Class. Book -1 ^ \9 ^ /\ mM^'Q^] OULRS OHIO ' f I "^tST, SAFEST / /2 n Qj M K ? S5 IRoutes anb IRates for Summer IToure via jPicturcequc S5. ]ic('(ls iiIiphl;' her \v;iy, Like 111 a iiK'ti'dr in t\\v iiij^lit ; Or ;is ;i li.t;!itiiiiig llasli l)y day, I'll;!! cr'e we fjaze, is lost to siulil. Shr ilaslii's on, with pride dale. And always to her nn'ssioii ti'iie. Ill safety i>eai> iiei- human l'ri'it;iit. Thi- (,)iH'cii of Trains, the '■itoyal i'.hn-." lv|ni|ipc(l wiiji -Iren^lh. adorned with j;raee, I II reaches ol' I lie liif-'hest art, Like some lied hird she Hies apace. .\s tireless liirohs her iron heart ; 'i'hus scornin.i; distance, space and time, Slie hri'aks upon the startled view, And like a pnem i n sou ndini;- rhyme, I'roclaims herseirihe '■IJnyal lUue. ' The inar\(.d olllic pi'c'-cnt aue. She hath mscrihed her honoreil nann' (Ml i-ailroad liisti-y"s hrightest jiage, .\iid in the starry niche oi'fanie, So 1 hat the sons of men will learn, The present f;;enei-at ion's due, And eaeii descendant, in his turn. Will glorify the "Royal Blue." MlCI.VIN M. CoIlK.X. BARTHOI>I)l'S " LIBERTY." PAGE Abins'flon, Vn 1 AdiroiKiack Mountniiis, N. V. 1-11 Aftdii, V:i 111:.' As'ciH'it's .\i.\ Albiirfjli Springs I I,akc( 'liaiii- pliiiii), Vcrinoiit loit-liiU Ak'Xiindria Uny ('riioiisaiid Islands), N. Y 13-19 Alleghany iS]irin;i-s (Sliaws- ville). Va l-'-13 All Hound MiisU(.ka Lakes (Muskoka Lakes), Ont. .. 245 Arkville (Catskill Mountains), N. y 73 Asbiiry Park, N..I !!•-:.'•„> Asheville, N.C •^.i-^\ AtlantieCity, N..I ;.'4 :.'7 Atlantic Iligldands, \. . I. . . :«.i Aubnrn, N. Y ;.'!• Au Sable Chasm lAiJiion- daeks), N. Y (i Avon (Key East I, X. .1 »'!• Rabyloii, L. r :.*!» liala (Mnskoka Lakes), Ont. . Zirt IJaldwin ( Lalve (ieorgel, N. Y. 175 IJantam (Litchfield Hills), Ct.. 18f< Bar Harbor (Mt. Desert Isl- and), Me 31-34 IJases xx-xxi Basic, Va 4t)7 Bean's Station (Tate Sjiring-s), Tenn 377 Bedford Springs, Pa 35-37 Beech Glen (for BeaxerDam), Pa 38 Belmar (Ocean Beach), N. J. . 38 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . . 39-43 Betlilelieni (White Mountains) N. H 44-45 PAGE Beverly, W. Va 4() Big Indian (Catskill .Moun- tains), \. Y 73 Mig Spring (see Elliston, Va.) 407 Black Mountain, N.C 47 Block Island, H.I 48 49 Bluetield, \V. Va 407 Blue Mountain, Md 49-51 Blue Mountain Lake (Adii-oTi- dacks), N. Y lain), Vt 161-165 Cairo (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 74 Caldwell (Lake George), N.Y. 174 Camden-on-Gauley, W. Va. . 63 Campobcllo, N. B 63-65 Cape May, N. J 65 Vlll BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY PAGE Capon Lake Inn, W. Va. . • • f>6 Capon Springs, W. Va titJ-Oil Catskill Mountains, N. Y. . . 70-74 Catskill (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 71 Catskill Mountain St'n (Cats- kill Mountains), N. Y. . . . 74 Centre Harbor, N. H 71 Cliautau(iua Lake, N. Y. . . . 75-7'J Cliautau(iua (C h a u t a u q u a Lake), N. Y 77-78 Chichester (Catskill A[<.nnt- ains), N. Y 73 Chicoutimi, P. Q 316 Childwold Park House (Adi- rondacks), N. Y ti Chilhowie, Va 407 Christ ianslnirg', Va 80 Clayton (Thousand Tsliin'an House (White Moinit- ains), N. H 111-133 Falmouth, Mass 133 Fauquier White SuliihurSi)'s, Vji 134 PAGE Flcischmann's (Griffin's Cor- ners), Catskill Mountains, N. Y 73 Forked Lake Carry (Adiron- dacks), N. Y 7 Fortress Monroe ((>1<1 I'oint Comfort), Va 388-391 Foster Falls, Va 407 Fro,stburg, Md 134 Fulton ('li;\in ( .\(lii-(ind;iclis), N. Y 4 Geneva, N. Y 135 Gettysburg-, Pa 136-130 Glade Springs, Va 130 Glens Falls, N. Y 130-131 Gloucester, Mrss 131 Gorman, Md 131-132 Goshen, Va 133-133 Grand Gorge (Catskill AFount- ains), N. Y 73 Grand Hotel Station (Catskill Mountains), N.Y 73 Great Barrington (T?erKshire Hills), Mass 134-136 Greenville, Tenn 407 Griffin's Corners (Catskill Mountains), N. Y., (see Fleisehmaiui's) 73 Grottoes, Va 136 Ha-Ha Bay, P. Q 316 Haines' Corners (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 73 Halcottville (Catskill Mount- ains), N.Y 73 Halifax, N. S 136 Harper's Ferry, W. V;i. . . . 138 Harwich, Mass 138 Hawleyville ( Litelitiel.l Hills), Ct 188 Healing Springs, Va 140-141 Hig-htiehl, Md 141 Highgate Springs, Vt 141-143 Highland Beach, N. .1 143 Highland Lake, Pa 143 High Point, N.. J 143-114 Hobart (Catskilll Mountains), N. Y 73 Hotel Algonquin (Adiron- dacks). N. Y' 7 Hotel Ampersand (Adii-on- dacks), N. Y 7 Hot Springs, Va 14.5-146 Hot Springs, N. C 146-147 Hotel Champlain (see Bluff' Point), N. Y 160-101 Howard's Lick, W. Va. . . . 148-149 Howe's Cave, N. Y 149-150 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. IX PAGE iruiitci- i(';itskill Mumitains), N. V 73 lust met ions 1111(1 iiir(iiiii;itii)ii..\ii-\'iv Interhikt'U, N. .1 1">0 Isles of SliOiils, N. H lol Ithiica, N. Y l.')l Jiiniostown ( Cli ii u t a ii q ii ii Luke), N. y 78-79 Joft'erson t White Moiiiitaiiis), N. H l.-xJ-l.W Johnson's, Tenn 407 Jonesboro, Tenn 407 Jordun'sWhiteSulplnirSp'gs, Va 155-156 Judds Biidjie (Litulitield HiDs), Ct 188 Kaiiiiwliii Falls, W. Vii. . . . 15(5-157 Kaaterskill (('atskill Mount- ains), N. V 73 Keiuiebunkiioi't, Me 157 Key East (see A\ on', N. J. . . 29 King'ston ((^atskill Mount'ns), N. V 71 Ltlki- iMlchlichI Hills), Ct. . . ISS LakeChauipliiiii, \. V. . . . 15S 170 Laki'Gooitic, N. V 17~'-i75 Lake Hopatc-ouK, X. .1. ... 175 Lake Minnewaska, N. V. . . 176-178 Lake Mohonk. N. V 179-180 Lake Plai-id ( Adiroudaeks), N. V 7-8 Lake St. John, P. (,) 339 :«:.' Lakewood, N.J isi Lakewood ( C li a u t a ii q ii a Lake), N. Y 79 Lancaster (White .Mounlaiiis). N. H 181-18;3 Lanesville (Catskill Mount- ains), N. Y 73 La Porte, Pa 184 Laurel House (Catskill Moini- tains), N. Y 73 LaAvrencc vi lie (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 74 Lebanon Sin-ings, N. Y. ... 184 Lee (Berkshire Hills), Mass. . 185-186 Leeds (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 74 Lenox (Herkshire Hills), Mass 186-188 Lisbon (White Mountains), N. H 189 Litchtiekl (Litchfield Hills),Ct. 188 Litchfield Hills, Ct 188 Lititz, Pa 189 Littleton (Wliite Mountains), N. H 189 PAGE Long- Branch, N.J 190 191 Loon Lake Station lAdiron- dacksi. \. Y 4 Liiray Station, \'a 19!) Luray Caverns, Ya l!t;M9'.i M!iniiS(iuau, N. .1 199 Manchestcr-by-the-sea, Mass. «UU Maplewood (White Mount'ns), N. H 300-201 Marion, N. C 303 Marion, Ya 407 Markleton, Pa 305-206 Martha's Vineyard, Mass. . . 87-90 Massanettu Springs, Ya. . . . 207 .Maiich Chunk (Switch Back), Pa 374-376 Mayville (Chautauqua Lake), N. Y 78-79 Millboro, \'a 208-205} Milton, Vt 309-310 Monmouth Beach, N. J. . . . 310 Monterey, Pa 211 Montpelier, Yt 211 Montreal. P. Q 313-334 Montrose, Pa 234 Morganton, N. C 235 Morns (Litelilield Hills), Ct. . 188 Mf)untain Lake Park, Md. . . 337-343 Movements of Steamer Lines. 409-431 Mt. Chateau Motel iUne\a) W. Ya 379-:38l Mt. Desert Island (Bar llar- bon. Me 31-:U Mt. Kineo House (Mooselu'ad Lakei, Me 3:?6 Mt. Pleasant iCatskill Mount- ains), N. Y 73 Mt. Washington (White Moun- tains), N. H ;«:} .Murray Bay, P. i) 317 .Muskoka Lakes, Ontario . . 344-346 Nantasket Beaeh, Mass. ... 346 Nantucket, Mass 246 Narragansett Pier. K. 1. . • .247-350 Natural Bridge, Ya 350-354 Natural Bridge Station, Ya 354-355 New Bedford, Mass 356 Newport, R. 1 356-358 Newport, Yt 3.58 NewPi-eston(LiteliHeld Hilis), Ct 188 Niagara Falls, N. Y 359-379 Niagara Falls (feeding forms), N. Y 378-379 North Conway (White Mount- ains) N. H 380 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY PAGE North Creek (Adiroiidaoks), N. Y 8 Norwicli, Vt 280-281 Oak Bluffs, Mass. (see Cottag-e City) 87410 Oakland, Md 383 Ocean Beach, N. J. (see Bel- mur) 38 Ocean Grove, N. J 284 Ohio Pyle, Pa 286-287 Old Orchard, Me 388 Old Point Comfort (Fortress Monroe), Va 388-291 Olive Branch (Catskill Mount- ains), N. Y 73 Ontario Beach (Lake Onta- rio), N. Y 291 Orkney Springs, Va 293-3(X) Otis Junction (Catskill Movni- tains), N. Y 74 Ottawa, Canada 300-301 Otseg'o Lake (see Coopers- town), N. Y 84-87 Palenville (Catskill Mount- ains), N. Y 74 Parry Sound(Muskoka Lakes), Ontario 345 Patchog-ue (Long- Island),N. Y. 303 Paul Smith's Hotel (Adiron- dacks), N. Y 9 Paul Smith's Station (Adirou- dacks), N. Y 4 Pen-Mar, Md 303 Phoenicia (Catskill Mount- ains), N. Y 73 Pino Hill (Catskill Mount- ains), N. Y 73 Plattsliurgh (Lake Champl'n), N. Y 1(50-170 Plymouth, Mass 304 Plymouth (White Mountains), N. H 304 Pocahontas, Va 407 Point Pleasant, N. J 304 Poland Springs, Me 305 Port Cockburn (Muskoka Lakes), Ontai-io 245 Port Kent, N. Y 305-307 Profile House (White Moiui- tains), N. H 307-309 Providence, R. 1 310 Pulaski, Va 407 Quebec, P. Q 310-31(i Kadford, Va 407 Rainbow Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 4 Kandolph, Vt 318 PAGE Rangeley Lakes, Me 319 Raquette Lake( A, Ct. 188 Rosseau (Muskoka Lakes), On- tario 340 Round Knob, N. C 341 Roxbury( Litchfield Hills), Ct. 18S Ro.vbury Falls (Litchfield Hills), Ct 188 Roxbury (Catskill Mount'ns), N. Y 73 Rural Retreat, Va 407 Rye Beach, N. H 343 St. Albans, Vt 343 St. Andrew's, N. B 343-345 St. John, N. B 345 Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. . . . 346 Salem (Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs), Va 340-347 Salt Sulphur Springs, W. Va. 347-348 Saltville, Va 348 Saranac Inn (Adirondacks), N. Y 9 Saranac Inn Station (Adiron- dacks), N. Y 4 Saranac Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 4, 9-11 Saratoga Springs, N. Y. . . . 3.50-355 Scarboro Beach, Me 356 Schi-oon Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 11 Seabright, N.J 3.50 SeaGirt, N. J 3.56 Sea Isle City, N.J 358 Seneca Lake (see Watkins Glen), N. Y 392-397 Seven Mile Ford, Va 407 Shandaken (Catskill Mount- ains), N. Y 73 Sharon Springs, N. Y 359 Sharon Sp'gs ( Wytheville), Va. 406 Shawsville (for Alleghany Springs), Va 12-13 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. PAGE Sli.-ldniUc, X. V aiil) Slirltcr Ishiiul. X. V -M-Z-'-im SliciKiiiildali Aliiiii S|iriiigs, V;i ;jf.l-3C:> Shcpiiuu- . l.ilclilicKl IliilM, Lt. 18S Sli()k;iii iCalskill Minmtiiiiist, N. V 7:i Somerset, P;i -VA Sorrento, Me 364 South Cairo ((';itsUill Mi.imt- aiiis), N. V 74 Sprint-- Lalvc, N..1 360 Stanifonl (Catslvill .Minnifns), N. V 73 Staunton, Va StiO Sta\tiilc I I'lji-ji'lcstdn Sprinjist, Va KNi Steamer Lines Movements of 40 (-421 Stoelil)ri(iti<'il!erlvslnrc Hills), Mass :>r.7 :!i!S Stony Clove iCatsUiil Munnt- ains), N. V 7.! Stop-overs xv-.wiii Sn^-iU- Hill, N. il 3t>8 Summit (see Grand lintel Sta- tion), N. V 73 Summit(Mt. Wash.) N. H. . . 243 Sweet Chalybeate SpriiiHS, Va 308-370 Sweet Sprin^^s, \V. \ii 371-373 Switchback, Pa 374-370 Tadoiisao, P. Q 317 Tannersville (Calskill Mnunt- ains), N. V 73 Tate Springs, 'Peiin 377 PAGE Tazewell. Va 407 Toronto, Ont 377 TnplX'i' Lake .1 unelion i.\(li- rondaeksi, X. V 4 Twin Mountain House ( W lute .Mountains.. N. II 378 rne\a i.Mt. < hiiteau Hotel). \V. Va :!79-381 Upper Chateanjiaj' Ijitkv (.\d- innidatdvsi, N. Y 11 Valley View Sj.rinjis, Va. . . 383 Ver.ucnnes, Vt 38;}-384 Virginia Meaeh, Va 384-38}< Wadesvillc, Va 388 Warm Sprinj.'S, Va :!89-.3'.;0 WasliiM;:lon (I,itehlie.d Hills), Ct ISS Wateii Hill, It. 1 390 Waterlmry, Vt .391 \Vatkins(;ien, X. V 392-397 Waynesville, X. C 397-398 Weriiersville, Pa 398 West liarnstable, Mass. . . . 398 West End, N. .1 399 West Hurley (Catskill .Mount- jiinsi, X. V 73 ()s.sipee, X. II 399 West Point, N. V 400 Whitetield, X. II 401 White Sulphur Spiju-s. W. Va 40;.' 403 Willow (irove, Va 40.") Winter Harbor, Me 40.') Wytheville Sharon Siiriii-isi, Va 400 York IJeaeh, .Me 407 Xn BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY SPECIflLi I^STl^UCTIOlMS TO flCEl^TS AND IIMFORiViATION FOR THE PUBLIC. I. Tickets liorc'iii described are sold from June Istto Seiiteniber oOth, inclusive, and are good for retiirn trip until October 31st, 189.3, inclu- sive, and should be so limited with an " L" ininch, except when otbei- wise noted. 2. Excursion tickets to Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C, are good for ])assage three (3) months from date of sale, (except that from Pittsburg, Pa., Washington, Pa., Wheeling, W. Va., and Parkersburg, W. Va., the limit is si.x (G) months.) 'Jackets are good for use south- bound only within fifteen (15) days from date of issue as stamjieil on hack ; they must be jjresented at the ticket agency of the initial liiu' at the destination point for identification and stamping before they c-an be used for the return tri]), and are tlien good returning only within tii'teen (15) days from sueii date as stamped on back of ticket; in all cases, however, tickets nuist be used within the cxtrenu' limit. 3. The Asheville, N. C, tickets via Washington, D. C, and the youthern liailway nuiy be validated at Hot Springs and vice versa. 4. Children under five years of age, free; between five and twelve (both ages inclusive), half fare; over twelve, full fare. 5. J'urcliasers of Summer Excuision Tickets secure all the ju-ivi- leges accorded to passengers holding other First Class Tickets. ('). Transfers between stations are not included in ICxcursion Tickets except where specially noted, or transfer coui)on is printed in ticket. 7. Passengei's can purchase transfer checks for self and baggage through New York north-bound on application to Baltimore &■ Ohio Railroad agents. The agent, however, will not be permitted to sell transfer tickets for use south-bound. 8. In cases where transfer is included th'.ough I'oston and New York, in both directions, as noted after routes, two transfer tags will be issued. Where transfer one way only is included, but one transfer tag will be delivered to passenger. Ti'ansfer tags. Form T. 13 will l)e furnished for transfer through Boston, and transfer tags, Form T. 2 will be furnished for transfer through New York. 9. Baggage to the extent of one hundred and fifty (150) pountls will be checked free on Full-Fare Summer Excursion Tickets, and seventj^- iive (75) pounds on Half-Pare (Children's) Excursion Tickets. 10. Tickets between Cooperstown and Riclifield Springs by tlie Otsego Lake Steamers and Stage are for passage only ; baggage will be charged extra. II. These routes embrace, in addition to those owned and operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, many other railway, stage, and steamboat lines ; but while this ( 'ompany issues tickets for passage ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. over utlior lilies in ailditioii to it^; own. it nets only as AdEXT EOll TJfE SALE, and is n-over may l)einadeat any jioint named on tlie tickets: Imt .should ])assengers desire to ]ea\e a train or Ixjat at a statinn inter- mediate to those mentioned on a cou]ion, they should notify the jiriiper olHcial of the train or boat, who will either issue a stop-over cheek, or mark the ticket, as may be the practice of his company, provided tiic line on which station is located allows stop-over privileges. For rule;: of the various lines herein represented see pages xv to xviii. lo. Excursion tickets issued by foreign roads will bear same stop- over jirivileges on Baltimore iV: Ohio II. K. as accorded similar tickets issued by this Company. 14. On the Ilichelieu i^' Ontario Navigation (.'(jmiiany's Steamers, meals ami berth are included in the rate on west-bound tickets between jNIontrcal and Toronto, but are not included on east-bound tickets. On all other divisions of this line, meals and berths extra. 15. Tickets reading via New York Central it Hudson liiver llaihnad between Canandaigua and Niagara Falls will be accepted i'or passage either via Lockport or via Bulialo. 10. Tickets reading via New York Central &. Hudson River or West Shore Railroads will be accepted for passage on Hudson River Day Line or People's Line Steamers between New York and Albany with- out extra charge. To avail themselves of this privilege, north-bound passengers via Day Line will be required to have their rail tickets exchanged by purser on steamer. North-boirnd passengers via Peo- ple's Line will be required to have their tickets exchanged at Company's office. Pier 41, North River. South-bound ])assengers, if via New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, either by conductor before arrival at Albany, or at I^epot Ticket Office in that city. If via West Shore Railroad, exchange must be made by conductor before reaching Voorheesville. 17. Tickets reading via Hudson River Day or People's Line Steam- ers vi'ill be accepted for juissage on New York Central & Hndson River or West Shore Railroads between New York and Albany, on payment of $1.10 additional if via Day Line, or $1.G0 additional if via People's Line. LS. Tickets reading via Day Line Steamers on Hudson River between New York and Albany are good for passage on People's Line. 19. Tickets reading via People's (night) Line Steamers on Hudson River, between New York and Albany, will be accepted for passage on Day Line Steamers, on payment of one dollar ($1.00) additional. 2ii. The coupons of tickets reading between Niagara Falls and To- ronto, via Port Dalhousie and Steamer, except those reading via Oana- dian Pacific Railway from Toronto, can be exchanged (without extra charge) on application to the Agents at Niagara Falls, lor tickets via rail to Toronto, Grand Trunk Railway (G. W. Divi.sion). XIV BALTUIORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY 21. Passengers holding through tickets via either Dehiware it Hudson R. R. or Chaini)lain Transportation Co. may use them via rail or lal^e between Fort Ticonderoga and l'hittsl)urgli, or Hotel Chaniplain (lUuff Point), at tlu'ir option. 2'2. Tickets reading over the Mount Washington Railway are usually not available before the first of .Tuly, or after the middle of Heptem- ber. Purchasers should consult the i>roper advertising matter on this subject. 23. Purchasers should consult the proper advertising matter before buying tickets. 24. Steamers of the Norfolk it Washington, D. C. Steamboat Co., and Baltimore Steam Packet Co. {P5ay Line Steamers), stop at Old Point Comfort in both directions. 25. Tourists should remciulier that many of the steamer lines cease rnnning or make irregular trips on or about October 1st. 26. Tickets via Sound Line Steamers between New York and Boston include a berth. 27. Tickets reading via Stonington i.ino will Ix' accejited for passage via Providence Line, and tickets reading via Providence Line will be accepted for passage via Stonington Line. •28. The coupons of tickets reading via Grand Trunk Railway or steamer between Toronto and Kingston ; Kingston and Prescott ; Pres- cott anil Montreal ; and Montreal and Quebec, are valid either by rail or by the Richelieu it Ontario Navigation Comiiany's (Royal Mail Line) Steamers. 29. Tickets via Merchants it Miners Transjiortation Companj^ in- clude meals and stateroom berth in main saloon. Stateroom berths on upper deck $1.50 extra in each direction. Berths should be se- cured in advance. 30. Passengers holding tickets reading via Merchants & Miners Transportation Company, Baltimore to Boston or Providence (June 1st to September 30tli), can spend an entire day (on going trip) at Old Point or Virginia Beach ; transportation from Norfolk to either resort and return, at the courtesy of the Merchants & Miners Transportation Company. 31. t Rates from Philadelphia and Baltimore marked thus (t), are for basing purposes only. 32. In case application for rate is made to agents at stations from which no rate is quoted herein, advise this office promptlj^ stating the form number and destination of ticket for which rate is desired ; and in case tickets are required make requisition on J. E. Beatty, Ticket Supply Clerk, Camden Station, Baltimore. Note. — Movements of boat lines for season of 1895 will be found on pages 409 to 421. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SU3IMER TOURS. STOP-OVEf^ PF^lVlLiEGES. Notice. — In case passengers desire to obtain stop-over privileges when the local regnlations of any line authorize sncli concessions, particular care should be observed to take ])assage on trains or boats scheduled to stop at the desired stopping-i)lace. Adirondack Railway. Baltimore & Ohio R. R Baltimore Steam Packet Line (Bay Line Steamers) .... Bangor it Aroostook R. R Bath & Hammandsport R. R. . . . Bennington tt Rutland Ry .... Blue Mountain it Raqiette Lake Steamboat Line Boston & Albany R. R Boston & Bangor Steamship Line Boston & Maine R. R. Canadian Pacific R. R. . Catskill Mountain R. R. Cayuga Lake Steamer . Central R. R. of N. J. Central Vermont R. R. . . . , Champlain Trans port.^tion Co. j Stoji-over allowed on ncitice to ( contluctor. Sto])-over allowed at all stations unless otherwise noted in con- tract of ticket. Tickets to Deer Park, -Md,. Mountain Lake Park, Md., and Oakland, Md., sohl at stations east of Washington are food to stop at Harper's Kerry, lancock and Cund)erlan(l only. j Stop-over allowed at Old Point ( Comfort on notit'C to iiurser. I Stop-over allowed at any station I on notice to conductor. No stop-over allowed. Stop-over checks good for 30 days issued upon application to con- ductor. Stop-over allowed at any landing on notice to captain. Stop-over allowed for 10 days on notice to conductor. Stop-over allowed at anj- landing on notice to purser. Stop-over for 10 days allowed at any station on notice to con- ductcn', except between Salem, (Eastern Division) Reading ( Western Division ) or Wilming- ton and Ware (Southern Divi- sion) and Boston. j Stop-over allowed on notice to I conductor. I Stop-over allowed at any station I on notice to conductor.' f Stop-over allowed on notice to I captain. f Stop-over allowed on notice to I conductor at any point except I betw'een New York and Eliza- l, beth. I Stop-over allowed at any station I on notice to conductor. I Stop-over allowed on notice to I jjurser. BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Chateaugay R. R { ^^cmiTuctof °'''''*^ ''^ ""^'''^ *" Chautauqua Steamboat Co No stop-over privileges. ,,„„^. , , y ,\ -. 15 . f Stoivover allowed at any station Chesapeake c^ Ohio Ivv } ^{^ ^^^^.^^ ^^ conductor: Cheshire II. R. (See Fitchlmrg R. R.) Citizens' Line Steamers (on Hud- | Steamers make no intermediate son River) | landing. /I ., .^, , f Tvi , ^, T> i> f Stop-over allowed at any station Concord & ^I..ntkeal K. R. . . . | ^,\ ^^^^^.^^ ^^ conductor." CooPFRSTowN.tCn^RioTTFVY RR | Stop-over allowed at any station LOOPERSTO^\^ eVLIIARLOTTE V \. | ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ COnduCtor. ^^„„ -,T ,, T> f stop-over allowed at any station Cumberland Valley R. R j ^{^ ^^^^j^^ ^^ conductor. Day Line Steamers (on Hudson j Stop-over allowed on notice to River) I i)urser. ■P, ,, Tj i> i> f Stop-over allowed at any station Delaware .t Hudson R. R j ^\^ „„j.^.^ ^,^ conductor.' T^ T 1. ^17- 11 i> f Stoi)-over allowed at any station Del., Lacka. & Western K. K. . . j ^{^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ conductor.- Eastern Steamboat Company.. . One stop-over permitted. Tj, n ,, ,, f stop-over allowed at any station Fall BuooK Railway CO | on notice to conductor. f Stop-over allowed at Newport, R. Fall River Line \ I., in either direction on notice ( to purser. T^ n 1, ( Stop-over allowed on notice to FiTCHBURG R. R j Conductor. r^ rr -n ry \ Stop-over allowcd at any station Grand Trunk R. R J ^j\ j^^^i^^ ^^ conductor. T 1, f Stop-over allowed at any station Intercolonial Ry | ^\^ j^^^j^^ ^^ conductor.- International Steamship Co. . . Stop-over allowed at any landing. -[, T3 T> I Stop-over allowed at any station ' ivAATERSKiLL K. iv ^ ^j^ noticc to conductor.' Knox it Lincoln Ry (See Maine Central R. R.) T ., o f Stop-over allowcd on notice to Lake Champlain Steamers . . . . • purser T ^, r, \ Stop-over allowed on notice to Lake George Steamers j purser Lake Keuka Navigation Co. ... No stop-over privileges. T -,T ,> „ f Stop-oyer allowed at any station Lehigh \ alley R. R | on notice to conductor." Long Island R. R No stop-oyer privileges. r Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor, exce])t on Maine Central R. R -| special Bar Harlmr excursion I tickets, which are limited to con- ( tinuous passage in each direction Mary Powell Steamboat Co. . . . No stop-oyer privileges. Merchants tt Miners Transpor- f Stop-over allowed at Norfolk on TATioN Co. I going trip for about 12 hours. „, ,, ,,, „ 1, T> f Stop-over allowed at any station MONTPELIER it A\ ELLS RiVEK R. R. j J^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ cOUductor. Mt. Washington R. R No intermediate stops. MusKOKA & Georgian Bay Naviga- j g^^ , allowed. tion Co ^ R U TES A ND RA TES FO R S UMMER TO URS. x vi i Narragansett Tier R. R j ^^ci'XTtor"'*''''''^ "*" "°"'"' ^^ Neav Bedford, Martha's A'^ineyard ( Stop-over allowed at Cottage City ct Nantltket S. B. Line [ for 10 days on notice to purser. Newport & Wickford R. R. ... I Stop-over allowed at any station I on notice to conductor. N. Y. Cen. & Hudson River R. R. ■' ^top-over allowed at any station I on notice to conductor. x\. Y., Lake Erie & West. R. R. . \ Stop-over allowed on notice to I conductor. N Y >^ Ai.iunyIUyLine .... .| Stop-over allowed on notice to ( purser. N. Y. >^: New England R. R. . . . I Stop-over allowed on notice to I conductor. N. Y., New Haven & Hart. R. R. . ] Stop-over allowed on notice to ( conductor. N. Y., Ontario & Western Ry . . | Stop-over all.jwed on notice to ' i ccjiiductor. Norfolk, At,bemarle X' Atl \ntic ( ^ . • -, j^ ji Ao stop-over i)rivileges. Norfolk & Wasiiixoton (IX C.) i Stop-over allowed on notice to Steamboat Co [ jiurser. Norfolk & Western R. R I Stop-over allowed at any stati.m 1 on notice to conductor. Northern Adirondack 1!. R. . . . ' Stop-,, ver allowed at any station I (tn notice to conductor. Norwich Line (Norwich it N. Y. J Steamers make no intermediate Trans. Co. ) | landings. Old Colony Stevmhost Co. (Fall | Stop-over allowed at Newport R. River Line) ') ' '" citlier direction on notice ' ( to purser. Otsego Lake Steamer I Stoj.-over allowed at all lan.lings ( on notice to captain. ( Stop-overallowedatanystation on Pennsylvania R. R I notice to conductor,' excei)t on ( ire m-clad (or signature) tickets. I'k.oim.ic's (mcuti Line Stesmers i Steamers make ikj intermediate (on lli'DsoN RiVEi;) ( landing. Philadelphia .t Reading R. 1!. . . \ Stop-over allowed at any station ( on notice to conductor. I Stop-over allowed at anv landing Portlam., Mt. Desert \- Mv.hias «" ""^.'^^^ ^ purser, excei-t on Steamboat Line excursion tickets, which are I hmited to continuous passage I in each direction. Portland & Rochester R. R. . . . ' Stop-over allowed at any stati.>n ( on notice to conductor. Portland Steam Packet Co. . . . j Steamers make no intermediate ( landings. Profile & P^ranconia Notch R. R. (See Concord S: Montreal R. R.) Providence Line (Providence it | Steamers make no intermediate Stonington Steamship Co.) - - . ] landing. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry. . . . | Stop-over allowed on notice to ^ ( conductor. Richelieu et Ontario | Stop-over allowed on notice to Navigation Co. | purser. Rome, W vtei; ,t OGnEN-nuR,; f Stopover checks issued on notice 1, i> < to conductor, except on tickets ^' ^ I reading via Svracuse. XVII 1 BALTfMOnE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ScHROON Lake Steamboat Line . . Seneca Lake Steam Naviuation Co SOUTHEKN KaiIAVAY Steamers on ^Mohsiieah Lakk . St. JoiINSlUiRY it L\KK ClIAMI'I, 11. 11 STONiN0 61 1 11 35 22 60 11 85 Pittsburg Pittsburg. Wheeling. I'iftsbiHg Piltslau-g lialtimore I'arkersburg SI. 75 more than Pittsbur: I'ittsbnrg I'ittsl)urg Pittsburg- Wheeling Pittsburg 30 10 Pittsburg. 30 60 'Wheeling-. 11 00 1 19 75 'Wheeling-. 11 30 I'ittsbnrg. i'ittsbnrg. Pittsburg-. 13 8(1 11 35 16 80 6 55 Baltimore Tlie above rates ore for basing- only, and must not be used in selling- tickets to Baltinxore, Philadeli>hia and New York. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SVM3IER TOURS. FKOM Ii\iidiuan Pa. Johnstown Pa. Keyser W.Va. Lexing'ton V Maiuiinj;tciii. . Marliiisliuru- . McKccspiirt . Mcyci-s(lal('. . Moriiantown. . Mdundsvillc. . Mountain Laki >rt. Pleasant . Newark ... Oakland . . . l^arkci-sbiM-;^. . Piedmont . W. Va. . . . Pa. . . . Pa. . . W.Va. . . U'.Va. I'.ak, Md. . . . Pa. . . . Del. . . . Md. . . W.Va. . . W.Va. Pittsl)urg- Pa. Relay Md. Roekwood Pa. Uoiunev W. Va. Seott lia\in I'a. Slienandoah .le. . W. Va. Sniitlitield, Pa., (\ia Pn- iontown) Somerset Pa. Staunton Va. Strasbur;'- Va. Uniontown Pa. Wasliinjiton I). ('. Washington Pa. West Xewlon .... Pa. West Sal is! in rv. ... Pa. Wlieelinii- ..... W.Va. Wilmintitcjii Del. Winelie.ster Va. |t5 pw « $ 8 2.5 11 45 $!2 25 15 45 8 60 12 (50 : 11 90 15 90 13 30 17 30 i (1.5 7 90 13 1.-) 1(3 (JO !» •„'() 13 20 13 ().-) 17 05 1.-) to 19 40 11 '.III 15 90 1 m ii St 13 25 15 75 19 75 « SO 12 80 13 TO It) 60 35 4 35 SI ()5 13 65 7 K5 11 10 12 CO 16 60 4 10 7 65 12 25 16 25 10 05 14 05 10 10 14 10 45 10 10 11 S5 15 85 2 (10 6 00 14 SO 18 20 12 40 16 40 i) 00 13 (iO 15 75 19 75 ' 1 (K) 5 40 8 SO i NOT TO EXCEED Pittsburg $1.35 more tli.ui Pittslnn;i-. Wheeling- Wheeling- Pittsburu- Pittsbiu-g Pittsburg 91) t-ts. more tlian Wheelin Whei-ling Wheeling :iO ets. more than I'ittsbur lialtimore Wheeling- Whecliiu 17 23 16 20 60 .... « 35 .... 17 65 Pittsbu 15 10 .... 20 11 Pittsbur; Pittsbun 20 25 [Pittsburg 18 05 |30cts. more than Pittsbur; IS 10 i 14 10 : 19 S5 Pittsburg. • 10 (Kt 22 20 $1.::0 more- than Pittsbmg 20 40 [l'ittsl)urg 17 GO Pittsburg- 2:3 75 5 00 Ujaltimore 12 80 1 Tlie above rates are lor basing- pin-poses only, and must not lie used iu selling tickets to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. OAKLAND, MD. FAlKMt)UNT I'AKK, PHil-ADKLPHIA— DOME OV MKMOUIAI. HAI.L IN DISTANCE. BOYAL BLUE LINE, ABINGDON, VA. FonM VjX. it!). — AniN(;noN, Va.. axd Return. Baltimore it Ohio K. II to Slienandoali June. Norfolk & Western 11. IJ to Abingdon. Jtctiii'iiinn', same route. TMIioron UATES. \V. Va Baltimore, Md. Bellaire, O. . . Berkeley Spring Cameron, W. Va. . Chester, Pa ClarkslmrK, W. Va Connellsville, Pa. . Cumberland, Md. . Deer Park, Md 21-40 Fairmont, W. Va. . . Fredcrit'k, Md (irafton, W. Va. . . . Harper's Ferrv, W. \'a. Havre de (iraee, Md. . .lohnstown. Pa •_':; liti Kevser, W. Va i^n 4(1 Me'Keesport, Pa LM 1H( iMartinsbnru-, W. Va, . . . li; .'.o Meyersdale, Pa I'd !»•') Morgantown, W. \'a. ( \ la 25 40 §19 45 27 SO 17 (Id 2(i 40 ')•> ;»5 24 40 23 15 Vt 45 21 40 24 40 17 20 ''.') 5V; L. (_liaiiiplain It. Au Sal)le Cbasni. R 'turning, same route. Transfer tlirougli New York, in botli dii'cetions, inclmied. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md ?^22 2.') I Washington, D. C $24 25 tPhiladelphia, Pa. .... . IS 25 | Form Ex. 803. — Au Sai-.le Chasm, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Phi!adel})hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day or People's Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware ct Hudson R. R to Port Kent. Keesyille, Au Sable Chasm & L. Champlain R. R. to Au Sable Chasm. Returning, same route. through r.\tes. Baltimore, Md .$20 85 I Washington, D. C $22 85 tPhiladelphia, Pa 10 85 \ Form Ex. 731. — Blue Mountain Lake, N. Y., and Return. Adirondack Ry Saratoga to North Creek. Stage to Blue Mountain Lake. • Returning, same route. To be sold only in connection with summer excursion forms pas.s- ing through or terminating at Saratoga. Rate $9 50 Form Ex. 732. — Childwold Park House, N. Y., and Retitrn. Baltimore Sl Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . toChildwold ParkStation. Ingold's Stage Line to Childwold Park House. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $24 50 I Washington, D. C $26 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 50 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 7 Form Ex. 172. — Forked Lake Carry, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson liiver \l. \\. . . . to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Saratoaa. Adirondack Ry to North "Creek. Stage to Blue Mount'n Lake. Blue Mountain and Raquette La lie Steanib't Line, to Forked Lake Carry. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $28 .50 I Washington, D. C .$30 50 fPhiladelphia, Pa 24 50 | Form Ex. 173. — Forked Lake Carry, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R.R ' to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Adirondack Ry to North Creek. Stage toBlueMount'n Lake. Blue Mountain and Raquette Lake Steamb't Line, to Forked Lake Carry. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. through rates. Baltimore, :Md .$2S 50 I Washington. D. C $30 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 24 50 | Form Ex. 733. — Hotel Algonquin, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. 1!. . . .to Saranac Lake. Algonquin Carriage Line to Hotel Algonquin. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 75 I AVashington, D. C $2G 75 fPhiladelphia, Pa 20 75 | Form Ex. 226. — Hotel Ampersand, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philaileli>liia it Reading R. R. . ..^ to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R . . . . to Saranac Lake. Ampersand Carriage Line to Hotel Ampersand. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md .$24 75 I Washington, D. C $26 75 fPhiladelphia, Pa 20 75 | Form Ex. 1283.— Lake Placid, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Saranac Lake. Saranac it Lake Placid R. R to Lake Placid. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $25 75 I Washington, D. C $27 75 fPhiladelphia, Pa 21 75 | BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 1284. — Lake Placid, N. Y., and Return. Chateaugay R. R Plattsburgh to Saranac Lake. Saranac & Lake Placid R. R to Lake Placid. Returnins>', same route. To be sold only in connection with summer excursion forms terminating at Plattsburgh. Rate $3 00 Form Ex. 896.— Lake Placid, N. Y. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Saranac Lake. Saranac c^- Lake Placid R R to Lake Placid. Agiicw's Stage Line to Elizatietlitown. Kcll(_igg's Stage Line to Westjiort. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Baldwin. Champlain Transportat'n Co. (Lake George Strs.) to Caldwell. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting i)oint. Form Ex. 897.— Lake Placid, N. Y. Reyerse of preceding excursion. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $29 30 I Washington, D. C $31 30 tPhiladelphia, Pa 25 30 | Form Ex. 898.— Lake Placid, N. Y. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Saranac Lake. Saranac & Lake Placid R. R to Lake Placid. Agiu'w's Stage Tiine to Elizabethtown. Kellogi;'s Sta;,'c Line to Westport. Delaware * Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central .t Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 899.— Lake Placid, N. Y. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $27 80 I Washington, D. C $29 80 tPhiladelphia, Pa 23 80 | Form Ex. 804. — North Creek, N. Y., and Return. Adirondack Ry Saratoga to North Creek. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or terminating at Saratoga. Rate $3 50 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. Form Ex. 23U. — Paul Smith's Hotel, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to Xew York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . . to Paul Smith's Stat'n Paul Smith's Stage Line to Paul Smith's Hotel Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $25 25 1 Washington, D. C $27 25 fPhiladelphia, Pa 21 25 | Form E.x. 80G. — Raquette Lake, N. Y., and Return. Adirondack Ry Saratoga to North Creek. Stage (29 miles) to Blue Mountain Lake. Blue Mountain & Rac^uette Lake Steamers . to Raquette Lake. Returning, same route. Sold in conuectidn with any ticket j)assing througli or termiiuiting at Saratoga. Rate $12 00 Form Ex. 7.'^4. — Saranac Inn, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudstui River 11. R. ... to Saranac Tnn Stat'n Saranac Inn Stage Line to Saranac Inn. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $24 75 I Washington, D. C $26 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 75 | Form Ex. S07. — Saranac Lake, N. Y., and Return. Ciiateaugay R. R Plattsburgh to Saranac Lake. Returning, same route. To be sold only in connection with Summer Excursion Forms ter- minating at Plattsliurgh. Rate $1 25 Form Ex. 900. -Saranac Lake, N. Y. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadehihia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R to Saranac Lake. Ciiateaugay R. R to Plattsliurgh. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Baldwin. Champlain Transportat'n Co. ( Lake Ceorge Strs. ) to Caldwell. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadeliiliia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 901.— Saranac Lake, N. Y. Reverse of preceding excursion. through rates. Baltimore, Md " . . $25 50 I Washington, D. C $27 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 50 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 11 Form Ex. 902.— Saeanac Lake, N. Y. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Saranac Lake. Chateaugay R. R to Plattsburgla. Delaware A: Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central iV: Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 903.— Saranac Lake, N. Y. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md .$24 00 I Washington, D. C $2G 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. SOS. — Schroox Lake, N. Y., and Return. Adirondack Ry Saratoga to Riverside. Leavitt's Stage Line to Pottersville. Schroon Lake Steamers to Schroon Lake. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or terminating at Saratoga. Rate $6 50 Form Ex. 809. — Upper Chateaitgay Lake, N. Y., and Return. Chateaugay R. R Plattsburgh to Lyon IMountain. Stage, (Smiles) to Upper Chateaugay Lake. Returning, same route. To be sold only in connection with Sitmmer Excursion Forms ter- minating at Plattsburgli. Rate $2 25 AFTON, VA. Form Ex. 13. — Aktox, Va., axd Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Staunton. Che.saiieake & Ohio Ry to Afton. Returning;, same roiUe. through rates. Baltimore, Md .«;ll 50 Bellaire, 19 90 Berkeley Springs, \V. Va. . 9 65 Cameron, W. Va 18 50 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 7 20 Chester, Pa 15 00 Clarksburg, W. Va IG 55 ConncUsville, Pa 15 .30 Cumberland, Md 11 GO Deer Park, Md 13 50 Fairmont, W. Va 16 55 Frederick, Md 8 75 (iraf ton, W. Va 15 65 Hagerstown, Md 8 85 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 7 70 Harrisonburg, Va 2 70 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 12 95 Johnstown, Pa 15 35 Keyser, W. Va 12 50 Lexington, Va 3 20 McKeesport, Pa 17 05 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 8 45 Meyersdale, Pa 13 10 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $17 55 17 00 19 20 13 65 15 80 13 80 19 50 13 75 19 70 15 50 12 70 17 (iO 13 55 13 95 5 05 15 75 9 70 18 70 19 70 14 50 G 10 i-z BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 14. — Afton, Ya., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoali June. Norfolk & Western R. R • . . to Basic. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Afton. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $ 9. 90 Chester, Pa 13 40 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 11 35 Newark, Del 12 20 New York, N. Y $17 90 Philadelphia, Pa 13 90 Washington, D. C 7 90 Wilmington, Del 12 90 Form Ex. 143. — Afton, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. & O. Depot to C. & 0. Depot. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Afton. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $ 9 Bellaire, 22 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 11 Cameron, W. Va 20 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 10 Chester, Pa 12 Clarksburg. W. Va 18 Connellsville, Pa 17 Cumberland, Md 13 Deer Park, Md 15 Fairmont, W. Va 18 Frederick, ISId 10 Grafton, W. Va 17 Hagerstown, Md 10 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 10 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 10 Johnstown, Pa 17 Kevser, W. Va 14 Mc'Kcesixirt, Pa 19 Marti nsburg, W. Va. ... 10 Meyersdale, Pa 15 30 ^Inrgantown, W. Va. (via FairuKint) iSlorgantdwn, W. Va. (via Union town) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, jMd. . Mt. I'leasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rock wood. Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $19 85 19 30 21 50 15 45 IS 10 11 60 17 30 15 55 21 95 13 30 15 00 19 90 15 85 10 25 18 05 21 00 21 95 12 30 11 60 ALLEGHANY SPRINGS (SH AWSVI LLE), VA. Form Ex. 810. — Alleghany Springs (Shawsville), Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. ct O. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Ry to Lynchburg. Norfolk &, Western R. R to Shawsville. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $13 85 I New York, N. Y $21 85 Chester, Pa 17 35 | Philadelphia, Pa 17 85 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 .30 I Washington, D. C 11 85 Newark, Del 16 15 | Wilmington, Del 16 85 Stages from Shawsville to Alleghany Springs, distance three miles. Form Ex. 2. — Alleghany Springs (Shawsville), Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenanddah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Shawsville. Return inti,', same route. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 13 THROUGH Baltimore, Md $13 85 , Bellaire, 22 75 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 12 55 Cameron, W. Va 21 35 Chester, Pa 17 35 ' Clarkshura;, W. Va 19 35 Cunnfllsville, Pa 18 10 CuniberUuid, Md 14 40 Deer Park, Md 16 35 Fairmont, W. Va 19 35 Frederick, Md 12 15 Grafton, W. Va 18 45 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 11 05 Havre de Grace, ]Md. ... 15 30 Johnstown, Pa 18 15 Keyser, W. Va 15 35 McKeesport, Pa 19 85 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 11 25 Meyersdale, Pa 15 90 Mcir^antown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 20 35 Stages from Sliawsville to Alle; RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) $19 80 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 22 05 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 16 50 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 18 60 Newark, Del 16 15 New York, N. Y 21 85 Oakland, Md 16 60 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 22 45 Philadelphia, Pa 17 85 Piedmont, W. Va 15 55 Pittsl)ur<;, Pa 20 40 llockwood. Pa 16 35 Somerset, Pa 16 75 Uniontown, Pa 18 55 Washington, D. C 11 85 Washington, Pa 21 50 Wheeling, W. Va 22 45 Wilmington, Del 16 85 hany Springs, distance three miles. STKAMEK "ST. LAWKEM K. ALEXANDRIA BAY. The cliief summer resort of the Thousaiul Islands is Alexandria Bay, a small village on the New York side of the St. LaAvrence river. On the islets near the Bay are numerous elegant villas. Steamers ply between Clayton and the Bay, and a steamer leaves the Bay twice a day for a round trip, touching at Thousand Island Park, Wells 14 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Island, etc. About eight miles southeast of Alexandria Bay are the romantic Lakes of Theresa — Clear, Crystal, Mud, Butterfield and Lake of the North — with good fish- ing, and shores and islands abounding in rare minerals. There are also myriads of wild fowl in their season. Alexandria Bay, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Cenlral R. R. of New Jersey to New York. And choice of following routes, New York to pioints named : New York, Ontario it Western Ry. . . . Form Ex. 280— to Central Sq. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.Form Ex. 282 — to Utica. West Shore R. R Form Ex. 283— to I'tica. Delaware, Lackawanna ctWestern R. R. . Form Ex. 284 — to Utica. Thence — Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R to Clayton. Thousand Island Steamboat Co to Alexandria Bay. Going and returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, :Md $24 00 1 AVashington, D. C $2G 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. 554. — Alexandria Bay, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadel].hia it Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Sterling. Rome, Watertown ct ()gdensl)iirg R. R tn Clayton. Thousand Island Steamboat Co. to Alcxamlria Bay. Returning, same route. THROUGH KATES. Baltimore, Md $22 T.'i I Washington, D. C $24 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa. . '. . . 10 85 | Form Ex. 555. — Alexandria Bay, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeli)hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Sterling. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensljurg 1!. K to Clayton. Thousand Island Steamboat Co to Alexandria Bay. Thousand Islanot. Southern Rv to Asheville. Returning, same route. Baltimore, Md Bellaire, Berkeley Springs, W. Va Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va. . . . Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park, ISId Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Hagerstown, Md Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . Havre de Grace, Md. . . Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va McKeesport, Pa Martinsburg, W. Va. . . Meyersdale, Pa '••■ Time limit si through rates. . $22 00 . 30 45 . 24 05 . 30 45 . 23 20 . 25 50 . 30 45 . 30 30 . 26 60 . 28 00 . 30 45 . 22 80 . 30 45 . 23 60 . 22 70 . 23 45 . 30 35 . 27 50 . 30 45 . 23 45 . 28 10 X (6) m Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa. . . . . . Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md *Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va *Pittsburg, Pa Rock wood, Pa Soiiicr.'^ct, I'a Uniontown, Pa "^Washington, Pa -Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va onths from date of sale. $30 45 30 45 30 45 28 15 30 45 24 30 30 00 28 25 30 45 26 00 27 70 30 45 28 55 28 95 30 45 30 45 30 45 25 00 24 30 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 23 Form Ex. Iti. — Ashkville, N. C, and Return. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Bristol. Southern Rv to Paint Rock. Southern Ry to Asheville. ilL-turiiin;r, same route. Baltimore, Md Bellaire, O Berkeley Springs, \V. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsvillo, I'n Cumberlantl, ^Id Deer Park, Md Fairmont, W. Va Federick, Md Grafton, W. Va. . . . . . . Harper's Ferry, W. \'a. . . Havre de Grace, ^hl. . . . .Tohnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va McKeesport, Pa Martinslnn-i;-, W. Va. . . . MrycrMlah', Pa Mdi-gantdwn, W. Va, (\ia Fairmont) ■■■■Time limit >i THROUGH RATES. . $22 00 . 30 45 . 21 75 . 30 45 . 25 50 . 28 55 . 27 30 . 23 GO . 25 55 . 28 55 . 20 65 . 27 65 . 20 00 . 23 45 . 27 35 . 24 55 . 20 05 . 20 45 . 25 10 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md ■•■■Parkersburg, W. \'a. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va ■•■■Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C ■•■■Washington, Pa ■-Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del $29 00 30 45 25 70 27 80 24 30 30 00 25 80 3() 45 26 00 24 75 29 60 25 55 25 95 27 75 20 00 30 45 30 45 25 00 29 55 I X (6) months from date of sale. Form Ex. 55. — Asheville, N. C, and Return. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Lexington. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R to Lynchburg Southern Ry to Asheville. Reluming, same route. Baltimore, Md. Bellaire, 0. Berkeley Springs, W. \' Cameron, W. Va. . . . Charlestown, W. Va. . . . Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park, Md 1^'airmont, W. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Hagerstown, Md Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . ILirrisonburg, Va Havre de Grace, Md. . . . .Tohnstown, Pa Kevser, W. Va MclCeesport, Pa MartinsDurg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) ■* Time limit ; THROUGH RATES. . $22 00 . 30 45 . 21 75 . 30 45 . 20 00 . 25 50 . 28 55 . 27 30 . 23 60 . 25 55 . 28 55 . 20 65 . 27 65 . 20 00 . 20 00 . 18 60 . 23 45 . 27 35 . 24 55 . 29 05 . 20 45 . 25 10 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md ■■"Parkersburg, W.Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va »Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C ■•■■Washington, Pa *Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $29 00 30 45 25 70 27 80 24 30 30 00 25 80 30 45 26 00 24 75 29 60 25 55 25 95 17 30 20 CO 27 75 20 00 30 45 30 45 25 00 20 OO 29 55 -ix (6) months from date of sale. 24 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY THE BOARD-WALK. ATLANTIC CITY, IM . J. The briny and brilliant atmosphere of tliis great seaside cosmopolis seems with caressing- fingers to "knit up the raveled sleeve of care;" the swishing surf sings wooingly a restful song to the tired senses ; the genial surroundings stir the sluggish blood to quicker pulsings, and the in- spiriting activities that pervade the place beget fresh im- pulses and enkindle new ambitious in the most mind-weary of mortals. A stroll on the thronged board-walk is an inspiration and a delight. This magnificent esplanade, skirting the white- beaded edge of the horizon-reaching sea for four unbroken miles, is the daily rendezvous of beauty and fashion, as well as the daily resort of the invalid and valetudinarian. Here meet and mingle the cosmopolite and the country- man. Beau Brummel and Farmer Hayseed, the belle from 26 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY vociferous Broadway and the bright-eyed maiden from the quiet Pennsylvania hills. The magnificent climatic advantages of Atlantic City render it easily the foremost of Amercan health resorts. The lialmy and invigorating air, laden with briny ozone and impregnated with the balsamic odors of the encircling- pine forests is distinctively curative in pulmonary, malarial and nervous disorders. The diversity of recreations and amusements attract to it every shade of temperament and taste, from the gravest to the gayest. Hundreds of hotels and boarding cottages are open for the entertainment of visitors at rates ranging from a dollar a day up to figures that would make a frugal millionaire dizzy. The facilities for getting to and from this enchanting bit of Lotas Land are superb in their completeness and in every detail, for who has not heard of the B. & 0. "Eoyal Blue Line," wliich makes direct connections in Philadel- phia with tlie Eeading's Koyal Koute to the Sea. All the Baltimore & Ohio Express trains make direct connections in the Washington depot with the Royal Blue Line flyers for the seashore. Atlantic City has gained an envial)le reputation as a sea- side resort, and is growing in popularity with each succeed- ing season. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 27 Atlantic City, N. J. — Excursion Form Ex. 715. Limited to six (G) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Phihidelphia it Reading R. R. (A. C. Line) ... to Atlantic City. Returning, same route. Va. (Via Abenieen, Md . . . Baltimore, Md. . . . Bellaire, Berkeley Springs, W Brunswick, Md. . . . Cameron, W. Va. . . Charlestown, \V. Va. C h e a t H a v e n , l*a Unionlown.). . . . Cherry Run, W. Va. . . . Chester, Pa Clarksburg. \V. Va Connellsville, Pa Cund^erland, Md Darby, Pa Deer "Park, Md Fairchance, Pa. (via Union town) Fairmont, W. Va , Frederick, INId , Gratton, W. Va Hagerstown, Md Harper's Ferry, \V. Va. . . Harrisonburg, Va Ha vre de Grace, ^Id. . . , Hyattsville, Ud Hyndman, Pa Jolmstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va Landenlierg, Pa Laurel, Md Lexington, Va McKeesjiort, Pa THROUGH RATES. . $ 4-75 . GOO . 22 05 . n 75 . 9 35 21 1 G( ) !) ,So 18 55 11 20 2 50 IS 65 17 40 13 70 2 20 15 00 IS 10 18 GO 9 00 17 75 9 20 9 35 14 80 4 55 7 70 14 25 17 45 14 60 3 50 7 10 17 iM) 15 60 Mannington, W. Va. . . . .f-in .30 Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . 9 90 Meyersdale, Pa 15 20 Mo'rgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 19 65 Mnrgantdwn, \V. Va. (via rninnt(iwn) 19 10 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 21 40 Mountain Lake I'ark, Md. . 15 15 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 17 90 Newark, Del 3 60 Oakland, :Md l.-> 25 Parkershurg, W. Va. ... 21 75 Piedmont, \V. Va 14 80 Pittsburg, Pa ^. . . 18 60 Rockwood, Pa. ...*... 15 (i5 Romney, W. Va 13 lo Scott Haven, Pa is 60 Shenandoah .(unc, W. Va. . 9 65 Smithfield, Pa. ( via Union- town) 18 25 Somerset, Pa 16 05 Staunton, Va 16 10 Strasbnrg, Va 12 10 Union town. Pa 17 S5 Uj)land, Pa 2 55 Washington, D. C 8 00 Washington, Pa 20 20 West Newton, Pa 18 40 West Salisbury, Pa 15 60 Wheeling, W.'Va 21 75 Wilmington, Del 3 00 Winchester, Va 10 80 Atlantic Citv, N. .1. — Excursion Form Ex. 865. Limited to ten (10) days after date of sale. Baltimore X' Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia .t Reading R. R. (A. C. Line) ... to Atlantic City. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Chester, Pa $2 25 I Landenberg, Pa $3 25 Dar))y, Pa 1 95 | Wilmington, Del 2 75 Transfer of passenger or baggage through Philadel])hia not included. If transfer is desired, agents will sell T. 23 for transfer of passenger at rate of 15 cents in either direction, and T. 28 for transfer of baggage at rate of 25 cents in either direction. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 29 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N.J. Form Ex. 1192. — Atl.\ntic Highlands, N. J., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Atlantic Higlihmds Returning, .same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $8 00 | Washington, D. C $10 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 OU | AUBURN, N. Y. Form Ex. 1318. — Auburn, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore &^ Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeliihia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Auhurn. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $16 80 I Washington, D. C $18 80 tPhiladelphia, Pa 12 80 | Form Ex. 812. — Auburn, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeli>hia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Caytiga. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . . . to Auburn. Lehigh Valley R. R to Bethlehem. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadeljihia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $17 40 I Washington. D. C $1!) M) tPhiladelphia, Pa 13 40 | AVON KEY EAST), N. J. Form Ex. 1177.— Avon (Key E.ast), N. J., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Avon. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $8 00 1 Washington, D. C $10 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 00 | In addition to the above, excursion tickets Form Ex. 1177, Avon, N. J., may be sold from following stations at rates as quoted below. Tickets should be limited with an "L" punch to 16 days, including day of issue. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $7 50 Chester, Pa 4 00 Havre de Grace, Md 5 85 Newark, Del 5 00 BABYLON, L. I. Form Ex. 813. — Babylon, Long Island, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Metropolitan Ferry Co. , Janie.s' fcjlip or 34th Street Ferry to Long Island City. Long Island R. R to Babylon. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $10 10 1 Washington, D. C $12 10 tPhiladelphia, Pa 6 10 | tPhiladelphia, Pa $3 50 Washington, D. C 9 60 Wilmington, Del 4 50 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 31 BAR HARBOR (MT. DESERT ISLAND), ME. Bar Iiarl)or is on the eastern sliore of the island, opposite the Porcupine Islands, and derives its name from a sandy ])ar, visible only at low water, which connects Mount Desert with the largest and northernmost of the Porcupine group. The village at this harl)or is known locally by the name of East Eden, and is the favorite sto})ping place for travelers. "Two purposes of special interest fill the mind of the visitor us soon as he finds himself satisfactorily domiciled — to exi)lore the rocks and cliffs on the shore, and to ascend Green Mountain and enjoy the superb views. Only second to the scenery of the island are the great attractions of fishing and boating. He will be anxious to try his hand at the splendid trout with which the lakes are said to abound, and to go far down the l)ay for catches of cod and haddock, Avhich here are of large dimensions and in great abundance." The view from the summit of Green Mountain is very fine, eml)i'acing the Avliole of Mt. Desert, Frenchman's Bay with its many islands, the boundless ocean o]i the one hand, and a vast stretch of the Maine coast on the other. It is claimed that Mt. Katahdin (one hundred miles distant) and Mt. AVashington (one hundred and forty miles distant) have been seen from this point. Bar Harbor, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 504 — Extension from Boston. Route l)eyond Boston. Boston it Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Centra] R. R to Rockland. Boston tt Bangor S. S. Line to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route to I>oston. To be sold in connection with leeding forms to Boston and retin-n. (See Boston feeding forms.) From tPlnladelphia. . . Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. Rail Lines $24 00 28 00 30 00 Sound Lines $22 00 26 00 28 00 C.oin^ Kail Returning Sound or vice versa. $23 00 27 00 29 00 32 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ^m?' GREEN MOUNTAIN RAILWAY— TRAIN AT SUMMIT. Bar Harbor, Me., and Return. Form Ex. .WS — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Rockland. Portland, Mt. Desert & Machias Steamboat Line . to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection witli feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladclphia, Pa. . . I'.altiinnre, Md Washington, D. C. . . Rail Lines Sound Lines Goiiiff Rail Returninif Sound or vice versa. $24 00 $22 00 $23 00 28 00 26 00 27 00 30 00 28 00 29 00 Bar Harbor, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 506 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Portland Steam Packet Line to Portia Maine Central R. R to Rockl Portland, Mt. Desert & Machias Steamboat Line . to Bai^. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to^^^i^PTon and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 33 From fPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. Rail Lines Sound Lines (~,oinjj Rail Returning Sound $23 00 $21 00 $22 00 27 00 25 00 26 00 29 00 27 00 28 00 Bar Harbor, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 507 or Sj>l. Ex. 515 — Extensions from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Bar Harl)or. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston anti return. (See Boston feeding forms.) Special Excursion Form, Spl. Ex. 515, is good for continuous passage only, east of Portland, and the rates for same are $2.50 less than the rates for the regular excursion as quoted below. THROUGH rates. Route to and from Boston. From Rail Lines Sound Lines Goinjf Rail Returning Sound tPhiladeli)hia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md. .... Wasliington, I). C. . . . . $28 00 . . 32 00 . . 34 00 $26 00 30 00 32 00 $27 00 31 00 33 UO Bar Harbor, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 510 — Extension iVom Boston. Route beyond Boston. Portland Steam Packet Line to Portland. Maine Central R. R to INickland. Boston & Bangor S. S. Line to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection witli feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From Rail Lines Sound Lines Going- Rail Returning Sound tPbiladelpliia, Pa. . . . . S23 00 $21 00 $22 00 Baltimore, Md . . 27 00 25 00 26 00 Washington, I). C. . . 29 00 27 00 2S 00 34 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Bak Harbok, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 511— Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Bangor S. S. Line to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From trhiladeli)hia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines $21 50 25 50 27 50 $19 50 2P. 50 25 50 Going- Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $20 50 24 50 26 50 Bar Harbor, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 512— P^xtension from Boston. Route Ijeyoiul Boston. Boston it Maine R. R to Rortland. Maine Central R. R to Bar Harlior. Boston it Bangor S. S. Line to Rockland. Maine Central R. R to Portland. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. To be .sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) From tPhiladcliihia, Pa. Baltinidre, Md. . . Wasliiiigton, 1). C. THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. Pail Lines Sound Lines $25 50 29 50 31 50 $23 50 27 50 29 50 r.uing Kail Returning Sound or vice versa. $24 50 28 50 30 50 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 35 BEDFORD SPRINGS. PA. "Oh! beautiful those wastes of heath, Stretching for miles to lure the bee, Where the wild bird on pinions strong Wheels round and pours his piping song. And timid creatures wander free." Bedford Springs are located at Bedford, Pa,, in the Alleghany Mountains, 1,100 f ei t above tide-water, with a bracing salnbrious mountain air, and are known as the Magnesia Spring, the Sulphur Spring, the Pure Spring ami the Iron Spring. Cool nights, no mosquitoes and no mala- ria. Patronized as a summer resort for three-quarters of a century ; the attractions of the place are well known. Here will be found all the plensure of true country life, as coaching parties, horse-back riding through cool aiul shady roads, beautiful drives and walks through a country which presents rare panoramic views of hills and mount- ains, forest and streams, all furnishing a combination of landscape that is grand and beautiful lieyond description. 36 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY The curative qualities of the Bedford Mineral Water are too well known to need description here. The medical virtues of its waters were well known to early settlers, who, when ailing, were accustomed to go there, feeling as certain of findiug relief for their afflictions as the pilgrims did f,^ ViJ^^*^ < :S^.S \^- -'.fXri. A PLEASANT DRIVE. who crowded the porches of Bethesda and flocked to the Pool of Siloam. Celebrated as mineral waters have become all over the world for the cure of disease, there has been none to surpass, and in this country none to equal in virtue, the Bedford Magnesia Spring. The Sulphur Spring rises on the west side of Shover's Creek, about two hundred yards distant from the Magnesia Spring. It is a less copious spring than the others, and ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 37 the water exhales a very strong odor of sulphuretted hydro- gen gas. Chemical experiments prove that it holds in solution carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen gas, small quantities of lime, magnesia and common salt, and that it contains no iron. The v^^ater is very valuable in the treatment of blood diseases and chronic inflamation. Form Ex. 7G5. — Bedford Springs, Pa., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumberland. Pennsylvania R. R. (Bedford Div.) to Bedford. Returnina;, same route. Baltimore, Md Bellaire, O Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . . Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa ■^Cumberland, ISId Deer Park, Md Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Hagerstown, Md Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Harrisonburg, Va Havre de Grace, Md. . . . Jolinstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va Lexington, Va McKeesport, Pa Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa through rates. . $ 9 55 . 10 25 . 4 35 . 8 80 . 6 15 6 65 12 75 6 80 5 55 1 85 3 75 (; 20 (i 80 (i 80 5 90 80 5 75 10 75 11 fHI 5 (15 2 75 13 85 6 65 5 00 3 35 jSIorgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $ 7 80 Morgantown, W. Va. ( via Uniontown) 7 20 Moundsville. W. \a 9 45 Mountain Lake Park, :SId. . 3 i)0 Mt. Pleasant, Pa <> 05 Newark, Del 1195 New York, N. Y 16 75 Oakland, Md 4 00 Parkersburg. W. Va. ... 9 90 Philadelphia, Pa 12 75 Piedmont, W. Va 2 95 Pittsburg, Pa 6 G5 Rockwood, Pa 3 80 Smithfield, Pa. (via Union- town) 6 35 Somerset, Pa 4 20 Staunton, Va 12 05 Strasburg, Va 8 40 Uniontown, Pa 5 95 Washington, D. C 7 95 Washington, Pa 8 45 Wheeling, W. Va 9 90 Wilmington, Del 12 55 Winchester, Va 7 35 In adtlition to the above. Form Ex. 129, reading via Hyndman, may be sold from all stations east of Cumberland, at above rates. On account of a half-mile transfer through Cumberland, for which no provision is made, agents east of Cumberland will sell tickets via Hyndman unless tickets via Cumberland are reqirested by jjassenger. Baggage should be checked via Hyndman onlj-. »Sell Form Ex. 129 only. Form Ex. 789. — Bedford Springs, Pa., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumberland, Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hyndman. Pennsylvania R. R to Bedford. Pennsylvania R. R to Cumberland. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Rate from Pittsburg $6 65 38 BALTIMORE cC- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY BEECH GLEN, PA. Form Ex. 598. — Beech Glen, Pa. (for Beaver Dam), and Return. Baltimore Si. Ohio R. R to PliiUulelplna. Pliiladelphiacfe Reading R. R to Halls. Williaiiispdrt & North Branch K. R to Beech Glen. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $10 oO 1 Washington, D. C $12 50 fPhiladelphia, Pa 8 10 | -^-^ BELMAR, N. J. OCEAN BEACH). Twelve years ago the site of Bel mar (formerly Ocean Beach) was a dreary stretch of land — the "haunts of coot and hern." To-day it is a flourishing watering-place, whose present population is but a foretaste of its future prosjierity. 8hark River, near which Belmar is situated, was prob- ably so named because there are no sharks to be caught there; but there are plenty of other fish to be had for the taking. From May to October bluefish and weakfish abound; in June come the sheep's-head, and striped bass offer royal sport at all seasons of the year. Belmar is eight miles south of Long Branch. Form Ex. 1177. — Belmar, N. J. (Ocean Beach), and Return. Baltimore Sz Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia Si Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Belmar (Ocean Beach). Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ^Nld ."^S 00 1 Washington, D. C $10 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 00 | In addition to the ahove, excursion tickets. Form Ex. 1177, Belmar, N. J. (Ocean Beach), may be sold from the following stations at rates as i-*iaa^si» ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 41 stance is it true tliat nature unadorned is most adorned, for liuman skill and ingenuity have been exercised to enhance the beauty of the place with the best possible success. From the road, as one descends the mountain, the dell in which the structures have been reared appears to be hardly any larger than tne palm of the hand, and, contrasted with the great face of the range which locks the valley in close embrace, the simile is relatively sustained. The volume and un- ceasing supply of water at these springs are remarkable. The discharge is from no less than five principal sources, besides numerous tributary ones, and is upward of two thousand gallons per minute. It is clear and crystalline, tasteless, and of a uniform and invariable temperature of 74° Fahrenheit. Its medicinal properties are of such a high and unequivocal standard that the State went to a large expense in fitting up bath-houses and providing them with every known appurtenance for securing the greatest benefit from their use. Any form of bath may be taken as best suits the bather. There are stone swimming-pools of large dimensions both for ladies and gentlemen, the supply being so vast that virtually each person has fresh water, and always at a normal temperature. There are also a dozen or more private baths, ten feet by four and five feet deep, for gentlemen ; and as many are furnished for the use of ladies. The component parts of the water from the main springs are carlionate of lime, crenate, iron, chloride of sodium, calcium, sul})hate of magnesia, and silicate of lime. There are also springs largely impregnated with sulphur, offering a fine tonic for drinking or for bathing. The accommodations are upon an extensive scale, and at the height of the season Berkeley is a very animated and bril- liant resort. Balls are given nightly, and the social attrac- tions are all that the most fastidious could wish. The air during the hottest summer weather is pure and salubrious, the temperature rarely, if ever, reaching high figures, and the nights are ever such as to require blankets to render sleep agreeable. During the proper season the hunting about Berkeley is fine ; deer, wild turkey, pheasant, partridge, and other £'ame aboundinof. Fishermen have the mountain 42 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY streams near by where they can tempt trout with fly, and a distance of two miles brings them to the Potomac, than which for black bass fishing there are no better waters on the continent. A chemical analysis of the watei from Warm Sj^ring shows it to be a very pure and wholesome water. Grains per U. S. Gallon. Silica 05 Alumina and oxide of iron 15 Carbonate of lime 7.35 Carbonate of magnesia 78 Sulphate of lime 27 Sul])hate of magnesia 42 Sulphate of soda 51 Cliloride of soda 30 Incrusting solids 9.02 Non-incrusting solids 87 Total solids 9.89 Free ammonia Albuminoid ammonia . H. B. Hodges, Engineer of Tests. Parts per Million. .9 126.0 13.4 4.7 7.1 8.7 0.7 1G9.5 0.0 0.0 C. P. Yax (Juxdy, Chief Chemist. Form Ex. 124. — Berkeley Springs, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Berkeley Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. ]M(irt2'ant(i\vn Baltimore, Md $ 5 75 Bellaire, 10 95 Cameron, W. Va 9 50 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 2 45 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) 7 40 Cliester, Pa 9 25 Clarkslnirg, W. Va 7 50 Connellsville, Pa 6 25 Cumberland, Md. Deer Park, Md Faireliance, Pa. (via Union- town) Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md Craftnn, AV. Va Hagerstown, Md Harper's Ferry, W. Va. 55 4 45 95 7 50 3 00 6 60 3 00 1 95 Harrisonburg, Va 6 95 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 7 20 .Tohnstown, Pa 6 .30 Kevser, W. Va 3 45 Lexington, Va 10 05 MrK.'esi)nrt, Pa 8 00 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 1 20 Meyersdale, Pa 4 05 In addition to the season tickets for which rates are quoted above, special tickets. Form Ex. 877, will be sold from the following stations to Berkeley S])rings, W. Va., and return, fur use going on train No. 1 on Fridays, and all trains on Saturday and Sunday of each week, good to return on any train leaving Berkeley Springs on the following Monday. EXCURSION RATES. Baltimore, Md $4 00 I Washington, D. C $3 50 W. Va. (via Fairmont) .$ 8 50 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 7 95 Moundsville, W. A^a. ... 10 15 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 4 60 Mt. Pleasant, Va 6 75 Newark, Del 8 05 New York, N. Y 13 75 Oakland, Md 4 70 Parkers) mrg, W. A'a. ... Id 60 Pliiladeli.bia, Pa 9 75 Piedmont, \V. A'a 3 (55 Pittsburg, Pa 8 55 Rock wood. Pa 4 50 Smithfield, Pa. (via Union- town) vSomerset, I'a Staunton, A'^a 8 Strashurg, A'a ITniontown, Pa AVashington, 1). C. . . Washington. Pa. . . . AVlieeUng, W. Va. . . . Wilmington, Del. . . . AVinchester, \'a 7 10 4 90 8 25 4 00 (i 70 4 15 9 05 1(^ 60 8 75 3 55 44 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY BETHLEHEM WHITE MOUNTAI NSi, N. H. This village is said to be the highest of any east of the Eocky Mountains, being 1,500 feet above the level of the ocean. Pure air, convenience to the many attractive resorts in the Presidential range of the White Mountains, and the facilities offered by a good sized village are only a few of the claims of this pretty region. Bethlehem, N. H., anp Retupn. Form Ex. 815 — Extension from Boston. lloute beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Intervale Junction Maine Central R. R to Zealand Junction. Protile & Franconia Notch R. R to Bethlehem. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladcli)hia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . , Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Goinjf Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $24 00 $20 80 $23 00 28 00 24 80 27 00 30 (X) 20 80 29 00 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 45 Bethlehem, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 816 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. E. Profile ct Franconia Notch R. R. to Zealand June, to Bethlehem. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines $24 no 2S 00 .30 00 Sound Lines $20 80 24 80 26 80 Goiny Rail Returning Sound $2.3 00 27 00 29 00 Transfer through Bo.stoii, via Sound Lines, included. Bethlehem, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 514 — Extension from Boston. Route l)eyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Nashua. Concord & Montreal R. R to Bethlehem .Tunc. Profile & Franconia Notch R. \l to Bethlehem. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH R.\TES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Washington, I). C. . . Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. !?24 00 $20 SO $2.3 00 28 00 24 80 27

