,719 2 11,319 2 10,614 2 9, 933 8,467 6 10, 251 •10,251 6 10, 298 2 9, 427 « 11,343 < Other distances same as WelHngton. 5 Via Apia (Samoan Islands). 8 Via Singapore, China. 2 11,129 1 12, 778 2 14,0.55 1 14,262 2 12, 764 114, •,16 2 12, 796 "2 is,' 009 2 13,413 2 12, 215 11,233 2 9,503 2 9, 164 2 8,397 2 7,717 ■ 7, 21s INDEX. A. Table No. Abbeville, La. , on Vermilion River 34 Aden. Arabia 55 African ports 55 Alaskan ports, via Panama Canal 51 Alexandria, La. , via Mississippi and Red Rivers 1, 47 Alexandria, La., Red River near headwaters, via Bayous Boeuf and Courtableau 31 Amite River, La. , tributary of Lake Maurepas 13 Antwerp, Belgium 54 Arkansas River and tributaries 46 Arnaudville, La. , Bayou Teche to junction with Bayou Fusilier 30 Ascension Islands 55 Asiatic ports 55 Atchafalaya River (upper) from Simmesport to Butte Larose 14 Atchafalaya Riv^er (lower) from Morgan City to Gulf of Mexico 27 Atchafalaya Bay ship channel 27 Athens, Greece 54 Atlantic ports (United States and Canadian) 50 Australian ports 56 B. Bahama Islands, West Indies 52 Barataria Bay 24-25 Barataria Bayeu 18-24 Barrows Canal (Houma) 17-18 Bartholomew Bayou, tributary of Ouachita and Red Rivers 47 Battery Bienvenue 2 Bay Natchez, portion of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway 16 Belfast and Irish ports 54 Belle River, portion of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway 16 Bergen and Norwegian ports 54 Berwick Bay, portion of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway 16 Black Bayou, Calcasieu River. 38 Black Bayou , Houma-Morgan City route 33 Black River, tributary of Red River 47 Black River, tributary of Arkansas Ri^er ^ 46 Black Warrior River via Mississippi River and Lake Borgne Canal 4 Blood River, tributary of Tickfaw River, via New Basin or Lake Borgne 12 Boeuf Bayou, tributary of Lake des Allemands 19 Boeuf Bayou, Houma-Morgan City route 23 Boeuf Bayou, tributary of Bayou Courtableau and joins Bayou des Glaises 26 Boeuf Bayou, tributary of Bayou Courtableau 31 Boeuf Bayou, tributary of Black and Red Rivers 47 Boeuf Lake, tributary of Lake des Allemands 19 Bogue Falia River from mouth of Chefuncte River, tributary of Chefuncte River 10 Bonfouca Bayou, Lake Pontchartrain, via Mississippi River, Lake Borgne, and Rigolets 3 Borgne Lake, via Lake Borgne Canal 2-3 Borgne Lake via New Basin and Chef Menteur 5 Borgne Lake via New Basin and Rigolets 6 43 44 INDEX. Table No. Bourg, junction of Company canal No. 2 with Bayou Terrebonne 17-18, 22 Buenos Aires and Argentine ports 53 Burrwood, La 1 C. Cadiz and Spanish ports 54 Calcutta, India 56 Calcasieu Paver and Pass. La 38 Cane Bayou (Whiskey Bayou) between Bayou Black and Bayou Terrebonne.. 22 Canciencne Canal I'roiii Bayou Lafourche to Morgan City via Lake Palourde, Bayou Long, and Bayou Boeuf 21 Cape Verde Islands •. 55 Cardiff and Welsh ports 54 Carondelet Canal via Bayou St. John 8 Central American ports 52 Ghef Menteur Pass via Lake Borgne Canal 2 Chef Menteur Pass via New Basin and Chef Menteur 5 Chefuncte River, tributary of Lake Pontchartrain 10 Chene Bayou ( Houma-Morgan City route) 23 Chevreuil Bayou, tributary of Lake Des Allemands 19 Chinese ports 56 Chopin Chute (portion of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway) 16 Cocodrie Bayou, tributary of Bayou Courtableau 31 Colombo, Ceylon 56 Colombian ports 53 Constantinople. Turkey 54 Copenhagen and Danish ports 54 Costa Rica 52 Courtableau Bayou, tributary of Atchafalaya River 31 Co^nngton, La.. Chefuncte River 10 Crowley, La. , Plaquemine Brule 37 Cuban ports .- 52 Cumberland Rivet, tributary of Ohio River. 42 Current River, tributary of Black and Arkan.sas Rivers 46 Cypress Island Pass, part of Atchafalaya River 15 D. D'Arbonne Bayou, tributary of Ouachita River 47 Des Allemands Bayou. Lake, and tributaries 19 Des Cannes Bayou 36 Des Glaises Bayou, from Simmesport to junction with Bayous Rouge. Huff- power, and Boeuf 26 Donaldsonville. La., to points on Bayou Lafourche 20 Donaldson ville. La. , via Mississippi River 1 Drews Pass, part of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway 16 E. Ecuador ports 53 European ports 54 F. Field Lake (Company canal route, New Orleans to Houma) 17 Flat T^ake, part of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway ■. 16 Fort Living.ston . Ijarataria route 24-25 IFort Macomb, Chef ^lenteur Pass 2 Fort Pike. Rigolets between Lake Borgne and Lake Pontchartrain 3 Forts St. Philip and Jackson. La. , Mississippi River 1 G. Glasgov,- and "Scotch ports 54 Goddel, Big (part of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway) 16 Goddel, Lit tie impart of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway) 16 INDEX. 45 Table No. (irand Isle (Barataria route) via Harveys Canal and Bayon Barataria, Rigo- lettes. Grand LalsC. Little Lake, and Barataria Bay 25 Grand Lsle (Barataria route) from Harvey Canal via Bayou Barataria, Rigo- lettes. HarA-eys Cut-off. Lake Villere, Bayou Dennis, and Barataria Baj' 24 Grand Lake (points on) from Butte Larose to Morgan ( 'ity via Little Atchafalaya, Bayou Larompe, Lake Mongoulois, Bayou Chene, and Lake Chicot 15 Grand River (Grand Lake) from Butte Larose to Morgan City 15 Grand River from Junction Bayou Plaquemine 1x3 Morgan City 14 Grand River (Upper) from Butte Larose to junction Bayou Plaquemine 14 Great Lake ports via Atlantic Ocean 50 Grossetete Bayoti. tributary of Bayou Plaquemine 16 Guam Islands 56 Guatemala ports 52 Guiana ports 53 Gulf, Atlantic, 9,nd Great Lakes ports. L'nited States and Canada 50 Gulf of Mexico, Panama and Pacilic ports of L'nited States and Canada 51 H. Hakodate. Japan 56 Hamburg and German ports 54 Hanson Canal between Bayoti Teche and Bayou Portage 30 Harvey. La. , entrance of Harvey Canal 18 Havre and French ports. 54 Hawaiian Islands (Honolulu) 56 Honduras ports 52 Hongkong, China 56 Hope Villa. La. , on Bayou Manchac 13 Houma. La. . Bayou Terrebonne 17-18, 22 Houma to Morgan City via Barrows ("anal. Bayous Black, Chene, Huffpower, and Boeuf , tributary to Bayou Des Glaises 23-26 I. Illinois River from Chicago to Mississippi River 43 Intracoastal A\aterway (existing) Calcasieu River to Sabine River 32 Intracoastal waterway ( existing) Morgan City to Sabine River 32 Intracoastal waterway (recommended route) from Morgan City to Sabine River westward from New Orleans 35 J. Japanese ports 56 L. Lacombe Bayou, Lake Pontchartrain 3 Lafayette, La. , on Vermilion River 34 Lafourche Bayou from Donaldsonville to Gulf of Mexico 20 Lake Arthur, La. , on Mermentau River 36 Lake Charles, La. , on Calcasieu River 38 L'Anguille River 45 Larose, La., junction of Harvey Canal No. 2 with Bayou Lafourche 18 Lisbon, Portugal 54 Liverpool and English ports 54 Lockport, La. , junction of Co.npany Canal No. 2 with Bayou Lafourche 17 Long Bayou, portion of Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway 16 Long Bayou from Bayou Lafourche to Morgan City 21 Long Lake, Company Canal route New Orleans to Houma 17 M. Macon Bayou, tributary of Tensas and Red Rivers 47 Madeira Islands 55 Manchac Bayou, tributary of Amite River 13 Manchac Pass (see Pass Manchac) 13 ^landeville. La. , on Lake Pontchartrain 2-3, 7 Manila, P.I 56 46 INDEX. Table No. Martello Castle, on Bayou Dupre, Lake Borgne Canal route 2 Maurepas Lake via Lake Borgne and Rigolets 3 Maurepas Lake via Lake Borgne and Chef Menteur 2 Maurepas Lake and tributaries via New Basin Canal 7 Mediterranean (south and east) African and Atlantic Islands 55 Melbourne, Australia 56 Melville. La., via Mississippi River, Old River, and Upper Atchafalaya 14 Mel\dlle. La., via Mississippi River, Plaquemine Bayou, Grand River, and Atchafalaya River 14-16 Mermentau River and tributaries 36 Mexican ports 52 Midway Islands 56 Mississippi River, New Orleans to Angola and Red River 1 Mississippi River, New Orleans to Gulf of Mexico 1 Mississippi River between Minneapolis, ilinn.. and New Orleans, La 40 Mississippi Sound via Lake Borgne 4 Mississipjji Sound via New Basin and Rigolets 6 Missouri River and tributaries 44 Monte\ddeo and Uruguay ports -. 53 Morgan City, La., from New Orleans, La., via Harvey Canal No. 1, Bayous Barataria, Villars, Lake Salvador, Harvey Canal No. 2, Bayou Lafourche, Company Canal No. 2, Bayou Terrebonne, Barrows Canal, Bayous Black, Chene, and Boeuf 18 Morgan City, La., from New Orleans, La., via Company Canal, Bayou Segnette, Lake Salvador, Bayou Lafourche, Company Canal No. 2, Bayou Terrebonne, Barrows Canal, Bayous Black, Chene, and Boeuf _ 17 Morgan City, La., via Mississippi River, Old River, Upper Atchafalaya River, and Grand Lake 15 Morgan City, La., via Mississippi River, Old River, Upper Atchafalaya, Grand River, and Flat Lake. 14 N. Naples and Italian ports 54 Natalbany River, tributary of Tickf aw River, via New Basin or Lake Borgne. . 2-7, 12 New Iberia, La., on Bayoii Teche 30 New Basin Canal 5-6, 7 New Zealand '. 56 Nicaragua ports 52 O. Ohio River and tributaries , 42 Old Basin (Carondelet Canal), Bayou St. John 8 Old River, Atchafalaya River, and Grand River to Morgan City, La 14 Orange, Tex., on Sabine River 39 Ouachita River and tributaries of Black and Red Rivers 47 Pacific Islands (Australian and Asiatic ports) 56 Pacific ports, United States and Canada 51 Palourde Lake, ijcom Bayou Lafourche to Morgan City, La 21 Panama ports 53 Pass Manchac, La., via New Ba.sin Canal 7 Pass Manchac, La., via Lake Borgne and Rigolets 3 Pass Manchac, La., via Lake Borgne and Chef Menteur 2 Pearl River, Miss., and La., via New Basin or Lake Borgne Canal 3-4, 9 Petrograd and Russian ports 54 Philippine Islands - - - - 56 Pigeon Bayou, from Grand River to Grand Lake, Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway 29 Plaquemine, La., via Mississippi River 1, 16 Plaquemine Bayou, from Plaquemine to junction with Grand River 16 Plaquemine-Morgan City waterway 16 Pointe a la Hache, La., via Mississippi River 1 INDEX. 