TX iNE Hundred Meatless Dishes ALICE G. SCHIRMER Class L Book ^S. GopyrightN^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSrr BY COURTESY CF THE H. K TURNER CO. A Non-Carnivorous Mother and Child From the painting by Edwin Dou^'as One Hundred MEATLESS DISHES ALICE G. SCHIRMER Needham, Massachusetts The Chronicle Press 1914 K^l ^ ^ Copyright By ALICE G. SCHIRMER 1914 SEP -5 1914 ©CI.A380259 PREFACE This small book is not intended in any way to be a general cook-book. It is pub- lished with the hope of assisting those w^ho have adopted, or who are working toward adopting, a meatless diet. The recipes are, with a few exceptions, not original, but have been taken from several different cook-books, magazines, and newspaper articles; tested and in many cases slightly changed. Most of the recipes have all, and many, more than a meat value. Those which can be properly substituted for meat are as fol- lows: — some of the soups, all of the nut re- cipes, the lentil recipes, the bean recipes, many of the vegetable recipes, and all the egg recipes. So surely no one can make the usual remark — "How^ can you find enough variety without meat ? ' * The only difficulty one finds is, in choosing from the long list offered by nuts, grains, legumes, cheese and eggs. The following is a very short outline of the different kinds, or classes of foods — and this at least, should be understood by every woman, before she can plan intelligently the day's menu. Foods are divided into five classes : — pro- teids, carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, mineral 6 PREFACE salts, and water. The chief function of pro- teids is to build and repair tissues, and they alone can accomplish this. Proteids differ from the other classes of foods in that they contain nitrogen, without which life cannot be sustained. The principal articles of food from which the non-flesh eater can obtain proteids are eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, cereals, peas, beans and lentils. Carbohydrates, or starches and sugars, furnish heat and energy. Starches can be found in cereals, potatoes, sago, tapioca, rice and macaroni, and sugars in foods such as cane sugar, maple sugar, honey, beets, sweet potatoes. The hydrocarbons, or fats and oils, also furnish heat and energy, and also fat. Anyone who contemplates giving up meat should study and understand these classes of foods and know in what articles of food pro- teids can be found. Thus, in any meal where one would ordinarily have meat or fish, there should be a dish in which either eggs, cheese, nuts, peas, beans or lentils is found. To illustrate, if a meal should be prepared the main course of which were to consist of potatoes, beets, and squash there would be no proteid, or proper meat substi- tute, and anyone would be justified in com- plaining of a "gone feeling," or of a "craving for meat" an hour or so afterwards. Apart from the humanitarian standpoint, and apart from the hygienic standpoint, PREFACE 7 which cannot be reasonably contested, it is well known that meatless dishes with the same, and often higher food value than meat do not contain the injurious waste products found in all meats. The economic aspect is one which must also be taken into consideration in these days of high prices, and there can be no question but that a properly chosen meatless diet, while having an equal nutritive value, is de- cidedly less expensive. One common objection to eliminating meat from the diet is that it lowers the amount of protein in the food. Formerly an ordinary person was supposed to require 120 grams of protein in order to maintain good health and to sustain ordinary activity. Recent in- vestigation however, has proved that the amount of protein taken into the body can be reduced to 40 grams with no injurious results and now eminent authorities universally agree that among civilized peoples the pro- tein intake has been too excessive. An objection to using nuts in the diet is often heard, viz : — that certain people can never eat nuts, finding they often disagree with them. It is safe to say that these people have eaten them raw and either dur- ing or after a hearty meal. Now, as can readily be seen by anyone who cares to study into food values, nuts are sufficiently nutritious to take the place of meat; there- fore when they are eaten with meat and 8 PREFACE probably not thoroughly masticated, it is not strange that they cause discomfort and indi- gestion. The following is quoted from "Starving America," by Alfred McCann: "For every pound of beef consumed by man, ten pounds of corn are necessary to produce that pound of beef. A pound of beef will support one man for a given length of time, but the quantity of corn necessary to make the pound of beef would support more than ten men for the same length of time. ""When w^e eat the flesh of the animal we eat the end-products of the animal's life pro- cesses, urea, uric acid, etc., when we eat the grains and legumes, the nitrogen supply is just as great, even greater, and without the urea. ' ' NOTE — The reavder might infer that this book was written in the interests of certain manufactured pro- ducts which are used in several recipes. This is not so, for they enter into so many recipes only for the reason that the writer considers them a very desirable adjunct to meatless dishes. " Thcn^ craving leave ^ /le* spake 0/ life^ zvhich all can take hut none can give,^ Lifc^ which all creatures love and strive to keep, Wonderful, dear, and pleasant ttnto each, Even to the meanest ; yea, a I)oon to all Where pity is, for pity makes the zuorld Soft to the zveak ana noble for the strong. Unto the dumb lips of his flock he lent Sad pleading zv or ds, shozving hozv man, zvho prays For mercy to the gods, is merciless. ^ ^ 7^ ^ While still our Lord* zvent on, teaching how fair This earth were if all living things be linked In friendliness and common use of foods. Bloodless and pure; the golden grain, bright fruits, Szucet herbs zvhich grozv for all, the zvaters zuan. Sufficient drinks and meats. * * * * And through the land, next day passed a decree- * * * * Buddha. ' Thus the Kings will is:— There hath been slaughter for the sacrifiee And slaying for the meat, hut heneeforth none Shall spill the blood of life nor taste of flesh, 1 T-f ' Seeing that knowledge grows, and l[fe is one, ■ 'jr 1^ ^^ And mercy cometh to the mercifut. —From the Lio-ht of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold. 10 SOUPS Any one of the four following soups is sufficiently nutritious to serve as a main course. Corn cake goes well ^vith them. DRIED GREEN PEA SOUP 1 cup dried green peas 2 tbsp. butter J cup chopped celery salt and pepper to taste W^ash and soak peas over night. Cook slowly, well covered with water, until ten- der, adding more water if necessary. Add celery during last hour. Add butter and seasoning just before serving. Soup should be thick when done. It may be strained, if desired, but is very good with the w^hole peas in it. LENTIL SOUP 1 cup lentils i hav leaf 3 stalks celery s tsp. mace 1 onion i cup cream 1 cup milk 2 tbsp butter 6 cups water 2 tbsp flour 4 sprigs parsley 1 tsp Vegex 11 12 SOUPS Wash and soak lentils over night. Drain and Dut in saucepan with the water, bring to boiling point and skim well ; then add pars- ley, mace, bay leaf, diced celery, chopped onion, and simmer till lentils are thoroughly cooked. Melt butter in saucepan, add flour and stir till smooth, add milk and Vegex and cook till smooth and thick. Press lentils through sieve and add to milk, season with salt and pepper, add cream just before serving. SPLIT PEA SOUP 1 cup dried split peas 1 tsp. salt 2 J qts. cold water