20 RATES. Mountain Lake Park, IMd. . $4 70 Mt. Pleasant, Pa. (via Uniontown) 6 85 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 6 80 Pittsburg, Pa. (via Union- town) 8 70 Uniontown, Pa. (via Mor- gantown) 5 85 Washington, Pa. (via Wheeling, W. Va.) ... 7 95 Wheeling, W. Va 6 65 ''/mm h ^i ' '■* , ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 47 BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. Form Ex. 37.— Black Mouktain, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. it O. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Ry to Black Mountain. Returniner, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $21 Bellaire, 34 \V. Va. Berkeley S]iring! Cameron, W. Va 33 Charlestown, AV. Va. ... 22 Chester, Ra 25 Clarkshurg, W. Va 31 Connellsville, Pa 29 Cumberland, Md 2fj Deer Park, ivid 27 Fairmont, \\ . Va 31 Frederick, Md 22 Craiton, W. Va 30 Hagerstown, Md 23 narj)er's Ferry. W. Va. . . 22 Havre de (Trace, Md. ... 22 .Tohnstown, Pa 29 Kcyscr, W. Va 27 MiKeesport, Pa 31 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 22 Meyersdale, Pa 27 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $32 05 Morgantown, W. Va. (via I^niontown) 31 50 Moundsville, W. Va 33 70 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 27 65 ]Mt. Pleasant, Pa 30 30 Newark, Del 23 80 New York, X. Y 29 50 Oakland. Md 27 75 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 34 15 Philadelphia, Pa 25 50 Piedmont, W. Va 27 20 Pittsburg, Pa 32 10 Rockwood, Pa 2S 05 Somerset, Pa 28 45 Uniontown, Pa 30 25 Washin-tun. Pa 33 20 Wheeling, W. Va 34 15 Wilmington, Del 24 50 Winchester, Va 23 80 Form Ex. 43. — Black Mountain, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Lexington. Chesapeake & Ohio R. R to Lynchburg. Soutliern Ry • to Black Mountain. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md . . $21 50 Bellaire, . . 31 75 Berkeley Springs, \\ . V a. . 21 45 Cameron, AV. Va. . . . . . 30 30 Charlestown, AV. A^a. . . . 19 50 . . 25 00 Clarksburg, AV. A'a. . . . . 28 35 Connellsville, Pa. . . . . . 27 10 Cuniberland, Md. . . . . . 23 40 Deer Park, :Md . . 25 20 Fairmont, AV. A"a. . . . . . 28 35 Frederick, ]\Id . . 20 15 Grafton, AV. Va . . 27 45 Hagerstown, Md. . . . . . 20 50 Harper's Ferrv, AV. A'a. . . 19 50 Harrisonburg, A'a. . . . . 17 90 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 22 95 Johnstown, Pa . . 27 15 Kevser, A\". Va . . 24 30 McKeesport, Pa. . . . . . 28 85 Martinsburg, AV. A'a. . . . 20 25 Mcversdale, Pa . . 24 90 Morgantown, AV. A'a. via Fairmont) . . 29 35 ^Morgantown, AV. Va. (via Uniontown) Jlounilsville, AV. Va. . . . Motmtaiu Lake Park, ISId. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, AV. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa AA'ashington, D. C AVashington, Pa AVheeling, AV. Va AVilmington, Del AVinchester, Va $28 80 31 00 25 45 27 60 23 80 29 50 31 50 25 50 24 50 29 40 25 35 25 75 16 60 19 50 27 55 19 50 30.50 31 50 24 50 19 50 48 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY "no blue waves SHATTEFt TO FOAM MOUE AVHITE." BLOCK ISLAND, R. I. " There is that lovely island fair; And the pale health-seeker findeth there The wine of life in its pleasant air. " No g-reener vallej's the sun invite ; On smoother beaches no sea-birds light ; No blue waves shatter to foam moi-e white ! " The peculiar advantage of Block Island lies in this, that it is not only a resort at the sea, but in the sea. Situated ten miles sonth of Point Judith, it is washed on every side by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. No land breeze, bearing pestiferons mosquitoes and choking dnst can find its way to this guarded spot. No impurities from neigh- boring cities defile the clearness of its surf. The ther- mometer rarely registers over 75°. The hotels are amply provided with all modern improve- ments, and the social life of the place, while not lacking in spirit, does not obtrude itself to the annoyance of those whose chief objects are quiet and health. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 49 Form Ex. 610. — Block Island, R. I., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New])ort. Steamer to Block I^^land. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md %l^ 00 I Washington, U. C $17 00 tPliiiadelphia, Pa 11 00 | Form Ex. 740. — Block Island, R. I., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Stonington Line \ to Stonington. Steamer "Watch Hill" to Watch Hill. Steamer " Block Island" to Block Island. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $12 30 I Washington, D. C $14 30 tPhiladelphia, Pa 8 30 | Form Ex. 741. — Block Island, R. I., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New London. Steamer " Block Island " to Block Island. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $15 00 I Washington, D. C $17 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 00 | Form Ex. 742.— Block Island, R. I., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwich Line ". to New London. Steamer " Block Island " to Block Island. Returning, same rotite. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $12 30 I Washington, D. C $14 30 tPhiladelphia, Pa 8 30 | BLUE MOUNTAIN, MD. Form Ex. 723.— Blue Mountain, Md., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer, B. & 0. R. R. Dei)ot . . to Western Md. R. R., Fulton Station. Western Maryland R. R to Blue Mountain. Returning, same route. THROUGH R.\TES. Philadelphia, Pa $7 GO Washington, D. C 5 60 Wilmington, Del 6 60 tBaltimore, Md $3 60 Chester, Pa 7 10 New York, N. Y 11 60 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 51 FoKM Ex. 678. — Blue Mountain, Md., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagersto\Yn. Transfer, B.&O. Depot to W. M. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland R. R. (via Short Line) . . . . to Blue Mountain. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Bellairc, Berkeley Sjirings.W.Va. . Charlest'o\vn,W. Va. . . . Clarksburg, W.Va Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park, Md Fairmont, W. Va Grafton, W. Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Harrisonburg. Va Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va Lexington, Va ^[eyersdale. Pa Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $14 00 3 65 2 80 10 55 9 30 5 60 7 50 10 55 9 65 2 30 7 30 9 35 6 50 10 40 7 10 11 55 Morgantown, "W. Va. (via I^iii(intiiwn) $11 M<)undsvilIe,W.Va 13 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 7 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 9 Oakland, Md 7 Parkersburg,W.Va 13 Piedmont, W. Va 6 Pittsburg, Pa 11 Rockwood, Pa 7 Somerset, Pa 7 Staunton, Va 8 Uniontown, Pa 9 Washini,naltimore). . $23 00 Form Ex. 668. — Boston, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Omnibus Transfer, (j)assenger and ordinary baggage) to M. & M. T. Co.'s Long Dock. Merchants' and Miners' Transportation Co. . . .to Boston. New York, New Haven A Hartford R. R to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. New York" Transfer Co. (baggage only) to Depot C. R. R. of New .Jersey. Central R. R. t)f New .lersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia * Reading R! R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Rate from fBaltimore (including transfers) $22 55 Form Ex. 669. — Boston, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Omnibus Transfer, (passenger and onHnary baggage) to M. &M. T. Co.'s Long Dock. Merchants' and Miners' Transportation Co. ... to Boston. Boston & Albany R. R to Springfield. New York, New'Haven & Hartford R. R to New York. New York Transfer Co. (passenger and ordinary baggage) to Depot C. R. R. of New Jersey. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Rate from fBaltimore (including transfers) $24 05 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 55 FEEDING FORMS TO AND FROM BOSTON, MASS. which have been prepared for use in connection with ex- tension tickets of Baltimore & Ohio R. R. issue, from Boston to destination and return to Boston, thus making complete round-trip tickets from jwint of sale. These forms are not for sale exre/)f in connection with the extension tickets. TO BOSTON AND RETURN. Form Ex. -iOS. — Uoston, Mass., .\nd Return. J'.altiiiKirect Oliio R. R to Pliiladelpliia. riiiladelphia cfe Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central H. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. . . . to Springfield. Boston &, Albany R. R to Boston. Returning, saiiie route. Form Ex. 499.— Boston, M.\ss., and Return. r.altiniore it Ohio R. R to rhiladelj.hia. I'liiladclphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & tfartford R. R to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. (S. L. D.)to Boston. Returning, same route. Form Ex. 926.— Boston, Mass., and Return. l-.altimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeli)hia. I'hiladeiphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & "Hartford R. R. . . . to Hartford. New York & New England R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. Form Ex. 927. — Boston, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hart fhia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York & Northern R. li. (15.5th St. Station) . to Brewster. New York & New England R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. Form Ex. 497.— Boston, M.\ss., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadehihia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. ... to Boston. Returning, same route. 56 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY PAUL REVERE'S house, BOSTON. Form Ex. 928. — Boston, Mass., and Return. Baltimore &. Oliio R. R to Pliiladelpliia. Philadelpliia & Reading R. R to Bound Brixik Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Y( irk. Norwich Line to New London. New York & New England R. R to Norwich. New York & New England R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. Form Ex. 929. — Boston, Mass., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeljihia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Stonington Line to Stonington. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R . . . .to Boston. Returning, same route. Form Ex. 930. — Boston, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Providence Line to Providence. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Boston. Returning, same route. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 57 TO BOSTON. Form Ex. 932. — To Boston, Mass. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Boston. Form Ex. 933.— To Boston, Mass. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeliihia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven &' Hartford R. R. . . . to Williiuantic. New York & New England R. R to Boston. Form Ex. 9.34— To Boston, Mass. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Hartford. New York & New England R. R to Boston. Form Ex. 935.— To Boston, Mass. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Albany R. R to Boston. Form Ex. 1180.— To Boston, Mass. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York &, Northern R. R. {V^^^X\\ St. Station) . to Brewster. New York & New England R. R to Boston. Form Ex. 936.— To Boston, Mass. Baltimore ife Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading \\. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Cnlonv Steamboat Co. \V-a\\ River Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Boston. Form Ex. 9.37. — To Boston, Mass. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia ife Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Providence Line to Providence. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Boston. Form Ex. 938.— To Boston, Mass. Baltimore ^t Ohio R. R to Pliiladeli)hia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Stonington Line * to Stonington. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. . . . to Boston. Form Ex. 939.— To Boston, Mass. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeli.hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersev to New York. Norwich Line to New London. New York it New England R. R to Norwich. New York & New England R. R to Boston. from Harper's Magaz A ROCKV COAST, ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 59 *«*hwS«**?' LIEF ERRICSON'S STATUE, KOSTOX. FROM BOSTON. Form Ex. 941. — From Bosto.v, Mass. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Boston to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia* Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 942. — From Boston, M.\ss. New York & New England R. R Boston to Williniantic. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. . . . to New Haven. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadeli)hia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 943.— From Boston, Mass. New Yorlv & New England R. R Boston to Hartford. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound IJrook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 944. — From Boston, Mass. Boston tt Albany R. R B(j.ston to Springlicld. New York, New" Haven &, Hartford R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R."R to Philadelphia. Baltimore &, Oliio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 1181.— From Boston, Mass. New York it New England R. R Boston to Brewster. New York it Northern R. R to New York (lofith St. St'u Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ct Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting jioint. Form Ex. 945. — From Boston, Mass. New York, New Haven &. Hartford K. R. P.oston to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. ( Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central R." R. of New Jersev to Boitnd Bro()k. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting jioint. GO BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 946. — From Boston, Mass. New York, New Haven tt Hartford R. R. Boston to Providence. Providence Line to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladelphia & Reading R.'R to Pliiladelpliia. Baltimore & Ohio H. R to starting point. Form Ex. 947. — From Boston, Mass. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Boston to Stonington. Stonington Line to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to I'hihidelpliia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 948.— From Boston, Mass. New York & New England R. R Boston to Norwich. New York & New England R. R to New London. Norwich Line to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R."R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. BRANDON, VT. Form Ex. 12G2. — Brandon, Vt., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Fitihburg R. R to White Creek. Bennin^tiin & Rutland R. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Brandon. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 85 1 Washington, D. C $20 85 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 85 | Form Ex. 12G4.— Brandon, Vt., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. . . . to Siiringfieltl. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattlelioro. Boston & Maine R. R to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R to Brandon. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 85 I Washington, D. C $20 85 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 85 | Form Ex. 1266. — Brandon, Vt., and Return. Baltimore Si Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwich Line to New London. Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston (fe Maine R. R to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. R to Brandon. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $17 85 I Washington, D. C .$19 85 tPhiladelphia, Pa 13 85 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 61 BRiDGEHAMPTON, N. Y. Form Ex. 949. — Bridgehampton (Long Isl.\nd). N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Metropolitan Ferry Co., Jaines' yiip or 34th Street Ferry .... I to Long Island City. Long Island R. R to Bridgehanii)ton. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $13 15 I Washingti.n, 1). C $15 15 fPhiladelphia, Pa 9 15 | BRIELLE, N. J. Form Ex. 1177. — Brielle, N. .1., and Return. Baltimore tV; Ohio R. R to Philadely)hia. Philadeli)liia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Brielle. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, i\Id $8 00 I Washington, D. C $10 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 00 | In addition to the ahuve. excursion tickets Form Ex. 1177, Brielle, N. J., may be sold from following stations at rates as quoted below. Tickets should be limited with an "L" punch to 16 days, including day of issue. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ISId $7 50 Chester, Pa 4 00 Havre de Grace, Md 5 85 Newark, Del 5 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa $3 50 Washington, D. C 9 50 Wilmington, Del 4 50 fe^4" 62 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY BRISTOL, TENN. Form Ex. 1287. — Bristol, Tenn., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Slienandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Bristol. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $20 CO Bellaire, 28 45 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 18 25 Cameron, W. Va 27 05 Chester, Pa 23 50 Clarksburg, W. Va 25 05 Connellsville, Pa 23 80 Cumberland, Md 20 10 Deer Park, Md 22 05 Fairmont, W.Va 25 05 Frederick, Md 17 85 Grafton, W. Va 24 15 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 16 75 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 21 45 Johnstown. Pa 23 85 Kevser, W. Va 21 05 Mc'Keesport, Pa 25 55 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 16 95 Meyersdale, Pa 21 60 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 27 75 Morgantown, "\V. Va. (via Fairmont) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Mountain Lake Park, Md. Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersbun;-, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa PiediiKiiit, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockvvood, Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wlieeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del $20 05 BUENA VISTA SPRINGS, MD. Form Ex. 856. — Buena Vista Springs, Md., and Return. BaltiuKiro ct Ohio R. R to llagerstown. TraiishT, r.altiinore& Ohio R. R. Depot. . . . tn \V. M. R. R. Depot. Western ^hiryland R. R to P>uena Vista Spr'gs. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Bellaire, O Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . . Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsyille, Pa Cumberland, ^Id Deer Park, Md Fairmont, W. Va Grafton, W. Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Harrisonlnirg, Va Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va Lexington, Va McKeesport, Pa Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . iSIeyersdale, Pa Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $14 10 3 75 12 65 2 90 10 65 9 40 5 70 7 60 10 65 9 75 2 40 7 40 9 45 6 60 10 50 11 15 2 55 7 20 11 65 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa WheeUng, W. Va Winchester, Va .$11 10 13 30 7 75 9 'JO 7 85 13 75 9 85 4 45 12 80 13 75 4 00 Tickets to Buena Vista Springs not on sale until June 25th. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 63 CAMDEIM-ON-GAULEY, W. VA. Form Ex. 151. — Camden-ox-Gauley, W. Va., and Keturn. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Clarksburg. West Virginia & Pittsburg R. R to Caniden-on-Gauley. Returning, same route. THROUGH Baltimore, Md $17 80 Bellaire, 10 30 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 12 (JO Cameron, W. Va 8 HO Charlestown, W. Va. . . . U 50 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Fair- mont) 8 55 Chester, Pa 21 30 Connellsville, Pa. (via Uniontown) 9 70 Cumberland, Md 10 10 Deer Park, Md 8 20 Fairchance, Pa. (via Fair- mont) S 95 Fairmont, W. Va <> 90 Frederick, Md 15 05 Grafton, W. Va 05 Hagerstown, Md 15 (i5 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 14 00 Harrisonburg,' Va 19 00 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 19 25 Johnstown, Pa. (via Union- town) 13 15 Johnstown, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 13 85 Keyser, W. Va 9 20 Lexington, Va 22 10 McKeesport, Pa. (via Union- town) 11 45 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 13 25 Meversdale, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 11 60 rates. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $ 7 95 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 9 60 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 8 05 Mt. Pleasant, Pa. (via Uniontown) 10 20 Newark, Del 20 10 New York, N. Y 25 80 Oakland, Md 7 95 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 8 4U Philadelphia, Pa 21 80 Piedmont, W. Va 9 00 Pittsburg, Pa. (via Union- town) 12 00 Rockwood, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 12 05 Rockwood, Pa. (via Union- town) 11 35 Smithfield, Pa. (via Fair- mont) 8 85 Somerset, I'a. (via Cumber- land) 12 40 Somerset, Pa. (via Union- town) 11 75 Staunton, Va 20 30 Strasburg, Va 16 65 Uniontown, Pa. (via Fair- mont) 9 20 Washington, D. C hi 2(1 "Washington, Pa 11 35 AVheeliiig, W. Va JO 05 Wilmington, Del 20 80 Winchester, Va 15 60 CAMPOBELLO, N. B. Campouei.lo, N. B., and Return. Form Ex. 950 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Ikiston. Boston tt iMaine R. R to Portland. International Steamsliiii Line ti> Campobello. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding hirms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines $25 50 29 50 31 50 Sound Lines $23 50 27 50 29 50 Going Kail Returning Sound $24 50 28 .50 30 50 •i ■•' ' ''S. I V 1 . •^ ' w^ it ^ • M-i \i%- ,^jag| Ji^i" )i < Hni '^ ^ SSw ji t i" ' It ■^^ ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 65 Campobello, N. B., and Return. Form Ex. 895 — Extension from Boston. Ronte beyond Boston. International Steiimship Line to Campobello. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $22 50 $20 50 $21 50 26 50 24 50 25 50 28 50 26 50 27 50 CAPE MAY, N. J. Form Ex. 1296.— Cape May, N. J., and Return. Limited to six (6) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeli)bia. Atlantic City R. R to Winslow .Tunction. South Jersey R. R to Cape May. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. $15 20 Baltimore, Md $6 50 Bellaire, 22 55 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 12 25 Cameron, W. Va 21 10 Charlestown. W. Va. ... 10 35 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) 19 05 Chester, Pa 3 00 Clarksburg, W. Va 19 15 Connellsville, Pa 17 90 Cumberland, Md 14 20 Deer Park, Md 15 50 Fairchance, Pa. (via L^nion- town) 18 60 Fairmont, W. Va 19 10 Frederick, Md 9 50 Grafton, W. Va 18 25 Hagerstown, Md 9 70 Harper's Ferry, W.Va. . . 9 85 Harrisonburg, Va 15 30 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 5 05 Johnstown, Pa 17 95 Keyser, \V. Va 15 10 Lexington, Va 18 40 McKeesport, Pa 19 10 Martinsburg, W. Va .... 10 40 Form Ex. 1297. — Cape May, N. J., and Return. Limited to ten (10) days from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Atlantic City R. R to Winslow Junction. South Jersey R. R to Cape May. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Chester, Pa $2 75 1 Wilmington, Del $3 25 Transfer of passenger or baggage through Philadelphia not included. If transfer is desired, agents will sell T. 23 for transfer of passenger at rate of 15 cents in eitlier direction, and T. 8 for transfer of baggage at rate of 25 cents in either direction. Meyersdale, Pa Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, \V.Va Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, I'a Rock wood. Pa Smitbfield, Pa. (via Union- town) Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va L'niontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va 66 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY CAPON LAKE INN, W. VA. Form Ex. 208. — Capon Lake Inx, W. Ya., and Eeturn. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Winchester. (27 miles) to Capon Lake Inn Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $10 Bellaire, 18 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 8 Cameron, W. Va 17 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 6 Cheat Haven, Pa. ( via Uniontown) 15 Chester, Pa 13 Clarksburg, W. Va 15 Connellsville, Pa 14 Cumberland, Md 10 Deer Park, Md 12 Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) 14 Fairmont, W. Va 15 Frederick, Md 7 Grafton, W. Va 14 Hagerstown, Md 7 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 6 Harrisonburg, Va *L- Ohio R. B to Philadelphia. Pliiladeli)hia it Reading ll. R to Bound Brook. ( 'entral R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Kingston. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH RATES. P.altimore, Md. • .$11 25 I Washington, D. C $13 25 tPhiladelphia, Pa 7 25 | Form Ex. 750. — Kingston, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore A- Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to P)()und Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. Steamer " Mary Powell ". ^ to ICingston. Returning, .same route. THROUGH R.\TES. Baltimore, Md $9 50 I Washington, D. C $11 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 5 50 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS^ 73 Catskill Mountain Resorts. The following Catskill Mountain excursion forms reading from Kings- ton should be issued only in connection with excursion tickets passing through or terniinating at Kingston. Form Ex. 884. — To Points Named Below. Extension from Kingston. Ulster & Delaware R. R to destination. Returning, same route. RATES FROM KINGSTON. Arkville, N. Y., and return $2 75 Big Indian, N. Y., and return 2 05 Brown's, N. Y., and return 80 Brodhead's Bridge, N. Y., and retuin 95 Grand Gorge, N. Y., and return 3 80 Grand Hotel Station, N. Y. (Summit), and return, for (irand Hotel 2 35 Griffin's Corners (Fleischinann's), N. Y., and return 2 50 Halcottville, N. Y., and return 3 05 Hobart, N.Y., and return 4 55 Mt. Pleasant, N. Y., and return 1 30 Olive Branch, N. Y., and return 70 Phcenicia, N. Y., and return 1 50 Pine Hill, N. Y., and return 2 30 Roxbury, N. Y., and return 3 40 Shandafcen, N. Y., and return 1 85 Shokan, N. Y., and return • 95 Stamford, N. Y., and return 4 30 West Hurley, N. Y., and return 50 Form Ex. 885. — To Points Named Below. PLxtension from Kingston. Ulster it Delaware R. R to Phi.nicia. Stony Clove it (Aitskill Mountain R. R to destination. Returning, same route. rates from KIX(iST()\. Chichester, N. Y., and return .$1 G5 Edgewood, N. Y., and return 2 65 Hunter, N. Y., and return 3 55 Lanesville, N. Y., and return 2 25 Stony ('Idve, N. Y., and return 3 15 Form Ex. 886.— To Points Named Below. Extension from Kingston, Ulster it Delaware R. R to Phoenicia. Stony Clove it Catskill Mountain R. R to KaaterskiU June. Kaaterskill R. R to destination. Returning, same route. RATES FROM KINGSTON. Haines' Corners, N. Y., and return |3 85 Laurel House, N. Y., and return 3 85 Kaaterskill, N. Y., and return • 3 85 Tannersville, N. Y., and return 3 85 The following Catskill Mountain excursion forms reading from Cats- kill should be issued only in connection with tickets passing through or terminating at Catskilll. 74 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 887. — To Points Named Below. Extension from CatskilL Catskill Mountain R. R to destination. Returning, same route. BATES from catskill. Lawrenceville, N. Y., and return $2 00 Leeds, N. Y., and return 80 Otis .Junction, N. Y., and return (connection witii Otis Elevating Ry. for Catskill Mountain Station) 2 00 Palenville, N. Y., and return 2 00 South Cairo, N. Y., and return 1 20 Form Ex. 439. Catskill Mountain R. R Catskill to Cairo .Junction. Cairo R. R to Cairo. Returning, same route. Cairo, N. Y., and return, from Catskill $2 00 Form Ex. 442.— Catskill Mountain Station, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore tt Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadel]ihia Lt Reading R. R to I5ound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York ct Albany Day Line to Catskill. Catskill Mountain R. R to Otis .lunction. Otis Elevating R. R to Catskill Mt. Station Kaaterskill R. R to Kaaterskill .Tunc. Stony Clove & Catskill Mountain R. R to Fhtenicia. Ulster and Delaware R. R to Rondout. Ferrv to Rheinhcck. New" York it Albany Day Line to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to I>ound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 736.— Catskill Mountain Station, N. Y., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. through rates. Baltimore, Md $15 00 I Washington, D. C .$17 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 00 | CENTRE HARBOR, N. H. Centre Harbor, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1104 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston et Maine R. R to Nashua. Concord it Montreal R. R to Weirs. Lake Winnipesaukee Steamboat Co to Centre Harbor. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH rates. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Washington, D. C. . . Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Rail Lines $19 00 23 00 25 00 Sound Jjines $1G 25 20 25 22 25 Gi.Hi^ Kail Returning Sound or vice vers.i. $18 50 22 50 24 50 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOVRS. 75 CHAUTAUQUA LAKE. This, the farthest west of the New York hikes, is situ- ated in Chautauqua county, and is the highest navigable body of water on the continent, being fourteen hundred feet above the sea. The lake is eighteen miles long and from one to three miles wide. Its invigorating air, clear waters, excellent bathing, boating and fishing, and the charming drives which the vicinity affords, have all combined to make it a very popular resort. Here the Chcm- fanqua Assembly, organized in 1874, holds its annual meet- ing every July and August, It is an enterprise designed to combine the recreations of a summer resort with intel- lectual culture and improvement. It comprises a series of diversified exercises in popular lectures and concerts, brilliant stereopticon exhibitions, organ recitals, Athenian watch-fires, % BALTIMORE & OSlO RAILROAD COMPANY &c. The Chautauqua Assembly also implies a well-graded system of education, leading up from its "Teachers' Retreat'" and "School of Lctnguages''' to the C. L. S. C. (Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle) and Chantaaciua University. The " Teachers' Retreat " is a three-weeks' meeting, lield every summer, at which lectures are given and scientific subjects discussed by able specialists, while the School of Languages i^ a summer school of six weeks, designed to illustrate the best method of tcath- ing languages. The C. L. S. C. is an association for social and intellectual improvement with a four years' course of reading in history, literature, science and art, so judiciously arranged as to embrace the principal subjects of a college curriculum. Chautauqua University is a provision for non- resident students who desire to take a thorough university education while at home and engaged iu business, and who R UTES AND ,RA TES FOR S VMMER TO URS. 7 7 are able to devote two or more hours daily to earnest study. But the reader must not be impressed with the idea that life at this beautiful lake is all study, nor must he expect to meet with serious-faced, deep-brown-study-couutenanced people only. While Point Chautauqua and Chautauqua are preferred by the more serious, LaJcewood, a few miles distant, is more congenial to the lover of harmless gaiety. The stranger will enjoy tlie sliady drive from Jamestown to Mayville, and he will miss a beautiful sight should he omit to take the trip by steamer from Jamestown through The Narrows. Form Ex. 299. — Chaitauqua, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore * Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New Yurk. New York Central it Hudson River R. R to Butlalo. Western New York tt Pennsylvania R. R. ... to Mayville. Chautauqua Lake Ry. ..." to Chautauqua. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $26 50 I Wa.shington, D. C $28 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 50 | Form Ex. 301. — Chautauqua, N. Y. and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadcli)liia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Butfahi. Western New York & Pennsylvania R. R. . . . to Mayville. Chautauqua Steamboat Co to Chautauqua. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md $25 00 I Washington, D. C $27 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 00 | Form Ex. 302. — Chautauqua, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Butfalo. Western New York & Pennsjdvania R. R. . . . to Mayville. Chautauqua Steamboat Co to Chautauqua. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $25 00 I Washington, D. C $27 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa. • ... 21 00 | 78 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 303. — Chautatqua Lake and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to ?>ouiid IJrook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie &, Western R. R. . . to Lakewood or .Jamestown Chautauqua Steamboat Co to any point on the lake. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ISfd .«;25 nO I Washington, D. C ■$2100 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 00 | Form Ex. 12(58.— Chautauqua Lake, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore tt Ohio R. R to Philadeli.hia. Philadel]ihia i^' Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Buifalo. Western New' York it I'ennsylvania R. R. . . . to MayviUe. Chautauqiux Steamboat (_'o to any point cm llie lake. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md .'i^lH SO I Washiiu;t(Ui, 1). C $20 Sl( tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 Ho | Form Ex. GIL — Jamestown, N. Y. (Chautauqua L\ke), ani> Retui:n. Baltimore &. Ohio R. R to Pliilaliia. Philadeljihia it Reading R. R to BethU'Jicin. Lehigli Valley R. R. toWaverly. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. Pi to Salamanca. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to Jamestown. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 SO I Wa.shington, D. C .$20 80 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 (JO | Form Ex. 300. — Mayville, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound P.rook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R.R to Butialo. Western New York & Pennsylvania R. R. . . . to Mayville. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $25 00 I Washington, D. C $27 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 00 | Form Ex. 747. — !^[AYVILLE, N. Y. (Chautauqua Lake), and Return. Baltimore &. Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Waverly. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Jamestown. Chautauqua Steamboat Co. to ^layville. Western New York & Pennsylvania R. R. . . . to lUitl'alo. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New Y'"ork Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Geneva. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Watkins. Pennsylvania R. R to Elmira. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R to Bethlehem. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $23 50 I Washington, D. C $25 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 19 50 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 79 Form Ex. 338. — Mayville, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central iS: Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Buffalo. Western New York it Pennsylvania R. R. ... to Mayville. ^^'estern New York &. Pennsylvania R. R. ... to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New .lersey to Bound Brook. Philadeli)hia tt Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $27 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 23 00 Washington, D. C. $29 00 Form Ex. 83. — Lakewood or Jamestown, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore &■ Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Pittsburg Transfer Co., B.*O.R.R. Depot . to P. &L. E. R. R. Depot. Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R to Youngstown. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R. . . to Lakewood or Jamestown. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $20 70 Bellaire, O • • . . 10 2ri Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 15 50 Cameron, W.Va. (via Wheel- ing) 10 s5 Charlesrtown, W. Va. ... 17 -".It Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uiiiontown) 10 50 Chester, Pa 23 (30 Clarksburg, W. Va. (via Wheeling) 14 55 Clarksburg, W. Va. (via Moruantown) L3 80 Conn.'llsville, Pa 25 Cumberland, Md 13 00 Deer Park, Md. (via Cum- berland) 14 00 Deer Park, Md. (via Mor- gantown) 15 15 Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) 10 (15 Fairmont, W. Va. (via Wheeling) 12 S5 Fairmont, W.Va. (via ilor- gantown) 12 lit Frederick, Md 17 05 (irafton, W. Va. (via Wheel- in^') 1^! '0 (irafton, W. Va. (via Mor- gantown) 12 95 Hagerstown, Md 17 95 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Ki 90 Harrisonburg, Va 21 UK) Havre de Grace, Md. ... 22 15 Keyser, W. Va. (via Cum- berland) $13 Lexington, Va 25 McKeesport, Pa 7 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... If! Meyersdale, Pa 11 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fniontown) 11 Moundsvillc, W. Va. (via Wheeling) 10 Mountain Lake Park, Md. (via Cumberland or Mor- uantown) 15 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 9 Newark, Del 23 New York, N. Y 27 Oakland, Md. (via Cumber- land) 15 Oakland, Md. (via iSIorgan- town) 14 Pliihidelphia, Pa 23 Piedmont, AV.Va. (via(-'um- berland) 14 Rock wood. Pa 11 Smitlifield, Pa. (via Union- town) 10 Somerset, Pa 11 Staunton, Va 23 Strasburg, Va 19 Uniontown, Pa 9 Washington, D. C 19 Washington, Pa 8 Wheeling, W. Va 9 Wilmington, Del 23 Winchester, Va 18 20 80 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY CHRISTIANSBURG, VA. Form Ex. 8. — Christiansbukg, Va., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. IJ to Shenandoali June. Nortbllv it Western R. 1! to Christiansburg. Returninir, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, :Md Belluire, Berkeley Sjirinjis, W. Va. . Cameron, W.Va Chester, Pa Clarks))urg, W. Va ("onnellsville. Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park, Md Fairmont, NN'.Va Frederiek, Md (irafton, W.Va Huri)er's Ferry, W. \'a. . . Havre de (Jraee, Md . . . . Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va MeKeesport, Pa Martinsburg W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa ]N[organto\vn, W. Va. (via Uniontown) $14 30 'i:\ 15 12!!.-) 21 v.") 1 7 SO 10 75 15 50 14 80 16 75 19 75 12 55 18 85 11 45 15 75 IS 55 15 75 20 25 1165 16 30 20 20 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W.Va. . . . ^Mountain I^ake Park, Md . ,Mt. IMeasant, I'a Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkeisbnrg, \V. Va. . . . Phihidelj.hia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg. Pa Roekwood, Pa Somerset, Pa l^niontown, Pa Wasiungton, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del $20 75 22 45 16 0(> 11) 00 KKiO 22 30 17 00 22 85 18 30 15 95 20 80 Ki 75 17 15 18 95 12 30 21 90 22 85 17 30 Form E.x. 88. — Christiansburg, Va., anmi JIetur.n. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. it O. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Ry to Lynchburg. Norfolk it Western R. R to Christiansburg. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. $14 30 Baltimore, ^Fd. . . . Bellaire, 27 Berkeley Sjirings, W. Va. . Hi Cameron, \\ . Va 25 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 15 Chester, Pa 17 Clarksburu, W. Va 23 Connellsville, Pa 22 Cumberland, >[d IS Deer Park, Md 20 Fairmojit, W. Va 23 Frederiek. :Md 15 (irafton, W. Va 22 Hagerstown. Md 15 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 15 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 Johnstown, Pa 22 Kevser, W. Va 19 iVrtiveesport, Pa 24 ]\Iartinslnirt;, W. Va. ... 15 Meyersdale, Pa 20 24 85 26 50 21) 45 2;'. 10 16 60 22 30 ISInrgantown, W. Va. (via rnicmtown) $24 30 Morgantown, W. ^'a. (via Fairmont) Monndsville, W. Va. . . Mnuntain Lake Park, Md ]\It. Pleasant, Pa Newark. Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md 20 55 Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . 26 95 Philadeli-hia, Pa 18 30 Piedmont, W. Va 20 00 Pittsburg, Pa 24 90 Roekwood, Pa 20 85 Somerset. Pa 21 25 Uniontown, Pa 23 05 Washington, Pa 26 00 Wheeling, W. Va 20 95 Wilminot,,ii, Del 17 60 "Winchester, Ya 13 60 82 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY CLAYTON, N. Y. Clciytoii is a charniing village of about 3,000 inhabitants, and during- the season of summer travel is a gay and ani- mated town. It is at this point that tourists embark on the Koyal Mail steamers for the trip among the islands and through the rapids to Montreal and Quebec. Here, too, passengers for Round Island, Thousand Island Park, Cen- tral Park and Alexandria Bay take passage on the Thousand Island Steamboat Company's popular line of steamers, for the famous resorts down the river. Geographically con- sidered, the location of (-layton is unsurpassed. It is situ- ated on a bold peninsula jutting out into the pure waters of the most majestic of American rivers. Broad bays, both to the east and west, afford a variety of coast suited to the various wants of man. Its three hotels — the Hubbard House, the West End and the Walton House — are well and favorably known to all acquainted with the beauties of this region. They are con- ducted with the utmost care and skill, and guests will find them both comfortalde and home-like. Directly in front of the town beautiful islands, upon which summer houses have been erected, form a most pleasing- contrast to the wide stretch of water above. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 83 Clayton, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. And choice of following routes, New York to points named : New York Central & Hudson River R. R. Form Ex. 274— to Utica. West Shore R. R P'orm Ex. 275— to TTtica. Delaware, Lackawanna ife Western R. R. Form Ex. 27G— to Utica. Delaware, Lacka & Western R. R. ... Form P'x. 278 — to Syracuse. New York, Ontario & Western Ry. . . . Form Ex. 279 — to Central Sq. Thence — Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R to Clayton. Going and returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $23 25 I Washington, D. C $25 2.3 tPhiladelphia, Pa 19 25 | COLD SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. 31. — Colu Sllphuk Sfrixgs, Ya., axd Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk it Western R. R to Basic. Chesapeake it Ohio Ry t(i(iiislien. Stage (2 miles) . . .' to Cold Sulphur Sjirings. Returning, same route. TlIKOtIGH RATES. Baltimore, Md. ...... $13 30 1 New York, N. Y $21 30 Chester, Pa 16 80 | Philadelphia, Pa 17 30 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 14 75 I Washington, D. C 11 30 Newark, Del 15 GO | Wilmington, Del Ki 30 Form Ex. 179.— Cold Sulphur Si-hixos, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Goshen. Stage (2 miles) . . . ." to Cold Sulphur Springs. Returning, same route. Baltimore. Md $13 30 I'.ellaire, 21 85 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 11 55 Cameron, W. Va 20 40 Charlestown, W. Va 9 10 Chester. Pa 16 80 Clarksburg-, W. Va 18 45 Connellsville, Pa 17 20 Cumberland, Md 13 50 Deer Park, Md 15 40 Fairmont, W. Va 18 45 Frederick, Md 10 65 Grafton, W. Va 17 55 Hagerstown, :Md 10 65 Harj-cr's Ferry, W. Va. . . 9 60 Harrisonburg. Va .... 460 Havre de Grace, Md .... 14 75 Johnstown, Pa 17 25 Keyser, W. Va 14 40 T.,exington, Va 5 10 McKeesport, Pa 18 95 Martinsburg, W. Ya. . . . 10 35 Meyersdale, Pa 15 00 RATES. Morgan town, AV. Ya. (via I'liiniitown) Miirgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Mdundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y ()akland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg. Pa Rock wood. Pa Somerset, Pa Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $18 90 19 45 21 10 15 55 17 70 15 60 2130 15 65 21 60 17 30 14 GO 19 50 15 45 15 85 6 95 17 65 1 1 30 20 m 21(30 16.30 800 84 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY FoBM Ex. 264. — Cold Sulphur Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. & O. Depot to C. & 0. Depot. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Goshen. Stage (2 miles) . . .* to Cold Sulphur Springs. Returning, same route. Baltimore, Md $13 Bellaire, 26 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 15 Cameron, W. Va 24 Charlestown, W. Va 14 Chester, Pa 16 Clarksburg, W. Va 22 Connellsville, Pa 21 Cuinberhind, Md 17 Deek Park, Md 19 Fairmont, W. Va 22 Frederick, Md 14 Grafton, W.Va 21 Hagerstown, Md 14 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 14 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 14 Johnstown, Pa 21 Keyser, W. Va 18 McKeesnort, Pa 23 Martiiisl)urg, W. Va. ... 14 Meversdale, Pa 19 RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) iMoundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, ^rhia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. 11. of New Jersey to New York. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Binghamtdu. Delaware & lludsdu i;. R to C. tt C. V. June. Cooperstown iV Charldtte Valley R. R to Cooperstown. Otsego Lake Steamboat Co. and Stage to Richfield Springs. Delaware, Lackawanna ct Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadeliiliia. Baltimore & Ohio R. II to starting jioint. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $19 75 I Washington, D. C $21 75 tPhiladelpliia, Pa 15 75 | Tickets between Cooperstown and Richfield Si)rings by the Otsego Lake steamer and stage are for passage only; baggage will be charged extra. For:m Ex. 748. — Cooperstown, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadcliihia ,t Reading R. R to ISethlcliem. Leliigli Valley R. R to Waverly. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Binghamton. Delaware & Hudson R. R to C. &, C. V. June. Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley R. R to Coojierstown. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $17 30 I Washington, D. C $19 30 tPhiladelphia, Pa 13 30 | Form Ex. 308. — Cooperstown, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore cfe Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Plilladelpliia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Htulson River R. R. ... to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to C. & C' V. June. Cooperstown & (.Charlotte Valley R. R to Cooper.stown. Otsego Lake Steamboat Co. and Stage to Richfield Springs. Delaware, Lackawanna &, Western R. R to Utica. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Philadeljihia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 87 THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $20 85 I Washington, D. C $22 85 fPhiladelpliia, Pa 16 85 | Tickets between Coojierstown and Richfield Springs by the Otsego Lake steamer and stage are for i)assage only; baggage will be charged extra. Form Ex. 781. — Cooperstown, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. People's Line to Albany. Delaware tt Hudson R. R to C. & C. V. June. Cooperstown it Charlotte Valley R. R to Cooperstown. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $15 To I Washington, D. C $17 70 tPhiladelpiiia, Pa 11 7(i | Tickets between Cooperstown antl Richfield Springs by the Otsego Lake steamer and stage are for passage only; baggage will be charged extra. COPAKE, N. Y. Form Ex. 703. — Copake, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeli)hia. Philadelpbia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Copake. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $12 20 1 Washington, D. C $14 20 tPhiladelj)hia, Pa 8 20 | COTTAGE CITY MARTHA'S VINEYARD', MASS. Like Ocean Gi'ove, N. .1., 0;ik Hliiffs owes its existence to the zeal of a religious denomination desiring to work among the thousands who every summer leave the city churches bare and Hock to the seaside. The Bai)tists have here erected a tabernacle capable of seating five thousand people, and laid out the surj-ounding grounds in an invit- ing manner. It is estimated that twenty-five thousand people may be found here during the season. The island of Martha's Vineyaid (twenty-one miles by six) is separated from Barnstable county, Massachusetts, by Vineyard Sound, four miles wide. At its southwestern extremity lies Gay Head, where occurred the wreck of the "City of Columbus." BALTIMORE dt OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 625.— Cottage City (Martha's Vineyard), Mass., AND Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line to Cottage City. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $15 25 I Washington, D. C $17 25 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 25 | Form Ex. 908. — Cottage City (Martha's Vineyard), Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia &. Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Liue) . . to J'all River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. (Old Colony System) •. . to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line to Cottage City. New Bedford, Martlia's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line to Wood's Holl. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. (Old Colony System) to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding lorms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia &, Reading R." II to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 909. — Cottage City (Martha's Vineyard), Mass., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. through rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, ]Md $17 75 $18 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 13 75 14 75 Washington, D. C 19 75 20 75 Form Ex. 952. — Cottage City (Martha's Vineyard), Mass., and Return. (Via Newport and New Bedford, returning via Wood's Holl and Boston. ) Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadcl])hia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. ('entral R. R. of New Jersey to New York. old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Nevvjiort. New Vork, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New Bedford. New Bedford, iNlartha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line .....' to Cottage City. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line to Wood's Holl. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. 90 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex.997. — Cottage City (Martha's Viney.\rd), Mass. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $17 75 $18 75 tPliiladelphia, Pa 13 75 14 75 Washington, D. C 19 75 20 75 Form Ex. 1105. — Cottage City (Martha's Vineyard), Mass. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Maine Steamship Co to Cottage City. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $15 00 I Washington, D. C $17 GO tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . . 11 00 | Steamers of Maine Steamship Co. leave Pier 88, P^ast River, foot of Market street, N. Y., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 P. M. The above rates include berth in state-room. Meals 75 cents each. COVINGTON, VA. Form Ex. 58. — Covington, Va., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Shenandoah .Tunc. Norfolk & Western R. R to Basic. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Covington. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 00 Chester Pa 17 50 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 45 Newark, Del 16 30 New York, N. Y $22 00 Phihulelphia, Pa 18 00 Washington, 1). C 12 00 Wilmington, Del 17 00 Form Ex. 701. — Covington, Va., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Covington. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 00 Bellaire. 23 15 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 12 85 Cameron, W. Va 21 70 Charlestovvn, W. Va. . . . 10 40 Chester, Pa 17 50 Clarksburg, W. Va 19 75 Connellsville, Pa 18 50 Cumberland, Md 14 80 Deer Park, Md 16 70 Fairmont, W. Va 19 75 Frederick. Md 11 95 Grafton, W. Va 18 85 Hagerstown, Md 11 95 Harj)er's Ferry, W. Va. . . 10 90 Harrisonburg, Va 5 9(J Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 45 Johnstown, Pa 18 55 Keyser, W. Va 15 70 Lexington, Va 6 40 IMcKeesport, Pa 20 25 Martinsl)urg, W. Va. ... 11 65 .Meyersdale, Pa 16 30 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) INIorgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W.Va Mountain Lake Park, Md . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Strasburg, A^a Uniontown, Pa Washington, D.C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va \\'ilmington. Del Winchester, Va $20 20 20 75 22 40 10 85 19 00 16 30 22 00 16 95 22 90 18 00 15 90 20 80 16 75 17 15 8 25 18 95 1200 2190 22 90 1700 9 30 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 91 FoEM Ex. 471. — Covington, V.\., and Rktukn. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. & O. Depot to C. & O. Depot. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Covington. Returning, same route. THROlUi Baltimore, Md $14 00 Bellaire, 26 05 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 16 65 Cameron, W. Va 25 50 Charlestown, W.Va 15 20 Chester, Pa 17 50 Clarkshurg, W. Va 23 55 Connellsville, I'a 22 30 Cumberland, Md IS 6(1 Deer Park, Md 20 00 Fairmont, W.Va 23 55 Frederick, Md 14 80 Grafton, W.Va 22 65 Hager.sto\vii, Md 15 60 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 14 70 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 15 45 Johnstown, Pa 22 35 Keyser, W. Va 19 50 McKeesi)ort, Pa 24 05 Martinsourg, \V. Va. . . . 15 45 Meyersdale, Pa 20 10 H R.\TES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) $24 00 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 24 55 Moiiiidsville, W.Va 26 20 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 20 15 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 22 80 Newark, Del 16 30 New York, N. Y 22 00 Oakland, Md 20 25 Parkersbur^, W.Va 26 65 Philadeli)hia, Pa 18 00 Piedmont, W.Va 19 70 Pittsburg, Pa 24 60 Rockwood, Pa 20 55 Somerset, Pa 20 95 Uniontown, Pa 22 75 Washington, Pa 25 70 Wheeling, W. Va 26 65 Wilmington, Del 17 00 Winchester, Va 16 30 COWEN, W. VA. Ex. 151. — CowEN, W. \a., .