47 Table No. Ponchatoula River, tributary of Natalbany River, \ia New Basin or Lake Borgne Canal 2-7, 12 Pontchartrain Lake \T.a New Basin Canal 5-6 Pontchartrain Lake and tributaries Ada New Basin Canal 7 Pontchartrain Lake and points via Old Basin 8 Pontchartrain Lake via Lake Borgne and Chef Menteur 2 Port Barre, La., junction Bayou Teche and Bayou Courtableau 30 Proctors Battery (shell beach) \ia Mississippi River and Lake Borgne Canal. . 2 R. Red River and tributaries 47 Rigolets (Lake Borgne) via New Basin Canal 6 Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian ports 53 Rotterdam and Holland ports 54 Rouge Bayou 26 S. Sabine River, Lake, and Pass 39 Salvador Lake 17-18 Samoan Islands 56 ■ Sandwich Islands 56 Santiago and Cuban ports , 52 Segnette Bayou, Company Canal route New Orleans to Houma 17 Shanghai, China ■. 56 Siberia (Vladivostok) 56 Simmesport, La., via Mississippi River, Bayou Plaquemine, Grand River, and Upper Atchafalaya 14-16. Simmesport, La.. \ia Mississippi River, Old River, and Upper Atchafalaya. . . 14 Singapore, Cliina 56 South Pass, Mississippi River 1-49 South American ports 53 South Helena Islands 55 Southwest Pass, Mississippi River, to Gulf of Mexico points west to Galveston. 48 Southwest Pass, Mississippi River, to Gulf of Mexico east to Breton Sound, Chandleur Sound, Mississippi Sound, Lakes Borgne, Pontchartrain, and Maurepas 49 Spanish Fort, mouth Bayou St. John, tributary to Lake Pontchartrain 8 St. John Bayou 8 Stockholm and Swedish ports 54 St. Francis River 45 Suez Canal 55 Sunflower River, tributary of Yazoo River 41 T. Tallahatchie River, tributary of Yazoo River 41 Tangier, Morocco 55 Tangipahoa River, tributary of Lake Pontchartrain, via New Basin or Lake Borgne Canal 11 Teche Bayou from Morgan City to Port Barre 30 Tennessee River, tributary of Ohio River 42 Tensas River, tributary of Black and Red Rivers 47 Tickfaw River, tributary of Lake Maurepas, via New Basin or Lake Borgne Canal , 2-3-7-12 Tigre Bayou, tributary of Bayou Chevreuil and Lake Des Allemands 19 Tombigbee River. Aia Lake Borgne and Mississippi Sound 4 Trieste and Austrian ports 54 V. Venezuela ports 53 Vermilion River from mouth to Lafayette and Arnaudville 34 Mouth of Vermilion River from Morgan City via Lower Atchafalaya River, Wax Bayou, and Vermilion Bay '. 33 Villars Bayou 18 Violet, La. , entrance Lake Borgne Canal 2 Vladivostok, Siberia 56 48 INDEX. w. Table No. Wake Islands 56 Washington, La., on Bayou Courtableau 31 Wellington, New Zealand 56 West End New Basin Canal, tributary to Lake Pontchartrain 5 Westwego, I>a. , entrance Company Canal with Mississippi River 17 West Indies 52 White River, tributary of Arkansas River 46 Y. Yazoo River and tributaries 41 TABLE OF CITIES, TOWNS, ETC. PART 1 INDEX TO CITIES AND TOWNS ON MAP OF SOUTHERN LOUISIANA PART la INDEX TO WATERWAYS, ISLANDS, PARISHES, AND RAIL- ROADS ON MAP OF SOUTHERN LOUISIANA PART 1 Index to cities and towns Pages 51 to 52, inclusive PART la Index to waterways Pages 59 to 65, inclusive Index to islands Page 66 Index to parishes Pages 67 Index to railroads Pages 68 UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, AUGUST 18, 1916 To Accompany Map of Southern Louisiana, dated March, 1915 49 Part 1. CITIES AND TOWNS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. [♦Parish seat.] Name. *Abbeville Abita Springs Aburn Acme Aey Addis Adeline Akers (Manchac Station). Albany Albemarle Alcazar *Alexandria Alfords Algiers Alice Allemands, des. . . Alliance Almadane Alsen Alton Ama Amelia Amesville *Ariiit£ Amos Anacoco Anandale Anchor Andrepont Andrew Angle Angola Ansela Butte April Arabi Arbroth Areola Ariel Arlington Amaudville Ashton AtchafalayaE i ver Avery Island Avoca Avondale Azema B. Bailey Bain (Wilcox post office). Baker Baldwin Bancker Bancroft Bankers Bannister Barataria Parish. Vermilion Si . Tammany. . Vernon Concordia Ascension West Baton Rouge. St. Mary , Tangipahoa Livingston Assumption St. Charles Rapides West Baton Rouge. Orleans West Feliciana.. St. Charles Plaquemines Vernon East Baton Rouge. St. Tammany. .. St. Charles St. Mary , Jefferson Tangipahoa St. Tammany. .. Vernon Rapides Pointe Coupee . , St. Landry Vermilion". Washington West Feliciana. . St. Martin Beauregard St. Bernard West Baton Rouge. Tangipahoa Lafourche East Baton Rouge. St. Landry , St. Mary St. Martin Iberia Assumption Jefferson , St. Martin , Tangipahoa West Feliciana. East Baton Rouge. St. Mary Vermilion Beauregard St. Martin Beauregard Jefferson Popu- lation. 2,907 365 400 .50 200 ii'2i3' 512 220 1,500 '"366 300 100 300 300 300 100 300 '356' 700 300 Loca- tion. H-6 P-4 C-1 I-l M-5 K-4 J-6 0-4 N-3 M-6 0-5 G-1 K-3 P-6 K-2 0-6 0-7 C-2 L-3 Q-4 0-6 L-7 P-6 0-3 Q-4 C-1 F-1 k:-3 H-3 H-5 Q-2 .1-2 1-4 C-2 P-6 K-3 N-2 N-7 I.-4 1-4 J-6 J-4 1-6 1^6 P-6 1-5 0-2 K-2 1^3 J-6 H-6 B-3 1-5 B-3 P-7 Name. Barbreck Barham Barrow Barton Basile Bass Batchelor *B.4T0N Rouge.. Battery Bien- venue. Battle Baylor Ba "you Barbary . . Bayou Chene.."... Bayou Chicot Bayou Current. . . Bayou Goula Bayou Paul ( Iber- ville post office) Bayou Sale (Fos- ter post office). Bayou Sara Bay wood Bear Beaver Becnel Begg Belair Bell City Belle Alliance... Belle Chasse Belledean Belle Helene Belle Point Bellerose Belleview Bellevue Do Bells Store Bertie Bertrandville Berwick Bessie K Big Bend Big Cane Big Road Bijou (Echo post office). Bingen Black Hawk Blairston Blanks Blewett Blond Bluff Creek Bob Acres Boeuf Bogalusa Bohemia Bolivar Bolten Bon Air Bon Ami Parish. Popu- lation. St. Landry Vernon Rapides Ascension Evangeline East Baton Rouge. Pointe Coupee . . East Baton Rouge. St. Bernard East Feliciana. Beauregard. . .. Livingston St. Martin Evangeline St. Landry Iberville do St. Mary West Feliciana . . East Baton Rouge. Beauregard Evangeline , Plaquemines St. Landry Plaquemines Calcasieu Assumption Plaquemines Avoyelles Ascension St. John the Baptist. Assumption St. Landry Calcasieu Plaquemines East Feliciana. . Assumption Plaquemines St. Mary St. .Tam"es Avoyelles St. Landry Evangeline Rapides West Feliciana - Concordia East Feliciana . . Pointe Coupee... Beauregard St. Tammany. .. East Feliciana.. Iberia Assumption Washington Plaquemines . . . Tangipahoa Vernon Calcasieu Beauregard 250 14,900 200 'i,'i66' 700 300 600 350 500 350 2,200 250 100 11, 000 Loca- tion. 51 52 CITIES AXD TOWNS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. Name. Bond Bonfouca Booth Bordelonville. .. Boudreaux Bougere Bourg Boutte Bowie Braithwaite Branch Brandon Breaux Bridge.. Brelaud Brittany Brookdale Brockwaldt Brooks Brothers Broussard Brown Bruce Bruder Bruns Brusly Buckeye Buhler Bullion Bundick post oflice. Bundick Station Bunkie Buras Bui'bank Burbridge Burch Burke Burnside Burr Ferry Burrwood Burton Burtville Bush Bushville Butler Butte la Rose.. Cades Caernarvon Calcasieu Calumet * Cameron Camp Curtis Camperdown Caney Caneiand Canton.' Captain Jack Carencro Carlisle Carlyss Caroline Carson CarvMlle Castille .'... Catalpa Cataro Cecilia Cedar Grove Center Point Centerville Central Chacahoula Chalmette, Port. Chalmette Slip.. Chamberlin Parish. Chapepeela. Charenton . . Allen St. Tammany... Plaquemines Avoj'elles Terrebonne Concordia Terrebonne St. Charles Lafourche Plaquemines Acadia West Feliciana. . St. Martin Tangipahoa Ascension Washington Tangipahoa Pointe Coupee... West Feliciana. . Lafayette East Feliciana.. Rapides West Feliciana.. Iberville West Baton Rouge. Rapides Calcasieu Ascension Beauregard ....do Avoyelles Plaquemines Assumption Plaquemines — Washington Iberia Ascension Vernon Plaquemines — St. James East Baton Rouge. St. Tammany. . St. Martin Plaquemines... St. Martin Popu- lation. Loca- tion. St. Martin Plaquemines Calcasieu St. Mary Cameron Beauregard St. Mary Vernon St. Mary Allen Plaquemines Lafaj'ette Plaquemines Calcasieu Iberia Beauregard Iberville .\cadia West Feliciana. . St. Landry St. Martin Plaquemines Avoyelles St. Mary Terrebonne do St. Bernard do West Baton Rouge. Tangipahoa St. Mary 300 300 100 1,500 400 2,000 500 250 400 150 100 150 100 'm 300 200 125 550 '566 150 550 F-3 Q-5 S-8 I-l N-S J-1 N-7 0-6 N-7 Q-6 G-4 J-2 1-4 0-2 M-5 P-2 0-4 J -3 K-2 1-5 L-2 F-1 K-2 L-5 K-4 H-1 C-4 M-4 D-3 D-2 H-2 R-8 L-5 Q-7 P-2 1-5 M-5 C-1 S-10 M-5 L-4 Q-3 1-4 R-8 J-1 1-5 q-6 C-5 K-7 C-6 C-3 J-6 C-1 J-6 F-3 Q-7 H-4 Q-7 C-5 J-5 C-3 I--5 H-4 K-2 H-3 1-4 P-6 H-1 K-6 M-7 M-7 Q-6 Q-6 K-3 0-3 J-6 Name. Parish. Charlotte Chataignier . . . Chauvin Chef Menteur . . Chenal Cheney ville Chesbrough Chiasson China Chinchuba Chipola Chloe Choupique Chula Church Point . Cinclare City Price ^(So- cbla Station). Claiborne Clarksdale Clarkville Clearwater Clifton >^ Clinton Clio Clotilda Cloverdale Coburn Cocoville Coe Colomb Colyell Comite Concession Contreas *C on vent Converse Coochie Cooper Cora Corbin Cornerview Cortableau Cossinave Cote Blanche Cottonport Cottonwood *C0VINGTON Cow Island Creole Crescent *Crowley Crasel Cutoff Cumnock Cypremort (Lou- isa post oflice). D. Daily Daisy Dakbur Darbonne (Mc- Adams post office). Darlington Darrow Davant Davids DeClouet Deerford Deer Range Delacroix Delcambre Denham Springs Dennis Mills Denson Derouen De Quincy Iberia Evangeline Terrebonne Orleans Pointe Coupee... Rapides Tangipahoa St. Landry JelTerson Davis.. St. Tammany... St. Helena Calcasieu ....do Assumption Acadia , West Baton Rouge. Plaquemines — St. Tammany... Acadia Jefferson Evangeline Washington East Feliciana.. Livingston Lafourche Rapides Tangipahoa Avoyelles Acadia St. James Livingston East Baton Rouge. Plaquemines... St. Bernard St. James West Feliciana. Concordia Vernon do Livingston Ascension St. Landry Vermilion St. Mary Avo.velles Vemon St. Tammany.. Vermilion Cameron Terrebonne Acadia St. Martin Lafourche Washington St. Marv Popu- lation. 