/ CAYUGA COUNTY Historical Society COLLECTIONS Number Five. COLLECTIONS OF CAYUGA COUNTY Historical Society AUBURN, N. Y. Number Five. 1887 T K N T H ANNUAL ADDRESS S E W K R S ANCIENT AND MODERN, WITH APPENDIX AND ILLUSTRATIONS. HOBBI ES, AND SOME WHICH WE HAVE RIDDEN IN 1886. AUBURN, N. Y. I 88 7. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES. Nl'MBER Knapp, Peck & Thomson, Book, Job and Commercial Printers, Auburn, N. Y. C6^c tons of mud. This city is favorably located for drainage and sewerage. The Owasco river, the outlet of Owasco lake, a body of water unexcelled for purity, flows centrally through the city. At times its flow is rapid, and at all seasons its current is sufficient SEWEKS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. 1^ to bring a continuous fresh supply. The extreme dilution of the sewage of the city after reaching the river, render^? it comparatively innoxious. It can have but little, if any, influ- ence on the atmosphere, and the only danger lies in the expos- ure by lovv water, of the filth deposited along its banks, for too long a time, in the heat of summer. The removal of the Prison dam has been advocated by some ; but this, it is believed, can only be done with safety when the city, or its citizens, are prepared to wall up the channel of the stream, and fill in the adjacent banks without delay. With the ground water held at a uniform height, there is less danger from the exhalation of noxious gases, than where considerable changes in height takes place. The ground every- where contains more or less air. In porous soil, the propor- tion is estimated at one-third cubic foot of air to each cubic foot of eai-th. In ground filletl with water the air is expelled. As the water falls, the air takes its place, and as it rises again, the air is again expelled. If the ground is filled with animal and vegetable filth, nox- ious gases or bad air is expelled. Thus the earth goes through a process of breathing. These noxious exhalations horn the body of diseased mother earth, are comparatively harmless, if largely diffused through the atmosphere. If instead, it escapes into a confined space, like a cellar, it tnay pi'ovea slow, or more active poison. It has been pointed out b}^ Professor Pettea- koffer, that in districts where the rivers are held up by weirs or dams, at a uniform level, the conditions are favorable to health. In an examination of the records of " Vital Statistics,'' going back to January, 1885, and including this year, to the present time, it is found that the whole number of deaths, in the swamp district, included on both sides of Dill street. State street to Academy. Academy to North, to Dill and Market 20 SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. Street, embracing 30 acres in the heart of the city, was 25. Of these seven (7) were over (30 years of age ; over 40, and less than 60, four (4) ; over 20, and less than 40, six (6) ; over 10, and less than 20, one (1); over 5, and less than 10, one (1) ; over 1, and less than 5, two (2) ; less than 1 four (4). The causes of death were as follows : Old age 2 ; pneumonia 2 ; heart disease 2 ; cancer 1 ; consumption 3 ; Bright's disease 1 ; apoplexy 1 ; inflammation of the bowels 1 ; chronic bronchitis 1 ; debility 1 ; inflammation of the bladder 1 ; peritonitus 1 ; congestion of the brain 1 ; convulsions 1 ; entro coletis 1 ; cerebral spinal meneugitis 2. The last two cases were chil- dren, one of whom died in Market and the other in State street. AVater contaminated with sewage, is not a safe every day beverage; and some of our citizens evidently fear that Owasco lake water cannot be drank with safety, at least, so long as they can obtain something they like better. The erection of public hydrants in localities in this city where wells are now generally in nse, would be a public benefit, as with their erec- tion, the use of weils could be prohibited. Under the system now in practice, iov the disposal of the refuse of cities, other questions besides contamination, must eventually receive con- sideration.'^ A steady drain upon the country is going on, and its fertility and productiveness is being reduced, and in time with the increase of population will be seriously felt. The time is not far distant when young men and old, will not, as now, be able to follow the advice of the venerable sage Greel)', and " Go west." The fertility of this country, and the facilities for transportation are such, that our cities can draw their supplies of food from long distances ; and from large tracts of country ; but it is safe to assume, that with the rapid growth of cities at the present day, the time is being hastened when the stream of wealth that now flows into the sea, will be directed to the land. The stream of fertilizers, that London is daily pouring into * See Plate 7. SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. 21 the Thames ; if it could be as easily, and cheaply, spread over the Emerald Isle, would so increase its productiveness, that immigration would cease, and many of her sons and daughters return to their " Fatherland." Intercepting sewers parallel to the river, have been recom- mended ; the necessity for them will arise when onr city has quadrupled in population, or the time come when river pollu- tion shall be forbidden and enforced by law, or the value of sewage as a fertilizer better appreciated. The apparent turpidity, and discoloratit>n of the water, is not a certain indication of increased pollution. Manufactories dis- charge dye-stuffs and refuse into sewers and streams, giving the fluid an appearance of pollution that does not exist. There is but little sewage discliarged into the Owasco river, above Lizette street bridge. It receives, on the east side at the bridge, tlie sewage from a considerable territory lying south of East Genesee sti'eet, and west of Seward avenue. On the west side below Lizette street bridge the Elizabeth street sewer has its outlet. At the Gen- esee street bridge, the East Genesee street and Second ward sewers discharge. At tlie North street bridge, the Franklin street sewer dis- charges, and below the bridge on the south side the Dill sti'eet sewer dischai^ges. On the north side below the bridge two sewers discharge. At the State street bridge, on the north side, the Cro.ss, Wall and State street sewers discharge, and belovv the Prison dam, the sewers from State, Clai-Ic, Genesee and Ilulburt streets discharge. On the opposite side, through the Prison wall, the prison sewer has its outlet. Below Barber's factory on the south side, the Washington, Jefiferson and Clark street sewers discharge. On the north side, Washington, Barber and West Water streets discharge. On the south side near Division street bridge another dis- 22 SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. charges, which serves for Orchard street below Jefferson. On the north side below Aurelias avenue bridge the VanAnden street sewer discharges. There are several small sewers, on both sides of the stream that discharge into it, but they serve for a very limited territory. East of the highest point on Franklin street, sewers frotn it and Cayuga street discharge into an open brook. A territory lying east of Seward avenue ; Morris street, Beach avenue and Grant avenue, discharges its surface water into this brook, and its sewers must find an out- let by the same route: and another tract lying in the north and west part of the cit\% drains north and west to reach the outlet. On the south and south-west, another portion of its territory, finds an outlet in the same direction. In the several portions of the city last described, the sur- face drainage readies the Ovvasco river outside of the city limits. This city, from its near proximity to several lakes receives annually a considerable rain fall. During the summer, showers are frequent, and often copious, and materially aid in flushing its sewers. The topography of this city is such, that the river receives the surface drainage, of a large portion of it, within its limits. A lime-stone ledge underlies the city, and in places forms the bed of the stream. This bed of rock is seamed and fissured, and in places where it is exposed, small rivulets flow into these fissures and disappear. This mass of rock underly- ing the city forms a floor, (except where fissures exist), imper- vious to water. On this floor a sheet of water rests, and is slowly moving towards a lower level. The character of the soil and sub-soil covering this rock is variable, embracing sand, gravel, quick-sand, swamp-muck, and boukler clay. In these have been constructed vaults and cess-pools, which have been long in existence, as the receptacles of the solid, and fluid refuse of the inhabitants, and will it is feared be too long continued. Our citizens generally take pride in their homes, and adorn and beautify them. Neatness and order mark their residences, SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. 