Book f) ht MAINE INLAND FISH AND GAME LAWS 1911 REVISION INLAND FISH AND GAME LAWS State of fIDaine 911 EDITION (Subject to change by Rules and Regulations of Commissioners. Copies of all such Rules and Regu- lations are posted on the banks of waters (or on lands) affected tnereby. This book contains all Rules and Regulations adopted up to the time of going to press, June 21, 191 1.) Compiled by Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game. AUGUSTA KENNEBEC JOURNAL PRINT I9II NflVSl W9 FISH LAWS EXPLANATIONS. Unless otherwise specified, the sections referred to in this book mean sections of chapter 32 of the Revised Statutes. R. & R. of Corns, means Rules and Regulations by the Commissioners, which have the force of law, hav- ing been adopted after notice and hearing in accord- ance with law. P. & S. L. means Private and Special Laws. P. L. means Public Laws. . « ■ - WHEN YOU CAN FISH AND WHEN YOU CANNOT FISH. THE GENERAL LAW PROVIDING FOR AN "OPEN" AND "CLOSE" SEASON ON LAND- LOCKED SALMON, TROUT, TOGUE, AND WHITE PERCH. Section 21. The words "close season" and "close time" mean the time or period during which it is un- lawful to hunt, shoot, wound, trap or destroy any bird or animal, or fish for or catch any fish, and the words "open season" mean the time during which it shall be lawful to take these animals, fish and birds as specified and limited by law. THE LAWS RELATING TO FISH AND FISHING ARE AS FOLLOWS : Section I, as amended by ch. 132 of P. L., 1905, and ch. 263, P. & S. L., 1905, and ch. 23, P. L., 1909- There shall be an annual close time for landlocked salmon, trout, togue and white perch, as follows : for landlocked salmon, trout and togue, from the first day of October until the ice is out of the pond, lake, or river fished in, the following spring of each year ex- cept on the Saint Croix River and its tributaries and on all the waters of Kennebec county, in which the close time shall be from the fifteenth day of September, (see Great pond and Long pond of the Belgrade Chain, un- der "Kennebec county" Special Laws) until the ice is out of the ponds and lakes the following spring, and except Sebago lake and Long pond, in Cumberland county, on which the close time shall be from October first to April first ; (the close time in all streams in Franklin county* shall be from Oct. 1 of each year until the ice is out of the stream fished in the follow- ing spring. Sec. 8, ch. 90, P. L., 1909) but for white perch the close time shall be from the first day of April to the first day of July; no person shall take, catch, kill or fish for, in any manner, any landlocked salmon, trout, togue or white perch in any of the wa- ters of this State, or have the same in possession, in close time. *Ice fishing permitted, however, on certain days in the town of Chesterville, Franklin county, as will be noted by the following law: "So much of chapter 32 of the Revised Statutes, as amended by sec. 8 of ch. 90 of the Public Laws of 1909, as prohibits fishing through the ice, in accord- ance with the general law of the- State, on Friday and on Saturday of each week, in all the lakes and ponds situated wholly in the town of Chesterville, in the coun- ty of Franklin, is hereby repealed." Ch. 59, P. L. 191 1. ICE FISHING UNDER THE GENERAL LAW. Sec. I, ch. 32, R. S., as am. by ch. 185, P. L. 191 1. NOTE full text of this amendment on pages 8-9. "And provided that during February, March and April, citizens of the State may fish for and take landlocked salmon, trout, and togue, with not more than five set lines for each family, when fishing through the ice in the day time, and when under the immediate personal superintendence of the person fish- ing, and may convey them to their own homes for con- sumption therein but not otherwise; but no citizen of the State during this time shall be permitted to catch more than fifteen pounds, or one fish, of landlocked salmon, trout, or togue, in any one day. Nothing here- in shall be construed as repealing any private or special act closing any lake or pond to ice fishing, or otherwise restricting fishing. Penalty. — Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten nor more than thirty dollars for each offense, and one dollar additional for every fish caught, taken or killed in violation of any provision of this section." LENGTH OF FISH WHICH MAY BE CAUGHT. Landlocked salmon, 12 inches ; black bass, 10 inches ' r white perch, 6 inches. Penalty not less than $10 nor more than $30 for each offense and $1.00 for each fish. Trout, 5 inches ; penalty $5, and 50 cents for each short fish. Public Laws, 1907, ch. 181, and sec. 48, ch. 32. SALE AND PURCHASE OF CERTAIN FISH PROHIBITED. Chapter 154, P. L. 191 1, Amendatory to ch. 181, P. L. 1907. Section 1. No trout, landlocked salmon, togue, white perch or black bass shall be sold at any time by any person. No trout, landlocked salmon, togue, white perch or black bass shall be bought at any time by any person. Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to trout, landlocked salmon, togue, white perch or black bass raised in private fish ponds operated under permission of the commission- ers of inland fisheries and game. Section 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than thirty dollars and costs for each offense, and an additional penalty of one dollar for every fish sold, bought or had in possession in viola- tion of any provision of this act. TRANSPORTATION OF FISH. (Sec. 1, ch. 181, P. L-, 1907, and ch. 32, sec. 28, R. S., ch. 90, P. L. 1909, and ch. 99, P. L. 191 1.) No trout, togue, landlocked salmon, white perch or black bass shall be transported in any way except in the possession of the owner, accompanied by him, plain- ly labeled with the owner's name and address, and open to view; except any resident of this state who has lawfully in his possession one trout, one togue, one landlocked salmon or one white perch, or one black bass, or ten pounds of either kind of these fish, * * * may send the same anywhere in this state without accompanying the same, by purchasing of the duly constituted agent therefor a tag, paying for a trout, togue, landlocked salmon or black bass, one dol- lar for each, ot one dollar for each ten pounds of the same, and fifty cents for one white perch or ten pounds of the same. * * * Any person not a bona fide resident of this state and actually domiciled therein who has lawfully in his pos- session one trout, one togue, one landlocked salmon, or one white perch, or one black bass, or ten pounds of either kind of these fish, * * * may transport the same to his home or to any hospital in this State without accompanying the shipment, by pur- chasing of the duly constituted agent therefor a tag, paying for a trout, togue, landlocked salmon or black bass, one dollar for each, or one dollar for each ten pounds of the same, and fifty cents for one white perch or ten pounds of the same. * * * Provided, however, that no person shall, under any of these provisions, send more than one box of fish * * * once in thirty days. Penalty: Not less than $10 nor more than $30, and $1 additional for each fish. THE LAW RELATING TO WHITE PERCH TAKEN IN THE INLAND WATERo OF WASH- INGTON COUNTY. Sec. 1, ch. 117; P. L. 1909. as am. by ch. v< ; P. L. 1911. (See also ch. 185, P. L. 1911.) It shall be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch or kill, or have in possession more than twenty pounds* of white perch; it shall also be unlawful for any transportation company to accept for transportation cr to transport more than twenty pounds of white perch in one day as the property of any one person. This section shall not apply to white perch in tide waters, nor to white perch in inland wa- ters of the county of Washington. Said white perch, so taken from said waters, may be shipped and sold 8 within and without the state, under regulations of the commissioners of inland fish and game. *NoT3 — While the above law is apparently inconsist- ent with the provisions of chapter 185 of the P. L. of 191 1, the new law making the limit on certain fish which may be taken in one day, by one person, 15 pounds, the commissioners wish to explain the sit- uation : Chapter 36, above quoted, was enacted quite early in the session, while chapter 185 was not finally passed until the day before the Legislature adjourned. It was the intention to have chapter 36 amended to con- form to the provisions of chapter 185, so far as the limit was concerned, but in the rush incident to the closing hours of the Legislature the amendment was not made, and the laws, as passed, appear to be con- tradictory to each other. The Commissioners are of the opinion that chapter 185 does not repeal chapter 36 only so far as the pro- visions of chapter 36 are inconsistent with the pro- visions of chapter 185. THEREFORE the Commis- sioners have ruled that 15 pounds shall be the limit on white perch under the provisions of chapter 36 in- stead of 20 pounds as stated therein. (Note full text of ch. 185, P. L. 191 1, below.) THE LAW REGULATING THE NUMBER, ALSO THE NUMBER OP POUNDS, OF LAND- LOCKED SALMON, TROUT, TOGUE AND WHITE PERCH WHICH CAN BE TAKEN OR HAD IN POSSESSION, OR TRANSPORTED, IN ANY ONE DAY BY ONE PERSON. Chapter 185, P. L. 191 1, which amends sec. 3 of ch. 32, R. S., and ch. 117, P. L. 1909. "Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill or have in possession in any one day more than fifteen pounds of landlocked salmon, trout, togue or white perch (unless an individual fish so taken exceeds fifteen pounds in weight) or more than forty fish in all. Section 2. No person shall transport more tHan fif- teen pounds of landlocked salmon, trout, togue or white perch in all at any one time, nor shall any cor- poration transport more than fifteen pounds in all, of trout, togue, landlocked salmon, or white perch at one time as the property of any. one person, but nothing herein contained shall prevent any person or corpora- tion from transporting one fish weighing more than fifteen pounds; nor shall any such be transported ex- cept in the possession of the owner thereof, plainly labeled thereon with the owner's name and residence, except as is provided in section twenty-eight of chap- ter thirty-two of the revised statutes, as amended. Section 3. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than thirty dollars for each of- fense and one dollar for every pound of fish so taken or being transported in excess of fifteen pounds, and one dollar for every fish so taken, caught, killed or had in possession in excess of forty in all of said fish, and all such fish being so transported or taken in viola- tion of this act may be seized and shall be forfeited to the state. Whoever has in his possession more than fifteen pounds or more than forty in all, of said fish, shall be deemed to have taken them in violation of this act; provided, however, that nothing herein con- tained shall prohibit any person having less than forty fish weighing in all less than fifteen pounds from tak- ing, catching, killing or having in possession in any one day or transporting, one additional fish, nor pro- hibit any transportation company from transporting said additional fish under the conditions prescribed in section two of this act for the transportation of fish provided for in said section." 10 PROHIBITED DEVICES IN FISHING. Sect. 2. "Whoever fishes for, takes, catches, kills, or destroys any fish, with fish spawn or grapnel, spear, trawl, weir, seine, trap, or set lines, except when fishing through the ice, and then with not more than five set lines in the day time, or with any device, or in any other way than by the ordinary mode of angling with single baited hooks and lines, artificial flies, artificial minnows, artificial insects, spoon hooks and spinners, so-called, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than thirty dollars for each offense; and when prohibited implements or devices are found in use or possession, they are forfeit and contraband, and any person finding them in use, may destroy them." NOTE THE FOLLOWING LAW, AMENDATORY TO ABOVE, WHICH TAKES EFFECT OCT. i, 1912. CHAPTER 153, P. L. 1911, AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF GANG HOOKS, SO-CALLED, WHEN FISHING IN THE INLAND WATERS OF THIS STATE. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to use while fishing at any time for any kind of fish, in any of the inland waters of this state, any device known as a gang hook or any lure or bait for fish containing more than one hook, except it shall be lawful to use a top hook, so-called, or a gill hook, so-called, and also artificial flies when used in the ordinary way of cast- ing with flies or fly fishing, so-called. Provided, fur- ther, that this act shall not take effect until October first, 1912. Section 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than thirty dollars and costs for each of- fense. Section 3. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. NUMBER OF LINES WHICH MAY BE USED. Section 2, chapter 181, Public Laws, 1907. No person shall in any manner, except when fishing through the ice as now provided by law, fish, with more than two lines at any time, and when still fishing or plug fishing, shall not fish with or use in fishing at one time more than two lines. Penalty, $30 and costs for each of- fense. POSSESSION OF JACK LIGHTS, SPEARS, TRAWLS, NETS— ILLEGAL WHEN. Sec. 5. "The having in possession of any jack light, * spear, trawl, or net, other than a dip net, in any camp, lodge, or place of resort for hunters or fishermen, in the inland territory of the state, shall be prima facie evidence that the same is kept for unlawful use ; and they may be seized by any officer authorized to enforce the inland fish and game laws. Whoever is convicted of having any of the above named implements in his possession unlawfully as aforesaid, shall be fined fifty dollars and costs of prosecution." DYNAMITE AND OTHER EXPLOSIVES PRO- HIBITED. Sec. 4. "No person shall use dynamite or other explosives or any poisonous or stupefying substance whatever, for the purpose of destroying or taking fish, under a penalty of one hundred dollars and, in addition thereto, two months' imprisonment in the county jail for each offense." 12 PROTECTION OF SCREENS. Sec. 40. "Whoever shall take up, destroy or injure any screen erected at the outlet of any lake or pond by authority of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars." SUNDAY IS A CLOSE TIME FOR HUNTING. Sec. 21. "Sunday is a close time, on which, it is not lawful to hunt, kill, or destroy game or birds of any kind, under the penalties imposed therefor during other close time, but the penalties already imposed for the violation of the Sunday laws by the statutes of this state are not hereby repealed or diminished." MAY TAKE MINNOWS AND OTHER BAIT FISH FOR ONE'S OWN USE. Sec. 2. "It shall be lawful to take minnows and other bait fish, commonly used for live bait, for one's own use in fishing, in any of the closed streams in this state, and to take smelts for consumption in the family of the person taking them." EELS, SUCKERS, WHITE FISH AND CUSK Sec. 6. "In closed waters where eels, suckers, cusk and white fish abound, the commissioners may grant permits to take the same and dispose of them for food purposes; and where an exclusive right is granted to take eels in any river or stream or part thereof, they may grant such permit upon such terms as they deem reasonable, and such permits shall expire with the calendar year; and it shall be lawful to take suckers with spears, or hook and line in any closed tributaries from the time the ice goes out in the spring until June first." See also sec. 40, re. eels and white fish, p. 92. 13 INTRODUCTION OF CERTAIN BIRDS, FISH AND ANIMALS PROHIBITED. Sec. 5. "Whoever introduces fish of any kind into any of the waters of the state by means of live fish or otherwise or whoever introduces wild birds or wild animals of any kind or species, into the state except upon written permission of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, shall forfeit not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than five hundred dollars." PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF COMMISSIONERS ON CERTAIN WATERS— CLOSING THEM TO ICE FISHING, FISHING IN THEIR TRIBU- TARIES, NUMBER AND LENGTH OF FISH WHICH MAY BE TAKEN, ETC. THE PENALTY for violating any of the Private and Special Laws, or Rules and Regulations of the Commissioners, is the same as for violating the gerv eral law in regard to fishing. Sec. 4, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, and sec. 37, ch. 32, R. S. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. COUNTY ICE FISHING LAW. It is unlawful to fish through the ice in Brettun's pond or in Round pond, or in Long pond, in Livermore, or in Androscoggin pond, in Leeds (also partly in Wayne, Kennebec Co.), or' in Allen pond, in Greene, or in Upper, Lower, or Middle Range ponds or in Tripp pond, in the town of Poland, EXCEPT on Wednesday and Saturday of each week it is lawful to fish through the ice in the above named waters for pickerel and togue only. It is unlawful to fish through the ice at any time' for any kind of fish in Lake Auburn or in Pleasant pond, in Turner, or in Taylor pond, in Auburn. It is also unlawful to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of this act. ALL WATERS IN DURHAM closed to all fishing from Oct. 1 until ice is out the following spring. 15 It is lawful to fish through the ice in all other lakes and ponds situated wholly in this county in accordance with the general law of the state. Ch. 42 and ch. 292, P. & S. L. 191 1. SPECIAL LAW ON WATERS IN DURHAM. It is unlawful to fish for any kind of fish at any time in ANY POND, BROOK OR RIVER IN THE TOWN OF DURHAM, except on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week from the time the ice is out of the pond, brook or river fished in the spring of each year until October first following, on which days it is lawful to fish in any pond, brook or river in said town in accordance with the general law of the state. * * * Also unlawful to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of this section. Ch. 42, P. & S. L. 191 1, which amends ch. 150, P. & S. L. 1909- There shall be an annual close time on Thompson pond, situated in the counties of Oxford, Cumberland and Androscoggin, from Sept. 1 to Jany. 1 of the fol- lowing year, during which time it shall be unlawful to take, catch or kill any kind of fish except black bass. Ch. 323, P. & S. L. 1909. Tributaries closed to May 16, 1914, except suckers may be taken in season in accordance with the gen- eral law of the state. R. and R. Comrs. In Round and Long Ponds, in Livermore, it is un- lawful to catch any trout less than 8 inches in length, or to fish in the tributaries at any time.' Notices must be posted. Ch. 166, P. & S. L., 1907. Lake Auburn, all the tributaries closed (and all that part of the waters of said Lake Auburn and Townsend Brook, so-called, that lie north of the road leading from the Turner road, so-called, to North Auburn Village and crossing said Townsend brook, shall be considered JO as tributary waters of said Lake Auburn.) Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Bear Pond, in Hartford, (Ox. Co.) and Turner, (And. Co.) may fish through the ice for pickerel only, tributaries closed. Ch. 183, P. & S. L., 1907, and Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- Taylor Pond, in Auburn, tributaries closed. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, Ch. 279, P. & S. L., 1909. Sabattus Pond, not more than 10 black bass can be taken in one day by one person. Ch. 407, P. & S. L,., 1903. R. & R. COMMRS. Section 1. It shall be unlawful to take, catch or kill or have in possession any white perch less than 8 inches in length, or any black bass less than 12 inches -in length in Upper, Lower and Middle Range Poxds, or in Tripp Pond* all in the town of Poland, for a period of four years from Oct. 1, 1909. It shall also be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch and kill or have in possession more than 20 white perch and six black bass taken in any of the above named waters, for a period of 4 years from Oct. 1, 1909. It shall be unlawful for the occupants of any boat, canoe, raft or other vessel or conveyance propelled by steam, electricity, hand or other power to take, catch and kill more than 20 white perch and six black bass in any one day in the above named waters, and it shall also be unlawful for the occupants of one house, one cottage, one tent, one camp, or the members of one family or the members of one party collectively in one day to take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 20 white perch and 6 black bass taken in any one day in the above named waters, for a period of four years from Oct. 1, 1909. It shall also be unlawful for any person at any time to fish for, take, catch, kill or have in possession any trout or landlocked salmon in any of the above named waters, and it shall also be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch and kill more than 3 togue and 5 pickerel in these waters, for a period of four years from Oct. 1, 1909. There shall be an annual close time on the above named waters for black bass, in which it shall be un- lawful to fish for in any way any of said fish or to take, catch or kill any black bass, from October first to June 20th of the following year of each year for a period of four years from October 1, 1909. *MODIFlCATIONS OF RULES AND REGULA- . TIONS OF COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME. The Rules and Regulations of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game adopted on October 1st, A. D., 1909, relating to the taking of black bass in Upper, Lower and Middle Range Ponds, also in Tripp Pond, all in the town of Poland, are hereby modified so that the close season on black bass in said Tripp pond shall be from May 1st to June 20 of each year instead of from Oct. 1st to June 20th of the following year as provided in the regulations adopted on Octo- ber first, A. D., 1909, above referred to. Section 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession at any time any fish taken in vio- lation of the above regulations. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Number Nine Lake, T. 9, R. 3, close time from Oc- tober 1st, to June 1st. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Squa Pan Lake, the inlet stream of, and the east branch of said inlet stream above Thomas Thibadeau's *8 1 lower landing, closed to all fishing. Madawaska Lake, tributaries closed to all fishing. P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 246, and ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, sec. 2. Mattawamkeag Lake, unlawful to fish except with single hook and line, and only for consumption in the family of the person fishing. P. & S. L., ch. 204, 1905. (See Baskahegan, Chepenticook, Schoodic, Grand, North, Brackett, and Longfeelow Lakes, and Hot Brook and Baskahegan Stream in Washington coun- ty, partly in Aroostook.) It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any trout in PrestieE Stream, which flows through the towns of Westfield, Mars Hill, Blaine and Bridge- water, or any of the tributaries thereof in said towns, or in any ponds flowing into said stream, from Oct. 1 to May 1 of the following year for 5 years from Oct. 1, 1909. Ch. 224, P. & S. L., 1909. ■ It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch, or kill any kind of fish at any time in Chase Brook, so-called, or in any of its tributaries, or in Fish River, so-called, from the Falls on said river near Big Fish Lake to the mouth of said Chase Brook. Ch. 395, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any trout at any time in Aeder Brook, so-called, in the towns of Island Falls and Hersey, or in Dyer Brook, so-called, in the towns of Island Falls and Dyer Brook and in Merrill Plantation, for a period of 4 years from June 30, 191 1. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any trout taken in violation of this section. Ch. 38, P. & S. L. 191 1. 19 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Sabbath Day Pond, in New Gloucester closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed. Thomas Pond, in Raymond and Casco, closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- Sebago Lake tributaries closed (see law on Songo and Crooked rivers). It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any fish of any kind in that part of Sebago lake known and called Songo River, from a point opposite of what is now known as Oliver's camp, a place in said lake known as the mouth of Songo river, to Songo Lock, from Sept. 1 of each year to May 1 of the following year. Provided, however, that it shall be lawful to dip smelts in the usual way. It shall be lawful to fish, as provided in the general law, in Crooked River from its junction with the Songo river up as far as what is known as Crooked river bridge. Ch. 63, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time on or through the ice in Big Rattlesnake Pond, or in Panther Pond, except dur- ing the months of March and April in each year. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in any of the tributaries to either of the above named ponds, except it shall be lawful to dip smelts in said tributaries during the month of April in each year. Ch. 352, P. & S. L., 1909. Duck Pond, tributaries closed, Great Watchic Pond, in Standish, close time on pond and tributaries from October 1st to May 1st. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Little Sebago Lake, closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed from Sept. 1, to April 1 following. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Ch. 150 P. & S. L., 1905, and Ch. 59, P. & S. L., 1909. Section 1. In addition to the laws now in force reg- 20 ulating fishing in Little Sebago Lake, in the county of Cumberland, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in said Little Sebago Lake from April first to June fifteenth following of each year, for a period of four years from June fifteenth, A. D., 191 1. Section 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in viola- tion of these regulations. R. & R. Comrs. Break Neck Brook in Sebago and Baldwin, and trib- utaries closed. Ch. 325, P. & S. L., 1905. Coleins Pond, Windham, close time until May 1, 1912, P. & S. L., 1907, ch. 381. South East, Barker and Middle Ponds, in Baldwin and Sebago (and in Hiram, in Ox. Co.) closed to ice fishing except during February, March and April. P. & S. L., 1907, ch. 195. Notices must be posted. Fishing prohibited in White Brook, also all of its tributaries above the land of M. M. Burnham, in Cum- berland ; fishing also prohibited in head waters of Mill Brook, north of the Blanchard road, so-called, said waters being in Cumberland and No. Yarmouth, for 4 years from April 24, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of 4 years from Nov. 1, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in Pleasant Pond, so-called, or in Parker's Pond, so-called, or in any of the tributaries to said ponds, situated in the town of Casco and in the town of Otisfield, except that it shall be lawful to take suckers during the month of May of each year, in these waters. Also unlawful to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of these regulations. R. and R. Comrs. For a period of four years from November 1, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for. take, catch or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in any of the tributaries to Highland Lake, in the town of Bridgton, (and in the town of Sweden, County of Ox- ford.) Also unlawful to have fish in possession taken in violation of these regulations. R. and R. Comrs. NOTE FOLLOWING SPECIAL LAW ON BLACK BASS IN THIS POND. Highland Lake, no person shall catch or kill more than 10 black bass in one day in this lake. P. & S. L., ch. 407, sec. 3, 1903. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Ch. 407, sec. 1, P. & S. L., 1903. Ch. 64, P. & S. L., 1907, and ch. 90, sec. 8, P. L., 1909. All the lakes, ponds and streams lying wholly or partly in this county are closed to all ice fishing, ex- cept all ponds and lakes wholly in the town of Chester- ville. Following is the law regulating ice fishing in that town : "So much of chapter 32 of the revised statutes, as amended by section 8 of chapter 90 of the public laws of 1909, as prohibits fishing through the ice, in accord- ance with the general law of the state, on Friday and on Saturday of each week, in all the lakes and ponds situated wholly in the town of Chesterville, in the coun- ty of Franklin, is hereby repealed." Ch. 59, P. L., 191 1. (See Jenne Pond, partly in this county under "Ox- ford County.") (Also see Parker Pond, partly in this county under "Kennebec County.") TRIBUTARIES CLOSED TO ALL FISHING IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. The tributaries to the following named lakes and ponds are closed to all fishing, viz : Webb Pond in 22 Weld, except Aeder Brook down as far as Hildreth's mill dam ; Tuets and Dutton's Ponds in Kingfield, and the outlet of the same from Dutton pond to Reed's Falls and from Tufts pond to Alder stream; Tim and Mud Ponds, in T. 2, Range 4; Rangeley Lake; Ross Pond;' Bemis Stream, a tributary to Mooselucmegun- tic lake; Whetstone Brook, which flows into Kenne- bago stream, from the foot of the boulders, so-called, in said stream to the foot of the falls at the outlet of Kennebago lake; Metaeeuc and Miee Brooks which flow into Upper Richardson lake; Coos Brook, a trib- utary to Wilson lake in Wilton, from its entrance into Wilson lake from the upper side of the Wilkins bridge over said Coos brook; Holeand Brook, a tributary to said Wilson lake, from its junction with Coos brook to the upper side of the Coos bridge over said Holland brook ; Varnum and North Ponds in Temple and Wil- ton; CeEarwater Pond in Farmington and Industry; Long Pond and Sandy River Pond, lying wholly or partly in Sandy River Plantation; Luekin Pond in Phillips ; Four Ponds, so-called, in townships E and D. Sec. 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Tributaries to Mt. Beue Pond closed to fishing until May 20, 191 5. R. & R. Com. Mt. Blue Stream, outlet of Mt. Beue Pond, in Avon, closed except Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. No person on any one of these days shall take, catch, or kill more than 25 fish in all in this stream. Ch. 154, P. & S. L., i9°9- It shall be unlawful to fish for any kind of fish at any time in the North Branch oe Sandy River, called the Chandeer Mile Stream, the South Branch, called the Crossman Stream, or in Bowen Brook; Saddle- back Stream, sometimes called Pease Stream, is closed to all fishing except from its junction with the Sandy river at Madrid village to Orrin Hinckley's. 23 bridge, a distance of one mile. Sec. 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, and ch. 58, P. & S. L-, 1909- It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in the South Branches of the Sandy River, above the Chas. E. Dill bridge, in West Phillips. Ch. 223, P. & S. L., 1905. Only 35 fish can be taken by one person in one day in Sandy River, from Sandy River Pond down as far as the Weymouth Bridge. Ch. 208, P. & S. h., 1909. Ben Morrison Brook, in Madrid, which flows into Saddeeback Stream, closed. Sec. 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. For a period of four years from August 1, 1909, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in any stream in the towns of Phil- lips, Madrid or Avon, which is a tributary to the Sandy River, except on Monday, Wednesday and Sat- urday of each week, on which days it shall be lawful to fish in said waters, in accordance with the general law of the state. Provided, however, that these regu- lations shall not apply to Perham Stream, so-called, in Madrid, or in Mt. Abraham township, on which stream the following regulations are hereby placed: For a period of two years from August 1, A. D. 1909, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Perham Stream, so-called, or in any of its tributaries, which stream is in the town of Madrid, and in Mt. Abraham township. For a period of two years from August 1, 191 1, it shall be lawful to fish in said Perham Stream and trib- utaries on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only of each week, and during this open season it shall be unlawful for any one person to take, catch, kill or have in possession in any one day more than fifteen fish in all taken from said stream or any of its tributaries. It shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch, kill or have in possession more than fifteen fish 24 in all taken from the Sandy River from the Weymouth bridge, so-called, across said river, in Madrid, down to the wire suspension bridge across said river in the town of Strong, for a period of four years from Au- gust i, 1909. R. & R. Comrs. Section 1. For a period of four years from July 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill in any way, any kind of fish in that part of Cottle Brook above the highway bridge on the Rangeley Lakes road, said brook being situated in town of Phillips. Section 2. For a period of four years from July 1, 1910, in all the tributaries that flow into Sandy River in Franklin County, above the suspension bridge across said river in Strong, to Weymouth bridge in Madrid, it shall be unlawful for any person in any one day to take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 25 fish in all, said tributaries being situated in the towns of Strong, Avon, Phillips and Madrid. The above regulations shall not modify or change previous regulations placed on fishing in Vaeeey Brook, in Strong, or in the outlet to Mt. Bute Pond, in Avon, or in the South Branches oe Sandy River, above the Chas. E. Dill bridge, so-called, or in SaddeEback Stream, above the Orin Hinkley bridge, so-called, or in Bowen Brook or in Perham Stream, or in the inlet to Mt. Beue Pond or in any other streams in the above named towns that were subject to special regulations previous to July 1, 1910. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of five years from July 15th, 191 1, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in CrosbyvieeE Stream, so- called, situated in the towns of Avon, Phillips, Free- man and Strong. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession at any time any kind of fish taken in violation of any provision of this section. Ch. 32, P. & S. L, 1911. 25 Tributaries to Pease Pond, in Wilton and Jay, closed to all fishing until July 10, 1913, R. & R. Comrs. During open season on Pease Pond it is unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 20 white perch, pickerel, black bass or horn pouts in all taken from said Pease Pond, or more than 5 trout or landlocked salmon, for a period of 4 years from July 10, 1909. R. & R. Comrs. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Webb's River, the outlet of Lake Webb, down as far as Goodwin's mill dam on said river. Sec. 3, ch. 196, P. & S. L. 1907. LAKE WEBB. It shall be unlawful to fish at any time for any kind of fish in Lake Webb within 150 feet of the mouth of each and every tributary to said lake, from the time the ice goes out in the spring until June first following, and the Commissioners of inland fisheries and game shall, by suitable monuments, indicate the area in which it shall be unlawful to fish as above specified. P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 148. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, or catch any kind of fish at any time in Lake Webb, except in the ordinary method of trolling or casting with artificial flies or fly fishing, from the time the ice goes out in the spring until the first day of June of each year. P. & S. L., 1907, ch. 196. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill more than twenty-five fish in all in any one day in any of the tributaries to Wilson Lake, which lake is situated in the town of Wilton, in which fishing is now permitted by law, or in Alder Brook, so-called, a trib- utary to Weld Pond, which pond is situated in the town of Weld, down as far as Hildreth's mill dam, so-called. 20 It shall also be unlawful to have in possession any fish taken in violation of this section. Ch. 157, P. & S. L., 1911. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill more than twenty-five trout or land-locked salmon in all in any of the tributaries to Jim Pond, in town- ship number one, range five, W. B. K. P., or Jim pond township, so-called, in any one day, during the open season now provided by law on said waters. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill more than ten trout in Jim Brook, so-called, in township number one, range five, W. B. K. P., or Jim pond township, so-called, in any one day, during the open season now provided by law on said waters, and it shall also be unlawful for any person to take any trout in said Jim Brook less than eight inches in length. Section 3. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any trout or land-locked salmon taken in violation of any provision of this act. Ch. 81, P. & S. L., ion. CUPSUPTIC RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES. It is unlawful to fish in these waters, above the foot of the first falls near its mouth, except from May 1 to July 1 of each year. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. KENNEBAGO LAKES AND STREAM AND TRIB- UTARIES AND CONNECTING WATERS. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Kennebago Stream, from- the fish-weir on said stream down to the foot of the oxbow, so-called, at the point of the sand-bar, on said stream, from August 1 of each year until the ice is out the following spring, for a period of four years from August 1, 1909. R. & R. Comrs. 27 For a period of 4 years from Sept. 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Kamankeag Brook, so-called, a trib- utary to Kennebago Stream,, situated in the town of Rangeley ; during the same period it shall also be unlaw- ful for any person to have in possession at any time any kind of fish taken from the above named waters. R. & R. Comrs. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Kennebago Stream be- tween the foot of the first falls near its mouth to the upper falls at the outlet of the lake, from July 1 to May 1, except from Indian Rock to Big Falls one may fish in ordinary way of casting with artificial flies; one person can kill only two fish within limits above defined in one day, then only when accompanied by registered guide. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, as am. by ch. 171, P. & S. L-, 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for in any way, or catch any kind of fish in the Seven Ponds, so-called, the Seven Ponds Stream, Little Kennebago Lake, and the stream flowing out of Little Kennebago lake to the dam at the head of Kennebago Falls, or in the stream flowing out of Kennebago lake commencing at a point four rods above the Berlin Mills Company's bridge and continuing down said stream to its junction with the stream flowing from Little Kennebago lake except in the ordinary method of casting with artificial flies or fly fishing. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill in any one day, more than 10 fish in all in Kennebago Lake, Little Kennebago Lake, John's Pond, Flat Iron Pond, Seven Ponds, or in any of the streams flowing into any of the above named lakes or ponds that are not closed to fishing, and in the stream flowing out of Little Kennebago Lake to the dam at the head of Kennebago Falls, and in the stream flowing out of 28 Kennebago Lake commencing four rods above the Ber- lin Mills Company's bridge and continuing down said stream to its junction with the stream flowing from Little Kennebago Lake. Sec. 3, Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. It shall be unlawful to take, catch or kill at any time any kind of fish in any of the ponds lying on Saddle- back Mountain, or the outlet of the same flowing into Dead River Pond, or in any of the tributaries emptying into said outlet, or in Salmon Lake or Gull Pond,* in Dallas Plantation, or in Kennebago Lake, John's Pond, Flat Iron Pond, Blanchard Pond, and all the streams flowing into the same, except in the ordinary method of casting with artificial flies or fly fishing. Ch. 407, P & S. L., 1903- *So much of chapter 407 of the private and special laws of nineteen hundred and three, as amended, as prohibits the taking, catching, or killing at any time any kind of fish in Gull Pond, in Dallas plantation, except in the ordinary method of casting with artificial flies or fly fishing, is hereby repealed to take effect on June first, 1912. Ch. 8, P. & S. L., 191 1. Rangeley Chain of Lakes. For a period of 4 years from August 1, 1909, it shall be unlawful to lure any fish to any place or locality by depositing any meat, bones, dead fish or parts of the same, or other food for fish, in the water (this method being commonly known and called "advance baiting fish") in Rangeley, Mooselookmeguntic or Cupsuptic Lakes, or in the Richardson Lakes, so-called, being the Lakes known as the Rangeley Chain of Lakes, or in Cupsuptic Stream, up to the first dam on said stream. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of 4 years from August 1, 1909, it shall be unlawful to take any trout less than 9 inches in length in any of the Rangeley Chain of Lakes above 29 referred to, or in said Cupsuptic Stream. R. & R. Comrs. It shall be unlawful for any person or party or occu- pants of any one boat, canoe, raft or other vessel or conveyance propelled by steam, electricity, hand or other power to catch by still or plug fishing, so-called, more than four trout and salmon in any one day, collectively nor more than two trout and salmon in any one day individually, in the waters of RangeeEy Lake, Rich- ardson Lakes, Mooselookmeguntic Lake and Cupsup- tic Lake, situated in the counties of Franklin and Oxford. P. & S. L., 1905, Ch. 344. Unlawful to fish in South Bog Stream from its mouth up to the first quick water from July 1 to May 1 ; fly fishing only in South Bog Stream and Pooe. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- It is unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in that portion of RangelEy Lake known as South Bog, bounded by a line drawn from the South Rangeley wharf to Dixon wharf on South Bog Island, Rangeley lake, and from that point to the wharf at Bungalow camp that is situated on the main land, except in the ordinary way of casting with arti- ficial flies or fly fishing or by trolling. Ch. 124, P. & S. L., 1909- It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Rangeley Stream from the lower wharf at the outlet of Rangeley lake down to the dead water at the upper end of the eddy, nor from the upper end of the eddy to the mouth of Kennebago Stream from July 1 to May 1, Sec. 3, Ch. 407, P. & S. L-, 1903, except during the open season, provided in the general law of the state, from the sign at the old wharf near the head of Rangeley Stream down to the dam across this stream, unlawful to fish except with artificial flies and only one fish can be killed in one day by one person. Ch. 157, P. & S. L., 1909. 30 It shall be unlawful to take from the waters of Varnum or North Pond, in Temple and Wilton, and Clearwater Pond, in the towns of Farmingto-n and Industry, more than three trout, togue and landlocked salmon in all in one day. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Indian Pond, in T. 1, R. 8, W. B. K. P., (Lowell- town.) It shall be lawful to fish in said pond after July 1st, 1908, during July and August of each year, in the manner provided in the general laws of the State, except on Sunday of each week it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any fish in said pond, and no trout less than 9 inches in length, taken in said pond, shall be killed or carried away at any time, and not more than 8 pounds of fish in all shall be caught in said pond in any one day by any one person. Notices must be posted. Ch. 64, P. & S. L-, 1907. - It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill. any kind of fish at any time in Loon Lake or in Cow Pond, except by the ordinary manner of casting with artificial flies or by trolling, so-called. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the occupants of one boat, to take, kill or have in possession more than 5 pounds of trout or landlocked salmon in all, or one fish, taken from Loon Lake or from Cow Pond, in one day. Ch. 374, P. & S. L., 1907. For a period of 4 years from August 1, 1909, all fish- ing except trolling or casting with artificial flies, or fly fishing, so-called, is prohibited in Round and Dodge Ponds and their tributaries. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of 4 years from August 1, 1909, it shall be unlawful for one person to take or have in possession more than 15 fish in all taken from Mountain Pond or Swiet River Pond in one day. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of 2 years from August 1, 1909, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Beaver Pond, so-called, in the Coun- tv of Franklin. R. & R. Comrs. 3i For a period of four years from July first, 1910, it shall be unlawful to take any fish from any of the inlets to Day Mountain Pond, in the Towns of Strong and Avon. R. & R. Comrs. In Quimby Pond, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any fish except in the ordinary way of angling with rod and artificial flies between sunrise and sunset of each day from the 15th day of May to the first day of October, and no person shall take, catch or kill or have in possession more than six fish in all in any one day from this pond. Sec. 3, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- It shall be unlawful to take, catch or kill more than twenty-five fish in any one day in Four Ponds, so-called, in Townships xi, and D. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. It shall be unlawful to take more than 25 trout from Tim and Mud Ponds, in T. 2, R. 4, W. B. K. P., in one day. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill or have in possession in any one day more than 25 fish in all taken in any of the streams lying wholly or partly in the towns of Freeman, Salem and Strong, and it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any fish in any of these streams ex- cept on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of each week during open season. P. & S. L., 1903, chs. 360 and 407, as am. by ch. 248, P. & S. L., 1905, and ch. 376, P. & S. U, 1907- For a period of four years from July 10, 1909, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch, or kill any kind of fish at any time in any of the tributaries to Porter's or Sweet's Pond, so-called, which pond is situated in the towns of Strong and New Vineyard. R. & R. Comrs. Sec. 1. For a period of 4 years from August 1, A. D. 191 1, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill more than 15 brook trout, brown trout or land- locked salmon in all, in any one day, in Lufkin Pond, 32 so-called, in the town of Phillips, in the county of Franklin. Sec. 2. During the same period- it shall also be un- lawful for any person to take, catch or kill any brook trout or brown trout in said pond less than 8 inches in length. Sec. 3. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any fish taken in violation of these regulations. Only 10 trout can be taken by one person in any waters in Alder Stream Township in one day. Ch. 125, P. & S. L., 1909. No fish less than eight inches in length can be taken in Bog Brook or Deer or Bog Pond in Lowelltown, and not more than 5 lbs. of fish in one day can be taken by one person. Ch. 270, P. & S. L., 1909. Not more than 10 lbs. of landlocked salmon, trout or togue can be taken by one person in one day in any waters in T. 1, R. 6, T. 1, and 2, R. 7, T. 1 and 2, R. 8, T. 1, R. 9, Frank. Co., W. B. K. P. Ch. 278, P. & S. L., 1909. For a period of 4 years from July 10, 1909, it shall be unlawful for any person in any one day to take. catch, kill or have in possession more than 25 trout taken from Rapid Stream, so-called, situated in Mt. Abraham township and Kingfield, or in any of the trib- utaries to said stream. R. & R. Comrs. Sec. 1. For four years from July 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take or catch any fish in the South Branch of Dead River, in Franklin County, above Flagg Dam or in any of the tributaries to said river above said dam, except on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, and on these d-ays no person shall catch in these waters more than twenty fish in any one day. Sec. 2. For a period of four years from July 1st, 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take or catch any 33 fish at any time in any of the tributaries to Dead River Pond in Dallas Plantation. R. & R. Comrs. Unlawful to catch trout less than eight inches in length in North Branch of Dead River, from its junc- tion with the Southwest branch to Chain of Ponds, or in Alder Stream, in Jim Pond township, or in Tim Brook, below Shepp's camp, or for one person to kill in one day more than 10 trout taken from any of the above named waters, for three years from July 20, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from September first, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any trout at any time in the South Branch of Dead River, or in any of its tributaries below Flagg Dam, so-called, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Sat- urday of each week from the time the ice is out of the waters fished in the spring of each year until October first following. It shall also be unlawful for any per- son to kill or have in possession more than 15 trout in all in any one day taken from any of the above named waters ; EXCEPT in Nash Stream, a tributary to said South Branch of Dead River, it shall be unlawful for any person to kill or have in possession in any one day more than 20 trout in all taken from said Nash Stream. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of 4 years from Sept. 1, 1910, the fol- lowing regulations shall be in force relating to fishing in Moose River, from Lowell Falls, so-called, up, and in the tributaries to said Moose River, in the county of Franklin : For the year 1910 close season for fishing in the above named waters shall begin on Sept. 1 ; for each of the three following years, 191 1, 1912 and 1913, the close season on fishing in said waters shall begin on August 15th of each year. Provided, further, that the above regulations shall not apply to Deer Pond, Barrett Pond, Bog Brook 34 from Deer Pond down to Moose River, or to Beaver Pond, Boundary Pond, CeEar Pond or Mud Pond. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of 4 years from Sept. 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, or kill more than 25 fish in all in any one day in Carrabasset River or in any of its tributaries, in the county of Franklin and County of Somerset, and it shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession in any one day more than 25 fish in all taken from any of the above named waters. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of 4 years from Sept. 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Stratton Brook, so-called, situated wholly or partly in the town of Eustis, or in any of the tributaries to said brook, on Monday, Wednesday, Fri- day or Saturday of each week from the time the ice is out of the waters fished in the spring until October first following of each year, and during open season on the above named waters it shall be unlawful for any person to kill or have in possession more than 15 trout in all in any one day taken from any of said waters. Provided, however, that in Stony Brook, so-called, one of the tributaries to said Stratton Brook, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time during the same period. R. & R. Comrs. Only fly fishing permitted in Stratton Brook and tributaries; no trout less than eight inches and only 10 in one day can be taken by one person. Ch. 64, P. & S. L., 1909- For a period of four years from Sept. 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to kill or have in possession more than 10 fish in all in any one day taken from Tufts, Dutton and Grindstone Ponds, which ponds are situated in the town of Kingfield, and no trout less than 8 inches in length and no salmon less than 12 inches in length shall be taken from any 35 of said waters during the same period. R. & R. Comrs. Section i. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in SwiFT River, so-called, or in any of the streams tributary thereto, situated in Rumford, Mexico, Roxbury, Byron and plantations D and E, in the counties of Oxford and Franklin, including Swift River Pond, except that it shall be lawful to fish in accordance with the gen- eral law of the state in the river itself and in any of its tributaries on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week during the months of May, June, July and Au- gust of each year. And no person shall catch, take or kill over thirty-five fish of lawful size in any one day from any or all of these waters, under a penalty of one dollar for each and every fish caught or killed in ex- cess of said thirty-five. Ch. 263, P. & S. L., 191 1, which amends ch. 412, P. & S. L-, 1907 as am. by ch. 121, P. & S. L., 1909. HANCOCK COUNTY. Bubble or Turtle Lake, on Mt. Desert Island, closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed; P. & S. L-, ch. 407, 1903; Jordan Pond, Mt. Desert Island, closed to ice fishing; Green Lake in Dedham and Ellsworth, trib- utaries closed, closed to ice fishing except Fridays and Saturdays of each week. P. & S. L., ch. 407, 1903; Narraguagus Lake closed to ice fishing. P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 170 (this lake, sometimes called Spring River lake, is in T. 9, 10 and 16). Crocker and Pickerel Ponds, in T. 32, closed to ice fishing. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903 ; First or Billings Pond, in Bluehill, closed from October first to May first; Noyes Pond, in Blue- hill, closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed; P. & S. L., 1903, Ch. 407, sec. 1, as am. by P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 23. 36 So much of chapter 407 of the private and special laws of 1903, as amended, as prohibits fishing through the ice in accordance with the general law of the state, on Friday and Saturday of each week, in Eagle Lake, so-called, in the town of Eden, is hereby repealed. Section 2. During open season for ice fishing in said Eagle Lake it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill in any one day more than fifteen pounds of fish in all. Ch. 95, P. & S. L., 1911. Tribu- taries to this lake closed. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. For a period of four years from Nov. 1, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish on or through the ice in Little Tunk Poxd. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from November 1, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish on or through the ice in Flaxders Poxd, so-called, in the town of Sullivan. R. & R. Comrs. Close time on Bluxt Poxd, in Lamoine, from Oct. 1 to May 1 of the following year ; Sunday a close time for fishing in this pond; no person can take more than 12 fish from this pond in one day: these regulations to be in force for 4 years from Jan. 25, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Rowe Brook, sometimes called Schoolhouse Brook, Allen Brook, Intervale Brook, Hurd Brook, or Mountain Brook, all of which brooks flow into Phillips Lake, or in any other tribu- taries to said Phillips Lake, except on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, on which days it shall be law- ful to fish in said brooks in accordance with the general law. Ch. 170, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time through the ice in Don- NELt Pond, situated partly in Franklin and partly in 37 township No. 10, except on Tuesday and Friday of each week in accordance with the general law. Ch. 76, P. & S. L., 1009. It is unlawful to take, catch, kill or have in posses- sion in any one day more than 25 pounds of black bass taken from any of the waters lying wholly or partly in the towns of Eden, Mt. Desert, Tremont, Hancock, Sullivan, Franklin, Eastbrook, Waltham, and Town- ships Number 7, Number 10 and Number 21, in the county of Hancock. Sec. 3, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. For a period of three years from August 22nd, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Senecar Brook, so-called, in the town of Penobscot. R. & R. Comrs. KENNEBEC COUNTY. COBBOSSEECONTEE LAKE AND LAKE MARANACOOK, closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed, not more than 10 black bass can be killed in one day; Narrows Pond, in Winthrop, closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed; Great, East, Long, North, Little, Ellis, McGraw and Snow Ponds, situated wholly or partly in this county, closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed, and no fish, except eels, taken from these ponds can be sold; Flying Pond, in Vienna, closed to ice fishing. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in any of the tributaries to Flying Pond, which pond is situated in the town of Vienna, except in Sucker Brook, so-called, in which brook it shall be unlawful to fish only from Ernest Whittier's dam to said Flying pond. Ch. 168, P. & S. L., 1909. See Androscoggin Pond, partly in this county, un- der Androscoggin County. 38 Three Mile Pond, in China, Windsor and Vassal- boro, closed to ice fishing except Saturdays of each week, may fish then for pickerel for consumption in the family of the person taking them, — tributaries closed. Sees, i and 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- Coch- newagon, Dexter, Berry and Wilson Ponds, in Mon- mouth, Winthrop, and Wayne, closed to ice fishing. Ch. 358, P. & S. L., 1907. Tributaries of Cochne- wagon, Berry and Wilson Ponds closed. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. China Lake, in Vassalboro, and tributaries, and Lovejoy Pond, in Albion, closed to ice fishing. Ch. 164, P. & S. L-, 1907, and ch. 81, P. & S. L., 1909. Webber Pond closed to ice fishing except on Tues- day and Saturday of each week. Ch. 172, P. & S. L., 1909. Tributaries of all ponds and lakes lying wholly or partly in Winthrop and Monmouth, closed to all fish- ing. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- Pocasset Lake and Pickerel Pond, in Wayne, closed to ice fishing. Ch. 362, P. & S. L., 1907. Carleton Pond. Ch. 360, P. & S. L., 1905, Sect. 5. Except as herein provided, no person shall use any boat on said pond or fish therein or harvest ice there- from. Ice may be harvested therefrom provided the taker seasonably removes all filth caused by such har- vesting. Residents of Winthrop and Readfield, living within one mile and a half from said pond, and their guests, may fish and boat thereon during the months of June, July and August. Nothing herein shall prevent fishing through the ice in said pond nor the necessary uses of said pond by the Augusta Water District. Who- ever violates this section shall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars or imprisonment not exceeding six months. 39 Buker, Sand, Long, or Purgatory and Little Purg- atory Ponds closed to ice fishing until May I, 1912. P. & S. L., 1907. During open season on fishing in Sand, Buker, Shorey and Little Purgatory Ponds, and the outlet streams of said ponds, situated in the towns of Litch- field and Monmouth, it shall be unlawful to fish for any k'nd of fish in either of said ponds or outlet streams of same from 8 o'clock in the evening, standard time, of each day until sunrise the following morning, for four years from April 8, 1910. R. & R. Comrs. Jimmy Pond, in Litchfield, closed to all fishing until May 1, 1912, also its tributaries and the outlet stream of said pond down to Buker Pond. Ch. 371, P. & S. L., 1907. CobbossEECONTee Stream is closed to all fishing from Lake Cobbosseecontee to Pleasant pond, and from Pleasant pond to the New Mills bridge, including the. Ox Bow, from Dec. 1st to May 1st following of each year. P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 2. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch or kill more than 15 white perch in all in Pleasant Pond, lying between the towns of Litchfield and Richmond, or in CobbossEECON- tee Stream, or in Oxbow or Horseshoe Ponds, so- called. Section 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person in any one day to take more than 10 pickerel in all in Cobbosseecontee Stream, or in Horseshoe Pond or in Pleasant Pond, and none shall be taken except for consumption in the family of the person taking the same. Expires Mar. 17, 1913. R. & R. Comrs. Horseshoe Pond, in West Gardiner, closed to ice fishing until Dec. 24, 1913. R. & R. Comrs. Section 1. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish on or through the ice, for a 40 period of four years from Feby. 21, A. D., 191 1. in Pleasant Pond, so-called, situated in the town of West Gardiner and the town of Litchfield and in the city of Gardiner, and in the town of Richmond, in the county of Sagadahoc, or in Mud Pond, so-called, sit- uated in the town of Litchfield, and in the town of Richmond and the town of Bowdoin, in the county of Sagadahoc. It shall also be unlawful to have in possession any kind of fish taken on or through the ice in either of the above named ponds during the same period. R. & R. Comrs. BELGRADE CHAIN OF LAKES. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, and kill, more than six black bass in all in one day in Great, Long, East, North, Little, El- lis, McGraw, or Snow Ponds, so-called, being the Belgrade chain of lakes, so-called, in the counties of Kennebec and Somerset, or to take, catch and kill any black bass in any of these waters less than twelve inches in length. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any smelts in any of the above named lakes and ponds from June fifteenth of each year until the ice is out of the pond or lake fished in the follow- ing spring. Section 3. Bait casting, so-called, for black bass, is hereby made unlawful in the above named waters from the time the ice goes out of said waters in the spring until July first following of each year. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch and kill more than ten white perch in all in any one day in Great Pond or in Long Pond, said ponds being in the above mentioned Belgrade chain of lakes, so-called. Ch. 284, P. & S. L-, 1909. Section 1. In addition to the open season now pro- 41 vided by law during which it shall be lawful to fish for landlocked salmon, trout and togue, in Great Pond, so- called, and in Long Pond, so-called, said ponds being part of the Belgrade chain of lakes, it shall be lawful to fish only with artificial flies or by the method known as fly fishing in said Great pond and in said Long pond from September 15th of each year to October 1st following, for landlocked salmon, trout and togue, in accordance with the general law of the State. Ch. 215, P. & S. L., 1911. It shall be lawful to fish in Belgrade Stream from Snow Pond to a point 200 feet below Belgrade bridge, so-called, under the same restrictions as apply to fish- ing in the Belgrade Chain of Lakes. Ch. 213, P. & S. L., 1909, as am. by ch. 204, P. & S. L. 1911. It shall be unlawful between October 15th, A. D., 1910, and July 1, A. D., 1914, for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Sur- veyed Pond, so-called, situated in the town of Wind- sor. During the same time it shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken from said Surveyed pond. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from Sept. first, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in School House Brook, so-called, situated in the town of Mt. Vernon, said brook being a tributary to Minnehonk Lake. R. & R. Comrs. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Parker Pond, so-called, or in any of its tributaries, in the towns of Mount Vernon, Vienna and Payette, (and in the town of Chesterville, in Franklin county,) except that it shall be lawful to take smelts and suckers, as provided in the general law of the state, in the BachellER Mill Stream, so-called, and to take suckers, as provided in 42 the general law, in the brooks flowing into said pond. Ch. 268, P. &. S. L., 1909- It shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish through the ice in Pat- tie^ Pond, in Winslow, except on Tuesday and Satur- day of each week, on which days it shall be lawful to fish in said pond in accordance with the general law. Ch. 217, P. & S. L., 1909- Ice fishing prohibited in Crotched Pond or Echo Lake, in Readfield, Mt. Vernon and Fayette, for 4 years from Jan. 25, 1908; tributaries closed for same period, except in the stream from the Tannery Dam at Mt. Vernon to said lake. R. & R. Comrs. Lake Annabessacook, in Winthrop and Monmouth, closed to all ice fishing for 4 years from Jan. 25, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. Tributaries to this lake closed; not more than. 10 black bass can be killed in one day. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Twelve Miee Stream and tributaries, in Clinton and Canaan, closed to all fishing for 3 years from July I, 1909. R. & R. Comrs. Note addl. reg. on p. 157. KNOX COUNTY. Crystal Lake in Washington closed to ice fishing, tributaries closed. Sees. 1 and 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Canaan Lake and Lermond's, Alfords and Norton Ponds, tributaries closed. Sec. 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Branch Stream and Hasey Brook, in Washington, closed to all fishing until May 1, 1912, but notices must be posted. Ch. 189, P. & S. L., 1907. Hobbs Pond, in Hope, closed to ice fishing to March 11, 1914. R. & R. Comrs. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in the Medomac River, 43 from Skidmore's mill dam in Union and Washington, to Light Meadows, in Liberty, or any of the tributaries to said river from Skidmore's mill dam to Light Meadows, for 3 years from July 3, 1909. Provided, however, that it shall be lawful to dip chubs for bait with a hand net in said waters. Ch. 290, P. & S. L., 1909. Muddy Pond in Washington closed to all fishing for three years from July 3; 1909. Ch. 262, P. & S. L., 1909. Grassy Pond, in Hope and Rockport, open to ice fishing only on Tuesday and Saturday of each week. Ch. 156, P. & S. L., 1909. Keene Brook and Porter Brook, tributaries to Lake Chickawaukee, Rockport, closed to all fishing for four years from May 10, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from Nov. 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in Lily Pond, so- called, in the town of Rockport. R. & R. Comrs. Section 1. The catching or taking of eels in Saint Georges River, in Warren, is hereby prohibited, except by hook and line or with spears. Section 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of five dollars and costs for each offense. Ch. 107, P. & S. L., 191 1. LINCOLN COUNTY. Dyers Pond, in Jefferson, closed to ice fishing, trib- utaries closed. Sec. 1 and 2, P. & S. L., 1903, ch. 407. For a period of two years from March 14th, A. D., 191 1, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish on or through the ice in Pleasant Pond or in Three Cornered Pond, which ponds are situated in the town of Jefferson and in the town of 44 Whitefield. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken on or through the ice in either of the above named ponds, during the same period. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of three years from November i, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in Pinkham Pond, so-called, in the town of Alna. Sec. 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any fish taken in violation of the above regulations. R. & R. Comrs. OXFORD COUNTY. The following ponds only are open to ice fishing as provided in the general law, all others being closed. North and Bird Ponds, in the town of Norway; the five Kezars, Moose, Bear, Long, Two Spec, Pappose and Mc Wain Ponds, in the town of Waterford ; Knee- land, Songo, Burnt Land and Crocker Ponds, in town of Albany; Proctor Pond in the towns of Albany and Stoneham; Upper Stone or Virginia Lake, and Horse Shoe Ponds, in Stoneham; Bradley, Farrington and Slab City Ponds in the town of Lovell ; Moose, Beaver, Long, Grandeur and Little Ponds in Denmark; Love- weli/s, Clay, Haley, Charles, Pleasant, Lower Kim- ball and Bog Ponds situated wholly or partly in Frye- burg; Rattle Snake and Burnt Meadow Ponds in Brownfield; Moose and Mud Ponds in Paris; Hogan and Whitney Ponds in Oxford; the two Clemons Ponds, Bungamuck Pond in Hartford; Keyes and Stearns Ponds in Sweden; Bickford, Long and Col- cord Ponds in Porter; North Pond in Greenwood and Woodstock; and Half Moon Pond. Sec. 1, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, am. by ch. 159, P. & S. L., 1905. North 45 Pond, in towns of Buckfield and Sumner, open for pickerel fishing only through the ice. Ch. 182, P. & S. L., 1907. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Abbott Pond, so-called, in the town of Sumner, from September first of each year until June first of the following year. Ch. 168, P. & S. L., 1911. There shall be an annual close time for fishing for any kind of fish in Tom Pond, so-called, sometimes called Thomas Pond or Lake Keoka, in the town of Waterford, from the first day of October of each year to the fifteenth day of June of the following year, both days inclusive, during which close time it shall be un- lawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in said lake. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in close time in the above named lake. Ch. 31, P. & S. L., 1911. In Keoka Lake, no person shall take, catch or kill more than ten black bass in any one day. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, sec. 3. Jenne Pond, in Mexico, (and in Carthage, Franklin Co.) closed to all ice fishing except for pickerel. P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 159. Thompson Pond and tributaries, in Cumberland, Ox- ford and Androscoggin counties (see Androscoggin county) . Round Pond, in Greenwood, open to ice fishing from Feby. 1st of each year until the ice is out of said pond the following spring. Ch. 15, P. & S. L., 1909. Spectacle Pond, in Porter, the Stanley Ponds, in Hiram, Traeton and Jay Bird Ponds, open to ice fish- ing. Ch. 225, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time from September 1 of each year to June 1 of the following year, in Overset Pond, 46 in the town of Greenwood; during open season on this pond it shall be unlawful for any one person in any- one day to catch and kill more than 5 trout and land- locked .salmon in all in said pond. Ch. 169, P. & S. L., 1909. (Note special ice fishing law on Lower Kezar Pond below. ) TRIBUTARIES CLOSED AND SPECIAL REGU- LATIONS. The tributaries to the following named lakes and ponds are closed to all fishing. Sec. 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- Anasagunticook Lake in Canton and Hartford, the tributaries to Little Bear Pond in Hartford and Tur- ner, the tributaries to Howard's Pond in Hanover (see law below on Meadow Brook,) the tributaries to Lake Pennesseewassee and Little PennesseewassEE in Norway, the tributaries to Garland Pond and Roxbury Pond, Rapid River from the swing bridge at the Ox- ford Club House to Lake Umbagog, the tributaries to Songo Pond in Albany, the tributaries to Pickerel Pond in Denmark. It shall also be unlawful, for any person to fish in any of the tributaries to Indian Pond, South Pond and Twitchell Pond, in the town of Greenwood. Section 1. It shall be unlawful to take or catch any black bass, pickerel, or any other fish from Lower Kezar Pond, Fryeburg, or any of its tributaries for sale, or to sell the same, and no person shall take more than fifteen pounds of fish in any one day from said Lower Kezar Pond or its tributaries. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take or catch any of the fish mentioned in section one, while fishing through the ice in any of the above named waters except during the months of March and April, • 47 and then only as provided by the general laws, regu- lating the use of lines while so fishing. The number of pounds to be taken, as provided in section one. Ch. 214, P. & S. L., 1909- It shall be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch or kill more than ten black bass in Upper Kezar Pond., or to take any smelts at any time, in any of the tributaries of said pond, (except Mill Brook). Ch. 407, P. & S. L,., 1903 and P. & S. L.," 1905, Ch. 261.) Great Brook, in Stoneham, closed only from its mouth up to the falls near the Hilton McAllister place. Tributaries not closed. (Note below special laws on this book closing it as above indicated : "It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill at any time any kind of fish in Great Brook or its tributaries, in Stoneham. Ch. 79, P. & S. L., 1905." "So much of Ch. 79, P. & S. L., of J905, as prohibits fishing in Great Brook, in Stoneham, above the falls on said brook near the Hilton McAllister place, and in the tributaries to said Great Brook, including Beaver Brook, Willard Brook, Shirley Brook and Red Rock Brook, in accordance with the general law, is hereby repealed. Ch. 266, P. & S. L., 1909.") Note: The taking of smelts is permitted, however, in Great Brook and in Cold Brook: Sec. 1. It shall be lawful to take smelts at any time in Great Brook and in Cold Brook, in the towns of Stoneham and Lovell. * * * Sec. 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Ch. 207, P. and S. L., 1911. For a period of four years from November 1, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in Beaver Brook, so-called, in the town of Stoneham. 48 - Sec. 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person at any time to have in possession any fish taken in viola- tion of the above regulations. R. & R. Comrs. Round Pond, in Greenwood, and North Pond, in Woodstock, tributaries closed. P. & S. L., 1907, ch. 266. All fishing except for suckers in the usual way, pro- hibited in all tributaries, direct and indirect, of Han- cock 'and Sand Ponds, in Sebago and Denmark, for four years from April 24, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. Little Saco River and branches, in Fryeburg and Brownfield, closed to all fishing except from May 1 to Aug. 1, of each year, for a period of four years from April 24, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. Brook Kedar and its tributaries, the Kingman and Plummer Brooks, situated in Waterford, are hereby closed until May 1, 1912, to all fishing except the taking of smelts and suckers in the usual way. R. & R. Comrs. Sec. 1. Stony Brook and tributaries, in Paris and Hebron, are closed to all fishing except on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, from May 1 to Oct. 1, of each year until May 1, 1913. Sec. 2. On Tuesdays and Fridays when it is lawful to fish in this brook and its tributaries according to section 1, no person shall catch more than 40 fish in any one day from this brook or any of its tributaries. Ch. 185, P. L., 191 1. R- & R- Comrs. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kilt any kind of fish at any time in any of the tributaries of Big Concord Pond, in the town of Woodstock, ex- cept it shall be lawful to fish in any of said tributaries on Wednesday and on Friday of each week in accord- ance with the general law of the state. Ch. 347, P. & S. L., 1905, and ch. 57, P. & S. L., 191 1. For a period of two years from September first 191 1, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish in Shagg Pond or in Lit- 49 tle Concord Pond at any time from Sept. first of each year until June first of the following year. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years' from November first, iqio, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in any of the tributaries to said Shagg Pond. For a period of four years from November first, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person, during open sea- son on Shagg Pond and Little Concord Pond, to take, catch or kill more than three trout and salmon in all in any one day from either of said ponds. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from November first, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession any fish taken in violation of the above regu- lations. R. & R. Comrs. It shall be unlawful to take, catch or kill any trout less than nine inches in length, in Overset, Round South, Indian, Twitcheu, or Hick Ponds in Green- wood, or in North Pond, in Greenwood and Wood- stock, or in Bryant's Pond, Big Concord or Little Concord Ponds, in Woodstock, or in Shagg or Abbott Ponds, in Sumner. Ch. 212, P. & S. L., 1909. In accordance with the provisions of section 40, chap- ter 32, Revised Statutes, the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game, at a regular meeting of the Board, held on August 8th, A. D. 1910, voted to adopt the fol- lowing regulations in order to protect the spawning beds of fish, in Bemis Stream, in compliance with peti- tion of Edwin S. Cummings, of Bemis, and 9 others: It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill, any kind of fish, at any time, in Bemis Stream, so- called, from the first railroad trestle up, from August 15th to October first of each year, for a period of 4 years from Aug. i5,'i9io. 50 The tributaries to Bryant Pond, in Woodstock, closed to all fishing by ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Note following amendment to this law : So much of chapter '407 of the Private and Special laws of 1903, as amended, as prohibits fishing in Vil- lage Brook, so-called, a tributary to Bryant Pond, which pond is situated in the town of Woodstock, above the bridge at the east end of Bryant Pond village, so- called, in accordance with the general law of the state, is hereby repealed. Provided, however, that this act shall not take effect until a screen shall have been placed across said Village Brook at said bridge, with- out expense to the state, by the citizens of Oxford county, under the direction of, and by permission of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game. Pro- vided, further, that the commissioners may authorize any inland fish and game warden, or deputy inland fish and game warden, to take pickerel at any time in said Village Brook from said bridge to said pond, for the purpose of protecting the small trout in said brook. Ch. 180, P. & S. L., 191 1. For a period' of four years from November 1, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch, or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in Shepard River, so-called, or in any of its tributaries, situated in the town of Brownfield, except between May 15th and July 15th of each year, both dates inclu- sive, during which open season on said river and its tributaries, it shall be lawful to fish as now provided in the general law of the State. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession at any time any fish taken in close season in any of the above named waters. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from September first, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Beaver Bog and Beaver Bog Brook, so-called, a tributary to West Rich- 51 ardson Pond; it shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession at any time any kind of fish taken from the above-named waters during the same period. R. & R. Comrs. The two West Richardson Ponds, the two East Richardson Ponds and the two Beaver Ponds closed to all fishing except in the ordinary method of casting with artificial flies or fly fishing, and no person shall catch and kill more than 10 fish in one day in these ponds. Ch. 191, P. & S. L., 1907. Sec. 1. For a period of four years from November 1, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in any of the tributaries to Highland Lake, in the town of Bridgton, County of Cumberland, and in the town of Sweden, County of Oxford. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of the above regulations. R. and R. Comrs. Section 1. For a period of four years from April 24, A. D., 191 1, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any trout or landlocked salmon in Burnt Meadow Pond, so-called, in the town of Brownfield, or in any of the tributaries to said pond. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any trout or landlocked salmon taken in violation of any provision of these rrles and regula- tions. R. & R. Comrs. Ward's Brook, Ward's Pond and Walker's Pond, so-called, closed except between the first day of May and August of each year, cannot fish therein except with rod and single line and artificial flies or fly fishing. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, sec. 3. Ellis River and its tributaries situated in Andover, Andover West, North Surplus, and Roxbury, and Townships C and D, closed except on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays during the months of May, June 52 and July, and to the fifteenth day of August of each year. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, sec. 3. It shall be unlawful to fish for in any way, or catch any fish of any kind in Sunday Pond, Long Pond, Wells Pond, Otter Pond, Rump Pond, Billings Pond, Barker's Pond, M. T. Abbey Pond, Upper and Lower Black Ponds, and Cupsuptic Pond except by the ordi- nary method of casting with artificial flies or fly fish- ing. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- It shall be unlawful for any person, camping party or family to kill or carry away more than twenty perch in all in any one day from Whitney, Hogan or Tripp Ponds. Ch. 380, P. & S. L., 1905. Meadow Brook, the main inlet of Howard's Pond, in Hanover, is closed, and also the tributaries to this brook, and the outlet of Meadow Brook, above which it is unlawful to fish, is a line drawn through a. large rock known as Indian rock, in the bed of the brook, a short distance from the point or corner of Fannie Holt's land, on the easterly side, and running at right angles with the thread of the stream, across the same to the westerly shore of the brook. P. & S. L., 1907, ch. 372. Rapid River is closed to fishing except in the ordi- nary way of casting with artificial flies or fly fishing; Umbagog Lake shall not be fished in except in the ordinary way of casting with artificial flies or fly fish- ing or by the usual method of trolling, and no person or party can catch, kill or have in possession more than 10 pounds of fish in one day taken from said waters. Ch. 197, P. & S. L-, 1907. Notices must be posted. "B" Pond in Upton, is closed to fishing except in the ordinary method of casting with artificial flies, or fly fishing. Notices must be posted. Ch. 170, P. & S. L., 1907. Sunday River in Riley PI. and in Newry and Bethel, and tributaries closed to all fishing, except it shall be 53 lawful to fish in said Sunday river, below the mouth of Bull branch, so-called, to the main Androscoggin river, from May 15 to June 15th of each year. Notices must be posted. Ch. 142, P. & S. L-, 1907. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Dead Cambridge River, in Upton and Township C Surplus, from Umbagog lake to C. pond, or in any of the tributaries to said river except Swiet Cambridge River, or in any of the trib- utaries to said C. Pond, which pond is in T. "G" Sur- plus, except in the ordinary method of casting with artificial flies or fly fishing. Ch. 99, P. & S. L., 1909- (See law on Swift river, under "Franklin county.") It shall be unlawful for any person in any one day to take, catch, or kill more than ten black bass in Penn- Esseewassee Lake or in the Bog, so-called, in the town of Norway, in the county of Oxford. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any black bass taken in violation of this section. Ch. 232, P. & S. L., 1911. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for a term of six years from the time this act takes effect, (June 30, 191 1) to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish in Spear Stream, so-called, or in any of its tributaries, in Peru, except it may be lawful to fish in Spear Stream and in any of the tributaries of Spear Stream, so-called, on Tuesday and Saturday of each week, in accordance with the general law of the state. Ch. 99, P. & S. L., 1911. It shall be unlawful for six years from July 3, 1909, to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish in any of the tributaries to WortheEy Pond, (this pond is in Peru) except to take smelts with a dip net. Ch. 186, P. & S. L., 1909. For a period of five years from June 30, 191 1, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill any trout less than nine inches in length 54 in Hall Pond, in the town of Paris; it shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any trout less than nine inches in length taken from said Hall Pond; it shall also be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill more than five trout in said Hall Pond in any one day during said period of five years from June 30, 191 1. Ch. 108, P. & S. L., 191 *• It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in the Megalloway River, above Aziscohos Falls, including the tributaries of said river above said Falls, or in Upper or Lower Metallic or Lincoln Ponds or Parmachenee Lake, except in the ordinary method of angling with artificial flies or fly fishing. It shall be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch or kill more than 10 pounds of fish in all in any of said waters. Ch. 138, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful for any person to transport be- yond the limits of this state more than five pounds of fish in all in any one day taken from the Megalloway Waters, so-called, in the County of Oxford, for a period of four years from July 12, A. D. 1910. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from July 1, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person, at any time, to fish in Metalluc Brook above the northerly end of the Wood Island, on the right hand side of the brook as you en- ter, except in the ordinary way of fishing with arti- ficial flies, known as fly fishing. This part of Metalluc Brook thus restricted to fly fishing is situated in Ox- ford County. R. & R. Comrs. During the open season on white perch provided in the general law of the state, it shall be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch or kill or have in possession more than 20 white perch taken, caught or killed in Ellis Pond, sometimes called Rox- bury Pond, in Roxbury and Byron. Ch. 137, P. & S. L., 1909- 55 It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any t'me in any of the tributaries to Marshall Pond, situated wholly or partly in Ox- ford, except it shall be lawful to fish in that portion of Donham Brook, a tributary to said pond, which is down stream from a certain rock with staples driven therein. Ch. 77, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kil! any kind of fish at any time in the pools from and be- low the dam to the big rock at the mouth of the river at Upper Dam, except in the ordinary way of casting with artificial flies or fly fishing. Ch. 174, P. & S. L. r 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Molridgewock Pond or stream, in Upton, except in the ordinary way of angling with artificial flies or fly fishing. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, or kill any kind of fish at any time in the inlet of said Molridgewock Pond. Chi 195, P. & S. L., 1909. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Cold Stream Pond, in Enfield, closed to ice fishing. P. & S. L., ch. 407, sec. 1, 1903. Brewer Pond, (or Hines pond) in Orrington and Bucksport, closed to ice fishing. P. and S. L., 1905, Ch. 265. Dexter Pond, in Dexter, tributaries closed. P. & S. L., ch. 407, sec. 2, 1903. InlyAKE Sebasticook no person shall catch or have in possession more than eight pounds of white perch in one day taken from this lake, and only for consump- tion in his own family. Sebasticook river is closed to all fishing from the fish screen or Middle bridge to Sebasticook lake. Ch. 356, P. & S. L., 1907, and ch. 209, P. & S. L., 1909. 56 In addition to the close season for fishing now pro- vided by the general law of the state, it shall be un- lawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time from April first to July first of each year in Foi^som Stream, so-called, a tributary to Lake Sebas- ticook, so-called, which lake is situated in the town of Newport, from the woolen mill dam in Corinna to its junction with said Lake Sebasticook, or in Stetson Stream, so-called, a tributary to said Lake Sebasticook, from the lower mill dam in Stetson village to its junc- tion with said Lake Sebasticook, or in any other tribu- tary to said Lake Sebasticook in said town of New- port, or in that portion of Lake Sebasticook lying north and east of a straight line drawn from Sandy point, so-called, on the east shore of said lake, in a north- easterly direction, to the Maine Central Railroad Com- pany's culvert on the west shore, or in Durham bridge cove, so-called, or at any point within six hundred yards from the center of Durham bridge, so-called. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of any provision of this section. Ch. 150, P. & S. L., 191 1. Chemo Pond, the tributaries to, are closed for a dis- tance of one mile up the stream from the mouth of each tributary. Notices to be posted. Ch. 171, P. & S. L., 1907- Penobscot Stream, in Dexter village, from the rail- road bridge to the mill, including the two artificial ponds formed by the dam, closed to all fishing for four years from June 24, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. In addition to the general law it shall be unlawful for any one person in any one day to catch and kill more than six pickerel in or from Etna Pond, situated in the towns of Carmel, Stetson and Etna, or in Parker Pond, situated in the towns of Carmel and Etna, and no pickerel shall be taken from these waters except for consumption in the family of the person taking the same, for 4 years from March 4, 1910. R. & R. Comrs. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in the North Branch of Sourdabscook Stream, or Car- ter Brook, so-called, or in any of the tributaries to said North Branch of Sourdabscook Stream, in the town of Etna and in the town of Carmel, in the county of Penobscot, for a period of four years from June 10, A. D., 191 1. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of these regulations. For a period of four years from August 22nd, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish in Campbell Brook, sometimes called Titcomb Brook, in the town of Levant, except on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, on which days it shall be lawful to fish in said brook in accordance with the general law of the state. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from August 22nd, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful for any one person to take, catch or kill in any one day more than twenty-five fish in all in Sam Ayers Brook, so-called, Madunkunk Brook, so-called, Trout Brook, so-called, or Ebb Horse Stream, so-called, situated wholly or partly in the town of Chester, or in any of the tributaries to said brooks and stream. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from August 22nd, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill in any one day more than twenty-five fish in all in Cold Brook, so-called, situated in the town of Med- ford, in the county of Piscataquis, and in the town of Lagrange, in the county of Penobscot. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from August 22, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Roberts Rock Brook, .so-called, in the town of Medford, in the county of Pis- cataquis, and in the town of Lagrange, in the county of Penobscot. R. & R. Comrs. Ware; Pond, in Lee, closed to ice fishing. Ch. 206, P. & S. L., 1909- The Puffer Ponds, in Dexter, closed to all ice fish- ing. Ch. 123, P. & S. L., 1909- Davis Pond, in T. 5, R. 7, closed to ice fishing. No person can take, catch and kill more than five fish in any one day in this pond during open season. Ch. 164, P. & S. L., 1909- It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill in Lake Pushaw and its tributaries, located west of Old Town, more than 10 pounds of pickerel in any one day; and no person shall otherwise dispose of said pickerel so caught than to convey them to his own home for consumption therein. Ch. 100, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time, for a period of two years from June 30, 191 1, in Little Pushaw Pond, so-called, in the town of Hudson. It shall also be unlawful to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of this section. Ch. 33, P. & S. L., 191 1. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish on or through the ice in Lake Wassokeag,. so-called, in the town of Dexter, except on Wednesday and Saturday of each week said pond is closed by ice, on which days it shall be lawful to fish through the ice in said pond in accordance with the general law of the state. Provided, however, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill in any one day while fishing through the ice in said lake more than ten pounds of fish in all. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of any provision of this section. Ch. 43, P. & S. L., 1911. 59 It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish on or through the ice in Fitts Pond, sometimes called Little Fitts Pond, in the towns of Clifton and Eddington for a period of five years from November first, 191 1, except from February first of each year until the ice is out of said pond in the spring, during which time it shall be lawful to fish in said pond through the ice in accordance with the general law of the state. It shall also be unlawful to have in pos- session any kind of fish taken in violation of any pro- vision of this section. Ch. 105, P. & S. L., 191 1. Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to catch or kill more than 15 fish of the following kinds, viz: Trout, pickerel, white perch, black bass and landlocked salmon, in any one day, in either Mattenawcook Lake or the following ponds emptying therein, viz : Long Pond, Crooked Pond and Folsom Pond, all within the town of Lincoln, from May 1 to Dec. 1, but nothing herein shall change the close time on fish in said lakes and ponds as now provided by the general law. Section 2. No person shall catch in any one day, while fishing through the ice in any of the lakes or ponds named in section 1 of this act, more than five fish of the following kinds, viz : White perch and pickerel. Ch. 67, P. & S. L., 1909. DRIFT NETS— PENOBSCOT RIVER. Chapter 453 of Private and Special Laws, 1901, pro- vides : Drift nets, of a mesh not less than 2^ inches square, may be used by inhabitants of this state, from 6 o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday to 6 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday of each week, during open season, in fishing for and taking salmon in the Penob- scot river from the Water Works' dam at Bangor to the mouth of Seboeis river, so-called, on the east branch of said Penobscot, provided, however, that no 6o salmon shall be so taken between said points in said river except for the purpose of consumption in the homes of the inhabitants so taking, and that no drift net shall be used within 300 yards of any dam or mill race on said river. Section 2, Chapter 191, Private and Special Laws, 1899. If in the judgment of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, the privileges granted by section one are abused, misused or are detrimental to the proper propagation of the salmon fisheries on any part of the Penobscot river, said commissioners shall have power and are hereby authorized to suspend the operation of this act. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. It is lawful to fish through the ice in the following named waters in this county — and no others : Fourth Buttermilk and Little Benson Ponds, Seboeis Lake, Cedar Lake, Ebemee Ponds, Schoodic Lake, North and South Twin Lakes, Pemadumcook Lake, Ambajejus Lake, Debsconeag Lake, Nah- makanta lake, chesuncook lake, sebec lake, flrst Buttermilk Pond, Big Benson Pond, Big Huston Pond, Center Pond in Sangerville, Moosehead Lake, Jo Mary Lake, Caribou Lake, Lobster Lake, Cham- berlain Lake, Telos Lake, Webster Lake, Eagle Lake, Allagash Lake, Munsungan Lake, Milli- nocket Lake, Caucogomoc Lake, Churchill Lake, Chemquassabamticook Lake, Grand Lake, Second Lake, Ragged Lake, Pepper Pond, Large Greenwood Pond in Elliottsville and Willimantic, South Branch, Carpenter, LittlEeield and Fowler Ponds. Chs. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, as am. ch. 245, P. & S. L., 1905, and ch. 164 P. & S. L., 1909. 6i Boyd Lake closed to ice fishing except pickerel from ist day of December to ist day of April. Ch. 292, P. & S. L., 1907. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish on or through the ice in Whetstone Pond, so-called, situated in the town of Kingsbury and in the town of Blanchard; it shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken on or through the ice in said Whetstone pond. Ch. 104, P. & S. L., 1911. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Little Lobster Lake, so-called, for a period of two years from June 30, 191 1. Section 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish at any time taken in violation of the provisions of the first section of this act. Ch. 20, P. & S. L., 191 1. TRIBUTARIES CLOSED. The tributaries to Lake Hebron in Monson, Twin and Doughty Ponds, known as Ship and Bear Ponds in Elliottsville PL; Ship Pond Stream above Buck's Falls ; the Outlet of Garland Pond in Sebec ; the trib- utaries to Lake Onawa in Elliottsville PI. ; the tribu- taries to Moosehead Lake except Moose river; Davis Stream in Willimantic closed, and Monson Pond Stream, a tributary to Davis Stream ; Vaughn Stream, a tributary to Long Pond Stream closed; Wilson Stream, a tributary to Sebec Lake, closed; Wilson River, between Wilson Pond and Tobey Falls, in Willimantic, closed to all fishing, except the river between Wilson Pond to Tobey Falls is open from May 15 to Oct. 1. Sec. 2, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. 62 Alder 'Stream, in Brownville, Milo and Medford, closed for five years from July 3, 1909. Ch. 175, P. & S. L., 1909. Thorn Brook, in Abbot, Kingsbury and Blanchard, closed from its outlet into the South Branch of the Piscataquis river, known as Kingsbury Stream, in Abbot, to Decker Falls, in Kingsbury, a distance of about five miles, including the dead water at the foot of Whetstone Pond for four years from July 3, 1909. Ch. 22, P. & S. L., 1909- Roach River open only from the dam to the mouth of the tributary called Lazy Tom for fly fishing only during June, July and August. Ch. 158, P. & S. L., 1909. Big Lyford Pond, fly fishing only. Ch. 81, P. & S. L-, 1907- Upper and Lower Wilson Ponds, tributaries closed until June 24, 1912. R. & R. Comrs. Little Huston Pond, K. I. Works Township, fly fishing only. Ch. 407, P. & S. L-, 1903. Shadow Pond, in Squaw Mt. T., at Greenville JcU open from June 1 to August 1; fly fishing only. Ch. no, P. & S. L., 1905. Garland Pond, Sebec, closed from Sept. 1 to June 1 of the following year until Sept. 1, 1913. R. & R. Comrs. (See Cold Brook and Roberts Rock Brook, under Penobscot county, partly in this county.) SOMERSET COUNTY. It is lawful to fish through the ice in the following named ponds and lakes in this county: Moosehead Lake, Morrill Pond, (see ch. 319, P. & S. L., 1903), Palmer Pond in Mayfield; Ellis, Round and Ten-Thousand Acre Ponds in T. 1, R. 6, known 63 as the Ten-Thousand Acre Township; RowEll Pond in Solon; Smith Pond and Oaks Pond in Cornville; Pickerel Pond in Flagstaff; Gilman Pond in Lexing- ton; Sibley Pond in Canaan; Fahi and Sandy Ponds in Embden; Wyman and Weeks Ponds in Brighton; Great Moose Lake (name changed from Moose Pond. Ch. 196, P. & S. L., 1909) ; Mud, Staeford, and Star- bird Ponds in Hartland; Douglass Pond in Palmyra; Gammon Pond, situated partly in Somerset and partly in Franklin county; Brassua Lake; Mayeield and Kingsbury Ponds, Dead Stream Pond and Lower Cold Stream Pond, Horseshoe Pond, in 10,000 Acre township; lawful to fish in Hayden Lake through ice from daylight to sunset on Saturdays, and in Great Embden Pond on Saturdays during February and March. Little Big Wood Pond closed to ice fishing for 5 years from July 3, 1909. Chapters 407, P. & S. L., 1903, chs. 66, 75, 197, 250, 328, 217 and 173, P. & S. L., 1907, and ch. 216, P. & S. L., 1909- May fish through ice in White's Pond, in Palmyra, on Wednesday of each week, but no person can take more than 20 fish at any time in one day from this pond. R. & R. Comrs. Ex. Mar. 1, 1913. Cusk. It is lawful to fish for cusk in the night time in all the Moose River Waters, in Somerset county. P. & S. L., ch. 172, 1907. So much of chapter four hundred and seven of the private and special laws of 1903, as amended, as pro- hibits fishing through the ice for trout and togue, on Saturday of each week, during February, March and April of each year, in accordance with the general law of the state, in Wood Pond, sometimes called Big Wood Pond, situated in Jackman plantation, and in town- ship number five, range one, N. B. K. P., known as Attean township, and in township number five, range 6 4 two, N. B. K. P., known as Dennistown, is hereby repealed. Ch. 191, P. & S. L., 1911. It shall be lawful to fish through the ice in Rodgers or Ripley Pond, so-called, in the town of Ripley, on Wednesday of each week; during the open season for ice fishing in said Rodgers or Ripley pond, so-called, provided by this section, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill or have in possession more than ten fish in all in any one day taken from said pond. Not more than five set lines can be used by one family while fishing through the ice, as provided in this section, in said Rodgers or Ripley pond, so-called. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in pos- session any kind of fish taken in close season in said Rodgers or Ripley pond. Ch. 9, P. & S. L., 191 1. RULES AND REGULATIONS ON FALL BROOK REPEALED. The rules and regulations regarding fishing in Fall, Brook, or in any of the tributaries to said brook, in the towns of Solon, Bingham, Brighton Plantation and Mayfield Plantation, above the old Leander Cooley mill dam, which is just below the mouth of Johnson- Stream, adopted by the commissioners of inland fish- eries and game on June 22, 1908, which expire on June 24, 1912, are hereby repealed. R. & R. Comrs. SPECIAL LAWS ON TRIBUTARIES AND OTH- ER SPECIAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. It shall be unlawful to fish for any kind of fish in any of the tributaries to the following lakes and ponds r Tributaries to Lake George in Canaan; Barrett Brook and its tributaries, and Beaver Brook in Holeb; the brooks forming the outlet of Fish Pond and Little Fish Pond and Big Gule Stream and Little GueF Stream; the tributaries to Hayden Lake in Madison; Mosquito Stream, an inlet of MoxiE Pond in The Forks PL, E. Moxie and Bald Mt. townships, to low- water mark in said Moxie Pond; the tributaries to Great Embden Pond in Embden; Misery Stream, an inlet of Brassua Lake ; the tributaries to Great Moose Lake, in Hartland and Harmony, except Main Stream ; Goodwin's Brook and Higgins Stream below the first dam on said Higgins Stream ; the west outlet of MoosEhead Lake; the tributaries to Parein or Lang Pond in T. 3, R. 7, and Lang Stream and trib- utaries. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- Sec. 2, and ch. 196, P. & S. L., 1909- Jimmy Brook in Cambridge and Parkman, a tribu- tary to Main Stream, closed to all fishing for four years from July 3, 1909. Ch. 165, P. & S. L., 1909- Bolt Brook, in Bald Mt. T ., closed to all fishing. Ch. 179, P. & S. L., 1905, and ch. 158, P. & S. L., 1911- For 2 years from July 1, 191 1, unlawful to fish in Tobey Stream in Fairfield except on Wednesday of each week, in accordance with the general law. R. & R. Comrs. For 4 years from July 1, 1909, unlawful to fish in that part of Johnson Brook, in Pittsfield, which is above the south line of P. H. Watson's farm, said line being the line between the land of P. H. Watson, in Pittsfield, and A. W. Fletcher, in Burnham. R. & R- Comrs. Barker Pond, in Cornville, closed to all fishing for 4 years from July 1, 1909. R. & R. Comrs. For 4 years from July 1, 1909, unlawful to fish in tributaries to Big and Little Indian Ponds, in St. Albans. R. & R. Comrs. Sec. 3, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. It shall be unlawful to take, kill or carry away more than 2 fish of any kind 66 (eels and suckers excepted) or 10 pounds of fish, in any one day from Spring Lake, so-called. East Carry Pond, unlawful to take, catch or kill with artificial fly or fly fishing more than 25 trout in one day in said pond, also unlawful to take or carry away more than 15 pounds of trout in a day from said pond. Notices must be posted. Ch. 174, P. & S. L., 1907. Unlawful for any person or occupants of any one boat to take, catch or kill more than 10 pounds of fish in all in any one day in Pleasant Pond. Ch. 223, P. & S. L., 1909. Unlawful for any person to take, catch, kill or have in possession more than 15 lbs. of fish in one day taken from Pierce Pond. Ch. 249, P. & S. L., 1909. This pond closed to ice fishing by same law. Unlawful to take, kill or have in possession more than 10 pounds of landlocked salmon, trout or togue in all in one day in any of the brooks, streams, rivers, ponds or lakes in T. 1, 2, 3, 4, K. 5 ; T. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, R. 6; T. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, R. 7— all in B. K. P. W. K. R.; T. 2, 3, 4, (Jackman) 5, 6, R. 1 ; T. 2, 3, 4, (Moose river), 5 and 6, R. 2; T. 2, 3, 4, and 5, R. 3 ; T. 3 and 4, R. 4; T. 3 and 4, R- 5, all N. B. K. P. Ch. 278, P. & S. L., 1909. Tributaries to Hancock Pond closed for four years from June 24, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. Sec. 1. So much of the Rules and Regulations of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game now in force as prohibits all fishing in the tributaries to Flag- staff Pond, which pond is situated in Flagstaff Planta- tion, in the County of Somerset, is hereby repealed to take effect on June first, A. D., 191 1. Sec. 2. For a period of four years from June first, A. D., 191 1, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill more than fifteen fish in all in any 6? one day in any of the tributaries to said Flagstaff Pond. Sec. 3. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of any of the provisions of these regulations. R. & R. Comrs. Iron Bound Pond and Baker Pond and tributaries, in Solon, closed for four years from June 24, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. Only 10 pounds of trout can be taken or had in pos- session by one person in one day in Cold Stream and tributaries, including all the ponds flowing into said stream, said waters being in West Forks PI., Upper Cold Stream T., Misery T. and Johnson Mt. T., for four years from Aug. 1, 1907. R. & R. Comrs. Unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Brown Brook or in Perry Pond or in any tributaries to said Perry pond, situated whol- ly or partly in Harmony, except on Tuesday and Friday of each week during the open season provided by the general law. Ch. 107, P. & S. L., 1909. Not more than 10 pounds of fish can be taken in Moxie Pond in one . day, and no person shall be per- mitted to carry away therefrom more than 15 lbs. of fish at the close of any one period of fishing regardless of how many days such period of fishing may cover. P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 260. Tributaries to Moxie, (except Sandy Stream) and tributaries of Mosquito, the Dimmick Ponds, Mountain and Baker Ponds closed to all fishing for four years from June 1, 1908. During the same period no person or party can take or have in possession more than 10 pounds of fish in all in any one day taken or caught from said Dimmick or Baker Ponds. The above named ponds closed to all fishing from Sept. 15th to the time the ice goes out the following spring of each year for four years from Sept. 15, 1908. R. & R. Comrs. 68 NOTE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION OF ABOVE, RELATING TO MOXIE POND: Modification of Rules and Regulations relating to fishing in Moxie Pond, in Somerset County, adopted on May 25, 1908. Section 1. Section 3 of the Rules and Regulations adopted May 25, 1908, relating to fishing in Moxie, Mosquito, Little Dimmick, Big Dimmick, Mountain Dimmick and Baker Ponds, is hereby modified to read as follows : Section 3. All of the above named ponds, except Moxie Pond, are closed to all fishing from Sept. 15 of each year to the time the ice goes out of them the fol- lowing year for 3 years from Sept. 15, 1909. Note following special law on Sandy Stream, a trib- utary to Moxie Pond: It shall be lawful to fish in Sandy Stream, so-called, a tributary to Moxie Pond, in accordance with the general law of the state ; provided, however, that it shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill any trout in said Sandy Stream less than six inches in length ; it shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any trout less than six inches in length taken from said Sandy Stream. Ch. 212, P. & S. L., 1911. Section 1. For a period of four years from June sixth, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful for any one per- son to take, kill or carry away from Grace Pond, so- called, situated in Township Number 3, Range 6, N. B. K. P., more than five pounds of fish in any one day. It shall also be unlawful for any one person to have in possession in any one day more than five pounds of fish taken from said Grace Pond. R. & R. Comrs. Section 1. For a period of four years from June sixth, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful for any one per- son to take, kill or carry away from Crocker Pond, so- 6 9 called, in Dennistown Plantation, in any one day more than five pounds of fish in all, or two fish. It shall also be unlawful for any one person to have in pos- session in any one day more than five pounds of fish in all, or two fish, taken from said Crocker Pond. R. & R. Comrs. Section I. For a period of four years from May 14, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Martin Pond, so-called, situated in The Forks Plantation; for a period of four years it shall be unlawful for any one person to take, catch or kill or have in possession at any one time more than five pounds of fish in all taken from Fish Pond, which pond is situated in the town- ship known as Moxie Gore. R. & R. Comrs. Section 1. For a period of four years from May 12, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Parein Stream, so-called, the outlet of Lake Parein, or in any of the tributaries to said Parein Stream. R. & R. Comrs. For 4 years from Aug. 24, 1910, it shall be unlawful to take, catch, kill or have in possession more than five pounds of trout or landlocked salmon in all in any one day taken from the following named waters : All the ponds, streams, brooks and rivers in Town- ship Number Three, Range Six, the South Half known as "Upper Enchanted," the North Half known as "Grace Pond Tract," and in Township Number Three, Range Seven, known as Parlin Pond Town, and in Township Number Two, Range Six, known as Upper Cold Stream and Johnson Mountain Town, all of said waters being in B. K. P., W. K. R., in Somerset Coun- ty. Provided, however, that the above regulations shall not apply to Parlin Pond, so-called, in the County of Somerset. Provided, further, that the above regula- tions shall not interfere in any way with any existing laws or rules and regulations closing to all fishing any waters in the above named territory. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of four years from August 31st, 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time on Sunday in Barrett Pond, so-called, in Holeb. It shall also be unlawful during the same period for any person to take, catch or kill in any one day more than four fish in all in said Barrett Pond, or to have in possession in any one day more than four fish taken from said pond. R. & R. Comrs. WALDO COUNTY. Unity Pond, tributaries closed from first day of July to the first day of May; Sandy and Hai,f Moon Streams and their tributaries closed from the 1st day of July to the first day of May. P. & S. L., 1905, ch. 259- Lake St. George, open season for white perch from June 1st to April 1st; unlawful for any person during the month of June to take, catch or kill more than 8 pounds of white perch in one day in this lake, and only for consumption in his own family. Ch. 238, P. & S. L., 1905- Swan Lake, in Swanville, Frankfort and Searsport closed to ice fishing except for smelts; no trout less than 10 inches in length or landlocked salmon less than 14 inches in length shall be caught or killed in this lake or in its tributaries. Ch. 175, P. & S. L., 1907. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Marsh Stream, so- called, except it shall be lawful to fish, in accordance with the general law of the state, from the mouth of said stream up as far as the bridge near Isaac Cook's residence, on the South West Branch, so-called, and as far as the bridge near Freeman Ritchie's residence, on < 71 the North West Branch, so-called. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any- time in any of the tributaries to said Marsh Stream, except during the month of May of each year it shall be lawful to fish in said streams in accordance with the general law of the state. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in any of the brooks flowing into Northern Pond, so- called, in the town of Monroe. Ch. 173, P. & S. L., 1909. (See Medomac river, Knox Co.) Sec. 1. For a period of four years from Nov. 1st, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish, at any time, in LevenseeeEr Pond, so-called, in the town of Lincoln- ville. Sec. 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any fish taken in violation of the above regulations. R. & R. Comrs. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Lambert Lake tributaries closed. P. & S. L., sec. 2, ch. 407, 1903. P. & S. L-, 1905, chs. 78, 203 and 212. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time except for consumption in one's home, in the waters of Baskahegan Lake and Stream, Hot Brook Lake and Stream, or their tributaries, and "in Schoodic Grand Lake, North Lake, Brackett Lake and their tributaries, and the waters between Schoodic Grand Lake and ChepEnticook Lake, or in Chepenti- cook Lake, sometimes called Spednic Lake, situated in the counties of Washington and Aroostook. Sec. 3, Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Grand Lake Stream, the outlet of Grand lake, in Washington coun- 72 ty, and so much of Grand lake as is ioo yards above the dam at the outlet shall be closed to all fishing from October first to June first of the following year, and from said dam to a point one hundred yards below said -dam on said stream it shall be unlawful to fish for any kind of fish at any time, and it shall be unlawful •during open season on said stream and one hundred yards above the dam at the outlet of said lake, to fish for, take, catch or kill any fish by any other method than by the ordinary way of angling with rod and artificial flies. It shall be unlawful for any one person to take, catch, kill or have in possession in any one day more than 25 pounds of black bass taken from any of the waters lying wholly or partly in the county of Washington. Ch. 396, P. & S. L., 1907. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill at any time any kind of fish in Indian River Stream, so- called, which stream is situated in the towns of Jones- boro, Addison and Columbia Falls, in the county of Washington, except during the months of April, May, June and July of each year, during which months it shall be lawful to fish for and" catch fish in said stream in accordance with the general law of the state, for a period of five years from July 3, 1912. Ch. 291, P. & S. L'., 1909, and ch. 6, P. and S. L., 191 1. YORK COUNTY. Bonneg Beg Pond, in Sanford and North Berwick, closed to ice fishing for all fish, tributaries closed. Ch. 407, P. & S. I/., 1903. "L" Pond, in Sanford and Wells, closed to ice fish- ing; Messabesic Pond, sometimes called Shaker Pond, Litteefield Pond, in Alfred, Middle Branch Pond, in Alfred and Waterboro, are also closed to ice fishing; 73 Bunganeaut Pond, in Alfred and Lyman, close time from October i to May i. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., iox>3- Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in BarteETT and Cook's Brook, so-called, from and beginning at its source, the outlet of BarteEtt Pond, situated in the towns of Lyman and Waterboro, and all its tributaries, to and as far as C. F. Clark and Son's mill pond, ex J cept Tuesdays and Fridays of each week during open season for fishing under the general law. This act shall be in force until the year 1912. Sec. 2. Sec. 3, ch. 126, P. & S. L., 1907, relating to fishing in Bartlett and Cook's brook, county of York, is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any one person in any one day to take, catch or kill more than 20 fish in these waters. Ch. 65, P. & S. L., 1909- Mousam Long Pond, in Shapleigh and Acton, closed to all ice fishing. Ch. 283, P. & S. L., 1909. There shall be an annual close time for fishing for any kind of fish in Sokokis Lake, in Limerick, and all the tributary waters of said lake, including Brown's Brook, above the dam at Limerick's mills, in the towns of Limerick, Cornish and Parsonsfield, and Long Pond and West Pond, so-called, in Parsonsfield, at the head waters of said stream, as follows : It shall be unlawful, to fish in said waters for any kind of fish for a period of five years from May 1, 1907, except that during the month of August of each year bass and pickerel may be taken in the ordinary way with hook and line from the waters of said Sokokis Lake, and in said Long Pond and West Pond, from June 15th to Oct. 1st of each year, and that smelts may be taken from the tribu- taries of said Long Pond, in the usual way, during the months of April and May ; it is unlawful for one person to take more than 10 pounds of fish from said waters in one day. Notices must be posted. Ch. 184, P. & S- L., 1907. 74 Fenderson Brook and tributaries closed to all fishing until July i, 1913. Ch. 361, P. &• S. L., 1907, and ch. 98, P. & S. L., 1911. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any trout at any time in Keay Brook, sometimes called Bog Brook, or in any of its tributaries, in the town of Lebanon, in York county, for a period of five years from July 3, 1909. Ch. 402, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawtul to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time, lor a period of two years from July 3, 1909, in Locke's Brook, so-called, or any of its tributaries, in the town of Hollis. Ch. 167, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Horn Pond, so-called, in the town of Limington, in York county, from the first day of October of each year to the first day of the following May. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Hanscom Brook, so-called, a tributary to Horn Pond. Ch. 159, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any trout at any time in Goding Brook, so-called, or in any of its tributaries, in the towns of Lebanon and Acton, for a period of five years from July 3, 1909. Ch. 403, P- & S. L., 1909. Section 1. For a period of two years from May third, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Whale- back Brook, so-called, in the town of Limington or in any of the tributaries to said brook. R. & R. Comrs. Section 1. For a period of two years from May 3, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Swan Pond, in Lyman. Section 2. For a period of two years from May 3, A. D. 1912, it shall be lawful to fish in said Swan Pond 75 only on Monday and Saturday of each week, in accord- ance with the general law of the state. R. & R. Comrs. No person shall fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Clarkson's Pond, so-called, sit- uated in the town of Kittery, for a period of three years from June 30, 191 1. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of this section. Ch. 11, P. & S. L., 1911- No person shall fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Foixy Pond, so-called, situated in the town of York, for a period of three years from June 30, 191 1. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in viola- tion of this section. Ch. 21, P. & S. L., 191 1- SAWDUST CANNOT BE THROWN INTO CERTAIN WATERS. Sections 5, 6 and 7, of Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903. Sec. 5. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into any of the streams, rivers or brooks lying wholly or in part in the towns of Naples, Casco and Raymond, Cumberland county, or into any of the tributaries to any of the lakes or ponds lying wholly or partly in the towns of Vienna and Mt. Vernon ; or into McGraw, Eiais, East, North, Great, Long, Little or Snow Ponds, or any of their tributaries, in Kennebec and Somerset coun- ties ; or into Hale Moon or Sandy Stream, or any of the tributaries to Unity Pond, in the county of Wal- do, or into the tributaries of Seven Tree Pond, or into the St. Georges River, in Montville and Searsmont, or into the tributaries of Crawford Pond, in Union and Warren, or into h,leis Stream in Waldo, Brooks and Belfast, or into Norton or Brown Brooks, or their tributaries in Shapleigh and Limerick, any mill waste, 76 slabs, edgings, sawdust or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of any sawn or planed lumber, or to place or deposit the same on the banks of any of these waters in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Trial justices, municipal and police courts shall have original and concurrent jurisdiction for offenses arising under this act, and all fines recovered shall be paid to the treas- urer of the state for the benefit of the fund for the protection and propagation of fish. OXFORD AND ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTIES. Section I. No person shall cast or throw into Bog Brook or any of its tributaries, in the towns of Ox- ford and Hebron, in the county of Oxford, and in the towns of Minot and Mechanic Falls in the' county of Androscoggin, any sawdust, shavings, bark or other mill waste or place or deposit such sawdust, shavings, bark or other mill waste along the banks of said waters in such manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said brook or its tributaries, except that the pro- visions of this section shall not apply to shingle waste. Section 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, and costs of each offense. Ch. 450, P. & S. L-, 1907. 77 FRANKLIN AND OXFORD COUNTIES. Section 2. On and after January first, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eight, no person, firm or corporation shall cast or throw into Swift River, in the counties of Franklin and Oxford, or any of the tributaries to the same, any sawdust, shavings, bark, slabs, mill waste or other refuse matter, or place or deposit the same, along the banks of said river or any of its tributaries in such manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said Swift river, or any of its said tributaries. Sec. 3. Whoever violates any of the provisions of section two of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs for each offense. Ch. 412, P. & S. L., 1907. SOMERSET AND PISCATAQUIS COUNTIES. Section 1. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into HiG- gins Stream, or in any of its tributaries, in the coun- ties of Somerset and Piscataquis, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of any sawn or planed lumber, or to place or deposit the same on the banks of any of these waters in such negligent or care- less manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Section 2. Whoever shall violate any of the provis- ions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 181 P. & S. L., 1907. 78 AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Sec. 7. No person or persons shall cast or throw into the Aroostook River, or into any of its tributaries above the mouth of Beaver Brook, in Sheridan planta- tion, in the county of Aroostook, from any steam or water power saw mill, any slabs, edgings, sawdust, chips, bark, mill waste, or any shavings or fibrous ma- terial created by the manufacturing of shingles, or shall place, pile or deposit on the banks of said Aroos- took river, or its tributaries above the mouth of said brook, any slabs, edgings, sawdust, chips, bark, mill waste, or any shavings or fibrous material created by the manufacturing of shingles, in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said river, or its tributaries above the mouth of said brook, whereby the driving of logs or lumber down said river may become impeded or injuriously af- fected, or which shall tend to impede or injuriously af- fect the driving of logs or lumber down said river, or fill up or obstruct, or tend to fill up or obstruct the canal or wheel race of any manufacturing establish- ment upon said river, or any boom of logs upon said river above the mouth of said brook, or which shall damage or injuriously affect, or tend to damage or in- juriously affect the booming of logs upon said river, un- der a penalty for each offense, if the quantity shall not exceed five cords, of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. If the quantity cast or thrown in, or that fall or be washed in as aforesaid, at one or differ- ent times, shall exceed five cords in all, under a penalty of not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars; provided, however, that this act shall not apply to sawdust made by gang saws, main rotaries, nor up and down saws of any kind, in water mills now in use on said river above said dam. All the penalties under the provisions of this section shall be recovered by 79 complaint or indictment before any court having juris- diction in like offenses, or by action of debt before any court having competent jurisdiction, for the benefit of the county where the offense was committed. If the offense or offenses forbidden in this section shall be committed by any person or persons who may be in the employ of any mill owner or owners, mill occupant or occupants, such owner or owners, occupant or occu- pants, shall also be liable in the same penalties, recov- erable in the same manner as hereinbefore provided. Ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903- Sec. 1. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into Fish River, or any of the waters tributary to the same, in the coun- ty of Aroostook, down as far as the foot of Eagle Lake, except Sly Brook, so-called, and Wallagrass River for a distance of three miles from its mouth up, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufac- ture of any sawn or planed lumber, or place or deposit the same on the banks of the waters above mentioned in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Sec. 2. Whoever shall violate any of the pro- visions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 377, P. & S. L., 1905. Sec. 1. No person, co-partnership, or corporation shall place or allow to be placed, by any person em- ployed by said person, co-partnership or corporation, any saw mill or shingle mill refuse or waste in the Little Madawaska River in the county of Aroostook, or any of its tributaries, or on the bank or banks of said Little Madawaska River or its tributaries, in 8o such manner that the same might fall or be washed into said river or its tributaries. Sec. 2. Any person, co-partnership or corporation violating any provision of section one of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten or more than fifty dollars and costs for each offense. Ch. 348, P. & S. L., 1905. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Sec. 1. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into Break- Neck Brook, or in any of its tributaries, in the county of Cumberland, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of any sawn or planed lumber, or to place or deposit the same on the banks of any of these waters in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Sec. 2. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 370, P. & S. L., 1905. / No person shall cast or throw into Highland Lake or any of its tributaries in the city of Westbrook and towns of Windham, Gray and Falmouth, or into Mill Brook, in Westbrook, all in the county of Cumber- land, any sawdust, shavings, bark or other mill waste or refuse of any kind, or place or deposit such saw- dust, shavings, bark or other mill waste or refuse of any kind along the banks of said waters in such man- ner that the same shall fall or be washed into said brook or lake. 8i Sec. 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars and costs for each of- fense. Ch. 152, P. & S. L., 1909. FRANKLIN COUNTY. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into any of the trib- utaries of Lake Webb, in the county of Franklin, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of any sawn or planed lumber, or shall place or de- posit the same on the banks of any of these waters in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any o£ said waters. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 196, P. & S. L., 1907. LINCOLN COUNTY. Sec. 1. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into Duck Pud- dle Pond, so-called, or Pemaquid Pond, so-called, or Biscay Pond, so-called, or Boyd's Pond, so-called, all of which ponds are situated in Lincoln county, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of sawed or planed lumber, or to place or deposit the same on the bank of either of said ponds in such negli- gent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be 82 washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 106, P. & S. L., 191 1. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into Jackson Mill Stream and the Joe Weeks' Mill* Stream, so-called, tributaries of Damariscotta Lake in the town of Jef- ferson, county of Lincoln, any mill waste, slabs, edg- ings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous na- ture created in the manufacture of any sawn or planed lumber, or shall place or deposit the same on the banks of any of these waters in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 399, P. & S. L., 1909- OXFORD COUNTY. Sec. 1. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into the outlet of WortheEy Pond, in the town of Peru, in the coun- ty of Oxford, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of any sawed or planed lumber, or to place or deposit the same on the bank of said outlet of WortheEy Pond in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said outlet 83 of Worthily Pond, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into said outlet of Worthily Pond. Sec. 2. Whoever shall violate any provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 76, P. & S. L., 1911. No person or persons shall cast or throw into the Ellis River, or its tributaries any mill waste, slabs, edgings, bark, chips, shavings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufac- ture of any sawn or planed lumber, or shall place, pile or deposit on the banks of said Ellis River, or on the banks of any of its tributaries, any slabs, edgings, or any shavings or fibrous material created by the manufacturing of shingles, in such negligent or care- less manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said river or said tributaries, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into said river or said tributaries, whereby the navigation of said river may become impeded or injuriously affected, or which shall tend to impede or injuriously affect the navigation of, or fill up said river, or which shall fill up or ob- struct, or tend to fill up or obstruct, the canal or wheel race of any woolen mill, cotton mill, flour mill, or other manufacturing establishment, or which shall damage or injuriously affect, or tend to damage or injuriously affect, the ice on said river, or on any of its tributaries, under a penalty for each offense, if the quantity shall not exceed, five cords, of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars; if the quantity cast or thrown in, or that shall fall or be washed in as aforesaid, at one or different times, shall exceed five cords in all, under a penalty of not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars. All the penalties under the provis- ions of this section shall be recovered by complaint or 84 indictment before any court having jurisdiction in like offenses. Ch. 407, P. & S. L-, 1903. Sec. 6. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into Cambridge River, so-called, in the towns of Upton and Grafton, in the county of Oxford, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, saw- dust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of any sawn or planed lumber, or shall place or deposit the same on the banks of said river in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said river, or with the in- tent that the same shall fall or be washed into said river. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 176, P. & S. L-, 1909. Sec. 1. No person shall cast or throw into Bear River, lying within the towns of Newry and Grafton, in the county of Oxford, any sawdust, shavings, bark, or other mill waste, or place or deposit such mill waste or other refuse along the banks of said river in such manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said brook. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars and costs for each offense. Ch. 368, P. & S. L,., 1907. Sec. 1. No person shall cast or throw into Cold River or any of its tributaries in Stow in the county Of Oxford, any sawdust, shavings, bark or other mill waste or refuse of any kind, or place or deposit such sawdust, shavings, bark or other mill waste or refuse of any kind along the banks of said waters in such manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said river or tributaries. 85 Section 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars and costs for each of- fense. Ch. 83, P. & S. L., 1907. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into any of the trib- utaries of Upper Kezar Pond, in Lovell, Oxford coun- ty, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufac- ture of any sawn or. planed lumber, or to place or de- posit the same on the banks of any of these tributaries in such negligent or careless manner, that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said tributaries, or with the intent that the same shall fall, or be washed into any of said tributaries. Ch. 213, P. & S. L-, 1905. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. All persons, firms, associations or corporations are hereby prohibited from depositing waste substances from sawmills or tanneries in the waters of the West Branch of the Mattawamkeag Stream or its tribu- taries, with the exception of waste waters or liquors from tanneries, and such portion of waste solid mat- ters from tanneries as cannot reasonably be prevented from going into said waters by the process of screen- ing. Ch. 113, P. & S. Iy., 1907. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into Kimbaee Brook, so- called, Shin Brook, so-called, or Seboeis River, so- called, tributaries to the east branch of the Penobscot river, or into Fish Stream, so-called, a tributary to the Mattawamkeag river, all in the county of Penobscot, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufac- ture of any sawn or planed lumber, or shall place or 86 deposit the same on the banks of any of said waters in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than $100 and costs of prosecu- tion for each offense. Ch. 107, P. & S. L., 1909- Sec. 1. No person shall cast or throw in Oi,amon Stream, so-called, in the county of Penobscot, any sawdust, shavings, bark or other mill waste or refuse of any kind along the banks of said waters in such manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said stream. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars and costs for each of- fense. Ch. 363, P. & S. L., 1907. No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into Ferguson Stream in the town of Wellington, in the county of Piscata- quis, and in the town of Cambridge, in the county of Somerset, any mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of any sawed or planed lumber, or to place or deposit the same on the bank of said Ferguson Stream in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said Ferguson Stream, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into said Ferguson Stream. Sec. 2. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 344, P. & S. L., 1909. 8 7 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. Sec. i No person shall put, or allow the same to be done by any person within his employ, into the South Branch of the Piscataquis River, in the town of Kingsbury, or in any of the tributaries to said South Branch of Piscataquis River in said town of Kings- bury, or in Thorn Brook, so-called, (or in any of the tributaries to said Thorn Brook,) in the towns of Ab- bot, Kingsbury and Blanchard, in the county of Pis- cataquis, any. mill waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, or any other mill waste of a fibrous nature created in the manufacture of sawed or planed lumber, or to place or deposit the same on the bank of any of the above named waters in such negligent or careless manner that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters, or with the intent that the same shall fall or be washed into any of said waters. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 103, P. & S. L., 191 1. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Sec. 1. No person shall cast or throw into the Bas- kahegan Stream, in the town of Danforth in the coun- ty of Washington, or otherwise deposit therein or al- low the same to be done by any person in his employ, refuse or waste of any kind or description, or slabs, edgings, sawdust, chips, bark or other mill waste or place or deposit such refuse or waste, slabs, edgings, sawdust, chips, bark or other mill waste along or upon the banks of said Baskahegan Stream in such a man- ner that the same shall fall or be washed into said stream ; provided, however, this act shall not apply to properly constructed sewers or drains entering said stream. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, to be recovered by complaint or indictment before any court having jurisdiction of like offences, or by an action of debt in any court having competent jurisdiction. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect September first, 191 1. Chs. 120 and 233, P. & S. L., 1911. YORK COUNTY. Sec. 1. No person shall cast or throw into Heath Brook in the town of Acton, in the county of York, or into any of the tributaries of said brook, any saw- dust, shavings, bark or other mill waste, or place or deposit such mill waste or other refuse along the banks in such manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said brook or its tributaries. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars and costs for each offense. Ch. 332, P. & S. L., 1905. Sec. 1. No person shall cast or throw into the Lit- tle Ossipee River, within the limits of the towns of Shapleigh, Newfield, Waterboro, Limerick and Liming- ton, in the county of York, any sawdust, shavings, bark, or other mill waste, or place or deposit such mill waste or other refuse along the banks in such manner that the same shall fall or be washed into said waters. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars and costs for each offense. Ch. 337, P. & S. L., 1905. 89 COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME— THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES. "Sec. 35. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game shall examine dams and all other obstructions existing in all rivers and streams, and determine the necessity of fishways, and location, form and capacity thereof; and shall introduce and disseminate valuable species of food fish into the inland waters of the state, and valuable food birds into the state. They shall ex- amine into the workings of the inland fish and game laws, see that all violations thereof are duly prose- cuted, and perform all other duties prescribed by law. They may purchase or lease real estate, in the name of the state, for the purpose of maintaining fish hatch- eries and feeding stations for fish culture, and may as- sist in maintaining fish hatcheries for fish culture owned and under the management of fish and game associa- tions. They shall, on or before the 31st day of December of each year, report to the governor. * * * Sec. 7, ch. 90, P. L., 1909. * * * The annual report of the commissioners * * * shall be printed once in two years. "Sec. 36. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game, upon petition of five or more citizens of the state, or whenever they shall deem it for the best interests of the state, after due notice and public hearing in the locality to be affected, may regulate the times and places in which and the circumstances under which game and inland fish may be taken; but they cannot authorize the taking of game or inland fish at a time in which its capture is prohibited by the laws of the state, and in all cases where the prayer of the petitioners is refused, one-half of the expenses of the commissioners shall be paid by the petitioners. Whenever they deem it for the best interests of the state, after like notice and hear- 90 ing, they may entirely prohibit the taking of any kind of game or inland fish, in any part of the state, for a series of years not exceeding four. They may adopt and, from time to time, modify or repeal such needful rules and regulations, not contrary to the laws of the state, as they may deem necessary or proper for the protection and preservation of the game and inland fish of the state, in conformity with the provisions of the last two preceding sections. They shall file, in the of- fices of the clerks of the towns in the territory to be affected, a copy of the rules and regulations adopted by them, and publish the same three weeks successive- ly in a newspaper printed in the county, and post on the banks of waters to be affected, as nearly as may be like notices ; and whenever any such rules or regula- tions apply to any unorganized township, a like copy shall be filed with the clerk of courts for that county, and published three weeks successively in a newspaper printed in the county ; they shall immediately upon the adoption of any rules and regulations contemplated by this act, file an attested copy of the same in the office of the secretary of state." Chapter 38, P. L., 191 1, and sec. 7, ch. 90, P. L., 1909. Sec. 1. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game shall have authority to grant permits to transport beyond the limits of the state live fish or game taken in the state, for breeding, scientific and advertising pur- poses. Sec. 7, ch. 90, P. L., 1909. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game * * * are authorized to procure the services of attor- neys at law to prosecute violations of the fish and' game laws, and to pay them a reasonable compensa- tion therefor. * * * They may have at least two daily newspapers pub- lished in the state, such as they may select, for use in their office, to be paid for out of the appropriation for fish hatcheries. * * * 91 "Sec. 2)7- Whoever fishes for, takes, catches, kills, or destroys any inland fish, in any manner or at any time, in violation of any of the rules and regulations of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, made and promulgated in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, shall be punished in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided for by law for the ille- gal taking, catching, killing or destroying of any such inland fish. "Sec. 38. Whoever at any time or in any manner hunts, chases, catches, kills, takes, has in his posses- sion, or destroys any inland game, in violation of any of the rules and regulations of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, made and promulgated in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, shall be punished in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided for by law for the illegal hunting, chasing, catching, killing, taking, having in possession, or de- stroying of any such inland game. "Sec. 39. Whoever wilfully mutilates, defaces or destroys any notice, rule, or regulation of the commis- sioners of inland fisheries and game, posted in con- formity with the provisions of this chapter, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, to be recovered by complaint or indictment; and one-half of said fine shall be paid to the prosecutor. Sec. 40. Said commissioners of fisheries and game may take fish and game of any kind when, where, and in such manner as they choose, for the purposes of science and of cultivation and dissemination, and they may grant written permits to other persons to take fish and game for the same purposes, and may introduce or permit to be introduced, any kind of fish into any waters. They may, after a hearing, set apart, for a term not exceeding ten years, any waters for the use of themselves, or of the United States commissioner of fish and fisheries, in the prosecution of the work of fish 02 culture and of scientific research relative to fishes. The order setting apart such waters shall be recorded in the registry of deeds of the county in which they are situ- ated. In the waters so set apart, they and the United States commissioner of fish and fisheries, and persons acting under their authority may, in their respective fish culture and scientific work, take fish at any time or in any manner, and erect and maintain any fixtures neces- sary for such purposes. No other person shall take or kill any fish, or use any implement for fishing there- in, under a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and a further penalty of one dol- lar for each fish so taken or killed ; provided, however, that before such hearing they shall give notice thereof, by publication of their intention for two successive weeks in at least one newspaper printed in the county where such waters lie. They are authorized to grant permission to take moose, caribou, deer, and birds for park purposes in this state, under such rules, regula- tions, and conditions as they shall establish. They may, under such rules and regulations as they may establish, permit the taking of eels and white fish in the inland waters of the state. They shall have authority to cause the destruction of all mink found in or around any fish hatchery or feeding station in this state. They may upon petition of ten or more taxpayers, residents in the locality, adopt such needful rules and regulations, not contrary to the general laws of the state, as may be necessary to prevent .the interference with, or the de- struction of the spawning beds, feeding troughs, or artificial ponds of landlocked salmon or trout, or other useful fish. The penalty for the wilful violation of any of such rules and regulations shall be fifty dollars for each offense. The commissioners may at their discre- tion, screen the outlet of any pond or lake or authorize the same to be done under such conditions as may seem to them just." 93 FISHWAYS. Sec. 41, as am. by ch. 72, P. L,., 191 1. An Act to amend section 41 of chapter 32 of the Re- vised Statutes, relating to Fishways. Section 41 of chapter 32 of the revised statutes is hereby amended by inserting the word 'or' after the word "shad" in the second line of said section, and by striking out the words "or land-locked salmon" in the third line of said section, so that said section, as amend- ed, shall read as follows: 'Sec. 41. The owner or occupant of every dam or other artificial obstruction in any river or stream fre- quented by salmon, shad, or alewives, shall provide the same with a durable and efficient fishway, of such form and capacity, and in such location as may, after notice in writing to one or more of said owners or occupants and a hearing thereon, be determined by the commis- sioners of inland fisheries and game by written notice to some owner or occupant specifying the location, form and capacity of the required fishway, and the time with- in which it shall be built; and said owner or occupant shall keep said fishway in repair, and open and free from obstruction for the passage of fish, during such times as are prescribed by law; provided, however, that in case of disagreement between said commissioners and the owner or occupant of any dam, as to the pro- priety and safety of the plan submitted to the owner or occupant of such dam for the location and construction of the fishway, such owner or occupant may appeal to the county commissioners of the county where the dam is located, within twenty days after notice of the determination from the commissioners of inland fisher- ies and game by giving to the latter named commission- ers notice in writing of such appeal within that time, stating therein the reasons therefor; and at the re- quest of the appellant or the commissioners of inland 94 fisheries and game, the senior commissioners in office of any two adjoining counties shall be associated with them, who shall appoint a time to view the premises and hear the parties and give due notice thereof, and after such hearing they shall decide the question sub- mitted, and cause record to be made thereof, and their decision shall be final as to the plan and location ap- pealed from. If the requirements of the commission- ers of inland fisheries and game are affirmed, the appel- lants shall be liable for the costs arising after the ap- peal, otherwise they shall be paid by the county. If a fishway thus required is not completed to the satisfac- tion of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game within the time specified, every owner or occupant shall forfeit not more than one hundred, nor less than twen- ty dollars for every day of such neglect between the first days of May and November. On the completion of a fishway to the satisfaction of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, or at any subsequent time, they shall prescribe in writing the time during which the same shall be kept open and free from obstruction to the passage of fish each year, and a copy of such writing shall be served on the owner or occupant of the dam. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game may change the time as they see fit. Unless oth- erwise provided, fishways shall be kept open and un- obstructed from the first day of May to the fifteenth' day of July. The penalty for neglecting to comply with this section, or with any regulations made in ac- cordance herewith, is not less than twenty, or more than one hundred dollars for every day of such neglect. "Sec. 42. Whenever the commissioners of inland fish- eries and game find a fishway out of repair or need- ing alterations, they may, as in the case of new fish- ways, require the owner or occupant to make .such repairs or alterations ; and all proceedings in such cases and the penalty for neglect shall be as provided in the 95 preceding sections without appeal. If the dam is owned and occupied by more than the one person, each is liable for the cost of erecting and maintaining such fishway, in proportion to his interest in the dam, and if any owner or occupant neglects or refuses to join with the others in erecting or maintaining such fishway, the other owners or occupants shall erect or repair the same, and have an action on the case against such delin- quent for his share of the expenses. If the owner or occupant of such dam resides out of the state, said pen- alties may be recovered by a libel against the dam and land on which it stands, filed in the supreme judicial court in the county where it is located, in the name of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game or of any fish wardens who shall give to such owner or occu- pant, and all persons interested therein, such notice as the court or any justice thereof in vacation, orders, and the court may render judgment therein, against said dam and lands for said penalties and costs, and order a sale thereof to satisfy such judgment and costs of sale, subject, however, to all said requirements for the erection and maintenance or repair of said fishway. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game may delegate to any fish warden or other lawful officer of fisheries any of the powers given to said commissioners in relation to the construction of fishways." ARTIFICIAL CULTURE OF FISH BY PRIVATE PERSONS. "Sec. 46. Any riparian proprietor may, within the limits of his own premises, inclose the waters of a stream not navigable, for the cultivation of useful fishes; provided that he furnishes suitable passages for migratory fishes naturally frequenting such waters, and does not obstruct the passage of boats and other craft and materials, in places where the same have a right to 9 6 pass. Any person legally engaged in the artificial cul- ture and maintenance of fishes, may take them in his own enclosed waters wherein the same are so culti- vated and maintained, as and when he pleases, and may at all times sell them for cultivation and propagation; but he shall not sell them for food at seasons when the taking thereof is prohibited, under a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and a fur- ther penalty of not less than one dollar for each fish so sold. Any person engaged in the artificial propaga- tion of trout, or fresh and salt water salmon, when the parent fish are taken from public waters in the state, shall retain not less than twenty-five per cent of all eggs taken from said parent fish, and shall cause the same to be properly cared for and hatched, and, when hatched and in proper condition, to be returned to a place suit- able for such young fish in the original waters from which the parent fish were taken, and shall cause said parent fish to be returned to safe locations in such waters, under a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense. But this section does not apply to cases in which the parent fish are taken in the manner and at the time and place permitted for the capture of such fish for food; nor to operations in fish culture conducted for public purposes by permission of the commissioners of fisheries, who may affix such conditions to their permits as they see fit, requiring in no case, however, less than twenty-five per cent of the young fish to be returned, as provided in this section. "Sec. 47. No person without permission of the pro- prietor, shall fish in that portion of a pond or other water in which fish are artificially cultivated or main- tained by written permission of the fish commissioners, under a penalty of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, besides two dollars for each fish so taken or killed; and, in default of payment, such of- 97 fender shall be imprisoned at the expense of the pros- ecutor, until said forfeiture is paid or otherwise dis- charged by due process of law." (See ch. 87, P. L,., 1905, below.) P. L., 1905, ch. 87. Section 1. It shall be lawful hereafter for riparian proprietors legally engaged in the artificial culture and maintenance of trout, on their own land and in their own enclosed waters, acting un- der the direction and written permission of the com- missioners of inland fisheries and game, to ship, trans- port or carry trout taken from their own ponds, with- out accompanying the shipment in person and without the payment of a license fee for each shipment. Provided, however, that nothing in this act shall be construed to allow the shipment of trout, at a season when the catching of trout is prohibited by the laws of the state of Maine. "Sec. 43 and ch. 85, P. L., 1909. The following waters and their tributaries are exempt from the pro- visions relating to migratory fishes and the supervision of the fishways by the commissioners; that is to say, Royai/s River in North Yarmouth, Sewau/s Pond or its outlet in Arrowsic, so much of the waters of the Damariscotta River as are west of the railroad bridge near Damariscotta mills, all waters in Vinalhaven, Tre- mont, Mount Desert, Eden, Franklin, and Sullivan, East Machias River, and the Eastern Penobscot River in Orland. Little River in Perry shall be exempt from all the foregoing provisions that relate to maintaining fishways in said river, except during April, May and June. "Sec. 44. For the purposes of this chapter, the term 'salmon' means the common migratory salmon of the seacoast and rivers ; the term 'landlocked salmon' means any of the species or varieties of salmon that do not periodically and habitually run to the sea, being the same locally known as 'salmon trout' and 'black spotted 98 trout;' the term 'alewife' means the small species of migratory fish called 'alewife' but known also by the local names of 'herring' and 'gaspereau,' and also in- cludes the similar species found in tidal waters and known as 'bluebacks;' and the term 'bass' means the striped bass of tidal waters. "Sec. 45. The provisions of this chapter so far as they relate to fish apply to the taking of the same in all fresh waters above the flow of the tide and in all tidal waters frequented by the various species of fresh water and migratory fishes, except to the capture of shad and alewives in Danny's River and its tributaries, Pemma- quam River and its tributaries, and the Schoodic Lakes and their tributaries, and to the taking of white fish in the Schoodic Lakes on the St. Croix River and their tributaries, by citizens of the state with set nets, during the months of May and November, and conveying them to their own homes, but not otherwise. This chapter does not apply to fish taken in the weirs on St. Croix River, and does not repeal the laws relating to the St. Croix, Denny's, Pemmaquam, Cobstock, East Ma- chias, and Narraguagus Rivers/' PROTECTION OF MOOSE, CARIBOU, DEER, AND OTHER WILD ANIMALS, ALSO GAME BIRDS. CARIBOU. Section 18, as amended by section I of chapter 132, public laws of 1905, and ch. 14, P. L., 1911. Close time on caribou for six years from Oct. 15, 1911. Unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or have in pos- session any caribou or parts thereof. Penalty the same as for the illegal killing of moose. MOOSE. Section 16, as amended by section 6, chapter 132, P. L., 1905, and ch. 181, P. L., 1907, sec. 3. No person shall at any time hunt, catch, kill, destroy or have in possession any cow or calf moose or part thereof ; and the term 'calf moose,' as herein used, shall be construed to mean that these animals are calves until they are at least one year old, and have at least two prongs or tines not less than three inches long to each of their horns. No person shall, between the first day of December and the fifteenth day of October, hunt, take, catch, or kill or have in possession any bull moose or part thereof, and no person shall, between October fifteenth and December first, take, catch, kill or have in possession more than one bull moose or part thereof. R. & R. COMRS. For a period of four years from Oct. 15, A. D. 1909, it shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, take, kill or IOO destroy any moose in the towns of Mt. Desert, Tre- mont, South West Harbor or Eden, or to have in pos- session any moose taken in either of said towns, under the. penalty provided in the general law of the state for the illegal hunting, taking, catching, killing or hav- ing in possession any moose or part thereof. GENERAL LAW ON DEER. Note SpEciae Laws on Deer on Pages 102-3-4. Section 17, as amended by section 4, chapter 132, P. L., 1905. No person shall, except as hereinafter provided, hunt, take, catch, kill or have in possession for any purpose whenever or wherever taken, caught or killed, any deer, or part thereof, between December fifteenth and Octo- ber first next following; no person shall between Octo- ber first and December fifteenth next following, except as hereinafter provided, take, catch, kill or have in pos- session for any purpose whenever or wherever taken, caught or killed, more than two deer or parts thereof; a person lawfully killing a deer in open season shall have a reasonable time in which to transport the same to his home and may have the same in possession at his home in close season. Provided, however, that if a deer is found doing actual, substantial damage to any growing cultivated crops, the cultivator of growing cultivated crops may kill the same, and may consume the same in his own family but not otherwise, but he shall not pursue the same beyond the limits of his cultivated land in which the damage is being done. Provided, however, that whoever kills a deer in ac- cordance with the provisions herein contained shall forthwith give notice in writing to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, at Augusta, Maine, of the fact of such killing and the character and estimated 101 amount of damage done. Whoever fails to give such notice shall in no wise be protected by the provisions hereof. And provided further, that whoever shall cultivate any crops for the manifest purpose of killing deer un- der the provisions of this act shall in no wise be pro- tected thereby; and provided, further, that it shall be unlawful to place any salt in any place for the purpose of enticing deer thereto, under a penalty of one hun- dred dollars and costs; and provided, further, that whoever shoots any deer in accordance with the pro- visions herein contained shall not be entitled to receive any compensation for any damage done his crops by deer. ( * * * The Commissioners of Fisheries and Game * * * have authority to adjust and pay for actual dam- age done growing crops by deer. * * * Sec. 22, ch. 32, as. am. by sec. 5, ch. 132, P. L., 1905, and ch. 70, P. L., 191 1.) Section 19, as amended by section 2, chapter 132, P. L., 1905- Whoever violates any provision of section sixteen of this chapter, shall be punished by a fine of not exceed- ing five hundred dollars or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding four months; whoever violates any provision of section seventeen of this chapter, shall be punished by a fine of forty dollars and costs for each deer taken, caught, killed or had in possession in violation of the provisions of section seventeen of said chapter; who- ever violates any provision of section eighteen of this chapter relating to deer shall be punished by a fine of forty dollars and costs; and whoever violates any pro- vision of section eighteen of this chapter relating to moose or caribou, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding four months. The provisions of section six- ty-one of chapter forty-one of the Revised Statutes, 102 relating to the powers of the commissioner of sea and shore fisheries, are hereby extended to the commission- ers of. inland fisheries and game. USE OF DOGS, JACK LIGHTS, ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS, SNARES OR TRAPS PROHIBITED IN HUNTING DEER, MOOSE OR CARIBOU. Sec. 18. No person shall at any time, hunt, catch, take, kill, or destroy, with dogs, jack lights, artificial lights, snares, or traps, any moose, deer or caribou. Sec. 21. Any person may at any time, lawfully kill any dog which hunts or chases a moose, caribou or deer, or any dog kept or used for that purpose. Any person owning or having in his possession any dog for the purpose of hunting or chasing moose, caribou or deer, or who permits any dog owned by him or in his possession to hunt or chase moose, caribou or deer, after notice that such dog has chased moose, caribou or deer, shall be punished by a fine of one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Ch. 222, P. L-, 1909. Section 17. Any person may at any time lawfully kill any dog found hunting or chasing moose, caribou, or deer, or any dog kept and used for that purpose. Any person may lawfully kill a dog which suddenly assaults him or another person when peaceably walking or riding, or is found worry- ing, wounding, or killing any domestic animal when said dog is outside of the enclosure or immediate care of his owner or keeper. PRIVATE & SPECIAL LAWS ON DEER. Ch. 384, P. & S. L., 1905, and chs. 233 and 304, P. & S L., 1909. Open season on deer in Cumberland, Sag- adahoc, Lincoln, Knox,* and Kennebec counties, dur- ing November of each year, and only one deer can be 103 killed in either of these counties during the open sea- son in each year by one person. These provisions, however, do not apply to the towns of Bath, West Bath and Phippsburg in Sagadahoc county, in which towns and cities it is unlawful to hunt or kill any deer at any time. Ch. 63, P. & S. L., 1907. Close season on deer on islands within limits of the town of Isle au Haut until October 1, 1913. Sec. 9, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1003. Open time on deer in Androscoggin county during October of each year. Ch. 332, P. & S. L., 1005, which amends ch. 257 of P. & S. L., 1903. Open season on deer in the towns of Eden, Mt. Desert, Tremont and Southwest Harbor from November 15th to December 15th of each year. Two deer can be killed in one season in these towns by one person. *Note below special law in certain towns in this county. DEER LAW IN WALDO COUNTY. There shall be an annual close time for deer, during which it shall be unlawful to hunt, take, catch, kill or destroy any deer, in the county of Waldo, from the fifteenth day of December of each year to the fifteenth day of November of the following year, inclusive. It shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch or kill more than one deer in said county in one open season, and it shall also be unlawful to have in possession in one open season more than one deer, or part thereof, which has been killed in said county. Ch. 46, P. & S. L-, 1911. 104 DEER LAW IN YORK COUNTY. There shall be an annual close time for deer, during which it shall be unlawful to hunt, take, catch, kill or destroy any deer, in the county of York, from Decem- ber first to October thirty-first, inclusive, following of each year. It shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch or kill more than one deer in said county during the month of November in each year, and it shall be un- lawful to have in possession in one open season more than one deer which has been killed in said county. It shall be unlawful to hunt deer with a shot gun in this county. Provided, however, that it shall be unlaw- ful to hunt, chase, catch or kill any deer within the lim- its of the towns of York, Kittery and Eliot, in said county*, at any time. Ch. go, P. & S. L., 191 1. For a period of four years from October first, A. D., 1910, it shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or destroy any deer on Swan's Island, in the County of Hancock; it shall also be unlawful to have in posses- sion any deer taken or killed on said Swan's Island during the same period. R. & R. Comrs. Chapter 318, P. & S. L., 1909. *For a period of three years from July 3, 1909, it shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or destroy any deer at any time in the towns of Camden, Rock- port and Hope, in Knox county. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession at any time any deer taken in either of the above named towns. Chapter 280, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or destroy any deer at any time on Cross island or Scotch island, so-called, in the county of Washington, for a period of ten years from July 3, 1909. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession at any time any deer killed on said Cross island or on Scotch island, so-called. 105 Section 6, ch. 181, P. L., 1907. "It shall be unlawful for any owner, keeper or occu- pant of any camp, house or other building used partly or wholly in lumbering operations, to have, use or keep in any manner more than 6 deer, in any one open sea- son for deer in any one year, under a penalty of $40 and costs for each deer so had in possession or used in violation hereof." TRANSPORTATION OF MOOSE AND DEER. Sec. 25. No person or corporation shall carry or transport from place to place any moose, or deer, or part thereof, in close time, nor in open time unless open to view, tagged, and plainly labeled with the name and residence of the owner thereof, and accompanied by him, under a penalty of forty dollars and costs for each moose or deer so transported or carried ; and any per- son not the actual owner of such game or parts thereof, who, to aid another in such transportation, falsely rep- resents himself to be the owner thereof, shall be liable to the penalties aforesaid ; and it shall be prima facie evidence that said game, that is being transported or carried in violation of this section, was illegally killed; but nothing herein shall apply to the transportation of moose or deer by any person or corporation, when such game is lawfully tagged in accordance with the provisions of section 28 of this chapter. * Whoever lawfully kills a bull moose, shall, while the same, or any part thereof, is being transported preserve and transport it, with the evidence on the moose of the sex of the same. Whoever fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall forfeit to the state the moose or part thereof being transported, and pay a fine of three hundred dollars and costs. * See page 133 for full text of this law. io6 Note. It should be borne in mind, however, that all game belonging to a non-resident must be tagged with the proper shipping tags detached from his license. See pages 135-137 for full text of this law. HUNTING FOXES WITH DOGS PROHIBITED WHERE. The hunting of foxes with dogs is prohibited in the town of Swan's Island, Hancock county, until March, 1912. Ch. 244, P. & S. L., 1907. CLOSE TIME ON RABBITS. Sections 12 and 13, as am. by ch. 75, P. L , 1905, and ch. 42, P. L., 1909. There shall be a close time on wild hares or rabbits in which it shall be unlawful to hunt, catch or pursue them, or have them in possession, during the months of April, May, June, July and August of each year, under a penalty of ten dollars and costs for each offense. It shall be unlawful to use any snares, traps or other device in the hunting, pursuing or killing of the com- mon wild hares or rabbits, or to hunt or kill the same except in the ordinary method of shooting with guns in the usual manner. In Oxford, Penobscot and Piscataquis counties it may and shall be lawful to catch wild hares or rabbits in box traps. PROTECTION OF GRAY AND RED SQUIRRELS AND CHIPMUNKS. There shall be an annual close time for gray squir- rels, in which it shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or have them in possession, except alive, from the 107 first day of November of each year to the first day of September of the following year. Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars and costs for each gray squirrel killed or had in possession, except alive, in close time. Provided, however, it shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch or kill any gray squirrel at any time within the limits of any city, village, private or public park or water dis- trict within this state. Ch. 147, P. L., 191 1. NOTE FURTHER EXCEPTION TO GRAY SQUIR- REL LAW BELOW: SPECIAL GRAY SQUIRREL LAW IN FRYE- BURG, OXFORD CO. Ch. 158, P. & S. L., 1905. It shall be unlawful to hunt or kill at any time, gray squirrels upon the following described land or terri- tory, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense : On any lands lying east, north or northeast of the Saco or Lower Kezar rivers, and 100 rods distant there- from, from the gulf, so-called, near Toll Bridge, so- called, to the outlet of Lower Kezar pond, in Oxford county. Chapter 397 of the Private and Special Laws of 1903 provides that, Section 1. Whoever, within the limits of the county of Knox kills or has in his possession, except alive, any red squirrel or chipmunk, forfeits five dollars for each of said animals so killed or had in possession, to be recovered on complaint. io8 Chapter 52, P. L-, 1909- An Act authorizing the Governor to issue his proclama- tion to Prevent the Use of Firearms in the Forests during a dangerously dry time. Section 1. Whenever during an open season for the hunting of any kind of game or game birds in this state, it shall appear to the governor that by reason of drought having in possession firearms in the forests is liable to cause forest fires, he may, by proclamation suspend the open season and make it a close season for such time as he may designate. Section 2. During the time which shall by such proclamation be made a close season, all provisions of law covering and relating to the close season shall be in force, and a person violating a provision of the same shall be subject to the penalty therein prescribed. In case any person shall enter upon the wild lands of the state carrying or having in their possession any firearms, or any person shall shoot during the close season fixed by proclamation of the governor, as pro- vided in the preceding section, any wild animal or bird for the hunting of which there is no close season other- wise provided by law, he shall be punished by a fine of one hundred dollars and costs. Section 3. Such proclamation shall be published in such newspapers of the state and posted in such places and in such manner as the governor may order in writ- ing. A copy of such proclamation and order, shall be filed with the secretary of state. A like attested copy shall be furnished to the forest commissioner, who shall attend to the posting and publication of the proclama- tion. All expense thereof and all the expense of en- forcing the provisions of the proclamation shall be paid by said commissioner, after allowance by the state au- ditor, from any funds in the state treasury not other- wise appropriated. ic»9 Section 4. If after the issuing of the proclamation as provided in section one, by reason of rains or other- wise, the governor is satisfied that the occasion has passed for the issuance of the proclamation, he may- annul it by another proclamation issued as provided in this act for the issuance of the first proclamation. Chapter 129, P. L., 1909- An Act to prohibit the use of Firearms fitted with any device to deaden the sound of explosion. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, use or have in his possession, any gun, pistol or other firearm, fitted or contrived with any device for deadening the sound of explosion. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall forfeit such firearm or firearms and the device or silencer, and shall further be subject to a fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, or to both fine and imprisonment. Any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, inland fish and game warden or dep- uty inland fish and game warden shall have authority to seize any firearm or firearms and any device or silencer found in possession of any person in violation of this act, and on conviction of the party from whom such firearm or firearms are seized, such firearm or firearms, shall be sold, the proceeds to be paid to the state treasurer, and the device or silencer shall be de- stroyed. Sec. 2. This act does not apply to military organi- zations authorized by law to bear arms, or to the na- tional guard in the performance of its duty. no HUNTING IN BACK BAY, PORTLAND, PROHIBITED. Ch. 163, P. & S. L., iqoq- Unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or destroy any wild birds or water fowl at any time in Back Bay, so- called, in Portland, above the Grand Trunk Railway bridge. Same penalty as for illegal hunting of game birds. CLOSE TIME ON WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS ON KINEO POINT, MOOSEHEAD LAKE. Ch. 122, P. & S. L., 1909. Unlawful for any person at any time to hunt, pur- sue, shoot at or kill any wild animal or bird on Kineo Point, so-called, and for the purposes of this act Kineo Point shall be construed to mean all the lands lying south of the top of Mt. Kineo and extending, to the pavilion at North Bay. Penalty, $50 and costs. TRESPASS LAW. Revised Statutes of Maine, ch. 128, Section 15. Who- ever wilfully enters on or passes over the garden, orchard, mowing land or other enclosed or cultivated land of another, between the first days of April and Decem- ber, after being ' forbidden so to do by the owner or occupant of said land or his agent, either personally or by notice posted conspicuously on the premises, is guilty of trespass, and shall be punished by fine not exceeding twenty dollars, and section seventeen applies to violations of this section. Sec. 17. The owner of such place, or any person employed in its cultivation, or rightfully in the posses- sion thereof, may arrest any person found violating the preceding section, and carry him before any magistrate within the county where the arrest is made. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE HUNTING OF MINK, SABLE, FISHER, OTTER AND MUSK- RAT. Section 11, ch. 32, R. S., as am. by sec. 3, ch. 90, P. L., 1909, and 62, P. L., 1911. Sec. 1. Whoever, between April first and October twentieth of each year kills or destroys any mink, sable, fisher or otter, forfeits ten dollars for each ani- mal killed or destroyed. Sec. 2. Whoever between May 15th and October 20th of each year, kills or destroys any muskrat for- feits ten dollars for each animal killed or destroyed; provided, however, that it shall be lawful at any time to kill muskrats in Lily Pond, in the towns of Rock- port and Camden, and also such muskrats as interfere at any time with the operation and maintenance of any canal, ditch, lawful dam. or cranberry bog; pro- vided, further, that this act shall not modify or repeal any private or special acts relating to the hunting of muskrats which are now in force. Provided, further, that on that part of Judkins' meadow, so-called, in the town of Prentiss, that over- flows with water, from the mouth of Spruce Brook on the Madagoodas Stream to the Springfield road lead- ing from Springfield to Wytopitlock, by way of Pren- tiss, the close time for muskrat shall be from June 1 to Oct. 1, following. Ch. 211, P. & S. L., 1909. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill at any time any muskrat or muskrats in any of the brooks, ponds or streams in the town of Corinna, Penobscot county, which flow into Lake Sebasticook, for a period of five years from July 3, 1909. Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch or kill any muskrat or muskrats in Lake Sebas- ticook, in the county of Penobscot, or in any of the tributaries to said lake in the town of Newport, or in the outlet stream of said lake known as the East Branch of the Sebasticook river, for a period of five years from July 15, 1911. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any muskrat or musk- rats, or part thereof, at any time taken in violation of this section. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of ten dollars for each muskrat killed in violation of this act; whoever has in possession any muskrat or muskrats, or part thereof, taken in violation of this act shall be subject to the same penalty. Ch. 170, P. & S. L., 191 1. It shall be unlawful for a period of three years from April 15th, A. D., 191 1, for any person at any time to take, catch, or kill any muskrat or muskrats in Cobbosseecontee Stream, from Cobbosseecon- tee Lake to the Kennebec River, from April 15th of each year to Feby. 15th of the following year. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any muskrat or muskrats taken in close sea- son on the above named waters. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any of the provisions of these rules and regulations shall be subject to a penalty of ten dollars for each muskrat taken, caught, killed or had in possession in violation of the above regu- lations. R. & R. Comrs. For a period of two years from October 15th, A. D. 1910, it shall be unlawful to take, catch or kill any muskrat or muskrats in any of the ponds in the town of Plymouth, in the county of Penobscot, or in any of the tributaries to said ponds, except during the month of April of each year, under the same penalty as is provided in the general law of the state for the illegal killing of muskrats. R. & R. Comrs. H3 BEAVER. Chapter 114, P. L., 191 1. An Act to regulate the taking of Beaver. Sec. 1. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game, upon written complaint of any land owner that beaver are doing actual, substantial damage to his property shall have authority to declare an open season for beaver upon such land for such period of time as they may deem necessary to remove the beaver that are doing the damage complained of, during which open season it shall be lawful for any licensed hunter and trapper of fur-bearing animals to trap beaver thereon. No open season for beaver as contemplated by this act shall take effect until the commissioners of inland fisheries and game shall have caused notice of such proposed open season to be published one time in a newspaper printed in the county in which the land on which the open season for beaver is declared is located, and said commissioners shall also file copy of said notice of open season with the clerk of the town or plantation in which such land is located or, if the land is in an unorganized place, with the clerk of courts for the county in which the land is located. Whenever during a special open season on beaver as is contemplated by this act it shall appear to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game that the privileges of such open season are being abused in any place, said commissioners of inland fisheries and game may suspend the open season and declare it close sea- son for beaver on such land for such time as they may designate. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful to take any beaver any- where in the state at any time except during such open season as may be declared by the commissioners of inland fisheries and game in accordance with the pro- visions of this act. H4 Sec. 3. Whoever takes any beaver in violation of any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of 25 dollars and costs for each beaver taken, caught or killed in violation of any provision of this act. It shall also be unlawful, under the same penalty, for any person to have in possession, at any time, any beaver, or part thereof, taken in violation of any pro- vision of this act. CHAPTER 61, P. L., 191 1. AN ACT RELATING TO THE TRAPPING OF BEAVER AND MUSKRAT. Sec. 1. During any open season in any place for beaver or for muskrat it shall be unlawful at any time for any person to set a trap for beaver or for musk- rat within ten feet of a beaver house or a muskrat house. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act relating to beaver shall be subject to a penalty of twen- ty-five dollars and costs for each beaver taken, caught or killed in violation of any provision of this act; it shall also be unlawful, under the same penalty, to have in possession any beaver, or part thereof, taken in vio- lation of any provision of this act. Whoever violates any provision of this act relating to muskrat shall be subject to a penalty of ten dollars and costs for each muskrat taken, caught, or killed in violation of any provision of this act; it shall also be unlawful, under the same penalty, to have in possession any muskrat, or part thereof, taken in violation of any provision of this act. H5 BOUNTY ON WOLVES AND BOBCATS. Sec. 14. "A bounty of five dollars, for every wolf killed in any town in the state shall be paid by the treasurer thereof to the person killing it " Ch. 199, P. L., 1909. A bounty of two dollars for every bob cat, loup- cervier and Canada lynx killed in any town shall be paid by the state treasurer to the person killing it upon compliance with the following conditions : No bounty shall be paid unless the claimant, within five days after he has killed such animal, or has re- turned from the hunting in which he killed it, exhibits to the town treasurer the entire skin thereof with the ears, nose and tail thereon in as perfect a state as when killed, except natural decay, and signs and makes oath to a certificate which said treasurer may admin- ister, in which he shall state that he killed such animal and the time and place, which shall be within the state, and the treasurer shall thereupon cut off the whole of the tail from such skin and forward the same by mail to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, at Augusta, Maine, and also forward to the state auditor the claimant's certificate, which certificate shall be in the following form : Claimant's Certificate. To the treasurer of the town of : I hereby certify that on the day of A. D., 19.., at in the State of Maine, I killed the bob cat, loup-cervier or Canada lynx, the skin of which I now exhibit to you, and I claim the bounty allowed by law for killing the same. Dated at , this day of , A. D. 19... , Claimant. n6 Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and year aforesaid. Treasurer of And the treasurer of said town shall make and send at once to the state auditor a certificate which shall be in the following form: ! Town Treasurer's Certificate. To the state auditor: I hereby certify that as required by law, of , on the day of A. D 19. ., at , exhibited to me the whole of the skin of a bob-cat, loup-cervier or Canada lynx, and signed and made oath to the following cer- tificate : To the treasurer of the town of : I hereby certify that on the day of A. D. 19. ., at , in the state of Maine, I killed the bob cat, loup-cervier or Canada lynx, the skin of which I now exhibit to you, and I claim the bounty allowed by law for killing the same. Dated at , this day of , A. D. 19... , Claimant. I further certify that I cut off the whole of the tail from the skin of the bob cat, loup-cervier or Canada lynx described in the certificate and forwarded the same to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game at Augusta, Maine. Dated at , this day of , A. D. 19... , Treasurer of the town of Subscribed and sworn to the day and year aforesaid. • • , Justice of the Peace. ii7 Upon receipt by the state auditor of the treasurer's certificate and the claimant's certificate for bounty as herein specified, the state auditor, before ordering the bounty paid as provided by law, shall have received from the commissioners of inland fisheries and game a certificate that said commissioners have received the tail of the bob cat, loup-cervier or Canada lynx from the treasurer sent as aforesaid, whereupon the state auditor shall audit the claim for bounty and the same shall be paid forthwith by the state treasurer t© the claimant from any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. The town treasurer for making oath to a claimant's certificate as above, and for forwarding the tail of the animal to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, shall be paid by the claimant the sum of twenty- five cents. BOUNTY ON BEARS IN OXFORD, WASHING- TON, HANCOCK AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES. Chapter 233 of the Public Laws of 1903, ch. 160, P. L., 1905. "A bounty of five dollars for every bear killed in Oxford or" Franklin counties by any bona fide resident of this state may be paid by the state treas- urer." Chapter 245, P. L., 1909. Section 1. A bounty of five dollars for each and every bear killed in any town or unincorporated place in Washington and Hancock counties shall be paid by the treasurer of such town to the person killing it. If the animal is killed in an unincorporated place the bounty shall be paid by the treasurer of an adjoining town, if any, otherwise by the treasurer of the nearest town. n8 Section 2. No bounty shall be paid unless the claim- ant within ten days after he has killed such animal, or has returned from the hunting, in which he killed it, exhibits to the town treasurer the entire skin of the animal for the killing of which such bounty is claimed, with the nose thereof in as perfect a state as when killed, excepting natural decay and signs and makes oath to a certificate, which oath said treasurer may administer, in which he shall state that he killed such animal, and the time and place, showing it to be within the county, and the treasurer shall thereupon cut off the whole nose from such skin and entirely destroy it by burning; then he shall pay the bounty and take the claimant's receipt therefor upon the same paper with such certificate. The town treasurer shall immediately make upon the same paper a certificate made under oath addressed to the treasurer of state, that he first cut off the nose from the skin and destroyed it by burn- ing, and then paid said bounty to the claimant. Sec. 3. Said certificate shall annually, in Decem- ber, be transmitted to the treasurer of state, and by him laid before the governor and council as early as con- venient; and when allowed by them, shall be paid by the treasurer of state to such town. Sec. 4. The certificate shall be in the following form: Claimant's Certificate. To the treasurer of , I hereby certify that on the , day of , A. D., 19.., at in the counties of Washington (or Hancock) and state of Maine, I killed the bear the skin of which I now exhibit to you; and I claim the bounty allowed by law for killing the same. Dated at , this day of , 19. .. , Claimant. Subscribed and sworn to before me on the day and year aforesaid. , Treasurer of IIP Claimant's Receipt. On this day of , A. D., 19. ., I re- ceived of , Treasurer of State, five dollars, being the bounty allowed by law for killing the bear described in the above certificate. Claimant. Treasurer's Certificate. I hereby certify that as required by law, I first cut off the whole nose from the skin of the bear described in the foregoing certificate and destroyed the same by burning, and then paid the said the bounty for which I have taken his receipt as above. Dated at , this day of , A. D. 19... , Treasurer of Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and year aforesaid. , Justice of the Peace. POISONING OF ANIMALS PROHIBITED. Ch. 30, R. S., sec. 20, as am. by ch. 134, P. L., 1909. Whoever for the purpose of killing wolves, foxes, dogs or other animals and not for the destruction of insects or vermin in a building, leaves or deposits in any place any arsenic, corrosive sublimate, nux vomica* strychnine, prussic acid, or any other poison or poison- ous substance, shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, or be imprisoned not less than thirty nor more than sixty days. 120 NON-RESIDENTS MUST EMPLOY GUIDES. GUIDES MUST NOT GUIDE MORE THAN FIVE NON-RESIDENTS AT ONE TIME. Sec. 20, ch. 32, R. S., as am. by sec. 3, ch. 132, P. £, 1905. Non-residents of the state shall not enter upon the wild lands of the state and camp or kindle fires thereon while engaged in hunting or fishing, without being in charge of a registered guide, during the months of May, June, July, August, September, Octo- ber and November, and no registered guide shall at the same time, guide or be employed by more than five non-residents in hunting. Any such non-resident who shall enter upon the wild lands in the state and camps or kindles fires thereon, while engaged in hunting and fishing without being in charge of a registered guide, during the months of May, June, July, August, September, October and No- vember, in violation of the provisions herein contained, or any guide who shall guide at the same time, or be employed by, at the same time, more than five non- residents in hunting, shall be fined $40 and costs for each offense and be subject to imprisonment for thirty days. BEWARE OF SHOOTING BEFORE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SHOOTING AT. Sections 3 and 4 of chapter 119 of the revised stat- utes provides that, "Sec. 3. Whoever, while on a hunting trip, or in the pursuit of wild game or game birds, negligently or carelessly shoots and wounds, or kills any human be- ing shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding ten years, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dol- lars. 121 "Sec. 4. County attorneys and sheriffs, in their re- spective counties, shall promptly investigate any alleged violations of the preceding section, and prosecute every person accused thereof; for failure so to investigate and prosecute, each of said officers shall be punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and shall be removed from office." GAME BIRDS AND THEIR PROTECTION. Sec. 7, ch. 32, R. S. as am. by ch. 81, P. L., 1905* and ch. 158, P. L., 1907. "There shall be for game birds an annual close time in which it shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or have them in possession whenever or however killed, as follows : For dusky duck, commonly called black duck, teal, and any and all ducks known as gadwall or gray duck, mallard, widgeon or baldpate, shoveler, pintail or sprig- tail, redhead, scaup duck or greater bluebill, lesser scaup duck or lesser bluebill, golden eye or whistler, bufflehead, ruddy duck or broadbill, from the first day of January to the first day of the following Septem- ber of each year. PENALTY: Not less than $5 nor more than $10 and costs for each bird killed or had in possession in violation of law. CHAPTER 166, P. L., 191 1. AN ACT TO PROVIDE A CLOSE TIME ON WOOD DUCKS. Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill, destroy or have in possession at any time, when- ever or however killed, any wood duck, so-called, for a period of four years from July 1, 1911, under a penali- ty of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dol- lars and costs for each wood duck unlawfully killed, caught, chased or had in possession, except that the provisions of this act shall not apply to the county of Oxford. EIDER DUCKS. Ch. 66, P. L-, ion- Sec, i. There shall be an annual close time in which no person shall hunt, chase, catch, kill or have in pos- session, whenever or however killed, any eider duck, commonly called sea duck, from the first day of Feb- ruary to the first day of the following October in each year. Sec. 2. All the provisions of section seven of chap- ter 32 of the revised statutes, relative to hunting, chas- ing, catching, killing, having in possession, selling and transporting * * * other ducks therein mentioned, are hereby made to apply to the first section of this act. SPECIAL LAW ON GOLDEN EYE OR WHIS- TLER IN HANCOCK COUNTY. The open time on golden eye or whistler in Hancock county, is from Nov. 1, to Apr. 1, of the following year, but 15 may be killed in one day. P. & S. L., 1907, ch. 281, and ch. 120, P. & S. L., 1909. SPECIAL LAW ON DUCKS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. Open season on ducks in this county from Sept. 1st to the first day of February. P. & S. L., 1907, ch. 373. ■ 123 CLOSE TIME ON PARTRIDGE, WOODCOCK, PLOVER, SNIPE AND SANDPIPERS. Ch. 32, sec. 7, R. S., as am. ch. 81, P. L., 1905, and chs. 66 and 70, P. L., 191 1. The close time for ruffed grouse, commonly called partridge, and woodcock is from the first day of Decem- ber to September 15th next following of each year; for plover, snipe and sandpipers, from the first day of December to the first day of August of each year; and it shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or have in possession at any time any quail. Whoever violates any of the above named provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars and costs for each bird so killed, caught, chased or had in possession in close time. No person shall, in any one day, kill or have in pos- session more than fifteen of each variety of the above named birds ; (this means ducks, plover, snipe and sandpipers. See below limit on partridge (ruffed grouse) and woodcock) ; except sandpipers, the num- ber of which shall not exceed seventy in any one day, during the respective open season for each; nor shall any person at any time kill or have in possession any ruffed grouse, commonly called partridge, woodcock, wood-duck, dusky duck, commonly called black duck, teal, and any and all ducks known as gadwell or gray duck, mallard, widgeon or baldpate, shoveler, pintail or sprigtail, redhead, scaup duck or greater bluebill, lesser scaup duck or lesser bluebill, golden eye or whistler, buffiehead, ruddy duck or broadbill, except for his own consumption within this state, except as hereinafter provided, under a penalty of five dollars and costs for each bird so unlawfully killed or had in possession; * * * nor shall any person or corporation carry or transport from place to place any of the birds men- 124 tioned in this section in close time, nor in open season unless open to view, tagged and plainly labeled with the owner's name and residence and accompanied by him, unless tagged in accordance with section twenty- eight of this chapter, under the same penalty. (Residents may purchase tags to take five partridges, 10 woodcock or 10 ducks out of the state. Price of the tags $5.00 for each variety of the birds. Ch. 181, sec. 8, P. L., 1907, as am. by ch. 70, P. L., 1911.) NOTE: The owner MUST accompany these birds. CHAPTER 70, P. L., 1911. AN ACT TO REGULATE THE NUMBER OF RUFFED GROUSE (COMMONLY CALLED PARTRIDGE) AND WOODCOCK WHICH MAY BE TAKEN OR HAD IN POSSESSION BY ONE PERSON IN ANY ONE DAY DURING OPEN SEASON. Sec. 1. No person shall, in any one day, take, catch, kill or have in possession more than five ruffed grouse (commonly called partridge) nor more than ten wood- cock during open season on said birds. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than ten dollars and costs for each bird killed or had in possession in violation of any pro- vision of this act. CHAPTER 68, P. L., 1911. AlN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE AND PUR' CHASE OF GAME BIRDS. Sec. 1. No ruffed grous, commonly called partridge, woodcock, dusky duck, commonly called black duck, teal or any and all ducks known as gadwall or gray 125 duck, mallard, widgeon or baldpate, shoveler, pintail or sprigtail, redhead, scaup duck or greater bluebill, lesser scaup duck or lesser bluebill, golden eye or whist- ler, bufflehead, ruddy duck or broadbill shall be bought or sold at any time by any person. Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to game birds raised in private game preserves operated under permission of the commissioners of inland fish- eries and game. Sec. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than ten dollars and costs for each bird bought, sold or had in possession in violation of any provision of this act. NOTE: IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SELL OR GIVE AWAY MOOSE, DEER OR GAME BIRDS TO BE TRANSPORTED OR CARRIED OUT OF THE STATE. Sec. 27. "No resident of this state shall sell or give away any moose or deer or part thereof, or any game birds, to be transported or carried beyond the limits of this state, under a penalty of one hundred dollars for each moose, deer or part thereof, and one dollar for every game bird so sold or given away; and any per- son who shall buy any of the above named animals or birds or parts thereof, to so transport them, or who shall transport them after buying the same, or receiv- ing the same as a gift, shall be subject to the same penalty." Any person, not the actual owner of such bird or birds (this means ducks, plover, snipe, partridge (ruffed grouse) and woodcock) who, to aid another in trans- portation, falsely represents himself to be the owner thereof, shall be liable to the same penalty; nor shall any person or corporation carry or transport at any 126 one time more than 15 ducks, plover or snipe, 5 par- tridge or 10 woodcock as the property of one person, under the same penalty. (This penalty is $5 and costs for each bird illegally had in possession or transported.) (A non-resident, however, can transport only 10 ducks at one time under 'his license tag.) Ch. 32, sec. 7, as. am. by ch. 81, P. L., 1905, and ch. 70, P. L., 191 1. PROTECTION OF BIRDS OTHER THAN GAME BIRDS. Sec. 8 as am. by sec. 12, ch. 132, P. L., 1905, and sec. 5, ch. 90, P. L., 1909, and ch. 66, P. L., 191 1. No person shall within the state, kill or catch or have in his or her possession, living or dead, any wild bird, other than a game bird, nor purchase, offer or expose for sale, any such wild bird after it has been killed or caught. No part of the plumage, skin or body of any bird protected by this section shall be sold or had in possession for sale. Nor shall any person take or needlessly destroy the nest or the eggs of any wild bird, nor have such nest or eggs in possession. The English or European house sparrow, the common crow, and the hawks and owls, are not included among the birds herein protected; and for the purposes of this act the following only shall be considered game birds : the anatidae, commonly known as swans, geese, brant, and river and sea ducks; the rallidse, commonly known as rails, coots, and gallinules ; the limicolse, com- monly known as shore birds, plovers, surf birds, snipe, woodcock; sandpipers, tatlers and curlews; the gallinse, commonly known as wild turkeys, grouse, prairie chick- ens, pheasants, partridges and quails. Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed to affect in any way the protection of game birds, as provided in sec- 127 tions 7 and g. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be fined five dollars for each offense, and an additional five dollars for each bird, living or dead, or part of a bird, or nest, or eggs possessed in violation of this section, or imprisoned for ten days. Sec. 12, ch. 132, P. L., 1905, and ch. 66, P. L-, 191 1. It shall be unlawful to kill an eagle or vulture at any time under a penalty of ten dollars and costs for each offense. Sec; 6, ch. 66, P. L. 191 1. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game are hereby authorized to cause the destruction of any mud hens, so called, kingfishers, blue herons, so called, or loons found in or around any fish hatchery or feeding station in this state. CLOSE TIME ON HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE. Chapter 51, P. L., 1909. Section 1. It shall be unlawful to hunt, chase, catch, kill or destroy or have in possession at any time any Hungarian partridge, so-called, for a period of four years from July 3, 1909, under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars and costs for each offense and a further penalty of five dollars for each Hungarian partridge unlawfully caught, killed or had in possession. For a term of ten years from April twenty-eight, nineteen hundred and three, no person shall hunt for, take, catch, kill or destroy the capercailzie, or cock of the woods, so-called, black game, so-called, or any species of the pheasant, except ruffed grouse, or par- tridge, under a penalty of fifty dollars for each offense. Ch. 32, sec. 7, R. S. 128 USE OF ALL METHODS, EXCEPT THE USUAL METHOD OF SPORTING WITH FIREARMS, ILLEGAL IN TAKING GAME BIRDS; ALSO HAVING FIREARMS IN POSSESSION IN THE NIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF THE DUCK GROUNDS IN MERRYMEETNG BAY. Sec. 9. It is unlawful to take any wild duck of any variety, quail, ruffed grouse, or partridge, woodcock, or any bird, except by the usual method of sporting with firearms. Penalty $5.00 for each bird. It is unlawful to kill in any manner any wild duck of any variety on the Kennebec river or on the shores thereof south of Gardiner and Randolph bridge, or on Merrymeeting bay, or the shores thereof, between sunset and daylight of the following morning; it is unlawful to hunt, kill, or destroy any wild duck, at any time, with the aid of jack lights, or any artificial light. Penalty $50.00. Having firearms in possession in the vicinity of the duck grounds in Merrymeeting bay, or on the Kennebec river south of the Randolph and Gardiner bridge, in the night time, is prima facie evidence that the person having them is hunting ducks contrary to law. No person shall kill, catch, hunt,, destroy or have in possession any kind of wild duck upon the shores, is- lands or waters of Merrymeeting bay, Eastern river, or the Kennebec river below the Gardiner and Ran- dolph bridge between the first day. of December and the first day of the following September. Ch. 22, sec. 7, as am. by sec. 3, ch. 81, P. L., 1905. Penalty, $5 and costs for each bird illegally killed or had in possession. 129 USE OF LAUNCHES PROHIBITED IN TAKING DUCKS IN FRENCHMAN'S BAY, MERRY- MEETING BAY, EASTERN RIVER, AND KEN- NEBEC RIVER BELOW GARDINER AND RANDOLPH BRIDGE, ALSO IN ALL INLAND WATERS. Sec. 8, ch. 407, P. & S. L., 1903, as am. by ch. 76 and 242, P. & S. L., 1905. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to use boats or launches of any kind propelled by steam, naphtha, gasoline, or elec- tricity, or any other mode than the ordinary sail boat or row boat in chasing, hunting, or gunning any sea birds, duck or water fowl in any of the waters of Frenchman's bay, so-called, on the coast of Maine, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. For the purposes of this act Frenchman's bay is de- fined and bounded as follows : On the north by the towns of Hancock and Sullivan ; on the east by the towns of Gouldsboro and Winter Harbor; on the south by Mt. Desert island and a straight line from Schoodic point, so-called, to Great Head, so-called, on the west by Thompson's toll bridge. It shall also be unlawful to hunt ducks as above indi- cated in the Kennebec river below Gardiner and Ran- dolph bridge, or in Eastern river, or in Merrymeeting Bay, under the same penalty. Ch. 140, P. h., 1909. Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to use a boat or launch of any kind propelled by steam, naphtha, gasoline or electricity, or any other mode than the ordinary sail boat or row boat, in chas- ing, hunting or gunning any sea birds, duck or water fowl in any of the inland waters of this state, under a 130 penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. Chapter 64, P. L., 1909. AN Act to require Motor Boats to be provided with Mufflers in certain cases. Sec. 1. Motor boats run or operated in any tidal or other waters within the state, without the use of proper and suitable mufflers or other devices to deaden sound, are common nuisances within the meaning of Revised Statutes, chapter twenty-two, section twelve ; but the penalty for so running or operating the same shall not exceed twenty-five dollars for each offense. Section 2. This act shall not apply to motor boats while entered and competing in boat races ; provided such races are held between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and nine o'clock in the afternoon. Sec. 3. Any muffling device approved by the United States inspectors having jurisdiction of the tidal waters of this state shall, in case of motor boats run or op- erated on such tidal waters, be deemed to be a com- pliance with this act. CHAPTER 79, P. L., 191 1. AN ACT TO PREVENT COLLISIONS ON IN- LAND WATERS. Sec. 1. Every boat navigating any lake, river, stream, pond or other inland waters of this state, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, whether propelled by means of steam or any other power, shall show either a bright white light of such a character and so placed as to be visible on a clear dark night, at least one-half mile in every direction, or instead thereof one green light on the starboard side and one red light on the 131 port side, so constructed as to show an unbroken light over arc of the horizon of ten points of the compass so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the starboard and port sides, respectively, and of such a character as to be visible at least two thousand feet on a clear dark night Sec. 2. Whoever neglects or wilfully refuses to ob- serve the provisions of the preceding section shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars, and for all damages sustained by any person thereby. Chapter 248, P. & L. S., 1909. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to use boats or launches of any kind propelled by steam, naphtha, gasolene or electricity, or any other mode than the ordinary sail boat or row boat, in chasing, hunting or gunning any sea birds, duck or water fowl in any of the waters of Bluehill bay, so-called, or in Eggemoggin reach, so-called, on the coast of Maine, in Hancock county, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution for each offense. For the purposes of this act Bluehill bay shall be con- sidered to be the waters bounded on the west by Blue- hill and Brooklin to the end of Naskeag point, so- called; on the east by Long island and Tinker's island to Pond island, so-called; on the south by a direct fine from the southern extremity of said Pond island to the end of Naskeag point, so-called. Eggemoggin reach, so-called, shall be considered to be the waters extending from Little Deer Isle to Cape Rosier on the west; thence easterly to the end of Nas- keag point, so-called; thence in a direct line to the eastern end of Stinson's neck, so-called, in the eastern part of Deer Isle, said waters being bounded on the north by the towns of Brooksville, Sedgwick and Brooklin and on the south by Deer Isle and Little Deer Isle. 132 Sec. i. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time in any boat propelled by steam, gasoline, elec- tricity, or any power other than sail or hand power, in the waters of Saco bay, to chase, hunt, gun or shoot any sea bird, ducks or waterfowl, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and costs for each offense. For the purposes of this act, Saco bay shall be con- sidered to be the waters lying within those points of land marked by Cape Elizabeth Light, in the town of Cape Elizabeth, on the east, and by Wood Island Light near the entrance to the Saco river on the west. Ch. 45, P. & S. L., 1911. SEIZURE OF FISH AND GAME. Sec. 26, ch. 32, as am. by ch. 67, P. L., 191 1. "All birds, fish and game, hunted, caught, killed, de- stroyed, bought, carried, transported, or found in pos- session of any person or corporation, in violation of the provisions of this chapter, shall be liable to seizure; and in case of conviction for such violation, such game shall be forfeited to the state. Any person whose game or fish has been seized for violation of any game or fish law, shall have it returned to him on giving to the offi- cer a bond with sufficient sureties, residents of the state, in double the amount of the fine for such viola- tion, on condition that, if convicted of such violation, he will, within thirty days thereafter, pay such fine and costs. If he neglects or refuses to give such bond and take the game or fish so seized, he shall have no ac- tion against the officer for such seizure or for the loss of the game or fish seized." 133 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE DISPOSAL OF FISH AND GAME SEIZED BY THE COMMIS- . SIONERS OF INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME OR ANY OFFICIALS EMPOWERED SO TO DO. Ch. 67, P. L., 1911. Sec. 1. No commissioner of inland fisheries and game or other person having the power to seize fish and game shall sell or offer the same for sale. Sec 2. * * * All fish and game seized by the afore- named officials shall be distributed among the various state hospitals or other charitable institutions under the direction of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game. Sec. 3. * * * A record shall be kept by said commis- sioners of all fish and game seized. Sec. 4. * * * A record shall be kept by said com- missioners where all fish or game seized has been dis- tributed, and * * * a receipt shall be taken for the same from the proper official of the institution receiv- ing said fish or game. A RESIDENT MAY TRANSPORT MOOSE AND DEER ON PAYMENT OF A FEE. Sec. 28, ch. 32, as am. by ch. 90, P. L., 1909, sec. 2, and by ch. 99, P. L., 191 1. Any resident of Maine who has lawfully killed a moose or a deer, * * * may send the same to his home or to any hospital in the state, without accompanying the same, by purchasing of the duly constituted agent therefor a tag, paying for a moose five dollars, for a deer two dollars. * * * The commissioners of inland fisheries and game may appoint agents in convenient localities who may sell these tags, under such rules and regulations as the commissioners may adopt." 134 TRANSPORTATION OF GAME BIRDS UNDER TAG. Sec. 28, ch. 32, as am. by ch. 90, P. L., 1909, and ch. 99, P. L., 191 1. Any resident of this state who has lawfully in his possession one pair of game birds, may send the same anywhere in this state without accompanying the same, by purchasing of the duly constituted agent therefor a tag, paying fifty cents for a pair of game birds. Any person not a bona fide resident of this state and actually domiciled therein who has lawfully in his pos- session one pair of game birds, may transport the sanie to his home or to any hospital in this state without ac- companying the shipment, by purchasing of the duly constituted agent therefor a tag, paying fifty cents for a pair of game birds. Provided, however, that no person shall, under any of these provisions, send more than one pair of game birds once in thirty days. NOTE: A non-resident in order to avail himself of the privilege conveyed by this law, must exhibit to the transportation agent his non-resident hunting li- cense, in order that he may be identified by the agent as the person owning the license. RESIDENT CANNOT TAKE MORE THAN ONE DEER OUT OF THE STATE IN ONE SEASON. No resident of this state shall carry or transport in any manner beyond the limits of this state more than one deer in any one open season for deer. Sec. 5, ch. 181, P. L., 1907. 135 RESIDENT MUST PURCHASE TAG TO TAKE BULL MOOSE OUT OF STATED Whenever a resident of this state has lawfully killed a bull moose he shall, before taking the same, or part thereof, outside the limits of the state, procure a license therefor from the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, paying therefor a license fee of $5. Penalty, $100 and costs. Sec. 9, ch. 132, P. L-, 1905- NON-RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSES. ' Sec. 22, as am. by Sec. 5, ch. 132, P. L., 1905, and ch. 70, P. L., 191 1. Persons not bona fide residents of the state, and actually domiciled therein, shall not hunt, pursue, take or kill any bull moose, or deer, or ducks, partridges, woodcock or other birds or wild animals at any time without having first procured a license therefor as here- inafter provided. Such licenses shall be issued by the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, upon ap- plication in writing and payment of fifteen dollars to hunt bull moose, deer, ducks, partridges, woodcock, and other birds and wild animals during their respective open seasons in October, November and December. But to hunt ducks, partridges, woodcock and other birds and wild animals, during their respective open seasons prior to October first, a license fee of five dol- lars shall be paid annually. A person having paid the fee of five dollars may procure a license to hunt bull moose and deer by paying ten dollars additional. Such license shall entitle the purchaser to take to his home, in addition as now provided, properly tagged with the tag detached from his license, and open to view, five partridges, ten ducks and ten woodcock that he has himself lawfully killed, and under such rules and regu- 136 lations to be established by the commissioners and ap- proved by the governor and council, as may be required to carry out the true intent of this act and not incon- sistent herewith. All money received for such licenses shall be forth- with paid to the state treasurer. * * * Provided, also, that the executive council shall, as often as they see fit, examine the books, accounts and vouchers of the commissioners of all moneys received by them for all licenses or other fees and make a re- port thereon to the governor. Sec. 23. Each license shall be provided with three coupons, one of which shall permit the transportation of the carcass of one bull moose, or part thereof, and shall be divided into two sections, lettered "A" and "B" respectively, and shall be called the "moose" coupon; the two other coupons shall permit the transportation of the carcass of one deer, or part thereof, each, and shall be divided into two sections each, lettered "C" and "D" and "E" and "F' respectively, and shall be called the "deer" coupons. The holder of a non-resident hunter's license shall be entitled to offer for transportation and have transport- ed, within or without this state, by any railroad com- pany, express company, boat, or other transportation company, the carcass of one bull moose, or part of the carcass of one bull moose that he himself has lawfully killed, on the "moose" coupon attached to such license; also the carcass of one deer, or part of the carcass of one deer, that he himself has lawfully killed, on each of the "deer" coupons attached to his said license, by pre- senting to the agent of any transportation company, hi's license, with the coupons attached to the license at the time when he shall offer the moose or deer for ship- ment. The agent receiving the carcass or part of a carcass, for shipment shall, if it is a moose, detach sec- tion 'A'" from the "moose" coupon of the license, cancel 137 the same by. writing or stamping thereon the date and place of shipment and his initials, and shall forward the same forthwith to the commissioners of inland fisher- ies and game, at Augusta, Maine; section "B" of said coupon shall be likewise canceled and shall be attached to the carcass, or part of the carcass, of the bull moose offered for shipment and shall remain attached to the same while it is being transported in this state. In case of deer received for shipment, the license must be presented to the agent with the coupons at- tached as aforesaid, and, if but one deer is offered for shipment, the agent shall detach section "C" from the first "deer" coupon and shall cancel it and forward the same to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game as aforesaid, and section "D" of said coupon shall be likewise cancelled and attached to the carcass of the deer or part thereof, offered for shipment and shall remain attached to the same while it is being trans- ported in this state. In case two deer are offered for shipment the agent receiving the same for shipment shall detach sections "C" and "E" from the "deer" coupons and after can- celing the same shall forward them to the commission- ers as aforesaid, and sections "D" and "F" shall be likewise cancelled and attached to the carcass of the deer or parts thereof, offered for transportation and shall remain attached to the same while it is being transported in this state. No person shall transport any bull moose or deer, or parts thereof, within the state for any non-resident, otherwise than as provided herein. Any agent, servant or employee of any transporta- tion company, railroad company, express company, boat or common carrier who shall receive for shipment or transport, or have in his possession with intent to ship or transport, any carcass of a bull moose, or part of the same, or any carcass of a deer or part of the same, 138 for a non-resident, except as herein provided, or who' shall refuse or neglect to detach the sections of the coupons as herein provided, or who shall fail to for- ward to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, at Augusta, Maine, as herein provided, the sec- tions of coupons by him detached, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars and costs for each offense. Sec. 24. Whoever violates any provision of the two preceding sections, or who shall furnish to another per- son, or permits another person to have or use any license or coupon issued to him, or change or alter the same in any manner, or who has or uses any license or coupon issued to another person, or any registered guide who knowingly guides any non-resident in hunt- ing who has not a license to hunt as herein provided, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars and costs for each offense. (Note: Sec. 7, ch. 181, P. L., 1907, provides that the fee for a license for non-residents to hunt game birds in any county in the state during the open season or* such birds up to the time of the beginning of the open? season on deer in that county, is $5.) UNNATURALIZED FOREIGN-BORN RESI- DENTS' HUNTING LICENSES. Ch. 118, P. L., 1907. Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any unnaturalized foreign-born person who has not resided within the limits of this state for two years continuously prior to the passage of this act and who is not a taxpayer upon real or personal property within this state, to hunt in any manner, at any time, or pursue, catch, kill or have- 139 in possession any wild animals or birds within the lim- its of this state, unless he is licensed so to do as here- inafter provided. Sec. 2. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game, upon the application of any unnaturalized for- eign-born person who is a resident of any city, town or plantation within the state, and upon the payment of a fee of fifteen dollars may issue such person a license upon a form to be supplied by them, bearing the name, age and place of residence of the licensee with a de- scription of him as near as may be, authorizing the said licensee to hunt and kill game birds, game or other wild animals on any lands on which said hunting or killing is not forbidden by law, or by written or printed notices posted thereon by the owner, lessee or occu- pant thereof. Such license shall be good only for that period of the year when game birds, game or other wild animals may be lawfully killed and shall authorize the hunting or killing of game only under such restric- tions and for such purposes as are imposed or author- ized by law. Said licenses shall not be transferable and shall be exhibited upon demand to any of the com- missioners of inland fisheries and game, and to any game warden or deputy game warden, and to any sher- iff, constable, police officer or other officer qualified to serve process. The fees received from said licenses shall annually be paid into the state treasury. Sec. 3. If any firearm or firearms are found in the possession of any foreign-born unnaturalized person required to be licensed under the provisions of this act, when he is upon the wild lands or woods of the state, not having a license as herein provided, it shall be prima facie evidence that such person is hunting in violation of the provisions of this act and he shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five dollars and costs for each offense, and a further penalty of forfeiture to the state of all firearms found in his possession in viola- 140 tion of this section, and any person authorized to en- force the inland fish and game laws is authorized to seize all firearms found in possession in violation of the provisions of this section, and shall forthwith for- ward them to the commissioners at Augusta, and upon conviction of the person or persons from whom they were seized shall sell them, the proceeds from such sale to be paid to the treasurer of state. Sec. 4. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of twenty-five dol- lars and costs for each offense. REGISTRATION OF GUIDES. "Sec. 32. No person shall engage in the business of guiding, either for inland fishing or forest hunting, un- til he has caused his name, age, and residence to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose by the com- missioners of inland fisheries and game, and has pro- cured a certificate from said commissioners, setting forth in substance that he is deemed suitable to act as a guide, either for inland fishing or forest hunting or both, as the case may be, under a penalty of fifty dol- lars and costs for each offense. Each registered guide shall, from time to time, as often as requested by the commissioners, forward, on blanks furnished him by the commissioners, a statement of the number of per- sons he has guided in inland fishing and forest hunt- ing during the time called for in said statement, the number of days he has been employed as a guide, and such other useful information relative to inland fish and game, forest fires, and the preservation of the forests in the localities where he has guided, as the commis- sioners may deem of importance to the state, under a penalty of fifty dollars for unreasonably or wilfully refusing to comply with these requirements." I4i "Sec. 33. Such registration as is provided for in this chapter shall be as follows: the applicant shall apply in writing or personally to the commissioners for registration, or to some person designated by the com- missioners, setting forth in his application whether he desires to be registered as a general or local guide ; and the commissioners shall, as soon thereafter as may be, register such person as a guide in such class as they shall deem proper, after such investigation as they shall deem proper; but said commissioners may refuse to register any applicant whom they deem unfit to be a guide, and may, for cause shown, after due notice and hearing, cancel any registration by them made, and may advance anyone from the local class to the general class, whenever they shall deem such person qualified to be a general guide. Whenever a guide registered, as provided in this chapter, is convicted of any violation of any of the inland fish and game laws, the commissioners may, at their discretion, cancel his certificate of registration and strike his name from the list of registered guides; but such person may thereafter be registered again at the discretion of the commissioners. Any certificate can- celed by virtue of this chapter shall be immediately returned to the commissioners, under a penalty of fifty dollars for refusal or neglect to comply with this re- quirement. A fee of one dollar shall be paid annually for the registration as herein provided. No person shall receive a certificate as a general guide unless he be at least twenty years of age, of good repute, and friendly to the inland fish and game laws, and will discountenance in all proper ways all viola- tions thereof. He shall be thoroughly competent to tra- verse the hunting grounds in which he is licensed to guide and shall be skilled in the use, management, and handling of such boats or canoes, on lake, pond, or river, as are used in the territory in which he is author- 142 ized to guide, and shall be a safe person under all cir- cumstances to be a guide for inland fishing and forest hunting parties. A person may receive a certificate as a local guide who does not, in the judgment of the commissioners possess all the necessary qualifications of a general guide, yet is deemed suitable to act as such under certain conditions; and guides may be restricted in the territory in which they are permitted to guide. Every non-resident registered as a guide shall pay a fee of twenty dollars ; the commissioners may at their discretion refuse to issue any certificates of registration after October twentieth of each year, and every certifi- cate issued shall expire with the calendar year. An official badge for guides may be prepared by the com- missioners." LICENSED CAMP PROPRIETORS AND HUNT- ERS AND TRAPPERS. Sec. 31, ch. 32, R. S., as am. by ch. 64, P. L., 191 1. "No person shall build, occupy, maintain or keep a sporting camp, lodge or place of resort for in- land hunting or fishing parties in any place, or engage in the business of hunting or trapping any of the fur bearing animals of the state in any of the unorganized townships or wild lands of the state without first pro- curing a license therefor from the commissioners of in- land fisheries and game, and paying a fee therefor of five dollars ; and he shall make such report to the com- missioners as may be called for; but a license to build, occupy, maintain or keep such sporting camp, lodge or place of resort shall not be granted unless the person applying for the same files with his application there- for, the written consent of the owner or owners of the land or his or their agent upon which such camp, lodge or place of resort is or may be located; and such 143 licensed persons may purchase for consumption in their sporting camps, lodges or places of resort deer lawfully Tailed, but they shall keep a record of all such pur- chases, of whom purchased and the date of the pur- chase, and on December fifteenth of each year shall make, under oath, written report thereof to the com- missioners ; whoever violates any provision of this sec- tion shall be fined forty dollars and costs for each of- fense ; the commissioners, however, may refuse to issue a license or licenses to such person or persons as they deem unsuitable." Ch. 36, P. & S. L., 1911. Sec. 1. During the open season now provided by law on mink, sable, muskrat and fisher, it shall be lawful for citizens of this state to hunt and trap bob cats, loup-cervier or Canada lynx, without first procuring a trapping license of the commissioners of inland fisher- ies and game, in the unincorporated places known as Letter A and Leavitt, in the county of Aroostook. TRAPPERS MUST VISIT THEIR TRAPS. Ch. 160, P. L., 1907, as am. by ch. 3, P. L., 191 1. Sec. 1. Any person setting a trap in any incorpo- rated place shall visit said trap, or cause the same to be visited, at least once in every twenty-four hours and remove therefrom, or cause to be removed, any animal found caught therein. Sec. 2. No person shall set traps on any cultivated land without first obtaining the written consent of the owner or occupant of the land on which said traps are to be set. Sec. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this act shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and costs for each offense, to be paid to the state treasurer. 144 Municipal and police courts and trial justices shall have original jurisdiction in all cases arising under this act. TRAPS MUST BE MARKED. Ch. 90, P. L., 1909. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to set any trap or traps of any kind for any wild animal with- out having the trap or traps plainly labelled with his name and address, either by having the same stamped on the trap or on a metal tag firmly attached to the trap. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of one dollar for each trap set and not marked as provided in this sec- tion, and the forfeiture of the trap or traps to any per- son finding the same not marked in accordance with the provisions of this section. LICENSED MARKETMEN AND PROVISION DEALERS. Section 29 as am. by ch. 132, P. L., 1905. Sec. 10. Any marketman or provision dealer having an estab- lished place of business in the state, may purchase and have in possession at his said place of business not more than three deer, lawfully killed or destroyed or any part thereof, at one time, and may sell the same at retail to his local customers, and may sell the heads of such deer to any licensed taxidermist; provided, how- ever, that said marketman or provision dealer, shall have procured a license of the commissioners of inland fisheries and game to carry on said business of buying and selling deer as aforesaid; and provided further, that said marketman shall record in a book kept for that purpose, and open to the inspection of inland fish 145 and game wardens and the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, the name and residence of each per- son of whom he purchases any inland game, and the date of such purchase; and if any marketman or pro- vision dealer shall violate the provisions of this section, he shall be fined five hundred dollars for each offense, and be prohibited for five years thereafter from the benefits of this section. All marketmen or provision dealers licensed as afore- said shall pay to the commissioners, in cities and towns of over three thousand inhabitants, five dollars annual- ly, and three dollars in all other places; or instead of this fee, the commissioners may, at their discretion, issue licenses authorizing the retailing of deer as above specified, on payment of fifty cents for each deer re- tailed; said marketmen and provision dealers holding these licenses shall, on December fifteenth, make, sign, and send to the commissioners, under oath, a statement setting forth in detail the number of deer by them bought, and of whom bought, and the date of each purchase, during the time covered by their licenses; and whoever fails to* make the report required in this sec- tion shall be subject to a penalty of one hundred dol- lars and costs. LICENSES TO BUY AND SELL SKINS AND HEADS OF DEER AND SKINS OF OTHER WILD ANIMALS. Sec. 30, as am. by ch. 226, P. L., 1907. The commissioners may annually issue licenses to suitable persons to buy and sell or tan deer skins, otter skins, sable skins and fisher skins, and the heads of deer if not detached from the skins. Such persons shall keep a record of all such heads and skins pur- chased, of whom purchased and the date of purchase, 146 and shall report annually to the commissioners. The fee for such license shall be five dollars for a county license and ten dollars for a state license, to be paid to the commissioners and by them to the treasurer of state; and whoever, licensed as aforesaid, unreasonably and wilfully refuses to make such report, shall be pun- ished by a fine of $100.00 and costs. Whoever buys such skins and heads without being licensed as above provided, shall be punished by a fine of $100.00 and costs. Sec. 2. No non-resident or unnaturalized foreign- born resident of this state shall buy and sell the skins of any wild animals without being first licensed there- for and paying a fee to the commissioners of inland fisheries and game of ten dollars ; and whoever licensed as aforesaid unreasonably and wilfully refuses to make such report as is provided in the above section shall be punished by a fine of $100.00 and costs. Whoever buys such skins and heads without being licensed as above provided shall be punished by a fine of $100.00 and costs. TAXIDERMISTS. Sec. 10. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game may, upon application, issue a license to such persons as taxidermists, who, in their judgment, are skilled in that art, of good reputation, and friendly to the fish and game laws of the state ; and may also issue licenses to suitable persons, whose numbers shall not exceed fifteen at one time, to take, kill, capture, and have in possession any species of birds other than domestic and the eggs and nests thereof for scientific purposes ; and for such licenses the applicant shall pay five dollars; but no person thus allowed to take and have in possession birds for scientific purposes, shall sell or offer for sale, or take any compensation for 147 specimens of birds, nests or eggs, or dispose of the same, by gift or otherwise, to be taken from the state, except for exchange of specimens for scientific pur- poses ; and for any violation of the provisions of this section, such persons shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. This section, however, shall not authorize the killing of any birds nor the taking of any birds' nests or eggs thereof on Sunday; and the commissioners may, for cause, revoke any license authorized by this section. Taxidermists mentioned in this section may at all times have in their possession, at their places of business, fish and game lawfully caught or killed in open time for the sole pur- pose of preparing for and mounting the same; and such fish and game, or parts thereof, may be transported to such licensee and retained by him for the purposes aforesaid, under such rules, restrictions and limitations as shall, from time to time, be made by said commis- sioners and stated in such original license and additions made thereto, from time to time, by said commissioners. Such licenses may be revoked by said commissioners, at any time after notice and an opportunity for a hear- ing; such licenses shall be for the term of three years, and each person so licensed shall, on or before Decem- ber first of each year, make a detailed, written report to the commissioners of all they have done during the year by virtue of such license; and every licensee or carrier violating any of the provisions of this chapter, or of the rules, restrictions, or limitations set out in said license and additions thereto, shall be fined not less than twenty nOr more than fifty dollars. BEWARE OF LEAVING CAMP FIRES BURNING. Section 55 of chapter seven of the revised statutes. Whoever by himself, or by his servant, agent, or guide or as the servant, agent or guide of any other 148 person, shall build a camp, cooking, or other fire, or use an abandoned camp, cooking or other fire in or adja- cent to any woods in this state, shall, before leaving such fire, totally, extinguish the same, and upon failure to do so such person shall be punished by a fine of fifty dollars, provided that such fires built upon the sea beach in such situation that they cannot spread into forest wood or cultivated lands or meadows, shall not be con- strued as prohibited by this act. One-half of any fine imposed and collected under this section shall be paid to the complainant. THE LACEY BILL. The Act of Congress, approved May 25, 1900, supple- ments existing state laws by prohibiting the shipment from one state to another of game or birds killed in violation of local laws, and by subjecting birds and game brought into a state to the same restrictions as those prescribed for game and birds produced within that state. This law is regarded as one of the most important ones yet enacted in the interests of game and bird pro- tection. This federal game law, it can readily be seen, is ad- ditional protection to existing state game laws. With good laws well executed, the craft of law evaders falls into disrepute. This federal game law has proved an additional check to violators of the state game laws. The violator of the law has heretofore not had much to fear, if the game was once got out of the state, con- sequently state game laws have not been sufficiently far reaching. We submit herewith sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Act above referred to for the information of shippers, deal- ers and others: 149 "AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE POWERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, PRO- HIBIT THE TRANSPORTATION BY INTER- STATE COMMERCE OF GAME KILLED IN VIOLATION OF LOCAL LAWS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to deliver to any common carrier, or for any com- mon carrier to transport from one state or territory to another state or territory, or from any state or terri- tory to the District of Columbia or Alaska, any foreign animals or birds the importation of which is prohibited, or the dead bodies or parts thereof of any wild animals or birds, where such animals or birds have been killed in violation of the laws of the state, territory or dis- trict in which the same were killed; provided, that nothing herein shall prevent the transportation of any dead birds or animals during the season when the same may be lawfully captured, and the export of which is not prohibited by law in the state, territory or district in which the same are killed. Sec. 4. That all packages containing such dead ani- mals, birds or parts thereof, when shipped by interstate commerce, as provided in section one of this act, shall be plainly and clearly marked so that the name and address of the shipper and the nature of the contents may be readily ascertained on inspection of the outside of such packages. For each evasion or violation of this act the shippers shall, upon conviction, pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars; and the consignee knowingly receiving such articles, so shipped and trans- ported in violation of this act shall, upon conviction, pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars; and the carrier knowingly carrying or transporting the same shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars. 150 Sec. 5. That all dead bodies, or parts thereof, of any foreign game animals, or game or song birds, the importation of which is prohibited, or the dead bodies or parts thereof, of any wild game animals, or game or song birds transported into any state or territory, or remaining therein for use, consumption, sale or storage therein, shall, upon arrival in such state or- territory, be subject to the operation and effect of the laws of such state or territory enacted in the exercise of its police powers, to the same extent and in the same manner as though such animals and birds had been produced in such state or territory, and shall not be exempt there- from by reason of being introduced therein in original packages or otherwise. This act shall not prevent any importation, trans- portation or sale of birds or bird plumage manufac- tured from the feathers of barnyard fowl." * * * WARDENS, THEIR APPOINTMENT AND DUTIES. Sec. 49. The governor, with the advice and consent of the council, -upon the recommendation of the com- missioners of inland fisheries and game, may appoint suitable persons as fish and game wardens, who shall hold office for a term of three years unless sooner re- moved, and who shall enforce all laws relating to inland game and fisheries, and all rules and regulations in relation thereto, arrest all violators thereof, and prose- cute all offenses against the same; said wardens shall have the same power to serve criminal processes against such offenders, and shall be allowed the same fees, as sheriffs, for like services, and they shall have the same right as sheriffs to require aid in executing the duties of their office. They shall, before being qualified to discharge the duties required by this act, give bond to the treasurer of the state with two good and sufficient i5i sureties in the penal sum of two thousand dollars ap- proved by the commissioners of inland fisheries and game, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their office. Inland fish and game wardens may serve all processes pertaining to the collection of penalties for violation of the inland fish and game laws. Fish wardens may be appointed inland fish and game wardens and need not give additional bond. Sec. 51. Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, police officers and constables, are vested with the powers of inland fish and game wardens and their deputies, and shall receive for their services the same fees. DEPUTY WARDENS. Sec. 50. The commissioners of inland fisheries and game may appoint deputy wardens for whose official misconduct and neglect they shall be responsible and may revoke such appointments at any time. The ap- pointment and discharge of such deputy wardens shall be in writing, and they shall have the same powers and be subject to the same laws, as wardens appointed by the governor and council. FISH AND GAME WARDENS, FIRE WARDENS. Chapter 108 of the public laws of 1891 provides that, Fish and game wardens are hereby made state fire wardens, and it shall be their duty while in and about the woods, to caution all sportsmen of the danger from fires in the woods, and to extinguish all fires left burn- ing by anyone, if within their power ; and to give notice to any and all parties interested when possible, of fires raging and beyond their control, to the end that the same may be controlled and extinguished. 152 PENALTY FOR FALSELY ASSUMING TO BE A WARDEN OR COMMISSIONER. [ Sec. 24, ch. 123, R. S. Whoever falsely assumes to be a justice of the peace, sheriff, deputy sheriff, coroner, or constable, or inland fish and game warden, or a commissioner of inland fisheries and game, and to act as such, or to require any one to aid him in a matter pertaining to the duty of such office, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year, or by fine not exceeding four hun- dred dollars. SEARCH AND SEIZURE OF GAME. Sec. 52, as am. by ch. 141, P. L., 1905. The commissioners and every warden throughout the state shall enforce the provisions of this chapter, and shall seize any game, fish and game birds taken or held in violation of this chapter; and every such officer may arrest, with or without a warrant, any person whom he has reason to believe guilty of a violation thereof, and with or without a warrant, may open, en- ter and examine all buildings, camps, vessels, boats, wagons, cars, stages, tents, and other receptacles and places, and examine all boxes, barrels and packages where he has reason to believe that game, fish or game birds taken or held in violation of this chapter are to be found, and seize such game, fish or game birds if any be found therein, but no dwelling-house shall be searched for the above purposes without a warrant and then only in the day time, and no sealed railroad car shall be entered for the above purposes without such warrant. Any magistrate may issue warrants to search, within his jurisdiction, any dwelling- house, in the day time, or any other place at any time, for the purposes 153 above set forth, to any commissioner of inland fisheries and game or any warden, sheriff or any of his depu- ties; such warrant shall be issued subject to the re- quirements of section thirteen of .chapter one hundred and thirty-three of the revised statutes ; provided, how- ever, that the commissioners shall, on or before Octo- ber first of each year, in writing, notify the superin- tendents of all transportation companies doing business within the state of the names of the wardens by them designated to exercise the right of search as herein pro- vided, which number shall not exceed four for any one transportation company, and no others shall, except those so designated, be authorized to exercise the pow- ers herein mentioned as to search. PENALTIES— HOW RECOVERED. Sec. 53. Any officer authorized to enforce the inland fish and game laws may recover the penalties for the violation thereof in an action on the case in his own name, the venue to be as in other civil actions, or by complaint or indictment in the name of the state; and such prosecution may be commenced in the county in which the offense was committed or in any adjoining county, and the plaintiff prevailing shall recover full costs without regard to the amount recovered. OFFICERS MAY ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT. Sec. 54. Any officer authorized to enforce the inland fish and game laws may, without process, arrest any violator of any of said laws, and shall with reasonable diligence, cause him to be taken before any trial justice or any municipal or police court, in the county where 154 the offense was committed, or in any adjoining county, for a warrant and trial. Jurisdiction in such cases is hereby granted to all trial justices and all other courts to be exercised in th.e same manner as if the offense had been committed in that county ; and any officer who shall maliciously, or without probable cause, abuse his power in such proceedings shall be liable upon com- plaint or indictment, to a fine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding three months. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. Ch. 90, P. L., 1909. Sec. 10. Trial justices, police and municipal courts within their counties shall have, upon complaint, orig- inal and concurrent jurisdiction with the supreme and superior courts in all prosecutions under any inland fish and game law. DISPOSITION OF FINES AND PENALTIES. Sec. 56, ch. 32, as am. by ch. 3, P. L., 191 1. Any officer or other person who shall re- ceive any fine or penalty, or any part thereof, for the violation of any fish or game law, and shall neglect for more than thirty days to pay the same into the state treasury, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty, nor more than one hundred dollars ; all fines and penalties recovered, or money paid, under any of the provisions of this chapter, after deducting legal taxable costs, shall be paid forthwith to the treasury of the state by the person recovering the same. 155 SERVICE ON CORPORATIONS, HOW MADE. Sec. 57. In case of a violation of any of the pro- visions of this chapter by a corporation, the warrant of arrest may be served by an attested copy on the president, secretary, manager, or any general agent thereof in the county where the action is pending, and upon return of such warrant so served, the corporation shall be deemed in court and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and any fine imposed may be collected by exe- cution against the property of such corporation; but this section shall not be deemed to exempt any agent or employee from prosecution. PENALTY FOR DISHONEST LICENSEE. Sec. 58. If the holder of any license, certificate, or permit, issued in conformity with any of the provisions of this chapter, shall persistently or flagrantly and knowingly violate or countenance the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, such license, certificate or permit may be revoked by the commissioners, after due notice given of the alleged violation, and an oppor- tunity afforded to appear and show cause against the same. DUTY OF COUNTY ATTORNEYS, ETC. Sec. 59. Each county attorney shall prosecute all violations of this chapter occurring within his county, when such cases may come to his knowledge, or when he may be so requested by the commissioners or any officer charged with its enforcement, the same at all times to be subject to the supervision and control of the commissioners. 156 PARTICIPANTS IN VIOLATION OF GAME LAWS COMPELLED TO TESTIFY. Sec. 59. In any prosecution under this chapter, any participant in a violation thereof, when so requested by the county attorney, commissioners, or other officer in- stituting the prosecution, may be compelled to testify as a witness against any other person charged with violating the same, but his evidence so given shall not be used against himself in any prosecution for such violation. DUTY OF MAGISTRATES AND CLERKS OF COURTS. Sec. 59. Every magistrate or the clerk of the court before whom any prosecution under this chapter is com- menced, or shall go on appeal, within twenty days after the trial or dismissal thereof shall report in writing the result thereof and the amount of fines collected, if anv, and the disposition thereof to the commissioners, at Augusta. DUTY OF WARDENS TO MAKE REPORTS. Sec. 59. In all cases, the officer making the seizure or sale of fish, game, or birds, shall within ten days thereafter, report all the particulars thereof and an itemized statement of the proceeds, expenses, and fees, and the disposition thereof to the commissioners at Augusta. Every warden shall, in the month of December of each year, and at such other times as the commission- ers may require, report to the commissioners all viola- tions of, and prosecutions under this chapter, occurring in his district, together with such further information as the commissioners may require. The failure of any 157 person or officer to perform any act, duty, or obligation enjoined upon him by this chapter, shall be deemed a violation thereof. TOWNS AND CITIES MAY ELECT FISH WARDENS IN CERTAIN CASES. Chapter 66, P. L., 1909. Any city, town or plantation in which there is a lake or a pond that has been stocked with fish by the state and screened partly by the state and partly by the town or by private subscription, may, at its annual election, elect a fish warden, with all the powers of other fish wardens, whose duty it shall be to care for and protect said screen. RECENT R. & R. OF COM. IN KEN. CO. Sec. 1. For a period of four years from July 3rd, A. D., 191 1, it shall be unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch or kill any kind of fish at any time in Bond Brook, or Spring Brook, so-called, or in any of the tributaries to said brook, which waters are situated in the city of Augusta and in the town of Manchester and in the town of Sidney, in the county of Kenne- bec, EXCEPT it shall be lawful to fish in said brook below the Mount Vernon road, so-called, and also in any of the tributaries to said brook below said Mount Vernon road, so-called, from the time the ice leaves said brook in the spring of each year until June first following, and during this open season it shall be un- lawful for any person to take, catch or kill more than f fteen fish in all in any one day. Sec. 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person to have in possession any kind of fish taken in violation of any provision of these regulations. INDEX A PAGE Abbreviations, explanation of 3 Accidental shooting, while hunting 120 Alewife denned 98 Androscoggin county, protection of deer in 103 Annual close time for fish 4-5 Annual close time for game 99 to 107 Annual report of commissioners 89 Artificial culture of fish by private persons, 95 Artificial flies, minnows and insects, use of in fishing 10 Artificial lights, use of in hunting game prohibited 102 Artificial ponds, interference with and de- struction of 92 Assuming, falsely, to be commissioner, warden or other official 152 Attorneys, the commissioners may employ 90 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Abbey (M. T.) pond, Oxford county 52 Abbott pond, in Sumner, Oxford county. . 45-49 Alder brook, Aroostook county 18 Alder brook, Franklin county 22 Alder stream, Franklin county 22, £3 Alder stream, Piscataquis county 62 Alder stream, Township, waters in, Frank- lin county 32 Alford's pond, Knox county 42 Allegash lake, Piscataquis county 60 Allen brook, Hancock county 36 Allen pond, Androscoggin county 14 Androscoggin county fish laws 14 Androscoggin county ice fishing law.... 14 Androscoggin pond, Androscoggin and Ken- nebec counties 14 Androscoggin river 5"3 Annabessacook lake and tributaries, Ken- nebec county 42 Auburn (Lake), Androscoggin county, and tributaries 14-15 Ambajejus lake, Piscataquis county 60 Aroostook county fish laws 17 Anasagunticook lake, tributaries of, Oxford county 46 Aroostook river and certain tributaries, Aroostook county, mill waste must not be thrown into 78 Avon, Franklin county, streams in 23 Aziscohos Falls, Oxford county 54 i6o B PAGE Back Bay, Portland, hunting waterfowl in, prohibited 1 1 a Bait fish 12 Bass defined 9g Bass, Black, length of which may be taken, 5 Bath and W. Bath, hunting deer in, pro- hibited 103 Beaver, protection of 113 Beaver house, protection of 114 Bears, bounty on in Oxford, Franklin, Washington and Hancock counties .... 117 Birds, game, protection of — prohibited de- vices for hunting 128 Birds, game, sale and purchase of pro- hibited 124 Birds, nests and eggs, protection of, and commissions to take 146 Birds, wild, protection of 126 Birds, taking of for park purposes 92 Birds, cannot be sold or given away to be taken beyond limits of state 125 Black bass, sale and purchase of, prohib- ited 6 Black game protected 12? Black spotted trout 97 Blue herons 127 Blue Hill Bay, use of motor boats in hunt- ing water fowl in, prohibited 131 Boats, lights on 131 Bob cat, trapping in "Letter A", and "Leavitt", Aroostook county 143 Bond, when game is seized 132 Bounties on bobcats, loupcervier, Canada lynx and wolves 115 to lift Bounties on bears in Oxford, Franklin, Washington and Hancock counties 117 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. ' B" pond, Oxford county 52 Bachelor mill stream, Kennebec county . . . 41 Baker ponds and tributaries, Somerset county 6? Barker pond, Cumberland county 20 Barker's pond, Oxford county 52 Barker pond, Somerset county 65 Bartlett brook and Cook's brook, York county 73 Bartlett pond, York county 73 Barret brook and tributaries, Somerset county 64-70 Barrett pond 33 Baskehegan lake and stream, Aroostook and Washington counties 71 Baskehegan stream, sawdust or other mill waste must not be thrown into 87 I6l PAGE Bass, black, number of pounds which may- be taken in one day in Washington county 72 Bear pond, Androscoggin county, also Ox- ford county, and tributaries 16 Bear pond, Oxford county 44 Bear pond (Little), Oxford county, tribu- taries to 46 Bear pond, tributaries to, Piscataquis county 61 Bear river, Oxford county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 84 Beaver Bog and Beaver Bog brook, Ox- ford county 50 Beaver brook, Oxford county, tributary of Great brook 47 Beaver brook, Oxford county, in Stoneham, 47 Beaver brook, Oxford county, in Denmark, 44 Beaver brook, Somerset county 64 Beaver pond, Franklin county 30-34 Beaver ponds, The two, Oxford county. . 51 Belgrade lakes, Kennebec and Somerset counties 37-40 Belgrade lakes and tributaries, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Belgrade stream, Kennebec county 41 Bemis stream and tributaries, Oxford county, (and Franklin county) 22-49 Ben Morrison brook, Franklin county .... 23 Benson pond (Big), Piscataquis county . . 60 Benson pond (Little), Piscataquis county. . 60 Berry pond, Kennebec county, and tribu- taries 38 Bickford pond, Oxford county 44 Big Concord pond, Oxford county, tribu- taries to 48, 49 Big Fish lake, Aroostook county 18 Big Gulf stream, Somerset county 65 Big Huston pond, Piscataquis county .... 60 Big and Little Indian ponds, tributaries ' to, Somerset county 65 Big Lyford pond, Piscataquis county 62 Big Rattlesnake pond, Cumberland county, 19 Big Wood pond, Somerset county 63 Billings pond, Hancock county 35 Billings pond, Oxford county 52 Bird pond, Oxford county 44 Biscay pond, Lincoln county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 81 Blanchard pond, Franklin county 28 Black (Upper and Lower) ponds, Oxford county 52 Blunt pond, Hancock county 36 Bog, The, so-called, Oxford county, (Nor- way) 53 Bog brook and Bog pond, Franklin county, 32 1 62 PAGE Bog brook and tributaries, Oxford and Androscoggin counties, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 7g Bog brook (or Keay Brook), York county, and tributaries 74 Bog brook, Franklin county 33 Bog pond, Franklin county 32 Bog pond, Oxford county 44 Bolt brook, Somerset county 65 Bond brook and tributaries, Kennebec county 157 Bonneg Beg pond and tributaries, York county 72 Boundary pond, Franklin county 34 Bowen brook, Franklin county 22, 24 Boyd lake, Piscataquis county 61 Boyd's pond, Lincoln county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 81 Brackett lake, Aroostook and Washington counties, and tributaries 71 Bradley pond, Oxford county 44 Branch stream, Knox county 42 Brassua lake and inlet, Somerset county. . 63-65 Breakneck brook and tributaries, Cumber- land county 20 Breakneck brook and tributaries, Cumber- land county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 80 Brettuns' pond, Androscoggin county 14 Brewer pond, Penobscot county, (or Hines pond) 55 Brook Kedar, Oxford county 48 Brown brook, Somerset county 67 Brown's brook, York county 73 Brown brook, York county, and tributa- ries, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into _ 75 Bryant's pond, and tributaries to, Oxford county 49-50 Bubble lake, Hancock county, and tribu- taries 35 Buker pond, Kennebec county 39 Bull branch, Oxford county 53 Bungamuck pond, Oxford county . 44 Bunganeaut pond, York county 73 Burnt Land pond, Oxford county 44 Burnt Meadow oond, Oxford county 44, 51 Buttermilk ponds (first and fourth), Piscat- aquis county 60 Camden, town of, protection of deer in. . . . 104 Camp fires, building of 147 Camp and kindle fires, non-residents cannot on wild lands without guides, when . . . 120 Camp proprietors, licenses 142 1 63 PAGE Cancel certificates of guides, commissioners may 14! Canada lynx, bounty on 115 Canada lynx, trapping- in "Letter A" and "Leavitt", in Aroostook county 143 Capercailzie protected . . . . 127 Caribou, protection of, etc 99 Caribou, taking of for park purposes 92 Certificates, commissioners may revoke.. 155 Certificates, guides, commissioners may cancel when 141 Chesterville, ice fishing in 21 Chipmunks 107 Cities may appoint wardens 157 Civil action to recover penalties 153 Close season on moose, caribou and deer, 99-100 Close season and close time defined 3 Cobbosseecontee stream, muskrats in.... 112 Commissions of Deputy Wardens, commis- sioners may revoke 151 Commissioners, their powers and duties.. 89 Commissioners may screen lakes or author- ize same to be done 92 Commissioners may take fish and game for scientific purposes, and certain game, also birds, for park purposes 91-92 Constables are game wardens 151 Corporations, service of warrants on 155 Corinna, muskrats in Ill County attorneys, duties of, shall prosecute, 155 Courts, jurisdiction of 154 Courts must report prosecutions 156 Cow and calf moose protected 99 Crops, destruction of by deer 100-101 Cross Island, protection of deer on 104 Crows, not protected 126 Cultivated land, trappers must obtain writ- ten consent of owner of, before setting traps on 143 Cumberland county, protection of deer in. . 102 Cusk , 12 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. "C" pond, Oxford county, and tributaries, 53 Cambridge river (Dead), Oxford county, 53 Cambridge river, Oxford county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 84 Cambridge river (Swift), • Oxford County.. 53 Campbell brook, Penobscot county 57 Canaan lake, tributaries, Knox county ... 42 Caribou lake, Piscataquis county 60 Carleton pond, Kennebec county 38 Carpenter pond, Piscataquis county 60 Carter brook, Penobscot county 57 Carrabasset river, Franklin county and Somerset county 34 Carry pond (East), Somerset county 66 1 64 PAGE Casco, streams, rivers and brooks in, throwing of sawdust and mill waste pro- hibited 75 Caucogomoc lake, Piscataquis county .... 60 Cedar lake, Piscataquis county 60 Center pond, Piscataquis county 60 Chain of Ponds, Franklin county 33 Chamberlain lake, Piscataquis county 60 Chandler Mill stream, Franklin county... 22 Charles pond, Oxford county 44 Chase brook and tributaries, Aroostook county 18 Chemo pond tributaries, Penobscot county, 56 Chemquassabamticook lake, Piscataquis county 60 Chepenticook lake, Aroostook and Wash- ington counties 71 Chesuncook lake, Piscataquis county 60 Chesterville, ice fishing in, Franklin county, 4-21 Chickawaukee lake, tributary of, Knox county 43 China lake and tributaries, Kennebec county 38 Churchill lake, Piscataquis county 60 Clay pond, Oxford county 44 Clarkson's pond, York county 75 Clearwater pond, and tributaries, Franklin county 22, 30 Clear pond, Franklin county 34 Clemons ponds, The two, Oxford county. . 44 Cobbosseecontee lake and stream 37, 39 Cochnewagon pond, Kennebec county, and tributaries 38 Cold river and tributaries, Oxford county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 84 Cold brook, Penobscot and Piscataquis counties 57 Cold brook, Oxford county 47 Cold stream pond (Lower), Somerset county ' 63 Cold stream pond, Penobscot county 55 Cold stream and tributaries, Somerset county 67 Colcord pond, Oxford county 44 Collins pond, Cumberland county 20 Concord pond (Little and Big), Oxford county 49 Cottle brook, Franklin county 24 Cook brook (and Bartlett brook), York county 73 Coos brook, Franklin county 22 Cow pond, Franklin county 30 Crawford pond, Knox county, tributaries of, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Crocker pond, Hancock county 35 Crocker pond, Somerset county 68-9 Crooked pond, Penobscot county 59 Crooked river, Cumberland county 19 i6 5 PAGE Crocker pond, Oxford county 44 Crosby ville stream, Franklin county 24 Crossman stream, Franklin county Crotched pond or Echo lake, Kennebec County 42 Crystal lake, Knox county, and tributaries", 42 Cumberland county fish laws 19 Cupsuptic lake, Oxford and Franklin coun- ties 28-29 Cupsuptic pond, Oxford county .'.' 52 Cupsuputic stream, Oxford and Franklin counties 28 Cupsuptic river and tributaries, Oxford and Franklin counties 26 Cusk, relating to taking in Moose river waters in night time 63 Deer damaging crops, commissioners may pay for 101 Deer, number of which one lumber camp can have in one season limited to six. . 105 Deer, protection of, under general law, and transportation of 100-105 Deer, special laws on, in certain counties and towns 102-103-104 Deer, resident can take but one out of state in one season 134 Deer cannot be sold or given away to be taken out of the state 125 Deer, transportation of, by residents, under tag, without accompanying same 133 Deer, taking of for park purposes 92 Deer skin dealers must be licensed 145 Deputy sheriffs are game wardens 151 Deputy wardens, appointment and duties of 151 Definition of salmon, trout, etc 97-98 Disposition of seized game, birds and fish. . 133 Dip net 11 Dishonest licensees, penalty for, and license or commission may be revoked or can- celled 155 Dogs cannot be used in hunting foxes on Swan's Island 106 Dogs hunting or chasing moose, caribou or deer may be killed 102 Dogs, use of in hunting big game prohib- ited, may be killed when 102 Ducks, protection of under general law. . . 121 Ducks, special law on, in Lincoln county. 122 Ducks, special law on in Merrymeeting bay, and Eastern river 128 Ducks, special law on, Hancock county. . . 122 Ducks, special law on, in portion Kennebec river 128 Ducks, (wood), special law on in Oxford county 122 1 66 PACK Ducks, transporting out of state by resi- dents 124 Duty of county attorneys 155 Dynamite and other explosives, prohibited ' in taking fish 11 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Davis pond, Penobscot county 58 Davis stream, Piscataquis county 61 Day Mt. pond, inlets of, Strong and Avon, Franklin county 51 Dead Cambridge river, Oxford county 53 Dead river pond, tributary, Franklin county 33 Dead stream pond, Somerset county 63 Dead river, north branch, Franklin county, 33 Dead river, south branch, Franklin county, 32-33 Dead river, southwest branch, Franklin county 32-33 Deer pond, Franklin county 32,33-34 Debsconeag lake, Piscataquis county 60 Dexter pond, Kennebec county 38 Dexter pond, Penobscot county, and tribu- taries 55 Dimmick ponds, The, and tributaries, Somerset county 67 Dodge pond and tributaries, Franklin county • 30 Donnell pond, Hancock county 36 Donham brook, Oxford county 55 Douglass pond, Somerset county 63 Doughty pond, Piscataquis county, tribu- taries to , 61 Duck pond, tributaries of, Cumberland county • 10 Duck Puddle pond, Lincoln county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 81 Dutton ■ pond, tributaries to, Franklin county 22-34 Durham in And. Co., waters in 14-15 Dyer brook, Aroostook county 18 Dyer's pond, Lincoln county, and tribu- taries 43 Eagles, protection of 127 Eastern river, protection of ducks in 129 Eden, protection of deer in 103 Eels, taking of in closed waters, etc 12-92 Eels, regulations of commissioners, regard- ing taking 92 Eggs of wild birds protected 126 Eggemoggin reach, motor boats cannot be used for hunting ducks in 131 Eider duck, protection of 122 85 i6 7 PAGE Eliot, town of, protection of deer in 104 English sparrows, not protected 126 Exempted waters 97 Explanations '.'..[ 3 Explosives, unlawful to use for destroy- ing fish 11 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Eagle lake, Hancock county, and tribu- taries 3g Eagle lake, Piscataquis county 60 East pond, Kennebec and Somerset coun- ties, and tributaries . 37-40 East pond and tributaries, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into .• 75 Eastbrook, waters in, law on black bass in, 37 E. Branch Penobscot river, Penobscot county, certain tributaries of, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into East Carry pond, Somerset county...'.'.'.'.' 66 Ebb Horse stream, Penobscot and Piscata- quis counties 57 Ebemee ponds, Piscataquis county..'.'.'.'.'.'.' 60 Echo lake, or Crotched pond, Kennebec county 42 Eden, waters in, law on black bass in... 37 Eden, protection of deer in ■ 103 Eels in St. Georges river ..'.'. 43 Ellis pond, Kennebec county 37-40 Ellis pond (or Roxbury pond) Oxford county 54 Ellis river and tributaries, Oxford county, 51 Ellis river and tributaries, mill waste must not be thrown into {$3 Ellis pond and tributaries, Kennebec coun- ty, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Ellis stream, "Waldo county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Ellis pond, Somerset county 62 Embden pond (Great), Somerset county, and tributaries 63-65 Etna pond, Penobscot county 56 Falsely assuming to be a warden or other official 152 Federal game law 14g Feeding troughs, interference with or de- struction of 92 Fines, collection and disposal of 153-154 Fines for illegal killing of moose, caribou and deer 101 Fires, camp, must be wholly extinguished, 147-148 i68 PAGE Fires, kindle, non-residents who, must have guide, when on wild lands, hunting or fishing 120 Fish, general law on 4-5 Fish and game wardens, fire wardens... 151 Fish and game may be taken by commis- sioners for scientific purposes 91 Fish, number of pounds which may be taken, and transported 8 Fish, transportation of, under tag 6-7 Fish, live, transportation of beyond the limits of this state 90 Fish, sale and purchase of certain, pro- hibited 6 Fish spawn, use of prohibited in fishing, 10 Fish wardens, appointment of by towns and cities 157 Fisher, protection of •. . . Ill Fisher skins, dealers in, must be licensed, 145 Fish, regulations for transportation 6-8-99 Fishways 93-94-95 Firearms, governor may prohibit use of in dry season 108 Firearms, noiseless, use of prohibited 109 Flies, artificial, use of in fishing 10 Forbidden implements in fishing 10 Forbidden methods of hunting game birds and big game 102-128 Foxes, hunting of with dogs, prohibited on Swan's Island 106 Franklin county, general fishing laws in. . . 4 Frenchman's Bay, use of motor boats in hunting water fowl in, prohibited 129 Fryeburg, special gray squirrel law in 107 Fur bearing animals, protection of Ill PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Fahi pond, Somerset county 63 Fall brook, Somerset county 64 Farrington pond, Oxford county 44 Fenderson brook and tributaries, York county 74 Ferguson stream, Somerset county, sawdust or other mill waste must not be thrown into 86 Fish pond, Somerset county, and outlet of, 64-69 Fish pond (Little), outlet of, Somerset / county 64-5 First pond, Hancock county 35 First and Fourth Buttermilk ponds, Piscat- aquis county 60 Fish river, Aroostook county IS Fish river, and tributaries, Aroostook county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 79 Fish stream, Penobscot county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 85 Fitts pond and Little Fitts pond, Penob- scot county 59 1 69 PAGE Flagstaff pond (or Pickerel pond), tribu- taries to, Somerset county . 