250 500 450 1,000 400 Vernon Plaquemines.. ....do : St. Landry St. Helena Ascension Plaquemines Iberia St. Martin , East Baton Rouge. Plaquemines... St. Martin Iberia Livingston St. Helena Livingston Iberia Calcasieu 2,600 5,000 207 308 500 100 '766" CITIES AND TO-WNS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. 53 Name. Parish. *De Ridder Des Allemands. Des Gliiise Deshotels Diamond Dido Dime Dolsen *D o N A I. D s ON- VILLE. Donner Dorcyville Dossiniin DouUut Doyle Dreyfus Dry Creek Du'hoin Dubuisson Diifhamp Duett Dukie Diuibar Duplessis (Wit- ten Station). Dupont Diirald Duson Dutch Town Dver Hoaurogard St. Charles ll)cvville Evani^eline , Plaquemines Vernon Plaquemines St. John the Baptist. Ascension Torrolionne. . . Iberville Evangeline Plaquemines. . Livingston Iberville Beauregard . . . . Iberia St. Landrv St. Martiii Beauregard . . . . Terrebonne. . . . St. Tammany.. -\srension..."-.. Popu- lation. E. Easton. Ebenezer Echo (Bijou Sta- tion). *Edgard Edgerl}' Edith , Edna v.. Egan Egbend.: Elba Elitown Elizabeth Elks EUendale Ellerslie Ellis Elmer Elm Park Elmwood Elton Emad Empire English Turn. Ennes Enon Eola Epney Erath Erwinville Fointe Coupee. Evangeline Lafayette Ascension Rapides Evangeline. .ieadia. . Rapides. Essen. Esther Estherwood. Estopinal Ethel Eunice Evangeline.. Evans Evart Evergreen... F. Falia Fanny Farwell Fayette | do Feitel ' St. James St. John the Baptist Calcasieu Beauregard Jefferson Davis . -A-cadia .\voyelles St. l^andry '\\'ashington Allen Lafayette Terrebonne St. Mary Acadia Rapides West Feliciana.. Vernon Jefferson Davis. . Allen Plaquemines do Beaiu-egard Washington Avoyelles Tangipahoa Vermilion West Baton Rouge. East Baton Rouge. Vermilion Acadia St. Bernard East Feliciana... St. Landry Acadia Vernon Beauregard Avoyelles Washington.. Plaquemines. Beauregard . . 2,100 500 100 300 200 Loca- tion. 100 250 100 250 300 200 300 550 1,684 400 250 300 C-2 0-6 J-4 H-3 Q-7 E-2 R-7 N-5 'M-5 M-7 L-5 G-2 R-7 N-3 L-5 D-3 I-fi H-3 1-5 B-4 N-8 R-5 M-4 K-3 F-3 Pl-5 M-4 F-1 G-5 G-1 N-5 C-5 D-3 E-4 F-5 H-1 1-2 0-2 E-2 H-5 M-7 K-7 G-5 F-1 K-2 C-1 F-4 E-3 R-8 Q-G D-3 P-3 H-2 0-3 H-ti K-3 L-4 H-fi G-5 Q-6 L-2 G-4 F-o C-2 C-4 H-2 P-3 Q-7 B-3 D-3 N-6 Name. Felixville.. Fenris Fen ton Fields Florence.. . Florenville. Florissant. . Fluker Flynn Foley Folsom. - .. Fordoche. . Foreman. .. Fore.st Hill Fort Macomb Fort Jackson Fort Li\ingston.. Fort .^t. Philip... Fort Pike Foster (rai.road name B a v o u Salle). Fournet Frank *Franklin *Frank!inlon Fred Free'.and Frellsen French Settle- ment. Frenier Frey Fricke. . . Frisco Frozard . . Fulda.... FuUerton. Fulton... Fusilier . . G. Galloway . . . Galvez.. Garden City Gardere. .. .. Garland. . GnrynUle . Gates Gayoso Geary Gecko Ged Geismar G^nessee Gheens Gibson Gilead Gillis (ilencoe Glenmora Glenwild GhTin Godchaux Cola Gold Dust Golden Meadow. Gonzales G oodbee Gordon (ioudeau Grab6w Gramercy Grand Chenier. . Grand Coteau... Grand Isle Grand Lake G range ville Parish. East Feliciana. Evangeline Jefferson Davis Beauregard Vermilion St. Tammany. . St. Bernard.". . , Tangipahoa St. Landry Tangipahoa St. Tammany. . Point e Coupee.. F ast Baton Rouge. Rapides Orleans Plaquemines. . . do do Orleans St. Marv St. Martin Washington St. Mary Washington i ast I', a t o n Rouge. West Fe'iciana. St. Charles Livingston St. John the Baptist. Acadia , Washington Pointe Coupee. . St. Landry West Feliciana. Vernon Beauregard St. Landrv St. Tammany. . ."Ascension.. .. . . St. Mary Fast Baton Rouge. St. Landry St. John the Baptist. Livingston Lafourche Ascension St. Martin Calcasieu A scension Tangipahoa I/afourche Terrebonne Fast Feliciana... Calcasieu St. Mary Rapide-s St. Mary ' Pointe Coupee . . Lafourche Beauregard Avoyelles Lafourche Ascension St. Tammany. . . Beauregard .".... Avoyelles Beauregard St. James Cameron St. Landry Jefferson Cameron St. Helena Popu- lation. 100 200 120 200 4,000 VOO 1,238 100 ^20 1,050 100 .520 620 519 420 175 100 400 350 Loca- tion. M-2 G-3 E-4 B-3 F-6 Q-4 R-6 N-2 H-3 0-3 P-3 J-3 L-4 F-1 g-5 S-8 Q-8 s-8 Q-5 K-7 1-4 P-2 J-6 P-2 L-3 K-2 0-6 M-4 0-5 G-4 P-2 J-3 H-4 K-2 E-2 D-3 G-3 P-3 M-4 K-6 L-4 H-3 N-5 AI-4 0-7 L-5 1-4 B-5 1^5 0-3 0-7 M-7 M-2 D-4 J-6 F-2 K-7 K-3 N-7 B^ H-2 P-8 M-5 P-4 C^4 H-2 C-2 N-5 E-6 H-4 P-9 C-6 M-a 54 CITIES AND TOWNS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. Name. Grant Grav Greenlaw *Greensbnrg G r e e n w e 1 1 Springs. Greenwood *Gretna Grosse Isle Grosse Tete Oueydan Gullett Gum Gurlev Guy Guzman Parish. H. Haasville Haekberry Haolcle • *Hahnville Hall Hamburg Ham'iiond Hammous Hampton. Hansom City. . . Happy Jack Haralian Hardsiiell Harelson Allen Terrebonne Tangipahoa St. Helena Kast Baton Rouge. Plaquemines — JelTerson Vermilion Iberville Vermilion Tangipahoa Rapides East Feliciana. . Allen St. Tammany. . Harlem Hart ( H y m e r s Station). Harvels Mill Harvey Hawthorn Hayes Head of Island . . Hecker Helenburg Henderson Hennes>- Henry Herrditage Hessmer Hester Hicks Hillsdale Hineston Hobart Hohen Solms Holden Holmwood Holton Homeplace Honey Island Hoods Hope Villa Hornbeck Houltonville *HOUMA Houston Hoy Humphreys Husser Hutchinson Hygeia Hymers (Hart post office). I. Iberville post office (Bayou Paul Station). Ikes Independence Indian Bayou Indian Mound.. . A voyelles Cameron Washington St. Charies Livingston Avoyelles Tangipahoa Vernon Allen Jefferson Plaquemines... Jefferson Vernon East K a t o n Rouge. Plaquemines. . . Vernon Popu- lation. St. Helena Jefferson Vernon Calcasieu Livmgston Calcasieu St. Tammany. . . St. Martin Washington \'ermiliou Poiute Coupee. . A voyelles St. James Vernon St. Helena Rapides Ascension do Ijivingston Calcasieu Tangipahoa Plaquemines — St. Tamman3^ . do .Ascension Vernon St. Tammany. . Terreljonne Allen •Beauregard Terrebonne Tangipahoa — Jefferson Davis St. Tammany. . Vernon Iberiille. Loca- tion. 3,500 520 1,100 200 120 500 3,000 140 100 400 200 310 320 100 160 ioT "m 360 5,000 Beauregard 110 Tangipahoa 1,004 Vermilion East Baton Rouge. I E-2 M-7 0-2 N-2 L-3 Ci-6 P-6 H-6 K-4 F-5 0-3 F-1 L-2 F-3 Q-5 H-2 C-6 P-2 0-6 M-3 I-l 0-3 D-1 F-3 0-6 R-7 P-6 D-1 L-4 Q-7 C-1 M-2 P-6 C-1 E-5 N-4 D-4 P-4 1-4 0-2 H-6 K-3 H-1 M-5 E-1 N-3 E-1 M-4 L-5 N-3 D-5 0-2 R-8 R-4 P-3 M-4 C-1 P^ N-7 E-3 D-2 M-7 0-3 F-4 Q-4 C-1 L^ D-2 0-3 H-5 L-3 Name. Indian Village. Innis Iota Iowa Iowa Junction. Irene Irish Bend . Isabel Island Isle Labbe. Ithra J. Jack Jackson Jackson Road. Jacoliy Jarreau Jeanerelte Jelks Jenkins * Jennings Jesuit Bend... Johnson Parish. Johnsons Bayou. Jones Bluff Juanita Julia Jimior K. Kahns. Iberville Pointe Coupee. . Acadia Calcasieu Jefferson Davis. East Baton Rouge. St. Mary Washington Pointe Coupee. . St. Martin West Baton Rouge. St. Helena East Feliciana. . do Pointe Coupee. . do Iberia Acadia Washington Jefferson Davis. Plaquemines... St. John the Baptist. Cameron Calcasieu Beauregard Washington Plaquemines... West Baton Rouge. Vermilion St. Charles St. Mary Kaplan Kassel . Katy... Kedron ' St. Helena Kenner I Jefferson , Kents Store East Feliciana. . Keniwood I Tangipahoa Kessler I .Assumption Killian I Livingston Killona 1 St. Charles Kinder t Allen Kipling I Beaiuegard Kleinpeter I East Baton Rouge Popu- lation. Kleinwood . Klotzville. . Konstanz . . .'Lvoyelles Assumption East Baton Rouge. Lafourche. Kramer Krotz Springs j St. Landry L. Labadieville La Branche Lacassine (Rice post office). Lacombe Lacour ♦L.VFAYETTE Lafitte Lafourche Cross- ing. Lagan Lake Arthur Lake Bridge Lake Brignac Lake Cat heriue... *I..AKE Charles. Lakeland Lakeside Lamothe Lamom"ie La Pice .^ Laplace La Reusitte . Larose Latanier Assumption St. Charles Jefferson Da->Ais. St. Tammany. . . Pointe Coupee . . Lafayette Jefferson Lafourche St. James Jefferson Davis. Terretaoime Ascension Orleans Calcasieu Pointe Coupee . . Cameron Rapides do St. James St. John the Baptist.' Plaquemines Lafourche Rapides 800 105 160 2,140 280 520 2,206 3,900 250 100 "326' 315 1,253 3,609 635 620 6,400 '"536" 1,093 11, 500 120 220 175 '326" 200 CITIES AND TOWNS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. 55 Name. Lauderdale Do Laurel HiU Laurents Lawrence (Mag- nolia Station). Lawtell Leander Lebeaii Le Blanc , Lecompte Lee , Lees Creek *Lee<'Bille Lee -ille Lesoiiier Leleux Leon -ille Leroy Lettsworth Levert Lewisburg Do.... Lewiston Lily Lindsay Lions Little Woods. Live Oak Do Liverpool Livonia Lobdell Lockport Lone Pine Lonsf Bridge Loncleaf Longville Lookout Loranger Loraauville Lorraine Lottie Louisa (Cypre- mort Station). Lowry Loze Loyd Lucas Lucy Ludington . Luling Lutcher Lydia M. Parish. Jefferson Davis. St. James West Feliciana. . Vermilion Plaquemines St. Landry Vernon..." St. Landry -Men ". Rapides Orleans Washington Vernon Tjafoiu'che Pointe Coupee. Vermilion St. Landry Vermilion Pointe Coupee. St. Martin St. Landry St. Tammany.. Tangipahoa St. James East Feliciana. St. John the Baptist. Ojreans Li\-ingston Plaquemines. . . St. Helena Pointe Coupee. West B a t o n Rouge. Lafourche Evarigeline Avoyelles Rapides Beauregard St. Helena , Tangipahoa Iberia Tangipahoa Pointe Coupee.. St. Mary Popu- lation. McAdam (Dar- bonne Station). McCall McCrea McEHmoghvilU . . . McElroy McGehee McKinley McManus McNary McNutt Macland Madhonville Magda Magnolia Magnolia (Law- rence post office. Mallard Junction. Mamou Manchac (Akers post office). Manchester Mandeville Manila Village . . . Jefferson Davis. Iberia Rapides Calcasieu , St. John the Baptist. Beauregard St. Charles St. James Iberia St. Landry. Ascension Pointe Coupee . . Jefferson Ascension WestFeliciana.. East Feliciana... do Rapides do.. St. Landiy St. Tammany... Rapides East Baton Rouge. Plaquemines Calcasieu Evangeline.. Tangipahoa. Calcasieu St. Tammany. Jefferson 150 1,058 2, 04.3 320 700 130 510 320 291 1,580 Loca- tion. 2,610 100 125 1,038 170 1,170 E-4 M-5 K-2 F-5 Q-7 H-3 E-1 1-3 E-4 G-l Q-5 Q-3 C-1 P-8 1-2 G-5 1-4 H-5 J-2 1-5 H-4 P-4 0-2 M-5 L-2 N-5 Q-5 M-3 P-6 N-2 J-3 K-1 N-7 G-2 1-2 I'^-l D-3 N-2 0-3 J-5 0-4 J-3 1-6 E-6 1-5 G-2 B-4 N-6 C-2 0-6 N-5 1-6 1-3 L-6 1-2 P-6 M-5 K-2 1^2 L-2 r-2 F-1 H-3 P-4 G-l L-3 D-5 G-3 0-4 D-5 P-4 Q-8 Name. Manske Mansura Marcel Marie Marion Marioni^ouil Mark Markee * Marksville Marston Martello Castle (Tower Dupre), Matthews Maud Maurepas Maurice Maxis Maxwell Mayer Meekers Melder Melville Meridian Mermenteau . Merraux Merry ville.. . Micheaud Midland Mike Miles Millersville... Millford Millaudon Mlldale Parish. Milnburg Milton Minerva Mix Moberly Modeste Mo?ling Moncla Montegut Montpelier Montz Moorland Morbihan Moroauville. .. MoRG.