23 and their surroundings; their lawns and shrubbery are kept neatly cut and trimmed, and their walks in good repair, and 'laily swept. Fatal sickness has not invaded their homes ; but it may have their neighbors. A beautiful and neatly kept lawn, may conceal a cess-pool that feeds a neighbor's well, and has sown the seeds of disease and deatli, in his household. The well from which you draw your daily supply of water, may be in near proximity to your cess-pool, and escape the foul current your neighbor's well receives. Sewer construction in this city was begun, and has been car- ried forward without any very definite plan, beyond meeting the immediate and pressing wants of the time, and the locality where constructed. The oldest existing sewers, (more properly elongated cess- pools), were originally concealed water courses ; made so by the owners of the property, walling them up from time to time, as the several owners desired to hide a blemish, and improve their property. The walls were laid with stones without mortar or cement, and with but little attention to grade, and with no pur- pose in view, except to provide a covered conduit, of sufficient size, to carry the rain fall received in the basin it drained.* In a few localities in the city, open drains that serve for sewer purposes still exist; and people reside in close proximity to them apparently without a thought of danger. Not long since, some members of the Board of Health were requested to visit such a locality, and when there, met a resident, a native of the " Emerald Isle," who evidently did not believe in sewers, and was unwilling that the salubrity and healthfulness of his locality, should be called in question, as he declared, with considerable earnestness : " By gorra, I have lived here more than twenty years, and there ain't a healthier place in the whole city : I never paid a shilling to the doctors." In this case the drain was made * See Plate'l. 24 SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. in the earth without protecting walls, and the supply of water was insufficient, to carry off its filthy deposits.* The early records of the village show that some sewers were constructed of wot)d : the corporation timber, by direction of the village board, being applied to that purpose. A step in advance was made, when sewers were constructed of stone, laid in mortar, on a board or plank foundation. The next advance was the substitution of water lime cement, for quicklime mortar. It has been charged, that contractors sometimes used common clay, as a substitute for mortar: at least sewers have been so poorly constructed, that parties assessed for the same, refused to pay, the city failed to collect, and considerable amounts remain to this day uncollected. ISewers constructed of stone square in form, with flat bottom, if constructed in the best manner, are objectionable, as the flow of their fluid contents is much imped- ed, and they will at all times retain a large amount of filth and cannot be as perfectly flushed. f Brick sewers came next in order, made circular in form ; then followed cement pipes, and lastly vitrified, or glazed clay pipes. There has been a gradual improvement in the construction, and material used, but there is still further advances required. Many of the sewers heretofore constructed, fail iti their work- manship. Brick sewers have been constructed with single walls, or rings of brick, circular in form. The objection to these is the difficulty, almost impossibility, of making the joints between the bricks tight enough to hold their fluid contents. All brick sewers should be built with double courses of bricks, and are only preferable, when exceeding a certain size.:}: In pipe, as well as brick sewers, leaky joints have been too much the rule. Until within a few years, it was thought to be an important requisite of sewers, that they should have open joints, to admit the ground water, so as to serve also the pur- pose of soil drainage.§ The joints of the pipes were left with- out cement, that the water might get in, without a thought of *See Plate 23. + See Plate 1. t See Plate 20 and 21. §See Plate 4, 5 and 15. SEWERS: ANCIENT AND MODERN^. 25 whether their contents would get out, or if out, what would be the effect : in fact many of our sewers are so many elon- gated cess-pools. But few of the sewers have been laid deep enough, to serve for present use, or to admit of future improvement. They have not been properly ventilated, or been provided with proper openings and connections for the street water ; and house con- nections have been left to the ignorance or caprice of any per- son who desired to make, or have tfiem made ; the Common Council granting permission to excavate in the streets for that purpose, and leaving the work without supervision. As a result the work is often badl}' done, and tiie streets generally left in bad condition. The question of ventilation is an important one, and should not be overlooked. The wide diffusion of noxious gases through the atmosphere, deprive them of their deleteriousness. The mixing of " sewer gas " with a large volume of pure atmospheric air, hastens by oxydation the destruction of the noxious germs, with which the gas may be charged.* The attendants upon patients in fever wards in hospitals, are free from danger, if proper ventilation is kept up ; and when they suffer, it is conclusive evidence that the ventilation is bad. A physician of this city, who was a surgeon on active duty in • the field during the war, has stated a case that occurred under his observation, where a held hospital, immediately after battle, was located in a grove ; patients suffering from amputations, and serious wounds, were doing badly, and an unusual mor- tality set in ; a removal of these patients from the grove to a high open field, exposed to the rays of the summer sun, with an unobstructed circulation of air, and improvement immedi- ately followed, and within three days all unfavorable symptoms disappeared. The sanitary rule of " Hippocrates," the " father of medi- cine " was " pure air, pure water, pure soil ;" where these con- * See Plate 19. "26 SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. ditions exist, but little more can be expected. The best dis- infectants for ordinary family use, are " pure air," and " sun- liglu :'" and always, remember that faded carpets, are better than faded cheeks ; and where the sunlight cannot come, the .r briefly describe what we believe to be the best way to apply it, or " how it sliould be done." First of all, the proper material should be selected and prop- erly applied. For all sewers under two (2) feet in diameter, pipe tile should be used. Pipe of cement, if properly made, of first quality materials, is to be preferred. Such pipe increase in strength by time and use, and the sections can be so united as to give, what is of importance, a smooth internal 34 SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. surface, of uniform diameter. The next is glazed, or vitrified clay pipe, made in sections of uniform diameter, internally and externally, with separate short sections, or rings, of the same materia], for securing the abutting ends of the sections. This kind of pipe, if properly laid, will give uniform smooth inter- nal conduit.* The next best, is the pipe with an enlarged socket end, for making connections. These are the most diflficult to unite, so as to produce a smooth, uniform channel. Pipe of all kinds should be provided with branches for connecting latteral sew- ers. Branches should not be united at right angles, but at a less angle, or in the form of a Y. Bends should be used^ where lateral sewers are laid at right angles to their mains.f For sewers over two (2) feet in diameter, brick is the cheap- est and the best ; hard burnt brick only being used, and laid with goc)d cement. The walls should always be laid double, and with joints properly broken. Single brick sewers cannot be relied upon, as leakage of their contents is liable to take place fi'om imperfect joints. The best form of brick sewers is the combination of two semi-circles, of different diameters, united by sections of an eclipse, forming what is generally known as an egg shaped. Sewers of this form must be laid a little deeper than the round ones of the same capacity, but the advantage of a more rapid flow of their contents when partly filled, will more than compensate for the small increased cost. The connection of all branches with mains, should, as far as possible, be made above the base line of the arch. Woi'k of this character should not only be thoroughly done, but no infe- rior material should be used, at any price. In the construction of sewers in cities, the future as well as the present should be considered. Whilst the cost may be slightly increased, it will be cheaper than to enlarge from time to time, to meet the requirements of increased population on the same or adjacent territory. A carefully considered plan sh.ould * See Plates 13, 14, 19 and 20. f See Plates 9, 13 and 14. SEWERS • ANCIENT AND MODERN. 