J tsn. pepper J onion 3 tbsp. butter 1 pint milk 2 tbsp. flour 2 level tsp. Vegex Wash and soak peas over night. Drain, add cold water and onion. Cook slowly un- til soft. Add butter and flour cooked to- gether and diluted with a little soup, salt and pepper. BLACK BEAN SOUP 1 pint black beans i tsp. mustard 2 qts. cold water J tsp. paprika 1 small onion 3 tbsp. butter 2 stalks celery, or l| tbsp. flour i tsp. celery salt 2 hard-boiled eggs i tbsp. salt 1 lemon W^ash and soak beans over night. Drain, and add cold water, onion and celery stalks, SOUPS 13 broken in pieces. Cook slowly till soft, add- ing water as necessary. Rub thro sieve, add salt, paprika and mustard mixed. Bind with butter and flour cooked together. Cut eggs and lemon in thin slices, put in tureen and pour soup over them. PEA AND TOMATO SOUP i can peas 1 slice onion 2 cups tomatoes 1 bay leaf 2 cups hot water 10 peppercorns Salt 3 tbsp. butter Pepper 3 tbsp. flour i tsp. soda Cook together peas, tomatoes, and water. Add onion, bay leaf and peppercorns, cook 20 minutes. Rub thro sieve, and bind with butter and flour cooked together. Add salt, pepper and soda. VEGETABLE SOUP 1 carrot 2 tbsp. peanut oil 1 turnip 1 onion 3 or 4 stalks celery 1 tsp. salt 4 tbsp. rice 1 saltsp. pepper 1 cup canned or 2 quarts water cooked peas 2 tsp. Vegex Scrape carrot, peel turnip and cut both into dice. Cut celery into small pieces. Put oil in soup kettle ; when hot, add carrot, turnip, onion sliced, and celery. Shake until brown. Add w^ater and Vegex and cook slowly 30 14 SOUPS minutes. Add peas, rice, salt and pepper. Cook 15 minutes and serve. VEGEX CONSOMME Make consomme in proportion of J tsp. Vegex to 1 cup boiling water. This may be varied by cooking a bay leaf in the soup, by serving barley, peas, or rice ifi the soup, and by putting a tbsp. of whipped cream on the soup. Also by adding water in which veg- etables have been cooked. CORN SOUP WITH WHIPPED CREAM 1 can corn (or 6 ears) 1 cup milk 1 qt. water 1 slice onion 3 tbsp. flour 1 cup whipped cream 2 tbsp. butter ij tsp. salt and 1 tsp. Vegex i tsp. pepper Cook corn, onion and water together 30 minutes. Melt butter, add flour, stir till well blended, add milk gradually, Vegex and sea- sonings. Rub thro sieve, and before serving beat in a cup of whipped cream. '*y4 carnivorotis animal is not an ideal animal^ and never can he. The life of a carnivorous animal is a perpetual on- slaught. Every meal is a murder . Eating is not the harmless activity it is to one zvho sits down to fruit and grains. The carnivore must kill somebody, or have somebody else do it for him, in order to eat. It cannot be otherzvise. And an animal whose life is one unbroken succes- sion of such necessities, zuhose stomach is the grave of hundreds and thousands and even tens of thousands of his fellow -beings , may be meritorious in other respects — may preach the Golden Rule, decry zvar, give money to missionaries, and rail at the rich, but so long as he continues to fill hiinself every few hours zvith the blood and vitals of others he is not only not an ideal animal, but has in reality no just claims on life.''^ — The New Ethics by J. Howard Moore. 15 NUT DISHES NUT ROAST 1 cup nuts 1 tsp. salt (walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts) pepper 1 cup rice (boiled) 1 tbsp. butter 1 cup bread crumbs 1 tsp. Vegex i tsp. sage 1 slice onion J tsp. thyme 1 cup boiling water Put nuts and bread crumbs thro vegetable grinder, mix, and add rice, sage, thyme, salt and pepper. Cook onion with water, butter and Vegex until soft, remove onion and add liquid to other ingredients. Mold and roast in oven. After 10 minutes baste with butter, Vegex, and water. Serve with brown gravy. NUT LOAF 1 quart nut meats 1 pint water (walnuts, pine nuts, pea- 1 tbsp. salt nuts and almonds) 2 saltsps. pepper 1 quart bread crumbs Put nuts and bread crumbs thro vegetable grinder, mix, add seasoning and water, pack 16 NUTDISHES 17 into buttered 1 lb. baking powder tins and steam 3 hours. These can be kept some time. When ready to use, cut in slices, and broil or cook in oven. Serve with brown gravy or tomato sauce. SUBSTITUTE TURKEY 1 pint mixed nuts 2 raw eggs 1 pint bread crumbs 1 tbsp. grated onion 1 pint boiled rice 1 tbsp. salt 3 hard boiled eggs 2 tbsp. butter Water 2 tsp. Vegex Mix nuts, bread crumbs, rice, then hard- boiled eggs, chopped. W^hen well mixed, add raw eggs, slightly beaten, onion and salt. Melt butter and Vegex and add with enough hot water to make turkey of right consist- ency. A layer of stuffing can be put in the turkey if desired. Mold and put in large buttered pan and roast 1 hour. After first 15 minutes baste w^ith butter, Vegex and water. Make brown gravy in pan. Serve with cranberry sauce. PECAN CAKES 1 cup pecan meats 1 egg 1 cup cooked farina, or J tsp. salt cream of wheat 1 tsp. sage, pepper Put nuts thro chopper, add cereal, season- ing, and egg, beaten. Add enough milk or water to make of right consistency. Make 18 NUTDISHES into round cakes, place in pan and bake 20 minutes in quick oven. Serve on hot plate with white or tomato sauce. PINE NUT CAKES 1 cup pine nuts 1 tsp. sage 1 cup bread crumbs 1 saltsp. celery seed 1 egg or celery salt milk 1 saltsp. salt Put nuts thro grinder, mix with bread crumbs, seasoning, and egg, beaten. Add enough milk to make consistency as soft as can be molded. Make into round cakes and bake or fry. Serve with brown sauce. NUT HASH Chop left-over nut roast, and mix with equal quantity of cold chopped potatoes. Melt 2 tbsp. butter in saucepan, add 1 tsp. Vegex and add hash. When well browned on bottom, turn out on hot plate. SUBSTITUTE FISH 1 cup pecan meats J cup bread crumbs i cup black walnuts 2 hard boiled eggs 2 cups cold boiled 1 tbsp. chopped parsley hominy 1 egg 1 tbsp. grated onion salt and pepper Put nuts thro grinder, add hominy, bread crumbs, hard boiled eggs, chopped parsley. NUTDISHES 19 onion, seasoning and beaten egg. Mold de- sired shape and roast in oven J hour. Dec- orate with lemon slices and serve with Hol- landaise Sauce. PECAN NUT LOAF 1 cup hot boiled rice 1 egg 1 cup pecan nut meats 1 cup milk (chopped) i tsp. salt 1 cup cracker crumbs i tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. melted butter Mix rice, nut meats, and cracker crumbs, add egg well beaten, milk, salt and pepper. Turn into small buttered pan, and pour but- ter over it and bake in moderate oven. Turn on hot platter and serve with white or brown sauce. NUT CROQUETTES. I. 1 cup walnuts 1 tsp. onion juice 2 cups mashed pota- 1 tbsp. chopped pars- toes ley yolks of two eggs 1 saltsp. pepper 1 tsp. salt i nutmeg grated Chop nuts, add potato, yolks of eggs, and seasonings. Form into croquettes. Roll in egg and bread crumbs, fry in deep Crisco. Serve with brown mushroom sauce and peas. NUT CROQUETTES. II. 5 tbsp. fine bread crumbs 1 cup milk 5 tbsp. ground nuts 1 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. chopped onion salt and pepper 20 NUTDISHES Boil milk, butter and crumbs until mixture no longer sticks to saucepan. Cool, add sea- sonings and onion. Roll in egg and crumbs. Fry in deep fat (Crisco). Serve with tomato sauce. SWEET POTATO AND NUT CROQUETTES 6 large sweet potatoes 1 egg 1 tsp. salt i cup blanched and 2 tbsp. butter chopped almonds 1 tsp. Vegex a little hot cream Bake the potatoes, and when tender scoop out pulp and force it thro a ricer. Put 2 cups riced potatoes in a bowl, add Vegex, salt, nuts, butter, and egg well beaten and enough hot cream to make of right consistency to form into croquettes. Roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat. Drain and serve with white sauce. VEGETARIAN LOAF 1 cup walnuts chopped 