^N City. Morganza Morley Morris Retreat.. Morrow Morse Moss Bluff Mossville Mount Airy Mount Hermon . Mount Pleasant . Mount Point Mowata Mulvey (Wright post'office). Munsons Murdock Murphy Myrtle Grove Mystic N. Nairn Naples * Napoleonville Napton Natalbany . Neale Neame Waslungton Avoyelles Iberia Tangijjahoa Calcasieu Iberville West B a t on Rouge. Vernon Avoyelles Washington St. Bernard Lafourche St. Tammany. . . Livingston Vermilion Acadia I>ivingston St. Helena Vernon Rapides do St. Landry Evangjline Acadia St. Bernard Beauregard Orleans Acadia Washington Ascension Acadia Rapides St. Bernard East Baton Rouge. Orleans Lafayette Terrebonne Pointe Coupee. . St. Charles Ascension Allen i Avoyelles Terrebonne i St. Helena St. Charles Rapides Iberia Avoyelles St. Mary Pointe Coupee. . West Baton Rouge. Tangipahoa St. Landry Acadia Calcasieu ....do St. John the Baptist. Washington East Baton Rouge. Washington Acadia Vermilion Popu- ijLoca- lation. tion. Assumption.. Tangipahoa . . Iberia Plaquemines. Beauregard. . Plaquemines Avoyelles Assumption St. John the Baptist. Tangipahoa Beauregard Vernon 160 700 450 150 160 1,093 323 728 5,500 300 140 240 160 100 Q-2 H-1 1-6 0-2 D-4 J-4 K-4 D-2 1,066 H-1 Q-2 Q-6 N-7 Q-4 N-4 H-5 G-4 N-4 N-3 D-1 G-l F-1 1-3 G-2 F-5 Q-2 B-3 Q-5 F-5 P-2 M-5 F-4 F-1 Q-6 L-3 P-5 H-5 M-7 J-3 0-6 L-5 E-3 H-1 N-8 N-3 0-5 G-l 1-5 I-l L-7 J-3 K-4 0-3 H-2 G-5 D-4 C-5 N-5 0-2 K-3 P-2 G-4 G-6 L-6 0-2 J-6 Q-7 C-3 R-8 325 1 I-l 1,201 L-6 0-5 0-3 C-2 C-2 56 CITIES AND TOWNS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. Name. Neita Neptune Nero Nesom Nestor Nettie (Prairie- ville post office). New Home New Iberia NewlLn *New Orleans. . . *A'ew Roads Nezpique Nicholls Nicks Nitram Nona North Shore North Slidell Norwood Nott Nunez O. Oakdale Oaklawn Do Oaknolia OakvOle ♦Oberlin Odell Odenburg Oldfield Olevier Olga Olive Branch. Olivier OIlie Oneida Onvil *Opdoiisas. . . . Orange Farm . Oretta Osborn .. .. Oscar Osceola Ossun Ostrica Otis Otts Mills Oxford Oysterville Ozone Park... Parish. St. Landry Plaquemines.. East Feliciana. Plaquemines. . Ascension St. Bernard Iberia Beauregard Orleans Pointo Coupee. . Acadia Plaquemines Avoyelles Veriion ....do St. Tammany . . . do East Feliciana... St. Tammany... Vermilion 7,500 210 339, 075 1,352 Allen St. Tammany.. St. Mary....."... East Feliciana. Plaquemines... Allen St. Helena .\voyelles Livingston St. Bernard Plaquemines... East Feliciana. Iberia Plaquemines... St. James St. Tammany. . St. Landry Plaquemines... Beauregard Rapides Pomte Coupee . Tangipahoa Lafayette Plaquemines... Rapides Livingston St. Mary Plaquemines... St. Tammany.. P. Paincourtville Palmetto Paloma Paradis Parcperdue Parks Pasman Patin Patoutville Patterson Paulina Pawnee Pearl Pearl River Pecan Grove Pecan Island Perkins Perry Pfalzheim Philips Bluff. . . . Phoeni.x Pickering Pico Biletle Pilottown Pine Assumption St. I/andry East Feliciana. St.. Charles Iberia St. Martin Washington St. Martin Iberia St. Mary St. James Allen do St. Tammany. . St. Charles Vermilion Calcasieu Vermilion St. Tammany.. Allen Plaquemines... Vernon Washington I^afayette Plaquemines . . . Washington.. . Popu- lation. 260 825 4,623 110 575 115 210 '356' 129 3,000 100 100 277 225 120 760 Loca- tion. Name. 1-2 S-8 Q-7 M~2 R-8 M-4 Q-6 1-5 C-3 P-6 K-3 F-4 R-8 H-1 E-2 B-l Q-5 Q-4 L-2 P-4 H-6 F-2 j Q-4 K-6 M-2 P-6 F-3 M-2 1-2 M-3 Q-6 \ S-8 1,-2 1-6 P-7 M-5 P-3 H-3 R-8 C-3 F-2 K-3 0-3 H-4 R-8 F-1 N-3 K-6 T-9 P-4 L-6 1-3 K-3 0-6 1-5 1-5 P-2 1-4 J-6 K-7 N-5 F-2 D-4 Q-4 0-6 G-7 ' C-4 H-6 P-3 E-4 Q-7 D-1 P-2 H-5 T-9 P-2 Pinecliff Pine Grove Pine Prairie Pinevillc Pmewood Pitkin Pitreville Plain view Plaisance *P!cqiumine Plattenville Plaucheville Plettenburg Point Bleu *Pointeala Plache. Pointe Celeste Pointe Coupee . . . Foley Ponchatoula Popeville *Port Allen Parish. Port Barre Port Barrow Port Chahnette . . Port Eads Port Hickey Port Hudson Port Vincent Potash Poufette Powell Poydras Prairieville (Net- tie Station). Premo Pride Washington St. Helena Evangeline Rapides Vernon do St. Landry Livingston St. Landry Iberville. ." Assumption Avoyelles West Feliciana. Evangeline Plaquemines... do Pointe Coupee. . Livingston , Tangipahoa Washington West Baton Rouge. St. Landry , Ascension , St. Bernard Plaquemines East Baton Rouge. do Livingston Plaquemines. . . Iberia West Feliciana. St. Bernard A.sceiision Prien Proctors Landing Promised Land. . Puckett Pujo Cameron West Baton Rouge. Calcasieu St. Bernard Plaquemines East Baton Rouge. Beauregard Quarantine. Quinton Plaquemines... Pointe Coupee . R. RaccQurci Raceland Raceland Junc- tion. Ragley Ramah Ramos Ramsay Rapides Ratliff Ravenswood Pavne Rebecca Reda Red Bluff Redcross Redden Red Fish Redlich Reedton Reeves Regpio Remy Rena Reserve do Lafourche. do Popu- lation. Rexmere. . , Rhineland. Rhoda Rhodes Beauregard Iberville St. Mary St. Tammany... Rapides ". ... Assumption Point Coupee. . . Acadia Terrebonne Evangeline St. Tammany. . . Point Coupee . . . Evangeline Avoyelles Acadia Evangeline Allen St. Bernard St. James Vernon St. Johnthe Baptist. Avoyelles Acadia St. Mary Iberville 1,200 160 5,000 450 380 525 1,055 800 600 825 500 200 370 340 260 258 100 550 260 425 2,247 100 260 300 100 400 160 CITIES AND TOWNS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. 57 Name. Itice (Lacassine Station). Riceville Richardson Richland Richland Hill.... Riddle Ridge Rigolets Rio Roanoke Robert Robin Roger liogillioville Rosa Rosedale Rose Hill Roseland Rosepine Kossignol Kost Rousseau Ruby Ruddock Parish. Jefferson Davis. Ruth Rynella Sackett St. Amant St. Amelia St. Benedict *St. Bernard St. Clair *St. Francisville.. St. Gabriel. St. James St. Landry *St. Martinville... St. Mary St. Patrick.. St. Rose St.Tammanv Salix "..... Salt Mine Sarpy Sartori Satsuma (Staf- ford Station) . Savoie Savoy Scanlon Scarsdale Schley Schriever Schwab Scotland Vermilion Washington Rapides East Feliciana. . West Feliciana.. I^afayette Orleans Washington Jefferson Davis.. Tangipahoa St. Landry Lafourche West 1-eliciana. St. Landry Iber\ille \ erniilion Tangipahoa \ ernou ( alcasieu St.! harles Lafourcl.e Rapides St. Joim the . J3aptisl. St. Martui Iberia St. Landry Ascension St. James St. Tammany... St. Bernard Plaquemines West Feliciana.. Iberville St. James Evangeline St. Martin St. Jamc^ do St. (harles St. Tammany... St.t harles Iberia St.( harles Rapides Livingston Scott Seabrook Seale Sebastopol . . . Second Lake . Segura Sellers Seymourville. Shadyside Sharp Shaw Shell I?eac!i . Sheridan Shiloh Shrewsbury. Shuteston.". . Siebert Siegen Simmesport. Simmons Simpson Singer Slaughter . . . Plaquemines St. Landry Tangipahoa Plaquemines \ ernon Terrebonne Point Coupee. . . East Baton Rouge. Lafayette Orleans Beauregard St . Bernard St. Landry Iberia St . < harles Iber\ ille St. Mary East Baton Rouge. Concordia St. Bernard Washinf'.ton Ta.n;;ipahoa Jefferson St. Landry Point ( oupee . . . East Baton Rouge. A voyelles Alleii ■.. Vernon Beauregard East Feliciana. . Popu- lation. 100 319 260 440 "586 160 275 600 380 1,000 768 650 223 2,318 260 235 300 200 120 120 240 220 520 287 Loca- tion. E-5 F-5 P-2 G-1 L-2 K-3 H-5 R-5 Q,-3 F-5 0-4 1-4 M-6 K-2 H-3 J-4 H-6 0-2 D-2 E-5 0-6 N-6 G-1 0-5 1-5 1-5 1-3 M-5 M-6 P-3 Q-6 Q-6 K-2 1^4 M-6 G-2 1-5 M-5 M-6 0-6 Q-4 0-6 1-6 0-6 c;-2 M-3 Q-7 G-4 0-2 Q-6 (-1 M-7 J-3 L-3 H-5 P-5 C-3 Q-6 1-3 1-5 0-5 L-1 K-7 L-4 J-1 R-6 P-2 N-3 P-6 n-4 J-3 L-4 1-2 E-3 D-1 ( -3 L-3 Name. Siidell Smithland Smoke Bend Socola(C ity Price post office). Soest Solitude Sompayrac :.. Sorrento Soulouque Southbend Southdown South Point Southport South wood Spanish Fort . . . . Springcreek Springfield *Springville Stables Stafford (Sat- suma post- office). Stanton Star Starhill Starks Starlding. ." Starns Stein Stella Stevensdale Parish. St. Tammany.. Point Coupee. . , Ascension Plaquemines . . . West Feliciana. do ( alcasieu A seen.': ion Iberville St. Mary Terrebonne. ... Orleans Jefferson Ascension Orleans Tansipahoa Livingston do Vernon Livingston StJlle Stony point. Story Strader Sugartown Sulphur Sulphur Mines. Sun Sunbeam Sunny Hill Sunrise Sunset Sunshine Swayze Lake. . . Sweet Lake. . .. Sweetville Sycamore T. Taft Talisheek . . . Tallien Tangipahoa . Teddy Tenrriile Terre Haute. Theriot *Thibodaux Thibodaux Junc- tion. Thompson Thompsons Bluff Tho^n^^'ell Tickfaw Tillman Timberton Tinus Tobias Toca Toomey Topsy Terras Triumphville . . . . Troy Tucker Turkey Creek Orleans Plaquemines West Feliciana.. Calcasieu St. Tammany. . . Livingston Washington Plaquemines East