3S be adopted, embracing the whole city, or so much thereof as is embraced in one entire water shed. Main or trunk sewers should be first constructed, and be hirge enougli, and deep enough, to carry the accumulations of all the branches after- wards required. The branches should be laid deep enough to give thorough drainage and sewerage to all buildings erected^ or that may thereafter be erected, and to admit of the deepen- ing of shallow cellars, in houses already erected, and made so from necessity, by reason of lack of proper drainage when con- structed. The excavations should be made to conform to the outer contour of tlie sewer, whether constructed of brick or pipe, and should be laid in conformity to the grade given by the engineer. If of brick, the walls should be laid with double- courses, in good cement, and at the spring of the arch, the brick should be laid as headers, to give increased strength. Ventilating -flues should bo laid up to the street grade, one every 150 feet, and capped with an iron frame and grating.* These ventilating flues should, as they approach the surface^ be enlarged so as to give the covering grate an area of opening at least equal to the area of the flue. At every point where the line of the sewer is changed in direction, manholes should be constructed and capped with a ventilating cover. This should be done without reference to the location of the street gulleys, or basins for receiving the street water. These venti- lating flues, rising from the crown of the sewer, will permit the gas to escape freely, and by its rapid dirTasion through the atmosphere become comparatively harmless, as well as inoflien- sive. Tlie branches for receiving basins or gulleys, should be connected with the sewer at a low level, so as to avoid the escape of gas through them, that its entire volume may be dis- charged through the more direct channel of the ventilating flues. The receiving basins should, as far as possible, be located at * See Plates 19 and 21. O^ SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. tlie corners of intersecting streets, and should be placed inside oi the curb-stone. They should have sand traps, or basins, of sufficient size and depth below their outflow, to contain at least twent3^-seven cubic feet. Without receiving basins, the heavier material washed by heavy rains, from unpaved streets, will find a lodgment in the sewer, and retard the flow of liquid tilth, and produce an excess of noxious gases. The inlet for the water should be through a hole in the curb stone, protected by an iron grate or bar. The basin should have a flag stone covering, with a hole large enough for a man to enter, secured by a removable iron cover. The silt collected in these basins, should be removed often enough to prevent their overflow, and discharo-e of silt into the sewer. All necessary house branches, (including vacant lots), should be constructed with the street sewer, extended to the curb- stone, and a dur;d>le mark set to indicate the points where they terminate. Thej:' should be connected with their street mains at a point above the center or spring of the arch, Y's and bends being used in making the connection ; nnd in pipe sew- ers, less than one foot in diameter, the connection can be made on top.* The survey and map, made by the engineer, should distinctly show not onl}^ the route of the sewer, but the exact location of the house branches. Soft spots in the bottom of trenches should be replaced by hard material : and where quick sand is met witli, wood inverts should be used. In laying pipe sewers, if the sections have socket ends, or when using straight sections with ring couplings, the excavations should be enlarged at the points where the ends unite, so as to give the sections of the pipe a firm bearing between the sockets or ring couplings, •or there will be danger of breakage or displacement by the weight of the earth above, forcing the pipes out of align- ment, f The connecting joints should be cemented with the best hydraulic cement, and care should be taken to have the internal channel in line. This can only be done in pipes hav- * See Plates 13 and 14. t See Plates 2 and 5. SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. iiT ing socketed euds, by coating the lower half of the socket end with cement, before inserting the end of the following pipe, and adjusting the same internally by a straight edge, of at least the length of three sections of the pipe. When properly adjusted, the ui)per portion of the pipe can be thoroughly cemented. Before another is added, the joint on the inside should be filled with cement, and brought to a line witli the internal surface of the pipe. This can reatlily be done by a wooden float, sha[)ed to a sec- tion of the inner circle of the pipe. This will produce a smooth channel, for the flow of its fluid contents. In filling the exca- vation, the earth should be thoroughly tamped as fast as put in, to a point one foot above the crown of the arch. No sewer should be constructed, except under the superintendence and inspection of a competent person, who should insist that the specifications (which should be clear and ex[)licit on all points), be carried out to the letter. Politics should be ignored in the appointment of a sewer inspector : competency should be the requirement. If street repairs and improvements are impropei'ly or imperfectly done, the defect can be seen by all with open eyes, who walk or ride ; but defects in sewers once concealed, mischief unsuspected may follow. The question of sub-soil, or deep di'ainage, as well as sewer- age, is one that should demand our attention, and in cities should be considered therewith.* With sewers properly con- structed, so that no escape of their contents can take place, (except at their points of discharge) ; it is evident that some provision must be made, for relieving tlie soil of an excess of earth water in many localities. It is of importance to keep the sewerage, and deep drainage separate, as far as practicable. This can best be done, by laying lines of common drain tile on each side of the latteral sewers, and extending branches to, and around to the outside of the * See Plates 20 and -21. •38 SEWERS : ANCIENT AND MODERN. foundation walls of the buildings, and placing a few inches of clean gravel on the tile, before returning the earth.* This will except in rare cases, protect cellars from objectionable damp- ness. If from springs in the cellar bottom, or the building occu' pying the entire lot, it becomes necessary to extend the drain tile within the walls, it should be provided with a trap, located within the walls, so that it can at all times be easily inspected- If the flow of water from the cellar is not at all times sufficient to keep the trap full, it will be advisable to provide for the discharge of a portion of the roof water through it. In cel- lars with good cement floors, drain tile can be extended within, and around inside of the foundation walls, with but little danger from the escape of noxious gases; provided the drainage sys- tem is not united with the sewer system ; except at consider- able distance from the dwelling. As an additional precaution the drain tile may be ventilated in the same manner as the sewer and soil pipe, as hereafter described. Having provided good sewerage and drainage, outside of our dwellings, unless the fixtures and plumbing inside are also good, the work has been worse than useless, as an avenue for disease, and perhaps Hrt of what is known as the Second ward sewer, and the committee were directed to examine the map of the proposed Second ward sewer, and report to the Board whether the same was complete for adoption. June 21st, 1880, sewer on Augustus street ordered con- structed, and Clerk to advertise for proposals, and the City Surveyor was directed to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a tubular brick sewer in the Second ward on the route adopted. August 2nd, 1880, City Attorney reported that he had seen a number of the property owners along the route of the proposed Second ward sewer, as to the right of way, and no definite answers have been obtained, except some of those seen, announce their determination of fighting from the start. September 6th, iSSo, a remonstrance signed by forty ta.