2 tsp. salt 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 small chopped on- 1 cup cooked sieved ion lentils 1 tsp. sage 1 cup whole wheat 1 tbsp. chopped pars- flour ley 2 eggs 2 tbsp. butter 1 good tsp. Vegex Mix first four ingredients. Add salt, onion, sage and parsley, then eggs, beaten. Mix butter and dissolve Vegex in it. Add to mixture. Put in buttered pan, steam 1 hour. NUTDISHES 21 Let cool and form in desired shape in but- tered roasting pan. Bake till well browned. Serve with brown gravy made in pan. NUT AND CHEESE ROAST 1 cup grated cheese 1 tbsp. butter 1 cup chopped English juice of i lemon walnuts salt and pepper 1 cup bread crumbs i cup water 2 tbsp. chopped onion Cook onion in butter and water until ten- der. Add other ingredients. Pour into a shallow baking dish and brown in oven. CHESTNUT PUREE Remove shells from chestnuts, cook until soft in boiling salted water; drain, mash, moisten with hot milk, season with salt and pepper and beat until light. Add 1 tbsp. butter if desired. NUT SOUFFLE— TOMATO SAUCE 1 tbsp. butter few grains pepper J tbsp. flour few drops onion juice 1 cup milk 1 cup cold nut roast i cup soft stale bread chopped crumbs yolks 2 eggs h tsp. salt whites 2 eggs i tsp. celery salt tomato sauce Melt butter, add flour, stir till well blended, pour on milk gradually, while stirring con- stantly. Bring to boiling point, add bread crumbs and seasoning. Remove from stove and add nut roast, yolks and whites of eggs. 22 NUTDISHES BARLEY ROAST 2 cups cold boiled 1 onion barley 1 cup ground nuts J cup flour 1 cup cracker crumbs 2 tbsp. butter salt and pepper hot water 1 tsp. Vegex Mix barley, flour and butter melted with enough hot w^ater to form a paste. Cook onion in butter with Vegex. Add to first mixture with nuts and cracker crumbs, and seasonings. Form into a loaf and bake J hour, basting with butter, hot water and Vegex. This may also be formed into sau- sage cakes and fried. MUSHROOM LOAF 1 slice onion J cup tomatoes 2 tbsp. butter i cup ground nuts i cup dried mushrooms 1 cup dried bread salt and pepper crumbs Cook onion in butter with mushrooms which have been soaked in cold water. Cut mushrooms in small pieces. Add tomatoes, nuts, bread crumbs and seasonings. Mix thoroly and add enough water to form into a loaf. Bake till brown, basting with butter, hot water and Vegex. " Docs it not shame you to mingle blood a7id murder zuith nature'' s beneficent friiitsf Other carnivora yo7i call savage and fie- rocious, — lions, tigers, and serpents, while yourselves co7ne behind them in no species of barbarity. And yet fior them murder is the only means ofi sustenance, zvhereas to you it is a sjtpcrfiiious luxury and crime.''' — Plutarch. 23 LEGUMES LENTIL ROAST 1 cup cooked lentils 1 tbsp. butter 1 cup boiled rice 1 tbsp. Vegex 1 cup bread crumbs 2 slices onion pepper and salt Put lentils thro grinder or thro sieve, if preferred, add rice and crumbs. Cook butter, onion, and Vegex together and add with enough water or milk to make right consis- tency. Put in buttered dish and bake in moderate oven. Serve with brown mushroom sauce, (p. 30.) This may be made into croquettes. CURRIED LENTILS AND RICE Soak lentils over night, cook till tender. Drain (saving stock for soup). Place in dish and pour over them a curry sauce, (p. 31.) Serve with border of boiled rice. LENTIL STEW Soak 1 cup lentils over night. Cook until tender. During last hour of cooking add J cup each of carrots and potatoes cut in dice, also 1 onion. Thicken with 1 tbsp. butter 24 LEGUMES 25 and 1 tbsp. flour rubbed together, add 1 tsp. Vegex. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with or without dumplings. SAVORY LENTILS AND RICE 1 cup lentils 1 tbsp. minced celery 2 cups boiled rice (or i tsp. celery 1 tbsp. minced onion salt) 1 cup stewed tomatoes sprinkle of sage Prepare lentils as above, and cook till ten- der. Cook onion and celery in 1 tbsp. but- ter, then add drained lentils, salt to taste, add rice, tomatoes and sage. Let it boil up well, and serve with a sprinkling of parsley on top. LENTIL AND RICE PATTIES Ij cups boiled rice i cup cream 1 cup lentil puree salt and sage to taste 1 egg Mix all ingredients and form into small cakes. Lay in greased pan, brush over with milk and bake on top grate of a hot oven until a light brown. Serve with tomato or cream sauce, (p. 31.) LENTIL PIE 2 cups boiled lentils 2 hard boiled eggs 1 cup brown sauce 1 tbsp. butter salt and pepper 1 slice onion Put butter in sauce pan, and fry onion in it. Remove onion, add lentils and brown sauce, and eggs cut in small pieces. Pour 26 LEGUMES into buttered baking-dish, sprinkle with pep- per and salt, cover with biscuit crust, and bake in oven until brown. BISCUIT CRUST Mix and sift 3 cups bread or whole wheat flour, or ij cups each of white and whole wheat flour, 2 tbsp. baking powder, and ih tsp. salt. 'Work in 3 tbsp. each butter and Crisco, using the tips of the fingers; then add li cups milk. EGYPTIAN LENTILS Egyptian lentils resemble split peas in ap- pearance, but are smaller and much redder in color. They are hard to procure at pres- ent, but deserve to be more widely known and used, as their food value is high. Their flavor is more delicate than that of the Ger- man lentils. Cook 1 cup lentils slowly in boiling water to cover. As a rule 45 minutes is enough time to allow for cooking. Season with salt, pepper, and butter. Stir well before serving. LENTIL CUTLETS 1 cup lentils 1 can tomatoes 1 egg 10 English walnuts 1 onion 1 cup bread crumbs 1 level tsp. Vegex J tsp. salt Soak lentils over night. Boil until tender and strain. What is strained should be smooth and thick. Add egg well beaten, LEGUMES 27 onion minced fine, the thick part of can of tomatoes, walnuts cut into small pieces, salt, and enough bread crumbs to make a stiff mixture. Shape into cutlets, roll in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Garnish with parsley and serve with tomato sauce made from liquid part of the can of tomatoes. LIMA BEAN ROAST Soak tv/o cups Lima beans over night. Cook until tender. Force thro coarse sieve or grinder. Form a layer 1 inch thick and round or oval in shape in roasting pan. On that put thick layer of chicken stuffing. Place remainder of strained beans on top. Roast in oven. After 10 minutes baste with but- ter, Vegex, and water. Serve with brown gravy made in pan, or brown mushroom sauce. Tart jelly or cran- berry sauce make a good accompaniment. MOCK SAUSAGES Soak 1 cup Lima beans over night. Drain and cook until tender. Force thro sieve. There should be ij cups of pulp. Add § cup fine bread crumbs, 3 tbsp. heavy cream or butter, few grains pepper, J tbsp. salt, 1 tsp. sage, 1 egg beaten slightly. Shape in sau- sage form, roll in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Serve inside circle of fried apple rings. This recipe should make thirteen sausages. 28 LEGUMES CURRY OF KIDNEY BEANS 1 pint kidney beans 1 onion 2 tbsp. butter or oil 1 pint strained toma- 2 tbsp. flour toes 1 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. curry powder Boiled Rice Wash and soak beans over night. Cook until tender. Put butter or oil in a sauce- pan, add onion chopped, cook till soft, add curry powder and flour mixed, add strained tomatoes, salt, and when boiling add beans and cook slowly 15 minutes. Serve in a border of boiled rice. Serve with fried bananas or chutney. BOSTON ROAST 2 cups cooked kidney 2 slices onion beans 2 tbsp. butter i lb. grated cheese 1 tsp. Vegex bread crumbs i cup water Cook onion in butter, water and Vegex. Remove onion, add beans strained or put thro vegetable grinder, add cheese and enough breadcrumbs to form into a roll. Roast in oven, basting with butter, Vegex, and water. '' No^ experience zvill teach you that // you do azvay zvith jiesh-cating and get in its place the other valuable foods^ the time zvill come zvheii you zvill care less and less for it; then a gain ^ the time zvill come zvhen you have no desire for it^ and finally ^ you zvill grozv positively to dislike it and its efi^ects^ and nothing could induce you to return to the fiesh pots." — Ralph Waldo Trine. 29 SAUCES WHITE SAUCE 2 tbsp. butter 1 cup milk 2 tbsp. flour i tsp. salt Few grains pepper Melt butter in saucepan, add flour and seasonings, and stir until thoroughly blended, Pour on milk gradually, stirring until thick and smooth. BROWN SAUCE Make same as above, adding Vegex, until sauce is dark brown. BROWN GRAVY After a nut roast, or any other roast is done, remove it from the pan, place pan on top of stove, add required amount of hot water, and thickening made of flour and water. Stir till smooth and thick, and add Vegex until dark brown. BROWN MUSHROOM SAUCE 2 tbsp. butter 1 cup hot water 1 slice onion J tbsp. lemon juice 2 tbsp. flour J cup dried mushrooms salt and pepper Vegex 30 SAUCES 31 Soak mushrooms two hours or more. Melt butter in saucepan, add onion and mushrooms, and water, and cook several minutes. Remove onion, cut mushrooms in small pieces, add flour dissolved in cold water, stirring until thick, then add lemon juice. Cook while stirring till thick and smooth. Add Vegex until dark brown. TOMATO SAUCE 2 can tomatoes 2 tbsp. butter 1 slice onion 2 tbsp. flour 1 bay leaf i tsp. salt 6 peppercorns i tsp. pepper Cook tomatoes, onions, bay leaf and pep- percorns together 15 minutes. Rub butter and flour together, add salt and pepper. Add a little tomato and mix, then put all together and cook until thick. Then strain into bowl. RELISH FOR COLD ROASTS 5 tbsp. oil 1 hard boiled egg chopped 4 tbsp. vinegar fine 1 dozen stuffed olives salt and paprika to taste Mayonnaise dressing may be used instead of oil and vinegar. CURRY SAUCE 1 cup water 2 tbsp. butter 1 cup milk 2 tbsp. flour 1 slice onion. 2 tsp. curry powder 1 tsp. Vegex 32 SAUCES Melt butter in saucepan, cook onion until brown. Remove onion, add flour and curry- powder, stir till smooth, add milk gradually. When smooth add cup of hot water and Vegex dissolved in it. Sauce should be con- sistency of rich cream. " It is well to zurite and legislate^ and pray for' better and kinder treatment of these frightened^ thirsty-inaddened^ tor- tared ereatttres on their joitrney to our tables^ bat the surest^ quickest zvay to help {and this can be done even zuhile con- tinuing to zvorkfor the alleviation of their sufferings) is to stop feeding upon them.'" —MaudR. L, Sharp. President of Millenium Guild. 33 MACARONI AND RICE DISHES MACARONI MOLD Break 1 cup macaroni in small pieces ; boil until tender, and drain. Put 1 cup bread crumbs in bowl, add 1 cup boiling water, soak 5 minutes. Add macaroni, 4 tbsp. chopped nut meats, 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, 1 saltspoon herbs, 1 chopped onion, 2 tbsp. melted butter, 2 beaten eggs, salt and pepper. Turn into buttered tin with cover, and steam for one hour. SPAGHETTI WITH TOMATO SAUCE J lb. spaghetti J can tomatoes 2 tbsp. butter J tsp. salt 2 slices onion i tsp. paprika i cup dried mushrooms grated cheese Put spaghetti in boiling salted water and boil till tender. Cook onion in butter, and add mushrooms which have been soaked 2 hours in cold water. Cook until tender, cut in small pieces. Add tomatoes and cook slowly 2j hours. Add seasonings. Put spaghetti on platter, pour sauce over it, and sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve extra cheese in small bowl. 34 MACARONI AND RICE 35 MACARONI AND MUSHROOMS i lb. macaroni 4 tbsp. butter 3 tbsp. grated cheese 1 cup brown sauce J cup dried mushrooms salt and pepper to 1 tsp. Vegex taste 1 tbsp. chopped parsley- Boil macaroni in boiling salted water 20 minutes, drain well, add 2 tbsp. butter, salt and pepper and cheese. Soak mushrooms in cold water 2 hours or more, melt remain- ing butter in saucepan, add mushrooms and saute them a few minutes, then add sauce and Vegex. Cook 10 minutes. Put macaroni in hot dish as a border, turn mushrooms into centre, sprinkle with pars- ley and serve. RICE Natural brown rice has been robbed of none of the nutritious elements, and can be obtained by any reliable grocer. BAKED RICE } cup brown rice 1 cup tomato sauce 2 tbsp. butter J cup grated cheese Add rice slowly to 2 quarts boiling water and 1 tbsp. salt. Boil till soft, drain and let stand in kettle in which it was cooked till kernels are distinct. Heat frying pan till hot, add butter and cook rice until it is slightly browned. Put 36 MACARONI AND RICE in hot serving dish, pour over it tomato sauce and sprinkle v^ith cheese. RICE, MUSHROOMS AND EGGS 4 hard boiled eggs J cup dried mushrooms 1 cup white sauce rice (brown) 2 tbsp. butter Boil rice as in previous recipe. Soak mushrooms in cold water several hours. Drain and saute them in butter a few min- utes. Cut them up fine and mix them with rice. Cut eggs in slices and add them to white sauce. Make border of rice and mush- rooms and put eggs and white sauce in the centre. RICE AND TOMATO CROQUETTES i cup brown rice 2 cloves i cup stock (Vegex and i tsp. peppercorns water) 1 egg J can tomatoes i cup grated cheese 1 slice onion 1 tbsp. butter 1 slice carrot i tsp. salt 1 sprig parsley i tsp. paprika Steam rice in stock until stock has been absorbed, then add tomatoes which have cooked 20 minutes with onion, carrot, pars- ley, cloves and peppercorns, and have been rubbed thro a sieve. Remove from fire, add egg slightly beaten, cheese, salt and paprika. Cool, form into MACARONI AND RICE 37 croquettes, dip in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. SAVORY RICE 2 tbsp. butter 3 tbsp. grated cheese 6 tbsp. boiled rice 2 hard boiled eggs 4 tbsp. cooked carrots milk Melt butter, add rice, chopped carrots, cheese, and eggs chopped. Moisten with milk and season somewhat highly. Arrange on a dish, and brown in a hot oven. MOCK FISH CAKES Take equal parts rice and potatoes (cooked rice and mashed potatoes), add a good sized piece of butter, pepper and plenty of salt, and 1 egg well beaten. Make into small flat, round cakes and fry in Crisco in spider. WILD RICE Wash wild rice in a sieve, 1 cupful. Cover well with cold water and boil steadily 20 minutes. Set on back of stove to dry. Add 1 tbsp. melted butter and 1 tsp. Vegex. Stir in carefully w^ith a fork, being careful to keep the grains whole. This is a very nourishing and palatable dish. MUSHROOMS AND WILD RICE Wash and peel 1 lb. of fresh mushrooms, cook them in 2 tbsp. butter. Add J tsp. salt, 1 saltspoon pepper. Dissolve 1 tbsp. 38 MACARONI AND RICE flour in a little cream, fill the cup 'with cream, and add to mushrooms. Stir, cover, and let cook 10 minutes slowly. W^ash J cup wild rice, cover with cold water, add a little salt, and cook 20 minutes. Set on back of stove to dry. Do not stir and every kernel will be distinct. Just before serving, add 1 tsp. Vegex. Make a border of rice on a hot dish, and heap mushrooms in center. " Some say if a^iimals arc not used for food they will overrun the earth. In India the Hindus do not kill cozus^ but they are not overrun with them. The Hindus did not have any slaughter houses U7itil the British Government established them. In the states that are still governed by the Hindu Rajahs^ the zvild animals and birds are protected by strict lazvs. But these states are not overrun by zoild animals, nor are the inhabitants driven out by them.'' — From ^'' Every Living Creature,''^ ^y Ralfh Waldo Trine. 39 VEGETABLES BAKED BEANS In baking beans, 1 tbsp. olive oil or peanut oil may be used instead of pork. The other ingredients are as usual, except that more salt is needed. BAKED PEAS Soak dried green peas over night. In morning parboil and put in bean pot. Mix mustard, salt, pepper, molasses and water as for baked beans. Put a small onion, slice of carrot and sprig of parsley in a small bag, place bag on top of peas, and bake all day. Remove bag before serving. BAKED EGG AND POTATO Mashed potato 1 cup brown sauce 2 hard boiled eggs (well seasoned) Put a layer of mashed potato in buttered baking dish, then eggs cut in medium sized pieces and mixed with brown sauce, then layer of mashed potatoes. Brush top over with melted butter and bake in oven till brown. 40 VEGETABLES 41 CORN SOUFFLE 1 can corn 1 cup milk 1 tbsp. butter li tsp. salt 2 tbsp flour 2 eggs Melt butter, add flour, and gradually milk, bring to boiling point, add corn, seasonings, yolks of eggs, beaten until thick, and whites of eggs beaten stiff" and dry. Turn into a buttered dish, and bake in moderate oven 25 or 30 minutes. CORN AND TOMATO STEW 1 can tomatoes 1 onion 1 can corn 4 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup chopped celery 3 tbsp. flour 3 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. salt 1 saltspoon black pepper Put tomatoes, corn, celery and onion in saucepan and simmer J hour. Rub butter and flour together, add a little of hot chow- der, stir and add this to ingredients in sauce- pan. Stir till smooth and boiling. Add salt and pepper. Slice eggs and put them in hot dish, pour in stew^ and serve with hot, crisp croutons. This should be served as main course : good with corn cake. BAKED SAVORY KORNLET 4 tbsp. butter ij cups milk i cup flour 1 can Kornlet Ij tsp. salt 1 egg I tsp. mustard 3 tsp. 'Worcestershire i tsp. paprika Sauce 1 cup bread cubes 42 VEGETABLES Melt butter, add flour mixed with salt, mustard and paprika. Stir till well blended, then pour milk on gradually while stirring. Bring to boiling point and add Kornlet, egg slightly beaten and Worcestershire Sauce, Spread J inch slices of stale bread with but- ter and cut in cubes. Pour mixture in bak- ing dish, cover with cubes and bake. KORNLET SOUFFLE J can Korniet 1 tbsp. milk 2 eggs beaten sepa- i tsp. grated onion rately salt and pepper 1 tbsp. butter (large) Beat egg yolks, add Kornlet and milk, melted butter, onion and seasonings, beaten whites of eggs last. Turn into buttered bak- ing dish and bake in moderate oven. Serve at once. CREAMED MUSHROOMS IN CASES 1 lb. mushrooms a little pepper 5 tsp. butter ij tbsp. flour J tsp. salt i cup thin cream Wash mushrooms and cut stems and caps in slices. Melt butter, add mushrooms and cook till tender. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and pour over cream. Cook 5 minutes while stirring. Serve in patty cases. VEGETABLES 43 MUSHROOMS AND EGGS 1 lb. mushrooms f cup cream 4 hard-boiled eggs yolks of 2 eggs 5 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. sherry wine 1 tbsp. flour salt, paprika and nutmeg Melt butter, add mushrooms prepared as above. Cook 8 minutes, add flour and cook 2 minutes longer. Season with salt, pap- rika and nutmeg, then cream. Add eggs chopped, and let stand till hot. Add egg- yolks slightly beaten and Sherry last. This is good for the chafing dish. CHEESE POTATOES To 2 cups hot mashed potatoes, add J cup grated cheese, 1 tbsp. grated onion, yolks of 2 eggs well beaten, salt and paprika to taste. Beat until creamy. Carefully fold in the beaten whites of 2 eggs, not too thoroughly. Turn into buttered baking dish and brown in oven. POTATO, EGG AND RICE CROQUETTES 6 small potatoes 3 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup boiled rice salt and paprika J cup butter J tbsp. parsley enough milk to handle Boil and mash potatoes, add rice, butter, hard boiled eggs cut coarse, seasonings and milk to handle. Form into croquettes, roll in egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. 44 VEGETABLES FRIED POLENTA WITH TOMATO SAUCE Make thick corn meal mush, turn into but- tered tin and cool. Cut m slices, fry and serve with grated cheese and tomato sauce. CABBAGE PIE 1 small cabbage 2 tbsp. butter 4 hard boiled eggs 2 tbsp. flour salt and pepper to taste 1 cup milk 2 tsp. Vegex biscuit crust Boil cabbage in boiling salted water till tender, drain and cut into small pieces. Dice eggs, mix with cabbage, then add brown sauce made of butter, flour and milk and Ve- gex, then seasonings. Cover with biscuit crust made as follows : — Mix and sift Ij cups bread flour, or whole wheat flour, 1 tbsp. baking powder, and i tsp. salt. W^ork in 3 tbsp. Crisco, using tips of fin- gers, then add § cup milk (scant). Bake pie in quick oven. ASPARAGUS SHORTCAKE Make a simple shortcake, split and spread with butter. Make a white sauce of 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. flour. 1 cup milk, and J tsp. salt. Open can of asparagus, mix asparagus with cream sauce, and bring to boiling point. Spread on shortcake and serve on a hot dish. VEGETABLE HASH Melt 2 tbsp. butter in saucepan. Add a VEGETABLES 45 rounded teaspoon Vegex and a little hot water. Add 1 onion, chopped, and cook till tender. Then add equal parts of cabbage, potato and carrot, and half the amount of beet. Cook slowly until brown on the under side. Fold as you would an omelet, and serve on a hot dish. CURRY OF VEGETABLES WITH RICE Make curry sauce (p. 31). Add equal parts of small Lima beans, peas, and button mushrooms. Serve this on boiled rice, which has been cooked so that each grain is distinct. Serve Indian Chutney with this. BAKED EGG-PLANT IN SHELL Cut egg-plant in halves. Scoop out inside and cook 10 minutes in boiling water. Cook two tbsp. finely chopped onion in 2 tbsp. oil, and cook 5 minutes. Add 3 tbsp. uncooked rice and cook 5 minutes ; then add egg-plant which has been chopped, 1 cup tomato sauce, 4 tsp. salt, and i tsp. nutmeg. Bake 45 minutes in a buttered dish. Then add yolks of 2 eggs, slightly beaten, stuff egg-plant shells with mixture, cover with buttered crumbs and bake until crumbs are brown. PEA TIMBALES Drain and rinse 1 can peas, and rub through a sieve. To one cup pea pulp, add 2 beaten eggs, 2 tbsp. melted butter, § tsp. salt, few grains pepper and paprika, and a 46 VEGETABLES few drops of onion juice. Turn into buttered molds, set in pan of hot water and bake until firm. Serve with tomato sauce, MEXICAN RAREBIT J cup butter 2 eggs 1 lb. cheese i cup Kornlet 1 green pepper § cup tomatoes i tsp. salt Melt butter, cut pepper up fine, first re- moving seeds. Cook pepper in butter until soft, add cheese, stir until melted, then add tomatoes and Kornlet. Add beaten eggs last. Heat to boiling point, season with salt and paprika. CREAMED ASPARAGUS IN BREAD BOATS Cut crusts from a loaf of bread, and cut inside of loaf into slices about two inches thick. Scoop a piece out of each slice, and brush slices all over with melted butter, and brown in the oven. Heat asparagus tips in white sauce, and serve in bread boats. VEGETABLE PIE I i cup dried mushrooms ^ cup peas 2 hard-boiled eggs \ cup boiled rice ^ cup string beans 1 cup brown sauce or Limas biscuit crust Soak mushrooms in cold water several hours, then cook in 2 tbsp. butter and water to cover. Remove mushrooms, cut in small VEGETABLES 47 pieces, and add eggs cut up. Add beans, peas, and rice. Brown sauce can be made with butter and water in which mushrooms cooked. Put ingredients in deep buttered dish. Pour brown sauce over them ; put biscuit crust on top and bake till crust is brown. VEGETABLE PIE II 2 hard-boiled eggs nut roast or nut cro- I cup string beans quettes \ cup potatoes 1 cup brown sauce dash of nutmeg biscuit crust Cut the eggs, beans, potatoes, and nut roast in pieces. Add brown sauce and nut- meg. Put all in deep buttered dish, cover with biscuit crust, and bake till brown. STUFFED PEPPERS 6 green peppers I onion 1 cup bread crumbs brow^n sauce 2 tbsp. tomato Cook onion in butter, remove, and make brown sauce. Mix bread crumbs, to- mato, and enough brown sauce to moisten. Remove seeds from peppers, cutting off the small end. Parboil peppers in boiling water 15 minutes, then stuff them with mix- ture, set them in pan and brown in oven. Serve on toast, and pour brown gravy or tomato sauce around them. " // IS impossible for one zvJio has become aware of the sickening details of animal and fozul transportation and killings to eat meat of any kind without an accusing con- science^ zvhich speaks in a still, small voice, asking if this means of sustenance is necessary for the maiuteuance of life and strength " — Ella Wheeler Wilcox. 48 EGGS CURRIED EGGS AND RICE 6 hard-boiled eggs 1 cup boiled rice 3 tbsp. butter 1 onion 1 apple 2 tbsp. flour 1 tsp. curry powder 2 tsp. Vegex 2 cups boiling water i cup dried mushrooms Cook chopped onion and apple and mush- rooms (which have soaked several hours) in butter and water. Then add flour, curry powder and Vegex. Cook and stir until thick, then strain, and return to saucepan. Add eggs cut in slices, and serve on or with border of rice. Serve with Chutney. EGG CUTLETS 2 tbsp. butter 5 tbsp. flour 1 cup scalded milk 1 tsp. salt J tsp. paprika i tsp. finely grated onion 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley few gratings of nutmeg 8 hard-boiled eggs Rub butter and flour together. Pour on gradually milk, and bring to boiling point. Cook 5 minutes in double boiler. Cut eggs in coarse pieces, and add with remaining in- gredients to sauce. Cool and form into cut- 49 50 EGGS lets. Dip in flour, egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Serve with tomato sauce. STUFFED EGGS Cut 4 hard-boiled eggs in halves crosswise, remove yolks, mash, and add 1 tsp. vine- gar, i tsp. mustard, salt, and cayenne to taste. Add enough melted butter to make of right consistency. Refill whites with mixture, cover with 1 cup White Sauce and reheat. NUT OMELET 4 eggs i tsp. salt 4 tbsp. milk J tsp. pepper i cup ground nuts 2 tbsp. butter Beat eggs slightly, enough to blend yolks and whites, add milk, nuts and seasonings. Melt butter in hot omelet pan, turn in mix- ture. As it cooks underneath, prick with fork, to let uncooked part run underneath. Brown underneath, fold, and turn on hot platter. PLANKED EGGS Moisten left-over nut roast with brown gravy, or sauce with which it was served, and spread on plank. Take 2 cupfuls of hot riced potatoes, add 2 tbsp. butter, J tsp. salt, and yolks of 3 eggs beaten. Force potato through a pastry bag, and make a border and nests. Poach eggs and put them in nests. Brown in a quick oven and garnish with hot asparagus tips and pimentos. EGGS 51 BAKED CREAMED EGG AND POTATO 4 hard-boiled eggs 1 bay leaf ij cups milk 5 cup stewed tomatoes 2 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. Vegex 2 tbsp. flour 3 common crackers Pinch of soda Scald milk (with bay leaf in it) add butter and flour, which have been rubbed together. Remove bay leaf, add tomatoes w^hich have been stew^ed down to about half of original quantity and soda. Do not stram them. Add Vegex, and stir until it has dissolved. Add chopped hard-boiled eggs, and turn into buttered baking dish. Melt 2 tbsp. butter, add crackers, which have been ground or rolled into crumbs. Spread buttered cracker- crumbs over top of mixture, and brown in oven. CHEESE FONDUE 1 cup scalded milk 1 tbsp. butter 1 cup soft stale bread J tsp. salt crumbs yolks 3 eggs i lb. mild cheese, cut whites 3 eggs in small pieces Mix first five ingredients, add yolks of eggs beaten until lemon-colored. Cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff". Pour in buttered baking dish, and bake until firm in moderate oven. Serve at once. 52 EGGS CHEESE SOUFFLE 1 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. grated cheese 1 tbsp. flour i tsp. salt J cup milk scalded 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites Rub butter and flour together. Add milk gradually, cook till smooth and thick, add cheese. Take from fire and add beaten yolks of eggs, then fold in whites beaten stiff". Turn into buttered baking-dish, and brown in a hot oven. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH TOMATOES 6 eggs 1 slice onion li cups tomatoes J tsp. salt (thick part of can) i tsp. pepper 4 tbsp. butter Cook onion in butter, remove onion and simmer tomatoes in butter 5 min. Add sea- sonings and eggs slightly beaten. Cook same as scrambled eggs. Serve on toast or toasted crackers. This is good in a chafing-dish. HOT CHEESE CUTLETS li cups scalded milk J tsp. salt i cup flour J cup cold milk i cup cornstarch 3 tbsp. butter i tsp. paprika 2 egg yolks i tsp. mustard 2 tbsp. chopped mush- rooms 1 cup cheese EGGS 53 Scald milk in double boiler. Stir flour, corn-starch, paprika, mustard and salt in cold milk, then cook in hot milk, stirring till mixture thickens, 15 minutes. Beat butter to a cream. Beat in egg yolks, mushrooms chopped fine, and cheese cut in small cubes. Combine two mixtures and turn into but- tered pan to make a sheet about J inch thick. When cold stamp into cutlet shapes with a tin cutter. Roll in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Serve with green salad. BAKED EGGS AND NUT ROAST Put a layer of left-over nut roast into indi- vidual buttered baking dishes, then break an egg into each dish. Sprinkle with salt and paprika, and bake in oven till eggs are set. ( i Biit is not Jiesh-cating nattiralf I Jicar it askcd^ ''Docs not man in his frimi- tivc^ savagr state make use of ji&sJi natu- ral/ v f Do not zvild animals devour one another?' Tes^ hut we are not savagrs, nor are zve purely animals^ and it is time for us to have oiitgrozvn this attendant-of savage life- cast o m . — Ralph Waldo Trine. 54 A FEW SANDWICHES VEGETARIAN CLUB SANDWICHES Trim crusts from slices of bread, and toast bread. On one slice put a crisp lettuce leaf, on top of that slices of tomato to fit the bread. On top of the tomato put small thin slices of nut roast, and Mayonnaise dressing over all. Press the other slice of toast on, and serve on hot dish. VEGETABLE SANDWICHES Cut the top from rolls which have been baked in gem tins, and are still hot. Re- move soft part of rolls, leaving only the shell. Brush inside with butter. Mix finely diced cold boiled potatoes, peas, and finely cut pickled beets. Moisten with Mayonnaise dressing, and fill rolls with the mixture. Replace tops and serve. CHEESE STRAWS 3 cups grated cheese i cup butter 1 cup flour Mix together, add cold water to roll very thin. Cut in narrow strips 4 inches long and bake a light brown, in buttered shallo\v pan. 55 56 SANDWICHES PIMENTO SANDWICHES Drain and wipe a canned pimento dry, and mince it. Moisten it with Mayonnaise dres- sing, and put between slices of buttered bread. PIMENTO BUTTER SANDWICHES Cream i cup of butter and mix with two pimentos w^hich have been forced through a strainer. Add i tsp. salt. Spread mixture between thin slices of bread. CHEESE AND CHERRY SANDWICHES Mash a cream cheese and mix with Mara- schino cherries which have been finely chopped. Spread between thin buttered slices of bread. STRAWBERRY SANDWICHES Cut strawberries in thin slices, and put them between slices of buttered bread. HINDU SANDWICHES Hard boil eggs, mash the yolks and finely chop the whites. Moisten yolks with finely chopped Chutney until rich consistency to spread. Spread on thin slices of buttered bread, sprinkle with chopped whites, cover with thin slices of bread, trim crusts and cut crosswise. SPANISH SANDWICHES Mash a club cheese, (small sized jar), add four hard-boiled eggs which have been SANDWICHES 57 mashed with a fork. Add chopped stuffed olives, (small bottle), moisten with May- onnaise dressing, and season w^ith paprika. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread, from which crusts have been removed. " Yo2i have jitst dined; and hozvever scriipuloitsly the slaiighter-hoiise is con- cealed in a graceful distance of miles ^ there is complicity .""^ — Ralph Waldo Emerson. 58 SALADS SUBSTITUTE SALMON SALAD Grate two moderate sized carrots, and mix thoroughly ^vith Mayonnaise dressing. Serve on a bed of lettuce cut in fine strips. CARROT AND EGG SALAD Add a hard-boiled egg cut in small pieces to grated carrot. Moisten with Mayonnaise dressing, and serve on a bed of finely cut lettuce. POTATO AND STUFFED EGG SALAD Cut cold boiled potatoes in small cubes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add oil, 1 tbsp. to each cup of potatoes. Mix thor- oughly. Add i the amount of vinegar, also a few drops of onion juice or finely cut chives. Arrange in a mould and garnish with hard-boiled eggs stuffed as follows: — Cut eggs in halves, crosswise. Remove yolks and mash with a fork. Mix with May- onnaise dressing, adding a pinch of mustard if desired. VEGETABLE SALAD Mix one cup of cold cooked potato cubes and carrot cubes, one cup cold cooked peas, 59 60 SALADS one cup cold string beans, and J cup cold cooked beets, cut in small pieces. Arrange on lettuce leaves, and serve with Mayon- naise dressing. CHEESE AND NUT SALAD Mash a Neufchatel cheese and moisten with milk or cream. Shape in small balls, and press two halves of a walnut into each ball, one half on each side, to resemble creamed walnuts. Serve on lettuce leaves, and pour over them French dressing. MILLENNIUM SALAD Cut three cold boiled potatoes into small cubes. Add three hard-boiled eggs cut in small pieces. To these add J cup walnuts and 12 olives, all cut up fine. Serve with or without lettuce and with Mayonnaise dressing. POTATO, EGG AND PIMENTO SALAD Cut three cold boiled potatoes in small cubes. Add two hard-boiled eggs cut in pieces. Add two tablespoons finely chopped pimentos. Serve on lettuce with Mayon- naise dressing. ASPARAGUS SALAD Arrange asparagus tips on a mound of lettuce leaves, or on shredded lettuce. Gar- nish with strips of pimento, and serve with Mayonnaise dressing. Stuffed eggs may be used as a garnish around the asparagus. SALADS 61 MIXED SALAD I Cut two tomatoes in moderate sized pieces, add 2 hard-boiled eggs cut in pieces, and 1 cup asparagus tips, or fresh asparagus cut in pieces. Serve on a bed of lettuce with French dressing. MIXED SALAD II Prepare eggs and tomatoes as in preceding recipe, and add one cup cold cooked peas. Serve on bed of lettuce with French dressing. TOMATO SALAD Arrange slices of tomato on crisp lettuce leaves. Serve with Mayonnaise dressing mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs. STUFFED TOMATO SALAD Remove the skins from good-sized toma- toes. Cut out the insides, and refill with a mixture of pineapple, apple and celery ^ well moistened with Mayonnaise dressing. Serve on crisp leaves of lettuce. CHERRY AND NUT SALAD Remove stones from canned cherries, and put small piece of pecan nut in their places. Or nuts can be sprinkled over cherries, if preferred. Serve on lettuce leaves with Mayonnaise dressing. 62 SALADS FRUIT SALAD Mix oranges, bananas, and white grapes. Serve on lettuce leaves, with Mayonnaise dressing, to which has been added whipped cream. LIMA BEAN SALAD 1 qt. Lima beans i cup oil 1 onion (scraped) i cup vinegar 1 tsp. salt h tsp. paprika 1 tsp. parsley Mix onion, salt and parsley with Lima beans. Make a dressing out of oil, vinegar, and paprika, and pour over beans. Serve on lettuce leaves. BUTTERFLY SALAD On each plate put a large, crisp leaf of lettuce. On each leaf put a large slice of canned pineapple, from which two V-shaped pieces have been cut on opposite sides of the slice. On the part of the slice between the cut-out pieces put cream cheese, which has been moulded to imitate the butterfly's body. On the cheese put alternate strips of pimento and chives, to represent stripes. Eyes can be made of small bits of chocolate, or small pieces of dried currants, and pieces of chives can be used for antennae. Put two small curved pieces of pimento on each wing, to represent spots. Serve with Mayonnaise dressing. ''And 11021' to my iudividual reader tins last appeal. WJio creates this demand that brings to the shambles every year to die at man'' s hand the more than a hun- dred niillions of cattle^ sheep and swine that are annually sacrificed for food f Every nian^ zvomau and child zvho eats the meat their carcasses supply. After the last zuord is said about the callous drover, the ranchman and the railroad, the butcher whose hands must drip zuith blood, the packer who grows rich out of his traffic, we come face to face with our- selves. But for us there would be no de- mand and no supply.'*^ — Dr. Francis Ii. Rozvley. President Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 63 A FEW DESSERTS MOCK MINCE-MEAT I i tsp. i tsp. cinnamon i tsp. clove J tsp. allspice J nutmeg, grated i cup brandy 8 cups chopped apples juice 1 lemon J box grape nuts juice 1 orange J cup vinegar h tsp. mace J cup molasses 1 cup sugar i cup citron, finely chopped 1 cup raisins 1 cup Sultana raisins Mix ingredients in order given, except brandy. Let simmer 3 hours or more, add brandy and shavings from lemon and orange. MOCK MINCE-MEAT II 3 pints chopped apples 1 tsp. clove 3 pints chopped green | tsp. allspice tomatoes | tsp. mace 4 cups brown sugar | tsp. pepper Ij cups vinegar 2 tsp. salt 3 cups raisins | cup butter 3 tsp. cinnamon Mix apples and tomatoes and drain. Add remaining ingredients, except butter, simmer 3 hours, then add butter. Turn into glass jars. 64 DESSERTS 65 MOCK MINCE-MEAT III 3 large apples 4 cups brown sugar 3 lemons, juice and 1 tbsp. candied lemon rinds peel 1 cup currants 1 tbsp. candied orange 2 cups raisins peel 1 cup butter or cocoa- 1 tbsp. citron nut butter 2 tbsp. orange mar- a little salt malade J cup good brandy Bake the apples and press them through a sieve to remove skins and cores; add grated rinds and juice of lemons ; wash, pick over, and bruise in a mortar the currants, add to first mixture; add raisins cut in small pieces. Mix these well, chop into them the butter, add salt, sugar, and lemon or orange peel, citron, and marmalade, all cut in small pieces, and brandy last. Put in sealed glass jars, cover with waxed paper, before closing jars, and keep for two weeks before using. ROSE FRUIT PLUM-PUDDING 2 eggs i cup citron J cup butter J cup raisins J cup molasses i tsp. cinnamon i cup sugar i tsp. allspice i cup cold water 2 cups flour i cup figs Cream butter, add sugar gradually and eggs w^ell beaten, then molasses. Mix, and sift dry ingredients, leaving a little flour to mix with raisins. Soda should be dissolved in a little water. Add liquids and flour alter- 66 DESSERTS nately. Cut up figs and citron and add. Turn into buttered molds and steam 3 hours. Brandy, i cup, may be added to pudding, if desired. " Back of the Loaf is the snozvy Flour ^ And back of the Flour is the Mill^ And hack of the mill is the field and the shozuer, And the Sun and the Father' s will,'' 67 " I ask you to ask yourselves in all love and candor^ as von prepare for, or as you eat your Christmas feast, if hack of all the procuring which has made it possi- ble, can be found, ''the Father's Will,'' — the zvill of God, who is Mercy, Purity, Justice, Kindness, Divine Love, — and who gave the plain command in the Bible most of you claim as your guide : — ''And behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, zvhich is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in zuhieh is the fruit of a tree yielding seed. To You It Shall Be For Afeat ;" and zuho made one of the Ten Commandments He gave for Man s Moral guidance read: — " Thou Shalt Xot Kill" — Extract from a Christmas address by Maude R. L. Sharp. 68 MENUS (DINNER) 69 CHRISTMAS DINNER Vegex Consomme with Whipped Cream Browned Crackers Substitute Turkey Cranberry Sauce Mashed White Potato Baked .Sweet Potato Turnips, Boiled Creamed Asparagus Mince Pie Cheese Maple Mousse Sponge Cake Coffee Candy THANKSGIVING DINNER Vegex and Tomato Bouillon with W^hipped Cream Croutons Vegetarian Loaf Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes Roast Sweet Potatoes Squash Creamed Cauliflower Celery Ripe Olives Apple, Nut and Celery Salad Mince Pie Plum Pudding Ginger Ice Cream Crackers and Cheese Coffee 70 MENUS (DINNER) FOURTH OF JULY DINNER Tomato Soup Browned Crackers Substitute Fish Sauce Hollandaise Mashed Potatoes Green Peas Cucumber and Lettuce Salad French Dressing Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream Coffee COMPANY DINNER Vegex Consomme With Barley and Whipped Cream Croutons Radishes Ripe Olives Lima Bean Roast with Brown Gravy Delmonico Potatoes Peas Salad of Tomatoes stuffed with Eggs Mayonnaise Dressing Chocolate Ice Cream with W^hipped Cream Coffee Cake and Wafers MENUS (DINNER) 71 COMPANY DINNER Grape Fruit Cup Lentil Pie French Fried Potatoes Creamed Brussels Sprouts Jelly Butterfly Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Mayonnaise Dressing Orange Shortcake Whipped Cream Coff^ee MENUS DINNERS Vegex Consomme with Whipped Cream Egg Cutlets Tomato Sauce Mashed Potatoes Green or Canned Peas Chocolate Cream with Whipped Cream Coffee Tomato Bisque Soup Pea Roast, Brown Sauce Roasted Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower ♦ Fruit Salad Cake Coffee Pea and Tomato Soup Rice, Eggs and Mushrooms Baked Potatoes Stewed Corn Squash Pie Coffee 72 MENUS (DINNER) 73 Cream of Corn Soup Creamed Asparagus in Patty Cases Potato Croquettes Lima Beans Chocolate Rice Pudding Coffee Cream of Spinach Soup Nut Croquettes I and Cream Sauce Squash Fried Egg Plant Tomato and Cucumber Salad Brown Betty Pudding Coffee * * * * Cream of Celery Soup Pine Nut Steaks Brown Sauce Griddled Sweet Potatoes Baked Com White Corn- Starch with Peaches 74 MENUS (DINNER) Potato Soup Curry of Kidney Beans with Tomato Baked Sweet Potatoes Fried Summer Squash Lemon Pie Cream of Green Pea Soup Cabbage Pie Scalloped Potatoes Baked Stuffed Tomatoes Bread Pudding Foamy Sauce Vegex Consomme with Rice and Peas Lentil Roast Brown Mushroom Sauce Spiced Crabapple Jelly Roast Potatoes Raw Grated Carrot Salad ^Vashington Pie MENUS (DINNER) 75 Asparagus Soup Creamed Egg and Tomato Baked Substitute Fish Cakes Lima Bean Salad Toasted Crackers Cheese Coffee * * * * Cantaloupe (iced) (summer) Stewed Fresh Mushrooms Border of Wild Rice Rolls Tomato and Egg Salad Ripe Olives Frozen Strawberries and Whipped Cream Cake and Coffee Cantaloupe (iced) (summer) Rice and Tomato Croquettes New Potatoes Green Peas with Mint Peach Ice Cream W^afers and Coffee 76 MENUS (DINNER) Potato Soup Cheese Fondue New Asparagus Hollandaise Sauce Sliced Peaches Cake and \Vafers Cream of Carrot Soup Stuffed Peppers on Toast Brown Sauce Cheese Potatoes Vegetable Salad Mayonnaise Dressing Caramel Custard " / am a Vegetarian not because 1 want to be healthy and because it is better brain food^ but because I zvant to be hunian^ or if you care to express it a little differently^ because I want to be humane,''^ — Benj. Fay Mills. 77 LUNCHEON MENUS OR SUPPER Substitute Fish Cakes Lettuce Sandwiches Cocoa Scrambled Eggs Corn Cake Apple Sauce Cold Nut Roast with Relish (p. 16) Green Salad Hashed Brown Potatoes Baked Bananas Tea 78 MENUS (LUNCHEON) 79 Vegetarian Club Sandwich Griddled Sweet Potatoes Tea Corn Chowder Whole Wheat Popovers Strawberries (For a Hot Day) Green Pea Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Fresh Raspberries Iced Tea Corn Oysters Sliced Tomatoes Pimento Butter Sandwiches Peanut Butter Sandwiches German Toast with Maple Syrup 80 MENUS (LUNCHEON) Lentil Soup White Corncake Sliced Oranges Hot Boiled Wild Rice with Brown Gravy Gingerbread String Bean Salad Brown Bread and Cream Cheese Sandwiches Cocoa Mock Bisque Soup Fried Hominy with Maple Syrup Potato Chowder Rye Gems Sliced Peaches Cheese Souffle Cucumber Sandwiches Preserved Cherries Cookies NOTE — All profits derived from the sale of this book are to be devoted to the interests of Humanitarianism — the author assuming all risks. INDEX Frontispiece Preface Black Bean Corn Dried Green Pea Lentil Pea and Tomato Vegetable Vegex Consomme SOUPS NUT DISHES Barley Roast Chestnut Puree Mushroom Loaf Nut and Cheese Roast Nut Croquettes, I Nut Croquettes, II Nut Hash Nut Loaf Nut Roast Nut Souffle Pecan Nut Loaf Pecan Cakes Pine Nut Cakes 12 14 11 11 13 13 14 22 21 22 21 19 19 18 16 16 21 19 17 18 82 INDEX 83 Sweet Potato and Nut Croquettes - - 20 Substitute Fish - 18 Substitute Turkey - - 17 Vegetarian Loaf . . - 20 LEGUMES BEANS Baked - - - - 40 Lima Bean Roast . . 27 Curry of Kidney Beans - - 28 Boston Roast - . - 28 Mock Sausages - - 27 LENTILS Curried with Rice - - - 24 Cutlets ' - - - 26 Egyptian ... 26 Patties - - - - 25 Pie - - - - 25 Roast - - - - 24 Savory, with Rice - - 25 Stew - - - - 24 PEAS Baked - - - - 40 Timbales - - - - 45 MACARONI AND RICE Macaroni Mold . _ . 34 Macaroni and Mushrooms - - 35 Spaghetti - . . . 34 RICE Baked - - - - 35 Mock Fish Cakes - - - 37 Mushrooms and Eggs - - - 36 84 INDEX RICE (continued) Mushrooms and ^Vild Rice - 37 Savory - - - - 37 and Tomato Croquettes - - 36 Wild - - - - 37 VEGETABLES Asparagus Shortcake - - - 44 Asparagus Creamed, in Bread Boats - 46 Cabbage Pie - - - - 44 Cheese Potatoes - - - - 43 Corn Souffle - - - - 41 Corn and Tomato Stew - - - 41 Curry of Vegetables with Rice - - 45 Egg and Potato, Baked - - - 40 Egg-Plant, Baked in Shell - - 45 Kornlet, Baked Savory - - - 41 Kornlet Souffle ... 42 Mexican Rarebit - - - - 46 Mushrooms, Creamed in Cases, - 42 Mushrooms and Eggs - - - 43 Peppers, Stuffed ... 47 Polenta, Fried, with Tomato Sauce - - 44 Potato, Egg and Rice Croquettes - 43 Vegetable Hash - - - - 44 Vegetable Pie, I - - - 46 Vegetable Pie, II - - - - 47 EGGS AND CHEESE EGGS Baked with Nut Roast - - 53 Creamed and Baked with Tomato - 51 Curried, and Rice - - - 49 INDEX 85 EGGS (continued) Cutlets Nut Omelet Planked Scrambled, with Tomato Stuffed, Creamed CHEESE Cutlets Fondue Souffle 49 50 50 52 50 52 51 52 SAUCES Brown Brown Gravy Brown Mushroom Curry Relish Tomato White - 30 30 30 31 31 31 30 SALADS Asparagus Butterfly Carrot and Egg Cheese and Nut Cherry and Nut Fruit Lima Bean Millenium Mixed Salad, I Mixed Salad, II Potato, Egg and Pimento 60 62 59 60 61 62 62 60 61 61 60 86 INDEX Potato and Stuffed Egg - - - 59 Substitute Salmon - . . 59 Tomato - - - - 61 Stuffed Tomato - - - 61 Vegetable - - - - 59 SANDWICHES Cheese and Cherry . . . 55 Hindu - - - - - 56 Pimento . . . . 55 Pimento Butter - - - - 56 Spanish . . . . 55 Strawberry - - - - 56 Vegetable . . . . 55 Vegetarian Club - - - - 55 DESSERTS Mock Mince-Meat, I - - - 64 Mock Mince-Meat, II - - - 64 Mock Mince-Meat, III - - 65 Plum Pudding - - - - 65 MENUS Company Dinners - - - 70-71 Christmas Dinner - - - 69 Fourth of July Dinner - - 70 Thanksgiving Dinner - - - 69 Dinner . . . . 72-76 Luncheon . - . 78-80 Sr:5^°^GREss °°14 337 083 5