Baton Rouge. Vernon East Baton Rouge. St. Bernard Tangipahoa Beaiiregard Calcasieu do St.Tammany Fast Feliciana... Washington Plaquemines St. Landry Iberville St. Landry Cameron Beauregard Rapides Popu- lation. St. Charles St. Tammany... Assumption Tangipahoa East Feliciana... Allen St. John the Baptist. Terrebonne Lafourche do Allen Jefferson Davis.. do Tangipahoa Vernon St. James St. Helena Iberia St. Bernard Calcasieu Jefferson Davis. . Pointe Coupee. . Plaquemines East Feliciana... East Baton Rouge. ' Evangeline 2,188 100 660 250 100 610 100 218 130 210 270 110 377 100 260 100 394 100 3,824 305 557 Loca- tion. Q-4 J-2 L-5 Ci-7 K-3 K-2 C-4 M-5 L-4 J-7 M-7 Q-5. P-6 L-5 P-5 0-2 N-4 N-4 C-1 M-3 Q-6 P-7 K-2 B-4 R-4 N-3 Q-3 Q-6 L-4 E-1 M-3 Q-6 0-4 D-2 C-5 C-5 Q-3 M-2 0-2 R-8 H-4 L-4 1-3 D-6 D-3 F-1 0-6 Q-3 L-6 0-2 M-2 E-2 N-5 M-8 M-6 M-6 E-4 E-4 E-5 0-3 E-2 M-5 N-2 1-6 Q-6 B-5 D-4 J-2 S-8 M-2 L-3 G-2 58 CITIES AND TOWNS IN SOUTHEKN LOUISIANA. Name. Turnhull. Turner. . . Ttirps Tvroiine . U. [Jneedus . Union V. Vacherie , Vacherie Station , Valverda , Vandercook Varnado Vatican Velma Venice Ventress Verette Vick Vida Vidrine ♦Ville Platte Vincent Vinton Vinton Oil Field. Violet Violin ViterboviUe Vizard Parish. Points Coupee . Calcasieu Beauregard . . . . Evangeline Tansipahoa. St. James . . . St. James, do. W. Wadesboro. Waggaman. Waldeck . . . Wakefield.. Waldheim . Walker. . .. Walla Wallace Walls. Walnut Hill. Ward Warnerton... Wasey Washington. . Watson Pointe Coupee . Beauregard Washington Lafourche Tangipahoa Plaquemines. . . Pointe Coupee.. St. Bernard Avoyelles Iberia Evangeline do Calcasieu do do St. Bernard St. Tammany. . Acadia Allen Taneipahoa Jefterson St. .James West Feliciana.. St. Tammany. . . Livingston Beauregard St. John the Baptist. West Baton Rouge. Vernon Allen Washington Calcasieu St. Landry Livingston Popu- lation. 600 100 590 315 no 200 160 1,520 Loca- tion. J-1 C-4 D-4 'F-3 0-3 M-5 N-6 N-6 J-3 D-3 Q-2 H-4 N-3 S-8 K-3 Q-6 H-1 J-5 G-3 G-3 C-5 B-5 B-5 Q-6 Q-3 F-4' E-3 0-4 P-6 N-5 K-2 P-3 M-3 D-3 N-5 K-3 D-1 r-3 P-2 C-4 H-3 M-3 Name. Waxia Wayside Weeks (Weeks Is- land station) . . . Weiss Welcome Welsh West End Westlake Westover Parish. St. Landry West Feliciana. Westport Westvi'ego.. . White Castle. Whitehall. . . . Whiteville. . . Whittington. Wilbert Wilburton Wilcox (Bain station). Wilda WJlhelm Williamson Willow Glen Wills Point Wilmer. . .^ Wilson Wilton Winchester Witten (Duples- sispost office). Woodland Woodlawn Woodside Wood worth Wortham Wright (Mulvey station). Y. Yelgar Youngsville Yscloskey Z. Zaehary Zona Iberia Livingston St. Janies Jefferson Davis. . Orleans Calcasieu West Baton Rouge. Rapides Jefi'erson Iberville Livingtson St. Landry Rapides West Baton Rouge. Evangeline West Feliciana . . Rapides West Feliciana.. St. Landry Rapides Plaquemines Tangipahoa East Feliciana.. St. James ....do Ascension East Feliciana. Jefi'erson Davis. Avoyelles Rapides St. Tammany. . Vermilion Allen Lafayette Plaquemines. East Baton Rouge. Washington . . . . Popu- lation. 340 1,250 2,289 235 150 iio 328 Loca- tion. 1-3 1^2 I-O M-3 M-5 E-5 P-5 C-5 K-4 E-2 P-b L-5 N-4 H-2 G-1 K-4 F-4 K-2 F-1 J-2 1-3 G-1 Q-7 0-2 L-2 M-5 M-5 M-4 M-2 E-4 1-2 F-1 Q-4 G-6 E-2 H-5 R-6 1^3 D-2 Part Ia. WATERWAYS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. Name of waterway. Abita River Abita River, little Acadiens, Bayou des . Adams Creek Adams Bay Alabama Bayou Alabama Bayou, little Alexander Bayou Allemands, Bayou des Allemands, Lake des.. Allen Lake Alligator Bayou Alligator B avou Alligator Bayou . Alligator Bayou. Alligator Lake... Amede Lake Amite River Amite River, little Amoureux, Bayou des Andre Bayou Ards Creek Arsene Bayou Arthur Lakfe , Atehafalaya Bay Atchafalaya Bay ship channel. Atchafalaya River Atchafalaya River, lower. Atchafalava River, little. Athanasia Lake August Bay Avoyelles Bayou Parish. St. Tammany do St. James Washington Plaquemines Pointe Coupee, Iber- ville. St. Martin West Feliciana Lafourche, St. Charles. St. John Terrebonne Iberville., Ascension, St. John the Baptist. JelTerson West Feliciana Cameron St. Bernard Ascension, Living- ston, St. Helena,etc. Ascension Lafourche Jefferson Washington Calcasieu, Jefferson Davis. Jefferson Davis, Ver- milion, St. Mary Loca- tion. Avoyelles , Pointe Coupee , St. Landry St. Martin St. Mary, Terre- bonne. St. Martin B. Back Bayou Bagleys Bayou Balize Bayou Baptist Colets Bayou. Barataria Bay St. Bernard.. Plaquemines. Avoyelles Barataria Bayou. Barbary Bayou.. Bardel Canal Barnes Creek Barre Lake Barrows Canal Bartholomew Bayou . Barwick Bayou Bastian Bay Bastian Bayou Batemans Lake Batiste Bay Beaklance Bayou Rapides St. Tammany Plaquemines do Plaquemines, Jeffer- son. do Livingston Plaquemines Jetferson Davis, Al- len, Beauregard. Terrebonne do St. Mary Acadia Plaquemines do St. Mary Plaquemines St. Landry P-4 P-4 M-5 Q-2 R-8 J-4 J-4 K-2 0-6 N-6 M-8 M-4 N-5 0-5 K-3 F-fi R-R N-4 M-2 N-5 0-7 P-8 Q-2 D-4 F-5 K-8 K-8 J-2 1-2 J-4 L-7 J-4 S-7 R-8 I-l G-l P-3 T-9 S-8 Q-8 P-6 N-4 R-8 D-4 N-9 N-8 J-7 F-4 R-8 R-8 L-7 Q-8 1-2 Name of waterway. Bear Creek Bear Head Creek Beaver Bayou Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek Beaver Creek, Big Beaver Dam Bayou. . Beaver Dam Bayou. Beaver Dam Creek . . , Beau Bayou Beclcwith Creek Bechnel Bayou. Bedico Creek. .. Belle River Benoit Bayou.. Berard Bayou.. Berwick Bay... Bienvenue Bayou . . . Big Creek Big Mouth Bayou. .. Bijou Bayou Billot Lake Biloxi Bayou Bird Island Sound... Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Bayou Black Creek Black Creek Black Creek Black Creek Black Creek Black Lake Black River Blackfish Lake Black Prince Bayou. Blackwater Bayou . . Blackwells Creek Blind Bay Blind Pass Blind River Parish. Blood River Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Blue Bayou Blue Hammock Bavou. Bluff Creek Boeuf Bayou Boeuf Bayou Boeuf Bayou Boeuf Bayou Boeuf Bayou Boeuf Lake Bois Connie Bayou . Boggy Creek Bogue Chitto Allen Beauregard East Baton Rouge.. Evangeline Livingston Tangipahoa East Feliciana East Baton Rouge. . Rapides East Feliciana St. Martin Calcasieu, Beaure- gard. St. John the Baptist Tangipahoa Assumption St. Martin do St. Mary, Assump- tion. Orleans, St. Bernard Tangipahoa Cameron Ascension Terrebonne St. Bernard Plaquemines Orleans Pointe Coupee Iberville Pointe Coupee St. Mary Cameron, Calcasieu. Cameron Plaquemines Terrebonne St. Tammany St. Helena East Feliciana Allen Beauregard Cameron Concordia Cameron St. Charles East Baton Rouge. . Washington Plaquemines St. Bernard Livingston, Ascen- sion, St. James. Livingston St. Mary Terrebonne Allen Terrebonne East Feliciana St. Mary, Assump- tion. St. Landry, Rapides Plaquemines Jefferson Lafourche do Cameron Beauregard . Washington, St. Tammany. 59 Loca- tion. D-4 C-.3 L-3 r-2 M-3 N-2 M-1 L-3 G-l L-2 J-5 C-4 N-e 0-4 L-& J-5 1-4 L-7 Q-6 0-2 E-6 L-5 0-8 R-6 S-8 Q-5 J-3 J-4 J-2 J-7 D-5 B-6 R-7 L-7 P-3 M-2 L-3 E-2 D-2 C-& I-l F-6 0-6 L-3 Q-3 T-9 S-5 N-5 N-4 K-7 N-7 F-3 L-8 M-2 L-7 H-3 R-8 P-6 N-6 N-6 D-6 D-4 P-2 60 WATERWAYS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. Name of waterway. Bogue Falia Bogiie Lusa Bonfouca Bayou (Bayou Vincent). Borgne Lake Boucie Bayou Boudreau Bay Boudreanx Canal Boudreau X Lake Bourbeau, Bayou Bourlie, Bayoii Bout de Bayou Brand Bayou Breton Sound Broad Bayou Brushy Creek Brushy Creek Brusle, Lake Brush Creek .v.. Buck Creek Bundick Creek Buffalo River Bull Bay Burtons Creek Bush Canal Buxton Creek Cade, Bayou de Cade, Little BayoiVde. Cade, Lake de." Caillou, Bayou Grand. Caillou, Bayou Little. Caillou Bay Caillou Lake Calcasieu Lake Calcasieu Pass Calcasieu River Parish. St. Tammany. Washington. . . St. Tammany. St. Bernard, Orleans Assumption St. Bernard Terrebonne do Loca- tion. St. Landry. Avoyelles . . do Iberville . . . St. Bernard Vernon Beauregard I/afourche Beauregard St. Helena Allen, Beauregard . . (Mississippi). . i Plaquemines Vernon Terrebonne Calcasieu California Bay Callebasse, Lake Camtnada Bay Caminada Pass Campton Creek Canard Frungais Bayou. Cancienne Canal Cane Bayou Cane Bayou Caney Creek Caney Creek Cannes, Bayou des. . . Carencro, Bayou Terrebonne do do ... .do , do do do Cameron , do Calcasieu, Jefferson Davis, Allen, Ra- pides, Vernon. Plaquemines , St. Bernard Jefferson do Rapides Si. Bernard Carlin Bayou Carlin Bayou Carlin Bayou Carofier Bayou Caroline Bayou Carondelet Canal Carrion Crow Bayou.. Carron Bayou . . ." Carters Creek Casin Creek Castaing Bayou Castaing Bayou, Lit- tle. Castiglione Bayou Castor Bayou Castor Bayou Catahoula Bay Catahoula Bayou Catahoula Coulee Catahoula I^akie Cataouatche Lake (Lake Netherlands). Cat Bay Catfish Lake. Catfish Lake. Assumption St. Tammany Terrebonne . ". Allen Calcasieu Acadia, St. Landry, Evangeline. Lafayette, St. Lan- dry. St. Mary.