\nd Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Clarksburj West Virginia & Pittsburg R. R to Cowen. Returning, same route. THROt'GH R.\TES. Baltimore Md $17 40 Bellaire, 9 90 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 12 20 Cameron, W. Va 8 50 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 14 10 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Fairmont) 8 15 Chester, Pa 20 90 Connellsville, Pa. (via Uniontown) 9 30 Cund)erland, Md 9 70 Deer Park, Md 7 SO Fairchance, Pa. (via Fair- mont) 8 55 Fairmont. W. Va 6 .^0 Frederick, INId 14 65 Grafton, W. Va 5 65 Hagerstown, Md 14 65 Harper's Ferry, W.Va. . . 13 60 Harrisonburg, Va 14 60 Havre de Grace. jNId. ... IS 85 .Toll nst own. Pa. (via XTniontown) 12 75 Johnstown, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 13 45 Kevser, W.Va 8 80 Le.vine;ton, Va 21 70 ISIcKeesport, Pa 11 05 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 12 So Meyersdale, Pa. (via Cum- b'erland) 11 20 Moundsvillp, W. Va. ... 9 20 Morgantown, W. Va. (via FairnKtnt) Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, I'a. (via Uniontown) Newark, Del New York, X. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W.Va Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa. (via Union- town) Rockwood, Pa. (via Union- town) Rockwood, Pa. (via Cum- berland) Smithfield, Pa. (via Fair- mont) Somerset, Pa. (via Union- town) Somerset, Pa. (via Cum- berland) Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa. (via Fair- mont) Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $ 7 11 35 92 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY COYNER'S SPRINGS BONSACK', VA. Form Ex. 3. — Coynee's Springs, (Bonsack) Va., and Return. Baltimore (fe Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Bonsack. Returning, same route. Coyner's Si)rings three-quarters mile distant from Bonsack, Va. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $12 80 Bellaire, O, 21 45 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 11 25 (\ameron, W. Va 20 05 Chester, Pa 16 30 Clarksburg, W. A'a 18 05 Connellsville, Pa 16 80 Cumberland, Md 13 10 Deer Park, Md 15 05 Fairmont, W. Va 18 05 Frederick, ISId 10 85 (irafton, W. Va 17 15 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 9 75 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 14 25 Johnstown, Pa 16 85 Kevser, W. Va 14 05 McKeesport, Pa 18 55 IMartinsburg, W. Va. ... 9 95 Meyersdale, Pa 14 60 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 18 50 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y, Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rock wood. Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del $19 05 20 75 15 20 17 30 15 10 20 80 15 30 21 15 16 80 14 25 19 10 15 05 15 45 17 25 10 80 20 20 21 15 15 80 CRANBERRY, N. C. Form Ex. 1278. — Ckanbekrv, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoali June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Bristol. Southern Ry to Johnson City. East I'ennessee & AVestern Nortli Carolina R. R. to Cranberry. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimf)re, Md. Bellaire, 0. Berkeley Si)rings, AV Cameron, W. Va. . Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va. Connellsville, Pa. . Cuni])erland, ]Sld. . Deer Park, Md. . . Fairmont, W. Va. . Frederick, Md. . . Grafton, W. Va. . . Harper's Ferry, W. V; Havre de Grace, Md Johnstown, Pa. . . Kevser, W.Va. . . . McKeesport, Pa. . ]Martinsburg,W. Va. Meyersdale, Pa. . . Morgantown W. V / Uniontown) . $23 25 (via 31 70 21 50 30 30 26 75 28 30 27 05 23 35 25 30 28 30 21 10 27 40 20 00 24 70 27 10 24 30 28 80 20 20 24 85 28 75 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $29 Moundsville.W. Va 31 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 25 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 27 Newark, Del 25 New York, N. Y 31 Oakland, Md 25 Parkersburg, W. Va 31 Philadelphia, Pa 27 Piedmont, W. Va 24 Pittsburg, I'a 29 Rockwood, Pa 25 Somerset, Pa 25 X^niontown, Pa 27 Wasliington, D. C 21 Washington, Pa 30 Wheeling, W. Va 31 Wilmington, Del 26 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 93 CRAWFORD HOUSE WHITE MOUNTAINS), N. H. The Crawford House stands upon the site of the old Notch House, one of the earliest inns erected in the White Mountains. It is situated on a plateau 2,000 feet above the sea, and commands a magnificent view of Mt. Wash- ington (6,293 feet), and Mt. Monroe (5,349 feet). The bridle-path hence up Mt. Washington passes over Mounts Pleasant, Monroe, Franklin and Clinton, and is said to afford finer views than auy other route. Within easy reach of the Crawford House are the Notch, a huge chasm in the mountains, which rises 2,000 feet on either side; Silver Cascade and Sylvan Glade Cataract, between which it is hard to award the palm; and Mount Willard, commanding a view dowii the Notch, which, says Bayard Taylor, "cannot be surpassed in Switzerland." ^'^s^ifcLiiim;^ CPPER JACKSON FALLS, WILP CAT RUN. 94 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Crawford House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 516 — Extension from Boston. Route bej'ond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Intervale .lunction. Maine Central R. R to Crawford House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From t Philadelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Washington, I). C. . . Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $23 45 $20 45 $22 85 27 45 24 45 26 85 29 45 26 45 28 85 Crawford House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 517 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston iV: Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Crawford House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) through rates. Route to and from Boston. tPhiladelphin, Pa. lialtimore, Md. . Washington, I). C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Returnin Rail ^ Sound $23 45 27 45 29 45 $20 45 24 45 26 45 $22 85 26 85 28 85 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, imluded. Crawford House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 955 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Nashua. ( 'oncord & Montreal R. R to Fabyans. Maine Central R. R to Crawford House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and refurn. (See Boston feeding forms.) through rates. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Washington, D. ('. . . Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound $23 45 $20 95 $23 15 27 45 24 95 27 15 29 45 2H 95 29 15 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 95 Form Ex. 612. — Crawford House, N. H., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R . . to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Terser to New York. New York, New Haven ct Hartfordl!. U. . . . to Sprintifield. Boston it Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Verniont R. R to P.rattleboro. Boston it Maine K. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Wliite River June. Boston it :Nraine P. P to Well> River. Coneonl it Montreal P. 1! to Fahyan House. Maine Central K. It to Crawford House. Petnrning, same route. TIIROrOII KATES. I'.altiiiiore, Md .*2I!I5 I Washington, D. C $26 95 triiiladelpliia, Pa 20 Un \ I'oKM lv\. i)5.'i. — CkAWFOIM) Hoi'SE (\\'II1TE MOUNTAINS), N. II., AN' I) KeTUKN. (\'ia New York and Connecticut \'alley : returning via Boston.) I'.altimore it Oliio P. R to Philadeljiliia. Piiilaih'lphia it Peading P. R to Pound Brook. Central I!. P. of New .lersev to New York. New York, New Haven it llartfoid I!. I!. ... to Springrield. Boston it Maine 1!. P toSoutii Vernon. Central Vermont P. R. . . ' to HrattU'horo. Boston it Elaine P. R to Windsor. Central Vermont P. R to White River Jc. Boston it Maine P. R to Wells River. Concord it Montreal P. P to Fabyan House. Maine Central P. P to Crawford House. Maine Central It. It to Portland. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central P. P. of New Jersey to Bound P>rook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadeli>hia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starling point. Form Ex. 954. — Crawford House (White Mountains), N. H., AND Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines. through rates. Via Sound. Via Pail. Baltimore, Md 826 00 $27 15 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 00 23 15 Washingtoti, D. C 28 00 29 15 Form Ex. 957.— Crawford House, N. H., and Return. Maine Central P. R Fabyan House to Crawford House. Returning by same route. Sold in connection with any ticket jmssing through or terminating at Fabyans. Rate $0 50 96 BALTIMORE d: OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY DAVIS, W. VA. Form Ex. 720. — Davis, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Cumberland. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg Ry to Davis. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $11 10 Berkeley Springs, W.Va. . . 5 85 Charlestown.W. Va 7 SO Chester, Pa 14 60 Coniu'llsville, Pa 7 10 Frederick. Md S ?.n Hagerstown, Md 8 3."i Harper's Ferrv, W. Va. . . 7 30 PIarris<)nl)urg,"Va 12 :^0 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 12 5.") .Johnstown, Pa 7 15 Keyser, W. Va 4 ?,() Lexington, Va 15 40 McKees]iort, Pa 8 80 MartinsburjT.W.Va 50 Meyersdale. Pa .$4 90 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 7 60 Newark, Del 13 40 New York, N. Y 1!) 10 Pliiladeli)hia, Pa 15 10 Pittshurg, Pa U 40 Rockwood, Pa 5 35 Somerset. Pa 5 70 Staunton, Va 13 60 Strashurg, Va !t il5 Uninntown, Pa 7 50 Waslnngtdi), D. C 9 50 Wasliington, Pa 11 85 WilnunglDii. Del. ..... 14 10 Wincliester, Va 8 iM) Form Ex. 63. — Davis, W. Va., and Uetprn. Baltimore * Ohio R. R West Virginia Central it Pittsltiirg P. R. . . . Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. to Picdmoiu. to Davis. Bellaire, O $9 50 Cameron, W. Va 8 10 Cheat Haven, I'a. (via M(U'- gantown) 7 75 Clarksburg, W. Va 6 15 Deer Park, Md 3 10 Fairchance, Pa. (via Mor- gantown) 8 15 Fairmont, W. Va 6 10 Grafton, W. Va 5 25 Keyser, W. Va Morgaiitown, \V. Va. . . . Moundsville.W.Va Mountain Lake Park, Md. . ();iklaii off at Deer Park ere half the ensuing twenty- four hours are passed. The Philadeliihian is two hours nearer. The Pittsburger can breakfast at home and reach Deer Park while the declining sun is yet an hour above the west- ern horizon. The Washington i an or the Baltimorean can comfort- ably traverse the distance separating his home from this gem of the Alleghanies while mastering the contents of his morning paper. The Baltimore & Ohio's western con- nections render Deer Park readily reached from the cities of the Southwest and Northwest. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 101 The hotel is up to date in every respect. Turkish baths, electric bells, supei'l) orchestra — in fact, all the adjuncts that go to make a complete summer resort. Cottages can also be rented, furnished complete, at prices ranging from $450 to $600 per season. For rates and descriptive l)Ooklet, address George D. De Shields, Manager, Deer Park, Md. Form Ex. 5 or Ex. — Deer Park, Md., and Return. Biiltiniore & Ohio K. R to Deer Park. Returnina;, .same route. THROUGH Baltimore, Md $9 00 ] Rellaire, fi 50 j Berkeley Springs, W.Va. . . 4 40 Brunswick, Md GO j Cameron, W. Va 5 05 Charlestown, W. Va. ... G 30 j Cheat Haven, Pa. (via ^lor- I gantown ) 4 00 Cherry Run, W. Va. ... 4 50 Chester, Pa V2 50 Clarksburg, W. Va 3 05 Connellsville, I'a. (via Cum- berland) 5 00 I Connellsville, Pa. (via Un- iontown) 5 85 (via Mor- 1 m Cumlierland, M( Fairchanoe, Pa. gantowu) 5 05 Fairmont, W. Va 3 05 Frederick, Md (i 85 (iraftim, \V. Va 2 15 Ilagerstown, Md 85 Harper's Ferrv, W. Va. . . 5 80 Harrisonburg, Va 10 80 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 10 45 Hyndman, Pa 2 45 Johnstown, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 5 05 Keyser, \V. Va 1 00 Lexington, Va 13 00 McKeesport, Pa. (via Uniontown 7 55 McKeesport, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 7 35 Mannington, W. Va. ... 3 75 Martinsburg,\V. Va 5 05 Meyersdale, Pa 3 40 In addition to the season tickets for which rates are quoted above, special signature contract tickets, Form Ex. 800, will be sold from the following stations to Deer Park, Md., and return, good going on train No. 3 leaving Philadelphia and Baltimore Fridays P. M. and Washiiigton Saturdays A. M.. and all trains on Saturday and Sunday of each week, good to return un any train leaving Deer Park on the following Monday. EXCURSION RATES. Baltimore, Md $5 00 I Washington, D. C $5 00 Philadelphia, Pa 8 CO | RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. ... $4 05 Moundsville,\V. Va 5 70 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 15 Mt. Pleasant, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 10 Newark, Del 11 40 New York, N. Y 17 00 Oakland, Md 25 Parkersburg,W. Va 30 Philadeli.hia, Pa 13 (H) Piedmont, W. Va 80 Pittsburs, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 7 90 Relav, Md 9 00 Rockwrxxl, Pa 3 85 Romnev, W. Va 3 10 Scott Haven, Pa 80 Shenandoah .lunc, W.Va. . 5 50 Sniithheld, Pa. (via ^lor- gantown) 4 90 Somerset, Pa. (via Cumber- land) 4 25 Staunton, Va 12 10 Strasburg, Va 8 45 Uniontown, Pa. (via Cum- berland) 05 Uniontown, Pa. (via Mor- gantown) 5 35 Washington, D.C 8 00 Washington, Pa. (via Wheel- ing) 7 45 West Newton, Pa 00 West Salisbury. Pa 3 80 Wheeling, W.'Va 15 Wilmington, Del 12 00 Winchester, Va 7 40 102 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY DOUBLING GAP SPRINGS, PA. Form Ex. G42. — Doubling Gap Springs, Pa., and Return. Baltimore &. Ohio II. R to Hagerstown. Transfer (B. ct (). R. R. Depot) to C. V. R. R. Depot. CuiiiberlaiKi Valley R. R to Newville. Stage to Doubling OapSpgs Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Mi\ $8 25 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 5 .'{O Frederick, Md 5 70 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 4 SO Harrisonburg,' Va 9 SO Havre de Grace, Md. ... 9 70 Tiexington, Va 12 iK) Newark, Del $10 55 Staunton, Va 11 10 Strasburg, Va 7 45 Washington, D. C So Wilmington, Del 11 25 Winchester, Va 6 45 Form Ex. 643. — Doubling Gap Springs. Pa., and Return. Va Baltimore &. Ohio R. R Transfer (B. it O. R. R. Depot) . . Cumberland Valley R. R Stage Returning TIIROUC $9 20 16 10 5 75 14 65 5 SO 12 65 11 40 7 70 9 m 12 65 (! 35 11 75 5 30 10 30 10 60 11 45 S fiO 13 40 13 15 9 20 to Martinsburg. to C. V. R. R. Depot. to Newville. to Doubling Gap Spgs. , same route. H RATES. Baltimore, Md. Bellaire, O. . . Berkeley Springs, W Cameron, W. Va. . (Jharlestown, W. Va Clarksbnru-, \V. Va. C.innelisvillc, I'a. . Cumberland, Md. . Deer Park, JNId. . . Fairmont, W. Va. Frederick, Md. . . Grafton, VV. Va. . Harper's Ferry, ^V. V Harrisonburg, Va. Havre de Grace, Md .fohnstown, Pa. . . Keyser, W. Va. . . Lexington, Va. . . McKccsj.ort, Pa. . Mcvcrsdale, Pa. . . M.irgantown, W. V Uniontown) . . . 13 10 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $13 65 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 15 30 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . !) 75 Mt. I'leasant, Pa 11 90 Newark, Del 11 45 Oakland, Md 9 S5 Parkersburg, W . Va. . . . 15 70 Piedmont, W. Va 8 85 Pittsburg, Pa 13 70 Rock wood. Pa 9 65 Somerset, I'a 10 05 Staunton, Va 11 60 Strasburg, Va 7 95 Uniontown, Pa 11 85 Washington, D. C 7 50 Washington, Pa 14 SO AN'heeliui;-, W. Va 15 75 Wilmington, Del 11 45 Winchester, Va 6 90 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 103 EAGLES MERE, PA. "Mountains upon mountains in the distance rise, Like clouds along- the far horizon's verge : Their purple summits mingling with the sky, Till earth and hcaA'cn seem blended into one." And this is Eagles Mere — the Lake of the Eagles. In the midst of a wide-stretching wilderness, on the very crown and summit of the Alleghanies, it lifts its Avondrous beauties to the sky. Its length is one nnd one-half miles, its width half a mile, and its dej)th in many places over sixty feet. In its changeful tints it resembles the ocean ; now Idiie as the arched dome above it, now taking its hue from the niiglily trees that girdle it round about. Its moods are as various as those of a child ; sometimes lying- in glassy smoothness ; again, moved by the mountain breezes, rising into miniature waves that break in spray upon the gently sloping beach. A nature-loving writer has said : "My first sight of this fairy lake was a vision I shall retain for a long time. It Avas sunset, and had been rain- ing. As the clouds broke up in rifts of snowy whiteness and the sun hung over the western edge of the lake, the dying beams touched the ripples and the reflection in the water looked like a mammoth topaz in a l)and of hammered silver, while all around the shores deep shadows of the majestic hemlocks and cedars crept up on the path of light that stretched for a mile and a half, the length of the lake. As the sun slowly sunk below the horizon the snowy clouds took on a pale pink tint, and, assuming fantastic shapes, played hide and seek with the shadows on the forests. Across the lake, on the south shore, stood the Eagles Mere, the Alleghany, the Lakeside and the Lewis, surrounded by rows of picturesque cottages, while over on the west shore stood the Ivaymond, with its guard of cotttiges ranged on either side. After awhile the moon came up and kissed the lake. Then the stars came out and twinkled away down in the depths of the water. Then a cordon of light stretched around the south and western shores as the hotels and cottages lit up and sent their reflections to sparkle ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 105 with the stars deep, deep down in the lake. Suddenly a sound as though a fairy orchestra were playing came echo- ing over the liike; vari-colored lights began to dance over the water; niystei-ious lights like glow-worms appeared on the wooded shores, and went down, down in the water to join the stars. It was a weird, Ix-autiful scene. The dancing lights were lanterns on rowboats; the orchestra was a guitar which awoke a thousand echoes, and the glow- worms in tlie woods were the lights of the boat-landing of the novel little steamer that traverses the lake." Form Ex. .'wS. — Eagles Mi:r>E, I'a., and Hetiirn. Baltimore it Ohio R. IJ to Philadelphia. Philadelphui it Reading R. U to Halls. Williaiiisport & North Braiieli R. R to Sonestown. Eagles Mere R. R to Eagles Mere. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, >rd .JIO 50 I Washington, D. C .>?12 r)0 trinladeliihia, I'a <) 3) | Baggage will l)e cheeked through to Sonestown only on these tiokets. An extra charge of 50 cents for eacli piece of baggage will be made for transporting baggage from Sonestown to Eagles Mere. EASTPORT, ME. Eastport, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 895 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond 15oston. International Steamship Line to Eastport. Returning, .same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) through rates. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . Washington, D. (J. Rail Lines Sound Lines Goiny Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $22 00 $20 00 $21 GO 26 00 24 00 25 00 28 GO 26 00 27 00 106 BALTIMORE t& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY EGGLESTON SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. 50. — Eggleston Springs, Va., and Return. I'.altiniore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah Jnnc. Norfolk & Western R. R -to Eggleston Springs Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $15 65 Bellaire, 24 35 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 14 15 Cameron, W. Va 22 95 Chester, Pa 19 15 Clarksburg, W. Va 20 95 Connellsville, Pa 19 70 Cumlieriand, INld 16 00 Deer Park, Md 17 95 Fairmont, W. Va 20 95 Frederick, INId 1.3 75 Grafton, W. Va 20 05 Harper's Ferry, AV. Va. . . 12 65 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 17 10 Johnstown, Pa 19 75 Keyser, W. Va 16 95 McKeesport, Pa 21 45 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 12 85 Meyersdale, Pa 17 50 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 21 95 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) i, Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkers! )urg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsbui'g, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del ;21 40 23 65 IS 10 20 20 17 95 23 65 18 20 24 05 19 65 17 15 22 00 17 95 18 35 20 15 13 65 23 10 24 05 18 65 Form Ex. 165. — Eggleston Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. & O. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Ry to Lynchburg. Norfolk & Western R. R to Eggleston Springs. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $15 65 Bellaire, 28 60 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 18 30 (Cameron, W. Va 27 15 Chark■^t()\vn, W. Va 16 85 Chester, Pa 19 15 Clarks])urg, W. Va 25 20 (^miiellsville. Pa 23 95 Cumberland, Md 20 25 Deer Park, Md 21 (in Fairni.iiit, W. Va 25 20 Frederick, Md 16 45 (irafton, W. Va 24 30 Hagerstown, Md 17 25 Harper's Ferrv, W. Va. . . 16 35 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 17 10 .rohnstown, Pa 24 00 Kcvscr, W. Va 21 15 Mckeesj)ort, Pa 25 70 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 17 10 Meyersdale, Pa 21 75 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $26 20 ISIorgantown, \V. Va. (via Dninntown) 25 65 Mduudsvillc, W. Va. ... 27 85 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 21 80 Mt. Pleasant, I'a 24 45 Newark, Del 17 95 New Y.irk, N. Y 23 65 Oakland, M<1 21 90 Parkcrslmri;-, W. Va. ... 28 35 Philadelphia, Pa 19 65 I'icdmont, W. Va 21 35 Pittshuru, I'a 26 25 Rockwood, Pa 22 20 Somerset, Pa 22 60 Uniontown, Pa 24 40 Washington, Pa 27 35 Wheeling, W. Va 28 30 Wilmington, Del 18 65 Winchester, Va 17 95 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 107 ELBERON, N. J. Form Ex. 1177. — Elberon, N. J., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia &. Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Elberon. Returning, same route. THROrOH RATES. Baltimore, INld $8 00 | Washington, D. C $10 00 tl'hiladcli.hia. Pa 4 00 | In additidii to tlie ahove, excursion tickets, Form Ex. 1177, Elberon, N. .T., Tiiay be sold IVdui tlic following stations at rates as quoted below. Tickets slitnild be limited with an " L" imiich to 10 days, including day of issue. THROrGII RATES. Baltimore, Md $7 50 Chester, Pa 4 00 Havre de (irace, ]\Id. ... 5 S,") Newark, Del 5 (lO tPhiladelphia, Pa $:) 50 Washington, D. C !» 50 Wilmington, Del 4 50 ELKINS, W. VA. Form Ex. 721. — Elkins, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumberland. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R. R to Elkins. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, ^Md . .$1'2 IScrkclcy Springs, W. Ya. . 7 Charlestown, W. Va. ... S Chester, Pa 15 Connellsville, Pa S Frederick, Md Hagenstown, jNfd !» Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 8 Harrisonburg, Va 13 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 13 Johnstown, Pa 8 Keyser, W. Va 5 Lexington, Va 10 McKeesport, Pa 9 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 7 Meversdale, Pa $fi 05 ]Mt" Pleasant, I'a 8 75 Newark, Del 14 55 New York, N. Y 20 25 Philadelphia, Pa 16 25 Pittsburg. Pa 10 55 Rockwood, Pa 6 50 Somerset, Pa 6 85 Staunton, Va 14 75 Strasburg, Va 11 10 Uniontown, Pa 8 65 Washington, D. C 10 65 Washington, Pa 13 00 Wilmington, Del 15 25 Winchester, Va 10 05 Form Ex. 62. — Elkins, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Piedmont. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R. R to Elkins. Returning, same route. through rates. Deer Park, Md $4 25 Kevser, \\'. Ya 3 65 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . $4 35 Oakland, Md 4 50 'W i ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 109 Form Ex. 1281.— Elkins, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Oliio R. R West Virginia Central & Pittsburg Returning, THROUG Bellaire, O $6 70 Cameron, W. Va 5 25 Cheat Haven, I'a. (via Morgantuwii) 4 00 Clarksburg, \V. Va 3 25 Connells ville, Pa. (via Uniontown) ...... H ]() Deer Park, Md 4 55 Fairebance, I'a. (via Mor- gantown) 5 o(1 Fairmont, W. Va 3 25 (irafton, W. Va 2 40 Keyser. W. Va 5 55 !McKeesp(irt, I'a. (viaUni(_)n- town) 7 80 to Belington. Ry to Elkins. same route. H RATES. 1 Mnrgantown, W. Va. ... $4 .30 IMoundsville, W. Va. ... 5 1)5 Mountain Lake Park. Md. . 4 45 M(Uint Pb^asant, Pa. (via Uniontown) fi .55 Oakland, Md 4 35 Parker.slnirg, W. Va. ... 6 55 Pittsburg, Pa. ( via Union- town) 8 40 Smithtield, Pa. (via Mor- gant(3wn) 5 15 Uniontown, Pa. (via JNIor- gantown) 5 ,55 Wheeling, W. Va (J 40 ELKTON, VA. Form Ex. 728. — Elkton, \.\., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah .Tunc. Norfolk & Western R. R to Elkton. Returning, same route. through Baltimore, Md $ S 55 Bellaire, 10 40 Berkelev Springs, W. Va. . 2o Cameron, W. Va 15 00 Chester, Pa 12 05 Clarkslnirg, >V. Va 13 00 C(jnnellsville, Pa 11 75 Cumberland, Md 8 05 Peer I'ark, Md 10 00 Fairmont, W. Va 13 00 Freilerick, ISId 5 SO (irafton, W. Va 12 10 Hari)er's Ferry, W. Va. . . 4 70 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 10 CK) .Tobnstown, Pa 11 80 Kcvser, W. Va 9 00 McKeesi>ort, Pa 13 50 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 4 00 Meyersdale, Pa 9 55 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 14 00 RATES. ^lorgantown. W. Va. (via Uniontown) >^V,\ 45 Moundsville, W. Va. . . . 15 70 Mountain Lake I'ark, .Md. . 10 15 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 12 25 Newark, Del 10 85 New York, N. Y 10 55 Oakland, Md 10 25 Parkersburg, W. Va. 10 Pbiladcli)hia, Pa 12 55 Piedmont, ^V. Va 9 20 Pittsburg, Pa 14 o5 Rockwood, Pa 10 (HI Somerset, Pa 10 40 Uniontown, Pa 12 20 Washington, D. C (5 95 Washington, Pa 15 15 Wheeling. W. Va 16 10 Wilmington, Del 11 55 ELMIRA, N. Y. Form Ex. 559. — Elmira, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore * Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Waverly. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Elmira. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $12 70 I Washington, D. C $14 70 tPhiladelphia, Pa 10 70 | 110 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY EPHRATA, PA. Form Ex. 655.— Ephrata, Pa., and Return. Baltimore et Uliio R. R ^o Philadelpliia. Philadelpliia & Reading R. R to Ephrata. Returniiit;', same I'oute. THROrUH RATES. Limit. Rate. Baltimore, Md. . . 11 days. $7 11 Chester, Pa days. 3 01 Havre de (iraoe, Md. fi days. 5 46 Newark, Del. . . . 6 days. 4 61 tPhiladelphia, Pa. Washington, I). 0. Wilmington, Del. Limit. Rate. (> days. ?3 11 11 days. 9 11 6 days. 4 11 EUSTIS, ME. EusTis, ^Ie., AND Return, Form Ex. 1148 — Extension from I'oston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Farmington. Santlv River R. R to Phillips. Phillips & Rangeley R. R to Dead River. Stage to Eustis. Returning, same route to Boston. To l)e sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladeli)lna, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . Washiniiton, D. C. Rail Lines $27 00 31 00 33 00 Sound Lines $25 00 29 (H) 31 00 ('■..intf Rail Returning Sound $26 00 ;>,() 0(1 32 00 MOUTES AND HA TES FOR SUMMER TOURS. Ill FABYAN HOUSE WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. The Fubyan is one of the hirgest and most finely-ap- pointed hotels in the White Mountains. In it are to be found all the conveniences of modern times, and from its windows one may command an imposing view of the entire White Mountain range. The Fabyan is the nearest hotel on the mountains to what is known as the Base, where the Mt. Washington li. K. connects with the Mt. Washington Branch of the Concord & Montreal. The AVhite Mountains Division of the Maine Central R. R. crosses the Concord & Montreal R. R. near the Fabyan House, thus making it the most important rail- road centre, and most accessible resort in the mountains. P'abyan HorsE, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 518 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Intervale.Tunotion. Maine Central R. R to Faljyan H(juse. Returning!;, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection witli feeding; forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. r.iiing Rail Returning Soui or vice vers.i. $22 85 26 85 28 85 From Rail Lines I Sound Lines triiiladelphia. Fa $23 45 $20 45 Baltimore, Md 27 45 24 45 Washington, D. C 29 45 2G 45 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 519 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston &■ Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Fabyan House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) From tPhiladelphia, Pa. . Baltimore, Md. . . . Washington, I). C. . Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. through rates. Route to and from Boston. Rail Lines $2.3 45 27 45 29 45 Sound Lines $20 45 24 45 20 45 Goin^ Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $22 85 2fi 85 28 85 112 SALTIMOBE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 520 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston ct IVfaine R. R to Nasliua. Concord it Montreal R. R to liethleliem June. Rrotile it Kranconia Notch R. R to I'rotile House. I'rofile it Franconia Notch R. R to Zealand .Tv;nc. Maine Central R. R to Fahyan House. Maine Central R. R to Intervale June. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. To be sold in connection with feedintz; f'm ins to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . . . $27 00 $24 10 $25 85 Baltimore, JSId . . 31 (10 2S 10 29 85 Washington, D. C. . . . . OO 00 30 10 31 85 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 521 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston it Maine R. R to Intervale .Tunc. Maine Central R. II to Faliyan House. Maine Central R. R to Zealand .Tunc. Rrotile it Franconia Notch R. R to Protile House. Profile it Francoiiia Notch R. R to I'.ethlehem June. Concord it Montreal R. R to Nashua. Boston it Maine li. R to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From fPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Wasliington, D. C. . . Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. .-^27 (K) $24 10 $25 85 31 tX) 28 10 20 85 33 00 30 10 31 85 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 522 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & IMaine R. R to Nashua. Concord & Montreal R. R to Fal)yan House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Returning sound $23 45 27 45 29 45 $20 45 24 45 26 45 $22 85 26 85 28 85 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. _.^.. 114 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 613. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. . . . to R]iriii,t;field. Boston & Maine R. R tn Snutli Vernon. Central Vermont R. R. Boston & Maine R. R. Central Vermont R. R. Boston & Maine R. R. to l'.nittl('l:)Oro. to Windsor. to White River June. to W^ells River. Concord & Montreal R. R to Fabyan House. Returnins, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 45 | Washington, D. C* .... .$26 45 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 45 | Form Ex. 614. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Rkturn. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philaoston feeding forms) , to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to I'hiladeli>liia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 961. — Fabyan House, N. H. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH rates. Via Sound. Via liail. Baltimore, Md $31 50 $32 UO tl'hiladelphia, Pa 27 50 28 00 Washington, D. C 33 50 34 00 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. Form Ex. 1002. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. (Via New York, Lake George and Lake Champlain; returning via Portland and Boston.) Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersev to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co.(Laketieorge Strs.) to Baldwin. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Champlain Transpcjrtation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R to Cambridge June. St. Johnsbury tt Lake Chamjilain R. K to Lunenburg. Maine Central R. R to Fabvan House. Maine Central R. R to Portland. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feetling forms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladfli.hia A Reading R. R to New York. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. Form Ex. 1003. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. Transfer through New York, returning, included. THROUGH rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $29 20 $30 35 tPhiladelphia, Pa 25 20 26 35 Washington, D. C 31 20 32 35 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. 116 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 964. — Fadyans, N. H., and Return. (Via New Yoi'k, Lakes George and Champlain, and Montpelier ; return- ing via Nashua and Boston.) Baltimore ct Oliio R. R to Bhiladelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R " to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co. ( Lake (icorgcStrs.) to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R to Montpelier. Montpelier tt Wells River R. R to Wells River. Concord & Montreal R. R to Fabyans. Concord & Montreal R. R to Nashua. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston tecding forms) . to New York. Ccntrnl 1!. K. of New Jersey to Bound I'.rook. I'iiiladelphia iV; Leading R. R to Rhiladeiphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. Form Ex. 965. — Fabyans, N. H., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. Transfer through New York, returning, included. THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $29 20 $30 35 t Philadelphia, Pa 25 20 26 35 Washington, D. C 31 20 32 35 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. Form Ex. 966. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. (Via New York and Lake Champlain ; returning via Portland and Boston.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Pliiladeli.Iiia. Pliilat Oliio R. R to Pliiladeli)hia. riiil;i(lel|ilna it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day or People's Line Steaniers to All^any. Delaware and Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Cham]ilainTransi)ortationCo. (LaketicorgeStrs.) to Baldwin. Delaware >t Hudson It. R to Fort Timndcroga. Champlain TraiisiMirtation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont It. Pt t(j Cambridge June. 8t. Jolmslniry it Lake Chamidain It. \l to I.,unenburg. ^faine Central Pi. Pi to Fabyan House. Maine Central R. R to Portland. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding fornis) . to New York. Central It. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Pliiladelphia. Baltimore ct Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 969.— Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Reverse of jtreceding excursion. THROUGH rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $28 10 $29 2.'i tPhiladelphia, Pa 24 10 25 25 Washington, D. C 30 10 31 25 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines onlj'. Form Ex. 970. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. (Via New York, Day Line Steamers on Hudson River, Lake Chamjilain and Montpelier; returning via Nashua and Boston.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Pliiladelpliia. Pliiladeli>hia.t Reading R. i; to P.ound Brook. Ci'Utral R. It. of New .Jersey to New York. Dav or Peo}ile's Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Tieonderoga. Chaini)lain Trans])ortation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont R. It to Mont]ielier. to Wells Itivcr. Concord it iSrontreal R. R to Fabyan House. Coneord it Montreal R. R to Nashua. Boston it ^Faine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to ISound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R; R to Philadel].hia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 971.— Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. through rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Ud $26 60 $27 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 60 23 75 Washington, D. C 28 60 29 75 Tr^insfer through Boston included, via Soupd Lines onl^. 118 £AL TIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COM PA N Y Form Ex. 072. — F.\byan House, N. H., and Return. (Via New York, Day Line Steamers on Hudson River anil Lake Cluun- plain ; returning via Portland and Boston.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound l'>rook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. I>av or People's Line Steamers to Alliany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort 'liiMinderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington Central Vermont K. R to Cambridge .lunc. St. Johnsbury it Lake Champlain R. R to Lunenburg. Maine Central R. R to Fabvan House. Maine Central R. R to Portland. Boston >t iSIaine R. R to P.oston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston I'eeding IVirms) . to New Yoik. Central \\. R. of New Jei'sey to ]>ound IJroidc. Philadelphia it Reading R." R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 973. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH R.\TES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $'2(3 (Kt $27 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 00 23 75 Washington, D. C 28 (JO 29 75 Transfer throtigh Boston included, via Sound Lines only. Form Ex. 974. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. (Via Niagara Falls, Alexandria Bay, and Montreal ; returning via ^Iont])elier and Boston.) Choice of routes to Niagara Falls — see Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Lewiston. Rome, Watertown it Ogdensburg R. R to Clayton. Richelieu it Ontario Navigation Co to Alexandria Bay. Richelieu it Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Richelieu it (.)ntario Navigation Co. or (Jrand Trunk 1!. R to Montreal. Orand Trunk Pv. R to St. John's. Central Vermont R. R to Monti)elier. Mont])elier it Wells River R. R to Wells River. Concord it Montreal R. R to Faljvan House. Maine Central R. R to Porthiml. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding foinis) . to Ni'W York. Central W. P. of New Jersey to Jjound P>rook. Philadelphia it Reading R." R to Philadeli.hia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $40 25 $40 75 tPhiladeli)hia, Pa 36 25 36 75 Washington, D. C 42 25 42 75 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. 120 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 975. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. (Via Niagara Falls, Toronto and Montreal ; returning via Montpelier and Boston.) Choice of rontes to Niagara Falls — see Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Cential it Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. or Grand Trunk R. R to Kingston. Richelieu oston included, via Sound Lines only. ROUTES AND BATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 121 Form Ex. 977. — Fahyan HnrsE, N. H., and Keturn. {Via Niagara Falls, Toroiitn, Montreal and (^)uel)ec ; returning via I'.dston.) Choice of routes to Niagara Falls— see Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Central iV: Hudson River U. 1!. ... to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. llielielieu it Ontario Navigation Co. or (irand Trunk K. K to Kingston. lliclielieu it Ontario Navigation Co. or (irand Trunk K. K ' to Prescott. Riclielieu & Ontario Navigation Co. or Grand Trunk K. R to Montreal. Riclielieu it Ontario Naxigation Co. or (irand Trunk R. R to (Quebec. < irand Trunk R. R to (iroveton. Concord it Montreal R. R to Faliyan House. Concord it Montreal R. R to Naslnui. Rostou it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see IJoston feeding foiins) . to New York. Central R. IC of New Jersev to Round I'.rook. I'hiladeliihia .t Reading R." R to Rhiladelpiiia. Raltiniore it Ohio R. R to starting point. TUIIonni KATKS. Via Sound. Via Rail. Raltimore, Md $4r, 2o $45 75 tl'iiiladeliihia-, Ra 41 25 41 75 Washington, D. C 47 25 47 75 Transfer through l>ostou included, via Sound Lines onlj'. Form Ex. 978. — Fabyan House, N. H. and Return. (Via Niagara Falls, Alexandria R>ay and ^lontreal ; returning via Boston.) Choice of routes to Niagara Falls — sec Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Central it Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Rome, Watertown it Ogdenshurg R. R to ('layton. liiciielieu it Ontario Navigation Co to Alexandria Bay. llichflifu it Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Riclielieu it Ontario Navigation (_'o. or (irand Trunk R. R to Montreal. (Irand Trunk R. R to (iroveton. ( 'oncord it IMontreal R. R to FabvaTi House. Coiu'ord it Montreal R. R to Nashua. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R! R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Via SQund. Via Rail. Baltimore, ^[d $40 25 $40 75 fPhiladelphia, Pa 36 25 36 75 Washington, D. C 42 25 42 75 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. 122 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form P]x. 979. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Reti'rn. (Via Niagara Falls, Toronto and Montreal ; returning via lio^ton.) Choice of routes to Niagara Falls — see Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . . . to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. or (irand T]-uiilv R. R to Kingston. Richelieu it Ontario Navigation Co. or (irand Trunk R. R to Prescott. Richelieu it (>ntario Navigation Co. or (Ji'and Trunk R. R • • to Montreal. Grand Trunk R. R to ( iroveton. Concord it Montreal R. R to I'^ahyan House. Concord it Afontreal R. R t(t Nasiiua. I'oston it Maine R. R to I'.oston. Rail or Sound Lijies (see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central K. It. of New Jersey to I'xiund l>rook. l'hiladeli)hia it Reading R." R to Philadeljihia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting ])oint. THROUGH rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, iVrd $40 25 iJHO 75 tlMiiUKlelphia, Pa 3(j 25 30 75 Washington, I). C 42 25 42 75 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. Form Ex. 980. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. (Via Niagara Falls ; returning via Boston.) Choice of routes to Niagara Falls — see Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . . to Ijcwiston. Rtnue, Watertown it Ogdensburg R. R to Norwood. ( entral Vermont R. R to Swanton. St. .lohiishury it Lake Champlain R. R to Lunenhurg. Maine Central R. R to I'^ahyan House. Maine Central R. R to I'ortland. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound I'.iook. Philadelphia .t Reading R: R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md ,'}^3() 85 1.38 dO tPhiladelphia, Pa 32 85 34 00 Washington, I). C 3S 85 40 00 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. Form Ex. 1049. — Fabyan House, N. H., and Return. (Via Niagara Falls ; returning via Boston.) Choice of routes to Niagara Falls — see Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Central it Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Rome, Watertown it Ogdensburg R. R to Norwood. Central Vermont R. R to Montpelier. Montpelier it Wells River R. R ((» Wells River June. Concord it Montreal R. R to Fahyan House. Concord it Montreal R. R t(j P.etldeliem Juui'. Protile it Franconia Notch R. R to Profile House. Pemmigewasset Valley Stage Line (10 miles) . . to North Woodstock. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 123 Concord & Montreal R. R to Nashua Junction. Boston &, Maine R. R to Boston. 8oiind or Rail Lines (see Boston feeding fdrnis) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadeljiliia it Reading R." R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $38 50 !J39 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 34 50 35 00 Washington, D. C 40 50 41 00 Transfer througli Boston included, via Sound Lines only. FALMOUTH, MASS. Form Ex. 911. — Faljeouth, Mass., and Return. Baltimore ,t Oliio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadcliiliia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central 1!. It. of New .Jersey to New York. Old ('..hinv Stcaniboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York", New Haven it Hartford R. R. ... to Falmnuth. Returning, sanu^ route. through rates. Baltimore, M<\ $15 50 I Washington, D. C $17 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 50 | 124 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY FAUQUIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. 281. — Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, Va., and Heturn. Baltimore & Ohio R. K to Washington. Transfer C. & O. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Rv to Warrenton. Stage (7 miles) to Fauquier Wliite Suli)linr Springs. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $ 5 75 Bellaire, O IS 70 Berkeley Springs, W. \'a. . 8 40 Cameron, \V. Va 17 25 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 95 Chester, Ta 25 Clarkshur- W. Va 15 30 Connellsvilie, I'a 14 05 Cumberland, ISId 10 35 Deer Park, IMd 11 75 Fairmont, W. Va 15 30 Frederick, Md 55 Grafton, W. Va 14 40 Hagerstovvn, Md 7 35 Harper's Ferry, ^^'. Va. . . G 45 Havre de (iraee, Md. ... 7 20 Johnstown, Pa 14 10 Keyser, W. Va 11 25 McKeesport, Pa 15 80 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 7 20 Meyersdale, Pa U 85 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $10 30 Morgantown, W. Va. (via ITniontown) 15 75 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 17 95 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 11 00 Mt. I'h'asant, Pa 14 55 Newark, Del 8 05 New York, N. Y 13 75 Oakland, :\Id 12 00 Parkerslnirg, W. Va. ... IS 40 Philaclcliihia, Pa 9 75 PieduH.nt, W. Va 11 45 Pittsburg, Pa IG 35 Rockwood, Pa 12 30 Somerset, Pa ]2 70 Uniontown, Pa 14 50 Washington, Pa 17 45 Wheeling, W. Va IS 40 Wilmington, Del 8 75 Winchester, Va 8 05 FROSTBURG, MD. Form Ex. 102. — Frostburg, Mn., and Return. Baltimore tt Ohio R. R to Ckunberland. Cumberland & Pennsylvania R. R to Frostburg. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $ 8 45 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 3 25 Charlestown, \V. Va 5 05 Chester, Pa 11 95 Connellsvilie, Pa 4 45 Frederick, Md 5 70 Hagerstown, Md 5 70 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 4 65 Harrisonburg, Va 9 65 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 9 90 Johnstown, Pa 4 50 Lexington, Va 12 75 McKeesport, Pa 6 20 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 3 90 Form Ex. IDS. — Frostburg, Md., and Return. Baltiuiore & Ohio R. R to Piedmont. Cumberl-and & Pennsylvania R. R to Frostburg. Returning, same mute. through rates. Meyersdale, Pa. . Mt.' Pleasant, Pa. Newark, Del. . . New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa,. . . Rockwiiod, Pa. . Somerset, Pa. . . Staunton, Va. . . Uniontown, Pa. . Washington, D. C. Washington, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Winchester, Va. Bellaire, O $ 8 05 Cameron, W. Va 6 55 Cheat Haven, I'a 6 15 Clarksburg, W. Va 4 55 Deer Park, Md 1 55 Fairchance, Pa 6 GO Fairmont, W. Va 4 55 Grafton, W. Va 3 70 Morgantown, W. Va. . . Moundsville, W. Va. . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va.. . . Smithfield, Pa Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va. . . . $2 25 4 95 10 75 16 45 12 45 6 75 2 70 3 10 10 95 4 90 6 85 7 85 11 45 6 25 5 60 7 25 1 65 1 75 7 85 6 45 9 00 7 70 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 125 GENEVA, N. Y. The village of Geneva is one of the most attractive com- munities in the interior of the Empire State. It enjoys a large local trade, the stores being ranged chiefly along the wide main street beside the lake and upon several bisecting streets, the many handsome homes of its citizens occupying higher ground looking out upon the lake further to the south. Two very excellent hotels, the Kirkwood and Franklin, compete for the patronage of travelers. A power- ful sulphur spring recently discovered at this point presages the erection of a sanitarium. Ilobart College, one of the most influential and substantial of our educational institu- tions, occupies a very advantageous site fronting upon the lake. Form Ex. 131S. — Geneva, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia &, Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Geneva. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 40 I Washington, D. C $1G 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 12 85 | Form Ex. 5G7. — Geneva, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadel])hia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Geneva. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Watkins. Pennsylvania R. R to Williamsport. I'hiladeliihia & Reading R. R to Phihidelpliia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $16 65 I Washington, 1). C $18 65 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 00 1 Form Ex. 568. — Geneva, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R • • . . to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Williamsport. Pennsylvania R. R to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Canandaigua. I'ennsylvania R. R to Williams] mrt. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadeljihia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $16 65 I Washington, D. C $18 65 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 00 | 126 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY GKTTVSUURO UATTLEFlEtin, FUOM I,ITTLE IJOrND TOP. GETTYSBURG, PA. One mile west of the liorough are tlie Gettysburg Springs, Avhose waters, deiioniinated Katalysine, liave ae(iuired a wide reputation for their medicinal qualities. They are said to resemble the celebrated ^'ichy water, and are con- sidered renu'dial in gout, rheumatism, dyspepsia, and affec- tions of the kidneys. The Springs Hotel accommodates the patients who resort here during the summer for treat- uK'nt. The chief interest of Gettysburg is historic, and this it is that attracts tourists from all parts of the world. A great battle, perhaps the most important of tlie civil war, was fought here on the 1st, 2d and 3d of July, 1863, be- tween the Xational forces under General Meade and the Confederate army under General Lee. The ]>rincipal ob- jects of interest are Cemetery Hill, so named from having long been the site of the village cemetery, forms the central and most striking feature at Gettysburg. Here were the Union head(puirters, and standing on its crest the visitor has the key to the position of the Union forces during those eventful three days of July. Flanking Cemetery Hill on the west, about a mile distant, is Seminary Eidge, on which were General Lee's headqnai'ters and the bulk of K \ F.: :d and HE Union Troops (blue.) Confederate Troops (red.) ~~ UM owned by Generjl S. Wylie Crawford. ■ Land owned by BaltlefieM Memorial Asmcialion. GETTYSBURG and VICINITY, Land proposed to be purchased by Dallleficld Memorial AssociatioD. ^BflQ Additional Lands will be purchased as meuis are from time to time appropriated l>y other States. oil WlJlUll W'Cic \jr^j!icxt*l JUCCo "lit ?rV3 Wiitt vii\j iL^Liiji v>i ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 127 the Confederate forces. Other spots nsually visited are Benner's Hill, Gulp's Hill, Round Top, and Little Ronnd Top; also Willougliby Run, where Bnford's cavalry held A. P. Hill's column in check during two critical hours. The National Cemetery, containing the remains of the Union soldiers who fell in the battle of Gettysburg, oocu- pies about seventeen acres on Cemetery Hill adjacent to the village cemetery, and was dedicated with imposing cere- monies, and an impressive address l)y President Lincoln, November PJth, 18(53. A Soldiers' Monument, dedicated July 4th, 1868, occupies the crown of the hill, sixty feet high, and is surmounted by a colossal marble statue of Liberty. At the base of the pedestal are four buttresses bearing colossal marble statues of War, LListory, Peace, and Plenty. Around the monument, in semicircular slopes, are arranged the graves of the dead, the space being divided by alleys and pathways into twenty-two sections; one for the regular army, one for the volunteers of each State re- presented in the battb', and three for the unknown dead. The number of bodies interred here is 3,561, of whieli 991 have not been identified. Near the entrance to the ceme- tery is a bronze statue of Major-General John F. Reynolds, who was killed in the first day's fight. Opposite the ceme- tery, an observatory, sixty feet high, has l)een erected, com- manding a fine view. A monument to the I'ennsylvania troops was erected in 1887. GEN. MEADK'S HEADQUARTERS. 128 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 641. — Gettysburg, Pa., and Return. Limited to six (6) months from date of sale. Baltimore &, Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Depot .... to W. M. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland R. R. (via Short Line) ... to Gettysburg. Returning', same route. Bellaire, $15 40 Cameron, W. Va 13 95 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 4 10 C li e a t Haven, Pa. { via Union town) 11 S5 Clarksburg, W. Va 1195 Connellsville, Pa 10 70 Cumberland, Md 7 00 Deer Park, Md 8 90 Fai reliance. Pa. (via, Uniontown) 11 40 Fairmont, W. Va 11 95 Grafton, W. Va 11 05 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 3 60 Harrison! )urg, Va 8 60 Johnstown, Pa 10 75 Keyser, W. Va 7 ai Le.\inKt(in, Va 11 70 ]McKeesj)ort, Pa 11 95 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 3 85 Meyersdale, Pa 8 50 RATES. Morgan town, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $12 95 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 12 40 Mouiidsville, W. Va. ... 14 60 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 9 05 Mt. Pleasant, I'a 11 20 Oakland, Md 9 15 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 15 05 Piedmont, W. Va 8 10 Pittsburg, Pa 1195 Rockwood, Pa 8 95 Smithlield, Pa. (via llnion- town) 11 55 Somerset, Pa 9 35 Staunton, Va 9 90 Strasburg, Va 6 25 Uniontown, Pa 11 15 Washington, D. C 5 15 Washington, Pa 13 55 Wheeling, W. Va 15 05 Winchester, Va 5 25 Form Ex. 685. — Gettysburg, Pa., and Return. Limited to six (6) months from date of sale. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer, B. & O. R. R. Dei>ot .... to W. M. R. R. (Fulton Station). Western Maryland R. R to Gettysburg. Returnintr, same route. THROUGH rates. Bellaire, Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . . Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa Cuniherland, Md Deer Park, Md Faircliance, Pa. (via I'nion- town) Fairmont, W. Va Grafton, W. Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Harrisonburg, Va Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va Lexington, l*a McKeesport, Pa Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa ^lorgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $19 65 18 20 790 16 15 6 00 16 25 15 00 1130 12 60 15 70 16 20 15 35 7 40 12 40 15 05 12 20 15 50 16 75 8 25 12 80 17 25 Morgantown, W. Va. (via ITniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park.Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md ParkerslmrsT, W. Va. . . . Philadeli.hui, Pa Piedmont, \V. Va Pittslmrg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Smithfield, Pa. (via Union- town) Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va. $16 70 19 00 12 75 15 50 6 00 9 65 12 85 19 35 6 00 12 40 17 30 13 25 15 85 13 65 13 70 10 05 15 45 5 60 18 40 19 35 6 00 9 00 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 129 men WATEH MARK OK IMK KEBELLION. Form Ex. 698. — Gettysbi Limited to six (0) inont lialtimore it Oliio R. R Norfnliv Sz Western R. R Western Maryland R. R Returning, s; THROUGH Bellaire, O .$15 40 Cameron, W. Va 13 95 Clieat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) 11 85 Clarlvshiu-K, W. Ya 11 95 Connellsville, I'a 10 70 Cundierland, Md 7 00 Deer Park, Md 8 90 Fairehance, Pa. {via Union- town) 11 40 Fairmont, W. Ya 11 95 (Jrafton, W. Ya 11 05 .I.dinstown, Pa 10 75 Kevser, W. Ya 7 90 Me'Keesi.ort, Pa 11 95 ^rartinslinrg, W. Ya. ... 3 85 Meversdale, Pa 8 50 iRG, Pa., and Return. lis from date of sale. to Shemindoali .June. to Hagerstowii. to Gettysburg. lime route. RAIES. Morgantown, W. Ya. (via Fairmont) .$12 95 Morgantown, \\'. \'a. (via T'niontown) 12 40 Moundsville, W. Ya. ... 14 00 Mountain f.ake Park, Md. . 9 05 Mt. Plea.>-ant, Pa 11 20 Oakland, Md 9 15 Parkersl)urg, W. Va. . . . 15 05 Piedmont, W. Ya 8 10 Pittsburg, Pa. ....... 11 95 Roekwood, I'a 8 95 8mitbtield, Pa. (via I'nion- town) 11 55 SonuM-set, Pa 9 35 Uniontown, Pa 11 15 Wasliington, Pa l.'i 55 Wheeling, ^V. Ya 15 05 Form Ex. 1125. — Gettysburg, Pa., and Return. Linuted to six (6) months from date of sale. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Clierry Run ^\'estern Maryland R. R to (iettysburg. Returning, same route. THROUGH R.\TES. P.ellaire, O .$13 95 | Moundsville, W. Va. . . Cameron, \V. Va 12 50 Mt. Pleasant. Pa Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Oakland, Md Uniontown) 10 40 Clarksburii, W.Va 10 50 Connellsville, Pa 9 25 ( 'unilierland, .Md 5 55 Fairi'liance, Pa. (via Union- town) 9 95 Fairmont, W.Ya 10 50 Grafton, W. Va 9 60 Hvndman, Pa 6 10 .lohnstown, Pa 9 30 Kevser, \V. Ya 6 45 MoKeesport, Pa 1100 Meversdale, Pa 7 05 Morgantown, W. Ya. ... 11 50 Parkersl>ui'g, W. Ya . . . Piedmont, \V. Ya Pittsburg, Pa Romney, W. Ya Roekwood, Pa Smithtield, Pa. (via T'nion- town) Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa ^\'ashington, Pa. (via (den- wood) Wheeling. W. Y;i. (via Grafton) ^1.S 15 9 75 7 70 13 GO 11 .55 5 ()() 7 40 10 10 7 85 9 70 12 65 13 00 130 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 160. — Gettysburg, Pa., and Return. Limited to six (6) months from date of sale. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R." R to Pliiladelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to AVasliinston, D. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to ira,t;crsto\vn. Western Maryland R. R to < Jettysburg. Philadeljnhia*& Reading R. R to AUentown. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Rate f^rom New York, $11.50. GLADE SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. 100. — Glade Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R Norfolk & Western R. R Returning same route. to Shenandoah June. to Glade Springs. Baltimore, Md $18 Bellaire, 27 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 17 Cameron, W. Va 25 Chester, Pa. 22 Clarksburg, AV.Va 23 ConnelLsviile, Pa 22 Cumberland, Md 18 Deer Park, Md 20 Fairmont, W. Va 23 Frederick, Md 16 Grafton, W.Va 22 Harper's Ferry, W^Va. . . 15 Havre de Grace, ]\Id. . . . 20 Johnstown, Pa 22 Keyser, W. Va U) McKeesport, Pa 2-t Martinsburg, \\. Va. . . . 15 Aleyersdale, Pa 20 ^lorgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 24 80 H RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uni(mtown) $24 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 26 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 20 Mt. I'leasant, Pa 23 Newark, Del 21 New York, N. Y 2(i Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . Philadelphia, I'a. . . . Piedmont, W. A^a. . . . Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, I'a 23 Washington, D. C 16 Washington, Pa 25 Wheeling, W. Va 26 Wilmington, Del 21 GLENS FALLS, N. Y. This charming vilhige takes its name from the pictur- esque falls of the Hudson, which tumble o\er a rocky pre- cipice sixty-three feet high and nine hundred feet long, and is a much frequented summer resort. The island below the falls is associated with some of the most thrilling in- cidents of Cooper's " Last of the Mohicans." Form Ex. 309. — Glens Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Gleiis Falls. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $16 80 | Washington, D. C $18 80 fPhiladelphia, Pa 12 80 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 131 Form Ex. 310.— Glens Falls, N. Y., and Returk. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadehihia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Glens Falls. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROtlGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $lfi 80 I Washington, D. C $18 80 tPhiladelphia, Pa 12 80 | GLOUCESTER, MASS. Gloucester, ^SFass., and Return. Form Ex. 702 — Extension fn^m Boston. Route beyond Boston. BUjston it Maine R. Pv to Gloucester. P.cturning, saiiH^ route to Boston. To be sold in connccliini with Tccdiiig forms to Boston and return. (Sec I'.oston fcclna, Pa 8 90 | GROTTOES, VA. Form Ex. 98?.. — Grottoes, Va., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Slienandoah .June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Grottoes. Returning, same I'oute. THROUGH rates. .$10 40 15 25 8 O.") 16 85 13 !K) 14 85 (via M( r>altimon', Md Bollaire, O Berkeley Sjiiings, W. \a (Jameron, W. Va Chester, Pa Chirkshiirg, W. Va. . . . Coniu'llsville, Pa V-i (!0 Cumhcrland, Md 9 !M» I'eer Park, Md U 85 Fairmont, ^V. Va 14 85 Frederick, Md 7 G5 Grafton, W. Va 13 95 Harper's Ferry, W. \'a. . . fi 55 Havre de (irace, Md. . . . 1185 .Tohnstown, Pa 13 05 Keyser, W. Va 10 85 M e'lvcesport, Pa 15 35 Martinshurg, W. Va. ... 75 Meyersdale, Pa 11 40 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 15 85 The ahove rates include one admission to Weyer's Cave Morgantown. W. Va. Uniontnwn) . . . Moundsville, W. Va. Mountain Lake Park, Mt. Pleasant, Pa. . . Newark, Del New York, N. Y. . . Oakland, Md J'arkershurg, W. Va. I'hilailel])hia, Pa. . . Piedmont, W. Va. Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood. Pa. . . . Sonu'rset, Pa Uniontown, Pa. . . . Washington, D. C. . Washington, Pa. . . Wheeling, W. Va. . . Wilmington, Del. . . $15 .30 17 55 12 00 14 10 12 70 15 40 12 10 17 95 14 40 11 05 15 W 11 85 12 25 14 05 S fiO 17 00 17 95 13 40 HALIFAX, N. S. Halifax, N. S., and Return. Form Ex. 1178 — Extension from PJoston. Route beyond Boston. Canada, Atlantic &, Plant Steamship Line to Halifax. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladeli)hia, Pa. lESaltimore, Md. . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines $20 00 30 00 32 CO Sound Lines $24 00 28 00 30 00 Goin^r Rail Returning Sniinil $25 00 29 00 31 00 Rates include berth in state-room. 138 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA. Where the three States of Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland come together, where the Potomac and the Shen- andoah join their rnshing waters, where the towering steeps of the Bine Ridge end abrnptly, frowning, as they do so, npon Maryland Heights on the one hand, and Bolivar Heights on the other, is cradled the historic town of Harper's Ferry. The snrronndiugs are in keeping with the Inrthplace of a mighty conflict. Terrible, indeed, in ages past, mnst have been the convnlsions of natnre which rent these giant rocks asunder, and terrible were the consequences which followed the wild act of old John Brown of Osawatomie, who, on this very spot, defied the laws and customs of his country, and with less than a score of followers, took up arms against the combined forces of public opinion, the institution of slavery, and the State of Virginia. He was called a madman and a murderer, and he died upon the gallows. Three years later his name was the song and watchword of an army, and " His soul goes marching- on ! " Brown chose this place as the base of his operations, he said, because he regarded these mountains as having been designed by the Almighty, from all eternity, as a refuge for fugitive slaves. Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. to Harper's Ferry. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $3 25 I New York, N. Y $11 25 Philadelphia, Pa 7 25 | Washington, D. C 2 25 Agents at Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington will use Local Excursion Book Tickets. Agents at New York will use Form Ex. 1257. HARWICH, MASS. Form Ex. 911. — Harwich, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Harwich. Returning, some route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $l(i 30 I Washington, D. C $18 30 fPhiladelphia, Pa 12 30 | 140 BALTIMORE d' OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY BELLE GROVE HOUSE, CEDAR CREEK, VA., WHERE SHERIDAN MADE HIS HEADQUARTERS. HEALING SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. 77. — Healing Hphings, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio II. R to Staunton. Transfer, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Dej-ot . . to C. A (>. Ry. Depot. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Hot S])rings. Stage Line to Healing Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH Bellaire, O $27 25 I Berkeley Springs, W. Vn. . Ifi IW | Canieroii, W. Va 25 ,s(l Charlestown, W. Va. ... 14 50 Clarksburg, W. Va 23 X5 Connellsville, Pa 22 HO Cumberland, Md 18 90 Deer Park, Md. ...... 20 80 Fairmont, W. Va 23 85 Frederick, Md l(i 05 (irafton, W. Va 22 !)5 Hagerstown, Md Ki 05 Harjter's Ferry, W. Va. . . 15 00 Harrisonburg," Va 10 00 .Johnstown, ra 22 (35 Keyser, W. Va 19 80 Lexington, Va 10 50 McKeesnort, Pa 24 35 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 15 75 24 85 RATES. Meyersdale, Pa s20 40 Morgantown, \V. Va. (\ia Fairmont) Morgantdwn, W. Va. (\ia LTniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . IMountain Lake Paik, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Oakland, M<1 Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Piedmont, W . Va Pittsburg, Pa Rock wood. Pa Somerset, I'a Strasburg, Va TJniontown, Pa Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Winchester, Va. ..... 24 30 20 50 20 115 •l;j 10 21 05 27 Ot» 20 00 24 90 20 85 21 25 11 95 23 05 20 00 27 00 13 40 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 141 Form Ex. 342. — Healing Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer, BaUiniore & Ohio R. R. Depot .... to C. &0. Ry. Depot. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Hot Springs. Stage Line to Healing Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $in 00 Chester, Pa 19 50 Frederick, Md 10 80 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 17 45 Newark, Del $1S .SO New York, N. Y 24 00 i'liiladeli>hia, Pa 20 00 Wilmington, Del 19 00 HIGHFIELD, MD. Form Ex. 857. — Highfield, Md., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer, Baltimore & Ohio K. R. Depot .... to W. M. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Highfield. Returning, same route. Berkeley Springs, W. Vn. Cameron, W. Va 7 20 Meyersdale, Pa Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 11 00 THROUGH Bellaire, O $14 10 3 75 12 65 Cliarlost()\vn,W.Va 2 90 Clarksliurg. W. Va 10 65 Connellsville, Pa 9 40 Cuiiil>erland, Md 5 70 Deer Park, ^Nld 7 6(1 Fairmont, W. Va Id 65 (inifton, W. Va 9 75 Hari)er's Ferry, W. Va. . . 2 40 Harrisonhurg,Va 7 40 .Tohnstown, Pa 9 45 Kevser, W. Va 6 60 Lexington, Va 10 .50 McKeesport, Pa 11 15 Martinsburg,W. Va. . . RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (vi; Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . ISIountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Oakland, Md Pai'kershurg, W. Va. . . . Piedmont, \\ . Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, I'a Staunton, Va Strashurg, Va I^iuontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Winchester, Va $11 10 1.'! .')5 !HI 7 S5 (i SO 11 7(1 s (15 s 7(1 5 05 9 85 4 45 12 80 13 75 4 00 HIGHGATE SPRINGS, VT. Form Ex. 984. — Highgate Springs, Vt., and Return. (Via New York, Day Line Steamers, Saratoga Si)rings. Lake Cham- plain ; returning via Connecticut Valley.) Baltimore ct Ohio R.R to Philadelpliia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to I?ound Brook. ('entral R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day or People's Line Steamers to Alliany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Cham])lain Transportation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R to Highgate Si)rings. Central Vermont R. R to Windsor. Boston .v.- Maine R. R to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R to South Vernon. Boston it Maine R. R to Springfield. New York, New Haven it Hartford K. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ct Reading R.'P to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. 142 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 985. — Highgate Springs, Vt. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $23 SO I Washington, D. C $25 80 tPhiladelphia, Pa 19 80 | Form Ex. 986. — Highgate Springs, Vt., and Return. (Via Connecticut Valley in both directions. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven &. llarttnrd R. R. . . . to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vernont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston it Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Highgate Springs. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $22 85 I Washington, D. C $24 85 tPhiladelphia. Pa IS S5 | Form Ex. 987. — Highgate Springs, Vt., and Return. Central Vermont R. R Burlington to Highgate Springs. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket jmssing through or ternunating at Burlington. Rate $1 50 HIGHLAND BEACH, N.J. Form Ex. 1191.— Highland Beach, N. J., and Return. Baltinit Ohio R. R to Pliiladclpliia. Phihidcliihia iV: Reading R. R to P.nuiul P.rudk. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Highland Beach. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $8 40 I Washington, D. C $10 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 40 | HIGHLAND LAKE, PA. Form Ex. 854. — Highland Lake, Pa., and Return. Baltimore Si Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Halls. \Villiamsport & North Branch R. R to Chamouni. Williamsport & North Branch Transfer . . . .to Highland Lake. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $10 00 I Washington, D. C $12 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 8 75 | Baggage will be checked through to Cliamouni only on these tickets. From Chamouni stages convey jiassengers and baggage to Highland Lake. Stage transportation of passengers included in ticket, but an extra charge will be made for transporting baggage from Chamouni to Highland Lake. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 143 HIGH POINT, N. J. (POST OFFICE, PORT JERVIS, N. Y.) The beauties of tlie valley of the Delaware Eiver are quite familiar to tourists ovnerally, and the regiou in the vicinity of Port Jervis has long been famous not onlv for its scenic charms, hut for its bountiful entertainment for the gunner and angler also. The mountains and valleys of Orange and adjacent counties have also an extended reputation for their garden and dairy pi'oducts; in fact, most of the good things which go to make a summer sojourn completely satisfactory are abundant in this beautiful territory. To mention the so Avell known natural productiveness of farm and lake and stream of this and the adjoining coun- ties were superfluous, excepting so far as to identify this location (the Inn at High Point) as being situated in their very midst, and where all the advantages offered by them are directly at hand. On the summit of the highest moimtains in New Jersey, and within easy access of Port Jervis, by a well-kept and easy graded turnpike, has just been completed this moun- tain house — "The Inn at High Point." 144 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY The locution is on the crest of the Kittutiny Kange, in the wikls of a mountainous country, yet within forty-five minutes drive of Port Jervis. There are few phices on the American Continent so closely surrounded by the develop- ment of civilization, where so much aboriginal nature, so much quiet beauty, and the scenery unmarred by the touch of man, can be found. It is true that wealth and fashion have invaded this beautiful territory and erected commodious hotels and handsome chateaux where summer idlers pass their holiday in luxurious ease, but the quiet roads, the sparkling streams, and the beautiful Lake Marcia still remain. "So wondrous wild, the whole might seem The scenery of a fairy dream." There are charming walks in every direction, delicate vistas of beauty and picturesque views of the lake, and the magnificent view displayed on every side is limited only in extent by the power of vision. Situated as it is at an alti- tude of 19G7 feet above sea level, in the rarified air of the mountains, it must needs be healthful, and the invigorating breezes, Avhich are not only ever active, but impregnated with the fragrance of surrounding pines and hemlocks, possess a peculiarly effective strengthening power. Centered in the midst of so delightful and charming a region is to be found a happy combination of quiet solitude, pure air, mountain spring water, hand in hand with all the domestic comforts and conveniences of city homes. Form Ex. 847. — High Point, N. J., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Port Jervis. High Point Stage Line (5 miles) to Inn at High I'oint. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $13 60 I Washington, D. C $15 60 tPhiladelphia,Pa 9 60 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 145 HOT SPRINGS, VA. The location is a cliarining one, in a little pocket in the mountains, the gorges separating these acting as channels for the constant play of cool, fresh air. The as- pect from either hotel or cottage is so varied and so ani- mated that the opportunities for special studies are almost endless. Form Ex. 75.— Hot Springs, Va., and Return. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Staunton. Transfer, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Depot . . to C. & O. Ry. Depot. Chesapeake it Ohio Ry to Hot Springs. Rcturniii";, same route. Bellaire, O $2G 15 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . . 15 85 Cameniii, W. Va 24 70 Charlestown,W. Va 13 40 Clarksburg, W. Va 22 75 Connellsville, Pa 21 50 Cumberland, Md 17 80 Deer Park, Md 19 70 Fairmont, W. Va 22 75 Frederick, Md 14 95 Grafton, W. Va 21 85 Hagerstown, Md 14 95 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 13 90 Harrisonburg,Va 8 90 Johnstown, Pa 21 55 Keyser, W. Va 18 70 Lexington, Va 9 40 McKeesport, Pa 23 25 Martinsburg.W. Va 14 65 RATES. Meyersdale, Pa $19 30 Mi:>rganto\vn, W. Va. (via FairiiKiiit) 23 75 Miii-gantuwn, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 23 20 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 25 40 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 19 85 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 22 00 Oakland, Md 19 95 Parkersburg,W. Va 25 90 Piedmont, W. Va 18 90 Pittsburg, Pa 23 80 Rockwood, Pa 19 75 Somerset, Pa 20 15 Strasburg, Va 11 25 Uniontown, Pa 21 95 Washington, Pa 24 90 Wheeling, W. Va 25 90 Winchester, Va 12 30 146 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 622.— Hot Spkings, Va., and Return. Limited to three (3) niontlis from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer, Baltimore & Ohio 11. R. I)ei>ot . . . . toC.&O. Ry. Depot. Chesapeake &■ Ohio Ry to Hot Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 00 Chester, Pa 17 50 Frederick, Md 14 80 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 45 Newark, Del $16 30 New York, N. Y 22 00 Philadelphia, Pa 18 00 Wilmington, Del 17 00 HOT SPRINGS, N. C. Form Ex. 17.— Hot Springs, N. C, and Return. Limited to tliree (3) uKinths from date of sale. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Shenandoali June. Norfolk iV: Western R. R to Bristol. 'Southern Ky to Paint Rock. Southern Ry to Hot Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $22 Bellaire, 30 Berkeley Springs, W.Va. . . 21 Cameron, W. Va 30 Chester, Pa 25 Clarkshur- W. Ya 28 CnuHfllsville, Pa 27 Cumberland, Md 23 Deer Park, Md 25 Fairmont, W. Ya 28 Frederick, Md 20 Grafton, W. Ya 27 Harper's Ferry, W. Ya. . . 20 Havre de Grace, Md .... 23 John.stown, Pa 27 Kevser, W. Ya 24 McKeesi)()rt, Pa 29 Martinslturg, W. Ya. . . . 20 Meyersdale, Pa 25 Moruantdwii, W. Ya. (via Fairmont) 29 ISIorgantown, W. Ya. (via Hiiidntdwn) $29 Moundsville, W. Ya. . . . 30 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 25 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 27 Newark, Del 24 New York, N. Y 3(i Oakland, Md 25 «Parkersluirg, W. Va. . . . 30 Philadeljihia, Pa 26 Piedmont, W. Va 24 -Pittsburg, Pa 29 Rockwood, Pa 25 Somerset, Pa 25 Uniontown, Pa 27 Washington, D. C 20 * Washington, Pa 30 -Wheeling, W. Ya 30 Wilmington, Del 25 Time limit six (6) months from date of sale. Form Ex. 53. — Hot Springs, N. C, and Return. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer, B. & O. R. R. Depot to So. liy. Depot. Southern Ry to Hot Springs. Returning, same route. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 147 THROUGH BATES. Baltimore, Md $22 Bellaire, 30 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 24 Cameron, \V, Va 30 Charlestown, W.Va. ... 23 Chester, Pa 25 Clarksburg, W. Va 30 ConiK'Usvillc, Pa 30 Cumberland, Md 26 Deer Park, Aid 28 Fairmont, W. Va 30 Frederick, Md 22 Grafton, W. Va 30 Hagerstown, Md 23 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 22 Havre de Grate, Md. ... 23 Johnstown, Pa .30 Key^er, W. Va 27 McKeesport, Pa 3(i Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . 23 i\[eyersdale, I*a 28 Morgantown, "W. Va. (via Fairmont) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Union town) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland. Md ■■••Parkersburg, \\ . Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, AN". Va ■•■■"Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, I'a Uniontown, Pa ®\Va'xtension from Boston. Route beyond P.oston. Boston ct Maine R. R to Nasliua. Concord & Montreal R. R to Jelfer.son. Returning, same route to Boston. To lie sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route t(( and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimo''e, Md Washington, D. C. . . Rail Lines . . $23 50 . . 27 50 . . 29 50 Sound Lines $20 50 24 50 20 50 Going Kail Returning Sound or vice versa. ,'^23 on 27 00 29 00 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. 154 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 994.— Jefferson, N. H., and Return. (Via New York and Connecticut Valley in both directions.) Baltimore & Ohio R. R to riiiladel])hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston it INIaine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to White River Jc. Boston it Maine R. R to Wells River. Concord it M(jntreal R. R to Jefferson. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $24 50 | Washington, D. C. t Philadelphia, Pa 20 50 | $26 50 FoRjvi Ex. 995. — Jefferson, N. H., and Return. (Via New York and Connecticut Valley; returning via Boston.) Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladeli)hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Si)ringtield. Boston it Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston it Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to White River June. Boston it Maine R. R to Wells River. Concord it Montreal R. R to Jefferson. Concord it Montreal R. R to Nasliua. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Ijines(see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladclpliia .t Reading R.'T? to I'hila.lcli.bia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 996. — Jefferson, N. H., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Baltimore, Md $25 SO tl'hiladelpliia. Pa 21 80 Washington, D. C 27 80 Via Rail. $26 90 22 90 28 90 Transfer through Boston included, via Sound Lines only. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 155 JORDAN'S WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. Jordan's White Sulphur Springs is situated one and one- half miles from Stephenson Station, in a most delightful district. The surrounding hills are covered with a luxuriant vegetation, and the climb to the top of almost any one of them is compensated by a series of magnificent views. JORDAN S SlM'mii. The resort is an esteemed one for families. Here many of them regularly spend season after season, and enjoy as much as anything else these re- unions of summer companions. Tae main spring, known as the White Sulphur, is in the centre of the grounds, and near by are wells of pure, sweet water, free from mineral (pialities. To indulge in an ex- tended dissertation on the medicinal virtues of the water would be but to repeat, in a condensed form, the pamphlets 156 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY which are issued, giving not only analyses in full, but. much interesting matter besides relative to the various forms of disease which are most benefited by its use. The whole country about Jordan's White Sulphur Springs lies some five hundred feet above the level of Harper's Ferry, a,nd therefore the pure air, together with the fragrance of the pines which cover the surrounding hills, is refresh- ing and healthful. As the name implies, the water is largely impregnated with sulphur and the minerals usually accompanying it. Form Ex. 307. — Jordan's White Sulphur Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Stei)lion8on. Stage (li miles) to .Tordan's White Svili>liur Springs. Returning, same route. Baltimore, Md Bellaire, O. . . Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Charle.stown, W. Va. . . . Cheat Haven, Pa. ( via Uniontown) Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park, Md Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Hagerstown, Md Har{)er's Ferry. W. ^'a. . . Harrison ])urg, Va Havre de Grace, INld. . . . Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va T;Cxiiigton, Va :M(Kcrspurt, Pa :Martiiisliurg. W. Va. . . . ileyersdale, Pa THROUGH $ G 15 14 60 4 30 13 15 1 85 11 10 It G5 11 20 9 95 G 25 8 15 10 65 11 20 3 40 10 30 3 40 2 35 4 65 7 GO 10 00 7 15 RATES. Morgantown, AV. Va. (via F'airmont) ...... .?12 20 ^Nliirgantown, W. Va. (via T'niontown) 11 65 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 13 85 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 8 30 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 10 45 Newark, Del 8 45 New York, N. Y 14 15 Oakland, Md 8 40 Parkershurg, W. Va. ... 14 .35 Philadeli.hia, Pa 10 15 Picdiiumt, W. Va 7 35 Pitlsliurg, Pa 12 25 Rdckwuud, Pa 8 20 Smitlifield. Pa. (via Union- town) 10 80 Somerset, Pa 8 GO Staunton, Va 5 95 Strasburg, Va 2 25 TTniontown, Pa 10 40 Washington, D. C 4 55 Washington, Pa 13 85 Wheeling, W. Va 14 35 Wilniington, Del 9 15 V\'inchester, Va 1 25 KANAWHA FALLS, W. VA. FoKM Ex. 67. — Kanawha Falls, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk (t Western R. R to Basic. Chesapeake it Ohio Ry to Kanawha Falls. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md .f;l8 30 Chester, Pa 21 80 Havre de Grace, ^Id. ... 19 75 Newark, Del 20 60 New York, N. Y $26 30 Philadelphia, Pa 22 30 Washintiton, D. C 16 .30 Wilminiiton. Del 21 30 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 157 Form Ex. 93. — Kanawha Falls, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer, B. & O. Depot to C. & 0. Depot. Chesajteake it Oliio Ry to Kanawha Falls. Iteturning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 30 I New York, N. Y $2G 30 Olicster, Pa 21 80 | Philatleli)liia, Pa 22 .30 Havre (le (frace, M(l. ... 1975 Wilmington, Del 2130 Newark, Del 20 (30 Form Ex. 2.3n. — Kanawha Falls, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore tt Ohio R. R to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Kanawha Falls. Returning, same route. through Baltimore, Md $18 .30 BelJaire, 28 do Berkeley S]iriiiij;s, W. \'a. . 17 75 Cameroii, W. Va 2(1 (iO Charlestown, W. Va. . . . 15 30 Chester, ]'a 21 80 Clarksburg, \V. Va 24 (i5 Coiinellsviile, I'a 23 40 Cumberland, Md 1!) 70 Deer Park, Md 21 (iO Fairmont, W. Va 24 (i5 Frederick, Md K; 85 Grafton, W. Va 23 75 Hagerstown, Md 10 85 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 15 80 Harrisonburg, Va 10 80 Havre de (irace, Md. ... 19 75 .lohnstown. Pa 2;^ 45 Keyser, W. Va 20 CO Lexington, Va 11 30 IMeKeesiiort, Pa 25 15 Martiusburg, W. Va. . . . Ki 55 Meyersdale, Pa 21 20 RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) .?25 G5 Morgantown, W. Va. (via TTniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland. Md Parkersl)urg, W. Va. . . . Philadel])hia, Pa Piedmont, \V. Va Pittsburg, Pa 25 Rockwood, Pa 21 Somerset, Pa 22 Strasburg, Va 13 Uniontown, Pa 23 Washington, I). C 16 Washington, Pa 26 Wheeling, W. Va 27 Wilmington, Del 21 Winchester, Va 14 20 KENNEBUNKPORT, ME. Kenneiunki'okt, Me., and Return. Form lOx. 702 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston it Maine R. II to Kennebunkport. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sokl in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. Rail Lines I Sound Lines | Returning Sound From tPhiladelpliia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. $17 90 21 90 23 90 $15 90 19 90 21 90 $16 90 20 90 22 90 158 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Lake Champlain is a picturesque sheet of water lying be- tween the States of New York and Vermont, and extends for a short distance into Canada. It is about one hundred and thirty miles in length and varies in breadth from half a mile to fifteen miles. This lake, filling a valley inclosed by lofty mountains, is celebrated for its magnificent scenery, embracing the Green Mountains of Vermont on the east and the Adirondack Mountains of New York on the west. Its waters in some places are three hundred feet deep and abound with many varieties of fish. Not only are the shores of Lake Champlain attractive in themselves, but they con- tain many places of celebrity and historic interest. At the confluence of the outlet of Lake George with Lake Champlain, the ruins of old Fort Ticonde- roga loom up upon a high rocky bluff. '^ The remains of the fortress of Crown Point are still visible. The localities where Burgoyne held his council ^^,■*"''' ^^. with the Indian tribes, and where \ "■ -'-r - 1 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 159 Arnold and Carlton fought, are pointed out to the tourist. The naval battle in which Commodore Macdonough gained his signal victory over General Macomb and the British flotilla was fought off Plattsburgh, and many other points of nearly equal interest are within easy reach. Vermont's most beautiful city, Burlington, is located upon the eastern shore of the lake. The Adirondacks, Au Sable Chasm, and other famous points full of interest to tourists are reached with facility from Port Kent on the western shore. Form Ex. 208. — Albi'rhh Spkings, Vt., .\xn Ret[trn. Baltimore .t Oliio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia iV: Reading 11. R to Hound Hrook. Central R. R. of New .ler.sey tring«. Returning, same route. THROUGH R.\TES. Baltimore, Md .$22 f« I Washington, D. C $24 90 t Philadelphia, Pa 18 cfO | Form Ex. 2G!i. — Alburoh Springs, Vt., and Return. Baltimore (fe Ohio R. R to I'hiladelidiia. Philadelphia it Reading K. R to liound Prook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore P. \\ " to Alhany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Troy. Fitehhurg R. R to White Creek. Bennington & Rutland R. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Allnirgh Springs. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both direetions, included. THROUGH R.\TES. Baltimore, ^Id $22 90 I Washington, D. C .$24 90 fPhiladelphia, Pa 18 90 | Form Ex. 270. — Ai>burgh Springs, Vt., .\nd Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & ReaiUng K. R to Bound Brook. Central 11. R. of New .Jersey to New- York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Trov. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Alburgli Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 90 I Washington, D. C $24 90 t Philadelphia, Pa 18 90 | 160 BALTIMORE & OHIO EAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 273. — Alburgh Springs, Vt., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading K. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Alburgh Springs. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 90 I Washington, 1). C .$24 90 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 90 | Form Ex. 743.— Bluff Point, N. Y. (Hotel Champlain), and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Phila(lel].hia. Pliiladcli.hia it Heading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York it Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Bluff toint. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md i}!21 00 I Washington, D. C S23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Form Ex. 744. — Bluff Point, N. Y. {Hotel Champlain), and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeliihia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central 1!. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Bluff Point. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 .35 I Washington, D. C $24 35 tPhiladelphia, Pa IS 35 | Form Ex. 1011. — Bluff Point, N. Y. (Hotel Champlain), and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadel]»liia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Bluff Point. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUCiH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 35 I Washington, D. C $24 35 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 35 | Form Ex. 745. — Bluff Point, N. Y. (Hotel Champlain), and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. People's Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Bluff Point. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $20 00 I Washington, D. C $22 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa IG 00 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 161 Form Ex. 746. — Bluff Point, N. Y. (Hotel Champlain), and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. U. ... to Trov. Fitchburg R. R to Wh'ite Creek. Bennington & Rutland Ry to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Burlington. Champlain Transportation Co to Blutt' Point. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 35 I Washington, D. C $24 35 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 35 | Form Ex. lUlO. — Bluff Point, N. Y. (Hotel Champlain), and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .lersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. . . .to 8i)ringlield. Boston it jVIaine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattlehoro. Boston it Maiiu- R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont II. 11 to Burlington. Champlain Transi>ortation Co to Blulf Point. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. P.altimore, Md $22 35 I Washington, I). C $24 35 tl'hiladelphia. Pa 18 35 | Form Ex. 285. — Burlington, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeli)hia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. K. ... to Troy. Fitehburg II. II to White Creek. J'ennington it Uutland II. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Burlington. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $21 00 I Washington, D. C $23 GO tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Form Ex. 280. — Burlington, Yt., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. I'hiladelidiia it Reading II. 11 to Bound Brook. Central R. II. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Albany. Delaware it Hudson II. R to Trov. Fitchl)urg R. 11 to Wh'ite Creek. Bennington & Rutland li. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. 11 to Burlington. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $21 00 I Washington, D. C $23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | 162 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY hauling c'anues ovkr the cakuy. Form Ex. 287. — Buklington, Vt., anp Return. DaltiiiKire it Ohio R. R to Pliihulelpliia. Plula(l('l]ilii:i it Reading R. R to Mound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Clianiiilain Transportation Co to Burlington. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $21 00 I Washington, D. C $23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 CK» j Form Ex. 288. — Burlington, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladeli)hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Centi-al R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Tieonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md .$21 00 I Washington, D. C $23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pu 17 00 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 163 Form Ex. 292. — Burlington, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Pliilaclelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central ct Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Burlington. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES Baltimore, Md $21 00 I Washington, D. C $23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Form Ex. 297. — Burlington, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohi Alliaiiy. Delaware * Hudson R. R to ilutlai'id. Central Vermont R. R to Burlington. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 50 I Washington, D. C $20 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 50 | Form Ex. 777. — Burlington, Vt., and Return. Baltimore k. Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central \l. W. of New Jersey to New York. People's Line Steamer to AUianv. Delaware et Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co. (Lake George Strs ) to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington. Chami)lain Trans])ortation Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Alhany. People's Line Steamer to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R."R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $20 00 I Washington, D. C $22 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 16 00 | Form Ex. 778. — Burlington, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central 1!. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co. (Lake George Strs.) to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Chamj)lain 'l'ransi)ortation Co to Burlijigton. Champlain Transportation Co to F'ort Ticoiuleroga. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ihia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R.R ' to Alhany. Delaware it Hudson R. R. (via Saratoga) .... to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co., Lake George Strs. to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington. Chami)lain Transjtortation Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Albany. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 165 We.st81ihia& Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central u. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York it Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $21 10 I Washington, D. C $23 10 tPhiladelphia, Pa. 17 10 | Form Ex. 755. — Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeljiliia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. People's Line to Albanv. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $20 10 I Washington, D. C $22 10 tPhiladelphia, Pa 16 10 | Form Ex. 532. — Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliila(lel))hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central &■ Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 75 I Washington, D. C .$24 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 75 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 167 Form Ex. 533. — Pl.\ttsburgh, N. Y., and Returx. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Piiiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central 11. R. of New Jertsey to New York. .Shore R. R to Albany. Delaware & Hudson U. K to PlattsSurgh. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROrcir RATES. Haltimore, Md .$22 75 I Washington, D. C $24 75 tl'hiladelphia. I'a. . . . IS 75 | Form E.\. 534. — Plattshurgu, N. Y., and Return. I'.altimore ,t Ohio R. Pt to Philadeli>iiia. l'hiladel|>hia it Reading R. li to Bound Brook. <'entral 1!. R. of New .Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Albany. Delaware iV: Hudson 1!. R to Caldwell. ( 'ham]ilainTransi)ortationCo. { Lake* u-orgeMrs.) to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderogu. Chamiilain Transi)ortati()n Cu to Plattsburgh. Returning, same route. 'J'ransfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Haltimore, Md -$25 75 I Washington, U. C $27 75 tPhiladelidiia, Pa 21 75 | P^'oRM Ex. 1012. — Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Return. (Via rail ami Rutland in both directions.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central 1!. R. of New .lersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Fitchburg R. R to White Creek. Bennington it Rutland R. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Burlington. Champlain Transportation Chia & Reading R. R to Bound Broolc. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West SlKire R. R to Albany. Delaware \' Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Chauiplain Transportation Co. ( Lake (;ec)und Bniok. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to I'biladelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting i>oint. Transfer through New York, in hotli directions, included. THKOUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $24 25 i Washington, D. C $26 25 tPhiladelphia, Pa 2n 25 | DINING CVR— ROYAL BLUE LINE. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 169 Form Ex. 1016. — Plattsbuegh, N. Y., and Return. (Via New York, Saratoga and Lakes George and Champlain ; return- ing all rail direct.) Baltimore Sz Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeliihia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New .lersey to New York. New Yt)rk Central and Hudson River R. U. . . to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Cham plain Transportation Co. ( La keCeorgoStrs.) to Balihvin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson R. R. or Chum. Trans. Co. . to I'lattshurgh. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central it Hudsf)n River R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New .lersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladel])hia it Reading R" R to Philadeljihia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 1017. — Plattsisukgh, N. Y., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. through rates. Baltimore, Md S24 25 I Washington, D. C $2G 25 tl'hiladelphia. Pa 20 25 | Form Ex. lOlS. — 1'lattsburgh, N. Y., and Return. (Via New York, Hudson River Steamers, Saratoga, and Lakes (Jeorge and Champlain ; returning via Saratoga, Hudson River Steamers and New York direct.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to P.oiind P.rook. Central R. R. of New .lersey to New York. Day or People's Line Steamers to Alhany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Chami)lain Trans. Co. (Lake George Strs.) . . .to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R lo Fort Ticondci-oga. Delaware it Hudson R. R. or Cham. Trans. Co. . to PlattNhurgii. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Albany. Day or Peo])le's Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New .Tersey to Bound Brook. Philadeli)hia it Reading R. R to Philadelphia. BaltiuKjre it Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 1019. — Pl.\ttsburgh, N. Y., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. through rates. Baltimore, ^Id $22 60 I Washington, D. C $24 60 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 60 | Form Ex. 1020. — Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Return. (^'ia rail ; returning via Hudson River.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadel])hia A Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... lo Troy. ] Delaware it Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Delaware tt Hudson I!. R to Alljany. Day or Peo])le's Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. 170 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 1021.^Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Return. of preceding excursion. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md. $22 70 I Washington, D. C $24 70 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 70 | Form Ex. 1022. — Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Return. (Via rail ; returning via Hudson River.) Baltimore it Oliio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Alhany. Delaware (t Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Albanv. Day or People's Line Steamers to New York. Central R. k. of New .Jersev to Bound Brook. I'hiladeli.hia it Reading R."R to Piiiladelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. Form Ex. 1023. — Pl.4.ttsburgh, N. Y., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. Transfer through New York, returning, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md $22 70 I Washington, D. C $24 70 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 70 | Form Ex. 1024. — Plattsbugh, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Piiiladelphia. Philadelphia tt Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .lersey to New York. Day or People's Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co. (Lake George Strs.)to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Fort Tieonderoga. Ciiamplain Transportation Co to Plattslmigli. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R to Montpelier. Montpelier & Wells River R. R to Wells River. Concord & Montreal R. R to Nashua. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding f(jrms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $27 30 $28 30 tPhiladelphia, Pa 23 30 24 30 Washington, D. C 29 30 30 30 Side trip tickets, Forms Ex. 807, Ex. 809 or Ex. 1284, from Platts- burgh to Adirondack Mountain points, must not be issuedjn connec- tion with above form. It2 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY LAKE GEORGE. This lake, which is four luiiulred and thirty miles from Wasliington, is a picturesque slieet of water in Wan-en and Washington counties, N. Y. It is tliree luindred and forty-six feet above sea-level, is about thirty-live miles long and from three-quarters of a mile to four miles wide. It is the most famous and popular of American lakes, aud deservedly so. AVith the varied scenery on its banks — here precipitous hills, with their wooded crests fading in the distance; there rugged cliffs lifting high their massive and time-worn bulks above the clear depths of the ]ilacid lake; smiling valleys hollowed out between the bills, revealing the proud majesty of more distant heighls and the en- chanting multitude of tiny islets (said to e([ual in number the days of the year) lying on its surface — one feels trans- ported with the sublimity of the scene. Many magnificent hotels, superior boarding-houses and summer homes are to be seen on every island and along the borders of the lake. Custom long since made it a con- dition binding upon those who visited Saratoga to spend some part of the season at Lake George, and hence it is that one in his rambles about Lake George meets so many faces that were familiar to him in Saratoga. Until Avithin a year or two past the journey between Saratoga and Lake George was accomplished partly by rail and partly by stage- coach or carriage; but this has been superseded by the more advanced, civilized and comfortable method of travel by rail, for the iron bands of the Delaware «& Hudson C;i,nal Co. R. 1\. now cement and unite in a closer union these twin sisters of revolutionary renown. A sail over the lake between Caldwell and Baldwin is one of the most delight- ful episodes of a trip to Lake George, in contrast with which there is nothing more replete with charming reminiscences. 174 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 318. — Caldwell (L.\ke George), N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. E to Philadelj.liia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey . to New York New York Central ct Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 05 I Washington, I). C $20 05 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 05 | Form Ex. 71G. — Caldwell (Lake George), N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelidiia. Philadelphia tt Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Y(irk. People's Line to Albany. Delaware it Hudson II. R to Caldwell. Returning, same inule. thkotgh rates. Baltimore, Md $15 40 I Washin-tun, 1). C $17 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 40 | Form Ex. 717. — Calhwell ( Lake (jeorge), N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading U. U to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Y(jrk. Citizens' Steamboat Comiiany to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Returning, same roule. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $15 05 I Washington, D. (.' .$17 05 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 05 | Form Ex. 310. — Caldwell ( (jAke (Jeorge), N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. U to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R " to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. Pi to Caldwell. Retui'uing, same rcmle. Transfer throngli New York, in both dii-crtidns, included. TintOUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $l,s 05 I Washington, D. C $20 05 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 05 ! Form Ex. 644. — Caldwell (L\ke George), N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladeljdiia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York & Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware ct Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $16 40 I Washington, D. C $18 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 12 40 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 175 Form Ex. 1026. — Lake George, N. Y. Lake George, Lake Champlain and Fort Ticonderoga, N. Y., and re- turn from Saratoga. Tourists purchasing Excursion Tickets to Saratoga Springs, N. Y., can visit Lake George. Lake Champlain and Fort Ticon- deroga by purchasing in addition the following ticket : Delaware tt Hudson R. R Saratoga to Caldwell. Champlain Transjiortation Co. (LakcGeorgeStrs.) . . to Baldwin. Delawai'c iV: Hudson R. R to Saratoga. fate $o 50 Form Ex. 1027. — Lake (iEOROE, N. Y. Reverse of ijreceding e.xcursion. Rate $5 50 LAKE HOPATCONG, N.J. Form IOx. 054. — Lake Hopatconc;, N. J., and RETrRiV. Baltimore ct Ohio R. 1! to Piiiladeliiliia. rhiladeli)iiia & Reading R. 1! to Bound Brook. Central II. R. of New .Jersey to Lake Hojiatcong. Returning, sanu' route. THROUGH RATES. n.iltimore, Nhl .?S 75 I Washington, D. (' $10 75 1 I'liiladrlpliin, I'a 4 75 | LAKE nol'ATCONG. 176 BALTIMORE A- OHIO TIAILROAJ) COiVPAXY LAKE MINNEWASKA, N Y , Is located near the ^uniiuit of the Shawangiiiik Mountains, se\en tiud a half milefe souths; e'^t from Mo- honk and a1)ont tea miles west from New Paltz. This lake is fed l)y s})rii]gs and is as clear as crystal. It is much larger than Mohonk, and is surrounded by the same extraordinary bluffs and masses of tumbled rocks, and all around there are masses of trees and shrubbery. The Cliff House is located on Minnewaska Heights, a picturesque crowning ridge 150 feet above the lake and 1,800 feet above tide-water, or nearly as high as the Catskill Mountain House. The Wildmere Plouse, opened in 1887, is 100 feet lower, and from every room in both hotels there are magnificent valley and mountain views About three-quarters of a mile from the houses are a series of wonderful rents m the mountains about 150 feet deep, ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 177 some of the fissures being open to the light and others covered. Snow and ice sometimes remain here the whole season. In other directions and near at hand there are curious caves, hold perpendicular l.Iuii's about 500 feet high, a n d a 1 a r g e forest of massive hem- locks, untouched by the woodman's axe. ;r To all thoe j) laces ■m^ i '^■^^ _ \i .3r^\. ^ ^^ ^ '^ ^ ^^il:^ fear ^Si. ^ :'>^^4r^lr walks have been constructed, and a large number of seats and summer-houses (so familiar to the guests at Mohonk) have been built. The whole region abounds in strange and picturesque places and much of it remains unexplored 178 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 320. — Lake Minnewaska, N. Y., and Return. BaltiiiKm' & OhioR. R to Philadelphia. Philadclpliia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Centra! IJ. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Kingston. Wallkill Valley R. R to New Paltz. Sniiley's Stage Line to Lake IMiiinewaska. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in botli directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 i)0 I Washington, D. C $10 90 fPhiladelphia, Pa 10 !>U | Form Ex. 321. — Lake Minnewaska, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadel]ihia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie it Western P. T! to Montgomery. Wallkill Valley R. R to New Paltz. ' Smiley's Stage Line to Lake Minnewaska. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $14 90 I Washington, D. C $16 90 tPhihidelphia, Pa 10 90 | Form Ex. 12G0. — Lake Minnewaska, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Oliio R. R to Philadel]ihia. Pliila(lel]ihia it Iteading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Y(.)rk. New York, Ontario it Western R\- to Canqiliell Hall. Wallkill Valley R. R ' to New Paltz. Stage Line to Lake Minnewaska. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md .$14 90 I Washington, 1>. C .$16 90 tPhiladelphia, Pa 10 90 \ u - ^4^' ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 179 r i^P' V^' LAKE MOHONK. Tlu' Sli;i\\:ui- (^iink Mouiit- iiiiiis tire u sharp, narrow rang-e, mid- way between the Catskills ,^. ,^.^ and the Highlands, ex- l^'Aj^-^ tending in a sonth westerly V^^;^ direction from Kingston, X. Y., for a distance of thirty miles into the northern })()i-tion of New Jersey. Mohonk Lake is ■\ located neai the summit of Sky-Top, one oi tlie liighest of these mountains in Ulstei County, N. Y., and is about fifteen miles west of Pough- ) _ keepsie on the Hudson, and six miles from New Paltz, a station on the Wallkill Valley Eailroad. The lake lies in a deep rocky gorge of the mountain, 1,243 feet above the tide-water level, according to the measurement of Prof. Guyot. It is half a mile in length, lying northeast and southwest. The hotel is located at the northeastern end of the lake, which may be considered the foot of it, since after spring freshets it usually over- flows at this end. It is fed entirely by springs, and as TABLE ROCK, LAKE MOHONK 180 BALTIMORE i& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY a consequence its waters are of wonderful clearness and purity. The natural color of the water is an emerald green, which under certain lights does not appear, and then again it is brought out with great clearness and beauty. Any one desirous of seeing this natural color can always do so by entering with a boat into Emerald Cave, under Pine Bluff. Standing near the boat-landing near the northeastern end of the lake and looking up, the first high bluffs at the right constitute Pine Bluff, those still higher at the further end of the lake are Eagle Cliff', while on the left and towering over all is Sky-Top, so called be- cause its Indian name, Mohonk, signifies "On the Great Sky-Top." The waters of the lake are everywheiv deep, seldom less than forty feet, and often much deeper. In many places the rocks descend into the water perpendi- cularly, or nearly so, for a distance of forty or fifty feet. FoKM Ex. 322. — Lake Mohonk, X. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Plnladelnhia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York West Shore R. R " to Kingston. Wallkill Valley R. R to New Paltz. Smiley' s Stage Line to Lake Muhonk. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, inc-hided. THROl'GH RATES. Baltimore, ]\Id $14 40 I Washington, D. C $10 40 tPliiladelphia, Pa 10 40 | Form Ex. 323. — Lake Mohonk, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to ]\lontuiimery. Wallkill Valley R. R to New I'altz. ' Smiley's Stage Line to Lake Molmnk. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $14 40 I Washington, D. C $16 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 10 40 | Form Ex. 1259. — Lake Mohonk, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R io Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Ontario UirruitN. Form F.x. 102S — Extension from Boston. Iloutc beyond Boston. Boston it Maine I!. K to Intervaie.Tunction. Maine Central R. I! to Lancastei. Returniiii;'. same route to Boston. To be sold in eonneetion witli feetling forms to lioston and i-eturn. (8ee Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladflphia, Ba. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Goinjj Kail Returning Sound or vice versa. .$28 27 29 75 75 75 .'!;20 f!5 24 6.5 26 (i5 $23 25 27 25 29 25 Ti'ansfer through Boston, via Pountl Lines, ineiudeil. Lancaster, N. II., anh Return. Form Ex. 1029— Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Lancaster. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and fr(_im Pxjston. Froni tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. ('. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going- Rail Returning Sound $23 75 27 75 29 75 $20 65 24 65 26 65 S23 27 29 25 25 25 Transfer tlirouuh Boston, via S(uind Lines, included. ROUTES AND HATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 183 Lancaster, N. H., and Return. Forui Ex. 1030 — Extension from Boston. T>nst(m \- Maine I!. It to Nashua. ('oncDid .V Miiiitii'al K. 1! to I>anoaster. IJftnniing, same route to 15ostou. To lie sdlil in e^mnectidn with feeding forms to I)(i>tuii and I'eturn. (See ISoston feeding forms.) TIIRO'JGU RATES. Route to and from Boston. Rail Lines Sound Lines GuMig Kai. Returning- Sound or vice versa. S2.3 To .^20 ().') $2.3 2-T 27 75 24 (i5 27 2.T 2!) 75 2() (i.l 29 25 Fniiii tl'hil M|el|,l,i:i, Pa. . . BaltiiiMH-e, Md NN'asliin-tnii, \) V . . . 'ri-an>l'er thnuigh I5oston, via Sound Lines, included. FoKAi Ex. 1(».!1. — Lancaster, X. LL, and Return. (Via New Ynrk, Siiringlield and W'l'lls Uiverin Ixith directions.) BalliuKire iV; Ohiii It. II to Philadeliiliia. Phihidel|iiiia iV; Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. 1!, of New .lersev li> New Yorls. New Yiirk, -New Haven tV: ilarttdnl 1!. It. . . . to Springfield. Boston \- Maine R. 1! to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R thia. Phil;idt'l)ihi;i it Reading R. R to Unuiid Brnok. C'ential R. R. ol'New .It-r.sev to New YdiK. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. ... to South Norwalk. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R . . . . to Lee. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $13 70 I Washinatdn, D. C $15 70 tPhiladelphia, I'a 9 70 | LENOX BERKSHIRE HILLS', MASS. One of the most fashionable resorts in New England, is located on hill-side and on hill-top, where pure air abounds, and overlooks the villages, farms and homes to the south- ward as far as the eye can reach. Stockbridge Bowl lies near at hand, with other miniature lakelets not far away. Wooded hills, cultivated fields, and villages without num- ber dot the landscapes between Lenox and the Dome of the Taghkanics, which shut out the world from between here and the great beyond. Wealthy New Yorkers, Philadelphians and Bostonians have here erected extensive villas and found a summer re- sort peculiar to itself, representing much aristocracy of wealth, refinement and culture. The elegant residences are open early, kept open late, and the season is a long one, the society being more exclusive and aristocratic even than that represented by the ton at Newport. The old town has been completely metamorphosed within the last quarter of a century, and palaces stand now where plain farm houses once had place. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 187 Elegant equipages dash up and down the village streets, and out upon the hill-sides; club-houses for both sexes are well m a i n t a i n e d, r and the gayest of tin gay, in its own way, is Lenox during the summer months. The drives and walks in and around Lenox are incom- parably lovely. 'V< characterize the })c culiar charms of each one wonld taki_ many pages. Which- ever way one turns the variety will \n fonnd inexhanstiblt and the beauty ex- quisite. The favor- ite game among the young people is ten- nis, which is played at many private courts and at the courts of the Lenox Club. Archery is indulged in to some extent. 'J'he appearance of Lenox village is that of the most exacting neatness and beauty. Not a blemish offends the eye. Tasteful homes, smooth lawns, tlowers, graceful trees, the coming and goiug of handsome ecpiipages, and many harmonizing accessories, please the sight constantly. The season in Lenox used to end the tirst week in Se})tember. Now the height of the season is in October, and many people remain till November or December. The season is a very long one in Lenox, be- ginning in the early summer, iind making a round of sum- mer, autumn and part of winter. That Lenox is really what its admirers claim for it is proved by the fact that people who come here have most of them done extensive trav- eling where the finest scenery in the world is found, and that they are people of taste and culture, whose opinion is law. 188 BALTIMORE d- OHIO IIAILUOAI) COMPANY Form Ex. 981.— Lexox (Berkshire Hills), Mass. Baltimore ct Ohio R. R to Bhiladelphia. riiiiadelphia & Reading R. K t.. Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven etHartf.ird i;. P.. . . . t.i Smitli Nuiwalk. New York, New Haven iV: Hartford R. R to Lenox. Returning, same route. ISaltimorc, Md. . tl'liiladflpliia, I'a. THROron RATES $i;] 70 9 70 Washin-ton, D. (' irla 70 LITCHFIELD HILLS, CT. Form Ex. 190. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R.R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Bethel. Shepaug, Litchtield it Northern R. R to destination. Returning, same route. Destination. tPhiladelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pa. Md. 1). C. Bantam Ct $8 70 $12 70 $14 70 S^wi^vviTleict 6 90 10 90 12 90 Judds Bridge, Ct 7 80 11 8 13 80 T .,ke Ct 8 70 12 ,0 14/0 uStleld."Ct 8 85 12 85 14 85 Morris, Ct 8 4o 12 4d 4 4o New Preston, Ct 8 lo 12 I-t 14 lo Romford, Ct 8 3o 12 3o 14 3d Roxbury Ct J 65 11 bo 13 6o ^^Ef"'^ ''■■■.■.:■.■.■. ^S ilS It Waffigton, Ct.- :::...... 8 10 12 10 U 10 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 189 LITITZ, PA. Form Ex Oof!. — Lititz, 1'\., and IIkti'rn. P.altiiiKirc . VI Wasiiiii>;ton, D. C 1 1 davs. li li' Wilniiii.utoii, I)cl. . (i dav>. 1 V2 LISBON, N. H. 1'"oi:m Iv\. !)i);i.- Lisiio.N, X. 11., and I;i:iii;n. Haltiniorc \- Oino i;. 1! to I'liiladcj |.liia. I'liiladrlpliia \- Kcadiiifi' U. 1! In r.nuiid P.rook. (ciitial !!. K. of New to New York. New Yolk. New Ilavcii .V IlarH'ord K. 11. ... to Siiriiigliold. i!osl'> I Washinuton, 1>. ('. . tPhiladelphia, Pa IS .'i') | $21 35 LITTLETON, N. H. FoR.M E.K. 1001. — LlTTLKToX. N. 11.. AND PkTI T.N. Baltimore .t Ohio K. R to Piiiladelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bonnd Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New Y'ork, New Haven it Hart lord R. R. ... to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattlel)oro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to White River Jnnc. Boston & Maine R. R to Wells River. Concord it Montreal R. R to Littleton. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md >;23 10 tPhiladelphia, Pa 1!) 10 Washington, D. C .?25 10 190 BALTIMORE d' OHIO RAILHOAD COMPANY KL--f- OCEAN AVENUE. LONG BRANCH, N. J. Long Branch is the summer capital of fasliion on the New Jersey coast. Its proximity to New York, the intrinsic merits of the place, and the prestige it has won through years of recognition as the resort most favored by the rep- resentatives of wealth and fashion, has placed it in the front rank of American watering-places. The summer town is built upon a commanding bluff, overlooking the broad Atlantic; Ocean avenue, the princi})al boulevard, ex- tends for miles along its crest, Avith only a narrow strip of green lawn and an occasional pavilion between it and the sea. The large hotels are built fronting on this great ave- nue, and the picture formed by ])assing ecpiipages and richly dressed people in the foreground, with the blue expanse of ocean, flecked with white sails or dotted witli the black speck of a passing steamer, spreading out to the horizon, is exceedingly fascinating. Landward the prospect is also pleasing, as the luxuriant growth of vegetation and the profusion of great trees give a pastoral aspect not usually found on the very strand of the sea. Palatial hotels and princely villas greet the eye on every hand. Both the ocean drives and the inland roads are so good that driving and horse-back riding are universally indulged in. Pleasant neighbors surround Long Branch. To the south, Elberon, Deal Beach, Ocean Beach and Ocean Grove; to ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 191 the north, North Long Branch, Monmouth Beach, Sea Bright and the Navesink Highhmds, with a pretty chain of vilhis connecting them, form a succession of delightful re- sorts unsurpassed in attractiveness in the country. Untold wealth has been lavished in the construction of handsome villas and the embellishment of the grounds surrounding them, and it has made the barren sands of this strip of coast blossom like the rose. The bathing at Long r)ranch is famous. Monmouth Park race course, one of the largest and best appointed in the land, is an exciting source of diversion to lovers of sport. l-'oUM VjX. 1177. — I,nX(i I'.KAXCII. N. .1., AND IJETrRN. Haltiinnrc it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeliihia & Reading R. R to Round Brook. Central 11. R. of New Jersey to Long Branch. Retnrnin ■iiniv route. THKOCGH i:.\TKS. Washiuiiton, 1). C $10 00 Baltimore, Md .ss 00 tPhiladel[iliia, Pa 4 00 | In additiiiu tn the ahovc, cxrursjou tickets, Form Ex. 1177, Long Branch, N. .1., may lie scild IVoui the loll owing stations at rates as quoted below. Tickets should he limitt'd with an " L" punch to 10 days, including day of issue. TUKonai KATES. Baltimore, Md 87 ."!(• Chester, Pa ■ ■ . . 4 (10 Havre de Grace-, -Md. ... 5 S."> Newark, Del 5 eHJ tl'hiladelpiiia. Pa $3 50 Washinuton, D. C 9 50 Wilnungton, Del 4 50 /~:.^ V 192 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPAA'y COLljlSti GKOTTO. LURAY CAVERNS. "Ill Xanadu did Kubla ICIian A stately ploasure-dome d( cree, Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man, Down to a sunless sea." 'J'he Ciiveriis of Liiray were discovered in 1878, and shortly thereafter were opened to the public. The full ex- tent of their subterranean depths ^vere not then known, or even dreamed of, and not until thoroughly e(|uipped ex- ploring parties had penetrated seemingly endless chambers and labyrinthine passages, Avere their boundless riches dis- closed and made accessible to visitors. Since that time the fame of the cavei'ns has penetrated the uttermost parts of the earth. Within the past few years the number of visitors has been enormous. Persons from all quarters of the globe, I ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 193 scientists, explorers and tourists, have wandered through the wonderful chambers, and the general verdict of their united testimony is that Luray Caverns excel all others in the combined extent, variety, scientific interest and beauty of their calcite formations. A party sent out from the Smithsonian Institution reports that, ''Comparing tiiis great natural curiosity with others of the same class, it is safe to say that there is probably no other cave in the world more completely and profusely decorated Avith stal- actitic and stalagmitic ornamentation than that <>f l.urav." 1'm:to s ( hasm. Recognizing the inestimabk' value of tlieir remai'kahle l)ossession, the management of the caverns has jirovided every facility for visiting all the chambers and seeing all the wonders in the most comfortable manner. C'enunt walks have been laid, stairways, bridges and iron railings have been erected where such help was necessary, ami the entire subterranean palace is illuminated by both arc and incandescent electric lights. The interior is singularly free from dampness or dripping water, and no special pre- paration for the visit is needed in the matter of clothing. Plain clothing and stout shoes comprise the necessai-y «>nt- fit, wraps being superfluous, as the temjieratui-e remains, winter and summer, at about 54°. 194 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Entering the grand vestibule, the first emotion felt hy the visitor is one of mute wonder. The mind fails to grasp the grandeur revealed in such a majestic manner, until it gradually accustoms itself to the monstrous shapes, the almost percep- tible silence and the weird influence of this subterra- nean realm. Queer shapes present themselves at every t u r n , aping gro- tesquely the objects of the outer world, now suggesting some growth of animal life, now resembling some familiar vegetable foi'mation, or tak- ing the shape and foi'in of some crea- tion of man. Glit- tering stalactites blaze in front, fluted columns, draperies in broad folds aud a thousand tints, cascades of snow-white stone, illuminated by the glare of the electric light, fill the mind with curious sensations of wonder and admiration. Awe and reverence possess the beholder. He stands amazed in the royal chaml)ers of the King of Nature. The various apartments and objects have all lieen named in honor of some distinguished personage or after some thing to which they bear a striking resemblance. The Elfin Ramble, an open plateau, five hundred feet long by one hundred in l>readth, is the playground of the princesses of this fairy realm. Pluto's Chasm, a wide rift in the walls, contains a spectre clothed in shadowy dra- peries. Hovey's Hall is adorned with statuary and stalac- NA 1 L HA1-, UUlD(;k;. ROUTES AND BATES EOR SUMMER TOURS. 195 tite draperies, which, for beauty of coloring, translucency and syniinetrical folding, are unexcelled by anything in the c^ive. Giant's Hall is a vast space, embracing several chaniljers. Heroic sentinel forms loom up on every side, guarding the marvellous beauty of Titania's Veil, and watching over the crystal waters of Diana's Bath. The Saracen's Tent, the Cathedral, witli its grand organ, and tlit- Bridal Chaml)er, all bear striking reseinl)lance to the o])jects for which tliey named. Hades, a region s})arkling with lini])id hikes and peo])led with goblins, ri'ceivfs its name from the bewildering windings and lal>yrin- thine mea n d c r i n gs through which the tourist nuist tread his way. Not- withstanding its uninviting name, it is a very attractive portion of the cave and con- tains many wonderful forma- tions. The Ball Room, a mag- nificent apartment, gorgeously fur- nished, is full of interest, Avhile Campbell's Hall, mimed for the discoverer of the cave, is rich in beautiful and enchanting ornamenta- tion. In addition to the solid forma- tions of stone and crystal, a number of beautiful lakes are found in various parts of the caves. Crystal Lake is a body of pellucid water in a setting of sparkling stalactites, and the Imperial Spring is a silver pool richly enclosed in a forest of columns. It is arched above with myriads of stalactites, reflected with most beau- tiful effect in the calm flood of the spring. The trans- DRAGOX. 