.67/143 Coip J (^ Conservation Resources Lig-Free* Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered J. Z- GREAT BRITAIN— ALASKAN BOUNDARY. EXCHANGE OF NOTES. ACCEPTANCE OF THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS TO COMPLETE THE AWARD UNDER THE CONVENTION OF JANUARY 24, 1903, RESPECTING THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN ALASKA AND THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN POSSESSIONS. Agreement Effected by Exchange of Notes, Mavch 25, 1905. No. 187 Department of State Washington March ^5, 1905 ExcELLENCY,^ — Referring to your note of October 1st, and Mr. Hay's repi}" of December 2d, 1901-, in regard to the report by Messrs. O. H. Tittraann and W. F, King, the Commissioners appointed to carry out the delimitation of the Alaska l)oundary so far as it was left undefined by the Award of the London Tribunal, and concerning the character of our agreement between the United States and Great Britain for the formal acceptance of the recommendatioiis of the Commissioners by an exchange of notes, I have the honor to state, by direction of the President, that the Government of the United States agrees with the Government of His Britannic Majesty that the part of the boundary between Alaska and Canada lying between the points P and T men- tioned in the award of the Tribunal of 1903, shall be defined, in accord- ance with the general principles laid down by said Tribunal, by the summits whose geographical coordinates are given with sufficient approximation for identification in the attached Table, provided that the Commissioners are herebj^ empowered, after they have secured sufficient data, to select additional and intermediate peaks between the points 7 and 8 and 8 and T where the distances between the peaks given in the Table exceed the probable limit of intervisibility. Pro- vided also that no such additional and intermediate peak shall be more than 2,500 meters from the straight line joining peaks 7 and 8 or 8 and T of the attached Table, as follows: TABLE SHOWING THE POSITIONS AND DISTANCES OF PEAKS. The latitudes and longitudes are taken from, and refer to, the Maps numbers 10 and 12 of the surveys made by the British Commission under the Convention of 1892. The successive peaks are designated by consecutive numbers, counting southward from Point P. Points. Latitude. Sheet 12 1 1 58 36 29 5H 31 01 3 iV8 -24 40 4 58 22 36 ;> 58 16 10 (i 58 13 21 7 ^^S 09 07 Sheet 10 8 57 29 47 Longitu ae. 1 i From. " 1 // 133 41 55 P 1 133 33 14 1 2 13:1 2t; 09 o 3 133 27 09 3 4 i:« 21 08 4 6 133 16 4S 5 6 133 11 10 6 7 7 8 8 T l;i2 32 52 Approxi- mate Dis- V tances \ Meiers 1.5,840 12,h00 13, f)80 4,000 13, 200 f., 960 9,700 81,440 36, 800 Your aclcnowled^ment of this coniniunication, with a .siiiiihir .state- inont oil behalf t)f the (lOverniiKMit of Ili.s j\hijc!>ty will coniplcte the a*;'ived Plxchanyo of Notes and will conliiin and j^ive validity to the ai^Tceinont roaclied by the Coinniissioiiers, thus completing the award of the London Tribunal under the Convention of January 24, 11>(J3 as to the above-de.scril)ed part of the Alaska boundary. Expressinij- the President'.s .satisfaction at this settlement of the nuitter, 1 lune the honor to ))e. Your Excellency's obedient servant Alvey a. a dee A ding Secretary of State. His Excel lencv The Kio-ht Honl)le. Sir 11. M. DuuAND, G. C. M. (i.. Iv. e'. >. I.. K. C". I. PI etc etc etc. No. 51 ». Bkitlsh Embassy, . ]V((s/ilti(/ton, March ^iotlt. 190o. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of 3'our note No. 187 of this date, in regard to the report by Messrs. W. F. King and O. H. Tittmann. the Commissioners appointed to carry out the delimita tion of the Alaska Houndarv so far as it was left underined by the Award of the London Tribunal, and conc(M-ning the character of an agreement l)etween Great Britain and the United States for the formal acceptance of the recommendations of the Commi.ssioners by an exchange of notes. By direction and on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majestv, 1 have the honour to state that the Government of His Majestv agrees with the Government of the United States that the part of the boundary between Canada and Alaska lying between the points P and T mentioned in the award of the Tribunal of lUOH, shall be defined, in accordance with the general ])rinciples laid down by said Tril)unal. ))y the summits whose geogra])hical coordinates are given with sutticient approximation for identitication in the attached Tal)le, provided that the Commissioners are hereb3' empowered, after they have secured sufficient data, to select additional and intermediate peaks between the points 7 and IS and S and T where the distances between the peaks given in the Tal)le exceed the probable limit of intiMvisibilily. Pro- vided also that no such additional and intermediate ])eak shall be more than 'I^;)^){) meters from the straight line joining ])eaks 7 and 8 oi' 8 and T of the attached Table, as follows: D. Of D. WAY 15 1916 J 3 >V TABLE SHOWING THE POSITIONS AND DISTANCES OF PEAKS. The latitudes and longitudes are taken from, and refer to, the Maps nunjbers 10 and 12 of the survej'-s made by the British Commission n; under the Convention of 1892. The successive peaks are designated by consecutive numbers, counting southward from Point P. Points. Latitude. Longitude. From. To. Approxi- mate Dis- tances Sheet 12. 1 1 ■ It 58 36 29 58 31 01 58 24 40 58 22 35 58 16 10 58 13 24 58 09 07 o / // 133 41 55 133 33 14 133 26 09 133 27 09 133 21 08 133 16 48 133 11 10 P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T J/efers. 15, 840 2 12,800 13, 680 3 4 4,000 5 13, 200 6 6,960 7 9,700 Sheet 10 81 440 8 57 29 47 132 32 52 36, 800 I am instructed to express the gratification of my Government that, by this Exchange of Notes, confirmation and validity are given to the agreement reached by the Commissioners, thus completing the award of the London Tribunal, under the Convention of Januar}^ 24, 1903, as to the above-described part of the Alaska Boundary. I have the honour to be, With the highest consideration, Sir, Your most obedient, humble Servant, H M DURAND The Honorable John Hat, Secretary of State^ etc. , etc. , etc. 017 297 620 7 Coip J A 017 297 620 7 ^