- Iberia...: do St. Martin Assumption Orleans Terrebonne St. Landry (Mississippi) West Feliciana St. Tammanv do ■ Orleans Allen Vernon Lafourche. . do St. Martin . do St. Charles. Plaquemines, JefTer- son. Lafourche Cameron P-4 Q-2 Q-4 R-5 K-6 S-5 N-8 N-8 H-4 H-1 H-1 M-4 S-7 S-7 E-2 B-3 0-8 B-3 M-2 D-3 J-1 T-9 E-1 N-8 C^4 M-8 L-9 M-S M-9 N-8 M-9 M-9 C-6 C-6 C-5 E-3 S-8 R-7 P-9 P-9 G-1 Q-6 L-6 P-4 M-7 F-3 B-3 F-4 H-4 J-7 1-6 1-6 J-5 L-7 P-6 1^8 H-3 P-1 1^2 P-4 P-4 Q-5 r-3 c^i 0-7 0-7 J-5 J-5 0-6 Q-S 0-8 E-6 Name of waterway. Catherine Lake Cedar Bayou Chacahoula Bayou . . Chaffe Bayou ("halaud Bayou Chalaud Pass Chandleur Sound Champagne Bay Chaney Creek. ." Chaperon, Bayou Chappepeela Creek. . Charles, Lake Chatlins Lake Chef Menteur Chefuncte River Cheby, Bayou Chene Bavou Chene Bayou (^hene Bayou Chene Bayou Chene Rhine, Bayou.. Chene, River au . . Chene Fleur, Bayou.. Chenier Bay ". Chenier Bayou Chenier Bayou, Little. Chenier Pass Chenier Ronquille, Bay. Cher Ami Bayou Cher Ami Canal Cherry winck Bayou. . Chevfeuil, Bayou Chicken Bayou Chi Charas." Chicot Bayou Chicot Bayou Chicot Lake Chien Lake Chien, Bayou Pointe aux. Chinchuba, Bayou. . . Chocolate Bayou Choctaw Bayou Choctaw Bavou Choctaw Bayou Chopin Chute Choupique, Bayou. . . Christmas Camp Lake Citamon, Bavou Clear Creek Clear Bayou Close Bayou Coburn Creek Cocodrie, Bayou... Cocodrie, Bayou. . . Cocodrie, Bayou... Parish. Loca- tion. Avoyelles Orleans Terrebonne . . St. Mary Plaquemines. do Jefferson West Feliciana St. Bernard Tangipahoa Calcasieu Rapides Orleans St. Tammany Lafourche. . .". St. Mary, Terre- bonne. Vermilion Jefferson Davis St. Martin Livingston Plaquemines do do do Cameron Plaquemines . Cocodrie, Lake Cohabanosse, Bayou.. Coles Creek Collicon Bayou Collicon Lake Colton Creek Colyell Bayou Colyell, Middle Bayou Coriiite ^Uver ". ... Company Canal Company Canal Comrade (^reek Contraband Bayou... Constance Bayou Convent Bayou Conway Bayou Conwav Bayou i. Cools Creek Cook Bayou Assumption Lafourche Allen, Ranides St. John the Bap- tist, St. James, Lafourche. St. Mary Plaquemines Evangeline St. Mary St. Martin Terrebonne Terrebonne; La- fourche. St. Tammany Assumption. Iberville Iberville, West Baton Rouge. Rapides Baerville Calcasieu St. Bernard St. James, Lafay- ette, St. John the Baptist. Allen Rapides Pointe Coupee Washington Terrebonne .1 Concordia St. Landry, Evange- line, Rapides. Rapides, Evangeline Lafourche Beauregard Cameron do ... Livingston do do East Baton Rouge . . Jefferson Lafourche Vernon Calcasieu Vermilion Jefferson .\scension Calcasieu Tangipahoa Plaquemines I-l Q-5 M-7 K-7 R-S R-8 P-6 P-9 K-2 Q-6 0-3 D-5 G-1 Q-5 P-4 N-6 1^7 H-6 E-5 J-5 N-5 Q-7 Q-8 Q-7 Q-8 E-6 T-9 Q-8 L-7 0-8 F-2 N-6 K-7 S-8 G-2 J-6 K-S 0-8 0-8 P-4 L-6 L-5 K-4 H-1 K-5 C-5 S-6 M-6 D-3 G-1 J-3 A-2 L-7 J-1 H-3 G-2 C-2 N-6 C-3 F-6 F-6 M-3 M-4 M-4 L-3 P-6 0-7 E-1 D-5 F-7 P-6 M-5 B-5 N-2 R-8 WATEEWAYS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. 61 Name of waterway. Coopers Bayou Coquette Bay CiKluille Bay, Grand . Co(|uillo Bay, Little. . Coiiuillo Lake Cote Blanche Ray, East. Cote Blanche Bay West. (^otonier Bayou Couba Bii\6u Couchon Courtableau Bayou. . . Courville Bayoii Couteau Bayou Cow Bayou Cowards Gully Cowhead Bayou Co\\'i3en Creek Co wpen Creek Coyles Bayou Cox Bayou Creole Baj- Creole Canal Crocodile Bayou Crooked Creek Cross Bayou Cubits Gap Currant Baj'ou Customhouse Bayou.. Cutler Bayou Cutoff Bayou Cypress Bayou Cypress Bayou Cypress Bayou Cypress Cre"ek Cypress Creek - . Cypress Creek Cypress Island Coulee, Cypress Island Pass . , Cypremort Bayou Cyprian Ba}- Parish. D. Damrell Bayou D'Arbonne Bavou. Darbys Coulee." Darling Bayou Dauterive.I.ake... Dawson Creek Dead Mans Bayo'u. Deer Bayou...' Delcambre Canal . . Devils Bay De^ils Creek Dies, Bayou au D'Inde Bayou DLxon Branch Doctors Bayou Dollar Bayou Doulluts Canal Double Baj'pu Double Bayou Doyles Bayou Drakes Creek Draughans Bayou . Dresser Canal Drum Bay Dry- Creek Dry Creek Duck Lake Duhuy Bayou Dulac Bayou Dunn Barr Bayou. Dupont Bayou Dupont Bavou Dupre Bayou Dutch Bayou Tangipahoa.. Placiuemines. ....do ....do St. Bernard.. St. Mary .do. Pointe (^oupee St. Charles Orleans St. Landry Avoyelles Pointe Coupee Iberville Calcasieu Pointe Coupee Beauregard Cameron Pointe Coupee . Plaquemines - Jefferson Cameron St. Charles West Feliciana St. Mai'tin, Iber- ville. Plaquemines St. Landry _. Plaquemines '- Jefferson Plaquemines St. Tammany East Baton Rouge . Rapides Evangeline Beauregard Vernon St. Martin St. Mary do Plaquemines Vernon St. Landry \'e]milion St. Helena Iberia, St. Martin. .. East Baton Rouge .. Plaquemines Terrebonne Iberia Lafourche Vermilion Plaquemines Calcasieu East Feliciana St. Mary ....do Plaquemines St. Charles Plaquemines East Feliciana Vermilion East Baton Rouge . . Lafom'che St. Bernard West Feliciana Beauregard Assumption Plaquemines Terrebonne Plaquemines Orleans Jefferson, Plaque- mines. St. Bernard St. John the Baptist, Loca- tion. 0-3 R.-9 S-8 S-8 R-7 J-7 J-7 K P-6 Q-5 1-4 1-2 1-2 J-4 C-4 J-3 C-3 E-6 1-2 R-8 P-8 D-6 0-6 K-2 K-5 S-9 1-2 S-9 P-7 S-10 A-4 L-3 E-1 F-2 B-3 C-2 1-5 K-7 1-7 R-8 E-2 1-3 H-5 M-2 J-5 M-4 S-10 K-8 i-e 0-9 E-1 P-7 C-5 L-2 K-7 K-7 R-8 0-5 S-9 L-3 D-2 L-3 0-7 S-6 K-2 D-3 K-6 Q-6 N-8 S-8 Q-5 p-r Q-6 N-5 Name of water\\ay. E. East Bay East Bay East Pass Ecaille Lake, Grand. . Elbow Bayou Ellis Lake Ely Bay Ely Lake Emile Bayou English Bay English Bayou English Bayou English Bayou Eugene Bayou Eugenie Lake False River False Bayou Families, Bayou des. . Fausse Pointe Lake. . Felicity Lake Felix Bayou Field Lake , Fifl Bayou Fjsh Bayou , Fishers Bayou Fishing Smack Lake Fishtrap Bayou Five Lake Flat Creek Flatboat Bayou Flat Lake Flat Lake Fontanelle Bayou. . . Fordoche Ba^-bu Fordoche Bayou Fordoche Bayou, Lit- tle. Fords Creek Foret Bayou Fort Bayou Fortier Bayou Foimtain Bayou Fourche Bayou Fourchon Bayou Fouj' League Bay Four Point Bayou... Four Point Bayou... Franklin Canal Freshwater Bayou... Fusil Bavou Fusilier Bayou Parish. Gales Creek GaUlards Lake Garden Island Bay . . . Gazeland Bayou Gaudin Bayou Gentilly Bayou Glaise, Bayou de Glaises, Bayou des . . . Goddel Bayou, Big.. . Goddel Bayou, Little. Goula Bayou Gracie Lake (Univer- sity Lake). Grand Bay Grand Bayou Grand Bayou Grand Bayou Grand Bayou Grand Bayou Grand Bayou (or Cohabanosse or Chegby). Grand Bayou Grand Bayou Plaquemines St. Mary St. Tammany Plaquemines East Baton Rouge . (Mississippi) St. Bernard do Plaquemines do St. Tammany St. Landiy Calcasieu St. Martin St. Bernard Loca- tion. Pointe Coupee . Lafoiu-che JelVerson Iberia Terrebonne . . . . Assumption Lafourche Jefferson Avoyelles Pointe Coupee. St. Bernard St. Mary Plaquemines... Vernon Plaquemines... •Assumption St. Martin Plaquemines... Pointe Coupee . St. Landry do...; Washington , Cameron , Plaquemines St. John the Baptist East Baton Rouge. Iberia Lafourche Terrebonne Terrebonne Assumption St. Mary Vermilion St. James St. Landry West Feliciana (Mississippi) Plaquemines Jefferson do Plaquemines Iberville AvoySlles Assumption do Iberville East Baton Rouge. Plaquemines . St. Bernard.. Plaquemines . do Jefferson St. Charles... ^Lafoiircbe. do Terrebonne . 62 WATERWAYS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. Name of waterway. Grand Bavou. Grand Bayou Grand Cu'off Bayou.. Grand Bayou Grand Felicity Bayou Grand Lake . ! ". . . . Grand Lake Grand Lake Grand Louis Bayou. Grand Marais Bayou Grand Pass Grand River Grant Bayou , Grassy Bayou , Grassy Lake Grays Creek , Green Island Bayou . . Gregoire Bayou.". Grosse Tete Bayou . . . Grues, Coulee de. . Gruys, Bayou de . Gueydan Canal. . . Gulf of Mexico Gumlog Bayou... Guy Bayou Assumption, Ascen- sion. Iberville Concordia St. Martin Terrebonne Iberia, St. Martin, Assiunption, St. Mary. Cameron , Plaquemines Evangeline Vermilion Plaquemines Iberville West Feliciana Terrebonne Assumption Livingston Vermilion St. Mary Iberville, Pointe Coupee. Avoyelles Lafourche Vermilion, Cameron. Pointe Coupee. Calcasieu H. Hackberry Bay Hackberry Lake Hammer Creek Hanson Canal Harris Bayou Hatch Lake Harvej's Canal No. 1.. Harveys Canal No. 2. . Harveys Cutoff Hasouse Bayou Hays Creek." Hermitage Lake Heron Bayou Heybours Bayou Hickory Branch Hog Bayou Hog Bayou Hog Bayou Hog Bayou, Big Hog Bayou, Little.. Hog Branch, East.. Hog Branch, West. . Holmes Bayou Hoosier Creek Homochitto River. . Horsepen Creek Hospital Bay Houston River Huffpower Hayou . . Hurricane Creek Hurricane Creek Hurricane Creek Huber Bayou I. Iberia-St. Mary Drainage Canal . Ilettes, Bayou des Indian Bayou Indian Bayou Indian Bayou Indian Bayou Indian Creek Indian Coule* Indian Mound Bay... Inland waterway, Calcasieu to Sabine. Jefferson St. Mary West Feliciana St. Mary Plaquemines Terrebonne Jefferson Lafourche Jefferson St. Bernard Washington Plaquemines Lafourche Cameron Calcasieu, Beaure- Cameron St, Mary do. do do Livingston, St. Helena. do St. Tammany Beauregard (Mississippi) Rapides Plaquemines Calcasieu Avoyelles East Feliciana Beaiuegard do St. Mary Iberia, St. Mary. Jefferson do St. Landry Rapides Calcasieu Beauregard Vermilion, Lafaytte. St. Bernard . Calcasieu Loca- tion. 1^5 K-4 J-1 J-5 0-9 K-6 E-6 Q-7 H-3 G-5 S-9 K-5 K-3 N-8 L-6 M-4 H-6 J-6 K-4 H-1 0-7 F-6 1^10 1-2 C-5 P-8 J-6 K-2 K-6 R-8 M-8 P-6 0-7 P-7 R-6 P-2 Q-7 N-6 F-7 C-4 E-7 J-6 K-7 K-7 K-7 N-3 N-3 Q-4 B-3 J-1 L-1 H-1 P-8 C-4 H-2 L-2 D-3 B-4 J-6 1-6 P-8 P-5 1-2 G-1 D-4 B-4 H-5 S-6 C-5 Name of waterway. Parish. Irish Bayou. Irvings Branch Isle de Cannes Ivanlioe Canal J. Jackass Bay Jackson Bayou Jacob Bayou Jacque Bayou Jaws (or Little) Bay. Jeanerette Canal Jean Louis Robin Bayou. Jean Louis Robin Lake. Jews Creek Joe Marcel Bayou ... Joe Wise Bay! Johnsons Bayou Johnsons Bayou Jones Bayou ■.. . Jones Bayou Joseph Baj'ou Joseph Branch Jump, The Junop Bay K. Karrs Creek Kelso Bayou Kennys ('oulee Keystone Canal King George Bayou.. Kings Bayou L. L' Anacoco Bayou Labauve Bayou Labranche Bayou Labranche Canal La Cache Bayou Lacassine Bayou Lacassine Lake Laeombe Bayou La Fortuna Lake Lafourche Bayou La Graisse Bayou . . . Lake Borgne Canal . . La Loutre Bayou La Mer Bay Lamoque Bayou Lamourie Bayou La Pointe Lake Laquedock Bayou.. . Large, Bayou de Larompe Bayou Larose Bayou Lassine Bayou Latania Lake Latanier Lake Latanier Lake Latenaehe Bayou. . . Laurier Bayou Lawrence Creek ; Lawson Lake Leau Bleu Leather wood Creek. . Le Bar Bayou Le Bleu Lake Le Carpe Bayou Lees Creek L'Enibarras Lenoir Bayou Leopard Bayou Orleans Tangipahoa Lafayette, Vermil ion. St. Mary Plaquemines St. Mary Iberville Plaquemines St. Mary Iberia St. Bernard do West Feliciana Evangeline Plaquemines St. Bernard Cameron East Baton Rouge. Acadia Plaquemines St. Helena Plaquemines Terrebonne East Feliciana Cameron Vermilion St. Martin Livingston Cameron Beauregard, Vernon Cameron St. Charles Jefferson Terrebonne Cameron, Jefferson Davis. Cameron St. Landry St. Bernard Lafourche, Assump- tion, Ascension. Loca- tion. Terrebonne . St. Bernard. do, Plaquemines. do, Rajiides St. Martin Pointe Coupee. Terrebonne . St. Martin, do. St. John the Baptist. Cameron , Rapides Cameron Pointe Coupee Jefferson Washington St. Bernard Lafourche (Mississippi) Jefferson.. Vernon TeiTebonne Washington , Iberia Avovelles St. Marv Q-5 0-2 H-5 J-6 T-9 J-7 K-4 S-9 J-7 J-6 R-7 R-7 L-2 G-3 R-8 S-5 A-6 L-4 G-4 S-9 N-2 S-8 L-9 L-3 C-6 H-6 1-5 N-4 D-6 C-2 D-6 0-5 P-6 N-8 E-6 E-6 Q-4 R-7 L-5 0-7 P-9 N-9 Q-6 R-6 Q-8 R-8 G-1 1-5 K-3 M-8 J-5 J-5 N-6 E-6 G-1 E-6 J-2 P-5 P-2 S-6 0-8 P-1 P-5 F-6 N-7 Q-3 J-5 H-1 K-7 WATEKWAVS IX SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. 