196 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY parent waters of these lakes are so deceptive that rash visitors frequently subject themselves to a wetting in order to convince their skeptical minds of the genuineness of the fluid. HANGINCi KOCK. No other caverns are known in whicli there can be found such an infinite variety of quaint, curious and wonderful formations. Almost every object in nature is here repro- duced in starting similarity, while the curious shapes and indescribable grouping of thousands of others seem to be the handiwork of nature in a playful mood. Fantastic, grotes(iue, beautiful, weird, grand and superb are words which find expression on the lips of every one as he gazes upon the treasures of this '"house not made with hands." It is a task of recognized difficulty to describe the in- describable. This difficulty is enhanced, if posssible, in ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 197 the case of cave scenery by the fact that the impressions it leaves upon the mind of the Ijeholder differ not so much in degree as in kind from those of his past experience. A new order of sensations, ideas and emotions demand, of course, a new voca1)ulary. No straining or expansion of a ternnnology derived from the ujiper world will enable it to describe adequately the wonderful phenomena presented in this realm of Stalacta. The vi.-^itor Avho attempts descrip- tion must content himself, therefore, with seeking to im- part his enthusiasm, without hoping to trace fully its AI,LEN COLUMN. causes. This only will he profess to understand clearly — that he has enjoyed the felicity of experiencing a sensation altogether novel. The Persian monarch's desire — a new pleasure — is se- cured at length to the world in the Caverns of Lurav. 198 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Here was tlie famous Liiray Inn, destroyed l)y fire in November, 1891, and not yet rebuilt. In the meantime the Hotel Laurence and Mansion Inn, both good hotels, though in no way pretentious, cater acceptaldy to the wants of visitors. TITAMA S VKIL. Form Ex. 202.— Luray (Caverns), Va., and Rf.tukn. Limited to six (G) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hheiiandoali June. Norfolk &■ Western R. R to Luray. Luray Transfer Co to Luray Caverns. Luray Cave and Hotel Co Admission to Caverns Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md \ Bellaire, O Berkeley Si)ring.s, W. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park, Md 5 8 70 16 55 6 35 15 15 13 05 12 20 13 15 11 90 8 20 10 15 Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) Fairmont, VV. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Harper's Ferry, \V. Va. . . Havre de Grace, Md. . . . Johnstown, Pa Kevser, W. Va Mc'Kcesix.rt, Pa Martinsluirg, W. Va. . . . $12 60 13 15 5 95 12 25 4 85 10 15 11 95 9 15 13 65 5 05 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 199 Meyersdale, Pa $ 9 70 Morgantown, W. Va. {via Fairmont) 14 15 Mdrgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 13 60 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 15 85 Mountain Lal^e Park, Md. . 10 30 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 12 40 Newark, Del 11 00 New York, N. Y 10 45 Oakland, Md 10 40 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 16 25 Philadelphia, Pa $12 70 Piedmont, W. Va 9 35 Pittsburg, Pa 14 20 Rock wood, Pa 10 15 Smithfield, Pa. (via Union- town^ 12 75 Somerset, Pa 10 55 Uniontown, Pa 12 35 Washington, D. C 7 10 Washington, Pa 15 30 WheeUng, W. Va 16 25 Wilmington, Del 11 70 Form Ex. 125.— Luray, Va. Limited to six (6) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Luray. same route. Returning THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $7 35 Bellaire, 15 20 Cameron, W. Va 13 80 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) 1! To Chester, Pa 10 .s.") Clarksburg, W. Va 11 SO Connellsville, Pa 10 55 Cumberland, Md G 85 Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) 11 25 Fairmont, W. Va 11 80 Frederick, Md 4 60 Crafton, W. Va 10 W Hari>er's Ferrv, W. Va. . . .'> 50 .lolmstown. Pa Id GO Kevser. W. Va 7 80 >raVtinsburg, W. Va. ... 3 70 McKeesport, Pa 12 30 Meyersdale, Pa 8 3,5 Rates for Form Ex. 125 do not iiK nor admission to the caves. W Va. 'Va.' (via Morgantown Fairmont) . . Morgantown. \\' rniontowii) -MouiKlsviUe, W. Va. . . . Mt. I'ieasant, Pa New York, X. Y Oakland, Md Parkcrsburu', W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Smithtiehl, Pa. (via Ihiion- town) Sonierset. Pa liniontown. Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa WilMiini,'ton, I)el Wheeling, W. Va •hide transfer from Lurav St a2 80 12 25 14 rA} 11 (15 15 10 9 05 14 i« 11 35 8 00 12 a5 8 80 11 40 9 20 11 00 .5 75 13 95 10 35 14 90 ition, MANASQUAN, N. J. Form Ex. 1177. — Maxasqiax, N. ,I.. and Retcrx. Baltimore .t Ohio R. K to Philadelphia. l'hiladel}>hia .t Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to ^Nlanasquan. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, iMd $8 00 | AVashington, D. C $10 00 t Philadelphia, Pa 4 00 | In addition to the above, excursion tickets Form Ex. 1177, Manas- quan, N. J., may be sold from following stations at rates as quoted below. Tickets should be limited with an "L" punch to 16 days, including day of issue. through rates. Baltimore, Md $7 50 Chester, Pa 4 00 Havre de Grace, Md 5 85 Newark, Del 5 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa $3 50 Washington, D. C 9 50 Wilmington, Del 4 50 200 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY MANCHESTER-BY-THE-SEA, MASS. Manchester-by-the-Sea, Mass., and Return. Form Ex. 762— Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Manchester-by-the-Sea. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelpliia. Pa. Baltimore, Md. . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines $15 15 19 15 21 15 Sound Lines $13 15 17 15 19 15 Going Rail Returning Sound $14 15 IH 15 20 15 MAPLEWOOD, N. H. One of the most cluirming mountain suburbs forming Betlilehem proper is Maplewood. It is in reality a part of Bethlehem, being but a mile south, and commanding one of the finest views of Mt. Washington, the Presidential and the Francoiiia rang-es. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 201 Maplewood, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1038 — E.xtension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Nashua. Concord & Montreal R. R to Bethlehem June. Profile & Franconia Notch R. R to Maplewood. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUOH R.\TES. Route to and from. Boston. From fPhiladclpliia, Pa. lialtiiiiure, .Md. . NVashington, D. C Rail Lines Sound Lines Goiny Rail Returning' Sound or vice versa. $23 27 29 70 70 70 $20 50 24 50 26 50 $23 20 27 20 29 20 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Maplewood, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1039 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. P.ostdii .t Elaine R. R to Intervale .Junction. Maini' ( 'cntral R. IJ to Zealand .Junctiim. I'l'nlilc it Franconia Notch R. 11 to Majilcwood. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tl'liiladelphia. Pa. I'.altimore, ^fd. . Washington, I). C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $23 70 $20 50 $23 20 27 70 24 50 27 20 29 70 26 50 29 20 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Maplewood, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1040 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & iSlaine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Zealand Junction. Profile & Franconia Notch R. R to Mai)lewood. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) through rates. Route to and from Boston. From •Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . . . $23 70 $20 50 $23 20 Baltimore, Md 27 70 24 50 27 20 Washington, D. C. . . . . 29 70 26 50 29 20 Ti-ansfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. 302 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY MARION, N. C. Form Ex. 39. — Marion, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Wasliington. Transfer F>. & O. to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Ry to Marion. Returnina;, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $20 50 Bellaire, 33 45 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 23 15 Cameron, W. Va 32 00 Charlestown, W. Va. . . . 21 70 Chester, Pa 24 00 Clarkshurg, W. Va 30 05 Connellsville, Pa 28 80 Cumberland, Md 25 10 Deer Park, Md 20 50 P'airmont, W. Va 30 05 Frederick, ISId 21 30 Grafton, W. Va 2!) 15 Hagerstown, Md 22 10 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 21 20 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 21 95 .Tohnstown, Pa 28 85 Kevser, W. Va 26 00 Mc"Keesport, Pa 30 55 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 21 95 Meyersdale, Pa 20 CO Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $31 05 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 30 50 MoundsvilUe, W. Va. ... 32 70 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 26 65 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 29 30 Newark, Del 22 80 New York, N. Y 28 50 Oakland, Md 26 75 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 33 15 Philadeli)liia, Pa 24 50 Piedmont. W. Va 26 25 Pittsburg, Pa 31 10 Rockwood, Pa 27 05 Somerset, Pa 27 45 Uniontown, Pa 29 25 Washington, Pa 32 20 Wheeling, W. Va 33 15 Wilmington, Del 23 50 Winchester, Va 22 80 Form Ex. 45.— Marion, N. C, and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Lexington. Chesai)eake & Ohio R. R to Lvnchlmrg. Southern Ry to Marion. Returning, same route. Baltimore, Md. . Bellaire, 0. . . . Berkeley Si)rings, W Cameron, \\' . Va. . Charlestown, W. Va Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va. Connellsville, Pa. . Cumberland, Md. . Deer Park, Md. . . Fairmont, W. Va. Frederick, Md. . . Grafton, W. Va. . Hagerstown, Md. . Har}ier's Ferry, W. Harrisonburg, Va. Havre de Grace. Md Johnstown, Pa. . . Keyser, W. Va. . . McKeesport, Pa. . Martinsburg, W. Va Meyersdale, Pa. . . $20 30 20 29 18 24 27 26 22 24 19 RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $28 Morgantown, W. Va. (via rniontown) 27 ^Nloundsville, W. Va. . . . 30 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 24 iSlt. Pleasant, Pa 26 Newark, Del 22 New York, N. Y 28 Oakland, Md 24 Parkersliui--, W. Va. . . . 30 Rhiladeli.liia, Pa 24 Piedm..nt, W. Va 23 Pittsburg, Pa 28 Rockwood, Pa 24 Somerset, Pa. . . . Staunton, Va Uniontown, Pa. . . Washington, D. C. Washington, Pa. . Wheeling, W. Va. Wiliiiin.ntou, Del. . Winchester, Va. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 203 MARKLETON, PA. Situated in u secluded nook in the heart of the Alle- ghanies, shut in by the mountain curves from the outside world, will be found a Sanitarium second to none in the country. The site of this Sanitarium has been chosen wisely, for the purpose of making a quiet, restful retreat for the sick, the "run down," and the weary. While the forest trees surround the building they do not shade it, for, situated in an ojDen space on the eastern slope of the mountain, it is separated from the mountain in front by the lawn and the beautiful Casselman river. The mountains are wooded to their summits with forests of pine, hemlock, beech, maple and oak. The outlook from the windows and from the veranda is on this wonderful unbroken foliage. To the sick who are unable to leave their rooms or the veranda, all the restfulness and the soothing which can come to tired brain and exhausted nervous systems from mountain solitudes, come without seeking and with- out endeavor. For those who are able to avail themselves of an active outdoor life, the walks and drives are innumer- able and are very beautiful and romantic. The mountain streams abound in trout and bass and the forests in game, affording ample scope for the fisherman's and hunter's skill. Medical authorities claim that tlie best health limits are found in altitudes varying from liftecn huiulriHl to two thousand feet above the sea level. The altitude is from seventeen to eighteen hundred feet. The water, which is remarkably pure and abundant, comes from numerous mountain springs high ujt on the mountain side, removed from all sources of contamination, and is furnished, hot and cold, to every floor in the building. There is also a mineral spring which is similar to that of the famous Bed- ford Springs of this State. It has i)roved highly beneficial in dyspepsia, constipation, and other affections of the stomach and bowels. Writing of the scenery and beneficial surrounding at this point, an eminent physician says : ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 305 "If Bierstadt were here he could paint another picture which would make a companion piece for his 'Heart of the Andes.' The mountain before me is robed in its autunni garments. It is beautiful as the dream of an angel. The rounded summit looks like a grand bou([uet. Its garniture of trees shining in the splendid colors of an October sun has an unearthly beauty. The yellow and crimson of the maples, of which there are thousands set upon the green robe of the mountain, the russet tints of the oak, the light yellow of the chestnut and poplar, the brilliant crimson of the sumac and gum trees, the tender green of the ])irch trees and the dark green of the hemlock, combine to make a scene of rare l)eauty upon the like of which the eye of man is seldom permitted to rest. God has painted the picture for our admiration and delight. The view fills my heart with the "joy of elevated thought. The little Ctisselman river, fifty yards across, witli its borders of hemlocks, goes gliding by the foot of the mountain over a bed entirely covered with large black stones. You can hear the music of its rippling water among the stones, but unless you are quite near the bank you can hardly see the water, the river is so low. "There are beautiful walks along the banks of this little river, and charming rides through the great forests and along the lanes of the handsome farms on the top of the mountain. The brook mountain trout leaps up to attract the fishernum's attention. The squirrel chatters in the tree to challenge the sportsman. The pheasant startles you with its whirring at your feet. This is, indeed, a place of rest and refreshment in the heart of the Alleghanies. If any want a change from the trying routine of daily life; if any want to breathe pure mountain air and drink pure water from the mountain springs; if any are worn and weary with the toils and cares of life; if any are broken down and sick and need healing and health, here is a place at the Markleton Sanitarium, on the Baltimore & Ohio Eailroad, about ninety miles east of Pittsburg, where each class will find what they need. It is a family hotel and 206 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY sanitarium combined. I have visited a number of these institutions, and I have no hesitation in saying that for the completeness of its appointments, the healthfulness of its situation, the beauty of its surroundings, and the skill and care of its physicians, it is one of the very best in our country." Markleton, Pa. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Markleton. Returning, same route. Agents at New York will sell Form Ex. 1007. Agents at riiiladelphia, Pa., and points west, will sell Local Excursion Book Tickets. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $ 9 95 Bellaire, O. (via Glenwood) 6 70 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 4 75 Braddock, Pa 3 35 Brunswick, Md 6 35 Cameron, W. Va. (via Mor- gantown) 6 15 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 6 55 Cheat Haven, Pa 2 60 Cherrv Run, W. Va 4 85 Chester, Pa 13 45 Clarksburg, W. Va. ( via Morgantown) 5 90 Clarksburg, W. Va. ( via Cumberland 7 20 Connellsville, Pa I 45 Cumberland, Md 2 25 Dawson, Pa 1 65 Deer J'ark, Md 4 15 Dunbar, Pa 1 50 Faircliance, Pa 2 15 Fairmont, W. Va. (via Mor- gantown) 4 20 Frederick, ]Md 7 20 Grafton, W. Va. (via Mor- gantown) 5 05 Grafton, W. Va. (via Cum- berland) 30 Hagerstown, Md 7 20 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 6 15 Harrisonburg," Va 1115 Havre de Grace, Md 1140 Hyndman, Pa 1 70 •Tohnstown, Pa 2 10 Keyser, W. Va 3 15 Lexington, W. Va 14 25 McKeesport, Pa 3 15 Mannington, W. Va. (via Morgantown) 4 90 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... $5 40 Meyersdale, Pa 75 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 3 15 Mounds ville, W. Va. (via Wheeling) 6 65 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 4 30 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 1 95 Newark, Del 12 25 New York, N. Y 17 95 Oakland, Md 4 40 Parkersburg, W. Va. (via Morgantown) 9 20 Parkersburg, \V. Va. (via Cumberland) 10.30 Philadelphia. Pa 13 95 Piedmont, W. Va 3 35 Pittsburg, Pa 3 75 Rockwood, Pa 30 Romney, W.Va 3 45 Scottdale, Pa 1 70 Scott Haven, Pa 2 65 Shenandoah Jc, W. Va. . . 5 SO Smithfield, Pa 2 30 Somerset, Pa 65 Staunton, Va 12 45 Strasburg, Va 8 80 I'nidntown, Pa 1 90 Wasliington, D. C 8 35 Washington, I'a. (via Glen- wood) 4 90 West Newton, Pa 2 45 West Salisbury. Pa 1 05 Wheeling, W\ Va. (via (ilen- wood) 6 20 Wilmington, Del 12 95 Winchester, Va 7 75 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 207 MASSANETTA SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. 18G. — Massanetta Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Harrisonburg. Stage to Massanetta Springs. Returnine-, same route. THROUGH R.\TES. Baltimore, Md $10 Bellaire, 19 Berkeley Springs, W. Va Cameron, W. Va 17 (via Charlestown, W. Va. Cheat Haven, Pa Uniontown) 15 Chester, Pa 14 Clarksburg, W. Va 15 ConnelLsville, Pa 14 Cumberlancl, Md 10 Deer Park, Md 12 Fairehance, I'a. (via Union- town) 15 Fairmont, W. Va 15 Frederick, Md 8 Grafton, W. Va 14 Hagerstown, Md 8 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 7 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 12 Johnstown, Pa 14 Keyser, W. Va 11 Lexington, Va 5 McKecsiiort, Pa IH Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 7 Meversdale, Pa 12 40 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) $16 85 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 16 30 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 18 50 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 12 95 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 15 10 Newark, Del 13 10 New York, N. Y 18 80 Oakland. Md 13 05 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 19 00 Philadelphia, Pa 14 80 Piedinont, W. Va 12 00 Pittsburg, Pa Ki 90 Rockwood, Pa 12 85 Smithfield, Pa. (via L'liion- town) 15 45 Somerset, Pa 13 25 Staunton, Va 3 30 Strasburg, Va 4 40 Uniontown, Pa 15 05 Washington, D. C 9 20 Washington, Pa 18 00 Wheeling, W. Va 19 00 Wilmington, Del 13 80 Winchester, Va 5 40 208 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY MILLBORO, VA. Form Ex. 68.— Millboro, V.\., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Basic. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Millboro. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $12 70 Chester, Fa 16 20 Havre de (irace, Md. ... 14 15 Newark, Del 15 00 New York, N. Y $20 70 Philadelphia, Pa 16 70 Washington, D. C 10 70 Wilmington, Del 15 70 Form Ex. 176. — Millboro, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Millboro. Returning, same route. through Baltimore, Md $12 70 Bellaire, 21 25 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 10 95 Cameron, W. Va 19 80 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 8 50 Chester, Pa 16 20 Clarksburg, W. Va 17 85 Connellsville, Pa 16 60 Cumberland, Md 12 90 Deer Park, Md 14 80 Fairmont, W. Va 17 45 Frederick, Md 10 05 Grafton, W. Va 16 95 Hagerstown, Md 10 05 Har])er's Ferry, W. Va. . . 9 00 Harrisonburg,' Va 4 00 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 14 15 Johnstown, Pa 16 65 Keyser, W. Va 13 80 Lexington, Va 4 50 McKeesport, Pa IS 35 Marti nsburg, W. Va. ... 9 75 Meyersdale, Pa 14 40 R.aiTES. Morgantown, W. Va. ^via Fairmont) ISIorgantown, AV. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $18 85 18 30 20 50 14 t»5 17 10 15 00 20 70 15 05 20 55 16 70 14 O) 18 90 14 85 15 25 6 35 17 05 10 70 20 00 21 00 15 70 7 40 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 209 Form Ex. 645. — Millboro, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. H to Washington. Transfer B. ct 0. Depot to C. & O. Depot. Chesapeake ct Oliio Ky to Millboro. Returning, same i-onte. THROUGH RATES. $12 Baltimore, Md. . . . Bellaire, 25 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 15 Cameroii, W. Va 24 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 13 Chester, Pa 16 Clarkslnirg, W. Va 22 ConnellsvilJe, Pa 21 Cumberland, Md 17 Deer Park, ISId 18 Fairmont, W. Va 22 Frederick, Md. 13 Grafton, \\.\n 21 Hagerstown, Md 14 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 13 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 14 Johnstown, Pa 21 Keyser, W. Va 18 McKeesi)ort, J*a 22 Martinst)urg, W. Va. ... 14 Meyersdale, Pa 18 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant. Pa Newark, Del New York. N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Phihulcliihia, Pa Pieilmont, W. Va Pittsl>urg, Pa Rockwoud, Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va .?23 25 22 70 24 90 18 85 21 50 15 no 20 70 18 95 25 35 16 70 18 40 23 30 19 25 19 65 21 45 24 40 25 35 15 70 15 00 MILTON, VT. Form Ex. 1262. — Miltox, Vt., and Return. Baltimore .t Oliio R. 11 to Philadelphia. Philadeli. Ida ct Reading R. R to Bound P.rook. Central 1!. U. of New.Iersey to New York. New York Central A Hudson River It. P. ... to Trov. Fitchburg R. R to White Creek. Bennington & Rutland It. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to Milton. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, :>Id §21 60 I Washington, D. C .$23 60 tPhiladelphia, Pa. . ... 17 6() | Form Ex. 1263. — Milton, Vt., and Return. Baltimore c*c Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeli)hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central U. R. of New .lersey to New York. New York, New Haven it Hartford It. It. . . . to S]iringfield. Boston it .Maine It. R to Simtii Vernon. Central \'ermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston it Maine R. R • . . to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Milton. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ^fd $2160 I Washington, D. C $23 60 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 60 | 210 BALTIMORE d: OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 1265. — Milton, Vt., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia A Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwich Line to New London. Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Milton. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $20 60 I Washington, D. C $22 61 tPhiladelphia, Pa 16 60 | MONMOUTH BEACH, N.J. Form Ex. 1191. — Monmouth Beach, N. J., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeli.hia. Philadelphia * Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Monmouth Beach. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $8 10 1 Wasliington, D. C $10 10 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 10 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 211 MONTEREY, PA. Form Ex. 658. — Monterey, Pa., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer B. & 0. Depot to W. M. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland K. R to Monterey. Retiirnin"-, same route. THROUGH RATES. Bellaire, Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . . Ciarkshurg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park, Md Fairmont, W. Va Grafton, W. Va Harj)er's Ferry. W. Va. . . Harrisonburg, Va Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va Lexington, Va McKeesjiort, Pa Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . Meyerstlale, Pa Morgantown, W . Va. (via Fairmcintj $14 20 3 8.5 12 75 3 00 10 75 !)50 5 80 7 70 10 75 9 85 2 50 7 50 9 55 n70 10 m 11 25 2 70 7 30 11 75 Morgan'own, W. Va. (via Uniontown $11 20 Moundsville, W. Va 13 40 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 7 85 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 10 00 New York, N. Y 13 95 Oakland, Md 7 95 Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . 13 85 Philadelphia, Pa 9 95 Piedmont, W. Va G 90 Pittsburg, Pa 11 80 Rock wood. Pa 7 75 Somerset, JPa 8 15 Staunton, Va 8 80 Strasburg, Va 5 15 Uniontown, Pa 9 95 Washington, D. C 4 55 Washington, Pa 12i)0 Wlieeling, W. Va 13 S5 Winchester, Va 4 10 MONTPELIER, VT. Form K\. 12i!3. — Montteliek, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadeli)hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford 11. R. . . . to S]>ringlicld. Boston it Maine R. R to Soutii VcriKni Central Vermont P. R to P>rattlel)oru. Boston it JNlaine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Montpelier. Returning, same route. throuoh rates. Baltimore, >rd. . tPhiladelphia, Pa. ?21 00 I Washington. D. C. 17 00 $23 00 Form Ex. 1265. — Montpelier, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Phi]adeli)hia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwich Line ' to New London. Central Vermont R. R to Brattlebnro. Boston it Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Montpelier. Returning, same route. Baltimore. Md. . tPhiladelphia, Pa. through rates. . $20 00 I Washington, D. C. . 16 CO $22 00 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 213 MONTREAL. Montreal, "The Queen of the St. Lawrence," ranks among the most beautiful cities of the continent. It is built on an island of the same name, at the confluence of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Eivers, which, from its fer- tility, has been called the Garden of Canada. The St. Lawrence is one and a half miles wide at this point, and the entire river front is lined with lofty and massive walls, quays and terraces of gray limestone. The principal buildings are of the same material, which is of a delicate neutral tint, very pleasing to the eye. Architecturally, many of these are very fine, the Cathedral of Notre Dame especially, being of great size and elegant design, is well worth a visit. The view from one of the towers, in which hangs the great bell, is very extensive and interesting. Other places of note are: The Jesuit College, MeCull Col- lege, the Post-office, New Court-house, Bank of Montreal, Bank of British North America, Champ de Mars, and Bon Pasteur Nunnery. Form Ex. 888 to Montreal, in connection with Fok.m Ex. 889 fkom montke.vl. Baltimore ct Ohio R. R to I'hiladdpliia. Philadelplna it Reading R. R to I'.oiind l?rook. Central R. R. of Vew Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. K. ... to .Mdiitreal. Returning, sanu' route. THROUGH R.VTES. Baltimore, ^Sld $25 50 I Washington, D. C $27 50 triiiladeipliia. Pa 21 50 | Form Ex. 327. — Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore ct Ohio R. R to Philadeli.hia. Philadelphia ct Reading R. R to P.ound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New Y'ork. New York Central it Hudson River R. 1!. ... to Trov. Delaware * Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transi)ortation Co. (LaketieorgeStrs.) to Baldwin. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Ticonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Plattsburgh. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. (Jrand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Grand Trunk Ry to Rouse's Point. Delaware A: Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Champlain Transportation Co to Ticonderoga. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Troy. New York ('entral it Hudson River R. R. . . . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to B(jund Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R."R to Philadeliihia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md .«27 00 I Washington, D. C $29 00 fPhiladelphia, Pa 23 00 | 214 BALTIMORE * OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 328.— Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelpliia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Ticonderosa. Champlain Iransportation Co to Plattsburgh. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry ••.... to Montreal. Grand Trunk Rv to Rouse's Point. Delaware Si Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Chamjilain Trans]iortation Co to Ticonderoga. Delaware it Hudson U. R to Baldwin. Chamjilain Transportation Co. (Lake George Strs.) to Caldwell. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ct Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $27 00 I Washington, D. C 29 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 2.3 00 | Form Ex. 329. — Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeli)hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . . . to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $25 .50 i Washington, D. C $27 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 50 j Form Ex. 330. — Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Fitchhurg R. R to Wh'ite Creek. Bennington it Rutland R. R to Rutland. Central Vermont R. R to St. John's. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $25 50 I Washington, D. C $27 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 50 | Form Ex. 331. — Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co.(Lake(ieorgeStrs.) to Baldwin. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Ticonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R to St. John's. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal, /i UTES A ND RA TES FOR S UMMER TO URS. 2 1 5 < irand Trunk Ry to St. John's. Central Vermont II. 11 to Rutland. Bennington & Rutland R. H to White Creek. Fitchhurg R. R to Troy. New York Central iV: Hudsun River R. R to New York. Central It. R. uf New .ler>ev to Rnund limok. rhihulelpliia iV. Pvea-ling H.R to Philadelidiia. Raltiniure i\: Oliio R. R. to starting jioint. THROUGH RATKS. I'.altinKnc, Md $2f) 50 1 Wa.-diington, 1). C $:^1 50 tPhiladeiiihia, Pa 25 5(1 | Form E.\. .'>32. — Montreal, P. Q., and Ri;TrRN. P.altini. ire >t Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadeli-lna (V; Peadint: P. i: to Hound Brook. ('entral P. P. of New .lerscv to New York. New York Central iV; Hudson Pivei- P. P to Trov. Fitehhurg R. R to Wh'ite Creek. Pennington it Rutland P. P to Rutland. Central \'erniont R. R to St. Joiin's. • irand Trunk l!y to Montreal. lain Transportation C(j to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R to St. .John's. Grand Trunk Rv to Montreal. Grand Trunk Rv to St. John's. Central Vermoiit R. R to Rutland. Bennington & Rutland R. II to White Creek. FitchburgR. R to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Alhanv. West Shore R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound lirook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R. to .startiim point. Transfer through New Y''ork, in both directions, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md .$29 50 I Washington, D. C $3150 tl'hiladelphia. Pa 25 50 | Form Ex. 348. — Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R. to Philadelphia. Philadelphia tt Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central U. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R.R to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Troy. Fitchburg R. R to Wh'ite Creek. Bennington and Rutland R. R to Rutland. Central 'Vermont R. R to St. Jolin's. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Grand Trunk Ry to St. John's. Central Vermont R. R to Burlington. Champlain Transportation Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Baldwin. Champlain Transportation Co.(J^ake(JeorgeStrs.)to Caldwell. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Albany. West Shore R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadeliiliia it Reading R."R to Philadcli)bia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting jxiint. Transfer through New Y'ork, in both directions, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md $20 .50 I Washington, D. C $31 50 tl'hiladelphia, Pa 25 50 | i ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 217 Form Ex. 357. — Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelnliia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jer.sey to Xew York. West Sliore R. R to Onedia CastJe. New York, Ontario it Western Ry to Central Square. Rome, Watertiiwn .t Oiidensburg R. R to Clayton. Thousand Island Stcanil>nat (Jo to Alexandria Bay. Richelieu it Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. trrand Trunk Ry to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Albany. West Shore R.R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound ]'>rook. Philadei])hia it Reading R'. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R. to starting jioint. Transfer through New York, in l>otli directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ^Sfd $.31 50 I Washington, D. C $3.3 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 27 50 | Form Ex. 358. — Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeljjhia. Philadelnliia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New Yoi-k. New York, Ontario it Western R. R to Central S(jnare. Rome, Watertown it Ogdensburg R. R to Clayton. Thousand Island Steandjoat Co to Alexandria Bay. Riclielieu it Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. (Jrand Trunk l!v to Rouse's I'oint. Delaware it Hudson P. i; to Albany. New York and Albany Day Line Steamers. . . . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook Philadelidiia it Reading R.' R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. P.altimore, Md .S31 ]0 1 Washington. D. C $33 10 tPhiladelphia, Pa 27 10 | Form Ex. 359.— Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeli.liia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, (Ontario it Western Ry to Central Square. Rome, Watertown it Ogdensburg R. R to Clavton. Thousand Island Steand)oat Co to Alexandria Bay. Richelieu ct Ontario Navigation Co. Steamers. . to Montreal. Grand Trunk Ry to Rouse's I'oint. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Albany. West Shore R.R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to P^ound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, rettirning, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, INId $31 50 I Washington, D. C S-33 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 27 50 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 219 Form Ex. 369. — Montreal, P. Q., .4nd Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to riiiladelpliia. Philadelphia &■ Reading: R. II to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Utica. Rome, Watertdwn it < ),U(lei)sl)urg R. R to Clayton. Richelieu iV: Ontarin Xaxiuation Co. Steamer . . to Alexandi-ia Bay. Richelieu tt Ontario Navigation Co. Steamei' . . to Montreal. Canadian Pacific Ry to Ottawa. Canadian Pacific Ry to Prescott. Ferry to Ogdensburg. Rome, Watertown iV; Ogdenshurg R. 1! to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New .lersey to Pxmnd Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.' 1! to I'liiladeliihia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. TURorOH RATES. Baltimore, Md I-.35 35 I Washington, D. C $37 35 tPhiladelphia, I'a 31 35 | Form Ex. 620.— Monti:eal, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelpliia it Peailinu- P. I! to Bound Brooi<. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven it llartfoid P. W to Springlield. Boston it Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to P.rattjehoro. Boston it Maine R. 15 to Bellows Falls. Central Vermont R. 1! to St. .h)hn's. Grand Truidc Ry to Montreal. Returning, same rotite. TURorciii rates. Baltimore, :Sld .s25 ,V) I Washington, D. C... . . . ..4:27 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 50 | Form Ex. 6.34.— Montreal, P. Q., and Return. Choice of routes to Niagara Falls- see Niagara Falls feeding forms. New York Central it Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu it Ontario Nav. Co. to Kingston. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu it ( )ntario Nav. Co. to Prescott. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu it ( )ntario Nav. Co. to Montreal. Grand Trunk Py to Rouse's Point. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Plattshurgh. Champlain Transpntari(j Navigation (_'o. Steamer . . to Alexandria Bay. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to ^Montreal. Rate from New York $13 50 Form Ex. 334.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelpiiia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson Pdver U. It. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central it Hudson Itivcr 1!. K. . . . to Syracuse. Rome, Watertown it Ogdenslmrg R. 1! to Clayton. Richelieu it Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Alexandria Bay. Richelieii & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Montreal. Rate from New York $20 00 Form Ex. 335.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Lewiston. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R to Clayton. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Alexandria Bay. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Montreal. Rate from New York $20 00 224 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY FoEM Ex. 336.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore * Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .fersey to New York. New York Central tfe Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . . . to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co. Steamer to Toronto. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu d: Ontario Navi- gation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu it Ontario Navi- gation Co. . . to Montreal. Rate from New York $20 00 Form Ex. 337. — To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore * Ohio R.R to Philadelphia. Philadel))hia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central fz Hudson River R. R. (via Niagara Falls) to Suspension Bridge. Grand Trunk Ry to Toronto. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu it Ontario Navi- gation Co. Steamer to Kingston. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co. Steamer to Prescott. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu it Ontario Navi- gation Co. Steamer to Montreal. Rate from New York $20 00 Form Ex. 340.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeljdiia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Canadian Pacific Ry to Smith's Falls. Canadian Pacitrc Ry to Ottawa. Canadian Pacific Ry. or Ottawa River Nav. Co. . to Montreal. Rate from New York $20 00 Form Ex. .340 must not he sold \n connection with forms from Mon- treal reading via (Jrand Trunk Railway. Form Ex. 341.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadclpliia. Philadeljihia it Hea(hngR. R to Bouml Brook Central R. It. of New .fersey to New York. New York (.'entral it Hudson River R. R. . . . to Niagara Falls. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . . to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Canadian Pacific Ry to Snnth's Falls. Canadian Pacitic Ry to Ottawa. Canadian Pacitic Ry to Prescott. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Rate from New York $20 00 Form Ex. 341 must not be sold in connection with forms from Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 225 Form Ex. 343.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R.R " to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Caldwell. Champlain Transportation Co. (Lake George Strs.)to Baldwin. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Ticonderoga. Champlain Transportation Co to Plattsburg. Delaware A: Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Rate from New York $11 50 Form Ex. 350.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore' & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R " to Utica. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R to Clayton. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Ale'xanderia Bay. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Montreal. Rate from New York .$13 50 Form Ex. 352.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Lewiston. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R to Clayton. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Alexandria Bay. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to ISIontreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 353.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Suspension Bridge. Grand Trunk Ry to Port Dalhousie. Steamer "Emjjress of India" to Toronto. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu Sz Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Kingston. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu it Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Prescott. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 354.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Suspension Bridge. Grand Trunk Ry to Toronto. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Kingston. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Prescott. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Montreal. Rate from New York , $19 50 22G BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 355.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Canadian Pacitic Ry to Smith's Falls. Canadian Pacific Ry to Ottawa. Canadian Pacific Ry. or Ottawa River Nav. Co. . to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 355 must not he sold in connection with forms from Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. Form Ex. 35G.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Canadian Pacific Ry to Smitji's Falls. Canadian Pacific Ry to Ottawa. Canadian Pacific Ry to Prescott. Richelieu & Ontaria Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 356 must not he sold in connection with forms from Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. Form Ex. 3G0.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Suspension Bridge. Grand Trunk Ry to Port Dalhousie. Steamer "Empress of India" to Toronto. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Kingston. Grand Tr. Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. Str. to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 361.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie &, Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Go's Steamer to Toronto. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co. Steamer to Kingston. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu fz. Ontario Navi- gation Co. Steamer to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 362.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Suspension Bridge. Grand Trunk Ry to Toronto. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co. Steamer to Kingston. Grand Trunk Ry. or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co. Steamer to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 228 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 363.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia ct Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co. Steamer to Toronto. Canadian Pacific Ry to Ottawa. Canadian Pacific Ry. or Ottawa River Navigation Co. Steamer. . .' to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 363 must not be sold in connection with forms from Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. Form Plx. .364.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore it Ohiii R.R to Philadelphia. I'hiladi'l]iaia it Heading R. R to J5i>und linxik. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Ceiitral it Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co. Steamer to Toronto. Canadian Pacitic Ry to Ottawa. Canadian Pacitic Ry to Prescott. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 364 must not be sold in connection with forms from Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. Form Ex. 365.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore it Ohio R.R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co. Steamer to Toronto. Canadian Pacific Ry to Sharbot Lake. Kingston & Pembroke Ry to Kingston. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Montreal. Rate from New York $19 50 Form Ex. 365 must not be sold in connection with forms from Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. Form Ex. 366.— To Montreal. P. Q. Baltimore & Ohio R.R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Yoi-k. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Binghamton. Delaware & Hudson R. R to C. & C. V. June. Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley R. R to Cooperstown. Otsego Lake Steamer and Stage to Richfield Springs. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Utica. Rome,Water.ttOgdens.R.R.( via Trenton Falls) . to Clayton. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Alexandria Bay. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Steamer . . to Montreal. Rate from New York $17 20 Tickets between Cooperstown and Richfield Springs by the Otsego Lake Steamer and stage are for passage only; baggage will be charged extra. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 239 Form Ex. 370.— To Montreal, P. Q. Baltimore hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to Bufl'al: Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore t^ (Jliio R. R • ■ to destination. Rate from Montreal to New York $13 00 Form Ex. 388.— From Montreal, P. Q. Grand Trunk Ry to Rouse's I'oint. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Plattsburgh. Champlain Transportation Co to Burlington. Central Vermont R. R to Montpelier. Montpeher (V \Vells' T^iver R. R to Wells IMver. Concord it Montreal R. R to Concord. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. ... to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fail River Line) . . to New York. Central R. Iv. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R."R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to destination. Rate from Montreal to New York $13 85 Form Ex. 389.— From Montreal, P. Q. Grand Trunk Ry to Groveton Junction. Concord it Montreal K. \l to Concord. Boston it Maine R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ... to Fall River. Oki Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. I'hiladelphia it Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to destination. Rate from Montreal to New York $13 00 Form Ex. 391.— From Montreal, P. Q. Grand Trunk Ry to St. John's. Central Vermont R. R to Bellows P'alls. Boston it Maine R. R to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R to South Vernon. Boston it iNIaine R. R to Springfield. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. ... to Jsew York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R." R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to destination. Rate from Montreal to New York $10 (X) Form Ex. 392.— From Montreal, P. Q. Grand Trunk Ry to St. John's. Central Vermont R. R to Swanton. Boston & Maine R. R to Lunenburg. Maine Central R. R to Portland. " Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. ... to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadeljihia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to destination. Rate from Montreal to New York $13 00 234 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 386. — From Montreal, P. Q. Canadian Pacific Ry to Newport, Vt. Boston & Maine R.'R to Wells River. Concord & Montreal R. R to Concord. Boston & j\raine R. R to Boston New York. New Haven .t Hartford R. R to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central R.' R. of New Jersev to Bound P>rook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadeli)]iia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to destination. Rate from Montreal to New York $13 00 Form Ex. 386 must not be sold in connection with forms to Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. Form Ex. .390.— From Montreal, P. Q. Canadian Pacific Ry to Newport, Vt. Boston & Maine R. R to Wells River. Concord & Montreal R. R to Fabyan's. Maine Central R. R to Portland. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. . . . to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central R.' R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to destination. Rate from Montreal to New York $13 00 Form Ex. 390 must not be sold in connection with forms to Mon- treal reading via Grand Trunk Railway. MONTROSE, PA. Form Ex. 593. — Montrose, 1'a., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Tunkhannock. Montrose Ry to Montrose. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md 5-13 10 I Washington, D. C $15 10 tPhiladelphia, Pa 9 10 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 235 MORGANTOIM, N. C. Form Ex. 40. — Mokganton, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. & O. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Ry to Morganton. Returning, same route. THROUGH Baltimore, Md $19 50 Bellaire, 32 45 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 22 15 Cameron, W. Va 3100 Charlestown, W. A'a. ... 20 70 Chester, Pa 25 00 Clarkslnirg. W. Va . . . . 30 05 Connellsville, Pa 27 80 Cumberland, Md 24 10 Deer I'ark, ^Nld 25 50 Fairmont, W. Va 29 05 Frederick, Md 20 .30 (irafton, W. Va 25 15 Ilagerstown, Md 21 10 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 20 20 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 22 95 •Tohnstown, Pa 27 85 Keyser, W. Va 25 00 McKeesiiort, Pa 29 55 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 20 95 Meyersdale, Pa 25 GO RATES. Morgantown, "NV. Va. (via Fairmont) $30 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 29 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 31 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 25 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 28 Newark, Del 23 New York, N. Y 29 Oakland, Md 25 Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . 32 Philadeliihia. Pa 25 Piedmont, yV. Va 25 Pittsburg, Pa 30 Rockwood, Pa 26 Somerset, Pa 26 Uniontown, Pa 28 Washington, Pa 31 Wheeling, W. Va 32 Wilmington, Del 21 Winchester, Va 21 05 Form Ex. 47. — Morganton, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio Ry to Lexin";ton. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Lvncliburg. Southern Rj' to ^Sforganton. Returning, same route. through Baltimore, Md $19 50 Bellaire, 29 75 Berkeley, Springs, W. Va. . 19 45 Cameron, \V. Va 28 30 Charlestown, W. Va. . . . 17 50 Chester, Pa 25 (i() Clarksburg, W. Va 2lna, Pa 25 50 Piedmont, AV. A'a 22.50 Pittsburg, Pa 27 10 liockwood, Pa 23 35 Somerset, Pa 23 75 Staunton, A'a 14 60 Strasburg, A'a 17 50 I^niontown, Pa 25 55 Washington, D. C 17 50 A\'ashington, Pa 28 .5(1 AVheeling, W. A'a 29 50 AVilmington, Del 24 50 AVinchester, A'a 17 50 236 BALTIMORE (& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY MT. KINEO HOUSE (MOOSEHEAD LAKE), ME. Mt. Kineo House (Moosehead Lake), Me., and Return. Form Ex. 1041 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Bf)ston. Boston it Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Dover and Foxcroft or Oldtown. Bangor & Aroostook R. R to Greenville. Steamer on Moosehead Lake (20 miles) to Mt. Kineo House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH rates. Route to and fi-om Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Ra. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. .$29 (10 $27 00 $28 00 ;-« (10 31 00 32 00 ;i5 00 33 00 34 00 altimreceding excursion. Rate $9 90 Form Ex. 1035. — Port Cockburn, Ont. Grand Trunk Ry Niagara Falls to Muskoka Wharf. Muskuka it (Jeorgian Bay Navigation Co to Port Cockhurn. Returning, same route. Sold in connectiDU with any ticket passing through or terminating at Niagara Falls. Rate $8 40 246 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 1035.— ^Rosseap, Ont. Grand Trunk Ry Niagara Falls to Mu.skoka Wharf. Muskoka & Georgian Bay Navigation Co to Rosseau. Returning, san\e route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or terminating at Niagara Falls. Rate $8 15 NAIMTASKET BEACH, MASS. Form Ex. 1046. — Nantasket Beach, Mass., and Return. (Via New York and Fall River; returning via Boston and New York.) Baltimore Sc Ohio R. R to rhila(l('li>liia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven ton, D. C $18 60 tPhiladelphia, Pa 12 60 | NANTUCKET, MASS. Form Ex. 606. — Nantucket, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeljihia. Philadelphia & Reading R. 1| to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steand^oat Co. (Fall River I^ine) . . to P^all River. New York, New Haven Si Hartford R. R to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steandioat Line to Nantucket. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $16 25 | Washington, D. C $18 25 tPhiladelphia, Pa 12 25 | Form Ex. 665. — Nantucket, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steandjoat Line to Nantucket. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line to Wood's Holl. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadeli>hia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $18 75 I Washington, D. C $20 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 14 75 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 247 NARRAGANSETT PIER. This well-known seueoast resort is located on the eastern border of tlie town of South Kingstown on the mainland, just below the entrance to Narragansett Bay, facing the broad Atlantic. It is but a few years since it was compara- tively unknown to the public, but of late it has grown rapidly in popular favor. From being a quiet, unobserved 248 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY locality, surrounded by a farming district, it has quickly grown to be one of the most highly-favored summer resorts in the State. This was the old " Narragansett Country," rich in Indian lore and the records of the romantic life of the early Eng- lish settlers. Attracted, perhaps, in part by these, together with cer- tain natural features of the place, and, above all, by the beautiful beach washed by the open sea, a certain few families of wealth and refinement came hither a few years since to spend the summer months. The following season they returned and others came with them, and from this time on Narragansett Pier became rapidly and widely known. At first one or two hotels were built, which were soon filled to overflowing, and two or three years later some twelve or fifteen hotels, large and commodious, had been constructed, and all fully occupied by people gathered from all parts of the country. In addition to the hotels there are now many fine cottages, and many of these are occupied by perma- nent resideiits, constituting a pretty village. The bathing facilities here are of the very best to be found anywhere. The beach stretches away for a mile or more in a graceful curve, is perfectly smooth and even, and has the great advantage of the unobstructed billows sweep- ing in majestically from the open sea. The northern portion of this beach is sadly associated with several shipwrecks. The United States Government now maintains near the pier a life-station well equipped for its merciful work. Form Ex. H2n. — Narragansett Pier, II. I., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to IMiiladelpliia. Philadelphia ct Reading R. R to Boiiml Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Stoningtnn Line ' to Stonington. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Kingston. Narragansett Pier R. R to Narragansett Pier. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $13 00 I ^Vashington, D. C $15 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa. ; . . . 9 00 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 249 Form Ex. 627. — Narragansett Pier, R. I., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of Xfw Jersey to New York. New York, New Ihiven ife llartford R. R. ... to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Kingston. Narragansett Pier R. R to Narragansett I'ier. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, iSld $15 20 I Wasliini;thia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting i>oint. THROUGH RATES. Baltiuuire, Md $25 00 I Washington, D. C $27 00 tPhiladel]ihia, Pa 21 00 | Form Ex. 397. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore * Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeliihia A Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .lersey to New York. New York Central >t Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York, Lake PZrie & Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $24 50 I Washington, D. C $26 50 trhiladelphia. Pa 20 50 | ~-^i4P4lflMHin 262 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 400. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central &. Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Schenectady. Delaware (t Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R." R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $26 75 I Washington, D. C $28 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 75 | Form Ex. 401. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to PliiJadelpMa. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . . to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to Richfield Sjjrings. I^elaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to Utica. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Itound I5rook. Philadelphia ct Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $27 00 I Washington, D. C $29 00 tl'hiladelphia. Pa 23 00 | Form Ex. 403. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to I'liiladelnhia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R td Bound iJrouk. Central K. R. of New Jersey ti) New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . .to Niagara Falls. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . . to ITtica. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to Richfield Sj)ring3 Otsego Lake Steamers and Stage to Cooperstown. Cooperstovvn it Charlotte Valley R. R to C. it C. V. June. Delaware it Hiulsoii R. R to Albanv. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Pliila(lcli)hia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $27 15 1 Washington, D. C $29 15 tPhiladelphia, Pa 23 15 | Tickets between Cooperstown and Richfield S])rings, liy the Otsego Lake Steamers and Stage, are for passage only; baggage will be cliarged for extra. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 263 Form Ex. 404. — Niagar.\ Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore .l)urg, \V. Va. (via Whi'i'lingi Philadclpliia, I'a 27 Piedmont, W. Va 17 llockwood. Pa 14 Snntlitield. Pa. (via Union- town) 13 Somerset, Pa 14 Staunton, Va 2G Strasburg, Va 23 Uniontown, Pa 13 Wasliington, D. C 22 Washington, Pa 11 Wheeling, \V. Va 12 Wilmington, T>el 27 Winchester, Va 22 18 65 18 40 20 60 20 Form Ex. 449. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New Y'ork Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central ct Hudson River R. R. . . . to Buttalo. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Phihulelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 50 Washington. D. C. $2G 50 Form Ex. 450. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. P.altimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. Ji to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New J er.sey to New Y'ork. West Shore R. R ' to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C $2G 00 tPbiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 265 Form Ex. 451. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C .?2r, 00 fPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. 452. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadeliihia efe Reading R. 1! to Bound lirook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R " to Niagara Falls. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. IJ to Jamestown. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. K to Salamanea. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadelpliia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, ^[d $24 75 I Washington, D. C .$2G 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 75 | P"'oRM Ex. 453. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeljihia it Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central P. R of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Albany. Delawaie it Hudson J{. R to Saratoga. Delaware it Hudson R. R to South Schenectady Wi'st Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. ^Vest Shore R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting i)oint. Transfer through New York, m both directions, inchuled. THROUGH RATES. P.altimore, Md $25 05 I Washington, D. C $27 95 fPhiladelphia, Pa 21 i»5 | Form Ex. 454. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Ct'utial P. II. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Niagara Falls. West Shore R. R to Albany. New York it Albany Day Line Steamers .... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R."R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C .$20 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 267 Form Ex. 455. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R, to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Albany. New York & Albany Day Line Steamers .... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 50 I Washington, D. C $26 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 50 | Form Ex. 456. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeh)hia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jei-sey to New York. West Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. West Shore R. R to Rotterdam June. Fitchburg R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven it Hartford II. II. . . . to Fall River. Old Colnny Stcaiuhoat ("o. (Fall River Line) . . to New Ynrk. Central U. R. (if New .lersev to linund Brook. Phikidelphia ct Reading U.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md $30 65 I Washington, D. C $32 65 tPhiladelphia, Pa 26 65 | Form Ex. 457. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Centra) R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River U. Pi. . . . to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . . . to Troy. Fitchburg R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven A Hartford R. R. ... to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central IJ. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to I'hiladelphia. Baltimore it Ohio 11. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $31 15 I Washington, D. C $33 15 tPhiladelphia, Pa 27 15 | Form Ex. 458. — Ni.\gara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Niagara Falls. West Shore R. R to South Schenectady. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Fitchburg R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. . . . to Fall River. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to New York. Central R.' R. of New Jer.sev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through. New York, going, included. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $30 65 I Washington, D. C $32 65 tPhiladelphia, Pa 26 65 | 268 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 459. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadelphia &, Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Hohenectady. Delaware cfe Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Fitchbnrg R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven cfc Hartford R. R. ... to Fall River. Old Colony Hteauiljoat Co. (Fall River I.ine) . . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia &, Reading R.R to Philadelphia. Baltimore &, Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $31 15 I Washington, D. C $33 15 fPhiladelphia, Pa 27 15 | Form Ex. 460. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to C. & C. V. June. Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley R. R to Cooperstown. Otsego Lake Steamer and Stage' to Richfield Springs. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Utica. West Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. West Shore R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadeljihia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting i)oint. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH R.\TES. Baltimore, Md $28 70 I Washington, D. C $.30 70 tPhiladelphia, Pa 24 70 | Tickets between Cooperstown and Richfield Springs, by the Otsego Lake Steamer and Stage, are for passage only; baggage will be charged extra. Form Ex. 462. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Niagara Falls. West Shore R. R to South Schenectady. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Albany. West Shore R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer tlirough New York, in l)oth directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ISId $25 95 I Washington, D. C $27 95 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 95 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 269 Form Ex. 463.— Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadehihia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore, R. R ' to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna tt Western R. R to Richfield Springs. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Utica. West SI lore R. R to Niagara Falls. West Shore R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $26 00 | Washington, D. C $28 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 00 | Form Ex. 464.— Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. West Shore R. R to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to Richlield Springs. Otsego Lake Steamers and Stage to Cooperstown. Cooperstown & Charlotte "Valley R. R to C. & C. V. June. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Albany. West Shore R. R toNew\ork. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadeliihia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, in l)oth directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $26 65 I Washington, D. C $28 65 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 65 | Tickets between Cooperstown and Richfield Springs, by the Otsego Lake Steamer and Stage, are for passage only; baggage will be charged extra. Form Ex. 467. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadelpliia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central it. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R " to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Ikifialo. Western New York & Pennsylvania R. R. . . . to ^layville. Western New York & Pennsylvania R. R. ... to Bufi'alo. West Shore R. R ' to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelpliia * Reading R."^R to Philadeli>hia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $26 50 I Washington, D. C $28 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 22 50 | 270 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 469. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore k Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. AVest Shore R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central &, Hudson River R. R. ... to Buffalo. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C $26 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. 470. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C $26 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. 472. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeli)hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie cfe Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York, Lake Erie fz^ Western R. R to Binghamton. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Albany. New York &, Alliany Day Line Steamers .... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia *. Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C $26 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. 473. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Pwook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York, Lake Erie &, Western R. R to Binghamton. Delaware it Hudson R. R to C. & C. V. June. Cooperstown tt Cliarliitte Valley R. R to Cooperstown. Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley R. R to C. & C. V. June. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Albany. New York & Albany Day Line Steamers . . . .toNew^ork. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound P.rook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Pliiladelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $25 20 I Washington, D. C $27 20 tPhiladelphia, Pa 21 20 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 271 Form Ex. 474. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia * Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York, Lake p]rie it Western R. R to BinglianitDn. Delaware it Hudsdn R. R to Sharon Springs. ]')elaware it Hudson R. R to Al))any. New York it Albany Day Line Steamers .... to New York. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.*R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. TURoUCUr KATES. Baltimore, Md $24 SO I Washington, D. C $2(5 80 fPhiladelphia, Pa 20 80 | Form Ex. 475. — Niacjara Falls, N. Y., and Return. P.altimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. i'liiladelphia it Reading R. R to Bound P>rook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to Niagara Kalis. New York, Lake Erie & ^^'estern R. R to ISinghamton. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western It. 1! to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Phihideljihia it Reading R. R to Pliiladeli)hia. ]>altimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Tiir.OL'oii rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Wa.shington, D. C $26 00 tl'hiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. 47G. — Niaijaka Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeli)hia. Philadeljihia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. . . .to Albany. New York it Albany Day Line Steamers .... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C $26 00 fPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | Form Ex. 477. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R.R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. ( 'entral R. R. of New Jersey to New York. ' New York, Lake Erie it Western R. R to Niagara Falls. West Shore It. R. to Albany. New York it Alliahy Day Line Steamers .... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $24 00 I Washington, D. C $26 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 00 | ;t ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 373 Form Ex. 478. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. New Yrook. Philadclpliia it Reading R."R to riiiladeliihia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH KATES. Baltimore, Md $27 15 I Washington, D. C $29 15 fPhiladelphia, Pa 23 15 | Form Ex. 1258. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Ontario it Western Ry to Oswego. Rome, Watertown it Oswego R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md .$2.3 (X) 1 Washington. D. C $25 00 tPhi'ladelphia, Pa 11) 00 | Form Ex. 572. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Williamsport. Pennsylvania R. R to Canandaigua. New York Central it Hudson River R. R to Niagara Palls. Returning, same route. through RATESt Baltimore, Md $18 00 I Pittsburg, Pa $30 90 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Washington, D. C 20 00 Form Ex. 573. — Ni.\gara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Williamsport. Pennsylvania R. R to Elmira. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $18 00 I Pittsburg, Pa $30 90 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Washington, D. C 20 00 Form Ex. 575. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Williamsport. Pennsylvania R. R to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Canandaigua. Pennsylvania R. R to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. through rates. Baltimore, Md $18 00 1 Pittsburg. Pa $30 90 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Washington, D. C 20 GO 276 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY FoEM Ex. 580. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadelphia & Reading K. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Sheldrake. ('aynga LakeSteamers to Cayuga. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central ife Hudson River R. R. . . . to Cayuga. Cayuga Lake Hteaniers to Ithaca. Lehigh Valley R. R to Bethlehem. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 00 | Washington, D. C $20 00 fPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Form Ex. IID;! or Ex. 1318. — Niaoara Falls, N. Y.. and Return. Baltimore iVr Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliihi(lel]>liia it Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $18 00 I Washington, D. C $20 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Form Ex. 583. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Phihidi'lphia it Reading R. R to Williamsport. Fall i>r(jok Ry to Lyons. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Geneva (via Lyons) Lehiiih Vallev R. R to Bethlehem. PhiladelphiaVt Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH rates. Baltimore. Md $18 00 I Washington, D. C $20 00 fPhiladelphia, Pa 18 00 | Form Ex. 584. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Waverly. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Elmira." Pennsylvania R. R to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Albanv. New York & Albany Day Line Steamers .... to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R. to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $23 25 I Washington, D. C $25 25 tPhiladelphia, Pa 19 25 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 277 Form Ex. 586. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R R to Williainsport. Pennsjdvania R. R to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . . . to Niagara Falls. New York Central tt Hudson River R. R. ... to Albany. New York it Albany I'ay Line to New York. Central R. R. of New .iersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R.' R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $23 25 I Washington, D. C $25 25 tPhiladelphia, Pa 19 25 | Form Ex. 587. — Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to I'liiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Geneva. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Watkins. Pennsylvania R. R to Elmira. New Yruns\vick, ^Id G 25 Caiiieron, W. Va 4 80 Cliark'stown, ^V. Va. . . . G 55 Ciieat Haven, Pa. ( via ISIor- gantown) 4 40 Cherry Run, W. Va. ... 4 75 Chester, Pa 12 75 Clarksburg, W. Va 2 80 Connells V i 1 le. Pa. (via Cumberland) 5 85 Con n el 1 s vi 11 e, Pa. (via Uniontown) 5 Go Cumberland. Md 2 15 Deer Park, Md 25 Fairchance, Pa. (via Mor- gantown) 4 85 Fairmont, AV. Va 2 80 Frederick, Md 7 10 Grafton, W. Va 1 05 Hagerstown, Mil 7 In Harper's Ferry, \V. Va. . . G 05 Harrisonburg, Va 11 05 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . Hyndman, Pa, Jdhnstown, Pa Keyscr. W. Va Lexington, Va McKeesport, Pa. (via Cum- berland) McKeesport, Pa. (via Union- town) ^Nfannington, W.Va. . . . ]\Iai'tinsliurg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa In addition to the season tickets for which rates are tpioted above, special signature contract tickets. Form Ex. 801, will be sold from the following stations to Oakland. Md., and return, good going on train No. 3, leaving Philadeliihia and Baltimore Fridays P. M., and on all trains on Saturday and Sunday of each week, good to return on any train leaving Oakland on the following Monday. EXCURSION RATES. Baltimore, Ud $5 00 I Washington, D. C $5 00 Philadelphia, Pa 8 00 | 10 70 ') 70 n 00 1 20 14 15 7 GO 7 35 3 50 5 30 3 G5 Morgantown, W. Va. . . . Mdundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa. (via ('uni- lierlandi Mt. Picas a nt , Pa. (via I'niontown) Newark, Del New York, N. Y 17 25 Parkerslnirg, W. Va. ... (i 05 Piiiladcl]>hia, Pa 13 25 Piedmont, W. Va 1 00 I'ittsburg, Pa. (viaCuml)cr- land) I'ittsburg, Pa. (via Union- town) Rockwood, Pa 4 10 Romnev, W. Va 3 35 Scott Haven. Pa 7 05 Slicnandoah .]unc.,AV.\'a. . 5 75 Smitlitield, Pa. (via Mor- gantown) 4 70 Somerset, I'a 4 50 Staunton, Va 12 35 Strasburg, Va s 70 Uniontown, Pa. (via Mor- gantown) 5 10 Uniontown, Pa. (via Cum- lierland) G 30 Washington, D. C 8 25 Washington, Pa. (via Wheel- ing, W.Va.) 7 20 West Newton, Pa G ,S5 West Salisburv, Pa 4 05 Wliceling, W' Va 5 'JO Wilmington, Del 12 25 Winchester, Va 7 65 284: BALTIMORE dt OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY OCEAN GROVE, N. J. The origin of Ocean Grove was in this wise : A few years ago some of the ministers and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York conceived the idea of establishing by the seaside a camping-ground and summer resort for Christian families. They secured a plot of ground six miles south of Long Branch, dedicated it to religions purposes, and commenced its improvement, under the title of " The Ocean Grove Camp-Meeting Association." The association was author- ized to make its own laws, and these have been framed so as to secure, for all time, the purposes in view when the work began. No intoxicating liquors are allowed on the grounds. Boating, bathing and driving are prohibited on Sunday, and all behavior unbecoming such a place is quickly suppressed. These regulations, suiting the religious ideas of a large number of people, have made the place ex- tremely popular with certain classes, who now visit it to the number of more than 500,000 every year. The foreigner, who wishes to see one of the most curious developments of American civilization, should not fail to visit Ocean Grove. Form Ex. 1177.— Ocean Grove, N. J., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio K. R to Pliiliidelphia. Piiiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Broolc. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Ocean Grove. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $8 00 I Washington, D. C $10 00 tPhiladelphia, I'a 4 00 | In addition to the above excursion tickets, t'orni P^x. 1177, Ocean Grove, N. J., may be sold from tlie following stations at rates as quoted below. Tickets should be limited with an "L" punch to sixteen (16) days, including day of issue. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $7 50 Chester, Pa 4 00 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 5 85 Newark, Del 5 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa $3 50 Wasliimitun, D. C 9 50 AVilmington, Del. . , , , , 4 50 >^ 286 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY OHIO PYLE, PA. There are few pliiees in the mountains combining so many attractions as this. The hotel grounds are only a few steps from the depot, and upon a gently rising elevation which forces the Youghiogheny to change its course abruptly to the south. The houses are erected upon the highest knoll, which had been cleared for them for some distance around, and converted into a lawn flanked on two sides by a forest and on another by the river, while the remaining side is walled in by the mountain ridge. One may imagine from this slight sketch what such a location must be, but when the falls, the steady roar of which is always distinct, is added to it, there could be no cause for surprise that the reader should wish himself there. Were the wish gratified he would have the pleasure of seeing the Youghiogheny rushing and tumbling tempestuously over the ledge of rocks to the granite masses below, a distance of nearly a hundred feet. It is no puny, trickling stream, but the tremendous cataract, five hundred feet across, that dashes against the projecting rocks in its descent and flies off in fantastic shapes of spray. The whole body of the Youghiogheny here pitches over the precipice, and to say that it seems to boil with rage, or ROUTES AND BATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 28^ that it writhes and fumes to a white heat, is to express but feebly the whirling caldron below. On one side the moun- tains exhibit a sheer height of hundreds of feet, and on the other is a romantic old mill, age- worn and moss-covered, and of that fashion of construction which artists' eyes love to behold. Form Ex. 34. — Ohio Pyle, Pa., and Rerurn. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Ohio Pyle. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $10 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 5 Brunswick. Md 7 Cameron, W. Va. (via JNIor- gantown) ") Charlestown, W. Va. ... 7 Cheat Haven, Pa 1 Cherry Run, W. Va. ... 5 Chester, Pa 14 Clarksburg, W. Va. (via Morgantown) 5 Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md 3 Deer Park, Md 4 Faii'chance, Pa 1 Fairmont, W. Va. (via Mor- gantown) 3 Frederick, Md 7 Grafton, \V. Va. (via jSIor- gantown) 4 Hagerstown, Md 7 Harper's Ferry, W. A^a. . . Harrisonburg', Va 11 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 12 Hyndman, Pa 2 Johnstown, Pa 2 Keyser, W. Va 3 Lexington, Va 15 McKeesport, Pa 2 Mannington, W. Va. (via Morgantown) 4 Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa Morgantown, \V. Va. (via Uniontown) Moundsville. W. \a. (via Morgantown) Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. (via Morgantown) Philadelpliia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittslnirg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Romnev, W. Va Scott tfaven, Pa Shenandoah Junc.,W.Va. . Smithfield, Pa Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C West Newton, Pa West Salisbury, Pa Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $G 15 1 55 2 35 6 05 5 05 1 15 13 00 18 70 5 15 S 40 14 70 4 10 3 00 1 05 4 20 1 90 55 1 50 1 45 13 20 y 55 1 10 9 10 1 65 1 85 13 70 8 50 Form Ex. 35. — Ohio Pyle, Pa., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Ohio Pyle. Rettirning, same route. THROUGH RATES Bellaire, O $0 00 Cameron. W. Va 50 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 5 85 Washington, Pa $4 10 Wheeling, W. Va 5 40 288 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY OLD ORCHARD, ME., Possesses one of the finest beaches in New Enghmd. It is smooth, firm, gently-shelving, and ten miles long — admir- ably adapted for either driving or bathing. Among the attractions of the place may be mentioned the Methodist National Camp-Ground. Old Orchard, Me., and Ketuen. Form Ex. 525 — Exten.sion from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Old Orchard. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From t Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Washington, I). V. Rail Lines $18 00 22 00 24 00 Sound Lines $16 GO 20 00 22 00 Going Rail Returning' Sound $17 00 21 00 23 00 OLD POINT COMFORT, VA. Old Point Comfort, Va. — Form Ex. 855. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Knox Transfer Co B. & O. R. R. Depot to N. & W., D. C, Steamboat Co.'s Wharf. Norfolk & Washington, D. C, Steam- boat Company to Old Point Comfort. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $6 00 Bellaire, 25 00 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 11 40 Cameroii, W. Va 24 50 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 9 00 Chester, Pa 9 85 Clarksburg, W. Va 21 50 Connellsville, Pa 19 70 Cumberland, Md 14 10 Deer Park, Md 17 00 Fairmont, W. Va 21 50 Frederick, Md 8 40 Grafton, W. Va 20 20 Hagerstown, Md 9 60 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 8 30 Harrisonburg, Va 13 80 Havre de (Jrace, Md. ... 7 05 Johnstown, Pa 19 80 Keyser, W. Va 15 50 McKeesport, Pa 21 00 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 9 50 Meyersdale, Pa 16 30 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa LTniontown, Pa Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $22 45 23 30 25 00 17 20 20 40 8 35 15 60 17 30 25 00 10 60 15 80 21 00 17 00 17 60 20 30 23 00 25 00 9 10 10 40 290 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Old Point Comfort, Va. — Form Ex. 564. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Baltimore Steam Packet Cu to Old Point Comfort. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES FOR FORM EX. 564. Bellaire, O $25 00 Berkeley Springs, W. Ya. . 12 90 Cameron, W. Va 25 00 Charlestown, W. Va. . . . 10 60 Chester, Pa 9 85 Clarksburg, W. Va 23 10 Connellsville, Pa 21 00 Cumberland, Md 15 70 Deer Park, Md 18 60 Fairmont, W. Va 23 10 Frederick, ISId 8 50 Grafton, W. Va 21 80 Hagerstown, Md 10 00 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 9 90 Harrisonburg, Va 16 20 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 7 05 Johnstown, Pa 20 30 Keyser, W. Va 17 10 McKeesport, Pa 21 00 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 11 00 Meyersdale, Pa 17 90 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del. ........ New York, N. Y. .■-• . . . Oakland, Md. ...'.... Pafkersliurg, W. Va. . . . Phihidclphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Strasliurtj;, Va Uniontown, Pa Waslungton, Pa Wheeling, W. Va. Wihnington, Del Winchester, Va 123 15 24 90 25 00 18 80 21 00 8 35 15 60 18 90 25 00 10 60 17 40 21 00 18 60 lit 20 13 00 21 00 23 00 25 00 !» 10 12 00 Old Point Comfort, Va. — Form Ex. 855. Limited to eleven (11) days, including date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Wasliington. Knox Transfer Co B. & 0. R. R. Depot to N D. C, Steamboat Co.'s Norfolk & Wasliington, D. C, Steam- boat Company to Old Point Comfort. lleturning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Chester, Pa $ 8 .50 Newark, Del 7 40 New Y'ork, N. Y 13 00 Old Point Comfort, Va. — Form Ex. 564. Limited to eleven (11) days, including date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Baltimore Steam Packet Co to Old I'oint Comfort Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Chester, Pa $ 8 50 & W., Wharf. Philadelphia, Pa $9 00 Wilmington, Del 8 00 Newark, Del 7 40 New York, N. Y 13 00 Philadelphia, Pa $9 00 Wilmington, Del 8 00 Old Point Comfort, Va. — Form Ex. 1173. Limited to eleven (11) days, including date of sale. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R."R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Baltimore Steam Packet Co to Old Point Comfort. Old Dominion Steamship Co to New York. Rate from New York $14 00 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 291 Old Point Comfort, Va. — Form Ex. 1174. Limited to eleven (11) days, including date of sale. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadeljihia & Reading R.^R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Norfolk & Washington, D. C, Steamhoat Co. . . to Old Point Comfort. Old Dominion Steamship Co to New York. Rate from New York $11 00 ONTARIO BEACH, N. Y. This attractive summer resort is situated at Charlotte, on the shore of Lake Ontario, seven miles from the city of Rochester. The surrounding country is as fertile as a gar- den, and a ride or walk in the vicinity presents scenes of beauty and varied color that none can fail to admire and enjoy. The village itself, with its well-shaded streets, tasteful houses and public spirited citizens, makes an ideal sum- mer home. Directly upon the shore of the lake, about a half mile distant from the village, is the commodious and elegant Hotel Ontario, which was erected in 1884 at great expense. It is handsomely furnished and fitted throughout, and con- tains all the latest appliances for the comfort and pleasure of patrons. A large dancing pavilion, near the hotel, for the use of excursion parties, is connected with bowling alleys billiard rooms, and the like, and though separate from the hotel itself, these means of recreation are close at hand The beach, at the point where the hotel is located, is excep- tionally fine for bathing, and the facilities for boating and fishing are unsurpassed. Form Ex. 527.— 0>'t.\rio Be.\ch, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading 11. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Ontario Beach. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $23 75 I Washington, D. C $25 75 t Philadelphia, I'a 19 75 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 293 THE ORKNEY SPRINGS. (as desc'hibed by coi-. pat. donan.) I know a spot, whose matchless beauties seem The incarnation of a painter's dream ; So fair that, if but seen, it raiglit entice The seraphim from ovit tlieir paradise ; Where song-birds till with melodj- the air, And flowers and fragrance tiourish everywhere; Whi re health and pleasure animate the lireeze, And shady groves invite to languorous case. It is the Springs, The Orkney Springs, The incomparable Orkney Springs, Whereof the poetical Donan sings. The Only Original Donan sings. Sings aTid u|)on his rhetorical witigs, All sorts of fancies and wonderful things. As ti-H)Ute and recognition, brings To the Sjirings. The lilj-, violet and the rose To weary brains brings sweet rei)ose ; The waving- willow, odorous pine, The poi)lar and the trailing vine In dulcet lullabies combine ; The fi-uits hang luscious from tlie IioukIi, The berries deck tlie mountain's brow ; And there from fairy fountains rills A stream which cures all human ills. It is the Springs, The Orkney Springs, The unsurpassable Orkney Si)ring-s, Whereof the congenial Donan sings, The jovial misanthrope Donan sings. Sings to a harj) of a thousand strings, Till each faraway silvery asteroid rings, As harmony into the heavens he flings, Of the Springs. Nor snow nor frost are known witliiti this land ; The summer days are ever mild and blan ALONG THE CANAI.. in glorious peace and brotherhood ! Orkney Springs is in Shenandoah county, Virginia, twelve miles from Mount Jackson, on the Shenandoah Valley branch of the Balti- more & Ohio Railroad. Mount Jackson is one hundred and thirty-three miles from Washington. Orkney is 2,300 feet above the sea level, giving all the advantages of a pure and rarified atmosphere. Every breath of the delicious air is an exhilirating draught of ozonic nectar to the enfeebled lungs. The climate is a 296 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY realized dream of a summer paradise. The temperature, during the hottest months of the year, ranges from 65° to 85°, never going more tlian a degree or two above or below these limits. There are no mosquitoes and few flies. The forests abound with game, and the clear mountain streams are alive with speckled trout. But, with all its manifold and unsurpassed attractions of location, scene, climate, and surroundings, the pre-emi- nence of Orkney among Eastern health and pleasure resorts is due to the number, variety, and marvelous remedial potency of its healing fountains. In no other one God- favored spot east of the Mississippi river are there so many springs, all different from each other and all powerful in relieving innumerable "ills that human flesh is heir to." Eumors of the miracle-working waters of Orkney Springs might well have been the inspiration of De Soto's romantic search for the fabled fountains of perpetual youth and vigor. Arsenic Spring water should be taken under the direction of a physician. It is of marvelous efficacy in all tubercu- lous and scrofulous ailments, in beautifying the complexion, and promoting the luxuriant groAvtli of the hair. Its persevering use will clear and brighten the sallowest and muddiest com]3lexiou, and will restore the hair in many forms of premature baldness. Iron Sulphur Spring w^ater is a powerful alterative and tonic, stimulating debilitated secretory organs to healthful action, and improving a languid appetite and digestion. Chalybeate Spring water is so powerfully impregnated with iron that, according to a jocular estimate, a good steady drinker can easily absorb a keg of horseshoe nails from it during a single season. It enriches the blood, and is a specific in many cases of nervous debility and defective circulation. There is scarcely a human ailment that may not find alleviation, if not cure, in the waters of some of these Jehovaii-brewed fountains of healing and help. The grounds of Orkney Springs include a thousand acres of mountain and valley and deep tangled wildwood. Tliere are beautiful drives__in every direction, and winding ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 297 walks embowered in shade and forest flowers; fountains play upon the lawns, and the sweet songsters of the groves flood all the air with their melodious carols. The view from the summit of North Mountain, three thousand feet high, is one of the most picturesque in all the Alleghany realms. The accommodations are ample for a thousand guests. The Virginia House is a superb four-story hotel, with all modern improvements, and near it are the Pennsylvania House and Maryland House, both elegantly appointed hotels, with every convenience and comfort that luxurious taste can suggest or money procure. In addition to these houses, there are many pretty and cozy cottages scattered among the great oaks and elms. All the Isotels have been put in perfect condition and newly furnished. The new owner intends to manage it himself and to make it his home, and he has spared no expense to make it as attractive as any place of fashionable resort. North or South. There are seven of these wondrous Bethesda Pools that need no angel's wing to stir their curative virtues into action. Bear Wallow Spring contains a whole pharma- copeia in solution, and one who drinks freely of its water soon imbibes the combined remedial influences of a fair- sized corner drugstore, mingled by the all-wise skill of the Great Physician of the body and the soul. Among its ingredients are calcium, magnesia, soda, salt, suljihur, phosphorus, iron, lithia, potassium, barium, iodine, chlorine, strontium, manganese, alumnium and arsenic. Its waters relieve or cure nearly every form of dyspepsia, liver com- plaints, many varieties of kidney diseases, nervous ailments, uterine and renal troubles, malarial poisoning, and numer- ous rheumatic and gouty affections. Thousands of invalids from every part of the country have found speedy and complete restoration to health in the crystalline depths of this Deity-compounded reservoir of healing. Powder Spring is somewhat similar in composition to Bear Wallow, Avith the addition of a number of carbonates, and its waters are beneficial in the same classes of ailments. Sulphur Spring water is a remedy for various diseases of >:> ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 299 the stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys, and for many cutaneons disorders. Healing Spring is strongly chalybeate, and is efficacions in numerons digestive, nrinary and uterine derangements. A splendid orchestra will furnish music on the laAvus and verandas every morning and afternoon, and in the grand ball-room every evening, except Sunday. Tickets for Orkney Springs are on sale at all Eastern railway offices. It is a five-hours' run from Washington to Mount Jackson, and the tAvo-hours' drive from there to the Springs is one of the loveliest imaginable. The coaches, with their magnificent four-in-hand teams, are as fine as any to be seen in the Central Park coaching parade, the scenery is picturesque and beautiful, the roads smooth and charmingly winding, and the air redolent with the perfnme of wild flowers and the balsamic fragrance of the pine woods. The Orkney Sju-ings stables are equipped with the finest turnouts to be found at any Southern place of resort — superb tally-ho coaches, carriages, coupes, drags and phae- tons, and well-trained and gaited saddle-horses. New stables and carriage-houses have been built this season for the special accommodation of private teams. The swimming baths are unequaled in the South. A resident physician of national reputation will look after the health of guests. Religious services will be conducted every Sunday by eminent clergymen of different denomina- tions. Postoffice, express, telegraph and telephone offices in the hotel. What more could the most fastidious and exacting seeker for health or pleasure ask or desire? Magnificent scenery, unsurpassable climate, superb accommodations, luxurious living, splendid music, as fine society as the country or the world affords, and rates as low as those of the commonest country taverns. These are the inducements held out by the Queen of Virginia Summer Resorts — Orkney Springs. P. DONAN. 300 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 228. — Orkney Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Mt. Jackson. Stage (12 miles) to Oikney Spring Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md Bellaire, . Berkeley Springs, ^^'. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . . Cheat Haven, Pa. (via (un nellsville) Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, Md Deer Park. Md Fairchance, Pa. (via Union town) Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Hagerstown, Md Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Harrisonburg, Va Havre de Grace, Md. . . . .Tohnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va Lexington, Va McKeesport, Pa Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa $10 l,s s 17 r. W. Va. (via $15 95 Va. (via jNIorgantown, Uniontown) Morgantown, W Fairmont) Mdundsville, W. Va. . ^Mountain Lake Park, ]\1 :Mt. Pleasant, Pa. . . . Newark, Del New York, N. Y. . . . Oakland, Md Parkerslmrg, VV. Va. . Pliila(lel]iliia, Pa 14 Piedmont, W. Va 11 Pittsburg, Pa 16 Rockwood, Pa 12 Smithfield, Pa. (via Union- town) 15 Somerset, Pa 12 Staunton, Va 5 Strasburg, Va 4 Uniontown, Pa 14 Washington, D. C 8 Washiuiiton, Pa 17 Wheeling, W. Va 18 Wilmington, Del 13 Winchester, Va 5 OTTAWA, CANADA. The erection of the vast and imposing buildings of the Canadian Parliament transformed this busy little lumbering town into a Mecca for a large and constantly augmented army of sight-seekers. Aside from the splendid piles of masonry, the picturesque falls of the Chaudiere Eiver are worth seeing. Form Ex. 749. — Ottawa, Ont., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Malone Junction. Central Vermont R. R to Coteau Junction. Canada Atlantic R. R to Ottawa. Returnint', same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md. . . tl'hiladelphia, Pa. $28 10 24 10 AVashington, D. C $30 10 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 301 Form Ex. 528. — Ottawa, Ont., and Eeturx. I'.alriinore it Oliio R. K to riiiladclpliia. riiiladc'lnhia it Reading R. R to I'ouiid Brook. ('entral u. R. of New .lersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River ]!. R. . . . to Utica. Rome, ^V"atertown it Ogdensburg R. R to ^forristown. Ferry to Rrockville. Canadian raeilic Ry to Ottawa. Returning, same route. TIIROrOII KATKS. Baltimore, >rd .?2.S 10 I Wasliington, D. C $30 10 tl'liiladeli.liia, I'a 24 10 | Form Ex. 529. — Ottawa, Oxt., and Return. r.altiniore it Ohio R. R to riiiladeljiliia. I'luladelpliia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Canada Atlantic R. R to Ottawa. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $2.S 10 I Washington, D. C $?,0 10 fl'hiiadelphia. Pa 24 10 | Form Ex. 530. — Ottawa, Ont., axd Return. P.altiiuore it Oiiio Pt. R to Philadelphia. Piiiladcliihia it Reading R. R to P.ound 15rook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. W'est^hore R. R ' to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Canada Atlantic R. R to Ottawa. Returning, same route. Transfer through New \''ork, in both directions, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md $2S 10 I Washington, D. C .$30 10 tPiiiladelphia, Pa 24 10 | Form Ex. 1052. — Ottawa, Oxt., axd PiEturn. Grand Trunk Ry Montreal to Coteau .lunctidu. Canada Atlantic Ry to Ottawa. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or terminating at Monti'eal. Rate .'?5 00 Form Ex. 1(,52 must not be sold in connection with forms to or from Montreal reading via (.'anadian Pacitic Ry. Form Ex. 1053. — Ottawa, Canada, and Retur.v. Canadian Pacific R. R ^lontreal to Ottawa. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or terminating at Montreal. Rate .$5 00 Form Ex. 1053 must not be sold in connection with forms to or from Montreal reading via Grand Trunk Ry. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 303 PATCHOGUE, (LONG ISLAND), N. Y. Form Ex. 1051. — Patciiog'je, X. Y., and Return. (Via New York and Long Island City in botli directions.) Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey. to New York. Metropolitan Ferry Co., James' Slip, or 34th St. Ferry to Long Island City. Long Island R. R to Patcnogue. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $11 00 I Washington, D. C $13 00 fPhiladelphia, Pa 7 00 | PEN-MAR, MD. Form Ex. 850. — Pen-Mar, Md., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer B. & O. R. R. Depot .... to West. Md. R. R. Fulton Station. Western Maryland R. R to Pen-Mar. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. fBaltiraore, Md $3 60 Chester, Pa 7 10 New York, N. Y 11 60 Philadelphia, Pa $7 60 Washington, D. C 5 60 Wilmington, Del 6 60 Form Ex. 680 — Pen-Mar, Md., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer B. & O. R. R. Depot to West. Md. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Pen-Mar. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Bellaire, O $14 05 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 3 70 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 2 85 Morgantown, W. Va. (via ITniontown) $11 05 Moundsville, W. Va. . . . 13 25 Clarksburg, W. Va 10 60 Mountain Lake Park, Md . 7 70 Connellsville, Pa 9 35 | Mt. Pleasant, Pa 9 85 Cumberland, IMd 5 65 j Oakland, Md 7 80 Deer Park, Md 7 55 i Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 13 70 Fairmont, W. Va 10 60 I Piedmont, W. Va 6 75 Grafton, W. Va 9 70 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 2 35 Harrisonburg, Va 7 35 Johnstown, Pa 9 40 Keyser, W. Va 6 55 Lexington, Va 10 45 Meyersdale, Pa 7 15 Morgantow-n, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 11 60 Pittsburg, Pa 11 65 Rockwood. Pa 7 60 Somerset, Pa 8 00 Staunton, Va 8 65 Uniontown, Pa 9 80 Washington, D. C 4 40 Washington, Pa( via Pittsb'g) 12 75 Wheeling, W. Va 13 70 Winchester, Va 3 95 304 BALTIMORE iSc OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY POINT PLEASANT, N.J. FoKM Ex. 1177. — Point Pleasant, N. J., Axn Pieturn. Biiltiinorcit Ohio R. n to Philadeli.liin. Pliihideli)liia tt Ucadinp; U. 11 to Hound Pnook. Central 11. 11. of iS'ew Jersey to Point Pleasant. Returning, same route. TIIROrCill KATES. Baltimore, Md ?,S 00 | Waslnn£;-ton, D. C $10 oO tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 OO | In addition to the above, excursion tickets Form Ex. 1177, Point Pleasant, N. J., may be sold from the following stations at rates as quoted below. Tickets should be limited with an "P" jumcli to IG days, including day of issue. THROrtill KATES. Baltimore, Md $7 50 Chester, Pa 4 00 Havre de Grace, Md 5 So Newark, Del 5 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa $3 TO Washington, D. C 9 50 Wilmington, Del 4 50 PLYMOUTH, MASS. Form Ex. 911. — Peyjidi tii, ^P\ss., and Return. Baltimore .t Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Plniadeliihia ct Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steandioat Co. (P^all Ri\er Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Plymouth. Baltimore, Md. . t Philadelphia, Pa. Returning, same route. TIIROUCHI RATES. $15 00 I Washington, D. C. 11 0(1 . . $17 00 PLYMOUTH, N. H. Plymouth, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1055 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston A Maine R. R to Na.shua. Concord & Montreal R. R to Plymouth. Returning, same I'dute to lioston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding I'ornis.) THROUGH KATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . Washington, D, C. Rail Lines $10 10 23 10 25 10 Sound Lines $l(i 40 21 » 40 22 4(1 Going Kail Returning Sonnd or vice versa. $18 fiO 22 no 24 60 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 305 POLAND SPRINGS, ME. l'oLA^'I) yrRi>'tis, Me., and 1!eti'rn. Form Ex. 824 — E.xtcnsion from Eoston. Route Ijcyond Boston. Boston it Maine R. K to Portland. Maine Central R. R. . . . to Danville June, or Poland Springs Station. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THKOUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From fPhiladelphia, Pa. . . iialtimore, Md Washington, D. C. . . Rail Lines Sound Lines Unlllg Kail Returning Sound or vice versa. $19 50 .$17 50 $18 50 23 50 21 50 22 50 25 50 23 50 24 50 Agents will please advise passengers that above form does not read to I'oland Springs proper, but only to Danville June, or Poland Springs Station. PORT KENT, N. Y., Lies on the western shore of Lake Champlain, nearly oppo- site Bnrlington, Vt., from which it is ten miles distant. It is the starting point for Au Sable Chasm, The new Keesville, An Sable Chasm & Lake Champlain llailroatl runs direct from Port Kent to the entrance to the chasm. Form Ex. 1058.— Port Kekt, N. Y., and Return. (Via rail in both directions.) Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R. (via Saratoga) .... to Port Kent. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. through rates. Baltimore, Md $22 00 I Washington, D. C $24 0<) fPhiladelphia, Pa IS 00 \ ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 307 Form Ex. 1059. — Port Kent, N. Y., and Return. (Via rail in both direction.s.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R. (via Saratoga) .... to Port Kent. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 00 I Washington, D. C $24 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 18 00 | Form Ex. 1060. — Port Kent, N. Y., and Return. (Via Hudson River Steamers in both directions.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelpliia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .lerscy to New York. Day Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware ifc Hudson R. R. (via Saratoga) . . . . to Port Kent. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $20 35 I Washington, D. C $22 35 tPhiladeli)hia, Pa 16 35 | PROFILE HOUSE, N. H. The Profile House is the central point of the Franconia Mountains, a range scarcely less grand than the White Mountains, and separated from them by the Twin Mountain and Field Willing ranges. The view from Mt. Lafayette shows Katahdin (in Maine) and the AVhite Mountains to the northeast, the lovely Pemigewasset Valley to the south, and the Green Mountains of Vermont to the Avest. In ad- dition to innumerable beauties in the shape of tripping cascades and placid lakes, the Franconia region posseses two great natural curiosities, either one of which would make any other region famous. Profile Mountain forms the south side of Franconia Notch, and rises two thousand feet above the Pemigewasset River at its base. Eight hun- dred feet below its summit is to be seen the Profile, or Old Man of the Mountain, formed by the grouping of three distinct masses of rock. The flume is a rocky chasm seven hundred feet long and sixty feet high, with an average breadth of twenty feet. 308 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Pkofile House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 526— Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Naslnia. Concord ct Montreal R. R to Bethlehem June. Profile & Franconia Notch R. R to Profile House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From R ail Lines Sound Lines Coing Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. tPhiladelphia. Baltimore, ^Iil. Washingttjn, 1) Pa. . . . C.' '. '. • • $26 00 30 00 32 00 $22 26 28 SO 80 80 $25 00 29 00 31 00 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Profile House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1061. — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston it Maine R. R to Intervale Junction. Maine Central R. R to Zealand Junction. Profile it Franconia Notch R. R to Profile House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH rates. Route to and from Boston. From tlMiiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, ^Nld Washington, 1). C. . . Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Profile House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1062. — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & jSIaine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Zealand Junction. Profile it Franconia Notch R. R to Profile House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) Rail Lines $26 00 30 00 32 00 Sound Lines $22 80 26 80 28 80 Goinj; R.iil Returning Sound or vice versa. $25 00 29 00 31 00 through rates. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. $26 00 30 00 32 00 $22 26 28 80 80 80 $25 00 29 00 31 00 Tnuisfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included, noUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 309 FoKM Ex. G31. — I'liOFiLE House, N. H., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R.R to Plnlahia. Philadeli)hia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York\ New Haven (t Hartford R. 1!. . . .to Lowell. Boston it Maine R. R to Nashua. Concord it Montreal R. R to I>ethleliem June. Profile it Franeonia Notch R. R to Profile House. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ISrd $26 80 I Washington, D. C $28 80 fPhihidelpliia, Pa 22 SO | Form Ex. Ooo. — Profile House, N. H., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R.R to Philadelphia. Philadeljihia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steam])oat Co. (Fall Pdver Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. Pv. . . . to Lowell. Itoston >t Maine 11. R to Nashua. Concord it Montreal R. R, to North Woodstock. l'emigewas;>et Valley Stage Line to I'rolile Plouse. Returning, same route. through rates. P.altimore, :\rd .'?25 60 I Washington, D. C $27 60 fPhiladelphia. Pa. .... 21 60 | Form Ex. 600. — Profile House, N. H., and Return. Profile it Franeonia Notch R. R. . Betlilehem June, to Profile House. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket pa,ssing through Bethlehem Junction. Rate $3 00 Form Ex. 1064.--Profile House, N. H., and Rf:turn. Profile it Franeonia Note li R. R. . . . Zealand June, to Profile House. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket j-iassing through Zealand Junction. Rate , ,.,.,.,. $3 00 310 BAL T I MO RE <& OHIO RA ILR OA D CO MP A N Y PROVIDENCE, R. I. Form Ex. 1273.— Providence, R. I., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Omnibus Transfer, one paFsenger and ordinary baggage to M. & M. T. Go's Long Dock. Merchants' & Miners' Transportation Co. ... to Providence. Returning, same route. Rate from fBaltimore (including transfers) $23 UO QUEBEC, P. Q. One of the quaintest and most interesting cities on the continent of America. It is situated at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and St. Charles Eivers, and is divided into tAvo portions, called the Upper Town and Lower Town, the former being perched on the sumniitt of Cape Diamond, three hundred and thirty-three feet above the river, and com- prises the vast fortifications of the Citadel, hotels, private dwellings, and churches. The Lower Town is the commer- cial section of the city. Form Ex. 535. — Quehec, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R.R to Philadelphia. Philadel})hia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Quebec. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $30 50 I Washington, D. C |32 50 t Philadelphia, Pa 26 50 1 Form Ex. 536.— Queisec, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersev to New York. West Shore R. R " to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Rouse s Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Quebec. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. through KATES. Baltimore, Md $30 50 I Washington, D. C $32 50 jPhiladelphia, Pa 20 50 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 311 Form Ex. 537. — Quebec, P. Q., and Return. Baltimore A Ohio R. R to Pliiladelpliia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York & Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R R to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Quebec. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $26 5(t I Washington, D. C $28 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 24 5U | Form P^x. 1015. — Quebec, P. Q., and Return. Grand Trunk Railway or Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co Montreal to Quebec. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or terminating at Montreal. Rate $5 00 Form Ex. 1015 must not be sold in connection with forms to or from Montreal reading via Canadian Pacific Railway. Form Ex. 1098. — Quebec, P. Q., and Return. Canadian Pacific Railway Montreal to (iuebec. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or terminating at Montreal. Rate $5 00 Form Ex. 1008 must not be sold in connection with forms to or from Montreal reading via Grand Trunk Raiiwaj'. Quebec, P. Q., and Return. Form Ex. 109— To (Quebec. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeljihia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. to Montreal. Grand Trunk Ry. or Rich. & Ont. Nav. Co. to Quebec. Form E.x. 110 — From Quebec. Grand Trunk Ry to Sherbrooke. Boston it Maine R. R to White River June. Central Vermont R. R to Windsor. Boston & Maine R. R to Brattleboro. Central Vermont R. R to South Vernon. Boston &, Maine R. R to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Harifoid R. R. to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Or— Form Ex. 189 — From Quebec. Quebec Central Ry to Sherbrooke. Thence via same route as Form Ex. IIG above. through rates. Baltimore, Md $32 00 I Washington, D. C $34 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 28 00 I \y ROVTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 313 Quebec, 1*. C^., and Return. Form Ex. 109— To Quebec. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. it to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .lersey to New York. New York Central it Hudson River R. R. to Montreal, (irand Trunk Ry. or Rich. & Ont. Nav. Co. to Quebec. Form Ex. 117 — Quebec to Boston. Quebec Central R. R to Pudswell .Tunc. Maine Central R. R to Intervale .lunc. Boston & Maine R. 1! to Boston. Or— Form Ex. 127 — Quebec to Boston. Grand Trunk Ry to Sherbrooke. Boston & Maine H. R to St. .lohnsbury. St. .Tohnsburv it Lake Clunuplain R. R. . to Lunenbei-g. Maine Central R. W to Fabyans. Concord it Montreal R. R to Nashua. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Thence Rail or Sound Boston to starting point. (See l.Dstou feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltinnue, Md $3,5 00 SSH 00 tl'lnladelphia, Pa 31 00 32 00 Washington, 1). (.' 37 00 38 00 Quebec, P. (I., axi> Return. Form Ex. 131— To Quebec. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia tt Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jer.sey to New York. New York it Alliany Day Line to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Grand Trunk Ry. or Rich, tt (Jut. Nav. Co. to Quebec. Form Ex. 116 — From Quebec. Grand Trunk Ry to Sherbrooke. Boston it Maine R. R to White River June. Central Vermont R. 1! to Windsor. Boston it Maine R. 1! to Brattleiioro. Central Vermont 1!. R to South Vernon. Boston it Maine R. U to SpringHeld. New York, New Haven it llartlonl It. li. to New York. Central R. R. of New .lersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ct Reading ll' R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R.' to starting point. Or— Form Ex. 189 — From Quebec. Quebec Central Ry to Sherbrooke. Thence via same route as Form Ex. llij above. THROtTGH rates. Baltimore, Md $31 00 I Washington, D. C $31 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 27 00 | 314 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Quebec, P. Q., and Return. Form Ex. 131— To Quebec. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia A Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York & Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Grand Trunk Ry. or Rich. A Out. Nav. Co. to Quebec. Form Ex. 117— Quebec to Boston. Quebec Central R. R to Dudswell June. Maine Central R. R to Intervale June. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Or— Form Ex. 127— Quelicc to Boston. Grand Trunk Ry to Sherbrooke. Boston & Maine R. R to St. Johnsbury. St. Johnsbury A Lake Ciiaiiiplain R. R.. . to Lunenberg. Maine Central R. R to Fabyans. Concord & Montreal R. R to Nasliua. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Thence Rail or Sound Boston to starting point. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUOH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $34 00 $35 00 tl'hiladelpiiia. Pa 30 tK3 31 00 Washington, D. C 36 00 37 00 Quebec, P. (}., and Return. Form Ex. 132— To Quebec. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. K to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven A Hartford R. R. to Sjjringtield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to White River June. Boston & Maine R. R to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk Ry to Quebec. Form Ex. 116 — From Quebec. — Sanje route as above. through rates. Baltimore, Md $30 50 1 Washington, D. C $32 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 26 50 | Quebec, P. Q., and Return. Form Ex. 175 — To Quebec. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. to Springfield. Boston it Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to White River June. Boston & Maine R. R to Sherbrooke. Quebec Central Ry to Quebec. Form Ex. 189 — From Quebec. — Same route as above. through rates. Baltimore, Md $30 50 I Washington, D. C $32 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 20 50 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 315 Quebec, P. Q., and Return. Form Ex. 132 — To Quebec. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven A Hartford R. R. to Springfield. Boston & Elaine R. R to South Vernon. , Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to White River June. Boston &■ Maine R. R to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk Rv to Quebec. Or— Form Ex. 175 — To Queliec. Same as Form Ex. 132 ab<)ve to Sherbrooke. Thence Quebec Central Ry to Quebec. Form Ex. 117 — Quebec to Boston. Quebec Central R. R to Dudswell June. Maine Central R. R to Intervale June. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Or— Form Ex. 127 — (^ueliec to Boston. (irand Trunk Ry to Sherbrooke. Boston it Elaine R. R to St. Johnsbury. St. Johnsbury & Bake Cliamplaiii II. It. . to Lunenberg. Maine Central R. R to Fabyans. Concord & Montreal R. B to Nashua. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Thence Rail or Sound Boston to starting point. (.See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH R.VTES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md §35 00 .>3() (X) tPhiladelphia, Pa 31 00 32 00 Washington, D. C 37 00 38 UO QuEUEc, P. Q., AND Return. Choice of routes to Niagara Falls — see Niagara Falls feeding forms. Form Ex. 142— Niagara Falls to Quebec. New York Central ct Hudson River R. R. to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation (_'o to Toronto. I to Kingston. Grand Tr'k Rv. or Rich. lV: (»nt. Nav. Co. to Prescott. I to Montreal. [ to Quebec. Form Ex. 116 — From Quebec. Grand Trunk Ry to Sherbrooke. Boston tt Maine R. R to White River June. Central Vermont R. R to Windsor. ISoston ^- Maine R. R to 15rattlel>oro. Central Vermont R. R to South Vernon. Boston ife Maine R. R to Springfield. New York, New Haven tt Hartford R. R. to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ct Reading R.'R to Philadeli)hia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. Or— Form Ex. 189 — From (Quebec. Quebec Central Ry to Slier])rooke. Thence via same route as Form Ex. IIG above. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $41 75 I Washington, D. C $43 75 tPhiladelphia, l*a 37 75 | 316 BALTIMORE & OHW RAILROAD COMPANY Quebec, P. Q., and Ketdrn. Choice of routes to Niagara Falls — see Niagara Falls feeding forms. Form Ex. 142 — Niagara Falls to Quebec. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. rto Kingston. Grand Tr'k Ry. or Rich, .t Ont. Nav. Co. j {« ^real. [ to Quebec. Form Ex. 117— Quebec to Boston. Quebec Central R. R to Dudswell June. Maine Central R. R to Intervale June. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Or— Form Ex. 127 — Quebec to Boston. Grand Trunk Ry to Sherbrooke. Boston & Maine R. R to 8t. Johnsbury. St. Johnsbury & Lake Chaniplain R. R. . to Lunenberg. Maine Central R. R to Fabyans. Concord & Montreal R. R to Nasliua. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Thence Rail or Sound Boston to starting point. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $47 75 $45 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 40 75 41 75 Washington, D. C 46 75 47 75 See additional forms reading via Quel>ec under heading of Fabyan House, N. H. Form Ex. 652. — Quebec to Ha-Ha Bay or Chicoutimi, P. Q., and Return. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co., Quebec to Ha-Ha Bay or Chicoutimi. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing through or terminating at Quebec. Rate $8 00 Meals and berth extra. Form Ex. 235. — Quebec to Chicoutimi, P. Q., and Return. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry Quebec to Roberval. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry to Chicoutimi. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co .to Quebec. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing througii or terminating at Quebec. Rate $10 00 iSIeals and berth extra on Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.'s steamer. Form Ex. 735. — Quebec to Chicoutimi, P. Q., and Return. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry Quebec to Roberval. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry to Chicoutimi. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing through or terminating at Quebec. Rate $9 00 R VTtis A NP r:A Tt:s Pon s vmm^r to vjrs. SI"? Form Ex. 653. — Quebec to, P. Q., and Return. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. . . Quebec to Tadou.sac. Returning, same route. Sold in connection witli any excursion ticket passing through or terminating at Quel^ec. $5 00 Rate Meals and bei-th extra. Form Ex. 848. — Quebec to Murray P>ay, P. Q., and Return. Riclielieu and Ontario Xavigation Co. . . Queljec to ^furray Bay. Returning, same r(jute. Sold in connection with any excursidii ticki't passing througli or ter- minating at Quebec. Rate $4 00 Meals and berth extra. Form Ex. 849. — Quebec to Riviere du Loup, P. Q., and Return. I Richelieu and Ontario Xavigation Co., Quebec to Riviere du Louji, P. Q. } Returning, same route. ' Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing thniugh (tr ter- minating at Queliec. Rate $4 00 Mt'als ami bcilli extra. t,i !.'u£^i.(o.^ r GRAND BATTERY. 318 BALTIMORE: & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY RANDOLPH, VT. Eululolpli is a thrifty little village in the foot-liills of the Green Mountains. Tlie surrounding country is elevated and l)r()ken, presenting many pictures(iue views for which the higher peaks of the (Jreen Mountains furnish a back- ground. FiiRji Ex. 101)5. — Uamium'ii, \'t., .\ni> ThcTri:.\. (Via New Ynrk, S])rini;iu'l(l and ( 'oiiiu'cticut Vallcv in Iml li diredioiis. ) BaltiiiKiiT ct Oliio i;. t; t/i I'liiladcliiliia. riiihuh'lpliin \' Rradinij,- W. K to I'.inmd ISmok. Cciitral It. i;. of New .lcrs(.'v to N<'\v Ynrk. New York, New Haven >V tlartl'ord 1!. i;. . . . to Spi-iniilield. I>nston ct Maine I*. K to Sonlli Vernon. Central Verniont II. i; to r.rattlelioro. Boston it Maine R. K to Windsor. Central Verniont R. R to liandoliiii. Retnrnini;'. same mule. Tiiuoron KATHs. Baltimore, Md .S2L (Ki | Washington, D. C. tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 UU | $23 00 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 319 I RANGELEY LAKES, ME. "Nowhere on eurth," (jnotes ti recent writer, "is pre- sented sucli ti rcnuirkaljle chain of deep water hikes as ex- ists in this far nortliern corner of our country. Connected by streams wliich allow transportation from one to the other, six large liaugeleys, witli their numerous ponds, join Umhagog" and I'arniachene through the wonderful IVIagal- loway. all but unknown to a majority of even the citizens of Maine. "Scattered all through this entire section are hunt- ing and fishing grounds unsuri)assed, I'ecognized by the foremost hunters and anglers of our country as the home of the largest aiul gamest iish known to tlie nxl and ily; and the home also of moose, caribou and deer." A veri- talile sportsman's paradise. IvANGELKY LaKIOS, Me., AMI UlCXrUiN. J'^orni V\\. 1(I0(;. — I'',\(cnsiuii IVdin Hustnii. Kcjute licvoiui ImisIoii. I'.uslon iV Maine It. U to I'oitlaml. Maine Central 11. 1! tu l''arniiii.i;t(iii. Sandv Itiver \\. \\ to r]iillii>s. I'liillijis i^- lian-eiey 1!. K to Itan.ueJey. lleturninti', ^^aini' mutt' to Iiiistiin. To 1)0 sold in coniieetion wiili J'eoding forms to Boston and retnrn. (See lio^^toii feeding forms.) THKoroii i;ATr> Itouto to and from 1' oston. From Rail Lines Sound Lines Kclurnin.i; Soimii tl'hiladelphia. I'a. . 15altiniori'. Md. . . Washington, D. ('. ... $.2(1 00 . . . 30 00 . . . 32 00 $24 i«) 2S (Ml 30 00 .$25 00 2!) 00 31 00 RAWLEY SPRINGS, VA. 'I'wo hours ride iVom ntirrisonburg, on tlie Baltimore & Ohio K. i;.. ill the North JMountains, at an elt'vation of ■2,000 feet ;il)ove the level of the sea, Ivtiwley is located. 