66 Flagg dam, Franklin county . ... 82 Flanders pond, Hancock county 36 Flat Iron pond, Franklin county 27 Flying pond, Kennebec county, and tribu- taries 37 Folsom pond, Penobscot county 59 Folsom stream, Penobscot county 56 Folly pond, York county 75 Four ponds, tributaries to, Franklin county, 22-31 Fowler pond, Piscataquis county 60 Franklin, Hancock county, waters in, law on black bass in 37 Franklin county, fish laws in 21 Franklin county, certain waters in, special day limit on . 32 Franklin, special law on streams in 37 Freeman, waters in, Franklin county 31 .Game and fish, commissioners may take for scientific purposes 91 Game, live, transportation of beyond limits of state 90 Game birds, sale and purchase of, pro- hibited 124 Game and birds cannot be sold or given away to be taken out of state 125 Game and birds for park purposes 92 Game and birds, prohibited devices in hunt- ing 128 Game birds, protection of 121-122-123 Game birds, transportation out of state by residents 124 Game birds, transportation of under tag. . 134 Game and birds, transportation by non- resident licensed hunters 135 Game and birds, transportation of in Maine by residents 134 Game wardens, appointment and duties of, 150 Gang hooks, use of 10 Gill hook, use of 10 Gaspereau, definition of 98 Golden eye or whistler, special law on in Hancock county 122 Governor may prohibit taking of firearms into woods in dry season 108 Grapnel, use of in fishing prohibited 10 Gray squirrels 106-107 Guides' licenses 140 Guides, non-resident, license 142 Guides, non-resident must employ in cer- tain cases 120 Guides must not guide more than 5 per- sons, when 120 Game birds defined 126 i ;o PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. PAGE Gammon pond, Somerset county 63 Garland pond, tributaries of, Oxford county 46 Garland pond, outlet of, Piscataquis coun- ty 61-62 Gilman pond, Somerset county 63 Goding brook, York county 74 Goodwin's brook, Somerset county 65 Grace pond, Somerset county 68 Grace pond tract, Somerset county, waters in 69 Grand lake, Piscataquis county 60 Grand lake and stream, Washington county, 71 Grandeur pond, Oxford county 44 Grassy pond, Knox county 43 Great brook, Oxford county, and tributa- ries 47 Great Embden pond, and tributaries, Somerset county 63, 65 Great Moose lake (or Moose pond), and tributaries, Somerset county 63-65 Great Watchic pond and tributaries, Cum- berland county 19 Green lake, and tributaries, Hancock county 35 Greenwood pond (Large), Piscataquis county 60 Great pond, Kennebec county, and tributa- ries ! 37, 40 Great pond, Kennebec county, and tribu- taries, sawdust and other mill waste mus+ not be thrown into 75 Grindstone pond, Franklin county 34 Gulf stream (Big and Little), Somerset county 64-5 Gull pond, Franklin county 28 H Hancock county, protection of golden eye or whistler in 122 Hawks not protected 126 Herring defined 98 Herons, blue 127 Hooks, gang, gill and top, use of in fishing, 10 Hope, town of, protection of deer in 104 Hungarian partridge, protection of 127 Hunters' and trappers' licenses 142 Hunting licenses, N. R. and unnaturalized foreign-born residents 135-138 Hunting prohibited on Kineo Point 110 Hunting accidents 120 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Haley pond, Oxford county 44 Half Moon pond, Oxford county 44 i7i PAGE 70 Half Moon stream and tributaries, Waldo county Half Moon stream, Waldo county,' sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Hall pond, Oxford county 54 Hancock pond, tributaries to, Oxford county 48 Hancock county fish laws 35 Hancock pond, tributaries to, Somerset county •. Hancock, town of. county of ' Hancock, waters in, law on black bass in 37 Hanscom brook, York county 74 Hasey brook, Knox county 42 Hayden lake, and tributaries, Somerset county Heath brook and tributaries, York' county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into Hebron (lake), tributaries of, Piscataquis county 61 Hicks pond, Oxford county 49 Higgins stream, Somerset county 65 Higgins stream and tributaries, Somerset and Piscataquis counties, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into Highland lake, Cumberland and ' Oxford counties, and tributaries of 21, 51 Highland lake and tributaries, Cumberland and Oxford counties, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into... 80 Hines pond (or Brewer pond), Penobscot county 55 Hobbs pond, Knox county 42 Hogan pond, Oxford county 44,52 Holland brook, Franklin county '22 Horn pond and tributaries, York county, 74 Horseshoe pond, Kennebec county 39 Horseshoe pond, Oxford county 44 Horseshoe pond, Somerset county 63 Hot brook lake and stream and tributa- ries, Aroostook and Washington coun- ties 71 Howard's pond, Oxford county, tributaries to 46, 52 Hurd brook, Hancock county 36 Huston pond (Big), Piscataquis county.... 60 Huston pond (Little), Piscataquis county, 62 I Ice fishing under general law 5 Inland fish and game warden, appointment and duties of 150 Introduction of certain fish, birds and ani- mals, prohibited 13 T.sle au Haut, protection of deer on 103 172 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. PAGE Indian pond, Franklin county 30 Indian pond and tributaries to, Oxford county 46, 49 Indian pond (Big and Little), tributaries to, Somerset county 65 Indian river stream, Washington county, 72 Intervale brook, Hancock county 36 Iron Bound pond and tributaries, Somerset county 67 Jack lights, possession of contraband when 11 Jack lights, use of in hunting prohibited* 102 Judkins' meadow, Prentiss, muskrats in... Ill Jurisdiction of courts 154 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Jackson mill stream, Lincoln county, saw- dust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 82 Jay Bird pond, Oxford county 45 Jenne pond, in Oxford and Franklin coun- ties 45 Jim brook and pond, Franklin county 26 Jimmy brook, Somerset county 65 Jimmy pond and tributaries, Kennebec county 39 Jo Mary lake, Piscataquis county 60 Joe Weeks' Mill stream, Lincoln county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 82 John's pond, Franklin county 27 Johnson brook, Somerset county 65 Johnson Mt. Township, Somerset county, waters in 67 Jordan pond, Hancock county 35 K Kennebec county, protection of deer in. . 102 Kennebec county general fish law 4 Kennebec river, protection of ducks in por- tion of, hunting ducks in night time pro- hibited in portion of 128 Kineo point, hunting on prohibited 110 Kingfisher 127 Kittery, protection of deer in 104 Knox county, protection of deer 102 173 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. PAGE Kamankeag brook, Franklin county 27 Keay brook, York county 74 Kedar brook, Oxford county 48 Keene brook, Knox county 43 Kennebago lakes and stream, tributary to, Franklin county 26-27-28-29 Kennebec county fish laws 37 Keoka lake (or Tom pond or Thomas pond), Oxford county 45 Kezar pond (Lower), Oxford county 46 Kezar pond (Upper), and tributaries, Ox- ford county 47 Kezar pond (Upper), Oxford county, tribu- taries of, sawdust must not be thrown into 85 Kezars, The Five, Oxford county 44 Kej^es pond, Oxford county 44 Kimball brook, Penobscot county, sawdust or other mill waste must not be thrown into 85 Kingman brook, Oxford county 48 Kingsbury pond, Somerset county 63 Kingsbury stream, Piscataquis county ... 62 Kneeland pond, Oxford county 44 Knox county fish laws 42 Lacey Bill, so-called 148 Landlocked salmon, definition of, and close time under general law, transportation of 4-5-6-97 Landlocked salmon, length of which may be taken 5 Landlocked salmon, sale and purchase of prohibited 6 Landlocked salmon, number of pounds which may be taken in one day by one person, under general law 8 Launches and all boats except sail or row boats, prohibited in hunting sea birds, duck and water fowl, where..... 129-130-131 Length of fish which may be taken under general law 5 "Letter A" and "Leavitt", trapping bob cat, loupcervier, and Canada lynx in. . . 143 Licenses, commissioners may revoke and cancel 155 Licenses: Non-resident hunting 135 Guides 140 Camp proprietors 142 Hunters and trappers of fur bearing animals 142 Marketmen and provision dealers 144 Dealers in deer skins and skins of ot- ter, sable and fisher 145 174 PAGE Dealers in skins, non-resident and un- naturalized foreign-born resident . . 146 Unnaturalized, foreign-born hunting license 138 Taxidermist 146 To take birds, nests and eggs for scien- tific purposes 146 Transportation of game, birds and fish without accompanying same 6-133-134 To take partridge, ducks and woodcock out of state by residents 124 For resident to take a moose out of state 135 Lights required on boats 130 Limit of fish allowed one person in one day, under general law 8 Lincoln county, protection of deer in.... 102 Lincoln county, special law on ducks in. . . 122 Lines, number of which may be used 11 Live bait 12 Live fish and game, transportation of be- yond limits of state 90 Long pond, Cumberland county, special law on 4 Loupcervier, bounty on 115 Loupcervier, trapping of, in "Letter A", and "Leavitt", Aroostook county 143 Loons 127 Lumber camps cannot use over 6 deer in one season 105 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. "L" pond, York county 72 Lake Auburn, Androscoggin county, and tributaries 14-15 Lake Annabessacook, Kennebec county .... 42 Lake George, tributaries to, Somerset county 64 Lake Hebron, Piscataquis county, tribu- tary to 61 Lake Maranacook, Kennebec county 37 Lake Parlin and outlet, Somerset county, 69 Lake Pennesseewassee, Oxford county ... 53 Lake St. George, Waldo county 70 Lake Sebasticook, Penobscot county 56 Lake Umbagog, Oxford county 52 Lake Webb, Franklin county.. 25 Lake Webb, Franklin county, tributaries of, sawdust must, not be thrown into.... 81 Lambert lake, and tributaries, Washing- ton county 71 Lang pond and tributaries, and Lang stream and tributaries, Somerset county, 65 Large Greenwood pond, Piscataquis coun- ty 60 Lazy Tom, Piscataquis county, tributary to Roach river 62 Lermond's pond, Knox county 42 Levenseller pond, Waldo county 71 175 PAGE Lily pond, Knox county 43 Lincoln county fish laws 43 Lincoln pond, Oxford county.. 54 Little Madawaska river, Aroostook county, sawdust and mill waste must not be thrown into 79 Little pond, Kennebec countv, and tribu- taries 37, 40 Little pond, Kennebec county, and tribu- taries, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Little pond, Oxford county 44 Little Bear pond, Oxford county, tributa- ries to 4g Little Benson pond, Piscataquis county ... 60 Little Big- Wood pond, Somerset county . . 63 Little Concord pond, Oxford county 48-9 Littlefleld pond, Piscataquis county 60 Littlefleld pond, York county 72 Little Fish pond, Somerset countv 64-65 Little Fitts pond, Penobscot county 59 Little Gulf stream, Somerset county 65 Little Huston pond, Piscataquis county . . 62 Little Indian pond, Somerset county 65 Little Kennebago lake 27 Little Lobster lake, Piscataquis county . . 61 Little Ossipee river, York county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 88 Little Pennesseewassee, Oxford county, tributary to 46 Little Purgatiory pond, Kennebec county. . 39 Little Pushaw, and tributaries, Penobscot county 58 Little Saco river, Oxford county 48 Little Sebago lake and tributaries, Cumber- land county 19 Little Tunk pond, Hancock county 36 Lobster lake, Piscataquis county 60 Locke's brook and tributaries, York county, 74 Long pond, Androscoggin county 14-15 Long pond, tributary to, Franklin county, 22 Long pond, Litchfield, Kennebec county. . 39 Long pond, Kennebec county, and tributa- ries 37, 40 Long pond, Kennebec county, and tribu- taries, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Long pond, Oxford county, in Waterford, 44 Long pond, Oxford county, partly in Den- mark 44 Long pond, Oxford county, in Porter .... 44 Long pond, Oxford county 52 Long pond, Penobscot county 59 Long pond stream, Piscataquis county... 61 Long pond, York county, and tributary.... 73 Loon lake, Franklin county 30 Lovejoy pond, Kennebec county 38 Lovewell's pond, Oxford county 44 Lower Black pond, Oxford county 52 i 7 6 PAGE Lower Cold stream pond, Somerset county, 63 Lower Kezar pond, Oxford county 46 Lower Kimball pond, Oxford county 44 Lower Metallic pond, Oxford county 54 Lower Range pond, Androscoggin county, 14-16-17 Lower Wilson pond, Piscataquis county . . 62 Lufkin pond, and tributary to, Franklin county 22, 31 Lyford (Big) pond, Piscataquis county ... 62 M Marketmen and provision dealers' licenses, 144 Merrymeeting Bay, protection of ducks in, hunting of ducks in night prohibited, hunting ducks with motor boat prohib- ited in 129 Mink, commissioners may destroy around hatcheries 92 Mink, general law on Ill Minnows for bait 12 Moose, protection of 99 Moose, transportation of by residents and non-residents 133-135-137 Moose, protection of on Mt. Desert Island, 99 & 100 Moose, transportation of by resident under tags 133 Moose, resident must purchase tag in or- der to take out of state 135 Moose, cannot be sold or given away to be taken out of state 125 Moose, taking of for park purposes 92 Motor boats, use of prohibited in French- man's bay, Merrymeeting bay, Bluehill bay, Saco bay, Eggemoggin reach, por- tion of Kennebec and Eastern rivers, and in all inland waters in hunting water fowl 128-129-131 Muskrat, protection of under general law, 111 Muskrat, protection of under special laws, 111-112 Muskrat houses, protection of 114 Mt. Desert, protection of deer in 103 Motor boats must be muffled 130 Mudhens 127 Mufflers required on motor boats in certain cases 130 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Madawaska lake, tributary to 18 Madawaska (Little) river and tributaries, Aroostook county, mill waste must not be thrown into 79 Madrid, Franklin county, streams in 23 Madunkunk brook, Penobscot and Piscata- quis counties 57 Main stream and tributary, Somerset county 65 177 PAGE Maranacook lake and tributaries, Kenne- bec county 32 Marsh stream, and tributaries, Waldo - county 70-71 Marshall pond, Oxford county, and tribu- tary 55 Martin pond, Somerset county 69 Mattawamkeag lake, Aroostook county 18 Mattawamkeag stream, West Branch of, and tributaries, Penobscot county, cer- tain waste must not be thrown into 85 Mattawamkeag river, certain tributary of, sawdust or other mill waste must not be thrown into 85 Mattanawcook lake, Penobscot county.... 59- Mayfield pond, Somerset county 63 McGraw pond and tributaries, Kennebec county 37-40 McGraw pond and tributaries, Kennebec county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Meadow brook, Oxford county 52 Medomac river, Knox county 42 Megalloway river, Oxford county 54 Megalloway waters, Oxford county 54 Messabesic pond, York county 72 Metallic ponds ( Upper and Lower), Oxford county 54 Metalluc brook, Oxford county 54 Metalluc and Mill brooks, Franklin county, 22 Middle Branch pond, York county 72 Middle pond, Cumberland county 20 Middle Range pond, Androscoggin county, 14-16-17 Mill brook, Cumberland county. 20 Mill brook, Franklin county 22 Mill brook, Oxford county 47 Millinocket lake, Piscataquis county 60 Minnehonk lake, tributary to, Kennebec county 41 Misery stream, Somerset county 65 Molridgewock pond and stream, Oxford county 55 Monmouth, Kennebec county, tributaries to waters in, closed 38 Monson pond stream, Piscataquis county. . 61 Moose pond, Oxford county, in Waterford, 44 Moose pond, Oxford county, in Denmark, 44 Moose pond, Oxford county, in Paris 44 Moose lake, Great, and tributaries, Som- erset county (formerly Moose pond) . . 63-65 Moose river, Piscataquis county 61 Moose river, Franklin county 33 Moose river waters, Somerset county 63 Moosehead lake, Somerset and Piscataquis counties and tributaries, and west out- let of 60-61-62-65 Mooselookmeguntic lake 28-29 Morrill pond, Somerset county 62 Mosquito pond and tributaries, Somerset county 67-68 i78 Mosquito stream, Somerset county Mountain brook, Hancock county Mountain pond, Franklin county Mountain pond and tributaries, Somerset county Mt. Vernon, waters in where sawdust and other mill waste is prohibited . Mousam Long pond, York county Moxie pond, and tributaries, Somerset county M. T. Abbey pond, Oxford county Mud pond and tributaries to, Franklin county Mud pond, Kennebec county Mud pond, Oxford county Mud pond, Somerset county Muddy pond, Knox county Munsungan lake, Piscataquis county Mt. Blue pond and stream, and tributaries, Franklin county Mt. Blue pond and outlet of, Franklin coun- ty Mt. Desert, waters in, law on black bass in, McGraw pond McWain pond, Oxford county N Nests of wild birds protected Nets Newspapers, commissioners may have for use in office Noiseless firearms, use of prohibited Non-residents must employ guides in cer- tain cases Non-resident guide licenses Non-resident hunting licenses Number of lines which may be used Number of game birds which may be taken in one day, by one person 1 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Nahmakanta lake, Piscataquis county .... Naples, streams, rivers and brooks in, throwing of sawdust and mill waste pro- hibited Narraguagus lake, Hancock county Narrows pond and tributaries, Kennebec county Nash stream, Franklin county North lake, Aroostook and Washington counties, and tributaries North pond and tributaries to, Franklin county North pond, Kennebec and Somerset coun- ties, and tributaries North pond, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into t 179 PAGE North pond, Oxford county, in Norway. . . 44 North pond, and tributaries, in Greenwood and Woodstock, Oxford county 44,49 North pond, in Buckfield and Sumner, Ox- ford county 44 North Twin lake, Piscataquis county....... 60 Norton brook, and tributaries, York county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 North W. Branch of Marsh stream, Waldo county 70 Northern pond, Waldo county, tributaries to 71 North Branch Dead river, Franklin county, 33 North Branch Sandy river, Franklin county 22 North Branch Sourdabscook stream, Penob- scot county 57 Norton pond, Knox county 42 Noyes pond, and tributaries, Hancock county 35 Number Nine lake, Aroostook county.... 17 Officers may arrest without warrant, when, 153 Open season and open time defined 3 Otter, protection of Ill Otter, skin dealers must be licensed 145 Owls, not protected 126 Oxford county, rabbit law in 105 Oxford county, gray squirrel law, special, in certain territory in 107 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Oakes pond, Somerset county 63 Olamon stream, Penobscot county, saw- dust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 86 Onawa lake, Piscataquis county, tributa- ries of 61 Otter pond, Oxford county 52 Overset pond, Oxford county 45-49 Ox Bow pond, Kennebec county 39 Oxford county fish laws 44 Park, purposes, game and birds may be taken when 92 Participants compelled to testify 156 Partridge, Hungarian, protection of 127 Partridge, (ruffed grouse) protection and transportation of 123-124 Partridge, number of which may be taken in 1 day by 1 person 124 i8o PAGE Partridge, tag to transport out of state, by residents 124 Pemaquid pond, Lincoln county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 81 Penalty for destroying notices posted by commissioners 91 Penalty for dishonest licensees 155 Penalty for falsely assuming to be an of- ficer 152 Penalties, how recovered 153 Penalties and fines, disposition of 154 Penalties, for illegal killing of moose, cari- bou, deer, birds and fish, hunting with- out license 101-123-125-126-138 Penalty for violating rules and regulations of commissioners and for mutilating, defacing, or destroying notices of such regulations 91 Penobscot county, rabbit law in. 106 Permits, commissioners may grant, to keep game for park purposes, to engage in ar- tificial fish culture, to screen lakes 92. 96 Permits, commissioners may revoke 155 Pheasant, protection of 127 Phippsburg, town of, protection of deer in, 103 Piscataquis county, rabbit law in 106 Plover, protection of 123 Plymouth, muskrats in . 112 Poisoning of animals, prohibited 119 Poisoning of fish, prohibited 11 Police officers are game wardens 151 Pollution of certain streams 75 Portland, hunting waterfowl prohibited in Back Bay in 110 Pounds of fish which may be taken under general law 8 Prohibited devices in fishing . . > 10 Prosecutions must be reported 156 Protection of birds other than game birds, 126 Provision dealers' licenses 144 Purchase and sale of certain fish prohib- ited 6 Purchase and sale of game birds pro- hibited 124 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Palmer pond, Somerset county 62 Panther pond, Cumberland county ........ 19 Pappoose pond, Oxford county 44 Parker pond, Cumberland county, and trib- utaries 20 Parker pond and tributaries, Franklin and Kennebec counties, (see Kennebec county) 41 Parker pond, Penobscot county 56 Parlin pond, tributaries to, Somerset county 65 i8i PAGE Parlin Pond Township, Somerset county, waters in Parlin stream, and tributaries, Somerset county 69 Parmachenee lake, Oxford county ! 54 Pattie's pond, Kennebec county 42 Pease pond, and tributaries to, Franklin county 25 Pease stream, Franklin county 22 Pemadumcook lake, Piscataquis county ... 60 Pemaquid pond, Lincoln county, must not throw mill waste into 81 Pennesseewassee lake and Little Pennessee- wassee, Oxford county, tributaries to . . 46, 53 Penobscot county, fish laws 55 Penobscot river, drift nets, use of in 59-60 Penobscot river, East Branch, certain tribu- taries of, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 85 Penobscot stream, Penobscot county 56 Pepper pond, Piscataquis county 60 Perry pond and tributaries, Somerset county gy Perham stream, and tributaries, Franklin county 23-24 Phillips, Franklin county, streams in 23 Phillips lake, tributaries of, Hancock county 36 Pickerel pond, Hancock county 35 Pickerel pond, Kennebec county 38 Pickerel pond, tributaries to, Oxford county, 46 Pickerel (or Flagstaff) pond and tributa- ries, Somerset county 63 Pierce pond, Somerset county . 66 Pinkham pond, Lincoln county 44 Piscataquis county fish laws 60 Piscataquis river (south branch) and tribu- taries, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 87 Pleasant pond, Androscoggin county...!.'! 14 Pleasant pond, Cumberland county 20 Pleasant pond, Kennebec county 39 Pleasant pond, Lincoln county 43 Pleasant pond, Somerset county 66 Pleasant pond, Oxford county 44 Plummer brook, Oxford county 48 Pocasset lake, Kennebec county 38 Porter brook, Knox county 43 Porter pond, Franklin county, tributaries to Prestile stream and tributaries, Aroostook county 18 Proctor pond, Oxford county 44 Puffer ponds, The, Penobscot county 58 Purgatory and Little Purgatory ponds, Kennebec county 39 Pushaw lake and tributaries, Penobscot county gg Pushaw pond, (Little) Penobscot county!! 58 31 182 Q pagi: Quail, protection of 123 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Quimby pond, Franklin county 31 R Rabbits, protection of and methods of hunt- ing same which are prohibited 106 Red squirrels, protection of in Knox county, 107 Report of prosecutions to be made by courts and wardens 156 Report, annual, of commissioners 89 Resident can take but one deer out of state in one season 134 Resident must buy tag in order to take a moose out of state 135 Riparian proprietor, powers of, and trans- portation of fish by 95 Rockport, town of, protection of deer in.. 104 Ruffed grouse (partridge), protection of, etc 123 Ruffed grouse (partridge), number of which may be taken in 1 day 124 Rules and Regulations of Commissioners, how adopted, penalty for violating 89 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Ragged lake, Piscataquis county 60 Rangeley lake, and tributaries to, Frank- lin county 22 Rangeley chain of lakes, Oxford and Franklin counties 28-29 Rangeley stream and lake, Franklin county, 29 Range ponds, Androscoggin county 14-16 Rapid river and stream, Oxford county.. 46,52 Rapid stream, Franklin county 32 Rattlesnake pond (Big), Cumberland county 19 Rattlesnake pond, Oxford county 44 Raymond, streams, rivers and brooks in, throwing of sawdust prohibited 75 Red Rock brook, Oxford county 47 Richardson lakes, Oxford and Franklin counties 28-29 Richardson ponds (East and West), Ox- ford county 50-51 Richardson lake (Upper), tributaries to, Franklin county . . . . • 22 Ripley pond (or Rogers pond), Somerset county 64 Roach river, Piscataquis county 62 Roberts Rock brook, Penobscot and Piscata- quis counties 57 i«3 ♦ PAGE Rogers (or Ripley) pond, Somerset county, 64 Ross pond, tributaries to, Franklin county, 22 Round pond, Androscoggin county 14-15 Round pond and tributaries, Franklin county 30 Round pond, in Greenwood and Woodstock, Oxford county, and tributaries 45-48-49 Round pond, Somerset county 62 Rowell pond, Somerset county 62 Rowe brook, Hancock county 36 Roxbury pond, Oxford county, tributaries of 46 Roxbury pond, Oxford county, (or Ellis pond) 54 Rump pond, Oxford county 52 Sable, protection of Ill Sable skins, dealers in, must be licensed.. 145 Sagadahoc county, protection of deer in. . 102 Sale and purchase of certain fish prohib- ited 6 Sale and purchase of game birds prohibited, 124 Salmon, definition of 97 Salmon, landlocked, general law on, length of which may be taken, under general law, transportation of 4-5-6 Salmon trout, definition of 97 Salt lick, unlawful to maintain 101 Sandpipers, protection of 123 Sawdust, throwing of into certain waters prohibited 75 Scotch island, protection of deer in 104 Screens, commissioners may grant permits to erect same at outlet of lakes, protec- tion of 12-92 Search and seizure of game 132 Search warrants 152 Sebago lake special law on 4 Sebasticook lake, and certain of its tribu- taries, muskrats in Ill Seine, use of prohibited 10 Seized game and fish and disposal of 133 Service on corporations 155 Set lines may be used, when, and use of prohibited, when 5-10» Sheriffs are game wardens 151 Shooting of a human being, accidental, while hunting, penalty for 120' Silencers on firearms prohibited 109 Single baited hook and line 10 Smelts may be taken for food purposes when 12" Snares, prohibited in hunting game and birds 102" Snipe, protection of 123 Song birds protected 126 Southwest Harbor, protection of deer in, 103 io4 PAGE Sparrows, English, not protected 126 Spawning beds, protection of 92 Spawn, fish, use of prohibited for bait . . 10 Spears, use of prohibited in fishing 10 Spears, contraband, when 11 Spinners 10 Spoon hooks 10 Stupefying substance, or poison, unlawful to use for destroying fish 11 Squirrels, gray, black and red, protec- tion of 106-7 Suckers, taking of in closed waters 12 Suckers may be taken with spears, when.. 12 Sunday, close time for hunting 12 St. Croix river, close time for fishing in 4 St. Georges river, eels in 43 Swan's Island, hunting of foxes with dogs prohibited 106 Swan's Island, protection of deer on 104 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL PISH LAWS. Sabbath Day pond and tributaries, Cum- berland county 19 Sabattus pond, Androscoggin county .... 16 Saco (Little) river, Oxford county 48 Saddleback stream and tributary, Franklin county 22, 23, 24 Saddleback Mountain, ponds on, Franklin county 28 St. George lake, Waldo county 70 St. Georges river, Waldo county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 St. Georges river, Warren, Knox county, taking of eels in 43 Salem and Strong, waters in, Franklin county 31 Salmon lake, Franklin county , . 28 Sam Ayers brook, Penobscot and Piscata- quis counties 57 Sand pond, Kennebec county 39 Sand pond, and tributaries, Oxford county, 48 Sandy pond, Somerset county 63 Sandy river, Franklin county, above and below Weymouth bridge 23-24 Sandy River, North Branch and South Branch and other tributaries, Franklin county 22,23,24 Sandy river pond, and tributaries to, Frank- lin county 22, 23 Sandy stream, Somerset county 67-68 Sandy stream, Waldo county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into, 75 Sandy stream and tributaries, Waldo county 70 Schoolhouse brook, Hancock county 36 Schoolhouse brook, Kennebec county .... 41 Schoodic Grand lake, Aroostook and Wash- ington counties 71 i85 PAGE Schoodic lake, Piscataquis county . 60 Sebago lake, tributaries to, Cumberland county ". 19 Sebasticook river and lake, Penobscot county 55, 58 Sebec lake, Piscataquis county, and tribu- tary 60 Seboeis lake, Piscataquis county 60 Seboeis river, Penobscot county, sawdust or other mill waste must not be thrown ^ into 85 Second lake, Piscataquis county 60 Senecar brook, Hancock county 37 Seven ponds, Franklin county 27 Seven ponds stream, Franklin county... 27 Seven Tree pond, tributaries of, Waldo county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into .. . 75 Shadow pond, Piscataquis county 62 Shagg pond, Oxford county 48, 49 Shaker pond, York county 72 Shepard river, tributaries to, Oxford county 50 Shin brook, Penobscot county, sawdust or other mill waste must not be thrown into 85 Ship pond and tributaries and stream, Piscataquis county 61 Shirley brook, Oxford county 47 Shorey pond, Kennebec county 39 Sibley pond, Somerset county 63 Slab City pond, Oxford county 44 Smith pond, Somerset county 63 Snow pond, Kennebec county, tributaries to 37-40 Snow pond and tributaries, Kennebec coun- ty, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Somerset county fish laws 62 Songo lock, Cumberland county 19 Somerset county, law on fishing- in certain townships in 66-69 Songo pond, Oxford county, and tributa- ries 44 Songo river, Cumberland county 19 Sokokis lake, York county 73 South pond and tributaries to, Oxford county 46, 49 South Branch pond, Piscataquis county . . 60 South Branch, Dead river, Franklin county, 32-33 South Branch Piscataquis river, certain tributaries to, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 87 South Branches Sandy river, Franklin county • 23 South Branch Sandy river (or Crossman stream), Franklin county 22 Sourdabscook stream, North Branch of, Penobscot county 57 South East pond, Cumberland county . . 20 i86 PAGE South Bog, South Bog stream and Pool, Franklin county 29 South Twin lake, Piscataquis county .... 60 Southwest Branch Marsh stream, Waldo county 70 Southwest Harbor, protection of deer in.. 103 Spear stream, Oxford county, and tribu- taries 53 Spectacle pond, Oxford county 45 Spednic lake, Aroostook and Washington counties 71 Spring brook, or Bond brook, Kennebec county, and tributaries 157 Spring lake, Somerset county 66 Spring River lake, Hancock county 35 Squa Pan lake, Aroostook county, inlet of, 17 Stafford pond, Somerset county 63 Stanley ponds, Oxford county 45 Starbird ponds, Somerset county 63 Stearns pond, Oxford county 44 Stetson stream, Penobscot county 56 Stony brook and tributaries, Oxford county 34, 48 Stratton brook and tributaries, Franklin county 34 Sucker brook, Kennebec county 37 Sullivan, Hancock county, waters in, law on black bass in 37 Sunday pond, Oxford county 52 Sunday river, and tributaries, Oxford county 52 Surveyed pond, Kennebec county 41 Swan lake, Waldo county, and tributaries, 70 Swan pond, York county 74 Sweet's pond, tributaries to, Franklin county 31 Swift Cambridge river, Oxford county . . 53 Swift river and tributaries, Oxford and Franklin counties 35 Swift river and tributaries, Oxford and Franklin counties, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into . . 77 Swift river pond, Franklin county 30-35 Tags, resident may purchase to take game birds out of state 124 Tags, transport fish, game and birds with- out accompanying same 6-133-134 Tag, resident must purchase, in order to take a moose out of the state 135 Taxidermist license 146 Togue, protection of, under general law . . 4-5 Togue, sale and purchase of prohibited ... 6 Togue, transportation of 6 Togue, number of pounds which can be taken in 1 day, under general law 8 Top hook, use of in fishing 10 i8 7 PAGE Towns may appoint fish wardens 157 Transportation of fish, game and birds, un- der special tags, without accompanying same 6-7-133-134 Transportation of fish when accompanied by owner 6 Transportation of game and birds when accompanied by resident owner 105-123-124 Transportation of game and birds by non- resident 135-136-137 Transportation, of moose and deer by resi- dents 105-133-134-135 Trapping in "Letter A" and "Leavitt", Aroostook county, for bob cat, loup- cervier, and Canada lynx 143 Trappers must visit traps 143 Trappers' licenses 142 Traps must be marked 144 Traps, use of prohibited in taking game birds or big game or fish 10-102-128 Trapping within 10 feet of beaver or musk- rat house prohibited 114 Trawl, use of prohibited 10 Trawl, contraband when 11 Tremont, town of, protection of deer in... 103 Trespass law 110 Trout, protection of under general law, length of same which may be taken un- der general law, sale and purchase of prohibited . 4-5-6 Trout, transportation of i 6-7 Trout, number of pounds which may be taken in 1 day under general law 8 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Taylor pond, Androscoggin county, and tributary 14-16 Telos lake, Piscataquis county 60 Ten Thousand Acre pond, Somerset county, 62 Three Cornered pond, Lincoln county ... 43 Three Mile pond, Kennebec county 38 Thompson pond (Oxford, Cumberland and Androscoggin counties) and tributaries, 15, 45 Thomas pond and tributaries, Cumberland county 19 Thorn brook, and tributaries of, Piscata- quis county, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 87 Thorn brook, Piscataquis county 62 Tim brook, Franklin county 33 Tim pond, and tributaries to, Franklin county 22, 31 Titcomb brook, Penobscot county 57 Tobey stream, Somerset county 65 Tom pond, (or Thomas pond, or Keoka lake) Oxford county 45 Townsend brook, Androscoggin county.... 15 Townships No. 7, 10, and 21, Hancock coun- ty, waters in, law on black bass in 37 i88 PACxE Townships in Somerset and Franklin coun- ties, certain waters in 66-69 Tremont, Hancock county, waters in, law on black bass in 37 Tripp pond, Androscoggin county 14-16-17 Tripp pond 52 Trafton pond, Oxford county 45 Trout brook, Penobscot and Piscataquis counties 57 Tunk pond, (Little), Hancock county 36 Turtle lake, Hancock county, and tributa- ries 35 Tufts pond, Franklin county 22-34 Twelve Mile stream and tributaries, Ken- nebec and Somerset counties 42 Twin pond, Piscataquis county 61 Twin lakes (North and South) 60 Twitchell pond, Oxford county 46, 49 Two Spec pond, Oxford county 44 U Unnaturalized foreign-born residents must be licensed to hunt, when 13.8 Unnaturalized foreign-born persons must be licensed to buy and sell skins of wild animals 146 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Umbagog lake, Oxford county 46-52 Unity pond, Waldo county, tributaries to, 70 Unity pond, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 75 Upper Black pond, Oxford county 52 Upper Cold Stream Township, Somerset county, waters in 69 Upper Enchanted Township, Somerset county, waters in 69 Upper Dam and Pool, and river at, Oxford county 55 Upper Kezar pond and tributaries, Oxford county - 47 Upper Kezar pond, Oxford county, tributa- ries to, sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into 85 Upper and Lower Wilson ponds, Piscata- quis county, tributaries to 62 Upper Metallic pond, Oxford county 54 Upper Range pond, Androscoggin county, 14-16 Upper Stone lake (or Virginia lake), Ox- ford county 44 Upper Wilson pond, Piscataquis county... 62 Vultures, protection of 127 1 8g PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Pagb Valley brook, Franklin county 24 Vaughan stream, Piscataquis county 61 Varnum pond and tributary to, Franklin county 22, 30 Vienna, waters in, where sawdust and other mill waste is prohibited 75 Village brook, Oxford county 50 Virginia lake, (or Upper Stone), Oxford county 44 w Waldo county, protection of deer in 103 Wardens, appointment and duties of 150 Wardens must report prosecutions 156 Warrants, search 152 Warrants, officers may arrest without, when 152 Washington county white perch law 7 Waters exempted . ' 97-8 Weirs, use of prohibited 10 Wardens, appointment of and duties 150 Whistler or golden eye, special law on in Hancock county 122 White fish, permits to take in closed waters, etc 12-92 White perch, general law on, length of same which may be taken 4-5 White perch, sale and purchase of prohib- ited 6 White perch, transportation of 6-7 White perch, taken in inland waters of Washington county, may be shipped any- where 7 White perch, number of pounds which may be taken by one person in one day, under general law 8 Wild birds, protection of 126 Wild hares or rabbits, protection of, meth- ods of hunting which are prohibited .... 106 Wolves and bob cats (wild cats), bounty on, 115 Woodcock, general law on 123 Woodcock, number which may be killed by one person in one day 124 Woodcock, transportation out of state by residents under tags 124 Woodcock, transportation by non-residents under hunting license tags and by resi- dents of Maine 124-134-135 Wood duck, law on 121 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL FISH LAWS. Waldo county fish laws 70 Walker pond, Oxford county 51 Wallagrass river, throwing of sawdust in- to a portion, prohibited 79 i go Page Waltham, Hancock county, waters in, law on black bass in 37 Ward's brook and pond, Oxford county.. • 51 Ware pond, Penobscot county 58 Wassokeag lake, Penobscot county 58 Washington county fish laws . . . . 71 Webb lake, or Webb's pond, or Weld pond, Franklin county, and tributaries 21-25 Webb lake, tributaries of.sawdust and other mill waste must not be thrown into... 81 Webb's river, Franklin county, and tribu- taries 25 Webber pond, Kennebec county 38 Webster lake, Piscataquis county 60 Week's pond, Somerset county 63 Wells pond, Oxford county 52 West Branch Mattawamkeag stream, and tributaries, certain waste must not be thrown into , 85 West pond, York county 73 West Richardson pond, tributary, Oxford county 50 Whaleback brook, and tributaries, York county 74 Whetstone brook, Franklin county 22 Whetstone pond, Piscataquis county .... 61 White brook and tributaries, Cumberland county 20 White's 'pond, Somerset county . 63 Whitney pond, Oxford county 44, 52 Willard brook, Oxford county 47 "Wilson lake, tributary to, Franklin county, 25 Wilson pond, Kennebec county, and tribu- taries .38 Wilson pond, Piscataquis county 61 Wilson stream, Piscataquis county 61 Wilson river, Piscataquis county 61 Wilson pond (Upper and Lower), Piscata- quis county, tributaries to 62 Winthrop, Kennebec county, tributaries* to ponds and lakes in, closed • 38 Wood pond, (or Big Wood pond, so called), Somerset county Worthley pond. tributaries to Oxford county Worthley pond outlet, Oxford county, saw- dust and other mill waste must not be thrown into Wyman pond, Somerset county 53 63 72 York county, protection of deer in 104 York, town of, protection of deer in 104 York county fish laws LBFe'13