\-payers of North street, against building a sewer in that street, for the reason : First — The taxes for this year have been very burdensome and as nmch as we could bear. Second — That many have private sewers built at our own expense, which afford abundant sewerage for our private use. Third— It would put us to additional expense, and to more of us useless expense, and great damage to put drains from our premises to connect with the public sewer when built. August 23rd, 1S80, Augustus street sewer was reported completed and $629.00 the cost was ordered assessed, on property benefitted. February 7th, i88i. Health Officer Dr. John Gerin, reported to the Council that the city was without proper and adequate sewerage, and recommended that " a topographic sanitary survey of the city be made and that a uniform and connected plan be adopted for the sewerage and drainage of the city," and recommended the adoption of the following resolution : ^^ Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Auburn, respectfully petition the Legislature of the State to authorize the State Board of Health to appoint a sanitary engineer to the end that uniformly proper and competent surveys and plans of drainage and sewerage may thereby be obtained by all cities and towns which may need them." In this connection the Doctor discussed the importance of providing a supply of good drinking water, and the danger from the use of water from wells in city houses connected with cess-pools and privy vaults, and recommended that the Water Company be required to extend 52 APPENDIX. their mains to deep water in the lake." Dr. Dimon being present, endorsed the views of Dr. Gerin. March 2rst, 1881, the committee on drains and sewers reported that they had met the lot owners, along the line of the Second ward sewer, and conferred with them in regard to obtaining the right of way for the same, that a portion would give the right, and a portion sell, but at what price, the committee could not ascertain, and asked for further time for the matter. It had become evident that, difficulties would arise, and perhaps lead to serious complications, if the construction of the sewer was attempted under the exist- ing charter. By the advice of competent lawyers, a bill was drawn, and on the 20th of April, 1881, the Common Council adopted a proposed act providing for the construction of a sewer in the Second ward, and asked our Senator and Members of Assembly, to procure the passage of the same at the earliest possi- ble moment. This act was duly passed by the Legislature, and embraced as a sewer district all territory within the water-shed of the valley, in which the sewer was located, a large portion of the route being over private property. By a map duly recorded in the County Clerk's office, the district to be assessed was duly defined and the route of the sewer laid down. May gth, 1881, the City Surveyor reported survey and map of sewer on Lewis street, 14 chains and 75 links, to begin 2 chains 57 links from Genesee street, and run to the Franklin street sewer, at an estimated cost of $930.00 ; also one in Lincoln street, yog}4 feet long, to intersect the Second ward sewer, at a cost of $611.00. July 7th, iSSr, the City Attorney reported to the Council that the deeds of right of way had been obtained of all the property owners on the line of the proposed Second ward sewer. At this meeting the City Treasurer reported that there was an apparent balance in the treasury of $514.13 to the contingent fund, but the amount of the Council's audit to C. Wheeler, Jr., to pay for right of way for the Second ward sewer, had not been paid, thus leaving the fund in reality overdrawn to the amount of $886.87. July 25th, specifica- tions and plans for the Second ward sewer were adopted. The sewer was divided into 4 sections. No. I. Extended from the outlet in Genesee street, to the north line of Lincoln street, a distance of 647^ feet or 39^ rods. No. 2, From the north line of Lincoln, to the north line of Grover street, 568 92-100 feet or 34 48-100 rods. No. 3. From the north line of Grover, to the south face of the man-hole in Hamilton avenue, 2,251 92-100 feet or 136 48-100 rods. No. 4. From the center of Hamilton avenue to the south line of Swift street 1,549 38-100 feet or 93 9-10 rods. The two first sections were to be built of stone with an internal diameter of 3 feet wide and 4 feet high. Section No. 3, was to be of brick, circular, 2}4 feet internal diameter. Section No. 4, of brick, circular, 2}4 feet internal APPENDIX. 63 diameter. The Clerk was directed to advertise for proposals, for the construc- tion of the Second ward, and the Seymour street sewers. At the meeting August 24th, 1S81, the contract for the construction of the first section of the Second ward sewer was awarded to H. S. C. Sweeting, at $1,600.00 ; and the second, third and fourth sections, John O. Smith, at $18,447.00 or a total of $20,047.00, and the Mayor and Clerk ordered to enter into a contract with the parties named. August 31st, the draft of a contract with the parties was presented to the Council, by it approved, and the Mayor and Clerk directed to execute it. September 5th, 1881, the Council fixed the cost of the Second ward sewer at $23,000.00, and directed the assessors to assess the benefits on the lands and premises within the boundaries described in Chap- ter 210, laws of 1881, entitled an act providing for the construction of a sewer 'n the City of Auburn, and the act amendatory thereof. September 6th, 1881, the Lewis street sewer was reported completed, at a cost of $961.25, and the Assessors ordered to assess the same on property ben- efitted, and the Seymour street sewer completed at a cost of $386.40 was also ordered assessed on property owners according to benefit ; and the Lincoln street sewer at a cost of $579.48, was also ordered assessed ; and a sewer ordered constructed on Washington street, to begin i chain and 95 links north of the north line of Genesee street, thence north in the center of the 17 chains to a point 20 feet south of the north line of Clark street, thence westerly about 8 rods along the present sewer, in accordance with map and survey on file in the Clerk's office, and an advertisement for proposals for construction of the same ordered. September loth, Robert Tate appointed inspector of the Second Ward sewer at $2.00 per day, as his compensation. September 19th, Committee on Drains and Sewers reported that they had notified Robert Tate of his appointment, and instructed hira to be on duty at 7 A. M. and remain until 6 P. M., and to allow no deviation from the specifications in its construction. At the same meeting the Mayor and Clerk were directed to enter into a contract with Sisson & Ocobock for the construction of the Washington street sewer in accordance with their bid. October 3rd, 18S1, the Mayor reported a defect in the bid which was for lo-inch pipe, while the specification was for 1 2-inch, v/hich made it necessary to advertise for new proposals. On June 3rd, 1882, the Clerk was directed to advertise anew for proposals for construction of the Washington street sewer. July 3rd, 1882, Clerk directed to advertise for proposals for constructing a sewer in South and Grover streets. This sewer was to begin at a point in South street where a private sewer crossed that street, and extended into Grover street and connected with the Second Ward sewer. July r2th, at a special meeting, an attempt was made to displace Robert Tate as Inspector of the Second Ward sewer, by declaring the place vacant. Fortu- 54 APPENDIX nately some one obtained a knowledge of the object of the special meeting, and placed in the hands of the Mayor a remonstrance numerously signed by the property owners along the line of the sewer, with the request that the same be presented if the motion was made. The remonstrance produced the with- drawal of the motion and Mr. Tate remained Inspector of the Second Ward sewer until its completion. July 17th, 1882, remonstrances numerously signed were presented against the construction of sewers in Elizabeth and Grover and Logan streets. September 14th, 1882, the Mayor and Clerk were directed to enter into a con- tract with John O. Smith for the construction of the Logan street sewer, and with L. G. Perkins for the Grover and South street sewers. October 24th, 1882, Robert Tate reported the entire cost of the Second Ward sewer to be $23,932.qi. The length of the second, third and fourth sections of the Second ward sewer, as reported by Surveyor Wright, was 4,475 46-100 feet or 1.05 24-100 in excess of the original survey. September 12th, 1881, the assessors were directed to assess cost of sewer constructed on Seymour between State and Cross streets, the amount being $386.40. At the same meeting they were directed to assess $961.25, the cost of Lewis street sewer between East Genesee and Franklin streets ; and at the same meeting $579.48, the cost of Lincoln street sewer, between Mechanic and the second Ward Sewer. June 19th, 1882, sewer ordered on Washington street, commencing two chain* north of Genesee street, and running to and connecting with a sewer in Clark street. September 14th, 1S82, Mayor and City Clerk ordered to enter into a contract with John O. Smith, for the construction of a sewer in Logan street. And at the same meeting were ordered to enter into a contract with L. G. Perkins, for the construction of a sewer in South and Grover streets. November 13th, 1882, $600.49, the cost of South and Grover street sewer was ordered assessed. November 13th, 1882: $1,660.73, the cost of Washington street sewer, was ordered assessed. December i8th. 18S2, $1,116.28, the cost of Logan street sewer, was ordered assessed. February 25th, 1884. $1,236,50, the cost of Frances street sewer, was ordered assessed, and at the same date $1,160.00, the cost of Grover street sewer was ordered assessed. March loth, 1884, $1,606.56, the cost of Sheridan and Walnut street sewers, was ordered assessed ; also $3,517.40, the cost of South street, Hamilton ave- nue and MacDougall street sewers. The four last sewers were constructed in 1883, though the assessment was ordered in 1884. July 10, 1884, $1,236.00, the cost of Wall street sewer was ordered assessed. APPENDIX. 65 May 5th, 1S84, contract for the construction of a sewer in Franklin street, cast from the summit, to connect with Elm street sewer. August 20th. 1884, $i,603.og, the cost of Franklin street sewer, east, was ordered assessed. June 2d, 1S84, Mayor and City Clerk directed to contract with Jeremiah Sullivan for the construction of the Seymour street sewer. August i8th, 1884: $1,700.00, the cost of Seymour street sewer, was ordered assessed. June I2th, 1884, Mayor and Clerk ordered to enter into contract with Patrick Goff for the construction of the Washington, Barber, Coon and West Water street sewers. July 7th, 1S84, contract ordered entered into with Jeremiah Sullivan for the construction of the Capitol street sewer. August 25th, 1884, $1,011.67, the cost of Capitol street sewer, was ordered assessed, and at the same date $1,603.09, the cost of Washington, Barber, Coon and West Water street sewers was ordered assessed. September ist, 1884, Mayor and Clerk ordered to contract with Luther G. Perkins for the construction of the Elizabeth street sewer. November 30, 1884, $558.75, the cost of Elizabeth street sewer was ordered assessed. September 8th, 1884, the construction of a sewer in Genesee street from the Owasco outlet to cross walk near No. 85 Genesee street, ordered, and contract ordered made with L. G. Perkins for the construction of the same. January 5th, 1885, $3,470.70, the cost of Genesee street sewer, was ordered assessed. December gth, 1885, $686.05, ^he cost of Cayuga street sewer, was ordered assessed. July 27th, 1886, $428.73, the cost of Elizabeth street sewer, was ordered assessed. August 7th. 1886, $530.91, the cost of Derby avenue sewer, was ordered assessed ; and $6,856.86, the cost of Jefferson, Clark and Genesee street sewer was ordered assessed ; also $696.55, the cost of sewer in Myrtle avenue. And 1886, the .A.urelius avenue and Van Anden street sewer was reported completed at a cost of $5,061.91, which was ordered assessed on the 6th day of December, 18S6. [®>U/iTE ]. - VENI ILi/lTION^NIi) gTONE ^FW'^Fr^^ #M^ PU/ITE 3_ FlUTHY^ ^N CUOgET -^^2^;.^^^^ PU/1TE6-.JHOWWE INH/lLiE^EWEI^G^S'Ji F^Li^lTE 7— ^EV^ El%7](KE J^gJ\ ®E\7Ef^7^HONINCa ^R/]PS^^ PU/l^E 14_NON-glPHONlNGTR/iPS ... Pu7lTEl6,Pf^opEf^^ Impropei^gonnegtions With m/iiN(§eWe(^ *U7R«TE 17- f®'f\OPEf^VENTIk7>TION OF gOlU Plf^E Ph/flTE. 18 _ (sHIMNEY N^ENTILs/ITlON OrgOILi Plf^Eg iS^ Pu/1^E gO_[i)l^J^lN/'C5L36§EWE(^ i)V§'^Ef^S gEf^TH^-^TE®. HOBBIES, AND SOME WHICH WE HAVE RIDDEN IN iS86. An address delivered before the Cayuga County Historical Society, February 8, 1887, by the President, WILLIAM IL SEWARD. HOBBIES," AND SOME WHICH WE HAVE RIDDEN IN 1886. Webster defines the word " hobby " thus : " Any favorite object which a person pursues with zeal or delight " Some one has said, " Every man has his hobby," and I presume he intended to add, every woman has her hobby also. But, I take issue at once vvith this very sweeping statement, asserting em- phatically that this is a mistaken notion, in proof of which I point to the many people to be found in every community, who to all outward appearance at least, have no hobby, although it might be better in some cases if they had. Such tacitly accept the situation, whatever it happens to be at the time, seeming to have no special aim or ambition in life, unless it be to make themselves comfortable, and to be let alone while doing it. These are always good law-abiding citizens, usually quite ready to criticise or denounce the bad acts or mistakes of others, but they are in no sense progressive, and contribute but little to the general spirit of public enterprise or progress. True, some of our hobbies are visionary or impolitic, or both, and some are positively bad, and hurtful, alike against private and public interests ; yet, the bad aims of men are far less in number than the good ones, and much more likely to fail when once they become exposed to the light of public investigation and criti- cism. True, also comparatively few of the good or harmless 110 " HOBBIES." aims ever reach the fall measure of their projector's expecta- tion, nevertheless, thej at least, serve to keep the community from fulling into apath}', and stagnation, and are continually stirring up the people, evoking healthful discussion, and expres- sion of opinion, and like the action of the winds upon still water, they agitate and purify it. DANGEROUS AND MISGUIDED HOBBIES. Some hobbyists however, do exist, that we could well dis- pense with, and whom the world would be far better oS with- out. These usually found their theory, or hobby, upon utter selfishness, and a flagrant disregard of the rights of their fellow citizens, seeking to build up their own fame or fortune, and to gratify their own ambitious aims through pulling down the bus- iness or character of others. Or else, their hobbies are founded upon Irreligion, Skepticism, or Revenge. Such ma}^ be found in politics, among the demagogues. In commercial affairs, among the character and business wreckers. And in Religion, among the Infidels or Atheists. Dry den gives us an apt illustration of some of these charac- ters, when he says : " 'Gainst form and order they their power employ, Nothing to build and all things to destroy, But far more numerous was the herd of such. Who think too little, and who talk too much." THE SOCIALISTIC HOBBY. The worst of all the bad hobbies, of the present day how- ever, is the anarchist, who while he seeks to elevate himself, aims to destroy the entire social and political fabric of the best government ever yet known to the civilized world. This man, left to himself, or to the company of the comparative- ly few, who fully comprehend his destructive methods, is not so dangerous as he appears, for he is under suspicion, and " HOBBIES.'* Ill may at any time (if need be) be reached by the strong arm of justice and the law. But when he uses his hobby to persuade honest, well meaning workmen, that he is their champion, and that their real or fancied wrongs, (for there are both) can only be righted through his agency, then, just so far as he succeeds in establishing his base theories in tlieir minds, leading them to look to his ways for relief, instead of appealing to the ballot, arbitration and other lawful means of redress, be becomes one of the most dangerous enemies of society, and of his fellow men. " In friendship false, implacable in hate, Resolved to ruin, or to rule the State." EPHEMERAL HOBBIES. Then there is another class of hobbyists familiar to us all, (mild cranks) who catch at absurd vagaries, and who are con- tinually chasing every shadowy " Will of the Wisp " that is seen flitting across the horizon. These are not usually bad fel- lows, nor do they mean harm to any, in pursuing their eccen- tric fancies. They adopt enthusiastically a dozen different theories, without ever stopping to examine into their merit or practicabihty, and as one scheme after another fails, they are astonished, and wonder why, but as they usually have an unbounded supply of hope, far in excess of their brains, they quickly drop their dead hobby, for a new one, no better than the first. " A man so various, that he seemed to be, Not one, but all mankind's epitome. Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong, Was everything by starts, and nothing long." THE UNPROFITABLE HOBBYIST. Another harmless hobbyist occurs to me, who makes himself, or herself, worlds of trouble, without accomplishing anything in the way of gesieral reformation, or in fact, anything else 112 "HOBBIES." unless it be, to make those around him as thoroughly uncom- fortable as himself. These hobbyists take various shapes both in business and in the household, but more especially in the latter I can best describe one of these characters by quoting what the poet, Southey, says of his maiden aunt, with whom he lived when a boy : " The discomforts which Miss Tyler's passion for cleanliness produced, to herself, as well as to her little household, was truly curious. To herself indeed, it was a perpetual torment ; to the servants a perpetual vexation, and so it would have been to me, if nature had not blessed me with an innate hilarity of spirit, which nothing but real affliction can ever overcome. That the better rooms might be kept clean, she took possession of the kitchen, sending the servants to one which was underground, and in this dark confined place, with a rough stone floor, and a skylight, we always took our meals and generally lived. "The best room was never opened, but for company, except now and then upon a fine day, to be aired and dusted, if dust could be detected there. In the other parlor I was allowed sometimes to read, and we sat there sometimes in the summer, when a fire was not needed, for fire produced ashes, and ashes occasioned dust, and dust visible, or invisible, was the plague of her life. I have seen her order the tea kettle emptied and refilled, because some one had passed across the hearth while it was on the fire preparing for her breakfast. She indulged in these humors till she had formed for herself, notions of un- cleanliness almost as irrational and inconvenient, as those of the Hindoos." " She had a cup once buried for six weeks, to purify it from the lips of one whom she accounted unclean ; all who were not her favorites were included in that class. Never was there a more ill regulated mind than that of this haughty spinster. She herself had a theory not uncommon, that a bad temper was connected with a good understanding, and a commanding mind, and so she was on very good terras with herself." "HOBBIES." lis But notwithstanding all of these exceptions, which! have mentioned, for I so regard them, I believe our hobbies are in the main, good things for us to have, and that out of some of them come much of the public thrift and development which we enjoy. HOBBIES IN HISTORY. Many of the great events of history had their birth in the minds of enthusiasts, some of whom to be sure, carried their hobbies to such extremes as to overshoot their mark, entangle theuiselves and temporarily, at least, defeat what they sought to accomplish. But good seed when thus sown, often takes deep root and results in introducing important reforms, or improvements, to be taken up later on and worked out by others, who, perhaps would never have thought of the subject except for the enthusiastic or visionary mind of the original projector. Hobbi'es date back, at least, as far as the building of the tower of Babel. Cheop's great pyramid, still towering over the sands of the Egyptian desert, has been the wonder of genera- tions for more than four thousand years, and was unquestion- ably one of the most stupendous of the ancient hobbies. The Crusades in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, marked another of the world's great hobbies, the zeal and magnitude of which, can hardly be comprehended after a lapse of six hun- dred years. And so we might go on with the enumeration of the hobbies of ancient history, if necessary, but it is not, and I think I may safely leave them with the broad assertion, that wherever history records civilization and progress, throughout the various nations of the world, there you will find more or less enthusiastic promoters of schemes for public or private advancement. Only those people, or nations, that retrograde and are on the road to decay, have no hobbies. Il4 " hobbies/' III our own country, we have had a great succession of hob- bies, arriving with the Puritans in the Mayflower, and ever since, occurring in forms ahnost innumerable down to the pre- sent day. Among them we could find many illustrations, both striking and interesting, and should learn how some hobbies which seem in themselves, comparatively insignificant when first projected, often grow with such rapidity that they far out- strip public expectation, or even comprehension, and in some cases at least, mark the commencement of great social or polit- ical struggles, affecting even the welfare and life of the Nation itself. Did that wild mob in 1773, led by twenty-five determined men, disguised as Indians, who made salt tea in Boston harbor, when they pitched overboard three cargoes of that then obnox- ious article, because it represented British oppression, realize that besides defeating a hated tax law, they were at the same time laying one of the foundation stones of our great American Republic ? I think they did not. THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. No more marked illustration of some of these truths can be found, than in the rise and growth of the anti-slavery, and abo- lition movement in our own country. What proportion of the citizens of the United States, except may be a few of their most far-seeing statesmen, realized or even dreamed at first, of the fearful magnitude of this great question, when its hobbyists, or early agitators as they were then styled, commenced their active work ? Among these was : William Lloyd Garrison, who in 1829 went to Baltimore and published the " Genius of Uni- versal Emancipation," in which he at once avowed he would " Cover with thick infamy" all those engaged in the slave trade, and in consequence was tried and convicted for libel, and cast into prison, where he lay for nearly two months. We next hear of him in Boston, in 1831, publishing the " Liberator," "hobbies.'* 115 taking for his motto : " My country is the world, my country- men are all mankind." Wendell Phillip'^, who in 1835 by his outspoken sympathy with the abolition cause, brought upon himself the wrath of a pro-slaver}' mob, headed we are told, by some of " Boston's gentlemen of standing, and property." and narrowly escaped with his life from their outraged vengeance. Think of this, in the home of Charles Sumner, who but a few years later, had all New England at his back in support of these same principles. Elijah P. Lovejoy, (perhaps the first political martyr in this cause) who in 1837 edited at Alton, Illinois, an anti-slavery newspaper called the " Alton Observer," and while defending it for the third time, from the attacks of a pro-slavery mob, of so called "Good citizens'' who thought " The institution" should not be interfered with by speech or pen, was killed at the door of his office; and this in the very state from which only twenty- three 3'ears after, came Abraham Lincoln into the Presidency, to be instrumental in striking the shackles from 4,000,000 slaves, he himself dying a martyr for the same principles, but mourned by his own state and nation as a patriot, not second even to Washington. And last, poor old John Brown, more enthusiastic and reck- less than the rest, who struck the first blow at Harper's Ferry, in 1859, and laid down his life there to answer for it. The Rev. S. W. Duffield, formerly of Auburn, has beautifally referred to this act, in the following lines : "^Vberi tlie hills of Harper's Ferry echoed back the sudden gun,'" " And the clock of human freedom in the darkness sounded one," " There were some who waked, and questioned when they heard the wild alarm," " There were some who rose with gladness, and began in haste to arm," " There were some, who praj-ed and waited for the coming of the sun," "As the clock of human freedom in the darkness, sounded one." These were but a few of the advance guard preceding other statesmen, and citizens not so radical or rash as they, but equally earnest, and effective in arousing and wielding public 116 "hobbies.*' opinion in this great cause, which in a little more than a quarter of a century had developed and spread through the entire land, ±rom the great lakes to the gulf, and from ocean to ocean, array- ing section against section, state against state, father against son, and brother against brother, until the whole country had espoused either one side or the other. Union or disunion was the sharply defined issue, but slavery or no slavery was the great underlying question of all. The party leaders claimed on one side that slavery was a divine right, secured to them by the constitution, and sanctioned by holy writ, while those on the other side pronounced it one of the darkest blots upon the National escutcheon of a great and so called free republic, and the scheme of the devil himself. Think then how this hobby grew, in less than thirty years into one of the great fixed prin- ciples of the north, calling to its support more than 2,600,000 loyal soldiers to fight its battles, when the government, which had adopted it was in peril. Think, also, how when victory was at last attained by the surrender of Lee's shattered and broken army at Appomattox, on the 9th of April, 1865, and the north was in the full tide of its rejoicing over the glad tidings, that only five days later a few revengeful and mis- guided theorists again plunged the land into deep gloom and alarm by the assassination of our good President and the attempted assassination of one of your own citizens. But let us draw the curtain over this last black act of infamy and folly, and remember that through the aid of an all-wise Providence, success rested on the side of liberty and resulted in a re united country. THE VALUE OF HOBBIES. Returning to my former argument, not to have some pro- nounced views, aims and ambitions, in the state, in the town, and in the household, is to my mind more to be regretted than it would be, to become overstocked with the article. We do " HOBBIES." 117 not usually think any less of our ac(juaintance because of his eccentricities, but if he means well, we rather admire him for his individuality. Therefore, I repeat, a well selected assort- ment of hobbies is a desirable acquisition for every progressive community. To our 3^oung men I say most emphatically, select and ride 3'our hobby if you like, only be sure and get a good one, and if possible one that will benefit your neighbor as well as your- self. The range of personal hobbies is large, and you need not be at all confined in your choice. You may wish to be the best student, lawyer, doctor, minister, farmer, merchant, mechanic, or even the best well-digger, or your ambition may seek sci- ence, discovery, invention, or construction, or you may turn toward politics, literature, or charity, but whatever you do select, go into it with a will, exert your best energies, for if worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. This determination will enable you to ride over obstacles which frequently' arise, and often discourage the unambitious or weak-willed, tempting them to throw aside that which they seek, and turn to something else less congenial or advantageous. Should your hobby be some public benefit or improvement, so much the more reason that it should be followed with per- sistence, for more people than yourself are to participate in your success. Do not take up the spyglass of doubt, to see if any lions are standing in the path, for if you do, ten chances to one, you will discover a whole menagerie, ready to devour your pet aim. Who has not seen people start out in life with some laudable aim, and through their own fears, or through the ridicule, or skepticism of real or would-be friends, be dissuaded from their purpose long before they had really given it sufficient trial to test its virtue. Be not of these, my young friend, but what- 118 " HOBBIES.'* ever you undertake make that your hobby, ride it with vigor, and if it be founded upon good common sense, you will be likely to come out ahead of a whole regiment of doubters. ' LOCAL HOBBIES IN POLITICS. What public hobbies have we been riding here at home, in the year that has just past? Well, too many, I imagine, for me to attempt to mention, or even to remember the half of them to-night. And yet, we may by way of illustration, recall a few of those which have occupied the attention of Auburnians in 1886. First then, let us take the political hobby, perhaps the most persistently ridden, of any. It is usually brought out upon our streets, at least twice each year, in the Spring and Fall. It is. a very active animal, and is not at all times a reliable one for the rider to mount. Those who ride, or attempt to ride it, are numerous, embracing many very respectable citizens, and and some who are not so respectable. I regret also to say, that it is fractious, frequently becoming so unmanageable that it will throw its rider, and if it does not kill him outright, often maims him so badly, that his head is sore for a long time afterwards. Others, this capricious animal carries safely to destination; these you may see upon any day following an election ; they may be known by their beaming faces, and self satisfied air; they are ready to shake hands, with all they meet, and expect to receive congratulations upon their successful ride into ofhce. They confidently tell you that they were sure of success from the start, and perhaps quietly impart a point or two as how best to ride the animal. If however, you chance to meet soon after, one of the unfor- tunate riders, who has been thrown off, he is generally pretty mad, and should he regard you as a fellow-sympathiser in his misfortune, he tells you that the whole thing was accomplished by trickery, on the part of the other side, and had he ever "hobbies." 119 suspected such treachery he would have been better prepared, or else he would not have entered the race at all. On the whole, he is inclined to think that he is not lully appreciated by his fellow citizens, and often asserts that you will never again catch hitn getting into such a scrape or making a martyr of himself for his party. From this state of mind however, he frequently rapidly recovers, and may often be found the next year trying the same experiment over again. Our political hobby last spring, brought in six Eepublican and four Demo- cratic aldermen, who with the help of two members of the board of trustees of the Historical Society, Mayor Wheeler and Cit\'- Attorney John W. O'Brien, have been struggling ever since with the intricate problem of how best to govern the city of Auburn. Most of these gentlemen have some marked individ- uality of their own, and each has one or more hobbies. When, therefore the}' ride together the road is usually found to be smooth, but when as occasionally occurs, several try to ride in different directions then there is trouble, and soine one gets upset. In this connection we may also recall how only a few weeks since many of Auburn's good Republican citizens (full of political enthusiasm) went to the state capitol and there mounted one of the two strong well equipped hobbies in the senatorial contest, sure that with him they would win the prize, and again, how, when they got well under way they found the road too rough for their stronger hobby, dismounted quickly and took another, which up to that time seemed to be far behind, and with him reached the goal, happy that they had been able to come in with the winner, even if they did have to change the hobby on the route. IN SOCIETY. Society people in our city have ridden their brilliantly caparisoned steed of gayety, and amusement, most vigorously in 1886, in various ways, but far too numerous for special men- 120 " HOBBIES." tion this evening. Each however enlisting its full share of support and affording its pleasure to its many participants. Fashion, society's adopted sister, has also had her annual hobby out for an airing, donning new things during the season, not only to amuse the people, (vex their pockets) and gratify their pride, or to minister to their real wants, but also for another purpose not always remembered, and that is to make new business for the merchant and others who can only sell their wares by offering something new to displace what they sold the year before. Thus this hobby, in our community, like others, panders to our taste, fancy, or requirements, and at the same time makes trade and profit for the vender, by her fre- quent, novel and arbitrary changes. I think we may set this down as the most fickle of all our hobbies. THE ^EW HIGH SCHOOL. Another of our active local hobbies in 1886 has been the new High School building. This one has been chiefly in charge and under the guidance of our excellent Board of Education, who have been so successful in its management, that their aims are likely to be fully realized, notwithstanding the active ef- forts of some of their opponents to make the hobby throw them off into the mire of conflicting public opinion, through which they were travelling. Some of us to be sure, did not like the unpalatable pill of $40,000 to be added to our city debt, which accompanied this very meritorious object, even after it had been sugar-coated with the name of " certilicates," but as this seemed to be the only way (under the circumstances) by which the building could be obtained, we put our objections down in the bottom of our pockets, got up behind the Board of Education and rode the hobby with them. This hobby however, encount- ered another and quite unexpected check after it had got well under way, in the shape of a second hobby ridden by some very good citizens which threatened to block the road 'for a "hobbies." 121 time at least. This one was called bad sewerage and foul sur- roundings, but after some hard words from the riders of each and some sensible suggestions from the Board of Health, and their expert inspector, which the Board of Education (be it to their credit) readily adopted, the riders of the second hobby, gracefully dismounted and allowed the first to go on its way rejoicing that it had so easily escaped what for a little while appeared to be an impending earthquake, which might swallow up its cellar, foundation and all. The result of all this is now a well progressed building, which when once completed will be an ornament to our city, and a much needed relief to this de- partment of our excellent school system. THE PUBLIC BUILDING. Oar talented Congressman, Sereno E. Payne, has ridden his favorite hobby, a new United States building (for court and post office purposes) with the substantial appropriation of $150,- 000 direct from the floor of the 48th congress, right up to the corner of Genesee and Green Streets, and after some balking and kicking, the animal appears now to be securely tied up to that locality. Mr. Payne's success in securing this substantial public improvement for Auburn, is, I am sure highly and gratefully appreciated, not only by the members of the Cayuga County Historical Society, but also by his fellow citizens gen- erally. THE OPERA HOUSE HOBBY. Three nesv opera house hobbies, have been on the course during 1886, but each seems to have stumbled and fallen before it reached the goal. The first was to have been located on the vacant lot in the rear of the Bank of Auburn, the second on the site of the Genesee Rink, and the tliird on the Nelson lot next west of the old Baptist church building. This last one I understand, the projector does not wholly give up yet, and 122 "HOBBIES." although his animal appears a little lame, he still hopes to win the race. He says that all that is needed to make his hobby go through is plenty of pluck and $40,000. That he has all the [)luck required, and that if he can induce other citizens to furnish the money, Auburn shall soon have a first-class hall of amusement. This by the way is a thing much needed in our city, but which most of us seem perfectly willing some other man should supply. Auburn has not in the past been a very healthful locality for this kind of hobby, several having died in early infancy, but it is sincerely to be hoped that this one or some other may have vitality enough to survive until it reaches maturity. TEMPERANCE. The temperance hobby has also been led out during the year, well groomed and mounted by many earnest citizens, both men and women. It has been ridden in several different direc- tions in our city, and if it has not closed many saloons,or reformed many habitual drunkards, it has at least led to wide discussion of the subject and brought its merits more clearly before the people. To what extent its influence has been felt I do not know, but I presume it has set many young, and some older folks, to thinking of it. THE REVIVAL HOBBY. The hobby of religious revival has been active in our com- munity in 1886, and has been especially guided by almost the entire body of Protestant clergy of this city, manfully assisted by many of Auburn's best citizens, and immensely progressed by the great meetings of D. L. Moody and Major Whittle. Thousands daily flocked to hear these Evangelists for three consecutive weeks, very many of whom it is safe to say, seldom if ever enter our churches. So great was the interest manifested in this movement, that it seems as though some lasting good must have been accomplished by it. Surely those who had "HOBBIES." 123 charge of this hobby may well feel satisfied with the interest which it enlisted, and its apparent good results. auburn's charities. Our charitable institutions, and other philanthropic hobbies, are quite numerous for a city of our size, and in the main have been well sustained during 1886, but their call for help is con- tinuous ; they can not run alone, and some one or more of them should hold a claim upon each citizen who is a well-wisher for the public good. Objects of this character (unless more largely endowed than is the case with us) exist and thrive just in proportion to the help they receive. They do not make or accumulate money, but are continually spending it to assist the unfortunate, the ignorant, or those seeking instruction. Bach particular - one needs the enthusiastic aid of individual effort. They should be somebody's hobby, for unless so fostered, and helped, their ability to do their appointed work is curtailed, or dies out. Good citizens, whoever you may be, whether you have little or much, remember these institutions, and do what you can for them. THE SALVATIONISTS' HOBBY. The Salvation Army have ridden no new hobby in 1886, but have brought out the old animal with renewed vigor, and have paraded it through the streets in all weather; through mud, rain and sunshine, regardless of ridicule, insult or obstruc- tion. By their steadfast adherence to their purpose they have at least commanded our respect if they have not won our sym- pathy for their unusual methods of calling sinners into heaven with drum and cymbals. The well balanced mind that looks dispassionately into this eccentric movement, and at the same time overlooks its ludicrous ways, will not often fail to reach the conclusion that the aims of the Salvation Army are good, and that the enthusiastic people who take part in it are by no 124 " HOBBIES." means doing harm in the community, notwithstanding they do make a great deal of noise. Give them your protection, gen- tlemen of the city government, and rest assured that the major- ity of good citizens will sustain you in doing it. THE CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. And last, but not least, of Auburn's hobbies, is the Cayuga County Historical society. Our hobby is to ride after, and secure ancient and modern local history, to rake among the dead leaves of the past, for facts, figures and dates interesting and valuable, and when found, to embalm them in our records as the ancient Egyptians did their mummies, so that they (I mean the facts, figures and dates, not the mummies) shall be preserved for the enlightenment of those who are to follow in the busy paths of life we are now treading. Our historical hobby has journeyed far and near in the j^ear 1886. It has been guided by Prof. W. J. Beecher, with a sympathetic and appre- ciative pen through the life history of our late and beloved President, Rev. Charles Hawley, bringing to our view, new illustrations of his beautiful character and energetic career, full of rare examples for us and our children. It has traveled under the dexterous hand of D. W. Adams in the great Sulli- van expedition, which in 1779 invaded what is now known as Cayuga county, and laid waste the beautiful corn-fields and Indian villages which then occupied our soil. It has been ridden through the little village of Auburn in 1814, by George Casey, one of our now oldest residents, who has himself lived to see the town grow from a few short streets with detached houses and stores and mills, into one of the most substantial and beautiful small cities in the state. It has been down under ground with Cyrenus Wheeler, Jr., into the sewers, " ancient and modern," travelling under his prac- tical management, back from modern Auburn in 1886, to ancient Rome, and even farther. "hobbies." L25 And then, as if disdaining the lapse of more than two thousand years, we tind oar hobby in the able hands of our Vice-President, B. B. Snow, who has so faithfully recorded the incidents and accidents of 1886 with a list of haps and mis- haps so numerous that we are startled when we look back over the events even of a single year and see the multitude of daily occurrences, (in which we ourselves have participated) grouped together before our gaze. APPLICATION TO OUR COMMUNITY. And now a word in conclusion, as to the moral application of some of these remarks to our own community. Progi-ess and development, while always somewhat dependent upon circum- stance and surroanding, are nevertheless greatly aided and increased by enthusiastic individual effort; and if we want our city to thrive and prosper, we must at least do one of two things, either project and push forward enterprises ourselves, or else encourage those among us who are willing to do so, and assume the burden. Conservatism is a wise element of character, and exercised with judgment may be said to be the balance wheel of the great engine of progress, checking or tempering down rash acts and extravagant measures. But like the brakes on a railroad train, it needs to be used with intelligence and not applied except at the proper times, to prevent accidents or to stop the cars at regular stations. Doubt and hesitation are not always wise conservatism, and have frequently killed a meritorious project or worked as much harm, as rash but well meaning enterprise has ever done. But, I find I have already occupied more time than T intended to do, and so will hitch my bobby here, with the parting sug- gestion : If you have a good hobby, ride it ; if not, look over the vast field which the world affords, and see if there is not one already saddled and waiting for you. Ui 4) (S