63 Name of waterway. Levy Bayou Levy Lake Lettsworth Bayou... Liberty Bayou Liberty Bayou Lighthouse Bayou, Lower. Lighthouse Bayou, Upper. Little Bay or Jaws. . Little Bayou Little Lake Little Lake Parish. Plaquomines, St. Bernard . do Pointe Coupee St. Tammany Vernon Plaquemines Loca- tion. -do. Little River Little River Live Oak Bay Lizzard Bayou Lizzard Creek Ivoomis Pass Long Bay Long Bayou Long Bayou Long Bayou Long Bayou Long Lake Long Lake Long Point Bayou. Long Creek Lost Creek Lost Lake Lourse Bay Lourse Bayou Lourse Bayou Lourse Bayou Lucas Canal Lucy Creek Ludley Creek M. Machias Lake . . . Madagaie Coulee. Magazilla Bayou. Maillard Bayou . . Main Pass Mallard Bay Mallett. Bayou . . Mamselle Bayou Manchac Bavou . St. Mary Vernon St. Tammany Jeflerson, Plaque- mines. Orleans Calcasieu St. Bernard •. .. Plaquemines Tangipahoa Plaquemines do do Assumption do St. Mary Lafourche Iberia Acadia Calcasieu East Feliciana Terrebonne Lafourche Jefferson Assumption Terrebonne Plaquemines West Feliciana St. Helena Manchac Pass Mande.yille Bayou . . . Man|3-ove Bayou Mar, Bayou de Marehand Bay Maricoquant Bayou . Matingonin Bayou... Maron Bayou . . Marsh Bayou. .. Mascot Bayou . . Mascot Baj'ou.. Masters Bayou . Maurepas Lake. Maxeht Bayou McGees Creek McKowen Creek Meehant Lake Mercier Bayou Mermenteau River. Middle Bayou Middle Bayou Middle River Milhomme Bayou. St. Bernard Lafourche Assumption ; Avoyelles Plaquemines Cameron Acadia St. Landry East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Assump- tion. Tangipahoa, St. John the Baptist. Plaquemines, St. Bernard. Cameron Lafourche do St. Landry Pointe Coupee, Iber- ville. Evangeline Jefferson Davis Pointe Coupee. St. Mary Rapides Tangipahoa, Liv- ingston, St. John the Baptist. St. Bernard (Mississippi) East Feliciana Terrebonne St. Bernard Cameron, Jefferson Davis. Vermilion, Arcadia.. Tangipahoa Rapides St. Tammany Assumption Q-f) Q-G J-2 D-1 S-10 S-10 J-7 H-6 R-5 P-7 Q-5 C-4 T-6 S-8 N-4 T-9 Q-8 R-: L-t; K-O J-7 N-7 J-o G-4 B-4 L-2 1^8 0-7 P-8 L-7 N-8 S-8 K-2 M-2 R-7 N-6 L-6 1-2 T-8 F-6 G-4 1-4 M-i 0-4 Q-6 D-6 M-7 P-9 H-.3 J-4 G-3 D-4 J-3 J-7 F-2 0-4 U-6 P-1 L-3 M-8 Q-6 E-6 F-5 0-4 F-1 R-5 L-6 Name of waterway. Mill Creek Mill Bayou Mill Creek Mill Creek Millers Creek Milton Branch Misere Bayou Misere Lake Misery Bayou Mississippi Bayou . . . Mississippi River Mississippi Sound. . . Mitchell Creek Mongoulois Bayou.. . Moores Bayou Moreau Bayou Moreau Bayou Moreau Lake Morgans Harbor , Mosqnito Bayou Moss Lake Mud Lake, Lower Mud Lake, Upper Mud Lake Mud Lake....' Muster Ground Creek. Myrtle Bayou N. Natalbany River . Hatches Bay I'arish. Natchez Lake Natchitoches Bayou. New Basin Canal New Iberia Southern Drainage Canal. New River Nezpique, Bayou. Nine Mile Bayou Nobodys Bayou North AmericanLand & Timber Co. Canal. Northeast Pass North Pass North Pass Norwood Creek Oak Bayou, Big Octave Pass Old RiTer Old River Old River Olive Creek Olive Creek Onion Bayou Onion Bayou Onion Lake Opelousas Bay Opossum Creek Orlando Bay Otapasse Creek Otter Bayou Ourse, Bayou des Ouske Bay Owl Bayou Oyster Bayou . Oyster Bayou . W. I<''eliciana Rapides Allen Vernon Washington Livingston Cameron do St. Landry St. Jolm the Baptist. (Mississippi). .. Allen St. Martin Pointe Coupee. Jell'erson Pointe Coupee. do St. Bernard Terrebonne . . . . Calcasieu Cameron do St. Mary Cameron Washington St. Mary Loca- tion . Livingston, Tapgi- pahoa. Iberville, Assump- tion, Iberia. Iberville Avoyelles Orleans Iberia Assumption, St. James. Acadia, Jefferson Davis. St. Bernard St. Mary Cameron Plaquemines... Tangipaioa Plaquemines.,. East Feliciana. St. Mary Plaquemines -.- St. Tammany.. (Mississippi)... Pointe Coupee. St. Helena East Feliciana. St. Mary Vermilion ....do St. Martin East Feliciana. Jefferson (Mississippi).. . St. Bernard St. Martin Iberville St. Martm Tangipahoa Terrebonne . . . . Cameron Paddys Bay Plaquemines. . Padra Bayou St. Bernard . . . Pagie Lake Terrelx>nne . . . Palmetto Creek ! Beauregard . . . Palourde Lake ! Assumption... St. Mary Paquet Bayou I St. Tammany. Parcperdue Bayou — ! Iberia K-2 G-1 E-3 C-2 Q-3 M-3 E-6 E-6 1-3 N-5 S-8 S-5 F-3 J-5 J-2 P-9 1-2 J-2 S-6 L-8 C-5 D-6 E-6 J-7 C-6 Q-2 K-7 N-4 L-5 L-5 I-l P-5 1-6 M-5 r-4 S-5 K-7 D-6 T-9 0-4 T-9 L-2 K-7 T-8 R-5 J-1 J-1 M-3 L-2 J-6 H-7 H-7 J-4 L-2 P-8 P-1 S-6 J-4 J-4 O^ L-9 C-6 T-9 R-6 M-8 D-2 L-6 Q-4 1-6 64 WATERWAYS IX SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. Name of waterway. Pass a Loutre. Pass Manchac . Pat Glennons Bayou Patout Canal , Paul Bayou , Pay Bayou Pearl Creek Pearl Lake Pearl River Pecan Bayou, Little.. Pecan Lake Peigneur Lake Pelican Lake Pelto Lake Penchant Bayou Percys Creek Perot Bayou Perrys Creek Peters Creek Petit Anse Bayou Petit Bayou Petit Passe Bayou Petit Passe Petit Prairie Pierre Bay Pigeon Bayou Pigeon Bayou Pigeon Bayou, Little. Pilottown Bayou Pine Creek Piquant Bayou Plaquemine Bayou. . . Plaquemino Brule Bayou. Plat Bayou Pocasin Creek Pocason Creek Point au Chien Bayou Point au Loups Pompadour Bay Ponchatalawa Creek. . Ponchatoula River... Pontchartrain Lake... Portage Bayou Portage Bayou Portage Bayou Portage Bayou Portage Bayou Portage Guidry Bayou. Porters Bayou Possum Bayou Postillion Bayou Poydras Bayou Prairie Creek , Prentiss Bayou Pretty Creek Prien Lake Pumpkin Bayou Pushepetappa Quarantine Bay Quatre Bayou Pass... Queue de Torture Bayou. Quitman Lake Raccourci Lake Raccourci Lake Rambour Bayou Rapides Bayou Raphaels I^ass RaqUBtte Bayou Red Fish Bay Red Pass Red River Redwood Creek Ricaby Bayou Richardson Creek . Richland Creek Ridge Ocek Parish. Plaquemines Tangipahoa, St. John the Baptist. Cameron Iberia Iberville Pointe Coupee Vernon Avoyelles St. Tammany, Wash- ington. Cameron do Iberia Terrebonne do do (Mississippi) Jellerson Washington do Iberia St. Charles Evangeline St. Bernard St. Landry Lafourche St. Martin, Iberville . Iberia do Plaquemines (Mississippi) St. Charles Iberville Acadia Lafourche Tangipahoa Vernon Terrebonne, La- fourche. Acadia Plaquemines St. Tammany Tangipahoa Terrebonne St. Landry Iberia, St. Martin . St. Mary V'ermilion St. Martin Loca- tion. St. Tammany St. Mary Iberia Pointe Coupee, West Baton Rouge. Vernon Pointe Coupee East Feliciana Calcasieu Cameron Washington Plaquemines do Acadia, Vermilion, Lafaj'ette. Terrebonne Pointe Coupee Lafourche Jcllerson Rapides Plaquemines do do do East Feliciana. St. Martin Washington East Feliciana. Beauregard T-9 0-4 A-6 J-6 M-4 J-3 C-1 H-1 R-5 E-6 E-6 1-6 M-9 N-9 L-7 K-1 P-7 Q-3 Q-2 1-6 0-6 H-3 S-5 1-3 0-9 K-o K-6 K-5 S-10 K-1 0-6 K-4 F-5 0-7 0-4 C-2 0-8 F-4 R-8 P-4 N-4 P-5 N-8 1-4 J-5 J-7 1-6 1-4 R-4 K-7 K-5 K-3 C-1 J-3 L-2 .0-5 E-6 Q-2 R-8 Q-8 F-7 N-8 J-2 0-9 P-8 F-1 T-9 Q-7 T-9 S-9 J-1 L-3 S-5 Q-2 L-2 B-2 Name of waterway. Rigeaud Bayou... Righthand Creek. Rigolets Rigolets, Little... Rigolettes Bayou. Robert Bayou Roberts Bayou . . . Robertson Bayou. Robinson Bayou. . Robinson Canal. . Rogers Bayou Hollover Bayou.. Ronquille Bay Roseaux Bayou. . Roimd Bay Round Bay Round Bay Roimd Lake Round Lake Roimd Lake Rouge Bayou Rouge Bayou Rouville Bavou . Sabine Lake. Sabine Pass Sabine River St. Catherine Lake St. Denis Bayou St. Elaine Bay St. Honore Bay St. Jean de Jean Bayou. St. Jean Charles Bayou St. John Bayou St. Malo Bayou Sale Bayou Sale Bay Bayou Saline Bayou Saline Lake Sally Lake Salt Lake Salvador Lake Plaquemines Beauregard St. Tammany, Or- leans. Orleans Jefferson Rapides Vermilion Pointe Coupee Plaquemines Terrebonne Jefferson Davis Vermilion Plaquemines Avoyelles Plaquemines Jefferson Terrel)onne St. Martin Vermilion Lafourche Avoyelles St. "Landry, Avoy- elles. St. Tammany Ivoca- tion. (Louisiana and Texas.) do do Orleans Jefferson Terrebonne Jefferson Rapides Sandy Bayou Sandy Bayou Sandy Bayou Sandy Bayou Sandy Creek Sandy Creek Sandy Creek Saquette Bayou Sarah Bayou Sarah Bayou, I^ittle. Sauvage Bayou Schooner Bayou Scofield Bay Scott Creek Sebastopol Coulee . . . Second Bayou Seggc Bayou Segnett e Bayou Scgur Bayou Serpent Bayou Seventeenth Street Canal. Shaffer Bayou Shark Bayou Shell Island Bay Shell Island Pass Silver Creek Simms Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Lake Skip Jack Bay. Skull Creek.... Terrebonne Orleans St. Bernard St. Mary ....do Rapides do Terreboime St. Tammany Lafayette, Jefferson St. Charles. East Feliciana St. Helena West Feliciana do East Feliciana Vernon do St. Landry West Feliciana do- Orleans Vermilion Plaquemines West Feliciana Lafayette, Vermilion Plaquemines Assumption Jefferson Assumption Calcasieu, Jefferson Davis. Jefferson St. Mary Iberia Plaquemines St. Mary Washington Tangipahoa Allen St. Mary, Assump- tion. Plaquemines Tangipahoa WATERWAYS IN SOUTHERN LOUISIANA. 