w (THOS,C. ABBOTT) ^fc Class "^fj^V^ Book_ nN.\?^ (bpyiight W COPYRrCHT DEPOSIT. No. 2 GRADE, WITH AUTOMATIC EJECTOR WE MANUFACTURE NINE DISTINCT GRADES of Haiiimerless Oiins, listing in price from $30.00 each to $475.00 each. We furnish Automatic Ejector on all grades when desired, and will also attach our new device for instantly changing our Automatic Ejector Gun to a Non-Ejector at the will of the shooter. Our new 52=page catalogue will give full information. SYRACUSE ARMS COMPANY SYRACUSE, N. Y., U. S. A. f. ECONOMY >nd PLEASURE in Loading and Re-Loading your own Shot Gun Shells if you have the proper implements. There is an entire line of NEW TOOLS UP TO DATE for this purpose Now Ready. Full description and prices of all will be found iu our new booklet entitled "Hints on Loading and Re-Load^ ing Shot Gun Shells," which will be sent to any address upon applica- tion to 10, 12 and 16 Uauge IDEAL MANUF'G CO. Price $2.30 Each New Haven, Conn., U.S. A. When writing above mention Jjog Ed^icator. YOU WON'T SHOOT YOUR DOG accidentally if you use the specially SAFE BAKER GUN. It's up-to-date in other respects, too, and stands on a reputation of years for good all-round shooting qualities. BAKER fiUN & FORGING CO., batavia, n. t. iaMZQ feO« 0)j\^ \< PRACTICAL DOG EDUCATION By ''RECAPPER" (thos. c. Abbott) REPRINTED FROM THE AMATEUR SPORTSMAN. New York : M. T. RICHAKDSON CO. 1902. SFtc THE IL!af