('lass Hook PRESENTED BY & A :l 2L ~XT g ii' - SALLUSTS JUGURTHINE WAR CONSPIRACY OF CATILINE, WITH AN ENGLISH COMMKNTAO ST. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL INDEXES CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. JAY-PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LITERATURE. IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE, AND RECTOS OF THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL- TENTH EDITION', CORRECTED AND ENLARGED NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN S Q U A R E, 1855. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1836, by Harper & Brothers, In the Clerk's Office of the Southern District of New York. Gift from Mr. James McKirdy Jan. 1S,19B2 9 TO THE REV. JOHN LUDLOW. S.T.D.. PROVOST OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, THIS WORK £ s Eespectfullg 33 e fc t c a t e &, AS AN OFFERING TO ONE, IN WHOM THE RICHES OF INTELLECTUAL CULTURE ARE SO HAPPILY BLENDED WITH ALL THAT TS ATTRACTIVE IN THE CHRIS- TIAN CHARACTER. PREFACE. In preparing a new edition of Sallust tor the press, the editor has taken the greatest care to make such alterations and improvements, in the work, as may render it a still more useful guide to the student than its predecessors have proved. The principal changes will be found to consist in a more enlarged commentary on the Jugurthine war,in the placing of this production of Sallust's before the narrative of the conspiracy of Catiline, and in the two Indexes, the one Geographical, the other Historical, which have been appended to the work, The enlargement of the notes on the Jugurthine war has been made at the request of several instructors, who thought that a more ample commentary on this part of the historian's labours was needed by their pupils. The change introduced into the body of the work-, by placing the narrative of the war with Jugurtha before the account of Catiline's conspiracy, cannot but meet with the approbation of all who lay claim to any IV PREFACE. acquaintance with Roman literature, or even with Ro- man history. The old arrangement violates the order of time, since the attempt of Catiline to overthrow the government of his country was subsequent to the war with Jugurtha by a period of nearly fifty years. The impression produced, therefore, on the mind of the student, from his being required to read the two works in an inverted order, must, of necessity, be a confused one. In the account of Catiline's conspiracy, for ex- ample, he will find frequent allusions to the calamitous consequences of Sylla's strife with Marius, and will see many of the profligate partisans of the former rallying around the standard of Catiline ; while, in the history of the Jugurthine war, if he be made to peruse it after the other, in the ordinary routine of school-reading, he will be introduced to the same Sylla, just entering on a public career, and standing high in the favour and confidence of Marius ! How, too, will he be able to appreciate, in their full force, the remarks of Sallust re- lative to the successive changes in the Roman form of government, and the alternate ascendency of the aristo- cratic and popular parties, if he be called upon to direct his attention to results before he is made acquainted with the causes that produced them ? The only argu ment adduced in favour of the old arrangement is, that Sallust composed the narrative of Catiline's conspiracy before that of the Jugurthine war, and that all the manuscripts, and nearly all the editions of the historian. TREFACE. * follow this same order, and place the account of the conspiracy first. Such an argument, however, if it be really deserving of the name, must w r eigh but little when positive utility is placed in the opposite scale. The order, moreover, for which we contend, is no nov- elty on the continent of Europe, as may be seen from the works of the President De Brosses, the Abbe Cassagne, and M. Du Rozoir. The last mentioned editor, indeed, expresses his very great surprise that the arrangement in question has not by this time be