'I'he l)est natural tonic water and purest clialybeate in the Tuiti'd States, ranking among the chief ch;ilybe;ites of the World, Schwoll»ach, Turnlu-idge Wells and others. The atmosphere is dry, pure and invigorating, and free from prostrating heat, even in mid-summer. The sceneiy is wild ami rugged, but grand and picturesque, and, con- ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 321 trary to tlie rule followed at most resorts, the buildings at Eawley Springs are not located upon a level at the foot of the range, but are set in the mountain gorge, and the beholder might easily imagine himself in Switzerland. All summer resorts have lovers' walks, and if they have a promontory ten feet high it is almost invariably known as lovers' leap. The triji to the lovers' walk at Eawley is wonderfully attractive, and accompanied as it is by a slight semblance of danger, the boys like it none the less; and the frequency with which the girls accept invitations to be helped up indicates that little thrilliug episodes are not by any means objectionaI)le. It is an alpine scramble, with the distance to the valley below constantly growing greater, and when the climax bursts upon the vision the man in the iron mask, whom tradition has it never spoke a word, would at the sight have 1)roken forth as volubly as the most susceptible of school-girls. Notwithstanding the fact that the highest point of lovers' walk at Rawley commands a view down tlie precipice which is appalling in its al)rui)t- ness and de])th, it is not, strange to relate, known as a lover's leap, l»ut instead is seiisil^ly })roclaimedas tlie idiotic jump. The view is best expressed in the one word, sublime. It extends for mile upon mile, springing as it were from mountain ridge to mountain ridge, until the last is lost in tlie clouds. In the immediate foreground is seen a dainty l)it of valley, through which meanders a tiny stream ; tall mountains to the left, and more mountains in shadowy out- line to the right. Straight in front, looking over the dizzy height, the roadway to the hotel is marked clear and dis- tinct, its curves growing shorter witli the ascent. Turning almost full around, there stands the hotel, in its pictiir- es([ueiiess partaking of a grandeur far in excess of the original material of its construction. The springs at Rawley are witliin a step of the hotel, and are of a varied character. The waters are chalybeate, and their tonic properties are due, in a great measure, to the large proportion of iron in them, which of all metals is con- sidered to be the most congenial with the human organism, producing the greatest beneficial results in diseases of 322 BALTIMORE cC- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY anaemia or debility. For years many of the best known sportsmen in Virginia liave made Rawley their camping- ground during tlie summer for tlie fishing to be obtained along the sti'eams, and in the fall for the hunting in the mountains. Dry Eiver is a splendid trout stream. Bear, deer, wild turkeys, ruffled grouse, and other game abound. Kawley is fortunately located in the midst of the Appalachian hills of Virginia. From June to November the finest climate in America is that of the mountains of Virginia. The following remarks by Dr. James Johnson, of Lon- don, one of the most eminent medical men of the British empire, apply as well to the Virginia as to the German Mineral Springs : "The Saline Spas of Germany are all of the radical cast. They are qualified to break down and expel the rotten and decayed parts of the constitution, but they can seldom build up or repair the vacant spaces. The Chalybeate Spas, among which Schwalback holds a dis- tinguislied rank, unite the principles of conservatism and reform. They are calculated to preserve the original con- stitution, and to I'cAonw those portions which have l)een pulled down and extruded by the 'mouvement,' or radical waters of the Saline class.'' As a strong and pure chalyljeate water the Kawley has no equal among the mineral si)riDgs of Virginia, and there are vast multitudes now suffeiring more from debility than any other cause, and perhaps classed as incurable invalids, who would be rapidly restored to health and happiness by the use of this grand remedy of nature's own preparation. Invalids whose constitution have been broken down by acute or chronic diseases, by excessive physical or mental labor, l)y residence in unhealthy localities, or by irregular habits of life, may confidently expect to regain health and strength from this medicinal fountain. Form Ex. 211.— Kawley Simungs, Va., anh Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Harrisoiil)urg. Stage to Rawley Springs. Returning, same route. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 323 THROUGH Baltimore, Md $11 80 Bellaire, 20 25 Berkeley Springs, W. \a. . 9 'J5 Caineroh, W. Ya IS 80 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 7 50 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via TTniontown) 16 75 Chester, Pa 15 30 Clarkshurt;-, W. Va 16 85 Cnnnellsviile, Pa 15 60 Cuniherland, Md 11 90 Deer Park, ^Id 13 SO Fairehanee, Pa. (vialTniim- town) 16-30 Fairmont, W. Ya 16 85 Frederick, ISld 9 05 (irafton, W. Ya 15 95 Hagerstown, ^Id 9 05 Harper's Ferrv, W. Ya. . . 8 00 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 13 25 Johnstown, Pa 15 65 Keyser, W. Ya 12 80 Lexington, Ya 6 10 McKeesport, Pa 17 35 Martinsbnrg, W. Ya. ... S 75 Meyersdale, Pa 13 40 R.\TES. Morgantown, W. Ya. (via Uniontown) .$17 30 Morgantown, W. Ya. (via Fairmont) 17 85 Moundsville, W. Ya. . . . 19 50 j\U)untain Lake Park, Md. . 13 95 Mt. I'leasant, Pa K) 10 Newark, Del 14 10 NewYork, N. Y 19 SO Oakland, Md 14 05 Parkershurg, W. Ya 20 Ch) Philadelphia, Pa 15 SO Piedmont, W. Ya 13 00 IMttshurg, Pa 17 iK) Rockwood, Pa 13 85 Smithfield, Pa. (via Union- town) 16 45 Somerset, Pa 14 25 Staunton, Ya 4 30 Strasliurg, Ya 5 40 Uniontdwn, Pa 16 05 Washington, D. C 10 20 Washington, Pa 19 00 Wheeling, W. Ya 20 00 Wilmington, Del 14 SO Winchester, Ya 6 40 A Ob' \ALI,rY. IDIOTIC JUMP. 324 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ^f///ifgte//^ RED SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. VA. Form Ex. 69. — Red Sulphur Springs, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Basic. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Lowell. Stage (12 miles) to Red Sulphur Springs. Returning, same I'oute. through rates. Baltimore, Md $17 30 Chester, Pa 20 80 Havre de Grace, Md 18 75 Newark, Del 19 70 New York, N. Y $25 30 Philadelphia, Pa 21 30 Washington, D. C 15 30 Wilmington, Del 20 30 Form Ex. 174. — Red Sulphur Springs, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R . . to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Lowell. Stage (12 miles) . . . '. to Red Sulphur Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $17 Bellaire, 29 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. I bpi Cameron, W. Va 28 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 16 Chester, Pa 20 Clarksburg, W.Va 26 Connellsville, Pa 24 Cumberland, Md 21 Deer Park, Md 23 Fairmont, W. Va 26 Frederick, Md 18 Grafton, W\ Va 25 Hagerstown, Md 18 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 17 Harrisonburg, Va 12 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 18 Johnstown, Pa 25 Keyser, W. Va 22 Lexington, Va 12 McKeesport, Pa 26 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 18 Meyersdale, Pa 22 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Morgantown, \V. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain T^ake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersbnrg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington. Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $26 65 27 20 28 85 22 30 25 45 19 60 25 30 23 40 29 35 2130 22 35 27 25 23 20 23 60 14 70 25 40 15 30 28 35 29 35 20 30 15 75 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 325 Form Ex. 310.— Red Silphcr Springs, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer I'.. cV: (). Dejxit to C. A O. Depot. ('liesapoakc ct Oliio Ry to Lowell. Stage (12 miles) - . . to Red Sulphur Springs. Returnin";, same route. TIIIIOUOU RATES Baltimore. ISId $17 30 Bellaire, () 130 25 l^erkelev S])rin^s, W. Va. . 1!) it'i 'ameroh. \V. Va 2S Ciiarlestown, W. Va. ... IS Chester, Pa 20 Clarksburg, W. Va 2G Connellsville, ]'a 25 Cumberland, Md 21 Deer Park, Md Fairmont, W. Va. . . . Frederiek, ]Md IS (Jrat'ton, W. Va 25 Hagerstown, Md IcS ITarper's Ferrv, W. Va. . . IS Havre de Graee, ^^Id. ... 18 •lohnstown, I'a 25 Keyser, W. Va 22 McKeesport, Pa 27 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 18 Meyerstlale, Pa 23 2G 40 Morgan (own, W. Va. (via ITniontown) $27 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 27 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 20 Mountain Lake Park, Md, . 23 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 2G Newark, Del 10 New York. N. Y 25 Oakland, Md 23 I'arkersburu', W. Va. . . . 20 Pbila.lelphia, Pa 21 PieduKint, W. Va 23 Pittsburg, Pa 27 Rockwood, Pa 23 S5 Somerset, Pa 21 05 ITniontown, Pa 20 05 Washington, Pa 20 00 Wheeling, W. Va 20 f>5 Wilmington, Del 2n 30 Wintdiester, Va 10 00 RICHFIELD SPRINGS. These springs, long and favoniljly known, are in Otsego County, N. Y. Next to Saratoga Springs, they are, per- hiips, the most widely known and enjoy the most liberal patronage. The hotels are numerous, and the attractions of the place are many and varied. The village of Kich- field Springs is situated on a narrow plain near the head of Schuyler's Lake, which is five miles in length and a mile and a quarter at its greatest breadth. This little lake is surrounded by high hills, and, being but a mile from the springs, forms the principal attraction for visitors. Form Ex. 538. — Richfield Spring.-, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. . . .to lltica. Delaware, Lackawanna ct Western R. R to Richfield Springs. Returning, same route. Baltimore, Md. . tPhiladelphia, Pa. THROUGH RATES. . $18 . 14 Washington, D. C $20 75 326 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 539. — Richfield Springs, N. Y., and Return. F.altiiiKirc ct Oliid R. R to Pliilailolpliin. riiil:ulel]>liia \' I'veadiii,^- R. Rv tn ISnuiid r.i-dok. Ceiitriil R. R. of New .iLTsoy to New Ynrk. West Shore R. R ' td Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R, It ti> Itichliclil Sjn'inn's. Returnini;-, same mute. Transfer tlirdUgli New York, in Imth dii'eclions. inehnleil. TnUor<:lI RATES. Raltiniore, Mil ^IS 75 I AVasliin^tcjn, D. (' ?'2(l 75 tl'hiladelplna, I'a 14 75 | FoRiM Ivv. 5J(). — Fiii'iiFiEi,!! Spi;im;s, N. Y., anu Ri:t!'i;\. Baltimore it Ohio 1!. i: to rhiladelphia. Philadelphia .t Uea.lint;- R. ]t to I'.niind I'.i'iink. Central i:. i:. of New Jersey to New York. Delaware, Lackawanna it NVestern R. R to Fdehlield Springs. ]!eturning, same nmte. TIlIlor(;U RATES. Baltimore, Md .'?1S 75 I ^Vasllir>;■|on, D. (' ?;20 75 trhiladelphia, I'a 14 75 I FoRlM L].K. 051. — RlCIIFIELIl SiMMNGS, N. Y., AM) FilCTFRN. Baltimore ct Ohio R. R to Fhiladel))hia. I'hiladelphia A: Reading Fi. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R. to Waverly. New York, Lake Va-\v it A\'estern R. R to Binghamton. Delaware it LDidson i;. R to ('. it C. V. .liinc. Cooperstown it (Jharlotte Valley R. R to Cooperstown. Otsego Lake Steamer antl Stage to Richfield Sjirings. Delaware, Lackawanna it Western R. R to ITtica. Nt'W York Central it IFiidson River R. R. . . . to New York. Central i;. ];. of New .lersev to I'.onnd F.rook. I'hiladelphia it Reading i:.'R to Rhiladelphia. Baltimore it (_)liio R. R. to starting jxiint. THROlTGir RATES. Baltimore, Md. $21 .".0 I Washington, D. C .f;23 .30 tFhiladelpliia, Fa 17 30 | Tickets between Cooijcrstown and Riclifield Springs by the Otsego Lake Steamer and Stage are for passage only ; baggage will be charged extra. 328 BALTIMORE d- OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ROAN MOUNTAIN, TENN. Form Ex. 36. — Eo,\n Mountain, Tenn., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Shenandoah .Tunc. Norfolk & Western R. R to Bristol. Southern Ry to Johnson ("ity. East Tennessee tt Western North ( 'arolina R. R. . to Roan Mountain. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md. . . . Bellaire, O Berkeley Siirinns, W' . \a. . Cameron, A\'. ^'a Cliester, Ba Clarkslnufi-, W. Va Connellsville, Ba Cundierland, Md Deer Bark, Md P'airmont, ^V. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Havre de Grace, INId. . . . Johnstown, Ba Kevser, W. Va McKeesport, Ba Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Ba Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) ?i22 ';^.i 21 ;!() 20 2S 26 23 25 28 20 27 19 24 26 24 28 19 24 28 45 iNIorg-antown, \\'. N'a. (via Fairmont) $29 INIoundsville, W. Va. . . . 30 Mountain Lake Bark, ^Nld. . 25 Mt. Pleasant, I'a 27 Newark, Del 25 New York, N. Y 30 Oakland, m\ 25 Barkershurt;-, W. Va 31 Bhiladelphia, Ba 26 Biedmont, W. Va 24 Bittsburg, Ba 29 Rockwood, Ba 25 Somerset, Ba 25 Uniontown, Ba 27 Washington, D. C 20 AVashington, Ba 30 Wheeling, W. Va 31 Wilmington, Del 25 KlVJfiK HILLS, HISTORIC POTOMAC. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 329 ROANOKE, VA. Form Ex. 12yG. — IJoanoke, Va., and Returx. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Slienand(.nih Junction. Norfolk & Western R. R to Roanoke. Returninar, same route. Baltimore, Md. . Bellaire, O. ... Berkeley Springs, Cameron, W. Va. Chester, Pa. . . . Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, I'a. Cuni1)erland, ]Md. Deer Park, :SId. . Fairmont, \\'. Va. Frederick, Md. . Grafton, W. Va. . Harper's Ferry, ^\' Havre de Grace, M Johnstown, Pa. . Keyser, W. Va. . McKeesport, I*a. Martinsburg, W. Va ]SIeyersdale, Pa. . . Moundsville, W. Va THROUGH RATES. $12 21 11 20 16 IS ]() 13 15 18 10 17 9 14 16 14 18 9 14 20 Morgantown, "W. Va. (via Uniontown) $18 50 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 19 05 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 15 20 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 17 30 Newark, Del 15 10 New York, N. Y 20 80 Oakland, Md 15 30 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 21 15 Philadelphia, Pa 16 80 Piedmont, W. Va 14 25 Pittsburg, Pa 19 10 Rockwood, Pa 15 05 Somerset, Pa 15 45 Uniontown, Pa 17 25 Washington, D. C 10 80 Washington, Pa 20 20 Wheeling, W. Va 21 15 Wilmington, Del 15 8o LAKE ST. JOHN AND THE SAGUENAY. Who has not heard of the furore created amongst tour- ists and sportsmen by the recent opening up of a new and fascinating route to the far-famed Saguenay river in northern Canada by way of Quebec and Lake St. John ? One of the most romantic round trips ever planned for a summer outing consists of a triangular trail — if we may be 330 BALTIMORE cC OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY pardoned the paradox — from Quebec to Lake St. John by a railway tliat crosses the Canadian Adirondacks for 190 mik's; from Lake St. John to Chicoutimi, at the head of navigation on the Saguenay, by the last completed link of this railway, and back to (Quebec by steamer throngh the deep rift cleft in the massive nionntains of the Sagnenay by the dark majestic river of the same name on its way to the sea. From the mouth of the Sagueuay at Tadonsac, the steamei'*s ronte to (Quebec in its ascent of the noble St. Lawrence lies past the fashionable Canadian Avatering places of Cacouna, Eiver du Loup and JVhirray Bay, the miracle working shrine of La Bonne Ste. Anne and the lovely Isle of Orleans; the most magnificent view obtain- able of rock-girt, citadel-crowned (^uel)ec being that to be had from the deck of the approaching steamer. But what shall we say of the ever-changing panorama of precipitous mountains towering overhead, of yawning chasms deep below, of the scores of fish-laden lakes and the miles of ra})turons river rapids, which unfolds itself to the tonrist as the train follows the serpentine conrse of the new iron road that invades the wilderness home of the l)ear, the moose, the caribou, the beaver and the aboriginal Montag- }\ais Lidian ? AVhat ideal cani])ing sites for the artist, the angler or the hnnter ! What a palatial summer hotel and what home-like comforts at Ifoberval, overlooking the great inland sea, whose opposite shore is veiled from view by in- tervening space! This Lake St. John is the source of the Saguenay and the home of the famous ouananiche or fresh- Avater salmon, the greatest game fish in existence. The anglers loudest in its })raises are those who haA^e crossed the Atlantic or come from the Southern States to give it figiit in tlie rapid waters of the great lake's discharge, or in its mighty tributaries, some of which are over a mile Avide at their mouths and hundreds of miles in length. Here the comfort and safely of the tourist or angler are looked after by the Lidian guides who pitch his tent, cook his meals and ])ropel him Avith rapid yet easy gliding motion over seemingly endless Avater-Avays, in the birch-bark canoes of Avhich Longfellow has so musicallv sung in Hiawatha. 332 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ROBERVAL LAKE ST. JOHN', P. Q. Form Ex. 1067. — Roberval, P. Q., and Return. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry Quebec to Roberval. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing tlirough or terminating at Quebec. Rate $7 50 Form Ex. 235. — Quebec to Roberval, P. Q., and Return. Quebec it Lake St. John Ry (iueljec to Roberval. Quebec it Lake St. John IJy to (.'hicoutimi. Riclielieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Quebec. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing through or terminating at (Quebec. Rate. $10 GO Meals and berth extra on Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.'s steamer. Form Ex. 735. — Quebec to Roberval, P. Q., and Return. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry Quebec to Roberval. (,;uel)cc et Lake St. Jolin Ry to Chicoutimi. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing through or terminating at Quebec. Rate $9 00 OUIATCaOUA^' FALUS. 334 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VA. Passengers for llockbridge Alum Springs should purchase excursion tickets to Goshen. Va., at which point round trip tickets can be secured over the Rockbridge Alum & Goshen Ily. to Rockbridge Alum Springs, at rate of $2.50, good until October 31st. ROCK ENON SPRINGS, VA., Situated 1.100 feet above tide-water. On the AVesterD slope of the mountain range, known as the Great North Moun- tain, lying to the west of the beautiful »Slienandoah Valley, sixteen and one-half miles from the historic town of Win- chester, Ya., in the gorge of a wonderful rocky ridge, through which the life giving ozone of the mountains is wafted like the ebl) and How of the tide — there, nestling under a majestic peak, on a pretty bab1)ling mountain brooklet, "neath the shadow of the great rocks and the primeval forests, is liock Enon, where the tired and sick may regain health and strength from the healing S])rings, and where those in health may keep cool and find the greatest recreation and diversion in rambles, drives, out-of- door sports and evening entertainments. Desirons of making this lovely spot in the mountains a permanent and attractive summer resort for the refined and intelligent who seek health, rest, pleasure, and freedom from the exacting demands of fashion, and greatly encour- aged by the generous patronage heretofore extended, and the very great satisfaction expressed by the guests of the past seasons with the place and its management, the pro- prietor will put forth every effort for the comfort and pleasure of visitors the present year. The hotel is abundantly supplied on every floor with pure Avater taken directly from the great "Cold Spring" on Pinnacle Mountain. Tiie sanitary arrangements are com- plete, and will be found all that could be desired. Great improvements have been made in this respect; the house and grounds are kept scrupulously neat and clean. THE BATHS. The accommodations for bathing are all that could be desired. A large steam boiler has been put in place, from which the numerous baths are supplied with hot water, and 336 BALTIMORE & OBtO RAILROAD COMPANY the water in the immense swimming pool — 75 by 25 feet, 5 J feet deep — can now be partially heated ])y steam. Sepa- rate hours for bathing are allotted to ladies, children, and gentlemen, and an hour for gentlemen and ladies. The bath-honse is comparatively new ; large additions have been made to it. At the suggestion of eminent pliysicians who have visited Rock Enon, the waters of the mineral springs have been utilized. New bath-rooms have been constructed, and are supplied with these invaluable waters. The water of the "Old Capper" Spring is very delightful to bathe in ; it renders the skin clear, soft, and beautiful ; it is very healing in its nature, and has proved most effica- cious in rheumatic complaints and diseases of the skin, and when combined with the "Chalybeate" water in the bath, as it may be, it is exceedingly strengthening to the whole system. THE SPKINGS. There are eight springs within a stone's-throw of the hotel, three of which are mineral and of very great efficacy. The pure spring water from five large springs is freestone. There is one large limestone spring on the premises. ROVTt^S AND RATES FOR SUMMER fOURS. 337 THE CHALYBEATE SPKING is one of the most valuable in the State. The water was analyzed by Professors Gale and Mew, of the Smithsonian Institution, who made the following report: — Analysis of the Chalybeate Spring at Rock Enon. Its constituents per gallon are as follows: — Carbonate of lime 5.13 grs. Carbonate of soda 1.21 " Carbonate of protoxide of iron 14.25 " Carbonate of protoxide of manganese 1.05 " Sulphate of magnesia 12.89 " Sulphate of lime 3.56 " Chloride of magnesium 1.12 " Alumina O.SO " Silica 0.42 " By spectrum analysis lithia was also found in it. 40.43 grs. This spring is, in some very essential particulars, similar to the far-ftimed Pyrmont Spring in Waldeck, Germany, Avhich has so long and so deservedly enjoyed a high reputa- tion among physicians. It possesses a rare combination oi tonic properties, with others existing in admirable propor- tion, calculated to free it from some of the too well-known causes of objection to chalybeate waters. FoKM Ex. 56. — Rock Enon Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Winchester. Stage (17 miles) to Rock Enon Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH Baltimore, Md $ 9 Bellaire, 18 Berkeley Springs, \V. Va. . 8 Cameron, W. Va 16 Cliarlestown, W. Va. ... 5 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via Uniontown) 14 Chester, Pa 13 Clarksburg, W. Va 14 Connellsville, Pa 13 Cumberland. Md 10 Deer Park, Md 11 Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) 14 Fairmont, W. Va 14 Frederick, Md 7 Grafton, W. Va. . . . Hagerstown, "Sid. . . . Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Harrisonburg, Va. . . Havre de Grace, Md. . .Tohnstown, Pa 13 Keyser, W. Va 10 Lexington, Ya 11 McKeesport, Pa 15 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 14 11 RATES. ^feyersdale, Pa $11 50 Morgantown, \V. ^'a. (via Fairmont) 15 05 ^lorgantdwn, \V. Va. (via T^niontnwn) Mnundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersbursj;, ^^^ \'a. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Ya Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Snnthfield, Pa. (via Uniim town) Somerset, Pa Staunton, Ya 9 20 Strasburg. Ya 5 ,55 Uniuntdwn, Pa 14 15 Wa.-.liin<:t<.)n, D. C 8 30 Washin^'-on, Pa 17 10 Wheeling, W. Ya 18 10 Wilmington, Del 12 90 17 12 14 12 17 12 IS 13 11 16 11 14 12 338 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ROCKINGHAM M I IM ERAL SPRI NGS, VA. Form Ex. 187. — Kockingham .Mixeual Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. K to Harrisoiilnirg. Stage (11 miles) to Tit ickingluim Minei-al Springs. Returning, same roxite. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $12 Bellaire, 20 Berkeley Springs, W. Ya. . 10 Cameron, W. Va 19 (Uiarlestown, AV. Va. ... S Cheat Haven, I'a. (via TTniontown) 17 Chester, Pa 15 Clarksburg, W. Va 17 Connellsville, Pa 16 Cumberland, Md 12 Deer Park, Md 14 Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) 10 Fairmont, W. Va 17 Frederick, Md 9 Crafton, W. Va 10 Hauerstown, Md 9 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 8 Havre de Craee, Md. ... 13 Johnstown, Pa 16 Keyser, W. Va 13 Lexingtnn, Va McKeesi.ort, I'a 17 Martinsl)urg, W. Va. ... 9 Meyersdale, Pa 13 80 45 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) $17 80 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake I'ark, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Pai'kerslnu-g, W. Va. . . . I'hiladelpbia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsb'irg, Pa Rock wood, Pa Smithlield, Pa. (via I'uion- town) Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Stras])urg, Va 5 Uniontowai, Pa 16 Washington, D. C 10 Washington, Pa 19 WhecJim:-, W. Va 20 Wilnnngton, Del 15 Wincliester, Va 6 LOG BOOM, GAULEY RIVER, W. VA. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 339 ROCKLAND, ME. This marvelously picturesque town lies at the very en- trance to Penobscot Bay, and is the diverging point from which travelers reach all the bay towns and the eastern shore. The surroundings are charming as places for summer recreation, for the numerous inlets of the sea afford the best of iishing, boating and bathing. Rockland, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 1068 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Rockland. Returning-, same route to Boston. 'To be sold in eonnection witli feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Jioston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelpbia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . . Wasbington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Kail Returning Sound or vice versa. $22 (to $20 00 $21 00 26 00 24 00 25 00 28 00 26 00 27 00 Rockland, Me., and Return. Form Ex. 1069 — Extension from Boston. Route be\'ond Boston. Boston & Bangor Steamsbi]) Line to Rockland. Returning, same rt)iiie to Boston. To be sold in connection witb feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH rates. Route to and from Boston. From + l'liihideli)bia, I'a. Baltimore, Md. . Wasbington, 1). C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound $18 OO $16 00 $17 00 22 00 20 0(1 21 00 24 GO 22 00 23 00 ROCKPORT, MASS. RocKPORT, Mass., and Return. Form Ex. 762 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R ' to Rockport. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection witb feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) through rates. Route to and from Boston. From tPbiladelpbia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Wasbington, U. C. . . Rail Lines Sound Lines Ret R.ii urning So uid a vers $15 70 $13 70 $14 70 19 70 17 70 18 70 21 70 19 70 20 70 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 341 ROUND KNOB, N. C. Form Ex. 41. — Round Knob, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R .... to Washington. Transfer B. ^t U. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Sontliern Ry to Round Knob. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $21 Bellaire, 34 Beriveley Springs, W. Va. . 23 Cameron, W. Va 32 Charlestown, W. Va 22 Chester, Pa 24 Clarksburg, W. Va 30 Connellsville, Pa 29 Cunilicrland, Md 25 Deer Park, Md 27 Fairmont, W. Va 30 Frederick, Md 22 Grafton, W. Va 20 Hagerstown, Md 22 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 21 Havre de (iraee, Md. ... 22 Johnstown, Pa 29 Kcyser, W. Va 2B McKeesport. Pa 31 Martinsburg. ^V. Va. ... 22 Meyersdale, Pa 27 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) $31 ]Morganto\vn, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 31 Moundsville, W. Va. . . . 33 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 27 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 30 Newark, Del 23 New York, N. Y 29 Oakland, Md 27 Parkersburg, W. ^•a. . . . 33 Philadelphia. Pa 25 25 I'iedmont, W. Va 26 95 Pittsburg, Pa 31 85 Rock wood. Pa 27 80 Somerset, Pa 28 20 Uniontown, Pa 30 00 Washington, Pa 32 95 Wheeling, W. Va 33 90 Wilmington, Del 24 25 Winchester, Va 23 55 Form Ex. 4S. — Round Knob, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Lexington. Chesajteake & Ohio Ry to Lynchburg. Southern Ry to Round Knob. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $21 25 Bellaire, 31 50 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 21 20 Cameron, W. Va 30 05 Chester, Pa. . . .■ 24 75 Clarksburg, W. Va 28 10 Conncllsville, Pa 26 85 Cund)erland, Md 23 15 Deer Park, Md 25 05 Fairmont, W. Va 28 10 Frederick, Md 19 90 Grafton, W. Va 27 20 Hagerstown, Md 20 25 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 19 25 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 22 70 Johnstown, Pa 26 90 Kevser, W. Va 24 05 McKeesport, Pa 28 60 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 20 00 Meyersdale, Pa 24 65 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontow'n) Morgantown, "W. \'a. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, AV. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va W^ilmington, Del $28 55 29 10 30 75 25 20 27 35 23 55 29 25 25 30 31 25 25 25 24 25 29 15 25 10 25 50 27 30 19 25 30 25 31 25 24 25 342 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ^-^^^■■^c ■ >^^.-^^«^y.,;j^i^ ST. ANDltEWS-BY-THE-SEA. RYE BEACH, N. H. Rye Beach, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 779 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to North Hampton. Stage to Rye Beacli. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and ret'irn. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From fPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Washington, D. C. . . Rail Lines Sound Line.s Going- Rail Returning- Sound or vice versa. $17 35 $15 35 $10 35 21 35 19 35 20 35 23 35 21 35 22 35 ROUTES AND RA TES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 343 ST. ALBAN'S, VT. Form Ex. 12G2. — St. Albax's, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Oliio R. R to Philadeljihia. Fliila. — St. Alban's, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to RhiladeliOiia. Philadelphia it Beading R. R to P>ound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. (New Haven Svstem) to SiJriniilicld. I'.oston it Maine R. R to Soutli Vernon. Central Vermont R. R to Brattlel.oro. Boston it >raine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. Pt to St. Alban's. Returning, same route. THKoroH RATES. 15altimore, Md $22 15 I Washington, I). C $24 15 tPhiladelidiia, J'a IS 15 | Form Ex. 12155. — St. Alban's, Vt., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to P>ound Brook. Central P. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwieh Line to New London. Central Vermont R. R to I?rattleboro. ])Oston it Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to St. Alban's. Returning, same route. THKOUOH rates. Baltimore, Md .$21 15 I Washington, D. C $23 15 tPhiladelphia, Pa IT 15 | ST. ANDREWS, N. B., ON PASSAM AQUODDY BAY, "Just iicross the border," is a summer resort possessing rare attractions, and fitly described by the novelist as "a sleep- ing beauty." Situated on Passaniaquoddy Bay, which is seven miles wide and seventeen miles long, and only separated from the State of Maine by the St. Croix River, its location affords to the yachtsman and fisherman the best sport attainable. Its chains of fresh-water lakes, within twenty minutes of the town, are filled with land-locked salmon and trout, 344 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY while its driving-roads are the admiration of visitors. It has been demonstrated that to the hay fever sufferer St. Andrew's is an absolutely exempt district, the most obsti- nate and long-seated cases finding within forty-eight hours complete relief. The delightful cool climate, entire absence of malaria and mosquitoes, comparative freedom from fog, together with the restful, recuperative properties of the atmosphere, make St. Andrew's an extremely desirable resort. " The Algonquin," a new and perfectly constructed sum- mer hotel, opened to the public in 1889, received the en- comiums of nearly 1400 guests. It is heated by steam and lighted by gas, has steam elevator and laundry, salt and fresh water (hot and cold) baths on each floor, billiard, smoking, and writing rooms, piazzas 340 feet long, from ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 345 which uninterrupted views of seventy-five miles in extent are had, and in short is as nearly as maybe — a perfect hotel in a perfect location. St. Andrew's is reached directly by rail lines centering at Boston, Portland, tlie Wliitc Mountains, Montreal, and St. John, or by steamers from Boston, r>ar Harbor, and St. John, and passengers are ticketed through from starting point to destination by agents of the B. & O. R. R. St. Andrew's, N. B., and Return. Form Ex. 764 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & JSIaine R. R " to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Vanceboro. Canadian Pacific Ry to St. Andrew's. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. P'rom tPhiladclphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md "Washington, D. C. . . Rail Lines . . $30 00 34 00 36 00 Sound Lines $28 00 32 00 34 00 Going Rail Returning Sound $29 00 33 00 35 00 St. Andrew's, N. B., and Return. Form Ex. 895 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. International Steamship Line to St. Andrew's. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH rates. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. . AVashingtun, D. C. Rail Lines $23 00 27 00 29 00 Soitnd Lines $21 00 25 00 27 00 Going Rail Returning Sound or vice ve'rsa. $22 00 26 00 28 00 ST. JOHN, N. B. St. John, N. B., and Return. Form Ex. 895 — Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. International Steamship Line to St. John. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connectitui with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) through rates. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Washington, D. C. , . Rail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound $23 00 27 00 29 00 $21 00 25 00 27 00 $22 00 26 00 28 00 346 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY SACKETT'S HARBOR, N. Y. Form Ex. 1070. — Sackett's Hakbok, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .(er.-ey to New Yorlv. New York Central el IB Winchester, Va 15 00 SALT SULPHUR SPRI NGS, W. VA. Form Ex. 49. — Salt Sulphur Springs, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R , to Staunton. Chesapeake A Ohio Ry to Fort Si>ring. Stage (10 miles) to Salt Sul}>hur Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 00 Bellaire, 28 45 Berkelev Springs, W. Va. . 18 15 Camert)li, AV. Va 27 00 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 15 70 Chester, Pa 21 50 Clarksl)urg, W. Va 25 05 Connellsville, Pa 23 80 Cundierland, Md 20 10 Deer Park, Md 22 00 Fairmont, W. Va 25 05 Frederick, Md 17 25 Grafton, \V. Va. . . . . . . 24 15 Hagerstown, ]Md 17 25 Hari)er's Ferry, W. Va. . . K! 20 Harrisonburg, Va 11 20 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 19 45 .Johnstown, Pa 23 85 Keyser, W. Va 21 00 Lexington, Va 11 70 McKeesjiort, Pa 25 55 Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . IG 95 Meyersdale, Pa 21 GO IMorgantown, W. Va. (via UnioiUown) $25 iSforgantdWU, \\'. Va. (via Fair nt) 2G Moundsville, W. Va. ... 27 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 22 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 24 Newark, Del. New York, N. Y 2G Oakland, Md 22 Parkersburg, W. Va. ... 28 Philadeli.hia, Pa 22 Piedmont, W. Va 21 Pittsburg, Pa 2G Rockwood, Pa 22 Somerset, Pa 22 Strasburg, Va 13 Uniontown, Pa 24 Washington, D. C IG Washington. Pa 27 Wheeling, W. Va 28 Wilmington, Del 21 Winchester, Va 14 348 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 71. — Salt Sulphur Springs, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Basic. Chesapeake & Oliio Ry to Fort Spring. Stage (10 miles) . . . ' to Salt Sulphur Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $18 00 Chester, Pa 21 50 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 19 45 Newark, Del 20 30 New York, N. Y $26 00 Philadelphia, Pa 22 00 Washington, D. C 16 00 Wilmington, Del 21 00 SALTVILLE, VA. Form Ex. 101.- Saltville, Ya., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. Norfolk & Western R. R to Saltville. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $19 30 Bellaire, 27 05 Berkeley Springs, W. Ya. . 17 45 Cameron, W. Va 26 25 Chester, Pa 22 80 Clarkshurg, W. Ya 24 25 Connellsville, Pa 23 00 Cumberland, Md 19 30 Deer Park, Md 21 25 Fairmont, W. Va 24 25 Frederick, Md 17 05 Grafton, W. Va 23 35 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 15 95 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 20 75 Johnstown, Pa 23 05 Keyser, W. Va '.20 25 McKeesport, Pa • 24 75 Martinshurg, W. Va. ... 10 15 Mcyersdale, Pa 20 80 ]Sl(irgantnwn, W. Va. (via Uniontown) 24 70 Morgantown, W. Ya. (via Fairm(jnt) Mounds ville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Pliiladel].hia, Pa Piedniiint, W. Va Pitt>burg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C ^\'ashingt(>n, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del $25 25 26 95 21 40 23 50 21 60 27 30 21 50 27 35 23 30 20 45 25 30 21 25 21 65 23 45 17 30 26 40 27 35 22 30 CTi. 350 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY SARATOGA SPRINGS. This "Queen of American Watering-places" is located within an hour's ride of Albany. Its resident population is about nine thousand, but during the season of pleasure travel, which extends from June 15th lo September 15tli, its population frequently exceeds thirty thousand. The name Saratoga (from the Indian, Saraghoga) signifies "The Place of the Herrings," which formerly passed up the Hud- son into Saratoga Lake. In all, there are tweuty-eight springs (including six spouting) at Saratoga; some chaly- beate, others impregnated with iodine, sulphur, and mag- nesia, and all powerfully charged with carbonic acid gas. The medicinal properties of these waters were known at an early date to the Indians, as has been demonstrated by sub- sequent events. Several of the springs are cathartic; some are taken as a tonic, while others are utilized for bathing. The wonderful cures effected by these springs induced their owners, several years since, to engage in the business of bottling the waters, until now the industry has assumed such immense proportions that the waters may be found in ail parts of the country. But while the waters of Saratoga, and the clear, balmy atmosphere of the entire region, have proved valuable auxiliaries in the development of that far- famed resort, the magnificent hotels, of which there are many, have contributed largely to the name and fame of Saratoga. These hotels are located principally on Broad- way, a broad and well-kept boulevard, lined on either side with tall and stately elms and picturesque promenades. The hotels are managed with great liberality, and are fur- nished throughout in the most sumptuous manner. At the height of the season hops are held at each of the large hotels every night, while from sunrise to sunset the sweet and melodious strains of music vibrate upon the ear at every turn, rendering a sojourn at this resort one of indescribable pleasure. Along the southern and eastern edge of the mountain, upon which the village is partially situated, is a ravine, where at frequent intervals, gush forth mineral springs of ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 351 varied character, whose medicinal properties have made them famous as far as civilization extends. Saratoga is yearly visited by tourists, and those in search of health and pleasure, from all parts of the world. In this section is Woodlawn Park, the celel)rated country seat of Henry Hilton, of New York city. It is the largest pri- vate park in America, having more than tAvice the area of Cen- tral Park in New York city. There are about thirty miles of hard, smooth roads winding, through its picturesque con- fines, and many small lakes and sparkling rivulets adorn the landscape. While this park is maintaiued at private expense, the owner generously throws it open to the pub- lic, who may enjoy its miles of fine park roads and beauti- ful vistas of forest and lawn. It is one of the favorite drives around Saratoga. The most popular drive is to Saratoga Lake, three and one-half miles to the east of the village. It is reached by way of Union Avenue, a wide boulevard lined with rows of elms; and in the afternoon, the favorite hour for driving, it presents a very gay scene with hundreds of handsome private e(juipages. CONGRESS SPRING. 352 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 541. — Saratoga, N. Y., and Return. BiiKimore .t OhioR. R to Philadelphia. Phila(U'l|ihia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Centi-al H. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore. Md $15 50 I Washington, D. f .$17 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 50 | Form Ex. 543. — Saratoga, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore ct Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R " to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH rates. Baltiinore, ^Id $15 .50 I Washington, D. C $17 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 50 | Form Ex. 718. — Saratoga, N. Y., and Retuisn. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadeliihia. Philadeliihia & Reading R. R to Bound l^rook. Centi-al 11. R. of New Jersey to New York. People's Line Steamers . .* to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $12 75 1 Washington, D. C $14 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 8 75 | Form Ex. 546. — Saratoga, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore Sl Ohio R. R to Philadeli.hia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York & Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $13 75 I Washington, D. C $15 75 tPhiladelphia, Pa 9 75 | Form Ex. 547. — Saratoga, N. Y., and Return'. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Wilkcsbarre. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $19 65 I Washington, D. C $21 65 tPhiladelphia, Pa 15 65 | 1 354 BALTIMORE dk OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 1072. — Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. (Via New York and Day Line Steamers; returning via Boston.) Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadeli.hia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York & Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. b tn Saratoga. Fitchburg R. R to Bi.ston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feetling lorins) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelpliia .t Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. P>altimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Form Ex. 1073. — Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH rates. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, iSId $20 35 $21 35 tPhiladelphia, Pa 10 .35 17 35 Washington, D. C 22 35 23 35 Form Ex. 1074. — Sar.vtoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. (Via New York; returning via Boston.) Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. 1! to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New Y(jrk Central & Hudson River II. 1! to Troy. Delaware it Pludson R. R to Saratoga. Fitchburg R. R to Bostoji. Rail or Sound Lines (sec Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central It. I!, of New Jersev to Pxmnd Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadelpliia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R. to starting point. Form Ex. 1075. — Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. Reverse of preceding excursion. THROUGH RATES. Via Sound. Via Rail. Baltimore, Md $21 35 $22 35 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 35 18 35 Washington, 1). C 23 35 24 35 Form Ex. 1076. — Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. (Via West Shore Route and rail ; returning via Boston.) Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia it Reading R. 1! to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersev to New York. West Shore R.R " to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to SaratoEia. Fitchburg R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding forms) . to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ct Reading R.'R to Phila tPhihuk^lpliia, Pa 17 :i5 18 35 Washington, 1). C 2:5 35 24 35 Form Ex. 1078. — Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. (Via New York and rail; returning via Hudson River Steamers.) Baltimore * Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladel])hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .Terscv to New York. New York Central it Iludxon River R. R to Troy. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Saratoga. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Alhany. New Yf)rk it Alhany Day Line to New York. Central R. It. of New .Tersev to Bound Brook. Philadeli>hia it Beading R.'R to Piiiladelphia. Baltimore it (_)hio R. R to starting point. THROrciH RATES. Baltimore, ^Id $15 40 I Washington, D. C $17 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 40 | Form Ex. 1070. — Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. (Via A\'est Shore Route and rail; returning via Hudson River Steamers.) Baltimore it (^hio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia it Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central R. R. of New .lersev to New York. West Shore R. R ' to Alhanv. Delaware it Hudson P. R to Saratoga. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Alhany. New York it Alhany Day Line to New York. Central R. R. of New .lersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia it Reading R.'R to Philadelphia. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to starting point. Transfer through New York, going, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $15 40 I Washington, D. C $17 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 40 | Form Ex. 1071. — Sar.vtoga Springs, N. Y., and Return. Delaware it Hudson R. R Albany to Saratoga. Retui'ning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket jiassing through Alhany. Rate $2 31 356 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY SCARBORO BEACH, ME. ScARBOuo Beach, Mk., and Return. Form Ex. 762— Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Scarboro Beach. Returning, s;inie mute taltiinore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Atlantic City R. R to Winslow June. South Jei\sey R. R to Sea Isle City. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. $ (> 25 W. Va. Raltiniore, ISId. . licllaire, ().... r>crki'ley Si)ring> Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . . C h e a t H a v e n. Pa. ( via Uniontown) Chester, Pa chirkshur- \V. Va Connellsville, Pa Cinnheriand, Md Deer Park, Md 15 Fairelianee, Pa. (via Union- town) 18 ]<'airmon(, W. Va 18 Frederick, ISId 9 Grafton, W. Va 18 Hagerstown, Md 9 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 9 llarrisdiiliurg, Va 15 Havre de ( irace, Md. ... 4 Johnstown, Pa 17 Keyser, W. Va 14 Lexington, Va 18 M(d Winchester, Va 11 Form Ex. 1299.— Sea Isle City, N. J., and Return. Limited to ten (10) days from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Atlantic City R. R to Winslow Junction. South Jersey R. R to Sea Isle City. Returning, same route. Chester, Pa. THROUGH R.\TES. .$2 50 I Wilmington, Del. $3 00 jK#^Transfer of passenger or baggage through Philadelphia not in- cluded. If transfer is desired, agents will sell transfer check, Form T. 23, for transfer of passenger at rate of 15 cents in either direction, and transfer check, Form T. 8, for transfer of l)aggage, at rate of 25 cents in either direction. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 359 SHARON SPRINGS. This " Baden-Biiden of AnicTicu,"' as it has been recently denominated, is a favorite summer resort of easy access. It is situated in a narrow valley surrounded by high hills, and is noted for its mineral springs, of which the most promi- nent are chalybeate, magnesia, white sulphur, and blue sul- phur. The magnesia and white sulphur springs bear a close resemblance to the White Sulphur Springs of Virginia, and the waters of the former are used freely. The specialty of the place, however, is its baths, of which tbere are a great variety, of wonderful cui'ative power. Form Ex. 54,'^.^Shai;ox Springs, X. Y., anp Return. P.altiiiioro iV: Ohio R. 11 to Pliila(k-li)hi:i. I'liiladfliiliiiwt Reading U. U to liound Urook. ( 'I'litral R. R. of Xew .Jfrsey t(j New York. New York Central it Hudson Ri\-er R. I! to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Sharon Springs. Returning, same loute. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ^Nld Sl(> 85 I Wasliington, D. C $18 85 fPhiladelphia, Pa 12 >>o \ Form Ex. 540. — Sharon Springs, X. Y., and Return. Paltininre &Ohio R. R to Philadeljihia. Philadeli)liia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. ('eiitral U, R. of New Jersev to New York. West Shore R. R " to Albany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Sharon Springs. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, included. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore. Md SK) 85 I Washington, D. C .$18 85 tPhiladelphia, Pa 12 85 | Form Ex. 719. — Sharon Springs, X. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeli>hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jer.sey to Xew York. Peo]>le's Line ti) Alliany. Delaware it Hudson R. R to Sharon S])rings. Returning, same loute. through rates. Baltimore, Md $13 85 I Washington, D. C $15 85 tPhiladelphia, Pa 9 85 | Form Ex. 550. — Sharon Springs, X. Y., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philailelidiia. Piiiladcl]. ilia it Pleading R. R to Bound P.rook. CeiHral R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York & Albany Day Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Sharon Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 85 | Washington, D. C $16 85 tPhiladeli)hia, Pa 10 85 | 360 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY SHELDRAKE, N . Y. Form Ex. 131S.— Sheldrake, X. Y., and Return. Baltimore cfe Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Sheldrake. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 40 I Washington, D. C $16 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 60 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 361 SHENANDOAH ALUM SPRINGS, VA. A home-like resort, and just the place a man of family would like to summer with his wife and children. The hotel and cottages front on a lawn, which is so shaded as to afford the coolest of spots for a re- treat t o while away the day. The provision for the enjoyment of children and the little folks, in the way of croquet _^ ^^ ^ and kindred out- ,.. «... SHENANDOAH ALUM. door sports, is all the fondest of mothers could wish for. There are no particular pretensions to style at Shenandoah, as the aim is to insure comfort and rest without carrying the dissipations of the winter over into the summer. It is a home-like resort, and those who avail themselves of its 362 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY accommodations remain, as a rule, during tlie hot months, and leave only when it becomes so cool us to require the use of double blankets at night. For health and rest it would be difficult to name a more advantageous locality. The main springs consist of alum, but there are also chalybeate, sulphur, iron, and arsenic; and invalids seeking the health- restoring qualities of nature's own remedies may consult their physician as to whether or not waters of this character are best adapted for their cases. No trouble can be experi- enced by any one in securing the pamphlets of the different resorts, which not only specify the varieties of springs, but also give rates for accommodation and other essential details. Form Ex. fiGl. — Shenandoah Alum Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore it Oliio R. R to Mt. .Tackson. Stage (12 miles) to Shenandoah Alum Springs. Returning:, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $10 45 Bellaire, O IS 90 r>erkeley Springs, W. Va. . S 60 Cameroii, W. Va 17 45 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 6 'JO Cheat H a v e n , Pa. ( via Uniontown) 15 40 Chester. Pa 18 95 Clarkslmr--, W. Va 15 50 Connellsville, I'a 14 25 CumI.erland, Md 10 55 Deer Park, Md 12 45 Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) 14 95 Fairmont, W. Va 15 50 Frederick. Md 7 70 Grafton, W. Va 14 W Hagerstown, Md 7 70 Harper's Ferry. W. Va. . . 6 65 Harris. ml )urg.'Va 4 30 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 11 90 Johnstown, Pa 14 30 Keyser, W. Va 11 45 Lexington, Va 7 40 McKeesport, Pa 16 00 Martinsburg, W. Va. . . . 7 40 Meversdale, Pa 12 05 Va. (via Va. (via Mnrgantown, W I'liiontown) ^r(lrgnntuwn, W Fairmont) Mniindsville, W. Va . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York. N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersbui'g, W. Va. . . Piiiladeli)liia. Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Smithfield, Pa. (via Union town) Somerset, Pa Statmton, Va Strasburg. Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C. ... Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va. . . . ^Vi]nungt(ln, Del ^\'inchester, Va $15 95 SHELTER ISLAND, N. Y. Shelter Island was originally the home of the Manhasset Indians. Settlements were made on it as early as 1652, and in 1730 it was incorporated as a town. The island, six miles long by four wide, is a picturesque and irregularly- ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 363 shaped bit of land, situated at the eastern end of Long Ishmd, between the Avaters of Peconic and Gardiner Bays. The surface of the Ishind is diversified in a pleasing- way by rolling hills, pretty valleys, fresh ponds and deep inlets. In the very midst of salt .water it must needs be healthy. Form Ex. 1080. — Shelter Island, N. Y., and Return. P,aUi more ,t Ohio R. R to Pliila(leli>liia. I'lulailclpliia &, Reading R. R to Boinul Broolc. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Metropolitan Ferry Co., James' Slip or 34tli Street Ferry to Long Island City. Long Island R. R to Green port. Shelter Island Ferry to Shelter Island. Ri'turnim;-, same route. Baltimore, :\rd. , tl'hiladelphia, V THROUGH RATES. . $13 45 I Washington, D. C. SI 5 45 9 45 364 BALTIMORE <& OHtO RaILROAD COMPANY SORRENTO, ME. Sorrento lies directly opposite Bar Harbor, upon the left as one leaves the ferry for Mt. Desert. This peninsula is three miles long, with an average width of a mile, and has borne until recently the name of "Waukeag Neck." It has six miles of water front, which has been divided into cottage lots rising gradually from the sea, terraced by the hand of nature. Now that Bar Harbor land has attained such fabulous prices, these neighboring lands are appreci- ating rapidly in value. Sorrento is destined in a not far distant future to become the terminus of the rail line to Mt. Desert, offering, by reason of its closer proximity to Bar Harbor, increased facilities for reaching that point by allowing the passage which now rerpiires thirty minutes to be reduced by fully one-half. This, however, may not prove such a charm to the visitor, as the ferry journey forms one of the pleasautest features of the trip, leaviug more, rather than a reduction, to be desired. Sorrento. Me., and Keturn. Form Ex. 1081 or Spl. Ex. 1082— Extensions from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Sorrento. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding- forms.) Form Spl. Ex. 1082 is good for continuous passage only east of Port- land, and the rates for same are $2.50 less than rates for the regular excursion as quoted below. TUROUGU rates. Route to and from Boston. From fPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Washington, D. C. . . Rail Lines Sound Lines Roturninu; Smind $28 00 32 00 31 00 $20 00 30 0(1 32 00 $27 00 31 00 33 00 SOMERSET, PA. Somerset, Pa., and Ukturn. Use Local Excursion Book Tickets. THROUGH rates. Cheat Haven, Pa $3 25 Connellsville, Pa 2 10 l^'aireliance. Pa 2 SO Hyndnian, iPa 1 75 Johnstown, Pa 1 45 McKeesport, Pa 3 85 Meyersdale, Pa 85 iVrt. Pleasant, Pa $2 GO Pittsburg, Pa 4 40 Rock wood, Pa. Smithfield, Pa. . Uniontown, Pa. . Washington, Pa. Wheeling, W. Va. 35 2 95 2 55 5 55 G 85 366 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANT SPRING LAKE, N. J. Form Ex. 1177. — Spring Lake, N. J., and Keturn. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadolithia. riiihi(U>li)hia A Rcfiding R. R to P.oundT.rook Central R. R. of New Jersey to Spring Lake. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Washington, D. C. . .«^10 00 Baltimore, Md $8 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 00 | In addition to tjie above, excursion tickets Form E.\-. 1177, Spring Lake, N. J., may be st)ld from following stations at rates as ijuoted below. Tickets sliould be limited with an "L" punch to IG days, including day of issue. THROUOH RATES. P.aUimore, ^Id $7 50 I tT'hila. C 8 Washington, Pa 17 West Newton, Pa 14 West Salisbury, Pa 12 Wheeling, W." Va 18 Wilmington, Del 13 Winchester, Va 4 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 367 STOCKBRIDGE BERKSHIRE HILLS), MASS. This village has a reputation as a summer resort which attracts to its Avell-kept hotels— the principal hostelry, the Stockljridge House, having the well-earned reputation of being one of the hest hotels in the country — its cottages and fine homes, hosts of admiring guests, whose numbers increase with every passing year. With the country villas and cottages thrown open and the hotels wxdl filled, the summer life here is one of most sensible enjoyment. An extensive puldic ]tark has lately been laid out on the hill to the northward, by Cyrus W. Field, a native of Stockbridge. The village neatness is the wonder of every stranger. The main street is from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty feet wide, and all the streets outside the wagon-way are kept closely mown and clean. Almost every house in town has a haud- some lawn around it and fiowers before it. One of the most noted scenic beauties of Stockbridge is its famous ** I'xiwK" in the extreme northerly part of the town, and so close to the line which divides it from Lenox that it is often thought to belong to the latter town. The })ros})eet from around the rim of the ''Jiowl" is very fine indeed, and attracts many visitors. AValks about town are in numerous directions. A favorite one is to Ice (ilen, a cleft across the spur of IJear Mountain, a short dis- tance from the village. Here, in a deep, cool, shady, wild ravine of irregular formation, is a luxurious retreat on a hot day, where ice is found all summer down among the fallen rocks. Beyond Ice (ilen a magnificent mountain outlook is had from Laura's Kest. Here the range of vision extends Avide into Connecticut, New York and Ver- mont, on nearly every side of the observer, and the beauties that are spread before him are transcendent. Fine sidewalks from the centre of the village from one- half to three-quarters of a mile in every direction, and these, well shaded, make delightful strolls. Prospect Hill, just above the village, commands one of the choicest views of beauty in the world. Laurel Hill, on the edge of the village, is the object of another walk. A walk to "Cherry 368 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Cottage" is often taken by those who want to go three miles. But the stranger in Stockbriclge needs no direction to liiid the beautiful. It is everywhere! Form Ex. 9S1.— Stockhuidge (Berkshire Hills), Mass. Baltimore & Ohio II. R to Philadelphia. PliiUulel])hia t Montreal R. R to Sugar Hill. Returning, same route to Boston. To lie sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Bosttin. From tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md AVashin-ton, 1). C. . . Rail Lines Sound Lines Goinir Return in Kail ^r SoLiul $22 40 26 40 28 40 $18 50 22 50 24 50 $21 90 25 90 27 00 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. 59.— Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Staunton. Chosai>cake & Ohio Rv to Alleghany Station. Stage (9 miles) . . .' to Sweet Chalybeate Springs. Returning, same route. 370 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY THROUGH Biiltiiiiore, Md $10 00 Belliiire, 2(1 05 Berkeley S])rings, W. Va. . lo 75 Cameron, W. Va '24 fiO Charlestown, W. Va. ... 13 MO Chester, I'a 1!) 50 Clark.shurg, W. Va 22 05 Coiinellsville, Pa 21 40 Cuiiilierlaiid, Md 17 70 Deer Park, Md 19 00 Fairiiioiit, \V. Va 22 05 Frederick, Md 14 85 Grafton, AV. Va 21 75 Plagerstown, IMd 14 85 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 13 80 Harrisonburg," Va 8 80 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 17 45 Johnstown, Pa 21 45 Keyser, W. Va IS 00 Lexington, Va !) 30 McKeesport, Pa 23 15 Martinsburg. W. Va 14 55 Meyersdale," Pa 10 20 RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via TTniiintown) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Faii'inont) Moundsville, AV. Va. . . . Mountain Lake I'ark, Md. . Mt. I'leasant, I'a Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakhmd, Ahl Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa StraslJurg, Va Uniontown, Pa AVashington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va .^23 10 Form E"x. 73. — Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah June. N(jrfVilk & Western R. R to Basic. Chesapeake it Ohio Ry to Alleghany Station. Stage (9 miles) to Sweet Chalybeate Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $10 00 I New York, N. Y $24 00 Chester, Pa 19 50 | Philadeli)hia, Pa 20 00 Havre de Grace, Md. . . . 17 45 1 Washington, D. C 14 00 Newark, Del 18 30 | AVilmington, Del 19 00 Form Ex. 130. — Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. it O. to C. .t O. Depot. Chesai)eake & Ohio Ry to Alleghany Station. Stage (9 miles) to Sweet Chalybeate Springs. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, 3Md $16 00 Bellaire, 28 95 ]>erkelcy S|)rings, W. A'a. . IS 05 Caiiicrun, AV. A' a 27 50 Ciiarlestown, W. Va. . . . 17 20 Chester, Pa 10 50 Clarksburg, W . Va 25 55 Connellsville, Pa 24 30 Cumlierland, Md 20 00 Deer Park, Md 22 00 Fairmont, W. Va 25 55 Fie(U'i-ick, Md 10 80 Grafton. W. Va 24 05 Hagerstown, Md 17 00 Harner's Ferry, W. Va. . . 10 70 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 17 45 Johnstown, Pa 24 35 Kevser, W. Va 21 50 Mclvecsport, Pa 20 05 MartinsDurg, W. Va. ... 17 45 Meversdale, Pa 22 10 Morgantown, AV. A^a. (via Uniontown) $20 INIoruantown, W. A''a. (via Fairmont) . 20 MounilsviiJe, W. A'a 28 ISIountain Lake Park, Md. . 22 Mt. Pleasiint, Pa 24 Newark, Dei IS New York, N. Y 24 Oakland, ^\d 22 Parkersburg, AV. A'a. ... 28 Philade])iliia, Pa 20 Piedmont, ^V. A"a 21 Pittsburg, P Rockwood, Pa. . Somerset, Pa. . . Uniontown, Pa. . AVasbington, Pa. AVheeling, AV. Va. AVilmington, Del. 2() AVinchestcr, \''a 18 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 371 SWEET SPRINGS, W. VA. The location of Sweet Spriiigs is in a more ojien conntry tlian is generally the rule in mountain districts. The spi-ings themselves flow from a valley of surpassing loveliness and fertility, surrounded by mountain scenery of wondrous beauty. The water is powerfully tonic, diu- i^ED SWEI T retie, mikll\ cathartic, and alterative. As a tonic it is applicable to all cases of debility, general or local, and to many forms of dys- pepsia, and cases of func- tional disease of the stomach and l)owels. In cases of chronic diarrhcea and dysentery it is often used with signal benefit. In rheumatic and neuralgic affections, in diseases of the kidneys and urinary passages, and in calculus affections it stands probably without a rival. In amenorrhoea and the diseases peculiar to females, the happiest results are frequently obtained. There are many other diseased conditions to which the ^waters are applicable which the limits of a brief notice prevent enumerating. The high standard of the cuisine which the Sweet Springs Hotel has obtained will be fully maintained in every respect. THE SPKINGS. 372 BALTIMORE d: OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Visitors are conveyed from the station to the Springs over a smooth and well-graded road, through romantic mountain scenery, in comfortahle four-horse Concord coaches. The teams are exceptionally fine, and the drivers polite, careful and experienced. . Coaches are always await- ing the arrival of all trains at the Alleghany Station, so that there is no delay in the conveyance of passengers. Form Ex. GO. — Sweet Springs, W. Ya., and Keturn. Baltimore tt Oliio R. R tn Staunton. Che.sai)eake it Ohio Ry In Allc.i;lianv Station. Stage (10 miles) to Sweet Spring.s. Retnrniiia;, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, jNId $10 Bellaire, 20 Berkeley Si)rings, W. Va. . 15 Cameron, W. Va 24 Chariest. .wn, W. Ya. ... 13 Chester, I'a 19 Clarksburg, W. Ya 22 Connellsville, Ra 21 Cumberlantl, Md 17 Deer Park, JMd 19 Fairmont, W.Ya 22 Frederick, Md 14 Grafton, W. Ya 21 Hagerstown, Md 14 Harper's Ferry, W. Ya. . . 13 Harrisonburg, Ya 8 Havre de (jrace, Md. ... 17 Johnstown, Pa 21 Keyser, W. Ya 18 Lexington, Ya 9 McKeesport, Pa 23 Martinsburg, W. Ya. ... 14 Meyersdale, Pa 19 Morgantown, Y". Ya. (via ITnionlown) $23 10 Morgantown, W. Ya. (via Fairmont) 23 05 ISIouudsville, W. Ya. ... 25 30 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 19 75 ]Mount Pleasant, Pa. ... 21 90 Newark. Del IS 30 New York. N. Y 24 00 Oakland, INId 19 85 Parkersburg, W. Ya. . . . 25 80 Philadelphia, Pa 20 00 Piednujnt, W. Ya 18 80 Pittsburg, Pa 23 70 Rockwood, Pa 19 05 Somerset, Pa 20 05 Strasburg, Ya 11 15 Uniontown, Pa 21 85 Y'ashiugton, I). C 14 00 Washington, Pa 24 80 AVheeling, W. Ya 25 80 Wilmington, Del 19 00 Winchester, Ya 12 20 Form Ex. 72. — Sweet Springs, W. Ya., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah .lunc. Norfolk & Western R. R to P.asic. Chesapeake it Ohio Ry to Alleghany Station. Stage (10 miles) to Sweet Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ISId $10 00 Chester, Pa 19 50 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 17 45 Newark, Del 18 30 New York, N. Y $24 00 Phih.deliihia, Pa 20 00 Y'ashington, I). C 14 00 Wilmington, Del 19 00 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 373 'f^^-."^.' y . ■>- Form Ex. 128.— Sweet SpraNos, W. V.\., and IlETrnx. Baltimore it Ohio II. R to Washington. Tran.sfer II. i^- (). l)i'i»it to C. & O. Depot. Clie.sapeake * Ohio Hy to Allegliany. Stage (10 miles) . . .' to Sweet Springs. Keturnins', same route. THROUGH R.\TES. Baltimore, Md $10 00 Beilaire, 28 9.") Berkeley Springs, \V. Va. . 18 05 Cameron, W. Va 27 50 Charlestown, \V. Va. . . . 17 20 Cliester, Pa 19 50 Clarksburg, W. \'a 25 55 Connellsville, Pa 24 30 Cumberland, Md 20 60 Deer Park, Md 22 00 Fairmont, W. Va 25 55 Frederick, Md 16 80 Grafton, W.Va 24 65 Hagerstown, Md 17 60 Harper's J'erry, ^^'. \'a. . . 16 70 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 17 45 Johnstown, Pa 24 .35 Keyser, W. Va 21 50 McKeesport, Pa 26 05 Martinsburg, W. A'a. . . . 17 45 Meyersdale, Pa 22 10 2(; .55 28 20 •!•) 15 24 ,S() IS m 24 00 Morgantown, ^\'. Va. (via Uniontown) .^26 00 Morgantown, \\'. \ a. (\ia Fairmont) ^roundsville, W. \ a. . . Mountain Lake Park, Md Mt. Pleasant, I'a Newark, Dei New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, "W. \a. . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va. . . . Pittsburg, I'a Kockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa TTniontown, Pa \Vashington, Pa 27 Wheeling, \V. Va 28 Wilmington, Del 10 Winchester, Va 18 24 374 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY SWITCHBACK MAUCH CHUNK', PA. Manch Chunk is situated in the midst of some of the wildest and most picturesque scenery in America, the town lying in a narrow gorge between and among high moun- tains, its foot resting on the Lehigh River and its body lying along the hillsides. The town is but one street wide, and the valley is so narrow that the dwelling-houses usually have their gardens and out-honses perched above the roof, and there is barely room for the railroad, street, river, and canal, which pass through the gorge side by side. The "Switch-Back" is now nsed only as a pleasure road. It is run by gravity. The cars are drawn to the top of Mt. Pisgali by a jiowerful engine on the summit, whence they descend six miles, by gravity, to the foot of Mt. Jefferson, where they are again taken np by means of a plane, which ascends 462 feet in a length of 2,070 feet, and then run on to Summit Hill. From that point the cars return, all the way, by the "back-track," or gravity road, to Mauch Chunk, landing the passengers but a short distance from the S])ot where they began the ascent over ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 375 Mt Pisgah. Several passenger trains daily run between the station at the foot of Mt Pisgah and the mines; and the excursion is botli novel and enjoyable. The time required for the circuit is about three hours ; fare, roniul trip, seventy-five cents. An omnibus, connecting Avith the trains, runs from the Mansion House to the foot of the in- clined plane (fare, twenty-five cents). The first plane is 2,322 feet long, and leads to the summit of ]\It. Pisgah (850 fret above the river), from which a noble view is obtained. Mt. .Tefferson is the highest point on the road, which (h'scends thenre on a sliglit grade to Summit Hill, on Avhich is a mining village of 2,810 inhabitants, with a church, several hotels, and other evidences of civili- zation. Summit Hill is a good deal resorted to in summer. Beyond Summit Hill the centre of the coal region is reached. Visitors desirous of enjoying the experience of being " down in tlie mines" can do so by lying over here for a few hours. The return to Mauch Chunk is by a descend- ing grade of ninety-six feet to the mile, and the entire nine miles is traversed in about twenty-five minutes. Two miles beyond Mauch Chunk is Glen Onoko, a wild and beautiful ravine on the side of Broad Mountain. H is 900 yards long, ami from forty to eighty feet wide, and presents a continuous succession of cascades, rapids ami pools, which afford a fine spectacle in seasons of high water. From the upper end of the Glen a path leads to the Eock Cabin and to Packer's Point, whence there is an extensive view. Glen Onoko, in point of natural scenery and picturesque beauty, surpasses anything of its kind in the country, not excepting the far-famed Watkins Glen, and is visited annuallv bv thousands of tourists. 376 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 599. — SwiTcunACK, 1*a., and IIetukn. Baltiinnrc .t Oliio R. R to riiihulelpliia. I'hilailrli.lna .t Ueadint;- H. i; to llctlilclieni. Lehigh Vallrv R. K. to Maucli Clinnk.* Switchback ll. R to Sinimnt ]Iill. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $S 50 1 Washington, D. C $10 .50 tPiiiladelphia, Ra 4 50 1 •■'■Transfer through Maucli Cliunk 25 cents in cacli direction. Form Ex. GOl. — Switcht.ack, Pa., and R>KTri!N. Baltimore it Oliio R. R to rhiladeli.Iiia. Rhiladelpiiia it Heading R. i; to I'-et hiehem. Central K. K. of New . I ersev to >hiucli < 'hunk.* Switchback R. R ' to Sunmiil Hill. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md !>S 50 I Washington, D. (] $10 50 tPhiladelphia, Pa 4 50 | ■^Transfer through Maucli Chunk 25 cents in each direction. __-m,,i_ '^'' - .■^-'•* ^tt> BURNING MINE SUMMIT, MAUCH CHUNK. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 377 TATE SPRINGS, TENN. Form Ex. 12G7.— Tate Springs (Bean's 8ta.), Tenn., and Return. Biiltininrc tt Ohio R. II to Shenandoah Junction. Norfolk it Western R. R to IJri.stol. Sontliern Ry to Morristown. Morristo\vn"& Cumberland Gap R. R. . . . to Bean's Station. Returning;;, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $22 90 Bell aire, 82 85 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 22 Go Cameron, \V. Va 31 45 Cliester, Pa 26 40 Clarksburg, \V. Va 29 45 Connellsville, Va 28 20 Cuml)erlan(l, Md 24 50 Deer Park, Md 2(! 45 Fairmont, W. Va 29 45 ]<'rederick, Md 22 25 Crafton, W. Va 28 55 Hari)cr's Ferry, \V. Va. . . 21 15 H ]|eturn. Form Ex. 10S6 — Extension from Boston. Ilouto beyond Boston. Boston iV: ^Maine E. 11 tn Intervale .Tunetion. j\Iaine Central R. R to Twin Mnnntain House. Returnintr, same route to I'oston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding' i'ornis.) TllPiOUOir RATES. Route to and from I'xiston. tl'biladelpbia, Pa. lialtinioi'e. iMT Wa-lnii^'tou, 1). ('. Transfer tlii'outili R ail 1 .lines s. )und Lines Guing Kail Returning Soun^I or vice versa. Ra. . . .$2.'l 45 $20 4.'"i $22 4ri 27 45 24 45 26 45 >. •'. . . 2!l 4."> 2(; 45 28 45 IJoston, via Sound Lines, included. Twix Mountain House, N. H., and Return. Form ]v\". 1087 — Extension from R.oston. Rioute beyond Boston. Boston ct Maine R. R to Rorlland. Maine Central R. R. .• to Twin .Mountain House Returning, same route \o Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding iornis.) through rates. Route to and from Boston. Fr< ni R ail Lines Sound Lines Going Rail Returning Sound or vice versa. tl'hila.leli lialtimore AVasbingti ihia, Ra. . . Md m, D. C. . . • • $23 45 27 45 20 45 $20 45 24 45 26 45 $22 45 26 45 28 45 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Twin Mountain House, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1088 — Extension from Boston. Route lieyond Boston. Boston .t Maine R. R to Nashua. Concord ct Montreal R. R to Twin Mountain House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPliiladelphia, Pa. llaltimore, Md. . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines $23 45 27 45 20 45 I Going Rail bound Lines Returning Sound $20 10 24 10 26 10 Vice versa. $22 45 26 45 28 45 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 379 C^UAIilJY KUN. UNEVA MT. CHATEAU HOTEL , W. VA. The new mountain resort of West \'irgiiiiu will be open for guests about July ]st, 1805. Situated at the mouth of the Cheat Kiver canyon, on the western slope of the Laurel Ridge in the midst of a country rich in historical events, and unsurpassed in the Avild beauty of its scenery, to lovers of nature the place cannot fail to be attractive, as it is verily an undiscovered country — old, yet new. The hotel is built on a rock jdateau 150 feet above the clear and beauti- ful Cheat, surrounded by towering mountains whose sides are clothed with forests as dense and tangled as in the days when it was the favorite hunting grounds of a race a\ ho disputed its possession with the hardy pioneer, and wiio are now but a memory. It is of a verity the home of the ar- tist, the pleasure seeker and the sportsman. The view from the hotel looking up the Cheat is unsurpassed, while clear limpid streams brawl their way to the river, uiul "sweet tangled dells" delight the eve at everv turn. 3S0 BALTIMORE <(" OHTO RAILROAD COMPANY Cooper's Eock, from whose summit a clear view of fifty miles can be had ; Cheat View, the highest point on the range ; Rock City, a picture8(pie upheaval, a visit to which alone is woi'th many miles of travel, and the beautiful Quarry run, are amoug a few of the many points of interest. Gauie, too, is plentiful. Deer, wild turkey, pheasants, squirrels and rabbits abound; Avhile in the river, salmon, •x: ^. %,.y.;^:^^/. SQUIRREL UOCK. perch, Idack bass and other varieties of fish are found. The boating is good, with a large number of pleasure l)oats for use of guests. ' Tlie hotel, a new structure of stone and frame, Iniilt in the Swiss style, has accommodations for 100 guests, and is easily reached by the new line of the Baltimore & Ohio K. li. to the quaint little city of Morgantown, thence by stage line seven miles into the mountains, to the hotel. C. J, Pride, of Morgantown, will run a first-class line of carriages to and from the hotel, meeting all trains. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 381 Form Ex. 906. — Uney.v (Mt. Ch.vteau Hotel), W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohii I II. R to Cheat Hiiven. Mt. Chateau ( 'oniiiany'n Stage Line (8 miles) . . to Uneva. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md. (via Union- town) Bellaire, Berkeley Springs, ^\■. Va. (via itniontown) . . . . (^ameron, W. Va Charlestown, AV. Va. (via Uniontown) Chester, Pa. (via Union- town) (Jlarksburg. W. Va Connellsville, I'u C u m b e r 1 a n d , Md . ( via Uniontown) Fairchanee. Pa Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md. (via Union- town) Grafton, W. Va Hagerstown, Rid. (via Uniontown) Hariier's Ferry, AV.Va. (via Uniontown) Harrisonburg, V a . ( v i a ITniontown) Havre de Grace, Md. (via Itniontown) Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va. (via Mor- gantown) Keyser, \\. Va. (via Cum- berland) Lexington, Va. (via I'nion- town) iS[cKees])(irt, Pa Martinsburg, AV. Va. (via Uniontown) $].S 55 5 55 8 35 4 Gf ) 10 15 17 05 4 35 •1 20 5 85 1 00 2 m Kl 80 3 50 10 80 9 75 14 75 15 00 5 05 () 05 G 75 17 85 3 ;)5 9 00 ISIeversdale, Pa $4 35 .Morsiantown, W. Va 1 60 Aloundsville, W. Va. ... 5 25 Mnuntain Lake Park, ^Nld. ( via ;\Iorganthia it Reading R. U to Bound Brook. Central 1!. R. of New .lersev to New York. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. (New Haven System) to Springfield. B so 10 30 22 75 11 15 22 80 2100 15 40 18 30 22 00 22 SO !) 70 2L 50 10 no 9 00 8 35 21 10 10 80 22 30 10 80 Meyersdale, Pa $17 60 Morgantown, ^V. Va. o'ia Uniontown) 23 75 Morgantown, ^^'. Va. (via Fairmont) 24 60 Moundsville, W. Va. ... 26 30 Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 18 50 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 21 70 Newark, Del 9 65 New York, N. Y 16 90 Oakland, Md 18 60 Parkersbnrg, W. ^'a 26 30 Philadelphia, Pa 11 90 Piedmont, W. Va 17 10 Pittsburg, Pa 22 30 Rock wood, Pa 18 30 Smithfield, Pa. (via Union- town) 22 20 Somerset, Pa 18 90 Uniontown, Pa 21 60 Washington, Pa 24 30 AVhcfliiig, W. Va 26.30 AViliiiinutcin, Del 10 40 "Wiiuhester, Va 11 70 Form Ex. 758. — Virginia Beach, Va. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Baltimore Steam Packet Co to Norfolk. Norfolk, Albemarle & Atlantic K. II to Virginia Bench. Returning, same route. THROUCiH rates. Bellaire, Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . Cameron, W. Va Charlestown, W. Va. . . . Cheat Haven, Pa. (\ia Uniontown) Chester, Pa Clarksburg, W. Va Connellsville, Pa Cumberland, IMd Deer Park, Md Fairchance, Pa. (via Union- town) Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md Grafton, W. Va Hagerstown, Md Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . Harrisonburg, Va Havre de Grace, Md. . . . Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va McKeesi)ort, Pa Martinsliurg, W. Va. . . . Meyersdale, Pa $25 80 13 70 25 80 1140 22 95 10 65 23 90 2180 16 50 19 40 22 20 23 90 9 30 22 60 10 80 10 70 17 00 7 85 21 10 17 90 2180 1180 18 70 Morgantown, W. Va. (via l^niontown) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rock wood, Pa Smithtield, Pa. (via Union- town) Somerset, Pa Strasburg, Va l^niontown. Pa \\'asliington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va ?23 95 25 70 25 SO 19 60 21 80 9 15 16 40 19 70 25 SO 11 40 IS 20 21 80 19 40 22 40 20 00 13 80 21 80 23 80 25 80 9 90 12 80 388 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 694. — Virginia Beach, Va. Limited to three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore Steam Packet Co., Old Point Comfort . to Norfolk. Norfolk, All)emarle & Atlantic R. R to Virginia Beach. Returning, same route. Transfer through Norfolk included. To be sold only in connection with Summer Excursion Tickets ter- minating at Old Point ('(jmibrt, Va. Rate $1 50 WADESVILLE, VA. Baltimore ct Ohio R. R to Wadesville. Returning, same route. Use Local Excursion Book Tickets. THROUGH RATES. Baltinun-e. Md $4 95 | Washington, D. C $3 35 iL I '■ ■ ^^ iv--^ ^ t ^ ,.■■- ,-i^ ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 389 ^f«?S^,*V^ (, ,^«,. WARM SPRINGS, VA. Form Ex. SO.— Warm SritiNus, V.v., .\.\ii Return. I'.altiniore it Ohio R. R to Staunton. Transfer R. eV: U. R. R. Depot to ('. .t O. Ry. Depot. ('liesapeake & Ohio Ry to Hot Springs. Stage Line " to AVarni Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH R.VTES. Bellaire, O $27 25 Rerkelev Springs, W. \'a. . 16 95 Canieroii, W. Va 25 80 Charlestown, W. Va. ... 1450 Clarksburg, W. Va 23 85 Connellsville, Pa 22 60 (Cumberland, ISId 18 90 Deer Rark, ^Id 20 80 Fairmont, W. Va 23 85 Frederick, Md 16 05 (h-afton, W. Va 22 95 Hagerstown, Md 16 05 Harper's Ferry, "W. Va. . . 15 00 Harrisonburg, Va 10 00 Johnstown, Pa 22 65 Keyser, W. Va 19 80 Lexington, Va 10 50 McKeesport, Pa 24 35 Martinsburg, W. Va. ... 15 75 Meyersdale, Pa Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) :M()undsvillc, W. ^'a. . . . ISrountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Winchester, Va §20 24 24 26 20 23 21 27 20 24 20 21 390 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 623. — Warm Springs, Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer E. it O. R. R. Depot to C. it O. Ry. Depot. Chesai>eake & Ohio Ry to Hot Springs. Stage Line ' to Warm Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. I Baltimore, Md $1G 00 Chester, Pa 19 50 Frederick, Md IB 80 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 17 45 Newark, Del $18 30 New York, N. Y 24 00 Philadelphia, Pa 20 00 Wilmington, Del 19 00 WATCH HILL, R. I. Form Ex. 725. — Watch Hill, R. I., and Return. Baltimore it Oliio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladclpliia it Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central B. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwich Line to New London. Steamer "Block Island' to Watch Hill. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, ]\rd $11 40 | Washington, D. C $13 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 7 40 | Form Ex. 720. —Watch Hill, R. L, and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeljihia it Reading R. R to Bound lirook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. St(mington Line to Stonington. Steamer "Watch Hill" to Watch Hill. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, INId $11 40 I Washington, D. C $13 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 7 40 | Form Ex. 1275. — Watch Hill, R. I., and Return. Baltimore it Ohio R. R to Philadeliihia Philadelphia it Reading R. R to P>ound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. . to New London. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R. ■ to Stonington. Steamer "Watch Hill" to Watch Hill. Returning, same route. through rates. Baltimore, Md $14 10 I Washington, D. C $1G 10 tl'hiladelphia, Pa 10 10 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 391 WATERBURY, VT. Form Ex. 1263. — Wateubihy Yt., and Return. P.altiinore ct Ohio R. R to Pliiladeli.liia. riiilack'lpliia it Reading R. R to Round ISrook. CcMitral R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven tt Hartford I!. It. (New Haven System) to Siiringfield. Bo.stun tt lifaine R. R to South Vi'rnon. Central Vermont R. R. . . . to Brattleboro. Boston it Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Waterliury. Returning, same route. THROUGH R.VTES. Baltimore. ISId $21 00 I Washington. D. C $23 00 tPliiladelidiia, Pa 17 00 | FoR.M Ex. 1265. — Waterbury, Vt., and Return. P.altiniore it Ohio R. R. . to Phihidelphia Philadelphia ife Reading R. IJ to Bound ilrook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwich Line " to New London. Central Vermont R. R to Brattleboro. Boston it Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R. R to Waterbury. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md .$20 00 I Washington, D, C $22 00 tPhiladelphiu, Pa 16 00 | 393 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY WATKINS GLEN, N. Y. The lovely village of Watkins, at the head of Seneca Lake, is the Mecca of a vast pilgrimage of those who halt here to exjilore its peerless glen. This remarkal)le canyon — a water-worn rift in the mountain-side — is entered from its lower portals, just at the head of the village. The coaches of the several hotels of the place are always at the landing upon the arrival of boats. Ivev. Dr. Theodore L. Ouyler, says: "I liave visited this most fascinating spot twice, and it would repay many another visit. Starting from the lower valley on a level with Seneca Lake, it requires from three to four hours to clind) the ascending gorge until you reach Glen Omega. It is really a magnilicent cavern of over three miles long, with the roof off. The 'Cathedral,' with its solid walls looming up three hundred feet, would accommodate one of Whitelield's vast congregations. '•At ' llainhow Falls ' you catch but a glimpse of blue sky above, the wild precipices on either side, while below you leaps and foams the white torrent into the dark de})ths below. " The gem of beauty is that part known as the 'Artist's Dream.' It is a spot in which Church or Kensett or luness might revel ; a long narrowing vista of rock-walls, o'erarched with twining trees, is illuminated wath a snow- white cascade and tapestried with ferns and tresses of lux- uriant vines. Every step of our clamber from the entrance Amphitheatre up to the ' Omega' gave us a new sensation, and by the time that we had reached the end of our tramp we had also reached the end of our adjectives, and sat down tired, silent and happy. "Is not the clamber over the slippery rocks and up the long stairways dangerous ? No, not for sober people who are not troubled with vertigo, and Avho know how to walk circumspectly. Timid, nervous folk or invalids should have a stout guide to help them up the stairs, and steady them around the bastions of wet rocks. " There are plenty of resting-places on the route, and a lover of the beautiful cannot get tired in a better cause than MATCHLESS SCENE. 394 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY in exploring the bewitching climbs, caverns, cascades and cathedrals of Watkins Glen." The Glen Mountain House is about three hundred feet in altitude above the entrance to the Glen, and about one- quarter of the way up to the highest point, and the view of the scenery from this house is most magnificent and grand. To appreciate the Glen, one must see and pass through all its windings, climb its crags, and go from rock to rock ; otherwise descriptions seems commonplace and tame. This remarkable wonder of nature has now become so widely known, and so highly appreciated, that it confess- edly ranks among the first-class attractions of the country. The number of people visiting it during this season is liter- ally immense. They come from all parts of the nation, tliough the States most largely represented are New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Among the names on the re- gister may be found almost daily those of well-known promi- nence in the country. Form Ex. 551. — Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadehihia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Geneva. Fall Brook Railway Co to Watkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $21 00 I Washington, D. C $23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Form Ex. 552.— Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Philadeli>hia. I'liiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R.. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Syracuse. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Geneva. Fall Brook Railway Co to Watkins. Returning, same route. Transfer through New York, in both directions, inchided. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $21 00 I Washington, U. C $23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | Form Ex. 553.— Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. T'hiladelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R. ... to Geneva. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Watkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $21 00 I Washington, D. C $23 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 17 00 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 395 Form Ex. 904.— Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore .fe Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Vallev R. R to Burdette. Burdette & ^Vatkins Transfer Co. (3 miles) ... to Watkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $15 GO I Washington, D. C $17 60 fPhiladelphia, Pa IG 60 | Form Ex. 602.— Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Waverly. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Ellmira. Pennsylvania R. R to Watkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $13 15 I Washington, D. C $15 15 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 60 | Form Ex. 603.— Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore (fe Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Williamsport. Pennsylvania R. R to Watkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH rates. Baltimore, Md $13 15 | Washington, D. C $15 15 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 60 \ Form Ex. 604. — Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeli)hia & Reading R. R to Williamsport. Fall Brook Railway Co to Watkins Glen. Stage to Watkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $13 15 I Washington, D. C $15 15 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 60 | Form Ex. 605. — Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Waverly. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Elmira. Pennsylvania R. R to Watkins. Pennsvlvania R. R to Williamsport. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Pliiladelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $17 40 I Washington, D. C $19 40 tPhiladelphia, Pa 13 40 | Form Ex. 606. — W.\tkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Pliiladelphia & Reading R. R to Williamsport. Pennsylvania R. R to Watkins. Pennsvlvania R. R to Elmira. New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R to Waverly. Lehigh Valley R. R to Bethleh'em. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $17 40 I Washington, D. C $19 40 tPhiladelphia, Pu 13 40 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 397 Form Ex. 607. — Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore &. Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeli.hia & Reading R. R to Bethlehem. Lehi^•h Vallcv R. R to Waverly. New York, Lake Erie & ^^'e!^ter^ R. R to Elmira. I'eiinsvlvania R. R to Watkins. renns'vlvania R. R to Elmira. New York, Lake Erie (t Western R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. riiiladel]>hia & Reading R. R to Thiladelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R" to starting point. Baltimore, Md. . tPhiladelphia, Pa. TUROTGH RATES. . $19 00 I Washii . 15 00 ■ton, D. C .$21 00 The following forms of tiekets, reading Oeneva to Watkins and re- turn, are to be issued in connection with forms of summer excursion tickets passing through or terminating at (ieneva, N. Y., as a side trip, at rates quoted : Form Ex. 398. — Geneva to Watkins, N. Y., anh RETfRN. Fall Brook Railway Co to Watkins. Fall Brook Railway Co to Geneva. Rate from Geneva $1 25 Form Ex. 399. — Geneva to Watkins, N. Y., and Return. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva Rate from Geneva $1 25 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Form Ex. 42. — Waynesville, N. C, and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. \- O. Depot to So. Ry. Depot. Southern Ry to Waynesville. Returning, same route. through rates. Morgan town, W. Va. (via Uniontown) $33 50 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) 34 05 IMoundsville, W. Va. . . . 35 70 .Mountain Lake Park, Md. . 29 G5 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 32 30 Newark, Del 25 SO New York, N. Y 31 50 Oakland, Md 29 75 Parkershurt;', W. Va. . . . 3(i 15 ]'liiladel].hia. Pa 27 50 Piedmont, W. Va 29 20 Pittsburg, Pa 34 10 Rockwood, Pa 30 05 Somerset, Pa 30 45 Uniontown, Pa 32 25 Washington, Pa 35 20 Wheeling, W. Va 36 15 Wilmington, Del 26 50 Winchester, Va 25 80 Baltimore, Md $23 50 Bellaire, 36 45 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 26 15 Cameron, W. Va 35 00 Charlestown, W. Va. . . . 24 70 Chester, Pa 27 00 Clarksburg, W. Va 33 05 Connellsville, Pa 31 80 Cumberland, ]Md 28 10 Deer I'ark, Md 29 50 Fairmont, W. Va 33 05 Frederick, Md 24 30 (Jrafton, W. Va 32 15 Hagerstown, Md 25 10 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 24 20 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 24 95 Johnstown, Pa 31 85 Kevser, W. Va 29 00 Mc'Keesport, Pa 33 55 Marti nsl3urg, W. Va. ... 24 95 Meyersdale, Pa 29 60 398 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Form Ex. 54. — Waynesville, N. C, and Return. Baltimore it Oliio R. R to Lexington. CliL's^apeake it Ohio Ry to Lynchburg. Richmond it Danville R. R to Waynesville. Returning, same route. Baltimore, Md Bcllairc, O Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . Caiiierdn, \V. Va Cliarlestown, W. Va. . . . Chester, Pa Clarksburg. \V. Va Connellsville, I'a Cumberland, ^Id Deer Park, ]\Id Fairmont, W. Va Frederick, Md (irafton, W. Va Ha.nerstown, Md Harjier's Ferry, W. Va. . . Harrisonburg, Va Havre de Grace, Md. . . . Johnstown, Pa Keyser, W. Va McKeesport, Pa Martinsliurg, W. Va. . . . :Meyers(lale, Pa Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontowh) THROUGH RATES. . $23 50 . 33 45 , 23 25 . 32 05 . 21 50 . 27 00 . 30 05 . 28 80 . 25 10 . 27 05 . 30 05 . 22 15 . 29 15 . 21 50 . 21 50 . 20 10 . 24 95 . 28 85 . 26 05 . 30 55 . 21 95 . 26 60 30 50 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, \V. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadelpbm, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Staunton, Va Strasburg, Va Uniontown, Pa Washington, D. C Washington, Pa Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Winchester, Va $31 05 32 75 27 20 2!) 30 25 SO 31 50 27 .30 32 15 27 50 2() 25 31 10 27 05 27 45 18 SO 21 50 29 25 21 50 32 20 33 15 26 50 21 50 WERNERSViLLE, PA. Form Ex. 513. — Werneesville, Pa., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Wernersville. Returning, sanu^ route. THROUGH RATES. Limit. Rate. Baltimore, Md. . . 11 days. $6 68 Chester, Pa 6 days. 3 18 Havre de Grace, Md. 6 davs. 5 ()3 Newark, Del. ... 6 days. 4 18 tPhiladelphia, Pa. Washington, 1). C. Wilmington, Del. Limit. Rate. , 6 days. $2 68 , 11 days. 8 68 , 6 days. 3 68 WEST BARNSTABLE, MASS. Form Ex. 911. — West Barnstable, Mass., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeli)hia it Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .J er.sey to New York. Old Colonv Steamboat Co. (Fall River Line) . . to Fall River. New York, New Haven it Hartford R. R to West Barnstable. Returning, same route. THROUGH R.\TES. Baltimore, Md $15 60 tPhiladelphia, Pa 11 60 Washington, D. C $17 60 ROUTES AND RAT^S PoR SUMMPtt tOVRS. 399 WEST END, N. J. Form Ex. 1177. — West End., N. J., .\nd Return. Baltimore * Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to West End. Returning, same route. THROUOH RATES. Baltimore, ^fd $8 (X) I Washington. D. C $10 00 tl'hiladeli)hia. Pa 4 00 | In addition to the above, excursion tickets, Form Ex. 1177, W N. .1., may he sold from the following stations at rates as quote Tickt'ts siiould be limited with an " L" imnch to sixteen ( including day of issue. THROUGH R.\TES. >st End, (1 below. K;) days, P.altimore. Md .$7 50 Chester, Pa 4 00 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 585 Newark, Del 5 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Wilnnngton, Del. .?.3 50 !) .50 4 50 WEST OSSIPEE, N. H. West Ossipee, N. H., .\nd Return. Form Ex. 702 — Extension from Boston. Route lieyonil Boston. Boston cfe Elaine R. R to West Ossij)ee. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) through r.\tes. Route to and from Boston. From tPhiladelphia. Pa. Baltimore, Md. . Washington, D. C. Rail Lines Sound Lines Going K.ul Returniiii; .Snuiul $19 50 $17 50 $18 50 23 50 21 50 22 50 25 50 23 50 24 50 400 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ORAVE OF WASHINGTON 1I{VING, TAHKYTOWN, N. Y. WEST POINT, N. Y. Form Ex. 752. — West Point, N. Y., and Return. Baltimore ct Oliio R. 11 to riiiladeliiliia. Philadfliiliia it Readint-,- R. R to Round Brook. Central R. R. of New .Fersey to New York. Steamer "Mary Powell" to West Point. Returning, same route. THKouGir rates. Baltimore, Md $i) 00 I Washington, D. C $11 00 tPliiladeli)liia, Pa 5 00 | FoRji p]x. lOSO. — West Point, N. Y, , and Return. Baltimore (V: (Jiiio R. R to Pliiladclpliia. I'hiladeliiliia it Reading 11. R to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day Line Steamers . . . / to West Point. Returning, same route. through RATES. Baltimore, Md $9 00 I Washington, D. C $11 00 tPhiladelphia, Pa 5 00 | ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 401 WHITEFIELD, N. H. WlIITEFIELI), X. II., AND RETURN. Foi'in Ex. 1091 — Extension from Boston. Route l)eyoii(l Rostoii. I'.Dston it Maine R. R to Xaslina. ('(incord it Montreal R. R to Wliitetield. Returning, same route to Boston. To he sold in eonneetion with feedins; forms to Boston and i-eturn. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From tPhihidelplna, Pa. r.altim.ire, Md. . Wasldnglon, D. ('. Rail TJnes Sdund Lines (,..iii- Rail Kfliinun- S,.„ii.l .'^2;! 45 ,S19 95 .y24 45 27 45 2.-; 95 2(; 4.") 29 45 25 95 2S 4.") Transfer through Boston, via Sound Ijines. included. AVhitefield, N. IL, and Return. Form Ex. 1092 — Extension from Boston. Route lieyond Boston. Boston it Maine R. R to Intervale. lunetion. Maine Central U. R to Whiteliehl. Returning, same route to Boston. To he sold in connection witii feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THEOUCiH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From Rail Lines Sound Lines (-...intr Rail Ruturniiiij Soimd tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . . . S2.S 45 s2ri 45 S22 45 J'.altimore, Md . . 27 45 24 45 2(i 45 Washington, D. C. . . . . 29 45 2f> 45 2S 45 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. Whitefield, N. H., and Return. Form Ex. 1093 — Extension from Boston. Route heyond Boston. Boston it Maine R. R to PortlaniL Maine Central R. R to Whitefield. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold m connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. (See Boston feeding forms.) THROUGH RATES. Route to and from Boston. From Rail Lines Sound Lines (;„in>r Rail Returning; Sound tPhiladelphia, Pa. . . Baltimore, Md Wasliington, D. C. . . . . $23 45 27 45 . . 29 45 $20 45 24 45 26 45 ^22 45 26 45 28 45 Transfer through Boston, via Sound Lines, included. 402 BALTIMORE <& OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY IL^i'ii I ii I' 1 4, - fe ' WHITE SULPHUR. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. VA. Form Ex. 28. — White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., and Return. ItaltiiiKirc ct Oliio R. R to Shenandoah June. Ni.rtulk .V: Western R. R to F.asie. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to White Snlplmr Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH RATES. Baltimore, Md $14 00 Chester, Pa 17 50 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 45 Newark, Del 16 30 New York, N. Y $22 00 Philadelphia, Pa 18 00 AVashington, D. C 12 00 Wilmington, Del 17 00 Form Ex. 51. — White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., and Return. P.altimore & Ohio R. R to Staunton. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to White Sulphur Springs. Returning, same route. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 403 THROUGH KATES. Baltimore, ]\Iil $14 00 Bellaire, 24 45 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 14 15 Cameron, W. Va 23 00 Charlestown, W. Va. . . . 11 70 Chester, Pa 17 50 Clarksburg, W. Va 21 05 Connellsville, Pa 19 80 Cumberland, Md 16 10 Deer Park, Md 18 tt) Fairmont, W. Va 21 05 Frederick, Md l.*? 05 Grafton, W. Va 20 15 Hagerstown, Md 13 25 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 12 20 Harrisonburg, Va 7 20 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 45 Johnstown, Pa 19 85 Keyser, W. Va 17 00 Lexington, Va 7 70 McKeesi)ort, Pa 21 55 Marti nsburg, W. Va. ... 12 95 Meversdale, Pa 17 00 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) .$21 50 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsvdle, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Philadeli)hia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa 22 Rockwood, Pa 18 Somerset, Pa 18 Strasburg, Va 9 Uniontown, Pa 20 Washington, D. C 12 Washington, Pa '1?, Wheeling, W. Va 24 Wilmington, Del 17 Winchester, Va 10 FoKM Ex. 339. — White Sulphur Sprinc;s, W. Va., and Return. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer B. & 0. Depot to C. & 0. Depot. Chesapeake iSi Ohio Ry to White Sulphur Springs. Returning, same route. through r.\tes. Baltimore, Md U^ Bellaire, 26 Berkeley Springs, W. Va. . 10 Cameron, W. Va 25 Charle.stown, W. Va. ... 15 Chester, Pa 17 Clarksl)urg, W. Va 23 Connellsville, Pa 22 Cumberland, Md 18 Deer Park, :\Id 20 Fairmont, W. Va 23 Frederick, Md 14 Grafton, W. \n 22 Hagerstown, j\Id 15 Harper's Ferry, W. Va. . . 14 Havre de Grace, Md. ... 15 Johnstown, Pa 22 Keyser, W. Va 19 MeKeesi)ort, Pa 24 Marti nsburg, W. Va 15 Meyersdale, Pa 20 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Uniontown) $24 00 Morgantown, W. Va. (via Fairmont) Moundsville, W. Va. . . . Mountain Lake Park, Md. . Mt. Pleasant, Pa Newark, Del New York, N. Y Oakland, Md Parkersburg, W. Va. . . . Piiiladeli)hia, Pa Piedmont, W. Va Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Somerset, Pa Uni(jntown, Pa 22 Washington, Pa 25 Wheeling. W. Va 26 Wilmington, Del 17 Winchester, Va 16 ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 405 WILLOW GROVE, VA. Form Ex. 11. — Willow (tRovE, Va., and IIetuen. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Willow Grove. Returning, .same route. Transfer of twenty-five cents, in each direction, not included. RATES. Morgantown, W. Va. (via Unit)ntown) $12 50 Morgantown, ^V. Va. (via Fairmont) 13 ISroundsville, W. Va. ... 14 ^Mountain Lake Park, Md. . !) Mt. Pleasant, I'a 11 Newark, Dei 9 New York, N. Y. . . . Oakland, Md Parkerslnirg, W. Va. . Philadelphia, I'a. . . . Piedmont, \V. Va. . . . Pittsburg, Pa Rockwood, Pa Romnev,^\^ Va 8 Scott H'avei!. Pa 12 Hhenandoah June., W. Va. 3 Smithfield, l*a.(via I'nion- town) 11 Somerset, Pa 9 Staunton, Va. . 3 Strasljurg, Va Uniontown, Pa 11 Washington, D. C 5 Washington. Pa 14 West Newtim, Pa 11 West Saiisliury, Pa !» Wheeling, W. Va 15 Wilmington, Del 10 Winchester, Va 1 THROUGH P.altimore, Md $7 00 1 J?ellaire, () 15 45 1 Berkelev Sprini;s, ^V. \i\. . 5 15 Brunswick, Md 3 45 Cameron, W. Va 14 00 Charlestown, W. Va. . . '1 70 Cheat Haven, Pa. (via rnird. . . Fairmont, W. Va. . Frederick, Md. . . Newport. During the summer season, jiassengers for Boston, Cape Cod, etc., take steamer li'aving New York week-days 6.30 P. M., Sundays 5.30 P. M. Passengers for Boston, New Bedtnrd, Cottage City, Nantucket, Taunton, Middleboro, Brockton, intermediate points between Fall River and Boston. Fitchburg, Lowell, Nashua, Manchester, Concord and the North, take steamer leaving New York week-days and Sun- days at 5.30 P. M. 'there are no Sundav trains via the direct rail lines from Fall River to Fitchburg, Lowell, "Manchester, Nashua, Concord and the North. State-rooins on steamei's are $1.00 and $2.00 each, according to loca- tion, and, with very few excentions, accommodate two persons. Par- lor rooms, furnished with wiae beds, are $5.00 each. Lists are open a week previous to sailing. Communications requesting state-room reservations from New York addressed to H. B. Higinbotham, Ticket Agents Fall River Line, N. Y., will receive prompt attention. First-class tickets entitle liolders to berths in sleeping saloons with- out charge. Passenger capacity of steamers as follows: "Priscilia," 1,600; "Puri- tan," 1,500; "Pilgrim," 1,200; -'Plvmouth," 1,200; "Providence," 1,000. CUYAHOGA FAr.I.S, OHIO. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 413 INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. (BETWEEN BOSTON, PORTLAND, EASTPORT AND ST. JOHN.) Tlie steamers of this company are the "St. Croix," "Cumberland," "State of Maine" and the "New Brunswick," side-wheel sea-going steamers of 2,000, 1,600, 1,400 and 900 tons respectively, and the only side-wheel passenger steamers running to and from the Provinces. Sailing days from Boston, from July 2d to September 8tli, will be ^londav, Tuesdav, Tliursdav and Fridav at 5.00 P. M., and from Fort- land Wednesday" and Saturday at 5.00 P. M. On Wednesday and Saturday through connection is made by taking the Boston &■ Maine Railroact 1.00 P. M. train, connecting with the steamer at Portland. This ariam!<'iiu'nt makes daily service, except Sunday, between Bos- ton, Eastport and St. John. State-rooms are $2.00, each. Cabin berths are free. Meals are 50 cents for breakfast and supper, and 75 cents for dinner. During spring and early fall the steamers leave Boston at 8.30 A. M. three times each week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Port- land Mondays and Fridays only. This line is operated the year round, but the number of trips is increased or diminished according to the L, Thursday 4 P. M., Sunday 10 A. M.; arrive Norfolk, Wednesday A. M., Friday A. M., Monday A. M.; leave Norfolk, Wednesday 6 P. M., Friday 6"P. M., Monday 6 P. M.; arrive Boston, Friday A. M., Sun- day A. M., Wednesday A. M.; leave Boston, Saturday 2 P. M., Tues- day 2 P. M., Thursday 2 P. M.; arrive Norfolk, Monday A. M., Thurs- day A. M., Saturday A. M.; arrive Baltimore, Tuesday A. M., Friday A. M., Sunday A. M. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 415 "PROVIDENCE BY SEA. ' Steamers leave Baltimore for Providence every Monday and Friday at 2 P. M.; leave Norfolk Tuesdays and Saturdays at 6 P. M., arrive at Providence Thursdays and Mondays; leave Providence Wednesday and Saturday at 6 P. M., arrive Baltimore Saturday and Tuesday. Steamers on this line run throughout the year. MUSKOKA&. GEORGIAN BAY NAVIGATION COMPANY. (STEAMERS ON MUSKOKA LAKES.) Lake Joseph Route.— The "Medora" (or other steamer) will leave Muskoka "Wharf on the arrival of the Muskoka Express (dinner on board), calling at Beaumaris, Port Carling, Ferndale, Clevelands, Gregory, Port Sandfield (supper on board). Redwood, Hamill's Point, Laurie, Yolio, Stanley House ; arrive at Port Cockburn at 8 P. M. Lake Rosseau Route. — The "Nipissing" (or other steamer) will leave Muskoka "Wharf (dinner on board) as above, calling at Beau- maris, Milford Bav, Port Carling, Windermere, Maplehurst, and arrive at Rosseau 7.30 P."M. Commencing June 29th, 1895, tlie "Muskoka" (or other steamer) connecting with the Atlantic and I'acific Express, will leave Graven- hurst (Town Wharf) daily (excei)t Sunday) at 6.45 A. ^1., and Muskoka Wharf at 7 A. M. as follows : On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to Rosseau (breakfast on board) and intermediate points. On Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays to Port Cocklnirn and intermediate j)oints, connecting at Beaumaris with the " Kenozha" for Bala, Brace- bridge, etc., and with the "Nipissmg and " ^Nlcdora" to all other points on the Lakes. Calls will be made at Walker's Point and Point Kaye on the mornings of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. NEW BEDFOR D, M A RTH AS VINEYARD & NANTUCKET STEAMBOAT LINE. SUMMER SCHEDULE IN EFFECT COMMENCING JUNE lOTH AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Steamers will be due to leave New Bedford for Cottage Citv (Martha's Vinevard), week-days, 7.05, 10.00 A. M., 1.50 and 5.00 P. M.,'and arrive Cottage Citv at 9.15 A. M., 12.-15, 4.00 and 7.(iO P. M. Sundavs, leave New Bedford at 9.00 A. M.; arrive Cottage City at 11.00 A. M. 'Return- ing, leave Cottage City, week-days, at 6.45, 9.30 A. M., 12.45 and 3.00 P. M.; arrive New Bedford at 8.50 and 11.35 A. M., 3.20 and 5.20 P. M. Sundays, leave Cottage City at 4.80 P. M.; arrive New Bedford at 6.40 P. M. Leave New Bedford for Nantucket, week-days, at 7.10 A. M. and 1.50 P. M.: arrive Nantucket at 11.45 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. Sundays, leave New Bedford at 9.00 A. M.; arrive Nantucket at 1.30 P. M. Returning, leave Nantucket, week-days, at 7.00 A. M. and 12.30 P. M.; arrive New Bedford at 11.35 A. M. and'5.20 P. M. Sundays, leave Nantucket at 2.00 P. M.; arrive New Bedford at 6.40 P. M. Leave Wood's HoU for Cottage City, week-davs, at S.30, 11.35 A. M., 3.15 and 6.20 P. M.; arrive Cottage City at 9.15 A. M., 12.45, 4.00 and 7.00 P. M. Sundays, leave Wood's Holl at 10.15 A. M.; arrive Cottage City at 11.00 A. M. Returning, leave Cottage City, week-davs, at 6.45 ancl 9.30 A. M. and 3.00 P. M.; arrive Wood's HoU at 7.30 and 10.10 A. M. and 3.50 P. M. Sundays, leave Cottage City at 4.30 P. M.; arrive Wood's Holl at 5.15 P. M. Leave Wood's Holl for Nantucket, week-days, at 8.30 A. M. and 3.15 P. M.; arrive Nantucket at 11.45 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. Sundays", leave Wood's Holl at 10.15 A. M.; arrive Nantucket at 1.30 P. jNI. Returning, leave Nantucket, week-days, at 7.00 A. M. and 12.30 P. M.; arrive Wood's Holl at 10.10 A. M. and 3.50 P. M. Sundavs, leave Nantucket at 2.00 P. :M.; arrive Wood's Holl at 5.15 P. M. 416 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY NEW YORK AND ALBANY DAY LINE STEAMERS. (HUDSON RIVER LINE.) Steamers "New York" and "Albany" commence their trips fron> New York about May 29th. Cease running about October 15th. Ply between New York and Albany daily, except Sunday, as follows': Leave Desbrosses Street Pier, North River, 8.40 A. M., "and Twenty- second Street Pier9.00 A. M. Arrive at Hamilton street, Albany, 6.iO P. M. Leave Albany 8.30 A. M.; arrive Twenty-second street. New York, 5.30 P. M., Desbrosses street 6.0U P. M. Landings are made at Yonkers, West Point, Newburg, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, Catskill and Hudson. Passenger capacity, 2,500. Breakfast and dinner a /ft carte, also table de Hute dinner at $1.00. Drawing-rooms for parties. Morning and afternoon concerts on each steamer. NIAGARA NAVIGATION COMPANY. The steamers "Ongiara," "Chicora," "Cibola" and "Chippewa" commence trips May 14th and cease about October 15th, plying be- tween Lewiston, N. Y., Niagara and Toronto, Canada, week-days only. The steamer leaves Lewiston on arrival of morning and after- noon trains of the New York Central Railroad. Leave Toronto 7.00, 9.00 and 11.00 A. M., 2.00, 3.30 and 4.45 P. M. Close connection at To- ronto for steamers on St. Lawrence River. NORFOLK & WASHINGTON D. C.> STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The new palace steamers "Washington" and "Norfolk" are in daily service between Washington, D. C, Fortress Monroe and Norfolk. Steamers will leave Washington at 7.1)0 P. M.; arrive at Fortress M(in- roe 6. .30 and N(.>rfolk 7.30 next morning. Steamers will leave Norfulk at 6.10 P. M. daily, Old Point Comfort 7.20 P. M.; arrive at AVashington 6.30 next morning. The steamer " Newport News" (now building) will be placed in ser- vice July 1st, and will run by daylight, leaving Washington on Mon- day, We'dnesdav, Fridav and Sundax-at s,0(i A. M., ari-i\iim' at Furti-ess Monroe at 6.00 P. M. aiid Norfolk at"7.(Ki P. ^\. Returning', leaves Nor- folk on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8.00 A. M., Fortress Mon- roe at 9.00 A. M , and arrives in Washington at 7.00 P. M. NORWICH LINE. The "City of Lowell," "City of Worcester," "City of New York," and "City of Boston" ply all the year between New York and New London, and the "City of Lawrence" between New York and Norwich. Leave New York daily, Sundays excepted, from old Pier 40, North River, ad- joining Desbrosses Street Ferry, 5.30 P. M., connecting at New London with trains for Boston, first train arriving at 9.00 A. M. Leave Boston 7.05 P. M., Worcester 8.00 P. M., New London 10.40 P. M., and arrive at New York 7.00 A. AL Meals on European plan or table d'hote, dinner, 75 cents. Cabin berths free. State-rooms, $1.00 and $2.00. Passenger capacity, 1,200. OTSEGO LAKE STEAMER. (OTSEGO L.VKE STEAMER AND STAGE LINE.) The " Natty Bumppo" and connecting Stage Line commence June 1st and cease "October 1st; the former between Cooperstown and Island Cottage and the latter between Island Cottage and Riclifield Springs (seven miles). Tlielioat makes landings at Tln-ee-Mile Point (Thayer's) and Fiev-Mile Point (Tunnicliff ) on signal or request. Leave Cooperstown 9.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. for Richfield. Leave Richfield for Cooperstown 9.00 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. The tri]) on lake, one hour; stage, one and a half hours. The passenger capacity of the steamer is about 400. Runs made daily, except Sunday. 418 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY. The new iron steamer "Empress" leaves Queen's Wharf, Ottawa, daily, except Sunday, at 7.30 A. M., running in connection with the Carillon & Greenville Ry., for Montreal, arriving there at 6.40 P. M. same day. via Lachine Rapids. Leave Montreal via Grand Trunk Ry. daily, except Sunday, at 8.05 A. M., for Lachine, to connect with steamer, and arriving at Ottawa at 6.30 P. M. same day. PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS. (ALBANY KIGIIT liOATS.) The " Dean Richmond" and " Drew" run daily, except Sundays, from March 25th to December 1st, between New York and Albany, making no intermediate stops. Leave Pier 41, North River (foot of Canal street), 6.00 P. M. daily, except Sundays. Arrive at Albany 6.00 A. JNI. Leave AU^any, except Sundays, at 8.00 P. M., arrive in' New York 7.00 A. M. rasscn^er capacity, 800. Meals on European plan. State-rooms, $1.00, ^i2. no and $3.00. Berths in cabin, 50 cents. PORTLAND, MT. DESERT &. MACHIAS STEAMBOAT LINE. The new steamer "Frank .Tones" will, after .Tune 24th, make three round trips per week between lioekland, Ikir Harl)i:ir and ^lacliiasport, leaving Rockland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6. (in A. ~S\., or after arrival of train leaving Boston at 7.00 P. M., and Portland 11.00 P. M., touching at Islesboro, Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick (Blue Hill), Brooklin, Southwest Harbor. Northeast Harbor, Bar Harbor, Milbridge. Jonesport, and arrive at ^hicliiasport at 6.30 P. M. Returning, will leave Machiasport Mondays, Wednc.-^davs and Fridays, at 4.00 A. M., touching at Jonesport and ]\Iill)ri(lgej||M arriving at Bar Harbor at 10.00 A. M., connecting with exjiress trS^|Pi)f the ?*Iaine Central Railroad for Port- land and Boston. After leaving Bar Harbor she touches at the same ports as on her eastward trip, arriving in Rockland at 5.00 P. M., con- necting with through express sleeping car trains for Portland and Boston, reaching the latter place at G.OO A. M. PORTLAND STEAM PACKET LINE. The new steamers "Bay State" and "Portland" run every evening (except Sunday) throughout the year between Boston and Portland. Leave India Wharf, Boston, 7.00 f . M. Leave Franklin Wharf, Port- land, 7.00 P. M., the trip being made in about eight hours. Sunday trips from each port at 7.00 P. M. from middle of June to middle of September. Passenger capacity, 500. State-rooms, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Meals served on the boats. PROVIDENCE LINE. (PROVIDENCE & STONINGTON S. S. CO.) Steamers "Connecticut" and "Massachusetts" commence running June 3d and cease about November 1st. Leave New York from new Pier 36, North River (one block above Canal street, reached by street cars direct from Liberty Street Ferry) 5. .30 P. M., arrive Fox Point Wharf, Providence, at 5.30 A. M., connecting with express train with parlor cars leaving 6.00 A. M., arriving Boston 7.15 A. M.; also, with through White Mountain Express, with parlor cars attached, leaving Providence (Union Station) at 7.50 A. M., arriving Fabyan's 4.30 P. M. Returning, leave Boston, Park Square Station, 6.30 P. M., Providence 7.45 P. M.; arrive New York 7.00 A. M. Passenger capacity, ].<>(10. Meals on board on European plan. State-rooms, $1.00, $2.(i0, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Berths in cabin free. Steamers make no intermediate stops. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 419 THE RICHELIEU &. ONTARIO NAVIGATION COM- PANY'S STEAMERS Between Toronto and Montreal consists of the "Spartan," "Corsican," "Passport" and "Algerian," leaving both places daily (Sundays ex- cepted)— the former place at 2.00 P. M. — from the 1st of June to the 30th of September, inclusive, calling at Port Darlington (Bowmanville), Port Hope, Cobourg, Kingston, Clayton, Round Island, Thousand- Island Park, Alexandria Bay, Brockville, Prescott, Cornwall, and arriving at Montreal at 6.30 P'. M., connecting with the steamers for Quebec and the River Saguenay. The line between Montreal and Quebec is composed of the magnificent steamers "Quebec" and "Mon- treal," leaving Montreal every evening, commencing May 1st (Sundays excepted) at 7.00 o'clock, calling at Sorrel, Three Rivers and Batiscan, arriving at Quebec at about 6.00 A. M., connecting with the Interco- lonial Railway for maritime provinces, and with steamers "Carolina," "Canada" and "Saguenay" for the Saugenay and lower St. Lawrence watering places. Returning, steamers leave Quebec for ^Montreal 5.00 P. M. daily, except Sunday. The Quebec steamers run from the open- ing of navigation to its close. SCHROON LAKE STEAMBOAT LINE. Steamers on Scliroon Lake commence runnintr ali(iut .Tune 15th and cease ojieratidns almut St']itember 15th, C()nn<'cting' with trains of the Adirondack Railway by stage from Riverside staticm passing through Pottersville. SENECA LAKE STEAMERS. (SENECA L.\KE STEAM NAVIG.\TION LINE.) The "Onondaga," "Schuyler," "W. B. Dunning" and "Otetiani" ply between Watkins and Geneva, stopping at Glenora. Peach Orchard, North Hector, Severne, Lamereaux, St,arkey, Himrods, Lodi, High- lands, Long Point Hotel, Ovid, Willard, Dresden, Glen Gowen and Deyes Landing. June 1st to 20th leave Watkins 7.00 A. M. and 12.00 noon; leave Geneva 8.10 A. M. and 12. IK) noon. June 20th to September 20th leave Watkins 7.00 A. M., 12.00 noon and 7.00 P. M.; leave Geneva 8.10 A. M., 12.00 and 5.30 P. M. September 20th to November 1st leave Watkins 7.00 A. "SI. and 12.00 noon; leave Geneva 8.10 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. Trip occupies ?>h hours. Passenger capacity, 800. Leaving and arriving at Watkins in connection with Northern Central Railway and at Geneva with New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Lehigh Valley and Fall Brook Railroads. Free trans- fer of baggage at terminal points. Meals on steamers. The above is subject to changes for correction without notice. SHELTER ISLAND FERRY. The boats between Greenport and Shelter Island run from June 1st to October 1st in connection with all trains to and from Greenport, stopping at both Manhansett and Shelter Island Heights. STEAMER "EMPRESS OF INDIA." The steamer "Empress of India" runs between Port Dalhousie and Toronto from ^lay until November. A train leaves Niagara Falls over the Grand Trunk Railwa}- tracks on arrival of trains of the New York, Lake Erie ife Western Railroad, making direct connection at the wharf with steamer. Two trips each way daily. Capacity of steamer, 750. STEAMERS ON MOOSEHEAD LAKE. From the opening of navigation until a1)out August 1st, steamer "Re- becca" will make daily trips between Greenville and Kineo, leaving Greenville at noon on arrival of Bangor & Aroostock train from Ban- gor. Retiarning, leave Kmeo the following morning in season to con- nect with the above named train. 420 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY From tlie opening of navigation until the close of navigation, steamer "Twilight" will make daily trips to the Head of Lake, leaving Green- ville in the morning and i-eturning same evening. From August 1st until October 1st, stfeaniers "Rebecca" and "Comet" will make daily trips to Kineo. One leaving Greenville on arrival of morning train from Bangor, the other on arrival of afternoon train. Returning, will leave Kineo in season to connect with the above named train. From the opening of navigation the steamer "Henry M." will run between Greenville and Lily Bay. The following steamers may be hired by the dav at the rates quoted : iSteamer "Kineo," $12.00 to $15.00 per day; steamer "Louisa," $12.00 to $15.00 per day ; steamer "George A.," $8.00 per day ; steamer "Cora Lee," $10.00 per day ; steamer "Reindeer," $10.00 per day. STEAMER "MARY POWELL." The " Mary Powell" commences her trips about May 21st and ceases about October 21st. Leave New York, except Sunday's, from Desbros- ses Street Pier, North River, 3.15 P. M. (Twenty-second street, 3.30 P. M.); arrive Cranston's 6.00 P. M., West Point 6.10 P. M., Cornwall 6.30 P. M., Newburg 6.45 P. M., Poughkeepsie 7.45 P. M., Kingston 8.30 P. M. On Saturdays this steamer leaves New York, from Desbrosses Street Pier, North River, at 1.45 P.M. (Twenty-second street at 2.00 P. M.) Leave Kingston 5.30 A. M., Poughkeepsie 6.30 A. M., Newburg 7.30 A. M., Cornwall 7.45 A. M., West Point 8.05 A. M., and Cranston's 8.10 A. M.; arrive New York 10.45 A. M. Passenger capacity, 1,800. Meals at all hours a la carte. On Saturdays only the "Powell" will 3eave Desbrosses Street Pier at 1.45, and Twentv-s'econd street at 2.00 P. M. STEAMER "RUTH." The steamer "Ruth" will ply between Winter Harbor and Bar Har- bor during the summer season, as per schedule below : Leave Winter Harbor 6.45 and 9.15 A. M., 3.00 P. M., Sundays 7.15 A. M.. 3.(.M) P. M. Arrive Bar Harbor 7.30 and 10.00 A. M., 3.45 P. M., Sundays 8.00 A. M., 3.45 P. M. Leave Bar Harbor 8.15 A. M., 1.15, 7.15 P. M., Sundays 8.50 A. M., 4.00 P. M. Arrive Winter Harbor 9.00 A. M., 2.00 and 8.00 P. M., Sundays 9.45 A. M., 4.45 P. M. STEAMER "WATCH HILL." (STONINGTON shire" ply between New York and Stonington all the year, making no intermediate stops. Leave new Pier 36, North River, New York (one block above Canal street, reached by street cars direct from Liberty Street Ferry), at 6.00 P. M., connecting at Stonington wiili express trains for Boston (first train arriving at 6.00 A. M.) and with transfer steamer for Watch Hill aaid witli through car for Narragansett Pier. Returning, leave Boston 6.30 P. M., Stonington 10.00 P. M., and arrive at New York 7.00 A. M. Passenger capacity, 500. Meals on board on Euroi>ean plan. State- rooms, $1.00, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $5.00. P.ertlis in cabin, free. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 421 THOUSAND ISLANDS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The steamers "Empire State," ''St. Lawrence," "J. V. Maynard," "Islander" and "Jessie Bain" commence running June 1st and cease October 1st, making nine round trips daily between Clayton and Alexandria Bay. Trip occupies one hour and twenty minutes. The above steamers connect at Alexandria Bay with ferry for Westminster Park. The steamer "St. Lawrence" makes electric searchlight trips every night among the Thousand Islands, and tickets for this trip cost fifty cents. The steamer "Islander" makes fifty-mile tour of the Islands daily, and tickets for the trip cost fifty cents. The steamer "Empire State" makes a daily excursion to Kingston, Canada; fare,, fifty cents. 422 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Tfis Most l^ocattotis W For Particclars Address : S. P. KRETZER, Land and Immigration Agent, B. & O. R. R. Philadelphia, Pa. ^Tn ) ) I ) I f n n n i>^ TEXTILE MILLS, IRON MILLS, MACHINE SHOPS, FOUNDRIES, SAW MILLS, PLANING MILLS, FURNITURE, COFFIN, SASH, DOOR, BLIND, CARRIAGE, WAGON AND GENERAL WOOD WORKING FACTORIES, TANNERIES, CREAMERIES, SHEEP, CATTLE AND HORSE RANCHES, ARE FOUND ALONG THE Baltimore & Ohi ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 423 A Farmer, A Stock Raiser, A Fruit Grower, Manufacturer, A Business Man, An Investor, A Speculator, Locate along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 1 1 1 1 1 The Famous Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. • • This valley is not only full of his- torical reminiscences, but is one of the finest agricultural, fruit growing and dairying countries in the world. Here is THE place for the farmer, the manufac- turer, the dairyman and the stock raiser. The hills are full of high-grade iron ore and coal, and the valleys abundantly productive. The climate is a golden mean, pleasant in summer and delight- ful in winter. The water is abundant in quantity and pure in quality. Lands are cheap, contiguous to market and can be secured by home-seekers on the most favorable terms. Come and look over this region, so favored by nature, while the growing crops and grass demonstrate the fertility of the soil and the geniality of the climate. If you wish to make an investment that you will never think of except with unalloj'ed pleasure, or to se- cure a home which will be the delight of yourself and family, don't let this op- portunity pass unimproved. This is not the veritable Garden of Eden, but it IS one of the best regions to be found in the best country in the world. For fur- ther and more definite information, call on or address S. P. KRETZER, Land and Immigration Agent, B. & O. R. R. Philadelphia, Pa. 424 BALTIMORE dt OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY The country Baltimore and is an all - year - People seeking nier Homes will desire along this way. The most Resorts, conve- large cities of North and South, are of Baltimore and traversed by the Ohio Bailkoad round country. Winter and Sum- find what they system of rail- popular Summer nient to the East, West, on this line. The cities Washington are recog- nized Winter Resorts, and during the Summer the heat is not more excessive than in the Northern cities. Persons seeking homes for retirement, pleasure, protit or for health, can be accom- modated in this country. Address S. P. Kretzer, Land and Immigration Agent, Baltimore & Ohio R. R., Philadelphia, Pa. SUMMER COTTAGE SITES FOR SALE AT Deer Pai^k, |VId. The location of DEEH PARK, at an altitude of about 3,000 feet above the level of the sea, its surrounding-s, its pure air and salubrious climate, the character of the accommodations and entertainment it can offer its guests, its nearness to the great commer- cial centres of the Union, and the facility with wliicli it can be reached over the B. >!f O. K. R., entitle it to be called "The Suiunier Capital " of the Uiiitc(l States. Tlie Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company owns a tract of land at this point, eoniprisinu- scm lal hundred acres, have erected a capaci- ous and connnodious hotel, proNided witli all tlic latest modern improve- ments, a number of cottages, and ha\ e uuide a jireat many other improve- ments, and will continue to add whate\cr nia,\ be needed cither for com- fort or convenience. The.v have platttd the grounds that overlook the hotel and railroad, and otter lots at nonunal tigures to persons who will erect cottages. The lots are large, var.\ lug from one-half to one acre in size. The streets are so con \enientl>' shaped as to attord beautiful minia- ture parks, magnificent drives and walks. The undersigned will be pleased to g'ive full information to persons contemiilating the erection of summer cottages. Plats of the park and plans and cost of cottages will be furnished on apiilication. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Innc their own emiilo\ces the .\i'ar aioiuid on the grounds, so that when cottages are not oeciipied they are carefully g-uarded. For further information apply to GEO. D. DeSHIELDS, Superintendent B. & O. Hotels, Cumberland, Md. or S. P, KRETZER, Land and Immigration Agent, B. & O, R. R., Philadelphia, Pa. 3000 Feet Elevation. ROUTES AND RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS. 425 MEMORANDA. 426 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY MEMORANDA. :ejl '07 ;r /Lake Hopatcong ^ OONNECTIONS .. ® tE\W YORK. 8BUROH J ^■>"<-^BUUr»v|Ue ''*»*^ ***«, / ^'*pi Springe Rlcljinoi < Loud Usburgo { uuSonT """iP « . •■■s^jSje^;^** ,° '^5^ \,...,7T.u. "^^iji^Y- ":\., 2^^ l^erccr.burg^ X ..t<-° I B'««j>, lL..«,..«aoJ.„ fj*- *^ St, \ ^K^L/ r"-7u°\'" .^««. L siiW'a^ % B ■*«"" „o. r'^^' — -■ / '^iC^V J^#IBP°i7 ViiiN^N V^------'"^ CAMDEN ON GAULEY ^APPAHCfiTNG Quuiticod S • \ -^■^HAIiniSONBURCl M uiLaano/ .^Cnl*. 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