65 Name of waterway. Snow Creek Solomons Pass South lV\ss, Missis- sijipi Kiver. Southeast Pass, Mis- sissi])pi Kiver. Southwest I'ass, Mis- sissipju River. Southwest Pass (Ver- milion Bay). Southwestern Louisi- ana Canal. Sorrel Bayou Sorrel Bayou Sott, Bayou de Spanish Lake Spanish Lake Spanish Pass Spoonbill Bay Spring Creek Spring Creek Spring Branch Squirrel Creek Stinking Bayou Stumpy Bayou Sugar C^reek Sweet Bay Lake Sweet Lake Sword Bayou Parish. T. Tallsheek Creek , Tambour, Bay , Tangipahoa River Taylors Creek Taylors B ranch Tchetuncte River (Chefuncte). Tchoupitoulas, Bayou Teche, Bayou Do Tenmile Creek Tenmile Creek Tensas Bayou Terre, Bayou TerresiuBoeufs, Bayou Terrebonne Bay Terrebonne Bayou. . Terrys Creek. ." Tete Bavou Tete Bois, Bayou Theriot Lake Thibodaux Canal Thomas Bayou Thompsons Bayou. . . Thorgeson Canal... Three Bayou Three Mile Bayou. Tickfaw River Tiger Pass Tigre Bayou... Tigre Bayou . . Tigre Lagoon. . Tigre Bayou... Timbalier Bay. Topishaw Creek Toreau Bayou Tortue Bayou Tortue, Bayou c|\ieue de. Towhead Bayou Traverse Bayou Trepagnier Bayou Trout Creek Tunica Bayou Tiu-key Bayou Tangipahoa.. Plaquemmes. do .do. .do. Vermilion. Jefferson- Lafayette . Iberville Assumption Rapides Iberville St. Martin, Iberia.. Plaqueniines Jefferson Tangipahoa Rapides West Feliciana Tangipahoa do West Baton Rouge Beauregard Terrebonne, St. Mary Cameron Terrebonne., St. Tammany. Jefferson Tangipahoa . . . Washington... Tangipahoa . . . St. Tammany, Jefferson ^ St. Mary, Ibena St. Martin, St.Landr v Allen ". Vernon St. Martin Plaquemines Plaquemines, Sr. Bernard. Terrebonne do Tangipahoa Iberia Calcasieu Teirebonne ....do Point Coupee East Feliciana, West Feliciana. St. Mary Cameron St. Bernard Livingston, St. Helena. Plaquemines Terrebonne Iberia ....d« St. James Terrebonne, La- fourche. (Mississippi) Vernon Lafayette, St. Martin Verrnilion, Acadia.. St. Mary St. Charles ....do Beauregard. . .. West Feliciana. St. Bernard Loca- tion. 0-3 S-9 T-9 S-10 H-7 0-9 K-5 K-6 G-1 M-4 1-5 S-9 P-7 0-2 F-2 K-2 0-3 0-4 K-3 E-2 L-7 0-6 L-7 Q-3 P-8 0-4 Q-3 0-2 P-4 P-5 K-7 J-6 E-2 C-2 .T-.'J P-6 R-7 N-9 N-7 0-2 J-6 D-5 M-8 M-8 K-3 K-3 J-7 A-6 S-5 N-4 S-9 M-7 1-6 1-6 N-6 0-9 0-1 B-1 1-5 F-5 K-7 0-5 0-5 B-2 J-2 S-5 Name of waterway. Turkey Creek Turkey Creek Turners Bayou Turtle Bayou Turtle Lake Twelvemile Creek. . . Twentv-seven Pass.. Vacherie Bayou . . Vacherie Bayou. . Valentine Bayou. Vaughn Creek Vermilion Bay. . . Vermilion River . Verret Bayou Verret Canal Verret Lake Villars, Bayou Villere, Lake Vincent (or Bayou Bonfouca). Vinton Canal W. Walkers Canal Wallace, Bay Wallace Lake Walnut Creek \\' ards Creek Warners Creek Washley Creek Waste House Bayou.. Water Creek Wauksha Creek Wax Bayou AVax Lake Wax Pass V/ebbs Bayou Weeks Bayou Weeks Bay Weeks Canal West Bay West, Baj'ou de West Fork West Pearl River Whale Bay Whiskey Chitto Creek "White Branch White Bayou W^hite Lake White Lake, Little . . . White Vine Bayou. . . Wickliffe Branch Wickoff Bayou Wild Cow Creek Wilkinson Bay Wilkinson Canal Williams Creek Williams Pass Willow Lake Wilson Bayou "V^'indham Creek Wright Creek Y. Yankee Canal Yellow Bayou Yellow Bayou Yellow River Yokely Bayou.... Youngs Coulee Yscloskey Bayou. Zourie Bayou Vernon Parish. Evangeline... St. Helena. . . St. Landry... Orleans. .".... Cameron St. Helena... Plaquemines. i.ooa- tion. I..afourche Plaquemines Rapides West Feliciana Vermilion, Iberia... Vermilion, Lafay- ette, St. Martin." Jefferson, St. Charles Jefferson Assumption Jefferson do St. Tammany Calcasieu. St. Charles Terreboime .....do East Feliciana East Baton Rouge. Washington Tangipahoa St. Tammany Tansipahoa St. Landry St. Mary .'. ....do. do East Feliciana Iberia do do Plaquemines Terrebonne Calcasieu St. Tammany Plaquemines" Allen East Feliciana East Baton Rouge Vermilion ....do Pomt Coupee West Feliciana Acadia Beauregard Plaquemines do. West Feliciana . Plaquemines... Cameron Rapides Beauregard . . . . Washington Lafourche . . . Avoyelles. .. St. Mary.... Tangipahoa . St. Mary.... Vermilion... St. Bernard. G-2 M-2 1-2 Q-5 F-6 N-2 T-9 0-7 R-8 F-1 K-2 H-7 1-4 0-6 P-6 L-6 P-7 P-7 Q-4 B-5 0-5 M-7 M-7 L-2 M-4 Q-3 0-4 R-4 0-3 1-3 K-7 K-7 K-7 M-3 1-6 1-6 1-6 S-9 L-9 D-4 R-5 T-9 E-3 L-3 L-3 G-9 H-7 J-2 K-2 G-4 C-3 Q-8 Q-7 K-2 S-9 D-6 G-1 B-4 Q-3 0-S 1-2 J-7 N-8 J-6 H-6 R-6 C-1 66 ISLANDS, ISLANDS. Name. Avery Island (La.^ Avoea Island (La.) B. Barrel Key (La.) Battledore Island (La.) . . . Bavou C'ouba Island (La.) Beile Isle (La.) Bird Island (La.) Black Prince Island (La.). Breton Island (La.) Brash Island (La.) C. CaiUou Island (I^a.) Calumet Island (La.) Casse Tete Island (La.) . . . Cat Island (Mi.ss.) Chandeleur Island (La.). . Cote Blanche Island (La.). Cow Island (la.) Cypress Island (La.) D. Deer Island (7 n . ) Deer Island (Miss.) Drews Island (La.) K. Errol Island (!.a.) Eugene Island ( La .) F. Freemason Island { La.) . . . G. Grand Chenier (La.) Grand Island (La.) Grand Isle (I^a.) Grand Terre Island (La.). Grassy Island (La.) H. Honey Island (La.) Hog Island (La.) Location. 1-6 L-V T-6 S-8 P-6 K-7 S-8 0-6 T-8 T-5, 0-9 0-9 0-9 0-9 T-5 T-6 J-7 J-7 K-6 K-8 T^ L-7 T-7 K-8 T-6 E-7 S-5 P-9 Q-8 S-5 R-4 S-8 Name. I. Isle Au Pitre (La.) Isle de Cote (Ln.) Isle Derniere (La.) J. Jefferson Island (La.) Jones Island (La.) M. Marsh Island (La.) Martins Island (I^a.) N. North Islands (La.) O. Old Harbor Islands (La.) P. Pecan Island (La.) Petit Pass (La.) Profit Island (La.) R. \ Rabbit Island (La.) S. Sabine Island (La.) Sable Islands (La.) St. John Island (La.) Sallys Island (La.) Sam Holmes Island (La.) Shell Island (La.) Shell Island (La.) Ship Island (Miss.) Stindown Island (La.) T. Timbalier Island (La.) W. Wine Island (La.) Weeks Island (La.) Location. T-5 H-1 M-9 1-6 0-4 1-7 P-6 T-6 G-7 S-5 K-3 J-7 G-5 R-8 C-6. 1-7 T-5 B-8 K-8 T-5 T-5 0-9 N-9 1-6 PARISHES PARISHES. 67 Parish. A. Acadia Allen Ascension Assumption Avoyelles , B. Beauregard C. Calcasieu Cameron Concordia E. East B a t on Rouge. East Feliciana . . . Evangeline I. Iberia Iberville J. Jefferson Jefferson Davis... L. Lafayette Lafourche La Salle * Livingston Crowley Oberlin , . . . DonaldsonviUe. . Napoleonville.. . Marksville De Ridder. Lake Charles Cameron Vidalia Baton Rouge Clinton Villa Platte. New Iberia.. Plaquemlne. Gretna . . . Jeimings . Lafayette . . Thibodaux. Jena Springville. Popu- lation. 23, 887 24,128 34,102 62, 767 4,288 14, 278 34,580 20, 055 31,202 30, 954 18,247 28, 733 33,111 9,402 10, 627 Lo- ca- tion. G-4 E-4 M-5 L-6 H-1 D-5 C-6 L-2 G-3 1-6 K-4 P-6 F-5 H-5 M-6 Parish. O. Orleans P. • Plaquemine Pointe Coupee . R. Rapides S. St. Bernard St. Charles St. Helena St. James St. John the Baptist.' St. Landrv St. Martin St. Mary St. Tammanv Parish seat. New Orleans. Pointe a la Hache. New Roads Alexandria. St. Bernard. Hahnville. . . Greensburg. Convent . . . . Edgard Opelousas St. Martinville. Franklin Co\ington Tangipahoa . Terrebonne. Amite... Houm.a. V. Vermilion. Vernon . . . Abbeville. Leesville.. W. Washington W es t B at n Rouge. West Feliciana.. Frankllnton. Port Allen . . , St. Franeisyille. P?P»- I ca." 339,000 12,524 25, 289 5,277 11,207 9.200 23. 000 14,400 66.700 23,000 39,400 18,917 29, 200 28,300 26,400 17, 400 18,900 12,650 13,500 P-6 0-7 G-1 Q-6 0-6 N-2 M-5 N-5 H-3 1-5 S-6 P-4 0-3 N-7 H-6 C-1 P-2 K-4 K-2 68 RAILEOADS. RAILROADS. Name. Baton Rouge, Hammond & Eastern (Y. & M. V.) F. Frisco: New Orleans, Texas & Mexico. New Iberia & Northern . Louisiana Southern Location. G.. Gulf & Sabine River . . I. Iberia & Vermilion (Southern Pacific)... Illinois Central Jasper & Eastern (Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe) K.- Kansas City Southern Kentwood & Eastern Kentwood, Greensburg & Southwestern. Lake Charles'* Northern (L.' & p!) '. Leesville, East & West Louisiana Rwy. & Navigation Co. Louisiana Southern (Frisco) Louisiana & Western (Southern Pacific). Louisiana & Pacific Louisville & Nashville M. Morgan's La. & Texas (Southern Pacific) N. New Iberia & Northern (Frisco). New Orleans Great Northern: Main line Folsom Branch Bogue Chitto Branch , !P-4 K-3 F-2 D-3 1-5 Q-6 C-1 H-6 0-4 E-2 C-3 0-2 N-2 E-4 0-4 D-1 0-5 L-4 G-1 Q-6 E-5 D-4 Q-5 0-6 1-4 K-7 1-5 Q-4 P-4 P-2 Name. New Orleans, Natalbany & Natchez New Orleans Southern & Grand Isle New Orleans, Texas & Mexico (Frisco).. New Orleans & Northeastern O. Opelousas, Gulf & Northeastern R. Red River & Gulf Location. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. . Southern Pacific: M. L. & T., Iberia & Vermilion, Louisiana & Western Baton Rouge & Lafayette Branch... Cade it Port Barre Branch Franklin & Cypremont Branch. . Lake Charles & Lake Arthur Branch. Lafayette & Alexandria Branch New Iberia, Eunice & Mamon Branch Raceland" & Lockport Branch Schriever & Napoleonville Branch. Schreiver & Houma Branch Texas & Pacific: Mainline Evinice Branch Lafourche Branch Marksville Branch Napoleonville Branch. . Port Allen Branch Indian Village Branch . W. Woodworth & Louisiana Central . Y. Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Bato Rouge, Hammond & Eastern Branch Woodville Branch. N-3 Q-7 K-3 F-3 D-3 Q-5 H-4 F-2 E-4 0-6 J-6 B-5 J-4 1-4 J-6 E-5 H-4 1-6 H-6 G-3 N-7 M-6 M-7 P-6 K-4 G-1 G-3 M-6 H-1 L-5 K-3 K-4 F-1 P-6 1-4 L-2 L-4 P-4 K-2 o 3477-250 1 _.Jl. #%<^ ^■>-\V^:^. °. ■^v-^'^ 'A gill lt=^ Qi § * * \D " o , >» .A, >>* /" .y7i ' O V % o ,0. •7-, /\ i^.' .^^^iZ/^-' ,•4^^ •.: %.^^ -•«»• "^..^ O. - o „ o '^-..^^* .•■?#M.\.« ■J o ^.c^.. .,' '^O ■"^^^ ,V- .^'" ^^ .<^^ 'P '-P. 9-^^ " o . o'^ ^' o .^<^ .0^' \'' y.- V,. ,0^ o .^' 'X' '^^ -i- A^ ,^ O^ <<' ■^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS