/ k-> ' ;8/f V^// . '' \(, THE PROPRIETORS' RECORDS TOWN OF LUNENBURG MASSACHUSETTS INCLUDING FITCHBURG AND A PORTION OF ASHBY J729-I833 / BEING A COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT OF THE PROPRIETORS' RECORDS AS PRESERVED IN A VOLUME OWNED BY THE TOWN OF LUNENBURG, AND GIVEN BY WILLIAM CLARK, ESQ., OF BOSTON, MERCHANT, MARCH 24, 1730 COMPILED BY Walter A. Davis, City Clerk FITCHBURG PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUMCIL 1897 80805 SENTINEI^ PRINTING COMPANY FITCHBURG A 7v CITY OF FITCHBURG, MASS. In City Council, Feb. 18, 1896. The joint standing committee on printing, to whom was referred so much of the recommendations contained in the Mayor's inaugural as relates to the appropriation of eight hundred dollars ($800) for completing the old town records, have attended to the business committed to them, and present the following report, and would ecommend that eight hundred dollars ($800) be appro- )riated for the same, said sum to include the expense of •opying and of printing and binding two hundred copies, .^"d the expense of the same to be charged to incidentals. Henry F. Rockwell,^ Committee Charles H. Blood, \ on Frank C. Hoyt, j Printing. In Board of Aldermen, Feb. 18, 1896. Report read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Walter A. Davis, Clerk. In Common Council, Feb. 18, 1896. Read and accepted. In concurrence. Francis McMurray, Clerk. Mayor's Office, Fitchburg, Mass., Feb. 19, 1896. Approved. Henry F. Rockwell, Mayor. A true copy. Attest : Walter A. Davis, City Clerk. City Clerk's Office, FiTCHBURG, Mass., April, 1897. Previous to the incorporation of this town, under the name of Fitchburg, in 1764, it formed a part of Lu- nenburg. To begin, then, at the beginning, and acquire a knowledge of our origin, it is necessary to search into the early records of Lunenburg, in the transactions and events of which town the people who inhabited w^hat is now Fitchburg had an equal interest and an equal share. In Whitney's "History of Worcester County," the account of Lunenburg commences as follows: "On the 4th of November, 1719, the General Court, at the request of a number of gentlemen, made a grant to them of this territory for a valuable consideration," etc. Who these "gentlemen" were is not known, but it is pre- sumed they were among those whose names are preserved in the proprietors' books as the earliest settlers. The "valuable consideration" above mentioned will be made known by the terms of the grant. Furthermore, this order, or grant of the General Court, is of great importance, for it is not only the foundation of our municipal rights, but it is the basis upon which rest all the titles to real estate in this town and Lunenburg. An exact copy of the original grant here referred to is to be found on page 7 of "The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg," a book previously published by this city. These two townships were designated by the commit- tee appointed to allot and grant them out as the north and south townships. The former was afterwards incor- porated by the name of Townsend, in the count}^ of Mid- dlesex. The south township included the present towns of Lunenburg, Fitchburg and a portion of Ashby. The work of copying these "Proprietors' Records" vi Introduction. has been performed by Miss Lucy A. Hay ward, assisted by Miss Edith h. Davis. The work was necessarily somewhat delayed on ac- count of the difficulty in translating the writing, some of which is very nearly obliterated. In this connection I desire to extend my sincere thanks to Mrs. George W. Stone of Boston, Mass., for having rendered the cause much assistance by copying and for- warding to me the petition and bill to confirm the titles of land in Lunenburg and Fitchburg. I give these in full for the benefit of all who may be interested. What this volume may lack in interest will be atoned for by bearing in mind that the names here recorded and the lots described are those of the original settlers of Lunenburg and Fitchburg. As such it will be a valuable companion book for "The Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg." Among the names of the original settlers we find the name of Walter Beath, which in the other book, "The Early Records," was given as Walter Bees. The last let- ter was without doubt meant for an "f," being mis- taken for an old-fashioned "s," and the Beef was meant for Beath, written as it sounded to the clerk. The use of both kinds of the letter "s" in the same book and at the same time is liable to be confusing unless great care is exercised. We believe that this book will be found to be of much service as a reference book to all persons interested in ancient records, and as showing the great amount of labor retjuired of the early settlers in opening up this ter- ritory for civilization. I think that all who take the trouble to read it will realize in a small degree the careful work required to copy it. City Clerk. Massachusetts Archives, Vot.. 118, Pages 686 to 638. Province of the \ Massachusetts Bay| To his Excellency Thomas Hutch- inson Esq. Captain General and Governor in chief The Hon'^?*^ his "Majesty's Council and Hon^}'^ House of Representatives of the Province aforesaid in General Court assembled. John Taylor Representative of Lunenbourg and Fitchbourg, for and in the behalf of said Towns Humblj"- Sheweth, That the Great and General Court or Assembly of said Province did on the fourth daj^ of No- vember 1719, Grant a Township called Turkey Hills lying South of North Town. That the said Great and General Court did on the Seventh daj^ of December 1719 appoint and fully Impower William Tayor, Samuel Thaxter, Francis Fullam Esq""- Capt. John Sheple, and Mr. Benjamin Whittemore a Com- mittee to allot and grant out the Lands in said New Township called Turkey hills and to make return of their proceedings. That said Com^f^ did afterwards agreable to the order of said Court allot and grant out said New Township called Turkey hills The said Com^f^ also transfered Sixty three House lotts in said Township now called Lu- nenburg and Fitchburg, and made return of their proceed- ings into the Secretary's office as appears from the Pro- prietors Book under the Committees own hand. That the Return of some part of said Com^'^P proceed- ings are not now to be found in said Secretary's office, and are Supposed to have been consumed by Fire when the Court house was burnt, whereby the propert3' of some Hundreds of the good People of this Province is rendered in some measure precarious, as they have Im- proved, Sold, and wholly conducted themselves bv the viii Petition to General Conrt. Copy of said Comt'^es proceedings as they left the same in the hands of said Proprietors Clerk and unless something further is done by this Great and General Court, to Con- firm & establish the proceedings of the Com^f*^ aforesaid agreable to their return it is greatl}^ feared that in some future time not only the Inhabitants of said Towns but many others more remotely concerned may be led into very great difficulties & expences. Your petV therefore in behalf of said Towns most hum- bly prays your Excellency and honors would be pleased to take their case into your wise and serious consider- ation, and that you would be pleased to Confirm and Establish the Transfers made by the General Courts Committee aforesaid and all other their proceedings respecting said Township called Turkey hills, now called Lunenburg & Fitchburg; or otherwise grant relief in such way and manner as your Excellency and honors in your known goodness shall seem meet. And as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. John Taylor in the behalf of the Towns of Lunenburg & Fitchburg. Lunenburg 20^2^ of June 1772. In the House of Representatives June 221^^ 1772. Read and ordered that Mr. Phillips, Col. Gerrish, Cap Farley & Cap Searl with such as the Hon'£ Board shall join be a Committee to take this Petition into Consideration and report Sent up for Concurrance T. Gushing Spkl^ In Council June 22"/ 1772, read and concurred, and James Otis, SamL Dexter & Artemas Ward Esq? are joined. Thos. Flucker >Sec-'- In Council Jan: 27*i' 1773, Read again and no an- swer being made to the petition ordered that James Otis, Samuel Dexter, and Artemas Ward Esq^- be a Committee to consider and report what they may judge necessary to be done thereon. Thos. Flucker Secy Act to Con firm Titles. ix In Council January 27^^ 1773. Resolved, on the Petition of John Taylor Representing Lunenbourg and Fitchbourg for and in Behalf of said Towns, that the Prayer of the Petition be so far granted as that the Proceedings of the Committee of the General Court appointed December 7!? 1719, respecting the Alotment of Lands to the original Settlers and the Subsequent Transfers in Said Town, then known by the Name of South Town, be fully confirmed, and that the Petitioner have leave to bring in a bill for that Purpose. Sent down for Concurrence Thos. Flucker Secy In the House of Representatives Jany. 30, 1773. Read and Concurred. T. Cushing Spkr. Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 118, Pages 674 to 675. Anno Regni Regis Georgii Tertii Decimo Tertio An Act for Confirming the Titles & Quieting the Possessions of the Proprietors of the Towns of Lunenburge and Fitchburge. Whereas the Great and General Court or Assembly of this Province did on the fourth day of December Seventeen Hundred and Nineteen Grant a New Tow^nship at a Place Called Turkey Hills then Called South Town, now Lunenburge & Fitchburge which at that time was a frontier Town of Six miles Square & Said Court did on the Seventh Day of December Seventeen Hundred and Nineteen appoint and fully Impower William Taylor, Saml' Thax- ter Francis Fullam Esqr^ Capt. John Shelpe & Mr Benj> Whittemore a Committee to Allot & Grant out the Lands in Said New Town which Committee did afterwards agreable to the order of Said Court allot and Grant out said New Township & make Return Act to Con jinn Titles. of their Proceedings into the Secretarys office as appears by the Return of the Committee under their own hands on the Proprietors Book But the Plan of Each Lot with the then possessors & Proprietors Names that had the Land Confirmed to them is not to be now found in the Secretarys office nor Elsewhere but is supposed to be Burnt among the files when the Late Court House in Boston was Consumed by fire b\' which means the Property of Some Hundreds of the Good People of this Province is Rendered Precarious as the Same Lands have been Brought too out of a State of Nature and been Improved between forty & fifty 3^ears and have Passed by Sales through a Great Number of hands So that without the Interposition of this Court the Present Possessors and others were in Danger of the Gratest Difficulties, Distresses and Losses Relative to their Properties in Said Towns. For the Preventing of which Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and House of Representatives that Said Committed Proceedings in Alloting out and Granting Said Lands in Said Newtownship now Lunenburge & Fitchburge with the Records and Transfers of Lots in Said Towns which were Delivered up to said Proprietors by order of the General Court be and are hereby Confirmed with the said Proprietors proceedings thereon Ever Since and are hereby made valid in Law^ to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever. In the House of Representatives FebY 3^ 1773 Read a first time a second time Feb": 4*!' 1773 Read a Third time & passed to be Engrossed. Sent up for Concurance T. CusHiNG Spk"- In Council Feby 8^?' 1773 Read a first & second time & passed a Concurrance to be Engrossed Jn? Cotton D. Secry ERRATA. Page 5, fifth line. After "five Degrees and a half" insert "fouth." Page 9, Meadow Lot No. 2, seventh Hne. After "making an Angle" in- sert "and runing North 3 degrees Eaft 13 rod to a ftake there making an Angle." Page 10, Second Division No. 4. The distance on the land of John and Timothy Poole should be 160 rods, instead of 165. Page 17, third line. After "the Honfe Lott" insert " and ranging on the Houfe Lott." Page 18, tenth line. For "twenty five rod" read "twenty fix rod." Page 22. "Jonas Gibson" should be "Jonas Gilson." Page 32, Meadow Lot No. 2. For " faid way" read "ford way." Page 41, eighth line. For "30 degrees" read "30 minits." Page 51, Third Division, fourteenth line. For "northweft corner" read "northeait corner." Page 62. Timothy Gibson's house lot should be No. 33, instead of No. 38. Page 63, fifteenth line. For "fouth 18 deg East" read "fouth 5 deg East." The last word of the next to last line should be "fore" instead of "five." Page 67. The date of recording Second Division No. 71 should be "1732/3" instead of "1722/3." Page 76, twenty-sixth line. After "degi^ees" insert "Eaft." Page 80. "Jonas Gibson " should be "Jonas Gilson." In the last line, "24 degrees" should be "21 degrees." PROPRIETORS' RECORDS OF THE TOWN ^OF LUNENBURG. [Folio 1] The Minister of the Town of Lunenburgh The Reverend M"" Andrew Gardner [Folio 1'] Lunenburg November the 20th 1729. 2d Divifion Survayed the fecond Divifion No 80 belong- No 80. j^g ^Q ^|-,g Minifters Lott. Begining at a pillar of Stones Erected for the SowEast Corner and runing north 17 degree Eaft 125 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing West 11 degrees North 82 rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and runing fouth 12 degrees Weft 123 rod to a pillar of Stones there mak- ing an Angle and runing Eaft 11 degrees fouth 72 rod to Where it Began Survaj^ed by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hart well Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard recorded may the 7*^^^ annoque Domini 1731 V Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburg May the 6: 1748 Meadow then furvay for M"" Andrew Gardner mead- No 3. Q^ Lott No three in pearl Hill meadow fo Called Containing five acres being the moft Wefterly Lott in faid meadow belonging to the minifters Houfe Lott N° one begining at a Certain pitch pine tree marked for the eaft Corner of faid meadow Lott and runs Weft thirty 2 Proprietors Records. two Degs north twenty feven rod on Land of M*" Allen and ten rod on the Land of the Honourable Andrew Oliver Esq*" then it runs fouth ten Degs Weft on laid Olivers Land twenty Eight rod to a ftak then it runs Eaft thirty Degs fouth on faid Allins Land twenty feven rod then it runs north thirty two Degs Eaft Chifly on the pine ridge twenty five to where it began ^ Nathan Haywood Survayer Approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded May the 7^^ 1748 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk. [3] HiLKIAH BOYNTON House Granted to Hilkiah Boynton by the Com- Lot No 2 mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Granttees Houfe Lott Number two and Meadow Lott Number one in Lower Mulpus Meadow ^"^ meadow belongs to House Lott Number Lot No 1 thirty fix and all the after grants and Divi- in Lower fions of Land that Shall arife from faid Houfe Mulpus. Lq^^ j^o 36 fj-ojn and after the fecond Divifion N? 31. which 2^ Divifion the General Courts Committee granted to James Jewell. [3] Ebenezer Sprage of House Granted to Ebenezer Sprage by the Com- Lot No 3 mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to aLott and grant out the Land Within the town of Lunenburgh to Granttees fourty one acres and one Hundred and thirty rod within faid town for a houfe Lot bareing Number three to gether with all the rights and Divifions of Land BcLonging thereunto Begining at a ftake fet up for the fouth Corner and Runing Eaft twenty nine Degr north one Hundred and fifty feven Rod on Lott number four there making an Angle and Runing north twenty nine Degr Weft fourt^^ five rod there mak- ing an angle and Runing Weft thirty degr thirty minnits Proprietors Records. 3 fouth one Hundred and fifty feven rod on Lot number two. there making an angle and runing fouth twenty nine Degrees Eaft fourty two rod to where it Began Survayed By Nathan Heywood and Recorded By order of the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jofhua Hutchins Nathan Heyw^ood Recorded March the twenty fifth day In the 3^ear of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty pr Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh March the 25 1730. 2d Divifion Survaycd for Ebenezer Sprage a fecond No. 15 Divifion Number fifteen the Contents of Which is fifty nine Acres. Begining at a ftak and a heap of ftones Erected for the fouth Corner and runing north thirty three Degr Eaft on Jonathan Wheelers Lott No fourteen one hundred and fifty Rod to a heap of ftones there making an Angle and runings Weft thirty one Deg thirty mini north on the north town Line fixty three Rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing fouth thirty three deg. thirty minits Weft one hundred and fifty rod on Lott No 16 and fince Laid to Jonathan Dows Esq*" to a Stake there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one Degree thirty minits South 63 rod to where it began. Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee to Witt Nathan Heywood Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Josiah Willard. Recorded December the twenty forth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^ Edwd Hartwell Clerk [3'] Lunenburg April the 8^^ 1731. Medow Survayed for Benjamin Hutchens Claimer ^°^^ Meadow Lott No 8 in Lower Mulpus mead- ows the Contents of W^hich is four acres and three quarters begining at a ftake which is the North- eafterly Corner of faid Lott ftanding by the brook and runing West one degree north on meadow Lott No : 9 : 24 rod and a half to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth one degree West on Land of Walter Beeth 4 Proprietors Records. 17 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft on meadow Lott No : 7 : 67 : rod to a ftake by the brook there turning and running up the Brook to Where it be- gan furveyed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded June the 14*^ annoque Domini 1731 f? Edward Hartwell Clerk. [4] Samuel Johnson of Lunenburg December the 22*? 1729. House furvayed for Samuell Johnfon two Houfe Lotts Lotts Number four and five the Contents of both being ninty one acres and a quarter be- gining at a Pillar of ftones and a ftak fet up for the fouth Corner and runs Eaft twenty nine degrees north one hundred and fifty feven rod on Lott Number Six to a Black oak tree there making an Angle and runing north twenty nine degrees Weft ninty three rod there making an Angle and runing Weft twenty nine degrees fouth one hun- dred and fifty feven rods on Lott Number three there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty nine degrees Eaft ninty three rod on the Highway to where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Josiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded January the 23^ 1770. p^ me Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk. [5] John Heywood of House Granted unto John Heywood By the Com- Lot No (). mittee appointed by the Create and General Court to aLott and Grant out the Lands Within the Townfhip of Lunenburgh to Grantees Acres of Land Within faid town for a Houfe Lott bearing number fix together Withall the Rights and Divifions of Land be- longing thereunto or fhall aRise therefrom — — Proprietors Records. 5 Lunenburg February the 12^^ 17361 Second Surveyed for John Heywood 2'^ Divifion Divifion j^o 72 Containing 62 acres Begining at a ftake fet up for the foutheaft Corner of faid Lott and runs weft five Degrees and a half on his own Land 61 rod and a half to a Chesnut tree then Runs North four degrees West on land of Nathan Heywood 163 rods to a pillar of ftones then Runs Eaft 5 deg north on the Land of Edward Hart well Esq"" : 60 : rod to a dry v^hite pine tree then runs fouth four Deg and a half Eaft on Land of Benj^ Cory 163 rod to where it began by Nathan Hej^wood Surveyer approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood and Edward Hart well Recorded February the 2^^^ 1736/7 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg Apriel the 24*^ 1730 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 92 No 6 acres and a half of Land for a third Divifion for John Heywood Arifeing from Houfe Loott No : 6 : on the Southerly fide of the River. Begining at A ftake fet up for the Southefterly Corner by the River and Runing West 15 degs fouth 169 rod on Common Land there making an Angle and runing north 15 Degrees Weft 58 rod on Common Land there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 15 Degrees north on Land Laid out to Benjamin Goodridge 152 rods there making an Angle and runing north one Degree Weft on faid Goodridges Lott 63 rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and Runing West 18 Degrees North on S'^ Goodridges Land 64 rod to a popler tree there making an Angle and Runing by the River to where it Began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of hy the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood and Edward Hartwell. Recorded December y*^ 5. 1732 p*^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. 6 Proprietors Records. [5'] Lunenburg May the 16*1^ 1731. 10 Acres V2 Laid out by the Committee appointed ten of Land acres and a half of Land to John Hey- *^! wood for Satisfaction for the highways going allowance . -. . _ j-^j. through His Lott where he now Livef. Higway Scituate and Lying neer the South eaft Corner of faid Townfhip. Begining at a Cer- tain Chesnut tree Marked and runing North 3 degrees 30 min Weft on Common Land 14 rod there making an An- gle and runing north 45, deg Eaft on Common Land 25 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 3 deg North partly on Gibsons Lott and partly on Common Land 29 rod there making an Angle and runing South on Cap^ Goulds Lott 32 rod there making an Angle and runing West 25 deg South on Common Land 46 rod there making an angle and runing North 13 deg Weft on Com- mon Land 18 rod to Where it Began Survayed by Na- than Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Recorded April the 16*** Anno Domini 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg May y'^ 27^1^ 1731 Meadow Survayed for John Heywood Meadow Lott ^*^^^ No 5 Below Cattaconamoug pond in faid town '^ ' Ship the Contents of Which is 2 Acres and a half. Begining at a Certain pillar of ftones Which is the most Southerly Corner and Runing Eaft 34 Degrees North on Meadow Lott No. 6. 38 rod there Making an Angle and Runing North 36 Degrees Weft on Common Land 16 rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth 42 degrees West on Common Land 38 rod to apillar of Stones on the upland there making an Angle and and Runing fouth 36 Degrees Eaft on Common Land 7 rod and a half to Where it Began furvayed By Nathan Heywood and ap- proved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Nathan Hej^wood Recorded Sept the 3"^ 1731 't? Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 7 Lunenburg May the IT**^ 1729 Laid out by the Com- mittee appointed twenty three acres and Eighty four rod of third Divifion Land to John Heywood arifing from houfe Lott Number fix and adjoyning to his 2*^ Divifion and it bounds north on the abovefaid heywoods own fec- ond Divifion weft on the Land of nathan Heywood. fouth on Lancafter old town and Eaft on the Land of Benja- min Cory beging at a Chefnut tree marked for the fouth weft Corner of his 2^ Divfion and runing fouth five de- grees Eaft forty fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making a Corner and Runing Eaft twenty Degrees fouth fixty feven rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and runing north five Degrees Weft feventy five rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft five Degrees fouth fixty rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded May y^ 29^^ 1729 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. [6] James Colbern of Granted unto James Colbern by the Committee ap- pointed by the Greate and General Court to aLott and Grant out the Lands Within the Town of Lunenburg to Grantees Within faid town for a houfe Lott bearing Number 7 toGether Withall the Rights and Divifions of Land and meadow that beLongs thereto or fhall arife therefrom Lunenburg December the 24^^ 1729. Houfe Lott furvayed for James Colbourn Houfe Lott No 7. No 7 the Contents of Which is 46 acres and 25 rod begining at ftake fet up for the moft foutherly Corner and runing Eaft 29 Degrees north 18 rod on pools' Lott there making an Angle and runing north 29 Degrees Weft 119 rod on the High way there making an Angle and runing Weft 30 degrees fouth 64 rod partly on the old meeting Houfe land there making an angle and runing fouth 4 degrees West 27 rod on Hills Lott there 8 Proprietors' Records. making an angle and runing Eaft 21 degrees fouth 59 rod Crofs the meadow there making an angle and runing fouth 10 degrees West 63 rod to where it began ^ na- than Heywood furvayer approved of by Edward Hart- well Jonathan Willard nathan Heywood Recorded feptember y'-* 16, 1737 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg June the 26. 1729 Laid out by the Committee appointed three acres and 135 rod of Land to James Colbourn to make up what is \vanting in his Houfe Lott N° 7. begining at a Certain piller of ftones near to Hills Houfe and runing north 4 degrees Eaft 19 rod on faid hills Lott there making an angle and runing Eaft 30 degrees north 37 rod there making an angle and runing fouth 20 Degree eaft 16 rod to faid Colbourns Line to where it began 44 rod furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Recorded September the 16^1^ 1737. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [62] Lunenburg January the 22'^ 1730/1. 2d Divifion furvayed for James Colbern fecond Divifion No 59. number 59 on the foutherly part of flat Hill the Contents of Which is 57 acres and a half Begining at a Certain ftake fet up for the moft Wefterly Corner and runing North 17 Degrees Eaft on Land Left for a highway 62 rod to a ftak there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 31 Degrees fouth on Lott Number 58 152 rod to a ftake in Groton Line there making an Angle and Runing fouth 17 degrees Weft on faid Line 62 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 degrees north on Lott Number 60 152 rod to Where it began. Surva^^ed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 27^^ 1732 ^ Edward Harwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 9 [7] The Heirs of Maj^r Flagg of Granted to the Heirs of Major Eleizer Flagg by the Committee appointed by the Greate and Generall Court to alott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lun- enburg to Granttee fourty five acres of Land Within faid town for a Houfe Lott No Eight to Gether with all the Rights and Divifions of Land beLonging thereunto or arifeing therefrom ^ January the 5*^^ 1729 Survayed for Jonathan Pool Esq Claimer Houfe Lott No 8 the Contents of Which is 45 Acres begining at a ftake fet up for the most foutherly Corner and Runing Eaft 28 Deg 30 minits north 160 rod on Burbeens Lott there making an angle and Runing north 28 Deg 30 min Weft 45 rod on the High Way there making an Angle and runing West 28 Deg 30 mints fotith 160 rod partly on Colberns Lott and partly on the minifterael Lott there making an Angle and runing South 28 Deg 30 min Eaft 45 rod to Where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard and Benoni Boynton Recorded April the 16^"^ Anno Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Meadow furvayed for Jonathan poole Esq'' Claimer Lott meadow Lott No 2. in horfsmeet meadows the ^° ^ Contents of Which is fix acres butted and bounded as Difcribed by plan begining at a pillar of ftones and runing fouth 10 degree West 22 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Weft 38 degrees North 65 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and run- ing East 30 degree fouth 63 rod to Where it began furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee above faid Recorded June the 14^^ 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 10 Proprietors Records. part of the 4^'^ divifion that belong to Houfe Lott No 8 above faid is Recorded at page 56 in the fecond part of this book [7^] Jonathan Pool Esq"* Lunenburg April the 27^1^ 1730. 2d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 180 ^° '^ Acres of Land for a fecond Divifion N° 4 and a third Divifion beLonging to houfe Lott No 8. to Jona- than Pooll Esq'' Claimer in the Wefterly part of faid town- fhip Begining at a Certain Maple tree Marked for the Northeaft Corner and runing fouth 15 Deg Eaft on Land of John and Timothy Poole 165 rod there Making an Angle and runing Weft 15 Deg fouth on Land of John Bewer 152 rod and on Common Land 28 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 15 Deg Weft on Common Land 160 rod to a bunch of Maple trees there making an Angle and runing Eaft 15 Degree North on Common Land 180 rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood and Edward Hart well Recorded April the 15*^ in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty one %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk ¥2 4.th December the 15*^ 1769 Laid out by the Divifion Committee appointed Ebenezer Harrington Claimer fifty acres of Land in Fitchburg being one half of a forth divifion which did belong to the right of Eleazer flagg Poole a rifing from houfe Lott No Eight there being two rod allowance in the Length and alfo in the width of it for roads going through the fame. it begins at a pine tree marked for the nor weft Cor- ner of it in the Eaft Line of Phinehas Hartwells Land and runs fouth three degrees Eaft Eighty rod bounding on faid Hartwells Land all the way Excepting Eight rod which it Extends fur ther fouth to a heap of ftones then it runs Eaft three Degree'' north bounding on Common Land one Proprietors' Records. 11 hundred and two rod to a heap of ftones then it runs north three Degrees Weft bounding on Common Land Eighty two rod to a heap of ftones on a Large Rock by the Brook then it runs Weft three degrees fouth Bounding on Common Land one hundred and two rod to the pine tree first mentioned by Nathan Haywood furvayer allowed of by the Committee and ordered to be Re- corded Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Ephraim Pearce Recorded December the 25^^ 1769 *# Edward Hartwell Propriator Clerk [8] James Burbeen of Houfe Lot Granted to James Burbeen by the Com- No 9. mittee appointed by the greate and General Court to alot and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburgh to Grantees fourty five acres of Land within faid town for a houfe Lot bareing Number nine to Gether with all the Rights and Divifions of Land belong- ing thereunto and the said Houfe Lot Bounds one Hun- dred and fixty Rod foutherly on Lot number ten and northerly on the highway and partly on Lot number Eight Easterly on y*^ high way and Wefterly on the Land Left for a way It begins at a pillar of Stones and runs Eaft twenty Eight deg North one hundred fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing north twenty Eight Degrees Weft fourty five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing West twenty Eighty deg^ fouth one Hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty Eight degr. Eaft fourty five rod to where it began and Laid out by the committee above laid 2d Divifion A fecond Divifion Lot bareing Number one ^° • ^ fcituate at the Noreaft Corner of faid town and the Contents is fevent^' acres and it Bounds northerly on north town Line Eafterly on Groton Line foutherly on 12 Proprietors' Records. fecond Devifion Wefterly on fecond Divifion Number two beginning at a pillar of ftones and and Runing fouth fev- enteen degr. Weft one Hundred and Sixty Eight rod to to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty two degr North one hundred and one Rod to a pil- lar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing north thirty feven degr. Eaft one Hundred and fixty one rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty two degr. fouth fourty three Rod to wdiere it be- gan, furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and recorded March the thirteenth day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and twenty nine thirty by order of the Committee viz. Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and nathan Heywood the faid fecond Divifion is Coupled to the Houfe Lot above faid by y*^ General Courts Committee Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburg August the 18^^ 1729. 3rt Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one Hundred acres of third Divifion Land to the Right of Mr James Burbeen Near the Moonufsnouck hill begining at a hemlock tree and Runing Weft fourty degr fouth one Hundred Rod there Making an Angle and runing North fourty deg"" Weft one Hundred and fixty Rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft fourty degr North one Hundred rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth fourty degr Eaft one Hundred and fixty rod to where It began furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded March the 20*^ day In the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty nine thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Meadow Laid out by the General Courts Committee Lott No 7. ^Q ]y[j. James Burbeen meadow Lot No feven Lying in Lunenburgh 6 acres and In that meadow Called QX^y pit meadow^ and is Coupled to houfe Lott No : 9 : and is Bounded northerly on M'^ Aliens Lott Wefterly on Proprietors Records. 13 the Land of Ephraim Wetherbe Ibutherly on P^ Wetherbes meadow Lott No 6 and Eafterly on the land of Jofeph Page, and It begins at a ftake fet up for the northweft Corner and runs fouth twenty, nine deg. thirty min Eaft fourteen rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty nine Degree North 80 Rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing North twenty nine degr. Weft ten rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft twenty seven de^gr fouth Eighty rod to where It began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved on by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard Recorded March the twenty feventh day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty. Edward Hartwell Clerk [9] Joshua Hutchins of 47 To William Clark Esq"" for three common ^* rights after the fecond division, arrising from House Lotts Number three number Nineteen ^^ and Number Seventy five. Honfe Lott Granted unto Joshua Hutchins by the Com- No 10 mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lot and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburgh to grantees fourty four acres and ninety two rod for a houfe Lot bareing number ten to gether with all the rights of Divifions of Land belonging there unto Within the townfhip of Lunenburgh BeGining at a pillar of ftones and a ftake fet up for fouth Corner and Runing North twenty nine Degr Weft fourty five Rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing East twenty Eight degr thirty minints North one Hundred and fifty nine rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty Eight Degr thirty minit Eaft fourty five rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft twenty Eight Degr thirty min fouth one Hundred and fifty Eight rod on Wetherbes Lot to where It Began and the faid Lott Bounds Wefterly on highway northerly on Burbeens Lot Eafterly on highway 14 Proprietors Records. foiitherly on the Land of Ephraim Wetherbe furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartvvell Nathan Heywood Jofhiia Hutchins and Jofiah Willard Recorded March the the twenty fifth day In the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 2d Lunenburgh February y^ 23^ 1729/30 ^° ^^ furvayed for Jofhua Hutchins a 2^ Divifion number twenty nine Lying Eafterly from pearl hill mead- ows adjoyning to the North Town Line Begining at a pillar of Stones in the north town Line Erected for the Eafterly Corner and runing fouth thirty two deg West one Hundred and forty five rod to a pillar of Stones Bounding on a fecond divifion there making an Angle and runing Weft thirty two deg North fixty feven rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North thirty two deg Eaft one Hundred and and fourty five rod to the north town Line Bounding on unDevided Land making an angle and runing Eaft thirty two deg fouth fixty feven rod on the North town Line to Where Sur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Com- mittee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jofhua Hutchens Recorded October the twenty third Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. 3d divifion Lunenburgh April the 23^^ 1729 Laid out to William Lawrance by the Committee ap- pointed b^^ the proprietors fourteen acres and one Hun- dred and forty Eight rod of third Divifion Land to the right number Eleven on the Northerly fide of Mulpus. be- gining at a pillar of Stones and runing North twenty five deg Eaft forty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft thirty ^ rod to a pillar of ftones there making and an Angle and runing Weft thirty feven deg North fifty fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing weft forty deg fouth ten rod there Proprietors Records. 15 making an Angle and runing fouth Eight teen deg weft twelve rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty three deg fouth ninety four rod to Where it began fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Com- mittee viz Edw-^ Hartwell Benoni Boynton and hilkiah boynton this plan comprehending fome meadow of John hills recorded October the 21^* Anno domini 1730 hj me Edward Hartwell Gierke [D-^] Lunenburg January the ll"' : 1730/31 Meadow Survayed for Jofhua Hutchins meadow No"4 ^ot\. Number 4 In uper mulpus meadows the M^ulpus contents of Which is 5 acres begining at a Certain red oak tree marked for the fouth Corner and runing North 2 degrees Eaft on Meadow Lott Number three 50 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 16 degrees north 20 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing fouth 1 degree Eaft on Meadow Lott No 5 48 rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and runing Eaft 27 degres fouth 18 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jo- fiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded December the 29*^ annoque Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [10] William Lawrance of Lunenburgh December the 24*^ 1729 ^ '^'^^^^ Laid out by the Committee appointed five felb^"'' acres of Land at Mulpus falls to Ephraim Wetherbe Claimer to make up what is Want- ing his houfe Lots number eleven and number twelve Begining at a pillar of ftones and a Cartain chery tree near the falls and Runing fouth fourty three degr Weft Six rod on Cap^ Gould there making an Angle and Runing West five degr fouth twelve rod to a pine tree on Cap* Gould there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty lix deg'- fouth twenty two rod there making an Angle and 16 Proprietors' Records. Runing North thirteen deg"" Weft fifteen rod and a half to the fore mentioned Cherry tree thence runing North twelve deg*" Weft thirty one rod on Cap^ Gould there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty five deg*" fouth fourty fix rod on Auftan to a black oak tree there making an Angle and Runing fouth thirty rod on fifk to a pine tree there making an Angle and Runing north thirty feven deg*" Weft to a white oak tree thirty nine rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth fourty three degr Weft to where It Began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard Recorded March the twenty fourth day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell CLerk. Houle Lott Granted to William Lawrance By the Corn- No il mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lot and grant out the Lands within the townfhip of Lunenburgh to Grantees fourty four acres and a quarter of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott bareing Number Eleven to gether With all the rights and Divifion of Land Belonging thereunto Lunenburgh December the 11^?^ 1729 Survayed for Ephraim Wetherbe Claimer two Houfe Lotts and a meadow Lott the number of the houfe Lotts are Eleven and twelve the Contents of both is Eighty four Acres and three quarters. Lott Number twelve begins at a Small Elm tree at the End of the meadow Lott and runs Weft twenty nine Degr fouth on aftains Lot one hundred and fixty four rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing north twenty nine Deg*" Weft Eighty five rod and a half to a ftake Crofs both the Lotts there making an Angle and runing Eaft twenty Eight Degr thirty min North one hun- dred and fixty five rod on Hutchins Lott there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty feven Degr Eaft fourty fix rod on the Highway to a Chefnut tree there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty Eight Degr thirty min Proprietors Records. 17 Eaft fourty rod and a half to Where It Began, the meadow Lott begins at a ftake in the End of the Houfe Lott Eight rod and two rod on auftins Lott there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty nine Degr North on Auftins and pages meadow^ Eighty rod there making an Angle and runing North twenty nine Degr Weft on Jofeph Page ten rod there making an Angle and Runing twenty nine Deg*" fouth Eighty Rod to Where it Began the Contents of the Meadow Lott is five acres furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Haywood Jonathan Willard and Jofhua Hutchens Recorded march the tw^enty fifth Day In the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. [11] Phineas Parker of Houfe Granted to Phineas Parker By the Com- Lott No 12. mittee appointed by the greate and General Court to a Lott and Grantt out the Lands Contained Within the townfhip of Lunenburg to Grantees fourty acres and a half of Land Within faid town for a Houfe Lott Baring Number twelve to gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land Belonging thereunto Lunenburgh January the IQt'i 1729/30 1^ Divifion Survayed for Robart Ffyfe Claimer a fecond No 41. Divifion number 41 Laid out by the General Courts Committee to Phineas Parker and Coupled to houfe Lot number twelve Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the North weft Corner and runing Eaft thirty two Deg'" fouth fourty five rod on Burbeens Lott there making an angle and Runing fouth feventeen degr Weft one Hundred and fifty three rod on Groton Line there making an angle and runing Weft thirty two deg north one Hundred and ten rod there making an Angle and Runing north fourty one degr thirty min Eaft one Hun- dred and fifty one rod to Where it began the Contents of this Lott is feventv one acres and one hundred and fifteen 18 Proprietor's Records. rod furva3'^ed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Meadow furvayed for Robart ffyfe Claimer meadow ^° ^ Lot Number four belonging to houfe Lott y Number twelve Lying in Lower Mulpus mead- ows Begining at a ftake fet up for the fouth weft Corner and runing Eaft twelve Degr thirtj"- Min fouth fifty rod and a half there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty degr north twenty five rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft twelve degr thirty min north Eighty four rod there makeing an Angle and runing fouth twenty feven degr Eaft twenty two rod to where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood Recorded march the twenty fift day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty by me Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburgh August the 12^^ 1729 ,. , ,,. .^ Laid out Phineas Parker by the Commit- 3cl Divifioii . , ^ / tee appointed one Hundred and twenty Acres of third Divifion Land belonging to Houfe Lot number twelve and is on the fowwefterly part of the apple tree Hill begining at a pillar of ftones Erected in Mr Pages Line and Runing North Eight Degr Eaft one Hundred and thirty three rod on faid Line to faid Pages nor weft Cor- ner there making an Angle and Runing Weft Eigh degr North one Hundred and fifty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth Eight Degr Weft ninety four rod Crofsing the River twice at an Elme tree there making an Angle and Runing fouth thirty feven degr Eaft fifty four rod to a With hazele tree there mak- ing an Angle and runing Eaft Eight degr fouth one Hun- dred and thirteen rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Hilkiah Bovnton — 4th Divifion Proprietors Records. 19 Recorded march the twenty fifth day In the year of our Lord one thoul'and feven Hundred and thirty '# Edward Hart well Clerk [11-] Lunenburg november y^ 29 1731. Laid out by the Committee appointed ten acres of fourth Divifion Land to Robart Fyfife Claimer fouth from his third Divifion and adjoyning there- to fixty rod and all the other Lines are bounding on the River and the ten acres is allmost all Entervail Land furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee to witt Jofiah Willard Jonathan Wil- lard and Edward Hartwell Recorded march the 22^1 : 1731/2 1^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburg November the 30^^' 1731. 4tii Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed fev- Land. ^^^^ acres of fourth Divifion to Robert Fyffe Claimer the right arifiing from houfe Lott No 12 and also the ten acres a bove faid is Laid out upon the faid right No 12 the feventy acres begins at a Certain Elm tree marked for the fouth weft Corner of his own third Divi- fion and runs north 8 deg weft on s^ third Divifion fev- enty feven rod to a pillar of ftones there making an An- gle and runing Weft 27 Deg north 56 ""o^ to a black oak tree there making an Angle and runing Weft 10 Degrees north on Land of Mr thurstin 80 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth Eight Degrees Weft on Common Land 86 rod to a maple tree there making an Angle and runing East 12 Degrees fouth 133 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded March the 22'^ anno Domini 1731/2 'r^ Edward Hartwell Clerk this Land Lyeth on the northerly fide of the Role ftone hill 20 Proprietor's Records. [13] Daniel Austain Houfe Lott Granted to Daniel Auftain by the Corn- No 13 mittee appointed by the Great and General Court to a Lott and and grant out the Lands within the townfhip of Lunenburgh to Granttees forty three acres and a quarter within faid town for a Houfe Lott No thir- teen to Gether with all the Rights and Divifions of Land beLonging thereunto Lunenburgh february the 28*^ 1729/30. Meadow Survayed for Daniel Auftain His Houfe ^*^ ^ Lott Number thirtteen the Contents of Which is forty three Acres and a quarter alfo Laid by the com- mittee a piece of Land adjoyning to make up what is Wanting in his houfe Lott. alfo furva^^ed his meadow Lott the Contents of which is fix acres and a quarter they joyning to gether begining at heape of ftones which is y*^ fouth eafterly Corner and runing North twenty nine Degrees Weft forty three rod to a ftake there making an angle and Runing Eaft twenty Eight degrees North on Wetherbes Lott one hundred and fixty three rod to a heep of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty nine degrees Eaft on Wetherbe meadow two rod there making an Angle runing Eaft twenty nine degrees north on the faid wetherbes meadow fixty Eight rod there mak- ing an Angle and runing fouth Eleven degrees Eaft on Joseph Pages meadow twenty one rod to a ftake there making an angle and Runing Weft twenty fix degrees fouth on John iifks meadow forty live rod to a white oke tree there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty de- grees Weft ninteen rod to the End of the Houf Lott there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty nine degrees East Eleven rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft twenty nine degrees fouth one Hundred and fixty three rod to where it began Survayed by Nathan He\^wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard Recorded August the fevcnth Day in the year ot our Lord one thoufand fevcn Hundred and thirty bv me hMward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 21 Lunenburgh April the 23'^ 1729. third Divifion Laid out for Daniel Aiiftin by the Corn- Land mittee appointed to the right thirteen one hundred and nineteen acres and forty rod of third Divi- fion Land Lying on the Northerly fid of Mulpus begining at a pillar of ftones and Riming Eaft twenty five degrees fouth one Hundred and Eighty rod to a pillar of Stones; there making an Angle and Runing north twenty five degrees Eaft one Hundred and fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and Runing weft twenty five De- grees North one Hundred and Eighty rod to a pillar of ftones. there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty five Degrees West one Hundred and fix rod to where it began. furva3^ed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Benoni Boynton and Hilkiah boyn- ton Recorded August the feventh Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty "ii? Edward Hartwell Clerk [13^] Lunenburg march the 23';'. 1730 2d Divifion furvayed for Daniel Auftin 2^^ Divifion No No 50. 5Q -|-^g Contents of which is 56 acres and three quarters Cituate and Lying on flat hill Begining at pillar of ftones Erected for the fouth Corner and runing north 17 degrees Eaft on Land of Archeebild mac-fedrich 150 rod to a ftake and heep of ftone there making an Angle and runing West 32 degrees north 61 rod to a pil- lar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 18 degrees West on Lott No. 51: 149: rod to a ftake there making an angle and runing Eaft 31 degree fouth 64 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartw^ell Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood. Recorded august the 16*^^ annoque Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. 22 Proprietors Records. [13] Samuel Page. Granted to famuell Page by the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to aLott and Grant out the Lands within the Town of Lunenburg to Grantees one hundred and Eleven acres and one quarter for two Houfe Lotts within faid Townfhip for two Houfe Lotts namly fifty one and fifty two togather with all the Divifions of upland and meadow that belong thereto or fhall arife therefrom within the townfhip of faid Lunenburg. Houfe Lott Lunenburg October the 26*^?^ 1747 furvayed ^°" ^^- for the Heirs of M*" Sam^^ Page above faid 59 Late of s^ Lunenburg Deceafed the two Houfe Lotts which The faid famuell Page Died Poffeft of being Number fifty one and fifty two the Contents of Bouth being one hundred and Eleven acres and a quarter there being forty five pearch taken out by the town for a town way as pict out by this plan faid Lotts Begins at a Cer- tain white oak tree marked for the fouth weft Corner of faid Land and runs north twenty three Degrees Weft on Capt Jonathan Willard and on the Town road and Robert Clarks Land one hundred and thirty feven rod to a Little walnut tree then it Runs Eaft twenty nine Degrees north on faid Clarks Land one hundred and fifty rod to a pillar of ftones then it Runs fouth one Degree Eaft on Land be- longing to the Heirs of Jonas Gibfon Deceafed two hundred and Eight rod to a pillar of ftones on the Back fide of Aaron Browns fhop then it Runs then it Runs Weft Eight Degrees north on the Town Road feventy four Rod to where it begun ^ Nathan Heywood furvayor and allowed on and ordered to be put upon Record by the Committee viz Na- than Heywood Edward Hartwell and December y^ 4^^ 1747 then Recorded %^ Edward Hartwell proprietors dark [13-] Lunenburg, April the 14^^ 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out to famucU Page by the Commit- No. 51 ^gg Eighty acres and fifty rod of third Divi- fion Land at the apple tree hill the Right arifing from Proprietors Records. 23 Houfe Lott No fifty one begining at a pillar of ftones and runing Eaft nine Degrees north Eighty one rod to a pillar of ftones there making and an angle and runing fouth nine Degrees west Eighty two rods to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft ten degrees fouth Eight rod there making an Angle and runing fouth ten degrees Eaft twent3^ one rod there making angle and run- ing fouth nine Degrees Weft fift3' one rod there making an Angle and runing Weft ^nine Degrees North Eighty one rod there making an Angle and runing north nine Degrees Eaft one hundred and fixty rod to where it began Nathan Hey wood furvayer approved of b}^ the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Be- noni Boynton Ifaac Farnsworth Recorded the 19*^^ Day of may Annoque Domini 1729 p*" Edward Hart well Clerk. Lunenburg October the 26^^^ 1747. 2d Divifioii furvayed fecond Divifion Number fixty two No 62 arifmg from Houfe Lott Number 51 and is the most northerly Lott which is in the pofsefsion of Mofes Mitchel and nathaniel Page and Contains fixty two acres and one hundred and thirty Eight rod it begins at a pillar of ftones w^hich is the most foutherly Corner of faid Lott and runs north fixteen Degrees Eaft on Land Left for a highway fixty four rod to a pillar of ftones then runs Weft twenty nine degrees north on Land of William Alexander one hundred and fixty two rod to a pillar of ftones then runs fouth fixteen Degrees Weft on Land of Robert Clark fixty four rod to a pillar of ftones then it Runs East twenty nine Degrees fouth on fecond Divifion No 61 — one hundred and fixty two rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and allowed by the Committee Nathan He3'wood Edward Hartwell December the 4tji 1747. then Recorded %^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk the other Land of M^ famuell page are Recorded in the fecond part of this Book at page 41 24 Proprietors Records. [14] Thomas Hill. House Lott Granted to Thomas Hill By the Committee No 15 appointed By the Greate and General Court to alott and Grant out the Lands Within the townfhip of Lunenburg to Granttees 47 acres & 138 rod for Houfe Lott Number fifteen the meadow Lott in faid Houfe Lott together withall the Rights and Divifions of upland and meadow within the Townfhip of Lunenburg that belongs to or fhall arife from faid Lott April the 5*^ 1743. furvayed for John Hill of Boston Esq. Claimer Houfe Lott No 15 the meadow Lott within faid Lott and is bounded as followeth to witt Weft- erly on Land of Samuell Davies foutherly on y'^ minifterial House Lott Eafterly partly on the faid minifterial Houfe Lott and partly on y*^ Land of James Colbern Robert Speer and Abel platts and northerly on Northfield road fo Called Begining at a ftake fet up for the foutheaft Corner and runs Weft forty Six rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then runing north one hundred and fifty Eight rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then runing Eaft fifty one rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then runing fouth two degrees West one hundred and fifty nine rod to where it began furvayed by Jonathan Hubbard Ju*" allowed and ap- proved of By the Committee and ordered to be recorded viz Edward Hart well Hilkiah Boynton Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard Recorded November y'^ 11^^ 1743 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg September the 2') 1729. 3d Divifioii Laid out to Zacheas Hill one hundred and twenty Eight acres and ninet}^ rod nine acres being to make up what is w^anting in his Houfe Lott begining at a Crotched oak tree and Runing fouth 5 degrees Weft 121 rod to an oak tree there making an Proprietors' Records. 25 angle and Runing Eaft five Degrees fouth one hundred and feventy rod there making an Angle runing North five Degrees Eaft one hundred and twenty one rod on John Hills Lott there making an Angle and Runing Weft five Degrees North one hundred and feventy rod to where began partly on Capt Willards Land and partly on unde- vided Land furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Isaac Farns- worth and Jonathan Willard Recorded October the 22*? 1742 1t^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [14^] Lunenburg June the 17*^^ 1730 2d Divifion Survayed for Thomas Hill 2^ Divifion N^ N° ^2 32. the Contents of Which is 54 Acres begin- ing at a ftake and heep of ftones Which is the foutherly Corner and Runing West 31 deg 30 minits north 57 rod there there making an Angle and runing North 30 Deg. Eaft on Lott No 31. 152 rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 31 deg 30 min fouth on the North range of Lotts 57 rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth 30 Deg West on Lott No 33. to Where it Began. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee to Witt Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded May the 26. 1732 %? Edward Hartwell Cler. Lunenburg April y'^ 28*^ 1731 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 86 acres of Land to Zacheus Hill Claimer in the Wefterly part faid townfhip for a fourth Divifion arifing from houfe Lott No 15 adjoyning to f*^ Zacheus Hills third Divifion beging at a Certain pillar of ftones in the Line of faid 3^^ Divifion and runing Eaft 5 deg fouth on F third Divifion 76 rod to a maple tree there making an Angle and and Runing north 5 deg East on Land of William Clark Esq'' 238 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing West 35 deg fouth on f'* Clarks Land 59 rod 26 Proprietors' Records. to a ftake and heap of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 12 deg Weft on land of thomas Heale Esq"" and David Wait 108 rod to where it Began. Survayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Joiiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded May the 26^1^ 1732 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler May the 26*"^ 1744. we whofe Names are under written making fearch and taking a Critical furvay of the fourth Diviilon above pland viz Zacheus Hills and finding wanting in meafur Eight acres and an half and have therefore Laid out faid Eight acres an a half on the fouth fide of of faid Hills 3^^ Divifion an hundred and feventy rod in Long and Eight rods wide to make up faid Deficient Lott \^' Nathan He3^wood furvayor approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood an May the 28"^ 1744 Recorded ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [15] Thomas Kimbai. Granted to Thomas Kimbal by the Committee ap- pointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Grantee acres for a houfe Lott bearing No 16 to gether with all the rights and Divifions of Lands belonging thereto or arifeing therefrom. Lunenburg March y^ 24^^ 1729/30 2d Divifion furvaycd for Thomas Kimbal a fecond Di- No 24 vifion No 24 the Contents of Which is fifty two acres and a quarter Begining at a ftak and a heap of ftones Erected for the South Corner and runing north twenty Eight Deg Eaft on Lott number twenty three one hundred and fifty rod to a ftak there making there making An Angle and Runing Weft thirty one deg thirty minits north on the Proprietors Records. 27 North town Line fifty six rods to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty nine degrees Weft one hundred and fiftj'^ rod on Lott No 25 there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one degree thirty minits fouth fifty feven rod and a half to Where it began Surva^^ed \iy Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and nathan Heywood Recorded march the 26. annoque Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [16] Jonathan Woodman. Granted unto Jonathan Woodman by the Committee appointed b3' the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within faid town to Granttees for a houfe Lott to gether Withall the rights and Divifions of Land be Longing there to or arifing there to from Lunenburg March the 25*^ 1729?? 2'i Divifion Survayed for Cap* Jonathan Woodman a No 40 fecond Divifion Lott No 40 : Lying near per- hams meadow the Contents of v^hich is 51 acres and a half Begining at a Certain White oak tree "'" marked for the fouth weft Corner and Runing West to a White oak tree 54 rod Bounding Chifiy on Cap* Jofeph Goulds first Divifion there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 deg 30 minits North 8 : rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing north 27 Degrees Eaft : 157 : on Brewers Lott to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft : 31 : deg : 30 : minits fouth on fecond Divifion Land : 60 : rod to a read oak tree there making an Angle and runing South 29 Degrees West on Goulds Lott : 128 rod to Where It began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded October the 11*? annoque Domini 1731 : ^ Edward Hartwell Cler 28 Proprietors Records. [16'] Lunenburg May the 21^^ 1737 2d Divifion Survayed for Coll? Jofiali Willard Claimer No 82. 2*1 Divifion No 82 (arifing from Houfe Lott No 5.) now in pofsefsion of Cap^ Jonathan Woodman Containing 55 acres Begining at a Certain Red oak tree marked for the Eafterl^^ Corner of faid Woodmans other Divifion and runs fouth 32 deg West on faid Divifion 128: rod to a White oak tree then runs Eaft 105 rod bounding partly on Cap^ Jofeph Gould partly on Jonathan Dows Esq'' and partly on John White to a hem Lock tree then runing north 28 deg 30 min Eaft on Jonathan Wheeler 75 rod to a White oak tree thence runing Weft 31 deg 30 min north on the north range. 86. rod to Where it began ^ Nathan Heywood Survayer approved of Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard Committee Recorded may the 23'^ 1737 ^tt^ Edward Hartwell Clerk June 21" 1773. Laid out by the Committee appointed twenty four acres and an half of Land in Fitchburg to George Kim- ball Claimer to make up what is wanting in the fecond Divifion Lott number forty it being an Equivelent therefor It Begins at a beach tree marked and ftands on the northry fide of the Road that Leads up to Benjamin Frofts Dwelling Houfe and in the Eafterly Line of faid Frofts Land and runs Eaft three Degrees north bounding on Common Land feventy rod to a heap of ftones thence north three Degrees Weft Bounding on Common Land fifty-six rod to a heap of ftones thence Weft three degrees fouth on Common Land fevent^^ rod to a heap of ftones By the Brook which is faid Frofts north eaft Corner then it runs fouth three degrees Eaft Bounding on faid Frofts Land fifty fix rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of and ordered to be Recorded by us Nathan Heywood Ephraim Pearce and Eleazer Houghton Committee Recorded June the 25^^ 1773 By me Edward Hartwell Proprietors Cleark Propj'ietors Records. 29 [17] Samuel Warren. [18] JosiAH Bailey. Honfe Lott Granted unto Jofiah Bailey Hotife Lott No 19 nomber nineteen within the town of Lunen- burg by the Committee appointed by the Great and Gen- eral Court to alott and Grant out the Lands Within faid town it Being forty two acres and one hundred and thirty nine rod to gather With "all the rights and Divifions that belong thereto or fhall arife there from and the faid Houfe Lott Begins at a heap of ftones Which is the Norwest Corner and runing fouth 1 degree West on John Hills Lott 154 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft on Wo- born farm 44 rod and V2 to a Chefnut tree there making an Angle and and runing North one Degree Eaft on Lott Number 18. 154 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 44 rod and a half to Where it Began Survayed by Nathan Haywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded march y*': 1: 1733/4 1^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [18'] Lunenburg January the 11*^^ 1730/31 Meadow Survayed for Jofiah Bayley meadow Lott Lott No 3. Number 3 in uper mulpus the Contents of mu pus. Which is 6 acres and (114) rod Begining at red oake tree marked at the fouth Corner and runing Eaft 27 Degrees North on the upland thirty three rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and Runing North 9 West on Meadow Lot No. 2 37 rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and Runing West 10 degrees fouth by the upLand 15 rod to a pine tree there making an angle and runing Weft 16 degrees North 7 rod and a half to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing fouth 2 Degrees Weft on Meadow Lott No: 4: 50 rod to Where It Began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood. Recorded December the 29*'^: 1731: %^ Edward Hartwell Cler 30 Pj'opi'ietors' Records. Lunenburg March the 24*^ 1729/30 2d Divifion Survayed for Jofiah Bailey a fecond Divifion No 23. -^Q 23. the Contents of Which is 52. Acres and a quarter Begining at a ftake and a pillar of ftones Erected for the fouth Corner and Runing North 28 Degrees Eaft on Lott No 22 150 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing West 31 deg 30 minits north on the north town Line 56 rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth 28 degrees West on Lot Number twenty four 150 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 31 degree 30 minits fouth 57 rod to Where It Began. Survayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood and Edward Hart well Recorded December the 29^^ annoque Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [19] John Hill Houfe Lott Granted to John Hill By the Committee ^*^- appointed By the Create and General Court to aLott and Grant out the Land Within the Townfhip of Lunenburgh to Granttees fourty one acres and : 139 rod of Land Within faid Townfhip for a houfe Lott bar- ing Number twenty to gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land belonging thereunto Lunenburg June the 12*^'^ 1730 furvayed for John Hill Houfe Lott Number twenty the Contents of Which is fourty one Acres and 139 rod. Begining at a heap of ftones Which is the North eaft Corner and Runing fouth one Degree Weft on Josiah Baleyes Lott one Hundred and fifty four rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft fourty three rod and a half on Woborn farm there Mak- ing an Angle and Runing North one Degree Eaft on Calfs Lott one hundred and fifty four rod there making an An- gle and runing Eaft on Northfield road fourty three rod and a half to where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey- wood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Wil- Proprietors Records. 31 lard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Hey- wood Recorded December the feventeenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty Edw^ Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June the 17*^ 1730 2d Divifion lurvayed for John hill fecond Divifion ^^- Number thirt}^ three the Contents of Which is fifty three acres and a half. Begining at a ftake and and heep of ftones Which is the Southerly Corner and Runing Weft thirty one Degrees thirty minits North fifty fix rod and a half there making an angle and Runing north thirty degrees Eaft on Lott Number thirty two one Hundred and fifty two rod there Making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty one Degrees thirty minits fouth on the North range fifty fix rod and a half there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty degrees Weft on Lott Number thirty four one hundred fifty two Rod to Where It Began fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Com- mittee Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and nathan heyw^ood Recorded Defember the feventeenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty Edwd Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg September 2'^ 1729, to John hill 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one Hundred and twenty acres of third Divifion Land arifing from houfe Lott Number twenty Begining at a Hemlock tree and Runing Weft five Degrees north one Hundred and fifty nine rod on third Divifion Land Laid out to Cap^ Jofiah Willard there Making an Angle and Runing fouth five Degrees Weft one Hundred and twenty one rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft five Degrees fouth one hundred and fifty nine rod to a White pine tree there making an angle and run- ing north five degrees Eaft one hundred and twenty one rod to Where It besran 23 Proprietors Records. Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Isaac Farnsworth Recorded December the feventeenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred & thirty ^ Edwd Hartwell Clerk [Inserted between pages 19 and 19".] This may Certify whome it may Concerne that we Jofhua Billings Jun^ and Ruben Billings Did inadvertently Cut Down A Hemlock tree which was marked for the Northeaft Corner of John Hills 4^*^ Divifion lot arifing from Houfe lot No 20 and is Recorded in the 19*^ page of the proprietors book, and is alfo the foutheaft Corner of a lot of land Laid out to Col° Jofiah Willard and Recorded in page 16 of the proprietors 2^ book (signed) Joshua Billings Jun*" (signed) Reuben Billings. We the under figned, owners of the lands Ajacent to the above mentioned Hemlock Confidering the above men- tioned Hemlock to be of Great importance to be kept in Remembrance (it being the only original bound, for a Great Distance from this place) Did afsemble immediately and Erect a large heap of Stones around the Stump, and we Defire the proprietors Clerk to Seal thefe lines into the proprietors Book facing page 19*^ So that whoever in future should look for the bounds of Ether of the above mentioned lots may se that the bound is Renewed as above mentioned (signed) Thos Evans \ owners Afhby Sep^-" y*^ 26"^ 1795. Israel gibson ( of the (signed) Asa Kendall T Ajacent (signed) Jacob Puffer ) Lands [ID-] Lunenburg January the 11 1730/81 Meadow Survayed for John Hill meadow Lott No ^"^^^ 2 in mulpus uper meadows next to the faid Way. the Contents of Which is 4 acres and a ({uarler Begining at a pine tree marked for the fouth Proprietor's Records. 33 weft Corner and runing north nine Degrees West on meadow Lott No 3 : 37 rod to a heap of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft one Degree North on upland 13 rod to a pine ftumpe there making an Angle and Runing fouth 4-2 Degrees Eaft on upland 19 rod there making an angle and Runing fouth ten Degrees Weft on upland 8 rods there making an angle and fouth East 6 rod and a half to a pine tree there making an angle and runing fouth 35 Degrees^ West Crofmg the Brook 12 rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and Runing West one Degree fouth 16 rod to Where it Began furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hart well Jonathan Willard and Nathan Hey- wood Recorded September the 3*^ anno Domini 1731 V' Edward Hart well Clerke December the 3^ 1731. ,,^ ^. .^ Laid out by the Committee appointed 4tli DiYifion y , 1 -I 1 r T 1 thirty acres and one hundred rod oi Land to John Hill for part of his fourth Divifion fcituat Lying and being by the norwesterly fide of the perl hill being Chiefly Swamp Beginning at a Certain Black oake tree marked for the Eaft Corner which is the Corner of Coll° Browns Land and runing west thirty one Degrees thirty minits north on Hugh Scotts Land feventy rod to a beach tree there making angle and runing fouth thirty one degrees thirty minits weft on Common Land feventy rod to a pil- lar of ftones by a Chefnut tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one degrees thirty minits fouth on Common Land feventy rod to the aforefaid Coll° Browns Land there making an Angle and runing north 31 degrees Eaft on faid Browns Land fevent^^ rod to where it began ^ nathan Heywood furvayor and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hart- well Ephraim Pearce and Jonathan Willard Recorded December y*^ 16*^ 1738 '# Edward Hart well Clerk 34 Propvietors Records. febimarv 4 Laid out to John Hill forty acres and an 173 //8 \\?\{ of Land in the northwesterly part of faid townfhip for part of a forth divifion arifmg from Houfe Lott No twenty Begining at a hem- lock tree marked for the Eaft Corner of faid Land and runs Weft thirty two degrees north on Land Laid out to Coll° Jofiah Willard 222 rod to a maple tree then runs fouth twelve digrees Weft on Land belonging to the Heirs of Coll- Brown thirty three rod then runs Eaft thirty two Degrees fouth on the fecretarys Land two hundred and twelve rod then north thirty two degrees Eaft thirty rod to where it began %^ Nathan Heywood furvayor And approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hart- well Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard. Recorded December the le^h 1738 %^ Edward Hart well Clerk [20] John Calf House Lott Granted unto John Calf by the Committee No 21 appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Contained Within the Townfhip of Lunenburg to Granttee thirty Eight Acres and a quarter Within faid town for Houfe Lott bearing Number 21 to Gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land and meadow that bcLongs thereto or fhall arife therefrom Recorded march y 7^^ 1732/3 itf^ Edward Hart well Clerk Lunenburg April the 24^^ 1733. Survayed for M*" Jonas Clark Claimer Houfe Lott No 21 the Contents of Which is thirty Eight acres and a quarter Begining at a Certain Chefnut tree marked for the Northeaft Corner of faid Lott and runing West on North- field Road 43 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing fouth on m"" Heals Lott 154 rod to to a pillar of ftones thence runing East on Woborn farm 38 rod to a pillar of ftones thence runing north one Degree Eaft on John Hill Lott 154 rod to Where it Began fur- Proprietors' Records. 35 vayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Com- mittee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Wil- lard and Nathan Heywood Recorded March y^ 1^^ 1733/4 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg October y^ 25*^ 1736. Meadow Lott furvayed meadow Lott No 3. in Lower No 3. Mulpus belonging to the right of John Calf the Contents of which is five acres Begining at a white pine tree marked for the Eafterly Corner and runing fouth 20 degrees Weft 35 rod to a ftake by the Brook then runing Weft 4 deg*" north by the Brook 23 rod to a ftake then runing North 4 degrs West by meadow Lott No 2 : 16 rod to a black burch tree then runs East 37: Deg*"® north on a pine ridge and fwamp 36 : rod to fmall maple tree then runs fouth 43 deg*"® Eaft on fwamp ten rod to where it began By Nathan Heywood fur. approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Recorded November y<^ 8^^ 1736 ^ Edward Hartwell propr: Clerk [30-] Lunenburg. March the 24*^ 1732/3 2d Divifion Survayed for John Calf a 2^ Divifion num- ^° ^^ ber twenty feven the Contents of Which is fifty two acres and a half. Begining at a ftake and heap of ftones Erected for the fouth Corner and runing north 30 Degrees Eaft on Lott Number 26 150 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft 31 degrees 30 minits north on the north town Line 56 rods there making an Angle and Runing fouth 30 degrees West on Lott No 28 150 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing East 31 degrees 30 minits fouth 56 to Where it began. furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of hy the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December y^ 29*^ 1733 *#^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 36 Proprietors' Records. Lunenburg April y^ 24*1^ 1733. 3d Divifion Laid out to mr Jonas Claris Claimer by the Committee appointed 120 Acres of third Divifion Land arifmg from Houfe Lott No 21 Cituate and Lying on the Southerlj-^ fide of the River Begining at a ftake which is John Heywoods foutheaft Corner of his third Divifion and Runing Eaft 42 Degrees South by the River 90 rod there making an Angle and runing West 33 degrees fouth 14 rod to Goodridges Corner there making an Angle and runing fouth 42 Degrees Eaft on Goodridges Lott 10 rods there making an Angle and runing West 11 degrees fouth on houghtons Lott 83 rod there making an Angle and runing West 19 Degrees fouth on Common Land 146 rod there making an Angle and runing North 15 Degrees West on Common Land 96 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 15 Degrees north Chiefly on John Heywoods Lott 189 rod to Where it Began fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by 3^^ Com- mittee viz. Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell & Jonathan Willard Recorded march y 7"^ 1733/4 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk The other Lands belonging to this Right are Recorded in the fecond part of this Book at page 35. [31] Thomas Hale. Granted to Thomas Hale b3^ the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a lott and Grant out the Lands Within the Town of Lunenburg to Granttee forty five acres of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott No : 22 to gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land belonging thereto or arifeing therefrom Lunenburg April the 24 : 1733. Houfe Lott Survayed for Thomas Hale Houfe Lott No 22 Nq 22 the Contents of Which is 45 Acres Begining at a Certain pillar of ftones Erected for the North eaft Corner and runing West 44 rod to a pillar of ftones and runing from thence fouth 2 Degrees West on Proprietors Records. 37 m^ prefcotts Lott 154 rod to a pillar of ftones thence runing Eaft on Woborn farm 50 rod to a pillar of ftones thence runing north on the Lott now beLonging to m'' Jonas Clark 154 rod to Where it Began furva3'ed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded March y^ 7^^ 1733/4 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg June the 17*^ 1731. 2d Divifion furvayed for Thomas Hale 2^ Divifion N° ^° ^^- 38. the Contents of Which is 52 Acres and a quarter, begining at hemlock tree Which is the foutherly Corner and runing Weft 31 deg 30 minits North 57 rod there making an Angle and runing North 30 Deg Eaft on Lott No 37. 152 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 31 degree 30 min fouth on the North range of Lotts 52 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 28 De- grees West on Lott No: 39: 152: rod to Where it began. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee to witt Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded May the 28*^ 1731 ^ Edwd Hartwell Clerk [31^] Lunenburg April y^ 26. 1731 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed & 4th Divifion -L95 acres of Land In the Westerly part of f^ townfhip for a third and fourth Divifion to Thomas Hale Esq"" arifeing from houfe Lott No 22 Begining at a Cer- tain Beach tree Marked for the north west Corner and Runing South 12 Degrees West on Land of Samuell Brown Esq^ 165 rod to a ftake and heep of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 12 Degrees fouth on Land of David Wait 190 : rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing North 12 Degrees Eaft on Common Land 165 rod to a ftake and heep of ftons there making and Angle and Runing West : 12 : Degrees north on Land of Jofiah Willard 190 rod to Where it began 38 Proprietors Records. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded September the 11*^ anno Domini 1731 %? Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg May the 8*^ 1731 Meadow Lott furvayed for thomas Hale Esq*" Meadow Mulpus \^o\x No : 1 in Mulpus meadows the Contents of which is 6 acres and a half. Begining at a Certain pillar of Stones Erected for the North Corner and runing fouth 38 Degrees West on M*" Thirsting meadow 32 : rod to the upland there making an Angle and runing fouth by the upLand : 40 : rod there making an Angle and run- ing Eaft on meadow Land of Walter Beeth 25 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 30 Degrees north : 9 : rod by the up Land there making an Angle and runing north 19 Degrees West on the up Land : 6 : rod there making an Angle and runing north 4 degrees Eaft on the upland : 18 : rod there making an Angle and runing north 37 Degrees East 18 rod on the upland there making an Angle and Runing North 18 Degree West on the upland 25 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded October the 11*^ annoque Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell CLer [33] The Rev? Mr Andrew Gardner of Lunenburgh 47 To William Clark Esq"" For a Seccond division of Sixty Acres Number eighty arris- ing from House lott N° one and bounded as hy Plan given in with the Deed To Ditto For two third divisions of Two hundred and forty acres, arrising from House lotts Nomber one and number Eighty four lying East of Neesepegesuck ponds To Ditto For two Common rights after the third division arrising from House lotts Number One & num- ber Eighty four Proprietors Records. 39 Lunenburg January the 9*^ 1729/30 Houfe Lott Survayed for the Revrend m*" andrew Gard- No 84 jjgj. Claimer Houfe Lott Number 84. the Con- tents of Which is 51 acres and a half Begining at a ftake fet up for the north eaft Corner and runing Weft 2 De- grees fouth 120 rod on Groute Lott there making an Angle and runing fouth 15 degrees Eaft 68 rod on Wo- born farm Line there making an Angle and runing Eaft 4 Degrees North 134 rod" on Jonathan Willards Lott there making an Angle and Runing North 23 degrees Weft 31 rod on pages Lott there making an Angle and runing north 29 Degrees Weft 27 rod to Where it Began Survayed by Nathan Haywood and approved by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded February the 22"^ anno Domini 1733/4 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietor Clerk Lunenburg January the 18*^^ 1730/31 meadow Survayed for m*" Andrew Gardner Claimer Lott No 1. meadow Lott No 1 in Cattaconamoug mead- ows on Both fides Massapoog brook the Contents of Which is 5 acres and a quarter Begining at a Certain popler tree marked for the moft northerly Corner and runing West 24 degrees fouth on Land of Eleazer Hough- ton 34 rod to a ftake there making an angle and runing fouth 19 Degrees Eaft on Land of f<^ Houghton 20 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 9 degree north on Land of faid Houghton 34 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing north 19 degrees Weft on medow Lott number two twenty Eight rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jollah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded February y^ 22^ 1733/4 %* Edward Hartwell Clerk. 40 Proprietors Records. [22^] Lunenburg June the 17^^ 1730: Second furvayed for the Reverend M*" Andrew Divifion Gardner Claimer 2^ Divifion Number 31 : the ^° ^^ Contents of Which is 54 acres Begining at a ftake and heap of ftones Which is the foutherly Corner and Runing West 31 deg 30 min North 57 rod there making an Angle and Runing North 30 deg East 152 rod there making an Angle and runing East 31 deg 30 fouth on the North range 57 rod there Making an Angle and Runing fouth 30 deg West on Lott No. 32 : 152 : rod to Where it Began furvayed Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 29*^^^ Anno Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg april y*^ 10^^ 1730. Houfe lot furvayed for the Rev'' M^ Andrew Gardner No 14 Claimer Houfe Lott Number 14 the Contents of which is 45 acres Begining at a ftake fet up for the foutherly Corner and runing Eaft 30 degrees North on mr pages Lott 168 rod to a White oak tree there making angle and runing North 29 Degrees West on the Clay pitt Land 45, rod there making an Angle and runing west 31 degrees fouth on Daniel Auftins Lott 168 there making an Angle and runing fouth 29 degrees East 40 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded February y«^ 22^ 1733/4 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [23] Robert Paul Houfe Lott Granted unto Robart Paul by the Corn- No 24. mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the tow^n of Lunenburg to granttees thirty nine Acres and a half of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott Number twenty four to gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land that belongs thereto or fhall arife therefrom Proprietors' Records. 41 Lunenburg November y^ 24^^ 1731. Survayed for Hugh Scot Claimer houfe Lott Number 24 the Contents of Which is thirty nine Acres and a half. Begining at a Certain Chesnut tree marked for the north- easterly Corner and Runing West 43 : rod to a pillar of Stones bounding on Land left for a highway called north- field road there making an Angle and runing fouth 2 degrees 30 degrees West on Robart Cummings Lott N° 25 : 147 : rod to a pillar^ of ftones there making an Angle and runing East on Woborn farm 44 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north 3 Degrees Eaft on m'' prefcotts Lott 147 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hart well Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard and Josiah Willard Recorded December the 6*^ Anno Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg November the 23^^ 1731 2d Divifion furvayed for hugh Scot Claimer fecond No 30 divifion number 30. the Contents of Which is 51 acres and a half belonging to houfe Lott 24 Begining at a Certain Stake and heape of Stones Erected for the fouth eaft Corner and runing West 31 Degrees 30 minits north 56 rod to a ftake and pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 31 degrees Eaft 150 rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 31 Degrees 30 minits South on the north range of Lotts 55 rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and Runing South 31 degree West on Lott No 31 : 150 : rod to Where It Began Survayed by nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard Josiah Willard Recorded December the 6 : 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell CLer Lunenburg November the 23^^ 1731. Meadow Lott Survayed for huge Scot Claimer the Mead- ow Lott belonging to Houfe Lott Number 24 In pearl hill meadow at the Lower End of faid meadow 42 Proprietors Records. the Contents of Which is fix acres and three quarters Containing fom upland. Begining at a Certain pine tree marked for the Most Wefterly Corner and runing North 35 Deg Eaft 78 rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 30 Degrees Eaft 20 rod to a White oak tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 40 Degrees Weft 67 rod there making an Angle and running West 24 Degrees north on Meadow Land 12 rod to Where it Began ^-^ Nathan Heywood Survayer approved of by the Committee Edward Hartwell Na- than heywood Jonathan Willard Jofiah Willard. Recorded December the 15**^ anno Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [33^] Lunenburg November y^ 23^ 1731. Houfe Lott Laid out by the Committee appointed 235 No. 24. Acres of Land northerly from pearl Hill to Hugh Scott Claimer arifeing from Houfe Lott No. 24 for a third Divifion and a fourth Divifion and to make up What is Wanting in the Houfe Lott and fecond Divifion in eluding a fmale corner of meadow belonging to an- other Lott. Begining at a Certain ftake in faid meadow and run- ing North 31 deg. 30 minits Eaft on M^ Aliens Land 145 rod to the town Line there making an angle and Runing West 31 degrees 30 minits north on faid tov n Line 260 rod the other two Lines being parralel and Bounding Wefterly on Common Land and fowweft By Collonel Brown and Josiah Willard EsqT Survayed by nathan He3'wood and approved of By the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood Recorded May the 25*^ Anno Domini 1732 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [34] Capt. Josiah Willard of Lunenburgh 47 To William Clark EsqT for two Seccond divisions of One hundred and twenty Acres arrising from House Lotts number J Proprietors' Records. 43 and pland with his lott bought of the Rev^ M*" Gardner & part of his own third division 47 To Ditto for four third divisions of Four hundred & Eight}-- Acres arrising from House lotts Number Forty Six number Fifty three, Num- ber Eighty five & Number Eighty Six — [34^] Lunenburgh April the 11*?^ 1730. Second Survayed for Cap^ Josiah Willard the Land Divifion Where he now DweLs the Contents of which No. 6. |g Qj^g hundred and fivety acres and a hah'. Second Begining at a ftake fet up for the fouth- Divifion eaftcrly Corner and runing Weft, twenty De- No. 5. grees forty minits fouth on Land of Eleazer Houghton fivety nine rod there making an Angle, and run- ing North twenty fix degr West on Land of f'^ Houghton fifty Eight rod there making an Angle and runing weft feven degrees North on Land of Said Houghton fixty rod there making an Angle and runing North fixteen degrees Weft Eighty three rod on Woborn Line there makeing an Angle and runing Eaft twenty feven degrees North two Hundred and fix rod on Land of Jonathan Willard, there Making an Angle and runing South Eight Degrees Weft one hundred and twenty Nine rod on Land of the afore F Josiah willard there making an angle and runing fouth three degrees Weft Eighty three rod to Where it began. Survayf^d by Nathan Heywood and approved on hy the Committee viz Josiah Willard Jonth Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and there is a Lowance in the above f'^ Land for a highway four rod wide Recorded September the tenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty — — — %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 4th Laid out to Lt. Edward Hartwell and Division ^Q cj^pt Josiah Willard by the Committee apointed by the proprietors of Lunenburgh three Hundred acres of fourth Divifion Land Scituate neer to the middle of Lunenburgh Townfhip at aple tree hill the rights arife- ing from Houfe Lott Number Seventy three and part of the 44 Proprietors Records. right Eighty Seven and from Houfe Lott Number fixty and part of the fifty feven — Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for a Corner and runing Eaft twenty Seven deg. fouth fifty two rod to a pillar of ftones and then runs Eaft nine degree fouth one Hundred and fixty two rod on Ffyefs Lott to a pillar of Stones there runing North twenty feven deg Eaft one hundred and Eighty one rod on faid hartwells Lott to a pillar of Stones and then runs weft fifteen deg north one hundred and one rod to a mark and then runs weft fourty four deg North fifty two rod to a pillar of ftones and then runs Weft thirty five degrees fouth ninety four rod to a pillar of ftones and then runs north fifteen deg West one one Hundred and fifty five rod to a pillar of Stones and Bounds on Daniel Thuftain to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and ap- proved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah willard and Jonathan willard Recorded October the 20^^ daj^ in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty t^ Edward Hartwell Clerk The other Lands of Col° Jofiah Willard are at page 8 in the fecond part of this book and fo on. [25] JosiAH Willard Esq^ of Boston Houfe Lott Granted unto Josiah Willard Esq'' by the No 26. Committee appointed By the Greate and Gen- eral Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Grantee 57 acres and a quar- ter of Land W^ithin faid town for a houfe Lott Number 26 to Gether withall the rights and Divifions of Land that beLongs thereto or fhall arife therefrom ; &c. Lunenburgh June 16*^ 1730. Survayed for Josiah Willard Esq^ Houfe Lott No 26 on the fouth fide of North field Road the Contents of Which is 57 Acres and a quarter Begining at a pillar of Stones Which is North eaft Corner and Runing Weft on {^ Road 58 rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth on Land of John Wood 158 rod there Making an Angle and PTOprietors Records. 45 runing Eaft 58 rod there Making an Angle and runing North 158 rod to Where it Began. Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartw^ell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded May the 28^^ annoque Domini 1731 p*" Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburg November y^ 7*^ 1730. Houfe Lott Survayed for Josiah Willard Esq*" of Bos- No. 36. ^Qj^ Claimer Houfe Lott Number thirty fix the Contents of which is fourty four acres and a half Begin- ing at a Certain pillar of tones Erected for the fouth eaft Corner and runing runing North 4 degrees West on Lott No 35 160 rod there making an Angle and Runing West 46 rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth 4 degrees Eaft on lot number 37 160 rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft on Land Left for a high Way 45 rod to Where it began. Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Jonathan Willard Ed- ward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood. Recorded December y^ 29^^ 1732 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. September the 5*.^ 1743. 2d Divifion Survaycd for the Honourable Josiah Wil- No 77. \sxA Esq"" a fecond Divifion Loott in Lunen- burg being N? feventy feven Confisting of fifty one acres and an half Begining at a pillar ftones which is the north Corner of faid Lott and runs fouth on Robert Com- mings Lott two hundred and ten rod to a pillar of ftones then Eaft on m^ Birds Land forty two rod to a pillar of ftones then it runs north on Abraham Whitneys Land one hundred and Eighty four rod to a pillar of stones then it runs weft thirty one Degrees and an half North on Land of Jonas Clark Esq*" forty nine rod to where it began ^} Nathan Heywood Survayor Allowed by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell, Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard 46 Proprietcn's Records. Recorded October the 15*^ 1743. 1^ Edward Hartwell Proprietors Gierke [35==] Lunenburg, March the 24^^ 1730^1^ 3d & 4tii Laid out by the Committee appointed Divifions. -j-^q Hundred and ninetj^ acres of Land to Jofiah Willard Esq'' and madam Hannah Willard his Wife for each of them a third Divifion and and for him the faid Jofiah Willard a forth Divifion arifeing from Lott No. 26 and madam Willards from No 35, Begining at a black oak tree marked for the fowweft Corner of houfe Lott No. 38 and runing Weft on Land Lefe for a high Way 41 rod to a White oake tree there making an Angle and run- ning fouth on Land of John Wood 99 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and rvming West 12 De- grees fouth on Dorchefter fairm 97 rod to a pillar of ftone there making an Angle and runing North on Land Laid out to Cap* Josiah Willard 67 rod to a maple tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft 33 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north on Land Laid out to M^ Gardner 230 rod to a hemLock Tree there making an Angle and runing Weft on Land of faid Gardner 37 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 40 degrees North on Gibsons Land 102 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north 14 degrees West 67 rod to a pillar of ftones there an Angle and runing Eaft on a Line of 2^ Divifion 135 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth on 2'^ Divifion Land 151 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing West on first Divifion Land 55 rod to a Chefnut tree there making an Angle and runing fouth on first Divifion Lott No 38. 160 rod to Where it began Survayed by Nathan He\^\vood and approved of by the Committee wit Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jon- athan Willard and Nathan He3'wood. Recorded June the 12*^ Anno Domini 1731 Edward Hartwell Clerk. Proprietors Records. 47 [36] Jonathan Dowse. Esq^ of Charlestown Houfe Lott Granted to Jonathan Dowse Esq*" by the ^° 27. Committee appointed By the Greate and Gen- eral Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the townfhip of Lunenburgh to Granttees fourty five acres of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott Number twenty feven together With all the Rights and Divifions of Land belonging there unto Lunenburg. August the 13*^ 1730. Survayed for Jonathan Dowse. Esq*" Houfe Lott Num- ber twenty feven the Contents of Which was fourty five acres Begining at a Cartain pillar of Stones Which was Erected for the Southeaft Corner and Runing Weft fourty five rod to a tree there Making an Angle and runing North one Degree West one hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Eaft fourty five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an An- gle and runing fouth one degree East one hundred and fixty rod to Where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded December the third Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty '#? Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh November y*^ 6*^ 1730. Meadow Survayed for Jonathan Dowse Esq*" a Lott No 14 Meadow Lott Number fourteen in uper Mul- inu P"s. p^g Meadow the Contents of Which is two acres and fixty five rod begining at a ftak Which is the Most Southerl^^ Corner and runing Eaft nine degrees thirty mints North thirty rod to a ftak there making an Angle and runing north two degree Eaft twelve rod to a ftake there Making an Angle and Runing West ten degrees fouth thirty five rod there making an Angle and runing fouth nineteen Degrees Eaft twelve rod to where it began. Survayed by nathan Heywood and alowed by the Committee Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard nathan 48 Proprietors Records. Heywood and Recorded December the third Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty. ^ Edward Hart well Clerk. [2G'] Lunenburgh, November the 6*^ 1730. 2d Divifion Survayed for Jonathan Dows Esq'' fecond No 18 Divifion Number Eighteen the Contents of ,^. ' . .^ Which is fixty acres and fixty four rod in 4th DiYifion -^ A^ 11 -, eluding part of meadow Called perrums meadow alfo Laid out by the Committee appointed one Hundred acres of Land adjoyning to faid fecond Divifion for a fourth Divifion to faid Dows and Eight acres more in part to make up what is Wanting in his meadow Lott and In the fecond Divifiion by reafon of the fecound Divi- fion in Cludeing fom meadow belonging to other men begining at a red oak tree marked for the Wefterly Cor- ner and runing north thirty one Degrees Eaft one hundred and fifty one rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one Degrees thirty minits South on the north town Line one Hundred and Eighty two rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty : 5 : degrees Weft one Hundred and fifty one rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and runing West thirty one Degree thirty minits north one hundred and feventy fix rod to Where it began, fur- va3'ed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Com- mittee viz Edward Hartwell, Jonathan Willard. Nathan Heywood and Recorded December the third Day in the 3^ear of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty '#. Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburgh November the 8^^^ 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one hundred and nineteen acres and a half of third Divifion Land to Jonathan Dows Esq^ within the tovvnfhip of Lunenburgh the right a Rifeing from houfe Lott number twenty feven Begining at a burch tree and runing fouth thirty three Degree Weft one Hundred and Proprietors Records. 49 Eighty three rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft M\y rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing north five degrees Eaft one hundred and fixty three rod to a hemlock tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft five degree fouth fifty two rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north five degree Eaft Eighty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth fourty five degree Eaft one Hundred and twenty rod to where it began. Survayed by Nanthan Hey wood and approved of hy the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Isaac Farnsworth Recorded December the the third day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^# Edward Hartwell Clerk [27] Capt Joseph Gould. Houfe Survayed for Cap^ Joseph Gould Claimer ^ott Houfe Lot Number twenty eight the Contents being fourty five acres and ninetv rod. 28. . "' begining at a beach tree marked for the fouth Eaft Corner and Runing North one hundred and fixty two rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft fourty five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing South one Hundred and fixty two rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft fourt}^ five rod to Where It Began. Survayed B\^ Nathan Heyw^ood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded March the thirteenth day In the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and twenty-nine thirty by me Edward Hartwell Clerk meadow Laid out to Cap* Joseph Gould Claimer Lott feven acres of meadow and fifty fix rod with upland and Reckoned to him for his meadow Lot and Lyeth above Mulpus falls and is Number one 4 50 Proprietors' Records. and is Coupled to the houfe Lot above faid. Begining at a ftake in Jofeph Pages Line and Runing East thirty Eight Deg*" fouth twenty rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Eaft three Deg"" thirty mints North fev- enteen rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing north fourty three Deg'' Eaft fix rod to a Cherry tree there making an Angle and Runing north twelve Degrees Weft thirty feven rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and runing Weft ten deg*" fouth twenty five rod to a pillr of ftones there making an An- gle and Runing fouth nine deg Weft twenty-five rod to where It Began. furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell, Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded march the thirteenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and twenty nine thirty by me Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh. March y^ 24*^^ 1729/30 Second No Survayed for Joseph Gould Claimer a fec- Divifioii 26 Q^^ Divifion No 26 the Contents of Which is ° " fifty one acres and three cjuarters begining at a maple tree marked for the fouth Corner and Runing North twenty nine Degrees Eaft on fecond Divifion No twenty five one hundred and fifty rod to a ftake in the North town Line there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one Dege and thirty min North on the North town Line fifty fix rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing fouth thirty Deg*" Weft on fecond Divifion No twenty feven one Hundred and fifty Rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirt3^ one Deg^ and thirty min fouth fifty Eight Rod to Where It Began Survayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood Jonathan Williard Recorded April the twenty third Day annoque Domini one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty pr Edward Hartwell Clerk. Propfictors Records. 51 [37-] Granted unto Nathan Towns hy the Commit- tee appointed by the Greate and General to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburgh to Granttees fourty five acres of Land Within Within faid town for a Houfe Lott number twenty to Gether With all the rights and Divifions of Land belonging thereunto Recorded May the 18*^ 1730. by me Edward Hartwell proprietors Gierke 'h Lunenburg April y« 26. 1729 3d Divifion Laid out for Cap* Jofeph Gould Claimer by the Committee appointed and Impowered by the Proprietors of the town of Lunenburgh ninety one acres and thirty two rod for a third Divifion of Land the Right arifing from houfe Lott Number twenty Eight and is Bounded all Round by Common Land and It begins at a ftake marked for the norweft Corner and Runing fouth one Hundred and twenty Eight rod to a ftake Marked for the fowweft Corner there making an Angle and Run- ing Eaft one Hundred and fourteen rod to a White oke tree there making an Angle and Runing North one Hun- dred and twenty Eight Rod to a ftake marked for north- weft Corner from thence Runing Weft one Hundred and fourteen rod to where it began. Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz. Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard. Recorded May the Eighteenth day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and Thirty by me Edward Hartwell Clerk - Lunenburgh May the 16*^ 1730. 4tii divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed ninety four acres of Land for a forth Divifion to Cap* Jofeph Gould Claimer Arifeing from Houfe Lott No twenty Eight and to make up what is Wanting in his fecond Divifion adjoyning to his third Divifion Begining at a White oak tree marked for the fouth eaft Corner of faid third Divifion and Runing North 40 rod on faid third 52 Proprietors Records. Divifion there making an Angle and Runing Eaft feven- teen Degrees fouth on Common Land fixty Rod there making an Angle and Runing fotith feventeen degrees Weft on Stow Line Eighty nine rod there making an Angle runing Weft on Common Land one Hundred and fixty five rod there making An angle and Runing North one Hundred and ninety rod there making an angle and Run- ing East twenty rod to faid third Divifion norweft Corner there making an Angle and Runing South on faid third Divifion one Hundred and twent3' Eight rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft on faid third Divifion one Hun- dred and fourteen rod to where It began. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard, Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded May the twenty feventh day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. [28] John Goodridge Granted to John Goodridge by the Committee ap- pointed by the Greate and General Court to alott and Grant out the Lands within the Townfhip of Lunenburg to Grantees Houfe Lott No : 29 : [28^] 2d Divifion Granted to Abraham W^hitney by the Com- No 76 mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands within the Town of Lunenburg to Grantees fecond Divi- fion Number feventy fix within the Townfhip of Lunen- burg and alfo meadow Lott number nine Weft of uper mulpus and all the after Rights and Divilions that be- Long to Houfe Lott No twenty nine. Lunenburg may the 10*^ 1745. furvayed for Abraham Whitney fecond Divifion Lott No 76 in faid Townfhip Begining at a pillar of ftones which is the moft north eafterly Corner of laid Lott and Proprietors Recoj^ds. 63 runs West thirty one degrees north on Arrington Gibfons fecond Divifion fifty fix rod and a half to a heap of ftones, then runs fouth one degree Weft one hundred and Eighty two rod on fecond Divifion belonging to the Hon- ourable Jofiah Willard Esq"" then it runs Eaft fifty fix rod and an half on Land of M^ Benj^ Bird Chiefly to a Chef- nut tree then runs north two degrees Weft on Land of William Jones one hundred and fifty four rod to where it began and it Contains fifty five acres. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and allo-wed of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard & Na- than Heywood. Recorded may the 21^^ 1745 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [39] John Brewer. Granted to John Brewer by the Committee appointed by the Create and general Court to a Lott and grant out the Lands within the Townfhip of Lunenburgh to Grant- tees forty three acres of Land within faid town for a houfe Lott bareing number thirty to gether with all the rights and divifions of Land belonging thereunto. Lunenburgh June the 9*^^ 1730. Houfe Lott furvayed for John Brewer Houfe Lott No. 30. Number thirty the Contents of which is forty three acres. Begining at a ftake and heap of ftones which is the fouth weft Corner and runing North two deg Weft on Lott Number thirty one one Hundred and fifty five rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft forty five rod there making an Angle and runing fouth one Hundred and fifty five rod on Lott No twenty nine there making an Angle and runing Weft forty four rod to where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard, Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Jofhua Hutchens recorded October the 2V- anno Domini 1730. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 54 PTOpj'ictors Records. Ltinenburgh. June the 9^^^ 1730. 2d Divifion Survavcd for John Brewer fecond Divifion No 39 Number thirty nine the Contents of Which is forty Nine Acres. Begining at a ftake and a heep of ftones Which is the foutherly Corner and runing Weft thirty one deg thirty minits North fifty two rod there Making an Angle and runing North twenty Eight deg Ealt on Lott number thirty Eight one Hundred and fifty one rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one deg thirty minits fouth on the north range of Lotts fifty one rod there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty feven deg Weft on Woodman Lott one Hun- dred and fifty one rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of By the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hart well Na- than Heywood and Joshua Hutchens Recorded October 21^^ Anno Domini 1730. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh. August the 14*1^: 1729 3d Divifion Laid out to John Brewer Claimer by the Land Committee appointed three hundred and fixty acres of third Divifion Land the right a rifeing from the Houfe Lotts No : thirty number Eight three and fixty one and is aboute a mile Wefterly from the appletree hill be- gining at black oak tree marked for for the fouthefterly Corner and runing Weft 15 deg fouth 5 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft thirty fore deg North fifteen rod to a red oak tree there Making an Angle and runing fouth thirty four deg Weft Eighteen rod making an Angle and runing Weft fifteen deg fouth fev- enty two rod to a Hornwood tree there making an Angle and runing fouth fifteen deg Eaft fixty five rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft fifteen deg fouth two Hundred and thirty two rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 4 deg Eaft two hundred and thirty rod to a maple tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft fifteen deg North two Hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle Proprietors Records. 65 and runing fouth fifteen d. Eaft one hundred and fifty two rod to where it began bounded all round on Com- mon Land furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood. Recorded October the 22^ in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty '# Edward Hartwell Clerk. 4th Laid out to John Brewer Claimer by the Divifioti Committee appointed two Hundred and fev- Land gj^^y fo^i- acres and a half of Land on the Northerly fide of M^" Prefcotts third divifion two hundred and fourty acres of Which Land is three fourth divifions arifeing from houfe Lotts number thirty number Eighty three & number fixty one and thirty four acres and a half of which Land is to make up what is wanting in faid Brewers first and fecond divifion begining at M^ prescotts north eafterly Corner and runing Weft fifteen degree north on f^ prefcotts Land two hundred and fourty rod there making an Angle and run- ing north fifteen degrees Eaft on Common Land one hun- dred and Eighty three rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft fifteen degrs fouth on Common Land two hundred and fourty rod there making an Angle and run- ing fouth fifteen degrees Weft one hundred and Eighty three rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood June the lO^ii 1730 and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. recorded December the third day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. [30] Nathaniel Harris. Houfe Lott Grantted to Nathaniel Harris by the Com- No ^1 mittee appointed by the Create and General Court to a Lott and grant out the Lands Within the 56 Proprietors Records. Townfhip of Lunenburgh to granttees fourty three acres of Land Within faid town for a Houfe Lott baring num- ber thirty one to gether with all the rights and Divifions of Land belonging thereunto Lunenburgh June the lOt^ 1730. Survayed for Nathaniel Harris Houfe Lott Number thirty one the Contents of Which is fourty three acres. Begining at a tree and a heape of ftones which is the fouth weft Corner and runing North two degree Weft on Lott num^*" thirty two one hundred and fifty five rod there luaking an angle and runing Eaft fourty four rod and a half there making an Angle and runing fouth two degrees Eaft on Lott number thirty, one Hundred and fifty five rod there making an Angle and runing Weft fourty four rod and a half on Northfield Road to Where it Began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard, Edward Hart well Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded November the twenty fix day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty 'P Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburg June the feventeenth 1730. 2d Divifion Survaycd for Nathaniel Harris fecond Di- Lott vifion number thirty feven the Contents of Which is fifty four acres Begining at a ftake and a heape of ftones which is the foutherly Corner and runing weft thirty one Degrees thirty mints North fifty feven rod there making an angle and runing north thirty degr East on Lott number thirty fix one hundred and fifty two rod there making an angle and runing Eaft thirty one degr thirty minits fouth on the North range of Lotts fifty feven rod there making an angle and runing fouth thirty deg'' Weft on Lott number thirty Eight one hundred and fifty two rod to where it began. Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Joshua Hutchens. Proprietors Records. 57 Recorded November the twenty fix Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg April y^ 8^^ 1729 2 : Sd Divifions Laid out to M*" Nathaniel Harris by the Committee appointed one hundred and fixty acres of third Divifion^ Land belonging to two Rights number thirty one and feventy one. Begining at a Pillar of ftones in Lancafter Line and runing upon faid Line Weft twenty Eight Degree fouth one hundred and fixtj' rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and Run- ing North twenty Eight deg Weft one Hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Run- ing Eaft twenty Eight Degrees North one Hundred and fixty rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth tweenty Eight Degrees Eaft one hundred and fixty rod to where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell Be- noni Boynton Nathan Heywood and Jofhua Hutchens Recorded December the 15*^ anno Domi 1730 lQ Edward Hartwell Clerk [30^] Granted to Nathaniel Harris by the Committee appointed by the greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Land within the The Townfhip of Lunen- burgh to Granttees fourty feven Acres and a quarter of Land on flat hill for a fecond Divifion bearing Number fixty feven to gether With all the Divifions and grants of Land and medows within the Townfhip of Lunenburg aforefaid that fhall arife from houfe Lott Number feventy one Lunenburg November the 2^ 1730. 2d Divifion Survayed for M"" Nathaniel Harris fecond No 67. divifion number fixty feven the Contents of which is fourty feven acres and a quarter of Land Lying on flat hill Begining at a ftak and heape of ftones 58 Proprietors Records. Erected for the most foutherly Corner and Runing North feventeen degrees Eaft on Land Left for a highway fixty 1. Rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one Degrees thirty Min North on Lott number fixty Eight one hundred and twenty Eight Rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth feventeen deg Weft fixty rod there mak- ing an Angle and and Runing Eaft thirty one degs thirty minits fouth on Lott number fixty fix in 2^ Divifion one Hundred and twenty Eight Rod to Were It Began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edw^ Hartwell Jonathan Willard Jo- fiah Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the fifteenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty '# Edwd Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg November the 2^ 1730. 2d Divifion furvayed for M'" Nathaniel Harris Second No 66. Divifion Number fixty fix upon flatt Hill the Contents of Which is fourty feven acres of Land and a half. Begining at a ftak and Heap of ftones Erected for the most foutherly Corner and runing north feventeen degrees Eaft on Land Left for a high way fixty one rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one Degs thirty minits North on Lott Number fixty feven which is the Lott above faid one hundred and twenty Eight Rod there making an Angle and runing fouth feventeen degrees Weft fixty one rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one deg thirty minits fouth on Lott number fixty five one Hundred and twenty Eight Rod to Where it began Survayed hy Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edw^^ Hartwell Jonathan Willard Jo- fiah Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the fifteenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors' Records. 59 [31] Arch^ Macpheadris & John Scott. Granted unto Arch-? Macpheadris & John Scott by the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the townfhip of Lunenburg to Granttees fifty one acres of Land and a quarter Within faid town for a Houfe Lott bearing Num- ber 32 there being a Lowance in it for a two rod road together with all the Rights and Divifions of upland and meadow that belongs thereto or that fhall arife therefrom. Entered January 13^^ 1729 : ^ Edw"^ Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg October the 31^^ 1747 Houfe Lott furvayed for John Scott Houfe Lott Num- No 32. ^gj. thirty two which Contains fifty one acre and a quarter there being allowance in it for a two rod road it begins at a pillar of ftones which is the fouth eaft Corner of faid Lott and it Runs north two Degrees West on Land of Efq'' Harris one hundred and fixty four rod to a pillar of ftones then it runs Weft one Degree fouth on Land of William Jones fifty one rod to a pillar of ftones then it runs fouth three Degrees thirtj^ minits Eaft on Land of Arrington Gibfon one hundred and fixt}^ three rod to a pillar of ftones then it runs Eaft forty nine rod to where it began furvaj-ed by Nathan He3^wood and approved of by the Committee viz Nathan Heywood Edward Hartwell Recorded December the 17*^ 1747 %^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg June the 5^^^ 1729. 3 Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed fifty acres of third Divifion Land to John fcott arifing from Houfe Lott No : 32 : And Lyeth Near the Menoofnock Hill begining at a pillar of ftones and Runs north 28 Degrees Weft fifty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Eaft twenty Eight Degrees north 160 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an An- gle and and Runing fouth 28 : Degrees Eaft 50 : rod to a 60 Proprietors Records. pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Weft 28 Deg'' fouth 160 : rod upon Nathaniel Harrifes Line to where it began furva3^ed by me Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Wil- lard and Nathan Heywood Recorded November the 5^^ 1747 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk. [31^] Lunenburg January the 13*^ 1729/30 2d Divifion furvayed for Archabald Mackfeddrich a fee- No 49. on(3 Divifion Lott No : 49 : the Contents of Which is 63 acres and 70 rod begining at a ftake fet up for the Weft Corner and runing north 27 deg Eaft 157 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 32 degrees fouth 65 rod on ffyfes Lott there making an Angle and Runing fouth 27 deg West 157 rod to a ftake there mak- ing an Angle and Runing Weft 32 north 65 rod to Where It began furvayed by Nathan Heywood Lunenburg January the 13*^ 1729 :/30 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 55 acres of third Divifion Land to archabald Mackfadrich arifeing from houfe Lott No 32 and is ad- joyning to Groton Line begining at a ftake fet up for the Weft Corner and Runing North 27 Degrees Eaft 157 rod on his own fecond Divifion there making an Angle and runing Eaft 32 deg. fouth 45 rod on ffyfes Lott there making an Angle and runing Weft 32 deg north 68 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee to Wit Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the 29"' Annoque Domini 1731. '# Edward Hartwell Cler. Laid out for John Scott of Lunenburg fifty acres of Land to the Right of the faid John fcott and Archabel Proprietors Recoj'ds. 61 Macfedris the Right arifing from from Houfe Lott Number thirty two and is in full of what was wanting in in the forth Divifion that belonged to faid Right, begining at a Chefnut tree and runs north forty five Degrees Eaft partly on Common Land and partly on Land of William Rufsell one hundred and twenty two Rod to a ftak and heap of ftones then Runs Weft forty five Degrees north on Com- mon Land fixty rod to a beach tree then Runs fouth forty five Degrees Weft on Common Land one hundred and twent3' two rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then runs Eaft forty five Degrees fouth on Common Land forty five rod to where it began Survayed by Benjamin Bellows Jun"" furvayor Laid out by the Committee appointed for that purpose viz f Ed ward Hart well Jonathan Willard [Ephraim pearce Entered november 22*^ 1742 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [32] Timothy Gibson Houfe Lott Granted unto Timothy Gibson by the Greate No. 33 ^^^ General Courts Committee who was ap- pointed to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Granttees forty four acres and a half of Land Within f*^ town for a houfe Lott bearing Number 33 together With all the rights and Divifions of Land belonging thereto or arifeing therefrom and also Granted unto the faid Timothy Gibson by the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to ^, *^„,. aLott and Grant out the Lands Within the No 72 , . ^ town ot Lunenburg to Granttees forty fix acres and a quarter Within faid town for a houfe Lott bareing No 72. to Gether With all the rights and Divifions of Land that belongs thereto or fhall arife therefrom Lunenburg November the 7^^ 1730. Survayed for Timothy Gibson Houfe Lott Number 72 the Contents of Which is forty fix acres and a quarter Begining at a ftake which is the Most Northerly Corner 62 Proprietors Records. and Runing Weft 31 deg fouth on Benjamin Goodridges Lott 45 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 25 Degrees Eaft on Farnfworths Lott 168 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing East 27 deg north on Ephraim pearces Land 42 rod there making an Angle and runing north 24 degrees Weft on faid pearces Land 172 rod to Where it Began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Jonathan Willard, Ed- ward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 30*11 j^nno Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler. Lunenburg November the 7*^ 1730. furvayed for Timothy Gibson Houfe Lott Number 38 the Contents of Which is forty four acres and a half Be- gining at a ftake which is the fouth eaft Corner and run- ing north 3 deg West on John Scots Land 160 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft on Joneses Land 45 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and run- ing fouth 3 deg Eaft on Lott No 34 : 160 rod there mak- ing an Angle and runing Eaft on the highway 45 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee to wit Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard Recorded December the 30*1^ annoque Domini 1731 l9 Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg June the y^ 17*1^ 1730. 2d Divifion furvayed for Timothy Gibson 2^ Divifion No 34. Number 34 the Contents of Which is 53 acres and a halfe Begining at a ftake and heep of ftones Which is the foutherly Corner and runing Weft 31 degr 30 minits north 56 rod there making an Angle and runing north 30 deg Eaft 152 rod on Lott No 33 there making an Angle and runing Eaft 31 deg 30 minits fouth on the north range of Lotts 57 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 30 degrees West on Lott No 35. 152 rod to Where It began Proprietors Records. 63 Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Jonathan Willard Ed- ward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded December y^ 31*^ anno domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [32'] Lunenburg March the 18"^ 1730/1 2d Divifion Survayed for Timothy Gibson 2^ Divifion No 69 number 69 the Contents of Which is 60 acres In the fouth eaft part of the townfhip Begining a red oak tree which is the fouth eaft Corner of faid Lott and runing north 6 deg West partly on the Land of Benjamin Cory and partly on the Land of David pearce 161 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing West 5 deg fouth on Land of i^ pearce 59 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth 18 deg East on Land of Capt Willard 160 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing East 5 degrees north partly on Common Land and partly on Land of John heywood 61 rod to Where It began furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded the 31*^*^ day of December annoque Domini 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 3d Divifion Lunenburg April the 17^^ 1729. Laid out to Timothy Gibson by the Com- mittee appointed two peices of third Divifion Land the Rights arifeing from houfe Lott Number thirty three and feventy two. Lying near the Eaft fide of the pearl hill begining at a pillar of ftones and runing Eaft one hundred and forty one rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north Eighteen Degrees Eaft two hundred rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing West nineteen Degrees north thirty fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty nine Degrees West two hundred and fixty five rod to Where it began 64 Proprietors' Records. the other Lott Begins at an oak tree ftanding in the Line of the first Lott and runing South forty Degree Eaft one hundred and twenty Eight rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft forty Degrees north one hundred and fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north forty Degree Weft one hundred and ninety five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth Eighteen Degrees West upon the first Lott one hundred and twenty five rod to Where it began Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Ed- ward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded may the 29"^ 1729 't^ Edward Hartwell Clerk the other Lands of the faid M"" Timothy Gibson are Recorded in fecond part of this book at page 37. Leiut. Josiah Jones of Weston. Granted unto Lieu^ Josiah Jones by the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a lott and Grant out the Lands Within the townfhip of Lunenburg to Grantees 44 acres and an half of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott No. 34 to gether with all the Rights and Divifions of Land and meadow that belong thereto or fhall arife therefrom Lunenburg November the, 7*^ 1730 Houfe Lott furva}-'^ for Jofiah Jones Houfe Lott the ^° ^^ Contents of which is 44 acres and an half be- gining at a Certain ftake fet up for the fouth Eaft Corner and runing North 3 degrees West on Houfe Lott No 33 160 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing West 45 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth 3 Degrees Eaft on Lott No 35. 160 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft on Land Left for a high way 45 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded December y^ 15^^'^ 1732. '# Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 65 [34] in trust for Mad'^ Willard of Boston. Houfe Lott Granted to Jacob Wendell Esq"" and m*" Jo- No 35. f^pi^ Brandon feoffee in trust for Mrs Hannah Willard of Boston for the ufe of her and her heirs and assigns by the Committee appointed by the Create and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within Town of Lunenburgh to Granttees forty four Acres and a half for a Houfe Lott Number 35 to Gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land beLonging thereunto or arifeing therefrom Lunenburg November 7*^ 1730. furvayed for Jacob Wendell Esq'' and M*" Jofeph Bran- don fefees Houfe Lott No : 35 the Contents of Which is 44 Acres and a half Begining at a Certain pillar of ftones Ereced for the fouth Eaft Corner and Runing North 3 de- gree Weft on Lott No 34. 160 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 46 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 4 de- grees Eaft on Lott No : 36 : 160 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 44 rod to Where it began Surveyed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded april the 20*^ annoque Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg November the 2'^ 1730 iecoiid furvayed for Maddam Willard 2^ Divifion Diviiloii j^Q gg Qj^ fl^^^ jjjll ^j^g Contents of Which is 46 Acres and three quarters Begining at a ftake and Heep of ftones Which is the Moft foutherly Corner and runing North 17 degrees Eaft on Land Left for a highway 60 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 deg 30 minits North 128. there making an Angle and runing fouth 17 degr Weft 60 rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 31 deg 30 mins fouth on Lott No: 67: 128 rod to Where it besran 66 Proprietors' Records. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard. Recorded May the 28^^ 1731 m Edward Hartwell Clerk [34^] Lunenburg May the 29^^ 1731 Meadow Survayed for Maddam Hannah Willard Lott meadow Lott No 5. in mulpus meadows the Contents of Which is four acres. Begining at a Certain ftake fet up for the fouth weft Corner and run- ing Eaft 10 degrees fouth on meadow Land one hundred and two rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing West thirty feven degrees north near the Brook twenty rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing West 6 De- grees north on M'' Clark Meadow Lott Eighty five rod to a ftake on the upland there making an Angle and runing fouth on the upland four rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded March the 4*^^ Anno Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. [35] David Gould. Granted unto David Gould by the Committee apointed by the Great and General Court to alott and Grant out the Lands Contained in the townfhip of Lunenburg to Grantees 44 acres and a half for a houfe Lott baring Number 36. [36] Benjamin Cory of Lunenburg. Granted to Benjamin Cory By the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to aLott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Granttees forty four acres and a quarter number 37 toGether With all the rights and Divifions of Land arifeing therefrom or belonging thereto Pi'oprietors Records. 67 Lunenburg November y*^ 7*^ 1730. Houfe Lott Survayed for Benjamin Cory Houfe Lott No 37 Number 37 the Contents of Which is 44 acres and a quarter begining at a Certain heap of Stones Erected for the fouth Eaft Corner and runing north 4 degrees Weft on Lott No 36. 158 rod there making an Angle and Run- ing Weft 45 rod to apillar of ftones there making an An- gle and Runing fouth 4 deg Eaft on Lott No 38 158 there Making an Angle & runing Eaft on Land Left for a high Way 45 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- athan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded May the 26^^ 1732 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg March the 18 1730/1 2d furvayed for Benjamin Cory fecond Division Diyifion Number No 71 the Contents of which is 70 acres Begining at a ftake which is the fowweft Corner and runing north 5 degree Weft on Land of Cap* Willard 160 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing weft 5 Degrees fouth on Land of Li* Hartwell 70 rod to a dead white pine tree there making an Angle and Runing fouth 5 Degrees Eaft on Land of John Heywood 160 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 5 Degrees north on land of faid Cory 70 rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded February y'^ 6*^ 1722/3 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [SG-'] Lunenburg May the 17*1^ 1729 Laid out to Benjamin Cory by the Com- mitte appointed thirty Eight acre and one Hundred and forty one rod of third Divifion Land the Right arifeing from houfe Lott No 37 and adjoyning to his 2'^ divifion and it bounds north on the Land of the 68 Proprietors Records. above faid Cory. Weft on the land of John Heywood fouth on Lancafter old townfhip and Eaft on the Land of Josiah Willard Begining at a ftake which is the fouthweft Corner of his 2^ Divifion and runing fouth five Degrees Eaft feventy five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty degrees fouth feventy feven rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north five Degrees Weft one hundred and Eight rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft five degrees fouth feventy rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Hilkiah Boynton Recorded may the 31"' 1729 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg March the 18*1^ 1730/1 Laid out to Benjamin Cory by the Committee ap- pointed Eleven Acres and a quarter of Land in the fouth- eafterly part of faid townfhip for an Equevilent to the town way which gos through his fecond Divifion Begining at a red oak tree which is the fouth eaft Cor- ner of Gibsons Lott and Runing Eaft 5 Degrees North on land of John Heywood 25 rod and a half to a ftake and heep of ftones there making an Angle and runing north on Captain Goulds Land 63 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft on Land of David pearce 32 rod to a ftake there making an angle and Runing fouth 6 de- grees Eaft on Land of the aforefaid Gibson 65 rod to Where it began Survayed by and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard Recorded February y*^ 6*^ 1732/3 %^ Edward Hartwell Cler [37] Nathan Heywood Granted to Nathan Heywood by the Committee ap- pointed by the Greate and General Court to aLott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Proprietors' Records. 69 Granttee fifty one acres and a quarter of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott bareing number thirty Eight to gether with all the rights and Divifions of Land and meadow beLonging thereto or arifeing therefrom Lunenburg February the 24^^ 1729/30. Houfe Lot Survayed for Nathan Heywood Houfe Lott No 38. j^Q 3g tjje^ Contents of Which is fifty one acres and a quarter Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the Northeafterly Corner and runing West fourty nine rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and run- ing fouth one hundred and fifty two rod to an oak tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft fifty nine rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and and runing North five deg Weft one hundred and fifty three rod to Where it began bounded fouth on Northfield Road Eaft on on Lott No 37 north and Weft on third Divifion Land furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood recorded February the 25*^ annoque Domini 1730/31 Edward Hartwell Clerk 2d Divifion The Land of Nathan Heywood where he No 73 now Lives is fivety nine acres and a half of fecond Divifion Land and feventeen ares and a half of third Divifion Land all arifeing from houfe Lott No. 38. Begining at a Certain Chefnut tree marked for the fouth Eafterly Corner of the fecond Divifion and runing fouth five degrees Eaft on Land of John Heywood fourty fix rod to a pillar of ftones in Lancafter Line there mak- ing An Angle and runing on faid Line to the Corner of faid townfhip there making An Angle and runing on the Line of {^ Lancafter new grant one hundred and feventy Eight rod to a pillar of ftones there making An Angle and Runing Eaft five Deg North on Line* Hartwells Land fev- enty nine rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth four deg Eaft on Land of the aforefaid John Heywood one Hundred and fixty rod to Where it Began ^ 70 Proprietors Records. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jona- than willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded March the 17*^' annoque Domini 1730/31 ^# Edward Hartwell Clerk [37-] Lunenburg February y*^ 18*^ 1730^ furvayed for Nathan Heywood His Meadow Meadow Lott ^ , , . ^^ <- -r . , t^t , i • , ta- i , Lott belongmg to Houle Lott No thirty Light Lying Within William Wallases Houfe Lott the Contents of Which is fix Acres begining at a Certain pine tree marked for the fouth eaft Corner and Runing Eaft thirty four deg thirty min North fixteen Rod and a half to apine ftump there Making an Angle and Runing North thirty degrees Eaft Eight rod to a pine ftump there Making An Angle and runing North twenty three Deg Weft fourteen rod to a black oak ftumpe there making an Angle and Runing North Eaft Eighteen rod to an Elm ftump there making an Angle and Runing fouth forty deg Eaft nine rod to a pine ftump there making an Angle and Runing fouth fix deg Weft thirteen rod to a ftak there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty two Dege fouth fourty rod to a heep of ftones in borman's Line there making an An- gle and runing Weft one deg fouth fixty three rod to where it began bounding all round on faid Wallafes Land furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Jonathan willard Na- han Heywood and Edward Hartwell Recorded march the 17^^ anno Domini 1730/31 Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg F'ebruary the 4^^ 1729^ Laid out for Nathan Heywood by the meadow. Committee appointed one Acre and 17 rod of Meadow Land on the Eaft fide of M"" Bormans farm in part of the Equevelent for the Town way going in his home Lott Begining at Catacoonamoug brook in the afore faid farm Line and runing North fixteen deg Eaft on f Line Proprietors Records. 71 twenty two rod to the brook again, there making an An- gle and runing Eaft foiirty deg fouth upon the brook fix- teen rod there making an Angle and runing weft forty degrees fouth upon the Brook fourteen rod there making an Angle and runing Weft twelve deg fouth on the brook Eight rod to where it began. furva^'ed by nathan heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hart well. Recorded march the ITt^^ 1730/31 Edward Hart well CLerk The other Lands of the abovef'^ Heywood are in the fecond part of this book at page — 21. [38] Ministerial Lott. Lunenburg April y^ 24*'^ 1733 Survayed the minifterial Houfe Lott the Contents of which is fixty five acres and three quarters begining at a Certain pillar of Stones Erected for the Northeaft Cornner of Woburn Farm and Runing South 15 Degrees East on faid farm 147 rod to a pillar of ftones thence Runing Eaft 28 Degrees north on Isaac Farnsworths Lott 62 rod thence Runing North 28 degrees Weft on pools Lott 38 rod to a ftake thence runing Eaft 28 Degrees north on faid pools Land 75 rod to a ftake thence Runing Weft 42 Degrees north on Isaac Farnsworth meadow Lott 69 rod to a ftake in the meadow thence runing West 46 rod to a ftake thence Runing Weft 4 Degrees fouth 44 rod to where it Began furvayed By Nathan Haywood and approved of By the Committee viz. Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Recorded april the 9*? 1736 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Laid out b3' the Committee appointed fift^- four acres and a half of Land in the foutheasterly Cornner of the Townfhip of Lunenburg for part of the minifterial Land Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the Corner of 72 Proprietors Records. faid Town f hip and runs North 17 degrees East on ftow Line. 102. rod to apillar of ftones then runs weft on Cap* Goulds Land 116 rod to a pillar of ftones then runs fouth on Land of Nathan Heywood 40 rod to a pillar of ftones then runs weft on faid Heywoods Land 12 rod to a pond then runing by faid pond 38 rod to Lancefter Line then runing Eaft 17 Degrees fouth on Lancafter Line 83 rod to where it Began. furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Joliah Willard Jonathan Willard and Edward Hart well Recorded April the 9t^ 1736. ^ Edward Hart well Cler [38^] Lunenburg October y^ 2^^ 1732 2d Divifion Survayed y*^ Minifteariel 2^ Divifion num- ber 45 the Contents of which is 55 acres and a half Begining at a Certain pillar of ftones Erected for y^ fouth Corner and runing North 30 degrees Eaft on 2^ Divifion N£ 44. 150. rod to a pillar of ftones thence run- ing West 31 degrees 30 min. North on y^ North range of 2? Divifions 64 rod thence runing fouth 26 Degrees West on 2^ Divifion N£ 46. 151. rod to a pillar of ftones thence runing Eaft 31 degrees 30 minuts fouth 54 rod and a half to Where it began t?^ Nathan Heywood furvayer and ap- proved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heyw^ood Record march y«^ 10*^ 1734 1^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Laid out by the Committee • appointed for that pur- pofe 68 acres of Land in the Eaft part of the townfhip of Lunenburg for part of the minifterial Land Granted by the Great and General Court Begining at a pillar of ftones in ftow Line Juft By Groton fouth weft Corner and runing by Groton Corner and runing north 17 Degrees Eaft on Groton Line 308 rod to Catacoonamoog brook then runs up the Brook 26 rod then runing by and bound- ing on Catacoonamooge meadow 88 rod till it Coms to Proprietors Records. 73 Ephriam pearces, Land then runs Eaft 25 degrees fouth on faid pearces Land 6 rod to a ftake and heape of ftones then runs fouth 4 degrees Weft on faid pearces Land 77 rod to a ftake then runs Weft 25 degrees north on faid perces Land 20 rod to a pine tree then runs fouth 42 de- grees Weft on on Land of Nathaniel page 91 rod to a ftake then runs fouth 34 rod on Cap* Goulds Land to a pillar of ftones then runs Eafl^ 17 degrees fouth on faid Goulds Land 90 rod to where it Began furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz. Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded april the 9"^ 1736 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [39] Jeremiah Allen Esq? of Boston Granted unto Jeremiah Allen Esq"" by the Committee apointed by the Greate and General Court to aLott and grant out the Lands Within the Town of Lunenburgh to grantees forty nine ares and a half for a houfe Lott and Meadow Lott all in one Intire piece Lying in faid town and the Houfe Lott is bareing Number forty the f*^ houfe Lott to gether with all the rights and Divifions of Land and meadow belonging thereunto or arifing therefrom within faid Townfhip are granted unto y*^ F Jeremiah alien by the Committee above faid Lunenburg march y*^ 23*^ 1730 Honie Lot Survayed for Jeremiah alien Esq"" houfe No. 40 Lqi-^ j^o _ 40 With the meadow Lott Lying in and by the fame the Contents of the Whole being forty nine acres and a half Begining at Certain popler tree marked for the Eafterly Corner and runing North 26 De- grees Weft on Land of Joseph page 50. rod to a white oak tree there making an Angle and runing Weft 26 Degree fouth on Land of John Heywood 160 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 29 Degrees Eaft on Land of Ephraim Wetherbe and Daniel auftin 49 74 Proprietors' Records. rod to a heep of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 21 Degrees North on Burbeens meadow Lott 84 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 9 De- grees Eaft on Land of faid Joseph page 5 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 25 Degrees North on Land of faid page 70 rod to Where it began. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Josiah Willard and Recorded maj^ the first day anno Domini. 1731 W^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg January the 22'^ 17301 2^ Divirion Survayed for Jeremiah alien Esq*^ 2<^ Divi- No 57 fion No 57 on the foutherly fide of flatt hill the Contents of which is 57 acres and a half. Begining at a ftake which is the most wefterly Corner and runing North 17 deg Eaft on Land Left for a high way 61 rod and a half to a ftak there making an Angle and runing Eaft 31 degrees fouth on Lott Number 56. 152. rod to a ftake in groton Line there making an Angle and runing fouth 17 Degrees Weft on faid Line 62 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 Degrees North on Lott No: 58. 152 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Josiah Willard Jonathan Willard & Nathan Heywood the bounds of this Lott Includs 6 acres of meadow of Nathaniel Harwoods this Lott being but 57 Acres and a half Recorded May the first Day anno Domini. 1731 "# Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [39^] Lunenburg February the 23"? 1729/30 meadow Lotts Laid out by the Committee appointed 135 Acres of third Divifion Land to the Right of Jeremiah Allen Esqr three meadow Lotts and alowance Proprietors' Records. ' 75 for Wayes Exceped in faid Lott Cituate by and In Cluding the pearl hill meadow. Begining at a pillar of ftones in the Line of the north town being Erected for the Eafterly Corner of faid Lott and Runing fonth 32 deg. Weft by 2'' Divifion Land of Jofhua Hutchens 145 rod to a pillar of ftones there mak- ing an Angle and Runing West 32 deg north 149 rod to a ftake on Common Land^ there making an Angle and and Runing north 32 deg Eaft 145 rod to the north town Line bounding on Common Land there making an Angle and runing Eaft 32 deg fouth on faid Line 149 rod to Where It Began. furvayed by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 30*^ annoque Domini 1731 q9 Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg October the 12*^ 1747. Laid out by the Committee appointed Eleven acres and one 100 rod in faid Townfhip near the pearl hill meadows to make up whats an Equivilent for what is wanting in the Honourable James Allin fecond Divifion on flatt hill Number 57 which hath Nathaniel Harwoods meadow Contained in it it begins at a piller of ftones fixteen rod from the foutheaft Corner of faid Allins 135 acres and runs Weft 32 deg north on faid Land twelve rod to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth 31 degs Weft 160 rod on M'' William Browns Land to a heep of ftones then it runs Eaft 9 degrees north on Common Land 15 rod to a heap of ftones thence runs north 31 degrees Eaft on fecond Divifion Land 150 rod to w^here it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood approved of by the Committee viz Nathan He^^wood Edward Hartwell Recorded December the IS^'^ 1748 W Edward Hartwell Clerk 7G Proprietors Records. [40] Joseph Page of Houle Lott Granted to Jofeph Page by the Commit- No 41 -j-gg appointed by the Greate and General ^, \ J .^ Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Meadow Lott within the town of Lunenburgh to grantees fift^' two acres and forty four Rod for a Houfe Lott Bare- ing Number forty one together With all the rights and Divifions of Land beLonging thereunto — — Survayed for Joseph Page January the 14*^ 1729"^ Houfe Lott No forty one the Contents of Which is fifty two Acres and forty four rod and a meadow Lott and a piece of third Divifion Land arifeing from the above faid Houfe Lott which are ten acres and feventy five rod the Contents of the Whole being fixty two Acres and one Hundred and nineteen rod all in one intire piece high- wayes going throvigh the fame. Begining at a ftake fet up for the fouth Corner of the Houfe Lott and Runing Thirt3' feven degrees thirty minits Eaft one Hundred and fixty rod on fifk Lott making an Angle and runing Weft thirty fix degrees thirty minits North twenty Eight rod and a half partly on Cap*^ Goulds meadow Lott and partly on Common Land, making an Angle and runing Weft thirteen degrees fouth one hundred and feven rod and a half to apillar of ftones bounding Chiefiy on Land Laid out to faid page making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty fix degrees feventy fix rod on ftiles and Allen mak- ing an Angle and Runing Weft twenty five degrees fouth on Allen feventy two rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth fourteen Degrees Weft fix rod there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty nine Degrees Eaft twenty one rod and a half on burbeen and wetherbe. making an Angle and runing Weft twenty nine Degrees fouth twelve rod on Wetherbe. making an Angle and run- ing fouth Eleven degree Eaft twenty one rod on Auftan making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty degrees North thirty one rod on fiffs meadow making an Angle and Runing north fix Degrees Eaft twenty fix rod making an Angle and Runing Eaft fifteen Degrees fouth thirty one rod to Where it began Proprietors' Records. 11 furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heyv^ood Recorded August the feventh Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ■^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburgh april y^ 22^ 1729. Laid out to Joseph Page by the Committee twelve acres and one hundred and thirty nine rod of third Divi- fion Land with a Lowance for a highway belonging to houfe Lott Number forty one adjoyning to his houfe Lott beginning at apillar of ftones and Runing East thirty five degrees North fifty nine rod there making an Angle and runing Weft thirty three degrees north forty nine rod there making an Angle and Runing West twenty Eight Degrees fouth thirty four rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty Eight Degrees Eaft ioxty Eight rod to where it began furvayed by me Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard, Edward Hartwell and Isaac Farnsworth Recorded August the feventh Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty. ^ Edward Hartwell CLerk [41] John Fisk of Granted to John Fisk by the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Land Within the town of Lunenburgh to Granttees forty Eight acres and twenty five rod for a houfe Lott and meadow Lott Lying in the Houfe Lott together with all the rights and Divifions of Land beLonging there- unto — Lunenburgh January the 26^1^ 1729/30 Hofe Lott furvayed for John Fisk four pieces of Land No 42 ^j^g ^x^t was his houfe Lott Number forty two the Contents of which is fourty Eight acres and twenty- five rod Begining at a ftake fet up for the norweft Corner 78 Proprietors' Records. and runing Eaft 36 degrees thirty minits foiith fifty rod on the highway there making an Angle and runing north thirty : 7 : Eaft one hundred and fourty nine rod fixty nine rod on Whetneys Lott and Eighty rod on Common Land making an Angle and runing north twenty degrees Weft fifteen rod on Common Land making an Angle and runing Weft fourty degrees North thirty five rod to a ftake in the meadow there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty feven degree thirty minits weft one hundred and fixty rod on Joseph Pages Lott to where it Began the fecond peice was one acre and a half adjoyning to the abovefaid houfe Lott. begining at a Chefnut tree marked for Whitneyes Corner and runing fouth forty ^. .^ two Degrees Eaft feven rod and a half on Com- DlYinon '^ r^^ r mon Land to a Chefnut tree there making an Angle and runing North thirty nine Degrees thirty minits Eaft tw^enty two rod to a popler tree on Common Land there making an Angle and runing North Ten degrees Eaft nineteen rod on Common Land to a pine tree which is a rangeing mark for his houfe Lott there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty feven Degrees Weft on his own houfe Lott thirty Eight rod to Where it Began ^. .^ the third piece was three acres and feventy Uiviiion ^ , _ r 1 1 • two rod on the other fide of the highway one acre and one hundred thirty five rod to make up what is wanting in the houfe Lott the Remainder is third Divifion Land begining at a White oke tree and Runing Weft twenty four Degrees North twenty three rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing fouth four Degree Weft twenty Eight rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing foutli twenty four Degrees Weft thirty fix rod to a White oke tree there making an Angle and Runing North thirty feven deg Eaft fixty three rod to where It began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by us the fubscribers and ordered to be recorded viz Josiah Willard Edward Hart well Hilkiah Boynton Jonathan Wil- lard and Nathan Heywood Recorded August the Eight Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty p'' Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors' Records. 79 [41-] Lunenburgh January the 26*^ 1729/30 Meadow furvayed for John Fisk Claimer meadow Lott Lott No three which belonged to the right formerly was William Blunts and begins a greate White oke tree at the easterly End of the Meadow and runing North twelve Degrees Weft three rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft twenty Degrees fouth partly op pages and on Auftins meadow feventy five rod to a White oke tree there making an Angle and Runing fouth fourty one Degrees Eaft on the Clay pitt Land thirteen rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft nineteen Degree thirty minits North fixty rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North twenty five Degrees Eaft fourteen rod to Where it began Survayed by Nathan hewood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah willard Edward Hartwell Hilkiah Boynton Jonathan Willard and Nathan Haywood Recorded August the Eight Day in the 3'ear of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty P*" Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June the 16^^ 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed twenty Eight ares and ninety fix rod of third Divifion Land to John fifk arifeing from houfe Lott No fourty two on the Northerly fide of mulpus begining at a black oke tree and runing fouth thirty rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty Degrees Eaft thirty rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft twenty Degrees thirty mints fouth ten rod to a tree there making an Angle and runing fouth fourty two Degrees Eaft fjxty rod to a little pine tree there making an Angle and runing North ninteen degrees Eaft feventy fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making an An- gle and runing Weft twnty five degrees North Eighty fix rod to where it began furva^^ed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard 80 Proprietors Records. Recorded August the Eight Day in the year of our Lord one thouland feven hundred and thirty 1» Edward Hartwell Clerk The other Lands of the above faid John Fifk are Re- corded in the fecond part of this book at page 23. [42] Jonathan Whitney, of Granted to Jonathan Whitney By the Committee appointed by the Grate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands within the town of Lunenburg to Granttees fifty acres of Land Within faid town for a Houfe Lott Number forty five to gether with all the Rights and Divifions of Land that fhall arife therefrom or be Longs thereto Lunenburg Sep* y^ 5*^^ 1733. Houfe Lott Survayed for Jonathan Whitney Houfe No 45. Y,o\t Number 45 the Contents of Which is 50 acres Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the North Corner and Runing fouth 24 Degrees Eaft. 56. rod to a pillar of ftones bounding on the Highway thence runing fouth 36 Degrees Weft on Jacob Goulds Lott. 164. to a pillar of ftones thence runing North 24 degrees Weft on Jonas Gibfons Land 57 rod to a pillar of ftones thence runing north 37 Degrees Eaft : 164 : rod to Where it Be- gan furvayed by Nathan Heywood approved of By the the Committee viz Joliah Willard Jonathan Willard Edw^ Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Enterd with the Records in the proprietors Book may the 4*^ annoque Domini 1734 ^ Edw*' Hartwell proprietors Clerk : Lunenburg. Sep*'" y^ 5*11 1733. Meadow furvayed for Jonathan Whitney meadow Lott No 2. Lott No 2 the Contents of Which is 4 acres and f Begining at a ftake and heape of ftones Erected for the weft Corner and runing Eaft 20 degrees north on John Fifks meadow Lott 63 rod to a ftake thence runing fouth 32 degrees Weft on Land Land Left for away 24 rod to a pillar of ftones then runing Weft 24 degrees Proprietors Records. 81 fouth on m'' prefcootts Land 34 rod then runing North 46 Degrees Weft on m^ prefcotts Land 18. rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard & Edw*^ Hartwell and Nathan Heyv^ood entered w^ith the Records in the proprietors Book May the 4^^ annoque Dpmini 1734. ^ Edward Hartwell pro Clerk [42-] Lunenburg December y^ 7*^ 1731 Houfe Lott furvayed for Jonathan Whitney Houfe Lott No. 43 ^Q. 43 the Contents of Which is 22 Acres % Begining at a Certain heap of ftones which is the moft Wefterly Corner of faid Lott and runing North 36 degrees Eaft on John Fifks Lott 70 rod to a Chefnut tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 28 Degrees Eaft partly on faid fifks Land and partly on Common Land 56 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 37 degrees Weft on Thirftins Lott 71. to a black oak tree there making an Angle and runing north 30 Degrees w^eft 26 rod to a Chefnut tree there making an Angle and runing North 24 degrees Weft 24 rod to a white oak tree there making an Angle and runing north 20. degrees Weft. 6. rod to Where it Began ^ Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Hey- wood Record may y'^ 4*.^ 1734. ^ Edw^ HartweU pror Clerk [43] Benjamin Prescot of Salem Houfe Lott Granted to the Reverend M*" Benjamin No 44 Prefcott By the Committee appointed By the Greate and General Court to aLott and grant out the Lands within the town of Lunenburgh to Granttees forty nine acres and a quarter of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott No forty four to gether With all the Rights and Divilions of Land Belonging there unto 6 82 Proprietors Records. Lunenburgh April the 10^^ 1730. furvayed for the R"'^ M^ Benj^ Prefcott Houfe Lott Number forty four the Contents of Which is forty nine acres and a quarter begining at a White oak tree for the Wefterly Corner, and Runing fouth thirty degrees Eaft fifty five rod to a ftake and a heep of ftones there mak- ing An angle and Runing North thirty feven degrees Eaft one Hundred and fixty rod. there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty fix degrees North fifty rod. there mak- ing An Angle and Runing Weft fixteen degree north fix rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth thirt}^ fix degree Weft one hundred and thirty five rod to where It began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approve of by the Committee viz Jofiah WlUard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded June the fifth day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty by me Edward Hartwell CLerk Lunenburgh April the 10*? 1730. Second furvayed for the reverend M*" BenjiL Pref- Divifion cott a fecond Divifion Lott No: 44 which is Coupled to the houfe Lott a bove faid by the General Courts Committee the Contents of Which is fifty one acres and one hundred and Eight rod. Begining at a Certain ftake fet up for the most foutherly Corner and runing North thirty degrees Eaft one hundred and forty fix rod bounding on a Lott of Eleazar Boynton there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one Degree thirty minits North on John fifks Lott fifty five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth thirty one Degrees Weft on fecond Divifion one Hundred and forty fix rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty one Degrees thirty minits fouth fifty feven rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jofiah willard and Jonathan willard. Proprietors Records. 83 Recorded October the tenth day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty by me Edw^ Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June the W^ 1730. Meadow furvayed for the Rev^ M"" Benj± Prefcoott No 1 in meadow Lott No. one in Clay pit meadow Clay pit ^^^ ^1^-^ j^^-^ ^^^ 1^^ ^j^g Committee appoint- mea ow ^^ *[Eight] acres and *[3 quarters] of Land adjoyning thereto to make up what is Wanting in his fecond Divifion the Contents of the whole is Eight acres and fifty one rod Begining at a Cartain White oak tree marked for y'^ fouth Corner and runing North thirty degrees Weft on m*" Gardner and on aftains Lott fifty fix rod there making an Angle and runing North twenty fix degrees thirty mints Eaft on faid Aftain twenty two rod to a White oak tree there making An Angle and runing fouth forty one degrees thirty minits Eaft on Fifks and on Whitneys meadow thirty one other°Lands ^^^ there making an Angle and runing Eaft are Recorded twenty degrees North on Whitneys meadow in ye iecond 41 rod there making an Angle and runing part of this fouth thirty fix degrees Weft on f'^ mr pref- book at ^^^^g Houfe Lott feventy one rod to where It page 5 Began furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded October the tenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty Bv me Edward Hartwell Clerk Mr [43-] Lunenburgh May y^ 28^'^ 1730 - 4tii Laid out by the Committe appointed Divifion Eighty Acres of Land to the Rev-;! mL Benja- min Prefcott for a forth Divifion arifeing from the right or houfe Lott No forty four Cituate and and Lying fouth- eafterly from his third Divifion. begining at a Chefnut tree *In the original the words in brackets are stricken out. 84 Proprietors Records. Which is the fouth Ealt Corner of faid third Divifion and runing runing fouth feventeen deg Eaft on Land alreaddy LaN^ed out Eighty one rod there making an Angle and runing Weft forty Degrees fouth Chiefly on Common Land a houndred rod there Making an Angle and runing North forty degrees Weft on Common Land forty rod there making an Angle and runing North nine Degrees Weft on Common Land one hundred and forty rod there making an Angle and and runing Eaft fifteen degrees fouth on the afore faid third Divifion one hundred and three rod to W^here it Began furva3^ed By Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded October the 10*^ 1730 — by me Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunen burgh April y^ 14*?^ 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out to Benjamin Prefcott Clark Claimer by the Committe appointed one hundred and feventeen acres and a hundred and twenty rod of Land for a third Divifion the right arifeing from houfe Lott number ten. Cituate at the aple tree hill Be- gining at a pillar of ftones and runing North twenty five deg Eaft one hundred and feventy two rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Eaft twenty five degrees fouth one hundred and twenty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty five degrees weft one hundred and forty two rod to a pil- lar of ftones there making an Angle and runing West nine degres North one hundred and twenty two rod to where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committ viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded October the tenth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty V Edward Hartwell CLerk Proprietors Records. 85 Lunenburgh February the twenty feventh. 1729/30 — 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one Hundred and twenty ares of third Divifion Land to the Reverend ML Benjamin Prefcott. arifeing from the right number forty four fcituate and Lyeth towards the fouthweft Corner of faid Townfhip. Begining at a Cartain Cheftnut tree marked for the foutheaftly Corner and runing north fifteen degrees Eaft on Common Land one hundred and fixty rod to a heepe of ftones there making an angle and runing weft fifteen degree north one hundred and twenty rod on Common Land there making an angle and runing fouth fifteen degrees weft on Com- mon Land one hundred and fixty rod making an angle and runing Eaft fifteen degree fouth on Common Land one hundred and twenty rod to where it began. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Edward hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded October the Eight Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty '# Edward Hartwell Clerk [44] Jonathan Whitney Junior of [45] Moses Gould of Granted unto Moses Gould by the Committee ap- pointed by the Great and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Contained Within the townfhip of Lunenburg to Granttees 49 acres for a Houfe Lott Num- ber 46 to Gether With all the Rights and Divifions of up- land and meadow that beLongs thereto or that fhall arife there from. Recorded December y! 27. 1732. l3 Edward Hartwell Cler — Lunenburg September the 5^? 1733. Houfe Lott Survey^ for Jacob Gould Claimer Houfe N°- ^^ Lott No. 46. the Contents of which is 49 acres. Begining at the moft northerly Cornner and run- ing fouth 36. degrees weft on Jonathan whitneys Land 164 rod to a pillar of ftones then runing fouth 24 deg 86 Proprietors Records. Eaft on Gilfons Land 55 rod and a half to a ftake then runs north 35 degrees Eaft on George Wheelers Land 164 rod to a heep of ftones then runing North 24 degrees Weft on the high way 54 rod to Where it Began %? Nathan Haywood Survayer and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded January the 28*^ 1734 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [45"'] Lunenburg March y'^ 23^: 1730ii 2ci Divifion furvayed for mofes Gould 2^ Divifion No. No 52 52 on flatt hill the Contents of Which is 53 Acres Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the fouth West Corner and Runing Eaft 31 degree fouth 59 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 17 De- grees 30 minits Eaft on Lott No. 51 : 148 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 degrees North 60 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth 18 Degrees Weft 148 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded march y*^ 7*^ 1733. /4 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [46] William Wheelor of Granted to William Wheeler by the Committee ap- pointed by the Great and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands wnthin the Town of Lunenburg to Granttees fifty one acres and an half of Land within faid Towmfhip for a houfe Lott No. 47 together with all the Wrights and Divifions of Lands that beLongs thereto or fhall arife therefrom. Lunenburg March the 5'^?' 1744. Houfe Lott Then furvayed for William and Francis No 47 Allexander Claimers Houfe Lott Numer forty feven originally William Wheelers L^nng in Lu- nenburg afore faid Containing fifty one Acres and an half Proprietors Records. 87 it begins at a pillar of ftones Erected for the moft north- erly Corner of faid Lott and runs fouth thirty fix degrees Weft on Jacob Goulds Land and on Land belonging to the Heirs of Jonas Gilson Deceafed one hundred and fixty Eight rod then it runs fouth twenty four degrees Eaft on faid Gilfons Land and on Land belonging to John fwan fifty feven rod and an half then it runs north thirty fix degrees Eaft on Land of W\ Robert Clark one hundred and fixty Eight rod to appillar of ftones then it runs north twenty four degrees Weft on a highway fifty feven rod and an half to where it firft began ^ Nathan Heywood furr approved of by the Committee viz Nathan He3'wood Jonathan Willard and Edward Hartwell Recorded may the 21'"* 1745 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg march the 6*^\ 1744. 2d Divifion Then furvayed for William and francis Al- No. 63 exander Claimer fecond Divifion Number fixty three in Lunenburg afore faid Cituate and Lying on the foutherly fide of flatt Hill Containing fixty one acres it begins at appillar of ftones Erected for the moft foutherly Corner of faid Lott and runs Weft thirty one degree thirty minuts north on Land of Nathaniel Page and Mofes Mitchel one hundred and fixty one rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then it runs North fixteen Degrees Eaft on Land of Mv Robert Clark fixty four rod to a heap of ftones then it runs Eaft thirty one degrees thirty minuts fouth on Land of William and Jofeph Moffet one hundred and fixty one rod then it runs fouth fixteen degrees Weft on a highwaj' Laid out between the Lotts fixty four rod to where it began. ^ Nathan Heywood fuT approved of by the Committee viz Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard & Edward Hartw^ell Recorded may the 21*"^ 1745. 1^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clark 88 Proprietors^ Records. [47] William Clark Esq'* of Boston. Houfe Lott Granted to William Clark Esq*" by the No. 48 Committee appointed by the greate and Gen- eral Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the Townfhip of Lunenburgh to Granttees forty nine acres of Land within faid Town for a houfe Lott bearing number forty Eight to gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land belonging thereunto — — — Lunenburgh May the 4^^ 1730. furvayed for William Clark EsqT Houfe Lott Number forty Eight the Contents of Which is forty nine Acres. Be- gining at a heep of ftones near the South lide of the Houfe b}' the High Way. and runing Eaft ten Degrees thirty minits fouth twenty rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North thirty' feven degrees Eaft on Beaths Lott one Hundred and fifty one rod to a maple tree, there making an Angle and runing north thirty three Degrees thirty minits Weft fifty five rod to a ftak near Wheelers fraim there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty fix Degrees thirty min Weft one hun- , , ,- ^ dred and fixty rod to a (tak there making an lands oi m^ -^ , ^ Clark arc Angle and runing fouth twenty four degrees in ye fecond Eaft thirty fevcn rod to where it Began part of this furvayed by Nathan Heyw^ood and ap- book at proved of by the Committee viz Josiah Wil- . r, . lard Edward Hartwell Jonathan willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded the twenty third Day of November In the year of our Lord one thoufen feven Hundred and thirty %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [47^] By His Common Right, as an original Propri- etor, by lott being Number forty Eight. . . . 48. 22 By The Rev^^ M*" Andrew Gardner, for a Seccond divi- sion of Sixty Acres, number Eighty, arrising from House Lott Number One and bounded as by plan given in with the deed Proprietors Records. 89 24 By Capt Josiah Willard for two Seccond divisions of One hundred and twenty Acres arrising from House Lotts Number and pland with the Lott bought of the Reverend Mr Gardner and part of his third division 22 By the Reverend Mr Andrew Gardner, for two third divisions of Two hundred and forty Acres arrising from House Lotts Number One and number Eighty four, lying East of Neesepegesuck Ponds. 24 By Capt Josiah Willard for four third divisions of. Four hundred and Eighty Acres arrising from House Lotts Number Forty Six Number Fifty four Number Eighty five and Number Eighty Six 9 By Joshua Hutchins for three Common Rights after the Seccond division arrising from House Lotts Num- ber Three Number Nineteen, and Number Seventy five. 22 By the Reverend Mr Andrew Gardner for two Com- mon rights after the third division arrising from House lotts Number One and Number Eighty four. [48] Walter Beath of Lunenburgh. first Granted unto Walter Beath by the Com- fecond mittee appointed by the Greate and and Gen- ^}^^t eral Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Withm the townfhip of Lunenburg to Granttees forty five acres of Land Within laid town for a houfe Lott Number forty nine to gether With all the Rights and Divifion of Land and meadow arifing there- from or belonging thereto The Land of Walter Beath in Lunenburg the Contents of Which is two hundred and twenty two acres there being a first fecond and third Divifion. Begining at a Certain white pine tree near the Lower end of Mulpus meadows and runing Weft 30 Deg fouth by the meadows 72 rod to a ftake there mak- ing an Angle and runing fouth one Deg Eaft near faid meadows 71 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft on Heals meadow Lott 25 rod to a ftake there making there making an Angle and runing north on Said Heals meadow 26 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 36 Deg fouth on thirf- 90 Propjnetors Records. tins Land 50 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty three Deg Eaft 3^- h Id ^^ "^^ Clark Land thirty three rod to a ma- have been 83 P^^ ^^^^ there making an Angle and runing on Clark fouth 37 Deg Weft on faid Clarks Land 151 rod. to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 10 Deg fouth partly on the road which goeth to Groton 108. rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth 17 Degs West on faid Clarks Land 50 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 31 De- grees 30 minits fouth on faid fecond Divifion Land 143 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing north feventeen deg*" Eaft on faid fecond Divifion Land fixty four rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft 31 Degs 30 minit north on Harwoods Land 143 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 17 Degs Eaft on 2^ Divifion Land 136 rod to a ftake there mak- ing an Angle and Runing Weft 17 Degs north on faid Harwoods Land 40 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing North 17 Degres Eaft on P^ harwoods Land 40 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 17 Degs fouth on f"^ Harwood Land 40 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing north 17 Degrees Eaft on 2^ Divifion Land 199 rod to a ftake and pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft 31 Degres north on 2^ Divifion Land 44 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing fouth 10 Degrees Weft on Common Land 78 rod to Where it began approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Na- than Heywood and Benoni Boynton Recorded December the 15^^ 1732. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [48^] Lunenburg May the 9*? 1729 Meadow Lott Laid out to Walter Beeth by the Commit- ^*^ tee appointed 5-'^ — 52 '■°'^ of Meadow Land and fom up Land tow acres to make up What is Want- ing In his Houfe Lott and three quaters and the remaider is third Divifion Begining at a ftake in the meadow and runing North 1 deg 30 mints Eaft 70 rod to appillar of Proprietors Records. 91 ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 34 deg fouth 18 rod to a White cake tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 59 rod to apillar of ftones there making angle and runing Eaft 3 deg fouth 13 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Edward Hartwell Recorded June the first anno Domini 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. [49] Daniel Thurstain of Houfe Lott Granted unto Daniel Thurfton by the Com- No. 50 mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Granttees thirty four acres and fifty Rod Within faid town for a houfe Lott and meadow Lott all in one Intire piece to Gether With all the after Draughts and Divifions arifeing there from or belonging thereto, and the f"^ Houfe Lott is Number (50) and Be- gins at a ftak and heap of ftones and runs fouth twenty four Deg Eaft 101 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth 36 deg 30 mint Weft 36 rod there mak- ing an Angle and runing fouth 18 Degrees 30 min Eaft 14 rod there making an Angle and runing West 36 Deg fouth 20 rod there making an Angle and Runing north 24 deg West 104 rod there making an Angle and runing north 36 Deg 30 min Eaft 60 rod to a ftake and heap of Stones to Where it Began furvayed By Nathan Heywood July the 22*^. 1729 and approved of B\' the Committee viz Ed- ward Hartwell, Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood and Jofhua Hutchens Recorded march y'^ 3^ 1729/30 %^ me Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg October y^ 2^ 1732. 2d Divifion Survayed Daniel Thirftin 2^ Divifion No. No 46 4,g ^j^g Contents of which is 64 acres. Begin- ing at a certain Heap of Stones Erected for the fouth Corner and Runing North 26 Degrees Eaft on on y^ minif- teriel 2^ Divifion 151. rod to a pillar of ftones thence run- 92 Proprietors' Records. ing Weft 31. degrees. 30. minits north on the northerly range of Lotts 67 rod thence runing fouth 27 Degrees Weft on 2^^ Divifion No. 47. 151 rod. to a pillar of Stones thence runing Baft 31 degrees 30 minits fouth 68 rod to Where it Began, pr Nathan Heywood furvayer. allowed and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recored December the 5^?^ 1732 p'' Edward Hartwell Clerk [49^] Deep 29. 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out By the Committee appointed 135 acres and 60 rod of third Divifion Land to Daniel Thurfton belonging to Houfe Lott No. 50) 15 acres and 110. rod of Which Land is to make up w^hat is wanting in his houfe Lott and 119 acres & 110 rod of third Divifion Land belonging to faid Houfe Lott. Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the fouth Weft Corner and Runing north 10. Deg Eaft nineteen rod there making an Angle and runing north 34 deg 30 min- its Eaft 20 rod there making an Angle and Runing weft 34 Degrees 30 minits north 70 rod there making an Angle and runing north 10 Degrees Eaft 230. rod to a black oak tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft 10 De- grees fouth 80 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 10 Degree Weft 272. rod to a black oake tree there making an Angle and runing Weft 10 Degrees north 80. rod to Where it Began furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded march y^ 3^ 172/30 %? Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg November y^ 30^^ 1731. 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 86 acres of Land to Daniel Thurfton for a 4^^ divifion arifeing from Houfe Lott No. (50) adjoyning to his own 3"^ Divifion Begining at a. White pine tree Proprietors Records. 93 marked for the most foutherly Corner and runing West 34 degrees 30 min north on Land of Jonathan Willard 72 rod to a black oak tree there making an Angle and runing north 10 deg Eaft on Common Land 200 rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 10 degrees fouth on Common Land 64 rod. to a read oak tree there making an Angle and runing fouth ten degrees West on the aforefaid third Divifion 230. rod to Where it Began %=? Nathan Heywood fur approved of By the Committee viz Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and James Jewell Recorded June y*^ 23*^ anno Dommini 1732 %? Edward Hartwell Cler [50] Jonas Gilson of Granted to Jonas Gilson by the Committee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands within the Townfhip of Lunenburg to Grant- tees forty five acres of Land within faid Townfhip for a houfe Lott Number fifty three together with all the Divi- fions of upland and meadow that belongs there to or f hall arife therefrom within faid Town. Lunenburg November the 30^?^ 1747. Houfe Lott furva3^ed Houfe Lott Number fifty three No. 53 j-jg longing to the Heirs of Jonas Gilson Late of Lunenburg Deceafed it Contains forty five acres it be- gins at a Certain white oak tree marked for the moft north eafterly Corner and runs Weft twenty nine Degrees fouth on Land of Robert Clark twenty four rod to a heap of ftones which is pages north Eaft Corner then it runs fouth one Degree Eaft on pages Line two hundred and Eight rod to a heap of ftones by the north fide of Aaron Browns fhop then it runs Eaft Eight Degree fouth on the town road forty rod and an half to a ftump then it runs north four Degrees Weft on fecond Divifion Land of faid Gilsons two hundred and fixteen rod then runs North thirty Degrees Weft twelve rod to where it began %^ Nathan Heywood furvayer 94 Proprietors Records. and allowed of by the Committee viz Nathan Hey- wood Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the 24*?^ 1747 ^ Edward Hartwell %^ proprietors Clerk Lunenburg November the 30*?^ 1747. Meadow furvaved for the Heirs of Jonas Gilson Lott Late of Lunenburg Deceafed meadow Lott ° number three belonging to Houfe Lott No : 53 : fcituate and lying in the meadow Called turkey Hill meadow the Contents of which is fix acres and 54 rod it begins at a Certain Dead tree marked for the fouth Cor- ner and runs Eaft twenty feven Degrees thirty minuts north on meadow Laid out to famuell page Late of Lu- nenburg Deceafed forty three rod then it runs north twenty four Degrees Weft on Land of William Allexander twenty fix rod to a ftake then runs Weft twenty feven Degrees thirty minuts fouth on Meadow origional Cap* Jonathan Willards but now belonging to the Heirs of the faid Jonas Gilson thirty fix rod to a white oak tree then it runs fouth ten Degrees Eaft on faid Gilsons fecond Divi- fion Land twenty feven rod to where it began 'tl^ Nathan Hey wood furvayer allowed of b^- the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Hey wood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December the 25*^ 1747 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [5()'-] Lunenburg November the 30*^ 1747. 2d Divifion furvayed part of a fecond Divifion Number No 97 97 belonging to the Heirs of Jonas Gilson Late of Lunenburg Deceafed and is adjoyning to His lirft Divifion and Contains twenty feven acres it begins at a Certain white pine bufh by the bever Damm of Turkey Hill meadow and runs north nine De- grees Weft twelve rod then it runs Weft nine Degrees fouth twelve rod then it runs north Eighteen Degrees thirty minuts Weft Eleven rod then it runs Weft twenty feven Degr north twelve rod then it runs Weft thirt^-^ one Proprietors' Records. 95 Degrees fouth ten rod and a half then it runs fouth thir- teen Degrees Weft fix rod then it runs Weft twenty fix Degrees fouth twelve rod then it runs north twenty De- grees thirty minuts Weft Eight rod then it runs north twenty three Degrees Eaft twelve rod to a ftump then it runs north twelve Degrees thirty minuts Eaft nine rod to a dead tree all the afore mentioned Lines bounding on the meadow Lotts belonging to the Heirs of famuell page Late of Lunenburg Deceafed then it runs north ten De- grees Weft on meadow Lott belonging to the faid Gilfons Heirs twenty feven rod to a white oak tree then it runs North fix degrees Weft on Meadow Lott now belonging to the faid Gilfons Heirs but originally Cap! Jonathan Willards thirt\^ fix rod to a black oak tree then it runs Eaft twenty feven Degrees thirty minuts north on faid meadow three rod and an half then runs north Eight De- grees Weft on Common Land fixty nine rod then it runs north twenty four Degrees Weft Eleven rod to a heap of ftones then it runs north thirty Degrees Weft forty three rod then it runs fouth four Degrees Eaft on faid Gilfons Houfe Lott two hundred and fixteen rod to a ftump by the road then it runs Eaft one Degree north by the Town Road feventy rod to where it began ^ Nathan Heywood furvayer allowed of in order for Recording by the Committee viz Nathan Heywood Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December the 25*?^ 1747. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [ol] Jacob Stiles of Houie Lott Granted to Jacob Stiles by the Committee No 56 appointed by the Greate and General Court to alott and Grant out the Land Within the town of Lu- nenburgh to Granttees fourty five acres and fixty Rod of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott baring Number fifty fix to gether Withall the rights and Divifions of Land belonging there too or arifeing there from Survayed for Jacob Stiles Houfe Lott Number fifty fix the Contents of Which is fourty five acres and fixt\^ rod. 96 Proprietors' Records. Begining at a pillar of ftones Which is the Most north- erly Corner of houfe Lott number fifty feven which faid Stiles purchased of Cap* Jofiah Willard and west thirty fix deg South one Hundred and fourty feven rod upon the Northerly Line of the afore Said Lott to the pillar of ftones which is the Corner of both Lotts there making an Angle and runing north thirty Degrees Weft fifty four rod to a hemlock tree there making an Angle and and Runing Eaft thirty two degrees north one hundred and fifty four rod there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty one deg Eaft fourty four rod and a half to Where it began — Survayed by Nathan heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Be- noni Boynton Hilkiah Boynton Recorded December the twenty third Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Meadow No furvayd meadow Lott Ntmiber feven fcitu- Lott 7 ^^p jj-j ijper Mulpus the Contents of which is upei mn pns fQ^j. ^cres and and hundred and thirty rod and it is difcribed with meadow Lott nomber Eight as they ware both furvayed to gether for m*" Nathaniel woods who bought the faid meadow Lott Number feven of the above faid ftiles and both meadow Lotts are dis- cribed at page 52 which is m^ Woods page and the Said meadow Lott Number feven was Coupled to Jacob ftiles houfe Lott Number 56. by the general Courts Committe Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh may y'^. 15. 1729 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed No 56 fourteen acres and thirty Eight rod of third Divifion Land to Jacob Stiles Arifeing from Houfe Lott Number fifty fix. begining at a pine tree and runing South feven Deg Weft thirty: feven rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft twenty Eight Deg South one hun- dred and Pyight rod u])on Lancafter new Grant Line there making an Angle and and runing North thirty Degres Weft nine rod there Making an Angle and Runing Eaft Proprietors Records. 97 thirty feven Degree north one hundred and thirty two rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and a lowed by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Isaac Farnsworth and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the twenty fourth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty f^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [5P] Lunenburgh Auguft y^ 18*^ 1730 2d Divifioii Survayed for Jacob Siles fecond divifion No 10 number ten the Contents of Which is fifty three Acres and a quarter begining at a ftump and a ftake it being the most foutherly Corner and runing north thirty one degrees Eaft on No 9 one Hundred and fourty nine rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one deg thirty minits north on the North town Line fifty Eight Rod there making an Angle and runing fou^h thirty five deg Weft on No Eleven one hun- dred and fourty nine rod there making an Angle and Run- ing Eaft thirty one degrees 30 minits South on Meadows and upland fifty fix rod to Where it began, furvaj'cd by Nathan Heywood and apjoroved by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Josiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded December the twenty ^\yi day in the 3^ear of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^f^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh May the IS^.*^ 1729 Honie furvayed for Jacob Stiles Claimer Houfe L°t^^ Lott Number — 57 — the Contents of Which ^ ^^ is thirty feven acres and Eighteen rod begin- ing at a pine tree and Runing Weft thirty feven degrees fouth one hundred and thirty two rod to a black burch tree there making an Angle and runing North thirty deg Weft fourty four rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty fix degr North one hun- dred and fourty feven rod there making an Angle and 7 98 Proprietors Records. rtining fouth twenty one degrees Eaft thirty rod to a pil- lar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth feven deg Weft nineteen rod to Where it began, furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and nathan Heywood Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg March the \^^^ 1730L 3d Layed out by the Committee appointed Divifion Qj^g hundred and thirteen acres of Land on the West fide of Dorchefter farm in faid townfhip to Ja- cob Stiles for his third Divifion belonging to houfe Lott No 56 and for an Equevilent to What is wanting In his houfe Lott and In his 2^ Divifion and In his Meadow Lott Begining at Certain Elme tree in faid Dorcherster Line and runing West 42 degr fouth on Common Land 123 rod to apitch pine tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft 37 deg fouth on Common Land 16 rod to a ftake and heape of Stones there making an Angle and Runing fouth 7 deg Weft on Common Land 52 rod to a White pine tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 34 deg East on Common Land 130 rod to a pillar to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and Runing Eaft 30 degrees North on Common Land 55 rod to Dorchester there making an Angle and runing north 10 degrees Weft on faid Dorchester 225 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of b}- the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded Januarj^ the 24*'^ anno Domini 1731?. '^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [5'^] Nathaniel Woods of Granted to Nathaniel Woods b}^ the Committee ap- pointed by the Create and General Court to aLott and grant out the Lands Within the Town of Lunenburgh to granttee forty five acres of Land within laid town for a Proprietors Records. 99 houfe Lott Bareing Number fifty Eight to gether with all the rights and Divifions of Land belonging there unto Houfe Number fifty Eight Bounds Nor- "no^s" wefterly on the Land of Edward Hartwell 100 & feventy two rod and it Bounds north- eafterly 55 rod on the Land of Jacob Stiles fouth eafterly on the Line between Lancafter new grant and Lunen- burgh fouthwefterly on Common Land. Lunenburgh august the 18t^ 1730 2d Divifion Survayed for Nathaniel woods fecond Di- No 11 vifion No Eleven the Contents of Which is fift3^ four acres and a quarter Begining at a pillar of ftones which is the Wefterly Corner and runing North thirty four deg Eaft on Woods Lott one Hundred and forty nine rod to a pillar of ftones there Alaking an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one deg thirty Min. fouth on the North Town Line fifty Eight rod and | to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty five deg Weft on ftiles Lott one Hundred and fourty Nine rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and runing Weft thirty one deg thirty minits North fifty feven rod to where It began, alfo aded by the Committee a piece at the fouth wefterly end of faid Lott in part to make up What is Wanting in fd Lott. Confisting of one acre and a quarter and twelve rod — Begining at a ftake on the fouth fide of the brook Which is the corner of fome Land Laid out to Benoni Boynton thence runing North forty two deg Eaft ten rod to the Corner of f 2'^ divifion there Making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one deg thirty mins fouth on faid Divifion and fo bounding on faid Divifion on one fide and on the other fide on the Brook furvayed by nathan Hey- wood and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard & Nathan Heywood 100 Proprietors' Records. Lunenburgh January the 6^^ 1729/30. — — Meadow furvayed for Nathaniel Woods Claimer ^'° ^ ^ two Meadow Lotts the one being Number Eight Laid to his houfe Lott the other being Number feven which fd Woods bought of Jacob Stiles both fcituate in uper mulpus the Contents of one being fix acres and a -} the other being four acres and one hun- dred and thirty rod begining at pillar of ftones Which is the Northerly Corner and runing Eaft thirty one deg thirty Min. fouth Crofs the Ends of both meadow Lotts thirt}' nine rod there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty Eight deg. Weft fifty four rod there making an Angle and runing Weft twenty four rod there making an Angle and runing North thirteen deg Eaft feventy one rod to Where It began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of b}^ the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded October the twent}^ Ninth in the 3'ear of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty %? Edward Hartwell Clerk [53] Peter Harwood of. Houfe Lott Granted unto Peter Harwood By the Com- No 59 mittee appointed By the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburgh to Granttees fourty five Acres of Land Within Said Town for a houfe Lott Numbur fifty nine to to gether With all the Rights and Divifion of Land belonging there unto. Laid out to Nathaniel Har- wood Claimer 63^ the Committee appointed thirty five acres of Land fcituat Eafterly from the apple tree hill it being a part of the Houfe Lott No. 59 and it is bounded northweftcrl^' on Common Land Eightj' rod fouthwefterly it Bounds on Common Land fevent\' two rod fouth eaft- erly it Bounds on Common Land fixty two Rod North- easterly It Bounds on John Whitne\'s houfe Lott Re- corded by order of the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Ed- ward Hartwell Hilkiah Bovnton and Jonathan Willard Proprietors' Records. 101 and Survayed By Sam" Jones. Recorded December the twenty fecond Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty '# Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh May the Eighth Day 1729 Houle Lott Laid out to Nathaniel Harwood Claimer ten acres .of firft Divifion Land to make up the whole of the above fd houfe Lott No 59. Begining at a pillar of ftones and Runing North Eighteen Deg Eaft fourty Rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft Eighteen Degrees North fourty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and Runing fouth Eighteen Degrees Weft fourty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft Eighteen deg fouth fourty rod to Where it began — Survayed by Na- than Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Josiah willard Jonathan willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the twenty fecond Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh November 2"^^ 1730 2d Divifion Survayed for Nathaniel Harwood Claimer fee- No 65 on(j Divifion Number fixty five on the flatt hill the Contents of Which is fourty feven acres and a half begining at a ftake and Heap of Stones Which is the Most foutherly Corner and runing North feventeen Deg Eaft on Land Left for a highway fixty rod there making an Angle and runing w^eft thirty one degrees thirty minits north on Lott No fixty fix one hundred and twenty Eight rod there making an angle and and runing fouth feven- teen Degrees Weft on Beaths Land fixty one rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty one degres thirty minits fouth one hundred and twenty Eight rod to Where it began Survayed by nathan heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah willard Jonathan willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood 102 Proprietors Records. Recorded December the twenty fecond Day in the year of our Lord thoufand feven hundred and thirty . . . By me Edward Hartwell Clerk. [53'] Lunenburgh December the 28^^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed fixty fix acres and fixty rod of third Divifion Land to Nathaniel Harwood Claimer arifeing from houfe Lott No 59— lying between pearl hill and apple tree hill, begin- ing at a pillar of ftones at the Corner of Land Laid out fd Harwood and runing weft twenty five degres north one hundred and Eighteen rod on Whitneys Land there making an Angle and and runing fouth twenty five deg Weft one hundred rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft fifteen degr fouth one hundred and nineteen rod there making an Angle and runing north twenty five degres Eaft Eighty rod on faid harwoods Line to Where it be- gan Survayd by nathan heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Josiah Willard Jon- athan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 22*^ annoque Domini. 1730. %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg December the 18*^ 1730. meadow Lott Survayed for Nathaniel Hawood Claimer ^"- ^ meadow Lott No. 1. in Beaver pond mead- beaver pond ^^^ ^^^ Contents of which is fix acres, be- meadows . . ^ , • , i -it c c^ gmmg at a Certani take and heape ot Itones on the Westerly fide of faid meadow Lott and Runing fouth 30 Degree on a pine ridge 8 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 24 Degrees fouth on f^ pine ridge 17 rod to Groton Line there making an Angle and runing fouth 17 deg Weft on s"? Line 32 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 dege 30 minits north on 2'^ Divifion Land 12 rod there making an Angle and runing north by the upland 4 rod there making an Angle and runing weft 40 dege north on the upland ten rod there making an Angle and runing north 25 Degrees Proprietors' Records. 103 Eaft on the upland 16 rod there making an Angle and runing weft 20 Degrees North 4 rod by the upland there making an Angle and runing Weft 34 degre fouth 14 rod by the upland there making an Angle and runing Weft 40 degrees north by the upland. 6. rod there making an An- gle and runing north 48 Degrees Eaft by the upland 4 rod there making an Angle and runing north 22 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 40 Degree north by the upland 5 rod to an oa"ke ftumpe there making an angle and runing fouth 45 Degrees Eaft on meadow 18 rod to Where it Began Survayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded October the 8*^?^ annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg December the 18*^ 1731. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 80 acres of Land to nathaniel harwood Claimer — for part of a third Divifion arifeing from houfe Lot No. 59 : and to make up what is found wanting in his 2^ Di- vifion Begining at a Certain White oake tree marked to Ward the northweft Corner of said Land and runing north 17 Degrees Eaft 23 rod to a ftake which is prCvScott Corner and making an Angle and runing Eaft 32 Degrees fouth on faid prescotts Line 115 rod there making an An- gle and Runing South 32 Degree Weft on Common Land .119. rod to Ensign Willards Land there making an Angle and runing West 30 Degrees north partly on faid Willards Land 29 rod there making an Angle and runing West 43 Degrees 30 minits north on Common Land 92 rod there making an Angle and runing north 40 Degrees Eaft on Common Land 80 rod to Where it Began. Survayed by Nathan He3^wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Jofiah Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded October the 8*!^ annoque Domini. 1731. l3 Edward Hartwell Cler 104 Pivprictors Records. [54] Benoni Boynton of [54'^] Lunenburgh October the 14*?' 1730 4th Divifion Laid out By the Committee appointed two Hundred acres of Land to EHfha Smith Claimer the right arifeing from houfe Lott number Eighty one Hundred and twenty acres of Which Land is third Divifion. and Eighty acres of which Land is fourth Divi- fion fcituate and Lyeth in the Wefterly Part of faid town- fhip. Begining at a Cartain ftake and Heepe of ftones Erected for the Southeaft Corner and runing North fifteen degr West on Common Land one hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft fifteen Degr fouth on Common Land two Hundred rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and run- ing fouth fifteen degrees Eaft on Common Land one Hun- dred and fixty rod to pools Land there making an Angle and runing Eaft fifteen degr north two hundred rod one hundred and Eighty rod on the Land Laid to three of the pools and twenty rod on Common Land to where it began furvayed by Nathan heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hart well and Jonathan Willard Recorded November the twent}^ feventh Day in the 3^ear of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg January y*^ 11*}' 1730/1 meadow Survayed for Benoni Boynton meadow ^°^^ Lott No 5 in upper mulpus the Contents of No. 5 1 • 1 • £ which IS five acre. Ill iiper mnlijns . . Begming at a red oak tree marked on the wefterly fide of faid meadow Lott and runing Eaft 31 Degrees fouth 31 rod and a half to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north one Degree Weft on meadow Lott Number four. 48 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 38 Degrees north nine Rod and a half to a ftake there making an Angle and Proprietors Records. 105 Runing South 25 degrees Weft 43. rod to Where it began Surva^^ed b}^ nathan Heywood and approved of b}^ the Committee viz Josiah W^illard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood & Edward Hartwell Recorded December the 9*^ 1732. t9 Edward Hartwell Clerk [55] William Wallis Granted unto William Wallis By the Committee ap- pointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburgh to Grantees Houfe Lott No 62 together With all the rights and Divifions of Land beLonging there unto or arifeing there from, and the faid Houfe Lott N° 62 falling within Lancafter new Grant, the Committee appointed by the proprietors of the town of Lunenburg for that purpors Laid out to the faid William Wallis fixty acres of Land Within faid Lunenburg for an Equevilent for his houfe Lott afore f*^ Houfe Lott January the 13^^ 1730^ furvayed for Wil- No. 62 x\^v^ W^allis Houfe Lott No. 62. Includeing Nathan Heywoods meadow Lott. the Contents of the Whole is 67. Acres and a half Begining at a Cer- tain White oak tree marked for the Northeaft Corner and Runing fouth 2 deg 30 minits Eaft fifty nine rod to a ftak there making an Angle and runing West thirteen degree thirty minits fouth partly on Bormans farm Eighty nine rod to a ftak there making an Angle and runing West 2 deg 30 minit fouth on faid farm feventy Eight rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 2 degs 30 mits Weft fixty five rod to a ftak there making an Angle and runing Eaft 6 deg North one hundred and fixty fix rod to Where it began, furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of b^^ the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. Jonathan Hartwell Recorded March y*^ 26. annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 106 Proprietofs Records. Lunenburg march y^ 24. 1729^^ S** furvayd for William Wallas fecond Divi- Divifion ^joj^ Nq 25 the Contents of Which is 53 No 2*1 • • Acres. Begmmg at a maple tree marked for the Weft Corner and runing Eaft 31 degr 30 mints fouth 57 rod and a half to a heep of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 28 deg 30 min Eaft on Lott No. 24. 150. rod to a ftake there making an Angle and and runing West 31. deg. 30. mini North on the North town Line 56 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth 30. deg Weft. 150 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded March y<^ 26 Annoque Domini. 1731 '# Edward Hartwell Clerk *tlie other Lands of the faid William Wallas are Re- corded at page 33 in the in the 2'^ part of this Book. [55^] Lunenburg December the 16^?^ 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out to William Wallas by the Com- mittee appointed 55 acres and 94 rod of third Divifion Land the right arifeing from houfe Lott No 62. begining att a ftake fet up for the fouth weft Corner of faid wallases first divifion and runing weft 2 deg fouth 82 rod Chiefly on bormans farm there making an Angle and runing north 25 deg weft 94 rod on Houghtons 2^ Divifion there making an Angle and runing Eaft 18 degres north 30 rod Cheifly on Land Laid out to Houghton to make up what was wanting in his firft Divifion Lott there making an Angle and runing Eaft 72 rod on Com- mon Land there making an Angle and runing fouth 3 deg Eaft 32 rod on Land Laid out to Cap^ Jofiah willard to a pine tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft 8 deg north 20 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 62 rod to Where it begun on faid Wallases first divifion furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee — viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood *In the original this was written in the margin. Prop7'ietors Records. 107 Recorded March the 26 annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edw^ Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg December the 16^? 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appoinited 31 acres and 72 rod of third Divifion Land to Wilham wallas arifeing from houfe Lott No. 62. Begin- ing at a pillar of ftones Erected for the Norweft Corner and runing fouth one degree Eaft 55 rod to a white oak tree on Land Laid out to Haftings there making an An- gle and runing Eaft 7 Degr north 28 rod to a white oak tree on fd wallases first divifion there making an Angle and runing fouth 2 deg Eaft 59 rod on faid wallases firft Divifion there making an Angle and runing weft 13 deg fouth 8 rod to a white pine tree marked for Bormans Corner there making an Angle and runing fouth 16 deg weft 7 rod on Bormans farm there making an Angle and runing Eaft 10 degr fouth 12 rod on Common Land there making an Angle and runing north 18 deg Eaft 40 rod to a black oake tree on Common Land there making an angle and runing Eaft 34 deg north 63 rod on Common Land there making an Angle and runing Weft 26. deg north 109 rod on third divifion Land Laid out to fam'' page to w^here it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of b3'- the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan willard and Nathan hej^wood Recorded march the 26. annoque Domini 1731. Edw^ Hartwell Clerk 31 Lunenburg January the .13*^ 17§o. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 13 acres of third Divifion Land to make up What is wanting in William Wallafes third Divifion. arifeing from Houfe Lott No 62. adjoyning to faid Wallafes meadow Lott begining at a Certain pine tree marked on the Eafterly part of faid Land and runing north 11 deg on Common Land 76 rod to a burch bush which is dodges Corner there making an Angle and runing fouth 16 deg Weft on Bormans farm 71 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 40 deg Eaft by the brook 20 rod 108 Proprietors' Records. there making an Angle and rtining fouth 35 deg Weft on faid Wallafes own meadow 38 rod there making an Angle and runing 43 deg Eaft on faid meadow Lott 18 rod there making an angle and runing North 29 deg Eaft Cheifly on fd meadow Lott 60 rod to where it began Siirvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Ed- ward Hart well and Nathan Heywood Recorded March the 26^?^ annoque Domini 1731 '^ Edwd Hartwell Clerk [5(>] John Haistings of march the 28th 1766. furvayed for Andrew mitchel Claimer the Land where he now Dwells in the Eafterly part of Lunenburg the Contents of which is fifty two acres it Begins at a Litle white oak tree which is the northeaft Corner of it and runs Weft Eight Degrees fouth ninty two rod bounding parly on Land of John Richards and parly on Land be- longing to the Heirs of Robert Clark Deceafed to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth two Degrees Eaft ninty one rod Bounding on the the Land belonging to the faid mitchel to a heap of ftones then it runs Eaft ten Degrees north ninty two rod bounding on Land belonging to m'' James Gordon to a ftake and heap of ftones in the road thence north two Degrees Weft ninety four rod to the firft mentioned white oak tree bounding Chiefly on or all the wa3^ on Common or undivided Land furvayed by Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Joshua Hutchings and Nathan Hey- wood and ordered to be Recorded. Recorded April the 3? 1766. ^ Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [57] School Lott. Laid out for the ufe of the fchoole in Lunenburg one hundred and fixt\' nine acres of Land on the Eafterly fide of pearl hill it begins at a heap of ftones being foutherl3^ Proprietors Records. 109 or foutheasterly Corner of faid Land and runs North fev- enty one rod on Land formerly belonging to Robert Com- mings to a heap of ftones then it runs Weft thirt}^ one degrees north one hundred and thirty three rod bounding on the Land of feveral fecond Divifions thence Weft four- teen degrees fouth one hundred and Eleven Rod bounding on Land formerly belonging to Col? Brown thence runs fouth ninteen Degrees Weft twenty three rod on Land belonging to the Heirs of Cap^ John Gibson Deceafed thence Weft ninteen Degrees north five rod on faid Gibson thence fouth fixteen degrees Weft Eight rod then it runs forty degrees Eaft on Land of Reuben Gibson one hun- dred and ninty five rod then it runs north fourteen de- grees Weft fixty feven rod on Land formerl^^ belonging to Secretary Willard thence Eaft one hundred and forty rod on faid Willards Land to where it began furvayed by Nathan He3'wood and approved of and ordered to be Re- corded by Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Benj^ Goodridge Recorded February the 22"? 1764 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clark [58] David Pearce of Granted unto David peace by the Committee ap- pointed by the greate and General Court to a Lott and grant out the Lands within the town of Lunenburgh to Granttees forty nine acres and a half of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott bareing Number 65 together with all the rights and Divilions of Land belonging thereunto. ,^ ,. , Survay*^ for David pearce houfe Lott Num- Hoiile Lott , V, , . , . . jsjo 65 ber 65 the Contents of which is forty nine acres and a half Begining at a ftake fet up for the fouth Eaft Corner and runing Weft 26 Degree fouth on Jofhua Goodridges Lott 48 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 26 Degrees Weft on Benjamin goodridges 2*^ Divifion and on James Jewells Land. 168 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and run- ing Eaft 24 Degrees North party on the woborn farm and partly on the goare of Land by woborn farm 47 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 110 Proprietors' Records. 26 Degrees Eaft on Farnlworth Lott 166 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee to viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded may the first Day annoque Domini. 1731 1v? Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg December y'^ 30*^ 1730. Honfe Lott furvayed for David Pearce Claimer Houfe No 88 Lq^^ ^q gg g„(3 ^jjg fecond Divifion be- longing to faid Houfe Lott they both Lying together in one Intire piece the Contence of the Whole being 121 Acres and a half. Begining at a pillar of ftones Which is the Norweft Corner and Runing Eaft 5 Degrees North partly on Ephraim Pearce and Partly on Land of Eleazer Houghton 110 rod to a fmall pine tree there Making an Angle and runing South 22 deg Eaft on Bormans farm 37 rod to a White oak tree there Making an Angle and Runing fouth 7 Degrees Eaft on third Divifion Land be- longing to the fame right 106 rod to a ftake there mak- ing an Angle and runing Weft 6 Degres 30 min fouth on Land of Gibfon and Richardson 126 rod to a ftake there making an Angle runing North 5 degrees 30 minits Weft on Land of L^ Hartwell 163 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of hy the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded may the 28^:" 1731. t^ Edward Hartwell Clerk. Lunenburg December the 30*^?' 1730. -id Laid out by the Committee appointed 34 Divilion acres of 4"' Divifion Land to David pearce Claimer in the fouth eaft part of faid township arifeing from houfe Lott No. 88: begining at a Certain ftake Which is the fouth Eaft Corner and runing Weft partly on Cap*^ Goulds Land and partly on Common Land 82 rod to a ftake there making an angle and runing north 7 degree Weft on Gibfons Land 62 rod there making an Proprietor's Records. Ill Angle and runing Ealt on third Divifion Land Laid out to the lame right 100 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 20 Degres Weft on Land of Nathaniel page 62 to Where it began, furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz. Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard Recorded May the 28*?! 1731. 't^ Edward Hartwell Clerk *The other Lands of David pearce are Recorded in the fecond part of this Book at page 81 [58^] Lunenburg December the 30*? 1730: . . . 4th Divifion Laid out to David Pearce Claimer by the Committee appointed 13 acres and a half of fourth Divifion Land in the foutheafterly part of faid townfhip arifeing from houfe Lott Number. 88: . Begining at a pillar of ftones in Bormans Line it be- ing the moft Wefterly Corner and runing Eaft 12 degrees North on faid Bormans Line 55 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north 16 Degrees Eaft on fd Bormans Land 12 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 20 deg fouth on CattaCoonamog brook 20 : rod there making an Angle and fouth 20 Degres Eaft on meadow Land Laid to L* Hartwell 28 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 25 Degres on Land belonging to Nathaniel page 50 rod there making an Angle and run- ing Weft 43. degree North on third Divifion Land Laid to the fame right No 88 : 50 : rod to Where it began, fur- vayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Com- mittee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard. Recorded May the 28*^.'^ anno Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg December the 15*?' 1729. 2d Divifion furvaycd for David Farce a fecond Divifion No 86 number 86 the Contents being 54 acres and a quarter. Begining at a pillar of Stones Erected for the north Eaft Corner and runing fouth 30 *In the orisiiial this was written in the margin. 112 Proprietors Records. deg Eaft 96 rod on Ephraim Pearces fecond Divifion there making an Angle and Runing Weft 5 deg fouth 132 rod Chieflj^ on \J- Hartwells Land making an Angle and run- ing north 25 deg 30 min West 49. rod on Jofhua Good- ridges Land there Making an Angle and Runing Eaft 25 deg 30 min North 118 rod to Where it Began partly on Harris and partly Gibfon furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Jofhua Hutchens Nathan Heywood and Jofiah Willard Recorded January the 17^}^ Day annoque Domini 1731/2 %? Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg Sep^F^"?- y^ 25^?^ 1731. 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed forty five ares of fourth Divilion Land in y*^ foutheafterly part of faid townfhip to Ephraim Pearce arifeing from hovife Lott No. 88. Begining at a Certain ftake and heep of ftones in Lancafter Line which is Erected for the fouthwefterh^ Corner of faid Land and runing Eaft 23 degrees fouth on faid Line 88 rod to the Littele pond there making an Angle and runing north 21 degrees Eaft by faid pond 13 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing north on Land of Nathan Heywood 38 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft on Land of Cap^ Gould 14 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing north on faid Goulds Land 58 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft partly on Land of Ebenezer Richardfon and partly on Common Land 72 rod there making an y\ngle and runing fouth 5 degrees Eaft partly on faid Richardfons 2^' Divilion and partly on Common Land 77 rod to where it began furva3'ed ^ Nathan Heywood approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Ephraim Pearce and Jonath^m Willard. Recorded December yV 22'': 1732. *# Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 113 [59] The Heirs of Samuel Farnsworth deceased Granted to the Heirs of Samuell Farnsworth deceafed by the Committee appointed by the Create and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the townfhip of Lunenburg to Grantees acres Within faid townfhip for a Houfe Lott Number (66) to Gether with all the rights and Divifions of Land arifeing there from and belonging thereunto February the 17^^ 1730/1 Houfe Then furvayed the Houfe Lott No. 66. ^°^^ Laid out to Samuell Farnsworth by the Gen- eral Courts Committee it being the Lott which faid Farnsworth Bult a Houfe and field upon it bounds foutheafterly on north easterly on Norwefterly on Land Laid out to Jofiah Willard and fouthwefterly moftly on Benjamin Goodridges Lott a Little peice bounds on Land Left for a Highw^ay. It begins at a Chefnut a mark for faid Goodridges Lott and Runs and Runs fouth eafterly ten rod to a red oak then North eafterly forty two Rod to a heap of ftones then Nor wefterly one Hundred and fifty fix rod to a heap of Stones : then wefterly forty feven Rod to a Heap of ftones and then It runs fouth eafterly to Where it first began 157 rod. furvay'.' %> Jonas Houghton and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood Jonathan willard and Edward Hartwell Recorded December the 14*^ 1732. '#^ Edward Hartwell Cler [59^] October the 2^ & 3<^ 1730. 3d & 4.th Laid out to the Right of Samuell Farns- Divifion worth two Hundred and fifteen acres in Lu- nenburg viz one hundred and fifteen acres for the 3^^^ Divifion and one hundred acres for the fourth Divi- fion of upland, (there is allowed for in faid Land five acres for a high way and thirty acres Laid out to Na- thaniel Harwood. It Bounds foutherly part on Dorchefter farm part on Common Eafterly partly on fd farm 8 114 Propj'ietOTS Records. It Begins at heep of Itoons in the north Line of faid farm near to the northeaft Corner of It and Runs north twenty fix rod to a heep of ftoons then Wefterly two hundred and twenty five rod to a heep of ftones then norwefterly one hundred and fixty rod to a heep of ftoons then fouth wefterly ninety five rod to a heep of ftoons then foutheafterly one hundred and forty fix rod to a heep of ftoons then southerly wefterly one hundred and ninety three rod to a heep of ftoons then Ealterly fifty one rod to a heep of ftoons then foutherly Eighty rod to a heep of ftoons and thirty rod to a heep of ftoons then Eaft ten Degrees north fourty Eight rod to faid Dorchefter farm and then it runs northerly b\^ faid farm two hun- dred and Eighty five rod and Eafterly two Hundred fixty and two rod to Where it began furvay'' t^ Jonas Houghton and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood and Edward Hartwel Recorded December y^ 14*}! 1732 '# Edward Hartwell Clark [60] Benjamin Goodridge of Lunenburg Houle Granted unto Benjamin Goodridge By the Lott Committee appointed by the Greate and Gen- ^°- ^" eral Court to aLott and Grant out the Lands W^ithin town of Lunenburg to Granttee forty one Acres and feventy one rod of Land for a Houfe Lott bareing number fixty feven to gethere Withall the Rights and Divifions of Land belonging there unto or a Rifeing there- from Within the townfhip of Lunenburg Lunenburg December the 15*^.^ 1729 furvayed for Benjamin Goodridge Houfe Lott Number 67 the Contents of Which is ior\y one acres and feventy one rod Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the North Corner and runing fouth 25 Degrees 30 min Eaft. 149. rod on Ephraim Pearces Houfe Lott there making an Angle and runing Weft 25 Degrees 30 min. fouth 44 rod on Gibfons Lott there making an Angle and runing North 25 deg. 45. min Weft 1 49 rod on farnsworth Lott Proprietors Records. 115 there making an Angle and runing Eaft 25 deg 30 min North 45. rod on Willards Land to Where it Began fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Com- mittee viz Edward Hart well Nathan Heywood Jofiah Wil- lard and Jonathan Willard Recorded January the 17*^^ Day annoqiie Domini. 1731/2 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg November the 19*?" 1734 Laid out by the Committee appointed one hundred acres of fourth Divifion Land to the Heirs of Philip Good- ridge Deceft Scituate and Lying Wefterh^ from Role ftone hill. Begining at a ftake and heep of ftones Erected for the fouth Weft Corner of faid Land Lunenburg Februarv 25: 1736/7 2d Divifion furvaj'ed for Benjamin Goodridge fecond No 91 Divifion No. 91 fcituate and Lying neer maf- hapooge pond Containing Eighty five acres in the whole there being four meadow Lotts included in it. and allow^- ance for ways to them begining at a Certain pine tree marked for moft foutherW Corner of the fame and runs Eaft Eighteen degrees north on upland and swamp and pond belonging to the faid goodridge one hundred and fixteen rod the Corner fhould be aboute ten rods in the pond then runs north twenty fix degrees Weft on Land now belonging to Jofhua Goodridge and John Divoll 97 rod to a ftak then runs Weft three degrees fouth on Land of faid Divoll and his own Land feventy Eight rod to a white pine ftump where the faid Goodridge got a greate Deal of Good timber then runs Weft three Degrees North on faid Goodridge fifty Eight rod then fouth thirt3^ one Degree Eaft on Lancafter Line one hundred and thirt}^ rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jon- athan Willard Recorded feptember the 31(* 1750. "r' Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk 116 Proprietors Records. [60'] Lunenburo-h April the. 27*?^ 1730 .... the 300 Laid out to Benjamin Goodridge by the ^''^^ Committee appointed by the proprietors of Lunenburgh three Hundred acres of Land Granted to the faid Goodridge for the payment of the proprietors Debts alfo thirty two acres for an aquivelent for half a meadow Lott be Longing to the P Goodridge. fcituate and Lyeth aboute a mile Wefterly from the aple tree Hill Begining at a Certain Rock b^^ y*^ river and runing north thirty feven degrees Eaft on Common Land to the Corner of Jonathan Willards Lott there making an angle and run- ing Weft thirty four Degrees thirty minites North on faid Willards Lott one Hundred and fifty two Rod there mak- ing An Angle and Runing North thirty four Degree thirty minits Eaft on fd Willards Land one Hundred and Eighty two rod there Making An angle and runing Weft fifteen Degrees fouth on John Brewers Lott feventy nine rod there making an Angle and runing fouth fifteen deg"" Eaft on fd Brewers Lott fixty Eight rod there making an An- gle and runing Weft fifteen degr fouth on fd Brewers Land two Hundred forty four rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth thirty five degrees weft on Common Land two hundred and one Rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft fifteen degrees North on Common Land one Hundred and thirty rod there Making an Angle and run- ing by the river to where It Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Isaac farnsworth Recorded July the 3^ da^^ in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty 133^ me Edward Hartwell CLerk Lunenburgh auguft the IS*?' 1729. third Divi£ Laid out for Benjamin Goodridge by the Committee appointed Eighty Eight acres and ninety nine rod of third divifion Land arifeing from houfe Lott No fixty feven foutherly from apple tree hill on the other fide ol" the river begining at a heap of ftones and Runing Eaft fifteen degrees North one Hundred and fev- ent}^ two rod to a pillar of Itones there making an Angle Proprietors Records. 117 and Runing North one Degree Weft (ixty three rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft fifteen degrees North fixty three rod to a poplar tree thre making an Angle and Runing Weft twenty I'even degrees fouth 140 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty degrees Eaft fixty two rod to where it began furvayed b^^ nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded the Eight Day of July in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty by me Edward Hartwell Gierke Lunenburg Auguft y^ W^} 1729: 3d Divifion Laid out for Benjamin Goodridge 12 acres and 15 rod of third Divifion Land be Longing to houfe Lott No 67 and is on the Wefterly fide of Maf- sapoge pond begining at a ftake fet up for the Corner of his fecond Divifion and runing north 44 dege Weft 12 rod to Lancafter Line there making an Angle and Runing fouth 30 Degrees Eaft on faid Line 114 rod to a black oak tree there making an Angle and runing north 8 dege Weft 77 rod by faid pond there there making an Angle and Runing North 29 degrees Weft 18 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 6 degrees fouth 30 rod on the afore faid fecond Divifion Line to Where it Began fur- vayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of b}' the Com- mittee viz Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Na- than Heywood. — — — Recorded December 29^?^ annoque Domini. 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [61] Ephraim Peirce JunT of [63] Samuel Bennet of. Houie Lott Granted unto Samuell Bennit by the Corn- No. 69 mittee appointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the Townfhip of Lunenburg to Granttees thirty Eight Acres 118 Proprietors Records. and three Quarters of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott No 69 to gether With all the Rights and Divifions of Land belonging there unto or arifeing there from. A platt of the feverail divifions of Land of Eleizer Hough- ton Claimer Where he now Lives the Contents of the whole is one hundred and fivety 7 acres and the Contents of Each particuler is Set Down in Each perticuler platt and the out fide Lines fet fourth by points of Compas. Begining at a Certain pillar of Stones by the gravill pitt near Cap^ Jofiah Willards Sawmill and runing Eaft 7 deg fouth on Land of fd Cap* Josiah Willard 59 rod to a pil- lar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth 25 deg 30 Eaft on Land of P^ Willard 58 rod to a ftak Which is the Corner of the meadow Lott there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 20 degrees north on meadow of faid Willard 60. rod. to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing fouth 17 Deg Eaft 28 rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft 25 deg north three rod and a half to a heep of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 17 degrees Eaft 35 rod to a pine tree there making an angle and runing fouth 38 deg Weft on Woodmans meadow^ Lott 18 rod to a popler tree there making an angle and runing Weft 24 deg. fouth on Auf- tins meadow Lott 34 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing ibuth 18 deg Eaft on faid Auftins meadow Lott 20 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 9 deg North on feverail meadow Lotts a 100 rod to a heep of ftones on the other fide of Catacon- amoug Brook there making an Angle and runing fouth 2 Deg Eaft 35 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft on Wallafes Land 97 rod to a heap of ftones there making an angle and runing Weft 20 Degrees fouth on faid Wallases Land four rod to a pine tree there mak- ing an Angle and runing Weft 18 Degs fouth on faid Wal- lases Land 26 rod to a ftake there making an angle and runing fouth 25 Degrees Eaft on faid Wallases Land 94 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 6 deg North on f*.^ Wallases Land 8 rod and a half to a white oak tree Which is Bormans Corner there making an Angle and runing fouth 19 degrees Eaft on f Bormans Proprietors Records. 119 Line 138 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 5 Degrees fouth on Ephraim Pearces Land 30 rod to a ftake there [63'-^] there making an Angle and runing North 25 de- grees Weft on pearces Land 280 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 25 Degrees 30 minits north on Land of fai^ pearce 14 rod to a ftake there making an angle and runing north 25 degrees 30 mints Weft on Land of f'^ pearce 143. rod to Where it began a high Way going through f"^ firft Divifion Survay'^ by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded May the T^'^ annoque Domini. 173] ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg april 3^*^ 10*?^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out to Eleazer Houghton Claimer by the Committee appointed 89 acres and 51 : rod for a third Divifion arifeing from houfe Lott No. 69 Begining at a pillar of ftones and runing Weft ten Degrees fouth 80. rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing north 10 Degrees Weft 160 rod to a heape of ftones there making an angle and runing Eaft 10 Degrees north 83 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 39 Degrees Eaft to a pillar of ftones. 51. rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 113 rod to Where it Began Laid down by me me Nathan Hey- wood furvayer and approved of By the Committee Ed- ward Hartwell Hilkiah Boynton and nathan Heywood Recorded march y^ 7*?^ 1733. /4 %^ me Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg November the 19*? 1734 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed fev- enty acres of fourth divifion Land to Eleazer Houghton Claimer arifeing from houfe Lott No. 69. fcitu- ate Lying Wefterly from Role ftone hill. Begining at a 120 Proprietors' Records. Certain heniLock tree marked by y'-' River fide which is Nathaniel Harris Esq^ and John Whitneys Corner and run- ing Eaft 15 degrees fouth on faid Harris and Whitney 134 rod to a pine tree then runing fouth 15 degrees Weft on faid Harris and Whitneys 1)8 rod to a ftake then runing Eaft 15 degrees fouth on John Brewer 59 rod to a ftake then runing north 8 degrees Eaft on Land now I^aid out to the Heirs of philip Goodridge Deeceft 178 rod then Runing Weft 10 degrees fouth on Common Land 184 rod to Where it began ^ Nathan Hey wood fury*" and approved of by the Committee viz Joliah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded January the ZVy 1734/^ ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [63] Philip Goodridge Hotife Lott Granted unto Philip Goodridge by the No. 70 Committee appointed by the Greate and Gen- eral Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Granttees .50. acres and .148. rod of Land Within faid town for a Houfe Lott No. 70. and meadow Lott to Gether Withall the rights and Divi- lions of Land belonging there unto or arifeing there from Lunenburg March the 26th 1730 Houfe Lott furvayed for Jofhua Goodridge Claimer and meadow Houfe Lott Number 70 the Contents of Which ,\. is .50. acres and one Hundred and forty m one Intire . . ^ . , "1 pgjj,g Eight rod. Begming at a ftake in the Mead- which ow Which is the fouthwefterly Corner and is: a. 50 Runing Eaft 26 degrees North on Pearces and R. 148 Land 48 rod to a Chesnut tree there making an Angle and Runing North 27 Degrees West on Farns- worth Lott .168. rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing West 26. fouth on the Lott that Benjamin Goodridge now Pofsefses 48 rod to a ftake there Making an Angle and Runing fouth 27 Degrees Eaft 168. rod to Where it Began, furvayed by Nathan Heywood and Proprietors^ Records. 121 approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jon- athan Willard Nathan Hey wood and Jofiah Willard Recorded the ll*^ Day of October annoque Domini. 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg March the 26. 1730 2d Divifion Survaycd for Jofhua Goodridge Claimer a No 85 fecond Divifi-on No. 85 the Contents of Which is fourty acres. Begining at the foutherly part of Mafha- poge pond being the Wefterly Corner of faid fecond Divi- fon and Runing fouth .5. Degrees Eaft on L^ Hart wells Land 27 rod to a chesnut tree there making an Angle and runing Eaft .5. Degree north on faid Hartwells Land 94 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing north 27 degrees West partly on pearces Land and partly on faid goodridges first Divifion 159 rod to the pond there making an Angle and runing by the pond to Where it Began Survaycd By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Wil- lard Nathan Heywood and Jofiah Willard Recorded October y*^ 11^?' annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Laid out to Joshua Goodridge an Equevilent for the town way Laid through his firft and fecond Divifion Land Laid out in the foutheafterly part of faid Townfhip the pice Containing thirty acres of pine Land Laid out by the Committee appointed viz Edward Hartwell and Jona- than Willard and Nathan Heywood furvayer. and it Be- gins at a Certain pine tree on the foutherly fide of Cata- conamoug meadows below the ridge hill and runs Weft on Common Land 25 rod yn runs fouth 3. degrees Eaft on Land of Nathaniel page 95 rod y" Weft 26 rod on faid pages Land then fouth on Cap^ Goulds Land 60 rod then north 42 Degrees Eaft on Common Land 91 rod then north .8. degrees Eaft on Land of Ephraim Pearce 20. rod then North .15. degres Weft on faid pearces Land .68. rod to where it Began Recorded march 25^^ 1735. ^ Edward Hartw^ell proprietors Cler 122 Proprietors Records. [63^] Lunenburg april y^ 10^? 1729 3d Divifion Laid out for Heirs of Philip Goodridge Deceft. by the Committee appointed one hun- dred and Twenty acres and a hundred and twenty feven rod of third Divifion Land five acres befonging to the Houfe Lott. Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for Jewells North weft Corner and runing fouth 28 Degrees Eaft thirty four rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft twenty five degrees fouth one hun- dred rod to a pillar of ftones There making an Angle and runing north one hundred and thirteen rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing North thirty nine Degrees Weft Sixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty Eight Degrees North to a pillar of ftones fixty two rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth forty nine degrees Eaft one hun- dred and forty three rod to a pillar of ftones there mak- ing an Angle and Runing Weft twenty Eight Degrees South fixty five rod to where it began Laid Down by Nathan Heywood fu''?' and approved of By the Commit- tee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Hilkiah Boynton Recorded January the 14^^ annoque Domini. 1734/5 '# Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg November y! 19*^ 1734 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one hundred acres of fourth divifion Land to the Heirs of Philip Goodridge Deceaft. fcituat & Lying Weft- erly from Role ftone hill Begining at ftake and heep of ftones Erected for the fouthweft Corner of faid Land and Runing Eaft 15 degrees fouth on Land of John Brewer 65 rod to a ftake in a fwamp then Runing Eaft 13 degrees 30 minuts North on Land of Col'? Fitch 53 rod to a ftake then Runing North 11 degrees Weft on Common Land 193 rod then Weft 10 degrees fouth on Common Land 53 rod then fouth 8 degrees W^eft on Land Now Laid out to Eleazer Houghton 178. rod to Where it Began ^ Nathan Heywood furvayer '"■*.'?' s~- \r,u.^ ■^^ ^i/, ,u^ .Ki, rii.-'L''^,A^t a ('O-ikin'! yl/dTtbh—Ac-^i/ij /A/e£^ ecus h.i'tt.) t^ .^^ 1 Proprietors Records. 123 and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell & Jonathan Willard Recorded January y*^ 31'> 1734/5 ■^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Laid out By the Committee appointed iixty acres ot Land to the Heirs of philip goodridge Deceaft to make up what is w-anting in faid Goodridges fecond Divifion Cituat and Lying in the fouth part of Lunenburg. Be- gining at a ftake fet up for foutheafterly Angle of faid Goodridges third Divifion and runing weft 25 Degrees fouth on faid third Divifion 100 pole to a ftake then run- ing fouth 28 Degrees Eaft Chifly on Thomas Richardfons Land 102 pole to a stake then runs Eaft 28 Degres north on Common Land 100 pole to a ftake then runs 28 De- grees Weft on land of Jofiah White 94 pole to where it Began, furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Wil- lard and Jofiah Willard Recorded march the 16*^ 1735/'5 ^ Edward Hartwell pro^ Clerk [64] LiEvT Edward Hartwell of Lunenburgh Houfe Lott Granted and Laid out to Edward Hart- No. 87 well by the Committee appointed by the greate and General Court to a Lot and Grant out the Lands Within the Town of Lunenburgh to Granttees fixty acres of Land In faid town for a Houfe Lot Number Eighty feven. with all the Rights and Divifions belonging thereunto, and there being Laid out adjoyning to laid houfe Lot two fixty acre Lots being fecond Divifions the one being number Ninety three and is Coupled to the Houfe Lot above faid. the other is Number Eighty Nine and is Coupled to Houfe Lot Nomber feventy three and alfo two meadow Lots five acres Each within the Land above faid. and the three fixty acres Lots to gether with the two meadow Lots Lyeth in one Intire piece fcituate near to the foutheafterly fide of Lunenburgh and is Con- 124 Proprietoj-s" Records. taining one Hundred and ninet3^ acres and It Begins at a Chefnut tree marked for the norweft Corner there making An Angle and Runing fouth five degrees Eaft one Hundred and fixty five rod to a Chefitiut tree there making an An- gle and Runing Eaft five degrees North one Hundred and ninety rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing North five degrees Weft one Hundred And fixty five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft five degrees fouth one Hundred and ninety rods to where It began, and it Bounds North on the Land of Ephraim Pearce and Philip Goodridge Weft on the Common Land fouth on the Land of Nathan Hey- wood John Heywood and Benjamin Cory Eaft on the Land of David Pearce "^ Samuell Jones frvayer Recorded January the third day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and twenty Eight nine by order of the Committee viz Jofiah Wiliard Edward Hart well Jonathan Wiliard Joshua Hutchins Hilkiah Boynton and Nathan Heywood Edward Hartwell Clerk — Houfe Granted to Edward Hartwell by the Com- Lot no mittee appointed by the greate and General Court to alot and Grant out the Lands with- in the town of Lunenburgh to granttees forty five acres of Land within faid town for a houfe Lot to gether with all Rights and Divifion be Longing there unto and the faid Houfe Lot Bounds Northerly on Dorchefter farm Wefterly on Common Land foutherly on the Land of Na- thaiel woods and the faid Houfe Lot is bareing Number feventy three and Begins at a pillar of ftones made for a Corner from thence runs weft thirty fix degree fouth one hunder and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones made for a cor- ner from thence runs fort^^ five rod to Chefnut tree made for a Corner from thence runs one hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones made for the foutheaft Corner then runs forty five rod to where it began furvayed by famu- ell Jones Recorded by order of the Committee appointed to make a Book of Records for the Town of Lunenburg viz Pi-oprictors Records. 125 Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Benoni Boynton Hilkiah Boynton Jonathan Willard Jofhua Hutchings and Nathan Heywood Recorded the 4*? Day of January A. D. 1728/9 ^ Edward proprietors Clerk Lunenburgh february the 10*^ 1729/30 Meadow Laid out to Edward Hartwell by the Committee appointed by the Proprietors of the town of Lunenburgh for that purpors five acres of meadow and fwompey Land fcituate within the town above faid and adjoyning on or neer the Eafterly Line of M*" Bormans fairm for the average in part the way being Laid through faid Hartwells Land and is accepted and allowed by faid town and It Begins at a pine tree and Runs Weft Eleven deg fouth nineteen rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth fixteen degr Weft twenty five rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft ten degr thirty min north fift}^ five rod there making an Angle and Run- ing Weft thirty three degr north thirty four rod to where It Began — furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded march the twenty fev- enth day in the 3'ear of our Lord one thoufand feven hun- dred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [64^] Laid out to Edward Hartwell B}^ the Commit- tee appointed by the proprietors of Lunenburgh for that 3d Di ifi n purpurs thirt}' feven acres and a half of third Divifion Land Within faid town the Right arifeing from houfe Lott Number Eighty feven and It Bounds Eaft on the Land where faid Hartwell now Lives on, north on Mafsapog Pond Weft on Lancaiter new Grant and fouth on Land Laid out to Nathan Heywood it Extends the fouth Line of faid Hartwells Land where he now Lives to fd Lancafter new Grant twenty rod and from thence it Runs Northward to faid mafsapog Pond by faid Hartwells Land and Land of Goodridges and faid new grant furvayed By Jonas Hotighton and appro'' of 126 Proprietors Records. by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded march the twenty fixth Day in the year of our Lord one thotifand feven Hundred and thirty r? Edward Hartwell Proprietors — Clerk . . . Lunenburgh march the 5^'^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out to Edward Hartwell fourty feven acres of third Divifion Land arifeing from houfe Lott number. 87. by the Committee appointed for that porpos and it is Bounded all round By Common Land begining at a pillar of ftones & Rtining fouth thirty five degr Eaft one Hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty five degr North fourty feven rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and Runing North thirty five Degr Weft one Hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty degr fouth fourty feven rod to where It began, the faid 47 acres is fcituate within y^ town of Lunenburgh near to the South Weft End of the pearl hill taking in a fwompe a Crofing the north Branch of Lancafter north River furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved on by the Committee viz Jonathan Willard Jofiah Willard and Edward Hartwell — Recorded March the twenty fixth Day in the ^^ear of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty p'' Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June the 7"^ 1729 Laid out to Edward Hartwell by the Committee appointed ten acres of third Divilion Land It Being Cheifly meadow belonging to houfe Lott Number Eighty feven begining at a ftake and Runing fouth one Degr Eaft fifty one rod there making making an Angle and runing North thirty fix degr thirty min. Eaft fourty two rod there making an Angle and Runing north twenty fix rod there making an Angle and runing north twenty degr Welt twelve rod there making an angle & runing Weft Eight degr north thirty' two rod there making an Angle Proprietors Records. 127 and runing fouth feventeen dgr Eaft twenty fix rod to where It Began and the faid ten acres of meadow Bounds Wefterly on meadow Lott number three foutherly on Common Land Eaft on the Cataconamoug Brook and northerly on Common Land and fd ten acres Lyeth above Cataconamoug pond furvayed by Nathan Haywood and approved on by the Committee viz Nathan Heywood Jon- athan Willard and Jofhua hutchens Recorded march the twenty fixth Day in the^year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty "t^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June the 25*^? 1729 3d divifion Laid out to Edward Hartwell by the Com- mittee appointed twenty fix acres and Eighty four rod of third Divifion Land to the right Number Eighty feven begining at a pillar of ftones and runing North twenty fix degr Weft fifty five rod and a half to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty five degr fouth feventy Eight rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty W^ degr Eaft fifty five rod and a halfe to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Eaft thirty five degr North feventy Eight rod to where it Began — fur- va^^ed by Nathan Heywood and approved on by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood and Edw'^ Hartwell. Recorded March the twenty fixth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty p'' Edward Hartwell Clerk The other Lands of the above faid hartwell are Re- corded at page 17 in the fecond part of this Book. the above faid half acre and 4 rod belongs to 3*^ Divi- fion arifing from houfe Lott No. 73 and part of that right [65] Elnathan Jones of Granted unto Elnathan Jones by the Committee ap- pointed b3^ the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to Granttees a houfe Lott Within faid town Number 74-. to 128 Pr'oprieto7's Records. gather With all the Rights and Divifions of Land and meadow that belongs thereto or fhall arife there from within the townfhip of Lunenburg a fore faid Recorded feptember the 2'} 1732. '# Edward Hartwell Clerk Houfe Lott Survayed for Jonathan Wheeler Claimer No. 74 Houfe Lott Number 74 Contains fifty three acres and ^4 begins at a poplar tree marked for the moft foutherly Corner of faid Lott and runs Weft 31 degrees 30 minits north on land of John White fixty rod to a heap of ftones then runs north 37 degrees Eaft one hun- dred and fifty rod to a heap of ftones then Runs Eaft 31 degrees 30 minuts fouth on the town line fifty five rod to a heap of ftones then runs fouth 35 degrees Weft on fan- derfons Lott one hundred and fifty rod to Where it began by nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard & Nathan Haywood Recorded December the 20^^ 1739. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 2d Divifion Survaycd for Jonathan Wheeler Claimer No 14 fecond Divifion Number fourteen the Contents fifty Eight acres and V^ begining at a White oak tree marked for the northerly Corner of faid Lott from thence runs fouth thirty degrees Weft on Cap^ Woodmans Lott feventy fix rod to a hemlock tree then runs Eaft nine rod and an half on Land of John White then runs fouth on faid White one hundred and twenty rod then runs Eaft thirtv Degrees North feventy two rod then runs North on faid White one hundred and thirty rod to a heap of ftones then runs Weft thirty one Degrees and an half north on faid fecond Divifion Land forty rod to where it began by Nathan Heywood approved of b}' the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 20*!^ 1739. 'ip» Edward Hartwell Clark Proprietors Records. 129 [65'-^] furvayed for Jonathan Wheeler Claimer meadow Lott Number fix in uper mulpufs Contains five acres and a quarter Begining at a maple tree marked for the moft northerly Corner of faid Lott from thence meadow. runs fouth twenty two degrees Eaft on up- °^^ land twenty fix rod then runs fouth twenty uper nmlpos "^"^ Degrees Weft on upland forty rod to the Brook then bound upon the Brook to where it began, by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 22'^: 1739 %? Edward Hartwell Clerk 4tii Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one hundred acres of Land in Lunenburg Lying neer the fouth Weft Corner of faid Townfhip for Jona- than Wheeler Claimer it being for a fourth Divifion arifing from Houfe Lott Number feventy four Begining at a Cer- tain white pine tree marked for the North weft Corner of faid Land and Runs Eaft twelve Degrees fouth on Com- mon Land one hundred and thirty fix rod to a ftake then runs fouth fifteen degrees Weft on Land of the Rev*;^ M^ Benjamin Prefcott one hundred and Eight rod to a ftake then Runs fouth twelve Degrees Weft on Common Land to a ftake then runs Weft twelve Degrees North on Land Laid out at the fame time to Jonathan Poole EsqY one hundred and thirty one rod then Runs North twelve De- grees Eaft on the General Courts Committees farm one Hundred and twenty rod to where it began 10 Nathan Heywood furvayer and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Ephraim Pearce Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard. Recorded December y^ 22^ 1739. Ij^ Edward Hartwell Clerk the fourth Divifion above Recorded to Jonathan Wheeler proves to be Laid out in Land that was Laid out before to the Reverend M^ Benjamin Prefcoutt therefore the Committee have Laid out the faid fourth Divifion in 130 Propi'ictors Records. another place and have ordered the Records of the above faid fourth Divifion to be null and void. [GG] John Wood, of Granted unto John Wood by the Committee appointed by the Great and General Court to alott and Grant out the Lands Within the townfhip of Lunenburg to Grant- tees forty five acres of Land Within faid townfhip for a houfe Lott bearing Number feventy five to Gether with all the rights & Divifions both of up Land and meadow that be Longs thereto or fhall arife there from within the townfhip of Lunenburg afore faid Lunenburg March the V^ 1728/9 Houfe Lott Laid out to M'' John Wood by the Com. No. 75 mittee appointed by the proprietors of the town of Lunenburg for that purpofe forty five acres of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott in the Lew of that Lott which was taken by Lancafter new additinal Grant the faid Lott bearing Number feventy five and it bounds fouth on Woborn farm Eaft on the Land of Jo- fiah Willard EsqV of Boston north on Northfield road Weft on Common Land and partly on Dorchefter farm and it begins at a ftake and heap of ftones made for the northweft Corner and from thence runs fouth one hundred and twenty rod to Dorchefter farm from thence runing to the Corner of faid Dorchefter farm and from thence run- ing to Woborn farm and then runing Eaft thirty fix rod to a pillar of ftones from thence runing north one hun- dred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones from thence run- ing Weft to where it Began. furva3'ed by famuell Jones and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded august the 30th 1729. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [67] Edward Emerson Esq'' of Honfe Lott 78 Granted unto Edward Emerfon by the Committee appointed by the Greate and Gen- crall Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within Proprietors Records. 131 the Townfhip of Lunenburg to Granttee fourtj^ five acres for a houfe Lott N° 78 With all the rights and Divifions of Land belonging thereunto february the 25^?' 1728/9. By order of the Committee for the Laying out of an aquivelent for the Loft Lotts. (that was Laid out in Lan- cafter additional Grant of Land) Haveing Laid out fourty five acres for the Lott^N° 78 Which Lies north Eafterly from apple tree hill nere against the fouth end of one of the perl hills and it is bounded round by undevided Land It begins at a hemLock tree ftanding by a brook: then fouth Eighty rod to a red oke tree then Weft ninety rod to a heep of ftones and then north to Where it first began furvayed by Jonas Houghton and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and nathan Hey wood. Recorded December the twenty ninth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty V Edw^ Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg June the \2^Y 1730: 2d Divifion 21 Survaycd for Edward Emerfon fecond Di- vifion No 21 the Contents of Which is fourty feven acres and a half. Begining at a fta,k and heap of ftones Which is the fouth Corner and Runing North thirty one Deg Eaft on Lott No : 20 : 14-7 rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one Deg thirty minits North on the North town Line fifty five rod there making an Angle and Runing South twenty Eight Deg Weft on John Whitneys Lott 147 rod there making an Angle and Run- ing Eaft thirty one deg thirty Minits South fourty Seven rod to Where it began furva3'ed by Nathan He^^wood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. . Recorded December the 29^?^ Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty 't;^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 132 Proprictoi's Records. [G7'] Lunenbnrgh December the 9^^ 1730 3 & 4 Laid out by the Committee appointed two Divifion Hundred and fifteen acres of third and fourth Divifion Land to Edward Emerson, arifing from Houfe Lott Number Seventy Eight, in the Weft part of the townfhip Begining at Certain Red oak tree marked for Coll° Browns Southeaft Corner and Runing fouth four Degres Weft on John Brewers Land one Hundred and twenty two Rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and Runing Weft twelve Degres North on the Land of Robert Comin two Hundred and ninety rod to the Weft Line of faid townfhip there making an Angle and Runing North twelve Deg Eaft on faid Line one hundred and twenty rod there Making an Angle and Runing Eaft twelve Deg fouth on Coll° Browns Land two Hundred and feventy feven Rod to Where It Began. Survayed By Nathan Hey- wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Ephraim Pearce Recorded December the twelfe day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty 'i3 Edward Hartwell Clerk may the 24^^ 1744. then Laid out to the Heirs of Edward Emmerfon De- ceaft thirty fix acres of Land in Lunenburg allowance for a two rod road to go through the fame which Land is to make up what is wanting in the fecond Divifion No : 21 : belonging to the Heirs of faid Emmerfon it begins at a fmall white oak tree inarked for the fouth Corner of Land belonging to the Heirs of John White Late of Lunenburg Deceafed and it runs Weft ten Degrees fouth 31: rod on faid Whites Land to a white burch thence Extending faid Line to the river thence runing down the river and bound- ing on the river till it Comes to a White oak tree marked then it runs Eaft ten Degrees north on Common Land 13 rod to a pine tree marked then it runs North ten Degrees Weft 72. rod on Common Land and 66 : rod on Land of Ephraim |)carcc to where it began Proprietors Records. 133 furvayed by Nathan Heywood and allowed by the Committee viz Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood and Edward Hartwell Recorded may the 28*^ 1744. 1^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clark [fiS] John Whitney of Houfe Lott Granted by the Committee appointed by immber 7b ^^ greate and General Court unto John Whit- ney fourty five ares of Land for a Houfe Lott to gether With all the rights and Divifions of Land beLonging thereunto Within the Townfhip of Lunenburgh Lunenburgh April the 9*^ 1729 Laid out for John Whitney by the Committee apointed two Lotts fourty four acres and a hundred and one rod for a Houfe Lott number feventy fix and Eight}' acres and fifty one rod for a third Divifion the first Lott being at a pillar of ftones and runing north twenty five degr Eaft fourty fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft twenty five degres fouth one hundred and feventy five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing upon Dorchefter Line fixty rod there making an angle and runing Weft twenty five degrees north to where It began the third Divifion Lott begins at the fame place where the other Lott ends and runs Weft twenty five degres North one hundred and twenty two rods there making an angle and runing Eaft thirty five degr north fifty four rod there making an Angle and runing north thirty five degrees Weft feventy two rod there making an Angle and runing Eeaf twenty five degres North Eighty four rods there making an angle and Runing fouth twent}' degre Eaft one hundred and fourty four rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty five deg Weft forty fix rod to Where it began aproved of by the Committee and furva^^ed by Nathan Heywood. viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Hey- wood and Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the 1 S*^?' anno. Domini. 1730: 't> Edward Hartwell Clerk 134 Proprictoj's' Records. Lunenburg June the 12^?^ 1730: No Survayd for John Whitney fecond Divifion 2 Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh November the 2"? 1730. 2d Divifion Survayed for famell Thaxter Esq"" a fecond No 56 Divifion No. 56. on flatt Hill the Contents of which is 53 acres and three quarters, begining at a ftak which is the moft Wefterly Corner and runing north 17 deg Eaft on Land Left for a high way 61 rod there mak- ing an Angle and runing Eaft 31 Deg 30 min South on Lott No. 55. 150 rod to Groton Line there making an Angle and runing fouth 17 Deg Weft on faid Line 58. rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 deg 30 mint North 150 rod to where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded Aprill y*^ 16'?^ 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors' Records. 149 [76] Ephra-IM Peirce of Lunenburg Granted to Ephraim Peirce by the Committee ap- pointed by the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburgh to granttees fourty three acres of Land Within faid town for a houfe Lott bareing Number Sixty Eight to gether With- all the rights and Devifions of Land belong there unto — Lunenburgh December the 15*^ 1729 Houie Lott furvayed for Ephraim Pearce Houfe Lott No. 68 Number Sixty Eight above Said, the Con- tents is fourty three acres Beggining at a pillar of ftones by the gravel pit at Cap* Willards Sawmill and Runing fouth twenty five degr thirty min Eaft one Hundred and fourt}^ three rod on Houghtons Lott there making an An- gle and Runing Weft twenty five Degr thirty Min fouth partly on houghton fecond Divifion but Chiefly on Second Divifion belonging to faid lot fourty {\yi^ rod and a half there making an Angle and Runing North twenty five degr thirty min. Weft one Hundred and fourty nine rod on Benjamin Goodridges Lott there making an Angle and Runing Eaft fixteenth degr north fourty fix rod on Capt Jofiah Willards Land to where It Began furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Laid out to the above faid Ephraim Pearce a fecond Divifion Divifion number Eighty feven and is Coupled to the houfe Lot above faid and the Contents is fixty two acres begining at a ftake let up in the fouth End of the Houfe Lott and Runing fouth twenty five degr Eaft two Hundred and Eighty rod on houghtons fecond Divifion there making an Angle and Runing Weft five Degr fouth fourty rod there making an angle and runing north thirty Degr Weft ninety six rod on fecond Divifion No Eighty fix there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty five de- grees and thirty min : north twelve rod on Gibsons Lott 150 Proprietors Records. there making an Angle and runing north twenty five deg: Weft one Hundred and feventy rod on gibfons Lott there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty five De- grees thirty Min North thirty two rod on the afore fd Houfe Lott to where It began furvayed By Nathan Hey- wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard. Recorded March the twenty feventh day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred & thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Houi" Lott Granted to Ephraim Pearce by the By the No. 88 Committee appointed by the Greate and Gen- eral Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Ivunenburgh to Granttee fixty acres of Land Within faid town for a Houfe Lott No 88. to Gether Withall the Rights and Divifions of Land beLonging there to or arifeing there from Recorded may the 28*?^ 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg march the 23"? 1729/30. Laid out by the Committee appointed for that pur- pose Eleven acres and a half of Land to Ephraim Pearce Claimer to make up what is Wanting in his fecond Divi- fion Number Number Eigty fix Lying near Cataconamoug meadows begining at pine tree marked for the norweft Corner and runing fouth 15 Degrees Eaft 68 rod to a pil- lar of ftones there making an angle and runing fouth 8 degree weft 20 rod to pine tree there making an angle and runing Eaft 25 Degrees fouth 20 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing north 4 deg Eaft 77 rod to a heap of ftones there making an angle and runing weft 25 degrees north Chiefl}^ on Wheelers meadow 40 rod to Where it began four Lines are bounded on Common Land furva3'ed bj^ Nathan Hey- wood and approved of b}^ the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Recorded March y*^ 22^' 1732/3 "tj^ Edward Hartwell Clcr . Proprietors' Records. 151 [76^] Lunenburgh April the 5*? 1729 3d Divifioii Laid out to Ephraim Pearce by the Com- mittee appointed Eighty acres of third Divi- fioii Land. Arifeing from houfe Lott Number fixty Eight being foutheafterly from apple tree hill Beging at a pine tree marked for the norweft Corner and Runing fouth ten Deg Eaft one hundred and fixty rod there making an An- gle and Runing Eaft teij Deg North fixty rod there mak- ing an Angle and Runing North three degrees thirty mini Eaft one Hundred and fixty four rod there Making an Angle and Runing Weft ten deg fouth one Hundred rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jon- athan Willard and Hilkiah Boynton and Nathan Hey- wood. Recorded December the thirty first. Day in year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg march y'^ 23^ 1729/30 For road Laid out by the Committee appointed for and deficient. ^^^^^ purpose 36 Acres of Land to Ephraim pearce for allowance for a town wa}^ Laid out in his Lotts and for wat is wanting In the laid Lotts fcituat Lying and being near Cattaconamoug pond. Begining at a pine tree marked for the Eafterly Cor- ner and runing fouth 17 Degrees weft 44 rod to the brook there making an Angle and runing fouth 39 Degrees Weft by the Brook 26 rod there making an Angle and runing North 44 degrees Weft 120 rod to a pine tree there mak- ing an Angle and runing North 45 Degrees Eaft 36 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 30 Degrees fouth Chiefly on Land Laid out to Jona- than Willard 100 rod to Where it Began furvayed by nathan Haywood and approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard Recorded January y^ 4*.^ 1733/4 %? Edward Hartwell Cler 152 Proprietors Records. [78] Nathaniel Page of Lunenburgh March the 23^ 1729=30 third Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed Eighty fix acres and a Half of third Divifion Land to Nathaniel Page Claimer arifeing from Houfe Lott Number fifty two fcituate and Lying near Cataconamoug Meadows and Including one meadow Lott alowed to be Eight acres, the Plan Confifting of ninety four acres and a half Begining at a ftake and Heap of ftones Erected for a Corner of the Meadow Lott and Runing Weft twenty five Degrees fouth on Common Land fourty Eight Rod to a White oak tree there Making An angle Runing Eaft fourty Degrees fouth on third Divifion Land Laid out to David Pearce twenty one rod to an afh tree there Making An angle and Runing fouth feventeen Deg'' Weft Cheifly on Land of faid Pearce one Hundred and fixty rod there Making An angle and Runing Eaft party on the Land of Cap Jofeph Gould one Hundred and twenty Rod to a ftake there Making An angle and Runing North three Degrees Weft on Common Land one Hundred and fixty five rod to a heepe of ftones on the Ridge hill By the pond, there making An angle and Runing Weft twelve rod on Common Land, there Making An angle and Runing South thirty fix Degrees thirty minits Weft on meadow Land Laid out to L^ Hartwell thirty Eight Rod there making An angle and Runing north one Degree Weft on faid Hartwells Meadow fifty one Rod to Where It began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Jonathan Willard Recorded May the twenty fixth day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty . . . '# Edward Hartwell Clerk . . . Lunenburg November the 20*!^ 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed feven acres and a quarter of third Divifion Land to Jonathan Page Claimer belonging to the Right No : 52 : begining at a pillar of ftones at mV Clarks Cor- Proprietors' Records. 153 ner and runing Ibuth thirty feven degrees Weft Eighty rod to a maple tree there making an Angle and and run- ing Eaft fix Degrees north fixty two rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft thirty three Degrees north thirty two rod to a white oak tree there making an Angle and runing north Eighteen Degrees fifteen minuts Eaft fourty two rod to where it began furvayed b3^ Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded may the 25^?^ 1744. 'v^- Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [79] James Jewell of Lunenburgh Granted unto James Jewell b\' the Committee ap- pointed b3" the Greate and General Court to a Lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenburg to granttees fevent}" acres of Land Within faid town for a fecond Divilion Number Sixteen which faid Committee Coupled to House Lott number two and the above faid fecond Divifion Number fixteen is Granted unto the above Named James Jewell to gether with the meadow Lott and all the rights and Divilions of Land arifmg from the a fore faid houfe Lott Number two. and alfo the a fore faid Committee Granted unto the above Named James Jewell fecond Divifion Number thirty one which fecond Divifion was Coupled to houfe Lott No thirty fix . Lunenburgh May the Eight 1730. No furvayed for James Jewell his fecond Divi- 2d Divifion 16 ^^^^ Number fixteen the Contents of Which is feventy acres and a half begining at Woborn Corner and Runing Weft fourty Deg north on Woborn Line twenty five rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty degs thirty minits fouth on bastings Lott thirty feven rod there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty one deg Eaft on Lancafter Line feventy rod there making an An- gle and Runing Eaft two deg thirty minits fouth on Land of Benjamin goodridge fifty Eight rod there making 154 Proprietors Records. an Angle and runing Eaft feven degres north on Land of faid goodridge Eighty two rod there making an Angle and runing north twenty fix deg"" thirty minits Weft on Land of faid goodridge one hundred and Eleven rod there making an Angle and runing Weft thirty degres Ibuth on Woborn Line Eighty nine rod to W^here it began furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Commit- tee Edward Hart well Jofiah Willard nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the twenty fecond Day in the year one thoufand leven hundred and thirty '^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg May the 8*? 1730 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one Hundred Acres of Land to James Jewell part of Which Land is to mak up his third Divifion one Hun- dred and twenty acres and the Remainder is for his fourth Divifion arifeing from house Lott No two and is ajoyning to his third Divifion begining at a black oak tree marked for the Easterly Corner of his third Divifion and runing Weft twenty Eight degres fouth on his third Divifion Lott one hundred and fourty feven rod there making an Angle and runing north twent}^ Eight Degrees weft partly on Harrifes and partly on Scotts and partly Common Land one hundred and fifty five rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft twenty Eight deg north on Common Land one hundred and nine rod there making an Angle and runing fouth ten deg Eaft on Eleazer houghtons Land one hundred and ten rod there making an Angle and run- ing Eaft ten degrs north on faid houghtons Land Eighty rod there making an angle and runing fouth Eighteen deg Eaft on Common Land twenty four rod to where it be- gan furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan willard nathan heywood and James Jewell Recorded December the 22"^ annoque Domini 1730. IP* Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 155 [79^] Lunenburg April y^ 4. 1729 3d Divifion Laid out to James Jewel by the Commit- tee appointed for that purpors two picefes of third Divifion Land the Contents of one being one hun- dred acres and ninety two rod the other being Eighty acres both Lying upon Lancafter Line y'^ first Begins at a pillar of ftones and runs West 28 Degrees fouth 149 rod to a pillar of ftone^ there making an Angle and run- ing north 28 Degrees Weft 108 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Ealt 28 Degrees north 149 rod to a pillar of ftones there making and an Angle and runing fouth 28 Degrees Eaft 108 rod to a pillar of ftones where it began the other Runing the fame points and being Eightj^ Rods upon Lancafter Line and 160 rod upon the other Lines furva3^ed by nathan He^-^wood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December y^ 9*^ 1732. %? Edward Hartwell Cler. [80] Harvard Colledge. Lunenburgh December y^ 26 : 1729 Laid out by the Committee appointed two Hundred and fifty Acres and fourth' four rod of Land in the North- eafterly part of faid townfhip to Harvard Colledge. begin- ing at a pillar of ftones Erected for the moft foutherly Corner and runing North thirty two degrees Eaft one hundred and forty two rod on fecond devifion belonging to John fifk there Making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty two Degrees North two Hundred and Eighty two rod on the North town Line there making an Angle and runing fouth thirt}^ two Degrees Weft one Hundred and fort3^ two rod on Common Land there Making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty two degrees fouth two Hundred and Eight}^ two rod to Where it began, furvayed by Na- than He^'wood and approved of b3^ the Committee, viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded Auguft the feventh da3^ in the 3^ear of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty .... Bv me Edward Hartwell Proprietors CLerk 156 Proprietors' Records. [81] Samuell Brown Esq"" of Salem Lunenburgh December the 7*?^ 1730 vSd Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed fix Hundred and twenty acres of third Divifion Land the Right arifeing from Houfe Lotts Number Eleven twenty nine fifty Eight fourty one and fourty five — — Laid out to the Hlb : Samuell Brown Esqr Claimer at the Northweft Corner of faid Townfhip Begining at apillar of ftones which is the northweft Corner of faid towm fhip and runing Eaft thirty two degree fouth on the Line of faid townfhip three Hundred and fourty rod to a ftak and heepe of ftones there Making an Angle and runing fouth twelve degrees Weft on Common Land two Hun- dred and two rod to a heape of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft twenty nine degree north on Capt Jofiah Willards Land one hundred and fourty Eight rod to a heape of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth twenty nine Deg Weft on the Land of faid Willard one hundred and Eighty nine rod to a maple tree there Making an Angle and Runing Weft twelve degres North on the Land of William Clark Esq*" one Hundred and twenty rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North twelve degr Eaft on the Weft Line of faid townfhip four Hundred and fifty five rod to where it began furvayed by nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee Edw<^ Hartwell Jofiah willard Ephraira pearce & Jonathan willard Recorded December the 14t^ in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh December the 7*?^ 1730 .... 4th Divilion Laid out by the Committee appointed fix Hundred and fourty Acres of Land to the HLb. Samuell Brown Esq"" Claimer in the Weft part of faid townfhip the Rights a Rifeing from Houfe Lotts Number Eighteen thirty four feven fifty three thirty fix Eleven twenty nine and fifty Eight and ye above faid Land is Laid out for fourth Divifion Land Begining at a Proprietors Records. 157 ftake and heape of ftones Erected for for the northeaft Corner and Runing Weft twelve deg north on Land of William Clark Esq^ three hundred and twenty rod to the Weft Line of faid town fhip there making an Angle and Runing fouth twelve deg Weft on faid Line three hundred and twenty rod to a heap of ftones there making an An- gle and runing Eaft twelve deg fouth on Common Land three Hundred and twenty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and tuning north twelve deg Eaft on Common Land three Hundred and twenty rod to where It began furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Edw*^ Hart well Jofiah willard Jonathan willard Eph^ pearce Recorded December the 14*!^ anno Domini 1730 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [8P] Lunenburgh February the 2^^^ 1729. . . . 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed five Hundred and fifty acres of third Divifion Land at and on the north End of the pearl hill to Sam- uell Brown Esq*" Claimer the rights arifeing from Houfe Lotts number Eighteen thirty four seven fifty three and feventy acres of the right Number thirty fix Begin- ing at a Cartain White pine tree marked for the Wefterly Corner and Runing Eaft thirty two degrees fouth tw^o Hundred and thirteen rod to a pillar of ftones bounding on Common Land there making an Angle and runing north fourty Degree Eaft twenty rod on Gibsons Lott to a pillar of ftones which is Gibsons Corner there making an Angle and runing Eaft fourteen Degr North on Com- mon Land one Hundred and fixty two rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and Runing north thirty tv^o degrees Eaft on Common Land one Hundred and Sixty rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty two degree north partly on Land Laid out to Jeremiah Allen Efq"" and partly on Common Land three Hundred and thirty rod to a black oak tree there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty two de- 158 Proprietors Rtxords. grees Weft two hundred and ninety four rod to Where it began, furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee to witt Jofiah Willard Edward Hart- well Jonathan willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the twelve day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh December the 8*?' 1730. 4 division Laid out b}' the Committee appointed four Hundred and fifty acres of fourth Divi- fion Land to Samuell Brown Esq'' Claimer Which Land Arifes from Houfe Lotts Number thirty Eight thirty three feventy two : 68 : 41 : and 45 and there is 20 acres of 4^^ divifion Land in Coll° Browns third Divifion plan at the town corner that belongs to these rights in the Wefterly part of faid town fhip begin- ing at a Certain ftake and heap of ftones fet up for Eli- fha Smiths fouth Weft Corner and Runing Weft fifteen deg fouth on Juftis pools Lott one Hundrd and twelve rod to a bunch of Maple trees there making an Angle and Runing South fifteen Degree Eaft on f'^ pools Lott one hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there Making and an Angle and and Runing Eaft fifteen De- grees North on faid pools Lott twenty- Eight rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth four Degrees Weft on John Brewers Land one Hundred and fourteen rod to a red oak tree there making an Angle and Runing Weft twelve Deg North on Emerfons Land two Hundred and feventy feven rod to the Weft Line of faid townfhip there Making an Angle and runing North twelve Deg Eaft on faid Line three hundred and twenty rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft Eighteen deg fouth Juftice pref- cotts Land 270 rod to where it began furvayed by Na- than Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Josiah willard Jonathan willard and Ephraim pearce Recorded December the 14^*^ 1730: Iw me Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 159 [83] Benjamin Prescott Esq« Lunenburgh December the 8*?^ 1730. 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed three Hundred and twenty acres of fourth Divifion Land to Benjamin Prefcott Esq'' Claimer in the Weft part of f^ Townfhip the rights arifeing from Houfe Lotts Number fourty three, fifty one. fift^' two and Eighty two Begining at a Cartain Stak and heape of ftones w^hich is Coll? Browns foutheaft Corner and Runing fouth twelve Degrees Weft on Common Land feventeen rod to a ftak and heap of ftones there making an Angle and run- ing Weft fifteen Degrees fouth on Elifha Smiths Land one Hundred and fourty rod to a heape of Stones there mak- ing an An Angle and Runing South fifteen Eaft on faid Smiths Land one Hundred Sixty rod to a pillar of Stones there Making an Angle and Runing Weft Eighteen degrees North on Land of Coll° Brown two Hundred and fixty feven rod to the Weft Line of Said Townfhip there Mak- ing an Angle and runing north twelve degrees Eaft on Said Line one Hundred and ninety three rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft twelve degrees fouth on Coll^ Browns Land three Hundred and twenty rod to where it began furvayed by nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the 14*^^ 1730. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [83] Robert Comin of Concard . . . Lunenburgh December y^ 9*'^ 1730. 3*^ Laid out b^' the Committee appointed one 4t Diviiion Hundred and ninety feven acres of third and forth Divifion Land to Robart Comin Claimer in the Weft part of faid townfhip the right arifeing from Houfe Lott number twenty five. Begining at a Certain pillar of ftones Which is the Eaft Corner and Runing fouth thirty four Deg thirt\' Minits Weft on Land belonging to Coll? Thomas Fitch one hundred and thirty rod to a Alaple tree there Making an Angle and Runing Weft twelve Degs 160 Prop7'ictors Records. North two Hundred and fourth' Rod to the Weft Line of faid townfhip there making an Angle and Runing North twelve Degr Eaft on faid Line one Hundred and nineteen rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twelve De- grees fouth on Emerfons Land tw^o Hundred and ninety Rod to Where it Began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Joliah willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Ephraim Pearce Recorded December the 12^?^ in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty lt^ Edwd Hartwell Clerk feptember the 5^?^ 1743. 2d Divifion furvayed for Robert Commings Claimer a No. 78 fecond Divifion Lott of Land Lying in Lu- nenburg Confifting of fifty Eight acres and one half faid Lott being No 78. and begins at a pillar of ftones which is Jofeph Woods foutheaft Corner and is the moft North- erly Corner of faid Lott and runs fouth 236. rod partly on the Hon^'.^'^ Jofiah Willards Land to apillar of ftones then Runs Eaft on m^ Birds Land. 42 : rod to a pillar of ftones then it runs North on the faid Jofiah Willards Land being a fecond Divifion Lott No : 77 : 210 : rod to a pil- lar of ftones then it runs Weft 31 : deg & \ north on Land of Jonas Clark EfqV 49 : rod to where it began 1^^ Nathan Heywood furvayer allowed by the Committee viz Nathan Haywood Ed- ward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded May 25t^ 1744. "ti^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg October 3'*^ 25*.'^ 1736 medow furvaycd for Robert Comming Claimer ^'^^^ meadow Lott No : 2 in Lower mulpus being , ■ " 5 : acres of meadow and Containing a pine louver nmlpus ridge of upland begining at a Certain ftake by the brook and runs North 4 : degrees Weft on No : 3 : 16 rod to a black burch tree then runs Eaft 37 : deg. north on faid No : 3. 36 rod to a Little maple Proprietors Records. 161 tree then runs north 43. dege : Weft on fwamp and upland 30 rod to apine tree then runs Weft 6 : Degrees fouth on meadow Lott No: 1: 19 rod to the brook then Runs down the brook to where it began Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by y'^ Committee viz Jonathan Willard Nathan Haywood Edward Hartwell Recorded may y^ 25*^ 1744 : ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [84] John and Timothy Pools Lunenburg March the 24*^ 1729/30 2d Divifion furvayed for John and Timothy Pools No 28 Claimers a 2^ Divifion No : 28 the Contents of Which is 52 Acres and it Begins at a ftake and Heep of Stones Erected for the South Corner and runing North 30 degr Eaft on 2^ Divifion No 27. 150 rod to a ftak in the North Town Line there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 Deg 30 min North on fd Line 55 rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth 31 deg Weft on Lott No. 29. 150. rod to a ftake there making an angle and runing Eaft 31 Deg 30 min fouth 56 rods to Where it began. Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Joliah Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded April the 16^.^ Day Annoque Domini. 1731. P Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg April y^ 28*?^ 1730. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 120 acres of Land for a third Divifion to John and Timothy Pools Claimers. arifeing from houfe Lott No 4. in the Wefterly part of faid townfhip begining at a ftake and a heep of ftones fet up for John brewers noreaft Corner and runing North 15 Deg Weft on Common Land 160 rod to a ftake and heep of ftones there making an angle and runing Weft 15 deg fouth on Common Land 120 rod to a maple tree there making an Angle and run- ing fouth 15 deg Eaft on Justice pools Land 160 rod to John Brewers Line there making an Angle and runing 162 Proprietors' Records. Eaft 15 Deg North on Said Line 120 rod to Where it began furva3'ed by Nathan He3^\vood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded April the 16^?^ Da3^ Annoque Domini. 1731 . . . "ir? Edward Hartwell Clerk [84'] Laid out to Cap^ Timothy Pool Claimer to the Rights of James Burbeen one hundred acres of Land in Lunenburg for a fourth Divifion fcituate 4th Divifion and Lying in the fouth wefterh^ part of faid Townfhip and partly on the Hill Called ma- noofnock hill Begining at a ftake fet up for the moft foutherh' Corner of faid Land and runs North fort}- four degr Eaft on Land Laid out to alexander Forfter Claimer feventy two rod to a ftake then Runs North feventeen degrees Weft on faid forfters fort}' rod to a hemlock tree then runs Eaft Seventeen degrees north on faid forster Eighty rod to a black oak tree then runs north ten degrees Weft on Common Land feventy rod to a hemlock tree then runs Weft fort}- degrees fouth on the afore faid James Burbeens third Divifion one hundred rod then runs north fort}' degrees Weft on faid Burbeens third Divifion Seventy rod to a White oak tree then runs fouth twenty two Degrees Weft on Land Laid out to the faid Timothy and John Pools Claimers one hundred and forty fix rod to a ftake then runs Eaft twelve degrees fouth on the Town Line Eighty three rod to Where it began ^ Nathan Heywood Survayer and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Ephraim Pearce and Jonathan Willard. Recorded the 27^!^ j)^^ of November A. D. 1738 %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed to John and Timothy Pool Claimers ninty five acres of Land in Lunenburg to wards the fouth weft Cor- ner of faid Townfhip for a fourth Divifion arifing from houfe Lott No. 4. Including ten acres Laid out to Ed- ward Hartwell EsqV Begining tit a ftake and heape of Proprietors' Records. 163 ftones fet up for the foutherly Corner of faid Land and runs north twenty two degrees Eaft on Land Laid out to the afore faid Timothy pool one hundred and forty fix rod to a white oak tree then then Runs north forty degrees Weft on Land Laid out to James Burbeen fixty nine rod to a black oak tree then runs fouth twenty fix degrees Weft on Common Land one hundred and ninty Eight rod to a ftake then runs Eaft twelve degrees fouth on the town line one Hundred and five rod to where it began by Nathan Heywood furvayer and approved of by the Committee viz Edw^ard Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard. Recorded December y^ 16*?! 1738 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [85] David Waite: Lunenburgh april y^ 27 1731 Divifion 4-th Laid out to David Waite Claimer by the Committee appointed Eighty acres of fourth Divifion Land in the Wefterly part of faid town fhip the Right a Rifeing from houfe Lott No 89 : Begining at a Certain Black oake tree Which is Marked for Hills Nor- wefterly Corner and runing Eaft v5 Degrees fouth on faid hills Land 13 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 12 Degrees Eaft 43 rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 12 De- grees North on Land of thomas Heall Esq*" 190 rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and runing fouth 12 Degrees Weft on Land of Samuell Brown Esq"" 70 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 12 degree fouth on Land of Enfign Jonathan Willard 179 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 5 Degrees Eaft on Land of the afore faid hill 26 rod to Where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Edward Hartwell Recorded May the 27^^ Annoque Domini. . . 1731 'm Edward Hartwell Clerk 164 Proprietors Records. [86] Jonathan Poor of Newbery Granted unto Jonathan Poore by the Committee ap- pointed By the Create and General Court to a lott and Grant out the Lands Within the town of Lunenbiirg to Grantees 52 acres and 80 rod for a Houfe Lott No 54 to gather With all the Devifions of Land and rights arifeing from faid Houfe Lot as bove faid Recorded May y^ 16: 1731: Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg April the \V^ 1730. — Houfe No Survayed for Cap^ Jofiah Willard Claimer Lott 54 houfe Lott Number 54 : the Contents of Which is 52 ares and a half Begining at a Certain pine tree marked for the fouth wefterly Corner and runing Eaft 8 degree fouth on Land of the aforefaid Willard 49 rod. there making making An Angle and runing north 9 De- grees Eaft 160 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 10 degree North on the high W^ay 51 rod there Making an Angle and runing fouth 8 degree Weft Chiefly on Land of faid Willard 160 rod to Where it began Survay^ by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Ed- ward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded May the 28^^ annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [86^] General Courts Committee Lunenburg June the 11^^ 1731 Courts Laid out by the Committee appointed one Committees thoufand Acres of Land in the fouthweft Cor- ner of faid townfhip to the Greate and Gen- eral Courts Committee viz the Hlb William Tayler Esq*" the Hlb Samuell Thaxter Esq^ Col? Francis Fullam Esq*" and m*" Benjamin Whitemore and Cap* John fheple Granted to them by the proprietors for there former Good fervice in faid townfhip Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the Corner of faid townfhip and runing Eaft 12 degrees fouth on the fouth Line of faid townfhip 400 rod to a Chesnut tree Proprietors Records. 165 there making an Angle and runing north 12 degrees Eaft on Common Land 400 rod to a White pine tree there making an Angle and runing Weft 12 degrees north on Common Land 4-00 rod to a maple tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 12 degrees Weft on the town Line 400 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey- wood and approved of b}' the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Isaac Farnsworth Ephraim Weth- erbe and James Jewell " Recorded June the 14^?^ annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg June the 9*? 1741. Then the above Named Col francis Fullam EfqT the only furviver of the above named Gent went and Renev^ed the bounds of the above faid thoufand acres and at fame time took with him Cap* William ftrobridge Jonathan Hubburd Ju'' furvayer and I the fubfcriber and ran the lines and Renewed the bounds and Cut down fevral trees and the above faid Col? Francis Fullam Esq": then Took pofsefsion of the faid thoufand acres in the prefence of the afore faid William Strobridge Jonathan Hubburd and Be- fore me Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [87] Jonathan Wheei.er of Lunenburgh October y^ 4*?^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out By the Committee appointed to Jonathan Wheeler of Lancafter Claimer 104 acres a | of third Divifion Land arifeing from the Right No. : 74 : Begining at a Walnut tree and Runing Weft 155 rod to a pihar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north 33 degrees Eaft 183 rod to a beach tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 45 degrees Eaft. 141 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and Runing South 40. degrees Weft 70 rod to Where it Began. Survayed By Nathan heywood and approved of hy the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Josiah Willard and Jonathan Willard. Recorded Sept the 11*?^ anno Domini 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler. 166 Proprietors' Records. Lunenburg June the 16*^ 1749 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one hundred and thirty acres of Land in faid Town to Jonathan moor Claimer in the Wefterly part of faid Town one Hundred acres of which is for a fourth Di- vifion arifing from houfe Lott Number 74 and thirty acres to make up what is wanting in faid Houfe Lott and in the fecond Divifion belonging thereto : it Begins at a Cer- tain black oak tree marked for Daniel Thurftins fouthweft Corner and runs north ten Degrees Eaft on faid thurftins two hundred rod to a heap of ftones on a Ledge of Rocks then it runs Weft twenty' feven Degrees north one hundred and fixty Eight rod on Common Land to a maple tree marked then it runs fouth fifteen Degrees Eaft two hun- dred and fifty one rod partly on Uptons Land and partly on John Brewers Land to a heap of ftones then it Runs Weft 15 degrees fouth on faid Brewer five rod to a heap of ftones then it runs Eaft thirty four degrees and an half fouth on Land Laid out to Capt Jonathan Willard but now in the poflefsion of the Honourable Andrew oliver fixty three rod to where it began furvayed hy Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Ed- ward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Ephraim pearce and Nathan Heywood Recorded June the 24*^ 1749 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [88] Ebenezer Richardson Lunenburg March the 18*?^ 17301 12. acres Laid out by the Committee appointed Equeetent twelve acres of Land in the fow eaft part of ywdys p^.^ Lunenburg townfhip to Ebenezer Rich- ardfon Claimer for an Equevilent to the town wayes go- ing through his Lott. Beginning at a Certain pitch pine tree marked Which is the north Corner and runing weft 25 Degrees fouth on Land of John heywood 46 rod to a White oake tree there making an Angle and runing fouth on Common Land 38 rod to a Chesnut bush, there making an Angle and Runing Eaft on Common Land 40 Proprietors' Records. 167 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and run- ing north on Cap* Goulds Land 57 rod to Where it began. Survayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Josiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded October the 8*?^ Annoque Domini. 1731. '# Edward Hartwell Cler [88^^] Jonathan Prbscott Esq*" of Concord Difceft Lunenburg January the 7*!^ 1729 2d Di Survayed for the Heirs of Major Prescot "° ^^ a fecond No — 60 belonging to Houfe Lott No : 14 being in the Eaft part of faid townfhip and ad- joyning to Groton Line begining at apine tree and runing north — 17 Degree Eaft 60 rod on Groton Line to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing weft 32 deg north 152 on a fecond Divifion Line to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 17 degree Weft 60 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Run- ing Eaft 32 deg fouth 152 to Where it began approved of By Edward Hartwell Jofiah -Willard Jonathan Willard and Nathan heywood Recorded January the first Day anno Domini. 17312^ ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg February the 27*?^ 1729/30 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 120 acres of Land for a 3*^ Divifion to the heirs of Jonathan prescot Esq*" deceft to the right No 14. Be- gining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the Wefterly Cor- ner and Runing South 15 degree West on Common Land 160 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 15 deg fouth on Common Land 120 rod there making an Angle and runing north 15 deg Eaft 160 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 15 deg north on Common Land 120 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Hey- wood and approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded January the first Day anno Domini. 1731/2 pr Edward Hartwell Cler 168 Prop7'ietors Records, Lunenburg November 4*?^ 1730 4th Divi Laid out by the Committee appointed 100 acres of Land for a fourth Divifion to the right of Jonathan prefcott Esq'' Deceft In the South weft- erly part of faid townfhip Begining at a ftake and a pil- lar of Stones which is the Eaft Corner and runing Weft 15 Degrees north on Common Land 161 rod there making an Angle and runing North 15 degee Eaft on Common Land 151 rod to the reverend M'' prescotts Land there making an Angle and runing Eaft 15 Degree fouth on fd prescotts Land 71 rod there making an Angle and run- ing fouth 9 degree on faid m*" prefcott Land 140 rod there making an Angle and runing fouth 40 Dege Eaft on faid prefcotts Land 40 rod to Where it began. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Nathan Haywood and Jofiah Willard .... Recorded January the first Day anno Domini 1731/2 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [89] June the 25. ti^ 1729. 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed 26 acres and and Eighty four rod of third divi- fion Land to Edward Hartwell belonging to the right No 87. begining at a pillar of ftones and runs north 26 De- grees Weft 55 rod and an half to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Weft 35 degrees fouth 78 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and run- ing fouth 26 degrees Eaft 55 rod and an half to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Eaft 35 degrees north 78 rod to where it began. furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Na- than Heywood Recorded April the 26^!^ 1779 Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk June the 25: 1729 8d Divifion Laid out to Edward Hartwell nine acres and 132 rod of third Land arifing from No. 87. it Begins at a pillar of ftones and runs Weft 37. Proprietors Records. 169 degrees fouth 66. rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing fouth 26. degrees Eaft 19 rod and a half to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and and runing Eaft 28 degrees north 65. rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing north 26. degrees West thirty rod to where it began, furvayed by Nathan Hay- wood and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Isaac Farnsworth Recorded April 26: 1779. Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg June the 5^J' 1729 Laid out by the Committee appointed ten acres of third divifion Land to Edward Hartwell belonging to the Right No 87 begins at a ftake and runs fouth one degree Eaft 51. rod there making an angle and runing North 36. degree 30 min Eaft 42 rod there making an Angle and runing north 20 degrees Weft 12 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 8 degrees north 32. rod there making angle and runing fouth 17 degrees Eaft 26. rod to where it Began, furvayed by Nathan Haywood and approved of by the Committee Nathan Heywood Jonathan Willard Joshua Huchings Edw^ard Hartwell Recorded April 26: 1779 Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk all the a bove Lands here Recorded was Recorded in this Book above forty years fmce therefore this above Record is of no ufe or fervice [90] To M'- John Hastings on of the Pro- prietors of the town of Lunenburgh Greeting. These are In his Majesties Name to Require you fourthwith to Warn the Proprietors of faid Lu- nenburg to Meet at the Houfe of Jonathan Willard in faid town on the fifteenth Dav of October next at nine of [ feal 1 170 Proprietors' Records. the Clock in the forenoon then and there to Confider of and act on the Severel perticulers hereafter Mentioned Which you to Gether With ten others of your faid pro- prietors haveing Requefted for. to Witt William Wallis Benjamin Cory John Scott Walter Beeth John Heywood Cap* Josiah Willard Samuell Page Hilkiah Boynton Jofhua Hutchens and Nathan Heywood. first to Choufe a Mod- erater for the Goverment of faid meeting alfo to Choufe a proprietors Clerk, thirdly to La3' out thofe Lotts anew that have fallen Within the additional Grant to Lancafter or an a quivelent to fuch as have the Whole or any Part of there Lotts fallen therein, alfo to Lay out the fecond Divifions of Such Proprietors as are Not as yet Laid out. and LikeWife the meadow Lotts of all fuch as are Want- ing Either in Whole or in part of Either of faid Divifions and alfo to make up any part of any of the first Divi- fions that fhall be found Wanting and in perticuler to Jonathan Willard apart of his fecond Divifion to the Draught feventy Nine, to John Pisk What is Wanting in his first Lott N.^ fourty two and alfo to Cap<^ Jofiah Wil- lard anaquivelent for What is found Wanting to a Lott that Now Belongs to Jonathan Whitney, and alfo to Choose a Committee to Lay out the fame that is the Lotts and Lands above faid or any part thereof as fhall be Granted and agreed upon by the Said Proprietors, and alfo to Cominto fom method for the Calling and fum- monsing of faid proprietors Meettings for the futer and further to Grant to fuch perfons a quantity of Common Land at a place Called Mulpus falls as fhall be Conven- iant for the building a fawmill as fhall Ingage in faid Sarvice and Laftly to Do What is Necefsary to git an- aquivilent to the town for What is Wanting for the Land Which is taken off by Lancafter addinitinall Grant that fo our townfhip May be Complected, fail not given under My hand and feale this twenty fifth day of September in the fecond year of his Majeftis Reign Annoque Domini. 1728 Joseph Wilder Justice of the Peace .... Recorded the twenty*^^ Day of January in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and twenty Eight. nine '# Edward Hart well Proprietors Clerk Proprietors Records. 171 [90^] At a Meetting Legally Warned the proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg Being Meett at the house of Jonathan Willard in faid town on the IS*'^ of October annoque Domini. 1728 : 1 the Proprietors proceeded to Bring in there Vote for the Choice of a moderator for the Goverraent of faid Meetting Which Being Examined it appeared that Cap* Josiah Willard Was Choosen hy a Major part of the Votes 2 The Proprietors Proceeded to the Election of a Clerk by Writen Votes Which being Examined it appeared that Edward Hartwell was Choosen by a major part of the votes \ and was Sworn to the faithfull discharg of his office. 3 Voted to Lay out those Lotts a new that have fallen Within the additinel Grant to Lancafter or anaquiv- ilent to fuch as have the Whole or any part of there Lotts fallen therein, alfo to Lay out the fecond Divifions of fuch Proprietors as are not as yet Laid out. and Lik- wise the meadow Lotts of all fuch as are Wanting Either in Whole or in part of Either of faid divifions and alfo to makup any part of any of the first divifions that fhall be found Wanting, and perticuler to Jonathan Willard a part of his Scond Divifion to the Draught feventy nine to John Fifk What is Wanting in his first Lott Number fourty two. and alfo to Cap* Jofiah Willard anaquivilent for What is wanting in a Lott that now belongs to Jona- than Whitney and alfo to Choofe a Committee to Lay out the Lands and and Lotts above faid 4 Voted that Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Hilkiah Boynton Benoni Boynton and Cap* Jofiah Willard be a Committee to Lay out all the Lotts and Lands above faid 5 Voted that when and fo often as any five or more of the Proprietors of the town of Lunenburgh Shall Judge a Proprietors Meetting Necefsary and Shall make applica- tion to the Proprietors Clerk in Wrightng under there hands for a Meetting feting fourth the occation thereof Which Proprietors Clerk is hereby Impowered to grant a warrant under his hand and feale for the Calling of fuch 172 Proprietors Records. meetting accordingly Caufeing the fame to be posted up in Writing in fom publick place or places Within faid town Expresing the time and place foreteen Days before the Day appointed for f"^ meetting 6 Voted that Sam" Johnfon Jeremiah Norcrofs Jacob Gould and William Jones have a Certain track of Com- mon Land of a boute ten or twelve acres Lying adjoyn- ing to mulpus falls for Conveniance to Build a law mill or mills, and that the above Named perfons fhall have hold and Improve the above faid Land fo Long as they fhall Keep faid mill or Mills in Repare. Provided that the above Named Persons fhall Build and finifh faid mill or Mills Within twelve mounths after this time. Jofiah Wil- lard Moderator Recorded the twenty first Day of January in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty Eight, nine ^ Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [91] at the requeft of a fufficiant number of the pro- prietors of the town of Lunenburg in wrighting from under there hands , These are in his Majesties Name to Warn 1 feal ^^^ Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburgh to ^.^ ,' Convene at the house of Enllgn Jonathan Wil- lard in faid Lunenburg on thirds day the thirty first Day of this Instant October at Nine of the Clock in the forenoon then and there to Elect and Depute a Com- mitee to Makup a Book of Records for the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburgh and alfo to Make Satisfaction to the above Named Jonathan Willard for fom of his Land which is now Laid out for a burying place Dated at Lunenburgh October the fixteenth annoque Domini 1728. Edw'^ Hartwell Proprietors Clerk At a Meetting Legally Warned the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburgh Being Meett at the Houfe of Enfign Jonathan Willard in faid Town on the thirty first Day of October Annoque Domini. 1728 Proprietors Records. 173 1 Made Choife of Cap* Josiah Willard for a Modera- tor for the Goverment of faid Meetting .... 2 Voted that Cap* Josiah Willard be the firft Com- mittee man to Make up a Book of Records for town of Lunenburgh 3 Voted that Edward Hartwell be the fecond Com- mittee man to Make up a Book of Records for y^ Town of Lunenburgh 4 Voted Benoni Boynton be the third Committee man to make up a Book of Records for the Town of Lu- nenburgh 5 Voted Hilkiah Boynton be the fourth Committee man to make up a Book of Records for the Town of Lu- nenburgh 6 Voted that Jonathan Willard be the fifth Commit- tee man to mak up a Book of Records for y*^ Town of Lunenburgh 7 Voted that Jofhua Hutchens. be the fixth Commit- tee man to Make up a Book of Records for the Town of Lunenburgh 8 Voted that Nathan Heywood be the feventh Com- mittee man to make up a Book of Records for the town of Lunenburgh Josiah Willard Moderator Recorded the twenty firft Day of January in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty Eight : nine ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk C*^^] To the Proprietors of the town of feal Lunenburg Greeting. These are In His Majes- } ties Name to Warn you to Convene at the Houfe of Ent Jonathan Willard in faid town on the twentieth Day of this Inftant February at nine of the Clock in the fore noon then and there to act on the fev- eral perticulers Hereafter mentioned 1 to agree upon the Granting Such fum or fums of money as fhall be Judged needfull for the Defraying all necefsary Charges arifeing Within faid propriety, and allfo 174 Proprietors Records. when fuch funi or fums of money fhall be paid in by faid proprietors 2 to Choufe a Collector or Collectors Who fhall be Impowered to gether fuch fum or fums of money as fhall be agreed on and Difburft the fame as he or they fhall be ordered by faid proprietors 3 to agree to Lay out a third Divifion of Land and alfo how many acres fhall be in a third Divifion and alfo how and and In What manner we fhall proceed in Lay- ing out the faid third Divifion. and When We fhall Begin to Lay out faid third Divifion of Land . . 4 to Choufe a Committee to Lay out faid third Divi- fion of Land and that the proprietors Choofe fo man\^ as they fhall think proper and Needfull to be of the Commit- tee, and alfo What Number of the Committee fhall be thought proper to go With the furvayer to Lay out the faid third Divifion of Land Each Day 5 to agree and Vote to Enfign Jonathan Willard an a Equivilent in Land or money for the Land that is let apart for a burying place. Dated at Lunenburg February the 4*^ anno Domni 1728/9 Edward Hart well Proprietors clerke Recorded april the 25*?^ Anno Domini 1729 . . . Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [93] At a Meetting Legally Warned the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg being meet at the houfe of Enfign Jonathan Willard in faid town on thirds Day the twentieth Day february in the year 1728/9 1 made Choice of Cap^ Jofiah Willard for a Modera- tor for the Govcrmcnt of faid meeting 2 voted that there be Eighty acres of Land at the Leaft Laid out b3^ the Committee that fhall be from time to time appointed and Impowered by the proprietors for that purporsc Each proprietor of fuch part of the unde- vided Land Within the townfhip of Lunenburg as be Longs to or arife upon Each Intire Hovife Lott and fo In proportion to him that hath a greate or a Leff Intereft in fuch undevided Land and that Each proprietor fhall Proprietors Records. 175 have His proportion of Land arifeing on Houfe Lott as a fore faid Laid out In one Intire piece in any part of the undevided Land that he fhall Defier and Choofe where the Land Will allow of it. and Where there is not Land fufficiant to accomodate and fatisfy fuch Proprietor in one place it may be made up in fom other place Where he fhall defier it provided fuch proprietors all Wayes make the firs Choice or pitch of fuch Land as he fhall Defier as a fore faid. and give t'he fame in In Wrighting to the Committee to be Impowered to Lay out the fame be fore any other perfon. not Withftanding any proprietor Defier- ous to take up his Proportion of Land adjoyning to his Land allredy Layed out may be perfered and Grtifyed If the Committee Judge it Reafonable. and Where any Land Defiered to Be Layed out fhall not Be In the Judgment of the Committee fo good as the Beft Loot regard being had to the fcituation as Well as to the Quality of the Land in fuch Cafe fuch proprietor fhall have fo mouch more Laid out then the proportion a fore faid as fhall make the fame Equel in valine to the beft in the Judge- ment of the Committee not Exceeding fixfcore for Eighty acres alfo voted that no preferance be given to the first Choice to be given in as a fore faid before the third day of march next at fix of the Clock in the after noon and that Where two or more of the Proprietors before the faid third Day of march next at fix of the Clock in the afternoon fhall give in there refpective pitches or Choice of one and the fame pice of Land Preferance fhall be given to fuch proprietor that fhall obtain that priviLcge by Lott to be made and Drawn by the appointment of the Committee for that purpose [93-] alfo voted that the Land aboute the Claypit be refearved to the proprietors ufe and not Laid out to any perticuler perfon alio Voted that Cap* Jofiah Willard Live* Edward Hartwell Benoni Boynton Hilkiah boynton Jonathan Wil- lard Jofhua Hutchens nathan Hey wood James Colbern and Ifaac Farnsworth be a Committee fully Impowered With fuch able Survayer as they fhall think fit to Imploy 176 Proprietors Records. to Lay out every proprietor his proportion of Land in manner as a bove voted and and having Laid out the fame as a fore Said and return apian of each Lott to the proprietors Gierke figned by any three of the Committee and furva3'er and that the Gierke be hereb}^ Impowered and Diricted to Record the fame in the proprietors book. Jofiah Willard Moderator Recorded april the 14*^ anno Domini. 1729 '# Edward Hartwell Gler At the Requeft of a fufficiant number of the proprie- tors of the townfhip of Lunenburg in Writing from under there hands These are in his Majesties Name to Warn r 1 you to Convene at the publick meeting houfe in ,' faid town on the firft munday of february next at ten of the Clock in the forenoon to the end that being duly meet and formed they may then and there Confider of and act on the feveral perticulers hereafter mentioned. &c 1 to have the accompts of all futch to whome the proprietors is indebted for any manner of Sarvice by any perfon or perfons for the faid propriety don and per- formed, and accept of and allow the fame fo far as they fhall think Juft and Reafonable and order the payment thereof accordingly and agree upon the Granting and Raiseing of money and affefling the proprietors for that purpose or to a gree upon and ordering the Granting or felling of fuch parts and proportions of the said Common and undevided Land to fuch perfons as Shall appeare to buy the fame as fhall be fufficiant to defray the proprie- tors Charges and make payment of the money that fhall be found due from the proprietors as a fore f? and order the putting the fame upon record or pafsing other tittles thereof in fuch a way and manner as the}- fhall Judge moft Convenant and alfo Choofe and Impower proper perfons for any of the i>urpoffes a fore, f as they may think proper. alfo to agree upon and ordering the Laying out of fuch apart of the Common and undevided Land in faid Proprietors Records. 177 town as fhall be snfficiant to fatiffy the feveral owners of the Lotts of Land where the town Ways have ben all redey Laid out by the felectmen of Lunenburg and fhall be accepted and approved of By the town for the Damage they ma\^ fuftain b^^ fuch wayes being Laid through there Lands as a fore ^ and Choofe and Impower proper perfons to LaA^ out the fame and Entittle fuch per- fons to fuch proportions of Land accordingly Dated at Lunenburg January the^lG anno Domini. 1729/30 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Cler Recorded march y'^ 28^?* anno. Domini. 1730. %^ Edward Hartwell Cler [94] At a meeting Legally Warned the Proprietors of the Common and undevided Lands Within the town- fhip of Lunenburg being meet at the publick meeting houfe in faid town on munday the fecond Day of februar}^ anno Domini 1729/30 they proceeded to bring in there votes for the Choice of a moderator for the Goverment of faid meeting Which being Examined it appeared that Line* Edward Hartwell was Chofen by a major part of the votes 1 Voted that Hilkiah Boynton be allowed the fum of 4 13 5 2 Voted that Jofhua Hutchens be allowed the fum of 3 4 3 Voted that Cap* Jofiah Willard be allowed the fum of 31 G 1 4 Voted that Ephraim Wetherbe be allowed the fum of 1 12 5 Voted that Liv^ Edward Hartwell be allowed y«^ fum of 8 10 6 Voted that Nathan Hey wood be allowed the fum of 2 15 7 Voted that Samuell Page be allowed the fum of 10 8 Voted that Benoni Boynton be allowed the fum of 15 9 Voted that Isaac Farnsworth be allowed the fum of 14 178 Proprietors' Records. 10 Voted that James Jewell be allowed the fum of 18 11 Voted that Jonathan Willard be allowed the fum of 3 00 for the Land that is Laid out for a burying place it being the faid willards Land 12 Voted that Jofeph Wilder Esqr be allowed the fum of 1 00 13 Voted that John Heywood be allowed the fum of 6 14 Voted that Noah Dodge be allowed the fum of 4 15 Voted that Ephraim Pearce be allowed y"" fum of 5 16 Voted that Jonas Houghton Jonathan Hough- ton and Ebenezer Wilder be allowed the fum of 20 80 2 6 alfo Voted and Granted fuch a quantity of the Com- mon and undevided Land Within the townfhip of Lunen- burg as fhall be fufficiant to fatiffy for the Defraying of all the proprietors Charge as a bove voted alfo Voted and Granted to Benjamin Goodridge three hundred acres of Land to be Laid out after the tenth Day of april next Infuing the Date hereof in the unde- vided Land Within the townfhip of Lunenburg in one piece Where the faid Goodridge fhall Choufe it. be Laid out by a Committee Choofen to La}' out the fame who fhall figne a plan thereof in order to have the above faid Land recorded in the proprietors book and the proprie- tors Clerke is hereby ordered and Diricted to record the fame alfo Voted and Choofe Cap^ Jofiah Willard Liu* Ed- ward Hartwell and Ifaac Farnfworth a Committee fully Impowered to Lay out the Land above voted and Granted to the above faid Goodridge . . . [95] alfo Voted and Granted to Lay out an Equive- lent in the Common and undevided Land Within the Proprietors' Records. 179 town fhip of Lunenburg to fatiffy the feveral owners of the Lotts of Land Where the town ways have been all- redy Laid out by the felectmen of Lunenburg a fore faid and accepted and allowed by the faid town, for the Dam- age they fhall fufftain by fuch ways being Laid through there Land as afore f*^ and that Cap* Jofiah Willard Live* Edward Hartwell and En Jonathan Willard be a Committee fully Impowered to Lay out the above faid Land and figne the feveral plans thereof and Return them to the proprietors Clerk who is hereby ordered and Di- rected to record the fame in the proprietors Book &c Edward Hartwell moderator Recorded march the 27*^ anno Domini 1730. ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [96] At the Requeft of a fufficiant number of the Proprietors of the townfhip of Lunenburg in Writing from under there hand &c To the proprietors &c. ^ Thefe are In his Majesties Name to Warn r r 1 you to meete at the Houfe of Capt Jofiah Wil- '^.^ ,' lard in Lunenburg afore f*? on the fecond tufe- day of may next at ELeven of the Clock in the fore noon to the end being meet and duly formed they may then and there if the fee Caufe to order the Meafur- ing off and Recording in the proprietors book of Records that Quantity or proportion of Land which by the pro- prietors afore faid hath ben Given or pretented to be voted or given to the Committee appointed by the Gen- eral Court to bring forward the i'ettlement and Grant out Lots in the faid town for there Good fervice in that affair or otherwife to Choofe and Impower men for that pur- pose and Give them fuch Dirictions and Inftructions for there proceeding therein as fhall then be thought Rea- fonable. alfo to here the account of M"" Samuell Jones of What the proprietors are Indebted to him and order pa\^ment thereof in fuch a way and manner as they fhall think proper alfo to agree upon and order the Devideing and Lay- ing out of the Common and undevided Land in faid town 180 Proprietors Records. that fhall Remain after the former Divifions are Com- pleated and Choofe and Impower perfons for that porpufe and vote them fuch powers and Dirictions as they fhall think proper. Edward Hartwell proprietors Cler Dated at Lunenburg April the 23^^ 1731. Recorded april the 7*!' anno Domini 1732 pr Edward Hartwell Cler [97] At a meeting Legally Warned the proprietors of the Common and undevided Lands Within the town of Lunenburg being meet at the houfe of Cap* Jofiah Willard Within the town afore faid on the Eleventh of may anno Domini. 1731. &c 1 voted and Choofe Cap* Jofiah Willard moderator for the Goverment of faid meeting &c 2 Voted and Granted to the Honer.'^'e William Tayler Coll. famuell Thaxter Coll Franis Fullam Esq'' and Cap* John fhiple Eight hundred acres of Land in the fow weft Corner of faid townfhip all in one Intire peace as a Gra- tuity for there former Good fervice purfuant to a former vote made at Groton march. 16*]^ 1725/6 3 voted and ordered that the proprietors a bove faid Meafur off the Eight hundred acres of Land in the fouth weft Corner of faid township as a bove faid and that the faid Eight hundred acres be recorded in the proprietors book of Records 4 voted and Choofe Cap* Jofiah Willard Line* Edward Hartwell Enfign Jonathan Willard Ephraim pearce James Jewell Ephraim Wetherbee & Ifaac farnsworth a Commit- tee fully Impowered to Lay out the Eight hundred acres as above faid and fign the ])lan and Deliver the fame to the proprietors Gierke to be recorded 5 voted and Choofe Nathan Heywood furvayer to Lay out the above faid Eight hundred acres of Land 6 voted that the faid meeting be .adjourned to the 26 Day of this inftant may at Eight of the Clock in the forenoon and to meet at the houfe a fore faid then and Proprietors Records. 181 there to Confider on the following articles and act on the fame if they fee Catife &c. may the 26. 1731. the proprietors a fore f'^ being meet upon adjournment at the houfe of Cap^ Jofiah Wil- lard as afore, f*^ then voted Granted and ordered the Eight hundred acres above mentioned be made up one thoufand acres and that m*" BenjiL Whitemore be Intitled to two hundred acres of the faid thoufand and haveing an equel propor- tion with the other four Gen^ m above mentioned and that y*^ thoufand acres be Laid out all in one intire peace as above faid and that the tow hundred acres a fore, f^ be granted to the faid m^ Whitemore as a gratuity for his former good fervice perfuant to a former vote made at Groton march the. 16. 1725/6 alfo voted that m"" famuell Jones be paid B}- this pro- priety the fum of £22 = 09—0. alfo voted that one hundred acres of Land adjoyning to the northerly fide of y*^ 1000 acres Granted to y*^ Gen- eral Courts Committee be fold to the higheft bider to pay to m'" famuell Jones £22 = 9-0 and the over plus if any there be for the ufe of y^ propriety. Josiali Willard Moderator Recorded April the 7*^?' anno Domini. 1732 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [98] At the Requeft of a fuffician number of the Proprietors of the Townfhip of Lunenburg In Wrighting from under there hands &c , , These are In his Majesties Name to Warn ffeal ^^^ Proprietors of of Lunenburg In the County , } of Worcester to Conven at the Houfe of Jofiah Willard Esqr In Lunenburg a fore laid on the fecond thirdsday of November next at Eight of the Clock In the fore noon to the end that being meet and Duly formed they may Elect and Impower fom fit perfon or perfons to purches of M*" Zahariah fitch of Boston two farms Lying and Being in Lunenburg a fore faid one of which belonged to Nathaniel Walker and the other was Granted to Francis adames or of fuch other perfon or 182 Proprietors Records. perfons as have power to Dispose of the fame and to take deeds of Relefe or other proper Convayances of faid farms to the' proprietors a fore faid or to fuch perticuler perfon or perfons as are In the poffeffion of faid farms or either of them by virtue of any Grants of said proprie- tors or Record in the proprietors Book &c and to give in Exchange therefor all or any part of the Land Lately Granted by the General Court to the faid proprietors for the End a fore faid or any other Land belonging to faid proprietors what fo ever and give Execute and pafs fuffi- ciant Convayances thereof and to Give the perfon or per- fons fo Choofen fuch Inftructions and Uiriction and power for his proceeding therein as to them fhall be thought proper alfo to agree upon and Order the Deviding and Lay- ing out all or any part of the Common Land in Lunen- burg a fore faid to and amoungst the proprietors a fore faid according to their Respective Intereasts therein and to Choufe and Impower proper perfons as a Committee to Divide and Lay out the fame In fuch Way and man- ner as then fhall be agreed on Dated at Lunenburg ^ Edward Hartwell October the 27*^ 1731 Proprietors Clerk Recorded January the 17^^ 1731/2 %3 Edward Hartwell Clerk [91)] At a Meeting Legally Warned the proprietors of Lunenburg in the County of Worcefter being afsembled at the houfe of Jofiah Willard Esqr in Lunenburg a fore faid on the Eleventh Day of november anno Domini 1731 first Voted and Choofe Jofiah Willard Esqr Moderator for the Goverment of f*^ meeting &*: alfo Voted and Choofe L Edward Hartwell and Joiiah Willard Esqr or either of them a Committee fully Impowered to purches of m'' Zachariah fitch of Boston two farms Lying and being in Lunenburg a fore faid the one of which belonged to nathaniel Walker and the other was Granted to fran- ces adames or of fuch other perfon or perfons as have power to dispose of f*^ farms and take deeds of Relefe or other proper Convayances of faid farms to the proprietors Proprietors Records. 183 a fore F or to fuch perticuler perfon or perfons as are In the poffeffion of Said farms or either of them by virtue of any Grants of faid proprietors or Records in the pro- prietors Book &'^ alfo Voted and Given In Exchenge three hundred acres of the Common and undevided Land in Lunenburg a fore faid unto fuch perfon or perfons as have power to difpofe of the faid adames farm as a fore faid and the Commit- tee a bove faid are hereby Impowered and Diricted and Authorized to make, fign and Execute in due form of Law a deed of Convayance of the faid three hundred acres of Land as a bove faid unto fuch perfon or perfons as have power to Difpofe of adames farm as a fore faid and take a deed of the faid adames farm as a bove faid unto the proprietors ufe as before mentioned or to fuch perticuler perfon or perfons as are in the poffeffion of faid farm or either of them as a bove faid &c . . . alfo voted that the faid meeting be adjourned to the first Munday of December next to meet at the Houfe of Jofiah Willard Esqr in Lunen burgh a fore faid at Eight of the Clock in the fore noon. Lunenburg December the: 6. 1731 the proprietors a fore faid being meet upon adjourn- ment at the houfe of Jofiah Willard Willard in Lunenburg Esqr. and further adjourned to to the first munday of January next to meet at the houfe of Jofiah Willard a bove faid at Eight of the Clock in the forenoon. January the third. 1731/2. the proprietors of a bove faid being afsembled at the houfe of Jofiah Willard a bove faid on the 3^ of January 17311 and further adjourned to fixth day of January Current to meet at the houfe of Jofiah Willard Esqr at one of the Clock in the afternoon January the 6t^ 1731/2 the proprietors being afsembled at the houfe of Jofiah Willard Esqr in Lunenburg on the 6*}^ day of January anno Domini. 1731/2 Whereas L* Edward Hartwell & 184 Proprietors Records. Jofiah Willard Esqr the Committee Choofen by the propri- etors of Lunenburg a fore faid at the opening this meet- ing November 11^}' 1731. to purches of m'" Zachariah Fitch of Boston two farms Lying and being in Lunen- burg a fore faid one of Which belonged to Nathaniel Walker and the other was Granted to francis adames or of fuch other perfon or perfons as have power to dispose of the faid farms and to take deeds of Relefe or other proper Convayances of faid farms to the proprietors a fore faid &c. have purchefed the farm Called Walkers farm a fore faid of M'' Zachariah Fitch for one hundred and two pounds money and have Taken a Deed [100] Deed thereof to themfelves their Heirs and afsigns for ever as will appeare by faid Deed by force of Which they are becom feized of faid tract of Land and Declare they are Willing to accept of that four hundred Acres of Land Lately Granted by the Greate and General Court in on or about the month of October Laft to the proprietors of Lunenburg to enable them to perfect an agreement With the heirs of James Kibby or others Con- cerning faid farms In Exchange for Walkers farm as a bove faid therefore Voted that the faid four hundred acres of Land and Every part thereof be and hereby is Granted unto the faid Edward Hart well and Jofiah Willard their heirs and afsigns for ever in Exchange for the faid farm Called Walkers farm and that Deacon Ephraim Pearce and M'' Benj^^- Goodridge be a Committee Authorifed and fully Im- powered in the name and behalf of the proprietors a fore faid to Execute and pafs a good deed or proper and fufi- ciant Convayance in Due form of Law of all the the four Hundred Acres of Land Granted to the proprietors of Lunenlnirg as a fore faid, unto the faid Jofiah W^illard Esqr and Edward Hart well their heirs and afsigns forever Jofiah Willard Moderator Recorded January the 18*^^ anno Domini. 1731/2 p*" Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 185 [101] At the Requeft of a fufficiant number of the proprietors of the Common- and undevided Land Within the townfhip of Lunenburg in Wrighting under there hands Thefe are In his Majesties Name to Warn f j- I \ you to Convene and meet at the Houfe of Cap^ ^ ' Jofiah Willard in Lunenburg a fore faid on the fecond Wedn^fda^' of april next at ten of the Clock in the forenoon then and there If they fee Caufe to vote and a gree upon the Deviding and Lajnng out of all or any part of the Common and undevided Land in faid town to and amongst the proprietors thereof accordingly to there feveral Intereft therein in fuch a way and man- ner as the\' fhall think Convenant. and to Choufe and Impower proper perfons as a Committee to La3^ out the Land accordingly or transact any affair Relaiting there- unto and Give them and the proprietors Clerk fuch Direc- tions and Inftructions Reaiting to the premises as ma3^ be thought proper Dated at Lunenburg march the 19*^ anno Domini. 1729/30 l3 Edward Hartwell Cler Recorded april the 18^?^ anno Domini 1730. ^ Edw^ard Hartwell Cler [102] At a Meeting Legally Warned the Proprietors of the Common and undevided Land Within the townfhip of Lunenburg being meet at the Houfe of Cap*^ Jofiah Willard in Lunenburg a fore faid on Wednefday the 8 day of april anno Domini. 1730. & they proceeded to bring in there votes for the Choice of a moderator and Jofiah Wil- lard was Choofen &c Voted that there be Eighty' acres of Land Laid out at the Leaft b\' the Committee that fhall from time to time be appointed and Impowered b}' the proprietors for that purpose Each proprietor of fuch part of the undevided Land Within the townfhip of Lunenburg as belongs to or arifes upon each Intire houfe Lott and fo Inproportion to him that hath a greater or a Lefs Intereft in such unde- 186 Proprietors Records. vided Land and that each proprietor fhall have his pro- portion of Land arifeing from houfe Lott as afore. F Laid out in one Intire piece in any of the undevided Land that he fhall Choufe where the Land Will allow of It and Where there is not Land fufficiant to accomodate and fat- iffy fuch proprietor in one place it may be made up in fom other place Where he fhall defier and Choufe it. pro- vided all wayes fuch proprietor make the first Choice or pitch of fuch Land that he fhall Defier as a fore . f'? and Give the fame in in writing to the Committee to be Im- powered to Lay out the fame or to the proprietors Clerke who fhall enter the pitches as they are Given in. notwith- ftanding if any proprietor be defierous to take up his pro- portion of Land adjoyning to his Land all redy Laid out may be perfered and Grattifyed If the Committee Judge it Reafonable and Where the Land Defiered to be Laid out be in the Judgement of the Committee not fo good as the best Letts regard being had to the fcituation as Weell as to the Quality of the Land in fuch Cafe the Committee fhall have power and are Directed to Lay out to fuch proprietor fo mouch more Land then the proportion a fore faid as fhall make the fame equel in vallue to the Beft in the Judgment of the Committee not Exceeding twenty acres. nevertheLefs no preferance fhall be given to the first Choice to be give in as a fore faid before the first day of may next Infuing at ten a Clock in the forenoon and that Where two or more of the proprietors Before the first Day of May as a fore faid fhall Give in there Refpective pitches or Choice of one and the fame piece of Land preferance fhall be given perticuler proprietor that fhall obtain that priviledge by Lott [103] to be made and drawn by the appointment of the Committee for that purpors. alfo Voted the Several proprietors in the Common Land to be devided as a fore faid who fhall enterfear in there pitches attend the Committee at the houfe of Cap* Jofiah Willard in Lunenburg on the fifth Day of may next at one of the Clock in the after noon and forthwith De- termine to Whome preferance fhall be given by the Draw- ing of Lotts for that purpofe as before voted and If any Proprietors Records. 187 perfons neglect to appeare or draw his Lott as above faid the Committee are to give preferance to fuch as fhall then appear any thing before voted to the Contrary not Withftanding alfo Voted that Cap* Jofiah Willard Line* Edward Hartwell En Jonathan Willard Ephraim pearce and James Jewell or any three of them be a Committee With fuch able furvayer as the}' fhall think fitt to Imploy to Lay out every proprietor liis proportion of Land in manner as above Voted and haveing Laid out the fame as a fore faid return a plan of Each Lott to the proprietors Clerk ligned by any three of the Committee and the furvayer and that the Clerke be hereby Impowered and Directed to Record the fame in the proprietors Book Jofiah Willard moderator Recorded april the 18*^ 1730. ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [104] Worcefter fs To the Proprietors of the Common and undevided Land Within the Townfhip of Lunenburg in the County of Worcefter Greeting. at the Requeft of a fufficiant Number of the proprie- tors of the proprietors of the Common and undevided in the townfhip of Lunenburg afore faid. Thefe are therefore to Notify and Warn you to Con- vene and meet at the Houfe of Cap* Jonathan Hubburd in Lunenburg afore faid on the third mon = day of Auguft next at three of the Clock in the after noon to the end that being dulj^ meet and formed they may then and there act on the feveral perticulers hereafter mentioned viz first To Repeal a former vote of the faid proprietors viz Voted that one hundred acres of Land adjoyning to the northerly fide of the thoufand acres of Land granted to the General Court Committee to be fold to the highest bider to paj-^ m*" faml' Jones the fum of £22 = 09= &c. alfo to order the Granting or felling of fuch part and proportion of the Common and undevided Land afore faid unto fuch perfon or perfons as fhall appear to By 188 Proprietors' Records. the fame as fhall be iufficiant to pay m^ Saml' Jones the fum of £22 09 00 and to Defray the proprietors Charges and make payment of the money that fhall be found due from the proprietors afore Said and order the puting the fame upon Record or pafsing other titles in fuch way and manner as they may think proper and Conveniant and alfo Choofe and Im- power proper perfons for any of the faid purporfses afore faid as they think proper alfo to agree upon and order the Meafuring of all the Common and undevided Land in faid townfhip and Lay out the fame to Each proprietor their full proportion as is all redy Granted and take an accompt of the Remain- ing part of the faid Common and imdevided Land afore faid and Devide the fame to Each proprietor as they fhall Judge moft proper and Conveniant. Dated at Lunenburg July the 30t?i 1734 Edward Hartwell joroprietors Clerk Recorded January the the 11*?' 1734 'li^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [105] at a Meeting Legally Warned The proprietors of the Common and undevided Land Within the Town- fhip of Lunenburg being afsembled at the houfe of Cap* Jonathan Hubburd in Lunenburg afore faid on the 19*?' Day auguft anno Domini. 1734 firft Voted and Choufe Coll° Jofiah Willard Esq": Mod- erator for the Goverment of Said Meeting 2'y Reconlidered a former Vote of the proprietors made may the 26*^ 1731 viz that one hundred acres of Land adjoyning to the Northerly fide of 3'^ thoufand acres Granted to the General Courts Committee be fold to the higheft Bider to pay m'' fam" Jones the fum of . . £22 09 00 and the over plus if any there be for the ufe of the pro- prity afore faid alfo voted that the before Recited vote and all and every the Claufes therein Contained fhall from henceforth be Repealed and Revoked and are hereby Repealed and utterlv made void for ever Proprietors' Records. 189 alfo Voted and Granted to Coll" Jofiah Willard his Heirs and afsigns for ever fifty acres of Land to be Laved out in the Common and undevided Land Within the Tow^nfhip of Lunenburg afore, s^^ Where he fhall Choofe it for and in Confideration of his paying to mr fam" Jones afore. s^^ the fum of £11-4=6 which is due and owing from the propriety to faid Jones alfo Voted and Granted to Edward Hartwell Esqr his Heirs and afsigns for ever twenty five acres of Land to be Layed out in Common and undevided Land within the Townfhip of Lunenburg afore faid where he fhall Choofe it for and in Confideration of his paying to mr fam^' Jones afore faid the fum of . . . . £5=12 3. which is due and owing from the faid proprietyors to the faid fam'^ Jones alfo Voted and Granted to Liv^ Jonathan Willard His Heirs and afsigns forever twenty five acres of Land to be Laid out in the Common and undevided Land Within the townfhip of Lunenburg afore faid Where he fhall Choofe it for and in Confideration of his paying to m*" fam" Jone a fore faid the fum of . . ... £5 — 12 — 3 which is due and owing from the proprietors afore f"^ to the faid fam" Jones alfo Voted that Joliali Willard Edward Hartwell Esqr.s Liv*^ Jonathan Willard Enfign Ephraim Wethcrbe and Dea Ephraim pearce be a Committee fully Impowered with an able furvayer as they fhall Choofe to Lay out all the Lands above Granted and Return plans of y^ fame by them figned and Delivered to the proprietors Clerk Who is hereb}' Directed to Record the fame alfo voted that all y*^ Common and undevided Land within the Townfhip of Lunenburg be meafured and Layed out to Each proprietor his full proportion as is all red\^ Granted and take an accompt of the Remaining part of the faid Common and undevided Land aforeSaid and Devide the Same to Each proprietor as they fhall Judge moft proper and conveniant the Charges of the furvey to be paid by the propriety either in money or Land, alfo voted that Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Esqr.s. and Liv*^ Jonathan Willard be a Committee fully Impowered 190 Proprietors' Records. with fuch able furvayer as they fhall Choofe to Lay out and meafure the Land a hove faid and Return the feveral plans thereof to the proprietors Clerk who is hereby Di- ricted to Record the Tame Jofiah Willard moderator Recorded the \V^ Day of January annoque Domini. 1734 Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [106] Lunenburg October the 17^^ 1734 Received of CoU Jofiah Willard the fum of twenty three pounds being in full of what was Due to me from the Committee and the proprietors of the Town afore faid for fervice Done for them In furveying of Land and other wife Received ^ Samuell Jones figned In prefence of Jonathan Hubburg David ftearns Recorded march the 13^'' 1740. ■p Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk of which twenty three pounds paid to the above faid famuell Jones five pounds fifteen fhillings of which money was paid by Edward Hartwell which entitled him to the the twenty five acres as on the other fide of this Lefe and also five pounds fifteen fhillings paid by Jonathan Willard to Entitle him to the twent3^ five acres as on the other side the five pounds fifteen fhillings paid by the faid Hart- well and the faid Jonathan Willard to the above named Col? Jofiah Willard which he paid to the above faid fam- uell Jones together with a Eleven pounds ten fhillings of his own money which makes up the twenty three pounds paid as by the Recept above faid which m": Jones would have or he would not Difcharg the proprietors Entered and Recorded '^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clark Proprietors Records. 191 Worcester fs may the 29. 1772. at the Requeft of a sufficiant number of the proprietors of the Common and undevided Land that belongs to the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg to me directed Greeting thefe are therefore In His majefties Name to notify and warn you the faid Proprietors to Conven and meet at the Houfe of Lit Phinehas Hutchings in Lunenburg afore faid on the fifteenth day of June next at three of the Clock in the after noon then and there being duly meet and formed. firft to Choofe a Committee to Lay out all the Com- mon and undevided Land that belongs to the proprietors afore faid agreeable to a Vote of the faid Proprietors at a Legal meeting January the eleventh day 1734. as may more fully appear upon Record. 2'y to Choofe a proprietors Clerk if they fee Caufe Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk Recorded June the 16^^ 1772. by Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [107] at a meeting Legally Warned the proprietors of the Common and undevided Land that belongs to the Proprietors of the town of Lunenburg being affembled at the Houfe of \A\\ Phinehas Hutchings in Lunenburg afore faid on the fifteenth day June A: D. 1772 firft voted and Choofe Phillip Goodridge moderator for the goverraent of faid meeting. 2'y voted that all the Common and undevided Land that belongs to the proprietors afore laid be meafured and Laid out to each proprietor his full proportion as is all redy granted and alio take an account of the remain- der part of the Common and undevided Land afore faid and devide the fame to each proprietor in fuch wa\^ and manner as the Committee that fhall be appointed to meafur and devide the faid Common fhall Judge moft proper and Convenant. and alfo that the Charge of the furvaying and Laying out the faid Common fhall be paid by the faid proprietors either in mone^' or Land and alfo that any three of the Committee that fhall hereafter be 192 Proprietors' Records. Choofen to do the fervice afore faid with fnch able fur- vayer as the3^ fhall Choofe be fully Impowered to meafur and Lay out the Land afore faid and return the feveral plans thereof to the proprietors Clerk who is directed to record the fame 3'>' voted Edward Hart well Benjamin Goodridge Esq''^ Phillip Goodridge Eleazer Houghton Paul wetherbee Charls white John White John Hill Nathan Hey wood Ephraim Pearce David Goodridge and Ephraim Wetherbee be a Committee full}^ Impowered with fuch able furvayer as they fhall Choofe to do the a bove faid fervice 4'^ voted and Choofe Jofeph Hart well Proprietors Clerk Phillip Goodridge moderator Recorded June the 16: 1772. pr. Edward Hart well proprietors Clerk at a Legal meeting of the proprietors of the Towm of Lunenburg afsembled at the Houfe of Coll Abijah ftearnes in Lunenburg march the ninth dav anno domini. 1779. to act on the following articles first voted and Chofe Liut PhilHp Goodridge modera- tor to Govern faid meeting 2'-^ voted to difmifs the old Committee formerh' Cho- fen to La\^ out the Common and undevided Land within the Bounds of the Townfhip origanally Granted to the proprietors of Lunenburg. 3iy voted to Chufe feven men to be a Committee to a Certain and Lay out all the Common and undevided Lands within the Bounds of the Towmfhip origanally Granted to the origanal proprietors of faid Lunenburg. 4'>' Voted and Mef*^? PhilHp Goodridge Aaron Willard Charls White Benjamin Redington Benjamin Goodridge Ephraim Wetherbee and Eleazer Houghton Ju*" to be a Committee for to perform the fervice afore laid 5'-^' voted that the Committee afore faid be paid for their faid fervice either in money or Land as the proprie- tors fhall Chufe 6'>' voted that an\^ three of the Committee afore faid with fuch able furvayer as they fhall Chufe fhall be fully Proprietors Records. 193 Impowered to Lay out the Lands and do the Bufinefs afore faid PhilHp Goodridge moderator Recorded march the 15*^ day anno Domini. 1779 Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [108] Worcefter fs. at the Requeft of a fufficiant Number of the proprie- tors of the Common and undevided Land that belongs to the proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg to me directed in writing under their hands Requefting that I would warn a proprietors meeting as foon as may be that all the Common Land belonging to the faid proprietors may be meafured and Laid out and proceeded with agreeable to votes of the faid proprietors at a Legal meeting Janu- ary the Eleventh 1734. and alfo at a meeting of the faid proprietors June the 15*?^ 1772. and whereas fome of the perfons Choofen to do the above faid fervice at the faid meeting are now Dead and others unable to do the afore faid fervice and that the lervice may be done and per- formed in all perticulars as fet forth and voted at both the above faid meetings the Requeft is that an addition be made to the former Committees or that the former or that the former Committees be dismist and a new Com- mittee Choofen to do the fervice afore faid as foon as may be. Thefe are therefore in the Name of the Gov- ernment and People of the Mafsachusets Bay to notify and warn you the above faid proprie- tors to meet at the Houfe of Col? Abijah ftearnes in faid Lunenburg on the fecond tuesday of march next at two of the Clock in the after noon then and there being duly meet and formed to act on the per- ticuler articals hereafter mentioned firft to Choufe a moderator for the Government of faid meeting 2'^ to make an addition to the former Committee or difmifs the former Committee and Chufe a new Commit- tee to do the above faid fervice as has been all Ready voted at the above faid meetings f feal 194 Proprietors' Records. 3'y and the Committee to be paid for their fervice as voted at the afore faid meeting either in money or Land. 4'y that any three of the faid Committee with fuch able furvayer as they fhall Choiife be fully impowered to do the faid fervice Given under my hand and feal at Lunenburg this ll*^ day of february 1779 Edward Hart well proprietors Clerk Recorded March the 15*^ anno Domini. 1779 Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk at the Requeft of a fufficiant number of the proprie- tors of the Common Land that belongs to the proprie- tors of the Town of Lunenburg to me directed in writing under their hands Requefting that I would warn a pro- prietors meetting as foon as may be to fee if the proprie- tors will act on the articulers hereafter mentioned. ^ Thefe are therefore in the name of the ftate I" I of the mafsachufets Bay to notify and warn ) you the faid proprietors to meet at the Houfe of Col? Abijah ftearnes in faid Lunenburg on monday the tenth day may next at four of the Clock in the afternoon then and there being duly meet and formed to act on the articales hereafter mentioned 1 to Chufe a Treafurer ly2 Chufe a Committee to make inquirey into the trefpasses don on the faid proprietors Common Land and to give the faid Committee fuch Inftructions as fhall be thought proper Given under my hand and feal at Lunenburg this 24 day of April 1779 Edward Hartwell proprietors Clark Recorded July the 6*^ 1780 Edward Hartwell proprietors Clark [109] at a meeting Legally Warned the proprietors of the Common Land that belongs to the proprietors of the town of Lunenburg being afsembled at the Houfe of Proprietors' Records. 195 Col? Abijah ftearnes in faid Lunenburg on the 10^? day of may. 1779 being duly meet and formed 1 voted and Choufe Livet Phillip Goodridge modera- tor for the Government of faid meeting it was moved to Choufe a treafurer and pafed in the negative 2'y voted to Chufe a Committee of three to profecute all trefpafses done on the proprietors Common Land a fore faid Namely Benjamin Redington Col? Aaron Willard and Benjamin Goodridge alfo voted that the faid Com- mittee have full power to fettle with fuch trefpaffers as are willing to pay fo much as in the Judgment of the faid Committee is a full Confideration for their trefpafs and all that Refufe fo to fettle with the faid Committee the faid Committee is hereby fully Impowered to profecute all fuch trefpaffers according to the Rules of Law^ Recorded July the 6tJi 1780 Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Worcefter fs At the Requeft of a Sufficient Number of r I 1 the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg to ^ me Directed under their hands in writing Defire- ing I would give m^^ Warrent for Calling a pro- prietors meeting to act on the articles hereafter mentioned Thefe are therefore in the Name of the goverment and People of the State of the Mafsachufetts Bay to Notifie & warn j'ou the said proprietors to meet at the Dwelling Houfe of Mr Philip goodridge in said Lunenburg inholder on the Twelveth Day of April next at Two of the Clock in the afternoon then and there being met and dul}-^ formed to act on the Several articles hereafter mentioned 1** to chufe a moderator to govern said meeting 2^y To see if the proprietors will sell so much of their Land as will paj'- the Debts Due from faid Proprietors 3^y To Chufe a Treafurer and Receive accompts that are Due to Perfons that have Done Service for Said Pro- prietors 4iy To See if the Proprietors will chufe a Committe to Settle accomps with thofe that have done Service or Shall Do Service for Said Proprietors and give orders on the Treafurer for the payment of the Same. 196 Proprietors Records. 5'y To chufe a committe to Lay out So much of the Common Land as to make up what is wanting in the Minifterial Lott and School Lott 6^^ To See if the Proprietors will chufe a Committe to Sell the Remainder of the said Common and undevided Lands or make Devifions of the Same as Soon as the Quantity of Said Lands are known or Relative thereto as they Shall think fit Given under my hand and Seal this Twenty Seventh Day of march Annoque Domini. 1780 At a Meeting Legally warned the Proprietors of the Common and undevided Land that belongs to the Pro- prietors of the Town of Lunenburg being met at the houfe of Leut Philip goodridge in Lunenburg on the Twelveth Day of April 1780 I'"* Voted & Chofe Leut Phillip goodridge Moderator to gover said meeting Voted that the 2? 3"^ & 4**^ articles in the above war- rent pafs in the Negative S'y Voted to Lay out Seventy one acres of Land to make up what is wanting in the School Land in the Southerly part of Fitchburg at a place Called Toffet Swamp and to make up the Minifterial Land if there is any wanting out of the Common Land adjcining to f'' Lot 6**^ article pafed in Negative Philip goodridge moderator THE SECOND PART. [Folio. 1.] William CLark Esqr of Boston 2d divifion Granted to William CLark Esqr lecond ^° '^ Divifion number nine Which is Coupled to Houfe Lott number fourty Eight b\' the Committee ap- pointed by the greate and General Court Survayed for M'' William Clark Esq*" fecond Divifion number nine the Contents of Which is fourty Seven acres and one Hundred and twelve rod. Begining at a ftake and runing Weft thirty two degrees north fifty three rod to a ftak there making an Angle and runing North thirty Seven degree Eaft one Hundred and fourty two rod to a ftak and Heap of ftones there Making an Angle and runing Eaft thirty two Degrees fouth fifty Eighty rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and runing fouth thirty nine degr Weft one Hundred and fourty two rod to Where it began Survayed by nathan Heywood november the lO*? 1729 and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the 1®.' Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand Seven Hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh November the 8^!^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out to m*" William Clark Esqil Claimer by the Committee appointed four Hundred acres of third Divifion Land arifeing from Houfe Lotts number nineteen number three and number feventy five and part arifeing from his own right. House Lott number fourty Eight. Begining at a black burch tree marked for the north Corner and runing South two Hun- 198 Proprietors Records. dred and fourty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth five degr Eaft one Hundred and feventy five rod to a black oak tree there making an An- gle and runing Weft five Degrees North three Hundred and twenty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North thirty Eight degrees and thirty min- Eaft four Hundred and ninety rod to where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah willard and Nathan Heywood. Recorded November the lO^'^ Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven and thirty. '# Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg January the IS*.'^ 1731. Meadow furvayed for William Clarke Esq'' Claimer Lott No 2: meadow Lott No 2: in Cattaconnamoug mead- ows the Contents is fore acres and 49 rod. begining at a Certain pine tree marked for the moft north Eafterly Corner and runing fouth 38 deg Weft on Land of Eleazer houghton 18 rod to a popler tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 19 deg Eaft on meadow Lott No. 1 : 28 rod to a ftake there making an angle and run- ing Eaft 9 degrees North on Land of faid Houghton 25 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 39 degrees Weft on meadow Lotts 44 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan He3^wood and approved of by the Committe viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona Willard and Nathan heywood this meadow Lott belongs to houfe Lott No 17 Recorded May the 17^?' an- no Domin 1731. Ed^ Hartwell Clark ['^] Lunenburgh April y*^ 18^^ 1729 3d Diviiion Laid out by the Committee appointed fifty one ares and a half of third divifion Land to Ml. WilHam Clark Esqr arifeing from Houfe Lott fourty Eight begining at a ftake and heap of ftones and runing Weft eleven degrees North one Hundred and thirty rod on a fecond Divifion bcLonging to the afore faid Clark to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle Propinetors Records: 199 and runing fouth ninety feven rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft fix degrees north feventy Eight rod to a fmall maple tree there making an Angle and runing north thirty feven degr Eaft Eighty rod to where It began Survayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded December the firft Day. in the year of our Lord one thoufand Seven hundred and thirty '# Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh December the 7^^ 1730 3d & 4th Laid out by the Committee appointed fix Divifion Hundred and fourty acres of third and fourth divifion Land to the Hlb. William Clark Esq': the Rights a rifeing from Houfe Lotts Number five fixteen and Seventeen Begining at a Cartain White afh tree marked for the Northeaft Corner and runing Weft twelve deg north on Land Laid out to Cap* Josiah Williard and Coll° Brown three Hundred and twenty rod to the Weft Line of faid town fhip there making an Angle and runing fouth twelve deg Weft on faid line three hundred and twenty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft twelve deg fouth on Land of Coll° Brown three Hundred and twenty rod to a ftak and heap of ftones there making an Angle and runing North twelve deg Eaft on Land of Cap* Josiah Willard three Hundred and twenty rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Ephraim Pearce. Recorded December the twenty ninth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg July the 22^^ 1729. Laid out by the Committee to the right of William Clark Esq*" one acre and one hundred and two rod of third Divifion Land adjoyning to his houfe Lott bounded as it is Difcribed by plan furvayed by Nathan heywood 200 Proprietors Records. and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood and Edward Hartvvell Recorded May the 7*?^ annoque Domini. 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [3] WiLiviAM Clark Esq^ fecond No Survayed for WilHara Clark Esq^ Claimer Divifiou 79 ^i^^gg fecond Divifions No. 79 : : No 80 : No : 81 Lunenburgh November the 20*?^ 1729 furvay*^ a fecond divifion No : 79 : arifeing from the houfe Lott No : 54. the Contents of Which is 55 acres and a half, begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the foweaft Corner and runing Eaft 11 degrees fouth 130 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing North 17 degrees eaft 65 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 11 degrees North 141 rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing South 7 Degrees Weft 65 rod to Where It Began furvay*^ B}^ Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan heywood. Recorded May the 7*.^ annoque Domini. 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg November the 20*^^ 1729 fecond Divifion furvaycd the fccond Divifion No 80 the No so Contents of Which is 60 acres belonging to the Minifters Lott No 1 Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the fouth Eaft Corner and runing North 17 degrees Eaft 125 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing West 11 degrees North 82 rod to a pillar of Itones there making an Angle and runing fouth 12 degrees Weft 123 rod to apillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 11 degrees fouth 72 rod to Where it began, furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard .... Recorded May the 7^^^ annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 201 Lunenburg November the 20*? 1731. feond Divifion furvayed the fecond Divifion No 81 Arife- No 81 jjjg from houfe Lott No. 55 the Contents of which is 60 Acres Begining at a pillar of ftones at the Northeaft Corner and runing Weft 11 degrees North 80 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and run- ing fouth 7 degrees Weft 125 rod to a pillar of ftones .'here making an Angle ^and runing Eaft 11 degrees fouth 70 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 12 deg Eaft 123 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee Viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded may the 7*?^ annoque Dommini. 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [4] Lunenburg January the 15*? 1730^^ Meadow Survayed for hlb William Clark Esqr Lott. No. 3 Claimer Meadow Lott. No. 3. in Cattacona- moug meadows Next to the Beaver Dam the Contents of which is. 6 acres. Begining at Certain pine tree marked for the North Eaft Corner and runing fouth 12 degrees Eaft on upland 16 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing fouth 2 degrees Eaft on upland 14 rod to a heap of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 9 deg fouth on Land of Eleazer Houghton 39 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing North 25 Degrees Eaft on a meadow Lott 44 rod to a pillar of ftones on the upland there making an Angle and runing Eaft 14 degres fouth on the upland 18 rod to Where it began Survayed by Nathan HcN'wood and approved of by the Committee to Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded May the 18*? annoque Domini. 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerke 202 Proprietors' Records. Lunenburg May y'^ 27^?^ 1731. No Survayed for William Gierke Esqr meadow Meadow. 6. Lq^^ ^^ . g beLow Cattaconamoug pond the Contents of Which is five acres. Begining at a Certain pine tree marked for the fouth Corner and Runing Eaft 34 Degrees north on George Wheelers meadow Lott 47 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 44 degrees north on Common Land 18 rod and a half, ther.; making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty four Degrees fouth partly on Common but Chiefly on Land of John Heywood 38. rod there making an Angle and Runing fouth 31 degrees Eaft on Common upland. 18 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and ap- proved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edw*^ Hartwell Jonathan Willard Nathan Heywood Recorded September the 3*^ Day anno Domini. 1731. — Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg May the 29*^ 1731 No Survayed for William Clark Esqr Claimer. Mead .G. meadow Lott Nomber 6 in Lower mulpus , *" meadow the Contents of Which is four acres meadows and three quarters. Begining at a ftake and heap of ftones Erected for the north Weft Corner and runing fouth on the upland 6 rod and a halfe to a ftake there making an angle and runing Eaft 6. Degrees fouth on maddam Willards meadow Lot 85 rod to a ftak there making an Angle and runing north 38 Degrees Weft by the Brook 18 rod to a ftake there making an Angle and Runing Weft one Degree north on meadow Land 74 rod to where it Began. Survayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan heywood Recorded Sept the 3'.' anno Domini 1731. Edward Hartwell Clerk the other Lands of M'' William Clark Esq*" are Recorded at page : 25 : & 26 forwards on Proprietors Records. 203 [5] M£ Benjamin Prescott of Salem Lunenburgh November 5^^ 1730 Laid out by the Committe appointed one hundred and fixty acres for two fourth Divifions to the Reverend Mi- Benjamin prefcoott Claimer. arifeing from houfe Lotts Number ten and Number twenty three in the fouthweft- erly part of faid townfhip begining at the norweft Corner of faid Prefcotts third divifion and runing fouth fifteen degrees weft on faid third Divifion 160 rod there making an angle and runing Eaft 15 degres weft on fd 3'^ Divifion fixty fix rod there makeing an Angle and runing fouth fif- teen degrees Weft on Land Laid out to Major prefcotts right one hundred and fifty one rod there making an An- gle and Runing Weft fifteen degree north on Common Land one hundred and feventeen rod there making an Angle and runing North fifteen degrees Eaft on Common Land three hundred and aleven rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft fifteen degrees fouth on Common Land to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and James Jewell Recorded December the third Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty by me Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg June the 17*^ 1730 fecond Survayed for the Rn"^" mT Benjamin Pref- Divifion ^,Q^^ Claimer 2'^ Divifion No 36. the Contents of Which is 53 acres Begining at a Stake and heape of ftones Which is the Southerly Corner and runing Weft 31 Degrees 30 minits North 56 rod there making an Angle and runing North 30 Degrees Eaft on Lott No. 35: 152 rod there making an Angle and runing Eaft 31. De- grees 30 minits fouth on the North range of Lotts 56 rod there making an Angle and Runing South 30 Degrees Weft on Lott No 37. 152 rod to Where it Began fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Com- mittee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Wil- lard and Nathan Heyw^ood Recorded march y^ 1^^ 1733/4 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk 204 Proprietors Records. [8] Coll? Josiah Willard Lunenburg November the 14: 1734 Laid out by the Committee appointed fourty nine acres of Land to Col? Joiiah Willard it being part of the Hundred acres of Land he together with Edward Hart- well and Jonathan Willard had granted by faid proprie- tors of Lunenburg to Inable them to pay Mr famuell Jones w^hat he demanded of the faid proprietors afore faid and alfo twenty four acres and an half to Jonathan Wil- lard being part of the fame Grant and twenty four acres and an half Contained in this plan Laid to Edward Hart- well for the Damage Done to the third Divifion he bought of Walter beath by the Town w^ays going throught the fame and it begins at a Certain Black oak tree Marked for the Corner of faid Jonathan Willards two hundred acres and runs fouth 34: deg 30: minites Weft 200 rod to to a white oak tree then it runs Eaft two Degre north tw^o hundred and fixty two rod to a with Hazel then it runs fouth thirty feven Degrees Eaft 54 rod then Weft 12 degree North 133. rod to a maple then north Eight de- grees Eaft Eighty fix rod to where it began, furvayed r^ Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by the Committee Edward Hart well Nathan Heywood Recorded November the 20*^^ 1734 Edward Hart well proprietors Clark [i)] Cap"^ Josiah Willard of Lunenburgh Lunenburgh December 10*^^ 1730 3d & 4th \^^\A out by the Committee appointed Divifion jg^gj^ hundred Acres of third and fourth Divi- fion Land to Cap* Jofiah Willard Claimer and alfo fourty acres of Land to make up what is found Wanting in Coll" Taylers and Coll-' Thaxters Lotts on flat hill Here is Contained in this Plan one third Divifion to houfe Lott Number fifty five and the fourth Divifions arifes from f^ Houfe Lott fifty five, and Houfe Lotts Eighty five Eighty fix fifty four fourty fix and thirteen and the above f'^ Proprietors Records. 205 fourtv acres maks up the afore fd feven Hundred acres Begining at Certain maple tree marked for the Wefterly Corner and Runing north twenty nine deg Eaft on Colonal Browns Land one hundred and Eighty nine rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft twenty nine deg fouth on Land of fd Collo grown and Land of John Hill three Hundred and Seventy five rod to a ftak'and heap of ftones in Wheelers and balls Line there making a A^ngle and Runing fouth thirty two Degrees Weft on faid Line feventy five rod to a Black Burch tree there making an Angle and runing fouth twelve deg Weft on Common Land three Hundred and twentv nine rod to a fmall beach tree there making an Angle' and Runing Weft twelve Deg North on Common Land one Hundred and ninety rod to Coll° Brows Land there making an Angle and Runing north twelve Degrees Eaft nine rod on faid browns Land and three Hundred and twenty rod on M^ Clarks Land to a White afh tree there making an Angle and Runing Weft twe ve Deg North on f^ Clarks Land two Hundred Rod to Where It began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jona- than Willard and Ephriam Pearce Recorded December the foreteen day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty „ r^i i ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg November y- 20*!^ 1729. leond D.vi furvayed for Cap^ Jofiah Willard fecond No - 79 Divifion Number 79 the Contents ot Which is fifty five acres and a half arifing from houfe Lott No 54 Begining at a ftake and heap of ftones Erected for the foweaft Corner and runing Eaft 11 deg fouth 130 rod to a pillar of ftones there Making an Angle and runing North 17 degrees Eaft 65 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 11 deg North 141 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing fouth 7 deg Weft 65 rod to Where it began furvay-^ by Nathan heywood and approved of by the Committee viz 206 Proprietors' Records. Jofiah willard Jonathan willard Nathan heywood and Edw'^ Hartwell Recorded may the 1^^ anno Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [lO] Lunenburg April the 23'.' 1729. 4th divifion Laid out to Cap* Jofiah Willard Claimer Land j^y ^j^^ Committee appointed fixty acres and fift^' four rod of fourth divifion Land in Cludeing ten acres of meadow Land that was Laid out before, the Rights arifeing from Houfe Lotts Number fixty two and fifty fix. that is 20 acres out of fixty two. and thirty from fifty fix fituate in the northerly part of the Town. Begining at a pillar of ftones and Runing Weft thirt3'- Eight rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty feven deg North fifty Six Rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and Runing North twent\' Six degres Eaft one hundred and twelve rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Run- ing Eaft thirty one Deg thirty minits fouth Eighty feven Rod to a pillar of Stones there making an Angle and Runing fouth twenty five deg Weft ninety fix Rod to Where It Began Survayed By Nathan Heywood and alowed by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Benoni Boynton and Jofhua Hutchens Recorded December the 29*^!^ annoque Domini: 1730. 't^ Edw^' Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June the 11*?^ 1730. 4-tb Divifion Laid out to Capt^ Josiah Willard Claimer b}' the Committee appointed fixty acres of fourth divifion Land to the Right Number fixty two begining at a ftake and heape of ftones which is mr Wil- liam Clarks foutherly Corner of his fecond Divifion No: 9 and Runing North thirty feven deg Eaft on M*" Clarks Lott one hundred and fifty rod there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty one deg thirty minits fouth on the north Town Line fixty four rod there making an An- Proprietors Records. 207 gle and Runing fouth thirty feven deg Weft on Common Land one Hundred and fifty rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one Uegs thirty minits North fixty four rod to Where It began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard Recorded December the twenty ninth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty '# Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg Novem'' 20*?^ 1729 No furvayd for cap* Jofiah Willard fecond Di- 2d Divi 81 ^.-^jQj^ ^Q g-^ ^j^g Contents of which is 60 acres arifeing from houfe Lott 55 begining at a pillar of Itones at the Northeaft corner and runing Weft: 11: deg north 80 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 7 deg Weft 125 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft : 11: degrees fouth 70 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing north 12 deg Eaft 123 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded May the 7*h anno Domini. 1731 %^ Ed:i^ Hartwell Clerk [11] Lunenburgh Auguft the 22^ 1729 3d & 4th Laid out by the Committee appointed Divifion Land ^h^-gg Hundred and one Acre and a half of third and fourth Divifion Land to Cap* Jofiah Willard Claimer belonging to the Rights N2 fourt3' two thirty feven taking out but fourteen acres out of N2 42 of the fourth Divifion. In Cluding fourty feven acres Laid out to Liv* Hartwell. Begining at a pillar of ftones and Run- ing Eaft thirty five deg North two Hundred and twenty feven rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north thirty five deg Weft fourty^ rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft twenty See page 6911 208 Proprietors Records. degs north thirty feven rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and riming north one hundred and ten rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Run- ing Weft one hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth fourty three Deg Weft one hundred and twenty four rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth fourteen Degrees Eaft two hundred and twelve rod to Where it began, furvayd by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the twenty ninth Day in the year of our Lord one thou- fand feven Hundred and thirty < l9 Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh May the 12^^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed Land four Hundred and Eighty Acres of third Divi- fion Land to Cap* Jofiah Willard Claimer. Begining at a pillar of ftones and Runing fouth five Degs Weft two Hundred and fourty rod to a pillar of ftones there mak- ing an Angle and Runing Weft five Deg North three Hun- dred and twenty Rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing North five Degres Eaft two Hun- dred and fourty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft five Degree fouth three Hundred and twenty rod to Where it began the Rights arifeing from Houfe Lotts Number fifty four Eighty five Eighty fix and fourty fix and is fcituate Weft of pearl hill and is Bounded all round on Common Land furvayed by Na- than Heywod and approved of by the Committee viz Jo- fiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jon- athan Willard Recorded December the twenty Ninth Day in the year of our Lord one thou (and feven hundred and thirty '# Edward Hartwell Clerk [12] Lunenburgh April the 2\\ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out to Cap* Jofiah Willard by the Committee appointed three Hundred and fev- entv two Acres and fiftv nine rod of third Divifion Land Proprietors Records. 209 Including fixt3' Eight acres of first Divilion Land, the Rights arifeing from Houfe Lotts Number fifty feven lixty and Seven t}^ feven. Begining at a pillar of ftones and Runing Eaft thirty Eight deg fouth one Hundred and feventy five Rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft ten Deg north one Hundred rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing North fixty five rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft fourteen rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty five Deg North fifty fix rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing north thirty four rod to a pillar of ftone there making an Angle and Runing Weft thirty one rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Run- ing north one hundred Ninety three rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft two Hun- dred and fifty three rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth one hundred and Eeven Rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft nineteen deg North fourty four rod there making an an Angle and runing fouth twenty Eight Degree Eaft one Hundred and fourty feven rod to Where it Began furvayd by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Benoni Boynton Isaac Farnsworth and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December the twenty ninth Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven Hundred and thirty p*" Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg February y*' 26*?^ 1728 By order of the Committee for the La\'ing out of the Lost Lotts in Lunenburg which was Laid out in the aditinial grant made to Lancafter I have Laid out twenty three acres and three quarters for part of the Lott N? 60 which Lyeth north of Dorchefter farm on the Weft fide of the Brook that runs in to the uper end of the laid farm it takes in to it part of an old Indain feild it is bounded round b3' undevided Land it begins at a red oak and runs eaft thirty four degrees fouth fifty one rod to a Limewood then north thirty four degrees Eaft feventy 14 210 Proprietors' Records. five rod to a heep of ftones then Weft thirty four degrees north fifty one rod to a heep of ftones then fouth thirt}^ four degrees weft to where it Began Survaye %? Jonas Houghton and approved of By the Committee viz Ed- ward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Jofiah Willard and Na- than Heywood Recorded march tlie 4*^!^ anno Domini. 1731. %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [13] Lunenburgh May the 14^^ 1729 Houfe Lott 77 Laid out to Cap* Jofiah Willard by the Committee appointed b}' the proprietors for that porpurs fourty feven acres and feventeen rod of Land within the Townfhip of Lunenburg for an aquivelent for houfe Lott Number feventy feven which was taken away by Lancafter new addinitial Grant, and the faid fourty feven acres was Laid out in two pieces, the first piece Contains fourty acres and twenty rod of Land and Lyeth fouth from fecond Divifion No 70 and It bounds Westerly on the Land Laid to Benjamin Cory fouth and Eaft on Common Land North 02^^ No 70 Begining at a pillar of ftones and Runing fouth five deg Eaft one Hundred and feven Rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft five Deg North fixt}' rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North five deg Weft one Hundred and feven Rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft five Deg fouth fixty rod to Where it began, furvayed by nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee. Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded December y^ 31*^.^ annoque Domini. 1730 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June y'^ 20*^^ 1729: the other piece Lyeth partly foutheafterly from unca- chawalonk pond and Lyeth in between Lancafter New Grant and Woborn farm, and is fix acres and one Hun- dred lifty feven rod. Begining at a black oak tree at the Corner of the pond Called uncachewfdunk Where the Propj'ietors' Records. 211 Brook Runs out. and Runing fouth thirty Degrees Eaft ninty fix rod Lancafter Line there making an Angle and Runing Eaft thirty two Deg north twenty rod there mak- ing an Angle and runing Weft fourty four deg north twenty five rod on Woborn Line to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north thirty five deg degr Weft fixt}^ feven rod to a black oak tree there mak- ing an Angle and runing Weft nine rod to where it began furvayed by Nathati He\'wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December the thirty firft day in the 3^ear of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [14] Lunenburg December the 26: 1729 furvayed for cap* Jofiah Willard a piece of Land Be- tween Woborn farm and the ends of feverel Houfe Lotts for part of his houfe Lott No. 60 which was taken in Lancafter aditinal Grant, the Contents of the piece of Land here Laid out is twelve acres and three quarters Begining at a White oake tree marked for the Corner of Woborn farm and runing fouth 16 degrees Eaft 28 rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and runing Weft 16 degrees South 40 rod and a half to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 25 Degrees 30 minits South 45 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 15 degrees fouth 60: rod to Woborn Line there making an Angle and runing Eaft 28 degrees North 152 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heyw^ood and approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jo- fiah Willard and Jonathan Willard. Recorded march the 4*?^ anno Domini. 1731 '# Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg Nov™ y'^ 29*?^ 1731 4tii Divifioii Laid out by the Committee appointed 120 acres of Land in faid townfhip to Joliali Wil- lard Esq' of fd town for a fourth Divifion be longing to the right of Walter Beath Right and to make up What is 212 Proprietors' Records. Wanting in William Wallafes fecond Divifion Cituate and Lying and being near the role ftone hill Begining at a Certain poplar tree By the River and runing Weft 27 De- gree fouth on Land of Benjamin Goodridge 140 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 13 degrees fouth on Land of Collonal fitches 130 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north 40 Degrees Eaft on Common Land : 233 : rod to the River and from thence runing down and Bounding on the river all the Wa^' to Where it Began Excepting a few rods Where it bounds on m*" Fyffes Land ^t^ Nathan Hey- w^ood furvayer and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Jofiah Willard. Recorded March y*^ 7^^ anno Domini 1731/2 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg March the 18*?! 1730/1 2d Divifion Survayed for Cap^ Josiah Willard 2^ Divi- No 70 ^^jQj^ ^o. 70. in the foutheaft part of faid townfhip the Contents of Which is .60. acres Begining at a ftake and heap of ftones which is the foutheaft Cor- ner of Said Lott and runing north .5. degrees Weft on Land of 2^ Divifion 160: rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Weft 5 degrees fouth on Pearces Land 60. rod to a ftake then runing South 5 degrees Eaft on Land of Benjf^ Cory : 160 : rod to a ftake there making an Angle and runing Eaft 5 deg North on Land of fd Willard .60: rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jona- than Willard Recorded March the 7*!' 1731/2 'it^ Ed^'i Hartwell Clerk [15] Lunenburg Apriel the 18^^ 1729 Laid out by the Committee appointed thirty fix acres of Land in the foutheafterly part of the townfhip to Cap* Jofiah Willard Claimer to make up the meadow Proprietors Records. 213 Lott that is found Wanting to Coll? Taylers Right in Lu- nenburg. Begining a pillar of ftones and Runing fouth two Degrees Eaft 89 rod to a pillar of ftones there mak- ing an Angle and Runing Weft 8 Degrees 30 minits fouth 68 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north 2. Degrees Weft 80 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 15 Degrees fouth 70 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December the 4*^ anno. 1733. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg may the 13^^ 1729. Liet jona Laid out By the Committee 26 acres and Capt joiiah ^2 rod of Land Including 15 acres more in this plan Laid out Before that was Laid out to Liv^ Jonathan Willard this twenty fix acres is Laid out to Cap* Jofiah Willard Claimer on the Eafterly fide of his hom Lott and is in part to make up what is found wanting In Houfe Lott Number 43. Begining at a pitch pine tree and runing Eaft 9 Degrees fouth 103 rod to a pitch pine tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 9 Degrees Weft 26 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 90 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 31 Degrees weft 56 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and run- ing North 38 deg weft 48 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing weft 35 Degrees fouth 38 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Run- ing north 37 degrees weft 14 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north one Degree Weft 57 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood. and approved of By the Committee Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Isaac Earns worth Recorded January y^ 4*?' 1733/4 '# Edward Hartwell Cler 214 Proprietors Records. [1(>] Lunenburg February the 3^' 1737. 3d & 4th Laid out to Col? Jofiah Willard Claimer Dividons 240 acres of Land for a third and fourth divifion arifing from Houfe Lott No 47 and to make up what is found wanting in Houfe Lott No 60: 77: and to make up the fourth divifions arifing from Houfe Lotts No 57: 56: and thirty two fcituat Lying and being in the norwefterly part of faid Townfhip Containing randizvous Lower meaddows Begining at a fmall Beach tree marked for the northeaft Corner of faid Land and runing Weft 32 degrees north on the town Line : 278 : rod to a ftake then runs fouth 12 : degrees Weft on Land belonging to the Heirs of Coll? Brown .167. rod to a maple tree then Runs Eaft 32 : degrees fouth : 222 : rod to a hemlock tree on Land belonging to the Hon.^'^^*^ Jofiah Willard of Bof- ton then runs north 32 : degrees Eaft on on Land Laid out to Jonathan Ball : 157 : rod to where it began ^ Nathan Heywood Su^ and approved of By the Commit- tee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood Jonathan Wil- lard and Jofiah Willard. Recorded December y^ 12^?' 1738 '^ Edward Hartwell Clark Lunenburg June y^ 26*.^ 1729 Laid out by the Committee appointed fix acres and ninty fix rod of Land to Jofiah Willard Claimer to make up what is wanting in Houfe Lott No : 43 Laid out at the old meeting Houfe place, begining at a heap of ftones fet up for Colborns Corner of His five acres by the High- wa3^ and runs north twenty Degrees Weft 51 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft one Degree north nine rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and run- ing fouth three Degrees Weft 65 rod and half to appiller of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 30 De- grees North 34 rod to where it began furvayed by me Nathan Heywood and allowed by the Committee Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded February the 19*?^ 1749 ^ Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk Proprietors Records. 215 [17] LivE'^ Edward Hartwell of Lunenburg Lunenburg may the 9*^ 1730. 3d Divifioii Laid out by the Committee appointed Land ninety acres of third Divifion Land to L* Ed- ward Hartwell Arifeing from the right No. 73. in the fouth Wefterly part of faid townfhip. begining at a Car- tain ftake and heep of ftones Which is the Rev"^ M*" Pref- cotts NorEaft Corner "of his third Divifions and runing Eaft 15 degrees fouth on Land of Nathan Heywood and Benj^ Prefcott Efqr one hundred and Eighty rod there making an Angle and Runing north 15 d degrees Eaft on Common Land Eighty rod there making an Angle and Runing Weft 15 degrees north on Common Land one hundred and Eighty rod there making an Angle and run- ing fouth 15 degree on Land of John Brewer Eighty rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Haywood. Recorded February the twenty third day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, thirty one Edward Hartwell Clerk 3d Divifion Laid out to \J- Edward Hartwell thirty five acres and a quarter of Land on y*^ Eafterly fide of the apple tree hill twenty eight acres and 156 rod of which Land is third Divifion arifeing from Houfe Lott No 73. and fix acres and forty four rod is fourth Divifion Land arifmg from houfe Lott No Eighty feven the Land above faid was Laid out by the Committee appointed by the proprietors of Lunenburgh and is Bounded Northerly on Common Land Eafterh' on the Land of Rev'' mr pref- cott foutherly on the Land of fam^' page. Begining at a pillar of ftones made for a Corner and runing north twenty five Degrees Eaft one hundred and feventy rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 23 degrees North twenty five rod there making an angle and runing fouth twenty feven degres Weft one hundred and Eighty- one rod there making an angle and runing Eaft nine degrees fouth fourty one rod to where it began furvayed by Na- 216 Proprietors Records. than Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Joliah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded February the twenty third Day in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty thirty one Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburgh June the 25*?^ 1729. Laid out to Edward Hartwell by the Committee appointed by the proprietors for that purpors nine acres and 132 rod of Land arifeing from Houfe Lott No. 87. forth divifion begining at a pillar of ftones and runing Weft 37 deg fouth 66 rod to a pillar of ftones there mak- ing an angle and runing fouth 26 Degrees Eaft 19 rod and a half to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and runing Eaft 28 deg North 65 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North 26 De- grees Weft 30 rod to Where it began furvayed by Na- than Heyw^ood and approved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Isaac Farnsworth and Edward Hartwell Recorded fept y^ 2f 1732 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [18] Laid out to Edward Hartwell EsqY Claimer by the Committee appointed ten acres of Land in Lunenburg neer the fouth Line on monoofnock Brook where it Coms out of D'-^^ Jofiah Whites farm, for an equevilent for what the Town way takes and the Damage Done there by in the Houfe Lotts that formerly belonged to mT Samuell Earn worth Late of Lunenburg Deceft. begining at a ftake on Lunenburg fouth line and runs Eaft 12 degrees fouth 41 rod then north 22 degrees Eaft 40 rod then Runs fouth 22 degrees Eaft 41. rod then fouth 26 degrs weft 40 rod to where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jonathan Wil- lard Edward Hartwell and Jofiah Willard Recorded November the 29t^ A. D. 1738 'P Edward Hartwell Clerk July ye 14 1783 Proprietors Records. 217 Lunenburg December the 2^ 1740. Harkiiefs Laid out by the Committee appointed 2 No 51 fixty acres of Land in the Common and unde- N ^0 2dn' ■ "^^^^^ Land in the Townfhip of Lunenburg Tarble "^^^ ^he fouthwcft Corner thereof to Edward Hartwell EfqT for an equevilent to make up what is found wanting in Thomas Harkeffes tow Lotts. on flat hill viz fecond Divifion number fifty one and fec- ond Divifion number fifty tow and alfo what is found wanting in Eleazer Tarbells Lott on flat Hill which is fecond Divifion fifty : and alfo to make up what is found wanting to Jacob Goulds meadow Lott Number Eleven in mulpus meadows below the falls; and the faid fixty acres is bounded northerly on the Land of the Revre'^ mT Ben- jamin prefcott Eafterl}^ on the Land Laid out to John and Timothy poole foutherly on the Town line and Weft- erly on Common Land : and it begins at a black oak tree and runs weft forty degrees fouth to a heap of ftones one hundred rod then weft fifteen degrees north to a heap of ftones fifty fix rod then fouth to a ftake one hundred and feventeen rod then Eaft twelve degrees fouth forty Eight rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then north twenty nine degrees Eaft one hundred and ninety Eight rod to where it began, plan'^ by Nathan Heywood furvayer allowed and approved of by the Committee viz Jonathan Willard Hilkiah Boynton and Edward Hartwell Recorded December the 30^?^ 1740 %^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [19] Edward Hartwell Efqr Hills 4tii Divi Laid out by the Committee appointed forty acres of Land to Edward Hartwell Esq^ in the fouth wefterly part of the Townfhip of Lu- nenburg thirty acres of which Land is to make up what is found wanting in John hills forth Divifion and ten acres is part of the twenty five acres Granted to the faid Ed- ward Hartwell to enable him to pay to mr famuell Jones what was his part to pay him for what was owing to him the faid Jones from the faid proprietors, and it 218 Proprietors Rccoj'ds. Begins at a mark and runs Weft fifteen Degrees north fev- ent\^ two rods on the Lands of M^ Benjamin Prefcott to a marke then Runs fouth thirteen Deegrees Eaft one hun- dred and thirty rod on Common Land to a maple tree then Runs Eaft twelve Degrees fouth forty two rods to a mark then runs north one hundred and lixteen rod to where it began plan'*? by Nathan Heywood furvayer and approved of By the Committee viz Jonathan Willard Ephraim Pearce and Edward Hartwell. Recorded march the 16t^ 1740/1 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg march the 15*?^ 174-4. Laid out by the Committee appointed twenty feven acres within the Townfhip of Lunenburg to Edward Hartwell EfqT Claimer for an Equavelent in part of the 27 acres to the Damage done to Thomas Harkneff by Reafon of the Town way goming through both his Lotts where he now Lives at flatt hill the faid way taking about three acres of his Good Land befides other Dam- ages 20 acres of 4 divifion is part of the 27 acres this plan begins at a ftake and runs fouth ten Degrees Weft Eighty five rod to a ftake on the Land of David page then runing Eaft ten Degrees north Eighty rod on the Land of the Heirs of John White thence north twenty five Degrees Eaft fixty one rod to a ftake on the Land of Jofhua Earnworth thence runs weft nine Degrees north ninet}' two rod on the Land of the Reverend Mr Benja- min Prefcott to where it Began, plan^'!^' by Nathan Hey- wood furvayer and approved of b\^ the Committee viz Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell Recorded the 22^^ Day of april anno. 1745. %? Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk the twenty acres as mentioned as part of the twenty feven acres is forth divifion arifing from Houfe Lott No: 87 Proprietors Records. 219 [30] Lunenburg march y'^ 8: 1748 Laid out by the Committee appointed feventeen acres of Land in the Eaft part of faid town to Edward Hart- well Efqr. Claimer and is in part to make up what is wanting in fecond Divifion Number thirty five. it Begins at a heap of Itones in Groton which is the fouth Eaft of it and the north Eaft Corner of m^ James Gordons Land and fropi thence it runs north feventeen Degrees Eaft by Groton Line fixty rod to Jacob Warrens Land then it runs Weft thirty two Degrees north on faid Warrens Land 40 rod to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth thirty two Degrees Weft twenty rod on faid Warren and thirt}' nine on Nathaniel Harwoods Land to a heap of ftones then it runs Eaft thirty two Degrees fouth on faid Gordons Land fifty five rod to where it began fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood allowed and approved of by the Committee and ordei-ed to be Recorded by Edward Hart well Jonathan Willard Recorded June y^ 5*?^ 1750: 'ij^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg march the 8. 1748. Laid out by the Committee appointed five acres of Land to Edward Hartwell EsqT being in full with what has been allready Laid out for an Equevelant to make up what was found wanting in fecond Divifion Number thirty five it begins at a heap of ftones and runs north thirty degrees Eaft Eighty rod on the Land of Mv James Gor- don to a heap of ftones then Weft thirty degrees north ten rod on Land Laid out to Nathaniel Harwood to a heap of ftones then fouth thirty Degrees Weft Eighty rod to a heap of ftones then Eaft thirty Degrees north on Land Laid out to Ephraim Pearce ten rod to where it began furvaj^ed by Nathan Heywood allowed by the Committee viz. Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded January the 8^?' 1752 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk 220 Proprietors Records. [31] Nathan Heywood of Lunenburg Lunenburg May the 9*? 1730. 3(1 Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one hundred Acres of third Divifion Land to Na- than Heywood arifeing from Houfe Lott number 38 in the fouthwefterly part of the townfhip Begining at a Certain Chefnut tree marked for the foutheafterly Corner of the reverend m'' prefcootts Land and runing fouth feventeen Degrees Eaft on Common Land Eighty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an angle and Run- ing Eaft forty deg North on burbeens Land fixty Eight rod there making an Angle and runing weft fifteen deg north on Land of Live* Edward Hartwell Eighty rod to the Reverend m*" prefcotts northeafterly Corner there mak- ing an Angle and and runing fouth fifteen deg Weft on fd prefcotts Line one hundred and fixty rod to where it began furva3'^ed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edw'' Hartwell and Na- than Heywood Recorded March the 17^'' anno domini 1730/31 Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg March the 18«' 1730 ?} Laid by the Committee appointed a Certain piece of Land in the foutheafterly part of fd townfhip to Nathan Heywood for an Equevilent for What is Wanting in his 2^ Divifion and the Remainder of the Equivilent for the town Wayes going in fd 2^ Divifion and the Remainder of his 3*^ Divifion the Contents of the of the Plan being 12 Acres and a half In Cluding fom part of a pond begin- ing at a pillar of ftones Which is the Wefterly Corner of fd Land and runing Eaft on Cap* Goulds Land 50 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing fouth on Common Land 40 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft on Common Land 50 rod there making an Angle and runing North on Common Land 40 rod to Where it began Survayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Proprietors' Records. 221 Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard. Recorded april y^ 20^?^ annoque Dom- ini. 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [23] John Fisk Lunenburg april the 10*?^ 1730. 2d Divifion Survayed for John Fifk fecond Divifion No. 3 ]sjq 3 Cituate and Lying in the Northeafterly part of faid townfhip. the Contents of Which is 57 ares and a half Begining at a Certain heap of ftones Erected for the most Northerly Corner and runing Eaft 31 degrees 30 minits fouth on the town Line 60 rod to a heap of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth 33 degrees Weft on 2^ Divifion No. 2 160 rod to a heap of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 degrees 30 minits North on 2^ Divifions No. 43 & 44 55 rod to a heap of ftones there making an Angle and runing north 31 degr Eaft on the Colledge Land and other Land 160 rod to Where it Began furvayed by nathan Heywood and ap- proved of By the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Re- corded June y*^ 18*^}' annoque Domini. 1731. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Laid out to John Fifk by the Committee appointed two acres and three quarters of Land and pond hole, to make up What is found W^anting in his 2^ Divifion fcitu- ate and adjoyning to faid fifks Land all ready Laid out. begining at a Certain Chefnut tree marked for Jonathan Whitney s Northerly Corner of his Houfe Lott. and runing fouth 28 degs Eaft on faid Whitneys Line 33 rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 21 deg north on Common Land 6 rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and runing north one Degree Weft on Common Land 21 rod to a White pine tree there making an Angle and runing north 7 deg Eaft 16 rod to a White oak tree tree on Common Land there making an Angle and runing Weft 23 degrees North on Common 222 Proprietors Records. Land 2 rod to a poplar tree Which is the Corner of his other Land there making an Angle and runing fouth 39 Degrees 30 minits Weft on Land of faid fifk 22 rod there making an Angle and runing North 23 degrees Weft on Land of faid fifk 7 rod and a half to Where it began furvaN-ed b}' Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Ed- ward Hartwell. Recorded June the 18^?^ 1731 't^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [25] M£ William CLark Esq'' of Boston . . . Lunenburg April the 26: 1731 .... fourth Laid out by the Committee appointed 165 Diviiioii j^j-eg of fourth Divifion Land to William Clark Esq"^. arifeing from Houfe Lotts number : three and fixt}- five acres of the right No. one in the Wefterly part of faid townfhip and on the Wefterly fide of fd Clarks other Land. Begining at a Certain pillar of 1 tones in faid Clarks Line of his formar Divifions which is the Eaft Cor- ner of this Land and the foutheaft Corner of Wheelers and Balls Land and runing fouth 38 degrees Weft on fd Clarks other Land 278. rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 35 Degrees fouth on Common Land 42 rod to a ftake and heape of ftones Which is the Corner of Cap* Willards Land there making an Angle and runing north 12 degrees Eaft on f*^ Willards Land 329 rod to a fmall black burch tree which is Wheel- ers and Balls fouthweft Corner there making an Angle and runing Eaft 32 : degrees fouth on faid Wheelers and Balls Land :154: rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded December the 25*^ anno Domini: 1731 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler Lunenburg July the 22^^ 1729. Hti Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed to Land ^]-,^ Right of William Clark one acre and one hundred and two rod of third divifion Land and it begins at a heap of ftones necr the Houfe and runs Weft nine Proprietors Records. 223 degrees north twenty two rod to a heap of ftones then Eaft thirtj^ Degrees north fix rod to a tree then north one degree Eaft twenty fix rod to a heap of ftones then fouth twenty fix degrees Eaft thirty fix rod to where it began at the heap of ftone on the fouth fide of the Houfe by the highway furvayed by Nathan He\^wood and ap- proved of by the Committee Jofiah Willard Nathan Hey- wood and Edward Hartwell Recorded November the 18*? 1771 . at page 25. to make it more plain then the firft record was Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk ['^(J] Lunenburg December 23 and 24: 1731.— 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed three hundred and fixty nine acres of fourth Divifion Land by the Wefterly fide of the pearl hills In faid town fhip to William Clark Esq'' arifeing from houfe Lotts No: 48 84: 75: and fixty nine acres of the right No: 19: Begining at a pillar of ftones which is the mo ft Northerly Corner and runing fouth by faid Clarks one Land Which he had of M'' Gardner 95 rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 23 Degrees fouth on faid Land 210 rod there Making an Angle and Runing fouth :5: degrees Eaft on fd Clarks own Land :175: rod to a black oak tree there making an Angle and Runing fouth : 5 : De- gree: Weft on faid Clarks Land that he had of Jofiah Willard Esq*" :160: rod there making an Angle and run- ing foutheaft on Land of Jonathan Dows Esqr 46: rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 40 : degrees north 100 rod on Land of Ebenezer Wheeler and ten rod on Common Land to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft 32 degree North on Land Laid out to ColoV Brown : 26 rod to a White pine tree there making an Angle and runing north 32 Degrees Eaft on Land of faid Brown 224 : rod there making an Angle and runing Weft 31 deg 30 min north on Land of Jofiah Willard of Lunenburg Esq"" 70 rod to a pillar of ftones by a Chefnut tree there making an An- gle and runing north 31 : degree 30 min Eaft on faid Wil- 224 Proprietors Records. lards Land 70 rod to a beach tree there making an Angle and runing Weft : 31 : degree 80 mints north on Land of Hugh fcot : 10 : rod there making an Angle and runing north 31 degree 30 minits Eaft on laid foots Land 145 : rod to the north on fd town Line : 71 : rod to Where it began furvayed By Nathan Heywood and approved of By the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Recorded December the 27*!' anno Domini: 1731: '# Edward Hartwell Cler [39] Ebenezer Wheeler Lunenburg May the 12*^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out By the Committee appointed one to the hundred acres of Land for a third Divihon on Right of ti^e Wefterly lide of perl hill for M"- Ebenezer •;° ,". Wheeler Claimer the Right arifeing from houfe Haltmgs . . ° ° . Loott No. 63. Begmmg at a White pme tree and runing Eaft forty Degrees north one hundred rods to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing North forty Degrees Weft one hundred and fixty rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Weft forty Degrees fouth one hundred rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing fouth forty Degrees Eaft one hundred and fixty rod to Where it began fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Com- mittee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood. Recorded may the 9^^ 1729 ^ Edward Hartwell Cler [30] Lunenburg December the 8*?' 1732 3d Divifion Then Compleated the third Divifion of Ebenezer Wheeler and Jonathan Ball Arifeing from Houfe Lott No. 81 : the Contents of Which is one hundred acres Icituate foutheafterly from apple tree hill Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the moft fouth- erly Corner and Runing Eaft 10 degrees north on Com- mon Land 30 rod to a white oak tree thence runing north 10. Degrees Weft on Land of Ephraim pearce 96 Proprietors Records. 226 rod to a pine tree thene rtining Eaft ten degrees north on Land of faid pearce one hundred rod to a pillar of ftones thence runing north 10 degrees Weft on Common Land 80 rod to a ftake thence runing Weft ten Degrees fouth on Common Land. 127. rod to a ftake thence runing fouth 9 degees Weft on Land of famuell Page 79 rod to a ftake thence runing Weft 9 degrees north on Land of faid page 60 rod to a pine tree thence fouth 9 degrees on Common Land 42 rocl to a maple tree by the River thence runing down by the River to Where it began ^ Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jofiah Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded December y*^ 18*^ 1732 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [31] Lunenburg April the 30^?^ 1729 3d Divifion Laid out to Ephraim pearce by the Com- Land mittec appointed to the Right Number Eighty Eight one hundred and twent3^ acres of third Divifion Land. Begining at a white oak and Runing Eaft 11 degrees thirty minits North fifty three rod to a pine tree there making an Angle and Runing Eaft 43 degrees fouth 121 rod to an afh tree there making an Angle and runing fouth 20 degrees Weft 109. rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing Weft 100. rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing north three De- grees thirty minits Weft 37 rod rod to a pillar of ftones there making an Angle and runing Eaft 3 deg 30 minits north 7 rod to a ])illar of ftones there making an Angle and Runing north 36 deg 30 min Weft 137 rod to Where it began approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Wil- lard Ifaac Farnfworth and Jofhua Hutchens Recorded January the 9^J' 1732/3. furva^^ed b3' Na- than Heywood st^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg November the 17*^!^ 1747. Laid out twenty one acres by the Committee ap- pointed to Dea: Ephraim pearce Claimer in part to 15 226 Proprietors' Records. make up what is wanting in fecond Divifion Number twenty three it Lyeth in the Eafterly part of faid Town and between a thirty fix acres Lott of faid pearces and Catoconomoug pond and ftream it begins at a pine tree marked for the moft Wefterly Corner of faid thirty fix acres and runs north forty five Degrees Eaft on faid thirty fix acres Eleven rod to a heap of ftones then it runs north forty Degrees Weft on Land of Mr James Gor- don Eighteen rod to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth fixteen Degrees Weft on Land of faid Gordon twenty Eight rod to a pine tree then it runs fouth fift}^ Eight rod on meadow Land of faid Gordon to the brook by the ridge Hill then it runs by the pond and by the brook till it Comes to the moft foutherly Corner of faid thirty fix acres then it Runs north forty four Degrees Weft on faid thirtv fix acres one hundred and twenty rod to where it firft began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and allowed of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Hey- wood and Jonathan Willard Recorded February the 14*^ 1749. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [33] Ephraim Pearce make up Laid out b}^ the Committee appointed what IS Eight acres of Land in the Eafterly part of ^/"5^".^ Lunenburg to Deacon Ephraim Pearce Claimer 2d Divifion . , . . , , . j^^j 23 ^t bemg m part to make up what is wantmg in fecond Divifion Number twenty' three it begins at a pine tree marked for the moft Eafterly Corner of thirty fix acres Lott all ready belonging to faid Pearce and from thence it runs fouth feventeen Degrees Weft forty four rod Bounding on faid thirt3^ fix acres the Corner be- ing a heap of ftones by Catoconamoug Brook then it runs Down by faid Brook thirty rod till it Comes to Groton Line then it runs north feventeen Degrees Eaft with Groton Line ninety four rod to a fpruce tree then it runs Weft thirty Degrees north on Land now^ belonging to Mr James Gordon fix rod to an other fpruce tree then it runs fouth thirty Degrees Weft on faid Gordons Land Proprietors' Records. 227 Eighty rod to where it began fnrvayed by Nathan Hey- wood and allowed by the Committee viz Edward Hart- well Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard Recorded february the 14^^ 1749 '# Edward Hart well proprietors Clerk [33] William Wallis Wallis furvayed for Williain Wallis his meadow meadow Lott ^ott on Cataconamoug the Contents of Which is 13 acres Begining Near where the Brook runs into y^ pond and runs by the upland while it comes to a pine tree then runs fouth twenty nine degrees Weft on Land Laid to faid Wallas fixty rod then runs north 43 degrees Weft on faid Wallafes Land 18 rod then runs north 35 Degrees Eaft on faid Wallas 38 rod then Runs as Exhib- ited by the plan to the Brook and and Down the Brook to Where it began tt^ Nathan He3'wood fur. and approved of by the Committee viz Jofiah Willard Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood & Jonathan Willard Recorded January the 31*:^ 1734/5 Edward Hartwell pr? Clerk Lunenburg March the 9^^ 1733/4 Laid out by the Committee appointed feven acres and a half of Land in the foutheafterly part of faid tow nf hip four acres and a half of which Land was Laid to Ed- ward Hartwell Esq^ in part of the Land which he Bought of the proprietors and three acres to Jonathan Whitney to make up what was found wanting in his meadow Lott Begining at a Burch Bufh is which the Corner of Noah Dodges meadow Lott and runing Eeaft ten degree north 25 rod then runing fouth 32 degrees Eaft 24 rod then Eaft 11 degrees fouth. 22. rod then runing by afpruce fwampt till it Comes to Land of William Wallas then runing North 11 degrees Weft on faid Wallases Land 65 rod to Where it Began furvayed By Nathan Hevwood 228 Proprietors Records. and approved of by the Committee viz: I Jofiah Willard Jonathan Willard and Edward Hart- well. Recorded January the 31^* 1734/5 ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [35] Lunenburg October the 26*^ 1736. -ith Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed by the proprietor fifty fix acres of fourth Divifion Land to the Right of John Calf fcituat and Lying on the Weft fide of the River adjoyning to his third Divifion be- gining at a Certain hem Lock tree marked for the fouth- weft Corner of faid third Divifion then runs Eaft 19 deg north on fd 3^^ Divifion 143 rod to a ftake then runs fouth 10 deg. Eaft on Eleazer Houghtons Land 51 rod then runs Weft 28 deg: fouth 110 rod to a ftake then runs north 43 degs Weft on Land beLonging to the Heirs of Colonel Fitch 70 rod to Where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee Ed- ward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Ephraim pearce Recorded June the 18*?^ 1737 ^ Edw"? Hartwell Clerk Lunenburg October the 26*?' 1736. 4th Divifion Laid out b3' the Committee appointed 7 acres of fourth Divifion Land to the Right of John Calf Lying on the Weft fide of the River neer Role ftone hill Begining at a fmall White oak tree marked for the Nor weft Corner and runs fouth 20 deg Eaft on Land Laid out to Colonel fitch 62 rod then runs Eaft 15 Deg North on Land of faid Calf 16 rod Then runs north 15 Deg^ Weft on land of John Heywood 62. rod then runs Weft 17 degs. fouth on Land Laid to Benjamin Good- ridge 21 rod to Where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edw^ Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Ephraim pearce. Recorded June the 17*1^ 1787. W Edwd Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 229 Lunenburg October y^ 27*? 1736 make up Laid out by the Committee appointed 50. what IS acres of Land on the moonofufnock hill to .rrroH^T.- • Make up what is wanting In the firft and Ift & 2d DiYi "^ fecond Divifion of John Calf and to Compleat his fourth Divifion Begining at a Chefnut tree in the town Line Runing Eaft 17 degs and a half North on faid line 80 rod to a heap of ftones then Runs North 17 degrees and a half Wef^ on Common Land 101. rod to a fmall black oak then Runs Weft 17 degrees and a half fouth on Common Land Eighty rod to a hemlock tree by the Great Brook then Runs fouth .17. degrees and a half Eaft on Common Land to where it Began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Ephraim pearce Recorded June the 11^^ 1737. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [36] Laid out to Alexander Forfter Claimer fourteen acres of Land in the fouthwefterly part of the Township of Lunenburg in ftead of that which was a Lotted to him which belonged to another man. Begining at a ftake fet up for the fouth weft Corner of faid Land and runs Eaft 12 degrees fouth on the Town Line 51 rods to a pil- lar of ftones which is the Angle of the Town Line then Runs on faid Town Line 16 rod then runs North 17 deg. Weft, on Land before Laid out to faid Forfter 60 rod to a ftake then runs South 44 deg. Weft, on Land Laid out to Cap* Timothy pooll 72. rod to where it began ^ Na- than Heywood furvayer and approved of by the Commit- tee viz Edward Hartwell Ephraim Pearce and Jonathan Willard. Recorded September the 27*1^ A. D. 1738. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clark [37] Lunenburg June the 10*? 1740 Laid out to Mr Timothy Gibfon ten acres of Land in faid Towmfhip for an Equevilent to what is wanting in his Houfe Lott and fecond Divifion Lying on the Eaftely fide of the pearl hill adjoyning to his own third Divifion 230 Proprietors Records. Begining at a pillar of ftones Erected for the tiortheaft Corner of Said Land and runs Weft forty three Degrees thirty minuts north twent}' fix rod to a white afh tree then runs fouth thirty degrees Weft on Common Land to a bafs wood tree twenty two rod then runs Weft twenty nine Degrees fouth on Common Land feventeen rod to a walnut tree then runs fouth twenty two degrees Weft on Common Land twenty two rod then runs fouth Eight Degrees Weft on Common Land forty one rod to the line of Said third Divifion then runs north thirty nine Degrees Eaft which is the line of faid third Divifion ninety three rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and allowed of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded June the 2V\ 1740. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [39] John Gibson feptember the 25*?^ 1747 Laid out by the Committee three acres of Land on the Eafterly fide of the pearl Hill to John Gibfon for an a quivelent to the Land taken of of his home place for a town Road and begins a a pillar of ftones which was Erected for the Northweft Corner of Mr Timothy Gibfons 112 acres and Runs Eaft 19. Degrees fouth Chiefly on faid Gibfons Land but partly on Common Land 36 rod to a pillar of ftones on a Ledge of Rocks then Runs North 17 degrees Eaft on Common Land till it Comes to Col? Browns Land then Runs Weft 20 Degrees fouth 44 rod on faid Browns Land to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood allowed of by Jonathan Willard) ^ ^^^^ Edward Hartwell | ^'^'^ ' Recorded November the 2"? 1747. 1?^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg may the 5*^ 1750 meadow furvayed for John Gibfon a meadow Lott Lott number four in faid town fcituate and Lying on the northerly fide of mafhapoag pond, it Contains fix Proprietors Records. 231 acres and fixty rods it begins by the Edge of the pond in Jofhua Goodridges Line and runs north twenty Eight Degrees Weft on faid Goodridges Land thirty one rod and an half to a heap of ftones then it runs Weft 28 Degrees fouth on Land of John DivoU twenty fix rod to an afh ftump and a ftak then it runs fouth fourteen Degrees Eaft partly on Land of faid Divoll and partly on that is not Land nor water but partly both thirty Eight rod to the pond then it runs by tJie pond thirty fix rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood ordered to be Recorded by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Recorded June y'^ 5*?^ 1750. 11^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [41] SamuelIv Page Lunenburg October the 26*^? 1747. 2d Divifion Survaycd fecond Divifion Number 61. No. 61 Arifing from Houfe Lott Number 52. and is the moft foutherly Lott part of which Mofes Mitchel now poffeffeth and the other part in the pofleffion of Nathaniel Page Containing fixty five acres and twenty rod it begins at a Chefnutt tree marked for the moft foutherly Corner of faid Lott and runs north fixteen De- grees Eaft on Land Left for a highway fixty feven rod to a pillar of ftones then Runs Weft twenty nine d north on fecond Divifion Number 62 one hundred and fixty two rod to a pillar of ftones then it Runs fouth fixteen De- grees Weft on Land of Robert Clark fixty four rod to an old white oak tree bloon up then it runs Eaft thirty De- grees fouth on Land of faid page and Andrew Mitchel one hundred and fixty two rod to where it began, fur- vayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of in order to be Recorded by the Committee viz Nathan Heywood Ed- ward Hartwell and Recorded December the 5*^?^ 1747. Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk 232 Proprietors Records. [42] Samuell Page Lunenburg December the 1^* 1747 meadow furvayed for the Heirs of famuell page ^°*^^ Late of Lunenburg Deceafed two meadow Lotts being number one and Number two in the meadow- Called Turkey Hill meadow the Contents of which are ten acres begining at a Certain white pine bufh by the Road at the end of the bever Damm which is the moft foutherly Corner and runs Eaft twenty feven Degrees north by the faid Bever Dam five rod then it runs north fix Degrees Eaft on Land of Robert Clark twenty two rod to a black oak tree then it runs north twenty four Degrees Weft on Land of William Allexander thirty fix rod then it runs Weft twenty feven Degrees thirty minites fouth on Land belonging to the Heirs of Jonas Gilfon Late of faid Town Deceafed forty three rod to a dead tree then it runs fouth twelve Degrees thirty minites Weft on faid Gilfons Land or by up land nine rod to a fump then it runs fouth twenty three Degrees Weft on upland twelve rod then it runs fouth twenty Degrees thirty min- uts Eaft Eight rod then it runs Eaft twenty fix Degrees north 12 rod to a white pine ftump then it runs north thirteen Degrees Eaft fix rod then it runs Eaft thirty one Degrees north ten rod and an half then Eaft twenty feven Degrees fouth twelve rod then it runs fouth Eighteen Degrees thirty minites Eaft Eleven rod then Eaft nine De- grees north twelve rod then fouth nine Degrees Eaft twelve rod to where it began ^ Nathan Heywood fur- vayer allowed of by the Committee viz Nathan Heywood Edward Hart well and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December the 24*? 1747 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk. [4Ji] Cap? Jonathan Willard Lunenburg November the 30*? 1747. meadow Survaycd for Cap! Jonathan Willard mead- ^°- '^ ow Lott No: 4 in turkey hill meadow. Con- taining fix acres and thirty rod Begining at a Certain white oak tree marked for the fouth Corner and runs Eaft twenty feven Degrees thirty minuts north on meadow Proprietors' Records. 233 belonging to the Heirs of Jonas Gillon Late of Lunenburg Deceafed thirty fix rod to a ftake then runs north twenty four Degrees Weft on Land of Jacob Gould thirty four rod to a maple tree then it Runs Weft twenty feven de- grees thirty minuts fouth on Common twenty rod and on fecond Divifion belonging to the to the Heirs of fd Gilfon three rod and a half to a Black oak tree marked then it runs fouth fix degrees Eaft on faid fecond Divifion thirty fix rod to where it began ^ Nathan Heywood furvayer and approved of by the Committee viz Nathan Heywood Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard. Recorded December y^ 25^?^ 1747. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg February the 23^ 1750. Laid out by the Committee appointed to Capt Jona- than Willard Eight acres of Land in faid townfhip fcitu- ate and Lying foutherly from appletree hill it being in part for the Damage the Town wa\^ doth in going through his home Lotts it begins at a maple tree marked and is the fouthwefterly Corner of Mr: Gordons Land and runs north nine Degrees Eaft on faid Gordons Land fourty two rod to a pine tree marked thence it runs Weft nine Degrees north on famuell Hunts Land twenty five rod to a Little black oak tree and heap of ftones then it runs north nine Degrees Eaft on faid Hunts Land, forty feven rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then it runs W^eft Eight Degrees north on Land of M^ Oliver forty rod to a black oak tree by punch Brook thence it runs down faid Brook aboute four rod till it Comes to to the River and thence Down the River to where it began %? Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Jonathan Willard. in the above faid Land there is one acre allowed for the town ways going through the fame. Recorded march y'^ 14*? 1750. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Cler 234 Proprietors Records. [44] Lunenburg feptember y^ 7^^ 1748 Laid out by the Committee appointed to Edward Hartwell Efqr and Cap^ Jonathan Willard fixty one acres and ten rod of Land on the pearl Hill lb Called in faid Lunenburg to make up what is found wanting in the fev- eral Lotts here after mentioned viz Houfe Lott Number one fecond Divilion Number fifty Eight fecond Divifion Number thirty one and 20 acres which was granted to me by the proprietors to pay M Jones granted to me Ed- ward Hartwell above faid. and alfo Including a two rod road a Crofs the fouth- erly part of faid Land It begins at a heap of ftones by a black oak tree and runs Weft thirty two Degrees North on Land Laid out to Col'.' Brown one hundred and ninty one rod to a heap of ftones then runs fouth thirty two Degrees Weft Eleven rod on Common Land then runs fouth forty Degrees Eaft one hundred and fixty one rod on Land Laid out to Ebenezer Wheeler to a heap of ftones then runs Weft forty Degrees fouth one hundred and four rod on Land Laid out to faid Wheeler to a white pine tree then runs foutheaft forty Eight rod on Land Laid out to Jonathan Wheeler to a heap of ftones then runs north forty Degrees Eaft on Land Laid out to Timothy Gibfon forty rod to a pillar of ftones then runs north twelve Degrees Eaft on faid Gibfons Land fixty one rod to a heap of ftones then runs Eaft twenty nine De- grees north on faid Gibfons Land feventeen rod to a heap of ftones then runs North thirty Degrees twenty two rod on faid Gibfons Land to a heap of ftones then Eaft thirty feven Degrees fouth on faid Gibfons Land twenty fix rod to a heap of ftones then runs north forty Degrees on faid Gibfons Land thirty Eight rod to where it began fur- vayed by Nathan Hey wood and allowed b}' the Commit- tee and ordered to be recorded, viz Jofiah Willard 1 Edward Hartwell ) Committee Jonathan Willard J Recorded feptember 8^?^ 1748. ^ Edward Hartwell Clerk Proprietors Records. 235 Lunenburg march the 2^ 1753. wanting Laid out to Cap* Jonathan Willard Claimer 2d Divifion ^X ^^^ Committee appointed Eighteen acres of No 44 & 36 Land in faid Lunenburg in part to mak up what is found wanting in fecond Divifion No. forty four and in fecond Divifion Number thirty fix Be- gining at a heap of ftones on the town Line and runs Eaft twenty Eight Degrees north on faid Town Line one Hundred rod to Deacon Whites Land then north twenty Eight Deegrees Weft thirty rod on faid Whites Land then weft twenty Eight Degrees fouth one Hundred rod on Land Laid out to the Heirs of philHp Goodridge Deceaft then then fouth twenty Eight Degrees Eaft thirty rod on Land belonging to the Heirs of Cap* Benjamin Bleaney Deceaft to where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard Recorded march the 6*?^ 1753. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [44-] Benjamin Bellows Jur Lunenburg feptember the 28*? 1747 Laid out to Benjamin Bellows JuV twelve acres and thirty four rod of Land in Lunenburg at a place Called uper Mulpus meadows Bounded foutherly on two Houfe Lotts of Dea famuell Johnfon feventy four rods Eafterly on Land Laid out to Jofeph page northerly on Mulpus meadows Wefterly on Land Laid out to famuell Jones the above faid Land as it is Butted and bounded is Laid out by the Committee appointed to Benjamin Bellows JuT Claimer for an Equivalant in part for what Damage the town way dos in being Laid through His Houfe Lotts N? fix and Number forty and ordered to be Recorded to be Recorded by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell and Recorded January the 31(* 1749 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg feptember the 28*? 1747. Laid out to Benjamin Bellows JuT Claimer three acres and fifty one rod of Land at a place Called mulpus 236 Proprietors Records. Bridge Bound foutherly on Land of Jofeph page Eafterly on Land or meadows of Cap*: Jofeph Gould Northerly on meadow of John Hill and meadows of faid Bellows Weft- erly on meadow of faid Bellows allowance for a two rod Road in faid Land to go over the faid Bridge this Land was Laid out by the Committee appointed in part for an Equivalent for the Damages the town w^ays dos in going through faid Bellows Houfe Lotts No : 6 : and No : 40 : in faid Lunenburg ordered to be Recorded by the Committee viz Jonathan Willard and Edward Hartwell Recorded January the Sl^f 1749 ^ Edw*:^ Hartwell proprietors Clerk [45] Joseph Wood Lunenburg ma_v the 18^}^ 1749 meadow furvayed for Jofeph Wood Claimer meadow Lott No. 1 Lott No: one: in pearl hill meadows fo Called in faid town the Contents of w^liich is five acres and one hundred and forty rod it begins at a Cer- tain pitch pine tree marked for the northweft Corner of faid Lott and runs fouth 22 degrees W>ft on the Honour- able Johah Willards Lott 22 rod to a heap of ftones then it runs Eaft 31 : degree and an half fouth on Land of Mr Brown thirty rod to a white oak tree then it runs north ninteen Degrees Eaft on Land of Mr Allin twenty Eight rod to a Drye pine tree then weft 22 degres on Land of faid allin thirty fix rod to where it began by Nathan Heywood furvayer allowed to be Recorded by the Committee viz Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Nathan Heywood Recorded may 23? 1749: ^ Edv^ard Hartwell proprietors Clerk [4(>] M? James Gordon Lunenburg march the 8*?^ 1748 make up Laid out by the Committee appointed what is want thirty acres in faid Town to Mr James Gor- ,'"?!" don Claimer to make up what is wanting in 2" Division No. 53. fecond Divifion No : 43 which he the faid Gor- don bought of Jonathan Whitney it begins at the moft foutherlv Corner of faid Lott in Groton Line Proprietors Records. 237 and runs North leventeen Degrees Eaft bounding on faid Line feventy fax rod then it runs Weft thirty two Degrees North on Land Laid out to Efq': Hartwell fifty five rod then runs fouth thirty two Degrees Weft on Harwoods feventv fix rod then it runs Eaft thirty Degrees fouth on faid Gordons own Land feventy five rod to where it be- gan ¥ Nathan Heywood furvayer approved of and or- dered to be Recorded, by the Committee viz. Edward Hartwell Nathan Heywood and Recorded June the 10*^ 1749 1? Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk r48] Cap? Goodridge Lunenburg November y'^ 5*?* 1730 4thDivmon Laid out by the Committee appointed Eighty acres of fourth Divifion Land to Ben- jamin Goodridge 'arifing from the Right No: 67. in the foutherly part of faid Townfhip Begining at beach tree ftanding in Brews Line and runing fouth 15 degrees Weft on Land of faid Brewer 70 rod there making an angle and runing Eaft 15. degrees fouth on Land of L^ Hart- well 180 rod there making an angle and rumng north 15 deorees Eaft on Land of Cap^ Jofiah Willard 72: rod th?re making an Angle and runing Weft 15. degrees, north on Land of faid Willard 178 rod there making an Ano-le and runing Weft 13 Degrees 30 minutes louth two rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of by y^ Committee viz Jofiah Willard and Edward Hartwell Recorded December y'^ 31^* 1750 1?> Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [-50] Phillip Goodridge Lunenburg april the 1*:^ 1751 xnake up Laid out to phillip Goodridge Claimer nine 2d Divifion acres of Land in faid Townfhip the Right arifing from Benjamin Goodridge in part to make up what is wanting in his own fecond Divifion it is fcituate and Lying adjoyning to faid PhiUip Goodridges Houfe Lott where he now Dwells it begins at a Large white 238 Proprietors' Records. oak tree marked for the moft foutherly Corner of faid Land and runs Eaft forty three Degrees north on thirftin feventeen rod to a ftake which is Ritters Corner of His meadow Lott then it runs north twenty nine Degrees Weft on faid Ritters meadow Lott twenty two rod to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth one Degree Weft on the end of the meadow Lotts twenty feven rod then it runs Weft three Degrees north on Land Laid out to Walter Beath thirteen rod then it runs northerly Bounding on faid Beath fifty nine rod to a white oak tree then it runs fouth thirty fix Degrees Weft fix rod and an half on Land of John Fifk to a pitch pine tree then it runs fouth feven Degrees Weft on faid fifk twenty one rod to a popler tree then it runs Eaft twenty two Degrees fouth on faid Fifk two rod to a white oak tree then it runs fouth thirty nine rod to a heap of ftones then it runs Weft twenty degrees fouth on Land of faid fifk fix rod to a heap of ftones and Chefnutt ftump then it runs fouth twenty Eight Degrees W^eft partly on Land of faid Phillip and parth' on Land of faid thirftin fixty three rod to where it Began ■^P Nathan Heywood furvayer allowed by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell and Jonathan Willard Recorded the 30*?' day of November. 1751. %^ Edward Hartwell Clerk [51] Lunenburg april y'" Vy 1751. Laid out to Phillip Goodridge Claimer one hundred and Eighty three rod of Land in faid Town and is ad- joyning to william Alexanders Houfe Lott and is part of the Land which was left for a road the Right arifing in part to make up what is wanting in Benjamin Good- ridges fecond Divifion it begins at the north Corner of faid Alexanders Houfe Lott and runs north thirty fix De- grees Eaft on Land Laid out the fame Day to Jacob Gould four rod and an half to a ftake then runs fouth twenty fix degrees Eaft on Land left for a road forty two rod to a ftake then it runs fouth twenty four degrees Eaft on Land Left for a road twentv rod to a ftake then Proprietors Records. 239 it runs fouth thirty fix Degrees Weft two rod and an half to a ftake then it runs north twenty four Degrees Weft partly on Land of Ifaac Fofter and partly on Land of the faid Allexander fixty one rod to where it began ^ Nathan Heywood furvayer and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hart- well and Jonathan Willard Recorded November y^ 30^)1 1751 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Lunenburg January the 24*?^ 1755. Laid out to phillip Goodridge twenty two acres of Land in the northerly part of faid Townfhip being in part to make fatiffaction for a townway that is Laid out in faid Good ridges Land that formerly belonged to MT Richard Thirstin and part in Lieu of what Leominfter Line takes of from Cap^ Benja Goodridges Land and pur- chefted by the faid phillip Goodridge there is to be a road allowed a Crofs faid Land it Begins at a ftake in a meadow Hole Eafterly from the Houfe belonging to the Heirs of Hezekiah Wetherbee and runs north twenty De- grees Eaft Bounding on faid Wetherbee Land thirty one rod to a heap of ftones then it runs Eaft thirty degrees fouth partly on faid Wetherbees Land and partly on the Colledge Land one Hundred and eighty fix rod to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth twenty two Degrees Eaft Eleven rod to M^ Daniel Auftins Corner then it runs Weft twenty three Degrees north on faid Auftins Land one hun- dred and ninety three rod to where it firft began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and allowed of and ordered to be Recorded by Ed- ward Hartwell Jonathan Willard and Nathan Heywood Recorded February the 17*?^ 1755. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [52] Edward Hartwell Efqr Lunenburg November the 2Vy XlA-l Laid out by the Committee appointed Eighty five acres and an half of Land to Edward Hartwell Efq'' thirty two acres of which Land is for a Equivalent for 240 Proprietors Records. Eight acres which faid Edward Hartwell bought of Cap* Renjamin Goodridge the faid Eight acres being part of what was taken off from faid Benjamin Good ridges fec- ond Divifion by Lancafter new Grant and alfo 32 acres in part to fatiffy the Damage for the town roads going through Houfe Lotts number Eight number forty and number fix and alfo 7 acres in part of which Land if in part to make up the Damage done to meadow Lott num- ber two in Lower mulpus the town way going through the fame and alfo 15 acres of fourth divifion arifing from Houfe Lott No Eighty feven. and the faid Eighty five acres and an half begins at ma- ple tree which is the Corner of MT Olivers Land and runs Weft feventeen Degrees north one hundred and ninteen rod on faid Olivers Land to a maple tree then fouth fif- teen Degrees Eaft on Elifha fmiths Land one hundred and thirt}' Eight rod to a heap of ftones then making an Angle and runing twenty rod on faid fmiths Land then turning an Angle and runing on Uptons Land fixty rod then making an Angle and Runing on Common Land forty fix rod to a hemlock tree then runing north ninteen Degrees Eaft on Common Land fifty three rod to a beach tree then Eaft five Degrees fouth fourteen rod to a heap of ftones then north five Degrees Eaft on Common Land one hundred rod to where it began. furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and allowed by the Committee viz Edward Hartwell Jonathan Willard. Ephraim Pearce Recorded feptember the 27*?^ 1751 ^ Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [5.3] Lunenburg may the let^ 1731. Laid out to Edward Hartwell by the Committee ap- pointed by the proprietors of the town of Lunenburg for that purpofe twenty two acres and an half of Land in part for the Damage the town way doth to him by Rea- fon of the faid way going through his Houfe Lotts where he now Lives in Lunenburg, begining at a ftake and heap of ftones and runs north thirty Eight rod on Land Proprietors Records. 241 Laid out to Ebenezer Richardson then north thirteen De- grees Weft Eighteen rod on John Heywoods Land then north three Degrees and an half W on faid He3^\vood Land fourteen rod then north forty Degrees Eaft twenty five rod on faid John Heywoods Land then weft five De- grees fouth fifty feven rod on Gibfons fecond Divifion then fouth five Degrees Eaft on Land Laid out to faid Richard- fon ninty rod then Eaft thirty nine rod on Common Land to where it began furvkyed by Nathan Hey wood allowed and approved of and ordered to be Recorded by the Com- mittee viz Jonathan Willard Edward Hartwell and Recorded march the 6*'^ 1753. l9 Edward Hartwell proprietors Cerk Lunenburg December the 14*?^ 1756. Laid out by the Committee appointed five acres and 64. rod to Edward Hartwell EsqT exclufive of the High- way and is in part to make up the Damage done in his Land by Reafon of the Town road going through the fame as it Leades to Leominster by faid Lunenburg and it bounds Eafterly on the Land of the faid Edward Hart- well northerly on Land of David Carlile and foutherly on Lancafter Line it begins at a heap of ftones in Lancafter Line and runs Eaft 24. degrees fouth fixty 8 rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then north five Degrees Weft thirty two rod to a ftake and heap of ftones then Weft five Degrees north fixty rod to where it began this plan made by nathan Heywood furvayer. ailed and ordered to be Recorded, by Committee Edward Hartwell and Jon- athan Willard. Recorded auguft the 18*^ 1757 ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [54] Lunenburg may the 2"^ 1766. furvayed for Heirs of Col° Downes and the Heirs of Cap^ Jofeph Fitch Claimers three hundred acres of Land in Fitchburg it begins at a white pine tree and runs north twelve degrees Eaft forty fix rod to a heap of ftones thence Weft fifteen degrees north one hundred and one rod to the riv^er then two hundred and twenty five i6 242 Proprietors' Records. rod as the river runs to a heap of ftones then weft fifteen degrees fouth one hundred and thirt}^ rod on M^ OHvers Land to his Corner then feventy rod on Common to a heap of ftones then fouth twelve degrees Weft two hun- dred and twenty rod on Common Land to a heap of ftones then Eaft twelve degrees fouth two hundred and fift3^ rod Bounding on Fullunis Land to the firft men- tioned white pine where it began: this furvay or plan Contains the three hundred acres of Land L3'ing in Fitch- burg and is the Land Granted to MV James Kibbey or his Heirs by the proprietors of Lunenburg for his the faid Kibbeys Farm inCluded in faid Townfhip of Lunenburg furvayed may the fecond Day 1766. by Nathan He\^wood furvayer Recorded the 5^^ day of may. 1766. ^ Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [50] July the 14-^^ 1770 4th Divifion then Laid out by the Committee, appointed thirty two acres and an half of Land in Fitchburg in the County of Worcefter to Ifaac Gibfon Claimer being part of a fourth Divifion ariling from houfe Lott Number Eight it beging at a ftak and heap of ftones on the wefterly fide of the town road Leading from faid Gibfons to the meeting Houfe in faid town and is in the line of faid Gibfons own Land and runs from thence Weft one Degree fouth bounding on faid Gibfons Land forty three rod to a ftak and ftones at the Corner of faid Gib- fons fence then it runs fouth thirty one Degrees Weft bounding on Land Called the fecretarys Land fixty Eight rod to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth twenty eight degrees Eaft bounding on Land of Zachariah Whitney eight\^ one rod to a heap of ftones by the a fore faid road thence North feventeen Degrees and an half Eaft bounding on faid Road one hundred and thirty five rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Heywood and approved of b}' the Committee viz Edward Hartw^ell Na- than Heywood and Ephraim Pearce Recorded Auguft the 29^!' 1770. by me Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk Proprietors Records. 243 Augult the \V^ 1770. 4th Divifiou then Laid out by the Committee ap- pointed feventeen acres and an half of Land in Fitchburg in the County of Worcefter to Jonas Ken- dall Claimer it being part of a fourth Divifion in full to make up that diviiion arifrng from Houfe Lott number eight it Begins at a heap of ftones in the Line between Lunenburg and Leominjter and runs north thirty Degrees Weft bounding partly on Land of faid Kendall and partly on Land of Mr Wairs one hundred and eighteen rod to a heap of ftones then it runs Welt twelve Degrees north bounding on Common Land fixteen rod to a white afh tree then it runs Weft thirty two degrees north on Com-, mon Land twenty rod to a maple tree then it runs Weft twenty eight degrees fouth on Common Land ten rod to a hemlock tree ftanding on a Rock then fouth forty rod to a heap of ftones by a Large rock bounding on Com- mon Land then it runs Eaft fourteen degrees fouth on Common Land fixty one rod to a Large hemlock tree then it runs fouth twent}' four degrees Eaft on Common Land lixty nine rod to a heap of ftones in the town line then Eaft thirty Degrees north on faid town Line fifteen rod to where it began furvayed by Nathan Hey wood and approved of by the Committee viz Edward Hart well Nathan Haywood and Ephraim Pearce Recorded auguft the 29^?^ 1770. by me Edward Hart well proprietors Clerk [57] Lunenburg June the 23^ 1758 Houfe Lott furvayed for John Bufs Claimer Houfe No. 23 Lott Number twenty three the Contents of which is forty nine acres and ninty eight Rod. and it Bounds Eaft one hundred and llxty eight Rod on Houfe Lott Number twenty two which was docter Hales Lott to a heap of ftones then it Bounds fouth forty feven rod and an half on Land of John Wyman to a heap of ftones. then it Bounds Weft one hundred and fixty eight rod on Land of William fnow and Jonathan Page to a heap 244 Proprietors Records. of ftones then it Bounds north forty feven rod on Land Left for a way to a heap of of ftone to where it firft began furvayed by ftephen Hosmer furvayer I have Ex- amined this plan and find it to be Correct and true P^ Nathan Hey wood furvayer ordered to by Recorded by the Committee. Edward Hart well Nathan Heywood Recorded Auguft the 18"' 1772. By me Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [58] February the 3'.' 1772 make up what Laid out 70 acres of Land in Fitchburg IS wanting fome part to make up what is wanting in " _^ fecond Divifion No. 76 and fome part of it to No. 76 . , ,^ to fatiffy a Right that Cap^ Timothy Poole bought of Thomas Tayler and to fatisfy a Right faid Pool bought of Burbeen it begins at a popler tree marked in the fouth Line of the town and runs Weft ten degrees north bounding on faid town Line 156. rod to a Chefnutt tree marked then it runs north ten Degrees Eaft 160. rod Bounding on the Committees farm fo Called then it runs Eaft 17 degrees fouth 20. rod on Common Land to a heap of ftones then it runs fouth 15. Degrees Weft Bounding 22 rod on Cobits Land and Eleven rod on Common Land to a heap of ftones then it runs 189 rod to where it began Bounding on Common Land ap- proved of by the Committee Edward Hartwell and Na- than Heywood Recorded may 28. 1773 pr me Edward Hartwell proprietors Clerk [59] December the 30*^ 1773. 4th Divifion Laid out by the Committee appointed one hundred acres of Land in Fitchburg for a fourth Divifion to Phinehas Fullam Claimer arifing from Houfe Lott Number forty which Belonged to Jeremiah Al- len Efqr of Bofton Deceafed. it Begins at a white pine Proprietors Records. 245 tree marked for the fouth weft Corner of it in Weftmin- fter Line and runs Eaft nine degrees fouth Bounding on Common Land one hundred rod to a maple tree marked then it runs North nine Degrees Eaft Bounding on Com- mon Land on hundred and fixty rod to a Hemlock tree marked then it runs Weft nine degrees north bounding on Common Land one hundred rod to a Chefnut tree marked in Weftminfter Line thence it runs fouth nine Degrees Weft Bounding on faid Weftfninfter Line one hundred and fixty rod to to where it began furvayed b}-^ Nathan Heywood and approved of by the Committee Edward Hartwell Na- than Heywood and Ephraim Pearce. Recorded January the 5*? 1774. By me Edward Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [60] Lunenburg may the 19^? 1750. to make Laid out to Phillip Goodridge Claimer up 2d Divi Eight acres of Land in faid townfhip the rights arifmg from Benjamin Goodridge in part to make up what is wanting in his own fecond Divifion it is Cit- uate and Lj-eth adjoyning to faid phillips Houfe Lott where he now Dwells it begins at a Large white oak tree marked for the moft foutherly Corner of faid Land and runs eaft 43 degrees north on Land of M^ Thurftain 17. rod to a ftake in the Edge of the meadow then it runs north 22. degrees Welt on or near the head of the meadow Lotts 49. rod to a ftake then it runs Weft 3 de- grees north on Land Laid out to waiter Beath 13. rod to a ftake then it runs north Bounding on faid Beath 59 rod to a white oake tree then it runs fouth 36. Degrees Weft on Land of John Fifk 6 rod and an half to a pitch pine tree then it runs fouth 7 degrees Weft on faid Fifk 21 rod to a popler tree then it runs Eaft 22 degrees fouth 2 rod to a white oake tree then it runs fouth 29 rod to a heap of ftones then it runs Weft 20 degrees fouth on Land of faid Fifk 6 rod to a heap of ftones round a Chefnutt ftump then it runs fouth 28 degrees Eaft partly on Land of faid PhilHp Goodridge and partly on Land of faid Thirftin 63 rod to where it began p": Nathan Hay- wood furvayer 246 Proprietors Records. allowed and ordered to be Recorded by the Commit- tee viz Edward Hartweil Jonathan Willard Nathan Hey- wood ' Recorded march the 16^^ 1779. Edward Hartweil Proprietors Clerk [61] May the 15 1780 Surveyed for the Proprietors of the Town of Lunen- burg By the Committe Chofen for that Purpofe Two hun- dred Forty seven acres of Land in the Town now called Fitchburg and is Bounded as follows viz** it Begins at a Rock maple Tree at the Northweft corner then Runs Eaft thirteen Degrees North Fifty Rods by Land of Phinehas Hartweil to a Stake and Stones there making an angle and Runs North Twenty Six Degres Eaft Twenty Six Rods to heap of Stones there making an angle and Runs Eaft Twenty three Rods by Land of one Froft to a heap of Stones then Runs South three Degrees Eaft Six Rods & a half to a heap of Stones then Runs Eaft three Degrees North one hundred and Two Rods by S^ Frofts Land to a heap of Stones then Runs North three Degrees weft Twenty three Rods to a heap of Stones then Runs Eaft three Degrees North Seventy Rods by Land of George Kimbal to a heap of Stones then Runs North three De- grees weft Fifty Six Rods to a heap of Stones by S'' Kim- balls Land then Runs weft three Degrees South one hun- dred and Seventy Two Rods to a heap of Stones then Runs North three Degrees weft thirty three Rods by Land of Phinehas Hartweil to a heap of Stones then Runs Eaft three Degrees North one hundred and Seventy three Rods by Land of Thurftain to a heap of Stones then Runs Eaft Ten Degrees North Seventy Seven Rods by Land of one Brown to a heap of Stones then Runs Eaft three Degrees North one hundred Rods by Land of Nicholas Danforth to a heap of Stones then Runs South three Degrees weft Forty three Rods by Land of Macintire to a heap of Stones then Runs weft three Degrees South Fifty Two Rods to aheap of Stones then Runs South Forty three Degrees weft thirty Six Rods to a heap of Stones then Proprietors' Records. 247 Runs weft Forty three Degrees North Forty Eight Rods by Land of Edward Scott to a Beach Tree then Runs South Forty three Degrees weft one hundred and Twenty Two Rods to a heap of Stones then Runs Eaft Forty three Degrees South Sixty Eight Rods to a heap of Stones then Runs North Forty three Degrees Eaft Twenty three Rods by Land of Edward Scot to a heap of Stones then Runs South Fifteen Degrees Eaft Seventy Six Rods by Land of Eben'' Bridgcto a chefnut Tree then Runs weft thirty Seven Degrees North Sixteen Rods to a heap of Stones then Runs weft four Degrees North one hundred and thirty Eight Rods by Land of Perley to a heap of Stones then Runs by Land of one moor one hundred and Sixty three Rods to where it began Survayed by Thomas Cowdin Jun"" and approved of b3' the Committe Benjamin Goodridge Benjamin Reding- ton and Eleazar Houghton Jun^ Recorded Decemb'' y^ 6 1780 ?*■ Aaron Willard Cleark November y^ 24 1780 Laid out by the Committe appointed Five acres of Land near Fitchburg meeting houfe for the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg and Bounded as follows Viz** it Begins at a Stake & Stones the Northeaft Corner Runs weft 10° North thirty Eight Rods to a Hazel Bufh by the River then down the River to a Stake and Stones where a creek Runs out of the River Toward the North eaft then Runs North 13° Eaft to where it began thirty four Rods alfo Two Islands in S*^ River Containing Two acres and a Quarter the upper Island Laying partly oppo- fite to the above Peace of Land. & parly below it the other Island Laying Still further Down the River between the upper Island and the mill Dam Surveyed by Aaron Willard and approved of by Lut Phillip Goodridge Benja- min Goodridge and Aaron Willard Committe Recorded December 19. 1780 Aaron Willard Proprietors Clerk 248 Proprietors' Records. [62] September y^ 30 1780 Surveyed for the Proprietors of Town of Lunenburg by the Committe appointed four acres and one hundred Rods of Land Laying by unachualem Pond and is Bounded Southerly on the Town Line by Land Thomas wilder and Northerly by uncachulem Pond, Surveyed by Aaron Willard approved of by the Committe Aaron Wil- lard Benjamin Goodridge and Eleazar Houghton Jun'' Recorded Uecem^ y'- 21 1780 P*" Aaron Willard Proprie'"'' Clerk September y^ 30 1780 Surveyed for the Proprietors of the Town of Lunen- burg by the Committe appointed one acre and one Hun- dred and Fifty Seven Rods of Land Laying near unachu- alem Pond it Begins at a hemlock Stump by Said pond in the Town Line then Runs South thirty nine Degrees Eaft Seventy three Rods by Land of Thomas Wilder then South forty Two Degrees Eaft by Land of Benjamin Goodridge Twenty Six Rods to a Stake then Runs Eaft forty Two Degrees North four Rods & a half to a Stake then Runs weft forty three Degrees north ninty Eight Rods to the firft mentioned Corner Surveyed by Aaron Willard and approved of by Benjamin Goodridge Eleazar Houghton Jun'' and Aaron Willard Committe Recorded JanJ" y*^ 10 1781 p"" Aaron Willard Prop'"'' Clerk Surveyed for the Proprietors of the Town of Lunen- burg Twenty Seven acres and a half of Land and Bounded as follows Viz** it begins at the Northweft Corner then Runs South Twent3^ Eight Degrees Eaft one hundred and Sixt}' Rods by Land formerly belonging to Dea" Jofiah White decefed then Runs Eaft Twenty' Eight Degrees North Twenty Rods on the Town Line then Runs north Twenty Six Degrees weft Seventy Six Rods b3^ Lands of Edward Hartwell Efq*" then Runs weft to Dorchefter Farm Line then Runs North Ten Degrees weft Eighty Eight Rods on Said Dorchefter Line then Runs Weft thirty Degrees South by Land of Jacob Stiles Dcefed forty Proprietors Records. 249 Seven Rods to where it began Survayed by Nathan He- wood and appoved of by the Committe appointed Aaron Willard Benjamin Goodridge and Eleazar Houghton Jun'' Recorded July y^ 9 1781 p*" Aaron Willard Proprietors Clerk November y^ 24 1780 then Surveyed by the Committe appointed Six acres of Land near Fitchburg meeting houfe for Col' Jofiah Wil- lard Claimer to make up what is found wanting in Sec- ond Divifion Number Eleven being five acres and one Quarter of an acre that is found wanting in meadow Lot No 8 in uper mulpas it begins at a Stake & Stones Twelve Rods wefterly of a heap of Stones by punch Brook So called called Capt Cowdins Corner then Runs weft Ten Degrees north thirty Rods to a Stake & Stones then South thirteen Degrees weft thirtj^ four Rods to the River then Runs down the River thirty Rods to a Stake then Runs North thirteen Degrees Eaft thirty Rods by Land Laid out to Brown to the firft mentioned Bound Surveyed by Aaron Willard and approved by Phillip Goodridge Benjamin Goodridge & Aaron Willard Com- mitte Recorded Jany y'^ 10 1781 P*" Aaron Willard Propf Clerk [62-^] October y«^ 21 1779 Surveyed by the Committe appointed Two hundred and Twlve acres of Land in the Southweft part of Fitch- burg for the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg be- gining at a Stake & Stones the South wefterly Corner in weftminfter Town Line then Runs Eaft 10° South 130 Rods by Land Laid out to gen'' Courts Committe to a Stake & Stones then north 10° Eaft 224 Rods by Downs Land to a Stake & Stones then Eaft 15° north 70 Rod to a Stake & Stones then North 32° Eaft 80 Rod to a Maple Tree then weft thirteen Degrees North Two hundred Twent}^ Six Rods to a Stake & Stones then South Ten De- grees weft Eighty Six Rods to a chefnut Tree in weftmin- fter Line then Eaft Ten Degrees South one Hundred Rods 250 Proprietors Records. to a hemlock Tree then South Ten Degrees weft one hun- dred and Sixty Rods to a maple Tree then Runs weft Ten Degrees North North one hundred Rods to a white pine Tree then Runs South Ten Degrees weft on the Town Line nint\^ Two Rods to the firft mentioned Corner Sur- veyed by James Boutell and approved by Benjamin Good- ridge Benjamin Redington and Eleazar Houghton Junior Committe Recorded January y*^ 12 1781 P*" Aaron Willard Proprietors Clerk June y*^ 30 1780 then Surveyed by the Committe appointed for the Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg one hundred and nintv five acres of Land at a place called Rolestone hill and is Bounded as follows viz^*^ it Begins at a pich pine Tree on the River Bank [63] May the 7 1779 then Surveyed by the Committe appointed for the pro- prietors of the Town of -Lunenburg Fifty one acres of Land Lying in the Southwefterly part of Fitchburg and Bounded as follows viz" South by the county Road Eaft by Lands of Capt Cowdin wilder & Fullam weft by Lands of Goodale Stratton Fullam and Downs North on Land that was Harrifes it begins at a chefnut Stand then Runs Eaft Twenty five Degres South Twenty Rods to white oak Stand then Runs North thirteen Degrees Eaft three hundred and Two Rods heap of Stones then Runs Twelve Degrees North thirty Seven Rods to white oak Stand then Runs South nine Degrees weft Two hundred ninty Eight Rods to where it began Surveyd by James Boutell and approved of by the Committe Benjamin Goodridge Eleazar Houghton Jun'^ and May the 3'i 1779 then Surveyed b}'^ the Committe appointed one hun- dred and Two acres of Land for the proprietors of Lu- nenburg Including in S'^ Land Seventeen acres and ahalf of Land belonging to Jonas Kendall and the County Road Proprietors Records. 251 goes through it it Lies on the South Line of Fitchburg it Begins at a white pine Tree in the Town Line, the South weft Corner then Runs North Twenty one Degrees weft one hundred Rods to a Red oak then Runs North Eight Degrees weft forty Eight Rods to Stake & Stones then Runs North forty five Degrees Eaft by Land of Sam" Downs one hundred and Two Rods to a Stake & Stones then South fourteen Degrees Eaft fifty Two Rods to a Stake & Stones then Runs South Twenty nine De- grees Eaft one hundred & Twenty Two Rods to a Stake & Stones on Town Line then Runs by S'^ Town Line w^eft Twenty nine Degrees South one hundred and Seventeen Rods to Where it began Surveyed by James Boutell and approved by the Committe Benjamin Goodridge Benjamin Redington and Epheraim Weatherbee Committe Recorded January 25 1781 pr Aaron Willard Propri'"'' Cleark Fitchburg may y*^ 29 1779 then Laid out by the Committe appointed Twenty acres of Land in Fitchburg for the Proprietors of Lunen- burg and is Bounded as follows Viz" it Begins at a Stake & Stones the Southeaft corner then Runs weft fif- teen Degrees North ninty Six Rods b\^ Land of william Thurlo to a Stake & Stones then Runs North three De- grees Eaft Seventy Rods To a Black oak Tree then Runs South Eaft one hundred and thirty Rods b^^ Land of Capt william Thurlo to where it began there being an allowance for a highway through Said Land Surveyed by Thomas Cowden Jun'' Surve^'or and approved by the Committe Benj^ Goodridge Benjamin Redington Eleazar Houghton Jun"" Committe Recorded February y*^ 6 1781 p*" Aaron Willard Propri^^ Clerk [04] may y^ 15 1779 then Laid out by the Committe appointed Forty Six acres of Land in Fitchburg for the Proprietors of Lunen- burg and is Bounded as follows Viz" it begins at the 252 Proprietors Records. nioft Southely corner then Runs North thirty Eight De- grees Eaft Fifty Two Rods to a Stake and Stones then Runs North thirty one Degrees Eaft Sixty Eight Rods to a Small Chefnut Tree by Land of Isaac Gibson then Runs North Ten Degrees Eaft by S'^ Gibsons Land Forty four Rods to a Stake & Stones then Runs weft three Degrees South by Land belonging to the Heirs of John Park ninty Six Rods to a Stake and Stones then Runs South Eight Degrees Eaft by Land of Ebenezar Bridge one hun- dred and forty Rods to the firft mentioned corner Sur- veyed by Thomas Cowdin Jun'' and approved by Benja- min Redington Benjamin Goodridg and Eleazar Houghton Jun"" Committe Recorded march 2*^ 1781 p"^ Aaron Willard Prop*^^ Cleark May y*^ 29 1779 then Laid out by the Committee appointed for that Purpofe Six acres and three Quarters of Land in Fitch- burg it Begins at the South Eaft Corner a Stake & Stones a corner of Jofeph Lows Land then Runs weft fif- teen degrees North by Land of S*^" Low one hundred and thirty Rods to a Stake & Stones then Runs weft Forty four Degrees North by S'' Lows Land Twenty five Rods to a Stake and Stones then Runs Eaft fifteen Degrees South by Land of Nicholas Danforth and Daniel Putnam one hundred and Twenty Eight Rods to a Stake & Stones then Runs Eaft Twenty Two Degrees South by S*^ Putnams Land Twenty Eight Rods to the firft mentioned corner Surveyed by Thomas Cowdin Jun'' and approved by Eleazar Houghton Jun*' Benjamin Goodridge and Ben- jamin Redington Committe Record'' march y'' 2^' 1781 p"^ Aaron Willard Prop*^** Cleark [05] June the 17^^ 1782. Then Laid out by the Committee appointed one Hun- dred & Eighty Acres of Land in Fitchburg on Rolefton hill and all the Common Land Joyning there to and is Proprietors Records. 253 Bounded as follows Viz. Beginning at a maple tree the ibutheaft Corner of pratts Land Running South 17 De- grees Eaft two Hundred & Sixteen rod on Pratts Land to aheap of Stones Pratts Corner then on orsbourns to a heap of Stones orsborns Corner then Eaft lOi South 9. rods to a heap of Stones Foxes Sou weft Corner then North 39 Degrees Eaft Ninty rods to a heap of Stones on Foxes Land to aheap of Stones Foxes Corner, then North 36 Degrees Eaft one rfundred & twenty Eight rods to the River to ahemlock tree, on Kimbals Land then North 35 Degrees Weft fourteen rod on the River then North 7 Degrees Weft t\vent3'-Eight rods then North 47. Degrees Weft forty-Eight rod to a Elmn. then Weft 5 Degrees South Eighty Eight rods on Kimbals Land to a heap of Stones Kamps Corner then Weft 6 Degrees South Eighty- Six rods on Kamps Land to the River thence bounding on the River fourteen rod. then Eaft ten Degrees North twenty rod to where it began. Surveyed by Abraham Willard and approved by Samuel Johnfon. Benjamin Red- ington & Benjamin Goodridge Committee Recorded June y'^ 4^^^ 1792 PV Joseph Hartvvell proprietors Clark [66] Maj? James Richardson of Leominfter This Being a Plan of a Certain Track of Land lying Fitchburg on flat Rock Hill now belonging to MajT James Richardson of Leominfter Lies as is Defcribed on the plan, beginning at a mapple tree the Soweft Corner of Said Land Eaft 24 Degrees South 170 rod to aheap of Stones on a Ledge. Moorfes Corner, then North 11 Degrees Eaft 111 rod to a heap of Stones Called Benjfi Frofts cor- ner, then weft 3 Degrees South 102 Rod to the Soweft Corner of Mr Frofts Land there making an angle runing north Six rod there making an angle runing Weft 21 rod on the Highway there making an angle runing South 16 Degrees weft 26 rod V2 there making an angle runing weft 16 Degrees I/2 South 50 rod to where it began this above Said plan Contains 67 acres and one Hundred & two rod Excluding the High way Leading to the Meeting Houfe 254 Proprietors Records. Stirvaid by Abraham Willard of Fitchburg Survaier of Land October y^" 31(t 1781 Abraham Willard the above Plan Excepted and approved of by the Commettee appointed by the Proprietors of Lunenburg Recorded y'^ 6*^ Day of may 1782 ii3 Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk April ye 16th 1782. then Survayed ten acres & Six rod of Common or undivided Land in the Noreafterly Part of Lunenburg. Bounded Eaft on Jonathan Adams Land Northerly on Colledge Land so Called and Wefterly on Jeremiah Belch- ers Land and Southerly, part on Auftens Land and part on Minifterial Land and part on Thuftens Land, it Be- gins at a heep of Stones the South Corner and Runs North 29 Degrees Eaft. 13. rod to a heep of Stones and then Weft 29. Degrees North 146 rod to a heep of Stones and then South 22 Degrees Eaft 15 rod to a heep of Stones and then Straight to the Corner firft mentioned 134 rod. and it is Laid out to MajL James Richardson by the Commettee appointted by the Proprietors 't> James Boutell Survayer Recorded y^ 6*?^ Day of may 1782. ^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk April y'^ 17*^ 1782. Then Survayed twenty four acres and Sixty four rod of Land in the Eaft part of Lunenburg it is Common or undivided Land Bounded Northeaft on Nathaniel Harreds Land and Southeaft on John Dunfmores Land and weft on Land unknown & part on Gordens meadow so Called it begins at a heep of Stones and a white oak Stand at the North Corner and Runs Eaft 43 Degrees South 76 rod to a heep of Stones and then Weft 42 Degrees South. 100. rod to a pitch pine tree Bio wed Down or fell Down and then it Runs Straight to the Corner firft mentioned and it is Laid out to MajV James Richardson By the Commettee appointed by the Proprietors 't^ James Boutell Survayer Recorded y^ 6*^ Day of may 1782 %^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk Proprietors Records. 255 [Gfr] April y^ 17"^ 1782. Then Survayed two acres and 120. Rod of Common or undivided Land in the Eaft part of Lunenburg Bound- ed weft on a road and Noreaft on John Richards Land and Southeaft on Land unknown who owns it Begins at a heap of Stones, at the South Corner and Runs north one Degree Weft 78 rod to Cheftnut tree and then South 22 Degrees Eaft 32 rod^ and a hah" to a heap of Stones and then Straight to the Corner firft mentioned and it is Laid out for Majl James Richardson by the Committee appointed by the Proprietors philip Goodridge Samuel Johnfon ^ James Boutell Survayer Recorded the ?>^ Day of October 1782 'tj^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk Lunenburg June y^ 4*^ 1782 then Surveyed for Maj^ James Richardson 22 acres of Common or undivided Land Lying in the Northeaft Part of Lunenburg b^^ the Committee appointed for that pur- pofe and it begins at a heap of Stones and Runs Eaft 36 Degrees South 68 rod on Mr Thuftins Land to a heep of Stones and then Weft 18 Degrees North 62 rod on Thom- as Harknefs Land to a Cheftnut tree and then Weft 33 Degrees North 43 rod on Gordons Land to a white pine Stand and Stones and then North 22 Degrees Eaft 65 rod on Leu^ Philip Goodridges Land to a heep of tones and then Eaft 23 Degrees South 43 rod on Land Called Minif- terial Land and then it runs Southwefterly on Said Thuf- tins Land Straight to the Corner tirft mentioned It^ James Boutell Surveyer Recorded the 3^^ Day of October 1782. "t* Jofeph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk Ashby November y^ 9^?^ 1787 Laid out by the Committee appointed Eight acres and an half of Common Land for Majr. James Richardson Clamer and it lyeth in the South part of Afhby. Begin- ning at a Corner of a Stonewall on the Southweft Side of the road Leading from Fitchburg to ashby and runs northerh^ by the road two rod to a heep of Stones in the 256 Proprietors' Records. Line of the Land laid out to Clark & Ball and then South 36 Degrees Weft fifty-four rod. to a heep of Stones a Corner of Said Clarks and Balls Land, and then South five Degrees Weft 49. rod on Weatherbees Land to a heep of Stones the Corner between Wetherbee and Fuller and then South two Degrees Eaft 28 rod to a red-oak tree and then it runs northeafterly on Land Straight to the Corner firft mentioned ■p James Boutell Survejer Philip Goodridgel Samuel Johnfon > Committee Betij^ Redington J Recorded y«= 10^^ of December 1793 ^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark. [C>8] Know all men by thefe Prefents that we George Kimball Gen* and Jedidiah Bailey Yeoman & Josiah Stearns Gen^ all of Lunenburg in the County of Worcef- ter and Common Wealth of Mafsachufetts a Committee for and in behalf of Said Town have for and in confider- ation of the Sum of Seventy three pounds two Shillings to us in hand paid before the enfealing hereof (for the ufe of the Town) by the proprietors of the TownShip of Lu- nenburg aforesaid have Bargined Sold and by thefe pref- ents do bergin Sell Convay Releafe and forever Quitclaim unto them the Said Proprietors their Heirs and afsigns all the Right title and priviledge that aforefaid Town of Lunenburg has to Eighty nine acres of Land being the Remaining part of five hundred acres of Land that the Said Proprietors were Directed by the General Court to Lay out for the Support of a School and Minifter within Said Town And we the abovesaid George Jedidiah and Josiah for and in behalf of the Town of Lunenburg aforesaid do Exonerate, acquit and for ever Difcharge Them the Said Proprietors there Heirs and afsigns from all and every part and parfel thereof In witncfs whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this Firft Day of January one thousand Seven Proprietors' Records. 267 Hundred and Eighty three and in Seventh year of the In- dependince of America. in prefence of George Kimball (S L) Thomas Harknefs Jedidiah Bailey (S L) Jofhua Martin JunV Josiah Stearns (S L) Recorded the 2^ Day of January 1783 per. Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk Know all men by thefe prefents that I James Richard- son of Leomifter in the County of Worcefter and Com- mon wealth of Mafsachufetts Gen! for and in Confidera- tion of two pounds to me in hand paid by the proprie- tors of the Tow^nfhip of Lunenburg in the County afore- faid. the Recept where of I do hereby acknowledge have Releafed Remifed and by thefe prefents Do for ever Quit- clame unto them the Said proprietors all the Right title and Intereft which I have or may hereafter pretend to have to any of the Common Lands in Said Townfhip by Virtue of a purchafe made of them the faid proprietors at a Vandue may y*^ Seventh Seventeen Hundred & Eighty one which has not as yet been Surve^^ed to me by the Committee of Said proprietors and I do hereby fully and abfolutely acquit the Same unto them the Said proprie- tors forever in witnefs whereof I the Said James Richard- fon have hereunto fet my hand and Seal this fourteenth Day of January one thoufand Seven Hundred & ninty four. Signed Sealed & Dilivered in prefents of us James Richardfon (S L) Eleazer Houghton Benj^ Goodridge Recorded the 30^^ day of may 1794 '# Joseph Hartwell Clark [69] Lunenburg Sept the 16^.^ 1784. then Laid out b^-^ the Proprietors Committee ap- pointed, two acres and a quarter of Common Land lying in the Northeafterly part of Lunenburg Bounded South on Mr Goulds Land Weft on Daniel Chapmans Land. North on Col' Bellowsfes Land, and Eaft on Lieul Good- ridges Land, and it begins at a pine Stump which is a 17 258 Proprietors' Records. Corner of Said Goulds and Said Chapmans Land, and Runs North 35 Degrees Eaft 42. rod to a Corner to be made and then North 11 Degrees Weft 28 rod to a heep of Stones and then Weft 42 Degrees South 11 rod to a heep of Stones and then South 30 Degrees Eaft 15 rod to a heep of Stones and then Straight to the Corner firft mentioned %? James Boutell Survayer Recorded y^ 25^1^ of January 1785 ^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clarke December y^ 21^^^ 1794 Serveyed for the proprietors 17 acres and 115 rod of Land, by order of the proprietors Committee — Begining at the Southeaft corner and runs North 25 Degrees Eaft one hundred & 26 rod on Land Laid out to Harward then weft 38 Degrees South one Hundred and Eight rod on Bridges Land and then Eaft 56 Degrees South 53 rod to where it began Surveyed by David Kilburn and approved of by the Committee viz. Benjf^ Redington Benj£ Goodridge and Benj^ Johnfon Recorded may y*^ 28*^ 1795 ^ Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark [70] Leominfter may the forth 1789 To the Committee apointed by the Proprietors of Lu- nenburg to Lay out the Common Lands in Lunenburg Gent this is to Defire you to give M*" Neth-? Haiftings a deed of a peace of Land Joyning to Eleazer Houghton and Gordon and Kilborn after he has Satiffied you for your troble your Hum^V Ser^ James Richardfon agreeable to the a bove the follow plan is by order of the above Said Committee. Begining at the Southweft corner and runs 27 Degrees north three rod & half then Eaft 9 Degrees north Eight rod on Andrew mitchel then Notherly twenty rod on Gor- don then weft 29 Degrs South fifteen rod on Kilborn the Proprietors Records. 259 Same point three rod to Eleazer Houghtons Land then South 19 Degrees Eaft fourteen rod and half on Hough- tons to where it began this Common Land Survayed for the Proprietors Committee April y^ 30*^ 1789 and there is one acre and half & Eight rod David Kilburn Surveyer Philip Goodridgel Benj£ Redington \ Committee Benjf!: GoodridgeJ ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark [71] this Track of Land Commonly Called Tophet Swamp This is a plan of ninety-four acres of undevided Land lying in the South part of Fitchburg bounding South on the Town Line & Southweft on Land Laid out to m"" pool & north on Cap* Cowdens Land & Eaft on Kendal Boutells Land begining at a maple tree the Southeaft Corner runing Weft 6 Degrees North 61 rod to a popler Stand there making an angle runing North 86 Degrees weft 190 rod to Stake and Stones there making an angle & runing 11 rod to a hemlock tree there making an an- gle runing Eaft 13 Degrees South 144 rod to Stake & Stones there making an angle runing South 11 Degrees Eaft 140 rod to where it began. James Boutell Surveyer. by order of the Committee appointed, and approved of by Said Committee viz Benjamin Redington Benjamin Goodridge Ephraim Wetherbe '^ Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark [72] September the 20*^ 1793. then Surveyed for Maj": James Richardson ten acres & forty rod of Land lying in Fitchburg. it begins at a hemlock tree in David Pratts Line on the bank of the river and runs Weft 12 Degrees 30 minits South 203 rod on Land of Said Pratt and on Land that was Laid out to Eleazer Houghton to a Stump on the bank of Said 260 PropiHctors Records. river and then it runs Down the river to the firft men- tioned hemlock approved of by the proprietors Commit- tee viz. Phillip Goodridge Benjii Goodridge Benji^ Redington Recorded December y'^ 10t^ 1793. David Kilburn Surveyer ^ Joseph Hartvvell proprietors Clark Laid out by the Committee appoyented three acres and one Hundred and twelve rod of Land Lying in Afhby for Maj^ James Richardson Clamer. it begins at the Northweft Corner and runs South 28 Degrees 30 minits weft 32 rod then Eaft 29 Degrees South 18 rod then North 29 Degrees Eaft 32 rod on Land Laid out to Wheler & boal then Weft 29 Degrees North 19 rod on Said Wheler & Boal to where it began Serveyed by Da- vid Kilburn and approved of by the Committee viz Phil- lip Goodridge Benj£ Goodridge and Benj£ Redington. Recorded the 10^^ December 1793 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark Laid out by the Committee appointed one acre & half of Land Lying in Fitchburg for MajV James Richardson Clamer it begins at a white oak tree at the North Side of the river and runs Eaft 2 Degrees 30 minits North 35 rod to Said river then up Said river 48 rod to where it began Serveyed by David Kilbourn and approved of by the Committee viz Philip Goodridge Benj£: Goodridge and Benj^ Redington Recorded the lO^^^ of December 1793 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark [73] Fitchburg November y*^ IS^h 1794 Laid out hy the Committee appointed twenty Seven acres and Seventy three rod Common Land for the pro- prietors of Lunenburg and it lyeth in Fitchburg Begin- ning at the northeaft Corner of Said Land and runs South 17 Degrees Eaft 82 rod then weft 5 Degrees North 159 rod then Eaft 74. rod then North 19 Degrees 30 min- Proprietors Records. 261 its Eaft 61 rod on Land of DeaS Thurften then Eaft 31 Degrees South 25 rod on Land of Edward Scot then North 41 Degrees Eaft 27 rod on Land of Said Scot to where it began David Kilburn Surveyer Recorded the 26*^ of may 1803 by me Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark Benjamin Redingtonl p.^ j^tors Benjamin GoodndgeV Commitee Benjamin Johnion J [78] At a Legal Meeting of the origanal Proproprie- tors of the Town of Lunenburg or their Legal Reprefenti- tives on the Seventh Day of April anno Domini 1780 article 3*^ Voted that the Said Proprietors will Sell the whole of the Common Lands that belong to Said Proprietors at Vendue in Lunenburg Fitchburg or Asby article 4 Voted that Co" Aaron Willard Advertife the aforesaid Common Lands Laying in Lunenburg Fitchburg or afhby for Publick Sale at Vendue to the higheft Biders as the Law Derects Coppy Advertifment To be Sold at Publick Ven- of Advert ^^^ ^^ ^j^^ Houfe of M^ Jedediah Eftebrooks Inholder in Lunenburg on wensday the 18*^ Day of Octo- ber next at Publick Vendue to the higheft Bider 200 acres of Land in the Southwefterly part of Fitch- burg 200 do within a Quater of mile of the meeting houfe 100 in the South Part of Fitchburg 200 in the North part do 100 in the South Eafterly Part of Fitchburg and Suiidy other Peaces of Land in Fitchburg & Lunenburg Two many to be Enumerated the above Said Advertif- ment was publifhed in the Boston News Papers Six weeks before S'^ Sale on the 18 Day of October 1780 Pr Aaron Willard account of the Sales of the Common Lands in Fitch- burg & Lunenburg and who Conveyed to that were Sold 262 Proprietor's' Records. 27 — 3 8 10 16 74 16 4 15 10 3 9 on the 18*^ Day of October 1780 and the Sums Said Lands Sold according to the conditions of Sale william Thulo 20 acres (' Voted to ajorn this meeting to the 25**^ Day June next Two oClock A M To the Houfe of Cap* Thomas Cowdin Inholder in Fitchburg Record June 27 1781 pr Aaron Willard Proprietors Clark 272 Proprietors Records. June 25 178 being met & Duly formed at the houfe of Cap* Thom- as Cowdin Inholder in Fitchburg according to the Laft ajornment may 29 1781 1'-^ Voted to Sell the Common Lands belonging to the Proprietors of according to the Vote of Said Proprie- tors at their Laft meeting may y^ 29 1781 also proceded to Sell the following Peaces of Land in fichburg Viz" To Eleazar Houghton Jun*" & Reuben Smith 74 acres ajoining to the Hofpital Farm So Called @, 7/6 p"" acre 20 ares to Edward Scott ajoining to his own Land (fv 12/ pr acre 64 acres to Benjamin Redington ajoining to S'^ Scotts Land (fV 5/6 pr acre also 73 acres of Land to James Rich- ardson ajoining to the Laft mentioned Peace to James Richardfon (^/ 4/ pr acre 2'y Voted that the charge of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors of Lunenburg 3^y Voted to ajorn this meeting to monday the ninth Da3^ of July next to the houfe of Lent Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder at 3 oclock P M the Sales are also ajorned to Time & place afores*^ Recorded June 27 1781 pr Aaron Willard Proprietors Clark July y'' 9*^^ 1781. meet according to Adjornment l.'y Voted to Adjorn the Sale of the Common Land to the next meeting 2.'y Voted that the Commettee of Sale be Directed to Settel with all thofe Persons that have Encroched upon the Northfield Road So Called and make Report at the adjo3^rnment of this Meeting 3iy Voted that the Expence of this meeting be at the Charge of the Proprietors 4'y Voted to adjoyrn this meeting to the firft mon- day in Sep^ next at one o Clock in the after noon to the houfe of Leu! Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Recorded October y'" 2^' 1781 V\ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark Proprietors Records. 273 September Z^ 1781 meet at the houfe of Leut Philip Goodridge according to ajornment Voted to ajorn this meeting to the firft munday m October next alfo Voted to ajorn the Sale to the Same Day to meet at this Place at one Clock afternoon Recorded S'^ October 1781 pr Joseph Hartwell Clark [85] October y'^ 1" 1781 Being Meet at the Houfe of Leu* Philip Goodridge Inholder in Lunenburg accord- ing to ajornment and being Duly formed Choofe Leu^ Philip Goodridge Modirator I'y Voted to alow Edward Hartwell Efq': two pounds Eight Shillings on his account for Services Don for the Propriators — — — — 2'y Voted and Choofe Samuel Johnson Commettee man in the Rome of Co" Aaron Willard Deceafed 3iy Voted to ajorn this meeting to the firft Munday of December next at the houfe of Leu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg at one Clock in the afternoon — — — — 4iy Voted to ajorn the Sale of the Common Land to the next meeting 5iy Voted the Charge of Said meeting be paid by the propriators Philip Goodridge modrator. Recorded 2^ Day of October 1781 pr. Joseph Hartw^ell Propriators Clark December the 3':' 1781 Being Met according to ajorn- ment at the Houfe of Leu^ Philip Goodridge Inholder m Lunenburg being Dulv formed, Said meeting being opened liy Voted to pay Cor" Joseph Bellows forty Shillmgs Silver money for the Rent of that place Person Eaton Im- proved this prefent year, provided faid place appeare to be faid Bellowses property by Lawfull Title, if not to Re- fund the faid monev to the proprietors Commettee 2':^ Voted an addition of fix fhilHngs and Eight pence to the above forty fhilHngs of Rent for faid Place S^y Voted to Except of a plan maid by Abraham i8 274 Proprietors Records. Willard of a feartain Lott of Land Sold to Major James Richardson by the proprietor of Lunenburg 4iy Voted the Coft of this Meeting be paid by the proprietors 5'y Voted to jorn this Meeting to the 2^' Munday of February Next at the Houfe of Leu* PhiHp Goodridge In- holder in Lunenburg at one a Clock afternoon Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y'^ 4 Day of December 1781 per Joseph Hart well Proprietors Clark February y^ 11*^ 1782. Being met according to ajorn- ment at the Houfe Leu^ Philip Goodridge Inholder in Lu- nenburg, being Duly formed Said meeting being opened. l-i"t Voted, after the Publick Rights are made - up that the Commettee by private Sale or Public Vendue Dispofe of the Lands un Sold as they think proper. 2-'y Voted that the Charge of this meeting be Paid by the proprietors 3^y Voted to ajorn this Meeting to firft Wednefday of June next at one a clock after - noon, at the Houfe of Leu! Philip Goodridge Inholder in Lunenburg Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y*^ G**' Day of march 1782 per Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [86] June y" 5*^ 1782 Being Met according to ad- jornment at the Houfe of Leu* Philip Goodridge Inholder in Lunenburg, being Duly formed faid meeting being opened 1^* Voted and appointed Leu! Philip Goodridge one of the Proprietors Commettee of fales of Common Lands to be the Receiver of all the moneys Due to the Said Pro- prietors arifeing from the Sales of there Common Lands that are already Sold or may hereafter be Sold and other moneys that are or may be hereafter Due to Said Propri- etors he giveing his obligation to be Lodged with the Proprietors Clerk that he will pay and Difcharge himfelf of the Same agreeable to the orders of Said Propritors as he Shall Receive them from time to time Proprietors Records. 275 2'-^ Voted Choofe Joseph Hartwell to afseft the Com- mettee in making up their accounts of the Sale of the Common Lands of the proprietors of Lunenburg 3'^ Voted the Expence of this meeting Shall be Charged on the proprietors 4'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the nineteenth Day of Auguft next at one a Clock after noon at the Houfe of Lent Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 6^!^ Day of May. 1782 per Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clerk Auguft the IQ^ii 1782. Being Met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Leu! Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder being duly formed faid meeting being opened firft Voted, to Except M*" Benj5: Redingtons Plan of a Lott of Land Lying by Edward Scotts Land 2'^' Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the firft Wednef- day in October next at one a Clock after noon at this Place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 20"' Day of auguft 1782. per. Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk October y'' 2^ 1782 Being Met according to Adjorn- ment at the House of Leu! Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder being Duly formed f? meeting opened. Whereas Jofhua Martin JunT Bought of the Proprie- tors Committee of Sales a Scertain Track of Land & Gave his note for the Same to Col' Aaron Willard one of the Said Committee for the ufe of the Proprietors Said Willard Signing the Said note over to DoS John Taylor he the Said Taylor Sewing Said note Said Martin not Being able to attend Said Court the Action was Called out hy Defolt Therefore Voted the Committee of Sales Join with the abovefaid Jofhua Martin to Petition the Great and Gen- eral Court that Said Martin have an hearing on Said action that Juftice may take place 276 Proprietors' Records. 2'y Voted if Said petition be anfwered Said Commit- tee of Sales be and are hereby Impowered to Conftitute one or more of Said Committee to join with the Sd Jofhua martin to procicute the abovefaid action to final Judgment 3'y Voted to Except of Two plans made b}^ James Boutell for Maj James Richardfon 4'y Voted allow Cap* Benj2; Goodridge account of £7 " 14 " 7 [87] 5'y Voted the Expence of this Meeting be paid by the Proprietors 6'y Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the Sixth Day of November next at the Houfe of MT James Patterson in | Lunenburg Inholder at one a Clock after noon Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y^ 3*^ Day of October 1782 per Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk November y^ 6*?* 1782 Being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of M^ James Pattersons in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed faid meeting being opened. 2^y Voted to make up the Dififiency of the School Lott which is Eighty one acres in Securities Receved for the Common and undevided Lands Sold by the Proprie- tors Committee of Sales (in Lunenburg Fitchburg and Afhby) on an Equal Eaveridge per acre as Said Lands was Sold 3'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors 4^y Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the firft Wednef- day in January next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y^ 7*^ Day of November 1782 per Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [88] January y^ 1^^* 1783 Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Mr James Patterson in Lu- nenburg Inholder. Being Duly formed Said meeting being opened. Proprietors Records. 211 1^* Voted to make up the Dificiency of the Minifterial Land which is Eight acres agreeable to a vote of the Proprietors at a meeting on the Sixth Day of November 1782 of making up the School Lott in Securities Receved for the Common and undivided Land Sold by the Propri- etors Committee of Sales 2'y Voted to Chufe a Committee to Reckon with the Committee of Sales of the Proprietors of Lunenburg there Common and undevided Land and make Report at the adjornment of this meeting of there profeedings theron 3'y Voted to Chufe three for the abovesaid Committee 4'y Voted and Chofe Joseph Hartwell Thaddeus Com- mings and Eleazer Houghton Jun": for Said Committee 5iy Voted M': Benj5 Redington & Cap^^ Jofhua Martin give Securities in Behalf of the Proprietors of Lunenburg the Sum of Seventy three pounds two Shillings to the Towns Committee for the Dificiencies of the School Lott and Minifterial Lott the Said Benjf^ Redington and Jofhua Martin to Receve the Same Sum of Leu* Philip Goodridge the Recever of the Proprietors Securities of the Sales of the Common and undevided Lands of Said proprietors they giving the Said Philip Goodridge a Recept for the Same 6'y- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors 7'y Voted to Adjorn this Meeting to the firft Wednef- day in February next at one a Clock after noon at this place. Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 2^ Day of January 1783. per Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [89] Februar}' y^ 5*^ 1783 Being meet according to adjornment at the Houfe of MT James Patterson in Lu- nenburg Inholder Being Duly formed Said meeting being opened. firft Voted and Chofe Cap* Benjamin Goodridge Mod- irator per-temperary. the Committee Chofen to Reckon with the Committee of Sales not haveing finifhed Said Reckoning therefore 278 Proprietors' Records. 2'y Voted the Said Committee fitiifh Said Reckoning and make Report at the Next adjornment of this Meeting 3'y Voted the Expence of this Meeting be paid by the Proprietors 4iy Voted adjorn this meeting to the firft Wednefday of March next at one a Clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Moderator Recorded the third Day of March 1783 per temry 't? Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk March y*^ 5^^ 1783 Being Meet according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of M*" James Patterson in Lunenburg Inholder Said meeting Being opened. firft Voted the Committee to Reckon with the Com- mittee of Sales make up their Settlement with Said Com- mittee of Sales and make Report at the adjornment of this Meeting the Laft munday of April next 2^y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors 3'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Laft Munday of April next at the Houfe of Lieu* Phihp Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder at one a Clock after noon Benj5 Goodridge Modirator per tempeary Recorded the Sixth Day of March 1783 P^'' Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [90] April the 28*^ 1783 Being met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lu- nenburg Inholder Said meeting being opened. firft Voted to Chufe a man to Confer with the Widow Willard and her Lawyer Concerning a Convayence of a Scertain Track of Land bid off by Co" Aaron Willard Late of Lunenburg Deceaf^^ and go to the Judge of Pro- bate with them to Settle the Same 2iy- Voted and Choofe Mr BenjfL Redington for the above purpofe 3'y- Voted the Expence of this Meeting which is £0 = 3=^7=1 be paid by the Proprietors Proprietors Records. 279 4^y Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the nititeenth Day of ma}^ next at this place at one a Clock after noon Benj^ Goodridge Moderator per temporary Recorded the 29^^ Day of April 1783 Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk May the 19^^ 1783 Being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder Said meeting being opened. firft Voted to Chufe a Committee to Prefent an acount to the CommilTioners on the Eftate of Col' Aaron Willard Late of Lunenburg Deceaced of all the moneys the faid Willard Receiv^ of the Sales of the Common and undevided Lands belonging to the Proprietors 2iy- Voted and Chofe M-: Benj^ Redington and Cap^ Benj£ Goodridge for the aboveSaid Committee. 3'y Voted the Expence of this Meeting being three Shillings & four pence be paid by the Proprietors 4'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the 18*^ Day of auguft next at this place at one a Clock after noon PhiHp Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 20*^ Day of May 1783 Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [91] Auguft the 18th 1783 Being Met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting be- ing opned firft Voted to aloue to Joseph Hartwell an account of two pounds Eleven Shillings and Eight pence for Ser- vices don for the Proprietors 2'y- Voted to allow Thaddeus Commings an account of one pound four Shillings for Services don for the Pro- prietors 3^5- Voted to allows to Eleazer Houghton Jun^ an account of fifteen Shillings for Services don for the Pro- prietors 4'y Voted to allow Cap* Benjfl Goodridge an account of four pounds nine Shillings and one pene^^ for Services don for the Proprietors 280 ProprictoTs Records. 5'y Voted to petition the Honnourable Judge of Pro- bate for the County of Worcefter for a new Adminiftrator to be appointed to the Eftate of Aaron VVillard Efq": Late of Lunenburg Deceac^ 6iy- Voted Lieu* Philip Goodridge M': Benj£ Redington Shall prepare the above faid petition and one of them perfer the Same to the above Said Judge of probate 7'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors which is one Shilling and Eight pence 8'y Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the twenty-forth Day of September next one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 23 Day of auguft 1783 Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk Sept the 24th ^ygs Being Met accorging to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieut Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed faid Meeting being opned. firft Voted to alow Cap* Benji^ Goodridge an account of Eight pounds one Shilling and five pence for Services don for the proprietors 2diy Whereas by a former Vote of the Proprietors of the Townfhip of Lunenburg the Committee of Sales to Sell off the Common and undevided Lands by Lotts and peaces as accomidated the Purcherfer of Said Lands, be- ing lotted out and Sold, Some Lotts falling Short others over runing meafure. therefore Voted the Said Commit- tee of Sails make up the Deficiency in Land or reduction of the Purches money of Said Lott or Lotts So falling Short fo much per acre as any perfon or perfons Gave per acre for Said Lott or Lotts and thofe Lotts that over run the Nomber of acres the Said purcherfer bought it for the S^ purcherfer paying the Same per acre for the over plufs as he gave for Said Lott then he or they to hold to the firft Survey and bounds 3^y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors which is two Shilling forthly Proprietors' Records. 281 [93] 4^y Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the twen- ty-ninth \)^y of October next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirater Recorded this firft Da\^ of October 1783. Joseph Hartvvell Proprietors Clerk October y 29*^ 1783 Being met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed S'' meeting being opened — firft Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors which is ten Shillings 2'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Eighth Day of December next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 30 Day of October Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk December the 8*^ 1783 Being met according to ad- jornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lu- nenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said Meeting being opened firft Voted that the Committee Choofe to Reckon with the Committe of Sales. Complect their Settlement with Said Committee of Sale before the 29*^ Day of this Infteant December that Every proprietor may have his proportion of moneys by the Sales made 2'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors the Sum of 7/4. 3iy. Voted to Adjorn this Meeting to the 14*^ Day of January next at one aclock after noon at this place Benji^ Goodridge Modirator for this Prefent Meeting Recorded the lO^t^ of December 1783. ^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [93] January y"= 14*^ 1784 being met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duely formed Said meeting be- ing opened 282 Proprietors Records. firft Voted to petition the Grate and General Court that the Judge of Probate for the County of Worcefter be allowed the Lebirty of appointing a further time to his Commiflioners on the Eftate of Col' Aaron Willard Late of Lunenburg Deceaf^' to Receive Examan and allow all Such Juft Demands on Said Deceaf^ Eftate as has not ben Exam and and allowed 2'y Voted Capt Benj£ Goodridge apply to Cap^ Josiah Stearns to Draw the above Said petition and prefent it to the Great and General Court and appear for Said pro- prietors to Carry on the Same to a thurrow hearing in Sd Court 3'y Voted the Expence of this meeting which is two Shillings be paid by the proprietors 4'y- Voted to adjorn this meeting to the twenty-Six Day of this Inftant January at one aClock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 17*^ Day of January 1784 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clerk January y'^ 26^?^ 1784' being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu"^ Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting being opened. firft Voted to allov/ Lieu* Philip Goodridge nine pounds and two Shillings and Six pence for Services Don for the proprietors and Expences of proprietors meetings alfo for this prefent meeting nine Shillings and Sixpence 2'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the third Day of February next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded 27*?^ Day of January 1784 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clerk February y«^ 3^ 1784. being met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* PhiHp Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. Proprietors Records. 283 firft Voted and Chofe Cap^ Benjf^ Goodridge Modira- tor for this prefent meeting 2'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors which is Seven Shillings 3'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Twenty third Day of February Inftant at one o clock after noon at this place Beni^ Goodridge Modirator for this prefent meeting Recorded this forth Day of February 1784. Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk [94] February y*' 23^ 1784 being Met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted to Chufe a Committee to See that thofe that make Claim to any right or rights in the Proprie- tors Common and undivided Lands in the Townfhip of Lunenburg, have a good title thereto by Deed or Deeds or other w^ays to the Satiffaction of Said Committee, alfo the Number of the Houfe Lott Said Right arofe from that no perfon or perfons Shall make Clame to the Same num- ber already granted to any person or persons for their Shair in the above Said Common and undevided Lands 2^y Voted and Choofe MT Samuel Johnson, Capt Benj^ Goodridge, Mr Thaddeus Commings for the above Said Committee S^y Voted the Expence of this Meeting be paid b_v the Proprietors which is Seven Shillings and ten penie. 4'y Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the Eleventh Day of march next at Eight a Clock in the morning at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y^ 24**^ Day of February 1784 11^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clerk March y«^ 11*^ 1784 being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder being Duly formed S"? meeting opened 284 Proprietors Records. firft Voted to allow Jofeph Hartwell an account of one pound Six Shillings and two pence for Services Don for the Proprietors 2'y Voted to allow James Boutle an account of one pound thirteen Shillings for Serveying for the proprietors 3'y Voted to allow Thaddeus Commings one pound one Shilling & four pence for Services Don for the Propri- etors 4'y Voted to allow SamV Johnfon an account of one pound fourteen Shillings & Six pence for Services Don for the proprietors 5iy Voted to allow to Capt Benj^ Goodridge an ac- count of one pound five fhillings & Six pence for Services Don for the proprietors 6'^ Voted to allow Lieu* Philip Goodridge an account of twenty one pounds Seventeen Shillings and Six pence for Services Don for the proprietors and money paid for the proprietors T^ Voted to allow Benj£ Redington an account of Seven pounds Eighteen Shillings for Services Don for the proprietors S'y Voted to allow Benj£ Redington Six Shillings on his account as Intereft 9'y Voted to allow Lieut Philip Goodridge three pounds for Serving as Treafurer for the proprietors lO^y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is 13/6 ll'> Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Eighteenth of this Inftant march one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y^ 12 of march 1784 Joseph Hartwell Clark [95] March y*^ 18*^ 1784. Being met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lu- nenburg Inholder. being Duly formed S^ meeting opened. firft Voted to Except of the Reckoning of the Com- mittee Choofen to Reckon with the Committee of Sales of the Common and undivided Lands of the Townfhip of Lunenburg viz. as follows. We the Subfcribers being Cho- Proprietors Records. 285 fen a Committee by the proprietors of the Townfhip of Lunenburg to Reckon with thier Committee of Sales Viz. CoU Aaron Willard Benj£: Redington Lieu* Philip Good- ridge Cap* Benjf^ Goodridge, who ware Choofen for the purpofe of Seling and Conveying all their Common and undivided Lands, by Examination we find the above Said Committee have Sold So much of the Said proprietors Lands as amounts to Six Hundred and Seventy pounds Ninteen Shillings and nine pence £670 19 9 We find Lieu* Philip Goodridge Charges him- felf of having Recev^ of the Proprietors money and Securities to the amount of four Hundred and Ninet^^ pounds ninteen Shillings 0/3|. 499 19 3 3 it appears to us that Coll Aaron Willard Did Recv^ of the Proprietors money and Se- curities 134 14 10 1 that the abovefaid Goodridge Difcharges him- felf by paying the Proprietors Debts, for which he produce"? proper Vouchers to the amount of one Hundred and Sixty Seven pounds two Shillings two pence two farthings 167 2 2 2 and that there Remains Due to the Proprie- tors from Said Goodridge three Hundred and thirty two pounds Seventeen Shil- lings one peney one farthing of moneys & Securities 332 17 1 1 it appears that Benj^ Redington ReceV? three New Emition Dollers and it appears that Josiah Willard purcheft Land of the Proprietors for which he hath not given Security for, to the amount of £27 3 9 and that the above-Said Goodridge hath now in his hands of the property of the Proprietors in old Emition Continantal Currency 2073V2 Dollars Errors Excepted Joseph Hartwell \ Committee Thadi Comramgsj Dated January y^ 17*?^ 1784 286 Proprietors Records. 2'y- Voted there be a Divifion made of three Hundred pounds for the firft Divifion of the Proprietors monies a rifmg from the Sales of their Common and undivided Lands 3'y- Voted to Chufe two men for a Committee EqualW to Divide the above three Hundred pounds amongft the Said Proprietors [96] 4'5-- Voted and Choofe Thaddeus Commings and Benj^ Redington for the above Said Committee 5'>- Voted to Chufe two men to prefent the order of Court to the Judge of Probate, that he order his Comif- fioners on the Eftate of Col' Aaron Willard Late of Lu- nenburg DeceaA^ to Set according to Said order of Court alfo to wait on Said Comiffioners and Exebit the Clames of the Proprietors before them. 6'y- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors which is Eleven Shillings 7iy Voted to adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of June next at one Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 20*1^ Day of march 1784. %^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark June y^ 7*^^' 1784- Being Met according to adjornment at the houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg In- holder being Duly formed S'' meeting opened. firft Voted Lieu^ Philip Goodridge Cap^ Benjii Good- ridge Mr Benj£ Redington be a Committee to wait on the Comiffoners and Exebit the Clames of the proprietors on the Eftate of Col' Aaron Willard Late of Lunenburg Deceaf? 2'5' Voted the Expence of this meeting be pay"? b^- the proprietors which is 2^/4 3'J^ Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- day of Auguft next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the Eighth Day of June 1784 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark Propriety's Records. 287 Auguft the 9*^^^ 1784 being met according to adjorn- met at the Houfe of Lieu Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg inholder being Duly formed S*^ meeting being opened. not haveing a return from the Comiflioners (on the Eftate of CoV Aaron Willard Late of Lunenburg De- ceal? ) of his writes in the Proprietors Common & unde- veided Lands the Committee Choofen to make a Divifion of the moneys the abovefaid Land was Sold for Could not profcede thereon therefore Voted to adjourn this meet- ing to Second munday of Sep* next at one a Clock after- noon at this place. Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell Clark [97] September y*^ 13*^ 1784 Being Met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder Being \)v\y formed Said meeting be- ing opened. firft Voted to allow Samuel Billing an account of Eighteen Shillings for Services don for the Proprietors 2'-^ Voted the Expence of this Meeting be paid b}' the Proprietors Said Expence Eight Shillings 3^y Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the ninth DaN^ of November next at one a Clock after noon at this place. Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded hy me Jofeph Hartwell Clark November y^ 9*^^ 1784 Being Met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder Being Duly formed Said meeting being opened. by Reafon of the Adminifterators of the Eftate of Col^ Aaron Willard late of Lunenburg Deceaf'.' not being Read}' to Settle with the Proprietors of the Townfhip of Lunenburg at this Meeting therefore. Voted to adjorn this meeting to the firft tuefday of January next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 10*?' of November 1784. ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark 288 Proprietors Records. January y*^ 4*^^ 1785. being Meet according to ad- jormment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed S^' meeting being opened. firft Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietor. 2'>- Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the third Tuef- day of March next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded 25*'' of January 1785 "^ Joseph Hartvvell Clark [98J March y^' 15*?' 1785. Being met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lu- nenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an account of Six Shillings & Six pence for Recording one plan & pro- ceidings of Six meetings 2'y- Voted to Chufe a man to Confer with the Admin- iftrators of the Eftate of Col' Aaron Willard Late of Lunenburg Deceall' and procure the Deeds which S^ Wil- lard had of a Number of Rights of Land in S^ Lunenburg for which Said Willard did Receive his full pay in his life time of Said Proprietors, and procure a Difcharge for Said proprietors for the Same: from S^' Adminiftrators. 3'^- Voted and Choofe M^ Thaddeus Commings for the above porpofe 4'5'- Voted the Expence of this Meeting be paid by the proprietors 2^ /o 5'y- Voted this meeting be adjorned to the firft wednefday of may next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y*^ 16*'' Day of march 1785. ^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark May y^ 4**^ 1785 Being meet according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. Proprietors Records. 289 Some maters on the Eftate of Co' Aaron Willard De- ceaf? not being Settled with the Proprietors therefore Voted to adjorn this meeting to the twenty Second Day of June next at three a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modarater Recorded y^ 12 Day of may 1785 'i> Joseph Hartwell Clark June y« 22? 1785 being met accordind to adjorment at the Houfe of Liev* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg In- holder being Duly formed Said meeting being opened Voted to alowed M^ Thomas Harknefs Six Shilling for Sitting on the new Commifion on the Eftate of Co'; Aaron Willard Deceaf^ . Voted to Send a letter to Doc Lee one of the Admmii- trators of the Eftate of CoV Aaron Willard of Lunenburg Deceaf:' to Call on him to make a fpeedy Settlement with the proprietors of Lunenburg Expence be paid by the Proprietors 10/11 Voted to adjorn this Meeting to the firft munday of Sept next at one a Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark [99] September y*^ 5^^ 1785. Being met according to Adjornment at the Houle ot Lieut Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder. Bemg Duly formed S^ meeting opened 1 Voted to allow Phinehas Hartwell an acount ot Eight Shillings for Services Don for the proprietors 2'^- Voted that the proprietors Committee ot Sales be directed to Defire the Judge to Call the Adminiftrators on the Eftate of Co" Aaron Willard Deceaf^' to aJ^P^edy Settlement of their accounts they have againft Said bi- tate and S^ Committee or any three of them be impow- ered' to Settle all matters of Difspute Subfisting between S'l proprietors and the adminiftrators on the abovefaid Eftate and make their Report at the adjornment of this meeting 19 290 Proprietors Records. 3'y- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is 2/0 4'y- Voted to adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of December next at one o, Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark December y^ 5^^ 1785. Being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. the Proprietors Committee of Sales made their Report according to a Vote of Said proprietors at a meeting on the 5th Day of September Laft as follows. there was a Deed Given in behalf of S'^ proprietors of a Scartain track of Land to Col' Aaron Willard Deceaf? in which there was a mifstake in the Boundaries there of and that the adminiftrators of the S'^ Eft ate have agreed with the Said Committee and by Confent of the Judge of probate have given a Deed of aquitance of all the Lands Comprehended by the firft mentioned Deed. Voted to Except of the profcedings of the above Said Committee of Sales 2'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is 7/0 3'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- day of march next at one o, Clock after noon at this place. Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded b3^ me Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark [100] March y^ 18th 1786. Being meet according to adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu*^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted to Chufe a Committee to Reckon with the proprietors Receiver of monies arifing from the Sales of there Common Lands and make Report at the adjorn- ment of this meeting 2'^' Voted to Cheufe three men for Said Committee 3'y Voted and Choofe M^ Samuel Johnson Cap^ Benji^ Goodridge M*" Thaddeus Commings for the above Said Committee Proprietors' Records. 291 4'>' Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is 8^/0 5'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- day of april next at one o, Clock after noon at this place Phillip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark April y^ 10*^ 1786^ being met according adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge of Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed S^ meeting opened firft Voted to allow M*" Samuel Johnfon an account of one pound & feven pence for Services Don for the pro- prietors 2'y Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an account of Six Shilling and Eight pence for Recording meeting & Copping of plans 3iy where as Lieu Philip Goodridge Received of the proprietors monies arihng from the Sales of their Com- mon & undevided Lands Did Lend to Co" Aaron Willard one of the Committee of Sales of S'^ proprietors Lands 8361 Continintal paper Dollers as the Eftate of S'^ Wil- lard was Rendered Enfolvent therefore Voted the S"^ Goodridge be acountable to the S*^ pro- prietors two thirds of the above 8361 paper Dollers at 75 for one in Silver Doller which is £22 = 6—0 Silver money 4^y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors is 7^/0 S'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Seventeenth day of this Inftent April one a, Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark [lOlJ April y'^ 17*?^ 1786 Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened firft Voted to Except the Reckoning of the Commit- tee Chofen to Reckon with the Receveir of the Proprietors 292 Proprietors' Records. monies arifmg from the Sales of their Common and unde- vided Lands Viz. We the Subfcribers being appointed a committee to Reckon with the Proprietors Receiver of monies arifing from the Sales of their Common Land Viz. Lieu' Philip Goodridge have attended Said bufmefs and find Due from S^ Receiver three Hundred and twent3^ four pounds four Shillings three farthings, and alfo twenty- Seven pounds three Shillings and nine pence which is Due to the Proprietors from CoV Josiah Willard for Land he Bought of Said Proprietors, for which Sum he hath given no fecurity for Lunenburg April y 17'^ 1786 Errors Excepted Samuel Johnfon | Benj^ Goodridge \ Committee Thadeus CommingsJ Philip Goodridge > Receiver 2'y Voted to Divide 300 pounds and Divide two thou- fen Sixty Eight one half Doller paper Continantal Cur- rency (now in the Recever hand) among the Proprietors, and hear the Report of the Committee Chofen to make a Divifion of moneis arifing from the Sales of their Com- mon and undivided Lands, at the Adjornment of this meeting. 3'^ Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is Six Shillings and five pence 4'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the third mun- day of may next at one o, Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hart well proprietors Clark [10*^] May the IS'^^ 1786. I eing met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duh^ formed Said meeting opened firft Voted to accept the Report of the Committee Chofen to Divide three Hundred pounds Silver mone3^ and two thoufends and Sixty Eight and a half Dollers of Continantal paper Currency among the Porprietors. viz. Proprietors Records. 293 we. the Subfcribers being appointed by a vote of the pro- prietors of the town of Lunenburg to Divide three Hun- dred pounds of Silver money and two thoufands and Sixty Eight & 1/2 Continantal paper Dollars Equially amongft Seventy five proprietors (co" Aaron Willard hav- ing Rec? the full pay for ten Rights in his Lifetime and the Minifteral and minifter School and Collage Rights being Excluded from any Share in the money arifeing from the Sale of their Common Land) do find that Each of the above Said Seventy-five proprietors have a right to Receive four pounds Silver money and twenty Seven Continantal paper Dollers. Each perfon Claiming a Shair in the moneys above mentioned are to make out Suflli- cient titals therefor unto Mif^'"'' Saml Johnfon BenjB Good- ridge & Thaddeus Commings who are a Committee ap- pointed to give orders for the payment of the Same to be Drawn on Philip Goodridge Receiver of the proprietors money Lunenburg may 15^^ 1786 Beni£ Redington 1 ^ ., , 'Tu A A r< ■ t Committee Thaddeus Commmgj 2'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is Seven Shillings and four pence 3^y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the third mun- day of July next one o, Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark [103] July y*^ 17^1^ 1786 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being formed S? meeting opened firft Voted to allow to Cap* Benj^ Goodridge an account of one pound Six*^ Shillings and Eight pence for Services Don for the proprietors 2'y- Voted to allow Thaddeus Commings an account of one pound one fhilling for Services Don for the propri- etors 3'y- Voted to allow Benj^ Redington an account of one pound Eight Shillings and Eight pence for Services Don for the proprietors 294 Proprietors Records. 4'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is 8/2 5'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting the firft munday of October next at one o, Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me %^ Joseph Hartwell Clark October y^ 2^ 1786 being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted to allow Eleazer Houghton Jun*" an ac- count of Six Shillings and nine pence for Services don for the Proprietors 2^^ Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell Eighteen pence per meeting for his attending as proprietors Clark, and two Shillings for one quire of paper That where as a Smole Number of the Proprietors of the Townfhip of Lunenburg have attended the bulinefs in the Settlement of the proprietors Common and undivided Lands we think it Highly Reafonable that they be al- lowed for their attendance on Said meetings 3'y Voted to allow Each proprietor so attending Eighteen pence for every meeting he Shall make appear he attended 4'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is Eight Shillings 5'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of January next one o'clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me "p Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark January y^ 1*> 1787 met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg In- holder and Adjorned this meeting to the Eighth Day of this Inftant January at one o, Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark. Proprietors' Records. 295 [104] Januar}'^ y^ 8**^ 1787: Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieut Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder being Duly formed Said meeting opened. Firft Voted to allow Samuel Johnson three £3: 14:0 pounds fourteen Shillings for Services Don for the proprietors and for attending Sun- dry proprietors meetings 2'y- Voted to allow Lieu^ Philip Goodridge ten 10: 3: 4 pounds three Shillings and four pence for Ex- pences of meetings to this Day and Services Don for the Proprietors to this time 3'y Voted to allow Eleazer Houghton Ju*" two 2:6:6 pounds Six Shillings and Six pence for at- tending Sundry proprietors meetings 4y Voted to allow Cap* Benj!^ Goodridge four 4: 3: 6 pounds three Shillings and Six pence for Ser- vices Don for the proprietors and for attend- ing Sundry proprietors meetings 5'y Voted to allow Thaddeus Commings two 2: 17: pounds Seventeen Shillings for Services Don for the proprietors and for attending fundry proprietors meetings 6'y Voted to allow Benj^ Redington three pounds 3 : 10 : 6 ten Shillings and Six pence for attending fun- dry proprietors meeting 7'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to y*^ firft munday of may next at one o'Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 9*^ Day of January 1787 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark May y'^ 7*^ 1787 Being met according to Adjornment at the houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg In- holder being Duly formed Voted to adjorn this meeting to the twenty-Eighth day of this Inftant may at two o'clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 8*^ day of may 1787 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark 296 Proprietors Records. may the 28*^ 1787 Being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* PhiHp Goodridge in Lunen- burg being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted Sel a Track of Land lying in Fitchburg adjoyning to Thomas Cowdrin JunV Land about forty acres alfo a nother Track or lott of land in S*^ Fitchburg Containing about twenty acres lying South of Edward Scott's Houfe which Said Scott bid off and has not ful- filled the Condifions of the Sale thereof 2^^ Voted to adjorn this meeting to the firft mon-day of October next at one o'clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded hy me Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clerk [105] October y*^ 1" 1787 Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Leiu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg. Being Duly formed Said meeting opened firft Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell twelve Shillings and Eight pence for Recording Eight meetings and attend- ing four meetings 2'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the firft Day of January next at one o, Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark. January y'^ 1^* 1788. Being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Leiu*^ Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg, being Duly formed Said meeting opened firft Voted M"" Samuel Johnfon be Directed to Receive of DL Joseph Lee of Concord (Adminifterator on the Ef- tate of Coll Aaron Willard Late of Lunenburg Deceafd) Eighteen pounds Sixteen Shillings (agreable to the Decree of the Judge of probate for the County of Worcefter) which is Due to the proprietors of Lunenburg from the Said Col' Aaron Willard Eftate; and that Said Johnfon be Impowered to give a Difcharge for the Same Sum. and be acountable to the proprietors for the Same 2'y Voted the Committee of Sales be Directed to poft and Sell at Publick Vandue the two peaces of Land in Proprietors Records. 297 Fitchburg (as before ordered to Sell) on the Second tuef- day of April next, if not Sold before at privet Sale. 3^y Voted the Expences of this meeting be paid by the proprietors which is nine Shillings 4'^ Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Second tuef- day of April next at the Houfe of Thomas Cowdin Efq*" inholder in Fitchburg at one o'Clock after noon Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this Second day of January 1788 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark April ye 8*?* 1788 being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Thomas Cowdons in Fitchburg Efq^ In- holder being Duly formed f^ meeting opened. firft Voted to Choofe a modirator for this prefent meeting 2'y- Voted and Choofe Mr Samuel Johnfon Modirator for this prifent meeting Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the Proprietors Voted to Adjorn this Meeting to the firft Munday in June next at Mr Samuel Johnfons in Lunenburg Inholder at one o'clock after noon and the Sale of the twenty acres of Land lying by Edward Scoots to the Adjornment of this meeting Samuel Johnson Modirator Recorded by me '# Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark [107] June y*^ 2^^ 1788. being met according to Ad- jornment at the houfe of M*" Samuel Johnfon in Lunen- burg Inholder being Duly formed S*^ meeting opened firft Voted that Edward Scoot Donot Settle with the Proprietors for the twenty acres of Land he bought of them at Vandue that the Commettee of Sales is hereby Directed to Sell the Same within one week Either at pub- lick Vandue or at private Sale as they Shall think beft 2iy Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being nine Shillings 3'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- 298 Proprietors Records. day in September next at the houfe of Lieu* Philip Good- ridge in Lunenburg at one o'clock after noon Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this third Day of June 1788 ^ Joseph Hartwell proprietor Clark September y*^ 8*^ 1788 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed Said meeting opened firft Voted the proprietors Treafurer Difcharge all the taxes affefed on the proprietors Lands un fold 2'^ Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of February next at one o'clock afternoon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me lr^ Joseph Hartwell Clark February y"^ 2^} 1789 being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Gooridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed faid meeting opened firft Voted that Lieu* Philip Goodridge call on Ed- ward Scott to Settle his note he gave to the proprietors and alfo his promife if faid Scott Refufes to Settle the Same to put it in Suit Inediately in behalf of the propri- etors 2^y Voted to allow Jonas Kindall an account of Eight Shillings for Services Don for the proprietors 3'^' Voted the Committee appointed to give out orders (upon Lieu* Philip Goodridge Receiver of the proprietors monies) to thofe that Clame Rite in the undivided Lands of Said proprietors of Lunenburg Townfhip Said Com- mittee be Diricted to publifh in one of the Bofton papers that all those that have rites or Clames to the Said undi- vided Lands bring in there Clames to Said Committee to Receive orders for payment 4^y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being Eight Shillings 5'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to monday y*^ 23 Day of march next at one o'Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded y'^ 3*^ day of march 1789 Joseph Hartwell Clark Proprietors' Records. 299 [108] March y« 23? 1789 Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed S? meeting opened firft Voted that MV Benj-? Redington one of the Pro- prietors Committee be directed to Inquire of and advife with Lawyer Gill Refpecting Scootts affairs with the Pro- prietors and Likewife with Scoot t if he thinks it nefsiary. and Repoort to the Qommittee on what tearms Settle- ment may be had and Receive their farther Direction 2 'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid b3^ the Proprieter being four Shillings 3^^ Votd to adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- day in June next at one o'clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell Clark June y*^ 8*? 1789 being met according to Adjornment at the houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed S? meeting opened. first Voted to allow Edward Scoot Six-teen Shillings & Sixpence for his attending Eleven meetings as a propri- etor alfo Six Shillings for Services Don for the proprietors in Showing the Common & undevided Lands alfo nine Shillings for three Days in afllfting in Serveying common Lands total £1: 11: 6: 2'^ Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 5/0 3'^ Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- day of Sep* next at one o'clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me ^ Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark Sep* y^ 14*^ 1789. Being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg being Duly formed Said meeting opened a number of the propietors not prefent at S^ meeting thougt fit to adjorn to Sum futer Day Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 3/0 300 Proprietors Records. Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of November next at this place at one o, Clock after noon Philip Goodridge Modirater Recorded by me ^ Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark November y*^ 2^ 1789 being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Hoiife of Lieu^ philip Goodridge in Lunenburg being Dul^' formed Said meeting opened, firft Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being Seven Shillings and Six pence Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Second munday of January next at nine a o'clock in the morning at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me ^ Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark [109] January y^ 11*? 1790. being met according Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu! Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an ac- count of £1 5 10 2'y Voted to allow Eleazer Houghton an ac- count of 9 for attending Sundry meeting 3'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to morrow at one aClock afternoon at this place * (being met according to Janury 12*?"* adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu! Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened.) firft Voted to allow Benj£ Redington an ac- count of 2 10 8 for Services don for the proprietors & at- tending Sundry meetings 2'y- Voted to allow Bej^ Goodridge an account of 2 6 1 for Services don for the proprietors and at- tending Sundry meetings 3'y- Voted to allow Thaddeas Commings an ac- count of 19 6 for Services don for the proprietors and at- tending Sundry meetings Proprietors Records. 301 4iy- Voted to allow Samuel Johnfon an account of 3 13 10 for Services don for the proprietors and at- tending Sundry meetings S'y- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by y*^ proprietors it being 13 6'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- day of February next at one a'Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 13 Day of Januarj' 1790 by me Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark February y^ 8*^*^ 1790 being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Being Duly formed Said meeting opened firft Voted to allow Lieu* Philip Goodridge an account of 5 11 2'y Voted to Chufe a Committee to Reckon with the proprietors treafurer 3^y Voted and Choofe Thaddeus Commings & Cap* Benj5 Goodridge for Said Committee 4'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 6 Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of June next one o'Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded the ninth Day of June 1790 by me Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark [110] June the 7*? 1790. being met according to ad- jornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lu- nenburg being Dul3' formed S*^ meeting opened Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Laft munday of this Inftant June at two o'clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me '#? Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark June the 28*^ 1790. Being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunen- burg being Duly formed Said meeting opened 302 Proprietors' Records. firft Voted to alow Philip Goodridge an ac- count of four pounds Seventeen Shillings £4 17-0 for Expences of meetings and Serveing Treaf- urer for the proprietors (and other Services don for the S*? proprietors) to this time the Report of the Committee Chofen (February the 8^}' 1790.) to Reckon with the proprietors Treafurer is as follows, viz. we the Subfcribers being Chofen a Commit- tee to Reckon with Philip Goodridge Treafurer or Recever of the Proprietors moneis of the Town of Lunenburg arifing from from the Sale of the Common Lands have attended the bufmefs and find that there is Due from Said Goodridge to the above Said Proprietors one hundred and Seventy pounds fifteen Shillings and one peney one far- thing £170 15 i" i'' June the 28". 1790 Thadl Cornmingsj, committee Benjfl: Goodridge j Philip Goodridge) Receiver Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of September next at one o'Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 29^1^ day of June 1790 by me Joseph Hartwell Clark September the 6*"^ 1790 Being met according to ad- jornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed S^ meeting opened an order called a general order Supofeing to Contain Several particuler orders (being in the Treafurers hand) not to be found Could not profeed to bufinefs therefore thought beft to adjorn for a fhort time firft Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 3/0 2'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to munday the twentieth day of this Inftent Sept at one o'Clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this Seventh day of Sep! 1790 i3 me Joseph Hartwell Clark Proprietors Records. 303 [113] September the 20tJ> 1790 Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu^ PhiHp Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed S'^ meeting opened firft Voted to Chufe a Treafurer in the Roome of Lieu^ PhiHp Goodridge. 2'y- Voted and Choofe Eleazer Houghton Treafurer 3'^- Voted to adjorn this meeting to, to morrow at four a Clock after noon at this at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Sep^ y*= 21*?^ 1790 being met according to adjornment S*^ meeting opened firft Voted to Except of a Settlement made this Day with Philip Goodridge Receiver of the proprietors moneis, by the Commette Choofen for that purpofe viz. the Said Goodridge Difschargefes himfelf from the Ballance Due to the Proprietors, acording to a Reckoning on the 28*?^ of June 1790 of £170 15 1 1 by Dilivering up to Said Proprietors Sundry Notes of hand and obligations which he had in his hands belonging to S"? proprie- tors to the amount of £161 8 7 3 and by giving his note of hand for 9 7 6 2 which Settlement is hereby Excepted and the Said Goodridge is Difcharged from any further Demands from the proprietors as a Receiver of their monies 2iy- Voted to allow an account to Jofeph Hart well of £0 13 2 3'y- Voted the Expence of the above meetings be paid by the proprietors being 6 4'y Vted to Adjorn this meeting to to the firft mun- day of December next at one o'clock after noon at this place Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 22^' Day of Sep* 1790 'if? Joseph Hartwell Clark [113] December the 6^** 1790 Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Lieu* Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duh' formed Said meeting opened. 304 Proprietors Records. firft Voted to allow Benj£ Goodridge an ac- count of £18 2 for Services don for the Proprietors 2'^- Voted to allow Thaddeus Commings an account of 1 2 for Services don for the Proprietors 3'y- Voted to Chufe a man to lay the Cafe of this Propriety before Some Sutable perfon that may direct him how to petision the great & General Court that they pafs an act or Refolve for the finial Settlement of the Proprietorfhip of the Town of Lunenburg. 4'y- Voted and Choofe Mr Benjf^ Redington for the above Service 5'y- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 4/0 6^y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the Second mun- day of march next at the Houfe of Capt Benjfl Goodridge in Lunenburg at one o'Clock after noon Philip Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 22^ Day of December. 1790. ^ Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark March the 14^^ 1791. Being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap! Benji} Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed S^ meeting opened. firft Voted to Chufe a Modirator for this prefent meeting 2'y Voted and Choofe M"" Samuel Johnson modirator for S*^ meeting 3'y Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an ac- count of £1 1 10 4'y Voted to allow Edward Scoot an ac- count of 12 00 5'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being ten Shillings 6'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to munday y*^ 13*^^ day of June next at one o'clock after noon at this place Samuel Johnfon Modirator Recorded this 13'^'^ day of march 1791 t^ Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark Proprietors Records. 305 [114] June y*^ 13*?> 1791 Being met according to ad- jornment at the Houfe of Cap! Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed Said meeting opined. Firft Voted and Choofe M^ Samuel Johnfon Modira- tor for this prefent meeting 2'y- Voted to allow Benj^ Redington an ac- count of £1 11 7 for Services don for the proprietors and attanding Sundry meetings 4''>- Voted the Expence of this meeting be payed by the proprietors being four Shillings 5'y- Voted to adjorn this meeting to munday the Sev- enth Day of November next at one o'Clock after noon at this place Samuel Johnfon Modirator Recorded this 14*^ of June 1791 f^ Joseph Hartwell Clark November y^ 7^^^ 1791 Being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted and Chofe Cap^ Benj? Goodridge Modira- tor for this prefent meeting 2'y- Voted to Adjorn this Meeting to munday the Second day of January next at one o'Clock afternoon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded 't3 me Jofeph Hartwell proprietors Clark January y*^ 2^) 1792. Being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap* Benj^ Goodridge in Lunen- burg being Duly formed Said meeting opened. firft Voted and Chofe Cap* Benjamin Goodridge Mad- irator for this prefent meeting 2'y Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an account of£0 7 3'-^ Voted Eleazer Houghton proprietors Treafurer by a Vote of Said proprietors is Directed to Call on the Adminiftrators on the Eftate of Aaron Willard late of 306 Proprietors Records. Lunenburg Deceafed for emmcdiate payment of the Devi- dand Due to S'^ proprietors of Lunenburg as will appear b}' the Decree of the Judge of probate for the County of Worcefter. 4'y Voted the Ex pence of this be paid by the propri- etors being 0-10-4 5^y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the firft munday of June next at one o'Clock after noon at this place Benjf: Goodridge Modirator Recorded %'* me Joseph Hartwell Proprietors Clark [115] June y*^ 4*^'' 1792. being met according to adjornment at the Houfe of Capt Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg being Duly formed Said meeting opened firft Voted and Chofe IVP Samuel Johnfon Modirator for this prefent meeting 2'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to munday the third Day of September next at one o'Clock after noon at this place Samuel Johnfon Modirator Recorded this 4"' Day of June 1792. %^r Jofeph Hartwell proprietors Clark September y*^ 3? 1792 being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opened firft Voted and Chofe Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge Mod- irator 2'>' Voted to adjorn this meeting to munday the fifth da3' of November next at one o'clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 3^?' day of Sep^ 1792 '# Jofeph Hartwell Clark November y« 5*^ 1792 being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin (loodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder Said meeting opened. firlt Voted the Expence of this meeting and the two Proprietors R ccords. 307 former meetings June y^' 4"^ Sept yc 3d 1792 be paid by the proprietors being ten Shilling & Eight pence 2iy Voted to adjorn this meeting to thurf day the fif- teenth Day of this Inftant at one o'Clock after noon at this place the proprietor Committee are Directed by S*.' proprie- tors to Rectify a mifftake in Laying-out Common Land on Land before Laid out, and make Return at the adjorn- ment of this meeting Recorded this Six Day of November 1792 Benjamin Goodridge Modirator 'tt^ Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark November V-^ 15*1^ 1792 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjamin Goodridge In- holder in Lunenburg Said meeting opened firft Voted M': Benji^ Redington Receive the proprie- tors book of Records into his hand and Return it Safe at the adjornment of this meeting 2i>^ Voted to adjorn this meeting to munday the twenty-Sixth Day this Inftant November at one o'Clock after noon at this place Benjii Goodridge Modirater Recorded this twenty-fixth Day of November 1792 't* Joseph Hartwell Clark [116] November v^ 26^!^ 1792 being met according to Adjornment at the Houle of Cap' Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder Said meeting opened. firft the Committee of the proprietors haveing deeded to Phinehas Dunsmore a Track of Land clamed by MV Jacob Welch as his propity ■ therefore Voted to Chuefe a Committee of three men in behalf of Said proprietors to Submit all the matters of damages which accrue to Said Welch by reafon of Said Dunsmores Trefpafsing upon his Land as alledged m the writ brought bv Said Welch aganit said Dunlmore Voted and Choofe Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge Benjamm Redington and Thaddeus Commings for the above Said 308 Proprietors Records. Committee the Said Committee or any two of them to act on behalf of the Said proprietors on the above Said Damages or any other Damages that may appear by mif- stakes in Laing out Common Lands Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an account of 13/8 Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the pro- prietors being Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the Laft munday of march next one o'Clock after noon at this place Benji} Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 27*^ Day of November 1792 ^^ Jofeph Hartwell Clark March y*^ 25*?^ 1793. Being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjfy Goodridge Inholder in Lunenburg. Said meeting opened. after Settleing the Divifion money Due to the heirs of Phinehas Parker of Groton Deceafed arifing from the Sale of the Common Lands of the proprietors of Lunen- burg Voted to Adjorn this meeting to thurf Day y^ 28*^?^ day of this Inftant march at one o'Clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 27*?^ day of march 1793 1?* Joseph Hartwell Clarck [117] March y^ 2^^^^ 1793 Being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder Said meeting opened. Voted that the proprietors Treafurer Viz. Eleazer Houghton be hereby Directed to pay to the Committee that was Chofen by the S^ proprietors Viz. Benji^ Reding- ton Benjfl: Goodridge and Thaddeus Commings to Defend or Settle the action brought by Jacob Welch againft Phinehas Dunfmore Such Sums of money as they Shall Expend in Defending or Settleing the above Said Caufe and there Recept Shall be allowed to the S^ Treafurer by y* S*^ proprietors 2'y Voted to allow Samuel Johnfton an ac- Proprietors Records. 309 count of £1 5 6 for attending meetings 3'y Voted to allow BenjiL Goodridge an ac- count of 6 7 8 for Services don for the proprietors & Ex- pences & attending meetings 4'y Voted to allow Thaddeus Commings an account of 1 6 6 s for attend meetings & Services don for the proprietors 5'y Voted to allow Eleazer Houghton an ac- count of 1 4 for attending meetings & Services don for the proprietors 6'y- Voted to allow Benj£ Redington an ac- count of 3 18 6 for attending meetings & Services don for the proprietors 7'y Voted Chufe a Committee of two to Reckon with the propretors Treafurer 8'>' Voted and Chofe ^haddeus Commings & Jofeph Hart well for S? Committee 9'y Voted the Expences of this meeting and munday meeting be paid by the proprietors being — I'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to nonday the third day of June next one o 'Clock after noon at this place Benjfl: Goodridge Modirater Recorded this 29^^ day of march 1793 ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark [118] June y^ 31 1793 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Inholder S"^ meetting opened firft Voted to Except the Reckoning of the Commit- tee Chofen to Reckon with Eleazer Houghton Treafurer for the proprietors of the Town of Lunenburg as follow- eth ; w^e the Subfcribers Being Chofen a Committee to Reckon with the above Said Treafurer have attended SI Reckoning and find in Said Houghtons hands of the pro- prietors Securityes and moneys ariling from the Sales of thier Common Lands to the amount of — — £260 i4 3' 3 310 Proprietors Records. Dllers 1000 66 13 1 Dolers sesva two Hundred and Sixty pounds four- teen Shillings and three pence three far- things alfo one thoufand Continantal pa- per Dollers, the above Said Houghton Dif- charges himfelf by paying the proprie- tors Debts to the amount of Sixty-Six pounds thirteen Shillings one peney, for which he produced proper vouchers, and alfo paid out five hundred and Sixty three & i Conti- nantal paper Dollers. and there Re- mains Due to the S^ proprietors from Said Houghton one Hundred ninty-four pounds one Shilling two pence three far- things. 194 12 3 and four hundred. thirty-Six. & \ Con- tinantal paper Dollers Lunenburg April y*^ 2^' 1793 Thad?- Cummingsl ^ ., , T u tj i 11 / Committee Joseph Hartwell ) Eleazer Houghton \ Treafurer 2'y- Voted to allow Eleazer Houghton for Serving Treafurer from Sep^ 1790 to June the Second 1793. one pound 1 00 00 3'y- Voted to allow Benji^ Redington an account of 1 10 9 4'>- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being Seven Shillings the 5'y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to munday ninth day of September next one o'clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 4^^ Day of June 1793 %?. JOvSeph Hartwell Clark September the 9*^^' 1793 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Capl: Benji^ Goodridge in Lunen- burg Inholder S".' meeting opened. Proprietors Records. 311 Voted to Adjorn this meeting to munday the forth Day of November next at one o'Clock after noon at this place Benjf^ Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 10"i Day of Sept 1793 '# Joseph Hartwell Clark [119] November y^ 4*^ 1793 being met according to Adjornment at the Hoyfe of Capt Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened firft Voted to Except four plans in feavour of Maj'. James Richardfon in order to be recorded 2'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors 14/0 3'y- Voted to Adjorn this meeting to monday the ninth day of December next one o'Clock after noon at the Houfe of Lent Philip Goodridge in Lunenburg. Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this fift day of November 1793 Joseph Hartwell Clark December y'^ 9*'' 1793 being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Leu^ Phillip Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opned firft Voted to Chufe a Committee to meet with MT Thurstain to See the Lines run between Said Thurf- tains Land and the proprietors Lands 2iy Voted and Chofe M'' Benjf^ Redington Cap* Benj£ Goodridge for Said Committee 3'y Voted to allow David Kilburn an account of one pound Seven Shillings — — — — — — — — £1-7-0 4'y- Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an account of ninteen Shillings & Six pence — — — — — — 0:19.6 5^y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 2/0 — — — — — — — — 0:2:0 &y Voted to Adjorn this meeting to monday the thir- teenth day of January next at one o'Clock after noon at the Houfe of Mv Samuel Johnfon in Lunenburg Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this tenth day of December 1793 Joseph Hartwell Clark B12 Proprietors' Records. January y^ IS^^^ 1794. being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Mr Samuel Johnfon in Lunenburg S*;^ meeting opened. firft Voted to Receive the minifterael 2^ Divifion Lott of Doc Abraham Hafkel as bid off at the Vandue and Settle with the Town for the Same whereas Maj^ James Richardson bought of the propri- etors of Lunenburg all the Common land at vandue that had not ben Surveyed and whereas the Committee ap- pointed by the proprietors to Survey the abovefaid Com- mon Lands for Said Richardfon and as the Committee aforef'? returned a plan of two peces of Land Containing about 32 acres to the proprietors as common Land which S*? Richardfon Sold to phinehas Denfmore and Jonathan Adams Ju^ but it now appears that the abovefaid Lands was not Common Land and the purcherfsers Call Dam- age, therefore. Voted that if the above Said Richardson will pay to the proprietors the full of what he owes them and like- wife the one half of the money that the above Said Danf- more and Adams gave for the abovefaid Land and Like- wife give the proprietors a relefe or a Deed of acquittence from any further Demands for any Common Lands bought of the proprietors as aforefaid in Confidration of the S^ Richardfon Receiveing two pounds of S^ proprietors that the abovefaid proprietors do hereby Engage to Settle the Damage that the above S^ Dunfmore or Adams Could have had again ft Said Richardfon Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the pro- prietors being 9/4 Voted to Adjorn this meeting to wedenfday the 28ti» Day of may next at the Houfe of Cap^ Benj£ Goodridge in Lunenburg one o'Clock after noon Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded by me Joseph Hartwell Clark [130] May y^ 28^^ 1794 being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Capt BenjI} Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened Proprietors Records. 313 firft Voted to Chufe a Committee man in the Rome of MT Samuel Johnfon Deceafed 2^5^ Voted and Chofe Mr Benj£ Johnfon in the Rome of the Said Samuel Johnfon 3^^ Voted that the proprietors purchafe of Benj£ Goodridge the minifteral Second Divifion Lott Lying in the Northeaft part of Lunenburg Townfhip which Said Goodridge bought of Said Town of Lunenburg at Vandue and when Said Goodridge Shall Give a Deed of acquit- tence of the abovefaid Lott of Land to the proprietors aforefaid of the Same tennor and form of the Deed he had of the Town of Lunenburg afore faid that then the proprietors Committee Namely. Benjf^ Goodridge Benj£: Redington and Benji' Johnfon, be directed to take up the Security that the abovefaid, Benj^ Goodridge gave the Town for Said Land by giveing their Security in behalf of the proprietors aforefaid. 4^y Voted that the Committee of Sales be Directed to make Sale of all the Common Lands and all Lands they Shall find belonging to the proprietors of Lunenburg as Sone as they can with convenencey and in that way they Shall Think beft, and that they tranfact all matters Re- fpecting Said Lands as they Shall think beft for S^ pro- prietors 5^5- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 9/3 6^^ Voted to Adjorn this meeting to munday the 5*^ day of January next one o'Clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 29^^ day of may 1794. ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark January the 5*^ 1795. being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap! Benj5 Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opened firft Voted to allow an acount to David Kilborn of— — — — — — — — — — — £1-70 2iy- Voted to Except a plan of Seventeen acres & 115 rod lying in Fitchburg bounding on Efq': Putnoms & Lows Lands 314 Proprietors' Records. 3iy. Voted to allow Stephen Whitney an ac- count of — — — — — — — — — — 0-76 4'>- Voted to allow Capt Benji^ Goodridge an account of — — — — — — — — — — £6-11 5 5'-^'- Voted to allow Jofeph Hartwell an account of 1 0-7-6 6'>- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid hy the proprietors being Sixteen Shillings and four pence — — — — — — — — — 0-16 4 7'-^- Voted to Adjorn this meeting to wednefday the 27*^^ day of may next one o'Clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator recorded this 12^^^ day of January 1795 Joseph Hartwell Clark [121] May y^ 27*^ 1795 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened. firft Voted to allow James Richardfon an account of— — — — — — — — — — £1 70 meetings attended 2'^' Voted to Chufe a committee to Reckon with the proprietors Treafuer 3'y Voted and Chofe Joseph Hartwell & Thadeus Commings for the above Said committee 4'y Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being fifteen Shillings — — — — — 0150 5'-^' Voted to Adjorn this meeting to monday the for- teenth day of September next one o'Clock afternoon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator recorded this 28*'^ day of may 1795 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark Sept y*^ 14*^ 1795 being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Capt Benj^ Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened. firft Voted to allow Benji* Redington an account of two pounds Seventeen Shillings and Eight pence — — — — — — — — — — — 2178 Proprietors Records. 315 for Services don for the proprietors & attending nine meet- ing 2'y- Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors being 3iy Voted to Adjorn this meeting munday the Elev- enth day of January next at one o'Clock after noon at this place ^Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 15"' day of Sep^ 1795 Joseph Hartwell proprietors Clark January y^ 11*?' 1796 being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjii Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opened firft Voted to Except the Reckoning of the Commit- tee Chofen to Reckon with Eleazer Houghton proprietors Treafurer for the proprietors of Lunenburg as follows we the Subfcribers being Chofen a Committee to Reckon with the proprietors Treafurer: viz. Eleazer Houghton have attended Said Reckoning and find in Said Houghtons hands of the proprietors moneys arifing from the Sales of their Common Lands to the amount of two Hundred and Sixty-Seven pounds Eighteen Shillings Seven pence two farthings. --------- £267 18 7 2 the above Said Houghton Difcharges himfelf by paying the proprietors Debts for which he produces proper vouchers to the amount of Eighty-four pounds Six Shillings Eight pence three farthings. 84 6 8 3 and there remains Due to the proprie- tors from Said Houghton one hundred Eighty three pounds Eleven Shillings ten pence three farthings — — — — — 183 11 10 8 alfo in his hands one thoufand Conti- nantal paper Dollers paid out five five Hundred twenty one there remains four hundred & ninty paper Dollers January y*^ 2*? 1796. (Errors Excepted) Joseph Hartwell j Committee Thadeus Commmgs) Eleazer Houghton | Treafurer 316 Proprietors Records. 2'y- Voted to allow an account of one pound two Shillings & Six pence to Ed- ward Scott for attending fifteen meet- ings — — — — — — — — — — 126 3'y Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an ac- count of twelve Shillings and nine pence for Services don for the proprietors and attending meetings — — — — — — 012 9 torn over [133] 4'y Voted to allow an account of three pounds ten Shillings & two pence to Cap* Benjf^ Goodridge for Services don for the pro- prietors and attending meetings — — — — 3 10 2 5'y Voted to allow an account of one pound five Shillins to Thadeus Commings for Services don for the proprietors and attending meetings — 1 5 6'>' Voted to allow an account of Eight Dollers for Services don for the proprietors and attend- ing meetings to Eleazer Houghton all that is due to him to this time 2 8 7'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to wednefday the 25*^ day of may next at one oClock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator recorded this 12*'^ day of January Joseph Hartwell Clark May. y*" 25*^ 1796 being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opned firft Voted to allow Stephen Whitney an ac- count of Six Shillings for attending four meetings 6 2'^ Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors 3'y- Voted to Adjorn this meeting to monday y*" 26*^ day of December next at one oClock after noon at this place BenjL^ Goodridge Modirator Recorded this 26*^}' day of may 1796 'it* Joseph Hartwell Clarck Proprietors' Records. 317 December y« 26*^ 1796 being met according to adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Capt Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting oped firft Voted the proprietors Treafurer is Diricted to Call upon Leut Philip Goodridge for the money Due to the proprietors by puting the note or notes in Sute that are againft S<^ Goodridge 2iy- Voted the Expence of this meeting be payed by the proprietors being 3'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to Wednefdaj- the 31^^ day of may next at one o, Clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge modirator Recorded this 27*^ day of December 1796. ■^ Joseph Hartwell Clark [133] May y^ 31*:* 1797 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Cap! Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opned. firft Voted that the vote pafsed on the 26*.^ of Laft December by the proprietors (viz. that the proprietours Treafurer Call upon Lea* Philip Goodridge b}^ puting the notes in Sute, Due to the proprietors,) Shall not be put in Sute till further orders from the proprietors Committy. Voted to allowe Joseph Hartwell an account of Six Shillings & nine pence for attending three meetings and recording Said meetings £.0 6 9 Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the pro- prietors Voted to Adjorn this meeting to Election day in the year 1798 at one o'Clock after-noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded this firft day of June 1797 ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark May y'^ 30*?' 1798 being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg, Said meeting opned. 318 Proprietors Records. firft \'oted and Chofe Stephen Whitney in the Rome of Benjamin Redin^ton and Thadeus Commings in the Rome of Lea^ P^hillip Goodridge to Serve as a Committee with the other Committee men in Laying out the Com- mon land making Sale of any that is to be Sold accord- ing to former Votes of the proprietors of S*' Lunenburg Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid b^' the pro- prietors Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the tenth Day of December next at one o, Clock after-noon at this place Benj'? Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 31^* Day of may 1798 ^. Joseph Hartwell Clark December y*-' 10*^?^ 1798 being met according to Ad- jornment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opned through the Deepnefs of the Snow, the proprietors Did not attend in in geniral, So it was though Beft to adjorn the meeting Voted to adjorn this meeting to the 29**^ day of may next at one o'Clock after noon at this place. Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 13*^ Day of December 1798 '# Joseph Hartwell Clark May y*^ 29*'^ 1799. being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opned Voted to allow Joseph Hartwell an account of Six Shillings & nine pence. 6 u for attending three meetings and recording Said meetings Voted to allow Benj, Goodridge an account of three pounds fcventeen Shillings & Eight pence for Expences of S"? meetings & attendance on Said meeting Voted to adjorn this meeting to Election Day in the year 1800. turn over Proprietors Records. 319 [134] the 28*?' of may at this place one o'Clock after noon Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 30*!' Day of may 1799 lj^ Joseph Hartwell Clark May y'^ 28*^ 1800. being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opneM Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid b}^ the proprietors Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the Laft wednefday in Ma3^ 1801 at one oclock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded the Laft day of may 1800. %? Joseph Hartwell Clerk May y"^ 27*?' 1801 being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opned (iol cts Voted to alow an ancount of David Kilburns of — 1 — 25 Voted to alow an account of Joseph Hartwells of — 75 Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the pro- prietors Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the laft wednefday in may 1802 at this place at one o. clock afternoon at this place Benjamin Goodridge modirator Recorded the 28*^ Day of May 1801 >^ Joseph Hartwell Hartwell Clerk May y*^ 26*?^ 1802 being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap* Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opned firft Voted to allow Cap* Benjamin Goodridge an account of Six DoUers thirty four Sent for Ex- doi. cts pences & attend meetings 6 34 2b' Voted to Chufe a commity to confult an a torney Refpecting the Northfield road So Called. 320 PToprictors Records. 3iy Voted and Chofe Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge for Said committy man 4'y Voted to chufe a Committee to Recon with the propriertors treafuer 5'y Voted and Chofe Cap! Benjamin Goodridge & Thadeus Commings for Said Committee 6'y Voted the Exfpence of this meetting be paid by the proprietors 7'-^' Voted to adjorn this meetting to the laft wednef- day in may next 1803 at one o clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 21^"^ Day of may 1802 P Joseph Hartwell Clerk [135] May y*^ 25*^ 1803 being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Capt Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened. firft Voted to receive the Committee reckoning with the proprietors Treafurer. &c : we the Subfcribers being chofen a Committee to reckon with the proprietors Treaf- urer of the Townfhip of Lunenburg, viz., Eleazer Hough- ton have attended Said reckoning and find due from Said Houghton to Said proprietors two Hundred and twenty two pounds fourteen Shillings and nine pence two far- things 222 1^4 9 2 alfo in his hands four hundred & ninty pa- per Boilers 490 0-0-0 June y*^ 2^' 1802 Errors Excepted ?^"j; ^°??"^^^ 1 Committee Thadeus Commmsj Eleazer Houghton \ Treafurer Voted that Josiah Stearns Efq^ is admitted to act as the legal Reprefentative of Edward Emerfon Efq! by vir- tue of a power of attorney from Jonathan Bowman Efq^ . Voted to Chufe a Commettee to attend the Commit- tee Choufen by the town to afcertain the bounds of Northfield road. Voted and Chofe Cap! Bcnj-' Goodridge Eleazer Hough- ton Stephen Whitney lor the abovefaid Committee which JreJj/are^ erf M(. JOT^^'TJ.fkip erf (fiiOTcriAcrj^i/bpt,, ^^t^r^cLi' '/^/^^V ,.^ f «77l .„,W- ^^ f6iiaA ^^Umn> £ff ,, ad,n,i& ^^ ^^ mi/LL. ^ Au-»y.'^M.^-^ To C'y'-/^ i* C j-Jj c-\ \ '. Y '^ '^^'rn /#/< 111 i^rr.n^ -f. 7^ /''■/^ '^"^ ff J&nao^Y'i/^n^xVsit' ff,rc' Proprietors Records. 321 Committee are authorized & empowered to make Sale of any part or parts of Said road which may be relinqufhed by the town or to make any Settlement with any perfon or parfons that the Said Committee may think moft for the Intereft of the proprietors Voted to allow an account of Stephen Whitney s of two Dollers Eighty three Cents Voted to allow an account of Eleazer Houghtons Six- teen Dollers twenty five Cents Voted to allow an account of Benj? Goodridges of three Dollers & Eighty three cents Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid by the pro- prietors Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Laft wednefday of may next at this place at one o. Clock after noon. Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded 26^^ Day of may 1803 > Joseph Hartwell Clerk May y*^ 30'^^ 1804. being met according to Adjorn- ment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunen- burg Said meeting opened firft Voted to allow an account of Joseph Hartwells of one Doller & 25 cents Voted the Expence of this meeting be paid b^^ the pro- pritors Voted to Adjorn this meeting to the firft day of Janu- ary 1805 next at one o, Clock after noon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded the 311'^ Day may 1804 ^ Joseph Hartwell Clerk [l!!i(>] January y^ 1^^ 1805 being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Cap^ Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened firft Voted that all contracts Sales & conveyances are estableshed agreeable to there prefent bounds 2'^ Voted that the proprietors will contract with Such perfon or perfons (to Settle with & pay to the Sev- eral proprietors or their legal representatives Such Sums 322 Proprietors Records. of money as they are legally intitled to from Said propri- ety) as will undertake to Settle with the Several proprie- tors for the leaft Sum, provided Such person or persons Shall give land Security to the Satiffaction of the Said proprietors for the performance of Such contract. 3'-^' Voted that the money Saved by the aforesaid contract Shall be distrebuted amongft the proprietors eaqually and to be paid out by the perfon, or perfons w^ho may be contracted with agreeable to the aforesaid vote. 4,'-^' Voted to Chufe a committy to Reckon with the Treafurer Voted & chofe for Said Committy Meffrs. Josiah Stearns Thaddeus Commings & Benjamin Goodridge 5.'-^' Votd that the expence of this meeting be paid b_v the proprietors 6/5^ Voted to adjorn this meeting to monday the 14 day of January Instent at ten o. clock in the forenoon at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded y^ 2^' Day of January 1805 ^ Joseph Hartwell Clerk [l!^7] Januar}^ y'^ 14^?^ 1805 being met according to Adjornment at the Houfe of Cap! Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg Said meeting opened The Committee appointed to Reckon with Mr Eleazer Houghton proprietors Treafurer find that there is in the hands of the Treafurer the Sum of eight hundred and twenty four dollors after deducting Eight Dollers & ninty five cents which is his due January y*^ 17*^^ 1805 accepted and ordered to be recorded ftf'^^ ^*n '"' • ! Committee Thadeus Commmgsj Eleazer Houghton \ treasurer 2'-^ Voted that the Sum of ninteen Dollers be paid to the Legal Rcpresentivcs of the original ])roprietors of twentv five Rights which have not Receved their Dividend Proprietors Records. 323 of four pounds which will be in full of the legal Shears on thofe rights 3'^ Voted that the proprietors accept of the proposals of Meffrs, Eleazer Houghton Benji!; Goodridge Benj-? John- fon & Josiah Stearns for undertaking to pay all thofe of the aforefaid twenty five Shears that Shall be legally De- manded for the Sum of one hundred and Sixty Six Dollers & Sixty Seven cents, provided that the^^ Shall give Suffi- cient Security for the preformance of that truft 4'-^ Voted to accept the Securety of Eleazer Houghton Benjamin Goodridge & Josiah Stearns for the fulltelment of the aforesaid truft; and order the Treasurer to pay them the aforefaid Sum of money accordingly 5'y Voted that the owners of Lots Number 28 : & 74: & 81: with two thirds of Lot number 70: excluded from receiving any part of this dividend untill the princi- ple & intereft of two notes given by Phillip Goodridge to the proprietors Shall be fulh^ paid, alfo that the owner of lot Number two Shall be excluded from receiv- ing any part of this dividend untill the principle & inter- eft of a note of hand given to the proprietors by James Richardson Shall be fully paid. Likewife that the owner of lot number 20 : and of one half of lot 32 : Shall be excluded from receiving any part of this dividend untill a note of hand given by Edward Scott to the proprietors Shall be fully paid, whereas Col, Aaron Willard at the time of his deceafe owed to the proprietors a Sum of mone\' which is now Equal to more than one thousand dollers by which means the propriety have been much In- jured therefore 61-^ Voted that the Eltate of the Said Aaron Willard be forever excluded from receiving any part of the money which has or Shall be divided amongft the Said proprie- tors Since his deth 7'y Voted that MV Eleazer Houghton the proprietors Treasurer be & he hereby is authorized & empowered forthwith to collect all the money that the proprietors have due to them, with power of inftituting Suets at law (if neceffary) and to plead prosecute & perfue the Same to final Judgement, and Execution, with power of Substi- 324 Proprietors' Records. tution, and when the faid money is received to pay to the Several persons to whom the money is due the Several Sums which are their due and the remainder to pay to the proprietors or owners of Such rights as are to receive the Same agreable to the vots of the proprietors at the rate of fifteen Dollers & eighteen cents to each right. 8'y Voted to adjorn this meeting to the firft Day of January 1806 at one o clock at this place Benjamin Goodridge Modirator Recorded y^' 18^^ of January 1805 ^ Joseph Hartwell Clark [128] 1806 January 1'*^ The proprietors being met according to adjournment at the house of capt Benjamin Goodridge in Lunenburg, the said meeting was opened, and voted to adjourn this meeting to the sixth day of this Instant at one o clock in the after noon to this place January 6 the proprietors being meet according to adjournment Voted that the proprietors Treasurer deduct such sum from the intereft of each shear of fifteen dollers and eigh- teen cents, as will make the shear owned by M"" Simon Goodridge (being number twenty eight) equal to the other shears, and pay out the same accordingly — — — — Voted to excuse M*" Joseph Hartwell from serving clerk for the proprietors any longer — — — — Voted and choose Josiah Stearns clerk of the aforesaid proprietors — — — — — — Voted that the propriety pay the expence of this meeting — — — — — Voted that this meeting be adjourned to Monday- the twenty eighth da^^ of April next at two o clock in the after noon to meet at the house of M"" Benjamin Johnson in Lunenburg Benjamin Goodridge Moderator attest — — Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk *Worcester fs. January 7"^!' 1806. personally appeard the Hon^ Josiah Stearns Esq', and made solemn oath •This is a slip affixed to the page by a seal. Proprietors Records. 325 that he would be faithfull to the trust reposed in him as Clerk to the proprietors of the Township of Lunenburg. Before me William Cunningham Justice Peace. 1806 April 28 The proprietors of the original township of Lu- nenburg met agreeable to adjournment at two of the clock in the after noon at the House of AP Benjamin Johnson in said Lunenburg — Voted & choose M'' Elea- zer Houghton moderator protem in the room of Decon Benj^ Goodridge who is absent — — Voted to allow W Eleazer Houghton fourteen doUers & thirt3' six cents which sum he was charged with in the last settlement as being due from Jon-'^ Adams as com- pound Interest on his note to the proprietors & which sum he refuses to pay — voted to deduct so much of the interest which has arisen on the shears as will reimburst to M*" Houghton the aforesaid sum of fourteen dollers & thirty- six cents [129] Voted that the treasurer do not pay an3^ of the proprietors their shears untill the administrators of the estate of Lent PhilHp Goodridge deceased is settled with — — — Voted that the expence of this meetng by paid by the proprietors Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesday in May next at three of the clock in the after noon to the house of M*" Benj'^ Johnson in Lunenburg Eleazer Houghton Moderator protem attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1806 May 28 The proprietors of the original township of Lu- nenburg met according to adjournment at the house of M'' Benj'' Johnson in said Lunenburg — — — — — Voted that the treasurer pay M*" Samuel Kimball administrator of the Estate of Lieut Phillip Goodridge two dollers & sixty one cents which is the ballance due to said Goodridges Estate on two rights and two thirds of one right — — — — — 826 Proprietors Records. Voted to allow the following persons the several sums affixed to their names amounting to thirteen dollers & Eighty Eight cents in the whole viz to M'' Joseph Hart- well for attending two meeting — — — — $0 50 to Decon Benj'^ Goodridge for the expence of one meeting at his house & for at- tending three meetings — 2 41 M*" Benj-'^ Johnson for the expence of this meeting & for attending four meetings 3 62 M"" Eleazer Houghton for serving treasurer to this time & for the attendance of four meetings — — 3 2f> M"" Stephen Whitney for attending this meeting — — 25 M*" Thaddeus Cummings for attending two meetings 50 M*" Simon Goodridge for attending 4 meet- ings — 1 M*" Samuel Kimball for attending 3 meeting 75 Josiah Stearns for attending 4 meetings $1 — paying Esqr Cunningham,, 20 — re- cording the votes of 3 meeting 1 60 $13, ,88 Voted that the treasurer pay Interest on the shears of fifteen dollers & Eighteen cents each ; after this daj- untill paid ; unlefs ordered otherwise by the proprietors Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first Monday in January next at one of the clock in the after noon to meet at the house of M'' Benj'^ Johnson Benj-'^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk [130] 1807 January 5 The proprietors met according to adjourn- ment at the house of M"" Benj'> Johnson — — — — — Voted & Josiah Stearns one of the committee to look up & make sale of the common land in addition to the Committee — — — Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesday Proprietors Records. 327 in May next at two of the clock in the after noon to the house of M*" Benj'"^ Johnson — — — Benj^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors Clerk May 27 1807 the proprietors met according to ad- journment — Voted that the treasurer do not pay any Interest on the shares of fifteen dollers & eighteen cents each untill further order from the proprietors — — — — — Voted that the committee for laying out the proprie- tors land employ a surveyor & chain men for the pur- pose of making such surveys as the committee shall think proper, and that one or more of said committee attend such surveys, and in case they find any land which they cat! recover & dispose of, that the committee proceed to lay out & sell such land and pafs deed or deeds of the same, in behalf of the proprietors — — Voted to allow M^ Benj^ Johnson three dollers for the expence of providing for this meeting & two dollers & fifty cents for the meeting in January last — — $5 50 Voted To adjourn this meeting to the 22'' of June next at two of the clock in the after noon to meet at the house of M^ Benj^ Johnson Benja Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors Clerk June 22 The proprietors met according to adjourn- ment at the house of M*" Benj9 Johnson — — — Voted to choose two agents to make a settlement with the persons who are here after named that have any of Common land in their pofsefsion — Said agents Em- powed to submit to Reference all matters of dispute which may arise respecting said proprietors land, that may be in the pofsefsion of Jacob Jaquith, Aaron Wheeler, Samuel Phelps or David Whitemore, and in the said pro- prietors behalf to enter into any agreeament, or contract for that purpose as fully & absolutely as said proprietors could do if they were all personally present S28 Proprietors Records. [131] Voted and choose Josiah Stearns & M** Samuel Kimball for said agents — — — — — — — — Voted that the proprietors Treasurer furnish the agents with a sum of money, not exceeding twenty dollers for the purpose of transacting the aforesaid buisnefs Voted that the proprietors treasurer pay the expence of this meeting — — — — — — — Voted to adjourn this meting untill the tenth of august next at 3 oclock in the after noone, to the house of M": Benj-'' Johnson Benj-'^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1807 Aug 10 — The proprietors met according to adjournment at the house of M*" Benj^ Johnson — Voted that Josiah Stearns & Samuel Kimball the agents choosen at the last meeting be directed to procure a copy of Josiah Williards deed (of the three hundred & one acre & a half lot, which was laid out to him on the 22 day of august 1729 — ) to John Bridge; or the person to whome it was given ; also the copy of the deed to Benj''^ Danforth of a part of said lot if the said copies can be obtained; and afterwards to make a statement of the w^hole matter respecting said lot & the adjoining lands to some able attorny for his consideration & advice Voted that the expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors Treasurer — — — — — — Voted to adjourn this meeting to monday the second day of November next at two o clock in the afternoon to meet at this place Benj"^ Goodridge moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors Clerk 1807 November 2 the proprietors met at the house of M'' Ben- jamin Johnson agreeable to adjournment Voted to allow the following sums to the persons to whose names they are affixed viz — — — — ^ — Proprietors Records. 329 To Josiah Stearns for going to Fitchburg nine times & to mulpus & Clollege land 6 times equal to 9 days in the whole 9 Aug 4 for half a Journy to Worcester viz 1 day 1 — cash expended 1,,9 — half a horse 0.50 2 59 Sept 3 to horse to Worcester 1 — cash expended in Worcester 1„84 — — 2 84 for examining books & making plans &c — 8 for recording the votes of five meetings and attend- ing do — 1 82 To Benj-'' Goodridge for three & a half days Carry- ing chain &c 3 50 for attending four meetings 1 [132] Brought forward To Eleazer Houghton for one da\' 1 — & for attend- ing 5 meetings 2 25 To Stephen Whitney for one day 1— for attending 3 meetings 0,,75 1 75 To Samuel Kimball for two days 2 — attending 5 meetings 1.25 3 25 To Simon Goodridge for attending 4 meetings 1 — 10 To Thaddeus Cummings for one meeting,, 25 — 25 To John Hart well for attending tw^o meetings,, 50 — 50 To David Kilburn for surveying 3 — — — — — 3 To Zabdiel B. Adams Esqr for his advice 2 — — 2 To Zacharah Whitney for going to Fitchburg,, 50 — 50 To Benj^ Johnson for providing for 5 meetings & to attending 5 meetings, carrying chain three days & for other expences in full Including this time — — — — — — 16 40 Voted to pay the expence of this meeting Voted to sell a piece of land lying west of nepesegaset pond adjoining to Israel Gibsons land containing about three acres 100 rods Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesday in May next at 2 o clock after noon to this place — Benj" Goodridge Aloderator Attest Josiah Stearns proprietors Clerk 330 Proprietors Records. Wednesday May 25*^ 1808 the proprietors met ac- cording to adjournment at the house of M*" Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg Voted & chose M"' Samuel Kimball Moderator pro tem to act as Moderator of this meeting — — — Voted that the expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors Voted to adjourn this meeting to the twentieth day of June next at two o clock in the after-noon to the house of M"" Benj" Johnson in Lunenburg Samuel Kimball Moderator pro tem attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk — — — — 1808 June 20 The proprietors met according to adjourment at the house of M'' Benj-'* Johnson in Lunenburg — — — — Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesday in May next at one o clock in the after noon to meet at the house of M"" Benj'^ Johnson in Lunenburg — Benj''^ Goodridge moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk Common [133] May 31ft 1809— The proprietors of Land laid ^j^^ township of Lunenburg met at the house of M*" Benj'"^ Johnson agreeable to adjournment Voted that the clerk make a record of a peice of land as laid out by the Committee containing about two and a half acres bounded as follows viz Begining at a heep of stones east of the road, and north of bridge which is over cateconemoug brook Begining at the most Westerly corner thence runing north two degrees west eleven rods & twenty links by land of David Kilburns to a stake & stones the corner of Clarks land, thence east nine degrees north sixt}' eight rods by Clarks land to a heep of stones, thence west eighteen degrees south, about sixty nine rods by land of Nathan T3der to the bound first mentioned Voted that the expences of this meeting be paid by the proprietors — — — — — — — Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesday in May next at one Oclock in the after noon to the house of M'' Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg Benj'^ Goodridge attest Josiah Stearns proprietors dark Proprietors' Records. 331 1810 May 30 — The proprietors of the township of Lunenburg met at the house of M*" Benj^ Johnson agreeable to ad- journment Voted to adjourn this meeting to the third monday in Sept next at two of the clock in the afternoon to the house of M^ Johnson in Lunenburg Benj^ Goodridge attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1810 Sept 17 The proprietors of the township of Lunenburg met according to adjournment — — — — Voted and chose M^ Samuel Kimball moderator pro tem Voted to allow the following accounts, and order the treasurer to pay the same to the several persons to whom due viz To Benj^ Johnson for providing for five meetings and attending the same and for going to Har- ris Tylers &c 3 times to la3' out land — — — $5 50 to Benj^ Goodridge for attending 3 meeting & for going to Harris ; Tylers &c v3 times to lay out land — - — " 1 75 to Stephen Whitney for attending 5 meetings & going to Harris' once to lay out land — — — 1 58 To Eleazer Houghton for attending four meeting and for his service as treasure up to this time — 7 00 turn two leaves for the remainder [134] Know all men by these presents that we Elea- zer Houghton, N^eomen Benjamin Goodridge Gentleman & Josiah Stearns Esqr all of Lunenburg in the county' of Worcester & Common wealth of Mafsachusetts — Are holden & stand firmh' bound & obliged unto the proprie- tors of the original township of Lunenburg in the full & Just sum of five hundred dollers to the which payment well & truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Ex- ecutors & administrators firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals dated this seventeenth da\^ of Januar}' in the vear of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & five 332 Proprietors' Records. The conditions of this present obHgation is such that whereas the above botinden Eleazer Houghton, Benjamin Goodridge & Josiah Stearns in consideration of one hun- dred & sixty six dollers & sixty six cents have undertaken to pay the sum of ninteen dollers to the legal owners of each of the following rights in the original township of Lunenburg viz numbers seventy nine, sixty five, seventy one, Eighty nine, Eighty Eight, Eighty five, fourteen, nine, seventy five. Eight, three, ten, forty, thirty, sixty six fifty, thirty five, twenty six, fifty nine, ninteen Eighty, sixty one, seventy six, fifteen, & twenty one Now therefore if the said Eleazer, Benjamin or Josiah, their heirs Executors or administrators shall well and trul3^ pay or cause to be paid the sum of ninteen dollers to the legal representative of any one or more of the aforsaid twenty five Rights before mentioned, when legally demaned with lawful Interst for the same after it is le- gally demanded, then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force & virtue in witnefs whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this seventeenth day of January 1805 — in presence of Thadil Cummings Eleazer Houghton [Seal] Benj'.^ Johnfon Benjamin Goodridge [Seal] Josiah Stearns [Seal] The words when legally Demanded was interlined before signing sealing [135] Know all men by these presents that we Elea- zer Houghton & Benjamin Johnson yeoman, Benjamin Goodridge Gentleman & Josiah Stearns Esqr all of Lunen- burg in the county of Worcester and Commonwealth of Mafsachusetts Are holden & Stand firmly bound & obliged unto the proprietors of the original township of Lunenburg in the full & Just sum of five hundred dollers to the which pa\'ment well & truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Executors & administrators firmly by these presents in witnefs whereof we have here unto set our hands & seals this seventeenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & five Proprietors Records. 333 The conditions of this present obhgation is such that whereas the above bounden Eleazer Houghton Benjamin Johnson, Benjamin Goodridge & Josiah Stearns have in consideration of one hundred & sixty six dollers & sixty six cents, undertaken to pay the sum of ninteen dollers to the legal owners of each of the following rights in the original township of Lunenburg Viz numbers, Seven, fifty Eight, fifty three, eighteen, thirty four. Eleven, thirty three, Seventy' two, thirty eight, forty one, forty five, sixty Eight, twentj^ nine, thirt3^ six. Sept [136] brought forward 2 leaves To John Hartwell for attending four meeting $1 00 to Simon Goodridge for attending 2 meetings 50 to David Kilburn for surveying 1 to Samuel Kimball for attending 5 meeting 1 25 to Thaddeus Cummings for attending 2 meetings 50 to Josiah Stearns for attending 5 meetings & for Recording 5 do — and for going to lay out land 3 times 2 87 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last wednsday in May next at two O clock in the after noon to meet at the dwelling house of M"" Benj-'^ Johnson in Lunenburg Samuel Kimball Moderator Pro tern attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1811 May 29 The proprietors met according to adjournment voted that the committee for making sale of the pro- prietors lands are directed to examin the evidence Respect- ing a peice of land lying between the land laid out to William Wallis and the land laid out to Moses Mitchell & Nathaniel Page and if it shall appear that said land be- longs to the proprietors, to cause the same to be laid out and sold also any other peice or peices of land that the committee may be informed of, which belongs to said propritors and make Report at the next — ing — — — voted that the proprietors adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesdav in Mav next at two oclock in the 334 Proprietors Records. after noon to meet at the dwelling house of M"" Benj''^ Johnson in Lunenburg Benj'^ Goodridge moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1812 May 27 The proprietors met according to adjournment at the Dwelling House of M"" Benjamin Johnson in Lunen- burg Voted & choose M'' Samuel Kimball & Josiah Stearns a Committee to Reckon with M*" Eleazer Houghton pro- prietors treasurer & report at the next meeting voted to allow to the several persons hereafter named the sum affixed to their name [137] To Benj'^ Goodridge for attending two meet- ings $0 50 To Eleazer Houghton for attending two meetings & for his service as treasurer to this time — — — 2 50 to Benj-'^ Johnson for providing for two meetings & for his attendance at two meetings in full to this time — — — — 2 08 to Stephen Whitney for his attending at two meet- ings 50 to Samuel Kimball for his attending at two meet- ings 50 to Simon Goodridge for attending one meeting 25 to Josiah Stearns for attending, & Recording two meetings 75 voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednsday in May next at two Oclock in the after noon, to meet at the dwelling House of M*^ Benj-' Johnson in Lunenburg — Benj''' Goodridge Moderator attest — — — Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1813 May 26 The proprietors met according to adjornment at the House M'' Benj" Johnson in Lunenburg — — — — voted to accept the Report of the Committee for Reck- oning with M'' Eleazer Houghton their treasurer which is as follows viz The committee Jippointed b}^ the pro- prietors to Reckon with A1' Eleazer Houhgton their treas- Proprietors' Records. 335 urer have attended that buisnefs, and find that the treas- urer has no-w in his hands notes to the amount of five hundred & thirty dollers and eighty six cents including the Interest to the twenty sixth day of October last which is due from the persons hereafter named — — — John Patterson & John Billings 43 87 James Richardson — — — 16 88 Edward Scott 25 54 Thomas Gould & Samson Gould — — — 49 12 Asa Johnson — — — — — — 82 15 Kendall Bouttell 33 70 John & John Goodridges 35 90 M Chase 16 52 Caleb Lealand & Eben'' Lealand — — — — 186 58 Jacob Gibson 40 60 we also find that there is due to sdid treasurer the sum of three dollers & thirty four cents May 26 1813 — Samuel Kimballl ^^ ., , ■^ T • u c+ ( Committee Josiah Stearns J turn ove [138] Meeting on the 26 day of May 1813 Brought fordard — — — Voted that the Proprietors treasurer call on all per- sons that owe the proprietors either pay the money or to Renew their notes with good security — — — voted to allow Samuel Kimball & Josiah Stearns one doller & fifty cents each for Reckoning with the treasurer — — — — — 3 00 Voted to allow Benj-'* Johnson ninet}- eight cents for providing for this meeting & twenty five cents for attending said meeting 1 23 voted to Benj'"^ Goodridge twenty five cents for at- tending this meeting 25 to allow Eleazer Houghton five dollers for his ser- vice as treasurer up to this time & twenty five cents for attending this meeting 5 25 to allow Stephen Whitney twenty five cents for attending 25 to allow John Hartwell twent\' five cents for at- tending 25 336 Proprietors' Records. to allow Samuel Kimball twenty five cents for at- tending 25 to allow Josiah Stearns twenty five cents for at-^ o^ ting this meeting & twelve cents for recording / Voted to adjourn this meeting to monday the 31®* day of May Instant at four oclock in the after noon to meet at the dwelling house of M*" Benj''* Johnson in Lunen- burg Benj'? Goodridge Moderator attest — — Josiah Stearns Proprietors clerk 1813 May 31 The proprietors met according to adjournment Voted to Excuse M*" Eleazer Houghton from serveing Treasurer — — — Voted & choose M'' John Hartwell Treasurer for the proprietors to serve untill another Treasurer is choosen in his Room — — (and said Hartwell was duly sworn at the same time) Voted to allow the expence of this meeting as usual and that the clerk enter the same — to allow Benj" Johnson for providing for this meeting 58 and for attending said meeting — — 25 to allow Benj" Goodridge for attending this meeting 25 to allow Eleazer Houghton for ditto 25 to allow Stephen Whitney for do — — 25 to allow Samuel Kimball for do — — 25 to allow John Hartwell for do 25 to allow Josiah Stearns for do & for Recording — 38 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesday of May next to two o clock in the after noon to meet at the dwelling house of M"" Benj" Johnson in Lunenburg Benj' Goodridge Moderator attest — — — Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk [139] 1814 May 25 The proprietors met at the house of M*" Benj" Johnson in Lunenburg agreeable to adjournment voted that the treasurer i)ay one doller & fifty cents on the grant made on the 21^^ May 1812 — — voted to allow each of the proprietors fifty cents for attend this, and all future meeting that they shall attend Proprietors' Records. 337 voted to allow M'' Benj^ Johnson one doller for pro- viding for this meeting — — — 1 00 voted that the expence of this meeting be paid by the proprietors — viz to Benj'^ Goodridge for at- tending this meeting 50 to Eleazer Houghton for do — — — 50 to Stephen Whitney — — — 50 to Samuel Kimball — — — 50 to John Hartwell — — 50 to Josiah Stearns for recording and attending — — 02 voted to allow Benj'^' Goodridge for going to the east part of the town to look for common land in June last — — 1 00 voted to allow Benj-'* Johnson for the like service 1 00 voted to allow Josiah Stearns for do & for servey- ing 1 50 voted to adjourn this meeting to the first Monday in Ocf next at one Oclock in the after noon to meet at the house of Decon Benj* Goodridge in Lunenburg Benj^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk - — - 1814 Ocf 3*^ The propritors met at the house of Decon Benj^"^ Goodridge in Lunenburg agreeable to adjournment — — Voted and choose a committee to examin into the last settlement with M'' Eleazer Houghton treasurer and to asertain whether he was allowed fourteen dollers & thirty six cents which was granted him for what he was charged with in the settlement preceeding the last, as being due on a note which Jonathan Adams owed the proprietors & was found not to be due on said note for said com- mittee choose Josiah Stearns & M'' Saml Kimball Voted to Excuse M"" Stephen Whitney from serving as one of the committee for looking up & selling proprietors land and choose M'' John Hartwell one of said com- mittee Voted to allow Decon Benj^ Goodridge three dollers & fifty cents for providing for this meeting $3 50 and fifty cents for attending said meeting — — 50 to allow M' Eleazer Houghton for attending 50 22 338 Proprietors' Records. [140] 1814 Oct^ 3'^ Voted to allow M*" Benj"^ Johnson for attend- ing this meeting $0 50 to allow M"" Samuel Kimball for do — — — 50 to allow M'' Stephen Whitney for do — — — 50 to allow M*" Simon Goodridge for do — — — — 50 to allow M"" John Hartwell for do 50 to allow Josiah Stearns for do & for recording 63 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesda}^ in May next at two o clok in the after noon to meet at the Houfe of M'' Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg Benj^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1815 May 31 The proprietors met at the house of M'' Benja- min Johnson in Lunenburg agreeable to adjournment Voted that the treasurer pay to M'' Eleazer Houghton (the late treasure) fourteen dollers & thirty six cents which was allowed him on the twenty Eighth day of April 1806 — with interest for said sum from that date, his not haveing been allowed that sum in the last Reck- oning — — — Voted that the mortgage deeds from Benj^ Goodridge Eleazer Houghton & Josiah Stearns be lodged in the office of the proprietors treasurer — — — Voted to choose a committee to Reckon with the pro- prietors treasurer, and choose Josiah Stearns & M'' Sam- uel Kimball for said committee Voted to allow Decon Benj^ Goodridge for attend- ing this meeting 50 to allow M*" Eleazer Houghton for do — — 50 to allow M*" Stephen Whitney for do — — — — 50 to allow M"" Samuel Kimball for do 50 to allow M"" Simon Goodridge for do — — — 50 to allow M' John Hartwell for do 50 to allow M'' Benj'^ Johnson for attending & provid- ing for this meeting — — 3 50 Proprietors Records. 339 to allow Josiah Stearns for attending, and record- ing this meeting — — 62 Voted To adjourn this meeting to Monday the second day of October next at one oclock in the after noon to meet at the House of M*" Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg — Benj'* Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1815 Octo 2d The proprietors met at the House of M*" Benj^ John- son agreeable to adjournment — — Voted that after deducting from the money that shall be collected the amout of all sums that shall be due from Individuals, other than for shares, that we will make a new dividend on the number of shares that have not [141] Received their dividend of fifteen dollers & eighteen cents, and pay out the same to the owners of such shares, or to their legal Representatives as soon as may be convenient Voted To choose a committee to asertain all sums of money due from the proprietors to individuals, other than for dividends on shares; and also the number of shares that have Rec^ their dividend of four pounds, that have not Rec^ their dividend of fifteen dollers & Eighteen cents each Voted and choose Josiah Stearns Decon Benj^ Good- ridg & M"" Samuel Kimball for said committee — — Voted To allow M"" Benj^ Johnson for providing for this meeting and for attending said meeting 3 50 To allow Decon Benj^ Goodridge for attending said meeting 50 To allow M^ Eleazer Houghton for do — — — 50 To allow M*" Stephen Whitney for do — — — — — 50 To allow M*' Samuel Kimball for do — — — — 50 To allow M"' Simon Goodridge for do — — — 50 To allow M-- John Hart well for do 50 To allow Josiah Stearns for do & for recording — — 62 To allow M*" John Hartwell for his service as treas- urer in full to this time — — — — — 13 75 340 Proprietors Records. Voted To adjourn this meeting to Monda3^ the 30 day of October Instant at one O clock in the after noon to meet at the House of M'' Benj" Johnson in Lunenburg — Benj'^ Goodridge Moderator attest — — Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk — 1815 octo 30 The ]iroprietors met according to adjournment at the House of M"' Benj''* Johnson Voted To allow M*" Benj^'^ Johnson for providing for this meeting and for attending said meeting — — 1 30 to allow Decon Benj^ Goodridge for attending this meeting — 50 and for attending on a committee appointed at the last meeting — 50 to allow M'' Eleazer Houghton for attending this meeting 50 to allow M^ Stephen Whitney 50 to allow M*" Samuel Kimball for do — — — 50 to do for Reckoning with the treasurer and for his service as one of a committee appointed at the last meeting — — — 1 00 to allow M'' John Hartwell for attending said meet- ing 50 to allow Josiah Stearns for attending & Recording this meeting 75 & for his service in Reckoing with treasurer and for his attendance on a committee appointed at the last meeting — 1 00 Voted to accept the Report of the committee ap- pointed to Reckon with their Treasurer which Report is in the following words We the subscribers appointed by the proprietors to Reckon with M"" John Hartwell their treasurer have attended their service — and find the treas- ure charges himself with haveing Rec^ the proprietors money as follows viz on Caleb Lealands & Eben'' Lealands note $6 95 [14'^] Brought over — — — — 95 on Mary Chases note — — — — — IG 36 Proprietor's Records. 341 on John Goodridges & John Goodride Juns note 6 00 on Kendall Bouttells note — — — — — 37 05 on Asa Johnsons note — — — — — 91 81 on Jacob Gibsons note — — — — — 40 00 Interest on money whilest in his hands 4 50 Whole amount — $202 67 The treasurer accounts^ for the money so Received as follows viz By paying on the several grants made by the proprietors up to this date — — 80 57 To paying M"" Eleazer Houghton — — — 3 34 To paying Abijah Bigelovv Esqr on two bills of cost 27 50 to paying Abel Carter for going to Dorchester 2 00 by money on hand — — — — — 89 26 $202 67 The committee also finds that there are in the treas- urers hands notes against the following persons for the sums affixed to their names viz Jacob Gibson — — — 7 50 John Billings — — — — — 51 76 Thomas Gould & Samson Gould — — — 57 96 Also notes against the following persons that are doubtfull viz Caleb Lealand & Eben'' Lealand now in Ex- ecution John Goodridge & John Goodridge Junr — — 36 67 Edward Scott — — — 30 13 James Richardson — — — 19 91 Interest on the above notes is cast up to the 26 day of October 1815 — — all which is submitted by October 30—1815 Josiah Stearns ) Pommiftpp Samuel Knnballj Voted To adjourn this meeting to Monday' the first day of January 1816 at one oclock in the after noon to meet at the house of Decon Benjamin Goodridge in Lu- nenburg — — — — — Benj'"^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk S42 Proprietors Records. 1816- Jan.y 1^* — The proprietors met at the DwelHng house of Deeon Benj''^ Goodridge agreeable to adjournment — Voted To allow M"" John Hartwell their treasurer the sum of seven dollers and sixty three cents for paying the amount of their grants made on the 3 day of October 1814 — that was not al- lowed him in the last Reckoning — — — 7 63 *first judgment Cost — — — Second juds^^ Officers fees for selling equity of Redemption for recording deed — Cost of first suit of second suit — Officers fees — recording deed $196„33 debt 16„93 213„26 226„04 debt 9, 25 Cost 25. Exon 17,00 1, 00 — $16„93 9,50 17,00 1, 00 $44„43 [143] 1816 Jany 1 Brought up Voted To adjourn this meeting to Monday the fifth day of Febrary next at one Oclock in the afternoon to meet at the dwelling house of M"" Benj'^ Johnson in Lu- nenburg — Bej"^ Goodridge Moderator attest — — — Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1816 Feb.y 5 The proprietors met according to adjournment at the House of M*^ Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg Voted to allow Decon Benj^ Goodridge for provid- ing for the meeting on the first day of Jan, y last $2 90 *This is a slip affixed to the top of page 14-3. Proprietors Records. 343 to do for attending the last and the present meet- ing & for two & a half days time in looking up common land — — — 3 50 to allow M*" Benj'"^ Johnson for attending two meet- ings and for two & a half days in looking up common land, and for providing for this meet- ing the sum of — 4 31 to allow M*" Stephen Whitney for attending two meetings — — — 1 to allow M'' Samuel Kimball for attending two meetings 1 to allow M*" Simon Goodridge for attending two Meetings 1 to allow M"" John Hartwell for attending two meet- ing and for paying capt Harris, Lent Peirce & M'' Amos Peirce one doller & thirty seven cents, & for cash paid for expences when looking up Common land, and for his time in doing that buisnefs — 5 41 to allow Josiah Stearns for attending & recording two meetings and for two & a half days sur- veying common & other land 3 75 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last wednsday in May next at one o clock in the after-noon, to meet at the House of Decon Benj" Goodridge in Lunenburg — — Benj''^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk — 1816 May 29 The proprietors met at the house of Decon Ben- jamin Goodridge agreeable to adjonment Voted that the committee for laying out Common land Examine the land on the north easterly side of the meadow lots laid out to John Heywood, William Clark & George Wheeler below Cataconemug pond, and ascertain Whether there is an}' Common land between those lots and the ministeril lot that was laid out on the east side of those lots Voted to allow Capt Joshua Walker of Rinde seven dollers for the Expence that he has been at in 844 Proprietors' Records. asetaining the lines of the land that he bought of Henry — — — 7 00 Voted to allow Decon Benjamin Goodridge for af- sisting in laying out land near Cataconymug pond,, 50, for providing for, and attending this meeting 2,, 88 — — — 3 83 to allow M'' Eleazer Houghton for attending this meeting 50 to allow M"" Stephen Whitney for do — — — 50 to allow M^ Samuel Kimball for do — — — 50 [144] 1816 Brought over — Voted to allow M'' Benjamin Johnson for afsisting in laying out land near Cataconemug pond & for attending this meeting — — — 1 00 to allow M'' John Hartwell for money paid out for the use of the proprietors, for afsisting in lay- ing out Common land, and for attending this meeting — — — 2 25 to allow Josiah Stearns for surveying Common land and for making plans &c, and for attending & Recording this meeting 1 62 Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday the tenth day of June next to meet at two o clock in the afternoon at the house of M'' Benjamin Johnson in Lunenburg — — Benj'^ Goodride Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk — — 1816 June 10 The proprietors met according to adjournment at the house of M*" Benj" Johnson in Lunenburg — — — Voted to direct the committee for laying out Common land, to make further examination Respecting any Com- mon land below Cataconamug pond, adjoining the brook Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first Monday in Ocf next to meet at the dwelling House of M*" Benj" Johnson in Lunenburg at one o clock in the after noon Bcnji^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns Proprietors clerk Propi'ictoTS Records. 345 1816 Ocf 7 The proprietors met at the House of M'' Benj^ Johnson agreeable to adjournment — this land laid A'oted to accept the following report of out a new ^j^g Committee for laing out Common land viz September 28*^ 1816 laid out for the proprietors of the original Township of Lunenburg a piece of land on the southerly side of" Cataconamug pond & brook con- taing about fifteen acres Begining on the south side of the brook 26 rods from Shirley line, thence North 35 west 50 rods by ministeral land to the Edge of the swamp, thence north 83 west 24 rods to the north East corner of meadow lot N^ 6 laid out to WilHam Clark Esqr, thence north 49- west by said meadow I81/2 rods to the corner of meadow lot N° 5 laid out to John Hey- wood thence north 39 west by said meadow N° 5 — 16 rods thence south 39- west by said meadow 38 rods to a heep of stones on the side of the Ridge hill, thence South 39- East on up land 7V^ rods to the south west corner of meadow lot N^ 6, thence south 34- East, to the corner of land laid out to Ephraim [145] 1816 Ocf 7 Peirce, thence south 87 west b}- land laid out to Joshua Goodridge, twenty five rods to land laid out to Nathaniel Page, thence North 6^ west 75 rods to a heep of stones on the ridge hill near the pond, thence, south 87 west by Pages lot 12 to land laid out to Edward Hartwell Esqr thence North 39 west 4 rods thence North 15 west 12 rods to the brook, thence down the brook to the pond, thence on the westerly & southerly sides of the pond un- till it comes to the brook below the pond, thence down the brook, to where it began — — Serveyed b}' Josiah Stearns approved by the Committee viz Benj-? Goodridge Benj-'^ Johnson & John Hartwell — — Voted that M'^ John Hartwell the proprietors treas- urer use all proper means for recovering the debt due from Caleb & Ebenezer Lealands, by attending to it him- self, or by appointing some other person or persons for 346 Proprietors Records. that purpose, and to give any deed, or acquitance in be- half of the proprietors that may be necefsary & proper in case the Right of Redemtion should be sold — Voted to allow Decon Benj'*^ Goodridge for two days looking up common land, and for attend- ing this & the last meeting $3 00 to allow M"" Benj''^ Johnson for looking up Common land and for attending this & providing for this and the last meeting — — — 3 92 to allow M"" John Hartwell for attending this & the last meeting & for two days looking up common land and for going to W'" Kilburns & cash paid out — 3 50 to allow M'' Stephen Whitney for attending this & the last meetings 1 00 to allow M*" Sam^ Kimball for attending this & the last meetings — — — 1 00 to allow M"" Eleazer Houghton for attending this meeting 50 to allow Josiah Stearns for surveying &c and for attending and recording this and the last meet- ings 3 75 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first monday in February next at one o clock in the after noon to meet at the Houfe of M'' Benj-'^ Johnson in Lunenburg Benj? Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk — 1817 February 3i The proprietors met at the house of M*" Benja. Johnson agreeably to adjournment — Voted that M*" Eleazer Houghton is hereby requested to raise a sum of money sufficient to pay two mortgages on the Estate of Ebenezer Lealand of Roxbury and that if the estate does not sell for enough to pay him [146] 1817 Febr>' 3 The proprietors will make good to him the deficiency and reasonable pay for his trouble — pToprietors Records. 347 Voted that Josiah Stearns make application to M*" Houghton to perform the aforegoing service for the pro- prietors Voted to adjourn this meeting to monday the 10 In- stant at one O clock in the after noon to meet at the House of M*" Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg — — — attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk Feby 10 The proprietors met according to adjourn- ment at the House of M'' Benj-'^ Johnson in Lunenburg Voted to allow Decon Benj-^ Goodridge for attend- ing two meetings, and for going to Leominster to see Esqr Bigelow & Esqr Laurence respect- ing Ebene'' Lealands Estate and for going to Fitchburg to look up a peice of Common land 1 50 to allow M^ Benj^ Johnson for attending two meet- ings & for providing for two meetings and for his horse to M*" Houghtons 3 62 to allow M"" Stephen Whitney for attending two meetings — — — 1 to allow Ml" Samuel Kimball for do — 1 to allow M'' John Hart well for do — — 1 to allow Josiah Stearns for attending two meetings and for recording, and for going to M*" E Houghton 1 50 Voted to adjourn this meeting to Wednesday the 28 day of May next to meet at two o clock in the afternoon at the House M*" Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg Benj''^ Goodridge Moderator attest — — Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1817 May 28 The Proprietors met at the House of M"" Benj^ Johnson according to adjournment — — — Voted and choose Josiah Stearns an agent to confer with the owners of land adjoining the land that the pro- prietors have lately laid out on the southerly side of Cat- aconemug pond & brook, and request them to show the bounds of their lands carried up 348 Proprietors Records. [147] 1817 May 28 Voted to allow Decon Benjamin Ooodridge for attending this meeting 50 to allow M'' Eleazer Houghton for attending this meeting — 50 to allow M'' Stephen Whitney for attending this meeting 50 to allow M*" Benj"^ Johnson for attending, and pro- viding for this meeting — — — 2 80 to allow M*" Samuel Kimball for attending this meeting 50 to allow M*" John Hartwell for attending this meeting 50 to allow Josiah Stearns for attending & recording this meeting 63 Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday the 6*^^ day of October next, at one o clock in the after noon, to meet at M'' Benj'"^ Johnson in Lunenburg Benj'? Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns Proprietors clerk October 6 The proprietors met according to adjourn- ent — Voted that the proprietors Committee for making Sale of Common land, are directed to make, or Renew all the necefsary bounds of the land lately laid out by Catacon- eymug pond and brook ; or in any other place where it is necefsary — — — Voted to choose a committee to Reckon with the Ex- ecutor or administrator of the Estate of M^ John Hart- well deceased (the late treasurer) and to Receive the money or obligations that belong to the proprietors and to Settle, and Receipt for the same — Voted and choose Josiah Stearns, M*" Samuel Kimball & M'' Simon Goodridge for said Committee — — Voted and choose M"" Simon Goodridge for one of the Committee for looking up, and making sale of Common land in the Room of M'' John Hartwell deceased — — — Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday the fifth Proprietot's Records. 349 day of January next to meet at the House of M*" Benja- min Johnson at one o clock in the after noon — Benj=^ Goodridge Moderator attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1818 Jany 5 The proprietors met according to adjournment at the house of M* Benj-"^ Johnson in Lunenburg Voted and choose M^ Samuel Kimball moderator pro tem Voted to accept the Report of the committee appointed to Reckon with the administratrix of the Estate of M^ John Hartwell their late treasurer which is as follows viz [148] 1818 January 5 Brought forward — — We the subscribers appointed by the original proprietors of the township of Lunenburg to Reckon with the administratrix of the Estate of M"" John Hartwell late of Lunenburg deceased, their late treasurer have attended that service; find that he had Rec^^ the following sums — of John Billings 58 49 of Thomas Gould — — — 38 99 money in his hands on the last Reckoning — — 89 26 interest on the last sum — — — 11 60 198 34 It appeared that the treasurer had paid out the fol- lowing sums viz to Abijah Bilelow Esc^r 10 on the bill granted February 1816 — — 21 87 on two bills for May & Octo 1816 — — — 33 37 also a bill allowed to M"- Hartwell 7 63 interest on the money paid out — — — 6 23 allow for said Hartwells attending three meeting as p*" book 1 50 Rec^ in money — — 17 74 ReC^ Miss Hartwells note 100 198 34 The committee finds notes against the following per- sons viz Jacob Gibson — interest now due from the last Settlement 7 50 350 Proprietors' Records. Thomas Gould Jur — — — 26 11 Edward Scott - — — 30 13 James Richardson — — — 19 91 due on the debt of Caleb Lealand & Ebe*' Lealand supposed not Recoverable — — — 253 54 Dec 29—1817 — all which is submitted by Samuel Kimball \ ^ __-4-+. o- t^ A -^ f Committee Simon GoodridgeJ Voted to accept the laying out of the following peice of land that was laid out by the committee on the 8 day of octo 1817 Begining at three maple trees on the southerly side of the brook below Cataconemug pond — thence South 54^ west thirteen rods by land of Ezra Cowdry thence north 49 west 181/2 rods by land of E Warren Jur thence South 54°. west Eight rods to a Juniper tree marked thence north 39- west sixteen rods by land of said Cowdr}^ — thence South 39- west thirty eight rods — thence south 39- East Seven and a half rods — thence north 54- East three rods to Warrens South west corner — thence south 34 East Eighteen rods to the heep of stones where the pine tree stod that was the ancient corner of WE Clarks, George Wheelers & EphE Peirces meadow lots thence South 87- west twenty five rods over the Ridge hill to the line of the land lately owned by Henrys — thence north 6-?- west by said Henrys land to a pilliar of stons on the Ridge hill being about 75 rods — thence south 87 west twelve rods to capt Harrises land, thence n 39 E four rods thence north 15 W twelve rods 133-^ Harrises land to the brook thence down the brook to the pond, thence on the West and Southerly side of the pond to the brook below the pond thence down the brook to where it began [149] January 5 1818 brought fordard — Voted and choose M'' Simon Cioodridge Treasurer — Sworn at the same time Voted that the present treasurer pay M"" Simon Goodridge one doller that is his due one the proprietors Records. 351 grant of Febr^ 5 — 1816 that sum not having been paid to him by the late treasurer — — 1 Voted to allow Decon Benj-'^ Goodridge for attend- ing this meeting, and for one da3^ laying out Common land — 1 50 to allow M'' Eleazer Houghton for attending this and the last meetings 1 to allow M*" Stephen Whitney for attending the last meeting — — 50 to allow M*" Benj'"^ Johnson for attending and pro- viding for two meetings — and for one day lay out common land 3 62 to allow Al*" Samuel Kimball for attending two meetings and for Reckoning with the adminis- tratrix of the late treasurer — — 2 to allow M*" Simon Goodridge for attending this and the last meetings and for one day laying out Common land — and for Reckoning With the treasurer — — 3 50 to allow Josiah Stearns for going to Shirly, to notify M^ Ames — for going to Alexanders, Warrens & Cowdrys, and Surveying almost most two days, and for making plans, for pay- ing M^ David Kilburn 75 cents ; and for at- tending and recording two meetings 6 32 Voted to adjourn this meeting to the last Wednesday in May next to meet at the house of M*" Benj^ Johnson in Lunenburg at one O clock in the after noon Samuel Kimball Moderator pro tem attest Josiah Stearns proprietors clerk 1818 May 27 the Proprietors met accoring to adjornment at the houfe of Mr Benjf: Johnfon in Lunenburg — Voted and Chose Saml Kimball Clark Pro Tem : Voted to adjorn this meeting to monday the fifth Day of October Next at one of O clock in the after noon at the houfe of Mr Benj£: Johnson in Lunenburg — — Benj'? Goodridge Moderator attest Saml Kimball Proprietors Clerk Pro Tem : 352 Proprietors Records. Worcester fs May 27 — 1818 personally appeared M*" Samuel Kimball and made solemn oath that as clerk Pro tem of the proprietors of the original township of Lunen- burg that he would act faithfully and impartially accord- ing to the best of his abilities Josiah Stearns Just peace [150] 1818 October 5 The Proprietors Met according to adjorn- ment at the houfe of M*" Benj-? Johnfon in Lunenburg Voted to allow MV Benj-? Johnson for attending and providing for two meetings — — $5 35 and also for going to Shirley & mr Kilborns 1 50 Voted allow Dec? Benj? Goodridge for attending two meetings — — 1 00 Voted to allow M': Eleaz': Houghton for Ditto — 1 00 Voted to allow M^: Stephen Whitney for Ditto — 1 00 Voted to allow M^:. Simon Goodridge for attending two meetings and for going to Shirley and to Mr Kilborns 2 00 Voted to allow Sam\ Kimball for attending two meeting and for recording the same 1 25 Voted to adjorn this meeting to Last Wednesday in may Next to meet at the houfe of Mr Benjf?^ Johnfon in Lunenburg at one O Clock in the afternoon — Beni^ Goodridge modertor attest Saml Kimball Clark Pro tem May 26 1819 the Proprietors met at the houfe of M'' Benjf: John- sons according to adjornment — — the committee for the sale of Common Land Report that they have sold a piece of Common land near Cata- colamug Brook & pond to MV Moles Carleton for sixty four Dollars and Rec*;^ S'' Carltons Note Dated October 26 1819 for the same payable to the Treasurer to him or his succefer in S'' office for the ufe of the Propietors of the township of Lunenburg Benja Johnson j eomittee Snnon Goodridge j Proprietors Records. 353 Voted to accept the above Report and order the Same to be Recorded — — Voted to allow Mr Benj? Johnson for attending and providing for this meeting and Eighty seven Cents not allowed the Last meeting $3 9 Voted to allow Dec'.* Benj? Goodridge for attend- ing this meeting — — — 50 Voted to allow M*: Elez*" Hougton for Ditto 50 Voted to allow M^ Simon Goodridge for attending this meeting and sevent3' five Cents money ad- vanced — — 1 25 [151] 1819 May 26 Brought forward Voted to allow Sam\ Kimball for attending this meeting and Recording the same $00 62 Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Last Wednesday in may Next to meet at the houfe of Dec** Benj> Good- ridge in Lunenburg at one O : Clock in the after noon Benj=> Goodridge Moderator attest Saml Kimball Proprietors Clerk pro temp7 1820 May 31^^ the propieters of the original township of Lu- nenburg met according to adjornment at the houfe of Dec** Benj?^ Goodridges in Lunenburg Voted to allow DecV Benj? Goodridg for attending and providing for this meeting — — — 3. 08 Voted to all ML Eleazar Houghto for attending this meeting — — — 50 Voted to allow M£ Benj? Johnfon for Ditto 50 Voted to allow ML Simon Goodridge for Ditto — 50 Voted to allow Sam' Kimball for attending this meeting and Recording the Same — 00 63 Voted to adjorn this meeting to monday the Second Day of October Next to meet at the houfe of Dec" Benj> Goodridges in Lunenburg two O Clock in the afternoon — Moderator Attest Sam' Kimball Clark Pro Tern 23 354 Proprietors' Records. 1820 October 2'' the Proprietor met at the houfe of DecV Benj^ Goodridges agreeable to adjornment and Voted the Treas- urer Call on Mr Mofes Carlton to pay his Note Given to S^ Treafurer Renew it with a good bondsman Voted to allow Dec" Benj-? Goodridge for attend- ing this meeting — — — $0 50 to allow Mr EleazT Houghton for Ditto 50 to allow Ml Benjf} Johnfon for Ditto — 50 to allow MT Simon Goodridge for Ditto — 50 to allow Saml Kimball for Ditto & Recording — 62 Voted to Choofe a Committee to recon with the Treaf- urer and Chofe Mr EleazV Houghton and Sam' Kimball Voted to adjorn this meeting to the thurfday after the Last wenday in may Next at one O clock P. m. to meet at the houfe Mr Simon goodridges in Lunenburg Benj-'^ Goodridge Moderator attest Saml Kimball Cark P T [152] May Sl*^ 1821 the Proprietors Mett att the houfe of Mr Simon Goodridge according to adjornment Voted to accept the Report of the Committee for Rec- oning with the treafurer and to have the Same Recorded we the subscribers appointed a Committee by the Pro- pretors of the township of Lunenburg to Recon with their treafurer have attended that Sevice and find that he has Rec^' of the proprietors money the following Sums. viz of Mrs. Hartweell — — — $17 72 of Tho=? Gould — — — 27 28 of Jacob Gibson — — 9 45 of Mrs Hart well — — — 104 00 intereft on the same to this Date 15 46 M-- Mofes Carlton — — — 64 00 intereft on the Same to this Date — — 9 49 247 40 60 39 187 01 67 20 1 92 30 4 46 72 00 2 53 8 90 187 01 30 18 19 91 253 44 Proprietors Records. 356 it appears the treafurer has paid out on Sundry bill to the amount of. 60 39 and that the Notes against Sundy persons viz — Calvin Eaton — — — intereft on the Same to this Date Col° Cufhing — — — intereft to this Date — — Col° Edmon Cufhing — — — intereft to this Date Cash on hand — — — Note Desperate. Edward scott — — — James Richardson — — — Lealands Debt — all which we Submit Eleazr Houghton 1 ^^^ittee Saml Kmiball J Voted to allow M'' Elez"- Houghton for Reconing O 75 with treasurer — — — and Sam' Kimball for the Same Sevice ^^ and M-- Simon Goodridge for his attendance on that Sevice — — — ^^ Voted to allow Simon Goodridge for his Sevice as treafurer and Going to Shirley Leominster & Fitchburg for his Sevice to this Date 9 00 Voted to allow Dec". Benj-? Goodridge for attend- ing this meeting — — — (\ -f\ to allow M^: Elezr Houghton for Ditto — ^<' to allow M': Stephen Whitney for Ditto 50 to allow Al'' Benj^^ Johnfon for Ditto 50 to allow M"- Simon Goodridge for Ditto 50 to allow M-: Simon Goodridge for providing tor this meeting — — — carnefl up 2 85 356 Proprietors' Records. [153] 1821 May 31 Voted to allow Saml Kimball for attending this meeting — — — .50 and for Recording the meeting and Reconing with treafurer — — 25 Voted to adjorn this meeting to thurfday after the Last Wednesday in may Next at one oclock after noon to meet at the houfe of Mr. Simon Goodridges in Lunenburge Benj^ Goodridge moderator attest Saml Kimball Clerk Pro tem May 30 1822 the Proprietors met at the house of Mr. Simon Goodridges according to adjornment Voted to allow Elez'' Houghton for attending this meeting 50 to Dec« Benj'? Goodridge for Ditto — 50 to M*" Simon Goodridge for attending this meeting and Providing for the same — 1 49 to Sam' Kimball for attending this meeting and Recording and paying Esq^ Stearns — — 92 Voted to allow the abov Voted to adjorn this meeting to thurfday after the the Laft wednefday in ma}^ Next to meet at the houfe of Mr Simon Goodridges in Lunenburg one o Clock after noon Benj Goodrige Modrator Saml Kimball Clark Pro Tem May 29 1823 the Propieters met according to adjornment at the houfe of Mr. Simon Goodridges in Lunenburg and agree*^ that Doct Aaron Beard and Mr Saml Johnfon be admited to act on the Rights of Mv Benj=> Johnfon, Dec*^ Voted and Chofe Mr Simon Goodridge Moderator Pro Tem Voted — and Chofe Saml Kimball as agent for the proprietors to afertain what money has ben paid by the Treafurer as Devidens and for other purposes — — — Voted to allow Simon Goodridge two Dollars forty Eigt Cents for providing for this meeting fifty Cents for attending s*^" meeting 2 98 Voted to allow DocI Aaron Bard fifty Cent for at- tending this meeting 50 Proprietors Records. 357 Voted to allow Sam' Johnfon fifty cents for attend this meeting — — 50 Voted to allow Saml Kimall Seventy five Cents for Recoding and attending this meeting 75 Voted to adjorn this meeting to thnrsday the twenty Sixth Day of June Next to meet at the hoiife of Simon Goodridge in Lunenburg at two of the Clock in the after Noon " Simon Goodridge Mod*" Pro Tern atteft Sami Kimball Clerk P T [154] 1823 June 26 the proprietors of the town- ship of Lunenburg met at the houfe of Ml Simon Good- ridges according to adjornment Voted to Chufe an agent to enqure and asertain if the proprietors Common Land be ever out lawed and to furnish s*^ agent with money to Defray the Nesary Ex- pence of the same Voted and Chose DocV Aaron Bard for s^ agent Voted to allow Mr Simon Goodridge for providing and attending meeting 2 92 Voted to allow Dec" Benj? Goodridge for attend- ing this meeting 50 Voted to allow Mr. Elef Houghton for Ditto 50 Voted to allow Docl Aaron Bard for Ditto — — 50 Voted to allow Sam' Kimball for services and at- tending this meeting 2 25 Voted to adjorn this meeting to the firft mondaA' in SepT Next at one O clock in the after noon to meet at the houfe Mv Simon Goodridges — Benj? Goodridge Moderato attest Sam' Kimball Clerk Pro Tern 1823 SepV V\ the proprietors of the Township of Lu- nenburg met at the houfe of Mr Simon Goodridges accord- ing to adjornment 1 Voted and Chofe Mr. Elear Houghton Moderator Pro Tem 358 Proprietors Records. 2 Voted that Mr. Eleazr Hougton l)e annexed to the Comittee to Search for common Land belonging to the proprietors of Lunenburg 3 Voted that the aforesaid Committee Search and Look up all the Common Land and and employ a Sur- vayor to Lay out all the their Land 4 Voted to allow the following account — to Mr Simon Goodridge for providing & attending this meting $2 79 to M*; Eleazr Houghton for attending this meeting 50 to DocT Aaron Bard for Ditto Ditto 50 to Sam'. Kimball for attending & Recording this meett 75 5 Voted to adjorn this meeting to monday the thir- teeth Day of October Next one of the Clock after noon to meet at this place Eleazer Houghton Moderator P m atteft Sami Kimball Clerk Pro Tem 1823 OctL 13 the Proprietors of the Townfhip of Lunenburg met according to adjornment at the houfe of Mr Simon Good- ridges in s*;'. Lunenburg — Voted 1*^^ and Chofe MT Simon goodridge moderator Pro Tem 2^ to allow M": Simon Goodridge for Providing and attending this meeting and other Services $3 3'' to allow Doci: Aaron Bard 25<^ for Cash paid and for attinding this meeting .50 — — — 75 4^f' to allow M'' Saml Johfon for Attending this meeting 50 5^?^ to allow Saml Kimball for attending this meet- ing and other Services — — 1 50 Voted G to adjorn this meeting to the Laft thurs- da\^ in may next to meet at this place at one oclock after noon Simon Goodridge Moderator, P T atteft Sam! Kimball Clerk Pro Tem Proprietors Records. 359 [155] 1824 May 27 the Proprietors met according to adjornment at the houfe of Mr. Simon Goodridge in Lunenburg Voted and Chofe Simon Goodridge Moderator P Tem and Voted to allow the following Sums to the Several perfon here after mentioned to M': David Kilborn for Survaying $3. 00 M^ Simon Goodridge for Proiding & Services and attending — — "8. 30 Mr Eleaz*" Houghton for Services & attending 3 50 DocT Aaron Bard for attending — — — 50 M': Saml Johnfon for attending — — — 50 Sam'. Kimball for services and attending — 5 00 Voted the Treafurer Pay out the Same Voted to Chufe a New Clerk Voted and Chofe Doc^ Aron Bard Clerk Voted to adjorn this meeting to the Last thurfday in may 1825 to meet at this place at one oClock in the after Noon Saml Kimball Clerk P T Worcester fs. Ma^' 27*?' 1824. Personally appeared Doct Aaron Bard and made solemn oath that as Clerk of the proprietors of the original Township of Lunenburg he would act faithfully and impartially according to the best of his abilities before Esek Whiting Justice of the Peace 1825 May 26*^^^ The Proprietors of the town of Lunenburg met according to adjournment at the house of Simon Goodridge in Lunenburg Voted to allows Simon Goodridge for providing for this meeting — — 1 78 Voted to allow Simon Goodridge for attending this meeting — — — 1 00 Voted to allow Samuel Kimball for attending this meeting — 1 00 Voted to allow Aron Bard for attending this meeting — 1 00 Voted to allow Aron Bard for recording the pro- ceeding of the Proprietors 25 360 Proprietors Records. Voted to adjourn this meeting until the Thursday next after the last Wednesday in May AD 1826 at two of the clock in the afternoon then to meet at Simon Goodridge in Lunenburg attest Aron Bard Proprietors Clerk 1826 June 1***^ The Propritors of the town of Lunenburg met at the house of Simon Goodridge in said town according to adjournment and choose Simon Goodridge Moderator of the meeting Voted to accept of Artimas Goodridge as a proprietor of said town Benjamin Goodridge having resigned being a member of the committee to look up and sell proprietors land Voted and choose Artemas Goodridge in the stead of said Goodridge to look up and sell the common and undi- vid land not yet disposed of belonging to the propietors [156] Voted to dismiss Eleazar Houghton from serv- ing as committee Man to look up and sell proprietors Land Voted and choose Aron Bard for one of the commit- tee to look up and sell the common and undivided lands belongin to the proprietors Voted That the Proprietors who have attended this meeting be allowed to receive one dollar each for his at- tendance this da3^ Voted To pay a bill for attendance of the Proprietors at this meeting Samuel Kimball for selling land in Fitch- burg to Jeremiah Kinsman to Aron Bard for box for pro- prietors book to Simon Goodridge for refreshment amount- ing to $11.09 Voted and chose Aron Bard a committee man to rec- on with the treasurer Voted and choose Artemas Goodridg a committee man to recon with the treasurer Voted to adjourn this meeting untill the Thursda^^ next succeeding the last Wednesday in Ma^' at two of the clock in the after noon at the House of Simon Goodridge Attest Aron Bard [Proprietors Clerk Proprietors Records. 361 1827 May 31 The Proprietors committee appointd to recon with there Treasurer make the following report That they find due to the proprietors the sum of 242 85 and that the Charge of their Treasurer for his Services as Treasurer and at- tending meeting Paying the Members for attending providing for Meetings and looking up Common Lands for the space of Six years amounts to the sum of $129 60 Including the following Bill To Simon Goodridge serving treasurer 6 years 18 To Simon Goodridge going to Fitchburg after Land 1 12 Providing for and attending this meeting Simon Goodrid 3 04 Samuel Kimball attending the last meet- ing 1 00 Aaron Bard going to Fitchburg and at- tending meeting 2 75 Samuel Johnson attending this meeting 1 00 Artemas Goodridge going to Fitchburg attending 2 36 29 27 129 60 Leaving a Ballance Due the 31^^ May 1827 of 113 25 Aron Bard Artemas Goodridge Voted to adjourn this Meeting until the 29^^* Day of May 1828 at two of the clock in the afternoon at the Dwelling house of Aron Bard attest Aron Bard Clerk 1828 May 29"' The Proprietors of the the Town of Lunenburg met at the Dwelling House of Aron Bard ac- cording to adjournment and chose Simon Goodridge Mod- erator of the Meeting 1 )> 1 ») 1 25 1 >> 1 »> 2 05 362 Pi'oprictors Records. Voted to pay the Proprietors who atted this meeting the sum of one dollar each Viz To Simon Good ridge the sum of one Dollar — To Samuel Kimball the sum of one Dollar To Aron Bard for attending one Dollar recording twenty five Cts. To Samuel Johnson the sum of one Dollar — To Artemas Goodridge the sum of one Dollar To Aron Bard for providing [157] 1828 amounting to the sum of seven Dollars thirty five cents $7 35 Voted That the above sum be paid out of the Treasury Voted To adjourn this Meeting until Thursday the twenty eight da^^ of May AD 1829 to the Dwelling House of Simon Goodridg in said Lunenburg at three of the Clock in the after noon Attest Aron Bard : Proprietors Clerk 1829 May 28 The Proprietors of the Town of Lunenburgh met at the Dwelling-House of Simon Goodridge in Lunen- burg agreeable to adjournment and chose Simon Good- ridge Moderator Pro Tem Voted To pay those who attend this Meeting one Dol- lar each Voted To allow Simon Goodridge for attend- D. cts D cts ing this meeting the sum of one Dollar 1 00 Voted To allow Simon Goodridge for exam- inging Warrens and Cowdry,s lines the sum of one Dollar 1 00 Voted To allow Artemas Goodridg for attend- ing this meeting the sum of one Dollar — 1 00 Voted To allow Artemas Goodridge for ex- aminging Warren,s and Cowdry,s lines the sum of one Dollar 1 00 Voted To allow Samuel Kimball for attend- ing this meeting the sum of one Dollar — 1 00 Proprietors Records. 363 Voted To allow Aron Bard for attending this meeting and recording the sum of one Dollar twenty five cent 1 25 Voted To allow Samuel Johnson for attend- ing this meeting the sum of one Dollar 1 00 Voted To allow Simon Goodridge for provid- ing for this meeting the sum of fift3' five cents 55 7 80 Voted That the above sum of seven Dollars and eight\^ cents be paid out of the Treasury Voted To adjourn this meeting until Thursday the twenty seventh day of May next at three of the Clock in the afternoon at the Dwelling House of Aron Bard in Lu- nenburg attest Aron Bard \ proprietors S Clerk [158] 1831 The Proprietors of the Town of Lunen- burg met at the dwelling house of Aron Bard in Lunen- burg agreeable to adjournment and chose Simon Good- ridge Moderator Voted To allow Simon Goodridge as Treasurer 7 00 " To allow Aron Bard for attending meeting and rcording — 1 25 " To allow Simon Goodridge for attending 1 00 To allow Artemas Goodridge for attending 1 00 " To allow Samuel Johnson for attending 1 00 " To allow Samuel Johnson for providing 33 11 58 Voted That the above sum of eleven dollars and fifty eight cents be paid out of the Treasury Voted To adjourn this meeting until Thursday the twenty sixth day of May AD 1831 at the dwelling house of Simon Goodridge in Lunenburg at three of the Clock afternoon attest Aron Bard Proprietors clerk 364 Proprietors Records. [159] 1833 May 28. The Proprietors met at the Dwelling-house of Aron Bard Choose Samuel Johnson Moderator Pro tem Choose Aron Bard Treasurer The Proprietors having recconed with the former Treasurer find due from him the sum of one hundred and nine dollars thirty four cents — — — 109 34 Voted to pay Aron Bard Simon Goodridge Artemas Goodridge Samuel Johnson for attending two meetings each two dollars 8 00 Voted to pay Artemas Goodridge Samuel Johnson Aron Bard for attending one meeting each one dollar — — 3 00 Voted to adjourn this meeting until May 29^^ 834 at the Dwelling house of Aron Bard at four of the Clock in the afternoon [The remainder of the book is blank, with the excep- tion of the last leaf, on the first page of which is the fol- lowing "Sum of Accounts," and on the reverse the single line relating to interest.] Sum of accounts Due from the Propriatj' of Lunen- burg July y*^ 9th 1781 Eleazer Houghton — — in Silver £2 00 Ben£ Redington — — — 3 17 9 Philip Goodridge — — — 3 7 6 Aaron Willard — — — 13 4 10 Thomas Cowdin — — — 14 Ephraim Weatherbee — — — 6 Philip Goodridge Store — — — 19 May 7tb 1781 Phenehas Hartwell — — — 6 Edward Hartwell — — — 2 8 this account taken of one of the papers on file and Recorded the 2^ Day of October 1781 by order of the propriators of Lunenburg pr Joseph Hartwell Propriators Clark Feb^ 22 1810 — paid Interest & one doller & ten cents INDEX. INDEX. The references of the more prominent proprietors have been classified, the first series containing onh' those relating to lands. Adams, Francis, 181— IS-i. , Jonathan, 254, 325, 337. , , Jr., 312. , Zabdiel B., 329. Advertisement of Common Land, copy of, 261. of Dividends ordered, 298. Alexander, 351. , Francis, 86, 87. , WilHam, 23, 86, 87, 94, 232, 238, 239. Allen, Hon. Jeremiah, 2, 12, 42, 73- 76, 157, 236, 244. Apple Tree Hill, 18, 22, 43, 54, 84, 100, 102, 116, 131, 139, 151, 215, 224, 233. Ashbv, 255, 260, 264, 265, 267, 276. Attendance on meetings to be paid for, 294. Austin, Daniel, 16, 17, 20, 21, 40, 74, 76, 79, 83, 118, 239, 254. , Samuel, 144. Bailey, Jedidiah, 256, 257. , Josiah, 29. 30. Ball, "Jonathan, 138-141, 214, 224, 256. (See Wheeler and Ball.) Bard, Dr. Aron, 356-364. Beard, see Bard. Beaver Dam, 94, 201, 232. Pond Meadows, 102. Beath, Walter, 3, 38, 88-91, 101, 170, 204, 211, 238, 245. Beeth, see Beath. Belcher, Jeremiah, 254. Bellov^'S, Benjamin, Jr., 61, 235, 236. Bellows, Col". Joseph, 257, 273. Bennet, Samuel, 117. Bigelow, Abijah, 341, 347, 349. Billing, Samuel, 287. Billings, John, 335, 341, 349. , Joshua, Jr., 32. Billings, Reuben, 32. Bird, Benjamin, 45, 53, 160. Bleanev, Capt. Benjamin, 235. Blunt, "William, 79. Borman, 70, 105-107, 110, 111, 118, 125. Boston, Residents of, see Allen, Jere- miah, Clark, William, Fitch, Zach- ariah. Hill, John, Willard, Madam Hannah, Willard, Hon. Josiah. Bounds, Present, established, 321. Boutell, James, 250, 251, 254-256, 258, 259, 276, 284. , Kendall, 259, 335, 341. Bowman, Jonathan, 320. Bovnton, Benoni, 99, 104, 138, 145; 9", 15, 21, 23, 57, 90, 96, 125, 143, 171, 173, 175, 177, 209. , Eleazer, 82. , Hilkiah, 2, 146; 15, 18, 21, 24, 68, 78, 79, 96, 100. 119, 122, 124, 125, 143, 151, 170, 171, 173, 175, 177, 217. Brandon, Joseph, 65. Brewer, John, 10, 27, 53-55, 116, 120, 122, 132, 134, 158, 161, 166, 215, 237. Bridge, Ebenezer, 247, 252, 258. , John, 328. Brown, 236, 246, 249. , Aaron, 22, 93. , Col., Hon. Samuel, 33, 34, 37, 42, 109, 132, 137, 156-159. 163, 199, 205, 214, 223, 230, 234. , William, 75. Burbeen, James, 8, 11-13, 17, 74, 76, 141, 162, 163, 220, 244. Burving Place, 172, 174, 178. Buss, John, 243. Calf, John. 30, 34, 35, 228, 229. Carleton, sec Carlton. Carlile, David, 241. Carlton, Moses, 352, 354. 368 Index Carter, Al)d, 841. Cataconamoug*, G, 89, 70-73, 111, 118, 121, 127, 150-152, 198,202, 226, 227, 330, 34.3-345, 347, 348, 350, 352. Chapman, Daniel, 257, 258. Cliarlcstown, see Dowse, Jonathan. Chase, Mary, 335, 340. Clark, Jonas, 34, 36, 37, 45, 160. , Robert, 22, 23, 87, 93, 108, 231 232. , William, 13, 25, 38, 42, 66, 88, 90, 140, 152, 156, 157, 197-202, 205, 206, 222-224, 256, 330, 343, 345, 350. Clav Pit Meadows, 12, 20, 40, 79, 80, 83. Cobit, 244. Colbern, James, 7-9, 24, 142, 175, 214. Colljourn, see Colbern. Collej^e Land, 155, 221, 239, 254, 293, 329. Comin, see Commings. Commings, Robert, 41, 45, 109, 132, 159, 160. , Thaddeus, 262, 277, 279, 283- 286, 288, 290, 292, 293, 295, 300- 302, 304, 308-310, 314-316, 318, 320, 322, 326, 329, 332, 333. Concord, see Commings, Robert, Lee, Dr. Joseph, Prescott, Jonathan. Corjs Benjamin, 5, 7, 63, 66-68, 124, 170, 210, 212. County Road, 250. Cowdin, Capt. Thomas, Jr., 247, 249-252, 259, 262, 271, 272, 296, 297, 364. Cowdry, Ezra, 350, 351, 362. Cunningham, William, 325, 326. Cushing, Col. Edmon, 355. Danforth, Benjamin, 328. , Nicholas, 246, 252. Da vies, Samuel, 24. Densmore, see Dunsmore. Divoll, John, 115, 231. Dodge, Noah, 178, 227. Dorchester, 341 ; see Tailer, Col. Wm. Earm, 46, 98, 113, 114, 124, 130, 133, 209, 248. Downes, Col. vSamuel, 241, 249-251. Dowse, Jonathan, 3, 28, 47, 48, 223. Dunsmore, John, 254. , Phinehas, 307, 308, 312. Eaton, Calvin, 355. . Person, 273. Eightv acres laid out, 185. Emerson, Edward, 130-132, 134, 158, 160, 320. Estebrook, Jedediah, 261, 263-269. Evans, Thomas, 32. Farnsworth, 62, 110, 114, 120. , Isaac, 71, 141-143; 23,25,32, 49, 77, 97, 116, 165, 169, 175, 177, 178, 180, 209, 213, 216, 225. , Joshua, 218. , Samuel, 113, 114, 216. Ffvfe, see Fvffe. Fisk, John, "16, 20, 77-83, 155,170, 221, 222, 238, 245. Fitch, Capt. Joseph, 241. , Col. Tho'mas, 122,159,212,228. , Zachariah, 181, 182, 184. Fitchburg, 10, 28, 196, 241-244, 246, 247, 251-253, 255, 259-265, 267, 270-272, 276, 296, 297, 313, 329, 347, 355, 360, 361. Meeting House, 242, 247, 249, 253, 262. Flagg, Maj. Eleizer, 9. Flat Hill, 8, 21, 57, 58, 65, 75, 86, 87, 101, 142, 146-148, 204, 217, 218 Rock Hill, 253. Forster, Alexander, 162, 229. Foster, Isaac, 239. Fox, 253. Frost, 246. , Benjamin, 28, 253. Fullam, Col. Francis, 164, 165, 180. , Phinehas, 244. , see Fullum, Fuller, 256. Fullum, 242, 250. , see Fullam. Fyffe, Robert, 17-19, 44, 60, 212. Gardner, Rev. Andrew, 1, 38—40, 43, 46, 83, 88, 89, 144-146, 223. General Court, Petitions to, 275, 282, 304. Coiu-fs Committee's Farm, 129, 164, 165, 179-181, 187, 188, 244, 249. Gibson, Arrington, 53, 59. , Isaac, 242, 252. , Israel, 32, 329. , Jacob, 335, 341, 349, 354. , Capt. John, 109, 230. , Jonas [error, see Gilson]. , Capt. Reuben, 109, 264, 266, 268. *The spelling here followed is the one most frcqiiently iised of the thirteen forms which appear on the records. Index. 369 Gibson, Timothv, 6, 40, 61-64, 68, 110, 112, 114; 149, 150, 157, 229, 230, 234, 241. Gill, Lawyer, 299. Gilson, Jonas, 22, SO. 86, 87, 93-95, 232, 233. Goodale, 250. Goodridge, Avtemas, 360-364. . Capt. Benianiin, 5, 36, 62, 109, 113-117, 120, 125, 149, 153, 154, 178, 184, 212, 228, 237-240, 245. , Capt., Dea. Benjamin, 248, 262, 313; 192, 195, 247-253, 257-262, 264, 266, 268, 276-286, 290, 292, 293, 295, 300-302, 304-349, 351- 357, 360. , David, 192. , John, 52. , John and John, Jr., 335, 341. , Joshua, 109, 112, 115, 120, 121, 231, 345. , Lieut. Philip (d. 1729), 115, 120, 122-124, 235. — , Lieut. Philip, 237-239, 245, 255, 257,262, 263; 191-193,195, 196, 247, 249, 256, 259, 260, 266, 268-275, 277-304, 311, 317, 318, 323, 325, 326, 364; his store, 364. , Simon, 324, 326, 329, 333, 334, 338, 339, 343, 348, 350-364. Gordon, James, 108, 219, 226, 233, 236, 254, 255, 258. Gould, 257, 258. , David, 66. , Jacob, 80, 85, 87, 137, 172, 217, 233, 238. , Capt. Joseph, 6, 15, 16, 27, 28, 49-51, 68, 72, 73, 76, 110, 112, 121, 152, 167, 220, 236. , Moses, 85, 86. , Samson, 335, 341. , Thomas, 335, 341, 349, 354. , Thomas, Jr.. 350. Great Brook, 229. Groton, see Parker, Phineas. Line, 8, 11, 17, 60, 72, 74, 102, 136, 146-148, 167, 219, 226, 236, 237. Meeting at, 180, 181. Road which goeth to, 90. Southwest Corner, 72. Grout, John, 39, 143, 144. Haistings, John, 108, 109, 224. , Nathaniel, 258. Hale. Dr., 243. , Thomas, 26, 34, 36-38, 89, 163. Harkness, Thomas, 217, 218, 255, 257, 289. 24 Harrington, Ebenezcr, 10. Harris, 250. , Capt., 331, 343, 350. , Nathaniel, 55-60, 112, 120, 134, 154. Hartwell, Lieut. Edward, 5, 43, 44, 67, 69, 99, 110-112, 121, 123-127, 152, 162, 168, 169, 175, 189, 190, 204, 207, 215-220, 227, 234, 237, 239-241, 248, 345; 1-75, 77-88, 90-117, 119-185, 187-246, 265- 267, 273, 364. , John, 329, 333, 335-349. , Joseph, 192, 253-261, 263, 272- 322, 324, 364. , Miss, 349. , Mrs., 354. Phinehas, 10, 240, 289, 304. Harvard College, see College Land. Harward, 258. Harwood, Nathaniel, 74, 75, 90, 101-103, 113, 219, 237, 254. , Peter, 100. Haskel, Dr. Abraham, 312. Hastings, 107, 153, see Haistings. Heal, see Hale. Henrv, 354, 350. Hevwood, John, 4-7, 36, 63, 67-69, 73, 124, 137, 160, 170, 178, 202, 228, 241, 343, 345. , Nathan, 5, 7, 08-72, 105, 112, 124,215,220; 1-60,62-75,77-88, 90-117, 119-129, 131-169, 173, 175, 180, 192, 197-246, 249. Highwavs, 4, 6, 7, 9-11, 13, 16, 22- 24, 28, 30, 34, 41, 43-46, 50, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 74-78, 80, 86-88, 90, 93, 95, 101, 113, 119, 125, 130, 132, 138, 139, 141, 143, 145-148, 151, 164, 166, 177, 179, 204, 214, 216, 218, 220, 223, 230, 231, 233-236, 238-242, 244, 250, 251, 253, 255, 319-321, 330. Hill, fohn, 7. 8, 24, 25, 29-34, 142, 192, 205, 217, 236. , Thomas, 24, 25. , Zaccheus, 24-26, 137, 163. Hinghani, see Thaxter, Sanuiel. Ilorscmcat Meadows, 9, 142. Hosmer, Stephen, 244. Hospital Farm, 262, 272. Houghton, Eleazer, 36, 39, 43, 106. 110, 118-120, 122, 149, 154, 198, 201, 228, 258, 259. , Eleazer, Jr., 262, 272; 28, 192, 247-252, 257, 277, 279, 294, 295, 300, 303, 305, 308-310, 315, 316, 320-323. 325, 320, 329, 331-341, 344, 346-348, 351-360, 364. , Jonas, 113, 125, 131, 178, 210. 370 Index. Houghton, Jonatlian, 178. House Lots : 1—1, 38, 88, 89, 145, 200, 222, 234. 2—2, 3, 153, 154. 3—2, 4, 13, 89, 197, 222, 332. 4—2, 4, 161, 162. 5—4, 28, 199. 6—4, 5, 7, 235, 236, 240. 7—7, 8, 156, 157, 333. 8—9-11, 240, 242, 332. 9—11, 12, 332. 10—11, 13, 84, 203, 332. 11—14-16, 156, 333. 12—15-19, 143. 13—20, 21, 204. 14—3, 40, 167, 332. 15—24, 25, 332. 16—3, 26, 199. 17_198, 199. 18—29, 156, 157, 333. 19—13, 29, 89, 197, 223, 332. 20—30-32. 34, 51. 21—34, 36, 332. 22—36, 37, 145, 243. 23—144, 145, 203. 243. 24—40-42, 145. 25—41, 159. 26—44, 46, 332. 27—47, 48. 28—49, 51. 29—52, 53, 156, 333. 30—53-56, 332. 31—53, 55-57, 134. 32—56, 59-61, 214. 33—61-64, 158, 333. 34—62. 64, 65, 156, 157, 333. 35—45, 46, 64, 65, 332. 36—2, 45, 65-67, 153, 156, 157, 333. 37—45, 66, 67, 69, 207. 38—46, 67, 69, 70, 158, 220, 333. 39— 40—73, 235, 236, 240, 244, 332. 41—76, 77, 156, 158, 333. 42—77, 79, 170, 171, 207. 43—81, 159, 213, 214. 44—72, 81-83, 85. 45—72, 80, 156, 158, 333. 46—43, 72, 84. 89, 204, 208. 47—86, 214. 48—88, 197, 198, 223. 49—89. 50—91, 92, 332. 51—22, 23, 159. 52—22, 152, 159, 231. 53—43, 93, 94, 146, 147, 156, 157, 333. 54—89, 148, 164, 200, 204, 205, 208. House Lots — Concluded: 55—148, 201, 204, 207. 56—95, 96, 98, 206, 214. 57—44, 96, 97, 209, 214. 58—8, 99, 156, 333. 59—100-103, 140, 332. 60—44, 209, 214. 61—54, 55, 332. 62—105-107, 206. 63—140, 224. 64— 65—109, 332. 66—113, 332. 67—114, 116, 117, 237. 68—149, 151, 158, 333. 69—117-119. 70—120. 71—57, 134, 332. 72—61, 63, 158, 333. 73—43, 123, 124, 127, 215. 74—127-129, 165, 166. 75—13, 89, 130, 197, 223, 332. 76—133. 134, 332. 77—209, 210, 214. 78—130-132. 79—135-137, 170, 171, 332. 80—104, 332. 81—138-140, 224. 82—141, 143, 159. 83—54, 55, 141, 143, 144. 84—38, 39, 89, 143, 144, 223. 85—43, 89, 204, 208, 332. 86—43, 89, 204, 208. 87—44, 123. 125-127, 138, 168, 169, 215, 216, 218, 240. 88—110-112, 150, 332. 89—135, 136, 163, 332. Hubbard, Jonathan, Jr., 24, 165, 187, 188, 190. Hunt, Samuel, 233. Hutchens, Benjamin. 3. Hutchiiigs, Lieut. Phinehas, 191. Hutchins. Joshua, 13-16, 75, 89, 170, 173, 175, 177; 3, 17, 53, 54, 56, 57, 91, 108, 112, 124, 125, 127, 134, 143, 173, 175, 225. Indian Field, 209. Islands, 247. jAQriTu, [acob, 327. Jewell, lames, 2, 109, 122, 153-155; 93, 135, 165, 178, ISO, 187, 203. Johnson, Asa, 335, 341. , Benjamin, 258, 313, 323-340, 342-349, 351-356. , Dea. Samuel, 4, 172, 235. , Samuel, 253, 256, 273, 283, 284, 290-293, 295-297, 301, 304- 306, 308, 311-313. Index. 371 Johnson, Samuel, 356-359, 3G1-364. Jones, Elnathan, 127, 128. , Lieut. Josiah, 62, 64. :, Samuel, 101, 124, 130, 179, 181, 187-190, 204, 217, 234, 235. , William, 53, 59, 172. Kamp, 253. Kendall, Asa, 32. , Jonas, 243, 250, 298. Kibbv, James, Heirs of, 184,^242. Kilborn, 258, 352. Kilburn, David, 258-261, 311, 313, 319, 329, 330, 333, 351, 359. , William, 346. Kimball, 253. , George, 28, 246, 256, 257. , Samuel, 325, 326, 328-331, 333- 341, 343, 344, 346-362. , Thomas, 26. Kinsman, Jeremiah, 360. Lancaster, see Wheeler, Jonathan. , Line, 7, 57, 68, 69, 72, 112, 115, 117, 153, 155, 211, 241. , New Grant, 69, 96, 99, 105, 125, 130, 131, 170, 171, 209-211, 240. , North River, North Branch of, 126. Laurence, Esq., 347. Lawrance, William, 14-16. Lealand, Caleb, 335, 340, 341, 345, 350. , Ebenezer, 335, 340, 341, 345- 347, 350, 355. Lee, Dr. Joseph, 289, 296. Leominster, 270, 271, 347, 355. Line, 239, 243, 248. See South Line. Road leading to, 241. Little Pond. 112. Low, 313. , Joseph, 252, 263. MacFedrich, Macfedris, Mackfed- drich, Mackfadrich, Macpheadris, Archibald, 21, 59-61. Maclntire, 246. Manoosnock. 12, 59, 162, 216, 229, 262, 267. Manosnet, see Manoosnock. Martin, Joshua, Jr., 257, 262, 275- 277. Mashapoag, Mashapooge, see Mas- sajiog. Massapog, 39, 115, 117, 121, 125, 230. Meadow Lots : Beaver Pond, 1, 102. Cataconamoug, 1, 39, 198; 2, 39, 198; 3, 201; 5, 6, 202, 345; 6, 345. Clav Pit, 1, 83; 2, 80; 3, 79; 4, 20; 6, 12; 7, 12. Horsemeat, 2, 9; 3, 142. Massapog, 4, 230. Mulpus, 1, 38; 5, 66; 11, 217; 14, 47. Lower, 1, 161; 2, 2, 160, 240; 3, 35, 160; 4, 18; 6, 202; 7, 4; 8, 3; 9, 3. Up- per, 1, 49; 2, 32; 3, 15, 29, 33; 4, 15, 29; 5, 15, 104; 6, 129; 7, 96, 100; 8, 96, 100, 249 ■ 9 52. Pearl Hill, T,' 236; 3, 1 ; also 14, 41, 75. Perham's. 27, 48. Turkey Hill, 1, 232; 2, 232; 3, 94; 4, 232. Meeting House, 176, 214. in Fitchburg, Road leading to, 242, 253. Land, 7. Menoosnock, see Manoosnock. Mills, 118, 119, 170, 172. 247, 262. Ministerial Land, 1, 9, 24, 71, 72, 91, 141, 142, 145, 196, 200, 254- 256, 277, 293, 312, 313, 345. Mitchel, Andrew, 108, 231, 258. , Moses, 23, 87, 231, 233. Mofifet, Joseph, 87. , William, 87. Monoosnock, Monosnet, Moonosus- nock, Moonussnonck, see Manoos- nock. Moor, 247, 253. , Jonathan, 166. Mulpus, 2, 3, 14, 15, 18, 21, 29, 32, 35, 38, 47, 49, 66, 79, 89, 96, 100, 104, 129, 147, 160, 170, 172, 202, 217, 235, 236, 249, 329. Neesepegesuck Ponds, 38, 89, 140, 141, 329. Nepesegaset, see Neesepegesuck. Newbury, see Poor, Jonathan. Norcross, Jeremiah, 172. North Range of Lots, 28, 31, 37, 40, 41, 54, 56, 62, 203. Town Line, 3, 11, 14, 27, 30, 35, 42, 48, 50, 75, 97, 99, 106, 128, 131, 134, 140, 141, 155, 156, 161, 206, 214, 221, 224. Northeast Corner, 11. Northfield Road, 24, 30, 34, 41, 44, 56, 69, 130. 145, 268, 272, 319- 321. 372 Index. Northwest Corner, 15G, 158. Oliver, Hon. Andrew, 2, 160, 233, 240, 24-2. Orsborn, 253. Page, 40, 79. , David, 218. , Jonathan, 152, 243. , Joseph, 13, 17, 20, 50, 73, 74, 76-78, 235, 236. , Nathaniel, 23, 73, 87, 111, 121, 152, 231, 333, 345. , Samuel, 18, 22, 23, 39, 93-95, 107, 170, 177, 215, 225, 231, 232. Park, John, 252. Parker, Phineas, 17, 18, 308. Paterson, Joseph, 262. Patterson,' James, 276-278. , John, 335. Paul, Robert, 40. Pearce, 121, 212. , David, 63, 68, 109-112, 120, 124 152. , Dea. Ephraim, 62, 73, 110. 112, 114, 119, 121, 124, 132, 139, 149-151, 178, 219, 224-227, 345, 350; 11, 28, 61, 129, 156-158, 160, 162, 166, 180, 184, 187, 189, 192, 199, 205, 218, 228, 229, 240, 242, 243, 245. , see Peirce. Pearl Hill, 32, 42, 63, 102, 108, 126, 131, 157, 208, 223, 224, 229, 230, 234, 262. Brook, 143. Meadows, 1, 14,41, 75,236. Peirce, Amos, 343. , Ephraim, Jr., 117. , Lieut., 343. , see Pearce. Perhani's Meadow, 27, 48. Perlev, 247. Phelps, Samuel, 327. Platts, Abel, 24. Pool, Poole, 7, 71, 104,141,142,259. , Eleazer Flagg, 16. , John, 10, 161, 162, 217. , Jonathan, 9, 10, 129, , Justice, 158, 161. , Capt. Timothv, 10, 161-163, 217, 229, 244. Poor, Jonathan, 164. Pratt, David, 253, 259, 262. Prescott, 37, 41, 55, 81, 103. , Justice Benjamin, 158, 159, 215. , Rev. Benjamin, 81-85, 129, 135, 168, 203, 215, 217, 218, 220. , Maj. Jonathan, 167, 168, 203. Present Bounds Established, 321. Probate Court, 278, 280, 282, 286, 290, 296, 306. Proprietors' Debts, 116, 176. Meetings, 169-196, 261, 364. , Attendants to be paid, 294. Puffer, Jacob, 32. Punch Brook, 233, 249. Putnam, Daniel, 252, 263. , Esquire, 313. Redington, Benjamin, 262, 272, 275; 192, 195, 247, 250-253, 256, 258-261, 264, 266, 268, 277-280, 284-286, 293, 295, 299, 300, 304, 305, 307-311, 313, 314, 318, 364. Rendezvous Lower Meadows, 214. Richards, John, 108, 255. Richardson, Ebenezer, 110, 112, 166, 167, 241. , Maj. James, 253-260, 262, 264, 272, 274, 276, 311, 312, 314, 323, 335, 341, 350, 355. , Thomas, 123. Rindge, see Walker, Capt. Joshua. Ritter, 238. River, 5, 18, 19, 36, 116, 120, 132, 134, 135, 139, 212, 225, 228, 233, 241, 242, 247, 249, 250, 253, 259, 260, 262. Rollstone Hill, 19, 115, 119, 122, 212, 228, 250, 252, 262, 267. Roxbury, see Lealand, Ebenezer. Russell, William, 61. Salem, see Brown, Samuel, and Pres- cott, Rev. Benjamin. Sanderson, 128. Sawmill at Mulpus Falls, 170, 172. , Capt. Willard's, 118, 149. School Lot, 108, 109, 196, 256, 277, 293. Scott, 154. , Edward, 247, 261, 262, 272, 275, 296-299, 304, 316, 323, 335, 341, 350, 355. , Hugh, 33, 41, 42, 224. , John, 59, 60, 62, 170. Second Divisions : 1—11. 2—12, 221. 3—221. 4—10. 5—43. 6—43. 7—135. 8—135. 9—97, 197. 206. 10—97. 11—97, 99, 249. 14—128. 15—3. 16—153. 18-48. 20—131. Index. 373 Second 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 39- 40- 41- 43- 44- 46- 47- 49- 50- 51- 52- 53- 54- 55- 56- 57- 58- 59- 60- 61- 62- 63- 65- 66- 67- 68- 69- 70- 71- 72- 73- 76- 77- 78- 79- 80- 81- 82- 83- 84- 85- 86- Divisions — Continued: -131, 132, 234. 30, 134. 30, 226. 30, 106. 27, 106. 50. 50, 161. 161. 161. 41, 153. 25, 31. 31. 31. 203, 219. 203, 235. 56, 203. 54, 56. 54. 28. 1, 236 (see No. 53). 221, 235. 142, 217. 86, 142, 217. 142, 217. -147, 236 (see No. 43). -147. -148. -74, 148. •74, 75. ■74. 146, 234. -8, 146. -8, 167. -23, 231. -23, 231. 87. -58, 101. ■58, 101. -57, 65. -58, 65. ■63. ■210, 212. ■67. ■5. ■69. ■52, 244. 45, 160. ■160. ■200, 205. ■1, 38, 80, 200. -200, 201. 207. -28. -138. -138. 121. Ill, 149, 150. Second Divisions — Concluded: 87—149. 89—123. 90—115. 93—123. 97—94. Second Part, The, 197. Secretary's Land, 34, 242. See Wil- lard, Hon. Josiali. Sheple, Capt. John, 164, 180. See General Court's Committee. Shirley, 351, 352, 355. Line, 345. See Groton and Stow. Smith, Elisha, 104, 137, 158, 159, 240. , Reuben, 272. Snow, William, 243. South Line, 162-164, 216, 217, 229, 235, 244, 248, 251, 259. See Leominster Line and Lancaster Line. Angle of, 229. Southeast Corner, 71, 72. Southwest Corner, 85, 129, 164, 165, 180, 217. Speer, Robert, 24. Sprage, Ebenezer, 2, 3. Stearns, Col. Abijah, 192-195. , David, 190. , Capt. Josiah, 256, 257, 282, 320, 322-349, 351. 352, 356. Stiles, 76. , Jacob, 95-100, 248. Stow Line, 52. 72. Stratton, 250. Strobridge, Capt. William, 165. Swan, John, 87. Tarbell, Eleazer, 217. Tavler, Thomas, 244. — '-, Col. William, 146-148, 164, 180, 204, 213. See General Court's Committee. Tavlor, Dr. [ohn, 275. Thaxter, Col. Samuel, 147, 148, 164, 180, 204. See General Court's Committee. Thayer, Col., 144. Third Division laid out, 174, 175. Thirstin, Richard, 239. , see Thurstin. Thurlo. Capt. WilHani, 251. 262. Thurstin, Thurstain, 19, 38, 81, 89, 238, 245, 246, 254, 255, 311. , Daniel, 44, 91-93, 166. , Dca., 261. Tophet Swamp, 196, 259. Town of Lunenburg, 312, 313. Town's Committee, 277, 320. Towns, Nathan, 51. Trespasses, 195, 268. 374 Index. y/ ^ Turkey Hill Meadows, 94, 232. Tyler," Nathan, 330, 331. Unachualem, Uncachawalonk, Uii- cachewalunk, Uncachulem, 210, 248, 262. Upton, 166, 240. Watr, 243. Waite, David, 26, 37, 137, 163. Walker, Capt. Joshua, 343. , Nathaniel, 181, 182, 184. Wallis, William, 70, 105-108, 118, 137, 170, 212, 227, 333. Warren, E., Jr., 350, 351, 362. , Jacob, 219. , Samuel, 29. Welch, Jacob, 307, 308. Wendell, Jacob, Esq., 65. West Line, 132, 156-160, 165, 199. See Westminster Line. Westminster Line, 245, 249, 250. See West and South Lines. Weston, see Jones, Lieut. Josiah. Wetherbee, 256. , Ensign Ephraim, 13-16, 20, 74, 76, 141; 165, 177, 180, 189. , Ephraim, 192, 251, 364. , Hezekiah, 239. , Paul, 192. Wetherbee's Mills, 262. Wheeler, Aaron, 327. and Ball, 205, 222, 224, 260. , Ebenezer, 138-141, 223, 224, 234. See Wheeler and Ball. , George, 86, 150, 202, 343, 350. , Jonathan, 3, 28, 128, 129, 165, 234. , William, 86, 88. White, Charles, 192. , John, 28, 128, 132, 192, 218. , Dca. Josiah, 123, 216, 235, 248. Whiting, Esek, 359. Whitney, 102, 262. , Abraham, 45, 52. , John, 100, 120, 131, 133, 134. , Jonathan, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85, 170, 171, 221, 227, 236. , Jonathan, Jr., 85. , Stephen, 314, 316, 318, 321, 326, 329, 331, 334-340, 343, 344, 346-348, 351, 352, 355. Whitney, Zachariah, 242, 329. Whittemore, Benjamin, 164, 181. , David, 327. Wilder, 250. , Ebenezer, 178. , Joseph, 170, 178. , Thomas, 248, 262. Willard, Col. Aaron, 195, 247-252, 261, 262, 264-273, 275, 278-280, 282, 285-291, 293, 296, 805, 323, 364. , Mrs. Aaron, 278. , Abraham, 253, 254, 274. , Capt., 25. 63, 67, 149. , Madam Hannah, 46, 65, 66, 202. , Lieut., Ensign, Capt. Jonathan, 22, 25, 39, 43, 93-95, 103, 116, 135-137, 151, 163, 166, 170-172, 174, 189, 190, 204, 213, 232-235; 1-6, 8-10, 12, 13, 15-21, 24-53, 55, 56, 58, 60-74, 77-84, 86-88, 90-95, 97-108, 110-115, 117, 119-121, 123-133, 135-140, 142-175, 177- 180, 187, 189, 197-203, 205-214, 216-222, 226-236, 238-241, 246. , Capt., Col. Josiah, 28, 31, 32, 34, 37, 42-44, 46, 63, 67, 68, 89, 96, 106, 113, 115, 118, 149, 156, 164, 199, 204-214, 222, 2:3, 237, 249, 292, 328; 1, 3-10, 12-21, 23, 25-31, 33-47, 49-58, 60, 62-75, 77- 86, 88, 91, 92, 96-106, 108, 110- 116, 119-152, 154-165, 167-190, 197-203, 205-208, 210-216, 221- 225, 227, 228, 234. , Hon. Josiah, 44-46, 53, 109, 130, 160, 214, 236. See Secreta- rv's Land. — '-, Josiah, 262, 285. Woburn Farm, 29, 30, 34, 37, 39, 41, 43, 71, 109, 130, 135. 141, 143, 145, 153, 154, 210, 211. , Gore of Land bv, 109. Wood, John, 44, 46, 130. , Jonathan, 262. , Joseph, 160, 236. Woodman, Capt. Jonathan, 27, 28, 54, 118, 128. Woods, Nathaniel, 96, 98-100, 124. Worcester, 329. Wvman, John, 243. PLATES. Presentation frontispiece I'^olio 64, first page "PP- 123 Page 125 of Second Part, opP- 320