PPilP!?i:l#lSlte;?:r - fcf ? o\'-^ ^' .0 0^ .^^^ <• 0- O-N ^U ^ %.^ '^. .^-i2f^ s> -^ o> -r^^ ^. ■^y V .0 o^ o'V-' ,0 c. \^-" '^-t -•^. ,N^^ ;;> -O. X^-- •^/.. o\'' ^^^• -V. ,0 ^^^ \.^' O y ^'^^ V ^^. ^.^' HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ITS PAST AND PRESENT, INCLUDINCi ITS ABORIGINAL HISTORY; THE FRENCH AND BRITISH OCCUPATION OF THE COUNTRY; ITS EARLY SETTLEMENT AND SUBSEQUENT GROWTH: A DESCRIPTION OF ITS HISTORIC AND INTERESTING LOCALITIES; ITS RICH OIL DEPOSITS AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT; SKETCHES OF ITS CITIES, BOROUGHS, TOWNSHIPS, AND VILLAGES; NEIGH- BORHOOD AND FAMILY HISTORY; PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHIES OF PIONEERS AND REPRESENT- ATIVE CITIZENS; STATISTICS, ETC., ETC. ILLUSTRATED. Chicago, III.: BROWN, RUNK & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1890. / .^ "• ' ,!^ I /-/ ^// 2-_ o t^ y- /^-¥- O ^Jb PREFACE. THAT portion of the Allegheny valley included within the limits of Ve- nango county is eminently rich in historic interest. No unimportant part of the struggle between France and England for empire in America was enacted upon its soil. It was here that the military occupation of the Ohio valley, perhaps the most comprehensive project of territorial aggran- dizement ever attempted upon the American continent, was begun by the French, who thus expressed in unmistakable language the extent of their claims and the course of their future policy, attracting the attention of the English and colonial governments, and precipitating a conflict, the ultimate results of which are apparent in all subsequent American history. Here the conspiracy of the great Pontiac, almost without a parallel in its organization of a savage population for combined action, achieved one of its most atro- cious and successful victories; and here was erected the last fortification for protection against Indian aggression in the state of Pennsylvania. While the county was thus the theater of events of far more than local sig- nificance in the period preceding its first settlement, the discovery and de- velopment of its rich oil deposits havt? rendered its recent history equally interesting and important. The physical features of the county— its aboriginal history, and the contest for possession of its soil-the gradual progress of its early settlement, with the customs and characteristics of pioneer life-its material resources in soil and mineral treasures, and industrial activity in the past and present— the transportation facilities of river and rail— its civil administration, and public eleemosynary institutions-the patriots of the Revolution who settled upon its soil-the part taken by its citizens in the war of 1812, the Mexican war, and the civil war— the educational and religious interests of the com- munity, with biographical mention of many of its citizens, are included m the plan of this work, and have been treated with such fairness as its com- prehensive character would permit. The opening chapters of the work, commencing with the aborigines and extending through the French and British occupation of the Allegheny valley down to the period of its permanent settlement, are from the pen of the late Reverend S. J. M. Eaton, D. D.. who also wrote the chapter on IV PREFACE, the early history of Franklin. Doctor Eaton's long residence in the county, his earnest researches into the stirring events of the pre-American period, and extensive experience in educational, literary, and historic work are ample guaranty of its thorough execution. The petroleum development has been treated by Walter R. Johns, of Oil City, a gentleman of extended acquaintance with this subject, both as journalist and author, who has presented in graphic and concise terms the salient features of a story, which, though hackneyed by frequent repetition, will never cease to possess local interest. Herbert C. Bell, of Leitersbnrg, Maryland, is the author of the re- maining portions of the general history, excepting the chapter on Oil City, which was compiled principally by Burton A. Konkle. The editorial super- vision of the work was intrusted to Mr. Bell, whose thoroughness and accu- racy in historical research and narration have been acquired by a varied experience in this department of literary effort. In this responsible posi- tion he received the assistance of the publishers, whose long connection with the business has made them familiar with all the details of local his- torical work. An important feature of the publication is its several chapters of per- sonal and family biography, the data for which were obtained from those to whom they relate or their descendants; and in order to insure accuracy, the matter was afterward submitted to them for correction. It would be impossible to mention here every one who has rendered val- uable aid in the preparation of this volume. Appropriate acknowledg- ments, however, are due and gladly tendered to the public press of the county for access to newspaper files, and words of encouragement; to county, city, and borough officials for courtesies shown; to the descendants' of the pioneers in every locality for information furnished; to attorneys, physicians, and other professional men; to the pastors of churches; to the leading spirits in various societies; to the owners and managers of maau- facturing and other business establishments; to those enterprising citizens who gave us their patronage, and without whose support we could not have succeeded; and in general to every one who has contributed in any manner to the success of the work. Neither time nor money nor labor has been spared to make this volume an authentic and reliable source of information concerning the early his- tory and material development of the county, and the various commercial, social, and religious activities of its people. We take pride in the knowl- edge that we have redeemed our promises, and furnished our patrons a work which every intelligent citizen can justly appreciate. Brown, Runk & Co. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PHYSICAL FEATURES. Introductory— The Place of Veiian^:o County in History— Surface— Productions— Timber —Scenery— Foliage— Geology— Latent Resources— Allegheny River— French Creelv— Smaller Streams and General Drainage 17-22 CHAPTER II. MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. Traces of a Mysterious Race— Prehistoric Remains at Franklin and Oil Creek— History Re-enacted— Indian Occupation of this County at the Time of the French Possession — Tribal Connections— Custaloga—Guyasutha—Cornplanter— Traditions— Indian God Rock ^^-^.j.^ CHAPTER III. THE FRENCH POSSESSION. Tlie Jesuit and Franciscan Missionaries- Extent of the French Claims— Celeron's Expe- dition—Route and Progress— Burial of the Leaden Plates— Translation— The Return to Canada— Bonnecamp's Map— Actual Occupation Begun— Military Posts Estal)- lished— John Frazier 36-42 CHAPTER IV. WASHINGTON'S MISSION. The Local Interest That Attaches to Washington's Visit— His Interviews with Joncaire and St. Pierre— Route Traversed on the Journey aud Return— His Commission, In- structions, and Passport— Influence of This Mission on his Subsequent Career 4.3-47 CHAPTER V. FORT MACHAULT. Construction Begun— Sources of Information— The Shippen Map— Its Description and Probable Origin— Statements of Pouchot, Long, Johnson, Chauvignerie, Post, and Mercer— Military Preparations at Fort Machault in 1759— CcJncentration of French Forces for an Attack on Fort Pitt— This Project Relinquished and the Fort Evacuated —Its Destruction— Retreat of the French— Traditions aud Memorials of the French Occupation 47-57 CHAPTER VI. UNDER ENGLISH RULE. English Occui)ation — Fort Venango— Its Location and Appointments — Pontiac's Con- spiracy — Destruction of Fort Venango and Massacre of the Garrison — Sacrifice of Historic Remains to the Utilitarian Spirit Deprecated 57-60 VIII CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. UNDER AMERICAN RULE. Furt Fraiikliu Erected— Indian Depredations — Ransom's Deposition— Ellicott's Letter — Adlum's Testimony — McDowell's Statement — Cornplauter's Attitude — Location of Fort Franklin— The "Old Garrison" — Suggestive Reflections 61-G~ CHAPTER VIII. LAND TENURE. Acquisitions of Indian T. itory under Proprietary Auspices — The Purchase of 1784 — Donation Lands — Reservations — The Act of 1793 — Land Companies — The Astley and Bingham Lands — Dickinson College Tracts — Settlement and Improvement Tenure — Resume 08-82 CHAPTER IX. EARLY SETTLEMENT. First Permanent Settlement in Northwestern Pennsylvania, at Meadville — George Power and his Early Contemporaries at Franklin — Pioneers of Scrubgrass — Clinton — Irwin — French Creek — Sandy Creek, Victory and Mineral — Sugar Creek — Canal — Jackson —Oakland — Cornplanter — Allegheny — Oil Creek — Cherry Tree — Plum — President — Richland — Rockland— Cranberrj^ — Pinegrove — Taxahles in 180.5 in Allegheny, Irwin, and Sugar Creek — Population of the County by Decades 83-98 CHAPTER X. EARLY SOCIAL LIFE. Character of the People Who Formed the Early Population of This County — Household Furniture — Social Customs — Game — Domestic Manufactures — Pioneer Architecture — Convivial Habits — Educational Facilities — Early Schools, Teachers, and Text Books —The Postal Service— Financial Methods 98-104 CHAPTER XI. EARLY RELIGIOUS LIFE. Sunday in a Pioneer Coninnnrity — Early Religion* Literature — Activity of the Clergy — Interest of the Peo])le in Attending Worship— .ittTnier of Traveling — Architecture of the First Churches — The Mi'thodist "Circuit Rider" — General Religious Tendencies —Revivals— The "Falling Exercise"— E:.."l' '^ linalional Orc-anization 107-112 CHAPTER XII. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. Erection and Boundaries — Early Civil Administration — Internal Subdivision — Pu))lic Build- ings — Inauguration of the Public School System — Congressional and Legislative Rep- resentation — Roster of County Officers — Early Townshi]) Officers , 112-152 CHAPTER XIII. THE BENCH AND BAR. First Courts — Court Week During Pioneer Days — .John Morrison, The Old Crier — Record of the First Sessions — First Juries and Cases Tried — Prominent Early Lawyers — The Bench — Brief Biographies of the Successive President Judges— Special District Court— Associate Judges— The Bar of the Past and Present 1.53-189 IX CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIV. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. LTninvitin..- Cbaiacter of Venango County as a Field for the Labors of Professional Physi- cian^ at an Early Date-Pioneer Doctors at Franklin and Throu-liout the County- Medical Societies-Roster of the Medical Profession 190-^20 < CHAPTER XV. AGRICULTURE. Relative Importance of Agriculture -Pioneer Farming -Development of Luprovcd Methods and Machinery-Introduction of Domestic Animals and ot the Cereals int.. America -Pioneer Stoclc-Prospect Hill Stock Farm-Oakvvood Farm and Garden Company, Limited-Agricultural Societies-The Grange-Harvest H«me ^^socrn^^^^^^^ tions CHAPTER XVI. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Relation of HighAvays of Travel to Civilization-Roads-Turnpikes and Plank R.nids- Water Hio-hways-The First Steaml. oat-French Creek and Oil Creek-Railroads- Venano-o Railroad-New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio-Western New lork and PenSvania-Jamestown and Franklin-Allegheny Valley-Postal Facihties. . . .222^ CHAPTER XVII. THE PRESS. First Newspapers in Western Pennsylvania-Journalism in Franklin-Emlenton P^'Pers- The Press of Oil City— Papers at Pithole City, Pleasantville, etc ^4^~-t), CHAPTER XVIII. EARLY MILITARY HISTORY. Venango County in the Revolution-The War of 1812-Defenseless Condition of Erie- Mititia Oro-anization of Western Pennsylvania-General Mead Calls out the Mihtia to Repel Threatened Invasion at Erie-The One Hundred and Thirty-Second Regiment "io-ain Called out in lS14-Roster of the Regiment-The Old Militia-Roster of the Venano-o Guards-The Mexican War-Sketches of Generals Alexander Hays and " „ 262-378 Jesse L. Reno ' PTER XIX. VENANGO COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR. State of Public Sentiment at the Outbreak of tlie War-Public Meetings-Regimental Sketches - Thirty -Ninth - Fifty-Seventh - Sixty-Third - Sixty-Fourth - Sixty-Fifth -One Hundred and Third-One Hundred and Fifth-One Hundred and Twenty- First-One Hundred and Forty-Second-One Hundred and Sixty-First-Lamberton ^ Qiiards- Relief Association— Soldiers' Monument 2(8-30. CHAPTER XX. THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT The Drake Well— Earlv Methods of Drilling and Transporlation-The Third Sand-First Flowinii- Wells-Railroads and Pipe Lines-Heavy or Lubricating Oil Belt-Oil Towns— Petroleum Transportation— Nitro-Glyceriue-Natural Gas— The Producer— Petroleum and (ias Fields-Statistics 30S-338 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXI. CITY OF FRANKLIN. Survey and Sale of the Town Plat — Settlement and Growth — Early Surveyors — The Old Merchants — Early Mechanics — Hotels — The Press — "The Nursery of Great Men " — Early Physicians and Lawyers — Some Old Ministers — The First Sunday School — Incidents and Landmarks — The Old Way of Traveling — Ancient Roads — The Old Cemetery — Water, Light, and Scenery 341-373 CHAPTER XXII. CITY OF FRANKLIN (Coxcluded). General Progress of the Town — Franklin in 1823 — Municipal Government — The Post- office — Bridges, Railroads, etc. — Manufactures— The Oil Industry — General Business Interests — Telegraph, Express, and Telephone Facilities — Secret and Other Societies — Educational — Religious Organizations — The Franklin Cemetery— Resume 37-1^32 CHAPTER XXIII. OIL (TTY. Sites and Sales— Early Business, Physicians, and Lawyers— Plats and Organization — Public Buildings, Grading, and Drainage — Departments of Fire and Police — Water Works, Gas, and Electricity — Fires and Floods, etc. — Facilities of Travel and Trans- l)ortation — Internal Revenue Service — Post, Telegraph, and Telephone Offices — Banks and Building Associations — Newspapers — Hotels and Halls — Manufactures — Oil Operations — Secret, Social, and Professional Societies — Schools — Religious Organizations — Cemeteries 433-510 CHAPTER XXIV. BOROUGH OF EMLENTON. Early History — The First Merchants — Hotels — Local Bridge and Railroad Enterprises — Manufactures — The Borough Organization — Secret and Other Societies — Schools — Churches .511-.52'4 CHAPTER XXV. IRWIN TOWNSHIP. Erection and Population — Pioneers — Taverns — Mills — Villages — Schools — Cemetery — Churches .52.5-53.5 CHAPTER XXVI. ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. Erection and Boundaries — Pioneers — Early Industries— Schools — Churches and Ceme- teries 535-541 CHAPTER XXVII. SUGAR CREEK TOWNSHIP. Organization — Boundaries — Pioneers — Villages — Cliurches — Schools .542-.548 CHAPTER XXVIII. SCRUBGRASS TOWNSHIP. Organization — Early Land Entries — Pioneer Settlements — Industries and Resources — Villages— Schools— Churches .548-560 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XXIX. FRENCH CREEK TOWNSHIP. Ercflion—Bouudarie^— Topography— Indians— Pioneers— Mills and Factories— Borough of Utica Its Early Settlement, Growth, Business Interests, and Official Record— Bor- ouo-h of Polk, Its Past and Present—Churches— Cemeteries— Schools 561-581 CHAPTER XXX. RICHLAND TOWNSHIP. Organization and Population- Pioneers- Early Industries— Villages — Churches- Schools 5^2-.">S() CHAPTER XXXI. CHERRY TREE TOWNSHIP. Organization— Streams— Population— Pioneers— Early Industries— Villages— The First "oil Well— The Benninghoff Robbery— Schools— Churches— Cemeteries 58T-5'.»7 CHAPTER XXXII. PLUM TOWNSHIP. Extent and Population— Pioneers— Borough of Sunville— ChapmanTille— Wallaceville— Diamond— Bradleytown— Churches— Schools 597-604 CHAPTER XXXIII. ROCKLAND TOWNSHIP. Boundaries and Erection— Pioneers — Industries and Resources — Village Growth— Churches— Schools ^ 605-615 CHAPTER XXXIV. PINEGROVE TOWNSHIP. Organization— Early Laud Ownership— Settlement— Mills— Villag-es-Coal, Oil, and Gas "-Churches- Sciiools 615-020 CHAPTER XXXV. CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP. Boundaries— Population— Organization— Pioneers— Industries of the Past and Present- Village Growth— Schools— Churches 620-6;S4 CHAPTER XXXVI. CANAL TOWNSHIP. Erection and Boundaries— Physical Features— Timber— Watercourses— Early Settlement —List of Pioneers —Industries — Hanuaville— Educational— Cemeteries— Religious 634-643 CHAPTER XXXVII. CORNPLANTER TOWNSHIP. Material Wealth and Historic Associations— Pioneers— Industries— Organization— Plumcr — Pithole City— Petroleum Ceuter—Rouseville— Borough of Siverly— Smaller Towns —Churches— Schools 644^674 XII CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVIII. SANDY CREEK TOWNSHIP. Erection and Population — Pioneers — Taxable Inhabitants of 1S36 — Schools — Churches 075-679' CHAPTER XXXIX. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Boundaries — Organization — Pioneers — Dempseytown — Schools — Churches 680-68i^ CHAPTER XL. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Organization and Extent — Pioneers — Borough of Cooperstown — Inhabitants in 1837 — Industries — Oil Developments — Secret and Other Societies — Municipal Government —Population— Schools— Churches 689-702 CHAPTER XLI. PRESIDENT TOWNSHIP. Topography — Erection and Population — Settlement — Economic Resources — Villages — Churches- Schools 702-706 CHAPTER Xlill. CLINTON TOWNSHIP. Topographical Features— Pioneers — Township Organization — The Bullion Oil District — Borough of Clintonville — Village Growth of the Past and Present — Schools — Churches 706-723 CHAPTER XLIII. OIL CREEK TOWNSHIP. Organization — Pioneers — Early Mills — Pleasantville — Settlement — Growth — Banking In- i stitutions — Secret and Other Societies — Municipal Organization — Shamburg — Churches — Schools — Pleasantville Cemetery ._ 723-734 CHAPTER XLIV. MINERAL TOWNSHIP. Organization and Topography — Settlement — Raymilton — Churches — Schools 734-739 CHAPTER XLV. VICTORY TOWNSHIP. Organization— Pioneers — The Old Furnaces — Springville — Schools — Churches 740-744 CHAPTER XL VI. BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. Biographies of Franklin 744-837 CHAPTER XL VII. BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. Biographies of Oil City 838-929 CONTENTS. XIII CHAPTER XL VIII. BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. Biographies of Emleuton 030-953 CHAPTER XLIX. BIOGRAPHIES OF IRWIN, SCRUBGRASS, AND CLINTON. Biographies of Irwin 953-966 I Biographies of Clinton 979-10U6 Biographies of Scrubgrass 966-979 1 CHAPTER L. BIOGRAPHIES OF FRENCH CREEK, SANDY CREEK, MINERAL, AND VICTORY. Biographies of French Creek 1007-1025 I Biographies of Mineral 1030-1037 Biographies of Sandy Creek 1026-1030 | Biographies of Victory 1037-1040 CHAPTER LI. BIOGRAPHIES OF SUGAR CREEK, CHERRY TREE, PLUM, CANAL, OAKLAND, AND JACKSON. Biographies of Sugar Creek 1041-1046 Biographies of Cherry Tree 1046-1052 Biographies of Plum 1053-1059 Biographies of Canal 1059-1067 Biographies of Oakland 1067-1070 Biographies of Jackson 1070-1077 CHAPTER LII. BIOGRAPHIES OF ALLEGHENY, CORNPLANTER, PRESIDENT, AND OIL CREEK. Biographies of Allegheny 1077-1082 I Biographies of President 1099-1103 Biographies of Cornplanter 10S2-1099 | Biographies of Oil Creek 1104-1111 CHAPTER LIII. BIOGRAPHIES OF RICHLAND, ROCKLAND, PINEGROVE, AND CRANBERRY. Biographies of Richland 1111-1119 I Biographies of Pinegrove 1128-1135 Biographies of Rockland 1119-1128 1 Biographies of Cranberry 1135-1154 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX 1155-11(54 XIV CONTENTS, ILLUSTRATIONS. PORTRAITS. PAGE. Adams, John 573 Anderson, James 555 Beringer, George facing 1004 Bleakley, James 349 Bredin, James M facing 803 Clapp, Ralpli 105 Clapp, E. E facing 1100 Clapp, J. M 447 Crawford, D. M 969 Cross, Robert 717 Dale, Samuel 69 Dale, Samuel F 87 Eaton, S. J. M 16 Espy, George P 645 Fassett, L. H 439 Fleming, S. L 735 Foster, James facing 1036 Frazier, Alexander facing 1008 Galbraitb, U. C 835 Geary, Micbael 465 Giltillan, C. W 789 Hatcb, Pbilip M facing 1084 Hays, Samuel 267 Henderson, J. B facing 1116 Hetzler, Joliu 609 Hovis, David 951 James, H. F facing 1053 Lamli, John 537 Lamberton, Robert 51 Leach, James 879 Mackey, C. W 375 Mackey, Charles W 771 Milton, John 313 Mitchell, F. W 393 Mitchell, John L 331 Myers, James S 177 McCalmont, John 33 McClellan J. P facing 1030 McKee, Thomas 133 Osmer, J. H . 807 Park, Myron 339 Phipps, Porter 987 Phipps, R.J 303 Phipps, Samuel 141 Plumer, Arnold 753 Raymond, Aaron W 331 Raymond, William 357 Ritchey, J. A 483 Ross, Joseph 501 Sayers, H.J 681 Sloan, Leslie 519 Smithman, John B 897 Snowden, S. Gustine 195 Speechley, Samuel facing 1133 Standley, John facing 1148 Stewart, S. W ; 915 Strong, O. H 637 Taylor, Charles E .• 385 Taylor, F. H 861 Trunkey, John 159 Vandergrift, J.J 843 Wallace, John 663 Weber, Adam 699 Weller, Joseph 933 Whann, Walter Lowrie 411 Will)ert, Henry 591 MISCELLANEOUS. Carte d'un Voyage Fait dans la Belle Reviere en la Nouvelle France 40 Drake's Pioneer Oil W ell 311 Fac Simile of Leaden Plate 38 Fort Machault, 1754^59 48 Fort Venango, 1760-63 58 Franklin in 1840 377 Indian God Rock 33 Inscription on Indian God Rock 33 Map of Venango County v-vi f i^<^ HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY CHAPTER I. PHYSICAL FEATUEES. Introductory— The Place of Venango County in History— Surface- Productions— Timber— Scenery— Foliage — Geology — Latent Resources- Allegheny Eiver— French Creek— Sim aller Streams and General Drainage. THE history of Venango county has many points of special interest. It is not extensive in its geographical boundaries, and lies distant from the seaboard, yet from the earliest period it has been the scene of in- teresting and historic events. On its hills and its valleys there still linger the dim foot-prints of a people whose origin and history and decadence are alike enshrouded in mystery. Its history is touched by that remarkable period in European history known as ' ' the Hundred Years' war. ' ' Although no battles were fought on its soil, yet the great proportion of the struggle between France and Eng- land is one of its exciting features in colonial history. It has had no less than four military fortifications for its defense, which, although not equal to the fortresses of the Middle Ages, have yet answered the purposes of the times. And in modern times Venango was for years the theater of the won- drous development of wealth known as the oil production, the history and progress of which are given in another chapter. Beneath her soil, too, mineral wealth has slumbered, all unknown to the Indian and the Frenchman and the earlier citizen, that has in later days been a blessing and a joy to the people. Her coal and iron mines, whilst not at all equal to those of other regions, have been an element of comfort and even wealth, when other sources of business prosperity seemed to fail. And her fountains* of water have been a source of health and enjoyment, as they gush from the hillside, or find their way from the mountain tops. 20 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and seamed so as to be entirely worthless. Perhaps in the stratum under- lying this there are fine flag stones, bearing still on their faces the ripple marked rain pats of the primeval ages, when these rocks were but beds of sand. In other places the underlying rock seems to have been kneaded and pressed together when in a plastic form, until it is almost impossible to penetrate or quarry it, giving evidence of the action of great heat. Iron ore is fovind in many parts of the county, not of such richness as is found in other states, but that will yield a good j)er centum of metal. An.d as the earliest inhabitants of this region passed over its soil and pursued their game, or cultivated their favored spots in corn, there was a wealth all unseen or undreamed of beneath their feet that was to come forth in the latter days when civilization and refinement should require its aid. Great seas of oil and stores of gas were awaiting the time of need when wood should become scarce, and when the great industries of life should re- quire the aid of something more potent than the simple arrangements of savage life. In all these matters, Venango county has been highly favored. The Allegheny river has had several names. The Shawnese Indians called it Palawa-Thoriki; the Delawares named it Alligawi Sipu, after a race of Indians which they believed had once dwelt upon the stream. This tribe were called Alleghansby Golden in the London edition of his work, and Lewis Evans, on his map published in 1755, calls the river the Alleghan. The Senecas called it Ho-he-u, which name the French adopted, con- necting it with the Ohio as the same stream. In French documents it is called La Belle Riviere, Oheo or Ohio, meaning the beautiful river. It must have been a beautiful and majestic stream in the days when the whole coun- try was covered with forests, and when there was consequently a calm regu- lar flow during the entire season without droughts or unusual overflows. It has a winding current, and whilst in this county its general course is south- erly, such is the devious course it runs amid the hills that in some parts of its progress it runs toward every point of the compass. The hills on either side of the river rise up rather precipitously, perhaps to the height of five hundred feet. But they are never rugged or bare when in a state of nature. The greatest variety and luxuriance of vegetation are found everywhere. Lofty trees, both deciduous and evergreen, rise from the base to the lofty summit that is the general level of the country. So this great river is like a mighty rending furrow that has been cut through the primeval soil and rock, making a pathway for the waters and a compar- atively level thoroughfare for the exigencies of trade and travel. French creek, the stream that winds its way through the county seat, is in these last days but an insignificant creek, without interest or attraction of any kind; yet when we trace its history backward one hundred and forty years we find it crowded with interest and full of romantic adventure. It has played no unimportant part in the struggle for empire, in which th& PHYSICAL FEATURES. 21 denizens of the forest, the crowns of France and England, as well as the people of the United States, have been engaged. Taking its way through portions of but three counties, it has yet been the scene of active interest in the contest between England and France, between England and the Indians, and between England and the United States. It has been defended by more military works than any other stream of equal length in the United States. But in these later times it has sub- sided to quietness and peace, " Like ;i warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him." It takes its origin in Chautauqua county, New York, passes into Erie county, thence into Crawford, impinges on Mercer, and through Venango enters the Allegheny river. George Washington describes it as being " a crooked stream, but passing through much good land, embracing many rich meadows. ' ' The French used the strean as their highway to the Ohio, bring- ing their matei'ial of war down its channel. It has had various names. The French called it Riviere aux Boeufs. This was the name C^loron gave it in 1749. In Coffin's narrative in 1754 it is called Le Boeuff. meaning Buffalo or Beef river. It was also called Venango river. But Washington, in his practical way, called it French creek, the name it stilF continues to bear. In later days it was used by the settlers for boating purposes. In 1813 all the naval stores needed for the construction of Perry's fleet were brought from Pittsburgh to Franklin, and then up the creek to Waterford, and then by land to Erie. It was a source of wonder to the English where these stores came from, as they had possession of the lakes, and did not know of this internal system of navigation. Still later it was used to carry lumber and farm productions to the Pittsburgh and southern markets. It is likely that when W^ashington navigated its waters in 1753, it was a broad, deep stream, keeping up its navigable qualities throughout the year. The whole country was covered with forests. The swamps kept up a con- stant supply by holding the rains in reserve. But the time of navigation has gone by, and its greatness is but a memory and a feature of its history. Yet the important part it played in the history of the country's struggles will always form an interesting page in the great volume that is to be made up in recounting the story of the past. Oil creek had few elements of greatness until a comparatively late day. It comes into the county from Crawford and winds its way among the hills, with here and there a stretch of valley that in time afforded farms for the early settlers. The hills on either side are somewhat precipitous, increasing in altitude as they approach the banks of the Allegheny, into which they at length merge themselves. But this creek was to have a history that should be world-wide when the proper time should come. 22 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Sugar creek is a tributary of French creek, joining it about two miles above its mouth. It runs through a beautiful region of country with level ground and a good soil, and with delightful springs entering it from the neighboring hills. Some of the flats adjoining it must have been the favor- ite resorts of the Indians, as the evidence of their presence would indicate. Farther up is Mill creek, coming in from the opposite side of French creek, and above this Deer creek. Then below French creek, on either side of the Allegheny, are the Sandy creeks. So popular was this name that it has been repeated no less than four times within the limit of a few miles. There are Big Sandy, Little Sandy, South Sandy and East Sandy. Still farther south are Scrubgrass and Little Scrubgrass. Above Oil creek are Horse creek and Hemlock creek, flowing into the Allegheny from the south, and Pithole creek on the north, while in every section of the county are small runs that materially assist in the drainage of its lands. CHAPTER II. MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. Traces of a Mysterious Race— Pkeiiistoric Remains at Franklin and Oil Creek— History Re-enacted— Indian Occupation of this County at the Time of the French Possession— Tribal Connections — Custaloga — Guyasutha— Cornplant- er— Traditions— Indian God Rock. WE can not go very far back in the history of Venango county. The sands of time have gathered upon the pathway of the past and ob- literated the foot-prints of the passing multitude. That this continent is ancient as any portion of the globe is evident from the geological records. There is some evidence that it was the first land to emerge from the chaotic mass of water. But of its earliest inhabitants we have no knowledge save from a few foot-prints that are well nigh obliterated. One or two such foot- prints of a mysterious race that once possessed this country we have very near to us. Up on the bluff that overlooks Franklin was to be seen, up to a few years ago, an arrangement that had the appearance of an outlook over the river and creek. Its site is so located that it covers at a single glance the entire plot of the town, and at the same time the river nearly up to Oil City and as far down as the Cochran farm. Then there is in full view French creek from its mouth many miles up stream. MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. 23 The appearance of the point was peculiar. There was first a pit in form like an inverted cone, or like the den of the ant lion. It was regularly formed, some eight feet in diameter, and six to eight feet in depth, and lined with stones neatly laid, and forming a symmetrical wall. These stones were brought from a distance, and wore nearly uniform in size. The point could not have been better chosen for an outlook on the river or creek. By whom was this simple yet substantial work prepared 't Certainly not by the Indians. They never went to the trouble of doing any such work. A tree or a fallen log or rock afforded them sufficient shelter, without think- ing of anything more elaborate. It was perhaps the remains of a prehis- toric fortification, utilized by the French as a point of observation. Again, the ancient oil pits reach far back of the historic period. They are found on Oil creek. These pits are very numerous and bear the mark of antiquity. They are generally oblong in form, about four by six feet, and from four to six feet in depth, notwithstanding the wear and tear of centuries and the accumulation of extraneous matter. The deeper and larger ones have been cribbed with timber at the sides to preserve their form. This crib- bing was roughly done; the logs were split in halves, stripped of their bark, and safely adjusted at the corners. The walls seem to have been so thoi- oughly saturated with oil as to be preserved almost entire to this day. These pits are on the west side of Oil creek, about two miles below Titus- ville, and in this county. They cover perhaps five hundred acres of land, and there may be in all two thousand pits. In some cases larg^ trees grow in the pits and on the septa that divide them, showing their antiquity. Not far from the mouth of Oil creek there was another ancient discovery. In digging the tail-race for a saw mill there was brought to light what had evidently been a deepshaft with its sides lined with timbers set in endwise that still preserved the clear outlines of the shaft. All had been buried up in the mud and soil that had accumulated over it and where its presence might have remained unknown to the end of time, had it not been distiirbed by the movements of business and American enterprise. Again the question arises, By whom were these ancient works built? Certainly not by the Indians. They had no means of collecting oil on so large a scale. They never labored for any purpose, save on the hunt or the warpath. They could give no account of the work. Neither was it by the French. There is no mention of the business of collecting oil in any of their letters or journals. Besides, there is a growth of timber in these pits, and on the septa that divide them that shows that they antedate the era of the French, if not even the coming of Columbus. Undoubtedly there was a people on this continent that have left their foot- prints from New Mexico to the great lakes, of whom we are wholly ignorant. For want of a better name we call them "Mound Builders." Although we have but dim traces of the existence of those early settlers of 24 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. America in Venango county, what we have are but cumulative evidences of their presence and power in the land, and when added to still stronger evi- dences in the West and in Central America, they leave no doubt of their existence at some remote period of time. It is no objection to the facts of history written all over the continent, that they must have been overcome and destroyed by the Indians, an inferior and savage race. The same thing has occurred again and again in recorded history. Two thousand years ago Greece fell from the very summit of civil- ization and art and letters, before an inferior people. Kome, while con- sidered the ' ' Mistress of the World, " and powerful above any nation that had ever risen in the history of time, in the arts of war and of peace, fell before the barbarous Goths and Vandals and Huns, and even to-day much of her glory lies buried in the dust of the ages. So with these early settlers on American soil. We call them "Mound Builders," but their structures of stone in towns and cities show that they had cultivation and art and skill far in advance of the Indians who succeeded them; yet, in some remarkable way, they were overcome and supplanted in their possessions, and so utterly ruined that not even their name or the manner of their fate has come down to our day— an impressive lesson of the vanity of earthly fame and the uncertainty of human glory. At the time the Indians became known to us through the French, they were numerous and powerful. There were certain favorite localities where they settled down in nomadic style, yet always ready to remove and seek new locations as the exigencies of the seasons or the encroachment of other tribes might demand. They had their hunting grounds and their corn fields, the former where the men spent their time, and the latter where the women sought to eke out a scanty or a full living, as circumstances might determine. There is reason to think that Franklin was a favorite resort. Indeed, it was an old Indian town when the French first took possession. An early writer says that there was an old Indian town called Weningo, on the Ohio (Allegheny), before the French came to erect their fottifications. It was fav- orable to their modes of life. The land was level and the soil rich and adapted to their meager kind of cultivation. In many parts of what is now the city of Franklin quantities of bones have been disinterred in excavating for cellars; the common stone arrowhead and tomahawks of the same ma- terial have been found in abundance, denoting the age before association with white men; while quantities of rude glass beads have shown that it was their home after the days of presents and barter had commenced with civilized men. Its proximity to the river and creek made this a desirable point for fishing, and for passing easily from place to place in their bark canoes. Two Mile run, above Franklin, was also a great resort; there temporary homes were erected and the rich flats cultivated in corn. This is true also of MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. 25 nnany other points along the river as level portions of land were developed, and the ground subdued to the mode of cultivation that was common among them. But while the Senecas or Six Nations held such iron sway in this region, they were not by any means independent of other tribes. Indeed, there was at times, if not always, a confederation that bound all these tribes together for the common pui-poses of defense against enemies from without. This is clearly shown in the great struggle with the English, after the French had withdrawn from the country, in the days of the great Pontiac. When the French appeared upon the scene, there were first the Jesuit and Franciscan priests, bearing the olive branch of peace and good-will, preaching the gospel to the Indians, and exploring the country with great assiduity and perseverance. Then came the mission of Gallissoni^re, under the leadership of Celoron, soon followed by the expedition that was to build forts for the defense of the country, both as against the Indians and the English. But all this was with the largest professions of friendship to the best interests of the Indians. They promised to build trading houses and establish places of exchange that would be to the mutual advantage of both parties. The English government made no such pretensions, but, while not un- willing to trade with the Indians, always acted on the characteristic pre- sumption that the country belonged to them. It is not strange, then, that during all the strife between the French and English the Indians were on the side of the former, and fought with them in the strife that commenced on the river below. These people made a brave defense for what they called their homes, yet is there more of sentiment than reason in the notion that they were driven from them and deprived of their rights by the invading white population. No doubt many cases of wrong and injustice and inexcusable violence occurred in the struggle between barbarism and civilization, between heath- enism and Christianity; but "manifest destiny" was proclaiming that this continent was not designed as a hunting ground for a few painted savages, but the home of a great nation that was to subdue it and exert an influence for good upon all the nations of the earth. And so the Indians gave way and moved westward, and lands were cultivated; towns and cities were builded; the worship of the living God was permanently established; Chris- tian churches pointed their spires heavenward; the arts and sciences were cultivated, and prosperity everywhere abounded. Where were those Indians from ? Who were they ? How did they gain possession of this great continent ? The whole question is one involved in mystery that we have not the light to solve. We have but the fact of their existence and meager traces of their history. At the first this region was peopled by the Cat Indians, or Eries, a mild, 26 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. peaceable race of people that extended from Lake Ontario along the south- ern shore of Lake Erie. Tradition states this tribe was, at one time, ruled by a queen named, Ya-go-wan-rea, who, like the queen of Palmyra, after ruling with dignity and justice, at length fell a victim to the jealously and intolerance of the surrounding tribes. Schoolcraft relates that the Eries being pressed by their enemies, grad- ually moved toward the Ohio (Allegheny) river, where their council tires were soon after put out, and they ceased to be known as a tribe. The date of this extinction is 1653. That terrible confederacy of the Indian tribes, known tirst as the Five, and afterward as the Six Nations, was formed and extended its sway far and wide. From the Mohawk river, they extended their conquests west- ward like the ocean tide, sweeping everything from their pathway until they reached the Mississippi, kindling their council fires throughout the whole northern portion of the Allegheny valley. The Eries, as a nation, were exterminated in this -path of conquest, and their broken fragments absorbed by these ' ' Romans of America. ' ' At the beginning of the historic period the Six Nations, or Iroquois, were in possession of the country, and with them we have to deal in the early history of the county. They were first with the French, then with the English, seeking what seemed to be their own interests and guided by that principle alone. There were probably heroic souls among these Indians from the first. But they had no historians to hand down their deeds to posterity. In the many terrible wars that were .sometimes waged almost to extermination,there must have been leaders equal in many respects to any of those found in the historic nations. Savage life and savage virtues did not quench the tires of genius, or bring all men down to a common level. Without the knowledge of civilized men there were Indian chiefs that were the peers of the heroes of ancient Rome. Pontiac was a great man in his day, though overpow- ered by the scientific warfare of his civilized foes. As among other people, there were men of influence and authority among the Indians. They rose by natural talent, assisted by circumstances and confirmed by actual experience. There were men among these people who would have figured grandly in ancient Rome by far-seeing power, by the art of combination, by their magnetic influence over men, and by their magnifi- cent bravery on the field of strife. Sometirnes their great chiefs wielded power over special tribes and sometimes they were the acknowledged leaders over many tribes combined. It seems fitting, then, to sketch a few of the mighty chiefs who were associated with Venango county, and whose ashes rest near to us, in the common sleep of savage and civilized men. Custaloga was a famous man in his day. He was the chief of the Dela- wares in this part of the country. Although the territory belonged to MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. 27 the Senecas, with their permission he had a town on French creek, some twelve miles above its mouth and near the mouth of Deer creek, that was known as Custaloga's Town. Custaloga is spoken of by Washington in his journal. A friend and ally of the French, he was at the battle of Great Meadows and at Braddock's defeat in 1755. He was a man of great ability, and seemed endowed with a greater foresight than most of tlie Indian chiefs; perceiving the coming downfall of the French, he was one of the first to form an alliance with the English. In the peace treaties that followed in subsequent years, we find him an ardent fi-iend to peace with the white people. We do not know when or where he died, but the natural suppo- sition is that in his old age he would seek the quiet of his own village on French creek. There were several prominent Indian graves at this place, the remains of which are seen to this day, and we may well conclude that in one of these grass-grown mounds the old chief sleeps his last sleep. Guyasutha was one of the most prominent of all the Indian sachems on the Allegheny. He was a man of great ability and good judgment, an im- placable enemy, and a firm friend. In his youth he accompanied Wash- ington in his trip to Venango, and is probably known in his journal as " the Hunter." We find him on all occasions and in all places, in times of peace, and in times of war. He was equally at home in pursuing the red deer in the forest, and on the warpath with his paint and feathers. Neville B. Craig, of " The Olden Time," had seen him and speaks of him as an ubiquitous character, who long acted a conspicuous part near the Ohio. He had been the great leader in the burning of Hannastown, and in other operations at that time. Guyasutha (or Kiashuta) was one of the most trusted lieutenants of Pontiac in that great conspiracy that was designed in its effects to extermi- nate the white people all along the border, and he appears to have had charge of operations in western Pennsylvania. After the Revolution, al- though he had been on the side of Great Britain, he soon saw that his in- terests and those of his people were with the United States. Mr. Craig in " The Olden Time," Volume I, pages 337-338, has located the place of Guyasutha' s sepulture in Allegheny county, but there is very strong evidence that he died, and was buried at Custaloga' s Town. There has been a uniform and consistent tradition to that effect in the neighbor- hood of Custaloga' s Town time whereof the memory of the oldest resident runs not to the contrary, and during the same time a slight depression in the ground, occasioned by the settling of the earth, has been pointed out as " Guyasutha' s grave " by people who had no possible motive for misrepre- sentation. Many residents of that part of the county heard the story of his death and burial circumstantially from the lips of John Martin, Jr., one of the first settlers in the valley of French creek, the greater ^art of whose life was spent on the farm immediately east of Custaloga' s Town, where 28 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. he died at a great age iu 1862. Iq respect to the location of Custaloga's Town, and the burial there of Guyasutha, the late Charles H. Heydrick, a few years before his death, wrote as follows: My farm is one of a number of tracts purchased soon after the close of the Revo- hitionar}' war by mj' grandfather from soldiers of the Pennsylvania Line, to whom they had been granted by the commonwealth in consideration of militar}- services, and in pursuance of the act of March 1'3, 1783. Early in the present centur3% ray father, the late Doctor Heydrick, made a tour of inspection of these lands and found evidences of occupation by the Indians, some portions of the alluvial, "bottom" land — the best on the creek, or, indeed, anywhere in the whole region — having been cultivated for many years, and other vestiges of the Indian village of Custaloga's Town being still visible. At that time there was living upon an adjoining tract a settler named Martin, who had settled there soon after the remnant of land north and west of tlie rivers Ohio and Allegheny and Conewango creek, not appropriated to Revolutionary soldiers, or in satisfaction of depreciation certificates, had been thrown open to settlement by the act of April 8, 1792 — certainly as early as 1798. One of Martin's sons, called John, Jr., was a bright, and for the time and under the circumstances an intelligent young man, and claimed to have been intimate with the Indians, and spoke their language. In 1819 I first visited the place, and stopped at Martin's house. While there I found many vestiges of the Indian village, and made many inquiries about it and its people. In answer to my inquiries John Martin, Jr., told me, among other things, that he had assisted in the burial of three Indians on ray farm, an idiot boy, "Chet's" squaw, and achief whose name he pronounced " Guy-a-soo-ter." He said that he made the coflSn for " Guyasooter," and after it was finished the Indians asked him to cut a hole in it in order that he ("Guyasooter") might "see out." He farther said that "they buried all his wealth with him; his tomahawk, gun and brass kettle." Martin pointed out to me the grave of the chief, and the spot was always recognized as such by the other pioneers of the neighborhood, though I do not remember that any of them except Martin professed to have witnessed the burial. After I came to reside on this farm, on one occasion Martin repeated his statement about the burial of " Guyasooter's" gun, tomahawk and kettle, in the presence of another pioneer who felt unkindly toward him, and the latter made a remark aside, which, while unfavorable to Martin, impliedly corroborated his statement. * * * From all the evidence I had on the subject, much of which has doubtless escaped my recollection, and some of which was probably derived from other sources than Martin, I was so well satisfied that the chief named and others were buried at the place designated by Martin that I have to this day preserved a grove about the reputed graves, and have had it in mind to mark the spot by some permanent memorial. James M. Daily, a pioneer of French Creek township, Mercer county, whose farm adjoined those of Heydrick and Martin and who was a resident of that locality from 1804 until his death, made the following statement regarding the burial of Guyasutha under date of June 15, 1878: John Martin, Jr., who could converse in the Indian tongue, informed me that he made the coflin and assisted in burying a chief. They placed in the coffin his camp kettle, filled with soup; his rifle, tomahawk, knife, trinkets, and trophies. I think they called him " Guyasooter." Some tobacco plants were found growing near these graves by the early settlers, that seemed to be connected with this Indian retreat. Thousands of these plants have been carefully preserved and the plants perpettiated in memory of the quiet sleepers who rest beneath. MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. 29 Cornplanter might almost be called our second great man. Although he never had his home in this county, he was often here, and was quite an object of interest in the early days of our history. He was not as renowned a chief as Pontiac, nor did his influence extend as far, yet he was a great chief amongst the Senecas. Like Logan, the Mingo, he was the friend of the white man and often stood between him and harm. He was generally known as Cornplanter, l)ut he had an Indian name that has been spelled in different ways. On his monument at Jennesadaga, it is spelled Gy-ant-wa-chia. He had still another name to which his moiety of white blood entitled him. This was John O'Bail, or Abeel. Cornplanter was but a half-breed, his father being a Dutch trader on the Mohawk. It is probable, too, that his mother was of gentle blood, being a dusky Indian maiden and the daughter of a chief. We do not know much of his early history. But evidently quite early in life he was trained to the life of a hunter and a warrior. He always alleged that he was born the same year with George Washington — 1782. He was at Braddock's defeat in 1755, and fought on the side of the French. Like Washington, he was then quite a young man. We lind him, after this, active among the chiefs of the Senecas, and, later, making the upper Alle- gheny his home. At the time of the threatened outbreak in 1794 he noti- fied the surveyors in this region to leave the woods, as after a certain date they might expect to be attacked. He was the friend of George Power, Colonel McDowell, and Colonel Dale, of Franklin, and often came here to consult with them. On the promise of a certain amount of land secured to him, he became quite friendly to the white people. These lands consisted of a tract at the mouth of Oil creek, and a reservation on the Allegheny north of Warren. On the latter he made his home, and settled down to a quiet life. During the war of 1812, when a regiment was forming in Crawford and Venango counties to go to the defense of Erie, he was anxious to join the expedition. Colonel Dale, father of the late S. F. Dale, was lieutenant col- onel of this regiment, and the old chief came down to see him and proposed to bring two hundred braves to join him. The colonel, having no authority to receive them, told him that the war would not amount to much, and they would not be needed. "Well," the old chieftain replied, "the white men have been kind to me, and our corn is planted, and the young men want to go." He was then told that if wanted the colonel would send him word, and he returned to his home. He never could understand the propriety of paying taxes to the white government. Colonel Dale said to him on this question: "We have bad white men who require attention and we must have courts and prisons, and this requires money." "But," the chief replied, "there are bad Indians too, but we attend to them and do not trouble vou with them." Taxes were 30 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. levied, but not paid. A sherifP and j^osse went to levy on the property. They found any quantity of loaded rifles stacked up near the chief's cabin, and the old man seated in the midst, calm and dignified as a Roman senator. Occasionally the outline of a dusky form was seen in the bush, and on the whole the sheriff thought the circumstances not favorable for making a levy. He returned with his aides without the service. Soon after the legislature passed an act exempting the reservation from taxation, and so it continues to this day. This grant of land was made in 1796, and his town is called Jen-ne-sa- da-ga, in the instrument. Cornplanter died at his old home February 18, 1836. If his account of his birth is correct, he was about one hundred and four years of age. The legislature of Pennsylvania erected a fine monument to his memory at his old home. This was put up under the direction of S. P. Johnson and an address delivered at its dedication October 18, 1866, by J. Ross Snowden. This monument can be seen from the railroad running from Warren to Olean. As to his personal appearance, he was tall, over six feet, and lithe and active when in his prime. As one of our old citizens saw him here in old age, he was bent with years, blind of an eye, with a wounded hand, yet showing by that single eye much of the fire of an Indian warrior. His general appearance indicated, too, that in his earlier years his life had been a stormy one. Cornplanter was a grand man in his day, honest, temperate, and upright in all his dealings. Venango county like other places has its traditions of wealth and secret mines that were known to the Indians. One of these is located near Oil City. It is from an old Indian chief of the Moncey tribe named Ross. The old brave always asserted that there were silver mines along the Allegheny. At one time he proposed pointing out one of these mines to an old citizen, then of Franklin. It was said to be situated in a ravine between Franklin and Oil City. After leading the white man up this ravine, where umbrage- ous trees and moss covered rocks made a gloomy and fearful shade, they came to a second ravine, cutting the first upon the right, where ragged rocks and irregular banks suggested the work of an earthquake; passing up the second for a short distance the chief suddenly paused, and with solemn emphasis, said: "I dare not go farther. The mine is within five rods of you; find it for yourself." There were traditions also of valuable mines of silver and lead run- ning under Sugar creek, near Cooperstown, with which the Indians were familiar. But however poetical these traditions may be, there was no foundation for them in fact. There is also a beautiful tradition relating to the Oil creek valley. The tradition is, that many moons ago — long before the recollection of the most MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. 31 aged cbieftaiuH of tboir tribes — one of tbeir bravest cbiefs was allllicted witb a paiuful disease tbat was rapidly preparing bim for tbo bappy buuting grounds of tbe spirit land. For tbe good of tbe tribe be longed to live, and fasted and prayed to tbe Great Spirit to spare bim until bis tribe sbonld be delivered from tbeir diflticulties. Tbe neigbboring tribes were on tbe warpatb, and be feared tbat bis people would fall before tbem and be scattered like tbe sere leaves of tbe forest. Tbe Great Spirit was propitious, and answered bim kindly — "Spake to him with voice majestic, As the sound oi" far olT waters Falling into deep abysses," telling bim tbat in tbe valley tbat sbould be pointed out to bim be would find a great medicine, bubbling up tbrougb tbe ground and minglino- witb tbe waters, tbat sbould beal bim of bis maladies and give bim strengb to smite bis enemies and overcome tbem. Tbe voice of tbe Great Spirit, more- over, assured bim tbat tbis medicine fountain would continue to yield its supply until bis tribe sbould cease following tbe wilderness and tbe war- patb. and be all gatbered into tbe bappy bunting grounds of tbeir fathers; and tbat it sbould tben be given to a tribe of strangers, witb pale faces, Avbo sbould come over tbe big waters, and be by tbem desecrated to com- mon and base uses. The chieftain rose from the ground, and, although faint witb fasting and weakened by disease, set out in quest of the medicine spring. The su.n was setting, and the curtains of darkness were gathering around, but there was a light that glowed in the red chieftain's heart. From his lake- side home, he turned bis back upon tbe North star, and faint and weary, he at last reached the place pointed out by the Great Spirit, just as the sun was rising in the East. The medicine was bubbling up with tbe water; tbe chief recognized the gift, and found healing and life in its powers. Tbe fountain has continued to yi«ld its supply. It is still tbe gift of tbe Great Spirit, and its supplies should be received with gratitude. The Indian God rock has been an important land-mark no doubt for centuries, and attracted Celoron as a fitting place to locate one of his monu- ments. It is an immense bowlder that seems to have been riven asunder by some mighty force and presents a smooth, level face, inclined to the horizon at an angle of some fifty degrees. Its smooth face attracted the notice of the Indian chronicler as a fit place on which to inscribe his annals. Its location is about nine miles below the mouth of French creek, and on tbe eastern bank of the river. At low water it does not touch the river, but at ordinary stage the lower end is in the water and at high flood it is entirely submerged. We are indebted for a very faithful drawing of tbis rock to Captain Eastman of the United States army, who came here some sixty years ago to 32 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. INDIAN GOD KOCK. make a sketch of it for Sclioolcraft's great work on the Indians. It was sketched l)y Captain Eastman while standing in the water up to his waist in order to get the best possible view. The face of the rock is about twenty-two feet in length and fourteen in breadth. As to the inscription and interpretation we cannot do better than to (piote from Schoolcraft's work on the Indian tribes, Volume IV, page 173. INSCRIPTION ON INDIAN GOD ROCK. The uiscription itself appears distinctly to record iu symbols the triumphs of hunting and war. The heut bow and arrow are twice distiuctlj' repeated. Tiie arrow MOUND BUILDERS AND INDIANS. 35 by itself is repeated several times, which denotes a dale before the introduction of firearms. The animals captured, to whicli attention is called by tlie Indian picto- graphist, are not deer or common game, but objects of higher triumph. There are two large panthers or cougars, variously depicted; the lower one in the inscription de- noting the influence, agreeably to pictographs heretofore published, of medical magic. The figure of a female denotes without doubt a captive; various circles repre- senting human heads denote deaths. One of the subordinate figures depicts by his gorgets a chief. The symbolic sign of a raised hand, drawn before a person, repre- sented with a bird's head, denotes apparently the name of an individual or tribe. At the foot of the large rock there is a smaller one with a single hieroglyphic. Indian God is the name given by the boatmen of the early days, and will doubtless possess popular significance for all coming time. The great rock is there still, gazing up through the sunshine and the storm, speaking in an unknown language of the past, and appearing to recount the great- ness of some famous chieftain in the mysterious hieroglyphics of his time. But the message is largely lost to us, and is but a dim echo of a voice that may have been both potent and significant at the time it was uttered. Like all other work of man, this monument is fading and perishing. In times of high water the great masses of ice dash over it; the driftwood infringes on it; and the action of frost has nearly obliterated its inscription. 36 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER III. THE FRENCH POSSESSION. The Jesuit and Franciscan Missionaries — Extent of the French Claims — Celoron's Expedition — IIoute and Progress— Burial of the Leaden Plates— Translation— The Eeturn to Canada— BoNNECAMP's Map— Actual Occupation Begun — Mil- itary Posts Established— .John Frazier. IN the meantime stirring events were transpiring on the European conti- nent. A new world had been opened up ; the old world was struggling for power, and the path of enterprise led across the ocean. The Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries of France were specially active, and many of them were soon buried in the wilderness of the great West. Under the peaceful guise of religion they passed among the savage tribes, until they had explored the continent from Lake Erie to the Rocky mountains, and south to the gulf of Mexico, preaching the gospel and establishing missions among the Indians, and everywhere taking possession of the country in the name of God and the king of France. Almost every stream and lake had been navigated and almost every prairie crossed, and the Cross planted and the land taken in possession for a Christian empire in the days to come. Prominent leaders of these intrepid men were Jogues, La Salle, Marquette, and Hennepin. The time arrived at last for action. An expedition was organized by the French government in 1749 to go on the ground, make surveys, and in the line on which they proposed to claim the territory westward to lay down certain monuments that would prove that they had taken actual possession. The line that they now proposed to defend was that of the Ohio and Mis- sissippi rivers, meaning by the Ohio the Allegheny as well as the Ohio proper. The expedition was fitted out in Canada by the Marquis de la Gallis- soniere, the governor. It was commanded by Captain Pierre Joseph C^loron, Sieur de Blainville,* a fearless and energetic officer, with eight subalterns, six cadets, an armorer, twenty soldiers, one hundred and eighty Canadians, thirty Iroquois and twenty-five Abenikas. A prominent member of the ♦Several reputable historians have heretofore given this officer's name incorrectly. All accepted Canadian authorities and the parish register of Montreal, unanimously call him Pierre Joseph Celoron, Sieur de Blainville. He was born at Montreal on the 29th of December, 1693, and played an important Tole during the last years of the French regime in Canada. THE FRENCH POSSESSION. 37 party was Reverend Joseph Peter de Bonnecamp, who styles himself ' ' Jesu- itte Mathematicieu." He was the chaplain, journalist, scientist, and geog- rapher of the expedition. Their rovate after entering Lake Erie was by boats of a light construc- tion to a point opposite Chautauqua lake, near where the village of Bar- celona, New York, now stands. The distance between Lakes Erie and Chau- tauqua is about eight miles, with an ascent of about one thousand feet to the water-shed that divides the lakes. Up this precipitous portage they car- ried their boats and all the impedimenta of the journey, and embarked on Chautauqua lake. They had with them a number of leaden plates, about eleven inches long, seven and one-half inches wide, and one-eighth of an inch thick, with the name of the artist, Paul de Brosse, stamped on the back. They were all alike, leaving blanks to insert the dates and names of places where they should be deposited. They were to be buried at certain points along the line, to be referred to as evidences of possession if that fact should be called in question. The inscription was as follows: In the year 1749, in the reign of Louis XV, King of France, we, Celoron, com- mander of a detachment sent by Monsieur the Marquis de la Gallissonifere, Governor General of New France, to re-establish tranquility in some Indian villages of these cantons, have buried this plate of lead at the confluence of the Ohio and Chautauqua, this 29th day of July, near the river Ohio, otherwise Beautiful river, as a monument of the renewal of the possession we have taken of the said river Ohio, aad of all those which empty into it, and of all the lands on both sides as far as the sources of the said rivers, as enjoyed or ought to have been enjoyed by the Kings of France pre- ceding, and as they have there maintained themselves b3'^ arms and by treaties, es- pecially those of Ryswick, Utrecht, and Aix la Chapelle. From Chautauqua lake they found their way into Conewango creek, and so entered the Allegheny at Warren, Pennsylvania, where the first plate was buried. Thence they floated down the river, passing Riviere aux Boeufs (French creek), and debarked at the Indian God rock, nine miles below Franklin. Here the second plate was buried with great pomp and ceremony, a^ described by Father Bonnecamp. All the men and officers were drawn up in battle array ; Celoron proclaimed with a loud voice, ' ' Vive le Roi," and that possession was now taken of the place in the name of the King. Then a proces verbal was drawn up and signed by the officers wit- nessing the fact. CiJloron's record of the burying of the plates at the Indian God rock is as follows: August 3, 1749. buried a leaden plate on the south bank of the Ohio river, four leagues below the River Le Boeuf, opposite a bald mountain, and near a large rock on which are many figures rudely engraved. The visitor to-day may see the whole scene reproduced in nature. There is the great rock, with its rude engraving, that has kept solemn «. . •- M H '-^ ■- [£] CQ ™ 5- 2 ►- -^'M- .< < to, q; •Jo;, tii .,. D Z, UJ ui < Q^ Ci; > 2 [x] ^ -I U U ^ H C^ Z n ^ < s C D. Z o o ^ tJ J t3 ;^ ^ > U 0^2; ^ w . -' u S o u ^ ^ Z Id UJ > hr-* ID << u < LP <<< tx *-0 Qu D^ on Ijj' (O > U3 ^J - o U Ci] Dl, < H < ta J H X cvi J tJ h bJ tJ • t— < u Ld- * 1-4 u > :i: :> 2: o)' << N ^U iX r*^ to < << > U H ^ J [J > [£1 X U Q J cr M Cx] to qc ■> 00 :z; . w on o •Z < > !^ 0^ :z: Q <: en cu z .W;:<; . - »— ( ^ , -. LLJ en ft- _] y1 :^ y^> m- K J u X- 1—1 Qii W <; r-rl ^s > ^J a. UJ D- -J 00 X u H u u to y W H 00- ix: Q U3 1— ( > 1^ [£! Q < [£! < > Mh u L£! on > X r, on Di; Z <' 1—1, H S CJ Ph y t— 1 < D^ H H u Q d:; H On ^ [£3 • l-H < Oh to H to [J H to h U J Q > z; h X H u •^^- ■ t— 1 tv; 00 DiJ S ^ Q^ ^ ^ S W CJ Q ;> 00 > K -H O- ^ f-" .> CX Ph Q< u < 00 > J I— I ■ THE FRENCH POSSESSION. 39 watch all the years. Across the river are the lofty hills, nmniag in places into peaks, all covered with the grand forest trees, with the one exception — " a bald mountain" — that is to-day covered with rocks to the exclusion of all veo-etation. It, too, has been the watcher of the bnried plate all the years. These monuments have fixed the place of burial for all time. After the discovery of Father Bonnecamp's map locating one of his leaden plates at its base, a party was formed at Franklin consisting of Doctor S. J. M. Eaton, Judge John Trunkey, E. L. Cochran, C. Heydrick, and others, to go down and make an effort to recover the plate. This was in August, 1878. But after diligent search and much excavation, no traces of the plate could be found. The rock bathes its feet in the river at an ordinary stage of water, which at high water rushes around its rim, and the very strong prob- abilities are that perhaps an hundred years ago the superincumbent earth was washed away and the plate swept into the river, or discovered by some Indian to whom its metal would be a most desirable prize. There is evi- dence, too, that since the sketch was made by Captain Eastman, the rock has settled down on its base so that it does not present the same angle to the horizon that it did sixty years ago, 'and the monument will probably never be recovered. The expedition then moved onward down the Allegheny and Ohio rivers to the mouth of the Great Miami, depositing leaden plates at several places. Ascending the Miami and crossing a portage to the head waters of the Maumee, ^it descended that stream to Lake Erie, and thence^ returned to Canada, arriving at Montreal, November 10, 1749. One of the most interesting documents extant relating to French explor- ation in the Ohio valley is the "Map of a Voyage made on the Beautiful River in New France, 1749; by the Reverend Father Bonnecamp, Jesuit Mathematician," which is given on the following page. Longitude occi- dentale (west longitude), reckoned from the meridian of Paris, is indicated upon the exterior margin at the top and bottom, and north latitude in a similar manner at the sides; the figures upon the inside margin at the top and bottom denote minutes of longitude, each interval including fifteen minutes, the fourth part of a degree; the figures upon the inside margin at the sides represent leagues in the scale of twenty to a degree, each interval including five leagues or fifteen miles. This mark (J) indicates where lati- tude and longitude were observed; and this (jj) where the leaden plates were buried. The following list of French names as given on this map, with the corresponding American designations, will make it easily understood: R. aux Pommes. Chautauqua Creek. Lac Tjadikoin. Lake Chautauqua. R. Kananougon. Conewango Creek. La Paille Couple. Broken Straw Creek. Village de Loups. ' Village of Loup Indians. THE FEENCH POSSESSION. 41 K. aux Boeiifs. R. au Fiel. R. au Vermillion. Attique. Ancien Village de Chaouauons. Village de Loups (b). Village de Chiningue. R. Kanououara. R. Yenanguakonan. R. Chinodaichta. R. de Sinliiota. R. Blanche. R. de la Roche. La Demoiselle. Portage de la Demoiselle. Fort des Miamis. Isles aux Serpentes. R. aux Raisins. R. aux Cignes. R. aux Cedi-es. Pointe Pellee. Pointe aux Pins. Lac Erie. French Creek. Clarion River. Mahoning Creek. Kittanning. Ancient Village of Shawanese. Site of Pittsburgh. Logstown. Wheeling Creek. Muskingum River. Great Kanawha River. Scioto River. White River. Great Miami River. Site of Fort Laramie. Portage from the Miami to the Maumee. Site of Fort Wayne. Sister Islands. Raisin River. Huron River. Cedar River. Point Pellee. Point aux Pins. Lake Erie. All The English translation of Toute cette part de lac-ci est inconue is this part of the lake is unknown. ' ' The exploration of this territory was soon followed by preparations to maintain possession of it by building forts at the most convenient and eligi- ble locations. Abandoning the Chautauqua lake route they came up to Erie, called by them Presque Isle, thence across the country to French creek, and so down to the Allegheny. The first and second forts were con- structed in 1758, and called respectively Presque Isle and Le Boeuf. The former was at what is now the city of Erie, the latter at Waterford. In the fall of 1753 a small force under the command of Captain Chabert de Jon- caire was sent doAvn French creek to what is noAV Franklin, to erect a third fort. This was called Machault after Monsieur Machault, who was minister of finance of the home government. Joncaire was a half-breed with the smooth polish of a Frenchman and the fiery eloquence of an Iroquois warrior. When he arrived at the mouth of French creek he found a deserted cabin, previously occupied by John Frazier, an Indian trader; of this he at once took possession and made it his headquarters, with the French flag flying from the ridge pole. John Frazier was undoubtedly the first white man who settled in this county. The spirit of trade and traffic was developed quite early in this 42 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, region. The Indians were comparatively independent, yet there was occa- sion for trade amongst them. They could furnish their own subsistence, and the trophies of the chase furnished skins for clothing. But they could manufacture neither arms nor ammunition. These must be furnished by the pale faces. And thus in the capacity of mechanic and trader, Frazier took up his residence at the site of Franklin. He was a Scotchman; how long from "the land o' cakes" we do not know. But that he was a man of courage and energy and enterprise we believe. Without these traits he would never have ventured alone into the wilderness. He was a resident of Lancaster county in 1750, as evidenced by a depo- sition of two of his employers in that year. As early as 1748 he had been licensed by the state authorities as an Indian trader, and it is fair to pre- sume that his operations in the western part of the state were begun about that time. As he was the most advanced of the English traders on the northwestern frontier he was informed of the movements of the French earlier than others similarly engaged; and in the spring of 1753 he wrote a letter from Venango addressed to " all the traders" informing them that the French were making military preparations at Le Boeuf, and late in the month of May this was followed by another stating that some French- men had come down the river with a considerable present from the governor of Canada. In the following summer he removed to the mouth of Turtle creek on the Monongahela river at the present site of Braddock. A letter written from that point describes the escape of one of his men from the French at Venango, stating also that ' ' he had only sold eight bucks' worth of goods, which Custaloga took from him, and all his corn when he was es- caping in the night." In 1754 he became a lieutenant in the British service, and from that time was engaged in the various movements on the frontier, probably until the close of Pontiac's war, and was frequently intrusted with important missions. Nothing is definitely known regarding the date, place, or manner of his death. He had come here all alone, so far as civilized society was concerned, and had ])uilt a log cabin of some pretensions, for it was sufficiently capacious and comfortable to satisfy Joncaire when he came to build his fort. It would not be difficult to find the very location of that house. It was prob- ably about where Elk street now is, and just below the little runlet that is passed in going as far as Sixth street. It would necessarily be built by the side of the run and near the river. And in that house Washington had his interview with the French captain. Washington's mission. 43 CHAPTER IV. WASHINGTON'S MISSION. The Local Interest That Attaches to Washington's Visit— His Inter- views WITH Joncaire and St. Pierre— Route Traversed on the •Journey and Return— His Commission, Instructions, AND Passport— Influence of This Mis- sion ON HIS Subsequent Career. JUST at this point in the progress of French operations, the episode of Washington's visit to Venango county occurred. Many towns and cities can boast the presence of the nurses of George Washington, more than even claimed the birthplace of Homer, but not many west of the Allegheny mountains can boast the presence of the hero himself. This ' ' Nursery of Great Men ' ' can commence its enumeration with the great Washingtion, and feel proud that its soil was once pressed by his footsteps. It was a tangled web the French were weaving, and it behooved the English authorities to be on the alert if they did not wish a French empire to be formed in the West. Reports had gone abroad that military works were building on Lake Erie and the Ohio, and that forces were assembling to hold armed possession of the territory. Vigorous efforts were making by the French, and the English were comparatively quiet and unresisting. Governor Dinwiddle, of Virginia, at length took the alarm and resolved to send an agent to see what the French were doing and hear their intentions from their own mouths. But the embassy was a delicate if not a dangerous one. Who would be willing to go ? Who had the necessary qualifications to undertake the journey through a wilderness swarming with Indians? The choice fell upon George Washington, a surveyor of Virginia, who had had considerable experience in woodcraft, and who was reported to be a man of exceeding good sense, judgment, and prudence. But he had only passed his twenty-first year. He was a very young man to intrust with such a mission, and at such a time. But he was the man selected. With his commission and his instructions, the young man started for the West. At Logstown, on the Ohio, not far from Beaver, he made up his party. A few white men, scouts, and Indian traders, had been picked up on the way, and a few Indians, some of them of importance among their own people. 44 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. formed the party, and in due time they reached Weningo, or as we call it now, Franklin. They found Joncaire snugly sheltered in John Frazier's cabin with the French colors floating over it. Washington was kindly received, but soon discovered that Joncaire was not of sufficient importance to enter into nego- tiation with, as his superior officer was in command at Le Boeuf. But he spent a few days at Venango, and an evening with the French captain, who kindly provided him with an escort to Le Bceuf. He went up French creek on horseback, held his interview with Legar- deur de St. Pierre, and then returned by boat to this place; thence across the country to Fort Pitt, and then home to render his account of his mission to the governor. This episode of our first great man is not to be forgotten as we recount our heroes and our prominent men in all coming time. It was a stormy passage for the young messenger from the first. They were on horseback; the snow was falling; the streams were overflowing, and the way full of dangers. Although the French would not do bodily harm to an English embassador, they exerted themselves to the utmost to win from him by diplomacy the allegiance of the Indians. We can, without much exercise of the imagination, see the scene of his labors at Weningo. Joncaire had his quarters near where he was building a fort, on what is now Elk street, or between Seventh and Eighth streets. His route up the creek would be along what is now Liberty street and across West park to the bank of the creek a litttle below West Park street, and across the creek, then up its channel, and the journey was commenced. But it was winter and the streams were full; how did they cross the river and creek? Washington does not tell us in his journal that is still extant. But it is evident that neither dangers nor exposures were permitted to turn them from the work upon which they had entered. Coming down French creek their canoes were upset and for two hours they were in the water, trying to save their baggage and canoes, and then in wet garments pursuing their voyage. Their horses gave out, and at Venango Washington resolved to leave his party and with Christopher Gist pursue his journey to Fort Pitt alone. He had attained the object of his mission and was anxious to report to Governor Dinwiddle. Joncaire had told him that they had come to hold the country, and would do so at all hazards. At Le Boeuf he learned the same thing, not, indeed, in such positive terms, but in the courtly man- ner of Monsieur Legardeur de St. Pierre, the commandant. In the meantime his escort, under his direction, had made a census of the men, as nearly as possible, counted the boats that lay in the creek, and learned all the facts that could be obtained as they lay around the fort, and gathered the situation from the surroundings with scarcely a paper that would embarrass him if captured, and he was ready for the return journey. The question may arise why Washington was commissioned by Governor Washington's mission. 45 Dinwiddie, of Virginia. The matter of colonial lines had not then been definitely settled. The governor of Virginia supposed that his colony ex- tended as far north as the scene of action, and so felt called upon to look after all his interests there, particularly as the Ohio Com]>any, as it was called, had already sent emigrants into the disputed territory, who were preparing for settlement. It is not easy to trace the pathway of Washington's party from Logs- town to Venango, as Washington has given us such a meager account of the points passed. His guide was no doubt familiar with the way, and the probabilities are that it was mainly on the old Venango path. This was tolerably well marked out, as one of the Montours speaks of bringing his mother, who was blind, over it on horseback. This would bring them in a somewhat angling direction over what are now Butler and Venango coun- ties. Four important streams were to be crossed on the journey: Conno- quenessing, Muddy creek. Slippery Rock, and Sandy creek. The question is all unsettled by which approach he entered the Venango valley. There were two, what are now known as the Bully Hill and the Pittsburgh roads; probably the former was his route, as that is nearer the river, and in case he came by that way, he would at once come upon Joncaire and his unfin- ished fort. On the return the direction is not so easy to determine. Washington says little about it, but it seems to have been different from the first journey. He sent Jacob Van Braam with the horses and baggage" by the road by which they had come, and with Christopher Gist set off through the forest. He passed a place he calls Murdering Town, believed now to be in Forward township, Butler county, where he was tired on by an Indian. From this point he took a southeasterly direction, intending to strike the Allegheny at Shannopin's Town. This point is now included in Pittsburgh. Then he hastened on to Virginia. In this connection it is well to introduce the commission and instructions of Washington as they were received from Governor Dinwiddie, and at the same time notice how fully and minutely these instructions were carried out. The commission was as follows: To George Washington, Esquire, one of the adjutants general of the troops and forces in the colony of Virginia: I, reposing especial trust and confidence in the ability, conduct, and fidelity of you, the said George Washington, liave appointed you my express messenger; and you are hereby authorized and empowered to proceed hence, with all convenient and possible dispatch, to that place on Ihe River Ohio, where the French have lately erected a fort or forts, or where the commandant of the French forces resides, in order to deliver my letter and message to him. and after waiting not exceeding one week for an answer, you are to take your leave and return immediately back. To this communication I have set my hand, and caused the great seal of this Dominion to be aflixed, at the city of Williamsburgh, the seat of my government, this 46 HISTORY OF TENANGO COUNTY. 30th day of October, in the twenty-seveuth year of the reigu of his Majesty, George the Second, King of Great Britain, etc., etc. Annoque Domini, 1753. Robekt Dinwiddie. The following is the text of his instructions: Whereas, I have received information of a body of French forces being assem- bled in a hostile manner on the River Ohio, intending by force of arms to erect certain forts on the said river within this territory, and contrary to the dignity and peace of our sovereign tlie King of Great Britain: These are, therefore, to require and direct you, the said George Washington, forth- vfith to repair to Logstown, on the said River Ohio, and having there informed your- self where the said French forces have posted themselves, thereupon to proceed to such place; and being there arrived, to present your credentials, together with my letter, to the chief commanding officer, and in the name of his Britannic Majesty to demand an answer thereto. On your arrival at Logstown you are to address yourself to the Half King, to Mon- acatoicha, aqd the other sachems of the Six Nations, acquainting them with your or- ders to visit and deliver my letter to the French commanding officer, and desiring the said chiefs to appoint you a sufficient number of their warriors to be your safeguard, as near the French as you may desire, and to wait your further directions. You are diligently to inquire into the number and force of the French on the Ohio, and the adjacent country; how they are likely to be assisted from Canada; and what are the difficulties and conveniences of that communication and the time required for it. You are to take care to be truly informed what forts the French have erected, and where; how they are garrisoned and appointed, and what is their distance from each other, and from Logstown; and from the best intelligence you can procure you are to learn what gave occasion to this expedition of the French, how they are likely to be supported, and what their pretensions are. When the French commandant has given you the required and necessary dis- patches, you are to desire of him a proper guard to protect you so far on your return as you may judge for your safety against any straggling Indians or hunters that may be ignorant of your character and molest you. Wishing you good success in your negotiation, and a safe and speedy return, I am, etc., Robert Dinwiddie. Williamsburgh, October 30, 1753. His passport was as follows: To all to whom these jjresents may come or concern, greeting: Whereas, I have appointed George Washington, Esquire, bj' commission under the great seal, my express messenger to tlie commandant of tlie French forces on the River Ohio, and as he is charged with business of great importance to his majesty and the Dominion: I do hereby command all his majesty's subjects, and particularly require all in alliance and amity with the crown of Great Britain, and all others to whom this passport may come, agreeably to the law of nations, to be aiding and assisting, as a safe guard to the said George Washington, and his attendants, in his present passage to and from the River Ohio, as aforesaid. Robert Dinwiddie. In this mission of Washington to the French posts we have the opening chapter in a history that has been the admiration and astonishment of the civilized world. He was but a youth, just past his majority, intrusted with FORT MACHAULT. 47 tlie command of a company of w/)odsmen and Indians, and with a commis- sion of the most delicate and dangerous natui*e, yet the whole business was carried through in the most admirable manner. There was a calmness, a prudence, a reticence in the pursuit of his mission that are most admirable. He knew when to speak and when to keep silence; when to be at ease and when to be on the alert. The mission was crowned with success. It was the beginning of the rounding up of a character that bore him grandly through all his life scenes until he laid him down to sleep on the banks of the Potomac. And as the years roll by that character comes out more and more perfect in its manhood and more and more illustrious in its balance and grandeur, until he stands among the greatest of uninspired men, the anointed prince of all the ages. CHAPTER V. FOKT MACHAULT. Construction Begun— Sources of Information— The Shippen Map— Its Description and Probable Origin— Statements of Pouchot, Long, Johnson, Chauvignerie, Post, and Mercer— Military Prep- arations AT Fort Machault in 1759— Concentration or French Forces for an Attack on Fort Pitt— This Project Relinquished and the Fort Evacuated— Its Destruction— IIetre at OF THE French — Traditions and Memorials of the French Occupation. IN the meantime the work on Fort Machault proceeded. A saw mill had been erected on the little runlet just above it near the site where Fort Venango was afterward erected by the English. The machinery of this mill was brought from Canada with great labor and enterprise and the oak and chestnut trees that adjoined were cut down and sawn into timber to erect quarters for the soldiers. About 1882, in repairing the street, the foundation timbers of the dam of this mill were found, strong and sound as though they had not been slumbering for nearly one hundred and thirty years. If further undisturbed they may remain until the end of time. As a proof of this, piles that were driven by Csesar in the entrance to the har- bor of Brundisium, in Italy, in order to detain the fleet of Pompey, have been brought to light in late years, as sound as they were when driven, more than two thousand years ago. The work was finished in April, 1754, 48 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. wlien John Frazier's house was vacated and Joncaire entered into more lordly quarters. We are now as well acquainted with the fort and its surroundings as with any of the forts in western Pennsylvania. We know its exact location, its dimensions, and all its ai)pointments. This knowledge has come to us through a map and plan of the fort and its environs that has been brought to light within comparatively a late date. Whether this map is of French, English, or composite origin cannot now be said, but circumstances prove beyond all contradiction that it is a genuine document. This light was long coming. The boys and girls knew of small mounds of sand and ashes and fire-stained stones, where they could go and gather strange looking beads and bits of glass. Evidently some kind of works had formerly existed there, but it was uncertain what kind of works these had been. There was a dim tradition that it was the remains of the French fort, yet public opinion generally held that the upper site, now known as the English Fort Venango, was the real French fort. It was known, too, by a few persons, that a plan of the French fort was in the xDOssession of William Reynolds, of Meadville. But it was not until 1875 that a copy of this plan or map, as it proved to be, was procured here. The result was that the plan and exact site of Fort Machault were located beyond a doubt. \ryh%gh wUh- atone CfiAjmiMf q ground thai efui fori standa on.JS ■-^-Uian.the i}eiloft/u:Ru.-er war ft reel hi^h- avj IS feei deep &60iiieX broOdirVjiiht I 7He.Lttnd*f mail s i. ..«■ s 1 -> 1 .J "'1 ^'1 4 ■1 ^la ^'^'^^m"»ff^ Fr»«A ^^n«u , FORT MACffADI/r, 1754.-59. FORT MACHAULT. 49 This map shows the plan of the fort and its surroundings, and a ripple and fording in the river opposite to it that are now seen at low water at the present day. It has a drawing of the hills on the west, with two prominent peaks; the bearing of the compass to these peaks, and the distance to them by measurement. It also shows little runlets that are seen at the present, and a marshy piece of ground that can yet be traced. Any one can test the accuracy of the description of this fort by placing a theodolite on the site indicated and comparing observations with the map. What is the history of this old map? No mortal man can tell. It is as mysterious as that of the Sibyl's books at Rome. We can trace it to the Shippen family, but not clearly beyond. So far as we have accurate know- ledge, it is this: In 1825 Henry Shippen was appointed judge of this judi- cial district, and located at Meadville. He came from Philadelphia, brini>-- ing with him a large number of papers, that were placed in the attic of his house and not opened until after his death. Some time after this event they were opened by the late J. C. G. Kennedy, when the map was brought to light after its long oblivion. This map, or plan, for it is both, thus describes the fort: Venango fort is situated on a rising piece of ground on a rich bottom, abounding with clover, sixty yards west of the Ohio. The north and south polygon is forty-five yards, and the east and west polygon thirty-seven yards. The bastions are buih of saplings, eight inches thick, and thirteen feet in length, set stockade fashion. Part of the curtains are of hewed timber, laid lengthwise upon one another, 'which also make one side of the barracks. The body of the work was in the form of a parallelogram, in size about seventy- five by one hundred and five feet, with bastions in the form of polygons at the four angles. The gate fronted the river. In the interior were the magazine, fifteen feet by eighteen feet, protected by a thickness of three feet of earth, and several buildings for officers' barracks. Two of these were eighteen by fifty feet, with three others that were smaller. The barracks were two stories high and furnished with stone chimneys. A door in the northeastern bastion led to a large cellar. The soldiers' barracks consisted of forty- four separate buildings, disposed around the fort, chiefly on the north and east sides. At the saw mill before spoken of, was prepared the lumber used for liar- racks, and perhaps for boats and barges to be used in conveying supplies for the camp and transportation down the river. Along the northern flank of the fort, and within fifty feet of it, there was a small stream of water that flowed from the neighboring hills and supplied the camp Avith water. On the present plan of the city of Franklin, Elk street passes through the site of the fort, whilst its southern side reaches nearly to Sixth street. This old map places beyond question the location and character of the fort. Yet there are difficulties we cannot explain. The annotations are in the English language. The name Machault does not occur on it. The 50 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, road leading westward is marked "Road to Pittsburg;" yet Pittsburgh was not laid out until 1760, when the fort was in ruins; still Colonel Mercer dates a letter at Pittsburgh in 1759. The smaller stream is called French creek, a name it never bore among the French ; but Washington calls it French creek in 1753. The larger stream is called the Ohio; that is evi- dence of its antiquity, as is also the annotation, "Road to Le Bceuf." That it was not hastily done is evident from the paper. Every small detail is laid down; the bridges across the ravines, the islands in the river, the ridge of hills across the Ohio; and even the two scales, one by which to measure the fort and the other the surrounding country, are drawn to a nicety. All these items not only show the genuineness of the map, but the deliberate character of the work. The most plausible solution of the mystery is this: It may have been copied from a French map, now lost, by an English officer, translating the French annotations, and marking the road that leads westward as the road to Pittsburgh. And as the actual name of the fort was not generally known to the English it is called on the map " Venango Fort," from the location. Indeed the name as found in the English papers of the time is almost al- ways ' ' The fort at Venango. ' ' Further in regard to the history of the map: It was foimd among the papers of the Shippen family, brought to western Pennsylvania in 1825, This was an influential family in eastern Pennsylvania at the time of the French difficulties. It is a well known fact that Edward Shippen, grand- father of the judge among whose papers the map was found, was actively engaged in public affairs at the time of the French occupation. It is nat- ural, therefore, to trace the map back to him. At that time he was prothon- otary of Lancaster county and correspondent and confidential agent of James Hamilton, governor of Pennsylvania. He was very closely identified with the French troubles on the Ohio. He had correspondence with John Frazier, the old gunsmith whose house at Venango was occupied by the French officer, Joncaire, when he came to build the fort. No doubt he had Frazier and others picking up information for him that might be of use to the government. We find him actually in possession of the map of one of the French forts through Mr. Frazier. In a letter to Governor Hamilton under date of Sep- tember 9, 1753, he incloses a letter from Frazier to Mr. Young, of which the following is an extract: " Here is enclosed a draught of the fort the French built a little the other side of Sugar creek, not far from Weningo, where they have eight cannon." This aUusion mast be to the plan of Fort Le Boeuf; it corresponds nearly in its armament to the account given by Washington at the time of his visit there, and there was no other work near to Venango; and Fort Machault was not built at that date. O^cJcM^^^JtaZ^ FORT MACHAULT. 53 Captain Poucliot, chief engineer of the forces in Canada, speaks of Fort Machault rather contemptuously. He says: "At the mouth of River Le BcEuf, called in English Venango, the French have a very poor, mean fort, called Fort Machault, which is also an entrepot for that which is going down to Fort Duquesne. ' ' We have light on the history of the fort in the Colonial Records and Pennsylvania Archives. It was at first not a strong fortification, but it was sufficient for the purpose, as it was not then in danger of being immediately threatened. The arms of the French were so surprisingly successful in the vicinity of Fort Duquesne as to preclude any demonstrations by the English against Machault. But it was contemplated by the French to strengthen it or to build a stronger fort in view of future operations. According to the statement of one John Adarn Long, an escaped prisoner from the French, the garrison at Machault was employed during the winter of 1755 and sum- mer of 1756 in collecting materials and making preparations to build stronger works. Long said he was taken from Fort Duquesne about the last of April, 1756, to Venango, "where resided an officer in a small stock- ade fort with a command of forty men," and that a number of square logs, had been ' ' got together at that place sufficient to build a large fort on a pretty, rising ground in the forks of Ohio and French creek. ' ' This was corroborated by William Johnson in November, 1756. He stated that he had within two years been frequently at Venango, "where the French have a small fort made of logs and stockades, mounted with nine cannon of a pretty large bore, and generally garrisoned with a company of sixty soldiers, besides Indians, who to the number of about two hundred are lodged in cabins that have been built for them near the fort. ' ' He added further that the garrison had been "for some time employed in col- lecting and preparing materials for building a strong fort there next spring, and being apprehensive, having been informed by two deserters from Sha- mokin, that the Pennsylvanians had come to a resolution to march against them as soon as a body of men could be raised for that purpose." In the deposition of Michael La Chauvignerie, a French prisoner, made October 26, 1757, we find the following corroborative information: "Fort Machault is a fort of wood, filled up with earth. It has bastions, and six wall pieces or swivel guns, and the whole works take up about two acres of ground." He also said his father was "a lieutenant of marines and com- mandant at Fort Machault, built lately at Venango and now finishing," and that there were ' ' about fifty regulars and forty laborers at said fort. ' ' Frederic Post, in 1758, related that an Indian told him that the foi-t had but "one officer and twenty-five men, and is much distressed for pro- visions, as are the two upper forts. An Indian spy found at Machault, in 1758, two officers and forty men, with De Lignerie in command. The fol- lowing May, Colonel Hugh Mercer writes of further intelligence through a 64 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. spy: "There are about one hundred soldiers at Venango, and several offi- cers, besides what are gone upon party with Indians. They are fitting up platforms and lining their stockade. * * * They expect we will pro- ceed up the river, and De Lignerie is determined, as he says, to fight us in the woods. They have eleven bateaux at Venango, and one great gun of the size of a quart pot, which they fire off by a train of powder." We hear from the fort again on the 17th of July, 1759, in a letter from Colonel Mercer, dated at Pittsburgh. The report is from two Indians who had been sent up the river as spies. He says: "They found at Venano-o seven hundred French and four hundred Indians; the commanding officer told them he expected six hundred more Indians; that as soon as they arrived, he would come down and drive us from this place." Further they learned that in the following three days six hundred more Indians had arrived. They were fitting out for the expedition to set out in the night, having three pieces of cannon brought from Le Boeuf and others expected every hour, with a great many bateaux loaded with provisions. Fort Machault now began to assume an importance it had not before possessed. It was to be the point at which men and materials of war should be gathered to make a desperate attempt to retake Fort Duquesne, that had fallen into the hands of the English. Canoes and pirogues were sent down French creek to assist in the attack; men were called from the upper forts as they could be spared. A draft was even made for men and pro- visions from Kaskaskia and the Mississippi. This was a wonderfully bold and laborious enterprise. We find it thus described in the Western Annals: And to that all the French in the valley had contributed. M. de Aubry, command- ant at the Illinois, brought to join the enterprise four hundred men and two hundred thousand pounds of flour, from Kaskaskia to Venango. Cut ofE by the abandonment of Fort Duquesne, from the route of the Ohio, he proceeded with his force down the Mississippi, and up the Ohio to the Wabash, thence up that river to the portage at Fort Miami, or Fort Wayne, and carried his stores over to the Maumee, passed down that river, and along tlie shore of Lake Erie to Presque Isle, and carried again his stores over the portage, to Le Boeuf; thence descended French creek to Venango.* At this time there were assembled at Venango nearly one thousand Frenchmen and the same number of Indians, with a sufficient force of boats to convey the whole expedition down the river. We form some opinion of the number of boats from the statement that at Fort Le Boeuf (Waterford) all the trees of sufficient size to make boats had been cut down, and the project advanced of making pirogues of sawn timber, such as they had seen the English use. These boats were probably "dug-outs," run either singly or bound together after the style of the catamaran. But the end was drawing near; while all were full of hope and just ready to embark on the downward trip to Fort Pitt, the shock came. A messenger arrived from Niagara with orders to abandon the Fort Pitt expe- *Western Annals p. 157. FORT MACHAULT. 55 dition and bring all their forces at once lo the rescue of Fort Niagara, whose safety was very seriously imperiled. This order applied to all the forts in western Pennsylvania. This was in July, 1759. The order was to evacuate and destroy the fort and all the supplies that they could not carry with them. The creek was low and boating too slow and nothing but personal baggage could be re- moved. All was consternation in the camp. The prize that seemed just within their reach vanished from their dreams. But the order was impera- tive. Great liberality was shown to the Indians. A mine of wealth was opened to them at once. Dusky warriors were tricked out in laced coats and cocked hats; swarthy maidens were made happy with presents of French calico and red blankets; strings of beads were thrown lavishly around the necks of papooses, all guileless of them before; flour brought by that pain- ful journey from Kaskaskia, borne wearily on men's shoulders over long portages, was distributed in lavish rations, and other stores were passed freely around. The other property was all collected within the fort and the whole set on fire. The barracks, without as well as within, were involved in one common ruin. The boats and bateaux, by which the assault was to have been made on Fort Pitt, were also consigned to the flames without mercy. The swivel guns, or wall pieces as they called them, were first disabled, then buried in the earth, and everything of value removed from sight. This de- struction was in accordance with instructions from the French government. Governor Vaudreuil, of Canada, in anticipation of a dangerous assault from the English forces, had instr^^cted De Lignerie, to " fall b^ck successively upon Forts Le Bceuf and Presque Isle, and so completely destroy the works as to leave nothing behind that would be available to the enemy." The entire party took leave of their Indian allies, telling them that although they found it necessary to leave them now, that they would return in a year and stay with them permanently. Then they took their way up the creek, with feelings less buoyant than when they came to plant themselves upon the soil. Fort Machault had fallen to rise no more. A great hope had faded as many a brilliant prospect had done before. Empire, dominion, wealth, in- fluence in the great world in gorgeous vision had been before the inspira- tion, but all had vanished forever. The French creek valley was left to silence and to savages. There is no tangible evidence now remaining of the former existence of the French work. When Franklin was settled there were some little mounds covered with brier bushes that were a visible token of the site, but all have now disappeared and we have but the points of the compass and the peaks of the hills to point out the location. There were foiind here by the first settlers several grape vines, of varieties not indigenous to this region. There was a black grape, very sweet and of a poAverful aroma, that was propa- 56 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. gated for many years, also a white variety tbat was fair to the eye and pleas- ant to the taste and at that time a very desirable grape. But the trans planting and want of care as well as the crowding in of new varieties of na- tive origin have taken their places and both these species are now extinct. No doubt they were brought here by the French, and originally from France, as they could not be indigenous to Canada. In regard to the region of the old forts there has been no lack of tra- ditions and dreams in respect to gold buried that awaits only the digging of some fortunate searcher to be gathered up in profusion. It is generally supposed to be French gold, treasure buried by the French when they abandoned the fort. Tradition also records that this gold was thrown into a well and buried, to await removal at some fortunate time, when peace and quiet should come to the country. There was an old story current many years ago, that an old Frenchman had appeared here, who said he had been one of the garrison; that a large amount' of gold and many cannon had been thrown into the well in the fort and covered with stones to con- ceal the treasure from the Indians. It was proposed to go the next day and disentomb the money. But fortunately for the tradition, the French- man died that night, and his secret died with him. The fact is, the idea of finding treasure in the wake of either French or English, in this valley, is " baseless as the fabric of a vision." That they had money is altogether likely. But it is just as unlikely that they had a large amount, much less a sum they could not carry away with them. Besides, there is no evidence that there ever was a well in the French fort. There is no mention of it in the plan we now have, nor was there any men- tion of it in any description extant. There was a well in the English fort, Venango, but there is not the slightest probability that anything was secreted in it, as the fort was taken by assault, following stratagem, and there was neither time nor opportunity to secrete anything. So that all hopes or dreams of finding gold or jewels in this valley may as well be abandoned. An occasional coin may be picked up that was lost by officers or men. This is natural enough. An English penny was found in Venan- go, and some coins near Machault, but this does not indicate that there may be a large amount of money yet secured by dreaming and digging. There were several cannon abandoned by the French when they demol- ished their fort, but they were not thrown in a well. They had the trun- nions knocked ofP them, were spiked, and then buried. One of these can- non has been found. It was unearthed by the wearing away of the river, and was in the condition described above. This gun was brought into use by removing the rusty spike and shrinking an iron band around it, contain- ing new trunnions. It was mounted on a small carriage and used for patriotic purposes on the Fourth of July, until it was finally blown to pieces by an overcharge of powder. Other guns are still buried and may UNDER ENGLISH RULE. 57 some day be discovered, but no greater treasure will ever be found on this ground. There were the wall pieces, as the French called them, and a few cannon brought from Le Boeuf, and pi'obably the gun described as very nearly as large as a quart pot, that must be slumbering somewhere in that region, and may yet be brought to light. CHAPTER VI. UNDER ENGLISH RULE. English Occupation— Fort Venango— Its Location and Appointments— PoNTiAC's Conspiracy— Destruction of Fort Venango and Massacre of the Garrison— Sacrifice of His- toric Remains to the Utilitarian Spirit Deprecated. FORT MACHAULT fell in 1759, and the English lost no time in the matter of taking possession. It is not likely they feared the return of the French. Their defeat and banishment was total, but some defense was needed against the Indians who would now be more troubksome than ever. They were more hostile to the English than to the French. Their visions of trading houses to be built by the the latter had vanished, and they had a poorer opinion of the white man than ever. It was, perhaps, impossible to rebuild the old French fort; a new location was selected and the work arranged with very great care and with immense toil and sacrifice. It was really a wonderful enterprise for the time and cir- cumstances under which it was built. The country was an unbroken forest; Pittsburgh was not yet laid out; the entire region of French creek was a wil- derness. All the men, stores, implements for work, must have been brought down French creek. Yet a work that to-day, with all our modern appliances of plows, scrai)ers, teams, etc., would be considered immense, and require a long period of time for its completion, was finished in good and substantial order. It shows a high degree of knowledge in military engineering, and a perseverance under difficulties that is at this day surprising. We have none of the details, but we have the fact before us that the work was really done and would have been permanent, under favorable circumstances. The new fort was built the year after the abandonment by the French, by what officer or engineer we are not informed. It was a much better and more pretentious work than Machault. It was in the form of a quadi-angle, 58 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. with bastions on the four sides. It had heavy earth works, with a ditch surrounding it, and a magazine and soldiers' quarters in the interior. It had also a covered way leading down to the stream of water on the southern side. The main work was eighty-eight feet square. Outside of this was a ditch twenty-four feet wide, and outside of this an embankment. The out- look covered the mouth of French creek, as well as the Allegheny river. EIGHTH STREET STREET FORT VENANGO, 1760-63. This fort was named Venango and was situated about forty rods above the site of Fort Machault. Elk street runs through the middle of its site, while its northern bastions just touched Eighth street. M. W. Sage's house is in the eastern ditch and B. W. Bredin's is on the opposite side. It was built in 1760, but was short-lived and of little advantage to any one. Being manned by but few men, it easily fell a prey to the Indians. While friendly to the French, the savages were hostile to the English, and neglected no opportunity of annoying and taking vengeance on them. UNDER ENGLISH RULE. 59 At this time the mighty chieftain, Pontiac, was meditating the destruc- tion of all the forts in the country. Strings of wampum had been sent to all the tribes, and the plan laid to make an attack all along the lino on the same day. The plan was carried out, but not with the success that had been hoped. The first idea of Pontiac, who was a man of great shrewdness, but ignorant as a child of the great world, was to play the French against the English, and thus create a diversion from the real conquest of the country. He was on the side of the French as being the weaker party. But when the French gave up the conflict and left the country, he felt obliged to be the principal party against the English. And he saw that he could accomplish nothing without exterminating the enemy throughout all his borders. The entire border was to be assaulted on the same day, from Detroit to Niagara and southward to Fort Pitt. The break in this plan is said to be due to the interference of a squaw, who had been intrusted with the plan, but who from some womanly instinct had resolved to frustrate it. And this was the device: Bundles of small sticks had been sent to all the tribes, each contain- ing the same number of sticks, from which one was to be taken on each suc- cessive morning. When the last stick was reached that would designate the day of the assault. But this squaw secretly withdrew a stick or two from some of the bundles and so the simultaneous assault failed. But it was car- ried out in all the line of French creek valley and Presque Isle to the entire destruction of the works. Fort Venango was garrisoned by a small force under command of Lieut- tenant Gordon. On the same day in 1763 Fort Presque Isle^ at Erie, and Le Boeuf, at Waterford, were taken by assault, and Fort Venango by stratagem. The Indians feigned to be at peace and to be thinking only of sport. They commenced a game of ball, and occasionally had knocked the ball inside the inclosure of the fort. Asking permission to go in through the gate after the ball, several of them entered in with concealed weapons and massacred the garrison and tortured Lieutenant Gordon over a slow fire for several days, until he was relieved by death. The fort was then set on fire and all its perishable matter destroyed. It is said that a single prisoner was taken, a woman, who was carried to Buffalo, and afterward related the tragic incidents of the massacre. One of the sad expressions of life is: "It might have been." It gathers sentiment about it. We apply it in very many senses. But per- haps it always has a tinge of melancholy. There is something of this feel- ing as we speak of the antiquities of the county, and of the utilitarian spirit that was manifested in laying it out originally. These antiquities are a part of our history. They live now only in tradition and story and brief pages of written history. But the old landmarks that would have told to the eye the story of French enterprise and French determination — de- termination foiled and brought to naught — have all passed away. And all 60 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. monuments that would have told of English ambition and English care for her colonies have followed in their wake. We have spoken of Fort Machault, the French work, of Fort Venango, the English work of defense. Of the former there is not much that wou.ld have been tangible at the present day. Bat of Venango there were massive earthworks that would have stood to the end of time, if properly protected. Both these works might have been cared for, if the idea had entered the minds and found a lodgment in the hearts of the state agents, who were sent here to lay out the town. But they were practical men. Perhaps they thought the place would, never amount to much, and full of the idea of utility ran their leveling instruments through these precious relics as though they were masses of common earth. We have seen that Elk street runs directly through both forts, thus con- signing them to destruction. It was not that land was scarce, or that a pressure was on them to utilize every foot of ground to the purposes of the town. A large amount of land was set aside, very wisely, for what are now our public parks. Another portion of ground was set apart for United States purposes, down on the flat, just below Tenth street, where the "Old Garrison" stood. The whole error resulted, possibly, in want of thought and taste. We can now very easily see how these fortifications might have been made places of beauty and pleasure, had they been reserved as public ground by the agents of the state. If each one had had a little square reserved around it, with the street parting and running around it, and the ground kept in order, they would be to-day points of great interest and pleasure. Particularly would this have been the case with Fort Venango. The earthworks were several feet in height, the ditch firm and distinct, and the inclosed space neatly arranged. It might have been fitted up as a beautiful resort for j^icnics and other social purposes. In this way it would have perpetuated the memory of an important era in our history and at the same time assisted in beautifying and adorning the town. In the old day of militia musters, it was the custom to march down there and then march around on top of the earthwork. This earthwork presented a broad esplanade, suitable for the purpose, and was a common resort at such times. But it has all passed away. The northern bastion was carted away to make the approach to the Allegheny bridge, and gradu- ally the other works were removed to fill up the ravines and form a smooth and even course for the street. We can but lament the loss of this old work and regret that there were not more taste and enterprise amongst the early settlers. The remains of the earthworks were visible until within the last twenty years, when the last vestige was swept away. It seems like the work of vandals, but the age in which we live is a utilitarian age, and every- thing must give way to the march of improvement. UNDER AMERICAN RULE. 61 CHAPTER VII. UNDER AMERICAN RULE. Tort Franklin Erected— Indian Depredations— Ransom's Deposition— Ellicott's Letter— Adlum's Testimony— McDowell's Statement — Cornplanter's Attitude— Location of Fort Franklin— The "Old Garrison"— Suggestive Reflections. THE country had been abandoned by civilization for years, and the Indian hunted at his own sweet will; but a change had come over the coun- try. The Revolutionary war had left the country in the hands of the Amer- icans, and the government would encourage emigration and settlement; for this purpose protection must be extended to settlers. So in the spring of 1787, Captain Jonathan Hart, with a company of United States soldiers, was sent up the river from Pittsburgh to erect a third fort, for the protec- tion of possible settlers. This work was simply a stockade as a defense against Indians. A new site was selected, passing by both the French and English posi- tions. Singularly enough, this time the ground chosen was on the south bank of French creek, just above the upper bridge. It was on the face of the bluff. Elbow street runs through it, and it is nearer Thirteenth than Fourteenth. This was Fort Franklin, that afterward gave the name to the town. It was not a very formidable work, being about one hundred feet square, with the invariable bastjons at the angles and surrounded by pickets set in the ground, some sixteen feet high. Inside of this was a ditch. A ditch was also run along the line of the bluff overlooking the creek, that was designed to serve the purpose of the modern rifle pit. An interesting account of the fort is found in the "Military Journal" of Major Ebenezer Denny. Under date of April 10, 1787, the following entry appears: Fort Harmar, mouth of Muskingum river Captain Hart ordered to proceed with his company to a place called Venango on the Allegheny river, about one hun- dred and fifty miles above Pittsburgh, there to erect a suitable work. In the spring of 1788 General Harmar made a tour of inspection of the western posts, arriving at Venango on the 3rd of May. Of this visit the journal gives the following particulars : 62 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 3rd. About eight o'clock this morning, after pa.ssing one island, we entered the mouth of French creek. The fort stands half a mile up. Several miles below we were discovered by some Indians, who cut across and gave notice to Captain Hart of our approach. The arrival of General Harmar was announced with seven rounds of a six- pounder from the fort. Very kindly received by the captain and Lieutenant Frothing- ham, at the head of their command. The company reviewed and dismissed. Spent the day in examining Captain Hart's work, viewing the adjacent country and the old for- tifications of the French and British. There is a fine tlat of good land here, altogether on the lower side of French creek, but sufficient for several farms, the only flat land from Mahoning or Mogulbughtiton up. . . .Captain Hart's fort, or Fort Franklin as it is called, is built precisely after the plan of the one which had been erected by the Brit- ish, called Venango. It is a square redoubt, with a blockhouse three stories high in the center; stands better than half a mile up French creek, upon very good ground, but the situation, in my opinion, is by no means so eligible as that of old Venango, built by the Euglish. The last work stood upon a commanding ground pretty close to the bank of the Allegheny, half a mile below French creek and a mile from Fort Frank- lin. The cellar wall and huge stack of chimneys of the blockhouse are of stone and are yet quite entire. The parapet and some other parts remain perfect, and the whole worlv might have been rebuilt with half the labor and expense of that built by Hart. The only reason the captain could offer for taking new ground was the convenience of timber. It pi'obably served its purpose, and w^as a place where the earliest set- tlers could resort, in case of attack from the Indians. In fact, in 1791, when trouble seemed imminent, the people of Meadville sent their women and children to Fort Franklin for shelter and protection. Among those who fled from Mead's settlement to Fort Franklin at that time was Darius Mead, father of General David Mead, the founder of Meadville. He engaged in cultivating a piece of bottom land not far from the fort, and while one day plowing in his field he was taken prisoner by Cap- tain Bull, a Delaware chief, and a companion, who professed to be friendly In- dians, and hurried ofP through the forest. The following day his body, and also Bull's, were found near Shenango creek, in Mercer county, by Conew- yando, a friendly Seneca, who sent his daughter to Fort Franklin to notify Mead' s family. The officer in command sent two soldiers to bury the body. They found Mead and Bull close together, and from appearances it was believed that during the night Mead got possession of Bull's knife and killed him, and after a fierce struggle was in turn killed by the chief's companion. There is reason to think that in the year 1794 a plan was concocted to destroy all the white settlers in Venango county. But there was then no mighty genius like Pontiac. Cornplanter was the great man, but he hesi- tated to inaugurate such a scheme, and was even opposed to it, in all proba- bility. His people, however, were hostile and jealous of the increasing power of the whites. Major Denny writes that "he had no doubt but that a plan was formed to destroy all the posts and settlements in this quarter. ' ' In a deposition of Daniel Ransom, dated June 11, 1794, he states "that the Standing Stone, a chief of the Onondagas, also informed him at Fort UNDER AMERICAN RULE. 63 Franklin that he thought the times would soon ])e bad, and pressed him very much to leave Fort Franklin, and assist him in packing up his goods, etc., that from what he had seen and heard from other Indians, he has every reason to believe the account to be true; that seven white men came down the Allegheny a few days ago to Fort Franklin, who informed him that the Indiajis appeared very surly, and had not planted any corn on the river at their towns. ' ' On June 29th, Andrew Ellicott writes in regard to Fort Franklin: On my arrival, the place appeared to be iu sueli a defenseless condition, tliat, with the concurrence of Captain Denny, and the officer * commanding at the fort, we re- mained there some time, and employed the trooi)s in rendering it more tenable. It may now be considered as defensible, provided the number of men is increased. The garrison, at present, consists of twenty-five men, one-half of whom are unfit for duty, and it is my opinion that double that number would not be more than sufficient, con- sidering the importance of the safety of the settlement on French creek. It is probable that outside Indians in western New York were trying to force this issue upon Cornplanter, but he resisted and ultimately became the friend and ally of the white people. Only about one hundred men were stationed here at any time, and it is not strange that fears were felt, not only for the people of the country, but for the safety of the fort itself. Eighty-seven soldiers had been the original number sent up from Fort Pitt, and there were over a dozen who came in the position of laborers, or ad- venturers in general. These soldiers brought their sustenance with them, yet there must have been some communication by the river, as supplies must be renewed from time to time. Yet there is no evidence that this communication was at any time cut off, or the movements of the camp inter- fered with by the Indians. And yet withal it is evident from all the accounts we have that the year 1794 was considered a year of great danger. Nor is it clear that Corn- planter was not at that time involved in the plan for the forcing of the issues of war on the white settlers. We have a letter from John Adlum to Governor Mifflin, dated' Fort Franklin, August 31, 1794, from which we make these extracts :f He [Cornplanter] laughs at the idea of our keeping the posts, either at Le Bieuf or the mouth of French creek, should there be a war; for, he says, it is not possible for us to supply them with provisions, as they will constantly have parties along the river and path to cut off all supplies, and that we soon would be obliged to run away from them. I don't know how far it may operate in our favor should General Wa^^ne be suc- cessful to the westward; but it appears to me that war is inevitable, and, I think, Captain Brandt has a very great hand in it, and his policy is to get the whole of the Six Nations on the north side of the lakes, as it will make him the more consequen- tial, for, at present, there is but a small number of them there. * Captain Heath. t Second Series, Pennsylvania Archives, pages 76.'j-767. 64 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The Cornplanter desired me to give notice that it was unnecessary to send any more provisions to Le Boeuf, as they would soon have to leave it. The son of the Black Chief at the Cornplanter'sTown made me a present of a hog while I was there, and the morning before I came away, Half Town informed me he had dreamed that I made a feast, and dance with it; and as it is a general custom to give the Indians what they dream for (provided they are not too extravagant), and I wish for an opportunity to get the sentiments of the Indians generally, I told him he must have it, and superintend the feast, and that I would buy another, that the whole town might partake. It is the custom of the Indians, at such times, to set up a post and strike it, and brag of the feats they have done, or those they. intend. Some of the old chiefs were very delicate, and only told of their feats against the Cherokees, as they said they might injure my feelings if they mentioned anything concerning the whites; others wished General Washington would not grant their request, that thej' might have one more opportunity of showing their bravery and expertness in war against us. The Cornplanter bragged often, and appeared to speak as if war was certain. In one of his brags he gave me a pair of moccasins, saying, as he addressed himself to me: "It is probable we shall have war very soon. I wish every person to do their duty to their country, and expect you will act your part as becomes a man; and I see your moccasins are nearly worn out. I give you this pair to put on when you come to fight us." I took them and tliauked him, and said I would reserve them for that purpose. Du Quania, who headed the party of Indians from the north side of the lakes, in one of his brags said, that he was always an enemy to the Americans; that he served the king last war, and when peace was concluded he moved over the lakes, which some said was through fear. " But," says he, "you see it is not so, for I still love the king and hate the Americans, and now that there is like to be danger, you see me here to face it." The Indians in general seemed to wish me to suppose that the British had no hand in the present business, but from several things they related to me, it appeared plain that they are at the bottom of it. In the deposition of Colonel Alexander McDowell, taken by the Holland Land Company, we find strong confirmation of Adhim' s statement. He says : In June, 1793, I was appointed deputy surveyor of district No. 7, west of the Ohio and Alleghenj^ rivers and Conewango creek in Allegheny county. In Jul}', 1794, I set out from Fraukstown, where I then resided — prepared to exe- cute all warrants that were entered with me, and went the length of Colonel Charles Campbell's on Black, where I met with a Mr. Jones, who had been emploj'ed by John Adlura to purchase and forward provisions for his use. Mr. Jones informed me that the Indians, about three daj^s before, had attacked a boat or boats, going down the Kiskaminitas, and had killed one man, and wounded two other persons. Also, that the Indians had killed two men about twenty miles south of Fort Franklin, on the road leading from Franklin to Pittsburgh, and that he thought it unsafe to go any farther. I then returned to Frankstown and staid until August, where Mr. John Adlum called on me to go out to the district to survey. I accordingly went out to Fort Franklin, met Mr. Adlum, and after remaining there a few days, I set out to the district to survey. During the time I was in the woods I was informed that the Indians had fired on a man (James Dickson) near Cassawago, now Meadville. Also that they killed a soldier belonging to Captain Heath's company, who com- manded at Fort Franklin. As the Indians appeared ill-natured and much dissatisfied, on the 7th or 8th day of September, 1794, John Adlum (who had been at Cornplanter Town to find out how the Indians were disposed), sent out a man of the name of Smith and an Indian to inform me that Cornplanter and his Indians were determined to go to war, and that UNDER AMEllICAN RULE. 65 Coruplanter requested him to seud word to all the surveyors who were in the woods to quit surveying before the 18tli of September, or they might expect to be attacked. Finding it impossible to attempt surveying any more, owing to the hostile disposition of the Indians, I accordingly left the woods and returned to Fort Franklin, where I found Captain Heath, the commanding officer, expected to be attacked, and the few inhabitants who resided in that place much alarmed. On the 20th of September we left Fort Franklin. In June, 1795,1 returned to the fort in order to resume surveying. "When I got opposite the mouth of French creek, on the east side of the Allegheny river, and not more than one mile from Fort Franklin, I met a number of people who were in canoes, and appeared to be hastening down the Allegheny river. I inquired of them the cause of their going. They informed me they were going to Pittsburgh, alleging at the same time as their reason for so doing that they did not think it safe for them to remain in that country, as the hostile In- dians had killed two men (James Findlayand Barnabas McCormick)in the neighl)or- liood of Cassawago, now Meadville, and that the whole country was alarmed, which information I found to be true on my arrival at Fort Franklin, the people there being much alarmed notwithstanding there was a garrison kept at that place. Finding it unsafe to set out to the woods I remained at Fort Franklin for some time until Messrs. Irvine and EUicott, who were appointed to lay out the reserved towns of Franklin, Waterford, Erie, and Warren, would come forward, knowing that they had fifty men with them to guard them while executing their appointment, ex- pecting that when they would come forward it would have some effect to quiet the Indians, and in the same time I employed Nicholas Rosegrant (who understood the In- dian language) to go to Cornplanter's Town to inform Cornplanter that I was author- ized by the governor of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to survey the several tracts of land granted him by act of assembly. Cornplanter on hearing this informa- tion met me near Fort Franklin, and returned with me up the Allegheny river until I made all his surveys. All the correspondence of that period shows that there -v^s the greatest danger of precipitating a war in which the Six Nations would join in order to secure what they considered their right. But better counsels prevailed. The time passed by without any open attacks and matters began to assume a peaceful attitude. Neither does it appear that any communication by land proved to be dangerous. The danger was more of a threatening character than from any real outbreak. If there was any determination to attack the settlement, it was probably by detached portions of the Indians here and there, without any qualified leader to direct the movement and give it effect. ' Cornplanter evidently was not satisfied, yet he was too well acquainted with the numbers and resources of the white man to think of any organized resistance. His knowledge of the feelings of his people induced him to give the whites a word of warning at times, but there is no evidence that he med- itated an attack upon the fort, or on the people. The location of Fort Franklin was somewhat remarkable. It was not even in sight of the river, and was distant from the mouth of French creek. Its location was such that it could only cover the creek and at the same time overlook the path that led from Fort Pitt to Le Boeuf. This path crossed the creek a few rods below the fort, where there was good fording 66 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and an easy ascent of the opposite bank. The fort was occupied for nine years, or until 1796, when a new and more sensible selection was made and a new fortification, subsequently called the " Old Garrison," was erected near the mouth of the creek. In the meantime arrangements were being made for the settlement of the country. General William Irvine and Andrew EUicott, with an escort of fifty men, were sent up from Pittsburgh in the summer of 1795 to protect survey- ors and at the same time lay out a town at the junction of French creek and the Allegheny river. Changes had likewise taken place in the situation of affairs arising from treaties with the Indians in the Northwest. Dangers there might be from Indians, but it would be from predatory parties and not by any organized effort. The old fort was dismantled as the new one was occupied, and in time its pickets fell, its ditch filled up, and the citizens of the new town took the stone of the large chimneys to assist in the construction of their dwellings. Time and the spirit of improvement have now swept away the last vestige of old Fort Franklin. Its position can only be learned from the map and the recorded history of the times. The "Old Garrison" was the fourth fortress that was erected for de- fense, ^he site was changed again and to a more sensible locality. This was just at the mouth of French creek where there would be a view of both creek and river. It was built in 1796. The location was down in the bot- tom near the foot of Tenth street, near the creek. The site is now covered with water, with no landmarks to locate it, and will soon be referred to only by tradition. The building had no high-sounding name, but was always known as the "Old Garrison." It was a strong wooden building without ditch or bastions or embrasure. In plain language, it was a log house, strongly built, and well fortified. It was a story and a half high and thirty by thirty-six feet square. Outside it had the invariable line of pickets to avoid being surprised by the Indians. These pickets were simply small, round logs set in the ground close together and from ten to fifteen feet in length. In this the government kept troops stationed from the time of its erection until 1799, when all apprehension of trouble with the Indians hav- ing subsided, they were withdrawn, and the infant town was left to its own resources for defense against the savages, who were now on friendly terms and desirous only of trade and traffic. But the "Old Garrison" was not dismantled or left to fall into decay for many years. If there were no longer enemies among the red men, there were among civilized men. There were in the new settlement men who needed to be restrained and punished. So it was resolved to utilize the "Old Garrison" for jail purposes. It was well fitted for that use after strong iron bars had been fixed to the windows and other arrangements UNDER AMERICAN RULE. 67 made for the security of the inmates. Before, the object had been to keep people out and at a safe distance; now it was to keep them within until wanted elsewhere. The county was organized in 1805. At that date a jail was needed, and the " Old Garrison " was brought into requisition for this purpose. It was so used until 1819, when the jail was built on the South park. During a part of this time it was occupied by Captain George Fow- ler, an Englishman, who had cast in his lot with this country after the Revolu- tionary war. He had been a good soldier of Britain, but after the strife was ended became a good citizen of the United States. At this time he was acting as a justice of the peace, trying causes as they came before him, and probalily performing the duties of jailor when there were prisoners in limbo. After this the work of dilapidation commenced. The small boy held his revels there; the elements beat upon it; the high waters of the creek en- croached on its foundations, and it was overthrown and buried in ruin. Like all sublunary things, it lost its usefulness and fell out in the rapid march of time, as the thickly coming events demanded better service and improve- ments. These old military works are but memories now and will soon be but dim traditions. But they tell of growth and progress. They remind us of the dangers and perils through which the country passed from the wilderness to the civilized land. They suggest to us the stern, enterprising fiber of the men of those early times, who pushed their way out into the forest in the face of privation and sacrifice and prepared to do stern battle with the savage in maintaining their rights. They remind us of the struggle between ancient foes, England and France, that began here, and ultimately shook all Europe; and how, for one hundred years great principles were discussed on the field of battle by the stern arbitrament of the sword, finally resulting in a better government and a higher type of society. 68 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER VIII. LAND TENURE. Acquisitions of Indian Territory under Proprietary Auspices— The Purchase of 1784— DonxVtion Lands— Reservations— The Act of 1792 — Land Companies— The Astley and Bingham Lands — Dickinson College Tracts — Settlement and Improvement Tenure— Resume. ALTHOUGH vested by the terms of bis charter with absolute owner- ship of the territory comprised within the province of Pennsylvania, and not bound by the ethics of European national polity to recognize the rights of those to whom God and nature had given its soil, a purer morality and sounder policy inspired William Penn and his successors to perfect their title by amicable purchase rather than force of arms. The deed of July 15, 1682, by which Markham secured a tract of relatively small extent in the extreme southeastern part of the state, was the first purchase of this nature; the next of any i|aportance occurred in 1718, and by this the Indians relin- quished all the territory east of the Susquehanna and south of the Lehigh hills. This was confirmed by a second and more inclusive deed in 1736, and by the " Walking Purchase " of 1737. In 1749 the proprietaries ex- tended their jurisdiction to the Kittatinny mountains, east and west of the Susquehanna river. By the treaty of Albany in 1754 the Indian title to all that part of the state north and west of the Kittatinny range was nominally extinguished; but four years later, owing to hostilities that immediately en- sued in consequence of the unreasonable extent of this purchase, the Alle- gheny mountains were declared to be its western boundary and a line ex- tending nearly due west from the forks of the Susquehanna its northern limit. The last purchase under the auspices of the Penns and the largest acquisition of territory during their administration occurred at Fort Stanwix November 5, 1768; by this treaty a line beginning where the Susquehanna river enters the state and continuing a circuitous course to the Allegheny river at Kittanning, thence down that river and the Ohio to the western line of the state, was made the west and northwest boundary of their possessions. LAND TENURE. 71 It was reserved for the commouwealth to obtain the title to that lar;4-e and important section of the state in which Venango county is situated. On the 23rd of October, 1784, commissioners for the state of Pennsylvania concluded a treaty with the Six Nations at Fort Stanwix by which all the remainino- Indian lands in the state were purchased. The boundaries of this purchase were as follows: Beginning on the south side of the River Ohio where the western boundary of the state of Pennsylvania crosses the said river near Shingo's Old Town at tlu- mouth of Beaver creek, and thence by a due north line to the end of the forty-second and be- ginning of fortj'-third degrees of north latitude; thence by a due east line separating the forty-second and forty-third degrees of north latitude to the east side of tlie east branch of the River Susquehanna; thence by tlie bounds of the late purchase niiule at Fort Stanwix, the 5th day of November, Anno Domini 1768, as follows: "Down the East Branch of the Susquehanna on the east side thereof till it .comes opposite tlie mouth of a creek called by the Indians Awandac. and across the river and up said creek on the south side thereof along the range of hills called Burnett's hills by the English and by the Indians ■ ■ ; on the north side of them to the head of a creek which runs into the West Branch of the Susquehanna, which creek is by the In- dians called Tyadaghtou but by Pennsylvanians Pine creek, and down said creek on the south side thereof to the said West Branch of the Susquehanna; then crossing the said river and running up the course on the south side thereof the several courses thereof to the fork of the same river which lies nearest to a place on the River Ohio (Allegheny) called Kittanning, and from the fork by a straight line to Kittanning aforesaid; and then down said river by the several courses thereof to where tlie west- ern boundary of the said state of Pennsylvania crosses the same river," at the place of beginning. The commissioners by whom these negotiations were Conducted were Samuel J. Atlee, William Maclay, and Francis Johnston. In January, 1785, they met the Wyandot and Delaware Indians at Fort Mcintosh, (Beaver), and concluded an agreement by which the claims of the latter to the region in question were relinquished. Obligations assumed b}' the state antecedent to the acquisition of this territory governed its disposition. Among the evils entailed by the long continuance of the Revolutionary war was a depreciated currency, affording merely nominal remuneration for the services of soldiers and officers in the Continental army. In order to encourage enlistment to the credit of the quota of the state, the legislature passed a resolution on the 7th of March, 1780, declaring its intention to provide adequate compensation for the officers and soldiers of the Pennsylvania Line and citizens of the state in other departments of the government service, who should serve until the close of the war or die in furthering the interests of the American cause. The faith of the commonwealth was pledged to effect a settlement on the basis of a sound currency, and also to supplement this pecuniary compen- sation by donations in land. The depreciation in the value of the "bills of credit " issued by congress and the state had been gradual; and in order that an equitable discharge of its obligations might be facilitated, an act was 4 72 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. passed in April, 1781, fixing a scale of depreciation varying from one and one-half to seventy-five per cent. , varying for each month from January, 1777, to March, 1781. The pay of ofiicers and soldiers was adjusted in conformity with this scale; the state acknowledged its indebtedness by issu- ing depreciation certificates, for the redemption of which apart of the lands west of the Allegheny river was appropriated in 1783, the year before the cession of that territory by the Indians. The depreciation lands were included within the following boundaries: BejTinning where the western boundary of this state crosses the Ohio river; thence np the said river to Fort Pitt; thence up the Allegheny river to the mouth of Mogul- bughtiton creek; thence by a west line to the western boundary of the state; thence south by the said boundary to the place of beginning. Mogulbughtiton creek is sometimes identifed with Pine creek and some- times with Mahoning; but however this may be, the northern line of the depreciation lands, which was surveyed by Alexander McClean and acquired a wide popular significance, coincides with the northern line of Beaver county. The fifth section of the same act (March 12, 1783) designated the donation lands with boundaries as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Mogulbughtiton creek; thence up the Allegheny river to the mouth of the Cognawagna (Conewaugo) creek; thence due north to the northern boundary of this state; thence west bv the said boundary to the northwest corner of the state; thence south by the western boundary of the state to the northwest corner of lands appropriated by this act for discharging the certificates herein mentioned, and thence by the same lauds east to the place of beginning. This included all that part of the state north of McClean' s line and west of the Allegheny river and Conewango creek. (The Erie Triangle was not acquired until 1792.) It is thus seen that the state appropriated a very considerable part of her domain in the effort to deal justly with her de- fenders, and with great propriety the donation and depreciation lands have been called ' ' The twin progeny of patriotism and necessity. ' ' It is with the donation lands that these pages are more particularly con- cerned. The first legislation of a comprehensive nature affecting this sub- ject was the act of March 24, 1785, referring to the resolution of March 7, 1780, and the act of March 12, 1783, and directing a mode of distribution at once elaborate and complicated. The comptroller general was directed to compile a complete list of all persons who were entitled to become bene- ficiaries under the act, and from this data the quantity of land necessary was computed, allowing two thousand acres to a major general; one thousand five hundred acres to a brigadier general; one thousand acres to a colonel; seven hundred and fifty acres to a lieutenant colonel ; six hundred acres to a surgeon, chaplain, and major; five hundred acres to a captain; four hun- dred acres to a lieutenant; three hundred acres to an ensign and surgeon's mate; two hundred and fifty acres to a quartermaster sergeant, sergeant major, and sergeant; and two hundred acres to a corporal, private, drum- LAND TENURE. 73 mer, and lifer. The lots were to be of four descriptions, comprising, re- spectively, five hundred, three hundi-ed, two hundred and fifty, and two hundred acres. The surveyor general was authorized to appoint deputies, who were required to make oath to perform their duties with fidelity and impartiality. On the 3rd of May, 1785, the comptroller general made a report to the supreme executive council embodying the names of all who were entitled to receive lands. The surveyor general was directed to proceed with the sur- vey, and two days later nominated as deputy surveyors AVilliam Alexander, Benjamin Lodge, James Christie, Ephraim Douglass, Griffith Evans, James Dickinson, John Henderson, William Power, Jr., Peter Light, Andrew Henderson, James Dickinson, James Hoge, David AVatt, and Alexander McDowell, whose appointment was forthwith confirmed. The territory in question was divided into ten districts, numbered in regular order from the depreciation lands to the northern boundary of the state and extendino- westward latitudinally from the Allegheny river and Conewango creek. Their relative locations are best indicated by reference to county lines. The line of Crawford and Erie counties coincides with the northern line of the eighth; the line of Venango and Crawford, with the northern line of the sixth; the line of Mercer and Crawford, with the northern line of the fifth; and within this county the line of the fifth and sixth districts was the mutual boundary of Plum and Sugar Creek townships until the formation of Oakland and Jackson. It thus appears that the sixth, fifth, and fourth districts were situated in this county to the extent of their entire width and the third also in part. The respective deputies appointed for these districts were James Christie, for the sixth; Benjamin Lodge, for the fifth; Andrew Henderson, for the fourth; and Griffith Evans, for the third. As the north and west boundaries of the state had not yet been estab- lished, the surveyors were instructed to begin their work as far in the interior as possible. Specific directions were given for marking the number of the lot at the northwest corner, which thus became the "ear-mark" of the tract, the legal and origfnal index to its location, and in many instances the only method of identifying the lot indicated on the " General Draft " with the actual ground to which it referred. A broad flat surface was cut on the tree, and in this the figures forming the number were sunk with a die. The impression thus made is said to have been distinguishable half a century later; a slight discoloration of the bark, perceptible only to an accom- plished woodsman, indicated the place on the tree where the mark had been made, and by removing the supervening growth it was plainly visible. The usual procedure with the surveyors was to run the southern line of the dis- trict as a base line; the north and south lines were then run at such intervals as the size of the tracts might require, and at regular distances determined in the same manner, the numbers of the lots were marked; at every corner, 74 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. instead of running the east and west lines through, it was customary merely to blaze the trees several rods in either direction, and as a consequence, owing to the character of the topography and the carelessness of chain car- riers, east and west corners were not on an east and west line and the lots, instead of being rectangular parallelograms, assumed a variety of irregular shapes. In adjusting the legal complications that subsequently resulted from this the courts decided that a straight line to be run from corner to corner was the legal line. When a sufficient extent of territory had been platted a connected draft was required to be tiled with the master of the rolls; and in 1818, many of the original land-marks having become oblit- erated, the legislature declared these drafts sufficient evidence of the loca- tion of a lot. The act of March 24, 1785, provided for the appointment of an agent to examine the donation lands and report iipon their general condition, indi- cating especially such as were unfit for cultivation. General William Irvine was assigned to this duty, and in August, 1785, reported unfavorably as to the value of the lands in the eastern part of the second district, which were accordingly withdrawn. This territory thus acquired the name of the *' Struck District." A provision of the law of 1783 directed that the officers and privates entitled to land should make application within two years after the close of the war, with an extension of one year for executors and heirs. The distri- bution was effected by lottery and conducted by a committee of three mem- bers of the executive council, in whose custody the wheel was kept. Many having failed to apply within the period specified, the time was extended by various laws, and in 1792 the officers of the land office were directed to draw lots for such persons as were entitled to them according to the list furnished by the comptroller general. The final legislation on this subject was the act of March 26, 1813, by which the land office was closed against all appli cations after October 1st, of that year. While thus extended over a term of years for the benefit of exceptional cases the great body of donation lands had been located and patented within a few years after the passage of the act of 1785. The surveys were principally made in 1786 and 1787. The propriety of reserving certain tracts advantageously situated in the western frontier for such purposes as future developments might determine was first suggested to the executive council by Andrew Ellicott and recom- mended to the assembly in 1788. In the following year that body author- ized the survey of reservations at Fort Venango, and at the mouth of the Conewango on the Allegheny river, at Fort Le Bceuf, at the head of navi- gation on French creek, and at Erie. These surveys were made by John Adlum and reported to the council in September, 1789. It was stipulated that none of these reservations should exceed three thousand acres in extent. That at Fort Venango included the site of the town of Franklin; it was situ- • LAND TENURE. 75 atod on both sides of French creek, and the principal objects to which the proceeds of its sale were applied were the building of the first court house of the county and the Venango academy. A tract of several hundred acres north of French creek remained unsold for many years, and was commonly known as the ' ' Academy Reserve. ' ' The Cornplanter reservation at the mouth of Oil creek comprised the principal part of the site of Oil City. It was surveyed by Alexander McDowell, and contained a little more than three hundred acres. The pat- ent was issued March 16, 1796. It remained in possession of Cornplanter until 1818. The benevolent intentions of the state having been subserved, a method of promoting settlement in the northwestern part of its territory was the next subject for legislative consideration. The frontier was constantly menaced by Indian depredations, and very few of the owners of donation lands ever removed to them. There still remained thousands of acres that had not been applied to the redemption of depreciation certificates or drawn in the apportionment of donation lands; and, with the idea of bring- ing these lands into market as a source of revenue to the state, as well as to encourage immigration and thus place a barrier between the hostile Indians on the west and the incipient settlements in the western interior portions of the state, an act was passed on the 3rd of April, 1792, for the general disposition of all vacant lands within the purchases of 1768 and 1784. This was the first legislation relative to lands in that part of the county east and south of the Allegheny river. That part ©f the purchase of 1784 was oflPered for sale at five pounds per hundred acres; northwest of the Ohio and Allegheny and Conewango creek, the price was fixed at seven pounds, ten shillings per hundred acres. No condition of settlement was attached to the former; but the latter were offered only " to persons who will cultivate, improve, and settle the same, or cause the same to be cultivated, improved, or settled." Provision was made for two methods of acquiring title — either to purchase a warrant at the land office for a tract of land to be surveyed, paying the purchase money and fees into the state treasury, and completing the title by settlement and improvement within the speci- fied period of two years; or to effect the settlement and improvement in the first place and make payment afterward. The former was the method of the land jobber; the latter, of the actual settler. The lands were remote from previously settled localities, and even if an Indian war had not effectually prevented immigration, the advantage was largely with the purchasing class as opposed to the class who would be obliged to make a settlement first and depend upon the results of their labor for the means to discharge their obligations to the state. While the prospective settler was waiting for the long deferred tranquillity that would permit a residence on the frontier, the capitalist proceeded at once to procure warrants and 76 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lodge them with the deputy surveyors for execution. A duplex system of this nature naturally resulted in legal complications affecting the validity of land titles throughout the period of early settlement, retarding the growth and development of the country to an incalculable extent. The favorable opportunity for investment offered by the terms of sale as proposed by the state in the act of 1792, led to the organization of vari- ous corporations for the purchase, improvement, and sale of lands. Of these the Holland Land Company was most largely interested in this county. It was composed of capitalists in the United Netherlands, who had advanced large sums to Robert Morris, the financier of the Revolution, to aid in the prosecution of that struggle; and at its close, either form choice or neces- sity, received payment in lands in western New York, and later extended their acquisitions into Pennsylvania. The company was composed of Will- iam Willink and eleven associates, among whom were Nicholas Van Stap- horst, Peter Stadnitski, Christian Van Eeghen, Hendrick Vollenhoven, and Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck of the city of Amsterdam. The first lauds acquired in Pennsylvania consisted of a number of one thousand acre tracts east of the Allegheny river, in the purchase of 1784, some of which are sit- uated in Pinegrove township, this county, while many others were located in that part of the county since attached to Forest. One of the largest transactions in the history of Pennsylvania land titles was a purchase aggregating half a million acres, negotiated for this com- pany in 1793 by its agents at New York, Herman Leroy and William Bay- ard, from James Wilson of Philadelphia, a judge of the United States supreme court. The land in question consisted of nine hundred and twelve tracts of four hundred and thirty acres each, situated between French creek and the Allegheny river, which John Adlum had agreed to secure for Judge Wilson by a contract, bearing date April 26, 1793; and two hundred and fifty tracts of four hundred and thirty acres each, to be taken from lands entered for Judge Wilson by James Chapman, convenient to the lands first named in point of location, the Holland Company reserving the privilege of substituting other lands east of French creek if not satisfied with the latter tracts, the whole amount being four hundred and ninety-nine thousand, six hundred and sixty acres, not including the allowance of six per cent, for roads. The consideration was thirty-four thousand, eight hundred and sixty pounds in specie, of which the company retained four thousand and sixty-seven pounds for fees and expenses of surveying; three thousand, eight hundred and ninety-two pounds, fourteen shillings, for fees in patenting the tra'cts; two thousand, six hundred and fourteen pounds, ten shillings, with which to pay the receiver general of the land ofiice for the excess of thirty acres in each warrant; and nine hundi-ed and seventy-eight pounds for in- terest on the purchase money since the date of application. A very large proportion of the lands in Venango county north of French creek and the LAND TENURE. 77 Allegheny river, and particularly that part of this territory east of Oil creek, was included in this extensive purchase, which was consummated on the 21st of August, 1793. The management of the affairs of the company was intrusted to a general agent with his office at Philadelphia. Theophilus Cazenove filled this posi- tion from the organization of the company until 1791), when he was suc- ceeded by Paul Busti; he served until July 23, 1824, and was followed by John J. Vanderkemp, the incumbent of the office until 1(S30. The local agent for the counties of Crawford, Erie, Warren, and Venango had his headquarters at Meadville. Samuel B. and Alexander Foster, jointly, were stationed there in 1796-97-98 and part of 1799; Major Roger Alden was appointed in 1799 and served until the 1st of January, 1805, when H. J. Huidekoper assumed charge, continuing in that capacity until December 31, 1836, when he purchased from the company its remaining lands in the counties for which he had been agent with smaller interests in Otsego and Chenango counties, New York, and Berkshire county, Massachusetts, for the sum of one hundred and seventy-eight thousand, four hundred dollars. The final conveyance was executed December 23, 1839. The policy of the company, although directed in the main toward the enhancement of its property, was characterized by an enterprising and liberal spirit. A large store was established at Meadville in 1795 and dis- bursements exceeding five thousand dollars had been made up to that date- Supply depots of implements, utensils, and provisions were established in the following year, settlers were invited to locate on the lands, and funds for bringing families into the country liberally advanced. Settlers who became residents upon its lands were required to erect a house within one year and to improve ten acres within two years of the date of settlement. Improvement and settlement in compliance with the law of 1792 secured one hundred acres without compensation, with the privilege of purchasing the remainder of the four hundred acre tract at one dollar and a half per acre. This gratuity was continued until 1805. Twenty-two thousand dol- lars were expended in 1796 and sixty thousand dollars in 1797 on roads and in assisting settlers in various ways. In 1798 mills were erected, one of which, on a branch of Oil creek quite near the county line, is referred to in a description of the boundaries of Allegheny township in 1800. The ^ex- penditures of that year amounted to thirty thousand dollars; and in 1799 forty thousand dollars were expended upon roads, mills, etc. Purchasers of lands were given long terms of credit, iisually eight years with a frequent extension to sixteen or twenty; the interest was expected to be paid promptly but in periods of exceptional stringency the agent accepted cattle at the local prices, driving them across the mountains to the markets of Philadel- phia and other eastern cities. The extent of the expenditures of the com pany was thus summarized by Judge Yeates: 78 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The Holland Land Company have paid to the state the consideration money of one thousand, one hundred and sixty-two warrants, and the surveying fees on one thou- sand and forty-eight tracts of land (generallj- four hundred acres each) besides making very considerable expenditures by their exertions, honorable to themselves and use- ful to the community, in order to effect settlements. Computing the sums advanced, the lost tracts by prior improvements and interferences, and the quantity of one hun- dred acres granted to each individual for making an actual settlement on their lands, it is said that, averaging the whole, between two hundred and thirty and two hundred and forty dollars have been expended by the company on each tract. The general opinion regarding land companies has not been uniforinly favorable thronghotit western Pennsylvania. Their interests and those of the settlers freqiaently came in collision, and although legislation subsequent to the act of 1792 was almost invariable in favor of the settler, the decisions of the courts were not infrequently favorable to the companies. O. Turner in his History of the Holland Company in the State of New York, after an exhaustive treatment of the subject, expresses his estimate of its general character in the following terms: Few enterprises have ever been conducted on more honorable principles than was that which embraced the purchase, sale and settlement of the Holland purchase. In all the instructions of the general to the local agents the interest of the settlers and the prosperity of the country were made secondary in but a slight degree to their se- curing to their principals a fair and reasonable return for their investments. In the entire history of settlement and improvement of our widely extended country large tracts of the wilderness have nowhere fallen into the hands of individuals and become subject to private or associate cupidity wiien the aggregate result has been more favorable or advantageous to the settlers. And Alfred Huiciekoper, in a lecture delivered at Meadville in 1876, reviewing the policy of the company and the attitude of public opinion toward it, says: The history of the company is but a repetition, perhaps, of a common experience in life. It was encouraged at first to purchase a wilderness and put its money into the state treasury; this was an acceptable thing to do; when it sought reimbursement out of the property so acquired, it incurred both professional and popular opposition, as large associations are apt to do. Keeping the even tenor of its way with fairness of purpose and integrity of action, it can safely entrust its record to the hands of the his- torian. The lands of the Holland Company east of the Allegheny river in this county were sold to an affiliated corporation, the Lancaster Land Com- pany, early in the century; and after a brief period of associate ownership, the latter effected an amicable apportionment of its holdings among the different stockholders in proportion to their respective interests, the lands in this county passing in this manner to Henry Shippen, Samuel Miller, and others. These lands are situated principally in Pinegrove township. The North American Land Company was another of the extensive cor- porate warrantees of public lands in Pennsylvania. Nearly the whole of Mineral township and the northwestern part of Irwin comprised the interests LAND TENURE. 79 • of this company in Yeuaugo county. Its orii^inal orcrjuiizatiou has not been ascertained; but in 1810 the surviving trustees were Henry Pratt, John Ashley, and James Greenleaf, and the board of managers was composed of John Vaughan, John Miller, Jr., llobert Porter, Henry Pratt, and John Ashley. Their holdings at that date in the counties of Beaver, Butler, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, Warren, and Venango aggregated six hundred and twenty-five tracts of the usual area of four hundred acres; which, by deed of June 1, 1816, were transferred to Henry Baldwin of Pittsburgh and Stephen Barlow of Fairfield, Connecticut, for the sum of ninety thousand dollars. It was from Barlow and Baldwin that pixrchasers derived title. The acquisition of extensive individual holdings in that part of the county east and south of the Allegheny river was greatly facilitated under the act of IIQ'I by the fact that title could be perfected within that region without any restrictions as to settlement and improvement. There were two such holdings in this county, known respectively as the Astley and Bing- ham lands. The former comprised twenty contiguous tracts in district No. 6, containing twenty thousand acres and the usual allowance of six per cent. for highways; the surveys were made in the month of July, 1708, in pur- suance of twenty warrants granted to John Nicholson bearing date April 20, 1792. and numbered respectively 1124 to 1149 inclusive, with the exception of 1129, 1183, and 1141-1144. By deed of July 18, 1795, a transfer was made to Henry Phillips, John Travis, William Crammond, and James Cram- mond, to whom the patents were issued November 5, 1799. William Cram- mond, the surviving member of this copartnership, sold the lands in ques- tion at public auction September 1, 1808, at the Merchants' coffee house in Philadelphia to Matthew McConnell, representing Thomas Astley and James Gibson, to whom a deed was made May 26, 1804. Crammond, Astley, and Gibson were all connected with the Pennsylvania Population Company, to which Nicholson transferred the great majority of his warrants, but it does not appear that the title to what are popularly referred to as the Astley lands was ever vested in that corporation. Astley and Gibson, beside the twenty thousand acres in Venango county, were also joint owners of thirty- seven thousand acres in Wayne, eighty-five thousand in Luzerne, thirty thousand in Erie and Crawford, fifteen thousand in Berks, twelve thousand in Lycoming, seven thousand in Allegheny and Butler, and three thousand in Northampton; and in 1815, by deed of May 24th, Gibson transferred a moiety in all this vast domain to Astley, who thus became individual owner and so continued until his death. The lands in this county are situated in the central and western part of Cranberry township. The tracts were orig- inally surveyed with north and south, east and west lines, but after the opening of the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike a resurvey was made by William Connely with the line of that highway as a base line. It was not until after this that sales were made to actual settlers to any extent. 80 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and for a time Alexander McCalmont was attorney in fact for Astley. At the death of the latter the property was inherited by his daughter and only child, Mrs. Sophia Kirkpatrick, wife of Littleton Kirkpatrick, of New Jersey, who sold it in 1840 to Henry Crammond. Nearly all of it had passed out of his possession before the discovery of oil. The Bingham lands comprised nearly the whole of Rockland township. They were surveyed upon warrants granted to William Bingham, principally in December, 1792. He was a man of prominence in state affairs, repre- sented Pennsylvania in the Continental congress of 1787-88, and in the United States senate from 1795 to 1801, serving as president pro tempore of that body in 1797. He was born in 1729, and died in 1808, probably before any of his lands in this county had been sold. The deeds are usually exe- cuted by Thomas Mayne Willing and Charles Willing Hare, of Philadelphia; Alexander Baring (Lord Ashburton), and Henry Baring, of London, and Robert Gilmor, of Baltimore, devisees in trust for the estate. The first res- ident agent and attorney in fact was probably John Jolly, who was succeeded in 1834 by Elil^u Chadwick. Tracts of varying area were sold, the only requirement as to form and extent being that all boundaries should be cardinal lines and all angles right angles. In consequence many of the tracts are exceedingly irregular in shape. They were numbered in the order of their sale. It was the policy of the trustees to permit the larger part of the purchase money, secured by mortgage, to remain unpaid for a number of years if the interest was promptly remitted. After the great body of the land had been sold, the remainder, consisting of a number of detached tracts, was purchased by Mr. Chadwick. He was the father of J. D. Chad- wick, of Franklin. The Dickinson College lands are the only holdings of any consideralile extent that remain to be noticed. Certain lands granted to that institution (situated at Carlisle, Cumberland county) were located in this county in tracts of a thousand acres, principally in Pinegrove and Richland townships. Subsequently, in consideration of an appropriation in money, they were sur- rendered to the state, and the legislature conferred upon the commissioners of the respective counties where they were located authority to dispose of them and give deeds, as in the case of tax sales. Several other colleges also received grants of land in this part of the state. From a casual estimate of the amount of land in this county acquired in large tracts under corporate or i'udividual auspices it is readily apparent that but a comparatively small part of its area remained for improvement and settlement. The principal body of land secured under tenure of this nature, as provided in the act of 1792, is situated in the townships of Scrub- grass, Clinton, Sandy Creek, Victory, Irwin, and French Creek. This region was neglected by speculators, not from a generous consideration for the class of people who afterward acquired it, but because General LAND TENURE. 81 Irvine's report upon the donation lands in 1785 called attention to it as "a continued chain of high barren mountains except small breaches for creeks and rivulets to disembogue themselves into the river." While the land job- ber was not as a general thing fastidious in his requirements he did not buy "high barren mountains" while lands of which the topography had not been so specifically described were to be obtained, and hence the southwest- ern part of the county remained to be taken up by bona fide settlers. It was in this section of country that the surveying of Samuel Dale on warrants issued by virtue of settlement and improvement was principally done. The vacant lands in that part of the county north of French creek and the Alle- gheny river were principally in Oakland township, and east of the Allegheny river, in Richland. Between the Astley and Bingham warrants on the west and the Holland warrants on the east, north of three Dickinson College tracts in Cranberry township, and south of the same through Rockland into Richland there was a strip of land averaging two-thirds of a mile in width, referred to in old deeds as " The Vacancy." The western part of President township was patented on improvement warrants at a comparatively recent period; and bends in the Allegheny river south and east of its coarse at various points have also been patented in the same manner, not having been included in the regular tracts adjoining on the interior. The fidelity and accuracy of surveys have had much to do in determining title. Fortunately for this county its early surveyors were men of excep- tional proficiency and accuracy, and litigation from careless surveying has been comparatively rare. The first deputy surveyor for tliis county was Colonel Samuel Dale; the early improvement claims were principally located by him, and he also subdivided the Lancaster Land Company's lands, aggregating one hundred and seventy thousand acres. The following with reference to the general character of his work and the manner in which this commission from the Lancaster Land Company was executed is from the pen of Judge Samuel Porter Johnson, of Warren: This big job of surveying Mr. Dale performed in tlie summer and season of 1814, finishing his surveys and making a connected map of his work in 1815. He divided that laud into seven hundred lots or tracts and numbered them, ran and marked every line, and carved the number of every tract on a tree at one of its corners. Then he made a connected draft of the whole, showing the number of each and kind of tree marked. That was one of the best jobs of surveying ever done in Pennsylvania. I speak advisedly. My long professional life and practice has made me familiar with most of the original land surveys in every part of the state. The lines and corners run and marked by Colonel Dale can be traced and found to-day as fast as a man can walk through the woods. While we have had a great deal of litigation about other surveys, no dispute has ever come into court to my knowledge about any line or corner established by Colonel Dale for the Lancaster Land Company. By his contract he was to make a map of all his surveys for the Lancaster Land Company. In the course of time it became important in Warren county to find that map. It should have been on record in Venango county, where all the records for 82 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Warreu were kept prior to its organization. It was not there. We hunted among the records of Jefferson and McKean counties, among Judge Shippen's papers at Lancas- ter and elsewhere, and found it not. Then I concluded to interview Mrs. Samuel F. Dale, of Franklin, supposing her husband might have fallen heir to his father's papers. There the contract and field notes of Colonel Dale were found, from which I had a surveyor make a connected map of all the seven hundred tracts. Afterward I found the long hunted map hid away for about sixty years in the fire-proof vaults of the Huide- koper land office at Meadville. Colonel Dale had a remarkable tenacit^^of recollection, owing doubtless to the care and correctness with which he did his business. Many years ago, during his lifetime, I was concerned in a lawsuit about a tract of land in Scrubgrass township, which he had surveyed more than tbirly-five years before. I sent a commission to Lancaster and took his deposition, and was surprised at the accuracy with which he told all about the minutest details connected with that survey. Tax sales have entered largely into the question of land tenure. A large part of the county remained practically undeveloped until the discovery of oil, w^ith but little prospect that real estate consisting in lands unfit for cul- tivation would materially appreciate in value. With no returns whatever from property constantly subject to taxation, the holders frequently allowed their lands to go by default and competent authorities agree in estimating that fully one-half the area of the county has been sold in this manner at one time or another. It is also to be observed that the large associate and individual holdings had been almost entirely disposed of before oil develop- ments conferred upon this territory an enormous increase in value; .so that, whether the litigation incident to conflicting claims that placed land com- panies and individual settlers at variance be referred to obscure, intricate, and defective legislation or to an ultimate pernicious principle underlying the whole system of land ownership, the course of events seems to have ad- justed inequalities of this nature most effectually so far as Venango county is concerned. EARLY SETTLEMENT. 83 CHAPTER IX. EARLY SETTLEMENT. First Permanknt Settlement in Northwestern Pennsylvania, at Meadville — George Power and his Early Contemporaries at Frank- lin— Pionp:ers OF Scrubgrass — Clinton— Irwin— French Creek— Sandy' Creek, Victory and Mineral— Sugar Creek— (Janal— Jackson — Oakland — Cornplanter — Allegheny — Oil Creek— Cherry Tree— Plum— President — Highland — PiOCKLAND— Cranberry^- PiNEGROVE— Taxables in 1805 IN Allegheny, Irwin and Sugar Creek —Population of the County by Decades. THE termination of Indian hostilities on the western frontier was im- mediately followed by a movement of population from the eastern and central counties of Pennsylvania to the wild and uninhabited territory re- cently acquired by that commonwealth on the northwest. The settlement of this region by American citizens was first attempted during the period of comparative quiet that followed the close of the Revolutionary struggle. In the summer of 1787 David and John Mead, of Northumberland county, vis- ited the valley of French creek on a journey of exploration and returned in May of the following year with seven others, most of whom located in the near vicinity of Meadville. This was the first permanent settlement in north- western Pennsylvania. There was a spirit of adventure abroad in the land which was manifested in the willingness with which jieople seemed ready to make the long and arduous journey to their prospective homes and face the inevitable hardships incident to frontier life. It is true that the Imild- ing of Fort Franklin by the United States government was a great induce- ment to possible settlers, not only to the town commenced near it but also to the surrounding country, as a place of refuge in times of extreme danger, but this could not add to the amenities of life in the wilderness or serve to minimize its material discomforts and disadvantages. The state had taken the initiative in the settlement of Venango county by laying out the town of Franklin on ground reserved for that purpose at the mouth of French creek. As in the case of Pittsburgh, the site had been selected before the formal survey was determined upon. " Manifest destiny " had pointed out the junction of French creek with the Allegheny 84 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. river as the location of a town that should l^e the nucleus of subsequent growth throughout the county. The site of the city of Franklin must have been a pleasant and inviting spot to the enterprising man looking for a home in the new country. Nest- ling amid towering hills, the valley was sheltered and pleasant. The ground was level and thickly wooded with oaks, chestnuts, walnuts, and hemlocks. The soil was dry and sandy and would afford signs of great fertility. In those early days men were anxiously looking for promising location in which to settle. The lirst man who came here to make his home was George Power. He had come with the soldiers to erect Fort Franklin in 1787. He had an official connection with the army, being commissary. After the completion of the fort he remained but a short time. From here he went to Fort Washington, now Cincinnati, then to Vincennes, Indiana. In 1790 he re- turned to Franklin and made his home here for the remainder of his life. George Power was a man for the times. He was one of those hardy, earnest souls, that a new and wild country always develops, that are ready for any emergency, and prepared to face any hardships and confront any dangers that may arise. He was born in the state of Maryland on the 10th of April, 1762. He was consequently about twenty-four years of age when he first set foot in this valley, and twenty- eight when he came as a settler. He had associated much with backwoodsmen and Indians, and was well acquainted with their habits. At his coming he took up the trade that John Frazier had abandoned when driven out by the French. Know- ing the capabilities of the place and the promise of the town that had now been laid out, he prepared himself for trade with the Indians as well as with the incoming settlers. He soon acquired the language of the In- dians, and could speak the Seneca language with facility. A lot was selected on the bank of French creek, a little below Fort Franklin, and a log house erected and stocked with such goods as might be called for. These were traded to the Indians in exchange for skins and furs. Ammunition and blankets were always in demand, and peltry was always in market down at Pittsburgh, so that a thriving trade was soon built up. At Mr. Power's coming he was unmarried, but December 30, 1800, he married Margaret Bowman, a sister of the late Andrew Bowman. Near the site of his first log cabin he built his stone house, that was long the orna- ment and pride of the town. This was on the corner of Elk and Elbow streets, now the location of the dwelling formerly occupied by Judge Trunkey. This house was kept for a time as a hotel, and generous hos- pitality was dealt out to the sojourner within its walls. The account books of Mr. Power kept in those early days, show his trade with the Indians. Often he dealt with them, giving them credit, and sel- EARLY SETTLEMENT. 8o dom found tbem delinquent in keeping their word. These books will l)e great curiosities in days to come, as they are full of Indian names. Mr. Power died at his residence on the 2nd of April, 1845, ia the eighty - third year of his age, honored and respected by his fellow citizens. His descendents are numerous in Venango county at the present time. For some years Mr. Power was the only civilian resident of the nominal town of Franklin. There was a garrison at the fort, and it is probable the locality was visited frequently by military officers, surveyors, and others, so that life was not without incident and variety. Colonel Alexander McDowell arrived in 1794. He was deputy surveyor of district No. 7, west of the Alleo-heny river and Conewango creek, and located many of the warrants of the Holland Land Company in this and adjoining counties. In 1790 he was commissioned justice of the peace, and was the first to discharge the func- tions of a magistrate in Venango county. He was also the first postmaster at Franklin, and was commissioned to that office January 1, 1801. He died January 4, 1816, at the age of fifty-three. His wife, Mrs. Sarah McDowell, died September 25, 1865, at the remarkable age of one hundred and three years. Their son, Thomas Skelley McDowell, born April 26, 1803, was the first white child born in the town. The name of Captain James G. Heron appears on the books of George Power as early as 1795, but although a soldier of the Revolution, he had no connection with the military at this point. His family arrived in 1800. He was a member of the first board of county commissioners, one of the first associate judges, and the second postmaster of Franklin* He died De- cember 30, 1809 ; the inventory of his estate reveals the fact that he brought several slaves to this county, this being the first introduction of property of that description. Edward Hale came from Fayette county in 1798 and established himself in business as a trader. He died in 1806 in the thirtieth year of his age. When the troops evacuated the "Old Garrison " in 1799 it was occupied by Captain George Fowler, an officer in the British service who had remained in this country and came to Venango coimty in 1797. He was a justice of the peace. It is not definitely known when Marcus Hulings came to Frank- lin, but he was the earliest medium of communication between that com- munity and the outside world. He made periodic voyages to Pittsburgh by flat boat, his cargo consisting mainly of peltries on the voyage down and of merchandise for the local traders on his return. The earliest inscription on a tombstone in the old Franklin cemetery records the fact that Michael Hu- lings died August 9, 1797, aged twenty-seven years, which would clearly indicate that the family was here at that early date. Hulings' name also ap- pears on George Power's and Edward Hale's journals in 1797. The families of George Power, Alexander McDowell, James G. Heron, Edward Hale, George Fowler, and Marcus Hulings, five in number, consti- 86 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. tilted the entire population of the embryo county seat in 1800. Colonel' Samuel Dale, John Broadfoot, Samuel Hays, William Moore, George and Hugh McClelland, William Connely, Nathaniel Cary, David Irvine, Abra- ham Selders, Andrew Bowman, Alexander McCalmont, and William and James Kinnear were also among the early and prominent residents of the town. While the county capital was thus assuming the proportions of an in- cipient village there was an infius of population to other parts of the county and almost simultaneously the region of Scrubgrass, the valleys of French creek and Sugar creek, of Oil creek and Pithole, gave evidence of the presence of the aggressive and ubiquitous pioneer. In 1793-94: two scouts from the settlements on the Kiskeminitas made an exploration of the country west of the Allegheny river; their report of the Scrubgrass re- gion was particularly favorable and in the year 1795 James Scott, one of the scouts, returned to that locality, accompanied by a party of his neio-hbors thus inaugurating the emigration from Westmoreland county that contributed so largely to the settlement of the southern tier of townships. Samuel Jolly, David Say, James Craig, and James Fearis were among those who came to Scrubgrass township in this manner in 1795. They were followed before the close of the century by William Crawford, Thomas Milford, Moses Perry, and others. Reverend Robert Johnson, pastor of Scrubgrass Presbyterian church, who preached in the first building erected in the county for religious worship, resided near the church from 1803 to 1811, when he removed to Meadville. He died at New Castle, May 20, 1861. The first permanent settlement in the adjoining township of Clinton was effected in 1796. That year marks the arrival of Thomas McKee, a native of AVestmoreland county and a surveyor by occupation, in which capacity he assisted in locating many of the first land claims in this part of the state; Matthew Riddle, a veteran of the Revolution, who had visited the valley of Scrubgrass creek in 1795 with the party of settlers led by Scott and returned the next year with his family ; Archibald and Patrick Davidson, from the eastern part of the state; Thomas Baird, one of the early justices: Robert Calvert, from the Ligonier valley, Westmoreland county, who had accompanied Riddle in the previous year; John Vogus, and Patrick Mc- Dowell. Major Philip Ghost, whose military title had been acquired by service in the Revolution, arrived in the same year and was one of the few German settlers in the southern part of the county. John Phipps, the progenitor in this county of a family that was prominently identified with its early political and industrial history; and Patrick Coulter, father of John Coulter, an early physician in the southern part of the county, became residents of the township in 1797. John Witherup, first sheriff of Venango county and contractor for the erection of the first court house, arrived in 1800 and was probably the only native of England among the pioneers. EARLY SETTLEMENT. 89 James Hoffman, Alexander Porter, John Hovis, and Benjamin Williams Avere also among the very early residents in the valley of Scrubgrass creek. In Irwin township there is no authentic record of settlement prior to 1796, when Adam Dinsmore and Henry CruU located near the old Pitts- burgh road. Isaac and George McMurdy, father and son, settled near the line of Butler county in 1797; they were from Huntingdon county. Richard Monjar, the tirst shoemaker of the township, also came in 1 797, f lom the state of Maryland. Thomas Bullion, an eccentric character, was one of the tirst settlers and proprietor of the first distillery. William Davidson, one of the early constables, who lost his life in the discharge of his duty ; James McClaran, one of the trustees of Venango county appointed in 1800 by the act providing for its erection; and Jonathan Morris, a native of Limcaster county, arrived in 1798. Through the representations of Adam Dinsmore, William and Hugh McManigal, David Martin, and John Grain, formerly from the North of Ireland, removed from Mifflin county to this township in 1799. Hugh McManigal led a company to the defense of Erie in 1813; Edward McFaddencame from Luzerne county prior to 1800; William Adams became a settler in 1800, Moses Bonnell, Robert Jones, and Robert Burns in 1802, and John Bullion in 1803. Contemporaneous with the settlement of the southern townships there was an equally important movement of population into the valley of French creek. The tirst to settle in the township of that name was John Martin; he arrived in. 1796 from Maryland and located three miles above Utica, where he kept a ferry for some years and was on terms of friendship with the Indians. John Chapman arrived about the same time, but being a man of migratory habits his stay was brief. Others who arrived prior to 180O were John Gordon and John Cooper, 1797 or 1798; William Duffield. a na- tive of Ireland, who came here from Centre county in 17V)8; John Lindsay, said to have built the tirst mill on French creek in this county; Welden Adams, a man of prominence in local and county matters; Thomas and Al- exander Russell, from Huntingdon county, father and son; James and Rob- ert Greenlee, Peter Patterson, William Patterson, and William Yogan, Hugh and John L. Hasson, from eastern Pennsylvania, came in 1800; Ja- cob Runninger, in 1801; JohnHanna. in 1802; and James Gilliland, in 1804; John Temple, Seth Jewel, William Evans, and James Gibson were also early settlers. The first settlements in Sandy Creek and Victory townships were made along the line of the old Pittsburgh road. Prior to 1796 Samuel Patterson, a young unmarried man, selected a tract of land on the south side of Sandy creek and having built a cabin thereon eked out a precarious subsistance by hunting and fishing. In 1796 he transferred his rights to John Dewoody, a native of Ireland, who emigrated at the age of twenty-one and after a brief residence in Lancaster county went to Pittsbui-gh, whence he came to- 5 90 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. this locality. Patrick Manson, a native of Ireland and a veteran of the Eevolution, settled within the present limits of Sandy Creek township in 17i>7. It is probable that James Stevens, who built the first mill on Sandy creek at the crossing of the Pittsburgh road, came there in 1798. In the vicinity of Franklin the first permanent settlers were James Martin, tii-st clerk to the county commissioners, who came from Maryland in 1796 and planted one of the first orchards of the county; Thomas Brandon from Cum- berland county, who removed to Cranberry at an early date; and William Dewoody, a native of Ireland, who also came in 1796. After John Dewoody the earliest settlers in Victory were Robert Hyner, Daniel McMillin, John Lyons, Isaac Bennett, and James Major. Greorge McClelland settled near the village of Springville in 1803; within a few years he removed to Frank- lin and is better remembered in connection with the early history of that place. In that part of Mineral township which was formerly part of Sandy Creek the first settlers were Samuel Gildersleeve and William Whann; the former was from New Jersey and located on the Mercer road, the latter was from Northumberland county and settled on South Sandy, whence he re- moved to Ohio. Both arrived in 1797. Archibald Henderson from Alle- gheny county, Shadrach Simcox from Maryland, Andrew Smith from Washington county, Daniel Crain from New Jersey, and Jacob Rice were also pioneers of Mineral. The foregoing account of settlement in the French creek \alley was con- fined to the township of that name. North of that stream within the pres- ent limits of Sugar Creek the pioneers were Mr. Bowman, father of Andrew Bowman of Franklin, who came from Northampton county in 1795; Eben- ezer Roberts, who improved the poorhouse farm in 1796; Angus McKinzie, a native of Scotland, who came here from Pittsburgh; William Cousins, one of the soldiers who remained in this county when the garrison at Fort Frank- lin was disbanded; John Rogers and Luther Thomas, who came in 1796; and John McCalmont, from the Nittany valley, Centre county, who came with his sons — Thomas, Robert, James, Alexander, John, and Joseph in 1803. Robert visited this region in the previous year, while another son, Henry, did not come till 1817. In Canal township the earliest authenticated settlement was that of Hugh and Alexander Johnston, father and son, natives of the North of Ire- land, who came here prior to 1797, locating in the vicinity of Utica. John and James Foster, Jacob Whitman, Thomas Logue, and Thomas Smiley; William Brown, a veteran of the Revolution from New York, who kept a well known hostelry at Hannaville many years; James McCune, whose settle- ment was made prior to 1805; John Hastings, John Duffield, Samuel and Alexander Ray, Jacob Lupher, John Cooper, William and John Boughner, W. P. Clough, William and David Gilmore, and John Mawhinney were also among the earliest permanent settlers. EARLY SETTLEMENT. 91 Jackson township embraces a considerable part of the valley of Sugar creek and was settled quite as early as Canal. Robert Beatty, who located on "the prairie," at the extreme southern border of the township, was the first settler in the valley of that stream between its month and the Crawford county line. William Cooper, a soldier of the Revolution, located at Coop- erstown in 1797. Samuel Plumer, from Allegheny county and the son of Nathaniel Plumer, who settled at Mt. Washington, Pittsburgh, in 1789, removed to this township in 1800, remaining until 1810, when he returned to Allegheny county. He will be better remembered as the father of Arnold Plumer, who was born in this township. James McCurdy, also a Revolu- tionary veteran; Samuel Small, from Bucks county; James Alexander, John McFadden, Robert Mason, William Mcintosh, John Bleakley, and John Gib- bon may also be mentioned as pioneers. Although an interior subdivision of this county and remote from the great water highway by which it was ordinarily reached, Oakland town- ship was settled quite as early as the adjoining territory. Lawrence Demp- sey, a native of Ireland, father of David Dempsey, who represented this county in the legislature in 1814, and of Peter Dempsey, founder of Demp- seytown, located near that village in 1797, removing thither from Centre county. There were three arrivals in 1798: Robert McElhaney, from West- moreland county, William McClain, and James Gordon; and quite a number of accessions in 1800, prominent among whom were Jonah Reynolds from the state of New York; Charles Stevenson, a Revolutionary soldier; William Moorehead, who removed to Cincinnati within a few years; Edward Patchel, from whom Patchel' s run derives its name; and James Mason, from North- umberland county. Francis Carter, also a Revolutionary soldier; George Kean, who visited this locality in 1798, accompanied by his brother Will- iam; Alexander McCormick, and Alexander Fowler became residents in 1802. William Hays and William Reed arrived in 1803; Philip Kees, another Rev- olutionary veteran, and Philip Walls, in 1804; and John Fetterman, in 1805. The earliest settlement in the valley of Oil creek occurred in 1795, when James Ricketts from Huntingdon county, a professional hunter who had an extensive aquaintance with the western frontier, established himself in bache- lor style at a temporary cabin on Cherry run, but the brief stay evidently intended at first ultimately lengthened into a life-long residence. The first settlers on Oil creek in Cornplanter township in order from the Allegheny river were Francis Halyday, Hamilton McClintock, Francis Culbertson, Ambrose Rynd, Francis Buchanan, James and Robert Story, and Francis McClintock. The McClintocks were from Lancaster county. Ambrose Rynd emigrated from Ireland in 1799, and after spending a year in West- moreland county, came to Venango in 1800, accompanied by his son John, a well known and useful citizen; Francis Halyday settled at the site of Oil City (Third ward) in 1803. The Allender family, Avho gave their name j;o a 92 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. small stream in the northeastern part of the township; Thomas Prather from Franklin county, the McFates, Lambs, Morrisons, and Shaws were among the first to settle in the central and eastern part of Cornplanter. The Pithole settlement was among the earliest in the county. In 1796 Alexander McElhaney came here and remained a few months, but Indian troubles having become alarmingly probable, he returned to Centre county. The Dawson family, who were proliably the earliest adherents of Methodism in the county; Hugh and Michael McGerald, who sustain a similar relation to the local history of the Catholic church, and Isaac Connely, father of George W, Connely, prothonotary of the county, were among the first permanent settlers on the headwaters of Pithole creek, in Allegheny township. Aspen- wall Cornwell arrived in 1819; David Dunham, in 1821; Ebenezer Byles, in 1825; John Tennent, in 1826. and John Lamb, in 1827. The Flemings were the earliest settlers in Oil Creek township. Andrew and Daniel Fleming visited this locality from Fayette county in 1795, and returned to remain permanently in the following year. Jacob Richards and Abraham Sowers were there at a date several years later, but neither remained very long. James Shreve, from Fayette county; John Lytle, a native of Ireland; William Poor, originally from Massachusetts, and James Miller, iipon whose land the town of Miller Farm was built, were early res- idents in various parts of the township. Abraham Lovell located at the site of Pleasantville in 1820, and Aaron Benedict in 1821. On the opposite side of Oil creek William Reynolds appears as the first settler in Cherry Tree in 1797. He was a native of England, and located at Cherry Tree village. There were two arrivals in 1798, James Tuthill and John Strawbridge, the former from eastern Pennsylvania and the latter fro^ii the Susquehanna valley. Four Irwin brothers settled in Cherry Tree at the beginning of the century: Samuel, the first postmaster of the town- ship and father of Judge Richard Irwin; John, associate judge of Venango county from 1805 to 1838; James, and Ninian, a member of the first board of county commissioners. They came here from Union county. Thomas Hamilton and four sons, James, father of John Hamilton, second sheriff of the county, Thomas, Hugh, and Archibald, arrived in 1801, and in the same year Elial Farr came from New England, and Henry Prather from the east- ern part of Pennsylvania. There were several German families, those of George Tarr, Andrew Coover, and Jacob Casper being the most prominent. Elisha Archer came to the township in 1801; Elijah Stewart, in 1802; Manus McFadden and Edward Griffin, in 1803 and 1802 respectively — they were the only Irish Catholics among the early population; John Stiver, William Wilson, Arthur Robison, Charles Ingram, David Kidd, Robert W. Grangei', Robert Curry, and Alexander Davidson, prior to 1805; James Alcorn, in 1811, and Joseph Breed, in 1818. In the extreme northwestern part of the county Benjamin August was EARLY SETTLEMENT. 93 probably the first settler. He was a native llussian, the only representative of that nationality known to have been among the pioneers, and settled in Plum townshij) about the year 1798. Jaool> Jennings, a l)lacksmith by occupation, located at the site of Bradley town in 1800, and Samuel Proper arrived fro^ Scoharie county. New York, in 1801. Patrick McCrea, who came to the site of the village of Eagle Hock in President township in 1797, was the first settler on the Allegheny river between Franklin and Warren, and the first Catholic in Venango county. He was born and reared in Ireland, held a commission in the British army, and was a man of education. John Henry, also a Catholic and a native of Ireland, came to the county in 1798, and settled at the point afterward known as Henry's Bend in 1802. Here he resided until his death March 16, 1858, aged eighty-seven. Samuel Khoads arrived prior to 1805, taking land at the locality known as, Henry's Bend in the same township. In 1813-14 he sold to Francis Culbertson. Robert Elliott settled at the mouth of Hemlock creek upon a tract embracing the site of the village of President at a later date. That part of the county east and south of the Allegheny river was almost uninhabited nearly a decade after other portions«»of its territory had received a considerable population. The commissioners of Crawford county formed a number of justices' districts in Venango in 1803, embodying as part of their report to the court of quarter sessions the statement that there was not to their knowledge on this extensive region (Clarion river was then the southern boundary of the county and the line of Jefferson its limit on the east) a single taxable inhabitant. It is probable, however, that James Ritchey settled at the mouth of Ritchey's run in 1796 on the Clarion county side of that stream. In Richland township, Venango county, the early settlers were Moses and Andrew Porter, Johnson McGinnis, Samuel Stewart, and John Kerr, within a distance of several miles from the river; James Say, John Donaldson, John Bell, William Nickle, William Adams, Daniel O'Neill, Samuel Huston, Alexander Sullinger, James Downing, John and James Levier, John McDonald, Henry Mays, Andrew Weaver, George Myers, Robert Criswell, Abraham Persing, and several members of the Karns family. It is a matter of current tradition that John Watt was the first settler in Rockland, that he came from Butler county in 1809, and that Andrew Mait- land arrived from the same locality in the same year. John Sullinger from Westmoreland county, a Revolutionary soldier, visited this township in 1805 and secured a tract of land, to which he brought his family in 1813. James Crawford first improved the tract on which Davis' Corners is situated. John Donaldson followed Watt and Maitland from Butler county in 1815. Mat- thias and John Stover, Peter Lovell, Enoch Battin, John Hetzler, John and David Jolly were the pioneers in the vicinity of Freedom; William Mc- 94 • HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Clatchey. William Craig, the Graham family, Abraham Witherup, Daniel Mc- Millin, and William Hill, at different points on the Allegheny river; David and Daniel Smith, William, Samuel, and Joseph Ross, in the neighborhood of Davis' Corners; John Haggerty, John Prior, Silas Brovpn, and John McDonald, in the eastern part of the township. There is no authentic record of settlement in Cranberry prior to 1807, when Joel Sage located on the stream that bears his name. The first inhab- itants of this (extensive township lived along the river, and, beginning at the mouth of East Sandy, in the following order: Samuel Lindsay, — Thomas, John Seidels, Andrew Downing, Isaac Smith, Samuel Howe, and Joel Sage. The Brandons — John, William, James, and Elliott, from Cumberland coun- ty; William Dickson, from Centre county; Alexander Strain, Ephraim Turk, and Samuel Culbertson, from Butler county, and Zelotus Jewel from New York state were the pioneers in the vicinity of Salina; James Crawford from Rockland township, Joseph Kennedy from Cumberland county, James Thompson, James Moorhead, John McCool, and Cornelius Houser, at " The Meadows" ; James Eaton. Michael White. Michael Frawley, Matthew Gibbon, and Joseph Gillman, on the state road within a few miles of Fi-anklin; John MeCurry, Nicholas Lake, Silas Tibbitts, William Stewart, William Craig, Constantine Daugherty, AVilliam Allison, Samuel McKinney, John McBride, and Hutchinson Borland, in the neighborhood of Salem City; and Jacob Zeigler, William Prior, Peter Smith, and Owen Boyle, on the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike near East Sandy. John Hicks and Ebenezer Kingsley appear among the taxable inhabitants of Allegheny township in 1805, and although it may be questioned whether they were living within the present limits of Pinegrove at that time tradi- tion ascribes to them the honor of its first settlement. H. G. Spofford appeared in 1817, and erected the first substantial improvements. The first permanent settler was Samuel Powell, who arrived July 19, 1818, from Albany, New York. The Stover family, originally from Maryland, were the first residents at Centerville, and Marvin Perry, a county commissioner at an early date,«was a pioneer in the southwestern part of the township. Among others worthy of mention in this connection were the Gilsons, Hales, Whit- neys, Dimonds, Gayettys, and Schwabs. As evidenced by the assessment books of 1805, the year in which the county was separately organized, the taxables of the respective townships at that date were as follows: Allegheny Township. — Alexander Allender, John Anderson, Thomas Anderson, John Blood, Henry Boner, John Boner, John Buck, Thomas Boyd, Felix Campbell, William Chappie, John Conoway, W' illiam Cooper, Francis Culbertson, James Davidson, Thomas Davidson, James Dawson,. Thomas Dawson, Daniel Dougherty, Andrew Fleming, James Fleming, John Fleming, Sarah Fleming, Samuel Fleming, Henry Gates, Charles Gordon, EARLY SETTLEMENT. 95 Michael Graham, James Green, Joel Green, Samuel Gregg, Daniel Guinii, John Hamilton. Richard Hamilton, John Hardy, John Henry, John Hicks, Moses Hicks, John Hinds, Alexander Holeman, Charles Holeman, Eli Hole- man, Tabitha Holeman, Benjamin Huffman, Joseph Huff, Koland Hunter, John Kerr, Andrew Kinnear, David Kinnear, William Kinnear, Ebenezer Kingsley, James Lamb, John Lytle, William Lytle, CornelivTs Mellon, Will- iam Middleton, William Miles, Andrew Miller, Thomas McCaman, Daniel McCaslin, James McCaslin, Joseph McCaslin, James McConnell, John McConneir, Michael McCrea, Patrick McCrea, Alexander McElhaney, Rob- ert McFate, Barney McGentry, Hugh McGerald, Michael McGerald, Mar- garet McGrady, W'illiam Neill, John Nelson, Thomas Nelson, Henry O'Bril, Samuel Patterson, Abraham Prather, Thomas Prather, Thomas H. Prather, Arthur Reihard, Samuel Rhoads, James Riley, Jacob Richards, James Ricketts, John Ryan, Jesse Sage, Noah Sage, George Sampson, John Sio-o-ins, AVilliam Siggins, George Simonton, Robert Simonton, Thomas Simonton, James Shreve, Abraham Sowers, Chauncey Stanley, John Stewart, Walter Stewart, John Storm, Alexander Thompson, John Thompson, Lewis Thompson, William Tripp, George Tubbs, Barbara Valentine, William Val- entine, John Watson, Robert Watson, James W'alker, John Wilkins, Thomas Wilson. Ii'win Towiishij). — James Adams, Welden Adams, William Adams. Ja- cob Allen, Philip Allen, Andrew Allison, John Applegate, George Arm- strong, Samuel Atkinson, Robert Atwell, Aaron Austin, Moses Austin, Er- nest Baker, John Baker, William Baker, Thomas Baird, John Barron, George Bartlett, Isaac Bennett, John Black. Thomas Black, Robert Blaine, David Blair, John Blair, Matthew Blair, John Bonner, John Bradford, Thomas Brandon, Timothy Breece, David Brown, John Bullion, Thomas Bullion, Moses Bonnell, William Burns, Robert Calvert, Daniel Camp, William Carter, George Carson, Peter Cole, Daniel Cooper, Elias Cooper, Samuel Cooper, William Cooper, Patrick Coulter, William Courtney, Caleb Crane, Martin Crigher, Robert Crawford, William Crawford, James Craig, Henry Crull, Alexander Culbertson, John Culbertson, James Darraugh, William Darraugh, Archibald Davidson, James Davidson, Patrick David- son, William Davidson, Benjamin Davis, William Davis, Hugh Derumi>le, George Dewoody, John Dewoody, William Dewoody, Adam Diusmore, Will- iam Dixon, John Donaldson, Robert Donaldson, Thomas Donaldson, John Duffield, William Duffield, John Eakin, William Eakin, Samuel Eakin, Will- iam Evans, James Fearis, John Ferron, William Flatcher, James Fleming, Matthew Fleming, James Foster, George Fowler, John Fritz, Martin Fritz. Craft Ghost, Philip Ghost, Samuel Gildersleeve, Brice Gilmore, David Gil- more, James Glenn, John Gordon, Alexander Graham, James Graham, Robert Graham, Thomas Graham, William Graham, James Greenlee. Rob- ert Greenlee, Samuel Grimes, Edward Hale, James Hall, Thomas Hamilton.. 90 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Ebenezer Hanna, John Haona, Hugh Hasson, Samuel Hathaway, Simeon Hathaway, John Hays, Samuel Hays, William Hays, James G. Heron, Will- iam Hill, Adam Hoffman, James Hoffman, Michael Hoffman, Philip Hoff- man, William Hood, Marcus Hnlings, John Irwin, Patrick Jack, Thomas Jacob, Robert Jamison, Solomon Jennings, Seth Jewel, Robert Johnson, Samuel Jolly, Thomas Jones, William Jones, Robert Jones, John Ireland, William Irwin, John Karns, R. Thomas Kennedy, George Kring, William Larrimer, James Leslie, Samuel Lindsay, John Lindsay, Jonathan Luce, James Lynn, William Lynn, William Lyons, David Martin, James Martin, John Martin, William Martin, Patrick Means, Thomas Milford, William Milford, William Minter, James Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, Richard Mon- jar, Samuel Monjar, John Morrison, Patrick McAvey, James McClaran, John McClaran, Thomas McClaran, George McClelland, David McCon- naughy, Thomas McCormick, Hugh McCutcheon, Alexander McDowell, James McDowell, Nathan McDowell, Patrick McDowell, Miles McEib, Edward McFadden, Philip McKay, Thomas McKee, William McKee, Hugh McMani- gal, Alexander McMichael, Daniel McMillin, John McMillin, Isaac McMurdy, Alexander McQuiston, John McQuiston, Sarah McTeer, John Nelson, James Nicholson, Edward Patchel, James Patchel, Moses Perry, John Phipps, Na- than Phipps, Richard Pope, Alexander Porter, Hugh Porter, George Power, Dennis Pursel, Daniel Rankin, John Ray, James Ray, Samuel Ray, Joseph Reddick, Jacob Rice, Matthew Riddle, Jonathan Riggs, Isaac Rob- ertson, William Robertson, Samuel Robb, Jacob Runninger, Margaret Rus- sell, Thomas Russell, William Russell, David Say, Adam Scott, James Scott, Robert Scott, William Scott, Abraham Selders, Robert Selders, Will- iam Shannon, Augustus Shaw, Anthony Shirkley, John Sidell, Shadrach Simcox, John Sloan, William Sloan, Andrew Smith, Joseph Smith, Will- iam Smith, John Stephens, William Stoops, Michael Stufflet, Samuel Stuff"- let, Philip Surrenna, Reuben Sutton, Richard Sutton, Stephen Sutton, Aaron Taylor, Adam Taylor, James Taylor, Frances Tracy, Israel Tuthill, Jacob Vaughn, William Valentine, Simon Vanosdale, John Van Siebel, Salis- bury Vincent, John Walter, Peter Walter, Daniel Wasson, John Whann, William Whann, James White, John Wilson, Benjamin Williams, Jesse Williams, Levi Williams, John Witherup, Andrew Woodruff, John D. ^\'ood, John Wooderson, Lewis Wright, Samuel Wylie. Sugar Greek Township. — Joseph Allen, Samuel Allen, John Andrews, Elisha Archer, John Archer, John Armstrong, James Arthur, Robert Arthur, Benjamin August, Robert Beatty, James Boal, Francis Boal, Andrew Bow- man, James Bowman, John Bowman, Joseph Bowman, W^illiam Brandon, George Brison, John Brookmire, Francis Buchanan, Nathaniel Cary, An- drew Campbell, John Carter, Francis Carter, Jacob Casper, W^illiam Christy, Hugh Clifford, Frederick Coffman, Henry Coffman, Isaac Connely, William Connely, Andrew Coover, Jacob Coover, Samuel Cousins, "^homas Cousins, EARLY SETTLEMENT. 97 William Cousins, William Grain, Philip (Jutcliall, John Cully, Samuel Dale, Joshua Davis, Alexander Davidson, Yost Deets, Simon Deacon, Peter Dempsey, William Derman, Michael Divon, Robert Dickson. William Droffs, Robert Elliott, Elial Farr, Daniel Fleming, Ross Foster, Alexander Fowler, James Gordon, Patrick Gordon, John Gregg, Samuel Gregg, Edward Grif- fin, Barnabas Grifiin, Edward Hale, Archibald Hamilton, Hugh Hamilton, Jamos Hamilton, Thomas Hamilton, John Hays, William Havs, James Henry, Francis Halyday, James Hulings, Marcus Hulings. Samuel Hulings. Robert Huston, George Ingram, James Irwin, John Irwin, Ninian Irwin, Samuel Irwin, Jacob Jennings, Alexander Johnston, Hugh Johnston, Rol)- ert Johnston, William Johnston, George Kean, John Kelly, Thomas Kelly, Robert Kelso, Philip King, Robert Martin, David Martin, James Mason, Joseph Mercer, James Miller, William Moorhead, John Murphy, John Mc- Clain, William McClain, Francis McClintock, Mary McCullom, Daniel McCombs, John McCombs, William McCombs, James McCormick, Mary McCormick, Alexander McDowell, Robert McElhaney, Manns McFadden, Neal McFadden, David McGeehan, John Nelson, Y. Nicholas, Isaac Paine, William Pastoris, Edw^ard Patchel, James Patchel, Samuel Plumer. Henry Prather, Joseph Propei-, Samuel Proper, Dennis Pursel, John Ray, Samuel Ray, William Reed, John Reynolds, Lydia Reynolds, Jonah Reynolds, William Reynolds, Jacob Rice, Susannah Ridgway, Ebenezer Roberts, John Rodgers, James Ross, Richard Ross, James Russell, Ambrose Rynd, John Rynd, Noah Sage, Robert Semple, James Shaw, Hugh Shaw, Robert Shaw, Charles Stevenson, Andrew Stewart, Elijah Stewart,>.John Stewart, John Stiver, James Story, Robert Story, Christian Sutley, George Sutley, Robert Sutley, George Tarr, Luther Thomas, John Todd, Elizabeth Tuthill, James Tuthill, John Tuthill, William Tuthill, Isaac Walls, Jacob Whitman, John Wilson, Peter Wilson, Thomas Wilson, William Valentine. There were two circumstances that for many years retarded the settle- ment of Venango countv. The first was the fact that large bodies of land were owned by land companies, and although in the market and open to settle- ment, these lands were so burdened with restrictions that few cared to locate upon them. The other unfavorable circumstance was, that several of the donation districts were partly situated in the county; they were free from taxation as long as the soldier retained possession, and hence the owners were often well content to allow their value to appreciate. Much of this land was not open to settlement for many years. After the war of 1812, the tide of population swept in with great force. Lands were in demand, busi- ness had received a quickened impulse, and everything indicated prosperity. The soldiers' claims, many of which were in the hands of strangers and many wholly fictitious, were beginning to be extinguished, and were no longer a barrier to the improvement and growth of the country. The population (^f the county in 1800 was one thousand, one hundred 98 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, and thirty; in 1810, three thousand and sixty; in 1820, four thousand, nine hundred and fifteen; in 1830, nine thousand, four hundred and seventy; in 1840, seventeen thousand, nine hundred; in 1850, eighteen thousand, three hundred and three; in 1860, twenty-five thousand and forty-fotir; in 1870, forty-seven thousand, nine hundred and thirty-five; and in 1880, forty- three thousand, six hundred and seventy. CHiVPTER X. EARLY SOCIAL LIFE. Chakacter of the People Who Formed the Early Population of This County— Household Furniture— Social Customs— Game— Domes- tic Manufactures — Pioneer Architecture — Convivial Habits— Educational Facilities— Early Schools. Teachers, and Text Books— The Postal Servicp:— Financial Methods. NO better class of people ever settled up a new country than those of the early days of Venango county. They were largely from the eastern portion of the state, and descendants of Irish emigrants, who came across the sea for conscience sake, in the days of persecution, though many of them were natives of the "Sea-girt Isle." They brought with them their morality, their religion, their love of liberty and hatred of tyranny. They came here to hew out homes from the mighty forest, and did not for- get the God of their fathers. There were also Germans and the descendants of Germans, who had been good citizens in the home land and brought the points of their early training to their new forest homes, and the settlements soon became homogeneous in their association. The people who settled in this county when it was a wilderness are worthy of all honor and kind remembrance. A late writer has said : ' ' A more intelligent, virtuous, and resolute class of men never settled any country than the first settlers of western Pennsylvania; and the women who shared their sacrifices were no less worthy." They came here, many of them, in poverty. They found the land covered with timber. There were for many years neither mills nor factories. With their own strong arms they must cut down the forest and fence the fields and build log cabins. Some of the first settlers lived on potatoes chiefly the first year of their coming. An old veteran out to the west of us, who came here about the beginning of the century, thus relates his experience: "Me and the woman came out EAllLY SOCIAL LIFE. IH) on foot, driving one little cow, and canyin<; all onr effects on our backs. The first year we eat potatoes and slept on good clean leaves gathered up in the woods. The first wheat I raised, I took a bushel on my back, walked to Pittsburgh, got it ground and carried back the dour. ' ' And this was no uncommon experience. Sometimes they pounded their corn in mortars cut out of stumps. Some of our first settlers on French creek took their wheat and corn in canoes and skiffs up to Meadville to be ground. They were obliged to live within themselves. Clothing was made at home. Shoes and hats were manufactured in the household. Out on Sugar creek, Andrew Bowman com- menced tanning for himself and neighbors by laying down his hides in troughs cut from chestnut trees. This was about eighty years ago . The furniture was of the most primitive kind. At first the bed was a kind of bunk made against the wall of the cabin; then a home-made arrangement of timber, with elm bark cordage, and the bedstead was sup- plied. The first chairs were made at home. A rude frame work was con- structed and the seat made of splints, obtained by pounding strips of black ash until the growths separated, and with a little dressing were ready for the purpose. Then gradually mechanics came in and the arts of civilization ministered to the comfort and convenience of the people. The early settlers were eminently social in their habits. Necessity and self- protection helped to make them so. They not only assembled to build each others' houses, but they had "frolics," as they termed them, to chop down trees; they had loggings, and flax-pullings, and^cutchings, and husk- ings. The women had their frolics; their quiltings, their spinnings, their hatchelings, and other devices of handicraft. In those days they did not aspire to carpets. Rag sewing, in which ladies have delighted in modern times, was unknown. But in other species of feminine industry they excelled. Flax was made into linen for men's wear and for women's wear. It was the choice and only covering for the table; it was the material for sheets, for toweling, and was bleached white as the snow of winter. These frolics brought the people together. They cultivated sociability. They promoted good feeling, and in the absence of machinery were often the only means of carrying on the operations of life. They were the prac- tical exemplification of the maxim: " In union there is strength.'" These social occasions brought the people together from great distances, for the settlements were at first scattering. But many of the guests tarried over night, and were made welcome while they remained. Yet these primitive houses as a rule had but one or at most two rooms, and great ingenuity was displayed in arranging all things according to the rites of hospitality. The general rule was to cover a space of the floor clear across the cabin, with deer and bear skins and other kinds of mats, and place the quilts and cover- 100 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lets over these. This made a generous and comfortable bed. Then the man and his wife lay down in the center of the bed, and on the wife's side all the women of the party were arranged in a row toward the wall, whilst the men occupied the place on the other side, so that all things were con- ducted with propriety and modesty. Sometimes their fi'olics related at the same time to external and inter- nal affairs. The men would assemble to log, as they termed it, that is to gather the logs in a clearing and roll them into heaps for burning, the women would meet at the same time and place to quilt or to make up the family clothing. At such times a table would be spread iinder the shade of a neighboring tree and both parties, without regard to toilet preparations, would meet at supper and have a genuinely good time in social conversa- tion, in jest and in song, often prolonged into the long hours of the night. But their social meetings did good. They broke up what had else de- generated into monotony and selfishness. The people were brought to- gether. They were held together. They were made sensible of common wants and common obligations. There was a generous sujjply of game in the woods of the county. Red deer, bear, with an occasional wolf and other smaller game, were to be found in almost any direction. The deer and bear were sought .for food; the wolves were hunted without mercy on account of their proclivity to the sheep fold. Andrew Bowman tells of his Sugar creek life, what joy it brought to the household when he succeeded in shooting a bear from a chestnut tree. Its flesh was choice meat for the table, its fat afforded the desirable quality for short-cake and doughnuts, to say nothing of its desira- bleness for the female toilet, and the skin for floor mats. One man tells us that in the course of a single season he killed forty bears. They had a great weakness for juvenile pigs, and where these were found, bears were under strong temptation to make these forays. Deer were sought as food, and the skins served various valuable purposes in the family economy. Some- times they were tanned as buckskins for breeches, and for moccasins, and in each instance served a very good purpose. To the experienced hunter they were not difficult to take. Hunted in the winter, their haunts were easily learned, and no sport was so exhilarating as pursuing and bringing down the noble buck. Another settler relates that hunting in a thin crust of snow, where the deer easily broke through, he succeeded in capturing twenty in a single day. But this was hardly orthodox hunting, but taking advantage of cir- cumstances that rendered the deer helpless. Venison was prepared in various ways for the comfort of the home. When fresh it was always in order, but it could be prepared so as to be use- ful all the year round. The hams of the deer were salted, then smoked and dried, so as to become a great luxury. Then there was the article EAKLY SOCIAL LIFE. 101 called "jerked venison." In this preparation nearly the entire tiosh' could be utilized. It was cut off in a sheet or web, about half an inch thick, and spread on the tops of pegs driven into the ground, whilst underneath a fire was kindled, fed with sweet chips of sassafras and other odi)rous and sweet woods, that gradually dried it. Occasionally the web of flesh was taken off the pegs, rolled up in a roll for a little time and then replaced on the pegs Tintil dried and ready to be laid away for future use. Jerked ven- ison was meat, drink, and lodging to hunters and travelers. The families did their own manufacturing. They raised sheep that })ro- duced wool, and flax that was wrought into thread and linen by the women of the household. Each formerly had a pair of cards that prepared the wool and flax for spinning. Then the "big wheel" was used for spinning the wool, and the "little wheel " for spinning the flax and tow. Gradually in every neighborhood there was a loom in which the yarn was woven, and for flannel, butternut bark was brought from the woods, that dyed the finest brown, and when fulled by kicking was ready for clothing, that was also made up at home. The linen and tow cloth were bleached on the green and made shirts and trousers for the men, and such clothing as women required. All this was in anticipation of the days of luxury that were sure to come. The building of houses was not a matter of much time or expense. A building was usually put up and completed in a day. There was no expense but that of labor connected with it. A house was to be builded. The neigh- bors were invited; some brought their oxen; trees wei;^ cut down, and made into sections of proper length and drawn to the place of building. Strong arms rolled them into place; the corners were notched as they were 'laid up. In the meantime other men were cutting straight red oak into sections and sawing them into clapboards for the roof, and puncheons for the floor, others still were cutting spaces for doors and windows, and casing them with pieces of split timber. Perhaps others were preparing sticks for the chimney and mud for the chinking, and by sundown the house was completed in all its appointments, without a nail or bit of iron in all its construction, yet in the eye of the early settler all was complete. Many a house like this was en- tered by a young couple, and in that simple habitation, with but a single room as kitchen, dining room, parlor, and dormitory, the rites of home, of neighborly kindness and hospitality were carried forward successfully, until the family had grown into a half-dozen, and some of them had gone out ta erect home altars and establish families for themselves. And although that manner of social life is not the most wholesome or the best, yet the circumstances and necessities of the time rendered it imperative, and in their early days many a strong man and many an earnest woman went forth from such scenes to take u]) the burdens of life and to act well their part in its affairs, better prepared for the work than though they had been nurtured in the scenes of modern ease and luxury. 102 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. They drank some whiskey in those days. The valley of the Mononga- hela was famous for this fluid. It found its way into the keel boats at Pittsburgh and was never thrown overboard on its way up. It was a great item in the traffic with the Indians as appears from the books of George Power and Edward Hale. The people themselves drank whiskey occa- sionally. In process of time a distillery was erected by James Anderson in Scrubgrass. The savor of that Scrubgrass whiskey lingers in some old palates even to this day. An old settler called it ' ' beautiful whiskey, ' ' and said it was considered too good for any one but a white man to drink. There is some reason to think that the early fathers were at times even gay and festive as a consequence of partaking too freely of either Monongahela or Scrubgrass on the Sabbath. It is related that on one occasion a borough law was enacted in Franklin, that any person found intoxicated on the Sab- bath should be compelled to dig out a stump from the diamond. On another occasion it was enacted that any one found in a similar dilemma should be placed in jail. As a consequence of this stringent law on the next Sabbath evening there were not found men enough to make any respectable show on the men's side at prayer meeting. The progressive citizen always carries with him the idea of the home, the school, and the church. There was no exception in the case of the peo- ple of Venango. There was first the home, then religious worship, then the school. The early schools were no doubt primitive, probably crude and managed at times by very incompetent persons. The old fashioned school- master had not at that time been wholly abolished. He generally ruled with a rod of iron. Said an old gentleman, once well known in this region, "I met a few years ago in a distant county, an old school teacher under whom I had suf- fered in my boyhood days. I enjoyed hospitality at his house. In the course of the evening, sitting with the old pedagogue and his wife, I said to him, ' Twenty years ago I suffered long under the infliction of your rod, and I then made a vow that if I should ever meet you after I had grown to manhood I would then and there inflict the just punishment of your cruelty. ' Said his wife, who was sitting by, ' I jusfc hope you will take him out and give him a most thorough thrashing, for he used to whip you boys until it almost broke my heart. ' But the years had mollified my feelings and all thought of revenge had passed away. And I speak of it here as illustrating the spirit of the olden time. ' ' As soon as the families were settled, they began to establish schools. They had not the perqiiisites of the present schools. The books were few and imperfect, and the teachers not well qualified at all times for their work. But they made a beginning, and the first school that was established was the germ of the present well equipped and ably taught high school of to-day. And the progress made, though gradual, was constant and permanent. EARLY SOCIAL LIFE. 103 Mrs. Irvine says that James Mason was the first teacher who opened a school in Franklin. This was in 1801. The school house was erected on the public square, opposite the United States hotel, of unhewn logs, and floored with puncheons, or huge planks made by splitting straight- grained logs, and then roughly removing the inequalities. For windows, there was not the large square opening of a later day, but instead, a log cut out the leno-th of the room, and the space filled with oiled paper. For writing desks, a laro-e board was placed edgeways against the wall, but somewhat inclined to D-ive the right slant, and the writers sat facing the wall. The pens were good, honest goose quills, and James Mason no doubt often heard the cry, "Please mend my pen," and "Please set me a copy." The ink was of do- mestic manufacture, made by boiling the bark of maple and alder, and add- ing a little copperas. Still it was, for the times, a good school and gave the boys and girls a start in the matter of education. Mr. Mason's salary was probably somewhat small, but he practiced the old orthodox plan of board - ing around with the parents of the scholars, and it was a pleasure to have "the master," as he was called, occasionally in the house and at the same time reduce the expense of tiiition. Alexander McCalmont, afterwards Judge McCalmont, is the next teacher of whom we hear. He was employed in 1809. A strict article of agree- ment was drawn up, binding to faithful service both parties. The teacher was to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, the old-fashioned three K's. Grammar and Geography were not dreamed of then. The probabilities are that spelling was considered a part of reading. On the other side the em- ployers bound themselves to furnish a suitable house for the school and wood to keep it warm. They were also to pay two dollars a scholar for every three months. There were also to be thirty scholars guaranteed. This would secure the teacher twenty dollars per month. The supposition was that he did not board with his employers. The school had for its patrons such familiar names as McDowell, Power, Connely, Broadfoot, Plumer, Ridgway, Selders, and Dewoody. This school was no doubt in advance of James Mason's, and found greater encouragement both to teacher and scholars. At the laying out of the town, lands were reserved for school purposes, and in time were sold, to procure funds for building an academy. In this matter the entire county was interested. The first academy building was erected in 1815. It stood on Buffalo street, on the lot now occupied by the Evangelical church. John Kelly taught in this building some eight years. Robert Ayres, John Sutton, and John Gamble were also teachers. It was simply a common school with a classical name. Some time after- ward a small frame was erected on the site of the Presbyterian parsonage, afterward sold to the common schools. A new academy building, of brick, was erected in 1854 and occupied as a high school. This was afterward sold to the Evangelical church, and is now occupied by them as a place of lO-t HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. worship, and the matter of education was relegated to the common school' authorities. This was no doubt the> case alJ over the county. At lirst the simplest log cabin, without glazed windows, then as society improved, better houses were erected, still log, but hewn and with clap-board roofs, then the frame house with brick chimneys, until both taste and utility were combined tO' render the school house attractive. The books were of the old school: Webster's Spelling-book, then the New Testament for reading followed by Murray's English Eeader, and for arithmetics, possibly Pike, but more likely Daboll, with the use of the slate. Grammar was little thought of, and as for Geography, it had not yet been invented. But the Multiplication Table was taught faithfully and well. Arithmetic was not taught in classes as now, but each one worked on his own account, wrestling with the problems, or "sums," as they were called, as for his very life, and if unsuccessful, calling in the aid of the master. Still those early schools did a good work, and if the "big boys" did on Christmas sometimes bar out the master, it was taken in good part, and the school resumed work. For a time the county was without post-routes. The first United States mail that came into the county was in 1802. It was carried on horseback in saddle-bags, and came once in three weeks, and even then brought but a few letters. The route was from Erie to Pittsburgh. The mail carrier was Mr. Ash, who was always punctual, unless detained by high waters or deep snows. It is likely that the music of his tin horn, as he annotined his coming, was sweeter music to the early settlers along the route than the shriek of the locomotive that now boasts a cart load of mail bags, and as he passed many a log cabin on the road the people came out to ask him to carry letters to the nearest postoffice to be put in the mail. Mr. Ash car- ried the mail from Meadville to Franklin. Afterward Mr. Hoiiser carried the mail on horseback to Warren and back. There were no banks in those days. The ordinary citizen had no great occasion to use them, but the merchant labored at a great disadvantage for want of them. There was no way of transmitting funds. Occasionally money was intrusted to the mails, but the work was done very cautiously. If one hundred dollars was to be sent a hundred dollar bill was procured, if possible, cut in halves, and the first half inclosed and the remainder detained until the first half was acknowledged. Then the second half was forwarded, and the person receiving the sections pasted them together in as good style as possible. There were no banks in the county prior to 1860. The early merchants, when going for goods, packed up their Spanish dol- lars in saddle-bags, mounted their horses and rode to Philadelphia. Long after this they still packed their money in their trunks, and in the stage crossed the mountains, with all their funds with them. Yet withal, rob- beries were rare, and this personal care of baggage comparatively safe. i:y^. ^^A EARLY RELIGIOUS LIFE. 107 CHAPTER XL EAELY RELIGIOUS LIFE. Sunday in a Pioneer Community— Early Religious Liter at l:ui>- Ac- tivity OF THE Clergy— Interest op' the People in Attending Worship— Manner of Travelling— Architecture ok the First Churches— The Methodist "Circuit Kider"— General Religious Tendencies— Revivals— The "Falling Exercise" — Early Denominational Organization. LIKE Abraham of old these early settlers builded their altars wherever they pitched their tent. They brought their religious customs with them and immediately began to put them in practice. There is an account of a settlement just outside the limits of this county. It was a colony from Washington county, Pennsylvania, neighbors there and neighbors on the- new location. They came in their wagons, and reached the proposed point on Saturday evening. On Sabbath morning they breakfasted, called the children together, catechised them after the manner of the modern Sabbath school; then they had a sermon read, had prayer meeting and so made the day a religious day after the manner of their fathers. And that prayer meeting commenced under the spreading maples has been kept up regularly to this day. It has become a permanent institution. These people had not many books, yet they had a few. The Bible, the catechism, the prayer book, or the psalm book, all had, and an odd volume of Bunyan or Flavel or Edwards, or other religous books, according to the faith of the owner, would be passed around the neighborhood until very well thumbed and well remembered. The old volumes of minutes of presbyteries and synods and conferences that are stiP extant tell us of the diligence of the chiu-ches in the older set- tlements in sending the gospel to the new. As far as the Presbyterians were concerned we have an item from a Methodist minister, written from Meadville in 1801, in which he states that the Presbyterian Synod of Penn- sylvania had sent out ministers who had laid out all, or most all of the set- tlements into congregational districts, and wherever they could gather a sufficient number of members, organized churches, and ordained elders, so that they seemed to have taken possession of the entire county. 6 108 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The records of the Presbytery of Erie in 1802 speak of supplications, as they called them, for supplies of preaching from different points of the county, from Franklin, from Pithole, fromMcGurl's, from Oil Creek, and from Scrubgrass. To all these' points and to others not mentioned the mis- sionary took his way, generally on horseback, often following a blind path through the woods, sometimes sleeping under the green trees, and finding his way out in the morning. On one occasion the minister after losing his way on Saturday night found his path in the morning, with the house where he was to preach on the other side of a stream of water full to the banks; swam his horse across, preached in his dripping garments, and returned in the evening to another appointment. Sometimes these missionaries trav- eled two and two and held a series of meetings, at first in the woods, after- ward in such rude habitations as could be procured. And the old fathers tell us what diligence was used to attend these preach- ings in the forest. When word came that there would be preaching on a certain Sabbath, men would make it their business to go far and near to no- tify their neighbors. When a minister. Reverend James Satterfield, announ- ced his coming to a neighboring township it 1801, a few men made it their business to notify every family in the township. And they came from great distances. They traveled on horseback and on foot. On special occasions of sacraments or camp-meetings, they came five, ten, and even twenty miles. They were not particular about their dress. Clean linen, even though it was of coarse texture, was thought to be becoming and proper. Men came without their coats in summer, or carried them on their arms. The young women would walk and carry their shoes and stockings until within sight of the meeting place, when they would sit down on a log and put them on, and so present a decorous appear- ance at the preaching. On communion occasions the people came from neighboring congrega- tions, when convenient, on horseback, perhaps a family of five or sis on two horses; if not convenient they came on foot, often remaining for two or three days. On one occasion, it is recorded, the people came a distance of thirty miles. It was in the woods, with a tent for the minister and round logs as seats for the people. The Sabbath solemnities had passed, and the meet- ing appointed at ten o' clock on Monday. During the night snow fell to the depth of several inches, covering the seats completely. But the snow was swept from the logs, the people sat down and gladly and patiently heard the Word to the close of the discourse. Later on houses of worship were erected of rough logs, with little attempt at either taste or comfort, but simply shelter from the storm. Some of these early sanctuaries were builded without a nail or bit of iron or even sawed lumber, yet were comfortable and enjoyable. EAELY RELIGIOUS LIFE. 109 No arrangement was made for lire in tlie winter. The people assembled in the midst of the snow and frost, listened to two sermons and then re- paired to their homes, as though all this was a matter of privilege and relig- ions enjoyment alone. The Methodist " circuit rider," as he was termed, was an early visitant in this county. We hear of him first in the upper end of the county, then at Franklin, and then wherever people could be found to wait upon his message. The first authentic account of Methodist preaching at Franklin fixes this date 1804. The Baltimore Conference, in April, 1804, appointed Thornton Fleming presiding elder of the Monongahela district, and An- drew Hemphill preacher, in charge of the Erie circuit, which included Franklin. That year Mr. Hemphill organized a class at Gregg's, on Oil creek, of which John Gregg, Hannah Gregg, and Sally Stephenson were members; and also one at " Pithole settlement," composed of the Dawsons, Siggins, Kinnears, Hendersons, Alcorns, etc. Sometime in the fall of 1804, Mr. Hemphill, with William Connely as a guide, travelled from where Titusville on Oil creek now stands to Franklin, along a blind path. On arriving there, where he had an appointment to preach, he was refused the privilege of occupying the school house, and consequently took his stand under a tree on the common, where he sang, prayed, and then preached to a small congregation, some sitting and others standing on the green grass. "This was supposed," says Gregg, "to be the first Methodist sermon preached in that village, since so famous for Methodism." Whether there were at that time (1804) any Methodists in Franklin vWe are not informed. It is probable there were none. The early residents, connected with the fort in one capacity or another, were followers of the English or Episcopal church, and at that time a few of Presbyterian inclination had come to set- tle among them. Still the "Pithole region" is mentioned in connection with the preach- ing of the gospel of both denominations, until both settled down to life work throughout the county. Amid all the years of rushing excitement in business and in politics, religion has been kept abreast with the times. If we inquire into the philosophy of this, there are some interesting points for our consideration, connected with the close of the eighteenth and the dawn of the nineteenth centuries. The religious influence at this time was most blessed and happy. The terrible scourge of skepticism and infidelity that seemed as though it would sweep over the entire country, after the Avar of the Revolution, was rapidly abating. The stamp of infidelity that at one time seemed fixing itself upon the institutions of the country was vanishing, and Christianity was fast assuming its place. Added to this, the spirit of revival was making itself felt with wondi-ous power and efficacy, among the older churches of the West, and the infant churches recently planted in the new territory had also been largely blessed. These revivals had commenced 110 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. in 1778, in Vance's Fort, into which the settlement had been driven by the incursions of savages. "From 1781 to 1787, a most extensive work of grace was experienced in the churches of Cross Creek, Upper Buffalo, Char- tiers, Pigeon Creek, Bethel, Lebanon, Ten Mile, Cross Roads, and Mill Creek, during which more than a thousand persons were brought into the kingdom of Christ." "From 1795 to 1799, another series of gracious vis- itations were enjoyed by the churches generally throughout western Penn- sylvania, extending to the new settlements north of Pittsburgh." These gracious visitations continued into the beginning of the new century, tilling the minds of many with the conviction that the very dawn of the millennium had come. Even in the midst of the labors and watching peculiar to the founding of new settlements, and sometimes without the labors of the stated ministry, this spirit of revival was present, stimulating the hearts of the settlers with hope and courage, and inviting others who were looking for some new place of settlement to cast in their lot with them. The religious influence of the close of the eighteenth century was most blessed and happy on the new counties that were then forming and filling up. There was in the lower part of Venango a full exhibition of that very remarkable work called "the falling exercise." It was common in Wash- ington and Westmoreland and a part of Allegheny counties and has been fully described by the writers and ministers of that day. In this county it was in Scrubgrass township and church under the ministration of Reverend Robert Johnson, in 1803. Mr. Johnson has given a full account of his Scrubgrass experience in a manuscript volume and in letters, from which the following extracts are made: While a solemn awe was visible in every face, five or six appeared to be awakened to a sense of their undone condition, among whom were two of the most unlikely per sons in the house. One of them was the largest man in the assembly and full of self- importance; the other a file-leader in the devil's camp, who attempted to escape by flight, got entangled in the bushes, and was forced to come back for a light to find his path, and who, the moment he set his foot inside the door, fell prostrate on the floor, under a sense of self-condemnation. The effects of this work on the body were truly wonderful, and so various that no physical cause could be assigned for their produi- tion. I have seen men and women sitting in solemn attitude, pondering the solemn truths that were presented, and in a moment fall from their seats, or off their feet, if they happened to be standing, as helpless as though they had been shot, and lie four- teen or fifteen or twenty minutes, and sometimes as long as half an hour, as motionless as a person in a sound sleep. At other times the whole frame would be thrown into a state of agitation so violent as seemingly to endanger the safety of the subject; and yet in a moment this agitation would cease, and the persons arise in the possession of all their bodily powers, and take their seats composed and solemn, without the least sensation of pain or uneasiness. This state of feeling and action was not encouraged by the ministers. It was something they could not understand, and they took circumstances as they found them. Mr. Johnson states that at the beginning of the revival in his congregation, he cautioned his people against any outcries, or EARLY RELIGIOUS LIFE. Ill bursts of feeling. This seemed to have had a good effect, for although the work was very powerful, this bodily exercise was no interru])tion to the meeting. "I have preached," he says, " to a crowded assembly, when more than one-half of the people wei-e lying helpless before me during the greater portion of divine service, without the least noise or disturbance of any kind to divert or interrupt the attention of any individual from the word spoken." In those days the Methodist circuit riders had a very large field to trav erse. In 1820 the old Erie circuit embraced part of Mercer, Crawford. Erie, Venango, and Butler counties. It was four hundred miles round and had forty-four appointments to fill in four weeks. Alfred Brunson was on this circuit and tells of his adventures in finding the sheep in the -vvilderness. The names of Brunson, Tackett, Swayze, Mack, and Ayres are frequently found. Their beat was specially in the up]>er part of the county. They were faithful men and the fruits of their labors remain to this day. The Presbyterians and the Methodists were the chief religious agencies at this time in Venango county. Lower Sandy (now Utica) was the first Presbyterian church organized in the county. It was about the year 1800. Its location was near the present town of Utica. The first pastor was Reverend William Wylie, who was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1776. He re- mained in this county but two years and died in his eighty-second year. He was succeeded by Reverend Cyrus Riggs until 1812, and by Reverend Robert Glenn from 1831 to 1857. Mr. Glenn was b^rn in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, March 2, 1802, and a graduate of Jefferson College. He jireached at Mill Creek twenty-six years and died at his home near Utica, September 6, 1857. Scrubgrass was the next in date of organization. It was organized in 1802 or 1803. The first elders were John Lowrie, father of Walter Lowrie, senior secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, John Crawford, and another whose name is illegible on the manuscript. The first pastor was Reverend Robert Johnson. He was ordained and installed by the Pres- bytery of Erie, October 19, 1803. His charge was Scrubgrass and Bear Creek. This was a most successful pastorate. A wonderful work of divine grace attended Mr. Johnson's labors. He was released from his pastoral charge January 2, 1811. Sugar Creek was organized in 1813 or 1814. The first pastor was Reverend Ira Condit, who continued as pastor about eleven years, succeeded by Reverend Thomas Anderson from 1826 to 1837. He was succeeded by Reverend Cyrus Dickson, D. D., from 1840 to 1848. Methodist classes were formed as early as 1810. This was the date of one in Franklin, consisting of five members. The Presbyterians and Methodists wer% in the majority for many years, and consequently organ- ized the first churches in the county. 112 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Among the first settlers, however, were quite a number of Catholic fami- lies, also Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Baptists. These were occasionally visited by missionaries of their own faith, and in due time were organized into congregations. Other denominations came in until at present nearly all the leading churches are represented in the county. And they live together in peace and harmony, apparently provoking one another only to love and good works. CHAPTER XII. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. Erection and Boundaries — Early Civil Administration — Internal Subdivision— Public Buildings— Inauguration of the Public School System— Congressional and Legislative Repre- sentation—Roster OF County Officers— Early Township Officers. THE Indian title to northwestern Pennsylvania was formally extin- guished by a treaty with the Six Nations, consummated at Fort Stan- wix, October 22, 1784, and ratified at Fort Mcintosh by representatives of the Ohio tribes in January of the following year. The state legislature was prompt in providing facilities of civil administration for this territory, and on the 8th of April, 1785, extended the jurisdiction of Northumberland and Westmoreland counties to those portions of the purchase east and west, re- spectively, of the Allegheny river and Conewango creek. Westmoreland was erected February 26, 1773, from Bedford, which was formed two years earlier and nominally included all the southwestern part of the state, while Northumberland, erected March 21, 1772, sustained a similar relation to the northwest. That part of the purchase of 1784 which was attached to Westmoreland in 1785 became a part of Allegheny upon its erection, Sep- tember 24, 1788, and the adjoining region ou the east was placed within the limits of Lycoming, April 13, 1795. This arrangement continued until March 12, 1800, when the legislature passed an act erecting the counties of Beaver, Butler, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, Warren, Venango, and Arm- strong. The seventh section of this act relates to Venango and reads as fol- lows: That so much of the counties of Allegheny and Lycoming, as«shall be included within the following boundaries, viz. : Beginning at the northeast corner of Mercer county; thence on the first line or course of Crawford county, until it shall intersect ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 113 the north line of the sixth Monation district, being the same as tlie first line of the said county of Crawford; thence eastwardly upon the said line of the sixth donation 'district, along the boundary of the counties of Crawford and Warren and crossing the river Alleo-heny to the line dividing Wood's and Hamilton's districts, in the counly of Lycoming; thence southerly along the said line to Toby's creek; thence down the said creek to the river Allegheny; thence across the said river, and upon the line of Arm- strono- county hereinafter described, to the northeast corner of the county of Butler; thence vpestwardly by the north line of said county to the corner of Mercer county; thence northerly along the line of Mercer county to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby erected into a separate county, to be henceforth called Venango county; and the place of holding the courts of justice in and for the said county, shall be at the town of Franklin, in the said county. And the governor shall, and lie is hereby empowered to appoint three commissioners, any Xrwo of vfhich shall run and ascertain and plainly mark the boundary lines of the said county of Venango, and shall receive as a full compensation for their services therein, the sum of two dollars for every mile so run and marked, to be paid out of the moneys which shall be raised for the county uses, withi.n the county of Venango. A brief explanation may assist in forming an idea of the extent of territory comprehended within these limits. "The line dividing AVood's and Hamil- ton's districts" coincides with that of Jefferson and Clarion counties, and Toby's creek is now known as Clarion river. Warren and Crawford, Crawford and Mercer, and Butler and Armstrong were the adjoining counties on the north, west, and south, respectively, as at present; the line separating Clarion and Jefferson, extended north to the Warren line, constituted the eastern boundary. East of this the adjoining territory formed jiart of Lycoming until 1804, when Jefferson was erected, and in 1848 Forest was formed from the northern part of Jefferson. From a comparisoo of the present and former boundaries of the county on the south and east it is no exaggeration to state that Venango has been deprived of nearly half its original area. The county was named after the Indian town that had long existed at the mouth of French creek, with such changes of orthography as often occur in the spelling of Indian names. At first it was called Weningo. In Ed- ward Shippen's letter to Governor Hamilton it is called Wenango, then Vinango, and finally, in "Washington's Journal," Venango, as spelled at present. The name has been popular in this part of the state. It is borne by a town in Crawford county, a township in Erie county, and was given to one of the towns that now constitute Oil City. " The first line or course of Crawford county " extended north forty-five degrees east from the northeast corner of Mercer county to the north line of the sixth donation district. This was long a source of dissatisfaction to the inhabitants of both counties, and in 1827 a petition was presented to the legislature representing that they suffered "great inconvenience in their assessments in consequence of the division line of said counties running diagonally from southwest to northeast through the sixth donation district, thence running east dividing a range of warranted lands, thereby dividing the donation and warranted lands so that the number of acres in said sub- 114 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. divisions cannot be correctly ascertained without considerable expense.' In compliance with this petition an act was passed February 28, 1828, pro- viding for a. survey of the line in question, and no further change has since been found necessary. The line of Jefferson was revised about the same time. A survey made in May, 1827, is preserved among the archives of the county in the com- missioners' office. In September, 1830, under authority of both the counties interested, Richard Irwin prepared a draft of the disputed boundary which received legislative sanction February 7, 1832. The first legislation materially effecting the territorial limits of the county was the act of March 11, 1839, erecting Clarion county with the fol- lowing boundaries: Beginning at the junction of Redbank creek with the Allegheny river, thence up said creek to the line dividing Jefferson and Armstrong counties, thence along said line to the line dividing Toby and Saratoga townships in Venango county, thence along said line to the corner of Farniington township in Venango county, thence a straight line to the mouth of Shull's run an the Allegheny river, thence down said river to the place of beginning. On the 16th of April, 1840, at the following session of the legislature, that part of this act which directs a straight line from the corner of Farm- ington township to the mouth of Shull's run was repealed; it was made obligatory upon the commissioners of Clarion county to have a line sur- veyed with the mouth of Ritchey's run as its terminus at the Allegheny river, and this line is the present southeastern boundary of the county. Although considerably reduced in area, Venango was still the largest county in the northwestern part of the state, with possibly a single excep- tion. With an extreme length of forty miles from east to west, it is mat- ter of surprise that the eastern part of this extensive territory was not incorporated in the county of Forest upon its erection in 1848. That this was delayed a score of years is perhaps best explained by reference to the fact that the region in question was comparatively uninhabited. As popu- lation increased the advantages of a location nearer the county seat became more apparent, and by an act approved October 31, 1866, the legislature transferred to Forest county the territory east and north of the following described line: Beginning on the Venango and "Warren county line, at the southeast corner of Southwest township, in the county of Warren; thence by a line southward to a point in Pinegrove township, in Venango county, opposite to the middle northwest corner of Washington township, Clarion county; thence in a straight line east to said corner; thence east along the Clarion county line to a point where said line diverges in a north- erly course; thence north along said line to the upper northwest corner of the said county of Clarion; thence east along said line to the Forest county line. The survey in this case was made under the direction of C. Fulkerson of Venango county, James A. Leach of Mercer county, and Jacob Zeigler of ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 115 Butler county. Four entire townships — Harmony, Hickory, Kingsley, and Tionesta, and parts of three others — AHegheny, President, and Pinegrove, were attached to Forest. The boundaries of the county have remained undisturbed since that date. The present area is six hundred and fifty- eight square miles or four hundred and twenty-one thousand, one hundred and twenty acres. EARLY CIVIL ADMINISTRATION. The act of March 12, 1800, erecting the northwestern counties of the state, contained certain administrative features strangely incompatible with its executive provisions, at least in phraseology. Armstrong was provisionally attached to Westmoreland; Butler and Beaver were placed under the juris- diction of Allegheny; and the counties of Crawford, Mercer, Venango, Warren, and Erie were to form " one county " under the name of Crawford county. It thus appears that the county sustained a merely nominal exist- ence until such time as the population had sufficently increased to warrant separate organization. In the meantime three trustees, George Fowler, Alexander McDowell, and James McClaran, were vested " with full authority for them or a majority of them to purchase or take and receive by grant, bar- gain, or otherwise and such assurances for the payment of money and grants of land or other property that may be ofFered to them or the survivors or survivor of them in trust for the use and benefits of said county; and to sell and convey such part thereof, either in town lots or otherwise, as to them or a majority of them shall appear advantageous and proper; and to vest one moiety of the net proceeds thereof in some productive property, to be a fund for the support of an academy or public school at the county town in the said county, and to apply the other moiety thereof in aid of the county rates and levies for the purpose of erecting the public buildings." . It does not appear that their duties were onerous, and the only record of their pro- ceedings that has been preserved is a lease of a part of the public square of Franklin to Edward Hale for the sum of one dollar a year. On the 1st of April, 1805, the legislature passed an act conferring upon the inhabitants of Venango county "all and singular the jurisdictions, pow- ers, and privileges " enjoyed by the people of other counties, from and after the lirst day of September following. The county was made a part of the sixth judicial district; the second Tuesday in October was fixed as the date of the first election, in which the electors of Warren were also to participate, the latter county having been provisionally annexed. This election resulted in the choice of Ninian Irwin, Caleb Crane, and James G. Heron as commis- sioners; John Witherup, sheriff; William Moore, prothonotary, and Marcus Hulino's, coroner. A dedimus potest atem was issued July 15, 1805, to John Irwin and William Moore, who administered the oath to the respective in- cumbents of the several offices. 116 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The county commissioners held their first meeting October 23, 1805, at the house of Edward Hale. The minutes of this and the two following meetings read as follows: This day the commissioners ofVenango county met and formed a board,— Irwin, Crane, and Heron. Appointed James Martin clerk, at one dollar, thirty cents; Alex- ander McDowell, treasurer. Irwin going home. Wrote three advertisements for wood for county use. James G. Heron and Caleb Crane appointed to settle the account with Crawford county. Adjourned until Monday, the fourth day of November (ensuing the date above). Met according to adjournment on Monday, the fourth day of November, at twelve o'clock, and determined that the county commissioners' and prothonotary's office shall be held at the house of Samuel Hays. Made an agreement to supply the court house ind gaol. Adjourned until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. November 5th.— Met according to adjournment. Received of James Hamilton his certificate of the oath of office as assessor for Sugar Creek township, also the ])ond of the treasurer with his sureties for the true performance of his duties as treasurer. Adjourned until tomorrow at nine o'clock. The first order on the treasurer was drawn in favor of Andrew Allison, November 2, 1805, and the amount was eight dollars, the bounty prescribed for the killing of a wolf. On the same day Caleb Crane, as collector of Irwin township, paid sixty dollars and five cents into the treasury, this being the fir.st taxes received by the coanty. The second order issued was in favor of George Fowler, for services rendered at the general election; the amount was one dollar and fifty cents. The first assessors of the county after its formation were: Caleb Crane, Irwin township; James Hamilton, Sugar Creek; David Kinnear. Allegheny, and Hugh Marsh, Brokenstraw. Their first precepts were issued Tuesday, December 3, 1805. The duplicates for 1805, upon which the first county tax was collected, were transcribed from the records at Meadville by Samuel Dale, for which he was paid twelve d(jl- lars by the commissioners. It was customary at this period for the com- missioners and assessors to meet together immediately after the organization of the board and arrange a uniform system of taxation. The triennial as- sessment of 1817, the fourth in the county, is the earliest of which partic- ulars of this nature are extant. The assessed valuation of improved lands ■ ranged from twelve and one-half cents to six dollars; of unseated inlots in the town of Franklin, from five to one hundred and fifty dollars; of houses and lots, from one hundred to twenty-five hundred dollars; of improved out- lots, from fifty to two thousand dollars; of saw mills, from one hundred to three thousand dollars; of fulling mills, from one hundred to twenty- five hundred dollars; of carding machines, from three hundred to eight hundred dollars; of grist mills, from one hundred to fifteen hundred dollars; of dis- tilleries, from fifty to two hundred dollars; of tan yards, from fifty to one thousand dollars; of horses, from five to one hundred dollars; of oxen, from twenty-five to one hundred dollars. The various occupations were assessed as follows: Associate judge, seventy-five dollars; prothonotary and treas- ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 117 nrer, three buntlred dollars; commissioners and clerk, two hundred dollars; sheriff, seventy-five dollars; attorneys, two hundred dollars. Tavern keep- ers and merchants were assessed in three classes, ran^^ing, respectively, from fifty to one thousand dollars, and from one hundred to lifteen hundred dol- lars. Upon this basis the duplicate of Allegheny township aggregated one hundred and sixty-four dollars, thirty-three cents; of Cherry Tree, one hundred and thirty-three dollars, twenty-one cents; of French Creek, three hundred and thirty dollars, twenty-three cents; of Irwin, one hundred and eleven dollars, seventy cents; of Richland, two hundred and twenty-seven dollars, twenty-five cents; of Scriibgrass, one hundred and eighty-four dol- lars, fifty-six cents; of Sugar Creek, two hiindred and forty-nine dollars, one cent. Section fifth of the act of April 1, 1805, conferring separate political autonomy upon Venango county, authorized the commissioners "to call on the commissioners of Crawford county for the purpose of examining, liquid- ating, and reserving such balances as may be due to Venango county. " March 30, 1806, according to the minutes of the board, " James G. Heron and Samuel Hays set off to Meadville in order to bring about a settlement with Crawford county, but through backwardness of the commissioners oi Crawford county, could only transcribe from their books the accounts of Venango and Warren counties from the year 1800 to the end of the year 1805. No paper to be purchased in Meadville, or would have taken off the amounts of Mercer, Erie, and Crawford counties. Returned on Saturday, the 5th of April. N. Irwin was to have attended >at Meadville, but was prevented by indisposition." The adjustment of the account did not prove so easy as was at first anticipated. Failing to effect an amicable settlement, the Venango commissioners took legal measures to secure the amount of their claim, and for many years the litigation on this subject was a source of expense to the county. Similar difficulties were experienced in adjusting the accounts of War- ren county upon its separate organization in 1819, but in this case Venango was the defendant instead of the plaintiff. The matter in dispute was re- ferred to the courts for adjudication and ultimately became a subject of legislative interposition. April 11, 1827, an act was passed directing the judges of the court of quarter sessions to appoint three commissioners from either of the counties of Crawford, Mercer, Butler, or Armstrong, who should have full power to investigate and determine all matters in dispute, and whose decision should be final. One-third of the amount awarded was made payable February 1, 1828, and the remainder in two equal annual installments. The amount of the award was two thousand, two hundred and seventy-four dollars and forty-five cents, of which the last installment was paid March 10, 1830. 118 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. INTERNAL SUBDIVISION, All that part of Venango county included in Allegheny prior to 1800 was embraced in Irwin township, which comprised an extensive territory with indefinite limits on the north and west. The county was divided into three townships during the period that it was attached to Crawford — Alle- gheny, Sugar Creek, and Irwin, formally erected October 6, 1800, with the following boundaries: Beginning at the mouth of Oil creek, thence up the Allegheny river by the differ- ent windings thereof to where the line dividing the counties of Venango and Warren strikes said river, thence west along the line dividing the counties of Venango and Warren to where the Holland Company's mill stands on Oil creek, thence down said creek by the various courses thereof to the mouth, the place of the beginning; to be called Allegheny township. Also one other township: Beginning at the mouth of French creek, thence up the Allegheny river by the different windings thereof to the mouth of Oil creek, thence up said creek by the branch thereof that leads to the ffolland Company's mill to where the line dividing the counties of Crawford and Venango to where the same crosses French creek, thence down said creek by the different windings thereof to the mouth, the place of beginning; and to be called Sugar Creek. Also one other township: Beginning at the mouth of French creek, thence down the Allegheny river by the different windings thereof to where the northeast corner of the county of Butler comes on said river, thence west along the line dividing the coun- ties of Venango and [Butler to the southwest corner of Venango county, thence north along the line dividing the counties of Venango and] Mercer to where the same strikes French creek, thence down French creek by the different windings thereof to the mouth, the place of beginning; to be called Irwin. No provision was made for the territory south and east of the Allegheny river, which, in 1803, contained no taxable inhabitants to the knowledge of the Crawford county commissioners. After the organization of the county the policy of the court of quarter sessions in the formation of townships was analogous in many respects to that of the legislature in dividing northwestern Pennsylvania into counties. In both instances the respective political divisions were created in advance of any immediate necessity, and, until such time as the influx of population should render individual organization necessary, united in groups under one administration. There was, however, a practical advantage to be gained by the early formation of townships. At that period the county commis- sioners appointed assessors and collectors of taxes, and divided the county into districts for the appointment of justices of the peace. March 7, 1806, the board drew up a petition, " setting forth that great inconveniences are at pres- ent experienced by the inhabitants of Venango and Warren counties from the too great extent of the resj)ective townships, not only in attending their respective township meetings, but also in assessing and collecting taxes;" and as it was desirable that the district and township lines should coincide, as far as possible, the latter ought to be permanently established. The coiart appointed Samuel Dale, John Andrews, and Thomas Baird to inquire ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 119 into the propriety of acceding to this petition. They prepared a volumin- ous report providing for the erection of twenty- six townships, two of which were in Warren county and fifteen within the present limits of Venango. The respective boundaries of the latter were as follows: First. — Beginning at French creek on the western boundary of said county, thence by the same south to the north line of survey made in the name of John Met- ier, thence by the same and Jacob Hetler eastwardlj^ to the northeast corner of tlie latter, thence by the same southwardly to Sandy creek, thence by said creek to the mouth thereof, thence by the Allegheny river to the mouth of French creek, tlience up the same to the place of beginning; to be called French Creek township. Second. — Beginning at the southwest corner of French Creek townshii), thence l)y the county line southwardly to the south line of a survey made on warrant in the name of James Adams, thence eastwardly in a direction that will run tiie south boundary of tract surveyed on warrant in the name of Hugh Sterling, and to continue that direc- tion to the Allegheny river, thence up the same to the mouth of Sandy, thence by the line of French Creek township to the place of beginning; to be called ^andy Creek township. Third.— Beginning at the southwest corner of Sandy Creek township, thence by the county line, south to the line of Butler county, thence by the same east, to the dis- tance that a line running north will run the east boundary of the tract on which Philip Ghost lives, and continue thence till it intersects the south boundary of Sandy Creek township, thence by the same west to the place of beginning; to be called Irwin township. Fourth.— Beginning at the southeast corner of Irwin township, thence by the county line east to the Allegheny river, thence up the same to the south boundary of Sandy Creek township, thence by the same westwardly to the northeast corner of Irwin township, thence by the same south to the place of beginning: to l)e called Scrubgrass township. x Fifth.— Beginning at the Allegheny river and north boundary of Venango county, thence by said boundary west to the west boundary of a tract surveyed on warrant in the name of Nimrod Ent, thence south to the said river, thence up the same to the place of beginning; to be called Allegheny township. Sixth.— Beginning at the southeast corner of a survey made on warrrant in the name of Samuel Will, thence west to Oil creek, thence up the same and the east branch thereof to the county line, thence by the same east to Allegheny township, thence by the same south to the place of beginning; to be called Branch township. Seventh.— Beginning at the southeast corner of Branch township, thence by the same west to Oil creek, thence by the same to the mouth thereof, thence up the Alle- gheny river to the line of Allegheny township, thence by the same north to tho place of beginning; to be called Musk township. Eighth.— Beginning at the southwest corner of Branch township, thence west to the line dividing McDowell's and Power's districts, thence by the same north to the county line, thence by the same east to the northwest corner of Branch township adjoining, thence by the same southwardly to the place of beginning; to be called Cherry township. Ninth.— Beginning where the line dividing McDowell's and Power's districts crosses the south boundary of the surveys made in the sixth donation district, thence by the same south, seventy degrees west, to intersect the north boundary of the fifth donation district, thence by the same westwardly to Sugar creek, thence up the same and the lake branch thereof to the county line, thence by the same northeastwardly to the northwest corner of Cherry township, thence by the same soutii to the place of beginning; to be called Plum township. 120 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Tenth. — Begiuuing at the southeast coruer of Cherry township, thence by the same west to Plum township, thence by the same south and southwestwardly to the distance that a line running south, four degrees east, will run the west boundary of a tract of laud surveyed on warrant in the name of Peter Cress, and continue to French creek, thence down the same to the Allegheny river, thence up the same to Oil creek, thence up the same to the place of beginning; to be called Oil Creek township. Eleventh. — Beginning at the northwest coruer of Plum township, thence by the western boundaries of the same and Oil Creek township to French creek, thence up the same to the county line, thence by the north and northeast to the place of begin- ning; to be called Sugar Creek township. Twelfth. — Beginning at the Allegheny river near the mouth of the Six Mile run, thence on the line between the lands granted to John Nicholson, Esq., and William Bingham, east to the western boundary of a tract of land surveyed on warrant No. 2529 granted to William Willink and others, thence by the same north to the north boun- dary of said tract, thence by the same east to the northeast corner, thence north to the said river; to be called Fairfield township. Thirteenth. — Beginning at the southeast corner of Fairfield township, thence south to the southeast corner of a tract of land warranted to William Willink and others. No. 2503, thence by the same west to the east boundary of tract No. 3513 granted to William Bingham, thence southwestwardly by the southeast boundary of the contigu- ous tracts granted to said Bingham to the Allegheny river, thence up the same to the south boundary of Fairfield township, thence by the same to the place of beginning; to be called Rock township. Fourteenth.— Beginning at the south corner of Rock township on the Allegheny river, thence by the southeast boundary to the southeast corner thereof, thence south to Toby's creek, thence down the same to the said river, thence up the same to the place of beginning; to be called Union township. Fifteenth. — Beginning at the north corner of Fairfield township on the Allegheny river, thence up the same to the west boundary of tract No. 2844 granted to William Willink and others, thence south to the southwest corner thereof, thence east to the northeast corner of tract No. 2826 granted to William Willink and others, thence south to the southeast corner of tract No. 2801 granted to William Willink and others, thence west to the east boundary of tract No. 2539 granted as above, thence south to the cor- ner thereof, thence west to the southeast corner of Fairfield township, thence by the same north to the place of beginning; to be called Pinegrove township. They ftirtLer recommended that Irwin and Scrubgrass each form one township; that French Creek, Sandy Creek, Fairfield, Pinegrove, Deer, and Toby's compose one township, to be called French Creek; that Sugar Creek and Oil Creek be united under the name of Sugar Creek; that Cherry and Plitm form one township to be known as Cherry; that the seven townships between Oil creek and the eastern line of the county form one with the name of Allegheny, and that five others in the southern part of the county east of the Allegheny river be similarly united and called Union township. The report was accepted and confirmed, but many of the names were changed. Branch became East Branch; Miisk, Windrock; Cherry, Cherry Tree; Fairfield, Cranberry; Rock, Rockland; Union, Richland, etc., etc. It thus appears that although twenty- four townships were nominally created in Venango county, only seven were actually organized. Irwin, Scrubgrass, and Richland occupied the same relative positions as at present, ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 121 but the latter extended to Clarion river on the southeast, including nearly all of Clarion county that was taken from Venango in 1839. French creek extended latitudinally across the county, bounded on the north by the creek of that name and Allegheny river, and varying in M'idth from seven to fif- teen or eighteen miles. Sugar Creek included Canal in addition to its pres- ent area, and also that part of Cornplauter west of Oil creek with the south- ern part of Oakland and Jackson. The remaining territory west of Oil creek was embraced in Cherry Tree. Allegheny Avas situated east of Oil creek and north of the Allegheny river, and comprised nearly the whole of that part of Venango which was annexed to Forest county in 1866. More than a decade elapsed before any change was made in the map of the county. Plum was separately organized in 1817 and Kockland in that or the following year. French Creek lost a large part of its generous area in August, 1824, by the erection of Pinegrove, to which Farmington (Clarion county) was provisionally attached. Cranberry acquired individual autono- my in 1830 with "Six Mile run " (East Sandy creek) as its southern bound- ary, instead of the line between the Astley and Bingham lands, as originally provided. A similar departure was made in the organization of Sandy Creek, November 29, 1834, when the Mercer road was substituted for Big Sandy creek as part of the line of division with French Creek. Tionesta was formed from the eastern part of Allegheny in 1827, and the territory of the latter was further reduced by the erection of Cornplanter, November 28, 1833. Part of Cornplanter was taken from Sugar Creek, from which Canal was also formed, November 28, 1833. Plum, Cornplajiter, and Sugar Creek contributed to the territory of Oakland in 1841. Since the erection of Jack- son in 1845 the geography of this part of the county has remained un- changed. President was formed by act of the legislatui'e April 3, 1850, and Oil Creek was erected from the western part of Allegheny in 1866. The contiguous portions of Irwin and Scrubgrass were united by the formation of Clinton in April, 1855. The erection of Mineral, October 24, 1870, and Victory, September 6, 1876, completes the record of township formation. The boroughs of the county have been formed in the following order: Franklin, April 14, 1828; Pleasantvillle, March 22, 1850; Cooperstown, November 25, 1858; Emlenton, January 27, 1859; Oil City, April 29, 1862; Utica, November, 1863; Pithole City, November 30, 1865; Venango City, December 1, 1865; Siverly, August 27, 1874; Clintonville, January 28, 1878; Sunville, January 27, 1879; and Polk, August 23, 1886. Franklin was in- corporated as a city April 4, 1868, and Oil City, April 11, 1871. The char ter of the borough of Pithole City was annulled in August, 1877. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The iirst official business after the organization of the county was trans- acted bv the commissioners at the house of Edward Hale, which stood on 122 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. the site of the Snook block. November 4, 1805, permanent offices for the commissioners and prothonotary were secured at a quarterly rental of fif- teen dollars in a log building on the lot immediately above the United States hotel on Liberty street. The first courts were also held here. This build- ing was owned by Samuel Hays and John McDonald. It was removed in 1863. The commissioners were prompt in taking measures for the erection of county buildings, a duty specially enjoined ui)on them by the act providing for the organization of the county, in which the public square in the town of Franklin was designated as their location. At a meeting of the board December 4, 1806, the probable expense of building a court house was esti- mated and various plans taken into consideration. December 19th the eon- tract for digging the cellar and constructing the walls was awarded to John AVitherup, the first sheriif of the county and incumbent of the ofiice at that time. A plan for the building was matured January 9, 1807, and a site was staked off July 9th following. But it was not until the 1 1th of Novem- ber that the board "Agreed upon the permanent seat of the court house; which it is agreed by the commissioners is to stand on the corner of the diamond where Liberty street and High street cross, and on the west side of High street; to front toward Liberty street." The following minute appears under date of August 10, 1808: "This day George Fowler, ap- l)ointed on behalf of the commissioners, and John Philip Houser, ap- pointed on behalf of the contractors for building the court house to ascer- tain the quality of the brick burned for the same, made rei)ort that the same were unfit for the public buildings." This would seem to indicate that it was originally intended to erect a brick building. September 21, 1809, it was "Agreed by the commissioners that two flights of stairs which are to pass over the judge's bench are to be omitted, and one flight of stairs is to serve in place of the three mentioned in the original contract, to run up in such part of the house as will be found most convenient. ' ' The records are not prolific in details regarding the progress of coDstruc- tion. Christian and John Sutley were contractors for certain portions of the work, and John Broadfoot was employed as carpenter. Payments were made in annual installments; the amount received in 1809 by Witherup and the Sutleys was five hundred dollars. Material assistance was received from the legislature. The other county seats in this part of the state were lo- cated on lands owned by individuals, from whom subsidies amounting to several thousand dollars were usually received for the purpose of erecting public buildings. But the seat of justice for Venango had been located upon the property of the commonwealth, which had a tendency to enhance its value; and as it was but just and reasonable that the county should de- rive the same advantage as if it had been fixed on the lands of a private citi- zen, one thousand, five hundred dollars were appropriated March 28, 1806, ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTllATION. 125 "to be paid out of the moneys arisinor from the sales of the town and ont- lots belonging to the commonwealth in and adjoining the town of Franklin." This building was situated in West park aligned with Liberty street, but close to High. It was two stories in height. The first floor was entered from Liberty street and occupied as a court room; an inclosed space at the side opposite the entrance was reserved for the court, attorneys, and jurors. A stairway in the southwest corner led to a landing above, communicatirio- with four rooms, two of which were occupied as offices by the protlionotary and commissioners, Avhile the others served as jury rooms. This was a square stone building, in appearance substantial rather than imposing, but withal a credit to the county at the time when it was built. A cupola and bell w^ere afterward added. The date of its completion is usually given as 1811; and while this may be correct, it was not until some years later that the contractors were formally released. October 1, 1816. RoI)ert Mitchell,. Alexander McCalmont, and John Wilson, comprising the board of county commissioners, ' ' completed their investigation of the court house with the contractors for building the same, and agreed to enter satisfaction on the judgments entered against them and their sureties, and that their contract had been complied with." Extensive repairs were made in 1831: the chimneys were rebuilt, the walls plastered, and a partition constructed to separate the stairway and entrance from the court room., A small plat of ground around the building was enclosed by a fence in 1834, adding some- what to the attractiveness of the place. This venerable structure at length succumbed to t^ie influence of time. The materials used in its construction were principally the loose stones of the surrounding hills, and hence not w^ell adapted for walls of such a height. In 1845 the' building had become unsafe for occupancy, and it was decided to brace the walls with props in order to prevent a complete collapse. This rendered the erection of a new court house a matter of immediate and im- perative necessity. On the 29th of May, 1846, the commissioners — Nathaniel Gary, Pat- rick Culbertson, and David Adams — determined "to adopt immediate measures to effect the building of a new court house by the ensuing year 1847; and also that it would be expedient for the whole board to go to Mead- ville to examine courthouse of said place."' June 5th and 6th Messrs. Cary and Adams went to Meadville and employed a Mr. Tucker of that place to furnish a draft and specifications, which, as prepared by him, were adopted on the 23rd of June. On the following day it was decided by the board " that the new court house shall be located on the public square or diamond, and that the site shall be southwest of the jail, so as to front against the east side of Liberty street, as it comes into the diamond from the west.'' The proposals of foiu'teen different individuals or firms were con- sidered July 27th, and the contract awarded to William Bell and I. B. 7 126 ■ HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Rowe at their bid of seven thousand and fifty dollars. Two days later a formal contract was entered into, in which Messrs. Bell and Kowe agreed to complete the building by November 1, 1847. August 28, 1846, the commis- sioners were engaged in staking off the ground, and immediately thereafter the work of construction was begun. In consequence of a depression in the surface at the site selected it was fouiad necessary to make the founda- tion deeper and to add two and one-half feet to the height of the wall above the ground. Other changes were made as the work progressed, without, however, materially increasing the cost. This was a brick building, ob- long in shape, fronting on Liberty street, situated in front and quite near the site of the present court house. The offices of the prothonotary and commissioners were on the lower floor, the former on the north, the latter on the south, with a short hall between through which the court room was entered. The second floor was divided into several apartments, used as jury rooms, and a cupola containing a bell surmounted the roof. Septem- ber 11th and 12th, 1847, the records were removed to the new building, which was thenceforth their repository more than a score of years. The third and present court house is a brick building of ample and sym- metrical proportions, situated in South park and fronting the intersection of Liberty and Twelfth streets. The large volume of legal proceedings inci- dent to the great increase of population and wealth caused by the develop- ment of the oil industry demanded better facilities for the transaction of official business and greater security for the safe keeping of the county records. May 9, 1867, the junior member of the firm of Sloan & Hutton, architects, of Philadelphia, made an examination of the court house in order to determine whether it could be rendered tire proof. His decision was not favorable; and on the 18th of July the commissioners decided to build a new court house, in compliance with the recommendation of the grand jury. Sloan & Hutton were employed as architects; J[,. L. Hanna and Smith & Hill furnished the brick and William Hayes and James Black the stone for the walls. J. W. Brady was employed as superintendent of construction August 14, 1867, and the work of excavating the cellar was immediately be- gun. Operations were suspended late in the autumn and resumed in the following spring. The corner stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies Ju^ly 15, 1868, by Venango Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. James S. Myers and John S. McOalmont were the orators of the occasion. The building was finally completed in the summer of 1869. A wide hall on the first floor extends through the building in the direc- tion of its greatest length, communicating with the offices of the commis- sioner, treasurer, and sheriff* on the west, and those of the register and re- corder and prothonotary on the east. Two stairways in front and one in the rear ascend to the second story, which is mainly occupied by the court room, a spacious apartment with seating capacity of one thousand. Three ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 127 jury rooms, the judge's chambers, aud the office of the county superintend- ent of public schools complete the internal arrangement. Although com- pleted twenty years ago, this building is superior to many of its class in the other counties of the state, and will doubtless enjoy a longer period of use- fulness than any of its predecessors. The Jail is the inevitable accompaniment of the courthouse, and, in the case of Venango county, may be said to have preceded it. Commitments were occasionally necessary in the administration of the law by the local justices, and in such cases the '' Old Garrison " was brought into requisition. When it passed under the jurisdiction of the county commissioners they employed John Broadfoot, Samuel Atkinson, and Jacob Whitman to make such repairs as would insure the security of the prisoners confined therein. Even then it was not particularly well adapted to its purpose, and as soon as the court house had been completed aud })aid for, public attention naturally reverted to the erection of a building more suitable for the comfort and safe keeping of its inmates. March 19, 1818, the county commissioners — John Wilson, Abraham Seld- ers, and William Kinnear — "were engaged in fixing the site for a pul)lic prison." Contracts were made with Joel Sage for lumber and Thomas Hulings for stone. John Lupher agreed to furnish five tons of bar iron. June 1, 1818, proposals for erecting the building were received from George McClelland, John Lupher, Charles Ridgway, Abraham Clark, Thomas Hulings, Samuel Hays, McCalmont & McClelland, and Matthias Stockbarger. The contract was awarded Mr. Stockbarger at his bid of two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-five dollars, and the contract was executed June 4, 1819. The work of construction was pushed with energy. In November, 1819, Alexander McCalmont, William Connely, and Charles Holeman were ai^pointed by the commissioners to measure the stone work, in order to facil- itate an accounting for materials furnished for this part of the building. The walls were practically completed in May, 1820, when Stockbarger pur- chased the lumber that remained unused. In March, 1822, Andrew Dewoody was employed "to collect the loose stones lying about the walls," and fill up the sand holes on the diamond therewith. Doctor Eaton gives the following description of this, the first prison erected by the county: The jail was something of a curiosity. It was designed to be both a prison and a house for the sheriff, although rather diminutive to serve both purposes. It was two stones high, although the upper story was quite low. The windows of the portion assigned to prisoners were strongly barred. The architect seemed to have had some misgivings as to the strength of the wall, for the prison rooms were lined with lieavy oak planks six inches in thickness, and so secured that they could not well be wrenched from their position. They were fastened to great beams with long spikes, and were supposed to form a strong barrier against liberty on the part of the prisoners. So far as is known, no attempt was ever made to storm this very strong fortress, but one. On this occasion, a plan was matured to break through the wall. The idea 128 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. formed was to burn a way throu.t^b these planks bj" heating the iron poker in the stove and piercing the phinks in detail. But in a few minutes the smoke tilled the jail, pen- etrating into the sheriff's apartments and creating such an alarm that the family and neighbors alike came to the rescue. The plan failed, and was uever attempted again. This building could not have been more than thirty or thirty-five feet square, but it had an annex that was supposed at the time to be an admirable invention. It was a yard communicating with the prison apartments. The design was merciful and humane, affording the prisoners an opportunity of going out, in a limited way, to breathe the free air of heaven, and when in contemplative mood to look up at the stars. This yard was some twenty feet square, surrounded by a stone wall perhaps twelve or fifteen feet in height. Sometimes the j^risoners might be seen lying pi one on top of the wall, enjoying the warm sunshine. Often the circus tents were pitched within twenty rods of the jail, and from the top of the wall curious prisoners might obtain glimpses of what was going on on the sawdust in the tent. There was a well in this yard and often the lady of the castle utilized convict labor in having water drawn and carried in for household purposes. A bearing peach tree was also growing in this same yard during the last years of its occupation. Occasionally there were jail deliveries there without authority from the court. It was not hard to get over the wall if ennui oppressed the man; nor was it very difficult at times to evade the vigilance of the sheriff's wife, who often had sole charge, and get out by the front door. But the county awoke to the fact that a new jail was needed, and this classic old building was vacated, and eventually torn down, when all its secrets were exposed to the curiosity of the small boy. The stones were of little importance and soon removed, the well was filled up, and the site is but a memory. The location of this building was in South park, in the rear of the present court house, near the corner of Twelfth and Elk streets. It was occupied as a jail about thirty years, and finally sold by the commissioners to Josiah Adams, August 27, 1853, for the sum of one hundred and fifty-two dollars. The present county jail is situated on Elk street near Twelfth. It was origiaally erected in 1852-53 by John Byrnes, under contract, for nine thousand, five hundred dollars. As early as December, 1850, the commis- sioners had purchased stone in the lock opposite Franklin, paying therefor two hundred and eighty-six dollars, but it was not until a year later that the contract with Mr. Byrnes was entered into. A brick building, three stories high, fronting the street, constitutes the warden's residence; the jail proper is attached and in the rear. As rebuilt in 1868, this comprises twenty cells, arranged iu two tiers around an open court. One judicial execution has occurred within these walls, that of Thomas McCartey, for the murder of Barry in French Creek township. This took place at 12:30 P. M. , October 28, .1808. The County Alms House. — The indigent classes of the county were cared for by the difPerent townships until a comparatively recent date. April 13, 1870, the legislature passed an act conferring upon the county commissioners the powers and duties of directors of the poor,- with authority to erect and sustain a county alms house. Roland Hughes, Francis Merrick, John P. Crawford, M. C Beebe, Charles H. Slieppard, R. S. McCormick, Samuel Plumer, and James McCutcheon were named as commissioners to select a ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 129 suitable location. The Roberts and Hays farms, coiujirising two bundred and seventy-five acres in Sugar Creek township, were chosen and purchased for the sum of twenty thousand dollars. Immediate measures were taken for the erection of the building. J. M. Blackburn was employed as architect, and in September, 1870, the contract was awarded Dewees & Simmons of Tionesta at their bid of sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and fifty six dollars. They also purchased the old court house for two thousand dollars. November 14, 1871, the contractors having confessed their inability to pro- ceed with the work, the county commissioners decided to do so and placed J. M. Shoemaker in charge as building superintendent. The building was completed November 9, 1872, and opened for the reception of paupers on the 26th of December. The first death among this community occurred January 9, 1873. The building is constructed of brick, three stories in height, with sand- stone basement partly above ground; length, two hundred and ninety feet; central projection, one hundred and ninety feet in depth, with tower in front. The several stories are eleven feet, fourteen feet, and twelve feet high; cor- ridors, sixteen feet wide; transverse corridors, ten feet wide. The sexes are efPectually separated. On the first floor are the steward's apartments, direct- ors' room, physician's oflice, dining and sitting rooms. The kitchen, bake- room, and laundry are in the west end of the central projection. Fire escapes are provided. The establishment has a system of water works ample for its requirements. The local management is intrusted to a steward, appointed by the county commissioners. This position has been filled by Samuel McAlevy, appointed November 13, 1872; John Lockard, appointed January 2, 1876; Oliver Mc- Kissick, appointed September 12, 1876; Solomon Thorn, appointed January 2, 1882; and Henry A. Gulp, appointed August 13, 1883. INAUGURATION OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. The act of 1834 inaugurated in Pennsylvania what is distinctively known as the public school system. Popular education had been a subject of legis- lative action since the founding of the colony. It was stipulated in the con- stitution of 1790 that the legislature should "provide by law for the establishment of schools throughout the state in such manner that the poor may be taught gratis. ' ' In 1802 an act was passed to provide for the main- tenance of schools where elementary instruction might be received by all children. Those of the well-to-do were required to pay a small sum, but when the returns of the assessors showed that the parents were unable to bear this expense the county commissioners were authorized to do so. It does not appear that popular education in Yenango county was materially advanced by the operation of this law. Here the neighborhood school was the earliest result of educational effort. As a measure of convenience cer- 130 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. tain communities established schools in which their children might receive a rudimentary education. The teacher derived his support from his patrons and the affairs of the school were intrusted by common consent to the more energetic members of the community, who were usually men of intelligence. The law of 1802 was variously amended at different times, without, however, accomplishing its purpose. In 1827 a society for the promotion of education in the state was formed at Philadelphia, and through a corresponding com- mittee the opinions of leading men in every county were ascertained, and a union of the most progressive sentiment effected. The powerful influence thus generated resulted in'lhe act of 1834. In this the former distinction between pay and pauper schools was abrogated; all property was made tax- able for the support of the schools, and their local management in each district placed in charge of a board of six directors. Some two hundred acts of the legislature had preceded that of 1834; but the latter, although amended in 1836, is substantially unimpaired, and the growing efficiency of the system fully attests the wisdom of those who framed it. The following is a list of the first boards of school directors elected in the respective townships in the year 1834: Allegheny. — Hiram Goodrich. David Henderson, Thomas Davison, Aaron Benedict, William T. Neill, William Poor. Canal. — David Crouch, James Kingsley, John Gibbons, John Foster, Jr., William Whitman, Elanson Lindsay. Cherry Tree. — John Alcorn, Richard Hamilton, Robert Curry, John Breed, William Hamilton, Isaac Archer. Cranberry. — F. S. Beck, Daniel Wilhelm, AVilliam Thompson, Alexan- der Shannon, James Eaton, William Allison. CoJ'wpZaH^er.— John Henry, Patrick McCrea, Henry McCalmont, Samuel Lamb, John Neill, Joseph McFate. French Creek. — Aaron McKissick, Henry Strickland, Isaac Bunn(41, John W. Walker, Jr., John Adams, A. Grace. Irwin. — Robert Mitchell, James Perry, William McKee, George Mc- Murdy, Christian Dumars, William Hovis. Pinegrove. — Samuel Powell, Samuel Zink, J. B. McCalmont, Jacob Hinch, John Stover, C. Heylen. Plum. — William Mcintosh, Robert Mason, Edward Sweeny, John G. Bradley, William Cowan, Jared Welsh. Richland. — Henry Neely, Alexander Ritchey, James Burns, Benjamin Junkin, John Donaldson, John AUebaugh. Scnibgrass. — William Perry, John Coulter, Samuel Mitchell, David Phipps, Archibald Henderson, Alexander Scott. Sugar Creek. — James Haslet, John Mason, Alexander Bowman, John Morrison, M. Stockbarger, Robert McCalmont. Franklin Borough. — Lewis T. Reno, John Evans, John W. Howe, Andrew Bowman, William Raymond. Benjamin Alexander. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 131 The first conventioa of delegates under this act. aud in all probability the first public educational meeting in the county, was held at the court house in Franklin November 4, 1834. Canal township was represented l)y Elanson Lindsay; Plum, by William Cowan; Cherry Tree, by Richard Hamilton; Allegheny, by Hiram Goodrich; Pinegrove, by Samuel Powell; Kockland, by Matthias Domer; Scrubgrass, by John Coulter; Sugar Creek, by Alexander Bowman; Franklin Borough, by John W. Howe; Cranberry, by Alexander Shannon; Cornplanter, by Henry McCalmont; Kichland, })y Benjamin Junkin; Irwin, by Eobert Mitchell; Farmington, by David Rvncr; Beaver, by David Allebach; Elk, by Jacob Dahl; Tionesta, by James Wal- liston, aud Paint, by Daniel Brenneman'. An organization was effected with Samuel Powell as president and David Ryner, secretary. Important action was taken relative to a school fund. On motion of Messrs. Howe and Goodrich it was determined, with but two dissenting votes, to levy a tax of six mills for school purposes. At subsequent meetings in May, 1835, and in the following years, annual meetings in the different townships were arranged for the consideration of educational matters, and as a result of this agitation the system gradually gained in popular support and practical efficiency. County Superintendent of Public Schools. — This office was created in 1854. Its incumbents, elected by the school directors of the county, have been as follows: Manley C. Beebe, 1854-57; William Burgwin, 1857-00; Charles H. Dale, 1860-72; William C. McClure, 1872-75; Silas H. Prather, 1875-84; George B. Lord, 1884. COXGRESSIONAL AND LEGISLATIVE EEPEESEXTATION. Members of Congress. — 1800, Albert Gallatin, Democrat, Washington county; 1801, William Hoge, Democrat, W^ashington county; 1803, John Hoge, Democrat, Washington county; 1804, John B. C. Lucas, Democrat, Beaver county; 1805, Samuel Smith, Democrat, Erie county; 1810 (re- elected), Abner Lacock, Democrat, Beaver county; 1813 (re-elected), Thomas Wilson, Democrat, Erie county; 1816 (re-elected), Robert Moore, Democrat, Beaver county; 1820 (re-elected), Patrick Farrelly, Democrat, Crawford county; 1826, Thomas H. Sill, Federalist, Erie county (vice Pat- rick Farrelly, deceased); 1826, Stephen Barlow, Democrat, Crawford county ; 1828, Thomas H. Sill, Federalist, Erie county; 1830, John Banks, Anti- Mason, Mercer county; 1832 (re-elected), John Galbraith, Democrat, Venango county; 1836, Arnold Plumer, Democrat, Venango county: 1838, John Galbraith, Democrat, Erie county; 1840, Arnold Plumer, Democrat, Venango county; 1842, Samuel Hays, Democrat, Venango county; 1844, William S. Garvin, Democrat, Mercer county; 1846, John W. Farrelly^ Whig, Crawford county; 1848 (reelected), John W. Howe, Free-Soil, Ve- nango county; 1852, C. B. Curtis, Democrat, AVarren county; 1854, David 132 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Barclay, Democrat, Jefferson county; 1856, James L. Gillis, Democrat, Elk county; 1858, Chapin Hall, Republican, AVarren county; 1860, John Pat- ton, Republican, Clearfield county; 1862, Amos Myers, Republican, Clarion county; 1864, C. V. Culver, Republican, Venango county, 1866, Darwin A. Finney, Republican, Crawford county; 1868, S. Newton Pettis, Repub- lican, Crawford county (vice Darwin A. Finney, deceased); 1868, Calvin W. Gilfillan, Republican, Venango county; 1870, Samuel Griffith, Demo- crat, Mercer county; 1872, Hiram L. Richmond, Republican, Crawford county; 1874, Albert G. Egbert, Democrat, Venango county; 1876, Lewis F. Watson, Republican, Warren county; 1878, John H. Osmer, Republican, Venango county; 1880, Lewis F. Watson, Republican, Warren county; 1882, Samuel M. Brainerd, Republican, Erie county; 1884 (re-elected), William L. Scott, Democrat, Erie county; 1888, Lewis F. Watson, Repub- lican. Warren county. Stale Senators. — 1800, John Hamilton, Democrat, Washington county — district: Allegheny, Washington, and Greene; 1801, William McArthur, Democrat, Crawford county — district: Erie, Crawford, Venango, Mercer, and Warren; 1809, Wilson Smith, Democrat, Erie county, the same dis- trict; 1812, Joseph Shannon, Democrat, the same district; 1816, Henry Hurst, Democrat, Crawford county, the same district; 1821, Jacob Herring- ton, Mercer county, the same district; 1822, Samuel Hays, Democrat, Ve- nango county — district: Venango, Warren, Armstrong, Indiana, Jefferson, and Cambria; 1827, Eben S. Kelly, the same district; 1835, M. Kelley, the same district; 1839, Samuel Hays, Democrat, Venango county — dis- trict: Jefferson, McKean, P.ot.ter, Tioga, Venango, and Warren, to which Clarion was added in 1842,^.^ 2, William P. Wilcox, Democrat, the same district; 1845, James P. Hoover, Democrat, Venango county — district: Crawford and Venango; 1848. J. Porter Brawley, Democrat, Crawford coianty, the same district; 1851, John Hoge, Democrat, Mercer county — district: Mercer, Venango, and Warren; 1854, Thomas Hoge, Democrat, Venango county, the same district; 1857, Glenni W. Scofield, Republican, Warren county, the same district; 1859, William M. Francis, Republican, Lawrence county — district: Lawrence, Mercer, and Venango; 1860, James H. Robinson, Republican, Mercer county, the same district; 1863, Thomas Hoge, Republican, Venango county, the same district; 1866, James C. Brown, Republican, Mercer county, the same district; 1869, Harrison Allen, Republican, Warren county — district: Mercer, Venango, and Warren; 1872, Samuel McKinley, Republican, Lawrence county — district: Lawrence, Mer- cer, and Venango; 1874, \\\ S. McMullen, Republican, Venango county — district: Venango and Warren; 1876, Charles W. Stone, Republican, Warren county, the same district; 1878 (re-elected), J. W. Lee, Republican, Ve- nango county, the same district; 1886, O. C. Allen, Republican, Warren county, the same district. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 133 State Representatives. — At the first session of tlio Xlth House, which met November 5, 1800, Samuel Ewalt and Thomas Morton represented the dis- trict indicated on the journal as composed of the counties of " Allefheny. Crawford, etc." At the first session of the Xllth House, which convened December 1, 1801, Alexander Buchanan represented the district composed of the counties of Crawford, Venango, Warren, Erie, and Mercer. The fol- lowing are Buchanan's successors: 1802, John Lytle, Jr. (re-elected in 1803 and 1804); 1805, Wilson Smith (re-elected in 1800 and 1807); 1808, Samuel Dale and Bevan Pearson — district: Venango and Mercer; 1809, Samuel Dale and James Montgomery (re-elected in 1810, 1811, and 1812), the same dis- trict; 1813, Samuel Hays and Jacob Herrington, the same district; 1814, David Dempsey and Jacob Herrington, the same district; 1815, James Wes- ton, Ralph- Marlin, and Jacob Herrington — district: Mercer, Erie, Craw- ford. Warren, and Venango; 1818, Samuel Hays, Ralph Marlin, and Jacob Herrington, the same district; 1817, Thomas Wilson, Ralph Marlin, and Samuel Hays, the same district; 1818, Jacob Herrington, James Cochran, and Joseph Hackney, the same district; 1819, Wilson Smith, James Cochran, and William Connely, the same district; 1820, Jacob Herrington, William Smith, and William Connely, the same district; 1821, David Brown, James Cochran, and George Moore, the same district; 1822, James Cochran — dis- trict: Venango and Crawford; 1823 (re-elected), Samuel Hays, the same dis- trict; 1825, William Foster, the same district; 1826, Thomas Atkinson, the same district; 1827, George R. Espy, the same district; 1828, John Galbraith, the same district; 1829, John Galbraith (re-elected in 1830 and 1831) — dis- trict: Venango and Warren; 1832, James Thompson (re-elected in 1833 and 1834), the same district; 1835, Hugh McCk^nd, the same district; 1836 (re-elected), George R. Espy — district: Veu ^o; 1838 (re elected), James Ross Snowden, the same district; 1840, Alexander Holeman, the same dis- trict; 1841, James Ross Snowden, the same district; 1842, David B. Long. From 1843 to 1850 Venango, JefPerson, and Clarion constituted a district and elected two representatives. James Ross Snowden, Robert Mitchell, and William Perry were elected from Venango county during this period. In 1850 Morris Leech, Glenni W. Scofield, and John W. Shu.gert were elected from the district composed of Mercer, Warren, and Venango; 1851, John W. Shugert, Joseph Y. James, and L. N. McGranahan, the same district; 1852, L. N. McGranahan, John J. Kilgore, and Carter V. Kinnear, the same district; 1853, John J. Kilgore, L. T. Parmlee, and Robert M. De- France, the same district; 1854, S. P. McCalmont, Ralph Clapp, and Dan- iel Lott, the same district; 1855, S. P. McCalmont, Daniel Lott, and Samuel Kerr, the same district; 1850, S. P. McCalmont, Samuel Kerr, and Thomas Struthers, the same district; 1857, Thomas Struthers, William G. Rose, and C. P. Ramsdell, the same district; 1858, William G. Rose and C. P. Ramsdell — district: Mercer and Venango; 1859 (re-elected), George D. Hotius and Elisha W. Davis, the same district; 1861 (re-elected), M. C. Beebe and 134 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. James C. Brown, the same district; 1863 (re-elected), William Burgwin aud Charles Koooce, the same district. In 1865 Venango was united with War- ren in one district, and during the continuance of this arrangement the representatives elected from this county were W. L. Whann, A. P. Duncan, J. D. McJunkin, and R. D. McCreary. Since 187-1 Venango has composed a district and elected representatives in the following order: 1874, John M. Dickey, J. P. Park, and William Hasson; 1876, John M. Dickey, William Gates, and George E. Mapes; 1878, George E. Mapes, Samuel B. Myers, and J. L. Dewoody; 1880, Samuel B. Myers, George E. Mapes, and Willis J. Hulings; 1882, Willis J. Hulings, William Hasson,' and James S. Gates: 1884, Willis J. Hulings, George S. Criswell, and Frank Riddle; 1886, George S. Criswell, Robert F. Glenn, and O. P. Morrow; 1888, O. P. Mor- row and F. W. Hays. ROSTER OF COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judges, under the constitution of 1790, were appointed by the governor and enjoyed a life tenure. Under the constitution of 1837-38 the term of service was made ten years, and in 1851 the office became elective. Alexander Addison was commissioned August 17, 1791; Jesse Moore, April 5, 1803; Henry Shippen, January 24, 1825; Nathaniel B. Eldred, March 23, 1839; Gaylord Church, April 3, 1843; Alexander McCalmont, 1839 (for the eighteenth judicial district to which Venango county was attached in 1849); Joseph Buffington, 1849. John C. Knox was elected in October, 1851. John S. McCalmont, appointed in May, 1853, was elected in the following autumn, and resigned in 1861, when Glenni W. Scofield was appointed; James Campbell was elected October 11, 1861. In 1866 Isaac G. Gordon was appointed to the twenty-eighth judicial district, to which John Trunkey was elected in October of the same year and re-elected in 1876. Upon his resignation in December, 1877, Charles E. Taylor was ap- pointed; he was elected November 5, 1878, and re-elected November 6, 1888. District Judge. — James Thompson of Venango county was appointed special law judge for Erie, Crawford, Venango, and Mercer counties May 18, 1839, and served until May, 1845. Associate Judges were originally appointed for life or during good be- havior, but by the constitution of 1837-38 the term of service was reduced to five years, and in 1850 the office was made elective. John Irwin and Thomas McKee were commissioned July 4, 1805, and took the oath of office on the 17th of October following. James G. Heron was commissioned De- cember 3, 1805, and inducted into office January 27, 1806. He was county commissioner at the time and does not appear to have officiated as judge until March session, 1808. He died in 1809, but Judges Irwin and McKee continued to serve many years. Richard Irwin's incumbency as associate judge began in December, 1838; that of Robert Mitchell, in 1840; Benja- min A. Plumer, in 1843; James Kinnear, in 1845; Alexander Holeman, in 1850; Robert Cross, in 1851; John H. Smiley, in 1856; Samuel Hays, in 1856; David Phipps, in 1856; W. W. Davison, in 1857; Joshua Davis, in 1861. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 135 William Connelly, in 1862; Robert Lamberton, in 1862; R. S. McCormicky in 1866; James L. Connely, in 1867. Venango county was made a judi- cial district (the twenty-eighth) individually in 1877, and thus, by a pro- vision in the constitution of 1874, the office of associate judge was abol- ished. Prothonotaries. — Appointments to this office were originally made by the governor for the term of three years, but the office become elective under the constitution of 1837-88. Since 1857 one person has been elected pro- thonotary, clerk of the court of quarter sessions, of oyer and terminer, and general jail delivery, and another person recorder of deeds, register of wills, and clerk of the orphans' court; prior to that date the duties of all these offices had been performed by one incumbent. William Moore took the oath of office as prothonotary, etc., September 2, 1805; Alexander INIcCal- mont, April 27, 1818; Andrew Bowman, April 21, 1824; Arnold Plumer. February 27, 1830; Alexander McDowell, February 27, 1836; James P. Hoover, December 31, 1840; George W. Connely, December 3, 1842: Alexander Cochran, December 4, 1848; William Elliott, December 4, 1854; John A. Dale, vice William Elliott, deceased, appointed August 3, 1857; R. L. Cochran, December 3, 1857 ;C. E. Lytle, December 4, 1860; J. H. Smith, December 3, 1866; E. G. Crawford, December 1, 1869; Isaac Reine- man, January 3, 1876; Philip Engelskirger, January 2, 1882; John H. Evans, January 2, 1888, present incumbent. Register and Recorder. — Nathaniel D. Suowden took the oath of office as register and recorder and clerk of the. orphans' court't December 3, 1857; H. B. Gordon, December 4, 1860; Alexander McDowell, May 30, 1866, ap- pointed, vice H. B. Gordon, deceased; James W. Shaw, December 1, 1866; John P. Barr, January 3, 1876; Carlisle J. Crawford, January 5, 1885, present incumbent. County Commissioners were elected annually for the term of three years until the adoption of the constitution of 1873, which provided for the trien- nial election of the entire board of three members. Ninian Irwin, Caleb Crane, and James G. Heron constituted the first board. James G. Heron served from October, 1805, to October, 1806; Caleb Crane, October, 1805, to October, 1807; Ninian Irwin, October 1805, to October, 1808; James McClaran, October, 1806, to August, 1808; Samuel Ray, Jr., October 1807; to October, 1810; John Shaw, appointed, vice James McClaran, resigned, August, 1808, to October, 1808; John Nelson, October, 1808, to February, 1810; George McClelland, October, 1808, to November, 1812; David Brown, appointed, vice John Nelson, resigned, February, 1810, to October. 1810; John Wilson, October, 1810, to October, 1813; James McClaran, October, 1810, to October, 1814; John Hamilton, November, 1812, to August, 1814, Robert Mitchell, October, 1813, to October, 1816; John McCalmont. Jr., appointed, vice John Hamilton, resigned, August, 1814, to October, 1814; 136 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Alexander McCalmont, November, 1814, '.to October, 1817; John AVilson, October, 1814, to October, 1818; Abraham Selders, October, 1816, to Octo- ber, 1819; William Kinnear, October, 1817, to October, 1820; Kobert Mitchell, October, 1818, to October, 1821; Craft Ghost, October, 1819, to October, 1822; Welden Adams, October, 1820, to October, 1828; James Kinnear, October, 1821, to October, 1824; Barnhart Martin, October, 1822, to October, 1825: John Witherup, October, 1823, to October, 1826; John Broadfoot, October, 1824, to October, 1827; Alexander Holeman, October, 1825, to October, 1828; James Martin, October, 1826, to October, 1829; James Mason, Jr., October, 1827, to October, 1830; Richard Irwin, October, 1828, to October, 1831; William Elliott, October, 1829, to October, 1832; Joshua Davis, October, 1830, to October, 1833; Marvin Perry, October, 1831, to October, 1834; James Hamilton, Jr., October, 1832, to October, 1835; George Kribbs, October, 1833, to October, 1836; James Adams, Oc- tober, 1834, to October, 1837; Lewis T. Reno, October, 1835, to October, 1838; James Hasson, October, 1836, to October, 1839; Robert Bradley, Oc- tober, 1837, to October, 1840; William Perry, October, 1838, to October, 1841; John Shannon, October, 1839, to October, 1842: William Hamilton, October, 1840, to October, 1843; Patrick Davidson, October, 1841, to Oc- tober, 1844; John D. McWilliams, October, 1842, to October, 1845; Na- thaniel Gary, October, 1843, to October, 1846; Patrick Culbertson, Octo- ber, 1844, to October, 1847; David Adams, October, 1845, to October, 1848; R. A. Brashear, October, 1846, to October, 1849; Robert Archer, October, 1847, to October, 1850; J. J. Kilgore, October, 1848, to October, 1851; William Siggins, October, 1849, to March, 1851; M. B. Shannon, Octo- ber, 1850, to October, 1853; Putnam McKissick, appointed, vice William Siggins, resigned, March, 1851, to October, 1852; John Boughner, November, 1851, to November, 1854; Robert Dickson, November, 1852, to November, 1855; William Cowan, November, 1853, to November, 1856; James McCutcheon, November, 1854, to November, 1857; James Duffield. November, 1855, to October, 1858; John Willings, Novem- ber. 1856. to October, 1859; James Ritchie, Sr., November, 1857, to October, 1860; Isaac Tallman, October, 1858, to November 1861; Joseph A. Allen, October, 1859. to October, 1862; Robert Martin, October, 1860, to October, 1863; Willuim Smith, November, 1861, to November, 1864; R. H. McFate, October, 1862, to October, 1865; Thonjas Holmden, October, 1863, to August, 1865; B. F. Mark, November, 1864, to October, 1867; William Smith, appointed, vice Thomas Holmden, resigned, August, 1865, to October, 1865; James Duncan, October. 1865, to October, 1869; D. H. Cassidy, October, 1865, to October, 1868; Wilson Davis, October, 1867, to October, 1870; John Davidson, November, 1868, to October, 1871; James Y. Siggins, October, 1869, to November, 1872; Henry Dubbs, October, 1870, to November, 1873; James P. Riddle, October, 1871, to December, ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 137 1874; A. M. Turner, November, 1872, to Januarv, ISTC); C. E. Lytle, November, 1873, to January, 1876; Thomas MeKee, December, 1874, to January, 1870; W. L. Armstrong, James Vanderlin, Thomas McKee, Jan- uary, 1876, to January, 1879; Albert Tyrrell, Hugh Craig, T. K. Homan, January, 1879, to January, 1882; Kobert M. Sterritt, Hugh Craig, Thomas J. Eakin, January, 1882, to January, 1885; Thomas J. Eakin, L. C. Heas- ley, January, 1885, to January, 1888; A. W. Cox, January, 1885, to July, 1886; Samuel A. McAlevy, appointed, vice A. W. Cox, deceased, .fulv, 1880, to January, 1888: William A. Maitland, J. D. Patterson, and S H. McKinney, January, 1888. present incumbents. County 'Treasurers were appointed by the commissioners until 1841, when the office became elective. Alexander McDowell was treasurer in 1805-7; Samuel Hays, 1808; John Broadfoot, 1809-10; George McClel- land, 1813-15; John McCalmont, Jr., 1810-18; James Kinnear, 1819; George McClelland, 1820-21; John Lupher, 1822-23; George McClelland, 1824; George Power, 1825; John Evaus, 1820; Hugh McClelland, 1827-28; Myron Park, 1829-30; Samuel Huston, 1831-32; AVilliam llaymoud, 1833- 34; George R. Espy, 1885 and 1830 to November, when he resigned; Ben- jatQin A. Plumer, November, 1830, to Janiiary, 1839; John Haslet, 1839- 40; William M. Smiley, 1842-43; William Elliott, 1844-45; Thomas H. Martin, 1840-47; Jacob Mays, 1848-49; Jacob G. Keefer, 1850-51; James Bleakley, 1852-53; James Griffin, 1854-55; Miles W. Sage, 1850-57; John P. McKinley, 1858-59; George W. Brigham, 1800-01; R. J. Canan, 1802- 03; Henry Dubbs, 1804-05; James Allison, 1800-07; Thomas A. Morrison, 1808-09; J. R. Grant, 1870-71; N. B. Riddle, 1872-73; Isaac M. Sowers, 1874-75; James F. Mackey, 1870-78; I. H. Davison, 1879-81; W. C. Cross, 1882-84; I. H. Davison, 1885-87; Charles E. Shoup, 1888, present in- ' cumbent. County Auditors. — Three auditors are elected triennially. Prior to the adoption of the constitution of 1790 the accounts of the commissioners and treasurer were submitted to the grand jury. The first legislation intro- ducing the present system was an act passed March 30, 1791, providing for the appointment of auditors annually by the county court. The office was made elective by the act of March 6, 1809, in which, however, the court of quarter sessions was authorized to fill any vacancies that might occur. On the 7th of February, 1814, an act was passed extending the term of office to three years; the person receiving the largest number of votes at that elec- tion was to serve the maximum period; the person receiving the next highest number, two years; and the person receiving the next highest number, one year, while one member was to be elected annually thereafter. This arrange- ment continued until the present system was adopted under the constitution of 1873. Nothing is known concerning the board in 1800 beyond the fact that 138 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Patrick Jack was one of its members. Samuel Dale, Joseph Allen, and John Snow were appointed for 1807; Alexander McDowell, John Andrews, and Elial Farr, for 1808. Isaac Connely, William Moore, and Alexander Mc- Calmont were elected in 1809; Alexander McCalmont, John McClaran, and John Hamilton, in 1810; Isaac Connely, John McClaran, and John Hamil- ton, in 1811; Robert Mitchell, John Broadfoot, and Samuel Dale, in 1812; John Broadfoot, Andrew Bowman, and Charles Holeman, in 1813. In 1814 Charles Holeman was elected for three years and served from January, 1815, to January, 1818; William Crawford was elected for two years and served from January, 1815, to January, 1817; Ninian Irwin was elected for one year and served from January, 1815, to January, 1810. John Gordon served from January, 1816, to January, 1819; Ninian Irwin, from January, 1817, to January, 1820; Thomas Baird, from January, 1818, to January, 1821; George McClelland, January, 1819, to January, 1821; William Neill, January, 1820, to January, 1823; James Martin, January, 1821, to January, 1824; Ninian Irwin, January, 1821, to January, 1822; Alexander Holeman, January, 1822, to January, 1825; John Martin, Jr., January, 1823, to Jan- uary, 1826; James Mason, January, 1824, to January, 1827; James Hulings, January, 1825, to January, 1828; James Hamilton, January, 1826, to Jan- uary, 1829; William Crary, January, 1827, to January, 1830; John Little, January, 1828, to January, 1831; Thomas Baird, January, 1829, to January, 1832: Samuel Huston, January, 1830, to January, 1831; Robert J. Neill, January, 1831, to January, 1833; Hugh Henry, January, 1831, to Jan- uary, 1834; Alexander Holeman, January, 1832, to January, 1835; Alex- ander McDowell, January, 1833, to January, 1836; John Coulter, Jan- uary, 1834, to January, 1837; Robert Mitchell, January, 1835, to January, 1838; William Parker, January, 1836, to January, 1839; Daniel Delo, Jan- uary, 1821, to January, 1840; William Neill, January, 1838, to January, 1841; Patrick Culbertson, January, 1839, to January, 1842; James Duffield, January, 1840, to January, 1843; Isaac Griffin, January 1841, to January, 1844; Robert Dixon, January, 1842, to January, 1845; Charles H. Heydrick, January, 1843, to January, 1846; William C. Frazier, January, 1844, to Jan- uary, 1847; Jacob G. Keefer, January, 1845, to January, 1848; Philip Ghost, January, 1846, to January, 1849; John G. Bradley, January, 1847, to Jan- uary, 1850; William Allison, January, 1848, to January, 1851; Alexander Culbertson, January, 1849, to January, 1852; J. P. Gilliland, January, 1850, to January, 1852; George W. Parker, January, 1851, to January, 1853; R. H. McFate, January, 1852, to January, 1854; Robert J. Neill, January, 1852, to January, 1855; D. D. Dickey, January, 1854, to January, 1856; Samuel McAlevy, January, 1855, to January, 1858; John Hetzler, January, 1856, to January, 1859; John Guist, January, 1857, to January, 1860; William Fos- ter, January, 1858, to January, 1861 ; J. A. Dreibelbiss, January, 1859, to January, 1862; William M. Richardson, January, 1860, to Januarys 1863; ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION, 139 Samuel Foster, January, 1861, to January, 1804; J. R. Stranford, January, 1862, to January, 1865; Thomas Singleton, January, lHCu\, to January. 1S6<); Daniel Persing, January, 1864, to January, 1867; P. L. Pryor, January. 1865, to January, 1868; A. Bowman, January, 1866, to January, 1869; Pliilo Williams, January, 1867, to January, 1870; James H. McCombs, Janiiary. 1868, to January, 1871; James Lee, January, 1869, to Jaiuiary,1872; Alonzu Poor, January, 1870, to January, 1878; John Glass, January, 1871, to Jan- uary, 1874; William K. Gilliland, Janiiary, 1872, to Janiiary, 1875; William H. Hughes, January, 1878, to January, 1876; I. B. Myers, January, 1874, to January, 1876; John Ricketts, January, 1875, to January, 1876; AV. H. Web- ber, Henry Clulow, January, 1876, to January, 1879; John Kean, January, 1876. to January, 1878; W. M. Epley, January, 1878, to January, 1879; J. D. Zeigler, E. Hughes, A. Gilmer, January, 1879, to January, 1882; George Chambers, January, 1882, to January, 1885; Henry D. Gulp, Daniel Shaner, January, 1882, to January, 1884; William K. Gilliland, January, 1884, to January, 1888; C. W. Shaner, January, 1884, to January, 1885; John A. Robinson, E. A. Hughes, January, 1885, to January, 1888; A. S. Mawhinney, H. McClintock, L. J. Bowen, elected in 1887, constitute the present board. Sheriffs. — John Witherup took the oath of office as sheriff of the county December 4, 1805; Samuel Hays, November 24, 1808; Alexander McCal- mont, December 21, 1811; John Hamilton, November 12, 1814; Andrew Bowman, November 28, 1817, Samuel Hays, November 8, 1820; Arnold Plumer, November 24, 1823; Arthur Robison, December 2, 1826; Samuel Hays, November, 1829; Andrew McCaslin, November 30, 1832; Samuel Hays, December, 1835; John Evans, November 6, 1838; John W. Shugert, November 25, 1841; Samuel Phipps, November 26, 1844; John A. Dale, November 26, 1847; John Adams, November 29, 1850; Thomas H. Martin, December 3, 1853; Putnam McKissick, November 29, 1856; Samuel Mc- Alevy, December 2, 1859; Samuel A. Thomas, November 29, 1862; P. R, Gray, December 2, 1865; Henry H. Herpst, November 27, 1868; Cyrus S. Marks, December 4, 1871; L. T. Lamberton, January 4, 1875; C. M. Hoover, January 7, 1878; Cyrus S. Marks, January 3, 1881; J. S. Shearer, January 7, 1884; William R. Crawford, January 3, 1887; L. L. Ray, Janu- ary 6, 1890, present incumbent. Coro7iers. —Marcus Hulings took the oath of office as coroner December 4, 1805; John McDonald, November 23, 1808; Charles Ridgway, December 21, 1811; George Power, November 12, 1814; Samuel Hulings, November . 28, 1817; Robert McCalmont, November 9, 1820; Abraham Clark, Novem- ber 9, 1824; Thomas S. McDowell, November 14, 1826; James Foster, November, 1829; William Parker, February 16, 1833; Charles L. Cochran, December, 1835; Aaron McKissick, November 11, 1838; Armstrong Duffield, December 7, 1841; Nathaniel D. Snowden, 1844; James A. Donaldson, November 22, 1847; Robert Crawford, April, 1850; Charles W. Mackey, Jan- l-tO HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. nary 9, 1853; J. W. Kiddle, July 15. 1857; William F. Hunter, January 3, 1861; E. C. Westlake, December 22, 1865; Thomas B. Larue, November, 1868; Joseph Hooton, 1871; S. Gustine Snowden, January 7, 1874; A. W. Cox, January 17, 1877; E. W. Moore, January 5, 1886; J. B. Reynolds, January 7, 1889, present incumbent. County Surveyors. — The title of this office was deputy surveyor and its incumbents were appointed by the governor until 1850, when the office be- came elective and the name was changed to its present style. Samuel Dale was the first deputy surveyor, and arrived at Franklin in August, 1800. Alexander McCalmont was commissioned as his successor May 1, 1812. and the subsequent incumbents of the office assumed its duties in the following order: William Connely, February 2, 1817; John Irwin, May, 1818; Rich- ard Irwin, July 7, 1824; Thomas Hamilton, 1839; William Connely. July 4, 1840; Charles H. Heydrick, February 10, 1845; Matthew Riddle, February 27, 1851; Charles H. Heydrick, November 29, 1853; William Hilamls, 1862; George M. Bowman, December 16, 1868; William Hilaods, 1871, and has filled the office continuously up to the present. District Attornejjs. — From 1800 to 1850 this office was known by the title of deputy attorney general, and the incumbents were appointed by the attorney general of the state. The office was made elective in 1850, and the name changed to its present style. Matthew Riddle was elected in 1850; Thompson Allison, in 1853 and 1856; Charles E. Taylor, in 1859, resigned in 1861; C. W. Gilfillan, appointed in 1861, and elected in 1862; Samuel B. Myers, in 1865 and 1868; James H. Smith, in 1871; W. H. James, in 1874; William Francis, in 1876; Thomas McGough, in 1879. 1882. and 1885, and F. L. Kahle, in 1888. Jury Coniviissioners. — This office was created in 1867 and made elective, two persons being chosen for the term of three years. Each voter is entitled to cast a ballot for one candidate only, thus insuring representation to both the leading parties. Robert MofFett and John P. McKinley were elected in 1867; Samuel McAlevy and Davidson McElphatrick, in 1870; Walter Braden and James E. Muse, in 1873; F. I. Nolen and Harvey Evans, in 1876; William Hasson and J. R. Neely, in 1879; John Mason and A. J. Keenan, in 1882; James Dille and John Willings, in 1885; George E. Mc- Intire and W. C. Davidson, in 1888. ROSTER OF EARLY TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. In the general system of government in this state the township is the unit. The administration of local affairs is usually intrusted to men of some prominence and influence in their respective neighborhoods, and a list of township officers includes therefore the names of many citizens whose con- nection with public life would otherwise be forgotten, and whose services, although circumscribed by narrow limits, are none the less essential to the 4<^>-3^>i,-C^ ^^^^^^2^' ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 1 j^ community at large. The following list of early township officer. i> ... comj)lete as existing records permit. The First JufitU'es were commissioned for their respective districts in the following order: Irwin, Alexander McDowell, May 11, 17U6; Abraham Selders May IT 1801 ; Patrick Jack, July 4, 1806. Allegheny, Joel Green, January 1, 1808. Cherry Tree and Plum, Elial Farr, Octol)er 24, 1807. Richland, James Allison. October 24, 1807. Scrubgrass, John Witherup, November 5, 1808. Sugar Creek, Andrew Bowman, 1812. Sandy Creek, William Whann, February 24. 1812. 1801. Allegheny.— Constable, Median Garwood; supervisors: John McCombs, Samuel Patterson; overseers of the pour: Peter Titus, James Tuthill. Irivin. — Constable, Richard Sutton; supervisors: Edward Hale, Will- iam Hays; overseers: George Power, Marcus Hulings; fence viewers: James Martin, Sr. , James Beaumont. 1802. . Allegheny. —Constable, John Rain; supervisors: James Miller, Samuel Patterson; overseers: Benjamin Huff, Eli Holeman. Irivin. — Constable, Thomas Carter; supervisors: John Martin, William Logan; overseers: Patrick Davidson, Brice Gilmore; appraisers of dam- ages: James Martin, John McClaran. Sugar Creek. — Constable, John Sherman; supervisors: James Tuttle, Robert Elliott; overseers: Thomas Hamilton, John Rodgers; appraisers: Henry Preston, Samuel Plumer. 1803. Allegheny. — Constable, Moses Hicks; supervisors: Samuel Patterson, Samuel Rhoads; overseers: John Ryan, John Anderson. Irwin. — Constable, Richard Sutton; supervisors: John Witherup, Pat- rick Davidson; overseers: John McClaran, James Martin. Sugar Creek. — Constable, John AVhitman; supervisors: William Crouse, John Stiver; overseeers: Hugh Johnston, Thomas Hamilton; appraisers: George Sutley, Hugh Hamilton. 1804. Allegheny. — Constable, Andrew Fleming; supervisors: Samuel Rhoads, Moses Hicks, Jr. Irivin. — Constable, Richard Sutton; supervisors: John Witherup, John Vincicle; overseers: James Martin, John McClaran; appraisers: John Mc- Quiston, George King. 8 144 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Sugar Creek. — Constable, Elial Farr; supervisors: James Hamilton Robert Beatty; overseers: John Todd, George Sutley; appraisers: Robert Curry, Hugh Johnston. 1805. Allegheny. — Constable, Thomas Boyd; supervisors: James McCasland, John Henry; overseers: Benjamin Huff, Eli Holeman; appraisers: David Kinnear, Alexander Thompson. Iririn. — Constable, Adam Dinsmore; supervisors: John Ray, Edward Hale. Sugar Creek. — Constable, Richard Sutton; supervisors: Robert Beatty, Ninian Irwin. 1806. Allegheny. — Constable, Samuel Rhoads; supervisors: John Henry, Ben- jamin Huff; overseer, James Irwin. Irivin. — Constable, Adam Dinsmore; supervisors: Samuel Hays, James Scott; overseer, James Martin. Sugar Creek. — Constable, John Stiver; supervisors: Robert Shaw, Sam- uel Irwin; overseer, Patrick Davidson. 1807. Constables. — Irwin, Jonathan Murray; Scrubgrass, Matthew Riddle;. French Creek, James Nicholson; Cherry Tree, Henry Kinnear; Allegheny, Patrick McCrea; Richland, Heniy Best. 1808. Constables. — Irwin, Jonathan Morris; Scrubgrass, Samuel Doty; French Creek, William Irwin; Allegheny, John Watson; Sugar Creek, Francis Hal- yday; Cherry Tree, James Hamilton; Richland, Jacob Harrold. 1809. Constables. — Irwin, Jonathan Morris; Scrubgrass, James Graham; French Creek, James Martiti; Sugar Creek, Francis Halyday; Cherry Tree, George Farr; Allegheny, Thomas H. Prather; Richland, Alexander Ritchey. 1810. Constables. — Allegheny, James Dawson, Sr. ; Cherry Tree, Samuel Proper; French Creek, James Adams; Irwin, Thomas Baird; Richland, AVill- iam Downing; Scrubgrass, James Craig; Sugar Creek, Francis Halyday. 1811. Constables. — Allegheny, James Allender; Cherry Tree, Samuel Proper; Irwin, John McClaran; Scrubgrass, John Phipps; Sitgar Creek, James McCune; Richland, Henry Neely. 1812. Constables. — Allegheny, James Alexander; Cherry Tree, William Pas- ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 145 » tores; French Creek, John Gordon; Irwin, Craft Ghost; KichhiuJ, Nathan Phipps; Scrubgrass, Thomas Jones; Sugar Creek, Alexander Johnston. 1814. Constables. — Allegheny, James Lamb; Cherry Tree, John LaiulxTton; Irwin, Isaac Robison; French Creek, John Atkinson; liichland, Jacob Keefer; Scrubgrass, David Say; Sugar Creek, Hamilton McClintock. 1815. Constables. — Allegheny, William Neill; Cherry Tree, Benjamin August; French Creek, Charles Ridgway; Irwin, James McMurdy; Richland, Adam Sheerer; Scrubgrass, Robert Calvert; Sugar Creek, James Gordon. 1817. Constables. — Allegheny, "William Broadfoot; Cherry Tree, Francis Ham- ilton; French Creek, John Ridgway; Irwin, Patrick Davidson; Scrubgrass, James Leslie; Sugar Creek, Francis McClintock. 1818. Constables. — Allegheny, William Neill; Cherry Tree, William McGinnis; French Creek, William Dewoody; Irwin, Stephen Sutton; Plum, Patrick Gordon; Richland, Henry Schwabb; Rockland, John Jolly; Scrubo-rass, James Leslie; Sugar Creek, Henry Herring. 1819. Allegheny. — Constable, William Neill. Cherry Tree.- — Constable, William McGinnis. French Creek. — Constable, John P. Houser; auditors: John Broadfoot, James Martin, James Gilliland, John Hamilton; supervisors: Armstrong Duffield, Jonah Reynolds; fence viewers: Robert Kinnear, Samuel Lind- say; overseers: James Adams, John Dewoody. Irivin. — Constable, William Davidson. Plum. — Constable, Patrick Gordon; auditors: John Fetterman, John Daugherty, Robert Bradley, James Gordon; supervisors: John Bradley, Jacob Grove; overseers: John Bradley, Jacob Grove; fence viewers, George Franks, Robert Longwell. Richland. — Constable, James Ritchey. Scrubgrass. — Constable, James Leslie. Sugar Creek. — Constable, Henry Herring; auditors: John Kelly, John Mason, Isaac Walls, Peter Dompsey; supervisors: Francis Carter, Luther Thomas; overseers: William Hays, John Wilson. 1820. Allegheny. — Constable, William Neill. Cherry Tree. — Constable, David Farrell; auditors: John Gordon. G. 146 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. McClelland, John Hamilton, James Martin; supervisors: R. Hamilton, Robert Curry; overseers: R. Hamilton, Robert Curry; appraisers: M. Stockbarger, Isaac McMurdy. French Creek. — Constable, John Dewoody; auditors: Robert Mitchell, John McClaran, William Davidson, Adam Dinsmore; supervisors: A. Duf- field, I. Reynolds; overseers: Andrew Bowman, Isaac Smith; appraisers: Jacob Switzer, I. Addleberger. Iririn. — Constable, John Henderson; auditors: James Ritchey, G. Richardson, Thomas Thompson, Baruhart Martin; supervisors: Alexander Porter, Joseph Allen; overseers: Patrick Davidson, John Hoffman; apprais- ers: G. Snyder, John Shannon. Plum. — Constable, I. Proper; auditors: John Mason, John Whitman; supervisors: John Carter, John Daugherty; overseers: John Daugherty, John Carter. i?w7; /a?irt Bradley, Jacob Grove, Daniel Proper; supervisors: Benjamin August, Ja- cob Jennings; overseers: Jacob Jennings, Benjamin August; appraisers: Samuel Small, Samuel Proper. Richland. — Constable, Moses Porter; auditors: Levi Black, B. INIartin, Samuel Stewart, Thomas Thom])soii; supervisors: Jacob Keefer, Jose|)h Porter; overseers: William Rupert, Henry Neely. Rockland. — Constable, Daniel Smith; auditors: D. Smith, J. Ford. -Jo seph Young, Thomas Thompson; supervisors: Thomas AV. Mays, W'illiiiiu Craig; assessors: John Jolly, John Stroup; appraisers: James P. Smith. John Mitchell. Scrubgrass. — Constable, James Scott; auditors: John Witherup. William Crawford, James Anderson, M. Graham; supervisors: Samuel Eakin, James Craig; overseers: James Hughes, James Say. Sugar Creek. — Constable, Christian Sutloy; auditors: James Foster, Elijah McFadden, Isaac Walls, Robert McCalmont; supervisors: James Mason, John Duffield; overseers: Samuel Rhoads, James Shaw; appraisers: Robert Beatty, John McFadden. 1822. Allegheny. — Constable, Joseph McCasland; supervisors: William Neill. Patrick McCrea; overseers: Robert Hunter, James Dawson. Cherry Tree. — Constable, William McGinnis: supervisors: T. Yantas- sel, Richard Ross. « French Creek. — Constable, John Lupher; auditors: James Kiunear, James Gilliland, John Martin, James Martin; supervisors: John Dewoody, Jacob Runninger; overseers: George McClelland, George Sutley; apprais- ers : Thomas Hulings, Charles Holeman. Irwin. — Constable, ' Stephen W\ Beach; auditors: Alexander Porter, Philip Sarrenna, A. Dinsmore, Robert Mitchell; supervisors: John Walter, Thomas Dupuy; overseers: J. Henderson, A. Huey; appraisers: Jonathan Mows, Samuel Grimes. Plum. — Constable, Samuel Seely; supervisors: William Cooper. John Lamberton. Richland. — Constable, William McGinnis; supervisors: Joseph Porter. Christian Hummel; overseers: Henry Neely, James McGinnis; auditors: William McGinnis, John Mays, Samuel Stewart, Benjamin Gardner. Rockland.— GonsiKhle, John McDonald; auditors: Joseph Campbell. Charles Ridgeway, James Hall, James Crawford; supervisors: John Porter- field, John Shannon; overseers: Joseph Ross, John Forker; appraisers: Thomas Piatt, Peter Downing. ,Scnt6gm.s-s. —Constable, Daniel Wasson; auditors: John Witherui). W. Crawford, David Phipps, J. Mclntire; supervisors: John McDonald, Robert 148 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Calvert; overseers: John McDonald, Robert Calvert; appraisers: James Scott, John Phipps. Sugar Creek. — Constable, William Hays; supervisors: John Foster, Robert McCalmont; overseers: Samuel Rhoads, Thomas Wilson. 1823. Allegheny. — Constable, John Lytle; clerk, John Lytle; auditors: Samuel Fleming, H. McCalmont, Robert Elliott, James Miller; supervisors: Isaac Connely, Abraham Lovell; overseers: William Broadfoot, Daniel Richey; appraisers: William Neill, Patrick McCrea. Cherry Tree. — Constable, William McGinnis; supervisors: Edward Fleming, James Alcorn. French Creek. — Constable, Thomas Seaton; auditors: A. McCalmont, James Adams, Hugh McClelland, William Gibson; supervisors: Aaron Mc- Kissick, Jacob Runniuger; overseers: A. McCalmont, John Broadfoot; ap- praisers: James Cannon, Robert Kinnear. Irivin. — Constable, John Bonner; auditors: William Davidson, John McClaran, Joseph Allen, Reuben Sutton; supervisors: Samuel Grimes, Rob- ert Sutton; overseers: Samuel Barnes, John Hoffman; appraisers: S. W. Beach, Patrick Davidson. Plum. — Constable, Benjamin August; auditors: Alexander Gordon, Sam- uel Seely, Samuel Small, John Carter; supervisors: Joseph Proper, John Fetterman. Richland. — Constable, Thomas Piatt; auditors: Samuel Stewart, James Piatt, William McGinnis; supervisors: James McGinnis, James Ritchey; overseers: Henry Neely, Samuel Stewart. Rockland. — Constable, W'illiam Dawson; auditors: Joseph Campbell, John Smith, Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Ross; supervisor, James Battin; overseer, David Smith; appraiser, James Hall. Scriibgrass. — Constable, William Dickson; auditors: Samuel Eakin, Robert Riddle, J. Mclntire, Thomas Kerr; supervisors: Samuel Eakin, John Sloan; appraisers: John Riddle, Joseph Parks. Sugar Creek. — Constable, Isaac Walls; auditors: John McFadden, Fran- cis Carter, William Parker, M. Stockbarger; supervisors: John Foster, George Farr; overseers: Thomas Carter, David Bowman; appraisers: Samuel Rhoads, Jacob Lupher. 1824. Allegheny. — Constable, O. Copeland; supervisors: G. Siggins, William Manross. Cherry Tree. — Constable, Samuel Irwin; auditors: James Dawson, A. Holeman, W. Broadfoot, Samuel Fleming; supervisors: B. Griffin, Isaac Archer; overseers: James Miller, Andrew Fleming. French Creek. — Constable, Robert Henry; clerk, F. G. Crary; auditors: ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTKATION. 149 James Kinnear, Hugh McClelland, A. Duffield, J. Gillilaud; supervisors: Aaron McKissick, William Duffield; overseers: J. Gillilaud, John Martin; appraisers: A. Dewoody, James Bennett. Iricin. — Constable, William Davidson; clerk, John IMcClaraii; auditors: R. Mitchell, J. Matthews, John McClaran, Craft Ghost; supervisors: Adam Huey, James McClaran; appraisers; Joseph Osborn, J. Porter. Plum. — Constable, John Daugherty; clerk, J. G. Bradley; auditors: E. McFadden, Francis Carter, John McCurdy, J. Whitman. Richland. — Constable, James Piatt; auditors: Samuel Stewart, James W'atson, John L. Porter, John Cochran; supervisors: James Ritchey, James McGinnis: overseers: A. Porter, Samuel Stewart; appraisers: I. Downey, John Russell. Kockland. — Constable, Joseph Campbell; supervisors: Daniel Smith, John Prior; overseers: John Sloan, Joseph Ross. Scrubgrass.— Constable, Marvin Perry; clerk, Thomas P. Kerr; auditors: John Witherup, James Scott, John D. Wood, Thomas Kerr; supervisors: Samuel Eakin, Reuben Irwin; overseers: L. Sloan, William Eakiu; ap- praisers: John Phipps, Jonathan Kerr. Sugar Creek. — Constable, Alexander Bowman; clerk, William Cousins; auditors: E. McFadden, Francis Carter, John McCurdy, J. Whitman; supervisors: William Whitman, William Hays; overseers: I. McCalmout, A. Selders; appraisers: M. Sutley, John McFadden. 1825. Allegheny.— Constable, John Siggins; clerk, ^A. Fleming; supervisors: James Allender, Samuel Fleming; overseers: A. Fleming, James Miller. Cherry Tree. —Constable, William Wilson; clerk, N. Irwin; auditors: J. Ross, N. Irwin, James Hamilton, James Hamilton, Jr.; supervisors: John Tarr, A. L. Hancock; overseers: A. Davidson, William Reynolds; fence viewers: J. Alcorn, J. Morrison. French CreeA;.— Constable, Robert Huey; clerk, G. W. Connely; audi- tors: J. Gillilaud, A. Duffield, A. McCalmont, G. McClelland; super- visors- Aaron McKissick, William Duffield; overseers: James Kinnear, A. « Robison. Irivin.— Constable, John Phipps; auditors: Craft Ghost, William David- son, William McManigal, John McClaran; supervisors: C. Hamilton, Peter Walter; overseers: Alexander Porter, Thomas Baird; fence viewer, A. Huey. Pmegroue.— Constable, John Sigworth; clerk, D. Renyon; overseers: J. Johnston, L. Zink; fence viewers: H. Schwabb, Adam Yale. Plum.— Constable, Lewis Herring: clerk, Samuel Small; auditors: J. Fetterman, James Gordon, J. Foster, John Grove; supervisors: R. Bradley, D. Proper; fence viewers: J. Lamberton, James Bradley. Richland.— Constable, James Watson; auditors: J. Cochran, J. Piatt, H. Neely, J. Ashbaugh. 150 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Rockland. — Constable, James Hall; auditors: John Shannon, John Ken- nedy, Alexander Lemon, Jacob Yonng; supervisors: D. Smith, David Jolly; overseers, J. Campbell, William Craig; fence viewers: John Miller, J. Stroup. Scrubgrass. — Constable, John Phillips; clerk, John Anderson; auditors: J. D. Wood, William Dickson, James Scott, Thomas Kerr; supervisors: Samuel Eakin, R. Irwin; overseers, William Jones, John Sloan; fence viewers: James Scott, David Say. Sugar Creek. — Constable, J. Rodgers; clerk, Stephen McFadden; aud- itors: James Foster, John McCurdy, Elijah McFadden, R. Mason; super- visors: William Hays, Alexander Bowman; overseers: James Mason, J. McCurdy; fence viewers: Samuel Rhoads, Thomas Watson. 1826. Allegheny. — Constable, James Ricketts; clerk, A. West; auditors: Thomas Anderson, A. Benedict, J. Walliston, James Dawson; supervisors: John Griffin, William Haworth; overseers: A. Fleming, William Neill. Cherry Tree. — Constable, Elijah Stewart; clerk, J. Hamilton; auditors: T. Hamilton, James Morrison, J. Breed, James Irwin; supervisors: Reuben Irwin, ^Villiam Perry; overseers: J. Strawbridge, Hugh Hamilton; fence viewers: James Alcorn, Thomas Neill. French Creek. — Constable, James Hanna; clerk, William Crary; audi- tors: James Gilliland, John Little, Thomas McDowell, Levi Dodd; super- visors: Isaac Smith, William Duffield; overseers: William Connely, Samuel Hays; fence viewers: A. Dewoody, James Bennett. Irwin. — Constable, Philip Surrenna. Pinegrore. — Constable, Samuel Powell; supervisors: D. Reyner, George Kapp. Plum. — Constable, Lewis Herring; clerk, James Foster; auditors: John Cooper, E. Sweeny, John Fetterman, James Gordon; supervisors: John Lamberton, Lewis Herring; fence viewers : John Lamberton, Lewis Herring. i?/c/iZand. —Constable, D. Rumberger; clerk, W. A. Stroble; auditors: L. Houston, James Houston, J. Ashbaugh, James Piatt; supervisors: John Bell, Jacob Ashbaugh; overseers: H. Neely, James McGinnis; fence viewers: J. ShafPer. J. Ashbaugh. Rockland. — Constable, David Smith; clerk, J. Smith; auditors: Jacob Young, Andrew Maitland, William Craig, John Jolly; supervisors: John Ford, William Ross; overseers: John Stroup, Jacob Miller. Scrubgrass. — Constable, Thomas Kerr; clerk, John Anderson; auditors: James Scott, M. Perry, James Anderson, John Anderson; supervisors: R. Irwin, William Perry; overseers: J. D. W^ood, John Coulter; fence viewers: John Witherup, William Crawford. Sugar Creek. — Constable, Jacob Lupher; clerk, James Linn; auditors: OKGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. 151 John McCalmont, L. McFadden, Francis Carter, William Carter; super- visors: Alexander Bowman, Joel Sage; overseers: James Haslet, James McCune; fence viewers: R. McCalmont, T. Wilson. 1827. Allegheny. — Constable, William Haworth; supervisors: A. Benedict, J. Walliston. Cherry Tree. — Constable, B. Griffin; clerk, J. Hamilton; auditors: J. Hamilton, E. Fleming, T. Hamilton, R. Irwin; supervisors: J. Breed, L. Pringle; overseers: James Alcorn, James Ross; fence viewers: Alex- ander Davidson, Isaac Meason. French Creek. — Constable, John Morrison; clerk, S. Sutton; auditois: T. S. McDowell, Levi Poor, J. Gilliland, J. R. Sage; supervisors: Isaac Smith, James Major; overseers: J. Evans, Aaron McKissick; fence viewers: Andrew Dewoody, George McClelland. Irwin. — Constable, P. Surrenna; clerk, J. Hamilton; auditors: R. Sut- ton, A. Porter, J. McKinley, William Hovis; supervisors: Thomas Baird, M. Griffin; overseers: T. Boylan, J. McMurdy; fence viewers: J. Hardman, J. Osborn. Pinegrove. — Constable, C. Henlen; clerk, H. Schwabb; auditors: G. Mol ter, J. McNeaghton, A. Yale, John Moore; supervisors: D. Reiner, L. Ziuk. Plum. — Constable, G. W. Smith; supervisors: John Grove, William Cooper. Richland. — Constable, R. McGinnis; clerk, William Piatt; auditors: J. Agnew, H. Neely, B. Junkin, James Houston; supervisors: J. Snyder, James Piatt; overseers: J. Donaldson, JohnShafPer; fence viewers: J. Piatt, H. Neely. Rockland. — Constable, John Shannon; clerk, J. Smith; auditors: J. Young, H. Reed, David Smith, Enoch Battin; supervisors: Adam Kerns, David Smith; overseers: Peter Stroup, Samuel Borland; fence viewers: Robert Neill, John Gray. Scrubgrass. — Constable, John Phipps; clerk, John Anderson; auditors: James Scott, James Craig, Thomas Milford, William Dickson; supervisors: Samuel Eakin, Reuben Irwin; overseers: J. Crawford, James Eakin. Sugar Creek.— Clerk, J. McFadden; auditors: L. McFadden, John Mea- son, William Parker, James Thompson; supervisors: J. Roberts, Joel Sage; overseers: T. Wilson, Alexander Bowman; fence viewers: J. Lupher, James Foster. 1828. Allegheny.— Constable, T. Morrison; supervisors: William Neill. H. Morrison. Cherry Tree. — Constable, Jacob Grove; clerk, John Hamilton; auditors: E. Fleming, J. Archer, T. Hamilton, J. Irwin; supervisors: A. Robison, 152 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. William Reynolds; overseers: M. McFaddeD, J. Archer; fence viewers: E. Stewart, A. S. Hancock. French Creek. — Constable, James Adams; clerk, R. N. Ayres; auditors: James Adams, A. DuflSeld, D. Brown, William Black; supervisors: James Adams, William Connely; overseers: Aaron McKissick, J. Evans; fence viewers: William Raymond, Andi-ew Dewoody. Irwin. — Constable, Peter Walter; clerk, R. Mitchell; auditors: John Boner, J. Walter, P. Surrenna, R. Mitchell; supervisors: Thomas Baird, J. McMurdy; overseers: J. McMurdy, H. Stephenson; fence viewers: H. Cochran, J. Vaughan. Pinegrove. — Constable, D.Walter; supervisors: D. Reyner, Samuel Zink. Phan. — Constable, Adam Zener; auditors: Benjamin August, J. G-. Bradley, M. Jennings, Samuel Small; supervisors: J. G. Bradley, T. Fet- terman. Richland. — Constable, John Donaldson; supervisors: William Kerns, H. Neely; overseers: D. O'Neill, A. Ritchey. Rockland. — Constable, J. C. Evans; auditors: J. Shannon, J. Jolly, H. Reed, Enoch Battin; supervisors: Peter Lovell, John Stroup; overseers: D. Smith, J. Smith; fence viewers: Daniel Smith, J. Moorhead. Scrubgrass. — Constable, J. Phipps; clerk, J. Craig; auditors: J. Craig, M. Perry, William Dickson, T. Kerr; supervisors: S. Eakin, R. Sutton; overseers: D. Wasson, James Leslie; fence viewers: David Say, John An- derson. Sugar Creek. — Constable, John Linn; auditors: John Mason, James Thompson, J. Whitman, Elijah McFadden; supervisors: James Linn, James Haslet; overseers: W. Brown, J. Foster; fence viewers: S. Rhoads, J. Lamberton. THE BENCH AND BAR. 153 CHAPTER XIIT. THE BENCH AND BAR. First Courts — Court Week During Pioneer Days— John ^Morrison, the Old Crier— Record of the First Sessions— First Juries and Cases Tried — Prominent Early Lawyers— The Bench- Brief Biographies of the Successive President Judges- Special District Court— Associate Judges— The Bar of the Past and Present. THE act of March 12, 1800, dividing western Pennsylvania into conn- ties, provided that the counties of Venango, Mercer, Erie, and "Warren should be temporarily attached to Crawford, with the seat of justice at Meadville. The courts of common pleas for these counties were, therefore, held at that town until their separate and distinct organization. The act organizing Erie and Mercer was passed April 2, 1808, and for Venango, April 1, 1805. It will thus be seen that the judicial affairs of this county were transacted at Meadville during the five yeai^ intervening between its erection and organization. On the l(3th of December, 1805, a general court of quarter sessions was held in Franklin, Jesse Moore presiding, assisted by John Irwin and Thomas McKee, associate judges. This court convened in a log house on Liberty street, on the lot above what is now the United States hotel, long occupied as a dwelling and drug store. It was torn down in 1863, and its successor is now occupied by a grocery store. The late Doctor Eaton gives the fol- lowing graphic description of court week during pioneer days: Court week was a grand occasion to the ancient burghers of Franklin and the entire county. All other business seemed to be suspended, and all interest centered in the matter of the court and its proceedings. The people came in from the country, not only those who might have business in court, but others from curiosity and a laud- able desire to know how justice was administered. Hotels and boarding houses were crow^led, and the streets thronged. Especially was this the case during the first two or three days after court opened. Then the interest seemed to moderate, and the peo- ple dropped off one after another until the town resumed, by Saturday, its quiet and dignified manner. There was no bell on the old court house on its first erection. The court was called by a long tin horn, purchased perhaps at the county's expense. Its peals were poured out loud and long by the old court crier when the judge, lawyers, jurymen, witnesses, and people in general filed into the building and took their seats. The judge 15-4 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. then called out, "Crier, open court," when old John Morrison, who opened the first courts in Mercer, Crawford, and Warren counties, arose with all the dignity of a ivuight of old and commenced that wonderful speech that has come down through so many years to our own day. It commenced "O yez! O yez!" and concluded with a kind of prayer "God save the commonwealth and the honorable court." Colonel Samuel Dale taught this speech to the old crier, and his successors have picked it up as well as they could. Whether it impressed the multitude or not, it is certain that it impressed the crier. A legal gentleman, whose boyhood days were spent here, relates his recollection of court week. " Before the advent of the court house bell it was the duty of the crier to summon the people to the temple of justice by blowing a large tin horn which was kept in a closet under the court house stairs for that purpose. He would take his position at the court house door, and pointing the horn toward Kih- ntar's tavern, where the judge stopped, would throw his head back, his long hair streaming out behind him, and give out such blasts as showed incontestably that old as he was his lungs were still in good condition." The record of the first session of court ever held in Venango county reads as follows: "At a court of general quarter sessions of the peace began on Monday, the 16th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and five, before the Honorable Jesse Moore, esquire, president, John Irwin and Thomas McKee, associate justices, and held at Franklin for the county of Venango." There were present at the court beside the above named ofiicials John Witherup, sheriff, and William Moore, prothonotary, both of whom assisted in the organization. The first official business transacted by this tribunal was the recommendation to the gov- ernor of George McClelland as a suitable person to keep a piiblic house of entertainment in Irwin township, and the reception of a petition signed by sundry inhabitants, setting forth that "they labored under great inconven- ience from the want of a road or cartway from the town of Franklin to the north side of Robert Anderson's, adjoining the line of Mercer county, to intersect a road opened from the town of Mercer." Viewers were appointed to examine the proposed route and report at a subsequent session, and after the appointment of the following constables, to wit, Samuel Jones, AVilliam Simms, and John Stiver, for the townships of Allegheny, Brokenstraw, and Sugar Creek, respectively, the first court of Venango county adjourned. The second session was held on Monday, the 17th day of March, 1806, at which time, after the transaction of necessary preliminary business, the sheriff "returned the precept to him directed, by which it appears that the following persons were summoned and returned to inquire for the common- wealth and for the body of Venango county. * * *: John Culbertson, Daniel Wasson, Thomas Milford, Patrick Jack, Caleb Crane, Sr. , John Cooper, Thomas Baird, Welden Adams, Robert Johnston, John McClaran, David Nickerson, Jesse "Williams, John Hays, Benjamin Williams. Reuben Sutton, Patrick Davidson, Jr., Philip Hoffman, Joseph Riggs, William Da- vidson, Thomas Black, James Davidson, Aaron Austin, Robert Calvert, and Anthony Sharkey. At this session was returned the first indictment against one Andrew Miller, a justice of the peace, for " misdemeanor in office," to THE BENCH AND BAR. 155 ■which charge he plead non cul. et de hoc ponit se super x>atriam : deputy attorney general, similiter. At June session, 1806, he Avas tried l)y a jury of his countrymen, namely: John Martin, Sr., John Wilson, James Les- lie, Matthew Riddle, Daniel Crain, James Fearis, Shadrach Simcox. Hamilton McClintock, Patrick Coulter, John Black, William Dewoody, and Seth Jewel, ' ' twelve good men who being duly ballotted for, elected, and sworn, on their oaths respectfully do say they lind the defendant guilty in manner and form as he stands indicted. ' ' The second case, "Bes publica vs. Hugh Clifford," charged with assault and battery, was tried the same day by the following jury: Patrick Coulter, William Brandon, Peter Walter, Andrew Allison, Shadrach Simcox, Hamil- ton McClintock, Daniel Crain, Seth Jewel, James Leslie, Robert Crawford, John Black, and John Martin, who, after mature deliberation, returned a verdict of not guilty. For the June session, 180(3, the following grand jury of inquest was returned: Joseph Allen, Brice Gilmore, Simeon Van Arsdale, Henry Crull, Jacob Vaughan, James McClaran, James Foster, John Stephens, John Nel- son, Archibald Davidson, James Craig, John McQuiston, John Sloan, John Broadfoot, Robert Beatty, Samuel Plumer, William Cousins, and William Russell. The business of this session was devoted principally to hearing cases appealed from justices' courts, appointing viewers on roadways, and exercising a general supervision over the internal improvements of the county. A number of indictments were found by this and subsequent grand juries for larceny, assault and battery, forgery, riot, etc., which fairly dem- onstrate that the pioneer fathers were not lax in meting out justice to of- fenders. Diiring the first few years after the organization of the county, the rec- ords show that the majority of cases tried in her coiirts were those in which physical prowess predominated. This is apt to be the case in any newly settled country, and goes to prove that the strong arm of the law is a very necessary appendage in the progress and evolutionary process of civilization. Man as a rule does not respect the rights of others from an innate desire to be just, but because he knows that unless he stands within the bounds of the law he will l)e liable to piinishment: and therefore it is the fear of the law more than a love of justice that controls the rougher element of every community. It is true that with the progress of centuries the coarser nature in man has been gradually toned down by religious influences, and in every age thousands of men have acted justly and honestly irre spective of human laws. When the settlements Avere new and isolated, legal science flourished with a vigor unusual in rude societies, and the bench and bar of western Pennsylvania contained many men of eloquence and learning. The collision of such opposite characters, together with the unsettled state of the country. 156 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. produced a mass of curious incidents, many of which are still preserved, and' circulate at the bar in the hours of forensic leisure. In those days the prac- tice differed materially from what it is now. The coiintry was thinly set- tled, the people poor, and fees were correspondingly small. The lawyers were obliged to practice in a number of counties in order to make a liveli- hood and some of them were away from their homes and offices the greater part of the time. They traveled from one county seat to another on horse- back, with their legal papers and a few books in a sack across the saddle. A number of lawyers usually rode the circuit together, and had their ap- pointed stopping places where they were expected. On their arrival, the chickens, dried apples, maple sugar, corn dodgers, and old whiskey suffered, while the best story tellers regaled the company with their fund of humor and anecdote. Among the most prominent pioneer lawyers who practiced here during the early years of the county's history, were the following: David Irvine, David La Fever, John Galbraith, Alexander McCalmont, John J. Pearson, James Thompson, John W. Howe, James Ross Snowden, Samuel Porter Johnson, Thomas S. Espy, William Stewart, Jonathan Ayres, and James S. Myers, of Franklin; John W. Hunter, Alexander W. Foster, John B. Wallace, Edward Work, Ralph Marlin, J. Stuart Riddle, George Selden, Richard Bean, Patrick Farrelly, Henry Baldwin, Gaylord Church, and Da- vid Derickson, of Meadville; Samuel B. Foster and John Banks, of Mercer; General William Ayres, Charles Sullivan, George W. Smith, and Judge John Bredin, of Butler, and James Ross and Thomas Collins, of Pittsburgh. Some of the Franklin lawyers changed their residences at a later day, but in subsequent years were often engaged on important cases at this bar. THE BENCH. As already stated Venango county was for tive years connected with Crawford for judicial purposes, with the seat of justice at Meadville, Alex- ander Addison being the tirst presiding judge of the district. Addison was a learned and highly accomplished Scotchman, who began the practice of the legal profession at Washington, Pennsylvania, in 1797. Prepared for the ministry, in which he labored for a time in Washington, he was thoroughly trained in the principles of justice and equity, and early became known throughout the counties of western Pennsylvania as an eminently just and upright lawyer and patriotic aud public spirited citizen. " Judge Addison," says Mr. Hall, of Pittsburgh, "possessed a tine mind and great attain- ments. He was an accomplished scholar, deeply versed in every branch of classical learning. In law and theology he was great; but although he ex- plored the depths of science with unwearied assiduity, he could sport in the sunbeams of literature and cull with nice discrimination the gems of poetry." Fearless and impartial, he did his duty as he understood it, and his THE BENCH AND BAR. 157 bold and conscientious course in siipporting the general' governruent during the whiskey insurrection of 1794 secured for him many personal enemies. He was impeached and removed from the bench in 1802 on account of his absolute refusal to allow one of the associate judges to charge the jurv after his own charge had been delivered. No judicial body would or could have convicted him, and, failing in the courts, his persecutors sought the aid of the legislature. The house ordered his impeachment and the senate convicted him, the sentence being his removal as president judge of the fifth judicial district, and perpetual disqualification to any judicial office in the state. This trial, which took place in 1802, resulted in dejwsing one of the al)lest judges that ever sat on the bench in Pennsylvania and crushed the spirit of an upright and honorable man. He continued, however, to practice in the different courts until his death, which occurred in Pittsburgh on the 27th of November, 1807. Jesse Moore, the second judge of the district, presided at the first court ever held in Venango county. He was a native of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, and while practicing law at Sunbury was appointed president judge of the sixth judicial district, his commission bearing date April 5, 1803. Venango county, organized in 1805, was a part of this district. Immediately after his appointment, Judge Moore removed to Meadville and assumed the duties of his position, which he held without interruption until his death, December 21, 1824, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. He is said to have been well educated, a diligent student, and good lawyer, dis- creet, upright, and impartial in his judicial opinions and decisions. He sustained with becoming grace the honor and dignity of his profession and is said to have made an imposing appearance while presiding over the courts. The late Willliam S. Garvin of Mercer, gives the following description of the personal appearance of Judge Moore: "The writer of this, who as a little boy occasionally droi)])ed into the court house along between 1812 and 1820, was indelibly impressed with the grand dignity of the president judge. He Avas a heavy, solemn looking man, and retained the dress of the old style gentleman — small clothes, shoe buckles, knee buckles, bald headed, but hair long behind and done up in a queue, and head and hair and collar of the black coat covered with a white powder sprinkled thereon. He has since seen the supreme court of the United States in session; their black gowns and comparative quietness enforced certainly give to it a very dignified aspect, but still there was lack- ing the grand old powdered head and queue that gave Judge Moore the ad- vantage in imposing dignity." The immediate successor of Judge Moore was Henry Shippeu, who came to the bench in 1825. He was born in Lancaster county, Penrhsyl- vania, December 28, 1788, graduated from Dickinson College in 1808, and read law in the office of Judge Hopkins of Lancaster. In due time he was 158 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. admitted to the bar and soon won a conspicuous place among the successful jurists of his part of the state. During the war of 1812 he was captain of a company from Lancaster which numbered as one of its privates James Buchanan, subsequently president of the United States. After his service in the war closed he diligently prosecuted his profession at Lancaster, where he l)uilt up a large and lucrative practice. He finally removed to Hunting- don county, from which place he was appointed president judge of the judi- cial district embracing the counties of Venango, Crawford, Erie, and Mercer. He presided over the courts of this district until his death, March 2, 1839. Judge Shippen is reputed to have been a man of good mind and strong common sense. While on the bench he displayed those legal qualities which distinguish the able lawyer and thorough jurist, his charges and decisions being characterized with dignity and uprightness. In the dis- charge of his judicial functions he frequently displayed a quickness of tem- per, but was uniformly courteous in his treatment of attorneys and litigants. The next in order of succession was Nathaniel B. Eldred, of Warren, Pennsylvania, who presided over the courts of Venango county from 1839 until 1843, at which time he resigned the judgeship to accept the position of naval appraiser at Philadelphia. Previous to his appointment to the bench he had served in the state legislature and was a politician of considei'able influence in his native county. Subsequently he became judge of the Dau- phin and Lebanon district. Judge Eldred received his professional training in Wayne county. He is remembered as a man of keen intellect, a finished scholar, an able lawyer, a painstaking and impartial public servant. In his intercourse with members of the bar he was free but courteous, and although a witty and brilliant conversationalist and a capital story teller, he endeav- ored at all times to maintain the dignity of his position. His written opin- ions and charges to juries were models of legal composition, and as a lawyer his versatile talents and thorough reading made him successful in all branches of the profession. In his personal appearance Judge Eldred was of medium height, possessing a strong, well knit figure, and at the time of his appoint- ment to this district was in the prime of his physical and mental powers. Gaylord Church, who succeeded Judge Eldred, was a native of Oswego, New York, born August 11, 1811. He removed with his parents to Mercer county, Pennsylvania, in 1816, received his educational training in the Mer- cer Academy, and read law in the office of John J. Pearson, of Mercer, whose sister he afterward married. He was admitted to the bar in 1834, and the same year removed to Meadville, Crawford county, where his rec- ognized ability soon won him a very lucrative business. In 1837 he was appointed deputy attorney general for Crawford county, and in 1840 was elected to the legislature, in which he served two consecutive terms. In 1843 he was appointed president judge of the sixth judicial district and served as such until 1849, when the district was changed, and Venango be- 1 (Z^ /U -TT^-z^^ c:zy7^i^z^ K^/z^^i^^iyt^^ THE BENCH AND BAR. 101 came a part of the eighteenth district. Judge Church possesBed a well balanced judicial mind, was thoroughly versed in the law, and while not as popular with members of the bar as some of his successors, was nevertheless a dignified and efficient jvidge. After the expiration of his official term he practiced in the courts of Crawford, Venango, and other counties. He stu- diously applied himself to the prosecution of his profession until October 22, 1858, when he was appointed to till a vacancy on the supreme bench of the commonwealth, which he occupied only a short time. He died in Mead- ville September 29, 1869, leaving a wife and seven children, the eldest of whom, Pearson Church, was elected president judge of the thirtieth judi- cial district in 1877, and served on the bench ten years. Alexander McCalmont, one of the pioneer lawyers of Franklin, was born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, October 23, 1785, and was a son of John and Elizabeth (Conard) McCalmont, early settlers of Sugar Creek township, where they removed from Centre county, in 1803. Soon after the family came to Venango county Alexander engaged in teaching school and conducted one of the first schools in Franklin^ whither he had removed. He afterward became a prominent merchant and iron manufacturer, and also took an active interest in public affairs. In 1811 he was elected sheriff, in 1814 commissioner, and in 1818 prothonotary, and served as deputy sur- veyor from 1812 to 1817. In the meantime he began the study of law in the office of David Irvine, and was admitted to the bar about 1820. He was then engaged in active practice until 1839, when he was appointed president judge of the eighteenth judicial district and served on the bench ten years. Judge McCalmont' s district did not include Venango county until shortly before the expiration of his term, when this county Avas taken from the sixth and thrown into the eighteenth district. As an official, lawyer, and business man, Judge McCalmont became well and favorably known throughout the counties of northwestern Pennsylvania and possessed the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. Begin- ing the practice of the legal profession in middle life, he made amends for the loss of earlier opportunities by close study and application, and in time came to be recognized as one of the substantial lawyers of the Venango bar. As a judge he displayed those legal qualities which made him popular alike with attorneys and litigants, and against the honor and integrity of his judi- cial record no word of suspicion has ever been uttered. Ho was a Demo- crat, and as such took an active interest in local and general political move- ments. Though of Presbyterian lineage, about 1820 he identified himself with the Methodist Episcopal church, in which communion he continued un- til his death, on the 10th day of August, 1857. Judge McCalmont was twice married, first to Margaret Broadfoot, daughter of John Broadfoot, a pioneer of Franklin. She died in 1817, leaving no children. The following year he was united in marriage with 9 162 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Eliza Hart Conaely, daughter of Judge William Connely, Avho moved from Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, to the vicinity of Titusville in 1803, and three years afterward located in Franklin. Mrs. McCalmont was born in Belle- fonte. Pennsylvania, in the year 1801, became a resident of Franklin in 1806, and departed this life in November, 1874. Of the four children born to Judge and Mrs. McCalmont, namely: William, John S. , Alfred B. , and Elizabeth, who married Edwin C. Wilson, but one is now living, John S. , of Washington city. Josej^h Buffiugton came to the bench in 1849, and served until 1851, when under the constitution the office became elective. He was a native of Armstrong county, and prepared himself for the legal profession under the instruction of General William Ayres, of Butler. As an attorney and jurist Judge Buffington early took rank with his associates, and as a judge he compared well, both in natural and professional abilities, with his predeces- sors of the bench. Socially he was a man of pleasant and affable manners, well liked by all with whom he came in contact, and politically was an earnest supporter of the old Whig party. Always zealous and conscientious in the discharge of his professional duties, his earnestness at times was such as to subject him to criticism by members of the bar, who charged that in sustaining or overruling objections he appeared to argue their cases. ■ He reached conclusions rapidly, could give a much better verbal than written charge or opinion, and excelled in that department of the law pertaining to civil practice. Judge Buffington was a member of congress for two terms, and also served as judge of the tenth judicial district. John C. Knox was elected judge of the eighteenth district in October, 1851, and is remembered as an official who had a faculty' of disposing of court business with remarkable efficiency and dispatch. He was an excel- lent common pleas judge, arrived at conclusions with but little apparent deliberation, and possessed a quick, discerning intellect, which enabled him to solve readily difficult and technical legal points. He was of fine personal appearance, slightly above the ordinary height, eminently sociable in his nature, and in the discharge of his judicial functions became popular with members of the bar and all who had business to transact in his court. In political matters he achieved considerable prominence, and was elected on the Democratic ticket to the state legislature from Tioga county. In May, 1853, he was appointed to fill a vacancy on the supreme bench caused by the death of Judge Gibson, and the same year was nominated by the Dem- ocratic party and elected as his own successor. He served five years, and then resigned to accept the attorney generalship of Pennsylvania, the duties of which office he discharged until 1861, when he was appointed to a posi- tion in the department of justice at Washington. In the meantime he had withdrawn from the Democratic party, during the slavery agitation growing out of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and became a Republican. THE BENCH AND BAT!. 163 Retiring from official life be resumed the practice of his profession at Phila- delphia, and it was while arguing an important case in the court of that city that he was stricken with a malady which finally impaired liis reason and from the effects of which he never recovered. He died in the city of Har risburg. John S. McCalmont, second son of Judge Alexander and Eliza Hart (Connely) McCalmont, is a native of Venango county, Peimsylvauia, horn on the 28th day of April, 1822. He was reared in his native town, in the schools of which he received his early educational training, and subsequently pursued his literary studies for two years in Allegheny College, Meadville. In April, 1838, he entered the United States military academy at ^^'est Point, in which he completed the prescribed course, graduating on the 1st day of July, 1812. He was breveted second lieutenant in the Third infantry the same year, and in the following October was promoted second lieutenant in the Eighth regiment. Having a taste for civil pursuits, and tiring of the inactivities of army life in time of peace, after one year's experience he re- signed his commission, and returning to Franklin, devoted himself to the prac- tice of law% which he had studied at intervals during his military life. He was admitted to the Venango bar on the 25th of November, 1844, and after practicing a short time in Franklin went to Clarion where he was actively engaged in the prosecution of his profession until 1856. He served as district attorney in Clarion county fi-om 1845 to 1846, and in 1848 was elected to the legislature and re-elected in the following year, during which term he was speaker of the house. In 1852 he was the choice of Clarion county for congress, and the same year was chosen presidential elector on the Pierce ticket. In May, 1853, he was appointed by Governor Bigler president judge of the eighteenth judi- cial district, to which he was duly elected by the people for the full term the following autumn. Judge McCalmont discharged the duties of the position in an able and impartial manner, was a dignified and popular ofticial, and but few of his decisions met with reversal at the hands of the supreme court. He continued in the discharge of his official functions until the breaking out of the rebellion, when he tendered his services to Governor Curtin, by whom he was commissioned colonel of the Tenth Reserves, and subsequently resigned the judgeship. Upon the organization of the division, Colonel McCalmont was assigned to the command of the Third brigade, the duties of which he exercised until superseded by General E. O. C. Ord. He commanded his regiment in the bloody battle of Drainesville, fought on the 20th of December, 1861, in which he displayed the qualities of the gallant soldier and skillful commander. Warned by failing health that he would be unable to stand the rugged duties of a protracted military service. Colonel McCalmont resigned his command in May, 1862, and returning to Franklin, resumed the practice of his profession and carried on a successful legal Imsi- 161 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ness until 1885. April 1st of that year he was appointed by President Cleveland commissioner of customs at Washington city, which position he held until March, 1889, when he resigned, although he continued to dis- charge his official duties until June following. Politically Judge McCalmont voted with the Democratic party until 1872, in which year he supported General Grant for the presidency, and in 1876 cast his vote for Hayes and Wheeler. Since 1880 he has? acted with the Democi-acy. Judge McCalmont became a member of the Methodist Epis- copal church in 1856, since which time he has taken an active interest in the local body of that denomination. In 1872 he was chosen lay representative of the Erie conference to the general conference held at Brooklyn, New York. Professionally and socially he is held in high esteem by the citizens of Venango county, and is deservedly classed among her representative men. He is at this time a resident of the national capital, where he is engaged in the duties of his profession. He was married on the 22nd of March, 1848, to Elizabeth P. Stehley, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and has a family of six living children. Glenni W. Scofield was appointed by Governor Curtin to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge McCalmont, and served imtil the elec- tion of his successor the following autumn. He is a native of Chautauqua county, New York, and was a resident of Warren, Pennsylvania, at the time of his appointment. Judge Scotield was one of the most popular and able lawyers in the district. He, however, refused the use of his name as a candidate at the election or he might have been his own successor. He was a versatile and ingenious political leader, and was elected to the legis- lature in 1851, and to the state senate in 1857, and subsequently repre- sented his district in congress. He also served in the treasury depart- ment at Washington, where he is now a judge of the court of claims. James Campbell, of Clarion county, succeeded Judge Scofield, having been elected on the 11th of October, 1861. He is a native of Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, but removed to Clarion, and in due time became one of the leading members of its bar. He read law in Centre county, and soon after locating at Clarion was recognized as a lawyer of ability and strict integrity. His election to the bench was brought about through the dissatis- faction existing in a section of the Republican party with their own nominee, William Stewart of Mercer. As a result there was a demand all over the district for an independent candidate, and Mr. Campbell's high personal character, eminent legal acquirements, and moderation as a politician, com- mended him to a "people's convention," which, without his knowledge, placed him in the field, and the Democrats making no nomination he was elected by a large majority. Judge Campbell's administration realized the most sanguine expectations of his friends. Politically Judge Campbell is an earnest supporter of the Republican THE BENCH AND BAR. 105 party. As a lawyer he is endowed with abilities of no common order, pos- sesses a cool, calculating mind, and unerring judgment. As a judge he was more profound than brilliant, and sustained well the dignity and high rep- utation for which the bench in this district has ever been noted. He was popular with members of the bar, commanded the resyiect of the public, and in his long and successful practice, has earned the reputation of a safe law- yer and reliable counsellor. He came to the bench fortified with a thor- ough knowledge of the profession, is a diligent student of legal literature and history, and in point of natural abilities and scholarly attainments ranks with the most gifted of his predecessors. In 1860 the legislature created a new district out of Venango and Mercer counties, the twenty-eighth, and Isaac G. Gordon was appointed by the governor to the judgeship. He held the position until the autumn of that year, at which time his successor was duly elected by the people. Judge Gordon was a resident of Brookville, Jefferson county, and a lawyer of acknowledged ability. His judicial career was, in the main, satisfactory, and the soundness of his decisions was seldom questioned. He was a man of positive convictions, strong in his attachments to friends, and was recog- nized by the bar of this county as a judge who aimed to discharge his whole duty. In October, 1873, he was commissioned a justice of the supreme court, became chief justice July 14, 1887, and retired from the bench in 1888. John Trunkey, late justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, suc- ceeded Judge Gordon. On the paternal side Judge Trunkey was of French descent, dating back to the Revolution, his ancestor being one of the soldiers who came over with La Fayette to take part in the struggle for freedom. The name was originally "Tronquet." John Trunkey was born October 26, 1828, in Trumbull county, Ohio, very near the Pennsylvania line. His father's farm was partly in Pennsylvania and partly in Ohio. He grew up a quiet, silent young man, not giving himself much to social pleasures, but intent on doing his duty in the home and in the community. Feeling within himself that there was some larger duty for him than cultivating the soil, honorable and dignitied though that employment may be, he sought and obtained what preparation was within his reach for professional life. In the year 1 849 he entered the office of Samuel Griffith, of Mercer, and commenced the study of law. Here the same quietness characterized him as in the home. He did not mingle much in society, but gave diligent attention to study, striving to master the principles of law and make himself familiar with the rules of practice. He was admitted to the bar in 1851, and became associated with Mr. Griffith, his preceptor, in practice. But his reading and study continued. He was very careful in the preparation of cases. No matter what the case was, before a justice of the peace or the court of common pleas, whether there was involved the matter of a few dol- 166 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lars or thousands, or the liberty and life of his client, every case was most carefully and conscientiously prepared. On the 29th of September, 1853, he was united in marriage to Miss Agnes, daughter of the late William S. Garvin, who was ever the light of his dwelling, and his adviser and com- forter in the days that followed. Three children were born to them while they resided in Mercer, William G. Trunkey, a member of the bar of War- ren county, admitted at Franklin, August 26, 1881, being the only survivor. In 1866 Mr. Trunkey was elected to the office of president judge of the twenty-eighth judicial district, then composed of the counties of Venango and Mercer. In 1876 he was re-elected to the same office. Venango county, to which he had in the meantime removed, then, and since 1874, constituted the twenty-eighth district. On the common pleas bench Judge Trunkey was most patient and generous, listening to the tedious details of business, hearing the arguments of counsel, giving every possible oppor- tunity to the parties in controversy, and saturating his own mind with the spirit of the case, and striving to deal truly and impartially with all parties involved. At the time of his elevation to the bench business had greatly in- creased in the courts, growing out of the great impetus given trade by the oil discoveries. The number of cases entered on the appearance docket at the August term, 1866, was more than ten times greater than the number entered at the corresponding term in 1889, and the business of the criminal courts was correspondingly larger. The result of this increase of business was the accumulation of cases awaiting trial when the new judge came upon the bench. A Herculean task was before him, for the statute required that all actions should be reached and have a fair opportunity of trial at least within one year after they had been commenced. But the judge girded himself for work, opening the courts at eight o'clock in the morning and sitting until six in the evening, and often holding night sessions. The amount of work performed was therefore prodigious. With all this press of business there was no undue haste. Every man who had business with the courts felt that he was fully heard and his cause carefully considered. Such was the confidence of the bar and of the people in both his disposition and ability to mete out exact justice, that but few writs of error were taken to his judgments, and such was the correctness of his rulings in the main, that notwithstanding the great number of novel and difficult questions which grew out of the mining industries in the earlier years of his service in the common pleas, but eight of his judgments were reversed during the eleven years that he sat in that court. In the autumn of 1877 he was elected to the supreme bench of the state, and in December resigned the president judgeship to enter upon the duties of his new position. As a justice of the supreme court, Judge Trunkey manifested the same patient care and industry that had characterized his work in the court below, listening to arguments of counsel, making himself THE BENCH AND BAH. 107 familiar with the entire case, reading the "paper books," and then care- fully, thoughtfully, and conscientiously preparing the opinions assigned him in good terse English that will be a monument of his judicial acumen in days to come. He did not so much seek rhetorical ornament, or strive to embellish his style by tropes and figures, as to set forth the truth and get at the gist of the matter in hand. He loved justice, truth, and righteousness, and brought them to bear in all his official work. But the last two or three years of his labor on the bench were years of suffering and ailliction. An in- sidious disease was sapping the foundations of life and health, and causing the strong man to feel the burden of his daily toil. He worked on, yet never complained, and not a murmur ever escaped his lips. On the bench hear- ing arguments, or in his study preparing opinions, there seemed to be the same close mental application, although physical suffering was wearing out his life's energy. In the month of June, 1887, by the advice of his medical counsel, he went to London to be treated by a medical expert. The time spent in London was a period of great suffering, yet he was patient, resigned, and trustful, feeling that he was in the hands of a kind Providence and that all would be well. But the time came when he felt and knew that the end was near. He did not fear the change and passed quietly out of life on the 24th day of June, 1888. As a religious man Judge Trunkey was eminently careful and conscien- tious. Religion was an active principle in his life and all he said or did was influenced by it. After his removal to Franklin he was elected a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church and at once entered upon the active duties of that office. He also was a director of Princeton Theological Seminary several years. He delighted in visiting the poor and afflicted, and was gen- erous almost to a fault in alleviating the wants of the destitute. In person Judge Trunkey was about six feet tall, slender, erect in his carriage, and de- liberate yet quick in his movements. In manner he was always courteous and approachable. Fond of innocent amusements and a capital story teller, he entered into such pleasures with youthful vivacity, and was always a wel- come guest at the social gatherings of his neighbors. No words of bitter- ness or quick censure ever escaped his lips, but on the contrary he always had an apology for the evil words and deeds of those around him. There is this crowning fact in his career. From his boyhood until he laid him down to die in a strange land, he led a singularly honorable and pure life. With all the high positions to which he had attained and adorned, there were, in the judgment of his friends, still greater possibilities in store for him, but these were not to be realized in this life. The memory of Judge Trunkey is deeply revered by the people of Venango county, for there has never been a name associated with her history that will go down to posterity with a brighter or purer record. Charles E. Taylor h«s been president judge of the twenty-eighth judicial 168 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. district since the resignation of Judge Trunkey, in December, 1877. He was born in Hampshire county, Massachusetts, September 4, 1826, son of Edmund and Theodosia (Clark) Taylor, the former a Kevolutionary soldier from that state. In childhood he removed with his parents to Cleveland, Ohio, where he lived i;ntil his father's death, when his mother located in Mercer county, Pennsylvania. Our subject learned the painter's trade, and followed that vocation for many years. In 1846 he married Miss Jane, daughter of John McWilliams, a pioneer family of Harbor Creek township, Erie county, Pennsylvania. She survived her marriage only about a year, and at her death left one son, John. In 1850 Mr. Taylor came to Frank- lin, where he continued to work at his trade, and subsequently worked at Clarion, Pennsylvania. Returning to Franklin he married Miss Susan J., daughter of Charles W. Mackey, an early resident of that place. In 1856 he commenced reading law under McCormick & Kerr, of Frank- lin. His evenings were spent in the acquirement of legal knowledge, while supporting his family by working at his trade during the daytime. Thus under discouraging difficulties he obtained his first knowledge of the law. His early education consisted of only a few years during his boyhood in the common schools, and this was a great drawback to him while pursuing his legal studies. Yet with dogged tenacity he remained firm in his resolve to become a lawyer, and on the 27th of April, 1858, he was admitted to the bar. He immediately hung out his shingle, and in due time grew into a fair practice. In the fall of 1859 he was elected on the Democratic ticket as district attorney, and was still filling that position when the civil war began. In the summer of 1861 he commenced raising a company for the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was mustered into that regiment as captain of Company I the following October. He participated in the Seven Days' campaign before Richmond, and while on a reconnaissance from Harrison's Landing was wounded. After the evacuation of that base of operations, Captain Taylor was sent to the hospital at Point Lookout, Maryland, where he was honorably discharged from the service, October 4, 1862, because of disability to perform further military duty. This fact was attested by the attending surgeon and every officer of his regiment. On his return to Franklin he formed a partnership with Calvin W. Gil- fillan, which continued about five years. During this period the firm of Taylor & Giltillan did a very extensive legal business, and was recognized as one of the prominent firms at this bar. In the meantime Captain Taylor's brother-in-law, Charles W. Mackey, had been admitted as a member of the firm, and when Mr. Gilfillan retired Taylor & Mackey continued the large practice that had been built up through the passing years. When the civil war broke out Judge Taylor was an ardent unionist, and was one of the thirty-four Democratic delegates o* Pennsylvania who at- THE BENCH AND BAU. 169 tended the peace congress at Washington during that exciting period in our national history. The efforts of this congress to prevent war proved a failure, and he subsequently cast his political fortunes with the Republican party, and has ever since been an unswerving supporter of its candidates, its measures, and its principles. In 1866 he was the nominee of the Venango Republicans for the judge- ship. But the Republicans of Mercer county also had a candidate in the field that year, and both were beaten by John Trunkey, the Democratic nominee. In 1876 he and Judge Trunkey were the respective candidates of their parties for the judgeship, and he was again defeated. In December, 1877, he was appointed to till the vacancy on the bench caused by the resignation of Judge Trunkey, and November 5, 1878, he was elected to the same position, and was re-elected as his own successor, November 6, 1888, by the largest majority ever given in Venango county. Before his appointment to the bench Judgo Taylor was recognized as a bright, able lawyer, particularly so in the celerity which he exhibited in discovering the leading features involved, and the clearness and determined ^persistence with which he presented and prosecuted his plea. He lays no claim to being a dignified, great, or brilliant jurist, but he possesses a naturally quick intuition that seldom fails to grasp the most intricate points of the case at issue, and, being a hard student, he is always able to support his views and decisions with recognized precedents and authorities. A man of positive views and convictions, and never afraid to express them, it would indeed be strange if he had no enemies; put the large majorities by which he has been placed upon the bench in two successive elections are incontrovertible evidence of his popularity among the people of Venango county. Judge Taylor is a charter member of Mays Post, G. A. R. , and one of the oldest living members of the Masonic lodge of Franklin. Special District Court. —The courts of common pleas in this district were held by the president judge, aided by two associates, pntil May, 1839, when a special district court was created for the purpose of disposing of the accu- mulated business in Venango, Crawford, Erie, and Mercer counties. James Thompson, of Franklin, was appointed to the district judgeship, and tilled the position until May, 1845. The term originally was for five years, hnt it was extended one year by request of the bar. Judge Thompson was one of the most distinguished jurists of Pennsylvania, and a man of more than state reputation. He was born in Butler coimty, this state, in 1805, and m early life learned the printer's trade and later prepared himself for the legal profession, and was admitted to the bar at Franklin, February 23, 1829. In 1832 he was elected to the state legislatiu-e, and twice re-elected, and in 1834 was chosen speaker of the house. He subsequently served in the congress of the United States, and in 1857 was elected judge of the supreme court, in which capacity he served fifteen years, the last five of whicb he 170 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. was chief justice of the state. Judge Thompson moved from Franklin to Erie in 1842, and shortly after his election to the supreme bench removed to Philadelphia. He married a daughter of Reverend N. R. Snowden, of Franklin, and had a family of six children, five living: J. Ross, attorney, of Erie; Mrs. Sarah Robb; Clara; Samuel G., attorney, of Philadelphia, and William E. Judge Thompson was one of the prominent Democrats of the state. He was a man of great brain power, and as an orator ranked among the most eloquent men of the country. As a lawyer he was thorough, prac- tical and brilliant, and in his official capacity both on the district and supreme bench his name will always be mentioned among the most learned and eminent jurists of the state. Associate Judges. — Two associate judges assisted the president judge, from the organization of the county until the office was abolished by the con- stitution of 1873 in all counties constituting a separate district, though the judges then in office served out their full terras. The associate judges were always fixtures of the counties where they served. They were not neces- sarily lawyers, but were supposed to have a better knowledge of the county than the president judge, if he were a non-resident, and had a better under- standing of the roads, bridges and needs of the people in regard to license to sell intoxicants. The first associate judges of Venango county were John Irwin and Thomas McKee, whose names appear upon the records of the first court ever held in Franklin in 1805. John Irwin was from Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, and came to Venango in 1800. He was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1767, and died in December, 1838, hold- ing the office of judge for thirty-three years. He was an uncle to Richard Irwin, and a surveyor, making his home in the upper end of the county. Thomas McKee was one of the early settlers of Clinton township, where his family and descendants remain to this day. James G. Heron was the third associate judge. He was not a lawyer by education or profession, but simply bore the office of associate judge. He seems to have come to Franklin at a very early day in its history. His name is not connected with the military here, although he was an officer in the Revolutionary army, and must have arrived very soon after the town was laid out, as his name appears in the books of George Power in 1795. He is represented as having been a man of sterling worth, a useful member of society, a safe and judicious counsellor. It is probable that his judicial duties were not burdensome nor his responsibilities great, yet he stood his lot and aided in moulding public opinion when in a formative state. His death occurred on the 30th day of December, 1809. Richard Irwin was chosen associate judge in 1838, and is remembered as one of the early settlers and leading politicians of Venango county. He was for many years county surveyor, and was a man of intelligence and THE BENCH AND BAR. 171 sound judgment. His son, H. May Irwin, is editor of the Evening News, of Franklin. Robert Mitchell, one of the pioneers of French Creek township, became associate judge in 1840. He was a farmer by occupation, a substantial citizen of the commianity in which he resided, and at one time represented Venango county in the state legislature. Benjamin A. Phuner, whose official term began in 1843, was a l)rother of Arnold Plumer, and a leading merchant of Franklin. He was a man of good intellect and sound judgment, and made an honorable record as asso- ciate justice. James Kinnear, one of the best known citizens of Franklin, was elected to the judgeship in 1845. He is well remembered as the proprietor of the leading tavern in the county seat for many years, and was a gentleman of some local prominence. The successors of the foregoing were Alexander Holeman, Robert Cross, John H. Smiley, Samuel Hays, David Phipps, W. W. Davison, Joshua Davis, William Connely, Robert Lamberton, R. S. McCormick, and James L. Connely, all of whom have tilled an honorable place in the history of Venango county. THE BAK. One of the tirst attorneys admitted to practice at the Venango county bar and the first resident lawyer of Franklin was David Irvine, who locat- ed at the seat of justice in 1806, and was then a young man of considerable talent and well read in his profession. He soon si\cceeded in building up a lucrative practice, and is remembered as having been connected with many of the cases in the early litigation of Venango and neighboring counties. As a lawyer he appears to have been painstaking and methodical, honest in his intercourse with litigants, and popular with the public generally. In due time he married Mary Ann Heron, daughter of Judge James G. Heron, reared a family of several children, and died at Franklin about the year 1827. His widow survived him a number of years, living to a good old age, and died at Erie, Pennsylvania, whither she removed many years ago. David La Fever came to the county a few years later than the foregoing, and from reasonably well founded supposition appears to have been the sec- ond resident lawyer of Franklin. Of his personal and professional history but little is remembered, save that he resided in the county for a limited period and followed the usual practice of itinerating or riding the circuit of the different county seats. He left Franklin many years ago— going no one knows whither. Prominent among the well known and successful lawyers of the Ven- ango bar in an early day was John Galbraith, who moved from Butler, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the practice of his profession at Frank- lin, February 23, 1819. He was descended from an old and well known 172 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Irish family of the same name, prominent in the early history of the com- monwealth, and was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, August 2, 1794, the son of John Galbraith, who served with distinction in the war of American independence. His father moved to Butler county about the be- ginning of the present century where the son grew to early manhood on a farm. Long before he was of age he was in charge of a school and in due time served an apprenticeship to the printing business in the same office in Butler where James Thompson, afterward chief justice, was employed. Tiring of the printing business he turned his attention to the law, and after a course of study in the office of General William Ayres, of Butler, was ad- mitted to the bar when about twenty-four years of age. Soon afterward he married Miss Amy Ayres, daughter of Reverend Robert Ayres, an Epis- copal minister and brother of General Ayres. Early in 1819 he became a resident of Franklin, where his fine legal attainments soon won him a con- spicuous place among the leading attorneys of the Venango bar. Possessing the elements of the successful politician he rose rapidly in popular esteem, and in 1828 was elected a member of the state legislature and re-elected thx-ee times in succession. In 1832 he was elected on the Democratic ticket to the congress of the United States and re-elected in 1834, in the delib- erations of which body he took an active part both as member of important committees and on the floor as a speaker. In 1837 he moved to Erie, and the following year was again elected to congress from this district. In No- vember. 3851, he was elected president judge of the district embracing Erie, Crawford, and Mercer counties, running as a Democratic candidate in a dis- trict which usually gave about one thousand one hundred Whig majority. His death occurred on the 15th day of June, 1860, before the expiration of his term. As a lawyer Judge Galbraith possessed tine legal attainments, was thoroughly versed in the principles of jurisprudence, and early took rank among the successful jurists of western Pennsylvania. Cai'eful in the prep- aration of all legal papers, clear headed in the management of cases, in his statements of propositions, and addresses to juries, he was inclined to be somewhat lengthy but always explicit. He was one of the foremost men in promoting the various public enterprises that gave the first strong impulse to Erie county, the pioneer in building a railroad from Erie to the Ohio line, besides being a leading spirit in various other important internal improve- ments in the western part of the state. His son, William Ayres Galbraith, who was born in Franklin, May 9, 1823, is one of the leading lawyers of Erie, and has served as president judge of the Erie district. Alexander McCalmont comes next in the order of time. He was ad- mitted to the bar about 1820, and practiced his profession until his ap- pointment to the bench in 1839. As we have previoiisly given a sketch of Judge McCalmont in this chapter, the reader is referred thereto for a brief summary of his career. THE BENCH AND BAR. 173 The name of John J. Pearson, late judge of the Dauphin and Lebanon county court, stands conspicuous among the leading lawyers who practiced at the Venango bar in pioneer days. Judge Pearson was a native of Dela- ware county, Pennsylvania, born October 25, 1800, the son of Bevan and Anna (Warner) Pearson. AVhen live years of age he was taken by his par- ents to Mercer county, in the schools of which he received his early educa- tional training. Having early determined to make the legal profession a life work, he began the study of the same in the office of John Banks of Mercer, was admitted to the bar in Aiigust, 1822, and the following year located in Franklin, where he soon built up a large and lucrative practice. In the Venango Herald, bearing date June 10, 1828, appears his business card, aa follows : JOHN J. PEARSON, ESQ., Attorney at Law, Has established himself in Franklin, and intends practicing in the different courts of Venango, Mercer, and Warren counties. "Mr. Pearson," says Doctor Eaton, "was one of our best citizens and ablest attorneys. He married Ellen, a daughter of General Samuel Hays, and after some years removed to Mercer, thence subsequently to Harrisburg, where he died." In 1849 he was appointed by Governor Johnson to the office of president judge of the twelfth judicial district, composed of the- counties of Dauphin and Lebanon, the duties of which he discharged con- tinuously for a period of thirty-three years, having been frequently re-elected without opposition. During his residence in Mercer he was twice elected to office, first to the congress of the United States, and afterward to the senate of Pennsylvania for the counties of Mercer and Beaver, three years of which term were spent as chairman of the judiciary committee. Judge Pearson' s second marriage was solemnized with Miss Mary H., daughter of Joseph and Caroline Briggs, of Harrisburg. Politically he was for many years an ardent Whig, and later, in 185G, he joined the ranks of the newly formed Republican party, with which he remained identified until his death in the spring of 1888. James Thompson was one of the pioneer lawyers of Franklin, where h& was admitted to practice in February, 1829. He soon won a foremost rank among the legal lights of northwestern Pennsylvania, and in 1 839 was ap- pointed judge of a special court created for this district to dispose of a large amount of accumulated business. A brief sketch of him will be found in this chapter following the list of president judges who have graced the " woolsack " in the Venango district. The name of John W. Howe appears on the old records in connection with much of the early litigation of Venango county. Mr. Howe was l)orn in the state of Maine in the year 1801, became a resident of Smethport, 174 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Pennsylvania, when quite yonng, and moved from that town to Franklin in 1830. He was then a young man seeking a field for practice, and as legal business was not large he supj)lemented his profession with the duties of justice of the peace, to which lie was commissioned by Governor Wolfe. He soon became well known throughout the county as a fearless and upright magistrate. Subsequently he directed his whole attention to legal practice and formed a partnership with James S. Myers, which continued during his residence in Franklin. For twenty years he was a leading man at the bar, not only in Venango, but in other counties of western Pennsylvania where he practiced quite extensively. He was a man of high character, an able and reliable attorney, and an eminently successful practitioner. His ad- dresses to juries were characterized by vigorous declamation, good humor, and keen sarcasm, and his wonderful self-possession under all circumstances often gave him decided advantage over opposing counsel in difficult cases. In 1848 he was elected by the Whig party to the congress of the United States, and re-elected two years later, during the excitement of the fugitive slave law. He was among the earliest advocates in this part of the state of the anti-slavery movement, and weakened his standing in the Whig party by his unswerving course as a " Free-Soiler. " He subsequently became a Republican, and throughovit the civil war his firm patriotism was outspoken in support of the Union. Mr. Howe was married in Smethport to Miss Sally Bailey ere his com- ing to Franklin. She survived him until April, 1880, and died without issue at the home of her adopted daughter in Franklin. Soon after Mr. Howe located in Franklin he united with the Presbyterian church, under the first pastor, Reverend Thomas Anderson, and up to his death continued an active member thereof. He was a religious man, and an old-time observer of the Sabbath, while his everyday life was characterized by strict conformity to the teachings of his church. In 1852 he removed to Meadville, and after- ward to Rochester, New York, where he died in 1873. His adopted daugh- ter, widow of Doctor Eaton, is a resident of Franklin. James Ross Snowden, LL. D. , was one of the early attorneys of Ve- nango county. He was descended from one of the oldest families of Penn- sylvania, his great ancestor, John Snowden, being the owner of land within the state as far back as 1678. Branches of the family settled about the same time in Virginia and Maryland. Mr. Snowden was the youngest son of Reverend Nathaniel R. Snowden, D. D., who was the first Presbyterian preacher at Harrisburg, to which place he removed from Philadelphia when the present state capital was a mere hamlet. His four brothers were lead- ing physicians and his only sister was married to the late James Thompson, chief justice of Pennsylvania. Mr. Snowden was educated at Dickinson College under the tuition of his father, who for many years had charge of that institution. On leaving college he studied law and was admitted to the THE BENCH AND BAR. 175 bar at the early age of nineteen, having removed in the meantime to Frank- lin, Venango county, where he was shortly afterward appointed de])uty attorney general. He subsequently entered public life and for several years represented the Venango district in the state legislature, and was speaker of the house in the years 1842 and 1844. In 1845 he came within one vote of being nominated for the United States senate by the Democratic party, although at the time he was under thirty-six years of age. The same year he was elected state treasurer and re-elected the following year. His incorruptible integrity at once com- manded the confidence of all parties, and his wise, temperate, but firm pol- icy earned him the reputation of an able and trusted official. In 1840 President Polk tendered him the position of treasurer of the mint, with the assistant treasurership of the United States at Philadelphia, which position he accepted. In 1850 he returned to the practice of the legal profession and was appointed solicitor of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which position he subsequently resigned to accept the directorship of the United States mint, tendered him by President Pierce. He filled the position with satisfaction to the government until 1861, when he was appointed prothon- otary of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. In 1873 Mr. Snowden resumed the practice of his profession in Philadelphia. During his many active public duties he was connected with various sci- entific, literary, and historical societies, and as an elder in the Presbyterian church took an active part in the general assemblies of that denomination. He was also a writer of considerable ability. Amorfg his publications may be mentioned the following: "Medals of Washington and National Med- als;" " Biographies of Directors of the Mint, from 1792 to 1861;" " Coins and Money Terms of the Bible," and " Cornplanter, a Memorial Sketch of the Six Nations." At diflPerent times he published pamphlets on currency, the national coinage, history, and other subjects. In 1872 AV'ashington and Jefferson College conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. In all the various responsible positions which he filled, he displayed the best qualities of the honest official, and at all timeS commanded public esteem and confidence. Respected by those who enjoyed his intimate acquaintance, his life was of service as an example and incentive. He died in Philadelphia on the 21st of March, 1878. Samuel Porter Johnson, of AVarreu, Pennsylvania, a native of Venango county, and son of Reverend Robert Johnson, was born in Scrubgrass township, Venango county, January 13, 1809. He graduated at Jeffer.-^on College in the class of 1830, and assumed charge of an academy at Dan- ville, Montour county (then Columbia), where ho studied law under the direction of Robert C. Grier, afterward justice of the United States supreme court. November 3, 1833, he was admitted to the bar at Sunbury, North- umberland county. In January, 1834, he located at Franklin, removing to 176 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, Warren in September following. He is a good lawyer, shrewd in the roan- agement of cases, strong and forcible in his appeals to a jury, though not an eloquent speaker. His manners at times have been considered harsh and severe, and opposing counsel have always found him a formidable antag- onist, one who watches carefully every advantage, but without resorting to anything savoring of disreputable practices. His legal career is eminently honorable and successful; during his residence in Franklin, and since his removal, he has been the trusted attorney in many leading and complicated cases. Judge Johnson was elected to the bench in 1860, and served one term. He is still in the vigorous prosecution of the law at Warren. Thomas S. Espy came to Franklin from Crawford county early in the thir- ties, and is remembered as one of the prominent lawyers of the county. He was a strong, vigorous thinker, possessed excellent judgment in all mat- ters pertaining to his profession, and as an advocate was logical and forcible, but lacked somewhat the faculty of illustration. He was retained as coun- sel in many of the most important cases in the district, and in his relations with other members of the legal fraternity was kind and courteous, and at all times endeavored to sustain the honor and dignity of his calling. He abandoned a large and lucrative practice in 18-14, and emigrated to Iowa, where he now resides. William Stewart was born in Mercer, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, on the 10th day of September, 1810. He had an academic education, and having read law with Judge Banks, was admitted to the bar in 1832. He first opened a law office in Brookville, Jefferson county, where he remained but a short time, removing thence to Franklin, Venango county, where he remained for two years, and thence to Mercer, where he formed a partner- ship with the late John J. Pearson. During his long, brilliant, and active public career he filled the office of state senator, and represented the district composed of Mercer, Lawrence, Beaver, and Butler counties in the thirty - fourth and thirty-fifth congresses of the United States. As an attorney and jurist Mr. Stewart ranked high among his associates, and his native ability, comprehensive mind, and active temperament, supplemented by his courteous and dignified bearing toward the court and his brethren of the bar, soon placed him at the head of his profession. Always zealous of his honor and conscientious in the discharge of his professional duties, his promise once pledged to his opponent was regarded sacred. As a citizen he was public spirited and benevolent, earnestly patriotic and uncompromisingly devoted to the perpetuity and unity of his country. He died in Mercer on the 17th day of October, 187(3. Jonathan Ayres, who was admitted to the Venango bar prior to the year 1840, was first known in Franklin as a journalist, having published the Dem- ocrat some time before engaging in the legal business. He read law while editing the paper, and after his admission to the bar succeeded in building up THE BENCH AND BAR. 179 a fairly lucrative practice, althoiigli be never becaiue distinguished in any particular branch of the profession. Quiet and unobtrusive in manners, he was nevertheless very decided in his opinions, a fact which sometimes inter- fered very materially with his success as a practitioner. Ho left Franklin early in the forties, moving to New Castle, where he continued the ])ractice for some years. James Stroble Myers, one of the ablest jurists of western Pennsylvania, and familiarly known as Colonel Myers, was a descendant of Frederick Myers, who fled from his native country. Saxony, during the religious per- secution of the seventeenth century and settled in Switzerland. George Myers, son of Frederick, came to America in 1745 and settled on Gunpow- der river, in Maryland, about thirty miles from the city of Baltimore. August 20, 1754, in York county, Pennsylvania, he married Elizabeth Singery, who bore him two children, one of whom, Henry Myers, father of James S., was born in Maryland in the month of August, 1761. Henry Myers served in the war for American independence, and was married on the 25th day of March, 1783, to Miss Mary Stroble, whose birth occurred December 10th, 1766. About the year 1806 Mr. Myers moved to the west- ern part of Pennsylvania, and settled in Richland township, Venango (now a part of Clarion) county, where he engaged in the milling business, which he carried on for a numbej of years. He was also a civil engineer, and was employed at dijferent times in an early day in surveying lands in Venango and neighboring counties. His death occurred on the 24th of June, 1849. Mrs. Myers preceded her husband to the grave, d^'ing December 29, 1885. James S. Myers, the youngest of a family of thirteen children, was born on the 9th day of June, 1813. He remained with his parents until January 12, 1828, at which time he came to Franklin, his father having indentured him to Nathaniel Cary to learn the tailor's trade. After becoming proti- cient in that calling, he worked three years as a journeyman tailor at Brownsville, Blairsville, and other places in the western part of the state, and in 1832 located in Franklin, opening a shop on Thirteenth street, near Liberty, where he carried on a successful business for some years. On the 8th of April, 1834, he married Miss Emily Bunnell, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Davis) Bunnell. It was at this period that Mr. Myers devel- oped those qualities of energy, application, and systematic endeavor which were the foundation of his subsequent success in life. Owing to the lack of educational facilities at that time he had been obliged to start out in the world with a limited knowledge of books, and with no capital save a stout heart and strong physical constitution, and the mother-wit and common sense inherited from his parentage. AVhile attending the demands of his shop he laid out a course for his future which seemed hedged wath difficul- ties, but which he resolutely carried out. Although carrying on his shop and already married, with a growing family, he decided to l)ecome a lawyer. lO IgO HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. To this end be divided his time, giving eight hours each day to work in the shop, eight hours to study, and eight hours to rest. In order to acquire the requisite knowledge of Latin, he continued to take lessons in that language, reciting to the principal of the old Franklin Academy. In 1838 the workman-student found himself sufficiently equipped with solid acquirements to relinquish his business and enter as a regular student in the law office of James Thompson, then the leading lawyer of this place, and afterward chief justice of the state. Applying himself closely to his task, often studying fourteen hours a day, Mr. Myers passed examination and was duly admitted to the bar on the 21st day of November, 1840, and on the 22nd of September, 1845, was admitted to practice in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. Previous to his admission to the Venango bar, from 1836 to 1839, he had been collector for the French Creek canal, a position ol^tained through the interposition of Thaddeus Stevens, between whom and Mr. Myers a friendly and political sympathy always existed. The year of his admission Mr. Myers entered into a partnership with his preceptor, John W. Howe, which lasted until 1849, when Mr. Howe retired from the firm, having been elected the previous year to represent the Ve- nango district in congress. In 1850 the late F. D. Kinnear became a part- ner and until the dissolution of the partnership in 1868, this firm was prom- inent in the law business in this part of the state. Mr. Myers continued the successful practice of his profession until about 1873, when he retired from court business, though he frequently gave counsel and assistance in difficult cases for several years later. Few members of the Venango bar possessed in so marked a degree all the elements of the successful jurist as Mr. Myers. A strong, vigorous, and naturally tine legal mind, strengthened by a profound knowledge of Black- stone, and well versed in the principles of his profession, made him an author- ity on all intricate and technical points of law; and, recognized as such, he was frequently consulted, not only by members of the bar but by judges on the bench as well. His written opinions were couched in the most vigorous Eno-lish with no useless verbiage, and as an advocate he was clear, forcible, and logical rather than ornate and eloquent. Slow in arriving at couclu- sions and careful in probing to the bottom all questions and cases submitted to his consideration, his opinions were always well fortified with proper au- thorities, tenaciously adhered to, and seldom relinquished. Mr. Myers had positive political convictions, and for many years was a leading anti-slavery Whig, and later a firm adherent of the Kepublican party. He took an active part in the campaigns of 1849 and 1850, spoke for Scott in 1852, and in 1856 he was the Republican candidate for congress in what was known as the " wild cat district," making the race against a hopelessly large Dem- ocratic majority, which he succeeded in greatly reducing. THE BENCH AND BAR. 181 As a citizen Mr. Myers was public spirited and progi-essivc, always alive to the interests of the city, with whose welfare his thirty-eif^ht years of pro- fessional life was so closely identified. In his religious convictions he ad- hered to the creed of the Methodist Episcopal church, and was a meml)er of that denomination until his death, which occurred in Franklin on the 20th day of October, 1885. His wife is still living, having reached the ripe old age of seventy-three years. The following are the names of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Myers, viz. : Samuel B., attorney, of Franklin; James P. (deceased); Emily, deceased wife of John H. Lee; Frank (deceased); Lauretta, wife of J. D. Chadwick, attorney, of Franklin; Ella (deceased); James B. , in the auditor general's office at Harrisburg; Wilbur F., physi- cian at Edenburg, Clarion county, and Charles A., a lawyer of Franklin. Edwin C. Wilson, of Steubenville, Ohio, came to Venango county in 1840 and was admitted to the bar November 25th of the same year. He read law in his native state and had practiced for some years before his removal to Franklin. Soon after his admission to the Venango bar he effected a co- partnership with Judge John S. McCalmont, with whom he practiced some time, and later moved to Erie, thence to Philadelphia, in which city his death occurred. Mr. Wilson won recognition among the legal gentlemen of this county more by his oratory and skill in the examination of witnesses than by a profound knowledge of the profession. N. R. Bushnell, one of the oldest members of the Venango bar now liv- ing, is a native of Trumbull county, Ohio, and^ son of Daniel and Polly Bushnell. He was born August 24, 1817, read law in the office of John Hutchins, of Warren, Ohio, and was admitted to the practice in Venango county, Pennsylvania, in the year 1843. For some years he enjoyed a fairly remunerative business, but in 1861 retired from the profession and engaged in other pursuits. He is now spending the evening of an honorable life in his quiet and retired home in Franklin. Judge John S. McCalmont, now of Washington city, where he is still prosecuting the duties of his profession, may be classed as one of the early attorneys of Franklin, where he studied law and was admitted to practice November 25, 1844. As Mr. McCalmont is one of the lawyers who have filled the judgeship in this district, a sketch of him will be found in that connection. Robert S. McCormick, who, excepting Mr. Bushnell, is the oldest living member of the local bar, was born in Franklin on the 14th day of August, 1822, and is a son of Dominic and Elizabeth (Kinnear) McCormick. He re- ceived his literary training in the schools of the town and having early mani- fested a decided taste for the legal profession, entered upon a course of reading in 1843 under the instruction of Howe & Myers, in whose office he remained until his admission to the bar on the 27th day of August, 1845. He began the practice of his profession in partnership with James K. Kerr, 182 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. with whom he was associated for some years, and later served as district at- torney, the duties of which office he discharged in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to all concerned. After practicing continuously until 1866 Mr. McCormick was elected associate judge of Venango county and served as such until 1871, taking an active interest in the meantime in the municipal affairs of Franklin. He prepared the city charter, was in- strumental in securing its adoption, and since 1881 has been serving as city attorney. Mr. McCormick has always been a close observer and careful stu- dent. He is a sound lawyer, and though now in his sixty-eighth year is still actively engaged in the duties of his profession. He was married in June, 1846, to Julia A. , daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Dubbs, who has borne him three children: Norman H. , Clinton, and W. F., all of whom were members of the Venango bar. Samuel Riddle was born in Scrubgrass township, Venango county, on the 4th^day of August, 1821, read law in Franklin with James R. Snowden, and was admitted to the bar some time in the forties. He was a man of good mind, well versed in the principles of his profession, and excelled more as an office lawyer than an advocate. His practice, contined principally to civil business, was fair, and had not his career been terminated by an early death, he doubtless would have made an enviable record in the profession. He died in Franklin on the 28th day of May, 1853. Francis D. Kinnear was a native of Franklin, born December 2, 1821, and a son of William Kinnear, a pioneer of Venango county. In August, 1843, he began his law studies under Thomas S. Espy, and a few months after entered the office of Howe & Myers. He was admitted to practice August 27, 1845, and continued in the active duties of the profession throughout the balance of his life. He was also connected with the early banking interests of Franklin, as president of the Venango Bank. Pos- sessing a shrewd, well-balanced mind, and being an indefatigable worker, his peculiar strength lay in his thorough preparation of all cases intrusted to his charge. He was a man of singular ingenuity in the profession, a diligent student, and while confining his attention to no particular phrase of the law, succeeded best in litigation growing out of land titles, real estate, and other business in which technical points were conspicuous feat- ures. He died in Franklin, July 4, 1885. General Alfred B. McCalmont, for many years a leading lawyer of Franklin, was a son of Judge Alexander McCalmont, and was born in Venango county on the 28th day of April, 1825. He was for one term a student in Allegheny College, later attended Dickinson College, from which institution he graduated in 1844, and immediately thereafter began the study of law at Franklin, in the office of his father, at that time president judge of the eighteenth judicial district. May 25th, 1847, he was admitted to the bar, and immediately after located in Pittsburgh, where his brilliant THE BENCH AND BAR. 183 oratory soon won for him a fair share of practice. In 1853 he became asso- ciated with T. J. Keenan in the newspaper business in that city, and in 1855 was appointed prothonotary of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. He resigned this position in May, 1858, to accept an appointment in the oiiice of Jeremiah S. Bhick, who was at the time attorney o-eneral of the United States in the cabinet of James Buchanan. Subsequently he was appointed assistant attorney general, the duties of which he discharo-ed dur- ing the continuance of that administration, and then returned to his home in Franklin and resumed the practice of law, in partnership with the late James K. Kerr. In 1862 he entered the army, as lieutenant colonel of the One Hundred and Forty- Second regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, and in the fall of 1864 became colonel of the Two Hundred and Eighth regiment, by way of indirect promotion. He served during the remainder of the war, commanded a brigade in the assault upon Petersburg, and in recognition of his gallantry in this and other bloody engagements, received from the secretary of war the brevet rank of brigadier general. On retiring from the service he again resumed the practice of his profession in Franklin, and con- tinued the same until his death, which occurred on the 7th day of May, 1874. General McCalmont will always be remembered as one of the brill- iant lawyers and gallant soldiers of Venango county. He possessed in a marked degree the elements of the orator, and was at his best before the jury, where his appeals in behalf of his client were frequently powerful and eloquent. i He was married April 25, 1853, to Miss Sarah F. Evans, of Pittsburgh. Three children were l)orn of this union, viz.: Lydia C, deceased wife of Thomas McOough, attorney of Franklin; Sarah L. , wife of W. U. Lewis- son, of Boston, and Robert, a lawyer of Franklin. General McCalmont can justly be classed among the prominent leaders of the Democratic party in this section of the state, and was its choice for congress from this district in 1868. In 1872 he was the choice of tlie Democracy of western Pennsylvania for the gubernatorial nomination, which, however, fell to Charles R. Buckalew. He was a very social gentleman, whole-souled and generous to a fault, and was one of the most admired and popular lawyers of the Venango bar. S. P. McCalmont is one of the oldest lawyers now practicing in the courts of Venango county, where he commence * his legal career nearly forty- three years ago. He is a native of Sugar Creek township, Venango county, born September 12, 1823, and a son of John McCalmont, who came to this county with his parents in 1803. His education was limited to the country subscription schools of his boyhood days and a few months at college. He read law with McCalmont & Wilson, and was admitted to the bar November 25, 1847. He went to California in April, 1850, and spent three years on the Pacific slope. Returning to Franklin he resiimed practice at this bar. 184 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and has here since steadfastly remained at the post of his professional duties. In 1855 he was elected on the Republican ticket to the legislature, and twice re-elected. In 1874 he assisted in organizing the Prohibition party in Venango county, and is to-day one of the leading Prohibitionists in west- ern Pennsylvania. Contemporary with General McCalmont was his law partner, Colonel James K. Kerr, who studied for his profession under the able instruction of David Derickson, of Meadville, and became a member of the Venango bar on the 24th of May, 1848. Mr. Kerr was essentially a lawyer, and as such early took high rank among the successful attorneys of Venango county, and in time became one of the well known jurists in the western part of the state. He was a man of linQ presence, charming manners, ready and quick at repartee, a capital story teller, and one of the most eloquent and mag- netic speakers in western Pennsylvania. His fine social qualities made him popular with all classes of people, and his well known abilities in his pro- fession made him the trusted attorney in much of the litigation of the county during the period of his residence in Franklin. Mr. Kerr was a native of Crawford county, born in the city of Titusville. He married in Franklin Eliza Jane McCormick, sister of Robert S. McCormick, who died at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 6, 1889. In 1861 he entered the army as major of the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and after an honorable career as a soldier resigned on account of failing health. After a few more years' practice at the Venango bar he removed to Pittsburgh, where he died February 28, 1876. William H. Lamberton, of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, where he had prepared himself for the legal profession, became a resident of Franklin some time in the forties, and a few years later was elected to the office of district attorney. His knowledge of the law, while not profound, was quite thorough, and as a practitioner he enjoyed the reputation of being honest, reliable, and upright in his dealings with clients — traits which won him a fair share of the legal business. He died in Franklin, May 21, 1869, aged forty-nine years. L. D. Rodgers was admitted to the bar on the 24th day of February, 1851, and after practicing a short time thereafter, removed to Brookville, but subsequently returned to Franklin and resumed practice. Mr. Rodgers was a fluent talker, and did a fa^r business during his residence in this county. Charles Raymond read law in Franklin, and was admitted to the bar February 24, 1851. He practiced to a limited extent in the courts of Ve- nango, and afterward located in Minnesota, thence returned to Franklin, where his death subsequently occurred. Thompson Allison, a fair lawyer and at one time district attorney, was also admitted to the bar in February, 1851, and practiced in the courts of Venango and other counties until his death several years later. He was a THE BENCH AN^D BAH. 185 man of good mind and excellent character, possessed a fair knowledge of the law, and in his practice was looked upon as an impartial lawyer and reliable counsellor. Samuel Plumer, since 1S09 })resident of the First National Bank of Franklin, has been a member of the bar for nearly thirty-eight years. He was born in Franklin April 2, 1880, and is the eldest son of the late Arnold Plumer. He received his primary education in Franklin, afterward attend- ino- the academy at Jamestown, New York, two years, and also two years at Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania. He read law with Judge Alexander McCalmont, was admitted to the bar July 7, 1852, and imme- diately formed a partnership with Edwin C. Wilson. The firm of AVilson & Pltimer lasted three years, and in the autumn of 1855 Mr. Plumer went to Minnesota, where he continued to practice until the spring of 1857, when he was appointed by President Buchanan register of the land oflfice for southern Minnesota, and served in that capacity until the accession of Lin- coln to the presidency, when he was removed to make place for a supporter of the latter administration. Returning to Franklin he became associated in the practice of the law with James K. Kerr, and he continued to prose- cute the duties of his profession until his father's death in 1809, when he was elected president of the First National Bank and has ever since filled that position and devoted his whole attention to its affairs. Mr. Plumer has been twice married, and has two sons: L. M., a lawyer of Pittsburgh, and A. G., connected with the banking house , of Jamison & Company, of Philadelphia. Politically Mr. Plumer has always been a stanch supporter of the Democratic party and is one of the best known business men of his native city. Henry W. Lamberton, a brother of William H. Lamberton, was ad- mitted to practice November 22, 1852. He enjoyed a fair practice and was a careful, painstaking lawyer. After a few years he removed to Minnesota, where he now resides. Robert Riddle read law with his brother Samuel and was admitted to practice January 24, 1853. After a short stay at Franklin he removed to Kansas. Christopher Heydrick, one of the oldest and most prominent members of the present bar, was born in French Creek township, Venango county, May 19, 1830, the oldest son of Charles H. Heydrick, an early settler of French Creek. He was reared upon the old homestead in that town- ship, was educated in the public schools, at Grand River Institute, Ohio, and at Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania, and graduated fi-om the last mentioned institution in 1852. He read law in Kentucky, was^there licensed to practice, and was admitted to the Venango bar on the 2ncli creek and tlieir tributaries would be subserved and encouraged and the general interests of the commonwealth protected; and it is believed that further appropriations from the state treasury in its present state of embarrassment cannot reasonably be expected. And \vherea«, the importance of this work impera- tively demands its preservation and protection, and it would ])e unjust, unwise, and impolitic to suffer it further to decay, and thus, instead of subserving the interesis of the county b}-- promoting its commerce and navigation, be(;ome an absolute evil by producing stagnant pools and obstructing the natural navigation; therefore. Resolved, That the restoration and repair of the French Creek division of the Pennsylvania canal is of the deepest importance to an extensive region of country, thereby affording an outlet to market to the citizens residing thereon for their various productions, as well as opening up an important channel to the commerce of the state. Hut we would especially refer to the market it would afford to the iron, which is now manufactured in large quantities in the counties of Armstrong, Clarion, and Venango, and which may be enlarged to an almost unlimited extent. Resolved. That we view with alarm and surprise the startling fact tliat the water of French creek, a large and navigable stream to which God and nature liave given us an indefeasible title, is about to be diverted from its natural channel and carried down the Shenango and Beaver creeks, through the partial policy of these who have been en- gaged in conducting the public works, whilst the French creek division, although actually completed, has been suffered to go out of repair and become an absolute ob- struction, rendering the navigation greatly inferior to what it was in its natural state: that if this policy and course are passively submitted to and further pursued the water of this large stream during the season of the year when most recpiired for navigation will be entirely diverted from its natural channel, and thus also its water power for mills and other works be entirely destroyed. Resolved, That should this project be consummated and the French Creek divi sion be thus destroyed, it would be an act of the most g*oss injustice and a direct vio- lation of all equitable and just principles, not only to the citizens generally who reside in this section of country, but especially to those who reside on the borders of the stream and who have paid for those rights which are now sought to be taken away. It was further charged that previous boards of canal commissioners were responsible for the decayed state of the line, having withheld its just proportion of the repair fund; and especially, that the board had solemnly assured the representatives from this district in the session of 1840 that the line should be put in repair, in violation of which they had refused anv amount whatever when the appropnation bill became a law. It was urged that the Shenango route had never been authorized except with the under- standing that improved navigation should be simultaneously constructed to the mouth of French creek as a substitute for its natural navigation and as -^n equivalent for the water to supply the Erie extension. Any other ar- rangement, it was declared, would be an act of flagrant injustice on the part of the commonwealth, depriving a large number of citizens of the benefits of natural navigation, and bestowing upon another section of the state ad- vantages which it had no right to enjoy. As the improvement of the French creek canal was a matter of urgent necessity and the embarrassed condition of the public treasury would not warrant any appropriation from that source, it was suggested as the most feasible means of effecting that object that a 234 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. company should be incorporated for the purpose of completing the work already done and making such repairs as would be found advisable. James Ross Snowden, Samuel Hays, William Elliott, Thomas S. Espy, and John W. Howe were selected as a committee to memorialize the legislature at its approaching session and prepare a suitable address to that body. "Without discussing the successive phases of the agitation it may be stated that neither public appropriation nor private enterprise ever attempted the rehabilitation of the property in the manner proposed. The stream was kept open for descending navigation for some years; the dams and locks were occasionally repaired, but the former were ultimately regarded as ob- structions and accordingly demolished, the " big dam " a mile above Frank- lin being the last that was destroyed. Nothing remains of this once elabo- rate artificial system of navigation except the dam and outlet lock at Frank- lin, from which the power of the Venango mills is derived. It is doubtful whether the whole history of internal improvements in this country presents another instance in which the returns were so utterly disproportionate to the amount of capital invested. Oil creek hrst attained the dignity of a navigable stream as the first link in the system of water commvmication by which petroleum was shipped to Pittsburgh and other southern markets. In order to facilitate and acceler- ate shipments, the producers resorted to artiticial methods of increasing the volume of the current, known as pond freshets, which originated with lum- bermen and were here conducted in a more extensive and systematic inan- ner than ever before. A main dam was constructed across the creek a short distance below Titusville: the co-operation of mill owners on the various branches of Oil creek above that point was secured, and at an appointed time the water in their dams was discharged; when the volume of water col- lected at the main dam was deemed sufficient it was discharged into the creek, creating an artificial current of depth enough to float an oil barge over the rapids under skillful management. The expense incident to these prep- arations was distributed pro rata among the different shippers. Pond freshets were not discontinued until the construction of railroads introduced a different method of oil transportation. RAILROADS. The slack-water navigation having proved a failure, authority was con- ferred upon the Franklin Canal Company by the legislature to construct a railroad from Franklin to Lake Erie and on the 5th of November, 1849, William Millar, engineer for the board of directors, began the work of locat- ing the line between Franklin and Meadville, in which he was assisted by C. H. Heydrick, of this county. Beginning at a point on the turnpike be- tween Elk street and the Allegheny bridge and crossing French creek, the line proposed crossed Sugar creek four and one- third miles from Franklin INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 235 and two huadred and forty feet north of the tow-path bridge, passing the villages of Utica and Cochranton, with a total length of twenty-one miles, eleven hundred and twenty feet from the Allegheny bridge to the first lock at the outlet of the French creek feeder. It does not appear that the proj- ect ever passed beyond this stage. The charter of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company authorized the building of a line from Warren to Beaver, by way of Franklin, Mercer, and New Castle; this, or an extension of the line to connect with the New York and Erie railroad, was next regarded as the most practicable route for the construction of a road through Venango county. A public meeting was held at the court house in Franklin by the friends of the project on the 20th of February, 1851; and at an adjourned meeting on the 5th of March, at which Arnold Plumer presided, after addresses by Alfred B. McCalmont and James Ross Snowden, a number of citizens were appointed as delegates to a railroad convention to be held at Warren in the following summer. It was accordingly held on the 5th of -June; in the permanent organization the county was represented by E. C. Wilson, vice-president, and Myron Park, secretary. Action was taken favoral)le to the construction of a line from Pittsburgh to connect with the New York and Erie railroad, the length of which would be two hundred and fifteen miles. Althoiigh not productive of immediate results the agitation doubtless had its influence in determining future developments. The Venango Railroad was the first projected through this county that promised definite actualization. It had its inception in the year 1852, and was largely a local enterprise. The corporators were Arnold Plumer, A. P. Whitaker, E. C. Wilson, Robert Crawford, John Hoge, Thompson Graham, John Forker, Hugh Brawley, George Merriam, Alexander Powers, William McDiel, William F. Clark, and C. V. Kinnear, and the charter was granted by act of the legislature on the 30th of March, 1853. An organization was effected on the 25th of June with Arnold Plumer, president; J: Porter Braw- ley, John Hoge, Joel White, and Samuel F. Dale, directors. The roiite pro- posed was described as follows: "Beginning at or near the borough of Franklin in the county of Venango or at the mouth of Big Sugar creek; thence by the best and most practicable route so as to intersect the Sunbury and Erie railroad at any point they may think most advisable and from any point on the said railroad or route; thence by the best and most practicable route to the coal field near Sandy lake, Mercer county." The directors were also authorized to extend their road to any point on the Allegheny Val- ley railroad that might be deemed most advisable. The capital stock was fixed at three hundred thousand dollars, subject to increase by action of the board of directors. The terms of the charter in defining the route were ex- ceedingly vague; there was, in fact, but one point definitely located, the borough of Franklin or the mouth of Sugar creek, leaving the terminus in 236 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. either direction entirely with the directory of the company. At first it seems to have been regarded as a merely local road, designed as a connect- ing link between the Sunbury and Erie and Allegheny Valley railroads; but as the extraordinary discretionary powers conferred upon the management became better understood, it was apparent that the projectors contemplated nothing less than a link in an inter-state line between the east and west, in which both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, whose interests were considered of paramount importance in all railroad legislation, were utterly ignored. This discovery produced a furore of indignation in those cities; and at the follow- ing session of the legislature a committee was requested to ascertain by what chicanery and fraud such a monstrous combination of ingeniously con- structed sentences had acquired the authority of law. No irregularities were discovered, however, and the legality of the charter placed the privi- leges it conferred beyond recall. In July, 1853, the location of the line was begun by two corps of engi- neers under the direction of a Mr. Appleton, of Boston. The route finally determined upon extended from Ridgway. Elk county, to Warren, Ohio, by way of Franklin, connecting at either termini with other roads and forming part of a through line from New York to Council BhxfFs, Iowa; Easton, Pennsylvania; Tiffin, Ohio, and Fort Wayne, Indiana, were prominent points, and indicate the general course of the proposed line. At a meeting of presidents of the various affiliated lines at Fort Wayne in December, 1855, Arnold Plumer presiding, a consolidation was definitely arranged under the name of the American Central Railway Company. The enterprise received enthusiastic local support. Public meetings were held throughout the county, and there was scarcely a community that was not represented by subscriptions to the stock. On the 29th of January, 1856, at a meeting of citizens at the court house in Franklin, it was decided to seek authority from the legislature for a subscription in stock on the part of the county, but it does not appear that this design was executed. The first installment was paid to the treasurer of the company, and a contract for the construction of the entire line was let upon advantageous terms. The project seemed on a fair way to realization when certain questionable trans- actions in .Vermont in which the contractors had been interested were exposed, resulting in the withdrawal of the contract and ultimate collapse of the enterprise. The Neiv York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad had its inception in 1852. Prominent citizens of Meadville had made ineffectual efforts to obtain a charter for a connecting line between the states of New York and Ohio through that city. Under the branching privileges of its charter the Pitts- burgh and Erie Railroad Company had authority to construct the proposed line, and in the summer of 1852 it was proposed to join interests, resulting in a survey of the line in the following autumn. Ground was broken south INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 237 of Meadville on the east bank of French creek August 19, 1853. Work was suspended in 1854 and not resumed until 1857, when the franchise was vested in a new corporation, the Meadville Railroad Company. Negotia- tions were opened with European capitalists, by whom T. \\ . Keunard, a civil engineer, was sent out in- 1858 to report from personal observation. March 10, 1859, the name of the Meadville railroad was changed to the Atlantic and Great Western railroad of Pennsylvania, which was opened to Meadville October 22, 1862. The charter provided for an "Eastern Coal- field Branch and Extension," and a liberal construction of this clause enabled the management to project a line to the oil regions of Venano-o county, then just beginning to attract attention as the possible source of a large railroad traffic. It was evident that whatever town became the terminus of the line thus opened would acquire a great impetus in its business interests; and that the long deferred opportunity might not be allowed to pass or to be improved at the advantage of some other town, the people of Franklin deputed a committee to confer with Mr. Kennard, who had his headquarters at Meadville, and exercised a general supervision as representative of the English investors in the Atlantic and Great Western, and urge the feasibility of constructing a line to Franklin by the valley of French creek. This committee was composed of Arnold Plumer, Samuel F. Dale, C. Heydrick. and George H. Bissell. An arrangement was effected by which Mr. Kennard agreed to open the pro- posed line within six months upon condition- that the committee or their constituents would secure the right of way, executing a bond to indemnify the railroad company against all claims that might be presented on that ac- count, and also that a turnpike road should be constructed from Franklin to the mouth of Oil creek. The agreement was entered into; the right of way was promptly secured for about two-thirds of the distance without any con- siderable expenditure of money, and a general subscription was made in Franklin to reimburse the committee. The work of construction was also begun and pushed with vigor almost to completion, when the workmen were suddenly withdrawn and transferred to the Oil Creek railroad, of which the Atlantic and Great Western had become lessee, and which was secured with the evident purpose of controlling every available approach to the oil regions from the north and west. As a result of this the Franklin branch was not completed within the specified period, thus releasing Messrs Plumer, Dale, Heydrick, and Bissell from any obligation regarding the right of way not yet released, while at the same time it made them individually responsible for the money already paid out, as the people at large were not disposed to contribute anything for a railroad of which the completion had been delayed in flagrant violation of obligations assumed by its projectors. The work was at length resumed, however; May 30, 1863, the track was laid to Fi-anklin, and on the following Monday, June 1st, the road was formally opened by a 238 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. special train carrying the directors and numerous prominent citizens of Meadville. It was extended to Oil City in March, 1866. The entire Atlan- tic and Great Western system was sold at judicial sale January 6, 1880, and reorganized as the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad. In March, 188;}, it was leased to the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railway Com- pany for a period of ninety-nine years and has since been operated by that company. Western New York and Pennsylvania Lines. — The Oil Creek Railroad Company was chartered April 2, 1860, John W. Howe, Andrew L. Smith, W. C. Hunt, H. R. Rouse, and Thomas Struthers being among the incor- porators, for the construction of a road from Garland station on the Phila- delphia and Erie railroad to Titusville, Crawford county. Largely through the efforts of Thomas Struthers andW. S. Streator it was completed in 1862 under the auspices of the Atlantic and Great Western. Miller Farm, Shaf- fer Farm, Boyd Farm, and Petroleum Center were successively the southern terminal point, the extension to the last named place having been made in 1866. In 1865 a majority of the stock was purchased in the city of Erie by Dean Richmond and Thomas A. Scott, the former representing the New York Central and Lake Shore companies, the latter the Pennsylvania rail- road, and placed in the hands of Samuel J. Tilden of New York as trustee for the three corporations. A railroad was constructed from Pithole City to the mouth of Pithole creek in 1865-66 by the Clarion Land and Improvement Company. The work was begun in November, 1865, and pushed with energy. Location and construction went on simultaneously. Before the end of the first month more than six hundred laborers, many of whom had been brought a distance of a thousand miles, were at work. The engineering staff were busy day and night and their utmost exertions were required to keep ahead of the la- borers. It was important that a means of communication should be com- pleted between Pithole City and the river before the close of navigation in order that fuel, provisions, and other necessaries of life might be within reach of that populous bixt ill -provided community. The energies of the company were therefore concentrated upon that portion of the line between Pithole City and the river. Within ninety days from the commencement of the work it was completed a distance of six miles and a half; thirteen substantial pier bridges had been thrown across the creek, beside a large amount of trestle work; three miles of track had been laid, and a locomotive was moving thereon. When construction was begun between Oil City and Pithole creek it was immediately followed by interference on the part of the Warren and Franklin Railroad Company and on one occasion a collision be- tween the employes of the rival companies almost approached the propor- tions of a riot. A temporary compromise was effected, however, and the first through train from Pithole City to Oil City passed over the line March 10, 1866. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 239 The Warren and Tidioute Railroad Company was incorporated April 18, 18(51, nniiabering among its projectors Glonni W. Scotield, Orris Hall. S. P. Johnson, J. Y. James, \V. D. Brown, and Jacol) Henrici. The route proposed began at Tidionte and continued to an intersection with the Phila- delphia and Erie, with the privilege of extending to Franklin. INTarch 31, 1864. a change of name was authorized, and on the 23rd of May, by a reso- lution of the directors, the name of Warren and Franklin was adopted. On the '25th of May, 1866, an injunction was granted by the supreme court restraining the Clarion Land and Impi-ovement Company" from operating that part of their line in the river valley; its entire property was purchased and during the same year a line was completed from Irvineton on the Phila- delphia and Erie to Oil City. An extension of the Pithole branch was partially constructed as far as Pleasantville, but with the decline of that oil district the line to Pithole City was abandoned and dismantled. The Farmers' Railroad Company of Venango County was incorporated April 10, 1862. Joshua Rhoads, William Bagaley, Sam. Q. Brown, Joua than Watson, Thomas Hoge, James S. Myers, S. P. McCalmout, John L. Mitchell, and P. H. Siverly were among those to whom the charter was granted. The contemplated line extended from the mouth of Oil creek by the course of that stream to the county line and by the Allegheny river to Franklin. There was a provision that no locomotive should be run without the consent of all the owners of oil wells within two hiindred feet of the track, but this clause was repealed August 10, 1864. The road was con- structed to Petroleum Center, the terminus of the Oil Creek railroad, in the summer of 1866,, and opened for travel on the 27th of August in that year. A consolidation of the Warren and Franklin, Oil Creek, and Farmers' railroads was formed in 1867-68 under the name of the Oil Creek and Al- legheny River Railway Company, and received legislative sanction April 3, 1868. In 1876 the property was sold at judicial sale under a decree from the United States court and reorganized under the name of the Pittsburgh, Titusville and Buffalo railroad, connecting with the Crosscut railroad of New York. In 1881 the Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Western railroad was con- structed from Buffalo to Brocton, New York, also the Salamanca and Alle- gheny River railroad, from Salamanca to Irvineton, and the Genesee Val- ley Canal Company's railroad, from Rochester to Olean. The Olean and Salamanca railroad was built in 1882, when all these various lines were consolidated with the Pittsburgh, Titusville and Buffalo, which was merged into the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Railway Company in the same year. The entire system was sold under foreclosure in 1887, and reorgan- ized under its present name, the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railway Company. A line from Stoneboro, Mercer county, to New Castle. Lawrence county, is also operated. The tracks of the Lake Shore were used between Stone- '240 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. boro and Oil City until November, 1889, and the discontinuance of that arrangement will probably result in the construction of an independent line between those points. This is the latest railway jn-oject in the county. The Jamestoivn and Franklin Railroad, operated by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Kailway Company, enters the county at Eaymiltou, in Mineral township, follows the course of Sandy creek to Polk, where it crosses to French creek; that stream is crossed at its mouth by the finest railroad bridge in the county, and from that point the northern bank of the Allegheny river is followed to Oil City. The charter was granted April 5. 1862. to William Gibson, John P. Vincent, George A. Bittenbender, AV. L. Scott, Henry C. Hickok, A. W. Raymond, and David Hadley, by whom the Jamestown and Franklin Railroad Company was organized at Sheakleyville with William Gibson, of Jamestown, president; A. W. Raymond, of Frank- lin, secretary; Thomas Hoge, James S. Myers, A. W. Raymond, S. A. Pot- ter, T. H. Fulton, and David Hadley, directors. Jamestown is a station on the Erie and Pittsburgh railroad, and it was with the design of providing a western outlet from the oil regions, as well as developing the intervening country, that the road was projected. It was completed for freight pur- poses as far as Stoneboro in 1865, and for passenger traffic the following year. The extension to Franklin was opened in the summer of 1867; the bridge over French creek was completed in January, 1870, and the tirst train entered Oil City over this line on the 24th of May, in that year. In August, 1872, a road was constructed from Jamestown to Ashtabula, con- necting with the main artery of the Lake Shore system. The Allegheny Valley Railroad Company was chartered April 4, 1837, as the Pittsburgh, Kittanning and Warren, and under its present name, April 14, 1852. Construction was begun March 17, 1853, when Mayor Riddle, of Pittsburgh, broke ground for the first time at the Allegheny arsenal. The line was opened to Kittanning, January 30, 1856; to Mahoning, May 12, 1866; to Brady's Bend, June 27, 1867, and to Oil City, February 2, i870. It was opened to Franklin and Soutli Oil City in 1867, but the present terminal facilities at Oil City were not acquired until two years later. The distance fi-om Pittsburgh to Oil City is one hundred and thirty-two miles, of which about one- third is in this county. Several dismantled railroads remain to be noticed, beside the Pithole branch previously described. In 1867 a road was constructed from the mouth of Sage run on the Allegheny river immediately above South Oil City to the mines of a coal company situated three or four miles inland. It was operated several years. The Reno, Oil Creek and Pithole Railroad, projected from Reno to Pit- hole City, was completed and opened to Rouseville January 31, 1866. and extended through Plumer to a point one mile from Pithole City. It was never operated farther than Plumer, and was abandoned within a year after its completion to that place. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. '241 The Emlenton and Shippenville Railroad, afterward known as the Emlen- ton, Shippenville and Clarion railroad, was constructed from Emlenton to Turkey City, a distance of seven miles, in the summer of 1870; it was extended to Edenburg in the autumn of that year, and to Clarion, thirty miles from Emlenton, in 1877. The original organization of the company occurred June 17, 1875, with James Bennett, president; J. W. Rowland, secretary, and R. W. Porterlield, treasurer. It was principally an Emlenton enter- prise, and had more of the character of a local railroad undertaking than any other of equal magnitude in the county. Financially it was a success, and reflected credit on the projectors. But another line, since consolidated with the Pittsburgh and Western, was contemplated from Foxburg through Clarion, and having been given an opportunity to dispose of their property advantageously, the owners allowed it to be absorbed by the rival company, by which that part of the line between Emlenton and Clarion Junction was shortly afterward dismantled. The Allegheny, Kennerdell and Clintonville Railroad was projected with the idea of constructing a line from Kennerdell station, on the Alle- gheny Valley, to some point on the Pittsburgh, Shenango and Lake Erie, by way of the valley of Scrubgrass creek, Kennerdell, and Clintonville, a dis- tance of eighteen or twenty miles, traversing the Bullion oil district and deriving its principal traffic from that region. A substantial bridge over the Allegheny river was constructed, and some two or three miles of road; the rolling stock was furnished by the Allegheny Valley, and thus equipped the road was operated about two years. Then, the Bullion district having had its day, the track was taken up and the bridge was changed into a wagon bridge. It was afterward carried away in a flood, so that nothing now remains of this road save the abandoned embankment. Richard Kennerdell was president of the company. Local capital was invested almost exclusively. POSTAL FACILITIES. A weekly mail route was established in 1801 between Pittsburgh and Erie by way of Butler, Franklin, Meadville, and Waterford. Within the next two years it had been reduced to a semi-monthly route, but the first schedule was again adopted soon afterward. Horseback was the mode of transporta- tion for some years; at first the pouch was carried on the same horse with the driver, but as the amount of mail increased a second horse became nec- essary. Robert Clark, of Clark's Ferry, established the first stage route over the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike, presumably the first in the county, in 1820, the first coach arriving at Franklin in November of that year. The first stage line to Pittsburgh was established by Samuel F. Dale. Postal facilities have been improved with the successive introduction of the steamboat and the railroad, and at the present time thei'e is scarcely a ham- let in the county that does not have a daily mail. 242 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The first postoffice in the county was established at Franklin in 1801, and the commission of Alexander McDowell as first postmaster bears date January 1, 1801. Among his early successors were James G. Heron, com- missioned October 1, 1802, and John Broadfoot, commissioned March 31, 1809. The earliest postoffices throughout the county were Big Bend, in Scrubgrass township; Rockland, Cranberry, Canal, Plum, Cherry Tree, and Ccrnplanter, in the respective townships of those names; Cooperstown, Pleasantville, Utica, Emlenton. Clintonville, and Dempseytown; Lamb's, in Allegheny township, Rynd's, in Cornplanter, and Plumer. CHAPTER XVII. THE PRESS. FiK(>T Newspapers in Western Pe.\nsylvania — Journalism in Franklin —Emlenton Papers— The Press of Oil City — Papers at Pitiiole City, Pleasantville, Etc. THE first newspaper west of the Allegheny mountains was the Pittsburgh Gazette, established by John Scull July 29, 1786, two years before there was a postoffice at that place. Although he was an enterprising publisher and distributed his paper by special courier to the distant quarters of its extensive territory, it is not probable that the Gazette or its contemporaries at Pittsburgh during the score of years that followed circulated in Venango county to any extent. In the northwestern part of the state the earliest venture was the Crawford Weekly Messenger, established at Meadville in 1805 by Thomas Atkinson. It was through this medium that sheriff" s sales and other legal notices from this county were first advertised. This was followed in 1808 by the Mirror at Erie, and in 1811 by the Western Press at Mercer; the former was started by George Wyeth, and enjoyed but a brief existence; the latter, founded by Jacob Herrington, is still continued and is one of the leading newspapers of that county. journalism in franklin. The Venango Herald was the first newspaper published in the county. THE TRESS. 243 Tlie twenty-second number of the tirst volume appeared February 21, 1821, so that if the paper was published regularly it was tirst issued in September, 1820. A description of its appearance at a somewhat later date states that the sheet was a three-column (juarto, each column lifteen inches long and three inches wide, with a liberal margin; the type was large but not clear, which is perhaps attributable to the quality of the paper rather than a lack of skill on the part of the printer. The subscrip- tion price was two dollars per year, "invariably in advalice," but it is problematical whether this rule was rigidly enforced. The office of publica- tion was a diminutive log building at the site of the Plumer block, corner of Twelfth and Liberty streets. John Evans, by whom the Herald was established, was born in Wash- ington county, Pennsylvania, February 27, 1798, son of Evan and Frances (Colvin) Evans; his parents removed to Crawford county, where they were among the pioneers of Meadville, and there he was brought up, receiving a very limited education. At an early age he was apprenticed to learn the trade of printer, probably to the proprietor of a small paper published in opposition to the Messenger from 1809 to 1811; at all events when the ma- terials of that office were removed to Mercer in 1811 by Jacob Herringtonhe accompanied him and completed his apprenticeship upon the Western Press. When his term of service had expired he set out with a brother apprentice, Robert Burchfield, upon a tramp as journeyman printer, but both returned after a brief absence. Evans assumed charge of the mechanical depart- ment of the Press office and remained in that position till 1820. Among those who received their instruction from him was W. S. Garvin, afterward its editor for many years. It cannot be definitely stated how long Mr. Evans was connected with the Herald, but he entered public life after a brief res- idence in Franklin, and continued to reside there until his death. He was commissioned postmaster of Franklin, January 12, 1822, continuing in that office until 1831. He served as coimty treasurer in 1826 and as sheriff from 1838 to 1841. In 1839 he was commissioned colonel of militia by Governor Porter. In 1825 he engaged in the hotel business at the site of Martin & Epley's drug store on Liberty street and also conducted a well- known hostelry at the site of the Exchange hotel. He married Ptachel Hemphill, daughter of William Connely, February 16, 1822, and reared twelve children. He was well known throughout the county, and took an active part in politics. His death occurred November 30, 1871. The Venango Democrat was the second journalistic venture. The date of the thirty-sixth number of Volume I was November 2, 1824, and if issued regularly the initial appearance . occurred in March previously. George McClelland & Company were the publishers; the senior member of the firm was county treasurer at that time, and probably found his paper a convenient medium for the advertising connected with that office; the 244 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. junior member was John Little, to whom the mechanical department and general management were intrusted. Although the Herald was also Demo- cratic, the Democrat seems to have been recognized as the party organ in this county; it was continued u.nder that name, and finally merged into the Spectator in 1849. The Democratic Republican, notwithstanding its ambiguous title, was the organ of the opposition, the first in this county. The following is a description of "thfe issue of February 6, 1830: "The Republican is about two inches larger each way than the Herald, and printed on paper some- what lighter in color, but not at all white. The texture is coarser than that of the cheapest wall paper now made. The Republican also calls itself the Anti-Masonic Examiner. There is not a line of editorial in the number, and nothing to indicate its j^olitics but its title of ' Anti-Masonic ' and a call for a meeting to elect delegates to the approaching Anti -Masonic state convention. The publishers were Little and Tucker." In the twelfth number of Volume II, under date of February 15, 1831, "Farmers' and Mechanics' Register" is substituted for "Anti-Masonic Examiner " in the caption. The paper was started in the autumn of 1829. No complete file of any of these early newspapers is extant, and even single copies are rare. Their subsequent history is therefore involved in obscurity. Alexander McCalmont, brother-in-law to Evans, became finan- cially interested in the Herald in 1822; it is said that John Little was also associated with Evans at one time, but this cannot l)e positively stated. William Connely, Jr. , also a brother-in-law to Evans, learned the printing trade under him and seems to have published the paper, or at least con- ducted it, immediately prior to its final suspension. He was a young man of versatile accomplishments, but found life in the quiet country town irk- some and left to embark on a whaling voyage. Subsequently he published a paper at Cape Colony, South Africa, and was residing there at the time of his death. John Little, who has been mentioned in connection with the Democrat and Republican, also had a slightly erratic career. Newspajier work at such a place as Franklin in those days was not of a character to satisfy either the literary aml)itions or the pecuniary requirements of an aspiring young man; and so, with the evident purpose of seeking a more apprecia- tive constituency. Little quietly took his departure, leaving his paper, with all the assets, liabilities, and hereditaments appertaining thereto. It was no uncommon thing for an issue to be delayed or omitted, but when neither the paper nor the ])rinter put in an aj^j^earance public attention was aroused and inquiry developed the fact that Little had taken a walk down to the river, hailed a passing raft, and taken passage for parts unknown, even to himself in all probability, without the formalities editors usually ob- serve on such occasions. He was next heard from at Butler, where he was THE PRESS. 245 connected with different papers, and died at Pittshurirh, one of the oldest printers in the state at the time of his death. Amontf his apprentices here was John Coxsou, the painter, afterward a Methodist preacher at Pimxsu- tawney. The Democrat, although marked by greater permanency than its con- temporaries, experienced, frequent changes in ownership and manacrement. It was not issued, with any degree of regularity until 1828, when a new series was begun. About that time it was acquired by John Galbraith aad published in his interest by different persons, eventually absorbing the Herald and reaching a condition of comparative prosperity. Mr. Galbraith was born at Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, in 1794, and reared on a farm near Butler, when he learned the trade of printer in the same office with James Thompson, afterward chief justice. He was admitted to the bar at about the age of twenty-four, and early in 1819 removed to Franklin, where he rose rapidly in his profession and in popular esteem. He was elected to the legislature in 1828 and thrice re-elected; in 1882, 1834, and 1838 he was elected to congress. He removed to Erie in 1837, and practiced law until 1851, when he was elected president judge, and was acting in that capacity at the time of his death, June 15, 1860. Among those who published the Democrat in the interest of Mr. Gal- braith were Sylvester W. Randall, John Warden Hunter, and Jonathan Ayres. Randall lived near the outlet lock, and boarded the apprentices in his office, among whom were John S. McCalmoiTt, of Washington city, afterward president judge of this county, and William A. Galbraith, after ward president judge of Erie county. Hunter was a young man from Mercer county; he succeeded Randall in 1835 and was followed in 1836 by Ayres, a connection of Galbraith' s from Butler, who afterward practiced law at Franklin a short time and then removed to New Castle. Randall was also a lawyer, and located at Joliet, Illinois, after relinquishing the printing business. There he rose rapidly in his profession and became judge. In view of the contemplated removal of Galbraith from Franklin, a number of leading Democrats, prominent among whom was Doctor George R. Espy, consummated the purchase of the paper in the summer of 1836. The next change of proprietorship introduces an interesting personality upon the field of local journalism — John W. Shugert. The manner in which he was induced to come here, and the circumstances under which his work was done for several years, are thus described in his own words: " In the fall of 1836 I met Doctor George R. Espy in Harrisburg, who gave me the most flattering accounts respecting the prospects for a printer in Ve- nango county, and was strongly solicited by him to abandon a situation I then had engaged in one of the northeastern counties, and remove to this place [Franklin]. He informed me that himself and some others had pur- 246 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. chased the Venango Democrat from Mr. Galbraitb, and that I should have it for the same amount that they had paid for it, and my own time to do it in. With these assurances I came to FrankHn and agreed to take the old establishment of the Democrat at four hundred and fifty dollars (it was not worth fifty). I then returned to Lewistown, at which place I had prev- iously resided, and brought from thence my printing apparatus. The old press was thrown into the street and permitted to rot down. With the new one I proceeded to publish the Venaago Democrat four years through oppo- sition of the fiercest kind from the enemies of the Democratic party, and encountered difficulties in a pecuniary way which none but those who are determined to succeed in defiance of every obstacle can withstand." Upon his election as sheriff in 1841 Shugert leased the Democrat to John E. Lapsley, who afterward purchased an interest. His death on the 15th of January, 1842. left the ownership of the paper in dispute, Shugert claiming that the terms of the purchase had not been complied with, and that he was still the rightful possessor of the establishment. John Haslet, as administrator, had become the publisher, however; he continued the paper until June. 1845, when it was sold to certain leading Democrats, Ar- nold Plumer and Doctor George W. Connely being most largely interested. The Democratic Arch, of which the first number was issued July 11, 1842. by James Bleakley and John W. Shugert, became at once the organ of Doctor Espy's political opponents and of the personal animosity of Shu- gert toward the publisher of the Democrat and his supporters. The Arch was a six-column folio, not burdened with local news, but read with an avid- ity and interest that only an editor with the ability, aggressiveness, and sar- casm of John W. Shugert could have created. Its platform seems to have embraced but two propositions — national and state supremacy for the Demo- cratic party, and the utter annihilation of the opposing faction of that party in Venano-o county. Column after column was devoted to the most merci- less polemics journalism in this county or in this part of the state has ever known. Bleakley retired in 1843 or 1844; the paper was continued by Shugert individually until 1846, when it was acquired by Doctor George W. Connely, Morrow" B. Lowry, and others. The Democrat was absorbed and Georo-e F. Humes became editor and publisher. He was a well known char- acter, popular with a certain class of people, but not calculated to restore the Democratic party organ to that respect and influence it had previously enjoyed. After leaving this place Mr. Humes went to Harrisburg. He died in Indiana. John W. Shugert was born near Muncy, Pennsylvania, February 14, 1804. His educational advantages were exceedingly limited and at an early age he was apprenticed to learn the trade of printer. While engaged in the printing business at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, he became interested in the authorship and publication of the "Narrative of Charley Ball, a Black THE PRESS. 247 Man,"' a noted anti-slavery book which created ahnost as much interest as "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at a later date. It was from Lowistown that he came to Franklin, and at the latter place the journalistic and political work of his life was principally done. He was elected sheriff of the county in 1841 : in 184(3 he went to Uniontown, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and becajne editor of the Genius of Liberty, one of the oldest papers in that part of the state. During the Mexican war he was commissary to a Pennsylvania regi- ment and at its close returned to Venango county, from which he was elected to the legislature in 1851 and 1852. For a time he was associated with R. L. Cochran in the publication of the Spectator, from which he re- tired in December, 1854, to accept a position in the office of the commis- sioner of patents at Washington, continuing in the government service with the exception of a brief period during Lincoln's first term until his death, April 23, 1871. In many respects he was a typical editor of the period in which his first connection with the press of this county began. A man of strong personality, utterly destitute of physical fear, keen of perception and safe in intuition, he plunged into political or personal controversy with an ardor, courage, and relentlessness unrestrained by any considerations of fu- ture consequences. Skillful in the use of epithet and innuendo and a man of vast vituperative resources, his denunciations of men or measures were characterized by a satire and sarcasm to which few opponents were able to reply. As a writer his style was concise, clear, and incisive. Although a man of strong antagonisms and keen in his resentaients when pitted against power, he was equally strong in friendship and unswerving in adherence to the party he supported. In politics he was a trusted lieutenant of the Cameron, interest, and in his case Cameron sustained his reputation of never repudiating an early friend. At the time of his death his liberality and charity had outlived his resentments by many years, and late in life he united with the Methodist church. The Venango Spectator is the direct successor of the various Democratic newspapers previously published from the time of the HeralcV s first appear- ance, and during a period of more than forty years has been the only organ of that party at the county seat. The founder and present proprietor, A. P. Whitaker, is a native of Troy, New York. He was educated at Marion Col lege, Missouri, and came to this county in 1838 to take a business position with A. W. Raymond, who was then extensively engaged in merchandising and in manufacturing iron. His initiative in journalism was an experience of two years, 1842-44, as publisher of the Meadville Democratic Republican in partnership with Samuel W. Magill. Having purchased from Doctor Connely and others the materials of the Democratic Arch he established the Spectator, of which the first number was issued January 10, 1849. James Bleakley became associated in the publication January 30, 1851 ; his interest was acquired by R. L. Cochran January 1, 1853, who, on the 1st of Decern- 248 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ber in that year became owner and continued the publication until May 16, 1800, John W. Shugert being connected as editor for a brief space during this time. Mr. Whitaker, with C. C. Cochran as partner, resumed his former position May 16, 1800, and by the retirement of Mr. Cochran February 20, 18<)0, became individual proprietor. June 29, 1864. R. L. and C. C. Coch- ran became the publishers; the latter again retired November 7, 1865, and on the 20th of April, 1806, E. L. Cochran sold the paper to A. P. and J. H. Whitaker. October 28, 1870, J. H. Whitaker became individual owner by the withdrawal of his father, but the latter again became connected with the publication in his former capacity as editor August 24, 1876, and on the 13th of October in the following year assumed the sole proprietorship; he has continued the publication from that date. The Spectator has been frequently increased in size and is now a large eight column folio. Since its first in- ception it has been a pronounced exponent and defender of Democratic principles and enjoys to an exceptional degree the confidence of the party. Mr. Whitaker is an editor of recognized ability, and in point of service is the senior member of his profession in this part of the state. His style is char- acterized by strength, terseness, and perspicuity ; the Spectator has usually sustained well its position in political or other matters of controversy. The Franklin Intelligencer, the first successful organ of the opposition at the time when the dominant party in the county was the Democratic, was established in July, 1834, by J. P. Cochran, a connection of the Coch- rane of Cochranton. He was an able editor and successfully conducted his paper in a community overwhelmingly of the opposite party until 1842, when he relinquished an unequal struggle that promised neither fame nor fortune to acquire a half interest in the Erie Gazette. The Intelligencer was regarded as a reliable journal and fair exponent of the principles of the Whig party. The Franklin Gazette was the next Whig paper, and 1843 was probably the year in which it was started— immediately after J. P. Cochran left for Erie. A number of Whigs, prominent among whom were Richard Irwin and John W. Howe, furnished the necessary capital, while John W. Snow was the editor and publisher. The issue of July 15, 1846, the eleventh number of Volume III, is a six column folio, apparently well printed and edited for those days. The paper suspended not long afterward. Snow removed to the West and subsequently published a paper in Illinois. The Advocate and Journal (Temperance Advocate and Agricultural Jouf- nal) was published from 1847 to 1854 by E. S. Durban. Although devoted mainly to the topics indicated in the title, the editor was an ardent Whig and occasionally expressed his views upon political questions. A personal letter from Mr. Durban gives the following interesting particulars regard- ino- the manner in which the ''art preservative " was acquired in those days and the difficulties under which his paper was established: /(LiuC^Z^^I^ THE PRESS. 251 I learned the |)rintiiig trade in the office of the Detnocrdtic Union and Zanesville AdTertizev, at Zanesville, Ohio, bei^-innini;; in the spring of 1835. My age then was thirteen j'ears. I was regularly apprenticed for five years, and received for my serv- ices four dollars per month, without board. My employer sold out before my time expired and I finished with Hiram Robinson, who had been a "jour" in the office and had started the Muskingum Valley at McConnellsville, between Zanesville and Mar- ietta on the Muskingum river. I afterward worked as a journeyman printer at various places, of which xtiy most distinct recollection is Lancaster, Zanesville, Cincinnati, Coshocton, and Marietta, Ohio, and Buffalo, New York. While at the latter place an application came from John W. Shugert, who was then sheriff of Venango county and owner of the Democratie Arch, for a printer capable of taking charge of tlie mechan- ical department of the paper and doing some editorial work. I responded and took the position, which I held for a considerable time. A consolidation of two Demo- cratic papers threw me out for a while; but afterward I did some work for Jolin lias- let and George F. Humes. I was working for Haslet when I man led Miss Amelia T. Dodd, oldest daughter of Levi Dodd, now deceased. Afterward Humes got the office, and as he could not afford to pay the enormous sum of six dollars a week, I was out of work again, poor and very much discouraged. Finally I determined to start a paper on my own account. But how to do it? I believed in hard work and persever- ance. So I laid in enough provisions to last my little family a week, and started on a Monday morning without a cent in my pocket on foot to canvass the county for sub- scribers, so that I should have enough prospect to warrant somebody who believed in me in lending me enough money to make some kind of a start. It was a hard winter and I tramped the county through snow and mud the entire season, coming home ver}^ tired Saturday evenings — on one occasion so fatigued that the only way I could get into my own door was to lift one foot on the step with both hands and then get the other up by taking hold of both sides of the door frame. In this way I put in the winter. In the spring I had,. by hard work, secured about three hundred subscribers, none of whom paid in advance, so that I still had no money. The next thing was to secure means to buy something with. I had spoken of that to some during the winter. One very particular friend had said: " O, you go ahead; a man who works as hard as you do will find plenty of friends to furnish funds. 1 have money! " I knew he had, and was much encouraged by his words. Another friend, who was not a moneyed man, but a true friend, when I spoke to him about the probability of borrowing money, said: "Well, Durban, I have been thinking of that and saving what I could; I have twenty dollars, and I wish it were five hundred. But you are welcome to it." This was entirely unexpected, and the exhibition of genuine friendship affected me deeply. Another came to me, unsolicited, with eleven dollars, all he had. Then there were fifty dollars in the hands of some one as academy funds which they wished to loan. Doctor N. D. Snowden went security for that and I got it. Some other small sums were secured, and still my liberal friend, who had so kindly informed me that he "had money," had not been called on; I was saving him for a grand dash on the home stretch. At last I went to him and was blandly informed that all he could possibly do was to lend me five dollars in county warrants (then worth about seventy-five cents on the dollar), and take a judgment note for five dollars with interest. I secured one hundred and six dollars, all told, and all borrowed. I did not con- sider it my money, to pay expenses with, so I made an arrangement with steamboat captain Hanna to take me to Pittsburgh and back, and I would pay for it in advertis- ing.his boat after the paper started. In Pittsburgh I bought some second-hand type and rules and a small font of wood type for a head for the paper. After returning I offered a stock company, who owned the plant of the Gazette, to take care of their type if they would let me use tlie press. They accepted; I luid the 14 252 HISTOllY OF YENANGO COUNTY. use of a double-pull wooden Ramage press with a stone bed, and started up. My office force, tj'pe-setters, pressman, and editorial staff, consisted of one small boy and myself. I worked eighteen hours a day, and did editorial du-ty at the case, setting up my edi- torials without writing. Finding the labor of working the old screw press very hard and slow, I got my father-in-law to make a wooden platen, full size, to take off half the work. It did reasonably well while warm weather lasted; but when winter came it was almost impossible to make a good impression, and many numbers were sent out thfit could not be read at all. This was disastrous. When April came again everybody who came in to pay ordered the paper stopped. At last a week came when nearly every one who came in was a subscriber who wanted to pay up and stop. More than one hundred stopped that week and there were less than one hundred names left on the list. Saturday night I locked the door and felt a relief in the fact that one day intervened before any more could get away. I told no one, not even my wife, of the calamity. I went to cliurch the next day but didn't hear the sermon. Knowing I was broken up, I debated with myself whether to try to go on or not. About the time the doxology was sung I had determined to " die game." At the rate they had been going, there were not enough to last one week; but till they were all gone I would be there. I went to the office as usual before six o'clock Monday morning, looking as cheerful as I could. About nine I sat down to the table, and soon heard a step coming toward the door. I listened, and sure enough the latch clicked, and some one came in. I did not look round, but said: "Well sir, what's your name?" He told me. " What postofflce?" He told me. I looked. " Why sir, there is no such name on my list at that office! " '• I know it," said the man, " I have called to have it put on." This was a new sensation. I looked at the man. He seemed to be sane, so I put his name on and actually took his money. The weather was warmer and the paper had become readable. That week not a man discontinued and thirteen new names were added to the list by voluntary subscription. The calamity had culminated. In fact, it was not a calamity. People in those days never paid cash for their papers unless they wanted to "stop." I had charged every man two dollars, because it was not paid in advance. The result was that I had money enough to buy a first class iron hand press, which I did, changing defeat into victory. I also bought more second-hand type and enlarged the paper. From that time on the Advocate and Jour- nal prospered. In 1855 the paper was sold by Mr. Durban, who pnrchased the A»(f'r/can Farmer at New Castle, Pennsylvania, and founded the New Castle Courant in the following year. It is still controled by him and is a stanch Repub- lican organ, one of the most influential county papers in western Pennsyl- vania. The Whig Banner, after a spasmodic existence of six months, was i^sued for the last time February 16, 1853. The publisher was R. Lyle White, who afterward established papers at Conneautville and Meadville. He is best re- membered in connection with journalism in this part of the state as the founder of the Meadville Republican. The Banner is represented as hav- ino- been more modern in appearance than any of its predecessors at Frank- lin. The American Citizen was established in February, 1855, and has been in this county the recognized newspaper of the Republican party since its THE PRESS. 253 organization. The projector was Charles Pitt Ramsdell, originally from Chautauqua county, New York, who came to this county in 1845 and en- gaged in teaching school in Rockland township, where the postoffice of Pitls- ville is named in his honor. He was elected to the legislature in 185iS and retired from the Citizen in 1859, removing to the state of Delaware in 1804. Five years later he purchased a plantation in Virginia, between Peterslmro- and llichmond, and became prominently connected with the Republican j)arty in the " Old Dominion.-" He was appointed United States marshal for the eastern district of that state by President Grant and was the incumbent of that position until removed by the Cleveland administration. He was nominated for lieutenant governor with Cameron, but experienced defeat in common with the other parties to the Republican state ticket, and several years later died from injuries inflicted by an infuriated bull on his planta- tion. He was a man of fine qualifications for political organization and wielded a large influence in the Republican party in this county during its formative period. His brother, Hiram ,T. Ramsdell, was a practical printer and possessed considerable talent as a journalist. His signature, " H. J. R. ,' ' was long familiar to the readers of the New York Tribune. His commis- sion as recorder of deeds for the district of Columbia was the last signed by President Garfield on the fatal morning of his assassination. He had charge of the mechanical department of the paper for a time. The Citizen was purchased in 1859 by William Burgwin and Floyd C. Ramsdell; the latter sold his interest to J. H. Siiaith in 1861, and in 1864 the paper was acquired by N. B. Smiley, by whom the name was changed to Venango Citizen. Alexander McDowell accjuired an interest in the prop- erty in 1865; N. B. Smiley retired in 1867, and on the 1st of January, 1869, J. W. H. Reisinger became individual owner. He was succeeded on the 1st of April, 1870, by E. W. Smiley, who associated with him H. S. and F. D. Smiley, and has continued the publication until the present time. On the 1st of January, 1884, the Independent Press was consolidated with the Citizen, and from that date it has been issued under the name of the Citizen- Press. It is a six-column quarto and has a large circulation. The Independent Press, founded in January, 1876, was at that time the only Prohibition party paper in the state, and is the only organ of that party that has ever been published in this county. It was established by S. P. McCalmont and successively edited during the period of his ownership by J. R. Patterson, Miss Sue Beatty, and W. H. Whitaker. It circulated extensively in all the northwestern counties of the state and to its influence the growth of a strong sentiment in this region favorable to Prohibition is largely attrib- uted. Mr. McCalmont was the principal contributor to the editorial columns while the Press remained a Prohibition paper; but in 1878, failing health obliged him to relinquish the project, and the paper was transferred to the Independent Press Association, Limited, of which W. R. Crawford was chair- 254 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. man, B. W. Bretlin, secretary, and E. W. Echols, treasurer. Under the new regime the editors were J. J. McClaurin and H. May Irwin. The paper be- came Rejjublican in politics, and was continued under the avispices of this association until merged into the Citizen-Press in 1884. The Franklin Herald, a Greenback organ, printed at Corry, under the editorial management of Frank S. Heath and W. A. Moore, with S. E. Phipps as local manager, made its final appearance on Thursday, January 13, 1881, after an existence of several months. Pencil and Shears, a six-column quarto, published by the Pencil and Shears Printing and Publishing Company, is the latest journalistic venture. The first numljer appeared September 14, 1889. The Daily Citizen, the pioneer daily of the county, expired on Tues- day, December 31, 1862, after a brief career of ten days. The Evening News was issued for the first time on the 18th of February, 1878, by James B. Borland. It was then a two-column folio about the size of an ordinary hand- bill and was regarded as a merely amateur effort. Evi- dences of permanency early developed, however; James B. Muse, now of the Vindicator, Tionesta, became associated in the publication, retiring in 1880 in favor of H. May Irwin, who disposed of his interest in 1887, but is still retained on the editorial staff'. The News has been several times enlarged and reached the proportions of a six- column folio, its present size, in the summer of 1880. It was a one cent paper until October 17, 1887, when the price became two cents. The circulation is practically coextensive with the local field, while public enterprise is manifested in a liberal advertising patronage. It is independent in politics, energetic in the advocacy of local improvement, replete with home news, clean, readable, humorous, and pop- ular. Every Evening was published from July 9, 1878, to March 1, 1879. Frank W. Truesdell, now publisher of the Tiius\il\e Sunday World; E. E. Barackman, and A. G. McElhaney were the projectors. A two-thirds interest was acquired, September 1, 1878, by W. H. Whitaker, Truesdell and Barackman retiring, and under his management the paper attained a fair degree of prosperity. The Morning Star was published several months in the year 1880 by H. B. Kantner, and enjoys whatever distinction attaches to the fact of having been the only morning paper ever published in Franklin. The Penny Press was published by Samuel P. Brigham from the spring of 1886 to the summer of 1887. It advocated the principles of the Green- back party. There are few points of resemblance in the newspaper of to-day and its prototype of fifty or sixty years ago. Early numbers of the Democrat and Herald are small in size and unattractive in appearance; the texture of the paper is coarse and its color could scarcely be considered white. THE PRESS. 255 Mechanical apparatus for printing did not permit the typographical excel- lence since attained; the screw-press was still in use and the Kamage press with its toggle-joint was regarded as a great improvement. The editor usually combined the functions of that position with work at the case; he was of necessity a practical printer, sometimes a journeyman who had reached the town depleted in purse and thankful for the opportunity to recuperate. He brought with him a fund of anecdotes acquired at offices visited in the course of his pilgrimage, and a certain facility of association that rendered his popularity almost assured. Sometimes he was convivial in his habits, but this did not detract materially from his standing in the community, and was almost regarded as a social virtue. He was not ex- pected to get rich. At intervals of three months he was paid by the county commissioners for advertising election notices, tax sales, etc., and this enabled him to order paper until similarly renumerated at the expiration of a corresponding period. It was from this source, in fact, that the " sinews of war" were principally derived, which accounts for the difficulties en- countered by the opposition paper in sustaining an existence. Receipts from subscription were exceedingly vague and indefinite. The circulat- ing medium was scarce and payment was frequently made in farm or garden produce. Business advertising was limited to the more enterprising of the few local stores, the county printing alluded to, and the perennial patent medicine notice. Professional cards generally appeared from all the doctors and lawyers in the county. The newspaper, regarded as a mechan- ical product, its financial administration, and the personnel of the editorial profession have greatly changed. It was not unusual for the paper to be issued irregularly. Various causes were assigned in explanation — failure to receive a consignment of paper, in- sufficient office help, etc., Occasionally the editor took a vacation or relin- guished his duties to seek a more congenial field. An instance of this kind occurred in May, 1839, when John W. Shugert transferred the publication of the Democrat to Doctor Connely and went to Pittsburgh with the idea of improving his fortunes. The first side of the paper was printed and dated May 7th and the inside May 21st, after his return, the temporary publisher having been unable to procure compositors. The following characteristic note appeared in explanation of his return: I have just happily escaped from the smoke, dust, and aristocracy of the city and now resume the publication of the Venango Democrat. I discovered (not quite soon enough, by the by), that Venango county, with its pure air, pure streams, and pure principles was best adapted to the constitution of my mind and habits. * * " I never could abide this thing of being hemmed and jammed in— nor of being smoked to death— nor of having one's mouth and nose filled with coal dust— those fond of such amusement are welcome to its enjoyment. I shall make Venango my abiding place- here I have my full complement of elbow room, and, what is better, here potatoes thrive and Democracy flourisheth. I am at home again. John W. Siiugert. 256 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The newspaper has changed in the character of its contents no less than in its appearance. There was practically no local matter in the Democrat or Intelligencer of lifty years ago, the body of the paper consisting of legis- lative and congressional rejDorts, reprints of speeches by prominent public men, editorial discussions of constitutional questions, original and selected, and foj-eign news obtained from metropolitan exchanges, usually printed a month after their occurrence. When public meetings were held their proceedings were reported for publication by the secretaries and not by a rej^resentative of the newspaper. Local happenings were almost absolutely ignored. Con- troversy afforded the only criterion of editorial efficiency, it was the editor who was most accomplished in the use of sarcasm and invective, whose eru- dition enabled him to marshal history and poetry, science and fiction, Latin phrases and English polysyllables, in defense of his position, who was re- garded with most favor in popular estimation. And hence the motive that inspired the editorial utterances of the press in this county at an early date seems to have been a blending of hatred, prejudice, and personal animosity, attributable largely to the general feeling that existed between the great pol- itical parties of the country. There was, however, one point lapon which there was practical unanimity — the canal question; and even in this case it was only a transfer of vituperation and condemnation to the state administra- tion rather than a cessation of hostilities between the local editors. Whether Whig or Democratic, no' paper j^ublished in this county while the French Creek canal was a subject of discussion took any other ground than that the state had violated an important, public trust in its abandonment of that work. Through all this period of controversy nothing is more noticeable than the utter absence of anything even remotely humorous. Perhaps the first scintilla of pleasantry occurs in an advertisement of the sale of Van Buren furnace by John W. Howe. Beginning with the alliteration, "Van, Van, Van, is a used up man," from a campaign song then popular, the author proceeded to expatiate upon the advantages of the furnace tract, enumer- ating the huckleberry bush among its varieties of timber and the rattle- snake among its productions; after stating the quantity of land, he added that there was considerably more, as much of it stood edgewise; and closed with the request that persons wishing further information should call on his agent, who would use all reasonable diligence to drive a sharp bargain. The humorous features of the county press are among its most attractive, and have given to several of its journals a wide reputation; the prominence given to this at present affords a wide contrast with the paper in which it was necessary to search the advertising columns for something amusing. A 'local department first appeared in the Spectator December 18, 186L In the great interest centered upon the progress of pretroleum develop- ments the dissemination of local news became from that date an important function of the county press, and in this respect its newspapers rank with the best in the state. THE PllESS. 257 EMLENTON PAPERS. Peter O. Conver, the pioneer journalist of Emlenton, came to Franklin in 1849 and served an apprenticeship in the office of the Advocate and Journal. Three years later he went to Kansas, and bein^ an ardent and enthusiastic Anti Slavery advocate, readily secured the means necessary to establish a paper in the support of the principles of that party at Topeka. At that time the state was in the first stages of a political agitation which it was not the part of a man with Conver' s temperament to allay. Within a short time he was compelled to suspend; and after making several ventures with no better success at various other points in the territory he returned to Venango county. In the active, growing village of Emlenton, almost equi- distant from the seats of justice of four counties, he saw a favorable open- ino- for journalistic enterprise. Having received a sufficient amount of local encouragement he secured the materials for an office, and in October, 1858, published the first number of the Allegheny Valley Echo. Though small in size the typographical appearance was creditable and the local advertis- ing patronage large. Occasionally a week would pass by without any issue, which was usually explained by the sudden disappearance of the "jour." the non- arrival of paper, or some other unexpected mishap. But the editor was known to be convivial in his habits, which may perhaps have accounted in part for such irregularities. The editorial and local columns were some- times graced by witticisms of rare sparkle and originality, in which, how- ever, the ordinary requirements of propriety were not always rigidly ob- served. The paper had entered upon its third volume and was giving prom- ise of permanency when the civil war broke out, and Conver promptly en- listed in the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, serving through the war. In 1867 he established the Forest Press at Tionesta, of which he was owner and editor at the time of his death, March 11), 1878. R. F. Blair purchased the Echo in 1861. In 1863 the materials were secured by J. W. Smullin and removed to Oil City. The Rising Sun, by Walter L. Porter; The Emlenton Register, edited by W. R. Johns; the Neivs, by P. McDowell; the Telegraph, by Samuel Young, and the Times, by M. Hulings and D. D. Moriarty, were the local papers that followed, but journalism does not seem to have been a profit- able avocation during the period that they were published. *0n the 23d of March, 1877, Needle & Crowley issued the initial number of the Register. AVithin a few months they were succeeded by Wands & Hulings. The paper passed successively to Samson, Kittell & Dean and A. A. Hulings; in 1881, the publication having been suspended, T. W. AVest, formerly of the Clarion Jacksonian, purchased the materials and es- tablished the Edenbiirg National. The Emlenton Critic, a semi- weekly published by M. Gouchler & Brother, was the next local paper. It suspended in July, 1887. 258 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The Home News, a two column folio with a page_ nine inches long and six inches wide, made its first appearance May 14, 1885. E. H. Cubbison is editor and piiblisber. It was enlarged June 18th and July 27th, of the same year, and early gave evidence of being more than an amateur efPort. With the close of the first vohime the name was changed to its present style, the Emlenton News. For a time it was issued semi- weekly but in May, 1889, became a weekly and has so continued. The News is a valu- able exponent of local interests, in every way creditable to its constituency and to the enterprising publisher. THE PKESS OF OIL CITY. The initial number of the Weekly Register, the first newspaper of Oil City, was issued by W. R. Johns, January 14, 1862, at a temporary frame building in the Third ward near the location of the Lake Shore depot. The printing outfit was obtained at Monongahela City, forwarded by boat to Pittsburgh, by rail to Kittanning, and by wagon to the final destination, where it arrived in December, 1861. The paper was an eight-column folio, credit- able in typography and general appearance, and replete with matters of in- terest in relation to the progress of oil developments. It was the first news- paper devoted especially and exclusively to the oil regions and while under Mr. Johns' control was active and efficient in its advocacy of the interests of the oil industry. Upon the retirement of Mr. Johns, in 1866, he was succeeded by Henry A. Dow & Company, with whom the Daily Register, the first daily of the city, originated. In June, 1863, J. W. Smullin began the publication of the Monitor at the city hall, corner of Center and Seneca streets. Mr. Smullin had en- tered the ofiice of the Clarion De/uocra^ in 1848; he was a compositor on the Register, and purchased the materials of a paper at Emlenton in the spring of 1863. This outfit was moved to Oil City by fiat- boat several months later. O. H. Jackson, Watkins, and C. P. Ramsdell were associated in the ownership of the Monitor at various times. Mr. Ramsdell became sole proprietor in November, 1864, and at a later date was followed by Jacob Weyand. The plant was finally absorbed by the Venango Republican. The later years of the decade ending 1870 were prolific in journalistic ventures. The Petroleum Monthly appears to have been published with the idea of treating the oil industry in a scientific manner and of presenting statistical, biographical, and miscellaneous matter not properly within the scope of the daily or weekly press. W. H. Bowman originated this publi- cation and was the principal contributor to its columns. In striking con- trast with its dignified character were the Sand Pump and Bulletin which enjoyed an ej^hemeral existence under the proprietorship of O. H. Jackson. Mr. Johns re-established the Register and added a daily edition, the Evening Register. He also published the Semi- Weekly Petrolian. The Venango <* THE PRESS. 259 Republican, the first newspaper of pronounced political views in Oil City, also made its appearance during this period. In December. 18C7, the plant of the Register, Petrolian, Republican, and defunct Monitor were purchased by Andrew Cone and F. F. Davis and consolidated under the name of the Republican, which was published by Cone & Davis several years; it was ably edited, received a liberal patronage, and yielded large returns. They were succeeded by a stock company, in which H. H. Herpst and George V. Forman were largely interested; the name was changed to the Times and Metcalf of Meadville placed in charge as editor. The management was not characterized by remarkable efficiency; the plant sustained serious damage from fire, and having sub- served the political purposes which determined its inception, the daily edi- tion was suspended. The weekly was continued by Mr. Herpst, who had secured a controlling interest and finally became individual owner. The collapse of the Daily Times may be said to mark the termination of experimental journalism at Oil City. A gradual but permanent change — material, financial, and social — is noticeable about this time. The organiza- tion of an oil exchange in 1869 had tended to localize and concentrate trans- actions in that commodity at this point. The incorporation of the borough and surrounding suburbs under a city charter two years later conferred an autonomy no less desirable than necessary. Increased railroad facilities in- sured a continuance of its prestige as the commercial center of a populous territory. The town itself had passed the experimental stage and was re- garded as a permanent factor in the development of the Pennsylvania oil field and the distribution of its products. A newspaper of metropolitan scope devoted to the special industry of this region, was the natural out- growth of these conditions. The Oil City Derrick was issued for the first time on the 11th of Sep- tember, 1871, from a frame building at No. 28 Seneca street, by Bishop & Longwell, with whom H. H. Herpst afterward became associated. \V. H. Longwell had previously published the Pithole and Petroleum Center Rec- ord and assumed the business management, and C. E. Bishop, formerly editor of the Journal, Jamestown, New York, continued in that capacity with the Derrick. His style was characterized by force and originality, and rapidly gained for the new venture the respect of its contemporaries. The business management displayed conspicuous ability, and within a compara- tively brief period the paper was the recognized "organ of oil," with a cir- culation and advertising patronage coextensive with the great industry to which it sustains such an important relation. Associated press reports were secured, thus placing the general news of the day before its readers hours in advance of the city dailies. The system of correspondence from every part of the oil regions, inaugurated by J. J. McClaurin and continued by H. Mc- Clintock, has done much to increase its interest and extend its usefulness. 260 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. * Its monthly reports of operations and production are invaluable to all con- cerned in the petroleum trade. Mr. Bishop retired from the editorship of the Derrick in 1873, and was followed by Frank H. Taylor, who was succeeded in 1877 by R. W. Cris- well. A prominent feature of the paper during his connection with it was a humorous department, quoted all over the world. On the 3rd of April, 1882, the proprietorship of the Derrick passed from W. H. Longwell & Company to the Derrick Publishing Company, with Edward Stuck as editor and man- ager. In the following December he retired in favor of William H. Siviter. P. C. Boyle became lessee and publisher, August 11, 1885, bringing to the enterprise a somewhat extended experience in oil country journalism. R. W. Criswell became associated in the publication February 11, 1887, and from that date until June, 1889, the paper was published by the firm of Boyle & Criswell. Mr. Criswell is now on the staff of the New York World and Mr. Boyle continues the publication individually. Charles H. Harrison of Pittsburgh had editorial management for a brief period after Mr. Cris- well' s retirement. Robert Simpson, the present incumbent of that position, assumed charge August 1, 1889. J. N. Perrine has been business manager since August, 1885. The paper was enlarged from an eight-column folio to a six-column quarto, its present form, September 16, 1886. The Oil City Sunday Call made its first appearance on the 8th of April, 1877, and was published until the autumn of the following year by Frank H. Taylor & Company, and Mr. Taylor individually. Local corresj^ondence from the different localities throughout the oil regions and a humorous de- partment under the head of " Puts and Calls " were its leading features. For a time a special train was run between Oil City and Parker for its distribu- tion. The Call was deservedly popular and enjoyed a large circulation. The Oil City Blizzard was founded by three young men from the Derrick staff whose confidence in the siTCcess of an evening paper led them to issue their first number on the 22nd of May, 1882. F. W. Bowen, whose humor- ous pen had long found exercise on the "Stray Sand" column in the Der- rick, was editor-in-chief; H. O. McKnight had charge of the mechanical part, and B. F. Gates was intrusted with the job department as it afterward developed in 1885. Notwithstanding the incubus of a small capital and other obstacles, the paper was enlarged from a five to a six-column folio about a year later and a six-column quarto weekly edition was started on the 1st of January, 1885. Mr. Gates withdrew in November, 1886, and the pub- lication has since been in the hands of Bowen & McKnight. Special humor- ous and local features render the Blizzard popular and valuable. Robert Simpson, editor of the Derrick: A. R. Crum, of the Pittsbiirgh Post: E. A. Bradshaw, editor of the Jamestown, New York, Journal: E. C. Bell, of Titusville. and F. F. Murray, of Oil City, have been employed on the staff of the Blizzard at various times. THE PRESS. 261 The Critic, published in South Oil City, issued its tirst number, a two column folio, July 22, 1886. The editor and proprietor, Will H. Harris, conceived the idea of building up a general family paper to be issued every Thursday, and that he has succeeded is amply proved by it present propor- tions as a six- column quarto with a circulation throughout Venango and sur- rounding counties, and far beyond. April 2, 1887, it became a Saturday paper and is so continued. The Venango Democrat, B. F. Gates, editor and proprietor, made its debut June 8, 1887, but suspended after the issue of the fourth number. PAPERS AT PITHOLE CITY, PLEASANTVILLE, ETC. The Pithole Daily Record, the pioneer successful daily of the county, was issued for the first time on Monday, September 25, 1865, by Morton, Spare & Company. Lee M. Morton was editor. The paper was a five- column folio, and found an extensive patronage at the modest price of thirty cents per week. The contents were largely made up of advertisements and the revenue from this source was evidently considerable. The local columns were occasionally rendered more than ordinarily interesting by communi- cations from " Crocus," in which the ludicrous side of oil country life was described in felicitous style. The Record seems to have had strong faith in the future of Pithole City; it was active in advocating measures of local irdprovement and in supporting the municipal authorities. The important happenings of the surrounding territory were I'riefly chronicled, thus ren dering the paper a valuable epitome of contemporary history during an eventful period. W. H. Longwell became associated in the publication in May, 1866, when the style of the firm became Morton, Longwell & Company. Charles H. Vickers and W. C. Plummer were also interested at a subsequent period, but Mr. Longwell ultimately acquired the controlling interest and was connected with the paper until its final discontinuance. In May, 1868, the place of publication was changed to Petroleum Center and the name of that place substituted for Pithole in the caption. The city in the valley of Oil creek was then at the height of its prosperity, and the change conferred upon the Record a new lease of life. It was published there for some years. The Reno Times, a paper established in the interest of that town, was published in 1865 and 1866. It suspended in May of the latter year. Its editorial management evinced considerable ability. The first newspaper at Pleasantville was the Evening Netcs, a daily es- tablished in January, 1869, by Dodd & Colegrove. Its career was brief and uneventful. The next venture was the Gas Light, also a daily, of which O. H. Jackson was proprietor. He seems to have had a perambulating print- ing outfit, but never stayed at one place long enough to become permanently established. The Gas Light was no exception. 262 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The Commercial Record, B. Corwin, proprietor, H. C. Mapes, editor and publisher, is a five-cohtmn quarto and appears semi-monthly. The first number was issued February 1, 1887. It was originally designed as a local advertising medium and is well supported by the business men of the town. The typographical appearance is creditable, and the local columns are well sustained. The Rouseville Evening Bulletin, a daily, was started by O. H. Jackson in October, 1870, and continued until December 24, 1871. August 10, 1872, James Tyson issiied the first number of the Pennsylvanian, a well edited weekly, which was continued for some time, but finally expired with the wan- ing prestige of the town. The Cooperstown News was published at that borough in 1879 and 1880 by J. Lloyd Rohr, now of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is described as a fairly readable paper considering the territory to which its circulation was neces- sarily limited. C HAPTER XVIII. EARLY MILITARY HISTORY. Venango County in the Revolution — The AVar of 1812— Defenseless Condition of Erie— Militia Organization of "Western Pennsyl- vania—General Mead Calls out the Militia to Repel Threat- ened Invasion at Erie— The One Hundred and Thirty-Sec- ond REGniENT Again Called Out in 1814— Roster OF THE Regiment— The Old Militia— Roster of the Venango Guards— The Mexican War— Sketches of Generals Alexan- der Hays and Jesse L. Reno. WHILE the history of a community so circumstanced as Venango county is largely a record of progress and development within it- self, the relation it has sustained to the larger movements of the state and nation is a most important and interesting subject for consideration. These movements are of two kinds, political and military. In the former the activities of the people of a whole state are so blended, that it would be impossible to indicate the part taken by a single county; in the latter, from the nature of a military organization, this can be done with comparative fullness and facility. And it is eminently appropriate that the services of the soldier, whether mustered in the struggle for American independence, or to EARLY MILITARY HISTORY. 263 repel invasion in 1813; whether called to defend the honor of the flag at Vera Cruz and Mexico, or to maintain for that flag a united nation, should be thus recounted and perpetuated. The American Revolution had been brought to a successful termination before the appearance of a single white settler in the county, and its repre- sentation in that struggle was therefore composed of subsequent immigrants to its territory. After a protracted experience of the hardships of war they came to this western country to subdue the wilds of nature, an under- taking scarcely less difficult and equally honorable to their memories. They were among the very early settlers, and the information that is attainable concerning their individual history is correspondingly meager. The fol- lowing is a list of the Revolutionary veterans who are known to have lived in this county, with such facts of a personal nature as could be collated: Joseph Breed, from Stonington, Connecticut, settled in Cherry Tree township in 1818. His family gave the name to the locality known as Breedtown. He died January 23, 1839, aged eighty-two years, and is buried in the family graveyard. William Brown, from the state of New York, came to this county in 1813 and settled in French Creek township, whence he moved to Sugar Creek, and in 1820 to Canal, where he kept a well known hostelry at Han- naville and died in 1846. Francis Carter, a native of Ireland, was in the military service at Pitts- burgh, Franklin, and Erie. He settled on Sugaj" creek below Cooperstown in 1797, and removed to the site of Dempseytown in 1803. There he built one of the first houses of the village and died at an advanced age. William Cooper, the founder of Cooperstown, came to that locality from eastern Pennsylvania in 1 797 and built the first mill on Sugar creek. He died February 1, 1813, in his sixty-sixth year, and is buried in the grave- yard of the old Methodist church in that borough. Aspenwall Cornwell came to Allegheny township from New York city, arriving at his destination in August, 1819, and was a resident of that part of the county the remainder of his life. David Dunham, from Fabius, Onondaga county, New York, purchased a tract of land in Allegheny township near Pleasantville in 1819, and re- moved thereon in 1821. Philip Ghost located in Clinton township in 1796. He bore the title of major and had filled that rank in the Continental army. His residence immediately prior to coming here was Westmoreland county. He was a native of Germany. Michael Hare, who taught a school in Oakland township in 1807 and lived in that locality for a time, subsequently removed to Erie county and died at Waterford, May 3, 1843, at the remarkable age of one hundred and fifteen years, eight months, and twenty-three days. He was born in Ire- land, June 10, 1727. 264 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Hugh Hasson removed from New London, Chester county, to Canal township in 1799, where he resided until his death in 1815. James G. Heron came to Franklin prior to 1800 and was one of the opulent citizens of that village in its early years. He was a member of the first board of county commissioners and one of the first associate judges. He was originally from New Jersey, and upon the formation of Colonel Moses Hazen's regiment, known as Congress' Own, because not attached to the quota of any particular state, he became a lieutenant and was subse- quently promoted to a captaincy. He was taken prisoner August 23, 1777, and exchanged, after which it is probable that he served to the end of the war. His death occurred December 30, 1809. John Philip Houser, the first settler at the mouth of Sandy creek, was a German by birth, and came here from Lancaster county. Afterward he was ferryman at Franklin. Seth Jewel first improved the site of the borough of Polk. He settled there about the beginning of the present century. Philip Kees, a native German, came to Oakland township in 1805. Sub- sequently he removed to a point on the Monongahela river, twenty miles above Pittsburgh, where he died. Samuel Lindsay was the first settler at the mouth of East Sandy creek in Cranberry township. He afterward crossed the river into Victory, and at a later date removed to Meigs county, Ohio. He was a man of immense physical strength. Samuel Lovett resided for a time in Cherry Tree at an early date, but removed to Crawford county before his death. Patrick Manson, a native of Ireland, settled in Sandy Creek township in 1797. He lived to a ripe old age, and was buried with the honors of war by the local militia in the old Franklin cemetery. John McCalmont, born in County Armagh, Ireland, January 11, 1750, came to America in 1766 and served through the war. In 1803 he settled in Sugar Creek township. He died August 3, 1832, and is buried in the United Presbyterian graveyard at Plumer. James McCurdy was an early settler in the vicinity of Sugar Creek Memorial church, Jackson township. Henry Myers was a pioneer of Richland, and built several of the first mills in that part of the county. George Power was a commissary in the United States army, if not during the period of hostilities in the east, certainly throughout the military move- ments in the west by which the British posts were occupied by American forces. He served in this capacity at Fort Franklin, Fort Washington (Cin- cinnati), Vincennes, and other points. He is best remembered, however, as the first permanent settler at Franklin. Mr. Power was born in Maryland April 10, 1762, and died April 2, 1845. EAllLY MILITARY HISTORY. '2C5 Samuel Proper, probably the second settler iu Plum township, removed to that locality from Schoharie county, New York, in 1801. He was the progenitor of a numerous family, and a German by birth. Matthew Riddle, a native of Ireland, came to Venango county from Westmoreland as chain bearer to Thomas McKee, surveyor, in 1796, and settled in Clinton township. David Russell removed from Westmoreland county in 17D9 to S(;rnl)- grass township, this county. Charles Stevenson, a native Scotchman, settled in Oakland township in 1800; he had lived in Mifflin county immediately prior to that date. Sub- sequently he moved into Cherry Tree township. He died in Adams county, Ohio. John Sullinger purchased land in Rockland in 1805 and settled thereon in 1813. He died about the year 1845 at Warren, Ohio, at the advanced age of ninety-one. THE WAR OF 1812. The formal declaration of war with Great Britain occurred on the 18th of June, 1812. Early in the progress of hostilities it became apparent that an invasion of American territory from Canada was highly probable, and such a contingency was matter of vital concern to the people of northwest- ern Pennsylvania. Erie at that time was a mere hamlet, but from its posi- tion midway between the eastern and western extremities of the lake, and the excellence of its harbor, was regarded as one of the most important of the western military posts. There was n6 village of any size on the east nearer than BufPalo, while the only settlements on the west along the lake were those around the posts at Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo, and Detroit. The intervening territory in both directions was but sparsely populated. There were no fortifications at Erie other than an old blockhouse erected on the eastern part of the Peninsula in 1795; it was without a garrison, a guur or a pound of ammunition. On the other hand, the Canadian frontier was defended by a series of military posts from Niagara to Sault Ste. ]\Iarie, well equipped and garrisoned, and provided with the valuable adjunct, a provincial navy, which gave them the mastery of the lakes. The population was composed largely of "United Empire tories," who had left the United States as voluntary exiles at the close of the Revolution, and were not averse to the prospect of returning again as invaders. The Indians had been won to British interests and their cooperation was artfully retained throughout the war. Without a regular army or navy and no preparation for defense except a poorly organized militia almost destitute of suitable equipments, the exposed frontier of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio certainly presented a favorable opportunity for invasion. In anticipation of the conflict Governor Snyder had organized the state 266 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. militia into two divisions, one for the east and one for the west. The west- ei'u division was commanded by Major General Adamson Tannehill, of Pitts- burgh. Subsequently the state was divided into military divisions. .The sixteenth division included the counties of Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Erie, Mercer, Venango and Warren, and was commanded by Major General David Mead. The First brigade of this division embraced the One Hundred and Thirty -Second regiment, from Venango county, and commanded by Colonel Samuel Dale; John Kelso was brigadier general and William Clark brigade inspector. Meadville was made the rendezvous for the division, and a con- siderable force was collected there in the autumn of 1812 for the contem- plated invasion of Canada, but it does not appear that the One Hundred and Thirty-Second regiment had any part in the movements of that year. The necessity of a fleet on Lake Erie, large enough to cope successfully with the British squadron in those waters, was brought to the attention of the war department in the summer of 1812 by Captain James Dobbins, who had been sent to Washington by General Mead as the bearer of imi)ortant dispatches conveying the intelligence of the loss of Detroit and Mackinaw. Dobbins was immediately tendered a sailing master's commission and instructed to begin the construction of gunboats at Erie, which he did in October of that year. Lieutenant Oliver Hazard Perry was assigned to the command on Lake Erie, and arrived at Erie on the 27th of March, 1813. It is diificult to conceive of the difficulties that Dobbins and Perry encount- ered in their work. There were very few ship carpenters in the country and the work had to be done by house carpenters and mechanics. Timber was obtained at the forests that lineVl the lake shore. Iron was procured with difficulty, and naval stores could only be obtained after a long delay from the east. A considerable quantity of metal and stores was transported from Pittsburgh by flat-boat, and passed up the Allegheny river and French creek through this county. Among the local river men who assisted in this work were several members of the Hulings family — Marcus, Samuel, Jonathan, James, and Thomas; John Hastings, Jonathan Whitman, Peter Myers, John Roberts, and William Hood. It is worthy of mention that the river and creek continued at a good boating stage until August, an unusual occurrence; had the water become low at the ordinary time, it would have been impos- sible to rig the fleet in season to meet the enemy under favorable circum- stances. Even under these conditions transportation was exceedingly slow, laborious, and difficult. To add to the embarassment under which Perry's operations were con- ducted, Erie was constantly menaced by an attack from the British fleet. The latter anchored in the roadstead several times and would have entered the bay but for the shallow water on the bar. There was imminent danger of an attack on the town, however, as the enemy were believed to have troops on l)oard, and a messenger was dispatched to Meadville urgently soliciting EAKLY MILITARY IIISTORY. 269 from General Mead a re-enforcement of militia for its defense. The follow ing stirring appeal was at once issued: CITIZENS, TO ARMS ! Your State is invaded. Tlie enemy has arrived at Erie, threatening to destroj' our nav}' and the town. His course, liitherto marked with rapine and lire wherever he touched our shore, must be arrested. The cries of infants and women, of the aged and infirm, the devoted victims of the enemy and his savage allies, call on you for defense and protection. Your honor, your property, your all, require you to march imme- diately to the scene of action. Arms and ammunition will be furnished to those who have none at the place of rendezvous near to Erie, and every exertion will be made for your subsistence and accommodation. Your service, to be useful, must be rendered immediately. The delay of an hour may be fatal to your country, in securing the enemy in his plunder and favoring his escape. David Mead, Major General Sixteenth D. P. M There was an almost unanimous response to this appeal from every town- ship in northwestern Pennsylvania. Colonel Dale, who had but recently re- turned from a session of the legislature at Lancaster, set out with the One Hundred and Thirty-Second regiment on the 27th of July and joined his brigade at Meadville, whence they proceeded at once to Erie. Before leaving he had received a visit from Cornplanter,- who, after the cause of the war had been explained to him, insisted on accompanying the regiment with two hundred of his braves. He was finally induced to remain with the assur- ance that he would be called upon if his services became really necessary. The vessels were about completed and on the ''4th of the following month the Laivrence was successfully jfloated over the bar. Within a few days the entire American fleet was safely anchored in the roadstead and the British squadron having sailed westward, thus relieving the immediate danger of in- vasion, the presence of the militia was no longer necessary. Colonel Dale's regiment was discharged on the 9th of August. The farmers had been in the midst of harvest when the summons came, but responded with a unani- mity and alacrity indicative of the highest order of patriotism. Although not called into active service, this was not, as the sequel shows, without re- sults. The issue of the great naval battle of September 10th was thus stated in the modest and memorable letter from Perry to General Harrison: "We have met the enemy and they are ours: two ships, two brigs, one schooner, and one sloop." And in the following month he addressed the subjoined communication to General Mead: Erie, Oclober 2L\ 1818. Dear Sir: It may be some satisfaction to you and your deserving corps to be in- formed that you did not leave your harvest fields in August last for the defense of this place without cause. Since the capture of General Proctor's baggage by General Har- rison it is ascertained beyond doubt that an attack was at that time meditated on Erie; and the design was frustrated by the failure of General Vincent to furnisli the number of troops promised and deemed necessary. I have the honor to be, dear sir, your obedient servant, q jj Pekry Major General David Mead, Meadville. I 5 270 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. On the 30tb day of December, 1813, intelligence was received at Erie that an army of British and Indians had landed at Black Rock, burned Buffalo and the shipping in the harbor at that place, and were advancing in the direction of Erie. The numbers of the enemy were placed at three thousand, while the troops stationed there for its defense numbered but two thousand. The first brigade of General Mead's division was ordered into service and mustered hurriedly, increasing the American force to four thou- sand men. Colonel Dale received marching orders on the Oth of January, and his regiment was not discharged until the 10th of the following month. The alarm proved delusive, however, and as in the previous instance the local militia returned home without experiencing anything more serious than the "pomp and pageantry of war" and the discomforts of a brief campaign in the dead of winter. There was fortunately no necessity for their service during the subsequent progress of the war. A treaty of peace was signed at Ghent, Belgium, December 24, 181-4, and the news reached this locality in February of the following year. Detachments of troops had passed through the county by the old Pittsburgh and Erie road at various times and their return in the spring was a welcome assurance that hostilities had indeed terminated. The following roster of the One Hundred and Thirty-Second regiment, Pennsylvania militia, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Dale, was obtained from the secretary of the United States treasury by Lewis F. Watson of Warren, Pennsylvania, member of congress from this district. All oiir previous efforts to get this roster had proven fruitless, and we had almost given up hope of being able to obtain the names of these patriotic pioneers of Venango county who responded to their country's call in the hour of danger. Benjamin W. Bredin of Franklin finally became inter- ested and wrote Mr. Watson on the subject. That gentleman readily promised his assistance, and the result is that we are enabled to present to our readers this valuable record of the soldiers who served for a short period under Colonel Dale at Erie in 1813 and 1814 during the war of 1812. In this roster, however, will be found the names of some who did not live in Venango county, but it would be unwise to leave them out, and therefore we give the complete roster of each company as it appears in the government records, believing they will prove a valuable addition to the history of the county: Field and Staff Officers. — -Lieutenant colonel, Samuel Dale. First major, James Foster. Quartermaster, Andrew Bowman. Sergeant majors: Elial Farr, John Wilson. Quartermaster sergeant, George Sutley. First Company. — Captain, Henry Neely. Lieutenant, James Thompson. EARLY MILITARY HISTORY. 271 Ensign, Jacob Small. Sergeants: Gideon Richardson, Nicholas Neely, Jacob Hale. Privates: Robert Armstrong, Andrew Ashbaugh, Michael Best, William Crow, George Delo, James Downing, Samuel Fry, Joseph Goucher, Jacob Herrold, Henry Hummel, George Keefer, Jacob Keefer, James Mays. John Mays, Barnhart Martin, Robert Philips, Nathan Phipps, John Potts, Adam Shearer, Jacob Sweitzer, John Sweitzer, John Thummen. Second Company. — Captain, Andrew Porter. Lieutenant, James Ritchey. Sergeants: Joseph Porter, Alexander Ritchey. Corporal, John Jolly. Privates: Daniel Ashbaugh, William Crist, William Davis, Jacob Keely, Thomas Kennedy, Adam Kerns, William Kerns, Thomas Kerr, Washington Mays, John McDonald, James McGinnis, Robert McMillin, James Piatt, John Piatt, Thomas Piatt, Alexander Porter, Matthew Porter, Ross Porter, John Shoup, John Snyder, Jacob Wensel, John Wensel. Third Company. — Captain, Daniel McCombs. Lieutenant, Richard Ross. Ensign, Edward Fleming. Sergeants: John Hamilton, William McCombs, Benjamin August, Charles Ingram. Corporals: James Hamilton, Columbus Halyday, James Cary, Alexan- der Cerreb. Privates: Samuel Beers, John Carter, Miles Coover, David Dempsey, Daniel Fleming, Jr., Barney Griflfin, Jobn Hamilton, John Hays, Henry Kinnear, James Kinnear, Neal McFadden, Henry Prather, Andrew Proper, Barnard Proper, Samuel Proper, William Reed, James Reynolds, Joshua Reynolds, John Rynd, William Rynd, Samuel Small, John Sodorus, Will- iam Story, Elijah Stewart, John Tarr, Matthias Tarr. Fourth Company.— Captain, John Fetterman. Lieutenant, William Thompson. Ensign, Joseph Bowman. Sergeants: John Brown, John McFadden, Francis Carter, John Mason. Corporals: Jonathan Whitman, John Brookmire, Charles Gordon. Privates: James Alexander, Robert Beatty, Henry Bowman, Samuel Cooper, William Cooper, George Crain, John Deets, Joseph Deets, Daniel Herrington, Alexander Holeman, John Kelly, Darius Mead, Elijah McFad- den, James McFadden, John McFate, William McMasters, John Roberts, James Shaw, Thomas Smiley, Henry Sutley, 'Michael Sutley, Luther Thomas, John Whitman. Fifth Company. — Captain, Hugh McManigal. Lieutenant, William Patterson. Ensign, John Boner. 272 HISTOIiY OF VENANGO COUNTY, Sergeants: James Allen, John Craig, Thomas Dinsmore. Corporals: John Scott, William Baker. Drummer, Ernest Hovis. Privates: Thomas Baird, Charles Bigley, Patrick Davidson, William Davidson, James Donaldson, William Graham, John Hoffman, John Hovis, John Love, John Lyons, James Martin, Robert Mitchell, William McCon- nell, Hugh McDowell, John McManigal, Daniel McMillin, Archibald Mc- Sparren, Joseph Porter, George Shunk, Daniel Smith, Samuel Van, Will- iam Van, John W^ alters, Francis Whann, Robert S. Whann, Eli Williams. Sixth Company. — Lieutenant, John Martin. Ensign, Armstrong Duffield. Sergeants: James Martin, William Dewoody, John Ford. Corporals: Patrick Manson, John Hays. Privates: Samuel Adams, Samuel Atkinson, William Carter, Samuel Cousins, John Clyde, Robert Dewoody, Robert Dewoody (substitute for Andrew Dewoody), John Duffield, William Felton, John Foster, John Gil- more, Samuel Graham, William Greenlee, John L. Hasson, John Hays, James Hulings, Marcus Hulings, Thomas Hulings, Francis Irwin, Jared Lee, Jr., James Martin, John Martin, Thomas Martin, William Martin, William McElhaney, John McQuaid, John McQuaid (substitute for A^^illiam Duffield), John Ramsey, David Runninger, Jacob Runninger, Gustavus Shaw, George Shoemaker, Alexander Siggins, Samuel Simmons, William Stoops, Robert Temple. Seventh Company. — Captain, Abraham Witherup. Lieutenant, Robert Crawford. Sergeants: Levi Williams, Joseph Ross, Robert Riddle, James Calvert. Privates: David Boyd, William Campbell, Isaac Carter, James Craig, James Fearis, Martin Fritz, James Hall, Michael Hoffman, Philip Hoffman, John Jolly, William Jolly, Morgan Jones, Stephen Jones, Thomas Jones, Thomas Kerr, Joseph Lay ton, Patrick Lay ton, Thomas Lyons, Thomas Mil- ford, James McDowell, Abner McMahon. Alexander McQuiston, Joseph Parks, William Perry, William Russell, Robert Selders, John Shannon, John Stover, Samuel Stover, John Tracy, Francis Vogus, Jacob Wise. Eighth Company. — Lieutenant, Isaac Connely. Sergeant, William Siggins. Privates: James Allender, William Broadfoot, James Dawson, John Dawson, Thomas Dawson, Ezekiel Fleming, John Hamilton, Samuel Hen- derson, Joseph Huff, Andrew Hunter, David Hunter, Ebenezer Kingsley, Jesse Miller (substitute), Samuel McGee, George Peebles, Thomas H. Prather, John Siggins, James Shreve, Alexander Thompson, Francis Tut- liill, Robert Watson, Samuel Wilson. Besides the foregoing there were also quite a number of others whose names do not appear in this roster, and whose descendants claim they went EARLY MILITARY HISTORY. 273 into the war of 1812 from Venango county. Not knowing in what com- mand they served we append their names as a tribute to their memory: James McCalmont, Robert McCalmont, James Major, John McMillin, AVilliam Hovis, John Dewoody, Shadrach Simcox, William Brandon, Robert Curry, John Strawbridge, Samuel Bean, Daniel Keoly, Thomas W. Mays, Enoch Battin, James Brown, Samuel Mason, James Mason, William Whit- man, Hugh ClifPord, Robert Riddle, Daniel Proper, AVilliam Mcintosh, Christian Sutley, and Daniel Reynolds. The following served a "tour of duty" under General Harrison: Will- iam Martin, John Martin, Jacob Runninger, Robert Dewoody, Samuel Simmons, Marcus Hulings, Thomas Martin, Alexander Siggins, Gustavus Shaw, John Foster, Jared Lee, Jr., John McQuaid, John McQuaid, John Clyde. The following served a " tour of duty " at Erie in the autumn of 1812: Joseph Layton, William Russell. The following volunteered on board Perry's fleet: Abraham Witherup, John Ramsey, Samuel Atkinson, Samuel Graham, Jacob Wise, John Stover, Thomas H. Prather, Ezekiel Fleming. The principal officers in the One Hundred and Thirty-Second regiment are worthy of more than incidental mention in this connection. Colonel Sam- uel Dale was born in West Fallowlield township, Chester county, Pennsyl- vania, July 15, 1773. His parents removed to White Deer township, Northumberland (now Union) county, in the following spring, but were obliged to return in 1777 on account of Indian troubles. In 1781 they took up their residence in Dauphin county, and in 1781: returned to White Deer township. In 1797 the future colonel, then a young man of twenty- three, went to Philadelphia to learn the mercantile business, but finding yellow fever very prevalent he returned home and two years later made a journey to the state of Ohio. He was on the point of returning thither when Samuel Cochran, surveyor general of the state, appointed him deputy surveyor for Venango county. He proceeded thither the same year, although it was not until 1801 that he came to reside at Franklin. In 1802 he was elected colonel of the One Hundred and Thirty- Second regi- ment of the First brigade and Fourteenth division (subsequently the Six- teenth). He was elected as the representative of Venango and Mercer counties in the legislature in 1807 and successively re-elected until 1813. The commission under which he led his regiment in the war of 1812 was given l)y Governor Simon Snyder under date of August 3, 1811. After the close of the war he resided at Lancaster the remainder of his life. He served as alderman, notary public, president of the school board, and judge of the court of common pleas, and filled various other positions of trust with credit and fidelity. He died in that city at the age of sixty nine. Major James Foster was a prominent citizen of Canal township and an 274 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. active member of the Sugar Creek Presbyterian church. A sketch of An- drew Bowman, the quartermaster, appears in the chapter on the early history of Franklin. Elial Farr, sergeant major, resided in Cherry Tree. Cap- tain Henry Neely, of the First company, probably resided in that part of Venango county now included in Clarion; Andrew Porter, of the Second, in Richland; John Fetterman, of the Fourth, in Plum; Hugh McManigal, of the Fifth, in Irwin; John Martin,' of the Sixth, was a pioneer of French Creek, and Isaac Connely, of the Eighth, of Allegheny. Captain Abraham Witherup was the son of John Witherup, the first sherifP of the county, who settled at the mouth of Scrubgrass creek, in Clin- ton township, in 1800. He was a native of Pennsylvania. For some reason his company was delayed and did not reach Erie on time, which sug- gested a hint from some one that cowardice was the cause. Stung to the quick he went into the fight with reckless spirit, won the admiration of Com- modore Perry, and after the conflict was over, an invitation to dine with him, an honor as surprising to the captain as to his comrades. He is described as a man of dignified appearance, tall, erect, finely proportioned, and hand- some. He was a life-long Democrat, and esteemed it a proud day, when, accompanied to the polls by his eight sons, they all cast their votes' for James Buchanan for the presidency. THE OLD MILITIA. The military spirit received its first impetus in the exposed condition of the frontier during the period immediately preceding the early settlement of the county, while the experiences of the war of 1812 demonstrated most forcibly the advantage of a well organized and thoroughly equipped militia. The different counties were organized under the auspices of the state and the respective ofi&cers received their commissions from the governor. Com- panies met for drill at the call of their officers once or twice a year, and these occasions, known as battalion days, were usually attended by the pop- ulace en masse. Thus encouraged by the state and sustained by public sen- timent the militia organization attained a fair degree of efficiency. The roster of the Venango Guards for the year 1823, the earliest extant, and therefore invested with a degree of historic interest, is as follows: Captain, John Lupher. First lieutenant, James Bennett; second lieutenant, John Ingram. Sergeants: Abram Clai-k. Aaron McKissick, George Dewoody, Nathan- iel Cary. • Corporals: John Ridgway, Solomon Martin, Hugh McClelland, John Hamilton. Drummer, Jacob Cline. Fifer, James Brown. Privates : (The age is indicated by the number after each name. ) David Adams, 20; James Adams, 20; James Adams, 25; Samuel Bailey, 27; Will- EAKLY MILITARY HISTORY. 275 iam Black, 22; James Bowman, 23; Elliott Brandon, 38; James Brandon, 22; John Broadfoot, 34; George Brighaui. 33; Daniel Brown, 23; Stephen Backlin, 22; Isaac Bunnell, 20; Samuel Bunnell, 42; James Cary, 29; Alexander Carroll, 30; Ebenezer Campbell, 34; Charles L. Cochran, 23; Jeremiah Clancy, 25; John Cooper, 39; Frederick G. Crary, 20; John Crary, 20; William Crary, 22; George Cummings, 26; Moses Davidson, 31; William Davidson, 25; Everton Davis; George Dewoody, 21; George De- woody (hill), 18; Thomas Dinsmore, 27; Levi Dodd, 24; Armstrong Duf- field, 37; Thomas Folwell, 18; Benjamin Ford, 27; John Ford, 30; Solomon Ford, 26; John Foster; Jacob Frick; John Galbraith; Walter Gibson. 23; William Gibson, 36; David Gilmore, 25; John Gilmore, 27; Samuel Gordon, 31; Nimrod Grace, 23; Robert Graham, 25; Samuel Graham, 29; Samuel Grant, 32; William Greenlee, 27; John Gurney, 36; Edward Hall, 25; George Hammond, 30; John Hanna, 19; James Hanna, 30; Stewart Hanna, 23; Avis Harris, 30; John Hasson, 31; Alexander S. Hays; John Hays, 25; Archibald Henderson, 30; Charles Henderson, 38; Derrick Hodge; Charles Holeman; Thomas Hood, 24; Robert Huey, 26; Thomas Hulings, 39; George Hill, 23; William Hill, 25; James Holiis, 32; Peter Houser, 23; Andrew Howe, 22; Eliakim Jewel, 32; Israel Jewel, 32; Jonathan Jewel, 25; Anthony Johnston, 25; William Johnson, 22; David King, 29; David Kin- near, 22; James Kinnear, 18; Henry Kinnear, 28; William Kinnear, 40; James Leonard, 24; John Lindsay, 22; Stepheu Lindsay, 21; Jacob Lyons, 32; John Lewis, 26; Samuel Lyons, 24; William Lyons, 18; John Lindsay, 22; Stephen Lindsay, 21; Robert Manson; James Mason, 23; William Major, 18; James Martin; Hugh Marshall, 20; Dennis Mead, 33; John Morrison, 27; Joseph Morrison, 19; Alexander McCalmont, 37; Joseph McCalmont; Robert McCalmont, 40; William McClaran, 22; George McClelland, 45; James McClintock, 22; Hugh McClintock, 25; Thomas McDowell, 19; John McKallip, 43; John McKee, 23; Franklin McCIain, 19; John Noacre, 23; James Nicholson, 24; Samuel Nickerson, 31; John McElhaney; James Paden; Jonathan Paden; John J. Pearson, 21; Thomas Power, 20; Moses Pratt, 20; William Ray, 24; Hiram Reynolds, 19; Joel Reynolds, 19; John Roberts, 28; Arthur Robison, 18; Joseph Ridgway, 30; Samuel Ridgway, 35; Conrad Rice, 27; David Runninger, 27; Jacob Runninger, 30; David Russell, 35; John Russell, 21; Samuel Russell, 21; Thomas Russell, 28; William Russell, 18; E. Sage; Jonathan Sage, 21; Noah Sage, 19; John Scott, 23; Thomas Seaton, 35; George Selders, 25; John Simcox, 22; Will- iam Simcox, 27; Henry Small, 19; Thomas Smiley, 38; G. W. Smith. 32; John Smith, 19; Isaac Smith; James Spencer. 23; John Singleton, 33; James Steward, 20; Henry Stricklin, 23; Stephen Sutton; Robert Temple, 28; Howell Thomas; John Trimmer, 24; Abraham Vantine, 18; Thomas Vantine; John Vincent, 21; Wilkes Walter, 24; Francis Whann, 33; Robert Whann, 44; James Wheeler; W^illiam Whitman, 21; Job Wilcox, 22; John Wood; Peter Yelver, 38. 276 HISTORY or venango county. Amoug the volunteer companies at a later date were the Venango Troop, 'Franklin Guards, Sugar Creek Blues, Washington Guards, Serubgrass Riflemen, and, within recent years, the Cooperstown Guards and Franklin Grays. Some idea of the personnel of the old militia nearly fifty years ago, and of the manner in which the commanding officer communicated with the rank and file may be gained from the following: REGIMENTAL ORDERS. The enrolled militia composing the Seventy-Eighth regiment, Pennsylvania militia, will meet for inspection and drill as follows, to wit: The Ninth company, commanded by Captain S. P. McFaddeu; the Tenth, com- manded by Captain John Boughuer; the Eleventh, commanded by Captain John Richie, and the Twelfth, commanded by Captain J. R. McClintock, all will meet at Coopers- town on Monday, the 8th of May next, at ten o'clock, a. m. The First company, commanded by Captain Jacob Hoffman; the Second, com- manded by Captain David Hovis; tlie Third, commanded by James P. Riddle; the Fifth, commanded by Captain John M. McKinuey; the Sixth, commanded by Captain William McElhaney, and the Seventh, commanded by Captain H. Gould, and the Serubgrass Blues will meet at the house of John Bonner, in Irwin township, on Tues- day, the 9th day of May next, at ten o'clock, a. m. The Nineteenth company, commanded by Captain William Davis; the Twentieth, by Captain Jacob Truby, and the Twenty-First, by Captain Henry Miller, will meet at the house of Benjamin Junkin, in Richland township, on Wednesday, the 10th day of May next, at ten o'clock, a. m. The Twenty-Second company, commanded by Captain John Ohler; the Twenty - Third, by Captain W. Whitehill; the Twenty-Fourth, by Captain John Walter, and the Twenty-Fifth, by Captain John B. McCalmont, will meet at the house of David Wal- ter in Farmington township on Friday, the 12th day of May next, at ten o'clock, a. m. The Seventeenth company, commanded by Captain John Shannon, and the Twelfth, commanded by Captain James Hughes, will meet at the house of James Brandon in Cranberry township on Saturday, the 13th day of May next, at ten o'clock, a. m. The Thirteenth company, commanded by Captain Richard S. Irwin; the Fourteenth, by Captain Robert P. Elliott; the Fifteenth, by Captain Daniel McCasland, and the Sixteenth, by Captain James Sauley, will meet at the house of John Lamb in Alle- gheny township on Friday, the 26th day of May next, at ten o'clock, a. m. William Shorts, Colonel Comamnclinq . April 27, 1843. THE MEXICAN WAR. Owing to the great distance of the scene of hostilities and the uni- form success of the American arms no great excitement was occasioned in this state by the Mexican war. The Democratic party had an overwhelming predominance throughout the county, and the action of the national ad- ministration in declaring war was heartily indorsed. Although no distinct organization from Venango county participated in the various campaigns that finally culminated in Scott's victorious entry into Mexico, and only a very small number of her citizens are known to have been members of the regiment formed in the western part of the state, the county was represented by military leaders who afterward achieved national distinction — Alexan- der Hays and Jesse L. Reno. EARLY MILITARY HISTORY. 277 Alexander Hays was born at Franklin July 8. 1819, son of General Samuel Hays, of whom an accoiant appears in a subsequent chapter of this work. His literary education was obtained at Allegheny College, Mead- villo. In 1840 he entered the military academy at ^^'est Point, where he was a fellow student of General Grant for a time, and graduated in 1844. He was assigned to the Fourth infantry, with the rank of brevet second lieutenant. His regiment constituted part of the Army of Observation in Louisiana and was among the first to advance into Mexican territory after the declaration of war. His first active service was in the battles of Palo Alto and Reseca de la Palma; at the latter engagement he sustained a severe wound and was detailed for recruiting service. Upon his return he was appointed assistant adjutant general to General Lane's command and con- tributed materially to the success of the campaign. At the close of the war he engaged in the iron business at Pittsburgh, and was subsequently occupied as civil engineer in various states. At the outbreak of the re- bellion he enlisted in a regiment formed at Pittsburgh, in which he was suc- cessively captain and major. He then recruited the Sixty-Third regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, which was attached to Kearney's corps and was highly complimented by that general for gallant service at Fair Oaks and Charles City Cross Roads. Colonel Hays rendered valuable service at the second battle of Bull Run, and in recognition of his ability was promoted to brigadier general of volunteers. In 1863 he Tyas transferred to Heintzel- man's corps, and placed in command of the Third brigade, Casey's division, which sustained severe loss at the battle of Gettysburg, but came out of that engagement with a record of daring and successful execution rarely equaled. General Hays was killed at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864. He was buried at Pittsburgh with ceremonies appropriate to his rank as an officer and character as a man. Jesse L. Reno, who rose to a higher rank than any other of the thousands of brave men from Venango county who have been engaged at various times in the military service of their country, also obtained his first experience of actual military operations in the war with Mexico. Born in Virginia in 1823, his father, Lewis T. Reno, came to Franklin in 1832, and there his son passed the following ten years of his life, obtaining such education as the academy and select schools of the place afforded. In June, 1842, he was appointed a cadet at West Point, and graduated at that institution in 1846, in the same class with Generals George B. McClellan and Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson. In a class of fifty-nine he stood eighth in general merit. He was appointed brevet second lieutenant of ordnance July 1, 1846, and second lieutenant March 3, 1847, and served throughout Scott's campaigns, from the siege of Vera Cruz to the entrance into Mexico. After the close of the war he was successively assistant professor of mathematics at West Point, secretary of the board for preparing a system of instruction 278 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. for heavy artillery, and engaged in engineering work in various departments of the government service. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was in command of Mount Union arsenal, Alabama. He was appointed brigadier general of volunteers November 12, 1861, and commanded a brigade of Burnside's army in the expedition into North Carolina. He was promoted to the rank of major general of volunteers July 18, 1862, and participated in the battles that occurred during Pope's retreat to Washington in the fol- lowing month. He commanded the Ninth corps of the Army of the Potomac at the battle of South Mountain, and was killed in that engagement Septem- ber 14, 1862. A monument has been erected to his memory on that battle- field, and his name is honored by every patriotic heart in western Pennsyl- CHAPTER XIX. VENANGO COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR. State of Public Sentiment at the Outbreak of the War— Public Meet- ings— REcniENTAL Sketches — TiiiRTY-XiNTii — Fifty-Seventh — Sixty-third — Sixty-Fourth — Sixty-Fifth— One Hundred AND Third— One Hundred and Fifth— One Hundred AND Twenty-First— One Hundred and Forty- Second— One Hundred and Sixty-First — Lamberton Guards— Relief Associ- ation—Soldiers' Monument. rr^HE interval that elapsed between the national election in the autumn of -L I860 and President Lincoln's inauguration was a period of the most in- tense suspense throughout the North. The cotton states had successively se- ceded, a Southern Confederacy was formed, and its leaders displayed an energy of purpose in marked contrast with the pusillanimous inactivity of the retiring national administration. A momentous transference of power had occurred in national politics ; for the first time in its history the Republican, party had elected a president, while a similar result in the gubernatorial election of Pennsylvania gave to the people of that state an added interest in the final issue of the rapidly changing current of events. The sense of an impending national crisis pervaded every community. The bombardment of Fort Sumter, although it indicated conclusively that a protracted and san- guinary war was about to begin, relieved the tension of the public mind and startled the North into immediate preparation for the " irrepressible con- THE CIVIL WAll. 279 flict." Every latent instinct of patriotism was stirred to action and public sentiment crystalized into a united determination to maintain the honor of the flag and the integrity of the government. The first public meeting in Venango county to consider the situation was held at Franklin on the 2Uth of January, 1861. James P. Hoover presided; D. D. Goodwin, Levi Dodd, and John McCrea were elected vice- presidents, W. T. Neill and D. W. S. Cook, secretaries. Able addresses were delivered by John S. McCalmont, James K. Kerr, and C. Heydrick. The following resolutions, temperate in tone, but unequivocal in meaning, may be regarded as a fairly accurate expression of public sentiment in the county at that date : Resolved, That if compromise be available to save any of the southern states of this Union from seceding therefrom, that we are willing so to compromise if thereby we do not yield any of the sacred rights of freedom for which this government was established. Resolved, That we believe that no great party in the North wishes to see the im- mediate emancipation of the slaves of the South; nor is Pennsylvania at present will- ing to assume, either her share of the purchase of Southern slaves, or to provide for them if emancipated without cost. It was impossible as yet to believe that war was imminent. The horrors of civil strife lent probability to the many possible ways by which an appeal to arms might have been averted, and in this respect the fluctuating uncertainty of national affairs affected the people of Venaggo county no less than the country at large. But the events of the next few months demonstrated conclusively that all hopes for an honorable compromise were chimerical. Hostilities were precipitated by the bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861, and three days later the president issued his proclamation calling out the militia of the loyal states to the number of seventy-five thousand men. The period of suspense had terminated, and the citizens of the county were prompt in giving expression to their unwavering adherence to the national executive in the policy thus inaugurated. A second mass meeting was held at Franklin on the evening of Monday, April 22, 1861. It was the largest concourse of people that had ever as- sembled in the history of the county. It was intended to have been held in the court house, but as that building would*have accommodated only a small portion of the crowds in attendance, the park was occupied. Robert Lamberton was chosen chairman, and James Bleakley and Doctor W. C. Evans, vice-presidents. C. W. Gilfillan and G. W. Brigham were appointed secretaries. Adresses were made by James K. Kerr, C. H. Heydrick, James S. Myers, S. P. McCalmont, H. C. Hickok, and others. A series of resolu- tions was adopted, the preamble of which embodied the language of Jeffer- son in his first inaugural: "The preservation of the general government in its full constitutional vigor as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad, and absolute submission to the will of the majority, are car- 280 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. dinal principles upon wbich this Union was established by the patriots of the Revolution," both of which, it was declared, had been set at defiance by the seceding states. The efforts of the border states to preserve an armed neutrality was pronounced to be effectual only in strengthening the states in rebellion; the secession of Virginia was deprecated; the government was urged to defend the national capital to the last extremity; the states that had remained true to the Union were counseled never to falter until the outrage upon the flag had been atoned, and submission or destruc- tion was declared to be the only alternative that ought to be offered the traitors who had assailed it. The following action was taken regarding the immediate duty of the people: Besolrcd, That it is incumbeut ou the people of this county at once to arise in their might and to be prepared by steady and active exercise in military dut}^ for the sup- port of the national government, as well as for the defense of our homes, and that it be recommended to the people at once to prepare with judgment, coolness, and delibera- tion, to form military companies, and to drill them daily so as to be ready when called into active service; and that it be recommended to form companies full to the war com- plement of seventy seven, one at each of the following places; Franklin, Coopers- town, Utica, Pleasantville, Oil City, Tionesta, Salina, Rockland, Emlenton, Clinton- ville, Meclianicsville, and Waterloo, to be formed into a Venango regiment when required; that the president of this meeting appoint a committee of safety, consisting of twenty persons, who shall have the power to organize a home guard to preserve order as the general guidance of affairs in the present crisis may direct. The recommendation regarding the formation of a distinctively Venango regiment was found impracticable, and no emergency occurred to require the organization of a " home guard, ' ' but the action of the meeting shows that the citizens were thoroughly aroused to the importance of taking prompt and decisive measures. Party distinctions were for the time obliterated in the consciousness of a common danger. The meeting had an influence in stimulating loyalty and concentrating public attention to the one issue at stake which could scarcely have been accomplished through any other agency. THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT TENTH RESERVE. The Tenth regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corj^s was organized in the western part of the state, and rendezvoused at Camp Wilkins, near Pittsburgh, where an organization was effected in June, 1861, by the election of John S. McCalmont, of Venango county, a West Point graduate and regular army officer, as colonel; James T. Kirk, lieutenant colonel, and Harrison Allen, major. The regiment was mustered into the United States service July 21, 1861, and for a brief period encamped near Washington, after which it was assigned to the Third brigade, at first commanded by Colonel McCalmont, but afterward by General E. O. C. Ord. Its first actual fighting was at the battle of Drainesville, in December, 1861. In June, 1862, it was transferred to McClellan's army operating against Richmond, and THE CIVIL WAR. 281 participated at Mechaaicsville June 26th. Gaines' Mills on the 27th and 30th, capturing on the latter date sixty prisoners. The loss in the series of battles which commenced at Mechanicsville was over two hundred. From the Pen- insula the regiment passed to the army of General Pope, and participated at the second battle of Bull Run, at South Mountain and Antietam, and Fredericksburg. It shared in the memorable campaign that culminated at Gettysbiirg in July, 1863, and in the campaign against Richmond in 1864. On the 11th of June, 1864, the remnant of this brave and once strong body of men, which had fought in nearly every battle in which the Army of the Potomac was engaged, was mustered out of service at Pittsburgh. Company C was recruited at Franklin. Nearly a thousand dollars were contributed for its equipment; the uniforms were of local manufacture, made by the ladies of the town fi'om cloth obtained at the Kennerdell mills in Clinton township. The company was known as the "Venango Grays." They left by keel-boat for Pittsburgh, June 6, 1861, arriving at Camp Wilkins Saturday, the 8th of that month. The following is a roster of the company : Captains: C. Miller Over, Charles C. Cochran. First Lieutenants: Charles W. Mackey, William M. Patton. Sergeants: Samuel McKinzie, Jesse L. Pryor, Milton S. Singleton, John C. Kirkpatrick, Preston M. Hill, Lewis W. McQuaid, James L. Mc Cullough, Walter B. Fogus, Noble F. Leslie, Gillis C. Keener, William C. McElwain, Elihu G. Neighbor, William Dougherty, George G. McLain, Thomas W. Agnew, George W. Peters, Samuel Moyer, James M. Covert. Corporals: Robert D. Sutton, F. T. Alexander, James B. White, Ben- jamin P. Addleman, Myers Eckenberger, John M. Wimer, W. H. Kirk- patrick. Musician, Emory A. Sadler. Privates: Hiram Brown, Joseph M. Bowman, Lyman Brown, Freeling Brown, Christopher Cramer, Aaron T. Cross, Benjamin F. Camp, George Crispan, Robert Coulter, John H. Crawford, George W\ Conver, Ephraim Dempsey, David Dorland, George Elliott, R. H. Fitzsimmons, Smith Ful- kerson, William J. Grable, Andrew Griffin, James B. Galbraith, John Griffin, Frederick Heigle, William A. Horton, Thomas J. Jones, John Jour- don, Hiester Keith, William 'Kreckle, Marcus Lockrout, Samuel Leslie, David Lovell, William Loose, Gilbert Morgan, George McCool, John S. May, Thomas M. McFadden, John H. McQuaid, Annis Moore, Alexander McCurdy, William McKinzie, Daniel B. McMillan, David P. Morrison, Samuel McChesney, George Meager, Robert B. Nellis, Isaiah Nellis, James Nickleson, James Oldridge, Thomas H. Pollock, William B. Powell, Thomas J. Ross, Joseph D. Ross, William Remley, Samuel B. Ross, Ab- salom Smith, Samuel Stewart, Anthony Showers. George S. Shattuck, George W. Scott, John Seibert, Daniel K. Sheffler, Alexander F. Sawhill, 282 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Alexander Sallinger, Samuel M. Skeel, James D. Shaw, Thomai=i H. Tem- pleton, Ezekiel N. Tracy, Robert Taylor, William A. Varner, William P. White, John H. AVilhelm, William J. Welsh, Bradford Wilson, Henry J. Widle, Edward Wallace, William Winkleman. John Wilson, John Wolf- kill, James S. Wonzer, John Walters, John Yingling. FIFTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. This regiment was principally recruited in the counties of Mercer, Craw- ford, and Venango. It was organized at Camp Curtin with the election of William Maxwell, of Mercer county, colonel; Elhannan W. Woods, of Mercer county, lieutenant colonel, and Jeremiah Culp, of Bradford county, major. It was subsequently commanded by Colonels Charles T. Campbell, Peter Sides, and George Zinn; Thomas S. Strohecker, who was promoted to a lieutenant colonelcy March 12, 1863, was the only field officer from this county. The regiment was ordered into line with the Army of the Potomac in February, 1862, and assigned to Jameson's brigade of Heintzleman's division. At the operations against Yorktown it was engaged in the trenches under conditions exceedingly deleterious to health, and io consequence of this and subsequent exposure it became necessary to discharge quite a num- ber of the men on account of sickness. It was engaged at Fair Oaks May 31, 1862, at Charles City Cross Roads on the 30th of June, at Malvern Hill on the 1 st of July, at the second battle of Bull Run on the 29th and 30th of August, at Chantilly on the 1st of September, and at Fredericksburg on the 13th of December. The principal engagements in which it participated in the following year were Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, sustaining severe losses on both occasions. In January, 1864, the regiment was dismissed on veteran furlough and after an absence of forty-nine days returned to camp. On the 4th of May it was engaged at close range with a detachment of the enemy near Chancellorsville, losing one hundred and forty-three men in killed, wounded, and missing. In January, 1865, having been greatly reduced in numbers, the regiment was consolidated into a battalion of six companies, and later, by a union with the Eighty- Fourth, restored to its former strength. On the 25th of March it was engaged in the demonstra- tions about Fort Steadman which inaugurated the movement resulting in the capture of Petersburg. It was mustered out of service in June at Alexandria. Company I was recruited in Venango and Mercer counties. The roster was as follows : Captains: Thomas S. Strohecker. Lorenzo D. Bumpus, James D. Moore, John R. Ross. First lieutenants: George Supplee, John Bowers, Thomas E. Merchant. Second lieutenants: Jesse R. Williams, Edward S. Benedict, John F. Cox, Henry M. Adams, Cyrus P. Slaven. James M. Lewis. THE CIVIL WAR. 283 Sergeants: George W. Lower, William C. Stewart, O. D. Waterman, William Curtis, Alfred Aurandt, Henry M. Snare, William Bone. Orsemus K. White, James W. Cnmmings, James L. Wykoff. Corporals: Joseph Enders, Lartis Campbell, Jacob W. Miller, John C. Shinefelt, Amon Houck, James Colbert, Elijah Gorsuch. Samuel L. Hare, David A. Stewart, James A. Davis, Virgil Brigham, Elijah Estep, James Zahniser, L. N. Herring, C. G. Barker, A. C. Hanna, Levi McFadden, Albert Reynolds. Musician, Jeremiah Black. Privates: James B. Armstrong, Jacob Ashton, Howard D. Avery, John Bradley, Anson M. Bidwell, K. H. Bassett, Edwin E. Brown, David Bell, Jacob Blake, Oscar A. Bailey, Oren D. Brigham, Eliphalet Bush, Peter Ben - ner, William B. Brinner, William Barret, James J. Bruner, Demetrius Barnhart, George Cassell, J. J. Clevenger, John Charles, Wayne Campbell, Robert Collins, John C. Cathumas, Francis Chilson, Jacob Cramer, Thomas Dugan, Judson Davy, Frank Duanehaffer, John Drake, James Ellerson, Henry C. Estep, Joseph D. Everhart, Samiiel Eddleman, David Estep, A. Eichman, James Evans, Henry Ford, Henry Felber, George A. Flannigan, James Gallagher, George Garner, Warner Hurley, Henry Heverly, Austin Hoban, Robert Hartley, John Herman, Isaac D. Harris, Henry Hale, Will- iam Hurley, William A. Houck, Samuel Hale, Isaac Hollenbaugh, Caleb Higbee, Michael Haggerty, William Ishman, William M. Johnson, John Kilgore, Hugh Kearnan, Levi Kessler, Daniel Kiag, Richard Lanely, Sam- uel Lessick, James M. Lias, Frank Lewis, George R. Mountain, AVilliam A. Maxwell, Charles Monroe, Simeon Middeaugh, James Miller, Levi Metzker, Andrew J. Mosher, Jacob S. Miller, Andrew J. Marks, C. Muxum, Henry McLaughlin, Samuel McDonald, Julius C. McGonnigle, Edwin North, Adam Nash, Samuel Nunamaker, William Newhoiise, Daniel Oberly, Levi Ostrander, George W. Parks, George Patton, James Rue, Charles W. Richards, Henry Smith, Henry Schwab, William Scott, Henry Snyder, Jacob Shaffer, Bradley Sherwood, John Taylor, Joseph Tetweiler, John E. Ullery, Loomis Vargason, Jesse D. Vargason, Julius Veit, David S. Walters, Moses Wood, David H. Weaver, John C. Wilson, E. Wayland, August Wagoner, Thomas C. Wykoff, Henry B. Wood, William Wanrick. James A. Yingling. SIXTY-THIRD REGIMENT. The Sixty-Third was recruited in Allegheny county and the valley of the Allegheny river, with one company from Beaver, and a comparatively small number of men fi*om Venango. The field officers were Alexander Hays, a native of this county, colonel; A. S. M. Morgan, lieutenant colonel, and Maurice Wallace, major, at the time of its organization, in 1861. It was assigned to the Third brigade of Heintzelman's division, and did gal- 284 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lant service at Fair Oaks, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, the sec- ond battle of Bull Run, and Chantilly; General Kearny having been killed in the latter engagement the division was ordered to the defenses of Wash- ington, but after the battle of Antietam rejoined the army and participated at Fredericksburg. The regiment also took part in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns, and in the movements of 1864 in Virginia. Company G, recruited in Allegheny, Venango, and Armstrong counties, was composed as follows: Captains: Charles W. McHenry, Isaac Moorhead. First lieutenants: S. Hays Cochran, James S. Williams. Second lieutenants: Robert Houston, William R. Nicholson. Sergeants: Aaron W. Gilmore, John Cessna, John M. Thomas, John C. Brookbank, William B. Peiffer, Robert W. Martin. Corporals: John Pickel. James N. Coulter, George A. Cook, William M. Smith, Alfred B. Lupher, Frank H. Johnston, Edward Wacksmith, Milton J. Adams, Benjamin H. Smith, Matthew A. Rankin, Simon StefFy, William J. Graham, Thomas Q. Martin. Musicians: John Hassinger, Philip Hassinger. Privates: Wales D. Ashton, Peter Armberger, Robert M. Brown, George Blystone, William Blystone, John Bleakney, Samuel D. Barnett, Peter Boyer, Simon Blystone, C. G. Cooper, Jesse Cole, John R. Cos, W. L. Cal- houn, William Cooper, David W. Coursin, Robert H. Daily, Robert David- son, Asa O. Douglass, James D. Douglass, Samuel C. Dewoody, Christian Deim, Joseph H. Fulton, Robert A. Fulton, Henry Frailey, John A. Frai- ley, Charles France, William Frailey, Thomas Frue, Curtis C. Gritfin, Daniel M. Gardner, Joseph Gardner, W. F. Green, James Gates, David R. George, Jacob Gardner, Henry R. Gress, W. C. Hoover, John Henderson, Andrew Henderson, Josiah M. Hays, Cornelius Hoffman, B. W. Hull, Ral- ston Hoover, Samuel S. Hays, John F. Jones, Samuel Jack, Wilder Jack- son, James Johnston, John Kelly, Henry Klugh, William R. Keppel, Sylois Leasure, James Lindsay, Robert C. Law, David C. Martin, Charles Moore, George W. Martin, Samuel Mulbei-ger, Samuel G. Moorehead, James Mar- kle, Thomas L. Martin, David K. Mitchell, Cyrus J. Moore, Andrew J. Moore, Jacob Miller, James S. Myers, William Magee, John T. McCoy, Robert B. McCoy, Hugh McConnell, Clark Near, Philip O' Sullivan. Itha- mar Porter, Noah W. Porter, Joseph P. Rankin, John A. Robinson, Robert Rogers, Isaac L. Rearick, John Ritchey, Lobin Russell, Samuel A. Rhodes, Joseph Rudler, Alexander Rupert, William H. H. Sloan, Edson E. Shep- herd, Jacob Saddler, John A. Sell, William C. Smith, George Schick, Harri- son C. Stoph, M. Schemerhorn, Wilson M. Stills, John Salada, John St. Clair, Adam F. Smith, Thomas Smith, John Silliberg, David F. Sheets^ Simon Shall, David Shiery, Andrew J. Smeltzer, John Sitts, Samuel Sharp, George W. Taylor, AVilliam Thomas, David J. Thomas, Hampton Thomp- THE CIVIL WAll. 287 son, Solomon Vensel, A. A. G. AVilhelm, George Wolfkill, W. S. Whitman, Charles D. Warner, A. W. Wilhelm. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT — FOURTH CAVALRY. Venango county had a larger representation in this regiment than in any other. There was one company from Northampton county, three from Alle- gheny, two from Westmoreland and Indiana, four from Venango, one from Lebanon, and one from Luzerne, which rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, but were soon afterward transferred to Washington, where they were mustered into service and organized into three battalions under the following field offi- cers: David Campbell, of Pittsburgh, colonel; James H. Childs, of Pitts- burgh, lieutenant colonel; James K. Kerr, of Venango, first major; Will- iam E. Doster, of Northampton, second major; James H. Trimble, of West- moreland, third major. Upon the resignation of Colonel Campbell, in March, 18G2, Lieutenant Colonel Childs was promoted to succeed him; Ma- jor Kerr was promoted to the lieutenant colonelcy and Captain George H. Covode to a majority. In the following May the regiment was assigned to McCall's division, Pennsylvania Reserves. In June a battalion under Lieu- tenant Colonel Kerr was ordered to Yorktown, where it remained during the Peninsula campaign. On the 26th of June a squadron led by Captain Her- ron, while .scouting beyond the lines, met the Confederate advance and fired the first shot on the Union side in the ensuing Sev^n Days' battles, in which, however, the regiment was not conspicuously engaged. From Harrison's Landing it marched to Yorktown, and thence to Washington, and rejoined McClellan's army in the movement into Maryland, having been assigned to General Averell's brigade. Owing to the illness of the latter the command devolved upon Colonel Childs, and Lieutenant Colonel Kerr led the regi- ment. At the battle of Antietam Colonel Childs was killed, resulting in the promotion of Lieutenant Colonel Kerr to the colonelcy. In the autumn of 1862 the regiment was stationed near Hancock, Maryland; it was with Pleas- anton in bis pursuit of Stuart, and during the battle of Fredericksburg was stationed on the north side of the Rappahannock. In the movement upon Chancellorsville, in the Gettysburg campaign, and particularly in the pur- suit of Lee's retreating army, the Fourth was actively engaged. On the 12th of October, 1863, the regiment, already reduced to three hundred and seventy- five men, sustained a loss of two hundred. When the time for vet- eran re-enlistment arrived more than two-thirds of the men enrolled for a second term. During the Wilderness campaign the cavalry frequently dis- mounted to form skirmish line. The Fourth accompanied Sheridan in his raid upon Richmond, and in his second raid, of which the objective point was Lynchburg. It was in a number of skirmishes during the summer and autumn of 1864, the most important being the second advance upon the Weldon railroad. After Lee's surrender it was assigned to permanent duty 288 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. at Lynchburg, where it was Diustered out of service on the 1st of July, 1865. Four companies of this regiment were from this county. They mustered at Franklin, October 14, 1861, and left at six P. M. for Pittsburgh by the steamboat Venango, arriving at that place at half-past two the following day. On the next day, at four A. M. , they started for Harrisburg; at Camp Curtin they were uniformed, and thence proceeded to Washington. The rosters of the respective companies were as follows: ComiKiny H. — Captains: James H. Pennell, Robert J. Phipijs, George ^\. Wilson. First lieutenants: A. A. Plumer, John R. Dodge, Thomas J. Robinson, Josiah J. Watkins, Adelbert M. Beatty. Second lieutenants: Abraham Edwards, James M. Gayetty, David P. Lamb. Sergeants: Albert Benedict, Jacob Lyons, Andrew Brown, James R. Downing, James "Wilkins, James McFadden, Reese Clark, James Galbraith, John Crain, Alexander G. Wilkins, Charles Albaugh. Corporals: David Ray, William H. Gayetty, John R. Stover, Alfred L. Comb, H. F. Bowman, Joseph G. Hall, Charles W. McEiray, John Jackson, Samuel Hatch, Russell Lincoln, Wilson Cathcart, Ethan Stone. Buglers: Edgar Nyle, Daniel Hurstine. Blacksmith, Lewis Mitchell. Farrier, A. Bumgardner. Privates: John A. Adams, Samuel S. Adams, John Anderson, Joseph Bates, William F. Brown, John J. Black, Smith Byers, Andrew H. Bush, John Brown, Joseph Breing, Francis Bull, George N. Crodle, Hiram Con- ner, Matthew B. Conner, John Q. A. Conner, Hiram A. Conner, David Cole- man, William Calaghan, Henry Carner, Adam Crider, James Collar, Asa M. Clark, Robert P. Clark, Parcus Copeland, Charles Castle, Daniel Dunmire, William Davis, George Davis, John E. Davis, John M. Dunn, Zenis N. Durrin, John S. Dick, Josiah Duffield, William Duflfriel, George Dewoody, Asa Eastman, C. H. Fahnestock, W. M. Graham, George W. Gates, James Gormly, Samuel M. Gardner, Thomas S. Gibson, John F. Grace, Caleb Gray, Freeman D. Grace, Jackson P. Huey, William G. Hall, Patrick Hughes, John Harris, Joseph Hibbs, Cristopher Hyser, A. H. Hunsinger, Samuel Hewett, Robert W. N. Henry, Reese E. Harris, Hiram J. Hamilton, William A. Johnson, George W. Lindly, David L. Miller, Cyrus Michael, Charles Miller, Thomas H. Megogany, Hiram Milford, Amos H. Monroe, Isaac Maloney, John F. Meader, John McGinley, Milton M. McCully, John McCallister, John McMillan, P. H. McArdle, Jacob Riser, Walter C. Parker, James A. Powell, Sylvester Parker, Richard Quinlin, John AV. Riddle, Hor- atio Randall, Anthony Robertson, Charles H. Ruff, George H. Ridgely, FrankStephens,Alexander Scott, John J. Snodgrass, N. N. Stevenson, Harvey V. Stoops, George H. Smith, Andrew Sanford, Charles S. Sanford, Thomas THE CIVIL WAR. 289 Stevenson, George Tliropp, Charles Tripp, John Upton, Wesley H. Varner, John Williams, Alexander Williams, John W^inters, Andrew Whisner, John Whiteel, Peter Woodley, James Wood, James Walshaw. Company L, — Captains: Charles E. Taylor, Robert L. Coltart, Francis M. Ervay, Andrew Nellis. First lieutenants: Mile A. Plumer, Robert Coltart. Second lieutenants: Alexander Frazier, Joshua C. Bealle, Albert J. Servey, William H. Cowan. Sero-eants: Paul Neely, John B. Hogue, William H. Thompson, Daniel W. Servey, Henry Bender, Robert King, Isaac Burris, A\'illiam S. Keller, John T. Ewens, Cyrus S. Mark, Daniel E. Wise. Corporals: Parker Lupher, Harvey V\. Jones, James Callen, James M. Bethune, Homer C. Brown, William Strite, J. Keas, Lewis McFadden. Bugler, Robert P. Shaw. Blacksmith, Artemus Kinnear. Farrier, William B. Keener. Privates: William Amon, Loyal Adams, Joseph A. Alter, Jacob Aly, Cortlandt Brown, Crawford Belig, Jacob H. Bethune, Richard Barkly, Daniel J. Brown, William C. Bryant, Joseph Bronnette, Terence C. Byers, Lewis Byrns, John Bethune, George Baney, Isaac Baney, George Bromley, George Culber, William Criswell, Thomas Colburn, Benjamin F. Crain, John Clark, Ephraim F. Cisco, James Carnahan, Silas Davis, William H. Dill, James R. Davidson, Joseph E. Davis, Benjamin Dougherty, William H. Durning, Daniel Eagan, Thomas M. Elder, Henry Freeby, John E. Freeman, William S. Fleming, John Flager, Samuel R. Foulk, George Ghearing, Lewis Gross, Ira B. Gilmore, Willabed Gneedig, Isaac Gormly, George W. Gates, Jacob Grinnells, James Hoover, Horace Haller, Thomas B. Hoffman, Thomas L. Hays, Marvin S. Hasson, Robert Hilands, George B. Haines, William Harrison, Wiley H. Hunter, Levi E. Hart, Melvin A. Johnson, Milton James, William T. Johnson, Jeremiah C. Jennings, Sam- uel James, Alexander James, Andrew P. Jones, Peter D. Kelly, George Kinnear, Charles Kelly, Truman J. King, Robert Kirtley, James F. Lam- berton, Gilbert Lupher, Barnett Lupher, James Legg, Paul Messner, Will- iam Miller, Daniel Miller, Daniel Murray, James Marshall, William Mooney, Lewis Miles, John L. McCalmont, Robert G. McClelland, Marcus McCurdy, James McMillen, William McCutcheon, Jacob Nellis, James Posey, Richard Place, John W. Porterfield, John W. Patterson, William Reagle, John Reagle, John Roberts, Josiah Randal, Thomas J. Robertson, Albert Reagle, William J. Reynolds, Rufus P. Seely, Alfred M. Shaw, Josiah Scott, Thomas O. Scott, Charles J. Smith, Michael Smith, Jerry B. Smith, Frank Showalter, Israel Stroup, Edward Stroup, Jacob Smith, Mark Smale, Porter Thompson, Miller M. Thomas, William Thomas, Isaac Taylor, W. D. Taylor, William Thompson, John Vorans, Samuel AVallace, John 290 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Werrell, Andrew P. Watt, Thomas T. AVatt, Francis M. Wilson, George Yeates. Company K. — Captains: William W. Shorts, Henry M. Hughes, James R. Grant. First lieutenant, George W. Wise. Second lieutenants: Robert J. Atwell, John A. Welton. Sergeants: Joseph W. Russell, William C. Bigler, Solomon Funk, James McGarvey, Richard M. Hoffman, John W. Baker, Samuel B. Foster, James F. Billingsley, Levi Porter, James E. McClaskey, S. M. Lockard, Freeland Henderson. Corporals: David R. P. Gates, John H. McKelvey, William D. Downing, Jacob Harlan, William C. Eakin, John T. Couse, Wesley B. Foster, Daniel Krister, William C. Yard, Donaldson Graham, John F. Brown, Charles A. Tibbins, Hezekiah Baker, Nathaniel S. Boals. Bugler, Warren M. Lockard. Blacksmith, Robert Shaw. Farrier, Thomas Davis. Saddlers: John A. Goucher, Daniel Shuler. Privates: Perry S. Atwell, Joseph Bleakley, William Bleakley, James Bleakley, Frederick S. Boals, Martin Bigler, Oliver P. Barnes, James T. Biirr, Alva W. Bigley, Alonzo S. Baker, James I. Burns, William Cramer, W. W. Crawford, John M. Cornelius, Gotleib Coonradt, Thomas L. Curry, Walter Cassidy, Craft Coast, Eri Cary, Andrew J. Donaldson, Thomas Duffey, John R. Dodds, Thomas Dewoody, Reese Evans, Martin B. Foster, Ross C. Foster, Irwin C. Fether, William J. Graham, Brice Gilmore, Henry Highfield, Weslej^ Hightield, William J. Hickman, Caleb G. Hovis, G. W. Hovis, R. M. Hovis, Jacob Henderson, William Hackett, Charles Huberman, John Highfield, Emanuel Harman, Henry Harlem, H. A. Har- man, James Irwin, David E. Irwin, Albert M. Jones, William H. Jeffries, J. B. W. Johnson, B. W. James, John L. Jackson, George "W. Koonce, George W. Kim, Isaac Latchaw, David Latchaw, Sidney Lambert, James Little, Robert Lytle, T. I. Montgomery, J. H. Monjar, D. Montgomery, Harrison Moyer, Alexander Martin, Thomas Michael, Frederick Moyer, Jonathan McKain, John C. McCamant, Perry McFadden, Charles McFad- den, John A. McCoy, William McKelvey, Sullivan K. McKain, D. A. Mc- Williams, John P. Nogler, Peter Nogler, John Ogelsby, Samuel R. Osborn, John L. Perry, Andrew J. Phipps, Harrison Pope. Wellington W. Pope, George C. Richards, Thomas Rock, Samuel R. Russell, David H. Rysor, Washington Richards, Patterson Sankey, Absalom Shuler, Benjamin Stover, Robert Shorts, John G. Sutton, William C. Sutton, Abram W. Shorts, M. Strawhacker, Jesse Sarver, Robert S. Sarver, John P. Say, Wilson Swetzer, Jackson Shipps, Alexander Thompson, James Thompson. Lafayette B. Varner, David H. Varner, John Varner, Richard M. Walter, John S. Wil- THE CIVIL WAR. 291 son, Clark White, Samuel R. Weston, Eli Williams, Alexander Witlierup, John Withernp, David A. Witlierup, Thomas Witherup, Henry H. Wilson, Sharpless C. Wise, John B. Woodling, Albert V. Weed, Peter Walters, Israel S. Yard. Company L. — Captains: Alender S. Duncan, William B. Mays, John P. Barr. First lieutenant, Henry S. Bickel. Second lieutenants: John B. Maitland, George W. Wilson, Abner J. Pryer. Sergeants: Henry H. Lusher, Andi-ew J. Sollinger, James D. Troutner, John Donaldson, Jonathan S. Roberts, Sylvester Brandon, Samuel F. Karns, William Gr. Sheppard, John B. Snyder, Sylvester Porter, John Hughes, Augustus F. Loles. Corporals: Charles E. Nugent, Francis ^V. Bowen, Peter J. Richey, Richard Conway, George H. Porter, Robert B. Crawford, Harvey Christy. Andrew J. Davis, Jonathan Gloss, John Huston, William A. Seaton, Earl B. French, Samuel N. King, James G. Hamilton, John M. Hilbert, Solo mon C. Heckathorn, Alpheus Mays. Buglers: Thomas J. Henderson, William J. Gibbons. Blacksmiths: Daniel Sullinger, Dominick Scott. Farriers: Andrew J. Turk, Jackson Hanly. Privates: Joseph A. Alters, John W. And&rson, Stephen Burgwin, Edward Burgwin, Thomas Brandon, James Bryer, Bernard Burns, Isaac Bears, Samuel Bickel, AVilliam G. Bishop. Daniel J. Brown, Frank W\ Beatie, Charles H. Bates, Thomas Burns, Robert Cain, Albertus Coons, William J. Calighan, George W. Carney, Thomas M. Christy, Clinton Col- lingwood, Charles Coop, Peter O. Conver, Andrew J. Caroer, Eli Carner, Thomas L. Curry, Alexander Curtis, William Campbell, David AV. David- son, Andrew H. Downing, Thomas Davis, John Drach, AVilliam H. Dill, Jacob Eckelbarger, James Estes, Liberty Estes, John Eckelbarger, James H. Fulton, Franklin Flowers, Daniel Ferdan, Anthony Frankhauser, Robert Fowler, Barney Fogle, M. M. Freeborn, John B. Gailey, Cyrus Gardner, John W.. Gilger, Garrett Griffin, James Gates, David Howell, Simon P. Hughs, John Hagan, Frederick Hoover, James Hyndman, Sam- uel E. Holdridge, R. A. Hutchinson, Allen S. Jolly, James Jones, John Johnson, John Kellerman, John Kerr, Charles S. King, Michael Kelly, J. H. Louderbough, Jacob G. Lusher, John P. Maitland, George W. Moore, Philander Mays, John Montgomery, John S. Mossman, John Miller, Thomas Morgan. AVilliam Manson, Larimer Mays, AVilliams H. Moore, James Myers, John McCormick, James McMillen, John McTiernan, Thomas Mc- Kain, John McKelvey, Joseph McMullen, Marcus McCurdy, Andrew Mc- Millen, George AV. McCoy, Henry Neely, AVilliam Nowlder, Henry Ochs, John Oldham, Samuel Payne, Samuel AV. Pryer, John F. Pryer, AVilliam 292 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. C. Pryer, Thomas A. Parker, John W. Pryer, Robert R. Pike, Octavius A. Russell, John P. Rollins, John W. Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Edward Rice, John W. Reno, John T. Ritter, William Ruhe, Patrick Ryan, Samuel C. Reynolds, John Roberts, William C. Sullinger, James C. Sullinger, Adam Stroup, Michael Sowers, Eliel C. Spencer, John M. Snyder, Jacob Stein- bright, John Snyder, John S. Smith, John Stump, Jacob Sipe, Edward Stroup, George Sheffer, Israel A. Straub, John Seibert, George Tenant, Abraham S. Taylor, James Thorp, Joseph Vosler, Jeremiah D. Went- worth, Samuel R. Walker, P. Zimmerman, F. Zimmerman. SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT — FIFTH CAVALRY. The Fifth Cavalry was at first known as the Cameron Dragoons and was among the first of the three-years' regiments raised. There were ten com- panies from Philadelphia and two from the western part of the state, one of which was partially recruited in Venango county. The following were the field officers: Colonel, Max Friedman; lieutenant colonel, Philip Becker; majors: J. L. Moss, Stephen E. Smith, and E. M. Boteler. During the year 1862 the Fifth was principally engaged in scouting in the rear of the army during the Peninsula campaign, and on the north side of York river. In January, 1S()3, it was transported from Yorktown to West Point and marched in the direction of Indiantown, intercepting and captur- ing a valuable baggage train of the enemy. After a comparatively quiet summer, during which a large number of the men were in hospitals, a bat- talion composed of five companies was sent to the Dismal swamp region in September, part of which advanced into North Carolina. In 1864 the regi- ment participated in the raid upon the Weldon and Richmond and Danville railroads; in the summer, having joined General Butler's forces, it was en- gaged in an assault upon the defenses of Petersburg, and after the union of the cavalry divisions of Generals Kautz and Wilson, started upon what is familiarly known as Wilson's raid, sustaining a loss of three hundred men, half its effective force, in an engagement with General Longstreet on the 28th of July. A similar depletion in its ranks occurred on the 7th of Oc- tober when the division, led by General Kautz, was eng.^ged with a greatly superior force under Longstreet and Pickett. On the 10th of December Longstreet' s corps was again the aggressor at Charles City Road, and was repulsed with loss. The regiment continued on picket duty at that place until March 25, 1865; it took part in the maneuvers immediately prior to Lee's surrender and was finally mustered out, three hundred and thirty-one officers and men, on the 19th of May, and the remainder on the 7th of August. Compmiy ill, composed of the following officers and privates, was re- cruited in Venango and Allegheny counties: Captains: Anderson Faith, John P. Wenzel, G. S. L. Ward. THE CIYIL WAR. 293 First lieutenants: George J. Kerr, Thomas Little, Frank C. Grugan. Second lieutenants: Walter H. Fitten, Wilson E. Davis, Calvin D. Ludwig. Sergeants: William McGinnis, William Bothwell, Edward Bailey, James Bennett, James B. Jennings, Hugh McClory, Patrick Ford, llobert Russell, Patrick Carlin, John L. Burrows, William Mendenhall, Martin Maher, Joseph McClellan, Uriah Patterson, William J. Andre, Silas C. Hough. Corporals: George Latch, Francis McCaffrey, Joseph Devlin, David Phillips, Charles Denight, Joseph Martin, John O'Neill, David W. Parker, John Fisher, Herman Hagemiller, Henry Bohder, Henry Steltz, Edward Hoffman, George Levis, John Winkleman, F. Huldenwrenter, George M. Koons, R. H. Anderson. Bugler, Harvey M. Reno. Artificer, Cyrus E. Reagle. Blacksmith, Dennis Dorris. Farrier, James Hickey. Privates: Leonard C. Adams, Josiah Abbott, Stephen C. Albright. Jere- miah Albert, Joseph Arker, Hiram Abbott, Samuel Albei't, Thomas Bailey, John Barnes, John W. Baker, Daniel W. Bohanan, Frederick Bush, Thomas Broomall, John A. Boyd, David H. Bronson, George H. Bartle, Jacob Bickle, Zephaniah Benz, Ferdinand Benz, Milton Brame, Adam Brinker, Joseph Bowers, Edward Brady. Dennis Boyce, James M. Brady, Charles Beeser,. William Berlin, Christian L. Beck, Alexander Cameron, William H. Coates,. George C. Croffutt. Peter F. Campbell, Joseph Coughlin, Daniel Culver,. John Connor, James Curry, George Clift, Samuel Caldwell, Morris Collins, Edward Coyle, Patrick Cassiday, Henry Crist, James J. Cooper, John Day. James Doody, Alexander Dailey, William Davis, John Donahue, Joshua Davis, Josei:)h Donovan, Albert Denver, George M. Dever, Andrew David- son, Daniel Dull, Charles W. Dreibelbis, Matthew Dolan, Henry M. Ellis, Henry J. Eckenrod, John Evans, Charles Egenchyller, William Fessler, Samuel H. Fenton, John Funk, Alexander Flynn, David S. Foreman, Har- rison Fiedler, August Fraca, Patrick Gorman, Michael Gainer, Miles Gross, John Gallagher, William Green, George Harrison, Louis Hendervine, Will- iam Hook, David C. Henk, John D. Hetsler, Morris Helmes, Michael Hunt, Lewis Howard, William Hoffman, George W. Hemphill, George Hunter, H. Humelbaugh, John Johnson, Edwin Johnston, Samuel Kennedy, Stephen Kearney, James F. Keating, William Kirkwood, Gottlieb Kafer, John Knap- ler, John Keblinger, Rudolph Kelker, John Lehry, William Leyrer, Samuel Levy, Francis S. Long, Alexander Lutz, Charles Leip, Samuel Lever, Fred- erick Lenegan, James S. Moore, Henry M. Money, John Monaghan, ^^'ill- iam Magee, Thomas C. Mason, Archibald Murphy, John Martin, John More- head, Jonas Mull, Matthew Manees, Adam Miller, John Marks, A\'illiam Moore, William Marker, Henry Magee, Andrew C. Mott, Bartholomew Maier> 294 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Andrew McGinnis, Patrick McHugh, James McAvoy, John McNeill, Philip McCue, Michael McKenna, Peter McGue, Alexander McGhee, John B. Mc- Cormick, Bernard McBride, Philip M. Norbeck, F. Nonnamaker, Charles Newkirk, William Openshaw, John Orr, Dennis O'Donnel, James A. Price, Richard Peel, Samuel Pinkerton, John Porter. James R. Porterfield, Michael Quinn, Larissa Romeo, George Reed, S. J. Reno, Josiah Rndderow, John S. Reichard, Andrew Reid, Robert Rankin, James Ross, George Reicht, James M. Shoop, William H. SufPern, Albert R. Sipe. Joseph Salm, Charles Sterling, John Smith, James Skiffington, William Showalter, Charles Seip, Heni-y Stork, Owen Smith, Isaac Shaffer, Francis M. Showers, Henry Seip, A. H. Sullinger, James AV. Showers, Thomas Shinkle, W. J. Stewart, Charles W. Shaner, J. S. Showalter, Lawrence Stafford, James B. Sample, William Shaffer, Charles Shaffer, Washington Shaffer, Richard Schultz, William Shirk, George Thompson, Thomas Tobin, William Tomlinson, Robert Tay- lor, Amandus Voight, Andrew Weidle, David H. Williams, Charles Weiss, James Williams, George AVood, Joseph Wunder, Charles G. Woodruff, Frank AVhite, David AVhitmoyer, John AVhite. Robert Wilson, John AVeaver, Charles AA^allace, Charles AVolston, James AValker, Amos AValker, Frederick AVetteran, Joseph Zeigler. ONE HUNDEEI) AND THIRD REGIMENT. This regiment was recruited in the western part of the state, and organ- ized at Harrisburg by the choice of the following officers: Theodore F. Leh- mann, colonel; AA^ilson C. Maxwell, lieutenant colonel; Audley AV. Gazzam, major. Its first military service occurred in the month of April, 18(32, at the siege of Yorktown. At the battle of Fair Oaks its loss was eighty-four killed and wounded; it was not engaged to any extent in the Seven Days' battles, but at the close of the Peninsula campaign had lost, by casualities and sickness, nearly half its original strengh. It was separated from the Army of the Potomac at that time and transported to Norfolk, whence, in December, it proceeded to Newbern, North Carolina, and joined General Foster's expedition into the interior. At its conclusion the regiment went into barracks on the Neuse river, and for a brief period enjoyed the pleasant features of military life, the prelude, unfortunately, of the worst horrors of war. AA'essells' brigade, to which the One Hundred and Third was attached, was .ordered to Plymouth, at which place General Wessells established his headquarters as commander of the district of the Albemarle. Fortifications were erected, but almost before their completion the place was invested by a force of fifteen thousand men under General Hoke, while the ram Albemarle wrought havoc among the Union shipping. On the 20th of April, 1804, the Union forces surrendered. This regiment numbered at the time about four hundred, rank and file; the wounded were left at Plymouth in charge of the enemy; the officers were sent to Macon, Georgia, and the privates to Ander- THE CIVIL WAR. 295 soiivillo, where one hundred and thirty-two died whik^ in confinement. One com])any had been on Roanoke ishmd at the time of tlie surrender, which, with a few men who were absent at the time, was still known as the One Hundred and Tliird regiment. The command was linally mustered out of service at Newbern June 25, 1805, bat eighty -one of the original men being then pi'esent. Company B was recruited in Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, and Venango counties. The roster was as follows: Captains: George W. Gillespie, Joseph Kodgers, Daniel L. Coe. First lieutenant, Solomon Barnhart. Second lieutenant, George W. Stoke. Sergeants: William T. Bair, Thomas Hart, C. M. Rumbaugh, Daniel L. Rankin, S. M. Criswell, Cyrus K. McKee, Robert M. Crawford. Corporals: George Waterson, Isaac Shakely, John S. McElhaney, Sam- uel J. Gibson, Isaac Schwartzlander, James H. Crawford, James M. Carson, William Harrison, Thomas Hayes. Musicians: Andrew Rogers, Harrison W. Coe. Privates: Abram Adams, Augustus Abel, Robert Barr, James Brenne- man, Henry L. Benninger, John B. Bish, Reuben Burford, Matthias C. Beamer, Owen Boyle, L. A. Brenneman, Isaac Barnhart, William Burford, Alfred Campbell, John A. Crawford, Benjamin F. Coe, Alexander Craig, James Cumberland, Joshua A. Campbell, James T. Day, David Dovenspeck, Thomas J. Devenny, Alexander Dunlap, Barnt?;^' Deany, John P. Erwin, Michael C. Eminger, Lorenzo W. Frantz, John Foster, Gideon W. Gibson, Samuel Granville, John A. Gibson, Stewart Gilchrist, Hezekiah Hayes, Peter Hilliard, J ackson Hilliard, Robert Harper, Ephraim Hankey, John B. Hankey, Robert Hayes, Simon Hile, John M. Hayes, John L. Hile, David W^ Jordan, Alexander C. Jackson, John M. Jones, Andrew Judson, William Kennedy, Richard Kelley, William D. Keefer, Aaron Lang, H. Montgom- ery, Matthew J. McCay, Joseph McCay, Harvey B. McClure, Thomas L. McClure, Robert McCleary, Wesley McCool, Joseph Neuton, Conrad Pet- zinger, William Penburthy, Orrin Payne, William G. Pierce, Samuel Pool, Joseph Rumbaugh, James Rankin, Nehemiah Reeser, Benjamin Rankin, William Reese, Jacob Reese, Alexander Regus, Henry Regus. Hamilton Robb, James Ritchey, David Ross, S. G. Rosansteel, John Sweet, John Sowers, Joseph Sowers, Uriah Sloan, Abram Snyder, Albert W. Smith, Abram W^. Smith, George W. Shakely, James Sweet, Henry C. Shakely, Nicholas Snow, S. S. Sanderson, Matthew Sherlock, Daniel K. Shakely, James Shields, Presley Sloan, William Sowers. John Scharem, Charles M. Truby, Michael White, William D. Woodruff, David Walley, James W'olft, Peter W^illiams. 296 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGIMENT. The field officers of this regiment chosen at its organization were Amor A. McKnight, colonel; W. W. Corbett, lieutenant colonel; M. M. Dick, major. It was on fatigue and picket duty at the siege of Yorktown and throughout the Peninsula campaign, and so frequently and severely engaged and suffered so much from sickness that upon its arrival at Harrison's Landing it scarcely numbered one hundred, rank and tile. At the close of Pope's campaign, in which it received special commendatory mention from General Kearny in his report of the battle of Bull Kun, the division to which it was attached was ordered into the defenses of Washington, where it remained until after the battle of Antietam. It suffered some loss at Fredericksburg; at Chancellorsville out of twenty-seven officers and three hundred and twenty men who went into action, seventy-seven were killed, wounded or missing; the similar aggregate at the battle of Gettysburg was one hundred and sixty-eight, and at the Wilderness in May, 1864, one hun- dred and seventy. In the summer and autumn of that year it participated in the operations against Petersburg and in the raid upon the Weldon rail- road, continuing in active service during the spring of 1865. It marched in the grand review at Washington on the 23rd of June and was mustered out on the 11th of July. Company F was recuited in Clearfield, Indiana, and Venango counties. The roster was as follows: C;iptains: Robert Kirk, John Daugherty, William Kimple. First lieutenants : James B. Geggie, Henry P. McKillip . Second lieutenants: David Ratcliff, Ezra B. Baird. Ogg Niel. Sergeants: William T. Stewart, Jacob L. Smith, Lewis Findley, Will- iam W. Hazlett, John M. Brewer, Samuel H. Pound, Robert Doty, John W. Smith, Samuel Harrison, John Hendricks, Elijah Pantall, Jonathan Briudle. Corporals: Luke Loomis, Jr., Andrew Douglass, Joshua Pearce, Joseph Taylor, William H. Hazlett. John N. Means, Charles B. Gill, John W. Lynn, Lewis D. Ensinger, Ira F. Mott, George R. Hall, George W. Mc- Fadden, Thomas Niel, Irwin R. Nicodemus, James Randolph, George W. Randolph, John N. Vanhorn, Peter Wheelan, George W. Campbell. Privates: William H. H. Anthony, Jonathan Ayres, James D. Anthony. Thomas S. Anderson, James Aul, William W. Brillhart, John W. Bryant, John H. Bush, Jacob L. Bee, John W. Brooks, Charles Berry, James Buher, James Crock. James Crawford, John Carr, Samuel Cochran, John Cupler, William A. Chambers, Perry C. Cupler, Michael Dolan, William W. Dixon, Peter Depp, Henry H. Depp, Peter Dalton, Thomas Dailey, Patrick Delany, Philip B. Depp, John P. Drum, James Dunn, Jonathan Doty, Samuel Edwards, ChaunceyA. Ellis, John M. Fleming, Albert Foltz, Will- THE CIVIL WAE. 297 4 iaru Fitzgerald, Samuel Fry, John F. Fuliuer, Samuel D. Fulmer, Stephen Gleeson, George Gossor, James Gallagher, Joseph Graham, Anthony A. Gallagher, Thomas S. Guiles, Henry A. L. Girts, Jonathan Himes, William S. Hendricks, Isaac Hendricks, Joseph Hill, Alonzo Hemstreat, George W. Hoover, Benjamin B. Hall, John Hare, James Hopkins, Thomas Hombs, H. H. Hollowell, Simon D. Hugus, John C. Hollowell, Thomas M.*Hauck, Edward Hogan, George W. Hollowell, Samuel Hannah, George K. Hoover, JohnD. Jewell, Jackson Jones, Daniel Johnson, James A. Johnston, Robert J. Jewett, James Jenkins, Amos S. Knauer, Harrison Kelty, Charles Klef- fer, John Kelly, John Kelly, Jacob Kurtz, Thomas Kennan, Robert S. Laughry, Levi S. Lust, Nicholas Lutcher, Charles Lyle, John Myer, Edward Mingus, George R. Moyer, Garret P. Mattis, Peter Morgan, William Maun, Scott Mitchell, William C. Martin, George W. Maynard, George Moore, John Miller, James A. Minish, James McCarty, Robert McMannes, Michael McDonnell, Thomas McFadden, John McKean, Samuel A. McGhee, William T. Niel, Thomas Orr, William O' Brian, Matthew O'Donnell, Charles W. O'Niel, James O'Brien, Thomas O'Brickle, Charles Parry, David R. Porter, James R. Pounds, Jackson Piper, Adam Ritz, Enos Ratzel, Amos Redky, Jacob Reel, John Riley, Peter Rourke, Irwin Robinson, James W. Shafer, Isaac Smith, George Shields, John Schmidt, Asher A. Sellers, John Serv- ice, David Simpson, Charles Smouse, David L. Simpson, Samuel Steven- son, Lewis Stern, James S. Smith, David Sullivan, Andrew J. Smith, Henry Shaffer, Peter C. Spencer, John Stewart^ David C. Simpson, Daniel Tallman, Sterling M. Thomas, Peter Vanoligan, John Vorece, Samuel W. Walker, Isaac Wray, Newton Wilson, Moses White, Conrad Wolf, Henry Wimmer, John Williams, William H. Wilson, Albert C. Wheeler, David Willard, John P. Williamson, Joseph White, Ferdinand Wagner, David K. Williams, George W. Young. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT. The regimental organization of the One Hundred and Twenty-First was effected at the camp of rendezvous near Chestnut Hill, Philadel})hia, with the following field officers: Colonel, Chapman Biddle of Philadelphia; lieu- tenant colonel, Elisha W. Davis of Venango county; major, Alexander Biddle of Philadelphia. This was in September, 1862; in the following month the regiment joined General Meade's division, which moved southward through Virginia, but had no experience in fighting until it entered upon the Fred- ericksburg campaign, with the exception of slight skirmishing. The loss, chiefly sustained in the action at Fredericksburg, was one hundred and eighty, and at its close the regiment went into winter quarters at Belle Plain. The spring of 1863 oj^ened with the march to Chancellorsville, and although much worn by fatiguing duty during this campaign, it suffered but slight loss. On the first day of the battle of Gettysburg it marched at the head of 298 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. its brigade, and was engaged in the severe fighting with which that conflict began, sustaining a loss of one hundred and seventy- nine out of a total of two hundred and sixty-three who entered the engagement, more than sixty- five per cent. After the battle the army returned to Virginia. This regi- ment did not participate in any movement of importance until May, 18(34, when the Wilderness campaign occurred, in which it met the enemy in force on several occasions and performed a variety of difficult and hazardous ma- neuvers. In the autumn of that year it bore an important part in a raid upon the Weldon railroad; on the 1st of October it was attacked at Peeble's Farm by an overwhelming force of the enemy and nearly half its nr.mbers were captured. But four commissioned officers and eighty-five enlisted men re- ported for duty the following day. The winter of 1804-65 was spent in camp with the brigade, which engaged in another expedition for the destruction of the Weldon railroad in December, and in February advanced to Hatcher's Run. It was at the front in the final movements upon the enemy's position, and after the surrender of Lee performed guard duty at Appomattox Court House while the Confederate troops were being paroled. It was mustered out of service at Arlington Heights on the 2nd of June, 1865. There were two companies anct part of a third from this county, with the following rosters: Company A. — Captains: George E. Ridgway, James S. Warner, Henry H. Herpst. First lieutenants: George W. Brickley, Philander R. Gray, John M. Bingham. Sergeants: William H. Potter. William Beck, Julius A. Dunham, Eman- uel Widle, Charles G. Connely, Dennis D. Moriarty, Alexander McDowell, William G. Dickey, Francis H. Hilliard. Corporals: Jonathan W. Brink, Samuel Fair, Henry Aten, John B. Allender, Jacob Allebach, John Burns, Henry A. Cornwell, Aaron H. Har- rison, Solomon S. Engle. Privates: John Aten, Moore Bridges, Benjamin F. Baldwin, James D. Black, Warren J. Brink, George W. Barnes, James B. Brown, William J. Bingham, James Bailey, Nathaniel Brink, Orin S. Babcock, Calvin D. Bingham, Abraham L. Cosway, Samuel G. Crawford, William J. Connely, John R. Donnelly, James F. Dawson, Philip H. Dillin, Garrett De Mill, William M. Dewoody, William R. Dawson, Sylvester L. Dunham, Thomas W. Eaton, Thomas Fair, Augustus M. Funk, Moses Funk, Andrew J. Gibbons, Jacob Gibbons, Francis Gray, W. W. Gilliland, Levi Grimm, Henry E. Ginter, George Hesler, Joseph B. Hart, Daniel Hoxworth, John F. Hughes, Sid- ney Heckert, Solomon D. Hughes, James W. Ingham, Ebenezer H. James, Joseph Kellerman, William H. Kelly, John E. Lapsley, Owen Lyons, Chambers Lawrence. Henry H. Mull, Jesse M. Manson, George R. Morris, Thomas A. Morrison, John B. Manson, James P. Manson, Alexander Mc- THE CIYIL WAR. 299 Kinley, Prior McMurray, William A. McKenzie, AVilliam McKenzie, John McCool, Israel T. Phelps, Almiron Parker, David E. Perry, Newton B. Eiddle, A. Khodabarger, Kobort B. Bodgers, Frauklin F. Sands, William M. Stover, George Shawgo, George Shingledecker, John B. Shaner, W. A. Shingled ecker, Henry D. Shaner, George Savage, Al})heiis W. Scott, John H. Stroop, T. C. Shelmadine, Nicholas Thompson, David W. Tripp, David O. Tyrrell, Joel C. Usher, Jonathan Wygant, John Wygant, James Withneck, Henry D. Weaver, William C. Waits. Company E. — The following men from Venango county were in this company: First lieutenant, George W. Plnmer. Sergeants: Eichard A. Dempsey, Daniel H. Weikal, John Stevenson. Corporal, K. A. Lebentaler. Musician, Merrick Davidson. Privates: James Adams, William K. Curtis, Robert J. Green, James McClintock, William Naylor, John W. Tyrrell, Elias Shaffer, John Shaffer, Jr., Abraham Sahm, Washington Tarr, Alonzo Smith, Oscar Fisher. Company F. — Captains: John M. Clai:)p, Nathaniel Lang. First lieutenants: Joseph K. Byers, Daniel B. Levier. Second lieutenant, Charles H. Raymond. Sergeants: James Davison, Henry Wise, John Elliott, Samuel T. Bor- land, Solomon Rugh, Nathaniel Kahl, Thomas Service. Corporals: Alfred Kech, Augustus I. Glass, Charles Nunemaker, John W. Smiley, Abraham Heckathorn, Blair C. Hood, James Karns, Jeremiah Johnson, Jr., John Phipps, Jacob Shawkey, Joseph Weaver. Musicians: Elias Harman, Alvey C. Amon. Privates: John W. Adams, Henry B. Anderson, W. S. Anderson, Solo- mon Albaugh, John B. Bell, Henry Borts, William Bell, Dallas Baily, James R. Bell, Daniel Bly, Jr., Abraham Carbaugh, George W. Confer, James A. Clark, John S. Culbertson, David Cribbs, William Douglass. James J. Doug- lass, Jacob G. Downey, George Douglass, Edward M. Dowling, Samuel J. Dodd, Hiram M. Dale, Henry Frain, Isaac W. Fry, Samuel W. Farmer, Ernest E. Fichte, David W. Farmer, Frederick Glass, Charles Heckathorn, William A. Hopkins, Quimby C. Hall, James H. Heckathorn, Adam Har- man, Samuel M. Hays, William P. Hays, William Hawn, Henry Karns, Henry Keely, Amos C. King, Jacob M. Keifer, William Kennedy, Cyrus R. Levier, Peter W. Mohney, John Meyers, Daniel Moran, Solomon Mc- Bride, T. B. H. McPherson, William Nellis, Daniel Persing, John W. Ray, Robert Reese, B. D. Robinson, James R. Ray, John Sager, Samuel Stewart, John H. Stoke, John Stone, Alfred Say, Daniel Swaney, William H. Slon- aker, Reuben Swab, Simon P. Swab, Leslie L. Say, John Saulsgiver, Oba- diah Simpson, George A. Showens, John F. Tucker, Wesley Q. Tucker, Chester W. Tallman, John S. Wilson, Samuel P. W^eaver. 300 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- SECOND REGIMENT. The organization of this regiment occurred at Camp Curtin, September 1, 1862, resulting in the choice of Robert P. Cummins of Somerset county, colonel: Alfred B. McCalmont, of Venango county, lieutenant colonel; John Bradley, of Luzerne county, major. On the following day it was ordered to Washington, where it was employed in the construction of Fort Stevens; in October it was assigned by General Meade to the Second brigade and Third division of the First corps. On the 13th of December, 1862, two hun- dred and fifty men were killed within the space of one hour at Fredericks- burg, out of five hundred and fifty who had entered that engagement. In February, 1863, the Reserves were transferred to the defenses of Washing- ton where they remained until Ai)ril 27th, when the One Hundred and Forty- Second moved from camp with a corps that had been ordered to make a diversion in favor of Hooker. It was thus not actively engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville. At Gettysburg, where its hardest fighting was done on the first day of the battle, the aggregate loss was two hundred and twenty- five. Within a month the two armies were facing each other on opi^osite banks of the Rappahannock; but nothing of importance in which this regi- ment was concerned occurred until May of the following year, when the Wil- derness campaign engaged its energies. It also bore a part in the operations against Petersburg and in the destruction of the Weldon railroad, in the summer and autumn of 1864. Its last severe fighting occurred at Five Forks, April 1, 1865. After an uneventful period of two months it was mustered out of service May 29, 1865, near Washington. Company I, originally known as the Petroleum Guards, was recruited chiefly at Oil City, and was the only distinct organization that left that place during the war. The original officers were Alfred B. McCalmont, captain; William H. Hasson, first lieutenant, and Charles E. Houston, sec- ond lieutenant. The citizens of Oil City gave the company a reception on the 25th of August, 1862; swords were presented Captain McCalmont and Lieutenant Hasson, and a copy of the Bible to each member of the company. Dinner was served on the South Side. The next day they were transported in wagons to Franklin, where similar hospitalities were extended, and pro- ceeded in that manner to Enon station, whence they departed for Harris- burg, arriving at Camp Curtin on the 27th of August. The following is a roster of the company: Captains: William Hasson, George R. Snowden, Cyrus H. Culver. First lieutenant, William H. Rhodes. Second lieutenant, Charles E. Huston. Sergeants: Oliver P. Young, Abram S. Prather, Thomas Hoge, Conrad Heasley, James K. Elliott, Loren M. Fulton, Johnson W. Carr, Wilson Camp, William Reynolds. THE CIVIL WAR. 301 Corporals: Jesse B. Mooro, George M. Winger, Charles Holbrook, Joshua Foster, John A. Wilcox, William Gorman, David S. Keep, Artemus Hollis. Daniel Weaver. Musician, John G. McLane. Privates: George_Best, Henry H. Bogue, Samuel Brown, Martin Bookster, Phillip Bartlebaugh, William Bower, Wesley H. Burgwin, Eli Beatty, James Bower, Israel B. Brown, Fiobert Craig, George W. Corbin, David Coldrew, Frank W. Chesley, Joseph H. Coburn, Samuel J. Colburn, Peter Demsey, Kichard Davis, John Ducket, Jacob Dilmore, Daniel Downing, Eli Egal, William K. Findley, Daniel H. Finch, Herman Gunderman, Simon Gross- man, John Gibbons, Philip M. Hatch, James Hill, John W. Hogue, John E. Hogue, David James, W. W. Jennings, Samuel Kelly, Wilson Kennedy, Charles E. Keep. Jacob F. Little, William Laney, James F. Lamb, David Lee, George R. Lockwood, Henry Mellin, Patrick Moran, G. W. Matthews, Samuel Morrison, Adrian G. Manville, Boint McCray, Andrew McCray, James McLane, H. R. McCalmont, Daniel McNaughton, J. G. L. Nyman, L. F. Nicklin, Samuel Ray, John Robinson, Henry Strohman, John Shiffer, John Stiner, Hugh Shaw, J(iseph B. Shirley, Owen Slamon, Joseph Small, William J. SherifiF, John W. Sharpnack, James W. Shaw, Jacob A. Shirley, Adam Siverline, W. W. Shelmadine, A. V. Turner, William West, Marcus Wesner, Jeremiah Walden, W. G. Wadsworth, George P. Webber, Josiah Wilcox, William B. Wesner, Jacob Yockey. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIRST REGIMENT — SIXTEENTH CAVALRY. The Sixteenth Cavalry organized with the following field officers: Colo- nel, John Irwin Gregg; lieutenant colonel, Lorenzo D. Rodgers, of Ve- nango county; majors: William A. West, William H. Fry, and John Stroup. This occurred November 18, 1862, and during the following winter it was encamped at Bladensburg, Maryland, until January 3, 1803, when it pro- ceeded to the front and was assigned to guard duty at the right flank of the army on the left bank of the Rappahannock. At Gettysburg Gregg' s brig- ade, to which the Sixteenth had been assigned, was in position on the ex- treme right of the Union army ; it was partially engaged during the day and evening of July 2nd and during the whole of the 3rd, sustaining a loss of two killed and a few wounded. The cavalry was put in pursuit of the re- treating army on the 5th and frequent encounters occurred. The scene of action changed to Virginia again and throughout the autumn the regiment was frequently engaged in skirmishes with the enemy. In December it formed part of an expedition for the destruction of factories and munitions of war at Luray in the Shenandoah valley. The principal events of the spring campaign of 1864 were the encounters of May 6th to 12th and the engagment of June 25th; the former occurred about and within the outer defenses of Richmond, and the latter, in which Gregg's division successfully withstood prolonged attack from a largely superior force, was especially 302 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY, importaDt as he had a convoy of eight hundred wagons in charge Later in the same year the regiment took part in several raids for the destruction of the Weldon raih'oad. It broke camp at Hancock's station February 6, 1865, and was engaged in the final movements about Five Points and Din- widdle Court House. After Lee's surrender it returned to Petersburg, but was soon afterward led to the North Carolina border to the support of Sherman. After the close of hostilities it was stationed at Lynchburg for a time and at length mustered out of service at Richmond on the 7th of August, 1865. Venango county was represented in two companies of this regiment, of which the rosters were as follows : Company A. — Captains: Seth T. Kennedy, Joshua M. Carey, Robert W. McDowell. First lieutenants: Robert H. Atkinson, Charles H. Kiiox, Irving W. Billings, Edmund Dunn. Second lieutenants: William T. Kennedy, Brewer D. Polley, George D. Beecher. , Sergeants: Adolphus R. Baker, William Rogsell, Daniel Stauffer, Lyman H. Lewis, James L. Smith, Simon F. Barr, George C. Menning, Samuel L. Brown, Cyrus C. Marsh, John W. Lewis, George W. Annie, Henry M. Gard- ner, Nicholas Dick, Marvin B. Lyman, Michael Ziester, William M. Frear, Austin Turck. Corporals: Jacob F. Mauk, Robert Foster, David S. Barr, John W. Barr, W. H. H. Morton, John Stoops, William Ley, Thomas Bowel, John Colvin, J. D. Lancaster, Henry Holliday, Sylvester M. Benn, Cornelius Ryan, Maxwell E. Fulton, John Rossman, William N. Decker, William A. Wright, John Seamans, "Whitney Briggs, Josiah M. Demand, Martin V. Townsend. Buglers: Philip A. Carr, Samviel Shaffer, Edward S. Albee. Blacksmiths: Benjamin Davis, Robert Enis, Judson A. Aumick, Henry Sumner. Saddlers: Samuel G. Fulmer, Richard A. Charles. Privates: Lewis Andrews, Thomas J. Archer, John Anderson, Alfred Auton, Harman L. Adams, Harvey A. Aumick, Silas W. Aumick, Joseph H. Brooks, James Brown, John Bundorf, Theron S. Burgess, Freeman Barkman, James Brewer, Alpheus Barnes, William Burns, Casper Buf- flapp, Jared A. Bennett, John Busher, Leander Buttermore, Russell Burt, James Burns; Charles Burns, Charles Baker, Thomas Baker, Thomas W. Barr, Marvin Bates, George Buck, James Briscoe, Ellis Bedford, Caleb Britton, Nelson E. Coates, John W. Chapins, George B. Craft, James L. Cook, Charles G. Campbell, Benjamin L. Cook, William W. Cook, Edward Claffrey, William Clark, Osborne Cooley, Henry Davis, Alonzo Day, Ben- jamin Dick, Jeremiah Duff, Ira E. Davis, Henry W. Decker, James P. Dymond, John Eutsey, Jacob Eutsey, Amos Edick, Andrew Eldercan, THE CIVIL WAR. 305 William Everts, Gotleib Foss, James Fleming, Joliu Fulton, Isaac P. Foster, George M. Forrer, Harry H. Faulkner, Homer B. Ferry, MHthew Flanagan, Henry Grimm, John L. Griffin, James Gil)son. John K. Grim, Joseph Grim, Harry V. Greenlee, George Galbreath, C. Hendricks, S. Higgenbotham, Francis M. Hickson, S. Hendricks, T. E. Houser, William Honser, John H. Hubler, John Hurley, Charles B. Hickox, G. W. Hunter, Thomas C. Hodnot, Moses Irely. Benjamin F. Johnston, Henry Johnston, E. Johnston, William Kelley, J. Knickerbocker, Jacob Kessler, V. L. Keltz, John W. Kelley, Samuel Kieffer, David P. Kelley, Newton Kuhns, Joseph P. Love, George W. Lengel, David Levy, Eobert Lytle, Lafayette Leeland, Joseph Laughrey, William S. Lane, Samuel Myers, William H. Maroney, W. H. Merkle, Michael Mease, Samuel Moore, Franklin Moore, Frederick Martin, John Martin, James May, Henry Munsloe, William Moore, William J. Miles, Lewis A. Mulnie, Francis Murry, Michael Madden, John McMannis, Joseph McMannis, L. J. McClintock, Charles Nelson, Frank W. Orcutt, Henry M. Osborne, Levi Paddock, H. C. Pinkerton, Charles Phillippi, S. S. Porter, Alfred N. Patterson, Jacob B. Plumley, John F. Phillips, Otis Phelps, William R. Pillow, E. Pickering, George W. Parks, Richard P. Page, Jacob Richter, George Reed, David Rader, William Robertson, Henry D. Reece, James H. Ramsey, Samuel Rhodabarger, Alonzo Randolph, Robert C. Riggin, Daniel Riser, J. S. Ramsey, Philip D. Reynolds, Thomas Reed, Richard J. Reese, Samuel W. Swartz, Alfred M. Saylor, Leonard D. Shaffer, John W. Stauffer, Cyrus S. Stauffer, Smith Stau'ffer, Robert Shields, Pat- rick Sullivan, Lewis C. Shartel, Dexter Spalding, William Sheets, George A. Shulei-, Joseph L. Shrives, Christian Swartz, Jacob C. Smith, George Seighman, John Shou.p, Samuel Shoup, Nelson Shufelt, Amzi Stauffer, Joseph B. Saylor, Thomas Sullivan, Ashbel Smith, U. C. Sheets, Thomas Sales, Charles H. Shippey, George Smith, Stephen Squire, Elijah S. Squire, John W. Steele, William N. Squire, John Shook, Ruben Smith, Timothy R. Stutton, H. W. Templin, George W. Townsend, Giles Townsend, Isaac Tiffany, Lyman H. Vaughn, George Winner, Milton Williams, Frank Welsh, H. E. Wadsworth, Nathan Wagoner, Robert Williams, Isaac Wimer, Joseph Wallace, W. H. Wier, W. M. Wood, Thomas S. Waters, W. \Y. Wills, John J. Wright, W. H. Wright, George W. Warner, Robert B. Wheeler, James H. Ward, William Zuver. Company E. — Captains: Loronzo D. Rodgers, Augustus H. Rush, Daniel C. Swank, Enoch H. Moore. First lieutenants: Lewis B. Brown, Russell R. Pealer, David W. Davis. Second lieutenant, I. F. Chamberlain. Sergeants: William B. Harlan, Benjamin Jeffries, George D. Jacoby, Nelson Craig, George John, John S. Kelly, John L. Lee, John McClernan, Joseph F. Hicks, Henry W. Seibert, John B. Atwell, Morris O. Conner, Benjamin F. Carnahan, John M. Lane, Marshall Wasson. 17 306 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Corporals: Adam Benner, John Morley, John Spence, Patrick Byron, William H. Bailey, Wesley Callahan. Daniel Kohler, Alfred Bowman, Rob- ert W. Davison, John W. Henderson, William C. Phipps, George W. Web- ber, Henry W. Bowman. Robert A. Thompson, Lyman H. Fowler, Samuel Chamberlin, Aaron Andreas, Daniel Wasson. Buo-lers: George L. Patterson, Robert Tipping. Blacksmiths: John S. Hoagland, William R. Hoover. Farrier, John D. Cromer. Saddlers: Richard Tobin, W^esley J. Cooper. Privates: George D. Applegarth, John R. Atwell, Peter S. Ashelman, AVilliam F. Andrews, Thomas Burns, John F. Brothers, John C. Baker, Eli Baney, Isaiah Barr, Alva Beemis, W. J. Black, R. A. Biddle, Patrick Camp- bell, Elijah Clifford, John L. Chambers, Cyrus R. Coulter, W. P. Crain, John G. Crain, Alfred T. Creveling, Jesse B. Coleman, John Campbell, F. W. Creveling, Andrew Crawford, G. Dannanhower, Isaiah Delivers, Joseph Depue, James F. Davison, James Duncan, Joel M. Dailey, George Derlin, Georo-e A. Dull, Matthias Daniels, Thomas J. Eakin, Henry Erwin, William W. Evland, A. W. Evland, Albert Fisher, Darius Fleming, John Furry, John Flowers, Gideon Fry, Joseph Fleckenstine, Edward George, Patrick Gilligan, David Grisinger, Joseph Gifford, W. O. Gibb, John Herring, AVilliam Hickey, Thomas Hainey, William Holland, AVilliam Hayes, Michael Harmon, Louis M. Haines, Michael Houser, Noah Higgins, George C. Hall, John F. Hoffman, William C. Hull, Jeremiah Horton, Daniel H. Hetler, Samuel A. Hoover, Samuel Irwin, John A. Jobson, Albert Jones, Thomas Jolly, James E. Jones, Jacob F. Knechel, Charles Kreamer, Charles Keyser, W. Ivee, J. E. Kepler, John Keicher, Jonathan Knittle, Daniel King, P. P. Kimball, Silas R. Kissner, Enoch B. Karnes, W. B. Keene, George W. Love, Samuel Lee, Samuel Lewis, Simeon L. Lockarde, James B. Logue, Alex Lindsey, James Looney, Benjamin F. Looney, Elias G. Lemmons, George W. Matthews, Dallas Myers, Laurence Marks, John Mullen, Jonas Miller, William H. Matthews, Henry Mowrey, Thomas McGettigen, Charles McFadden, Frank McGovern, John McCammon, William McElhaney. Francis A. Osborn, Joseph G. Piatt, Porter Phipps, William Phifer, Robert C. Pol- lock, James L. Porter, William Pearson, George W. Peoples, Buress Rolls, Martin Richards, Isaiah Reaver, Joseph Ryan, W. D. Ryan, D. R. Reiden- auer, Crispin Roberts, William Rhodes, James Rusk, William Roberts, James H. Roberts, Adam Sampson, Abner Smith. Charles H. Stinger, Dan- iel R. Snyder, Henry Snider, Adam Sides, John A. Sanna, William H. Say, William Say, Lyman Stewart, John Shrefiler, Daniel Smith, Amos Shoutz, Joseph G. Swank, Le Grant Spomberg, G. G. Scott, Riley Stainbrook, Philip Snider, John Staub, William Stringman, Patrick Tooley, John Taylor, Charles W. Vanover, Henry Vanhorn, Jr., Alvin Varner, Job Walford, George Williams, William Whartenby, Henry Whipple, Andrew Weitzer, Abram Witherup, George Warden, Hiram Witmoir, John H. Yaple. THE CIVIL WAR. 307 ■ The foregoing regimental sketches and company rosters have been com- piled from Bates' History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, a voluminous work and recognized authority. The histories of the different regiments have necessarily been greatly abbreviated, but rosters have been given of all the companies in which Venango county was represented to any extent. There were also a number of other regiments to which the county contrib- uted, and while details on this subject might be multiplied, it is believed that the essential particulars regarding the part taken by the county have been given. The Lamberton Guards was an organization formed in 1862 when Lee invaded Maryland and threatened Pennsylvania. The officers were William M. Epley, captain; Pinkerton, first lieutenant; and James Adams, sec- ond lieutenant. They proceeded to Harrisburg, but returned after the battle of Antietam without experiencing any actual military service. The activities of the people on behalf of the prosecution of the war were not limited to the contribution of troops. There were a number of Soldiers' Aid Societies throughout the county, and the contributions of money, hos- pital supplies, and other comforts and necessaries through these agencies represented in the aggregate a large expenditure of energy and effort. There was a Home Relief Association and a Soldiers' Aid Dime Societv at Franklin; the Soldiers' Aid Society of Plum township was organized in the autumn of 1861 and a similar association in Sugar Creek was formed in September, 1862. August 11, 1862, a public meeting was held at the court house for the purpose of raising a bounty fund for volunteers from this county, James Bleakley presiding. After addresses by Arnold Plumer, Elisha W. Davis, and others, a committee was appointed to request from the county commissioners an appropriation of fifty dollars to each volunteer. Throughout the war the commissioners contributed regularly toward the support of the families of absent soldiers; and while organized assistance was thus rendered, public benefactions were augmented by many acts of private charity. The Soldiers' Monument, erected immediately after the close of the war, expresses in enduring and appropriate form the appreciation of the county at large for the patriotic services and sacrifices of the citizens who fell * ' on the field of battle, in hospitals, and at home; who died of wounds received in battle, of sickness incurred in camp, of starvation in the hands of the enemy." The dedication occurred September 10, 1866; the survivors of the war from this county marched in a body to the park, and it is estimated that ten thousand people witnessed the ceremonies. Reverends S. J. M. Eaton, D.D., M. A. Tolman, and J. B. Lyon conducted the religious exer- cises; addresses were delivered by Doctor Eaton, Galusha A. Grow, and John S. McCalmout. The monument is situated in South park. It is inscribed with the names of four hundred soldiers, " Venango's contribu- tion to the death-roll of patriotism." 308 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTEK XX. THE PETROLEIIM DEVELOPMENT. The Dkake Well— Eakly Methods of Drilling and Transportation— The Third Sand— First Flowing Wells— Railroads and Pipe Lines — Heavy or Lubricating Oil Belt— Oil Towns — Petroleum Transportation — Mitro-Glycerine- Natural Gas— The Producer— Petroleum AND Gas Fields — Statistics. TO give, in brief yet comprehensive form, leading features of the Penn- sylvania petroleum development from the drilling of the first well, to- gether with such incidents of the early years of the same as may be con- sidered of historic or general interest, is the object of these sketches. With the questions involving the antiquity, chemistry, and geology of petroleum no extended comment is necessary. Earliest history establishes the first, practical demonstration the second, and supplemented by science the oil miner's drill proves the third over the large extent of territory now being operated, and this last will be a reliable guide in all the oil fields and years to come. As to the duration of the supply of both the oil and gas fields the present and the next few coming generations have no cause to worry. Wherever petroleum has existed, and this can be traced back at least three thousand years, it exists to-day in practically the same form. The fountain of Is, near Babylon, in Asia, described by Herodotus, that excited the wonder of Alexander the Great, and from which the bitumen that cemented the brick of the walls of the ancient Babylon was supplied, still exists and is a notable case. The oil springs on the shores of the Cas- pian sea, from which the present supply of Russia is obtained, have been known for centuries. It is reasonable to suppose from the evidence thus presented that American petroleum will show as great a comparative degree of longevity. But it is specially with the modern development of this wonderful product that our duty is concerned. Earliest American history makes mention of the petroleum or rock oil found in the portion of Pennsylvania bordering on the Allegheny river, and it was known and made use of by the native Indians from their earliest tra- ditions. It served to mix their paint to make them hideous to their foes, as a panacea for their wounds, and a medicine for their ailments. The re- THE I'ETKOLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 309 mains of timbered i)its familiar to the Indians and early settlers, found in various localities along Oil creek valley, clearly indicated an oil develop- ment by a race whose traditions are lost. The greasy globules floating upon the surface of the waters of the springs, pools, and streams of Oil creek valley, the Allegheny, and other streams in this section, was nature's unerring guide to the treasures stored in rocky caverns in long forgotten ages for the use of the human race. And for years the Indians and settlers gathered it, and used it as a medicine. The circumstances that led to the modern petroleum development by the drilling of Drake's artesian well in 1859 we shall briefly relate. Public attention was first directed to the utilization of petroleum as an illuminator as early as the years 1849 and 1850 by Mr. Samuel W. Kier. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who in the latter year built a small refinery, and commenced to convert it into an illuminator. The supply of crude oil was obtained from the salt well fields of Mr. Kier and others at Tarentum, Alle- gheny county, a short distance from Pittsburgh, on the Allegheny river, where it had been 'previously found. The manufacture was limited owing to the scant supply. There being no oil wells as yet drilled, the oil was pumped out of the salt wells at the usual depth from which salt water was obtained. The discovery of so important a use created an active demand, and led to efPorts to increase the supply of the crude article. Pits were sunk in various localities, and the oil taken from these at stated seasons. The lamp for burning the new illuminant is stated to have been invented in Austria, and this was secured l^y Mr. Kier and manufactured by him at Pittsburgh. The best authorities agree in awarding the honor of being the originator of the present petroleum development to George H. Bissell. In 1853 Mr. Bissell, then a resident of New Orleans, his health being impaired, took up his residence in the North. In the summer of that year he visited Hanover, New Hampshire, the seat of Dartmouth Collegei where he had graduated in 1845. While there Professor Dixie Crosby, of Dartmouth College, showed to Mr. Bissell a bottle of crude petroleum, which he stated had been gath- ered on the lands of his nephew, Doctor B. F. Brewer, on Oil creek, near Ti- tusville, Pennsylvania. Mr. Bissell became interested in the (to him) new mineral product, and conceived the idea that it could be utilized. Being ac- quainted with Doctor Brewer he wrote to him, requesting all the information possible. He afterward sent a young man to the locality where the oil had been obtained to make a personal investigation. The report being favor- able, he interested a Mr. Eveleth, whom he had known in New Orleans, with him, and in 1854 they visited Titusville. While there they obtained from Brewer, Watson & Company, all their lands on Oil creek considered fit for oil purposes, on a lease for ninety-nine years, free of royalty, for the sum of five thousand dollars; this being the fiz'st pur- chase of land for oil development made in Venango county, or in fact, in the 310 HISTOllY OF YENANGO COUNTY. United States, that any mention is made of. They hired a man named Angier to trench the lands and pump the surface oil and water into vats. The pumping apparatus was attached to the working-gear of a saw mill near by. Being placed in the vats, such water as had been gathered with it settled to the bottom and was drawn off, leaving the oil in its pure state. The tirst three barrels of oil obtained by this method was sent on to New Haven, Connecticiit, and Professor B. Silliman, Jr. employed to make an analysis of the same. In the fall of 1855 Bissell & Eveleth published the elaborate report made by Professor Silliman, and gave it a wide circulation. The report attracted the favorable attention of capitalists in New Haven, which led to the purchase from Bissell & Eveleth of their lands and the placing of the same in an incorporation known as the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company, of which Professor B. Silliman, Jr., was elected president, Bissell & Eveleth retaining one-third of the capital stock. The work of trenching and gathering the oil went on with indifferent success ujitil 1857. Then some members of the company agreed to sink an artesian well, and pay to the rest of the stockholders a royalty of twelve cents a gallon on all oil obtained for the term of forty-five years. The offer was accepted, and E. L. Drake, a conductor on the New Haven rail- road, was employed to come out to Pennsylvania and take charge of the w^ork. Mr. Drake owned one forty-eighth part of the stock of the company. On arriving at the field of his subsequent labors Mr. Drake, who was a gentleman of intelligence and varied experience, lost no time in informing himself of the details. To do this he made several trips to the salt region of Tarentum, where he became conversant with the mode of sinking the salt wells. Through S. W. Kier he procured the services of William Smith, a* blacksmith and an experienced driller of salt wells, and his two sons. The first appliances and methods were crude, and caused delay and ex- pense. Drake first thought to dig the well and curb it to the rock. After the labor of months this was found impracticable. It then occurred to him to drive iron pipe from the surface to the rock and then drill through this until the oil was reached. Heavy cast-iron pipe was finally obtained and .successfully driven to a depth of thirty-six feet, where the rock was reached. The small engine used to drive the pipe was then used for drilling through the rock. The drive-pipe was ready for the drill about the middle of August, 1859, and on Saturday, the 28th day of the same month, and over a year from the time of commencement, a vein of oil was struck at the depth of sixty-nine and one-half feet, in the first sandrock, this being the depth of the entire well. On the Monday following a pump was rigged and placed in the well, and for a short time it produced at the rate of twenty barrels per day. By March, 1860, this production had decreased to four barrels per day. After unremitting labor for over a vear, beset with obstacles that not THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 311 unfrequently caused him to despair of success, Drake bad persevered, aud reached an accomplishment surpassing his wiklest dreams. He established the fact of the existence of reservoirs of oil beneath the siirface of the earth in amount siifficient for all practical uses, and such an achievement was fitting recompense for all the weary toil he had gone through. His name and fame will last as long as the product itself. In this connection it can be stated that the Drake well was afterward drilled deeper and continued to produce oil for many years. It is not creditable to those who have realized so largely from Drake's discovery that the site of this oil well, the first ever drilled, remains unmarked by a suitable monument, and that Drake himself died in comparative poverty. DRAKE S PIONEER OIL WELL. The following extracts are taken from a letter kindly furnished the writer by William H. Abbott, one of the first oil operators aud best known residents of Titusville: ' ' Drake at first tried to dig to the rock and curb his well, but after a time gave up the plan. He then procured heavy iron pipe and after a vast amount of hard work and expense succeeded in reaching the rock at a depth of sixty-nine and one-half feet. To Drake belongs the credit of being the first to use iron di'ive-pipe. * * * * They employed a small engine and boiler in drilling and pumping this well. Myself and many others used the spring-pole, with three stirrups and three men for our motive power in drilling wells during the entire year of 1860. * * * ^Ve used pole- tools, and a small bit, the size as well as I can remember being three and three-quarter inches, and the poles were similar to the sucker-rods after- ward used, the joints being about ten feet long. * * * j j^ad the op- portunity of buying some of the first carbon oil refined by S. W. Kier, and 312 HISTORY OF A'ENANGO COUNTY. paid one dollar and twenty-five cents per gallon for the oil, and one dollar and fifty cents for the barrel. This was truly a great Inxiiry, being superior to sperm oil at two dollars per gallon. I was at this time doing business in northern Ohio." The birth of this greatest of modern mineral developments was ushered in amid the mutterings of the civil strife that was so soon to convulse the country. But the class who had flocked to California a few years previous were still numerous and gave no heed to the discouraging premonitions. The oil first ol)tained from the Drake well sold at one dollar per gallon, and during September, October, November, and December, of the year 1859, the ruling figure was twenty dollars per barrel. So promising a mine of wealth had never before been presented, and the oil fever soon pervaded all classes of people. No wonder they made all speed for the locality that held forth such inducements. Wells multiplied fast on the flats surrounding the Drake well, and developments were com- menced at various points from Oil City along the valley of Oil creek, at Franklin, and along the Allegheny river. The obstacles presented in the new field only seemed to increase the energy of the operators. Lands were bought and leased in every direction, and singly and in groups the early derricks became visible on the beaten tracks and in out-of-the-way places. The territory at first considered available for oil purposes was frequently located in the most rugged and inaccessible localities. The country was hilly and generally heavily timbered. The cleared lands or farms upon which the residents rnanaged to subsist were few and far between, the only town of importance in Venango county being Franklin, the county seat. Lumbering was the principal industry, the few iron furnaces that had been in operation having suspended. The only means of transportation for heavy articles was the Allegheny river, and by means of wagons from the nearest railj-oads points. Garland and Union, some thirty miles distant from the Drake well or Titusville. The drilling of the wells was a new and novel experience to even the most practical. No previous mining development afforded any reliable guide for the new operations. New methods and machinery had to be devised, tested, and then put in practice. The resources of the new oil country afforded but inadequate relief. Wood, coal, and oil were in abun- dance, but machinery and supplies of all kinds needed were only to be had from distant commercial and manufacturing centers. These had to be hauled in wagons over mud roads that were nearly impassable a great por- tion of the year for the class of freight needed. From this may be conjectured some of the inconveniences of drilling a well a few hundred feet deep. In the absence of machinery and lack of funds to pay for better, all kinds of primitive methods were adopted. The most common was that of the spring-pole, a description of which by Eaton THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 313 in his admirable history is worthy of being recordod. This was the method of sinking a well that had been devised by the salt-well miners. The salt wells were generally of shallow depth, and hence this plan of drilling could be practiced to better advantage than in oil wells where the depth and pen- etration of the rock was greater. After selecting the site for the well a hole was dug to drill through as deep as possible, and this curbed with boards or plank or a bored log. Then a stout sapling or pole of necessary length, about forty feet, was taken from the woods, selected in regard to its elas- ticity. The larger end or butt of this was securely fastened in the ground. At a distance to secure best results was planted a firm post for a fulcrum over which it was secured with the smaller end coming directly over and some ten or twelve feet above the drill-hole. The boring tools were fast- ened to the pole and the power adjusted to its smaller extremity. This power was applied by the weight of two or more men bearing down on the pole. Again a small stage, four feet square, was hinged by one side to the derrick and the other side suspended to the pole. In this case two men stood upon the stage and brought down the pole by throwing their weight on the side attached to it, and permitted it to rise by throwing their weight on the side next to the derrick. In either case the spring of the pole brought up the drilling apparatus, and the downward motion of the pole gave the stroke. Another mode is described as in vogne in the earlier stage of the busi- ness in which a chain was used. From its horrTd din and associations this was called the "chain-gang" method. Another method in which human muscle was used was called the ' ' kicking pony " or " jigging ' ' system. An elastic ash pole ten or fifteen feet in length was arranged over the drill hole, working over a fulcrum, to which was attached stirrups in which two or three men each placed a foot, and by a kind of kicking process brought down the pole and produced the necessary motion to work the bit. The strokes by this method were rapid but it was only adapted to shallow wells. In either of the methods the labor was severe and exhausting. The steady tramp on a treadmill or ascending a ladder was mild recreation in compar- ison. Horse and water power were brought into use. But all the above described methods were only used in cases where the financial ability of the operator could not afford steam power. The first engines brought to the oil country for drilling oil wells were portable ones fi-om four to six horse-power, from the manufactory of A. N. Wood & Company, Eaton, Madison county. New York. The stationary engine of greater power soon followed. "Sy the close of 1860 a number of wells had been drilled and the field of operations extended along the Allegheny from Tidioute to Franklin. Along the valley of Oil creek fi'om Oil City to Titusville were a large num- ber of wells being drilled and producing. From the Barnsdall. Mead, 314 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY, Rouse & Company's well, near Titusville, was sold between Febrnary 1st and June 1st, 1860, fifty-six thousand o-allons of oil for sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars, the cost of drilling the well being about three thou- sand dollars. In Ajiril of the same year William Phillips sold fifty barrels of oil from his well on Oil creek to S. W. Kier, delivered at Pittsburgh for sixty cents a gallon. About the same time Graff & Company sold seventy- five barrels of oil in Pittsburgh for one thousand three hundred dollars In December, 1860, oil was quoted at the wells at two dollars and seventy-five cents per barrel. This low figure was due to the lack of transportation and manufacturing facilities that prevailed during the first year. In only rare cases did individuals incur the total expense of drilling a well. The usual way was to form associations of any number of parties from half a dozen to fifty, each subscribing the amount of stock they elected; the expense of the venture was assessed pro rata, and the profits divided in the same manner. Though called companies these associations were not incorporated, but were mostly formed for the usual transaction of business. From best recollection chances of success in striking oil in pay- ing quantities were no greater in the beginning than in the succeeding years. The reason is obviously lack of both skill and facilities, and of the benefit that has been gained from the aggregation of the ventures of others. Where lands for oil purposes were leased the royalty ranged from an eighth to one-quarter of all the oil produced free of cost to the land- owner. In favored localities one-half royalty and a bonus were given. During the different years this royalty not unfrequently amounted to five hundred to one thousand or even more a day to the landowner, giving them a wealth that made them fairly dizzy. In other cases farms that before the discovery of oil were only valued at a few dollars an acre sold for large sums. P. H. Siverly sold his farm in 1863 (now the site of Siverly) for one hundred thousand dollars; Phillips & Vanausdall, a farm, sold for seventy-five thousand; the Blood farm, less than five hundred acres, sold for five hundred and fifty thovxsand dollars. In June of the same year the land interest (one-half the oil) in five acres on the Blood farm sold for two hundred and twenty thousand dollars; a working interest in the H. O. Filkins well on the Blood farm sold for one hundred thousand dollars, and Hoover & Plumer sold one-third interest in Hoover island, near Franklin, for one hundred thousand dollars. These are only given to show how rapidly lands indicating oil production appreciated in value. The values given are not extreme, for many farms and interests were sold then, and have been in all the succeeding years, far larger sums. Per contra, some of the best producing lands of to-day cost the owners but slightly more than the value of good farming lands. During the reign of ten dollar oil Mr. Bishop, of New York, offered the Central Petroleum Company, of which he was a heavy stockholder, in addition to one-half royalty, a bonus of ten thousand THE PETllOLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 315 dollars each for ten one acre leases on their property, and this ofTer was not accepted. About the same time Graft". Hasson & Company sold to the Petroleum Farms Association three hundred and twenty acres from their tract of about twelve hundred acres, for the sum of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. But a few years previous (Tratf. Hasson & Company paid seven thousand for the entire twelve hundred acre tract. The purchase by the Petroleum Farms Association comprised Cottage Hill and that por- tion of Oil City now included in the First and Second wards. It is rea- sonable to suppose that the company have done proportionally as well as Graff. Hasson & Company, and both parties still have some valuable lauds left. During 1860 the attention of shippers was turned to providing facilities to get their oil to the markets in the eastern cities and to Pittsburgh. In the uncertain state of permanent production railroads were slow to give assurance of building branches into the oil country from their main lines. In the way of water transportation the Pittsburgh river men showed the greatest activity. A number of warehouses and oil yards soon occupied the river front in the Third ward, Oil City. Each of the warehouses trans- acted a regular warehouse and commission business, and each had a steam- boat landing. Both passenger and tow-boat steamers were employed, and kept busy during such stages of water as permitted, and through these a greater portion of the oil-well machinery and other supplies were obtained. The supplies for the upper portion of the valley 5f Oil creek wei-e hauled by wagons from the nearest railroad points. Boats for both river and creek use were brought to' Oil City and Franklin, and by the close of 1860 were in considerable number and capacity. The farmers of this and adjoining states also found ample employment for all the teams and wagons they could spare. A number of small refineries were erected in 1860. The throng of peo- ple from all parts of the country was steady during that year, but of these more came to prospect than to locate permanently. The work of the drill was notably active. Lack of even the most ordinary accommodations was a serious drawback, but still greater was the difficulty of getting machinery to the places where it was needed to drill the wells. The wells drilled were shallow, most of them being in the first and second sand, at a depth of two hundred to three hundred feet, and were small producers. The daily pro- duction in June of this year, 1860, was estimated at two hundred l)arrels. By the close of the same this production was largely increased. In fact, the year was one of preparation. The real work of development commenced in the close of 1860 and spring of 1861. By that time the use of steam power had come into more general use. The guides of the first operator were few and unreliable. Surface indi- cations, such as the appearance of oil on the streams or springs, was al)0ut 316 HISTORY or VENANGO COUNTY. all be could judge from, and he located his well as near these as he could get. Some even built cribs in the streams, upon which their derricks were erected and wells drilled, bnt these proved no more successful than wells drilled on the stream banks. The safest plan was to locate in the neighbor- hood of a producing well, when such could be found. It was all " wild-cat- ting" in those days, and field operations averaged about the same as they do at present date. Best signs failed and the only reliable results were then as now furnished by the research of the miner's drill. Great prog- ress was being made in machinery and tools used in oil operations. En- gines and boilers of the class suited for the work were being made and sup- plied to the different points, and the development greatly advanced in every way. For fuel wood and coal were plenty, tlie last named being in general use. Board shanties on the leases accommodated owners and employes, and here they remained until success made their stay permanent or lack of it caused them to remove to another location. From the beginning the 1)elief was general among operators of the ex- istence of larger veins of oil at greater depths, arguing upon the gen- eral nature or practice of artesian wells that if greater depths were pene- trated the force obtained would be sufficient to force the oil to the surface and the slow and expensive process of pumping could be dispensed with. Few doubted the main supply of oil was held in a third sand rock, and when this was reached the fountain would be tapped. The result was not only successful, but disastrous to prices as well. A number of flowing wells were struck on the Clapp farm and at other points along the creek, and on the Allegheny river, in the third sand at a depth of four hundred to five hundred feet. In May, 1861, the number of producing wells was one hundred and thirty-live, with a daily production of one thousand, two hundred and eighty-eight barrels. One flowing well on the Clapp farm, the Cornplanter, filled a one hundred barrel tank and a pond twenty-five square rods in extent in its first sixteen hours. In July, large sales of oil were made at tanks on Oil creek at ten cents per gallon. In Au gust the Titusville Gazette placed the number of wells in Oil creek valley at eight hundred, seven of these flowing, and an eight hundred barrel well was struck by R. R. Bradley in the third sand at a depth of five hundred feet. In September came the big strikes of the Phillips No. 2, on the Tarr farm, its first day's production being four thousand barrels; the Empire well, flow- ing two thousand five hundred barrels, the Buckeye well, eight hundred barrels. Other flowing wells were struck, and by October the flood of oil was so great that it could not be taken care of and thousands of barrels flowed into the creek and river. It was feared that at this rate the supply would soon become exhausted unless some means could be devised to pre- vent the waste. In December the Woodford well, on the Tarr farm, came in with a daily production of three thousand barrels, and the Elephant. No. THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 317 1, with eight hundred. The total productiou of 1859 is given at eighty-two thousand barrels; 1860, live hundred thousand, and 1861, two million one hundred and thirteen thousand six hundred barrels. This shows conclu- sively the progress of the development. The first mode of storing the oil was in circular wooden tanks, built of jointed staves of pine planks, tightly caulked with oakum. These ranged in capacity from fifty to fifteen hundred barrels. Tank building became a leading and profitable industry and continu.ed until displaced by the iron tanks of the present date. Barrels were used for shipment. The supply of these throughout the country became exhausted early in the development. To meet the demand barrel factories were established on the upper waters of the Allegheny and they were made into rafts and floated down the river to Oil City, from whence they were sent to all parts of the oil fields. A look through the piles of barrels in the different yards gave a fair exhibition of every class of package or cask used in every part of the country, even to those that had been in use on whaling vessels. The price of oil barrels ranged from three dollars fifty cents to four dollars and sales of these were made at four dollars fifty cents each. The growth of Oil City, Franklin, and Titusville in 1861 was marked. Every class of business house was being established, as well as blacksmith and machine shops. The valley of Oil creek from Oil City to Titusville began to assume the appearance of an almost continuous town of clusters of shanties and derricks. The towns of McClinlockville, Rouseville, Tarr Farm, and Petroleum Center began to come into existence, and from this time on their growth was rapid. The drones in this busy time of indus- try were few and their stay brief. All were engaged earnestly in the race for wealth, and from this aggregate of energy came the grand results of the years that succeeded. The class of men constituting the pioneers of the oil country are deserv- ing of more than a passing notice. They came from the commercial cities, the towns, and the hamlets of the country. Among them were civil and mining engineers of both old as well as new world experience, mechanics, and business men of all classes. A high tone of business integrity was characteristic. A verbal agreement was as binding as a bond, and daily transactions of many thousands of dollars were made involving nothing more than the making of a mere memorandum. Through these and suc- ceeding years each community was noted for its maintenance of law and order. In 1865 thieves made their appearance from other places, but they soon found the oil country an unsafe place for their business and had but a brief stay. During the fall and winter of 1861-62 the production decreased and prices became better. The spring of 1862 opened with good promise, though prices ruled very low at the beginning. In March oil was sold at the wells 318 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. at forty to fifty cents per barrel. In December of same year ruling prices at wells, live dollars and fifty cents to six dollars; at Oil City, barrels in- cluded, ten dollars per barrel. Freights ruled high. Cost of sending one barrel of oil to New York, seven dollars and fifty cents; by steamboat from Oil City to Pittsburgb. two dollars per barrel; hauling from Oil creek to Meadville, two dollars and twenty-five cents per barrel. Congress about this time proposed to levy a war tax of ten cents per gal- lon on refined and five cents per gallon on crude oil. To this producers objected, suggesting that refined only be taxed, with a drawback on all ex- ported to foreign countries. The Oil City Register of June 1, 1862, published the following tal)le in relation to the oil business on Oil creek: No. of wells flowing To " formerly flowed and pumped 02 '■ commenced ^58 Total 495 Amount of oil shipped to date 1,000,000 bbls on hand to date 92,450 " Present daily production 5.717 " Average value of oil at SI per bbl $1,092,450 Average cost of wells at $1,000 each 495,000 Machinery, buildings, etc., from |500 to S7,000 each . . . 500,000 Total number of refineries 25 On the 9th of December, 186'2. some three hundred and fifty boats loaded with oil at Oil City, containing about sixty thousand barrels of oil, were wrecked by an ice gorge from Oil creek coming against them. Thirty thousand barrels of oil and one hundred and fifty boats Avere lost, footing up a total loss of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. During the year destructive fires occurred among the fleets of oil boats along the river fi'ont at Oil City, entailing a loss estimated at seventy-five thousand to one hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars. One of the burning boats floated down and destroyed the Franklin bridge, valued at seventy-five thousand dollars. The notable events of the year with those stated were a large extension of the field, a production too large to be handled with advantage, and a vast amount of experience for those who chose to profit by it. An important event of 1868 was the completion of the Franklin branch of the Atlantic and Great Western railway from Meadville to Franklin. This was completed in successive stages to Oil City, reaching that point in the fall or early part of the winter of 1864-65. In this connection it is due to mention the fact that closely following the striking of the Drake well was the commencement of developments at Frank- lin. James Evans, a blacksmith, assisted by his two sons, drilled a well in the vicinitv of Twelfth and Otter streets in Franklin early in 1860. and at THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 319 the depth of seventy-two feet struck a vein of oil. Upon being pumped a daily production of fifteen barrels was obtained. Other operations Avere had in the vicinity of the place, and a number of producing wells resulted. Hoover's island, the Hoover, Alexander Cochran, and other farms in the locality were afterward tested, and evidence given of a productive hold on all sides of the town. The result of the research thus begun was the devel- opment in what is known as the old Franklin district of a vein of heavy oil, which has since been utilized as the best lubricating oil known. In the crude state it has a natural cold test of twenty degrees below zero, with a specific gravity of thirty-one degrees. This district is narrow in extent, and the wells though small have proved of wonderful longevity. The value of this oil is from three to four dollars per barrel at present time. In the whole district there are now eleven hundred wells being pumped, with a monthly production of five thousand barrels. The Franklin branch of the Atlantic and Great Western railroad was the first railroad to make its way into the oil country. About the same time the Oil Creek road was completed to Titusville, afterward extended to Petro- leum Center, and there connected with the Farmers' railroad built from Oil City. Next in order was the Allegheny Eiver railroad, completed in 1865 from Oil City to Oleopolis, with a branch from thence to Pithole. Various other lines were projected, but these were the only ones built. The Alle- gheny Valley railroad from Kittaning to Oil City was completed in 1867, and the Jamestown and Franklin railway, operated by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, was completed to Oil City a few years later. The Noble & Delamater well, Farrel farm. Oil creek, was struck in January, 1863, and started off with a production of three thousand barrels per day. The Caldwell well, on the same tract, was struck about the same time, and interfered with the Noble & Delamater. It was bought by these parties for one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars and plugged. To date of August 3, 1863, Noble & Delamater sold from their well one hun- dred and eighteen thousand barrels of oil for the sum of three hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars. The well continued a good producer for about twenty-two months, and the sum realized from the sale of the oil by its own- ers was variously estimated at from three to four million dollars. This was doubtless the best paying well struck in the oil country. It is no wonder that such successes in operating, the high prices that ranged from time to time in the oil country, and the demonstration so satisfactorily made of its inexhaustible supply, should excite the wildest cupidity of man through- out the country. Among other things the petroleum development evolved at an early date was a type of the " Colonel Sellers " stripe, whose equal has never be- fore or since been surpassed. He looked over the petroleum field, saw there "was millions in it,"' and at obce proceeded to realize. To use the current 320 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. phrase of to-day: " There was no flies on him." A few hundred or a few thousand dollars sufficed to get an option for sixty days or more on a farm, oil wells, or leases. Price with him was no object, esjiecially if he could o-et the owner to take a part of the purchase money in the shape of stock. The time given was used to good advantage. The names of leading men in the cities or towns where the company was formed were obtained, a charter of incorporation was had from the state department under the provisions of the general mining and manufacturing law of this or other states, a stock com- pany was formed, a flaming prospectus and certificates of stock made by the bank-note companies in the best style of the art, were issued, and both placed where they would be read and disposed of to the best advantage, and the thing was accomplished. They argued that the general public were the only suckers who bit at a bare hook. In this respect their judgment was correct. The public bit voraciously at this gilded bait. The ' ' Colonel ' ' and his few partners always went in on the ' ' ground floor. " " Wind ' ' was their principal investment. It only required a short time to sell enough of the stock to pay the purchase money and to provide a fund to prosecute the work of development, and this was designated the " working interest." It was rightly named, for it kept the stockholders busy working to pay their assessments for weary months or years afterward. As a general thing the only profit realized from the sale of the stock was by the long-headed crowd on the ' ' ground floor. ' ' They always managed to keep the control and large blocks of stock in their own hands; it cost them little or nothing, and its sale at any j^rice was so much clear gain. There were different grades of this "Colonel Sellers" tribe, but the result in the end was the same — the stockholder was the man who didn't realize to any material extent upon his investment. There were many honorable exceptions among the oil stock companies formed, at the time spoken of, and these, under capable manage- ment, were generally successful. The craze for oil stock companies that commenced in 1862 swept over the country like a wave. Their number soon became legion. In this state alone the writer could enumerate at one time over six hundred. Their alleged capital stocks, ranging from twenty-five thousand to ten million dollars, footed up nearly a billion of money. New York came scarcely second in number, while the town or country cross-roads not represented by an oil company with high sounding titles and an array of leading local bankers, doctors, ministers, and business men, was considered "too dead too skin." The first duty of the management of the new company was to appoint a superintendent to take charge of the work and make as favorable reports as possible of the progress to the stockholders. Armed with this authority and the fund, or a portion of it devoted for the purpose, this gentleman hastened to Oil City, and from thence to the possessions of his company. '^Hf, _Jt9^' THE PETllOLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 323 Ho contracted for tbo bnikliug of the derrick, bought an engine, boiler and the other necessary implements, employed the drillers, and set to work to realize the fond hopes of the stockboldei's. If he met with success the duration of his term and salary was prolonged, for any rise in the price of the stock caused the knowing ones to sell and those otherwise to hold on to their stock and be willing to be bled while there was a smell of oil or gas. The end was sure to come. Some fine morning the working-beam of the well was still, the drilling tools or sucker-rods hung idly in the well, the derrick was deserted and " Ichabod " written plainly enough on the engine house and office. The iron safe, for this was considered indispensable by every well regulated superintendent, and the well machinery were the only visible assets left, except the superintendent, who had packed his grip at the proper time and hied him away to other fields. As a class these superintendents were gentlemanly, whole-souled meu, whom it was a pleasure to meet, and many a pleasant time has the writer had with them. It was through no fault of theirs that failure was due, save in few cases, to accomplish the impossible tasks delegated to them. Men of varied attainments to whom the term cosmopolitan well applied, .they rendered good service to the oil country by extending its development in a few years to a greater" extent than would have otherwise been possible in a quarter of a century. The stock companies kept up a steady boom^in the oil country until the close of the war in 1865. During this time lands were sold for almost fab- ulous prices. In fact it proved to the oil country like the flow of the fabled Midas stream. Others have since reaped the rich fruits of the harvest thus sown. The close of the civil war in the spring of 1865, and the consequent re- sumption of real values, caused the downfall of the oil stock companies, at least those that were founded on a speculative basis, and these were in the large majority. They came down "like a pile of bricks." Before the close of 18,65 scores of deserted wells and engine houses only were left to mark the spot that shortly before had been the scene of busy operations. Then came the tax gatherer and sheriflp to render the last rites to departed hopes. Engines and boilers, the original cost of which had been from fif- teen hundred to twenty-five hundred dollars were sold under the hammer for fifty dollars, and other machinery and tools for junk prices. Finally the lease or land vanished at the succeeding tax sales. In the meantime a highly enterprising lot of thieves had been developed. To these gentry the removal of an engine and boiler, tubing, drill ro])e, tools, bull-wheel, sampson-post, and derrick was the work of a single night. A well authenticated story is related where a pumper on a working well who had occasion to visit a neighboring boiler house, almost in sight, and ab- sent but for a short time, rubbed his eyes in amazement on his return when 324 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. he found that his engine and boiler had vanished. Following the wagon trail to the nearest railroad point he found his property loaded snugly on a flat-car, duly ticketed, and ready for shipment. The collapse of the oil companies was followed by a season of business depression throughout the oil country that had its effect during the years that followed. The mode of transportation of the oil in any quantity by the tirst petro- leum gatherers was doubtless by the canoe or dug-out, by means of which he skimmed along the surface of Oil creek and the Allegheny to the nearest trading point where he coiild dispose of it. Drake, who followed, found barrels necessary to store it in, and wagons to haul these to the nearest shipping points. This continued for the first years, until the production increased, and then flat-bottomed boats were used upon Oil creek and these were freighted with the oil, both in barrels and in bulk. As the necessity for facilities for more rapid shipment increased, in order to get the oil to Oil City so that it could be shipped to Pittsburgh, artificial freshets or rises of water in Oil creek were resorted to. These were called pond freshets. It had long been the method adopted by lumbermen in order to get their logs to the main boom or pond of their mills, and the manufactured lumber from thence to the main streams, to dam up at stated times all the tributary branches. These dams, and there was a succession of them, had a sluice-way to let the logs and lumber through. When a rise of water was desired this sluice-way was closed by a board gate called a "splash." When the dam thus formed was filled with water and logs, or lumber rafts, the splash-gate was cut loose and the logs and lumber were thus conducted until the main stream was reached, when they had the benefit of the addi- tional water to float them on their journey. A similar plan, only on a larger scale and with more system, was requi- site. The early oil shippers systematized the pond freshet by the appoint- ment of a superintendent, and a minister of the gospel at that, Reverend A. L. Dubbs, who had full charge of all the arrangements. The shippers, by a pro rata assessment, paid for the use of the water. Certain dates were fixed for these freshets. The superintendent then arranged with the mill owners on the upper waters of Oil creek for the use of their water. Previous to the day of the pond freshet the boats were towed by horses to the shore opposite the tanks of the different wells. The water had in mean- time been brought by the process described to the main dam, which was located at a point opposite the present acid woi-ks, just below Titusville. At the time fixed on, the splash of the sluice-way was cut and the water flowed into the creek. The volume of this body of water was generally suf- ficient to make a rise of from two to three feet over the ripples or shallow places. The boatmen stood by their lines, ready to cast loose their loaded boats, when the time to do so arrived; and here is where sound judgment was THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 325 reqixired. The loaded boat would outspeed the running water. To cast loose too soon on the first rush would be to run the risk of grounding the boat on the first shallow place, where it would be battered to kindling wood by those coming after it. Such accidents often occurred, and not unfre- queutly resulted in a general jam of boats in which the boatmen lost their trips and boats, and the shippers their oil. As the average rate of boat freights from the wells was seventy-five cents to one dollar per barrel, and the value of the boat from one hundred dollars to five hundred dollars, this was a serious loss. An active pond freshet was a sight worth seeing. When the flood had reached the lowest shipping points on the creek, the boats commenced to cast loose upon the surging stream, directing their course by means of the broad sweeps or oars on the bow and stern of the boats. The noise of the rush of waters, the flash of oar blades, the babel of loud voices more in pro- fanity than blessing, the boats gliding swiftly along, those laden in bulk flashing back in rainbow hues the sun's rays, presented features that would set an artist wild with rapture. Going swiftly on, if no untoward Avreck of stranded craft or jam was met with, the short journey of about ten miles for the most distant points, past banks lined with derricks and spectators, by head-lands, islands, and sh&rp curved bends, it was only a journey of a few hours to the mouth of Oil creek. Making anchorage along the river front, the oil was transferred from the smaller creek boats to the larger ones used for river transport. To the creek resident pond freshet days were ^ boon. In his best clothes, if he chose to take the chances of a wreck, or in working garb, if he did not, he jumped gaily on a passing boat and came down to Oil City to have a few hours of such recreation as the busy city then afforded, and his usual place of resort was the warehouses or steamboat landings, the old Petroleum house and other hotels. Wrecks involving serious loss to both oil and boats were of not unfre- quent occurrence. Indeed, it was rare to have a pond fi-eshet without loss. The amount of oil brought down on a pond freshet averaged generally from twenty to thirty thousand barrels. When they could be had this was the cheapest mode as well as the most reliable of getting oil from the wells to Oil City. The cost of the water for a pond freshet was from three to five hundred dollars each. The oil fleet of river and creek boats in the best days of this trade, as near as can be estimated, was fully two thousand, comprising all the known varieties of river craft, from the large metal or compartment boat with a freight capacity of twelve to fifteen hundred barrels, to the diminutive ' ' guiper ' ' of fifty barrels capacity. The empty boats were towed back from Pittsburgh by the steam tow-boats or by horses. To supplement this was the wagon train of the oil country. In the best 326 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. season this numbered from four to six thousand two-horse teams and wagons. No such transport service was ever seen outside of an army on a march. They were drawn from all portions of this and of the adjoining states. lu the palmy days of Pithole General Avery, a cavalry commander of renown during the war, organized a regular army train and found it a source of profit. In the days mentioned the traveler in the oil country was seldom out of sight of these seemingly endless trains of wagons bearing to the nearest shipping points their greasy freight. Five to seven barrels constituted a load, and in view of the general condition of the roads this taxed the strength of the best team. The rate of wagon freights ranged from one dollar and fifty cents to four dollars per barrel, or even more, according to distance. From this it can be seen how slow and unreliable a mode of transportation it proved, and how utterly inadequate to meet the require- ments. When a wagon broke down the teamster dumped the oil on the roadside and there it generally remained to await his leisure. The removal of even a thousand barrels of oil from the wells to the shipping points not unfrequently consumed so much time that the shipper in rapid fluctuations of the market failed to realize more than enough to pay the wagon freight. The following tables of transportation rates per barrel for oil from Pit- hole to New York in the years 1865 and 1866, when the modes had been greatly improved, will give the reader some idea of the improvement that has followed. In December, 1865 — Transportation from Pithole to Miller Farm, per barrel $1 00 Barreling, shipping, etc., at Miller Farm, per barrel 25 Freight to Corry via Oil Creek railroad 80 Freight from Corry to New York 3 50 Total |5 55 In January, 1866, the cost of getting a barrel of oil from Pithole to New York, was as follows: Government tax $ 1 00 Barrels, each 3 25 Teaming from Pithole to Titusville 1 25 Freight from Titusville to New York 3 65 Cooperage and platform expenses 1 00 Leakage 35 Total $10 40 In 1862 the first experiment of a new and which has since proved the best and cheapest mode for oil transportation was had. A two-inch iron pipe was laid over the hill from the Tarr farm to the Humboldt refinery on Cherry run, then just completed, a distance of three to four miles. A small rotary pump was used to force the oil through the pipe. The result was a success, though the best engineers and scientists had pronounced THE PETROLEUM DEVELOrMENT. 327 the plan aa impossibility on account of the friction to be overcome in such grades as would have to be adopted. The cost and difficulty of obtaining the iron pipe delayed the introduction of the new scheme of transportation for a time. Still later George Van Syckle laid a pipe line from Miller Farm, which connected with the Oil Creek railroad at Titus- ville. A line was then constructed to Pithole, via Shamburg, and still other lines from Pithole to Titusvjllo via Pleasantville. Lines were also laid from Pithole to Oleopolis, along Pithole creek, at Franklin, and other points. Cast iron pipe was at first used in the larger linos. The rotary pumps used being of light forcing capacity, relay stations had to be placed at short intervals. The pipe made was unequal to a high pressure and the knowledge of making reliable joints had yet to be learned. But the new method was the best yet devised. It was not only cheaper, but the shipper was insured against loss, the pipe line taking the risk between the points of destination. It was soon found that distance and grade could be overcome by the force of the pumps — it was only a question of power. At first oil was hauled from the well tanks to the stations, or "dumps," as they were called, of the pipe lines. In the course of time pipe connections were made with the tanks and then direct with the wells. The subsequent growth of the pipe line system, with its network of thousands of miles of pipe connecting with each of the producing wells in the various fields in different states, and the hundreds of miles of six and eight-inch pipe lines from the oil fields to the seaboard and to the great cities, with its perfect system of construction and its telephone and telegraph systems, taxing large factories to the utmost to meet the demand for the wrought iron pipe, which is now wholly used, is so familiar to the present reader as to need no comment. To show the perfection this branch of the oil business has reached it may be mentioned that only one pump is now used to force the oil through the eight-inch pipe laid from Lima, Ohio, to Chicago, a dis- tance of over two hundred miles. The capacity is ten thousand barrels per day, and it requires sixty-five thousand barrels of oil to fill the pipe for the entire distance. The pump used weighs one hundred tons, and was made at the National Transit shops at Oil City. The wrought iron pipe now in use is tested at the factory by pressure gauge to two thousand pounds to the square inch, and when in use is subjected to a pressure of eight hun- dred to twelve hundred pounds. The pipe stands this pressure, and the cases of its proving defective are more rare than one would conjecture. The average velocity at which the oil is forced through the pipe is about three miles an hour. The weakest points are at the joints where the'pipe is coupled together. The limit of perfection has about been reached by the coupling now in use. Shprtlv after the advent of railroads into the oil country new methods of 328 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. transporting the oil were devised. The lirst method was to load the oil on box cars in barrels. A car used for this soon became unfitted for any other purpose. To remedy this at first a couple of forty- barrel wooden tanks were securely fastened on a flat car, and these were loaded by means of pipe racks on the side of the tracks direct from the pipes laid to tanks. Iron tanks were next substituted of the same capacity, and then boiler tanks made of boiler iron, reaching the full, length of the flat car constructed especially for the purpose, were the last and best improvement. The railroad and pipe lines superseded the boat and wagon modes of transportation, and the perfection of the pipe lines has later rendered the transportation of oil independent of railroads and all other known modes of transport. In the earlier days of petroleum development the oil veins or crevice had a tendency to become clogged up with a substance resembling paraffine (which it was in fact), which materially interfered with the production. Concentrated lye and the most powerful alkalies failed to efPectually cut or dissolve this stubborn grease. Then benzine was tried with good effect. This proved for a time a boon to the refiners, as there had been no special use for that article, and it was a drug on their hands. But their joy was of only brief duration. The benzine was sold to the producer for about one dollar per barrel. He administered it to his wells in liberal allopathic measure. Twenty to thirty barrels was an ordinary dose for a well. This became so frequently mixed with the oil pumped from the well that the refiner stumbled on the fact the benzine he sold to the producer for one dollar he was buying back and paying therefor the market rate for oil, from three to four dollars a barrel. The refiner being only human, reasonably objected to a deal so much to his disadvantage, and the mode and doctored oil became unpopular. During this time parties had been experimenting with explosives that it was thought would more effectually accomplish the desired result. The principal of these was the then newly discovered substance known as nitro- glycerine. In explosive force this substance, composed of proportionate parts of pure glycerine, nitric and sulphuric acids, is the most powerful known. It was theorized that if a sufficient amount of this could be placed at the bot- tom of the well and be there exploded, the clogged veins in the rock would be so loosened up by the fracture thus made, that the supply of oil would be materially increased. After a great amount of experimenting a trial was made and the result surpassed expectation. Several parties claim the dis- covery, but the first to bring the new explosive into general use was the late E. A. L. Roberts, of Titusville, Pennsylvania, who had his discovery duly patented. This gentleman organized a company known as the Roberts Torpedo Company, and commenced the manufacture of glycerine and tor- pedoes and established agencies and magazines all over the oil country. THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 329 For years this company had a complete monopoly and realized millions of dollars from it. Through his agents the wells were torpedoed, and the use of these became general in all the oil fields. The mode of operation is simple as well as eifective. A tin cylinder or shell as it is called, holding from ten to one hundred quarts of the explosive is filled, tightly fastened at the top and weighted at the bottom, is lowered into the well, which has been properly prepared by means of a stout wire attached to a reel to the proper depth, where by an ingenious contrivance it is fastened. Upon the top of the shell is fixed a cap of fulminate that con- nects with the glycerine. When all is ready the operator drops in the well an iron weight known as the " go-devil." This explodes the cap and gly- cerine when it strikes. The result is a dull sound of explosion followed by a column of oil, water, and spray that shoots up to the height of the derrick. After the water and oil have settled back the tubing and other machinery is replaced and if the well does not liow the work of pumping is resumed. In only rare cases have the wells thus treated failed to respond with an in- creased production, not infrequently in amount to more than pay the ex- pense in a day or even in a few hours. So large were the profits of the nitroglycerine Inisiness and so .simple its manufacture that Roberts found as much difficulty in restraining others from infringing on his patent as "Uncle Sam" does to protect his revenue from the illicit distillers of "moonshine" whiskey. A class of reckless men, known as "moonlighters," manufactured the glycerine and torpedoed the wells at cheaper rates than those of the monopoly, and for a few years these operators transacted a profitable business. Their operations were made at night, hence their name. In his light buckboard, to which was attached a pair of fleet horses, the ' ' moonlighter' ' would visit a well over rough roads, his cans of nitro- glycerine fastened to his vehicle, to most inaccessible places, torpedo a well, and before daylight be safe from pursuit. It was a dangerous business, yet strange to say but few if any of those engaged in it met with any accident. To show the utter recklessness of this class the following is an illustration: At St. Petersburg the Roberts Company agent had a large cast iron safe made for the safe keeping of his nitro-glycerine. The "moonlighters" broke into this with sledge hammers and carried off the entire contents. This disregard of fatal consequences can be the more readily realized when it is known that the substance is exploded by a very slight concussion. The breaking up of the "moonlighting" system was only brought about after long and costly litigation. This explosive substance is one of the most dangerous and subtle known. After being made it is stored in a cool place where it is congealed or frozen, and so kept until wanted for use. It is placed in cans after being thawed out, taken to the well, and there placed in the shells. Though every pre- caution has been used, yet the accidents, always fatal, from its premature 330 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. explosion, number a long roll of victims. The result of these accidental explosions was novel as well as sad. All that was visible was a large hole in the ground, and of the victims, whether men or horses, some fragments of clothing and flesh on the surrounding trees or bushes. As to the exact causes leading to such explosions only conjecture could be formed, the witnesses being blown into minute fragments. The accidents generally happened when the unfortunate victims visited the magazines to get their supply of nitroglycerine. The only notice given of the disaster was the sound of the explosion, often heard for miles, and creating havoc in the immediate lo- cality. And this was all that was ever really known of it. One of the most noted in the many cases was that of ' ' Doc. ' ' Haggerty, a teamster, near Pleasantville, in December, 1888. Haggerty was employed to haul nitro- glycerine to the magazine. His wagon was loaded with one thousand four hundred pounds of glycerine when the explosion occurred. He was seen at the magazine, sitting on his wagon, about twenty minutes before the accident. The wagon and team were blown to atoms; of Hag- gerty not the slighest trace could be found. The unfortunate man held a five thousand dollar life policy. The insurance company refused payment on the ground that no remains of the alleged dead Haggerty could be pro- duced, taking the view that he is still alive, a consummation that no doubt would be pleasant to the deceased. But there is no doubt that Haggerty is very, very dead. The only plausible theory of annihilation in this case was that the heat generated by the exi)losion was sufficiently powerful to insure instantaneous combustion of the body. The latest explosive, known as "Americanite," is claimed to be equally as powerful, and absolutely safe. Natural petroleum gas, or as it is generally termed, natural gas. was found from the beginning in all the oil wells in more or less quantity or volume. It was the motive power that forced the oil to the surface in the flowing wells, and assisted the pumping ones. To the mind of the writer it is to the oil as the blood is to the human system, the life principle, and with- out it the oil, as blood in the body, would become an inert and useless sub- stance. Although in existence coeval with the oil, it was known for years before it became practically utilized. Its utilization in the past few years has revolutionized the fuel system of the local field, and it is now one of the commercial wonders of the age. Natural gas came into general use as a fuel and illuminant in 1873. It was found at a considerable depth below the usual oil sands, though in a somewhat similar sandrock, in a pure state, immixed with any appreciable amount of oil. Since the date mentioned it has come into general use as fuel for manufactories and for heating dwellings. The existence of vast fields of it throughout the Pennsylvania oil fields, in Ohio, Indiana, and other states has been satisfactorily determined. In Pittsburgh its most THE TETKOLEUM DEVELOl'MENT. 831 extensive utilization has l)Pen made. In the inimeiliate vicinity of that city it has been found in vast and seemingl} inexhaustible supply. In February, 1888, it is stated that more than tweuty-seven thousand three hundred miles of mains were used in pipinor natural gas. In Pittsburgh alone at that date five hundred miles supplied forty-two thousand six hundred and forty-five private houses, forty iron mills, thirty- seven glass houses, seventy-three foundries and machine shops, and four hundred and twenty- two industrial establishments. At present date it is safe to infer fully double the above estimate. It can be piped long distances by the pressure direct from the wells. This is about three hundred pounds at the starting point, and this pressure is the only force that has yet been used. Wherever had, its use is greater, and it is of more value than the oil. As to its duration, who knows? The pressure diminishes in a well, and a new one has to be drilled, just as the petroleum supply has had to be kept up, yet after thirty years of constant development, and perforating the earth with over sixty thousand oil wells, the supply of oil is found to be enough for export to all parts of the world, for home consumption, and some millions of barrels of a surplus that is being steadily increased. For heating houses natural gas is the greatest luxury ever bestowed on the race. It has all the advantages of a wood hre, is free from ashes or dirt, is safe, and can be started by the turning of a stop-cock and the appli- cation of a lighted match. In the manufacture of iron and glass it has been proven better than any other fuel, beside being cheaper. For illu- mination it is nature's lamp and burns without a wick. There will be no need to return to coal for fuel for years to come in such centers as have been developed. The vast oil deposits of Ohio and other states, the value of which for fuel has been so well established, in case of the failure of natural gas, are on hand to take its place and may prove to be even better. The capitalization of the gas stock companies of Pittsburgh at this time foots up fully thirty million dollars. Mention has been made of extensions of the oil field closely following the striking of the Drake well. These were for a short time confined to the valley of Oil creek, a few of its tributaries and hill farms adjoining, also on the Allegheny river from Tidioute to Franklin. With the advent of the oil companies, the pioneer "wild catters, " the development took a wider range, extending not only to various portions of Venango but to adjoining counties. Oil was struck in West Virginia very soon after Drake's find, but no general development occurred in that state in the first years. Among the earliest divergencies from the favored valley of Oil creek was the development of Cherry run, near Rouseville, on Oil creek. From this resulted the famous Reed & Criswell well, and the no less noted Smith farm, owned by Beers & Corners. Then came Shamburg and adjoining localities. 332 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. January 8, 1865, the striking of the Frazier well, on the lands of the United States Oil Company, resulted in the development of the Pithole field, of world-wide renowu. Following close^ after were the oil discoveries on the Alexander Cochran and Hoover farms below Franklin. Further extension of this line was soon made to Foster farm. Bully Hill, Bullion, Scrubgrass, Emlenton, Foxburg, and at Grass Flats, on the Clarion river. Then the Butler and Armstrong fields, the first of which proved prolific to an unprecedented degree, and is still in a thrifty state. The Clarion belt was also operated with good results. St. Petersburg, Turkey City, Beaver, Edenburg, Elk City, and Shipj^enville, and within the past few years the Clarion borough fields have been productive localities. Then came in the Bradford field of McKean county and a portion of Allegany county, New York slate. With the still later additions of Washington, Allegheny, and Greene counties, the oil producing fields of the present date in Pennsylva- nia, present and prospective, comprise a territory of several hundred square miles. That of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and AVest Virginia, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado, will add to this indefinitely. Improved facilities in machinery for drilling the oil wells and in the methods of transportation of the oil by railroads and pipe lines kept pace with the extension of the oil fields and the increase of the production. Large pools were struck at Troutman and adjoining farms, in Butler county, and at Cherry Grove and Richburg, Allegany county, New York. At the beginning of 1880 the daily production was estimated at fully seventy-six thousand barrels. In June, 1882, the highest daily record was given at one hundred and ten thousand barrels. From what has already been given of the earlier modes of transporta- tion, some idea can be formed of the magnitude of the task of handling, providing means of storage, the refining and finding a market for so great a daily production. By the early enactment of a free pipe bill any who had the means and will could build a pipe line. A number of these were constructed leading from the various fields to nearest railroad points and thence to the seaboard citfes, the points from which the product was exported; the railroads formed the only means of transport. The questions that vex the Inter-State Com- merce Commission of to-day existed in even greater extent during all those years. No effective concert of action could be decided on by the different pipe line companies. The desire for combination was as prevalent then as now. The only difference was that each pipe line incorporation wanted to be the combination, and the producer entertained something of the same idea for the conservation of his interests. The necessity of providing storage for the product of the wells was the factor that for all this time in- terested all classes engaged in the biisiness. With George V. Forman and J. J. Vanderofrift orisfinated the idea of THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 333 consolidating the pipe lines under one general head. Having extensive pipe lines of their own these gentlemen went to work earnestly to effect this object, and the result was the tinal absorption of the different lines into the incorp6ration known as the United Pipe Lines, and still later as the National Transit. The details of their operations would make an interesting history of itself.. Once formed and in successful operation the new corporation made con- nections with every producing well in the oil country, erected hundreds of large iron storage tanks of thirty-five thousand barrel capacity, and took charge of the transportation and storage of the entire production. Seaboard pipe lines were constructed, a negotiable oil certificate was devised which is to-day for all commercial purposes as reliable as the government bonds or currency, a general average insurance against losses by fire or otherwise, and a uniform rate of transportation of twenty cents per barrel for oil from all points, were established. That has never been changed. The accomplishment of such results necessitated an investment of cash and of talent and skill far beyond individual possibility. The conception and execution of this plan solved the problem of oil transportation for that and all time to come. For this, if for no other reason, its projectors and their able successors are to be commended. The various towns and cities of this and other days deserve at least a passing notice. In the different years of the development these sprang up in each succeeding oil field like unto Jonah's gourd, and in the large majority of cases proved nearly as transient in duration. The names of many of these were suggested by the locality, while others were the happy and appro- priate conception of the first residents. As a general thing these places wore the appendage of "city," something after the manner of the curl in the pig's tail, more for ornament than any visible practical use. Of the score or two towns of this class few had but a brief term of life. Their growth culminated with the height of oil production surrounding them, and then before they had scarcely reached the ' ' teething ' ' age their decadence began. The rows or blocks of wooden buildings that escaped the ravages of fire were deserted as soon as the oil productions of the wells surrounding were reduced to small pumpers, and their former occupants migrated to a newly discovered field. The amount of money and energy devoted to the building up of these oil towns would foot up a large amount. And this branch of business only ceased, at least in a great measure, as the boundaries of the oil territory became defined. But the oil town, in its typical sense, still lives, and will be seen as long as new oil fields are dis- covered. Whether of longer or shorter duration each of the many towns had its history, and all of it goes to make the pages of the future chronicle inter- esting. In the matter of nomenclature that of the oil country has been both 334 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. fitting and original, and this has been displayed in the naming of the towns as well as in other things. Space is lacking to enumerate the different names and their origin. Notable among the oil towns that in former years attained a world-wide reputation were Pithole and Petroleum Center. The first named in the first few years of its brief life attained a population as estimated of from twelve to fifteen thousand. Its postoflice was rated as second-class. A daily paper, palatial hotels, opera houses, gorgeous saloons, business blocks, palaces of sin, aliounded and flourished. Churches and schools marked the moral sentiment. To these the contributions were liberal to a degree equaled by but few sections or communities. Pipe lines were laid to this city of promise. The Oil City and Pithole and the Reno, Oil Creek and Pithole railroads were iDrojected and built. The first named reached Pithole and reaped a fair harvest, but before the completion of the second the glory of Pithole had begun to wane with its declining produc- tion. At no one point in the history of the oil business did the tide of specula- tion rise so high as at Pithole. At no place did the ebb of the speculative tide show so great an amount of financial wreckage. Ruin was carried to thousands of homes by the unfortunate ventures of this noted oil field. To illustrate briefly: AVhen the Frazier or United States well was struck oil was selling at eight dollars per barrel. Four thousand dollars bonus (and royalty of one half the oil obtained) was paid for leases. The Rooker farm was bought by J. W. Bonta and James A. Bates for the sum of two hundred and eighty thousand dollars; in less than two months these parties sold ninety leases at an average price of three thousand five hundred dollars, some of the leases selling as high as seven thousand dollars; three acres of it, with wells, were afterward sold for eighty-two thousand five hundred dol- lars. Other farms in the same field averaged still better than this. The profit and loss account of Pithole represented many millions. At date scarcely a trace of the city whose fame in a brief time extended to the ends of the earth now remain, though afterward some good wells were had, and at present a brisk development is in progress in some portions of the ter- ritory. Petroleum Center, on Oil creek, was scarcely less noted when at the height of prosjoerity than Pithole, and nearly equaled it in size and impor- tance and possibly in wickedness. A few brief years of great prosperity were followed by the failure of oil production in its immediate vicinity, resulting in its almndonment, and now a store, a few dwellings, church building, school house, and a railroad station are all that remain to mark the site of the once noted city. Oil City, Franklin, Titusville, and Bradford are the marked types of the survival of the fittest. The growth of these in all that goes to mark the best elements of this enlightened and progressive age is an honor to each THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 335 and all of their respective communities. This was not achieved without the struggles incident to all other places. Each had s(>asons of depression that left au impress at the time, from the beginning to the date of the systema- tizing of the oil business upon a legitimate basis. Oil City's experience has been most notable. In March, 1865, a flood swept away the business portion of the city. Scarcely had the destructive element commenced to recede ere its energetic people proceeded to rebuild again. In May, 1800, tire swept away the main portion of the city that had been rebuilt. The propei'ty loss by the flood of 1805 was estimated at five million dollars. Fot months business was practically suspended, and this was to be added. The loss by the tire footed up over a million of dollars. One item in the loss by the flood was five hundred thousand barrels of oil in boats and oil yards along the river and creek fronts. In this city as well as in other sections of the petroleum territory, tire, flood, business and financial reverses have during the different years taxed its residents to what has seemed the full measure of human endurance. These were met and overcome with the energetic spirit that everywhere and under all circum- stances has characterized the American people. The results are so apparent as to need no special comment here, the subject being given in detail else- where. To do justice to the oil operators, or as they are generally termed, oil men, whose energy, labor, and capital made the possibilities that have pro- duced the almost phenomenal results of the vast petroleum development, a large chapter would be required. He was the man ttat prospected the ter- ritory and drilled the wells. Ever in the front he bore the heat and burden of the struggle, taking the chances, at all times uncertain, and whether suc- cessful or otherwise, never losing faith or hope in himself. The writer knows him well, and it is ever a pleasant task to bear testimony to the merits of the type of enterprising, public spirited men who have made a lasting mark on the most extensive and successful mineral development of this busy age. No obstacle has yet proved too great for him to overcome. Drake and his associates were the first prospectors, or "wild catters, " and the hundreds that have followed, improving in method, have made the work that formerly required months of unremitting toil a mere matter of days. It required over a year to drill the Drake well to a depth of sixty-nine and a half feet. Drake's entire drilling outfit weighed about one hundred and twenty-five pounds. The drilling outfit of to-day weighs from two thousand to two thousand five hundred pounds, and in cases is even heavier. The average depths in the different fields is from one thousand two hundred to to one thousand five hundred feet, while the depth in the Washington and lower fields is from two thousand to two thousand five hundred feet for oil wells, and the gas veins are struck about nine hundred feet below the aver- age oil measures or rock. Ten days are only a fair record for drilling on 336 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. the ordinary fields, though the average, except in case of unusual obstruc- tions or accidents, is from fifteen to twenty days for a well. And the cost has been lessened, notwithstanding the increased depth, from one-half to two-thirds. To enumerate the diiJerent appliances devised by the operator to penetrate the earth to any desired depth and overcome all obstacles met with is not requisite. The work of drilling an oil well at present date has to be witnessed to be fully comprehended. All other oil well machinery has kept pace with the drilling apparatus. Thus equipped the operator goes forth to conquer every obstacle that intervenes between earth's surface and its hidden treasures of oil or gas, and he does so. He traced his belts or forty- five degree lines in the former years, on the natural trend of mineral deposits, northeast to southwest, and opened up many fields. Now he places his faith upon the kind of sandrock he meets. The science of geology plays an important part. In a clearing, hill- side, hill-top, cultivated farm, or in the forest the operator builds his derrick, sinks his well, and if fortune favors him finds himself in the midst of a productive oil field, of greater or less extent. This last is determined by the many who follow and seek to profit by his venture. Pipe lines and settlement follow, towns spring up. and during the excitement flourish and have more or less prosperity. In every direction and in the different states extending from the productive fields of Pennsylvania and Ohio to the far off prospective fields of Wyoming, Colorado, and on the shores of the Pacific, the restless "wild catter" has pushed his way and like Alexander of old, is constantly longing and seeking for new fields to conquer. From the beginning he has been the pioneer of the business. Those who followed reaped a more permanent harvest. He has ever been on the skirmish line, cleared the way, and left to others the work of details. As the business is a distinctive one, so is the oil operator among all other of the men who are making the material business history of the great western hemisphere. To him is the success that has resulted due, and upon his constant ventures and apparently inexhaustible energy depend its extension and permanence. As a class the oil operator is a gentleman who should be re- ceived with grateful impulses, for prosperity is sure to follow in every locality in which he makes a successful strike. The benefits of increased wealth that he gains for himself are but a small part of that which assures to so many others, creating towns and cities and making prosperous and wealthy what had before his advent been comparatively waste places. He needs no fulsome eulogy. His achievements are a fitting and honored monument to skill, industry, intelligent and unremitting effort. The petroleum mining and business history is not dissimilar in general respects to that of other mineral developments. If those who bore the burden in the beginning failed to reap the harvest they had planted, it is THE PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT. 337 mainly due to the cold fact that in the decrees of fate it has been denied to individuals, save in exceptional cases, to realize more than a limited share of earth's wealth. In the beginning all were equal in this favored field, and each and all had their innings. As previously stated the intention of these sketches is to give an outline of the frame work upon which the petroleum, the greatest of the modern business structures of the American nation, has l)een built, to date; slso the leading features of the different years. To compress twenty-seven years of such history, any one of which would make a volume the size of this work, into a single, brief chapter, has not been an easy nor an enviable task. No feeling of partiality toward class or locality has actuated the writer. While the omissions are doiibtless many, the reader may attribute these more to the limited space allotted to this one feature in what is in- tended to be a general history, than to any desire on the part of the writer. The history of the petroleum development has yet to be written. Its prog- ress is too rapid to admit of more than a record of the passing events which will furnish the historian of the future with such brief data as can be noted in the busy whirl of its ever changing and rapid progress. Without claim to prophetic vision the writer can see a future for the petro- leum business and those engaged in its various branches, in comparison with which the results of the past are insignificant. The extension of the oil and gas fields to present view appears to be without practical limit. It will only require a few brief years to develop a succession of these from Pennsylvania to the Pacific. Prosperity and all that it entails have^ver followed close on the wake of this latest and most wonderful of the developments of nature's resources, stored for ages for the benefit of this, the most favored if not en- lightened, age of progress. Towns and cities will be built along the line marked out, and the settlement along this will exceed in a few years, wherever oil or gas is developed, that which a century of previous effort has failed to accomplish. Heat, light, and power is the motto of petroleum, and all these its products provide in practically inexhaustible measure. Its mission is to light cities, supply heat, and whirl the wheels of every industry, prove indispensable in art, science, and manufactures, sharing its benefits for the best good, in cottage and palace, wherever it reaches. The present cities and those that are to follow from its discovery will become busy centers of manufactures and commerce, and their people reap the reward that has re- sulted in the past in far greater volume. An industry- that in little over a decade has taken rank as third in the list of exports from this vast conti- nent, and is as yet in the almost incipient state of its development, has possibilities beyond ordinary comprehension. We can only deal with the past and present of the petroleum industry. That we are now only in the beginning goes without saying. In a few years present methods will be so far superseded as to seem to the observer much as the first locomotive com- 338 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. pared with the elal>orate structure of the present one. The pipe line will be a familiar sight to the traveler as he journeys from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Venango county, where the petroleum development had its birth, will be found in history for all time to come. The following table will furnish the reader an approximate basis of the growth, value and extent of the petroleum development in Venango county from 1859 to 1888: Year. Xo. Wells. Bbls. Produced. Av'ge Price. Consumption. Stock. 1,S,59 1 200 300 400 500 1,000 1,000 900 900 1,000 1,000 1.044 1,472 1,201 1,361 1,850 2,385 2,960 3,954 3,018 ■ 2,889 4,194 3.848 3,269 2,886 2,309 2,857 3,525 1,679 1,504 2,000 200.000 2.110,000 3,055,000 2,610,000 2,130,000 2,721,000 3,732,000 3,583,000 3,716,000 4,351,000 5,371,000 5,531,000 6,357,000 9,932,000 10,883,000 8,801,000 9,015,000 13,043,000 15.367,000 19,827,000 26,048,000 27,238,000 30,460,000 24,300,000 23,500,000 20,900,000 26,150,000 21,818,037 16,131,000 $20.00 9.60 2.73 1.05 3.15 9.87i 6.59 3.74 2.41 3.62i 5.63i 3.89 4.34 3.64 1.83 1.17 1.35 2.m 2.42 1.19 .851 Mi .851 .781 1.05f .m .88 .7U .661 .871 3,156,528 5,553,626 5,804,577 9,391,226 8,802.513 8,956,439 9,740,461 12,739,902 13,879,538 15,971,809 15,590.040 20,146,726 21,883,098 22,096,612 23,500,000 23,900,000 26,750,000 26,627,191 26,470,655 18(i0 1861 1S62 I860 1864 lS(i.") 1S()6 1867 1868 1869 1870 554,626 1871 532,000 1872 1,084,423 1873 1,625,157 1874 3,705,639 1875 1876 3,550,200 2,824.730 1877 3, 12;. 837 1878 4.615,299 1879 1S8(I 8,470,490 18,928,430 1881 26,019,704 18M2 34.596,612 1883 36,800,000 1884 36,800,000 1885 33,800.000 1886 33,000.000 1887 28,31 (<:'282 1888 18,595,474 ^ -""«S^x^\ CITY OF FllANKLIN. 341 CHAPTER XXL CITY OF FRANKLIN. Survey and Sale of the Town Plat — Settlement and Gkowth — Eauly Surveyors— The Old Merchants— Early Mechanics— Hotels —The Press — "The Nursery of Great Men"— Early" Physi- cians AND Lawyers— Some Old Ministers— The First Sun- day" School — Incidents and Landmarks— The Old Way" of Traveling— Ancient Roads — The Old Cemetery"- Water, Light, and Scenery. BOTH nature and the governments of iliis country destined this point to be the county seat. It was at the conHuence of two large streams, anciently of more importance than now. France built her fort here as in a commanding position; England did the same, and so did the United States. All things then combined to make this meeting of the waters an important point. The state reserved from general sales positions fpr four towns that were laid out under direction of her engineers and called, respectively: Erie, Waterford, Warren, and Franklin. By act of March 24, 1789, the general assembly declared that not exceeding three thousand acres should be sur- veyed at the fort of Venango, for the use of the commonwealth. By act of April 18, 1795, commissioners were appointed to survey one thousand acres of the reservation and lay out therein the town of Franklin. The name first applied to the site by Coffen in 1753 is Ganagarahare. This name is used biit once. Then it is Weningo, then Wenango, Vinango, and finally Venango. This engineering work was done by General William Irvine and Andrew Ellicott. They arrived at Fort Franklin in the summer of 1795, accom- panied by a corps of surveyors and escorted by a company of state troops under the command of Captain John Grubb, who subsequently settled in Erie county, where he served for many years as justice of the peace and associate judge. After walking over the ground a plan was digested to suit the general features of the landscape, and work commenced by running a street one hun- dred feet wide down the creek, then making an angle down the river. Other streets were run parallel with Liberty until the flat was exhausted, when the 19 34:2 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. proper number of cross streets were made and the whole laid out in lots. In the center of the town where Twelfth street crosses Liberty a largo plat of ijround was reserved for a public park. So far the o;ood taste of the engineers was manifest, but when the nam- ing of the streets was undertaken, it would seem as though the ouly book of reference at hand must have been the catalogue of some zoological garden, as thev adopted the names of beasts and birds and fishes and creeping things of (he earth. When tlie town became of sut^cieut importance to speak of streets by names, the disgusted citizens repudiated these names and a new svstem of nomenclature was adopted. The siTrveys of the four towns mentioned having been completed, Irvine. Ellicott. and George Wilson were appointed state agents for the sale of lots, and in 179(» had the following advertisement inserted in the eastern news- papers : Asrreeably to instructious from his excelleucy. Thomas Mitlliu. Governor of this Commonwealth, we shall olfer for sale the following town and outlets of Erie, Watev'- ford. Franklin, and Warren, at the time and places hereafter specitied, viz. : The sale of that portion of town and outlots of the several towns to be disposed of in the city of Philadelphia will commence on Moudtty, the 05th day of July next: that portion of the town and outlots of the several towns to be disposed of at Carlisle will commence at that borouffh on Wednesday, the 3rd of August next: and the sale of that portion of the town and outlots of the said towns to bo disposed of at Pittsburgh will commence at that borough on Monday, the loth day of August next. ^YILT.lA^I Ikvixe, Andrew Ellicott, George Wilson, Agents. A partial transcrijit of the original sales of lots at the places named in this advertisement shows that the prices of inlots ranged from five dollars rrpward. while outlots sold " for a song."' Nevertheless purchasers were very scarce even at the extremely low figures paid for the most desirable lots in the embryo borough of Franklin. The manner in which payments were recei]ited is shown by the following ancient document: Philadelphia, December 6. 179(i. Received of Anthony Beelen the sum of thirty-four fo'o dollars, being the tirst pay- ment of one-half the purchase money for lot Number 561 in the town of Franklin, pur- chased by him at public auction at Pittsburgh on the 17th of August last. CLEilENT BlDDLE, Beceivt-r for the Common icealth. Many persons who purchased these lots soon lost interest in them, failed to pay taxes, and thus left them to be sold for taxes. This accounts for the threat number of treasurers' deeds that are connected with the history of Franklin. This state of affairs inured greatly to the advantage of the early settlers of the town. SETTLEMENT AND GROWTH. Georo-e i'ower naturallv commenced his house near Fort Franklin and CITY OF FRANKLIN. 343 just below the present upper bridge. It answered for house and trading shop, as he was then a bachelor. In 1803 he built on the corner of Otter and Elbow streets, a stone l)uilding for a house. It was pulled down in 1 872. A more extended account of Mr. Power is given in Chapter IX. James G. Heron was probably one of the first to arrive after Power. He was sometimes called Captain Heron. He was not a lawyer by educa- tion or profession, but filled the office of associate judge. He seems to have come to Franklin at a very early day in its history. His name is not connected with the military here, although he was an officer in the Kevolu- tionary army, and he must have arrived very soon after the town was laid out, as his name appears on the books of George Power the same vear 1795. In 1797 his name appears frequently on the books of Edward Hale, where various goods are charged to him. This indicates that he was in some kind of business, as his family had not yet arrived. It is not known where Captain Heron came from, but most probably from the eastern part of Pennsylvania. In 1800 he brought his family and made his home here. The history of that migration of the Heron family was a very romantic one, though it probably did not difPer much from that of other early families. All their effects in the way of housekeeping came up the river, in a keel-boat, and were three weeks on the passage. The family came by land, of course on horseback, and through an unbroken for- est, and by a blind trail, and most probably camping out by night. One of Judge Heron's daughters married David Irvine, the first lawyer who settled in the town. Mrs. Irvine was well knoyn here in modern davs, as she was a frequent visitor as late as twelve or fifteen years ao-o. Her last years were spent in Erie, Pennsylvania, where she died but a few years ago. During her visits here it was her delight to talk of the town as she knew it in the ancient times. A curious fact is revealed by the inventory and appraisement of his per- sonal estate on file in the register's office. This contains the following among other items, showing that Judge Heron brought slaves with him to Franklin: "One negro girl named Nancy, to serve five years; one negro girl, about three years to serve, named Patt, said to be in bad health." Judge Heron's death occurred at Franklin on the 30th of Decem- ber, 1809. We have the date and fact from the fragment, yet in existence, of a newspaper called the Mirror, published at Erie, Pennsylvania, in the following words: Thursday, Januar}- 4tb. Died: In the town of Franklin, Venango county, of a severe attack of the palsy, on Saturday last, Captain James G. Heron, an associate judge of that county. Pa- triotism, benevolence, and charity were the ruling passions of his soul. The'former he invariably evinced by a warm attachment to, and disinterested service of his coun- try during the contest which achieved our independence. His social virtues were such as highly endeared him to a numerous circle of relations and friends. 344 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The date of the year is torn off, yet circumstances combiue to show that the paper was published on Thursday. January 4, 1810, which would tix the death of Judge Heron on the 30th of December, 1809. Judge Heron is represented as a man of sterling worth, a useful mem- ber of society, and a judicious counselor. It is probable that his judicial duties were not burdensome, nor his responsibilities great, yet he aided in molding public opinion, when in a formative state. His widow lived to an advanced age, and has a daughter, Mrs. Cutts, living now in Philadelphia. In a letter written by Mrs. Mary Ann Irvine to Doctor Eaton, we have these facts in regard to the early settlement of the town. The letter was dated January 26, 1876, when the writer was in her ninety-third year. She has since been called to her rest. Dear Sir: I sit down to give you a few items of my recollections of Franklin at an early day. I have a notice of my father's death which I will send you. He was an officer of the Revolution and was called Captain Heron until he was appointed asso- ciate judge. Then some people called him judge, and some captain. He came to Franklin in 1800, with a large family. The family came by land. The servants, five in number, and the furniture came by water from Pittsburgh, in a keel-boat, and were three weeks on the voyage. There w^re five families in Franklin (summer of 1800) when we arrived. Captain George Fowler was in the fort, but no troops, as the Indians were friendly. The pick- ets were still standing, and the quarters of both oflicers and soldiers were in good order. The fort was at the junction of French creek and the Allegheny river. Colonel Alexander McDowell lived a little farther up the creek, in a log house without win- dows or doors. There was no carpenter in Franklin at that time. The settlers were obliged to put up blankets where the doors and windows should have been. There were a great many Indians about, who were very noisy when drunk. They often encamped on the opposite side of the creek, at the Point, and would whoop and yell half the night. I never heard Mrs. McDowell say she was afraid of them. Colonel McDowell came to Franklin in 1794. I do not know the month. He was dep- uty surveyor and an agent of the Holland Land Company, under Major Roger Alden, of Meadville. Mr. H. J. Huidekoper had not come to this country at that time. Col- onel McDowell was also a magistrate. He built a log house on the hill, a short dis- tance from the creek, where he and his family lived after it was weather-boarded. There was no carpenter nearer than the mouth of Oil creek, to which place he sent for Mr. Broadfoot, who came and brought his son, John, then about sixteen years of age. They finished the house in 1803. Mrs. McDowell spoke of everything being scarce, as is usually the case in new countries. Owing to the scarcity of garden seeds and chickens she was obliged to per- form a curious surgical operation. She had been fortunate enough to raise a few mel- ons, and was very careful of the seed. She washed them and put them in the sun to dry. Not long afterward, in looking out, she saw a hen eating them. As she could not afford to loose either the seeds or the hen, she sent a man to catch it, and taking a pair of scissors she cut open the craw and squeezed out the precious contents. She then sewed up the wound with a needle and thread, and set the hen down, who ran away to join her two companions and began scratching as though nothing had happened. Mrs. McDowell was a lively, energetic woman, a kind neighbor, and one that I liked very much. My friend George Power was not married when we came to Franklin. His mother, a nice old lady, kept house for him. He was married to Margaret Bowman, Decem- CITY OF FRANKLIN, 345 ber 30, 1800.* He was a incrchant, an excellent, honest man, amiable, kind, and liked by all. Next were our neighbors, Mr. ar:d Mrs. Edward Hale, very clever people, and the parents of Mrs. Andrew Bowman and Mrs. James Kinnear. Marcus Hulings lived on the bank of French creek. He had a large family of children. He ran a keel boat from Franklin to Pittsburgh. I do not know what year he came to Franklin. Abraham Selders also lived in Franklin. He was a son-in-law of daddy and mammy Huliugs, as they were always called. I do not think we had any preaching till 1801. Then a clergyman came, who- preached in our house. I do not know what denomination he belonged to, but I think he was a Presbyterian. After that there was a small log cabin put up, with a clap- board roof. This building was used for a school house, and I had the honor of being a scholar. Our first teacher was James Mason from Sugar Creek, who boarded around with^he scholars. The Heron family came in 1800. There were then but five families in the place: George Power, Edward Hale, Marcus Hulings, Abraham Sel- ders, and George Fowler. Mr. Power lived on Elbow street, near Otter; Mr. Hale, on what is now West Park street, at the corner of Liberty; Mr. Hulings, at the foot of Twelfth street on the bank of Frenck creek, and Mr. Fowler, in the "Old Garrison." Mrs. Fowler ruled her household with discretion and was a kind of supreme court to her husband's justice's court. An incident in the life of Samuel Hays illustrates this. He was driving a yoke of oxen cptietly along the street, like Horace's friend, musing on unimportant things, when a neighbor began to chaff him for going barefoot through the streets. Mr. Hays made no reply, but with his great ox whip proceeded to chastise the impertinent fellow then and there. The man went at once to Captain Fowler's office to get a warrant for Mr. Hays' arrest. The squire, as they called him, was writing the war- rant, when Mother Fowler appeared on the scene and inquired: " And what are you doing now, daddy?" " Why, I am writing a warrant." " And who is the warrant for? " "For Sam Hays." " And who has the impudence to sue Sam Hays?" "Why, this man here, Mr. Thompson." " And what has Sam Hays done? '" "He says he threshed him with his ox whip." " And served him right, too, I warrant. Get out of my house with you^ Thompson. I'll have nobody here suing Sam Hays." Having cleared the house of the presuming neighbor, she took the half- prepared warrant, tore it to pieces, and threw the fragments into the fire. This original way of entering a nolle prosequi was no doubt judicious and the best thing that could have been done in the case. on* ^*^*'°'^'"^ ^^ ^^^ record in the old family bible. George Power married Margaret Bowman Decem- lonn !t.i. ' ^** ^°^- ^'^ stated by Mrs. Irvine, unmarried when the Heron family came to Franklin in. laoo. Ihe year of his marriage is also incorrectly given by Doctor Eaton as 1800 on page 84. See biography on page 7J4. ., .. i o b t- j 346 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Mrs. McDowell used to relate some of her adventures with the Indians. They were in the habit of encamping on the point across the mouth of French creek. Sometimes they were quiet; at others, when the " fire water " got amongst them, they were noisy and prolonged their orgies far into the night, sometimes to the alarm of the quiet citizens. On one occasion an Indian came to Mrs. McDowell's house to trade. He had nothing to trade, but said " Me catch fish, very much fish. Me give white woman fish, get moneys, Indian like moneys." "Well," said the lady, "bring me a nice fish, and I will give you a silver shilling." "Well, Indian bring fish, but maybe white woman lie." On the assurance that there would be honest dealing, the fish was brought, and the contract completed to the satisfaction of all parties. Colonel Alexander McDowell, like most of the others, came alone at first, to break the way and make preparation for his family. The McDowell family are Pennsylvanians throughout. They are found in Philadelphia and in Franklin and in other counties east of the mountains, and are numer- ous to this day and occupy prominent positions in society. Colonel McDowell first came here in 1794 as deputy surveyor and agent of the Holland Land Company. After the exigencies of the time required it, he was commissioned as a justice of the peace, and attended to adjusting difficiilties between man and man. In the year 1797 he brought his family, having provided a log house, just below the present dam. After- ward, in 1802, he built a new house of greater pretensions for their accom- modation. It stood on what was then called the edge of the bluflP, over- looking the creek. As we speak of localities now it was on Elk street be- low Eleventh, and just above Mrs. Bry den's house. In this new building there were neither windows nor door at first, but it was a house and had o-oodly promise of being a luxurious abode some time in the future. Blankets and sheets served to till the places of doors and windows. The latter came in due time. The carpenter who put the finishing touches to the house was John Broadfoot, who, after this work, became a prominent citizen. The house was weather boarded, and stood until within a few years as one of the ancient landmarks of the town. In this same house wall paper was made to adorn the walls. It was the first wall paper ever seen in Franklin. It was in sheets, thick and strong, and lasted until the house was demolished in 1874. The paper was made with a light ground, and pictures of boys and dogs in blue made it very attractive to the early citizens. Colonel McDowell was well acquainted with Cornplanter and made him his friend by his kindness and consideration in surveying his land and in assisting him in settling on a home of his own. He did not live to be old, dying January 4, 1816, when but fifty-three years of age. Mrs. Sarah McDowell survived her husband nearly half a century, dying in September. 1865, and being, according to the inscription on her tomb, one hundred and CITY OF FRANKLIN. 347 three years of age. She was undoubtedly the oldest person who ever lived in Franklin. There are portraits of these old pioneers still extant, that are quite worth a journey to see. Judging from these, Colonel McDowell was a gentleman of the old school, sedate, dignified, well accustomed to the amenities of life, and well trained to the usages of society. Mrs. McDowell was a small woman, graceful in form, beautiful in feature and countenance, and in her early days miTst have possessed unusual attractions. These por- traits are nearly one hundred years old, and show the skill of the artist in drawing and coloring, as well as the di-ess and style of that ancient day. Thomas Skelley McDowell was born April 26, 1803, son of Colonel Mc- Dowell. He lived here all his life and died within ten rods of the ancient house just described, February 8, 1876. A large family followed, sons and daughters, but they have all passed away from the scenes of time. Their grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren are amongst us at the present day, so that the name is not lost and it will be long ere the memories of these pioneers are forgotten. Edward Hale was the father-in-law of Andrew Bowman. Both were among the early settlers. Edward Hale came from Fayette county, bring- ing his family with him on horseback, in 1798, and was a trader with the Indians, and dealt in merchandise with the citizens. He was a man of much enterprise, and bid fair to be one of the most prosperous citizens of the town. He owned a large amount of property that in after years proved to be valuable. In 1801 he leased a portion of the present park for agri- cultural purposes. We find the following curious document among the papers left by Mr. Hale: We, the trustees for the county of Venango, agree to lease to Edward Hale all that part of the public square in the town of Franklin, which the said Edward Hale has now under fence, at the rate of one dollar a year, until the ground which the said Hale has now in cultivation is wanted for public use for the use of said county. James McClaran, Alexander McDowell, June 10, 1801. Trustees. Attest: John Johnston. Mr. Hale was the father of Mrs. Sarah Bowman and Mrs. Jane Kinnear. He was one of the first merchants of Franklin. Mr. Hale died young, when he had just begun to develop his enterprise and capacity for business. His death occurred in 1806, in the thirtieth year of his age. Mrs. Hale afterwards married William Parker, father of the late George W. Parker, of Sugar Creek, and took up her residence at Bear creek, on the river below. The younger daughter, Jane H. , married Colonel James Kinnear, and lived among us until her death, March 31, 1870. Later on appeared Samuel Hays, an Irishman, who was destined to 348 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. make bis mark in the history of the county, in its business and in its polit- ical affairs. He had largely the elements of popularity, and easily won bis way to distinction among his neighbors. Mr. Hays was a man of ability, but owed his advancement moi'e to a regular balance of judgment and cau- tion, and kindness and forbearance, and the ability to watch and wait, all combined, than to any one quality or characteristic. And with this charac- ter of mind his life was a fortunate and prosperous one, from the popular standpoint. He was a man who always had friends who would stand by him in any emergency, and were always ready to assist in carrying out his enterprises. He was a business man, and also a politician. He would give attention to business and also keep in view his desires and prospects relat- ing to the political world. Samuel Hays was born in Ireland, and came early to America to make his home. Having his full share of enterprise, he soon sought out this new town as his home and came to seek his fortune in 1803. The probabilities are that he had very little in the way of capital to begin with. But he had that Irish trait of looking to the main chance and with industry, economy, and perseverance he was soon looked upon as one of the rising men of Franklin, and not only of the town, but of the county of Venango. And during the course of a rather long life he was called to occupy nearly every office in the gift of the people. He was a Democrat of the Democrats, yet he owed his political popularity rather to personal traits already alluded to, than to mere political party. Mr. Hays probably held a greater number of offices than any other man in the history of Venango county. He was four times elected sheriff, viz. : in 1808, 1820, 1829, and 1835. He was elected to the state assembly four times, in 1813, 1816, 1823, and 1825; to the state senate twice, in 1822 and 1839; to the congress of the United States once, 1842. He was also mar- shal of the western district, and associate judge of the county in 1856. In all these offices he acquitted himself well, and gave entire satisfaction to his constituents. These offices also brought him into a general acquaintance with public men at large, so that his influence was largely sought by his neighbors and friends in political life. In business Mr. Hays was largely engaged in the manufacture of iron. Blast furnaces were at one time common in the county, and in these he was engaged. Pig iron was almost the currency of the country, and in this bus- iness he was generally as successful as his neighbors. He also built a forge on French creek about a mile above town, that manufactured iron until the site was wanted for a pool in the slackwater of the creek. The title of general was popularly given to Mr. Hays, but no one remembers to have seen his commission. He was married first to Agnes, a daughter of John Broadfoot, who died in 1839, and second to Mrs. McCon- nell, who yet survives. General Hays died in this city on the 1st of July, CITY OF FRANKLIN. 349 1868, in tbe eighty sixth year of his ago, having lived here sixty-five years, and noticed the growth of the pLice from a few cabins in the woods to a flourishing city. The first settlers came slowly, but they gradually gave consistence to the town. The trees were cut dow'n in the public square, as they called it. The bushes began to disappear along the creek, and paths were worn up and down the river. Better houses began to appear. Old John Broad- foot's hands were full of work, and other hands than those of regular car- penters were extemporized that places of shelter might be provided for new comers. George Fowler has been mentioned. He had come over as an English soldier at the time of the Revolution, and was won by the promise of the new country to remain. He lived with good dame Fowler in the " Old Gar- rison," afterward on Elk street near Ninth, and as justice of the peace used his pen when called ujjon for help by the new burghers, in preparing papers of legal import. Marcus Hulings lived just down at the foot of Twelfth street. His log house might have been seen a quarter of a century ago, looking out on the creek. Mr. Hulings was a boatman, and ran a keel-boat between here and Pittsburgh. The navigation was rather slow, yet tolerably safe. Sometimes it required a voyage of three weeks to come from Pittsburgh to Franklin, but the voyage down the stream was rapid. Besides, things did not move so rapidly in those days as at the present, and dispatch was not expected. John Broadfoot came from Oil creek. He was a Scotchman, one of the genuine, honest, God fearing men that are produced in the land of oat meal, amid the mountains and lakes of old Scotia. He came first to build Colonel McDowell's house, then settled down himself as a citizen, and never lacked employment as a carpenter. He became one of the first elders in the Pres- byterian church. His family consisted of one son, John, and four daugh- ters. Of these, one was married to General Hays, one to Robert and one to Alexander McCalmont. The fourth, Betsey, remained unmarried, and died May 11, 1857. The remains of the Broadfoot property yet linger on Buf- falo street. Abraham Selders was the son-in-law of Mr. Hulings. He was appointed justice of the peace in 1801, and elected commissioner in 1816. He was much on the river, and was fond of hunting and proved himself a good citi- zen. Some of his descendants are still in the country. Ezra McCall came early. He was a blacksmith and did the work in his line for the town, bringing his iron in the keel -boat from Pittsburgh, and burning his own charcoal as he needed it, on the bank of the creek. Nathaniel Caiy was one of the enterprising men of the early day. He had a farm up on Oil creek, with oil springs on it. Here he collected the oil by the blanket process and sold it in small quantities as medicine. He 350 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. is said to have carried the first cargo of Seneca oil, as it was then called, to market. But it was not in large measure. The cargo was contained in two kegs put in a bag and carried aci'oss the saddle of the horse on which he rode. Whether the market was overstocked or not we are not informed. William Connely came here in 180G. He was surveyor, })olitician, mer- chant, preacher, and in all used diligence and was an important man in his day. He was county surveyor in 1817 and again in 1840-45. He repre- sented the county in the legislature from 1819 to 1821, and was appointed associate judge in 1862. Mr. Connely died in this city May 23, 1871, in the ninety-fourth year of his age. The Kinnears, William and James, were brothers and were well known citizens half a century ago. Some of William Kinnear's family are liv- ing here at the present time, in the fulness of age and honor. James Kinnear kept a hotel on the corner of Liberty street and West Park. It was a famous hostelry in its day. With all his peculiarities the colonel was a genial, kind-hearted man, and always made his guests comfortable. He was county treasurer in 1819, and associate judge in 1845 and onward. His man George was quite as much of a character as his patron, and had a very high opinion of the character and dignity of the hotel. The McCalmonts and Plumers and Moores came early to the town, and many of the families have occupied places of prominence in society. Alex- ander McCalmont was sheriff in 1811, surveyor in 1812, prothonotary from 1818 to 1824, and appointed president judge in 1839. Arnold Plumer was elected sheriff in 1823 and appointed prothonotary in 1830. He was also member of congress four years and canal commissioner. William Moore, grandfather of Doctor E. W. Moore, was the first prothonotary, being ap- pointed in 1805, and served until 1818. Then there were the Smiths, John and Isaac, river men, whose delight was in piloting boats and rafts down the river; and James Brown, whose wonderful exploits in drumming he was fond of relating. He, too, was a famous pilot in his day, and was in demand at every " rafting flood " and " Jtine fresh," as they were then called. There were also the McClellands, George and Hugh, from Ireland, but making Franklin their subsequent home and entering into business. Andrew Bowman was born in Northampton county, and with his father' s family came to this county in 1795, settling in Sugar Creek township. He commenced the tanning and shoemaking business there, and in 1813 came to Franklin and carried on the same business at the old homestead, corner of Elk and West Park streets. He was a man of great enterprise and in- dustry, and lived comfortably and prosperously until broken by age and in- firmity. He died November 18, 1859. Mr. Bowman was intrusted by his fellow citizens with some of the best offices in their gift. He was success- ively sheriff, a member of the legislature, and prothonotary, discharging his duties to the satisfaction of his constituents. The old homestead on the cor- CITY OF FRANKLIN. 351 ner of Elk and West Park streets was a graml house. in its day. It was a landmark until a few years ago, when it was pulled down and its place left vacant. In that house a large and generous hospitality was dealt to the friends and acquaintances of the family, and to all comers from town and country. Mrs. Bowman was the eldest daughter of Edward Hale, and lived to an advanced age. Her death occurred in July, 1871. Few women of the early days of Franklin passed through as varied experience, or lived to relate as great changes in the town as she. Her experience with Indians and wild beasts on Bear creek was exciting. In the town itself, she could relate her exploits in washing clothes in the ravine just in front of Mrs. Myers' house, building her fire of the brushwood, and dipping the water from the brook that then ran through that locality. The remembrance of her kindness and quiet grace still lingers in the memories of many yet living among us, and her quiet faith and godly life are a rich legacy to her children who yet sur- vive. Levi Dodd belongs to a long line of worthy ancestors, dating back more than two hundred and fifty years. They settled in Connecticut, in New Jersey, and in western Pennsylvania. Levi Dodd was the son of Ithiel and Hannah (Lindley) Dodd, and was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, February 28, 1799, and in his early infancy was carried to Mercer county, where his parents had located on a farm. Here he grew up, and as a boy assisted in cultivating the paternal acres until the age of eighteen, when he went to Plaingrove, Lawrence county, to learn the tr^de of a cabinetmaker. After acquiring a knowledge of his trade he was united in marriage to Julia Ann Parker, of Mercer. Soon after this he removed to Cooperstown, Penn- sylvania, and in 1824 came to Franklin to make his home. Mrs. Dodd died September 10, 1857. Mr. Dodd was again united in marriage to Mrs. Isa- bella Brown, of Sunville, Pennsylvania. He was a most efficient elder in the church and a valuable laborer in the Sabbath school, and long stood al- most alone as an active, praying man in the church. He died May 10, 1881. The population of the town in 1824 was about two hundred and fifty. There were prominent amongst the families, the Parks, Plumers, McClel- lands, McCormicks, Kinnears, McCalmonts, Connelys, Ridgways, Morri- sons, Martins, Clarks. Gildasleeves, Sages, Dewoodys, Hulings, Crarys, Blacks, Smiths, Mays, Seatons, Brighams, Smileys, Baileys, Kings, Gur- neya, Kelloggs, Graces, McDowells, Hays, Dodds, Broadfoots, William Raymond, Doctor Espy, John Galbraith, John J. Pearson, and Stephen Sutton. After these came the Barclays, Hannas, Mackeys, Alexanders, Irwins, Snowdens, Adamses, Thompsons, Renos, Woods, Andersons, Hoovers, Lam- bertons, Cochrans, Dubbs, and others, until the time would fail to enxamer- ate them all. The persons named above have nearly all passed away, but many of their descendants are among the citizens of to-day. 352 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. EA.RLY SURVEYORS. The lands must be surveyed. The boundaries must be marked, the stakes set to distinguish between one man's possessions and another's. The surveyor was an important man. It was important to have a competent agent to do the work, if future trouble was to be avoided. It is quite likely that the art of surveying was not as well understood in those primitive days. It is quite certain, too, that surveyors were not as well provided with cor- rect instruments then, as now. The needle pointed to the magnetic pole then, as now, but there was not the nicely adjusted instrument to take ad- vantage of the law of nature in this regard. And the wonder now is, not that mistakes were made at times, but that more and greater errors did not characterize the work of the early surveyors. Alexander McDowell was the first surveyor. He was most likely a com- petent workman. Still, he was not here in an official capacity as surveyor. He was rather agent for the Holland Land Company. The first deputy county surveyor was Samuel Dale. He came on the ground from east of the mountains soon after the erection of the county, and immediately set to work. There were men wanting to have their land run off by the surveyors, and so enter intelligently upon the work of clear- ing up their farms. He came in August, 1800, accompanied by John Irwin as a deputy surveyor. Their first work was to survey the land of Peter Dempsey, on which the town of Dempseytown now stands. From that time onward their hands were full of work. And the work was well done. In the books still extant are samples of his work that are models of neat- ness and correctness. He was a friend to Cornplanter and did much toward reconciling the old sagamore to the settlement of the white people. Mr. Dale represented the county in the legislature from 1808 to 1813. In 183 2, when the war with Great Britian occupied the attention of the county, a regiment was raised in Crawford and Venango counties to pro- tect Erie from a threatened attack of the British and Indians, of which he was lieutenant colonel. He was thenceforward known as Colonel Dale. He acquired property here that required his presence often after making his home in Lancaster, and in process of time his son, Samuel F. , came here to make his home. The family of the latter are here now, as well as his brother, Charles H. Dale. In 1812 Colonel Dale was succeeded by Alexander McCalmont, whose versatile work in various directions we have already noticed. Mr. McCal- mont held the office for five years, and was succeeded by his father-in-law, William Connely. This was in 1817, and Mr. Connely discharged the duties but a single year, when John Irwin, who had had ample experience with Colonel Dale, took the compass and Jacob staff. He was a very correct man, and his work shows him to have been careful and painstaking. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 353 He gave way in 1824 to Richard Irwin, his ne])hew, who hold the office for fifteen years. He was perhaps the most careful, methodical, and correct surveyor the county has ever had. Beyond a doubt he was the most useful man, in cases of land litigation, that the courts have found, as his memorj' of surveys, locations, lines, and even corners of tracts seemed never to fail him. Richard Irwin was born in Buffalo Valley, Northumberland county, not far from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1798. He came with bis parents to Venango county in May. 1802. He had the advantages of some school privileges — none of the best, however. But instead, he was carefully instructed by his uncle, John Irwin, the surveyor. His first practical train- ing was in the laying out of the Susqiiehanna and Waterford turnpike. He became deputy surveyor when twenty-six years of age, doing his first work on the Porter farm, below Franklin. His work shows for itself and manifests his patience, skill, and neatness in detail. He always wrote with a quill pen, and was careful in his manuscript, so that it could be read like printed matter. He was in great demand in the courts in land trials, and his judgment was generally accepted as final. He was an associate judge from 1838 to 18-1:3. In 1848 he was a presidential elector, casting his vote for Taylor and Fillmore. On the 5th of March, 1834, he was united in marriage to Hannah White, daughter of Reverend Hezekiah May. After the death of his first wife, he was married again in February, 1855, to Mary A. Lamberton, of Erie, who survived him until July, 1887. Judge Irwin was a most estimable man. His judgment was sound, his intuitions clear, and his conclusions just. Whilst sj^ow to act, his mind was logical and his conscience active. He was one of the most valuable of our citizens, and his advice and counsel much missed when he was called away. He died at a ripe old age, in November, 1882. THE OLD MERCHANTS. One of the first necessities of a civilized town is the general store. It comes with the earliest inhabitants. The first at Franklin was that of George Power. Very soon after him was Edward Hale, as is evident from some of the account books still in existence. Then in 1801 came John Wilkins, prob- ably from Pittsburgh. Archibald Tanner was one of the early dealers. He married a daughter of Alexander McDowell, and afterward moved to Warren, where he was one of the prominent citizens until his death. He was long an elder in the Presbyterian church. James Harriott was also a merchant. William Connely, already noticed as versatile in his tastes and employ- ments, was also for a time a merchant, as were also his sons-in-law, Arthur Robison and Alexander McCalmont. The latter advertises his wares in the Herald in 1822. To afford an idea of the kind of stores then in vogue, some of his articles are summarized: "Groceries, books, stationery, blankets, saddles, bridles, powder, lead, flints, steel, snuff, indigo, madder, copperas, alum, turpentine, shoes, weavers' reeds, almanacs, etc." 354 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. He advertises that all kinds of produce will be taken in payment, from wheat to beeswax and from butter to whiskey. Mr. McCalmout was also sheriff and surveyor, prothonotary and clerk, lawyer and judge. Other merchants were: William Kinnear, Charles R. Barclay, James Bennett, F. G. Crary, Arnold Plumer, Hugh McClelland, William Ray- mond. Myron Park, Jacob Dubbs, Robert Lamberton, William Henry, and others. Of these, Mr. Barclay moved to Punxsutawney. Arnold Plumer was one of the most prominent citizens already referred to, born in 1801 and died April 28, 1869. Mr. Crary carried on business largely at the mouth of Oil creek, now Oil City. Hugh McClelland was an Irishman and a bachelor, born in 1798, and died in 1810. William Kinnear was from the Emerald isle, born in 1773, and came to this country in 1785. He first came to "'Pithole Settlement" about 1800, and moved to Franklin in 1811. He had a store on the corner of Liberty and Twelfth streets. His first place of business, however, was in his dwell- ing, corner of Elk and Tenth streets, where he resided from 1812 to his death, September 30, 1844. The lot was afterward occupied by his son, Francis D. Kinnear. Mr. Kinnear was also a justice of the peace and com- missioner, a good citizen, and a prominent member of the Methodist church. His daughters, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Smiley, and Mrs. Bush- nell, as well as bis son, F. D., all settled in Franklin. The two younger daiTghters still survive. William Raymond is the oldest of the early merchants yet living. He was born in Wilton, Connecticut, in 1799, and came here in 1823. His store was opened on Liberty street on the site of the building now owned by Mr. Dodd. All the years from 1823 to about 1861 he occupied that point as a store. He was county treasurer in 1833-34. He was married to Nancy Kinnear, daughter of William Kinnear, and still lives to enjoy life and the society of old friends. Myron Park was another New Englander. He was born in Sheffield, Massachu .setts, July 8, 1797, and came to Franklin in 1824. His first home here was the house built by himself, on the corner of Elk and South Park streets, recently torn down. His store was on Liberty street. As a merchant he had good taste and sound judgment and conducted his business fairly and judiciously. One who knew him in his New England home said he was one of the handsomest young men who had ever left his native town. He was a gentleman in every sense of the word, modest, thoughtful, and kind to all with whom he caine in contact. He died suddenly in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 16, 1863. He served as county treasurer in 1829-30. Robert Lamberton was one of the most successful merchants of Frank- lin. He was born in the neighborhood of Londonderry, Ireland, March 20, 1809, and came to Franklin in 1830. Soon afterward he commenced a little CITY OF FRANKLIN. 355 store, that gradually increased until it embraced as many articles as are enum- erated by Alexander McCalmont in his advertisement. After some years he was in the iron business, and from 1860 to 1872 he condiicted a bank. He was associate judge of the courts of Venango county from 1862 to 1866; also, long an elder in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Lamberton married Maro-aret Seaton. His death took place on the 7th of August, 1885. There were two Engiishmen, Samuel Bailey and George Brigham, who came here to settle as young men. Samuel Bailey was born in Eno-land, April 10, 1795, came to Venango county in 1817, and soon after settled in Franklin. He married Mary, eldest daughter of William Kinnear, Novem- ber 4, 1819, and died September 14, 1855. George Brigham was born in Hull, Yorkshire, England, Jiine 7, 1788, and came to Franklin in 1817. December 2, 1819, he married Catharine, eldest daughter of George Power, and died October 19, 1846, in his fifty-ninth year. James Bleakley was another merchant who was in business forty vears ago. He was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, September 13. 1820. He learned the printing trade, purchased a paper, became a merchant and broker, and carried on a banking business. He was married to Elizabeth Dubbs, and died but a few years ago. There was often a brisk trade kept up with the Indians. They had no money, but in favorable seasons had peltries and furs and venison and bear meat. These they brought in for exchange. But they did not always bring these articles when they wished to purchase. They asked and obtained credit. It is astonishing to look over the books of George Power and Edward Hale and see the amount of credit that was given these wild men, and the supposition is that they were generally honest and paid their debts. All manner of ridiculous and absurd names are found on these books as the re- cipients of credit. But the purchases were largely whiskey at probably good prices, though they sometimes bought trinkets, blankets, and an unmen- tionable article that all Indians at that day wore. The women asked credit as well as the men. They bought chiefly beads, red blankets, and handker- chiefs. Mr. Power had the following experience with his Indian customers. One bright morning several of the "red-browed forest rangers," as the poet calls them, came in, one of them with a remarkably fine fox skin. It was of the silver-gray variety and valuable. It was thrown upon the loft where he kept his peltry. The said loft was but half a story in height, with a window on the gable overlooking the creek. In the course of two hours another Indian came in with a silver gray that was likewise bought and thrown up on the loft, in the haste of trade. Twice more in the course of the afternoon the same variety of fox was brought and purchased. Mr. Power began to think it was a very good day for silver foxes and congratu- 356 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lated himself on the success of the day's business, and concluded to look at his fox skins. An examination showed that there was but a single skin of that persuasion on the loft. But the open window and the log cabin induced him to think that the red brother had outwitted him, and that he had bought the same skin three times too often. So the trade was set down to profit and loss. EAKLY MECHANICS. Mechanics came as they were needed and were more valued then than now, as there was little or no machinery. Abraham Selders was the first stone mason, and builded as good walls in his day as could be expected with cobble stones and spawls. With the grand stones on which the hills rest, begging to be quarried, it was only in later days that they were used for building purposes. The early walls were all built of stones that could be gathered up without quarrying. Boat building became an important branch of industry, as the trade up and down the river and creek must be attended to. The Ridgways, Noah and John, who came in 1801, gave attention to this and had places along the river where they turned their boats, as they termed the process of get- ting them into the water. Noah Eidgway's name occurs quite early among the patrons of George Power's store. The first hatter was Edward Patchel, who came here fi-om Pittsburgh. His name is handed down to all time by having been given to the run that meandered through his possessions — Patchel' s run. He made good substantial hats. He was never ashamed to meet a man wearing his hats, unless from the superfiuity of fur that adorned it. He made one famous hat whose history has come down to us. He had a poor, uncared for colt that had never experienced the tender mercies of the curry comb in its life. As a result, the hair had grown long and thickly matted during the winter. Nature had cared for its unprotected condition by giving it a very thick mat of hair. When the spring came, this mat of hair came off in a body, and the hatter was seized by an idea. Such material should not be wasted. Accordingly the fleece of hair was gathered up and felted into a hat, the first of its kind ever manufactured. The subsequent history of that hat is not known. If Mr. Patchel had descendants, it may be in use to this day. Andrew Dewoody was a pupil of Mr. Patchel, and learned the trade well and truly, for his hats were durable as those of his master. They were really wonderful hats. They had stiff, heavy bodies, and were most luxuriantly covered with fur. They were not the bald, barren looking att'airs of the present day, rounded off" on the crown like a cone that had failed to reach its proper terminus, and without fur to pi'otect it, but good, honest, generous hats that would last a lifetime. Some of the old citizens well remember Mr. Dewoody' s sign, first on Liberty street and then on Elk, near the old homestead. It was painted by r> ..^jf^pf^ **^^^% 'j^*-**""**^ "■^ - -'^-^'C i^rnCi^Vd^ C ^^ ^^-^-^I'-^^yy^ CITY OF FRANKLIN. 359 one of the early artists of the town, and had the pictiire of a beaver on it, with the name of the hatter underneath. Mr. Dewoody kept up his shop to the last, but the world moved too fast for his fur hats, and he did not aspire to silk. The smooth, flabby hat was adopted, and he furnished his cus- tomers with the most substantial variety. But one of those old fur hats would be a curiosity in these days not to be undervaliTed. Mr. Dewoody lived to be an old man. and was respected by the neighbors as a good citizen. He died March 11, "1862, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, leaving numer- ous descendants. John Broadfoot was the first carpeutei', and did his work in good, ortho- dox style, not building for all time, but yet substantially and well. After the lapse of years John Singleton began to make brick, and ere long some of the people aspired to brick houses, albeit in 1848 there were but four brick houses in the town, and very little stone work under them. John Witherup was the contractor for the building of the first jail and court house, and did the work as well as could be expected in those days. He was not an explorer in the hills, seeking large blocks of stone, but was content to gather up the loose stones of the valley and w^ork them into his walls. Mr. Service was the first saddler, and made good, honest work. His place was fronting West park, between Elk and Liberty streets. For the building of the first Presbyterian church he subscribed five dollars in sad- dlery, and thereby showed his good will to the work and assisted in keeping the current of trade moving. As we find Tubal Cain soon appearing in the antediluvian society, to work in metals and help his fellow men in the great struggle for life, so we find a follower of his in the early Franklin community. He was the first of those who wrought in iron. In other words, Ezra McCall was the first blacksmith. There were not many horses to shoe, but there was plenty of work of other kinds. He could forge axes in his humble smithy, and do all other work that was called for, and make himself useful. After him came John Lupher. He had his shop near where the Ex- change hotel now stands. He was a military man, too, in his time, beinc captain of the militia. He was a Pennsylvania German, and still retained a little of the accent that pertains to that people. On the first day of the muster he overheard a neighbor say, " I wonder if the Dutchman will ex- pect us to mind him when he gives orders." This little speech gave him the courage of Napoleon, and when the company was drawn up the captain elevated himself to the full extent of his inches, and with stentorian voice cried out, "The first man that refuses to obey orders will be placed under guard and kept until sundown. " The old captain said "the Dutchman" had no further trouble after that. Mr. Lupher moved to a farm after a while and lived to an advanced age. 20 360 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Later was George Grieshaber, a noted man in bis day here. He was a German, and bad served as blacksmitb and cavalryman in tbe Austrian army. He was a good workman, but bad a queer way of doing bis work. He never took tbe borse's foot in bis bands wbile sboeing. Some one must bold tbe foot diiring tbe operation. If Ferdinand, bis belper, was not tbere, and tbis was of frequent ocRurrence, tben tbe owner of tbe borse must bold tbe foot wbilst George bammered and rasped. He was a talka- tive little man, very funny and fussy, and quite dramatic in bis way of talk- ing. He would gesticulate and go tbrougb all tbe motions in tbe act be was describing. His code of etbics bad not been learned in tbis country, but bad been picked up in tbe region of tbe Danube, and would not pass as or- tbodox in tbese days. Still, be tried to be an American, but altbougb be never succeeded be sbowed bis good will by trying. On one occasion two neigbbors bad a lawsuit before a justice. Tbe suit did not amount to mucb, and tbe witnesses kindly agreed to forego tbeir claim for costs. Meeting one of tbese witnesses tbe blacksmitb accosted bim : "I say, Cbeem, did you forgive your costs, too ? " * ' Yes. " " Well, you' re a fool ! " " Wby do you tbink so ? " " ' Cause, I say any man is a fool as will scbwear bis soul away for twenty-live cents and tben forgive tbe debt." Jobn Paden made cbairs bere in 1826. He, too. subscribed of bis wares to tbe building of tbe new cburcb, and at tbe same time exbibited specimens of bis work. Tbe Alexanders, fatber and son, worked at tbe cabinet making business, and specimens of tbeir work still linger in tbe old bouses of tbe town. Jeremiab Clancy made sboes, and at times kept botel on Tbirteentb street. He came in 1819 and died in 1873. He was a native of Ireland and a Catbolic — one of tbe first in Franklin. In tbose early days tbey bad no butcbers. Families provided for tbem- selves in tbe autumn by salting down botb beef and pork and depending on tbese supplies for subsistence. It is only witbin tbe memory of persons now keeping bouse tbat meat could be purcbased as needed tbrougb tbe summer. Tbere were some bunters, bowever, wbo provided game in season and wbo gave tbemselves wbolly to tbe cbase, not for sport, but as a means of liveli- bood. Doubtless tbe taste for woods life bad very mucb to do witb tbe em- ployment, and so business and pleasure were combined. James Adams bad a pottery down in tbe neigbborbood of tbe old forts. Tbe ware was probably more useful tban ornamental, but it answered a good purpose. He was followed in tbis line by Abrabam Kennedy. Natbaniel Gary, Jr. , was in later days tbe tailor. Elibu Butler repaired tbe watcbes, and at times practiced dentistry. J. R. Sage was tbe bouse builder. Jobn Ridgway was tbe boat builder. And so every man found bis mission, and tbere was plenty of work for all wbo wisbed to be employed. CITY OF FKANKLIN. • 361 HOTELS. In 1824 there were three hotels in the town. George Power, the old pioneer, had a hotel on Otter street, in the old stone building that was torn down several years ago. George McClelland had one on the site now occu- pied by the United States, and Colonel James Kinnear was occupvino- the old brick that stood on the corner of Liberty and A¥est Park. The Kin- near house was a famous hotel in its day. Travelers throughout the country considered it a luxxiry to stop there. The colonel was so genial and kind, his table so home-like and qiiiet, that it seemed more like visitino- at the house than receiving public entertainment. But withal, the house was somewhat exclusive. There was a majesty and a precision, with all its neatness and kindness, that showed there was a choice in the guests. Old George, the hostler, perhaps illustrated the idea in a conversation with one of the traveling guests : ''If a man comes along with a buggy and sleek horse, with a silk hat and gloves, he can stop, sir. But, if he comes with a wagon, or on foot, with a straw hat and coat off, he can't stop, sir; he must go on farther, sir. ' ' Lewis T. Reno, father of General Reno, kept a ^ hotel afterward, on the corner of Otter and Thirteenth streets. Jeremiah Clancy accommodated the public on the corner of Elk and Thirteenth. Edward Pearce had a hotel on the west side of the lower French creek bridge. Luke Turner was a prominent hotel man at a later date, as was also Lucius Pike. There was a famous hotel too, on Liberty street, on the site of Martin & Epley's drug store. Thomas Hulings, John Evans, and ArthuiuRobison kept there. But few of these landmarks now remain. They have yielded to the press- ure of time. THE PRESS. The history of the newspaper press, given in a previous chapter, forms an interesting study. For years it had a constant struggle, but at last it is well patronized. The first newspaper was called the Venango Herald, established in 1820. After this were the Venango Democrat, in 1824; the Democrat ic Republican; the Franklin Intelligencer, in 1834; the Democratic Arch, in 1842, and the Franklin Gazette, in 1844. There are some copies of these papers yet extant, and they relate a per- sonal history, as well as throw light upon the history of the county. They tell of poverty and self-denial. The early papers Avere small. The ma- terial of the office did not not admit of good work, and the poverty of the people did not admit of good patronage. It was not easy to make a good paper in those days. Mails came once a week, and then the news was slow in finding its way. A fragment of a paper of the date of April 22, 1820, has, as one of its news items, an account of the duel between Commodore Decatur and Commodore Barron, near AVashington, that occurred just one 3G2 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. month before. The papers of the county now are equal to the best in the country. ''the nursery of great men." The public has not been slow to recognize merit in our public men. And the record of these public men has been uniformly good. It will com- pare favorably with the record of any set of men in any period of the coun- try's history. And there has been the opportunity of judging. Old Ve- nango has always had her share of the public offices, and her county seat is well entitled to be called "The Nursery of Great Men." As an evidence of this, John Galbraith was congressman; Arnold Plumer was congressman, marshal of the western district, state treasurer, and canal commissioner; Samuel Hays was congressman and marshall of the western district; Doctor George R. Espy was auditor general ; James Ross Snowden was state treasurer, director of the mint at Philadelphia, and prothonotary of the supreme court; James Thompson, John C. Knox, and John Trunkey were judges of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, and Generals Jesse L. Reno, Alexander Hays, and Alfred B. McCalmont won distinction in de- fense of their country's flag. EARLY PHYSICIANS AND LAWYERS. The early fathers did not seem to feel the necessity of physicians for trifling diseases as we do in modern times. There were plenty of herbs and plants in the fields and on the hillsides. These were gathered in their sea- son and hung up in the chimney corner to dry. Hemlock boughs could be obtained at any time. Many a careful mother could treat measles and whooping cough equal to a professor, and when there were no medical men at hand, self-reliance, experience, and common sense were all called into requisition and generally succeeded very well. Still, professional physicians were desirable, and judging from the testimony of the old people, this town has been favored with very skillful medical men. The first to hang out his sign was T. G. Symonds, who located here about the close of the last century, and probably remained but a short time. The next was Thomas Smith, said to have been a skillful physician, but an eccentric man. Doctor George R. Espy appears upon the scene in 1820. He disposed of his practice in 1831 to J. Bascom. Another popular physi- cian of this period was John D. Wood, while Doctors Peter Faulkner, J. Dowling, and Gilfillan were equally well known. Doctors N. D. Snowden and B. Gillett did nearly their entire professional life-work here, and were alike beloved and trusted. The former had a large country practice; the labor and exposure incident thereto wore him out prematurely. Doctor Gil- lett had a taste for surgery, and his operations were charactei-ized by a deft- ness and precision rarely equaled. Lawyers also came early. This region was newly settled, and they CITY OF FllANKLIN. 363 probably thought to grow np with the country. The pioneer in this profes- sion was David Irvine, then a young man of consideral)le talent, who came in 1806. The next was David La Fever, and the third was John Galbraith. who removed here from Butler in 1811), thence to Erie in 1837. Alexander McCalmont was admitted to practice about 1820, and John J. Pearson came to Franklin from Mercer in 1823, but after a few years went back to that town. Then follow in succession James Thompson, subsequently chief justice of the state; John W. Howe, and James Eoss Snowden, both of whom held high official positions; Samuel Porter Johnson, Thomas S. Espy, William Stewart, Jonathan Ayres. and James S. Myers. These were the most prom- inent members of the early bar. The legal profession had something of an itinerant character in those days. The attorneys followed the judge on his periodic visits to the different county seats, thus acquiring a wide acquaint- ance in the counties comprising the district. All of the foregoing attorneys are spoken of in the chapter on the bench and bar of the county. SOME OLD MINISTERS. Very early in the history of the town came the ministers of the gospel. The first sermon was in 1801, by a Presbyterian minister, no doubt one of the missionaries sent by the Synod of Pittsburgh or Presbytery of Ohio. The services were held in David Irvine's house. After this a log house was built for public purposes, and used as a school house, and for preaching by any missionary who might come to our place. This was not very often for the first few years, but gradually, as'the town improved, these ministrations became more frequent. Ordinarily the missionaries took long trips, commencing at Pittsburgh and stopping at each settlement as they passed, reaching Franklin, and so on up the river to the Pithole set- tlement, as it was called, to Warren, and then across to Erie, and back, by the way of Meadville, home. They rode on horseback, and depended on the hospitality of the people, who were always glad to receive them and entertain them. One of these missionaries relates that on one of his tours he carried with him a small paper of tea, as the families usually made tea of hem- lock boughs. Feeling greatly fatigued with the ride, he asked the woman in whose house he had stopi^ed to make him some tea, giving her his pack- age of tea. Greatly to his surprise, when invited to sit down at the table, he found that the entire package had been boiled at once on the supposi- tion that it was designed for greens. After some years had passed a prayer meeting was commenced, led by Mr. Bowman and Mr. Dodd, assisted by others. It met first in one of the jury rooms in the old court house, and was kept up until a church was regularly organized, and the ministrations of the gospel procured. Who shall tell the influence of these early religious meetings in forming and crystallizing public opinion in the town ? 36i HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Franklin has not been a " Saint's Rest. " Yet several of the old ministers of the country have had their dwellings here. One of the first was Reverend Hezekiah May. He was of old Puritan stock, and was born at Haddam, Connecticut, on Christmas day, 1773. His early opportunities were good, and he so improved them that he was able to take his degree at Yale Col- lege about the time he was of age. It is probable that according to custom in those days he studied theology privately and was licensed and ordained in the Congregational church. The Penobscot Indians were then numerous in New England, and Mr, May embarked in missionary work among them under the care of -' The New England Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Maine." Here he remained, in the neighborhood of Bangor, several years, visiting the Indians, studying their habits, and endeavoring to minister to their spiritual comfort. In 1816 he removed to Binghamton, New York, then to Oswego, and then to Painted Post, preaching as opportunity offered, and making himself generally useful. He came to Franklin in 1830, preaching and caring for the interests of the Bible society. Next we find him in the neighborhood of Tionesta, and after awhile settled in the village of Tionesta. Here he spent the remainder of his days. He died July 4, 1843. In his mature days he was a fine, portly looking man, with great native dignity. He had a vein of wit that afforded great amusement to his friends at times. On one oc- casion, a neighbor was lamenting that he had no family coat of arms. "I can suggest one," said Parson May. "I will be greatly obliged to you if you will." Said Mr. May: "Two stiff-standers, one cross-beamer, one down- hanger with a noose at the end." The neighbor might have replied in dis- gust that he would be hanged if he would accept such a coat of arms. Mr. May was married early in life to Margaret White of Boston. Reverend Robert Ayres was one of the early ministers. He came from Fayette county, Pennsylvania. He made his advent on horseback with his family, and was long a prominent figure in society here. He was an Epis- copal minister, but gave his attention chiefly to teaching, being one of the teachers in the old academy. He was a very precise man, and always main- tained himself with great dignity. His home was down on the corner of Liberty and Eleventh streets. One of his daughters was married to Thomas S. McDowell, one to John Galbraith, and a third to Mr. Brashear. Mr. Ayres was born in 1761, and died in Franklin, October 5, 1845. Reverend Nathaniel Ranclolph Snowden was another of the ancient min- isters. He came from east of the mountains, and was a man of good educa- tion and culture. In 1793 he was pastor of the Presbyterian churches of Paxton and Derry, near Harrisburg. In 1805 he was pastor of the Second Presbyterian church in Pittsburgh ; in 1824 he was at Millersburg, Pennsyl- vania. Whilst here, he, too, taught in the old academy. He was the father of Doctor N. D. Snowden, J. Ross Snowden, and Mrs. Judge Thomp- son, all of whom resided hei'e. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 365 Another of the teachers was Reverend Thomas F. Magill, a Presby- terian. He was born in Washington connty, Penns^'lvania, November 16, 1811, and was here about 1833. He afterward preached at Wollsville, Ohio; also at Urbaua, whore he died September 20, 1852, of typhoid fever. He was a good and nsefnl man, and stood in his lot until his work was done. THE FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOL. Sunday schools are a very important feature of religious work in Frank- lin at the present time. It will be interesting to look to the beginning of the Avork, and see some of the people who were engaged in it. A very few of them linger among us still. And the influence of this first school was most blessed on the town and community. It was the nucleus of other schools and churches, as the years rolled by. The first Sunday school was founded in 1824 through the direct influ- ence of Reverend Timothy Alden, president of Allegheny College of Mead- ville, . Pennsylvania. He was a Presbyterian minister, but the school was undenominational, the whole town joining in the work. The real founders were John Lupher and John Martin, who were Methodists, and Andrew Bowman and Levi Dodd, Presbyterians. These men acted as superintend- ents during the first year, and some of them for many years. The school was opened in the academy, and its novelty drew many of the people to en- gage in its duties, or to look on and see how the others were employed. From S. C. T. Dodd's history of the school, we leaj-n that the first teachers were John Lupher, John Martin, Andrew Bowman, Levi Dodd, William Parker, William Raymond, Nathaniel G. Crary, Robert McCalmont, Mrs. D. Irvine, Miss Nancy Kinnear (afterward Mrs. William Raymond), Miss Sarah Parker (afterward Mrs. Sage), Miss Mary Anderson, Miss Margaret McClelland (afterward Mrs. Arnold Plumer), Miss Jane McClelland (after- ward Mrs. N. D. Snowden). Mrs. N. R. Bushnell, Mrs. Jacob Mayes, Mrs. S. F. Dale, and G. C. McClelland were at first scholars and afterward teach- ers. Of these teachers, all have gone except William Raymond, Mrs. Bushnell, Mrs. Mayes, and Mrs. Dale. Daring the second year of the existence of the school, it met in one of the jury rooms in the first court house. The school was small, not averag- ing more than twenty scholars, and for many years lived only through the persistent labors of Mr. Bowman and Mr. Dodd. In the year 1829. it met in Mr. Bowman's shoe shop on the corner of Elk and.West Park streets. Gradually as the town increased, and regular churches were organized, the school crystallized in a Presbyterian Sunday school, and a Methodist school was organized in 1832. Both schools prospered and did a good work, and as other churches were organized, other schools Avere established and equipped for work. A small library from the American Sunday School 366 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Union was procured at the first start of the school. Tiiis has been supple- mented again and again, as the need required, to the present time. The mode of instruction at the first was to take a portion of the Script- ure and read it in turn by the scholars. Then questions were asked and difficulties explained, according to the taste and ability of the teacher. After- ward the Union Question Book, jiublished by the American Sunday School Union, was procured for many years. At one time, commencing in 1850, the school commenced with the first chapter of Genesis and went regularly through as far as Hebrews, when the present international lessons were adopted. This work required twenty- one years to accomplish. This little school, so humble in its origin, no doubt accomplished great good through all the years of the past. Many persons have testified that they there got the direction that made their lives a success, and that was leading them to a better life beyond. INCIDENTS AND LANDMARKS. The old people who have passed away related a tragic incident connected with Indian life and Indian law. It was a case of trial followed by imme- diate execution, and was witnessed by Mrs. Bowman in her early childhood. The victim was an ancient squaw, and the charge was witchcraft. Just how the charge was substantiated, and how the witchcraft was practiced has not come down to us, but we know the place and the circumstances con- nected with it. The scene was on the bank of the little stream that then crossed West Park street,near the front of the Presbyterian church. It was a point half-way from West Park to Thirteenth street. A council had been called. They sat in sol- emn silence for a time, with the victim in the midst. After pow-wowing for a while the charge seemed to be sustained^ the poor squaw in the meantime sitting silent and unmoved. Another moment of silence, when a warrior arose, approached the woman with his knife, raised her left arm, and plunged the blade into her heart. As it occurred among the Indians, and was in accordance with the unwritten law of the savage, the white people took no notice of it. But the child that was an unwilling witness to the deed was almost distracted, and fled to one of the neighboring houses. Another early tragedy was the murder of George Power's brother on his way to Pittsburgh, by the way of what is now Harrisville. The murder was the act of an Indian, and occurred about twelve or thirteen miles from Franklin. It had been premeditated, and the object was robbery. It was cowardly, too, as the savage had cut a tree so it would fall across the road, lodging upon another on the opposite side. In this ambush the Indian lay until his victim came by, when he fired upon him and compassed his death. The Indian was afterward seen with Mr. Power's gun, but no punishment followed. CITY OF FKANKLIN. 367 The old diamond well was an ancient landmark. It is no lono-er visible, but the older citizens well remember it. It was located just by the side of the walk leading from Snook's block to the court house, perhaps a hundred feet from the corner of Snook's block. The well seems to have been the joint contribution of several public-spirited individuals for the welfare and comfort of the neighborhood. There is an ancient document that tells just how deep it was, and who were responsible for the work and the payment for the same. It runs on this wise: We, the subscribers appointed to measure and ascertain the depth of a well dug by John Witherup for Edward Hale, Samuel Plumer, and Samuel Hays, do allow that the wall of said well is good, aud the depth of said well, according to our judgment and measurement, is forty-four feet, eleven and a half inches. Witness our hands this 2ud day of October, 1808, Welden Adams, John Whitman, Richard Griffith. From this old well two generations drew water. A few years ago a large stone was placed over its mouth, and this covered up so that the very location will be unknown to the younger generation. But there is many a man here now who, when hot and thirsty, longs for a drink from that old diamond well as he remembers " The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket that hung in the well." The old chestnut tree on the diamond was another landmark. It stood nearly in front of Judge Eichard Irwin's house, and was perhaps the only member of the primeval forest that was left standing. The first Methodist sermon was preached under its spreading branches. The small boy resorted to it in summer to gather chestnuts from its spreading boughs. The cattle and sheep were thankful for its cool shade, and gathered around it at noon, and with the tinkling of their bells kept the neighbors from dozing. But the old chestnut tree has passed away. Violent hands were laid upon it. and in its old age it was the victim of those who had climbed into its boughs and gathered its fruit. We have a dim view of the parks, as they are now called, in 1801. The engineer, Andrew Ellicott, "builded better than he knew" when he left that ground vacant. He probably thought that the small boys might play ball there in the summer, or hunt chipmunks, or rob birds' nests, perhaps not dreaming that they would become the joy and the crown of Franklin in days yet to come. At the date referred to South park or the public square, as they called it, was full of stumps; briers and brambles grew where the large trees had been subdued, with here and there a bush or sapling. Both men and women assembled at times on moonlight nights to grub stumps and gather brush and make log heaps in order, if possible, to clear off the ground and get it ready for useful purposes. These purposes for many 368 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. years consisted of sheep and pig and cow and horse pastures, for which the gronnd was thought admirable. They were just as anxious three quar- ters of a century ago to cut down and root out and destroy every tree and sapling and bush that nature had planted on the public domain, as they are now to j)lant and shelter and protect them. , They wished to get away from nature then; we are anxious to return to nature. It was even whispered here, before the good pioneers had passed away, that there were ranks in the aristocracy of that day. The down-towners were envious of the up-towners, and lost no opportunity of showing that they could grub stumps as well as they, and that they also could uproot saplings and get out into the sunshine. And between the two factions, the streets were soon opened and the forest trees destroyed. The upper or West park had been cleai^ed and brought under cultivation and was really leased annually for that purpose. But the northern side was cut by a deep ravine, through which a brisk run took its way down to French creek, near the brush factory. This was the stream that now reaches the Allegheny near the site of the French fort. Leaving its present bed on Buffalo street below Fourteenth it crossed over to Liberty street a little above the Exchange hotel, then diagonally across to Elk street above J. G. Lamberton's store and the Clancy corner into the lots between Elk and Otter, and down to the front end of the present Presbyterian church into Elk street running parallel to the houses on Elk street to Twelfth, when it sought the creek and was merged in its waters. AVhat is now a beautiful street was then a deep, dark ravine, full of bushes and water plants, and even frequented by wild animals. The women of the neighborhood sought to utilize it by building their fires and doing their washing at its waters. At that day it was no doubt a large stream and in places the water was clear and pleasant. The Indians frequently made their temporary camps by its side. THE OLD WAY OF TRAVELING. Washington came on foot. The first traders came in small boats. After the town began to crystallize, traveling on horseback became common. Then flat boats were pushed up the river and creek. But it was very laborious business. As roads were cut through the woods travel gradually became easier, but the roads never did become good. The stones never wore out. The hills never decreased in altitude. The miles were always long and wearisome. The mail was carried on horseback about once a week, and the time did not seem long because the people did not expect much when it did come. But at last a stage was started. It came from Meadville, and went on to Butler and Pittsburgh and after a while to the east, by way of where Clarion now is. It was a grand thing when the first stage came to Frank- (^ITY OF FRANKLIN. 809 lin, although it had but two horses, and came but thrice in a week. But it brought the mail, and a passenger now and then came, and the people here could get out into the great world without going on horseback. Some time after this we had a four-horse coach; it did not continue long, but was reduced to two again. Many now here remember the "Huckleberry stage" that ran to Pitts- burgh and back. The route was by way of Harrisville, Stone House, and Prospect. There were two horses, with a wretched conveyance called a hack. It had very stiff springs that pitched the passenger wildly about as it went over the rocks and down the steep hills. In cold weather the ragged cur- tains flapped in and out, and greatly added to the discomfort of traveling. Ladies were not expected to walk and work their passage, but gentlemen were expected to walk up the hills, and if need be, carry rails to pry the wheels out of the "sock holes," as the drivers called them. This trip to Pittsburgh and back always involved a ride all night, both going and com- ing. But the Huckleberry stage was better than nothing. Then we had a steamboat on the river at last. The first boat was the Duncan. It came up in 1828. Its advent caused great rejoicing. After- ward there was a succession of "Belles" that came regularly during high water. Sometimes they went uj) as far as Warren. In a single instance a steamer, the Allegheny, went up to Olean in 1830. These boats afforded a fine opportunity of going down to Pittsburgh and returning, at certain sea- sons. But there were certain difficulties in the way, as the river began to fall. The getting down was all beautiful, but the coming back was not always so romantic. Good Captain Hanna would say: "The Belle will do her best, but she cannot run on a dry channel. I think we can at least get above 'Charley's Oven,' possibly all the way." But generally the boat would come to a dead stop at Emlenton, some twenty- two miles below. Then some farmer was persuaded to take his farm wagon, without springs, and bring the Franklin passengers over the hills, amid the rocks, jolting and rattling as he went over the Cranberry road, glad to see the old town from some bend in the hill road. But we knew no better way then, and were content with the best that could be done. ANCIENT ROADS. There were Indian paths that led in several directions. The old Venango trail or path led down until it struck the Ohio at Logstown, not very far from Beaver. Another path led northward or northeast reaching the lakes. Then when the French had possession here, there was a road leading up to Waterford through Sugar Creek township, called the French road. Traces of it remain to the present day. When the white people began to settle here roads became a necessity. Meadville was the nearest neighbor. Then the next was Warren, then Pittsburgh. At first they were merely paths, and 370 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. as the emergencies of trade and travel required, tbey were enlarged and improved. In 1812 the first attem])t was made in the way of increasing the facilities of travel. This was the Waterford and Susquehanna turnpike. An act of legislature had directed the survey of the route. General Mead was the engineer. It was considered rather a delusion and a snare, and was called by some " General Mead's war trail, " and seemed as though it would die of neglect. But it did not wholly die. It was re-surveyed in 1818 and was completed from Erie to Bellefonte in 1820 and thence to Philadelphia in 1824. This road was guarded by toll gates, and for a time seemed to instill new life into the towns along its line. These roads were an improvement on the old country roads. They were made by clearing the ground of the trees and stumps, then cutting ditches on either side and throwing up the earth in the center. The theory was good, but like many a good theory, it did not always work well in practice. In the fall and spring the roads would become very deep and muddy, and many a lawless man after paying his toll, was sorely tempted to tear down the gates. But this was only one of the incidents connected with the settlement of a new country. The road passing through Franklin east and west kept up the gates until a few years ago. The ferries were the first means of crossing the streams. The ferry across the Allegheny was located about half a mile below the upper bridge. The house still standing on the opposite side of the river was called the ferry house. French creek had two ferries, one at the end of South Park street and one at the end of West Park street. The upper ferry was probably the point where George Washington crossed the creek on his way to Le Boeuf. The lower ferry was kept by a stout Dutchman who was just and honest in all his dealings. On one occasion a preacher was crossing with him, and by way of letting him know the nature of his cloth, and probably as a gen- tle hint of generous dealings, inquired, "•■How much do you charge preach- ers y ' ' The reply was, ' ' Veil, we do not charge ' em any more as we do other fellers. We don't take no advantage of de breacher any more as we do of de farmer." The toll was paid, and the justice of the functionary acknowledged. For years the ferry was the only mode of crossing the streams both in summer and winter. THE OLD CEMETERY. We are always reminded of our mortality; Avherever the dwelling is erected for the comfort of the living, we prepare also the cemetery, where the departed may slumber in peace. And as the years roll by more atten- tion is paid and more taste displayed in the arrangement Of the great cem- etery. We have gotten away from the idea of the churchyard, surrounded CITY OF FRANKLIN. 371 by the scenes of the living, and choose a place apart from the active duties of life, where flowers may bloom and the sun may shine sweetly and breezes may blow gently upon the tombs of those we love. We do not wish to make the places gloomy or sad or repulsive, but rather cheerful and attractive even to the casual visitor. And wo make the place sacred and holy for our friends who sleep, feeling that we too will soon soon be laid to rest near them. It removes much of the gloom from the idea of death to look upon its surroundings and find them tasteful and pleasant and cheerful. And since "life and immortality are brought to light in the gospel," a beautiful light has fallen amid the flowers, that tells us that there shall be life after death, even the blessed life of Christ in the land that is away beyond the stars; and that at the last day, a day brighter and sweeter and holier than has yet ever dawned upon earth, the trtimp of the great angel of the Apocalypse will be heard accompanied by the voice of the Lord that shall awake every slumberer in the tomb and every sleeper in the sea, and that then "death shall be swallowed up in victory." These thoughts come to us as we think of the slumberers in the cemeter}^ and of the resurrection of Him who was the first fruits of them that slept. When the state authorities laid out the town of Franklin, they reserved a small plot of ground for a cemetery. It was at the upper end of Otter street and above Fifteenth street. It was a very small piece of land but answered the purpose in the early years. Every family selected the place for the graves of friends and there was no order or assignment about it. Names are sculptured upon rude stones with dates Xhat reach back to the very origin of the town. Many names are there that were prominent in its history, and very many graves, unmarked by stones, have sunk down to the common level of the grovtnd and are lost to view. Many, too, have been neglected until the stones have fallen and lie prone on the ground. There is need for some ' ' Old Mortality ' ' to appear and rechisel the tombs of the dead. When the ground began to be too strait for the purpose, Myron Park presented a strip of laud on the southern side of the old reservation. This was a part of outlot No. 45, which was sold by the county treasurer for taxes in December, 1828, and purchased by Mr. Park. In November, 1835, the latter sold said lot to Benjamin Alexander, reserving in the deed a por- tion thereof, fifty feet in width by one hundred and sixty feet in length, running parallel with French creek, "for the use of the inhabitants of the town for a burying ground." It would thus seem that this part of the old ground can be legally used only for cemetery purposes. Mr. Alexander ifterward laid out lots on a piece of land adjoining this and extending to Elk street. These were the arrangements made by the fathers in the early day for 372 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. the sepulture of the dead. And to this rest the coffined sleeper was borne on the shoulders of men from all parts of the town. No other, arrangements were provided until a comparatively late day. The minister and physician walked at the head of the procession, then the bier carried by the pall bear- ers, the mourners, and then friends and neighbors generally. But the times are changed, and we live under a new order of things, much to our comfort and satisfaction. WATER, LIGHT, AND SCENERY. The water supply at the beginning of the history of the town was sup- posed then to be very good. There was the stream of water running through West park that was copious in its supply. There were several little streams down at the lower end of town that were utilized for household pur- poses. But the main dependence was in wells sunk down to the level of the bottom of the creek and river. About the parks this required a well about forty feet deep. This was done by a shaft sunk in the earth to that depth and walled up with stone. Then a curb was built around the wall, a windlass attached, and to this the bucket by means of a rope or chain. Then a crank was fixed to one end of the windlass. The bucket was let down by the help of a brake and drawn up full of bright, sparkling water. But it was a laborious process, and little water was drawn that was not absolutely necessary. The light of other days was the light of the early householders— the tallow candle and before this the lard lamp, sometimes a simple wick float- ing in a dish of melted lard. A tallow candle if properly snuffed was sup- posed to be a very good light. For fuel, wood was the only dependence, and all this with coal and oil and gas just waiting to be pressed into service. But they all came at last and were used as a matter of course. We know how grand the scenery around Franklin is in modern times and how beautiful the site of the town is, but we can well imagine the sur- roundings of the place were more beautiful three-quarters of a century ago than now. These grand hills had not been marred by the hand of man. All the picture was as God made it; from the magnificent outlook up the river to the lower bluffs there was in summer time the beautiful crown of verdure, the rich bloom of flowers, and the smooth outline of hill and ravine, of the rich contrast of deciduous trees and the darker colored ever- green. The beauty of Damascus is in its rich verdure and blooms of fruit and ornamental trees surrounding it on the same level; the beauty and glory of Franklin is in its everlasting hills, planted by the hand of the Almighty and decked by his taste, that surround it and look down upon it with ever- during smiles. The Avater scenery around the town was formerly very beautiful. Both river and creek were interspersed with islands that were covered with trees CITY OF FRANKLIN. 373 and verdure. Some remains of these islands abide to the present, but they are shorn of their beauty and glory. An old map, more than one hundred years old, locates a large island in the Allegheny down at the bend and mid- way between the two bridges. Above the mouth of French creek were laro-e groups of islands extending nearly ujj to the Two Mile run. Some of these islands contained several hundred acres of land and must have been great resorts for the Indians. But two of these islands now remain, and they are worn and narrowed down and stripped of vegetation until little of their original beauty I'emains. On French creek near where the upper bridge is located were clusters of islands that must have been very beautiful as late as the days when George Washington crossed amongst them. Just below the bridge were at least two islands, and above the bridge for the distance of a mile, were numerous islands, some of them of considerable extent, covered with large trees and shrubbery that made a scene of beauty not often seen. In the early history of Franklin, some of these islands were used for picnic pur- poses, the guests passing over in boats or on temporary bridges. On the grassy turf and under the shadows of the large trees many a Fourth of July excursion enjoyed to the full the scenes of the day. But time, the mighty leveler, has wrought great changes in the water scenery. The trees have many of them been felled and their roots no longer hold the soil, and many of the islands on both river and creek have disap- peared forever. French creek has lost its beauty as the trees have fallen from the islands, and the islands themselves crumbled and washed down with the tide. Many of the old citizens can recall the beauty of the scenery as it pre- sented itself from the French creek bridge as the sun was approaching its setting, and the eye could wander fi'om island to island, each tree and shrub gilded with its setting rays, and all lighted up with a subdued and sweet reflection. 374 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER XXII. CITY OF FRANKLIN (Concluded). General Progress of the Town— Franklin in 1823— Municipal Gov- ernment—The PosTOFFicE— Bridges, Railroads, etc.— Manufact- ures— The Oil Industry — General Business Interests- Telegraph, Express, and Telephone Facilities- Secret AND Other Societies — Education- al— Religious Organizations — The Franklin Cemetery — Resume. THE community described iii the preceding chapter, although assisted l)y the f osteriDg attention of the state, and founded upon a soil rich in historic associations, expanded but slowly and without any of the incidents of rapid growth. The population was two hundred and fifty in 1825; in 1850, at the end of another period of twenty-five years from the beginning of the century, it had increased to nine hundred and thirty-three. With the discovery of petroleum a new era began — an era of business activity, of increasing population, and local improvement. The gradiial transition that had long been in progress received a quickened impulse, and within a few years the country town became an ambitious aspirant of metropolitan honors. This was accompanied by what may be termed the development of special activities — religious, social, and commercial. The union Sun- day school and prayer meeting were relinquished in favor of special denom- inational work, and the school building used in common by all as a place of worship was relegated to its original educational function as the different churches were successively erected; the people no longer turn out en masse in the interest of street improvement, but delegate the important consider- ations of public comfort and safety to an organized local government; the large general store with its heterogeneous assortment of merchandise has been succeeded by a half dozen different establishments each devoted to some special branch of business; the small shops have been replaced by nu- merous factories; while a number of banking institutions aid in facilitating commercial transactions. It is with organized interests of this nature that this chapter is principally concerned. franklin in 1823. The number of residences, stores, and shops at Franklin in 1823 was ^^^153 i^^2^t^ CITY OF FRANKLIN. 377 between sixty aiul seventy; the following with regard to their location and appearance is given as the reminiscences of Alexander Cochran: Buffalo Street was open from Eighth to Thirteenth. Samuel Hays lived in a two-story frame house still standing on the south* side above Twelfth, and William Connely, justice of the peace, was his neighbor on the corner above Twelfth. Between the two there was a small two-story frame building owned by Hays and occupied by John Service as a saddler shop. John Broadfoot's carpenter shop and office as justice of the peace was opposite Hay's house and above the alley, and in the same vicinity was a frame building owned by Alexander McCalmont, afterward occupied by Myron Park. The academy building was on the south side between Elev- enth and Twelfth. John Atkinson's old tannery and house stood on the same side below Ninth, where the location of the vats is still discernible. Alexander Cochran now owns and occupies this property. FRANKLIN IN 1840. Liberty Street was the business thoroughfare of the town. John Lu- pher's blacksmith shop and William Bennett's hotel were on the site of the Exchange hotel. Continuing on the same side of the street the improve- ments were as follows: A two-story log house on the same ground as the Exchange Bank, owned by Alexander McCalmont and occupied by Will- iam Black; a frame house one and one-half stories high on an adjoinino- lot partly incorporated in a building on the same site; a two-story frame house, owned by George McClelland and occupied by Thomas Seaton, saddler; a two-story frame house, the residence of John Galbraith; a two-story log house, occupied by Charles Holeman and afterward sold to William Ray- mond; the store room of Samuel Hays, a frame building one and one- half stories high; a frame house and store building owned by John McDonald and occupied bv William Moore, late prothonotary; George McClelland' s public house, a frame building erected by Samuel Plumer in 1806 and suc- *A8 the street does not trend due east and west, this is not geograpuicallv ex.ict. but is undprstood to mean the side of the street farthest from the creek or liver. 21 378 HISTOUY OF VENANGO COUNTY. cessively enlarged but never removed, now known as the United States liotel; Arnold Plumer's store and residence, the latter occupied by Arthur Robison; a one-story frame building at the corner above Twelfth, the office of the Venango Herald, John Evans, editor and publisher; a two- story frame house on the opposite corner, where Samuel Bailey, carpenter, lived; a one-story log house at the site of the Baptist church, owned by William Kiunear; a log house built by Martin Gregor and occupied by his widow, just below the Catholic church; John Ridgway's two-story log house on the corner below Ninth, since weather-boarded and still a substan- tial residence, one of the oldest in the city. On the north side of Liberty street on the corner above Thirteenth lived Georo-e Brigham, carpenter, in a two-story frame house. The site of the Lamberton block was occupied by a two- story frame structure owned by James Adams of Utica, in which Frederick Crary lived and conducted a large general store. Thomas Huling's frame hotel building stood at the present location of Martin & Epley's drug store. James Kinnear's hotel, a- loo- building, stood at the corner of West Park street. The court house was in West park at the corner of Twelfth, and the jail stood in South park in the rear of the present court house. Robert Kinnear was jailor and his daughter, Mrs. Dominick McCormick and family, lived with him. Elk Street. — On the south side at the corner above Fourteenth was the frame house of Thomas Seaton, one of the substantial residences of that date. A log building owned by James Adams stood on the site of Hanna's block. About midway between Thirteenth and West Park Thomas Minnis, who remained but a short time, lived in a two-story frame house. Andrew Bowman's tannery adjoined his residence, a log building at the corner of West Park soon afterward replaced by a frame house which was foi- some years one of the most pretentious in the town. At Hulin's lumber yard, corner of Eleventh, there stood a dismantled hotel previously kept by Welden Adams. David Irvine, lawyer and clerk to the county commissioners, lived at the corner of Tenth in a two-story log house owned by Charles Ridgvvay. Improvements had been made on the north side of Elk street in the fol lowino- order: On the corner of Thirteenth, a large two-story frame house afterward known as Jeremiah Clancy's hotel — Clancy at that time carried on shoe making in an adjoining room; about the middle of the block between Thirteenth and West Park, a two- story log house recently burned, then the residence of John Singleton, brick maker; on the corner above Eleventh, the house and shoj) of Jonathan Sage; on the opposite corner, the house of William Kinnear, farmer and ju.stice of the peace, who also owned two other houses on Eleventh street, one of which was occupied by Joseph Ridgway; midway between Tenth and Eleventh, the large* two-story frame house, with stone addition, of Mrs. Sarah McDowell, widow of Colonel Alexander McDowell, one of the residences pointed out to admiring strangers; CITY OF FRANKLIN. 379 between Elk and the river and south of Eighth, James Hollis' small log house; near the river bank between Third and Fourth, a small loo- house, the property of James Brown, riverman, while David Snaith owned and op- erated the ferry still farther down the river. O^er Street. — There were but four houses on the north side of Otter: Andrew Dewoody's hotel at the corner above Thirteenth; the laro-e stone residence of George Power, on the corner below ElboAv; a two-story frame house, yet standing on the corner of West Park, owned by Henry Hurst of Meadville and occupied by the mother of Alex Cochran, and a two story log house between West Park and Twelfth where James Hulings lived. On the south side nearly opposite Power lived Nimrod Grace, carpenter, by whom some of the early houses were built. A two-story frame dwellino- at the corner above Twelfth was the residence of James Martin, school teacher, and John Martin lived between South Park and Eleventh. Levi Dodd's two- story frame residence was on the corner above Eleventh. Farther down near Tenth street Aaron McKissick lived in a rented house. The ' ' Old Garrison " was on the bank of French creek between Ninth and Tenth, and in this vicinity Peter Houser, waterman, lived on the bank of the river. Elboiu Street. — There were three houses on this street, a frame buildinw between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, owned by General Samuel Hays, and the hatter shop and residence of George Dewoody, who lived with his mother. Thomas Smiley, riverman, lived on the bank of the creek in a log house owned by John Irwin, and below the lower bridge there was a dilapidated building used at a previous date as a warehouse. The Third Ward was then part of Sugar Creek Township. There were four houses here and their respective occupants were David King, lailor; Abram Clark, millwright (son-in-law of Mrs. Ridgway) ; Jonathan Whitman, and Matthias Stockbarger. Abraham Selders, stone-mason, lived just out- side the limits of this ward in Sugar Creek township. John Kelly, school teacher, and family dwelt in one of the buildings spoken of; while John J. Pearson, attorney. Doctor George R. Espy. Will- iam Raymond, and several others, unmarried men, boarded at the taverns or with friends in the village. The foregoing may serve as a brief summary of the settlement and im- provement narrated in detail in the preceding chapter, and an appropriate introduction to this. The original town plat proved ample for subsequent growth and the additions are comparatively recent and unimportant, the principal being Plumer's and Benjamin Alexander's additions in the Second ward, Myer's and Sprogle's in the First. The Third was laid out by R. S. McCormick, J. L. Hanna, and Howard & Smith. It will be observed that in 1823 there were scarcely any improvements below Ninth street; and in fact the cross streets in the lower part of the town had not been opened at that time. There was a gradual extension of the village in this direction. 380 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and in 1828 the size and population were thought sufficient to warrant its incorporation as a borough. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. The borough of Franklin was erected by act of the legislatiire April 14, 1828, and originally comprised all that part of the town plot south and west of French creek and the Allegheny river. By the provisions of this act taxation was limited to five mills on the dollar of assessed valuations; the borough was to constitute a separate election district; and the first election was to occur at the court house on the second Tuesday in May be- tween the hours of twelve m. and six p. m. , when a burgess and council of five members were to be elected. In January, 1832, the town was created a township, thus adding justices of the peace, constables, etc., to the num- ber of local officers. Unfortunately for this history the borough records have been lost or destroyed, thus rendering it impossible to give any particulars as to the offi- cial acts of the early town fathers. A single instance may. however, serve as an illustration. May 31, 1849, an ordinance was passed prohibiting the ladino- or discharge of freight from boats on Sunday; also prohibiting horses and hogs from running at large on the diamond. How the latter was first enforced is thus described in the Spectator of June 13, 1849: Niue unfortnuate individuals of the ajenus porker, either from inability to read or a total disregard of the act in their case "made and provided," were pm-suing the ordinary avocations of pigs iipon the diamond. About the hour that poets have assigned for the falling of " twilight dews" and "vesper breezes," the proper officers, armed with the authority of the commonwealth, made a descent upon the swinish multitude. After sundry evolutions, which seemed like a mi.xture of light horse and infantry tactics, they succeeded in forming a line of marcli for the " pound." When the drove had accomplished half the distance to the place of durance, symptoms of a refractory nature made their appearance among the prisoners. A few dogs, doubtless with the best of intentions, rushed to the assistance of the authorities. The pigs became desperate and the scene highly exciting. Some half dozen of swine made their escape and three, better calculated for bacon than a foot race, went to the pound. In the absence of any records no complete list of borough officers could be compiled; the following fragmentary data have been obtained from vari- oiTs sources: 1828. — Burgess, John Broadfoot; constable, Robert Kinnear; council: John Singleton, J. R. Sage, Alexander McCalmont, John Galbraith, Myron Park, William Bennett. 1829. — Burgess, George McClelland; second burgess, Myron Park; con- stable, Robert Kinnear; council: John Galbraith, Alexander McCalmont, J. W. Wood, William Raymond, John Singleton, J. R. Sage, Arnold Plumer. 1849. — Burgess, F. W. Hunter; clerk, James K. Kerr. 1852. — Burgess, A. P. \Yhitaker; council: Luke Turner, Miles W. Sage, Thomas H. Martin, George W. Brigham, Leonard Bunce. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 381 1853. — Burgess, A. P. Wbitaker; council: Luke Turner, Miles W. Sage, Thomas H. Martin, George W. Brigbam, Leonard Bunce. 1855. — Burgess, A. Plumer; council: S. H. Marshall, J. Bleakley, J. Mayes, J. Bryden, T. H. Martin. 1856. — Burgess, Samuel Hays; council: J. Bleakley, II. A. Brashear, Thomas Moore, Simeon H. Marshall, Myron Park. 1857. — Burgess, W. P. Walker; council: W. C. Evans, C. M. Hoover, T. H. Martin, David Smith. 1800. — Burgess, James Bleakley; council: T. Hoge, M. W. Sage, D. C. Plumer, W. P. Walker, F. D. Kinnear. 1861. — Burgess, S. T. Kennedy; council: Hugh Hunter, Harvey Evans, C. M. Hoover, S. F. Bailey, C. H. Raymond. 1862. — Burgess, G. E. Ridgway; council: R. S. McCormick, William Campbell, Charles Bowman, D. G. Dewoody, G. W. Brigbam. 1867. — Burgess, P. W. Raymond; council: Henry Dubbs, G. W. Brig- ham, F. W. Mitchell, R. S. McCormick, G. E. Ridgway. An act incorporating the city of Franklin passed the house March 24, 1868, and received executive sanction April Ith following. The act was prepared by R. S. McCormick and presented by the representative from this district. The three wards of the city were established with their present boundaries ; the First and Second wards comprise that part of the city south of French creek, with Twelfth (High) street as a mutual boundary, the former to the east and the latter to the west of that street, while the terri- tory north of French creek forms the Third ward. JThis had been annexed to the borough with portions of French Creek and Sandy Creek townships in 1860. The executive powers of the city were vested in a mayor, whose term of office is one year; the city council was to consist of three members respectively from the First and Second wards, and two from the Third, but by an amendment to the charter in 1872 each ward became entitled to one additional member. For election purposes the city is divided into two dis- tricts. The annual election occurs on the first Tuesday in May. In 1888, under the operation of a general act classifying the cities of the state, two councils, common and select, were elected. Before the close of the year this was declared unconstitutional; but the councils so elected constituted a de facto government until the next election, when the old order of things was resumed. Local legislation, though not specially prolific, embraces a large number and variety of subjects. The prohibition of the selling and exploding of fire crackers; of bathing in the creek or river within certain hours; of storing nitroglycerine or other explosive matter within the city limits; of selling tainted meat, or of depositing ashes and garbage in the streets, form the subject matter of some of the first ordinances. July 11, 1870, the name of Meadow street was changed to Third; Chub street became Fourth; Bass 382 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. street. Fifth; Pike street, Sixth; Perch street, Seventh; Catfish street, Eighth; Union street. Ninth; Fisher street, Tenth; Martin street. Eleventh; Turtle street. South Park; High street. Twelfth; Turkey street, West Park; Doe street, Thirteenth; Buck street. Fourteenth; Fox street. Fifteenth. Whether cattle should be permitted to run at large was long an issue in local politics; this was finally decided in the negative March 22, 1880. Re- strictive measures of a similar nature regarding geese were adopted April 24, 1883. In a spirit of liberality toward vested interests it was at first proposed to limit their operation to the First and Second wards; but a mem- ber from the Third, who regarded this as a covert design to make his dis- trict a pasture ground for the geese of the whole city, objected, and in deference to his protest the application of the ordinance was made general. The organization of a fire department was first agitated in 1866. Feb- ruary 1st of that year occurred the most destructive fire in the history of the city. It originated on Liberty street near the corner of Thirteenth, swept down Thirteenth to Elk and down Liberty to Centre block, involving a loss of a quarter of a million dollars. Perhaps the most serious fire prior to this was the destruction of the postoifice building, March 4, 1852, while Adam Webber was postmaster. Stamps and currency to the value of sev- eral hundred dollars were lost. The Mansion house at the northern end of the upper bridge burned April 2, 1868; and on the following day a similar calamity involved the Atlantic and Great Western depot, with a large quan- tity of oil awaiting shipment. The Exchange hotel burned May 13, 1870, and the city hall, a large wooden stntcture fitted up with stage and scenery for theatrical representations, July 5, 1876. Hanna's block, on Thirteenth street, between Liberty and Elk, burned January 28, 1886. Fire limits were first established in 1873, and included the territory bounded by Otter and Back, Eleventh and Fourteenth streets. February 6, 1883, this was so changed as to embrace only Liberty street between Twelfth and Thirteenth, and Thirteenth between Elbow street and the Lake Shore depot. August 10, 1874, provision was made for the election annually of a chief engineer by council and of two assistants by the fire department, which thus secured better organization than it had ever before enjoyed. This department is entirely of the volunteer character; the several engine and hose companies are well equipped, and have demonstrated their efficiency on the occasions referred to and many others of lesser note. It does not apjjear that the parks received much attention' under the borough dispensation. In 1860 a number of public-spirited citizens trans- planted trees to the public square, as it was then called; but during the building of the Franklin branch of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad and in the first years of the oil excitement teams crossed the grounds constantly, injuring and destroying the trees and neutralizing all previous attempts at grading. At the next session of the legislature the borough au- CITY OF FRANKLIN. 383 thorities were empowered to inclose the parks, which was finally accom- plished after much procrastination in 1805. It was thought that private enterprise should complete the work, but the improvement under this plan was very limited. The fence was removed after five or six years, and under the care of the city government the appearance of things gradually improved. At length, September 4, 1882, a park commission was established, to consist of the mayor and four citizens appointed by him with the approval of coun- cil. K. S. McCormick, A. A. Plumer, Casper Frank, C. W. Mackey, and A. G. Egbert constituted the first commission, of which one member is ap- pointed annually for a term of five years. This arrangement has given eminent satisfaction; its practical results are seen in the beautiful domain that forms so essential an element in the attractiveness of the city. The most recent action of special importance by the city council was the passage of an ordinance, June 19, 1889, establishing a board of health. It is provided that five members, two of whom are physicians, shall constitute this board, of which a new member is appointed annually for a period of five years. The appointment of a city health officer originates with this body, which has jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to public sanitation. The first board, composed of the following: Reverend E. F. Crane, B. E. Swan, J. W. Leadenham, M. D., E. W. Moore, M. D., and J. D. Chadwick, was appointed June 19, 1889. The initial movement in the erection of the city building was taken De- cember 4, 1882, when a committee was appointed to confer with F. W. Mitchell regarding a location. February 6, 1883, th^, bid of W. L. Corrin was accepted, and the mayor was instructed to negotiate a loan of fourteen thousand dollars. The corner-stone was laid May 30, 1883, when C. W. Mackey delivered an address, and the building was completed in the autumn of that year. Since Franklin came under city government its officers have been as follows: 1868.— T. A. Dodd, mayor; R. S. McCormick, J. T. P. Watson, T. J. McKean, L. C. Heasley, S. J. McAninch, Josiah Adams, Charles Bowman, and J. D. Myers, council. 1869.— Henry Dubbs, mayor; R. L. Cochran, T. J. McKean, A. A. Plumer, W. J. Lamberton, L. C. Heasley, W. R. Crawford, R. S. McCor- mick. and S. J. McAninch, council. 1870.— C. M. Hoover, mayor; W. J. Lamberton, L. D. Davis, C. W. Mackey, W. M. Epley, William Painter, A. A. Plumer, L. C. Heasley, and T. J. McKean, council. 1871.— C. M. Hoover, mayor; J. L. Mitchell, R. S. McCormick, J. W. Lee, L. D. Davis, T. A. Dodd, W. M. Epley, C. W. Mackey, William Painter, council. 1872.— C. W. Mackey, mayor; G. E. Ridgway, I. E. Howard, T. A. 384 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Dodd, W. S. Carroll, D. W. Morgan, J. L. Mitchell, L. D. Davis, and K. S. McCormick, council. 1873. — Samuel B. Myers, mayor; J. W. Rowland, G. AV. Brigham, J. M. Bredin, S. W. Neely, W. A. Horton, Levi Foster. R. S. McCormick, and N. B. Smiley, council. 1874.— Thomas Hoge, mayor; N. B. Smiley. J. R. Grant, S. W. Neely, D. S. Smith, Robert Lamberton, T. H. Martin, James Smith, and I. E. Howard, council. 1875. — J. W. Lee, mayor; N. B. Smiley, R. A. Brashear, N. S. Ridgway, William Campbell, Robert Lamberton, J. A. Humphreys, William J. De- Woody, James Bleakley, I. E. Howard, William Painter, and John Coefield, council. 1876.— W. S. Welsh, mayor; John O'Neil, James Bleakley, H. D. Hu- lin, E. W. Echols, W. D. Rider, Hiram Brown, Daniel Grimm, W. J. De- Woody, R. A. Brashear, J. A. Humphreys, and William Painter, council. 1877. — W. R. Crawford, mayor; H. W. Bostwick, R. L. Cochran, Alexander Cochran, Thomas M. George, R. S. McCormick, John O'Neil, R. Richardson, M. O. Taylor, R. H. Woodburn, J. A. Wilson, and G. H. White, council. 1878. — W. R. Crawford, mayor; Alexander Cochran, D. Grimm, J. D. Myers, John O'Neil, B. E. Swan, Jacob Sheasley, G. H. White, R. S. Mc- Cormick, M. O. Taylor, T. M. George, and H. W. Bostwick, council. 1879.— J. C. Sibley, mayor; J. N. Craft, G. Cowgill, W. C. Hawkins, R. G. Lamberton, George Maloney, Charles Mapes, R. S. McCormick, John O'Neil, N. H. Payn, Joseph Powley, and N. S. Ridgway, council. 1880.— W\ R. Crawford, mayor; J. N. Craft, John Coefield, N. H. Payn. H. H. Martin, H. J. Raymond, John Coon, W. C. Hawkins, C. T. Mapes, R. S. McCormick, N. S. Ridgway, and R. Richardson, council. 1881. — George Maloney, mayor; J. N. Craft, John Coefield, W. J. De- Woody, Casper Frank, P. R. Gray, D. C. Galbraith, H. W. Lamberton, D. W. Morgan, John O'Neil, J. R. Snow, and M. A. Seanor, council. 1882. — George Allen, mayor; Casper Frank, P. R. Gray, George S. Criswell, W. N. Emery, D. W. Morgan, B. W. Bredin, J. R. Snow, J. D. Myers, H. W. Lamberton, John O'Neill, and John Coefield, council. 1883. — George Allen, mayor; Casper Frank, Noah Ridgway, W. J. Bleakley, W. J. Mattern, B. W. Bredin, J. D. Myers, Perry De Woody, W. N. Emery, George Applegarth, John O'Neil, and T. M. Foley, council. 1884. — George Maloney, mayor; Casper Frank, Noah Ridgway, W. J. Bleakley, W. J. Mattern, B. W. Bredin, N. B. Myers, Perry DeWoody, Charles Miller, George Applegarth, John O'Neil, and T. M. Foley, council. 1885.— Charles Miller, mayor; B. E. Swan, J. H. Cratty, W. J. Bleak- ley, Floyd Griffin, Perry DeWoody, S. T. Karns, J. P. Frazier, N. B. Myers, T. M. Foley, Hugh Carr, and John O'Neil, council. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 385 1S86.— Chanes Miller, mayor; F. W. Officer, E. Law, James Smith, N. B. Myers, John O'Neil, W. J. Bleakley, Isaac St. Clair, Hugh Carr, Perry DeAVoody, T. M. Foley, and B. E. Swan, council. 1887. —William J. Bleakley, mayor; J. K. Bryden, Perry DeWoody, T. M. Foley, J. R. Grant, S. T. Graham, D. W. Morgan, A. H. McDowell, D. I. McVay, John O'Neil, C. J. Smith, and A. J. Sibley, council. 1888.— S. C. Lewis, mayor; C. D. Elliott, J. R. Grant, P. Brown, Perry DeWoody, A. Leach, A. J. Sibley, and John O'Neil, common coun- cil; R. W. Dunn, W. J. Mattern, Harry Lamberton, E. Jeunett, and I. E. Howai'd. select council. 1889.— William J. Bleakley, mayor; S. B. Myers, B. W. Bredin, G. R. Sheasley, C. M. Hulin. George Maloney, George Allen, Augiist Leach, I. H. Borland, T. M. Foley, John O'Neil, and J. K. Elliott, council. THE POSTOFFICE. The Franklin postoffice was the first in the county. Postmasters have been appointed in the following order: Alexander McDowell, January 1, 1801; James G. Heron, October 1, 1802; John Broadfoot, March 31, 1809; William Connely, March 25, 1819; Henry McCalmont, November 17, 1819; Alexander S. Hays, September 15, 1821; Arthur Robison, May 6, 1821; John Evans, January 12, 1822; Samuel F. Plumer, October 10, 1831; Ben- jamin A. Plumer, May 9, 1832; William Raymond, July 10, 1841; Benja- min A. Plumer, October 29, 1842; Joseph McClelland, February 20, 1843; John H. Shannon, March 7, 1844: Adam Webber, November 8, 1849; Sarah Webber, April 23, 1860; Robert Brigham, March 11, 1865; Robert J. Canan, April 8, 1869; David D. Grant, February 24, 1875; John E. Adams, March 31, 1883, BRIDGES, RAILROADS, ETC. The first franchise for the building of a bridge over French creek was granted by the legislature in 1802 to Marcus Hulings, who was granted an extension of time in 1805, but does not appear to^have accomplished any- thing individually. Some years later a company was formed and in 1820 a bridge was built under contract by James Lowry. James Kinnear was treasurer of this company in 1823, George Sutley was secretary, and Alex- ander McCalmont was authorized to receive the annual siibscriptions in lieu of toll. In the spring of 1832 the bridge sustained serious damages from a freshet; assistance from the legislature was invoked, and the governor was authorized^,to subscribe for one hundred shares of stock at twenty dollars per share. There is reason to think that the appearance of this structure did not improve as time passed. In 1857, one span having fallen down, the company abandoned the property, and the necessary repairs were made by private enterprise; and when, on Sunday morning, March 8, 1868, the 386 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. middle span parted company with the shore ends of the venerable pile, the general feeling seems to have been one of gratification at the prospect of a new l^ridge. An effort was made to preserve the remaining parts of the original striictiire; baton the 14th of April the upright timbers temporarily erected for this purpose were struck by a boat heavily laden with lumber and shingles, resulting in further damage. The contract for the building of a new bridge was awarded to W. W. Breckenridge of North Liberty, Mercer county; it was completed in December, 186S. The formal transfer of this property to the county commissioners occurred in 1859. The Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Company was incor^iorated by act of the legislature, April 3, 1837. The corporators were Alexander McCalmont, John Galbraith, Arnold Plumer, John Evans, L. T. Reno, James Kinnear, John W. Howe, Hugh McClelland, James Ross Snowden, and Jacob Dubbs. of Franklin, with a number of others at Bellefonte, Meadville, and Titias- ville, and in Erie and Clearfield counties. A wooden bridge was bviilt at a cost of forty-five thousand dollars: it was seven hundred and twenty feet long and covered. May 13, 1863, at six a. m. — the morning after the great oil fire at Oil City — a large oil barge, wrapped in flame and smoke, was seen floating down the river; every efi'ort was made to bring it to the shore, but without success. As it passed under the bridge the flames shot upward to the comb of the roof, and within half an hour nothing remained of the en- tire structure except the piers. A suspension bridge was at once erected on the original piers at a cost of twenty -six thousand dollars. This also was destined to destruction. Friday morning, December 31, 1870, a fire broke out in a building known as the Marshall house at the steamboat landing on the lower side of the bridge, whence it was communicated to the toll house. The suspension wires were anchored beyond these houses and passed over them to the towers of the bridge. While the crowd that had collected were engaged in saving the furniture in the toll house, one of the wires snapped from the effect of the heat. The structure swayed perceptibly; several other of the wires broke until the whole support of the lower side of the bridge was gone. The first span sank to an angle of forty-five degrees, precipi- tating some of the persons thereon to the ice below, and in another moment it was hanging like a pendulum. The remaining supports broke and fell with a crash, burying several victims in the ruins. The entire structure was completely wrecked, and with the loss of life involved this constitutes one of the most fatal casualties in the history of the city. The present iron structure was erected in the following year. The lower French creek bridge, originally a wooden structure, was built by the county in 1857. March 17, 1865, in one of the most disastrous floods this valley has ever experienced, the bridge was raised from the piers and floated to that mysterit)us bourne from whence no bridges ever return. It was replaced by a wood and iron structure. On Saturday, January 13, 1877> CITy OF FRANKLIN. 387 at eight P. M., the western span collapsed from its own weight. The sub- stantial iron bridge at this site was built the same year. The Big Rock bridge, a mile below Franklin, on the Allegheny river, was completed in 1879. While bridges over the river and creek rendered the county seat easy of access from the adjoining portions of the county, it was still dependent for communication with the outside world upon that rather primitive convey- ance, the stage coach. The facilities of this nature in 1851, as given in the mail schedule, were as follows: Curwensville to Meadville, via Franklin, one hundred aud six miles — six times a week; Franklin to Brownington, thirty miles — tri- weekly; Franklin to Butler, via Clintonville, forty-two miles — once a week; Franklin to Warren, fifty-three miles^tri-weekly; Franklin to Waterford, via Cooperstown, Dempseytown. and Sunville, fifty- six miles — once a week; Franklin to Warren, Ohio, fifty-four miles — tri- weekly; Franklin to Hartford, forty- six miles — once a week. Fehl & John- son were proprietors of a through line to Pittsburgh, and the fare, including boarding, was two dollars and fifty cents. This was subject, in a measure, to steamboat competition. The first steamboat to ascend the Allegheny river as far as Franklin was the William D. Duncan, of one hundred and ten tons, Captain Crooks, which arrived on the evening of Sunday, February 24, 1828. It was only in the spring and fall that there was a stage of water sufficient for naviga- tion, but this was a period of great business activity in the river towns. Steamboats continued to ply between Franklin and -Pittsburgh until the completion of the Allegheny Valley railroad. The first railroad opened to Franklin was the Atlantic and Great ^Vest- ern; the track to this point was completed Saturday, May 30, 1863, and on the Monday following a special train from Meadville, the first to enter the town, arrived with the directors of the company and a number of citizens, among whom was John Reynolds, a merchant at Franklin in 1814. The Jamestown and Franklin railroad was opened to this point in the summer of 1867, and the Allegheny Valley the same year. The city enjoys the advantage of being in direct connection with the principal trunk lines of the country, and with the lakes — advantages which exert a favorable influence upon her prospects as a manufacturing point. MANUFACTURES. The map of Fort Machault indicates the location of a saw mill a1:)Out seventy yards from the Allegheny river, on a small stream flowing into it about the same distance below the mouth of French creek. The machinery was brought from Canada, perhaps from France. This establishment was in operation during the construction of the fort anPl barracks, and was, without doubt, the first manufacturing enterprise upon the site of Franklin. 388 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Chestnut timbers, forming part of the dam, were discovered on Elk street, about ten rods below Benjamin W. Bredin's house, in a good state of pres- ervation, some years since. The next attempt to establish domestic industries was not made until nearly seventy-five years later. In the first settlement of this region supplies of iron were obtained, at great expense, from Pittsburgh, or points eaf-t of the mountains. To meet this demand Samuel Hays built a forge on French creek, a mile from its mouth, about the year 1825. The process of mnnu- facture was exceedingly primitive. Bog ore, obtained at various localities in the immediate vicinity, was used exclusively, and charcoal was utilized as fuel. The ore was melted in what was conventionally called a '"ell-fire;" the slag was drawn off by the admixture of lime, and the metal, known at this stage as hoop-iron, was successively hammered and heated until the desired consistency was obtained. A wing-dam in the creek furnished water power for the blast and hammers. The operatives lived in houses about the forge, giving to the place the appearance of a small village. A. M. Lewis was iron-master. The construction of the French creek slack- water navigation rendered the location undesirable, and the works were abandoned early in the thirties. In the meantime, about 1828, Alexander McCalmont erected a similar establishment on the north bank of the creek, a quarter of a mile above the upper bridge. His dam consisted merely of a bank of loose stones, sufii- ciently high to deflect water enough into the race to furnish power for the hammers and blast. In 1832-33 the forge was replaced by a quarter-stack blast furnace, twenty feet high, with a bosh diameter of six or seven feet. Bog ore was used almost exclusively. This establishment employed twenty men. Late in 1834 it was purchased by Samuel F. Dale, and continued in operation several years. During this time it constituted about the only ' industrial feature of the town. The Franklin Iron Works, Nock, Dangerfield & Company, proprietors, were placed in operation in 1842. The original members of the firm were Edward Nock, James Dangerfield, and Edward Pratt, all of whom had previously been connected with the Great Western Iron Works at Pitts- burgh, of which Edward Nock was general manager. Their advent at Franklin occurred June 2, 1842, and was attended with some eclat. The Great Western band, composed of Mr. Nock's former employes, accompanied him on the steamer Ida, and furnished music for the occasion. The pro- prietors brought about a score of skilled workmen with them, and at once began the construction of suitable buildings. The site secured was that occupied by McCalmont' s furnace, which was still standing, but had not been in use for several years. A frame building, about one hundred feet square, was erected. There were two well constructed wing-dams, with the necessary appliances for communicating power. The plant consisted of CITY OF FRANKLIN. 389 four puddling and two heating furnaces, eleven nail machines, and one set, respectively, of muck, bar, sheet, and finishing rolls. Pig iron was obtained at furnaces in this and adjoining counties. Singleton's coal bank, in Sandy Creek township, furnished the fuel. The works went into operation with Edward Nock, general superintendent; William Nock, foreman of the heat- ing furnaces; James Dangertield and Thomas Cooper, foremen of the rolling department, and sixty operatives. Six dollars a ton were paid for puddling ; rollers received two and a half or three dollars per day. The product was sold at Pittsburgh and Erie. The works were operated to their full capacity, bat a lack of harmony among the members of the firm prevented the business from being profitable. H. Coulter & Company at length became proprietors. Then the workmen formed a co-operative company, to which Coulter was to furnish raw material, and for which he was to act as agent for the sale of their product; half their wages was to be applied to the purchase of the property, which would have been entirely accomplished in three years, but Coulter became insolvent, and the co-operative company did not long survive his failure. The workmen dispersed to different places. The works experienced various changes in ownership, and were finally dis- mantled several years before the war. The machinery was moved to Pitts- burgh, and all that now remains to mark the site of this once prosperous industry is a portion of the foundation walls. In 1847 Edmund Evans built a foundry on the bank of the creek near the outlet lock. In 1849 this was purchased by William Elliott and W. M. Epley, who continued the business until 1856, when they were succeeded by Dempsey. Hunter & McKenzie, and within a few' years after this the business was finally discontinued. Stoves, plows, and plow points, mill castings, and general repairing were among the objects that received atten- tion here. Adjoining the foundry was a barrel factory owned by Judge Drain of Meadville and managed by George Ramsdale. This also is among Franklin's "lost arts." The mills may also be mentioned in this connection. As in many other matters relating to Franklin, George Power is entitled to priority here. He brought with him a small cast iron grinding machine, upon which his neighbors and himself ground the flour and meal for their families. Alex- ander McDowell's mill on the Allegheny river is referred to in early county records, but its precise location is unknown. John Hulings built the first mill on the creek. It was nearly opposite West Park street, and by the action of the current the site is now in the channel of the stream. Abraham Selders, a brother-in-law of Hulings, built the second mill, on the south side of the creek at the west end of town just beyond the city limits. A riflfte at this point was utilized as a dam, and probably influenced the selec- tion. This was a frame building. Alexander McCalmont had a grist and saw mill in connection with his furnace, which passed to Nock, Danger- 390 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. jQeld & Company with that property. This mill burned and was rebuilt by Eobert Lamberton. The Venango mills were built in 1857 by Samuel F. Dale in partnership with Orris Hall of Warren, who operated them for several years. Water power is furnished from the outlet lock of the old French creek canal. Johnson & Company are the present owners. The roller process is used, having been introduced in 1882. The first machine shop in the city was established in 1859 by David T. Lane. In 1862 he constructed the Advance No. 1, and in the following year the Advance No. 2, the only steamboats of any importance that may be regarded as the product of local industry. The manufacture of sucker-rods at Franklin was originated by D. S. Smith in the early years of oil developments. His work was done entirely by hand. The business passed successively to various individuals and firms, and in 1879 to Snook & Company, who were succeeded in 1888 by Frazier & Smith. In December, 1889, this firm amalgamated with the Franklin Sucker-Rod Joint Company, whose plant is located in the Third ward. Charles W. Mackey established a wagon factory on Elk street below South Park in 1832, but soon afterward erected a shop on Liberty street, opposite the site of the Rural house, where he carried on business about thirty years. He was the pioneer in this line in Franklin, and manufactured more wagons, etc., than the home market demanded, taking his surplus stock to towns farther east where he sold it readily. One of the oldest members of the Venango bar, S. P. McCalmont, says that Mr. Mackey was as honest a mechanic as he ever knew, and his wagons were superior in the material used and honest workmanship to any that came into this market. J. B. Myers began the manufacture of carriages and wagons at Thir- teenth and Otter in 1859; several years later J. D. Myers became a partner and the firm was known as J. B. & J. D. Myers, which was changed in 1878 to Myers Brothers & Company and in 1885 to Myers, Humphrey & Company. In 1864 the works were removed to Thirteenth and New streets, and in 1878 to Thirteenth and Buffalo, the present location. The Boston Iron Works were established in 1862-63 by several gentle- men of that city. The venture was not profitable, however, and the busi- ness })assed to various parties without conferring any better fortune. In April, 1871, the works were purchased from Windsor Brothers & Company by James Smith, who immediately introduced the manufacture of a sand pump iipon the patents of E. A. L. Roberts of Titusville. The construc- tion of pumping rigs was afterward made a specialty and is the principal feature of the business. W. N. Emery & Son, Thirteenth street, manufacture oil well machinery. The business was established in 1869 by the senior member of the firm, which assumed its present style in 1882. The specialty is pumping powers. The carriage factory of D. A. Reynolds, Buffalo street between Eleventh CITY OF FRANKLIN. 391 and Twelfth,, was first established in 1870 on Twelfth street and removed to its recent location in 1883. James Sheridan began the making of drilling tools on Elk street in 1870; he removed to Edenbnrg several years later, and returning to Franklin, resumed on Thirteenth street, Third ward, in 1870. The tinware factory of W. D. Rider, Eighth and Liberty streets, orig- inally established in 1870 by Rider & Hazeltine, was partially destroyed by lire April 21, 1887, but still employs twenty-five men. The Venango Boiler Works, Buffalo street, were originally located on Otter, near Eleventh, by James Meehan, the present proprietor, in the spring of 1877. Portable and stationary boilers, oil stills, iron tanks, agitators, etc., are manufactured. The Franklin Planing Mill, Eleventh and Elk streets, was established in 1870 by Howe & Ramsdale. The firm of Howe, Ramsdale & Company was organized in the following year. The machinery of a similar establishment on the banks of the Allegheny river was removed to the present location. In 1874 H. D. Hulin became individual proprietor and so continued until 1883, when the firm of H. D. Hulin & Brother was formed. The City Planing Mill, Thirteenth street, was erected in 1874 by Howe & Ramsdale. The present firm of Ramsdale & Son was formed in 1887. The Franklin Brush Factory was originally erected by a company organ - ganized May 21, 1874, of which the directors were R. Lamberton, Samuel Plumer, I. E. Howard, W. M. Epley, Thomas Walker, P. R. Gray, and P. McGough. Ground was broken June 15, 1874,' and the brick building one hundi-ed feet long by forty in width at the corner of Otter and Twelfth streets was rapidly pushed to completion. The first brush was made October fj, 1874. In 1880 the works passed to Walker & Company, the present pro- prietors. Brushes of every variety are made. The weekly capacity is five or six thousand, requiring forty operatives. Maloney & Company, Thirteenth street, Third ward, make a specialty of drilling tools in connection with general oil well supplies. The works were first placed in operation by Maloney & Hurley. The plant comprises black- smith and boiler shops and foundry, and usually requires twenty men in the various departments. This is one of the leading enterprises of the citv. D. T. Lane & Son, Fourteenth and Chestnut, manufacture sucker-rod joints for the Franklin Sucker-Rod Company, organized in 1889 with A. A. Plumer, president. The capacity is one thousand five hundred rods per week. The works were first established in 1882. Wire rope transmissions have received special attention during the past year (1888); a lathe has re- cently been designed and erected large enough to turn a sheave ten feet in diameter. The sucker-rod business of this firm was consolidated with that of Frazier & Smith in December 1889, under the name of the Franklin Sucker-Rod Joint Company, Limited. The plant of the new company is 392 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. located in the Third ward, and the manufacture of sucker-rods in Franklin will doubtless continue to be one of its leading industries. M. A. Jack & Company, Fourteenth and Buffalo, are successors to Jack & Osborn, by whom the Franklin Stair and Hardwood Works were estab- lished in January, 1887. Two breweries are in operation. The first in the county was placed in operation in Cranberry township by John Minnich in 1858. In 1861 it was removed to Otter and South Park streets, Franklin, and in J 865 the present proprietor, Philip Grossman, assumed control. The Suell brewery in Sugar Creek township was purchased in 1883 by Christian Brecht. The American Oxide Compauij was organized and incor2:)orated February 24, 1888, with a capital of live hundred thousand dollars and the following ofificers: S. R. Bradley, president; Charles Miller, vice-president; ^Villiam H. Forbes, treasurer, and L. H. Ptutherford, secretary. The works were placed in operation in September, 1 888, and employ fifty men. The com- pany is the owner of certain patents originated by Messrs A. C. and S. R. Bradley for the manufacture of oxides or salts of metals. The old method, requiring seventy-seven hours, was both tedious and expensive; the process of this company, the only improvement attempted in one hundred and twenty-five years, is practically instantaneous. The company has been ab sorbed by the National Lead Trust, and its works have been enlarged to a capacity sufficient to supply the entire trade of the United States. The Anglo-American Oxide ComjDauy was incorporated July 8, 1889, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars and the following officers: President, S. R. Bradley, of New York; vice-president, Charles AV. Mackey; secretary, William H. Forbes; treasurer, E. H. Sibley; directors: S. R. Bradley, Charles W. Mackey, Charles Miller, S. C. Lewis, and S. Beymer. This company is the owner of the patents of the American Oxide Company for the maniifacture of oxides or salts of metals in Canada, France, Eng- land, Belgium and Germany, and has a plant in operation at Liege, Belgium. THE OIL INDUSTRY. To say that the growth of Franklin since 1860 and its present general prosperity have resulted directly from the discovery of oil would be the ex- pression of a platitude. Local developments followed closely upon the first news of Drake's operations on Oil creek. There was a well in the vicinity of Twelfth and Otter streets, the water of which had an oily taste, and when undisturbed for any length of time a film of oil gathered upon the surface. This was naturally selected as the most favorable locality for initial investigation. The owner was James Evans, a blacksmith. He made the drilling apparatus himself, kept the tools in order, and with the assistance of his sons drilled to the depth of seventy-two feet, when they struck a cavity which promised a production of the oily fluid that might 'y-'V-'^5-?fi»'-'----s"* -'•'■ ^S^-^^^-TiS-^^^-^ CITY OF FRANKLIN. 395 rival the famous well of Drake's. These operations were regarded with much interest and curiosity by the townspeople. Their success was uni- versally desired, but few were sanguine of its accomplishment. In attempt- ing to remove the drill from the crevice it broke and a fragment remained, notwithstanding which the well yielded fifteen barrels per day after being tubed. It was pumped by hand. This was the third well bored that yielded profitable returns and the first beyond the valley of Oil creek. That a man of humble circumstances and only ordinary intelligence should thus, unaided and alone, by the patient exercise of assiduous industry accomplish one of the first discoveries regarding the extent of the oil field is one of the most remarkable incidents in the history of petroleum. Companies were organized for the drilling of wells and several had be- gun active operations before the Evans' well became productive. The first of these was the Franklin Mining and Oil Company, organized with A. Plumer, president; J. P. Hoover, vice-president; A. W. Raymond, secretary; R. Lamberton, James Bleakley, R. A. Brashear, J. L. Hanna, T. Hoge, executive committee, October 3, 1859— but little more than a month after Drake struck oil. In the latter part of November they had reached a depth of ninety feet; oil was first obtained at a depth of two hundred and thirty- nine feet January 12, 1860. The stock of this company was divided into forty-two shares, and within a week after pumping was begun one thousand dollars were offered for a share. In February, 18G0, the Farmers' and Mechanics' Company, Levi Dodd, president, began operations at the cor- ner of High street opposite the park, and Caldwell & Company, on French creek at the foot of High street, were obtaining oil in paying quantities, while a number of companies and individuals were preparing for work. The first authentic account of a shipment of oil from Franklin places the number of barrels at four hundred and twenty-seven; they were consigned to Pitts- burgh by the steamboat Venango April 27, 1860. The Mammoth well on French creek near a large walnut tree and not far from the Evans well, became productive May 15, 1860. The oil overflowed the conductor; this was the first well at Franklin where the phenomenon occurred, and in the extent of its producing capacity the Mammoth early demonstrated the pro- priety of its name. The wells in Franklin or its immediate vicinity in July, 1860, with depth and daily production were as follows: Colonel J. P. Hoover, twenty-five bar- rels; Strain & Company, thirty- five feet; Sprogle & Company, eighty-five feet; Brigham & Company, Two hundred and thirty-five feet; Stitts, eight bar- rels; Mason, one hundred and eighty- seven feet; Tucker & Howell, fortv feet; Shoemaker & Company, one hundred and thirty feet; Raymond & IJnderhill, No. 1, two hundred and sixty-two feet, fifteen barrels; No. 2, one hundred feet; Caldwell & Company, two hundred feet; Evans, seventy- two feet, fifteen barrels; Clarion Company, one hundred and thirty -seven 22 396 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. feet: Mammoth Company, No. 2, two hundred and sixty-six feet, iive bar- rels: No. 3, two hundred and ninety feet; Joy, tive barrels; Myers, one hundred and seventy-eight feet; Broomstick Company, tifteen barrels; Andrews & Company, one hundred and ninety feet; Greer, two hundred and ten feet; Reed, two hundred and twenty feet; J. G. Lamberton, one hun- dred and thirty-two feet: Shiister & Company, one hundred and seventy- five feet; Venango Oil and Mining Company, ten barrels. Twenty-two others were also in process of drilling. In August, 18G0, there were seven pro- ductive wells within the limits of the borough of Franklin, of which the respective daily yields were as follows: Broomstick Company, fifteen bar- rels: Raymond & Underbill, eight; Evans, twelve; Eveleth & Bissell. fif- teen; Mammoth Company, four; Cook, three; Kinnear & Company, twelve- total, sixty-nine. In addition to these the following wells were producing in November, 1860: Curtz & Strain, five hundred and two feet, fifteen barrels; Mackey & Company, two hundi-ed and fifty-three feet, twenty-five barrels; Raymond & rnderhill. No. 2, three hundred feet, fourteen barrels; Franklin Oil and Mining Company, No. 4, two hundred and sixty one feet, four barrels; Myers & Company, one hundred and fifty-two feet, eight barrels; McKinley, Mitchell & Company, two hundred and seventy- seven feet, eight barrels; Dale, Caldwell & Company, two hundred and sixty feet, three barrels; Tucker & Howell, two hundred and fifty-four feet, eight barrels; Welsby, Smith & Company, one hundred feet, four barrels; Mason, Lane & Company, two hundred and sixty-seven feet, ten barrels — a total of fifteen wells with a daily production of one hundred and thirty- nine barrels. It will be observed that the depth in most instances did not exceed two or three hundred feet, while the product was obtained by an expensive sys- tem of pumping. For some months Franklin was the scene of unprece- dented activity. Derricks were erected in every conceivable locality. AVells were drilled in front yards, in gardens, or in the bottom of wells that had previously supplied drinking water. The town w^as the objective point of the first great rush of people to the oil regions. The early ventures were almost uniformly successful; but within little more than a year after the Evans well became productive there was a sudden suspension of operations. In June, 1861, the first flowing well on Oil creek was struck, and with the others that followed had such a depressing efPect upon the oil market as to render the smaller pumping wells utterly unprofitable. Many in and around Franklin were abandoned, and several years elapsed before developments in this territory were resumed. AVhat is known as the old Franklin district produces an oil peculiarly adapted to lubricating purposes. In the crude state it has a natural cold test of twenty degrees below zero, with a specific gravity of thirty-one de- crrees. It will not distill a burning oil. Its advantages as a lubricant were CITY OF FRANKLIN. 397 early recognized, and it has been made the basis of several celebrated oils. The district is comparatively narrow in extent. The earliest available sta- tistics are for the year 1875, when the amount of oil shipped amounted to ninety-one thousand, two hundred and fifty-eight barrels, not including two thousand barrels per month consumed by local refineries. April 1, 1876> there were one hundred and fifty producing wells; the daily jn-oduction was two hundred and twenty-five barrels, and the amount of oil in stock exceeded seventy-three thousand barrels. The amount of oil produced in 1877 was eighty-eight thousand barrels (in round numbers); in 1878, sixty-nine thou- sand barrels. The total amount of stock, January 1, 1878, was fifty thou- sand barrels; January 1, 1879, twenty-seven thousand barrels. The number of wells, January 1, 1878, was two hundred and seventy; January 1, 1879, three hundred and fifty-three, and of this increased number thirty-six had been drilled during the year, the remainder retubed. During 1879 one hundred and twenty-three wells were drilled and sixteen retubed; four hun- di-ed and seventy-five were in operation January 1, 1880. In October, 1883, the stock on hand aggregated forty-two thousand barrels, and the number of wells was estimated at twelve hundred and eighty. Since that time the num- ber abandoned each year about compensates the number drilled or retubed. There are about thirteen hundred pumping wells in the district, and the production does not exceed five thousand barrels per month. The Taft & Payn pipe line was the first in the Franklin district. It was begun in 1870, and the company organized the following month. The first line was three miles in length, extending from the Egbert and Dewoody tract to the river. A further extension to the Galloway farm was made in 1872, and a rival line, the Franklin, was constructed to the same region. The two consolidated in 1878 under the name of the Franklin Pipe Com- pany, Limited, of which the present officers are: J. W. Grant, president and general manager; D. Grimm, secretary and treasurer. The aggregate length of mains is sixty miles. The Franklin Producers' Pipe Line Company was incorporated in Au- gust, 1883. The present officers, who have held their respective positions since the first organization, are as follows: President, E. D. Yates; secre- tary, J. H. Cain; treasurer, William J. Bleakley. There are twenty-two miles of pipe, confined to the "old district," and in the transportation of oils a gravity of thirty-one and two-tenths degrees is required. The refining business at Franklin began in a very modest way. The first to engage in this was a Mr. Brown, and the methods employed were ex- ceedingly primitive. Colonel J. P. Hoover built the first refinery of any consequence, which was burned in the autumn of 18G1. The Norfolk Oil Works were established in 1861, on Elk street, below the Allegheny bridge. Their capacity was two hundred barrels per week. The works of Sims & Whitney, on Liberty street, near the river, were also among the first. Nine 398 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. refineries were in operation in 1864-65, and after this, for a time, the busi- ness appears to have been discontinued almost entirely. At present it con- stitutes the main source of business prosperity, and whether the capital in- vested or the labor employed be considered, the oil works of Franklin are among the most extensive in the world. The Keystone Oil Works were originally built in 1864, by Samuel Spen- ser, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, at a cost of thirty thousand dollars. Within three or four years he leased the works to Jacob Sheasley, and the latter, in 1875, leased to the Standard Oil Company for ten years, during which period the plant was not operated and fell into decay. J. H. Cain purchased the property in 1885; as rehabilitated since that date the tankage capacity is three thousand barrels; still capacity, three hundred barrels per day, and filtering capacity, two hundred barrels per month. The product consists mainly of lubricating oils from Franklin third sand crude, amounting to six or eight thousand barrels annually. It was amalgamated with the Franklin Oil Works January 1, 1890, Colonel Cain becoming one of the proprietors of the latter institution. Galena Oil Works, Limited. — Among the refineries at Franklin in 1865 was that of the Great Northern Oil Company, organized the previous year; the works were on the north bank of French creek at a locality once known as Hoo-e's point. They were leased in 1868 by Colonel Street, and pur- chased in 1869 by Charles Miller and John Coon, doing business under the firm name of Miller & Coon. This occurred in May. In July following R. L. (Jochran became a member of the firm, and the style was changed to Miller, Coon & Company. A third change occurred in January, 1870, when Mr. Cochran retired in favor of R. H. Austin, and the firm name became Miller, Austin & Company. They were succeeded in August, 1870, by the Galena Oil Works, in which Charles Miller, John Coon, R. H. Austin, and H. B. Plumer were constituent partners. In December, 1878, Messrs. Coon, Austin, and Plumer disposed of their interests to the Standard Oil Company, and the business since that date has been continued by the Galena Oil Works, Limited, of which Charles Miller is president; F. Q. Barstow of New York, secretary and treasurer; E. H. Sibley, local treasurer; John E. Gill, general manager; George C. Miller, superintendent. At the time of Miller & Coon's purchase in 1869 the name was Point Lookout Oil Works; the tankage capacity was one thousand l)arrels, and the manufacturing capacity one hundred barrels per day. W. E. Foster was superintendent. The value of the lead oxide known as Galena as an ingredient in a lubricating oil was discovered about this time; other improve- ments in the method of refining were also devised, and the process secured by letters patent. This had been used but a short time when the works were destroyed by fire, Thursday, August 11, 1870, involving a loss of twenty thousand dollars with but slight insurance. The Dale refinery, half a mile CITY OF FRANKLIN. 399 farther up the creek on the line of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio raih'oad, was at once purchased; within a month the necessary alterations in the machinery had been made and Galena oil was again being manu- factured. With a constantly extending business the works have been enlarged from time to time. At present five acres are inclosed, and nearly all the available space is occupied by buildings and tanks, the capacity of the latter aggregating one hundred and twenty-five thousand barrels. Every appli- ance that ingenuity can devise or experience suggest has been utilized, and the machinery is so perfected as to require but twenty- five men in all the departments of the works. Railway oils are manufactured exclusivel}^, and the daily product is three thousand barrels. Galena oils are used on seventy- five per cent, of the railway mileage of America — -on three distinct lines from Boston and New York to the Pacific coast, and in Mexico and Canada. The amount of capital invested closely approximates one million dollars. Eclipse Lubricating Oil Company, Limited. — The company by which the Eclipse works were originally established was organized with A. G. Egbert, president; C. W. Mackey, vice-president; John B. Moorehead, secretary; Forster W. Mitchell, treasurer; and Doctor Herbert W. C. Tweddle, manager. The latter was subsequently superseded by P. E. Gray. Fifty or sixty ditferent products of petroleum were manufactured; agencies were established in Europe, and the domestic Inisiness was large. Certain processes then originated are still used in a modified form. Their first inception occurred at an early period in the histor}' of oil refining with Doctor Tweddle; he established a refinery under the name of the Eclipse at Pittsburgh and others using processes patented by him were also erected at different points. His works at Pittsburgh having been destroyed by fire, he removed the remainder of the plant to Franklin in 1873, having purchased ground and begun building operations in the preceding year; but before any considerable progress had been made the company was organ- ized. The works occupied about eight acres of ground, and the capacity did not exceed one thousand barrels per week. In 1876 representatives of the Standard Oil Company secured the property, and a new company under the present style was organized with S. C. Lewis, president; D. Mcintosh, secretary and treasurer. The plant represents an invested capital of two million dollars and covers an area of seventy acres. This is the only refinery in the world that manufactures every merchantal)le product of petroleum. In addition to oils about eighty barrels of paraffine wax are made per day. The daily capacity of crude oil is five thousand barrels. Three other refineries are also operated by the Eclipse Company — No. 2, at Oil City, with a capacity of seven thousand barrels per week; No. 3. at Olean, New York; and No. 4, at Erie, Pennsylvania. Four hundred and twenty operatives are employed at Franklin. In the various departments of the Avorks there are three hiindred and ninety-four tanks, with an aggre- gate capacity of fifteen hundred thousand barrels. 400 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The Crescent Oil Works were first operated in 1873 in connection with an evaporating establishment in Sugar Creek township by L. H. Fassett, the present proprietor, and removed to the present location in 1886. The dis- tilling capacity is one hundred barrels per day. The specialty is lubricat- ing oils with Franklin heavy oil as the basis. Signal Oil Works, Limited. — The organization of this company occurred in 1874. The officers are: President, J. C. Sibley; secretary and treasurer, F. Q. Barstow; local treasurer, E. H. Sibley; directors: J. C. Sibley, Charles Miller, John D. Archbold, F. Q. Barstow, and D. Mcintosh. The capital is three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Valve and signal oils for railroad use are manufactured. The Franklin Oil Works were first established in 1877 by George Allen, Robert Fleming, and Hugh Carr, on Howard street. Third ward, and removed to the present location in 1880. J. W. Reamer and Hugh Carr became the owners in 1887. The distilling capacity is one hundred barrels per day; tankage capacity, one thousand five hundred barrels. Twenty-two wells in Franklin territory are operated under the same ownership. Both refined and lubricating oils are manufactured. January 1, 1890, the Key- stone Oil Works were amalgamated with this institution. Colonel Cain becoming one of the proprietors of the latter. The Relief Oil Works were built in 1878. S. P. McCalmont is chair- man of the company; S. P. McCalmont, Jr., secretary; B. H. Osborn, treasurer; and O. B. Steele, manager. The charging stillage capacity is nine hundred and fifty barrels, and weekly manufacturing capacity two thousand five hundred barrels. The product consists of lubricating and illuminating oils. The works are located across the river in Cranberry township, on the line of the Allegheny Valley railroad. GENERAL BUSINESS INTERESTS. The merchants of Franklin in 1837 were James Adams, William Ray- mond, Myron Park, Hugh McClelland, Elliott & Henry, R. Hower, B. A. Plumer, and Robert Lamberton. Their number had increased to twenty- two in 1855, when Messrs. Plumer, Lamberton, Raymond, and Park were still in business, the others being as follows: S. L. Ulman. James G. Lam- berton, James Griffin, G. W. Brigham, J. L. McBride, Jacob Mayes, G. C. McClelland, F. Kennedy & Company, James Bleakley, Henry Dubbs, James Bryden, Samuel Bailey, E. S. Durban, Bennett & Cochran, Josiah Adams, S. H. Marshall, Willard Lindsay, and G. Kann & Company. The number of business places in 1862 was thirty-three. The growth of business since that date is sufficiently indicated by reference to the mercantile appraiser's list for 1889, which contains the names of eighty-seven individuals or firms in the various lines of trade. Liberty street from Twelfth to Thirteenth and Thirteenth from Elbow to Chestnut continues to be the principal busi- CITY OF FRANKLIN. 401 ness thoroughfare, though several stores are located in the Third ward and others oa Liberty below Twelfth street. There were three hotels in the town iu 1828. Of these the first was established by George Power on Otter street. Colonel James Kinnear's brick hotel on the site of the Snook block, Liberty and West Park streets, was a favorite resort of the lawyers of that time and the generation follow- ing. It was usually the headquarters of the judge during court week, and numbered among its guests Thompson, Knox, and Gordon, afterward jus- tices of the supreme court. Latterly it was known as the Greene house; its career as a public house terminated December 9, 1865, and the building was removed in 1882. The site of the United States hotel has been so occupied from a very early period in the history of the town. A part of it was erected by Samuel Plumer iu 1800. George McClelland was proprietor here in 1823. He was succeeded in 1880 by Edward Pearce and the name at that time was the " Rising Sun." Thomas Hulings ran a hotel in 1828 on the site of Martin & Epley's drug store. John Evans and Arthur Robison were among its landlords. Among its later contemporaries was Jeremiah Clancy's Jackson inn. Thirteenth and Elk streets. The Lamberton house on Liberty street, a leading hostelry in its day, was opened by C. E. Evans in 1851. Luke Turner, Lewis T. Reno, A. W. Raymond, AVilliam Cartwright, and M. Henry were also among the hotel men of this period. The Rural house received its present name in 1858; it was previously known as the- Venango house. The Madison house changed to the American in 1870. The Grant house, erected in the first years of the oil excitement, was par- tially destroyed by fire in 1866 and rebiailt in its present form. The Exchange hotel was originally erected by a company; it was a frame build- ing five stories high, and was burned to the grovmd April 13, 1870, involv- ing a loss of one hundred thousand dollars. It was immediately rebuilt and opened under the management of S. M. Mills May 29, 1871. This is one of the largest and best hotels in northwestern Pennsylvania. The Franklin opera house, a brick structure one hundred and fifteen feet by sixty-two feet in dimensions, was built by a stock company com- posed of leading citizens and opened by the Emma Abbott opera company September 10, 1886. The present manager is J. P. Keene. It is situated on Buffalo street above Thirteenth. The Lamberton Savings Bank was organized March 25, 1873, by C. AV. Gilfillan, president; R. L. Cochran, cashier, and R. G. Lamberton. The business was originally begun in 1860 by Robert Lamberton in connection with a large general store, and this is therefore the oldest banking institu- tion iu Venango coitnty. The handsome bank building on Thirteenth street was erected in 1887. The present officers are C. W. Gilfillan, president; Harry Lamberton, cashier. The Venango Bank, subsequently merged in the Venango National 402 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Bank, Avas opened for business November 3, 1862. Its founder and lead- ing spirit was Charles Vernon Culver, who came here from the east in 1861, and established private banking offices at Franklin, Oil City, Petroleum Center, Titusville, and Meadville, which were afterward converted into corporate banks. Francis D. Kinnear was president of the Venango Bank, and Thomas Hoge, vice president, while its directory embraced some of the most substantial citizens of the county. Culver was, however, the business and financial manager, and the several banking institutions under his con- trol were highly prosperous and popular. He was a man of great energy, and planned and prosecuted many large enterprises, some of which gave big returns on the capital invested. The shrewdest business men of the community had unbounded confidence in his ability and promises, and gladly intrusted him with their surplus money for investment. Everythino- looked bright and promising, and for a few years Culver was the financial lion of the oil region. Early in 1866 rumors began to be circulated against the feasibility of some of his projects, and also against the financial credit of the banking house of Culver, Penn & Company, of New York, the head of the coterie of banks with which he was connected. These rumors created a run on that institution and it failed March 27, 1866. The banks at Frank- lin, Oil City, Petroleum Center, Titusville, and Meadville immediately fol- lowed suite. Depositors, stockholders, and other creditors lost heavily, and many circumstances connected with the failure of these banks is yet a stench in the nostrils of the people. The First National Bank was chartered January 8, 1864; the charter was extended February 24, 1883. The organization in 1864 was consti- tuted as follows: President, Arnold Plumer; cashier, James Bleakley; direc- tors: Arnold Plumer, Robert Crawford, A. B. Funk, Samuel Q. Brown, Hamilton McClintock, R. S. McCormick, Samuel Plumer, J. K. Kerr, and James P. Hoover. The capital is one hundred thousand dollars; surplus, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The succession of cashiers is as follows: James Bleakley, R. L. Cochran, A. D. Cotton, and F. W. Officer. The bank has had but two presidents — Arnold Plumer and Samuel Plumer. The officers at present are: Samuel Plumer, president; A. A. Plumer, vice- president; F. W. Officer, cashier; Samuel Plumer, A. A. Plumer, S. P. McCalmont, James Woodburn, J. O. McCalmont, Charles Miller, J. C. Sibley, and S. C. Lewis, directors. The bank took possession of its i)res- ent substantial quarters April 4, 1870. The International Bank was opened for the transaction of business May 25, 1868, with James Bleakley, president, and William J. Bleakley, cashier. This is a private banking institution. The officers at this time are William J. Bleakley, president, and H. Bleakley, cashier, and the daily exchanges are larger than at any time in its previous history. The Exchange Bank was incorporated June 20, 1888, under the state CITY OF FRANKLIN. 408 law. with a capital of one hmulred thousaiul dollars. TIic business was es- tablished in January, 1871, with John L. Mitchell, president, and P. Mc- Gough, cashier, in the Exchange hotel building, whence it was removed to the present location in the following year. The surplus, which was ten thousand dollars at the time of the incorporation, has since increased to thirty thoiisand dollars. John L. Mitchell is president; Thomas Nesbit, vice-president, and Thomas Alexander, cashier. John L. Mitchell, C Hey- drick, R H. Woodburn, D. Grimm, J. P. Byers, Thomas Nesbit, H. D. Hulin, J. D. Hancock, and William Gates constitute the present directory. The Savings Bank of Franklin was incorporated by act of the legisla- ture March 0, 1872, and commenced business May 1st of the following year with a subscribed capital of one hundred thousand dollars, one-half of which was paid in cash. A fair surplus of earnings has been allowed to accuu)U- late, and regular semi-annual dividends are paid to shareholders. The pres- ent executive otiicers: Isaac N. Patterson, president; Benjamin W. Bredin, secretary, and E. W. Echols, treasurer, have held their respective offices continuously since the organization, and the policy of the management, while leaning strongly toward safety and conservatism, is fairly liberal to all patrons. The bank occupies the same (quarters at the corner of Liberty and Twelfth streets in which business was commenced. The interior has re- cently been remodeled, and compares favorably with other banking institu- tions of Franklin. The Franklin Gas Company organized May 26, 1869, under legislative enactment of April 4, 1863, with the election of AVilliam Brought president, and a board of directors composed of J. L. Hanna, Samuel Plumer, C. Hey- drick, Thomas McDonough, and J. M. Bonham.^C. W. Mackey was secretary and George R. Snowden, treasurer. The city was illuminated with gas Decem- ber 3, 1870, for the first time. The present officers are C. W. Gilfillan, pres- ident and superintendent; James Miller, secretary, and Harry Lamberton, treasurer. The Venango Water Company — F. AV. Mitchell, president; C. Heydrick, O. D. Bleakley, C. W. Gilfillan, J. L. Hanna, and James Woodburn, direc- tors, and R. J. Hanna, general manager, was incorporated by act of the legislature October 22, 1863, and organized May 7, 1864. The first presi- dent was J. L. Hanna; the first directors were E. C. Pechin, Robert Lam- berton, Samuel F. Dale, P. McGough, and C. Heydrick. The works were constructed and placed in operation in the summer of 1865. The oriefinal capital was twenty thousand dollars, which has since increased to one hun- dred and seventy-five thousand dollars. The Franklin Natural Gas Company was incorporated June 29, 1885, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. The Speechley field is the source of sui)ply. The present officers are J. M. Dickey, president; W. J. Welsh, vice-president; W. H. Forbes, secretary and treasurer; W. J. A\'elsh, S. C. Lewis, D. Grimm, and F. W. Mitchell, directors. 404 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The Cohnnlna Gas Light and Fuel Company was organized in October, 1885, with a capital of tive hundred thousand dollars, which amount was sub- sequently increased to one million. The first officers were C. W. Mackey, president; C. W. Gilfillan. vice-president; James Miller, secretary, and B. W. Bredin, treasurer. A lease of the Speechley farm, upon which the largest gas well developed at that date was situated, was secured, and other territory aggregating two thousand acres was also leased. Operations were begun with the construction of an eight-inch main to Meadville, a distance of thirty-six miles, this being the first successful eflPort to pipe natural gas a long distance. An eight-inch main was constructed to Hendersonville, Mercer county, and a ten-inch main from that place to Youngstown, Ohio, a distance of over sixty miles, supplying Mercer, Sharon, and Youngstown. The company was also interested in local gas companies at Meadville and Oil City. It paid no cash dividends and expended the full amount of its capital stock in the construction of its plant and the acquisition of territory. In the magnitude of its operations and of its capitalization it was the larg- est financial undertaking ever organized in Franklin. In October, 1887, it was merged in the Natural Gas Trust, after protracted negotiations affect- ing in some measure county and state politics, and has ceased to be a local institution. The Franklin Improvement Company was incorporated January 16, 1887, and organized shortly thereafter with the election of Harry Lamberton, president; B. H. Osborn, vice-president; J. P. Keene, secretary; and Ed- ward Bleakley, treasurer. The company subserves the general purposes of a board of trade, and will doubtless prove an efficient agency in promoting the general business and industrial interests of the city. TELEGRAPH, EXPRESS, AND TELEPHONE FACILITIES. The first telegram to Franklin was received from Pittsburgh, December 19, 1861, by C. Barry, the local manager of a line since merged in the Western Union. The offices of the latter and of the Postal Telegraph and Cable Company constitute the present facilities in this respect. The first railroad express office was opened immediately after the com- pletion of the Franklin branch of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad. The local agent was W. A. Cooper, and the office was at his gro eery store, on the location of the Snook block. The first agent to give ex- clusive attention to the business was Leroy Kingman, now the editor of a paper at Oswego, New York. This company was the United States, which has been followed successively by the Erie and Wells-Fargo, the latter being at present in control of the express business of the Erie railway sys- tem. The business on the Allegheny Valley and Lake Shore roads was in the hands of the Union Express Company until 1883, when the former passed to the Adams and the latter to the American Express Company. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 405 The Franklin Telephone Exchange was organized in 1881 by J. T. Keene, as a branch of the Central District and Printing Telegraph Com- pany, of Pittsburgh. The present nunil)er of subscribers is eighty -five. Mr. Keene has been local manager since the organization. SECRET AND OTHEK SOCIETIES. Venango Lodge, No. 255, I. O. O. F. — The original charter of this lodge was granted August 2, 1847, and its institution occurred October 26, 1847, when the following officers were installed: W. H. Lamberton, N. G. ; F. D. Kinnear, V. G. ; AV. Henry, S. ; B. Alexander, A. S. ; N. Cary, T. ; J. P. Hoover, W. ; N. R. Bushnell, C. ; Thomas Shugert, O. G. ; I. H. Shannon, I. G. This charter was burned with all the effects of the lodge; the pres- ent charter was granted to Charles Mihleder, N. G. ; J. S. Bollman, V. G. ; F. D. Sullinger, S. ; H. E. Giddings, A. S. ; Elias Borland, T. Venango Encampment, No. 150, I. O. O. F. , was organized November 19, 1866, and the first officers were Thomas A. Martin, C. P. ; David Guthrie, H. P. ; William A. Thompson, S. W. ; Harry Plance, J. W. ; John R. Stan- ford, S. ; S. J. McAninch, T. ; J. O. Rockwell, G. , and John Quinn. After a period of temporary suspension during which the charter was surrendered, it was restored August 28, 1886. Minnie Lodge, No. 144, 1. O. O. F., Bebekah Degree, of which Lucy Ful- ler, N. G. ; Fanny C. Thompson, V. G. ; J. S. Bollman, S. : Clara Wenzel, A. S. ; and N. Borland, T. , were the first officers, received its charter Feb- ruary 5, 1886. Myrtle Lodge, No. 316, F. & A. M., was instituted February 22, 1858, with W. C. Evans, W. M. ; Ethel Shelmadine,' S. W. ; G. E. Ridgway, J. W. ; Myron Park, T. ; Arthur Robinson, S. ; S. L. Ulman, S. D. : John Evans, J. D. ; Charles W. Mackey, chaplain; F. H. Park, M. C. Past Mas- ters— G. E. Ridgway, M. AV. Sage, C. M. Hoover, Joseph Bell C. W. Mhckey, AV. M. Epley, H. D. Hulin, J. M. Dewoody, Thomas Algoe, C. D. Elliott, P. R. Gray, G. S. Criswell, F. P. Martin, AV. G. Ladds, Isaac St. Clair, M. D. , A. Y. Findlay, Charles Cowgill. Venango H. R. A. Chapter, No. 211, was constituted November 26, 1866. The first officers were M. AV. Sage, M. E. H. P.; G. E. Ridgway, K. ; C. M. Hoover, S. ; Thomas Hoge, T. ; AV. M. Epley, S. ; G. R. Snow- den, C. of H. Past High Priests— C. M. Hoover, C. AV. Mackey, Joseph Bell, W. C. Howe, P. R. Gray, C. D. Elliott, Thomas Algoe, AV. G. Ladds, J. R. Grant. Keystone Council, No. 42, R. S. E. & S. M, was constituted August 18, 1871, with the following officers: M. AV. Sage, T. I. G. M. ; G. E. Ridg- way, D. L G. M ; C. AV. Mackey, P. C. of AV. ; A. Plumer, T. ; J. AV. Row- land, S. ; G. R. Snowden, C. of G. ; J. E. Muse, sentinel. Past T. I. G. Masters— M. AV. Sage, C. AV. Mackey, AV. C. Howe. 406 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, Franklin Commanderij, No. 44, K. T., was constituted October 24, 1871. The first officers were as follows: M. W. Sage, E. C. ; G. E. Kidg- way, G. ; G. R. Snowdeu, C. G. ; A. Plumer, T. ; Charles Miller, R. ; C. W. Mackey, S. AV. ; H. A. Miller, J. W.; Charles Bowman, S. B. ; G. W. Plumer, S. B. ; J. E. Muse, sentinel. Past Eminent Commanders— M. W. Sage, C. ^\. Mackey, H. D. Hulin, W. C. Howe, D. D. Grant, Thomas Algoe, J. E. Gill, George Maloney. Franklin Lodge, A'o. 3, A. 0. U. W., was organized June 9, 1870. The original charter having been destroyed by fire, the present instrument was granted February 24, 1880, to W. L. Corrin, P. M. W. ; M. Quinn, M. W. ; George Sanderson, G. F. ; S. W. Smith, O. ; J. K. Elliott, R. ; A. Kolb, F. ; Henry T. James, R. ; W. C. Ridgway, G. ; J. C. Deemer, J. W. ; J. Mc- Elhaney, O. W. Franklin Legion, No. 25, S. K. of A. O. U. W. , was instituted by G. C. Charles Babst March 20, 1886. H. W. Bostwick, Moses Wachtel, and B. S. Black were the first trustees; the officers were W. L. Corrin, S. C. ; D. I. Dale, V. C. ; M. Quinn, L. C. ; B. J. Feldman, R. ; Henry T. James, T. ; A. Kolb, B. E. Swan, George Maloney, W. C. Ridgway, R. J. Rat- cliflPe, D. A. McElhaney, and D. B. Wilhelm. French Creek Tribe, No. 147, Improved Order of Red Men, received its charter under date of March 22, 1871. The first members were J. H. Mc- Cracken, J. H. Spencer, H. A. Plance, F. D. Sullinger, M. Singer, G. B. Fox, S. B. Myers, Alex Vincent, C. Wacksmuth, Felix Grossman, John Lytle, Edward Rial, N. B. Myers. St. Patrick's Benevolent Society, a branch of the Irish Catholic Benevo- lent Union, was organized in November, 1875, with R. Hammond, presi- dent; B. Darrah, vice-president; H. J. Strodmeyer, secretary, and John O'Neil, treasure!-. Franklin City Lodge, No. 448, K. of P., was instituted March 13, 1876, with D. L. Potter, P. C. ; N. King, C. C. ; B. W. Bredin, V. C. ; Reverend F. Evans, P. ; M. Bridges, M. at A. ; R. W. Red field, K. of R. and S. ; Joseph Walker, M. of F. ; A. Y. Findlay, M. of Ex. ; J. R. Connor, I. G. ; Thomas Walker, O. G. ; B. F. Frost, R., and fifty-four others as charter members. Branch No. 2^ Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, was instituted Jan- uary 24, 1878; the first officers were J. S. McGarry, president; P. Quin- livan, first vice-president; G. W. Sutley, treasurer; H. J. Strodmeyer, sec- retary; D. McCarthy, marshal; J. E. Maher, guard; Reverend J. Q. Adams, spiritual adviser; J. Sheehan, P. Gormley, L. J. Heffernan, J. S. McGarry, and P. Quinlivan, directors. Crawford Lodge, No. 3, Knights and Ladies of Honor, was instituted September 15, 1871), with thirty-six charter members. Vena7igo Council No. 33, Royal Templars of Temperance, was insti- CITY OF FRANKLIN. 407 tuted March 21, 1879. The original charter was l)urned and the present instrument granted March 16, 1886, to D. W. Morgan, S. C. ; C. W. Smith, V. C. ; J. N. Fradenburgh, P. C. ; D. Wilhelm, chaplain; I. E. Howard, 11. D. Tipple, secretaries, and E. P. Howard, treasurer, the ollicers at that date, t Lockard Lodge, No. 1534. Knights of Honor, was chartered September 80, 1879. There were forty members at that time, among whom were C. M. Hoover, R. G. Lamberton, Cx. S. Criswell, W. W. Peters, P. Engels- kirger, W. A. Horton, and H. B. Plumer. Franklin Loijal Orange Lodge, No. 70. was organized I^y George W. AVhite December 8, 1880. Franklin Union, No. 51, Equitable Aid Union, was constituted March 11, 1881, with Mrs. Frank E. Whann, chancellor; H. H. Ware, advocate; J, M. Dickey, president; Mrs. W. A. Horton, vice-president; Mrs. Fran- ces Evans, auxiliary; Mrs. Anna G. Adams, treasurer; Mrs. A. C. Giddings, secretary. Nursery Union, No. 183, Equitable Aid Union, v^as organized in 1885 with the following officers: Samiiel Huntsberger, chancellor; J. R. Bor- land, advocate; George Maloney, president; Mary L. Mallory, vice-presi- dent; J. R. "Watson, treasurer; A. Kolb, secretary. Major William B. Mays Post, No. 220, G. A. R. , was mustered July 25, 1881, by Edward O. Farrelly with the following comrades and officers: Isaac St. Clair, commander; William Rickards, officer of the day; John King, adjutant; P. R. Gray, C. S. Mark, J. W. Clark, F. P. Saylor, G. W. Boyles, P. Engleskirger, J. A. King, Jacques Buscha, C. W. Mackey, D. P. Brown, C. E. Taylor, M. J. Colman, J. M. Gardener, F. I. Nolan. Al- fred Elmont, L. H. Fassett, G. O. Ellis, W. C. Howe, Samuel Lindsey, John Huston, G. D. Applegarth, Casper Frank, J. S. May, Moore Bridges, J. P. Barr, J. R. Snow, J. H. Cain, J. W. Grant, John Henninger, R. H. Woodburn, Ephraim Black, J. R. Watson, C. R. Levier, L. G. Sibley, M. Kirkland, G. W. Hemphill, J. H. Whitaker, W. A. Horton, W. S. Welsh, George Pohl, James Dunlap, J. W. Welsh, B. W. Bredin, Isa' Black, R. Hilans, W. Beuchler, B. E. Swan, and O. W. Hanson. Past Commanders: Isaac St. Clair, William Rickards, J. S. May, C. W. Howe, L. H. Fassett, C. W. Mackey, James Dunlap, G. D. Applegarth, N. P. Kinsley, and M. R. Paden. The Woman'' s Relief Corps auxiliary to this post received its charter bearing date June 22, 1888, when the officers were Mrs. Mary Snowden, president; Mrs. Lauretta Mackey, S. V. P. ; Mrs. Mary Wiley, J. Y. P: Mrs. Alma A. Shephard, secretary, and Mrs. Anna Rheem, treasurer. Union Council, No. 96, Order of United Friends, was constituted Sep- tember 27, 1883, with thirty- six members, among whom were Louis Marks, Wesley E. Fuller, R. A. Bigley, Joseph Leadenham, S. DeArmau, and James Johnson. 408 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Michael Angela Council, No. 850, Royal Arcanum, was instituted June 8, 1885, with the following members: Fred Evans, D. C. Galbraith, J. S. Ballman, H. K. Mattern, F. Stratton, G. S. Criswell, R. B. Mattern, Edward D. Allen, W. W. Baker, A. Jackson, Henry F. James, C. W. Gilfillan, James W. Lee, E. W. Echols, Henry H. Ware, Robert McCalmont, M. C. Flower, William Shaffer, Thomas Alexander, Henry G. Sheasley, Jacob Sheasley, B. W. Bredin, N. P. Tobin, T. B. Sheasley, J. W. Reamer, George Pohl, W. W. Duffield, James Smith, E. G. Crawford, W. J. Lamberton. Assembly No. 7281, Knights of. Labor, was organized September, 10, 1886. Father Adains Council, No. 22!J, Catholic Benevolent Legion, was insti- tuted July 8, 1888. The first officers were J. S. McGarry, president; M. W. Kinney, vice-president; L. J. Heffernan, orator; F. P. Lynch, secretary; Jacob L. Smith, collector; E. Jeunet, treasurer; Sebastian Wilson, marshal; W. H. Wilson, guard; John M. Riesenman, S. J. Wilson, and James P. Mc- Closkey, trustees. Carpenter\s Union, No. 401, Carpenters and Joiners of America, was organized November 1, 1888. Franklin Circle, No. 20, Protected Home Circle, was instituted with C. W. Gilfillan, P. P.; S. P. Haslet, G. ; E. Borland, president; S. Smith, vice-president; C. C. Ramsdale, secretary; H. A. Myers, treasurer; H. G. Reading, accountant; Mrs. M. Bridges, chaplain. Franklin Lodge, No. 110, B. P. O. E., was instituted March 21, 1889, by District Deputy W. H. Wallace. The following officers were installed: Thomas McGough, E. R. ; A. Kolb, E. L. K. ; James B. Borland, E. L. K., J. P. Keene, E. L. K. ; H. G. Reading, secretary; E. Bleakley, treasurer; A. G. Galbrath, tyler; F. N. Raymond, Perry De Woody, and E. W. Smith, trustees. Union No. IS, Bricklayers' and Masons Iniernational Union of Amer- ica, was organized August 19, 1889, with James McElhinney, president; B. A. Grim, recording secretary; L. D. Hunsberger, corresponding secretary; Henry Thomas, treasurer, and Thomas Seaton, doorkeeper. EDUCATIONAL. The earliest educational effort in the county was the erection of a school house in West park nearly opposite the United States hotel, in 1801. It was built of unhewn logs, with clapboard floor; an enlarged space between the logs served to admit light, and below this elongated aperture a board placed in a slanting position served as a desk. James Mason was the first teacher. In 1809 Alexander McCalmont taught a school. From the subscription paper still extant it appears that the course of instruction included only the traditional "three R's," reading, writing, and arithmetic. The length of term was three months. The patrons furnished the room and firewood, in CITY OF FRANKLIN. 409 additiou to which the cost of tuition was two dollars. Thirtv-five pupils were promised, of whom George Power, John McDonald, and Alexander McDowell each subscribed for three; Abraham Selders, Philip Houser, William Connely, James Martin, and Catharine Armstromr, each two- William Moore, Dennis Pursel, Nathaniel Hays, Samuel Monjar, William Gibson, Marcus Hulings, Robert Armstrong, Hugh Picknoll, John Atkin- son, Eobert Austin, Jacob Weaver, Charles Kidgway, John Broadfoot, Samuel Plumer, Robert De woody, and John Ridgway, one each. As Mr. McCalmont was the only teacher in the village at that time, the above may fairly be supposed to indicate the distril)ution of the juvenile school population. The Venango Academy, in its checkered career of more than fifty years, represents a system of educational work long since relegated to the past. At the laying out of the town a number of outlots were set apart for school purposes, and a similar disposition had previously been made of five hun- dred acres in the reservation proper. At that time it was the policy of the state to supplement local effort in the different counties by annual appro- priations for school purposes. Each county had its academy, to which state aid was directed, and which thus formed part of a general plan of higher instruction. As part of this system the Venango Academy was incorporated January 28, 1813; William Moore, Alexander McDowell, John McDonald, William Connely, George Power, and Alexander McCalmont were named as the first board of trustees. Annually thereafter two members of this board were elected by the county for a term of three years. A grant of two thousand dollars was made; one thousanjl to be applied to the erec- tion and equipment of a suitable building, and one thousand to be invested in productive securities. No part of this, however, was available until five hundi-ed dollars had been secured from local sources and the work of building begun. Four poor children were to receive tuition free of charge each year. It was provided that the annual income of the academy should not exceed four thousand dollars, but this restriction, it seems unnecessary to add, was never called into exercise. In 1815 the building was erected. It was perhaps as elaborate and pretentious in its appearance and appointments as the resources of the com- munity would warrant; wooden materials were used; there was an entrance hall in front, commiinicating with two rooms; and here .a succession of ped- agogues taught " the young idea how to shoot ' ' until in course of time the improved appearance of a growing county seat demanded better facilities. John Kelly taught here first, from 1815 to 1823. Among his successors were John Sutton and John Gamble; Reverend Robert Ayres, an Episco- pal clergyman, a man of dignified appearance and a prominent figure in the early social life of the town; Reverend Nathaniel R. Snowden, a Presbyterian minister, and Reverend Thomas F. Magill, also of the latter 410 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. denomination. When the tirst academy building was removed cannot be definitely ascertained. In 1888 the trustees were authorized by the le^^is- lature to sell five hundred and ten acres of land and certain outlots and apply the proceeds to the erection of new buildings. This appears to have been neglected for the time; and in 1852, the dilatoriness of the trustees in this matter having been severely criticized by the press, they submitted a statement showing that the available funds in their hands amounted to only two thousand one hundred dollars. The agitation was continued: and in the following year under their direction Jacob G. Keefer erected a two- story brick building on Buffalo street. There were two rooms on the ground floor and one above. This infused new vigor into the institution; and in the public schools of that period there was ample room for educational work of an academic character. As the former improved the usefulness of the latter declined. Under the provisions of a general law the academy property became vested in the city school board, and in September, 1871, it was sold to the Evangelical church. Under the public school system buildings were erected in various parts of the town. There were three of these in 1848 — a brick building on Buf- falo street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, now occupied as a residence; a small frame house on Buffalo street near Ninth, and a similar striicture on West Park street between Elk and Otter built about 1840 upon ground owned by the Presbyterian church. The latter is still referred to as "'the old white school house." There was no regularly arranged course of study in those days nor for many years afterward, but each teacher did what seemed right in his own eyes and when pupils became sufficiently advanced they could enter the academy. The town was neither populous nor wealthy, and the improvement in the public schools was scarcely perceptible, public interest and energy being centered upon the academy. The beginning of the oil development marks a new era in local educa- tional as w^ell as material progress. This was substantially evidenced in 1867 by the erection of the Union school building on the corner of Eleventh and Buffalo streets at a cost of thirty-three thousand seven hundred dollars. January 6, 1868, this building was opened with an attendance of seven hundred pupils — such an outpouring of the rising generation to one point as had never before been witnessed in Franklin. In 1860 there were seven schools; from 1861 to 1865, eight, of which one was colored; in 1867, twelve; in 1871, thirteen; in 1872 and 1873. fourteen; in 1874, fifteen; and with an increasing population enlarged accommodations had become a necessity. May 28, 1876, contracts for the erection of two new buildings were awarded, that for the First ward at the corner of Ninth and Elk, and for the Second at the corner of Fourteenth and Buffalo. The original cost of the former was thirteen thousand four hundred and ninety dollars; it was enlarged in 1889 at an added expenditure of three thousand and thirty- 2z/^^ >^6^^ yJ^^zuH^ cy^.^2) CITY OF FRANKLIN. 413 six dollars. The latter cost eighteen thonssind fcjur Imiulrcd dollar.s and was enlarged in 1884 at a cost of three thousand two hundred and seventy- tive dollars. The cost of the Third ward building was twelve thousand four hundred dollars. The aggregate value of school grounds, buildings, furni- ture, and apparatus at the present time approximates one hundred and five thousand dollars. M. N. Horton was elected principal of the city schools with general supervision thereof in 1875 and served two years. He was succeeded in 1877 by N. P. Kinsley, who tilled the position until 1885, when the city having acquired the requisite population the office of superintendent of schools was then created, in which Professor Kinsley has been continued until the present time. The following is a list of principals of the high school since 1868: H. A. Strong, G. A. Walker, C. C. Dunnells, J. W. Canon, F. M. Kendall, W. H. Schuyler, J. O. McCalmont, and C. E. Lord, present incumbent. The high school curriculum includes three courses of study — Enoflish scientific, Latin scientific, and classical. A high testimonial to its character and thoroughness is found in the fact that graduates enter the Freshman class at Princeton and Yale without further preparation. Among the teachers who have been connected with the various departments of the schools ten years or longer are N. P. Kinsley, F. D. Sullinger, A. L. Bowser, Mary Ridgway, Annex Walker, Florence Campbell, and Lura Smiley. The rate of taxation in 1861 and 1862 was ten mills; in 1863, six: in 1864, ten; in 1866 and 1867, twenty-six; in 1868, twenty-four; in 1869, twenty; in 1870, twenty-six; in 1871, thirty; in-1872 and 1873, twenty-two; in 1874, twenty-four; in 1875, ten; in 1876, eight; in 1877, 1878, and 1879, ten; in 1880, twelve; in 1881 and 1882, eleven; in 1883 and 1884, ten; in 1885, twelve; in 1886, eleven; in 1887, 1888, and 1889, ten. For building purposes the highest rate was thirteen mills, in 1866, 1867, and 1'870; the lowest was one mill, in 1876, and since that date the rate has Vt.iiformly been two mills, except 1880, when three mills were levied, and 1884, when the rate was one and one-half mills. For school purposes the highest rate was twenty mills, in 1871, with fourteen in 1873 and 1874 and thirteen in 1866, 1867, and 1870. The lowest was six mills in 1875, and from that time the rate has not exceeded ten mills. The board of directors is comprised of six members, two of whom are elected annually for a term of three years. The following is a list of direc- tors as far as could be obtained from existing records: 1859.— J. C. May, Hugh Hunter, S. T. Kennedy, Levi Dodd, N. S. llidgway, Espy Connely. 1860. — Levi Dodd, N. S. llidgway, J. L. Sprogle, Jacob Mayes, E. S. McCormick, S. T. Kennedy. 23 414 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 1861.— Jacob Mayes, S. T. Kennedy, C. Heydrick, William Bennett, R. S. McCormick, W. M. Epley. 1862. — C. Heydrick, M. AV. Sage, T. H. Martin, C. W. Gilfillan, R. S. McCormick, William Bennett. 1863.— C. Heydrick, M. W. Sage, R. Irwin, William Bennett, C. W. Gilfillan, T. H. Martin. 1864.— R. Irwin, C. Heydrick, C. W. Gilfillan, T. H. Martin, S. J. M. Eaton, Thomas Hoge. 1865. —R. Irwin, Thomas Hoge, J. P. Hoover, C. Heydrick, S. J. M. Eaton, N. S. Ridgway. 1866.— S. J. M. Eaton, N. S. Ridgway, Thomas Hoge, H. Womersley, J. P. Hoover, J. H. Smith. 1867.— J. H. Smith, H. Womersley, N. S. Ridgway, I. W. Brady, J. P. Hoover, Thomas Hoge. 1868.— J. H. Smith, N. S. Ridgway, I. W. Brady, R. A. Brashear, A. P. Whitaker, H. Womersley. 1869.— J. H. Smith, I. W. Brady, A. P. Whitaker, N. S. Ridgway, G. W. Brigham, R. A. Brashear. 1870.— A. P. Whitaker, W\ S. Carroll, G. W. Brigham, S. C. T. Dodd, H. Dubbs, Winchester. 1871.— G. W. Brigham, president; W. S. Carroll, secretary; S. C. T. Dodd, W. R. Crawford, W. S. Welsh, Winchester. 1872. W. R. Crawford, president; H. A. Miller, secretary v S. C. T. Dodd, W\ S. Carroll, G. W. Brigham, N. H. McCormick. 1873.— W. S. Welsh, president; H. A. Miller, secretary; N. H. McCor- mick, James Miller, J. H. Osmer, W. R. Crawford. 1874. — James Miller, president; H. A. Miller, secretary; N. H. McCor- mick, J. H. Osmer, H. A. Strong, W. J. Mattern, 1875. — W. J. Mattern, president; James Miller, secretary; D. W. Mor- gan, J. H. Osmer, A. D. Cotton, C. T. Mapes. 1876. — W. J. Mattern, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; S. B. Myers, A. D. Cotton, C. S. Mark, C. T. Mapes. 1877. — S. B. Myers, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; P. R. Gray, A. D. Cotton, C. S. Mark, C. T. Mapes. 1878. — S. B. Myers, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; P. R. Gray, C. S. Mark, R. Hammond, J. D. Chadwick. 1879. — S. B. Myers, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; P. R. Gray, J. D. Chadwick, R. Hammond, George Criswell. 1880. — S. B. Myers, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; J. D. Chadwick, G. W. Plumer, W. J. Mattern, R. Hammond. 1881. — AV. J. Mattern, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; S. B. Myers, G. W. Plumer, J. D. Chadwick, E. J. Martin. 1882. — W. J. Mattern, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; S. B. Myers, J. D. Chadwick, G. W. Plumer, E. J. Martin. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 415 1883. — W. J. Mattern, president, J. D. Chadwick, secretary; S. B. Myers, E. J. Martin, Isaac lleineman, James Smith. Ig84_ — Isaac lleineman, president; J. D. Chad wick, secretary; James Smith, E. J. Martin, G. S. Criswell, P. R. Gray. 1885, — Isaac Reineman, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; P. R. Gray, G. S. Criswell, James Smith, M. R. Paden. 1886. — Isaac Reineman, president; D. A. Hays, secretary; G. S. Cris- well, H. M. Hughes, J. D. Chadwick, M. R. Paden, L. L. Davis (vice H. M. Hughes, deceased). 1887. — Isaac Reineman, president; J. D. Chadwick. secretary; H. M. Irwin, H. D. Hulin, D. A. Hays, M. R. Paden. 1888. — H. M. Irwin, president; J. D. Chadwick, secretary; M. R. Paden, H. D. Hulin, A. A. Plumer, D. A. Hays. 1889. — H. M. Irwin, president; J. D. Chadwick, secretary, H. D. Hulin, Philip Eugelskirger, D. A. Hays, M. R. Paden. 1890. — D. A. Hays, president; J. D. Chadwick, secretary; H. M. Irwin, H. D. Hulin, Philip Eugelskirger, M. R. Paden. RELIGIOUS ORGA.NIZA.TIONS. The Presbyterian Church was well represented among the early popula- tion of Franklin, and naturally antedates the other religious bodies of the town. The first sermon was preached in 1801 at the house of Captain James G. Heron. In 1802 the Presbytery of Erie was asked to send sup- plies, which" request was annually repeated, thus showing the continuous presence of a Presbyterian element. Reverends Tait, Wood, Wick, and Johnson were sent in response to these requests. , They preached in private houses, in the United States "garrison," or in the court house. June 25, 1817, at the meeting of presbytery at Scrubgrass, Reverend Ira Condit was directed to preach one Sabbath at Franklin and assist in effecting an organi- zation. This he did, July 28, 1817. In the same month four years later a reorganization was effected under the auspices of the Presbytery of Allegheny by Reverends Cyrus Riggs and Alexander Cook. There were nine mem- bers in 1817: John Broadfoot, James Gilliland, elders; Andrew Bowman, Sarah Bowman, Nancy Hays, Barbara McCalmont, Henry Bowman, Isabella Bowman, and Anna Dewoody. The first communion was celebrated in Julv, 1821, in a grove on the bank of the creek between West Park street and Thirteenth. The second occurrence of this nature was in 1823, when the court house was occupied. The first church edifice was also the first building erected in Franklin for religious purposes. It was a frame building forty by fifty feet in size, with a narrow vestibule and two stories in height, a gallery running around three sides of the room. This gallery was high and lighted by a second tier of windows. It was not occupied nor even seated until 1859. Over the vestibule and running into the audience room was a small lecture room 416 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. that had access to the audience room by swiuging doors. This small room was used for prayer meetings, and the portion of gallery in front of it was used as a choir gallery. In the farther end of the church was the pulpit, high and lifted up, and covered with a mass of crimson drapery. The church was remodeled several times, as the exigencies of the times required, but it was always more useful than elegant. When first occupied it was without pulpit or pews. A work bench with chair did duty as a pulpit, jind seats made with slabs and boards set on blocks answered very well as pews. The gospel was a message of good tidings then in that rude shell, as well as as at any time since, under faii'er circumstances. This old building was occupied for the last time on the 7th of March, 1809, and demolished two or three years afterward. The old subscription paper on which it was built is still extant. The total sum of the subscription was one thousand and fifty-five dollars, of which the cash subscriptions amounted to but ninety-six dollars. All kinds of trade were subscribed, from hats and earthenware to two bushels of wheat. It was long before the debt was fully extinguished, but this was finally done befox'e the house was torn down. As an indication of the close- ness of the times and the mode of transacting business at that day, the entire subscription paper is copied from the original: We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, promise lo pay to the trustees of the Presbyterian congregation in Franklin the several sums annexed to our names, respect- ively (in such articles as we shall name, at market price), to be appropriated by them to defray the expenses of building a church of such dimensions as shall be agreed on for the use of said congregation. June 9, 1826. Andrew Bowman, in shoes and Angus McKinzie, in trade 5.00 leather $300.00 Jobu Evans, in trade .5.00 Samuel Hays, in lumber 150.00 John Hauna, two bushels of wheat. George McClelland, in trade 150.00 William Duffield, in trade 2.00 Myron Park, in trade 20.00 James Uilliland 20.00 Hugh McClelland, in articles suita- William Dewoody, county paper. . 30.00 ble for the building 25.00 Arthur Kobison, Jr., in trade 5.00 William Raymond, county paper. . 25.00 Thomas Paden, in chairs 10.00 William Black 5.00 Jojiii Simcox. in smith-work 10.00 James Hanna, in work 3.00 John Dewoody, in trade 30.00 James Rodgers, in lumber suitable, 5.00 Arnold Plumer, in trade 10.00 John J. Pearson 5.00 John Gurney, in trade 15.00 John Paden, in chairs 10.00 John Gorden 1.50 John Little 5.00 William Gorden 1.00 Joseph Wallace, earthenware 10.00 Joseph Morrison 25.00 Thomas S. McDowell, trade and James Adams 20.00 lumber 20.00 John Irwin 5.00 Alexander McCalmont, in trade . . 50.00 Isaac Smith 5.00 Andrew Dewoody, in hats 15.00 Benjamin Alexander, cabinetwork, 20.00 James Bennett, in trade . 3.00 George Sutley 5.00 George Dewoody, in trade 10.00 I do agree to pay fifteen dollars in plas- Levi Dodd, in trade 12.00 tering, this 15th day of March, 1834. John Service, in saddlery 5.00 James Ricketts. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 417 The erection of the present chnrcli edilice was begun April 5, 1807, Jind the corner-stone was laid, with appropriate ceremonies, July Dth oi' that year, on which occasion Reverend George Jnnkin, D. D., delivered the principal address. The dedication occurred April 1, 1809, Keverend Cyrus Dickson, D. D., a former pastor, assisting in the services. The aggregate cost approximated forty-three thousand dollars; this includes the cost of the lot, corner of Elk and ^\Vst Park streets. The adjoining lot on Otter street, the site of the old church building, is now occupied by a spacious brick parsonage, erected in 1889. Its predecessor, the first parsonage in the bounds of Erie Presbytery, was built in 1858 at a cost of nine hundred dollars. Beside the supplies occasionally sent by presbytery, Reverend Hezekiah May, who resided at Franklin from 1822 to 1824, preached during a portion of that time. The first pastor was Reverend Thomas Anderson, who began his labors here June 11, 1826, preaching one-third of the time in connection with Sugar Creek and Concord. His connection with this charge ceased September 12, 1837. His successor. Reverend Cyrus Dickson, D. D., was installed June 24, 1840, although his work here began in January previous. Half his time was given to Sugar Creek, until January 1, 184(3, and he was released from the charge March 16, 1848. Reverend S. J. M. Eaton, the third pastor, was installed February 7, 1849, having preached his first sermon here April 17, 1848. One-third of his time was given to Mount Pleasant, until August 29, 1855, and since that date Franklin, individually, has consti- tuted a charge. Mr. Eaton's pastorate terminated in 1882. In July of that year Reverend John McCoy assumed charge, and remained until December 31, 1886. Reverend J. C. Bruce, £he present incumbent, was installed February 1, 1887. The succession of elders since the election of John Broadfoot and James Gilliland, in 1821, with dates of ordination or installation, is as follows: Andrew Bowman, May 13, 1827; Levi Dodd, May 27, 1827; Charles W. Mackey, Grier McWilliams, February 5, 1854; A. W. Raymond, February 5, 1859; Robert Lamberton, Peter McGough, Charles H. Dale, January 11, 1863; John Trunkey, James F. Mackey, January 23, 1876; John A. Mc Giffin, Robert H. Woodburn, February 12, 1882; James W. Brady, January 11, 1885; A. J. Kilgore, February 12, 1882. Deacons— A. D. Cotton, J. N. Craft, R. H. Woodburn, Joshua Spare, William A. Cooper, January 11, 1874; John A. McGiffin, March 22, 1874; Henry D. Hulin, January 14, 1877; Ephraim Law, James W. Brady, James Miller, February 12, 1882; J. S. Bollman, J. R. Fitzgerald, January 11. 1884; L. H. Fassett, January 3, 1888. The present session is constituted as follows: Elders— Peter McGough, Charles H. Dale, James Miller, James W. Brady, Robert H. Woodburn; deacons— Henry D. Hulin, Ephraim Law, Joseph S. Bollman, L. H. Fassett. The present membership is four hundred and seventy- •418 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. eight. Kobert F. Glenn is superintendent of the Sunday school, which numbers three hundred and seventy-five. The Metliodist Episcopal Church of Franklin is one of the oldest organi- zations of that body in western Pennsylvania. The historian of the Erie Conference states that in the autumn of 1804 Ileverend Andrew Hemphill, then in charge of Erie circuit, preached the first Methodist sermon in the town under a tree on the common. He had traveled thither from where Ti- tusville on Oil creek now stands, accompanied by William Connely who served as a guide. They endeavored to secure the school house for their appointment but were refused. The first class was organized in 1810, and consisted, of William Connely, wife, and daughter l^ebecca; John Lupher and wife, William McElhaney and wife. Reverend Joshua Monroe was in charge of Erie circuit at this time. William Kinnear and Welden Adams were also early Methodists at Franklin. The society met for worship at private houses for a time, and afterward in the academy building. In 1816 William Connely deeded a lot to John Leach, trustee of the Erie Conference, and the building of a church thereon was contemplated, but owing to the small membership of the class this idea was relinquished. In 1833 the erection of a church building on Buffalo street, between Eleventh and Twelfth was begun. It was occupied the following year. The earliest record now extant is that of a quarterly conference held August 20, 1835. At that time the stewards were A. Plumer, William Kin- near, F. McClintock, Jacob Lupher; class leaders: Jacob Mays, J. R. Elder, M. Stockberger, Benjamin Thompson. They were probably identi- fied with the building of the first church. Ten years later the stewards were B. A. Plumer, C. Gildersleeve, and D. Vincent; Samuel Grove, R. Beatty, and P. Reardon were exhorters; W^illiam P. Bean and A. Cram were local preachers. The corner-stone of the present church ediffce, a large brick structure on Liberty street, was laid by Bishop Simpson August 23, 1867. The basement was occupied in the following year. The dedication occurred April 25, 1869. The cost exceeded forty-two thousand dollars. The brick parsonage adjoining was built during the pastorate of Reverend J. N. Fra- denburgh. The membership in June, 1889, was five hundred and sixty-one, and the ofiicial boards were constituted as follows: Trustees: W. L. Cor- rin, W. J. Mattern, S. B. Myers, N. S. Ridgway, D. I. Dale; stewards: A. Y. Findlay, J. M. Sykes, W. L. Corrin, D. I. Dale, M. C. Flower; class leaders: David S. Smith, George S. King, W. S. Welsh, J. H. Smith, W. Z. Tourtellott, E. D. Smith, VV. D. Howard, Ira E. Vincent, S. S. Jor- dan, I. E. Howard; local preacher, George S. King; exhorter, E. D. Smith. From 1801 to 1825, inclusive, the preachers stationed at Erie included Franklin or its vicinity in their field of labor; in 1826 and 1827 it formed part of Meadville circuit; and since the latter date has constituted a circuit CITY OF FRANKLIN. -119 or station individually, with the following appointments at the respective dates: 1801, James Qninn, J. A. Shakelford; 1802. J. Cnllison; 1803, Noah Fidler; 1804, A. Hemphill; 1805, David Best,. J. A. Shakelford; 180G, R. R. Roberts, J. Watts; 1807, C. Reynolds, A. Daniels; 1808, John Guest, W. Butler; 1809, J. Charles, J. Hanson, J. Decellum; 1810, J. Monroe; 1811, J. Watts, J. Ewing; 1812, J. Watts, J. Gorwell, J. Graham; 1813, N. Robinson; 1814, J. Solomon, J. Graham; 1815, R. C. Hatton; 1816, C. Godard, J. P. Kent; 1817, J. P. Kent, Ira Eddy; 1818, D. D. David- son, S. Adams; 1819, P. Green; 1820, Ira Eddy, Charles Elliott; 1821, Ezra Booth, C. Truscott; 1822, W. H. Collins; 1823, J. Summerville; 1824, J. P. Kent; 1825, Nathaniel Reader, Z. Ragan; 1826, J. W. Hill, I. H. Tack- itt; 1827, C. Brown, J. Leach, I. H. Tackitt; 1828, A. Callender; 1829, H. Kinsley, W^ R. Babcock; 1880, W. R. Babcock, J. Robinson; 1831, S. Ayers; 1832, Job Wilson, J. Hitchcock; 1833, R. B. Gardner, A. Keller; 1834, S. ^Y. Ingraham; 1835, A. Bronson, G. W. Clarke, D. M. Sterns; 1836, C. Brown, J. Prosser; 1837, A. Hall; 1838, J. S. Barris; 1839, J. A. Hallock; 1840, W. Patterson; 1841-42, J. R. Locke; 1843-44, H. A. Sterns; 1845-46, M. C. Briggs; 1847-48, W. F. Wilson; 1849-50, M. Hill; 1851- 52, W. F. Day; 1853, G. L. Little; 1854, G. W. Clarke; 1855, H. H. Moore; 1856-57, G. W. Chesbro; 1858-59, D. C. Osborne; 1860, D. M. Rodgers; 1861-62, J. Whitely; 1863-65, J. Bain; 1866, J. R. Lyon; 1867- 69, J. H. Tagg; 1870-72, J. Peate; 1873-74, O. L. Mead; 1875-77, W^ W. Painter; 1878-80, J. N. Fradenburgh; 1881-83, David Latshaw; 1884- 86, J. Z. Armstrong; 1887-90, A. J. Merchant. St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church has experienced many vicissi- tudes. The original organization was effected by Reverend Charles Smith, who was sent as missionary to Meadville, Franklin, Mercer, and parts adja- cent by the Advancement Society of Pennsylvania in 1825. He was assisted by Reverend Benjamin Hutchins. The vestry in 1826, as appears in an application for charter privileges, consisted of George Power, M. J. Crary, John Evans, George Brigham, James Kinnear, John Rynd, John Fetter- man, David Irvine, Myron Park, William Parker, Samuel Bailey, Arm- strong Duffield, Alexander McCalmont, and John J. Pearson. John Evans was secretary of this body in 1827. In that year the parish commenced to erect a small brick edifice upon land donated for that purpose by Mrs. Sarah McDowell. The lot was situated on Buffalo street, west side, below High. After the walls were up and roof on work was suspended several years in consequence of lack of funds; and thus, without floor, window, or doors, the building furnished a refuge for cattle. In 1834 the Cumberland Pres- byterians made an effort to organize a society at Franklin, and entered into an agreement with the vestry of St. John's by which it was provided that for the use of the Ijuilding six years they should finish it. In 1850 Rev- erend Samuel T. Lord visited Franklin and found the church closed, the 420 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. efforts of the Presbyterians having entirely failed, though for a time suc- cessful. Id 1851 the parish was reorganized and arrangements made for regular services every third Sunday. After a brief interval this arrange ment was discontinued, and for nearly a decade the church was closed, during part of which time the building was used as a school house. The prospects of the parish revived with the influx of population incident to the discovery of oil, and through the instrumentality of two ladies, Mrs. Ruth Elliott and Mrs. Mason, the building was restored. This condition of affairs having been presented to the diocesan convention in 186'2, Reverend Henry Purdon was appointed missionary to Franklin and other jKjints in the oil regions. In the summer of 1803 he was succeeded by Reverend J. W. Tays. Reverend Marcus A. Tolman was in charge from November, 1860, to July, 1874; Reverend A. B. Putnam, from September, 1874, to May, 1879; Reverend Harry Leigh Yewens, the present rector, entered upon his duties November 27, 1879. The parish ceased to be a mission in 1865, and was represented in the diocesan convention of that year for the first time. Its deputies were James M. Bredin, Hurley, and H. Philips Montgomery. The corner-stone of the present edifice was laid liy Right Reverend John B. Kerfoot, D. D., bishop of the diocese of Pittsburgh, August 6, 1866. Addresses were made by the bishop, by Reverend M. Byllesly of Meadville, and Reverend Nevins. At Easter, April 21, 1867, public worship was held here for the first time. The formal opening occurred on the following Fri- day. The entire indebtedness having been liquidated, the building was con- secrated on St. John's day, 1883, by Right Reverend Cortlandt Whitehead, bishop of the diocese, assisted by the rectors of adjoining parishes. In 1880 the parish received a bequest of two thousand dollars by the will of Mrs. Ruth Bredin. This sum has been applied to the purchase of the lot adjoin- ing the church, corner of Buffalo and Twelfth, and a rectory upon this site is in contem})lation. Possession of the lot was secured in September, 1889. Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church originated in the preaching of Reverend H. Weicksel, who first visited Franklin in July, 1851, as mission- ary of the Pittsburgh Synod. An organization was effected October 25, 1851, with twenty members, to- wit: Martin and Fredrika Stiefel, Christopher and Margaret Heilman, Peter Hardman, John and Margaret Grieshaber, Dorothea Kunkle, Michael and Mary Heinrich, Isaac and Elizabeth Bechtel, Jacob Siefer, John Borger, John and Susanna Young, George and Anna Kester, George and Margaret West. The earliest record of officers occurs in 1861, when Conrad Reiss, Jacob Hallstein, Michael Dremmel, and Jacob Schnei- der constituted the kirchenrath. The first communion was celebrated De- cember 21, 1851; the second, March 27, 1853; the third, March 20, 1854. Reverend Weicksel preached here very irregularly, and discontinued his efforts altogether after a few years. Reverend Nunuer was pastor, 1859-62; J. Brenneman, 1864; W. F. Ulery, supply, 1866. In 1868 Reverend J. M. CITY OF FRANKLIN. 421 Long took charge, aud Juno 10th of that year, at a congiegational meeting over which Jacob McElhaney presided, the church reorganized with Jacob Hallstein, elder, James McElhaney, deacon, and a membership of aboxit forty-five. Keverend 8. W . Kuhns was pastor from 1S75 to 1881; F. W. Koliler. from Jialy, 1881. to July, 1884; and H. J. G. Bartholomew, the present incumbent, accepted a call from this church DecemV)er 10, 1884. A lot for church purposes was secured in 1851, and the erection of a place of worship begun in the following year. It was finally dedicated December 8, 1801, Reverends J. Brennemau and S. M. Kuhns ofliciating. In 1885, a fund of several hundred dollars having accumulated for the purpose of building a parsonage, measures were taken to change the loca- tion, resulting in the purchase of the lot at the corner of Buffalo and Elev- enth streets, upon which the corner-stone of a church building was laid by Reverend J. A. Kunkleman, D. D. , July 25, 1880, followed by the dedica- tion, June 9, 1887, of an attractive frame structure in the Queen Anne style, to the rear of which the parsonage is attached. Quite recently the church, which had hitherto received aid from the mission board of synod, resolved to become self-sustaining. The membership numbers one hundred. United Presbyteria)i Church. — This body was organized April 7, 1802, under the direction of Lake Presbytery. Regular pastors were installed in the following order: Reverend A. H. Caldwell, January 8, 1804; Joseph McCartney, 1870; George T. McClelland, May 5, 1874; Nathan Winegart, May 7, 1878. A brick church building stands on Elk street below Eleventh, but the organization has practically disbanded since Mr. Winegart' s with- drawal three years since. St. Patrick's Catholic Church. — Though the Catholic church is one of the more recent religious bodies organized in Franklin, the rites and cere- monies of the mother church were celebrated on its site nearly one hundred and forty years ago. In the summer of 1749 C^loron's expedition passed down the Allegheny, taking formal possession of the country for the French government. Its chaplain, Reverend Joseph Peter de Bonnecamp, a Jesuit priest and mathematician, visited the Indian villages along the route and made an excellent outline map of the country lying west of the Allegheny river. He also officiated at the burial of the leaden plate at Indian God rock, nine miles below Franklin. But it was not until the spring of 1754 that Fort Machault was so far completed as to be occupied by a garrison of French soldiers, and from that time forward until the evacuation of the valley by the French the services of the Catholic church were held at regu- lar intervals by the chaplains in charge of the garrisons at Forts Presque Isle, Le Boeuf, Machault, and Duquesne. Beside ministering to the s])i rit- ual needs of the soldiers they preached the gospel to the Indians of the vicinity, thus following the footsteps of their intrepid brethren who first ex- plored the country contiguous to the great lakes and carried the Word of 422 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. God to its savage inhabitants. Mass was celebrated and the gospel preached regularly at Fort Machanlt for more than five years, when the French forces withdrew from the valley and took their chaplains with them. Among the first settlers of Venango county were quite a number of Catholics, though not enough in any one locality to organize a church. Some of these families were visited at long intervals by priests from the older settletnents on the south and east, and subsequently by those located at Erie. From Pittsburgh, Erie, and other towns and settlements came Rev- erends C. Whelan, William F. X. O'Brien, Charles B. Magiaire, Terence McGirr, Patrick O'Neill, John O'Reilly, Francis Masquelet, and Patrick O'RafPerty, also Fathers Molliriger, Gallagher, Slattery, and others, extend- ing from 1807 to 1860. Dominick McCormick and Jeremiah Clancy, both natives of Ireland, are believed to have been the first Catholics who located in Franklin. The former came early in the century, and married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Kinnear. Their son, Robert S. McCormick, is now one of the old- est members of the Venango bar. Mr. McCormick went to Buffalo, New York, prior to 1830, where he took sick and died. Mr. Clancy came to Franklin from Philadelphia in 1819, and carried on a shoemaker's shop on Thirteenth street for many years. In March, 1830, he opened the Jack- son inn, corner of Thirteenth and Elk streets, which he conducted in con- nection with the manufacture of boots and shoes. Catholic services were occasionally held at Mr. Clancy's house by one of the zealous missionaries previously spoken of. Whenever a priest would visit the town, the scat- tered families would be notified to assemble at Mr. Clancy's house to perform the obligations of their faith, hear mass, and have the gospel preached to them. Thus many years of spiritual privation passed away, but long before his death this old pioneer had the satisfaction of helping to organize a Cath- olic congregation in Franklin, and of attending divine service in a modest temple of God erected by the little flock. With the passing years the number of Catholic families in the village and vicinity had increased very materially, and May 1, 1852, Michael Gormley and John Dailey, of Franklin, and Thomas Moran, who then lived at the mouth of Oil creek, and has since died in Oil City, purchased of Arnold Plumer lot No. 186, whereon the present church edifice stands. They agreed to pay three hundred dollars for said lot, but by the time it was paid for and the deed obtained the interest had run the price up to four hundred and fifty-five dollars, which sum was paid by Bishop Mullen to the execu- tors of Mr. Plumer, October 1, 1869. Though several efforts were made to organize a congregation, it was not uutil the period of the early oil excitement and the building of the first rail- road into Franklin that a sufficient number of Catholic families to carry out CITY OF FKANKLIN. 423 that object had located })ermaueutly iu the town. Duriug this embryo period Franklin was occasionally visited by Reverend John Pugh, who first said mass at Mr. Clancy's hon.se. The little conij^regation then met for a time in the second story of John Dnffield's bnilding on Liberty street, and afterward at the old academy on Buffalo street. Father Pugh began col- lecting funds to be used' in erecting a church on the lot previously pur- chased, but he was soon succeeded on the mission by Reverend John Mul- lane, and he in turn by Reverend Arthur Mignault, who carried out the proj- ect to a successful termination. On Sunday, May 21, 1805, the corner-stone was laid by the Very Rev- erend John D. Coady, vicar general of the diocese, assisted by the pastor. A plain frame building, forty by sixty feet in size, was erected, and opened for services the following autumn. It was named " St. Patrick's Church," in honor of Ireland's patron saint, and was finally dedicated to the service of God by Right Reverend Tobias Mullen, bishop of Erie, in the fall of 1870. Father Mignault built a portion of the old parochial residence, which was subseqiiently enlarged and occupied by his successors until the completion of the present one in the spring of 1889. It originally stood on the rear part of the chiirch lot. He also opened a small school, which was continued a few years and then abandoned because the congregation at that time was not able to support it properly. In May, 1866, Reverend John Quincy Adams took charge of St. Pat- rick's, but remained only a few months. He was followed by Reverends Philip J. Maurel, J. F. McSweeney, and John L. Madigan, in quick succes- sion, the last mentioned becoming pastor in December, 1866. Father Madi- gan had charge of the congregation until August, 1869, and was then suc- ceeded by Reverend Thomas Carroll, now of Oil City, who tilled the pastor- ate very successfully over two years. He bought two lots on the corner of Tenth and Buffallo streets, in June, 1870, for the sum of two thousand one hundred dollars. The old church and residence were moved to these lots when the present church edifice was commenced. In the summer of 1870 he again added to the property of the church by the purchase of five acres of land for a cemetery, across French creek in Sugar Creek township, which was consecrated by Bishop Mullen on the same day that he dedicated the old church. Prior to this the Catholics of Franklin interred their dead in the cemetery near the church at Salina, in Cranberry township. In October, 1871, Reverend John Quincy Adams succeeded Father Car- roll as pastor of St. Patrick's. He was a diligent and faithful servant of Christ, and for nearly sixteen years judiciously guarded and watched over the spiritual and temporal interests of the congregation. Under his pastor- ate the growth of the church was steady, and a new house of worship finally became an imperative necessity. The plans for the proposed struct- ure were drawn by P. C. Keeley of Brooklyn, New York, and the contract- 424 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ors were May & Osborn, of Franklin. The corner-stone was laid May 27, 1879. by Bishop Mullen, assisted by the Eeverends Thomas Carroll, Patrick J. Smith. John Link, James Lachermaier, and the pastor. The building was pushed forward as rapidly as circumstances would justify, and on the 21st of May, 1882, it was dedicated, with appropriate ceremonies, to the service of God by Bishop Mullen, Reverend William F. Hays of Columbus, Ohio, preaching the sermon on that occasion. This was one of the happiest days in the history of St. Patrick's congregation, and the church was filled to overflowing. It is a substantia] brick edifice, fifty- six by one hundred and thirteen feet in dimensions, surmounted by a graceful tower. The windows are of the finest stained glass, and were donated by members of the congregation. The interior is finished in hardwood, and when frescoed will compare favor- ably with any church building in Franklin. It has a seating capacity of about six hundred, and as it stands to-day cost thirty thousand dollars. While the members of St. Patrick's did all in their power, and many out- side of the congregation gave liberal contributions, the truth of history de- mands that the name of James S. McGarry should be placed at the head of those whose time and money were devoted toward the erection and com- pletion of St. Patrick's church. When the new building was finished the old one was abandoned and afterward removed from the church property. Though afflicted with heart disease for several years, Father Adams re- mained at the post of duty until a short time before his death, which oc- curred suddenly from apoplexy, while visiting at Mansfield, Ohio, June 23, 1887. His remains were brought back to Franklin, where an imposing cortege, made up of both rich and poor, and representing every shade of religious belief, followed them from the depot to the church. Here the be- loved pastor lay in state for several days, and after the usual services on such occasions was finally laid at rest 'neath the beautiful edifice which stands as a monument to his zeal and devotion in the cause of his Divine Master. Father Adams possessed the rare faculty of making friends and keeping them, and his character commanded the love and respect of all with whom he came in contact. The following obituary published in the Spectator at the time of his death truthfully illustrates this, and likewise the high place he held both as a priest and a citizen: " Father Adams, pastor of St. Patrick's church of this city, was stricken with apoplexy while visiting friends at Mansfield, Ohio, last Thursday eve- ning, and died shortly after the shock. The sad news was received here on Friday morning and caused profound sorrow among all classes of our people. It was generally known that Father Adams had been in failing health for more than a year, but the end was not looked for so soon. John Quincy Adams was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, May 11, 1841, and CITV OF FRANKLIN. 425 was educated at St. Yiucent's College, in Westmoreland county. He was ordained a priest by Bishop Young, of the Erie Diocese, in 186G. His first missionary labors were at Oil City, and ho also had charge of the Franklin church a few months in ISOC). Subsequently he was transferred to Cross- ingville, Crawford county. On the 20th of October, 1871, he entered upon his work here, which was his last. That he was a faithful shepherd is attested by the growth of his congregation and by the handsome church edifice — the result of his labor and devotion to the work of his Master. His life was devoted to the duties of his calling. He had the spiritual and temporal welfare of his people at heart. His faithfulness as a priest and his abstention from affairs outside of his clerical duties soon gained him the esteem of the community, without regard to doctrines or creeds. If he had permitted himself to make stump speeches in his pulpit, or to preach from the stump, he would have gained a wider fame, perhaps, but less enduring regard. His work as he saw it was God's work, and he knew no other. Though strict in his observance of the tenets and discipline of his own church, he had charity for all, and there was kindness in his heart for all men, whatever their creed. That such a man as Father Adams should be esteemed by Protestants and Catholics alike is the natural result of his own devotion to duty and of his respect for the rights of others. His record here and his work make a better eulogy than mere words can give him, and of him it may truly be said ' A good man has gone to his reward. ' ' ' The present pastor, Reverend James P. McCloskey, succeeded Father Adams, and though only a little more than two years in charge of the par- ish he has accomplished a great deal for the congregation, both spiritually and temporally. He has paid off' a debt of sfxteen hundred dollars, that was owing upon the church when Father Adams died; but the handsome and substantial parochial residence adjoining the church, completed in the spring of 1889 at a cost of eight thousand dollars, and erected on a lot pur- chased in August, 1887, for two thousand seven hundred dollars, is a still greater evidence of his commendable zeal and energy. And what is still more to his credit the property of St. Patrick's church is free of debt. Father McCloskey has now in contemplation the erection of a parochial school building on the corner of Buffalo and Tenth streets, to be com- menced in the near future. When this proposed improvement is carried out the property of the Catholic church in Franklin will be second to none in Venango county. Thus under the guidance of an All-wise Providence, the labors of the several pastors of St. Patrick's congregation have been wonderfully prolific of good results, and the growth of Catholicity in this portion of His vineyard is a fair illustration of the gospel parable of the mustard seed. First Regular Baptist Cltiirch. — In December, 1806, regular preaching was inaugurated at Hanna's hall by Reverend S. Williams, D. D. In the 426 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. spring of 1807 the society secured the old court room for Sunday services, and in the summer of that year preliminary measures were taken toward efiPecting an organization by the election of D. W. Morgan as clerk. A council of representatives from adjoining churches convened in the United Presbyterian church on Elk street July 30, 1807, and after the reading of letters of twenty-three members of the Baptist church from almost as many different societies they were duly constituted a separate organization. James Bryden and Charles Miller were elected and ordained deacons. The New Hampshire confession of faith was adopted, and the new organization was admitted to French Creek Association. Reverend John Owens of Pittsburgh was called as first pastor and remained one year. His successor, Reverend Thomas Seyse, resigned April 1, 1870, after a pastorate of nearly two years, during which a lot for church purposes was secured on Liberty street and the society received civil incori)oration. Reverend J. W. Taylor was nest called, and remained eight months. The foundation walls of the present church edifice were begun at this time. The next pastoral incumbent was Reverend J. W. Davis, whose stay was also brief. From July, 1867, to September, 1873, Sunday services were held successively in Hanna's hall, the old court room, and the old Presbyterian church. In September, 1873, the chapel was completed. On the 21st of that month the semi-centennial of the French Creek Association was celebrated here. January 1, 1874, Reverend J. W. Davis resigned as pastor; he was succeeded by Reverends A. C. Williams and R. H. Austin. About this time the membership was nearly doubled by a revival, and the building of a church edifice was decided upon. The dedi- cation occurred November 27, 1874, Doctor Evarts of Chicago preaching on this occasion. Reverend Fred Evans was installed December 6, 1874, and resigned December 13, 1885. The membership in this period increased from eighty to three hundred; a lot adjacent to the church property was pur- chased and a commodious parsonage erected thereon. Reverend Thomas Rambaut. D. D., LL. D. , was pastor during the year 1886. Reverend Euclid B. Rogers assumed the pastoral functions September 1, 1887, and began his labors with a revival that resulted in one hundred and forty conversions. Mr. Rogers resigned September 7, 1889. The pres- ent pastor. Reverend Clarence A. Adams, assumed charge January 1, 1890. The seating capacity of the church was enlarged in the autumn of 1887, and the formal reopening occurred December 30, 1888. Up to that date seven hundred and forty members had been received into the organization. Of these one hundred and seventy were dismissed to other churches, twenty- eight had died, one hundred and twenty- nine were excluded, leaving four hundred and thirteen in active connection. This number has since increased to four hundred and fifty. Of the twenty-three original members eight still sustained that relation — Messrs. Miller, Moffett, and Morgan, and the follow- ing ladies: Mrs. Palmer, Marsh, Moffett, Miller, and Heasley. The con- CITY OF FRANKLIN. 427 tributioas for all purposes aggregated one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The material prosperity of the church is largely due to Messrs. Charles Miller and J. C. Sibley, whose generous munificence and deep interest in its workings and. welfare are a prominent factor in its later development. The practical etHciency of Mr. Miller's methods as Sunday school superin- tendent are deserving of far more than the modest mention here given. Un- der his fostering care that institution has had a rapid growth, and now numbers nearly live hundred members. Calvary Church of the Evangelical Association. — The first minister of this denomination to preach in Franklin was Reverend J. H. Bates, and his first sermon was delivered in March, 1870, at Hunter's hall on Elk street near Thirteenth. This was followed by a protracted meeting of ten days' duration, in which he was assisted by Reverend G. S. Domer. Prior to this the only members in the town were J. A. Rossman and wife. At the next session of the Pittsburgh Annual Conference Reverend J. D. Domer was appointed missionary, his charge embracing Oil City also. He preached his first sermon April 24, 1870, in the old court house ; November 13, 1870, the old academy property was first occupied, having been rented from the school authorities. In September, 1871, it was purchased, the consideration being a little more than three thousand dollars. After undei'going extensive repairs this building was dedicated October 15, 1872, Reverend T. J. Clewell officiating. The interior was again refitted in 1874-75; but proving inade- quate to the requirements of a growing congregation, this building was re- moved in 1888, and in July of that year the construction of the present place of worship was begun. It is a brick building seventy-six feet long and forty- six feet in width, with a tower and spire eighty feet high. The seating ca- pacity of the auditorium is three hundred; of the Sunday school room, one hundred; of the class-room, eighty-five; and all three may be thrown together when necessary. The cost was six thousand, five hundred dollars. The dedication occurred December 23, 1888, Bishop R. Dubs ofiiciating. The church consisted of eight members in 1870, and J. A. Rossman was class leader. In the winter of 1872-73 there were sixty accessions. In 1881 the membership, including Rockland appointment, was one hundred and twenty-six. This congregation, individually, numbers one hundred and seven members by the latest statistical publications of the church. The Pittsburgh Conference convened here in 1876 and 1882. The first camp meeting was held September 5th to 15th, 1879, and this feature of the work is still continued. The pastoral succession has been as follows: J. H. Bates, 1871-72; W. M. Stanford, 1872-75: J. H. Bates, 1875-77; J. Q. A. Weller, 1877-78; H. H. Hurd, 1878-82; F. P. Saylor, 1882-84; Theodore Bach, 1884-87; S. M. Boyer, 1887-88. Fi-ee Methodist Church. — The first sermon by a clergyjuan of this body at 428 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Franklin was preached by Reverend R. W. Hawkins, the present chairman of this district, in the old Presbyterian church. A class was organized and met for a number of years in private houses, public halls, etc. In June, 1888, the work of building a church edifice was begun, and September 25th following the brick structure on Buffalo street between Twelfth and Thir- teenth was dedicated by Reverend E. P. Hart, one of the superintendents of the church at large. The cost was three thousand dollars. The present trustees are J. K. Dale, J. E. Adams, and L. C. Adams; stewards: J. K. Dale, N. Showers, E. P. Beighle, L. C. Adams, and Susan Adams; pastor, Reverend M. B. Miller. Zion African Methodist Episcopal Ciiurch was organized in 1865 at the house of James Wilson by Reverend James Henry with twenty-five members. His successors as pastor have served in the following order: Francis F. Lyons, Richard Foreman, John Fiddler, John Givens, Jenkins Williams, John Trimble, John Baptist, John E. Little, N. H. Williams. The frame church building on Fourteenth street between New and Chestnut was built in 1865. A fiourishing Sunday school is conducted here. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Reverend Henderson, pas- tor, worships in a frame church building in the Second ward erected in 1881. The society was formed in 1876 by Reverend J. M. Morris with six members, of whom James Lawson was leader. Reverends Wheeler, Parmer, Countee, Phillips, Brown, Jones, and Washington were among Mr. Henderson's pre- decessors. The Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal Church was formed in 1854 with three members and the place of worship still used for that purpose was pro- vided soon afterward. The membership is very small, and services are only held occasionally. The Third Ward Chapel was originally built by the Church of God, which sustained an organization several years. In 1885 the property, a substantial brick building, was purchased and repaired by Charles Miller and J. C. Sibley, who have sustained the pecuniary obligations of the enter- prise throughout. Reverend E. F. Crane, a Baptist clergyman, is in charge, but no denominational organization exists. There is a floarishing Sunday school under the superintendency of Charles Miller. The Venango County Bible Society was re-organized May 20, 1867, with Reverend S. J. M. Eaton, president; Reverend J. R. Lyon, vice-presi- dent; C. E. Lytle, secretary; James Bryden, treasurer; Joseph H. Smith, librarian; and a board of managers composed of the following persons: Samuel Plumer, C. H. Dale, J. S. McCalmont, James Black, James Miller, of Franklin; Reverends Bowman, of Scrubgrass, and Moore, Meech, Whitely, McNabb, and Nevins, of Oil City; David Henderson, of Irwin; and M. C. Beebe, of Pleasantville. Although the meetings have been discontinued for some time, this society is still regarded as an auxiliary by the state or- ffanization. ;;.#"" 4^- YZ^j^lC CITY OF FRANKLIN. 431 The Young Men s Christian Association was first, organized at Franklin about the year 1.S65, but, after a brief period of active existence, disbanded. A reorganization occurred March 10, 1871. George S. King was elected president; R. G. Lamberton, vice-president; J. M. Dewoody, recoi-ding secretary; J. H. Donly, corresponding secretary; and D. W. Morgan, treasurer. This shared the fate of its predecessor. Both of these were purely local, not associated with the state or national bodies. Properly speaking the existence of the Y. M. C A. at I'ranklin has begun with the present year (1889). A preliminary organization was effected early in the year with A. Y. Findlay, chairman, and S. P. Haslet, secretary. The association was permanently organized July 30, 1889, with the following olHcers: President, Charles Miller; vice-presidents, A. Y. Findlay, C. J. Crawford, J. B. Myers; secretaries, S. P. Haslet, J. B. Moorhead; treasurer, J. R. Kuhns. THE FRANKLIN CEMETERY. The Franklin Cemetery Company was incorporated April 29, 1809, the incorporators being R. S. McCormick, S. F. Dale, C. Heydrick, Samuel Plumer, P. McGough, L. D. Rogers, J. M. Bredin, J. L. Hanna. R. L. Cochran, S. C. T. Dodd, G. R. Snowden, and J. D. Hancock, who organ- ized May 6, 1869, with a board of directors composed of S. F. Dale, presi- dent; G. R. Snowden, secretary; J. L. Hanna, treasurer; L. D. Rogers, and Samuel Plumer. Twenty acres of ground were purchased in 1870, a location of great natural beauty convenient to the city, and some thousands of dollars have been expended upon its improvement and ornamentation. Joseph Bell, president; O. D. Bleakley, seci'etai'j' ; W. J. Dewoody, treas- urer, W. J. Welsh, and Hugh Carr constitute the present directory. RESUME. The modern city of Franklin inherits a rich legacy of historic associa- tions. From the time of C^loron's expedition a period of fifty years elapsed before the military occupation of this locality terminated; and hav- ing passed successively from French to English and from English to Ameri- can rule with an interregnum associated with the worst horrors of an Indian war, this region was at length ready for peaceful and unobstructed settlement. The kind attentions of the state government gave to the town its name, its broad and regular streets, its public parks, and the importance that naturally attach.es to a county seat. Nevertheless the place so well designed by Ellicott and Irvine materialized with the slowness characteristic of inland towns of the period. Modern history in Franklin may be said to begin with the discovery of oil. This attracted population, railroads, and capital. AVithin the first decade after the Evans well became productive three railroads were in operation to the town; the business of refining oil 24 432 HISTOllY OF YEXANGO COUNTY. Avas fairly established; four banks had been organized; several of the com- modioiis church edifices of to-day were erected; the city government was instituted, and municipal improvement energetically agitated. Well paved streets lined with shade trees, and public parks of which few cities of the same size anywhere can boast, testify to the result of this agitation. Natural surroundings, convenience of access, religious, educational, and social privileges of a high order combine to render Franklin a most desira- ble j^lace of residence. Then the surrounding territory produces an oil unsurpassed as a lubricant, which insures the permanency of its refining and general industrial interests. Properly and fully utilized the advantages of the city as a manufacturing point will render the future of Franklin as prosperous as the j^ast has been eventful. CHAPTER XXIII. OIL CITY. SiTKS AND Sales— Eakly Business, Physicians, and Lawyers— Plats and OiiGANizATiON— Public Buildings, Grading, and Drainage— Depart- ments OF Fire and Police— Water Works, Gas, and Electricity- Fires AND Floods, Etc.— Facilities of Travel and Trans- portation — Internal Revenue Service — Post, Telegraph, AND Telephone Offices— Banks and Building Associ- ations — Neavspapers — Hotels and Halls — Manu- factures—Oil Operations— Secret, Social, and Professional Societies— Schools— Religious Organizations— Cemeteries. AT the mouth of Oil creek, Cornplanter, the celebrated Seneca chief, might have stood on the little island bearing his name and looked over to the wooded bottoms on the west side, or the east side, lying against the steep wooded bluffs, or glanced southward to the gentler and higher slopes, and hardly thought that a quarter-century later the west side bottoms would he a blooming farm, or the east side a broad meadow at the foot of whose bluffs a mill-race would flow to turn the machinery of a furnace and a mill near the Allegheny, or again that there would be thrifty farms spread over the beautiful south side dotted with an occassional log farmhouse. But much less might the old chief foresee these picturesque hills and banks covered with the busy blocks, residences, railways, bridges, wires, tanks, factories, churches, and schools of a city of over twelve thousand souls, OIL CITY. 433 with all the noise and bustle, wealth and power of the metr(j|)olis of a great and to him unknown industry! Cornplanter owned the oast side, which was pari of the reservation granted him by the state March 10, 1796, as elsewhere mentioned; and he held it until May 29, 1818, when William Connely of Venango county, and \\illiam Kiunear of Centre county bought it for two thousand one hundred and twenty-one dollars. Connely, however, resold his half to Cornplanter, in October, and by a suit for a debt thus incurred it was sold at sheriff's sale November 2'2, 1819, to Alexander McCalmont, of Franklin. Almost live years later, in the spring of 1824, this half was sold to Matthias Htock- berger, and on June 25th, Stockberger, Kinnear, and Richard Noyes became partners in the erection of an iron furnace, foundry, and mill, with houses, steamboat landing, and warehouses at the east side of the mouth of Oil creek. The firm of William Kinnear & Company thus founded the first settlement here under the name of Oil Creek Furnace. January 11, 1825, William and Fredei'ick G. Crary became partners and by September 19th, had absorbed the whole business, which for the next ten years they carried on with vigor. The quality of iron in the stirrounding hills and the difficul- ties of working made these furnaces unprofitable in the competition with richer finds of ore elsewhere, and February 27, 1835, their property was sold by the sheriff, Andrew McCaslin, to William Bell. For fourteen years the Bells — William, W. Bell & Son, and finally Samuel Bell, operated the furnace, employing as many as forty men, but the rich finds of Lake Superior caused them to close the furnaces in 1849. Although the Bannons lived in the deserted village for the next few years, the land was not sold until June 19, 1 856, when the Bell heirs sold to (^raff, Hasson & Company, of whom William Hasson. with his father James and family, located on the flats. These were a part of one thousand acres purchased for seven thousand dollars, and were farmed by them up to about a year after the Drake oil well excitement. Some of this in 1864 was sold to the United Petroleum Farms Association. On the west side an unknown squatter had secured a sort of title to four hundred acres, and made some improvements previous to 1803, at which date Francis and Sarah (Horth) Halyday purchased his claim, and made their home on the stream bearing their name. In a few years he biailt a house on the west bank of and slightly above the mouth of Oil creek. It was here, January 13, 1809, that his son James was born — the first white birth known on the site of Oil City. The boy was little more than two years old when his father died, and he grew up among the swarthy young- sters of Cornplanter' s tribe who dwelt across the creek, so that when the Kinnears came he was a sturdy sixteen-year-old, and by the time the Crarys were well into their decade, was a young married man. His wife, to whom he was married October 16, 1828, was Almira, daughter of Ariel and Lydia 434 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Coe, by whom he had seven children, one of whom, Mrs. Cassandra Snyder, now lives on Washington avenue, Oil City. His mother died in 1844, and he sold parts of their tract to a Doctor Nevins, Messrs. Arnold, Drum, and others, and in February, 1860, the Michigan Kock Oil Company secured most of that part of it now called the Third ward. On the south side the primitive wilderness held sway almost until the Bells had finished their fourteen years at smelting, although almost all embracing the site of the city was secured by patent August 6, 1840, by Benjamin Thompson, who made the first conveyance — eighteen acres — of his four hundred acres to Columbia Carl, Jiine 4, 1849. Above Thompson's tract, beginning near Short street, were two hundred acres entered March 17, 1841, by James Hollis, who, April 20, 1850, sold eighty acres adjoining Thompson to Thomas G. Downing, and January 3, 1853, bought out Thompson only to sell on the following April 25th to Henry Bastian. Mr. Bastian built a house near the site of the Evangelical church on First street, and remained an active farmer for ten years, although when he came the Bells had been closed for about four years. On March 26, 1863, when the decade was almost finished, he sold to William L. Lay, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the following year James Bleakley bought out Downing, Hollis, and one hundred and twenty acres of Lay, paying forty-eight one thousand dol- lar bills. This was due to the fact that Phillips & Vanusdall struck a thirty-five barrel well here in April, 1861, and that Mr. Lay had laid out his farm in lots as Laytonia, so that when Colonel Bleakley, Arnold PInmer, J. K. Kerr, and O. L. Elliott, partners, sold, in 1865, to Vaadergrift, For- man & Company, they at once laid out lots under the name of Imperial City. A line near Short street would separate the two. EARLY BUSINESS, PHYSICIANS, AND LAWYERS. Two classes of business first determined a settlement at the mouth of Oil creek, the iron furnace and the harbor advantages of the eddy for raftsmen. The first of these closed in 1849, and the latter was largely replaced by the third class of business — the oil trade — in 1860-61. The fiirnace business has been mentioned. In connection with this was one of the first stores, kept by James Young, who continued after the Bells closed their furnace, and deserted the "old Bell house" which stood on the river bank between the freight house of the Western New York and Pennsylvania railway, and the approach to the bridge. The Bannons and Halydays, who had small homes on the west side, the former near the site of the Moran house at the lower end and the latter near the mouth of the creek, were the only residents there when the Bells closed, and the large crowds of raftsmen who had occasion to stop at the eddy, made it the part of hospitality and business for both of them to turn their houses and barns into inns during the seasons of high water and hilarity which accompanied it. OIL CITY. 435 These started the business ou the west side, for iu a year or so Thomas Moran built an inn near the Bannon house, and with its Later additions it can still be seen as a historic landmark. One day a stranger stopped Avilh the Bannons (about 1850) and gave his name as Doctor John Nevins, and stated that he came to regain his own health by a lifi' in the wilds. He was called upon to treat Mrs. Halyday the next day, and his succc^ss made them persuade him to stay as the first resident physician. Samuel Hopewell soon opened an iim, and in the fall of 1852 John P. Hopewell, of Pittsburgh, brought up a boat load of stock and opened a store and inn on the site of Culbertson's, corner of Main and Ferry streets, and near him was a man named Barrett Alger. About the same time Hiram Gordon opened -'a house of entertainment," dubbed, according the English custom, the Red Lion, which Solomon Thomas managed at a later date. The most of these places became permanent and the descendants of their owners are now among the city's first citizens. During this decade a few others came in: Hugh McClintoch, and "Squire" J. S. Hooton, while David D. Dickey opened a tavern on the site of the Petroleum house. Samuel Thomas, a blacksmith and toolmaker, was the first of his guild to locate independently of the furnace. This was what the stampede of oil men found in 1800, and the rapid uprising of houses, stores, wharves, boarding houses, etc., would be impos- sible to trace. They were of the most temporary kind and chiefly on the west side, while large numbers, not only then but long afterward, lived on flat-bottomed barges, moored to the river bank, and not a few children — now men and women — were reared thus afloat. The most of these barges had been filled with supplies at places above and flcTated down for sale at the awakened town. J. B. Reynolds of Callensburg, Pennsylvania, and Mr. McComb of Pitts- burgh opened the first store of the new regime in the spring of 1800. His brothers Calvin and William J. were afterward associated with Mr. Rey- nolds, and soon after T. H. and W. M. Williams. The latter gentleman withdrew and built the first brick block in the place, on the east side about the site of the Derrick ofiice. McFarland Brothers built a store opposite about the same time but they moved to the west side when Fid Bishop had charge. Hasson & Company opened a hardware on the east side. Among other active residents were C. C. Waldo, Doctor M. L. Bogg. D. F. Clark, Mr. Kelsey, and Mr. Andrews, of the Michigan Rock Oil company, who sold and rapidly built up the west side; Peter Graff, the Hassons, Robert Sproul, and S. M. Kier, the owners of the east side; and W. L. Lay, Charles Lee, Mr. Downing and numerous others who owned the south side, which did not build up until later. Among the first physicians were Doctors L. Porterfield. S. S. Christy, and M. M. Hulings, of whom Doctor Christy was the first druggist. Messrs. 436 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Hill and Drewatt were among the first carpenters and tank builders. L. D. Kellogg was the first printer, and in 1886 made the first city directory. The first resident lawyer was Charles F. Hasson, son of James Hasson; he was admitted to the bar of Venango county August 81, 1861, and probably located at Oil City immediately thereafter. His early successors, with dates of admission to the bar of this county, were E. Ferero, April 25, 1864; William J. Galbraith, November, 1864; Isaac Ash, November 28, 1864; H. C. Graham, December 1, 1864; J. B. McAllister, April 25, 1865; T. S. Zuver, August, 1865; and M. D. Christie, March, 1869, some of whom are still engaged in professional work. PLATS AND ORGANIZATION. The preliminary excitement of 1859-60 led the Michigan Rock Oil Com- pany to lay out lots for the new comers along a street which they called Main. The growth from that on was so phenomenal that in the spring of 1863 Charles Haines and Joseph H. Marston purchased of Graff', Hasson & Company, what is now known as Grove avenue, laid it out in lots, erected cottages with little idea of the permanency of the place, and gave it the name Cottage Hill, which still clings to it. About the same time Mr. Lay's ferry across the Allegheny made it advisible for him to lay out eighty acres in lots al)out the south approach to his ferry, now the foot of Central Avenue, and this took the name Laytonia. During the year occasional lots were bought on the east flats, and busi- ness room was in so' great demand that in the spring of 1864 the United Petroleum Farms Association bought three hundred acres of Graff, Hasson & Company, including the flats and parts of Cottage Hill and laid it out in lots, and before the year closed the population on both sides of the river was six thousand. Diiring 1865 the upper ferry landing at the site of the Alle- gheny Valley depot, led Vandergrift, Forman & Company to lay out a town al)Out this site and bearing the name Imperial City, the two settlements composing it having already taken the names Albion and Downingtown. A settlement below (Laytonia) Eeed street on Charles Lee's land had been dul)bed Leetown, so that such a clash and rivalry of private interests arose that the people petitioned the court in 1866 to unite them and give them a name. This was done by Judge Trunkey and he chose Venango City. These private enterprises account for the irregularities in some of the so.uth side streets. This part of the city became largely a residence place, and has since been a favorite location for those seeking pleasant homes. The present platting of the city was begun in 1869 by W. R. Stevenson and lasted two or three years, the chief addition being the upper and lower ends of the south side. Palace Hill, and parts of upper Cottage Hill. In 1872 Messrs. Clark and Porteous laid off Clark's Summit and an incline railway was built, the bed of which is still visible. This was about four OIL CITY. 437 hundred and sixty foet high l)y one thousand six hnndrod feet long with a double track upon which ran two passenger and two team cars, operated by cables and steam. The cost was about thirty-five thousand dollars. The plan was intended to have made the summit a place of residence, but defect- ive land title and the panic of 1873 caused the scheme to be gradually aban- doned, so that the plane machinery was removed about 1S7U. The first borough organization was begun in a meeting January 10, 1802, at the Halyday Run school house. R. Criswell was made chairman and P. C. Hevdrick secretary. C. C. Waldo stated the object of the meeting, and resolutions were adopted, among which was one choosing as a committee on corporation C. C. Waldo, T. H. AVilliams, T. M. Parker, William Hasson, P. C. Heydrick, and C. Hasson. They succeeded in securing a charter in the spring of 1862. The Borough Officers began with those elected in 1862: Burgess, Will- iam Hasson; council: T. H. Williams, Charles Robson, Fid Bishop. Charles Haines, T. B. Hoover; constable, E. C. Hueston; clerk, W. R. Johns; street commissioner, Hugh McClintock. 1863, — Burgess, Charles Robson; council: Jacob Shirk, G. W. Stelfee, J. B. Gibson, and M. J. Morrison. 1864. — Burgess, M. L. Bagg; council: P Smith, D. W. McLane, J. J. Vandergrift. and Jacob Shirk. 1865. — Burgess, S. S. Christy; council: D. W. McLane, Jacob Shirk. G. W. Cochran, and Doctor R. Colbert. 1860. — Burgess, J. G. Arbuthnot; council: I. Blakely, Doctor J. D. Baldwin, S. F. Daugherty, L. Gordon, and L. D. Kellogg. The records from this date have been lost, but from other sources it has been learned that George V. Forman was burgess in 1867; Frederick GiegeL in 1808; W. F. Groves, in 1869, and W. W. White, in 1870. Meanwhile in 1866 the growth of the south side settlements had reached a total population of about one thousand five hundred, and their union into the borough of Venango City has been mentioned. The first burgess was James Shoemaker whose first two terms were succeeded by those of Joseph Beggs, W. L. Lay, and Joshtia Gilger in 1870. By this time the desire was general for a union of the north and south sides or boroughs. The City Incorporation was accomplished by a union of the two boroughs by an act of the legislature, approved March 3, 1871, and an election was held on the second Tuesday in April; the incorporation was completed April 11th. Those especially active in this were C. S. Colbert, W. F. Groves, B. D. McCreary, and William Thompson for Oil City and D. W. McLane for Venango City. Like many other Pennsylvania cities Oil City replaced her old charter in January. 1881. by organization under the Wal- lace act. The City Officers have been as given in this list: 438 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 1871. — Mayor, William M. Williams; council: John Mawhinney, Jolin H. Evans, William H. Duncan, Charles H. Shepard, William Dwyer, T. B. Porteous, George W. Parker, T. H. Williams, Samuel M. Irwin, Joseph Bates. R. D. McCreary, Joseph M. McElroy. 1872. — Mayor, I. M. Sowers; council: John Maw^hinney, John H. Evans, John Finle}^ J. D. Stilwell, Jacob Shirk, George W. Parker, Joseph Bates, T. B. Porteous, T. H. Williams, S. M. Irwin, R. D. McCreary, J. M. Mc- Elroy. 1878. — Mayor, I. M. Sowers; council: W. M.Williams, William Hasson, O. B. Goodwin, J. H. Kump, F. M. Green, Jacob Shirk, W. F. Fox, R. R. Frampton, D. L. Trax, J. E. McLain, J. M. Harding, Joseph Bates. 1874.— Mayor, William B. Foster; council: W. M. Williams, W. J. Young, J. H. Oberly, J. H. Kump, F. M. Green, R. Chisholm, James S. Wilson, Joseph Bates, D. Yothers, J. A. H. Carson, J. E. McLain, W. F. Fox. 1875. — Mayor, William B. Foster; council: John H. Oberly, S. H. Laiu- berton, W. J. Young, W. J. Innis, William Dwyer, R. Chisholm, P. I. Cribbs, C. H. Duncan, W. L. Lay, Joseph Bates, J. W. Latshaw, J. A. H. Carson. 1870. — Mayor, Joseph M. McElroy; council: S. H. Lamberton, W. J. Innis, John H. Oberly, R. Chisholm, William Dwyer, P. I. Cribbs, David Johnson, J. W. Spencer, R. D. McCreary, C. H. Duncan. J. W. Latshaw, W. L. Lay. 1877.— Mayor, Joseph M. McElroy; council: B. H. Carnahan. W. J. Young, Thomas R. Cowell, J. H. Oberly, John B. Reinbold, R. Chisholm, H. C. Graham, P. I. Cribbs, Joseph Elder, David Johnson, J. W. Spencer, R. D. McCreary. 1878. — Mayor, H. D. Hancock; council: Thomas R. Cowell, John B. Reinbold, H. C. Graham, J. W. Spencer, R. D. McCreary, W. J. Young, J. W. Downer, E. M. Wolfe, John A. Lewis, R. Chisholm, B. H. Carnahan, Joseph Elder. 1879. — Mayor, H. D. Hancock; council: W. J. Young, B. H. Carnahan, J. H. Oberly, T. J. Moran, K. Kugler, E. M. Wolfe, Thomas Arnold, J. A. Lewis, George T. Nichols, Thomas Downer, W. Davis, and R. Chisholm. 1880. — Mayor, John H. Oberly; council: Young, Carnahan, W. J. Kramer. Joseph Reid, Thomas Moran, Matthew Derrick, C. H. Lay, Jr., Lewis, Davis, J. McCollum, Kugler, and Nichols. 1881. — Mayor, John H. Oberly; council (common and select): Carna- han, L. Cohn, Cowell, Derrick, C. H. Duncan, William Dwyer, Hugh Duffy, Kramer, Lewis, Lay, Moran, McCollum, S. A. McAlevy, Nichols, R. H. Renwick, Young, T. A. McLaughlin, and K. Chickering. 1882. — Mayor, A. J. Greenfield; council: Carnahan, Cohn. Cowell, Der- rick, A. B. Davitt, John Graham, Moran, McCollum, McAlevy, I. I. OIL CITY. 439 Wagner, Renwick, Youug, McLaughlin, Chickeriug, Dvvyer, Duncaii, and W. J. Innis. 1883. — Mayor, A. J. Greonfield; council: Davitt, Dwyer, McLaughlin, R. G. Collins, W. R. Spear, D. J. Kahan, Derrick, I. S. Gibson, McCoIlum, D. W. Lindersmith, D. S. Davis, D. Fisher, Chickering, Cowell, Renwick, John Fornof, Graham, Innis. S. L. Maxwell, and W. Davis. 1884. — Mayor, Daniel Fisher; council: H. L. McCance, Fornof, E. L. Reynolds, W. G. Hunt, Charles A. Cooper, John R. Monks. Graham, G. E. Johnson, G. W. Parker, Fishei', Gibson, Charles Adams, McCollum, ^lax- well, Davis, A\'. H. Aungst, Derrick, Lindersmith, Kahan, and C. L. Car- rington. 1885. — Mayor, Daniel Fisher; council: McCance, Fornof, Reynolds. Hunt, Derrick, Lindersmith, John Crimmin, W. J. Tinthoff, Fisher, E. J. Ross, Parker, Maxwell, J. A. Lewis, James Lewis, Aungst, W. D. Rider, Cooper, Adams, Johnson, and Graham. 1886. — Mayor, Thomas R. Cowell; council: Fornof, Hiint, Fulmer, Cooper, Parker, W. J. Taylor, TinthoflF, Aungst, Lindersmith, Ross, S. S. Culbertson, Roess, Rider, Derrick, McCance, Crimmin, Adams, J. A. Lewis, C. F. Hartwell, and James Lewis. 1887. — Mayor, Thomas R. Cowell; council: Thomas Nolan, Dwyer, Lewis. W. R. Barr, J. T. Fulmer, J. H. Payne, W. W. Knowles, Taylor, John Gilmore, Stubler, Lindersmith, Culbertson, J. B. Berry, Hartwell, H. Naylor, Lewis, Rider, Aungst, Graham, Steele, L. Roess, and F. Eichner. 1888. — Mayor, J. H. Payne; council: Nolan, Thomas, Graham, Gil- more, Steele, Stubler. Savage, Culbertson, Lindersmith, Breckenridge. A. Bair, AV. L. Fair, W. H. Berry, F. H. Taylor, J. B. Berry, W. R. Barr, Davis, Dwyer, and Lewis. 188U. — Mayor, J. H. Payne; council: Nolan, Graham, Dwyer, Barr, J. R. Steele, Lewis. Thomas Thomas, P. Stubler, T. Savage, William Dough- erty, J. F. Campbell, J. Eisenbeis, J. W. Thompson, A. N. Breckenridge, J. B. Berry, A. W. Alsbaugh, M. J. Dale, L. H. Rudiselle, W. H. Seaton, Fair, Davis, and F. H. Taylor. The city finances show the following interesting changes: For the first year (1862) the taxation was eight hundred dollars. In 187 1 the total assessed valuation was eight hundred and twenty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and the rate of taxation four pe?* cent. ; in 1878 it was tw^o million, two hundred and four thousand, four hundred and thirty-three dol- lars and the rate one and one-half per cent. ; in 1888 it was one million, seven hundred and twelve thousand, two hundred and seventy one dollars with a thirteen-mill rate; and in 1889, one million, seven hundred and forty- four thousand, five hundred and twenty-four dollars with a twelve-mill rate, three mills more for the east side. ■4-1:0 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, GRADING, AND DKAINAGE. Aside from the water works, lire department buildings, and lock-up. the city has but a frame city hall on Seneca street with a total valuation of about twelve hundred dollars. In it are the council room, offices of the mayor, comptroller, and city engineer. This was erected soon after the new government of 1871 began and is the only city hall ever owned by the city. The grading of the city has been a work of great magnitude. The early days of teaming up the creek and through the chief streets of the west and east sides were noted for their, to us, almost incredible depths of mud. Daring borough days but little was done to remedy this state of affairs, except to endeavor to till in with broken rock to make them passable, for many of its citizens looked upon the place as not permanent. The overflows added to the difficulties of the situation, too, for the east side was from six to twelve feet lower than at present, evidence of which is frequently seen in the remains of old sidewalks where excavations have been made for foundations. On the formation of the city government in 1871 work was begun on Seneca and Main streets, the former being the heaviest grading done in the city, and the present grade was formed, chiefly to raise the flats above high-water mark. Center street was treated likewise, and other streets crossing Seneca. In 1874 a general system of paving and grading was begun and from year to year since streets have been graded until nearly half are now finished. Noticeable among these are First, Washington avenue, Harriot avenue. Spring, and others. This has been done on the foot front system. The drainage of this city has been favored by nature so that in borough times use was made of gutters and creeks. Afterward cess-pools were used in places allowing the filth to percolate through the gravel. In 1876 the city was divided into twenty-three sewer districts, each district being as- sessed for its sewers, and a mixed over-and-underground sewer system was begun, using brick and stoneware servers. Year by year these have been increased until they line probably one-eighth of the streets. Among the early work done was a four- foot brick sewer on Spring street, which, when nearly finished, the engineer attempted to enter with a light. Some manu- factured gas had leaked into it however, and an explosion followed in which the engineer was severely and permanently injured. DEPARTMENTS OF FIRE AND POLICE. The loss of many early records of the city makes details very uncertain. The volunteer system in the fire department was used until recently. Soon after the borough was organized the hook and ladder companies were formed, and in a few years an old side-bar hand engine was secured. After the great fire of 1866 a steam engine was purchased. On the completion of the waterworks in 1873, with a pressure of one hundred and thirty pounds on the flats, hose comj)anies were all that were needed, and steamers were not OIL CITY. 441 used except in places away from the mains. From that time until July 27, 1887, four and five volunteer companies comprised the force. At that date a paid department was organized imder Chief D. Fisher at a salary of iive hun- dred dollars. This department now has a chief, assistant chief, and thirteen firemen, forming hose companies Nos. 1 and 2, each of which have a horse. Beside there are two volunteer hose companies and a hook and ladder com- pany with hired team. The engine houses are as follows: A brick, corner of Short and Second streets valued at two thousand dollars; a brick on Main street valued at one thousand eight hundred dollars, erected in 1884; a frame on Seneca street valued at five hundred dollars; and a frame, corner of Washington and Seeley avenues, erected in 1888 at a cost of two thoiT- sand dollars. This property is valued at twelve thousand three hundred dollars. The Gamewell telegraph fii-e alarm system is used with twenty alarm boxes and a central bell tower over the Allegheny bridge. The de- partment is in excellent condition. The police department, previous to the union of the east, west, and south sides in 1871, was managed by the separate boroughs. May 16, 1871, the ordinance establishing the jiresent system was appi'oved. From time to time the force has been enlarged until there are now a chief, five regular, and six special officers, the latter being the janitor of the Oil Exchange, the driver of hose cart No. 1, the Union depot master, one at the Oil City Boiler Works, the janitor of the high school, and the pound master. Among the chiefs have been S. S. Neill, John Gilmore, and H. M. Good. WATER WORKS, GAS, AND ELECaTRICITY. At the motion in council of J. H. Evans, in 1872, the subject of water woiks was brought before the council, along with the numerous improve- ments inaugurated by the new city government, and the double reservoir system was adopted. The work was at once begun and reservoirs of the capacity of seventy-five thousand barrels were built on the hill-top about a uiile and a half above State street on the south side, near and three hun- dred and twenty feet above the river. An engine house was built on the river bank, which is now a brick and iron structure forty feet by one hun- dred feet, and valued at about four thousand dollars. It has three pumps and a tw^elve-inch main crossing the river. To this springs Save been piped from time to time until there are now eight large springs used, giv- ing an excellent quality of water. The pressure is one hundred and thirty pounds to the square inch on the fiats, giving a power great enough for a much larger city. The spreading of the city toward the summit of the hills and other extensions makes it probable that a reservoir will soon be built on Rich hill for the hill service, and the mains will be increased to sixteen- inch pipes. The first cost of the woi'ks was one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, but they have been so successful that they will no doubt soon pay both the cost of construction and maintenance. 442 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. City illumination was lirst agitated in 1875, and January 20, 1876, a company was chartered to supply the city with gas. From the members composing it — A. F. Kent, C. J. Hepburn, Jonathan McCollum, C. F. Hart- well, and Doctor J. A. Kitchey — the following officers were chosen: Mr. McCollum, president; Mr. Hartwell, secretary; and Mr. Kent, treasurer and superintendent. The capital stock was seventy-five thousand dollars, and in May they began work and pipe-laying, which, on its completion- July 10th, when the city was illuminated for the first time, cost seventy thousand dollars. An effort is being made to secure electricity for street illumination. FIRES AND FLOODS, ETC. Among disasters that befall cities, such as fires, floods, panics, riots, and epidemics, the first two have been most characteristic of Oil City. The Ice Gorge of 1^62 was the first of any importance, and occurred December 7th, when the low water had caused a perfect field of bulk and barrel oil boats to collect along the Third ward wharves, waiting for high water. Much of this oil had been bought at seventy-five cents a barrel, and at this time Pittsburgh prices were thirty two cents a gallon. Rain had fallen, followed by snow and freezing the day before (Saturday), so that the river ice barred the creek. The rising creek waters overflowed the ice and froze again, repeating the process until a great ice-dam was formed. On Sunday forenoon the dam broke from its moorings, plowed up into a gorge the river ice which then began to move, snapping great wharf ropes and cables like threads and crushing the oil-fleet like so many egg shells. In a few minutes the greasy flood showed an estimated wreck of about sixty thousand barrels of oil and two hundred boats, a total loss of probably five hundred thousand dollars. It was somewhat of a consolation though that Pittsburgh prices fell in a few days to nine cents a gallon. The Oil Fleet Fire of December 12, 1863, with its great pall of smoke piling over the water and town, and played upon by great flames following the frequent thunder of exj^loding oil barrels, was an event that was only prevented from wiping out the whole place by the prompt action of a few men. A fleet of bulk and barrel boats had been brought down the creek a few days before, and some had stranded on Cornplanter island at the mouth of the creek. In the evening about half-past seven o'clock, the man in charge of one of these bulk barges suspected leakage and lowered a light to see the height of the oil. Instantly a sheet of flame shot up and an explo- sion, sending him several feet in the air, brought the community to the banks. Cables were used to pull away the boats between them and the shore. A large boat alongside flashed up with another explosion and after burning about an hour began floating toward the eddy where the whole fleet were moored. Those who had been fasteninsr the first barcre — OIL CITY. 443 Messrs. Lay, Kuiglitlinger, Titus, and others — started for the Laytonia side to secure grab- hooks; meanwhile Messrs. Philli])s aud Yanusdall got a ferry chain and, pulling for the tloating lire, made fast, but not before it had set tire to the gunwales of several other barges. With the aid of a skiff, manned l)y Messrs. Watterson, Shoup, and Hunter, and another by Messrs. Lay and Irwin, they towed it down stream and landed it on Moran's island. Meanwhile the first barge began to burst and streams of Haming oil wound their way down the river lighting np the dark w^aters like miles of a sea of flame. The outer row^ of boats were ablaze. This was fought; boats were cut loose, one of which floating down past Franklin destroyed her Allegheny bridge; but by fierce lighting it was confined to the outer tier of boats, and the place was saved, after a total loss of about one hundred and lifty thou- sand dollars. "A dense black cloud, formed by the smoke of the burning oil, hung over the entire locality like a pall. The lower part of the cloud, from the reflection of the flames, was rose colored, and frequently a beautiful pink. Every few moments a flash of light, resembling lightning, illumined the cloud, making a combination of colors exceedingly fine. The blazing boats floating on, the crowds of men stationed along the outside of the boats that remained fastened, keeping off those that were on fire, their forms frequently obscured by the smoke, the boats sinking, and the general confusion that reigned, furnished a fair fac simile of a naval battle, the explosion of the oil barrels, from the intense heat, furnishing the artillery accompaniment."* The Ice-Gorge of January, 1864, began by the ice flooding down from the great ponds above on Oil creek and piling up in a creaking, groaning, ice mountain in the eddy at the mouth. Ice came down the river, too. and joining it, floated out into the river, carrying with it much of the crushed and splintered remains of about two hundred oil boats of all shapes and sizes, and parts of buildings along the creek. The Pond Freshet of May 31, 1864, was a jam of the greatest magni- tude known in the history of Oil creek. It must be remembered that the oil boat usually had a bow that rode high out of the water, so that it was a mat- ter of no difticulty at all for one of them to ride right on to another boat and sink it. When the ponds above were opened, some of the too anxious pilots let their boats out too soon and ran ahead of the water. In the effort to hold them back a few of them ran against the bridge pier; whereupon the long bows of on-coming boats, rode on them aud sunk them, others following and repeating the process until the great crunching, groaning, crackling mass were often six boats deep or high, making a dam, and enabling those farther up to ride down in safety. About fifteen thousand barrels and an equal amount of bulk oil floated down the river, and, after the subsiding of the waters, this furnished occupation for barrel hunters aud those who dipped oil off the water. The removal of the mass of stranded wrecks was a work *Petrolia 444 HISTOIIY OF VENANGO COUNTY. of many days, and for half a mile the creek was covered with boats compelled to await another freshet, or w^ere hauled to the railways by teams at twelve dollars a day. It is needless to say the town was crowded to its iitmost, and oil rose from seven dollars and seventy-five cents to eleven dollars and fifty cents per barrel. The Great Flood of St. Patrick's Day, 1S6~), was the most disastrous that ever visited this region, and the loss was estimated at over five million dollars. Owing to warm continuous rains and melting snow, the Allegheny rose very fast on Thursday, March 17th, and Halyday run became a veritable cataract, rushing over Main street, flooding the cellars, and floating the oil barrels. By four o'clock the creek was within four feet of the Center street bridge, and the east flats — before the present grades were established — were covered. All sort of debris came down — boats, tanks, trees, boards, etc., and two large boats wedged the bridge from its foundation. The first floors on the west side were submerged. The river backed up the waters of the creek; at seven o'clock in the evening half of the bridge gave way, and three hours later the rest went. By midnight the creek had broken its banks and was forming a new channel almost up to Main street, carrying boilers, derricks, houses, etc., like leaves. Buildings on the east side were afloat even above Elm street, and Seneca street was like a mill race. Sixteen large oil tanks passed Oil City in less than three hours. To cross to the west side, boats were taken near the site of the railway on Center street and landing was made below the Petroleum house. Most of the buildings south of Elm street were submerged to the second story, and the occupants escaped by boats. A boom of empty oil boats secured most of the buildings from floating away, but the east side was almost a total wreck, while the west side was a surging flood except on the highest parts of Main street. On Friday a storm set in which added to the misery of the houseless and threatened to destroy what little remained. The total height of the water at its highest point was twenty-eight feet. It then began slowly to subside. The losses were so great that many were totally ruined. Business was suspended for a month; about sixty thousand barrels of oil and an equal number of empty barrels were lost; one hundred and fifty boats, probably one hundred horses, and between two hundred and fifty and three hundred houses may be counted in; the railroads leading into the oil regions were washed out so that this place had no communication with the outside world for a week. It is pleasant to know, however, that there was but one human life lost. One of the lessons taught was that the city must be raised to a grade above high water; this led to the present grades on the east side. The city was rebuilt as rapidly as possible without outside aid. The fol- lowing year was pregnant with railway agitation as an outlet for oil, instead of the uncertain river. OIL CITY. 445 The Railway Riot of February, IS/i;, was the most notable event of that kind, and grew out of a conflict between the Oil City and Pit- hole and the Warren and Franklin railway companies over an entry into the city. The Pithole company had graded to below the hill above the Union depot site, when the rival company piit on a force of men to tear up and destroy all they should do. This was kept up for several days until one of the Pithole company's directors, Jacob Shirk, came on to superintend the laying of the rails, with Mr. Fox superintendent of construction. He found the rival force throwing oti' the ties, and, incensed at the action, he stamped upon the last tie laid and ordered them to stop, whereupon a man — David White — rushed upon him. Mr. Shirk drew his pistol, but yells of " kill him " from the other crowd led him to escape to save himself. He was pursued down the main street to his home by about sixty men with picks and shovels, and headed by White. Citizens had collected about the burgess' office, and when White's crowd came there and began a bragfra- docia scene, the bell was rang for police and White was arrested. He was removed to the county jail in the evening, and soon all opposition to the Pithole road was removed, and they entered the borough about the middle of March. There were probably about one hundred and fifty men on each side. The April Flood of 1866 was so near the great Hood of St. Patrick's day that it hardly seems as great as it was. It was due to the same causes as that flood, but was not so violent. The overflow was so great that it is said that the average depth over the whole flat was three and one- half feet. Many houses were destroyed, one hundi'ed and twenty-five boats carried away, five thousand barrels of oil and about ten'thousand barrels of bulk oil poured over the mad waters. Nine lives were lost and the succeedino- months were attended with much sickness. The Great Fire of May 26, 1866, was one of those disasters that come very naturally to a young city built up as temporarily as was Oil City, at that time. Center street was then the chief thoroughfare, and about two hundred and fifty feet north, on what is now Elm street, was a building used as a steam laundry, which caught fire about eleven o'clock on Saturday morning. The light frame structures burned like tinder; the fire broke through by a livery stable to Seneca street, and fanned by a hot May breeze it grew uncontrollable almost at once, and flashed away toward Center street. Here the Ohio and Philadelphia hotels on the corner, Shivelv's block, Burchfield & Casterline's hardware, Charles Robson & Company's office, Gotthall's provision house, Williams' brick store, Reynolds, Brodhead & Company, Colbert & Eggert's drug store, the six-story Mercantile block, the finest in the city, and whose occupants came near perishing in the flames, all blazed up in quick succession up Center street, heating the macadamized pavement white. The Methodist Episcopal church, the school house, Fox, 446 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Fuller & Company's buildings, mills and lumber yards, the Metropolian and Oil City hotels, on up Plumer road, and Race street went in quick succes- sion, and it was only the most strenuous exertions that saved Grove avenue and the bridge connections with the west side. By the end of four hours almost fifteen acres had been burned over, probably two hundred buildings destroyed, one hundred and fifty families made homeless, and the total loss aggregated almost a million dollars, with less than ten per cent, insurance. AVith characteristic vim, however, the work of rebuilding began at once, and many contracts were let before the old buildings had been consumed. The Flood of August 8, 1866, was the result of a sort of water-spout rain up the creek, causing the breaking of the Titusville dam. The effect on Oil City was the carrying away of oil, derricks, etc., along the creek. The Third Ward Fire of 1868 occurred in the midst of a quiet spring day. A tank, standing near the site of the Lake Shore freight house, took fire and soon spread on both sides of Main street, and about half way up to the Petroleum house, while about the same distance was covered in the opposite direction. The heat was so intense that the current of air coming down over the bluff was strong enough to break trees. In a short time the ruin caused was estimated at over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. The High Water of 1873, although it was the next highest water that ever visited Oil City, was not destructive. It happened April 10th. The Great High Water of 188H exceeded all its predecessors, and was due to the February rains on the ice covered Allegheny valley. On Satur- day night, February 3rd. the water began rising and the ice left the creek; by Sunday morning at half -past seven o'clock the river had so backed up the creek that the flats were overflowed, and the water rose a foot an hour until noon, when it was two feet above high- water mark of 1873 — the highest ever reached in the history of the place. The boiler works and machine shops looked like islands; the basements along Seneca street were filled; about one o'clock a mass of ice struck the northeast pier of the suspension bridge and made it settle almost three feet, leaving the whole strain on the west cable; a train of loaded coal cars were run on to the creek mouth rail- way bridge to hold it down; the city pump house was destroyed, leaving the city without water supply; and Halyday run did some disastrous work in the Third ward. This flood was noted for its height at Oil City rather than for its destruction, as compared with that of 1865. The Allegheny Ice Gorge of 188:'> was the most remarkable flow of ice ever witnessed at Oil City. It had formed at Hickory, where cakes froze over cakes to a thickness of ten feet, and formed a dam which broke loose. This reached Oil City just after midnight on April 3rd and inside of an horn- almost reached the mark of 1873. The great tumbling masses of ice filling the river from side to side was a magnificent sight. The basements on Sen- OIL CITY. 449 eca street were damaged some, but by half-past two o'clock the water begau to subside as quickly as it rose. These are the most important events that verge on disasters. FACILITIES OF TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION. Although the Allegheny ferries began with the Indian canoe and the settler's skiff, it was not until the Bell furnace was in operation that a rough flat-boat was poled across near the railway bridge site, bearing the iron ore, cliarcoal, and lime stone from the Sage run tramway in regular ferry style. "When the Drake well excitement began ex-Sheriff Thomas, of Franklin, saw the need for a public ferry and a ro[)e ferry charter was secured, but soon sold to the farmer on the south side, Mr. Bastian, who built a boat large enough for a loaded wagon and team, and stretched a thousand feet of three-quarter-inch wire cable sixty feet above the water, and across near and west of the mouth of Oil creek. This was during 1801-62, and is thought to have been the first properly rigged ferry above Brady's Bend. The great demand for wood and Cranberry coal up the creek inade the ferry receipts as high as forty dollars per day. In 1863, however, William L. Lay, who then bought Mr. Bastian' s farm and ferry, believed in the future of a South Oil City, and in connec- tion with the improvement of the turnpikes on the west bank of Oil creek and to the coal mines, he built a ferry l^oat for two loaded or four empty wagons, and by 1864 had to build one with double that capacity. William Phillips and others built another about the same time, crossing from the site of the Allegheny Valley depot. These gave way very soon to the bridge. The Oil creek ferries must have begun in tke old furnace days of 1828 near the mouth of the creek, but their operators are not known. The Halyday boys, Frank and John, poled a flat-boat across about two hundred feet below Center street late in the forties when the turnpike travel be- tween Warren and Pittsburgh was considerable. They continued until the old Center street single span, single track, wooden bridge was erected early in the fifties, and which served through the mad rush of the early sixties, until carried away by the great flood of 1865. For a short time a pontoon bridge for teams and a rope bridge built by Charles Haines for foot pas- sengers served until the iron bridge was built. The Center Street Bridge was completed under the direction of H. C, Brundage, of Buffalo, New York, by the city at a cost of about sixty five thousand dollars, and was opened July 27, 1866. Toll was collected until 1870, when the county purchased and made it free. It is single span, com- bination wrought- iron truss and arch, one hundred and eighty feet by forty feet, with double track and foot-ways. The Railiray Bridges across the creek began with the construction of he Atlantic and Great Western railroad bridge at the mouth of the creek, 25 450 HISTOltY OF VENANGO COUNTY. completed in 1866. During this time the first locomotive to cross the creek here was run across a track laid on the ice, so they could begin running on the up-stream tracts. The bridge is a large three-span iron truss crossino- the mouth of the creek. The Allegheny Valley railway bridge was built in ]S6'J. It is a wooden Howe truss over the Allegheny river. The Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad bridge over Oil creek was built of wood in 1870 and rebuilt of wood in 1882. The latter burned in May, 1888, by the floating oil fire, and in January, 1889, was rebuilt with iron. The Oil City and PetvoJeum Bridge Company was agitated in the winter of 1862-63, when the growing needs of the oil region had outgrown the fer ries. An act approved by the governor April 14, 1863, appointed J. J. Vandergrift, John H. Coleman, H. M. Hamilton, William Ewing, and Will- iam L. Lay, commissioners to receive subscriptions for such a company. Two hundred thirty-four shares were subscribed b}^ the following gentle- men: William L. Lay, William H. Bowen, C. V. Culver, William A. Shreve, J. H. Coleman, A. Brawdy, J. K. Lowry, E. C. Barton, James Miller, B. K. Rathbun, C. W. Gilfillan, C. M. Titus, T. M. Parker, A. H. Pool. A. S. Pool, William Brough, M. L. Bagg, Fid Bishop, H. C. Gas- kill, and William Gaskill. They were incorjjorated May 16, 1864, and the officers elected were: President, William L. Lay; directors: Shreve, Miller, Coleman, Titus, and Brawdy; secretary, S. Stevenson; treasurer, A. S. Pool, and engineer, T. M. Grifiith. The capital stock was one hundred thousand dollars. The site chosen was to connect Central avenue with a street to be opened into the old west side turnjiike near the Petroleum house, joining the Cranberry coal mines with the creek thoroughfare. Woi'k was immediately l)egun on a two-span suspension bridge, and excavation for the middle pier was nearly complete when everything was carried away by an unexpected flood. In January, 1866, a contract was made with Gilman & Howe to erect a Howe truss bridge of five-timber stone-filled piers, and to practically connect Seneca and State streets. It was to be twelve hundred and fifty-five feet long, with roadway eighteen feet and footways five and one- half feet, the whole being inclined ten feet, so that the south end would be thirty -eight feet above steamboat stage of water. This, together with the filling of Seneca street down to Center with stone and gravel to make it passable, cost one hundred and two thousand dollars, when it was opened to the public September 18, 1866. During the decade beginning with 1875 the wooden trusses were replaced with iron, beginning with the southern end, and masonry piers and abutments were put in, thus giving a practi- cally new structure to the public at their grand opening at noon March 21, 1885. In 1887 the north-end otfices and walls were finished at a cost of three thousand dollars, so that with its covered footways, illumination of OIL CITV. 451 twenty-five lights, and ornamental fire-bell tower, it can hardly be Hurj)a.ssed on the river, and cost the company about one hundi-ed and thirty- three thousand dollars. The successive presidents of the company have been as follows: "William L. Lay, elected in 1864; J. J. Vandergrift, 1866: and H. I. Beers. 1878. Harry Naylor and S. M. Irwin have collected toll for the past twenty -four and fourteen years, respectively, and "Bobby" Wallace's vigilant eye has watched over it during the night for nearly a quarter of a century. The Venango Bridge Company was due to the desire of severfil citizens to unite the growing south side and the Third wai*d, and also to check the tendency to move all the west side business across the creek. A company was organized February 21, 1878, with J. J. Vandergrift, president, George V. Forman, J. H. Marston, J. M. McElroy, Joseph Bates, and W. J. Brun- dred, directors; Fid Bishop, secretary, and John Mawhinney, treasurer. A suspension bridge contract was made with Roebling' s Sons & Company, and work begun in January, 1874, but on account of the failure of a contractor the structure was not completed until July 4, 1876. The engineer in charge was W. R. Stevenson. Its cost was about seventy-six thousand dollars, and it joins Petroleum and Bridge streets. It was in April, 1886, that a popu- lar agitation for reduced bridge tolls led to the purchase of two-thirds of the stock by citizens with the ultiinate hope of making it a free bridge, and immediately reducing to a nominal toll. At the same time Mr. Vandergrift resigned, and C. F. Hartwell has been at the head of the company ever since. The capital stock is now forty-five thovisand one hundred dollars. In the great flood of 1883 one of the cables was. badly loosened, but soon I'epaired, and the beautiful structure hangs over the waters like a great festoon. I'he Upper Seneca Street Bridge was built of wood about 1877 and re- built of iron about 1883. It is owned by the county. The First Steamboat ascended the river to the site of Oil City in Feb- ruary, 1828. It was the William D. Duncan, Captain Crook, and bore delegates to a canal convention at Franklin. Then a run was made up to the Oil Creek furnaces, but no farther, the captain stating that the current was the strongest he had ever navigated. From that time on until the time of railways the steamboats of various shapes and sizes were the usual means of transportation when the water was sufficient. By the time of the rail- way advent in 1866, the steamboat and oil wharves were as follows: Bush- nell's landing, foot of Chestnut street; Benny, Baylis & Company, 244 Main street; Cochran's, 264 Main street; Conkle's, 298 Main street: Dil- worth & Ewing's, foot of Robson street; Ellison & Baxter's, foot of AVal- nut street; Fisher's, foot of Hanna street; Fisher's No. 2, foot of Chestnut street; Fawcett Brothers, foot of Chestnut street; Gallagher & Danver's, foot of Walnut street; Holdeman & Murray's, 242 Main street; Jackson's, 452 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 290 Main street; Lucesco Oil Company's, foot of Oak street; Muahall's, foot of Chestnut street; McKelvey & Miller's, foot of Walnut street; Maw- hinney's, 262 Main street; Oil City Storage Company's, foot of Oak street; Parker & Castle' s, foot of Parker street; Porteous', foot of Walnut street; Phillips & Company's, foot of Hanna street: and Vandergrift's, on Chest- nut street. Meanwhile the so called hack lines on the Franklin and AVarren turnpike had been run even in furnace days, but the " hack" was often no more than an ox team lumber wagon. In 1860 the growth of the Third ward led to the first regular hack line to Franklin, run by Len Davis, whose rates varied from two to five dollars a trip, according to the exigencies of the situation. From that time on teaming became one of the most extensive and lucrative branches of business in the oil region, assuming proportions and prices that seem almost incredible to the ])resent generation. Twelve dollars a day for a team was often paid. Railways and their depots became an al^solute necessity by 1865. The Franklin branch of the Atlantic and Great Western was the first to reach the city (in March, 1866), with its depot near the Moran house. The rivalries and difficulties in securing right of way w^ere very great in the case of nearly all the railways, and this one did not get its depot to the Petroleum house vintil almost a year later, when it soon crossed the creek and secured a depot about the southeast " Y " at the present Union depot. This is the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railway. Reaching the city at almost the same time as the Franklin branch was the Oil City and Pithole railway, which came in from up the river, and after some difficulty with the Warren and Franklin Railroad Company, entered the present depot grounds and was soon absorbed by them. This is the Western New York and Pennsylvania. About the same time the Farmers' railway up the east bank of Oil creek was completed and run into the depot grounds over the tilled up site of the old mill race. This is now the Western New York and Penns34vania, and the change in road bed across the creek was made about 1870. to secure a safer grade. The Reno railway, which tried to pass just nortliwest and outside of Oil City at the same date, was never completed. A new depot was built in 1867 about the site of the fountain at the pres- ent grounds. During that year the Cranberry coal company's short road came down Sage run to the river, and its operation ceased about 1883. In December. 1867, the Allegheny Valley extension from Mahoning came up the south side of the river and made their present depot, with a free transfer 'bus line to the Union depot, which was improved upon a year later by the erection of their bridge enabling them to run into Oil City proper. OIL CITY. 453 la 1870 the Jamestown and Franklin (now the Lake Sliore and Michi- gan Southern) reached Oil City, and, unable to secure right of way around the front of "the Hogback," tunneled through it, and placed their depots in the Third ward near Bridge and Main streets The old depot of 1867, and its grounds, owned by the Western New York and Pennsylvania railway, was replaced during 1888 by the present beau- tiful brick structure, in the midst of " Y's" and freight houses, at a cost of about twenty-live thousand dollars. This is rented to the other roads. Be- sides freight houses and a large amount of siding there are two repair shops, those of the Western New York and Pennsylvania near their Oil creek bridge and those of the Allegheny Valley near Sago run. The division offices of the Western New York and Pennsylvania are located here. The Express companies followed fast on the heels of the new postoffice about 1861 with Charles Shepard, now of Pittsburgh, as agent of the Union Express Company (American and Adams) with an office near the site of the New York hotel in the Third ward. The receipts were very great so that at the time Mr. Shepard was succeeded by Edward Porter about 1865, the United States Express Company came in, and the two companies had one office. This continued until 1872 when they separated, Thomas Nolan hav- ing charge of the former and James N. Bingham of the latter. The next change was November 1, 1884:, when on account of disputed territory the American and Adams dissolved their union, Mr. Nolan continuing with the Adams. It was about two years later that the Wells, Fargo & Company Express succeeded the United States company. The three companies have, offices near the Union dei)ot, and each do an average monthly business of one thousand dollars. THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE has deputy assessors and collectors at Oil City. The first assessor was A. M. Turner, who reported to Joseph H. Lenheart of Meadville, and had his office in the Third ward not far from the Moran house. His service (1863- 66) was during the days of income and oil taxation, when incomes were returned as high as ninety- six thousand dollars, and one dollar a barrel was collected on oil; Richard Johnson from about 1866 to 1868; F. W. Hays to 1869; Doctor R. Colbert from August, 1869 to December. 1885; R. Bever- idge for a short time, and whose mysterious disappearance is still unex- plained; and finally John Barr, the present incumbent, have been Mr. Turn- er's successors. The territory has been enlarged on account of the repeal of tax laws so that liquor and tobacco only are now cared for. In 1874 occurred an interesting case of illicit distillery suppression. Doctor Colbert got the clew to a still on the Clarion river, and with a couple of officers found the place, the only evidence of life being a house, a large kettle with the smoke curling around it, and a horse standing at a water trough. An 454 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. examination of the watering place showed that the water was used to go under ground instead of to quench the thirst of the deceptive horse who remained there all day, and the innocent looking kettle sat over an under- ground smoke-stack! The officers swooped down upon the underground apparatus and got one of the "moon-shiners" into the penitentiary. Among the collectors have been W. F. Groves, E. F. Wilson, and Doc- tor Colbert. The United States Court Commissionership was first vested in Mr. A. M. Turner about 1867, and about 1870 Hugh C. Graham became his suc- cessor. The office proved to be more of a burden than blessing and since 1876 it has been discontinued. POST, TELEGRAPH, AND TELEPHONE OFFICES. It lacked two years of being a half century after the first United States postoffice route was established, when in 1840, Cornplanter postoffice was opened at A. G. Siverly's with that gentleman as postmaster, where mail arrived by courier once a week from Franklin. It is not known whether the official ax cut off Mr. Siverly's head, but he was succeeded at the end of the term by James Halyday, on Oil creek, who a year and a half later re- signed and let Samuel Bell of the furnace fill out the term. The mails were now semi-weekly by stage over the Pittsburgh and Warren turnpike, and were distributed during the next terms of James Young and Samuel HopeweJ], the village store-keeper of the Third ward. It must be remem- bered that the district handled its mail like a big family, so that after the death of the next appointee, Thomas Moran, while his widow at the hotel was filling out the term, it was the custom for the newly arrived oil specu- lator U) turn the barrel of mail over on the floor and pick out what he wanted. The sudden needs of the oil region led J. B. Reynolds, who had opened a store, to secure the appointment of his brother, Calvin B., May 2. 1861, and to obtain a change to the name Oil City. The location of these places has been given, and when the wild influx of population is remembered it will not be surprising to know that very soon two clerks were needed. The term beginning March 11, 1865, was filled by Fid Bishop, and Alexander W. Myers, the former serving until January 9, 1866. The next two terms beginning April 8, 1869, were in the hands of J. B. Howe, whom Fid Bishop succeeded Jvily 3, 1877, the latter using a room in the Lamberton block a few months, when he removed to the McCollum block, corner of Center and Elm streets. Postmaster Bishop and his clerks attended to the mail for ten years, when Colonel A. J. Greenfield was appointed January 20, 1886. The fact that even in Mr. Reynolds' time two clerks were employed and that four are now necessary will illustrate the growth better than other figures. Attempts have Ijeen made to secu7-e a free delivery, but the people seem OIL CITY. 455 to prefer two postoffices without it. By this is meunt thecoiitiauance of the south side office, established in 1864 under the name of the phice — Laytonia, with William L. Lay as postmastoi*. He opened the office in a l)uildintf on the river bank, where Central avenue descended to the ferry. Some time after he moved it to a buihling, since destroyed, near the west corner of State and Front streets. James Beatty had it in a l)uilding on the site of the tailor shop at the foot of State street, from 1872 to 1876, and then E. B. Young had it in the Italian fruit store room on State street near the corner of Front. January 1, 1886, Miss Josephine Doty was made post- mistress and soon removed it to the present room at the foot of State street. Prior to this time the office was kept in connection with other business, but Miss Doty began with the determination of making the office self-sustaining. That she has succeeded is proven by the fact that under her efficient management, it became a presidential office in 1887, and the business has so increased that it is now a money order office and one clerk is required. Telegraphic Communication seems to have reached the city about 1863, for in 18G4 the Western Union, the Merchants' to Pittsburgh, and the United States all hatf lines, but the Western Union did the most business and soon absorbed its rivals. The first operator who became a fixture was Martin Luce, now of Titusville, who had an office on the west side, in the second story of the old Goettel house — the site of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern depot. In 1865 James S. Lowe became assistant oper- ator, and the following year was placed in charge of an office then opened on the east side where the railway crosses Center street. This was for the oil men solely. In 1867 W. P. Lucas took charge. Some changes fol- lowed, and other lines came in to exist only a stort time. About 1870 the two Western Union offices were consolidated in a building at the corner of Kailway and Sycamore streets, and soon after in the opera house where four operators were employed. The greatest growth was during the Cherry Grove excitement when fifteen first-class operators were employed. They had an office in the Trust Company building previous to the opening of the new exchange building, since when they have had quarters there. The of- fice now employs ten operators. The Postal Telegraph also extended its lines here in 1884, with ofiices in the Exchange building. They have four operators. The Oil City Telephone Exchange was opened March 15, 1881, with Frank Ross as superintendent. They have since extended their wires to Siverly, McClintockville, and Franklin. Mr. Ross has been succeeded by J. S. Brown and A. T. Brennan, the present incumbent. BANKS AND BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. In a city composed largely of financiers and where fortunes have so fre- quently changed hands it is but natural that there should be excellent bank- 456 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ing facilities. Even in 1874 the banks of the city averaged a daily business of three and a half millions. C. V. Culver's Bank was the lir.st established in Oil City. This was in ISOl, and the office was placed in charge of John H. Coleman. It was one of a system of banks, and was afterward merged into the First National Bank. The Oil City Bank, incorporated in 1864, was a leading' institution for a few years, and did a very large business. C. Heydrick, of Franklin, was president, and John W. Eddy, cashier. The latter was succeeded by J. B. Candy. It was a bank of issue, and one of a coterie of banking institu- tions established by Charles Vernon Culver during the early period of the oil excitement. The failure of the great banking house of Culver, Penn & Company of New York, March 27, 1866, forced the suspension of the Oil City Bank, and it never again opened its doors. The Lamberton Bank is the outgrowth of the first banking house in the oil region. Rol)ert Lamberton, now deceased, began at Franklin late in the fifties, and as the needs of Oil City became apparent, he, in 1861, opened business here under the name of R. Lamberton & Company, with J. B. Howe, cashier, who, in 1863, was succeeded by S. H. Lamberton, a position he has held continuously since. Some time afterward the banking business, on the retirement of the elder Lamberton, was assumed by a new firm — Reynolds, Hukill & Company — the cashier above mentioned being the silent partner. They changed from the old quarters in the Third ward to a building on the site of the Boston store on Center street, and in 1871, an- ticipating the improvements in the low flats on the east side, erected the present Lamberton block about thirteen feet above the old Seneca street level, and occupying five lots. The building cost about seventy-eight thou- sand dollars. About 1875 the firm was changed to Reynolds, Lamberton & Company, the silent partner being Doctor R. Colbert, and September 1, 1884, R. G. Lamberton purchased the entire interest and the present name was adopted, the firm including R. G., S. H. , and C. M. Lamberton, who are respectively president, cashier, and assistant cashier. In 1887 the Ivy and Seneca blocks were added. Their available capital is two hundred thousand dollars with individual liability. The vault, lined with sixteen thousand pounds of steel and equipped with fine combination and time lock, is probably not surpassed in western Pennsylvania. The First National Bank of Oil City was organized November 5, 1868, and chartered on the following January 5th, with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars. Of the following gentlemen : William A. Shreve, William Hasson, J. J. Vandergrift, Joseph H. Marston, Charles Robson, William Brough, M. La Mont Bagg, William L. Lay, Conrad Reiter, George Cornwall, W^illiam C. Tillson, and Charles Vernon Culver, Mr. Shreve was chosen president with J. H. Coleman as cashier. The others — OIL CITY. 457 excepting Messrs. Culver, Marstoii. and llobsoii — wore luadc directors. The chantres in directorship have been as follows: 18(U, J. H. Coleman vice Bagg; 1805, L. E. Beebe and C. M. Titus vice Keiter and Brough; 1806, W. H. Beers. I. C. Yanhook, and C. liobson vice Tillson, Coleman, and Shreve: 1807-08, A. L. Bennett vice Vanhook, Beel)o, and Titus; bS^iU, H. I. Beers vice W. H. Beers; 1870-71, Vandergrift and Lay withdrew, 1872, L. P. M. Spencer vice Bennett; 1873-75, H. M. Choate vice Spencer; 1870. C. A. Corneu vice Choate; and from 1877 to 188*.) inclusive the same, except C. A. Cooper vice Robson. Mr. Shreve was followed as president by William Hasson, the present incumbent, January 9, 18<)0. This is the only bank of issue in the city, and was organized with au- thority to increase its capital to live hundred thousand dollars. Up to 1870* the bank was on Main street, Third ward, when it was removed to the pres- ent building, on the corner of Center and Seneca streets. Cashiers have succeeded Mr. Coleman in the following order: W. C. llehren. January 12, 1804; John Walker, January 18, 1805; A. L. Bennett, May 13, 1805; L. P. M. Spencer, April 1, 1872; H. M. Choate, May U, 1872; James A. Waugh, August 20, 1875; R. C. Beveridge, December 31, 1878; and John M. Berry, February 7, 1885. The Oil City Savings Bauk.— On Main street near Bridge street in 1805 there was opened one of the earliest banking houses of Oil City, with S. D. Herron as cashier. It had been organized by directors George W. Cochran (also president), T. B. Porteous, James Miller, William Parker, W. J. Kountz, William Phillips. W. B. Riddle, John Mawhinney, and William Thompson, with an authorized capital of eight;^ thousand dollars, for which each stock- holder was individually liable. The cashier resigned the same year and his place has since been filled by H. H. Stephenson. The Wurster meat-market building on Main street was the next place occupied by the bank, and it was not until about 1874 that they secured the present loca- tion on the corner of Elm and Center streets. A quiet, prosperous career is a considerable thing for any bank to boast and under the successive presi- dencies of George W. Cochran, William Thompson, John ^Mawhinney. and William Parker this can be claimed for this institution. The Oil City Trust Company grew out of the needs of the extensive operations of the firm of Vandergrift, Form an & Company, for more suita- ble banking facilities in 1872. They began as a private company with indi- vidual liability for the authorized capital stock, one hundred thousand dol- lars, and under the presidency of George V. Forman, with Henry L. Davis as cashier, who, late in the following year, was succeeded by W. J. Young. The present incorporation has been the most important change in the bank's career; it was organized as follows: President, W. J. Young; cashier, C. M. Loomis, who are still retained; and directors: J. J. Vandergrift, J. R. Campbell, W. J. Hulings, T. A. McLaughlin, Henry Lewis, M. Geary, and 458 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. M. Lowentritt. This company bought out the old company — business and buihiing entire— June 30, 1883, and under their new state charter the capital stock was increased to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Their pres- ent large building, corner Seneca and Sycamore streets, became their quar- ters in December. 1873. on the removal from the opera house building where they began operations the year before. F. W. Mitchell & Company, a private banking house, was composed, at its organization November 3, 1873, of three partners — F. W. Mitchell, George V. Forman, and F. H. Steel— with an authorized capital of fifty thousand dollars. Their building at the corner of Sycamore and Elm streets has been the location from the first, and the only changes in business occurred in 1875, when Mr. Forman withdrew, and in 1882 when W. H. Wise became a partner, together with the increase of capital July 31, 1877, to one hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Steel, as cashier, has had the man- agement from the first. This bank is recognized as one of the safest and most substantial financial institutions in Venango county. The Building and Loan Associations which have been so great a boon to the working people of this country in securing homes, and of so great ad- vantage in the tasteful structure of towns, first obtained a footing in Oil City in 1881. The Union Building and Loan Association began in March of that year under Directors Merritt, Guernsey, Mcintosh, Vandergrift, Jr., Loomis, Lay, Grant, Chickering, Ormston, Hays, and Buchanan, with an authorized capital of three thousand shares of two hundred dollars each. The officers chosen at first have for the most part been continued to the present; they were B. H. Carnahan, president; D. L. Trax, vice president; B. C. Simp- son, secretary; Charles H. Lay, Jr., treasurer; Mr. Buchanan, auditor, and F. W. Hays, solicitor. There have been no losses from the first; the aver- age premiums have been about twenty per cent. , and the value of shares so increased that by the end of the first five years a second association was formed. This was the Home Building and Loan Association whose five hundred stockholders organized in April, 1886. with the following officers: Pres- ident, M. Lowentritt; vice-president, C. M. Loomis; secretary, G. W. Parker: treasurer, W. W. Davis; solicitor, F. W. Hays, and directors: Brown, Simpson, Guernsey, Carnahan, Young, Stephenson, Berry, Welch, Meals, and Hays. The leading officers have been retained, while the pre- miums on their authorized stock of eight hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of two hundred dollars each, have averaged similar to the Union. Neither association has had any losses, and the steady prosperity of both has been the means of building over a thousand houses in less than a decade, and chiefly in the last three years. This is due no less to the good management of its officers than to the excellence of the plan itself. OIL CITY. 459 NEWSPAPEUS. The first newspaper at Oil City, the Weekh/ Rcgi'sfrr. was issued for the first time on the 14th of January. 1862, by W. K. Johns. It has been fol- lowed successfully by the Monitor, Petroleum Monthly, Sand Pump, Bul- letin, Semi Weekly Petrolian, Republican, Times, Derrick. Sunday Call, Bliz- zard, Critic, and Democrat; the Derrick, founded in 1881, and Blizzard, founded in 1882, are issued both daily and weekly, and the Critic, founded in 1886, is published weekly. HOTELS AND HALLS. So much of a community's histoiy is associated with its hotels, public halls, and theaters that an attempt is here made to trace out the most im- portant early ones. The Halyday, Bannon, Moran, Ked Lion, and Dickey taverns have been mentioned as on the west side. The Petroleum house, one of the most noted, and which still stands between Main street and the creek, followed the Dickey tavern, with James Colgan and afterward Charles Pither as pro- prietor. The Mead house and the Parker house were two others that sprung up in the first two years of the sixties. On the east side the Edmonds hotel on the site of the Transit block, corner of Center and Seneca streets, was the first. Its name was afterward changed to the Ohio hotel, and on the corner diagonally opposite arose the Philadelphia hotel. Many others followed, chiefly on Center and INIain streets, frequently changing names and proprietors. It was almost as pay- ing a business then as that of the teamster, which is'saying a great deal. On the south side the first was the Laytonia house, corner of Central avenue and Front street. Probably the first hall was a frame building on Main below Bridge street as early as 1860-61. The Halyday run school house was used as early as 1862, and a little later •' the old banking house," built by A. J. AV right & Company, but never used for banking as intended. On the east side the first hall was in the block on the Derrick ofiice site, owned by Reynolds and Williams. The school house on the site of the Oil Well Supply Company's office was used, and the old Methodist Episcopal church just opposite, and also the successor of the latter after the fire of 1866. After that date the present halls Avere erected from year to year. On the south side Lee's hall was the first, about 1868-64. and is still standing on the banks of the run on Front below Petroleum street. Smith & Allison's hall was built a year or so later. The first theater that was generally recognized as such was called Bas- com's hall. It was a large fi-ame building erected on the hill where Main street turns to the west. It was opened in 1865 under the management of O'Hara & Blake, and afterward became known as O'Hara's hall. It was used for various purposes and finally fell into decay. 460 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, The first opera house was built in 1872 at the head of Center street by John Love, and although managed by General John A. Wiley, it proved unsuitable so that it was entirely remodeled, and in September, 1878, was reopened under the management of Samuel T. Jack. This was used until in February, 1884, when, one night after a performance by the Edwin Thorn Black Flag Company, it was burned to the ground. During the succeeding autumn the south side rink on Fj-ont street, corner of Central avenue, was fitted up by Kane & Tracy, and opened on Novem- ber 18th. In the summer of 1885 a desire to rebuild the opera house led M. Geary, president, W. J. Young, Thomas B. Simpson, C. M. Loomis, and M. Lowentritt to purchase the old site at the head of Center street, and in July construction was begun. Meanwhile Kane & Rogers had become man- agers of the south side rink, and on the completion of the new opera house leased it. Their grand opening occurred on the evening of December 21, 1885, W. E. Sheridan appearing as Louis XL The audience room on the second floor has a stage thirty-three feet deep and fifty-eight feet wide, with all the appointments of a metropolitan opera house. The seating ca- pacity is about one thousand, and the popxilar stars frequently greet full houses. The south and west sides have no other theater. MANUFACTURES. Besides the furnace period, there have been two other eras in Oil City manufactures, the petroleum and natural gas periods, the advent of the latter in 1883, giving greater promise of a permanent future for Oil City than any previous derelopment. The character of the manufactures has been largely that connected with the oil industry, so that everything from the drill point to the finest gasoline is made within the city limits, but other branches of manufacture are now coming in. This chapter attempts to sketch only the most important and distinct manufactures, and in the order of their establish)uent. Charles Eobson d- Company l^egan in a small way, in 1860, near the site of the pipe lines' shops, in the Third ward, the first manufactory of the new Oil City. About 1863 they bought Hassou's hardware, on the corner of Center and Seneca, opposite the Exchange site. F. Giegel and George Porter joined the firm in 1864, and, after the fire of 1866, they built on the Oil Exchange site, where business increased so that they employed twenty- four men at one time. They closed the business in 1871. Ciimmings Brothers' Machine Shops were probably the next. They flour- ished during the latter part of the sixties, and gradually ceased doing business, as the old shops on Seneca street, near the new Transit block, are still standing idle, with the machinery in them. The brothers were Alexan- der, William, and eJohn. OIL CITY. 401 The Saltzmaiin Breivery was Imilt in 1802, on Charley run. In ISSl the lirm of J. J. Saltzmann & Sons erected one on Palace Hill, which was burned in March, 1887. This was rebuilt at once, on a larger scale, and uow has a daily capacity of iifty barrels. T]ie Iiiijterial Barrel Works were ready for l)usiness in March, 1878, with a daily capacity of one thousand barrels and a force of two hundred and fifty men and boys. This force and capacity have more than trebled since. The first officers were I. I. Wagner, president; C. A. Cooper, vice-president; and C. W. Owston, secretary and general manager. It was afterward bouo-ht by the Imperial Refining Company, and the present name assumed. The Imperial Rcfmlng Compamj, Limited, with works at Siverly and general offices over the Oil City Savings Bank, was organized in 1871. Their officers were: President, J. J. Vandergrift; treasurer, John Pitcairn, Jr. ; I'-eneral manager. John Gracie. who, with J. J. Lawrence and G. V. Forman, constituted the directory. It has since become a limited com[)any, with B. F. Brundred. chairman, and G. H. Vilas, secretary and treasurer, and now has the following departments: The gasoline plant, with a capacity of one thousand ])arrels of naphtha daily; the refinery proper, with daily capacity of two thousand barrels of crude oil; the barrel works, with an annual capacity of three hundred thousand barrels; and the paraffine works, formerly owned by C. C. Beggs & Company, having a monthly capacity of five thousand barrels of paraffine oil. The Oil Well Supply Company, Limited, is a firm which has grown from the needs of the oil development. Early in the sixties New York supply firms began to have their western departments cover the new oil fields. Eaton & Cole were one of these about 1807 and by about 1873 it had be- come the Eaton, Cole & Burnham Company. Meanwhile, in 1869, Mr. Eaton had located at Titusville; in January, 1870, Mr. Chickering came on, and in 1878 they opened their first Oil City store on Elm street. They afterward moved into the Hukill block on Sycamore street and in 1877 built the nucleus of their factory near the Union depot. At this time they had aV-)out fourteen stores at various points, while Kerr, Geider & Company, another firm, had about ten, and W. C. Allison & Company, J. D. Wolf & Company, J. D. Lupher & Company, and others had one each. These were all absorbed or bought out sooner or later and March 14, 1878, the present company was organized with John Eaton, president, and John A. Hinkley, secretary and treasurer. TUe capital stock was three hundred thousand dollars. The official changes have been as follows: On the resignation of Mr. Hinkley in January, 1880, Kenton Chickering was elected secretary; E. T. Howes, treasurer; and in November, 1885, K. Saul- nier became assistant treasurer. The paid-up capital is now five hundred thousand dollars. The firm at first did not intend to manufacture, but during 1878 a single 462 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. experimenting room became the nucleus of such an extensive factory system that they now make everything they need, many of the most important articles being their own patents. At Oil City their extensive machine and blacksmith shops at the offices employ about one hundred and twenty men; and their engine works, formerly the Innis Manufacturing Company, pur- chased in January, 188U, have about seventy-iive hands; at Bradford, Penn- sylvania, their machine shops have a force of about fifty men, while about thirty are employed in the sand reel shops; at Van Wert, Ohio, a sucker- rod factory and planing mill employ about thirty to sixty men. Their stores are even more extensive and so sensitive to the needs and variations of the oil developments that their changes can not be given complete. Beginning in Oil creek region and the Bradford held with stores in 1878, at Tarport, Summit, and Allentown, they have extended to Cherry Grove, Warren, Pittsburgh, Karns City, Petrolia, Kolor City, Mil- lerstown, Parker City, Foxburg, Edenburg, Elk City. Derrick City, Red Rock, Eldred, Sawyer City, Mix Creek, Duke Center, Kendall, Limestone, Haysville, Garfield, Emlenton, and Grand Valley, Pennsylvania; Maxburg, Marietta, Van Wert, Lima, and Cygnet, Ohio; Washington. New York city, and Baku, Russia. Some of these however have been sold or aban- doned. Their largest store is at Pittsburgh, the office of the president, where J. C. Palmer is superintendent, and Charles Smith, storekeeper with a force of about fifty men. The second in size is Oil City, the office of the secretary, where G. N. Reed is assistant, and C. F. Howes, storekeeper with a force of about twenty-five men; while the Bradford stores, the office of the treasurer and assistant, with C. F. Collins, storekeeper, and about twenty clerks, are third in size. The remaining stores employ altogether about sixty clerks. This makes a grand total of about four hundred and sixty factory and office employes, while their trade covers the entire oil regions of the world. The Economy Refining Company was an early one, located on upper Seneca street and after a career of several years was closed about 1884, and dismantled by the Imperial Refining Company which had formerly bought it. The Railivay Shojys of the W^estern New York and Pennsylvania railroad were located in the upper part of the east flats by the company when their division termini were placed here. Their capacity and numerous buildings have increased gradually until this is headquarters for about fifty engines, fifty-five engineers, fifty-two firemen, and in the shops are employed a force of one hundred and fifty-seven men. The Oil City Gas Comjyany received its charter January 26, 1876, and on the following July 10th the city was illuminated for the first time. The first cost was seventy thousand dollars. The corporation included A. F. Kent, C. J. Hepburn, Jonathan McCollum, C. F. Hartwell, and Doctor J. A. Ritchey, of whom Mr. McCollum was president; Mr. Hartwell, secretary; OIL CITY. 463 aud Mr. Kent, treasurer and .superintendent. The eupital stock was seventy - five thousand dollars. The use of natural gas, after uiidergoinir prepara- tion, has been the chief change, together with the use of oil instead of coal ajjout 18S0. This has been since connected with the Fuel Supply company. The Joseph Reid Foundry and Machine Woi^ks, on Seneca street, Ijegan in a one-story building, thirty-seven feet square, in 187(5, as a machine shop. Increasing business gradually enlarged this to one hundred and lifty feet by thirty-seven, and two stories, and iron and brass foundries were added. En gines and locomotives were soon made after Mr. Keid's own plans, the first of the locomotives built in Oil City ^1882). The manufacture was from time to time extended so as to make the Stover pumping rig, log-dogs, etc. The increase was such that in 1887, when twenty two hands were employed, they removed to new quarters in the rink building, one hundred and eighty by forty- eight feet. The Oil City Boil 67' Works were established in 1870 by M. Geary, B. "W. Yandergrift, and Daniel O" Day with a small capital, in a building located on the corner of Duncan street, now iised as a store room for various wares. One year after the establishment of the business, J. J. Yandergrift and J. J. Yandergrift, Jr., purchased the interest of B. AV. Yandergrift and continued to be members of the firm until 1882, when M. Geary and Daniel O'Day became sole owners. In 1881 the plant was located in its present quarters and has grown with wonderful rapidity, the business having varied so wddely that as high as six hundred men have been employed and the expenditures for a single year have been as high as one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. At the present time employment is given to about two hundred men, and an average of sixty boilers an«ll from seventy -five to one hundred engines are manufactured per month, which find ready markets all over the world. The company is now erecting a large brick building, at a cost of some fifty thousand dollars, with sufficient room for every depart- ment of the works. The Logan Repair Shop)S are in the hands of the Logan Brothers, A. and R. Logan, the former being at the head of the machinery department and the latter the financial manager. Their works are located near the head of Center street, comprising machine shops, wood-turning shops, scroll saw'ing, and dealing stores. They began business here in 1879. The Kramer Wagon Coiiipa)ty occupy two buildings from Elm to Rail- road street — the blacksmithing and painting departments being a three story brick, thirty- eight feet by one hundred and fifteen feet, the wood working department beiug a two-story biiilding covering an area forty by two hun- dred feet. The firm had grown from smaller beginnings until it was formed on its present basis in 1880, since which it has grown in system and trade under the able management of Messrs. W. J. Kramer and D. L. Trax. Of their specialties, implements and heavy road-wagons, they had sold over 464 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. two thousand of the latter up to 1888, and in 1889 averaged one hundred per month. A new three-story brick, thirty-six by one hundred feet, was erected on Elm street in 1888, and the loss of an eight thousand dollar tire replaced in another building. Hunt d- Hallett, manufacturers and dealers in lumber and brick, hard and soft coal, etc., have yards and offices in the Third ward, between Main street and the river. This firm was organized in 1878 as wholesale shippers and dealers in coal and lumber, and in 1887 it purchased an old plant and began to manufacture. Beginning in a very small way they now have a maniifacturing capacity of about three million feet per annum, and a ready market for their product in the vicinity of Oil City. The United States government is also an extensive patron in the item of heavy lumber used in Allegheny river improvements, and Oil City proper buys from them all the material for internal improvements and repairs. The introduction of nat- ural gas has about driven out the coal business while it has had a tendency to improve the lumber traffic. This firm is composed of W. G. Hunt, J. F. Hallett, and Thomas H. Nicholson. The Innis Manufactnri.ng Company grew from the connection of W. J. Innis with the oil region, which began in 1865. He continued for several years in the manufacture of his patent sucker- rod for oil wells, and grad- ually extended into the making of other machinery. His excellent inven- tions in the steam engine line led to the formation of the present company in 1880, which includes his son, W. C. Innis, the superintendent in charge, since which time they have confined themselves to engiae building. They erected shops on upper Seneca street occupying an area one hundred and seventy-five by two hundred and ten feet, eml)racing a twostory machine shop sixty by one hundred, a one-story " L," forty by sixty, and iron foundry fifty by eighty, and other buildings. The popularity of their fifteen horse- power engines so increased that by 1887 they had sold over three thousand to the trade in all parts of the world, and their works, with a capacity of one hundred and twenty-live engines per month, employed one hundred and thirty-five men. Probably Mr. Innis' greatest invention is the recently perfected high speed automatic single valve engine, so highly recommended by Charles T. Porter, the well-known engine scientist. These works were purchased in January, 1889, by the Oil AVell Supply Company, Limited, and are mentioned in that connection. The National Transit Company' s Pipe Line Shops were brought from Petrolia in 1881, under the old United Pipe Lines maucigement. It was placed in the Third ward below the suspension bridge and began with machine shops, foundry and pump repairing, with a force of about twenty- five men. Their needs increased so rapidly that in the spring of 1889, new brick shops were added — a machine shop two hundred by sixty-four feet, a blacksmith and pattern shop one hundred and fifty by sixty -four feet, at ^"y \ FGKar-^.-^ 3,C'Ky OIL CITY. 467 a total cost of about twenty -live thonsatul dollars. With these are eonsol- itlated the Tarport shops; a total force of about one hundred and thirty men is employed. Tlie Union Refining Company began in 1879 with works near the mouth of Cornplanter rim. Marcus Hulings, John A. Wiley, B. F. iJiund- red. and Wesley Chambers were the projectors. It has since l)ecome the gasoline plant of the Imperial Retiuing Company. The Astral Refining Company, Limited, was organized about 1881 with works at Astral station on the Allegheny Valley railway. Tlie com- pany has been twice reorganized, once in April, 1884, and latterly in December, 1888, when the present Astral Oil Refining (.ompany secured it: the officers of the company chosen were: J. Manning, chairman: M. Braun- schweiger, treasurer, and J. B. Berry, secretary. Their works have a capacity of two hundred barrels of refined oil daily. Tlie Independent Refining Company, Limited, grew out of the Inde- pendent Oil Company, and was organized May 11, 1882, with the following officers: President, John Theobald; treasurer, L. Walt, and secretary, A. A. Rockwood. They began with works on Oil creek, a mile north of the postofilice at Oil City, having a still capacity of five hundred barrels, since increased to one thousand eight hundred barrels, and including also a gaso- line plant and high-test steam stills. The Enterprise Milling Company' s mills are located on Elm and Rail- way streets, and were established May 1, 1883, by L. R. Reed and W. AV. McConnell. August 1, 1886, Mr. Reed purchased the entire interest, and in November, the present company was formed, so that liy the following year their capacity was about three car-loads daily. After their great fire, in November, 1887, they rebuilt and put in rollers. Their plant and busi- ness is valued at about twenty- five thousand dollars. The Oil Ctty Fuel Supply Company bought the charter of an old com- pany which had drilled some and failed to find gas. This was done in the spring of 1883 by the new company, whose officers were: E. Strong, president: O. H. Strong, secretary, and R. W. Porterfield, treasurer. Drilling was begun at once in the fields, some miles distant, and by August, 1883. natural gas was supplied to Oil City for fuel, and the new era of heating began. The marvelous stimulation it has had upon the manufact- ures of the city is well known, and a new era of permanent prosperity has been opened. The company has its headquarters here in the McCollum block, on Center street, and from this field liaes have been extended to supply Franklin, Meadville, Sharon, Mercer, Youngstown (Ohio), and numerous smaller places. Two other companies, the Northwestern Pennsylvania Natural Gas Com- pany, which leases the supply privilege to Oil City, and the Manufacturers' s 26 468 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Gas Comiiany, which supplies illumiuating gas to the city, also, are con- nected with this company. C. S. Cordie rf' Company' s Planing Mill and Spoke Factory was brouo-ht from Emlenton in 1885 by Mr. Cordie and located near the railway, above Center street. Twelve men are employed. The Continental Refining Company, Limited, was organized in 1885 un- der the following oflficers: Chairman, Louis Morris; treasurer, Louis Walt, and secretary, Thomas Anderton. Their works, located on Oil creek, a short distance above Oil City, began with a five hundred barrel capacity, and have since grown to one of one thousand five hundred barrels. The Penn Refining Company, Limited, has large works along Oil creek just north of Oil city that are now of a capacity of one thousand eight hun- dred barrels, or six hundred barrels more than when they began in 1886. The first ofiicers, who are still retained, were: H. Suhr, chairman; S. Justus, secretary and treasurer; and L. Walt, general manager. The Keystone Refining ComxDany was organized in the spring of 1886, with F. D. Cummer, president; C. A. Hotchkiss, vice-president; and J. Swartz, secretary. Their paraffine works were located about two miles above Oil City on the creek and the refinery had a capacity of seven hundred bar- rels. About a year later they failed and the works were bought by the Eclipse Company of Franklin. The Oil City Tube Company is a corporation of recent date. It began in 1887 with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars, afterward doubled, and in charge of M. Lowentritt, president; N. F. Clark, vice- president; C. H. Duncan, secretary; W. J. Young, treasurer; JohnO'Shea, manager; George H. White, superintendent; directors: Lowentritt, Geary, Joseph Seip, R. G. Lamberton, and C. H. Duncan. The buildings erected include a lap- weld mill, three hundred and four by two hundred feet, of corrugated iron, containing four furnaces, with a daily capacity of one hundred tons of pipe, one and one-half to twelve inches by thirty feet; a battery of boilers of about six hundred horse power; eight engines ranging from twenty-five to one hundred and twenty-five horse power; a hydraiilic testing pump, two steam hammers, two belt hammers, thirty pipe cutting and coupling machines, etc. ; and a butt-weld mill, one hundred by two hundred and fifty feet, with three furnaces, and machinery to make one- eighth to one and one-half inch gas, steam, water, and hydraulic pipes, and motive power composed of boilers of two hundred horse power and two en- gines of one hundred horse power each. The site covers five acres front- ing on the railway and Seneca street and six hundred men are employed. The works have steadily grown to accommodate their great and rapid!}' formed trade. January 1, 1888, M. Geary became president, Joseph Seip, vice-president, and G. S. Oberly, secretary, and soon after the stock was increased to three hundred thousand dollars. OIL CITY. 4G9 TJie Hintermister Organ Company has its works ou flu; south end of Front street. It was organized in 1887 by local capital to secure the re- moval of the works from Buffalo to Oil City. The business is under the management of the patentee, J. H. Hintermister. They now have a capac- ity of six organs per week. The Crystal Oil Works, Limited, were established in May, 1887, by Thomas F. Wright. They began with a two hundred barrel still capacity and have since increased to four hundred. The works are three miles up Oil creek. The Nonpareil Refining Company of Oil City, beginning w-ith a capital stock of twenty-five thousand dollars, have since trebled it. The organiza- tion was effected in October, 1888, with John W. Davis, president; John Downes, vice-president; J. S. Henry, secretary, and W. H. Wise, treas- urer. The works are at Rouseville and have a still capacity of^seven hun- dred and fifty barrels. OIL OPERATIONS. In all the phases of the oil industry this city has been prominent — in its production, sale, transportation, outfitting, and manufacture, but especially is this true of the last four, and pre-eminently so of its sale and transpor- tation. The United Pipe Lines Division of the National Transit Company, with headquarters at Oil City, represents the transportation of crude oil, and is a part of probably the finest mechanical and commercial organization known. From the time that the pipe transportation idea occurred to J. L. Hutchinson of New York in 1860 to the time, m 1865, when Samuel Van Syckle, of Morris county. New Jersey, laid the first screw-and-thimble pipes from Miller Farm to Pithole, there were no organizations. In the spring of 1866 Henry Harley, a civil engineer and graduate of Eenssaellaer Poly- technic Institute, laid more lines and secured control of the Pithole line. Then it became a success and during the next ten years companies organ- ized so fast that by 1876 there were ten pipe line companies in the oil region. Competition had also become so great that many companies failed, and the oil certificates were suspicioned quite as much as the issue of the old "wild-cat" banks. To this was added the burden of custodian as well as transporter, and the great loss by waste. To remedy this, in 1877, a consolidation was effected between the (old) United Pipe Lines; the Antwerp and Oil City Pipe Company; the Atlantic Pipe Company; the American Transfer Company (in Clarion and Venango counties) ; the Sandy Pipe Line, and the Milton Pipe Line, under the name of the first mentioned. The incorporation was made in March with a ca]3ital of three million dollars. Officers were chosen as follows: J. J. Vander- grift, president; M. Hulings, vice-president; H. M. Hughes, secretary; J. 470 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. R. Campbell, treasurer; E. Hopkins, general manager; H. L. Taylor, J. Pitcairn, Jr., H. M. Hughes, J. J. Vandergrift, E. C. Bradley, M. Hulings, J. T. Jones, D. O'Day, H. M. Flagler. J. D. Rockefeller, and J. A. Bost- wick, directors. Messrs. Taylor and Pitcairn afterward resigned and were succeeded by E. D. Worcester and William Brougli respectively as direct- ors. After the death of Mr. Hopkins W. T. Scheide succeeded him, !)ut in May, 188V), failing health caused him to resign, and his place has not been filled; otherwise the same otlicers have served by re-election. During the same year the following lines were purchased: The Empire Pipe Line, the Columbia Conduit Company, the American Transfer Com- pany, (in McKean county, Pennsylvania, and Cattaraugus county. New York), the Olean Pipe Line, the Hunter & Cumings line, the Keystone Pipe Line, the Pacific Pipe Line, and the Relief Pipe Company, whereupon the capital stock was increased to five million dollars. The increased advan- tages for more perfect system and less expense in management enabled them at once to reduce the pipage rate from the former price of thirty cents and upward to the fixed rate of twenty cents per barrel from and to all points reached by their lines. The capacity of the lines, by the time the company was a year and a half old, was over one thousand five hundred miles of two-inch pipe, three hundred miles of three and four inch pipe, three hundred and fifty iron tanks capable of holding over five million two hun- dred thousand barrels of forty-two gallons each, of which one million eight hundred thousand barrels were owned by the company and the rest leased, and over eight huudi-ed miles of telegraph wires connecting its sta- tions with each other and with the general offices at Oil City. Its first general offices were in a building on the site of the Oil City Trust Company's bank. About 1870 they moved to the rooms at the head of Center street now occupied by the Green Line, and remained there until the present building, occupied by the Oil City Trust Company, was built, in 1878, when the upper floors became their apartments. In the early part of 1878 the great opening in the Bradford district tried their power to increase their capacity to the utmost, and by April they had succeeded. By this time also they had already decided on the policy of not being dealers, ])ut simply storers and transporters, and their success, with a stability equal to that of national banks, soon overcame all the objections that so often arise against public cari'iers, while their certificates assumed a negotiable value ever after unquestioned. In 1880 the long distance lines were begun to the seaboard and else- where, so that every well in the oil region was soon connected by pipes with the holds of ocean steamships. Up to April 1, 1884r, the increase in long distance pipage, much of which had been secured by a corporation known as the National Transit Company, the need for greater charter advantages, the advisability of securing greater OIL CITY. 471 tank capacity for cases of over-production, and a more constant and uni- form sliipnjent, all combined to make it advisible for the United Pipe Linos to be transferred to this company. This was done April 1, 1884; the oil! cers of the company were C. A. Griscom, Philadelphia, president; Benjamin Brewster, New York, vice president; D. O'Day, Buffalo, general manager; John Bushnell, New York, comptroller; G. W. Colton, New York, treasurer; H. M. Flagler, New York; J. A. Bostwick, New York; W. G. Warden, Phila- delphia; J. D. Potts, Philadelphia; B. Brewster, New York; J. D. Archbold, New York, and C. A. Griscom, Philadelphia, directors. Under this organi- zation the company was divided into the United Pipe Lines and Trunk Lines divisions, the former continuing to have general offices and immediate man- agement at Oil City as before. There has been little or no change in policy or management. The departments here are in the following hands: J. B. Maitland, superintendent of tankage; J. S. Klein, superintendent of machinery depart- ment, described elsewhere; W. W. Splane, superintendent of telegraph; Al- bert Smedley, superintendent of construction; J. R. Campbell, treasurer; H. McSweeney, solicitor, and Glenn T. Braden, general superintendent. In each department are a large force of employes, that help to swell the popu- lation of the c;ty. There are now operated from three to four thousand miles of pipe in Pennsylvania and New York. The office rooms falling short of their necessities, the splendid new Transit building on the corner of Seneca and Center streets was begun in the spring of 1889. It is above the basement a four- story structure of pressed brick, Medina sandstone, and terra cotta-work, sixty by one hundred and twenty feet, with arched main entrance on Seneca street, opening into marble- tiled corridors. The architects were Curtis & Archer, of Fredonia, New York. The estimated cost is ninety-thousand dollars. The Oil Exchange is the perfection of petroleum transfers which began with its sale as a crude medicine by the Indians and pioneers of Venango county. The real traffic began in August, 1859, by buying at the wells when the price was twenty dollars a barrel. The stupendous production of 1860-61, before an unformed demand, brought it down to ten cents a barrel in January, 1862, and for several years, until the foreign demand was created and the business systematized, prices were subject to frequent and formidable fluctuations. This of course was a flame that attracted fierce speculation, and the oil dealer became as much of a fixture as the lumber dealer. For the first five years the dealer or speculator bought the oil at the well, in the barrel, on the boat, in bulk, at the wharves, in the ware- houses up and down the river, anywhere, but chiefly at the warehouses in the Third ward. Any change in the New York market was the signal for the oil dealer to race up the river on horseback to buy up or unload as his 472 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. interest dictated, and often the result was heavy loss. Then the oil ex- change was on horseback; this was so until 1867, at the completion of the Oil Creek and Farmers' railroads between Oil City and Titusville, the right of way of which was only obtained on condition that every oil farm should have a depot at which i^assenger trains should stop. Then the passenger cars became the exchange, but very soon a special oil men's car was secured to run independently of passenger trains. For two or three years this car was the scene of transactions involving millions, and the bulls and bears were quite as excitable on wheels as in their later quarters. Telegraph and better tranportation made it unnecessary to go out of the city by 1869, and in December of that year a meeting was held in Owston & Lower's office for the first organization of an exchange. In 1870 room was secured in the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company's office, at the rail- road crossing on Center street, but as these quarters were too small a room was fitted up in the Sands block. This was burned in January, 1872, and a room in the opera, house was used, together with summer quarters in a shed erected near the Empire Line offices. In 1873 several causes com- bined to prevent the continuance of the organization, notably the South Im- provement Company excitement. February 4, 1874, a meeting was held at the Collins house, William Hasson, chairman, and J. F. Leech, secretary, and fifty-five persons organized the Oil City Oil Exchange with George V. Forman, president; A. J. Green- field, vice-president; J. F. Leech, secretary; James Mawhinney, treasurer. They secured rooms in the Collins house and on April 29th following were regularly incorporated by a state charter. The}' began with the old rules, and discipline and system were slowly adopted. At first business began any time and closed any time, but the rules were constantly revised and im- proved, so that in a short time this exchange controlled the markets of the world. In 1877 a new building was agitated and a building committee ap- pointed, composed of Messrs. William Hasson, A. J. Greenfield, William Parker, and John Mawhinney. The site chosen was the block facing north on Center, Seneca, and Sycamore streets, and the work was begun in July under the personal supervision of Architect J. M. Budge of Meadville, who had planned the Derrick block; the contract was let to Carpenter & Com- pany of Meadville, the biiilding alone to cost sixty -five thousand dollars. A fine brick, sixty by one hundred feet, and three stories above the basement, slowly arose and was completed April 20, 1878, ready for the grand opening on the 23rd. This was a great day for Oil City, and the galleried exchange room, with its bull -ring directly under the dome, and its surrounding telegraph offices and rooms were crowded even to overflow through the main entrances opening on Center, Seneca, and Sycamore streets, to listen to the OIL CITY. 473 speeches of President Greenfield and others. At two o'clock in the ufter- noon the clang of the bell let loose the well-known pandemonium of the first trades, among which were the following: J. J. Fisher, one thousand bar- rels at one dollar and twenty-seven and one-half cents, to C. W. McClintock; S. Ames, one thousand, at the same, to Frank Mitchell; G. S. Morgan, one thousand, at the same, to J. H. Dixon; and H. V. Sikes, one thousand at one dollar twenty-eight and one-eighth cents, to A. Kelly. Before closing one hundred and forty-five thousand barrels were sold, ranging from one dollar twenty-six and seven-eighths cents to one dollar twenty-nine and three-eighths cents, and all opened well for the exchange, which was then the third in the United States and the first in the oil trade, with a member- ship of three hundred. The chief improvements since added are the opening of a clearing house October 17, 1882, the clearings for which in 1885 aggregated one billion four hu.ndred and thirty-three million seven hundred and thirty-eight thou- sand dollars, and the erection of an annex in 1888 almost equal in size to the original building, and supplying parlors, smoking rooms, offices, etc. The entire cost of the whole enterprise has amounted to nearly one hundred thousand dollars. The last two years have given New York and Pittsburgh exchanges a slight predominance over this one. The membership now em- braces about two hundred and fifty persons, about twenty- five of whom, it is estimated, are brokers. The officers have been as follows: In 1874, George V. Forman, presi- dent; A. J. Greenfield, vice-president; J. F. Leech, secretary, and John Mawhinney, treasurer. In 1875 P. H. Judd became secretary, and m 1876 J. M. McElroy was chosen vice-president. 1877. — A. J. Greenfield, president; H. L. Foster, vice-president; J. B. Smithman, secretary, and John Mawhinney, treasurer. In 1878. J. T. Jones, as vice-president, and C. P. Stephenson, as secretary, were the only changes. 1879. — H. L. Foster, president; C. N. Payne, vice-president; H. L. McCance, secretary, and John Mawhinney, treasurer. In 1880, T. A. McLaughlin became vice-president, and no changes were made in 1881. 1882. — T. A. McLaughlin, president; W. D. Archbold, vice president; O. C. Sherman, treasurer, and H. L. McCance, secretary. 1883. — H. L. Foster, president; George Heard, vice-president; K. T. Leech, secretary, and O. C Sherman, treasurer. In 1884 I. M. Sowers became vice-president, and the only changes since have been the election of W. H. Choate as treasurer in 1885, and W. W. Nicholas as vice-president in 1880. The Oil City Board of Trade, although somewhat spasmodic in its activity, has been of incalculable service in the permanent growth of the city. Its 4:14: HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. first organization occurred in 3878, and among its most active members were W. L. Lay, W. J. Innis, J. B. Reynolds, and C. A. Cooper, to the number of about fifty or sixty. It met in the room now occupied by the exchange restaurant, and among its presiding officers were W. L. Lay and W. J. Innis. The loss of records makes details uncertain. They succeeded in securing the location here of many of the leading manufactures, and were active for about five years. In November, 1886, a reorganization was effected under a charter, with H. L. Foster, president; William L. Lay, vice-president; Walter R. Johns, secretary, and W. H. Wise, treasurer. This board rapidly grew to a hundred members and their influence created a boom. There have been no changes of importance since. SECRET, SOCIAL, AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES. Oil City has a penchant for organizations not surpassed probably by any other city of its size. It is not only characteristic of its manufacturing, commercial and religious activities, but even more so of its fraternal, social, and professional life. It is said that more money is paid into mutual aid societies in this city than any other of its size on the continent. This growth is traced as completely and chronologically as possible here. The Young Men's Association was a social club organized in 18(35 with Reverend W. P. Moore, president; H. A. Converse, first, and E. P. Caster- line, second vice-presidents; John McDonough, secretary; G. B. Candy, treasurer, and J. D. Balen, librarian. They had a reading room in the old Mercantile block on Center, Railway, and Sycamore streets, with a library valued at eight hundred dollars, but after the fire of 1866 seem to have dis- banded. The Oil Citij Library Association flourished from 1870 to 1876, and not only secured a good library but kept up lecture seasons of a good quality. Their library was finally presented to the high school. J. B. Smithman was one of its most active promoters and W. W. Ball and W. L. Lay were its two successive presidents. PetroUa Lodge, No. 363, F. & A. M. , was the first secret society organized in Oil City. The following are its officers and charter members installed on Wednesday evening, March 21, 1866, by Deputy Grand Master S. B. Dick, of Meadville: W. F. Groves, W. M. ; Charles H. Shepard, S. W. ; A. W. Myers, J. W. ; W. R. Johns, secretary; P. Smith, treasurer: J. H. Evans, S. D. ; W. Porterfield, J. D. ; and David Patton, tyler; J. R. Arter, H. B. Castle. Joseph Bushnell, John G. McKinley, S. S. Safford, and A. R. Mar- lin. They began in a Third ward hall, and from about 1867 to 1870 the Odd Fellows hall on Center street was used. The Windsor block has fur- nished their exclusive hall ever since. They now have a membership of one hundred and sixty persons. The masters have been W. F. Groves, 1866; W. H. Porterfield, 1868-69; W. J. Young, 1870; R. D. McCleary, 1871; J. OIL CITY. 475 R. Arter, 1872; H. G. Tinker, 1878-74; J. M. McElroy, 1875; J. A. liitcbey, 1876; W. J. Young, 1877; B. F. Innis, 1878; C. B. Ansart, 1879-80; A. W. Cox, 1881-82; J. H. Evans, 1888; J. H. Hively, 1884; J. M. McGoni- gle, 1885; James W. Plimpti)n, 18S(); 11. (t. Collins, 1887; George Lewis, 1888-89. Oil City Lodge, No. 589, I. O. O. F.,vfas instituted September 22, 1806, with J. Borland, N. G. ; W. W. Ford, V. G. ; J. J. Brodliead, «. ; George Durrond, A. S. ; and J. R. Robertson, treasurer. They, with B. Lovendall, H. S. Brocklehurst, A. G. Coulson, Joseph Day, D. R. Carnahan, H. B. Wil- helm. J. B. Howe, C. T. Webber, G. W. Swoyer, Jacob F. Neely, Isaac Blakeley, W. J. Bell, I. B. Jacobs, T. S. Zuver, James Karney, and J. O. Jack applied for the charter. The real estate of the lodge consists of the three - story brick building on Seneca street, purchased in 1889, and valued at fifteen thousand dollars. The Good Tem2Jlar Lodge was formed August 8. 1867, and meetings were held for some time in Cornplanter lodge room. Oil City Encampment, No. 182, I. O. O.F., began April 15, 1869, with the following officers and charter members: P. J. Borland, chief patriarch; J. G. Ogden, high priest; J. N. Henderliter, senior warden; F. F. Davis, junior warden; C. J. Brick, scribe; J. K. Lowrie, treasurer; J. R. Robertson, A. D. Deming, J. M.Sharp, A. E. Higbee, and S. Fisher. They have used the Odd Fellows hall and have increased to a membership of eighty-one. Their suc- cessive chief patriarchs have been: J. G. Ogden, elected in September, 1869; J. N. Henderliter, March, 1870; F. F. Davis, September, 1870; H. W. West, April, 1871; James R. Robertson, August, 1871; James Johnson, October, 1871; George Dimond, April, 1872; J. C. Boyce, October. 1872; W. B. Foster, April, 1873; James R. Adam, October, 1873; R. H. Mitchell, April, 1874; J. S. Shearer, October, 1874; F. W. Shryock, April, 1875; S. G. Andrews, October, 1875; S. B. Farren, April, 1876; W. T. Graham, October, 1876; W. H. Harrison, April, 1877; P. N. Williamson. October, 1877; J. R. Robertson, April, 1878; J. L. Dorworth, October, 1878; Or- son O. Culbertson, April, 1879; J. McMichaels, December, 1879; J. S. Shearer, May, 1880; John Farren, October, 1880; W. T. Graham, April, 1881; Jacob Simon, December, 1881; John Farren, April, 1882; John Bruton, October, 1882; M. A. Spoor, April, 1883; W. H. Aungst, October, 1883; D. S. Davis, April, 1884; J. J. Fisher, October, 1884; H. K. Mohr, April, 1885; W. H. Havice, October, 1885; J. H. Love, April, 1886; F. A. Doddington, October, 1886; N. F. Leslie, April, 1887; David James, Oc- tober, 1887; H. J. Miller, April, 1888; L. E. Keller, October, 1888, and T. S. Anderson, April, 1889. RouseviUe Lodge, No. 262, K. of P., was chartered September 1, 1870, with nine members. The lodge has increased steadily and now uses the Cornplanter lodge room. 47G HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Cornplanter Lodge, No. 757, I. O. O. i^., was chartered March 13. 1871, with fourteen members from whom as officers were chosen J. J. Broadhead, N. G. ; -J. B. McCallister, V. G. ; J. L. Dor worth, secretary, and Hugh Graham, treasurer. Their lodge room on Seneca street is one of the chief society rooms in the city. The loss of records makes it possible to give only the following noble grands: J. Simon and A. J. R. Downing, 1881; T. J. McCoy and H. K. Mohr. 1882; W. H. Aungst and D. S. Davis, 1888; C. W. Smoyer and J. J. Smith, 1884; J. H. Love and G. W. Kline, 1885; J. J. Fisher and R. M. Crawford, 1886; R. D. Naylor and S. H. Hoskins. 18N7; J. H. Zesky and J. W. Orr, 1888; and G. W. Sampsell and C. B. Wilson. 1889. They now have one hundred and twenty-six meml>ers. The ladies have a lodge of the Rebekah degree. McCahnoitf Post. No. 160, G. A. R., was named in honor of Colonel A. B. McCalmont of Franklin, and prospered for a few years near 1870 under the command of C. H. Duncan, one term, and J. P. Orr for three years. Talbot Cotiunandrry, No. 43, Knights Templar, was organized under dispensation SeptemV)er 1(3, 1871, to thirty-two knights from whom were John J. Fisher, eminent commander; W. H. Porterfield, generalissimo, and Thos. R. Cowell, captain general. This order have used Masonic hall and now have a membership of eighty. Their past eminent commanders have been J. J. Fisher, T. R. Cowell, Andrew W. Cox, David Laughlin, Isaac M. Sowers, T. B. Simpson, and J. N. MacGonigle, the second, third, and last of whom have served more than one term. Oil Citij Royal Arch Chapter, No. 236, is a Masonic society organized March 19, 1872, with W. F. Groves, H. P.; Andrew W. Cox, K., and W. W. White, S. Mr. Groves successors have been A. W. Cox in- 1873-74; S T. Garland. 1875; J. S. Hyland, 1876; S. H. Benton. 1877; D. W. Guern- sey, from 1878 to 1883 inclusive; A. W. Cox, from 1883 to 1886 inclusive: and Reverend J. N. MacGonigle, from 1887 to 1889 inclusive. Oil City Lodge, No. 14, A. O. U. W., the charter bearing date January 21, 1873, numbers one hundred forty-nine members. Their first officers were P. N. Heard, P. M. W. ; H. P. G. Carnes, M. W. ; J. K. Lowery, G. F. ; J. F. Israel, O. ; E. Densmore, G. ; W. S. Huff, J. W. ; P. Fennell, O. W. ; D. Yothers, F., and R. R. Reardon, R. It is unfortunate that the records for the first decade are not obtainable, so that the past master work- men can be given only as follows: Harry Finney, elected in May. 1882; L. B. Young. November, 1882; W. C. Bolton, May, 1883; John A. brumm, November. 1883; E. W. Powell, May, 1884; J. M. Dougherty, November, 1884; J. D. Ross, May, 1885; J. R. Steele, November, 1886; W. F. Cullis, May, 1886; A. G. Gayle, November, 1886; C. Neidich, May, 1887; T. H. Brewer, November, 1887; M. C. Crum, May, 1888, and T. N. Rogers, Jan- uary, 1889. Oil Creek Division, No. 173, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, OIL CITY. 477 although largely composed of AVestern New York and Pennsylvania engin eers, has members on all the Oil City roads and was organized November 23, 1873, by withdrawals from the Erie and Meadville divisions. The first oiiicers were John A. Stout, chief engineer; Peter Crahan, first engineer; P. W. Geary, second engineer; M. T. Connor, first assistant engineer; John Clark, second, and M. Drohan, third assistant engineer; \V. F. Kelly, guide, and Anson Albee, chaplain. They have qnietly prospered in their meetings and have increased to eighty members under the following succes- sive past chief engineers: J. A. Stout, 1874; W. F. Kelley, 1875; Peter Crahan. 1870-77; M. Moriarty, 1878; George Frazine, 1879; Joseph Kidd, 1880; Peter Crahan, 1881; P. W. Geary, 1882; Samuel Weigle. 1883; John Stapleton, 1884-85; Peter Crahan, 1886; William Agnew, 1887. But six of the charter members are now members of No. 173. Mutual Lodge, No. 48S, K. of H., was chartered October 15, 1877, with nineteen members from whom the following officers were chosen: J. F. Hal- lett, D. ; H. M. Choate, A. D. ; M. B. Taylor, P. D. ; W. Scott. G. ; S. Church, chaplain; T. Meyerhoefer. E. ; J. C. Holmes, treasurer; F. M. Bettis, F. R. ; Isaac Decker, G. ; and D. T. Kitchell. S. The organization had been first effected, however, February 17th previously by F. M. Lockwood. su- preme dictator. After about two years in Cornplanter lodge room, they spent probably three years in Masonic hall, and have since occupied Tinker's hall. Their hall was crowded to the full on the night of July 20, 1881, when the fam- ous temperance reformer. Francis Murphy, was initiated. Their dictators have been as follows: E. F^ Smith, 1877; S. Church, 1877; E. L. Cornell, 1878; F. M. Bettis, 1878; Charles H. Richardson, 1879; R. G. Collins, 1879; George Heard, 1880; D. Laughlin, 1880; C. W. Ball. 1881; R. A. Rogers, 1881; W. S. Cowell, 1882; H. W. Rathbun, 1883 and 1884; S. Church, 1885; B. F. Gates, 1886; D. Laughlin, 1886 to June, 1888. and F. W. Bowen, 1888. Contest Council, No. 124, Royal Arcanum, after various removals, has located in Cornplanter lodge room on Seneca street. It was instituted July 18, 1878, by J. H. Wright, D. S. R., with fourteen charter members, and the increase has been steady until it now numbers one hundred. The first officers were: C. B. Ansart. regent; I. S. Gibson, V. R. ; J. H. Miller, O. ; R. H. Mitchell, P. R. ; J. B. Berry, secretary; J. C. \\' right, treasurer; J. Robertson, C. ; J. W. Simpson, chaplain; John Bennett, G. ; O. H. Strong, ^Y. ; and H. McMullen, S. The regents for succeeding years have been: John Bennett, in 1880; C. B. Ansart, 1881; C. H. Lay, 1882; L S. Gibson, 1883; C. B. Ansart, 1884; L S. Gibson, 1885: H. D. Hancock, 1886-87; N. H. Brown. 1888-89. Since the organization they have paid about eighteen thousand dollars in death claims. Branch No. 5, Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, is now a vigorous 478 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. society of one hundred and lifty-two members, which July 25, 1888, fin- ished the tirst decade of its existence among the societies of Oil City. It Avas first organized as Branch No. 28, with P. D. Corrigan, president; W. A. Maloney and B. 8ands as first and second vice-presidents, and other officers as follows: John Keating, T. ; J. H. Osenbeck, R. S. ; Patrick Hea- ley, F. S. ; Reverend Thomas Carroll, S. D., and Cornelius Breen, M. Since the organization by District Deputy Freidman the successive presiding exec- utives have been as follows: R. H. Craig, elected in December, 187S; M. Geary, 1879; William Dwyer, 1880; M. T. Collins, 1881; P. Kaufman, 1882; H. Stillpflug, 1883; John E. Wallace, 1884; B. McSteon. 1885; W\ Dwyer, 1886; Anthony Pfhendler, 1887, and Thomas Sands, 1888. The Ivy Club, with its elegant rooms on Seneca street in the Ivy Club block, where members and their friends may enjoy the fine library, piano, and card or billiard tables, or the more vigorous refreshments of a well a})- pointed gymnasium, is a gentlemen's recreative club which dates its begin- ning from 1879. January 15th of that year a private gymnasium on the third floor of the Reynolds, Lamberton & Company block was offered for sale. Messrs. E. V. D. Selden, F. C. Fischer, and four others concluded to buy it as the nucleus of a club. They did so, and by May 1 5th a charter Avas secured to fifty- seven members, with F. C. Fischer, president; G. H. Cronyn, vice-president; T. M. Blackwell, treasurer, and C. P. Babcock, secre- tary. President Fischer removed from the city the following July and be- came their one honorary member. The successive presidents have been: C. H. Lay, 1881-82; W. J. Young, 1882-83; Amos Steffee, 1883-84; John M. Reed, 1884-85, and J. R. Camp- bell, 1885-89. In 1886 a desire for more commodious quarters led to the fitting up of their present rooms by an arrangement with Messrs. R. G. Lamberton and C. H. Duncan, and in 1887 four beautifully appointed rooms were opened to a social life from which gambling, liquors, and Sunday games were to be rig- idly excluded. The club has a capital stock of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, and the rooms are in the care of a superintendent. They. have one hundred and twenty-five members. Oil City Council, No. 31, Royal Templcws of Temperance, unites total abstinence with mutual aid, and since the organization, March 12, 1879, have expended nine thousand dollars to families under their care. Corn- planter lodge room, the home of so many societies, has been theirs also from the first. Of their seventeen charter members, organized by Grand Lecturer M. F. Bates, Elliot Harvey was chosen select councilor; S. A. Dar- nell, P. C. ; W. C. Bovard, V. C. ; T. S. Allen, F. S. ; Frederick Coast, G. ; Joseph F. O'Daniel, secretary; Joseph Thompson, treasurer; John R. Por- ter, S. ; Isaac J. Kellogg, H. , and C. J. Love, chaplain, and from that num- ber the lodge has grown to sixty-eight persons. Their successive select OIL CITY. 479 councilors have been: E. Harvey, 187*,); O. C. Sljcrmau. 1.S7U; John 11. Penn, 1880; S. A. Darnell, 1881 ; D. S. Coulter, 1881 ; Edwin Sherrett, 1882; George W. Schneider, 1888; William Cullis, 1883; E. Harvey, 1884; L. D. Kellogg, 1884; G. M. Kepler, 1885; Harry B. Scribner, 1880; Joseph Thomp- son, 1887; David Ready, 1888; Joseph Thompson, 1888. and the present incumbent, 1889. Oil City Council, No. 14, American Legion of Honor, was organized April 12, 1879, by the election of the following officers: Charles B. Ansart, commander; John H. Oberly, vice-commander; William McNair, orator; F. W. Hays, secretary; J. R. Robertson, collector; A. F. Kent, treasurer; Henry G. Tinker, chaplain; Mark Wilson, guide; T. J. Welsh, warden; John H. Evans, sentry; John C. Wright, past commander; Doctor A. F. Coope, medical examiner; Fid Bishop, D. R. Merrett, and Mrs. Sophia W. Wagner, trustees. They were chosen from a charter membership of thirty- five persons of both sexes. Previous to January 1, 1884, they met in Corn- planter lodge room, then used Doctor Ansart" s office until April 1, 1880, when Grand Army hall became their home. During the decade they have paid three five thousand dollar death claims. Commander Ansart' s successors have been John H. Oberly, 1880: Paul Green, 1881; John H. Oberly, 1882-89. Captain William Evans Post, No. 107, G. A. R., sprung from the rem- nants of the disbanded McCalmont post. At a meeting called by Inspector General F. Tillinghast, March 23, 1880, in Lamberton block, twenty-three were organized as charter members, from whom, as officers, were elected the following: J. M. Grosh, commander; E. O' Flaherty, S. V. C. ; M. Web- ster, J. V. C. ; J. H. Hively, O. D. ; Robert Hogffn, O. G. ; H. Dunlap, I. S. Charles Settle was the first comrade mustered into the new post, and the number rapidly increased to one hundred and thirty members; but there have been so many withdrawals, especially to institute other posts, that there were but eighty members in 1889. They have used a Lamberton block hall, Odd Fellows hall, on Seneca street, and the G. A. R. hall on Center street, the last with an outfit valued at one thousand dollars, and a popular meeting place for several societies. The successive commanders have been: J. M. Grosh, 1880; E. O'Flaherty, 1881-82; William Dwyer, 1883; E. L. Ogilby, 1884; J. R. Miles, 1885; T. R. Cowell, 1880-87: L. Stephens, 1888, and D. G. Stillwell, 1889. Oil City Union, A^o. 300, Equitable Aid Union, was instituted on Satur- day evening April 23, 1881, at Odd Fellows hall with sixty applicants for charter membership and the following officers: Chancellor. John C. Welch; advocate. Doctor T. C. McCulloch; president, John W. Russell; vice-jn-esi- dent, W. C. Bolton; secretary, J. S. Russell; treasurer, R. C. Beveridge. The order includes both sexes and has increased rajjidly. Their successive presidents have been J. W. Russell, elected April 23, 18S1; W. C. Bolton, 480 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. elected January 25, 1884; Doctor T. C. McCulloch; S. H. Hoskius, elected July 1, 1884; G. C. Rickards, January 9, 1885; J. S. Russell, July 1, 1885; R. C. Beveridge, July 1, 1880; Doctor T. C. McCulloch, July 1, 1887, and E. J. Ross, July 1, 1888. » The Oil City Medical Club grew out of a suggestion by Doctor T. C. Mc- Culloch in 1878 for more fraternal opportunities among the city physicians, but an organization was not effected until 1882 when Doctor McCulloch was chosen its lirst president. It is thought that the following regular physi- cians embraced the first membership: Doctors T. C. McCulloch, F. F. Davis, J. A. Ritchey, A. F. Coope, T. W. Egbert, W. Forster, J. D. Arters, and W. F. Conners. All these and succeeding members have served in turn as pre- siding officer, and their monthly suppers and original scientific papers have been pleasant and profitable. Nine regular physicians are now members. Branch 221), Catholic Knights of America, was formed April 15, 1882, with R. H. Craig, president; John E. Ross, vice-president ; J. H. Carey, recording secretary; William Condrin, financial secretary; Thomas Nolan, S. at A., and others. They have used the C. M. B. A. hall on Sycamore street and steadily iiicreased in prosperity. The Tmjyroi-ed Order of Red Men had a lodge, during the seventies, of considerable strength, but it has gradually grown smaller. Jeremiah Lodge, No. 1-iUl, I. O. O. F., was a colored lodge of about the same period. Lovejoy Lodge, No. 2466, I. O. 0. F.,was organized November 14, 1883, with twenty- six charter members, the successor of Jeremiah lodge. Its first officers were W. Paul, N. G. ; I. J. Mann, P. N. F. ; R. H. Mann, N. F. ; W. A. Henson, P. S. , and C. Sweney, V. G. They now have twenty- eight members and meet in the Lamberton block. William E. Downing Post, No. 435, G. A. R., was organized with forty- nine members at Steele's hall May 9, 1884, the first order formed in that place, and which has since been their lodge room. The following officers were installed: R. H. Renwick, commander; A. J. Stanley, S. V. C. ; A. S. Brown, J. V. C. ; John Gailey, O. D. ; A. M. Breckenridge, O. G. ; Rev- erend M. Miller, chaplain; J. R. Steele, Q. M. ; James Lewis, surgeon; and E. J. Ross, adjutant. Their members have since increased to about seventy- five. Their successive commanders have been R. H. Renwick, 1884; D. S. Criswell and A. S.Brown, 1885; D. Fisher, 1886; A. M. Breckenridge, 1887; John A. Lewis, 1888, and John R. Steele, 1889. The Sons of Veterans were organized at Oil City, September 8, 1884, and formed two camps. The north side. Major N. Payne Camp, No. 38, was officered as follows: Captain, Edward O. Flarety; first lieutenant, Charles Ross; second lieutenant, W. J. Anderson, while those of E. A. Madison Camp, No. 39, on the south side, were: Captain, G. C. Rickards, and first lieutenant, Jobn Hankay. W. J. Anderson succeeded to the cap- OIL CITY. 481 taincy of the former and John Hankay and Harry L. McVeigh to that of the latter until January 1, 1887, when both camps were consolidated under the name of Edwin W. Bettea Camp, No. 88, for which the following offi- cers were chosen: Captain, H. L. McVeigh; first lieutenant, F. B. Fox, and second lieiitenant, W. A. Holtzworth. In April, 1888, they reujoved from Steel's hall to the G. A. K. hall, on Center street, and have increased their membership to thirty-one. Their past captains are H. L. McVci'^h and Fred B. Fox. Oil City Division, No. 163, Order of Raihcay Conductors, have held meetings regularly in G. A. 11. hall, on Center street, since January 4, 1885, under the following chief conductors: J. M. Richards, 1885-87; J. C. Burns, 1888, and S. Church, 1889. The charter members were J. M. Rich- ards, S. Church, T. AV. Evans, James Edwards, R. Fulton, J. C. ^V'alsh, W. C. Downey, J. Shaughnessey, A. W. Dickinson, S. E. Stone, M. Liddy. C. E. Burr, J. C. Burns, R. E. Gilford, and J. C. Holmes. They now luive a membership of twenty- five. Venango Legion, No 21, Select Knights, A. O. U. W., was organized at Steel's hall, in South Oil City, April 7, 1885, by A. J. Martin, with a charter membership of thirty-two. Charles Neidich was the first com- mander, F. M. Askmead vice and J. M. Berry lieutenant commander, with other officers as follows: E. W. Powell, recorder; F. H. McElroy, treasurer; S. M. Irwin, marshal; G. M. Kepler, chaplain; Harry Finney, standard bearer; E. B. Young and S. A. McMullen, senior and junior work- men, and J. N. Lewis, guard. They have thirty members at present, and still use the same hall. The following is a complete list of commanders: Charles Neidich, elected in April, 1885; J. M. Berry, December, ]885; Harry Finney, December, 1886; W. F. Cullis, December, 1887, and Thomas H. Brewer, January, 1889. Hub Union, No. 192, Equitable Aid Union, organized April 18, 1885, in the well known Cornplanter lodge room, began with eighty-one applica- tions for charter membership, including persons of both sexes, and among the sixteen officers chosen were the following: Chancellor, F. A. Dodding- ton; president, Elliott Harvey; vice-president, Mrs. A. W. Alsbaugh; secre- tary, John Fritz; treasurer, J. J. Fisher, and representative, E. Harvey. There were but forty-five charter members, and the order has steadily pros- pered. In June, 1889, the Grand Union held its session with this lodge. The following is a complete list of pi'esidents: Elliott Harvey, elected June 18, 1885; George E. Rorer, December 31, 1885; E. Harvey, June, 1886; G. M. Kepler, December, 1886; J. B. Porterfield, June, 1887; C. T. Herpst, January, 1888. Oil Creek Lodge, No. 105, Brotherhood of Railroad Brakemen, was char- tered with twenty members June 9, 1885. J. O. Tyler was chosen master, and his associate officers were John Carroll, V. M. ; H. G. Bambrick, S. ; 482 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Joseph Orr, F. ; and trustees: J. W. Knee. George Riley, and Thomas Con- nor. They have had a prosperous career and have a membership of twenty- eight. Their past masters have been: J. O. Tyler, August, 1885; John Car- roll August, 1886; T. Coughlin, Aiigust, 1887; and P. Callahan, Auo-ust, 1888. Oil City Maenuerclior is a German musical society, formed November 20, 1885, at the Armory hall on Elm street with a membership of one hun- dred and twenty- live persons. The officers were as follows: president, Daniel Fisher; vice-president, F. G. Giegel; secretary, Harry Zesky, and treasurer, C. Eoess, and on December 11th they met in their own hall in the Lamberton block; it was not until March, 1880, that they adopted a consti- tution. The membership has varied from one hundred and fifty in 1885 to forty eight in 1889, and at times they have employed musical conductors. A reorganization was afPected in 1887. Their presiding officers in succes- sion have been: Mr. Fisher in 1885; F. G. Giegel, elected May 5, 1886; Mr. Fisher, April 1. 1887; Mr. Giegel. January 3, 1888, and George Good- miller, January 8, 1889. Relief Corps, No. 30.—k.i the suggestion of William E. Downing post, Mrs. Sarah A. Ro.ss and Mrs. Mary M. • Woodington took the initiative in organizing Relief Corps, No. 30, in South Oil City as an auxiliary of the post. This was effected December 3, 1885, by Mrs. Sherman of Bradford, Pennsylvania, with Mrs. Ross as president; Mrs. Woodington, treasurer; Miss Mattie Springer, secretary, and Mrs. M. E. Daniels, chaplain. Dur- ing the successive presidencies of Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Woodington, Mrs. Sarah McMullen, and under Mrs. Woodington' s present administration the mem- bership has grown to seventy-one. Oil City Assembly, No. 5944, Knights of Labor, was organized March 6, 1886. from the remaining members of a disbanded lodge of a few years before. Their hall is in the Lamberton block, and from twenty-five their membership has increased to about two hundred and fifty at present. There are lesser assemblies than this making a total membership in and in the vicinity of Oil City of about five hundred, including the coopers, hoopers, and tube -workers. Captain William Evans Woman's Relief Corps, No. 39, of Oil City, was organized as an auxiliary of the post bearing that name, by Mrs. Susan A. Pusey, February 19, 1886. They began with seventeen charter members, under the presidency of Mrs. Fannie C. Stephens. The treasurer, secretary, and chaplain associated with Mrs. Stephens were, respectively, Mrs. Susan J. Stillwell, Mrs. Olive J. Slocum. and Mrs. Emma E. Buckley. The corps has since grown to forty-seven members under the following presiding offi- cers: Mrs. Stephens in 1886 and 1887; Mrs. Olive J. Slocum in 1888, and Miss Achsah M. Miles in 1889. They occupy the post hall. Oil City Dirision, No. 110, Sons ^^::^^^^-«^, ^ M^, /^^, ^ OIL CITY. 485 1886 in South Oil City, and grew to a merabersbi[) of sixty persons, but on account of inability to secure a hall lasted but two years. Oil City Teni, No. 21, Knights of the Maccabees of the. World, organ- ized August 1, 188G, began with about fifty memljors and now enroll al)out eighty. A. Kline, Wade Hampk)n, Jr., J. H. Fulmer, H. P. liovd, and F. C. Ambrose have been their commanders. Encampment No. 12, Union Veteran Legion, is a society intended to unite all those who enlisted in the Union service as three year men previous to July 1, 1863. This branch was organized November 10, 1886. From thirty they have increased to forty members and two have died. Their colonels have been: E. J. Koss, in 1887; Samuel Haynes in 1888, and David James, in 1889. Canton Oil Citij, No. 13, P. M., I. O. O. F., was formed September 13, 1886, by S. T. Parks and R. M. Crawford at their first headquarters in the rink on North Elm street. On October 13th, Colonel W. A. With- erup and Lieutenant Colonel J. B. Nicholson mustered in these first officers: S. T. Parks, captain; E. M. Crawford, lieutenant; J. H. Love, ensign; B. F. Gates, clerk, and David James, accountant. They began with thirty- nine members and now have twenty-three enrolled. Since leaving the rink the Oil City lodge room, I. O. O. F., on South S&neca street has been their meeting place. Their captains have been: S. T. Parks, two terms, and J. H. Zesky, elected April 18, 1888. Oil City Division, No. 25, Uniform Rank, K. of P., is an advanced order, aiming not only at the usual benefits, but also to give military train- ing of a complete and exhaustive character. They have used the G. A. R. hall on Center street since their institution, January 12, 1887, when thev began with thirty charter members organized by Captains L. T. Bishop, of Warren, Pennsylvania, and P. Egan, of Meadville. They now have twenty-seven members and property valued at eleven hundred dollars. Venango Assembly, No. 94(>7, K. of L., was organized about February, 1887, in Hart's hall, but they soon removed to Steel's liall where they met until April, 1889, when the charter was allowed to lapse, although the membership had been as high as seventy. The successive master workmen were James Woodington, James Fox, and John Stranford. Seneca Commandery, No. 309, United Order of the Golden Cross, is a society that includes both sexes and since its organization March 1, 1887, has been prosperous. It was instituted in Cornplanter lodge room by N. G. Brown, D. S. C, with Charles B. Simmons, noble commander; W. G. Hill, past noble commander; Mrs. Amanda Leslie, V. N. C. ; and Mrs. Mol- lie Hall, K. of R. The present membership is twenty-five. The noble commanders have been: C. B. Simmons in 1887, and A. L. King in 1888-89. Venango Council, No. 297, National Union, held its organizing meet- ing June 1, 1887, in Laniberton block, and chose the following officers: 27 486 HISTOIIY OF VENANGO COUNTY. President, R. M. Crawford; vice-president, I. M. Gibson; ex-president, C. J. Khea; speaker, A. D. Deming; secretary, L. F. Barger; financial secre- tary, H. C. Goldsborough ; treasurer. J. B. Crawford; chaplain, C. G. Strance; usher, M. Dobson, and doorkeeper, W. F. Hamilton. They at once began meeting in Cornplanter lodge room, and July 2, 1888, a charter was issued to a large membership. President Crawford resigned Septem- ber 28. 1887. and has been succeeded by C. B. Simmons, elected October 5, 1887; J. B. Maitland. December 10, 1887, and J. R. Penn, December 18, 1888. The societ}- has been qiiietly successful and has had occasion to pay but one death claim of five thousand dollars. Oil City Circle, No. 24, Protected Home Circle, is a recent society, including both sexes, and for insurance purposes. It was formed October 28, 1887, by supreme deputies Byard and Stratton with fifty-tive members and the following officers: Past president, Lewis Miller; president, C. B. Simmons; vice-president, B. Baer; guardian, S. W. Sellew; secretary, C. G. Strance; accountant, W. G. Hill; treasurer. Daniel Clark; chaplain. Reverend J. D. Smith; guide. Curtis P. Swisher; companion, Miss A. S. Barr; porter, H. P. Oieser; watchman, O. W. Baker. A short time after their institution in Oil City lodge room (I. O. O. F.) they took permanent quarters in the much used Cornplanter lodge room. Under the successive presidencies of C. B. Simmons, John Macdougall, and W. E. Darrow the society has increased in membership and prosperity. Petroleum Lodge, No. 3S3, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, began its career in July, 1888, during the great Burlington strike, when assess- ments ranged from five to seven dollars. J. J. Hannahan, V. G. M. , of the National lodge, organized it with nineteen charter members, employes of the Western New York & Pennsylvania railway. The officers chosen were Thomas Martin, master; Harry Bird, vice master; W. D. McGuinn, past-master; J. H. Quirk, secretary; A. W. Judi, collector; John Davis, receiver; S. Lowery, chaplain; F. R. Matthews, conductor; Michael Fahey, warden; W. Vannatten, inner guard; W. B. Smith, outer guard. They use the C. M. B. A. hall and have thirty members. Tecumseh Tent, No. 70, K. O. T. M. of the World, was chartered July 10, 1888, with the following officers : P. S. K. C, A. W. Alsbaugh; S. K. C , R. M. Crawford; S. K. L. C, A. N. Simmons; C. E. Oliver, S. R. K. ; J. R. Steele, F. K. ; A. J. Greenfield, P. ; Joseph L. Anderson, S. ; W. Forster, P. ; G. F. Schutte, M. A. ; W. J. Bailey, First M. G. ; J. H. Robinson, Second M. G. ; J. S. Carl, S., and F. Knowles, P. Venango Lodge, No. 237, A. O. U. W., was organized May 18. 1889, with sixty-six charter members from among whom the following officers were chosen: M. James, P. M. W. ; S. Neidich, M. W. ; W. S. Couch, F. ; F. B. Fox, O., and W. West, guide. Washington Cam}). No. 443, Patriotic Order Sons of America, is a OIL CITY. 487 recently organized society, and begins its career under the following officers: Past president, James Woodington; president, E. J. Ross; vice-president, K. Lytle, and master of forms and ceremonies, D. S. Davis. The society was formed June 5, 188U. Safe Union, No. 736, E. A. U., was organized in Jane, 1889. The officers chosen were E. Harvey, president; Mrs. Anna Aungst, secretary; A. J. Brooks, accoxintant; J. P. Kern, treasurer and trustee, and M. E. Kern, watchman. Blizzard Lodge, No. H83, Order of Tonfi. was formed June 10, 1889, with twenty-five members and the following officers: Doctor W. H. H. Jackson, P. P.; F. ^V. Bowen, P.; William Condrin, V. P.; F. O. Wilson, S. ; A. N. Simmons, T.; W. B. James, M. ; W. 11. Cowan, C. ; J. L. Hoard, G. ; E. Schmidt, S. ; trustees: W. J. Bailey, J. E. McClintock, and S. W. Sellew, and Doctor W. H. H. Jackson, M. E. SCHOOLS. Few cities of its age and size have made more of the piiblic school idea than has Oil City. The spirit of organization and vigor which has so char- acterized the place has also entered into its educational progress. June 26, 1862, the new borough school board, composed of John Kuhns, president; L. M. Gordon, treasurer, and A. M. Gardner, secretary, met at the home of E. Sproull and agreed to secure the township school house on Halyday run. They also chose J. J. Kincaid as teacher, and adopted Osgood's spellers, Stoddard's and Ray's arithmetics, and Wright's orthog- raphy. This was a considerable advance on the old to\fnship schools up the run or over the south side hill of which little can be learned. The former no doubt furnished the furnace families such advantages as the system then afforded. June 25, 1863, it was determined to build a school house, thirty-four by fifty feet and two stories high on the site of the present Oil Well Supply Company's offices. Eastly & Company took the contract at four thousand dollars — a good illustration of the high prices of those days. Two teachers were employed, Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid. This was burned in the fire of 1866, and July 80th steps were taken to erect the Cottage Hill building on Pearl avenue and that in the Third ward, the former to be thirty -two by sixty-four feet with a wing twenty-seven by thirty -two feet, making six rooms, and that on the west side to be thirty-two by sixty-four feet with four rooms. Brinker & Mclntire took the contracts for five thousand three hundred dollars, and three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars respectively. Mr. Kincaid was made principal on the west side and David Hays on the east side, with a total force of eight teachers. Such marvelous growth as this was of course attended with much over- 488 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. crowding aud renting of private buildings, a frequent necessity in the career of all parts of Oil City. In 1866 also the Venango City school district was formed with J. M. Shoemaker as president of the board. The loss of the south side school records makes their data less detinite than could be desired. A school house was secured on the site of Carson's store on Second street between State and Central avenue and J. D. Ross was made principal. His successors up to 1881 were David McMullen. H. D. Hancock. W. J. McClure, Doug- lass, J. P. Ellin wood, and Miss Eliza A Kent. The presidents of the school board succeeding Mr. Shoemaker down to 1881 were V\ . L. Lay, Charles Simpson, F. F. Davis. M. D., C. H. Duncan, I. I. Wagner, Mar- cus Hulings, and A. J. Greeulield. The high school was organized in 1875 and gradually improved from year to year, and the first class graduated in 1878. Meanwhile rented rooms had been used, and in 1878 two new buildings were erected: the Sixth ward school, a brick structure at the corner of East Third and Pennsylvania avenue, costing eight thousand dollars; and the tine brick and stone struct ure overlooking the city from the corner of Central avenue and Fourth street, and from whose tower the clock, presented by Marcus Hulings, tolls the half- hours. This is the high school building, whose total cost was thirty thousand dollars. Meanwhile the east side had been growing apace. Mr. Kincaid and Mr. J. F. Weller were principals in 1868, and the succeeding years to 1881 were filled largely by the prineipalships of Professors Patterson and his successor, J. H. Collier. A building was also erected on Palace Hill. It was in 1881, however, on the consolidation of the north and south school boards that the best improvement was begun, and the city placed under a superintendent. The first was Superintendent C. F. Carroll, xmder whose management the schools were more i^erfectly graded and organized, and numerous professional methods and principles introduced. The principals of the high school since 1881 have been Miss L. A. Kent, Mr. Sanford, J. M. Hall, R. W. Hughes, and G. W. Gurnee. The presidents of the board since the consolidation have been A. J. Greenfield, George P. Hukill, Doctor F. F. Davis, Doctor J. A. Ritchey, T. J. Welch, O. P. Swisher, S. M. Irwin, and John Reinbold. In 1883 Mr. Carroll was succeeded by Superintendent C. A. Babcock, under whose management the old features have been perfected and new principles, methods, and organization introduced that place the schools on a thoroughly professional basis. As illustrations may be mentioned moulding and modeling with clay under the form of advanced kindergarten occupa- tions, a modified form of the Grub6 method in numbers; Prang's drawing system; musical instruction; the sentence- woi'd-phonic-literal order' in reading, merging into an excellent language training; sand-table modeling OIL CITY. 480 aud drawing in geography; and class reading pn>{)aiation in all studies as a preliminary to study. Altogether there has been a successful adaptation of the '"new education " to our present system, which is well worth the study so often given to it l)y visiting teachers from abroad. This is not a little due to the semi-weekly and monthly institutes of the w^hole teaching force of the city. The high school prepares for college by post-graduate work in Latin and Greek. The growth since 1881 may be seen from the following statistics: There were admitted one thousand six hundred and seventy- four pupils in 1881, and two thousand and twenty-one in 1889; beside the superintendent there were twenty-six teachers in 1881 and thirty-five in 1889, distributed as fol- lows: In the Central building, nine in 1881 and eleven in 1889; on Cottage Hill, nine in 1881 and eight in 1889; in the Sixth ward, four in 1881 and four in 1889; Palace Hill and the Third ward had two each in both yeai-s; while in 1889 the four each in the Fourth and Second wards were additions. The course embraces three years in the high school and eight years in all others. The highest number of graduates was twenty-six, in 1888. In 1887 the Second ward building was erected at a total cost of fourteen thousand nine hundred and twenty-four dollars, and is a four-room brick, on Seneca street; the Fourth ward school, completed at the same time, is on the corner of Innis and Second streets, and cost twelve thousand one hun- dred and fifty eight dollars, the difference in cost being due to the differ- ence in lot values. Libraries are in the Central, Third, and Second ward buildings, with an aggregate of one thousand one hundred volumes. The total value of school property is estimated at eighty-seven thousand, five hiindred dollars. The year closing June, 1889, showed receipts for the year of thirty-six thousand and seven dollars and sixty-one cents, and ex- penditures, thirty- five thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars and thirty-four cents, of which seventeen thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety- eight cents was paid to teachers. There have also been private and kindergarten schools, which have as- sisted in educating the youth of Oil City, while St. Joseph's parochial school, spoken of in connection with the history of that church, has been a flour- ishing institution for many years. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. There are few cities whose religions and ethical phase has been a better type of general modern religious progress than that of Oil City. It has kept time to the march of liberality, personal work, and the extension of or- ganization — points vital to modern religious life. The Methodist Episcopal society seems to have been the first to begin work at the mouth of Oil creek, and others are given in chronological order. 490 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church clings to the heart of Oil City, let- ting its minarets rise in the midst of exchanges, banks, and bridges, on Center street, and even reflecting them in the oily surface of the famous creek. One of the most popular evening congregations in the city, it has a total membership of over four hundred and forty, and its auxiliary socie- ties include woman's foreign and home missionary societies, a ladies' aid society, a young people's Epworth league, and a Sabbath school of over three hundred members, besides a large choir, with pipe-organ accompan- iment. The pastor, Reverend Thoburn, late of Lucknow, India, occupies the parsonage at No. 9 Pearl avenue. It was considerably over a half- century ago that this society had its be- ginning in meetings held by a young preacher, afterward the well-known Reverend Samviel Gregg, who, in 1831, preached to "one man and forty women, all the other men of the place being at work in an iron furnace." This was in the midst of Crary's decade of smelting, and in 1834 an Oil Creek circuit was formed at the Washington Conference. It is very unfortunate that the oldest society in Oil City should have so few of its records preserved. Little is known of the period of furnace times, except that this was a preaching point and under the following circuit riders, the name of the jiresiding elder being in parenthesis: Reverends D. Reichey and R. Peck in 1834 (A. Brunson); Daniel Prichard and A. Webber, 1835 (Isaac Winans); J. E. Chapin and L. Janney, 1836 (John Chandler); R. Parker and T. D. Blinn, 1837 (Chandler); k. Elliott and L. B. Beech, 1838 (Hiram Kingsley); W. Patterson and G. C. Baker, 1839 (Kingsley); S. Smith, 1840 (John Bain); J. Leech, 1841 (Bain); H. Luce and A. L. Miller. 1842 (Bain); E. Hull and A. Wilder, 1843 (John Robinson); Hull and I. H. Tackitt', 1844 (Robinson); H. S. Winans and John Abbott, 1845 (H. N. Stearns); Abbott, 1846 (Stearns); J. Van Horn, 1847 (W. H. Hunter). In 1848, just before the Bell furnaces closed, it became known as the Oil Creek mission under Reverend Van Horn, (E. J. L. Baker, P. E. ) and the first class was organized with James Halyday as leader. The closing of the furnaces no doubt reduced the mission to very small numbers, as no records can be obtained; and Mrs. Snyder, a daughter of James Halyday, recalls only the following ministers who held services at all: Reverends Ahab Keller, N. C. Brown, A. S. Dobbs, R. B. Boyd, under whom there arose a marked revival; A. S. Stuutz, Clark, and Dewoody. At the beginning of the oil excitement there were among the members: Joseph Hooton and wife, James Halyday, wife and daughter Cassandra, Hugh McClintock and wife, J. Campbell and daughter, and F. Coast. Meanwhile they had been using the old log weather-boarded district school house, located about the site of the Oil Well Supply Company's offices on Sycamore street. It was made a station in 1862 under Reverend Milton Smith (J. M. OIL CITY. VM Lowe, P. E.) ami ;i duivcli was orected on the block faeinj,' Coiitor. S|iriiig. and Sycamore streets, costin*,^ throe thousand dolhirs, thc^ bell being swung in a derrick at the rear of the building. This was dedicated in 1803. Ac- cording to I. B. Jacobs another property was bought in tlie Third ward l)ut resold, and the present Trinity site bought and a church erected, known as the Center street church. Be that as it may the first official board was composed of L. M. Gordon, C. F. Hasson, W. D. Kiddle, H. C. Sheriff, ,T. W. Blaisdell, J. L. Mechlin, Joseph Hooton, F. Coast, J. Camp, William Kramer, Robert Alcorn, J. Campbell, and Isaac B. Jacobs, whose corporate name was the "Official Board of Trinity M. E. Church." These buildings were in the burned district of 1806, and in 1807 the deserted Presbyterian church at Pithole was secured and removed to the Spring Center-Sycamore site, where, after a service of ten years as a sc-lcred place of worship, it became successively a ]mblic hall and billiard saloon, as it stands at present. Its successor was the present Trin- ity church, erected in 1876, by Messrs. D. C. Trax, W. Chambers, E. M. Hukill, E. C. Bradley, W. J. Kramer, and J. S. Kich, the building com- mittee, after plans of Jacob Snyder, an architect of Akron, Ohio, and at a cost of forty-five thousand dollars. The lot, including the site of the Tran- sit block, was bought in March, 1876, of Jacob Edmunds for fifteen thou- sand four hundred dollars, but the sale of a part reduced the cost of the re- mainder to five thousand dollars. The building was dedicated Juno 17, 1877, by Bishop R. D. Foster. In 1881 it was nearly destroyed by an in- terior fire on Sunday morning, December 18th. It arose from a defective register, and although the damage was seven thousand dollars, it was covered by insurance, and services were again held as usual the next May. Thirty years after the first class was organized there were two hundred and twenty- five members, and conference met with them during the year. The pastors since 1802 have been Reverends Milton Smith, J. Whitely, in 1864; O. L. Mead, 1867; J. S. Lytle, 1869; J. O'Neal. 1871; J. G. Townsend, 1873; J. C. Scofield, 1874; J. G. Townsend, 1875; A. N. Craft, 1877; T. L. Flood, 1880; J. N. Fradenburgh, 1885; and Reverend J. M. Thoburn siuce 1888. It is interesting to note that the first pastor, Rev- erend Smith, is now the presiding elder. St. Joseph's Catholic Church.— Catholic services were conducted at the houses of different adherents of this faith at the mouth of Oil creek several years anterior to the period in which Oil City first attained the proportions of a village. The officiating priests were usually from Fryburg and other points in Clarion county. These services were not distinguished by any regularity until the winter of 1859-60, and the visiting priest at that time was Reverend Patrick O'Neill, who was followed successively by Fathers Reynolds, Dean, Mitchell, Scopey, Delaroque, Koch, Lonegan. and others. The congregation was composed of the families of Moran, Sweeny, and Gavin 492 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and transient residents to the number of thirty or forty. Prior to 1868 and for some time afterward the place of worship was a tlat-boat owned by Captain Sweeny, and moored near the location of the yards of the Oil City Lumber Company. The first resident pastor was Reverend David Snively. The erection of a frame church edifice was begun under his administration and completed during that of his successor. Reverend J. D. Coady. It was dedi- cated by Bishop Young of Erie, and, as enlarged in 1872. constitutes the present place of worship. Reverend Thomas Carroll assumed the pastor- ate October 13, 1871, and with the assistance of the talented Father Ray- croft he still looks after the spiritual needs of his large congregation. The succes.sive pastors have been assisted by the following priests, most of whom, however, had charge of the missions attached to St. Joseph's: Reverends John L. Finucane. John Quincy Adams, James J. Dunn, James P. McClos- key. Patrick J. Smith, John Smith, Peter Brady, James McPhillamy, Peter Cawley, and J. B. Raycroft. The present commodious pastoral residence was built in 1874 and in 1885 the school building was enlarged. A new and more substantial church edifice commensurate with the size and impor- tance of the parish will be erected in the near future. The parish numbeis two thousand souls and is one of the largest in the diocese. A flourishing parochial school, established by Father Coady soon after taking charge of the congregation, is in charge of the Benedictine Sisters, and has done its full share in the education of the youth of Oil City. The earliest place of interment for the Catholic population of Oil City was an inclosure of two or three acres at the locality known as Pinoak, a mile from South Oil City. It was acquired prior to 1865, and was used for burial purposes until the purchase of St. Joseph's cemetery, a tract of ground five acres in extent adjoining Grove Hill on the east. The latter was bought during Father Coady' s administration, and consecrated by Bishop Mullen. It is an appropriate resting place for those who have "fallen asleep in the Lord." The First Presbyterian Church of Oil City grew from a mission, begun at the direction of Erie Presbytery, November 7, 1860, by Reverend S. J. M. Eaton of Franklin. The rapid influx due to the oil excitement made an organ - ization possible by the last Sabbath in December, 1861, and with twelve mem- bers a committee of the presbytery, composed of Reverends S. J. M. Eaton and James M. Shields, succeeded in forming the First Presbyterian church. These members were John T. Hopewell, Martha Hopewell, Mary Hender- son, Sarah Hasson, Margaret Sproul, Christina W. Towles, A. M. Turner. Elizabeth Turner, Jane Woods, Margaret Winger, C. C. Waldo, and Mrs. Waldo — none of whom are now connected with the church. The prosperity of the society during the first decade was continuous, and, especially marked during a revival of 1867, so that in 1871 there were one hundred and ninety- five members. Some internal dissensions marked by the unaccepted resig- OIL CITY. 41)3 nation of tlie pastor, December 20, 187 J, and soon after l)y the withdrawal of forty-nine members, led to the organization of the Second Presbyterian church on the south side — an event not uncommon to churches with mem- bership on both sides of the river. Revivals in 1S74, 1870, and 1880 to- gether with their continuous increase led to a membershi}) of three hundred forty-eight on their twenty-fifth anniversary, December 2(), 1880. Previous to the organization worship was held in private houses, Init afterward services began, first in a school house near the site of the Lake Shore freight depot, then in the Michigan block on alternate Sundays until its destruction by fire. The second floor of a building on Main near Ferry street was their final home before the erection of their first church, which, although agitated in 1803, was not completed sufficiently to use until Janu- ary, 1805. The dedication of this church occurred July 23, 1805, Keverend David Hall, D. D., olHciating. January 30, 1870, following the adoption of ''articles of association" on the preceding 25th of November, the con- gregation was incorporated with Joseph Bash nell, president; J. E. Conell. secretary; John J. Brodhead, treasurer; Geo. W. Parker and W. W. White, board of trustees. The financial affairs of the church were brought into a more systematic condition and a debt of six thousand dollars cleared. The first church had cost fifteen thousand dollars ; the present pipe organ had been purchased in 1870; the building was improved in 1872 and still more enlarged in 1874, so that the new management of 1876 had the financial phase of church life clear. In March, 1878, the property adjoining the church on Spring street was purchased, and in January, 1883, J. J. Van- dergrift suggested to" the board of trustees the advisability of erecting a structure more suitable to the growing needs of'the congregation. The re- sult was that by May they were worshiping in Temperance hall, while their present elegant piece of church architecture was in process of construction under the care of a building committee composed of J. J. Vandergrift, W. J. Young, John J. Fisher, W. E. Stevenson, H. H. Rand, George W. Parker, James I. Buchanan, and the pastor, Reverend John N. MacGonigle. It is a unique design by Architect L. B. Valk. of New York, and when finished, including the price of the lots, cost over thirty-two thousand dol- lars, half of which was contributed by J. J. Vandergrift, and the whole of which was raised and paid at the transfer to the session and trustees June 21, 1883. On the day following the transfer it was dedicated in the pres- ence of all the former ministers of the congregation by the pastor, Reverend John N. MacGonigle. Its commanding site at the corner of Spring street and Harriot avenue with its graceful proportions make it a prominent figure in the beauty of Oil City. The parsonage adjoining the church was built in the early days of the society and September 2, 1885, the trustees were authorized to borrow one thousand dollars with w'hich to erect a chapel on Palace Hill, on ground donated by a member of the church. This was dedicated January 17, 1880, by the pastor, Reverend MacGonigle. 494 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The first session consisted of ruling elders A. M. Turner and C. C. Waldo, but on the latter' s dismissal January 23, 1864, Robert Colbert, M. D. , George Thompson, and J. Wilson Paxton were added, and Mr. Thompson's death occurred December 20, 1864. January 9, 1867, Joseph Eggert, M. D., Thomas McFadden, Jr., Albert E. Ingham, and Robert M. James were ordained. Mr. Paxton ceased to act December 2, 1867; Mr. McFadden, April 29, 1868, and Doctor Eggert soon after. Messrs. Turner, Colbert, James, and Ingham composed the session at the beginning of 1 869, and all ceased to act, excei)t Mr. Ingham, in March, 1872. On January 28th preceding, Henry L. Davis. John Spear, and Hugh H. Stephenson were installed. Mr. Davis ceased to act in April, 1873; Mr. Spear, November 9, 1877; and Mr. Stephenson, September 3, 1884. F. W. Hays and A. J. Kilgore were installed June 3, 1877, but the latter closed his official career July 31, 1878, and William Henry Choate succeeded Bim April 5, 1885. The ministers have been as follows: Reverend John H. Sargent, the first stated supply, in 1862; also James M. Shields, William P. Moore, June 23, 1863, to November 23, 1867; April 19, 1868, Nathaniel S. Mc- Fetridge, D. D., afterward j)rofessor of Greek in McAlister College, became pastor and remained until October 14, 1874. William S. Fulton served from April 29, 1875, until June 1, 1880, on September 16th of which year his successor, John N. MacGonigle, was installed. Reverends Z. F. Blakely and Beidleman have been the successive missionaries in charge of Palace Hill chapel. The mission school, begun in 1885 at the request of Mrs. Angus Cameron, together with the Sabbath school of three hundred fifty pupils and teachers, in 1886, twenty-three years after its organization, gave a total of four hun- dred sixty-one pupils and teachers. The Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety, founded June 15, 1875, the "Home" branch, organized January 24, 1884, and the quartette choir embrace the auxiliary societies of the church. The First United Presbyternan Church of Oil City had its beginnings in the desire of a few families of that belief for services. These were the Morrisons — M. J., and his wife, Susannah, S. P., and the Misses Susannah, Sarah, and Hannah; James G. and Jane Reed, Mrs. H. J. Cookston, Mrs. Nancy Zuver, J. B. and Katy A. Blakely, and Mrs. Euphemia Smith, the most of whom are now either deceased or resident at a distance. A petition sent to Lake Pi'esbytery resulted in a called meeting in the "Old Banking House," December 21, 1863, at which Reverend J. R. Slentz, of Plumer. Pennsylvania, organized them with James G. Reid and M. J. Morrison as elders. On the following February 1st Reverend John W. Pinkerton arrived as the first stated supply, and services were held in the old hall on the site of the Morrison block on Center street. Their activity was such Tinder Reverend Pinkerton that on December 18th, following his departure in May, 1865, services were held for the first time in their new church near OIL CITY. 495 the corner of Pearl and Harriot avenues. Messrs. Graff, Hasson & Com- pany had donated the lot, and under the management of the building com- mittee, K. Sproul, S. P. Morrison, H. L. McCance, M. J. Morrison, and J. G. Reed, a frame church was erected at a total cost of six thousand dol- lars. Reverend D. Donnan preached the sermon and the little cono-reo-ation began to feel firmly established although they were unable to have a reo^ular pastor until September 7, 18(57, when Reverend Joseph McNab was reo-u- larly installed. The vigorous life of the church under his direction is well ilhistrated by the fact that, although their church was burned in 1873, by the 19th of April of that year, th(> session met in the basement of the neAV church erected on the same spot. The fire resulted from a defective flue just after a service on a winter night. Their new church was l)uilt after more extensive designs than the old one, and the difficulties attending its com- pletion were such that it was not ready for dedication until Octol^er 28, 1877, when the ceremonies were performed by Reverends Jeffers, J. R. Britton, and Craft. It is an interesting frame structure, erected under W. J. Bell's direction, and cost about twelve thousand dollars. The date of the arrival of successive pastors are as follows: Reverend Thomas Bracken, July, 1874; J. W. Swaney, April 30, 1877; J. W. Smith, May 15, 1883; W. E. Stewart, December 13, 1887, to April 21, 1889. The society has a choir, and besides the Ladies' Missionary Society, there are two vigorous young peoples' societies, the Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor and the Cheerful Workers — the latter composed of young ladies. The church membership reaches one hundred and seven at present. The First Baptist Church of Oil City is an imposing frame edifice, over- looking the city from its commanding site at the corner of Grove and Har- riot avenues, and in whose tower the city clock clangs the hours the year around. Here too assemble from Sabbath to Sabbath, as the swelling tones of the great organ are heard, a membership of about two hundred sixty persons. Few realize how much earnestness of life, persistence of effort, and length of time is required for the establishment of such an institution. It was in-November, 1863, that the First Baptist congregation in Oil City met in the Third ward, and but three persons were present: Reverend Cyrus Shreve and two ladies whose names are not obtainable. In June following, however, a new congregation met and purchased a small house and lot on Seneca street, where on the 26th instant Reverend J. L. Scott began preach- ing, and on the 3rd of the following month, Andrew Cone, as siiperintend- ent. began a Sunday school of seventeen members. A week after the Sunday school began (July 10th) twenty-seven persons made an effort to organize the church properly, but although Reverend Scott preached on the 17th. his health failing soon after seems to have been the signal of general inactivity 496 HISTORY OF YEXANGO COUNTY. for some time. March 1, 1866, a few met at Doctor J. D. Baldwin's and as trustees J. D. Baldwin. S. A. Boyer, Robert Lowrie, R. B. Fulton, and Andrew Cone were chosen, to whom a charter was granted November 30th following. The 11th of February, 1867, the church was organized with twenty-one members, and Shadrach Couch, treasurer, Andrew Cone, clerk, J. D. Baldwin and Andrew Cone, deacons, embraced the official list. Rev- erend W. AV. Meech was called at a salary of twelve hundred dollars pe?^ annum, and by August 15th of the same year the congregation was officially recognized by a council embracing representatives from Titusville, Cherry Tree, Spartansburg, Franklin, Corry, and Conneautville. which convened for that purpose, while on the 6th of the following month it was admitted to the Oil Creek Baptist Association, then sitting in Warren, Pennsylvania. The society was now founded but its career began so precariously that after Reverend Meech' s resignation November 25, 1867, they had to depend on supplies until May 16, 1869, and also received seven hundred dollars aid from the state association. Up to September, 1869, twenty-one new members were added, and during Reverend E. F. Crane's pastorate, begun on the preceding May 16th, a lot was secured and steps taken to erect a church. August 6th of that year (1869) Julius Davis and Charles Williams were elected deacons, and after the arrival of Reverend J. W. Spoor. May 8, 1870, the failing health of Reverend Crane having caused his resigna- tion, the church building was taken up and on December 2nd following the contract was let to Carpenter & Matthews of Meadville. After its comple- tion in September, 1871, at a cost estimated at thirteen thousand dollars, it was dedicated the 15th day of October next, and on the 5th of the fol- lowing month (November) Reverend William Young, D. D., became its pas- tor, the few previous months having been a period of supplies, as Reverend Spoor remained but a year. Soon after this their present pipe-organ was secured through the influ- ence of Colonel Fox of Oil City, an experienced organ builder, at a com- plete cost of about four thousand dollars; and the efForts of Charles Haines soon led to a subscription of one thousand dollars through which the pres- ent large clock was placed in the tower as city property and so cared for. Doctor Young left October 30, 1872, and on the 25th of the next month was succeeded by Reverend J. D. Herr of Pittsburgh, who, however, did not arrive until the following April (1878). Mrs. Herr organized the Woman's Missionary Society on the 21st of May, but this pastorate closed in Novem- ber of that year (1873). Reverend Austin supplied until May, 1874, when Reverend George Whitman came. During the next years of his pastorate the church prospered, and with the aid from Samuel A. Crozier, the state association, and other sources they succeeded in clearing themselves of a large debt by the close of 1878, and the annual increase of membership had been considerable. The resignation of Reverend Whitman took effect April 15, 1879. OIL CITY. 497 On the first Sunday of the following May Reverend Charles T. Hallowell began a ministry which closed November 1, 1880, and on February IH. 1881, a unanimous call was made to lleverend C. T. Morgan, of Geneva. Olno. After his resignation, August 5, 1883, Reverend Crane returned for six months until'May 2, 1884, when Reverend Dillingham, of Corry, was called ' The organization of the Baptist Social Union during this year, and the new bell and other improvements in 1885, may be noticed. After the death of the pastor, June 4, 1880, Deacon A. AV. Cox supplied until his own death, on the following July 2nd. It was not until October, 1888. that Reverend J. D. Smith began the next and present pastorate, under which the Social Union and the Society of Christian Endcnivor have grown into active life. In 1888 there had been seven hundred and ninety- six new members, and funds raised to the amount of eighty-nine thousand one hun dred and ei^ht dollars eightv-four cents since the organization of the church. Four of the charter members were then alive: Mrs. I^I. J. Lowrie, Mrs. M. Williams, Mrs. Shadrach Couch, and Mrs. Caroline Couch. Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, of South Oil City, like its sister society across the river, is unfortunate in the lack of complete recoi'ds. The earliest services to be held with any kind of regularity on the south bank of the river by this church were in 1863-64, when Reverends McCombs and J M Groves preached in the old school house on the hill, above what was then called Venango City, a mission point on President circuit. These two ministers-the former now deceased and the latter superannuated-con- ducted an interesting revival during the years mentioned, and. when Rever- end J W Welden succeeded them in 1864, he made his headquarters here and preached in private houses. Messrs. A. R Rice and Seely organ- ized a Sunday school in the grove on the hill, and continued it m Lee s hall where in 1865, the church was reorganized by the new pastors. Rever- ends N. C. Brown and L. G. Merrill. Two classes were formed, with D. W Amy and L. Miliken as leaders. . A union of these classes with the Oil City church was agitated, and in 1866 was eilected under Reverend J. Whitely as pastor, who after a short time conducted services in the Smith & Allison hall. The union, however, proved very unsatisfactory to the mass of the church, and they wei-e again nnited to the old circuit, which, at the Erie Annual Conference of July 10- 16 1867, was first known as Venango City charge, and placed under the pa;.torate of Reverends R. F. Keeler and J. P. Hicks. In the autimin of 1867 Reverend Keeler organized a class at the Reno mission, which had been attended for a vear or so, with S. A. Darnell as leader. The Venango City church was reorganized October 6th of that year with twenty-four members. A B. Rice was leader, and S. J. Ervin and Benjamin Foust, stewards. The church grew so fast under Reverend Keeler's pastorate that at the confer- ence of July 15-21, 1868, Venango City and Reno were made a separate 498 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. charoje under Reverend Keeler. There were seventy- one attached to the church at this time, and September 6, 1868, two classes were formed, with Messrs.* Rice and Myers as leaders. Efforts were made during the year to build a more suitable home than Smith & Allison's hall, but in vain. It was not until after Reverend R. D. Waltz' appointment in 1869 that the building at 315 East Third street was gotten under way, during which time they were kindly allowed the use of the Evangelical church. After the appointment of Reverend T. P. Warner in September, 1870, the church was completed at a cost of about four thou- sand five hundred dollars, and dedicated December 11th following by Rev- erend J. C Pershing, D. D., of Pittsburgh. It was nearly thirteen years, however, Ijefore the earnest struggling society became free from debt; that was during; the pastorate of Reverend M. Miller. September 5, 1871, the new pastor, Reverend R. B. Boyd, arrived; under his care the church prospered and the Sunday school grew so that new rooms had to be erected. He remained until September 3, 1873. The best information that could be obtained of the succeeding pastorates is as follows: Reverend R. M. Bear had charge in 1874; Washington Hollister, 1875-76; E. D. McCreary, 1877-78; J. H. Herron, D. D., from 1879 to 1881 inclusive; M. Miller, from 1882 to 1884 inclusive; R. M. Warren, 1885-86; and P. P. Pinney, 1887 — . Their neat frame parsonage adjoins the church site, and both of these were improved in 1888 to the value of eight hundred and tifty dollars. The church is now a flourishing congregation of two hundred and eighty - five members, with its Woman's Home Missionary Society, Ladies' Aid Society, the young people's society — the Gleaners, a choir, and a Sunday school of about three hundred members. For all this much is due to those early pioneers of the old school house, an incomplete list of whose names are given: Elijah Myers, Charles Lee, the proprietor of Lee's hall, James Whitehill, Mrs. A. P. Dale, J. W. Latshaw, and others whose names seem not obtainable. The Hebrew Society, under its various names, has been the result of a desire of several Jewish families in Oil City to unite their people in relig- ious and benevolent life. It was during the later days of the war in the year 1864 that a resident of the Third ward called, at his home near Center street bridge, a meeting of twenty-two persons who formed themselves into the Hebrew Benevolent Society. L. Bear, the resident above mentioned who is still living in Oil City, led the services, in rented rooms secured for a synagogue, until about 1868. About this time the Progress Association was organized by S. W. Seldner who was its leader until probably about 1875, after which its career became more or less uncertain and spasmodic. About 1875 Mr. Bear secured the organization of the present Hebrew School Association and OIL CITY. 499 rooms were secured in the tliiril story of the Lambertou l)look. Very soon, too, a rabbi was engaged in the [)erson of S. Ulhnan of Harrislnirg. The successive rabbis with approximate dates of arrival have been as follows: S. Ullman, 1875; S. AVeil, 1879; Willner, 1882; and S. Goldstein, in June, 1888. Eleven families constitute the membership, and two aiixiliary societies are in vigorous operation, namely, the Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Association, organized in 1873, and the young men's Hebrew Literary Soci- ety, which began its career in 1889. Brown's Oiapel of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at Oil City was organized about 1865, and named after Reverend Morris Brown, the secoftd bisho]) of that denomination. Beverend R. M. Green, Mrs. Charity Green, Charlotte Green, R. H. and Hannah Mann. Hannah Graham, and J. N. Mann, five of whom withdrew from Trinity church, met in O'Harra's opera house and were organized into a society by Reverend A. R. Green of Canada. After meeting some time in that building they leased Linden hall, corner of Main and Center streets, and used it until the great lire, after which they at once erected their present frame chiirch on Stout street at a cost of three thousand dollars, and dedicated it in 1868. Their pastors have been as follows, as nearly as can be afforded by the memox'y of Reverend R. M. Green: John fxibbons of Meadville; W. M. Brown; J. M. Morris; Benjamin Wheeler; W. A. J. Phillips; Anderson Palmer; S. T. Jones; and the present pastor, I. N. Ross. One of their members, Reverend R. M. Green, who has occasionally preached for them, spent several years in the South as a missionary. They have a Sabbath school and choir and a membership of sixty-eight. The Reformed Presbyterian Church is kno'wn in Scotland as the Cov- enanter church, but the American branch prefers the above name. Their congregation in South Oil City numbers about seventy persons, whose weekly privilege it is to wend their way to services in their picturesque little frame church on West First street, near State, either for the sermon by Reverend J. A. F. Bovard, or the Sunday school of about seventy mem- bers under Superintendent W. J. McGee, or possibly a meeting of the Ladies' Home Missionary Society of the church. A religious society always represents more of effort and jieriods of strug- gle than is usually appreciated by the public, and the little congregation composed of W. B. and L. A. Magee, James and F. A. Magee, John and Jane Love, Charles J. and Margaret Love, H. F. and Agnes Kirk, James and Sa- rah Ellis, Joseph and M. A. Hill, John Quin, R. and George Porter, Ann Reed, James R. Hill, and Joseph G. Garrett, who were organized June 1 5, 1865, l)y a commission from Pittsburgh Presbytery, was no exception. The commission, composed of Reverends T. Sproull and J. W. Sproull. with Elders James Boggs, James McKee, and Marcus Stewart, met in the old public school house of Oil City, the first mentioned gentleman presiding, 500 HISTOltY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and ou the following day Elders W. B. Magee and John Love were elected. Laytonia, then a mere village, had no chnrch structure up to this time, and this society was the first to erect one, which was built on their lots, cor- ner of Second and State streets, at a cost of seven thousand dollars. The old church did good service, until May 1, 1887, after it had been thought for various reasons- best to purchase their present church from the Episcopal church society, they relegated the old building to tenant purposes, and occupied their new (juarters, which cost probably about four thousand five hundred dollars. The elders had been changed during these years, and for six years from the first the pulpit was occupied only by supplies. Elders John Quin and H. F. Kirk were elected November 8. 18(36, and April 8, 1872. About a year after the first pastorate William Thompson was ordained elder and W. J. Magee and C. J. Love, deacons. The first pastor, Reverend D. McFall, was called by a meeting March 11, 1871, presided over by Reverend D. Reid, and on May 19th following, he was ordained by Reverends A. M. Milligan, D. B. Wilson, and J. J. McClurkin, and Elders James Boggs and James An- derson. Reverend McFall' s excellencies led to his receiving a call from Boston, and from his departure. May 2U, 1873, to June 11, 1884, when Reverend Bovard was installed, is another interval of dependence on stated supplies, which gave place to the numerous years of the present pastorate. The Second Presbyter iart Church of Oil City, located on the south side in the midst of elegant residences and l)looming terraces, has two ejiochs in its career. In the days of Venango City several of its citizens agitated the organiza- tion of a Presbyterian church, which, through their messenger to Clarion Presbytery, John B. Gibson, was organized January 13, 1866, by a committee composed of Reverend S. P. Kiucaid and Elder L. Watson with an assistant. Reverend Shirley. Twenty-nine members began the organization: John C. and Melissa J. Mclntire, Al)ijah M. Porterfield, John and Sarah McCon- nell, Richard and Catherine Hughes, Hugh C. and Charlotte A. Graham, Harriet F. Carnahan, Elizabeth McKee, M. and C. E. McCombs, John B. Peninah, Delia B. and L. C. Gibson, S. M. and Mary J. Boyd, Mariah B. Elliott, Sarah A. Campbell, Hugh and Mary A. Brady. John C. and Nar- cissa A. Timlin. David J. Heming, E. M. Potter, E. J. Lay, M. D., and wife. Messrs. Gibson, Mclntire, and Boyd were chosen elders, and Me.ssrs. Brady and Hughes became deacons, while the name of the church chosen was, "'The First Presbyterian Church of Venango City.'" A hall was secured on the corner of Front and Central avenue in the building now used as a hotel, and here for nearly two years services were held at intervals by the folloAving supplies: Reverends S. P. Kincaid. Shirley, Gray, S. H Hallady, and Leason. A Sabbath school and prayer >J^^ OIL CITY. 503 meeting were kept up also, the latter often aided by lleverend McFetridge, of the First church of Oil City. After a two-years' struggle it was thought best, on account of removals and other causes, to disband, and twenty members remaining merged their numbers into the First church of Oil City. The second epoch begins in 1870, when Captain John Munhall and others wisely secured a lot on the southeast corner of First and Reed streets at a cost of fifteen hundred dollars. In the spring of 1882 the increased population, convenience, and other causes united to make the V)uilding of a new south side church advisable, and, growing out of a suggestion of Doc- tor R. Colbert a meeting of the following gentlemen was held about May 1st at the office of William McNair: Captain John Munhall, T. H. Will- iams, Mr. McNair, John Spear, David Sterrett, Doctor Colbert, W. H. Kinter, W. W. White, Doctor J. R. Arter, George Porter, and H. C. Graham. The result was that at a meeting. June 14th, building plans of Mr. John Bennett were adopted and the building committee — Messrs. Williams, Porter, Munhall, Kinter, and J. M. McElroy — pushed their work; Messrs. Colbert and Graham secured ecclesiastic organization and Messrs. Graham and A. M. Turner secured legal incorporation under their present name. The brick structure, to be completed in November at a cost of five thousand five hundred dollars, was extended both in time and price, and reached, when furnished, a cost of eight thousand one hundred dollars, while on August 5, 1872, the presbyterial committee — Rever- ends J. J. Marks, D. D., T. J. Mulford, and Elder Patton— completed the organization with fifty-six members, fifty-one of whom had letters from the First church of Oil City. Of these R. M. James and W. H. Porter- field were chosen elders, and after various services in the Reformed Pres- byterian and Episcopal churches, the new church was dedicated January 19, 1873, the services of the day being conducted by Reverend David Hall, D. D. , of Mansfield, Ohio, and Reverend David McFall of the Re- formed Presbyterian church of Oil City. The church was now firmly founded and a Sabbath school begun under the superintendence of Doctor R. Colbert, which has grown from one hun- dred and eighteen pupils of that day to three hundred and fourteen in 1889. The first pastor, Reverend David T. Carnahan, of Pittsburgh, was called July 25, 1873, and began his labors on the following September 3rd. At his installation on November 5th, Reverend Ross Stevenson preached the sermon,, and Reverends Joseph Mateer, D. D. , and J. McPherrin gave the charges respectively to the pastor and congregation. Daring the decade of Reverend Carnahan' s pastorate there were two considerable revivals, early in 1875 and 1876, and a large debt was cleared. The membership at the close was one hundred and sixty-two against seventy at the beginning; the Sabbath school two hundred; benevolent contributions amounted to three thousand four hundred and fifty-eight dollars; expense funds reached a 28 504 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNT V. total of twenty-nine thousand dollars — making a grand financial total of thirty-two thousand dollars. The present pastorate began with the installation of Reverend W. F. Wood of Peotone, Illinois, November 17, 1882. The sermon was preached by Reverend John McCoy of Franklin, the pastoral charge given by Rever- end L. M. Gilliland of Tidioute, while Reverend J. N. MacGonigle of the First church gave the charge to the people. The pastorate has been one of considerable activity and the i^ersonnel of the congregation characterized bv youth. The needs of the young people at once led to arrangements for more room, so that by June 16, 1884, a practially new church was dedi- cated, which cost about twenty eight thousand dollars, including the value of the lot. The architect, Jacob Snyder of Akron, Ohio, and the building committee, J. B. Smithman, D. Mcintosh, P. Schreiber, and J. H. Mc- Elroy succeeded in forming an edifice which with its lawns and trees makes one of the chief features of the south side. The dedicatory sermon was preached by the pastor, who was assisted by Reverend Carnahan, Reverend "W. M. Covert of the Evangelical church, and Reverend J. F. Plummer of Pittsburgh, acting pastor of the First church. The church debt was cleared in March, 1888. In May, 1889, a fine pipe-organ was secured, valued at four thousand five hundred dollars. The membership also, with the opening revival of 1883-84, has in- creased steadily from one hundred and sixty-two to three hundred and forty- seven ^ the total contribution for the first six years of the pastorate was thirty-eight thousand and forty-two dollars; the auxiliary society life flour- ished, so there are now the following: The Temperance Society, organized March 28, 1889; the Pansies, organized in 1888; the Gleaners, in 1888; the Sunbeams, in 1888; the King's Sons, in 1889; the King's Daughters; the Young People's Missionary Society; the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies ; the Sabbath school, and a quartette choir. The sessional succession is as follows: Elders R. M. James and W. H. Porterfield, from August 5, 1872, to 1877, when Mr. James died; Doctor R. Colbert from 1873; Adam Hosey from 1873 to 1878; A. M. Turner from 1873; G. R. Kemp from 1873 to his death in 1884; H. G. Tinker from 1879; W. S. Motheral from 1883; and Elder N. H. Brown from 1883. The deacon and trusteeships have been in competent hands. Christ Church, Protestant Episcopal, had its beginnings in the old Third ward school house probably as early as 1861. The members of this faith throughout the adjoining region gathered here whenever some foreign rector found it convenient to hold services. The rectors at Franklin, Reverends Henry Purdon and J. W. Tays, the first of whom information can be gained, held services during 1862-64, but the changeful character of the population made organization inadvisable until 1866. Reverend Marcus A. Tolman of Franklin had held services here, and it was at his suggestion that an OIL CITY. 505 organization was effected in August at Bascom's ball in the Third ward. In 1867 the diocesan convention admitted the society under the name Clivist Church. Parish, Oil City. The successive pastorates began with the call of Reverend R. D. Nevius of the Diocese of Alabama, extended by Christ church and St. John's at Rouseville, August 8, 1866. After a successful service of two and a half years he received a call to St. John's, Mobile, Alabama, and left for his new field in February, 1860. In the following September Reverend Morison Byllesby became rector and served until the spring of 1871, when, in May, he was succeeded by the Reverend J. T. Protheroe. This pastorate closed in May, 1875, and Reverend Charles G. Adams took charge, serviu<.- until Ascension Day, 1879. During October his successor. Reverend P. B. Litrht- ner, assumed the duties of the rectorship and continued until October 8, 1882. The present rector, the Reverend J. H. B. Brooks of Salisbury, Maryland, accepted the call to the parish January 1, 1883, and the church entered upon a prosperous career. The places of worship after the organization were Bascom's hall for about six months, when Excelsior hall was used. On Christmas, 1868, they began in a newly fitted up hall in the Mercantile block. This was used until the first church was consecrated January 25, 1871, by Reverend John Scarborough of Pittsburgh. This had been suggested in December, 1869, and a frame structure was erected on First near the corner of State street, south side, at a total cost of about four thousand dollars, and built by G. N. Moore. In 1877 an infant school building was erected, and in 1881 a rectory was erected on First street, which with other property is valued at four thousand dollars. It was at this time that the church was reincorporated. In 1882 services were held on the north side in the Lamberton block, and a school and reading room had for about two years to accommodate members there. In 1884 a new church was suggested by Messrs. Ash and Lyddon, and the following year plans of E. A. Curtis of Fredonia, New York, were adopted. The beautiful structure at the corner of First street and Central avenue, with its four thousand dollar pipe-organ, was completed in 1886 at a total cost of about thirty thousand dollars, while the old church was sold to the Reformed Presbyterians. The predecessors of the present organ are the first, secured in 1867 through the efforts of Mrs. W. L. Lay, and the second, presented by H. L. Foster in 1882. The first vestry included A. L. Bennett, J. C. Welch, J. B. McMullen, G. E. Shepard, John B. Candy, A. W. Myers, J. G. Shirts, Robert Christie, Charles Frink, M. McGarvey, E. Edgerton, and J. M. Braden, in 1866. The changes since have been with few exceptions as follows: 1868, W. H. Col- ling, Myers, Bennett, W. L. Lay, W. J. Brundred, Candy, W. R. Johns, T. B. McNair, and I. M. Sowers; 1869, J. W. Weller vice Brundred, E. B. Searls vice McNair, and D. McMullen vice Candy; 1870, Doctor Ansart, 506 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Messrs. Bennett, the Lays, Johns, Myers, Weller, Martindale, and McCutch- eon; 1872, Messrs. Weller, the Lays, Greenfield, Cornwall, Port&ons, Brnn- dred, Forman, and Grant; 1875, Forman, the Lays, Campbell, Brun- dred, Grant, Shreiber, Porteous, Cornwall, and Greenfield: 1876, Fraser vice Forman, Simpson vice W. L. Lay, Beveridge vice Grant, Grosh, and Beers; 1877, Foster vice Simpson, Winslow vice Grosh, and Corse vice Beers; 1878, Hepburn vice Campbell, Ash vice Schreiber; 1879, Church vice Lay, and Mr. Ogilby vice Corse; 1880, C. H. Lay vice Hepburn, McGarvey vice AVinslow, and Cowell vice Church; 1881, Chickering vice Lay, Watson vice Beveridge, and Welch vice Porteous; 1882, Ross vice Watson, Beveridge vice Cowell, Bobbins vice Cornwall, B. F. vice W. J. Brundred, Lyddon vice Welch; 1883, W. J. Brundred vice Greenfield, Lay vice McGarvey; 1884, Beers vice Lay, Hartwell vice Lyddon, Judd vice Beveridge, Green- field vice Bobbins, Cornwall vice Ogilby, Cowell vice Fraser; 1885, Camp- bell vice Cornwall; 1886, Lay vice Judd; 1888, Hyde vice Ross. The auxiliary societies of the church have been a Sabbath school from the first, a somewhat intermittent parish school, the Rector's Aid Society, the Altar Society, three circles of the King's Daughters, a choir of men and boys, and a mission at McClintockville with twenty-three members. The total membership of the church is three hundred and twenty-eight. Calvary Cfmrch, Evangelical Association, had its origin in a company of adherents of what has been known as the Albright faith, who, in 1866, called the Reverend W. C. Davis, of Pittsburgh, to hold services. He did so and after a protracted meeting in Lee's hall daring the winter following an organization embracing forty members was effected. Among these were Mr. and Mrs. T. AV. Smoyer, Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder and daughter, Mr. A. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, and others, many of whom had worshiped with the Methodists. Their class leader was Mr. Myers, and Reverend Davis was placed officially in charge of the mission by the Pitts- burgh Conference at AVarren, Pennsylvania, in 1867. Reverend P. VV. Plotts had charge of the mission the second year and an attempt was made to erect a church; he was succeeded by Reverend G. AV. Brown, under whom a church was erected on First near Short street. It was dedicated October 31, 1869, by Reverend T. G. Clewell, and has since been added to and much improved. Reverend Covert was pastor in 1885, and Reverend Hummell is the present pastor. It is a misfortune that no records of the church have been preserved. The society is prosperous and has a good membership. The Christian Church, often known as Disciples, Campbellites, etc., held services for a time about 1867 under Reverend Newcomb. An organi- zation was atternpted, but it came to naught. Good Hope Church, Evangelican Lutheran, is a south side society in which both the German and the English languages are used. This is an interesting fact when it is known that the congregation was about seven- OIL CITY. 507 teen years old before the introduction of English, when the needs of the younger generation became imperative. Among the arrivals in Oil City previous to 1870 were some German Lu- therans: The lioess brothers, George Walter, John M. Schmid, Jacob Bur- kle, E. Kaufmann, George Paul, G. C. Mohr, George Gutmiller, H. Suhr, G. Peters, M. Kirchartz, M. Wanner, and others. These, in 1870, secured Reverend L. Vogelsang, then of Brady's Bend, Pennsylvania, to hold serv- ices occasionally in the old Third ward school house. Reverend Lauge, of Franklin, also held English services sometimes in the Evangelical church, on First street. July 30, 1871, an organization was effected under the name German Good Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church, with the following council: George Walter, president; E. Kaufmann, secretary; Louis Roess, treasurer; and Messrs. Schmid, Burkle, Paul, and John Kistler. On October IDth following a constitution was signed by twenty-five members, after the in- stallation of the first pastor. Reverend Vogelsang, on the 8th instant. The first pastorate, a long one of sixteen and a half years, was marked by a slow but permanent growth. The membership was both foreign and American born and by the close of the pastorate numbered two hundred and twenty- five communicants with a Sabbath school enrolling fifty pupils and teachers. This svTccessful pastorate closed April 1, 1888, by the resignation of Rev- erend Vogelsang, prompted by failing health. Rev. H. J. Reimann had been called in January and April r2th entered upon the present pastorate, which has been marked by the introduction of the English language— especially in Sunday evening services, and an Jncrease in membership to about three hundred, while the Sabbath school enrolls one hundred and four pupils and seventeen teachers, and a parochial school, begun by Rev- erend Vogelsang, has an average attendance of fifty. The building and parsonage have also been a steady growth. The site was purchased in 1871, and includes lots 43 and 44 on First street. The consideration was one thousand dollars. The sum of five thousand dollars was raised, and on August 20th of the same year the dedication occurred. Although the first annual congregational meeting was held October 7th fol- lowing, the society were not incorporated until October 21, 1872. The church is a two-story frame with the auditorium above, a school and lecture room below, and a parsonage in the rear. Early in the eighties a pipe- organ was put in and various changes and improvements have been made from time to time until the total value of the property is estimated at about eight thousand dollars. The council was in 1871 composed of Elders Louis Roess, George Walter; Deacons George Peters, E. Kaufmann, J. Kistler, and Trustees J. M. Schmid, George Paul, and J. Burkle. With slight changes succes- sive councils have been as follows: 1872-73, elders: Roess and Walter; 508 HISTOliY OF VENANGO COUNTY. deacons: Peters, Kaufmanu, and Iserloh; trustees: Sclimid, Paul, and Burkle; 1874, elder, Kaufmann; deacons: Walter and Peters; trustees: Schinidand Roess; 1875, elder, Kirchartz; deacons: Alt and Schmid; trust- ees: Roess and Kaufmann; 1876, elders Kirchartz and Walter; deacons: Kaufmann and Schmid; trustee, Roess; 1877-82, elders: Kirchartz and Walter; deacons: Kaufmann and Suhr; trustees: Roess and Schmid; 1882-83, elders: Kirchartz and Walter; deacons: Kaufmann and Suhr; trustees: Roess, Schmid, Schormann, and Steglat; 1884-85, elders: Kir- chartz, Walter, and Schormann; deacons: Kaufmann, Suhr, and Gutmiller; trustees: Roess, Schmid, and Steglat; 1886, elders: Schmid and Suhr; deacons: Roess and Gutmiller; trustees: Bench, Schormann, Kaufmann, and Steglat; 1887, elders: Roess and Schmid; deacons: Walter, Suhr, Plack, and Dallas; trustees: Schormann, Kaufmann, and Steglat; 1888, elders: Roess and Schmid; deacons: Plack, Walter, Schwartzkopf, and Suhr; trustees: Schormann, Krathge, and Kaufmann. The Free Methodist Church in its systematic plans of work linds occa- sion to frequently change circuits, districts, and conferences to suit exigen- cies that arise, and from this cause arises the fact that Genesee Conference formerly, and Pittsburgh of late years, have embraced Oil City within their limits; while it has formed a part of circuits of various dimensions until it became a station September 19, 1888. It is of interest to trace the growth of a society which has been under the care of so varied a catalogue of ministers as the following, especially since the Oil City congregation was one of the first of this faith in western Pennsylvania: Reverends R. W\ Hawkins of Olean, New York, with occa- sional services for several years previous to 1871; W. W. Warner, 1871; S. K. J. Chesbro, 1872; Joseph Henning, 1873; J. T. James and J. Barn- hart, 1875; H. H. Loomis and S. R. Titus, 1876; H. H. Loomis, 1877; J. Barnhart and H. G. Smith, 1878; John Robinson, 1879; J. S. McGeary, 1881; William Richards, 1882; R. H. Bentley, 1883; A. D. Gaines, 1884; J. D. Rhodes, 1886; M. B. Miller, 1887, and the present pastor, A. T. Sager. It was in July, 1871, after Reverend Hawkins had long visited Oil City, that a camp meeting was held on the hill near the old Methodist Episcopal camp ground above South Oil City, and the interest was such that a congre- gation was organized the following autumn in that usual place for public meetings on the south side — Lee's hall. They afterward worshiped in Sheppard's hall, the old Covenanter church, and other places for nearly ten years, when in 1880, during Reverend Robinson's pastorate, they secured a a lot on East Fourth street and erected their present frame chiirch at a cost of about one thousand five hundred dollars. It was appropriate, too, that the dedicatory services were performed by their old pioneer evangelist, Rev- erend R. W. Hawkins. OIL CITY. 509 The Lee's ball company who began their coiporate career in 1871 were composed of Mr. and Mrs. James Whitehill, Charles Lee, Mary Marshall, John Swallow, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Holtzman, Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crouch, Mrs. Mary Flacjk, and possibly one or two others whose names seem not attainaVile. Of these INIr. Lee was the lirst steward, and a lady served as one of the first class leaders, Mary Marshall. The absence of complete records and the action of uncertain memories makes some desirable details unobtainable. The greatest accessions were probably durino- the pastorates of Reverend Warner, the first pastor, and that of Ileverend Bently in 1888, whereby the present membership has reached fifty-two, and a Sunday school of twenty-five members with its missionary auxiliary has reached a prosperous stage. The Second Adventist Church of South Oil City grew from a series of evangelistic meetings held late in 1883 in Fritz hall on Pine street by Elder John T. Ongley, of Lincolnville, Pennsylvania. The movement encoun- tered some opposition but soon secured the following members and formed a society: F. N. Gibbs, William Oram, W. H. Porterfield, R. G. Wordem, A. Gail, Mary and Jane Oram, Mary and Harry Porterfield, Levi Hall Nancy Lyons, Mrs. Jane Amy, Fred and Jane Sherrett, and L. M. and Mary Linza. Messrs. Oram and Porterfield (W. H.), were chosen deacons, and a Sunday school was organized which flourished only during pastorates. Their place of worship in Fritz hall was used for al)ont four years since which they have occupied Fair's hall on the same street, where they now enroll thirty-one members. Their pastoral record is as follows: Reverends, J. T. Ongley, 1883; Mrs. L. M. Stoddard, 1884;^various supplies, 1885; C. W. Stephens, 1886-87; and evangelists in 1888-89. The Primitive Methodist Church. — Auspicious importance has always been attached to the number seven, so the little company who began cottage prayer meetings in South Oil City in the fall of 1888 might have taken it as a good omen that their number embraced only the following persons: Rever- end AV. H. Litzenberg, John Aungst, G. W. Smoyer, Henry Winger and his wife, B. E. Cook and Mrs. Maggie Cook, and the fact that ten more have since joined them gives substance to their encouragement. The society secured chapel rooms on Pine street between Second and Third, and for the first time held services December 31, 1888. Reverend W. H. Litzenberg organized the society under authority from the Primitive Methodist church at large, and has since had charge of this point and Stone- boro, Pennsylvania. Reverend J. Whitely, a former pastor of Trinity church, is his assistant. The Young Men's Christian Association was formed April 5, 1887, in the parlors of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church and H. L. Foster chosen president. D. Beidleman was chosen general secretary, and by June follow- ing they bad rooms fitted up in the old Derrick block on Seneca street, with 510 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. reading room, parlor, office, ball, and gymnasium. After about eighteen months Mr. Beidleman resigned and W. E. Jolly succeeded him. In April, 1889, the management was placed in the hands of the younger members, and P. S. Ingham was chosen president. The Woman'' s Christian Temperance Union grew out of the "crusade" movement that flourished in Oil City late in the seventies under Mrs. Jane Fulton and Mrs. H. P. Williams, and was organized in February, 1881, by the state organizer — Mrs. Wittenmyer of Philadelphia. Their fifty mem- bers soon secured the services of the famous temperance worker, Francis Murphy, and during their career such names as Willard, White, Bain, Foster, Hunt, St. John, Mills, and others have lent vigor to their efforts. Charitable and Bible work of earlier years has given way to definite temper- ance and prohibition work. The members and meeting places of the society have varied; they now have about one hundred and use the hall of the Y. M. C. A. society. Their successive presidents have been: Mrs. W\ Chambers, Mrs. W. W. Hulings, Mrs. F. L. Clarke. Mrs. George Porter, Mrs. J. R. Penn, and Mrs. P. P. Pinney. PARKS AND CEMETERIES. The most that the city can boast in parks is two defunct driving parks, one on Clark's Summit, whose winding road, plains, and beautiful views make the nearest approach to a public park, and one in a distant part of the south side. Grove Hill Cemetery is beautifully laid out at the head of Bishop avenue and under the charge of an association composed of lot holders, which was organized November 24, 1870, at the suggestion of ladies of the city. The incorporators were Messrs. McNair, Munhall, Drake, Cox, McCance, Weller, W. R. Stevenson, H. H. Stephenson, Dale, Mawhinney, Shoemaker, and Cone. Nine and a half acres were secured of Graff, Hasson & Company and tastefully laid out by Superintendent Cone and Engineer W. R. Stephenson. The first cost when completed was probably very near two thousand dollars. BOROUGH OF EMLENTON. 511 CHAPTER XXIV. BOROUGH OF EMLENTON. EapvLY Histouy— The First Merchants — Hotels— Local Buidok and Railroad Enterprises— Manufactures— Thk Bokougm Or- ganization—Secret AND Other Socikties- Schools— Churches. VILLAGE history in the earlier settled and purely agricultural sections of the state is a record of small and unpretentious beginnings, tardy ex- pansion, and slow accretions of population or business, with which the rapid growth of towns in the oil regions is strikingly in contrast. The conditions under which Emlenton has reached its present size and importance corre- spond more nearly to the former than the latter, and in this respect its posi- tion among the towns of the county is somewhat anomalous. Unlike the county capital it was not ushered into existence by the fiat of legislative en- actment, and without the prestige which naturally attaches to the county seat it competed sviccessfully for a time for the business of this part of the Allegheny valley. It was a thriving town before Oil City was possible, and its citizens have not lacked the enterprise to derive their share of advantage from the development of the oil industry. Early History. — The first improvement upon the site of Emlenton was made by John Kerr. He was probably a squatter. He cleared that part of the town between Ritchey's run and the Allegheny Valley depot, and built a cabin near the present residence of John C. Porterfield. Nothing was left to indicate its location in 1834 except a pile of stones. Kerr was a waterman, and was drowned while loading a flat-boat with building stones for Pittsburgh. This occurred two miles down the river; he slipped from a flat rock, still called by his name. His family moved away, and John Cochran succeeded to the improvements. It does not appear that he re- mained long, but changed his residence to the vicinity of Richland church, where the family is still represented. The owners of the townsite at the time it was surveyed were Joseph B. Fox and Andrew McCaslin. The former was of English origin, a member of the society of Friends, a man of great wealth, and one of the earliest settlers of Clarion county. Here he owned a large tract of land and founded the town of Foxburg, four miles below Emlenton, the intervening territory forming 512 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. part of his estate. Before their marriage the name of Mrs. Fox had been Hannah Emlen; and when the time arrived that the struggling village on the northern border of his land should rejoice in" that strange spell, a name," the present designation was conferred in her honor. As described by pres- ent landmarks, the line between Fox's land and McCaslin's ran from the river bank at the Valley hotel to the public school building, and thence at an angle over the hill. McCaslin was a man of influence in county afPairs. He was elected sheriff in 1832, removed to Franklin, and subsequently engaged in the manufacture of iron. His house was a small log building, to which a frame addition was made prior to 1834. It occupied the site of Flynn Broth- ers' woolen mill. Andrew Solinger. an unmarried man in 1834, had charge of the ferry, which was the property of McCaslin. When the latter went to Franklin, he rented his house to William Metzler, a carpenter, who removed to the town of Clarion when it was laid out and did some work on the pub- lic buildings of Clarion county. M. McCullough, Jr. , laid out part of the McCaslin land in 1868, in town lots. James Devlin was the surveyor. The first doctor of the locality was Nathaniel D. Snowden, who began his professional career in this county at this place in 1828. Two years later he removed to Franklin, his residence the remainder of his life. Jacob Truby succeeded Solinger at the ferry in 1834. He was a native of Centre county and a lumberman by occupation, married in Cattaraugus county, New York, and settled in fScrubgrass township in 1832, whence he came to Emlenton. Passengers and teams crossed the river on a large flat- boat, assisted in its progress by a stout pole in the hands of the ferryman. On a day in the early spring, shortly after the opening of river navigation. Mr. Truby was starting out with his flat when the pole became entangled in some obstruction. It proved to be the body of a man; and in the absence of anything that would establish his identity, he was buried by the county. A large rock on the bank near which the body was discovered is known as Dead Man's rock. The house in which Truby lived was twenty-five rods above that of McCaslin, where the cellar walls are still visible. It was kept as a public house. The third house of the village in 1834 was that of Doctor James Gowe, and occupied the site of the Moran hotel. The doctor was one of the first to buy lots of McCaslin, and his third daughter, Keziah, was the first white child born in the town. He subsequently practiced at Callensburg, and then left the ranks of the profession to become prothonotary of Clarion county. Late in life he entered the ministry of the Methodist church. The fourth building was that used by P. G. Hollister for a store room; it was erected in 1836. In 1837 two new houses were built, and both are still standing — the Valley hotel, by Andrew Truby, who came from Centre county to Scrubgrass township and owned a farm at Big Bend; and a frame building adjoining Flynn' s store, built by Jacob Truby, his son. The next BOROUGH OF EMLENTON. 513 Lotise was built in 1888 by Walter Lowrie. It was also ou Water street. In 1840 Jobn Diem bougM two lots on Main street, and became the first blacksmith of the place. And thus Emlenton gradually assumed the pro- portions of a small village. The first storekeeper was Andrew McCaslin. Merchandise was brought from Pittsburgh in large covered wagons, of which he had two on the road constantly. His trade extended twenty miles inland east of the river, and half that distance on the west. It is probable that McCaslin established his business in 1820. When he left the place in 1882 P. G. Hollister became the proprietor of his store. The next merchant was John Keating, whose career is a striking example of what energy and honesty can accomplish in spite of adverse circum- stances. Born in Centre county, in 1804, and left at an early age dependent on his own exertions, he came to this part of the state at the age of eighteen, and worked at a coal mine near Monroeville, Butler county. In 1886 he located at Emlenton, bringing his first consignment of goods from Pitts- burgh in a canoe, himself the entire cr^w as well as consignee. In 1846 he built a furnace near St. Petersburg, and at the time of his death, Janu- ary 1, 1881, owned an estate of a thousand acres. In 1866 he was elected associate judge of Clarion county. He continued to take an active interest in the i^rosperity of Emlenton, and will always be remembered among the most public spirited of its early business men. William Canan, Captain William Karnes, and George Morgan were also early merchants. Brown, Phillips & Company, of the Kittanning Iron Works, established the "Iron Store," in 1849, v^ith J. C. Porterfield man- ager. In August, 1857, Porterfield, Teitsworth & Company succeeded to this business, and in 1865 they were followed by Porterfield & McCombs, so that the "Iron Store" is the oldest of the present business houses. Henry Allebach was the first jeweler, and Joseph Weller was the first tailor. Both were from that part of the state where Pennsylvania Dutch is the ver- nacular. When he came here Weller had the tools of his craft and about one hundred dollars in money, a very limited education, and business sagacity that enabled him to amass. a considerable fortune. The frame building in which he transacted business many years is still standing on Water street. In 1855 Henry Gormley kept store opposite the Valley house. Henry Alle- bach repaired and sold watches and clocks on Water street. Brown, Phillips & Company, Keating & McCullough, and Joseph Weller, were all doing a flourishing business. Among those who advertised in the Echo in 1860 were Diem & Crawford, blacksmiths; Patton Brothers, saddlers; K. F. Blair, tailor; M. Nidle, undertaker; Isaac Young, photographer. As early as 1840 there were twenty iron furnaces in operation within a radius of twenty miles of Emlenton, nearly all of which were on the eastern side of the river. There was a store in connection with every furnace, 514 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. under the same management, at which the operatives were paid in goods of every kind. Pittsburgh was the base of supplies. Every spring and fall, the only seasons of the year at which the river was navigable, the iron masters received consignments of goods by steamboat, and Emlenton thus became an important distributing point. The two principal warehouses were those of Jacob Truby and John Long. That of the latter is still standing at the river bank, opposite the Valley hotel. He owned a furnace near Shippenville, and intrusted his interests here to William Hendric. It was not an uncommon thing for several steamboats to be landing goods at the same time, and in the course or two or three hours the warehouses would be filled, and the adjoining street piled up with hogsheads, casks, barrels, and boxes. It was the business of the warehouse proprietor, or forwarding agent, to receipt properly for everything received, and see that no mistakes occurred in the disposition of freight, which was consigned to the furnaces by large, ponderous wagons, usually drawn by mules. Through the long summer months, and after ice had closed river naviga- tion for the winter, the town relapsed into a state of undisturbed tran- quillity, giving merchants an opportunity to relieve their congested store- rooms and jjrepare for the next shipment of country produce, while the furnace proprietors bent their energies to the manufacture of pig iron. Under these conditions the town secured an advantage it has ever since retained — good hotels. Andrew Solinger was the first pioneer in this respect. He kept a public house in connection with the ferry, and Jacob Truby succeeded also to this branch of the business. Andrew Truby opened the Valley house in 1837, and for many years this was the leading hostelry of the town. George Morgan was proprietor for a time before the war. In 1847—48, J. S. Haggerty built the hotel known by his name and subsequently as the Exchange; the Saint Cloud now occupies the site. Hugh Murrin established the Union hotel, of which Hugh Keating was proprietor in 1860. After being occupied as a private dwelling for a time, it was reopened by T. J. Moran in 1868, and has since been known as the Moran house. The old building was burned in 1871 and the present one was erected in 1872, and is the third built upon this ground. In 1867 Alexander B. Crawford built the first predecessor of the Grand Central; it was known as the Crawford house. It was purchased by T. A. Moran, who conducted it till his death, October 18, 1876. In 1877 it was burned and Mrs. S. C. Moran erected the present substantial building in 1878, and has since carried on the business successfully. The Emlenton Bridge has always been an important adjunct of local commercial interests. The undertaking of such a project while the town was yet a straggling village indicates an exceptional degree of co-oporative enterprise. The company organized May 2, 1854, at the Valley hotel, with the election of Samuel M. Fox president, and a board of directors consist- BOROUGH OF EMLENTON. 515 ing of John Keating, Joseph Weller, R. S. PortcrHeld, Henry Kohlmeyer, Samuel Anderson, and J. J. McGinnis. At a second meeting, May 13th, the lirst secretary, J. F. Winsch, was elected. Noveral)er 25, 1854, Joseph Weller was elected first treasurer. The location was decided upon Jan uary 11, 1855. The contract was awarded to Daniel McCain, the present superintendent of bridge construction in Allegheny county, and even then a brido-e builder of experience and reputation. He learned his art with Salvinus Lothrop, builder of many of the early wooden bridges of any importance in western Pennsylvania. Work was begun in the autumn of 1855. Daniel Murray, one Blackburn, and John Graham successively superintended the construction of the masonry. The timbers were obtained at Tionesta from a lumberman named Dale, and floated down in rafts. The cord and arch pieces were whip-sawed by Andrew and William Long, of Freeport. The other timbers were hewed by hand. October 13, 1850, the secretary of the company was directed to procure and circulate five dollars' worth of hand-bills notifying the public that the bridge was passable. It was a Burr truss and arch structure, with two spans of two hundred and thirty feet each. In the winter of 1856-57 the pier was injured by an ice flood, involving an expenditure of several thousand dollars. No other casualty occurred until the complete destruction of the bridge. April 10, 1883. During the following summer the present strvicture was erected by the Canton Wrought Iron Bridge Company, and opened for travel August 16, 1883. It is built upon the old pier and abutments. Hugh Adair was elected president of the company May 1, 1855; John Keating, May 6, 1856; A. W. Crawford, the present incumbent. May 2, 1881. The present di- rectory is constituted as follows: A. W. Crawfol-d, John A. Weller, John McCombs, Samuel J. Knauss, A. B. Crawford, Levi Allebach. J. C. Por- tertield has been treasurer since May 1, 1855. The bridge yielded no dividends during the first fourteen years of its history, but has now become a valuable property. The Emlenton and ShippenviUe Railroad was an enterprise no less in- dicative of a progressive business spirit than the bridge, but not so fortunate or permanent. The company organized June 17, 1875, with James Bennett, president; J. W. Rowland, secretary; R. W. Porterfield, treasurer; P. F. Kribbs, Jacob Black, Jr., William R. Shippeu. Marcus Hulings, H. C. Brad- ley, J. C. Porterfield, directors. W. H. Smith, civil engineer, was employed to make a preliminary survey in the spring of 1876. At the second elec- tion, C. W. Mackey was elected solicitor and W. J. McConnell, superintend- ent. The latter resigned in November, 1876, and his successor, J. V. Pat- ton, had charge of the road from the time it was constructed until finally abandoned. In September, 1876, trains were running to Turkey City, a distance of seven miles, and by the end of the year the road was in opera- tion to Edenburg. That section of countiy was then one of the most active 516 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. areas of development in the oil regions, and the road yielded handsome returns from the start. This induced the projectors to extend their line to Clarion, a distance of thirty miles, a movement which the added receipts failed to justify. In the meantime a rival road was opened from Foxburg via St. Petersburg; a favorable opportunity was offered the Emlenton invest- ors to dispose of their property, which they did, at no pecuniary loss, but in the consolidation of the two roads Foxburg was retained as its terminus, and that part of the roadbed between Emlenton and Clarion Junction was abandoned. Before this occurred the name had been changed to Emlenton, Shippenville and Clarion Railroad Company; and that part of the original roadway between Clarion Junction and Clarion has since been absorbed by the Pittsburgh and Western. Manufactures. — The earliest local manufactory, if such it may be called, was a saw mill built in 1838-39, by Walter Lowrie, on Eitchey's run. Some years later Elias Widle built a steam saw mill at the mouth of the run. In this same vicinity John Whittling, a shoemaker and the first collector of the Emlenton bridge, estaljlished a tannery, which was destroyed by fire, rebuilt by his son, and burned a second time. The old stone building on Hill street was built by Joseph Weller some time before the war and used as a distillery. At a more recent date S. Kreis established the Allegheny Valley Brewery, which has also been abandoned. In 1854 Elias Widle and Ebenezer Crawford established a foundry on the present site of the Presbyterian church. They were succeeded in 1863 by Crawford, Livingston & Company, A. H. Crawford, G. W. Livingston, and Dennis Moriarty constituting the firm. In 1873 the foundry was removed to its present location; A. H. Crawford & Son became pro])rietors, the lat- ter, D. A. Crawford, becoming individual owner in 1884. In 1882, G. M. Sheffer placed the Emlenton Machine Works in opera- tion, having removed the plant from Pickwick, Clarion county. General re- pairing and machine work was given exclusive attention for several years. November 10, 1885, William Conver, a local mechanical genius, patented the Daisy engine, in which Mr. Sheffer at once secured an interest, and the Daisy Engine Company was organized, R. V. Gilbert and G. M. Sheffer con- stituting the company at present. It is a rotary engine, with vibrating pis- ton; journals and packing block of such a nature as to make a steam joint between the piston case and bottom of cylinder were patented November 5, 1887, and other new features are being tested. The engine is a curi- osity in its way; one of fifteen horse power weighs only five hundred and fifty pounds, for which reason it Avould be well adapted for use on street cars, etc. The Emlenton Milling Company — A. Cochran, W. J. McConnell, and Albert Cochran — organized January 1, 1889, opei-ates the steam flouring mill built in 1875 by Cochran & Bennett. The plant consists of engines and BOllOUGH OF EMLENTON. 517 boilers of sixty horse- power, nine sets of rolls (Short process), etc., with a capacity of one luTudred and fifty barrels per day. The Emlenton Woolen Mills, Flynn Brothers, i)roprietors, consist of a main building, forty-five by one hundred feet with four floors, twelve small and two broad looms, engines of forty-five horse-power, and went into oper- ation April 21, 1888. Twenty -one operatives are employed. The daily ca- pacity is five hundred yards of cloth, and the product, consisting of flannels and blankets, is sold through New York jobl)ing hc^uses. These works give a cash market for all the wool grown in the adjoining country for miles around. Local industries include also the Emlenton Planing Mills, U. Sloan, pro- prietor, established by Sloan, Camp & Allebach, in ISOO; several carriage shops, the local blacksmith shops, etc. The Emleiifoii Wafer Company was organized May 14, 1877, under a charter granted February 5, 1874. The first officers were as follows: Pres- ident, J. J. Gosser; secretary, D. D. Moriarty; treasurer, J. M. Mitchell. llie Bank of Emlenton was organized August 3, 1873. The first direct- ors and stockholders were James Bennett, Marcus Hulings, H. E. Bradley, R. W. Porterfield, J. W. Rowland, R. C. Cochran, and C. H. VanSchaick. In the selection of officers the following gentlemen were chosen: President, James Bennett; vice-pi'esident, Marcus Hulings, and J. W. Rowland, cashier. James Bennett, president; J. M. Dickey, vice-president; J. \V. Rowland, cashier; E. E. Sloan, assistant cashier; F. J. Rowland, teller, and H. W. Rowland, book-keeper, constitute the present corps of officers and as- sistants. The institution organized under the state laws with a nominal capital of one hundred thousand dollars, of which ten per cent, was at once paid. in. This has since been increased to twenty-five thousand dollars, while a surplus of fifteen thousand dollars has accumulated. THE BOROUGH ORGANIZATION. The borough was incorporated by decree of the court of quarter ses- sions January 27, 1859. The first election resulted in the choice of Henry Allebach as burgess, Joseph Weller, R. Colbert, A. B. Craw-ford, Elias Widle, and Ebenezer Crawford as members of council. All the records were destroyed by fire on the night of October 31, 1873, and it is impossible to ascertain who were officers during the, intervening period; since that date the succession is as follows: Burgess.— 1813, S. Lowell; 1874, W. D. Crawford; 1875-76, August Schmuck; 1877, William Lusk; 1878, J. Brenner; 1879, H. E. Bradley; 1880, J. K. Kuhn; 1881-84, A. M. Comstock; 1885-87, J. A. Crawford; 1888, B. F. Gault. Council. — 1873, J. J. Rupert, A. D. Gates, J. H. Camp, C. C. Middle- ton, B. F. Hamilton. 518 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, 1874— H. E. Bradley, G. W. Livingston, J. M. Wick, David Houser, J. K. Kulms, Ebenezer Crawford. 1875. — C. H. Van Schaick, Joseph Weller, Emanuel Widle, Sebastian Kreis, H. E. Bradley, S. H. Crawford. 1876. — C. H. Van Schaick, Elizur Strong, Joseph Flynn, Joseph Wel- ler, H. E. Bradley, D. D. Moriarty. 1877.— H. C. Bradley, J. J. Gosser, Peter Curry, H. E. Bradley, S. J. Sternberg. 1878. —J. M. Mitchell, John Curry, T. J. Jamison, A. H. Crawford, Jr. , C. Lewalter, S. Kreis. 1879.— J. M. Mitchell, S. H. Crawford, C. Lewalter, T. J. Jamison, Peter Curry, S. Kreis. 1880.— J. H. Heasley, J. A. Crawford. J. B. Engle, J. A. Boozel. J. W. Shoemaker, A. J. Halderman. 1881.— Thomas Flynn, J. W. Shoemaker, J. A. Boozel. J. H. Heasley, J. R. Donnelly, H. L. Gearing. 1882.— J. R. Donnelly, J. M. Truby, Peter Curry, Thomas Taylor, J. H. Anchors, Frederick Roschey. 1883.— J. M. Mitchell, J. M. Martin, J. R. Donnelly. Peter Curry, J. M. Truby, August Schmuck. 1884 — J. A. Crawford, A. J. Halderman, J. M. Mitchell, Joseph Flynn, H. E. Bradley, John McCombs. 1885. — (Since this date, instead of electing the entire body every year, two members are elected for a period of three years, unless a vacancy should occur, when more than that number may be elected. ) C. Lewalter. A. H. Crawford. 188(3.— G. W. King, U. Sloan, Joseph Flynn, 1887,— J. M. Martin, H. E. Bradley. 1888. — James Bennett, C. S. Kerr, C. C. Cooper, 1889. — A. R. Newton, James Bennett. The municipal building was erected in 1878. The contract was awarded George Perryer, and the committee of council in charge was composed of Peter Curry, S. J. Sternberg, and John Mitchell. The third story was built by Joseph Weller and reverted to the borough in 1884. SECRET AND OTHER SOCIETIES. Emlodou Lodge, No. 644, I. O. O. F., was instituted October 17, 1868, with fourteen members, of whom the following were officers: James Fowl- er, N. G. ; James Colgin, V, G. ; B. F. Hamilton, secretary, Eiiilenton Encampment, No. 203, I. O. O. F. , was instituted March 4, 1871. The first officers were O. C. Redic, C. P. ; J. J. Gosser, J. W. ; Peter King, I. S. : G. G. Crawford, H. P. ; F, F, Sand, S. ; Joseph G. Smith, O. S. ; J. A. Boozel, S. W. ; William D. Crawford, T. In 1872 Colonel O. aZ'£^^^'', Equitable Aid Union, was instituted March 27, 1882, with J. M. Truby, chancellor; J. T. Jamison, advocate; E. Good- rich, president; Nancy Bennett, vice president;, S. H. Morrow, secretary; Levi Allebach, treasurer. Colonel Chapman Biddle Post, No. 24H, G. A. R., was mustered May 23, 1882, by Colonel William Rickards. The organization occurred iu the hall of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and embraced the following comrades as members and officers: Merrick Davidson, commander; J. T. Jamison, S. Y. C. ; Uriah Sloan, J. V. C. ; Andrew Krear, adjutant: F. M. King, officer of the day; J. R. Donnelly, Q. M. ; C. W. Shaner, chaplain; John Yingling, Thomas Taylor, Samuel Rhodabarger, J. W. Shoemaker. J. N. Sloan, J. W. Smith, J. B. Shaner, H. K. Stevens, J. T. Hanould, J. W. Blair, J. E. Williams, Joseph Baish, D. D. Moriarty, A. Rhodabarger, A. R. Huston. Woman^ s Relief Corps, No. 57, auxiliary to Colonel Chapman Biddle post, was organized August 28, 1886, with Mrs. Leah E. Baish, president; Mrs. Margaret Stevenson, secretary; Mrs. C. H. Shoemaker, S. Y. P.; Mrs. Cynthia J. Moriarty, treasurer; Mrs. Sarah Sloan, chaplain. Emlenton Assembly, No. 10475, K. of L., was organized July 23, 1887. 522 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. SCHOOLS. The educational history of Emlentoa begins with the year 1839, when Mrs. Lavilla Lowrie taught the children of her neighbors to the number of seven or eight in a room of her house, already referred to as the resi- dence of Andrew McCaslin. She was reared near Tidioute, and was in del- icate health. The second teacher was Miss Sarah Perry, and the third was Miss Leanna Milford, from Scrubgrass township, where she still survives. She taught in a small house on the bank of the river in front of the Valley hotel, and is remembered as an excellent teacher. There is a difference of opinion as to the time when the first school house was built, one authority giving 1845 as the date and another 1849. It was a small frame building, and occupied the same site as the present public school; the ground was given for the purpose by Joseph B. Fox. This was also used as a town hall and a place of worship. Nearly all the religious bodies of the town were organized here. The second school building, also a frame structure, is still standing. In 1873 a substantial and commodious brick building was erected. Daniel Brenneman was principal in 1873; G. A. Walker. 1874-87; H. J. Rose, 1888-89. For some yqars the town enjoyed the advantages of an academic insti- tution. Tableau Seminary, founded and conducted by Reverend J. B. Fox. He erected the large l)rick building above Shippenville street, but with the improvement in the public schools, the seminary was discontinued. CHURCHES. Tlte Presbyterian Church was organized January 13, 1858, with the fol- lowing members: Alexander Crawford, Mary Crawford, Mary S. Junkin, Mrs. Louisa Widle, Robert Colbert, Mrs. Ellen J. Russell, Mrs. Lucy Truby, B. F. Junkin, John F. Agnew, James M. Agnew, Mrs. Julia P. Agnew, Mrs. Susan M. Agnew, Benjamin Junkin, Mrs. Ann M. Junkin, J. F. Agnew, Dor- cas Portertield, Hannah J. Wilson, John Camp, Mrs. Nancy L. Camp, Jane Ohort, Ann Ohort, of whom Alexander B. Crawford and Benjamin Junkin were elected ruling elders. Prior to the organization the membership was con- nected with Richland church, seven miles distant. A memorial from thirty- two residents of Emlenton and vicinity, asking leave to organize as a church, had been presented to Clarion Presbytery September 29, 1857, but not favorably considered. Fifty persons thereupon united in a second memorial, which was submitted to a pro re nata meeting of presbytery at Callensburg December 9, 1857, when Reverends D. McCoy and James Montgomery, with Elders J. B. Lawson and Samuel Keifer were appointed to effect the organization. The church received supplies from presbytery for a number of years, and among them were Reverends Colledge, Mitchell, Travis, Coul- ter, and Mateer. Reverend John McKean was stated supply, 1860-63. Reverend M. M. Shirley, the first pastor, took charge in 1864 and remained BOllOUGH OF EMLENTON. 523 three years. Reverend Andrew Virtue was installtMl -June 9. 1 SOS, and resicTiod in 1872. Reverend Josiah McPherrin supplied the pnl})it lor the first time Novembers, 1872; he was installed May 12, 1878, and continued in charge until 1884. The present incumbent. Reverend Boyd F. Williams, was installed June 22, 1886, having served as si;pply one year previous to Ihat date. The first place of worship was the old town hall. A frame church edifice, still standing on Water street, was erected in 1851J and dedicated January 13, 1860. The opening of the railroad having deprived this loca- tion of its former eligil)ility, the present site was secured and the brick structure erected thereon in 1874. It was dedicated August 27, 1875. The Methodist Episcojyal CJiurch is successor to an organization effected many years since at a school house the distance of a mile and a half from Emlenton. The class in the borough was organized in the autumn of 18(')0 under the stewardship of Reverend R. Beatty of the Erie Conference. This occurred in the old town hall. Among the first members were Peter King, Robert Teitsworth, William Hunter, John Hunter, Mrs. J. S. Bennett, ]\Irs. J. C. Boyce, Samuel Livingston, and Joseph G. Smith. The first leader of this class was John Boney. At first this was a preaching point on Ship- penville circuit, and afterward on Rockland circuit. The first resident pas- tor was Reverend Fay, in 1872, since which date Foxburg, Big Bend, and Register have successively boen connected with this church in forming a charge. Mr. Fay has been succeeded by Reverends G.W. Moore, Lyon, H. G. Hall, P. J. Slattery, William Branfield, and O. G. Mclntyre. The congregation worshiped in the old town hall a number of years. The present frame church building at the corner of Fourth and Hill streets was erected in 1872. The parsonage occupies an adjoining lot. The trustees at the time the church was built were John Boney, Chauncey Hamilton, Joseph G. Smith, Peter King, and W. R. Karnes. St. John's Reformed Church oi'iginated as a mission in connection with the St. Petersburg charge, and was organized as such by Reverend Shoe- maker. In 1869, in partnership with the Lutherans, the brick church building on Main street was erected. It was jointly occupied until 1885, the Reformed congregation having secured the interest of the Lutherans the previous year. This building was remodeled in 1885, among the added features being memorial windows to Joseph Weller and Stephen Lowell, respectively, the first elders, who served in that capacity until their death. The present consistory is composed of Calvin French, elder, and Fred- erick Roschy, deacon. Beside Reverend Shoemaker, Reverends Liver- man, Wolf, Biem, and Shellenberger may also be mentioned as eai-ly preachers. Since 1882 this church has constituted a charge in connec- tion with Salem, Clarion county, and as such has shared the ministerial labors of Reverends Robert Boiling and J. F. Mackley, of whom the latter resigned in November, 1888. 524: HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. St. John's EvanqeUcal LutJieran Church was organized June 30, 1861). The first members were Henry Allebach, John Whittling, wife and daughter Christina, Mrs. Stephen Lowell, Marietta Lowell, Matthias Gilbert and wife, and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, of whom Henry Allebach was elected elder and John Whittling deacon. The first services were held in the old town hall. In 1869 this church, with the Reformed congregation, built the brick church edifice on Main street jointly occupied until 1885. At a congrega tional meeting January 7, 1884, it was decided to dispose of their interest June 30th following, when the partnership expired. A church building was begun in 1885 and dedicated January 3, 1886, by Reverend W. A. Passavant, D. D. . of Pittsburgh. It is a frame structure of attractive ap- pearance, and the most recent addition to the churches of the town. Rev- erend J. B. Fox, by whom the organization was affected, continued as pastor until May, 1888. Reverend W. F. Bacher assumed charge in June. 1889. The present council is constituted as follows: Elders, J. K. Kuhus and Thomas Taylor; deacons, H. L. Gearing and William Stubble. St. MichaeV s Catholic Church was organized as a parish in 1871 by Reverend Patrick J. Smith. There had been several Catholic families in the town from its l)eginuiug, among whom were Judge John. Keating. Henry Gormley, T. A. Moran, and T. J. Moran, and they were visited by the pastors of adjoining parishes, particularly Reverend John Koch, of Clarion, one of the pioneers of his chu.rch in this part of the state. The first steps toward building a church were taken in 1867 when Michael McCullough, Jr., of Pittsburgh, donated three acres of ground, and also a small additional tract for burial purposes. This has since been enlarged to the proportions of a small cemetery through the liberality of the heirs of John Keating. Right Reverend Tobias Mullen, bishop of the Diocese of Erie, laid the corner stone of the church, a frame structure, in the autumn of 1870, and officiated at its dedication the following year. A parochial residence was added in 1872. Father Smith was pastor until his death, August 2, 1888. Born in County Cavan, Ireland, October 10, 1841, he came to the United States in 1862, and after completing a theological course at St. Bonaven- ture's College, Allegany, New York, he was ordained October 10, 1869. For a time he assisted Father Koch of Clarion, and Father Coady of Oil City, and in 1871 became pastor of St. Michael's. His funeral took place August 7, 1888, and was attended by Bishop Mullen and a large number of clergymen. It was an event of unusual solemnity, a solemn requiem mass l)eiug celebrated for the beloved pastor. Since the death of Father Smith, Reverend Hugh Mullen, of East Brady, has had charge of St. Michael's parish. He has recently removed to Emlenton, but still remains the pastor of both congregations. IKWIN TOWNSIIIl'. 525 CHArXER XXV. IRWIN TOAVNSHIP. euectiox and pol'lu.ation — pioneers — taverns — mills — villages — Schools— Cemetery— Churches. I] {WIN township is older than Venango county. While that part of the latter west and north of the Allegheny river was included in Allegheny county, it was called Irwin township. October 0, 1800, the court of quarter sessions of Crawford county erected three townships from this same terri- tory, of which Irwin received all that part south of French creek and west of the Allegheny river. At March sessions, 1806, a commission appointed by the court of quarter sessions of Venango county to divide the county into townships formed Irwin with its present northern boundary. The erec- tion of Clinton in 1855 reduced this township, originally embracing the ter- ritory now included in the sixteen townships north and west of the Alleg- heny river, to its present limits. It is the southwest subdivision of the county, and corners on the coun- ties of Mercer and Butler. The population in *870 was one thousand four hundred and eighty-nine, and in 1880, one thousand live hundred and eighty-four. Irwin is one of the best agricultural districts in the county. The sur- face is undulating and its soil fertile and productive. The drainage is af- forded by the headwaters of Scrubgrass creek and its tributaries. Grain and other products are grown in abundance, and the crops are nearly al- ways satisfactory. Rich deposits of coal underlie the surface, but as yet are in an undeveloped state. PIONEERS. The history of the early settlement of what is now Irwin township) is very miich shrouded in obscurity. Adam Dinsmore, a native of Ireland, settled upon land now in possession of C. C. Hoffman in 1796, and Henry Crull located upon the farm where Hezekiah Mays now resides in the same year. Later on he kept a place of entertainment. In 1797 Isaac McMurdy and his son George, of Huntingdon county, Penn- sylvania, settled a tract of land on the line of Butler and Venango counties, the larger portion of the land lying in Venango. They cleared a small 526 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. patch, planted it with potatoes, and then returned to their home, and in the fall they again came out, dug the crop, and planted it with wheat. In the spring of 1798 Isaac brought out his family and made a permanent settle ment. In 1797 Richard Monjar, a native of Maryland, settled upon the land now in possession of his son, Siirrena. His tract consisted of four hundi-ed acres. He made the iirst clearing and built his log house upon the land now belonging to James Farron. He was a shoemaker by trade and the first one to settle in Irwin township. He married Elizabeth Ghost; their children were Mary, Francis, Christina, Sarah, Barbara, George K. , Samuel B., Surrena, and Philip G. He died about 1882, his wife surviving him until 1867. Thomas Bullion was also one of the early settlers. Nothing definite is known as to his place of nativity though he came here fi'om Maryland. His first entry into the township, from best accounts, was made in 1797-98. His settlement was upon the laud where Walter Hoffman now lives and late in life he married Nancy Kelso. He built and operated for a number of years a small distillery upon his farm. It is related by some of those now living that he was "owl-eyed "' and could hardly distinguish anything during day- light, but that his sight was so keen at night that he could see distinctly the smallest objects. He left no descendants and at his death his property passed into the hands of a nephew, James Kelso. The great Bullion oil district, a postoffice, a school, and a small rnn perpetuate his name. In 1798 William Davidson arrived. He came from Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, and secured a four hundred acre tract. He was of Irish ex- traction and a native of Huntingdon county. The homestead is now in possession of his grandson, Isaiah McDowell. He married Jane McCono- hue, a native of the same county. Mr. Davidson and one son, Patrick, were members of Captain Hugh McManigal's company that went to the defense of Erie in 1813. William Davidson was one of the original members of Amity Presbyterian church and an elder for many years. He was also one of the early constables and while serving a warrant of arrest upon a man by the name of Scott, the latter shot and killed him. The names of William and Jane Davidson's children were Patrick, Mrs. Jane Waldron. Mrs. Martha Smith, David, Mrs. Elizabeth McDowell, John, Mrs. Polly McQuis- ton, William, and Mrs. Margaret Sterritt, all of whom are dead, excepting Mrs. Sterritt, who resides in Butler county. Mr. Davidson was the grand- father of thirty-four children, who are scattered over eight states of the Union, and none of his name are left in the township. Jonathan Morris, a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, settled on the land where Homer Sutton now lives. He came about the same time as Davidson. His family were John, William, James, Betsey, Rachel, Pattie (who married Washington Eakin), Reuben, and Jane (who married Milo Wei- lUWIN TOWNSHIP. 527 ton). Besides Jonathan Morris tbo lions and Zanders families came about this time. In 1799 Adam Dinsmore induced William and Hu^ifh McManigal. John Grain, and David Martin to locate in Irwin township. They were natives of Ireland and had first settled in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania. Hugh McManigal located upon the land now in possession of the Stewart family. He had command of a company from this county at Erie in 1813. His V)rother William settled on the land now owned by Henry Latchaw. They owned at one time some eight hundred acres. John Grain settled upon the land now in possession of the descendants of John J. Kilgore. David Martin settled the land where his grandson Joseph Martin now lives. He took up a four hundred acre tract and of his three companions only his descendants are left to represent these early pioneers in the township. David Martin was a weaver by trade, and in his log cabin he spun many yards of cloth for the early settlers and their families. He married Nancy Eamsey in Ireland before his migration. His family consisted of eight children: John; James; Polly married George McMurdy; Nancy married John Sheilds; Jane married William Sheilds; Betsey married Oliver Wal- dron; Rosie became the wife of Joseph Osborne, and Pattie married James Mitchell. The parents died on the old homestead. Edward McFadden, a native of Ireland, who first settled in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, came to Irwin township a short time prior to 1800. He located upon the land now belonging to the descendants of Major John Phipps. His children were William, John. Michael, Gharles, Sarah, and Mary. The year 1800 witnessed the settlement of AV^illiam Adams, folloAved in 1802 by Robert Jones, Moses Bonner, and Robert Burns, and in 1808 by John Bullion, a brother of Thomas Bullion. None of the descendants of these families are now in the township, excepting those of William Adams. The year 1805 marked the arrival of William Baker, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, whose descendants now reside in the township, and in the biographical department of this work will be found a full sketch of the family. The same year brought William Robinson, who settled the land that passed into the hands of Henry Stevenson, who sold it to John Ayers. It is related that a Mormon preacher named Snow came to Irwin town- ship in 1837, and among his converts were Henry Stevenson and several daughters and a man by the name of David McKee. These two and their families were taken to Salt Lake Gity by Snow. Joseph Allen made his settlement in 1813, coming from Penn's valley, Gentre county, Pennsylvania, and from him have descended the Aliens of Irwin township. John J. Kilgore came in 1815. He purchased two four hundred acre 528 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. tracts, one of which he traded for a horse. His father settled in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, in 1800, and was one of a family of twenty, nineteen sons and one daughter, children of a minister of Cumberland county, Penn sylvania, whose family settled there prior to the Revolutionary war. It is related by the elder Kilgore that his father used to say that he had nine- teen sons and one daughter, but each of his boys had one sister. In June, 1817. owing no doubt to a scarcity of the necessaries of life, for at this period Irwin township was but a wilderness, John J. Kilgore with two com- panions went to Franklin, hired a canoe, and paddled down the river to Pittsburgh, whei-e they bought a load of jjrovisions and returned, pushing the canoe up the stream with poles, and making the trip in ten days. Dur- ing that time they slept but one night under a roof. For a full sketch of this family the reader is referred to the biographical department. Game was abundant in those days. In 1819 there was a heavy fall of snow, and it is related by Mr. Kilgore' s son that his father in company with his hired man killed sixteen deer in one day. In 1830 the tide of emigration set in, the land was rapidly cleared up, and Irwin compares to-day favorably with any township in the county. The first hotel in Irwin township was a log structure, erected about 1800 by Henry Crull. It had numerous landlords. A man by the name of Knowles succeeded Crull. Then came landlords Olds and Jones. Hugh Cochran was the next landlord, and at his death Hezekiah Mays acquired the property and ran the house for many years. The log building was torn down after a few years and a frame building erected. This gave way to the present residence of Mr. Mays. It was situated at Mays' Corners, on the Pittsburgh and Franklin road, and in the days of the stage lines was one of the stations where changes were made. George McMurdy also built one of the early taverns in 1812. It was located where Beatie's store now stands at McMurdy' s Corners. He also operated in connection Avith the hotel a distillery, which was adjoining the former. About 1849 Robert Allen of Butler county built the brick hotel situated on the Pittsburgh and Franklin road just north of the present limits of Barkey ville, and the building is yet standing in a good state of preservation. He also ran a store in connection with the hotel. It subsequently passed into the hands of a Mr. McKelvey, whose descendants now own the prop- erty. The only house of entertainment in the township is the old Mc- Closkey house in Mechanicsville, which was built about 1850 by Michael McCloskey. MILLS. The first grist mill erected in Irwin township was built by John Crain IllWIN TOWNSHIP. 529 about 1805. It was located about one ami a half milos east of the residence of A. J. Kilgore ou the north branch of Scrubgrass creek. In 1815 it passed into the hands of John J. Kilgore, who ran it for a number of years. He then sold it to George Eagles, who removed it to Sandy Lake, Mercer county. John Gilmore and Thomas Martin erected a grist mill in 1830, on the head- waters of the north branch of Scrubgrass creek. It was a log struct- ure, with undershot wheel, and was furnished with two sets of buhrs of native stone. They operated it for a short time, when it passed into the hands of a man named Barnes, and subsequently was purchased by Thomas Thornberry. In 1849 it was torn down, and the one now known as the Gilmore mill was built by Thomas Thornberry and Philip Surrena. In 1857 Solomon Thorn purchased Thornberry' s interest, and in 1863 Surrena sold his interest to John Kilpatrick. In 1866 William King purchased Kilpat- rick's interest, and in 1868 Alexander Gilmore bought out King. Gilmore and Thorn ran the mill until 1885, when Thorn's interest was purchased by Amos Gilmore. The mill is now operated by L. B. Gilmore. The mill known as the Walter's mill was built in 1840 by John Gilmore and Thomas Williams. It had an overshot wheel furnished with native buhrs, and is situated at the head-waters of Wolf creek. At Gilmore' s death it passed into the hands of David Walter, its present owner. Several saw mills have been erected in the township, which have long since passed out of use. One stood upon the McMurdy farm, one close to the site of the Walter mill, and another upon the land now owned by John Latchaw. VILLAGES. The site of Mechanicsville was originally part of the land that belonged to John Ross, and contained four acres. It is not known if John Ross gave it to his son, but about 1840 Ayers Ross, a son of John Ross, built a black- smith shop and a log cabin which were the first buildings erected inside the limits of the village. He was shortly followed by John Bryan, who erected a wagon shop and a log house. The first merchant was J. P. Billingsley. John Conrad shortly followed and engaged in shoemaking. Doctor Boyd was the first physician to locate in the town. The first postmaster was D. W. Henderson. In 1850 Thomas Galloway purchased the Ross farm and built a cheese factory in the suburbs. The first hotel was built in 1850 by Michael McCloskey, who was its landlord for many years. The village has a population at the present time of about one hundred and fifty, and its business is represented by four general stores, two blacksmith shops, one hotel, one wagon maker, and its physician, Doctor C. M. Wilson. The first school house erected within the limits of the village was built in 1870, and the church in 1889. Barkeyville is situated in the southern part of the township. In 1850 530 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Henry Barkey and Abraham Hunsberger opened a general store. Shortly after several parties who owned land on the main road surveyed a few lots. The first building erected was the store of the above mentioned firm. This was followed by Michael Liken, who erected a frame house and engaged in shoemaking. The Reverend Abraham Raysor, who was called to the pas- torate of the Church of God, next built a frame house. Hugh Hasson built the first blacksmith shop. Mr. Barkey, in connection with his partner, then purchased the land on both sides of the road within the limits of the present village and laid it out in lots. The population at present is less than one hundred, and the business represented is two general stores, one blacksmith shop, and a washing machine and bee-hive factory. Abraham Hunsberger was the first postmaster. The Church of God and the Barkey- ville Academy are on the limits of the village. SCHOOLS. One of the early schools of the township was built upon the farm of George McMurdy, and was known as the McMurdy school. It was a log structure and is claimed to have been the first school house built in what is now Irwin township. Previous to its erection the schools were held at the homes of the farmers in different parts of the township. Among the early teachers of the McMurdy school were Chauncey Hamilton, Charles Folsom, and Jacob Heims. On the farm of Thomas Martin was erected at an early date another school house which numbered among its teachers William Blakely and Miss Kennedy. A log school house was built upon the lands of Thomas Bullion very early. John Elder, Reuben York, and John Hovis were among the first teachers in this building. The Beach school house was another one of the early school buildings, George Westlake being one of the first teachers. Also the Barnes school which stood near Gilmore's mill, one of the early teachers being Robert Jones. Upon the land of John Guiler was built what was known as the Guiler school. John Bingham was the first teacher; Chauncey Hamilton also taught in this school. Previous to the passage of the school law of 1834, these schools were all supported by subscription; but after the new law took effect, all excepting two became public schools. The present schools number ten and are known by the respective names of Bullion, Pike, Yard, Walter, Jones, Barkeyville, Eakin, Mechanicsville, Aitiity, and Beach. They are all brick structures excepting that at Me- chanicsville which is frame. The present buildings have been erected in the last fifteen years, and the schools are in a flourishing condition. Barkeyville Academy is the outgrowth of a select school conducted by the Reverend J. R. H. Latchaw in the church 'bethel in the fall of 1881. A two-story building was i^rovided in September, 1882, and the pres- ent l)uilding in 1883 by Henry Barkey & Company at their own ex- IRWIN TOWNSHIP. 531 pense. The academy was incorporated March 10, 1884, the trnstoes pur chasing the property in June of that year. The main building is thirty-two bv forty-eight, two stories high. In addition to the main building there is a wing eighteen by thirty feet, two stories high. The upper floor is set apart as a library and reading room. The new boarding hall, erected dur- ing the summer of 1886, contains fifteen commodious rooms for teachers and students. The trustees are Abraham Hunsberger, Albert M. Jones, David McEl- phatrick, George W. Stoner, H. A. Obley, Reverend William R. Covert, C. M. Wilson, E. F. Loucks, John B. Henderson, and Reverend Robert L. Byrnes. The officers are Reverend Robert L. Byrnes, president; E. F. Loucks, secretary, and John B. Henderson, treasurer. The board of education consists of Reverends J. W. Davis, W. B. Elliott, W. H. H. McKlveen, and S. Woods. The faculty are Erastus F. Loucks, A. M., principal and professor of philosophy and Latin; Hiram R. Snyder, A. B., professor of Greek and chemistry; W. W. Ellsworth, A. B., professor of mathematics and sciences, and Mrs. Henrietta Lovicks, professor of vocal and instrumental music. The curriculum embraces four courses and a primary department. The preparatory department embraces Latin, Greek, mathematics, science, and music in its course. The academy, while not sectarian, is conducted by the clergymen and laymen of the Church of God. CEMETEEY. Mt. Irwin Cemetery Association was chartered in 1887. Robert M. Sterritt organized the company. The land was purchased from J. D. Mc- Dowell, and is located north of Amity church and contains six acres. The surveying was done by Robert M. Sterritt, who has given his personal atten- tion to its development. Its present officers are Robert M. Sterritt, presi- dent and superintendent; David Karnes, treasurer, and J. A. Gill, secretary. CHURCHES. Amity Presbyterian Church was organized about 1800. This church has an interesting history. Always in advance on the subject of slavery, they hesitated not to enter their protest against the acts of the presbytery and the general assembly, when not sufficiently awake to the subject. It has numbered among its congregation a very large portion of the early fam- ilies of Irwin, Mineral, and Victory townships, and the eastern townships of Mercer county. The congregation at first worshiped in the woods and at the homes of the early settlers, and subsequently in a tent. The first build- ing was of logs and stood upon what was known as the Barlow lands, after- ward owned by John Kennedy, and was destroyed by fire. The present house of worship, built after the fire, is a frame structure erected at a cost of one thousand three hundred dollars. 532 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The first pastor was Reverend Robert Lee. He was released from his charge in July, 1807. After this the Reverend John Boyd supplied the pulpit. The second regular pastor was Reverend Ira Condit, whose pastor- ate extended from 1825 to 1829. Reverend Hezekiah May then supplied the charge for one year, and after him Reverend Nathaniel R. Snowden for the same length of time. The next regular pastor was Reverend Robert Glenn, whose pastorate extended from 1832 to 1850. He was succeeded by Reverend Mead Satterfield, who preached at Amity for six years, and at his death was followed by the Reverend John Boyd, who remained its pastor until 18(36 when the Reverend W. D. Patton commenced his labors. He was succeeded in 1881 by the Reverend J. W. Fulton, whose pastorate ter- minated in 1883. The present pastor. Reverend William M. Hays, com- menced his labors July 1, 1886. The congregation numbered among its early members Thomas Vaughn, William Henderson, Archibald Henderson, Samuel Gildersleeve, Joshua Coleman, Robert Whann, William Davidson, John Davidson, Ezra Gildersleeve, Robert and William Patterson, John, William, and John McClaran, John Moyne, Samuel Riggs, Thomas Hender- son, and John Bonner. The Cumherland Pi-esbytevian Congregation held its meetings at the homes of the members until 1838. Stephen Barlow, a large land owner, was then requested to donate land upon which to erect a place of worship. He had presented the Amity church with t^ie land upon which their first church was built, but refused this request. Thej^ then purchased the present site and erected a frame building. In 1868 the present brick edifice was built at a cost of three thousand five hundred dollars. The organization of the church was effected by the Reverend N. Bird, and the first ruling elders were John Gibson and Amzi Axtell. In 1843 the congregations of Cool Spring and Irwin were united under the pastoral care of the Reverend Jacob Mur- phy, his pastorate lasting until his death in 1850. Jacob T. Wall su})plied them for three months and then became the regular pastor, serving until 1854. He was succeeded by the Reverend J. M. Gallagher, whose pastorate continued for thirty-three years, when at his request he was released. The congregation was then supplied for two years by Reverends O. B. Elliott, J. R. Morris, and others. In July, 1889, the Reverend Liles was called to the pastorate. The following are the names of the members from the organization of the church down to 1847: John Gibson, Nancy Gibson, Hugh Marshall, John Coulter, Streight Axtell, Everton Davis, Henry Davis, Joseph Ken- nedy, Polly Davis, Rhoda Davis, Elizabeth Kennedy, John Koonce, Henry Koonce, Betsy Koonce, Amos Koonce, Caleb Kirk, Julia A. Kirk, Stephen W. Beach, Sarah Beach, Susan Beach, Hanna Henderson, William Jack, Rhoda Jack, Sarah Brs of her own and the B^earis family returned to Westmoreland county frequently, bringing back with them the currant bush, asparagus, and other garden vegetables. Mrs. Craig introduced the first geese into ihe township in this manner. Samuel Jolly, born October 16, 1766, was also among the arrivals in 1795. The first season he made a small clearing, planted a crop, and built a cabin. After spending the winter with his family, he brought them out in 1796. Thomas Jolly, a brother, settled in Venango township, Butler county, where his son, Captain Thomas Jolly, lived to an advanced age. David Say, born in the Kishocoquillas valley, Mifflin county, Pennsyl- vania, was the son of James Say, a native of England and a connection of the family of Lord Say. He removed to Westmoreland county, and thence, with the party organized by Scott, to Venango in 1795. The first season he cleared several acres of land and sowed wheat. The following spring he brought out his family, carrying the oldest child on his back, while an ox carried all their household effects. Unfortunately the ox was not entire- ly sure footed and fell, breaking some of the dishes, upon which Mrs. Say is said to have sat down and cried. The four hundred acre tract surveyed to David Say is yet in possession of his descendants. He was township collector a number of years. William Crawford settled in Scrubgrass township in 1799. He was a son of John Crawford, a native American of Scotch-Irish extraction, and one of the early settlers of Greene county, Pennsylvania. Some time prior to 1800, probably as early as 1795, he came to this region with several of his sons, made a clearing and planted a crop and returned, leaving one son, Samuel, in charge of the stock. This subsequently became his homestead, and is situated in Butler county, two miles south of Emlenton. He re- turned the following year with his family, leaving several married sons in Greene county, among whom was William. His land adjoins the Butler 552 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. county line and is now owned by his son, David M. Crawford. The sub- stantial stone house on this farm was built in 182-1:, and is one of the oldest in the township. Thomas McKean, a native Scotchman, settled in Scrubgrass prior to 1800 at some point on the Allegheny river. He was accompained by a sister who married a man named Hall. McKean was a member of the Scn^b- grass Presbyterian church. Thomas Milford, a native of Ireland, emigrated to America and settled in one of the eastern counties of Pennsylvania, whence he removed to Ve- nango county about 1800. He was accompained by two brothers, William and James, and the latter located in Butler county. Thomas Milford se- cured land adjacent to Scrubgrass church, and here he reared a family of eleven children. The homestead farm is now owned by his son, Thomas Milford. Moses Perry bought the farm upon which his son, David Perry, now resides, near the close of the last century. He married Sarah, daughter of William Russell, and they were the parents of a large family, one of whom, David, lives upon the old homestead. Mr. Perry died in 1840, and his widow some two years later. Their eldest son, William, was a man of considerable local prominence, and was recognized as one of the leading citizens of Venango county. He took an active interest in public affairs, was elected county commissioner in 1838, and some years later represented the county in the legislature. He married Elizabeth, daughter of James Craig, and died in this township. David Russell, a veteran of the Revolution, removed from Westmoreland county to Scrubgrass township and settled upon the lands now owned by the Middleton family about the close of the last century, living also for a short time in Butler county; Samuel Russell, the second son of their family of seven children, was born there in 1780 and secured in 1824 the farm now owned by his son, David Russell. He was first lieutenant in a com- pany formed in Butler county during the war of 1812. His death occurred in 1877. James Anderson, another of the pioneers of Scrubgrass, was born in January, 1761, and died in 1842. * In 1804 he removed from the Tuscarora valley in eastern Pennsylvania to Butler county. In 1814 he purchased four hundred acres of land from David Irvine, the consideration being two thousand one hundred dollars — three hundred dollars cash, two hundred gallons of whiskey at seventy-five cents per gallon, and the remainder in pay- ments at regular intervals. This land included the site of a mill on Little Scrubgrass creek which he operated and rebuilt, adding also saw and carding mills. He was a very active business man in his day. John and Alexander McQuiston were the first representatives of that family in Venango county. With another brother, David McQuiston, they SORUBGRASS TOWNSHIP. 558 removed froiu New Jersey to Westmoreland county, and thence in 1802 tlje two lirst named settled in the northwestern part of Scruljgrass upon the land now in possession of C. E. McQuiston. John McQniston was a car- penter and cabinet maker by trade, and was among the tirst artisans in the township. He was born in New Jersey in 1776 and died in 1849. Among these early settlers was Reverend Robert Johnson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, who preached in the tirst building erected in this county for religious worshi]>. He was of English extraction, being a lineal descendant of Oliver Cromwell, by Bridget, eldest daughter of the Protector, first the wife of General Fleetwood, and afterward of General Ireton. His grandfather settled in New Jersey. He was born August 1, 1774, and received his education at Canonsburg. He was licensed to preach in 1802, and began his lifework at Scrubgrass in 1803. In 1811 he removed to Meadville. His death occurred May 20, 1861, at New Castle, Pennsyl- vania. He was the father of Judge S. P. Johnson, of Warren. Of those who arrived later may be mentioned Jacob Jacobs, from New Jersey, who came in 1814, and located upon a four hundred acre tract; Samuel Eakin, a native of Ireland, who settled where James Vogus now lives, and had married Nancy Riley before coming here; William Clay, who came from Westmoreland county in 1814, and lived adjacent to the Butler line; and Levi Williams, born October 19, 1781, in Northumberland county, whence he came with the family of his father, Benjamin Williams, to Clin- ton township in 1803, and from there, in 1812, he removed to the extreme southwestern part of Scrubgrass. He owned one hundred and nine acres of land, now in possession of his sons, and built the stone house, in which Simeon Williams lives, in 1836. His death occurred in 1867. James Pol- lock, a native of Ireland, was a son of Charles Pollock, one of the early settlers near Farmington, Butler county, and brother to John Pollock, sherifP of that county. He married a daughter of Matthew Riddle, and located on the road from Lisbon to Clintonville. INDUSTRIES AND RESOURCES. The mill that James Anderson bought from David Irvine was built by Charles Campbell, and was the first in the township. Anderson's purchase was made in 1814. Ten years later he built the mill now in operation a short distance below the old site. He also erected a carding mill farther up the creek and a saw mill farther down. James Craig built the first saw mill on Little Scrubgrass creek. James Anderson's son, James, erected and operated a distillery on his farm, now the jjroperty of his son, James Anderson, in the western part of the township, where a fine spring furnished excellent water for this purpose. The fine quality of " Scrubgrass whiskey " manufactured at this still, is yet wistfully spoken of by many of the present 554 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. generation, some of whom smack their lips and gaze away into vacancy whenever asked about this celebrated product of bygone days. James Perry's tannery, at Lisbon, and David H. McQniston's, in the northern part of the township, not far from the river, were also among early industries. A noteworthy feature at the present day is the creamery of Messrs. McCoy & McQuiston, near Lisbon, which manufactures dairy prod- ucts for the city markets, and has given an impetus to stock farming in this aad the adjoining townships. Veins of bituminous coal, varying from thirty inches to four feet in thickness, underlie the surface in many places. This was lirst mined about 1825, near Crawford's Corners. Mining operations are still continued, bixt not beyond the requirements for local consumption. The first oil well in the township was drilled in 1859 on the Rhodabar- ger farm near the Allegheny river by an association known as the Sugar Camp Oil Company. It numbered about sixty members. The rules were such that failure to pay assessments worked forfeiture of shares; and after several assessments had been paid, the well was sunk to a depth of six hun- dred feet without striking oil. This discouraged the investors; J. P. Craw- ford, Henry Kohl meyer, and David P. Williams, the only members who had not allowed their assessments to remain unpaid, wound up the affairs of the company. In June, 1803, on the Russell farm, Aaron Kepler drilled the first productive well, and on the farm of Samuel Lawrence adjoining he also drilled the second. The largest well in the township was on the farm of John Crawford; it produced one hundred barrels daily at lirst. Many wells drilled fifteen or twenty years ago are still producing; and while no great excitement has ever attended developments in this section there seems to be a permanency about the production that fully compensates for the ab- sence of this. VILLAGES. Lisbon was laid out in 1854 by Thomas Robinson and John Smith on land formerly included in the farms of Moses Perry and Elizabeth Riddle. It is situated at the intersection of the road leading from Scrubgrass to the Butler line with the main road from Emlenton to Clintonville. Emlenton, the nearest* railroad point, is five miles distant. The first house was built in 1834 by Ephraim Galbraith and Samuel Marshall, who also opened the first store. James Kingsley was the first blacksmith and Thomas Robinson kept the first hotel. The earliest local name was Fort Chisel, but the oldest in- habitant is lanable to account for its origin. The present postoflice designa- tion is Big Bend. The village comprises a store, blacksmith shop, and per- haps a dozen houses. ^ Crawford'' s Corners, three miles from Emlenton on the Butler county line, has been a postoffice since 1870, when H. C. Wick was appointed post- master. Two residences and a store constitute the village. xjlcZyhn^<^ c^^.^^l^.t^ SCRUBGllASS TOWNSlIir. 557 EDUCATIONAL. The report of the state superintendent of public instruction for the year 1877 gives the following account of early educational efforts: In Scrubgrass township aschool was taught in 1804 in a log house near WitlKTuj/s by John McClaran. The only pupils yet living are Samuel Pliipi)S, born in 1795, and his sister, Polly Williams. A house was built on the Barkley farm in 1807. A little later a very large log house was erected near the present residence of .James Anderson, and in this James White taught a very large school. On a Saturdaj- afternoon the larger boys visited a distillery near by, chopped wood for whiskey, and returned to the school house about " spelling time." They besieged the house with snow balls and the teacher could not control them. On the next Monday morning, however, each returned to his allegiance and received a severe flogging. This house was in use until 1817. In 1820 P. G. HoUister taught in a new building near the Witherup house. The first books used were Dillworth's speller and the New Testament. The first arithmetic introduced was the Young Man's Companion, in which all the i>roblems were solved as well as stated. It was an arithmethic and key combined, similar to many of the arithmetics of the present day. Later Webster's spelling book and the Western Cal- culator were introduced. In 1828 hewn log houses were built. Among the teachers who taught in them were Reverend William Dickson and William Grandon. The wages, half in grain and half in money, were from ten dollars to fifteen dollars per month. On a day fixed upon the patrons took their subscriptions of grain to the teacher. After the enactment of the law of 1834 the people took more interest in their schools. Better houses were built. Wages from ten to twenty dollars per montli were paid. In 1859 frame hou.ses were built, some of which are still in use. The buildings erected in 1873-74 are excellent. Scrubgrass Academy was opened in April, 1875, and a building erected at Scrubgrass church in the following year. J. C. Kettler, now president of Grove City College, was first principal. Among'his successors were Rever- end J. A. Ewing, S. Anderson, and S. W. Gilky. The academy was in successful operation several years. CHURCHES. Scrubgrass Presbyterian Church, a venerable organization, is one of the oldest in the county. In his History of Erie Presbytery Doctor Eaton thus describes its origin: "Among the first families that came to settle in Scrubgrass was that of Mrs. Abigail Coulter, a pious woman from Washing- ton county, Pennsylvania. She came out in 1797. The first sermon ever heard in this neighborhood was delivered at her house in the year 1800 by Reverend William Moorehead, a son-in-law of Doctor McMillan. The house was about forty rods from the site of the present church building. After this was an occasional sermon by Reverend A. Boyd and Mr. Gwynn. The first communion was conducted by Mr. Johnson, assisted by Mr. Cook, in 1803. It was in a grove. The people assembled from a great distance. Thirty persons came from Slate Lick, thirty miles distant. Snow fell on Sabbath night, and at the services on Monday the logs used as seats were thickly covered with snow, but the people brushed it off and sat down." 31 558 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. After a pastorate of seven years and three months, Mr. Johnson's con- nection with the church ceased, January 2, 1811. During this period there was a great revival, at which the "falling exercise" prevailed. More than a hundred were added to the church, and a number of young men entered the ministry, some of whom afterward held responsible positions in the church at large. The successor of Reverend Kobert Johnson was Reverend Cyrus Riggs, who was installed April 6, 1814, and released April 2, 1834. He introduced Watts' hymns, arousing much opposition on the part of the older members, accustomed to Rouse's version of the Psalms. The use of stoves in the chiirch was almost as strongly opposed. Previously there had been no method of warming the room; people came a distance of several miles, sat in a cold room two or three hours, and returned without experi- encing discomfort. When stoves were finally decided upon, it is related that one old gentleman, who had occupied a pew near the pulpit, removed to an- other near the door with a window at his back. Reverend John R. Agnew, the next pastor, served from April 3, 1838, to October 21, 1845. The prin- cipal event of his incumbency was the erection of the present church edifice. On a certain communion occasion the congregation had adjourned to the adjoining grove, bat was compelled to return to the church by a sudden shower. The room was uncomfortably crowded, and embracing the oppor- tunity, Mr. Agnew urged the necessity of erecting a new church building. The result of these efforts is a stone building, well proportioned and sub- stantial, with a seating capacity of six hundred. Reverend Ebenezer Henry was pastor from November 10, 1847, to November 5, 1856. The present pastor. Reverend J. R. Coulter, preached his first sermon at Scrubgrass on the last Sabbath of 1850; he was installed August 25, 1857. A frame building was erected in 1876 for Sunday school and other purposes. The number of members has fluctuated from time to time. In 1821 Scrubgrass and Unity churches reported one hundred and ten members; in 1834, eighty-seven; in 1843, one hundred and sixty-two. This church alone had a membership of one hundred and fourteen in 1857, one hundred and seventy in 1876, and one hundred and fifty in 1888. Its constituency has been much reduced by the formation of other organizations. The first elders were John Lowrie, John Crawford, and Robert Manach. The succession to date is as follows: John Sloan, Thomas McKee, John Mc- Quiston, William Crawford, James Leslie, John Anderson, John Mover, Robert Leason, Samuel T. Riggs, John McKee, Samuel Leason, Robert P. Anderson, Henry Kohlmeyer, David M. Crawford, George S. Jamison, James Crawford, T. C. Morrison, James Miller, and Frank Riddle. Big Bend Methodist EpiscojJal Church. — John Middleton removed to Scrubgrass township from Forest county May 30, 1835; he had been con- nected with a Methodist society in that county, and is justly entitled to the honor of having introduced Methodism into Scrubgrass. At his personal SCllUBGRASS TOWNSHIP. 559 solicitation the ileverend J. H. Jackson, of Butler, was inducod to visit the Bio- Bend neigbborUood at intervals of four weeks. He preached in Mr. Middleton's house; the latter made rough wootlen benches which were car- ried into the yard from one preaching service to another. A class was formed in 1835 with two members, John Middleton and Elisha Lawrence, of whom the former was leader. The latter gave half an acre as burial ground and a site for a church; by a strange fatality his wife was the first person buried here, and William Middleton, who died May 5, 1835, was the second. The chm^h building, a frame structure, twenty-four by thirty-six feet, was built in 1836. The present edifice was dedicated October 17, 1883. It is a frame building and cost seventeen hundred dollars. The present stewards are Joseph'bgden and Zenith McGinnis; class leaders— George Cubbison and Abram Mattern; Sunday school superintendent, Seymour Pottorf. This organization formed part of Clintonville circuit from 1846 to 1881, and since that date has been attached to Farmington circuit, with the fol- lowing pastors: 1846, G. F. Reoser, D. King; 1847, G. F. Reeser. W. N. McCo"mick; 1848, E. Hull, H. M. Chamberlain; 1849, S. Baird. E. Hull; 1850 J. Wrigglesworth. G. Stocking; 1851, D. M. Stever, J. S. Lytle; l8o'2, J g' Thompson; 1854, J. Howe; 1856, H. Luce; 1857, J. McComb, S. S. Nye; 1858, J. McComb; 1859, C. W. Bear; 1860, W. R. Johnson, C. W Bear; 1861, R. B. Bovd, S. K. Paden; 1862, R. B. Boyd; 1864, G. Moore', S. Hubbard; 1865-66, A. H. Domer; 1867, C. Wilson; 1868, D W. Wampler; 1869-70. J. M. Groves; 1871-72, E. Bennett; 1873- 74, C. Peters; 1875-77, J. L. Strattan; 1878-84, J. Lusher; 1884-87, Louis Wick; 1887, L. Merritt, ^Y. H. Hoover; 1888, Sylvester Fiddler. Scriibgrass Cumberland Presbyterian Chiir&i is successor to one of the earliest organizations of that denomination in this part of Pennsylvania. As early as 1835 Reverends Sylvester Murphy and Simeon Law from Wash- ington county passed through this locality, preaching on their periodical viSts to a soJiety that numbered among its members Abraham Witherup and wife, George Berringer and wife, Andrew Shiner and wife, David Phipps and wife, William Shorts and wife, David Witherup and wife, William Henderson and wife, Richard Major and wife, Ernest Hovis and wife, and Sarah Witherup. The first services were held at the school house at Phipps' furnace, and the early camp meetings were conducted on Sandy creek. In the township of that name, now Victory, a small frame church building was erected on the Pittsburgh road where the Evangelical church now stands. The membership having become very weak in that locality the place of wor- ship was changed to the McQuiston school house in this township, and the school house at Kennerdell. In 1866 a frame church was built at the latter place; this building is still standing, but is owned by the Kennerdell estate. In 1887, Francis and Mary Witherup having given two acres of ground for that purpose, the present frame church edifice was erected at a cost of nine- 560 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. teen hundred dollars. The dedication occurred January 15, 1888. The last reorganization occurred about the year 1860 with Joseph Phipps, Joseph McQuiston, and George Berringer as elders. George Berringer, T. J. Eakin, David Buchanan, and S. D. Porter constitute the present session. The Sunday school was organized more than fifty years ago; S. D. Porter is the present superintendent. Among the early preachers were Reverends Jesse Adams, Wall, James Gallagher, Joseph and Samuel Bowman, and McClellan. Joseph Bowman was pastor from 1865 to 1883; J. F. Johnson, 1883-85; D. A. Cooper, 1885-89; and R. N. Grossman, the present incumbent, assumed charge in 1889. Zion Church, Church of God. — The itinerant preachers of this church preached at the McQuiston school house as early perhaps as 1850. Among them were the Reverends Grimm, Long, Domer, BartJebaugh, and Howis. A regular organization was formed in 1868 with Robert and Cyrus McQuis- ton as elders; among the member were Benjamin, Joseph, and Elizabeth Latshaw, Ira McQuiston, and Sarah McQuiston. After the school house burned worship was conducted in the tannery of David H. McQuiston; and in the last years of Mr. Howis' pastorate the frame church building, still in use as a place of worshij), was erected on ground given for the purpose by AYilliam R. Crawford. Since that time the succession of pastors has been as follows: Matthew Davis, George Bartlebaugh, J. W. Davis, David Leech, Absalom Flowers, and J. W. Davis. The Sunday school has been an adjunct of the church since its organization, the first superintendent having been Cyrus McQuiston. FRENCH CREEK TOWNSHIP. 561 CHAPTER XXIX. FRENCH CKEEK TOWNSHIP. Erection- Boundaries- TopoGRAPiTY- Indians -Pioneers -Mills and Factories - Borough of Utica, Its Early Settlement. Growth, Business Interests, and Official Record —Borough of Polk, Its Past and Pues- bnt— Churches— Cemeteries- Schools. FRENCH CREEK township, so called from the creek which forms its northern and northeastern boundaries, was created by a commission appointed in March, 1806, with the following outlines, to -wit: "Begin- ning at French creek on the western boundary of said [Venango] county, thence by the same south to the north line of a survey made in the name of John Hetler; thence by the same and Jacob Hetler, eastwardly to the northeast corner of the latter; thence by the same southwardly to Sandy creek; thence by said creek to the mouth thereof; thence by the Allegheny river to the mouth of French creek; thence up the same to the place of beginning." These boundaries have been modified at diflPerent times by the formation of other townships, and it was not until the erection of Min- eral township that the boundaries, as they now exist, were definitely fixed and established. The township includes an irregular area of territory lying in the western part of the county, with Sandy Creek, Victory, and Mineral townships on the south, Mercer county on the west, and the town- ships of Canal and Sugar Creek on the north and northeast. Topographically the face of the country may be described as broken with valleys alternating with hills of romantic boldness among which are deep ravines and thickly wooded glens. The principal water courses are French and Mill creeks, which, with their tributaries, water and drain a large area of territory in this and other divisions of the county. Building stone of a superior quality is found in various parts of the township, much of which has been utilized by the citizens for chimneys, foundations for buildings, etc. In the development of the great oil interests of Venango county, French Creek has not been behind her sister townships, a number of wells having been opened in the sixties, several of which are still in active opera- tion. '^ Others have been drilled from time to time, and, although not so 562 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. productive as formerly, are still a source of considerable revenue to the pro- prietors. When first seen by the French and English explorers this part of the country was the home of the Redman, and vestiges of his handiwork are still visible in various parts of the township. On the Heydrick farm about three miles above Utica was the principal headquarters of a tribe of Delawares known as the Wolf tribe, called the Loups by the French and Monceys by the English. The village took its name from the chief of the tribe, Custa- loga, and was a place of resort, not only by the Delawares but by other tribes, all of whom left the country soon after its permanent settlement. W^hen the Martin family came to the township the Indians were still cul- tivating the flat lands on the west side of Deer creek, upon which small crops of corn and vegetables were raised. A full account of Custaloga and his village will be found in a previous chapter. The population in 1880 was one thousand two hundred and eighty-six. SETTLEMENT. The first white men to penetrate the wilds of what is now French Creek township were the early French "missionaries and explorers of the Allegheny valley. They navigated the waters of French creek and other streams, and made siirveys of the country several years before settlement or colonization were effected. In December, 1753, George Washington, then a young man, went up the creek on his celebrated mission to the French command- ant at Le Bceuf and was one of the first Americans to set foot upon this part of Yenango county. About the year 1796 a spirit of inquiry led a number of hardy and dar- ing pioneers from the east to explore the country embraced within the pres- ent limits of French Creek township for the purpose of locating homes. Among these indomitable and energetic characters was John Martin, who came from Maryland in the above year, and located a tract of land on French creek about three miles above Utica, upon which he made the first improve ments in the township. He kept a ferry for some years at his farm, which was known as Martin's ferry, and is remembered as a man of great physical endurance and a true type of the honest, energetic pioneer of the period in which he lived. He had five sons: David, Thomas, John. James, and Solo- mon, all of whom grew to manhood in this township' and, with the excep- tion of John, Jr., who died in French Creek in 1862, subsequently moved to other parts of the country. John Martin, Sr. , died on the old homestead at an early date. Mrs. Dewoody of Franklin and Mrs. Allen of Crawford county are daughters of John Martin, Jr. Contemporary with the Martin family was John Chapman, who took up land in different parts of the township, but whose sojoxirn, owing to his thriftless disposition, was only temporally. He appears to have been irapa- FRENCH CREEK TOWNSHir. '^"'^ tientof the restraints of civilization, so m.ch so, indeed, that as soon as settlements began to increase he disposed of ^-/-^^^^^'^'^.f '/^^^^^^^^^^^ a few other spirits as restless and discontented as himself, dnfted furthei ''"'jX'^Gordon became a resident of French Creek township .u. earl) as 1797 or '98, settling the Adams farm on Mill creek a couple o± miles west o Utica John Cooper came about the same time, and made an improvement on the Duffield place near Utica. while a brother of Cooper -oved into the township prior to the year 1800 and purchased what is known as the Glenn farm on Mill creek. , i. .i AVilliam Duffield came to Venango from Centre county about he year 1798. accompanied by his daughter, and after selecting a '^f^^'^J^ and a half miles southeast of the present site of Utica, he left the lattei to hold the place while he went back east for the rest of the family. As soon as matterl could be conveniently arranged, he re.uW with his amdy and was soon safely settled in his new home among the high hills and deep fo- ists of French creek. Mr. Duffield was a native of Ireland and a descend- ant of a large and intelligent family of that name, which came tx> America about the year 1767. He was a prominent resident of French Creek until his death, which occurred in the year 1827. His sons: John Armstrong William, and James, were all leading citizens of the community, and then numerous descendants are among the substantial people of \enango county '' 'jl^Tindsay was an early settler on Mill creek, the date of his anival beinc. about the year 1799 or 1800. He was also an Irishman, and claimed to hrve been the pioneer mill builder of French creek, having ei-ected a sinal flouring mill above it, where Utica now stands, as early as 1804 it was while cutting ice from around the large water wheel of this mill tha he afterward met with a violent death by falling among some timbers,^ which closing together caught his neck so that he was left hangmg until life be- came extinct. .„ , -, \bout this period the Adams family moved to the township, \elchn Adams locating about one mile east of Waterloo, and James making his firs improvements on the present site of Utica. The former bore a prominent part in the early developments of the country, and at one time served as Commissioner of Venango county. He reared a number of children one of whom, John, was drowned in Mill creek a short time after 1;^^ femily came to the county, while another son of the same name. "Uncle" John Adams, of Polk is the oldest native resident of French Creek, his birth having oc- curred on the old farm in February, 1807. James Adams. Jr., also a son of Welden Adams, settled the place where his son W. S. Adams lives, a couple of miles west of Utica, and is remembered as a man of local promi- nence, having served as county commissioner and commissioner ot tbe French Creek canal. 564 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. James Adams, Sr. , who settled at Utica, was for many years an active business man. and did much for the community in the way of building mills and factories. These were afterward operated by his son James, whose de- scendants still occupy the family homestead in Utica. Thomas Russell, the first of the well-known Russell family to settle in this part of the country, came from Huntingdon county about the beginning of the present century, and settled on French creek about one mile above Utica. His son Alexander, then a small boy, accompanied his father to the new country and bore his share of the many trials and hardships incident to a life in the backwoods. The following incident is 'related: On one occa- sion after the family had been without flour several days, and tiring of corn meal and potatoes as a substitute for bread, young Alexander was sent on horseback with a bag of wheat to the mill at Franklin. Getting his grist he started homeward in the afternoon, and on reaching "Hanna'a gap " a large black bear came out into the road and deliberately stopped in front of the horse. Badly frightened the boy hastily dropped the sack of flour, and ap plying the switch to his horse, was soon out of the reach of danger. On reaching home the badly frightened boy related his thrilling experience and the father, arming himself, went back to the scene of the incident, where he found the sack of flour untouched. Bruin was not visible. As early as the year 1800 the following settlers additional to those al- ready noted were living within the present limits of French Creek township, viz. : James and Robert Greenlee and William Vogan, all of whom located in the western part near the Mercer county line. Jacob Runninger, a native of Holland, came to the United States in 1777, and settled in the eastern part of Pennsylvania, thence in 1801 moved to Venango county, and bought three hundred and seven acres of land in French Creek township, a part of which is still in possession of his descend- ants. He was an active business man and died in 18'25. His son, Jacob Runninger, came at the same time. Jacob Jr., James P., Conrad, David, and John Runninger, sons of the latter, are among the older residents of the township at this time. Hugh and John L. Hasson, father and son, became residents of French Creek in 1799 or 1800, moving here from the eastern part of the state by meads of a horse and pack saddle, and a horse and sled. They settled a short distance from Utica, where Hugh Hasson died in 1815. John L. sub- sequently (about 1824) moved to Canal township, where a number of his de- scendants still reside. Another early settler was John Hanna. who immigrated from County Down, Ireland, and landed at New Castle, Delaware, in 1796. After a res- idence of two years at Lancaster, Pennsylania, he moved to Mifflin county, and in 1802 came to Venango, arriving at the Blair farm, lately the home- stead of Major George C. McClelland, in French Creek township, on Christ- FRENCH CREEK TOWNSHIP. 565 mas (liiy. Affcor remaining there a short time he settled what is known as the " Hanna tract '' on tlio creek a few miles below IJtica. James Gillilaud came to the township abont the year 1804, and improved a farm one and a half miles north of Waterloo. He was one of the early teachers of French Creek, and did as much if not more than any otlier man toward awakening an interest in the cause of religion and establishing churches in the township. His sons, Joseph and Alexarider C, are still liv- ing near the place of original settlement. Peter Patterson, a pioneer of French Creek township, was liorn in Juni- ata county, Pennsylvania. He hrst visited this locality prior to IcSOO, and through his brother-in-law, James Greenlee, then a resident of this county, was induced to make it his permanent residence, which he did in 1807, set- tling a tract of two hundred and fifty acres in the extreme western part of the county adjacent to the Mercer county line. He was a member of the Associate Reformed church and died in that faith in 1840. Although a member of the organization at Cochranton, meetings w^ere frequently held at his house, ultimately resulting in the formation of the flourishing United Presbyterian church of Sandy. His wife, whose maiden name was Eliza- beth Donnelly, survived her husband until 1862. They were the parents of twelve children, six of whom are now living: Annie, widow of Alexander Turner; Samuel, a farmer of Jackson township, Mercer county; Ellen, Mrs. Reese Byers; Jane, widow of Dennis Kennedy; William, of Nebraska, and James D. , county commissioner. John Temple and sons, John, David, and Robert, were among the first permanent residents in the vicinity of Polk, as-^vas also Seth Jewel, a Rev- olutionary soldier, who improved a part of the ground upon which the vil- lage now stands. Other early settlers near Polk were William Evans, James Nicholson and sons David and Robert. James Cannon, and James McClaran. Among others who came at an early date and bore a part in developing the country the following may be noted: Augustus Shaw, John, James, and Andi-ew McGinnis, David Vincent; David Gilmore and sons John, David, Brice. William, and Robert; Jonas Reynolds and sons Wolcott. Joel. Hiram, Jonas, and Erastus; William and Walter Gibson, Aaron McKissick. Mr. Johnston, Samuel Bunnell, Edward Hughes, George Cummings, John Cum- mings. William Cummings, James Hays, Charles H. Heydrick, Doctor Christopher Heydrick, A. W. Raymond, and others. MILLS. Of the industries of French Creek township that of milling has always been the most important, the waters of Mill creek having been early utilized as the motive power for machinery. As already stated, the pioneer mill- builder in this part of the county was John Lindsay, who built a small saw mill near Utica as early as the year 1804. This was a very primitive atfair. 566 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and owing to the scarcity of water in the creek was in operation for only a short time. Mr. Lindsay built a flouring mill about one and a half miles from Utica a little later, which, like the saw mill, received its motive power from Mill creek. He operated this mill until his death, which has already been noted, and did a very successful business. It was afterward operated by members of the Lindsay family until its destruction by fire, about the year 1854. BOROUGH OF UTICA. This enterprising- little village is pleasantly located in Fi-ench Creek township, eight miles northwest of Franklin and three miles southeast of the Mercer county line, and marks the site of one of the earliest improved farms in French Creek township. Settlements were made in the vicinity of the village on French creek before the beginning of the present century, and it is stated with a reasonable degree of accuracy that a transient settler, name unknown, made a few temporary improvements upon the present site of the place as early as the year 1790 or 1797. The first permanent settler, however, was James Adams, who, about the year 18(lO purchased that por- tion of the town known as the original plat, upon which he built a residence and made other necessary improvements. His neighbors were the Lindsay, Duffield, Martin, Gordon, Chapman, Cooper, and other early families, who located their respective homes within a few miles along French creek. Mr. Adams appears to have been a man of great energy, as is attested by the fact that in addition to clearing land and developing a good farm he early utilized the splendid water power of Mill creek by erecting a S'aw and grist mill and woolen factory, all of which were highly valued by the early settlers of Venango and Mercer counties. The woolen mill was the first of the kind in Venango county, and althoiagh quite a primitive affair, it ap- pears to have been operated almost constantly during the early years of the French creek settlement. The flouring mill, erected about the year 1805, was u small frame structure, two and a half stories high, and stood about one hundred feet south of the present mill. It was operated quite success- fully until 1842. The saw mill, which stood near the spot occupied by the ruins of another mill of the same kind erected at a later date, supplied the early settlers along French creek with lumber and building material for a number of years. While these mills were the means of attracting attention to the place, which early became the nucleus of a very thriving settlement, it was not un- til the construction of the French Creek canal through the country that the advisability of locating a trading point on the present site of the village be- gan to be considered. It was while work on the canal was in progress that one John Floyd erected a small store room above where the iron bridge now crosses the creek, and stocked it with a miscellaneous assortment of mer- chandise for the purpose of trading with the contractors and workmen. FllENCH CREEK TOWNSIIir. 567 The venture proving financially successful be continued the business about four or five years and then disposed of his stock and went to Pittsburgh, in vphich city he subsequently engaged in th(i wholesale trade, and became quite wealthy. The substantial growth of the town, however, dates from the advent of A. W. Raymond, who, foreseeing the future advantages of the place as a com- mercial point, purchased the land from the Adams family and in 1830 proceed- ed to lay out a town to which he gave the name of Utica, after his old home, the city of Utica, New York. Antecedent to the above year there were only a few dwellings on the present site of the borough, among which was the residence of James Adams, which is said to have been one of the first brick houses ever erected in Venango county. It is still standing and despite its great age is remarkably well preserved. Mr. Raymond soon became the presiding genius and inspiration of the community. He devoted his time and means toward building up the new town and developing its industries, and one of his first substantial improvements was a frame store building which stood a short distance east of the old Adams residence. In this build- in »• he opened a general store and within a comparatively limited period succeeded in building up an extensive and successful trade. After continuing the business several years he sold out to Adam Cooper, binding the latter by written agreement to keep in stock all the goods necessary to supply the de- mands of the community and agreeing to make no attempt at opposition in the business as long as the pledge was faithfully observed. It appears that within a short time Cooper's stock of goods was^allowed to run down where- upon Mr. Raymond, considering the agreement violated, brought a second store to the place, the immediate result of which was an action by Cooper for breach of agreement which was tried in the court of Frankin. Mr. Ray- mond proved to the satisfaction of court and jury that the violation was not upon his part and so won the case. His second store building stood on the lot occupied at this time by the residence and shop of C. H. Yard, but subsequently, in 1839, he erected a brick store room on Chestnut street, in which he conducted a successful trade for several years. In the meantime he purchased the mill property and later opened a hotel ' ' The Traveler' s Home ' ' which early became a fav- orite stopping place for the traveling public. After carrying on the mercan- tile business a few years he rented the store to James McGill of Mercer and went to Raymilton in Mineral township, of which village he was also founder and proprietor. He subsequently returned to Utica and resumed business which he carried on until about 1850, when he disposed of his interests here and moved to Franklin where he still resides. Several years prior to 1850, William Smiley and Brice Gilmore began selling goods, the former where Mr. Perrine's grocery now stands and the latter in a small building on the same street. Thev did busiii<>ss with limited 568 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. capital and were in the trade but a short time. W. S. Devore was one of the successful merchants of the place, as was also Thomas Nesbit, who is still identified with the bu.siness interests of the borough. The firm of Nes- bit, Stevenson & Company was in existence for some time, also the firm of Gilmore, Stevenson & Company. Messrs. Nicklin & Bryden were among the mercantile men of the place and one James Fiscus was also an early grocer, whose principal stock in trade consisted of ' ' mountain tangle foot ' ' which brought him numerous customers of a certain class. Indusfries. — As already stated, the first manufacturing enterprises of Utica were the mills and woolen factory erected by James Adams, anterior to the founding of the village. The first woolen mill stood on Mill creek near the southwest corner of the borough. It was a small frame building supplied with fair machinery, operated by water power, and was kept run- ning almost constantly for a number of years in order to supply the great demand for its products. It ceased operations in 1846, at which time Mr. Adams erected a larger factory, a three-story building thirty by forty feet in dimensions, supplied with machinery for carding, spinning, cloth dressing, and the manufacture of woolen fabrics such as the community at that time demanded. This factory was greatly prized by the farmers of the vicinity in that it made sheep raising profitable by furnishing a home market for wool. It was operated by the Adams family until its destruction by fire about the year 1869. In the year 1842 A. W. Eaymond erected a large brick flouring mill with which he did a very successful business for a number of years. It afterward passed into other hands, and is now owned and operated by Nesbit & Company, by whom the building was recently remodeled and supplied with the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of flour by the roller process. The capacity of the mill is fifty barrels of flour per day be- sides meal and feed. For many years the mill received its motive power from the waters of Mill creek, but the machinery is now operated by steam power, natural gas l)eing used as fuel. In connection with his mercantile and milling interests Mr. Eaymond operated a small foundry for several yegirs with which he did a good busi- ness, manufacturing plows, hoes, and many other implements used by the farming community. It stood on Water street at the mouth of Mill creek. Another early industry of the town was a tannery started a number of years ago by David Goodard, who subsequently sold out to Cornelius Wil- son by whom it was operated Avith fair success until about the year 1869. Robert Woods started a small furniture factory on Water street in the early days of the village which was well patronized by the citizens of the com- munity, and a little later William Anderson began the manufacture of chairs in a small shop near the mouth of Mill creek, A. W. Raymond built a dis- tillery in the lower end of th(i borough prior to 1850, which like all of his FRENCH CREEK TOWNSHIP. 569 business enterprises proved a very successful venture. It was in operation until some time in the sixties. During the great oil excitement in Venango county the manufacture of sucker-rods became a very lucrative industry, and one of the first factories was built in XJtica by Elias Cozad. Mr. Cozad afterward effected a co-partner- ship in the business with Mr. Shannon and the firm thus formed soon be- came one of leading ones of the kind in the county. The factory did a large business during the oil excitement, supplying most of the rods used in this part of the country, but with the decline of the oil business all work in the factory was suspended. Bridges. —The tirst bridge across French creek at Utica was a a wooden structure built in the year 1842. Prior to that date the stream was crossed by means of a ferry, consisting of a flat boat and skiff operated by Michael Kincaid, who obtained legal permission to establish the same as early as 1839. The old wooden bridge answered the purposes for which it was in- tended until 1859, when it was torn down and replaced by another wooden structure of greater strength and superior workmanship. This, in turn, gave place to the present substantial iron bridge which was erected in the year 1886 at a cost of ten thousand dollars. Physicians. — The following list includes the names of the majority of medical men who have been located in Utica from time to time, viz. : Doc- tors M. M. Byles, James A. Donaldson, Fielding Donaldson, Riddle, Leet, Cooley, McCormick, Brown, Martin, Johnston, F. M. McClelland, and J. J. Looney. The Postmasters of Utica have been A.. W. Raymond, John A. Stewart, John W. Riddle, A. W. Gilmore, J. M. Perrine, Edward Hughes, and J. M. Perrine. Hotels. — The first hotel in Utica, "The Travelers Home," of which mention has been made in a preceding page, was opened for the accommo- dation of the traveling public by A. W. Raymond prior to the year 1840. The next hotel was kept by Messrs. Bowden and Dunn. It was afterward known as the Singleton house and was the principal stopping place in the village during the oil excitement. A man by the name of Chamberlain kept the house for some time and still later Mr. Singleton purchased the prop- erty and converted it into a private boarding house. The Lee house, the only hotel in the borough at this time, was opened for the accommodation of guests in the year 1881 by William Lee. It is a large frame building situated in the eastern part of the village, and is supplied with all the com- forts and conveniences of the modern hotel. Incorporation and Borough Officers. — Utica was incorporated as a bor- ough in November, 1863, but owing to the absence of the original records it will be impossible to give a complete list of borough officers from the begin- ning. The tirst list of which there is any definite record is for the year 570 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 1868 aud is as follows: Biirgess, S. Shaanon; J. H. Likens, clerk; James Adams, street comrQissioner; council: William Fancher, Philip Dufiield, Edward Hughes. Thomas Nesbit, and Louis Hassenfritz. From 18(38 until 1874 there is another break in the records, but from the latter year a list has been kept complete. The officers for 1874 were: burgess, Thomas Singleton; council: J. R. Adams, E. H. Sergent, J. P. Cassedy, H. M. Wilson, and D. A. Cassedy. 1875. — Burgess, Hiram Richmond; council: Thomas Singleton, B. F. Grain, D. K. Ramsey, John A. Stewart, J. N. Ervine, and Edward Hughes. 187G. — Burgess, Hiram Richmond; council: James Dickey, Joseph Paden, John A. Stewart, and J. H. Ray. 1877. — Burgess, Freeman Kirk; council: Alexander Lee, B. F. Grain, A. W. Mumford, A. P. Kennedy, and W. S. Glenn. 1878. — Burgess, B. F. Grain; council: Thomas Singleton, Thomas John- ston, James Dickey, Louis Hassenfritz, and James Hasson. 1879. — Burgess, B. F. Grain; council: J. R. Stewart, Gharles Dickey, J. J. Looney, James A. Wilson, J. P. Anderson, aud J. P. Snyder. 1880. — Burgess, W. S. Glenn; council: J. H. Ray, Jacob Pulman. B. F. Wilson, W. F. Whitman, William Lee, and J. P. Gassedy. 1881. — Burgess, J. R. Adams; council: Alexander Lee, J. S. Hasson, D. A. Gassedy, J. H. Ray, and L. N. Wilson. 1882. — Burgess, Samuel Shannon; council: F. D. Gaston, G. H. Yard, Thomas Singleton, J. P. Anderson, and Q. B. Gilmore. 1883. — Burgess, J. H. Ray; council: Edward Hughes, James Dickey, William Lee, Alexander Lee, S. P. Kennedy, and S. O. Stevenson. 1884. — Burgess, O. First; council: James Dickey, Edward Hughes, G. H. W^hitman, J. P. Gassedy, and S. O. Stevenson. 1885. —Burgess, F. D. Gaston; council: William Mawhinney, E. A. Wilson. J. P. Gassedy, S. O. StevensoTi, and Edward Hughes. 1886. — Burgess, Thomas Nesbit; council: L. Gousins, H. Seifrit, J. P Gassedy, William Mawhinney, E. A. Wilson, and G. H. Whitman. 1887. — Burgess, J. M. Perrine; council: John Duffield, J. P. Anderson, William Mawhinney, L. F. Gousins. E. A. Wilson, and H. Seifrit. 1888. — Burgess, G. H. Yard; council: A. T. Brookhouser, D. K. Ram- sey, H. Seifrit, and L. F. Gousins. 1889. — Burgess, Edward Hughes; council: D. A. Gassedy, L. G. Gur- tis, G. G. Dickey, D. K. Ramsey, William Lee, and A. T. Brookhouser. For many years the growth of Utica, owing to the sparsely settled condi- tion of the surrounding country, was of necessity quite slow, but with the great oil excitement in the sixties, and the completion of what is now the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad in 1863, the place became in- fused with new life and vitality, so that its importance as a trading and shipping point began to be appreciated. About that time merchants did a FRENCH CKEEK TOWNSHIP. '^^1 thriving business, and the various mills and other industries were kept run- ning at"their full capacity in order to meet the demands made upon them. Lot" found ready purchasers, real estate commanded exceedingly good prices for a town so small, and for a few years Utica bid fair to become the rival in local trade of some of the more populous towns of the county. While this spirit of enterprise did not long continue the borough has always maintained its position among the successful commercial points in Venano-o county, and from its location in the midst of a line agricultural community, will command a fair proportion of the local business for years to come. Like many other towns of western Pennsylvania, Utica enjoys the mod- ern advantages of natural gas, which was piped to the borough in 1880 by the Columbia Gas Company of Franklin. The main line of the comi^any. extending from the gas region to Meadville, was tapped for the purjjose and the franchise in Utica stipulates that free gas shall be furnished for illuminating the streets and heating the school building for the privilege of laying the pipes through the streets. This superior fuel is now in general use in the borough and has added greatly to the comfort and convenience of the people. BOROUGH OF POLK. This village, formerly known by the name of Waterloo, is pleasantly situated on the Franklin branch of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad, six miles from the county seat, and is the site of one of the earliest settlements of Sandy creek. As early as the jear 1798 or 1799 William Gibson obtained possession of a large tract of land in the vicinity, includ- ino- a part of the village plat, and opened a farm, erecting his diminutive log cabin not far from the western limits of the borough. This from the testimony of the .oldest living residents of the borough appears to have been the tirst improvement ever made on the present site of the town. Another early settler whose arrival antedates the year 1800 was John Temple, who located a short distance from the village on Sandy creek. Among other early residents in the immediate neighborhood, were Seth Jewel, Welden Adams, James Cannon, James McClaran, and William Evans, all of whom located their respective claims from 1799 to 1802. The natural advantages of the location as the center of a large settlement in what is now French Creek and Sandy Creek townships induced Oliver McGarvey early m the present century to erect a flouring mill on Big Sandy, and a little later a small stock of general merchandise was brought to the place and exhibited for sale in a small log building which stood not far from the lot now occn pied bv the Cochran residence. The store was highly prized by the citizens of the community and for some time did a fairly lucrative business, but the proprietor, having no 572 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. taste for mercantile pursuits, soon disposed of his stock and moved to other parts. The next mercantile venture was made by the iirm of Giles & Lyons, who erected a frame building, and for a period of about live years did a vf-ry good business. Their successor was John Temple, Jr., who, after carrying on a fairly successful trade for a short time, sold out to Aaron McKissick, the real father and promoter of the town. Mr. iVIcKissick was a man of great energy, and possessed superior business qualifications. He purchased the land upon which the village stands, and in 1889 had the same surveyed and platted under the name of Waterloo, by which it continued to be known until its incorporation as a borough, August 23, 1886, when the name of the postoffice was adopted. In con- nection with his store Mr. McKissick opened a hotel, the first in the j^lace, which he ran for a number of years, dividing his attention in the meantime among merchandising, stock dealing, and farming, in all of which he was successful. William Grove sold goods in the village for a few years as did also John G. Duffield, who carried on the mercantile business from 1860 to 1870 or '72. Everhart Lytle and William H. Hurlbert were identified with the commercial interests of the place at different times, and the Grange or cooperative store managed by James Billingsly was in successful operation several years; the successor to the latter was I. H. Davison, who is now pro- prietor of one of the largest and most successful general stores in the county outside of Oil City and Franklin. The first mechanic to locate in the town was Thomas Ray, blacksmith. Others who came a little later were Cassidy Gould and John Andre, black- smiths, John Ray and Alexander Black, wagon makers, S. Hamlin, cooper. As already stated, the first mill at this point was built by Oliver McGary. It stood on Sandy creek, was two stories high, and supplied with good machinery operated by water power. It was well patronized by the citizens of French Creek, Sandy Creek, and Mineral townships, and stood until its destruction by fire in the year 1870. The last proprietor, David Herstine, erected another and larger mill on the same spot a little later. It is now owned and operated by Ross Robison. The history of other industries of the village may be briefly told. A small tannery started by Messrs. Patts and Badger was in operation for a short time, and about the year 1870 William Stevenson engaged in the man- ufacture of staves, which he carried on for a period of four years in connec- tion with a large cooper shop. He did a good business during that time, but material becoming scarce he moved his establishment away from the village. The Waterloo creamery was established in the year 1877 by J. A. Bil- lingsly, who subsequently disposed of his interest to Messrs. Davison, Davis, and Glenn. The first building was used until 1888, at which time a ,.1'.^ ^tWiSJ-jN^ ?si ^L vy-x. ^ FKENCH CREEK TOWNSHir. 575 new bnildino- of larger dimensions was erected, and supplied with the latest and most approved machinery. This is a very successful institution, em- ploys live hands, and manufactures live hundred pounds of butter daily, all of which is shipped to the markets of New York, Pittsburgh, and Frank- lin. The proprietors, I. H. Davison and W. H. Davis, are among the most substantial business men of the county. Waterloo Lodge, No. (iSO, I. O. O. F. , was instituted April 29, 1 880, with twenty-seven charter members. The organization was brought about by the efforts of Reverend W. H. Bunce. A. D. Dean, and J. B. Marshall. The first officers were -T. B. Marshall, N. G. ; A. D. Dean, V. G. ; AV. H. Bunce. secretary, and J. A. Billingsly, treasurer. The lodge has made com- mendable progress, the record of 1889 containing the names of fifty-six active members. The following is nearly a complete list of the postmasters of Polk, viz. : Georo-e Giles, Allen, Oliver McKissick, D. Temple, John Stone, Will- iam Robison, William Hooten, W. L. McKinley, and J. J. Hays. The medical men who have practiced the healing art in the village from time to time have been Doctors Josiah Winnings, Rosenberry, Boyd, Gal- braith, Taylor, Leech, Feaither, McKinley, and McConnell. CHURCHES. The following from the history of the Erie Presbytery by Doctor Eaton is a brief account of the organization of what is now the Presbyterian church of Utica: This congregation is in Venango county and was (Organized about the same time with Upper Sandy and Fairfield, namely, about the year 1800. Mr. Wylie was the first pastor, ordained and installed April 13, 1802; released from his charge of the united congregations of Upper and Lower Sandy and Fairfield, December 5, 1804. At the first organization of the churches the same session was appointed for both, but on the 11th of March, 1802, it was resolved to have a separate session for each. Mr. Riggs was the second pastor, ordained and installed * * * October 21, 1807; released from his charge April 8, 1813 About the beginning of his pastorate the name of the congrega- tion was changed to Mill Creek by which it was known until the removal to Utica. In 1810 there were nineteen members. There is a chasm in the history of the church that cannot be filled up. It seems to have become disorganized, the members probably worshiping at Fairfield and Sugar Creek. The late Reverend Robert Glenn records that the Mill Creek church was organised in the fall of 1827 by Reverend Ira Condit and Ezekiel Condit at the house of John Gordon, there being at that time no meeting house. By a vole of the congregation the two oldest members were chosen elders, namely, John Gordon and James Adams. In a short time the congregation feeling the necessity of having a house in which to worship, and not being able to hire workmen to build one, resolved to build a house with their own hands, there being several of them acquainted with the use of tools. The work was accomplished in due time with little expense save their own labor. This building, a substantial and commodious frame edifice, stands about two miles from Utica and is still in a fair state of preservation. Under its reorganization Reverend Robert Glenn was the first pastor. He was 32 576 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ordained September 12, 1832, in connection witli Amity and Sand}- Lake, giving one- third of liis time to each. He served Mill CreeK one-third of his time until September, 1850, and one-half of his time during the remainder of his life. He died September 6, 1857, after a pastorate of twenty-five years. The next pastor was Reverend John D. Howey, ordained and installed in connection with Sugar Creek September 21, 1859; released fi'om his charge April 26, 1865. His successor was Reverend McKean, after whom came Reverend M. M. Shirley, who served as supply from 1868 until 1871, and ])astor from the latter date until his death in July, 1879. In the mean- time the advisability of moving the organization to the town of Utica had been discussed, and after due consideration the matter was decided by l)allot, the majority of tlie congregation voting in favor of making the change. A building site commanding a beautiful view of the village and surrounding country was donated for church purposes by R. L. Cochran and John Duffield, and in 1871 the present temple of worship, representing a capital of four thousand four hundred dollars, was erected and formally dedicated. The successor of Reverend Shirley was Reverend A. W. Yarner, who served the congregation four years, and was succeeded by Reverend W. T. Gar- roway, who has since been pastor. MethodiM Eirii^copal Church. — The origin of the Utica congregation is veiled in obscurity, and but limited satisfaction was derived in tracing its early history. It is known that traveling ministers of the Methodist church visited the French creek settlements at frequent intervals, long before the town was founded, but it was not until some time in the thirties that any attempts were made to effect a permanent church organization. According to the testimony of an old resident of the borough. Reverend J. M. Van Horn, of Meadville, was the minister by whose efforts the iirst class in Utica was organized. The same authority states that there were about sixteen members enrolled at the first meeting, among whom are remembered the following, viz. : Jacob Whitman and wife. Thomas Johnston, John Martin, William Hays and wife, John Duffield and wife, Phili]) Duffield and wife, and Samuel Jackson and wife. When organized the class was attached to the LeV:)anon circuit, of which it remained an appointment until some time in the fifties, when it became a point on the Cooperstown circuit. Since the year 1853 the following pas- tors have ministered to the congregation: Reverends Thomas Burroughs. A. Keller, J. G. Hawkins, John Abbott, J. D. Darling, J. B. Wright, J. Flower, O. Babcock, J. A. Hume, S. Fiddler, J. K. Adams, A. M. Lockwood. and C. H. Quick. For several years succeeding the organization the class met for public worship in the old district school house, and later a room in the Utica Academy building was fitted up for church purposes. In the year 1862 a frame building, thirty- four by forty feet in size, situated near the central part FRENCH CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 577 of the borout'h, was erected. The church has l)een a potent factor for trood in the community, and althou^-h not as sti-ong numerically as in former years, is still in a nourishing condition, with an enrolled membership of about forty five. The United Presbyterian Church of Utica was organized by a committee appointed by the jn-esbytery, consisting of Reverend H. H. Thompson, James McKnight, and Ebenezer Beatty, on the 18th of April, 1859. The following are the names of constituent members: John M. Adams, Rachel Adams, Elizabeth Barr, Mrs. Callahan, Ellen Stewart, Sarah A. Gilmore, Jane Greer, James Duffield, Jane Dufiield, Margaret Greer, Eliza Adams, Francis Dunn, Ann Dunn, Margaret Dunn, Elizabeth Duim, John David- son, Matilda Davidson, Benjamin Duncan. Margaret Duncan, James Blair, Eliza Blair, Mary Blair, John G. Dunn, and Eliza Dunn. The first elders were Francis Dunn and John Davidson, and at the first meeting John M. Adams was elected clerk of session. Reverend A. W. Caldwell was the first regular psistor. After serving two years he was suc- ceeded by Reverend L. I. Crawford, whose pastorate extended over a period of three years. Reverend Nathan Winegart sustained the pastoral relation eight years, and was followed by the present incumbent, Reverend Henry Westlake, who took charge of the congregation in 1886. Previous to 1878 the congregation met for worship in a room of the Utica Academy, but in that year a substantial frame house of worship, representing a capital of three thousand three hundred dollars, was erected in the borough, upon a lot donated by James Adams, Sr. The present membership is about seventy-five. Nicklin Chapel, Methodist Episcopal Church, three miles from Polk, dates its history from about the year 1833. A year or two prior to that date sev- eral Methodist preachers, among whom was Reverend James Lock, held public worship from time to time in private residences, and as a result of their labors a small class was organized in what was known as the Lyons school house, and attached to the Hendej-sonville circuit. The following were among the early members of this class: Samuel Lyons and wife, Mrs. Ellison, Jane Lyons, William Lyons, George Cummings and wife, Abiel Crane and wife, Jacob Runninger, and Essington Kephart and wife, all of whom had previously belonged to the old Sandy Creek congregation in Sandy Creek township. Reverends Briggs, Sterns, and Hill ministered to the class at intervals for several years, and later the pulpit was regularly supplied by pastors of the church in Franklin. It subsequently became a point on the Polk circuit and until about the year 1870 its history is a record of slow growth and indifferent success. The Lyons school house was used as a meeting place until the above year, when the present house of worship, a substantial frame stmcture, was erected on land donated for the piirpose by D. T. Nicklin. The church enrolls at this time an active membership of about seventy persons. 578 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, Reynolds Methodist Episcopal Church is the outgrowth of the labors of John Stone, Mr. Cory, and John Keynolds, active lay members of the Methodist church, who formerly resided in the western part of the township near the Mercer county line. Reverend Bair visited the neighborhood at intervals in an early day, and held public worship in the dwelling of Hiram Reynolds, but it was not until about the year 1842 or '48 that the efforts of the piously inclined in the community crystallized into an organization. According to the most reliable information the first class was formed some time between the years 1840 and 1845, and among those who became members at that time and a little later were Elijah Williams and wife, Reuben Ward and wife, Miss Ward, Mrs. Van Meter, John Stone, Jonah Reynolds, Mr. Williard and wife, and Mrs. Cannon. Shortly after the organization was effected, a log building on the Hiram Reynolds farm was fitted up for church purposes. Here the congregation met for worship until a building for its especial use was erected a few years later. This building was a comfortable hewed log structure, eighteen by twenty-five feet in dimensions, and stood on land donated by Hiram Reynolds. It was used until 1865, at which time the present frame building, in size forty by forty-five feet and costing the sum of two thousand dollars, was erected and formally dedicated. When organized, the class was attached to the Hendersonville circuit, but about the year 1855 it became a 2)oint on the Polk circuit. The present member- ship is about seventy. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Polk was organized many years ago about two miles east of the present site of the village, and among the early members were the following: James Cannon and family, Alexander McElhaney and family, S. Vincent and family, John Foster and family, Aaron McKissick and family, and Welden Adams and family. Reverend Ira Eddy was an early preacher, and the first house of worship was a small frame building on the land of James Cannon about two miles east of Polk. It was built as early perhaps as 1829, but prior to its erection meetings were held for some time in a neighboring school house and private resi- dences. The society grew and fiourished until some time in the fifties, when owing to the remote distances at which many of the members lived from the place of worship it was thought best to abandon the original so- ciety, the effect of which was the organization of three new classes, viz., Polk, East Grove, and Pleasant Grove. The old building was sold and re- moved in 1859. After its organization the Polk class met in the school house and town hall until 1874, at which time the present house of wor- ship, representing a cost of one thousand dollars, was erected. The follow- ing pastors have ministered to the class since its reorganization in the village, viz., Reverends Winger, Martin, Brandfield, Clyde, Bunce, Wick, Knapp, and Hover. The present membership is fifty. lite Presbyterian Church of Polk was formally organized on the 5th of FRENCH CREEK TOWNSHIP. 579 March, 1854, from members of Franklia and Mill Creek congregations, among whom were the following: John Dewoody. Margaret Dewoody, May Dewoody, Kobert Condit, Margaret Condit, and Elizabeth Anderson. ' Rev- erends Coulter, Condit, and Newell preached for the church as supplies until July, 18G8, when Reverend M. M. Shirley took charge of the congre- o-ation. He was installed pastor in 1873 and continued to exercise the func- tions of that position until his death, aftei- which Reverend Verner became pastor. His successor was Reverend W. T. Garroway, the present incum- bent. It is but proper to state in this connection that the church is largely indebted for its existence and prosperity to the efforts of the late James Gilliland, by whose generous donations the present house of worship was erected. The building is frame, forty by forty-five feet in size, and was formally dedicated in the year 1858. Since its organization the following persons have served the church as elders, viz., James Gilliland, David Run- ninger, James Hays, John G. Duffield, Alexander Billingsly, Joshua Sny- der, and Thomas M. Law. CKMETERIES. One of the oldest places of burial in French Creek township is the Lind- say graveyard, on Mill creek, a place of interment for the Lindsays and a few other families. Beneath the somber shades of this old cemetery, long since abandoned as a burying ground, and overgrown with a dense mass of weeds and shrubbery, repose the ashes of some of the first pioneers of French Creek. John Lindsay was buried here as long ago as 1804, but there were interments several years prior to that date of persons whose names have long since been forgotten. The Mill Creek cemetery, two miles west of Utica on Mill creek, was set aside for burial purposes in the year 1800. One of the first (if not the first) person laid to rest in this old burying ground was Margaret Cooper, daughter of Samuel Cooper, whose death occurred on the 28th of Septem- ber, of the above year. Samuel, son of John and Mary Gordon, was buried near the Cooper grave in October, 1802, and the body of John Gordon, Jr. , son of the same parents, was lowered to its last resting place in July. 1807. William Cooper was buried here in the year 1806, and among other early burials were those of Mrs. Mary Gordon and several members of the Cooper and McCracken families, whose graves are marked by appropriate epitaphs carved in moss-covered sandstone slabs. The borders of the bury- ing ground have recently been enlarged and a cemetery association formed. It is the principal place of interment for a large area of country and around it cluster memories of the great majority of French Creek's earliest pio- neers. There is a cemetery connected with the Reynolds church in the- western part of the township, but not so old as the ones described. 580 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. SCHOOLS. Hand in hand with the church, and scarcely less effectual in its civilizing and elevating influences upon the pioneer communities of French Creek, was the school. The necessity of a rudimentary education was early recognized and appreciated; and as soon as convenient subscription schools were established in the different neighborhoods and well patronized. In all probability the first school in the township was taught as early as the year 1801-2, by James Lowrie, who used for the purpose a small log building which stood on Mill creek, a short distance above Utica. The second building for school purposes was erected about the year 1808. It stood about three-quarters of a mile above Utica, on French creek, and within its walls James Gilliland, father of Joseph and A. C. Gilliland, wielded the birch in the winter of 1803-4. James Taylor taught a term in a little log house near "Hanna's Gap," as early as 1810, and several years later Samuel Hood taught in the same locality, though not in the same building. A. P. Whitaker, editor of the Venango Spectator, was one of the pedagogues in the same neighborhood in later years. A school was taught in an abandoned dwelling on the Gilliland farm two miles north- east of Waterloo in an early day by a Miss Nash, who is remembered as a very good teacher for that time, k round log house was erected in the same neighborhood a little later, and for two years the children living with- in a radius of two miles of the same were instructed in the mysteries of the alphabet, spelling book, writing, and arithmetic to the "rule of three," by Misses Alice Cummiugs and Sarah Whann. James Paden in an early day taught a term of school in an abandoned dwelling which stood on the Runninger farm, and about the same time Lacy Cochran taught for several months in a vacant dwelling on the Simcox place. A log school house was erected in the same neighborhood some time afterward, and the first school in the same was taught by Susan Oliver. There was also an early school building on the Major McClelland place, about thi-ee miles from Polk, but of the teachers nothing definite was learned. As early as 1887 or '38, Miss Anna Moore taught a term in the house of John Martin, on the Heydrick farm, and a year or two later Miss Delia Hammond was employed to teach in the same place. Subsequently a log building was erected in the neighborhood on land now owned by John Lesher. Robert Stout, William Gordon, and James M. Daily were amono- the early pedagogues in this building. The first school patronized by the residents of Utica was taught in a small log building which stood near the present site of the United Presby- terian church. It was erected as early as 1831 and was first used by James Scott, who is remembered as a scholarly man and an excellent teacher for ^hat time. Among the various teachers who came after Mr. Scott the fol FRENCH CREEK TOWNSHIP. 581 lowing are recalled, viz. : Daniel Stephens. William Gordon, William Wright, Edward Hughes, Esther Clough, William Hutchinson, W. W. Whitley, and Allen McCracken. The old log building was destroyed by lire some time in the forties and immediately thereafter a small frame building was erected near the mouth of Mill creek, in which the following pedagogues wielded the birch at different times, namely, J. L. Hanna, Bowman Glenn, James Heydrick, Mr. Lord, Mary J. Coulter, C. W. Gilfillan, and others. In course of time this building was found to bo entirely too small to accommodate the school population of the village, and accordingly a move- ment to erect a house of enlarged dimensions was inaugurated about the year 1854. This was started as a private enterprise, known as the Utica Academy and Lecture Koom Company, the object being to erect a building in which not only the common school could be taught, but also a school for the advancement of the higher branches of learning. The building, a two-story frame structure, was erected in 1855 and the same year a private school was duly organized by C. W. Giltillan, who taught for a time. The next teacher was Professor Bell, who with his wife, also an experienced teacher, established a school for instruction in the higher grades which was quite well patronized. Professor Bennett was the next teacher. In the meantime the United Presbyterian church secured the use of a part of the building for church purposes which was completed by the con- gregation for a lien upon the property. In the year 1865 the school di- rectors purchased the church' s interest in the building, obtained possession of the property, and converted it into a public ^school which still went by the name of the Utica Academy. It was used until the winter of 1886, when the entire structure was consumed by fire, entailing a heavy loss upon the borough. The present building, a large two-story frame structure con- taining four commodious rooms, was erected the same year at a cost of three thousand two hundred dollars. The first school building within the present limits of Polk was a small plank structure erected near where the present building stands as early as the year 1829. It was used about thirty years and then replaced by a frame house which stood until the erection of the present brick building in 1868. Among the early teachers in the village the following names are recalled: Isaac Bunnell, Benjamin Hall, A. White, Wilson Walker, James Daily, and Robert Montgomery. 582 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER XXX. RICHLAND TOWNSHIP. Organization and Population— Pioneers— Early Industries— Villages — CiRfRciiES— Schools. AS origiaally defined in 1806, the boundaries of Richland included much more than its present area, to which it was reduced in 1839 by the erection of Clarion county. It is one of the smaller subdivisions of Venango county. Rockland adjoins on the west and north and the Alle- gheny river on the west. The surface is much diversified and well watered. The population in 1870 was one thousand and twenty-three; in 1880, one thousand two hundred and twenty-one. PIONEERS. The earliest settled portion of the township was the region about the mouth of Ritchey's run. This stream derives its name from the Ritchey family, of which the first representative here was James Ritchey; he was from Westmoreland county and the date of his settlement here is placed as early as 1796. He located on the Clarion county side of Ritchey's run a mile and a half from its mouth. The maiden name of his wife was Jane Kennedy and she was the mother of thirteen children, five sons and eight daughters. Of the descendants who once lived in Richland, James Ritchey was elected county commissioner in 1857 and was the only member of the family who held a county office. The property now owned by his heirs was the original home of his father, Alexander Ritchey. Other early settlers in the southern part of the township were Johnson McCrinnis, Moses Porter, Andrew Porter, Samuel Stewart, and one Carr, whose surname has been forgotten. He was merely a squatter and made the first improvements on what was known as the Duncan tract, owned by non-residents. McGinnis located on the farm now owned by Thomas Bailey. He reared a large family and has numerous descendants in Scrub- grass township. Moses Porter lived where Joseph Porter now lives and Andrew Porter near Mariasville. Samuel Stewart first improved what is called the Knauss farm. Along the bank of the river John Kerr made an improvement at a very early date upon the site of Emlenton. EICHLAND TOWNSHIP. 583 The pioneers of the region about Nicldeville were James Say, John Don- aldson, John Bell William Niclde, William Adams, Daniel O'Neil, Samuel Huston, Alexander Sullinger, James Downing. William Davidson, John Levier, James Levier, John McDonald, Henry Mays, Andrew Weaver, George Myers, Robert Criswell, Washington Mays, Al)raham Persing, Abra- ham, Villiam, Jacob, Isaac, and James Karns. James Say was the son of David Say, who settled in Scrubgrass in 1796. John Donaldson was the son of Andrew Donaldson of Cumberland county, who settled on Slippery Rock creek in Butler county, and from that place his son removed to Rock- land township in 1815. There he settled the farm owned by Levi Nickle. In 1822 he came into Richland, where he purchased three hundred and fifty acres of what was known as the college lands. When he came here he had a family of five children. He sold half of his purchase to John Bell, who was from Butler county. His brother George came out first and made a small clearing, and in the following year John Bell removed with his fam- ily. This property is owned by his son, George Bell. Other purchasers of the college lands, which comprised twelve hundred acres and were sold by the counly commissioners, were William Adams, Samuel Huston, Alex- ander Sullinger, and James Say. William Nickle was from the North of Ireland, and first settled in one of the eastern counties of Pennsylvania. In 1821 he went to Clarion county, where he was engaged at the furnaces. In 1824 he came into Richland and made the first improvement where John Persing lives, and in 1828 he removed to the vicinity of Nickleville. There he puTchased the improvements made by John Downing. John Levier, born in Butler county in 1799, of French parentage, came into this town- ship in 1827 and located where D. B. Levier, his son, now resides. James Levier, his brother, who was born in 1796 and died in 1887, followed him in the following year. There were two new arrivals in 1831 in this neigh- borhood, George Gardner and Abraham Persing. The former was from the Kishocoquillas valley, Mifflin county, and had purchased the property of James Say the previous year. Persing was from Union county. EARLY INDUSTRIES. The earliest mill was built by Henry Myers. It was constructed of un- hewn logs and had a large stone chimney, the topmost stone bearing the date 1828. It is the natural inference that this was the date of erection. The mill was owned and operated by G. Washington Mays, a son-in-law of Myers. From him the property passed to Andrew Spinogle and John Goodman from Lancaster county, by whom the present mill was built. Louis A. Giering was the next proprietor, and the mill is now owned by his heirs. William Adams, a tanner by trade, came into Richland in 1828, and established a tannery within a short time thereafter on the farm that 584 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. John Persin^ now owns. It was equij)ped with vats and a bark mill, but the proprietor did most of his work for a share of the product, receiving hides from the farmers and tanning them for half the leather. Robert Hewev operated this establishment for a time. Stephen Arnold also had a tan- nery on the farm of Leslie Adams. John Owens bought this property and conducted the business many years. James F. Agnew established the first carding mill, on Ritchey's run, two miles from its mouth. At the time of his death, August 21, 1878, he had been postmaster here more than fifty years, and Avas probably the oldest j:)ostmaster in point of service in the United States. The j^lace was known as Agnew' s Mills. Of distilleries there were two — William Karns' near Disler's Corners, and John Mulligan's. The latter was first located half a mile above Gier- ing's mill and afterward removed to a point the same distance east of Keefer's Factory on the road leading from that place to the Emlenton road. At the period when the only way of disposing of grain was to eat or drink it, the distillery was scarcely less useful than the grist mill. Stapley furnace was the scene of an active industry some years ago. It was built by Charles and Richard Shippen on Mill creek five or six miles distant from the river and was so named in honor of a connection of the Shippen family. The cupola, warehouse and store rooms, and houses once occupied by the operatives are still standing, but have long since fallen into decay. VILLAGES. Nickleville is situated at the intersection of the Rockland and old Frank- lin roads, the latter being the earliest road opened through this section. A fifth road leads to Richland church. The village was laid out by AVilliam Nickle, Jr. , son of the pioneer of that name. He was justice of the peace many years and opened the first store. He was also first postmaster. At present there is one store, a hotel, blacksmith shop, and a population of per- haps fifty. The only industrial feature, and one exceptional in a village of this size, is the pottery of Samuel Jones, established in 1873. Mariasville was so named in honor of the wife of Benjamin X. Junkin, magistrate of Richland township before its division and the owner of that part of the village that lies in Clarion county. It appears that Jacob Shirey was the original owner in Venango. In 184.4 Joseph Schmidt, a native German, bought eight acres from Shirey and cleared it for farming pur- poses. In the meantime Emanuel Widle had made an improvement on the corner opposite Laughner's store, and Elias Widle established a foundry across the line in Clarion county. This was continued only a few years. M. O. Laughner was the first postmaster of the village and his immediate successor was the present incumbent. Levi Grimm. Reefer's Factory, a post-village under the name of Porterfield and known RICHLAND TOWNSHIP. 585 also as Santa F6, has been for many years the leading industrial point in the township. An account of Giering's mill has boon given. David Shaw established a carding and fulling mill here in 184G. Good Intent Woolen Mills were built in 1856 by W. L. Koefer, and comprise a three story frame building thirty feet by sixty feet with engines of twelve-horse power and one set of cards. At one time ten or twelve thousand pounds of wool were manufactured annually into cloth, but of recent years this branch of the business has been entirely discontinued and exclusive attention given to yarns for country trade. The postoffice was established in 1807 with W. L. Keefer as postmaster. CHURCHES. Valley Church of the Evangelical Association is probably the oldest in the township. It was organized in 1834 or 1835, at the Weaver school house by Reverend Solomon Altamouse. The first leader was Samuel Weaver, and the first members were Joseph and Sallie Weaver, Andrew and Catherine Weaver, Thomas Weaver, and Samuel Weaver. The Starr, Bushey, and Mitchell families united with the organization soon afterward. The first church edifice was built about 1840 on ground given by Andrew Weaver. Many of the early members are buried at this place. The second church building was erected in 1865. David Weaver donated the ground upon which it stood. This was removed in 1889, and replaced by the pres- ent frame structure. Reverend J. Esch is the present pastor. Zion Church of the Evangelical Association was organized at the house of Samuel King. Among the members of the iirst class were Jonas Gilgor, Samuel King, David Dutt, Abraham Biery, Samuel Luntz, and Samuel Dreibelbis. Services were held at King's house and at Salem until 1844, when a frame church was built, an acre of ground having been given for that purpose by Samuel Dreibelbis. The present place of worship was erected in 1875 and dedicated February 21, 1876. Adam King, Nicholas Gilger, Emanuel Shirey, and John Martz composed the building committee and Reverend G. W. Cupp was pastor. Reverend J. Esch is the present incumbent. The first Sunday school superintendent was Abraham Mull. The present burying ground was given in 1850 by Joseph Disler and David Martz. Academia Presbyterian Church. — Richland church, organized in 1823, included the Presbyterian element that formed this body prior to its organi- zation, which occurred August 2, 1856, with the following members: Samuel and Mary Huston, William and Martha Davidson, William and Elizabeth Nickle, James and Elsie Say, John Bell, Robert and Hannah Criswell, Robert Hewey, David and Esther Say, Nathaniel and Mary McFeeter, Alexander and Jane Sullinger, Sophia and Jane Campbell, William and Sarah Piatt, Laura Downing, Elizabeth Beels, Mary Beels, Margaret Owen, Rachel Rumbarger, 586 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Jane Grant, James and Mary Clark, Elizabeth McDonald, Daniel Nickle, Sophia and Sarah Gardner, John and Nancy Donaldson, Jane, Mary, Han- nah, and Margaret Nickle, and Elizabeth Bell, Jr. The first elders were Samuel Huston and William Davidson. Years before this Reverend Robert McGarrugh from Lawrenceburg, Clarion county, had jDreached in this vicin- ity, in the barn of George Gardner, the school house, and elsewhere. The succession of regular pastors has been as follows: William McMichaels, S. P. Kinkaid, M. M. Shirley, Andrew Virtue, J. C. Hench, S. P. Dillon, and A. S. Elliott. The church edifice at Nickleville was built in 1850. The building committee consisted of T. K. Gardner, Alexander Sullinger, and Robert Criswell. Mt. Pleasant Church, Church of God, was organized August 23, 1888, at a camp meeting in Rockland, when the first elder, Samuel Gilger was ordained. A church building erected in 1856 by the Methodists, was pur- chased in 1888. SCHOOLS. The first school in Richland township was taught in 1824 by Samuel Stroup, and one of his early successors was Charles McClatchey. This house was on the Donaldson farm, and as a work of architecture challenges ad- miration. The dimensions were about twelve and fourteen feet; the walls were built of unhewn logs; clapboards kept in place by weight poles formed the roof; huge logs were burned in a large open fire-place, while the smoke found exit through a wooden chimney; light was admitted by a long and narrow opening between the logs; the door was formed of a single chestnut puncheon and swung on wooden hinges. The Huston school house was built in 1830, where the roads to Emlenton and Red Valley diverge. Stephen Arnold and John Gilliland were the first teachers. The Swamp school, since known as Maple Hollow, was also one of the earliest, and Hannah Nickle taught here. Mrs. Andrew Porter is remembered as the teacher in a building owned by James Agnew at an early date. The first house for school purposes in that part of the township was built on land given for the pur- pose by Joseph Fox. CHERRY TREE TOWNSHIP. 587 CHAPTEll XXXI. CHERRY TREE TOWNSHIP. Organization — Streams— Population — Pionekrs— Early Industries- Villages— The First Oil Well— The Benningiioff Rob- bery— Schools— Churches— Cemeteries. CHERRY TREE occupies a nearly central position on the northern line of Venango county. On the east it is separated from Oil Creek town- ship by the stream of that name; Cornplanter and Oakland adjoin on the south and Plum on the west. The area has not been materially reduced since the original division of the county into townships in 1806. As part of the proceedings of that date, however, Cherry Tree and Plum were united under one administration, and not separately organized until 1817. The two principal streams of northern Venango county, Sugar creek and Oil creek, drain the whole of Cherry Tree. Little Sugar creek flows through the northwestern part of its territory; Cherry Tree run, a branch of Oil creek, has its sources in the central and southern parts, and numerous smaller streams contribute to the volume of the latter after rapid but uneventful courses through the hills on the east. The population in 1850 was nine hundred and thirty; in 1870, two thousand three hundred and twenty-six; in 1880, one thousand six hun- dred and eighteen. PIONEERS. The first permanent settler of Cherry Tree was William Reynolds. An Englishman by birth, he came to America with his son John and upon their arrival at New York they were promptly met by land agents, among whom were the representatives of the Holland Company. The representations of the latter induced them to make a journey to northwestern Pennsylvania. Here they secured a four hundred acre tract on Cherry Tree run, embracing the site of the village and church of that name. This was in 1797. In the following year the father went to Philadelphia to meet the rest of his fam- ily and conduct them to their new home west of the Allegheny mountains. They are remembered as people of worth and respectability. The father was a Baptist in faith but extended his hospitality to the ministers of all denominations. In politics he was Democratic. There were four sons: OOO HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. John, William, Joshua, and Edward A., and five daughters. Edward A. held a commission as brigade inspector in the local militia. There were two arrivals in 1798. James Tuthill and John Strawbridge. The former was from the eastern part of the state and first located on the Irwin farm on the Oil creek road, where he owned a four hundred acre tract. He reared a large family, but none of the name are residents of that locality at this time. Strawbridge was from the upper Susquehanna valley, prob- ably the vicinity of Williamsport. He formed his first acquaintance with western Pennsylvania as assistant to a surveyor and was thus employed in the neighborhood of Meadville when that city consisted of but two houses. In 1797 he purchased four hundred acres of land in Crawford county, and having sold this to James and Daniel McCombs, he secured two hundred and thirty-seven acres in Cherry Tree on the road leading from Cherry Tree village to Breedtown. He married Elizabeth Lucas, sister-in-law of Francis Buchanan, a pioneer of Oil creek in Cornplanter. They reared ten children, six sons and four daughters. Two of the former, William and Joseph, are among the oldest citizens of the county. John Strawbridge was a soldier in the war of 1812. In politics he was a Democrat. The Irwins of Cherry Tree were a prominent and influential family, not only in the township but throughout the county. The family traces its descent to David Irwin of County Armagh, Ireland, who married Margaret Berry in 1725 and reared a family of eleven children, eight sons and three daughters. Six of the sons immigrated to America. It is from Richard, who was born in 1740 and married Ann Steele at New London, Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1764, that the family in this county is descended. Afterward he removed to White Deer township, Union county, then North- umberland, where he was one of the members of a committee of safety formed for the protection of the Buffalo valley in 1778, and resided until his death in 1809. Four of his sons settled in Cherry Tree at the beginning of the century — Samuel. John, James, and Ninian; and a fifth, Richard, followed some years later. Samuel Irwin was born August 17, 1765, and married Jane Miller in 1795. His first home in this township, to which he came in May, 1802, was a four hundred acre tract on the Wallaceville road. Afterward he bought the land of James Tuthill, previously mentioned, and resided there until his death, September 10, 1847. He was the first postmaster of the town- shi]). The office, known as Cherry Tree, was kept at his house. He was the father of eight children: Richard, Mrs. Fanny McKee, Samuel M. , Mrs. Ann Chase. John, William, Mrs. Eliza Lovell, and Mrs. Jane Curry. Richard Irwin, the oldest of this family, was its most prominent repre- sentative. He served as deputy surveyor, county commissioner, associate judge, presidential elector, and member of the board of revenue commis- sioners that convened at Harrisburg in 1851. As a surveyor he stood in CHEERY TREE TOWNSHIP. 589 the front rank of bis professioa in this part of the state. Born in White Deer township. Union county, May 6, 1798, he died at Franklin Noveniber 18, 1882, at the age of eighty-four. John Irwin was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, January 24, 1768. He came to Venango county in the summer of ISOO as assistant to Samuel Dale, the first county surveyor. He was a bachelor and made his home with his brother Samuel. It is not probable, therefore, that he was a resident of Cherry Tree until after the arrival of the latter. He was one of the first associate judges of the county and the incunjbent of that office from 1805 to his death, December 23, 1838. Judge Jesse Moore is said to have reo-arded him as the most able lay judge on his extensive circuit. He built the first mill in the township and was a large land owner. He was an ac- complished and accurate surveyor. James Irwin owned four hundred acres on the Wallaceville road, now known as the Prather farm. He was born in West Fallowfield township, Chester county, February 13, 1770, and died in 1827. His son, Richard S., was a captain in the old militia. Ninian Irwin located in the northwestern part of the township on land owned by the heirs of his son James. Born in Chester county May 24, 1774, his death occurred August 10, 1826. He was elected to the office of county commissioner in 1805, receiving two hundred and ten votes, the lar- gest number polled for any candidate at that election, the first after the organ- ization of the county. He was an accomplished penman. The first school house in the township was built largely through his efforts, and at different times he taught in the local schools. He was justice of the peace a number of years. Ninian, Jr., his son, was a surveyor and merchant, and the founder of Cherry Tree village. James Hamilton, a native of Ireland, immigrated to Pennsylvania in 1795, and settled in Centre county. In 1801 he came to Venango, accom- panied by his father, Thomas Hamilton, and three brothers — Thomas, Hugh, and Archibald. James located a mile west of Center school house, where Henry Buxton now lives. Here he operated one of the first distilleries in the county. He had four sons: John, second sheriff of Venango county and judge in Warren many years; Richard; Hugh, and James, a soldier of the war of 1812, and county commissioner at one time. Thomas Hamilton's residence was in the vicinity of Breedtown. He had six sons: James, Thomas, Walker, John, Hugh, and William; and four daughters: Mrs. Elizabeth Hancox, Mrs. Margaret Hamilton, Mrs. Nancy Irwin, and Mrs. Ann Stewart. Thomas, Jr., was county surveyor. Hugh Hamilton located on the Oil creek road where Mrs. William M. Lamb now resides. The farm originally secured I)y his brother Archibald, who removed to Ohio in 1820, was the scene of Drake's initial oil opera- tions. 590 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Elial Farr, a Yankee and probably from New England, came here with a family in 1801, and made the first improvement on the farm of E. Walker Hamilton. He was an early school teacher and magistrate. Although the only Whig in a community otherwise tmanimously Democratic, he enjoyed great personal popularity and gave nnusal satisfaction in his administra- tion as justice. In 1819 he removed to Ohio. Some years later heretiirned, on a visit, as pronounced a Democrat as he had formerly been a Whig. Henry Prather was the first blacksmith of the township. His lands ad- joined those of Samnel and James Irwin. He reared a family of three sons and several daughters. The names of the former were Thomas, Henry, and Abram. The Prathers arrived in 1801. There were several German families among the early population. George Tarr was the owner of several hundred acres of land, part of which was inherited by his son, Martin Tarr, deceased. Andrew Coover located near Breedtovt'n at an early date, and gave the name to Coover' s run, a small stream flowing into Little Sugar creek. Jacob Casper was a resident of the same vicinity. Elisha Archer came to the township in 1801, secured a four hundred acre tract, and returned to his former home in one of the eastern counties. Having married Hannah Staples, he once more made the joui-ney across the mountains. His land was northwest of Center school house. The second tanner of the township was Elijah Stewart. He was born in Chester county and reared a Presbyterian. In 1802 he came to Venango and within a short time thereafter had a tannery in operation. He married Lydia, daughter of William Reynolds, and they reared a large family. Cherry Tree Presbyterian church was erected largely through his efforts. Among others who arrived at various dates were Manus McFadden and Edward Griffin, natives of Ireland, and the first Catholics of the township — the former came here from Westmoreland in 1803, the latter from Hunt- ingdon in 1802; John Stiver, who planted the first orchard in the vicinity of Breedtown; William Wilson, from Centre county, who lived a mile north of Breedtown, was twice married, and the father of fifteen children; Arthur Robinson, a native of Ireland, who emigrated in 1798, and came from Cen- tre county to Venango in 1803; Richard and James Ross, proprietors of one of the first distilleries; Charles Ingram, who lived northwest of Breedtown; David Kidd and Robert W. Granger, both of whom went farther west after a brief residence here, Robert Curry, a brother-in-law of Jonathan Titus, founder of Titusville, and a soldier in the war of 1812, and Alexander David- son, a neighbor of Curry, and one of the first settlers on the Oil creek road. James Alcorn emigrated from the North of Ireland and after spending a winter in eastern Pennsylvania continued his journey to the " English set- tlement " near Titusville. He came to Venango county in 1811. He had five sons: John, Andrew, Robert, William, and Samuel, and one daughter, CHERRY TREE TOWNSHir. 593 Jane, who marrioil William Alcorn. Tho family is numerously represented. Joseph Breed, a soldier of the Kevolution, removed from Stonin^^ton, Connecticut, in 1818, to the locality known as Breedtown. Three sons: Charles, Nathan and John, and two daugliters: Mrs. Mercy Hancox and Abby, accompanied him. They bought land of John Stiver, who then re- moved to Ohio. One other Revolutionary veteran, Samuel Lovett, resided in the town- ship for a time at an early date, but removed to Crawford county. The following is a list of taxable inhabitants in 1818: Isaac Archer, James Alcorn, Joseph Armstrong, Benjamin August, Robert Curry, Jacob Casper, Andrew Coover, Michael Coover, Alexander Davidson, Daniel Fleming, Edwai'd Fleming, Eiial Farr, Hannah Gregg, Edward Grillln, Barnard Griffin, John Griffin, Robert Granger, Richard Hamilton, James Hamilton, Jr., Archibald Hamilton, Hugh Hamilton, Thomas Hamilton, James Hamilton, ^Yalker Hamilton, John Irwin, Samuel Irwin, Ninian Irwin, Charles Ingram, Samuel Kerr, David Kidd, Isaac Kellogg, Maniis McFadden, William McCray, William McGinnis, William Reynolds, Henry Prather, William Reynolds, Jr., Joshua Reynolds, William Reynolds, Arthur Robison, Richard Ross, John Strawbridge, Elijah Stewart, John Stiver, George Tarr, John Tarr, Jonathan Titus, David Terrett, William Wilson, John Wilson. Early Industries. — The first tannery was established by John Stiver, and seems to have been discontinued when he left the township. The sec- ond, of which Elijah Stewart was the originator, was situated on Cherry Tree run. At first the process was slow and labT^rious, the only apparatus being a number of wooden troughs. Later vats and a bark mill were pro- vided. Andrew Stewart was associated with his brother in this business. The first grist mill was built by John Irwin on Cherry Tree run; the location is a mill site to this day. James Alcorn built the second on Little Sugar creek. James Hamilton had a small distillery on his farm at an early date. Richard, his son, began the business when his father retired. James and Richard Ross were also engaged in the distilling business. Ninian Irwin built the first saw mill in 1823, and Samuel Alcorn the second, in 1838. VILLAGES. Cherry Tree is situated on the road from Franklin to Titusville, a much traveled thoroughfare formerly known as the Oil creek road, thirteen miles from the former, six from the latter, and nine from Oil City. As previously stated, the first settler on the tract of land embracing its site was William Reynolds. The first house in the village proper was built by John Elder, a blacksmith from Centre county. Isaac Newton erected the second, and opened therein the first store. In this business his successor was Ninian 33 594: HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Irwin. That part of the village west of Cherry Tree run was regularly laid out in 1850 by Richard Irwin, and the first house thereon erected by Hugh McClintock. Two churches, a public school building, several stores, the shops of the local mechanics, and a population of about a hundred constitute the town at present. Breedfoitm had greater claims to village pretentions when the numerous family of that name first arrived than now. At that date the population was sparse and three or four houses within sight of each other was an unusual occurrence. Alconitoivn is similarly a thickly settled neighborhod rather than a village. Shafer Farm, during the time that it was the southern terminus of the Oil Creek railroad, became a place of several thousand inhabitants, with all the features of an oil country town at that period. With the extension of the road farther down the creek it lost prestige and has almost entirely dis- appeared. Miller Farm also enjoyed an ephemeral existence and is among the many incidents of the oil business that have passed into oblivion. THE FIRST OIL WELL. Cherry Tree contributed largely to the interesting and exciting episodes of the early oil discoveries. It was here that Drake's well was drilled in Au- gust, 1859, a short distance south of Titusville, an event which marked the beginning of a new era in the history of western Pennsylvania. In June, 1861, the first flowing well was struck, on the McElhaney farm in this town- ship. Further details on these subjects are given in a previous chapter of this work. THE BENNINGHOFF ROBBERY. ISO event in the criminal annals of the oil regions has created a more widespread excitement than the Benninghoff robbery; and whether the skill- fulness of its execution or the magnitude of the amount involved be con- sidered, it certainly ranks with similar occurrences that occasionally relieve the monotony of metropolitan life. John Benninghoff was a farmer and lived a mile and a half from Petro- leum Center, in a secluded neighborhood. His farm proved to be valuable oil territory, and yielded an immense revenue. With the shortsightedness characteristic of men unused to the possession of large sums of money, and in consequence of a large loss through the failure of a local bank, he kept several hundred thousand dollars in a safe in his house. The plan of the robbery was formed at Saegertown, Crawford county, by James Saeger, Louis Waelde, Jacob Shoppart, and George Miller, in October, 1867. George Geiger, a hired man in the household of Benninghoff, was also an accessory, and Saeger secured the services of four professional cracksmen of Philadel- CHERRY TREE TOWNSHIP. 595 phia named Donnolly, Gordon, Wright, and Flemincr, to wboiu he was in- trodiiced by one Thackeray, an ex-policeman. On the evening of January IG, 1868, Waelde and the professionals set out from Meadville in a sled. Arrived at their destination, they abstracted the contents of the safe— two hundred thousand dollars in currency and fifty-live thousand dollars in bonds, and then returned to Meadville, where the booty was divided. Sev- eral of the minor conspirators were apprehended and convicted, but Saeger, by whom the robbery was planned and with whom it originated, escaped to the West, where he still lives. SCHOOLS. The first school in the township was taught in the winter of ISOT l)y William Reynolds, in a log dwelling house previously occupied by James Hamilton. The first school house was built in 1809 on the Peebles farm by Ninian Irwin, owner of the land at that time. He taught the first school there in the following winter and another term in the winter of 1812-13. The youpg men and women of the neighborhood largely composed the school. The second school house was built at Cherry Tree village; John Ward and A. G. Siverly were among the first teachers. The first frame building was erected in 1828 at Breedtown by Ninian and James Irwin. Prominent among the early teachers of the township after those mentioned were Elial Farr, James Hamilton, Richard Irwin, James Spencer, Robert Archer, John Gayetty, Alexander Hays, and Hugh Hamilton. CHURCHES. Cherry Tree Baptist Church was constituted July 8, 1835, by a council of representatives from neighboring organizations, at which Oliver Alford presided and John Hicks was clerk. A confession of faith was adopted, to which the following persons affixed their names: Amos B. Hancox, Nathan Breed, James Fleming, John Fleming, Amos S. Hancox, Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs. Ruth Breed, Mrs. Sarah Fleming, Mrs. Mary Fleming, Mrs. Abigail Gleason, Mrs. Jane Jones, and Mrs. Blanch Prichard. Jidy 25, 1835, Ben- jamin Fleming was elected deacon and Amos B. Hancox clerk. Reverends Samuel Miles, John Hicks, R. D. Hayes, William Lamb, Cyrus Shreve, Hendricks, C. W. Drake, A. Murdock, G. M. Righter, Joseph M. Ray, and Cyrus Shreve have served as pastors in the order of their names. Amos S. Hancox, George Strawbridge, and George Kees were appointed a build- ing committee for the erection of a church November 26, 1859. The church was dedicated in 1861. A parsonage was erected in 1864. Fairvieio Methodist Einscopal Church. — A class, composed of John, Elizabeth, Mary, Samuel, William. Andrew, Eliza M. , and Rebecca Alcorn, with Samuel Alcorn as leader, was formed in 1836 by Reverends Reuben Peck and Daniel Richey. The church edifice was built in 1845 during the 596 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. pastorate of Reverend Joseph Winans. This church has formed part of Sunville circuit since its formation in 1855. Cherry Tree Presbyterian Church was organized agreeably to an appoint- ment of Erie Presbytery February 1, 1837, by Reverends G. W. Hampson and N. West. The constituent members v^ere: John and Nancy Rynd, Samuel Irwin, Mrs. Jane Irwin, Mrs. Lydia Stewart, Mrs. Nancy Irwin, Mrs. Margaret Irwin, Mrs. Eliza T. Irwin, Mrs. Sally Hamilton, Mrs. Eliza Irwin, Lydia C. Stewart, John Irwin, Mrs. Ann Irwin, Isaac Archer, and Marv Prather. The first communion was administered June 25, 1837, by Reverend G. W. Hampson. John Rynd and John Irwin were ordained as elders March 15, 1837; Ninian Irwin, M. P. Barker, and John Rynd, Jr., October 14, 1854; Lyman Stewart, William S. Reynolds, and John Chees- man, December 30, 186G; George W. Stevenson and William G. Irwin, January 7, 1871. Reverends G. W. Hampson, William Otlinger, John Montgomery, J. McMasters, W. C. Burchard, William Elliott, James F. Reed, I. W. McVitty, and Robert Murray have successively filled the pulpit as pastor or stated supply. The present frame church building was erected about the time of the organization, largely through the efi:"orts of Elijah Stewart. Cherry Tree United Brethren Church. — Peter Bennehoof built a church edifice for a small society formed in Oakland in 1858, and the first sermon was preached by a clergyman named Cadman. In 1880-81 the place of wcii-ship was changed to Cherry Tree village. Reverends Gates, Belton, Dille, Mclntire, Webster, Meeker, and Gage are among the pastors in re- cent years. ' CEMETERIES. The graveyard in the rear of Cherry Tree Presbyterian church contains the graves of many of the pioneers and older citizens of the surrounding neighborhood. The following are among those buried here: Ninian Irwin, who died August 10, 1826, aged fifty-two years, two months and thirteen days. James Hamilton, who died February 15, 1837, aged eighty-three years. John Irwin, who died December 23. 1838, aged seventy-one years. Richard Hamilton, born March 10, 1784, died December 18, 1844. Elijah Stewart, who died August 14, 1847, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. Louis Masson, a native of Rigny la Salle, Department de la Meuse, France, who died Februai-y 15, 1852, aged seventy-three years, eight months, and twenty- five days. William Richey, who died July 30, 1855, aged seventy-four years. Isaac Walls, who died March 3, 1856, aged eighty-three years, six months, and fourteen days. I'LUM TOAYNSHir. 597 llicharcl Irwin, who died September 25, 1857, apjod seventy-one years, eleven months, and thirteen days. Isaac Archer, who died March 11, 1801, aged seventy years, ten months, and twenty-seven days. Huwh McClintock, who died November 4, 1862, aged sixty years, three months, and five days. llichard Gregg, who died Fel)ruary 10, 1804, aged seventy-one years. Tlie Breedtown graveyard originally comprised half an acre of ground, which was set apart for that purpose by Charles Breed. Many of the older graves are tmmarked or marked only by common stones. The oldest citizens buried here are Joseph Breed, John Strawbridge, Asahel Root, and David Warner. Jose])h Breed died January 23, 1839, aged eighty-two years. John Strawbridge died August 29, 1850, aged eighty years. Asahel Root died September 4, 1854, aged eighty-five years and six months. David Warner died June 15, 1855, aged seventy-four years and four months. CHAPTER XXXII. PLUM TOWNSHIP. Extent and Population — Pioneers — Bokough of Sunville — Chap- man ville — Wallaceville— Diamond — Bradley- town —Churches— Schools. PLUM is the extreme northwestern township of the county. It adjoins Cherry Tree on the east, Oakland on the southeast, Jackson on the southwest, and Crawford county on the north and west. The surface is rolling. The township is essentially agricultural, and in this respect ranks with the best farming regions of the county. The different branches of Sugar creek drain the whole of its territory. The separate organization, of Plum occurred in 1817. It was originally included in Sugar Creek, and was one of the townships erected in 1806, from which date until 1817 it was attached to Cherry Tree for municipal purposes. A large part of Oakland and Jackson have been taken fi'om its former area. The census of 1850 shows a population of eight hundred and thirty-five; 1870, one thousand one hundred and forty; and 1880, one thousand one hundred and sixteen. 598 HISTOKY OF TENANGO COUNTY. PIONEERS. It cannot be definitely stated who was first to settle in Plnm, but from a comparison of the best evidence it would appear that Benjamin August is prol^ably entitled to that honor. He was born of German parentage in one of the Baltic provinces of Russia, and immigrated to America immediately after attaining his majority. His descendants have preserved no traditions as to his residence or occupation before he settled in this township, but it would seem that he lived in the eastern part of the state and jmrsued the trade of tailor, acquired according to the custom of his native country. He secured four hundred acres of land, embracing the farm of F. M. August, his son, and was living thereon in bachelor style prior to 1800. His first clearing- and cabin were but a short distance from the Meadville and Titus- ville road, and here newly arrived settlers were frequently entertained. He married Mary Miller, daughter of Frederick Miller, and reared a family of fourteen children, three of whom are now living in this township. After the population increased sufficiently to require his services he resumed his former occupation of tailor. For many years he was constable of Plum township, and performed the duties of that office with care and fidelity. Mr. August retained the "sweet German accent " throughout his life. He died March 9, 1850, at the age of seventy- nine, doubtless the only man of Russian nationality among the early population of the county. Jacob Jennings, a native of New Jersey, and a blacksmith by occupation, located on a tract of land that embraces the part of Bradleytown west of the Cooperstown road about the year 1800. He was the first blacksmith of the township, and frequently repaired guns for the Indians, of whom there were quite a number in this section at that date. He reared a large family. Mr. Jennings was a Baptist in faith, and Democratic in politics. He had lived in Juniata county immediately prior to his immigration to Venango. The only Revolutionary veteran who is known to have lived in Plum was Samuel Proper, progenitor of the numerous family of that name in the vicinity of Diamond. He was from Schoharie county. New York, and of unmixed German descent. Although he spoke English when necessary in the transaction of business, German was used exclusively in domestic inter- course at his home. The date of his arrival was 1801. The journey was made by wagon, via Erie and Meadville, and the first night after entering the limits of this county was passed at the caliin of Benjamin August. Mr. Proper's settlement was made on the Meadville and Titusville road, at the crossing of Sugar creek. A burial ground on this farm is probably his last resting place, but no legible inscription has been found to locate the spot. His immediate descendants were nine in number. There were six sons: Joseph, Samuel, Andrew, Barnett, Daniel, and Jacob; and three daughters: Mrs. Samuel Beers, of Sugar Lake, Crawford county; Mrs. John Gates, of PLUM TOWNSHIP. 599 Indiana; and Mrs. Joseph Dipps, of Erie county, of whom Samuel, Daniel, and Jacob were life-long residents of this county. John Fetterman became a settler in Plum township jnior to 1808. He was a native of Juniata county, German by l)irth, Lutheran in his church connection, and Democratic in his political affiliations. He was a captain in the war of 1812. Mr. Fetterman reared ten children. Among others who deserve mention in this connection were John Lam- berton, a native of Ireland, who came to the township from Juniata county, and located a mile northwest of Sunville; Jacob Grove, from Bellefonte, Centre county, who became a resident of Plum in 1815; and John Davison, the tii'st of the numerous family of that name to locate here. He came in 1829 from Butler county. Industries. — The first mill in Plum township was built at Bradleytown, by John G. Bradley; the second was built at Wallaceville, by Rodgers, and the third, in 1843, by Jacob Grove. The only distillery in operation at a very early date was owned by John Lamberton. Jacob Grove had a similar establishment in connection with his mill after the latter was built. BOROUGH OF SUNVILLE. Ten miles from Franklin, on the old Le Boeuf road, is the borough of Sunville, the oldest town in the northwestern part of the county. Founded in 1837, the place has already passed its semi-centenary, and by the census of 1880, the first after its incorporation as a borough, had a population of one hundred and eight. W. AY. Davison, by whom the town was laid out, removed from Center- ville, Butler county, in 1835, locating on a farm that embraced the site of the village, with his residence a short distance to the south. He was a man of business enterprise and public spirit. Having platted the town he offered the lots at public sale, and, although the location was then covered with woods, succeeded in making the venture a profitable one. He was the first postmaster in this part of the county and the first store in the village was opened by him. At his death, in 1862, he was serving as associate judge of Venango county and had been justice of the peace many years. He was one of the first elders of Sunville Presbyterian church, and throughout his life an active supporter of that organization. Samuel Hays was another of the patriarchs of the village. Born in Donegal, Ireland, March 17, 1776, he came to America in 1793 with his father' s family. Two of his sisters died of yellow fever on the voyage over. They settled in Mifflin county, and in Berrie township, Huntingdon county. It was from the latter place that he emigrated to Venango county, making the journey in primitive style with the household goods stored in a covered wagon. The destination was reached October 25, 1835. Mr. Hays had 600 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. been chorister of a Presljyterian church at Manor Hill, Huntingdon county, and it was at his house that the Sunville church was organized. He died at the age of ninety-five. The first houses in the town were built by Robert McClellan and Mrs. Mary McFadden. That of the former was situated on the east side of Franklin street, where W. W. Thomj^son's now stands, and was constructed of hewn logs. Mr. McClellan was a wagon maker by trade, but farmed principally during his residence here. Mrs. McFadden was a widow and supported her family with the products of her loom. James Hays, a cooper by trade, built the first house on Green street, a hewn log building on the east side. The town has never enjoyed a "boom," and its present propor- tions represent the gradual expansion usually characteristic of inland vil- lages. The only industries of any importance were the cooper shops in opera tion during the great demand for barrels incident to the oil developments of 1861 and subsequent years. A pottery was placed in operation in 1838 by W. W. and James Davison but never passed beyond the experimental stage. The town was incorporated as a borough January 27, 1879. The first town council was composed of J. C. Richey, W. G. Billig, Paul Messner, John Matthews, Samuel Hays, and W. K. Gilliland. The following per- sons have been elected to the office of burgess: 1879, S. Thomas; 1881, W. K. Gilliland; 1882, J. C. Richey; 1883, S. Thomas; 1881, F. M. Thomas; 1885, O. C. Davison; 1886. F. M. Thomas; 1887-89, W. W. Thompson. The Woman^ s Christian Temperance f7>/,ion was organized May 29, 1886. Sunbeam Division, No. 245, Sons of Temperance, was instituted July 25, 1889. The first officers were C. A. Gilliland, patriarch; H. W. Gordon, recording scribe; O. C. Davison, financial scribe, and Alice E. Richey, treasurer. The Y. W. T. C. U. was organized August 7, 1889, with Alice E. Richey, president; Ruie Richey, secretary; Mary Gilliland, corresponding secretary; Mary Hays, treasurer, and a membership of tliirteen. CHAPMANVILLE. This village is situated on the Oil creek road, the shortest route between Meadville and Titusville and a much traveled thoroughfare before the open- ing of railroads through this part of the state. The first settler on the site of the town was one Carver, whose residence was evidently brief, as nothing of a personal nature concerning him has l)een preserved in the traditions of the neighl:)orhood. He was succeeded by David Chapman, a worker in wood who had previously lived at Diamond but removed to the place which has since received his name. His house was a small log building diagonally opposite Whitman's store. A brother, Ezekiel Chapman, built a frame house on the site of the hotel. It was to this collection of houses and in- PLUM TOWNSHIP. 601 habitants that the name of Chapmanvillo was first applied. The first mer- chant was Eli Holder. There are three cluirches in the village, two stores, a planing mill, and blacksmith shop. The postoffice name is Plum. Lieutenant Herron Command, No. JO, Union Veterans' Union, was mustered January 21, 1888, and uuml)ered the following comrades: J. S. Scharp, R. W. Davison, Philip Smith, James F. Davison, William Sharp, C Billio-. D. \y. Davison, Samuel Erhart, Charles J. Smith, A. W. Richey, G. Beei, G. AV. Grove, J. F. Lamberton, T. T. Watt, J. S. Davison, W. J. Harry, J. W. Morse, Levi Shields, Nicholas Reibt, Justice Smith, and L. E. McFadden. The place of meeting was at Sunville for a time. Plum Tent, No. 52, Knights of the Maccabees, was instituted January IG, 1888, with the following officers: Thomas H. Richey, P. S. K. C. ; William F. Whitman, S. K. C. ; George W. Grove, S. K. L. C. ; Frank Gehr, S. K. R. H., and John W. Arters, S. K. F. K. WALLACEVILLE. A mill, store, church, the shops of several local mechanics, and perhaps a dozen houses constitute the village of Wallaceville, which is situated in the eastern part of the township on Sugar creek. The place derives its name from W. W. Wallace of Pittsburgh, who purchased the property and intrusted its management to a Mr. Brown, by whom the village was laid out, lots sold, a store and postoffice established, etc. The mill was built by Rodgers, but Mr. Wallace acquired this also and under such a condi- tion of affairs the name was eminently appropriate. DIAMOND. Seven miles from Titusville and twenty from Meadville on the main road between those places is Diamond, the most northerly village of Venango countv. It sustains a public school, church, and two stores. The first house was built by Andrew Proper and sold by him to David Chapman, founder of Chapmanville. Luke Eddy kept hotel here many years. The first store was opened by Homan & Tracy. BRADLEYTOWN. John G. Bradley, accompanied by his father and brother Robert, emi- grated from L-eland in 1790; in 1816 he removed from Huntingdon to Ve- nango county, locating on a tract of land that embraces that part of Bradley- town east of the Cooperstown road. Here he built a grist and saw mill; the former has been incorporated into the present mill on its site, while the latter has been dismantled but still stands, a reminder of the past. Jacob Jennings settled on the adjoining tract at an earlier date and was the first blacksmith. J. M. Smith was the first merchant and W. H. Bradley the first postmaster. The place was popularly known as Frogtown before the postoffice was established. 602 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHURCHES. Sunville Presbyterian Church was organized June 12, 1839, at the home of Samuel Hays by a presbyterial committee vvith Reverend Thomas Ander- son as moderator. The constituent members, many of whom had pre- viously been connected with Sugar Creek chiarch, were John McJunkin, Samuel Beatty, Samuel Hays, William McClellan, Susan Boyles, Robert McClellan, John Davison, James Davison, Nancy Hays, Margaret Jane McJunkin, Joseph Shields, Sr., W. W. Davison, Mary Hays, Eliza Da- vison, Catharine Shields, Bethiah Davison, Mary Hays, Jr., Margaret Da- vison, Ann McClellan, JJeah Beatty, Sarah Jane Hays, James Bradley, Jane Bradley, Eliza Neely, and Martha Neely, of whom but one, James Davison, is still a member. James Hays and W. W. Davison were ordained as elders at the time the organization was formed. Their successors have been installed in the following order: Lewis Miles and Samuel Beatty, June 22, 1847; James Davison and Samuel Axtell. April 6, 1851; James Richey and David Matthews, January 21, 1866; John E. Smith, February 19, 1881; James F. Davison, William Duffield, and Crawford Billig, October 9, 1885. The fol- lowing clergymen have had charge of this church as pastor or stated sup- ply: Reverends L. Streight, John McMaster, James F. Reade, W. C. Birchard, William Elliott, R. H. Reeves, T. D. Stewart, J. L. Robertson, and S. L. Irvine. The first church building was erected immediately after the organization. It was a frame building and stood near the site of the present edifice, which was begun in November, 1854, and dedicated in 1856. Sunville Methodist Episcopal Church. — This society was formed in 1844 by Reverend John Abbott with eleven members — Miles McAlevy, Elizabeth McAlevy, George McAlevy, Martha McAlevy, James Burns, Mary Burns, Samuel Foster, Margaret Foster, Elizabeth Foster, Samuel Batten, and Mary Batten. George McAlevy was the first class leader. The first church edifice was built in 1850, the second and present place of worship in 1869 during the pastorate of O. Babcock. The parsonage was bought in 1854, rebuilt in 1874, and finished in 1876. In 1853 a camp-meeting was held a mile east of Sunville by Reverends Hull and Hill. Another eflPort of a similar natiire was made in 1859 by Reverends N. C. Brown and H. Kinsley. The Sunville charge was formed from Cochranton circuit in 1855 and originally included Troy Center and East Troy in addition to the organiza- tions at Sunville, Wallaceville, Chapmanville, Fairview, and East Randolph, comprised in its bounds at present. Reverend B. Marsteller was appointed to the charge in 1855; J. Marsh, 1856-57; Z. W. Shadduck, 1857; N. C. Brown, 1858-59; S. S. Stuntz, J. M. Dewoody, 1860; S. S. Stuntz, W. A. Clark, 1861; G. M. Eberman, 1862-63. P. Burroughs, J. B. Orwig, 1864; W. Pentz, 1865; D. M. Beams, 1666; O. Babcock, 1867-68; R. Beaty, PLUM TOWNSHIP. ''^^^ 1869-71; John Abbott, 1872; J. K. Adams, 1873-74; S. E. Winger, 187^; T W DoucrlaHs, 187G-78; J. A. Hume, 1879-80; W. H. Hoover, 1881-82; John Abbott,, 1883; I. G. Pollard, 1884; W. A. Merrian, 1885; James Clyde, 1886-87; R. A. Mclntyre, 1888-89. WallacevUle Methodist Episcopal Church.— llevorend John Abbott or- ganized this society in 1851. The first members were Thomas Green, S. A Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, Elexina Thomas, A. J. Cowan, Robert Grove William Green, Robert P. Green, William H. Cowan, Robert Red- man Mar^raret Redman, Obadiah Propst and wife, Nathan Brown, Lydia Brown, and Jonathan Bender. A revival in October, 1858, resulted m twenty-nine accessions. The church edifice is a frame building and was erected in 1863. Plum and Troy Baptist Church was constituted April I, ^ho6, witn seven members, viz: Elias Holder, Benajah Smith, Samuel McClelland, Martha Holder, Sally Smith, Elizabeth McClelland, and Rebecca Cheers. The first officers elected were Samuel McClelland, deacon, and Elias Holder, church clerk. Samuel McClelland, Elias Holder, and I. C. Armagost, the first trustees, were elected June 6, 1863. Reverend R. D. Hays was pas- tor from April, 1853. to March 30, 1856; William G. Lamb, from June 7, 1856 to Auo-ust 1, 1857; Cyrus Shreve, from November 2, 1857, to Janu- ary 1862; C. W. Drake, from April 1, 1863, to April 1, 1866; W. P. Eng- land, from May 5, 1866, to April 1, 1867; C. W. Drake, from July 13, 1867, to Ipril 1 1871; John Hicks, fi'om May 13, 1871, to November 1, 1871; I. C Armacost, from November, 1871, to November 22, 1874; G. M. Righter, from February 20, 1875, to February 20, 1876; Cyrus Shreve, from June, 1876, to September 20, 1879; J. M. Ray, from February 20, 1880, to November 20, 1881; and O. C. Sherman, the present incumbent assumed charge August 13, 1882. Diamond United Brethren C/mrc/i was organized in the winter ot l«oJ by Reverend Weslev Clark of Oakland circuit. But four of the original numbers-Daniel D. and William Proper, William August and wife, are still connected with the society. The first pastors were Reverends Clark, Barnard, and Peters. The church building was erected in 1868. Chapmanville Methodist Episcopal Church, of which the first members were Hampson Jennings, Rebecca Jennings, Mary Fox, Ann Campbell, Mil- ler Campbell, Jonathan Bender, Mary Bender, Mary Morse, Joseph M^ McClelland, and Keturah McClelland, was organized in 1871 by Reverend R. Beatty. Ground was broken for the church biiilding May 12, 1878, and the dedication occurred in the following year. The Christian Advent Church of Plum originated in a series of meetings conducted by Mrs. L. M. Stoddard in the summer and autumn of 1883. Elder M. R. Miles organized the church April 27, 1884, with nineteen members, of whom John Noel and S. S. Gould were elected deacons and 604: HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Mrs. Moilie Grove, secretary. Elder C. "W. Stephens was pastor from 1885 to 1888. A frame ehurcli building was erected in 1884. SCHOOLS. The report of the state superintendent of public instruction for 1876 states that the first school house in Plum was built in 1830, and mentions among the early teachers Mary Chapman, W. W. Davison, Mary Mcintosh, William Haslet, and John Haslet. The Union school house, in the south- western part of the township; Hoover's school house, near R. R. Grove's; Fairview, in the northeastern part of the township; and the school houses at Diamond and Chapmanville were the educational centers half a century ago. SunviUe Academy was founded in the year 1873. The building, a frame structure of symmetrical proportions two stories in height surrounded by a plat of ground two acres in extent, was erected at a cost of five thou- sand dollars by a building committee consisting of Samuel Axtell, D. W. Goodwin, A. J. Cowan, and A. W. Richey. A sum sufiicient to have erected an ordinary school building was contributed by the township direc- tors: the remainder was contributed by i:)rivate individuals, but a deficit of two thousand dollars remained unprovided for until assumed by the borough of Sunville. The first term of the academy opened in the autumn of 1873 with S. H. Prather principal; he was succeeded by D. D. Rowley, W. A. Bushnell, H. H. Weber, and W. S. Smith. At one time there was an enrollment of nearly one hundred pupils. It is the intention of the borough school board to establish a high school after the present indebted- ness has been liquidated. ROCKLAND TOWNSHIl'. ^^0 CHAPTEK XXXIIL ROCKLAND TOWNSHIP. BOUNDAKIES AND ERKCTION-PlONEEUS-lNDUSTinES AND RESOUKCKS-VIL- LAGE Growth— CiiUKCHEs— Schools. THE boimdaries of this township, one of the most extensive subdivisions of the county, are exceedingly irregular. It borders upon the Alle- gheny river a distance of twenty-one miles; East Sandy creek forms the northern boundary, while Kichland township adjoins on the east and south. There are no streams of any importance. The organization of this territory probably occurred in 1817, but as the records of the court of quarter ses- sions for that year are no longer extant, this cannot be positively stated At the original division of the county into townships, Rockland was erected, at first with the name of Rock which the commission at once changed-to its present form and attached to Richland for municipal purposes. This ar- rangement continued until the date given above. PIONEERS. John Porterfield was the first assessor of the township after it acquired individual autonomy, and his return for the year 18*8 contains the names of the following taxable inhabitants at that time: Enoch Battin, A\ dham Craic., James Crawford, Joseph Campbell, William Campbell, John Coch- ran, °John Donaldson, William Davis, James Donaldson, John C Evans, William Graham, John Graham, William Hill, John Jolly, David Jolly, Joseph Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Adam Kearns, Alexander Lemon, James Moorhead, Matthew McDowell, Andrew Maitland, John McDonald, Samuel McMillin, John McMillin, Thomas W^ Mays, Thomas AN . Matte- son, Joseph Stephenson, John Porterfield, James Porterfield, Joseph Red- ick, Matthias Stover, John Shannon, John Sloan, John Stover, John Thompson, John Watt, Jacob Young, David Smith. William Bingham s estate owned a number of one thousand acre tracts; originally it included nearly the whole township. It is o-enerally supposed that John Watt was the first settler, and the time of h^s arrival has been placed as early as 1809. He was from Butler county of Scotchlrish descent, and came here with a family. The farm 606 HISTOHY OF YEXANGO COUNTY. that be first improved is now owned by the heirs of James Campbell, his son-in-law. Andrew Maitland was from Monroe county. New York, and a resident of Butler county, Pennsylvania, immediately prior to his settlement in Rockland, which occurred within a very short time after that of Watt. He first located in the vicinity of Freedom and then removed to Barr's Cor- ners. Major Maitland of Oil City, a grandson, is now in possession of the family homestead. Andrew Maitland was a prominent man in local affairs and an active member of the Presbyterian church. John Sullinger, a soldier of the RevolutioQ and a mason by trade, came to the township in 1805 and secured a four hundred acre tract of land. In 1813 he removed his family thither. His wife was Louisa Judge of West- moreland county, the place also of his birth, and they reared a family of twelve children: John, Alexander, Peter, Samuel, James P., Jacob, Andrew, and Daniel; Annie, who became Mrs. William Karrs; Elizabeth, wife of Adam Karns; Mary, who married James McDonald, and Catharine, who became Mrs. James Hoffman. John, Sr. , died at Warren, Ohio, about the year 1845 at the advanced age of ninety-one. James Crawford was the first justice of the j^eace commissioned for Rock- land township. He lived at Davis' Corners and owned the land upon which that hamlet is built. Afterward he removed to "The Meadows," in Cran- berry township, where he was also among the earliest settlers. John Donaldson was the son of Andrew Donaldson of Cumberland county, who settled on Slippery Rock creek in Butler county. It was from that place that his son removed in 1815 to Rockland township, where he located upon the farm lately owned by Levi Bickle. In 1822 he sold to Peter Works and went into Richland. Works was a foreigner. He was a cabinet maker by trade and his cleverness in fashioning fanning-mills, churns, coffins, etc., made him a valued member of the community. John and David Jolly were the progenitors of the family of that name in this county. Originally from Westmoreland, they were among the early settlers in the vicinity of Freedom, where the family is still numerously represented. Enoch Battin was born in Huntingdon county in 1785. In 1806 he set- tled in Scrubgrass township and some seven years later came into Rock- land. During the war of 1812 he was a member of Captain Witherup's company. Matthias and John Stover were early settlers, the former where James Jolly now lives, the latter at Woodhull station, immediately below Black's siding. Both subsequently removed to Pinegrove township, where they were the pioneers in the neighborhood of Centerville. Peter Lovell originally located on the farm that included the site of Barr's Corners. A curious incident is related concernincr him and John ROCKLAND TOWNSHIP. 607 Watt. Each seems to have experienced a sudden and nnaccountable desire to possess the farm of the other, and when their mutual feelings in this mat- ter had been expressed, a trade was quickly arranged. The exchange was a nine- days' wonder, and the sensation was agreeably varied when it trans- pired that for some unexplained reason the contracting parties had decided to remain where they were. John Hetzler from Monroe county, New York, came to this locality in 1818, and purchased a hundred acres of land, the property of John Hetzler, Jr., his son. The following year he returned with his family, bringing all his household oifects on one wagon. The improvements on this farm at that time consisted of a log house and barn, the former one-story high and furnished in the primitive simplicity of the period. David and Daniel Smith, the first blacksmiths, were brothers from Penn's valley nine miles east of Bellefonte, Centre county. David was the first to locate here, and his land, now the property of Abraham Lusher, was half a mile east of Davis' Corners. He brought no stock except two horses. Daniel brought five cattle and twelve sheep; he paid one hundred dollars for the transportation of his family and household efl:'ects, the means of conveyance being a five-horse wagon. The journey required ten days. His brother had come out in the winter, and brought his effects on a sled. Several years later Jacob Smith removed from the Nittany valley, Centre county. He bought the farm of ' Squire Crawford, at Barr' s Corners. AVilliam, Samuel, and Joseph Ross, all sons-in-law of William Davidson, are said to have owned the first wagon in the township. Their land was situated between Davis' Corners and Freedoui-, though not adjacent to the road. They came here unmarried men, accompanied probably by their mother. The first improvements along the river were those of William McClatchey at the Dotterer siding above Emlenton; William Craig, at the mouth of Shull's run; John, William, and Samuel Graham and their father, at St. George's siding; Abraham Witherup, justice of the peace and captain in the war of 1812; Daniel McMillin, from Franklin county, who settled in Victory township in 1803 and crossed the river to McMillin' s Bend several years later, where, with his son John, he was drafted for service in the wai-^of 1812; and William Hill lived at Brandon's ferry, which derives its name from James Brandon, who settled there in 1827. One of the earliest settlers of the eastern part of the township was John Haggerty, a native of County Derry, Ireland, the sou of Nicholas Haggerty, a wheelwright by trade. He emigrated to America before the Revolution and eventually drifted to Allegheny county. Here his wife and all his family were killed or captured by the Indians, and with no ties of kindred to induce a longer residence upon Pennsylvania soil, he returned to Ireland. Two sons, however, survived, and after a period of imprisonment in western 608 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY, New York made their escape and returned to Pittsburgh, where they were received into the family of John Hanlan. John Haggerty became a noted Indian lighter and commanded a company of rangers that did considera- ble service in protecting the frontier. In 1812 he located on a tract of two hundred and fifty acres at the mouth of Pine run. He was a mill- wright by trade and assisted in the erection of many of the mills in this part of the county. His nearest neighbor was John Prior, from Walker town- ship, Centre county, whose farm of one hundred and fifty acres is now owned by the heirs of Charles Cox, his son-in-law. Silas Brown, son-in-law to Andrew Maitland, settled a mile and a half from the month of Pine run; he was from Harmony, Butler county, as was also John McDonald, a native Scotchman, by whom one of the oldest orchards in the county was planted. INDUSTRIES AND RESOURCES. In 1818 there was one grist mill in the township, owned by William Craig; and there were three saw mills, owned, respectively, by Joseph Ken- nedy, William Craig, and John Porterfield. Craig's mill was situated on Shull's run. It was built of round, unhewn hemlock logs and had one run of buhrs. Some years later he added a paint mill, grinding native iron ore into a prej^aration from which vermilion paint was made. The next mill was probably that of Henry Myers on East Sandy. As first erected in 1826 it had a tub wheel and one run of native stone. Two years later it was re- built on a more extensive and substantial scale. John Myers operated this mill many years. In 1885 Andrew McCaslin, sheriff of the couuty, built a mill at the mouth of Shull's run, and Joseph Porterfield had another on Mill creek at the crossing of the Emlenton road. Of saw mills Joseph Ken- nedy's on Shull's run at Freedom was probably the first. It was sold *o Alexander Lemon and operated by him for some years. Logs that formed the breast of the dam are still in a good state of preservation. There were other early saw mills on East Sandy and other streams, but they are prin- cipally in ruins. The first carding machine was operated by John Porterfield in a small but substantial stone building that is pointed out as one of the few surviving specimens of pioneer architecture. It is probable that this machine was placed in position as early as 1820. John Shaw had another establishment of a similar character on Shaw's run, a mile from East Sandy, at an equally early period in the history of the township. Of early distilleries there were three — one on the farm of John Jolly, near Freedom, another on Abraham Witherup's farm near Miller's Corners, and a third on the farm of Enoch Battin. At the time when the only way to disjiose of grain was to eat or drink it the distillery was an important ad- junct of the agricultural interest. Kobert Bell's tannery on the farm now owned by the heirs of David "■^-lyF.C-Kemnr.i' C'- ROCKLAND TOWNSHIl'. Oil * Smith, was the only. early intlustry of that sort. It was equipped with vats and a bark mill, and was conducted on a cooperative basis, the proprietor receiving a share of the leather in payment for his work in the process of manufacture. The tannery of James Martin near Miller's Corners is of comparatively recent origin. The furnaces of Kockland were an important agency in developing its mineral resources at the time when these were supposed to consist exclus- ively of iron ore. The first was erected by Andrew McCaslin and received the name of Rockland furnace. It was situated on Shull's run and the water power necessary to drive the blast was derived from Craig's mill dam. McCaslin became insolvent; he was followed successively by Rockwell, Dempsey & Wick. William Spear, and E. W. & H. M. Davis, under whom the furnace suspended in 1854. Portertield furnace was built ia 1837-38 by Joseph Porterfield on Mill creek half a mile from the river. Charles Shippen was the next and last proprietor, and the property is still owned by his heirs. Webster furnace, on Bear run, a branch of Pine run, a mile from Georgeville, was built by Wick & Dempsey in 1838-39. When .they became bankriipt the stock was closed out by Hogue & Huston, and Webster furnace passed into history. Coal has been mined for local consumption almost since the period of early settlement. In 1845 Richard Brown discovered a vein on the land of William Roberts, three-fourths of a mile from the river, in the northwest part of the township. For a number of years mining operations were con- ducted on a small scale by Roberts, who leased to Bowen about the time that the discovery of oil created a great demand for the commodity. A Pittsburgh company purchased the coal for ten thousand dollars, constructed a tramway two miles in length to the river, and towed the product to Oil creek by boat. Within a few years the vein was exhausted. The Prentice bank, near Mt. Hope, and the Johnson bank, a mile from Foster station, were also locally important. At present more coal is mined at the Findlay bank than at any other. The oil interests of the township are extensive. Early in the sixties William Lewis and Bonsall Brothers formed the Philadelphia & Boston Petroleum Company, which secured leases for a large territory. The first oil was struck in September, 1865, and commenced at one hundred and fifty barrels per day. This stimulated operations. The Foster island well was next; then Colonel Rogers' well, on the Foster farm. Opposite this oil was struck at a depth of six hundred and twenty-three feet, by Lewis, Bonsall Brothers, and E. Chadwick, in May, 1866, and the well. ^vns one of the most productive in the district. In December, 1865, gas was struck at the mouth of Pine Hill run. It caught fire, and in spite of all efforts to extinguish it, burned continuously three years. The grass around was green at all seasons of the year. Picnics were held here, and music 612 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and dancing, aided by its brilliant^iglit, furnished many an evening's amuse- ment for those who took advantage of the opportunity. Belle island," op- posite Scrubgrass, was developed by the Belle Island Petroleum Company in 1867 and 1868, and is supposed to have yielded half a million dollars' worth of oil. The region adjacent to East Sandy creek was also early devel- oped with varying success. Within recent years the lied Valley district, though comparatively small in extent, has proven a profitable and product- ive field. VILLAGE GROWTH. Freedom is situated in the midst of a pleasant and fertile agricultural district. The site was originally owned by Enoch Battin and John Donald- son, and the first person to live here was John Grray, whose house was on the west side of the road at the spring. The first merchant was Joshua Davis, and among his contemporaries were William Woodburn and George Gates & Brother. Andrew Borland kept the first hotel and was also the first blacksmith. John Goodwin had an ashery, where wood ashes were made to yield a variety of valuable products; and E. W. & H. M. Davis were the proprietors of a foundry. The tov/n was laid out by James Woodburn and E. Chadwick in 1865. As a postoffice it is known under the name of Pittsville, conferred in honor of Charles Pitt Ramsdell, the first postmaster. The name of Freedom was adopted at the suggestion of E. Chadwick. Scrubgrass is situated at Kennerdell station on the Allegheny Valley railroad opposite the mouth of Scrubgrass creek. The first house was a primitive log structure that stood between Cross' store building and the rail- road. It was the residence of Oliver McMillin, from whom the locality de- rived its earliest name, McMillin' s Bend. The place did not assume village pretensions until the discovery of oil, when Mr. McMillin sold his farm to the McMillin Oil Company by which the land is still held. Wilson Cross opened the first store in 1867, at which date there were three houses — that of McMillin, the Mackey hotel on the site of the Williams house, and Cross' store building. There was a rapid growth through the following three yeai's, and again during the Bullion excitement. Several de.structive fires have visited the place, the last in 1878. The ferry charter was granted in 1867 to John A. Canan, and passed successively to Richard Kennerdell, Williams & Van Fleet, and Hulings, Simcox & Stowe. From the fall of 1879 to February, 1881, the Allegheny, Kennerdell, and Clinton ville railroad bridge afPorded a means of crossing the river. In 1882 J. R. Williams, A. Hahn, and others established a second ferry, and from that date the legality of the franchise originally granted to Canan has been involved in litigation. By a recent decision of the supreme coui"t its validity has been favorably passed upon, thus ending a legal struggle in which the entire community has been interested. D. K. Buchanan is the present proprietor of the old ferry. ROCKLAND TOWNSHIP. 613 Davis' Corners. — Jacob Smith originally owned the site of this hamlet. He sold to John S. McKean, from whom the place derived its first name, McKean's Corners. Charles Shippen established the first store. "William Gates succeeded to his business, and then for a time the name was Gates' Corners. The next merchant was H. M. Davis, in whose honor the present name was conferred. This is the seat of Rockland postoffice, to which Daniel Smith was first appointed. Rockland Lodge, No. 962, I. O. O. F., has a charter bearing date Sep- tember 27, 1877. The first otficers were as follows: D. K. Lusher, N. G. ; J. Witherup, V. G. ; J. B. Forker, secretary; J. B. Glenn, A. S., and W. B. Gilger, treasurer. Smith's Cormiers, at the intersection of the road from Brandon's ferry to Freedom with the road from Falling Springs to East Sandy, is certainly so named with eminent propriety, there being seven families of Smiths living Tipon the land settled in 1834 by William Smith. Barr's Coniei'S- comprises five families; Milton Barr originally owned the land, but no business has been established until recent years. Miller^s Corners is situated at the intersection of the road from St. George' s siding to Davis' Corners with the road from East Sandy to Rock- land station. There is one store, opened by James Miller. Georgeville, on Pine run in the eastern part of the township, is so named in honor of George S. Myers, who came to this locality in 1833 from Harford county, Maryland, and built a mill in 1835-36 upon the site of the present mill, which was erected in 1879. Less than half a dozen houses, the mill, and a church constitute the village. CHUECHES. Rockland Presbyterian Church was organized in 1822 by the Presbytery of Allegheny. Reverend Robert McGarrugh was the first preacher, and the first services were conducted in a log house and in a tent. James Morrow gave the ground for the first chiirch building, which was situated half a mile from the present location. Here a frame building was erected in 1835-36. Joshua Davis gave the lot for the present building at Freedom. The following persons have served as elder since the organization : James Hall, William McClatchey, Matthew McDowell. Stephen Arnold, John S. McKean, William Donaldson, Andrew Bell, Thomas Jolly, Robert Porter, Christopher Cox, J. W. Glenn, and James Jolly. The succession of pastors has been as follows: Reverends John Glenn, William McMichael, Samuel Kinkaid, M. M. Shirley, Andrew Virtue, J. C. Hench, S. P. Dillon, and A. S. Elliott. Rockland Methodist Episcopal Church. — The first class was organized by Reverend Dorsey of Shippenville circuit with seven members, viz. : David and Mary Smith, Peter and Polly Lovell, Mr. Lovell's aged mother. 614 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. John and Hannah Prior. The organization wa.s effected at the house of David Smith. In 1830 a very effective revival was held under the ministry of Reverend J. C. Ayers, resulting in thirty conversions. Among the early pastors were Reverends I. C. Sacket. A. A. Callender, J. Johnson, Job Wilson, John Scott, and A. Jackson. Rockland circuit was formed in 18aehors. Another early school house was built on land then owned by David Smith, now by Abra- ham Lusher, and William Parker was one of the first teachers here. The site of the Shannon school house has l)een used for educational purposes from an early date and was originally given by Andrew Maitland. Sylves- ter Randall, William and llobert Walker were early teachers here. Pine Hill school house was built on vacant ground owned by the Bingham estate, and, among the early pedagogues "here wore Rebecca Layton, Nancy Will- iams, and Calvin Johnson. John Graham gave the ground for Red Lion school house. In the eastern part of the township no school house was erected until after the adoption of the public school system, when the Shearer school house was built. The report of the state superintendent of public instruction for 1877 gives the following as the respective dates at Avhich the school houses of that time were built: The Jolly school house, 1854; the Collingwood, 1856; the Weaver, 1859; the Shannon, 1861; the Red Lion. 1864; the Western, 1868; the Domer, 1867; the Scrubgrass, 1868; the Pine Oak, 1869. CHAPTER XXXIV. PI NEGRO VE TOWNSHIP. Organtzation— Early Land Ownership— Settleiment— Mills— Villages —Coal, Oil, and Gas— Churches— Schools. PINEGROVE occupies the southeastern portion of the county, adjoin- ing President on the north and Cranberry on the west. The adja- cent townships of Clarion county on the south and east are Ashland, Elk, and Washington; Tionesta township, Forest county, forms part of the north- eastern boundary. The surface is much diversified. Porcupine, creek and Reis run, branches of Hemlock, drain the northeastern part; Sandy creek flows throiigh the township a distance of three miles, and with its two affluents, Glade and Prairie runs, waters the southern portion; Horse creek receives a few unimportant tributaries from the western section. Or(7am';2a^ion.— Upon petition of a number of citizens of Pinegrove and Farmington townships at August sessions, 1823, it was ordered at February 616 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. sessions, 1824, that the former should be organized and that Farming-ton and Toby's Creek should be provisionally attached thereto. The bound- aries of Pinegrove at this time were as follows: "Beginning at the north corner of Fairiield township on the Allegheny river, thence up the same to the west boundary of tract No. 2844 granted to William Willink and others, thence south to the southwest corner thereof, thence east to the northeast corner of tract No. 2820, granted to William Willink and others, thence south to the southeast corner of tract No. 2801, granted to William Willink and others, thence west to the east boundary of tract No. 2539, granted as above, "thence south to the corner thereof, thence west to the southeast corner of Fairfield township, thence by the same north to the place of beginning." Farmington was separately organized in 1828, and in 1866 upon the annexation of part of Venango to Forest county, Pinegrove was reduced to its present limits. It is one of the smallest subdivisions of the county. PIONEERS. In 1786-87, ten years before this region was regularly opened for sur- vey and settlement, Dickinson College at Carlisle received a grant of land from the state, of which three thousand acres were located in Pinegrove and surveyed in nine tracts of about three hundred acres each. In consid- eration of an appropiation in money, this was allowed to revert to the state. In 1823 it was resurveyed in eighteen tracts. These lands occupy the cen- tral and southern portions of the township. A still larger holding was that of the Lancaster Land Company, successor to part of the interests of a much larger association known as the Holland Land Company. Among the mem- bers of the former were Henry Shippen and Samuel Miller. Upon the dis- solution of the company and the division of its lands by lot, they came into possession of large areas in this township. This region was surveyed in tracts of nine hundred and ninety acres, one mile wide, live hundred twenty- three and three-tenths rods long. Tracts numbered 2541, 2566,2634, 2678 upon the siirvey were allotted to Miller; Marvin Perry bought Nos. 2531 and 2535 from the county commissioners ; Shippen' s various holdings aggre- gated about five thousand acres. It was with difficulty that settlers could be induced to take these lands at two dollars per acre. What is known as the state road was originally opened in 1812, to trans- port military and naval stores from the east to Lake Erie. The Hemlock road was also opened at an early date. King's highway is said to have de- rived its name from the local sobriquet of a resident along its course, whose efforts to "run" the township in matter of politics gained for him the name of " King David." John Hicks, Sr., a hunter, built a cabin on the state road and was living here when the first permanent settlers appeared. His name is among the taxables of 1805, assessed at forty-one dollars. The cabin was afterward PINEGROVE TOWNSHIP. 017 occupied by Ebenezer Kiagsley, also of mif^ratory habits, who was assessed for eleven dollars worth of property in 1805. As the bonnty on old wolves was ten dollars, and on young ones five, hunting was not an unprofitable calling while game was plenty. Two wolf dens are still pointed out, one in the hills of Sandy creek, the other in the northern part of the township. The timber was burned over every year, and afforded excellent pasturao-e. The first permanent settler was H. G. Spolford, who bought a larcre tract from Shijipen with the intention of selling out at a profit to smaller purchasers. He located here in 1817 and made some slight inif)rovements on the farm now owned by George Powell, but never paid anything on his purchase and left in 1819. He afterward established Spofford's Magazine in one of the eastern cities, and seems to have been something of a literary character. A Swiss family, Amsler by name, moved into the house vacated by Spofford. They remained but a few years. Samuel Powell became a settler July 19, 1818. He was from Concord, New Hampshire, and had been a soldier in the war of 1812, after which he engaged in the shoe business at Albany, New York, where Shippen was then advertising his lands. He started for the west with a two-horse team; at Glean he trans- ferred the household effects to a "family boat," by which they were safely carried down the river. The horses were to have followed by a bridle-path, but were lost through the rascality of the guide to whom they were in- trusted. The first birth of a white child in the township was that of George- W. Powell, and occurred February 5, 1819. Jeremiah Johnson, also from Concord, New Hampshire, located on land now owned by Thomas McLouo-h- lin. He worked for Spofford a year and a half with the promise of land in payment, but lost all when the latter became insolvent. In the sprino- of 1819 A. G. Siverly moved into Powell's house. He made improvements in the vicinity of Unionville, and his family afterward gave the name to Siverly. Among the first settlers in the neighborhood -of Centerville was John Stover, who was followed by two brothers, Peter and Matthias. This fam- ily was originally from Maryland. They had lived in Kockland township previous to locating here, to which they were induced by the comparative smoothness of the land. John Stover cut a road from Sandy creek, four miles, over which he drove the first wagon into this part of the township. In 1830 George Blosser, with a large family, settled near Stover. He was from the Nittany valley. Marvin Perry, a county .commissioner at an early date, located on tract No. 2531 in the southwestern part of the town- ship. Mav 10, 1834, John McCalmont settled on what is known as the Deshner farm. North of Unionville there was a settlement of Massachusetts people, among whom the names of Gilson, Hale, Whitney, and Dimond appear. Two brothers Gayefty, also from Massachusetts, were residents as early as 1828; Charles Gayetty drilled a well by hand at the mouth of Horse creek, which produced salt water in paying quantities, but was never .le- 618 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. velopetl. William Walker, an early school teacher, and Alexander Craig, an old man when he came here, were among the first to make improvements in the central part of the township. Henry Schwab, Sr. , bought part of the Dickinson tract. Jacob Byers. l:)orn in Fayette county in 1798, was an early resident near Lineville. Among the first deaths was that of Ebenezer Kingsley's little son, who died from the bite of a rattlesnake in 1816. His sister died the following year and their graves were marked by a rude inclos- ure of rough logs in a secluded spot on the state road. For some years milling was done at Best's mill on Pine creek, a branch of Clarion river, fifteen miles distant; and at a mill on Deer creek, a mile from Shippenville. Afterward Elliott's mill fit the mouth of Hemlock and Myer's mill on East Sandy at the crossing of the old Susquehanna turn- pike became more convenient. The first mill in the township was built in 1834 on East Sandy by J. F. Rickenbrode; it is still standiug, but has not been in use for years. Ephraim Kulp built the first saw mill on Prairie run. There is no stream in the' township of sufficient volume to furnish the required power for a mill, and steam has not yet been nsed for that purpose. VILLAC4ES. Centevville was laid out in 1859 by Jacob Dietrich. The site was pre- viously owned by Andrew Campbell and David Derkson. The first house was built by Dietrich, who was from eastern Pennsylvania, settled in Beaver township, Clarion county, and removed to Pinegrove prior to 1840. This house was near that still occupied by his family. J. H. Stuck built the first hotel, put up a sign, and thought of calling the town Lorrah villa, that being the name of a small village near St. Petersburg, Clarion county. James Anderson suggested Centerville, as the place was situated half way between Fryburg and East Sandy, President and Kossuth. The propriety of this was at once apparent, and the name still retains popular significance, although the postoffice designation is Fertig. There are two churches in the town, two stores, a hotel, and perhaps a dozen houses. Coal Hill can hardly be regarded as a village, but is the mail distrib- uting point of a thickly settled locality. The only telegraph office in the township is in the vicinity. Lineville is partly in Clarion county, at the intersection of five roads. It was laid out by A. W. Owei^ and Samuel F. Plumer in 1854; each had eighteen lots and the selling price was twenty-five dollars per lot. At that time the country east of the county line was all woods. There was but one house, now the residence of J. W. Kahl, who opened the first store in 1860. In 1867 Mr. Owen opened a hotel. There are now two general stores, blacksmith, harness, and wagon shops, twenty-two houses, and a population of one hundred. The Lineville Anti-Horsethief Com- pany numbers more than a hundred members with the following officers: PINEGKOYE TOWNSHIP. 619 President, T. E. Baker; treasurer, Simon Korb; secretary, A. L. Byers. The juembership has doubled in the past ten years. The annual meeting is held on the last Saturday in May. Unlonville was laid out in 1865 by Israel Anderson, and was so named by G. W. Miller. It is also known as Sautown. One store and three houses constitute the village proper. COAL, OIL, AND GAS. Coal was first mined in 1852 by William S. Karnes, on his farm at Coal Hill. There are three veins, three feet, eighteen inches, and four feet thick, respectively. The second vein is comparatively free from sulphur, and has been hauled as far as Titusville and Tidioute, for use in forges. The de- posits have not been exhausted, but owing to the discovery of gas, mining operations have been indefinitely suspended. The principal oil developments have been made within the past year, upon what is known as the Deshner farm. A number of wells have been drilled here with the most gratifying results. During the first oil excite- ment in the southwestern part of the township Gas City enjoyed an ephem- eral existence. In April, 1885, what is known as the Speechley gas sand was discovered at the depth of two thousand feet, the deepest drilling in the county up to this time. This discovery was made on the farm of Samuel Speechley. The first well supplied Franklin, Oil City, and Titusville with fuel several months. It blew ofP four months with a pressure estimated at four thou- sand pounds per square inch. This territory was originally leased by the Columbia Gas Company, since consolidated with the Natural Gas Trust. CHURCHES. Tlis Methodist Church of Centreville was organized in 1836, with six members, of whom Samuel Stover was leader. They worshiped for a time at the house of John Stover. The present church edifice, a frame structure, was dedicated August 18, 1872. The Free Methodist Church, near Coal Hill, was built in 1886. The Lutheran Church., of Centreville, was built in 1864, but the congre- gation has disbanded. hnmanuel Church of the Evangelical Association, at Lineville, was organized in 1860. A log building was at once erected, then a frame structure in 1864, and the present attractive edifice in 1882. The Methodist Church, of Lineville, was built in 1849, upon land jointly given by Moore & Seymour, William C. Hollis, and A. W. Owen, and re- placed in 1885 by the present place of worship. SCHOOLS. The first school house was built in 1835, on the President road, and the 620 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. first teacher here was John B. McCalmont. The Pennsylvania school report for 1877 gives the following regarding subsequent teachers: "G. S. Cris- well, John McKissick, and C. Heydrick, of the Venango county bar; John Fertig, who has been twice mayor of Titusville and a member of the legis- lature; John Gilger, a lawyer in Iowa; G. W. Beatty and William Domer, both of whom are ministers; F. D. Sullinger, John McCrea, and George McCray, are among the numloer who have been teachers in Pinegrove. " CHAPTER XXXV. CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP. Boundaries— PoPiTLATioN— Organization— Pioneers— Industries of the Past and Present— Village Growtii—Schools— Churches. CRANBERRY township is the largest subdivision of the county. Bor- dering upon the Allegheny river a distance of twenty miles, its bound- aries include a populous and diversified territory. The principal streams are Horse creek, Sage run. Lower Two Mile run, and Hall's run, a branch of East Sandy creek. In 1870 the population was two thousand . three hundred and thirty- seven, and in 1880, two thousand four hundred and thirty-four. February 4, 1880, "Upon the petition of divers inhabitants of Cran- berry township, east of the Allegheny river and now attached to French Creek township ' ' for separate organization, the court appointed Barnhart Martin, Benjamin Junkin, and John Jolly commissioners to inquire into the necessity and propriety of the proposed change. At April sessions they re- ported favorably to the se^Darate organization of Cranberry with the follow- ing boundaries: " Beginning at the mouth of the Six Mile run on the Alle- gheny river, keeping up the main branches of the said Six Mile run until it crosses the east line of a tract of land warranted in the name of William Willink and marked on the draught of the county No. 2528: from thence a north course along the east line of the following tracts of land warranted in the name of William Willink and marked on the above mentioned county^ draught by the numbers 2529, 2549, 2552, 2661, 2670, 2683, and 2687; and from thence continuing a straight line until it reaches the Allegheny river at a point where Pinegrove township reaches the said river, and from thence down the said river to the place of beginning." This differs slightly from the language used in defining the township in 1806, when originally laid CKANBERllY TOWNSHIP. 621 out under the name of Fairliokl. For many years Saliua was the place of Lolding elections, but in 188<) (August 2()th), three election districts were formed, adding greatly to public convenience. PIONEERS. The tax list for 1831, the first year in which the township was assessed individually, contains the names of the following resident taxable inhabit- ants: Samuel Alexander, William, Robert, James, and Elliott Brandon, David C. Cunningham, William Craig, Samuel Culbertson, John Caseman, AVilliam Dickson, James Eaton, Thomas Curry, Jacob Foreman, Charles, John, and Joseph Gayetty, James Gray, Samuel Howe, Cornelius Houser, Jacob G. Housor, John Hays, James Haggerty, Patrick Harrison, Samuel and Edward Hall, Zelotus Jewel, James and Joseph Kennedy, Jacob and Isaac Karns, Samuel Lindsay, Stephen, John, and James Lindsay, James Lamb, Davis McWilliams, John McBride, John and James McQui.ston, John McCool, John and Seth McCurry, Gates Manross, John and James Moorhead, Alexander McWilliams, Henry and John Myers, William Nellis, William Parker, William Prior, John Peoples, Thomas Porter, William Stewart, David Stover, Peter Smith, Isaac Smith, Israel Simpson. Ephraim Turk, James and William Thompson, Allen Williams, and Jacob Zeigler. Of unseated lands Thomas Astley owned twenty one thousand acre tracts, upon which the aggregate tax was one hundred and five dollars. William Bingham, John Nicholson, Henry Shippen, and S. Wright were also holders of unseated lands. Settlement, in all probability, was first made near the river. Beginning at the mouth of East Sandy, the southern limit of the township, the earliest settler was Samuel Lindsay. Here he farmed to a limited extent and derived a jH-ecarious subsistence from the river. Some years later he crossed the river into Victory township and from there he removed to Meigs county, Ohio. One Thomas, a Welshman, was the earliest resident at the mouth of Lower Two Mile run. He worked at the early furnaces; when Ander- son's furnace in Scrubgrass was built he removed thither and lost his life by drowning. A man named Seidels first improved the Porter farm, but disposed of his interest to Patrick Harrison before this part of the township had passed the period of its early history. The first settler at the Cochran flats was Andrew Downing, and one of his nearest neighbors was Isaac Smith, who kept the ferry at Franklin, then located between the Franklin and Big Rock bridges. Smith subsequently removed to Franklin and then to Bully hill, where he died. He sold the ferry to John Hastings, who kept what is still known as the "red house" as an inn, and died in Sugar Creek township. John Hays settled half a mile above the mouth of Deep Hollow in 1825. He was one of the pioneers of the county, and served in the war of 1812. He died in 1876 at the age of nine-six. The farm adjoining above 622 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. wiis first owned by Samuel Howe, who removed to Oil creek. Sage run derives its name from Joel Sage, who came to Venango county in 1807 and settled on that stream. ^ Four brothers, John, William, James, and Elliott Brandon were the first to penetrate the interior of the township. Originally from Ireland, the family located near Big Spring, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. From here the sons removed to the west. John lived in Pittsburgh six years and in Allegheny five years; there he was engaged in the seine fishery. After his removal to Cranberry he farmed and kept hotel. "William located in Sandy Creek township prior to 1801 and enlisted in the American army for service in the war of 1812 after his settlement in Cranberry. He was a hunter of some local celebrity and served as constable many years. Elliott lived on the l^ank of the river, where he owned an island. One member of the family afterward removed to Steubenville, Ohio, and others to various points so that it has but few representatives here at the present day. The construction of the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike was an important event in the early history of Cranberry. The old Franklin road crossed East Sandy at the mouth of Zeigler run and the abutments of a bridge built here by John Houser with his sons Peter and Philip are still visible. This was one of the earliest public works of any importance at- tempted by the county. It was fifty-five feet long, built entirely of wood, and all the timbers were hewed, including the floor. The construction of the pike was begun in 1818 and finished in two years. The two miles west- ward from East Sandy were awarded under contract to James Dickson, Samuel and Edward Hall. Dickson was the son of Benjamin Dickson, originally from Ripley, New York, and an early settler near Meadville, Crawford county. The Halls were native Irishmen. They built a mill on Hall's run and gave the name to that stream. This part of the township was then entirely uninhabited. The contractors obtained provisions for their men from Pittsburgh by flat-boat, excepting the supply of meat, which was amply provided from the game of the surrounding forests. The cabin built for the accommodation of the men was at the sixty-sixth mile stone from the Susquehanna river near a tine spring of water. In the eastern part of Cranberry township there is a con.siderable body of comparatively level land locally known as "The Meadows." Among the first to locate here was James Crawford, formerly of Rockland, where he was the first justice of the peace. Joseph Kennedy, from Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, also an early settler in Rockland, was likewise at- tracted to "The Meadows," and among the first to locate there. He was followed in 1825 by his son, James Kennedy, who had made an improve- ment two years previously on the farm of Perry Huft'. He married Mary, daughter of James Crawford, and reared a family of seven sons and one daughter. Between the farms of Joseph Kennedy and his son, James CRANBERKY TOWNSHIP. 623 Thompson lived on a tract of one hnndred and lifty-six acres. James Moorbead was an early resident near Ten Mile Bottom;' both lie and Thomp- son arrived prior to 1825. John McCooI removed from Scrnbgrass to this neighborhood in 1823 and improved a farm on the mill road. ^He was fol- lowed by his brother Alexander McCool, in 1842. In 1838 Cornelius Hoiiser purchased and improved a tract of two hnndred and seventy five acres on the road leading from East Sandy to Tionesta. Ho was the grand- son of John P. Housor, originally from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and a veteran of the Kevolution, who first settled in this county at the mouth of Big Sandy creek and was afterward ferryman at Franklin"^ Alex- ander Shannon, from Brush Valley, Centre county, Pennsylvania, came to the township in 1835 and located where his son, Peter Shannon, now lives. He was the first elected justice of the peace and held that ollice thirty -three years. After the Brandons, the first to locate in the vicinity of Salina, were William Dickson, Alexander Strain, Zelotus Jewel, Ephraim Turk, Samuel Culbertson, and William Parker. Dickson was. from Centre county, a brother. in-law of John Prior of Rockland, where he had settled before com- ing into Cranberry. He died here, and both his sons, James and Jonathan removed to the West. Alexander Strain was from Butler county and a Cath- olic by faith. He owned a hundred acres a mile west of Salina. His wife having inherited property near Murrinsville, he returned to Butler county about 1830. Jewel was from the state of New York, later a resident of White Oak Springs, Butler county, and in this township owned land on East Sandy creek, which he sold to John GTray and returned to Butler county. He was a well-known business man. Ephraim Turk and Samuel Culbertson were brothers-in-law. The former lived a mile from Salina on the hill above East Sandy; he sold his property here to Samuel Hall and returned to his former home in Butler county. Culbertson was a muscular man of fine physical development, and somewhat formidable at the time when physical prowess commanded more general respect than now. William Parker lived on the pike a mile from East Sandy, and was the son-in-law of John Blosser, a pioneer of Pinegrove. He was formerly of Mercer county. On the state road in the northwestern part of the township the first set- tler was James Eaton, a native of New York state, whence he emigrated to Crawford county, Pennsylvania, and in 1825 to Crary's furnace at the mouth of Oil creek. He owned two teams and was engaged in hauling ore. Hav- ing purchased two hundred acres of land on the state road a mile from the river he hewed the logs for a house, and in one day, with the assistance of his fellow workmen at the furnace, the house was built. It was first occu pied by his family April 15. 182(5. In 1844 he built a brick house, the first m the township and probably in the county outside of Franklin. He owned and operated Van Buren furnace at one time, but later in life removed to 624 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. y Ohio and died iu Indiana. The next to arrive in this vicinity were Michael White and Michael Frawley, natives of Ireland, who had lived in Northum- berland county previously to coming here. Frawley died here; White sold his farm and removed to Ohio, where he died near Canton, and his family returned. Matthew Gibbon and Joseph Gillman were also earh" residents on the state road in this locality. Jacob Zeigler was born within eighteen miles of Baltimore, ^d learned the trade of blacksmith. In 1816 he removed to Centre county, Pennsylvania, and thence to the Tuckyhoe valley, Huntingdon county, and the forks of the Juniata. In June, 1830, he came into this county, having purchased one hundred and forty-four acres of uncleared land from the Bingham estate, on the pike two miles from East Sandy. William Prior had come to this section from Centre county several years previously, and Peter Smith was also a resident on the pike in 1830. Owen Boyle, a native of Ireland, and a resident in Lancaster and Lebanon counties after emi- grating to America, reared a family of eight sons and two daughters on the farm now owned by Mrs. John Byrns, his daughter, whose husband' came into the township in 183-1. That part of Cranberry about Salem City received its first inhabitants durino- the early period of the iron industry. A half mile east of that village there was a hamlet known as " Yankeetown," of which the population con- sisted, of John McCurry, Nicholas Lake, Silas Tibbitts, William Stewart, and their families. They were engaged in digging and hauling ore. Will- iam Craig lived at the site of Salem City. These people were here only temporarily, however. The first permanent settlers were Constantine Daugherty, William Allison, and Samuel McKinney. Daugherty was a native of County Donegal, Ireland, and came to America in his nineteenth year. He worked at iron furnaces in the eastern part of the state, princi- pally in Huntingdon and Centre counties. In June, 1831, he made a jour- ney to Venango county and bought two hundred acres of land. In October following he brought out his family and household effects on a three-horse wagon. He lived to the age of eighty. Allison was from the Nittany val- ley, Centre county, and came out in the spring of 1832. McKinney was burn in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1780. When the war of 1812 broke out he was living in Centre county and volunteered, participating in Perry's victory on Lake Erie. He was voted a silver medal by the state legislature for conspicuous gallantry on that occasion. In 1832 he removed to Venango county, and died in 1871 at the age of eighty-five years. John McBride and Hutchinson Borland were early settlers on the state road east of Salem City. David McWilliams, James McWilliams, John McCracken. William Thomas, John Heasley, Alexander McQuiston, and David Ayers were the pioneers of the southwestern part of the township. CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP. 625 INDUSTRIES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT. The first, mill on East Sandy creek was built by Henry Myers in Rock land township, but received a large share of its patronage from the pioneers of Cranberry. Within the limits of the latter the first saw mills were built by John, Charles, and Joseph Gayetty, on Horse creek, the first wrist mills by Samuel and Edward Hall, on Hall's run, Thomas Hoge at the mouth of Lower Two Mile run, John and James Haggerty and William Parker on East Sandy. What is known as Wilson's mill is an abandoned frame build- ing on East Sandy, at the crossing of the road from Salina to Freedom. There is a similar structui-e, also in a state of dilapidation, at the mouth of Lower Two Mile run, and abandoned water-power saw mills are to be seen in various parts of the township. * The ruins of the old furnaces are no less interesting and suggestive. The oldest of these was Slab furnace, begun in 1832 and completed in 1838. The inner wall of the cupola or stack was built of rough stones, around which a casing of slabs was erected, the intervening space being filled with sand. Zelotus Jewel was the original owner of the land, which was purchased bv William Cross, the first owner and operator of the furnace. Thomas Hoo-e was associated with him for a time; they sold to John Lyon, and the firm of Lyon & Crawford sold to James Hughes, Sr. , in 1840. He rebuilt the stack, which had collapsed, but becoming insolvent, disposed of the property to a Pittsburgh firm. The last operator was Henry Mays. Jackson furnace was built in 1833 by William S. Smullin and Richards, a mile above East Sandy, in a neighborhood thinly inhabited to this day. Cut stone was used in its construction, and in its general appointm^its this was one of the most substantial furnaces in the county. Richards disposed of his interest in 1834, and with the exception of a two-years' lease to Parker & Royer, Smullin continued operations here until 1844, when he sold to Hatch Broth- ers, of Pittsburgh. They became insolvent in 1849 and were succeeded by another Pittsburgh company, by whom the furnace was finally banked in 1854. Horse Creek furnace was built in 1836 by Samuel Bell, and operated by William Bell, Jr. , and Frank Davidson. It was situated on the bank of the river, above the mouth of Horse creek. When Samuel Bell became in- solvent the property was bought by William Bell, of Pittsburgh, who sold it in 1844 to Edmund Evans, from whom it received the name of Clay fur- nace. It was finally banked in 1852. Van Buren furnace, on Lower Two Mile run, two miles from its mouth, was built in 1836 by William and Samuel Cross and Thomas Hoge. It was successively owned by Horner & Waddell, Horner & Eaton, James Eaton, William S. Smullin, Solomon I'l- man, and Mays & Davis. Two distilleries have been in operation in the township, the earliest of which was established by Henry Myers. Within comparatively recent years James Ralston had a distillery on East Sandy at the crossing of the ()26 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Tionesta road. He was from Slippery Eock, Butler connty, and an early settler on Hemlock in Pinegrove township. The mining of coal was an important indiistry during early oil develop- ments on Oil creek and in the valley of the Allegheny river. Coal was in great demand and commanded a high price. The coal banks of Cranberry were conveniently situated and operations here were correspondingly active. The most extensive mines were first opened in 1801 by Enoch Lotton. Within a few years several hundred teams were required to haul the coal to market, while a hundred men were employed in mining and making roads. In 1867 a tramway was constructed from South Oil City to the mines, fol- lowing the course of Sage run. Two years later this was converted into a railroad. The property and franchises experienced a number of changes in ownership and management until 1874, when leased by James Kennedy for a period of five years. The Buffalo, New York and Pliiladelphia Ptail- road Company were the next lessees, but finding transportation to the line of their road excessively expensive, they withdrew the rolling stock and abandoned the mines. At one time a fire-brick establishment was also oj)er- ated in connection with the coal interests. To give an extended account of oil operations in Cranberry would be a virtual impossibility. Some portions of the territory have been drilled over several times; in the number of new "fields" opened at various dates, the excitement incident thereto, and the extent of the production at the present time. Cranberry territory ranks in this county second only to Oil creek. The first wells were drilled in the vicinity of South Oil City and in the locality known as Pinoak. Following the developments at Reno, Sugar Creek township, a number of wells were drilled on the opposite of the river; and several miles inland, at a later date, the Bredinsburg district was the scene of remarkable activity. In pursuance of the theory at first ad- vocated, that oil coincided with water courses, the land adjacent to Sandy creek was early bought by oil companies composed of capitalists in the eastern cities, and much of it, unfortunately for the investors, proved un- productive. The Egypt, Tarkiln. and Hill City districts followed in the order named, and at the present time considerable drilling is in progress. The Astral Oil Works at Astral station on the Allegheny Valley railroad, originally established by C. W. Mackey, passed successively to M. E. Echols, the Astral Refining Company, Limited, and the Astral Oil Refinining Com- pany, Limited. The latter was organized in January. 1889, with Joseph Manning, chairman; M. Braunschweiger. treasurer, and J. B. Berry, secre- tary. The stills have a charging capacity of six hundred and seventy bar- rels, and the refining capacity is seven thousand barrels per month. Illu- minating and lubricating oils are manufactured. Twelve men are usually employed. An account of the oil works at Franklin station has been ofiven in the historv of Franklin. "^"-7 yFGK'^rr: CRANBERRY TOWNSIIIl'. 629 VILLAGE GKOWTIL Salina is a villago of several hundred inhabitants on the ^Susquehanna and Waierford tui'npike, seven miles from Franklin and the same distance from Oil City, witli which it is also connected by a turnpike road. North of the pike lirst mentioned the land was originally settled by James H. Mil- roy, a blacksmith, who lived in a log house still standing at the eastern ex- tremity of the village. He purchased fifty acres from Thomas Astley in 1885. This part of the village was laid out in lots by Milroy, who f)robably gave to the place its name. South of the pike the lots were laid out in 1805 by James Brandon. He was the pioneer hotel keeper of the place, his hostelry being located on the west corner of the Oil City pike. It was known as the Seven Mile house, and divided the patronage with the " Weep- ing Willow," of which John Brandon was propx'ietor. Smullin & StefFee, Mrs. L. D. Barr, and Jones & Mohney v^ere among the first merchants. The postoffice of Cranberry was first kept by James Allison, half a mile dis- tant from the village. Mrs. L. D. Barr was the first postmistress after the removal of the office to the town and the incumbent of that position twenty- one years. The place derived its early growth and greatest prosperity from the industrial activity incident to the coal business. When that declined it lost its prestige and became a quiet country village. While it continues to retain much of this character, recent oil developments in the vicinity have contributed largely toward a revival of the old-time activity. The Brandon cemetery, a short distance north on the Oil City turnpike, is the oldest public burial ground in the towiTship. By deed of October 31, 1839, from James Milroy and Eliza, his wife, the title to the ground, two acres in extent, was vested in James Allison, William Brandon, and John Mc- Cutcheon, trustees. The grounds were neglected, however; and in 1870 W. H. Manross, James Brandon, and J. W. Smullin were elected trustees for the expenditure of a fund collected by those interested in preserving the place from desecration. As a result of this effort the grounds were inclosed. In 1889 the board re-organized with five members — J. W. Smullin, president; J. G. Hill, secretary; William Craig, treasurer; W. H. Manross, and Harvey Huff. Further improvement and enlargement of the grounds is now being agitated. Salem City. — The first house iipon the site of this village was built by Nicholas Lake, a native of Dutchess county. New York, who was living four miles from Buffalo during the war of 1812. Thence he removed succes- sively to Erie and Meadville, and on the 27th day of August, 1828, he came into Cranberry township with the intention of teaming for Stockbarger, Norris & Kinnear who were then building a furnace at the mouth of Oil creek. He located on the state road ten rods from the cross roads in Salem Ci'y where he built a one-story log cabin. Three or four years later he re- 35 630 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. moved to Clarion aud thence to Ohio. After various wanderings he died in Mercer county. The first permanent resident here was William Craig, who went from BuiJalo to Chautauqua county, New York, at the same time that Lake went to Erie, and followed him to this locality a little later. His was the second house and stood opposite Lake' s. He owned a farm that included that part of the village east of the state road and lived here until his death. He sold part of this farm to John Crownogle, a German from Centre county; and in 1842 Crownogle sold to Andrew McCurry, by whom the town was laid out and named, and who yet lives in an honored old age. Sixteen years previously he had come to Venango county and settled in this township opposite the mouth of Oil creek, where he owned a farm embracing the site of South Oil City. He removed to his present home April 12, 1842. At that time three cabins constituted the village, the other two being occupied respectively by William^Stewart and Albert Long. Mr. McCurry kept a house of entertain- ment. He taught the first school in the neighborhood, and in 1862 opened the first store. When Seneca postoffice was established he was appointed first postmaster. A large population was attracted to this neighborhood by the opening of the Cranberry coal banks, and this induced him to lay off a portion of his land into lots. The town materialized rapidly and within a few years had assumed the proportions of a small village. Steffee & Downey and AVilliam Grove were among the first merchants. Like the other villages of this region, Salem City depends upon the oil business in large measure for its prosperity. It also enjoys the advantage of being located in a tine agricultural region. Seneca Lodge, No. 711, I. O. G. T., was organized May 10, 1869, but no longer sustains an active existence. Alpine Tent, No. 25, Knights of the Maccabees, was chartered with twenty-three members. December 5, 1885. Seneca Union, No. 752, Equitable Aid Union, was instituted July 17, 1889. The principal officers were B. R. Mack, chancellor; R. N. Grossman, advocate; J. B. Meyers, president; Mrs. W. Moore, vice-f>resident; Mrs. E. A. Lewis, auxiliary; Mrs. R. A. Walker, secretary, and G. W. Magee, treasurer. Hill City derives its name from the Hill family and its existence from the excitement caused by the discovery of oil on the Dallas farm in June, 1886. The town was laid out by Cyrus S. Marks and George. Powell for Samuel Hill, upon whose land it is situated, and a score of houses were built in an incredibly short time. Mung & Hockman and Hoy Brothers were the first merchants. Within a year the excitement was over and the people had begun to leave. The place comprises a dozen houses, and has a penny post from South Oil City. Ten Mile Bottom, or Tippeary, is so named from the fact of its location CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP. 631 ten miles from both Franklin and Fryburg on the state road. (leorgo Mc- Cool and Owen Heed were early settlers in the vicinity. The former kept a small grocery, but William Thompson kept the first .store. It now com- prises a dozen dwellings, store, postoffice, and blacksmith shop. Bredinsburg was a lively oil village in 1870 and at one time comprised forty houses. The place is so named in honor of Major James M. Bredin, a leading oil operator in this section. The necessity of educational facilities seems to have become apparent in several neighborhoods at about the same time. In the winter of 1829 or 1830 John Hastings employed William Moore to teach his children in a room of the ' ' red house' ' at the ferry opposite Franklin. This school was also attended by several neighboring families. The first house for school purposes in this neighborhood was .-i log building on the state road east of the brick house, and Nathan Beck from Centre county was the first teacher here. The house Avas built by John Heasley, who furnished the lumber and took an active interest in the enterprise. The first school in the vicinity of Mt. Zion church was taught in a log building owned by Isaac Karns by Ann Beck. Among the early successors was Adam Sheffer. The first building erected for school purposes was a log house built upon a ten acre lot offered by the Bingham estate for school and church usages. The trustees of Mt. Zion church were dissatisfied with the location, however, and in the end the ten acres of land were purchased by the township. It has since proven to be fairly productive oil lerritory, and yields annually much more than the price originally paid. In the vicinity of Salem Andrew McCurry was the first school teacher; John McBride gave the ground for the first school house, which stood a half mile east of that village. Re- becca and Ellen Rose and James Dunn were among the first teachers there. The first school house in the southwestern part of the township was built by the joint efforts of the citizens and stood on the Nicklin farm. There was a school house on the land of James Thompson at "The Meadows" prior to 1830, and Ann Beck was one of the first teachers. After the adoption of the public school system the first tax collector was Jacob Zeigler, who was a member of the first board of school directors and treasurer of that body thirty years. CHURCHES. Cranberry Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized Monday, October 2, 1837, with the following members: John Parker, Joseph Mc- Bride, George Milner, John McKinney, William Dixon, John McBride, Alexander Shannon, Peter Smith, William Brandon, Thomas Wilson, John Shannon, John Smith, Samuel Morrison, Rachel McKinney, Frances Long, Elizabeth Shannon, Elizabeth McBride, M. A. McCutcheon, Maria Allison, 632 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. B. A. Shannon, Mary Zeigler, Elizabeth Smith, Mary Smith, Rebecca Rose, M. J. McKinney, Mary Wilson, Sarah Shannon, Elizabeth Brandon, M. A. Smith, Susannah Zeigler, Agnes McBride. Catharine McBride, James Bran- don, Catharine Parker, Elizabeth Wilson, and Hannah McCaman. John Shannon and Peter Smith were elected elders and installed on the following Sabbath. Ground was given by Hutchinson Borland, and a log church buildincr erected thereon by the joint efforts of Presbyterians and Method- ists. There is no continuous record of church j^roceedings from 1840 to 1861. when Reverend I. C. T. McClelland, under direction of presbytery, visited Cranberry and reorganized the church with twenty-eight members, of whom J. H. Borland and Andrew Shiner were elected elders. Joseph Chambers, William H. Miller, and A. H. Diven were chosen to that office March 28, 1874; S. J. Downing, J. R. Stroud, and William Moore, in June, 1881. Mr. McClelland was pastor iintil 1864; Reverend Joseph A. Bow- man, from 1870 to 1884; J. T. Johnson, 1884-85; D. A. Cooper, 1886-89; and Reverend R. N. Grossman assumed charge in 1889. The last sacra- mental service in the old church was held in the winter of 1870. Measures were taken to repair it, resulting in the erection of the present place of wor- ship at Salem City, which was dedicated January 6, 1871, Reverend J. M. Gallagher preaching the dedicatory sermon. St. Catharine's Roman Catholic Church. — Among the early Catholic families of Cranberry were those of Owen Reed, Patrick Gormley, Matthew Gibbons, John McCormick, Owen Boyle, and John Byrns. At the period when stage coaches were the means of conveyance between Bellefonte, Brookville, and Pittsburgh, in the central and southern parts of the state, and Meadville and Erie in the northwest, priests traveling between these places frequently stopped at the house of Owen Boyle, who settled on the old turn- pike in 1834. Mass was celebrated and the sacraments occasionally admin- istered here. Among the first missionary priests whose names could be ascertained were Fathers Masquelet, O'Rafferty, Mallinger, Gallagher, and Slattery. The stone dwelling house on the south side of the pike where it crosses Hall's run, was dedicated by Bishop Young, and was the first place of worship owned by this denomination in the county. Since the organ- ization of the parishes of Franklin, Oil City, and Emlenton, this congregation has been looked after by the pastors of those towns, and is now a mission in charge of Father McCloskey of Franklin. The present church edifice at Salina was dedicated by Bishop Mullen, September 16, 1888. Salem Methodist Episcopal Church was organized at some time between 1845 and 1850, by Reverend Richard Carothers at Lee's school house near the pike a mile from Oil City. Mrs. James Lee, Mrs. Harriet Lake, Jane and Mary Long, and James Shaffer (leader), with three or four others, con- stituted the first class. Reverends John Crumm and James Shields were the first preachers after the place of. worship had been removed to Salem CllANBERIlY TOWNSHIP. 033 City. Years before this, however, Reverend John Al)l)otl had preached at the house of Ephraim Rose on the hill above Horse creek, and for sometime the old log church was occupied jointly with the Presbyterians. In 1806 the frame church at Salem was built. The parsonage was erected in 1882. This is the residence of the pastors of Cranberry circuit, which has received the following appointments since its formation: 1879-80, E. R. Kiia])p; 1881- 82, S. Dimmick; 1883-84. S. P. Douglass; 1885-80, W. E. Framptou: 1877-88, AV. S. Gearhart. Heckathorn Church, of the Evangelical Association was organized in 1840, with Henry Heckathorn as first class leader. Among the first mem- bers were George Heckathorn, Jacob Heckathorn and his wife, Mrs. Sarah Coldron, and Mrs. Sarah Haney. Among the first preachers were Reverends Foy, McClain, Dick, Huniger, Rosenberger, Crossman, and Pfifer. The frame church building was erected in 1805. The burial ground adjoining was set apart for that ]nirpose by Henry Heckathorn in 1840. Interments had been made here previous to that date, but the earliest inscription upon a tombstone bears the year 1848. Mt. Zioyi Church was built in 1848, by a Lutheran congregation organized March 7, 1846, by Reverend Kyle, a German minister. The Zeigler, Wilhelm, Sleppey, and Rote families constituted the early membership. Lutheran services were continued seventeen years by Reverends Kyle, Welcker, Dnn- meyer, Weicksel, Nunner, and others. The Methodist class was organized in 1868, and David Zeigler was the first class leader. The Sunday school of which James Bowman was first superintendent, has long been a useful adjunct of the church. Victory. Methodist Episcopal Church. — The erection of a church buildino- at this point was begun in 1869, and the dedication occurred December 4, 1870. It was destroyed by fire in the autumn of 1866. The present place of worship was dedicated December 16, 1888. The class was organized in 1858, with the following members: Simon Nicklin and wife, Jacob Wilt and wife, J. K. Dale and wife. James McCutcheon and wife, Samuel Hughes and wife, J. P. Morrison and wife, Charles Ridgway and wife, and Mary Hughes. Meadows Methodist Ejnscopal Church was organized in 1 866 with about forty members, of whom John C. McKenzie was first class leader. The place of worship was erected in 1874. Prior to the formation of Cran- berry circuit this appointment formed part of President circuit. llie First Baptist Church of Salina originated in a protracted meeting held in April, 1874, by Reverend J. L. Bailey, which resulted in sixty con- versions. The organization occurred June 21, 1874, Reverend R. H. Aus- tin, officiating. Mrs. L. D. Barr, James Aiken, and James Wigton were elected trustees. Mr. Bailey was installed as first pastor July 14, 1874. The frame church building, erected through the efforts of a building com- 634 HISTORY OF VEXANGO COUNTY. mittee composed of Mrs. L. D. Barr, James Wigton, and H. J. Sayers, was dedicated in October, 1876. For several years past the church has been without a pastor. The Bredinsburci Methodist Episcopal Church is an organization of recent origin, the result of revival meetings conducted by Reverend S. P. Douglass. A church building is in course of erection. CHAPTER XXXVI. CANAL TOWNSHIP. Erection and Boundaries — Physical Features — Timber — Water- courses — Early Settlement — List of Pioneers— Industries— Hannaville—Edu(;ational— Cemeteries— Religious. CANAL township was created from Sugar Creek November 28, 1833, and received its name from the old French Creek canal, which ran along its southern border parallel with French creek. It occupies the northwestern part of the county and is bounded by Crawford county on the north, Jackson and Sugar Creek townships on the east, French Creek on the south, and Mercer county on the west. The physical features are agreeably varied, the surface being high and broken along French and Sugar creeks, and gently undulating in the interior, the whole characterized by a soil of sur- prising depth and fertility. Few places in the county afford more pictur- esque and romantic views than can be obtained from the lofty hills and highlands along French creek in the vicinity of IJtica, while in striking con- trast are the beautiful valleys in the various parts of the township where scenes of a more quiet and peaceful nature predominate. Originally the surface of the township was covered with a heavy forest growth, the greater part of which has long since disappeared, much having been ruthlessly de- stroyed by the early settlers in clearing and developing their farms. As an agricultural region Canal stands prominent among her sister townships of the county, all the fruits and cereals usually raised in first-class farming countries being of prolific growth and large returns. Stock raising has en- gaged the attention of her people to some extent, while a number of attempts have been made at different times to bring to light the hidden wealth of oil and coal which lies beneath her wooded hills and verdant valleys. The township is well watered and drained by a number of water courses which traverse the country in various directions, the most important being CANAL TOWNSHIP. 635 French creek, which forms the southern boundary. It affords an outlet for numerous smaller streams among which is the west branch of Sngar creek flow- incr through the central part of the township. Other water courses are Spruce run, Sutley's or McCune's run, and smaller creeks designated by no particular names, all of which play an important part in the drainage of the country. Numerous springs of the coolest water are to be seen issuing from the hills in various parts of the township, and the majority of the people obtain their water supply from these sources. PIOUEERS. According to reasonably well founded supposition the Johnston family appear to have been the first white people to settle permanently within the present limits of Canal township. While this is questioned by some who claim prioritv of settlement it is a well established fact that Hugli Johnston and several sons, all men grown, came to the county as early as the year 171)7 and located homes in the vicinity of "Utica, the former making his first improvements about one mile east of the site of that borough on what is known as the Service place; while a son, Alexander, opened a farm one- half mile up the creek. If settlements were made in the township prior to the above date such fact is not definitely known. Hugh Johnston was a native of Ireland, but came to Venango from Huntingdon county, Pennsyl- vania, which part of the state furnished many of the early settlers of Canal and adjoining townships. He is remembered as a man of much force of char- acter, an intelligent and reliable citizen, and one of the leading men of the community in which he resided. He died early in the present century and was laid to rest in the old Johnston graveyard, the first place consecrated to the burial of the dead in the township. Of his sons the best known was Alexander, who early became one of the leading spirits in the settlement and development of the country. Alex- ander Johnston was an active business man, accumulated a valuable tract of real estate, and reared a large family, his sons, Hugh, Jr., Anthony, Alex- ander, Robert, and James afterward becoming well known and substantial citizens of Canal. Robert Johnson, a brother of Alexander, Sr., settled on what is now the old Hasson homestead about two miles east of Utica, and James Johnston, another brother, lived with his father Hugh until the hit- ter's death, when he became owner of the home farm. Several descendants of this old family still live in Canal township and are justly ranked among its most substantial citizens. . It is impossible to name the early settlers in the order of their arrival, as the years from 1798 to 1808 witnessed the influx of quite a number of pio- neers of whom but meager facts and data are remembered. John and James Foster were among the early permanent residents in the northeastern part of the township, settling near Sugar creek valley, where descendants of the 636 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. former still live. James was an early major of militia, a title by which he was known for years, and is remembered as a man of excellent reputation. Archibald, John, and William were sons of John Foster, the last named still livino- on the home farm. Jacob Whitman settled about one and a half miles northwest of Canal Center in an early day and had several sons, namely: John, who subsequently moved to Sut^ar Creek township; William, a self-educated physician of the olden time, and Jonathan, who a number of years ago emigrated to Illinois. •Among the early settlers in the vicinity of Utica was Thomas Logue, who with his sons: John, Alexander, Hugh, and George located on what is known as the Elwinger place about one-half mile east of the town. Logue was a typical backwoodsman and belonged to that easy-goino-, careless class of people which usually lead the van of civilization into all new countries. A settlement was made on French creek about one and a half miles below "Utica early in the present century by Thomas Smiley, or " Uncle Tom," as he was more familiarly known. He subsequently disposed of his place and moved to Franklin. His sons: Armstrong, James, John H., and Philip, the last named still living at the county seat, were well-known citizens of Ve- nango county. Among the first settlers in the central part of the township was William Brown who located at Canal Center, where he developed a farm and opened a tavern for the accommodation of such travelers as saw fit to accept and pay for his hospitalities. He came to this county from New York state and boasted of having served in the army of Washington throughout the war for American independence. His house was for years a well-known stop- ping place on the old stage route and within its hospitable walls many scenes of good cheer and conviviality are said to have taken place. Henry, Amos, Eoyal, Horace, and Oliver Brown were sons of William, and can be classed with the early settlers of the township. Luther Thomas, a local minister of the Methodist church, settled three miles northeast of Utica on the Black farm, and about the same time Christopher and Michael Sutley made improvements in the township, the former improving a farm two and a half miles east of Utica and the latter settling near Canal Center. John Coxson came to the township in quite an early day and settled three miles from Utica; he had two sons, William and John, the latter an artist and successful lawyer in the western part of the state. James McCune came to the township prior to the year 1 805, and settled on French creek opposite the Heydrick farm, improving the place where his grandson, James, Jr. , now lives. He moved here from the eastern part of the state and died on the home farm in 1840. His son William, born in the township in the year 1806, was a resident of the same until his death in May, 1889. ' CANAL TOWNSIIir. 637 Promiiiont among the pionoorH in the vicinity of Canal Center was Joseph Deets, who settled a short distance southwest of the village, adjoining the place where Alexander Johnston now lives. A man of energy and rare business tact Mr. Deets succeeded in accumulating the valuable ])roj>erty upon which his son Samuel now resides. As early as the year 1809, John Hastings was living two miles east of Utica, where his son William now resides, and about the same time William Hood settled the Harrison farm two miles northwest of the village. William, John, Moses, Samuel, James, Blair, and Thomas Hood, sons of William, were well-known residents of the township. Samuel and Lewis Burson were early settlers in the Whitman neighborhood, and John Wilson, one of the first justices of the peace, made improvements many years ago on the Fra- zier farm near the Sugar Creek line. John Duffield moved from French Creek township in an early day and developed a farm one and a half miles from Utica. He had three sons: John, William, and Philip, all well-known residents of the county. Samuel Ray was an early settler, as were also John and Alexander Ray, the last named having made his first improvements on the Singleton farm east of Utica. John Ray purchased the Hood farm east of the village, but it is not known where Samuel Ray made his settle- ment. Thomas Singleton subsequently purchased the Alexander Ray prop- erty, and can be appropriately named with the early settlers of the township. Samuel Black, an early township official, and an active business man, settled about two miles above Utica, and his neighbor in an early day was John Daily, who afterward removed to another part of the township. Jacob Lupher was a prominent settler near Canal Center, and is remembered as a public- spirited citizen and a warm friend and ])atron of churches and schools. He had the following sons, namely: John, Andrew, Barnett, Wesley, Hiram, Sylvester M. , and Jacob P. , two of whom, Barnett and S. M. , are still resi- dents of Canal. Henry Hart was an eai-ly settler near the Mercer county line, where two sons, Abraham and Samuel Hart, still live, and in the Lu- pher neighborhood there settled a number of years ago Thomas Lupher, a brother of Jacob, and the Hill brothers, namely: William, James, John, and Andrew, all of whom made improvements in the vicinity of Canal Center. William Harrison became a resident of the township prior to the year 1820, and fovfr years later John L. Hasson, one of the earliest settlers in French Creek township, moved to Canal and settled where his son, John C. , lives about one and a half miles from Utica. Mr. Hasson was an honored resi- dent of the township until his death, in 1885, and of his family the following are still living in the vicinity of the old homestead: William, Hugh, John C, James S. , Mrs. Angelina Boughner, and Samuel D. Additional to the foregoing list of pioneers the following persons came to Canal at an early date and settled in different parts of the township: John Cooper in the Hasson neighborhood; William and David Gilmore near 638 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. the present site of Utica; Jacob Siner in the vicinity of Canal Center; W. P. Clough in the same locality; William and John Boughner not far from Hannaville, and John Mawhinney, two and a half miles east of Utica. The following may also be classed among the early residents: Samuel Bean, William Wright, Abiel Sweet, Chancy Hart, Mr. Rifenberg, John Douglas, George Douglas, Adam Peters, Mr. Marsh, Thomas HefPerman, Thomas Will- iams, M. H. Clough, William Smith, Isaac Hanna, John Graham and sons James and John, David Taylor, William Hays, Thomas Beightol, John Mead, John McQuaid, Jonathan Boyer, John Andre, Thomas Aten, David Crouch, Silas Crouch, William Cooly, John Paden, John White, John Menter, Joshua Woods, Samuel Anderson, and William Groves. The population in 1880 was one thousand and thirty. INDUSTRIES. Canal township is essentially an agricultural region and as such ranks among the best farming districts of the county. But little attention has been given by her citizens to manufacturing enterprises of any kind, the only efPorts in that direction having been a few lumbering mills and a flour- ing mill, nearly all of which ceased operations a number of years ago. The first mill in the township was a small affair for the manufacture of lumber, built by Royal Brown on Spruce run, the water of which furnished the motive power. This mill was in operation but a few years, and did a small but fairly lucrative business. A flouring mill was erected by John Hastings in the eastern part of the township, when the country was new, and did a good business for a mill of its capacity. The building was a good sized frame structure, supplied with fair machinery, and received its motive power from the waters of Spruce run. The building is still standing but the hum of its machinery has not been heard since about the year 1845. Jacob Siner built a saw mill on the same creek, about two and a half miles above the grist mill in an early day, and after operating it a few years sold out to John Lupher, who rebuilt the mill and sap})lied it with new and improved ma- chinery. It was operated with fair success for some time, but is now stand- ing idle, the dam having been broken down many years ago. William McClure built a saw mill on Black's run in the northwest part of the town- ship at an early day, and subsequently sold to James McCune, by whom it was last operated. A part of the old building is still standing, but the machinery has disappeared long since. The Lubold saw mill in the north- central part of the township, erected by Martin Lubold, is still in operation. An early industry of the township was an ashery for the manufacture of potash, constructed about 1847 by Jesse Shields, who abandoned the busi- ness a couple of years later. It stood about a mile and a half northeast of Utica, and is well remembered by the older citizens of the community. CANAL TO^YNSIIIP. 639 HANNAVILLE. The only village in Canal is situated near the geographical center of the township, and from its location was for many years known by the name of Canal Center. The first improvement in the place was made by William Brown, who as early as the year 1819 opened a house for the accommoda- tion of the traveling public on the old stage line or Waterford and Susque- hanna turnpike. This was known in the early days of tlie county as " the Brown or Long Porch House," and was afterward kept by Isaac Hanna, who gave the present name to the village. J. L. Foster and others suc- ceeded Hanna in looking after the comfort and accommodation of travelers, and about the year 1840 or 1847 a stock of goods was brought to the place by L. M. Hanna and Erastus Hart. After continuing as partners a few years Hanna became sole owner of the store and for some time carried on a fairly successful business Avhen he was succeeded by his brother. W. H. H. Hanna, who subsequently effected a co-partnership with a Mr. McKissick. Additional to the foregoing the following were identified with the commer cial interests of the place from time to time: Lupher & Boughner, Bean & Lupher, Clough & Taylor, and a Mr. Sherrett. E. M. Brown began busi- ness in 1868, and is still in the place. About the year 1842 John Lupher engaged in the manufacture of threshing machines at Canal Center, in which he met with encouraging success. After carrying on the business a numl>er of years he discontinued the manufacture of threshers, and turned his atten- tion to wagon-making, in which branch of trade he also met with -good pat- ronage. His son was afterward associated with him, and the firm thus formed continued until 1883, when the business was abandoned. EDUCATIONAL. • That the pioneers of Canal township set a proper value upon educational training is evident from the fact that schools were established in nearly every neighborhood as soon as a sufficient number of children could be got- ten together for the purpose. One of the earliest schools was taught by Jacob Norcross in a small cabin on the Wentworth farm, opposite the Hey- drick farm, in the fall and winter of 1808-9. It was patronized by the fam- ilies of Samuel Evans, Samuel Bunnell, John Coxson, James McCune. Will- iam Hood, Alexander Johnston, Thomas Russell, James Martin, John Daily, John Smith, Robert Robb, and Hugh Moore, the majority of whom were residents of JNIercer county. The school lasted four months, and had an average attendance of twenty-nine pupils. One of the first school houses in the township was built in what is known as the Fairview district, one and a half miles north of Utica, as early as the year 1820. It was a small, round-log building, with neither floor nor win- dow, and was first used by Miss Barbara Brookmyer, who taught a term in the winter of 1826-27. The patrons of the school were the Hasson, John- 640 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, ston, Ray, Duffield, Cooper, and other families, aud among the pupils still living are William and Hugh Hasson. The building was used several years and among the early teachers are remembered Solomon Jennings, Mr. Dodd, Samuel McGaw, William Gordon, William Mead, and Susan Oliver. A hewed-log building about half a mile from the old Fairview house on the David Gilmore farm was erected a little later and answered the pur- pose for which it was intended many years. The following is a partial list of teachers who "wielded the birch" in the building: William Hiitchinson, Samuel Wood, Alexander McGaw, Ethan Stone, William McQuaid, Michael Henry, Alexander Cochran, Kindell Muse, Robert Defrance, Mary Sage, Charlotte Crouch, Minnie Crouch, and Lucy Hale. The McCune school house in the northwest part of the township was built as early as 183<) by William Groves. Solomon Jennings, William Myers, and Allen McCracken taught in this building in an early day, as did a number of others whose names have long since been forgotten. Some time in the forties a hewed-log build- ing was erected in the Lupher neighborhood not far from the Sugar Creek township line. The early teachers were James Daily, Thomas Goff, and Reverend J. A. Hallock. This is said to have been the first school house in the township erected by public money. The second was the Gibbons school house, and the third Fairview, the latter built to replace the old log house on the Gilmore j^lace about one mile from Utica. The second building was a large plank structure in which at one time two teachers were employed, and over one hundred pupils received instruction. The district, the largest in the township, was subsequently divided, the building remodeled, and its dimensions greatly reduced. Other houses were erected at various places throughout the township from time to time, the Foster building in the northeast coi'ner having been among the earliest. The following can be classed among the early teachers, having been employed prior to the year 1840: Messrs. Sheep, Elderkin, Russell, Long, Fly, Wood, Atkins, Cochran, Smith, Singleton, Boughner? and Hill. Among the first school directors in the township were J. A. Gil- liland, William Wright, Robert Neal, and David Taylor. CEMETERIES. "It is appointed unto man once to die," and with but few exceptions the pioneers of Canal have answered to the dread summons. As already stated the first place of burial in the township is the Johnston graveyard about one mile frora Utica, where repose the ashes of many of the earliest settlers of the community. Among the number are Hugh Johnston, by whom the ground was donated; Alexander Johnston; Mrs. Alexander John- ston; John Ray; Luther Thomas; Sallie Johnston; Anna Johnston; Thomas Logue, and Mrs. Thomas Logue, all of whom departed this life many years ago. CANAL TOWNSHIP. 641 The cemetery at the Fi'eewill BiH)tist church near Hannaville was conse- crated to the burial of the dead a number of years ago and the first person Liid to rest therein was a child of Nathan Elderkin. This, like the Johnston burying ground, is the last resting place of some of the pioneer settlers, among whom are Michael Sutley, Christopher Sutley, Daniel Hays, and several members of the Johnston family. The Lupher graveyard was laid out as early as the year 1820 or '30 on the land of Jacob Lupher. Among the first burials in this cemetery was that of Martha Coxson, wife of John Coxson, whose death occurred some time in the thirties. John Coxson was buried a little later, as were also Joseph Adams and other early settlers of whose death no records have l^een kept. The Mount Pleasant Cemetery, in the northeast part of the township, was laid out on the land of Chancy Hart, and for years has been the place of burial for a large area of Canal, Sugar Creek, and Jackson townships. Among the first burials were those of a child of Uriah and Eliza Brink, John E. Hart, Mrs. Catherine Hart, and Tobias Wygand. The Wesleyan graveyard, on the Alexander Johnston farm, a short dis- tance from Canal Center, was set aside for burial purposes about the time the church was erected, 1849, and the first intermit took place a little later. It is believed that a child of Samuel Deets was the first person laid to rest in this cemetery. RELIGIOUS. The Freeivill Baptists organized a society, near Canal Center, as early as the year 1827. This organization was brought about by the labors of Reverend J. H. Lamphier, who established the church with the following members: William Whitman, Elizabeth Whitman, Michael Sutley, Olive Sutley, Henry Hart, Mary Hart, Samuel Anderson, Eliza Anderson, Amos Brown, Mary Brown, Conrad Rice, John Douglass, William Douglass, John Hawthorn, Sarah Hawthorn, Nancy Daily, Phebe Rice, Susan Brown, Lu- cinda Lupher, Horace Clough, Ann Clough, Samuel Burson, Polly Burson, Betsey Burson, Sarah Deets, and Lewis Burson. For several years meet- ings were held in a school house and private residences, but the constant increase in the membership foreshadowing the necessity of a building of enlarged proportions, a movement to erect a house of worship was inaug- urated in the year 1831, and in 1832 a frame edifice was built about one- half mile east of Canal Center, on the Cochranton road. This was a plain but substantial structure, about thirty-six feet square, the ceiling ten feet high, the whole ceiled with plain boards, and supplied with furniture in keeping with the building. It answered well the purposes for which it was intended until 1870, at which time the present neat edifice was erected and formally dedicated to the worship of God. This is a frame building thirty 642 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. bv thirty-six feet in size, with a seating capacity of about three hundred, and cost one thousand dollars. As already stated, Reverend J. H. Lamphier officiated at the organization of the church. He was subsequently chosen pastor, served in that relation several years, and did much towards awaken- ing a deep religious feeling in the community. He was succeeded by Rev- erend Rollins, after whom the following ministers served as pastors at different times, in the order named: Reverends Collins, Wilson, Ritten- house, E. S. Bumpus, J. S. Manning, J. C. Nye, William H. Cutler, A. C. Brust, N. H. Farr, H. L. Johnson, J. B. Page, E. H. Higbee, L. F. Sherritt, J. F. Barr, and O. E. Irvin. Lupher Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, in the northeastern part of the township, is an old organization, its history dating from about the year 1830. Owing to the absence of records but limited satisfaction was derived in tracing the early history of the society, but from the most reliable inform- ation obtainable the following appear to have been among the first mem- bers: Jacob Lupher, Martha Lupher, Eliza Lupher, Chancy Hart, Magda- lene Hart, Erastus Hart, Ruth Hart, Thomas Lupher and wife, David Tay- lor, William Wright, Lucy Wright, Reverend John L. Moore and wife, Andrew Hays, John Coxson, Samantha Coxson, and PhyianDuffield. Meet- ings were held in the 'Lupher school house until about the year 1835, at which time a substantial frame temple of worship was erected a short distance from Canal Center on land donated for church purposes by Jacob Lupher. It was improved from time to time and served as a meeting place until 1882 when it was torn down and the present handsome frame structure represent- ing a cost of one thousand seven hundred dollars erected on the same lot. The following list includes the names of nearly if not quite all the pastors of the church since its organization: Reverends G. AV. Clark, Dow Prosser, Rufus Parker, Elliott, J. K. Hallock, G. F. Reeser, Ira Tackitt, C. Brown, A. Keller, Dobbs, John Abbott, Blinn, Burroughs, Sullivan, Gray, Flower, Hill, Luce, Marsh, Sherwood, Hawkins. Darling, Wright, Hume, Babcock, Fiddler, Adams, Lockwood, and Quick. The first class leader was Jacob Lupher, and Erastus Hart was the first steward. The present class leader is Barnett Lupher, who has held the position for a period of twenty consecu- tive years. The church is one of the active societies of the Cooperstown circuit and has a membership of about fifty. The Wesleyan Methodist Clturch was organized on the first day of Feb- ruary, 1849, by Reverend F. Hull, with the following members: Anthony Johnston, Polly Johnston, Daniel Douglas, Joseph Deets, Sallie Deets, An- nie Sweet, William AVright, Lucy Wright, Ruth Douglas, J. D. Elderkin, Sallie Johnston, Elzina Deets, Delice A. Johnston, and E. Hull. The first officers of the congregation were Daniel Douglas and Andrew Johnston, who were chosen class leader and steward respectively. The Brown school house, near Canal Center, was used as a i^lace of worship for several years. CANAL TOWNHIIIP. g43 and later meetings were bold in the Baptist church until m>iK at which time a building for the especial use of the congrecration was erected on ground donated for the purpose by Alexander Johnston, Jr. By the munificence of Mr. Johnston, who for a number of years looked after the material inter- ests of the church, a comfortable parsonage was subsequently erected, which with the house of worship represents a capital of about two thou- sand dollars. The following ministers have exercised the pastoral relation from time to time: Keverends R. E. Anderson, Thomas Savage, George Savage, A. H. Kinney, H. S. Childs, Henry West, J. B. Fleming, C. Pal- mer, John E. Carroll, John Gregory, Henry Orvis, Edward Hays! Stinch- comb. and George W. Richardson. Mount Pleasant United Brethren CImrch' was organized in the year 1857 by Reverend Daniel Bolster, and the following names appear as orig- inal members: George Baker and wife, Tobias Wygand and wife, and David Astlip and wife. The congregation met in a school house for three years, and in 1860 a house of worship was erected near the northeast corner of the township and named Mount Pleasant, by which the church has since been known. On the 10th of March, 1885, this building was destroyed by fire, entailing quite a severe loss upon the society. Subsequently a housi was purchased from the Baptists at Deckardsville, and moved to the lot oc- cupied by the former structure. It has been thoroughly remodeled and is a very comfortable and commodious place of worship. The first pastor was Reverend J. Chapens, who in 1857-58 had charge of what was then the Sugar Lake circuit. The society afterward became a point on the Deckardsville Run circuit. The regular pastors of Mount Pleasant have been the following: Reverends Chapens, Hack, Braddock, Ish, Torry Munsey, Hoyt, Gray, Allen, Bolster, Amadon, Chrispmen, Clark,' Smith' Franklm, Lewis, Robbison, Belden, Hill, and Beddow. The names of the presidmg elders that have had charge of the circuit are: Reverends Carter Sloutz, Cadman, Slater, Rittenhouse, Hill, Hager, John Hill, Luce, Smith and E. Smith. The first class leader was Tobias Wygand, and the first steward David Astlip. 644 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER XXXVII. CORNPLANTER TOWNSHIP. Material Wealth and insToiiK; Associations— Pjoneers — Industries — Organization — Plumer— Pitiiole City— Petroleum Center— RousEviLLE — Borough of Siverly — Smaller Towns— Churches— Schools. AS affected by the influeiices that have determined its material develop- ment Oil creek sustains the same relation to Venango county that French creek does to its history at an earlier period. While this applies to the valley of that stream in general, it is particularly true of Cornplanter township. It was here that the production, transportation, and manufacture of petroleum first attained the proportions of a distinct industry ; the wealth that has been expended upon its territory and derived therefrom is reckoned by millions, and no less than half a dozen towns with populations ranging from live to fifteen thousand have at various times appeared within its lim- its. And while the last three decades have been prolific in events of extra- ordinary interest, the early historic associations of the township are impor-. tant in the annals of the county. The evidences of prehistoric oil mining have engaged the attention of the antiquarian; and the renowned Seneca, whose name is perpetuated in its political designation, will always have a place in the traditions of the Allegheny valley. pioneers. The first white man to establish a habitation in the valley of Oil creek was James Ricketts, a native of New Jersey, and later a resident of Hunt- ingdon county, Pennsylvania. He was a hunter by avocation and followed the chase in Kentucky and Ohio, acquiring a wide acquaintance with frontier life in all its various phases. It was probably with the idea of remaining temporarily that he came to this county in the summer of 17U5, and the con- dition of the country at that time doubtless impressed a man who expected to derive his subsistence by the use of his trap and gun favorably. Game did not disappear with the advent of other settlers so rapidly as in other parts of the county, and, finding his neighbors congenial, Mr. Ricketts remained. In 1810 he bought three hundred acres of land from the Holland Company, situated at the source of Cherry run, and built a mill on that stream, one of -^ by ^ ^-^ CORNrLANTEIl TOWNSHIP. 647 the first within the origiual limits of Alh^ghouy township. Born May IS. 1766, he died March 6, 1857, ninety years of age. He was twice married, first to Sarah Prather and after her death to Jane McCahnont, and was the father of twenty children, but one of whom is now a resident of this town- ship. He was a Democrat iu politics and a member of the old Seceder church at Plnmer. Hamilton McClintock arrived in the spring of 171)6. He had rtnuovod from Sherman's valley, Cumberland county, in the autumn of the preceding year and passed the winter at Pittsburgh, whence the journey was continued to this locality. He secured a tract of four hundred acres in the valley of Oil creek, above the Cornplanter reservation and embracing the site of Mc- Clintockville. There was an oil spring on this tract, inclosed by an em- bankment cribbed with hewed timbers, and from this twenty or thirty bar- rels of Seneca oil were obtained annually during the summer season. It was sold, princij^ally for medical purposes, at seventy-five cents or one dollar a gallon, and reinforced in a most acceptable manner the slender resources of an Oil creek farm at that date. The maiden name of Mrs. Mc- Clintock was Mary Culbertson; they were the parents of the following chil- dren: Jane, Hugh, James, Ann, John, Isabella, Culbertson, Mary, Rachel, Elizabeth, and Hamilton. Hamilton McClintock, Sr., was born May 31, 1771, and died May 9, 1857. He was an elder in the Associate Reformed or Seceder church at Plumer many years. He was the first assessor of Sugar Creek township after the organization of this county. Francis McClintock came in 1797. He was probably a native of Marv- land, and was born April 4, 1775. He located at the site of Petroleum Center, built a cabin, and lived there two years, deriving his support from the cultivation of a small plat of cleared ground and the results of the chase. In 1799 he returned to the eastern part of the state and procured a yoke of oxen, with various other necessities, and in the spring of 1799 again came to his former residence by way of Pittsburgh. He was a shoe- maker by trade, and after the population had increased sufficiently to cre- ate a demand for his services, gave his attention to that during the winter, extending the area of his clearing in the summer months, and operating also a saw mill. He married Rachel Hardy, of Harrisville, Butler county; they were the parents of nine sons and three daughters: Hugh H., James R., John, Hamilton, Francis, Alexander, William P., George W., Andrew J., Rachel, Ann, and Nancy. James R., born at Petroleum Center in 1804, kept hotel at Dempseytown many years, and opened the first store at that place. He served as justice of the peace, and in the state militia rose to the position of brigadier general. The year 1800 witnessed the arrival of Ambrose Rynd in the valley of Oil creek. Born in Ireland in 1738, he pursued the occupation of wool factor and by assiduous industry accumulated the sum of one thousand two 36 648 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. hundred dollars; with this capital he immigrated to America in 1799, locat- ing first in "Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he supported him- self by daily labor, carefully reserving his money for investment when a favorable opportunity should offer. In the following year he purchased five hundred acres of land on both sides of Oil creek from the Holland Land Company, built a cabin thereon, and passed the remainder of his days in the quiet pursuits of a pioneer farmer. He died at the advanced age of ninety-nine, bequeathing to his descendants a patrimony still in their pos- session and a reputation for virtue and honesty that posterity has not failed to honor. His son John, born in 1 777, was the companion of his father when they immigrated to this country and during his declining years, his mother having died in Ireland. He married Nancy McCasland of Allegheny township and reared a family of eight children, of whom two sons are living: James, in his eighty-sixth year at Tarentum, and John, in his seventy- fourth year, at Perry ville, Allegheny county. He kept a house of enter- tainment for the convenience of travelers over the Warren and Franklin road and established Rynd postoffice, one of the first in the county. He was an elder of Cherry Tree Presbyterian church at the time of its organization. He died in 1849, leaving a valuable estate. The descent of the Prather family of Cornplanter is traced to an Epis- copal clergyman who settled at Williamsport, Washington county, Mary- land; Henry Prather, probably his son, born September 14 (Old Style), 1732, came to Pennsylvania as an officer in the English service and after the close of the Indian wars settled in Franklin county. He married Elizabeth Hicks, and their son, Thomas Hicks Prather, born April 2, 1755, was the immi- o-rant ancestor of Venango county. He married Elizabeth Crounkleton, of Dutch descent. The family were well-to-do, but having lost the bulk of his property, Thomas H. Prather decided to seek to recuperate his fortunes in the western country and in 1801, accompanied by his two sons, Abram and Robert, aged respectively fifteen and thirteen years, made the journey to this county. He arranged for the purchase of a four hundred acre tract, and having built a cabin and left sufiicient provisions, returned to the east leavino- the two boys in charge. It is related that the Indians stole all they had except the supply of cornmeal, and they subsisted upon the charity of the neio-hl)ors with such food as their own efforts could procure until the return of their father with his family three months later. Then, having formed the intention of living near the river, he removed to East Hickory, Forest county, where he resided until his death, Februaiy 15, 1818. The son, Abram C. , returned to Franklin cou.nty and learned the trade of tanner. He was drafted for service in the war of 1812 and after the close of the term for which he was enlisted visited his father at East Hickory. Finding the land he had lived upon during the winter of 1801-2 still unoccupied he decided to complete the purchase. He afterward volunteered for the defense CORNPLANTEK TOWNSHIP. 649 of Erie, but with the exception of this and other temporary absences passed the remainder of his life in this township. He built a log house and after- ward a frame building on the Warren road east of Plumer and engaged in the tanning business. He married Sarah McCalmont, daughter of Henry McCalmont, and they reared a family of ten children: Henry M., of New Wilmington, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Mary Hatch, of Plumer; John S. , of Cleve- land; Mrs. Sarah E. Bemus, of Jamestown, New York; Abraham S., of Jamestown, New York; Mrs. Kuhana R. McCluro, of Cleveland, Ohio; Julia A., Jane W., George C. , and Robert T. A., deceased. He was a trustee of the Associate Reformed church of Plumer many years. He was born September 19, 1780, and died July 7, 1850. His wife survived him until December 26, 1874. On the 2nd of September, 1802, Samuel Dale, deputy surveyor, sur- veyed two tracts of land aggregating eight hundred and thirty- seven acres adjoining Cornplanter reservation on the river, and including the site of Siverly for Noah and Jesse Sage on a warrant issued by virtue of settlement and improvement. They did not remain to com]ilete title, however, although it appears that one or both remained in the county. Allender run, a branch of Pithole creek, derives its name from Joseph Allender, the earliest settler in that part of the township. He built a cabin on the line of two tracts of the Holland Land Company, both of which he seems to have intended to acquire in addition to the one hundred acres allowed by the company as a gratuity. He cleared about sixty acres and seems ip have been a man of industry, but in a season of protracted drought, failing to meet his obligations, left tlie results of his labor and nothing further is known of his career. The cleared land reverted to its original condition, and the house was burned by a forest tire prior to 1837. In 1850 the land was purchased by Lucien Hatch, and when cultivated for the first time grains and vegetables of various kinds appeared spontane- ously, evidently from seed-germs that had remained dormant through the intervening years. The Halyday, Culbertson, Buchang,n, Story, Morrison, Lamb, Davidson and McFate families were also among the pioneers. Francis Halyday lived at the mouth of Oil creek on the site of the Third ward of Oil City, where he located in 1803. Francis Culbertson lived at the mouth of Cherry run, but removed to President township at an early date, and is mentioned in connection with the settlement at Henry's bend. Francis Buchanan owned what is known as the Blood farm from John Blood, his adopted son and heir. James Story's land was situated on both sides of Oil creek; that on the east is known as the Tarr farm, and on the west the present ownership is vested in the Columliia Oil Company. He had two sons: Robert, who removed to some point on the Ohio river, and William, who remained on the farm until the oil excitement; and two daughters, Jane and Elizabeth. He was drowned in 650 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. the Alleo-heny river. Hugh Morrison lived on Cherry run adjoining James Ricketts. He had a large family and they were highly respected people. Several of his sons were ardent Abolitionists. Joseph Lamb settled prior to 1805, west of Humboldt, on the Oil City road. Moses Davidson was an early settler at the site of Rouseville. In 1805 Robert McFate was assessed at one hundred and sixteen dollars on the duplicate of Allegheny township. Abram G. Siverly, of whom an extended account appears in connection with the borough that bears his name, settled at the mouth of Siverly rxin in 1820. "William Shaw was the first settler and for many years the only resident in the southeastern part of the township. An Indian path led from the river at Henry's bend to the mouth of Oil creek, following a coiirse almost identical with that of the road from Plumer to President, and on the line of this path he secured several hundred acres of land. He was a native of Centre county, the son of William Shaw, an early settler on Sugar creek. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John McCalmont, Sr. , and sister to Judge Alexander McCalmont, and reared a family of ten children. It was in May, 1821, that he settled in Cornplanter. Henry McCalmont was for many years a prominent citizen of the town- ship. He was a native of Mifflin county, but had removed to Centre prior to the year of 1819, when he settled in Sugar Creek township near his father and brothers who had come to that locality some years previously. In 1821 he located near Plumer on the old Warren road and kept a house of entertainment. On one occasion a stranger who had been given a lodg- ing was found in his bed in the morning unconscious and within a brief time died. He was buried on the farm, and this suggested to Mr. McCalmont the idea of setting apart a plat of ground for burial purposes. The ground so appropriated constitutes the site of the United Presbyterian church at Plumer and the graveyard adjoining. He was justice of the peace many years. His children were John, Thomas W., Henry, Robert, Alexander, Mrs. Sarah Prather, and Elizabeth. The following is a list of taxables by the assessment of 1834, the first after the organization of the township: Thomas Anderson, Joseph Anderson, William Alcorn, Robert Alcorn, John Atkinson, Robert Adams, Francis Buchanan, John Blood, James Ban- non, James Crary, W. & F. G. Crary, Seary Cary, Francis Culbertson, James Culbertson, Patrick Culbertson, Robert Culbertson, Moses Davidson, James Downey, William Fletcher, James Gordon, Charles Gordon, Nancy Griffin,Samuel Hazen.Benjamin Hazen, Samuel Hays, Sarah Halyday, James Halyday. Andrew Howe, John Hewey, William Hewey, Samuel Lamb, John Lamb, William Little, Hugh Morrison, Thomas Morrison, Matthew Morrison, John Morrison, John McFate, Joseph McFate, Samuel McFate, William Mc- CORNl'LANTEll TOWNSHIl'. G51 Crea, Jolia McKissick, James McClintock, Hamilton McClintock, Culbertsou McCliutock, Francis McClintock, Hamilton McClintock, Jr. , William Master- son, William Martin, Honry McCalmont, John McCalmont, Patrick McCrea, Michael McCrea, Edward McCrea, John Neill, John Noacre, Christopher Potter, Abraham Prather, Samuel Pearson, John Rynd, Ambrose Kynd, Brooks Rynd, James Rynd, James Ricketts, Thomas Ricketts, Henry Rick- etts, Abraham Ricketts, Elijah Stewart, Richard Stewart, Joseph Shulze, William Story, Jane Story, A. G. Siverly, Elnathan Siverly, William Shaw, Benjamin Snodgrass, William Steen, Daniel Tnttle, Jacob Teets, Richard Willings. INDUSTRIES. The first mill was bnilt by James Ricketts on Cherry run. It was a primitive affair, but a great public convenience at the time when the Hol- land Company's mill on Oil creek in Crawford county was the nearest estab- lishment of a similar nature, and the intervening country was an almost impassable wilderness. At the mouth of Cherry run General Samuel Hays had a mill as- early as 1810, and Francis McClintock built one of the first saw mills on Oil creek, at Petroleum Center. The furnace at the site of Oil City was one of the most important in the county. Abram C. Prather established a tannery near Plumer, about the year 1815, continuing the business until some time in the thirties. It was one of the best equipped tanneries in the county. The location of the vats is still distin- guishable. There was a small distillery at Rynd Farm at an early date. The oil industry of the township receives careful treatment in another chapter of this work. A large part of the history of oil development in the county has been enacted here. ORGANIZA.TION. The decree of court formally erecting Cornplanter was promulgated No- vember 28, 1833, and describes its boundaries as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of tract No. 340 of tlie Holland Land Com- pany's claim warranted in the name of Henry Lahr, thence along the southern bound- ary of the same and the southern boundary of tracts No. 241 and 242 eastwardly to the southeast corner of the last mentioned tract, thence by the eastern boundary thereof northwardly to the northwest corner of a tract survej^ed in the name of Thomas Mor- rison, thence along the northern boundary of the same eastwardly to the northeast corner thereof, thence by the western boundary of tract No. 66 of the aforesaid claim northwardly to the northwest corner thereof, thence along the northern boundary of the same and the northern boundaiy of tracts No. 75, 106, and 123, eastwardly to the northeast corner of the last mentioned tract, thence by the eastern boundary of the same and the eastern boundary of tracts No. 122, 121, and 120 southwardly to the south boinidary of said claim, thence along said boundary eastwardlj- to the line of Tionesta towflship, thence by said township line southwardly to the Allegheny river, thence down said river to the southeast corner of a tract surveyed in the name of Robert Al- corn, thence along the eastern boundary of the same northwardly to the northeast 652 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. corner thereof, theuce by the eastern boundary of tracts No. 263 and 264 of said Hol- land Land Compan3''s claim northwardly to the southern boundary of tract No. 259 of said claim, thence by the same eastwardly to the southeast corner thereof, thence along the eastern boundary of the same northwardl}^ to the southwest corner of tract No. 258, thence by the southern boundary of the same eastwardly to the southeast corner thereof, thence along the eastern boundary of the same and the eastern bound- ary of tract No. 252 northwardly to the northeast corner of the last mentioned tract, thence by the western boundary of tracts No. 248 and 247, the western boundary of a tract warranted in the name of James Brown, and the western boundary of a strip of unwarranted land settled by said Brown northwardly to the place of beginning. When the county was divided into townships in ISO*) provision was made for two subdivisions fi'om this territory, Oil Creek and Windrock, the former west and the latter east of Oil creek. They have, however, existed only in name. At August sessions, 1837, a part of Tionesta east of the Allegheny river was annexed to Cornplanter. This afterward became part of President upon its formation. The first township election resulted in the choice of the following officers: Constable, James Cary; supervisors, Henry McCalmont, Andrew Howe; overseers of the poor: Abraham Prather, A. G. Sively; auditors: F. G. Crary, Francis McClintock. 'She population in 1S50 was six hundred and ninety-three; in 1870, nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-three; in 1880, three thousand two hun- dred and thirty-eight. PLUMER. This place is so named in honor of Arnold Plumer, representative in congress from the district including Venango county in 1837-39 and 1841- 43, by Henry McCalmont, one of his ardent political supporters. The first house in the village proper was the Plumer hotel, a plank house of ample dimensions built in 1843 by Henry McCalmont and occupied as a public house until its destruction by fire in the spring of 1889. Plumer postoffice was established about the same time and succeeded Rynd postoffice as the mail distributing point for the region along the old Warren road. The sec- ond house, now occupied by John Sutton, was built by Henry and James Turner, who opened the first store therein in 1851. The third was built by Henry McCalmont and occupied as a residence after he retired from the hotel. The Stonehouse hotel, a prominent landmark and popular hostelry in its day, was built by Thomas Turner as a residence. At the time of the oil excitement the village consisted of the Plumer house, the store opjiosite, a mill and blacksmith shop, and the residences of John Irwin, Washington Campbell, Free, Alexander Anderson, T. W. McCalmont, James Barnes, and possibly others. The mill was built in 1856-57 by Washington Camp- bell. John S., George C, and Abram S. Prather were proprietors of the store. The Turners were originally from the state of New York. Although remote from the territory at first developed, Plumer received CORNPLANTEK TOWNSHIP. 053 considerable accessions to its population during tho first months of the oil excitement. It was already a village of considerable local importance and the hoalthfulness and attractiveness of the surrounding country added to its prestige. Lots were sold in fee simple l)y Alexander McCalmont and per- sons of means seem to have regarded it as a desirable place of residence. Many substantial buildings were erected, among them the Bay State, Plumer, National, and Spencer hotels. It would be difficult to indicate the suc- cessive steps in the growth of the place. Stores, hotels, residences, places of amusement, and the nameless accompaniments of every town of such a nature multiplied in rapid succession. It is estimated that there was a population of eight thousand in the town proper and the adjoining sul)nrb of Humboldt before the disintegrating exodus l)egan. General business interests received a considerable impetus and the promise of ultimate stability for a time from the construction of the Hum- boldt oil works. The originators of this great enterprise were Ludovici & Bruns, two Germans of some means, one or both of whom had some knowl- edge of chemistry and were probably governed by this consideration in en- gaging in the refining industry, then in its infancy and largely a matter of experiment. Wealth was expended in prodigal profusion upon the construc- tion and equipment of the works. Cut stone seems to have been utilized wherever possible, even in places where it was entirely unseen. The me- chanical apparatus was transported at great expense from eastern manufac- tories, but with the promptness characteristic of oil country enterprises in general, the works were placed in operation in an incredibly short period. The management displayed rare originality and foresight in conducting its early affairs. Among the new departures of this period was the construction of a pipe line from the Tarr farm to the works, and although a two- inch wrought iron pipe was used, the experiment was a success, demonstrating the feasibility of this method of transportation and affecting in large meas- ure the future of the oil industry. It was in 1862 that this was done; the years immediately following were marked by apparent prosperity, and in common with many other ventures the establishment was merged into a joint stock company. It was capitalized at three million dollars, the original projectors retaining a one-third interest, and the management passed into the hands of representatives appointed by the eastern investors. Their ad- ministration was characterized by lavish expenditure and improvident man- agement scarcely equaled even in oil country financiering. Lines of rail- way had meanwhile been constructed to the oil country, placing the Hum- boldt works at a disadvantage, and a variety of unfavorable circumstances conspired to necessitate their abandonment. Some of the machinery was removed to other points; the dressed stone that had entered so largely into their construction was allowed to remain undisturbed until 1889, when part of it was removed to Oil City and forms the foundation walls of the buildino- erected by the National Transit Company. 654 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Even before the collapse of tlie Hnmboldt works there had been a chansre in the fortunes of the town. Other cities had begun to absorb the tide of population that was attracted to the oil regions during the later years of the civil war; capital was being invested elsewhere, and from its situation at a distance from the great thoroughfares of travel the place rapidly declined. The National Bank, in which the Prather brothers and Thomas Duncan were principally interested, was removed to Sharon, Mer- cer county, in 1868. The more substantial houses were torn down and the materials transported to other points. The decadence of the town was as remarkable as its rapid growth; and at the present day its proportions do not exceed those of the ordinary inland village. Three other refineries were in operation at one time: The Warren, north- west of the Plumer hotel, an extensive plant bearing the name of its owner; the Osceola, adjoining the Warren, and about equal to it in capacity; and another not so large, in which local capital was principally invested. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the village in the matter of local historic associations is the old burial ground. Among the pioneers buried here are John McCalmont, born in County Armagh, Ireland, January 11, 1750, who died AugiTst 3, 1832, in his eighty-third year. William Shaw, who died November 7, 1851, aged sixty-seven years, eleven months, and nineteen days. Henry McCalmont, who was born in Mifflin county, March 16, 1776, and died February 5, 1855. Robert McFate, who died July 28, 1829, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. Moses Davidson, who died February 4, 1858, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. Walter S. Russell, who died March 31, 1861, aged sixty-nine. Joel Sage, a native of Connecticut, who died February 14, 1861, in his eighty-sixth year. James Cary, who died November 29, 1862, aged sixty-seven years, ten months, and twenty -one days. Francis Culbertson, who died August 9, 1853, in the eighty- sixth year of his age. James Ricketts, who died March 6, 1856, aged eighty-nine years, nine months, and eighteen days. William McCray, who died June 28, 1861, in his sixty-third year. James B. Skinner, who died August 27, 1860, aged sixty-seven years, eight months, and two days. PITHOLE CITY. Pithole ci-eek is said to derive its name from a remarkable chasm on the hill at its mouth. The earliest mention of this occurs in the "Western CORNPLANTER TOWNSHIP. 655 Pioneer" of which All'rod JjniiiHOu, an ititu'raiit iNIothoilist preacher, was the author. In the year 1819 he was ])reachiug on a circuit that inchideJ Dawson's in Allegheny township and started from that place for Oil creek (Titusville). Missing his way, he states that ho " wandered to the left onto the brow of the hills or little mountains tliat overlook the Allegheny river, and Avas in the vicinity of a most singular natural well. This was said to be about six feet open at the top and on the highest ridge, but no liottom had then if ever since been found. A constant current of air came out of it and of such a nature as to putrefy fresh meat in a few minutes. This fact was discovered by a hunter susj^euding some game in it by a rope while he extended his hunt a short time. The cause of this bad air was not known." The valley of the creek is not distinguished by exceptional fertility at any part of its course; for several miles inland it is scarcely susceptible of cultivation, and while the region of its headwaters is fairly well adapted to farming as much could scarcely be said with truth of the country between the AVarren road and the creek near their intersection. It was here, how- ever, that some of the first settlements in the township were made. The Allenders have been mentioned; they were followed within a few years by Walter Holmden and his family. They located on the west bank of the creek, toward which the slope is somewhat abriipt at this point while the surface is tolerably level after the ascent has been made. Holmden was of English origin and came here from Connecticut. He was ordained to the ministry in the Baptist church and was a man of fervent piety. His life here was a continual struggle with the direst jpverty, and beyond the bare necessities of subsistence, its only material results were a house and barn of small dimensions and poor construction and some fifty acres of cleared land. He died May 15, 1840, in his sixty-first year, and is buried in the old cemetery at Pleasantville. Such were the antecedents of a city whose marvelous growth astonished the civilized world. Oil developments at this point were begun in the autumn of 1864. and from the first the results were surprisingly successful. The Frazier well on the Holmden farm began to fiow on the 7th of January, 1865, at the rate of six hundred and fifty barrels per day and continued to flow until the 1 0th of the following November. The Twin wells were struck on the 17th and 19th of January, and flowed eight hundred barrels per day. No. 77 was struck by E. Deshler August 1st; the Grant well, No. 19, August 2nd, which began at four hundred and fifty barrels and ultimately reached one thousand tvv^o hundred; No. H7, by Robinson & Company, August 4th; No. 54, by Pool, Perry & Company, August 28th, a well which began at eight hundred barrels; No. 47, b}' Pool, Perry & Company, September 15th, four hundred barrels, and others of lesser capacity, were among the results of six months operations on the Holmden farm. The production on the 24th of July amounted to three thousand five hundred barrels per day, and a 656 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Luudred wells were in process of drilling at that date. Twelve miles from Titusville, four from Plumer, and seven from SliafPer farm, remote from previously developed territory and accessible only by rough country roads, Pithole nevertheless became at once the center of attraction and the Mecca of the host of adventurers pressing toward the oil regions. The Holmden farm was leased by the United States Oil Company for a period of twenty years and purchased in fee simple by Duncan & Prather. It was with the latter that the idea of laying out a town originated. There were only two buildings at the end of May, although the United States well had steadily increased its production; and the striking of the Grant well in the be- ginning of the following month at once inaugurated a rush of capital and population to this locality unprecedented in the previous history of the Penn- sylvania oil field. Each new strike intensified the excitement. Building lots were leased by the proprietors of the town at the rate of several hundred dollars per year, and fifty dollars in advance, but the holders of options at the latter rate had no difficulty in transferring their leases at advances of hundreds and thousands of dollars. In one instance, that of the lot subsequently occupied by the Danforth house, fourteen thousand five hundred dollars were paid for a lease of this nature. The income of Duncan & Prather from the city plat was estimated at sixty thousand dollars annually in the month of July, 1SG5. The negotiations m progress about this time for the ixirchase of Duncan & Prather' s entire interests afford a striking instance of the extent to which values had suddenly appreciated. Three gentlemen of Titusville, Henry E. Picket, George J. Sherman, and Brian Philpot secured an option for the pur- chase of the Holmden farm in July, 1865, for the sum of one million three hun- dred thousand dollars, a first payment of three hundred thousand dollars to be made within thirty days of the time the contract was entered into, the 24th of July. Mr. Sherman went to New York with the intention of inter- esting capitalists there. At that time there was a daily production of nearly four thousand barrels from the farm of two hundred acres and extensive drilling operations were in progress at a one-half royalty, while the town lots of Pithole City were yielding an income equal to six per cent, on an invest- ment of a million dollars. The prospect was certainly alluring, and within. a few days Mr. Sherman had arranged to dispose of his options for the sum of one million six hundred thousand dollars. Preliminary to the final trans- fer a purchasing committee was to have visited Pithole and examined the property; but on the day set for their departure the Ketchum forgeries were discovered, affecting some of the prospective investors in the Pithole prop- erty and Mr. Sherman's project collapsed, so far as the prospect of effect- ing a sale in New York was concerned. He at once telegrahed H. H. Honor6 of Chicago, who met him at Titusville several days later with a party of Chicago capitalists. It was proposed to substitute Chicago real estate to the value of four hundred thousand dollars for the first cash payment and COENPLANTEK TOWNSHIP. 057 Messrs. Duucau& Prather visited that city to examine the properties otTered, which included a block adjoining the Tremont house, which it was proposed to value at one hundred and seventy-live thousand dolhirs. The offer of real estate was declined and a payment in cash as originally stipulated in- sisted upon as the only basis of a transfer. To this Mr. Honor6 and his associates at length agreed. Joshua A. Ellis, president of the Second Na- tional Bank of Chicago, J. G. LeMoyne, Messrs. Sherman and Honori'^ left Chicago on a Tuesday in the beginning of September, 18f)5; at Titusville they divided the money among them and set out on horseback for Pithole City. A tender of the money was made at Duncan & Prather' s l)anking office late in the afternoon of the day upon which the option expired. It was refused, upon the ground that the contract was binding only until sun- set of that day. Legal complications ensued. The matter was referred to the United States court and was several years in litigation. In the language of Doctor Eaton: The vahie of oil lands was reckoned bv millions; small interests in single wells brought hundreds of thousands of dollars. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and numberless other lesser centers measured purses in the insane strife for territorj'. Money circulated like waste paper and for weeks tlie scene recalled the wildest fictions of the South Sea bubble or Law's Mississippi scheme. * * * * The close of the war had left the coiuitry flooded with an inflated currency, besides throwing many thousands of energetic men upon their own resources and hundreds of these flocked to the latest Eldorado, which presented manifold inducements alike to the venture- some spirit, the active speculator, the unscrupulous stock jobber, the needy laborer, the reckless adventurer, and the dishonest trickster. Stores and hotels materialized with phenomenal rapidity. An enter- prising individual hauled a wagon load of groceries from Titusville; a counter was quickly improvised by nailing several boards to contiguous trees and seven hundred dollars represented the profits of a single day's transactions. The first hotel was a rough frame building at which meal tickets were sold for one dollar. While the supply of provisions was exceedingly insufficient there seemed to be no limit to the number of tickets that were for sale. The "dining-room " was entered through doorways and windows by a promis- cuous crowd and the individual who could obtain a seat at a table was for- tunate. This state of affairs is thus described in the Record of September, 1865: " A rapid influx of strangers crowded at nightfall every tenement; beds, sofas, and even chairs were hixuries for the few; the many were obliged to seek the shaving pile or hay cock and sometimes even content themselves with the most susceptible side of a pine board. These days have passed away. It is quite a month since most if not all could provide themselves with the luxury of abed. It is true that Jew and Gentile were and in many cases still are mingled promiscuously in ' field-beds ' made up in rows along the floors of attic rooms and upper chambers. It is still true that most of the hotel tables are so crowded that it is a privilege to get com- 658 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. fortable seats at the ' first table. ' ' ' The same issue contains the advertise- ments of a number of hotels, among them the United States, the Buckley house, the Sherman house, the Tremont, Northeast, St. James, American, Eckert, Seneca, Lincoln, and Pomeroy. Although the Record was thus wont to expatiate upon the increasing in- dications of civilization, its constituency was occasionally reminded that there were still vital deficiencies. " Pithole has still its evils," remarks the editor in an early number, ' ' and among these are the changing weather of our mountain climate and the mud — not ordinary mud which consoli- dates into hard clay during a few hours sunshine, but mud — thick, consist- ent, deep, and widespread; mud which flies easy and sticks hard; a cold, clammy mixture which adheres to everything it touches with the tenacity of mortar; slippery as hypocritical smoothness itself; it lubricates the clay beneath and lays pitfalls at every step, and woe betide the unwary pedes- trian who falls in its midst." All shipments of oil were made by wagon to Titusville or Miller Farm for railroad trans-shipment or to the mouth of the creek for transportation by boat until the autumn of 1865, when a pipe line was constructed to Miller Farm and another to Oleopolis. The former was projected by a Mr. Van Syckle of Titusville, the latter by T. C. Bates and the Pennsylvania Tubing and Transportation Company. The first shipment through the line of the latter was made on the 12th of December, 1865. The earliest improvement in general traveling facilities was the con- struction of plank roads to Titusville and Miller Farm in the summer of 1865. The Oil City and Pithole railroad was opened as far as the Sumner and Pratt purchase February 7, 1866, and at that date grading was in prog- ress through the Holmden farm to the Satterlee well on the Morey farm. The first through train from Pithole City to Oil City over this road was run on Friday, March 10, 1866. The Reno, Oil Creek, and Pithole railroad was constructed within a mile of the city in the spring of the following year. Pithole City was incorporated as a borough November 30, 1865. The first election occurred on the 11th of December in that year and resulted as follows: Burgess: Alexander J. Keenan; council: Leonard H. Church, Lee M. Morton, J. T. Chalfant, F. P. Confer, and D. Gardner. There was ample need for local municipal organization and it is but justice to those charged with its responsibilities to state that the town, although composed of heterogeneous and discordant elements, was comparatively free from the numerous acts of violence which usually distinguish such a community. Other accompaniments of organized society were also present during the first year of the history of the city. The Daily Record, the pioneer of successful dailies in the county, was published for the first time on Mon- day, the 25th of September, 1865, by Morton, Spare & Company. The editor CORNPLANTER TOWNSHIP. 659 was Lee M. Morton. This wuh a fivo-column (|Uiiito and was furnished to subscribers at the price of thix-ty cents per week. Two banking houses aided in facilitating business transactions, those of Prather, Wadsworth & Company, and H. R. Kemp. The postoffice was opened July 27, lSr)5, with S. S. Hill as postmaster, and transacted an amount of business that seems incredible. It is said that the first mail dispatched contained a thousand letters and the fourth more than four thousand. Before the end of the first month the amount of mail matter handled daily exceeded ten thousand letters, and when the place was at the height of its prosperity the office ranked third in the state in the extent of its business. A system of water works was designed in September, 1865, and constructed at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars. A fire department was organized at the Scott house on the 20th of September, 1865, with H. W. Andrews, superintend- ent; Arthur Samuels and Thomas Van AN'ynor, assistants; R. J. Nugent, secretary, and Robert Miller, treasurer. It does not appear to have been 'very effective, unfortunately for the place. The religious interests of the community were not neglected. The first sound of a church bell was heard on Saturday evening, March 24, 1866, from the belfry of the Methodist Episcopal church. That building, erected mainly through the efforts of Reverend D. S. Steadman, was dedicated May 27, 1866, by Bishop Simpson. The Catholic church was dedicated Sundaj^ January 21, 1866, by Bishop Young. There was also a Presby- terian church, of which no information is available, and possibly others. The place was visited by a number of destructive fires. The record be- gins with Thursday, February 8, 1866, when the Tremont house and adjoin- ing property to the value of sixteen thousand five hundred dollars were de- stroyed. On the 17th of the same month twenty thousand dollars worth of property was consumed in Balltown, a suburb. Twenty-one buildings were burned on Tuesday, May 1, 1866, involving a loss of thirty thousand dol- lars. Balltown was again visited on the 24th of May, when twenty- eight buildings were burned and the loss was estimated at twenty-five thousand dollars. On the 13th of June sixteen buildings were burned on First and Second streets. Well No. 43, of the United States Petroleum Company, took fire on the 2nd of August; the flames were communicated rapicUy, and before their further progress could be checked twenty seven wells and rigs and thirteen thousand barrels of oil, aggregating one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars in value, had been consumed. Notwithstanding the difficulty of access and frequent recurrence of fires, with other obstacles and disadvantages, the population rapidly increased until, with the suburbs of Balltown, Prather City, and Babylon, the num- ber of inhabitants has been variously estimated at fi-om thirteen to six- teen thousand. The place declined with the influences that had called it into existence. Flowing wells did not always continue to flow nor were 660 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. flowing wells always "struck." Other centers came into prominence and the population was attracted thither. The newspaper was removed to Pe- troleum Center in 1868; the railroad was abandoned; the more costly build- ings were rebuilt at other places; and the city of Pithole astonished the world by the circumstances of its disappearance no less than the manner of its marvelous growth. After the first exodus there still remained a respect- able village, composed of operatives at the wells and others, but the produc- tion steadily became less and even they were compelled to remove elsewhere. In November, 1876, there were but six votes polled in the borovigh, and upon petition to the court of quarter sessions in August of the followino- year the charter was annulled. At the present time the place is scarcely entitled to classification as a country village. Of the important buildings erected but one, the Methodist church, sustained by private munificence, still remains. The surrounding scenery is of a most romantic type, and although remote from the ordinary routes of travel, few localities in north- western Pennsylvania are more interesting to the thoughtful tourist. Sic transit gloria miindi. PETEOLEUM CENTER. There is little in the present appearance of this place to suggest its for- mer size and importance. The visitor cannot fail to be impressed, however, with the natural beauty of the surrounding scenery. The valley of the creek is comparatively narrow, bounded on either side by wooded hills of majestic height and abrupt acclivity. It was upon the level ground west of the creek that a town was laid out, the history of which is a record of phe- nomenally rapid growth, business activity unprecedented in northwestern Pennsylvania, and ultimately almost total disappearance. The site was well chosen. AVithin a few miles in any direction enormous wealth seemed to have rewarded every adventurer. There was a rush of population and capital to the Pennsylvania oil field such as had never before been attracted to a territory of equal size in the state. As this population must inevitably concentrate, the growth of a city was among the possibilities of a very few years. It was the work of far-seeing sagacity to plan a town of such size as Petroleum Center became and make the project a brilliant financial suc- cess. In this instance it was largely the accomplishment of one man — George H. Bissell. A brief sketch of Mr. Bissell may not be inappropriate in this connec- tion. He was a native of the town of Hanover, New Hampshire, of French and Dutch descent. Thrown upon his own resources at an early age, he supported himself by teaching and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1845. He was employed during the following winter as Washington correspondent of the Kichmond Whig, and shortly afterward secured a position on the staff of the New Orleans Delta. He was elected first principal of the high school CORNPLANTER TOWNSHIP. OGl of tbat city and subsequently city superintendent of public instruction. Im- paired bealtb ol)bfTod biui to return nortb in 1853. He was tbe principal organizer of tbe Pennsylvania Ivock Oil Company, tbe first petroleum com- pany in tbe United States, formed under tbe laws of tbe state of New York in 1854, and mainly instrumental in tbe reorganization of tbat company in 1855. It was principally tbrougb bis instrumentality tbat Drake was sent to Titusville in 1859. Tbe favorable issue of bis mission decided Mr. Bis- sell in locating in tbe oil regions and from 1859 to 1803 be resided at Franklin. He was one of tbe first to realize tbe possibilities of tbe oil in- dustry and at once invested largely. His operations were usually success- ful. He was prominently and bouorably identified witb many extensive enterprises, and enjoyed tbe confidence of tbe public to an exceptional degree. Tbe first success of any importance in tbe immediate vicinity of tbe town occurred in tbe spring of 1861 upon tbe Hyde and Egbert farm, a trian- gular tract at tbe foot of tbe McCray bill. Tbis was tbe Hollister well, and flowed in considerable volume. It bad been part of tbe contract of tbe lessees to deliver tbe oil to tbe land owners in barrels, but as barrels at tbat time cost ten times as mucb as tbe oil tbey would contain, tbe. lease was abandoned and tbe oil allowed to flow into tbe creek. Tbe first production of any magnitude was obtained in 1863, wben a company from New Jersey drilled a well tbat flowed tbree bundred and fifty barrels daily witb little variation for nine montbs. Tbe Maple Sbade well was struck August 5, 1863, and flowed at tbe rate of eigbt bundred barrels a day for ten montbs. Anotber important "strike" on tbis farm .was'tbe Coquette, wbicb began at twelve bundred barrels and flowed at tbe rate of eigbt bundred a consid- erable period. Tbe McClintock farm, a tract of two bundred and seven acres, including tbe site of tbe town and a semi-circular ravine known as Wild Cat bollow, was leased by George H. Bissell & Company, in November, 1863. In Febru- ary, 1864, tbe property was transferred to tbe Central Petroleum Company of New York, a merely nominal cbange, bowever, as Mr. Bissell was tbe orig- inator of tbe latter company and largely interested in its capitalization. Active developments were at once begun and prosecuted witb enero-y. Leases at a uniform royalty of one-balf tbe oil were given to actual operators only, and as tbe result of judicious management quite as mucb as tbe excel- lence of tbe territory, it proved remarkably productive; altbougb literally perforated witb wells, tbe percentage of successful ventures was probably larger tban at any otber locality in tbis region. It was early in tbe spring of 1864 tbat tbe town of Petroleum Center was formally laid out. Village indications bad been apparent almost since tbe first influx of population to tbe creek; tbe location was central to tbe territory tben most largely and successfully operated; tbe projectors were 662 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. well and favorably known, and the town grew as only an oil country town is capable of growing. A promiscuous throng of investors, adventurers, laborers, operators, and tradesmen, men of no particular avocation or busi- ness, and individuals of questionable appearance and antecedents, not excepting that nameless element of human society which inevitably accom- panies a chaotic condition of social order, speedily gave to the place the size, the population, the volume of lousiness, the cosmopolitan character, and many of the less desirable features of a large city. It was the policy of the company to lease lots for building purposes, and hence many of the buildings first erected were mere sheds for only temporary use. In fact, large and costly buildings Avere never erected here to any extent. But one Virick block was ever built; it is now the property of Henry Wilbert, and was formerly occupied as a bank. On the opposite side of the street stood the local office of the Central Petroleum Company, a large frame building of pretentious appearance, and there were several large and commodious hotels. The merchants carried large stocks of goods, but their buildings were not usually of an expensive or elegant character. A natural incident of the exclusive construction of frame buildings was frequent and destru.ctive fires, not only in the built-up portion of tlie town but also at the wells in the vicinity. One of the most extensive conflagra- tions of which there is any record occurred on the 81st of March. 1806. The machinery and appliances at the Coquette and Jersey wells, twenty-five thousand barrels of oil, with many dwellings and business houses, the ac- cumulated results of months of labor and expensive disbursements, were completely obliterated, involving a loss of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. There was a fire on the 23rd of April, 1867, followed by another on the 2nd of June. Thirty-five buildings were destroyed by the latter. Scarcely a month passed without some casualty of this nature. The last tires of any importance occurred in July, 1878, and in 1880. The former destroyed the large building of the Central Petrolexim Company and other valuable property; the latter was less destructive, owing, probably to the fact that its predecessor had left a somewhat contracted building area. Acts of violence were of frequent occurrence. There was never any or- ganized local government, and as a result vice in every form flourished. The saloon, the gambling hell, and the resort of questionable notoriety seemed engaged in amicable rivalry to determine which should excel in numbers, luxurious appointments, and glaring display. A single term of the court of quarter sessions at Franklin furnished minutes sufficient to fill the larger part of a large volume, the cases being principally from this town. There was one murder trial from the place, but as the deed was committed in a state of intoxication and with no evidence of premeditated malice, the perpetrator escaped the gallows and was sentenced to a long imprisonment. It would be an egregious mistake to suppose that the community COKNPLANTER TOWNSHIP. 005 was nttorly destitute of moral sense; but its activities were completely aV)- sorbed by the multitudinous considerations of l)UHinoss, and as in the case of every society at a similar period in its development, there was a general disposition not to interfere with individual infractions of the moral oi- civil code so long as the welfare of the public at largo was not injuriously affected to a material degree. Occasionally, however, exceptional boldness l)y the objectionable elements in plying their trade provoked an application of mob law. An instance of this nature occurred July 30, 1860. Several ({ues- tionable resorts were raided, their occupants compelled to leave the town in peril of their lives, and a reconstruction generally effected. But the effect was only temporary. It would be an utterly indefensible misai)plication of terms to call Petroleum Center a moral town at any time during the period of its prosperity. On the other hand, there were also evidences of religious life and effort. A Methodist society was organized early in 1808, or possibly earlier, and a church building erected in 1805-00. The Roman Catholic population enjoyed the regular ministrations of the ])astors of neighboring parishes, and for some years the place was the residence of a priest. A Presbyterian church was organized in September, 1805; and it is a noticeable fact that, while nearly everything else has disappeared, two of these churches still remain. The city reached its culminating point about the year 1809. Pithole City had detracted somewhat from its growth in 1805 and 1800, but Avith the decline of that place there was no rival town of equal importance for several years. Some of the largest buildings . Tolles, Dennis McMabon, John Farren. 1878. — Burgess, J. W. Downing; council: W^alter Siverly, Alvin Was- son, D. T. Borland, Charles Downing, J. W. Gardiner, Reuben Maul. 1879. — Burgess, Walter Siverly, council: George Mott, John M. Mar- tin, Michael Gormley, Dennis McMahon, H. B. Martin, Daniel Mohnkarn. 1880. — Burgess, Alvin Wasson; council: Walter Siverly, J. N. Martin, Michael Gormley, James Bannon, A. D. Tolles, James Martin. 1881. — Burgess, George H. Dimond; council: Walter Siverly, Miles Thompson, J. P. Fisher, James Bannon, James Martin, H. B. Martin. 1882. — Burgess, J. D. McLaughlin; council: Daniel Mohnkarn, J. N. Martin, J. A. Wilson, Elias Culbertson, W. H. Morgan, S. A. Winger. 1883. — Burgess, James Bannon; council: Walter Siverly, Daniel Mohn- karn, J. C. Poulson, Henry Quinn, Richard Stokes, C. W. Johnson. 1884. — Burgess, George H. Dimond; council: Walter Siverly, J. N. Martin, John Farren, James Borland, Edward Simpson. George Shingle- decker. 1885. — Burgess, Michael Gormley; council: Walter Siverly, J. N. Mar- tin, John Farren (elected for one year), H. B. Martin, Thomas McCarthy (elected for three years). 1886. — Burgess, Michael Gormley; council: John Farren, Edward Simpson (elected for one year), Walter Siverly, A. D. Tolles (elected for three years). 1887. — Burgess, S. A. Winger; council: J. A. Wilson, J. T. Sharp. 1888. — Burgess, S. A. Winger; council: John Barnhart, H. B. Martin, Michael Gormley. 1889. — Burgess, A. D. Tolles; council: Walter Siverly, John Hartman. Siverly TFo/^an's Christian Temperance Union was organized January 31, 1884. The first president was Mrs. E. L. Mohnkarn; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. S. A. Winger; secretary, Mrs. Alice Helander, and treasurer, Mrs. George McComb. A hall was purchased in April, 1886. Siverly Division, No. 315, Sons of Temperance, was institued March 29, 1888. Siverly Union, Equitable Aid Union, was instituted June 3, 1889, with the following ofificers: Chancellor, W. W. Dimond; advocate, Mrs. S. G. Bobbins; president, S. G. Robbing; vice-president. Mrs. S. E. Win- ger; auxiliary, Mrs. M. B. Alexander; secretary, Pearl Thomj^son; account- ant, J. S. Alexander; treasurer, T. J. Coif man. SMALLER TOWNS. Oleapolis was once a town of one thousand inhabitants. The construe- CORNPLANTEK TOWNSHIP. 671 tion of a railroatl up the vall**y of Pitbolo creek nainrally resultetl in the establishmeut of a shipping point at its river lerminuH, helow the month of that stream; and although the opening of a railroad in the river valley de- flected this business to other points, the town continued to flourish until the exhaustion of the Pithole district. A refinery with a weekly capacity of one thousand barrels was built in 1805, using the double still invented by Adolph Millochan. The place was successively ravaged by destructive fires, one occurrence of this nature J\;ne 20, 186(), destroying barges, tanks, and other property to the value of thirty thousand dollars. Scarcely a vestige of the town remains, although it is still known as a station on the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad. Kane City is situated on Cherry Tree run several miles west of Oil creek. It was also a town of a thousand inhabitants at one time, and still retains a degree of local importance. McClintockville perpetuates the name of a pioneer and prominent family; it is located upon the land settled by Hamilton McClintock, and might prop- erly be regarded as a suburb of Oil City. Coliwibia Farm was once a village of several hundred population, com- posed principally of employes of the Columbia Oil Company. It has almost entirely disa]ipeared. Rynd Farm, a village on the Western New York and Pennsylvania rail- road at the crossing of the Warren road over Oil creek, was the site of Kynd postoffice at an early date and during early oil operations on the creek be- came a hamlet of some importance. Shaic Fann was an "oil town" of several hundred inhabitants on the road from Oil City to Plumer. A Methodist church is the most substantial reminder of its existence. CHURCHES. Plumer United Presbyterian Church was known as the Associate Re- formed congregation of Cherry run at the earliest period of its history. The organization was efPected by Reverend Daniel McClain and numbered among its original membership Hamilton McClintock and wife, Robert McFate and wife, Henry McCalmont and wife, and Lamb and wife. There is a tradition that the first preaching was by a Reverend Baggs in a log school house. Henry McCalmont gave two acres of ground for church and school purposes, and a log building was erected thereon in 1828. The dimensions were about eighteen by twenty-eight feet. There were some six or seven of the old fashioned high backed pews, with footstools and other appliances of comfort, but the seating facilities in the main consisted of slab seats or stools of the same material, and every church goer had the privilege of bringing whatever kind of seat he pleased. The present frame church edi- fice was built in 1862-63, and Reverend John R. Slentz was the first to preach therein. 672 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The first regular pastor was Reverend Matthew Scodgrass, whose rela- tions with the church were severed in 1832, and from that date until 1852 the pulpit was filled by supplies from presbytery. Reverend John R. Slentz became pastor of a charge embracing Kerr Hill, Allegheny, and this church in 1853, and- was duly installed July 4th of that year, continuing in this capacity four years. He again assumed charge in 1861, and resigned in 1865. The removal of many of the members resulted in a virtual dis- banding of the congregation at this dat6, and during the following five years the few remaining members were dependent upon the United Presbyterian Board of Supplies for occasional j^reaching. A reorganization was effected in 1870 by Reverend J. L. Robertson with twenty-four members, of whom Thomas Kennedy, E. S. Beatty, and Roliert Hervey were elected elders. Mr. Robertson resigned in 1874, and was succeeded in 1876 by Reverend John Clark, the last regular pastor. Among the elders at an early date were Joseph McFate, William Story, Robert McFate, William McCray, Thomas Anderson, and Hamilton McClintock. Rouseville Methodist Episcopal Church, is the oldest organization of that denomination in the township. It is probable the preachers at Oil creek preached here prior to 1860, but in the absence of any records this cannot be positively stated. The erection of a building was begun in 1863 under the pastorate of Reverend Milton Smith, and in January, 1864, a fi'ame structure thirty-two by forty-two feet in dimensions was dedicated. The ground was deeded to John McClintock, William Ashbaugh, Noah Metz, William Orr, Sr. , and J. P. Benn, trustees, in December, 1864, by the Halderman Oil Company at a nominal consideration. This building was enlarged and a parsonage built in 1869. The former was struck by light- ning and burned to the ground on Sunday, May 19, 1889. The corner- stone of the present church edifice was laid September 4, 1889, by Rever- end M. Smith, P. E. , and S. A. Dean, the pastor, assisted by Reverends Bashline, Wenk, and Pinne3^ The extreme dimensions are fifty-seven and fifty-six feet. C. H. Brown, T. W. Dunn, F. L. Fry, and Thomas John- son constitute the building committee. This church constituted a charge with Oil City and Petroleum Center until 1865. It then became a station and so contintied until 1882, when Petroleum Center was attached, for which Siverly was substituted in 1884. The pastoral succession since 1865 has been as follows: 1865, W. H. Mossman; 1866-68, G. W. Staples; 1869-70, J. F. Stocker; 1871, N. Norton; 1872-74, P. P. Pinney; 1875-76, J. W. Wright; 1877-78, A. J. Lindsay; 1879-80, W. P. Graham; 1881, supplied; 1882, W. H. Bunce; 1883-84, Z. ^Y. Shadduck; 1885-87, S. E. Ryan; 1888-89, S. A. Dean. Petroleum Center Methodist Episcopal Church was the first religious society formed at that place. Reverend R. Beatty was stationed here in 1863-64; E. A. Squier, in 1865-66; R. W. Hawkins, in 1866; J. W. Wil- COHNPLANTEU TOWNSEIIl'. 673 son, in 1807; C. M. Heard, in ISGS-OU; F. W. Scolield, in 1870-71; G. W. Moore, in 1872; T. Graham, in 1878-75. Durint^ Mr. Squiers' min- istry a cbui'ch and parsonage were built at a cost of nine thousand dollars. In 1880 the materials of the church wore removed to Galloway and the par- sonage was sold. Petroleum Center Catholic Church, was built during the prosperous period of the history of that town. Father Snyder was the lirst priest sta- tioned here. The erection of the church was begun by him and finished by his successor, Father Vannukin, who was followed by Father Sheridan. Reverend James Smith was next, and under his administration a parish house and school building were erected. He remained longer than any of his predecessors. Reverends Donnelly, McPhilamy, and Clarke were the last resident priests. The church is now attached to Titusville. Petroleum Center Presbyterian Chnrcli was organized September 24, 1865. The church edifice erected by this organization is now the place of meeting of a flourishing Sunday school. Services are occasionally held by pastors of the neighboring Presbyterian, United Presbyterian, and Method- ist churches, but none of these denominations have regular organizations. Plumer Methodist Episcopal Church. — The church building at this place was erected in 1865 by an organization formed in that year. The ground was given by Thomas Duncan and George C. Prather. The church was built during the ministry of Reverend D. S. Steadman, who was followed by Reverends Clark, Shields, and Merritt. The following clergymen have been stationed here at the respective dates: 18^8, J. Clyde; 1879-81, S. B. Torrey; 1882, Z. W. ShaddiTck; 1883-84, William Rice; 1885-86, W. M. Cantield; 1887-88, B. P. Linn. Pithole City Catholic Church was dedicated Sunday, January 21, 1866, by Bishop Young of the Diocese of Erie. The pastor was Reverend James L. Finucane. Solemn high mass was intoned by Very Reverend John D. Coady, vicar general of the diocese, assisted by Reverends Mignault and Snyder. This church is no longer in existence. Bethel Methodist Episcopal ChurcJi at Siverly was organized in 1866 by Reverend J. W. Whiteley at Oak Grove school house. The church building was dedicated on Thanksgiving day, 1879, by Reverends Craft and Harren. Pithole City Presbyterian Church, organized in 1866 probably, was one of the most substantial buildings in that city, but no data regarding its his- tory are attainable. Pithole City Methodist Episcopal Church is the only public building of that remarkable city that has not been removed ordestroyed. This is largely due to the munificence of Thomas Duncan, by whom a legacy amply suffi- cient to keep the building in repair was given. The Methodist society was formed in 1865, but no longer sustains an active existence. The building is situated on an eminence overlooking what was once the site of a populous city. 674 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Shaw Farm Methodist Episcopal Church. — Reverends S. E. Winger and William Vanosdale conducted a series of meetings here in 1870, resulting in the organization of a class numbering sixty members. An acre of ground was given by Forster W. Mitchell and the present frame church edifice erected thereon in 1872. The society forms part of Plumer circuit. Rouseville Presbyterian Church was dedicated May 29, 1870, but with the removal of the membership to other points the organization became weakened and finally disbanded. The church was sold and removed. St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, Rouseville. — The corner-stone of this church was laid August 26, 1870, by Reverends M. Byllesby, Henry Purdon, and M. A. Tolman. The dedication occiirred January 22, 1871. The building was removed to Bradford after the membership at this place had become so reduced as to render it no longer necessary. Rouseville Baptist Church was constituted March 26, 1871, and recog- nized April 18th of the same year. The church edifice was dedicated De- cember 24, 1871, and the first immersion occurred May 5, 1872. Reverends M. B. Sloan and J. P. Stephenson were the only resident pastors. The build- ing is now owned by the Masonic order. Rouseville Catholic Church. — The first mass at this place was celebrated in the opera house by Father Kelly in May, 1872. The church edifice was built in 1872-73 and dedicated by Bishop Mullen of the Diocese of Erie. Fathers Brady, Donnelly, Gallagen, Clarke, Cauley, McCloskey, Nau, and McGinley have successively ministered to this parish. Kane City Methodist Episcopal Church. — A class was formed at this place July 15, 1877, by Reverend J. Clyde with a membership of four. This is also among the religious organizations of the township . that have ceased to exist. SCHOOLS. The first school house in the township was built in the woods near the road leading from Plumer to Petroleum Center. It is probable that the first teacher was David Tyrrell; his school was attended by the families of Ricketts, McCalmont, McFate, Lamb, and others. The second school house stood upon the site of Plumer United Presbyterian church. Mrs. Letitia Culbertson, Moses Ward, Ellen Bruce, James Neill, and Luther Woods were early teachers there. There was also an early school house at the mouth of Oil creek. Three buildings were erected in 1839; one at Petro- leum Center, another on the Ricketts farm, and a third at Humboldt. Alfred Taylor was the first teacher at Rickett' s. The school house at Petroleum Center was popularly known as McCray's. Alexander Hays was probably the first teacher at Hiimboldt. The educational interests of the present day are well sustained. SANDY CREEK lOWNSMir. 075 CHAPTER XXXMIL SANDY CREEK TOWNSHIP. Erection and Population— Pionekks— Taxable Jnhap.itants of 1836— Schools— Churches. THE report of the commission appointed at March sessions, 180(5, to divide the county into townships provided for the erection of Sandy Creek, with the stream of that name as its northern boundary and the line of Irwin (now Irwin and Clinton) as the southern limit of its territory, which extended from Mercer county on the west to the Allegheny river on the east, and was provisionally attached to French Creek for administrative pur- poses. It was not until 1834 that what is now Sandy Creek township re- ceived its pi'esent name. At April sessions in that year Alexander McCal- mont, John W. Howe, and Andrew Bowman were appointed by the court to consider the advisability of dividing Fi'ench Creek township as petitioned for by a number of its inhabitants. In the following August they reported favorably to division by a line "Beginning at the line of the borough of Franklin where the state road from Franklin to Mercer intersects the same, thence by said state road to the south end of the bridge over Big Sandy creek, thence by the south bank of Big Sandy creek to the line dividing the counties of Mercer and Venango," which received final confirmation by the court November 29, 1834. The eastern part of this line was revised in 1856. The erection of Mineral, October 24, 1870, and of Victory, Septem- ber 6, 1876, has reduced Sandy Creek to its present area. It is one of the smallest townships in the county. In 1850 the population was nine hun- dred and fifty-seven; in 1870, one thousand three hundred and ninety-one; in 1880, eight hundred and four. The only stream of any importance within the limits of the township is Nicholson's run, a tributary of Big Sandy creek, which forms the south- western boundary. A great bend in the Allegheny river partially incloses the region known as Bully Hill, an agricultural district of comparative fer- tility, drained by Siefer's and Brown's runs and numerous smaller streams. PIONEERS. The Pittsburgh road was opened at an early date, and being the only public highway at that time, the first settlement was naturally made along 676 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. this route. One Ramsey is said to have been the first, but this is problem- atical. James Martin, a native of Maryland, made the first improvements on the Kephart farm perhaps as early as 1796. Here he planted one of the first orchards in the county, carrying the trees from Pittsburgh on his back if tradition may be credited. He was a candidate for county commis- sioner at the first election of county officers and first clerk to that board at its organization. He seems to have been a man of more than ordinary intelligence for that day. Late in life he removed to the state of Indiana, where he died. One of his sons, Professor Artemus Martin, of Erie, achieved more than a local reputation as a mathematician. Thomas Brandon, from Big Spring, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, made an improvement on the Pittsburgh road in 1796. He afterward re- moved to Cranberry township. The Dewoody family has been represented from a very early date. William Dewoody was one of four brothers — John, Andrew, and George being the other three, all natives of Ireland, who immigrated to this county in 1796. He married Mary Lyon, of Victory township, and they were the parents of five sons: George, William, Thomas, Andrew, and John; and five daughters: Jane, Margaret, Martha, Nancy, and Eliza, who married, respectively, William Hill, James Griffin, John Black, David Kinnear, and Alexander McGarvey. William Dewoody, Sr. , owned a tract of laud ex- tending from the Pittsburgh road beyond the "twin churches" and embrac- ing half a dozen farms at the present day. The survey was made December 15, 1799. The house was located at a spring on the farm owned by the heirs of William E. Smith, deceased. Of the large family of William De- woody, Sr., but two, George and William, lived in this county until death. The former died in Franklin, the latter in this township, where his family still reside. In 1797 Patrick Manson, a native of Ireland, emigrated to Venango county and settled in what is now Sandy Creek township. On their jour- ney thither the family stopped over night at the cabin of John Dewoody, where Mrs. Manson gave birth to a child — the first born in what is now Victory townshi^D, and one of the first, if not the first white child, born in Venango county. As early as 1812 Manson was living on the Hoover farm, three miles below Franklin, on the bank of the Allegheny river. He was a veteran of the Revolution, and was buried, with military honors, in the old Franklin cemetery. Manson is remembered as a man of iron constitution and lived to a ripe old age. John Stevens came about 1798, and settled on Big Sandy, where the Pittsburgh and Franklin road crosses that stream. He erected here a grist mill, the first in this vicinity, which he operated until his death by small- pox several years afterward. He married Elizabeth, daughter of John Lowrie, who bore him two children : Nancy, who married John L. Porter, SANDY CREEK TOWNSHIP. 077 of Richlautl township, and John L. , who died unmarried many years aj^o. The Avidow married Kobert S. Whann, a pioneer of ^Mineral township, by whom she reared six children. The Grahams of this township are descended from Kobert Graham, who emigrated from Centre county in 1802, and located at the mouth of Sandy creek, bringing all his household' goods on a single sled. His son Robert, born in Centre county on Christmas day in 171)7, first improved the farm upon which the Graham graveyard is located and lived there until his death. He was the father of a numerous family. In 1812 there were only a few families in the township. James Cannon lived in the valley of Sandy creek a mile from Waterloo on a farm that in- cluded the old graveyard of that vicinity. He was an Irishman of blunt manners but a good Methodist withal and reared a family of six daughters. He was the father-in-law of Alfred and Isaac Bunnell. In the same year John Foster removed from Sugar Creek township to a tract of uncleared land nearly opposite the mouth of East Sandy creek and thenceforth was ac- tively identified with local religious and educational matters. Samuel Hays of Franklin owned several farms in the township at that time. One of these on the Pittsburgh road was partially cleared by John Gurney, who was to receive two hundred acres, one-half of it, for reducing thirty acres of the other half to cultivation and building a house thereon. Failing to accom- plish his part of the agreement he went to Franklin and afterward built what was known as Gurney' s row, a succession of irregular buildings on Thirteenth and Buffalo streets. Alexander McElhaney settled at Pithole in 1796 and after a brief resi- dence of several months returned to Centre county, Indian troubles having become alarmingly probable. Several years later he came back but in a short time removed to the vicinity of Waterloo. In 1819 he purchased four hundi-ed acres of land from Jonathan Pratt and part of this is now the farm of his son, Jamtes McElhaney. He married Mary Ann Dawson, who was connected with one of the oldest family of Allegheny township, and they reared a large family. Samuel Bunnell was from Virginia oi'iginally, but came into this county from Crawford and into this township from Sugar Creek. Samuel Gor- don, from Centre county, settled first in Rockland, but in 1826 removed to Sandy Creek. Essington Kephart took up his residence here in the year 1827. Robert Stephenson came from Pittsburgh in 1826, and improved a farm near East Grove church. Aaron McKissick built a hotel on the Pittsburgh road early in the twenties and officiated as "mine host " to the traveling public on that im- portant thoroughfare nearly a score of years. He was from Maine and had been a ship carpenter in his native state. It was he who gave the name of Bully Hill to this part of the township, a designation transferred 678 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. to the locality opposite the mouth of East Sandy during the first oil excite- ment in that neighborhood. He afterward removed to Waterloo and be- came the founder of that borough. As already mentioned, a mill was built by John Stevens on Sandy creek, at the crossing of the Pittsburgh road, prior to 1810. Subsequently it came into possession of George McClelland. In 1813 this stream had been de- clared a public highway from its confluence with the Allegheny river to the crossing of the Mercer and Meadville state road. In 1832 McClelland was charged with having erected a dam and causeway, interfering with navigation and with the passage of fish. The court appointed Andrew Bowman, James Gilliland, and James Adams to investigate, and their report sustained the allegation. The obstructions were forthwith removed. McClelland also built and operated Franklin furnace, one of the oldest in the county. Tlie Taxable Inhabitants of Sandy Creek, which then included Victory and a large part of Mineral, at the triennial assessment of 1836, the first after its separate organization, were as follows: John Adams, James Adams, Francis Alexander, William Adams, Alfred Bunnell, Isaac Bunnell, Will- iam Bennett, Robert Brandon, Charles Bailey, James Cannon, William Cross, John Cather, L. F. Boals, Robert Brady, William Dewoody, George Dewoody, Andrew Dewoody, John Dewoody, Robert Dewoody, Benjamin Dewoody, Hugh Durning, Harriet Elliott, John Elder, John Foster, James Foster, Aquila Grace, Samuel Graham, Robert Graham, Samuel Gordon, John (xordon, William Gordon, Isaac Griffin, Edward Gardner, Samuel Gildersleeve, William Hill, Samuel Hall, Charles Henderson, Archibald Henderson, Andrew Irwin, Samuel Irwin, Eliakim Jewel, Essington Kep- hart, Hiram Kimble, John Carmichael, Samuel Lindsay, Jacob Lyon, Matthew Lowrie, Elijah Morrison, Patrick Manson, James Major, Alexan- der McChimy, William McClaran, Aaron McKissick, John Morrison, Daniel McMillin, John and James McElphatrick, Hugh Marshall, John Miillhall, John McClelland, Robert Martin, Mary Pratt, John Perry, Samuel Ridg- way, Henry Strickler, Andrew Shiner, William Shorts, Robert Stephenson, Shadrach Simcox, John Stewart, Stephen Sutton, David Smith, Howell Thomas, Abel Thompson, Robert Temple, Warner Taylor, John Vincent, John Walker, Robert Witherup, Daniel Williams, and Samuel Young. SCHOOLS. The first school house in the township was built in 1819, on the land of Alexander McElhaney, near the Pittsburgh road, by the united efforts of the community. Isaac Bunnell was the first teacher here. John Foster employed teachers at his own expense and appropriated a room in his own house for the education of his own and his neighbors' children. Alexan- der Hays was so employed in 1825-26. In 1834 a hewn-log house was built at the Graham cemetery, and in 1836 a building similar in construe- SANDY CREEK TOWNSHIP. 679 tion was erected near the present residence of James Foster. Prominent among the teachers of the township were John Elder, Lowrie Gildersleeve, Ethan Strong, Henry Clulow. W. C. Howe, William Clement, C. P. Rams- dell, Kobert Martin, David Moore, Isaac Evans, Kobert Shorts, Reverends R. S. and E. C. Borland. CHURCHES. Sandy Creek Methodist Church was one of the oldest organizations of that denomination in the county. Reverend Ira Eddy organized the class at the house of James Cannon, and among its first members were Alexander McElhaney, leader, Welden Adams, Saulsburg Vincent, Jonathan Pratt, and Aaron McKissick. The burial ground was given by Cannon and the first interment was that of an infant child of James Adams. The church, a frame building thirty by forty feet in dimensions, was built in 1827-28 by Aaron McKissick. It has since been abandoned and removed. Five classes have been formed on the territory and from the membership that once worshiped here: Reynolds, Polk, Nicklin, Pleasant Grove, and East Grove. Pleasant Groi:e Methodist Church was organized at the Graham school house. William and Robert Graham and Elijah Moriison were prominent among the active members. Originally a part of Hendersonville circuit, this church is now attached to Waterloo. The place of worship was erected in 1872 by a building committee composed of William Dewoody, John Hill, John Boals, and John Graham. East Grove Methodist Church. — The first class was formed at the house of John Foster, who, with his wife and sons — Ross, James, and Caleb; David Smith, and Mary his wife, were the first members, and John Chandler was their first preacher. Jackson Gordon gave the ground for the church building; Reverends Robert Beatty and John Abbott were the preachers at the time of its erection, and the building committee consisted of James Smith, Robert and Miller Graham. Bethel Grove Church, Church of God, Reverend J. W. Davis, pastor, was organized by A. C. Morrison, David Herman, David Smith, Immanuel Kuntz, Osborne Brown, and others, who worshiped in a school house until 1871, when the church edifice was built. William Smith and Amos Shontz were active in this enterprise. Reverends Long, Plowman, Domer, and Pritz were among Mr. Davis' predecessors. 680 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTEK XXXIX. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Boundaries — Okganization— Pionep:rs — Dempseytown— Schools — CllUIlOIIES. OAKLAND is bouuded ou the northwest by Phim, on the northeast by Cherry Tree, on the east by Cornplanter, on the south by Sugar Creek, and on the west by Jackson. It is one of the interior townships of the county. Several branches of Two Mile run, Sugar creek, and Cherry Tree run have their sources here. The township is purely agricultural in its character and one of the most productive in the county. In 1850 the population was eight hundred and thirty- seven; in 1870, one thousand and eighty-two; and in 1880, one thousand two hundred and fourteen. A petition for the separate organization of a new township to be formed from Cornplanter, Plum, and Sugar Creek was presented to the court of quarter sessions April '27, 1840, and Samuel M. Irwin, Jonathan Ayres, and D. B. Hays, appointed for its consideration, reported favorably in the fol- lowing November. There is no record of the final decree of court erecting the township, biit in the following year its first officers were appointed and the machinery of the local administration placed in operation. PIONEERS. That part of Oakland formerly included in Plum was part of the sixth donation district, in which it was difficult to secure and complete a title; the southern part of the township was embraced in the Holland Company's surveys, and between the two there was a tract of vacant land of varying width, 02ien to settlement on the general terms prescribed by the state. This was naturally selected by the first permanent settlers, and being a region of comparative fertility as indicated by the timber, immigrants were attracted thither at an early period in the history of the county. Lawrence Dempsey was j^robably the first. A native of Ireland and of Scotch extraction, he became a resident of Centre county, Pennsylvania, at the close of the Revolutionary war. In 1797 he came into the wilds of the upper Allegheny valley and made some improvements on the Cauvel farm not far from the old graveyard near Dempseytown. Here he planted an orchard, one of the first in the county and certainly the earliest in Oakland OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 683 township, of which several old and gnnrled trees yet remain. He had two sons, Peter and David. The latter was a man of local pronn'nence in county affairs. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and at its close was elected to the legislature. Peter Dem])sey kept hotel at Dempseytown many jears. Lawrence Dempsey died in one of the eastern counties of the state; the re- mains of his wife and sons are interred in the family graveyard. There were three arrivals in 1798 — Robert McElhaney, Willium Mc- Clain, and James Gordon. McElhaney was of Scotch-Irish extraction and came here from Westmoreland county. He removed elsewhere prior to his death. McClain settled where Zebulon Beatty now lives and is buried on that farm. He had two sons, the elder of whom, A\'illiam, Jr., removed to Virginia in 1810. The family is no longer represeutod. Gordon was born and reared in Ireland. He immigrated to America after reaching manhood and married in eastern Pennsylvania. He sold his property tq James Has- let and removed to Sugar creek above Coopei-stown. One son, Alexander, was brought by his parents to this county and inherited their property. He afterward removed to Ohio. The year 1800 witnessed a considerable increase in the numbers of this community. Jonah Reynolds was from New York state. He located on the Oil City road at the crossing of the road from Franklin to Titusville. and afterward sold his farm to William Hays, by whose name it is generally known. He then removed to Greenville where his descendants now reside. Charles Stevenson, a native Scotchman, came to Pennsylvania before the Revolution and was actively engaged during that war as a soldier in the Continental army. At its close he settled in Mifflin county and thence re- moved to Venango at the date above mentioned. He was a brother-in-law of George Kean and became his partner in the purchase of a four hundred acre tract. In 1805 he sold his interest to John Hays and removed to Cherry Tree township near the village of Cherry Tree. Eleven years later he went to Adams county, Ohio, his home until death. William Moorehead first settled a farm on Oil creek road as originally laid out, part of which is now owned by George Turner. From this locality he went to Cincinnati and is said to have accumulated a fortune in the shoe business. Edward Patchel, Sr., an old man when he came here, was accompanied by two sons, Edward, Jr. , and James, and they secured two four hundred acre tracts now owned by various members of the Prichard family. In 1828 James removed to Ohio and Edward sold the property under a power of attorney from him, after which he also went to that state. James Mason, born in Northumber- land county in 1794, came with his parents to Oakland, then Sugar Creek, in 1800. He was in active service during the war of 1812. His death oc- curred in 1876. Alexander McCormick came in 1802. He was a native Scotchman and brought a family. Subsequently he removed to Mercer county. 38 684 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Alexander Fowler, son of George Fowler, of Franklin, located on the Oil City road at Lamy church in 1802. He was a man of intemperate habits, and enlisted in the regular army after leaving this section. George Kean also became a resident in 1802. He was born at German- town in 1766, son of Cornelius Kean, who emigrated from Ireland to Penn- sylvania in 1757, served in the American army during the Revolution and died in Mif^in county at the age of eighty-four. In 1798, accompanied by his brother William, he visited this region; three years later he returned and built a house a mile south of Dempseytown. June 16th of the following year he brought his family thither, and resided in this township until his death, May 3, 1861 . Joeseph Kean, who was one year old at the time his father's family came here, still resides in this township, and has probably lived in Venango county longer than any other individual. Francis Carter, a native of Ireland, came to Pennsylvania while yet a young man, and served in the Revolutionary war. He was in the military service at Pittsburgh, and also at Fort Franklin; from the latter place he went to Erie, but returned to Franklin in 1796, and in the following year settled on Sugar creek a mile below Cooperstown. In 1803 he came to the vicinity of Dempseytown, where he died at an advanced age. William Hays emigrated from Ireland at the age of forty and came to Venango county in 1803, accompanied by John Hays, his brother. The former died at the residence of Grier Hays on the tract he first settled. William Reed, from whom Reed's run is named, was born in Ireland; he came to this state in 1798 and to Oakland township in 1803. He enlisted for service in the war of 1812 in Captain McCombs' company. Philip Walls came in 1804 and bought land from Lawrence Dempsey on the Titusville road, now owned by his descendants. Philip Kees, another of the Revolutionary veterans who made improve- ments in Oakland at an early date, bought two hundred acres from George Kean in 1805. He was born and reared in Germany. After residing here for a time he removed to a point on the Monongahela river twenty miles above Pittsburgh. Henry Booth, one of the first medical practitioners in this part of the county, succeeded to Kees' improvements. John Fetterman arrived in 1805. He was born in eastern Pennsyl- vania of German parentage; after his removal here he became justice of the peace and filled that ofiice many years. Samuel Turner died in Oakland, November 18, 1869, aged eighty years. He came to Franklin in 1800 and assisted in quarrying stone for some of the first houses in the town. Subsequently he moved up the river and located upon the site of South Oil City. He remained there four years and spent three summers surveying with Samuel Dale. He then went to sea, return- ing by way of New Orleans, and lived in Cherry Tree township fifteen years. From that place he removed to the farm in Oakland where he died. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 685 The Oil creek roiid was the first public highway opened through the township. It was surveyed by Samuel M. Irwin. The road from Sugar lake, intersecting the Titusville road two miles from Dompsoytown, was also an early traveled route. The first distillery was built in 1803 by James Patchel at a small stream on his farm. The upper story was used as a dwelling house while the lower floor was occupied with the imperfect and crude appliances of the still. James Gordon also had a distillery, built at an early date. The Speer, Mc- Elhaney, and Smith distilleries also assisted the farmers of this region in disposing of their siirplus grain. Samuel Beatty's tannery appears to have been the only pioneer industry of this class. It was not equipped with a bark mill, but the bark was tramped by horses in the same manner that wheat was threshed and thus prepared for use. Wooden troughs were used in lieu of vats. This was in operation only a few years. DEMPSEYTOWN. Samuel Dale, deputy surveyor, surveyed four hundred and one acres of land for Peter Dempsey September 2, 1800, and an adjoining tract for Lawrence Dempsey on the following day, this being his first work after being commissioned for Venango county. The town was laid out by Peter Dempsey. He built a house, of which the site was nearly identical with that of the old hotel kept by him for many years and but recently destroyed by fire. Thomas Carter also built one of the first houses on the ground occupied by David E. Thomas' blacksmith shop. This was one of the first frame buildings erected in the county, certainly the first in Oakland township. The weather-boarding was fastened with wooden pins. Carter was one of the characters of the place. At an advanced age he married a widow whose years were almost as many as his own. He lived to be ninety- eight years old, and she died at one hundred and three. J. R. McClin- tock, in company with Brewer, Watson & Merrick, established the first permanent business house. The first local mechanic was Christian Cauvel, a blacksmith. The town has never had an oil "boom," and presents more of the characteristics of the typical country village than the generality of inland towns in this county. Situated nine miles from Franklin, ten from Titusville, and eight from Oil City, in the midst of a fine agricultural terri- tory, it has become a business point of some importance. Three fraternal organizations and four churches attest the activities of the people in this respect. Dempseytoiun Lodge, No. 632, I. O. O. F., was instituted May 20, 1868, with B. F. Mark, N. G. ; R. B. Neely, V. G. ; George K. Weber, secre- tary; George Fuller, assistant secretary, and Jonas Weber, treasurer. Dempseytoum Lodge, No. 171, A. O. U. W., was instituted March 3, 1880. The first officers were D. W. Weikal, P. M. W. ; R. C. Duncan, 686 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. M. ^\. ; Lewis Prichard, G. F. ; T. J. Kimes, O. ; Robert Reed, recorder; Freeman Dyson, financier; N. C. Henderson, receiver; E. P. Foster. G. ; F. A. McClintock, I. W.; P. S. Camel, O. W. Morning Star Union, No. 91, E. A. U., was organized December 11, 1888. Freeman Dyson was president; J. S. Hood, vice-president; Fidus Weber, secretary and accountant, and G. O. Dewoody, treasurer. The Dempsey Graveyard, one of the oldest places of interment in this part of the county, is situated within a short distance of the village. The following are among the names of those who were buried here at an early date or are remembered as old people: Rachel, wife of Jonah Reynolds, died April 2, 1813, in the thirty-ninth year of her age. Mary, wife of Lawrence Dempsey, died in Se.ptember, 1825, in the eighty- fourth year of her age. Jane, wife of John Caruthers, died September 16, 1827, in the thirty- ninth year of her age. Mary, wife of John Kelly, died December 19, 1829, in the forty-fifth year of her age. Lewis Herring died September 23, 1836, aged seventy-six years. John Kelly died June 13, 1849, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. SCHOOLS. The first school was taught by John Kelly in 1805 at the house of Jonah Reynolds. William Morehead was also a pioneer pedagogue; his school was taught in a log cabin on the farm now occupied by Francis Prichard. No building was erected for school purposes until 1807, when a school house was built on the farm of George Kean near the present location of Moses Walls' residence. The first school was taught by Michael Hare, a Revolutionary veteran and a man of fair ability but intemperate in his habits. He died in Erie county at a very old age. A second school house was built on Kean run at the crossing of the Oil creek road, and here William More- head was the first teacher. In 1817 the people living on the Franklin road built a school house one mile west of Dempseytown. Joseph Kean, who has been mentioned as the oldest resident in the county, was the first teacher here, and is properly entitled to the honor of being also the oldest living school teacher. Among his early successors were James Vanatan, Mary Gage, John Beers, and Alexander Hays. A school house was built in 1827 on the Folwell farm in the northwestern part of the township, and another near the residence of Robert Haslet. The schools at both places had a large constituency. CHURCHES. It is probable that the first religious services in the township were held in the year 1806 at the Patchel still house by a Methodist preacher named OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 687 Wiley. There were several baptisms of children, also prol)ably the lirst in this section of country. The first church building was erected in the summer of 1810 in the eastern part of the township near the residence for- merly occupied by George Tarr. It was built of unhewn logs with clap- board roof; the dimensions were twenty-five and thirty feet, lleverend Ira Coudit ])reached here several years, after which it was no longer occupied for religious purposes. Ho was a Presbyterian preacher but there is no record of any organization. Trinity Ecangelical Lutheran Church was organized by Reverend Weicksel some time between the years 1840 and 1850. Among the old members were Jacob Baum, Samuel and John Frankenberger, Mrs. Susan Homan, John Bennohoff, John Kinch, the Gharing, Meals, Ulrich, Phil- lips, and other families. A frame church building was erected on the Titus- ville road at the edge of Dempseytown. This was replaced several years since by an attractive and substantial building in the village proper. The congregation was connected with New Lebanon, Mercer county, for a time, but since the reorganization of the Franklin church the pastors of the latter have usually preached here. Oakland United Presbyterian Cliurch was organized in 1851 by Rever- end Anderson McClane under direction of the Associate Reformed presby- tery. William Story and John Culberson were the first elders. The first members were Culbertson and Sarah McClintock, William and Margaret Stewart, Baptist and Margaret Masson, Daniel and Margaret Gregg. John Culberson, Jane McFate, Sarah McFate, Nancy Ward, Mary Ann Hays, Jane Hays, William Story, Rebecca McKnight, and Nancy Gregg, all of whom had formerly been connected with Plumer church. William McAlwee gave half an acre of ground and as much more was purchased; this consti- tutes the burial ground and site of the church, a frame building erected in 1852. Reverends John R. Slentz and Alexander Murray were the pastors, but for a number of years services were discontinued. Within the present year (1889) steps have been taken to repair the building. Reverend James B. Dodds is the pastor. Oakland Evangelical Church, a mile northeast of Dempseytown, was erected in 1851 and dedicated in 1852. Prior to this Reverends Bucks and Miller had preached here in 1836; D. Long, in 1838; Samuel Heis, in 1839; Henry Heis, in 1840, and others of the preachers in charge of Venango circuit. .At the formation of the Pittsburgh Conference in 1852 Reverend Henry Hampe was in charge of Venango circuit, then embracing all the churches of this denomination in Venango county. Sugar Creek circuit was formed in 1853; in 1879 the name was changed to Dempseytown. The following ap- pointments have been made by the annual conference at the respective dates : 1853, H. W. Thomas; 1854, E. Peer; 1856 (Venango and Sugar Creek), John Pfeifer, W. H. Stoll; 1857, W. H. Pfeifer, James Crossman; 1858, HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. J. Weaver; 1859 (Venango and Sugar Creek), J. Honecker and G. L. Domer; 1860, G. W. Cupp, J. Q. A. Weller; 1861-62, S. F. Crowther; 1863-64, E. Beatty; 1865 (Venango and Sugar Creek), C. W. Davis; 1866, L. M. Boyer; 1867-68, G. W. Brown; 1869, J. Crossman, J. Woodhull; 1870, L. Schobert, J. Woodhull; 1871-72, J. D. Domer; 1873, P. W. Plotts, J. Carmany; 1874-75, J. Garner; 1876-78, A. W. Teats; 1878-79, I. A. Rholand; 1880, L. H. Hetrick; 1881-82, J. Esch; 1883-85, D. M. Baumgardner; 1886-88, B. F. Feitt; 1889, J. W. Domer. Dempseytown circuit also embraces the Dempseytown and Lamey churches. Zion Evangelical Church (popularly known as Lamey church), was or- ganized in 1863 by Rev. L. M. Boyer. The first class leader was J. Lamey, and of the original membership, Mr. Lamey and Mrs. Margaret Masterson are the only ones still in connection with this society. The church building was dedicated January 24, 1869, by Reverend J. D. Hol- linger. An organization had been formed in this neighborhood many years before with William Masterson as leader. This was disbanded before the present organization came into existence. Dempseytown Baptist Church. — Five members of Breedtown church formed a society under this name August 19, 1865. Their names were William and Rachel Prichard, George and James Turner, and F. A. McClin- tock. It was recognized as a separate organization January 12, 1869. The church edifice was dedicated August 24, 1873. Reverend C. W. Drake was pastor from 1865 to 1870; Cyrus Shreve, from 1870 to 1874; George M. Righter, from 1874 to 1877; Joseph M. Ray. from 1877 to 1880; O. C. Sherman, from 1880 to 1883; since the latter date Reverend E. F. Crane has served as supply. Dempseytown Presbyterian Church was organized February 20, 1868, by Reverends R. Craighead and William Elliott. The church building was dedicated March 7, 1869, by Reverend W. H. Taylor. Reverends Reaves, Stewart, Robertson, and Murray have successively served as pastor. Robert Alexander and William Richey were the first elders. Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, three miles from Dempseytown on the Franklin road, was dedicated September 26, 1870, by Reverend John Abbott. It is connected with Cooperstown circuit. Trinity Evangelical Church, Dempseytown, was dedicated January 4, 1880, by Reverend H. B. Summers. Extinct Organizations. — A United Brethren church was built in 1858 in the eastern part of the township. It was sustained for some years by Peter Bennehoof, but finally removed to Cherry Tree in 1880. A Baptist church was organized by Reverends Samuel and William Miles at a school house on the Franklin road prior to 1840. The First Sunday School in this part of the county was organized in 1827 at a school house on the Franklin road a mile from Dempseytown. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. 689 Francis Carter, Jacob Satley, Henry Herring, Joseph Kean, and John Car- ter were among its active members. It was continued for a time, but ulti- mately gave place to several different schools at various points. CHArXEU XL. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Organization and Extent— Pioneers— Borough of Cooperstown— In- habitants IN- 1837— Industries— Oil Developments— Secret AND Other Societies— Municipal Government— Population— SciiooLS—CnuRCiiEs. THE contiguous portions of Plum, Oakland, Canal, and Sugar Creek were formed into the township of Jackson in 1845. It is bounded on the north by Plum, on the east by Oakland, on the south by Sugar Creek, on the west by Canal, and on the northwest by Crawford county. Sugar creek and its various branches drain the whole of its territory. In 1850 the population was nine hundred and eighty five; in 1870, seven hundred and twenty, in 1880, seven hundred and eighty-ning. PIONEERS. It is matter of definite tradition that Robert Beatty was the first set- tler within the limits of this township and in the valley of Sugar creek from its mouth to Townville, Crawford county. Very little is known concerning his personal history. He came to this locality from one of the eastern counties of the state, probably as early as 1796, as his name occurs on the ledgers of both George Power and Edward Hale prior to 1800. At that point in the course of Sugar creek where it is crossed by the southern line of Jackson township the valley of the stream is fully half a mile wide. The channel of the creek is near the bluffs on the east, leaving a level expanse of meadows with a gradual slope from the west. At an early date this was called "the prairie." It was not covered with a dense forest like the sur- rounding country but merely with a thick growth of underbrush, and was read- ily reduced to cultivation. Here Robert Beatty made his settlement and lived to the end of his life. He reared four sons: John, Francis, Samuel, and Robert; and seven daughters: Mary, Nancy, Sarah, Elizabeth, Isabel, Ann, and Lila. John was the father of the Reverend Robert Beattv, a well- 690 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. known minister. In politics Mr. Beatty, Sr., was Democratic. Of Scotch extraction, he was Presbyterian in his church connection and gave the ground upon which Sugar Creek church was built. He died May 16, 1823, in the sixty-third year of his age, and is buried under a clump of trees on the Shaw farm. On the pi-evious day he had attended the funeral of Mrs. John Wilson and is said to have remarked that his own death was likely to occur soon. Its suddenness created a profound sensation. William Cooper settled at Cooperstown in 17U7. He was probably the second settler. He was a Revolutionary veteran. Francis Carter, another veteran of the Revolution, settled on Sugar creek, below Cooperstown, in 1797. In the following decade he removed to Oakland, and died at Dempseytown at a very old age. James McCurdy, also a soldier of the Revolution, came here at an early date, locating in the valley of the creek, above Beatty. He was well advanced in years when he came here. John McCurdy, his son, reared a large fam- ily, and inherited the homestead. Other early settlers in this part of the valley were John McFadden, James Alexander, and Robert Mason. Samuel Plumer settled in the township in 1800., He was the son of Nathaniel Plumer, who purchased four hundred acres of land, embracing part of the site of Mount Washington, one of the wards of Pittsburgh, on the south side of the Monongahela, and settled thereon in 1789; and grand- son of Jonathan Plumer. a commissary in Braddock's expedition, and quar- termaster of Forbes' army, a native of Newbury, Massachusetts, and de- scendant of Francis Plumer, one of the founders of that town in 1635. Samuel Plumer returned to Allegheny county in 1810, where his death occurred in 1820. His widow and family subsequently returned to Venango county, where she died October 2, 1847. It was during his residence in Jackson township that the birth of Arnold Plumer occurred. It is worthy of record in the annals of the township that as a man of such prominence in local and state aifairs, doubtless the most distinguished citizen of the county, and of commanding influence in the councils of hi.s party in the commonwealth, was one of the first persons of Caucasian parentage born within its limits. The Small family was early represented. The first to locate here, Samuel Small, was a carpenter by trade, who was born in Ireland, settled in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and removed to Venango in 1811, with his wife and children, of whom two were sons, Sainuel H. and Moses, and two daughters, Mary and Jane. The latter removed to the west, but the former remained upon the paternal tract of three hundred and seventy-five acres. The Craiu family were once a numerous connection. Their progenitor in this township was William Crain, from eastern Pennsylvania, who had five sons: George, William, James, John, and Charles. A number of the family are buried at Sugar Creek churchyard. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. G91 William Mcintosh, a soldier of tbo war of 1812, settled on Sugar erecsk, above Cooperstown, at an early date, where he operated a distillery and grist mill. Two living children, A. J. and Mrs. Millicent Green, are resi- dents of Phim township. John Bleakley, Sr. , died at his residence, in Jackson township, Septem- ber 11, 1SG9. Born in Murphy parish, County Tyrone, Ireland, October 23, 1788, he immigrated to America in June, 1819. At the time of his departure from Murphy parish all its inhabitants, with a single exception,' bore the name of Bleakley. John Gibbon was one of the earliest settlers on the Lake branch of Sugar creek. BOKOUGII OF COOPERSTOWN. The confluence of three princi|)al branches of Sugar creek occurs al)Out four miles from its mouth and very near the geographical center of Jackson township. In a rolling country such as this the courses of the roads usually coincide with the streams, and as a consequence the highways of this part of the county converge toward this point. The gcowth of a town here is the natural result of its advantageous location, aided by the energy and enter- prise of its citizens. AVilliam Cooi:)er, from whom the town derives its name, was a veteran of the Revolution, and in the allotment of lands in the sixth donation dis- trict, secured the tract upon which Cooperstown is situated. He was from one of the eastern counties of Pennsylvania and probably located here in 1797. Hehad tive sons: Samuel, William, John, Philson, and James; and one daughter, Jane, the wife of Robert Mason. 'James kept store, but re- moved to Iowa early in the forties; John was a hatter by trade and William a blacksmith. William, Sr. , was born in 1747 and died February 1, 1813, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. Rachel, his wife, died May 16, 1821, in her sixty- seventh year. Both are buried in the Methodist churchyard at Cooperstown. The first person outside of the Cooper family to locate here was Robert Bradley. He came to the county with his father's family in 1810, and set- tled at Cooperstown in 1824. He was a millwright by trade. He served one teini as county commissioner and was justice of the peace many years. He died March 23, 1872, at the age of seventy six. James Kiugsley, a cloth dresser by trade, was born at Fort Ann, New York. At Centerville, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, he married Louisa, daughter of Joseph Patton, the founder of that town, and in March, 1827, removed to Cooperstown, where he established one of the first cloth di'essing establishments in the county. Edward Sweeny was another of the prominent citizens of the borough during its early history and until his death. He was born and reared in Ireland. It was the intention of his parents to educate him for the priest- 692 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. hood, and with this object he attended the Eoman Catholic College of May- nooth, Dublin. His plans did not harmonize with the wishes of his parents, however, and before completing his studies he left the college and embarked for America. Having arrived at Philadelphia he secured employment as a bookkeeper. He had friends at Murrinsville, Butler county, and made his way thither, where he was similarly employed for a short time. He then ob- tained a position in the office of the furnace company at Oil Creek, and while thus engaged purchased a farm near Cooperstown, the present resi- dence of his son. He removed thereon in 1828. He was justice of the peace thirty-five years and frequently served as school director. He was almost invariably called upon to execute legal documents and enjoyed to a remark- able degree the confidence of the community, of which, being a man of more than ordinary intelligence and erudition, he was a useful member. Po- litically he was a Deniocrat. The population increased slowly, but the place gradually assumed the proportions of a small village. In 1837 the inhabitants were distributed as follows: Eobert Mason, son of James Mason, a pioneer of Oakland town- ship, and son-in-law of William Cooper, Sr., lived in a house on the Frank- lin road and at the confines of the town in that direction. He was a farmer and miller and took charge of Cooper's mill after the death of Mrs. Rachel Cooper. The next house above Mason was a frame building erected by Alexander McCalmont in which the first store of the place was opened under the man- agement of William W. *Shaw. James Cooper succeeded to the business and was in charge in 1837. He removed to Iowa early in the following decade. The third house in order from Mason's was the present residence of Robert Crawford. It was built by John McKinzie, a son of Angus McKin- zie, of Sugar Creek township, who kept the first hotel of the place there. John Kelly, a retired farmer from Centre county, purchased it in 1837. John Cooper, a hatter by trade, lived in a frame building on the same side of Sugar creek and did a fair business. William Cooper, his brother, was a blacksmith, and lived near the resi- dence of Joseph Hillier. He removed to Erie county in 1837 and sold his property to David W. S. Cook, from Centre county, who purchased several mills and at once became a man of local prominence. These were all the families living on the east side of the creek at that date. James Cook, brother to David W. S., had a tannery on the south side of Factory street near the creek and bridge and a dwelling house on the same lot. He was born at Spring Mills, Centre county, January 11, 1798, and died February 26, 1878. Proceeding up Franklin street the first house was the dwelling and store of William W. Shaw, which is still occupied. The next was Robert Bradley's residence, in the rear of Bradley's store JACKSON TOWNSHIP. 693 buildiiif. In piirtnership with Jolin Fettormun ho bouf^ht Shaw's store arul was enj^aged in business many years. They dealt hirgely in live stock. On the same side of Franklin street opposite the academy James Kings- ley had built a large frame building, afterward used as an hotel. James Foster owned two small houses on the east side of Franklin street, in one of which he lived, while the other was occupied by AVilliam Perrine. Edward Sweeny lived near the present residence of his son. Joseph Hillier lived in part of the factory building, and there were a number of tenements in that vicinity. Doctor James Williams, a Baptist minister, resided on the west bank of the creek below the bridge. He was also interested in various business en- terprises in addition to his professional and clerical duties. About this time an effort was made by Doctor S. Bates and others to give to the town the name of Pekin. Although it is so referred to in several legal notices, the name never acquired popular significance. Industries. — The industries of the town and surrounding country have been an important factor in its growth and prosperity. The mills for grind- ing flour and sawing himber were among the earliest in the county. "Will- iam Cooper's grist mill was the first on Sugar creek, and was built early in the present century. It was situated on the east side of the creek just above the bridge, where a depression in the surface indicates the course of the mill race. This was originally a small one-story building equipped with very primitive and meager apparatus, for which improved machinery was afterward substituted. After Mr. Cooper's death his widow, Mrs. Rachel Cooper, assumed charge of the property, performing the work about the mill herself until relieved by her son-in-law, Robert Mason, who had charge of the business many years. The Fetterman mill, two miles above Cooperstown, was built by John Fetterman. It was subsequently owned by Jacob Geist, Arnold Plumer, and Doctor Robert Crawford, and still later by Samuel McAlevy, afterward sheriff of Venango county. Rich, Booth & Hillier built a grist mill at Cooperstown in 1846-47, which is still in operation. At the lower bridge, a mile and a half from Cooperstown — Robison built a mill which was owned for a time by David W. S. Cook. John McKinzie built a mill on the Lake branch early in the forties, and operated it until about seven years since, when it was destroyed by fire. A saw mill on the same stream was owned and operated by Alex- ander Wilson, and performed valuable service in clearing the timber of that region. Mr. Wilson also had a store and postoffice; the latter was known as Wilson' s Mills but has been discontinued at this point. There were two distilleries in the vicinity of Cooj^erstown at an early date. That of James and Alexander Gordon was on the farm of Doctor Robert Crawford. A similar establishment, also above Cooperstown in the valley of the creek, was operated by William Mcintosh. 694 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. The tannery of James Cook was situated near the creek below the bridge. It was equipped with vats and a bark mill, and ranked with the most com- plete establishments of its kind in the county. A large business was trans- acted here. At the time when timber was practically of no commercial value, and the usual method of disposing of it was to roll the logs together in great heaps and burn them, the manufacture of saleratus, alkali, and potash from the ashes thus produced in such abundance was a ])rotit,able industry. There were two asheries in operation in Jackson township. That at Cooperstown was built by Rushmore Brothers, but passed into the hands of James Cooper shortly afterward. The other was situated a mile and a quarter up the Lake branch, and was established by one Gilman. The Cooperstown woolen mills were the first of any magnitude estab- lished in this county. The original projector was John Rich, of Chatham's run near Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, where he also owned and operated a woolen mill. In 1834 he visited this locality, secured the location for a mill site, and arranged for the erection of a factory building. In the following year the mill was placed in operation by Joseph Hillier. The business has been successively conducted by Rich, Booth & Hillier, Booth & Hillier, and S. B. Hillier. The plant consists of a frame build- ing sixty feet long and two stories high equipped with all the necessary appliances of a full one- set mill. The ledgers of fifty years ago are still preserved, and reveal many curious incidents. There is an account with Hamilton McClintock and others on Oil creek, extending through a series of years, and showing large purchases of oil at prices ranging from fifty cents to one dollar a gallon. The iron industry attained considerable proportions about the year 1850. There were four furnaces in operation within a radius of four miles of Cooperstown: Liberty, Texas, Union, and Valley, the latter, however, in Sugar Creek township. Texas furnace was built and operated by James Porter from Indiana county. McCalmont & Bush were lessees for a time. It had a capacity of ten or fifteen tons per day. Motive power for the blast was derived from Sugar creek; ore was received at different banks in the neighborhood, and charcoal was obtained without difficulty from the surrounding forests. Liberty furnace, four miles west of Cooperstown on Trout run, was built by Reynolds, Lowrie & Company, and Union furnace, a mile above that borough on the east side of Sugar creek, by Greist & Williams, who afterward sold the plant to Hughes & Benn, the last pro- prietors. There was also a foundry at Cooperstown where stoves, plow irons, etc. , were made. Kraemer & Company were proprietors. The Roll carding mill was built in 1849 by James Kingsley and operated more than forty years by himself and his family. The buildings and fran- chise have been acquired by A. P. Miles, who has established a planing mill. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. 095 This, with J. G. Wagner's flour mill and the \vo(^len mill referred ti), con- stitute the only industries of importance in the borough. A creamiM-y was built by a local company in 1888 but burned in August of the following year, and has not been rebviilt. Oil Developments. — On the ()th of September, 1860, in removing a frag- ment of steel from their well in Cooperstown, Messrs. Booth & Hillier struck oil at a depth of two hundred and eighty feet. This was the lirst discovery in that part of the county. A light production has been obtained several miles to the north. Secret and Other Societies. — A nunaber of organizations of this charac- ter are sustained. Cooperstown Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, organized March 80, 1874, with thirty members, was the first in Venango county. The first officers were T. S. Strohecker, M. ; Edward Samuel, O. ; AV. H. Shaw, L. ; Thomas Rodgers, S.; J. G. Bradley, A. S., and W. S. Strohecker. Company E., Sixteenth Regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania, known under the local name of Cooperstown Guards, was organized October 1, 1872, with James S. Gates, captain; R. E. VanNaten, first lieutenant; Dan- iel Jones, second lieutenant, and a full complement of men. Captain Gates resigned in August, 1878, and was succeeded by R. E. Van Naten, but in 1880 he resumed his former position, retiring in May, 1885, in favor of Leonard L. Ray, present captain. Cooperstown Lodge, No. 130, A. O. U. W., was instituted March 1, 1878. The first officers were R. S. Haslet, P. M. W. ; F. M. Allison, M. W. ; L. L. Ray, G. F. ; Thomas Minium, O. ; Thomas L. Shirley, R., and Charles Keas, receiver. Venus Union, No. 495, E. A. U., was organized October 26, 1882, with J. M. Dille, chancellor; Nelson Wilcox, advocate; J. A. Wood, president; Mrs. N. Wilcox, secretary; L. W. Ranney, accountant, and Washington Karns, treasurer. Albert H. Jackson Post, No. 29!), G. A. R. , was mustered in January 9, 1883, with the following comrades as members: T. S. Strohecker, A.M. Beaty, A. Frazier, H. W. Hoffman, R. Blanchard, W. H. Slonaker, G. N. Crodle, John Gurney, Daniel Jones, J. S. Gates, Nicholas Ribb, J. B. Galbraith, Jonathan Wygant, R. I. McClellan, David Ray, Joseph Mason, R. W. Da- vison, W. G. Hale, George Boughman. L. Shields, John Jackson, R. B. Rodgers, J. F. Davison, James Mitchell, H. A. Rifenberg. James K. Hays, L. E. McFadden, John Wygant, George Ghearing, J. Boals, Jr. , J. D. Sny- der, A. W. Robertson, S. S. Stearns, P. Hindman, S. D. Hasson, I^ Sam- uel, H. M. Adams, David Greenwalt, E. K. Bortz, C. H. Moore. D. S. Sutton, William McElbaney, J. Foster, Thompson Beatty, Justice Smith, W. A. McKay, R. E. Van Naten, and G. W. Grove. Hope Lodge, No. 532, K. & L. of H., was instituted December 1, 1883. R. E. Van Naten, W. H. Slonaker, W. J. Bradley, C. W. Karns, C. W. 696 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Ranney, Joseph Monnin, and J. W. Gurney were among its first members. Cooperstown Lodge, No. 956, I. O. 0. F., was instituted April 8, 1887, with R. E. Van Naten, N. G. ; H. W. Hoffman, V. G. ; C. W. Karns, secretary; R. D. Reynolds, assistant secretary, and A. P. Williams, treas- urer. Municipal Government. — Cooperstown was incorporated as a borouo-h November 25, 1858. The petition was filed on the 23d of August, approved by the grand jury on the following day, confirmed nisi on the 27th of that month, and absolutely on the 25th of November. The first election of offi- cers occurred on the third Friday of March, 1859, and resulted in the choice of J. P. Byers as burgess, and L. W. Ranney, Robert Crawford, Thomas Kelley, N. Wood, and R. A. Bower, members of council. The following is a roster of borough officers to date: 1860. — Burgess, Samuel Carpenter; council: L. W. Ranney, W. A. Holby, W. A. Hale, W. J. Bradley, and Jacob Wood. 1861. — Burgess, L. W. Ranney; council: W. A. Holby, W. A. Hale, J. M. Dille, Samuel Bradley, and R. T. Bradley. 1862. — Burgess, T>. W. McLane; council: Samuel Carpenter, Joseph Hillier, J. M. Dille, D. B. Glenn, and W. J. Booth. 1863. — Burgess, W. A. Holby; council: Samuel Bradley, Philip Kerns, Lewis Lamberton, R. W. Jackson, and J. A. Wood. 1864. — Burgess, Edward Sweeny; council: Robert Crawford, L. W. Ranney, J. P. Byers, R. Beatty, and Peter Bower. 1865. — Burgess, Lewis Lamberton; council: O. D. Waterman, John Doyle, Jacob Harvey, W. J. Bradley, and Thomas Minium. 1866. — Burgess, Jacob Wood; council: James Kingsley, Joseph McCal- mont, Philson Cooper, T. H. Kelley, and Robert Bradley. 1867.— Burgess, R. A. Custello; council: L. L. Proper, D. Ray, L. M- Hanna, J. Galbraith, and Joseph Beachdel. 1868. — Burgess, William McCauley; council: Philip Karns, Robert Gregg, Jacob Harvey, A. G. Wilkins, and R. Beatty. 1869. — Burgess, Thomas Minium; council: James Kingsley, G. N. Cro- dle, Jacob AVood, R. Beatty, and Edward Sweeny. 1870.— Burgess, J. R. Crawford; council: J. W. Byers, G. W. Dille, S. B. Hillier, R. E. VanNaten, and K. D. Reynolds. 1871. — Burgess, N. W. Robertson; council: W. J. Bradley, L. W. Ranney, William Crider, W. T. Stevenson, and D. B. Glenn. 1872. — Burgess, A. W. Robertson; council: W. J. Byers, J. H. Wilson, Joseph Monnin, J. K. Crawford, and W. T. Stevenson. 1873. — Burgess, W. A. Crawford; council: J. H. Wilson, Joseph Mon- nin, J. H. Crawford, A. W. Robertson, and J. P. Byers. 1874 — Burgess, R. E. VanNaten; council: Thomas Minium, R. D. Reynolds, W. J. Byers, G. N. Crodle, D. Jones, and S. B. Hillier. JACKSON TOWNSHir. 607 1875. — Burgess, R. E. VanNaten; council: G. N. Crodle, D. Jonos, Thomas Miuiuui, VV. J. Byers, J. S. Gates, and S. B. Hillier. 1876. — Burgess, S. B. Hillier; council: L. P. Proper, James Galliraitli, Edwin Sweeny, James Rodgers, R. Blanchard, and Peter Bower. 1877.— Burgess, S. B. Hillier; council: J. S. Gates, J. W. Byers, T. S. Minium, G. W. Dille, W. S. Slonaker, and R. E. VanNaten. 1878. — Burgess, S. B. Hillier; council: T. S. Minium, J. S. Gates, William McCauley, J. AV. Byers, N. AVilcox, and Jacob Wood. 1879.— Burgess, T. S. Minium; council: J. W. Byers, W. A. Holl)y, G. W. Dille, R. D. Reynolds, L. L. Ray, and J. G. Wagner. 1880. — Burgess, M. B. Ray; council: R. Blanchard, William McCauley, G. N. Crodle, A. P. Williams, J. P. Byers, and W. J. Bradley. 1881.— Burgess, T. S. Minium; council: J. W. Byers, G. W. Dille, S. B. Hillier, H. I. Hanna, C. C. Hillier, Homer Crawford, (and Samuel Whit- man, vice Crawford, resigned.) 1882.— Burgess, M. B. Ray; council: T. S. Minium, C. C. Hillier, G. W. Dille, W. J. Byers, H. I. Hanna, and Samuel Whitman. 1883.— Bm-gess, M. B. Ray; council: J. G. Wagner, W. J. Bradley, S. S. Adrian, W. A. Crawford, J. A. Wood, and G. N. Crodle. 1884.— Burgess, T. S. Minium; council: A. P. Williams and J. G. Wag- ner, elected for three years; W. J. Bradley and J. N. Wood, for two years; R. E. VanNaten and T. M. McClimans, for one year. 1885. — Burgess, Samuel Whitman; council: Samuel Adrian and Jacob Harvey. 1886. — Burgess, J. S. Gates; council: J. P. 'Byers and G. W. Dille. 1887. — Burgess, James Minium; council: William Bower and G. N. Crodle. 1888.— Burgess, J. D. McGaffic; council: A. P. Miles, R. Blanchard, and J. G. Karns. 1889.— Burgess, R. E. VanNaten; council: G. W. Dille and W. J. Wright. The Population of the borough was two hundred and sixty-four in 1870 and two hundred and ninety seven in 1880. SCHOOLS. The report of the state superintendent of public instruction for 1877 states that Ithiel Dodd was one of the first teachers in this section of the county. He was a good musician and conducted several singing schools. He was the father of Levi Dodd, an elder in the Franklin Presbyterian church more than fifty years, and grandfather of S. C. T. Dodd, general counsel for the Standard Oil Trust at New York. Among his successors were Eliza Hamilton, Thomas Benn, Edmtmd Warner, Misses Patton, Mc- Alevy, and Keys, and William Myers. The Fetterman school house was 698 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. undoubtedly one of the earliest in the valley of Sugar creek. It was attended by families living beyond the present limits of Jackson township. The Cooperstowu Academy, established by S. S. Briggs' and under the control of a local board of directors, was an institution of high character, and for a time enjoyed a prosperous career. The ))uilding was afterward used for jDublic school purposes. CHURCHES. Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church is one of the oldest denominational organizations in western Pennsylvania. Doctor Eaton states in his History of the Presbytery of Erie that it was formed in 1813 or 1814. Among the original members were Robert Beatty, John McFadden, John Wilson, John Foster, and John Rodgers, of whom, in all probability, Wilson and Foster were elders. The earliest records extant begin with the year 1840, when the elders were John McCurdy, John Foster, and Joseph Bowman. There were twenty-five members, many having withdrawn on account of the divis- ion of the Presbytery of Erie. The first election after that event was held in March, 184'2, and resulted in the choice of Joseph A. Gilliland and John Boal, elders; Alexander McKinzie and James Cooper, deacons. Reverend Ira Condit, ordained November 8, 1814, served this church as pastor in connection with Fairfield until December 28, 1825. Reverend Thomas An- derson, ordained September 11), 1826, was pastor until 1837. He resided near this church and rode seven miles to Franklin and twenty to Concord, the other places in his charge. Reverend Cyrus Dickson, installed June 24, 1840, was released January 1. 1846; Reverend James Coulter, installed in September, 1848, was released January 16, 1850; Reverend Robert Glenn, installed June 18, 1850, was released by death, Sej^tember 6, 1857; Rev- erend J. D. Howey, installed September 21, 1859, was released April 26, 1865. After this Reverends Lamb, Patton, Reeves, and Stewart successively served as stated supply; the latter became pastor and was followed by Rev- erend J. R. Robertson. Reverend S. L. Irvine has been supply during the past year. Four acres of ground were appropriated by Robert Beatty for church and burial purposes, and upon this a place of worship was provided within a few years after the organization, or perhaps before, 1810 having been assigned by reputable authority as the date. At all events a log building was erected at the upper end of the burying ground. Its interior arrange- ments were characterized by a stern simplicity indicative of a community not burdened with wealth, individually or collectively. There were slab benches ingeniously supported by chunks of wood or split legs that pro- truded above, adding nothing to the comfort of the individual who might be compelled to sit in immediate proximity. The pulpit harmonized with its general surroundings. On warm summer days the congregation ad- %- lanted by an enterprising gentleman named Waite, not far from the pres- ent home of Alexander Witherup's heirs. An orchard of the morns alba, planted by Mr. Waite, was an object of interest to the citizens for several years, but the owner failed to realize the success lie deserved. John Welton Post, No. 4G0, G. A. R., of Kennerdell, was mustered in September, 1884, with nineteen members, of whom the following were the principal officers: Edward Heath, commander; Porter Phipps, S. V. P. ; ■■ Lyons, J. V. P. ; "William Ashton, adjutant; C. R. Coulter. Q. M. Janestoioi was so named by William Cross, in honor of his wife, Jane Weakley, daughter of Robert Weakley, of Butler county. William Cross was one of the enterprising men of the county, and during the prosperous period of the iron industry, one of its wealthy citizens. He removed from Center- ville, Butler county, to Franklin in 18B1, and within the next twenty years placed six furnaces in operation in this county, two of which were in this township. He came to Clintonville in 1835. This region was then heavily timbered; there were deposits of ore accessible at comparatively slight expense, while the water power of Scriibgrass creek was scarcely utilized at all. The mill built by Craft Ghost, on its west branch, was still in opera- tion, and this, with several hundred acres of land, was purchased by Mr. Cross. He built a frame mill, with two sets of buhrs, a mile west of Clinton- ville, where the Mercer road crosses Scrubgrass creek, in 1837. A race was built to the dam at Ghost's mill, a mile and a half distant. It was a marvel of engineering skill; the region through which it passed is wild and rocky, and in many places the channel was constructed at "great labor and expense. When completed it provided a fall of fifty feet, sufficient to furnish motive power for a grist mill, saw mill, foundry, carding mill, and blast furnace. The foundry was on the north side of the road. Here hollow- ware, plows, potash kettles, stoves, etc., were made, and sold in the surrounding country. In 1840 a carding mill was built, farther down the creek. There were two carding machines, and here wool was prepared for domestic manufacture. A little la^er a tannery was built on the east side of the creek; there were also a furniture factory, blacksmith and tailor shops. Patrick Thornbury and William Baird were in charge of the foundry; James and Andrew Russell were cabinet makers; Isaac Miles was the tanner; William Atwell, the blacksmith; and George Jack, the tailor; James Weakley had charge of the carding mill. The construction of Jane furnace was begun in 1840. It was built of stone; the cujiola was thirty-five feet high with a bosh diameter of seven feet. It was first put in blast November 7, 1842. Like all furnaces of that day, the cold blast was in use and charcoal was used as fuel. Charcoal burning thereupon became an imi:)ortant industry. Wood choppers received from forty to fifty cents per cord, and colliers from two dollars and a half 40 720 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. to two dollars and seventy-five cents per hundred bushels, after deductino- the cost of the wood. The metal was hauled to the mouth of Scrubgrass at a cost of one dollar and a half to two dollars per ton, and shipped to Pittsburgh by flat boat, for which one dollar per ton was charged. The cost of ore ranged from two dollars and a half to three dollars and a quar- ter per ton. The best limestone ore was obtained at the Buchanan bank in Butler county, ten miles distant. There were about fifteen houses oc- cupied by the furnace operatives, who received from sixteen to forty dollars per month. Jane furnace blew out in 1859, but before that date the tan- nery, foundiy, etc., had successively fallen into disuse. Scarcely anything remains to mark the site of this village, once the scene of prosperous activ- ity. The course of the mill race may still be traced, and the old mill is standing, but Janestown is not even a " Deserted Village; " it has entirely disappeared. In this connection it may be proper to mention Bullion furnace, built a little earlier than that at Janestown, and aboiit equal to it in size and capa- city. AYilliam Cross, the proprietor, owned fourteen hundred acres of land in the vicinity. There was a store, and houses to accommodate thirty oper- atives. This furnace also blew out in 1859. Its location was on Bullion run, a mile and a half from the mouth of Scrubgrass. Summit City was a flourishing town during the excitement incident to early developments in the Bullion field. It was located on the farm of S. Simcox, three miles fi-om Keunerdell. The first house was built December 8, 1876, and in June of the following year there were one hundred and eighty buildings and a promiscuous population of one thousand. There were banks, hotels, stores of every description, and the usual features of an oil town during the first month of its history. As the excitement subsided the population withdrew to other points, and within a very few years the city was practically deserted. The last inhtibitant, Abram Myers, removed in April, 1889. Berringer City and Dean City, the former on the Berringer, the latter on the McCalmont farm, had a history similar to that of Summit. The former comprises a few houses and maintains a grocery store; the latter has entirely disappeared. SCHOOLS. The first school house, a log building, stood on the farm of John Witherup, and John McClaran was the first teacher. Among other early school houses was a frame building on the farm of Craft Ghost, known as Christy's school, which was not finally demolished until 1888. John and James Kimes, Eliza Phipps (afterward Mrs. A. G. Egbert), and Lavinia Hackett taught here. Doctor E. H. Geibner of Sandy Lake, George A. Allen of Erie, Frank W. Adams, J. D. Chadwick of Franklin, Belle Cross, a Qiiaker gentleman named Kay, and others taught here and in the school CLINTON TOWNSHIP. 721 house afterward erected on the farm of David Phii)ps in the same district. On the farm of Richard Surrona, now the bind of Sylvester Baker, there was a school house fairly well built for that time, which was accidentally burned one night after spelling school. Chauncey Hamilton and Miss Rebecca Devoe taught here between the years 1821 and ]H27). The Riddle school was on the main road to Emlenton at the cross-roads near the ceme- tery. It was taught by Jane Riggs, Ann Leason, Joseph Eakin, Matthew Riddle, James Riddle, and others. A commodious building for school and church purposes was erected immediately after the furnace was built by John Anderson, at Scrubgrass, as early perhaps as 1824 or '25. Excellent teachers were employed for this pioneer school. Miss Rebecca Devoe (after- ward Mrs. Eli Phipps), Mr. McGoldrick, Calvin Waite, Reverend David Law, Alexander F. Stevenson, Elizabeth AVhaun (afterward Mrs. Joseph Phi})ps), Ann Kilpatrick (afterward Mrs. John Pollock), Mr. Hayden, and others, whose influences for good still permeate the hearts and lives of those upon whom they were thus impressed. There was also an early school house on the land of S. Simcox, known as the Foster school: and another a mile from the Butler line, known as the Scott school. In 1856 the township was redistricted and the buildings previously in use were abandoned. The number of districts has increased from six at that time to ten at present. Local educational work received an impetus in 1855, in the erection of Jane's Union Academy at Cliuton- ville, by Mr. and Mrs. William Cross. McLain Cross, W. H. H, Kennedy, Thomas Seaton, George A. Allen, E. Pollock, J. ^R. Donnelly, Frank W. Adams, Mrs. A. G. Egbert, and William Cross, were among those who taught here. This building occupied the site of the borough school building. CHURCHES. The building erected at the Anderson furnace was one of the earliest places of religious worship in the township. Episcopalian service was con- ducted by Reverend Hilton, a worthy clergyman who came from Butler at stated intervals to minister to the spiritual wants of the villagers and residents near. When David Phipps purchased the furnace in 1835, the Cumberland Presbyterian doctrine was dispensed by Reverends Joseph Gardner, David Law, and Carl Moore, and by Jacob Wall in later years. Reverend Cyrus Riggs, Presbyterian; Reverend Pollock, Seceder; occasion- ally a Methodist brother, and once a Mormon, were permitted to occupy that sacred pulpit. The Methodist Church of Clintonville was organized in 1828. One ac- count states that James Hughes was the tirst class leader, while another gives that honor to Jacob Hovis. The first church edifice was erected in 1828, and the present place of worship in 1852. C. W. Ghost, S. B. Hoffman, W. J. Hovis, R. Vanderlin, J. T. Hovis, C. W. Hovis, and J. B. 722 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. McMillan, are the present trustees. The following pastors have been ap- pointed to Clintouville circuit since its organization: 1841, S. Leach; 1842, I. Mershon, A. M. Reed; 1843, A. L. Miller, J. K. Coxson; 1844, S. W. Ingraham, J. Van Horn; 1845, J. Van Horn, I. Hildebrand; 1846, G. F. Reeser, D. King; 1847, G. F. Reeser, W. M. McCormick; 1848, E. Hull, H. M. Chamberlain; 1849, S. Baird, E. Hull; 1850, J. Wrigglesworth, J. Stocking; 1851, D. M. Stever, J. S. Lytle; 1852, J. G. Thompson; 1854, J. Howe; 1856, H. Luce; 1857, J. McComb, S. S. Nye; 1858, J. Mc- Comb; 1859, C. W. Bear; 1860, W. R. Johnson, C. W. Bear; 1861, R. B. Boyd, S. K. Paden; 1862, R. B. Boyd; 1864, G. Moore, S. Hubbard; 1865-66, A. H. Domer; 1867, C. Wilson; 1868, D. W. Wampler; 1869-70, J. W. Groves; 1871-72, E. Bennett; 1873-74, C. Peters; 1875-77, J. L. Strattan; 1878-80, J. Lusher; 1881-82, A. O. Stone; 1883-85, W. Bran- field; 1886-88, J. A. Hume. TJie Presbyterian Church of Clintouville is one of a number of organiza- tions formed within the original bounds of Scrubgrass church. October 6, 1840, a petition was presented to Butler Presbytery for the organization of a church at Clintouville. After various delays Reverends Robert B. Walker and John R. Agnew were appointed to this service and directed to meet at Clintouville on the second Tuesday of February, 1841. Although there is no record of the committee's report this was doubtless the date of organiza- tion. There were about twelve members, of whom Thomas McKee, Sr. , and William Christy were elders. The present session is constituted as follows: Thomas McKee, D. C. McKee, A. F. Hollister, Porter Phipps, John Kimes, and James Scott. James Baird, Robert Cross, Joseph Cummings, John Kilpatrick, and R. J. Phipps have also served as elders. Music was always esteemed an important part of the sacred service in this old church; accordingly William Christy and William P. McKee were selected as most capable to lead the congregation in singing, the former pos- sessing a remarkably fine bass voice, and the latter well able to sustain his part in either soprano or tenor as the melody required. Standing in front of the tall pulpit, giving emphasis with an up and down beat of their riding whip or a rod cut from one of the forest trees then standing near the church, they led the people triumphantly to "Jordan's stormy banks," "o'er Pis- gahs lofty heights," until some solemn occasion demanded "Hark! from the tombs. ' ' The pastoral succession is as follows: John Moore, 1847-49; John V. Miller, 1851-59; James Coulter, 1861-64; T. B. Van Eman, 1868-73; John P. Barbor, 1874-79; Samuel M. Glenn, 1880-85; and William M. Hays, in- stalled July 27, 1886. The Sunday school was organized in 1844 and Will- iam S. Russell was the first superintendent. The first church building, erected in 1842, is still standing on Mercer street. The present place of worship, a frame structure, occupies an elevated location above Emlenton street. OIL CKEEK TOWNSHIP. 723 The United Presbyterian Church of Clintonville was organized in No- vember, 1851, as an Associate Presbyterian clmrch, by Reverend G. C. Vincent, D. D., under direction of Butler Presbytery with thirty-two mem- bers, of whom James McKinley and Thomas Baird were elected elders. An acre of ground was given for church purposes by William Cross in 1851, and in the summer of that year a frame church building was erected thereon at a cost of one thousand one hundred dollars. The present edifice was dedicated in June, 1882, by Reverend John Dick, D. D. It is a frame building two stories in height and cost six thousand dollars. Supplies were sent from presbytery until 1854, when Reverend W. A. Black was installed as pastor. Reverend David Forsythe was pastor from 1859 to 1863; J. C. McElree, 1868-84; A. B. Dickey was installed in June, 1888. John Mc- Kinley, Rhesa Byers, Leander Adams, and Robert Atwell compose the pres- ent session. Charles Riddle was the first Sunday school superintendent. The Church of God, on the Franklin and Butler road, was built in 1879 and organized in that year, largely through the efforts of J. B. Henderson. The first pastor was Reverend Shadrach Woods, and the present incumbent is A. L. Brvnes. J. B. Henderson is elder and R. F. Hoffman deacon. CHAPTER XLIIL OIL CREEK TOWNSHIP. Organization— Pioneers— Early Mills— Pleasantville— Settlement- Growth— Banking Institutions— Secret and Other Societies- Municipal Organization— SiiAMBURG— CiiURcnES— Schools- Pleasantville Cemetery. THE territory comprised in Oil Creek township was intended by the com- mission that subdivided the county in 1806 to have formed East Branch, but no township of that name has yet materialized. The first movement in the direction of separate organization for this territory was made at August sessions, 1859, when a petition from citizens of the northern part of Cornplanter and western part of Allegheny was presented for the consideration of the court. Samuel M. Irwin, William Stewart, and R. H. McFate, to whom the matter was referred, reported favorably, and on the 10th of January, 1860, the question was submitted to a vote of the citizens of Allegheny township. Two hundred and sixteen votes were cast at this election, and there was a majority or fifty- six against the proposed innova- 724 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. tion. In January, 1866, the matter again became a subject of judicial con- sideration. S. Thomas, Samuel F. Dale, and T. H. Martin were appointed viewers, and reported in favor of the division of Allegheny by a line "Be- ginning at the southeast corner of lot No. 124, thence by line dividing said lot from No. 163 north by the original lines of the tracts and by the east line of the borough of Pleasantville to the Warren county line," which was conlirmed nisi August 30, 1866. There is no record of the final proceedings in this case, but the formal erection of Oil Creek probably occurred at the following term of court. By the next census (1870) the population was five thousand and ninety-eight; in 1880, five hundred and twenty-six. PIONEERS. It is probable that the Flemings were the first permanent settlers. In 1795 Andrew and Daniel Fleming made a visit to this section of the country from their home near Redstone Old Fort, Fayette county. They were the sons of a native Englishman, who emigrated to America before the Revolu- tion and served diiring that struggle as a commissary in the Continental army. He was among the first settlers of Fayette county, where he died, leaving a family of grown sons. The two mentioned returned to this local- ity in 1796. Andrew secured four hundred acres, embracing the Jones farm near Miller Farm station. He came here a young man and married Ann Mc- Clintock, sister to Francis and Hamilton McClintock. They reared three sons and three daughters; one of the sons is now living at Brocton, New York. Daniel married Nancy Harding, of Harrisville, Butler county. He died in Forest county. In 1798 Mrs. Sarah Fleming followed her two sons to this locality, bringing their four brothers, Samuel, James, Ezekiel, and Edward. Samuel bought the claim of Jacob Richards, six miles south of Titusville on the hill east of Oil creek. Richards had cleared several acres here and planted a small orchard. He then removed to Gallipolis, Ohio. Samuel Fleming married Jane, daughter of Hamilton McClintock, and reared eleven children. His brothers also located here, and the family is numerously represented. Samuel Gregg, a native of Ireland, removed from Centre county to the vicinity of Pioneer station in the summer of 1799. James Miller was an early settler. It was he who gave the name to Miller Farm station, once a flourishing oil town and postoffice under the designation of Meredith. James Shreve was from the same locality in Fayette county as the Flem- ings. He bought the improvements of Abraham Sowers near the Titusville and Oil City road. Before coming here he had lived for a time in Ohio, and there became a member of the Christian church. John Lytle, a native of Ireland, came to the township in 183 2 and set- tled what is known as the Mill farm on West Pithole creek. OIL CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 725 William Poor removed from Massachusetts to Crawford county, Penn- sylvania, in 1S17, and came into Oil Creek townsliii) in the following year. William Broadfoot, David Henderson, William McCaslin, and Kobert Watson, were also among the pioneers. The first road through the township led from the Hickory tlats in Forest county to Franklin; it passed a mile south of Pleasantville, crossed Oil creek at Fleming's mill, and thence continued through Cherry Tree village and Cooperstown to Franklin. The Brokenstraw road entered this county south of Enterprise and intersected the Warren and Franklin road at Rynd Farm. The principal part of its course has been abandoned. The first mill was built by Andrew Fleming; it was also the first mill on Oil creek. The machinery was principally of his own contriving. There were two runs of native stone and a water-wheel of primitive but ingenious construction. After the increase of population warranted such changes, improved appliances were imported from Pittsburgh and a saw mill added. The Holland Company's mill on Pine run (the east branch of Oil creek), was built prior to 1800, and also received patronage from this locality. John Lytle built a saw mill on West Pithole creek at an early date. A large pond furnished water power. The location of this is still distinguishable. The timbers were utilized some years ago in the construction of a barn. In common with the oil regions generally, the population of this town- ship has experienced many fluctuations. There was an exodus of the older families when the productiveness of this territory became apparent and few of them remain. Much that would be interesting in connection with the early settlement is thus iiTOCoverably lost. BOROUGH OF PLEASANTVILLE. This borough, the fourth town of the county in population and impor- tance, is situated in the extreme northeastern part of its territory, six miles from Titusville, and at an altitude of six hundred feet above the level of Oil creek at that place. Whether applied to the general appearance of the town or of the surrounding country, the name is eminently appropriate. Abraham Lovell made the first improvement on the site of the borough. His former home was nine miles from Ithaca, New York, between Seneca and Cayuga lakes. He was drafted for service during the war of 1812 and on his return visited various localities in northwestern Pennsylvania. The abundance of spring water induced him to locate here, and about the year 1820 he removed his family thither. The journey was made in a covered wagon, which was made to do service as a dwelling place until more sub- stantial shelter could be provided. Mr. Lovell's land adjoined the grave- yard on the west. He was a Presbyterian and rigidly Calvinistic in faith and practice. The family has been characterized by remarkable longevity. Aaron Benedict, from whom the place received its name and derived its 726 HISTOliY OF VENANGO COUNTY. early prosperity, was born at West Stockbridge, Massachusetts, February 17, 1779, of English parentage. Dariug the war of 1812 he was the pro- prietor of flouring mills between the villages of Cortland and Homer, in Cortland county. New York, and became quite wealthy. At the close of the war he engaged in mercantile pursuits at Fabius, Onondaga county. There he was a leading man in business and society; he built a Baptist church and was otherwise prominent in various enterprises designed to pro- mote the public good. When the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike was constructed, in 1818-19, he was the contractor for a considerable part of the work. Although his individual venture resulted profitably, he sustained heavy losses through the failure of others with whom he was associated, and was obliged to sacrifice his property to satisfy obligations thus incurred. He had formed the acquaintance of Mr. Huidekoper, of Meadville, agent for the Holland Land Company, and gained some knowledge of this section of the state during the progress of his contract; to a man of his enter- prise and capabilities it offered the opportunity to retrieve his fortunes, and in the spring of 1821 he removed thither, locating upon a tract of four hun- dred acres, embracing the site of Pleasantville. His son, Aaron, Jr., had come out the previous year and sowed a field of wheat, which furnished food for the family until other means of support could be provided. The stone house on the east side of Main street, for many years one of the most substantial and commodious in the county, was built in the summer of 1821 by Peter Vhreum, a stone mason of Meadville, for the sum of one thousand and sixty dollars. There was a fine spring at the side of the house, but like many others since the beginning of oil operations, it has disap- peared. Mr. Benedict became agent for the survey and sale of the Holland lands; he was justice of the peace many years, and held other local offices. Politically he was a Whig and afterward a Kepublican. He was the father of nineteen children, but only a few of his descendants still live in this locality. Austin Men-ick was one of the first to follow Benedict. He was also from New York state, a Baptist in faith, and a Whig in politics. He lived on Main street near the Baptist church, and gave his name to Merrick street. He seems to have been engaged in a variety of occupations. The first school in the village was taught by him; he was the first postmaster at Holland postoffice, and also farmed to some extent. Mr. Merrick was four times married. When the oil excitement began he moved to Corry. William Porter was a son-in-law of Aaron Benedict. He was a potter by trade, and while engaged at that calling at Kochester, New York, was in- duced by his future father-in-law to come to Pleasantville. The pottery was situated on the west side of Main street opposite Benedict's stone house, but was afterward removed to the other side of that street, below the opera house. The first residence of Mr. Porter was a hewed-log house on a lot now owned by Doctor John W^ilson. OIL CREEK TOWNSHIP. 727 E. 11. Beebe came in 1831. A nephew of Aaron Benedict, it was through tho inllii(MK'(> of the latter that he was induced to locate. He at -once estab- lished a tannery on State street, thus inaugurating one of the most impor- tant of the pioneer industries of the place. It was equipped with vats and a bark mill, and received a large patronage. The business was conducted successively by John Brown, William Dawson, and others, but has long been discontinued. Mr. Beebe still lives at an advanced age. John Brown was the first merchant of the place. A native Scotchman, he emigrated to America and in 1827 was engaged in business in New York city. It was from that place that he brought his first consignment of o-oods. His first residence here was a log house on State street at the cross- ing of the run, and here his store was also situated. As a business man he was remarkably successful. He also manifested a deep interest in religious matters, and was largely instrumental in building and sustaining the Cov- enanter church of Pleasantville. Mr. Brown came to Pleasantville in 1883. The growth of the town for niany years was very slow. No regular sub- division into streets and lots was ever made, but each new arrival usually bought as much land as he could, and as a result of this the place became decidedly a country village. As the location of a pottery, tannery, postoffice, and store, it gradually acquired prestige. Some time in the forties an ash- ery was established; this supplied the surrounding community with salera- tus, but with this exception there were no important additions to the num- ber of local industries. Ebenezer Sanford was one of the proprietors of the ashery. The discovery of oil resulted in an immediate expansion of general busi- ness interests and a rapid increase in population. In this vicinity the first productive well was drilled in 1865 on the Porter farm. There was at once a great demand for land, and within a short time the village was thronged with strangers seeking investments. Buildings, hotels, stores, and banks were rapidly provided to accommodate the population and business thus at- tracted. A railroad was graded from Pithole City, and with the prospect of facilities of this nature, and the advantages of healthfulness and salu- brity usually associated with an elevated location, it seemed highly probable that Pleasantville might become one of the larger towns of the oil country. This marked the culminating point, however; the railroad was abandoned, and with the discovery of new fields the transient population drifted else- where and the town gradually reverted to a condition of permanent stability. The number of inhabitants in 1870 was one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight; in 1880, eight hundred and thirty-five. Oil operations have received a new impetus within the last few years, resulting in a greater de- gree of business activity than the place has experienced since 1873. A disastrous fire occurred December 23, 1871. It originated in the New York hotel on South Main street, and destroyed buildings and merchandise 728 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. to the value of thousands of dollars. This was an indirect benelit to the town, as it resulted in the erection of the commodious brick buildings at the intersection of Main and State streets. Local manufacturing has never been extensive. J. Locke & Son estab- lished the Eagle iron and mill works in 1868 on State street; in 1870 their works were removed to Grant street, where flour and lumber mills were erected and the manufacture of oil well machinery, wagons, etc. , continued until a few years since. The wagon shop of House & Kelly, and the estab- lishments of S. H Wallace & Company and Frederick Propheter, tank builders, constitute the present industrial features. Banking Institutions. — The first bank at Pleasantville was established in 18(38 by D. H. Mitchell and Samuel Q. Brown, under the firm name of Mitchell & Brown. The former retired in 1871 in favor of Richard Irwin, and the style of the firm was changed to Brown & Irwin. The Citizens' Bank Avas organized December '21, 1872, with the election of James Connely, president; F. Merrick, cashier; and a board of directors composed of H. M. Haskell, D. W. Henderson, Otto Girmer, James Skin- ner, James Connely, M. C. Beebe, William Newkirk, A. Holeman, and Theo- dore Marlin. Business was discontinued a few years since. The Pleasantville Bank was organized in December, 1872, with Samuel Q. Brown, president; John Wilson, vice-president; Kichard Irwin, cashier, and a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Irwin was succeeded in 1879 by D. W. Henderson; otherwise the organization remains un- changed. Seneca Lodge, No. 519, I. O. O. F., was instituted May 18, 1855, with Andrew Burrows, N. G. ; John Benedict, V. G. ; D. W. Henderson, secre- tary, and B. F. Lyons, treasurer. This lodge disbanded and the charter was surrendered. A reorganization under the original name and number was effected in 1874, and a new charter issued March 2nd of that year to F. Merrick, N. G. ; Samuel Hatch, V. G. ; H. H. Locke, secretary, and E. R. Beebe, treasurer. Pleasantville Lodge, No. 501, F. & A. M., was constituted November 22, 1871, with George Sheffield, W. M. ; J. E. Haskell, S. W. ; L. L. Bene- dict, J. W. ; E. D. Dodge, secretary, and J. A. Willoughby, treasurer. The lodge has since disbanded and surrendered its charter. Eureka Council. No. 133, R. A., was organized May 3, 1880. The charter members were J. A. Johnson, A. P. Pope, W. W. Pennell, J. A. Pickett, C. W. Brigham, R. D. Stoeltzing, W. White, M. R. Williams, I. Doolittle, H. H. Noyes, J. C. Goal, David Fleming, R. Foggan, J. J. Goodman, J. McLachlan, and C. G. Kingman. Prosxterity Union, No. 389, E. A. U. — The first officers were George B. Lord, chancellor; John E. Blair, advocate; W. W. Pennell, president; L. B. Main, vice-president; Mrs. F. M. Downing, auxiliary; H. J. Hopkins, OIL CREEK TOWNSHIP. 729 treasurer, and W. D. Beebe, secretary. The date of institution was Janu- ary 3, 1882. Aaron Benedict Post, No. 429, G. A. IL, was mustered April '24, 1884. The first members were Isaac Doolittle, H. J. Hopkins, W. F. House, Cas- per Scbott, John Wallbridge, Henry Dykeiuan, L. B. Main, G. W. Smith, James Dack, L. L. Shattuck, J. M. August, W. Lyons, H. Ives, K. J. Hopkins, R. Grant, Samuel Holmes, J. H. Pennell, J. E. Sorrell, George Keyes, Aubrey Porter, Blosser Post, Harrison Bright, Thomas Anderson, Frederick Propheter, Charles E. Merritt, James T. Reed, and John Garry. Pleasantville I'ent, No. 79, K. of iM., was organized August 28, 1888. JohnMaddox, S. K. C. ; H. T. McCullough, R. K., and F. W. Kelly, F. K. , were the first officers. Municipal Organization. — The borough of Pleasantville was incorpo- rated March 22, 1850, by act of the legislature, and is, therefore second in the county in respect to priority. The act of incorporation appointed Aaron Benedict, Wilson Dawson, and M. C. Beebe commissioners to survey, define and mark the boundaries, which include within their limits nearly a square mile of territory. The following is a list of borough officers: 1850. — Burgess, William Porter; council: A. Merrick, A. Dawson, J. AV. Henderson, J. W. Parker. 1852. — Burgess, Aaron Benedict; council: D. H. Parker, Austin Merrick. 1853. — Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: William Dodge, E. R. Beebe. 1854. — Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: Austin Merrick, AVilliam House. 1857. — Burgess, John Brown; council: A. Dawson, Abrahan Lovell, Sr. 1858. — Burgess, John W. Henderson; councii^: C. House, D. W. Hen- derson. 1859. — Burgess, John Kelly; council: D. H. Parker, George Porter. 1860. — Burgess, Edward Byles; council: Samuel Hatch, D. Marvin. 1861. — Burgess, Marshall Corbin; council: D. H. Parker, George Porter. 1866. — Burgess, J. C. Benedict; council: D. W. llenderson, William Newkirk. 1867. — Burgess, J. C. Benedict; council: M. C. Benedict, J. A. Dunham. 1868.— Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: J. J. Watkins, G. S. Nettleton. 1869. — Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: D. W. Henderson, William New- kirk, Samuel Q. Brown, E. S. Nettleton. 1869 (October). — Burgess, John F. Carll; council: William Newkirk, Roger Sherman, Henry T. Dunham, Marshall Goss, Myron P. Barber. 1870. — Burgess, J. F. Carll; council: E. L. Keenan, M. C. Benedict, A. K. McMullen, J. C. Goal, Casper Schott. 1872 (March).— Burgess, H. M. Haskell; council: W. F. House, S. A. Barnes, Charles Gardner, William Newkirk, R. L. Irwin, T. A. Morrison. 1873. — Burgess, T. A. Morrison; council: A. Holeman, F. Merrick, G. E. Mapes, R. L. Irwin, S. A. Barnes, C. Schott. 730 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 1874. — Burgess, Thomas Cbattle; couDcil: Samuel Harsh, John Nichols, Henry Wege, W. F. House, A. W. Brown, L. T. Benedict. 1875. — Burgess, Thomas Chattle; council: Samuel Harsh, C. Netcher, Henry ^Vege, W. F. House, A. W. Brown, L. L. Benedict. 1876. — Burgess, Thomas Chattle; council: L. L. Benedict, W. F. House, A. W. Brown, Samuel Harsh, E. B. Seymour. 1877. — Burgess, L. L. Benedict; council: Thomas Chattle, G. K. Thayer, H. H. Noyes, J. C. Goal, John Holemau, John A. Johnson. 1878. — Burgess, Thomas Chattle; council: J. L. Connely, U. G. Mease, J. D. Holeman, H. H. Noyes, J. R. Amsdell, J. B. Skinner. 1879. — Burgess, Benjamin Corwin; council: A. W. Brown, J. Kuhl- meyer, H. Wege, J. D. Holeman, D. W. Henderson, H. H. Noyes. 1880.--Biirgess, C. T. C. Gould; council: W. E. Banks, William New- kirk, J. B. Skinner, Frederick Henn, C. Henry Newkirk, H. H. Locke. 1881.— Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: W. E. Banks, J. B. Skinner, C. Henry Newkirk, H. H. Noyes, Samuel Chestnut, Casper Schott. 1882. — Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: H. H. Noyes, R. M. Davidson, H. H. Locke, Henry Wege, Casper Schott, H. J. Hopkins. 1883. — Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: James Rooker; H. H. Locke, H. J. Hopkins, W. W. Pennell, H. Wege, R. M. Davidson. 1884. — Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: H. Wege, Benjamin Corwin, R. M. Davidson, George Howarth, John Holeman, A. Holeman. 1885. — Burgess, M. C. Beebe; council: John Holeman, James Rooker. 1886. — Burgess, Isaac Doolittle; council: R. M. Davidson, R. J. Hop- kins. 1887. — Burgess, J. R. Amsdell; council: H. Wege, Benjamin Corwin. 1888. — Burgess, W. F. House; council: John Lockwood, Casper Schott. 1889. — Burgess, W. F. House; council: H. H. Noyes, R. D. Stoeltzing. The present burgess is R. D. Stoeltzing, vice W. F. House, resigned. SHAMBUKG. A considerable number of the five thousand and ninety- eight inhabitants of Oil Creek township in 1870 lived within the irregular and undefined limits of Shamburg. It was so named in honor of George Shamburg, local svTperintendent for the Philadelphia and Cherry Run Oil Company. Oil operations at this point began in 1865. As a matter of personal convenience Mr. Shamburg applied to the department for a postoffice, and with a generosity equal to the occasion, permitted his own name as its designation. The town had a varied population and was but little different from the neighboring cities of the period. In 1880 the population had fallen to four hundred and eighty-four, and at this date the town has entirely disappeared. CHURCHES. Methodist Eijiscopal services have been held in the vicinity of Pleasant- OIL CREEK TOWNSHIP. 731 ville from a very early period iu the; history of this region. A chass was organized at the house of Samuel Gregg on Oil creek in 1804 by Reverend Andrew Hemi)hill, of which John Gregg. Hannah Gregg, and Sally Steven- son were members. The oldest records extant give unmistakable evidence of an organization at Pleasantville in 1821, at which date the preacher was Zachariah Paddock and the presiding elder Gleason Fillmore. The place of worship was a school house west of Pleasantville, popularly known as the Methodist school house in distinction from another east of the town where the Baptists worshiped. A church was built in 1846, mainly through the efforts of David Henderson and William Dawson. The present church edifice, erected by a building committee composed of William Newkirk, James L. Connely, George Zevier, J. N. Tyrrell, and S. A. Squires, was dedicated June ID, 1870, Reverend Wheeler, of Meadville, officiating. The following is a list of preachers from the year 1846, at which date Pleasant- ville circuit was formed: 1846, J. VanHorn; 1847-48, WMVIonks; 1849-50, T. J. McCreary; 1851, T. Burroughs, J. T. Boyle; 1852, J. Wrigglesworth, M. Wood; 1853, S. Hollen, F. Muse; 1854, J. Gilfillan, J. B. Hammond; 1855, J. Gilfillan; 1856, J. Gilmore, E. Hull; 1867, M. Colegrove, F. W. Smith; 1858, G. F. Reeser, A. Height; 1859, G. F. Reeser, A\'. W. War- ner; 1860, J. K. Mendenhall, J. Elliott; 1861, W. Hayes, J. F. Stocker; 1862, J. F. Stocker, N. ^Y. Jones; 1863, J. Crum, Z. W. Shadduck; 1864,' J. Crum; 1865, G. F. Reeser; 1866, H. H. Moore; 1867-68, E. A. Squier; 1869-70, R. N. Stubbs; 1871, C. M. Heard; 1872-73, A. J. Lindsay; 1874, F. A. Archibald; 1875-77, P. ^Y. Scofield; 1878-80, W. Martin; 1881, J. W. Crawford; 1882, E. J. L. Baker; 1883, I. N. Clover; 1884-85, G. C. Rhodes; 1886, H. H. Moore; 1887-89, A. Bashline. Allegheny Baptist Church. — Aaron Benedict was a zealous adherent of this church and with the promptness that characterized all his actions, he took measures for the organization of a society at the embryo village of Pleasantville. John Tennent and wife, Mrs. David Copeland, Aaron Bene- dict and wife, and Mrs. Ira B. West were the first members. Reverend Blake was the first minister, and E. M. Miles was among his early succes- sors. Reverend Samuel Miles served in this capacity from 1838 to 1842; John Hicks, from December, 1842, to July, 1848; George Spratt, from July, 1849, to August, 1853; Wilcox, from April, 1854, to February, 1856; W. B. Bingham, fi-om April, 1857, to April, 1860; Joel Green, from May, 1860, to April, 1862; Reverends Haskell, Willoughby, Davis, Hurlburt, Brasted, Trowbridge, and Pierce succeeded in the order of their names, but neither remained more than a brief period. Since Mr. Pierce' s retirement, November 7, 1875, there has been no pastor, although a nominal organiza- tion is still sustained. The church edifice, a frame structure on IMain street, was dedicated January 6, 1849. The site was given by Aaron Benedict two years previously. A school house east of the village was the place of wor- ship prior to that date. 732 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. PleasanfviUe Presbyter km Church. — The first chiTrch building erected at Pleasantville was situated upon the ground owned by the Presbyterian church and has been partially incorporated in the lecture room of that body. It was built in 1843-44, largely through the instrumentality of John Brown, and seems to have been originally intended for the use of all evangelical denominations. Reverend Hogg was the first to preach here, and Reverend John R. Slentz filled the pulpit many yeai's. The former was a preacher of the Covenanter church, the latter of the Associate Reformed. Mount Vernon Presbyterian church was organized June 5, 1860, and worshiped several miles east of Pleasantville. April 8, 1867, the name was changed to its present style, and the building mentioned became the place of worship. The present church edifice was dedicated January 8, 1870, Reverend Cyrus Dickson, D. D. , and J. Jones Smyth, officiating. Mr. Smyth served as stated supply from October, 1866, to May, 1873. Rever- end J. McLachlan was pastor from 1873 to 1882; Samuel D. Stevenson, from 1883 to 1888; and S. T. Lewis, from July, 1888, to the present time. Elders have been installed in the following order: Charles Davidson, June 5, 1860; Francis Ashton, Benjamin Corwin, October 5, 1867; E. O. Emer- son, G. W. Underwood, May 15, 1870; Samuel Harsh, August 6, 1871; Samuel Q. Brown, Thomas Chattle, and Joshua Noyes, August 1, 1875; Alfred Lamb, July 30, 1881; and R. M. Davidson was elected September 24, 1882. Jerusalem United Brethren Chwxh, a mile from Pleasantville, was or- ganized some years ago at a school house. Jonathan Selden was the first class leader. The chvirch building is a frame structure, built on land given by G. W. Spangler. Pleasant CI ille United Brethren Church. — Reverend P. Butterfield formed the organization at this place. The church edifice, erected mainly through the liberality of Reverend A. Holeman, was dedicated December 6, 1885, by Bishop J. Weaver. Reverends L. L. Hager, D. C. Starkey, N. R. Luse, Anselm Brazee, J. W. Lewis, and O. J. Gage, are among the pastors in charge of Pleasantville circuit within recent years. The first school house was built in 1823, by Aaron Benedict. It was situated on the eastern confines of Pleasantville, and was for many years the place of worship of the Baptist society. The first school was taught by AiTstin Merrick, who is represented as an accomplished penman. His immediate successors were principally ladies. The first school house in Oil Creek township was built in the woods at the head of a ravine called Plumdungeon, midway between the farms of William Poor and Samuel Fleming. The first male teacher was Hamilton Campbell, from Erie county, who taught several terms. Among his early OIL CREEK TOWNSHIP. 733 successors were George Granis ami John Sanney. There was an eai-ly school house on the plank road a mile and a half from Pleasantville. After the adoption of the public school system two schools were estaV^lished in Oil Creek — Prospect Hill, which took the place of Plumdungeon, and the school on the plank road just mentioned. Redlield, two and one-half miles from Titusville, was added after a time. During the period of the first oil excitement ten schools were sustained. The present number is six. The educational interests of Pleasantville received a great impetus in 184G from the efforts of M. C. Beebe, who arrived in that year from Fabius New York, and assumed the management of the schools. The first union school building in the county was. erected hero, in 1858. The schools were conducted by Mr. Beebe, as principal, and two assistants. A commodious brick building was erected in 1873, and has proven ample for all require- ments. In appearance and adaptiveness it compares favorably with similar structures in the larger towns of the county. The following is a list of principals since its completion: P. H. Stewart, J. T. Morton, George B. Lord, John L. Mattox, and J. W. Lackey. PLE.\S.VNTVILLE CEMETERY. Two acres of ground were given by the Holland Company to Aaron Benedict for public use as a burial ground. Although interments are no longer permitted here the inclosure is preserved from desecration and has not been regarded with the indifference unfortunately manifested at other places in the county. The first interment was that of Albert, son of Aaron and Louisa Benedict, who died February 7, lg'24, aged fifteen years, ten months, and seven days. The following is a list of the pioneers and older citizens of the community who are buried here : John Grandin, who died December 22, 1833, aged seventy-six years. John Tennent, who died March 2, 1840, aged seventy-two years. Reverend Walter Holmden, who died May 15, 1840, aged sixty years, eleven months, and six days. James Dustin, born August 26, 1767, died June 2, 1852. Ebenezer Byles, who died August 13, 1852, aged seventy-two years, one month, and nine days. Benjamin Tyrrell, who died Septeml)er 12, 1852, aged sixty-six years, ten months, and one day. William Porter, who died October 15, 1853, aged seventy-one years, five months, and thirteen days. Lyman Watkins, who died June 15, 1854, aged seventy-one years, six months, and thirteen days. * Stephen Loveless, who died January 25, 1855, in the sixty-first year of his age. John Culbertson, who died September 5, 1856, aged sixty-three years, two months, and ten days. 734 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Aaron Benedict, who died March 20, 18G0, aged eighty-one years, one month, and three days. Henry Lockwood, who died August 11, 1861, aged seventy years, live months, and nineteen days. Amos Hall, who died March 9, 1863, aged seventy-three years and four days. Abraham Lovell, who died January 13, 1865, aged seventy-nine years, seven months, and twenty- two days. Nathaniel Blaisdell, who died September 16, 1871, aged seventy-three years, one month, and sixteen days. William Znver, who died April 2, 1872, aged seventy- nine years. James Howe, who died September 12, 1875, aged seventy-two years. Austin Merrick, who died August 6, 1876, aged seventy-five years. CHAPTER XLIV. MINERAL TOWNSHIP. Okganization and Topogkaphy — Settlement— K A YMiLTON— Churches — Schools. A petition for the erection of a new township from portions of Sandy Creek and French Creek was presented to the court of quarter ses- sions January 17, 1870, and a commission composed of William Hilands, John Adams, and Samuel Royle, appointed for its consideration, reported favorably to the proposed change May 2, 1870. At an election in June the matter received popular sanction, and the township of Mineral was formally erected October 24, 1870. The first election for township ofiicers occurred on the last Tuesday of November and resulted in the choice of Isaac Perrine as justice of the peace, William Adams as assessor, and James Simcox as treasurer. Much the larger portion of the new township was taken from Sandy Creek. It adjoins Mercer county, extending from Irwin to French Creek, with Victory as the eastern boundary. Sandy creek and South Sandy with numerous smaller tributaries drain the whole of its area. Much of this territory is not adapted to farming purposes, although there are also many fine farms. By the census of 1880, the first after the formation of the township, the population was eight hundred and thirty one. SETTLEMENT. Samiiel Gildersleeve was probably the first permanent settler. He was MINERAL TOWNSHIP. 737 from New Jersey, and located where Silas Wike now lives, about 1797. He bad a family of four cLiildi*en, but none of the descendants are now living in the township. At the time of his arrival there were but a few families near the mouth of Sandy creek and French creek, while the road from Franklin to Mercer was little more than a bridle path. The panther and wolf were frequently encountered in the woods, or made their presence known by a night attack upon the domestic animals in the farm yard. The loss of cat- tle and sheep in this manner was frequently experienced. William Whann was another of the pioneers. He came here from North- umberland county with a large family, there being live sons and tive daugh- ters. He settled on South Sandy and the farm is now owned by Julius Henderson. Two sons, Francis and Kobert S. , married here and lived to be very old, ther former dying at the age of eighty-eight and the latter seventy- five. Their father, with the other members of the family, removed to New Athens, Harrison county, Ohio, before this locality had become thi(-kly set- tled. One accocint states that William Whann came to Mineral township in 1800, but the date was probably several years earlier. The Henderson family was early represented. Originally from Ireland, Allegheny county at length became their home, and in 1796 tive brothers located at Hendersonville in the adjoining township of Worth, Mercer county. One of these, Archibald, came into Mineral within a few years thereafter. He married Sarah Gates in the state of Ohio, a woman of more than ordinary education and intelligence, who w^as one of the first school teachers and is still remembered as a tine writer. Charles Henderson, another brother, was a native of Ireland and emigrated to Pennsylvania, an unmar- ried man. One of the brothers kept a hotel. The American troops from Pittsburgh en route to Lake Erie in 1812 were entertained there, and if traditional information may be credited, local customers at the house were obliged to do without their accustomed refreshments for a time in conse- quence. Charles Henderson married a Miss Simcox who was the mother of nine children, the oldest of whom, Robert, succeeded to the homestead. Other early settlers were Shadrach Simcox, Andrew Smith, Daniel Crain, and John Walker. Simcox was from the state of Maryland, and probably arrived in 1800. Smith was from Washington county and prob- ably accompanied the Whanns or arrived a little later. Crain was from New Jersey and settled where Mrs. Nancy Kilgore now lives, whence he re- moved to Wooster, Ohio. Jacob Rice planted one of the tirst orchards in the township, carrying the trees from Pittsburgh on his back. Robert Latta built the tirst mill. It was situated on Sandy creek above Raymilton, and traces of the dam are said to be visible to this day. The history of this mill is involved in mystery. One account states that Latta died from exi)osure while under the influence of liquor, and the mill was burned in a forest fire; according to another stor}^ Latta found his establish - 41 738 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ment somewhat in advance of the country and left it for a time, and during his absence the machinery was appropriated by some one else. However this may be, the mill was never operated to any extent, and its suspension or disappearance does not appear to have interfered materially with the progress of civilization in this part of the valley of Sandy creek. There were also early mills on South Sandy, built by Abel Thompson and subse- quently owned by James Griffin, and at Raymilton. The pottery of Abra- ham Sampson in the southern part of the township may also be mentioned as a local industry, though of more recent origin. RAYMILTON. This village is situated in the valley of Sandy creek on the line of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad. The name originated with its founder, A. W. Raymond, whose connection with the business of the place began in 1844. He built a grist mill, an iron furnace, a store build- ing, and various other improvements. The furnace was put in blast Feb- ruary 3, 1845, and continued in operation until some time in the next decade. The ruins are still to be seen and indicate a structure substantially constructed and ranking in size with the larger furnaces of the county. Some distance farther down the creek was Reno furnace, the property of L. T. Reno of Franklin. Maple Grove coal bank is in the near vicinity. This was originally opened by John Soper and Young Brothers in 1861-62. It was successively operated by Captain Mason, C. B. Irwin, the Maple Grove Coal Company, and S. P. McCalmont, but mining has been carried on to a very limited extent for several years past. In 1861 A. AV. Raymond bored to the depth of four hundred feet with but slight indications of oil, this being the first effort in that direction. Operations were resumed in 1870 with better success, and from that date there has been a steady increase in pro- duction. From 1873 to 1879 Raymilton was the railroad terminus of the United Pipe Lines' Butler county line, a circumstance which contributed largely to the business activity of the place during that period. The Globe Refining Company was organized in November, 1878, by S. Simcox, W. M. Glenn, Raymond Brothers, and Robert Eakin, and reorgan- ized in 1887, as the Globe Retining Company, Limited, with S. Simcox, president; J. C. Simcox, secretary and treasurer, and C. D. Gaylord, man- ao-er. After the reorganization a lubricating plant was added to the distill- ing works previously operated. The former has a capacity of one thousand barrels per month, the latter of one hundred and fifteen barrels per day. CHURCHES. Center Methodist Episcopal Church was organized October 6, 1844, with the following members: John Adams, leader; John W. Walker, Margaret Walker, Daniel Reading, Margaret Reading, David Reagle, Samuel Gild- MINERAL TOWNSHIP, 739 ersleeve, Daniel Herring, Robert Herring, Calvin Ward, Emily Ward, Reuben Ward, David Simcox, Adaline Simcox, Amanda Hill, Hiram Kim- ball, Eliza Kimball, and Eleanor Simcox, many of whom had previously been connected with Sandy Creek church. Services were held in the Adams school house until 1859, when a frame church was built and dedicated by Reverend G. B. Hawkins. Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church. — The first pastor of this church, Reverend S. J. M. Eaton, was installed February 7, 1849. He was followed successively by Reverends James Coulter, J. W. McCane, John G. Condit, M. M. Shirley, C. H. Bruce, A. AV. Verner, and E. A. Nelson. The organ- ization was effected by Reverends J. T. Smith and Cyrus Dickson, under direction of Erie Presbytery, from a membership originally connected with Amity church. The first session records bear date March 80, 1849, at which time A. W. Raymond and Robert S, Whann were elders. James Woods, Samuel Russell, and Matthew L. Whann were installed as elders June 30, 1850; W. M. Glenn, Albert Reagle, and C. H. Raymond consti- tute the present session. The church edifice was dedicated by Reverends Shirley and Kerr, and is situated upon ground given for the purpose hy Archibald Henderson. Mt. Olive Church of the Evangelical Association was organized in March, 1882, by Reverend M. L. Weaver, then of Barkeyville circuit, with twenty-seven members, of whom Emanuel Rice was first class leader. Serv- ices were held at first in the Heister school house. A frame church was built at Raymilton, in 1882, and dedicated February 18, 1883. Reverends Finecy, Vote, Bumgardner, Cramer, Miller, and Strayer have served as pastors of this church. SCHOOLS. The first school building was in the woods not far from Center Method- ist church, and the old road leading thereto is still distinguishable. It was built about 1820 or later. Rachel Jones from the state of New York was the first teacher and Elmira Woodworth, of Franklin, was the second. The building was destroyed in a forest fire, and another was built within a few years a half mile distant on the public road. The second building was erected on the Wright farm near South Sandy, An early school was taught in an abandoned dwelling on the Riggs farm, where Butler and John Elder were among the early teachers. 740 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER XLV. VICTORY TOWNSHIP. Organization— PioNEEiis— The Old Furnaces— Spuing ville— Schools- Churches. THE erection of Mineral township in 1870 naturally suggested a further division of Sandy Creek, for which a petition was presented to the court of quarter sessions, November 20, 1875. M. W. Sage, W. R. Crawford, and Thomas H. Martin, a commission to whom the matter was referred, reported in its favor January 27, 1876. June 10th following an election was held at which there were but fifteen dissenting votes in a total poll of ninety-seven. The township of Victory was formally erected September 0, 1876, and its organi- zation forthwith ordered. This is one of the smallest subdivisions of the county. Bounded on the south by Clinton and Irwin, and on the west by Mineral, it is separated from Sandy Creek by the stream of that name, and from Rockland by the Alle- gheny river. The surface is very much broken; in the northern part, about the mouth of South Sandy, there is a wide region of comparatively unin- habited country. PIONEERS. Though not so inviting as other parts of the county Victory was settled almost as early as the western frontier of Pennsylvania became a safe place of residence. Prominent among the earliest arrivals was John Dewoody. A native of the North of Ireland, he emigrated to America at the age of twenty- two, and lived for a time at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Thence he drifted westward and at Chartiers creek near Pittsburgh met and married Anis, daughter of Captain McCullough of the American army, who had raised a company in Dauphin county and after seven years in the war returned with but seven of his men, receiving for his services land scrip to the amount of four hundred acres. He gave his daughter as her dower a horse and a cow. Arriving at the valley of Sandy creek John Dewoody disposed of these animals to Samuel Patterson in settlement of his claim to a tract of four hundred acres. Patterson was a young man; he was unmarried and lived principally by hunting. He had built a cabin, which stood in the orchard on this farm and a large rock which formed the rear wall is still pointed VICTORY TOWNSHIP. 741 oat. Dowoody lived in this cabiu for a time, and then built a more preten- tious house which he kept as a hotel thirty-three years. The latter stood on the old Pittsburgh road. The date of this settlement was 1796. Sarah (Dewoody) Foi-d was born here in 1798, this being the second birth of a white child in the township. It is generally understood that the iirst birth was that of a child of Patrick Manson, afterward a pioneer of Sandy Creek township, which occurred at Dewoody' s house on his journey thither. Daniel McMillin was the next permanent settler of whom anything deti- nite is known. He was of Scotch-Irish descent and a native of one of the eastern counties of Pennsylvania. His settlement in Victory was made in 1802 upon a tract of five hundred acres, for which he paid a dollar an acre, and part of which is yet in possession of his son, Daniel McMillin. He was accompanied by his wife and two children, and all their possessions were brought upon one horse. They lived in a tent until a log cabin with claj)board roof and puncheon floor could be constructed. This stood within a few rods of Daniel McMillin' s house, and some of the foundation stones are still visible. The old pioneer lived to an advanced age, dying in Rock- land township, where he has numerous descendants. George McClelland, a native of Ireland, settled near Springville in 1803. In 1806 he removed to Franklin, where he resided until his death in 1831. He married Agnes Seaton, who survived him till 1842. Their children were Mrs. Jane Snowden, Mrs. Margaret Plumer, John, Mrs. Nancy Bredin, Mrs. Eliza Dale, George C, and Joseph. Mr. McClelland is better remembered as a pioneer of Franklin than of this township. There were a number of early settlers who remained but temporarily, and of whom but little is known. Among these was Eobert Heiner, who made an improvement on the farm now owned by Doctor A. G. Egbert, planted an orchard, and then left, presumably for more promising regions. This orchard was bearing in 1831, and at that time is said to have been one of the best in the township, though long neglected. John Lyons settled near the present residence of R. C. Shorts at an early date upon a tract of four hundred acres. John Morrison, who was for a time court crier, lived at the mouth of Sandy creek. Samuel Lindsay came into the township under agreement with Abraham Witherup that the latter should transport his family and effects from Pittsburgh, and when he had secured title to a tract of five hundred acres, receive half as payment for so doing. Lindsay was a veteran of the Revolution, and had served under Wayne. After completing his settlement he removed to the river opi:)Osite the mouth of East Sandy. Subsequently he left this locality for Meigs county, Ohio. James Major built a hotel on the Pittsburgh road at Pearl postoffice early in the century which was burned and rebuilt three times. Subsequently it was kept by Joseph Brunton. Isaac Bennett, a squatter, made some slight improve- ments on the property now in possession of William Cather. He was sue- 742 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ceeded by George McClelland, who likewise remained but a short time. In 1831 every vestige of these improvements had disappeared, having been obliterated, it is supposed, by a forest fire. At that date John Gather, from Cecil county, Maryland, later of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, where he taught school and was engaged in some capacity at different iron fur- naces, settled upon the property, and it has since remained in possession of his family. "William Shorts, from Trumbull county, Ohio, a son-in-law of John Witherup, first sherifP of Venango county, came to Victory township in 1833, and located upon what is still known as the old Shorts 'farm. In 1831 there were but three families on the Pittsburgh road — Dewoody's at Sandy creek. Major's at the opposite extremity of the township, and Gather's at Springville; and although much of the land then regarded as incapable of cultivation has since been subdued, the population is still sparse. In 1880, the year after its organization, the number of inhabitants was three hundred and seventy- seven, and has not materially increased. THE OLD FQENACES. Sandy Furnace, known at a later period of its history as Castle Rock furnace, was erected in 1835 by "William Cross and Thomas Hoge. It was successively operated by Heaton & McConnell, McKee & Harris, Jordan, Bingham & Company, C. E. Lytle & Company, J. Painter & Company, and Painter, Graff & Company, the various resident managers being "William McKee, Isaac Heaton, Jordan, "and Everhart Lytle. At first the capacity was two tons per day, but in 1848 the dam and race were enlarged and the daily production increased to three tons. Business was finally sus- pended in 1860 with a considerable amount of stock on hand. This furnace was in the extreme western part of the township. Victory Furnace was built by Andrew Boner about 1843. Archibald and Josiah Boner, Alexander Hays, and George Crawford were successively interested in the property, Crawford being the last owner. This furnace blew out in 1851. E. C. Shorts is the present owner of the j)roperty, but the stack has fallen into decay and only its ruins remain as the reminder of a once prosperous indu.stry. SPRINGVILLE. This village, known as a postoffice under the name of Balliet, comprises a hotel, store, and half a dozen houses. Sixty years ago the place consisted of a double log house with clapboard roof and weight poles built by Samuel Irvine and occupied as a hotel. At a later date Reuben Dout built a hewed- log house a story and a half high, and somewhat later still David Ruch erected the present hotel. Abraham Balliet, now of Honeywell. Missouri, ke])t the first store. The village is seven miles from Franklin and near the center of the township. VICTORY TOWNSHIP. 743 SCHOOLS. The first school was taught in a log building eret:ip(l In the joint efforts of the community near the siimmit of Sandy hill on land of Samuel Irvine. Colonel William Shorts secured the first teacher, Stewart Galloway, who " boarded 'round. ' ' Among his early successors was William Brutus Gorman, a native of Ireland who had been imprisoned in Canada for complicity in the Van Renssaellaer insurrection. Upon his release he started out for Pitts- burgh and stopped for the night, ragged and shoeless, at the house of Colonel Shorts. The latter soon discovered that he was a man of erudition and offered to secure him the district school, which he gladly accepted. He remained but one term; old residents still speak in warm terms of his ability as a teacher and disciplinarian. David Mooi-e and Ethan Stout were the next teachers of note. The second school house was built on the Lyons tract a few years later. There was also an early school house on the Mc- Millin farm and Tamar Williams was the first teacher there. At present there are three schools in the township. CHURCHES. Hebron Church of the Evangelical Association is successor to the site formerly occupied by one of the oldest Cumberland Presbyterian churches in this part of the Allegheny valley, of which an account is given in the his- tory of Scrubgrass township. Reverend George W. Brown, then of Demp- seytown circuit, held the first services in the winter of 1868, at the school house near Springville. A revival meeting was conducted, resulting in the formation of a class with nineteen members. Clark Ferry was the first leader, John C. Dewoody was exhorter, and of the original members, J. R. Dodds, Thomas Dewoody, Mrs. Elizabeth Dewoody, and Mrs. J. R. Dodds are also still in connection with the church. The frame church building on the Pittsburgh road was erected in the autumn and winter of 1870-71. The ground is occupied under lease from Richard Major and Andrew Shiner, trustees of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Reverends Grossman, W^oodhulL Myers, and Scobert were the first preachers. The pastoral suc- cession to date is as follows: J. W. Arkless and J. W. Plotts, J. J. Car- many, John Garner, John Domer, G. W. Dunlap, M. L. Weaver, G. W. Finecy, A. C. Miller, F. J. Strayer, D. M. Baumgardner, and Charles Cra- mer. M. L. Welton was the first Sunday school superintendent. Hickory Grove Church, Church of God. — The preachers of this denom- ination stationed at Barkeyville and other points frequently preached in the school houses of the township on their journeys to points across the river, and the first, or one of the first, was Reverend Jacob Domer. The organization was effected at Lyons' school house, Samuel Hovis and John Wareham be- ing the first elders. R. C. Shorts and Coulter Hoffman have since been 744 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. elected to that office. Samiiel Hovis was the first Sunday school superin- tendent. The church edifice was built in the summer of 1882. Reverend J. W. Davis is the present pastor. CHAPTER XL VI. BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. /^ EORGE POWER was the first permanent settler of Venango county \^J{~ after the country came under American rule. He was a native of Mary- land, born April 10, 1762, of Irish ancestry. From boyhood he was inured to frontier life and thus became familiar with several Indian dialects, as well as the French language. He was one of those intrepid, experienced, intelli- gent, and useful frontiersmen utilized by the United States authorities as scouts, and was always ready to undergo any hardship and confront any dangers that stood in the line of duty. He was well acquainted with the habits and traits of the Indian character, and knew how to deal with them. In 1787 he came, as commissary with the command of Captain Jonathan Hart, to assist in building Fort Franklin, and on the completion of the fort he went to Fort Washington, which stood on the site of Cincinnati, Ohio, and was the rendezvous for the army operating against the western tribes. He subsequently went to Fort Vincennes, Indiana, returning to Fort Frank- lin in 1790, where he soon after established a trading post, and here the remainder of his life was spent, principally engaged in trading and carry- ing on a general merchandising business with the Indians and first white settlers of the Allegheny valley. Mr. Power's first house was a rude log structure erected on the bank of French creek some distance below Fort Franklin, but close enough to guard against Indian depredations or surprises. This was subsequently succeeded by a substantial stone house which stood near the same site, and now occu- pied by the two-storied frame dwelling of the late Judge Trunkey. Here Mr. Power lived until the close of his eventful career, which occurred April 2, 1845. He married Margaret Bowman, December 30, 1799, who bore him a family of nine children: Thomas Bowman; Catherine Mc, who married George Brigham; Mary, who married Frederick G. Crary; Margaret, who became the wife of Rowletter Power; Eliza, who married Benjamin A. Plumer; George; James; Benjamin L., and Sarah, who married Samuel F. BIOGKAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 745 Plainer. All ar(> dead excepting James of Ashtabula county, Ohio, and Mrs. Sarah Plumer of Franklin. Tliomas, the oldest son, is claimed to have been the lirst white male born in Franklin. Mrs. Power died July 16, 1843, aged sixty-three years. Both she and husband were reared in the Episcopal faith, but afterward united with the Presbyterian church. Polit- ically Mr. Power was a ^Vhig. In 1814 he was elected coroner of Venango county, and was appointed county treasurer in 1825. He was fairly success- ful in the accumulation of property, and possessed considerable real estate at his death. Generous, kind, and hospitable, the memory of this old pio- neer is revered by his numerous descendants now living in Venango county, where he planted the first germ of a permanent settlement. Colonel Samuel Dale, for many years a prominent figure in the early political and military history of Venango and adjoining counties, came to Venango in the year 1800. He was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, July 15, 1773. An ancestor, Charles Dale, native of England, who was of the army sent by William of Orange to Ireland, in 1690, after cessation of hostilities, remained in Ireland, married, and settled in County Monaghan. His son, Samuel, left three sons: Nathaniel, Mathew, and Samuel. The last named, father of the subject of this sketch, and the first representative of the family in America, arrived in 1766. He married Ann, daughter of Samuel Futhey, of Chester county, Pennsylvania, January 17, 1769. In 1774 he selected a tract of land in Buffalo valley, Union county, and founded a home there. Threatened attacks by the Indians forced him back to Chester in 1777. In 1781 he advanced with his family in the direction of his home, as far as Dauphin county, and in 1784 resumed his residence in Union. He saw at an early day that the flame of the Revolution was slowly kindling, and the records show that he took an early and active part in the defense of colonial rights. He was deemed able in debate and wise in council. For twenty-three successive years he appears to have been in the council of the state, aiding in the establishment of the government, in framing its laws, and in the selection of its principal officers. Among the attractions at the state capital at Hari'isburg are sundry time- marked documents, in appropriate frames, ornamenting the walls of the governor's room. They are kept and guarded as -precious relics — ^as me- morial treasures — of the early days of the commonwealth, and of her worthy sons, native and adopted, whose valor and wisdom have borne such rich fruits to the state. Among these relics are the original commissions issued to the presidents and vice-presidents of the supreme executive council of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To these commissions are subscribed the names of the members of the general assembly and supreme executive coun- cil of the state. In this body was vested the appointing power, and the name of Samuel Dale, as one of that body, appears signed to each commis- sion. He died on the 7th of September, 1804, leaving a widow and nine 746 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. children, viz. : Ruth, Samuel, AVilliam, Jane, James, Ann, Mary, Elizabeth, and Margaret. Samuel, the second child and subject of this sketch, at the age of nine- teen years, was commissioned lieutenant of a militia company by Governor Thomas Mifflin, and then commenced the study of military tactics. In 1S02 he was commissioned by Governor Thomas McKean lieutenant colonel of the One Hundred and Thirty- Second regiment, and was recommissioned in 1811 by Governor Snyder. The rank of colonel does not appear in the appoint- ments of those times in Pennsylvania. He represented the counties of Venango and Mercer in the state legislature, from 1808 to 1813. On the 19th of November, 1812, while a member of the legislature at Lancaster, he married Eliza, daughter of Michael Gundaker, one of the early and success- fu:l merchants of Lancaster city. He had in contemplation a commercial life in Philadelphia, but having a mathematical mind he applied himself to the study of civil engineering, and in 18(X^ accepted the appointment from the surveyor general of the state of deputy surveyor of Venango county. He devoted himself to the survey of the county, establishing its boundaries with a view to a correct map of the county, and in establishing the bound- aries of lands of companies and of individuals in Venango and adjoining counties, continuing in this employment until 1812. He was character- ized by a conscientious faithfulness in discharge of his duties and labors, even in the smallest undertakings, so that notwithstanding the inconveni- ences and difficulties attending surveys at that early day through the unbroken forests, they were made with such care and accuracy that, in land litigations since that time, his field notes, when applicable, have been almost invariably accepted as conclusive. His knowledge, skill, and accuracy, as a civil engineer, and the high meed of praise awarded to his work as such, by professional men, appear in the chapter of this work entitled "Land Tenure." In his early years the Indians were numerous, and hostile to the settle- ment of what they deemed their hunting grounds by the white men. There was constant dread of their ravages. He therefore made the Indian char- acter a study, and being of an active frame and possessed of a high degree of energy, capacity, and courage, traits admired by the Indians, and enjoin- ing fair dealing at all times with the Indian, he gained the confidence and esteem of "the Seneca's great chief," Cornplanter, and of his warriors, to such a degree as to have been one of the principal means of reconciling the Indians of this region to the peaceable settlement and occupation of the land l)y the white man. In the war of 1812, the national government having determined to obtain the command on Lake Erie, and having ordered that vessels be built at the port of Erie, under the directions of Commodore O. H. Perry, a messenger reached Lancaster with instructions to Colonel Dale, July, 1813, to march BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 747 his regiment to Erie, to assist in protecting the vessels while crossing the bar. Within a few hours after the receipt of the message, he mounted a fleet horse, and after a long and tedious journey, was enabled to report with his regiment at Erie at the time named in the order. In January, 1814, after the burning of Buffalo, the British, with their Indian allies, were reported advancing on Erie, and he again marched to that point with his regiment. In 1818 he chose Lancaster city for his permanent home. About the year 1829, being in western Pennsylvania, in the interest of Franklin College, of which he was a trustee, he visited Franklin. Known to almost every citizen, personally or by repiitation, the early settlers gathered in from all parts of the county to grasp the hand of one whose name was as a house- hold word. December 3, 1819, he was commissioned an associate judge of the court of common pleas of Lancaster county, and filled this position up to the time of his death, September 1, 1842, fulfilling the duties of president judge during the last few years of his life. He was also honored with numerous trusts, such as president, trustee, or director of educational, monied, or benevolent institvitions, for he was an active participant in all of the public enterprises of his day. He died full of honors, and with the reputation for fidelity to every one of the many trusts, public and private, committed to his care, and with the consciousness of rectitude of purpose through life. His children were Anna M. , of Lancaster; Judge Michael G., of Edwardsville, Illinois; Samuel F., of Franklin, now deceased; Doctor William W., of Carlisle, Pennsylvania; James J., deceased, of Mechanics- burg, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth G. , widow of William M. Black, of St. Louis; Catharine C, widow of Robert Evans, of Lancaster, and Charles H. . of Franklin. Their mother died July 3, 1830. His second marriage, four years later, was with Leah, daughter of Adam Lightner, who died February 9, 1886, at the age of ninety- seven years. Colonel Dale was a Democrat in politics, and a Presbyterian in faith. — M. G. D. Samuel Futhey Dale, son of Colonel Samuel and Eliza (Gundaker) Dale, was born on the 7th of March, 1816, in the city of Lancaster, Penn- sylvania, where his boyhood was spent. In May, 1834, he came west to look after lands owned by his father in Venango and adjoining counties, and this led to his permanent settlement in Franklin. Although but little over eighteen years of age at the time of his arrival he soon identified himself with the interests of the town, and within a few years thereafter became a prominent figure in the business enterprises of the time and place. Among his early ventures was the establishment of a line of stages between Erie and Pittsburgh at a time when such an enterprise was relatively as necessary to the prosperity of the country and the convenience of the public as a railway between the same points became at a later period. He next engaged in the manufacture of pig iron at Franklin furnace and in operating a forge, and later — from 1838 until 1845 — in the manufacture of pig iron at Buchanan 748 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. furnace. lu 1S43 he became associated with the tirm of Nock, Dangertield & Company, in a rolling mill and a nail mill in what is now the Third ward of Franklin and operated them until the discovery of richer ores elsewhere and other causes rendered the manufacture of iron in Venango county un- profitable. In 1857 in connectien with the late Orris Hall of Warren, he built the flouring mills at the mouth of French creek known as the Venango mills and operated them several years. Of local enterprises of the more public character thece were few, if any, in which he did not take a prominent part. Among those in which he was the leading spirit may be mentioned the erection of the bridges over French creek at Thirteenth street, and over the Allegheny river at the foot of Eighth street after the first structures erected mainly by the state were destroyed. He took an active part in securing the completion of the Jamestown and Franklin railroad, after work upon it had ceased upon its construction as far east as Stoneboro, and to that end became a subscriber to its stock and bonds; and was one of four gentle- men, who, in 1861, in order to secure the construction of the railroad from Meadville to Franklin, became bound to pay for the right of way upon con- dition that that road should be completed l)efore the completion of the then projected road from Corry to Titusville. He was also one of the promoters and directors of the Franklin and Oil Creek turnpike, of the Venango Water Company, and of the First National Bank of Franklin. He was not merely an enterprising business man of quick perceptions and great energy, as this brief sketch sufiiciently indicates. He was a useful and exemplary citizen in all else that these words imply. He possessed strong convictions upon all subjects which are of common concern, and exemplified those convictions in his every day life — a life which was singularly free from those faults of the grosser sort which mar many otherwise strong char- acters. Of his conversation it can be safely affirmed that it was always and everywhere fit for the home circle, and this not because he was cool and de- liberate, for he was the reverse, but because the fountain whence the words came, often unbidden, was pure. A consistent member of the Presbyterian church, he entered into all of its activities with the same zeal and spirit of liberality that he displayed in business circles, and when the time came for setting his house in order he made provision in his will for relieving the wants of a greatly neglected class of its membership after he should be gone, in much the same delicate way that characterized all of his unostentatious alms-giving during life. But his charities were not circumscribed by denom- inational lines. With the provision for members of the church of his choice is blended another for others like circumstanced outside of its pale, and so long as faithful trustees shall be found to administer the fund so provided, this last act of his life will testify to coming generations of that catholic spirit and kindliness of heart which pi'ompted it. Mr. Dale was married on the 8th of October, 1840, to Eliza McClelland, BIOGRAPFIIES OF FRANKLIN. 749 daughter of George and Agnes McClelland, who Hurvives him. Their chil- dren were Agnes C. (deceased), who was intermarried with Reverend Koljert P. Gibson; Leah J., wife of Colonel L. H. Fassett, of Franklin; Samuel G. , now deceased; Eliza E., wife of Keverend E. Middloton, of Austin, Illinois; Anna M. , wife of Thomas Alexander, of Franklin, and William W., now of Denver, Colorado. He died on the 2nd of June, 1870, in the sixty- first year of his age. — C H. George McClelland, deceased, was born near the town of Ballabay, County Monaghan, Ireland, in 1780, and immigrated to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1795. There he grew to manhood and married Agnes Seaton. In 1803 he came to Venango county, locating in what is now Victory township, but within a few years removed to Franklin and conducted the United States hotel. He was a man of much energy and was actively associated with early business and political affairs. He built and operated a furnace at Sandy creek on the Pittsburgh road, one of the first in the county. He was one of the projectors of the Venango Democrat, and a leading man in local politics, serving as county commissioner from 1808 to 1812, as county treasurer, 1813-15, 1820-21, and in 1824, and as county auditor, 1819-21. In the later years of his life he engaged in the business of dealing in stock, buying throughout Venango and adjoining counties and selling in distant markets. While attending to interests of this nature in New York state, he died February 18, 1834, aged fifty-four years. His wife survived him until November 24, 1842. The following children were born to George and Agnes (Seaton) McClel- land: Jane, who became the wife of Doctor Nathaniel D. SQOwden; Mar- gax'et, who married Arnold Plumer; John, who married Eleanor Purviance of Butler, Pennsylvania, and died February 19, 1837; Nancy, who married Judge John Bredin of Butler; Harriet, deceased; Eliza, Mrs. Samuel F. Dale of Franklin; George Croghan, a sketch of whom appears in this chap- ter, and Joseph, also a resident of Franklin. Mrs. Nancy Bredin was born in 1811 in Venango county, and in 1829 was married to John Bredin. a lawyer of Butler, who then rode the district and occasionally stopped at her father' s hotel in Franklin. Two years after their marriage he was appointed president judge by Governor Porter, his steadfast friend and political asso- ciate, as was also George Bancroft, the historian, with whom he sat in four presidential nominating conventions. His death occurred in May, 1851, and that of his wife in 1882. She was the mother of a large family; the eldest of her sons became judge of the same court over which his father had pre- sided; another died a few months after enlistment in the late civil war, and Judge Ebenezer McJunkin was a son-in-law. Through the wife of George McClelland, a sister of the father of Mrs. Robert Lamberton, the Lamlier- ton, Seaton, and McClelland families were connected. Arnold Pltjmer is a conspicuous figure in the history of Venango county. 750 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. He came of that stock of people who settled New England, aud who have stamped their personality indelibly upon American civilization, being the sixth in descent from Francis Plumer who with eleven other emigrants from England founded the town of Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1635. The branch of the family to which he belonged removed to what is now Alle- gheny county, Pennsylvania, soon after the British standard was planted upon the ruins of Fort Duquesne; and thence his father, Samuel Plumer, who had married Patty Adams, of the distinguished New England family of that name, removed to the farm in Jackson township, Venango county, now owned by John Fetterman. There the subject of this sketch was born on the 6th of June, 1801. His occupations and opportunities for improvement outside the home circle, were, during his boyhood, such as were the common lot of the sons of the pioneers of western Pennsylvania. Undoubtedly the best instruction which he received, or the country afforded, was given by his mother, who had brought into her frontier home the culture of the New England of her day. Aside from this, little other training preparatory to the struggle of life was within his reach, if we except that discipline, which, coming from the poverty and privations of a new country, teaches and en- forces self-denial and self-reliance. Early in life Mr. Plumer took an active interest in politics, and soon be- came a recognized leader in the Democratic party. Four months after he had completed his twenty-second year he was elected sheriff of Venango county. On the '25th of January, 1830, Governor Wolf appointed him prothonotary and clerk of the several courts, recorder of deeds, and register of wills, which offices he held during six years. In 1836 he was elected a member of the twenty- fifth congress in the district composed of the counties of Crawford, Erie, Warren, and Venango. On the 20th of May, 1839, he was appointed by President Van Buren United States marshal for the west- ern district of Pennsylvania, in which office he served until the 6th day of May, 1841. While holding this office, viz., in October, 1840, he was elected a member of the twenty-seventh congress in the same district which he rep- resented in the twenty-fifth congress. On the 14th of December, 1847, he was again appointed United States marshal for the western district of Penn- sylvania, and served until April 3, 1848, when he resigned to accept the office of state treasurer to which he had been elected by the legislature of that year. At the close of his term of office as state treasurer, Mr. Plumer practi- cally retired from public life, and engaged more actively in private pursuits than his official duties had before permitted. He, however, continued to take as lively an interest in politics as he had taken while holding office. It was about this period that Mr. Buchanan's candidacy for the presidency took definite shape. He and Mr. Plumer were friends of more than ordi- nary mutual regard. Mr. Plumer had the highest admiration of Mr. Bu- BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 751 chanan's abilities and character, aud was, as the sequel abuudautjy proved, unselfishly devoted to his advancement. Mr. Buchanan cordially recipro- cated these sentiments. He confided in Mr. Plnmer as he confided in few others, and, especially during his absence from the country, relied upon his judgment very largely in whatever affected his political prospects. To use the language of one who had an intimate knowledge of the subject about which he wrote: " When Mr. Buchanan went to England as minister in ]853, at a meeting of his friends in this city (Philadelphia) to 'send him off",' he gave in writing that in matters of importance in reference to nomination in 1S56 Mr. Plumer was to decide if dissensions arose among the workers." During Mr. Buchanan's residence in England Mr. Plumer was called upon to attest the sincerity of his friendship for him by an act of self- sacrifice. The Know-nothing wave which swept over the country in 1854 left party supremacy in Pennsylvania trembling in the balance. Until that time it was a political maxim that " As Pennsylvania goes, so goes the Union." And the taking of a presidential candidate from a state that could not be relied upon to cast its electoral vote for him Avas a thing not to be thought of. It was therefore doubly important to Mr. Buchanan that Democratic supremacy should be re-established in Pennsylvania beyond a doubt, before the national convention should be held in 1856. These con- siderations gave to the state election in 1855 an importance second only to that of a presidential election, although but a single officer, a canal com- missioner, was to be elected. The interests of the Democratic party in the state and nation, and the purely personal interests of Mr. Buchanan alike demanded that the strongest candidate that could be named should be put forward. He must be a pronounced friend of Mr. Buchanan, and he must not only be a man of siich personal popularity as to unite his own party, but he must be of such exalted character and sjjotless life as to challenge the respect of his political adversaries. There were many Democrats in the state of considerable eminence whose friendship for Mr. Buchanan was as pronounced and sincere as was that of Mr. Plumer; there were others of greater personal popularity of that sort which comes from the possession of those so-called magnetic qualities which inspire the rank and file of a party with enthusiasm, and yet others whose character compared not unfavorably with his, but among them all there was no one who so well filled all the requirements of the occasion as he did. It was therefore decreed in the council of Mr. Buchanan's friends that he must accept the nomination for canal commissioner. To accept such nomination from a parly whose ranks had been shattered the year before by an assault which had resulted in seat- ing the candidate of the combined Whigs and Know-nothings in the guber- natorial chair was no small sacrifice on Mr. Plumer s part. The office was not one of considerable dignity; its duties were laborious and exacting, such as could not be performed by a deputy, and its emoluments were trifiing. 752 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Its possession could not add to the fame or prestige of one who had oc- cupied higher stations, and Mr. Plumer had no need of its emoluments if they had been much greater than they were, but had need in his private business of the time which would be required for the discharge of its duties. Party exigencies and the interest of Mr. Buchanan, however, required that he should make the sacritice. He accepted the nomination, made the caovass, and was elected. Pennsylvania being restored to the Democrats Mr. Buchanan's nomination and election the following year were assured. After Mr. Buchanan's election there was a general expectation and de- sire on the part of Mr. Plumer's friends throughout the state that he should be honored with a seat in the cabinet. The intimate and cordial relations which had so long existed between him and Mr. Buchanan; the confidence reposed in him by the latter; his prominence in the councils of the party; his party services, and, above all, his high character and his fit- ness for the place which was assigned to him by the consensus of his friends, that of postmaster-general, all pointed to him as one worthy of this farther honor and likely to be equally acceptable to the president-elect, and to the people. A large number of Democratic newspapers, recognizing these considerations, and reflecting public sentiment in their respective localities, recommended his appointment; and many leading Democrats who believed that Pennsylvania should be represented in the cabinet, united without his knowledge or consent in asking that the portfolio of the postoffice department be tendered to him. To the delegation that presented this request, Mr. Buchanan replied: " If I am to have a member of my cabinet from Pennsylvania there is no one more worthy than Mr. Plumer. " And the same morning that Mr. Buchanan left Wheatland for Washington a newspaper published at his home, and supposed to speak by his authority, announced that Mr. Plumer had been selected as the head of the postoffice department. At this time Mr. Plumer was in Washington, and there learning the unauthorized use that had been made of his name, called upon the president immediately after his arrival in the city, and after referring to what he had learned, peremptorily declined to be considered in connec- tion with a cabinet appointment. The condition of his health, which at that time was so far impaired as to forbid his undertaking any continuous and exacting labors, was understood to be the controlling reason of his un- willingness to take office under Mr. Buchanan. Had the environment of Mr. Plumer' s youth been such as that of his later years it is improbable that he would ever have held office or occupied so con- spicuous a place as he did in the politics of the county and commonwealth. As in ancient and in medieval times, when wars for plunder and for conquest and for the advancement of religion discouraged everything like industrial progress, the army and the church presented almost the only avenue of dis- ^.4r^- BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 755 tinction; so, in the earlier period of onr national life, when the establishment of republican institutions was the paramount thought, and later, in the poorer and more sparsely settled portions of the country, where the sterility of the soil and the ditKculties of intercommunication have been unfriendly to pri- vate enterprise, the chief attractions for men of the higher order of intellect were found in the business of government and the business of politics. But as population aud wealth increase, the competitions of the whole range of industrial activities and of the learned professions for talent of the highest order become so great that few men of character and ability are willing to turn aside from them for the honors aud emoluments of official life. And just in proportion as private pursuits become more attractive by reason of their fruits, and the prestige which success therein gives, so does the morale of politics suffer, not by comparison merely, but absolutely; and it comes to pass that methods are employed for producing results from which self-re- specting men instinctively recoil. When Mr. Plumer entered politics public discussion was the potent agency employed in political contests. The stir- ring eloquence of Clay, the keener dialectics of Calhoun, and the all but resistless logic of Webster, swayed multitudes and at the same time inspired in the minds of the people a sense of the high character of public trusts, and led them to seek men worthy to execute such trusts rather than suffer the unworthy to obtrude themselves as candidates for public favor. It was a noble ambition that led men to take part in the contests in which the giants named and others of only less stature were leaders; and Mr. Plumer was naturally attracted to the arena in which they shone so resplendently. But, with the passing away of the generation of statesmen who were in the full maturity of their great powers when he came upon the stage, there gradually came those changed circumstances which, as already pointed out, naturally result in flooding the domain of politics with a class of self-seekers whose methods are born of their necessities — necessities springing from their want of those qualifications which alone should recommend to public favor. Mr. Plumer was too modest to propose himself for office, too self-respecting to solicit votes, and utterly incapable of employing those other methods by which })ersonal solicitation has been supplemented since the modern regime has been in vogue. Moreover he had an aptitude for private affairs which, if it had been cultivated in early life, would have secured for him, under favorable circumstances, a position in financial and industrial circles more enviable than can ordinarily be attained in the public service. Hence it was that after twenty-six years of nearly continuous public service he drifted into private pursuits of varied character, such as commercial, manufacturing, mining, and banking enterprises, in all of which he was so uniformly suc- cessful during a period of twenty years that he left the largest estate which up to the time of his death had been accumulated by one man in Venango county. 42 75() HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lu person Mr. Pkimer was tall and of a majestic presence in keeping with the simple dignity of his character and deportment. The humblest people ai^proached him easily and confidently, neither high nor low, otherwise than respectfully. Although he modestly ])rotested that he was not a public speaker, he was in much demand as such, and whenever he spoke, though he practiced none of the arts of oratory as commonly understood, he was sure of an attentive audience, and always spoke impressively and forcibly; he talked earnestly and directly to the point. A communicant in the Method- ist Episcopal church, he exemplified his profession by his life and conversa- tion, which were so pure that the one might have been reflected from a mirror and the other repeated in any presence withoiit causing a blush. He was married on the 6th of February, 1827, to Margaret, daughter of the late George McClelland of Franklin, who bore him six children, viz: Elvira A. , now the widow of the late Judge Gilmore of Uniontown, Penn- sylvania; Samuel; Margaret, wife of H. W. Lamberton of AVinona, Minne- sota; Arnold A. ; Ann Eliza, wife of Reverend R. H. Austin of Philadelphia, and Henry B. He died on the 28th of April, 1869, leaving a family circle imbroken except by his own death. Upon the records of the courts of Venano-o county, which were then in session, is contained the following minute under date of Wednesday April 28, 1869: "At four o'clock, p. m., the courts on motion adjourned in respect to the memory of Hon. A. Plumer this day deceased." The next evening the citizens of Franklin assembled in the court room to do farther honor to his memory, at which meeting the late Judge Trunkey presided, assisted by the late Judge Irwin and Thomas Hoge, and a minute was adopted expressive of the estimation in which Mr. Plumer was held by his neighbors, and their sense of the loss which the community had sustained in his death. — C. H. Benjamin Adams Plumer, the second son of Samuel and Patty Plumer, was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania, September 24, 1803, his parents hav- ing settled in what is now Jackson township, prior to his birth. On the 8th of May, 1831, Mr. Plumer married Eliza, daughter of George Power, the first white settler in Franklin. The fruits of this union were eight chil- dren, four sons and four daughters. Eliza and Mary, two of the daughters, died in infancy. The eldest son, D. C. Plumer, died January 10, 1865, and the youngest, Frederick Crary Plumer, died July 28, 1878. The surviving children are M. A. Plumer, of Johnson county, Missouri; Laura, wife of the late John P. Park; George W. Plumer, of Akron, Ohio, and Patty, wife of the late James S. Austin, of Meadville, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Eliza Power Plumer died in Franklin November 17, 1850, in the forty-first year of her age. Judge Plumer died in Franklin, March 22, 1856, in the fifty- third year of his age. He held the office of county treasurer during 1836-38, and was post- master during those years. In 1843 he was appointed by Governor Porter BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN, 757 an associate judge for Venango county, re-appointed by Governor SLuuk iu 1848, and elected by the people in 1851. He served in that capacity nearly thirteen years, and up to the time of his death. Almost his entire life was passed in Franklin. He was one of her enterprising merchants, and ex- hibited great interest in all things connected with her prosperity and prog- ress. For several years he was the colonel of Venango's regiment of militia, reaching that rank through service in the several subordinate grades, and retaining his interest in military affairs to the last. In his youthful days he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal cliurch and was throuc^h- out his whole life a faithful and consistent Christian. He left to his chil- dren the legacy of an honorable career, marked by the faithful perform- ance of every duty, and he died regretted and esteemed by all who knew him.— J.. P. W. Judge Richard Irwin, up to the time of his death, was perhaps as well knovra in Venango county generally as any of its citizens. His calling in life, that of surveyor, had made him a familiar ligare in all parts of the county from the time its active settlement began. Mr. Irwin was of Penn- sylvania ancestry on both sides, his father, Samuel Irwin, being a native of the Chester valley, and his mother of Northampton county. He was born May 6, 1798, in Buffalo valley, White Deer township, Northumberland (now Union) county, about three miles northwest of Lewisburg. In May, 1802, his parents migrated to Sugar Creek (now Cherry Tree) township, Venango county, where they made a settlement and reared a large family. The children received only the elementary instruction afforded by the lim- ited educational facilities of that time and place. Richard, the eldest, had however, the advantage of a home teacher in the person of his uncle, John Irwin, who subsequently filled the office of associate judge in Venango county for thirty years, and was also deputy surveyor for six years — a gentleman well versed in the sound literature of his day, and proficient in the science of civil engineering and land surveying. Under his correct tutelage his nephew acquired the elements of a fair English education, and mastered the principles and practice of surveying. The pupil's first work in that line was to assist his uncle, in 1818, in locating and grading that portion of the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike lying between Frank- lin and Meadville. In July, 1824, he succeeded his uncle as deputy surveyor of the county, and held the office continuously for fifteen years. His first official survey was that of the Foster farm on the Allegheny river below Franklin, Sep- tember 9, 1824, and his last official survey was for Silas Watson, in same township, July 6, 1839. In the meantime he served a term as county com- missioner, from October, 1828, to October, 1881. In September, 1884, he settled in Franklin, where he thenceforth resided. In December, 1888, he was appointed by Governor Ritner an associate 758 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. judge, serving until February, 1843. In 1848 he was chosen a presidential elector on the Whig ticket, and cast his vote in the college for Taylor and Fillmore. In 1851 he was appointed by Governor Johnston a member of the board of revenue commissioners which convened at Harrisburg in Feb- ruary of that year. Judge Irwin was a stanch and active adherent of the Whig party, and he gave his voice and vote for the Republican party up to 1872, when he supported Horace Greeley for president. Up to the time when the infirmities of age retired him from active work, Judge Irwin devoted himself mainly to his regular business of surveyor, land agent, and scrivener. Land surveying was to him a congenial pursuit, and to this fact may be attributed his accuracy and proficiency in it. His field notes, carefully kept and methodically arranged, extending over a ^ space of more than fifty years, covering a large portion of our county, and reaching into the coiinties adjacent, attest the fidelity and thoroughness with which he pursued his calling. It Avas largely from his notes and drafts of survey that a map of Venango county was compiled in 1857, which in accuracy and excellence still remains the standard map of the county. 'Concerning his aptitude for his calling, as well as his remarkable memory for the details of it, we quote a paragraph written four years before bis death by one who knew him intimately: Those who know Judge Irwin, or for whom he has done business in his line, do not need to be informed of his scrupulous exactness and remarkable accuracy of detail in matters of surveying. These peculiarities are supplemented by a memory which, while it is unusually retentive of general literature and passing events, is strangely tenacious of all the dry details of work done by compass and chain. He can recall those details and perplexing minutiae as if they were passages of eloquence. He has often been heard to give from memory day and date, and even courses and distances, of surveys made more than a generation ago. This singular faculty, which in his eighty-first year he still retains, has been repeatedly put to the test in courts of law, and the result has generally been to establish his correctness and to excite surprise at so striking an evidence of devotion to all the requirements of his calling. At a meeting of the members of the bar of Venango county, held a few days after his death, at which due tribute was paid to Judge Irwin's unim- peachable integrity and moral worth, the chairman, John S. McCalmont, thus referred to his work as a surveyor: "He was an excellent survey or, often called into courts of justice to assist, by his evidence, in settling land titles. He was consulted by the old lawyers and judges, such as Shippen, Thompson, Eldred, Banks, and Pearson, in determining the correctness of surveys; and his opinions and deductions, in conflicting claims, from the 'marks on the ground' were eagerly sought." Judge Irwin died at his home in Franklin on Saturday, November 18, 1882, in his eighty-fifth year. With no special disease, he yielded to the weight of years. His mind was clear to the last, realizing his oft expressed wish that his ' ' mental faculties might be spared the last of all. ' ' BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 759 In his daily life, couversation, and practice, Judge Irwin was the soul of honor, truth, and rectitude. He was singularly pure in life and speech. At the funeral services, held in the Presbyterian church, his old friend, Doctor Eaton, in a feeling tribute declared that in all the thirty years of his friendship he "had never known Judge Irwin to utter a harsh criticism of a neighbor, or to speak a word that savored in the slightest of impurity or impiety." While Mr. Irwin talked little of the mysteries of religion, he had a profound respect for Christian practice. The corner-stones of his creed were the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount. On the 5th of March, 1834, he married Hannah White May, a lady of New England birth, daughter of lieverend Hezekiah May, then a resident of Tionesta. She died August 27, 1845, in the fortieth year of her age. She was one of the most amiable of women, and was beloved by all who knew her. She left six children, three sons and three daughters, namely: Samuel D. ; Frances Helen, wife of C. Heydrick; H. May; Margaret Jane, who married W. B. Benedict, and died April 14, 1877; Hannah Gertrude, and Richard L., who died March 13, 1878. Their father married again in February, 1855, Miss Mary A. Lamberton, of Erie, Pennsylvania, who died July 23, 1887.— if. M. I. William Moore, the first prothonotary of Venango county, was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1772, and died in Franklin, December 24, 1837. He was a son of Doctor Robert Moore, a well-known physician of Lancaster. He was reared and educated in his native city, and there read medicine. He removed to Meadville in the last decade of the eigh- teenth centviry, where he married Margaret, elde'st daughter of General Da- vid Mead, founder of Meadville. She was born in June, 1781, and died in Franklin June 19, 1829. They reared the following children: Sarah Mead, who married Jacob Mayes, and with three children resides in Franklin; George R. and William, of Kenton, Ohio, and David M. , who died in Sugar Creek township, Venango county, in 1865. William Moore was at Mead's settlement during the Indian troubles and acted as assistant surgeon to the force protecting that point. Upon the organization of Crawford county in March, 1800, he was appointed clerk and prothonotary of that county and served in that capacity until 1805, when he removed to Franklin and was appointed prothonotary and register and recorder of Venango county — the first imcumbent of those offices, which he tilled with satisfaction to the peo- ple and credit to himself for many years. The well kept records of his day bear testimony to his good, plain penmanship and careful business methods. After retiring from office he engaged in merchandising, and also worked in the different county offices from time to time, assisting inexperienced offi- cials in their duties. He was a clerk in the offices of the French Creek Canal Company at Meadville for two years. Mr. Moore was a Democrat and a warm admirer of Andrew Jackson. Though reared an Episcopalian he was not TOO HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. connected with any religious body dui'ing the later portion of his life. He accumulated considerable property in Franklin along French creek, which he disposed of ere his death. His daughter, Mrs. Mayes, and three children; four children of David M. , deceased, and his grandson, Doctor E. W. Moore, are his only descendants in Venango county. William Connely, deceased, was born at Philadelphia July 22, 1777, son of Isaac and Phcebe (Garrigues Kobinson) Connely, with whom he removed from Centre covmty to the vicinity of Titusville in 1803. In 1806 he came to Franklin and was actively identified with the early religious and social life of that town. He was a local preacher in the Methodist church and one of the first members of the organization at Franklin. His principal occupation was surveying; he was county surveyor in 1817 and in 1840-44. He also served as justice of the peace and associate judge. In politics he was a Whig. He married Elizabeth Allender of Allegheny township, who bore him the following children: William, a printer, who died in South Af- rica; Isaac, who removed to Cincinnati and there died; Finley, now a resi- dent of Forest county; Elizabeth H. , who married Judge Alexander McCal- mont; Mrs. John Evans, whose husband printed the first newspaper in the county, and Mrs. Arthur Kobison. Mrs. Connely died December 1, 1842, the judge surviving her until May 23, 1871. He is one of the best remem- bered pioneers of Venango county. John McCalmont was one of the early settlers of Venango county, whither he removed with his parents, John and Elizabeth (Conard) McCalmont, in 1803. The family located in the forest of Sugar Creek township, where Thomas and Robert McCalmont, two older brothers of our subject, had erected a log cabin the previous year. The father was a veteran of the Revolutionary war, and a sketch of him and his family will be found in the pioneer history of Sugar Creek township. His son John was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, September 8, 1788, and after coming to this county remained under the parental roof several years, assisting in clearing and tilling the homestead farm. He obtained a very fair education for those days, and was engaged for a short time in teaching one of the pioneer schools. On reaching his majority he removed to Franklin and went into the milling business, and many years afterward was engaged in manufactur- ing iron. He was one of the most active and successful business men in the county during that period, but reverses at last overtook him and swept away the accumulations of years of unflagging industry. Nevertheless he con- tinued in business life up to a few years of his death. He always took a very active interest in politics, was county commissioner in 1814, and treas- iirer of Venango county from 1816 to 1818. Mr. McCalmont was twice married, his first wife, Maria, dying without issue in 1814. On the 18th of January. 1818, he married Miss Mary H., daughter of Samuel Plumer, who bore him five children: Patty, who mar- BIOGRArfllES OF FKANKLIN. 7(11 ried Reverend A. Gr. Miller and died in Lonisiuuii in 1854; John, who died at the a'Te of twenty-seven; Samuel PIunuM'. a well-known lawyer of Frank- lin; Julia, who died in 1S02, and Marcraret, now head of a seminary near Jackson, Louisiana. The mother died September 3, 1848. Her husband survived her twenty-nine years, and died August 27, 1877. Mr. McCalmont is one of the well remembered pioneers of Franklin, where he spent the greater portion of his life. He was an open hearted, generous giver, and often cramped himself to assist his neighbor. He was kind and affectionate in his family relations, and an upright, honorable citizen. Samuel Plumer jNIcCalmont, one of the oldest lawyers of the Venango bar, was born in Sugar Creek township, Venango county, Pennsylvania, September 12. 1823. He is a son of John and Mary (Plumer) McCalmont, and grandson of John and Elizabeth (Conard) McCalmont, pioneers of Sugar Creek. His mother was a daughter of Samuel Plumer, and sister of the late Arnold Plumer of Franklin. His boyhood days were passed in the hardy and laborious occupation of pioneer farming, and his educational advantages consisted of what the early-day subscription schools afforded, afterward supplemented by a few months at college. He then entered the law office of his uncle, Judge Alexander McCalmont, and Edwin C. Wilson, and was admitted to practice November 25, 1847. In April, 1850, he went to California where he spent three years, and then returned to Franklin and resumed the duties of his profession. For the past thirty- seven years Mr. McCalmont has continued in active practice, and is to-day one of the best known members of the Venango bar. Politically he was originally a Democrat, and afterward one of the men who organized the Republican party in this county. In 1855 he was elected to the legislature and twice re-elected to the same position. In 1874 he identified himself with the temperance movement, and assisted in organiz- ing the Prohibition party. Since that date he has been an ardent supporter and advocate of prohibition measures and principles. He established a news- paper at Franklin to help tight the battles of temperance, and gives liberal financial aid to the cause. In fact he is one of the most pronounced and prominent Prohibitionists in this section of the state. Mr. McCalmont was married in April, 1859, to Miss Harriet, daughter of Piatt Osborn, of Chautauqua county, New York. They are the parents of six living children: Samuel Plumer, Jr., a physician of New York city; John O. , attorney, of Franklin; Harriet; James D. ; Constance, and David. For several years past Mr. McCalmont has been extensively engaged in the producing and refining of petroleuni, and also financially interested in several enterprises of great public benefit. Inured to hard work and fru- gality during his youth, he learned well the lesson of economy ere reaching manhood, which, coupled with the most rigid industry and the closest per- sonal supervision of all his business affairs, has enabled him to accumulate through the passing years a handsome competence. 7()2 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Samuel Bailey was born in England April 10, 1795, and there learned the earpenter trade. In 1817 he immigrated to the United States, coming to Venango county the same year. Soon afterward he located in Franklin, where he was married November 4, 1819, to Mary, eldest daughter of Will- iam and Mary (Allender) Kinnear, early settlers of Venango county. She was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, and bore him a family of three sons and three daughters: William K. (deceased), Mary A. (deceased wife of James. M. Plant), Almira S. (wife of Miles Beatty, of Franklin), Morti- mer D. (deceased), Melissa J. (wife of W. M. Epley, of Franklin), and Samuel F. (deceased). Mr. Bailey followed his trade a few years after locating in Franklin, and then engaged in general merchandising on the old Bailey corner, opposite the court house, which business he continued up to his death, September 14, 1855. His widow survived him nearly nineteen years, and died July 27, 1874. Mr. Bailey was reared a member of the Church of England, but after his marriage he attended the Methodist Epis- copal church, to which denomination his wife adhered. Politically he was a Democrat, but took no. active part in public affairs. He was of a quiet and retiring disposition, courteous and dignified to friend and stranger alike, and greatly respected by the community wherein nearly forty years of his life were passed. George Brigham was born in HtxII, Yorkshire, England, June 7, 1788, and learned the trade of carpenter, painter, and glazier in his native land. In the spring of 1817 he immigrated to America, and the same year took up his permanent abode in Franklin, Pennsylvania. He followed his trade many years, and then went into general merchandising, dealing in groceries, drugs, etc., and engaged in any class of trade that the times demanded. He was quite successful in business, and accumulated considerable property. His old stand, the "Rob Roy," was one of the best known stores of that period. Mr. Brigham was married December 2, 1819, to Catherine Mc, oldest daiTghter of George Power, the lirst white settler of Venango county after the Revolutionary war. Eleven children were born of this marriage: Anne, wife of John Haslet, of Franklin; Robert, of the same city; George, deceased; Thaddeus W., of Franklin; Mary F., wife of George Turner, of Kansas City, Missouri; William F., of Franklin; Lydia E. L., deceased wife of Absalom Smith; Ralph M. ; and Florence, wife of John T. P. Wat- son, both residents of Franklin, and two who died in infancy. Mr. Brigham was an Episcopalian in religion, and a Whig in politics. Honest and up- ri'dit in all his dealings, he went down to his grave respected by the com- munity in which the greater portion of his life was spent. He died October 19, 1846. His widow siirvived him until February 27, 1884. Jehemiah Clancy, one of the pioneer business men of Franklin, was born in Ireland in 1799, and immigrated to Philadelphia in 1816, where he learned the shoemaker's trade. In 1819 he came to Franklin and opened a small BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 7G3 shoemaking shop on Thirteenth street, near Elk, which he carried on for many years. In March, 1830, he opened the " Jackson Inn " on the corner of Thirteenth and Elk streets, which he conducted in connection with his pre- vious business. Mr. Clancy was twice married, his second wife survivin}^ him and dying at Titusville a few years ago. Two children, a son and daugh- ter, were the fruits of his first marriage. The former removed to the West and the daughter married William C. McCormick, whose daughter is now the wife of E. W. Echols, of Franklin. Mr. Clancy died in this city March 5, 1873, and a modest shaft marks his last resting place in St. Patrick's cemetery. He was a stanch Catholic, and steadfastly clung to his faith through many years of spiritual privation, at a time, too, when such an organization as a Catholic church was not even dreamed of in Franklin. He was a very retiring, industrious, honest man, and a good citizen. Though leaving to his descendants considerable property accumulated through the passing years, he also left to them the bright legacy of an untarnished reputation. William Raymond, retired merchant, and one of the oldest and most re- spected citizens of Venango county, was born in AVilton, Fairfield county, Connecticut, May 8, 1799. He is a son of Asahel and Mary (Vail) Raymond, natives of that state, where our subject was also reared and educated. Soon after reaching manhood he left his native county, and finally located at Franklin, Pennsylvania, in October, 1828. Here he opened a general store and commenced a successful mercantile career that extended through a period of nearly forty years. Retiring from merchandising shortly before the war of the Rebellion, he, engaged in oil operating, which business he continued for several years, and then gave up the duties of an active busi- ness life and devoted his attention to his private affairs. In the meantime the failure of Culver, Penn & Company had swept away the larger por- tion of the accumulations of years of rigid industry, wise economy, and successful investments, leaving him in his old age only a tithe of his for- mer fortune, but enough to surround his declining years with all necessary comforts. While feeling keenly his financial losses at that time, he never- theless possesses sufficient Christian philosophy and determination of char- acter to view the matter with comparative indifference, and is perfectly resigned to the unalterable decrees of an All -wise Providence. Mr. Raymond was married December 12, 1826, to Miss Nancy H., daughter of William Kinnear, one of the pioneers of Venango county, whither he removed as early as 1800, locating in Franklin in 1811. A sketch of Mr. Kinnear appears in this work. Mrs. Raymond was born in the northern part of Venango county. May 11, 1804, and was the mother of eight children, viz.: Charles F., Philetus W., and Mary, all deceased; Lauretta, deceased wife of DeWitt Clinton Plumer; Delia R. , who married W. H. Hilliard, of Cleveland, Ohio, and after his death William Carr 7Gi ' HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, — the latter is also dead, and his widow resides in Pittsburgh; William K., of Franklin; Almena H., and Almira M., both of whom are deceased. For more than half a century Mr. Raymond and wife bore together the joys and sorrows of life's rugged pathway, but on the 13th of July, 1879, the loving helpixiate and companion of his early manhood and ripe old age passed to that home "not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." From early youth she had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal cburch, and died comforted and solaced by a firm hope in a blissful immortality. Mr. Raymond cast his first vote in 1824 for John Quincy Adams, and supported the Whig party until the formation of the Repulilican party, with which he has since affiliated. He served as treasurer of Venango county in 1833-34. Though nearing his ninety- first birthday he is still hale and vigorous in both mind and body — one of the few living links uniting the historic past with the ever eventful and changing present. Philetus Wilton Raymond, second son of William Raymond, was born in Franldin, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1829, and died at Hot Springs, Arkansas, March 20, 1884. He was reared and educated in his native place, and his earlier years were spent as a clerk in his father's store. In 1853 he entered the employ of Aaron W. Raymond, then engaged in the furnace business at Raymilton, and October 17, 1854, he married Miss Hannah M. Raymond, daughter of his employer. A few years afterward he removed to the village of Cherry Tree, and engaged in merchandising. Subsequently he was elected postmaster of the house of representatives at Harrisburg, and re- elected to the same position. Some six years jirior to his death he formed a partnership with his brother, W. K., and engaged in the clothing business, but in 1879 the latter was succeeded by Frank N. Raymond, eldest son of our subject, who since his death has continued the business. Four chil- dren were born to Philetus W. and Hannah M. Raymond : Frank N. ; Charles P., deceased; Mary, deceased, and Delia. Mr. Raymond was a Mason, and was buried with the usual honors of that fraternity. The following tribute to his character is copied from the Venango Spec- tator^ whose veteran editor knew him well from childhood up to his death: " Here where his life was passed his friends included ^almost all who ever knew him. His disposition was genial, yet he had sufficient force of char- rcter to assert himself when necessary, and to treat those who were deserv- ing of his regard better than those who were not. As a business man he was prompt, energetic, and obliging; as a friend he was true to what he professed; and as a citizen he was alive to his duty as a member of the community, and interested in its wellfare. " RoBEET AND Nancy (Kinneak) Kinnear Were natives of Ireland, who immigrated to eastern Pennsylvania and afterward to the north part of Ve- nango county early in the century. After a few years they removed to Franklin, where Mr. Kinnear filled the position of jailor fifteen years. They BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 7(55 reared live children: Ann, who unirried Alexander Kinnear; James; Henry; Elizabeth, who became the wife of Dominick McCormick, and Jane, all of whom are dead. For several years preceding his death Mr. Kinnear ke[)t the lock on the French Creek canal, at the big dam, about one mile above Franklin. Both he and wife were ardent Methodists and died in that faith at a ripe old age. Their last years were spent at the point previously men- tioued. now known as the Echols farm, and formerly the property of AVilliam C. McCormick, the father of Mrs. E. W. Echols, of Franklin, and grandson of Mr. Kinnear. Jacob Dubbs, one of the pioneer merchants of Franklin, was born at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1797, son of Jacob Dubbs, a Pennsylvania German. He was reared in his native city, and there married Elizabeth Alleman, of that vicinity. In 1824 he came to Franklin with his wife and one child, Elizabeth, also accompanied by his father, who spent the latter years of his life in Venango county, and died in Franklin at a ripe old age. Soon after coming Mr. Dubbs purchased the property on Liberty street, now the site of the International Bank. He followed the wheelwright trade until 1830, and commenced a general merchandising business which he carried on up to his death. This occurred by drowning, in 1845, while driv- ing some stock from Ohio. Of the family of Jacob and Elizabeth Dubbs five children survive: Elizabeth, widow of James Bleakley, and Julia A., wife of Judge R. S. McCormick, both residents of Franklin; John, of that city; Henry, of Seattle, Washington, and Rachel, widow of J. Miles Hoover, now a resident of Massachusetts. Mrs. Dubbs died August 25, 1835, and he subsequently married Mrs. Hannah Wilson, who bore him one daughter? Hannah, deceased wife of Edward Muse. Mr. Dubbs was an industrious, reliable man and thoroughly honest in all the relations of life. He was a Lutheran in religion and a Democrat in politics. Benjamin Alexander was born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in 1802. At the age of twelve he began the trade of cabinet maker, and after the usual apprenticeship he went to Pittsburgh. He was a member of the Cab- inet Makers' Union of that place and preserved as a relic one of their sched- ules of prices for piece work in those early days. He afterward worked in Washington, New York, and various other points before coming to Franklin, where he arrived in 1826. His parents settled at that place six months previously. His father, James Alexander, died in 183^, aged seventy- four years. His mother, Nancy Alexander, was a daughter of Captain Caleb Armitage, a Revoliitionary soldier, who was one of the founders of the First Presbyterian church of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. She died in 1840 aged sixty-nine years. Benjamin Alexander was twice married, first to Mrs. Jane Lapsley, who died in 1851; and then to Jane Adams, daughter of James and Rachel Adams, who survives him. The children of his first wife are: James G. , Nancv A. , and Thomas. Mr. Alexander carried on cabinet mak- 766 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ing many years. He brought the first steam engine to Franklin, and had the first circular saw used in this locality. Later in life he sold his furni- ture establishment and devoted his time to his other personal affairs. He laid out the addition to Franklin known as Alexander's addition, also made an addition to the old cemetery in the Second ward. He cheerfully gave financial aid to all public enterprises. He died December 31, 1878. Charles Lacy Cochran, deceased, was born in Erie county, Pennsylvania, January 22, 1800. His parents settled upon a farm that is now a part of Cochranton, Crawford county, early in the century, and there he lived until he removed to Franklin in 1828. In 1824 he married Elizabeth Duffield, a member of the large family of that name residing near Utica. Five of their children arrived at maturity: One daughter, Mary A., who married James McKee and afterward Hugh Craig: Robert L. ; James D. ; Samuel H., and Charles C. The three last named were soldiers in the war of the Rebellion. James D., a sergeant in the One Hundred and Forty-Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, was killed at Gettysburgh, July 3, 1863; Samuel H., first lieu- tenant of Company G, Sixty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, was killed at Mechanicsville, near Richmond, June 26, 1862; and Charles C. was lieuten- ant and captain of Company C, Tenth Pennsylvania Reserves. The mother died December 1, 1867, and the father December 8, 1868. William Elliott, deceased, was born at what is known as the James Russell farm, in the valley of Siigar creek, January 25, 1803, son of Robert and Rebecca (Fleming) Elliott. Robert Elliott was from the eastern part of the state, presumably the vicinity of Carlisle, Cumberland county. He was a farmer by occupation, and after a residence of several years at Frank- lin and in its vicinity, removed to the mouth of Hemlock creek in President township, where he built the first mill in that part of the county and was long an influential citizen. There he died and is buried with his wife and several members of their family in a small inclosed graveyard at the village of President. Seven children of Robert and Rebecca (Fleming) Elliott grew to maturity: David, William, Robert, Sanderson, George, Martha (Mrs. John Lamb), and Mary (Mrs. Hamilton), all deceased. William Elli- ott enjoyed only limited educational advantages, but individual application and the experiences of after life rendered him a man of exceptional intelli- gence and practical knowledge. At a comparatively early date in the his- tory of Franklin he engaged in mercantile pursuits in that town, continuing at this until 1849, when he became interested in the Franklin foundry as senior member of the firm of Elliott & Epley. As a business man he was sagacious and successful, and bore the reputation of imquestioned integrity. In politics he was a Democrat and was closely identified with the affairs of that party in this county. He was early called upon to assume the duties of public office; in 182'.) he was elected county commissioner, serving one term, and on the 4th of December, 1854, he took the oath of office as pro- BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 707 tbonotary. While the incumbent of the latter position his death occurred, July 20, 1857. He married* Mary, daughter of James Kinnear, an early and prominent citizen of Franklin, and was the father of seven children, six of whom arrived at maturity: Jane H. , wife of Colonel J. H. Cain; James K. ; R. Fleming; William D. ; Thomas H., and Edward C, all resid- inc«- in Franklin except the last named, who is in the employ of the Anglo- American Oxide Company, at Liege, Belgium. The parents of Mr. Elliott were members of that branch of the Presbyterian church known as Seceders; though not regularly connected with any religious body himself he was superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday school shortly before his death, and otherwise active in promoting the religious interests of the community. Aakon Weeks Raymond was born in Norwalk, Fairfield county, Connect- icut, January 21, 1801, the son of Aaron and Hannah (Weeks) Raymond. The latter was born in Long Island, February 17, 1765, the former in Fair- field county, Connecticut, August 9, 1759, and they were married October 27, 1784. Aaron, Sr., was a son of Simeon Raymond, and a sailor by oc- cupation, being captain of a vessel engaged in the whale fisheries. He also owned land and was engaged in farming. On the 1st of January, 1777, he enlisted in the Third Connecticut regiment and served through the Revolu- tionary war; his discharge, bearing the autograph of Washington, and dated June 8, 1783, is still in possession of the family. His property was entirely destroyed by Arnold's expedition in 1779, as was also that of his father. It is related that the latter buried a large pier glass, an heirloom brought by the family from England, which was thus preserved alone of all his household effects. Being in poor health, and unable longer to follow the sea, Aaron, Sr., removed to Clinton, Oneida county, New York, and thence to Troy, where he died November 30, 1810. He was the father of ten children: Mrs, Olive Gregory; Mrs. Mary Underhill; Mrs. Elizabeth Craw; Orange; Mrs. Lavina Russell; Mrs. Hannah Underhill; Mrs. Phoebe Lord; Aaron W. ; Mrs. Matilda Russell, and Julia Ann. Our subject thus left an orphan at the age of nine years, was received into the family of his eldest sister, then residing at Clinton, New York, and here he attended school. Three years later he entered the employ of an- other brother-in-law, Captain Abraham Underhill, as cabin boy; he filled successively every position on a steamboat from this humble place to that of captain, and in the latter capacity he was employed on three different boats. In 1819 he made a journey to Erie county, Pennsylvania, where he re- mained two years with his brother-in-law David Russell, a farmer of that county. During the time that he was engaged in steamboating he usually clerked in a store during the winter months. Returning to Troy he re- sumed his old vocation. In 1828, under the firm name of Raymond & Un- derhill, he conducted a grocery business in Troy. In 1830 he removed to Pennsylvania and arrived at the site of Utica in May of that year, there be- 768 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ginning an active business career of half a century in this county. He erected a building and engaged in manufactuiang and mercantile pursuits, also operated a grist mill, saw mill, etc. Through his efforts a postoffice was established, the name having been suggested by him. In 1844 he bought a tract of land embracing the present site of Raymilton, whereon he erected a blast furnace, mills, and other buildings, and established a large store. The furnace was closed down in 1857. He was also in business in Hartstown, Crawford county, where he built three locks of the Beaver and Erie canal. In 1858 he removed to Franklin and took charge of the Kural house, to which he gave that name. In the autumn of the following year, as president of a company organized at Franklin for that purpose, he drilled the second well in the oil regions, and was actively interested in oil develop- ments on Oil creek, Sugar creek, the Allegheny river, Sandy creek, and in various other districts. A man of great energy and versatility he continued in active business to an age beyond the ordinary life of men, and lived to enjoy the retrospect of an honorable and useful career, dying January 24, 1890, at the ripe old age of eighty-nine years. Mr. Raymond married Ann Eliza Whitaker, September 25, 1824; her death occurred January 25, 1887, at the age of eighty-four years and seven months. She was a daughter of Captain Ephraim Whitaker, a soldier of the Revolu- tion. Thirteen children were born to them, ten of whom survive. In the order of age, those now living are: Matilda, wife of Jackson Robison, of Curwensville, Pennsylvania; William W., Greorge W., and Charles H., of Raymilton, Venango county; Hannah M., widow of Philetus W. Raymond; Mary J. ; Harriet A., wife of John L. Mitchell, all of Franklin; Sarah, wife of William J. Lamberton, of Denver, Colorado; Aaron W., Jr., of Raymil- ton, and Ann Elizabeth, of Franklin. Mr. Raymond was a member of the Presbyterian church since 1842, and for many years an elder in the church at Franklin. Charles Washington Mackey, deceased, was born at Port Deposit, Mary- land, April 21, 1791. He was a direct descendant of William Mackey, of Tubeg, Scotland. The name Mackey is undoubtedly of Irish origin, the pro- genitor of the family in Scotland having removed from Ireland about the close of the twelfth century. The orthography of the name varies with the idiom of speech in different localities; but it is generally spelled Mackie, McKay, Makky, McKie, Mackey, Mackghie, Mackaye, etc. The clan is one of the oldest in Scotland. An ancient manuscript discovered within the last few years in the Advocates' lit>rary at Edinburgh, Avritten by Andrew Simpson, and edited and published by Thomas Maitland, Jr. , of Dundruman, men- tions the Mackeys as contemporary with Robert Bruce. Sir Robert Gordon, a recognized authority, states that Donald, the son of lye, was the first who went under the name. The Mackeys must have resided for many centuries in Galloway, for an old parish there is called Balmaghie, i. e. , Mackeytown. BIOGRAPHIES OF FllANKLIN. 709 A book publishod by llobert Mackay of Tburso, Scotland, in \H2d, entitled "A History of the House and Clan of Mackey, " gives an account of the origin of the various branches of the clan and the different ways of spelling the name, showing that the latter originated in the twelfth century, and that all the Mackeys are descended from a common ancestry. The father of Charles Washington Mackey was born near Inverness, Scotland, and in 1765 immigrated to America, locating at Port Deposit, Mary- land. He was a soldier in the Continental army. He married Kaziah Rebecca Murphey, a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, who also came to this country in 1765. They had three sons: William, Thomas, and Charles W. , and all of them served in the war of 1812. He was accompanied to America by his brother, John Mackey, who settled in Chester county, Pennsylvania, and was a member of the convention that framed the first constitution of the state; and also by his brother Thomas, who located in South Carolina. Onr subject learned the trade of wagon maker in Chester county, Penn- sylvania. At the age of twenty-one he removed to Centre county, where he pursued that occupation for a number of years. He then removed to Clear- field county, where he resided until near the close of 1831, when he removed to Franklin, arriving at that place on the 27th of December. Soon after his arrival he established his business and carried it on until his retirement from active life about thirty years later. During the period of his busi- ness career Franklin was a small town with meager facilities of communica- tion with the outside world, but with commendable enterprise he established a manufactory with a capacity considerably in advance of the local demand, disposing of a large part of his product in the towns along the Susquehanna and W^aterford turnpike. But although industrious and economical money came in slowly in those days, and he never accumulated much property be- yond the requirements of a growing family. He was a man of great energy and force of character, one of the most honest, honorable, and upright citi- zens of the county, an. elder in the Presbyterian church, a Mason in high standing, a prominent Democrat, and filled the office of coroner of Venango county from 1853 to 1857. He was married May 19, 1819, to Julia Anne Fagundus (in the old Ger- man Bible in the possession of the Mackey family, the name is always spelled Facuudus, and the same way in the Colonial Records), daughter of John and Mary (Cressman) Fagundus, natives of Philadelphia, born November 3, 1761, and May 17, 1763, respectively. John Fagundus and Mary Cressman were married in that city May 23, 1785, and subsequently removed to the vicinity of Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, where Mrs. Mackey was born December 14, 1801. Her paternal grandfather, John Fagundus, was born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, and immi- grated to Philadelphia in 1732, where he married Martha Done, February 3, 1761, as appears on page 98, Volume II, of the Pennsylvania Ar- 770 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. chives. Her maternal graudfatber, Joliu Cressman, came from Germany to Philadelphia, in 1732, and was married in that city, in 1749, to Catharine Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey were the parents of ten childi-en: Major James Fao-nndns, a sketch of whom appears in this chapter; John and Will- iam, who died in Centre county; Mary Jane, wife of James K. Smith of Franklin; Kaziah Rebecca, wife of Richard Magiil of Fagundus, Warren connty, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth Anne, deceased wife of Royal E. Scott of Fagundus, AVarren county; Susan Julia, wife of Judge Charles E. Tay- lor of Franklin; Margretta, wife of Henry Pike of Jamestown, New York; Charles William, of Franklin, and Edward Pierce, deceased. Mr. Mackey died March 12, 1865, his widow surviving him until February 14, 1883. The following extract from an obituary in the Venango Spectator shows the estimation in which Mrs. Mackey was held by the community in which she had lived more than half a century: " She was in the best sense of the term? everybody's friend. She had love and sympathy for everybody. She never had an unkind word to say about any person, and would not even permit harsh criticism in her presence. This sweetness of disposition was reflected in her face and manner. She wore the visible sign and seal of a good heart." Major James Fagundus Mackey, deceased, was born in Bellefonte, Cen- tre county, Pennsylvania, August 20, 1821, a son of Charles Washington and Julia Anne (Fagundus) Mackey. He came to Franklin with his par- ents in 1831, and nine years later removed to Clarion, Pennsylvania. At the outbreak of the civil war he recruited Company H, One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and entered the service as its captain. He participated in McClellan's campaign and in the expedition into North Carolina, leading his regiment at the battle of Kingston. The entire bri- gade to which he was attached was captured at Plymouth, North Carolina, April 20, 1864; for nearly a year he was confined at Andersonville, and subsequently at Macon, Savannah, Charleston, and Columbia. He was commissioned major of his regiment, November 1, 1863, and subsequently lieutenant colonel, but being imprisoned at Andersonville at the time the latter commission was granted it never reached him. He was mustered out of service March 14, 1865, having sustained throughout his military career the reputation of a brave, gallant, and faithful soldier. Shortly after his return to Clarion he removed to Franklin and there engaged extensively and successfully in the business of oil producing. In 1875 he was elected treas- urer of Venango county, and discharged the duties of this office for one term with ability and fidelity. He died May 11, 1883, leaving a wife and a large family. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and an elder in the church at Franklin. Charles William Mackey, attorney at law, was born at Franklin, Penn- sylvania, November 19, 1842, son of Charles Washington and Julia Anne (Fagundus) Mackey. He received a good academic education, learned the a c/c BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 773 trade of printer, and commenced the study of law at the age of eifj-hteen in the office of his brotlier-in-law, Charles E. Taylor, now president judge of Venango county. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in Com- pany C, Tenth regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves, popularly known as the "Venango Grays" and the first organization recruited in this county. Of this company he afterward became first lieutenant, and served with it, except when on detached duty, until July 11, 18(>8, when he was honorably discharged. During this period ho served as ordnance officer for a time on the stafl' of General McCall, and also in the same capacity on the stafP of General E. O. C. Ord. In the month of August following his discharo-e he was appointed special agent of the United States treasury by Secretary Chase, for the district composed of eastern Virginia and North Carolina. It was through his office that the commercial and coastwise intercourse between the localities named and the northern states was conducted. Ho received and disbursed large sums of money for the government. He resigned this position August 1, 1865. and shortly afterward returned to Franklin. Mr. Mackey was admitted to the bar of Venango county August 28, 1865, and soon afterward entered the law firm of Taylor & Gilfillan as a partner. He was admitted to practice in the supreme court of the United States December, 5, 1875, on motion of the late Jeremiah S. Black, ex- attorney general of the United States. He has also been admitted to prac- tice in the supreme courts of Pennsylvania and several other states. He is recognized as a leader in his profession and has been employed in many of the most important cases ever tried in this section of the state. Besides this Mr. Mackey has been identified with many manufacturing and- railroad enterprises of importance. For several years he was attorney for the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company; vice-president and general solicitor of the Olean, Bradford, and Warren Railroad Company (now a part of the Western New York and Pennsylvania system) ; president of the Pittsburgh, Bradford and BuflFalo Railroad Company (since merged into the Pittsburgh and Western system); vice president and general solicitor of the Cincinnati and Southeastern Railroad Company (afterward consolidated with the Chesapeake and Ohio) ; general solicitor and a director of the Pitts- burgh and Western Railroad Company; president of the Columbia Gas Light and Fuel Company, and of the Franklin Gas Company. At the present time he is president of the Norfolk and Virginia Beach Railroad Company; a director of the American Oxide Company of Franklin; vice- president and director of the Shenango Coal and Mining Company: and a director of the Savings Bank of Franklin, the Emlenton Bank, and the Edenburg Bank. Mr. Mackey is also connected with various other finan- ,cial and industrial institutions. He is a man of broad, liberal views, keen and sagacious in the prosecution of his business affairs, and is recog- 774 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. nized as one of tbe most enterprising, generous, and public- spirited citizens of his native county. His business engagements for some time past have been of such a nature that he finds it necessary to have an office in New York city, where he remains the greater portion of his time. The firm of Mackey, Forbes & Hughes is in active practice at Franklin, but its affairs are conducted mainly by the junior members. In politics he is an ardent Republican, having cast his first vote for Lin- coln in 1864, and taken an active part in every political campaign since 1866. He was the candidate of that party for congress from the twenty- seventh district in 1884 and 1886, and although defeated each time, his majority in the district outside of the city of Erie, the home of his opponent, was much larger than that given any other Republican candidate for many years. In his own county he ran largely ahead of Blaine in 1884, and had more than double the majority of General Beaver in 1886. In the presi- dential campaign of 1888 he was "on the stump" in New York and New Jersey for several weeks, and his speeches elicited very favorable comment from the metropolitan press. He has also frequently delivered addresses on various subjects, and possesses in a marked degree the power of con- vincing and molding an audience to his views. Mr. Mackey is a past commmander of the Grand Army of the Republic. In the Masonic order he has been commander of Knights Templar, district deputy grand master of Pennsylvania for many years, and district deputy grand high priest of Royal Arch Masons of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the New York club, the Lawyers' club of New York, and the Nursery club of Franklin. In 1872-73 he was captain in the National Guard of Pennsyl- vania. He has been mayor of Franklin, city solicitor three terms, and mem- ber of council several years. He has traveled extensively, and visited Europe three times. On the yth of May, 1867, Mr. Mackey married Lauretta Barnes Fay of Columbus, Ohio. Her father, Cyrus Paige Fay, was the youngest son of Daniel Fay, of Hardwick, Massachusetts, who was born December 14, 1752, and served in Colonel Lamed' s regiment during the Revolutionary war. Her maternal great-grandfather, Timothy Paige, was born in Hardwick, Massa- chusetts, May 24, 1727, and died April 26, 1796. He held various official positions of a civil nature and served during the Revolution with the rank of colonel. The late Right Reverend Philander Chase, bishop of the Protest- ant Episcopal church in Ohio and founder of Kenyon College, was the uncle of Mrs. Mackey, and accompanied her father to Ohio, from Vermont, in 1812. Her father was for many years a prominent merchant of Columbus and at the time of his death, October 2, 1872, was treasurer of the Columbus and Xenia Railway Company. He was a man of the highest character and standing. His wife, Myra (Barnes) Fay, was a daughter of Doctoi Samuel Barnes, a surgeon in the Revolutionary army. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey are BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 775 the parents of six children: Susan Taylor, wife of E. E. Hughes, attorney at law of Franklin; Myra Fay, Cyrus Fay, William Chase, Julia Anno, and Marion Paige. Major George Croghan McClelland, deceased, was l)orn at the United States hotel in Franklin, November 29, 1819, a son of George and Agnes (Seaton) McClelland. In 1839 he was appointed a cadet at the national military academy. West Point, from which he graduated July 1, 1843, in a class numbering^ among its members some of the famous military men of the late civil war. He was at once assigned to the Third infantry with the I'ank of brevet second lieutenant, and was successively stationed at Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, and Fort Jessup, Louisiana. April 9, 184G, he resigned his commission, but on his way home learned of the commencement of hos- tilities and with characteristic patriotism resolved to return to the army. After a brief visit to friends in Pennsylvania he set out for New Orleans and volunteered for service against the Mexicans. He served as private and corporal in the First Pennsylvania Volunteers and as second lieutenant of the Eleventh Infantry, participating in the siege of Vera Cruz, the defense of Pueblo, and a number of other operations. His bravery and gallantry at the assault upon Molino del Rey elicited a highly complimentary testimonial from General Cadwallader. During the war of the Rebellion he served for a time with the rank of captain, but resigned after two years' service and returned to this county. For several years he was engaged in business at Polk and in the later years of his life resided upon a farm in French Creek township, where he died in November, 1887, his widow surviving him only a few months. John Lindsay Hanna is a son of James and Rebecca Hanna, and a grand- son of John Hanna, the pioneer, a sketch of whom will be found among the biographical notices of French Creek township. His mother was a daugh- ter of John Lindsay, also a pioneer of French Creek township. His father, James Hanna, was the second son of John and Jane Hanna, and was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1796. He was twice married, first in 1823, to Rebecca Lindsay, who died in 1854. His second wife was Mrs. Maria Walker. James Hanna was from early manhood a member of the Presbyterian church until his death, which occurred in Franklin, March 1 6, 1883. The subject of this sketch was born in French Creek township, Feb- ruary 5, 1824. He received his education in the common schools. In 1855 he removed to Franklin, and engaged in the real estate and insurance busi- ness, which he continued until 1863. Since that date his attention has been given, in part, to dealing in real estate. His life has been an active and en- ergetic existence. In 1863 he organized the Franklin Gas Company and the Venango Water Company, and was president of the latter twenty-five years. In 1864 he, with others, organized the Exchange Hotel Company, whose fine building was destroyed by fire in 1870. In 1865 he erected the Hanna 776 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. block on Thirteenth street, which was burned in 1886. In its day it was the largest and finest building in Franklin. He also established a brickyard in the Third ward of Franklin, and carried on that business for twenty years. Mr. Hanna was married in 1858 to Emily, daughter of Richard Roberts, then a resident of Sugar Creek township, and owner of the land now known as the Venango county poor farm. They are the parents of six living chil- dren: Richard J., general manager of the Venango Water Company; Charles, who lives in French Creek township; John L., H^-riet, Emily, and Jane. Mr. Hanna is one of the most enterprising citizens of Franklin, and has been identified with nearly all of the movements tending toward the progress and development of the town. — A. P. W. Reverend Cyrus Dickson, D. D., deceased, was born December 20, 1816, at Harbor Creek, Erie county, Pennsylvania, the son of William and Christina (Moorhead) Dickson, of Scotch ancestry and among the pioneers of Erie county. He entered the Erie Academy April 17, 1832, and Jeffer- son College, Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, in November of that year, gradu- ating in 1837. His theological studies were pursued privately. October 1 3, 1839, he was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Erie, and on June 24:th of the following year he was ordained and installed as pastor of the churches of Franklin and Sugar Creek, continuing in this relation with the former until March, 1848. He was pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of Wheeling, West Virginia, from 1848 to 1856, and of the West- minister church, of Baltimore, from 1856 until 1870, when he became sec- retary of the Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church, of which position he performed the duties most efficiently ten years. His death oc- curred September 11, 1881. Memorial services of an appropriate character were held at Franklin on Sunday morning, the 25th of that month, at which the Reverend S. J. M. Eaton, D. D. , delivered an address in fitting tribute to the character of the deceased, his services to the church and to the mis- sionary cause, his usefulness and energy in the promotion of humanitarian and benevolent objects, and his fidelity to the many responsible duties with which his life was occupied. Reverend S. J. M. Eaton, D. D. — The death of Doctor Eaton, which occurred July 16, 188D, created a profound impression in the community, and it removed one of the oldest, best known, and most prominent men of his calling in the Erie Presbytery. He had been indisposed for several weeks, but his condition was not considered serious. On the afternoon of the day stated, while walking along the street near his residence in Frank- lin, he was seen to raise his hands suddenly and then fall heavily to the sidewalk. He was carried into his house, bvit the services of the physicians were of no avail. Death had taken place almost instantly, the immediate cause being heart failure. Samuel John Mills Eaton was born in Fairview, Erie county, Pennsyl- BI0G11APIIIE8 OF FRANKLIN. 777 vania, April 15. 1820, and hence his useful lif(^ liad compassed sixty nine years. He was a son of Reverend Johnston and Kliza (Cannon) Eaton. His ancestors were among the tirst settlers in Pennsylvania, having lived in the state for over two hundred yeai's. Reverend Johnston Eaton, born in Franklin county, graduated at Jefferson College; he came as a Presbyterian minister in 1805 to Erie county, and preached for some time near the mouth of Walnut creek and in Springfield, and in northeastern Ohio. In the fall of 1805 he went back to his home, where he married, and in 1800 returned with his bride and settled permanently in Fairview township. They came through the dense forest on horseback, with nothing but a rude trail to guide their course. Reverend Johnston Eaton preached the gospel in Erie county continuously up to the year of his death, June 17, 1847, a period of forty one years. He and his wife were well endowed with the resolute spirit and sterling qualities requisite in the work of the pioneer ministry. On the side of both father and mother the subject of this sketch was de- scended from that strong blending of the races which he himself on one oc- casion called " the seed royal of the church of the living God." In his boyhood he received an academic education at the Erie Academy. In 1842 he entered Jefferson College, where he graduated in 1845. Hav- ing studied theology in the Western Theological Seminary, of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, he was licensed by the Presbytery of Erie, on the lOth of March, 1848, to preach the gospel. On the 16th of April, 1848, Mr. Eaton commenced his ministerial labors in Franklin. Febriiary 7, 1849, he was ordained and installed as pastor of that charge, succeeding Reverend Cyrus Dickson, who resigned in March, 1848. His pastorate at first included also the Mt Pleasant church, to which he gave one-third of his time. He was released from the latter August 29, 1855, thenceforth giving his entire time to Franklin. Doctor Eaton's ministry here was prosperous. From year to year the church and Sunday school grew in members and interest throughout his long pastorate. W^hen he finally relinquished his pastoral office, the con- gregation which was so small at the outset of his work had grown to be among the largest and most influential in this part of the state. The little Sunday school had become a small army, and the plain little church edifice had given place to the present beautiful structure, dedicated to the worship of God in 1869. Doctor Eaton's name is rightly inscribed on the corner- stone of that biiilding. Some may see in that edifice a monument of his work: but his more lasting monument is that erected in the hearts of his people, the record of a useful life, interwoven with the life and progress of the community in which he lived. In 1881 he decided to sever the pastoral relation which had existed for more than a third of a centiiry. In December of that year he tendered his resignation. A large portion of the congregation sought to influence 778 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. him into reconsidering the step, but he had definitely made up his mind that it was best, and insisted iipon his action as finah His subsequent career illustrates some of the high qualities of his nature, his unswerving devotion to the duties of his calling, his zeal and willingness to go on while life lasted with the work that his hand found to do. When he vacated the pulpit, which had been the scene of his life's arduous labors and successes, he had reached that age which entitles the veteran to some exemption from the hardships of active service in the field. But he did not yield to the temptation and opportunity to fold his hands and rest. The veteran soldier of the Cross felt that he was enlisted for life. For him there was no discharge in that warfare. For him, also, member- ship in the army meant active service at the front. So he went right on with the work before him, constantly engaged in writing, preaching at one place and another, and devoting himself in every way to the advancement of Christ's cause and kingdom. There was no change in his Christian bearing, in his solicitude for his people, in his kindness, his courtesy, his friendship, his active interest in the welfare of all who came within the range of his sympathies. Viewing him as a pastor, those who knew him long cannot speak of Doc- tor Eaton without esteem and afFection. He made it a point to know all with whom his duties, whether religious or social, brought him in contact. He looked after and interested himself in all; but especially in the abode of suffering or afftiction was his presence felt. In many a home they remem- ber how he came in their time of trial; how he sat at the bedside of the sick; how he ministered to the dying; how he comforted the bereaved; how he poured out his soul in strong prayer in the final rites of the dead. He was indeed a help and a comforter in affliction. His tender hand not only soothed the sufferer, but it gave substantial help in a thousand ways and places of which the world will never know. It was natural that such a pastor should retain the love and esteem of his people to the last. Doctor Eaton also retained the friendship of the community at large. His was a character that commanded general respect and confidence. His acquaintances all recognized his unswerving integrity, his high and chivalric sense of honor, his wisdom, his fidelity to duty, his purity of life. While he had some of the stern spirit of the Puritan in religion, he had also the noble faculty of friendship, and by this he was bound to his associates through all the years as with hooks of steel. No account of Doctor Eaton would be complete without a mention of his ■ scholastic attainments. He was a constant student, and his library of valu- able works grew to large proportions. His knowledge of the classics was extensive, and during his pastorate he conducted a number of pupils through a course of the languages. His progress in general standard literature is indicated by the fact that he stood highest of all the army of students in the BIOGRArHIES OF FRANKLIN. 770 Chautauquii Literary and Scieutitic Circlo. As long ago as ISOU ho was honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity by Washington and JolYorson College. In an address before the Jefferson alumni in 1885, Judge W. H. AW'st of Ohio called Doctor Eaton "the Addison of his class and the Irving of his society." With the cares of an important pastorate on his hands Doctor Eaton found time to do a great amount of exacting literary work. Among the works from his pen published from time to time are: "The History of Petro- leum;" "History of the Presbytery of Erie;" " Lakeside," an historical romance; "Ecclesiastical History of Centennial Missionary Work," and a " Biographical History of the Western Theological Seminary. ' ' He also wrote the "Memoirs of Reverend Cyrus Dickson, D. D.," an elaborate and worthy tribute to an able man; and in 187G he delivered a centennial discourse in Fianklin, which, in a pamphlet of forty-eight pages, gives a concise history of Venango county from the earliest settlement. He compiled a ' ' Biographical and Historical Catalogue of Washington and Jefferson Colleges," which went to press the day of his death, also left the completed manuscript of a religious work, and a couple of unfinished manuscripts. In addition to these excur- sive tasks, Doctor Eaton held a responsible x^osition in the presbytery, in which his counsels and assistance were highly valued. He was stated clerk of the Presbytery of Erie for thirty-two years, and of the Synod of Erie for nine years. As a citizen, Doctor Eaton was not a partisan, but he was a patriot who loved his country, glorying in her past and believing in her future. When the war of the Rebellion arose, his innate patriotism took active shape in word and deed. He lent his best aid toward upholding the Union and strengthen- ing the hands of its defenders in the field. For a time, as a member of the Christian Commission, he was at the front, ministering to the wants of the men in the Army of the Potomac. His love for his country's flag was not a mere sentiment; it was an abiding and reverential affection. A tour to Europe and the Holy Land, taken in 1871, enabled Doctor Eaton to enlarge his knowledge of Eastern lands by actual observation and research. These resulted in two volumes from his pen, "The Holy City" and "Palestine," which were issued as text-books by the Chautauqua Liter- ary and Scientific Circle. Doctor Eaton's knowledge of Oriental lands and ciTstoms secured him a call to the ranks of leading teachers at Chautauqua, and for many years he filled the position at each recurring assembly. Next to Chancellor (Bishop) Vincent he was probably the most prominent man in the work at the assembly grounds, a work with which he had been identi- fied from its inception. Doctor Eaton's indefatigable industry, his persistent activity, and capac- ity for labor, were striking characteristics and were at once an example for imitation and a rebuke to the self-indulgent. He was never idle. He 780 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. seemed ever mindful of the injunction to work while it is called to-day, ere the night cometh wherein no man can work. The fact that much of his study and his labor in pulpit and lecture room were done while under the discouragements of impaired health, enhances the tribute of praise due him on this score. Through his later years, in which he was called to pass through much bodily sufPeriug, Doctor Eaton kept on with his work. Even up to within a month of his death he was engaged in assisting in the com- pilation of that portion of this History which deals with the earlier events and residents of this locality. As if with a premonition of some possible interru|)tion, he brought all his energies to bear on the completion of his task. Before the i)en had fallen from his lingers that task was finished. This, one of the concluding services of his life, suggests the reflection that the people of this locality owe a lasting debt of gratitude to Doctor Eaton for what he has done to preserve local history. He was endowed with the historic spirit and gift. He had an aptitude for this line of re- search, and lost no opportunity to gather all that could be learned from the older generation. He discerned that the charm of local history lies in details. He is really the man who rescued the early history of this county and section of country from oblivion. The traditions were fast fading out. He preserved, unraveled, culled, and collated them. His contributions, as will be seen, make up an important part of this History of Venango County. In writing them he performed a valuable service for the people. To the virtues that have been recounted may be added the absolute pur- ity of Doctor Eaton's life and conversation. He kept the door of his mouth against all hurtful and improper speech; his self-control withheld him from bursts of temper, and he never wounded the feelings of a fellow man with bitter words. He was a charming man socially, abounding in the ' ' afflu- ence of discursive talk." In his home he was the soul of hospitality. There he was fully assisted by his wife, whom he married in Franklin on the 5th of November, 1850, and who is now living. She was Miss Clara Taylor Howe, daughter of John W. Howe, in his day prominent in politics and at the bar of Venango county. At the funeral of Doctor Eaton, held Friday, July 11), 1889, a great con- course gathered in the Presbyterian church of Franklin to honor his mem- ory. His brother ministers of the presbytery were present, and in brief remarks depicted his excellence of character, his courtesy, his manliness, his ability, his worth in his calling, the loss which the presbytery and the community had sustained in his death. Eeverend James Allison, D. D., editor of the Presbyterian Banner, who graduated with Doctor Eaton in the class of 1845, spoke of him as the most loyal of friends; and gazing upon the casket he exclaimed: " Farewell, friend; thou hast ascended to the hill of frankincense and to the mountain of myrrh. Farewell, friend, until the dav break and the shadows flee awav. " BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 781 Ono who WHS present at that impressive service reflected the thoughts of many when he wrote: "Long will we remember the character and the per- son who has passed from among us — that strikingly fine presence, the large expressive eyes, the classically regular features; the broad, thoughtful brow, with the abundant locks thrown back from it ; the gentle manner, the cor- dial greeting, the kind words. He has fought a good tight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith. Not a broken shaft, but a pyramid com- pleted, should mark his resting place. Crown him with the victor's chaplet. Strew his pall and his grave with the flowers he loved so well, types of the immortal amaranth and asphodel and 'pure lilies of eternal peace' which bloom by the river which makes glad the city of God." — H. M. I. lloBERT Lamberton, SOU of William and Elizabeth (Giltillan) Lamborton, was born March 20, 1809, at Gorton Kaid, in the North of Ireland. His early boyhood was spent upon his father's farm, picturesquely situated on the left bank of the Foyle, about six miles from the old walled town of Londonderry. As the eldest of nine children, upon his shoulders rested much of the burden and responsibilty of the work of the farm. His chances for obtaining an education were consequently slight, but such as they were, he improved them to the utmost, and laid the substantial foun- dations of a common school education, which proved sufficient for all prac- tical purposes, in his subsequent career. In the year 1830, upon attaining his majority, he set out on the then long voyage across the Atlantic to make a home for himself in the new woi*ld. After weeks of storm and contrary winds and unpleasant surroundings, ho was finally safely landed at Quebec, Canada, and after a toilsome journey, sometimes by boat, sometimes by stage, and very often on foot, he at last, on July 10, 1880, reached the house of his uncle, John Lamberton, in Plum township, this county. As soon as the farming season was over, he made his way to Franklin, and work of any kind being scarce, engaged in the first that presented itself, that of a laborer and afterward a stone cutter on the French Creek canal, then in process of construction. After a time he obtained work with a Mr. Eckert a^the ' ' Sam Hays forge, ' ' and here for a year or more he put in the most irksome and laborious period of his whole life, only in the end to be cheated out of his hard-earned wages by the insolvency of his employer. He next obtained the situation of clerk for a Mr. Sage in a store at the north end of the upper French creek bridge. By strict econ- omy and the most laborious industry, he laid by a sum sufficient to start a small store in partnership with a Mr. Lindsay, on the west side of Thir- teenth street where the Lamberton homestead now stands. One night their store with all they possessed was destroyed by fire. Once more having saved enough to purchase the lot on the southeast corner of Otter and Thir- teenth streets, he started in the mercantile business on a small scale, but his 782 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. stock gradually increasing he finally in 1841 removed to larger quarters in the corner rooms of what is now known as the National hotel buildings, where he continued for some twenty-eight years, his trade extending until the small shop had become the large old fashioned store, dealing in all kinds of family supplies. He also about this time established and carried on for some years branch stores at Cooperstown and Dempseytown. As his bus- iness increased, his methodical habits of economy enabled him each year to devote his savings to new enterprises. In 1845 he purchased and carried on a large rolling mill, nail factory, and grist mill at the mill site in the Third ward, and in connection with these he built the upper French creek dam; here it was that in the very abandon and recklessness of an unusual strength, in water and in all kinds of weather, he exposed himself along with the workmen and laid the founda- tion of a bodily ailment which followed him to the day of his death. The city of Franklin owes much of its early growth to him, for during his active life he engaged in every enterprise^of a common benefit and with his own capital erected dwelling houses and brick blocks, together sufficient of them- selves to make a goodly-sized village. He served as a trustee of the old Franklin Academy for several years and also one term as a school director. In 1862 he was elected an associate judge of the county and served for live years, sitting for a time with Isaac G. Gordon, and afterward with John Trunkey, both of whom subsequently became distinguished members of the state supreme court. In 1860 he established what is now known as the Lamberton Savings Bank at Franklin, and in connection with his son-in-law, Calvin AV. Gil- fillan, also carried on a bank at Oil City during the so-called oil excitement. In this, as in his mercantile business, he was eminently successful, but when, after many years of ill health, he was about to retire from active business and to sell the l)ank at Franklin to Mr. Gilfillan, R. L. Cochran, and R. G. Lamberton, an incident occurred which nearly took from him the acqui- sitions of years of industry and economy. His cashier, in whom he had placed every confidence and to whom he had rendered every kindness, sud- denly and without any known reason, attempted to destroy the bank by stuffing into a grate fire the money and bonds and books. Happily, with the loss of a few thousand dollars, almost all were saved. The incident fur- nished a vivid illustration of the really great side of his character, his wonder- ful self-control, and self-poise. In the words of Doctor Eaton: "Although packages of government bonds and masses of bank notes were roaring and crackling in the flames of the grate, and the books of the bank torn and mutilated, yet he seemed unmoved at the calamity and had not a word of condemnation for the rash hand that had brought the fearful peril, and when the danger was over and the damage partly averted, there was as lit- tle excitement as when the ruin seemed most imminent." BIOGRAPHIES OF FKANKLIN. 783 For liftv years he was closely connected with the Presbyterian church of Franklin, of which he was at times ruling elder, trustee, Sabbath school superintendent and teacher, and toward the erection of its tine building contributed a very large proportion of the expense. Politically, Judge Lam- berton was a Democrat of the old school, and until within a few years of his death, when his health became feeble, was recognized as a leader of ability and influence in the party. On the Gth of April, 1887, he was married to Miss Margaret Seaton, of Franklin. To them were born nine children, the following of whom are now livino': William J., intermarried with Sarah L. Raymond; Elizabeth, intermarried with Calvin W. Gilfillan; Lewis T., intermarried with Martha A. Mitchell; Samuel H., intermarried with Ann E. Smith; Robert G., inter- married with Luella J. Chess, and after her decease with Jessie K. Judson; Margaret J., intermarried with George P. Hukill; Edwin H., intermar- ried with Annie C. Kirker, and Harry, intermarried with Virginia E. Hughes. After a painful and lingering illness Robert Lamberton died at his resi- dence on Thirteenth street, in Franklin, gn Friday morning, August 7, 1885, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. The funeral services took place from the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon, August 9, 1885, and were attended by a very large concourse of people fi'om different places. The services were conducted by Reverends John McCoy and S. J. M. Eaton, D. D. , Doctor Eaton delivering a most eloquent and feeling address in trib- ute to a life-long and steadfast friend. After the services the remains were taken to the Franklin cemetery. For several years previous to his decease Judge Lamberton had anticipated the event and in his usual systematic way had put everything in order, so that, as Judge Trunkey truthfully said: "His family inherited no litigation, no complicated matters of business; all were settled by himself, and the distribution readily made according to his testament. ' ' His ancestry on his father's side were Scottish, the name Lamberton being of pure Scotch origin and figuring prominently in the history of Ayr- shire, Scotland, as far back as the twelfth century. Although never able to revisit the home of his youth, he never forgot the land of his birth or turned a deaf ear to the calls of his Irish countrymen. Judge Gordon's letter of October 17, 1885, to Doctor Eaton gives this brief but just summary of his character: "There are but few men of the many within my acquaintance whom I more thoroughly esteemed. About his justness and integrity there was no question, and whilst he was firm even to sternness, fixed in his opinions when once settled by conviction— a characteristic alike of his person and of his race— yet was he full of kindness and open to the influence of reason. He was a quiet man and without pretense; he observed much and said little, but what he did say was to the point. His judgment was sound and ac- 784 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ciirate and in tlie transaction of our official business I depended much upon it. He was a godly man, one who loved righteousness and eschewed evil. His friendship was not easily gained but when once had it was as firm as the everlasting hills." ' ' It would be idle, ' ' said Judge Trunkey, ' ' to say of him that he never made a mistake or committed an error, as it would be of other men, but those who knew him best most highly appreciated him while living and have most pleasant memories of his life." — E. H. L. Robert G. Lambeeton, banker, fourth son of Robert and Margaret Lamberton, was born February 14, 1848, at Franklin. He was educated at Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, and at Monmouth Col- lege, Illinois. He read law with Calvin W. Gilfillan, and was admitted to the Venango bar September 12, 1870. For over fourteen years he continued the practice of the law, most of the time alone, but during a year or more he associated with him in partnership his brother, E. H. Lamberton. In Sep- tember, 1884, an advantageous opening offering itself he purchased the banking house and business of Reynolds, Lamberton & Company of Oil City, of w"hich he became president and changed the name to the Lamberton Bank, which position he still retains. He was married December 23, 1873, to Miss Luella J. Chess, of Franklin, by whom he has two children: Bertha C. and Chess. Mrs. Lamberton died November 10, 1877. He was again mar- ried October 21, 1880, to Miss Jessie K. Judson, of Waterford, Pennsyl- vania. Two children are the fruits of this union: George J. and Robert. Mr. Lamberton has tilled in an acceptable manner many positions of trust and responsibility, among which is the office of supreme protector of the United States of the K. and L. of H. Edwin H. Lamberton, fifth son of Robert and Margaret Lamberton, was born October 21, 1854, in Franklin. He was educated at Phillip's Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, at Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, \^here he graduated in June. 1876; at Columbia College Law school. New York city, and the University of Leipsic, Germany. He studied law also with his brother, R. G. Lamberton, and April 21, 1879, was admitted to the Venango bar. On the 18th of October, 1881, he was admitted to the supreme court of Pennsylvania, and May 3, 1882, to the supreme court and state coiirts of Minnesota. On the 30th of June, 1882, he was admitted to the district courts of the third judicial district of Dakota territory, and December 20, 1883, to the circuit court of the United States for the district of Min- nesota. From May, 1882, until December, 1884, he resided at Moorehead, Minnesota, where, as attorney for the St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Manitoba Railway Company at that point, he had an extensive practice in the various courts of Minnesota and Dakota. He also took an active part in politics, serving on the Democratic county committee, and as a delegate to the Demo- cratic state convention at St. Paul assisted in sending a solid delegation to BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 785 support Grover Cleveland's nomination for president in the national con- vention at Chicago. In the campaign that followed he su])ported the Demo- cratic canse and made many public addresses in behalf of its candidates. In the winter of 1884 Mr. Lamberton, having purchased his brother's law library, succeeded him in practice at Franklin and since that time has con- tinued in the active duties of his profession in the Pennsylvania courts. He was married September 16, 1885, to Miss Annie C. Kirker, daughter of J. AV. Kirker, attorney, of Pittsburgh. One child was born of this union, ])ut died in infancy. James Bleakley, deceased, was born near Unionville, Berks county, Pennsylvania, September 13, 1820, a son of John Bleakley, a native of the township of Murphy, County Tyrone, Ireland, where he was born October 20, 1788. He came to Venango county in the summer of 1883 and resided there until his death, September 11, 1809. Our subject was apprenticed to the printing business in 1836, and after completing a three years' term of service he went to Butler, Pennsylvania, where he worked three years. His educational privileges were exceedingly limited. Early in life he was called upon to give assistance to his father, who labored under pecuniary embar- rassments, and as he was an energetic and methodical worker, he was able at an early age to render material aid. The time he spent in school did not exceed eighteen months. During the last term he attended school he was frequently late in returning home, for which his father demanded an ex- planation. Inquiry developed the fact that the teacher was often unable to solve the examples of his advanced class in arithmetic, and that James Bleakley had remained after school to assist him in preparing the lesson for the following day. In 1842 he returned to Franklin, and in company with John W. Shu- gert established the Democratic Arch, continuing its publication about two years and a half. The tiles of this paper from July, 1842, to October, 1843, still in possession of his family, are the earliest continuous files extant of any newspaper in Venango county. He married Elizabeth Dubbs, oldest daughter of Jacob Dubbs, who came to Franklin in 1824, and was engaged as a wheelwright until 1830, when he embarked in merchandising and so continued until his death in 1845. Seven children were born to James and Elizabeth Bleakley. Eliza- beth, IVIi's. T. W. Brigham, was born January 16, 1845; Clara, who mar- ried Alexander McDowell, banker, of Sharon, Pennsylvania, was born April 6, 1847; William James was born July 6, 1849, and married Miss Mary S. Lamb, daughter of John Lamb, of Allegheny township, Venango county; Efl&e, born November 26, 1851, married Doctor E. W. Moore, of Franklin; Orrin Dubbs, born May 15, 1854, married Miss Hattie Richardson, of Frank- lin; Harry was born January 8, 1859; and Edmund, born October 30, 1860, married Miss Bertha Legnard, of Waukegan, Illinois. 786 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. In the spring of 1844 he engaged in business as a merchant. Although trade was limited expenses were light, and with the assistance of his wife in preparing articles for sale he was soon able to accumulate a little money, which he invested in real estate at Franklin and throughout the county. In 1849 he erected the building now occupied by the International Bank. For about twenty years he continued in the mercantile business. In 1851 and for several years thereafter, he was associated with A. P. Whitaker in the publication of the Venango Spectator. He was elected county treasurer in 1851, serving two years. In 1864 he was instrumental in organizing the First National Bank of Franklin, of which he was cashier from that date until 1867. In 1868 he opened the International Bank at its present loca- tion, and the business thus established is still continued by his sons. It is one of the well-known financial institutions of the county. In addition to the business mentioned, he was also interested in various other enterprises, among them a tannery, foundry, oil refinery, and tinning establishment, and in real estate and other transactions. From the year 1859 until his death he was engaged in the various branches of the oil business. He was one of the purchasers of the Galloway tract and outlot No. 8, famous for their prodiiction of Franklin lubricating oil. The block built by him on Liberty street, Franklin, is one of the most substantial in the city. A man of positive character, he made some enemies but more friends. He was a Democrat until Buchanan's election in 1856, but from that date affiliated with the Republican party. He was burgess of Franklin several terms, and served in the council of both the borough and city. He was active in advocating public attention and care for the parks, and in promoting the various improvements designed for the advancement of the city. He re- mained an ardent Republican until his death, October 3, 1883. — W. J. B. William J. Bleakley, banker, was born in Franklin, Pennsylvania, July 6, 1849, and is the eldest son of James and Elizabeth Bleakley. He was reared in Franklin, and received his education in the public schools, subse- quently spending one year at Waterford Academy. From boyhood he assist- ed his father in the bank, and on the death of the latter he succeeded him as head of the International Bank, of which he is now president. Under his management the International has continued the same prosperous career that it enjoyed during the lifetime of his father. Politically Mr. Bleakley is a Republican, has served five years on the city council, and two terms as mayor of Franklin. He is recognized as one of the most competent officials that the city has every had. During his several terms in the council he made a special ofPort to reduce the debt of the city, which finally resulted in accomplishing that object and in establishing a sinking fund for the redemp- tion of the city bonds. Mr. Bleakley was married May 17, 1876, to Miss Mary S., daughter of John and Anna (May) Lamb, of Allegheny township. Venango county. Her BIOGRAPHIES OF FKANKLIN. 787 mother was a daughter of Reverend Hezekiah May, one of the pioneer min- isters of this part of the state. Six children are the fruits of this union: Anna M., Orrin L. , Fredei'ick J., Margaret M. , Evelyn E. , and William Jay. The family are adherents of the Presbyterian church. John L. Mitchell, banker, was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, April 10, 1826, son of Thomas and Eliza (Lamb) Mitchell. His grand- father. Reverend David Mitchell, a Methodist preacher, was a native of the North of Ireland who immigrated to Pennsylvania and located in Centre county. He reai-ed two sons: Thomas and James. The latter remained in Centre county until his death. Thomas grew up in that county where he followed blacksmithing; in April, 1836, he removed to Venango county, and settled on a farm near Pleasantville in Allegheny township. Here he en- gaged in farming and merchandising. He ha(l a family of ten children: David H. , deceased; John L. ; Forster W. ; Sarah J., wife of James L. Con- nely, of Philadelphia; Martha, wife of L. T. Lamberton, of Franklin; Mel- vina, deceased; Minerva E., wife of Alexander W. Brown, of Pleasantville; William; Charles R. , and Mary J., the three last mentioned being dead. The mother was a member of the Baptist church, and died on the old home- stead in the winter of 1851. Her husband subsequently removed to Ashta- bula, Ohio, where he died in April, 1870. Our subject grew up on the old homestead, and followed farming until manhood. He afterward engaged in lumbering and merchandising and thus accumulated his financial start in life. He was one of the first men in Venango county to engage in oil pros- pecting, and put down, on the Buchanan farm in Cornplanter township, one of the first wells in the oil country. From that time until he entered the banking business, he was one of the most extensive and successful operators of the county. In 1871 he was one of the organizers of the Exchange Bank of Franklin, and has been president of that institution since its inception. Mr. Mitchell was married February 21, 1867, to Miss Hattie R., daughter of A. W. Raymond of Franklin. She was born at Utica, Venango county, and is the mother of nine children: John R., a gi'aduate of Yale College, and civil engineer at Seattle, "Washington; Lida L. ; Mark D. ; Jennie E. ; George W., deceased; Mary; Thomas; Bertha, and Lynn. In politics Mr. Mitchell has been a supporter of the Republican party since its organiza- tion, but has taken little active interest in public affairs. Commencing life poor he has by steady application, persevering industry, and close attention to his business accumulated a handsome fortune, and is to-day one of the solid, substantial financiers of the Allegheny valley. Forster W. Mitchell, banker, was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, May 7, 1828, and is a son of Thomas and Eliza (Lamb) Mitchell, early set- tlers of Allegheny township, Venango county, mentioned in the previous sketch. Our subject was reared on the old homestead in this county, and has resided here since the coming of his parents in April, 1836. He fol- 788 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lowed farmino^ and lumbering, and since the earliest period of the oil excite- ment has been an extensive operator. For the past eighteen years Mr. Mitchell has also been engaged in the banking business, and is now senior member of the firm of F. W. Mitchell & Company, bankers, Oil City. He was married to Miss Laura M. Wilson, of Enterprise, Warren county, Penn- sylvania, in May, 1851. She is the mother of three children: Herbert W., deceased; Lottie M., wife of Dilworth Richardson, of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Stella V. , wife of Bryan H. Osborn, attorney at law, of Franklin. Po- litically Mr. Mitchell has been a stanch Republican since the organization of that party, and takes an active interest in the success of its principles and measures. In 1875 he was appointed by Governor Hartranft one of the Centennial Commission of Pennsylvania, and served as treasurer of the board during that historic event. Mr. Mitchell has been one of the most successful men of his adopted county, and has always been a liberal sup- porter of every worthy local enterprise. He is recognized as one of the public- spirited, prominent citizens of this portion of the state. Calvin W. Gilfillan, banker, was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, Februarv 20. 1832. He is a son of James and Jane (Adams) Gilfillan, and grandson of James Gilfillan, one of the earliest settlers in that portion of Mercer county cut off in the erection of Lawrence, where the family lo- cated about 1797. His father was born on the old homestead in 1800 and died in Iowa in 1886. Mr. Gilfillan was reared in Lawrence county, obtained a primary education in the common schools, and subsequently attended Westminister College at New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. He commenced reading law in the office of William Stewart in Mercer in the winter of 1856-57, and was admitted to practice in November, 1850. He was elected in 1857 superintendent of schools of Mercer county, and filled the office two years. In 1858-59 he served as transcribing clerk in the house of representatives of Pennsylvania. Immediately after his admission to the bar Mr. Gilfillan located in Franklin, where he soon built up a good practice. In 1861 he was appointed district attorney of Venango county and elected to the same office in 1862, serving three years in that capacity. In 1862 he formed a partnership with Charles E. Taylor, and the firm of Taylor & Gilfillan was soon recognized as one of the leading law firms of the district. In 1867 the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Gilfillan continued the active duties of his profession alone until 1873; he then accepted the presidency of the Lamberton Savings Bank, which position he has since filled, devoting his entire attention to the banking business. Politically he has always been an ardent Republican, and in 1868, was elected to dongress by a good round ma- jority, and served in the house his full term. In 1870 he was a delegate to the national Republican convention that nominated Grant for president the sec- ond time, and in 1880, as a member of the electoral college of Pennsylvania, he cast his vote for James A. Garfield as president and Chester A. Arthur as '\. ^--t^^^^yt^t^^f^L^^^^^^ BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 791 vice-president. Mr. Gilfillan was married November 8, 1858, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Robert Lamberton, of Franklin, who has borne him ionr cliiklren: Annie M., wife of Doctor E. P. Wilmot of Franklin; Bobert E. , William L., and Emma M. The family are Presbyterians. Mr. Gilfillan is one of the substantial and popular citizens of Venango county, where he has resided over thirty years. Charles Miller, sixth sou of Christian Miller, is of Huguenot ancestry, and was born in the little village of Oberhoffen, Canton de BishAveiler, Alsace, France, June 15, 1843. When he was eleven years old, the family came to this country and settled near the village of Boston, Erie county, New York, where the father purchased a farm. At the age of thirteen he engaged him- self to a country merchant for a year for thirty-five dollars and board. When seventeen years old he secured a clerkship in a dry-goods store in Buffalo at one hundred and seventy-five dollars, board not included. The highest wao-es he received as long as he remained a clerk was eight dollars per week. He enlisted in the New York National Guard in 1861, and in 1863 was mus- tered into the United States service. He was married in 1863 at Springville, New Y^ork, to Miss A-nn Adelaide Sibley, eldest child of Doctor Joseph Crocker and Lucy Elvira (Babcock) Sibley. Their children are: Adelaide Sibley, Charles Joseph Sibley, Henry Sibley, LeRoy Sibley, Julius French, and Metta Evalina. These are all now living, except Henry Sibley, who died in infancy. Mr. Miller commenced business for himself in 1864, in the same store in Boston, New York, in which he had first begun as clerk. His own capital was only two hundred dollars, but Doctor Sibley loaned him two thousand dollars, and also aided him by valuable suggestions. In 1866, Doctor Sibley having died, he sold out his store, the profits of the business being about one thousand dollars above living expenses. The same year he came to Franklin, formed a partnership with John Coon, of Buffalo, and for three years did a successful dry-goods business, but the fall in prices was then so great as to equal all the profits and nearly the whole amount originally invested. In 1869 the partners purchased a works and a patent for Galena oil. 11. L. Cochran was taken into partnership in the oil business. The dry-goods business continued depressed and the store was closed out at a loss of eleven thousand dollars. Mr. Miller himself auctioned off most of the goods. The following year the works burned down, and Miller and Coon found them- selves liable for thirty-two thousand dollars with assets amounting to about six thousand dollars. In this misfortune several citizens together subscribed and presented one thousand dollars, which was gratefully accepted as a loan and subsequently repaid. Necessary funds for continuing the business were obtained by taking in a new partner, H. B. Plumer. Another works was purchased and refitted, and within thirty days after the fire, oil was being 792 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. shipped from the new manufactory. Since that time the business has been prosperous and continuously growing. In the fall of 1878 his partners dis- posed of their interests to the Standard Oil Company. Mr. Miller retained his interest, was made president, and given entire management of the busi- ness. To-day nearly three-fourths of the railway mileage of the United States lubricate their equipment with Galena oils. Mr. Miller deals directly with consumers. Since 1870 his business trips have averaged nearly five days of every week. Probably no other man has a wider acquaintance with railroad officials, and what is highly gratifying is that they are almost with- out exception his personal friends. Mr. Miller is a director in many other enterprises, among which may be mentioned the Paige Car Wheel Company; the Middleton Spring Company; the Kailway Speed Kecorder Company; the Anglo-American Oxide Com- pany, and the First National Bank of Franklin. He is also the senior part- ner and joint owner with his brother-in-law, J. C. Sibley, of the noted Pros- pect Hill Stock Farm. For two successive terms, 1885 and 1886, Mr. Miller was elected mayor of Franklin on the Republican ticket. His vote and influence are now east for the Prohibition party. He is now serving his fourth continuous term as president of the Northwestern Association of Pennsylvania of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was ordnance officer of the Second brigade of Pennsylvania under General James A. Beaver, and when General John A. Wiley succeeded to the command. Major Miller was appointed assistant ad- jutant general, which position he still holds. He united with the Baptist church in Boston, New York, in 1865. At Franklin he assisted in the organization of the First l^aptist church, of which he was, at the age of twenty- four, made deacon. The First Baptist Sunday school, of which he has been for seventeen years the superintend- ent, niimbers nearly six hundred members. He is also stiperintendent of the Third Ward mission school. In each school he teaches a Bible class. The one in the First Baptist school comprises over one hundred and seventy- five men. He has been for several years past conductor of the French Creek Sunday School Association. He is at present president of the Young Men's Christian Association of Franklin and is now serving his fourth successive term as president of the Pennsylvania Baptist Association. Mr. Miller's gifts to worthy objects have kept pace with his increasing wealth, and many chui'ches, schools, and benevolent institutions, as well as deserving individuals, have been substantially helped by him. In October, 1889, he opened a free night school for his employes and the young men who attend either of the two Sunday schools of which he is superintendent. Four teachers are employed, and some ninety pupils enrolled. — E. H. S. Joseph Crocker Sibley, the second child and eldest son of Doctor Joseph Crocker and Lucy Elvira (Babcock) Si])ley, both of Puritan ancestry, BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 793 was born at Friendship, Allegany connty, New York, February 18, 1850. In 1806, upon the death of his father, lie gave up, on account of liruited means, a course in college for which he was about prepared, and came to Franklin and began clerking in the dry-goods store of his brother-in-law, Charles Miller. From that time the business interests of Messrs. Miller and Sibley have been closely allied. In 1870 Mr. Sibley married Metta Eva- lina Babcock, youngest child of Simon Milton and Celia (Kellogg) Babcock, of Friendship, New York. Their two children are Josephine and Celia Mary. After the closing out of the dry goods store Mr. Sil)ley was agent for the Galena Oil Works at Chicago for about two years, and during the great lire lost all his effects and came near losing his life. The beginning of his business prosperity may be said to date from 1878, when he returned to Franklin, and after many experiments succeeded in making a signal oil superior to those previously in use in quality of light, safety, and cold test. The Signal Oil AVorks, Limited, was organized with Mr. Sibley as president, and the proprietors of the Galena Oil Works, Limited, whose plant was used for the manufactory, as partners. A few years later Mr. Sibley compounded a valve oil for locomotives, which was more economical and free from all the bad effects of the animal oils that had hitherto been in use. This oil has been introduced on three-fourths of the railway mileage of the United States. His purchase of St. Bel and other animals that afterward became noted is mentioned in the article on Prospect Hill Stock Farm. His judgment in regard to live stock has been many times strikingly confirmed, and he is now generally considered one of the best judges of horses and Jersey cattle in the United States. For several years prior to 1889 he was one of the leading members of the Venango County Agricultural Society, and its yearly fairs, which rivaled in excellence the state fair, owed no little of their success to his plans, and the loose purse strings of himself and Major Miller. After the burning of th'e Hanna block, there being no place in Franklin suitable for concerts, operas, or theatrical representations, Mr. Sibley drew up a subscription list and himself and Major Miller having headed the list called on the leading citizens and in one or two days enlisted sufficient capi- tal to ei'ect the tasty and commodious opera house building that is now such a credit to the city. The large pipe organ in the First Baptist chui-ch of Franklin, of which he is a member, was the gift of himself and Major Miller, and they also bear the entire expense of the music, which is said to compare favorably with that of any other church choir of equal numbers in the country. The only church services in the Third ward are supported by these same gentlemen. Prior to the Blaine campaign Mr. Sibley was an ardent Republican and 794 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. made many speeches in behalf of that party. Since that time he has voted with and spoken for the Prohibition party, whose principal object, the sup- pression of the liquor traffic, he heartily indorses. Although a member of the class principally benefited by the high tariff laws, a careful study of the question has led him to believe that such legislation is unwise and unjust, taxing all for the benefit of a few, and on several public occasions he has earnestly stated his views and given many illustrations in support of them. His sympathies have always been with the laboring classes. He was elected mayor of Franklin in his twenty-ninth year on the issue of public improve- ments, but has never since been a candidate for any political office. Mr. Sibley is president of the Pennsylvania State Dairymen's Association vice-president of the National Half-Mile Track Association, a director and member of the executive committee of the National Association of Trotting Horse Breeders, and a member of the State Board of Agriculture. He has twice been a director of the American Jersey Cattle Club and is the author of some of its most important measures. Besides the business interests al- ready referred to, he is president of the Franklin Opera House Company and a director in the Kail way Speed Recorder Company, and the First National Bank of Franklin. He has made several contributions to live stock litera- ture. An address on the Jersey cow, and an article comparing George Wilkes and Electioneer as trotting sires excited wide comment and have been many times reprinted. — E. H. S. Daniel Grimm, oil producer, is a son of Abraham and Caroline (Koehler) Grimm, and was born in Rheinish Bavaria, on the borders of France, in 1838, and came to America in 1850. In early life Mr. Grimm was engaged as a clerk in a grocery house at Meadville, Pennsylvania. In 1861 he came to Franklin and engaged in the mercantile business, and in 1869 went into oil producing. In 1866 Mr. Grimm was married to Carrie F., daughter of William Weyman, of New York city. They are the parents of two sons and six daughters: Charles D., and Eugene Eaton; Stella K., wife of John F. Renfro, of Opelika, Alabama; Lula, Mary Etta, Eva C, Lida, and De Pearl. Politically Mr. Grimm is a Democrat, has served two terms on the city council, and belongs to the Masonic order, and the A. O. U. W. He is one of the most successful and substantial business men of Franklin. Henry M. Hughes, deceased, was born in Rockland township, Venango county, Pennsylvania, May 12, 1831, son of James and Mary (Mallory) Hughes. His father, James Hughes, Jr. , was born in Butler county March 29, 1804, and his grandfather, James Hughes, Sr., was one of the pioneers of the Scrubgrass region, where he was early engaged in operating a grist and saw mill, and later embarked in the iron business. His death occurred in Cranberry township in February, 1857. James Hughes, Jr., was also an active business man and operated mills in various parts of the county. Our subject received his education in the common schools, at an academy at Nel- BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 795 son, Ohio, and at Allegheny College, Meadville. In 1857 he went to Kansas, where he filled various positions of trust and responsibility. In October, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, of which he was elected first lieutenant, and served until honorably discharged, October 17, 1804, rising to the rank of captain and filling for a time the position of chief of staft" of the Second brigade, Second division, cavalry corps. After the war he located at Flumer, and was connected for a time with the United States revenue service. He was subsequently one of the organizers of the Antwerp Pipe Line Company, and upon its consolidation with the United Pipe Lines became secretary of the latter. On the 27th of November, 1859, Mr. Hughes married Frances A. Richardson, and they were the parents of nine children: Harry R. ; Edward E. ; Albert D. ; Virginia E. ; Eiigene E. ; Nina M. ; Ural S. ; Annetta L. L. , and Frances A. Mr. Hughes died in Valparaiso, Saunders county, Nebraska, September 9, 1885. Colonel Lewis H. Fassett, oil producer and refiner, was born Decem- ber 10, 1882, in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, and is the seventh and youngest son of Philo and Miriam (Wheeler) Fassett, who moved from Vermont to Bradford county about 1808. They afterward removed to Elmira, New York, where two of their descendants, N. P. Fassett, at- torney at law, and J. Sloat Fassett, present state senator of that county, now reside. Colonel Fassett was educated at Elmira, New York, and spent his early life upon the homestead farm, which he purchased at the age of twenty-one, and continued farming and lumbering until the breaking out of the Rebellion. When Lincoln made his call for "three hundred thousand more " it aroused his patriotism, and he "left the plow in the furrow" and enlisted in Company G, Sixty-Fourth New York Volunteers, September 17, 1861, at Elmira, New York. Ten days afterward he was elected first lieu- tenant of his company, and at the battle of Fredericksburg December 13, 1862, he was promoted to the captaincy thereof. Immediately after the advance on Petersburg, in 1864, he was promoted to major, which was very soon followed by a commission as brevet lieutenant colonel for gallantry and meritorious conduct. He served as colonel of his regiment until the end of his term of service, and was mustered out with the remnant of his command Sep- tember 8, 1864. His regiment was attached to the Second army corps, Army of the Potomac, and he participated in forty-two regular engagements, com- mencing at Yorktown, May 5, 1862, and ending with the battle of Ream's Sta- tion, August 25, 1864. He served in the following battles in 1862: Yorktown, May 5th; WiUiamsburg, May 6th; Fair Oaks, June 1st; Mechanicsville, June 26th; Gaines' Mills, June 27th; Peach Orchard, June 28th; Savage Station. June 29th; Glendale, June 30th; Malvern Hill, July 1st; South Mountain. September 14th; Antietam, September 16th and 17th; Snicker's Gap, No- vember 2nd, and Fredericksburg, December Pith, 13th, and 14th. In 1863: Chancellorsville, May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th; Gettysburg, July 1st, 2nd, and 796 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 3rd; Funkstown, July 12tb, and Falling Waters, July Uth. In 1864: The battles of the Wilderness, May 5th, 6th, and 7th; Poe Eiver, May 10th; Spottsylvania, May 12th, 13th, and Uth; North Anna, May 23rd, 24th, and 25th; Tolopotomoy, May 28th, 29th, and 30th; Cold Harbor, June 1st to 12th; Petersburg, June 17th, 18th, and 19th; Weldon Railroad, June 22nd and 23rd; Deep Bottom, July 27th and 28th; Strawberry Plains, August Uth, 15th, and 16th; Six Mile House, August 19th and 20th, and Ream's Station, August 25th. He was captured at the last named battle and held prisoner for a few moments, but in the general rush and confusion he es- caped to the Union lines. Colonel Fassett passed through the campaign without serious injury, but he had some very " close calls. " He was a temperate and brave soldier, and used neither whiskey, tobacco, nor profanity. He was respected by his men and received many complimentary appointments of trust and responsi- bility. On the 20th of January, 1862, he was appointed by General O. O, Howard to take command of a recruiting party and report for duty at Al- bany, New York. Completing this service he returned to his regiment April 28th in time to take part in the battle of Yorktown. In July, 1863, soon after the heavy losses at Gettysburg, he was detailed in command of a detachment to report to Elmira, New York, to take charge of drafted men that were assigned to the Second army corps. His regiment wafe always attached to the Second corps, commanded by General W infield Scott Han- cock. Lieutenant Colonel William F. Fox, in his popular work on "Regi- mental Losses in the American Civil War of 1861-1865" says of this corps : ' ' The Second army corps was prominent by reason of its longer and continuous service, larger organization, hardest fighting, and greatest num- ber of casualties. Within its ranks was the regiment which sustained the largest percentage of loss in any one action; also the regiment which sus- tained the greatest numerical loss in any one action; also the regiment which sustained the greatest numerical loss during its term of service: while of the one hundred regiments of the Union army which lost the most men in battle, thirty-five of them belonged to the Second corps." A remarkable feature with regard to losses in Colonel Fassett' s regiment is that the rec- ords on file at Washington show that it lost more men in killed and wound- ed than its original number when it marched to the front in 1861. It would thus have been wiped out of existence had it not been replenished from time to time with recruits and drafted men. At the close of the war Colonel Fassett located at Elmira, New York, and engaged in the wholesale grocery trade. In 1870 he removed to Frank- lin and commenced the production of oil, and in 1873 established the Cres- cent Oil Works, which he operates in connection therewith. He produces and manufactures the celebrated natural Franklin lubricating oil, which is produced in no other part of the United States. He was married May 27, BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 797 1880, to Miss Leah J. , daughter of Samuel F. Dale of Franklin. One daugh- ter, Eliza D., is the fruit of this union. Colonel Fassett has always been an ardent Republican, is one of the charter members of Mays Post, G. A. 11. , and is a member of the Presbyterian church. He is one of the enterpris- ing business men of his adopted coiinty. M.v.roR Robert J. Phipps, oil producer, was born in Clinton township, Ve- nango county, January 2-1:, 1839. His parents were Joseph and Elizabeth Lowrie (Whann) Phipps, the former a son of John Phipps, and the latter a daughter of Robert S. Whann, pioneers, respectively, of Clinton and Min- eral townships, in the biographical chapters of which sketches of both fami- lies will be found. Robei-t J. obtained a common school education in his native township. After a brief business experience at Franklin and on Oil creek, he enli.sted October 14, 1861, as a private in Company H, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the close of the war, participating in lifty-six engagements and skirmishes and in every important battle in which the Army of the Potomac was engaged. He filled every grade in his regiment from private to major, served a year and a half as inspector gen- eral of the Second brigade, Second division, cavalry corps. Army of the Potomac, and was brevetted lieutenant colonel near the close of the war upon the recommendation of General Sheridan, " for gallant, efficient, and meritorious services in action. ' ' John M. Phipps Post, G. A. R. , at Clin- tonville is named in honor of his brother, who died at his home in 1862 from exposure incident to military service. After the close of the war our subject engaged in mercantile pursuits at Franklin, continuing in business at Polk and Parker until 1869, when he returned to Clintonville. In 1875 he engaged in oil production in the Bullion field, and later in Butler county, where his operations have met with fair success. Major Phipps was mar- ried January 16, 1865, to Miss Hattie A. , daughter of Robert Cross, who was elected associate judge of Venango coukty in 1851. They are the par- ents of two children: Marshall L., a graduate of Lafayette College in 1887, and a student at law in the office of Lee, Criswell & Hastings, Franklin; and Elizabeth, who died March 11, 1883, at the ago of sixteen. Politically Major Phipps is a Republican, and was a justice of the peace at Clinton- ville twelve years. He is a member of the Masonic order, the G. A. R., and other fraternal societies, and present colonel commander of Encamp- ment No. 45, Union Veteran Legion. Colonel John Hereon Cain, producer and refiner of lubricating oils, was born at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 18, 1838, son of Henry P. Cain, a native of Trenton, New Jersey, who came to Pittsburgh in 1832, where he spent the balance of his days. He was engaged in the boot and shoe business and occupied a room on the corner of Fifth avenue and Mark» et street for half a century. Our subject was reared and educated in Pittsburgh, and subsequently was employed as teller in the old Pittsburgh 798 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Trust Company, now the First National Bank. In 1858 Colonel Cain went to St Louis, Missouri, where he occupied a similar position, and in the spring of 1860 removed to Chattanooga, Tennessee. In March, 1861, see- ing that a war between the states was imminent, he returned to Pittsburgh, where he soon afterward enlisted in Company K, Twelfth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for the three months service. At the expiration of his term he came home and recruited Company C, One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth Penn- sylvania Volunteers, of which he was elected captain. He served in all the battles and campaigns of that regiment up to his resignation in September, 1864. After the battle of Antietam he was promoted to the rank of major, and subsequent to the battle of Fredericksburg to that of lieutenant colonel of his regiment. While holding the latter rank he commanded his regiment at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and on the 3rd of July, 1863, was promoted to the colonelcy, and served in that capacity until his resignation some months afterward. In April, 1865, he came to Franklin to accept the tellership of the First National Bank, which position he filled eighteen months, and then went into the oil business. He followed pro- diicing solely until 1885, when he established the Keystone refinery, and operated it in conjunction with the producing business until January 1, 1890, when he consolidated with the Franklin Oil Works. Colonel Cain was married in Franklin, January 13, 1876, to Miss Jennie H. , only daugh- ter of William Elliott, deceased, one of the well-known citizens of the county. In politics he is a Republican, a member of the G. A. R. , also of the Masonic order and the A. O. U. W., and is connected with the First Presbyterian church of Franldin. Hugh Care, one of the proprietors of the Franklin Oil Works, was born in County Derry, Ireland, March 3, 1839. His parents, Patrick and Martha (Marling) Carr, were natives of the same county, where the latter died; the former immigrated to Franklin, Pennsylvania, in 1873, and here spent the remaining years of his life. Our subject was reared in Ireland, where he followed the linen weaving trade. In early manhood he removed to Scot- land, worked in a locomotive manufactory, and in 1867 immigrated to Pitts- ijurgh, Pennsylvania, where he continued to follow the iron business. In August, 1868, he entered the employ of Doctor W. C. Tweddle, then oper- ating the Eclipse Oil Works at Pittsburgh. The works were burned in 1870, and Doctor Tweddle removed to Aladdin, Armstrong county, and in 1873 established the Eclipse Oil Works of Franklin. Mr. Carr removed here at the same time, and has ever since been engaged in the refining busi- ness, being one of the two oldest refiners now engaged in the business in Franklin. In 1877 he and George Allen and Robert Fleming erected the .Franklin Oil Works, with which he has since been connected. Mr. Carr was married May 10, 1864, to Mary Gregg, of County Derry, Ireland, who is the mother of four children: Anna Belle; Andrew, deceased; Mattie, and BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 799 Hugh Tolman. The family are members of the Protestant Episcopal church of Franklin. In politics Mr. Carr is a Republican, and believes that every foreign-born citizen should l)e a resident of the United States twenty-one years before enjoying the rights of citizenship. He has been fairly suc- cessful during his residence in Franklin, and enjoys the confidence of a large circle of friends. Jacob AV. Reamer, of the Franklin Oil Works, is a native of Westmore- land county, Pennsylvania, born August 27, 1846, and grew to manhood in Greensburg, the county seat of that county. In 1872 he went to Parker's Landing, Pennsylvania, whither ho was attracted by the oil excitement. He followed producing at that point until 1881, when he came to Franklin, and has been a resident of this city for the past nine years. In April, 1887, he 2-)urchased the interest of George Allen in the Franklin Oil Works and has since been one of the proprietors of that institution. Mr. Reamer was mar- ried in 1873, to Miss Annie A. Tinstman, of Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, who has borne him f our childi-en : Edna B. and Katie, deceased; Daniel, and Earl. The family are adherents of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in politics he is a Republican. In 1864 he enlisted in the Two Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteers and served until the close of the war. He is a member of the G. A. R. and Royal Arcanum, and thoroughly in har- mony with the growth and progress of his adopted home. O. B. Steele, manager of the Relief Oil Works, was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, son of George and Mary (Hill) Steele. He came to Franklin with his parents in 1850, and in 1859 engaged in the oil business. In 1866 he organized the Cranberry Oil Company, in 1877 the Valley Oil Company, and in 1878 was one of the organizers of the Relief Oil Works. Since the erection of the last mentioned plant he has been manager. He was married in 1861 to Miss Mary Fleming, who is the mother of two children: Charles A. and Albert P. Politically Mr. Steele is a Republican, and an energetic, enterprising citizen. Henry Sweet, broker, was born in Ohio, December 17, 1842, and was reared and educated in that state. He learned the stone mason trade, and while working at that business enlisted in the Second Ohio Independent Battery, August 16, 1861, when but nineteen years of age. He served until July, 1862, when he was commissioned first lieutenant of Company K. One Hundred and Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was promoted to captain of Company I, December 12, 1862, and served in that capacity until May, 1863, when he retired from the service for the purpose of attach- ing himself to the navy. He was appointed master of arms, and acted as master's mate on the United States steamer General Thomas, and served until the close of the war, being discharged June 24, 1865. He then re- turned to Ohio and engaged in contracting. In July, 1869, he came to Franklin as superintendent for P. H. Watson in the construction of the 800 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Lake Shore railroad bridge over French creek. In 1873 Mr. Watson was elected president of the Erie railroad, and in August, 1873, he located at Weehawken, New Jersey, as superintendent of the oil docks, which position he tilled until 1876. He then returned to Franklin and in partnership with AVilliam Shafer engaged in the production of oil. The firm of Sweet & Shafer is still engaged in that business, Mr. Sweet devoting his attention largely to the sale and shipment of oil for New York, Chicago, and other markets. He is a member of the Oil City Oil Exchange, and in May, 1889, organized the Franklin Commission Company and Oil City Commission Company, dealers in oil, grain, and stocks, with private wires connecting with the New York Stock Exchange, and the Oil Exchange at Oil City. Since the organization Mr. Sweet has purchased the entire interests of the company. He was married October 13, 1870, to Miss Delia, daughter 6t Alexander Cochran, of Franklin. He is a member of the First Baptist church, and politically a Republican. James P. Keene, broker, son of E. A. and Mary (Dart) Keene, was born in Wisconsin in 1853. His parents subsequently removed to Newark, New Jersey, their former residence, and thence to Patterson in the same state, where our subject was reared and educated. He leai'ned telegraphy and filled his first position at Oil City, and for fifteen years was engaged in that calling in various parts of the country. In 1877 he came to Franklin as local manager for the Western Union Telegraph Company, which jjosition he filled until 1881, when he built and organized the Telephone Exchange. Mr. Keene is also manager of the Franklin opera house, and secretary of the Franklin Improvement Company. He is a member of the B. P. O. E., and one of the bright, enterprising young business men of the city. Albeet p. Whitaker, editor of the Venango ;S^5ec/afor, was born at Troy, New York, October 11, 1817. His father, John Whitaker, was a native of Chatham, Connecticut, burn February 7, 1784. He married Abigail Sand- ford in New York city in April, 1810, and died in that city October 14, 1843. She was born in New York in 1797, and died there August 4, 1834. They were the parents of four children: Albert P., Frances A., James, and Lewis S. Our subject received his primary education in the common schools, and afterward went to an academy in New Jersey and New York city, and graduated at Marion College, Missouri. He came to Venango county in 1838, and clerked for A. W. Raymond until 1842, when he removed to Meadville, and became associated with Samuel W. Magill in the publica- tion of the Democratic Republican. In 1844 he retired from this position, and resumed his former clerkship with Mr. Raymond. In January, 1849, having purchased the old material of the Democratic paper at Franklin, he issued the first number of the Venango Spectator, and, with the exception of about eight years, has 'been its editor and publisher ever since. He was BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 801 luarriod July 31, 1845, in Sandy Creek township, Venango county, to Mary Simcox, born October 28, 1824, and daughter of William and Jane (Mar- shall) Simcox, the former a native of Maryland, born in 1794, and the latter a native of Sandy Creek township, born in 1804. The following children are the fruits of this union: John H. , deceased; Jane M. , wife of George "\V. Plumer, of Akron, Ohio; Ann Eliza, wife of M. H. Mercer; Mary, wife of Reverend Marcus A. Tolman; "William S. ; Emma, wife of John V. Stephenson; Frances A.; Albert P., deceased, and Clara E. Politically Mr. "Whitaker has always been an active Democrat. He has filled the positions of custom-house officer, burgess of Franklin, clerk to the county commis- sioners, and has been the choice of his party several times for different county offices, but because of the large majority of the opposing party he was always defeated. Mr. Whitaker is one of the oldest editors of Penn- sylvania, and has performed his part well in all the relations of life. E. W. Smiley, editor of the Citizen -Press, Franklin, Pennsylvania, is the third son and fifth child of John H. and Nancy Smiley, and grandson of Thomas Smiley, a pioneer of the county and a soldier in the war of 1812. He was born in Franklin September 12, 1845, and was educated in the common schools and at the old Franklin Academy, from which he graduated at the age of fourteen years. He entered the American Citizen printing office as an apprentice in the fall of 1859, and, with the exception of four years, has been connected with the office as apprentice, compositor, fore- man, editor, and publisher, until the present time. His greatest ambition, when a youth, was to win his way to the position of editor of the Citizen, and all his energies were devoted to the accomplishment of that purpose. In 1865, his health failing somewhat, he relinquished the printing business, temporarily, and took a conrse of study at Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Returning to Franklin, he accepted a position on the engineer corps constructing the Jamestown and Franklin railroad. After its comple- tion to Franklin he engaged for a brief time in the coal business with George W. Brigham. In the fall of 18()7 he again entered the Citizen office, then owned by Alexander McDowell. Jr. In 1868 Mr. McDowell expressed a desire to retire, and although an effort was made by Mr. Smiley and his friends to gain control of the paper and business, they failed. April 1, 1869, he was engaged by a company owning the Republican, at Tionesta, Forest county, to edit that paper and. conduct the business for one year, which he did successfiilly. April 1, 1870, he returned to Franklin and pur- chased the Citizen from J. W. H. Reisinger, who had owned and conducted it from January 1, 1869. All the capital necessary for the purchase was borrowed at the high rate of interest prevailing in this section at the time, but all payments were promptly met, and the property was cleared of debt in less than four years. H. S. and F. D. Smiley w'ere associated in the 802 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. publication of the Citizen until the consolidation of the Citizen and Inde- pendent Press in 1884, when F. D. Smiley retired. In 1872 Mr. Smiley was elected a delegate to the Republican state con- vention which nominated General Hartranft for governor, and was also elected a delegate from Venango in 1873-74, 1876, and 1879. In 1876 he was a delegate to th^e Republican national convention at Cincinnati. He was Urst chosen as chairman of the Republican executive committee of Venango county in 1875 and served in the same capacity in 1876, 1881, 1885-87, and 1889. In 1888 he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for congress in the twenty- seventh district and carried Venango county by a large majority over his principal competitor, but failed to secure the district nomination. In 1876 he was elected reading clerk of the senate of Pennsylvania and held that position until 1881, when he was defeated for re-election because of complications and divisions in the Republican party in connection with the election of a United States senator to succeed Senator Buckalew. In 1883 he was elected journal clerk of the senate and has held that responsible position until the present time. In May, 1866, E. W. Smiley and Mary Jane Kilgore, daughter of James and Nancy Kilgore of Mineral township, were iinited in marriage, Reverend John Baine officiating. They have three children: John Howard, Ralph A., and Jessie. H. May Irwin, journalist, was born at Franklin, September 25, 1838, second son of Richard and Hannah (May) Irwin. He was brought up at Franklin, attending the public schools and Franklin Academy. He also took a classical course under the tuition of the late Reverend S. J. M. Eaton, D. D. In 1852 he began to learn the j^rinting trade in the office of the Whig Banner at Franklin, continuing with its proprietor, R. Lyle White, until the autumn of 1853. After this he was employed at different times upon the Advocate and Journal, Venango Spectator, and American Citizen. In 1863-64 he was engaged on the Harrisburg Patriot, first as compositor and afterward as city editor. After withdrawing from this connection he was occupied for several years in dealing in oil lands. In 1868, in company with other gentlemen, he established The Leader, a weekly literary journal, at Baltimore. Some of the ablest writers of the day were among its con tributors, but the venture was not a financial success. Retiring in 1869 he went to Washington city, where he was editor of the Daily Express for a time and for five years reported the proceedings of the national house of representatives for the American Press Association, at the same time per- forming regular work upon the local press. While thus engaged he first began to write humorous articles, criticisms, etc. , which elicited favorable comment from well-known contemporary authors. As a humorous writer his contribu- tions are characterized by a rare degree of wit and originality, and a certain flavor peculiarly his own: and in editorial and general journalistic work he has also achieved success. In 1880 he purchased a half interest in the BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 803 Evening News of Franklin, then in its third year. In 1881 he assumed editorial management of the Independent Press at Franklin. Retiring Janu- iiry 1, 1884, ho resumed his connection with the News, and has been the principal contributor for its columns from that date. September 11, 1870, he married Mary Louise, daughter of H. P. Leech of Washington city, and they have five children: Richard; Hiram L. ; Arthiir M. ; Francis Hunting- don, and Katharine Gertrude. The family is Presbyterian in faith, and in politics Mr. Irwin is a Republican. He has served as school director of Franklin and as president of the city school board, and is connected with the P. H. C. and E. A. U. Major James M. Bredin, the eldest son of Maurice Bredin, was born in Butler, Pennsylvania, on the 14th of November, 1828. His parents came from the northern part of Ireland, near Belfast, and he was, therefore, of Scotch-Irish descent. He received his education at the Butler Academy, an institution which was well known in western Pennsylvania whilst under the direction of the Reverend William White, D.D. , L.L.D., of the Episcopal church. After completing his education he read law under the direction of General John N. Purviance, in his native town, and was admitted to the bar in 1851. Soon after his admission to the bar he conceived the idea of secur- ing the coal lands in the northern part of Butler county, for the purpose of promoting the industry of coal mining upon a large scale. Having been successful in obtaining a large body of these lands he entered into arrange- ments with James McHenry, who was then in control of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway Company. With the cooperation of Mr. McHenry, the Mercer Coal and Mining Company was organized and also the Shenango and Allegheny Railroad Company. In both these enterprises he was a member of the board of directors and took an important part. On the 28th of November, 1864, he was admitted to the Venango bar, removed to Franklin early in the following year, and in the latter place not only continued the practice of his profession, but also took an active interest in commercial and industrial enterprises. He was one of the organizers of the Franklin Bank, and after the merging of that institution into the First National, he was chosen a director of the latter. In 1870, at the solicita- tion of his fi'iends, he was put forward as a candidate for nomination to the office of state senator, his opponent for Venango county being Colonel A. P. Duncan, who had previously been a member of the legislature. At the primary election Major Bredin received a considerable majority of the vote of Venango county, but failed to receive the nomination of the district, which was accorded to Colonel Harrison Allen. Major Bredin represented the reform element in this struggle, and most of his friends claimed that his defeat was due to the illicit influences which he was only too open in condemning. In 1873 Major Bredin, in company with others, developed a new and 804 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. important oil field in Cranberry township, Venango county, and founded the town which is now known as Bredinsbu.rg. During this year also he be- came a member of the city council of Franklin. He was likewise a charter member of the Franklin Cemetery Company. He received his military title by appointment from Governor Packer as a member of his official staflP. Major Bredin's energy was not confined to the law, commercial xjur.suits, or politics. He was an earnest and efficient membe* of St. John's Episco- pal church of Franklin, and a member of its vestry from 18G4 up to the time of his death. He took a prominent part in the erection of the western diocese of the state. This project was opposed by Bishop Stevens, but by the admission of St. John's parish of Franklin, the one vote necessary for a ma- jority was secured at the convention at Philadelphia, which resulted in the erection of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and thereafter Major Bredin repre- sented this parish in nearly every annual diocesan convention. At home he was largely instrumental in replacing the old chiirch building by the pres- ent beautiful structure, which was the first of the large church edifices erect- ed in Franklin. The character of Major Bredin was of a rugged and positive type, and in consequence of this those who did not know him well were sometimes led to misinterpret him. But to those who did know him, and especially to those who knew him intimately, there was no misunderstanding concerning him. His eccentricities of disposition were but the cover of his manly character. Beneath and behind his positive and strong exterior manner, there was a play of sensibility which was almost feminine in its delicacy. To sum up his qualities, he was energetic, frank, honest, and generous, and it may be said of him, without the least exaggeration, that he contributed his full share to those infliiences which go to make up a wholesome industrial and moral community. Major Bredin was married September 28, 1871, to Mrs. Euth K. Elliott, daughter of Colonel James Kinnear, who died June 24, 1880. He survived her nearly four years, and died May 17, 1884, in his fifty-sixth year, having but little more than passed the meridian of life. James H. Osmek, attorney at law, was born in central Pennsylvania, January 22. 1833, son of Reuben and Catharine (Gilbert) Osmer, both natives of England, who came to the United States after marriage, and finally settled in Centre county, Pennsylvania, where the remaining years of their lives were spent. Our subject was reared in Centre county, and grew up inured to the toil and hardship incident to farm life in those days. His early educational advantages embraced a few months' attendance at the neighborhood school. From boyhood he was compelled to earn his own living, but possessing an ambition to acquire an education, he invested his earnings in school l)ooks, which he studied at night, after his day's work BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 805 was done, by the light of pine knots. He thus obtained a fair knowledge of the common school branches as then taught. At the ago of eighteen he entered Bellefoute Academy, and subsequently taught a school a few miles from his home. Alternately teaching and prosecuting his studies at Mt. Pleasant College, Westmoreland county. Pine Grove Academy, Centre county, and Dickinson Seminary, at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, he ob- tained a good literary and classical education. In June, 1856, Mr. Osmer entered the office of Roliertson & Fassett, Elmira, New York, where he diligently applied himself to the study of the law, in the meantime teaching as principal of one of the city schools. He was admitted to the bar at Cortland, New York, in November, 1858, and practiced his profession at Elmira until the spring of 1865, when he came to Franklin. Finally concluding to remain in that place, he was admitted to the Venango bar in the following August, and soon won a conspicuous place and a large practice in the courts of this district. He has also been admitted to practice before the district and circuit courts, the supreme court of the state, and the United States supreme court. Mr. Osmer is recog- nized as a well-read, studious, careful, pains-taking lawyer, thoroughly versed in the principles of legal science, and possessing a well trained, logical mind. He is especially strong as an advocate, and his arguments before court or jury are often eloquent and convincing. Entering into every case with unbounded zeal and enthusiasm, he is regarded by his pro- fessional brethren as a very dangerous foe in a legal contest. He is an affable and entertaining conversationalist, with a mind well stored with a vast fund of valuable information and the faculty of imparting it in a happy, courteous manner. Politically Mr. Osmer was originally an Abolitionist, whence he natu- rally drifted into the Republican party. In 1876 he was chosen a delegate to the national Republican convention, but a severe illness prevented him from attending. In the fall of 1878 he was elected on the Republican ticket to congress, and during his term served on the committee on educa- tion and labor. He was a delegate to the state convention that nominated Governor Beaver, and did all in his power toward electing him. Mr. Osmer was married in June, 1859, to Miss Mary J. Griggs, of Steu- ben county. New York, who is the mother of four children, two of whom are living: Archibald R. and Newton F. For many years he has been a member of the Masonic order, and is one of the best known lawyers now practicing in the courts of Venango county. James Denton Hancock, attorney at law, was born June 9, 1837, in Wyoming valley, two miles from Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne county, Pennsylva- nia, son of James and grandson of Jonathan Hancock, the latter a native of Virginia and descended from a family which has been represented in the " Old Dominion " since the seventeenth century. The wife of James Han- 806 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. cock was Mary Perkins, daughter of David Perkins, who was a brother of Colonel Aaron Perkins of the Revolutionary war. Their father was killed in the Wyoming massacre. James D. Hancock was reared in his native county, obtaining an academic education at Wyoming Seminary and other local institutions, and graduated at Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio, in June, 1859. In 1861 he became a tutor at the Western University of Penn- sylvania, where he was elected professor of mathematics in the following year. In 1863 he was admitted to the bar at Pittsburgh, and was engaged in the practice of his profession in that city iintil 1865, when he removed to Franklin and has resided here continuously ever since. In 1877 he was appointed attorney for the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company; he was appointed attorney in Pennsylvania for the Pittsburgh, Titusville and Buf- falo Railroad Company in the following year, continuing in that capacity until 1888, when he became general solicitor for the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, of which position he is the present incumbent with headquarters at Buffalo. He was appointed a trustee for Warren Insane Hospital in 1881 by Governor Hoyt, and has been continued in that position by successive reappointments, serving as president of the board in 1888. Politically he has been a Democrat since 1861, and promi- nent in the movement for tariff reform. In 1883 he delivered a lecture upon the subject of " Petroleum versus Protection " at Franklin and other places; it attracted wide attention and was awarded a silver medal by the Cobden Club, of which the author was elected an honorary member. He was chairman of the sub-committee and drew the original draft of the resolu- tions passed at the Tariff Reform Convention at Chicago in 1885, and in 1889 was chairman of the committee on resolutions. He is the author of numerous articles upon various economic questions relating to the tariff. In 1865 Mr. Hancock married Miss Ella C. Hitchcock, of Pittsburgh, who died in 1871. In 1873 he married Miss Mary K. Hitchcock, a sister of his first wife. Of a family of five children there are living: Lawrence P., a gradu- ate of Kenyon College, who was admitted to the bar August 26, 1889; Ella C, and Mary E. Silas Lee, deceased, was a native of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, where his ancestors had lived since before the Revolutionary war. The family is related to the Lees of Virginia. Our subject removed from Bucks county to Connersville, Indiana, in 1821, where he read law with Oliver H. Smith, subsequently a United States senator from that state, was there admitted to the bar, and began the practice of his profession at Perrysburg, Ohio. After practicing some ten years he returned to his native county and gave up the legal profession, afterward engaging in agricultural pursuits. He was mar- ried at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Mrs. Jane Patterson, nee Holmes, a native of County Fermanagh, Ireland, of which union six children were born. Soon after his marriage Mr. Lee removed to Sharon, Pennsylvania, BIOGriAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 809 thence to Iowa in 1857, and afterward to Vir^'inia, where bc^ remained until July. 1860, when, seeing the symptoms of the coming civil war, lie brought his family to Franklin. Here he died August 13, 1871, aged eighty-tliree. His widow survived him until March 14, 1876, dying at the age of sixty- nine. Their family consisted of the following children: Frances Gage, de- ceased wife of George S. King, of Franklin; Ambrose K., of Erie; John H., of Franklin; Mary C, who died in childhood; James \V., attorney at law, Franklin, and Clara N., wife of Reverend Reuben F. Randolph, a Methodist preacher now stationed at Buffalo, New York. The parents were adherents of the Methodist Episcopal church, and died in that faith. Politicallv Mr. Lee was first a AVhig, and after the dissolution of that party he became a Republican. James Wilson Lee, attorney at law, was born at Sharon, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, July 17, 1845, son of Silas and Jane (Holmes) Lee, mention of whom appears in this chapter. His boyhood days were passed under the parental roof, and he received his primary education in the public schools. In 1863 he entered AVestminster College, at New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, and in 1864 Allegheny College at Meadville, spending in both institutions about three years. In April, 1867, he commenced reading law with Myers & Kinnear, of Franklin, and was admitted to the bar in April, 1869. He immediately began practice in Franklin and continued alone until July 1, 1872, when he formed a partnership with S. C. T. Dodd, which continued until January 1, 1881, when Mr, Dodd removed to New York city to accept the general solicitorship of the Standard Oil Company. Mr. Lee practiced alone until July, 1886, at which time he became a member of the firm of Lee, Smiley & Hastings, of Bradford. One year afterward the present firm of Lee, Criswell & Hastings, with offices at Franklin and Bradford, was organized, and has since been recognized as one of the leading law firms in this section of the state. In politics Mr. Lee has always been a Republican, and during the past twenty years he has taken a prominent and active part in the political affairs of Pennsylvania. Possessing an affable, engaging, and courteous manner, and being a frank, earnest, and fearless speaker, he soon won a host of friends who still remain his loyal supporters. Naturally he became a leader in local politics, and in 1871 he was elected to the city council, and in 1875 was chosen mayor of Franklin. By this time he had become well known and popular throughout the county, and the way was open for further advancement. In 1878 he was nominated and elected by a very large majority to a seat in the state senate, and was re-elected in 1882. During his first term he served on the committee on new counties and county seats, and also the judiciary committee, and during his second term he served on the judiciary committee and was chairman of the special judi- ciary committee. In the debates and deliberations of the senate he always 810 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. took an active part, and was the acknowledged peer of the leading members of that body. Since the expiration of his second term Senator Lee has devoted his entire attention to the large and liicrative practice of the firm of Lee, Criswell & Hastings, all of whom are able and successful lawyers. Mr. Lee has been twice married. His first marriage occurred June 19, 1879, to Miss Laura M. , daughter of F. D. Kinnear, of Franklin. She died July 19, 1880, and he was again married October 13. 1883, to Miss Clara V. Kauffman, daughter of Senator C. S. Kauffman, of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Geokge Stuart Criswell, of the firm of Lee, Criswell & Hastings, attor- neys at law, was born in Richland township, Venango county, Pennsylvania, April 7, 1850. His parents, Robert and Hannah (Nickle) Criswell, the former a native of Mifflin county', Pennsylvania, and the latter of Centre county, are residents of Richland township. His maternal grandparents, John and Sarah Nickie, were natives of Ireland, and came from Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, to Venango county early in the twenties. Both died in Rich- land township. Our subject was reared on the old homestead, and was edu- cated in the public schools and the Emlenton Academy, afterward teaching five winter terms. He commenced reading law in 1873, and in 1874 entered the office of H. A. Miller, of Franklin, now of Pittsburgh, and was admitted to the bar September 30, 1875. He has ever since been engaged in the active duties of his profession, and since August, 1887, a member of the present firm. Politically he has always affiliated with the Republican party. On the 4th of March, 1872, he was appointed deputy prothonotary, and held that position over two years. He acted as counsel for the commissioners from 1879 to 1881. He has been the representative of Venango county in the legislature of Pennsylvania, serving as chairman of the judiciary general committee during a part of his incumbency, and has filled several local offices in Franklin. Mr. Criswell was married November 26, 1879, to Miss Flora, daughter of J. H. Smith, of Franklin, who has borne him four sous: Ches- ney Harrison; Elisha Wayne; George Stuart, and Richard. The family are Presbyterians, and Mr. Criswell is a member of the Masonic order. He is recognized as one of the safe, bright lawyers of the Venango bar, as well as one of its best known members. Robert AY. Dunn, attorney at law, was born at New Vernon, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, January 3, 1846. His great-grandfather, Allen Dunn, a native of the North of Ireland, immigrated to this state and located in Northumberland county. In 1804 he removed to Mercer county and settled a short distance north of the site of Sandy Lake, where he erected a cabin and cleared a small opening in the forest. He subsequently became qiiite prominent in political and religious circles. He was one of the organizers of Rocky Spring Associate Presbyterian church, and his name appears on the session book for 1811 as a ruling elder of that body. He served as BIOGKAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 811 sheriff of Mercor county from 1821 to 1824, and also lillod several other minor offices. His sons, Robert and Francis, were afterward elders in the Rocky Spring church. The former married Agnes McKean, of Mercer, wlio bore him nine children: Allen, deceased; Elizabeth, deceased; Martha; Hugh, deceased; Margaret; Hamilton, deceased; Francis; Mary A., and Edward. In 1825 Robert Dunn erected the first blacksmith shop on the site of Sandy Lake and carried on tfee business many years. He was one of the incorpo- rators of that borough. Allen, the eldest son of Robert and Agnes Dunn, and the father of our subject, was born and reared in Sandy Lake. He married Eliza K., daughter of Samuel Barr, of Mill Creek township, Mercer county. They were the parents of the following children: Margaret B. ; Robert \V. ; Samuel B. , deceased; Allen, deceased ; Nancy A. ; Edward S. ; Mary E. ; Martha J., and Harry A. In 1856 the family removed to Venango county, and in 1858 located in Franklin. In 1868 they went to Kansas where the father died in 1883. His widow is now a resident of Ottawa City, Kansas. Robert W. Dunn, the subject of this sketch, came with his parents to Venango county and afterward to Franklin. He received his primary edu- cation in the public schools, and graduated at Westminister College, New AV^ilmington, Pennsylvania, in 1867. Soon after graduating he commenced reading laAV with Taylor & Mackey, of Franklin, and was admitted to the bar in June, 1869. He has since been admitted to practice in the courts of adjoining counties, in the supreme court and in the United States courts, and has been equally successful in civil and criminal law. Mr. Dunn was mar- ried July 18, 1867, to Miss Martha, daughter of ex- Senator Francis, of Law- rence county, Pennsylvania. Their children are: Ella J. ; William A., and Bessie M. The family are Presbyterian in faith, and in politics Mr. Dunn is a stanch Democrat. He is a member of the Masonic order, the I. O. O. F., and the A. O. U. W. ; he is one of the well-known members of the Ve- nango bar, and has built up a good practice during the past twenty years. Thoaias McGough, attorney at law, is a son of Peter and Sarah (Marshall) McGough. The former was born near Blairsville, Indiana county, Pennsyl- vania, September 30, 1822, and is a son of Thomas McGough, a native of Cambria county and Catharine (Gamble) McGovigh, born in Indiana county, both of whom are dead. In 1848 he married, in Venango county, Sarah Marshall, born in March, 1827, in Lawrenceburg, Armstrong county, Pennsylvania. She is a daughter of Samuel and Phoebe (Perry) Marshall, and the mother of six children: Samuel; Thomas; Doctor Peter McGough, of Pittsl)urgh; Phoebe; Catharine, and Blanche. Peter McGough was in early life a teacher, subsequently a merchant and banker, and for several years has been engaged in the insurance business. Politically he is a Republican, and for five years held the office of United States collector for the twentieth district of Pennsylvania. Thomas McGough was born at Parker's Landing, Armstrong county, and came to Franklin with his parents. He received his 812 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. early education in the schools of Franklin, and graduated at Princeton Col- lege in 1873. He then commenced reading law with C. Heydrick of Frank- lin, and was admitted to the bar in July, 1876. Mr. McGough was married in January 1886, to Miss Lydia, daughter of General Alfred B. McCal- mont. She was a native of Franklin, and died after a brief illness, Novem- ber 24, 1889. In 1879 Mr. McGough was elected district attorney and twice re-elected, holding the office until 1888. Politically he is a Republi- can, and a member of the A. O. U. W. The 'family belong to the Presby- terian church. Robert F. Glenn, son of Reverend Robert Glenn, a sketch of whose life appears in the biographical chapter of French Creek township, and Har- riet (Finley) Glenn, was born in French Creek township, Venango county, February 8, 1851, where, until recently, his mother resided. After several vears spent in teaching he read law with C. Heydrick, of Franklin, and in 1878 was admitted to the bar of Venango county. Soon after admission he became associated with James D. Hancock in the practice of law, which relation was continued until April 1, 1887. Mr. Glenn was married June 28, 1881, to Miss Harriet, youngest daughter of Isaac and Margaret D. Miller, of Greenburg, Pennsylvania. Two children, Donald and Helen Miller, are the fruits of this union. The family is Presbyterian. Mr. Glenn is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the A. O. U. W. Politically, he is a Democrat, and has represented Venango county in the legislature of Pennsylvania. William H. Forbes, attorney at law, of the firm of Mackey, Forbes & Hughes, was born at Centre Furnace, near Belief onte, Pennsylvania, Septem- ber 25, 1861, son of Henry and Mary (Field) Forbes, of Bucyrus, Ohio. In 1862 the family removed to Meadville, Pennsylvania, and in 1865 our subject was brought to Franklin, where he has since lived. He obtained his education in the public schools, graduating in 1876, and afterward took a post course under Professor H. A. Strong, superintendent of the public schools of Franklin, and now an attorney of the Erie bar. In August, 1877, he entered the recorder's office as deputy, and the following October became deputy to Isaac Reinemann, prothonotary of Venango county, in which po- sition he served three years. On the 10th of May, 1880, he entered the office of Charles W. Mackey as private secretary and one year later commenced reading law under that gentleman's directions; he was admitted to practice April 23, 1883. On the same date he became the partner of his preceptor, which partnership has since continued. Mr. Forbes was elected secretary, treasurer, and superintendent of the Franklin Natural Gas Company July 1, 1885, and is at present secretary and treasurer of that company. Decem- ber 8, 1887, he was elected treasurer of the Shenango Coal and Mining Company of Mercer and Butler counties; January 23, 1888, treasurer of the American Oxide Company, of Franklin, and July 15, 1889, secretary of BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 813 the Aiiglo-Aiiiericau Oxide Company. Mr. Forbes was married September 28, 1887, to Miss Mary, daugliter of Isaac and Mary (Eckles) Reinemann, now of Toledo. Ohio. She is the mother of one son, Francis Henry. Politically Mr. Forbes has always been a Republican. lu December, 1884, he was appointed, by Judge Taylor, one of the return judges of the con- gressional convention which certified to the election of William L. Scott to a seat in the United States house of representatives. He is a trustee of the Baptist church, of which denomination his wife is a member. Though a young man, Mr. Forbes' inherent pluck, his energy and ability, have won for him a leading position among the progressive young men of Franklin. Frederick L. Kahle, attorney at law, was born April 18, 1862, in Jef- ferson county, Pennsylvania, son of F. P. and Isabella (McCutchen) Kahlo. natives of Jefferson county, who came to Plumer, Venango county, in 18()9. They were the parents of one daughter, Alice Arminta. and eleven sons: Benton T., of Pittsburgh; Manuel W., deceased; Clarence, of Pittsburgh; Doctors A. W. and R. D. , of Lima, Ohio; Frederick L., of Franklin; Doctor W. A., of New York city; Charles E., of Lima, Ohio; Frank U., of Oil City; Harry, and Ainsworth, of Plumer. Our subject re- ceived his education at the common schools and the Rouseville Normal School, completing it at the Erie Seminary. In 1884 he began reading law with J. H. Osmer, of Franklin, and was admitted to the bar in August, 1886. In 1882 and 1883 he taught school in Venango county, and in 1884-85 was principal of the high schools of ^ugar Grove, Warren county. Immediately after his admission to the bar he located at Franklin and commenced the practice of his profession. Mr. Kahle has filled the office of city auditor, and in 1888 was elected on the Republican ticket district attorney of Ve- nango county; he is said to be the youngest man ever elected to that office in this county. He married, in May, 1888, Miss Mary, daughter of Doctor D. C, Galbraith, of Franklin. He is a member of the Masonic order, Order of the Golden Chain, and Royal Arcanum, and an adherent of the Presbyterian church. AV ALTER S. Welsh, M. D. , deceased, was born at Butler, Pennsylvania, in July, 1826. He received his education at the public schools of Butler and at Washington and Jefferson College, subsequently teaching languages at Brady's Bend, Armstrong county. His medical studies were begun at Brady's Bend and AVorthington, Armstrong county, and in that county his practice was commenced. At the outbreak of the civil war he was residing at Parkersburg, West Virginia, and was appointed assistant surgeon of the Fourte.enth West Virginia Infantry August 23, 1862, and surgeon of the Fifteenth, March 15, 1863, subsequently rising to the rank of brigade sur- geon. In 1865 he came to Franklin and was in active practice until 1887, when failing health compelled him to relinquish professional work. His skill as a physician was generally recognized, and as a man his character 814 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. commanded public confidence. Genial in temperament and a thorough scholar, his mental scope had been enlarged by extensive reading and observation. He was a member of the Methodist church, the county medi- cal society, and of Mays Post, G. A. R. His death occurred at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, August 8, 1889. His wife, Mrs. Martha Welsh, nee Marshall, and an only daughter, Miss Sallie Welsh, survive him. Politically he was a Republican, and served as mayor of Franklin one term. David Courtney Galbraith, physician and surgeon, is a native of Law- rence county, Pennsylvania, born May 8, 1841, son of Ephraim Galbraith, who died in Lawrence county. Our subject grew up under the parental roof and received his early education in the common schools. In 1855 he commenced reading medicine in the office of Doctor James Cossitt of New Castle, Penn- sylvania, and one of the pioneer physicians of Mercer county, and continued under his instructions about three years, afterward spending a year in the office of Doctor Taylor, of Mercer. He attended lectures at the Western Reserve Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio, in the sessions of 1856-57 and 1858-59, graduating in the latter year. He soon afterward went south, but returned to Ohio in the fall of 1861, and was appointed assistant sur- geon and subsequently surgeon in General Butler's command, serving in all over two years. In 1S62 he opened an office at Polk, Venango county, and excepting the time spent in the army, practiced there about nine years. In 1865-66 Doctor Galbraith attended the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, and graduated therefrom in the latter year. In 1871 he moved to Frank- lin, where he has since built up a large and lucrative practice, being one of its best known medical practitioners. He was married in 1862 to Miss Annie Cubbison, of Butler county, Pennsylvania. She is the mother of two chil- dren: Mary and Francis. Politically Doctor Galbraith is a Democrat, and though comparatively a young man, is nevertheless one of the oldest physi- cians in time of practice in the county. ■ Stephen Lowry Collins Bredin, son of Judge John Bredin of Butler and grandson of George McClelland of Venango county, was born in Butler in 1834. He left the academy of the Reverend William White in 1852, suf- ficently well advanced in classical and mathematical studies to enter the junior class of Union College, Schenectady, New York, in its palmy days, when the Reverend Eliphalet Nott was still its president. Leaving college he began the study of medicine with his uncle by the mother's side, Nathan- iel D. Snowden, and in 1856 graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He spent the subsequent summer in assisting Doctor Snow- den in his practice, enjoying the full fruits of the old doctor's life-long training and cultivation in the science of medicine. The next two or three years he spent in the West, at Rochester, Minnesota. In 1859 he married Catharine, the third daughter of George Sloan, of Hauoverton, Columbiana county, Ohio, and settled in his native place, Butler, assuming the duties BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 815 of a physician and the care of the large practice of Doctor Lowman, who had gone to the army as abrigfule snrgeon. Though his health was much broken and he was not able to do much business for a few years, he soon began to realize the arduous duties of a physician attending to a wide circle of coun- try ]>ractice and compelled to minister to the wants of a large clientele of principally agricultural people. His health improving he was able to do this satisfactorily to himself and his people for twenty two years in Butler. Feeling the necessity for calling a halt he embraced the opportunity offered by the failure in health of his cousin, Doctor S. Gustine Snowden, and came to Franklin to take the doctor's place while he went away to endeavor to find in rest and change a remedy for the disease with which he was fatally stricken. Enjoying rest from the arduous, wearing life of constant riding and exposure. Doctor Bredin has for six years continued to practice in the place where he first read medicine, contented with the confidence and esteem of its people, who have extended to him a kindly welcome. Doctor E. W. Mooke was born in Cool Spring township, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, May 27, 1848, and is a son of George R. and Mary P. (Lee) Moore, the former a native of Franklin and the latter of Butler county,. Pennsylvania, and now residents of Kenton, Ohio, whither they removed from Mercer county when our subject was a child. He was reared at Ken- ton, and after receiving a public school education attended Oberlin College. He read medicine with Phillips & Snodgrass, of Kenton, and attended lectures at Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1867-68- 69, and graduated February 25, 1869. He commenced practice in Kenton, removing to Franklin in June, 1871, where he has since been engaged in the active duties of his profession. Doctor Moore is secretary of the Venango County Medical Society, a member of the State Medical Society, and was a member of the International Medical Congress of 1887. Politi- cally he is a Republican, and has been coroner of Venango county four years. He is a member of the Masonic order, also of the A. O. U. W. and K. of H. He was married September 2, 1873, to Miss Effie, daughter of James and Elizabeth Bleakley, of Franklin. They are the parents of three children: Clara E., Lee Dubbs, deceased, and Edna Louise. Since coming to Franklin Doctor Moore has built up a good practice, and is one of the leading members of his profession. Joseph W. Leapenham, M. D. , was born in Carbon county, Pennsylvania, January 16, 1855, son of Joseph W. and Elizabeth (Roberts) Leadenham, the former a native of England and the latter of Wales, both of whom im- migrated to New York city in childhood. Our subject was reared in this state and New York city, received his primary education in the latter place, and took a scientific course in a college of that city. In 1871 he commenced reading medicine under Doctor J. B. Tweedle of Carbon county, and in 1874-75 attended lectures at Bellevue Hospital Medical College. In 1876 81() HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. he attended Long Island Hosj)ital Medical College where he graduated in Jnne of that year. He was interne in the hospitals of New York and Brook- lyn until January, 1877, when he opened an oiSce at Edenburg, Clarion county, Pennsylvania, and practiced there until May, 1883, when he re- moved to Franklin. Doctor Leadenham took a course on histology and pathology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York city, in 1882, and the next year took a course at the Post Graduate Medical Col- lege. He was married April 22, 1878, to Miss L. May Smith, of Edenburg, Pennsylvania. In politics ho is a Republican, a member of the Masonic order, the A. O. U. W., and the U. F. The Doctor is an active member of the State Medical Society, Minnesota Medical Society, and the American Medical Association, also of the American Microscopical Society. Since coming to Franklin Doctor Leadenham has enjoyed a tine practice, and is regarded as one of the progressive physicians of the county. John R. Borland, jihysician, son of Huston and Eleanor Borland, was born in New Vernon township, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, March 15, 1828, and was educated in the common schools. He read medicine with Doctor J. R. Andrews, a Reformed physician of New Vernon, Pennsyl- vania, and commenced practice at Harlausburg, Pennsylvania, in 1851. He graduated in the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery in 1865. He was dean of the faculty and tilled the chair of theory and practice, and lecturer on clinical medicine in the Georgia Eclectic Medical College in 1879-80, and graduated from that institution in the latter year. He is a member of the district, state, and national Eclectic medical societies, a con- tributor to medical journals, and is recognized as a good physician. He has served three years on the Franklin board of health, and two years as phy- sician of the county jail. On the 29th of June, 1852, he married Elizabeth Emery, of Harlansburg, Pennsylvania, born January 21, 1884. They have had nine children. The survivors are Isaac Huston, carriage manufacturer of Franklin; James Brown, publisher of the Evening Neivs; Mary Jane; Nettie MoUie, and Charles Emery. Those dead are Emma Josephine, Laura Ellen, Nannie Malinda, and Luella. Doctor Borland is a man of extensive reading and well informed, not only in his profession but also on all the ordinary topics of life. Liberal in his professional and religious views he is ojiposed to proscription in either. Though formerly a Republican in politics, he has acted with the Prohibition party for some years, and has been successively nominated by that party for assembly, state senate, and congress, each time leading his party vote. Edward P. Wilmot, physician and surgeon, was born in Liverpool, Medina county, Ohio, and is the only surviving son of E. Wilmot. He was educated at Oberlin high school and Oberlin College, Ohio, and read medi- cine with Professor G. J. Jones, M. D., of Cleveland, Ohio. Doctor AVil- mot graduated at the Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College of Cleveland, BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 817 Ohio, March 2, 1882, and at once commenced tlio practice of medicine and snrofery at Franklin, Pennsylvania, at which place he has been in contin- uous practice ever since. He was married August 14, 1884, to Annie M. , daughter of Calvin W. Giliillan of Franklin. Three children have been born of this union, one of whom is deceased. Politically Dr. Wilmot is a Republican, and is a United States pension examiner of Venango county. He was elected physician and surgeon tour years in succession of the Venango county alms house. John B. Glenn, M. D. , was born December 2, 1838, in French Creek township. He is a son of Reverend Robert and Rebecca (Wyckoff) Glenn, the father a native of Mercer county and the mother of Crawford county. Our subject was one of a family of twelve children, and spent his early life on the homestead, attended the common schools, and commenced the study of medicine with Doctors Johnston and Cochran of Cochrantoii, Penn- sylvania, graduating at Jefl'erson Medical College. He lirst located at Polk and subsequently practiced at Freedom, Rockland township, where he remained for twenty years. In November. 1887, he located in Franklin, where he has since continued the duties of his profession. Doctor Glenn was married in November, 1867, to Miss Isabella, daughter of Samuel Mitchell of Polk, but now a resident of Franklin. By this marriage they have one daughter, Harriet. June 1, 1861, he enlisted in Company C, Tenth Pennsylvania Reserves, and served three years, being discharged June 2, 1864. The Doctor is a Democrat, and one of the well known physi- cians of his native county. Colonel William Rickards was born at Philadelphia November 18, 1824, son of William and Catharine (Murdoch) Rickards. of English and Scotch origin, respectively, the former a son of William Rickards of Delaware, and the latter a daughter of William Murdoch, a sea captain. He obtained a common school education and at the outbreak of the Rebellion was en- gaged in business at Philadelphia as a manufacturing jeweler in partnership with his father. Having recruited Company I, Twenty- Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, he was elected captain and was taken prisoner at Winchester. After being paroled he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel October 4, 1862, and became colonel May 1, 1863, participating in the va- rious campaigns of the Army of the Potomac until September, 1863, when the regiment accompanied Hooker to the South. He led his regiment in the charge at Lookout Mountain, and has in his possession as a memento of that engagement the regimental colors, which he claims was the first Union flag carried to the summit in the "battle above the clouds," September 24, 1863. Having re-enlisted, the regiment was mustered in as veterans De- cember 9, 1863. He was wounded at Kenesaw Mountain June 15, 1864. and discharged November 2, 1864, from the hospital at Cincinnati, having been incapacited for further military diity. In January, 1865, he came to 818 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Franklin and engaged in the oil bvisiness. In 1873 he engaged in dentistry and has so continued. November 16, 1848, he married Eliza, daughter of Thomas and Marv (Hamilton) Tucker of Baltimore, Marjdand. They are the parents of six sons: "William T., banker, of Chicago; Charles, deceased; Harry, grocer, of Franklin; George C, in the hardware business at Oil City; Irvin M. , in the lumber business at Chicago, and Lewis St. G. The family is Episcopalian in church connection. Colonel Kickards is a Republican, a member of the G. A. R., and also a member of the L. T. of T. and the E. A. U. John M. Doqds, physician and surgeon, was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, December 17, 1847. He was educated in the common schools of New Sheffield, Beaver county, Edinboro Normal, and finished at Mount Union, Ohio. He read medicine with J. S. Boyd, at New Sheffield, and was graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Cleveland in 1881. He at once began practice at Mercer, Mercer county, this state, where he built up a lucrative business, until in November, 1888, when, because of an earnest desire to locate in a larger town than Mercer, he removed to Franklin, this county, forming a parnership with E. P. Wilmot. On June 2(3, 1879, he was married to Sarah E. Jackson, and has two chil- dren: Thomas C. and Edward H. He is a Republican; he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. William Hilands, county surveyor, was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. October 17, 1809, son of Robert and Sarah (Dickson) Hilands. Barnabas Hilands. father of the former, was residing in the vicinity of Hannastown, Westmoreland county, at the time it was burned. He was a native of Scotland and a Covenanter in faith. Shortly after the territory northwest of the Allegheny river was opened to settlement he located on the Franklin road, seven miles from Pittsburgh; there he died, leaving a widow and three children. Robert, the eldest son and father of the subject of this sketch, was a farmer, land agent, and surveyor, and under his instruction William Hilands learned the profession that has been his princi- pal occupation throughout life. In 1827 he was on the staff of Charles T. Whipple in making the first survey under state auspices for a water com- munication between Lake Erie and the Ohio river, running the compass line from Clarksville to Erie. He was also employed in making the initial observations for the French Creek canal. In 1828 he was on the staff of Edward F. Gay in making an examination of the Allegheny river from Franklin to Pittsburgh for slackwater navigation. After several years spent in teaching school and in the construction of mills at various points, he entered the employ of McKee, Clarke & Company as clerk on a steam- boat plying between Pittsburgh and Louisville, serving as freight agent at the company's wharf in Pittsburgh more than a year. In 1836 he became assistant engineer in charge of the construction of the first division of the BIOGKAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 819 Erie extension canal above New Castle, and superintended the construction of twelve miles of that work, including four locks between New Castle and Middlesex, under the direction of Charles T. Whipple and Henry C. Moore, from both of whom he received the highest testimonials, relinquishing this position in 1839. From March of that year until the spring of 1855 he was engaged in the lumber business in Forest county. He then located at Two Mile run, engaging in farming and surveying, and in 1865 came to reside at Franklin. November 13, 1839, he married Maria, daughter of Thomas M. Henry, of Lawrence county, and of thirteen children born to them seven are living: Robert, Henry, William, John M. , Edwin, Mary (wife of Delavan Young), and Nettie. Mr. Hilands has been a member of the Presbyterian church for many years. He is a Republican in politics, and has held the office of county surveyor, to which he was first elected in 1859, continuously since 1871, performing its duties with care and fidelity. William Reid Crawford, ex-sheriff of Venango county, was born in Perry township, Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, June 28, 1827, son of Eben- ezer and Jannetto Crawford, a sketch of whom appears in the biographical chapter of Scrubgrass township. Our subject was reared on the old home- stead, and received a limited education in the schools of his neighborhood. Ho followed farming up to the spring of 1853, and then went to California, where he spent about fifteen months in the gold mines. Returning to his home in 1854, he removed to Scrubgrass township, Venango county, and was engaged in farming about ten years. In March, 1865, he located in Franklin and engaged in oil operating, which he followed up to taking office as sheriff in January, 1887. Mr. Crawford was married May 15, 1851, to Jane, daughter of Thomas P. and Isabella (Craig) Kerr, a pioneer family of Scrubgrass township, where Mrs. Crawford was born. Seven children were the fruits of this union, four of whom are living: Zelia E., wife of John Gill, superintendent of the Galena Oil W^oi'ks, Franklin; Jessie Benton, wife of Robert McCalmont, lawyer, of Franklin; John Kerr, attorney, of Franklin, and Jennie June. Politically Mr. Crawford is an ardent Republican, has served three terms as mayor of Franklin, and also in the council and school board of the city. In November, 1886, he was elected sheriff of Venango county, and filled the office until January, 1890. He has been a member of the Masonic order many years. Charles E. Shoup, treasurer of Venango county, was born in Cranberry township, August 8, 1855, son of John and Rachel (Karns) Shoup, the former a native of Brady's Bend, Armstrong county, born December 27, 1819, the latter a daughter of W^illiam and Anna (Sullinger) Karns, born in Richland township, Venango county, January 11, 1826. John Shoup is a son of Jacob Shoup, an early settler of Armstrong county and a boatman on the Allegheny river between Pittsburgh and the headwaters of that •stream during the war of 1812. The family came to Venango county when 820 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. he was about six years old and here he has resided to the present. He was engaged successfully in the hotel business in the Third ward of Franklin for thirty- three years. To John and Rachel (Karns) Shoup have been born the following children: Fanny, wife of Joseph Shafer; Jacob; Charles E. ; Luella, and three who died in infancy. Charles E. was reared in this county and educated in the Franklin public schools. Having become pro- ficient in telegraphy, he accepted a position at Scrubgrass on the Allegheny Valley railroad in 1874. He was assigned to the Franklin office, a much more responsible position, within a brief period, and continued in the em- ploy of this company ten years, when he resigned to accept a situation at Franklin with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad. He had charge of the telegraph department of the Franklin office three years, and at the expiration of that period was made chief clerk in the freight office. Politically Mr. Shoup is a Repiiblican; in November, 1887, he was elected county treasurer, and in this responsible capacity is recognized as a capable and courteous official. March 6, 1883, he married Miss Elizabeth Klepfer, daughter of Reuben and Lucinda Klepfer of Reidsburg, Clarion county, and they are the parents of two daughters: Gertrude and Grace. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., K. of P., and B. P. O. E., and the family affil- iates with the Methodist Episcopal church. John E. Adams, postmaster of Franklin, is a son of John and Sarah (Whann) Adams, pioneers of French Creek township, in the biographical chapter of which a sketch of the Adams family appears. Our subject was born in Sandy Creek township, February 2, 1845, was reared in Mineral township, and received his early education in the public schools and academy at Franklin. His youth was spent upon the homestead farm. In 1877 he engaged iu the coal business in this city, and subsequently was appointed special agent for the BufPalo, New York and Philadelphia Railroad Com- pany, tilling that position three years. On the 81st of March, 1888, Mr. Adams was appointed by President Cleveland to his present position, which he has since tilled in a highly creditable manner. He married Miss Susan, daughter of P. G. Hollister (formerly of Emlenton) and Clarisa McKee, daughter of Judge McKee, a pioneer of Clinton township, who has borne him three children: Harry E., Lew H., and Ella B. Politically Mr. Adams is a stanch Democrat and strongly Methodistic in belief and practice. Nathan P. Kinsley, superintendent of the Franklin public schools, was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, June 10, 1848, son of Reverend Hiram Kinsley, a minister of the Erie Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. His mother was Elsie L. (Moulton) Kinsley. Reverend Kinsley was ])orn in Vermont, while his wife was a native of Canada. He was a boy of fourteen when the battle of Lake Champlain was fought, and witnessed that battle and the great victory won by Commodore McDonnough. He was reared in Vermont, and afterward came west into New York state, where BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 821 he married. He subsequently studied for the ministry and was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church. While engaged in itinerant labors in New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, ho purchased a home in Craw- ford county, Pennsylvania, whereon our subject was born. Reverend Kinsley died in Geneva, Ohio, in January, 1887, whither ho retired after giving up the ministry. His widow survived him two years, and died in Franklin in January, 1889. Professor Kinsley received his primary education in the public schools, and entered the preparatory department of Allegheny Col- lege, Meadville, Pennsylvania, in 1855. In 1859, having completed the course of study of the Sophomore year, he left college for a time. In 1862 he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Forty-Fifth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, and served until the close of the war, being mustered out as orderly sergeant in June, 1865. Governor Curtin conferred upon him a lieutenant's commission bearing date October, 1864. He served in all the campaigns of his regiment from Antietam until his capture in the assault at Petersburg, June 16, 1864. He remained a prisoner at Andersonville until the war ended. Returning to Crawford county he again entered Allegheny College in the spring of 1866 and graduated in June, 1868. After graduating, he was, for two years principal of the high school, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, during which time he commenced the study of law. In June, 1871, he graduated at the Ohio State and Union Law College, Cleveland, Ohio, re- ceiving the degree of LL.B. , and was admitted to practice. The same year he received the degree of A. M. from Allegheny College. During the six years following, he was engaged in the practice of law in the West. After spending some time in Kansas and Missouri, he located in Chicago. In 1877, while located in Chicago, he was tendered the position of principal of the Franklin schools, which position he accepted. In September of that year he came to Franklin, commenced his work as principal, and continued to hold that office until 1885. In 1885, the right to the office of city super- intendent having been extended by law to cities of five thousand population. Professor Kinsley was elected to that office, which he has since filled in a highly creditable manner. He is an ardent Republican, a member of the G. A. R., and takes an active interest in everything that pertains to the wel- fare of the veterans of the late w^r. He was married May 28, 1879, to Miss Mary Lindsay, of Chicago, and has three children: Pearl, Charles, and Hiram. Professor Kinsley is one of the best known and most popular educators in northwestern Pennsylvania. F. D. SuLLiNGER, teacher, son of James and Susan (Christy) Sullinger, and grandson of John Sullinger, a pioneer of Rockland township, was born in Richland township, Venango county, in 1833. His early life was spent upon the homestead farm and his primary education was obtained in the public schools of his native township. He began teaching at the age of eighteen, and completed his education under private tutors. In 1870 he 822 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. organized the first graded school at Rouseville, Venango county, where he remained until 1873. He was then appointed principal of the Third Ward school of Franklin, which position he has since filled. In 1875 he organ- ized what is known as the Normal School of Franklin, of which a session of eight to ten weeks is held every year. Professor Sulliuger was married in 1858 to Miss Emily, daughter of Jesse Holliday, of Rockland township. She died November 21, 1886, leaving three sons: James P., Andrew C, and Frank D., all of whom are in the employ of the Edison Electric Light Company of New York city; also one daughter, now the wife of Robert Collier. Our subject is a member of the I. O. O. F., I. O. R. M., and K. of P. , and in politics is a Republican. George B. Lord, county superintendent of public schools, was born February 14, 1845, in Summer Hill township, Crawford county, Pennsyl- vania, son of Freedom and Elizabeth (Beatty) Lord, of English and Scotch origin, respectively. Freedom Lord, grandfather of the subject of this sketch and son of Nathan Lord, a captain in the Continental army, was born at Hadley, Connecticut, July 4, 1776, and received his surname, which has since been retained in the family, in honor of the great event of the day of his birth. It was his son. Freedom, second, who came to Crawford coun- ty and still resides in Summer Hill township, at the advanced age of seventy- three. Elizabeth (Beatty) Lord, daughter of James and Elizabeth Beatty, who came to that township in 1828 from Perry county, died August 8, 1889, at the age of seventy-three. Our subject was reared in his native township, and attended the public schools. At an early age he became a teacher, joining the ranks for the first time in the winter of 1862-63. At the age of nineteen he graduated from the Conueautville Academy, then a flourishing institution and embracing in its cirriculum Latin and the higher mathemat- ics. From that time he has been continuously engaged in public-school work. Leaving Crawford county in 1869, he went to the state of Missouri and was the first principal of public schools at Bellingville, Cooper county, retaining that position eighteen months. He came to Venango county in 1871, and diiring the following ten years was connected successively Avith the schools of Tarr Farm, Rynd Farm, Petroleum Center, and Rouseville in CornjDlauter township. In 1881 he accepted the principalship of the Pleasantville schools, and in June, 1884, was elected county superintendent, a position for which he is well qualified by natural endowments and a long experience in public school work. Professor and Mrs. Adelia Lord {nee Mc- Dowell) are the parents of five children: H. Merrill; Bessie Mabel; George Clyde; Harold Owen, and Delia Estelle. The family is Presbyterian in faith. In politics Professor Lord is a Democrat. He is a member of the Royal Ar- canum and A. O. U. W. W. M. Epley was born at Columbia, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania October 24, 1820, son of Peter and Amelia (Sterrett) Epley, the former a BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. f^23 native of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, the latter of Pequa valley, Lancaster county. His father was a lumber merchant at Colum- bia, but in 1838 ho removed to Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, and purchased a farm on Pine creek. The subject of this sketch was engaged in farmino- until the spring of 1842, when he came to Clarion county and entered the employ of Shippen, Black & Company, who were engaged in the manufacture of pig metal and bar iron. After leaving them he assumed the management of Clay furnace, formerly known as Horse Creek, and then owned by Ed- mund Evans, remaining there until the spring of 1849, when he became associated with William Elliott under the firm name of Elliott & Epley in the ownership of the Franklin foundry. Retiring in 1856, he engaged for several years in various lines of business. In 1802 in connection with T. H. Martin he purchased the dry-goods business formerly carried on by Myron Park, and continued in this as a member of the firm of Martin & Epley until 1868 ; during this period he was also engaged in the hardware trade at Frank- lin. In 1865 he engaged in the drug business under the firm name of S. S. Painter & Company; Martin & Epley succeeded to Painter's interest in 1867, and from that date he has been a member of the last named firm. He is a Democrat in politics, and is connected with the Masonic fraternity. Mr. Epley was married July 27, 1860, to Miss M. J. Bailey, daughter of Samuel Bailey, an early merchant of Franklin. They are the parents of six children: James, deceased; Mary; William; Sidney; Arthur, and Henry. ■ D. W. Morgan, merchant, was born in Glamorganshire, Wales, July 21, 1837, son of William and Elizabeth (Richards) Morgan, who immigrated to Pennsylvania in 1841, settling at Brady's Bend, Armstrong county, then the location of extensive iron works. Here he was brought up, attending the public schools until the age of twelve, when he entered the mines and roll- ing mill. From that time until he reached the age of twenty he was a pupil in a night school, obtaining in this way sufficient education to enable him to take a position in the office of the Brady's Bend Iron Company shortly before attaining his majority. Having acquired in this manner a taste for mercantile pursuits, with the ability and means to engage in business indi- vidually, he removed to Franklin in 1865 and opened a general store on the corner of Ninth and Liberty streets. The uninterrupted continuance of this business places Mr. Morgan among the oldest of the present merchants of Franklin. In 1858 he married Miss Margaret Davis, who died in 1884, without issue, and in 1887 he married Miss Jennie Stoner. A member of the Baptist church for thirty years, he was clerk of the church at Franklin during the first twenty-one years of its history, and is deacon in that oro-an- ization at this time. He has twice served as moderator of the French Creek Association of churches, 1888 and 1889. He is also a member of the 1. 0.0. F., R. T. of T., and A. O. U. W. In politics he is an undeviating Repub- 824 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. lican, and has been connected with the local civil administration in various oflfieial capacities. February 7, 1890, he was appointed postmaster of Franklin. He is a member of the board of managers, and has been on the finance committee of the Mutual Building and Loan Association of Franklin since its organization. Joseph H. Smith was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1825, son of Jacob and Martha (Harrison) Smith, the former of German descent, the latter a native of Ireland. They removed to the locality known as Davis' Corners, Rockland township, Venango county, in 1825, and there resided during the remainder of their lives. Here our subject was brought up and received a common school education, also deriving much benefit in his early manhood from the Rockland literary society. At the age of twenty-five he entered the employ of Charles Shippen as clerk at Stapley fiu-nace, continuing at this three years. After a year in Hlinois he became clerk for Davis Brothei-s at Rockland furnace. In 1862 he acquired an interest in the American Citizen at Franklin as a member of the firm of Burgwin & Smith. In 1866 he was elected prothonotary of Venango county, serving a full term of three years. After a partnership of several years with H. M. Davis in general merchandising at Rockland he embarked in the book and stationary business at Franklin in 1872; from that date he has been con- nected with this line of business at Franklin and is recognized as one of the best authorities in the book trade in northwestern Pennsylvania. Mr. Smith married Eliza Margaret, daughter of Lemuel and Margaret (Elliott) Davis, of Rockland, and they are the parents of eight children: William Pitt, in the government service at Washington city; Flora A., wife of George S. Criswell; Mary Ella; Elisha W., of Bensinger, Smith & Company; Charles Wesley; Edward E., deceased; James H., druggist, Conneautville, and Cas- sius Clay, secretary to the general manager of the Rio Grande and Western railway, Denver. Colorado. In politics Mr. Smith is a Republican, and beside the important official position referred to he has also been a member of the Franklin school board and president of that body. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and has served as Sunday school superintend- ent, class leader, or steward of the organization at Fi-anklin during his residence here. The Karns Family. — Among the early settlers of Venango county was Mrs. Anna Karns. widow of Henry Karns, who with a family of nine sons and one daughter located in Richland township. Jacob, the fifth son, was twice married. His first wife was Nancy, a daughter of Frank Thompson, of Clarion county, Pennsylvania, by whom he had eight children, six sons and two daughters. She died in 1842. He subsequently married Mrs. Mollie Bickel, who also is dead. After his first marriage he removed to Cranberry township and purchased a farm of five hundred acres, where he resided until his death, which occurred in 1885, in his eighty -seventh year. BIOGRArHIES OF FRANKLIN. 827 He was one of the early constables of the coiiuty, a life-long Democrat, and a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Samuel T. Karns, his third son, was born on the old homestead in Cran- berry township in 18H1, and spent his early life upon the farm. In 1864 he removed to Franklin and enf^aged in the teaming business, which he has since continued. He is now identilied with his sons Gustine S. and Samuel D. in the general notion business, under the firm name of G. S. Karns & Company. He was married in 1853 to Miss Sarah, daughter of Michael Frawley, by which union they have had ten children, eight of whom are liv- ing: Gustine S. ; Mary, wife of John McNulty; Samuel D. ; Edward J. ; Charles W. ; Alice B. ; Emma J. , and Maggie D. Mr. Karns and wife are well-known residents of Franklin. Gustine S. , eldest son of Samuel T. Karns, was born August '27, 1857, in Cranberry township, and received his ediication in the public schools of Franklin. In 1872 he entered the employ of J. and R. H. Woodburn, where he remained for twelve years. In 1884, in connection with his father and brother, Samuel D., he established the present business house of G. S. Karns & Company. He was married in 1881 to Miss Florence Cribbs, of Edenburg, Pennsylvania. They are the par- ents of three children: Benton, Lilian, and Edith. Mr. Karns is a member of the K. of H. , politically a Democrat, and connected with the First Bap- tist church of Franklin. Samuel D. , second son of Samuel T. Karns, was born August 22, 1861, and educated in the public schools of Franklin. He is a member of G. S. Karns & Company. He was united in marriage in 1889 to Miss Maggie A. Clyde. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and an ardent supporter of the Democratic ]3arty. Joseph C. Riesenman, wholesale and retail druggist, was born in Butler, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1855, son of Martin and Dorothea (Kohler) Riesen- man, natives of Wiirtemberg, Germany, who came to Butler prior to their marriage, and are now residents of that city. Our subject was reared and educated in his native town, and, after completing the usual curriculum of an English education, took a special classical course under a private tutor. He learned the drug business in Butler, and in 1872 came to Petroleum Center, where he took charge of a drug store. In December, 1873, he lo- cated in Franklin, purchasing an interest in the drug house of Miller & Company. In October, 1874. he bought the remaining interest, and has since carried on the largest and most prominent drug store in the city. Mr. Riesenman was married May 21, 1876, to Miss Cecilia A., daughter of William H. and B. C. Reese, then of Franklin but now residing in Buf- falo, New York. Mrs. Riesenman was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is the mother of eight children, all of whom are living: Joseph C, Florence D., Emma I., Mary C, Martin W., John L., Victor E., and Anna K. The family are practical Catholics, and Mr. Riesenman is a member of the C. M. B. A. , C. K. of A. , and C. B. L. societies, all affiliating with the 828 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Catholic church. He is a Democrat ia politics, but takes very little interest in political matters. Since 1880 he has been successfully operating and dealing in both heavy and light oils, and he has been a member of the Oil City Oil Exchange since June, 1884. Mr. Riesenman is an enterprising, public-spirited citizen, and one of the most successful merchants of his adopted county. James S. McGarry was born at Mt. Savage, Allegheny county, Maryland, August 21, 1844, son of Patrick H. and Mrs. Margaret (Murray, nee McCue) McGarry, natives of Ireland, both of whom came to the United States in youth. They married in Maryland and reared the following children: Agnes B., wife of John Murrin of Franklin; Mary E., wife of Captain H. C. Mc- Kean, of Freeport, Pennsylvania; Annie F., and James S. , while Peter and William died in infancy. In 1847 the family removed to Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, thence to Kittanning, Armstrong county, where the parents passed their remaining years, dying in the Catholic faith, January 11, 1876, and August 13, 1881, respectively. • Our subject was educated at the public schools and an academy of Kittanning. In September, 1862, after the battle of Antietam, he entered the hospital service and served as nurse seven months. He then entered St. Francis College, Cambria county, and grad- uated in a mercantile course January 6, 1866. He afterward spent about one year in Missouri prospecting for oil, locating permanently at Franklin in 1868, where he has ever since resided and has been successively engaged in the grocery, railroad, hotel, and v/holesale liquor business. Mr. McGarry was married September 17, 1873, to Miss Matilda J., daughter of Alexander J. and Julia A. (Murrin) Simpson, of Butler county, Pennsylvania. The former was a son of Andrew Hood Simpson, at one time a commissioner of that county. He was born at Philadelphia November 17, 1824, and removed with his parents to Butler county in childhood. They located three miles from Butler. In that county he grew to maturity and passed the remainder of his life. He was a carpenter and one of the well- known hotel keepers of his adopted county. For several years he conducted the Simpson hotel at the old homestead. In 1869 he removed to Murrinsville, where he died February 15, 1889, dying as he had lived, a faithful member of the Catholic church. He was one of the active Democrats of the county and a delegate to the national convention at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1860. His wife was a daughter of 'Squire John Murrin, the founder of Murrinsville, who also owned a large tract of land in Cranberry township immediately opposite Franklin, and was one of the best known men in west- ern Pennsylvania. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. McGarry: Mary, Evangeline, Aloysias Simpson, Claude Edmund, James A., John V., Annie Pauline, and George A. The family are members of the Catholic church. Mr. McGarry is one of the supreme trustees of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, and has organized the local branches of the I. C. B. U. , BIOGRAPHIES OF FllANKLIN. 829 C. M. B. A., C. K. of A., and C. B. L. Politically a Democrat, he has al- ways taken the most active interest in the success of Democratic candidates and principles, and was once the candidate of the party for mayor of Frank- lin. Perry DeWoouy, grocer, was born in Sandy Creek township, Venango county, Pennsylvania, February 4, 185G. His parents were Benjamin and Mary (Ritchey) DeWoody, the former a native of Victory township, born in 1815, and the son of John DeWoody, one of the earliest settlers of that section of the county. He married Mary llitchey, whose parents were pio- neers of Oakland township. Nine children were born to this union: Ellen A., wife of Charles Strawbridge of Plum township; William J., a merchant of Oil City; Adaline, wife of M. O. Taylor, of Franklin; Kate M., who died May 11, 1885; John P. of Canon City, Colorado; Samuel T., of Salt Lake City, Utah; Josephine, wife of Doctor W. T. Jones, of Harris, Texas; Perry, of Franklin, and George O. , of Dempseytown, Venango county. ISIr. DeWoody was engaged in farming in Sandy Creek until 1861, when he relinquished active business and removed to Franklin. His wife died in the Presbyterian faith in January, 1860, and he subsequently married Mrs. Sarah Graham, who bore him three sons: Charles, a Baptist minister; Albert, and Harry, of Franklin. Mr. DeWoody died May 15, 1888, and his widow resides in this city. Our subject was reared and educated in Franklin. He learned the plas- terer's trade, but in 1877 embarked in the grocery business and has since been so engaged. He was married July 30, 1877, to Miss Ella Callahan of Akron, Ohio. Politically he is a Democrat, and has served eleven con- secutive years in the city council. He is a member of the I. O. R. M. , K. of P., K. of H., and B. P. O. E., and is one of the well-known, progress- ive young business men of Franklin. Moses Wachtel, clothing merchant, was born in 1843 in Germany, and was reared and educated in his native land. In 1864 he came to Franklin and entered the employ of his brothers, L. and M. Wachtel, who were en- gaged in the clothing business. In 1873 he succeeded them, and has since carried on the business successfully. Mr. Wachtel represents the oldest clothing house in Franklin, and is one of its most popular merchants. He was married in 1867 to Miss Maggie Halpin, of Franklin, who has borne him two daughters: Etta and Mabel. Politically he is a Republican, a member of the Masonic order, the A. O. U. W., the I. O. O. F., K. of H., and U. F. Byron Moffett, proprietor of livery and sales stable and omnibus and carriage line, was born in Essex county, New Jersey, near Plainfield, Janu- ary 1, 1835, and is a son of Absalom M. MofPett of that state. He was reared in New Jersey, and in 1865 located in Franklin, where he estab- lished a livery stable, in which business he has since been engaged. In 830 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. July, 1876, he purchased the omnibus line and is still operating it in con- nection with his stables. Mr. Moffett has been twice married, first in Rah- way, New Jersey, March 19, 1855, to Miss Phoebe C. Marsh, who died in Franklin, in the Baptist faith, November 8, 1887. She left a family of four children: Fanny, wife of Fred Hillman, of Findlay, Ohio; Kate, wife of Judson E. McClintock, of Oil City; George, and Hattie. His second marriage occurred April 10. 1888, to Mrs. Salley Sophronia King, of Frank- lin. Politically Mr. Moffett is a stanch Republican, a member of the Ma- sonic order, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., K. of H., I. O. R. M., and K. of P. He is one of the charter members of the First Baptist church of Franklin, and an enterprising, public- spirited citizen. Thomas J. Feewen, grocery merchant, was born in Ireland April 12, 1842, and is a son of Daniel and Delia Frewen, also natives of the "Sea Girt Isle." Our subject came to this coiintry with his parents in 1849. They settled in Sellersville, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, subsequently re- moving to Jersey City, and thence to South Carolina. In 1865 they located in Franklin, where the mother died in the Catholic faith March 25, 1889. Her husband survives her and i-esides in Franklin. Thomas J. learned the blacksmith trade, at which he worked until 1875. when he established his present business house. Mr. Frewen was married in 1872 to Miss Mar- garet Walsh, of Buffalo, New York. Politically he is a Democrat, and both he and wife are members of St. Patrick's Catholic church of Franklin. A. Printz, merchant tailor and clothier, was born February 28, 1866, in Youngstown, Ohio, and is a son of Abraham and Rosa (Wohlgamuth) Printz. He was educated in Youngstown, and was employed for some years in a dry-goods house in his native city. In connection with his brother Bert H. they established the merchant tailoring and general clothing business in Sharon in 1886. In 1888 our subject came to Franklin and established his present business, his brother remaining in charge of the Sharon store. Mr. Printz is an ardent Republican, a member of the B. P. O. E., and one of the enterprising young business men of the city. Joseph Monnin, proprietor of the Grant house, was born at Devellier, District de Delemon, Canton Berne, Switzerland, December 23, 1836. He grew up in his native land and immigrated to this country in 1854, arriving at Meadville, Pennsylvania, May 15th of that year. In the fall of 1860 he removed to Cooperstown, Venango county, where he engaged in the mercan- tile business a few years and then changed to the harness trade, which he carried on until April 1, 1885. He then removed to Franklin and purchased the Grant hovise, which he has since conducted very successfully. Mr. Monnin was married August 11, 1863, to Miss Mary Glenn of Cooperstown. While a resident of Cooperstown he filled the office of assessor, collector, and constable a number of years. He is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal church, and politically an ardent Prohibitionist. BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN, 831 A. Y. FiNDLAY, insurance agont, was born March 16, 1(S47, in Clarion county, Pennsylvania. His early life was spent on a farm. In 1865, at the ao^e of eighteen, he engaged in insurance soliciting, first in his native county and soon afterward removed to Pittsburgh in the same capacity. In 1868 he came to Franklin and established his present agencies. He has built lip one of the most extensive and successful insurance agencies in western Pennsylvania; his business extends over the counties of Venango, Crawford, Mercer, Clarion, Forest, Armstrong, and Butler, Pennsylvania, and is conducted from his main office in Franklin and branch office at Parker City, Pennsylvania. In 1870 Mr. Findlay was united in marriage to Miss Mary M. , daughter of Samuel and Mary Rhodes of Clarion county, Pennsylvania. By this union they have one daughter, Maud A. Mr. Find- lay is a Mason, having twice held the position of master of his lodge. He is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has held official position for a number of years. Thom.\s Hoge, deceased, was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, March 7, 1808, son of John and Mary (Irwin) Hoge. His grandparents, Robert and Mary Hoge, were natives of Ireland, as were also his maternal grand- parents, James and Martha Irwin, who emigrated in 1760 and settled in the Tuscarora valley, Juniata county. His parents were married in 1789 and reared a family of five sons, Thomas being the youngest. He received a common school education, and at the age of seventeen went to Cleveland, Ohio, remaining in the West several years. He first engaged in the iron business at Mount Etna furnace, and in 1833 took charge of Slab furnace in Cranberry township. For a number of years he was in partnership with William Cross and their early operations were quite extensive. He was among the very few men who retired from the business in this county with unimpaired fortunes. In 1853 he removed to Franklin, thenceforth his res- idence until the time of his death, March 12, 1885. A man of active tem- perament and great determination, he rose to a position of wealth and in- fluence; he was twice elected to the legislature, served as mayor of Frank- lin, and was responsibly connected with various financial enterprises. In 1835 he married Harriet Cross, who died the following year. In 1837 he married Jane Whann, who died January 31, 1854, leaving two children : ' Mary J., widow of Alpheus Hoovei', and Harriet E., widow of William A. Cooper, both of whom reside in Franklin. His third wife was Eliza Hen- derson, who died in 1879. At the time of his decease and for some years previously, Mr. Hoge was a member of the Methodist church. Robert Ramsdale, of Ramsdale & Son, proprietors of the City Plan- ing Mills, was born in Hull, Yorkshire, England, July 23, 1821, sou of William and Maria (Carter) Ramsdale, both of whom lived and died in , England. Robert greAV to maturity in Hull, and there learned the cabinet maker's trade, serving an apprenticeship of seven years. He followed his 832 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. trade in England, the years 1853-55 being spent in Sheffield as foreman of a carpenter shop. In the spring of 1856 he immigrated to Franklin, Pennsyl- vania, where he has resided up to the present. He engaged in carpentering about one year, and then opened a cabinet shop in the old "Eob Roy' ' stand on Thirteenth street, and remained in this business until 1860, when he formed a partnership with T. A. Dodd, in contracting and building. About 1870 the firm of Howe & Eamsdale, contractors and builders, was formed, and in 1871 they were joined by Titus Ridgway, and the firm became Howe, Rams- dale. & Company. They purchased the machinery of an old planing mill in the lower end of town, and removed it to a building erected by them on the corner of Elk and Ninth streets, now the site of Hulin Brothers' planing mill. They operated this mill three years, when the partnership was dis- solved. In 1874 Howe & Ramsdale erected the City Planing Mills, on Thirteenth street, near the Lake Shore railroad, with which Mr. Ramsdale has since been connected, and of which he is the principal owner. He has built up a good business, and is well known throughout the county. He was married in Hull, England, March 4, 1843, to Miss Ellen Applegarth, of that city. Ten children have been born of this union: Ellen, wife of John S. May, of Franklin; Catharine, wife of Essington Vincent, of Frank- lin; Clara, deceased; George, of Franklin; Elizabeth, wife of E. Osborn, of Franklin; William, deceased; Charles, of Ramsdale & Son; Georgia, de- ceased, and two who died in infancy. Mr. Ramsdale and wife are Spirit- ualists, and politically he is independent. He has been a resident of Franklin for thirty-three years, and is one of its most respected citizens. George Maloney, of the firm of Maloney & Company, dealers in hard- ware and manufacturers of oil well supplies, was born at Ithaca, Tompkins county. New York, December 27, 1849, of Irish parentage. In the summer of 1862 the family removed to Petroleum Center, Venango county. Our subject received a limited education in the ptiblic schools, and afterward served an apprenticeship of three years at the printer's trade. While at Petroleum Center he was in the employ of the Central Petroleum Company for several years, and subsequently was connected with the banking house of George H. Bissell & Company of that then booming oil town. In April, 1871, he came to Franklin with James Smith, and was employed at the Boston Iron Works until 1879, when he formed a partnership with J. Hur- ley, under the firm name of Maloney & Hurley, dealers in oil well supplies. Since that time Mr. Maloney has been the senior member of the firm under the several changes of proprietorship, as well as the leading spirit in the growth and development of the business, which is now the largest institution of its kind in Franklin. Mr. Maloney has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Melissa A. Gordon, of Salisbury Center, Herkimer county. New York, who bore him « two daughters: Carrie A., wife of Rowland W. Stewart of Bangor, Maine, BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 833 and Blanche S. Mrs. Maloncy died AagUHt 17, 1880, and h(^ was af,'ain married December 22. 1887, to Mrs. Anna J. Hanson wee Briti;ham, a native of Franklin. Politically Mr. Maloney has always been an active, aggressive Democrat. He has served two terms as mayor of Franklin, and several years on the city conncil. He belongs to the Masonic order, the I. O. O. F., K. of H., K. and L. of H., and E. A. U., and is grand master of the A. O. U. W. in this state. He is recognized as one of the most enter- prising citizens of his adopted county. David I. Dale, of Maloney & Company, was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, March 18, 1849, son of David and Catharine (Henlen) Dale. His parents subsequently settled in Rockland township, Venango county, where our subject waS reared. He received a common school education, and on arriving at his majority engaged in oil producing which he followed until 1883. In that year ho became the partner of George Maloney, which partnership has continued up to the present. Mr. Dale was married July 28, 1874, to Miss Laura C. Wilt, of Cranberry township, Venango county. One daughter, Nora, is the fruit of this union. The family adhere to the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Dale is a member of the A. O. U. W., and a supporter of the Prohibition party. David T. Lane, senior member of the firm of D. T. Lane & Son, ma- chinists, was born in Allegany county, New York. June 12, 1826, and is a son of Mark and Henrietta (Kenny) Lane, the former a native of Connect- icut and the latter of Massachusetts. They were married in Massachusetts, and then removed to New York state. In 1841 they came to Sugar Creek township, Venango county, locating four miles north of Franklin. The father died on that farm, and the widow subsequently removed to Beaver Falls. Pennsylvania, where the remaining years of her life were spent. David T. was reared under the parental roof, and afterward learned the trade of millwright. In 1859 he located in Franklin, and excepting some ten years spent on the river, he has lived in that city ever since. He estab- lished the first machine shop in Franklin, in 1859, and with the exception of the period spent in steamboating from 1865 to 1874, he has always been engaged in that business. In 1862 and 1863 h" built two steamboats on the Allegheny below the Venango mills, which were the only boats of any considerable size ever constructed in Franklin. For the past four years the firm has devoted its attention largely to the manufacture of sucker-rods, which business has recently been consolidated under the name of the Frank- lin Sucker-Eod Joint Company, Limited, with the plant located in the Third ward. Mr. Lane was married in 1859, to Miss Lucy M. Smith, who bore him five children, three of whom are living: William H., junior member of D. T. Lane & Son; Theresa A., wife of Alexander McDowell, and Frank G. Mrs. Lane died in 1872, and he w^as again married in March, 1882, to Miss Laura L. Carey, of Franklin, who is a member of the Evangelical church. 834 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Mr. Lane adheres to the Democratic party, and is to-day one of the oldest business men of Franklin. W. N. Emery, of the tirm of W. N. Emery & Son, was born near Green- ville, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, February 24:, 1833. His parents, Jacob and Jane (Humphrey) Emery, were natives of eastern Pennsylvania and Butler county, Pennsylvania, respectively. They were married in Butler county and about 1829 removed to the vicinity of Greenville, subsequently located in Pymatuuing township, and thence removed into Hickory town- shij) and settled south of Clarksville, where both died. They were members of the Presbyterian church, in which body Jacob Emery was an elder for many years. Our subject grew to manhood on the home farm, and re- ceived a good education, teaching a few winter terms of school in early life. He followed farming until 1860, when he came to Venango county and went into the meat business at Franklin, which he carried on until 1868. He then engaged in his present business, first in the Boston Iron Works, which he operated one year. In 1869 he erected his present works on Thirteenth street, and excepting a few years when he rented the shops, he has been en- gaged in business at this place. The present tirm was established in 1882. Mr. Emery was married January 14, 1858, to Miss Emma Love, a native of Ohio, who is the mother of three children: John P., junior member of the firm; Mary, and Jennie. The family are Presbyterian in faith, and Republican in politics. Mr. Emery has been a member of the city council for several terms, and has been a resident of Franklin for the past twenty- nine years. James Smith, proprietor of the Boston Iron Works, was born in Brant- ford, Canada, May 24, 1839, of English parentage, and removed with his parents to Buffalo, New York, in 1851. He entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company, and learned the trade of machinist. In February, 1865, he came to the oil regions, and located at Plumer, Venango county, where he commenced work for Hamlin, Moore & Company. He was soon advanced to the position of foreman and continued in that capacity until the spring of 1866. The tirm having changed to that of E. W. Cook & Company, Mr. Smith assumed control of the business. In October, 1868, he bought out the tirm and commenced business on his own account. He remained at Plumer until April, 1871, when he purchased from Winsor Brothers & Company, the Boston Iron Works. Mr. Smith is engaged in the manufacture of oil well supplies, and affords employment to a large number of men. He is the owner of one of the most extensive establish- ments of the kind in Franklin. James R. Grant, proprietor of quarries, was born in 1831 in Butler county, Pennsylvania, son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Say) Grant. He received a common school education, and was reared to farm life. He after- ward learned the tailor trade, which he followed until the spring of 1854, BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 8b5 \vh(»n be wcint to Californisi and was erij^agod in th(3 gold minos nrit.il the latter part of 1S()(). He then came to Venano-o county, and w(uit into the oil business. On the 14th of October, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Foiirth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and the following month was promoted to third sergeant. In November, 1802, he was commissioned first lieutenant, and November 18, 1864, became captain of his company. He participated in the following engagements: Antietam, Fredericksburg, Kelley's Ford, Rapidan Station, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Culpepper, Sulphur Springs, Kilj)atrick's raid, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Dee}) IJottom, Stony Creek Station, Dmwiddie^ Court House, and Appomat- tox. He was mustered out with his company July 1, \Hi')7), and returning to Venango county, once more engaged in the oil business for a short time. He then went into the lumber business in Scrubgrass township. In the fall of 1869 he was elected treasurer of Venango county, and after the ex])iration of his term he engaged in the manufacture of l)rick, with which business he has been more or less connected ever since. In 1880, he made a trip to the Rocky mountains, organized a mining company, and spent four years in the West, where he still retains some mining inter- ests. Mr. Grant is at present engaged in operating a quarry, and deals in all kinds of flag and building stone. In 1866 he was married to Mrs. Mar- tha J. Moore, daughter of Peter Smith, of Rockland township. She died June 8, 1885, leaving seven children: Carrie J., Alice M. . Emma E., Myra M. , Orvill S., Maggie C. , and Martha J. Captain Grant is an ardent Re- publican, and served in the city council in 1887-1888. He is a member of the G. A. R. (and present commander of his post), F. and A. M. , and E. A. U. , being president of the last mentioned society. James Meehan, proprietor of the Venango Boiler Works, was born in Toronto, Ontario, December 20, 1856, son of Bernard and Catharine (Mc- Mahon) Meehan, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Canada. When James was about six years old his parents removed to Meadville, Pennsylvania, where he grew up and learned the boiler maker's trade. He followed the trade at Meadville, Pittsburgh, and other points until the fall of 1876, when he came to Franklin. In the spring of 1877 he established the Venango Boiler Works which he has since operated successfully. Mr. Meehan voted the Democratic ticket until the election of 1884, when he supported the Republican candidate because of a personal interest he felt in the success of high protection. His father died in Franklin, and his mother is a resident of that city. He is a member of the Catholic church and one of the enterprising young business men of Franklin. Mr. Meehan is also engaged in the oil business, and interested in several producing wells. J. H. White, machinist, son of Harvey and Eliza J. (Robinson) White, was born at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, in 1840. He was reared in that place, and learned his trade with Childs & McConnell, of Beaver Falls. Mr. 836 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. White was afterward employed at Youngstown and Warren, Ohio, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, coming to Franklin in 1876. He entered the employ of James Smith, of the Boston Iron Works, and eventually be- came foreman of that establishment, which position he iilled for nine years. In 1886 he established his present business. He was married in 1860 to Miss Emma C. Pew, of Warren, Ohio, by which union three children have been born to them: Mary, wife of Charles Ramsdale; Harry, and Grace. Mr. White is a supporter of the Prohibition party, a member of the K. of H. , and an adherent of the First Baptist church of Franklin, in which body he fills the ofiice of deacon. M. A. Jack, of the firm of M. A. Jack & Company, hardwood manufact- urers, was born in Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, August 6, 1848, and is a son of Samuel Jack, a manufacturer of Apollo, Pennsylvania. He grew up in his native county, and there followed the planing mill and contracting business in connection with his father until August, 1872, when he went to Foxburg >and engaged in the oil business. In August, 1882, he came to Franklin and followed his trade in this city until January, 1887, and then established his present factory on Fourteenth street. He has built up a good trade, and enjoys a fair success in his line of business. He manufact- ures all classes of stair and hard wood work, also book cases, side boards, etc. . and fits up the interior of offices in any style required. Mr. Jack was married in Armstrong county, September 1, 1870, to Miss Lizzie J. Bren- ner, and has a family of three children: Stella, Euna, and Viola. He is an ardent Prohibitionist, and the family adhere to the Presbyterian church. I. H. Borland, carriage manufacturer, is a son of Doctor John R. and Elizabeth Borland of Franklin. He was born at Harlansburg, Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, September 14, 1859, and came to Franklin with his parents in 1865. He was educated in the public schools of this city and learned his trade with Myers Brothers & Humphrey. In 1884 he established his present factory on South Twelfth street, and has since carried on busi- ness quite successfully. He is turning out a good class of work and enjoy- ing a rapidly increasing business. Mr. Borland was married in 1888 to Miss Anna Cummings of Franklin, who has borne him one child. Our subject was elected a member of the city council in 1888, and is still filling that po- sition. He is one of the working members of the Republican party, and takes an active interest in its success. John Minich, deceased, was a native of Alsace, France, and immigrated to this country in 1848, settling at Fryburg, Clarion county, Pennsylvania. He was an architect and builder by trade, but after locating at Fryburg he engaged in the brewing business. He erected a brewery at that point which he operated until 1858, when he came to Cranberry township, Venango county, and built and operated the first brewery in this county, and manu- factured the first beer within its limits. He also built in connection with BIOGRAPHIES OF FRANKLIN. 837 his browory a distillery, which he carried on at the same time. lu \Hi')\ he removed to Franklin, and located on the corner of Water and South Park streets, where he established a brewery now owned by Philip Grossman. He was married in 1840 to Maria Steiner, a native of Germany, by whom he had five children: Josephine, wife of Philip Grossman; Joseph, of Brad- ford. Pennsylvania; John, of Kansas; Aaron, of Bradford, and Mary, wife of Peter Hauk, of Meadville. Mr. Minich met his death by drowning in French creek April, 12, 1865. His widow survived him until 1879. Politi- cally he was a Democrat, and a member of the I. O. O. F. Philip Grossman, son of John F. and Christina (Fass) Grossman, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany. He came to this country with his parents in 1850, who located in Allegheny county, three miles south of Pittsburgh, where his father died in 1860 and his mother in 1885. Philip learned the trade of baker, and worked in various parts of the country until 1861, when he settled in Franklin and started the first bakery in the place. In August, 1861, he sold his business and removed to Rynd Farm on Oil creek, and en- gaged in merchandising, where he remained until the death of his father- in-law, John Minich, when he returned to Franklin and purchased the brewery which he has since conducted. Mr. Grossman was married in Feb- ruary, 1862, to Josephine, daughter of John Minich, and by this marriage six children have been born: John F., Edward F., Joseph P., Louisa, Vic- toria, and Philip, Jr. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. , I. O. R. M. , and the A. O. U. W. , and in politics is a Democrat. Christian Brecht, brewer, son of Karl and Christina (Bohn) Brecht, was born December 31, 1854, in Wurtemberg, Germany, and came to this country with his parents in 1857. His father first settled in Saegertown, Crawford county, Pennsylvania. He was a brewer by trade, and in 1859 removed to Clarion county, and in connection with J. B. Lutz established a brewery. He then connected himself with Nicholas Dritz in the same business, and subsequently went to Fryburg and operated a brewery for two years. In 1861 he settled in Plumer, Venango county, Pennsylvania, and built a brew- ery, and purchased a farm. He afterward changed his business into a dis- tillery, which was destroyed by fire, since which time he has followed farm- ing. Christian Brecht is the eldest son of a family of four sons and four daughters. He was taught the trade of a brewer, and followed the busi- ness for a number of years, working for George Ober, of Allegheny City, and other brewers. In 1876 he returned to Plumer and engaged in the brewing business. In 1879 he entered the employ of F. L. Ober & Brother, where he remained until 1883, when he came to Franklin and piu'chased the Snell brewery, just outside Franklin, in Sugar Creek township, and has since conducted that business. He was married June 8, 1882, to Miss Mary C, daughter of George Ober of Allegheny City, and by this union they have had two children, one of whom is living, Rosie. Mr. Brecht is a member of the I. O. O. F., and politically a Democrat. 838 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER XLVri. BIOGEAPHIES OF OIL CITY. Jacob Jay Vandergrift. — There is probably no man whose name is so widely known and so intimately connected with the great petroleum and natural gas industries of Pennsylvania and the adjoining states as the sub- ject of this sketch, who was not only one of the earliest pioneers in the petroleum business, but has continued to prosecute its various branches with uniform success to the present time. No one has contributed more than he to the development of this great industry, and he is to-day one of the most important characters in the oil country. He has attained this eminence not l)y any caprice of fortune, but by the force of his genius, energy, and perseverance, and above all, by the sterling qualities of his character and his upright and honorable dealings throughout a busy and active life. Captain Vandergrift was born at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 10, 1827, the second child and eldest son of William K. and Sophia (Sarver) Vandergrift, the parents of both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. His early life was passed in that city, and there he obtained his education at the public schools of the Second ward, of which James B. D. Meeds was principal, and under the tuition of ' " Squire ' ' Thomas Steele. At the age of fifteen, choosing the path of life which naturally opened before him, he entered the steamboat service, then the principal means of intercommunica- tion between Pittsburgh and the West. By intelligent application and faithful attention to duty he rose in ten years from the humble position of cabin boy to that of captain. During this period he introduced the method of towing coal barges that has since been employed in the river coal traffic, an innovation that attracted wide attention at the time and gave a great impetus to mining operations in the Pittsburgh coal field. When the civil war broke out he was still engaged in business on the river, principally in the transportation of oil, and was the owner of the steamboat Red Fox, which was chartered by the United States government and lost on the Ohio river near Cairo. At this time he was also concerned in oil ventures in West Virginia, but sustained severe losses in the destruction of his property by the Confederate forces. Through his connection with the transportation of oil from the Venango oil field he became interested in various producing and BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 839 other enterprises which required frequent iiersonal attention, and in 1863 he took up his residence at Oil City. In the special work ol" petroleum production he was lirst associated with Daniel Bushnell, and was engaged for a brief period in the formation of oil companies. He was an active member of the iirm of H. L. Taylor & Com- pany, from which the Union Oil Company originated. As a member of the firm of Vandergrift & Forman, Vandergrift, Pitcairn & Company, and Van- dergrift. Young «fc Company, his knowledge of the business, united with his irrepressible energy, finally led to the organization of the Forest Oil Company, of which he is president, and which has always held a foremost place among the large and successful oil companies. He also organized the United Oil and Gas Trust and the Washington Oil Company, of which he is president, and has been an active promoter of the Anchor Oil Company. The names of these companies and their success are an unqualified tribute to the pecu- liar ability which Captain Vandergrift contributed to their promotion and development. While an enterprising and successful producer, it was left to Captain Vandergrift to develop the solution of the problem of oil transportation. At the inception of the oil business the methods employed were exceedingly primitive, barrels and bulk boats constituting the only means of shipment. The increasing production attracted railroads to the oil region, each hoping to secure a portion of the traffic, and, impelled by the same motive, Captain Vandergrift and others organized the Oil City and Pithole Railroad Company, of which the history is given in the chapter on "Internal Improvements," in this work. In connection with George V. Forman and others he equipped a line of cars, the "Star Tank Line," for transportation between Pithole City and Oil City, and constructed a pipe line, the "Star Pipe Line," from West Pithole to Pithole. This was the first successful pipe line, and may be regarded as the real beginning of that gigantic system of oil transporta- tion now carried on under the name of the National Transit Company. The development of the "lower oil country" opened a new field for pipe line extension, and, with Captain Vandergrift as the leading spirit, a number of lines were constructed in Venango, Armstrong, Butler, and Clarion coun- ties, which were finally consolidated under the name of the United Pipe Lines of Vandergrift, Forman & Company. To Captain Vandergrift' s busi- ness integrity and wise forethought are due not only the complete develop- ment of this mode of transportation, but the open and honest methods by which it has been conducted. Throughout its entire history he was presi- dent of the United Pipe Lines, and later of the United Pipe Lines division of the National Transit Company, which position he has biit recently resigned. The manufacturing industries incident to the oil business have also received a due share of Captain Vandergrift' s attention. He was the pro- 840 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. jector of the Imperial refinery, the largest enterprise of its kind ever attempted in the oil regions, as shown by its modern and complete equip- ment, its improved machinery, and a daily capacity of two thousand barrels. By its sale to the Standard Oil Company he became a stockholder in the lat- ter, in which he was until recently an officer. His ability and experience have also contributed to the planting and development of the Oil City Boiler Works, the Pennsylvania Tube Works, and the Apollo Iron and Steel Company. Any one thus interested in a special product and its industries must of necessity be identified with its finance. Captain Vandergrift founded the Oil City Trust Company, one of the most prosperous and successful banking institutions of western Pennsylvania. He also founded the Keystone Bank of Pittsburgh, having previously been a director in the Allegheny National Bank of that city. He was active in the organization of the Seaboard Bank of New York, of which he is at present a director, and held a similar posi- tion in the official board of the Argyle Savings Bank at Petrolia during its brief but successful history. At the formation of the Oil City Oil Exchange he became a large stockholder, and in great measure through his vigorous action the Pittsburgh Oil Exchange was established on a sound financial basis. Since his removal to Pittsburgh in 1881, Captain Vandergrift has given a large share of his energies to the introduction of natural gas as a fuel. The Penn Fuel Company, the Bridgewater Gas Company, the Natural Gas Company of West Virginia, the Chartiers Natural Gas Company, the United Oil and Gas Trust, the Toledo Natural Gas Company, and the Fort Pitt Natural Gas Company were founded and incorporated under his guidance and general direction, and these enterprises, representing millions of capi- tal, have performed an incalculable service in developing the fuel that has proven a veritable philosopher's stone for the iron industries of western Pennsylvania. To no single man identified with the production and application of pe- troleum and natural gas is greater credit due than to Captain Vandergrift. It has frequently been said of him that he was a pioneer of these industries, but, after all, that is scant praise to one who was indeed a pioneer with suf- ficient forethought to see the possibilities of his venture and sufficient cour- age to stand by those possibilities and follow his forethought to complete success. Captain Vandergrift was a pioneer and deserves all the laurels of a pioneer, and at the same time the story of his business life is but the his- tory of the petroleum and natural gas industries. From the days of spring- poles and bulk barges and pond freshets, through all the rapid changes of the most remarkable industrial development the world has ever seen, until to day, when thousands of derricks stand like ghosts in the moonlight, and thousands of pipe lines cover the ground like spider-webs, Captain Van- BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 841 dergrif t has stood by and hnl the fortunes of the great oil industry. Never a day has his hand been off the wheel, and never an atom of his energy and ability has he begrudged to the favored and favoring pursuits of his life. Captain Vandergrift never forgets. The past scenes of his life are dear to him still, and many a time he beguiles the hours for his friends, and is himself beguiled from weariness, as he casts the lead of his memory into the stream of his life and dwells with pleasure upon the "old days on the river" when life flowed as quietly as the Ohio, or met the dangers incident to a high flood of the Mississippi. He is never too busy to give a warm welcome and a cheery hour to an old comrade who shared the joys and trials of his boating days. Nt)r has he ever lost touch with men as men. Never has he felt that spirit that kills in too many successful men sympathy with the struggling or the unsuccessful. The trials and misfortunes of his own life, as well as its triumphs and successes, have been fountains of helpfulness, and many a cheering word and many a helpful hand does he give to those with whom he shared the past vicissitudes, and with whom he is ever ready to share the present blessings. With the conviction firmly rooted in his heart that wealth is the gift of God for high and nol)le use, he has never withheld his hand, and the public enterprises of religion and philanthropy, as well as the private necessities of povei-ty and misfortune, have always shared largely in his most generous and most unostentatious giving. In his private and social life, into the sacredness of which we may not intrude here. Captain Vandergrift is of the most genial and happy disposition, as hundreds of his friends can testify, and his home has always been a center of gladness and a source of joy. To look at the man and take the measure of his success reveals to us some of the characteristics and secrets of his life and career. His entire business life has been marked by the strictest integrity and honesty of both principle and practice. Doubtful plans and purposes have had no place in his policy, but to the least details of business his integrity and honesty have always descended. His instinctive love of fair play has always made him mindful of the rights and privileges of other men and has helped him, at the same time, to recognize and reward talent in others, and this power to discover talent has not only contributed to his own siiccess, but has opened the way for very many others. His friends are as dear to him as his own life, and many a man has found an unexpect- ed door opened before him, unlocked by the captain's cherished memory of some act of friendship in the past. Coupled with these most noble traits of manhood he possesses a keen power of discernment and a large experi- mental knowledge of human nature. In addition to these qualities of heart and life, Captain Vandergrift has that mental grasp which foresees the pos- sibilities and contingencies of his chosen business, takes in the details of every department of his work, and anticipates and meets contingency and possibility with matured and practical plans. Most of all, he has the cour- 842 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. age of his convictions, and while he stands ever ready to yield his own opinion to a clearer light, his courage has carried him forward to that complete success which has thus far crowned his busy, honorable life. It is not o-iven to every man to follow his own chosen path to wealth and prove himself even in that very path a public benefactor. But such has been Cap- tain Vandergrift's experience. While yet in the vigor of life he gives his best energies and high talents to his business, gladly shares the joys and profits of it with his friends and the needy, and still sees the triumph of his life's labor issue in the general good of the community and contribute to the comfort of mankind. The story of his life and labor is told wher- ever the flame of natural gas glows in the white heat of a furnace, wher- ever the yellow gleam of a petroleum lamp brightens and cheers a home. Andrew Cone, deceased, was twice consul of the United States, first at Para, from February, 1876, to July 24, 1878, and subsequently at Pernam- buco, Brazil, till November, 1880. His father, Andrew Gayler Cone, a descendant of that stalwart old "Sentinel of Puritanism," Conant Cone, was born in May, 1785, at Westminster, Vermont, and served his country in the war of 1812. He came to New York in 1817, and buying three hun- dred acres of land in Wheatland, Monroe county, he became a farmer. Af terward he bought three hundred acres in Kiga and built a home there for himself, to which he brought as his wife, January, 1820, Polly Lewis, daughter of Nathaniel Andrews of New Britain, Connecticut. Another daiighter of Nathaniel Andrews became the wife of President Charles G. Finney of Oberlin College, whose oldest daughter, Helen, is now the wife of General Jacob D. Cox, ex-governor of Ohio, and a younger datighter, Julia, the wife of James Monroe, who represented his state in congress, and the United States abroad, as consul general at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, from 1864 to 1868. A son of Nathaniel Andrews, George Andrews of Syracuse, New York, is the father of Bishop Edward Andrews of the Methodist Episcopal church, and of Charles Andrews, judge of the court of appeals of New York. On their land in Riga Mr. and Mrs. Cone endured the hardships of pioneer life whilst changing the forest into the cultivated fields of their beautiful farm. Here their two sons were born; the oldest, Edward A., September, 1820, and Andrew, August 7, 1822. Here the parents spent the remainder of their useful lives, enjoying the fruits of their labor, and the esteem of all who knew them, for they were excellent people in word and deed. Edward A. Cone, M. D., left home early, married Miss Mary A.Mudge, and settled in Milford, Michigan, in the practice of his profession. Andrew re- mained on the farm with his parents, where he received a good common school education, and afterward spent a few terms at Middleburg Academy, Wyoming county. New York. When only twenty-one years of age he mar- ried Miss Mary E. Hebbard of Frederick county, Maryland. He managed /i-1^ c/-(^/pi4^ ' /, BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 845 the fai-m successfully and took care of his paroiits through years of declin- ing health till death released them, and paid to his brother, Doctor Cone, his portion of the estate. Andrew GaylerCone died October 18, 1847. His widow, Polly Lewis, died December 26, 1848. After losing his parents, Andrew Cone sold his farm, and removing to Milford, engaged in commer- cial business. Here, April, 1858, he lost his young wife, who left one child, Anna Hebbard Cone. In June, 1851), Mr. Cone married Belinda S., daughter of Calvin Morse of Eaton, New York. This estimable lady died also at an \intiniely age, leaving two infant daiighters, Lizzie M. , and Jessie G. After various vicissitudes, Mr. Cone removed to Oil City, then in its infancy, in February, 18G2, where he became prominent as one of its pioneers; he was superintendent of the United Petroleum Farms Association, owner and pub- lisher of the Oil City Weekly Times, vice-president of the Oil City Savings Bank, and among the founders of the Baptist church of Oil City, being one of its deacons and superintendent of its Sunday school. He enjoyed con- siderable reputation as a writer, his principal work on a book entitled, " Petrolia " being a review of the oil speculating agitation and a history of the oil fields of Pennsylvania. In October, 1868, Mr. Cone married Mary El visa, eldest daughter of Isaiah Thropp of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, a cultured essayist and magazine writer, and the authoress of "The Valley Forge Centennial Poem." In April, 1873, Mr. Cone was appointed as state commissioner to the Vienna World's Exposition by Governor Hartranft. Accompanied by his wife he sailed in the steamship Pennsylvania, the first of the line froin Philadelphia. After fulfilling his official duties so 'creditably that he elicited praise from the Vienna papers, Mr. and Mrs. Cone traveled through Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, and Great Britain, Mrs. Cone writing letters meanwhile, as foreign correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Oil City Derrick. In the beginning of 1876, Mr. Cone's health fail- ing, he was advised to seek a warmer climate and of the five consulates of- fered him by President Grant, he chose that of Para, Brazil, especially as he had entertained the Brazilian emperor, Dom Pedro, during his visit to Oil City. Mr. Cone discharged his arduous and responsible duties on the Amazon for two and a half years, with the same indefatigable fidelity and correctness that marked the performance of every duty in life. In July, 1878, he was appointed consul of the United States at Pernambuco, B^azil, where he remained over two years. September 30, 1880, he returned on his first leave of absence to New York, after nearly five years of hard service, hoping rest and change would re.store his shattered health. This leave of absence proved final, for in Philadelphia, November 7, 1880, he entered in- to rest. Mr. Cone's high social qualities and attractive manners drew around him many admiring fi'iends. An innate gentleman, he was refined and courteous 47 846 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. as he was fearless and liberal. Modest as the gentlest of women, he ever kept himself in the background, and the dross of envy, meanness, and pre- judice was not in him. "He was pure gold all through"; in the truest sense he was a Christian, manifesting a daily beauty in his life, in his rever- ence for age, his tenderness for women and children, his faithfiilness in all things. His record at the department of state is said to be among the best there, and he was already marked for promotion. Certainly tlie United States government had in its service no more loyal or conscientious repre- sentative, and no consul or officer has ever been more sincerely esteemed at home or abroad. John R. Campbell. — The subject of this sketch is a native of New Bed- ford, Massachusetts, his father, Alexander H. Campbell, being from New- buryport, and his mother, Abby T. Russell, from the first named place. The family removed to Philadelphia in 1839. After receiving the practical education usually enjoyed by the youth of his day, young Campbell gradu- ated in 184:7 at the celebrated school of Reverend Samuel Aaron, at Norris- town, Pennsylvania. To the teaching and example of that noble apostle of temperance and anti-slavery is, no doubt, due his ardent Republicanism in mature years. Refusing a collegiate course he entered the locomotive works of M. W. Baldwin, in Philadelphia, and during five years of appren- ticeship obtained a practical knowledge of mechanics. At the death of his father, in 1852, who had been actively engaged in a general commission business in Philadelphia, he took charge of and closed up the affairs of the estate. His first business venture was in Philadelphia, in the manufacture of printing inks, in partnership with William L. and Charles H. Lay, both now residents of Oil City. After a few years he was compelled to relinquish this on account of failing health, and in 1859 went to western Texas to i-e- cuperate. He returned to Philadelphia in 1860 and entered into the gen- eral commission business there in 1861. He was married to Emma Ford, of Philadelphia, May 12, 1863. In March, 1865, Mr. Campbell visited the oil country in the interest of some oil companies in which he held stock, and in August of the same year removed to Oil City, where he has since been a resident. For the first four years of his residence here, in addition to attending to his oil interests, he filled acceptably other positions, being successively publisher of the Oil City Register, notary public, and treasurer for the receiver of the Oil City and Pithole Railroad Company. In 1867 he became book-keeper for Vandergrift & Lay, oil shippers, and afterward held the same position with J. J. Vandergrift, and still later with the firm of Vandergrift & Forman. In 1868 he was appointed treasurer of the sev- eral i^ipe lines owned and controlled by this last named firm, and so re- mained until the incorporation of these into the United Pipe Lines in 1877, when he was elected treasurer of that corporation. When the United Pipe Lines Company was merged in the National Transit Company he was BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 847 elected treasiiror of its United Pipe Lines division, which position ho still holds. With the pipe lines of Vander^rift & Forman began the system of oil trausjiortation that at the present day stands uneqiaaled in magnitude and efficiency. To Mr. Campbell is largely due the completion and perfection of the accurate and comprehensive system of pipe line accounts and methods novf universally adopted. Enjoying from the beginning to the fullest extent the confidence and esteem of his business employers and associates, none have been more ready than they to give cheerful evidence of his character- istic talents as an organizer, and to-day he is the trusted treasurer of more than a "baker's dozen" of corporations. Having an abiding faith in the permanency of Oil City from the first years of his residence here, Mr. Camp- bell has ever been prominently identified v^^ith its best interests, the advance- ment and perfection of which he has most materially encouraged. In fact, they largely owe their success to the aid he has liberally given, and to his practical business management and counsel. When the disaster occurred soon after the beginning of the building of the first bridge projected over the Allegheny at Oil City by the Oil City and Petroleum Bridge Company in 1865, he was elected the secretary and treasurer of the same. He reorgau ized the company, obtained new subscriptions, and assisted in the completion of that structure, placed it in a sound financial condition, and served in the official capacity mentioned for some years. He was also a charter member, and secretary and treasurer of the Venango Bridge Company fi-om Novem- ber 10, 1874, until April 13, 1886. Mr. Campbell has been for a number of years vestryman and treasurer of Christ Episcopal church of Oil City, and aided in building the present beautiful church edifice. He was a charter member of the Ivy Club, one of the finest social organizations in this part of the state, and is now serving his third term as its president. His means and counsel have always been freely given to every enterprise. Mr. Camp- bell is in the prime of his business usefulness, and no eulogy could add to the high estimation in which he is held wherever known. W. J. Young, president of the Oil City Trust Company Bank, vice-pres- ident of the Forest Oil Company, treasurer of the Oil City Tube Company, a director in the Washington (Pennsylvania) Oil Company, and a member of its executive committee, member of the executive committee of the United Oil Trust of Pittsburgh, one of the directors in the Toledo Natural Gas Com- pany, and a member of the firm of Vandergrift, Young & Company, oil producers, is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and was born November 8, 1842. He was educated in his native city and there took his first lessons in business as clerk for a hide and leather concern. In 1862 the Alle- gheny Belles, a line of small steamers plying principally in the oil trade between Oil City and Pittsburgh and numbered for convenience and identity, one, two, three, and four, which were owned by John and William Hanna, 848 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. were doing a large carrying trade, and Mr. Young, being chief clerk of the general warehouse also owned by these gentlemen, attended to their ship- ments as well as others. In process of time the warehouse passed into the hands of Burgess & Company (Mr. Young being of the company), who in time sold to Fisher Brothers, and Mr. Young remained with the latter owners until 1872. His next business engagement was book-keeper for the Oil City Savings Bank, and in December, 1873, he was made cashier of the Oil City Trust Company Bank. In 1876 he became vice-president of this institution and under its new organization in July, 1883, he was elected to the presidency. The firm of Vandergrift, Young & Company, then the owners of the United Pipe Lines and extensive oil producers, was organized in 1876, and the Forest Oil Company was organized in 1877. From the organization of the latter company Mr. Young has been its vice-president and general manager. He was one of the organizers of the Derrick Pub- lishing Company, after that paper passed out of the hands of Longwell & Company, and was, for some length of time, its treasurer. The records, of the Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and Western Railway Company show that Mr. Y^oung was a long time its assistant treasurer and paymaster, though it is difficult to see just when he had time to attend to the duties of those offices. However, it is safe to say that they were promptly and efficiently looked after. Mr. Young was married in Oil City in 1866 to Miss Morrow and has had borne to him two daughters. He has been one of the trustees of the First Presbyterian church since 1867. He is a Knight Templar Mason, belong- ing to Talbot Commandery, No. 43, Oil City, and to the Pittsburgh con- sistory. Charles M. Loomis, cashier of the Oil City Trust Company Bank, was born February 22, 1848, at North East, Erie county, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Joel and Susan (Hall) Loomis, the parents of the following chil- dren: MaryH. ; Annie L. ; Charles M. ; Carrie E. ; George E. , and Loomis. Charles M. Loomis was educated in the common schools, North East Academy, and Grand River Institute, Austinburg, Ohio. He was married in North East, Erie county, November 15, 1878, to Eda E. Smith, born November 4, 1857, daughter of E. H. and Elizabeth (Lingenfetter) Smith, natives, the former of Massachusetts and the latter of Pennsylvania. After leaving his father's home at the age of twenty-two years, Mr. Loomis clerked in a grocery at North East, Pennsylvania, for three years, and was then elected secretary of the People's Saving Institution of Erie county at North East. After three years' employment at this business he was elected teller of the Oil City Trust Company, served for seven years in that capacity, and was then elected cashier, which position he now holds. He is a Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Loomis are the parents of two children: Harriet E. and Catharine I. , and belong to the Presbyterian church. W. H. Longwell, an oil producer residing in South Oil City, although BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 849 ideiitiliod In tlio past with many important enterprises, will probably be longest and best remembered as the founder of the Oil City Derrick. In 1866 he pxiblished the Pithole Daity Record, a paper as short-lived as the famous town itself. In 1868 he transferred the plant to Petroleum Center, substituting the name of the latter town for Pithole in the caption, and for ten years gave the people the red-hot Petroleum Center Daily Rec- ord. Having in the meantime, September, 1871, started the Oil City Derrick, he was prepared, when the noisy citizens of Petroleum Center folded up their tents, to repair without delay to this place (the history of the Derrick and other papers will be found in this volume). In 1879, Mr. Longwell, associated with others, purchased several newspaper plants at Bradford and established the Daily Era of that place. In the same year, having realized a fortune from it, he sold out his interest in the Derrick to its present own- ers and has spent much of the time since in travel. Mr. Longwell was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, January 16, 1839. His father, Hamilton Longwell, a contractor and an active business man during his life-time, died at Gettysburg in 1870, aged about eighty-nine years. His mother's fam- ily name was AVilson, and she was a lineal descendant fi'om James Wilson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Our subject was educated at Gettysburg, and learned the printing trade in the office of the Repository and Whig hi Charabersburg, then edited by the now famous Alexander McClure. In 1861 he entered the army as a private in Company D, Forty- Fourth New York Volunteer Infantry, and served one year. He was promoted to second lieutenant of Company C, One Hundred and Four- teenth New York Volunteers, for proficiency in drill and meritorious conduct under General McClellan during his famous Seven Days' battles. He served four years and until the close of the war, and was mustered out at Elmira with the rank of captain. During his connection with the army his command formed at various times part of the Nineteenth, Eighth, and Fifth army corps, and he participated in the battles of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Gaines' Mills, Turkey Bend, Malvern Hill, Port Hudson, Mansurs, and Opequan. At the last named engagement, while leading a charge he was so severely wounded that his life was despaired of. Captain Longwell is a member of the G. A, R. , and the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. He was married in New York state and has one child. Charles A. Cooper, M. D. , superintendent of the United Petroleum Farms Association, Oil City, came to this place from New Jersey in the spring of 1866. He was born in Sussex county, that state, January 2, 1821, and his father was Elias Cooper, an old New Jersey planter and slave owner whose native place was Dutchess county, New York. A history of Sussex county, New Jersey, says of Captain Elias Cooper: "He was a gentleman of the olden times, liberal and public spirited, of strong judgment and common sense, and one whose advice and assistance were sought by all classes of peo- 850 HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. pie. * * * He took great interest in military affairs, and was a captain of militia in his day. * *, * He passed away September 9, 1846, dividing his property equally among his children. * * * He was born July 19, 1783, and in 1811 married Sarah Dodge, a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Rosencranz) Dodge, of Dutchess county. He reared seven sons and two daughters, the subject of this sketch being the fifth son in order of birth." Our subject was educated principally at select schools in Sussex county and at Mount Retired Academy, and was graduated from the Univer- sity of New York, with the degree of M. D., in 1842. Immediately after leaving college he located in the practice of his chosen profession at the town of Wantage in his native county and there remained twenty-two years. His health having become impaired he came to Oil City expecting to spend a year in recuperation. Here he has remained and that his life has been a busy one is attested by his record. As superintendent of the United Petro- leum Farms Association and the Hoffman Petroleum Company, he has charge of all their vast estates in the oil regions — embracing oil fields whereon some of the most noted "gushers " have been found; farm property devoted to agriculture, and valuable city property — while at the same time he has conducted some of the most important deals in oil and oil wells known in the history of petroleum. As to the practice of medicine, he has virtually re- tired therefrom — prescribing only for personal friends and consulting occa- sionally with the profession in important cases. The doctor's wife, to whom he was married in Orange county. New York, was Caroline Howell, and his only son, Charles, is a prominent oil operator in Oil City. The family be- long to the Presbyterian church. Fkancis Halyday, a pioneer of the Oil Creek valley, settled on the Alle- gheny at the mouth of Oil creek early in the present century on a tract of land which he purchased fi'om the state in 1803, part of it now occupied by Oil City. Holidaysburg was his native place, but his ancestors were Irish. The few brief years allotted to him in his new home were still sufficient to earn the character of an honorable, trustworthy citizen among the pioneers. He died in 1811. His wife, Sarah Horth, daughter of Hiram Horth, of New York, was a woman of singular energy and attainments for the period in which she lived. Of Scotch parentage she brought to her husband a dowry of tact and management more valuable than gold in their wilderness home. With early widowhood there came the responsibility and support and educa- tion of eight children, the youngest, a son but two years old, and the eldest, her only manly help, to be speedily summoned to the defense of his country. Her nearest neighbors were Indians, and doubtless her best friend was their chief, Cornplanter, who was ever a welcome guest in her home and ever ready to exchange the wild game of the forest for her savory domestic meats and pastries. As these wild sons of the forest helped to lighten her burdens not less did she and her daughters contribute to the comfort and BIOGllAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 851 care of sciiiaw and papoose when sickuess and death invaded their tents, and not infre(|uently were the tears of Indians and pale faces mingled at the open t^rave. The bold bluff on the north side of the creek overlooking both creek and rivor was the burial ground of the Senecas at that time, and a similar spot on the opposite hill (now Clark's Summit) was made sacred to their white friends, as one after another their loved ones were consigned to their last repose. To Francis and Sarah Halyday there were born the following children: Columbus, who went with his comrades to the defense of Erie, was brought home sick of fever, and died in 1813; Uretta, who married Alexander Carle in 1812, and died in 1829 leaving five children, viz. : Loviua, Columbus, Mary, James, and Sarah; Margaret married Samuel Hunter, and died in 1817, leaving two children since deceased; Sarah married Moses Davidson in 1816, and died in 1817, leaving one child, Francis; Cassandra, married to James Bannon, died in 1840; Lovina died in 1813, aged twelve years; Amelia, born December 10, 1805, married Captain Samuel Phipps in 1823, and died September 28, 1870; and James, born January 13, 1809, married Almira Coe, October 16, 1828, and died in Oil City November 9, 1884. The following, taken from a late sketch of Oil City, is appropriate here : "In his youth James Halyday' s playmates were the Indian boys of Corn- planter's tribe, and little he dreamed of the city, founded as if by the ma- gician's wand on his old home. His life was passed within half a mile of the place of his birth (near the site of the Petroleum house. Third ward) and he watched the changing scenes of the discovery of oil, the building up of the busy marts of trade, the floods and tires and the gradual development of this section, culminating in making this city the 'oil metropolis of the world,' all passing before his eyes like the dissolving views of the stereopti- con." Peculiarly kind and benevolent to all who needed either sympathy or more material aid, the memory of James and Almira Halyday will be cherished for many years by those whom destiny has brought to occupy their native place. — E. E. Thomas Moran, deceased, a pioneer settler of this part of the state, was born in County Westmeath, Ireland, in 1815, and came to America in 1832. His father was a farmer, but the son learned the trade of dyer and worked at it a few years after coming to this country. He settled in Paterson, New Jersey, and became a merchant. He afterward was in the mercantile business in New Orleans and returned thence to Paterson. In 1842 he came to Pennsylvania and settled on a farm near Titusville. In 1845 he moved down the Allegheny river and located on Oil creek eddy, where he bought a farm and erected a hotel— the Moran house. The building is yet standing and is at the foot of Main street on the north side of the river. Years ago it was the popular resort of river men and in a part of it Mr. Moran kept the postoffice. He died in this hotel, October 16, 1857. He was 852 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. a Christian gentleman, a member of the Catholic church, and noted for his charity and oft repeated deeds of kindness. Mr. Moran was married in Jersey City, June 9, 1838, to Catharine McGee, a native of New York city. They reared four children of the eight born to them. The living are Thomas J., Daniel O. , and John F. Anna, the daughter, died in 1863 at the age of twenty -one years. Mrs. Moran was born in New York in 1817, and is yet living in South Oil City (July, 1889). Thomas J. Moran, street commissioner of Oil City, son of Thomas Moran, was born in Paterson. New Jersey, March 12, 1839, the year his father moved to Oil creek eddy. He attended the common schools and worked on his father's farm, during his minority, and afterward made farming a business for many years. Since 1860 he has been engaged in oil produc- tion. Away back when the postoffice was Cornplanter he was assistant postmaster for a time; subsequently he held the offices of director of the poor, school comptroller, city councilman and, in 1888, was elected street commissioner. John F. Moran, district foreman of the United Pipe Lines, is a son of the late Thomas Moran, one of the pioneers of Venango county, and was born on Oil creek in Cornplanter township, April '23. 1850. He was edu- cated at the common schools and at Niagara Falls Academy, and in 1868 began business in this city as an oil operator. From that date to the pres- ent he has been identified in some way with the oil business, and is now a producer to some extent. He is also an extensive real estate owner in this city and gives some attention to matters connected therewith. He has been in his present position with the United Pipe Lines Company since 1882. Mr. Moran is a member of the Catholic church and the C. M. B. A. He was married at Oil City, June 20, 1877, to Miss Mary S. Malony, of Altoona, and has four children: William F., Catharine Jane, Mary, and Cecilia. Daniel O. Moran, ganger in the employ of the National Transit Com- pany, is a son of Thomas Moran, deceased, and was born at Oil creek eddy, October 29, 1844. He began dealing in oil as a producer and later on drifted into speculation and lost his money. During 1882 and 1883 he was street commissioner, and in 1884 accepted his present employment. He was married in Pittsburgh when twenty-five years of age to Miss Margaret O'Connor, and has had borne unto him eight children, seven of whom are living. Fid Bishop, a well and favorably known citizen of South Oil City, is a native of Centerville, Crawford county, this state, a son of Zephaniah and Caroline (Pangmon) Bishop of Whitehall, Washington county. New York, and was born December 25th, 1840. At an early age he began his business life as a clerk in the mercantile establishment of McFarland Brothers at Meadville, Pennsylvania. From thei'e he came to Oil City in January, 1861, as manager of a grocery house for the same firm, and filled that position BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 853 until April, 1864, when he purchased the stock and goodwill, rumiiug the business until the big fire of May 2Sth, 1806, when the tire consumed the building and most of the stock of goods. He next turned his attention to the production of petroleum, with which he was more or less identified for some time, with but very little success; was ai)pointed postmaster by Presi- dent Lincoln in March, 1865; the commission was issued l)y President Johnson the latter part of April, it being among the first signed by Presi- dent Johnson after the assassination of President Lincoln. He held the office one year and a half and then resigned on account of the salary not being large enough to meet the necessary expenses of the office. Before any banking houses were established the firm of Culver & Company secured his services and bought and sold exchange, Mr. Bishop being cashier and book-keeper at the same time. When the borough of Oil City was organized Mr. Bishop was elected a member of its first council, and was the first treas- urer of the borough. At this time the entire receipts from borough taxes were about eight hundred dollars. During the winter of 1868 he held the position of messenger of the house of representatives at Harrisburg, Penn- sylvania. In July, 1877, he was again appointed postmaster by President Hayes, and re- appointed by President Arthur in 1881 withoiit opposition, holding the office until February, 1886, and the record made therein is one of which he may well be proud. Near the close of his term of office he received the following letter from Mr. Speese, postoffice inspector, stationed at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Dear Sir: I regret that your term of office is fast drawing to a close, not only on account of our pleasant official relations, but because the department will lose an effi- cient officer, and Oil City a faithful and painstaking postmaster. You have kept a good postoffice; you have been faithful in the discharge of your duties, and I am con- fident that when your successor demands the property of the office the accounting will be found correct to a penny. You take into your retirement the thanks of this office, and we gladly bear testimony to a duty well performed, and express our thanks for many courtesies received at your hands. Very truly yours, I. M. Speese. Mr. Bishop's marriage ceremony was the first one performed after the borough of Oil City was organized. He was married by the Reverend S. J. M. Eaton of Franklin, March 12, 1863, to Miss Sarah E. Hopewell, and has one child, Clara H., now the wife of Thomas G. Phinny. During the whole term that Mr. Bishop has resided in Oil City he has always felt a deep interest in every enterprise having for its object the benefit of the place. To him in a great degree the city is indebted for the beautiful sus- pension bridge which spans the Allegheny river; he was the originator of the Oil City steam laundry, which has now become a solid and permanent institution. In politics Mr. Bishop has always been a consistent, active, and earnest Republican. Colonel A. J. Greenfield, postmaster of Oil City, was born November" 85-4 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 20, 1835, in Washington county, Pennsylvania. His parents were William and Eleanor Greeniield, natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania, respectively. He was educated in the common schools and began his business career in a wholesale store in 1859 in Baltimore. Soon after the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, he severed his business connections, entered the Union army, and served until mustered. out, October 31, 1865. In February, 1866, he came to the oil country, locating first at Reno and afterward at Rouseville, where he was engaged as a dealer and operator in oil. He removed to Oil City, July 5, 1871. He was a member of the Titusville and Oil City oil ex- changes at the time of their organization and took an active part in their interests. In February, 1874, he was elected vice-president of the Oil Ex- change of Oil City; he became president in 1871 and filled that position two terms, was elected* a member of the board of control in 1878, and became president in 1881. He was elected mayor of Oil City in 1882 and served one term. He was appointed postmaster of Oil City by the Cleveland ad- ministration. He was married in 1867 to Louise Castle, daughter of Ed- ward H. Castle, and has the following children: Nora L., Carl J., Roy C, and John B. K. He and his family are members of the Episcopal church, of which he has been a vestryman since 1871. Kenton Chickeeing, secretary of the Oil Well Supply Company. Limited, is a native of Worcester, Massachusetts, and was born in 1847. His father, Cyrus C. Chickering, a manufacturer of dental material, and in after life a farmer, died in Brooklyn, New York, in 1867. at the age of fifty-three years. His mother's family name was Scott, of the old Philadelphia Scott family, and a near relative of General Winfield Scott, famous in American history. Kenton Chickering was an only son. He was edxicated in the public schools of Massachusetts. In 1863 he became dispatch bearer to General Clark, United States commissary department. New York city, and held that posi- tion two years. For about one year after the close of the war he remained in government service, and for the succeeding two or three years sold goods as clerk and traveling salesman for different New York establishments. In 1869 he accepted employment with Eaton & Cole of New York, dealers in brass and iron goods, fitting pipes, etc., and as their rej^resentative came to Titusville in 1870. In that year the Eaton, Cole & Burnham Company was organized, and he was in their interest till 1874, having moved in the meantime (1873) to Oil City. The Oil Well Supply Company was organ- ized first in 1874; in 1879 it was reorganized and Mr. Chickering, a stock- holder, became its secretary. Though of a retiring disposition he is always interested in public affairs and wide awake to the best interests of the com- munity. He has been three years a member of the select council since the adoption of the city's new charter, was one of the organizers of the Oil City Board of Trade, and has been identified with the Oil Exchange and the Ivy •Club from their inception. He is a communicant of the Episcopal church. BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 855 and has been seven years junior warden therein. He was married in New York city June 13, 1872, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of James Hamilton, and has four children: J. Hamilton; Myra Scott; Cornelia K., and Mary. J. H. Obkkly. oil producer and tobacco dealer, was born July 8, 1833, in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, and is one of live children born to Henry and Catharine Oberly. He was educated in the common schools and began for liiiDself in the coal and grain business in Berks county, which he con- tinued until 18G8; he then sold out, coming to Oil City, established his present tobacco store and commenced to produce oil, both of which he has continued without cessation. He married Helen M. See, a native of Berks county, Pennsylvania, and has four children: George S., married to Jennie Steffee; Alice, Mamie, and Edward. Mr. Oberly served as mayor of Oil City from 1880 to 1882 and was a member of the city council for eight years. He has been one of the county Republican committee and was a delegate to the state convention in 1878. He is a director of the Union Loan Association, a member of the Masonic order, chapter, and commandery, and belongs to the Lutheran church. Michael Geary, proprietor of the Arlington hotel, president of the Oil City Tube Company, and one of the owners of the Oil City Boiler Works, is a signal example of that push and energy, that undaunted resolve, which all men admire so much. Born in Ireland September 26, 1844, Mr. Geary first set foot on American soil at the age of four years. His father died of the cholera soon after arrival, leaving the subject of this sketch the legacy of only a sound constitution and inherent pluck. The widowed mother, with her little ones, sought a home in Buffalo, New York. The educational opportunities that he had, meager at the best, ceased altogether so far as schools were concerned, when, at the age of thirteen, with that loftiness of purpose which has always marked his career, he began to earn his own bread. Though but a child, he realized his position in life, and labored with his childish might to better it, labored in a way known to the generation of to-day but by hearsay. Thus uneventfully ran his career until the close of the war, when he entered the employ of the Erie City Iron Works. Seven years of close application to the positions assigned to him in this institution found him thoroughly acquainted with every detail of the iron industry necessary for the successful management of such an establishment. During the following year, 1871, he went to Titiisville, and later was employed as manager of the iron works of Runser & Company, at Sharon, Mercer county, subsequently becoming a partner in that business concern. In 1870 he removed to Oil City, and in company with B. W. Vandergrift and Daniel O'Day, started the Oil City Boiler Works. He and Daniel O'Day are now the sole owners of these works, and the marvelous growth of the enterprise is referred to in Chapter XXIII. Mr. Geary is one of the largest stock- holders of the Brush Electric Light Company of BuflPalo, New York, presi- 856 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. dent of the Oil City Tube Company, and a director of the Oil City Trust Company. He was the first president of the Oil City Enterprise Milling Company, and in 1885 was chosen president and a director of the Oil City Opera House Company, which position he still holds. In 1878 he purchased the Collins house, changed the name to the Arlington, and refurnished it at a cost of forty thousand dollars, making it one of the best in northwestern Pennsylvania. He is also largely interested in the production of oil in the state of New York. Under his management the Oil City Tube Company and the Oil City Boiler Works now give employment to more men than all other manufactories of Oil City combined. His past career has indeed been a prosperous one, and a young man still, his future gives promise of more than the average man attains. Charles F. Haktwell, president of the Venango Bridge Company, and manager of the Brady's Bend Mining Company, is a native of Sutton, Mas- sachusetts, and was born June 23, 1842. He was educated at Yale, leaving college, however, before graduating, for the purpose of entering the United States navy. He served about one and a half years on board the luka as master's mate. In July, 18(35, while on leave of absence, he came to Oil City and was so pleased with the place that he resigned his commission in the navy and remained here. He began business as paymaster of the Reno Oil and Land Company, and afterward became president of the Reno, Oil Creek and Pithole Railway Company. For the past several years his time has been principally devoted to coal operations. In 188(3 he was the principal mover in purchasing the control of the capital stock of the Venango Bridge Company, the new owners at once reducing the price of tolls to its patrons to almost a nominal figure. Mr. Hartwell has been a member of the Oil City council and of the vestry of the Episcopal church. He has been twice married, first in Connecticut and second in Cleveland, Ohio. His son, Frederick, is in charge of the Brady's Bend mines. William Hartwell, from whom Charles F. is descended, came from Kent, England, in 1636, and settled at Concord, Massachusetts. His de- scendants now number thousands, and are found in every state in the union. The family coat of arms is a shield surmounted by a hart and a well and the motto is Sua Sorts Contentus. J. H. Payne, mayor and broker, was born August 9, 1851, in Oneida county, New York. His parents, David and Agnes (Lowry) Payne, were of Scotch-Irish extraction, and had six children: Jane, Eliza, John H., David, Martha, and William, all residing in Dakota with their mother except our subject, the father having died in 1864. J. H. Payne received a common school education and began for himself as a clerk in Wisconsin; he was in business in Chicago from 1870 to 1871, came to Clarion county in 1872, and began oil operations, which he has ever since continued. In 3881 he became a resident of Oil City. He was elected a member of the council of BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 857 this place in 1S87 and mayor in 1888. Ho was niarriod October 20, 1875, to Laura W. Hinkley, daugiiter of A. K. and Mary Hinkley, an old and respected family of Wisconsin. The result of tbis union has been one daughter, Irene. Mayor Payne is a Democrat, and one of the enterprising and progressive young business men of Oil City. He is a thirty-second degree Mason. Walter R. Johns was born in Louisiana October 8, 188^^. His father. Doctor Herbert D. eTolins, located and practiced his profession in New Orleans, where he married. Our subject was orphaned by the death of his mother when he was seven years old. He graduated at Rockhill Academy, Rockville, Maryland,^ in 1845. Declining the opportunity to pursue a higher grade of school studies, he entered the printing office of John T. Towers at Washington city. In June, 1846, he went with Company G, First Baltimore and District of Columbia Battalion of Mexican Volunteers, and landed on Brazos island, gulf of Mexico, July 3. 1846. He partici- pated in the battle of Monterey in Captain Randolph Ridgely's field bat- tery (formerly Ringgold's), forming part of General William O. Biitler's division, marched to Tampico with General Quitman's brigade, and formed one of a detachment to take charge of quartermaster's supplies for General Taylor in January, 1847, reporting to Captain Meigs, quartermaster, at Saltillo, February 15th. He took part in the battle of Buena Vista on the 2'2nd and 23rd, serving in Captain Washington's field battery, returned to Tampico, and remained until the term of enlistment (twelve months) expired in June, 1847. During this time he was connected- with the Tam- pico Sentinel — his first venture in journalism. At the expiration of term of enlistment he re-entered the service as a member of Company L, Captain L. F. Chevallie, First Regiment Texas Rangers, under Colonel Jack Hays, and marched with General Scott from Pueblo to the city of Mexico. He returned to Washington at the close of the war and worked at his trade. In 1854 he worked on the Columbia, South Carolina, Times, and afterward on the Louisville, Kentucky, Democrat. In the spring of 1856 he was editor and publisher of the Lawrence Democrat, Bedford, Lawrence county, Indi- ana. In 1859 he was offered and accepted editorial charge and publication of the Clay county, Illinois, Jacksonian. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he left that paper in charge of friends, and enlisted under the first call of Governor Yates in Company G, of Xenia, Clay county, Illinois, and joined the Seventh, afterward the Twenty-First, Illinois regiment, which was mustered in at Mattoon and subsequently commanded by U. S. Grant. Invalided and discharged at the end of four months' service, he came to Pennsylvania in September, 1861, and was married at Rimersburg, Clarion county, October 8, 1861, to Josephine, daughter of Henry and So- phia Fox, of Centre county, this state. He established the Oil City Regis- ter, the first paper published at Oil City, January 14, 1862, and has since 858 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. been identified with oil region journalism. In 1870 a book entitled "Petro- lia, ' ' a history of the petroleitm development, was issued by D. Appleton & Company, of New York, with the names of Walter R. Johns and Andrew Cone as authors, which is acknowledged to be the standard work written on the subject. At the present he is in the employ of the National Transit Com- pany. Mr. Johns is so widely known from his identification with the jour- nalism and history of the petroleum developments that extended comment in his case is unnecessary. Feank H. Taylor, president of the common council, Oil City, and a prominent dealer in and producer of petroleum, was born at Jamestown, New York, October 29, 1852. He was educated at the Jamestown union schools, learned type-setting in the Jamestown Journal office, and in 1871 purchased an interest in the Tidioute Journal, of which he became editor, about this time he also wrote a serial story for Oliver Optic's Magazine, and contributed sketches and tales to other publications. He came to Oil City from Tidioute, this state, in October, 1873, and during the succeeding four years edited the Derrick, a highly popular paper, of which he was then a part owner. In April, 1877, he established the Sunday Call, edited and managed it until September, 1878, sold out, and returned to the Derrick, where he remained until January, 1886. In the fall of 1885, associated with Messrs. Torry and Murphy, he began the development of the now well-known Tarkiln oil field, in Cranberry township. The company in which he is interested at this time own and operate seventy-three productive wells, and are rapidly extending their acquisition of promising oil territory. Since severing his connection with the Derrick Mr. Taylor has given his at- tention principally to the production of petroleum, diversifying, however, the pursuit of private interest with a commendable public-spiritedness and activity in municipal afi'airs. In February, 1888, he was elected to the com- mon council from the First ward, and in April following was chosen presi- dent of that body. He was married February 2, 1879, to Miss Annie E. Pluth, and has two children: Frank and Harry. Patrick C. Boyle, lessee and publisher of the Oil City Derrick, was born May 2, 1846, in County Donegal, Ireland. His father, Bernard Boyle, a native of the same county, a farmer by occupation, died in Butler county, this state, in September, 1847. Mary (Daugherty) Boyle, also a native of County Donegal, died in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, in June , 1883, and was the mother of the following children: Mary Margaret, Edward D. , Michael J. , Manasses S. , and Patrick C. The last named received a com- mon-school education and began for himself as a laborer. He has since followed mining, mechanical engineering, drilling, pipe line work, and newspaper publishing. He served in Company H, Fifty- Fourth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, and is a Republican in politics. He was first married at Brady's Bend, June 28, 1868, to Miss Anna T. Bingham, born April 12, BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITV. 859 1846, who is dead, and who was the daughter of William and Sarali T. Bingham. August 21, 1876, at Pittsburgh, he was again married, to Mary Egau, born September 4, 1846, in Cambria county, this state, daughter of John and Bridget Egan. His children are named as follows: William Francis, Helen Josephine, and Edward II. Mr. and ]MrH. Boyle are mem- bers of the Catholic church. Robert Wesley Ckiswell was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, in 1850. His father was Robert Criswell, a prominent man in Clarion county, who afterward made a fortune in the oil business on Cherry run, Venango county, being one of the owners of the Reed well, one of the early gushers. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools, Chickering Institute, Cincinnati, and Moor's Hill College. Indiana. His first news- paper work was occasional sketches for the Cincinnati Commercial. Later he was employed as local editor of the Independent, published at East Brady, Pennsylvania. From East Brady he went to Cincinnati and worked a year for the Enquirer, writing political letters from Indiana and report- ing the Indiana legislature. While at Indianapolis he accepted an offer to come to Oil City and edit the Oil City Derrick. A feature of his work on the Dei^'ick was a humorous department, which was quoted all over the world. He again returned to Cincinnati, to take a position on the stafp of the Enquirer, afterward succeeding to the managing editorship of that paper, which position he held for five years. Mr. Criswell was editor of the Petroleum World, at Titusville, and his last newspaper connection in the oil country was as one of the proprietors of the Derrick under the firm name of Boyle & Criswell. He has published two books of humor, " The New Shakspeare," and " Grandfather Lickshingle and Other Sketches." Ho is at present on the staff of the New York World. Mr. Criswell was married in 1878, to Alice McCreary, a niece of ex-Governor McCreary of Kentucky. Feank William Bowen, editor of the Oil City Blizzard, was born in Portland, Chautauqua county. New York, May 27, 1852. His father, Will- iam Walter Bowen, formerly a farmer, now a merchant at Millerstown. But- ler county, Pennsylvania, was born August 9, 1831, at Saratoga, New York. His mother, Lydia Bowen, was a native of Chautauqua county, New York, and died in Jamestown in 1868. She had but two children: J. B. and Frank William. The latter was educated in the common schools and grad- uated from the Jamestown Collegiate Institute. He early developed a desire to learn the printing business, but for some time his parents strenuously opposed such an occupation. He finally prevailed, and went to work in the office of the Chautauqua Democrat. Here he learned to set type; but before he had completed his apprenticeship, Brooks Fletcher, the editor, assigned him to writing news items, which he did creditably to himself and the paper. From Jamestown he went to Corry, took employment with the Daily Blade, ' and subsequently worked for a time on the Parker Daily. After seven years 860 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. connectiou with the Oil City Derrick, he became editor of the Blizzard at its inception and has done well his part in making it a paying and interesting journal. He is a Republican, and a member of the Knights of Honor. He was married at "Wellsburgh, New York, February '22, 1870, to Annie Irene Scribner, born in New York state in February, 1860, daughter of Charles P. and Esther (Bennett) Scribner. He and wife are Methodists. Beside the occupations mentioned, he has taught school and kept books successfully. Henry G. McKnight, one of the publishers of the Oil City Blizzard, was born May 14, 1849, in Hayesville, Ashland county, Ohio. His father, James McKnight, was born in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, was proprietor of a marble factory, and died in February, 1876, at Mans- field, Ohio. Mary Elizabeth (Gribben) McKnight, the mother of our sub- ject, was born on a farm near Hayesville, Ohio, in 1822, and died at Mans- field, that state, in 1870. By her marriage with James McKnight she became the mother of four children: Anna; William V. ;Mary E., and Henry G. The last named was educated at the public schools at Mansfield, and at Vermilion Institute, Hayesville, Ohio. He began business for himself with the publication of a newspaper. He is a member of the Knights of Honor, United Friends, Typographical Union, and several other secret orders. He was married December 3, 1875, at Tionesta, this state, to Julia A. Campbell, who was born on a farm in Butler county, March 8, 1858, daughter of Samuel J. Campbell, born in 1836 in Butler county, and a resi- dent of Tionesta, and Anna W. Campbell, who was born in 1843 and died in 1865. To this union have been born four childi-en: George, deceased; William V. ; Samuel C. , and Kittie F. Robert Simpson, editor of the Oil City Derrick, was born at Toronto, On- tario, March 6, 1860, son of William Henry and Mrs. B. (Cassidy) Simp- son, of Scotch and Irish descent, respectively, the former a native of Hal- lowell Hall, Lancashire, the latter of Kilmore, County Wexford, Ireland. After the death of her husband she removed to Oil City in 1867, where the subject of this sketch was brought up and attended the public schools. He entered the Derrick office at the age of thirteen as " devil," and three years later began to learn the trade of printer, completing his apprenticeship in 1880. After a brief connection with the Emlenton Register he returned to the composing room of the Derrick, but was transferred within a year to the business department, and assigned as well to local reportorial work. In June, 1882, he became city reporter for the Blizzard. He withdrew in July, 1886, to accept the position of exchange editor on the stafFof the Pittsburgh Dispatch, performing successively the duties of news editor, night editor, and assistant managing editor. In January, 1889, he became traveling correspondent; for several months he was stationed at Harrisburg, and the interesting articles on the political situation published in the Dispatch over his signature were among its most valuable features during that period. He BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 863 was Olio of the two newspaper correspondents who first penetrated the city of Johnstown after the great flood of 1889, and thousands of people gained their first information regarding that cat.istrophe from his graphic and com- prehensive reports. In August, 1889, ho assumed his ])resont position as editor of the Derrick. He is a member of the Baptist church and one of the trustees of the local organization at Oil City. Homer McClintock, staff reporter of the Oil City Derrick, was born in Dempseytown, this coiinty, September 18, 1849. His father. Colonel James R. McClintock, died December 14, 1807, and his mother, Jerusha (Teunent) McClintock, was born in Colchester, Connecti- cut, August 21, 1807. Our subject was educated at the common schools and Edinboro Normal. He was married May 18, 1873, to Susan Martin, born May 11, 1855, in FiTinklin, daughter of Robert and Mary Martin. To this union have been born three children: Glenroy, Grace M. , and Nellie H. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he is a Democrat. Before taking his present position he alternated farming with the production of oil. In 1887 he was elected county auditor, and his earn- est work in that capacity is well known by the citizens of Venango county. J. N. Pekrine, business manager of the Oil City Derrick, was born June 8, 1853, at Perrine's Corners, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, and is a son of J.M. Perrine, a native of the same place, and the present postmaster at Utica, this county. His mother's maiden name was M. A. Armstrong, a native of Little Valley, New York. She is still living at the age of seventy-five years. Our subject was educated at an academy at Utica, this county, and from the age of sixteen to twenty he was assistant postmaster at Utica. From twenty to twenty-seven he was assistant postmaster at St. Petersburg, Pennsyl- vania, the fourth largest office in the state during that time; he was at the same time manager of book and stationery stores at St. Petersburg, Eden- burg, Emlenton, and Bradford. He became special correspondent for the Butler and Clarion oil fields in 1880, three years later came to Oil City and took the position of city editor of the Derrick, and three years subsequently was promoted to the position of business manager, which he still holds. In religion he is not connected with any church but is an Episcopalian in senti- ment. In politics he is and always has been a Republican. He belongs to the Masonic order, the I. O. O. F., Canton Militant, the I. O. O. F. en- campment, the Knights of Pythias, and the Knights of Maccabees. He was married August 2, 1874, to Miss R. L. Crawford, a native of Lawrence county, Pennsylvania. Will H. Harris, editor and publisher of the Critic, mentioned in the chapter on the press, was born September 18, 1863, in Tidioute. "Warren county, Pennsylvania. His father, Warren A. Harris, was born September 10. 1835, in Ontario, Canada. He served as postmaster at Corry, Erie coun- ty, this state, and at one time was a prosperous merchant and oil producer at 864 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Tidioute. He died in 1870 and was buried in Canada. His wife, Anna Celia Combs, was l)orn November 13, 1841, in New York, and died a short time prior to tlae demise of her husband. To this union were born three children: Will H. ; Frank L. , deceased, and Warren A., deceased. The first named was educated in the common schools of Tidioute, Fagundus, Warren county, and Salem, this county. He began his business life at Salem by es- tablishing a job printing office, which he removed to South Oil City in 1885, one year later. A year subsequent to this he established the Critic, and continued his job office, being equipped with material for doing all kinds of first-class work. He is a member of the First Baptist church of Oil City, the A. O. U. W., and I. O. O. F. J. A. RiTCHEY, physician and surgeon, was born November 28, 1840, in Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, one of eight children born to Thomas and Mary (Calhoun) Ritchey, of Scotch-Irish extraction. Doctor Ritchey was educated in Glade Run Academy and Jefferson College, by which the degree of A. M. was conferred upon him in 1874. In 1861 he enlisted in Com- pany K, One Hundred and Fifty- Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for three years or during the war. On his return from the war he began the study of medicine under the tuition of Doctor J. P. Alcorn, then of Allegheny City, thence entering JefPerson Medical College of Philadelphia, where he re- mained three years, and from which institution he was graduated in 1871. He at once began the practice of his profession at Oil City, where he has built up a lucrative business. He is a member of the Oil City Medical Club, Venano-o County Medical Society, Pennsylvania State Medical Society, American Medical Association, and International Medical Congress, secretary of the Oil City board of examining surgeons for pensions, and has taken a deep interest in education, having served twelve years or more as school director. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and in politics is a Democrat. F. F. Davis, physician and surgeon, was born June 2, 1838, near the villao-e of Independence in what was then Hopewell township, Beaver county, Pennsylvania. He was the oldest of a family of twelve children born to John and Margaret Davis, both father and mother having been born and reared in Allegheny county, this state. Our subject was educated in the common schools and Beaver Academy. He read medicine in the office of Doctor J. S. Elliott, now of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, and entered the medical department of the University of Michigan in the fall of 1861, o-raduating from that institution in 1867. He entered the army as assistant surgeon of the One Hundred and Sixty-Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, October 24, 1862, and was mustered out with the regiment on the expira- tion of the term of service, July 25, 1863; he was mustered into the service of the state of Pennsylvania as a medical officer, August 1, 1863, and was mustered out on or about August 27, 1863, to be mustered into the One BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 805 Hundred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, with which regiment he served to the close of hostilities, being discharged from the service June 2, 1865. At the close of the war he located in Oil City, where he has con- tinued to practice medicine and surgery ever since. During the period from December, 1807, to November, 1871 or '72, he edited the Venango Repub- lican., the only newspaper published in Oil City during that time. He is a member of the Oil City Medical Club, the Venango County Medical Society, the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, and the American Medical Association. He is also a member of and examining surgeon for Lodge No. 14, A. O. U. W., and Evans Post, O. A. R. He was appointed surgeon for the Allegheny Valley railroad in 1871 and still holds that position; he has also served in a similar capacity for a number of years for the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad, and for the Oil City and Kidgway road. He was appointed United States examining surgeon December 18, 1873, and tilled that position from that time till the organization of the Oil City pension board, which took place about June 20, 1884; of this board he was made president and served as such until removed by the Cleveland adminis- tration, December 8, 1885. He was reappointed examining surgeon for pensions, June 1, 1889, made a member of the Oil City pension board Oc- tober 15, 1889, and is secretary of the same. He is serving his nineteenth year as school director. He has two children; the eldest, Fannie, is first assistant teacher of the Oil City high school, and John F. is a student in the Western Pennsylvania Medical College at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A. F. CooPE, physician and surgeon, was born in Scott, Cortland county, New York, January 19, 1844. He received his literary education at Cazeno- via, Madison county. New York. He taught one term of school. In 1802 he enlisted in the One Hundi-ed and Fourteenth New York Volunteer In- fantry, and served three years; he was promoted to adjutant, and received a wound in the left hand at the battle of Winchester, Virginia. He completed his medical studies at Ann Arbor, Michigan, graduating from that institu- tion in 1870. He began practice at Flushing, Michigan, and at the expira- tion of six years' successful business, he left there. He was married to Miss Annie Hayes, a native of New York state, who died a short time sub- sequently. He then spent the winter of 1870-77 in medical schools and hospitals of New York city. In the spring of 1877 he located in Oil City, where he has continued in active practice ever since. He is a member of the Oil City Medical Club, the Venango County Medical Society, the Medi- cal Society of Pennsylvania, the American Medical Association, the Inter- national Medical Congress, and the Masonic order, and is somewhat inde- pendent in politics. T. C. McCuLLOCH, physician and surgeon, was born April 8, 1823, in Westmoreland county, this state. His parents, James and Margaret (Patti- son) McCulloch, were also natives of that county, and their eight children 866 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. were named as follows: William; John; Samuel; Sarah; James; Joseph; Annie, and T. C. Of these, T. C, Annie, and Samuel are living. The father was a justice of the peace for many years, and served as major in the war of 1812. His son, T. C. McCulloch, attended the common schools until the age of eighteen, when he began teaching in his native county at the small compensation of twenty dollars per month. He subsequently attended college at Oberlin, Ohio, and in 1845 began studying medicine under the instruction of his brother. Doctor W. P. McCulloch, at Apollo, Armstrong county. He attended lectures at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, during the session of 1847-48, and then practiced with his brother until 1858, when he re-entered that institution, from which he was graduated in 1853. During this year he located at Leechburg, Armstrong county, and four years later removed to Kittanning, where he built up a lucrative prac- tice. In 1877 he was induced to settle in Oil City. He was married to Elizabeth James of Freeport, Armstrong county, and by her has the follow- incy children, who have grown to maturity: William, traveling auditor for the New York Central railroad; Ella J., married to W. S. Cowell, and residing in West Virginia; Aggie, at home; Robert, who married Mollie Wise of Franklin, and is traveling from Oil City in the interest of patent medicines; James, traveling auditor of the Western New York and Penn- sylvania railroad, with headquarters at Buffalo, New York, and Edgar W., of West Virginia. Our subject w&s surgeon for the first draft made in Armstrong county, and served in the council of Kittanning. He is a mem- ber of the Oil City Medical Club, Venango Medical Society, the American and Pennsylvania State Medical Associations, the E. A. U. , Eoyal Arcanum, K. and L. of H. , the Presbyterian church, and the Democratic party. J. M. Harding, physician, was born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, February 3, 1829, son of Joseph M. and Permelia (Hayden) Harding. His mother was a first cousin of General Hayden, who surveyed the entire west- ern country gained by the United States in the Mexican war. Joseph M. Harding was a son of Samuel Harding, one of the original Plymouth colonists of New England. He was born on Cape Cod, Massachu- setts, was graduated from Harvard College, and subsequently settled in Bradford county in 1812 on a farm, and for twenty-one consecutive winters taught school in Newbury, now a part of Williamsport. He was drafted for the war of 1812, of which his father, Samuel, was a pensioner, and participated in the battles of Lake Champlain afid Bennington. Joseph died in 1875 in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which or- ganization he was a class leader in one chtirch for twenty-one years. Per- melia Harding, his wife, died in 1849 of typhus fever, and was the mother of thirteen children: Edwin; Darwin; J. M. ; Mary, married to William J. Crane of Arlington, Nebraska; Isaac; Philemon D., and Josiah; the others died when young. BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 867 Philemon D. was a physician in New York when Governor Morton of Indiana issuod a call for surgeons immediately after the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, and at once tendered his services to the great Indiana governor. He was assigned to duty and remained in the war many months, going with Sherman on his famous march to the sea. He is now practicing in Goshen, Indiana. eJoseph, the father, was married a second time to Mrs. Ross of Troy, Pennsylvania. J. M. Harding, our subject, was educated in the common schools and Troy Academy. At the age of twenty years he began the study of medi- cine under the instruction of Doctor F. H. White of Tioga county, Pennsyl- vania, who lived to be one hundred and seven years old. After two years of hard study with Doctor White he entered the office of Doctor D. H. Sweeny of Burlington, Bradford county, where he remained three years, afterward attending Geneva Medical College one term. He began practice in Herrick, Bradford county, and one year later bought the office of Doctor Parenett of Warren, where he practiced for seven years, and then located at Apalachin, Tioga county. New York, remaining there seven years. In 1867 he removed to Oil City, where he has since remained. He has discovered two special medicines for catarrh and lung trouble. He was married in 1852 to Miss Thankful Slingerland, who died in 1859 leaving three children: Frank, Jennie, and Madora. He was again married to Miss Elizabeth Graves, and by her had two children, Emma and Lenora. He has been a member of the Oil City council, and became a member of the New York State Eclectic Society in 187-1:, and was a charter member of the National Eclectic Medical Society. He was graduated at the United States Medical College at New York in 1882, is acting president of the Pennsylvania State Eclectic Medical So- ciety, and was the organizer and first president of the first Eclectic medical society in western Pennsylvania, of which he is now an active member. He is one of the trustees of Burton's Medical College of Philadelphia. He has been a member of the Masonic order since 1874, and belongs to the chapter in Oswego, New York, and New Jerusalem No. 47 of the same city; he is a Knight Templar belonging to Talbot Commandery, No. 43, Oil City, and is a member of the A. O. U. W. In politics he is an independent Re- publican, and his entire family belong to the Methodist church. W. H. H. Jackson, physician, was born July 21, 1840, in Portage county, Ohio, to John and Clara (Tinker) Jackson. He was educated in the common schools and at Oberlin College. He began for himself by teach- ing school, and was appointed superintendent of the schools of Monroeville and Defiance, Ohio. In 1862 he began the study of medicine at Aurora, Ohio, under the instruction of Doctor Sheperd. He attended medical college at Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1865 and 1866, began practice in 1867 at Monroeville, but soon after entered the Western Reserve Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio, and was graduated in 1865. He practiced at Garretts- 868 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ville, in his native county until 1872, when he came to Oil City. He is a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, and is local surgeon for the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad at Oil City. He married Mary C. Blackmarr, of Garrettsville, Ohio, and in politics he is a Repub- lican. S. W. Sellew, physician, was born September 22, 1856, in Crawford county, this state, and is a son of C. V. and H. A. (Catlin) Sellew. He was educated in Allegheny College, Meadville, and after a period of teach- ing he began the study of medicine in 1878 under the tuition of Doctor C. W. Parsons, of Meadville, and was graduated from the Homoeopathic College of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1882. In the spring of that year he began practice at Cambridgeborough, in his native county, where he remained until 1884, at which time he formed his present partnership with W. H. H. Jackson, of Oil City. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, P. H. C, and I. P. A., and in politics is a Republican. Joseph Doty, deceased, was born in Trenton, New Jersey, May 1, 1811, son of Elijah and Catharine Doty. Elijah Doty was born at Sharon, Con- necticut, February 22, 1774, son of Doctor David Doty of that place. He served in the war of 1812 and soon after the expiration of his term of serv- ice moved to western Pennsylvania, locating near Sugar creek, Venango county. Subsequently he located at Tarentum, Pennsylvania, where he died September 23, 1849. Joseph Doty received a good common school education. He assisted his father in drilling salt wells, etc., until 1834, when he enlisted in the United States army at Zanesville, Ohio, for three years. He reached the grade of first sergeant of Company B, Sixth United States Infantry, served in the Seminole war, and was honorably discharged at Fort Brooks, Tampa bay, Florida, at the expiration of his term of service in 1837. He was married to Eleanor, daughter of Robert and Mary Bor- land, of Tarentum, Pennsylvania, October 29, 1840. He contracted and drilled continuously for salt fi'om 1840 to 1860 in various localities along the Allegheny, Youghiogheny, and Monongahela rivers. He commenced drilling with wooden pole-tools, and was the first to use wire cable in that section of country when in employ of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company. He soon discarded its use on account of the salt water rusting the wire. Mr. Doty and Israel Overhall were the first to introduce the use of rope cable in the drilling of salt wells. In the spring of 1859 Colonel E. L. Drake visited Tarentum for the express purpose of securing the serv- ices of Mr. Doty to drill his projected oil well at Titusville, and to learn his mode of drilling salt wells. Owing to previous engagements he was imable to comply with Colonel Drake's request, and thus missed the honor of drilling the first oil well. At his recommendation Drake secured the services of William Smith, a blacksmith of Tarentum. Having made arrangements to drill some salt wells for George Plummer in Westmoi'land county, in 1859 BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 869 he lutn-ed with his family to Sewickloy creek, that county. His tirst drilling for oil was in 1861, on Dry run, Ohio, near Smith's Ferry, Pennsylvania, for John Kisher, a coal merchant of McKeesport. He also drilled wells on Little Beaver and on the Brinker and Zimmerman farms near Greensburg, Pennsylvania, being one of the first "wildcatters" in that section. Mr. Doty, with his sons, came to Oil City in the spring of 1868, and engaged in contracting and drilling oil wells on Oil creek and in other localities in Venango county, being actively engaged in this business until his death in Sonth Oil City, January 25, 1881. Surviving are his widow and the fol- lowing named children: George W. Doty, Bradford, Pennsylvania; Mrs. John Bly, Porterlield, Pennsylvania; Mrs. George T. Nichols; Frank; Samuel; James H. ; Charles E. ; Josephine, and Emma, all respected resi- dents of South Oil City. Josephine Doty was appointed postmistress of South Oil City by President Cleveland, and assisted by her sister, Emma, has discharged the duties of her office in the most acceptable manner. An affectionate husband and parent, Joseph Doty was an exemplary citizen, faithfully performing his duties in life to his God, his family, and fellow- men. He was held in esteem accordingly in the community of which he was so useful a member. Passing away at a ripe age, honored and loved by family and friends, his life work faithfully performed, his memory is one that they can well afford to cherish and hold as one of their dearest pos- sessions. George T. Nichols, druggist, was born November 12, 1845, in Clarion county, this state, and is a son of James C. and Frances (McDermitt) Nichols, natives of Pennsylvania, of German and Irish extraction, respect- ively, Presbyterians in religious belief, and the parents of live children, four of whom survive : Mary, Mrs. Thomas H. Hibben, of Latrobe, Westmoreland county ; George T. ; James O. , a contractor residing in Topeka, Kansas, and Joseph, a grocer of Portland, Oregon. George T. Nichols received a common school education before the year 1860, when he began clerking in the drug store of J. G. Hammar at Latrobe, Pennsylvania. After three years of diligent application to the duties as- signed him in this business he began moving from place to p'lace, which afforded him a varied and beneficial experience in dispensing drugs to dif- ferent classes of people, until 1864, when he came to Oil City and accepted employment in the store of M. L. Porterfield, one of the earliest physicians and druggists of Oil City. Within a brief period he changed to the employ of John A. Christy, whose business was in the Third ward, and in 1865 took full charge of the drug store of Christy, Phillips & Company, located on Ferry street, South Oil City. In 1868 he purchased Christy's one third in- terest in the firm, the name was changed to Phillips, Vanausdall & Company, and Mr. Nichols was assigned to the management of the business until 1877, when he bought out Phillips and two years later became sole owner. The 870 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. firm of Phillips, Vanausdall & Company started a branch store where our subject is now located in 1870, and this also fell into the possession of Mr. Nichols in 1879. In 1883 he, after mature deliberation, concluded to consolidate the two stores, consequently the stock of drugs was transferred from the original to the branch store-room on State street, which he had previously enlarged, and where he has since remained, doing a continually increasing business in the line of drugs, patent medicines, oils, window glass, wall paper, etc. He carries a stock valued at from six to eight thousand dollars, which together with the ample building and ground upon which it is located, is the reward of his individual labors and careful and frugal deal- ing. He was married in 1870 to Miss Mary C. Doty, daughter of Joseph Doty, and to this union have been born five children: Harry, Josephine, George, Gertrude, and Bessie. Mr. Nichols was the second treasurer of Venango borough, and has represented the Sixth ward in the city council for five years. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., K. O. T. M. , K. of H, and Royal Arcanum, and is a Republican. Robert Colbert, physician and druggist, was born December 28, 1880, in Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, son of Isaac and Fannie (Ramsey) Col- bert, natives of Greene county, this state, and the parents of four children, all of whom are living. The father was treasurer of Butler county, where he settled in 1835, and was a hatter by trade. His sou, Robert, was edu- cated in the common schools, at an academy, and at Witherspoon Institute of Butler, where he completed all of the studies taught at that institution. He taught several winter terms of school, and began the study of medicine in 1855 under the able tuition of Doctors Leisure and Hamilton of New Castle. He completed his studies at JefPerson Medical College and during his course took private lessons in anatomy under Doctor D. Hayes Agnew. He began the practice of his chosen profession in 1857 at Emlenton, Penn- sylvania, with Doctor A. W. Crawford, which partnership lasted until Craw- ford was appointed and accepted the consulship to Antwerp. Doctor Colbert practiced alone until 1863, when he removed to Oil City and prosecuted his profession in connection with the drug business until he was appointed in- ternal revenue collector by Abraham Lincoln, and continued to discharge the duties of that important office for over sixteen years. On retiring from his ofiicial position he resumed his profession and opened his pi'esent drug store in 1885. He has been a member of Oil City council and a school director, is connected with the A. O. U. W., an elder of the Second Pres- i)ytorian church of Oil City, and votes the Republican ticket. He was mar- ried to Miss Emma M. , daughter of J. B. Reynolds, and has five children: Harry, a book-keeper for the Lamberton Bank; Mary, the efficient organist for the Second Presbyterian church; Nita, a teacher in the Oil City schools; Walter, a clerk in his father's store, and Fannie A. His wife is also a mem- ber of the Second Presbyterian church. BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 87*1 M. S. Simmons, druggist, was born in Sharou, Schohcirie county. New York, sou of Sovereuus, a farmer and wool carder, and Catharine (Gasper) Simmons, who were active members of the Dutch liefornied church. They were the parents of three children. M. S. Simmons was educated in the common schools, began his business life in wool carding and dressing cloth for his father, and assumed control of this branch of the business of the latter at the age of twenty-three years. He continued this for three years and then opened up a mercantile store in Broome county, his native state. After ten years of successful experience in this business he left there and removed to Pithole City, where he remained until 1867, when he began the drug trade in Petroleum Center. From there he removed in 1872 to Oil City, where he has continued to merit a large patronage. His first marriage occurred in 1850 to Miss Almira Ball, by whom he had two children: Charles, interested with his father in the drugstore, and Minnie, a daughter removed by death at an early age. His second marriage was to Permilla A. Carr and to this union has been born one son, Clyde. Mr. Simmons was township clerk while in Broome county. New York, and assistant postmaster for live years iip to the time of removing to this state. He is a member of the Masonic order, a Republican in politics, and with his wife is a member of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, of which he is one of the trustees. William H. Koth, proprietor of the National hotel, was born in 1841 in Buffalo, and came to Venango county in 1863. He began operating for oil on the farm now owned by Mrs. McClintock in Cornplanter township, and has continued in the oil business ever since. He began keeping the Simon house in 1870, which was burned Jn\y 4th of that year. In 1871-72 he con- ducted the Central hotel on Elm street, in 1873-74, kept the Arcade hotel, and in 1874-75, managed the Central hotel. He then connected the Cen- tral and National hotels, and kept them until 1879, when the Taylor house was joined, forming what is now the National hotel, which he conducts in a creditable manner. His parents, John G. and Wilhelmina A. (Mast) Roth, were natives of Germany, emigrated to America about 1833, and set- tled in Buffalo, New York, where the father followed his profession — that of school teacher and musician. They were blessed with twelve children, eleven of whom grew up: Mary, married to John Schriner, and after his death to a Mr. Brown; Catharine, married to John Hannyof Buffalo; Caro- line, married to William Danna; Victoria, married to Lawrence Steadhelm; W. H. ; John G. ; Esther, married to Jacob Lenhart; Amelia, deceased; Louisa, married to Perry Thayer; Charles F., an oil producer in Warren county, and Henry. The father died in 1873, the mother in 1866, both members of the Lutheran chiirch. Our subject is a member of the K. of M. , and is a stanch Republican. William Dwyer, proprietor of a hotel and livery, was born December 16, 1840, in Ireland. His parents, John and Judith (Davern) Dwyer, Avere 872 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. also natives of Ireland and had five children: Michael, deceased; Judith, residing in the old country; AVilliam; Bridget, married to E. Manning, and John. The father died when our subject was quite young; Mrs. Dwyer was married to Patrick Boland, by whom she had five children, and i-esides in New York, where they settled in 1866. William Dwyer was educated in the common schools of Ireland and emigrated to America about the year 1859. He worked from that time until 1862 on a dairy farm in central New York. During the last mentioned year he enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Fourteenth New York Volunteer Infantry, and served through all the battles with his company for three years. In 1864 he re- ceived a sun- stroke during the Red river campaign. On his return from the war he engaged in working at the landing at Oil City, but soon after went into the grocery business as one of the members of the firm of McCauley & Company. After two years' successful business he sold out his interest and built the New York brick hotel, which he has since conducted. In 1873 he established a livery business in connection with his hotel. He was married to Margaret McGuigan, of Buffalo, New York, and has eight children, all of whom are living: John, William H. , Mary, James, Mertie, Maggie, Joanna, and Daniel. He has been a member of the Oil City council almost continuously since its incorporation, and was for three years chief engineer of the fire department of the city. He is a member of the C. M. B. A. , the Catholic Knights, the IT. V. L. , and the G. A. R. He cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln and has ever since been an unswerving Republican. J. B. Reinbold, proprietor of the Bellevue hotel and livery stable, is a native of France, born August 21, 1816. His parents, John B. and Mary (Burghard) Reinbold were also natives of France and had six children, three of whom are living: John B. , Louise, and Charles. The father died in his native country; the mother came to Oil City in 1871 and lives with her son, Charles. She is a consistent member of the Catholic church. Our subiect was educated in the common schools and began for himself in a grocery and bakery store in Allegheny City. He came to Oil City from France in 1869 and soon after went to Allegheny City as noted; in 1871 he returned to this place and continued the same business on the south side until 1872. when he turned it over to his brother, Charles. In that year he assumed charge of the Bellevue hotel, leasing it until 1880 and subsequently buying it. Dur- ing the last mentioned year he established his extensive livery business in connection with this house. He has been financially successful, and owns a large farm in Cornplanter township, upon which he raises stock and feed. He was married to Mary Saltzmann, daughter of J. J. Saltzmann, and has six children: Bertha; Emma; Clara; Laura M. ; Mary, and John. He has been a member of the Oil City coancil, was assessor of the city for two terms, and is now president of the Oil City school board. He belongs to the I. O. O. F. and the K. of H. , and in politics is a Democrat. He served five years in the French army. BIOGKAl'HIES OF OIL CITY. 873 LuDwiG Mayee, wholesale liquor dealer, was born in Germany, and im- mif^rated to New York city, in 1 857. He soon after enf^agod in the whole- sale fancy goods business in Maine, which he continued until 1859. After one year's experience in North Carolina at the same occupation he returned to Maine and continued the Inisiness until 1805, when he went to Now York city and was successful during his business career there. In 1872 he came to Oil City and established a wholesale cigar and liquor business, which he still continues. He has had good financial success, owns considerable real estate in the limits of Oil City and vicinity, and is one of the worthy citi- zens of the place. He was married in 1871 to Rachel Schultz, a native of Gcrtuany, by whom he has eight children: Solomon; Joseph; Sidney; Harry; Mabel; Maud; Josephine, and Ludwig. He is a Republican in politics, a member of the Masonic order, and with his wife belongs to the Hebrew synagogue. C. H. Weaver, proprietor of the Exchange hotel, was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, September 29, 1866, to James and Sarah (Kapp) Weaver who reside in that county, and have ten children. He received a common school education and at the age of fourteen years began the trade of brick laying in Titusville, where he remained three years, attending in the meantime a commercial college at that place. Leaving Titusville he went to Dubois and Kane, this state, and followed his trade at each of these places. In 1888 he came to Oil City, worked at his trade until November 15th, when in partnership with C. F. Weaver he bought the Exchange hotel, a brick structure with accommodations for fifty guests, and with bar-room and billiard hall. In October, 1889, he purchased the interest of C. F. Weaver and is sole proprietor. He conducts the house at the rate of one dollar and a half per day, and by close attention to business is meriting a large and growing patronage. Joseph Stubler, proprietor of the Union house, was born March 4, 1859, in Clarion county, this state, and is a son of George Stubler, who came fi-om Hungary to Clarion county in 1855, and kept hotel at Fryburg until 1861, when he came to Oil City, erected the building and started the Union house in 1863. He continued to conduct it until 1876, when he withdrew, and now resides in Clarion county. Under his management the Union house became a very popular inn and a valuable property, he having at a time been offered twenty-three thousand dollars for it. His son, Joseph, received a common school education, and in 1882 began for him- self in his present occupation, soon afterward joining James McGuigan in the livery business, and continuing the latter until 1888. He married Miss Lizzie Siegel of Clarion county. He has served as a member of the city council, belongs to the Catholic church, and is a Democrat. Sprague E. Hunt, deceased, was born July 17, 1829, in New Hamp- shire, and was one of ten children: Warren, Sprague, Charles, Caroline, 874 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Emma, George, Monroe, Julia, Mary, and Henry G. Our subject received a common school education, and began business for himself in the lumber trade. He became an early resident of Oil City, where he was married April 3, 1873, to Helen L. Gaisford, daughter of John and Mary (Arders) Gais- ford, natives of England, and the parents of eight childi-en, four of whom are living: Mrs. J. B. Stitt, of Oil City; J. C. ; Walter W., a traveling sales- man for Marshal, Kennedy & Company, and Helen L. Mr. Hunt kept books for his brother, W. G., in Warren for a time, and in 1874 he took charge of the Central Avenue hotel, in South Oil City, which he conducted successfully for five years, going thence to the United States hotel, where he remained until 1881, when he located in the Commercial hotel, where he died in October, 1887. One year later Mrs. Hunt became the owner of this property, and manages the business in an efficient manner, so as to merit a large patronage. Mr. Hunt served as baggage master in the war, was an upright citizen, and a Democrat in politics. William Loots, grocer and proprietor of the Petroleum hotel, was born in Maryland, February 14, 1843, son of Isaac and Catharine (Eves) Loots, natives of the same state, of German extraction and the parents of ten children, six of whom are living: W. H. ; Elizabeth; Susan; John; Charles, and Amanda. The father is dead and the mother resides on the old home- stead in Woodsborough. Maryland, both having united with the Lutheran church at an early period in their lives. Our subject was educated in the common schools and was brought up at farming and brick making. In 1866 he began clerking in a hotel at Woodsborough for George W. Smith, re- maining with him until 1866, when he came to Oil City and engaged in the restaurant business, subsequently adding to this a hotel and grocery which he still continues with excellent success. During his residence in Oil City he has developed some oil territory with his usual success. He is a member of the gas and water companies, of the Oil City school board, a director of the building and loan association, and a Democrat in politics. He was married to Mrs. Sarah Garrett nee Downing, and has three children: Libbie, married to B. R. Clickner of the Oil City Oil Exchange; Charles, and Hattie. Mrs. Loots and children are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Her father, Nelies Downing, was born in Vermont and a son of James Downing who is mentioned in connection with a sketch of J. D. Downing. Nelies owned land in Cornplanter township, where he lived for over fifty years and married Susan Winger, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Fry) Winger, who settled at an early date near Siverly and were the parents of the following children: Samuel; Solomon; Henry; Jeremiah; Josiah; William; Susan; Lu- cinda; Sarah J., and Mary. Of these, Henry, William, Lucinda (Mrs. Kiser of Clarion county), and Mary (Mrs. McMurdy of Clarion county), are living. Jeremiah and Josiah served in the Union army in the Rebellion; the former died and was brought home and buried, while the latter never returned, and BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 875 it is uot known what became of Lim. Nelios and Susan Downin^^ were the parents of seven children: Daniel, who was killed in the battle of the Wilderness; Harriet, married to D. S. Kays; Sarah, Mrs. A\'illiam Loots; Nancy, who married Amos Smith; Lucinda, married to George Shingle- decker; Susan, who married L. B. Chipman; William, a driller in Russia. Susan Downing died in the faith of the Lutheran church. Nelies was again married to Mary Sleppy, and had two sons: John and Charles, both mar- ried, residing in Venango county and in Tennessee, respectively. Mr. Downing died November 29, 1879, honored and respected by all who knew him. His widow resides at Sivorly. Mr. Loots is a gentleman of long experience in his line and is well and favorably known for his upright, honest methods and business enterprise and spares no pains and expense fully to merit the very large and generous patronage that his industry and fair dealing have secured. J. D. Downing, proprietor of the Grand Central hotel, was born Octol)er 15, 1820, at Horse creek eddy, this county. His father, James Downing, a native of Westmoreland county, was drafted while plowing, and took part in Perry's famoiis victory on Lake Erie. About three months after that engagement he, with his wife, Nancy, (whose maiden name was Nelies), removed to the region of Oil creek, this county, and was soon after em- ployed at Bell's furnace, which was located near the site of the Union depot of Oil City, and he also was for a number of years engaged in burning charcoal for use at this furnace. He died in 1862, in the faith of the Methodist church, and was the father of seven chiklren: Daniel; Nelies; Isabella; James; Har- riet; J. D., and Catharine. William Nelies, father of Nancy (Nelies) Down- ing, was a soldier and spy in the Revolutionary army, settled near what is known as W' alnut Bend, Cornplanter township, at an early day, and was the father of live children: Andrew; James; Nancy; Isaiah, and William. J. D. Downing received a common school education and was early employed at a furnace. For years he was a raft pilot of a rafting boat, which was used from Warren to Pittsburgh and over other parts of the Allegheny river. September 23, 1850, he was married to Amelia Myers, and has six children: John; Willis C. ; James; Nathan; Alice, and George. Soon after this important event he began keeping hotel at Shipman eddy, Warren county, Pennsylvania, and three years later removed to Glade run in the same county, whence he came to Oil City and kept the Union house, in the Third ward, and took care of the driving park for three years. He subsequently served as policeman and constable of Oil City, three and two years, respect- ively. About the year 1886 he bought lots and built the Grand Central hotel, together with four other adjoining houses. He is a Democrat in politics. His wife's parents, John and Mary (Hohn) Myers, who were natives of Maryland and New York states, respectively, became residents of Cranberry township early in its settlement, and had the following children: 876 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Sarah; Louisa; Jeremiah; John; Ephraim; Almira; Sophronia; Florena; Leander, and Sylvester, all of whom are living except Ephraim and Lean- der, who lost their lives in the service in the Union army. Mr. Myers erected one of the early grist mills at East Sandy and managed it in con- nection with a mercantile store at that place for many years. He and his wife were members of the Methodist church. Charles Reinbold, proprietor of the Perry house, was born in Alsace, France, November 8, 1851, and came to the United States in 1870. He was educated in the old country and there learned the confectioner's trade, which he followed in this country some years and at various places. From New York he came direct to Oil City and subsequently alternated between this place, Chicago, New York, Youngstown, etc., until 1885 — sometimes in the bakery and at others in the hotel business. In the year last named, associated with Daniel Hill, he bought the Perry house, and in June, 1889, he purchased Mr. Hill's interest. Mr. Reinbold' s father died in Alsace in 1863 at the age of forty-five or forty-six years. His mother, with whom he now lives, came to America in 1872. She is sixty-nine years old. J. B. Reinbold of this city is his brother. Another brother, Joseph, died in the French marine service, and Jacob, a third brother, died in Cali- fornia in 1887. J. H. Connor, proprietor of the Buffalo house, is a native of Rouse's Point, New York, and was born January 25, 1856. He was educated at the schools of Franklin, Pennsylvania, from which place he came to Oil City in the autumn of 1869. Here he has been regularly identified with the hotel business. The Buffalo house was established first in 1864. In 1865 it burned down and was at once rebuilt. Mr. Connor and his partner pur- chased it from George Wooster in 1880, and Mr. Connor is now and has been for several years sole proprietor. The Buffalo house is one of the best arranged and well kept houses in the city. The sleeping apartments are so appointed as to admit of an abundance of light, and fresh, pu.re air, and the equipments in every department are ample and complete. The building is two stories high, well designed, centrally located, and extends from Cen- ter to Sycamore streets with a main entrance at either end. A. Gilbert, one of the proprietors of the City hotel, is a native of Clarion county, this state, and was born November 22, 1858. He was educated at the common schools, and has been, since arriving at maturity, almost con- stantly in hotel business. He came to Oil City in 1882 from Blair's Corners and here for the succeeding two years had charge of the ofiice of the hotel of which he is now principal owner. In 1884: he transferred to the Allegheny hotel at Foxburg, clerked there for about one year, and returned to this city. Here he pursued his occupation in the City hotel, the Exchange, and the Commercial in the order named until October, 1877, at which time, asso- ciated with D. F. Fritz, he purchased the jiopular City hotel. Mr. Gilbert BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 877 was married in bis native county February 14, 1889, to Miss Ada Kobler, tbe dangbter of Amos Kobler, a farmer of Clarion county. John J. Saltzmann, of Saltzmann & Sons, brewers, was born in Alsace, France, Marcb 7, 1828, and witb bis wife came to America in 1852. He learned tbe brewing business in Alsace and bas followed it most of bis life. In 1853 at Warren, Pennsylvania, be bougbt out a brewery, refitted and ran it about ten years. In 1862 be came to Oil City, and on Cbarley run erected a brewery establisbment and conducted it about six years. He then for tbe succeeding twelve years gave bis attention to petroleum. As an oil producer be was not so successful as be bad been at producing beer. He therefore, in 1881, erected a small brewery on Palace bill. Tbis concern was destroyed by tire in Marcb, 1887, and the present more capacious establisbment was at once erected upon its site. It bas now a capacity of about fifty barrels per day and tbe consumption of the product attests its merited popularity. Mr. and Mrs. Saltzmann have living two sons and two daugh- ters: Mary, Mrs. J. B. Keinbold of Oil City; Helen, Mrs. H. Kiser of St. Louis; John J., Jr., and Albert, tbe two latter forming the junior members of the firm of Saltzmann & Sons. Helen, who was born in Alsace, died en route to America at the age of about twenty-one months, and Joseph died aged about three months. Mr. Saltzmann is a member of the I. O. O. F., and in politics is a Democrat. Helen Burghard Saltzmann, wife of our sub- ject, was born in Sigalsbeim, Alsace, France, May 10, 1829. Her father, Joseph Burghard, was a miller in Alsace, where he spent bis entire life. Mrs. Saltzmann is the book-keeper and accountant for Saltzmann & Sons, and tbe skillful and expeditious manner in which she dispatches business attest thorough training and much native ability. John J. Saltzmann, Jr., was born in Warren, Pennsylvania, March 19, 1858. He was educated in Oil City, for some years followed tbe oil busi- ness, and now gives his entire attention to the brewery. He belongs to tbe I. O. O. F. and to the Knights of Maccabees. He was married in Oil City January 25, 1887, to Miss Barbara Schwabenbaur, and has two children: John J., living; and Barbara, deceased. Albert Saltzmann was born in Oil City May 7, 1865. Ho was educated at tbe common schools, and has siuce arriving at manhood devoted bis time to the brewing business. January 1, 1889, he was married at Franklin, this county, to Miss Emma Brecht. William McNair, attorney, was born August 28, 1832, in Butler, But- ler county, Pennsylvania, son of General Robert and Jane (Beatty) McNair. Genera] Robert McNair was well known in Butler county as a prominent miller and woolen manufacturer. William Beatty, tbe father of Mrs. Jane McNair, served two creditable terms in congress. William McNair was educated in Butler Academy. He taught school for two years, and helped to survey tbe route of tbe proposed Northwestern railroad from New 878 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Castle to Blairsville. Subsequently he read law with General John N. Purviance, who was one time auditor' general of Pennsylvania. He was admitted to the bar in 1856, began practice at Stevens' Point, Wisconsin, and in 1865 located in Oil City, where he has continued active in his pro- fession, live years of which time he was in partnership with H. D. Hancock. He was the candidate of his party for president judge of Venango county in 1888. He has been a delegate to state and national conventions, was attor- ney for what was once known as the Oil Creek railroad, and is local attor- ney for the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad, attorney for the Oil Well Supply Company, and has been attorney for the United Petroleum Farms Association for twenty-three years. He has also been the attorney for the Oil Exchange since its establishment, and is attorney for the First National Bank of Oil City. He was married to Mary E., daughter of Charles Backus of New York state, and has one son, William, who gradu- ated at Allegheny College, Meadville, in 1889. Mrs. McNair died July 3, 1889. Mr. McNair is a member of the lodge, chapter, and commandery in the Masonic order, and is an unswerving Democrat. Hugh C. Graham, attorney, was born in what is now Concord township, Butler county, Pennsylvania, June 28, 1832, the fifth of a family of eleven children, of whom all grew to maturity and nine are yet living. The two deceased were William L. and David H. The latter died from the effects of a fever conti-acted while in the service of his country in the late Rebel- lion. Edward Graham, the father, was well and favorably known as a well- to-do farmer at the time of his death. Hugh C. Graham remained at home assisting his father in the various labors incident to farm life until about twenty years of age, receiving in the meantime such advantages as the dis- ' trict schools of his neighborhood afforded. At the age mentioned he deter- mined upon securing a thorough education, and giving up farm life entered Witherspoon Institute, at Butler, Pennsylvania, where he acquired what might be termed an academic education. In the spring of 1859 he regis- tered as a law student with John M. Thompson and remained under his able tuition until admitted to the bar of Butler county, March 25, 1861. In December of thai; year he formed a partnership with Charles McCand- less. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Thirty-Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, and remained in active service un- til mustered out with his regiment in June, 1863. He was married Octo- ber 11, 1864, to Augusta Carnahan, daughter of Robert Carnahan, de- ceased. To this union have been born the following children: Charles Ed- ward, born July 22, 1865, now in business in Oil City as a member of the hardware firm of McKerrow, Graham & Company, and Sarah Carnahan, born October 21, 1873, a member of the Senior class of the Oil City high school, which graduates in June, 1890. Mr. Graham removed with his *v -»• ^i^fte^ c=/e^x(^ BIOGRArHIES OF OIL CITY. 881 family to Oil City in Jnne, 1S()5, aiul has been successful in buiklini^ up a lucrative business. He is a Republican iu politics, and Las always been an active politician ancl an ardent advocate of the principles of his party. Dur- ini' his residence in Oil City he has held the office of school director and represented his ward in the city council during the years 1(S77 and 1878. He has never been an office-seeker, never having asked for any office except as member of the legislature, for which h(^ was nominated by his party in 1886, but owing to the utter demoralization of the party that year in the twenty- seventh congressional district, he was defeated. Mr. Graham is at present and has been since its organization, a member of the board of man- agers of Grove Hill Cemetery Association, and since 1877 has been secretary of the board. To him, as much, if not more than to any other member of the board, is due the success that the cemetery has attained. Isaac Ash, attorney, was born December 21, 1885, in Butler county, Pennsylvania. His parents, Sylvester and Martha (Boggs) Ash, were also natives of Butler county, and of Scotch-Irish extraction. The father of Sylvester Ash carried mail overland from Pittsburgh to Erie city via Frank- lin, and died when Sylvester was quite young. The last named received a good education, was a contractor and house builder, and died in 1881, fol- lowed by his widow iu 1886. His children were named as follows: Joseph, a farmer in Butler county; Isaac; Robert, an oil producer in Allegheny county; Elizabeth, married to Lewis Gants of Evans City, Butler county, and James A. , residing on the old homestead in Butler county. The father was a Baptist and was well and favorably known in the community where he so long lived. His wife was a member of the United Presbyterian church. Isaac Ash attended the common schools and to the duties of the farm until the age of nineteen years, when he entered a select school at Prospect, teaching subsequently five terms to secure the means to pay his expense through a two years' course at the Butler Academy. He began reading law in 1856 with Archibald Blakely of Butler, and was admitted to the Butler county bar in 1858. After one year's practice he formed a part- nership with John M. Thompson, and after four years' experience he with- drew from the firm of Thompson & Ash. In 1864 he removed to Oil City, and was admitted to Venango county bar November 28th of that year. He has been very successful in his profession. The present partnership of Ash & Carey was formed in 1884. He was the first attorney for Oil City, and in 1873, 1884, and to 1889, filled the same position. In 1889 he was appoint- ed by Governor James A. Beaver as one of the trustees of the insane hos- pital at AVarren. He was married in 1872 to Lucy L., eldest daughter of Doctor C.*L. Martin of Allentown, Pennsylvania, and has had five children: Charles M., deceased; Lucy M. ; Martha M. ; Matilda S., and Isaac M. He is an ardent Republican, and himself and wife belong to the Episcopal church, of which he has been vestryman since the year of his marriage. 49 882 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. J. B. McAllister, attorney at law, was born April 24, 1833, in Perry county, Pennsylvania. His parents, Alexander and Elizabeth (Baughman) McAllister, were natives of Lebanon and Cumberland counties, this state, respectively, and had eight children: Jacob and Alexander, who died young; Elizabeth, deceased; J. B. ; Alfred U., a machinist of Logansport, Indiana; William R., a physician, who was drowned in the Wabash river at Logans- port, Indiana, while crossing in a canoe to visit a patient under his care; David A. , a merchant at Mount Holly, Cumberland county, this state, and Calvin J., a practicing attorney at New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania. J. B. McAllister was educated in the common schools and at New Bloomfield Academy, receiving at the latter able instruction under Matthew B. Patter- son. He read law with W. A. Spousler, of New Bloomfield, was admitted to the bar in April, 1856, and in the fall of that year was elected district attorney of Perry county, Pennsylvania. He recruited the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry in 1862, was sworn in as captain, but commissioned lieiitenant colonel, and served nearly two years, until discharged because of disability. January 28, 1865, he located at Oil City, where he has prac- ticed successfully ever since April 25th of that year, when he was admitted to the Venango county bar. He was married December 8, 1858, to Marga- ret E. RicG, a native of Perry county, and daughter of John and Margaret (Ickes) Rice. She died in 1870, and was the mother of four children: T. A., an attorney, practicing with his father; Margaretta E. ; Marie L., who married C. F. Bole, and John R., a farmer in Alabama. Mrs. McAl- lister was a member of the Lutheran church. In 1873 he was married again, to Emma Watson, a native of Niagara county. New York. He has served as city attorney of Oil City, and was twice nominated by the Democratic party for state senator for the district; the same giving Hartranft fifteen hundred Republican majority, gave Mr. McAllister's opponent only forty- four majority. He is a member of the Masonic order. Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, at Harrisburg, and he belongs to the Knights of Honor of Oil City. Willis J. Hulings, attorney, was born July 1, 1850, in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, son of Marcus and Margaret (McElwee) Hulings, and the oldest of a family of eleven children: Willis J. ; Forest, (who was admitted to the bar in 1882 and died in 1886); Arthur A. ; Margaretta; Adda M. ; Howard, and Wade H. ; the others died in infancy. Marcus Hulings was a contractor and builder for several years prior to 1860, when he entered the petroleum business, in which his native force of character and remarkable energy rapidly gave him leading prominence. Willis J. received an academic and legal education. Fitting himself for admission to the bar in New York city under the tuition of Frederick A. Ward, he came to Venango county and prosecuted his studies under the in structions of Calvin W. Gilfillan, and was admitted in March, 1877. and BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. ■?!83 practiced his profession for several years. Having a natural taste for politics he was elected as a Republican to the state legislature, and twice re-elected as a member of that body, and served with credit ami ability. He intro- duced the bills in these sessions prohibiting railroad discriminations, and became known as one of the strongest debaters on the floor. He is largely eno-ao-ed in mining and in the lumber business. He was married in 1874 to Emma G. Simpson of Brooklyn, New York, and has nine children. He and his wife are members of the Second Presbyterian church of South Oil City. He is colonel of the Sixteenth regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania. F. W. Hays, attorney and member of the legislature from Venango county was born March 17, 1842, in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, son of Joseph C. Hays. He was educated in Allegheny College, from which insti- tution he graduated in 1861. He began the study of law in 1868 iinder the able tuition of Derrickson ., aiul Minnie L. He is h ineni- ber iuid past commander of Post 485, G. A. K., and is a Rei)nl)lican. John W. Waits, whose oil production is on the famous " Johnnie Steele " farm, is a son of the late John Waits, who came here from Buffalo in the palmy days of petroleum, and here spent the last days of his life, dying in 1882, at the age of sixty-four years. John W. Waits was born in Albany, New York, in 1858, and was ten years old when his father moved into the oil region. He was educated at the common schools, and at Erie, Pennsyl- vania, learned the trade of machinist. Before coming on the Steele farm he was managing wells for other parties at Bradford, and he came to this place first as an employe. In 1884 he purchased the property upon which he has now thirty-four p}oducing wells, and is rapidly putting down addi- tional ones. Thomas Donnelly, oil producer, was born in March, 1820, in Ireland, to Patrick and Honora (Sexton) Donnelly, natives of Ireland, who immigrated to New York city in 1823, where the father was engaged in selling hats until 1825, when he returned to his native country and there died. His widow returned to America, died in 1872, and was buried in Hornellsville, New York. Eight children \^ere born to them in Ireland, named as follows: Bridget; Mary; Martin; Thomas; John; Kate; Winifred, and Michael. The parents were both members of the Catholic church. In 1837 Thomas Donnelly returned to America from Ireland, whither he had gone with the family. He was edu- cated at the subscription schools of his native country, and at the early age of seventeen years he began learning the hatter trade in New York city. This he followed until 1848, when he started by railroad and stage on a trip over the country, selling ready-made clothing for three years with re- markable success. In 1849 he married Mary Gleason of Elmira, New York, began keeping hotel in 1850 at what was then called Baker's Bridge, now Alford, New Y'^ork, and after one year removed to Hornellsville, the same state, and kept boarders for thirteen years. From there he moved to Brad- ford and became boss of the construction of a grade for the Erie Railroad Company for one year. Then in 1865 he came to Oil City and kept board- ers in a house on Seneca street for one year, after which he purchased an old building located south of where the Oil Well Supply Company's shops are situated, and conducted a boarding house for twenty -three years. In the spring of 1889 he retired to his present residence on Pearle aveniie. He, however, gives some personal attention to the production of oil, having seven wells. His marriage gave him thirteen children, ten of whom died young, and the living are: Thomas E. ; Mary A., and Josephine. Mr. Donnelly and wife are members of the Catholic church, as are also their children. In politics he is a Democrat. His son Thomas E. was educated in Oil City until the age of fourteen years, at which time he entered college at Suspension Bridge, New York, from which institution he was graduated 90() HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. October 26, 1877, after a periodof nine years' diligent study. He at once went to Omaha, Nebraska, where he preached for two years. In 1887 he located in Chicago, where he is now pastor of a congregation. J. S. Shively, furniture dealer, was born December 15, 1828, on a farm in Union county, Pennsylvania, son of Christian and Maria (Stees) Shively, natives of the same county and of German extraction. Christian Shively, grandfather of J. S. Shively, fought the Indians at Templeton's Ford, Union county, and his captain, Pati-ick Watson, was wounded at this time, from which he died. The children of Christian Shively were named as follows: Barbara; Rachel; John; Christian; Daniel; George, and Benjamin, all of whom died at old age. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. John Stees. the father of Maria, was a Tory, but did not take up arms against the colonists. He was the father of seven children: John; David; Abraham; Rachel; Maria; Sally, and Betsey, all deceased. Christian Shively, the father of our subject, was a farmer, and died in 1857. His widow died about the year 1870, the mother of five children: George, a farmer in Clarion county; Susan, widow of James Say; Thomas, also a farmer in Clarion county; J. S., and Robert, a farmer in Columbiana county, Ohio. Christian's first wife was Barl)ara Wise, by whom he had five children, Betsey only surviving and married to David Reaser. The parents were members of the Dunkard church and the father served in some of the small offices of the township. Our subject was educated in the log school house with slab seats and puncheon floor, slal) writing desks and greased paper window lights. He began for himself at the age of eighteen years and upon reaching his majority he commenced keeping what was known as the old Stone House hotel on the Erie and Philadelphia pike in Clarion county, which he continued for five years. He then went into the dry-goods business at Scrubgrass and continued there and at Lisbon, once nicknamed Fort Chisel, for seven years with good success. This he sold in 1862 and removed to Oil City, where he purchased the Oil City hotel from James Colgin. After two years' experience in this he entered the grocery and feed business on Main street and followed it for several years. He then bought and built property worth forty-five thousand dollars, nearly all of which was consumed by the great fire of 1866. He rebuilt as much as his means would warrant and went into the furniture business on Main street, where he remained until 1882, when he removed to his present place and here he carries a stock of about ten thousand dollars. He was married to Lea J. Herpst, daughter of John H. and Mary Herpst of this county, by whom he has five children: ClifPord; Florence, deceased at the age of nine years; Laura, married to T. B. Simpson; May, deceased wife of G. W. Darr, and Edna, at home. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., L. of H., Royal Arcanum, E. A. U., and T. of T. He furnished a substitute for the war, is a Republican, and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. BIOGIIAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 907 Britting. & McCracken, fiiruiture dealers — F. C. Britting, wbose name heads the caption of this deservedly popular establishment, is a native of New York city, and a son of Conrad and Kate Britting, natives of Germany, who immigrated to the city of New York before they were married. In 1888 they removed to Germaine, Potter county, Pennsylvania, whe^-e Mr. Britting is engaged in farming. His children are named as follows: F. C. ; Annie, married to E. W. Broughton; Louisa, married to Frank Itickard; Maggie, deceased; Conrad; Lena; Josephine, and Tillie. Of these, F. C. , the eldest, was educated in the English and German schools of New York city. At the age of ten years he began working at the furniture store of Freeborn & Company, New York, and subsequently worked for J. W. Lyon in the same line of business and in the same city. He afterward was em- ployed by J. C. Hoyt in Baltimore. In 1888 he came to Oil City and formed his present partnership. He has had thorough instructions in the most scientific methods of embalming, and more particularly gives his atten- tion to the large undertaking department of the firm. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., the A. O. U. W., and Trinity Methodist Episcopal church. John T. Parsons, manufacturer of carriages, buggies, and road wagons, general blacksmith, etc., was born August 6, 1826, in Ontario, Canada. His father, William, a blacksmith by trade, was born in England, and died at the age of eighty-one years in 1877. His mother, Margaret (Trick) Par- sons, was a native of England, and resides in Canada. Her childi'en are: Mary A. ; Elizabeth; John T; Julia; William H. ; Silas R., and Thomas J. John T. Parsons was educated in the common schools of Canada and at a commercial college at Fort Edward, New York. At the age of fourteen years he began learning his trade with his father. He was married March 28, 1864, in Rochester, New York, to Roxyette Jones, daughter of T. \V. and Hester A. (Davison) Jones, natives of Canada and Herkimer county. New York, respectively. Mr. Parsons began business for himself in Roches- ter, and has continued there and at Oil City ever since. He worked twelve years for D. L. Trax of the latter city, and in 1880 became the owner of the business, which has grown to be a very extensive one. His children are Thomas W. and Silas R. The elder is overseer of an industrial school at Rochester, New York, and the younger is with his father in the shop. He is a Prohibitionist, with his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church, and is one of the best known citizens of Venango county. Warren G. Hunt, of the firm of Hunt & Hallet, was born in Grafton county, New Hampshire, February 15, 1827. His father, Caleb Hunt, also a native of New Hampshire, was a mill owner and operator. He reared six sons and three daughters, and in 1854 died at the age of fifty-five years. "Warren G. was the eldest of the family. He was educated at the common schools and learned the milling trade, as well as that of millwright. In 1856 he migrated to Vermont, and from there to New Haven, Connecticut. 908 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. where he manufactured lumber seven or eight years. He subsequently located in New York city, and established a mahogany and rosewood busi- ness, and then returned to New Haven, whence, in 1865, he came to the oil regions. After a brief stay at President, where he was superintendent of the President Petroleum Company, he came to Oil City and for three years dealt successfully in lumber. At the end of that time the oil fever had fastened upon him, and betrayed him into its search through "wild cat ' ' holes out of which came nothing but disappointment. Seven ' ' dry holes " left him with one " dry " pocket-book, and he returned with increased wisdom unto lumber. Mr. Hunt is a Mason, and retains his membership in Hiram Lodge, No. 1, of Connecticut — the second established in the United States. He is also a member of the Baptist church. He was married in Monroe, New Hampshire, August 18, 1849, to a Miss Bennett, and has had four children: Irene, Mrs. J. C. Holmes; Etta, Mrs. T. H. Nicholson; Wealthy, Mrs. J. H. Hallett, and Warren G., Jr., who died at New Haven, Connecticut, in 1804. John F. Hallet, deceased, was born in Buenos Ayres, South America, August 15, 1838, and is a son of Stephen Hallet, a native of Philadelphia. The family came originally from France, and Stephen, a printer and pub- lisher, married Elizabeth Baldwin of New York city. They lived in the city of Mexico when their first child was born, and from there returned to the United States. In South America the rest of his children, six in nvimber, were born, and John F. was the fourth in order. In Buenos Ayres the sen- ior Mr. Hallet was printer and publisher for the government. He died in Brooklyn, New York, in 18(36, at the age of sixty-seven years. He left South America in 1854. John F. was educated in the schools of this coun- try and of France. In the latter country he spent three years and there became master of the modern Latin languages. Under his father he learned the publishing business, and followed it at intervals during the lifetime of the former. He was some years in mercantile business in Buenos Ayres, whence he moved to New York. In 1867 he came into the oil regions and subsequently carried on business, dealing in oil well supplies, etc., at Scrub- grass and Karnes City, and in 1871 moved into Oil City. Here he dealt on the exchange awhile and then became a member of the firm of Hunt & Hal- let. He was a thirty-two degree Mason, a member of the Bloomsburg consistory, and of the K. of H. His widow is the daughter of W. O. Hunt. Mr. Hallet died September 18, 1889. Thomas H. Nicholson, of the firm of Hunt & Hallet, was born in Roch- ester, New York, October 14, 1853. He was educated at the common schools and in youth learned telegraphy, which he followed at various places in the Pennsylvania oil regions. He was an oil producer for a while, and in 1877 came into Oil City as a shipper and operator. In 1886 he became a member of the firm of Hunt & Hallet. Mr. Nicholson has been twice BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 909 maiiied. His present wife is the daughter of Mr. Hiant, the senior merober of the lirm named. \V. S. Wick, dealer in lumber, moulding.s, sash, doors, windows, brick, and paint, established his present enterprise in May, 1887, and carries a stock valued at about eight thousand dollars. He keeps a specially line line of Michigan and North Carolina i^ine lumber, and by close personal appli- cation to biTsiness merits a large patronage. He is a native of Butler county, this state, and a son of H. E. Wick, who was born in Butler county Auo-ust 22, 1825, a son of John and Mary (Wigton) Wick, natives of Butler county, of Scotch extraction, strict Presbyterians, and the parents of eight children, five of whom are living: H. E. ; Mrs. Mary J. Stroughton; Har- vey; Lewis, a Methodist Episcopal minister, and Mrs. Emmeline Wheeler. H. E. Wick received a common school education and began for himself at the age of nineteen, buying and shipping horses, drifting from this into the general mercantile business, which he followed in connection with the lum- ber trade for over forty- five years. For a time he was in the mercantile business at what is known as Wick's Station on the Shenango and Allegheny Valley railroad, which was named after him and where he was the first post- master. He offered his services in the defense of his country early in the war, but because of physical objections made by the enrolling officer, was refused. He, however, furnished the first substitute from Butler county. He is a Republican, and was one of the first delegates from Butler county to the state convention which was held at Pittsburgh to effect the organi- zation of the Republican party in Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Smith, and to this union were born thirteen children, twelve of whom are living. In 1887 he and his wife located in Oil City, where they live a some- what retired life, after a business career surpassed by few if any citizens of his native county. W. Grafton Bateman, superintendent for the Prudential Insurance Com- pany of America at Oil City, came here in June, 1889, from Washington city. He was born in Maryland in 1861 and was educated in the public schools. His father was a successful farmer and the son was familiarized with the duties of farm life. In 1883, while clerking in a mercantile estab- lishment, his attention was directed to life insurance and he repaired at once to Baltimore, Maryland, as the agent of the Prudential. The year following he was transferred to Washington city, and soon afterward promoted to the position of assistant superintendent. In June, 1889, as has been seen, he came here as superintendent of this district, which em- braces Oil City, Franklin, Titusville, and the surrounding towns. The Oil City branch is in full operation, with headquarters over the postoffice. The Prudential was organized in Newark, New Jersey, in 1876, and is based upon the plan of the old Prudential of London, organized in 1848. There- fore its distinctive features, though novel, are not experimental. It issued 910 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. the first year of its organization seven thousand nine hundred and five policies; its income was fourteen thousand five hundred and forty-three dollars and paid claims one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven dollars. In 1888, after twelve years of uninterrupted advance in business, it issued twenty-four thousand nine hundred and fifteen dollars in policies, received three million seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand and eighty-four dollars, paid claims aggregating one million ninety- six thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars, and has as surplus to credit of policy holders seven hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars. In June, 1889, its assets were two million eight hundred and seventy- four thousand one hundred and sixty- two dollars and fifty-six cents, showing an increase over preceding years of nine hundred and six thousand seven hun- dred and ninety-three dollars and forty-three cents. In its industrial plan the company insures any healthy person from one to seventy years of age, at a rate of from three cents on one dollar and ninety cents per week, and is paying now an average of fifty claims per day. It also operates on the plans of the old line companies at about the rate of such companies. Mr. Bate- man was married in Washington city, and has one child. George Gates, deceased, was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, a son of Henry and Catharine (Bucher) Gates, the former being a relative of ex- Governor Hartranft. Henry Gates settled in what is now Forest county, on land once known as "Old Town Flats," at an early day; there he died. His son, George, was married to Mary Downing, a native of Richland town- ship, and the children of this union were nine, eight of whom grew to ma- turity: William; John; Catharine B. , Mrs. Charles Cox; Martha, Mrs. John Shaw; Mary A., Mrs. Gilbert Jameson; George W. ; Jacob H., and Maria, Mrs. James Lamb. George and Mary Gates were Methodists; he was an earnest Whig, and later a Republican. William Gates, eldest son of George Gates, was born June 19, 1818, in Venango county. He was educated at subscription schools and in the primitive log school houses. His father being a farmer he naturally pursued that calling during his early manhood. He taught four winter terms of subscription and public school, and for twenty-five consecutive years he was school treasurer of Rockland township. He served as a jus- tice of the peace for fifteen years, and was the efficient postmaster at Rock- land for twenty-five years. In 1876 he was elected to the state legislature and served with credit. He took an active interest in the repeal of the old and objectionable fence law of Pennsylvania, enacted in 1700, and much credit is due him for the final overthrow of that statute. He was employed during the earlier part of his life for three and one-half years at Slab fur- nace, in Cranberry township, and as manager of the Richland and Mill Creek furnaces, one year at each. After selling goods for some time for Charles ShipjDen, he formed a partnership with Thomas Hogue and carried BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 911 on a general store at Rockland six yoavH, becoming at the end of that time the sole owner of the busint^ss, and continued it with romarkal)le success un- til 1805. Soon after selling his store interests he purchased his father's old homestead, for twenty years gave his attention to rural pursuits, and soon liecame one of the most skillful farmers in Venango county. He made ag- riculture a study, just as he did every other undertaking, and by intelligent application widened his knowledge until he is recognized as trustworthy au- thority on all subjects pertaining to th(> farm and its products. For several years he served as a member of the state board of agriculture, held import- ant positions in its various committees, and was recognized by that able body of Pennsylvania agriculturalists as one of their most eflficiont meml)ers. He was mai-ried in 1851 to Martha Stanton, wlio is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He belongs to the I. O. O. F., and the K. of P., is a director of the Exchange Bank of Franklin, and in politics is a Republican. In 1885 he left the farm and settled in South Oil City, where he now resides, somewhat retired from the cares of an active business life, and, enjoying a large competency, the result of individual efforts, economical living, and up- right, honest dealings. Being of a somewhat retiring disposition, he nat- urally shrinks from notoriety, yet with that degree of natural pride possessed by every true lover of his native county, he does his part toward any enter- prise that tends to build up the community in which he resides. Robert H. Renwick, familiarly known in Oil City and elsewhere as Cap- tain Renwick, a title well earned by him in the late civil war, as will be seen further on, was born at Angelica, New York, July 11, 1813. His fa- ther, James Renwick, a farmer by occupation, was an Englishman. He came to America in 1805, located at Angelica, and there spent the rest of his life. He was married in England to a Miss Johnson, and two of their childi-en were born there. The old gentleman died in 1813 at the age of about sixty years. Robert H. Renwick was educated at the common schools and academy of Angelica, and there learned the painting trade. He subse- quently held the offices of justice of the peace and associate judge, read law, and was admitted to the bar, but never entered the practice. In 1836 he emigrated to Michigan, returned four years later to Angelica, and in 1852 removed to Olean, where he dwelt thirty years, filling in the meantime various public offices of trust and profit. He first saw Oil City — not a city then — in 1832, while boating down the Allegheny from Olean to Cincinnati. There were then no houses on the south side of the river at this place and but three on the north side. During the summer of 1801, at Olean, Captain Renwick entered the United States army, at the head of Company I, Sixty- Fourth New York Volunteer Infantry, and remained until discharged eigh- teen months later, by order of the secretnry of war on account of wounds received at the battle of Fair Oaks June 1. 1802. Prior to being wounded he led his company at Williamsburg, and in many skirmishes not dignified 912 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. in history with the name of battle. At Fair Oaks his company entered the fight with seventy men and on the following morning only eighteen an- swered roll-call. His regiment went into the battle eight hundred strong and retired from the field with two hundred and fifty. Three of his sons, James F., Victor D., and Alexander were in the army, the former as bri- gade ordnance sergeant, and Victor, after serving five years, left the army with the rank of captain. Captain Renwick came to Oil City in 1865, spent two years in grocery business, and returned to Olean. In 1870 he came again to this place, and has here since remained. He was married at West Alden, Pennsylvania, in 1832 to Cynthia Davis, and the children bora unto him are: Henreitte, Mrs. A. O. Parsons; Elizabeth; James F., de- ceased; Victor D.. of Hyde Park, New York; Charles W., of Bradford, Pennsylvania; Alexander, of Hamilton, Canada; Mary, Mrs. McMullen, and Hattie. Captain Renwick is an Odd Fellow, a Mason, and a member of the G. A. R. Of the latter he was the first commander of Downing post, Oil City. James J. Will, a farmer in Cranberry township, was born in Cambria county, Pennsylvania, March 3, 1829. His father was Anthony Will, a native of Huntingdon county, this state, and of Huguenot extraction; his mother was a McDermott, and her ancestors were Scotch-Irish. The former died in 1863, the latter in 1858. They reared three sons and five daughters, James being the eldest of the family. He was educated principally by him- self, having received his first lessons from his mother, an educated woman of refinement and culture. He grew to manhood on his father's farm; being of a mechanical mind he could turn his hand to anything and while yet a young man he became proficient as a carpenter and cooper. From the age of twenty to twenty-nine he taught in the public schools during the winters and worked at his trade the rest of the seasons. In July, 1862, he entered the army of the United States as orderly sergeant of Company F, One Hundred and Thirty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, served ten months, and left the service with the rank of first lieutenant. While in the army he took part in the battles of Fredericksburg, Antietam, and Chancellorsville. In the last named battle, though then only an orderly sergeant, he commanded his company and the record shows that he did it skillfully. After the war, Captain Wells farmed a while but soon turned his whole attention to mechanics, carrying on business in Pittsburgh and Johnstown. He came into the Oil creek country in 1865 and in 1867 took charge of the New York and Allegheny pipe lines at Tidioute as manager and was with the company seven years. Afterward he was with the Relief Pipe Line Company two years. In 1880 he came into Oil City and purchased a farm and became an oil producer for three years. In 1884 he located on the farm he now owns and manages in Cranberry township. In company with bis son he was in- terested in a steel plant at Johnstown at the time of the great flood and lost BIOGKAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 913 thereby several thousand dollars. IMr. Will was married at JohnHtown in 1804 to MisH Jnlia Seigh, a very accomplished lady. She died in 1872, leaving one son and two daughters. The former, Edwin C, is a well-known inventor and greatly distinguished himself at his peril, in rescuing thirty peo- ple from the floating debris of the great flood at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, May 31, 1889. Mr. Will is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Gr. A. li. Doctor E. M. Wolfe, dentist, was born October 27, 1847, in Cranberry township, this county, to Solomon and Catharine (Miller) Wolfe. He was educated in the common schools and at an academy at Clarion, Pennsvl- vania. He began the study of dentistry in 1869 with J. D. ^^'ingate, then of Belief onte, this state, and was subse(piently graduated from the Penn- sylvania College of Dental Surgery. April 1, 1871, he located in Oil City, where he has remained actively engaged in practice, and holds a high rank ' among the profession in Pennsylvania. Ho was married by the Reverend J. S. Elder, December 21, 1871, to Margaret Orr, of Clarion, Clarion county, Pennsylvania, and to this union have been born four children: Linden W. ; Catharine I. ; an infant, deceased, and John M. The doctor has served one term as a member of the Oil City council. He is a member of the Lake Erie Dental Association, the Pennsylvania State Dental Asssociation, the American Dental Association, and the International Medical Congress. In politics he is an earnest Republican. J. H. Heivly, dentist, was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, June 17, 1842, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Raignel) Heivly, the former a native of York, and the latter of Lebanon counties, Pennsylvania, and the parents of four children: Jacob A., a merchant of Williamsport; J. H. ; Mary M. . married to William Swallow, and D. F., real estate dealer in Newton, Kan- sas. The father died in 1883; he was favorably known as a merchant of Williamsport, where his widow resides. Our subject was educated in the public schools of his native city and Dickinson Seminary of that place. In 1862 he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-First Pennsylvania Volun- teers and served eleven months. On his return from the war he was em- ployed for three years in the United States treasury under F. E. Spinner. He then engaged in the dry-goods business in Williamsport for one year under the firm name of Kingsbury & Heivly. In 1871 he came to Titus- ville, and being qualified to survey, was employed with a civil engineering corps ia surveying the New York pipe line from Hickory Station to the Al- legheny river. He soon after began the practice of dentistry at Petroleum Center, this county, where he remained until 1873, when he removed to Oil City. In 1876 he re-entered the Philadel[)hia Dental College, from which he was graduated in the term of that year. He is a member and treasurer of Lake Erie Dental Association and a member of the Pennsylvania Dental Society, belongs to the Masonic order, chapter, and commandery, and is a Republican. He was married October 13, 1881, to S. Alice, daughter of 914 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Daniel and Harriet (Keiter) Gothers, who came to Oil City in 1864, where the mother subsequently died, leaving three children: Clara, married to Edward Byoung; William C, and S. Alice. C. J. Reynolds, dentist, was born August 1, 1856, in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, and is a son of J. B. Reynolds of this city. He received his education in the Oil City schools and Beaver Academy. He was emplo3'^ed for a period as book keej^er of the firm of Hunt & Reynolds, and in 1 886 began the study of dentistry with Doctor E. M. AVolfe, with whom he remained for two years, after which he entered the Pennsylvania Dental College of Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in 1878. He soon after began the practice of dentistry in Pawnee City, Nebraska, coming thence to Oil City in 1881 where he has since continiied in the active duties of his profession. He married Miss Lizzie Atwood of Nebraska. In politics he is a Republican. John S. Klein holds with the National Transit Company the position of superintendent of machinery, and as such has the supervision of all that company's machinery and shops in Pennsylvania and all other oil-producing states. He was born in Nassau, Germany, April 26, 1849, and when but a few weeks old was brought by his parents to America. The family settled in BufPalo, New York, and there, in the shops of the New York Central railroad, he learned the trade of machinist. In 1868 he came to this state, and for the succeeding four or live years followed his trade at Plumer, Rouseville, Bredinsburg, St. Petersburg, etc. In 1872 or 1873 he began work for the United Pipe Lines Company at Petrolia, and in less than two years was made the foreman of their shops. As he came into his present position in 1882, it will be seen that, unaided by any outside influence, dependent at all times on his individual efforts and industry, he arose in less than ten years from the rank of a journeyman machinist to one of the most important positions within the gift of a great corporation. Mr. Klein was married at Buffalo, New York, when about twenty-six years of age, to Miss Emily Ernst. Louis Walz, general manager of the Penn Refining Company, was born in Gammalsbach, Germany, August 11, 1846, and came to America in 1867. He was a carpenter and millwright by trade, and worked thereat after coming to this country until 1887. In that year he came to Oil City from Titusville, where he had lived since 1868, and accepted the position of manager of the Independent Refining Company. He remained with this company about three and one- half years, then sold out and erected the Continental refinery. At the end of about one year he retired from the Continental, and in July, 1886, formed a partnership with Messrs. Suhr and Justus. With Mr. Walz as general manager, this company proceeded to erect the Penn Refining Works, one of the most thoroughly equipped con- cerns of the kind in the Oil creek country. They have a capacity for, and are BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 917 handling now, ahotit two hundred thousand barrels of crudo oil per annum, and employ from sixty to eighty men. Mr. W'alz was married at Titiisville, Pennsylvania, in 1871, to Miss Frederika Teege. To this union eight chil- dren have l)een born. Thft first-born, Louisa, died when about seven or eight months old; the living are: Emma, George, Albert, Jennie, Matilda, Edward, and an infant not named. Mr. Walz and family are identillcd with the Lutheran church. Henky Suur, president of the Penn Refining Company, was born in Hardegsen, Germany, October 11, 1844. His parents, Christian and Hen- rietta (Frohne) Suhr, reared three sons, of whom Henry is the eldest. Charles, the youngest, is dead, and Louis is engaged in the oil business at Bradford, Pennsylvania. The parents came to this country in May, 1877, remained about six years, and returned to Germany. The subject of this sketch came to America in July, 1808. He was a locksmith l)y trade, and worked at that business some months in New York and Buffalo. From Pittsburgh, where he worked about six months in a machine shop, he came to Oil creek, landing here in 1869. For six years he was employed ])y oil producers in various capacities, and in 1875 began business for himself in Oil City. From that to the present time he has been a successful oil producer. In 1886, associated with Messrs. Walz and Justus, he organ- ized the company of which he is now the popular president. As oil pro- ducers, the history of this company shows that they own and operate about one hundred good wells in Pennsylvania and New York, and that as refiners they handle about two hundred thousand barrels of crude oil annually. Mr. Suhr is a self-made man. The recipient of no gratuity, the legatee of no estate, he has depended solely on his individual effort and industry, and that fortune has smiled upon him is amply attested. He was married in Oil City in 1875 to Miss Louisa Schorman, and the four children born to him are named, respectively, Charles, Elizabeth, Lena, and Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Suhr are members of the Lutheran church. John E. Hackenberg, book-keeper for the Penn Refining Company, Oil City, was born in Union county, Pennsylvania, October 18, 18'27. He was educated in Easton, Pennsylvania, and grew up in his father's store, where he learned book-keeping, the vocation to which his life has been devoted. He came to Oil City in 1880, and has since been in his present position with the Penn Refining Company. Mr. Hackenberg was married at McEwensville, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1854, to Miss Mary Finney, who died February 14, 1870, leaving the following children: Lily, Mrs. R. C. Baugh- man, of Omaha, Nebraska; Grace, and Charles. One son, William, died in 1868, aged about eight years. Mr. Hackenberg is a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. James M. McLaughlin, superintendent of the Penn refinery, was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, August 10, 1889. He was educated at the 51 918 HISTORY or VENANGO COUNTY. common schools in his native county, and there spent most of his life. He was eight years at Olean, New York, as superintendent of the Acme Refin- ing Company and in August, 1888, came into his present position. October 24, 1862, at Titusville, he enlisted as a private soldier in a company subse- quently known as Company C, Second District Regiment, AVashington city, and served until November 21, 1863. Mr. McLaughlin was first married in Crawford county to Miss Elizabeth Kellogg; both she and a second wife, who was a Mrs. Carringer, are dead. The present Mrs. McLaughlin, to whom he was married at Olean, New York, May 27, 1884, was Mrs. M. Libbie Ashby. By his first wife Mr. McLaughlin had six children, b}^ his second two. He is a Republican in politics, a member of the I. O. O. F., and of the A. L. of H. Thomas Anderton, treasurer of the Continental Refining Company, was born in Lancashire, England, in 1845, and came to America in July, 1862. In Oil City, whither he came in 1865, he was for about five years in the mercantile trade; the rest of the time he has been in the petroleum l:)usi- ness. He was one of the organizers of the Continental Refining Company and has been actively identified with its interests from its inception. Mr. Anderton was married in this city when about thirty- eight years of age to Mrs. Mary Stubler nee Huster, and the children that have been born to him are named, respectively, Thomas; Mary; Joseph, and Charles. John W. Davis, president of the Nonpariel Refining Company located at Rouseville, is a citizen of Oil City and came here from Cleveland in Jan- uary, 1873. In Cleveland he was connected with the Continental Oil Works, and coming here as a member of the Economy Refining Company, he had charge of their works for five years. From that he became a producer, and was interested in the Bradford, Allegheny, and Venango oil fields. In 1888 he organized the Nonpariel Refining Company and became its president. Mr. Davis was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, January, 1831. He was educated at the common schools and as a young man studied chemistry and dispensed drugs. lu 1862 he turned his attention to petroleum and was engaged in refining oil when he decided to enter the army. In 1863 he raised Company B, Forty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, became its captain, served a few months, resigned, and returned to Pittsburgh, where during part of 1864 and 1865, he was refining oil; thence he went to Cleve- land, and, as has been seen, to Oil City. A history of the Nonpariel Re- fining Company will be found in this volume. Chapter XXIII. Albert H. Smith, superintendent of the Eclipse Lubricating Oil Com- pany, Limited, is a native of Franklin, this county, a son of David S. and Mary (Wallace) Smith, and was born April 28, 1862. He was educated at the Franklin high school and Cornell University. Immediately after leav- ing the latter institution he entered the employ of this company at Frank- lin, and has remained with it ever since, working his way up from the bot- BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 919 torn rung iu the ladder to a lirst-claas superinteiidency. He came to Lis present position July 15, 1888, and has under his supervision thirty-five to forty men, and handles, approximately, three hundred thousand barrels of crude oil a year. Mr. Smith is a member of the popular society familiarly known as the Elks, and of several college fraternities. George S. Oberly, secretary of the Oil City Tube Company, was born in Berks county, this state, December 4, 1858, and is the son of J. H. Oberly. Mr. Oberly was about ten years of age when his parents moved into Oil City, and his education, so far as scholastic training goes, was completed at the common schools of this place. September 24, 1887, he was appointed to his present position. Prior to that time he was for several years book-keeper for the Oil City Tnist Company and confidential secretary to M. Geary, the president of the Oil City Boiler Works. At this writing, June, 1889, he yet fills the latter position in addition to that of secretary of the tube com- pany. He is a member of the American Legion of Honor, in which order he holds the office of collector. He was married in this city Sei)tember 21, 1887, to the daughter of George Steffee. Louis Schwartzcop, superintendent and one of the principal owners of the Independent Refining Company, was born in Lancaster, New York, Oc- tober 28, 1846. His father, Frederick Schwartzcop, a farmer by occupation, was a native of Germany, and died in Wellsville, New York, in 1886, seventy years of age. Louis was educated at the public schools of Wellsville, and brought up as a farmer boy until he had attained his majority. After spend- ing some time with an engineer corps in the survey and location of railways he drifted into the Allegheny oil fields, where he spent about three years variously employed in the opei'ation of petroleum wells and their products. He came to Oil City in 1883 and was employed by the Independent refinery until 1884, when he pui'chased the interest of John Theobold in the concern and at once became manager and superintendent of the shipping department. He was married at Wellsville, New York, in September, 1885, to Miss Caro- line Miller, and has one daughter, Clara. Mr. Schwartzcop is a member of the Lutheran church and the Order of Tonti, and is a Republican. Joseph Reid, machinist and manufacturer of mill machinery, stationary engines, etc., North Seneca street, Oil City, came to this place fi'om Phila- delphia in 1876. Here he became an oil producer for a few months only, and then turned his hand to that with which he was much better acquainted — machinery. In 1887, having purchased the plant of a defunct concern, he engaged in the business to which he has since adhered. He has been twice burned out, once in 1882 and again in 1887. His plant is now upon the site of the old skating rink, and he employs fifteen to twenty men in the manufacture of all sorts of steam saw and grist mill machinery, station- ary engines of the latest improved patterns, drilling tools, steam hammers, etc. , and carries on a brass and iron foundry. Mr. Reid is the patentee of 920 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. the now famous Eeid hydro carbon oil burner — a device which promises to bring into popular use as a fuel the cheaper grades of crude petroleum — notably the Lima, Ohio, product. Joseph Reid was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1843, and was about twenty years of age when he came to America. He was educated in his native country, and there learned the trade of which he is an acknowledged master. Since coming to this place he has served the city creditably as councilman, and has established an en- viable reputation as a citizen. He is a Knight Templar Mason. Charles Huster, of the Continental Refining Company, Limited, whose works are located on Oil creek, one and one-half miles from Oil City, is a native of Rhine Hessen, Germany, and was born March 29, 1856. He came to America with his parents in 1872 and the following year was in Oil City. From here he moved to Erie, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in work- ing at the carpenter trade for a few years, then learned the finishing trade in an Erie boot and shoe factory, and worked at it for three years, then started a hotel business and was at it until 1886. From there he moved to Oil City and with others established the Continental refinery, himself being at the head of the organization. The youngest of four sons, he was edu- cated in the old country, and although in this country comparatively but a short time his English is as pure and thorough as a native's. Mr. Huster is a member of the Catholic church and the beneficiary order known as the C. M. B. A. He was married in Erie May 13, 1879, to Miss Annie W. Eichenlaub and has two living children: KatharinaM. , and Margaretha M. , and has buried one, Rosa Anna, who died in 1888 aged two years. His father, Jacob Huster, died in Erie in 1885 at the age of eighty-two years, and his mother, now about seventy-seven years old, lives in Erie. Cyrus R. Levier, in charge of the Eclipse pumping station, came to Oil City from Franklin, Pennsylvania, August 15, 1888. He was born in Rich- land township, Venango county, March 15, 1844, and was educated at the common schools. August 21, 1862, he enlisted in Company F, One Hun- dred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, and with that command served two years and ten mouths in the Army of the Potomac, participating in all the battles with his regiment up to October 18, 1864. After the war he lived three years in Clarion county; the rest of the time he has spent in the Venango oil regions and in charge of and operating machinery. He has been with his present employers, the Eclipse Lubricating Oil Company, Limited, for the past eight years. Mr. Levier is a member of the G. A. R. , A. O. U. W., E. A. U. , and the Methodist Episcopal church. He was mar- ried in Rockland township, this county, November 21, 1867, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith, and to this union have been born six children: Burton William, who died aged about seven years; Myrtel May, who died aged about six years; Frank Leroy, associated with his father at the pumping station; Martha Grant; Daisy May, and Frederick Read. BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 921 Michael Dobson, superintendent of tli(^ Oil City water works, cam(> to this place from Reno in April, 1807. He is a native of Lockport, New York, and was born May 15, 1844. His father, Thomas Dobson, came from Ireland when a small boy, grew up and married at Lockport, and there lost his life by accident. Michael, the only son now living, was educated at the common schools of Lockpoi't, and there began his trade of machinist. He came into Venango county in 1803, and at Rouseville finished his trade, workinc)- there with one firm nearly sixteen years. Coming into Oil City, he was made foreman of the fire department, and subsecjiiently served two years as assistant chief engineer. In 1883 he was placed by the board of water commissioners in his present position. Mr. Dobson was married Sep- tember 28, 1868, at Caljonsburg, Clarion county, this state, to Miss Rachel A. McCamant. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dobson are members of the Catholic church. W. J. Sutherland, foreman car inspector for the Lake Shore and Michi- gan Southern Railway Company, was born August 15, 1841, in King.ston, Canada. His parents, William and Mary (Joyce) Sutherland, had seven children: James; Mary; John; Esther; Elizabeth; W. J., and George A., who Avas in the United States navy during the war for three years and nine months. The father was a contractor, and he and his wife died, members of the Scotch Presbyterian church. Our subject received a common school education, and at the age of fifteen began for himself. He learned the cop- persmith trade in Kingston, Canada, and after following that for three years, he came to Akron, Ohio, and was employed at the Atlantic and Great West- ern railroad shops at that place, where he remained one and one- half years. He then returned to Canada, sold some property there, and went to Auburn, New York, where he worked for six months in an agricultural implement shop. He repaired to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1865, where he took a position with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company, and came to Oil City in 1870 in the capacity of car inspector for that company. He was married in 1866 to Margaret Connors, a native of Canada, and by whom he has had ten children: George A., deceased; William J., a bright, intel- ligent, and promising young man, who was drowned while bathing in the Allegheny river; Cora B. ; Georgenna, deceased ; John; Alexander; Kate M. ; Anthony; Charlotte E. , and Elsie. Mr. Sutherland is a member of the I. O. O. F., at Cleveland, and of the A. P. A. of Oil City. He and his es- timable wife belong to the Presbyterian church; he is a Republican, and one of the honest, upright, and intelligent citizens of Venango county. F. W. Sharp, superintendent of the Penu Refining Company's barrel works, was born February 14, 1846, in Germany, and is a son of Frederick and Amelia (Hagerman) Sharp, natives of the same country, who came to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1871, where they both died. They were the parents of eight children, five of whom are living: Joseph, an employe of the barrel 922 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. works; Maria, married to Charles Baukey of Cleveland, Ohio; John, a farmer living in Nebraska; F. W., and William, a resident of Cleveland. The pa- rents were consistent members of the Lutheran church. Their son, F. W. , received a common school education in the German schools and what English education he has he gathered through the every day walks of life. He learned the trade of a gardener in his native country, which vocation he followed until 1869, when he came to Cleveland, Ohio, where he worked at anything he could get to do. In 1870 he took his lirst employment with the Standard Oil Company and remained with that great corporation for fourteen years. In the year 1877 he was transferred by them to Oil City and remained in their employment until 1885. At this time he built a shop and manufactured barrels for one vear and then took charge of the business which he now superintends. He was married in 1869 to Maria Stark, a native of Germany, and has five children: Anna; Lizzie; Rosy; Georgie, and Freddie. He is a member of the Royal Templars of Temperance and of the K. of L. ; with his wife he belongs to the Evangelical church, and in politics he is a Republi- can. He is deservedly popular in the position he holds among the twenty- eight employes under his charge. John A. Lewis, architect, contractor, and builder. South Oil City, was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, November 26, 1838, and is a son of Zachariah Lewis. At the common schools he acquired a fair education, and while yet in his teens turned his attention to carpentering, architecture, and drawing. In May, 1861, he joined the volunteer army as a private soldier in Company E, Tenth Pennsylvania Reserves, and served something over three years. While carrying the musket he participated in the battles of Drainesville, West Virginia, the Seven Days' fight around Richmond, the second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Mead's Mardi Gras cam- paign, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and Cold Harbor. At Spottsylvania Court House May 8, 1864, he fell into the hands of the enemy? but at Beaver Dam the following day his friends overhauled the enemy and released him. From the first to the last of his service Mr. Lewis took part in all the engagements of his regiment. He was never ofP duty for any period, never spent a day in the hospital, was but once a prisoner, and but once slightly wounded. He was mustered out of the army at Pittsburgh, in June, 1864, and came almost at once to Oil City. Here he began the occu- pation to whiclj, with the exception of a year or two given to the oil busi- ness, he has since adhered. He has been seven years a member of the city council and was one of the prime movers in the adoption of the now popular- Wallace charter. He is a member of the G. A. R. post at this place, was seven years its quartermaster, and in 1887 its commander. In fact he was one of the organizers of Post 435, and is rightfully' credited as one of its most ardent workers. Mr. Lewis was married in Oil City in 1868 to Miss Porter, who has borne to him six children : Theron Victor, Rena Agatha, Ora Cecil, Lester Leroy, Walter Everett, and an infant, not named. BIOGU.vrHIES OF OIL CITY. 923 Fkederick EiCHNEii was born in Wurtemboig, Germany, December 20, 1834, and came to America in {H~)'S. His parents, John and Louisia Frederica (Bachman) Eichner, had borne imto them nineteen children, only four of whom, three sons and one dauifhter, are now living. The senior Mr. Eichner died in Germany in 1804; his widow is yet living (1889); their three sons are in the United States and their sister remains with her mother in Germany, both being widows. The subject of this sketch was educated in his native country, where he also learned the tanning trade. When eighteen years old he came to America with his elder brother, worked here and there wherever he could get work for a few years, and then engaged in the tanning business in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, for nine years. While a tanner Mr. Eichner was married in Clarion county, February 17, 1859, to Anne Elizabeth Hugus, a native of Westmoreland county, Penn- sylvania, and has had borne unto him six children, as follows: Samuel H., of the firm of Eichner Brothers, dealer in boots, shoes and gents' furnishing goods, in South Oil City; Louisa C. ; William C. , a partner of his father in the meat business in South Oil City; T. Edgar, a resident of the state of Washington, who is also a member of the firm of Eichner Brothers; Lilly May, and Florence Edna. In 1808, having fully determined to remain in this country, and to become an American citizen, he took out his naturaliza- tion papers and placed himself at the country's service, at a time when others, native l)orn, were fleeing to Canada. In 18G6 Mr. Eichner located in Oil City, and engaged in the meat business, which has received the most of his attention with a few exceptions. He has been a producer of petro- leum at various times, and for two years a farmer, after which he again embarked in the meat business. He is a man of excellent business habits, and as demonstrated by his success as a merchant, he embraces the essen- tials that too few men in his business have. He has a large circle of friends and patrons both in and out of Oil City. The family belong to the Presbyterian church, and Mr. Eichner is a member of the A. O. U. W^. H. H. Fair, dealer in general merchandise and proprietor of the Oil City mill. South Oil City, came to this place from the United States army in 1863. At the outbreak of the Rebellion he was engaged at drilling oil wells at Walnut Bend, Pennsylvania, and on the 10th of September, 1801, at Erie, enlisted in Company A, Eighty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers. ^Vith his regiment he took part in the battles of Hanover Court House and the subsequent engagements of the command in the retreat from before Richmond. In March, 1803, he was discharged from the service on account of physical disability, leaving the army with the rank of a non-commissioned . officer. Coming at once to Oil City he engaged for a while in the oil busi- ness, and later on at carpentering — as a contractor and builder. In 1871 he embarked in mercantile business, and in 1885 purchased the Oil City flouring mills. Mr. Fair was born in Indiana county, this state, July 14, ^^'■^■i HISTOEY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ]83f), was educated at the common schools and at West Freedom Academv. and while yet a young man learned the trade of millwright. He is a member of the G. A. R., one of the trustees of the International Progress- ive Association, and a director in the Oil City Trust Company Bank. At Clarion, in 1866, he was married to Miss Frances Gilger. She died in 1876, and in 1878, at Oil City, Miss Augusta Rogers, of Jackson, Michi- gan, became Mrs. Fair. By his first marriage Mr. Fair has one son, Fred, and by his second two sons and a daughter: Albert; Harry, and Mary. George Kaufmann, a prosperous dealer in meats, South Oil City, was born in Eichenbuhl, Bavaria, April 25, 1844, and came to America in June. 1867. His father, Ambrose Kaufmann, came three months later and located in Baltimore, where he died in 1888, aged about eighty-six years. His mother died in Bavaria when he was but six years of age. The senior Mr. Kaufmann was a farmer in Europe; in this country he engaged in no busi- ness. George was brought up a farmer and when twenty one years of age was pressed into the army, where he remained one year, participating in five different battles of the Austro-Prussian war. Knowing when he had enough of a good thing he took "French leave " of the German army and forthwith became a citizen of the United States. In Baltimore he learned the butcher's trade, and in December, 1870, came to Oil City. From 1873 to 1876 he lived again in Baltimore, and in the latter year returned to this place. Mr. Kaufmann is a member of the Catholic church, and of the C. M. B. A. He was married in Oil City August 1, 1872, to Mary Steelpflug, and has five ^children living: Francis Joseph; Magdalena Rosalie; Emma Wal- burge; Ferdinand Urban, and Henry Philip. The first-born, George, died at the age of six months. George Gootmiller, an enterprising and popular dealer in meats, came to Oil City in 1869, from Brady's Bend, where he had worked at mining coal, and for the three succeding years followed tailoring. He was born in Baden, Germany, Ai^ril 2, 1845, and with his sister came to America in June, 1868. They landed in New York and from there George migrated to Illinois, where he spent a few months. He next made his home awhile in Pittsburgh, moving thence to Brady's Bend and from there, as has been noticed, to Oil City, where he is now, and has been since about 1872, en- gaged in the meat business. Mr. Gootmiller was married in this city Au- gust 2, 1870, to Miss May Koebel, and has five children: Lena, Elizabeth, Maggie, George, and Gustave. Harry Naylor, for the past seventeen years the familiar collector at the north end of the Oil City Petroleum bridge, was the second man in the United States to engage in the manufacture of carbon oil. He came to this place from Pittsburgh in 1863, dealt in coal a few months, and engaged in petroleum as producer and operator. Having at the end of three years' BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 925 imfortunate investments wrecked his suvphiH, Ik* accoptod employment from the borough as charge d' affairs at the Oil creek bridge. So soon as the Oil City and Petroleum bridge was completed he was appointed by the com- pany to his present position, and that he has held it so many years without interruption attests fully his faithfulness in guarding the interests of his employers. Mr. Nay lor was born in England March 2^, 188<5. He there received a common school education, and learned the trade of pattern maker. His father. John Naylor, was for many years the agent of Lord ^^■ard, and had charge of that gentleman's vast estate in England. Harry Naylor was twenty-three years old when he came to America. After a short stay in New York he moved to Pittsburgh, where he was employed by his brother- in-law, William Smith, then proprietor of the Ninth Ward foundry, as pat- tern maker. From that he turned his attention to petroleum, and, as has been said, was one of the pioneers in the manufacture of carbon oil. Mr. Naylor is not only a skilled machinist; he is ingenious. One of the first brick machines ever made was his invention; the most popular bottle bot- tling machine of its day was the project of his ingenuity, and in 1888 he patented an auger handle which is acknowledged by experts to be the most complete, simple, durable, and unobjectionable appliance of the kind so far brought out. It is said that "the inventor always dies in a hovel; the manufacturer in a palace. ' ' This is probably too broad; but there is enough truth in it to prove a proverb, and the case before us promises to be an ex- ception. Realizing nothing from his earlier inventions, Mr. Naylor is pur- suing a different course with the latter. He is manufacturing the tools himself, and though only in a small way, success is assured. The handle can be instantly attached or detached, can be applied to any sized auger bit, and holds with equal firmness any shape of shank whether square, triangu- lar, conical, or straight. These features, together with its cheapness and durability, warrant its popularity. Mr. Naylor was married in Allegheny City, April 20, 1868, to the daughter of Doctor J. D. Baldwin, and the chil- dren born of this union are: Harry B. , Mazy, Adella, James D. , Annie M., John A., and Bernice E. Mr. Naylor is a member of the Baptist church, the A. O. U. W., and the K. of L. Edward Lewis, superintendent of bridges and buildings on the Alle- gheny Valley railroad, is a native of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and was born April 11, 1834. His father, a farmer, was a native of Pennsylvania. He died when Edward was about ten years of age. After acquiring at the public schools a fair English education, the latter learned the carpenter trade in Philadelphia and followed it about one year aftei- arriving at his majority. Since that time he has been regularly employed as bridge builder. At Easton, Pennsylvania, he superintended the construction across the Delaware river of the first heavy iron span erected in this state. He was next employed by Piper & Sheffler and remained with them and their sue- 926 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. cessors, the Kingston Bridge Company, seventeen years — twelve years of this time as their assistant superintendent. In 1871 he returned for a short time to carpenter work; then for a few months he was with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, from which he went to the Oil Creek railway as master carpenter. In 1874 or 1875 he was appointed to his present position with the Allegheny Valley railway. Here he Las under his supervision the construction of bridges and buildings on two hundred and sixty-four miles of road, the work employing in all of the departments about one hundred and tifty men. Mr. Lewis was married in Northumberland county, this state, December 28, 1856, to Miss Jane T. Wenck, and has had borne to liim the following children; G. S., in the employ of the pipe line; E. C, a physician; T. S. , a druggist; Charles, railroading; Harry, a student; Claud; Jennie, and Sally; Eliza S., died February 1, 1864; John P., De- cember 23, 1866, and Fred A., May 5, 1871. Glenn T. Braden, general superintendent of the National Transit Com- pany, United Pipe Lines division. Oil City, was born at Water ford, Erie county, Pennslyvania, June 1, 1856. He was educated at the common schools, and in 1873 began work with the Union Pipe Line Company. In 1876 he came with the United Pipe Lines Company as ganger; in 1882 he was promoted to division foreman at Cherry Grove and Thorn Creek; in 1886 he was made superintendent of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Pipe Lines with headquarters at Washington, Pennsylvania, and in July, 1888, was appointed to his present position. Mr. Braden is a Knight Templar Mason, and a member of the Pittsburgh consistory. He was married in Washington, Pennsylvania, March 15, 1888. John H. Evans, jDrothonotary of Venango county, was born in Ebens- burg, Cambria county, Pennsylvania, February 4, 1839, and is a son of David J. and Jane (Jones) Evans. His parents were natives of Wales and came to Cambria county in childhood, where they were married. The mother is dead but the father is still a resident of that county. Our sub ject was reared and educated in his native county. He entered a store in boyhood, and was engaged in the mercantile business in Cambria county until 1861. He came to Oil City in 1863, and soon after became a member of the firm of Reynolds, Brodhead & Company, afterward Brodhead, Evans & Company, and followed the mercantile trade until 1876. He was then elected city comptroller and filled that office twelve years. He was also a member in the first council of Oil City, elected in 1871, and served two terms. In the fall of 1887 he was the Republican candidate for prothon- otary, and was elected without opposition from the Democratic j^arty. He took office January 1, 1888. Mr. Evans was married January 21, 1868, to Miss Catharine E. Wheeler, of New York city, who has borne him two sons: Alvin M. and George K. By her paternal grandmother Mrs. Evans is a descendant of Governor Winthrop, of the Massachusetts colony. The fam- BIOGllAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 927 ily belong to the Second Presbyterian chnrch of Oil City. Politically Mr. Evans is a llepnblican, and was chairjnan of the county committee in the presidential election of 1888. He is past master of Petrolia Lodf^e, F. & A. M. , of which he was a charter member, and belongs to the chapter and commandery. During the invasion of the state by^ Lee's army he served in the Fourth Pennsylvania militia. _ HoRTON C. Sweeney occupies the quadruplex position in Oil City of comptroller, clerk of the common council, clerk of the select council, and clerk to the board of water commissioners. In October, 1888, he was called to the comptrollership to till out the unexpired term of his pre- decessor, and in April, 1889, as the Kopublican candidate he succeeded himself by a majority of seven hundred and twenty-six of the popular vote — running several hundred ahead of the general ticket. To the clerk- ship of both the common and select councils he Avas also chosen lirst to fill out unexpired terms — in the fall of 3888 — and for the regular terms, beginning in the spring of 1889, he was the choice of the majority of both assemblies. As clerk to the board of water commissioners he was chosen by that board March 22, 1889. Mr. Sweeney was born in Sacra- mento City, California, July 29, 1860, and is the only son of the late James Sweeney, who emigrated f rom Penn.sylvania to the "Golden State" in 1854, and died in Sacramento in 1862. His mother moved with him to Oil City in 1866, and here he has since made his home. He was edu- cated at the public schools of this place and at Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, Cattaraugus county, New York. With a view of adopting the legal profession, he read law some years in the office of William McNair, of Oil City, but his eye-sight failing him, he was forced to abandon his studies and seek other pursuits. For four years he followed the fortunes of the Oil Exchange, of which he is yet a member, and in 1888, as has been seen, he came into the public service. November 30, 1882, Mr. Sweeney was married in this city to Miss Catharine Jamison, and to this union has been born one child, Horton Jamison Sweeney. Thomas Nolan, agent for the Adams Express Company at Oil City, was born December 21, 1835, in County Tipperary, Ireland, son of Michael and Annastasa (McCormick) Nolan, natives of the same county. The family came to Syracuse, New York, in 1852, where the father was engaged as a book-keeper. His children were sixteen in number, eight of whom died in Ireland; eight came to America and four are now living. The parents were members of the Catholic church. Thomas Nolan was educated in the com- mon schools of his native country and learned the trade of chandler, begin- ning at the age of fifteen years. He immigrated to America in 1857, set- tled in Syracuse, New York, and there worked in a hotel for two years. He then came to Pennsylvania and after a few more years' experience in hotels, he was appointed to the general baggage department at Dunkirk, Chautau- 928 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. qua county, New York. After two years at this, in 1865, he was made United States Express agent at the same city. Four years later he was withdrawn from this position, and appointed express messenger on the Erie and Pittsburgh railroad, which position he held four years. After this he was employed on the Allegheny Valley railroad as express messenger from Pittsburgh to Oil City. F^ur years later he took charge of the Adams Ex- press office in Oil City, coming thither in 1874. He was married in 1886 to Miss Mary McDonnough of Dunkirk. He is now a member of the Oil City select council, serving his third consecutive year. He is a member of the C. M. B. A. and Catholic Knights; with his wife he belongs to the Catholic church, and is a Democrat. James N. Lewis, locomotive engineer, Allegheny Valley railway, is a na- tive of Usk. County Monmouth, South Wales, and was born on April 6, 1845. His parents both died when he was but an infant and he was placed under the care of a relative, from whom he ran away before he was a dozen years old. Making his way to the harbor he shipped in a sailing vessel in the East India service and subsequently served an apprenticeship of two years and a half as cabin boy and sailor. From the East Indiaman he was transferred to a merchant ship which landed him some time afterward in New York city. Here the civil war was then raging and young Lewis readily found ample scope for the gratification of his love of adventure. In March, 1863, he enlisted as a private soldier in Company C, Ninth New Yoi-k State National Guard, subsequently known as the Eighty- Third New York Volun- teer Infantry, and served until June 8, 1865, when, as the record shows, he was mustered out at Fairfax Seminary, Virginia, on account of disability from wounds received in action. As a member of the Eighty-Third regi- ment, Second division, First army corps, he j^articipated in the battle of Mine Run. He was next on duty with the Fifth corps on the Rapidan river in the winter of 1868 and spring of 1864. In May he was transferred to the Second brigade. Second division. Fifth corps. With this command he fought in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Laudhill, North Ann River, Tolopotomoy, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. In front of Peters- burg, June 18, 1864, a minie ball struck him in the breast, passing through his right lung and shattering three of his ribs. From the Eighty-Third he was transferred to the Ninety-Fourth New York, but saw no service with that regiment. He arrived at Pittsburgh June 18, 1865, and soon afterward began work as a laborer on the Allegheny Valley railway. He next took a job as fireman, and in March, 1868, was placed in charge of an engine. Thus it will be seen he has been over twenty-four years in the employ of this company, twenty years of the time as an engineer, and scores the re- markable record of not one accident during that period. Mr. Lewis is a member of the G. A. R. , was delegate to the grand encampment in Febru- ary, 1889, and in March, 1889, was appointed aide-de-camp to the command- BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CITY. 929 er in chief of the G. A. 11. for the state of Pennsylvania, and delegate to the national encampment at Milwaukee. He is also a member of the lioyal Arcanum, A. O. U. W. , and Knights of Maccabees, and has represented the Sixth ward in the select council of this city continuously since 1884. Mr. Lewis was married in Pittsburgh November 1(3, 1865, to Miss Sarah Thomas, and the children born to them are: Mary Alene, Mrs. J. H. Crnm; Alfred Gilmore; Edgar Martin; William J. ; Sarah Leona; Edith Viola, and Charles Price. L. R. Reed, manager of the Enterprise Milling Company, was born in Mercer county, this state, December 21, 1855, and is a son of the late Ed- ward Reed. He was brought up to the milling business and, beginning at Leech's Corners, in his native county, has followed it all his life, working at various places in Pennsylvania, Iowa, Illinois, etc. He came to Oil City in 1879, and for upward of two years had charge of the City mills. Sever- ing his connection with the City mills and associated with a Mr. McConuell, he constructed the property now known as the Enterprise mills, in 1883. Mr. Reed was married in Troy township, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1881, to Miss Ida E. Jennings, and has three children: Merle, Kate, and an infant, not named. John E. S. Macdougall, agent of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway at Oil City, was born in Greenock, Scotland, March 20, 1845, and came to the United States in 1863. He was educated in his native country and there began railroading. In New York city, in February, 1864, he en- listed as a private soldier in Company G, One Hundred and Fifteenth New York Volunteer Infantry, and served until July, 1865, most of the time de- tailed as clerk at Camp Distribution, Alexandi-ia, and New York harbor (Hart's Island). He has worked for the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, serving in various capacities at Raymilton and Franklin. He was appointed agent at Oil City in 1884. Mr. Macdougall was married at Frank lin December 16, 1880, to Mrs. Nancy C. Deets, nee Richey, and has three childi-en: Helen, Kenneth, and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Macdougall are members of the Presbyterian church, and the former is connected with several of the beneficiary societies. 930 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. CHAPTER XLVIII. BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. JUDGE JOHN KEATING, deceased, Avas born in Center county, Penn- sylvania, December 24, 1804, of Irish parentage. His early education embraced the rudiments usually taught in the common schools. He was reared upon a farm, and by careful observation and extensive reading accu- mulated a fund of valuable information ere reaching manhood. He removed from Center county to Murrinsville, Butler county, when about eighteen years of age. He was married in 1835 to Miss Catharine, daughter of Michael McCullough, of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, who bore him the following children: Hugh; Henry, deceased; Ann Cecilia, wife of N. Mackin, of Emlenton; Lizzie, wife of C. A. McCaflPerty, of Pittsburgh; Michael, deceased; Mary, deceased, and John, deceased. In 1836, Judge Keating removed to Emlenton and began merchandising. He was prominent in the early progress and development of the town, and promoted the erec- tion of the Emlenton bridge across the Allegheny river. In 1846 he built the Keating furnace about seven miles east of Emlenton, and ran it sviccess- fully while others failed, having one thousand acres of land to support his enterprise. This property finally became his permanent homestead. Having removed to Clarion county, he was, in 1866, elected an associate judge thereof, and served one term. In 1870 he became an oil producer, in which capacity he was very successful. His one thousand acres became a good field and his royalty was quite large. Judge Keating was a progressive, enterprising, and charitable man, a kind father and husband, and thoroughly respected by a large circle of friends. He was paralyzed in August, 1880, from the effects of which he died. He was a stanch Democrat, and through- out his life an earnest member of the Catholic church, giving largely of his means toward the support of that faith in western Pennsylvania. Jacob Teuby, deceased, was born at Warrior Mark, Centre county, Penn- sylvania, June 5, 1807, a son of Andrew Truby. His father and grand- father both came from Germany about the opening of the century. Jacob's early life was spent on the farm and working at an iron furnace, in both of which positions he acquired considerable practical skill. At the age of twelve he removed with his parents to a farm in Scrubgrass township, Ve- nango county, where he remained until the time of his marriage, at the age BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. 931 of twenty- five. During the winter moatlis he was permitted to attend the country school, and acquired the elements of an English education. He was married September 22, 1832, to Miss Lucy, daughter of Jesse and Abi- gail (Thrasher) Hotchkiss, natives of Connecticut. She was born in Mid dlesex, Genesee county. New York, June 29, 1816. Of this union were born the following children: Margaret, who married II. A. Forterfield, of Tidioute, Pennsylvania; Abigail H., wife of Andrew Weller, living near Tionesta; Katharine Jane, married to Samuel W. Crawford, of Emlenton; George W., deceased; Florence, wife of James Brice, of Allen town. New York; Mary E., and Cynthia, both deceased; Jacob M., of Fku-ida; Lucy A., deceased; John P., a resident of Bolivar, New York, and James Orson, oil producer, Emlenton. On the 1st of April, 1834, Mr. and Mrs. Truby removed from Scrubgrass to Emlenton, to superintend the hotel and ferry. He continued in the hotel business nine years, and then built the Truby warehouse, still standing on Water street, from which were supplied the stores for the furnaces in the adjacent country during a period of ten years. Mr. Truby was a captain of militia for seven years. Politically he was a Whig, and then a Republican. He was identified with the Methodist Episcopal church, and died April 17, 1884, in his seventy- seventh year. His widow resides on the old homestead in Emlenton, and though past the allotted period of life, still retains her primitive vigor to a wonderful decree. James O. Truby is the youngest son of Jacob and Lucy Truby, and was born in Emlenton, July 18, 1856. He attended its public schools, and in 1875 commenced the oil business, which he has since continued. November 20, 1879, he was married to Miss Mila A., daughter of Elias and Mary E. (Rickenbrode) Hennage, of Centerville, Venango county. They have two children : Jessie G. , and Etoil. Mr. Truby is a Republican and a member of the I. O. O. F. Joseph Weller, deceased, was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, Oc- tober 6, 1814, the son of John and Katie Weller. His father was married twice. By his first wife, Katie, he had seven children, five sons and two daughters, the daughters dying young. The names of the sons are: Adam; George; Benjamin; Joseph, and Peter, all of whom except George and Joseph are still living. By his second wife, Mary (Smith) Weller, he had seven children: Nathan, deceased; Andrew; Samuel; Caroline, married to William Hagerty; Jane, married first to Charles Zeigler, and after his death to Albert Shered of Emlenton; Emmeline, and John, deceased. John Weller died in Emlenton, whither he removed from Berks county in 1852, on the 22nd of October, 1873, in his eighty-seventh year. His second wife, born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, November 11, 1803, is living in Em- lenton, and is in her eighty-sixth year. Joseph Weller came to Emlenton in 1837, his capital consisting of about one hundred dollars in money, a tailor's goose and shears, a few needles, 932 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, and industrious habits. For a number of years he kept a store in a frame building on Water street. He then erected a stone distillery, the second one in the town. This structure was finally converted into a dwelling house, but now stands unoccupied. Mr. Weller cleared away the timber occupy- ing the east end of the site of Emlenton for the proj^rietor, Joseph Fox, and received as pay the crops for the ensuing three years. He raised wheat, rye, and corn in succession, and thus began to accumulate money. The dis- tillery. was erected during the second year of the clearing. When the war of the Rebellion broke out he had on hand a large supply of whiskey, from the duty of which he realized handsome profits. He was a successful busi- ness man whose every venture turned to gold. Mr. Weller was married twice, the first time to Miss Katie Hoover, who bore him five children, only one of whom, Henry William, of Forest county, is living. She lived eight years of married life, and was then laid to rest in the village graveyard. In May, 1846, he married Miss Angeline Will of Clarion county, who became the mother of ten children: Catharine and Sarah, both of whom died in infancy; John Adam, married to Mary E. Kerr, of Emlenton, and now residing in Richland township; Mary Ellen, wife of Jacob Truby, of Florida; Charles E., married to Sarah Reifsnyder, of Oil City, and residing in Emlenton; Edwards S., married to Efiie Mc- Ginness, now in business in Emlenton; Joseph Franklin; Emanuel D., mar- ried to Hulda Sloan, and residing in Emlenton; George Calvin, who mar- ried Anna Swan, and Emma A. , now a student in the Boston Conservatory of Music. Mr. Weller was a member of the Reformed church, and politi- cally an unswerving Democrat. His death occurred in Emlenton May 14, 1884, in his seventieth year. His widow resides in the commodious brick residence in Emlenton erected by him, and enjoys good health. Henry Allebach, deceased, was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, November 5, 1800, the son of Jacob and Verona Allebach. His early life was spent in his native county, engaged for a time in a woolen mill, and subsequently at Reading where he followed the jewelry business. In 1837 he removed to Beaver township, Venango county, now Clarion, to which place his parents had previously come. There he bought a farm and car- ried it on for a period of three years. In 1840 he located in Emlenton and engaged in the jewelry business for a number of years. He subsequently went into merchandising, but after four or five years returned to the jewelry line and continued in it nntil he retired from business in 1872. He was married November 30, 1823, in Berks county, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Christian Shaner. Their children are as follows: Maria, deceased wife of George Truby, deceased; Sarah, widow of John Sloan; Levi; Susan, wife of John C. Portertield, and Henry H. , deceased. Mrs. Sarah Allebach died in Emlenton January 3, 1888, aged eighty-six years, eleven months, and twenty days, her husband surviving her until September 25, 1888, and ^a-^. ^' BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. 1)35 dying in his eiglity-eighth your. Thoy wero members of th(^ Liithcriiii cbnrch and among the organizers of the Emlenton congregation. Elias Widle, deceased, was born in Lebanon, Lebanon county, Pennsyl- vania, September 25, 1809, the son of George and Sarah (Lasher) ^^'idle. He resided in his native place until he reached his nineteenth year, when he removed to Williamsville, near Buffalo, New York. Prior to his removal from Lebanon and subsequently at Williamsville, he obtained a common school education, and likewise learned the plasterer's trade which he subse- qiiontly followed. On the 25th of Januai'y, 1838, he married Miss Louisa M. , daughter of Robert and Margaret (Minor) Burts, of Williamsville. From this union sprang the following children: William E., baker and con- fectioner, Emlenton; Henry Jerome, who died in the army ; Eugene E., con- tractor and driller, Emlenton; John W., engineer in the Emlenton flouring mills; Benjamin J. ; George W. , and Mary Louisa, both deceased; Loren Burt, miller, Emlenton flouring mills, and Emanuel O., deceased. A few months subsequent to his marriage Mr. Widle removed to Perry county, Pennsyl- vania, where he resided about eight years. He then lived successively in Lancaster, Juniata, Union, and Venango counties; in the last named he dwelt for a time at Mariasville. and finally established himself in Emlenton, in 185-4, where he resided to his death, November 26, 1866. It ought to be said that Mr. Widle, about 1841, learned the foundry business and pros- ecuted it until the oil excitement began, after which he was an oil producer and speculator. He was first an old line Whig, with strong anti-slavery sentiments, and subsequently entered the Republican party. During the last thirty years of his life he was a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Widle was a liberal, public-spirited, and useful citizen of the community. His widow still survives him and is a resident of Emlenton. Chauncey Hamilton. — We are unable to trace, at present, the history of the Hamiltons back farther than the middle of the last century, though good reason exists for believing that the original stock came from Scotland shortly after the landing of the Pilgrims. In some of the family records we find this simple memorandum: "Joseph Hamilton, born September 7, 1700. Priscilla Hill, born September 7, 1762." When the Revolutionary war broke out Joseph gave his services to his country, a portion of the time as an ordi- nary soldier, and also as a commissary. In the latter capacity he supplied the American army with meat. A large supply being on hand in Boston when the war closed, he sustained a heavy pecuniary loss. Joseph and Priscilla had a family of twelve children. Chauncey, the subject of our sketch, was the second child. He received his education, which was considered excellent in those days, at an academy in Boston, which he attended four years. He was specially noted as a superi- or penman, specimens still in existence exhibiting all the neatness and system of copperplate. In 1821 Chauncey came west and stopped for a time at 52 936 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Franklin. Shortly thereafter he began to teach school near what was then called Anderson's furnace, but latterly Kennerdell. After completing one term he went to the neighborhood of Clintouville, where he spent some four years as a pedagogue. On the 26th of August, 1825, he was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Jane Yard, daughter of John Yard, a former resident of New York who removed to Venango county at the close of the war of 1812. After his marriage, Mr. Hamilton removed from near Clintonville to Harrisville, Butler county, where he spent some sis years in teaching and other pursuits. At the expiration of this period he purchased in Irwin township one hundred and sixty acres of ' ' donation land ' ' from an old soldier named Pemnan for two hundred dollars. In 1834 he removed to this land and began to improve it. His first residence was a quaint rectangular inclosure about twelve by sixteen feet, made by nailing boards to four trees fortunately placed, and covering the space with boards. The chimney was simply an open space inclosed by boards, but not covered. The door was made by suspending a quilt over an opening. This tabernacle answered the purpose from spring till autumn, when a round-log house took its place. It in turn was sup- planted about 1844 with a frame house which still stands and is occupied as a residence. Mr. Hamilton spent twenty-four years upon his farm, when, having sold it, he returned to Harrisville and engaged with his son, Joseph, in the foundry business. In this he continued until his son's entry into the Union army during the Rebellion required him to close out his interests. Sub- sequent to that time he never kept house, but resided with his children until the day of his death. His services as a teacher commanded the highest encomiums. The state school report for 1877 contains this just compliment: "He was a man of learning and ability, and a line educator. " He established one of the pioneer schools taught in Irwin township. The pupils came from adjoining districts, so popular was his work. As illustrative of his pedagogical experience, it is stated that while he was on a certain occasion about to punish two overgrown l)oys, they escaped from the school house. He pursued them two miles, captured and returned them to the building, where he administered the promised castigation. He was, under the school system of 1834, the first examiner for Irwin township, a position he continued to hold for about twenty years. It has been stated that Mr. Hamilton was married to Miss Jane Yard. This union resulted in the following children: Julian, born August 22, 1826; Hannah, born November 21, 1828; Joseph, born October 6, 1830; Ann Eliza, born October 18, 1832; and Benjamin Franklin, born June 21, 1838, prac- ticing physician in Emlenton. Mr. Hamilton died in Emlenton at the home of his son, Doctor Hamilton, on the 2nd of November, 1874, in his eighty- eighth year. His wife survived him until September 22, 1884. BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. 987 Joseph Hamilton, retired, was born at Harrisville, Butler county, Penn sylvania, October (), 1830, and is the third child of Chauncey and Jane (Yard) Hamilton. At the age of about four years he removed with his parents to Irwin township, Venango county, where he principally resided for about twenty-two years. He attended school in a log cabin under the direction of his father and others, and subsequently the Clintonvillo Academy. From his twentieth to his twenty-sixth year he taught school in Irwin and adjoining townships, and then removed to Harrisville. Mr. Hamilton has been twice married, first in 1858, his wife dying a year later. He was next united in matrimony to Miss Sarah A. , daughter of James and Rachel (Hall) Cummings, form*]y of Maryland, but then residents of western Pennsylvania. Four sons and one daughter were the fruits of this union, the daughter and youngest son being dead. Of the remaining sons, Edwin C. and Frank E. are clothing merchants in Emlenton, while Henry A, is the postmaster of the borough, having been appointed by President Arthur and re- appointed by Harrison. Mr. Hamilton spent a poi'tion of his later life in merchandising and the oil business. During the Rebellion he served as a member of Company I, Sixth Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, from July, 1864, to July, 1865. He and wife and family reside in Emlenton. He has been identified with the Whigs and Republicans in politics, and the Methodist Episcopal church in religion, James W. Rowland, banker, was born in Mahoning township, Law- rence county, Pennsylvania, April 16, 1888, the oldest son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Murdock) Rowland. He is of Scotch-Irish and German extrac- tion. His paternal grandparents, William and Mary (Stillwagon) Row- land, were natives of Beaver county, Pennsylvania. The former was of Irish descent, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. His wife was of German ancestry. Their family consisted of the following children: Henry; Jacob; Ann, married to George Kelly; Mary, married to I. P. C. Murdock; Thomas; William; John, and James. Mr. Rowland's maternal grandparents were James and Naomi (Mitchell) Murdock. Their family consisted of Ann, who married W. P. Byles; Elizabeth, who married Jacob Rowland, and I. P. C. James Murdock was of Scotch descent and a native of Washington county, Pennsylvania. Naomi Mitchell was born and reared near Finleyville in that county. She was first married to George McWilliams, by whom she reared a family, and after his death married James Murdock. She was compelled to make several trips in the pack-saddle to Philadelphia and return with salt and flour to support her family. Jacob Rowland, the father of our siibject, was a farmer, and removed to Lawrence county, then Mercer, in 1829, and assisted his father to open a farm in the dense forest. He afterward established a home for himself on the adjoining tract. He was an industrious, public-spirited citizen, and 938 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, during the war was one of the county commissioners who saved a large sum of money to his constituents by refusing to levy a tax and pay interest on what they considered fraudulent railroad bonds. He died February 17, 1885, in his seventy-fourth year. His widow still survives him, and is living at present on the farm near Pulaski station. Their family consisted of seven children: James W. ; Naomi, deceased; Rebecca; Mary, deceased; Seraphina, deceased; Mahlon, and George K. James W. Rowland was educated in the common schools of his native county, and subsequently took a course of training in DuflP's Commercial College, Pittsburgh. He lived on a farm until he was twenty-five years old. In 1863 he removed to Oil City, and soon thereafter engaged with W. A. Cooper, of Franklin, in the grocery and express business. In 1868 he entered the First National Bank of Franklin as book-keeper and afterward teller, but after one year embarked in merchant tailoring. In 1873 he came to Emlenton to open the Emlenton Bank, of which he has since been cashier, and from that date has been a resident of the borough. Mr. Row- land has been interested in many of the enterprises of his adopted town, and in many others even beyond the limits of the state. He became interested in the Emlenton and Shippenville Railroad Company, and for many years was a director, secretary, and treasurer of that corporation. He was one of the projectors of the Oil City Fuel-Supply Company, in which he still holds the position of director; he became equally interested in the Emlenton Gas Light and Fuel Company, and is its president. He is also president of the Union Light and Heat Company of Foxburg and of the Union Improvement Company, Morgantown, West Virginia. Since 1883 he has been a stockholder and director in the Norfolk and Virginia Beach Railroad Company, which is the owner of the seaside resort near Norfolk, Virginia. Mr. Rowland was married February 20, 1868, to Miss Sarah P. McDowell, of Franklin, daughter of Parker and Livinia (Titus) McDowell, of the same town, and granddaughter of Jonathan and Mary (Martin) Titus, the former of whom was the founder of Titusville, Pennsylvania. Parker McDowell was a son of Colonel Alexander and Sarah (Parker) McDowell, who removed from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and thence to Franklin in 1794. For a more particular account of Colonel McDowell the reader is referred to Chapter XXI of this work. This union has been blessed with two children: Harry W., and Fred J., both of whom are assisting their father in the bank. Mr. Rowland is an active member of the Masonic order and an earnest Republican. Alexander B. Crawford, retired, is the eldest son of Ebenezer and Jan- nette (Grant) Crawford. He was born in Perry township, Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, April 18, 1815. Being the eldest member of the family his services were required on the homestead farm until he was twenty- three years of age. Meantime, however, he attended the old-fashioned pio- BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. 939 neer log school house fit intervals, and there acquired a rudimental English education. At the age of twenty-three he began to learn the carpenter' s trade, and pursued that calling without interruption in Venango and adjoining counties for half a century. On the 15th of September, 1842, he married Miss Marcraret, daughter of John Anderson of Scrubgrass township, Butler county, and the same year became a resident of Emlenton, which at that time contained only about half a dozen families. From this union have sprung three children: Sarah, who married John McCombs, of the firm of Porterlield & McCombs of Emlenton, and died December 13, 1875; E. J., an oil producer, and John Anderson, who married a daughter of James Bennett, president of the Bank of Emlenton. In 1836 Mr. Crawford cast his first presidential ballot for Harrison, and in 1888 he voted for Benjamin Harrison, the grandson of "Tippecanoe." All his life he has been identi- fied with the Whig and Republican parties, and has followed the general bent of the Crawfords in adhering to the Presbyterian faith. The evening of their days he and his wife spend in their quiet Emlenton home. E. J. Crawford, second child of Alexander B. and Margaret (Anderson) Crawford, was born in Emlenton May 27, 1845. He attended the schools of his native village and learned the carpenter's trade with his father, which he followed until 1870. He then engaged in the furniture business in Confluence, Somerset county, Pennsylvania. Closing out in 1874 he went into oil producing in Venango county, and has continued that busi- ness ever since. He was married January 9, 1867, to Miss Alice J., daughter of Eoland and Harriet E. (Whitehill) Pation, then of Emlenton. They have had nine children: Horace P. ; Harriet E. ; Maggie V. ; Maud L. ; Ida Blanche; Alexander B., deceased; Roland, deceased; Birdella, deceased, and Colonel E. J. Mr. Crawford is a Republican, and a member of the I. O. O. F. Samuel W. Crawford, oil producer, is the eleventh child and sixth son of Ebenezer Crawford, and was born August 20, 1829, at the old homestead in Armstrong county. His education was such as the country schools af- forded. He learned the carpenter's trade but never followed it for any length of time. In 1854 he went to California and engaged in mining for eight years, mainly in Calaveras, Merced, and Tuolumne counties. In 1862 he went to Idaho, and remained several years. In 1865 he returned to Em- lenton, and for four years engaged with his brothers Eben and A. H., George Livingston, and D. D. Moriarty in the foundry business, then fell into line with the community and began oil producing. On the 19th of April, 1866, he was married to Miss Jane Catharine Truby of Emlenton. As a result of this union they have had four children: Harry J. ; Edwin O.. and Gertrude E., still living, and Louie L., deceased. Politically Mr. Crawford is a Republican, and like most of the name a member of the Pres- byterian church. 940 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. A. H. Crawford, Jr., oil producer, is a son of Ebenezer and Jannette (Grant) Crawford. He was born February 15, 1835, in Armstrong county, Pennsylvania. His early life was spent on his father's farm, and he at- tended the country schools during the winter season. In 1861 he located in Franklin, Pennsylvania, and for fifteen years was engaged in the oil busi- ness. In 1876 he removed to Emlenton where he has since resided. In January, 1858, he married Miss Martha J. , daughter of William and Rebecca (Davidson) Ross, of Rockland township, Venango county. From this union have sprung seven children: Evan, Jeannette, and Edwin, all deceased; Louis G. , infant, deceased; Lily; Mary, and Frank E. Mr. Crawford is an independent Republican and has served in the borough council for several years. He is also a member of the A. O. U. W. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian church. T. A. MoRAN, deceased, was born November 29, 1846, in County Mayo, Ireland, and was a son of James Moran, a native of the same county. He came with his parents to America when but a small boy. His father's family consisted of T. J., first husband of Mrs. Mackin; Mary, married to Austin Cannon; Anna, marriedto John Munh all; Cecilia, married to Martin Ho wley ; T. A., subject of this sketch; James; P. H. , and Ella, marriedto P. Moran, of Pittsburgh. Mr. Moran was married in Richland county, Wisconsin, February 4, 1869, to Miss S. C. Loughney, daughter of Roger and Marcella (McDonald) Loughney. Roger Loughney was a native of County Mayo, Ireland, where he was born February 4, 1802. His family consisted of five daughters and two sons : John, a resident of Wisconsin; Mary, wife of Owen O'Malley of the same state; P. J., a resident of Pittsburgh; Sadie C, widow of T. A. Moran; Anna, married to John Timlin, of Kilborn City, Wisconsin; B. F., deceased; and Jennie M., wife of T. S. Flynn, of Pittsburgh. Mr. Loughney immigrated to America with his family in 1864, and located in Irontou, Wisconsin, where he purchased an excellent farm upon which he resided until his death, May 9, 1889, at the age of eighty-seven years and three months. His widow still survives him, and is a model of vigor and health. Mrs. Moran was born in Ireland September 29, 1847, and received her education in the schools of her native land and Wisconsin. At the time of his marriage Mr. Moran was a merchant of Pittsburgh, and came to Em- lenton in 1870 where he engaged in merchandising. His store was burnt down in September, 1871, and he went into the hotel business, commencing in the Valley house. In August, 1876, he purchased the Crawford house, a four-story building, and intended to occupy it as a hotel the following April, but his death occurred October 10, 1876, and thus frustrated his de- signs. The building was destroyed by fire in February, 1877. With com- mendable zeal and energy his widow undertook the erection of the present commodious and comfortable brick structure in April, 1877, and opened it to the public the following November. She has since managed it in a highly BIOailArillES OF EMLENTON. ^ 941 successful manner. Five children were born to T. A. and S. C. Moran: Mary Cecilia, deceased; James Edward; Ko<^er William, deceased; Blanche, and Genevieve. The whole family on each side of the house are members of the Catholic chiu-ch, in which faith her husband lived and died. Thomas Butterfield, deceased, whose widow and two sons are residents of Emlenton, was a member of a family whose connections have attained considerable distinction in this country. In their ranks were General Daniel Butterfield, of Lookout Mountain fame, and Butterfield Brothers, who or- ganized and operated the Butterfield overland express. Thomas was the oldest child of Giles and Margaret (Waddle) Butterfield. and was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, August 80, 1814. His father was a native of Vermont; his mother, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. The remaining members of his father's family were: Mary; Lavinia; Clark; Giles, and Sarah Jane. Our subject received a common school education, subsequently learned the trade of miller, and followed successfully through life the business of conducting a merchant flouring mill at Livermore, in his native county. A barrel of his flour, made by the old process and exhibited at the World's Fair in London, England, in 1851, took first prize. Though a strong Republican he attended scrupulously to his personal affairs, and never permitted himself to be a candidate for any office. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and an elder in that organization ^or thirty years prior to his death, which occurred October 10, 1880. Mr. Butterfield was married September 28, 1837, to Miss Nancy, daugh- ter of Jacob and Margaret (McLaughlin) Bush, of Blairsville, Pennsylvania. Mr. Bush was a native of Baden, Prussia, and his wife of Chester county, this state. The fruit of this union was six children: Taxeina, married fivst to John G. Hart, who was killed in the battle of Gaines' Mills, and next to Conrad Mixner, of Pittsburgh; Thomas H., member of Company E, Eleventh Pennsylvania Reserves, a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and afterward a practicing physician who died February 20, 1876; Israel G., agent pf the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company, at Em- lenton; Giles, merchant at Tionesta; Margaret, married to William Walton, of Moorestown, New Jersey, and Sylvester, assistant agent at Emlenton. Mrs. Nancy Butterfield nee Bush, was born at Blairsville, Pennsylvania, July 26, 1817. She still survives her husband, and is a consistent member of the Emlenton Presbyterian church. Thomas J. Eakin, oil producer, was born December 19, 1840, on the old homestead in Clinton township, the fourth child of David and Rebecca Eakin. He lived at home until June 5, 1866, when he married Miss M. A. Coulter and began to farm on adjoining lands. This he did iintil 1874, when he bought £he old homestead and occupied it until 1886, and then selling his land removed to Franklin. He remained in the county seat until April 1, 1889, when he removed to Emlenton, his present home. Septem- 942 ,. HISTORY OF»YENANGO COUNTY. ber 9, 1862, Mr. Eakin enlisted in Company E, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served with it in the Army of the Potomac. He was detailed in the commissary department, and participated with his regiment in the en- gagements at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and A})pomattox. He was mustered out at Lynch- burg, Yirginia, June 17, 1865. Mr. Eakin held several of the minor offices in his native township, among the number being justice of the peace, and served as county commissioner from January, 1882, to January, 1888. From his marriage to Mary A. Coulter ten children have been born to them: Mary Alice; Charles P. ; Elizabeth May; Sarah A. ; Howard J. ; David B. ; Thomas J., Jr. ; Martha; Marshall, and Caroline, deceased. Mr. Eakin belongs to the K. of H., and is an active supporter of the Democratic party. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and their four oldest children are also Presbyterians. L. M. Hale, oil and gas producer and supplier, is a son of Daniel and Caroline (Fritz) Hale, and Avas born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, Octo- ber 26, 1855. His father was born on the same farm; his grandfather, Ja- cob Hale, was one of the pioneers of that county, whence he came from the eastern part of the state. In those days the people received their supplies from Franklin, to which place they had to go along a trail, exposed to the dangers of frontier life. His family consisted of his wife; who was formerly a Miss Knight, seven sons, and four daughters: Jacob; John; George; Daniel; Gideon; Joseph; Jonah; Katie; Mollie, and two daughters who died young. Jacob died in 1871, in his eighty-third year. His son Daniel, father of our subject, was married to Caroline Fritz in 1850, who bore him the following children: Franklin F. ; Lyman M. ; Ursinus, deceased; Mary F., wife of Lewis Wolfe, of Akron, Ohio; Liviua, married to Charles Way, of Akron; William E. ; Cora I., and Albert. He was a farmer, and died September 23, 1888, aged fifty-seven, and his widow is still a resident of Emlenton. Our subject was educated in the country schools, and then took a course in the Iron City College, at Pittsburgh. Soon after leaving school he engaged in the news and stationery business at Turkey City, then a thriv- ing oil town. Subsequently, from 1875 to 1877, he resided at Sacramento, California. Returning in the latter year, he engaged in the oil business, and has pursued it ever since with varying success. In 1883 he located in Emlenton, and united insurance business with his other affairs. He was married June 5, 1878, to Miss Lizzie Depue, of near Conneautville, Craw- ford county, who has borne liim five children: Homer D. ; Gay; Jessie M. ; Lyman M. , and Edward E. He is a member of the Masonic order, and po- litically independent. G. M. Sheifer, manufacturer, was born in Venango county, June 19, 1847. He is the second child of Jacob and Sarah (Lynn) Sheffer, both of whom are still living in Rockland township. They are natives of West- BIOGRAPHIES OF :piLENTON. 943 moreland and Lycomint^ countioH, respectively. 'J'ht'ir rainily cousiKts of the followint^ children: Mary, married to Henry \\'el)l)(n" G. M. ; John B. ; ]5ar bara Ellen, deceased wife of Clark Cummini^s; Haunab M. , wife of William Criswell, of Iowa; Cbarles M. ; Benjamin F. ; William M, deceased, and Ulysses Gary. Jacob Sbett'or came to Venango county with his parents, John and Barbara (Best) Shoffer, in 1822, at the age of eight years, his birth having occurred January 20, 1814. They located in that part of Clarion formerly included in Venango. With the exception of two years he has been living in this county ever since. Our subject was reared a farmer and re- ceived his education in the country schools. February 17, 1864, he enlisted in Company L, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and joined the Army of the Potomac at Arlington, in June following. Before getting into active service he was taken down with typhoid fever and sent to the hospital at Gysbor- ough Point. Recovering he spent some time at home on furlough, and re- turned to his command, and was put on duty in Washington. He was discharged in June, 1865. After the war he worked on a farm for several years, then engaged in drilling oil wheels until 1878, when he began his pres- ent business of engine repairing, first at Pickwick, Clarion county, whence he removed in 1882 to Emlenton. Mr. Sheffer was married April 22, 1875, to Miss Sarah Eleanor, daughter of William N. and Jane (Armstrong) Myers. They have had six children: Hattie L., deceased; Bertha F. ; J.A.G. ; Stella; Plumer N. , and William O. B. Mr. and Mrs. Sheffer are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and also of the Royal Templars of Temperance. He is an Odd Fellow, and in politics a Prohibitionist. J. R. Donnelly, grocer, son of James and Maria (Frew) Donnelly, was born in Chartiers township, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, June 25. 1842. His father was a native of Ireland and came to America in 1817. He was the second in a family of four sons and three daughters: Hugh; James; John; Charles; Martha Jane, deceased wife of William Davis of Ashta- bula, Ohio; Maggie, married to Mr. Sykes of the same city; and Eliza, who married Joseph Lenhart of Meadville, Pennsylvania. The only survivor is Maggie. The family of James Donnelly consisted of three daughters and one son, as follows: Martha Emma, married to Benjamin Day of Olmstead county, Minnesota; J. R. , of Emlenton; Eliza Jane, deceased wife of John Lytle of Franklin, Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth Ann, who died in Cleveland, Ohio. J. R. Donnelly lived on a farm in Allegheny county until eight years of age, then removed with his parents to Butler county, three years afterward to Mercer county, and finally to Venango. His primary education was ob- tained in the common schools of these several counties. He also attended New Lebanon Academy for about a year and a half, and likewise took a commercial course at Iron City College, at Pittsburgh, after the war, his funds being the savings of his army life. He entered the Union service 944 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. April 27, 1861, and spent several months at Camp Dennison, Ohio. On the 12th of July, 1862, he entered Company A, One Hundred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, and participated in the following important engage- ments: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. He was at Ford' s theater in Washington at the time of the assassination of President Lincoln, and witnessed that terrible tragedy. His discharge bears date August 28, 1865. He taught in the schools of Mercer and Venango counties from 1858 to 1862, and subsequent to the war from 1866 to 1872. In the latter year he began business in Emlenton, where he has since continued. In July, 1873, his partnership with D. D. Moriarty ceased to exist on account of the destruction of their business house by fire. In the autumn of the same year he started in business for himself and carried it on till March, 1888, when he was again burned out, but has since rebuilt. Mr. Donnelly was married September 26, 1867, to Miss Mary E. Calvert of Venango county. Four children are the fruits of this union: Charles Dixon, deceased; Lynn Otis; Maggie Amelia, and Mattie Cecilia, twins, the first being dead. Mrs. Donnelly died May 26, 1882. Politically he is a Repub- lican, a member of the G. A. R., I. O. O. F., and A. O. U. W., and the family belong to the Presbyterian church. Ernest L. Godfrey, grocer, was born in New York city, February 14, 1854. His father w^as Louis Godfrey and his mother Anna (O'Neal) God- frey. The former was born in Paris, France, in 1816, and his wife in Bel- fast, Ireland, in 1832. She died in Broad township, Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, in 1862, aged thirty years. Louis Godfrey fled from France in 1850 to avoid the persecution of Louis Napoleon, he being Republican in sentiment and conse(p-iently obnoxious to the new ruler of the French people. Arriving in America he began business in New York city, and was very suc- cessful in increasing the liberal sum of money with which he came to this country. While in New York he met and married Miss O'Neal, in 1852 or 1853. He died in New York in 1854, from heart disease brought on through a sudden shock from the loss of his wealth by unwittingly lending a large sum of money on Sunday, thus invalidating the claim. Ernest L. , the sub- ject of this sketch, removed with his mother at the age of one year to Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, where he lived with her until her death in 1862. He then worked as a miner for twenty -two years, with the excep- tion of a brief period in 1864-65 when he carried bread from Charlestown to Camp Piatt in West Virginia, for the Union soldiers. He then came to Venango county in 1874, and has been a resident thereof ever since, a por- tion of the time as a farmer, and during the last few months as a grocer in Emlenton. He was married June 10, 1879, to Miss Sarah, daughter of William Hagerty, of Emlenton. They have had four children, three of whom are living: Agnes E. ; Martha Pearl, and William Earl. Mr. God- frey and wife are members of the Reformed church and politically he is a Republican. BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. 045 Andrew Cuumley, oil producer, was born in Frederick ccjuiity, June 18, 1845, the son of Henry and Adaline Cruiuley. He has been avcHident of Venango county for eight years, and of Emlenton one. Mr. Crumley was married July 15, 1879, to Miss May, daughter of Addison and Mary Hud- son, of Clarion county, Pennsylvania. This union resulted in the birth of three children: Annie, Alonzo, and Allen. Mr. Crumley's ancestors were Quakers. He is not a member of any church, but his wife is a Methodist. He is a Republican, and one of the well-to-do citizens of the borough. J. M. McClelland, medicine dealer, was born near Apollo, Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, December 5, 1833. His ancestry is Irish Presby- terian, his grandparents being representatives of that stock. His paternal o-randparents came from the Eastern part of the state in 1798, and located in what is now Indiana county, between Saltzburg and Elder's Ridge. Their family consisted of four children: Samuel; John; James, and Rachel. John, the second child, was married to Hannah Kerr, by whom he had these children: Elizabeth Ann, deceased; J. M. ; Margaret, married to Samuel Alcorn; Martha E., wife of John Shoemaker; William K. ; Hannah M., mar- ried to Joseph Fulton, and Thomas, deceased. The father died in September, 1873, in his eightieth year. Our subject is the second child of John and Hannah McClelland, and received a limited education in the .rural schools of his native county. He lived on a farm until 1864; fi-om 1864 to 1869 he was engaged in the grocery business in Indiana, Pennsylvania; from 1869 to 1877 he followed farming on the old homestead, and since the latter date has been a resident of Emlenton, traveling much of his time for the Emlenton Medicine Company. He was married March 22, 1856, to Miss Julia A., daughter of John G. and Jane E. (Jamison) Thompson, of Clarksburg, Indiana county. John G. Thompson was the oldest son of Moses Thompson by his first wife, Jennie Jamison, the second son being Robert. John G. was married twice; by his first wife, Eliza (Kincaid) Thompson, he had two children: William M., and Edwin E. By his second wife, Jennie (Jamison) Thompson, he had eight children: Julia A.; Emma J.; Martha L. ; Jessie J.; Harriet R. ; Maria L. ; Nancy J., and Teresa K. Mrs. Thompson died in 1881 in her seventieth year, and her husband in 1883, in his eighty-fifth year. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. McClelland has been blessed with six children: Lou E. ; J. T. ; Ida M. ; Howard J. ; Jennie F. , and J. B. The family are adherents of the Pres- byterian church. Mr. McClelland is a member of the I. O. O. F., and politically an ardent Prohibitionist. John R. Cubbison, carpenter, was born in Venango county. May 1, 1835, the son of Alexander and Sarah (Ritchey) Cubbison. His parents were early settlers of Richland township where his father was a miller by trade. Our subject was married January 10, 1856, to Miss Addaline Mid- dleton of Scrubgrass township. The result of this union is the birth of 946 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, eight children, two of whom are dead. The living are: Mary, married to Edward Birtcil of Franklin, and E. H., editor of the Emlenton Neivs: Fi- delia, married to S. H. Fowler; Alice; Lizzie, and Blanche. Mr. Cubbison is a Republican in politics. E. H. Cubbison, editor and publisher of the Emlenton Neius, was born August 7, 1863, and educated in the public schools. He learned the print- ing trade in his native town and started the Neivs, which he has since edited and published. May 14, 1885. He married Miss Alice Pendlebury April 10, 1886. Mr. Cubbison is recognized as one of the enterprising, en- ergetic, and successful young journalists of the Allegheny valley. Uriah Sloan, lumber dealer and manager of planing mill, was born in Venango township, Butler county, Pennsylvania, September 27, 1840. He is a son of Joseph and Eleanor (Leslie) Sloan. His father was a member of a family consisting of nine sous and two daughters: Samuel; James; John; David; Henry; Robert; Joseph; Thomas; Andrew; Elizabeth, who married Alexander Grant, and Jane, married to James Jolly. The family of Joseph consisted of five sons and three daughters : Marilda, married to Robert Crawford; George; James Washington and Samuel Ephraim, twins; Uriah; Mary Ann, married to E. C. Parks; Eliza Jane, married to William Scott; Finley, and Ephraim, killed at Five Forks, Virginia, in March, 1865. Uriah Sloan received his education in the schools of Cherry Valley, Butler county, and lived on a farm until 1858, when he learned the trade of wagon making. In 1859 he began to drill for oil, and continued in the business until the breaking out of the Rebellion. He entered the Union service Sep- tember 24, 1861, as a member of Company B, One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volunteers. He served in the Army of the Potomac and in the sub-district oF the Albemarle, North Carolina. He was with McClellan in the Peninsula campaign, 1862, and subsequently participated in the battles of Kingston, Goldsboro, and White Hall, North Carolina. April 20, 1864, his entire regiment was captured at Plymouth, North Carolina, and he suffered a loathsome imprisonment at Andersonville, Georgia, and Charlestown and Florence, South Carolina, until February, 1865. His time having expired he returned to his home in Butler county. He was married May 6, 1868, to Miss Sarah, daughter of David E. Perry, of Scrubgrass township. The fruit of this union is eight children: Frank L. ; Norman P. ; Warren L. ; Hattie E. ; Hill and Forrest, twins; Alonzo, and an infant daughter. In 1867 he began milling in Emlenton, and in 1875 he bought the old Presbyterian church and converted it into the factory which he has since operated. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, a Republican in politics, and belongs to the G. A. R. Isaac Shakely, blacksmith, born August 21, 1842, in Parker township, Butler county, Pennsylvania, is a son of John and Catharine (Reep) Shakely, natives of Butler county, of German descent. His father's family con- BIOGRAPHIES OF ExMLENTON. 947 sisted of five brothers and two sisters: David M. ; Isaac; John C. ; Solo- mon R. ; Fannie E. ; Sarah Jane, and Simon M. His father died on the homestead in April, 1852, and his mother in November, 1884. Our subject lived on the farm with his parents until he went to learn the blacksmith's trade in Middlesex, Armstrong county, in 1859. During his youth he at- tended the country school and secured the rudiments of an education. He continued to work at his trade until he went into the army, in August, 1802, as a member of Company B, One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volun- teers. His army life was quite eventful. Enlisting at Kittanning he was sent to join his regiment at Suffolk, Virginia, where it was serving under Generals Gihnore and Foster, in the department of North Carolina. He was with his regiment in the engagements at Black Water, Virginia; Kings- ton, Whitehall, and Goldsboro, North Carolina, and was finally captured with his entire brigade at Plymouth, North Carolina, April 20, 1864, an ac- count of which appears in another chapter. He was taken to Andersonville prison, where he remained until September 10th, thence to Charleston, South Carolina, thence to Florence, where he was paroled December 10th of the same year. When he entered Andersonville he weighed one hundred and eighty-eight pounds, but when he left Florence he tipped the scales at sixty- two pounds. His health was much impaired by his prison life. After pa- role and recuperation in parole camp at Annapolis, Maryland, he rejoined his regiment at Newbern, North Carolina, in April, 1865, and was mustered out June 21st of that year. Returning from the army, he located in Em- lenton and resumed his trade. Mr. Shakely was married February 14, 1867, to Miss Sarah Jane Shoup, of St. Petersburg, Pennsylvania. From this union have sprung twelve children, eight of whom are still living: Ninna V. ; Cariy E. ; Frederick Morton; Nettie N. ; Frank Z. ; Wade B. ; Chester A. A. , and Meade E. He has served as constable, councilman, and school director in the borough, and is an ardent member of the Republican party and an adherent of the Reformed church. N. Mackin, oil producer and proprietor of the Moran house, was born in Oneida county, New York, November 22, 1836, his parents being Michael and Mary (McLaughlin) Mackin. Both his father and his grandfather, whose names also were Michael, came from County Longford, Ireland, his parents arriving in this country about 1825. Mr. Mackin' s early life was spent on a farm. He attended the common schools for a time and then took special training in a select school under Professor H. P. Willard, of Boone- ville, Oneida county, New York. From 1860 to 1865 he taught in Weston, Oneida county. In 1869, after having spent four years as assistant clerk in the Continental hotel, Philadelphia, he came to Pithole, Venango county, and has ever since been engaged as an oil producer in Venango, Warren, Clarion, Bradford, and Butler counties, Pennsylvania, and Allegany county, New York. Mr. Mackin was married November 25, 1880, to Mrs. A. C. 94:8 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Moran, widow of Timothy Moran, founder of the Moran house, Emlenton. Mrs. Mackin is a daughter of Judge Johu Keating, one of the most promi- nent pioneers of the town, where he resided many years. Politically Mr. Mackin has always acted with the Democratic party, his first vote having been cast for Stephen A. Douglas in 1860. On the 10th of December, 1888, he was appointed postmaster of Emlenton by President Cleveland, but the senate failing to approve the appointment, he never held the position. He bears strong testimonials from Governors A. G. Curtin and Horatio Sey- mour as to his personal worth and ability. Mr. Mackin has always been a strong friend and advocate of education, and both he and wife are members of the Catholic church. Patrick Craton, proprietor of St. Cloud hotel, Emlenton, was born in County Clare, Ireland, January 18, 1840, the son of John and Margaret (Killin) Craton. In 1844. the entire family came to America and settled in East Troy, New York. In 1853 the family removed to Lock Haven, Penn- sylvania, where they kept a hotel. In 1864, John died leaving a widow who still survives him and is now a resident of Napoleon, Pennsylvania, likewise six sons and two daughters: Michael; Mary Ann; Thomas; Johanna; John; Patrick; James, and Cornelius. Two had died in Ireland: Daniel and Margaret. Of those who came to America, all except Mary Ann and James are still living. Patrick, our subject, left Lock Haven in 1866, and came to Emlenton. For six years he was in charge of a section on the Allegheny Valley railroad. In 1872 he purchaced the old Exchange hotel, which had been erected by James S. Hagerty some twenty years pre- viously. It burning down in 1879, he at once began its rebuilding under the name of the St. Cloud hotel, a larger and grander structure on the same site. It has been owned by him ever since, and except the years 1883 and 1884, has been managed by him. January 31, 1869, he was married to Miss Bridget Casey, of Franklin. They have had eight children, five of whom only are living: John M. ; Margaret E. ; Thomas M. ; Patrick H., and Cor- nelius. Mr. and Mrs. Craton are both members of St. Michael's Catholic church. He was formerly a Democrat, but cast his first Republican vote in 1888 for Harrison and Morton. H. K. Stevens, oil producer, was born in Tarentum, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, February 6, 1843, the second child of L. M. and Mary (Tingloy) Stevens, of Tarentum. His father's family consisted of five chil- dren: Emaline, married to Thomas Wellsby, of Rockland, Venango county; H. K. ; Henry Louis, deceased; Lawrence, and Robert. The parents are both living in Tarentum, the father being extensively engaged in the lum- ^ber business. Our subject lived in Tarentum, and attended the high school until June 3, 1863, when he enlisted in Company F, Sixty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers. He served with the Sixth corps in the Army of the Potomac, participating in the following engagements: Rappahannock Station, Wil- BIOGRAPHIES OF EMLENTON. 949 derness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. The corps was then placed under command of Sheridan and served with him around W'ashing- ton and in the Shenandoah valley, engaging in the battles of Fort Ste- phens, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek. It then returned to Petersburg, engaging in the remaining battles of the east. Mr. Stevens was wounded twice, first in the Wilderness and next at Cold Harbor. Dur- ing the latter part of his service, he held the rank of sergeant. He was discharged at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July eS, 1865. In 1807 he went to Pleasantville and engaged in tank building for some twelve years. During' the last ten years he has been operating in oil in McKean, Venano-o, and Butler counties. June 8, 1876, he was joined in marriage to Miss Lizzie Maybee, daughter of James and Ellen Maybee, of Great Valley, New York. Mr. Stevens is connected with the G. A. K. , and affiliates strongly with the Republican party. H. E. Bradley, supervisor on the Allegheny Valley railroad, son of Henry and Mary A. (Leet) Bradley, was born in North Haven, Connecticut, May 16, 1833. The original Bradley family came from the North of Eng- land early in the last century, and consisted of four brothers, who settled in Connecticut. The paternal ancestors of our subject were Henry, the son of Whiting, the son of James, the son of Nathaniel Bradley. James Brad- ley married a Miss Alcott, an aunt of Bronson Alcott, of national fame as author and philosopher. The father of our subject was a son of Whiting and Elizabeth (Parker) Bradley, whose family consisted of the following children: Jesse; Henry; Harriet, who married L. L. Bishop, and Abijah. Henry Bradley was married to" Miss Mary A. Leet, daughter of George Leet, of Leet's island, Connecticut, who was born in the original house in which Governor Leet lived, and of whom he was a direct descendant. From this union sprang four children: a daughter who died in infancy; Henry E. ; Annie B. , married to Nelson W. Hine of New Haven, and Fred- erick C. Our subject lived in the village of North Haven, where he attended the public schools and assisted his father in a general store until the breaking oiit of the Rebellion. In August, 1862, he joined Company D, Fifteenth Connecticut Volunteers, and served with various commands in Virginia for fourteen months, when he was discharged for disability at Portsmouth. During the latter part of his service he acted as foragemaster, receiving and shipping the feed for six thousand animals. When the war closed Mr. Bradley took charge of a part of the work of building Fort Hale, in New Haven harbor. In December, 1867, he came west, and was appointed super- visor on the Allegheny Valley railroad in January following, which posi- tion he has ever since held. His successive residences have been Kittan- ning, Franklin, and Emlenton. April 13, 1870, he married Miss Sarah B., daughter of Alexander and Margaret (Graham) Henry of Kittanning, Penn- 950 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. sylvania, who has borne him the following children: James Harry, Nellie Graham, and Bessie Hine. Mr. Bradley has served as burgess of Emlen- ton one term, and fourteen years as councilman. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a Republican in politics, and with his wife belongs to the Presbyterian church. A. D. Gates, liveryman, is a son of Jacob and Jane (Downing) Gates, and was born at Gates' Landing, Venango county, February 28, 1835. His father was a native of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, and his mother of Clarion •county, and they were married in Venango county. Jacob was a great hunter and made much money shipping furs to Pittsburgh, returning in his canoe with salt and flour. In later years he was a lumber and shingle dealer. He had two brothers and four sisters: John; George; Jane; Nancy; Polly, and Mary. His family consisted of the following children: Mary Ann and William, deceased; Martha; John, deceased; Catharine; G. W., deceased; Jacob R. ; A. D. ; Nelson, deceased; R. D. , and S. T. Mr. Gates lived at Gates' Landing until the day of his death, which occurred about 1844. Our subject from early youth was accustomed to life on the Alle- gheny river, finally became a pilot, and served in that capacity until the decline of steamboating on that stream. "When the oil excitement began he was caught in the craze, he and his brother sinking a well on the old home- stead and securing sufficient oil to produce a sale of the farm for thirty-five thousand dollars. He followed farming until 1871, since which time he has been a resident of Emlenton. He dealt in real estate and oil lands for three years and then opened a shoe store. He continued in the business about nine years, was afterward in the oil business about two years, and then bought the livery stable of J. A. Boozel, and is still engaged in that busi- ness. He was married April 26, 1866, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Sam- uel and Rachel McKinney, who has borne him one child, John F. Mr. Gates is an Odd Fellow, politically a Republican, and a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Joseph Baish, shoemaker, was born in York county, Pennsylvania October 17, 1830, the second child of Garrett and Susan (Pentz) Baish. His father was born in Adams county; his mother, in York. Both were of Ger- man descent, their ancestors of several generations ago having come from Germany. They were the parents of ten children: Elizabeth; Joseph; Catharine, deceased; Jacob, deceased; Mary Ann; William and Sarah, twins; Ephraim; Eliza Jane; and Garrett. Mrs. Baish died December 21, 1855, her husband surviving her until April 25, 1879. Our subject was reared in the village of Franklintown, Pennsylvania, where he attended subscription school, and learned his trade with his father. He resided in that village until 1858. On the 16th of September. 1852, he married Miss Leah, daughter of Reverend Samuel and Elizabeth (Stump) Enterline, a native of Berks county. In 1858 he removed to Clearfield county, and in 1862 en- /h) Clyi>'\xi^ <:fC crf^^ BIOGKArHIES OF IRWIN. 1)53 listed in Company B, One Hiindred and Forty-Ninth Pennsylvania Volun- teers. He served with the Army of the Potomac in the battles of Chaucel- lorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, and Hatcher's Kun, besides numerous skirmishes. He was captured at Gettysburg, July 1st, and paroled July 3, 1863, was wounded at Laurel Hill May 8, 1864, confined in hospital for two months, and discharged June 24, 1865. In 1864 his family removed to Orrstown, Franklin county, and in 1871 he came to Emlenton where he has since resided. Mr. Baish's family consists of four children: Samuel Garrett, deceased; Jeremiah J. ; Martha Jane, and Curtin E. He is an Odd Fellow, a member of the G. A. R. , and votes the Republican ticket. His family are identified with the Methodist Episcopal church. CHAPTER XLIX. BIOGRAPHIES OF IRWIN, SCRUBGRASS, AND CLINTON. IRWIN. THE McMURDY FAMILY are among the descendants of one of the early settlers of Irwin. Isaac McMurdy and his son George came to Irwin township in the spring of 1797. They selected a tract of land containing five hundred acres in Venango and Butler counties, three-fourths of it in Venango. They cleared a patch and planted it with potatoes, built a log cabin, and returned to Huntingdon county, from whence they had come. In the fall they came back, dug the potatoes, planted wheat, and again returned. In February, 1798, they returned, bringing the family, moving their worldly goods on a wagon drawn by a pair of oxen, which is claimed to have been the first in this section of the country. Isaac's family consisted of his wife, Ellen, and four children: George; Isaac, Jr.; John, who remained in Huntingdon county, completed his trade of carpen- ter, and subsequently came to Venango, and one daughter, who married Jacob Izel, and remained in Huntington county, Pennsylvania. Isaac, Sr. , was a tailor by trade and lived in Baltimore, Maryland, before settling in Huntingdon county. He remained on the place of settlement in Irwin until within a year of his death, when he went to Butler county, and died at the home of his sister in 1849, his wife having died a few years previously. George McMurdy, who made the settlement with his father, bought in 1819 one hundred acres of a settlement of four hundred, and subsequently purchased the entire tract. This land now forms a i^art of the village of 954 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Barkeyville and the balance is in the possession of his sons, John and James. He built one of thfe early hotels, which was opened in 1812, and built the first distillery in this part of the county. It was located close to the hotel, which stood where Beatty's store is now located, at McMurdy's Corners. George married Polly Martin, daughter of David Martin; they had thirteen children, six of whom lived to maturity: John; Isaac; Polly, who married Michael McFadden; Nancy, married to James McFadden; Mat- tie, wife of Craft Walter, and James. John MoMurdy was born on the homestead November 25, 1809. He spent his early life on the farm. In 1832 he built a distillery on the home- stead farm, which he operated for a few years. He then engaged in farm- ing upon a part of the old place, where he has spent his life. He married in 1830 Jane Grilmore, who died in 1845, by whom he had five children: George, deceased; Nancy, deceased; Isabella; Sarah, Mrs. Robert ShaAv, and Joseph, deceased. His second wife was Nancy, daughter of Francis Vogus, who is deceased. By this marriage he had two children: Annie, Mrs. Thomas Shaw, and Martha, Mrs. Daniel Joseph. Mr. McMurdy is the oldest living representative of the pioneer settlers of Irwin. He is a Democrat, having cast his first and last vote for that party. He has filled the offices of school director and road commissioner. James McMurdy was born December 25, 1818. He resides on part of the homestead. He was married in 1843 to Miss Elizabeth Porter, and they are the parents of eight children: Louisa, Mrs. Thomas Kimes; Ada- line, Mrs. Isaac Yard; Nancy J.; Margaret, Mrs. James Enfield; Martin; Ambrose; Calvin, and Curtis. The Gilmore Family. — Joseph Gilmore, a native of York county, Pennsylvania, settled on the line of Butler and Venango counties at an early date, but very little is known of his history by his descendants. His children were as follows: William; James; Maria; Jane; John, and Thomas. John, the third son, was born October 15, 1804, and from him have de- scended the Gilmores of this county. He was one of the enterprising pio- neers of Irwin township and built the second grist mill erected in that part of the county. He was also extensively engaged in farming. He com- menced his .settlement in Irwin township in 1823, was appointed justice of the pe.ice by Governor Shunk in 1840, and filled that office up to his death. He first located on the land now occujiied by Simon Beighlia. He married Nancy Peters, of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, who was the mother of eight children: Angeline, married to Daniel Hoffman; Lucy A., married to Craft Walter; Esther, married to James Kimes; Eusebia, married to Walter Hoffman; Joseph, deceased; Alexander, deceased; Jefferson, and William H. The parents died February 28th and May 15, 1844, respectively. Alexander Gilmore, the second son of John Gilmore, was born in 1833, and reared and educated in his native township. He followed farming and BIOGRAPHIES OF IKWIN. 955 milliner, and in 1870 located near the luill whore his family ntnv reside, and continued the milling business until his death, August 17, 1888. He was engaged in repairing the dam when he fell into the stream and was drowned. In his death Irwin township lost one of its most enterprising citizens and a man who always commanded the respect and conlidence of his neighbors. He was twice elected justice of the peace and was filling his second term when his death occurred. He was also at one time a county auditor, took an act- ive interest in educational matters, and lilled several of the minor offices in his township. Mr. Gilmore was married in 1851 to Nancy, daughter of Amos Shontz, of Irwin township, who bore him twelve children, ten of whom are living: John; Amos; Eleanor, wife of Samuel Hoffman; Lysan- der B. ; William; Catharine, wife of Lewis Martin; Meona; Alexander; Lizzie, and Merty. Mrs. Gilmore survives her husband and resides at the old place. Their son, Lysander B., was born in 18(50, learned the milling business, and in 1884 engaged on a saw mill, which occupation ho followed for two years. He then entered the employ of Lewis Martin in Warren county as an oil pumper, but on the death of his father returned to take charge of the mills, in which he has since been engaged. Jefferson Gilmore, the oldest surviving son of John Gilmore, is also a native of Irwin township and was reared on the old homestead by his uncle, Thomas Gilmore. He learned the carpenter trade, which he followed for some years, and in 1866 located on his present farm and has since been en- gaged in agriculture. He was married in 1857 to Miss Nancy, daughter of Benjamin R. Yard, of Mechanicsville, and is the father of eight childi-en, two of whom are living: Margaret, wife of William B. Beach, and Benja- min H. Mr. Gilmore is a member of Pleasant View Methodist Episcopal church, and has filled several of the minor offices of his township. His son, Benjamin H., was born in 1859, and in 1884 married Marilla, daugh- ter of Samuel Baker, who is the mother of two children: Bert E. and Eva C. He lives with his father upon the old homestead, which he assists in cultivating. William H. Gilmore, the youngest son of John Gilmore, was born in Irwin township in 1843, and was reared upon the old homestead. In 1861, at the age of eighteen, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Third Pennsyl- vania Volunteers and served until July, 1865. He participated in the follow- ing engagements: Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Weldon Railroad, Charles City Cross Roads, Harrison Point, Kingston, North Carolina; Goldsboro, North Carolina; Black Water, Virginia; Southwest Creek, Williamstown, North Carolina; Foster's Mills, North Carolina, and Ply- mouth, North Carolina. At the last mentioned battle, April 20, 1864, he was shot in the right hip, the bullet passing through his body. He was taken prisoner and sent to Raleigh, North Carolina, thence to Saulsbury, and afterward to Columbia, South Carolina, and from there to Libby prison. 956 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. where lie was paroled October 22, 1864, after spending six months in South- ern prison pens. At the close of the war he engaged in the milling bus- iness with his brother Alexander, which he continued until 1876, and then located upon his present farm. Mr. Gilmore was married January 15, 1862, to Miss Martha L. , daughter of David Walter. Politically he is a Repub- lican, a member of the G. A. R., and with his wife belongs to Amity Pres- byterian church. In 1878 he was elected justice of the peace and filled that office one term. He has also held some of the minor offices in his township. The Baker Family. — William Baker, a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, removed to Irwin township, Venango county, in the year 1805. He was married in Westmoreland county and reared the following family: John; Peter and William, twins; Philip; Eva, who married Jacob Hoffman; Polly, who married Robert McConnell; Elizabeth, married to Philip Surrena; Katie, married to Francis Vogus; and Nancy became the wife of Jacob Jacobs. William Baker, Jr., was born in Westmoreland county in 17U0, came to Venango county with his parents, and about the year 1829 purchased the land whereon his son Samuel now lives. He served in Captain McManigal's company in the war of 1812. He married Polly, a daughter of Peter Walter, and they became the parents of thirteen children: William J., deceased; Samuel; John; Philip; Martha, wife of Israel Beach; William; Polly, who married William Daniels; Clark; David, deceased; Walter, deceased; Rosanna, wife of William Beach; Betsey, wife of William Walter, and Lewis. Samuel Baker, eldest living son of William Baker, was born August 13, 1813, on the farm of his grandfather, Peter Walter, in Clinton township, where he also spent his youth. He followed shoemaking for some years, but has principally been engaged in farming on the old place, which he purchased in 1859. He was married in the year 1838 to Miss Sarah, daugh- ter of Stephen Whited Beach, and the fruits of this union have been ten children: John J. ; Alva, who was a member of Company K., Fourth Penn- sylvania Cavalry, and died April 6, 1864, from disease and exposure in the Confederate prison on Belle Isle; Ezra, deceased; Martha J., deceased; Walter, deceased; Euphemia, married to John H. Lovell; William A., de- ceased; Marilla, wife of H. B. Gilmore; Hattie, and S. Boyd. Mr. Baker and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and in politics he is a Republican. John J. Kilgore, deceased, was of Scotch descent, his grandfather, James Kilgore, having been born in Scotland in 1720. He came to America in 1736 and settled in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, where Patrick Kil- gore, father of John J., was born in 1766. Patrick removed to Westmore- land county, Pennsylvania, and settled on the banks of Sewickley creek, eight miles from Greensburg, where John J. was born September 20, 1796. BIOGRAPHIES OF IRWIN. 957 In 1800 the family removed to the northern i)art of ^[ercer county, near Sandy Lake. Here John J. married Dorcas McClelhind Foln-uary 7, 1815, and in October of the same year removed to Irwin township, where he re- sided until his death, November 25, 1883. He was a man whose kind and jovial disposition gained him many friends. Ho was twice elected justice of the peace, served one term as county commissioner, and represented the county in the legislatures of 1852-53 and 1853-54. He reared a family of eleven children, of whom six were daughters: Margaret, wife of John Gilmore: Jane, deceased wife of John Glenn; Elizabeth, deceased wife of William McKee; Sarah, deceased wife of E. Davis; Mary, who married James Martin, and IMatilda, wife of David Kelly. The five sons were John, deceased; Sam- uel; William; James, and Andrew J. At the time of his death the descend- ants of Mr. Kilgore numbered about two hundred. His settlement originally comprised two tracts of four hundred acres each, one of which he subse- quently sold. He was a regular attendant of the Presbyterian church, of which he became a member at the age of seventy. He was a man of re- markable energy, and always took great interest in public affairs. Andrew J. Kilgore was born August 17, 1840, on the homestead where he now resides. He early engaged in the oil business and spent a number of years in the employ of various companies as superintendent of oil refiner- ies. In 1888 he returned to the homestead and has since been engaged in farming. In 1873 he married Miss Susan, daughter of John Baker, of Worth township, Mercer county. They are the parents of the following children: Araminta, wife of Charles Smiley; Idolletta; John C. ; Emyrtie, deceased; Ira E. ; Nellie P. ; Cochran L., and Frederick J. Mr. Kilgore is a member of Amity Presbyterian church. The Beach Family. — A large part of the history of the Beach family in the United States is gathered only by tradition. Joseph Perkins Beach of Boston, a son of the founder of the New York Sim, has been engaged in writing a history of this family, and has succeeded in getting the names of two thousand seven hundred and fifty-three descendants of two brothers who came to this country from Scotland in 1639. From that year up to 1735 little is known of the family, though there are accounts of valuable services rendered by its members to their country, who filled responsible positions both in mercantile and piiblic life. About the year 1 730 one of the family moved from New York city to Sussex county, New Jersey. His son, James, remained in New Jersey and reared a family of nine children, four sons and five daughters. James Beach was twice married, first to a Miss Peck, whose father remarked he had a bushel of girls because he had four Pecks. His second wife was Betsey Morehouse. He died in 1820 at the age of sixty-two. His son, Jared, remained on the homestead but the others removed to different parts of the country. Stephen Whited Beach, the leading subject of this sketch, learned the shoemaker's trade, and in 958 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. 1809 married Miss Sarah Simpson, whose grandfather came from Scotland in 1 700 and settled in New Jersey. Her grandmother, after whom she was named, was of German descent. Stephen Whited Beach and wife, Sarah, lived seven years on the homestead. Four children were born to them. Mrs. Sarah Beach, who in after years was known as "Mother" Beach, at the earnest request of her brother, John Simpson, who settled on the head- waters of Wolf creek, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, persuaded her husband to immigrate to western Pennsylvania, where land was cheap and a home could be secured. In November, 1816, they started for the West, and on reaching Dutch Valley, New Jersey, were persuaded to remain there and open a shoemaking shop. They did so and lived there two years, when they again started westward. They chose their route via Easton, Scranton, and Harrisburg, and on reaching the summit of the Alleghenies met an acquaint- ance, Henry Darr, a blacksmith, who persuaded Beach to remain in his neighborhood over night, and then resumed their journey westward, his good wife urging him against his will to keep on toward the setting sun, with the intention of reaching her brother John's home in Mercer county. In due time they reached Pittsburgh without serious mishap, and spending the night with a number of other movers, crossed the Allegheny river the following morning, and finally arrived at the house of James Brannon on Muddy creek, Butler county. Here "Mother" Beach's energy gave out, having walked all but fifty miles of the distance. Mr. Brannon gave them a hearty welcome, and after a few days' rest, they pursued their journey to the home of John Simpson, on Wolf creek, their whole capital on arriving consisting of but twenty-five cents. The winter of 1818-19 they passed at the home of Samuel Waldron, in the meantime looking around for a suita- ble location. Mr. Beach returned to the home of Henry Darr for a portion of a load which they had left behind. In 1819 they bought a farm of one hundred and fifty acres in Irwin township, Venango county, now owned by William Beach, at one dollar per acre, and immediately settled upon it. Here they endured the toil, hardships, and trials of pioneer life, but from the time their settlement was completed, unsullied happiness prevailed in their household. On the 28th of May, 1865, Mr. Beach died in the seventy- ninth year of his age, having been born February 15, 1787. He was a life- long member of the Cumberland Presl^yterian church, and died as he had lived, a faithful member thereof. His wife was born September 10, 1789, and survived him until February 6, 1888, living to the advanced age of nearly ninety- nine years. The emigration and prosperity of the Beach family was largely due to the energy of this pioneer lady. She was sagacious and farseeing, and the good fortune of the family was undoubtedly due to those qualities. Though none of the family have occupied prominent positions, yet when the flag was insulted by the English in 1812, Stephen Whited Beach went out in defense BIOGRAPHIES OF IRWIN. 959 of his country. And when the throes of civil war convulsed the land many of the family entered the ranks of the Union army to battle for the old flag. Stephen Whited and Sarah Beach were the parents of thirteen children: Caroline, deceased wife of James McConnell; Eflie, deceased wife of Azor Bagley; James, a resident of Indiana; John, who died in Indiana; Susan, deceased wife of Patrick McDowell; Israel, of Irwin township; Sarah, who married Samuel ]5aker; Stephen, of Indiana; ^\'illiam, of Irwin township; Oliver, of Worth township, Mercer county; Henry, who died in Irwin town- ship; Jane, deceased wife of Andrew Lyons, and Daniel, of Butler county. Israel Beach, farmer, was born March J 4, 1819, son of Ste])hen W. and Sarah (Simpson) Beach. His educational advantages were exceedingly limited. He commenced life by clearing a farm, and as the result of indus- try and frugal living, now has a fine farm of two hundred acres. For the past twenty-five years he has been successfully engaged in farming and stock raising. December 25, 1839, at the house of his wife's parents in Irwin township, he was married to Martha Baker, born March 13, 1820, daughter of William and Mary (Walters) Baker, natives of Bedford county^ Pennsylvania. The former, born in 1790, died February 2, 1869; the latter,, born in 1794, died January 13, 1888. They are the parents of tw^elve chil- dren: Julana; Mary; Maria; Sarah J.; Wheeler W. ; John; Keller; Lewis; Samuel B. ; Israel; Martha, and Ellen. Mr. Beach is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in politics a Prohibitionist. Benjamin R. Yard, retired farmer, was born in Mercer county, New Jersey, in 1802. He is a son of John and Harriet (Benson) Yard, natives of New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, respectively. John Yard was a descendant of an old New Jersey family who came from England and were active participants in the Revolutionary war. In 1812 he brought his family to what is now Scrubgrass township, and left them with Thomas Ja- cobs while he sought employment at his traHe of cabinet-making in Pitts- burgh. In 1813 he settled upon a farm in Scrubgrass, and three years afterward removed to Irwin township and purchased the Captain McMani- gal property, where he died in 1858, his wife having preceded him two years. Their family consisted of the following children : Theodosia; Ben- jamin; Jane; John S. ; Stephen; Zachariah; Sarah; Robert; Rufus, and Benson. Our subject learned the cabinet-making and carpenter's trades, which he followed for several years, and finally relinquished to go into farming. Mr. Yard has been a member of Pleasant View Methodist church and the church at Mechanics ville for nearly forty years. He mar- ried Catharine, daughter of John Hovis, who bore him the following chil- dren: John; Elijah; Nicholas; Ezra, and Mary, who married Jefferson Gilmore. Mrs. Yard died in 1858, and he subsequently married Miss Mar- garet, daughter of Alexander Porter. Joseph Alexander Allen was born in Penn's valley. Centre county, 960 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Pennsylvania, May 2-4, 1809, and is a son of Joseph Allen, a native of Ire- land, who immigrated to this country in 1785 and married Mary Biggs, a native of England. Seven children were born to them: James, deceased; Robert, deceased; Josejih Alexander; "William, deceased; Polly, deceased wife of Patrick Davidson; Nancy, deceased wife of Jesse Carroll, and Margaret, deceased wife of James Osborn. Joseph Allen, Sr. , died in 1824. his widow surviving him twenty-six years. He was a tanner by trade, but after coming to Venango county engaged in farming. Our sub- ject obtained a limited education in the schools of his native township and was brought ;ip to farm labor. He was united in marriage in 183(5 to Miss Sarah Coleman, who died in 1845 leaving three children: Joshua Coleman; Mary Jane, who married J. Wesley Henderson, and John Munson. Mr. Allen married for his second wife Juliet, daughter of Judge McKee, who died in 1848, having borne to him one child who lived about six months. He was again married in 1850 to Caroline Cossett, daughter of Doctor Coul- ter, who is the mother of five children; Juliet Achsah, wife of Milton Glenn; Martha Ann, wife of John Williams; Cyrus Glenn; Sarah Caroline, and William Elliott. Mr. Allen has been a member of Amity Presbyterian church for tifty-six years, and for fifty-one years of that time a ruling elder. He was elected and served as captain First company Seventy- Eighth regiment of militia, from 1842, being commissioned by Governor D. R. Porter. Mr. Allen is a stanch Republican in politics, has always taken a leading part in school interests and progress in his community, and has been prominently identified with the material development of the county. Henky Barkey was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, in 1810, son of Abraham and Catharine Barkey, who removed to Bu.tler county, where our subject was reared. He grew up on the homestead farm, and followed farming for many years, and afterward engaged as a clerk in a general store. Ifi 1851 he located on the site of Barkey ville and engaged in mercantile business in partnership with Abraham Huusberger. He followed mercantile pursuits until 1885, when he retired from business. Mr. Barkey was mar- ried in 1883 to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John Latchaw, and reared one daughter, Catharine, wife of Abraham Huusberger. He was an elder in the Church of God, and in politics a Republican. Hezekiah Mays was born in Franklin county. Pennsylvania, in 1812, a son of William and Ellen (Watson) Mays. At the age of ten years he came to Venango county with his parents, who settled upon the Allegheny river in Victory township. His father was a tailor, ami followed his trade in connection with his farming. He was the father of sixteen children, seven daughters and nine sons, and died about 1828. Hezekiah was the seventh son, and passed his early life in various occupations. In 1830 he married jNIrs. Jane Cochran of Irwin township, and for many years conducted the BIOGRAPHIES OF lUWIN. 901 tavern at May's Corners. He has lilled most of the township oflTiccs, and held the postmastersliip at May's Corners for several years. Mr. Mays Avas one of the early members of Bullion Methodist church, and later of the Pleasant View Methodist church. His wife was the mother of live children, and died in 1888. Their names are as follows: Mary J. ; Ellen; John, de- ceased; Robert, deceased, and Kzra \\'. John Henderson, deceased, was a native of Ireland and came to this country with his father, who settled in Worth township, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, about 1798. Our subject located in Irwin township at an early date, where his son Judas now lives. He served in the war of 1812, in a company from Mercer courvty. Mr. Henderson married Mary Karl of Mercer county, and was the father of the following children: Robert; Will- iam; Jonathan; Joseph; John F. ; Wesley; David W. ; Mary; Margaret, and Leslie. He died about 1855, his widow surviving him about sis years. His son, Joseph, whose descendants now live in Irwin township, was born in Mercer county, married Jane Bagley, who at her death left one child, Jane. He subsequently married Rebecca Hawthorne by whom he had four children, three living: Helen; Wilber, and Julius. He died in 1872. Richard Henderson, justice of the peace and farmer, was born on the homestead in Irwin township in 1847. He is a son of George and Laura (Wilson) Henderson, natives of W'estmoreland county, Pennsylvania. George Henderson came from Westmoreland county about 1830 and purchased part of the Morris tract, upon which he yet resides at the advanced age of eighty- five years. He has been twice married, first to Eliza Freeland, who bore him four children: Freeland, in the United States service; Elizabeth, wife of John Atwell. both deceased; James, of Mercer county, and Laura J., mar- ried to Alfred Hardwick, of Scrubgrass. His second wife, Laura Wilson, became the mother of five children: Caroline, wife of Perry Beebe of Mer- cer county; Eliza J., who died in childhood; Richard; Alexander, residing on the homestead in Irwin, and Angeline, wife of John Smith of Warren county. In 1877, our subject purchased his present homestead and has since resided thereon. He was married in 1867 to Miss Clarinda, daughter of A. D. Bonner, who has borne him seven children: William A. ; Laura J. ; George A. ; Susie B. ; Harry R. ; Isaac V. , and Francis A. Mr. Henderson is a member of Pleasant View Methodist Episcopal church, is politically a Democrat, and in 1889 was elected justice of the peace, which position he is now tilling. Stephen Jones, one of the early settlers of Venango county, settled in what is now Scrubgrass township, afterward removed to Irwin township, and located south of Mechanicsville. He served in Captain Witherup's company in the war of 1812. He married Margaret McCool of Scrubgrass township, who bore him the following children: Robert; Eliza; Margaret; Nancy; George; William, and Keller. He was a member of the Methodist 962 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Episcopal church, class leader in that society for many years, and died in 1864, his widow surviving him until 1883. Robert Jones, son of Stephen, was born in Scrubgrass township in 1819, and followed farming until 1863. He then enlisted in Company K, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was commissioned second lieutenant. After six months' service he resigned because of disability, but afterward re-enlisted and served iintil the end of the war. when he settled in Michigan and engaged in farming. His wife died in 1876 leaving the following chil- dren: Kate, wife of Ira Marsh; Jane, wife of James Mansfield; Lizzie, wife of Weslie Maustield; Albert; Stephen; Jackson, and George. He married as his second wife Mrs. George McMurdy, by which union two children were born to him: James and Mary A. He died in March, 1886. Albert M. Jones, farmer and coal operator, is a son of Robert Jones. He was born in Irwin township, in 1842, and spent his early life upon his father's homestead. In September, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Fo\trth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and at the end of eighteen months' service was discharged for disability. He re-enlisted in October, 1863, in the same company, with which he served until the war was ended, being wounded at Dinwiddle Court House, March 31, 1865. Returning to his home he pur- chased his present farm, and in 1868 developed thereon a coal mine which he worked extensively for several years. Mr. Jones married Miss Sarah Edmiston of Clarion county, Pennsylvania, who is the mother of five chil- dren: Robert; Frank; Katie; Annie, and Sadie. Politically he is a Prohi- bitionist, a member of the G. A. R. , and an adherent of the Church of God. John Hovis, farmer, is a son of Ernest and Margaret (Hoffman) Hovis, and grandson of John Theodore and Nancy (Baker) Hofius. Ernest Hovis was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, March 23, 1794, was a stone- mason, and worked at his trade when he first came to Venango county. AlK)ut 1818 he purchased a farm of one hundred and six acres on the line of Butler county which is now the property of William Cross. About 1838 he bought a farm of two hundred and fifty acres in Irwin township, where his son John now lives. He served at Erie in the war of 1812. He was married July 2, 1811, to Margaret Hoffman, who bore him the following children: Nancy, married to Martin Fritz; Mary, deceased wife of Joseph Fritz; Catharine, married to Adam Vogus; Adam, deceased; George; David; Elizabeth, married to Joseph Vogus; Julia Ann, married to Henry Sutley; Sarah J., married to William Hunter; Susanna, who became the wife of James Beatty; Michael, deceased; Ernest T., deceased, and John. The father died February 28, 1867, and was buried in the Methodist church- yard at Clintonville. His widow survived him until July 22, 1885. John Hovis was born in Clintonville in 1816, learned the stonemason's trade, and followed it for some years. In 1844 he settled on the part of the homestead farm where he has since resided. In 1836 he married Amanda, dauffh- BIOGRAPHIES OF IRWIN. 003 ter of Henry Sherrard, of llocklaiul township, and their children are as fol- lows: William; Nicholas; IMary A., married to itobert Campbell; Caleb (1. ; John T. ; Davier- ated about eight years and then sold to William Brown. He was married January 13, 182G, to Mary, daughter of William Davidson, of Irwin town- ship, by which union eleven children were born to them: Reverend John, of Kansas; William, of Mercer county; James, deceased; David H., deceased; Alexander, of Kansas; Joseph, of Scrubgrass township; Davidson; Ira, of Kansas; Robert, a resident of the same state; Cyrus E., and Hiram G., de- ceased, who served in the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry during the late Rebellion. Mrs. McQuiston died in 1802, and ho was again married June 13, 1863, to Martha Ramsey, who bore him no children. He died July 1, 1877, and his widow February 23, 1888. Cyrus E. McQuiston, the tenth son of David H. McQuiston, was born upon the homestead where he now resides, received a common school edu- cation, and has always been engaged in farming. He was married May 19, 1870, to Miss Hannah A. , daughter of William Parker of Scrubgrass town- ship. Politically he is a Republican, and both he and wife are members of the Chui'ch of God of this township. James Anderson, farmer, was born June 30, 1825, upon the old home- stead where he now resides. He is a son of James and Elizabeth (Pollock) Anderson, the latter a daughter of Charles Pollock (A), who came from Ire- land to Westmoreland county, and thence to Venango township, Butler county, about 1800, where he was killed by the fall of a tree about 1800, at a wood chopping on the farm of Robert Leason. They were married May 25, 1820, and were the parents of six children: Jane, wife of J. P. Riddle; Elizabeth, deceased; Mary; Sarah, deceased wife of Shadrach Simcox; Lu- cinda, who married D. C. McKee, and our subject. James Anderson, Sr. , died November 21, 1872. The paternal grandfather, James Anderson, was a descendant of John Anderson, who married Margaret Cook, removed from Tuscarora valley, Pennsylvania, and settled in Butler county in 1801. James, grandfather of our subject, purchased from David Irvine a tract of four hundred acres of land in 1814, situated on Little Scrubgrass creek, in this township, for which he paid two thousand one hundred dollars — three hun- dred dollars in cash, two hundred gallons of whiskey, and the balance in des- ignated installments. He was largely interested in grist, saw, carding, and woolen mills. He was born in 1761, married Janet Bailey, and died Janu- ary 19, 1842. Their children were: Sarah; Thomas: ]\[rs. Margaret Gibson: James; Mrs. Nancy Perry; Samuel; John, and Elizabeth. James Anderson, Jr., was reared a farmer, and educated in the schools of the township. He has followed farming all his life, and has been largely interested in the breeding and purchasing of stock. He married Uretta, dauo-hter of Samuel 974 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Phipps, who has borne him six chiklren: J. S. P.; Edwin; Samuel P.; James L., deceased; Shadrach A., and Charles, deceased. Mr. Anderson is an ardent Democrat, and was once the Democratic candidate for the legis- lature. He has always taken an active interest in the schools of his town- ship, and is one of the most enterprising citizens of the community. James Leslie, deceased, was born in County Derry, Ireland, immigrated to America, and married Hannah Reddick in this state. He lived for a time in Westmoreland county, and February 12, 1817, received a patent for a tract of four hundred and forty-two acres originally warranted by John White, December 31, 1794, and surveyed May 11, 1795. He was among the early settlers of Scrubgrass township, and reared the following family: John, who lives in this township; Jane, wife of William Sloan; James, who lived on a part of said farm until his death; Elizabeth, wife of James Morrison; Hannah, wife of David Morrison; Esther, wife of David Say; Ellen, wife of Joseph Sloan; Mary Ann, and George H. James Leslie was an elder in Scrubgrass Presbyterian church and is buried in the old graveyard at that point. H. R. Leslie, farmer and oil producer, was born in 1840, and is a son of James and Sarah (Say) Leslie, and grandson of James Leslie. His father was born in 1802 in Scrubgrass township, and followed farming throughout his life. His children were as follows: David; John; Alvina; James; Eliza- beth, who married George Gates; Hannah, deceased; Margaret, who mar- ried Montgomery Say; George; H. R. ; Sarah, deceased wife of C. Say, and Emma, deceased. The mother died in 1857, and the father in 1881. H. R. Leslie was reared upon a farm; in 1868 he engaged in teaming through the oil country, and in the transportation of oil upon Oil ci'eek In 1876 he returned to the homestead, and has since been engaged in farming and oil producing. He was married in 1864 to Miss Jane Gibbs of Clarion, Penn- sylvania, who has borne him six children: Orris; Carrie, wife of Zenis Clay; Fred; Walter; Delia, and Frank. Mr. Leslie is a supporter of the Re- publican party, and a member of the I. O. O. F. Willi AAi B. Sloan, deceased, was born February 26, 1796, and was a son of Samuel Sloan, who lived and died near Farmington, Butler county. William B. married Jane, daughter of James Leslie, September 11, 1817. She was born Juno 20, 1799, and died December 20, 1866, her husband sur- viving her until April 4, 1871. They were the parents of eleven children, as follows: Hannah, born October 11, 1819; Samuel, December 18, 1821; Leslie, December 1, 1823; Harvey R., February 4, 1825; Hamilton, Decem- ber 5, 1826; Elizabeth, November 21, 1829; William B., August 24, 1832; Eli, July 28, 1834; Mary J., July 21, 1836; Clara, August 31, 1838, and JohnN., July 30, 1840. Leslie Sloan, oil producer and farmer, son of William B. and Jane (Leslie) Sloan, was born December 1, 1823, on what is known as the Stub- ' BIOGRAPHIES OF SCRUBGRASS. 975 bio farm, Sci'ubgrass township, and hero ho was Ijrouf^ht up, attoialiiif^ the common schools. In 1844 he went to live with liis maternal grandparents, James and Hannah (Reddick) Leslie, for whom ho cared until their death, nine years later, receiviug as evidence of their appreciation a farm of eighty- six and a half acres. In 1858 he married Clara, daughter of Robert Por- terfield, of Richland township. They are the parents of two children: Ira, married to Estella Lawrence, and Myra, wife of A. R. Newton, of Em- lenton. David Russell, who settled in Scrubgrass township upon the lands now owned by the Middleton family, was a soldier of the Revolutionary war. He was a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, and married Isabel Harper of the same county, who bore him seven children: James, Samuel, David, John, Caleb, Jane, and Catharine, all of whom are dead. Samiiel was born in 1780 in Butler county, Pennsylvania, where his parents had lived previous to their settlement in Venango county. In 1824 he set- tled upon a farm where his sou, David, now lives, on the Allegheny river, one mile northeast of Emlenton. He married Margaret Thompson who bore him five children: James, Christina Ann, Isabella, Mary, and David. His wife died in 1810 and he married Rachel Haggerty, by whom he had four children: James, John, Thomas, and Margaret. On the death of his sec- ond wife he married Betsey McAfee, to whom four children were born: Caleb, Samuel, Jane, and Matthew B. Samuel Russell, Sr. , was a lieuten- ant in a company from Butler county in the war of 1812. He died in that county in 1877. David Russell, Jr., was born August 31, 1810, and lived with his grandparents until reaching manhood. He has always lived upon the old homestead. He was married in 1835 to Sarah, daughter of Reuben Searls, of Butler county. They are the parents of seven children: Josiah; Mary E. ; Annie, wife of Thomas Jolly; Samuel; Alonzo O. ; Pearsley, and Lean- der, all dead excepting the last mentioned and Mrs. Jolly. Mr. Russell learned the gun and cabinet making trade, but followed carpentering for many years. In 1868 he leased his farm to William Baum, and there have been eleven producing wells drilled upon it. Mr. Russell is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian church and a Democrat in politics. Moses Perry came to Scrubgrass township, Venango county, near the close of the last century and settled upon a two hundred acre tract of land where his son David now resides. His wife, Sarah, was a daughter of William Russell, a native of Ireland and an early settler of this township. They were the parents of the following children: William; Polly, who mar- ried Eli Williams; Margaret, who became the wife of John Parker; James; Phoebe, who married Samuel Marshall; John; Elizabeth, who married Ephraim Galbraith; Martha, who became the wife of Charles Stewart, and David. The last mentioned is the only survivor and was born in 1811 on 976 HISTORY OF YENAXGO COUNTY. the old homestead upon which he has lived for seventy-nine years. Moses Perry died about 1840, his widow surviving him some two years. William Perby, eldest son of Moses and Sarah Perry, was born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in January, 1792; he came to Venango county with his parents before the dawn of the present century and spent the re- mainder of his life in Scrubgrass township. He was twice married, first to a daughter of James Anderson, who died without issue; as his second wife he married Elizabeth Craig, a daughter of James Craig. They were the parents of nine children, seven of whom, four sons and three daughters, grew to maturity; only two of these are now living: Mrs. Norman Patter- son and Mrs. K. K. McBride. Mr. Perry was a man of recognized abil- ity, and a prominent figure in local public affairs fifty years ago. In 1838 he was elected on the Democratic ticket county commissioner, and several years afterward he represented Venango county in the legislature. He was a substantial, well informed man, and is still kindly remembered by a large circle of friends. He died upon his farm in Scrubgrass township April 29, 1877, in his eighty-sixth year. His son, William Perry, Jr., sur- vived him ten years and died on the old homestead, now the property of Miss Elizabeth Riddle, June 21, 1887. Fr.\ncis a. Middleton, farmer, is a son of John and Mary (Phipps) Middleton, the latter a daughter of Nathan Phipps, of Clarion county, Penn- sylvania. The grandfather of our subject was James Middleton, a native of Ireland, who immigrated to Centre county, Pennsylvania, in 1792, where he married Jane Anderson, by whom he had three children: John; James, and Mary, who married Thomas Arters. He subsequently removed to Tio- nesta, Pennsylvania, where he died in 1834. His widow afterward married Girard Hunter, of Warren county, Pennsylvania, after whose death she removed to Venango county, and died at the home of her son, John, in 1856. James, the second son, remained in Forest county, where he died in 1885. John Middleton, father of Francis A., was born in 1799, removed to Scrubgrass township in 1836, where he purchased one hundred acres of land, which he subsequently increased to three hundred. In early life he was engaged in the lumber business, and, in connection with Isaac Ball, built a saw mill on Tionesta creek, in what is now Forest county, and named it Balltown. He was one of the enterprising men of his day, took an act- ive interest in public affairs, and built the Methodist Episcopal church located at Big Bend, Scrubgrass township. He was an ardent Democrat, and died on the 4th of January, 1881, while attending a funeral in St. Michael's Catholic church, at Emlenton. His widow survives him, and resides with our subject upon the old homestead. They were the parents of fourteen children: William S., deceased; Julia Ann, deceased; Jane; Emme- line, deceased; John A. ; Isaac S., deceased; Martha A., wife of John Cub- BIOGRAPHIES OF SCRUBGKA8S. 1177 bison, of Einloiitou; Carolim*, deceased; James H., deceased; Wilher; Chris- topberC. ; Francis A., Henry B. . and Mrs. J. H. ll(>ed. Our suljject was l)orn in Scrnbo-rass township, was educated in the common schools, and reared a farmer, in connection with which he is now engaged in the oil business, having had twenty-nine wells upon his own farm. He was married in 1(S70 to Catharine, daughter of John and Jane Burns, natives of England. Po- litically Mr. Middleton is a Democrat. His mother is in her eighty-third year, and for the past sixty- nine years has been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church. W. B. LovELL, farmer, is a son of Peter and Mary (Brisbane) Lovell. The former came from Centre county in 1819, and settled in liockland township, where he died in 1835. He was the father of eight sons: Per- kins. John, Jackson, Jesse, Peter, James, David, and W. B. The last mentioned was born January 24, 1820, in Rockland township. His early life was spent at farming and the manufacture of charcoal. In 1858 he purchased his present farm upon which he has since resided. He was mar- ried March 29, 1849, to Miss Jannett B. Anderson, who died in 1887. She was the mother of the following children: Lizzie, deceased; Amanda, deceased, and Thomas A. Mr. Lovell is a Prohibitionist, and a member of the Presbyterian church. Samuel A. W. Phipps, farmer, was born on the farm where he now lives July 13, 1837. He is a son of Eli and Rebecca Phipps, the parents of three children: Ann E., who married Lucian Brown; Merelda, wdfe of Dunham Stacy, and Samuel A. W. The father died in 1841, his widow surviving him until September 30, 1871. The paternal grandfather, Nathan Phipps, was a native of Westmoreland county, and settled in Scrubgrass township about 1796, upon a portion of the farm where his grandson now lives. He married Edith Updegrath, of Westmoreland county, who bore him eleven children: John, James, Elijah, Samuel, Mar- shall, Nathan, Eli, Jacob, Annie, Mary, and Betsey, all of whom are dead, excepting Mary, widow of John Middleton, who resides with her son in Scrubgrass township. Our subject was reared and educated in this town- ship, and has always followed farming. He was drafted in 1862 and served nine months. He was married December 5, 1868,, to Miss Sarah C, daughter of Judge Jacob Hale, of Clarion county. Five children are the fi-uits of this union: Edwin L. P., Homer E. J., Edith E., Harry K., and L. R. Mr. Phipps is an ardent Prohibitionist, a member of the G. A. R. and A. O. U. W. , and belongs to the Methodist church of Clintonville. James P. Riddle, farmer, is a son of Robert and Catharine (Phipps) Riddle, the latter a daughter of John Phipps. The paternal grandfather was Matthew Riddle, the progenitor of the Riddle family of Venango county, and one of the pioneers of what is now Clinton township. Our subject was born in that townsuip in 1819, spent his early life therein, and 978 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. received his education in tlie common schools. He was married in 1845 to Miss Eleanor, daiiofhter of William Perry of Scrubgrass township. She died in 1851 leaving three children: Franklin, of Kansas; Elizabeth, who resides upon the farm which she inherited from her uncle in the northern part of Scrubgrass township, and Eleanor, wife of Hugh M. Hay, of Oak- land township. He married for his second wife Miss Mary, daughter of Joseph Parks of Scrubgrass township, who has borne him five children: Robert L. , of Kansas; Joseph; Mrs. Sarah C. Anderson, of Butler county; Mrs. Emma Fleming, of Mercer county, and Ann. Mr. Riddle is one of the enterprising farmers of the community, and served as county commis- sioner one term. William B. Moore, farmer, was born March 7, 1843, in Scrubgrass township. He is a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Riddle) Moore, and grand- son of Robert Moore, a sketch of whom appears in connection with Clinton township. Samuel Moore was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, and in 1829 purchased a farm of two hundred acres in partnership with his bi-other W^illiam on the line of Scrubgrass and Clinton townships, where he died in June, 1883, and where his widow still resides. They were the parents of seven children, all of whom lived to man and womanhood: James N., of Clinton township; Robert A., of Scrubgrass; William B. ; Mary A., wife of Marvin McKinley; Jane, wife of Hugh McBride; Caroline, and Eliza L. , wife of Montgomery Allison. Samuel Moore took a deep interest in public affairs and tilled most of the township offices. William B. Moore was reared upon the homestead, received his primary education in the public schools, and afterward attended the academy at Clintonville. On reaching his majority he engaged in the oil business, working for different companies until 1872, when he purchased his present home in the northwest part of the township,. and has since followed agriculture. He was married in 1869 to Miss Mary, a daughter of John Ghost of Clinton township, who has borne him two children: India A., wife of C. D. Carringer, and Kittie E. Mr. Moore and family are members of the United Presbyterian church, and politically he is a Republican. Alonzo F. Perbine, oil producer, is a son of Enoch and Catharine (Cal- pus) Porrine, and a descendant of William, who came to this valley fi'om New Jersey in 1800, being a member of one of the oldest families of Mon- mouth county. He settled at what is now known as Perrine Corners in Morth township. Mercer county. The grandfather of A. F. Perrine was Enoch Perrine, a son of U'illiam. Our subject was born in 1848 in Mercer county, whore lie was reared and educated. His early manhood was spent in farming and school teaching. In 1875 he entered the employ of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company as telegraph operator and was located at Franklin for a time and subsequently at Oil City. In 1876-77 he engaged in the mercantile business at Albion, Erie county. Penn- BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 9j9 sylv.inia, and in 1878 removed to Sandy Lake township, Mei-cer county, and engaged in the lumber business. In 1881 he located at Bullion, Ven- anwo county, Pennsylvania, and engaged in the oil 'ousiness, and in 1885 settled upon his present place. He has six Nvolls in operation, besides own- ing a farm near Raymilton, Venango county, Pennsylvania. Mr. Perrine was married in 1873 to Miss Prudence, daughter of Sampson Wright of Sandy Lake township, Mercer county, and is the father of six children: Jennie, Frank, Charles, May, Clyde, and Hoy. Politically he has always been a stanch Republican. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., K. of L. , and K. O. T. M. lodges and in religious views a Methodist. The Phipps Family. — Among the pioneers of Venango county, who de- serve prominent mention in its history is John Phipps, who came from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1797 and purchased a four hun- dred acre tract in what is now Clinton township, upon a part of which Robert Witherup now resides. His ancestors came from Bristol, England, with William Penn and settled in Chester, Pennsylvania. Joseph Phipps was one of the nine members elect, who represented Chester county in the first assembly convened at Philadelphia on the 10th of January, 1683. Samuel Phipps, Sr., born in Chester county, in 1735, was a man of remark- able vigor, and lived to the age of one hundred and three. He had eight children: John, a pioneer of Clinton township, Venango county; Sarah, who married William Wise; Samuel, who served under General "S^'ayne and lost his life on the Maumee in the last campaign against the Indians; Rachel, who died unmarried; Joseph, who was accidentally killed; Mary, married to John Duncan; Robert, who married Miss Halferday, and Nathan, who mar- ried Edith Updegraff. Prior to the time when Joseph Phipps embarked with the Quakers for the proprietaries in Pennsylvania, Solomon Phipps had cast his lot with the Puritans at Charlestown, Massachusetts, and James, the father of Sir Will- iam Phipps, had with others founded a colony near the mouth of the Ken- nebec in Maine, and as a gunsmith and shipbuilder was practically adapted to the necessities of the time and circumstance of his surroundings. As the father of twenty-one sons, of whom Sir William was the youngest, and five daughters, the blood of this remarkable man has been transmitted through many of the old New England families for more than two hundred and fifty years, and has contributed its vital force to the history and develop- ment of his adopted country. » When John Phipps first came to Venango county it was a wilderness, and he suffered the privations and hardships of early pioneer days. He mar- ried Catharine Haney of Westmoreland county, who bore him a family of thirteen children, ten of whom lived to maturity, five sons and five daugh- 980 HISTORY OF YENAXGO COUNTY. ters: David; Samuel; John; Eobert; Joseph; Mary, who married Levi Will- iams; Sarah, who married Allen McDowell, and after his death became the wife of a Mr. Sloan and removed to Ohio; Catharine, married to Robert Riddle; Elizabeth, who became the wife of Captain Abraham Witherup, and Nancy, married to George McKinley. David Phipps, the oldest son of John Phipps, Avas born in Westmore- land county in 1793, and married Margaret Stewart of Butler county. He was one of the progressive men of his day, and erected one of the very first furnaces in Venango county, in Clinton township. He also built the first woolen mills and saw mills at Kennerdell, and was engaged in the manu- facture of woolen goods and lumber for the surrounding country. He was a Democrat in politics and once the candidate of his party for congress. In 1854 he was elected associate judge, and was filling that position at the time of his death in 1857. Of the union of David Phipps and Margaret Stewart, eleven children were born: Catharine, wife of John Dilley, deceased; An- drew, John, and Jesse, all deceased; Mary, wife of Doctor J. B. McMillan, of Clintonville; William and Eli, both decease^; Sarah, wife of Doctor John Fulton, Beatrice, Nebraska; David, who died in childhood; Margaret, wife of the late Ephraim Parker, of Parker City, Pennsylvania, and David deceased. Of Mr. Phipps' union with Mrs. Rebecca Eakin, second wife, there was born one daughter, Etta, of Idaho Springs, Colorado. Samuel Phipps, second son of John Phipps, was born in Westmoreland county November 25, 1795, and was but two years old when his father re- moved with his family to Venango county. He received only such educa- tional advantages in his youth as could be obtained in the primitive schools at that early day, walking several miles morning and evening to secure even that. In later life, when looking back through "three score years and ten" he recalled with delight the days spent in the rude log school house, when his teacher, Isabel Craig, was his favorite friend. With an excellent mem- ory, and a passion for reading rarely known in those days, he became well infoi'med in history, both ancient and modern, and was especially at home in the political events of his own and other countries, becoming a promi- nent member of the debating societies that served the purpose of the higher literary schools of to-day. Books selected with taste and good judgment from the best authors in natural and moral philosophy, history, biography, and the sciences, constituted his library, from which he always derived great enjoyment. Farming in summer and shipping lime and lum- ber for buildings and bridges at Pittsburgh, Wheeling, and Cincinnati in the winter, employed his early years, but later in life he turned his chief attention to his farm, where he had subdued the forest, built the home to which he took his bride on their wedding day, contributed the best years of his life to his family and his friends, and August 9, 1879, in his eighty- fourth year, went to his last, long sleep, fully comforted in the faith of his fathers. BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 981 Of the union of Samuel Phijips and Amelia Halyday, of Cornplanter town- ship, thirteen children were born: Sarah H. , married to liobert F. Whann, who died leaving two sons, and by second marriage wife of William Kay- mond, of Kaymilton; Mary, widow of Robert Brigham, deceased; Catharine, widow of John H. Craig of Denver, deceased; Uretta, wife of James Ander- son; Elizabeth, who died in infancy; Eliza, wife of A. G. Egbert of Frank- lin; John, who died in infancy; Susan C, wife of Doctor Thomas McMil- lan, both deceased; Francis Halyday, deceased; Samuel E. of Edinboro, Erie county; Cyrus D., of Franklin; Nancy McK., wife of AVilliam Cross, and Hervey C, of Leadville, Colorado. In politics Mr. Fhipps was a Dem- ocrat, and served one term as sheriff of Venango county. Major John Phipps, third son of John Phipps, was born on the old home- stead in 1806. He was a justice of the peace for several years, and also a public auctioneer. Major Phipps married Barbara Hoffman, who bore him a family of twelve children, of whom John died at the age of twenty-seven; David married Isabella Mitchell; Catharine married Joseph Martin; Philip died in childhood; Nancy became the wife of John Wareham; Van Buren married Emily Carnes; Sarah was twice married, first to Peter Walters, who was killed in the Rebellion, and then to A. Sopher; Joseph died in child- hood; Ghost died aged twenty-seven; A. Jackson married Annie McKean; Barbara died in childhood, and Christina married Henry Beatty. Major Phipps died in 1876, aged seventy. Robert Phipps, fourth son of John Phipps, was born on the old home- stead, February 6, 1809. He married Ann Canan of Lawrenceburg, Penn- sylvania, and died in 1862, his widow surviving him until January 2, 1872. They were the parents of six sons and five daughters: William C. and Por- ter, of Clinton township; James, the second eldest son, who died on the homestead; John W., of Colorado; Simeon, of Butler county; Robert J., a minister of Allegheny county; Mary; Maria, wife of William Tiffany; Mary, Grace, and Sarah, all of whom died in infancy. Joseph Phipps, fifth son of John Phipps, was born October 12, 1812, and followed farming throughout his life. He remained upon the old homestead until he was a middle aged man, when he purchased the place where his widow and two sons and daughters now reside. He always took great inter- est in the public aflPairs of the township, and continuously tilled some local office. In 1837 he was married to Miss Elizabeth L. Whann, of Scrubgrass township, who died in 1852. Six children were born of this union: Cath- arine M., Robert J., John M., Walter W., Abraham M., and Elizabeth. The eldest and three youngest died in childhood, and John M. in 1862, from disease contracted in the army. Major Robert J. , the only survivor of the family, is a resident of Franklin, and one of the enterprising citizens of his native county. Mr. Phipps married for his second wife. May 5, 1854, Miss Jane B., daughter of Samuel Anderson, of Butler county, Pennsylvania, 982 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. who bore him six children: Samuel, deceased; Walter A., attorney at law, Douglass. Kansas: deorge T. ; Melvin; Vilena, and Imelda, wife of William Curtis, of Oil City. Mr. Phipps died in 1872, and his widow is living on the old homestead, which is being farmed by her sons, George T. and Mel- vin, both of whom were born and reared thereon. The latter was married June 24, 1885, to Miss Mary, daughter of Thomas Milford, of Crawford's Corners, Scrubgrass township. Two children, Alice C. and Mabel E., are the fruits of this union. William C. Phipps, eldest son of Robert and Ann (Canan) Phipps, was born in this township October 22, 1834. He was reared upon the old home- stead, and received his education in the common schools. He was engaged in the luml)er business and emj)loyed on the home farm until the commence- ment of the war, when he enlisted in Company E, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the close of the struggle. He participated in thirty- four engagements, and was wounded just previous to the surrender of Lee. On the close of the war he returned to Clinton township and en- gaged in the oil business for two years, and then resumed farming, which he has followed up to the present. He is a member of John M. Phipps Post, G. A. R. , of Clintonville, of which he has been commander two terms, and is the present quartermaster of the post. Politically he is a Republican. He was married November 18, 1858, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Will- iam Douds, of Crawford county, Pennsylvania, and has seven living chil- dren: Benton Mc. ; Ella, wife of William Richards, of Mercer county; Will- iam T. ; Harry t". ; Freddie L. and Lydia, twins; and John. Porter Phipps, third son of Robert and Ann (Canan) Phipps, was born November 30, 1842, and grew up on the homestead farm, receiving his edu- cation in the public schools of his native township, and the Clintonville Academy. In early manhood he engaged in teaching, and in 18G2 enlisted in Company E, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the sur- render of Lee. He participated in forty engagements, and at the close of the Rebellion resumed farming and stock raising, and now owns a farm of two hundred and sixty acres. In 1878 he engaged in the oil business, and has since been an oil producer. He is also one of the stockholders of the Bradford Orange Company, which has extensive orange groves in Florida. Politically he is a Republican, and in 1876 was elected justice of the peace, filling the office five years. He has always taken a deep interest in the progress of education in his native township. He is a member of the Pres- byterian church, and in 1885 was a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly held at Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a member of Alexander Welton Post, G. A. R., of which he has been commander. He was married Janu- ary 26, 1869, to Miss Sarah J. , daughter of James Baird, of Clinton town- ship, who has borne him six children: Lyman S. ; Robert B. ; John H. ; Mary A. ; Eva M., and (^race M. Mr. Phipps is one of the enterprising citizens of his township. BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 1)83 Judge Tuomas McKee was one of the tirst settlers of what is uow Clinton towusbip, Veuanfifo county. He was born in Franklin county, Pennnsyl- vania, in 1771, and removed to Westmoreland county in boyhood, where he resided until 1796, when he came to this portion of the Allegheny valley and took up a tract of four hundred acres of land then covered with the primeval forest. A portion of this tract is now embraced in the borough of Clintouville, and the balance is principally owned by his descendants. In 1805 he was chosen as one of the first associate judges of Venango county, and tilled the office with credit and ability over thirty years. He was also a justice of the peace in his township for a long period. Judge McKee was one of the most enterprising men of the county throughout the earlier years of its history. He erected one of the pioneer saw mills of his locality and carried on quite an extensive local lumber trade. He was also interested largely in real estate, and accumulated a great deal of valuable land. Judge McKee married Mary Parker, a native of Westmoreland county, and they were the parents of eleven children: William P., of Iowa; Wash- ington, who died in Missouri in 1889; James, deceased; Thomas and De- Witt C. of Clintouville; Susan, deceased wife of James F. Agnew; Mary Ann, deceased, who married James Harris of Harrisville; Clarissa, deceased wife of P. G. Hollister; Jane, deceased wife of James Russell; Barbara, who died in girlhood, and Juliet, deceased wife of J. A. Allen. Judge Mc- Kee was an honored resident of Venango county for more than sixty years, and died in September, 1857, at the ripe old age of eighty-six. His widow survived him nearly ten years, and died in February, 1867, also aged eighty - six years. They were Presbyterians, and Judge McKee was for many years a ruling elder in the Scrubgrass church. He also was one of the organizers of the Clintonville church, and one of its first ruling elders. He was a stanch Democrat and one of the most widely known citizens of the county during pioneer days. He was a gentlemen of the old school, polite, affable, and kind, and was recognized as a man of strict integrity and unimpeachable character. His descendants are still numerous in this section of the state. Thomas McKee, banker and farmer, is a son of Judge Thomas McKee, and was born on the site of Clintonville, Venango county, Pennsylvania, March 15, 1821. He attended the common schools of his township and has followed successfully farming, stock dealing, merchandising, and banking. On the 4th of January, 1853, he married Miss Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Grant) Anderson, pioneers of Scrubgrass town- ship. Nine children are the fruits of this marriage, all of whom are living: Elizabeth, wife of Reverend J. P. Barbor; Jennie, wife of Reverend Robert McCaslin; John M. ; Frank P. ; Arthalinda, wife of Reverend R. J. Phipps; Ida, wife of R. L. Riddle; Thomas P. ; William C, and Maggie. Mr. Mc- Kee is an elder in the Presbyterian church, to which denomination the family adhere. He is a stanch, unswerving Democrat, and has served four 984 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. years as county commissioner and filled the office of justice of the peace several years. ' Squire McKee is one of the most successful and substantial business men of his native county. William P. McKee, ganger, is a son of James and Mary (Cochran) Mc- Kee, and was born July 7, 1845, in Clintonville, Venango county. His father was the third son of Judge Thomas McKee, and was born in this township in 1812. He early engaged in the furnace business, afterward in the stock trade, purchasing for eastern markets. He was a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. , and filled some of the important offices in that order. He died March 31, 1851. His wife survived him and married Huo-h Craig, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our subject was the oldest of a family of three children, two sons and one daughter. He was educated in the schools of Clintonville, and at the age of eighteen went to Pittsburgh, where he learned the machinist trade. In 1863 he engaged in the oil busi- ness, which he followed until 1873, when he entei-ed the employ of the United Pipe Lines Company as a ganger, which position he has since filled. He was married March 20, 1876, to Miss Sadie, daughter of Doctor J. B. McMillan, of Clintonville, and by this marriage they have five living chil- dren: Mary A. ; Maggie L. ; John D. ; Katie, and Blanche. Our subject has tilled the office of burgess twice, served as school director nine years, and held other offices in Clintonville. He is a member of the Masonic order, also of the I. O. O. F. , and was district deputy grand master of Venango county in 1886. Politically he is a Democrat. The Eiddle Family. — Among the pioneers of the southern part of Ve- nango county was Matthew Kiddle, who served in the Revolutionary war, and came from Westmoreland in 1795, selected lands in this township, and brought his family to his new home in 1796. He afterward acquired about twelve hundred acres of land which at his death he divided among his four children. He was one of the chain bearers for Thomas McKee, an early surveyor of the county. His family consisted of two sons, John and Rob- ert, and two daughters: Annie, who married James Pollock, and Elizabeth. His wife died in 1817, and he survived her three years, dying in 1820. John, his eldest son, was born in Westmoreland county, and married Esther Crawford, who bore him four sons and two daughters: Matthew; Robert; John W. ; William C. ; Elizabeth, who married Samuel Moore, and Mary, who became the wife of George Cross. His son, Robert, was born in Westmoreland county in 1788, came with his parents to Venango county, and served in a company of militia in the war of 1812. He was married in 1816 to Caroline, daughter of John Phipps, who bore him ten children: John P.; James P.; Samuel; Robert; Wilson; David; Matthew; Elizabeth, who married James Calvert; Sarah A., and one who died in infancy. He was one of the enterprising citizens of the township, and served as justice of the peace at an early day. BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 985 John K.' Hipdle, farmer and oil producor, was Ixtrii January 2*J, 1S18, in Clinton township, and is a son of Matthew and Mary (Moore) Kiddle. He attended the common schools of the townsliip, and completed his edu- cation at Westminster College in Lawrence county. For many years he dealt in produce, which he sold at Foxburg and Parker City. His father was born in 1814, in early life was a teacher, and at one time tilled the office of county surveyor. Matthew Riddle was the father of six children: Julia, wife of John Donaldson; Josiah R. ; Levina, wife of Joshua Hoffman; John K. ; Reverend Clinton, of Nebraska, and Marilda J. John K. was married in 1882 to Tillie, daughter of David G. Shaw, of Parker City, Pennsylvania. Major Philip Ghost, a native of Germany, who served in the Revolu- tionary war, came from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, to what is now Clinton township, Venango county, in 1790, and settled on the farm now occupied by Ghost Hoffman, which he purchased from a man by the name of Jamison. He married Barbara Keltz, of Westmoreland county, and was the father of three sons and five daughters, all of whom are dead. His son, Craft, was born in Westmoreland county, and came to Venango county about the same time, settling in Irwin township. He was a miller by occupation, a man of good education, and taught school for many years. He also filled the position of county commissioner. He married Elizabeth Fritz, who bore him ten children: John; Philip, deceased; Christina, wife of Nathan Phipps; Barbara, wife of William Carroll, of Illinois; Sarah, wife of Thomas Galloway, of Irwin township; Charlotte, wife of William McCon- nell; Mary, deceased; Susanna, of Irwin township, and Betsey, deceased wife of John Coleman. The parents both died in this county. John Ghost, eldest son of Craft, was born March 2, 1806, was reared upon the homestead, and lived there until 1834, when he settled upon his present farm in Clinton township. He was married November 7, 1883, to Catharine, daughter of Philip Surrenna, of Clinton township, and by this marriage is the father of the following children : Clinton ; Philip, deceased ; Elizabeth, wife of Perry McFadden; Craft W. ; William S. ; Mary Ann, wife of Benton Moore, and Nancy, deceased. Mr. Ghost has been a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church for sixty years. His sons, Craft AV. and William S., were born July 18, 1842, and April 21, 1844, respectively, upon the old homestead. The former was married November 24, 1870, to Miss Harriet A. , daughter of Davidson Mc Williams, who is the mother of one child, Annette. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. William S. Ghost has spent his entire life upon the old homestead, and is now caring for his parents in their declining years. He was married May 3, 1887, to Miss Barbara, daughter of James Hoffman, of Clinton township, by which union one daughter, Christina, has been born. Mr. Ghost is a Republican, a member of the K. and L. of H., and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church of Clintonville. 986 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. T^ioMAS Baird, a native of Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and a sur- veyor by profession, purchased a tract of land where his grandsons now live in Clinton township, for which he paid six hundred dollars, and settled upon this land about 1796. He served in Captain McManigal's company in the war of 1812, and was one of the pioneer justices of the peace of this part of the county. He married Martha McKee, a sister of Judge McKee, who bore him the following children: John; James; William; Thomas; Hugh; Susan, married to John VanDyke; Mary; Elizabeth, who married Doctor Coulter, and Matilda, wife of Gibson Vincent. Thomas Baird died in 1864 at the age of eighty-six. James Baird, born in 1807, son of Thomas and Martha (McKee) Baird, was a surveyor by profession and laid out many of the principal roads of the township. He was a life-long member of the Presbyterian church and an elder for many years. He died February 24, 1864, leaving a widow, who resides in Clintonville, and seven children: Martha, wife of John Vin- cent; Ann E. ; Susan, deceased wife of Doc£or J. M. Foster; Sarah, wife of Porter Phipps; Mary, wife of J. A. Porter; J. M. , and William A. J. M. Baird, farmer, was born in Clinton township October 29, 1848, son of James and Mary (Kilpatrick) Baird, was educated in the common schools, and on the death of his father took charge of the home farm upon which he still resides. He was married October 5, 1871, to Miss Mary G., daughter of David Hovis, of Clinton township, and is the father of six children: Susan M. ; David E. ; James C. ; Frank P.; Meda F. , and Jesse Hays. Mr. Baird is one of the enterprising citizens of the township, polit- ically a Democrat, and a member of the Presbyterian church. His brother William A. also resides upon the old homestead, where he was born Sep- tember 12, 1851, and is engaged in farming and oil producing. He was married June 14, 1888, to Miss Jennie, daughter of William Courtney, of Grove City, Mercer county, Pennsylvania. The Eakins. — In 1799 Samuel Eakin came from Juniata county, Penn- sylvania, and located in what is now Clinton township, Venango county. Two years prior, in 1797, he emigrated from Ireland to Juniata county. At the time of their arrival in Venango county his family consisted of his wife, Mary (Ileilly) Eakin, and two children : Mary, who married Robert Moore, and William. Subsequently there were born: James; Jane, who married James Scott; Samuel; Elizabeth; Margaret, who married a Mr. Moore, and David. Soon after Samuel's settlement his brother William and sister Margaret, the latter the wife of a Mr. Curry, located in the same region and developed farms. Samuel settled on one hundred and fifty acres of land, and held various township offices. His wife died in 1821, and he survived her until September, 1851, passing away at the age of eighty-four years. All of his sons and daughters became settlers of Venango county, and all of them are dead, the last one, Samuel, dying in November, 1888, at the ao-e vy>^ e.AJ BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. '.)S9 of eighty-two. The other members of the family also lived l)eyon(l iiiiddi** H^e. The old homestead, after the death of Samuel, Sr. , became the prop- erty of his youngest son, David, who died October 11, 1851, aged forty-one years. David was married to ilebec^ca Stalker, daughter of Thomas Stalker, and was the father of nine children: Rachel, who married S. D. Porter; Samuel; Thomas, deceased; Thomas J.; Mary Jane, who married S. M. Lockhart; Martha L., wife of William Witherup; Elizabeth, married to John Fabian; Sarah Ann, wife of John Myers, and David V. The father dying, Mrs. Eakin was married to David Phipps, of Clinton township, by whom she had one daughter, Henrietta, married to a Mr. Thero, of Colorado. Mrs. Phipps died in February, 1878. The Witherup Family. — John Witherup was a native of England who immigrated to Trenton, New Jersey, and from there went to Philadelphia, and subsequently to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was employed in the transportation of freight between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, which in those days was done by wagon. In 1800 he came to Venango county and settled in Scrubgrass township. While in Pittsburgh he had the contract to supply the lumber for building the first court house erected in that city, and always spoke with pride of being the man who cut the first piece of timber used in its erection. His settlement in this county was made on a tract of four hundred and forty acres near the mouth of Big Scrubgrass creek, upon which he erected the first saw and grist mill in the township. He was engaged in farming, milling, and lumbering for many years. In 1805 he was elected the first sheriff of Venango county, was one of the early justices of the peace, and tilled that office for twenty-five or thirty years. He married Mary Brockingham, a native of England, who bore him the fol- lowing children: Abraham; David, who died in Missouri; William, who died in Virginia; John, deceased; Alexander, who died in Scrubgrass town- ship; Martha, who married Colonel William W. Shorts, of Sandy Creek township, and Robert, who died on Red river. Mr. Witherup died in 1843. Captain Abraham W^itherup, eldest son of John, was born in Philadel- phia, in 1787, and came with his father to Venango county. He lived for a time in Rockland township, and then settled upon the old homestead, where he followed farming and the lumber business. He was one of the early oil producers of the county, commencing in 1865, wells to the number of forty having been drilled upon his farm, which, with the exception of a few, averaged from two to one hundred and sixty barrels daily for the period of seven or eight years. Captain Witherup commanded a company from Venango county in the war of 1812. He was a life-long Democrat, filled the office of justice of the peace for twenty years, and was one of the enter- prising men of his day. He married Elizabeth, fourth daughter of John Phipps, Sr. , who bore him thirteen children, and lived her four-score years. The children are: Mary, deceased wife of James Haslett; Catharine, de- 990 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. ceased wife of Nathaniel M. Wasson; Sarah, wife of O. D. McMillin; Mar- tha, wife of Elliott Davis; Elizabeth; John, deceased; Robert; David, de- ceased; Joseph; Abraham; Samuel P.; James B. , and William. Captain Witherup died in 1875, loved and respected as a patriotic citizen. His 3'oungest son, William, was born August 24, 1882, on the old home- stead and received such education as the common schools afforded. He has always been engaged in farming and the lumber business. Politically he is an ardent Democrat. He was married November 19, 1863, to Miss Martha L., daughter of David Eakin. of Clinton township, and by this union is the father of ten children: Forest F. ; Melda M. ; David F. ; Harry K. ; Joseph A.; Lewis H. , deceased; Samuel B. ; Jesse L. ; William V., and Bessie P. Alexander Porter, an early settler of Venango county, was a native of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and of Irish parentage. He located on a tract of four hundred acres, where his grandsons, Samuel and Thomas V., now reside. He was a blacksmith, and carried on this business in connec- tion with farming. He married Margaret Braden, whom he brought to his home in the forest of Venango county, in 1798. She bore him twelve childi-en: Joseph; Mary; Elizabeth; Isabel, who married William Coulter; Nancy, who married William Osborn; James; Annabel, who married James Kerr; Samuel; John; Margaret, who married Benjamin Yard; Lucy, and Alexander, all of whom are dead excepting Annabel, Margaret, and Alex- ander. He died September 26, 1847, his widow surviving him until 1850. James Porter, the second son, was born December 21, 1801, on the old homestead, where he resided until about 1828, when he purchased an adjoining farm in Butler county, upon which he lived until 1857. He then purchased the old homestead in this township, where he resided until his death. While a resident of Butler county he filled the office of justice of the peace. He was an ardent supporter of the temperance cause, and prominent in temperance circles. Mr. Porter was twice married, first to Sybella Coulter, who died, leaving two sons: Levi and James C. He subsequently married Harriet, daughter of James Vincent, of Butler coianty, who bore him two sons: Samuel and Thomas V., and died May 31, 1863. James Porter died June 18, 1887. Samuel Porter, third son of James, was born June 18, 1854, in Butler county. Pennsylvania, and grew to manhood upon his present homestead, in Clinton township. He was married in March, 1879, to Miss Tabitha, daughter of Richard Van Dyke, of Butler county, who is the mother of five children: Harriet A.; Richard; James B. ; Mary R., and Benjamin Alexan- der. In 1884 Mr. Porter and brother, Thomas V., engaged in the produc- tion of oil upon their farm, and have met with fair success. They also have in operation a saw and chop mill. Thomas V. Porter, fourth son of James Porter, was born December 31, 1856, in Butler county, and was reared upon the homestead in Clinton town- BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 1»!)1 ship. Ho received bis priiuury education in the common schools, and completed bis studies in Westminster College, in Lawrence county, Penn- sylvania. He was married in 1881 to Miss Eva, daughter ui Roljort Long, of Harrisville, Butler county, who has borne him two children: James Clay- ton and Margaret L. Mr. Porter is a member of the United Presbyterian church, and politically he is a Prohibitionist. John A. Porter, torpedo operator, was born April 17, 1842, in Irwin township, Venango county, and is a son of John and Julia (Black) Porter and a grandson of Alexander Porter, an early settler of Clinton township. His youth was spent upon a farm, and in 1861 he enlisted in Company I, One Hiindred and Second Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was the first man from Clinton township to enter the service. He participated in the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Fredericksburg (first and second), and at Salem Heights was made a prisoner and confined on Belle Isle .until his parole a month later, when he returned to his regiment. At the battle of the Wilderness in May, 1864, he was woimded in the left leg, and was confined for a little over one year in various hospitals. He was color bearer of his regiment when wounded, and while in the hospital was promoted to the first lieutenancy, but never was able to return to his regi- ment, yet ranks as lieutenant in his discharge, which occurred in 1865. In 1867 he engaged as a clerk in a drug store in New Castle, Pennsylvania, and afterward followed farming until 1887, when he engaged in his present business. Mr. Porter was married in 1868 to Miss Mary R., daughter of James Baird, by which marriage he is the father of eight children: James B. ; John J. ; Fred ; Arthur ; Utillis A. ; Anna M. ; Ella A. , and Ada P. While a resident of Lawrence county Mr. Porter filled the office of county treasurer, and since returning to Clinton township has held some minor offices. He is a member of John M. Phipps Post, G. A. R., and of Union Veteran Legion, No. 45, and with his wife belongs to the Presbyterian church. The Hovis Family, of Venango county, are descendants of John Theo- dore Hofius, a native of Prussia, and a minister of the Reformed church. His first settlement was in Bedford county, Pennsylvania; thence he re- moved to Washington county, where he married Nancy Baker, who bore him four sons and one daughter: George, who settled in Hickory town- ship, Mercer county, about 1800, where his father died in 1808, at an ad- vanced age; William, who settled in West Virginia near Wheeling; Ernest, who located in Irwin township, Venango county; Barbara, who married Henry Koonce, of Clarksville, Mercer county, and John, who settled in what is now Clinton township about 1808, where his mother died in 1820. She was buried in the old graveyard upon the Hoffman farm. John Hovis was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and located upon a four hundred acre tract in this township, where David Hovis now lives. He served in Captain McManigal" s company in the war of 1812. He 992 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. married Susanna Cogan, of Bedford county, Pennsylvania, who bore him eleven children: William; John; George; Nicholas; Jacob; Ernest; David; Catharine, who married Benjamin R. Yard; Nancy, who married Philip Boker; Elizabeth, who married William Campbell, and Sally, wife of Rob, ert Cannan. David Hovis was born on the homestead, where he now resides, March 19, 1813, and is a farmer and oil producer, having had ten producing wells upon his own farm. He was married in 1838 to Miss Margery J. , daughter of James Cannan, of Clinton township, and by this union has eight children: Charles W. ; John N. ; William J. ; Thomas C. ; Lester A. ; Maria L. ; Mary J., wife of John M. Baird, and Susan E. Mr. Hovis has been elected justice of the peace and has always taken a deep interest in the public af- fairs of his township. He was at one time a captain of a militia company, and has been an ardent Democrat all his life. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty-five years, and has served as stew- ard and trustee, and superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. John N. Hovis, oil producer, was born October 7, 1847, upon the old homestead, where his early life was also spent. He is a son of David and Margery (Cannan) Hovis. He received his education in the township schools, and followed the carpenter trade for some years. In 1878 he entered the employ of Phillips Brothers, and in 1882, in connection with Hosea Beighlea, he purchased a well located on the Vanderlin farm, two on the Daugherty farm, and one upon the Surrenna farm, from Phillips Brothers. In 1884 his partner died, and the widow sold his interest to O. B. Cross, and in partnership with him Mr. Hovis has since carried on opera- tions. Our subject is also connected with Hollister & Cummings in other wells. He married Ellen, daughter of John and Margaret Ray of Butler county, and by this union has five children: Frank; Annie; Minnie V. ;' Charles E. , and Arthur. Mr. Hovis is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal church, and in politics a Republican. M. Z. Hovis, justice of the peace and oil producer, was born May 9, 1850. in Irwin township, Venango coimty, and is a son of Samuel and Eliza C. (Welton) Hovis, and grandson of William Hovis. His great-grand- father was John Theodore Hofius, who settled in Hickory township, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, in 1800, and there died in 1808. Samuel Hovis was born in Clinton township, Venango county, and is at present a justice of the peace of Victory township, where he resides. His children are as follows: Lydia L., wife of John B. Henderson of Clinton township; Emmerilla, wife of Isaac R. Eakin; William J. ; Sadie E., wife of James A. Osborn; Samuel H. ; Joseph C. ; Chester L. ; Margaret C. ; John D., and M. Z. The last mentioned was roared and educated in Victory township, Venango county. He farmed in summer and taught school in winter until his twenty-third year, and then entered the employ of Barkey & Company, merchants of BIOGUAPHIES OF CLINTON. 993 Barkoyville, this county, as a clork. Aboiit 1877 be rctuined to Victory township and engaged in the mercantile ImHiiioss, and established the post- office known as Pearl, of which he was postuiastor for several years. In 1881 he retired from business and removed to Clintonville, and formed a partnership with J. C. Hovis in the jn-oduction of oil. Their wells are located in Butler county, but he has one well upon his father's farm in Clinton township. In the spring of 1889 he was elected justice of the peace, and is also the auditor of Clintonville. Mr. Hovis was married in 1873 to Miss Susanna, daughter of John Shelly, of Irwin township, who died April 15, 1880, leaving two children: Susie P. and Henry B. Polit- ically Mr. Hovis is a Democrat, and a member of the Church of God. The Henderson Family.— One of the early settlers of Venango county was Andrew Henderson, who came from Westmoreland county about 1816 and located in what was then Scrubgrass township. He married Mary Elder of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, and died in 1844. His children were as follows: Joseph; William, deceased; Jacob, of Sandy Hill, Pennsylvania; Thomas, of Clinton township; Andrew, of Irwin township; Charles, of Sandy Creek township; Mary, wife of John Lockard; Eliza, wife of Benjamin Brink of Clarion county, and Margaret, wife of David Moore of Washing- ton city. Thomas Henderson, third son of Andrew Henderson, was born in West- moreland county, and came with his parents to Venango, where he was reared to a farm life, and educated in the pioneer schools of the township. He married Catharine Bonner, who bore him ten children, four of whom are living: John B., of Clinton township; Andrew J., of the same township; Elizabeth, wife of Robert Hutchison of Clinton township, and Amanda, wife of Marion Blair of Victory township, Venango county. Mrs. Hender- son died in September, 1864. John B. Hendeeson, son of Thomas, was born in 1838 upon the home- stead farm, where he also grew to manhood. In 1860 he engaged in the oil business, being one of the pioneer operators, and has continued in that line to the present. He is also engaged quite extensively in farming, and resides upon his homestead of two hundred acres, about three miles north of Clintonville. This farm was originally owned by the Davidson family, who were among the pioneers of the county. Mr. Henderson was married January 13, 1863, to Miss L. L., daughter of Samuel Hovis of Victory township. He and wife are members of the Church of God, and politically he is an ardent Prohibitionist. Andrew J. Henderson, son of Thomas, was born February 2, 1845,^ was reared a farmer, and subsequently engaged in oil operating. In 1883 he returned to agi'icultural pursuits. He was married in 1867 to Miss Julia, daughter of David Clay of Clinton township, who is the mother of one child, Delilah J. Mr. Henderson is a member of the K. and L. of H. , and politically a Democrat. 994 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Richard Kennekbell was born at Bolton, Lancashire, England. March 19, 1817, and died at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 17, 1878. His father, Edward Kennerdell, and five of his father's brothers, were officers in the British army, and sons of a leading physician of Bolton. Edward married Miss Mary Wiles, a native of Bolton, who bore him a family of twelve chil- dren, seven of whom grew to maturity — five sons and two daughters: James, who died in Philadelphia; Elizabeth, deceased wife of Henry Martin, of Sheakleyville, Pennsylvania; Richard, deceased; Thomas, who died at Ken- nerdell; John, who died at Kittanning; Anna, wife of Isaac Firth, of Worth- ington, Armstrong county, and Edward, who lives at Kittanning. In 1826 the family came from England to Philadelphia, and in 1837 removed to Pittsburgh, and soon after located at Craig's Mills, Armstrong county. While there Richard Kennerdell manufactured the first woolen goods made in that county. In 1844 the Kennerdells removed to Agnew's Mills, Rich- land township, Venango county, which Richard had previously leased for nine years, and carried on the manufacture of woolens during that period. In 1852 they purchased the projjerty on Big Scrubgrass, since known as Kennerdell' s mills. They improved the buildings and operated saw, grist, and woolen mills, and also conducted a large general store. Edward Ken- nerdell and wife spent the remaining years of their lives at this point. In 1859 Richard Kennerdell bought the interests of the other members of the family, and with characteristic energy he gradually improved the property until Kennerdell became quite a flourishing little hamlet. Mr. Kennerdell was married December 30, 1835, to Miss Jane, daughter of William Hare, a native of Scotland. She was born in the city of Lon- donderry, Ireland, and came to Philadelphia at the age of eighteen, where she soon after met her future husband. They were married in that city and became the parents of nine children, six of whom grew to maturity: Mary Ann, deceased; James Craig; Anna Elizabeth, wife of W. J. Welsh; Jane K., wife of Doctor W. A. Nicholson; Mary Ann, who died August 23, 1886, and Sarah Elvira. The parents were reared in the Protestant Episcopal church, but having no body of that faith near them in this county, they united with the Presbyterian church. Mr. Kennerdell erected and supported, largely at his own expense, for many years a church and school at Kenner- dell. In March, 1878, he removed to Philadelphia, intending to make that city his future home, but the following month, while on a business trip to his old home he was taken ill and died at Pittsburgh. His remains were interred in the public cemetery of Franklin, where a handsome shaft marks the last resting place of himself and wife, who survived him until January 19, 1881. Politically Mr. Kennerdell was a Democrat, but took little inter- est in public afFairs. He was a man of wonderful energy and rare business ta(;t, and through unflagging industry and fortunate investments he accumu- lated a handsome competence. Upright and honest in all his dealino-s, char- BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 995 itahlo and kind to a remarkable degree, and affectionate in his borne rela- tions, it is not indeed strange that ho went down to his grave possessing hosts of friends and deeply mourned by the community where so many years of his life were passed. William CKOss,who is well remembered as one of the [)ioueer iron njun- ufacturers of Butler, Venango, and other counties, was a son of Samuel Cross, a native of Ireland, who immigrated to eastern Pennsylvania, and thence to Centerville, Butler county. Samuel Cross was twice married, and reared a family of twelve children, eight sons and four daughters. -Joseph, one of the sons, was elected to the assembly from Butler county. All the members of the family remained in that county, except our subject, who served in the commissary department during the war of 1812. He removed to Franklin in 1831, leased a forge, and engaged in the manufacture of iron. In July, 1885, he located at Clintonville, where he erected a resi- dence and store. Individually, or in partnership with others, he erected and operated the following furnaces: Slab furnace, in Cranberry, Sandy, in Victory, Van Buren, in Cranberry; Bullion and Jane, in Clinton; Forest, near Tionesta, and Pleasant Grove, in Lancaster county. He was also interested in grist and carding mills, and was one of the energetic men of his time. He married Jane, daughter of Robert Weakly, of Butler county, who bore him nine children: Samuel W. ; Robert; Wilson; AVilliam C. ; Harriet, wife of Thomas Hoge, who was a member of the state senate and mayor of Franklin; Sarah Jane, who married Nathan Davis; Matilda, who married John Maxwell, and two daughters named Caroline, one of whom died young. William Cross died at Clintonville November 24, 1861, in his seventy-sixth year. Judge Robert Cross was one of the most prominent and enterprising citizens of Clinton township for many years. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1811, son of William and Jane (Weakly) Cross. He looked after his father's business for many years during the lifetime of the latter, and then engaged in merchandising in Clintonville. He was the lirst postmaster of the town, and filled that position about thirty years. He also engaged in farming, and continued in agricultural and mercantile pur- suits up to within a short time of his death, which occurred at his home in Clintonville, June 22, 1874. Judge Cross was married December 25, 1835, to Miss Hannah McKissick, daughter of Aaron and Mary (Means) McKissick, natives of Maine, who set- tled in Franklin, Pennsylvania, about 1818, and thence removed to Sandy Creek township, where both resided until death. Mrs. Cross was born in Portland, Maine, April 15, 1816, and is the mother of nine children: Caroline, deceased; Mary J., deceased wife of E. P. Newton; Hattie, wife of Major Robert J. Phipps; Lovisa, wife of Reverend J. M. Foster; William; O. Byron; Emma F., wife of C. M. Riddle; Alice, wife of Doctor H. Jackson, 996 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. and Henrietta, married to David V. Eakin. Mrs. Cross is still a resident of Clintonville, and has lived in Venango county for the past seventy-two years. She has watched its gradual development from a comparative wilderness to its preseat prosperity. Judge Cross was an elder in the Presbyterian church and a very liberal supporter of churches and schools. Generous and charitable to a remarkable degree, and upright and honest in all his affairs, he was recognized not only as a good man. but the leading business man of Clintonville during the greater portion of his active Inisiness career. Politically he was an ardent Democrat and served as associate judge of Venango county several years. He went down to his grave respected and honored by the whole community, wherein more than fifty years of his life were passed. William Cross, eldest son of Robert Cross, Avas born November ID, 1845, in Clintonville, and was educated in the schools thereof. He was reared a farmer, and in 1875 purchased his present homestead. He was married in 1867 to Miss Nannie, daughter of Samuel Phipps, and eight chil- dren have been born to them: Effie M. ; Frank; Fred A. ; Hannah; William R. ; Florrilla ; Hattie, and Robert P. In 1888 Mr. Cross was appointed mer- cantile appraiser. He is a member of the K. and L. of H. , and politically a stanch Democrat. William C. Cross, fou.rth son of William Cross, was born in Butler county, January 22, 1823, and was associated with his father from an early age until the death of the latter in 1861. In 1881 he was elected treasurer of Venango county, and tilled the position one term. He was married in 1848 to Isabella Cummings, who died May 21, 1867, leaving seven children: William C. ; Sarah A.; Mary; Jane; Isaac H. ; Eva, and John C. He married for his second wife Mrs. Mary J. Ford. Mr. Cross is now en- gaged in the mercantile busioess in Clintonville, with which he has been identified for a number of years, and is one of the well-known citizens of the township. J. B. McMillan, physician, Clintonville, is a representative of one of the pioneer families of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, where he was born in Wolf Creek township in 1824. His paternal grandfather, Daniel McMillan, was a native of County Derry, Ireland, who immigrated to the United States al)out 1798, and settled near Pittsburgh. His wife died on the voyage to this country, leaving a family of four sons and two daughters, two of whom, William and John, subsequently settled in Mercer county, Pennsylvania. William purchased a tract of four hundred acres of land in Wolf Creek township, and the records of Mercer county show him as a tax payer in 1802. He was one of the three commissioners appointed to lay out the county seat of Mercer county, and for forty years filled the office of justice of the peace. He served at Erie in the war of 1812, and was one of the progressive men of his day. He was a pronounced temperance advocate, BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 1)97 and prominont in toinperanco work (lurin«^ bis lifo time. His death oc- curred in 1'843. His wife, Margaret (Rol)b) McMillan, Ixjre him a family of four sous and four daugliti^rs: Daniel; Robert; Andrew J.; John B. ; Maro'aret, who married INI. Elrod; Matilda; Eliza, who married John ]\Ic- Millan, and at his death Robert Hutchison; and Mary, Mrs. Samuel Thomp- son. Doctor McMillan spent his early years on the homestead, and received his primary education in the log school house of that period. At the age of twenty-two he came to Clintonville, where his brother, Doctor Andrew J. McMillan, had located in practice, and commenced the study of medicine in his office. In 1850 he commenced the practice of his profession, but after a few years his brother removed to Butler county, and subsequently to Kansas where he now resides. Our subject was married in 1851 to Miss Mary, daughter of Judge David Phipps, which union has been blessed with six children: Andrew J., of Kansas; Margaret, wife of William Tribby, of Sharpsville, Pennsylvania; Sadie, wife of William McKee, of Clintonville: Almira; Blanche G. , and Austa N. Doctor McMillan has been in contin- uous practice in Clintonville for thirty-seven years, and has been closely identified with social and material interests throughout this period. He is a stanch Republican, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. K. M. Hoffman, physician, Clintonville, was born December 15, 1836, in what was then Scrubgrass township. He is a a son of James and Christina (Monjar) HofPman. His grandfather, James HofPman, was a native of Penn- sylvania, of German ancestry; his father immigrated to this country and set- tled in this state. On the maternal side the ancestry was from France, immigrated to Maryland, and thence to Venango county. Doctor Hoffman spent his early years upon the homestead, and received a good common school education. He then entered Allegheny College, Meadville, where he remained for six months; returning to his home he engaged in teaching for the purpose of raising means to prosecute his studies. In 1851, having accu- mulated sufficient means, he attended school at Harrisville, Butler county, where he spent two years. Returning to his home he continued his stud- ies in the Clintonville Academy, and remained in that institution for two years. In 1857 he commenced to study medicine with Doctor John B. Mc- Millan, of Clintonville, and subsequently imder Doctors McMillan and Fowler at Harrisville, Pennsylvania. In the winter of 1865-66 he attended lectures at the Ohio Medical College, and in the latter year formed a part- nership with Doctor J. M. Foster of Clintonville, and commenced the prac- tice of medicine. In 1872-73 he entered Cleveland Medical College and graduated in the latter year. In 1873 he associated himself with Doctor Homer Jackson of Utica, Venango county, Pennsylvania, which partnership continued five years, and the subsequent five years was a partner of Doctor George Parr of Perrysville, Ohio. Since the dissolution of the last partner- ship he has continued to practice alone. Doctor Hoffman is an active 998 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Eepublican, and in 1886 was elected biirgess of Clintonville, and at the present time is a member of the borough council. He was married in 1864 to Miss Mary Miller, who has borne him one daughter, Berdie, wife of John F. Craig, of Clintouvillo. E. M. Hoffman, oil producer, is a son of James and Christina (Monjar) HofPman, and was born October 15, 1835, in Clinton township. The pater- nal grandfather was James Hoffman, a German, whose parents emigrated from Germany and settled in Westmoreland county. He was born in 1773, and came to Venango county in 1797 and settled X)n the land where Andrew HofPman now lives, in Clinton township. He was a wagon maker, and en- gaged in the making of agricultural implements for the farmers. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Major Philip Ghost, one of the early settlers of Clinton. Their children were : Barbara; Mary; John; James; Daniel; Adam; Philip G. ; Jacob; Elizabeth; Christina, and Catharine. He died about 1848, and his wife in 1848. James' family consisted of five sons: Doctor K. M. ; R. M. ; Coulter; Samuel, and Phili}); and four daughters: Caro- line; Clementina; Mary, and Barbara. Our subject was reared on the homestead and educated in the schools of the township. In 1861 he enlisted in Company K. Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the close of the war; he participated in all of the battles fought by the Army of the Po- tomac; at the battle of Sulphur S2:)rings all that reported of his company of the rank and file were one ofiicer and two privates, he being one of them; at the battle of Hatcher's Run he was the color bearer, and received from General Gregg a furlough for standing to his colors when the regiment broke, his action causing them to rally. After the close of the war he farmed until 1876, when he engaged in the oil business. He also operated a hotel near Clintonville in the oil excitement of 1876. He at present is en- gaged in operating five wells, in connection with his son. He married, in 1859, Miss Elizabeth Martin, of Irwin township, and by this union they have three children: Martin R., Minnie, and Claudia C. He is a member of the Church of God, and politically a Republican. William Moore, farmer, son of Robert and Mary (Eakin) Moore, and grandson of William Moore, was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, in 1815. His grandfather emigrated from Ireland and settled east of the mountains. His mother, Mary Eakin, was also a native of Ireland, and by her marriage to Robert Moore had a family of seven children: AVilliam; Samuel, a resident of Scrubgrass township; Sarah; Mary, wife of Matthew Riddle; Elizabeth, who married John McKinley; Jane, deceased, and James, of Clinton township. Her husband died in 1826, and she survived him until 1864. At the age of ten years our subject went to live with his grandfather, Samuel Eakin, where he resided seventeen years. In 1839, in connection with his brother Samuel, he purchased two hundred acres of land on the line of Clinton and Scrubgrass townships, where he has ever since BIOGRArniES OF CLINTON. 009 livfcl. Politically lie is a llepublican, a life lon^ nioml)or of the United Presl)yterian clmrcli, and one of the respected citizens of the community. Snowden D. Porter, farmer, was born March 15, 1888, in Cranberry township, Venango county, and is a son of Aaron and Rachel (Belong) Porter. His paternal grandfather, Thomas Porter, came to this county and settled in Cranberry township, near Franklin, where he died about 1840. He married Margaret Shorts, who bore him the following children: Jesse; Aaron; Richard; Sarah, who married John Gordon; Elizabeth, who married Charles Jacobs; William, and Margaret, who married Thomas Sarver, all of whom are dead. Aaron Porter was born March 25, 1801, was a farmer by occupation, and removed to Ohio, where he died June 17, 1875. He was thrice married. His first wife, Mary, died June 28, 1828, leaving two children: George and Mary. He married for his second wife Rachel Belong, who died September 9, 1845, leaving five children: Snowden B. ; Jesse, deceased; Hannah, wife of Henry Hughes; Sarah, deceased, and James L., of Ohio. His third wife, Catharine, died Becember 15, 1883, leaving six children: John; Clarinda; Amanda; Margaret; Jason, and Elias. Our subject was reared in Ohio and Pennsylvania, received his education in the public schools, and when thirteen years old began boating on the Alle- gheny river, which he followed for some years. He then purchased his present farm, and has since been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was twice married, first to Retta McClafferty, who died May 1, 1855, leaving two children: AVilliam. deceased, and George. He was again married Feb- ruary 12, 1857, to Miss Rachel, daughter of Bavid Eakin, one of the^.pio- neers of Venango county, and by this union is the father of six children: Warren; Martha, wife of Findley Griffin; Isabella, wife of L. Bille; Eliza- beth; Anna, and Samuel. Mr. Porter is a Bemocrat, and a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. James Vogds, farmer, was born in Clinton township July 81, 1834, and is a son of William and Eleanor (Allison) Vogus. The progenitor of the Vogus family of this county was John Vogus, a German, who settled on the land where William Vogus lives about 1790. He had one son. Francis, from whom the present Vogus family are descended. Francis was married to Catharine Baker who bore him the following children: John; Catharine; William; Jacob; Adam; Philip: Francis; Mary; Nancy; Peter, and Joseph, of whom six are dead: John; Catharine; Jacob; Philip; Nancy, and Joseph. He lived upon the old homestead until old age, then removed to Irwin town- ship and there died. His son, William, was born in 1813, and was twice married. His first wife died in 1866 leaving three childi-en: James; Sarah, who was twice married, first to George McMurdy, and then to Robert Jones, and Ellen, wife of Philip Stoopes, of Missouri. His second wife was Mrs. Sarah (Atwell) Jamison who has borne him one son,William B. Our subject was born on the old homestead, and in 1868 removed to Oil City and engaged 1000 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. iu teaming. In 1876 he located on a farm in New Vernon township, Mercer coimty, where he remained until 1886 and then purchased his present home- stead in Clinton township. He was married in 1862 to Miss Freelove, daugh- ter of Jacob F. Hoffman of Irwin township, who is the mother of two chil- dren: John ^y., engaged in the sale of agricultural implements for Walter A. Wood & Company, of Hoosick Falls, New York, and Hezekiah. Politi- cally Mr. Vogus is a Democrat. Cyrus R. Coulter, farmer, was born August 26, 1843, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Baird) Coulter. His grandfather, Patrick Coulter, was a native of County Derry, Ireland, and settled in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, whence in 1804 or 1805 he removed to what was then Scrub- grass township. He was three times married, his first wife being Nancy Finley, by whom he had two sons: John and William; and three daughters, all of whom are dead. John Coulter was born in Huntingdon county, Penn- sylvania. June 15, 1787, studied medicine with Epaphroditus Cossitt of Mercer, and was one of the first practicing physicians in the county. He was also one of the leading pioneer farmers. He was twice married, his first wife being Achsah (Riggs) Coulter, who bore him six daughters, three of whom are living: Eliza, wife of William Moyn; Caroline, wife of Joseph A. Allen, and Achsah, wife of James B. Witherup. By his second wife he had three children: Mary A., wife of Thomas J. Eakin; Martha, who resides at home, and Cyrus R. Mr. Coulter died June 13, 1849, and his widow re- sides with her son. Our subject lived upon the homestead farm until the beginning of the war, when he enlisted in Company E, Sixteenth Pennsyl- vania Cavalry, and served until the surrender of Lee at Appomattox, which he witnessed. He is a member of Alexander Welton Post, G. A. R. , and in politics a stanch Republican. James McKinley emigrated from Westmoreland county about 1837, and located in what is now Clinton township, upon a tract of land west of Clin- tonville where his descendants now reside. He was a descendant of an Irish Presbyterian family of Westmoreland coiinty, and was born in 1791. He was a carpenter and followed that business for a number of years in connection with farming. He married Elizabeth McKelvey, who died in 1871, and he followed her to the grave the next year. They were the parents of eight children, two of whom died young. Those living to maturity are as follows: Martha, who married Robert C. Weakly; Mary, married to Thomas Baird; John; James; Nathaniel H, and Marvin A. Nathaniel H. McKinley, farmer, was born November 26, 1826, grew up and has followed farming all his life on the homestead where he now resides. He was married in 1857 to Miss Catharine Daugherty, of Clinton township, by which union one son, H. J., was born in 1860, and is now engaged in farming. The family are members of the United Presbyterian church. BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 1001 Solomon Tiioun was born throe milos from Sunhiiiy, Butler county, Pennsylvania, November 28, 1823. Ho is the son of George and Catharine (Baruhart) Thorn and grandson of John Thorn, a native of Daujihin county, Pounsylvania, and one of the early settlors of Butler county, (xeorge Thorn was born in 1796, spent his early life upon the homestead farm, and in April, 1823, located on a farm on the line of Armstrong and But- ler counties, on the head-waters of Sugar creek, where he died in 1808. He was twice married, his first wife dying in 1830, and leaving five chil- dren. His second wife was Catharine (Stewart) Thorn, by whom he had four children. At the age of seventeen our subject was ap})renticed to Henry Barnhart, of Millerstown, Pennsylvania, to learn the millwright trade. After he acquired a knowledge of his trade Mr. Thorn engaged in the business and for many years was employed in erecting mills throughout northwestern Pennsylvania. He was also a partner of Amos Dotterrer in equipping furnaces, saw and grist mills with machinery. In 1850 he located in Scrubgrass township, and built a saw mill on Little Scrubgrass creek which he operated for sixteen years. In 186(5 he purchased the hotel in Clintonville, enlarged it, and for sixteen years was its landlord. In 1882 he was appointed steward of the county farm, and filled that position for eighteen months, resigning it on the death of his son again to take charge of the hotel. Mr. Thorn was married February 1, 1849, to Miss Alvira, daughter of Thomas Perry, an early resident of Scrubgrass township. Eight children have been born of this union, three of whom are living: "Willaim N. ; Harry, and Emma, wife of S. C. Frye. Mr. Thorn is an enter- prising citizen, has led an active business life, and has always taken an act- ive interest in the social and material interests of Clintonville. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and a firm adherent of the Republican party. William N. Thorn, proprietor of the Clinton house, is the eldest living son of Solomon Thorn, and was born July 19, 1853. At the age of twenty- three he engaged with Phillips Brothers, and was in their employ for nine years. In 1883 he pvirchased the Clinton house, and has since con- ducted the business. He was married June 25, 1884, to Miss Olive, daugh- ter of James Osborn of Clinton township, and has three children: Clarence R. ; Lewis A., and Cora. In 1886 Mr. Thorn was elected a member of the borough council, which position he has since filled, and is also president of the school board. He is politically a Republican, a member of the I. O. O. F., and an adherent of the Presbyterian church. GrEORGE W. Beringer, farmer and oil producer, was born March 23, 1837, in Franklin, Pennsylvania. He is a son of George and Margaret (Davis) Beringer. George Beringer, Sr. , was born in 1809 in Bedford county, and is a son of John and Jane (Leim) Beringer. In 1836 he came to Venango county, and was employed at the old Van Buren furnace. In 1840 he 1002 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. removed to Clinton townsbip and engaged in farming. In 1850 he pur- chased the farm where he now resides, in Clinton township. He was the first road commissioner elected in Clinton township. He is the father of twelve children, six of whom are living: Elizabeth J., Mrs. James Shiner; George W. ; David, of Crawford county; Sarah, Mrs. David Hovis; Jesse, and Martha, Mrs. Jacob P . Our subject was educated in the common schools, and his early life was spent upon the farm. In 1860 he engaged in the construction of derricks for the oil producers; later on he commenced operating for himself, and at the present time he has eleven producing wells, and also conducts a farm of four hundred acres. Politically Mr. Beringer and his father are life-long Democrats. Our subject was married in September, 1862, to Miss Nancy J., daughter of Andrew Shiner, of Sandy Creek township, and by this union they have nine children: Andrew C, born November 17, 1863; Margaret J., born March 21, 1865, the wife of William J. C. Bumgardner; Artlyssey, born February 26, 1867, wife of Francis Davis of Clinton township; George B. , born November 21, 1868; John F., born December 12, 1872; Amelda M., born December 1, 1874; James W., born October 4, 1879; Grace S., born December 24, 1882, and Grover Cleveland, born August 17, 1884. Robert A. Hutchison, oil producer, was born in Butler county, Penn- sylvania, February 4, 1843, and was reared and educated in that and Venango counties. He is a son of Robert and Ann (Seaton) Hutchison, natives of Westmoreland and Butler counties, respectively, and of Scotch Presbyterian ancestry. He early engaged in the oil and lumber business, and on the breaking out of the war enlisted, September 13, 1861, in Company L, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until February 8, 1865, when he was mustered out of the service. He participated in all of the battles along the peninsula, at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg; and on the retreat from the battle of Sulphur Springs, October 12, 1863, was captured, with three hundred others of his regiment, and taken to Belle Isle, and subsequently to Andersonville prison, where he remained from March, 1864, until the following September. He was then sent to the prison at Millia, Georgia, and there paroled, November 20, 1864, forwarded to Savannah, Georgia, and subsequently discharged from the service. He returned to Venango county, and located in Oil City, and for three years was engaged in the oil and lumber business. He then commenced oil pro- ducing in Butler county, where he remained until 1883, when he returned to Venango, and purchased some wells close to his present location, and one year later l)ought the five wells he is now operating. He was married in 1870 to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Henderson, of Clinton town- ship, who has borne him eight children: A son who died in infancy; Luella A. ; Bessie B., deceased; Delilah A. ; Mary E. ; Thomas A. ; William J., and , Loyd L. Mr. Hutchison is a member of the G. A. R. , politically a Repub- lican, and an adherent of the Church of God. BIOGRAPHIES OF CLINTON. 1008 H. J. McGiLL, oil producer, was bora in Butler county, Pennsylvania, August 13, 1843. His parents, James and Eliza Jane (Watt) McGill, were born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, and Trumbull county, Ohio, respectively. Our subject was reared and educated in Butler county, and there learned the blacksmith trade. In 1861 he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, of which the history is given in a previous chapter of this work, and was discharged August 11, 1804, for disability. Returning to his home he engaged in the oil business, and was employed by various companies in Venango and Butler counties. In March, 1883, he purchased wells Nos. 11 and 12, Plumer farm, which were drilled by W. B. Parsons and Reuben Bligh. They originally produced about four hundred barrels daily, and are still in successful operation. Mr. McOill was married in 1879 to Miss Edna D. Anderson, of Spartansburg, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, and daughter of George M. Anderson, by which union they have four children: Lois A., George E., Allen L., and James R. Politically Mr. McGill is a Republican. He is a member of John M. Phipps Post, G. A. R. , and also of the A. O. U. W. D. W. AuLT, oil producer, was born in Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, December 28, 1844, and is a son of the Reverend J. C. and Catharine (Sherrard) Ault. His grandfather, Adam Ault, was an officer in the Rev- olutionary war, and married a sister of Colonel William Crawford, who was burned to death by the Indians at Sandusky Plains in 1782. He was a pioneer of Mercer county. The birthplace of his maternal grandmother is paft of the battle field of Winchester, Virginia. The mother of our subject was born upon the land whereon was fought the battle of Gettysburg. He attended the common schools of his native county, and at the ao^e of seven- teen, September 7, 1861, enlisted in the One Hundred and First Pennsyl- vania Volunteers and served three years. At the expiration of his term of enlistment he re-enlisted and served until the close of the war. Mr. Ault participated in the battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, Seven Days' fight, Malvern Hill, Black Water, Kingston, W^hite Hall, Goldsboro, Foster Mills, Wilmington and Plymouth, North Carolina, where he was taken prisoner and sent to Charleston, and thence to Aiidersonville. At the time of his entrance into Andersonville it contained only four hundred prisoners, but ere he left it there were thirty-six thousand within its picket line. He was sent from there to Florence, South Carolina, where he re- mained until the close of the war; he was paroled at Charleston, South Caro- lina, and mustered out at Annapolis, Maryland. Returning to his home, he soon afterward entered Iron City College, Pittsburgh, where he graduated. He then engaged in the oil business, spending sevei-al years in Butler and Ve- nango counties, and from 1869 to 1872 followed contracting in New Castle, Pennsylvania. He subsequently engaged in the oil business in Butler county, and in 1876 came to Venango county and entered the employ of 1004 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Phillips Brothers at Bullion, with whom he remained four years. In 1883 he purchased the Alshouse well No. 23, and Shirley No. 112, and has since drilled another, all of which are now producing. Mr. Ault was married November 4, 1869, to Miss Charlotte Greir, of New Galilee, Beaver county, Pennsylvania. Her father, George Greir, being the only son of George Greir, the founder of what was once Greirsburg, now Darlington, Beaver county; her maternal grandmother. Mrs. Elizabeth (O'Brien) Holmes, was a daughter of Commodore Richard O'Brien of Revolutionary fame. Com- modore O'Brien was captured by the Turks in 1785, and held jn the service of the dey of Algiers for seven years. He was the father of eight children, four of whom were born while he and wife were captives, Mrs. Holmes be- ing one of the number. He was the first United States consul to Barbary. In 1810 he settled in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and was a member of the leg- islature from that place. He died in Washington city in 1824. Mr. Ault is a member of the G. A. R., the I. O. O. F. , and Union Veterans' League. Samuel Beatty, pumper and oil producer, was born in 1845, in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and is a son of William and Mary (English) Beatty, of Scotch-Irish ancestry. William Beatty was a member of a regi- ment that was raised in Pittsburgh to serve in the Mexican war, and was killed in one of its hardest battles. Our subject received his education in the public schools of his native city, and was employed in the iron mills there until March 29, 1864, when he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Sixteenth Volunteers, and served until the close of the war. He was wounded at Cold Harbor June 3, 1864, and on recovering was transferred to Company I, Sixteenth Reserves. After being mustered out he returned to Pittsburgh and engaged in farming in the vicinity of that city, subse- quently removing to Lawrence county. In June, 1877, he came to Venango county, and engaged in coal mining for Findley Surrenna, and afterward worked for the Phillips Brothers, oil producers, with whom he remained four years. In 1882 he entered the employ of J. N. Hovis, with whom he has since remained, being interested in two producing wells. He was mar- ried in 1863 to Sarah B. Haslet, who died in 1873 leaving four children: William J.; Andrew S. ; Samuel W., and Thomas J. In December, 1876, he was married to Mrs. Miranda E. Jacobs nee Surrenna, and by this union has one son, Edward E. Mr. Beatty is a Republican and a member of John M. Phij^ps Post, G. A. R. Daniel C. McLean, oil producer, was l)orn in Allegheny county, Penn- sylvania, September 29, 1853, and is a son of Charles and Elizabeth (Ewer) McLean, natives of Columbiana county, Ohio, and Butler county, Pennsylva- nia, respectively. Our subject is a native of Allegheny county, received a good common school education, and at the age of eighteen the family re- moved to Monroe county, Ohio, where his father died. Mr. McLean fol- /7 . /) ' BIOGKAl'IIIES OF CLINTON. 1005 lowed rarmiui^ until 1874, when he went into the oil fields oi liutler couuty, and engaged as a tool dresser and driller. In May, 1877, he came to Ve- nango county and entered the employ of the McCalmont Oil CoMi])any, with \yhich he remained three years. He then engaged with T. P. Tliompson as pumper on the lease, where he now is working, and October 18, 1888, purchased the wells, and is now operating live producers. He was married in 187f) to Miss Bella Kirkwood, daughter of John Eckles, of Westmoreland county, and by this union five children have been born to him, two of whom are living: Algernon D. and Alma E. Mr. McLean is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the A. O. U. W., and belongs to the Presbyterian church of Clintonville. Absalom Bumgardner, blacksmith, was born September 5, 1821, in But- ler county, Pennsylvania, and is a son of John Bumgardner of that county. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to the blacksmith trade, and served until his majority. In 1846 he located in Franklin, where he worked at his trade four years, and then opened a shop in Scrubgrass township. In 1856 he removed to Findley township, Mercer county, where he carried on busi- ness until 1859 and then returned to Scrubgrass township. In 1860 he engaged in making tools for oil operators, and in 1861 enlisted in Company H, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the close of the war. He then located at Kennerdell, where he carried on business until 1877, and then removed to his present location. He was married in 1846 to Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Karner of Franklin, Pennsylvania. They have four living children: Elizabeth, wife of Peter Walter; George, of Butler county; Will- iam, cind John E. Mr. Bumgardner is a member of the Cumberland Pres- byterian church, and also of John VVelton Post, G. A. R., of Kennerdell. Henry L. Cunningham, farmer and shoe maniafacturer, Clintonville, is a son of William and Margaret (Wymer) Cunningham, and was born in Law- rence county, Pennsylvania. His father removed to this county in 1855 and purchased the Walter farm in Clinton township. He was three times married, and is the father of seven children. He died in 1878. Our subject was the second child of the second marriage. He received a common school education, and was afterward apprenticed to the shoemaker's trade. In 1870 he formed a partnership with E. Borland of Franklin, Pennsylvania, and engaged in the boot and shoe business in that city. In 1875 he sold his interest and went to the Black Hills. Returning the following autumn he settled in Bradford and carried on the shoe business in that city for two years, when he returned to his farm. In the spring of 1889 he engaged in the shoe business at Clintonville, which he still carries on. Mr. Cunningham was married in 1878 to Elizabeth, daughter of Eli Hovis of Clintonville, who is the mother of two children: Frank W. and Paul E. Politically he is a Republican, and a member of the K. and L. of H. lodge of Clin- tonville. se 1006 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Richard E. Major, farmer, was born in 1858 and is a son of Richard S. Major and Mary (McClaran) Major. His paternal grandfather, James Major, was born September 10, 1782, and married September 9, 1802, to Elizabeth Shorts, who bore him nine children: William; Sarah; Richard S. : Jane; Mary; Nancy; Elizabeth; Julia A., and Margaret, of whom all lived to be married, the death of the father being the first in the family. He died May 18, 1844. At present the children are all dead except two: Elizabeth Davidson, of Iowa, and Margaret Arnold, of Ohio. Mr. Major was a Ger- man who came to Venango county at an early date and conducted a tavern known as the "burnt house" in what is now Victory township. He was a veteran of the war of 1812 and a great hunter. Richard S. Major was born September 24, 1807, and married January 19, 1830. He died April 24, 1875, and was the father of eleven children, four of whom are now living: Martha; Elizabeth; Mary A., and Richard E. His widow lives on the home- stead of her father, the late John McClaran. She was born April 9, 1812. Our subject, the youngest of the family, was reared and educated in the town- ship. December 18, 1879, he was married to Nancy L. Welton, the mother of five children of whom three are living: Henrietta E. ; Margaret J., and Martin F. Mr. Major is a member of the Church of God and politically a Democrat. BIOGRAPHIES OF FRENCH CREEK. 1007 CHAPTER L. BIOGRAPHIES OF FRENCH CREEK, SANDY CREEK, MINERAL, AND VICTORY. FRENCH CREEK. DOCTOR CHRISTOPHER HEYDRICK.— The career of Doctor Hey - drick as a physician belongs not so much to the history of Venango county as to that of the city of Philadelphia and of the county of Mercer, in which sketches of his life are found. But as a pioneer, in the sense that he visited Venango county before it was fully organized, and acquired property therein, and caused one of the oldest and best farms within its borders to be opened up and improved, he is worthy of notice here. He was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, on the 7th of April, 1770. His father, Abraham Heydrick, was a farmer and merchant in Springfield township, Montgomery county, near Chestnut Hill, now a suburb of Philadelphia. His grandfather, Balthasar Heydrick, to escape religious persecution, iied from Silesia to Saxony in 172G, and emigrating to Pennsylvania in 1734, settled in Montgomery county, where he bought land of the Penns. Doctor Heydrick was educated privately at home, under the direction and with the friendly assistance of David Rittenhouse, the eminent philosopher, mathe- matician, and patriot. He studied medicine with Doctor Benjamin Say, of Philadelphia, and was graduated from the medical department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in 1792. After his graduation he was physician to the Philadelphia hospital, and a member of several of the most prominent learned societies of the time. He continued his practice at Chestnut Hill until 1819. In 1802-3 he made a visit of inspection to lands owned by his father in the third, fifth, and sixth donation districts. Delighted with the tract on French creek at the mouth of Deer creek, then the site of an Indian viJlage known as Custaloga's Town, he purchased it from his father, intending some day to make it his home. In 1819 he removed to Mercer and there practiced his profession. Part of his French creek tract had been for years cultivated by the Indians, and he gave an improvement lease to James Mar- tin, son of John Martin, Sr. Martin erected buildings and enlarged the Indian improvement. The farm had been fairly opened to cultivation, and w&s now in possession of his son, Charles H. Heydrick. Advancing years 1008 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. admonished the doctor that he must soon abandon his profession. So he removed to the farm and passed the remainder of his days with his son. Doctor Heydriek, April 18, 1793, married Mary, daughter of Captain Peter Case, Sr. , of Philadelphia. His death occurred on the 9th of February, 1856. His children were Harriet, married to Nathaniel P. Hood, of Phila- delphia; Caroline, married to Thomas J. Brown, of Mercer county, and Charles H. To a mind vigorous and receptive by nature, the subject of our sketch added the thorough culture of the schools and that wisdom which comes from observation and contact with his fellow men. He lives in the memory of those who knew him as a genial old gentlemen, ripe in knowl- edge and experience, which he was always willing to impart for the benefit of those around him. — A. P. W. Charles H. Heydrick, son of Doctor Christopher Heydriek, was born at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, March 5, 1799. He was educated at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania and studied medicine with his father, but never prac- ticed. He came to Mercer, Pennsylvania, with his pai'ents in 1819. Seven years later he removed to his farm on French creek, where he resided until his death on the 16th of November, 1883. In 1826 Mr. Heydrick married Mary, daughter of James Adams, who owned a large tract of land at the mouth of Mill creek, a part of which is now the borough of Utica. Six children were the fruits of that union: James A., Christopher, Jesse, Peter C. , Charles W. , and Harriet. Mrs. Mary (Adams) Heydrick died in 1838. The sons are all living. His second marriage with Ann Adams, daughter of Jesse Adams, of Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, gave him four children: Mary, Joseph H. , Caroline, and Thomas B. The two latter are dead. In 1842 he was elected county auditor. January 22, 1845, he was appointed by the surveyor general of Pennsylvania deputy surveyor for Venango county, and reappointed May 29, 1845, holding the office until it became elective. He was elected in 1853, and again in 1856, and his official records during all of that time are models of neatness and accuracy. Although eminently qualified to perform the duties of any public posi- tion, Mr. Heydrick had no particular taste for official life. For him rural life had its charms. The splendid domain which came into the possession of his ancestors more than a hundred years ago, and descended to him, was his pride. There, surrounded by his flocks and herds and fertile fields he loved to greet his friends and dispense warm hospitality to all who came. There he was seen at his best, and there the visitor could feel the truth of the old phrase — ' ' God made the country, and man made the town." This old farm, beautified by more than half a century's intelligent culture, is also historic ground. On it Custaloga, tbe tricky Indian who gave Washington so much trouble, built his town. There beneath the old trees, still standing, the Redmen held their councils, and there lie the remains of Guyasutha, a renowned and powerful chieftain. In caring for BIOGRAPHIES OF FRENCH CREEK. lOO'J Guvasutha's grave and prevonting all doH(*cratioii of tlio old chiefs last resting place, Mr. Heydrick evinced the kindly sid(^ of his own nature. God permitted him to live to a ripe old age, measurably free from its usual attendant cares and infirmities. As the years came upon him he lost none of his early interest in human affairs. The happiness of those around him was happiness for himself. When alone his cultured mind found company in books and recreation in thought. His strong hold upon the regard of his neighbors and friends, acquired by years of kindly intercourse, was his to the last. Growing old gracefully, he reaped the recompense of that rare but happy condition in the continuous cai'e and affection of his children, and escaped the neglect which accompanies, more or less, querulous and com])laining old age. Venango has had no l)etter citizen than Charles H. Heydrick.—^. P. W. Revekend Robert Glenn was born on the 22nd of March, 1802, in Wolf Creek townshij), Mercer county, Pennsylvania, to which place his father, Samuel Glenn, had removed from York county prior to the year 1800. Graduating from Jefferson College in 1828 he entered the Western Theo- logical Seminary at . Allegheny, and on the 2nd of February, 1831, at a meeting of the Presbytery of Erie, held in Mercer, Pennsylvania, was licensed to preach. The ensuing year and a half he spent chiefly in preach- ing to the vacant congregations at Amity, Mill Creek, and Sandy Lake. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Erie held at Mill Creek September 12, 1832, he was ordained and installed pastor of the congregations of Mill Creek and Amity for two-thirds of his time, the remaining third being spent as a stated supply in the church of Sandy Lake. The relation to the church at Amity was dissolved April 3, 1850, and about the same time that to the church at Sandy Lake was suspended. A call from the congregation of Big Sugar Creek was then accepted, and on the 18th of June, 1850, he was installed as its pastor, and until the time of his death, which occurred Sep- tember 6, 1857, he spent his time in the congregations of Mill Creek and Big Sugar Creek. In educational matters Mr. Glenn was particularly active. Select schools with competent teachers were organized, and when no more suita- ble place could be secured, the church building at Mill creek was made to do double duty — an innovation not looked upon with any special mark of favor by the stern old Presbyterians who worshiped there; and to his efforts principally was due the erection, in 1855, of the then commodious building known as the Utica Academy, recently destroyed by fire. To his faithful- ness and zeal as a pastor many old citizens of the county gladly testify. Mr. Glenn was thrice married. His first wife, Miss Rebecca Wycoff. of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, died fifteen years after their marriage, leav- ing the following children to survive her: William Wycoff, now of Coos county, Oregon; Samuel M. , now a Presbyterian minister at Zanesville, 1010 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Ohio; John B.. a physician of Franklin; Eliza B., wife of Reverend W. W. McKiunev, of Baltimore, Maryland; Sarah J., who died in 1878, the wife of Thomas Alexander of Mercer, Pennsylvania, and Caroline F., who died June 8, 1863. His second wife, Miss Mary Ann McCracken, lived but eight months after her marriage. On the 10th of December, 1849, Mr. Glenn was again married to Miss Harriet Finley of Evansburg, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, with whom he happily spent the remaining years of his life. His remains lie in the old grave-yard at the Mill Creek church, where he passed the whole of his ministerial career. Three children of his third marriage survived him: Robert F., residing in Franklin; Harriet A., and George Stuart, born August 12, 1855, who died February 18, 1873. His widow still survives, and is now a resident of the borough of Utica. William Duffield, the ancestor of the Duffield family, of Venango county, was a native of Ireland, born in 1743. He immigrated to America about 1760, and settled in eastern Pennsylvania, removing to Centre county in 1773, where he married Elizabeth Hasson. In 1800 he removed to Ve- nango county, and located one mile below Utica, on French creek, where he died in 1827, his wife surviving him until 1838. They were the parents of ten children, all born in Centre county, viz. : Jane, who married D. John- ston, antl afterward John Cochran; John; Mary, married to Thomas Smi- ley; Armstrong; William; Isabella, married to John McQuaid; Esther, married to John Cooper; James; Margaret, married to John L. Hasson, and Elizabeth, who became the wife of Charles L. Cochran. All of the children are dead. Armstrong Duffield was the fourth child of William and Elizabeth Duffield, was a farmer by occupation, and resided about two miles below Utica, on French creek, where he died in 1851. He married Eliza- beth Gilmore, who was born and reared in Utica, and also died in 1851. Their children were as follows: James; John G. ; Brice; Mrs. Nancy Cram; David; Mrs. Ruth Cram; Elizabeth, deceased; Robert; Jane, and Charles, deceased. John G. Duffield was born in Venango county. May 24, 3823, and grew to manhood on the homestead. Attaining his majority he engaged in the lumber business at Tionesta, Forest county, Pennsylvania, which he con- tinued about ten years, and then began the mercantile business at Polk, Venango county, which he carried on for about the same length of time. Disposing of his store he opened a hotel in the same village, of which he is still proprietor. He was married March 3, 1848, in Forest county, to Miss Frances Heshman, who has borne him five children: Mary E. ; Eddy H. ; Thera; Charles, and Laura E., all deceased except the last named, who is the wife of F. C. Rand, ticket and freight agent at Polk. Mr. Duffield united with the Presbyterian church of Franklin in 1859, and is now a rul- ing elder in the Polk congregation. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. , and a lirm adherent of the Democratic party. BIOGKATHIKS OF FRENCH CREEK. 1011 John L. Duifield, farmer, oldest- sou of Jamt's and Jane (Lindsay) Dnf- field. was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania, June 25, IS'i)^. His father was a native of Westmoreland county, and a son of William Dutlield, and bis mother was born in Centre county, and a daughter of John Lindsay, one of the pioneers of French Creek township. Their children are as fol- lows: JohnL. ; William, deceased; M. S. ; Ellen, deceased; James; Charles, and Harvey. John L. Duffield was reared on the home place in French Creek townshi]). and received his education in the common schools. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-three years of age, when he began farming for himself, and in 1S()8 purchased his present place a short distance south of Utica, where he has since resided. He was married April 7, 1846, to Miss Harriet E., daughter of James and Eliza Adams, a union blessed with nine children, six of whom are living, viz.: Montrose; Lavinia H. ; Lewis C. ; Annette, married to H. W. Wilson, of Nebraska; J. C, and Ernest L. The names of the deceased children are Albert W. ; Lizzie J., and Cora C. Politically Mr. Duffield is a Democrat and cast his first ballot for James K. Polk for the presidency. John Hanna. — John Hanna and his wife Jane, whose maiden name was Stewart, were born in County Down, Ireland. They came to America in 1796, landing at New Castle, Delaware, and settling in Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania, where they remained two years. From Lancaster they went to Lew- istown, Miffin county, Pennsylvania, and from thence the family arrived in Venango county December 25, 1802. They located on a tract of four hun- dred acres in French Creek township rive miles west of Franklin. The place of their settlement is now known as ' ' Hanna' s gap. ' ' The country was then a wilderness, and John Hanna was one of the earliest pioneers. He had o-aiued a knowledare of the weaver's trade in his native country, and soon after settling in French Creek township he engaged in the manufacture of carpets, and woolen and linen goods. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and took a deep interest in religious matters. Seven children were born to John and Jane Hanna: William; James; Stewart; John; Mary, who married John. Gilmore; Jane, who became the wife of William Hays, and Nancy, who married Isaac Tallman — all of Avhom are dead. The par- ents both died in Venango county many years ago. — A. P. W. The Gilliland Family. — Among the pioneer families of French Creek township were the Gillilands, a name familiar throughout the county from its earliest settlement to the present time. The ancestry came from Ireland and settled in Pennsylvania, east of the mountains. James Gilliland came to Venango county in 1802, when a young man, and made a settlement on Little Sandy creek, about a mile north of Polk, where he resided until his death in 1860, at the age of eighty-six years. He is remembered as one of the leading citizens of the community in which he lived, was an earnest member of the Presbyterian church, and it was largely through his efforts 1012 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and liberality that the congregatiou at Polk was organized and a house of "worship erected. His wife, Margaret, was a daughter of James McClaran, one of the early settlers in the vicinity of Polk. She survived her husband seventeen years and died in 1877, aged eighty-four years. Five children were born to her: James; Mrs. Jane Billingsly; Mrs. Mar}'^ Hughes ; Joseph, and A. C. , the last two being the only survivors. By a previous marriage Mr. Gilliland was the father of two children: Hannah and Eliza, both deceased. Joseph P. Gilliland was born on the old homestead December 4, 1818. and there grew to manhood. He chose agriculture for his life's calling and began on the place where he now resides, al)out two miles northeast of Polk, in the year 1842. He has added to his original farm from time to time, and now owns two hundred and fifty acres of valuable land, the greater part of which is under a good state of cultivation. Mr. Gilliland has made farming and stock raising a business, and as an agriculturist ranks among the suc- cessful men of the township. He is a representative Democrat of the old school and takes pride in the fact that his first and last presidential ballots were cast in opposition to William Henry and Benjamin Harrison, respect- ively. He was married November 4, 1841, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Ellen (Cannon) Bunnell, natives of Ireland. Twelve children were born of this union: Lewis; Samuel I. : Ellen M. ; Ursula J. ; John A. ; Frances E. ; Joseph P.; William B. ; Daniel B. ; Rankin S. ; Ada B. , and Robert L. , all of whom are living except the eldest. Mrs. Gilliland died on the 5th day of July, 1888. John Adams, retired farmer, Polk, is the oldest member of the Adams family now living in Venango county, and is a son of Welden Adams, who settled in French Creek township in 179G. The latter was a son of James Adams, a native of eastern Pennsylvania, born October 30, 1734. James Adams was married April 26, 1756, to Isabel Welden, born September 22, 1736. They died in October, 1824, and in September, 1825, respectively, and were the parents of the following children: Joseph; Jacob; William; Jonathan; Jesse; David; Lydia; James; John; Isaac; Welden; Eli, and Levi. Welden Adams was a man of som^ local prominence, served as county commissioner, and carried on a hotel in Franklin several years. He mar- ried Mary Miller, daughter of Thomas Miller, an early settler of the Kish- ocoquillas valley, MilMin county, and reared a family of ten children: Mary, deceased; John, deceased; James, deceased; John (second); Lydia, deceased; Mrs. Rebecca McCutcheson; David, deceased; Thomas; Mrs. Elizabeth Best, and Isabel, deceased. Mr. Adams died May 9, 1849. John Adams, fourth child of W^elden and Mary Adams, was born in French Creek township, Venango county, February 2, 1807. He was reared on a farm, received his educational training in the schools of Frank- lin, and on attaining his majority located near the village of Polk. He sub- sequently purchased a farm in Sandy Creek township, where he resided BIOGRAPHIES OF FKENCH CHEEK. 1013 aiutil 1SS2, wlioiibe sold his placo aiid rt'tirod from active life, purchasiiif^ a home in the borough of PolU. Pohtically Mr. Adams has always U>im a stanch Democrat; he cast his first presidential ballot in 1828 for Andrew Jackson, and his last for Grover Cleveland in 1888. He was elected sheriff of Venango county in 1850, and served one term. He has iillod the office of justice of the peace for a number of years, and has always taken an active interest in the public affairs of his township and county. Mr. Adams was marl-ied May 2, 1833, to Miss Sarah Wharui, daughter of Francis and Jane (Smith) Whann, who has borne him the following children: Mrs. Sarah AVhitaker; Francis W. ; William S. ; John E., postmaster of Franklin, and Hannah M., deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are members of the Method- ist Episcopal church, with which they have been identiliod for many years, Mr. Adams having been first class leader of Center church in Mineral township. William S. Adams, farmer, was born in French Creek township June 17, 1827, and is a son of James and Letitia Adams, natives of Venango county. James Adams was a son of Welden Adams, a farmer by occupa- tion, and held several positions of trust, among which were those of county commissioner and commissioner of the French Creek canal. He died in Illinois, to which state he removed a number of years ago. His wife, Letitia, was a daughter of James and Eleanor (McElheny) Cannon, and died in 1851. They were the parents of twelve children: William S. : James C. ; Mrs. Eleanor Griffith; Welden, deceased; John, deceased; Arnold P.; Mrs. Mary A. Murphy;- Harvey H. ; Mrs. Eliza J. Woods; Thomas; Charles B. , and Mrs. Caroline M. Patrick. William S. was reared on the old homestead in Sandy Creek township, attended the common schools at intervals until twenty-one years of age, and soon afterward purchased a farm and engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1877 he moved to his present farm of one hundred and seventy-seven acres on Mill creek, about two miles west of Utica, where he has since resided. Mr. Adams is a successful farmer and representative citizen of the community in which he lives. He was married April 23, 1850, to Martha, daughter of John and Mary (Foster) Martin, who bore him one sou. William M., now a resident of Ashtabula. Ohio. Mrs. Adams died January 25, 1851, and he was again married March 18. 1852, to Martha, daughter of Wilson and Isabel (McMaster) Kussell. Their childi-en are as follows: Charles; Henrietta M., wife of Leander Cousins; James W.. deceased; Caroline I., wife of W. H. Hulburt; Angeline, and one who died in infancy. They also have an adopted son, James P. Politically Mr. Adams hafe always been a stanch Democrat, and in religion a member of the Presbyterian church, to which faith his wife also adheres. James R. Adams, farmer, Utica, is a native of Venango county, Penn- sylvania, and son of James Adams, whose father, James Adams, Sr. , w^as 1014 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. the first settler 17 stantial mercantile houses of Venango county. In connection with mer- chandising the firm operates a flouring mill at Utica. Mr. Stevenson was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Shannon of Utica, and is the father of fo\ir children, three of whom are living: Blanche; William D., and Ward T. Politically he is a Republican and one of the well-known citizens of the county. The Gaston Brothers, merchants, Utica trace their paternal ancestry back to an old family which settled in Connecticut in colonial times. Their grandfather, Ebenezer Gaston, was a native of New York, where he lived and died, and their mother' s people were early residents of the same state, having resided for many years in Livingston county. Their father, E. W. Gaston, was born and reared in New York state, and for a number of years followed the occupation of carpenter and builder in New York and Pennsyl- vania, and later engaged quite extensively in the lumber business, which he carried on for some time with success and financial profit. He died in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, about the year 1880. His wife, Phylinda (Burden) Gaston, whom he married in New York state, died in Crawford county in 1878. E. W. and Phylinda Gaston were the parents of seven children, of whom the following are living: W. G. ; Athelston; Arthur B. ; Frank D., and Eunice, wife of H. S. Brown. The names of those deceased are: E. H. and Aseltha. Arthur B. Gaston was born near the Genesee river in Allegany county, New York, December 7, 1843, and at the age of ten years accompanied his parents to Crawford county, Pennsylvania, where he grew to manhood amid the active duties of farm life. His early educational advantages were such as the common schools afforded, but later he increased his knowledge by at- tendance at the Meadville Academy and Edinboro Normal School, in both of which institutions he spent several terms. Having early manifested a strong liking for telegraphy, he began studying the same in 1863, at Lines- ville, Pennsylvania, and the following year was intrusted with an office on the Atlantic and Great Western, now the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad, with which company he continued about sixteen years as operator and agent at various places on the line. During his period of service he became a very skillful operator, securing several important promotions, and was recognized as one of the trusted em- ployes of the road. In 1881 he abandoned his profession, and in partner- ship with his younger brother, F. D. Gaston, engaged in the lumber busi- ness at Utica, where the firm still continues a large and lucrative lumber, mercantile, and stock business, being among the substantial business men of Venango county. Mi-. Gaston is a liberal and public-spirited citizen. He was originally a Kepublican, but having always been a strong advocate of temperance reform is now an ardent Prohibitionist. He has been a Mason since 1873, and is an active worker in the A. O. U. W., belonging to the 1018 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. lodge at Atlantic, Crawford county. Mr. Gaston married Miss Hannah J., daughter of James and Sarah McMaster, of Crawford county, Pennsylvania, a union blessed with six children: Winnie; Sarah P.; James E. ; Harold; Mattie, and Donald, deceased. Frank D. Gaston, youngest son of E. AV. and Phylinda Gaston, is a native of Allegany county, New York, born January 26, 1853. When he was but nine months old his parents moved to Crawford county, Pennsylva nia, where, upon a farm in Sadsbury township, he passed his youth, attend ing the common schools at intervals and acquiring the elements of a practi- cal English education. At the age of thirteen he began working at the carpenter trade with his father, and after becoming proficient in his call- ing followed the business a number of years in Crawford and adjoining counties. About 1874 he abandoned mechanical pursuits and entered the employ of what is now the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad Company, and one year later located at Utica in the lumber trade, thus lay- ing the foundation for what has since become one of the substantial busi- ness firms of the county. Mr. Gaston enjoys the confidence of the com- munity, and in his transactions as a dealer in fine blooded horses is well and favorably known throughout the counties of western Pennsylvania. He married Miss Clara L. , daughter of Samuel and Sarah Henry, of Craw- ford coiinty, Pennsylvania, who has borne him the following children: Edna G. ; Ethel C. ; Phylinda G. ; Audley B., and Marie, all of whom are living. Mr. Gaston is an active member of the Masonic fraternity, belong- ing to Sandy Lake lodge, Mercer county. He is also an Odd Fellow, a member of the R. T. of T. , and politically an ardent Prohibitionist. W. A. McKay, station agent of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad, Utica, is a native of Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, and a son of G. W. and Jane E. (Close) McKay. Paternally Mr. McKay is descended from Irish Presbyterian ancestry, and on the mother's side comes of German and Irish stock. His grandfather, William McKay, was an early resident of Juniata county, Pennsylvania, and a farmer by occupation. His maternal grandfather, Adam Close, was a native of Center county, this state, and about 1851 came to Venango county, and subsequently removed to Mercer county, where his death occurred in 1865. D. W. McKay was a miller by occupation, served in the late war, was captured at Murfresboro, Tennessee, and died from the effects of his imprisonment the same year. His widow remarried and resides in Kansas. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. McKay: W. A.; James C. ; Mrs. Nancy Morrow, and Mrs. Emma Bradley, all of whom are living. W. A. McKay was born September 7, 1847, and came to Mercer county in 1858, where he resided with his grandfather, Adam Close, until 1863. In the latter year ho entered the office of the Democratic Register at Mercer for the purpose of learning the printer's trade, but after spending a short BIOGRAPHIES OF FRENCH CREEK. 1011) timo in that office be enlisted iu the Fifty-Fifth Pennsylvania VolunhHTs and served from June until the followiuff Aure for some years he was employed at farm labor, attending the coninion schools at intervals. He afterward pursued his studies in the Allegheny College at Meadville with the object of entering the teacher's profes- sion, and subsequently taught several terms in Mercer county. In the spring of 1845 he came to Venango county and settled on a farm near Polk, but later purchased his present homestead al)out four miles from that borough. He began life with no capital save a determination to succeed, and is now one of the substantial citizens of the community. He is Re- publican in politics and has served one term as auditor of Venango county, the duties of which he discharged in a satisfactory manner. He has Ijeen a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for a number of years, and with his wife belongs to the Reynolds congregation. In 1844 he married Mary, daughter of William and Frances Nicklin, of England, who has borne him five children: James; Thomas; Daniel, deceased; Sarah F. , wife of John Snyder, and Mary A. , deceased wife of Milton Ohler. James J. Hurd, farmer and stock raiser, is a native of Delaware, born in the town of Smyrna. January 1, 1820. His father, William Hurd, was a descendant of an old Irish family which settled in Delaware at an early date, and his mother, who.se maiden name was Nancy Johnson, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and came of English ancestiy. William Hurd immigrated to Pennsylvania many years ago, settling in Penn's valley. Cen- tre county, and in 1825 removed to Wilmington township, Mercer county, and settled about six miles southwest of Mercer. He was a successful farm- er and a substantial citizen, and died about 1846, at the age of sixty-five. Mrs. Hurd preceded her husband to the grave, dying about 1839. Tlieir children are as follows: James J.; Henry, deceased; Francis; William; Alfred, and Mrs. Sarah Barrett. By a previous marriage with a Mr. Mur- ray, Mrs. Hurd had two children: Elizabeth, widow of Isaac Reed, and Lucinda, deceased. James J. Hurd was three years of age when his parents removed to this state, and five years when they settled in Mercer county. His early educa- tional advantages were limited to a couple of months' attendance each year in the common schools, and amid the rugged scenes of farm labor his youth and early manhood were passed. While still a youth he took up the car- penter's trade, and for a period of twenty-five years followed that occupation in Mercer and adjoining counties. In 1864 he moved to Venango county and pui'chased a part of his present farm, located about two miles west of Utica, but a short time afterward he rented his place to his son, and moving to Franklin, resumed his trade in connection with rig and tank building. After a few years at the county seat he returned to his farm, upon which he has since resided. Mr. Hurd has been thrice married, the first time 1024 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. • April 14, 1842, to Mary, daughter of William and Hannah Johnson, a union blessed with six children: Nancy, deceased; Sarah A., deceased; William; Frances J. ; Daniel, deceased, and one who died in infancy. Mrs. Hurd died in 1863, aged forty years. His second marriage was solemnized with Miss Isabel Reed of Mercer county, who died in 1871. Mr. Hurd was mar- ried to his present wife, Mrs. Ellen (Hibler) Hurd, widow of Daniel Hibler and daughter of Alexander and Nancy Montgomery, April 14, 1872. In politics Mr. Hurd is an earnest Republican, and a warm friend of temper- ance reform. He has been a member of the United Presbyterian church for more than twenty-five years. James Rdssell, farmer, is a son of Alexander Russell whose father, Thomas Russell, was one of the pioneers of French Creek township, having located about one and a half miles above Utica as early as 1800. Alexan- der Russell Avas a farmer and mechanic, and died in 1883 at the age of eighty- four years. His wife, Elizabeth, was a daughter of Allen and Eliz- abeth (Hamilton) Dunn, early settlers of Mercer county. She died about 1867. They were the parents of ten children: James; Margaret; Thomas; Elizabeth; Allen; Alexander; Samuel; David; Sarah, and Matilda. James Russell was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, July I, 1821, and was reared in Venango county. His education was obtained in the schools of Utica, and at the age of twenty-five he began farming where he now lives near the center of French Creek township. Mr. Russell was married December 24, 1846, to Miss Julia A., daughter of John and Polly (Foster) Martin, who died in 1852. She was the mother of two children: George, and Jerome, deceased. In 1853 Mr. Russell married Margaret, daughter of William and Esther (Ewing) Steele, who died June 15, 1887, leaving two children, John and Landis, both of whom are living. He was again mar- ried to Mrs. Samantha Gordon, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Mumford) Moore, of Crawford county, Pennsylvania. Politically Mr. Russell was for many years a Democrat, but is now an adherent of the Greenback party. In religion he is a member of the United Presbyterian church. David Leyda, farmer, is a son of James and Jane (Reed) Leyda, and was born August 14, 1832, in Mercer county, Pennsylvania. His grand- father, David Leyda, removed from Washington to Mercer county in 1808. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died about 1874. James Leyda was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1804, removed with his parents to Mercer county four years afterward, and resided there until about 1869, when he removed to Franklin, Pennsylvania, where he still lives. His wife, Jane, was a daughter of William Reed, a pioneer of Lawrence county. She died in 1856. Their children were as follows: David; Re- becca A., deceased; Mrs. Elizabeth Bleakley; Mrs. Hulda C. Burns; Mrs. Sarah Rahouser, deceased; John G., deceased; Mrs. Jennie Mitchell, and Mrs. Margaret Hays. By a subsequent marriage with Elizabeth Evans Mr. BIOGllAPHIES OF FRENCH CREEK. 1025 Leyda had n fiimily of several childron. David Leyda wrh r(*aiased ; Mrs. Katharine Domer, and Mrs. Sarah E. Meyers. Mr. Ke])hart is a local preacher in the Methodist church, and politically a Kepnl)licaii. William E. McElhaney, farmer, was bo/'n June 11, ISOS, the sixth of a family of nine children born to Alexander and Mary Ann (Dawson) McEl- hanoy: John; Mrs. Elizabeth Griffin: Mrs. Eleanor Griffin; Mrs. Martha Phillips; Mrs. Phoebe Durning; William; James; Mrs. Mary Ann Vincent, and Alexander. Alexander Sr., settled at Pithole in 1790, and then returned to the East. Some years later he came back, but within a short time removed to the vicinity of Waterloo. He came into Sandy Creek in 1819. In 1880 William E. made a journey down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, returning by way of Chicago, then a small village. In 1888 he mar- ried Caroline, daughter of Isaac Haslett, who is the mother of seven children, three of whom are living: Isaac H. ; John A., and David W. In 1882 he married Mrs. Maria L. Sankey, nee Cooper. He is a member of the Methodist church, and politically a Prohibitionist. James McElhaney, farmer, was born June 8, 1818, son of Alexander McElhaney. He began farming in 1839, upon a farm included in the four hundred acre tract originally secured by his father in this township, and in the same year married Catharine Kephart. Eight children are living: Naugle; Mrs. Elizabeth Graham; Mrs. Mary J. Stewart; Mrs. Susanna Marshall; Henry E. ; Mrs. Laura Gould; Mrs. Viola Pettit, and Estella. John Graham, farmer, was born May 9, 1825, at the mouth of Sandy creek in Victory township, son of Robert and Margaret (Gordon) Graham, of whom the former was born December 25, 1797, the latter September 29, 1802, and they were married December 22, 1819. They were the parents of thirteen children: Eliza, wife of John Smith, now of Osage county, Kan- sas; Samuel G. ; John; Jane, who died in infancy; Robert; Hiram; W^illiam J., who enlisted in the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry and died at Anderson- ville; James; Alexander; Jesse, who died in childhood; Florinda, wife of W. B. Houser: Madison M., and Nathaniel D. S. Prior to 1830 Robert Graham removed to the farm in which the Graham graveyard is located, and here lived until his death. Here John Graham was brought up, and in 1841 went to Franklin, where he learned the trade of carpenter. He was engaged at this continuously some years. In 1856 he bought the farm upon which he now resides. He was married in 1852 to Jane, daughter of John Black, and they are the parents of eleven children, nine of whom are living: Benjamin, Clinton, Jesse, and William, in the oil business at Alton, McKean county; Laura A., wife of James Spangler; Mattie E., wife of John Smith; Maggie L. ;' Edward, and Orrin P. The family is connected with the Meth- odist church. Politically Mr. Graham is a Republican. 1028 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Robert Graham, farmer, was born September 2, 1828, son of Robert and Marcraret (Gordon) Graham. He was brought up in this township and ob- tained a limited education. In 1851 he began farming. In 1856 he mar- ried Catharine*, daughter of James Foster, and they are the parents of twelve children, of whom the following are living: Mrs. Mary P. Siefer; Kiefer M. ; Mrs. Ruth E. Lynn; Harry A.; James F. ; Arrin H., and Cora B. The family is connected with East Grove Methodist church. Politic- ally Mr. Graham is a Prohibitionist. Samuel Gordon, farmer, was born in Richland township September 28, 1826, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Gordon, who came to this county from Centre and in 1826 removed to Sandy Creek township, where Samuel Gor- don secured a tract of two hundred and fifty acres, including the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch. Here they lived until death and are buried in the old Franklin cemetery. They reaj-ed a large family, of whom Samuel, Jr.. was next to the youngest. He obtained a common school edu- cation. In 1846 he engaged in farming and has since followed this calling. He married in 1843 Melvira, daughter of Peter Houser; they are the parents of eight children, six of whom are living: Margaret, wife of George Steb- bins; Elizabeth; Jennie; C. P.; W. B., and A. C. Politically Mr. Gordon is a Democrat. George A\'. Mays, miller, was born in Richland township, April 23. 1819, son of Thomas W. and Henrietta (Myers) Mays. Thomas W. was a son of Thomas, a veteran of the Revolution, and by occupation a miller and mill-wright. The family is of Scotch descent, and first settled in this coun- try in the state of South Carolina. Since Thomas Mays, Sr. , came to this country, his descendants have always been identified with the milling inter- est. Thomas W. Mays reared a family of twelve children: Mrs. Polly Karns; Henry; James; Mrs. Sarah Shaw; George W. ; Mrs. Nancy White; Mrs. Henrietta Shoup; John; Jesse; Louis A. ; Mrs. Emily J. Morrow, and Oliver P., all of whom grew to maturity and reared families. Thomas W., in partnership with John Myers, built the original predecessor of Giering's mill, in Richland, the first in that township. Four of his sons chose milling as a business: George W. ; John, of Mill Village, Erie county; Jesse, of Rockland, where he owns a mill near Slab furnace, and Henry, deceased. Of his sons-in-law, Barney Shoup was a miller, and David Shaw established thn first carding mill in Rockland township. George W. engaged in the business in 1848 at Pine run, Rockland township, Avhere he built the first and only mill on that stream, still operated by his son. In 1880 he pur- chased the site of old Sandy mill, and erected the present mill, on one of the oldest milling sites in the county. In 1845 he married Jiiliet, daughter of Thomas Elder, of Clarion county, who was the mother of five children: James P., engaged in the milling business in Rockland; Erena, wife of William Smith; Emily, married to Thomas Dorsey, of New Mexico; Charity BIOGRAPHIES OF SANDY CHEEK. l()21t A., widow of P. Dorsoy, also of Socorro, Now ^loxiaj; ;iiul Julia, wife of Albert Sniith, of Toronto, Ontario. As his second wife ho married Liicinda Askey, in 1858. Their children are Henrietta and Cora L. , wife of Tracy B. Pettit, of Victory township. Politically, Mr. Mays has l)een a life-long Democrat, inheriting in this respect the [)roclivities of his father and grand- father. Thomas W. Mays served in the war of ]8r2. John Dout, farmer, was born January 11. 1826, in Butler county, Penn- sylvania, son of Reuben and Annie (Stopp) Dout, of German descent, who removed to Butler county in 1824 and there l)rought up a family of eleven children to maturity: John; Reuben; Mrs. Annie Lytle; Jacob; Mrs. Cath- arine Stopp; Abraham; Samuel; Mrs. Sarah Cook; Daniel; Polly, and Levi. John Dout had a common school education. He learned the trade of car- penter, which he followed nine years. In 1852 he removed to the vicinity of Springville, this coiinty, and in 1865 took up his residence on his present farm. He was married in 1847 to Susan, daughter of Andrew and Nancy Zeigler, of Butler county, and they are the parents of nine children: An- drew; Sidney; Mrs. Ellen Sechler; Nathan; Alfred J. ; Mrs. Lavinia Ross; Noah; Austin, and Elmer. Mr. Dout is school director and road commis- sioner in Sandy Creek townshij) and Democratic in politics. "Washington B. Hodser, farmer, was born October 15, 1837, on the farm he now occupies, son of Peter and Margaret (Hill) Houser. The Houser family was among the pioneers of the county, and its first rej^resentative here was John P., a veteran of the Revolutionary war and after that a resi- dent of Centre county, whence he removed to Coal Hill, now Mt. Washing- ton, near Pittsburgh. In 1800 he went to Franklin, where he established a ferry between the Big Rock and Allegheny bridges. He lived in Cran- berry township. Afterward he removed to the Tarkiln neighborhood, where he resided until his death. He had five sons: Philip; Jacob; Cornel iias; Peter, and David; and four daughters: Mrs. Sarah Stover; Mrs. Huey; Mrs. Mary Cox, and Mrs. Susan Martin. In 183G Peter removed to Sandy Creek township, where he reared a family of seven children: Mary J., wife of T. H. Martin; Mrs. Samuel Gordon: Hugh P.; Andrew, and Cornelius, deceased; Washington B. , and Margaret, wife of Immanuel Herman. Washington B. was married in 1800 to Florinda, daughter of Robert Graham, a pioneer of this township. They are tl*B parents of eight children: Mrs. Mary E. Hoults; Mrs. M. J. Foster; Mrs. Ella G. Smith; George W. ; Frederick P. ; Maud (deceased); Catharine A., and Charles A. The family is connected with Pleasant Grove Methodist church. Politically Mr. Houser is a Democrat with Prohibition proclivities. John P. Hatch, oil producer, was born in Sparta township, Crawford county, Pennsylvania, son of Levi and Sarah Eliza (Brown) Hatch. The ancestry on both sides is traced through a period of two hundred and sev- enty-five years, when the first representatives came from England to Massa- 1030 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. chusetts and Vermont. The paternal orand father of John P. lived and died at AN'hitehall, New York, from which place Levi Hatch removed to Crawford county. Here he reared a family of six children, all of whom are living: Smith F. ; Ann Eliza, wife of Martin Porter; Charles R. ; John P. ; Maria C. , wife of Lester Fish, and Edwin B. Our subject obtained an academic education at Waterford Academy and Edinl)oro State Normal School, and also attended Duff's Commercial College at Pittsburgh. Since the age of ten years he has been engaged in business, having received at that age tifty sheep from his father, from which he accumulated three thous- and dollars before reaching his majority. In 1869 he engaged in the oil business at Woodcock station on the Allegheny river. He was one of the original members of the Pleasantville Oil Exchange, and has been largely interested at Fagundus, Parker's Landing, Petrolia (where he drilled the first well), and Butler county, experiencing all the vicissitudes of fortune incident to the business. In 1877 he came to this township, and has since been engaged in oil production. On the 29th of February, 1864, he en- listed in Company C, One Hundredth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was in the service seventeen months, until the close of the war Politically he is a Republican, and has held the offices of justice of the peace, township clerk, constable, assessor, and collector in this township. He is connected with Pleasant Grove Methodist church, in which he has served as steward, class leader, and trustee. He was married July 16, 1881, to Belle B., daughter of Thomas Gregory of Franklin. They are the parents of three children: John P., Jr.; Irene M., and Elizabeth P. MINERAL. The Whann Family immigrated at an early date from Scotland or the North of Ireland to Chester and Northumberland counties, Pennsylvania, whence, in 1798 or 1800, William Whann removed to French Creek, now Mineral township, Venango county. Within a brief period he went farther westward, locating with his son John in Harrison county, Ohio, where he resided the remainder of his life. William Whann, Jr., settled at Wells- burg, West Virginia, while two other sons, Robert S. and Francis, remained in this county. Robert S. Whann lived to the age of seventy-five. He served in the war of 1812 and was for many years a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church, first at Amity and afterward at Mount Pleasant. Elizabeth, wife of Robert S. Whann, lived to the age of eighty-two, dying in 1862. They reared a family of four sons and two daughters: William, Matthew L., Elizabeth L., Eleanor C, Walter L., and Robert F., of whom the following record is preserved: William passed the most oi his life in Venango county, where he was born and reared. He married Tamar Williams, daughter of Eli BIOGRAPHIES OF MINERAL. 1031 Williams of this couuty. Early in lift* he oui^an^od iu the furuacu aiul hht- cautilo business and afterward in farming. He now resides in Franklin and with his son, Walter L., is engaged in oil producing. Matthew L. married Sarah Williams, daughter of Eli Williams, and tliey reared a largo family; after her death he married Matilda Raymond, daughter of A. W. Raymond of Franklin, and she survives him. He was a ruling elder in the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian church and justice of the peace at Honderson- ville, Mercer county, at his death in 1877. Elizabeth L. married Joseph Phipps of Scrubgrass, and they were the parents of a numerous family, all of whom died in 1852 with the exception of Robert J. and John M. , who enlisted for service in the late war, the former rising to the rank of major and the latter dying from illness caused by the hardships of army life. Eleanor C. married William Lyons of Tuscarawas county, Ohio. They resided a number of years at New Philadelphia, Ohio, and then removed to Kansas, where the family now reside. Robert F. engaged in the cabinet- making business. He married Sarah Phipps, daughter of Samuel Phipps of Scrubgrass, and they made Raymilton their home until his decease. He served as justice of the peace when but a young man. They had two sons; one died in childhood, the other, Walter L., resides in the West. The widow married William Raymond of Raymilton, Pennsylvania. A sketch of Doctor Walter L. Whann appears in the chapter on the medical profession. Francis Whann, youngest of the family of William Whann, with whom he came from Northumberland county, married Jane Smith, who came from Greene county, Pennsylvania, at the age of seven years, riding the entire dis- tance on horseback. Her father settled upon a farm in Mineral township, where he spent the remainder of his life. After his decease this farm was purchased by Francis Whann, who resided thereon until his death at the age of eighty-eight years. His wife died at the age of seventy-nine. Their family was as follows: Hannah, who married John F. Henderson, both deceased; Sarah, wife of John Adams of Polk; William, who married Cath- arine Wood; Jane, deceased wife of Thomas Hoge; Francis, who married Nancy Walker and resides in Mineral township; Andrew, who married Sarah Woods; Ellen, married to Reverend J. M. Gallagher, who preached a number of years in the Cumberland Presbyterian congregations of Rock- land and Cranberry and is the present pastor of Bethany church, Mercer county; Daniel, married to Leah Hauk, both deceased, and John, married to Sarah Griffin, now residing at Tipton, Iowa. Francis Whann was a soldier in the war of 1812. Seth Guilingee, farmer, was born in Harrison county, Ohio, October 20, 1811, son of Martin and Eve (Hendricks) Guilinger. Martin Guilinger was a native of eastern Pennsylvania, and was left an orphan at an early age by the death of his father. His first permanent residence was in Harrison county, Ohio. From here he went to Pittsburgh, thence to New Castle, 1032 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. thence to Mercer county, Pennsylvania. He then came to this township, and from here removed to Marion county, Indiana, and afterward to Pulaski, Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, and thence to Marietta, Ohio, where he died. He had a family of ten children, seven sons and three daughters. Seth, the third son, came to Venango county in 1837, from Sharon, Mercer county, and has lived in this township ever since. He married Susan, daughter of Charles Cooper, then of Mercer county, afterward and at the time of his death a resident of Marietta, Ohio. They are the parents of ten children: Martin; Charles; James; Jacob; John; Albert; Mrs. Elizabeth Kitchey, and Amanda, living; and Maria and Washington, deceased. Mr. Guilinger has been engaged at various times in charcoal burning and brick making, but principally in farming. For two years he was employed by Everhart Lytle to superintend the mining of ore. He and wife are mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and in politics he is a Demo- crat. William Adams, farmer, was born near the village of Polk, March 27, 1813, and is a son of Welden Adams, an early and prominent settler of Venango county, and at one time a commissioner thereof. A sketch of the Adams family will be found in the chapter on French Creek township. Our subject was brought up at Franklin, and in French Creek township, and began farming in 1837, in Muskingum county, Ohio, where he lived seven years. He then removed to the adjoining county of Perry, and subse- quently to Edgar county, Illinois. Returning to Venango county in 1864, he engaged in the oil business, and in 1860 purchased his present farm in this township. He was married in 1838 to Miss Susanna McElhaney, who was the mother of ten children. In 1862 he married Mary Bartlett, who bore him three children. After her death he married Mrs. Martha Allen, nee Simcox. Six children are living: Mrs. Henrietta Marshall; Mrs. Susanna LeFevre; Mrs. Sarah Croan; Mrs. Maud Mosier; Georgie, and William. Mr. Adams is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Samukl W. Reagle, deceased, was born October 29, 1814, in Lawrence county. Pennsylvania, the son of John Reagle, who was born May 2, 1779, and died Jane 27, 1873, in the ninety-fifth year of his age. He was brought up in Lawrence county, and obtained such education as the common schools of that day afforded. While yet a young man, he came to what was then French Creek, now Mineral township, where he bought a tract of uncleared land. His sister acted as housekeeper, and in this manner he lived, gradually clearing and improving his farm. October 15, 1841, he married Sarah Amon, and they were the parents of eight children: John A. ; Mrs. Eliza M. Barnes; Samuel A.; Sarah M. ; Cyrus L. ; Mrs. Matilda J. Cole; Mrs. Hannah Hays and Charlotte, of whom John A., Eliza M., Cyrus L., and Samuel A. are now living. Mrs. Reagle having died, he married Miss Mary E. Long, November 16, 1864, and she is the mother of three BIOGRAPHIES OF MINERAL. 1038 children: James Marshall, i'arnior and i^oin^-al nianaj^oc of the lleaglt^ Oil Corapany, who obtained his education at the common schools and at (irove City Colleore, and has been engaged in active business since his father's death; William G., a graduate of Grove City College, and student of Alle- gheny Theological Seminary, nov^r engaged in home missionary work in Nebraska, and Christina, a student of Grove City College. Mr. Reagle died March 27, 1883. He was a man of good business qualifications, and beside the work of his*farm he was interested in various mining, lumber, and oil ventures with fair success. He was an active member of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian church, and a strong temperance advocate. He was called upon to assume various local offices, and in politics was an ardent Repub- lican. John J. Barnes, deceased, was born in Mercer county, six miles from the town of Mercer, November 14, 1817, son of James and Mary (Alexan- der) Barnes, of Scotch-Irish descent, and early settlers of that vicinity. He was brought up at the home of his parents and obtained such education as the schools of that day afforded. December 5, 1839, ho married Eliza Jane, daughter of James and Sarah (Fulton) Montgomery, of Sandy Creek town- ship, Mercer county. They were also of Scotch-Irish origin. James Mont- gomery was three times elected to the legislature of Pennsylvania and served in the constitutional convention of 1837. He was also an officer in the war of 1812. For two years our subjeet worked as a tailor, and then engaged in farming on the property now owned by his widow. They made their home here in July, 1847. He served as constable two years in Mercer county, five years for French Creek township, and four years as justice of the peace in Mineral after its formation. In 1874 he became blind, but recovered the sight of one eye ten years later. After a long and painful illness, which he bore with the fortitude of a spirit sustained by divine grace, his death oc- curred July 8, 1886, and he is buried at Oak Hill cemetery, Mercer county. He was the father of twelve children (ten sons and two daughters), four of whom died in infancy. Those living are George A. ; Archibald; William A. ; Thomas J. ; Matthew; Oliver W. ; Jennie E. ; and Sarah G., wife of La Fay- ette Perrine. In politics Mr. Barnes was a Democrat. He was a member of the United Presbyterian church, with which Mrs. Barnes and four of the children are now connected. At his death he left a valuable estate, the ac- cumulation of years of honest industry. One son, Archibald Barnes, enlisted in Company H, One Hundredth Pennsylvania Volunteers, February 27, 1864, and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. G. C. Cdtchall, farmer, was born in Sugar Creek township, Venango county, January 8, 1820, son of John and Emily (Livermore) Cutchall, of German and English descent, natives respectively of Lancaster and Mercer counties. The father of Mrs. Cutchall was Jeremiah Livermore. who lived within four miles of the town of Mercer. The father of John Cutchall 1034 HISTORY or VENANGO COUNTY. moved from Lancastei' to Westmoreland, and thence to Crawford county, where he was a resident during the war of 1812 and until his death. His son, father of the subject of this sketch, removed from Venango county to Ran- dolph township, Crawford county, where he also lived until his death. G. C. Cutchall was brought up until the age of twelve in that township. He was then taken into the family of his maternal grandparents and obtained a common school education in Mercer county. His first business was farming, after which he was employed in a grist mill and distillery. March 11, 1841, he married Rebecca, daughter of Jacob Reagle. They removed to Crawford county in 1842, where he was engaged in farming and carpentering twelve years. In 1854, having purchased his present residence, he removed thereto and continued the same business. Of a family of fourteen children born to Mr. and Mrs. Cutchall eight are living: Mrs. Elizabeth Wise; John; Mrs. Sarah Irwin; Mrs. Mattie V. Thompson; Isaiah; Jerome; Mrs. Laura Beil, and Mrs. Nettie Dean. Mr. Cutchall has been elected to every office in the township except constable and is Democratic in politics. Archibald McMttllen, farmer, was born in Mercer, now Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, February 19, 1827, son of Galbreath and Mary (Park) McMullen, the father a native of Berkley county, Virginia, and the mother of Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, where her parents settled about 1800. Her father, James Park, removed from Virginia to a tract of land embracing the site of Edenburg, Lawrence county, and still in possession of the family. Galbreath McMullen was twice drafted for service in the war of 1812. He had a family of thirteen children, and was twice married. Archibald McMullen was Ijrought up until the age of twelve in Lawrence county, his father removing to what is now Mineral township, Venango county, in 1838. Here he obtained a common school education. At the age of twenty-one he engaged in farming, but has since been interested in other pursiiits to a limited extent. In 1849 he married Maria J., daughter of John Amon, of this township. They have an adopted child, A. L. McMul- len. Mr. McMullen' s father died September 23, 1883, at the age of one hundred and four years, five months, and eight days. Mrs. McMullen is a member of the Presbyterian church, and he has always voted the Demo- cratic ticket. George W. Raymond, merchant, Raymilton, was born August 4, 1828, at Troy, New York, and came to this county with his father, the late A. W. Ray- mond of Franklin, in 1 836. He was In-ought up at Utica, Venango county, and obtained a limited education at the common schools thereof. He was early associated with his father's business interests. From 1853 to 1858 he had charge of a furnace at Raymilton; in 1803-64 be was engaged in oil production on Oil creek, and in 1867-68 he was in Montana, as superin- tendent of a gold mining company. Since 1868 he has been a member of the firm of Raymond Brothers and has charge of the oil interests of his BIOGRAPHIES OF MINERAL. 1035 father in this vicinity. Mr. Raymond was iiianicd ScptcMiilxT 'iU. 1S74, to Miss Mary Adams, who died October 4, 1882. She was tlio motln^r of one child, Florence, who was born August 23, 1875, and died Janiiary 'ifl, 1.S82. Charles H. Raymond, merchant, of the firm of Raymond Brothers, Raymil- ton, was born February 3, 1832, at Utica, Venango county, Pennsylvania, the son of A. VV. Raymond, whose sketch appears in the biographical chapter of Franklin. He was brought up there and had limited educational advan- tages. At an early age he was called upon to assist his father in his various business operations, clerking in the store at Utica, and doing various other kinds of work, and was thus associated until August, 1862. He then enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, was elected second lieutenant, and served about one year, participating in the campaigns of 1862-63, and being engaged at the battles of Fredericks- burg and Chancellorsville, commanding his company in the latter engagement. He was wounded in the former. In July, 1863, owing to impaired health, he was compelled to resign. Upon his return to Venango county, he engaged in the oil business, and was interested in the developments at Pithole and elsewhere. He continued at this several years. In 1868, in company with George and Aaron W. Raymond, Jr., he entered into busi- ness at Raymilton, and has been so engaged continuously ever since. In 1871 Mr. Raymond was married to Jennie S. , daughter of Frederick Ives, of Herkimer county, New York. They are the parents of two children: Elizabeth and Dora. They are connected with Mount Pleasant church, of Mineral township, of which Mr. Raymond has been an elder some years. He was the first postmaster at Raymilton, appointed in 1868, and is one of the well-known citizens of his township. James Simcox, farmer, Raymilton, was born in this township, February 29, 1832, son of William and Jane (Marshall) Simcox. The former was born in Maryland, June 14, 1794, son of Shadrach Simcox, the first repre- sentative of the family in this county, who served in the war of 1812; the latter was born February 14, 1804, the daughter of James Marshall, of Mercer county. They were the parents of twelve children: Mrs. Eleanor Amon; Mrs. Martha Zink; Mrs. Mary Whitaker; Nancy; John; William; James; Mrs. Jane Gibson; Philetus R. ; John L. ; Hugh M.. and Lester M. William Simcox died September 5, 1850, and his widow, Jime, 12, 1860, both at the age of fifty-six. James Simcox was brought up in this township, and obtained a limited education at the common schools. He engaged in farming in 1S54, on the farm he now occiipies, and has resided there continviously ever since, with the exception of a year in Ohio and two in Mercer county. In 1854 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Henderson, of Worth township. Mercer county. They have one adopted child, Mrs. Carrie Woods. Both are connected with the Center Methodist church. Mr. Simcox has held various local offices, and is a Democrat in politics. Two brothers, John and Hugh, served during the civil war. 103() HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Alexander Wright, justice of the peace and farmer, was born in Mercer county, near Hendersonville, August 21, 1839, son of Thomas and Sarah (Fowler) Wright. Thomas Wright was from Bleakley Lane near Whitley Rocks, Lancashire, England. He was born there and reared to maturity, emigrating to America when a young man. He came to Mercer county im- mediately, with a family of Fowlers from the same locality. Here he mar- ried a daughter of Richard Fowler and settled on an uncleared tract of land. He lived here until his death in 1850, and is buried at Zion church, Worth township. His wife lived to an advanced age, dying in 1885, and is buried at the same place. She reared a family of six children: Mary, wife of William Trevitt, of Perrine's Corners, where they occupy the first house erected by John Forest in 1838; Alexander; G. W. Wright, of Mercer, ex- member of the Pennsylvania legislature; R. R. Wright, of Frankel & Wright, merchant tailors, Mercer; J. S. Wright, merchant, Henderson- ville, and T. J. Wright, on the old homestead in Worth township, where he has twice served as justice of the peace. Alexander had but limited education, and at an early age took his father's place at the head of the family. In 1865 he engaged in farming in this township, and in 1869 bought the farm of one hundred and ten acres upon which he now resides. He married Mary L., daughter of Augustus Giebner of Worth township, in 1865. They are connected with Center Methodist Episcopal church. He'has held various township offices and has l)een justice of the peace three years. William M. Glenn, oil producer and lumber dealer, Raymilton, was born September 8, 18-18, near Grove City, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, son of John and Jane (Kilgore) Glenn. The paternal grandfather, Samuel Glenn, was from Leland, and an early settler of French Creek township, where he was for many years a jvistice of the peace. He was the father of a large family, of whom John was the oldest. He was engaged in the mill- ing business at various points in this and Mercer county, and died at Sandy Lake in March, 1885, at the age of seventy-five, His wife was a daughter of John J. Kilgore, once a member of the Pennsylvania legislature, whose history is given in connection with Irwin township. She was the mother of seven children: Mrs. Elizabeth Coulter; Mrs. Dorcas Finley; Mrs. Jane Baker; John; Samuel; ^N'illiam M. , and Amanda. Our subject was reared in this county. , Not long after oil was discovered he went to Oil creek and has been engaged at the wells and refineries ever since. In 1880 he located at Raymilton, where he built the Globe refinery, and managed it about five years. During this time he became interested in production, and since his retirement from tbe refinery in 1885 he has given his attention to this and lumbering. October 29, 1874, he married Jviliet A., daughter of Joseph A. Allen, of Irwin township. They are the parents of two children: Earl C. and Loyal B. They are connected with Mount Pleasant Presbvterian ,:^fe4i*tt^^ ao-^^^ t^^ o^c>0'' '^r BIOGUAPHIES OF VICTOKY. 1037 church, of which Mr. Glenn ih au elder. He is u ilepublican in ])()liti(;.s, and is now filling the office of justice of the peace. The Dewoody Family of Victory township is descended from John De- woody. a native of Ireland, who emigrated to America, and removed from Pittsburgh to the valley of Sandy creek in 1796. At Chartier's creek, Allegheny county, he had met and married Anis McCullough, daughter of a captain in the American Revolution from Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, who removed to the west to receive payment in lands for his services. The original Dewoody settlement was made on the old Pittsburgh road in this township, where a portion of the tract is now owned by John Dewoody, son of the first settler, who kept hotel here many years. John Dewoody, Sr. , served in the war of 1812, and died on the old homestead in 1842. He was the father of eight children: George; William; Robert; John; Andrew; Benjamin; Mrs. Sarah Ford, and Mrs. Nancy Kilgore. John Dewoody, fourth son of the original settler, was born in November, 1806, upon the farm where he now resides. Here he grew to manhood, and February 23, 183V), married Margaret, daughter of George Kilgore, who emigrated from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1833, and died in 1865, at the age of eighty-seven. They are the parents of five children: George A. ; Mrs. Anna M. Hill; John; Sarah E., and Margaret, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Dewoody have been members of the Presbyterian church at Polk since its organization. John C. Dewoody, son of Robert and Elizabeth (McBride) Dewoody, was born in Sandy Creek (now Victory) township, April 15, 1838. His father, Robert, was the third son of John Dewoody, Sr., and died June 19, 1860. He is buried in the old Sandy grave-yard. His Avidow still sur- vives. Our subject was brought up in Sandy Creek, and obtained a fair common school education. By the death of his father he was, at an early age, compelled to assist his mother in the support of the family. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He participated in the campaigns of Maryland and Virginia, was under Sheridan at Winchester, and within a short distance of Gettysburg during that memorable engagement. He was also in the battles of Stony Point and Stony Gap, Virginia. After the grand review at Washington, he was discharged, May 29, 1865, and returned to his home. August 22, 186t), he married Agnes A. , daughter of William Henderson of Victory township. The family numbers eight: Mary A., wife of Clayton Park, of Franklin; Sarah E. ; Effa J. ; Margaret M. : xMyrtie A. ; Orvil G. ; Howard, and Will- iam E., deceased. The family is connected with the Evangelical church of this township, in which Mr. Dewoody is Sunday school superintendent. He is secretary of the township school board, and politically a Republican. 58 1088 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. William Shobts, deceased, was born July 8, 1805, in Butler county, Pennsylvania, son of Robert and Mary (Porter) Shorts, and grandson of llichard and James (Johnson) Shorts, the former of England. His wife was Martha Jane Witherup, born May 10, 1808, in Venango county, daughter of John and Mary Witheruj). John Witlierup, first sheriff of Venango county, was born in England, came to Scrubgrass, Venango county, and was there engaged in the lumber business. His wife's maiden name was Brock- ingham, and her parents came from England to Philadelphia. AVillium Shorts came to Venango county whcm a young man and engaged in the lumber business two years. After his marriage he removed to Ohio, stayed there but a short time and returned to Victory township, Venango county, where he secured the tract of two hundred acres still known as the old Shorts farm. He was elected colonel of militia, from which he derived his title. When the Rebellion broke out he raised a company and went as captain of Company K, served two years, and was discharged on account of sickness. After the war he moved to Hunnewell, Missouri, with all of the family except Robert. They lived there a number of years, and then all returned to the old Shorts farm in Venango county. He died December 13, 1885, at the age of eighty in Jacksonville, Florida. He was the father of seven children: Robert 0. ; John; William, deceased; Mrs. Henrietta Mc- Kissick; Elizabeth; Mrs. Ann H. Balliett, deceased, and Abraham, now living in Franklin. Robert Ceispen Shorts, son of William and Martha J. (Witherup) Shorts, was born September 7, 1826, in Trumbull county, Ohio. He removed to Pennsylvania in the year 1830, where he has lived the greater part of his life to the present time. He attended the schools of the neighborhood and received only a limited education. His occuj^ation has been farming. He was married in 1853 at the age of twenty -seven to Catharine Bunnell, daughter of Alfred and Rachel Buunell of Venango county; they are the parents of six children, the oldest of whom, Elwilda Viola, died at the age of one year. The five living are: William Lawrence; Floretta Florence, wife of Leonadis Heasley, of Franklin; Martha Maud, wife of Robert Blair, of Mercer county; Buena Kate, wife of William Beaver, of Switzerland, now residing in Franklin, and Mary Ellen. His wife, Catharine Bunnell, daughter of Alfred and Rachel Bunnell, was born in 1834. Her grand- father, Bunnell, came from England, lived in Maine for a number of years, then came to reside in Venango county, Pennsylvania. Her grandfather, Cannon, came from Ireland and settled on Sandy creek when it was an un- broken wilderness, inhabited by wild beasts. He made improvements and lived there the remainder of his life. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shorts are con- nected with the Church of God. He has been a Republican since the organ- ization of the party and is a man of very decided views on general matters. Samuel Hovis, farmer and justice of the peace, was born June 19, 1822, BIOGIlArHIES OF VICTOKY. lOB'.) iu what was tbeu Irwiu township, this county, son of William and Sarah (Bakor) Hovis. William Hovis was l)orn, it is thought, in Clinton town- ship, and was a son of John Hovis, the original progenitor of tho family in this county. He was a descendant of John Theodore Holius, a rninistor of the Reformed church and one of the pioneers of Mercer county, Pennsyl- vania. William Hovis followed farming all his life. During the war of 1812 he joined a company of militia and marched to the defense of Erie. He died at an advanced age and is buried in the Methodist Episcopal grave-yard at Clintonville, of which denomination he was long a member. He was the father of nine children: John, of Irwin township; Peter; Will- iam; Mrs. Clarinda Moore, and Nancy, deceased; H. P. and A. J., of Clin- ton township; Mrs. Susanna Bonner, and Samuel, the subject of this sketch. The last mentioned married Eliza C. Welton of Cattaraugus county, New York, in 1842, and they are the parents of ten children: Lydia L. , wife of J. B. Henderson, of Clinton township; Emmerilla, wife of Isaac E. Eakin, of Emlenton; William J., of Butler county; Monroe Z., of Clintonville; Sarah E., wife of James Osborn, of Mercer county; Samuel H., merchant and postmaster of Pearl; Joseph C, of Butler; Chester L., of Clintonville; Mar garet C. , and John D. The family is connected with the Church of God in this township, in which Mr. Hovis has served as elder since its organization. He has been a life-long Democrat, has filled various local offices, and takes an active interest in public affairs. Philip Heckert, farmer, was born in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, January 18, 1805, son of John and Catharine Heckert. In 1829 he mar- ried Juliana Erb, and has resided in this township since 1835. Of a family of twelve children born to Philip and Juliana Heckert, ten are living. One son, John, enlisted in Company E, Sixty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, and died in the service. John H. Blair, farmer and merchant, was born in County Derry, Ire- land, in May, 1823, son of Robert and Nancy (Eakin) Blair, who immi- grated to Pennsylvania in 1828, locating in Scrubgrass township, Venango county, whence they removed the following year to Butler county. John H. obtained a limited education in the schools of that county, and began life as contractor at Buchanan and Jefferson furnaces in Clarion county. In October, 1848, he bought one hundred and twenty acres of land in Vic- tory township, his present homestead, and moved thereon in 1851. He en- gaged in merchandising in 1876 and still follows that line of business. He was married January 2, 1849, to Amelia, daughter of William Griffin, of Irwin township, who has borne him ten children. The family is connected with Hebron church of the Evangelical Association and politically Mr. Blair is a Democrat. William Cather, farmer, was born July 18, 1821, in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, son of John Cather, a native of Cecil county, Maryland. 104:0 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. The latter was an early settler of Wolf Creek township, Mercer county, and one of the first school teachers of that locality. He was also at one time employed at the old furnaces in Scrubgrass township,, Venango county. In 1831 he came to Sjjringville, Victory township, and two years later took up a tract of three hundred and fifty acres of land. His death occurred in Ohio, and was the result of an accident in an iron mine. William Gather married Mary, daughter of John B. Smith, in 1873. They have had seven children, four of whom are living. John Wareham, farmer, was born in Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, September 3, 1831, the youngest of a family of six children born to John and Elizabeth (Stevens) Wareham, of Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, and of German origin. They subsequently removed to the vicinity of Mechanicsville, Irwin township, Venango county. The subject of this sketch obtained his schooling in that township, where he commenced farm- ing in 1853. In 1865 he became a resident of Victory. November 14, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until disabled in the following year. In 1853 Mr. Wareham married Nancy, daughter of John Phipps, and they are the parents of ten children. The family is connected with the Church of God, of which Mr. Wareham was the second elder of the society in Victory township. Joseph H. McMillin, farmer and hotel keeper, was born January 15, 1841, son of John and Mary (McQuiston) McMillin. The former was born June 18, 1794, and died August 13, 1876. He was a son of Daniel McMillin, one of the pioneers of this township, and the eldest in a large family. Both John and his father served in the war of lil2. John McMillin was the father of ten children, of whom Joseph H. is the oldest now living. The latter was brought up in Rockland township, and obtained a limited educa- tion. A.t an early age he engaged in rafting, and from this time until 1876 he farmed with his father, and then became a resident of Victory township. March 27, 1880, he removed to Springville, and in the following year was appointed postmaster at that point. Mr. McMillin was married July 3, 1862, to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Neff, of Clarion county, who has borne him thirteen children, nine of whom are living. His political afiilia- tions are with the Democratic party. BIOGRAPHIES OF SUGAll CREEK. 1011 CHAPTER LI. BIOGRAPHIES OF SUGAR CREEK, CHERRY TREE, PLUM, CANAL, OAKLAND, AND JACKSON. • SUGAR CREEK. WHITMAN FAMILY. — Among the early families of Sugar Creek towuship was that of Jacob Whitman and his three sons: John, Jonathan and William; of the two last named, nothing is known by the present members of the family. They came from one of the Sus- quehanna river counties, and settled wuthin the former limits of Sugar Creek. John, the oldest son, settled upon the lands now owned by the McLaughlin family. He married Jane Davis, and they were the parents of the following children: John; Gabe; Samuel; Jonathan; George; Jane; Margaret, and Jacob. Margaret married Benjamin Nock. Jacob was born in 1797, and in early life was engaged upon the farm, later in boating and in the construction of boats for river transportation. At the time of the war of 1812, he was employed in transporting military stores intended for the construction of Perry's fleet at Lake Erie. He married Mary M., daughter of Abraham Bean, to whom the following children were born: Abraham B. ; John; William; James; Leonina, wife of Jonathan Blyler; Jane, deceased wife of Henry VanDusen, and Ellen, wife of John Lindsey. The father died in 1872, his wife having preceded him to the grave in 1853. Abraham B. Whitman, eldest son of Jacob and Mary (Bean) Whitman, was born in 1825 on the homestead farm. His education was obtained at the district schools and his early life spent upon the farm. Although princi- pally engaged in farming, he has also been interested at other times in various enterprises. In his native township he has served as constable and collector, and filled various other local offices. In 1846 he married Miss Joanna, daughter of George Wilt, and they are the parents of seven living children: Annie, wife of Christopher Seber; Louis; Louisa, wife of Austin Whitman; Lizzie; Lemuel; Samuel, and Lucy. Mr. Whitman is independ- ent in politics. He is one of the most respected and influential citizens in his township. John J. Whitman, second son of Jacol) and Mary (Bean) Whitman, was born in 1829 upon the homestead farm, upon a portion of which he resides. In early life he spent his time in rafting, but since that has been engaged in 1042 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. farming exclusively. In 1S54 be married Miss Sarah Coxson. Of ten chil- dren born to them seven are now living: John; Eliza A. ; James McFar- laud; Addie, wife of James McElhaney; Lizzie, wife of Thomas Halett, and Francis P. Mr. Whitman affiliates with the Democratic party. James AViiitman, youngest son of Jacob and Mary (Bean) Whitman, was born in 1882 upon the homestead farm. He has always been engaged in farming. He was married December 23, 1858, to Miss Sarah J., daughter of William Chrispin of Sugar Creek township, and they are the parents of five children: Jane, wife of Arthur Shoffstall of Crawford county, Penn- sylvania; Charles; Adelia, wife of J. R. Davis; Bertha, and W^alter. Po- litically Mr. Whitman is a Democrat; he has been a member of the local school board and has tilled other township offices. McQuAiD Family. — William McQuaid, a native of Ireland, emigrated to this country in 1764. He settled in Perry county, Pennsylvania, where he died. He was twice married, and his family consisted of four children: William; Jane; Betsey, and John, the last of whom was the progenitor of the McQuaid family of this county. He was born in Perry county and set- tled in what is now Sugar Creek township about 1802. He was a mill-wright by trade and followed it in connection with his farm of two hundred acres. He was at the defense of Erie in 1812. He married Isabella, daughter of William Duffield, and by this union they had thirteen children, six of whom grew to man and womanhood: AVilliam, deceased; John, of Cali- fornia; Jesse, of Sugar Creek township; Armstrong D., of Sugar Creek; Mary, wife of William Hastings, of Canal township; and Harriet, wife of Archibald Foster. John McQuaid died upon his settlement in 1850, his wife surviving him until 1858. Joseph McCalmont, deceased, the youngest son of John and Elizabeth (Conard) McCalmont, was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, November 23, 1798, and came to this county with his parents in 1803. He was reared in Sugar Creek township. In 1829 he purchased the farm upon which he resided until the time of his death, April 22, 1874. He married Margaret, daughter of John Linn of Centre county, and they were the parents of eight children: Jemima, deceased wife of Andrew Johnson; Emily, wife of Sam- uel Cooper; Sarah J., who married T. W. Brown; James F., of Nebraska; Murray L., of Sugar Creek; Susan, deceased; Margaret E., wife of Doctor H. M. Crapper, and John L., of this township. Mrs. McCalmont died February 7, 1873. Henry Homan, a native of Maryland, of German descent, removed to Centre county, Pennsylvania, where he lived until 1837; he then came to Venango county, and settled upon the laud now in possession of his sons, Thomas R. and Andrew J. He married Catharine Armagost, a native of Maryland, who bore him twelve children : John, deceased; Samuel, deceased; Sarah, who married David Homan; Hannah, deceased wife of William BIOGKArniES OF SUGAR CHEEK. 1()4H Fleniiucr; Henry, decoaseil; Catbariiu', (loct^-ist'd; Susanna. (Icocascd; Maiv; David, who resides at Cooperstown, and mariied Catharines M(d\inzi(>; Re- becca, wife of William Canan; Thomas II., and Andrew J. In early lifc^ Henry Homan was a member of the Lutheran church. Imt in later years ho was connected with the Methodist Episcopal church, lb- lill.-d various township offices, and died in 1872, his wife having died ten years previously. Thomas R. Hom.\n was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, in 1884, was reared in Sugar Creek township, received a common school education, and has always followed farming. He has taken a deej) interest in the affairs of his township, and in 1878 was elected county commissioner, serv- ing one term. He has filled the office of constable and collector for eight years, and school director .six years. Politically he is a Democrat, and one of the respected citizens of the township. He is a member of the Wesleyan Methodist church. Andkew J. HoM.\N, youngest son of Henry Homan, was liorn upon the homestead, in Sugar Creek township, in 1837, and has spent his entire life thereon. He received a common school education, and has always followed farming. He was married in 1870 to Miss Kachel, a daughter of Frederick Devere, of Sugar Creek, and by this marriage they have one son, Charley. Mr. Homan has filled the office of school director, is a Democrat, and a member of the Wesleyan Methodist church. John Culberson, farmer, is a native of County Donegal, Ireland. He was born February 14, 1811, and is a son of John and Isabella (Davis) Cul- berson, who immigrated to Philadelphia in 1834, where they resided until their death. Our subject was one of a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters, and was the second son, all of whom are dead excepting one sister, Mrs. James Davis of Philadelphia. Our subject came to Venango county in 1832, having emigrated two years previous to his parents. He found employment with Thomas Anderson of Cornplanter township, where he remained one year. He then rented a farm, which he worked for two years, when he entered the employ of Samuel Bell, furnace proprietor, where he remained one year. In 1838 he purchased one hundred and six acres where he now resides, adding to his farm until he has two hundred and thirty- two acres. He has been three times married; his first wife was Lucy McFate, a native of Ireland, who died in 1845 and bore him four children: Samuel, deceased; Robert; Mary J., deceased, who married Mark Ward, and John. He married for his second wife Esther Lamberton, who died in 1868, by whom he had no children. His third wife was Margaret Rossman, who died in 1886. leaving six children: Melvin; Ann J.; Nancy B. ; Renwick; Sarah E., and Harvey. Mr. Culberson joined the Presby- terian church in Ireland; after his settlement here he joined the United Presbyterian church and has been a member and an elder for thirty-seven years. Politically he is a Democrat. l(>-i4 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Bean Family. — Ahraham Bean, a native of one of the eastern counties of this state, came to Crawford county. Pennsylvania, about ISOO. He set- tled on the line of Canal township and subsequently purchased the farm in Canal township whore his grandsons, John D. and Andrew, now live, where he died about 1839. He had two sons, Samuel and Henry. From Samuel have descended the Bean family of Canal township. He was born in 1793, reared in Canal township, and lived his life upon the farm, engaged in farming. He married May 23, 1822, Jane, daughter of James McCune, one of the early settlers of Canal township, and by this marriage they had thir- teen children: Elizabeth, wife of Silas Thompson; Susan, deceased, who married Abraham Hart; Adaline, wife of Henry Hare of Crawford county; James, of Canal township; Martha, deceased, who married Michael Brown; William; Samuel, deceased; John D. ; Mary A., deceased, who married Samuel Whitman; Andrew of Canal township, and Thomas P., deceased. Samuel died upon the farm May 5, 1872. his wife having died in 1865. David Kossman, deceased, a native of Centre county, Pennsylvania, came to Venango county in 1839, and settled in Cranberry township, where he lived two years. He then removed to Sugar Creek township and settled upon a farm on the river. In 18-14 he purchased the farm where his son David now lives. He married Elizabeth Fife of Centre comity, Pennsyl- vania. They were the parents of thirteen children, five of whom are now 'living: John; Henry; David; William, and Susanna, who married George Frank. Mr. Rossman died in 1855, his wife surviving him until 1882. Heney F. James, oil producer, son of Edwin and Sarah G. (Sandsbury) James, was born in Nantucket, Massachusetts, December 3, 1841. He learned the cooper trade, and subsequently engaged in the whaling busi- ness. In 1801 he came to Venango county; in February, 1865, he located at Pithole as superintendent for A. R. Williams. In 1871 he removed to Sugar Creek township to accept the position of superintendent for the Frank- lin Pipe Line Company, and soon aftei'ward leased one hundred and fifty acres of the McCalmont farm, and engaged in oil operating. Mr. James has developed sixty wells upon this farm and has thirty producing wells at the present time. He was married in 1866 to Miss Susan Hunter of Nan- tucket, Massachusetts, who has borne him two children : Bertha and Frank. Politically Mr. James is a Republican; he has always taken a deep interest in the progress of education, and at present is secretary of the school board in his district. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. , A. O. U. W., and the K. of P., and one of the well-known and enterprising citizens of his adopted county. Fkancis McDaniel, miller and farmer, son of Francis and Mary (Thomp- son) McDaniel, was l)orn in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, in 1832. He received a common school education, and his early life was spent upon the farm. In 1854 he engaged in the lumber business, and was subsequently BIOGKArHIES OF SUGAR CHEEK. 10-45 engaged in the manxifacture of sash and liliiids .-iiitl in tin- tlDurin;^' mill business, at Jefferson, Ohio, also in the niercantih> l)usiness at Dorset, (Jliio. In 1881 he located at his present place and purchased the McKinzie mill, which he operates in connection with farming. He married Miss Mary Ev- eritt, who died in 1874, leaving three children: Samuel A. ; Margaret, wife of Frank Kuggles, and Frank P. In 187() he was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of the late John McKinzie. In politics he is a Democrat, and at the present time is a member of the local school board. James K. Adams, superintendent and one of the directors of the Reno Oil Company, was born May 15, 1848, in the town of Wilton, Saratoga county, New York, and is the only son of Charles and Emmeline E. (Deyoe) Adams. In the fall of 1859 his father came to Oil creek, following the ex- citement incident to the striking of the Drake well. In the following year he commenced operating for oil on the John P. Hays farm, on the Allegheny river, two miles below the mouth of Oil creek, where ho resided for many years, subsequently removing to Oil City, where he now resides. From boy- hood Mr. Adams has been connected with the oil business. In the spring of 1878 he was employed by the Nobel Brothers to go to the Caspian sea oil fields to introduce the American method of operating for oil. After spending one year in the Baku district he joined Doctor H. W. C. Tweddle and spent a year in his employ, developing that part of the Black sea oil fields known as the Cuban district, returning to Oil City in the summer of 1880. In 1881 he accepted the position he now holds. He was married in 1885 to Sarah E., eldest daughter of John Coyle, of Oil City. By this union they have one daughter, Ruth E. He is a member of the Masonic order, I. O. O. F. , and the A. O. U. W. Politically, he is a Republican, with strong Prohibition proclivities. Oliver P. Ross, justice of the peace and oil producer, is a son of George and Rachel (Calvin) Ross. He was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, in 1839, and was reared in Crawford county, Pennsylvania. In 18G2 he entered the employ of Hozen & Trunk, as foreman on the construction of the Jamestown & Franklin railroad, afterward engaged in the teaming busi- ness, and subsequently engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoos at Turner's Corners, Mercer county. In 1805 he came to Oil creek and was in the employ of various parties. In 1874 he settled in Sugar Creek and en- gaged in teaming. In 1880 he entered the employ of Yates & Grant, with whom he remained five years. He then entered the employ of J. Hurley, in whose employ he now is, and is operating some production of his own. He married in March, 1863, Miss Jones, daughter of William Jones, of Mer- cer county, Pennsylvania. They are the parents of five living children: John W. ; Margaret R. ; Flora; Oliver P. , and Elsie. He has filled the ofiice of road commissioner six years, was elected justice of the peace in 188L, and re-elected in 1889. Ho is a member of the K. of H. and in politics a Democrat. 1046 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Hexry Alexander, farmer, was born March 17, 1848. He is a son of John and Margaret Alexander. The father of onr subject was a native of Centre county, Pennsylvania, came to Venango county, and settled in Sugar Creek township in 1840, where he died June 22, 1860. He was twice married, his first wife dying June 14, 1852, leaving three children? two of whom are living: Henry, and Catharine, wife of Thomas Naylor. His second wife was Mary Duifield. Our subject was reared in Sugar Creek township, and has always followed farming as an occupation. He married in 1874 Miss Ellen Norden, of Sugar Creek township, and by this marriage they have two children: Hardenia and Ralph H. Mr. Alexander politically is a Democrat. CHERRY TREE. Jonathan T. Curry, farmer, was born on his present homestead July 18, 1809. His father was Robert Curry, of Huntingdon county, who came to Titusville as a young man. He married Miss Alevia Titus (a sister of Jonathan Titus) and took up a tract of land in Cherry Tree township, which he cleared and improved. He was drafted in the war of 1812 but was excused from serving. He was a Whig and afterward a Republican in politics. He died in Franklin while attending court, and his wife died on the homestead farm. They reared four sons and four daughters. The liv- ing are: Jonathan T. ; Robert, of Cherry Tree township, and Peter, of Clarion county. Our subject received but a limited education, as he was early put to work in assisting his father with the farm duties. In 1840 he married Miss Margaret Elder, daughter of Moses Elder of Cherry Tree. She died in 1877. They reared two children: Robert, living with his father, and married to Miss Celia Bucklin, and Eliza, Mrs. Samuel Ed- wards of Vinton, Iowa. Mr. Curry is a member of the Republican party. Robert Curry, farmer, was born on his present homestead July 25, 1814, son of Robert and Alevia (Titus) Curry. He received his education at the early log school houses, and has always lived on his present farm, ex- cept five years spent in the gold and silver mines of California. In 1856 he married Miss Elizabeth Curry, daughter of Samuel Curry. She died in 1880. They reared two children: Cassius, living at home, married to Miss Lizzie Moyer of Troy Center, Crawford county, and Dora, Mrs. Fred Gib- son of Cherry Tree, mother of one child, Ralph David. Mr. Curry is a member of the Republican party. E. W. Hamilton, farmer, was born on his present homestead, July 6, 1833. His grandfather, James Hamilton, was a native of Ireland, who im- migrated to America in 1775, and settled in Chester county, Pennsylvania, where he remained a short time, thence removing successively to the vicinity of Carlisle, Cumberland county, and to Centre county. In 1801 he came to Venango county and took up a tract of government land in Cherry Tree BIOGRAPHIES OF CHEHUY THEE. 10-4/ township. Here ho lived until his deiith. His children were: Cyntliiii, Mrs. Carson Graham, deceased; John, deceased, who served as sheriff of Venango connty and jndated the land for the old Foster school house. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Politically he was a Democrat. He died January 26, 1844, his widow surviving him until 1867. William Foster, farmer, was born February 24, 1827, in Canal town- ship, Venango county, upon the farm where he now resides; he is a son of John and Isabella (Beatty) Foster, was reared to farm life, and has followed that occupation up to the present. He married, in 1854, Miss Amelia P., daughter of Eli Crowther, of Crawford county, Pennsylvania. They are the parents of four living children: John H. ; Dwight H. ; Gertrude, and Alice, wife of D. D. Duffield. Mr. Foster was elected justice of the peace 1874 and re-elected in 1879. He has also filled the office of county auditor. He is an elder in the Sugar Creek Presbyterian church, and in politics a Democrat. William McCune, deceased, was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania, May 15, 1806. His father, James McCune, was a pioneer of Canal town- ship, where he located before the birth of his son William. He opened a farm near French creek, still in possession of his descendants, and died in the year 1840. William McCune was reared in this township, and became one of the well known farmers and substantial citizens of the community. His wife. Keziah, was a daughter of Thomas Paxton. of Mercer county, and bore him two children: James and Thomas. She died August 27, 1865, aged sixty-four years, her husband surviving her until May 18, 1889. James McCune, eldest son of William and Keziah McCune, was born on the old homestead June 16, 1831, and there grew to manhood, attending such schools as the country afforded. On reaching his majority be began farming on a part of the home place, and is now the owner of a fine farm of two hundred acres. Mr. McCune was married August 19, 1852, to Miss Margaret, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Black, who bore him six chil- dren: William; Samuel; Thomas; Robert, deceased; Elizabeth, and Alex- BIOGRAPHIES OF CANAL. 1001 ander. Mrs. McCune died March 28, 1801). He was again married, December 23, 1881, to Miss Margaret Ann, daughter of James Smith of Mercer county. B.VRNETT LuPHER, farmer, is a son of JacoV) Lupher and grandson of John Lupher, who emigrated from eastern Pennsylvania to Allegheny county earlv in the present century. John Lupher was a native of Germany and emigrated to eastern Pennsylvania, where his son Jacob was born in 1782. The latter became a resident of Allegheny county when a young man, com ing to Venango county about 1818, and locating in Canal township where the widow of Andrew Lupher now resides. He was married in 1815 to Miss Martha Hill, of Pittsburgh, who bore him eleven children: John; Eliza, deceased; Andrew, deceased; Barnett; James W., deceased; Hiram; Alfred B. ; Jacob P., who died in the army; Mrs. Martha Hawthorn; Syl- vester M., and Mrs. Elmira J. Colt. Mr. Lupher was a prominent farmer and became the owner of much valuable real estate in Venango county. His wife died March 14, 1860, and he survived her until July 24, 1874. Barnett Lupher was born in Canal township May 18, 1828, and has always resided in the county. He was educated in the common schools, lived with his parents until twenty- live years of age, and then engaged in farming for himself. His farm of one hundred and eighty acres near the center of Canal township is one of the best in the county. He is also largely engaged in stock dealing, in which he has been quite successful. Mr. Lupher has been justice of the peace for fifteen years, and for twenty consecutive years has been class leader in the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1861 he enlisted in Company I, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, with which he served two years, participating as sergeant in a number of battles, including the Seven Days' fight, Malvern Hill, and Antietam. Upon his discharge in the spring of 1863, he returned to his home in Canal township, where he has since resided. He is a Republican in politics and an earnest supporter of the principles of that party. On the 15th of January, 1850, he married Miss Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hays) Brown, of eastern Pennsylvania, who has borne him the following children: Addison; Robert B. ; Fyett, wife of George K. Riddle; Amanda J., and Avilla, deceased. Alexander Frazier, farmer, is a grandson of John Frazier, and son of James Frazier, both natives of Scotland. The latter came to the United States when twenty-six years of age and located in New York, where he worked at his trade of stone-cutting and building. He subsequently moved to Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and was employed in the construction of a large viaduct at that place, and later removed to Venango county where he was engaged upon the co'nstruction of the French Creek canal. After the com- pletion of the canal he engaged in farming in this county, which he carried on in connection with his trade, and later removed to Michigan Avhere he died. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Angus and Christina (Frazier) 1062 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. McKinzie, both of Scotch descent and amontrtho pioneers of Venango county. The McKinzie family settled in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, at an early date, and later Angus McKinzie came to Venango county and settled in Sugar Creek township, where he died in 1846, at the advanced age of one hundred and ten years. His widow died in 1851, aged ninety-three years. Their children are as follows: Angus, deceased; Alexander; William; Angus S. , deceased; John H. , deceased; Christina, deceased, and Adelaide, wife of H. H. Ware. Alexander Frazier was born in Greenville, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, November 29, 1838. He was reared in Venango county, and received a good English education in the common schools and at Cooperstown Academy. He enlisted in company I, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, October 14, 1861, and served three years. He participated in many of the bloodiest battles of the war, including the Seven Days' fight on the Peninsula, Antietam, Get- tysburg, Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House and numerous others, in all eighty-seven, through which he passed without serious injury. In 1862 he was promoted to the lieutenancy of his company, and later took command of the same. He was honorably dis- charged in October, 1864, and returning to Venango county engaged in the oil business, which he prosecuted with fair success until 1870, and then moved to his present homestead in Canal township. Mr. Frazier was mar- ried June 17, 1874, to Miss Priscilla, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Por- tertield of Venango county. Three children have been born of this marriage, ouly one of whom, James W., is living. Politioally Mr. Frazier is a Demo- crat and takes an active part in the aflPairs of his party. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and belongs to the G. A. R. Philip D. Cutshall, farmer, is a native of Venango county, Pennsyl- vania, born November 3, 1846, and a son of Jacob and Sarah Cutshall. Paternally Mr. Cutshall was descended from German ancestry. His grand- father, Philip Cutshall, was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1767, and came from Cumberland to Venango county in 1803, settling six miles west of Franklin. Subsequently he moved to Crawford county. Jacob Cutshall was seven years old when the family located in Venango county, moved with them to Crawford, where he resided until 1830, and in that year located where his son, Philip D. , now resides in Canal township. Here he died on the 29th of May, 1872, at the age of seventy-two years, dying as he had lived in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church. His wife, Sarah, was the daughter of Christian Sutley, an early settler of Canal township and soldier of 1812. She died April 21, 1887, aged seventy-three. They were the parents of the following children: Nancy J., deceased; Esther J., wife of J. H. Ray; Philip D., and Sarah E., deceased. By a previous marriage with William Oliphant, Mrs. Cutshall had one child, Elizabeth, now the wife of A. O. Burns of Canal township. BIOGRAPHIES OF CANAL. 1003 Philip D. Cutshall was bora and reared where he now resides. In early life he attended the common schools, obtaining a good English education, and on the death of his father took charge of the home place. He has always been a resident of this township, and is one of the substantial citi- zens thereof. In 1874 he united with the Wesleyan Methodist church, and has been an official member of quarterly conferences, a delegate to a number of annual conferences, and twice to the general conference of that dononiina- tion. Mr. Cutshall is a licensed preacher, and for three years served as pastor of Mount Pleasant church, near Meadville, besides preaching for other cono-rec-ations in Venangro and adjoining counties. He was a Republican until 1870, but since that year has voted independently, and was identified with the Greenback party. He is an earnest advocate of temperance reform and took an active part in the amendment campaign of 1889. Mr. Cutshall was married September 3, 1807, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Maggie (Galbraith) White, of Sugar Creek township, Venango county, a union blessed with seven children: Myrtle M.,wife of William K. Deets; Ada F. ; Cora M. ; Harland B. ; Maud L. : Leonard R. , and Philip D. John Duffield, a deceased pioneer of Canal township, was born in cen- tral Pennsylvania, August 12, 1781, eldest son of William and Elizabeth (Hasson) Duffield, of whom mention is made in the biographical department of this work in connection with French Creek township. He came to this county early in the first decade of the century with his parents and settled in the southeastern part of Canal township. There he was a pioneer, and although not identified with the public affairs of the county, was one of the respected and substantial citizens of the community in which he lived. He married Nancy Johnston, and they were the parents of nine childi-en: John, retired farmer, Cochranton; Philip, manufacturer, Corry; William, farmer. Plum township; Eliza, deceased wife of John Mawhinney; Jane, deceased wife of William Myers; Esther, deceased; Isabel, deceased wife of Samuel McAlevy; Polly, widow of Johnston Alexander, and Nancy, wife of Ezra W^right, of Crawford county. The death of John Duffield occurred June 20, 1849; his widow survived him until 1800 and died on the old homestead. Mr. Duf- field was a successful business man and left to each of his children an im- proved farm. John Mawhinney, deceased, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, March 14, 1800, one of a family of five children, the names of the others being Henry, Mary, James, and Rachel. He was a son of John and Mary (Ham- mond) Mawhinney, the former a native of Ireland and the latter of Scot- land. He immigrated to the United States in 1820, and being a stone mason by occupation, found employment on the construction of the Beaver and Erie canal. About the year 1829 he settled in Canal township, where he married Eliza Duffield in 1832. They were the parents of five sous and six daughters: John, of Dakota; Elizabeth; Mary J., wife of Jonathan 10(M HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Kossman of Franklin; Nancy, deceased; William H. , of Canal township; Eacbel, wife of James McCracken; James D., of Canal township; Esther, wife of Hiram Mead; Catharine, wife of James Dunbar of Kansas; Andrew S. . and Samuel A. , both of Sugar Creek township. Mrs. Mawhinney was born in what is now Canal township, April 11, 1809, her parents, John and Nancy (Johnston) Dufifield, being pioneers of that locality. Mr. Mawhin- ney was for some years manager of a salt works in the Conemaugh valley, and interested in contracts for bridges, etc., at various places. He was an ardent Republican from the organization of that party. He died January 7, 1S67. his wife surviving^ him until October 9, 1872. In religious faith they were Presbyterians. Anduew S. Mawhinney, farmer, was born April 6, 1849, son of John and Eliza (Duffield) Mawhinney. He was reared upon the homestead farm, and was educated in the common schools. He taught for ten years in the schools of Venango county. In 1870 he was appointed agent for the Howe and Singer Sewing Machine Companies, which business he followed about four years. In 1875 he engaged in the oil business, and five years later located upon the farm where he has since resided. In 1887 he was elected one of the county auditors, which position he still holds. Mr. Mawhinney was married in 1871, to Miss Ellen, daughter of Andre'w Lupher, and by this union they have four children: John M. ; George L. ; Lura E., and Florence L. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, superintendent of the Sun- day school, and in politics is a Republican. Henry Hart, deceased, was a native of Pennsylvania. He moved from York to Crawford county, thence about 1814 to Venango county and settled in the northern part of Canal township, where his son Isaac now lives. He was a successful farmer, and accummulated a valuable property. He died about 1859. Mr. Hart married Mary, daughter of Abraham Bean, an early settler of Canal township, and reared a family of eight children: Conrad; Abraham; Samuel; Susanna; Mollie, deceased; Julia A., deceased; Lu- cinda, deceased; Isaac, and Mrs. Sophia Brown. Mr. Hart was a soldier in the war of 1812, and a member of the Baptist church up to his death. Of his sons, Abraham, Samuel, and Isaac are residents of Canal and among the substantial residents of that township. The Hasson Family were among the early settlers of Venango county, locating first in French Creek township and later removing to Canal, where a large number of the descendants still live. Hugh Hasson, a native of Ire- land, came to America and settled in eastern Pennsylvania, where he en- gaged in farming. He served in the war of the Revolution, and about 1800 came to Venango county and located in French Creek township, where he died about 1815. His wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth McClair, was a native of Pennsylvania, and died in 1843. John L. Hasson, son of Hugh Hasson, was born in the eastern part of the state and accompanied BIOGUArHIES OF CANAL. 1005 bis parents to Venango county, where he spent the remaiuder of his life. He was married February 10, 1810, to Margaret, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Hasson) Duffield, early settlers of French Creek township, and roared a family of eleven children: Elizabeth, deceased; William; Mrs. Jane Black, deceased; Hugh; John C. ; Mrs. Mary Wright, deceased; Sarah A.; Jackson; James S; Mrs. Angeline Boughnor, and Samuel D. Mr. Hasson became a resident of Canal township in 1824, settling where his son John C. now lives, where he resided until his death February 5, 1885, at the age of ninety-four years. He followed farming all his life, and served in the war of 1812. His wife preceded him to the grave, dying in May, 1870, aged seventy- four. William Hasson, oldest son of John L. and Margaret Hasson, was born in French Creek township, February 22, 1819, and since 1824 has been a resident of Canal. He remained with his parents until after his majority, when he began farming and teaming, purchasing his present homestead in the spring of 1854. He was married February 23, 1843, to Rachel, daugh- ter of Samuel and Elizabeth Black, and has a family of six children, all living: Barbara J., widow of Ira Davis; Marvin F. ; Robert E. ; Emily; Samuel B., and John McC. Mr. Hasson was originally a Whig and has been identified with the Republican party since its organization. Samuel Debts, farmer, was born in Venango county in 1822. His par- ents, Joseph and Sarah (Cousins) Deets, were natives of Pennsylvania, and moved here from Westmoreland county, first settling in Sugar Creek town- ship, and later removing to Canal,where Mr. Deets subsequently became the owner of a valuable farm. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died in Canal township, February 5, 1877, aged eighty-two years. Mrs. Deets died^March 10, 1805, at the age of sixty-two. They had a family of twelve children, of whom the following are living: Samuel; Mrs. Jane Johnston; Mrs. Sarah Record; Adam; Joseph; Jackson, and Mrs. Louisa Kefard. Samuel Deets was born in Sugar Creek township, remained with his parents until attaining his majority, and at the age of twenty -nine began farming for himself, which business he has since followed. He is a member of the Wesleyan Methodist church, and votes the Republican ticket. His wife, Julia Ann, is a daughter of William and Elizabeth Ketnar, and the mother of the following children: Zidand. deceased; Milligan, deceased; Teresa, deceased; Mrs. Sarah Budman; Emeranda, deceased, and David. Edward C. Stevens, farmer, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October, 20, 1811, and is a son of David and Teresa Stevens, natives of Connecticut and Pennsylvania, respectively. David Stevens was educated for the law, subsequently took a course in a theological institution, Init eventually engaged in business in Philadelphia, where he followed merchan- dising for some years. He also carried on business for a time in Baltimore, and about 1830 removed to Mercer county, Pennsylvania, engaged in farm- 1066 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, iug, and there died about 1854. He was the father of live children, the sub- ject of this sketch being the only survivor. His widow died a few years later. Edward C. Stevens resided in Philadelphia until his sixteenth year. He accompanied his parents to Mercer county, and in 1857 came to Venango county and settled on his present homestead in Canal township. He was married November 16, 1888, to Miss Eliza, daughter of James and Nancy CosgrifF, to which union three children were born: Barbara, deceased; Teresa, deceased, and Clara, wife of Charles Beightol. Mr. Stevens is a Ilepiiblican in politics, and a member of the Episcopal chiirch. George Bakeu, farmer, was born in Genesee county, New York, Septem- ber 14, 1821, and is a son of Ambrose and Sallie (Barnes) Baker, natives of Massachusetts and New York state, respectively. Ambrose Baker went to New York when (piite young, and in 1844 came to Canal township, Venango county, where he resided until his removal to Iowa in 1867. His wife was a daughter of Solomon Barnes, a native of Canada, who was killed in Erie county, Pennsylvania, a number of years ago. She accompanied her hus- band to Iowa, where both died. They were the parents of six children: George; Phcebe; Ambrose; Solomon; Emily, and Henry. George Baker learned the paper-maker's trade in youth, and at the age of thirteen went to Erie county, Pennsylvania, where he resided until 1848, when he located near Mount Pleasant church, in Canal township, and in 1867 removed to his present home where he has since resided. He was married September 10, 1842, to Clarissa, daughter of Chauncey and Madaline Hart, who has borne him the following children: Ambrose; Mrs. Elizabeth Rifenberg; Joshua, deceased; Phcebe, wife of Elias Waters; Waterman, deceased; Hiram; Mag- gie, wife of J. N. Morrison; Parker; Lewis; Joseph, and Frank. Mr. Baker is a Republican in politics, and with his wife belongs to the United Breth- ren church. BoLAN Daily, farmer, was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania, August 17, 1832, and is a son of John and Nancy (Cousins) Daily, natives of Vir- ginia. The paternal grandfather, John Daily, came from Ireland before the war of the Revolution, in which struggle he bore a part, and later moved to Mercer county, Pennsylvania, where his death occurred. The maternal grandfather, William Cousins, was also a native of Ireland, and an early set- tler of Venango county. John Daily, father of Rolan, located in this county about 1829, settling in Canal township. He died in 1863, aged fifty-nine years. His wife died five weeks before him at the age of fifty-four.- They were the parents of twelve children, Rolan being the second eldest. The latter was reared in Canal township, and remained with his parents looking after their interests until nearly thirty years of age. He resided on the home place until 1876, when he purchased his present farm near Hanna- ville, where he now resides. Mr. Daily was married June 25, 1863, to Eliz- abeth, daughter of Winslow Burdick. of Crawford county, a union blessed BIOGRAPHIES OF OAKLAND. 1007 witli four children: Albert E. ; Harriet E. ; Cliarles, and George. Politic- ally IMi"- Daily is a Democrat, and a stanch supporter of the principles of that party. Chaeles B. Hood, farmer, is a native of Venango county, born April 10, 1839, and is a son of David and Elizabeth (Hasson) Hood, natives of Virginia. His paternal grandfather, William Hood, was one of the pioneers of Canal township, and located aboiit three miles from Utica on the Black farm. David Hood was a farmer and shoemaker, and died in this township in 1859. His wife was a daughter of Hugh Hasson, and died about 1840, They were the parents of live children: William; Moses, deceased; Mrs. Almira Moore; John, and Charles B. The last mentioned grew to manhood in Canal township, was reared a farmer, and received his education in the common schools. From the age of thirteen until his majority, he followed, principally, lumbering in Forest county, whence he returned to his early home, and after two years spent in French Creek township, removed to Canal, where he has since resided. He purchased his present farm north of Utica in 1870, and is one of the substantial citi- zens of the community. On the sixteenth of January, 1802, he was married to Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Mary Beightol, who has borne him two children: Oscar C, and Mary Ellen, the wife of Samuel Thompson, of Kansas. OAKLAND. Joseph Kean was born December 22, 1801, in Mifflin county, Pennsyl- vania, and was brought to this township in 1803 by his j^arents, his father b^ng George Kean, born at Germantown, Pennsylvania, April 7, 1700, son of Cornelius Kean, a native of Ireland, who immigrated to America about the year 1757. George Kean visited Venango county, in 1801, settled permanently in Oakland in June, 1803, and resided there until his death, May 3, 1801. Although our subject received but limited education, he was one of the pioneer school teachers of this part of the county. He was also interested in early Sunday school work, and was a school director forty years. He was married to Mesopotamia Fetterman, November 12, 1829, and they reared five children: Martha; Eliza; Barbara, wife of David E. Thomas; Columbus C, and John M. Mr. Kean is one of the oldest citizens of the county, in which he has resided longer than any other of its present population. George K. Webee, tailor by occupation, was born at Rebersburg, Centre county, Pennsylvania, March 30, 1830, and is a son of George and Barbara (Kreitzer) Weber, natives of York and Dauphin counties, respectively. His father, a wagon maker by trade, was born in 1797. He married in Centre county and reared eleven children of a family of thirteen, of whom nine, six sons and three daughters, are now living. He died in 1800 at the home of George K. , a member of the Reformed church. The death of his wife, 1068 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. who was connected with the Lutheran church, occurred two years previously. George K. Weber obtained an ordinary education at the public schools of his native town. He learned the trade of tailor, and pursued that vocation for thirty years. In April, 1851, he came to Venango county, and a year later to Dempseytown, where he was in business until 1887, associated with different parties at various periods, and part of the time individually. Since 1887 he has virtually retired from active life. Mr. Weber was married in Oakland township, October 17, 1852. to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Homan, of Centre county, and is the father of nine sons and one daughter: Newton, who was born January 4, 1853, and died October 15, 1862; Emerson, who was born July 16, 1854, and died October 24, 1862; Pira, who was born February 28, 1856, and died April 5, 1858; James, farmer in Colorado, born Septeml^er 30, 1857; Charles, farmer in Colorado, born December 17, 1860; Howard, physician in Forest county, born October 28, 1862; Judson, merchant in Dempseytown, born September 26, 1864; Edgar, blacksmith in Oregon, born May 6, 1866; Norton, telegrapher in Oregon, born October 6, 1871, and Duff, at home, born July 28, 1873. Mr. Weber is a member of the I. O. O. F. He is a self-made man in the fullest sense of the word. The competency U2:)on which he retires from business life is entirely the result of individual effort and industry. John H. Hazen, physician and surgeon, was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, February 7, 1857. His parents, Benjamin G., Sr. ,and Rachel (McClintock) Hazen, were natives of New York and Yenango county, respec- tively. Their children were six in number: F. Monroe, Benjamin G. Jr., John H. , Elizabeth, wife of Francis Brown; Mary, wife of Doctor D. H. Foster of New York, and Rachel, wife of H. H. Doyles. The father, Ben- jamin G., Sr. ,is a farmer and lives in Crawford county. He served ten years as justice of the peace and has always taken an active interest in the Repub- lican party. Our subject was educated at the high school located at Yenango, Crawford county, at Edinboro Normal School, and at Allegheny college, Meadville. He began the study of his chosen profession with his brother- in-law. Doctor D. H. Foster, ia X878, and was graduated from the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1881. In the spring of 1881 he began his practice in Yenango borough in his native county, and one year later removed to Dempseytown, where he now enjoys a lucrative practice. He is a member of the National Eclectic Association, the State Medical Asso- ciation, the Burton Medical Association of Philadelphia, and the Eclectic Medical Association of Northwestern Pennsylvania, being the secretary of the last named. He is also medical examiner for the E. A. U. He was married March 8. 1881, to Sarah E. Taylor of New York and has two chil- dren: Merl Yictor and Elm a May. R. B. Neely, farmer, was liorn at Youngstown, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1822, son of Joseph and Martha (Bell) Neely, who were BIOGRAPHIES . OF OAKLAND. lOOlJ married iu 1807 and had the following children: William; Eliza; John; 11. B. ; James R. ; Joseph; Martha J. ; Samuel, and A. J., all of whom are now living except William, Eliza, and Samuel. The father of Joseph Neely was a soldier during the war of 1812; he was wounded at the battle of Browns- town and was at Detroit when Gcnieral Hull surrendered that post. Ho was one of a family of live sons and two daughters, all of whom except himself became residents of Ohio. Their parents emigrated from Ireland about 1770 and settled in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. The grands(^ of the latter, and the subject of this sketch, has been a farmer by occupation. In 1847 he married Mary Anne Bear, daughter of Martin Bear, of Centre county, Pennsylvania, and they are the parents of fifteen children: Mary Jane; Lois E. ; John M. ; Margaret A. ; Joseph ; Martha M. ; K. C. ; Sarah L. ; Emma C. ; Elizabeth M. ; Samtiel E. ; Eva M. ; Ina B. ; James M., and Wilson A., all of whom are living except Sarah L. Mr. Neely immigrated to Oakland in 1827 and settled at his present farm in 1847. Christopher Seber, farmer, was born in Wittenburg, Germany, July 9, 1827, son of Christopher and Louisa (Eberly) Seber. The grandfather of our subject was principally reared in America, although his father returned to Germany for a period and then came back to this country; he finally set- tled in Venango county, where he reared eight children. He died in 1839 and his widow two years later. His son Christopher was educated in Ger- many and the common schools of this county. He was married September 29, 1849, to Sarah Hoahn, a native of Butler county, Pennsylvania, and to this union were born four children: Fred; John, deceased; Louisa, Mrs. Benjamin Fedeler, and Annie. Mrs. Seber died in July, 1864, and he was again married, to Miss Annie Whitman, March 6, 1865. They are the par- ents of four children: Louisa, Mrs. Henry Snyder; Emma; Jacob, and Samuel. Mr. Seber served three terms as poor director of Butler county and has been school director. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Frank- lin, and a Democrat. John J. Reynolds, farmer, was born in this county, April 25, 1840, to Daniel and Eliza Reynolds. Daniel came from Centre county, Pennsyl- vania, with his parents, served in the war of 1812, took part in Perry's vic- tory on Lake Erie, and his father served in the Revolutionary war. He lo- cated on the farm where our subject now resides in 1841, and began to clear a farm from the woods. He reared a family of four children: Martha J. ; Elizabeth W. ; William C, and John. Daniel died July 25, 1875, and his widow in March, 1883. Our subject was educated in the common schools. He was married September 6, 1869, to Louisa A., daughter of Christopher Covnel, a pioneer of Oakland, and has five children: Atlantic; Charlotte; Hattie; Bessie J., and John E. C. A. McClintock, stave and lumber manufacturer, was born December 7, 1846, in Dempseytown, this county, son of James R. and Jerusha (Ten- 60 1070 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. nent) McCliutock. He received Lis education at the common schools, Edin- boro Normal, and Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania, afterward teaching two terms. He began his business career as a farmer in Oakland township. In 1877 he commenced the productfon of oil and dealing in the same. This he continued for about one year. He then began the present business in Clarion and Venango counties. In 1889 he moved to Hunting- ton, West Virginia, where he is doing an extensive business in the manu- facture of staves and lumber, employing regularly about one hundred men. He was elected a justice of the peace at Dempseytown in 1875 and served a term of five years. For some ten years during his residence in Dempsey- town he was the organizer and leader of an excellent band, which will long be remembered by the citizens of that village and surrounding country. He was married October 6, 1870, to Adaline Eichey and has six children: James Pliny; Herber DeWitt; William Richey; Emma; Mabel, and Laura. He is an active Democrat, and a member of the I. O. O. F. of Dempseytown, and the F. & A. M. at Pleasantville. The family is Presbyterian. William T. Richey, farmer, was born in Oakland township, February 25, 1852, son of Thomas H. and Mary (Nole) Richey, natives of this county. The father was a farmer of Oakland township, and reared a family of five children: William T. ; L. W., deceased; Mary, Mrs. C. H. Wright; James H. , and J. D. , deceased. The parents of Thomas Richey immigrated from Ireland to this country at an early date. William T. Richey was edu- cated in the common schools. He was married October 10, 1872, to Emily A. Kitner, and their family consists of four children: Lyman B. ; Charles E. ; Israel R., and Chloe E. Mr. Richey is a member of the I. O. O. F. W. H. Hill, farmer, was born in Cranberry township, this county, son of Hugh and Eliza (Bell) Hill, natives of Ireland and of Butler county, Pennsylvania, respectively. Hugh Hill came from Ireland with his parents to this country when ten years of age. He learned the mason trade, but during the latter part of his life followed farming. He was the father of twelve children: W. H. ; Sarah A., deceased; J. P. ; Catharine E. ; Simon, deceased; Rebecca J., deceased; Isabella, Mrs. Bert Chapel of Warren; Martha E., Mrs. Thomas Conard; J. O. ; Almena, Mrs. Curt Irwin; an infant, deceased, and Cora A., Mrs. John Barsock. The father died in January, 1884. Our subject was married September 28, 1876, to Ruth Thompson and to this union have been born three children: Maude E., deceased; Oliver E., and Edwin F. JACKSON. Doctor Robert Crawford was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, May 14, 1817, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Ramsey) Crawford, who immigrated to America in 1821, the father, however, dying on the voyage across the ocean. The mother and her family located in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylva- BIOGRAPHIES OF JACKSON. 1071 niti, aud William, the oldest son, is uow living in Moicer county; John, another son, became a noted physician and practiced in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Our subject was educated in an academy at Allegheny City and read medicine with Doctor Wilson of Allegheny county. He was grad- uated from the Medical College of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1845, and from the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, in 1800. For twenty years he has been one of the censors of the Cleveland Medical College. He began the practice of his profession at Cooperstown, Venango county, in 1837 — fifty-two years ago — and has ever since been in active service. He is a mem- ber of the American, state, and county medical societies, having been one of the prime movers in the organization of the latter. In 1888 he married Miss Sarah P. Kelley, daughter of John Kelley, of Centre county, Pennsyl- vania. She died July 21, 1888, and Avas the mother of four sons and four daughters: Elizabeth E., wife of Hugh Smith of Cochranton, Pennsylvania; Joseph K. , physician, of Cooperstown; James R., farmer, of Mercer county; W. A., merchant, of Cooperstown; Homer C, a resident of Jackson town- ship; Emma, Mrs. F. A. Curtis, of Cochranton; Etta, and Sarah Ella. Doctor Crawford has always been an active Democrat. He is one of the best physicians of the county and holds a high rank among the medical frater- nity of the state. He has been pension surgeon four years, and finds time aside from his practice to attend to some fine farms in Venango and Mercer counties, with other financial interests of a varied character. Edward Sweeny, deceased, was born in County Kerry, Ireland, and immi- grated to America about 1810. His parents had educated him for a Catholic priest, but, as he did not desire to enter the priesthood, he left home and came to this country. He first obtained employment as a book-keeper in Philadelphia, and from there he went to Butler county, thence to Venango, and accepted the position of sub-manager of the Oil Creek furnace, at Oil City. In May, 1821, he married Miss Rebecca Jennings, and purchased the farm owned by our subject, but did not settle thereon until 1828, when he built a log cabin for shelter, and engaged in improving the farm. He was considered a leader in the Democratic party for many years. He held the ofiice of justice of the peace for thirty-five years, and other local offices. He was never attached to any church, but donated the ground upon which the Cooperstown Presbyterian church is located, and gave liberally to its support during his residence there. He began for himself in this country with no means, and by hard labor, economy, and frugal dealings, he accu- mulated a large property. He died in 1871, and his widow in 1875. His children were nine, but five of whom are living: Juliet, Mrs. Chester Phillips, of Jackson township; Jemima; Sarah; Rebecca, and Edward. Edward Sweeny, farmer, Cooperstown, was born September 13, 1838. He was reared and educated in this township, and has always lived on his present farm. December 29, 18(39, he married Miss Mary F. Kightlinger, 1072 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. daughter of Jacob Kightlinger, one of the pioneers of Crawford county. To this union have been born two chiklren: Duane E. and Pearl F. Mr. Sweeny sent a substitute to the late war. He has been justice of the peace for fifteen years, and school director for several terms, and was a member of the borough council of Cooperstowu. In politics he is a Democrat. He belongs to the A. O. U. W. and the K. and L. of H. of Cooperstown. He and his wife are members of the Methodist church, of which he is a trustee. He owns a tine farm, which is well stocked with Jersey cattle. Henry Booth, deceased, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1809, son of James Booth, a clothier of his native town. His education was obtained at night schools, and necessarily limited. In 1826 he immigrated to Amer- ica, tirst locating at Philadelphia, where he remained for some time, but, on the breaking out of the cholera, he went to the country, finally drifting to Lycoming county, where he became associated with Rich, a manu- facturer of woolen goods. About the year 1839 he came to Cooperstown, as a member of the firm of Rich, Booth & Hillier, and was in active busi- ness until his death, in 1872. Joseph Hillier, retired woolen manufacturer, was born in Wiltshire,* England, December 25, 1810, immigrated to America in 1821, and settled in Centre county, Pennsylvania. He early learned the art of manufacturing woolen goods and came to Cooperstown in 1835, where he became a mem- ber of the firm of Rich, Booth & Hillier in the erection of the woolen mills now operated by S. B. Hillier. S. B. Hillier, proprietor of the Cooperstown woolen mills, was born in this county, December 24, 1843, a son of Joseph Hillier. He has been en- gaged in manufacturing during all of his active life. He was married April 2, 1870, to Elizabeth Beachdel. David Ray, blacksmith, was born in Saegertown, Crawford county, this state, October 28, 1825, a son of Alexander and Lydia (Eldercon) Ray; he removed with his parents to Canal township, Venango county, when a child, learned the blacksmith trade with his father, and followed it in various parts of the state. November 14, 1848, he married Miss Elizabeth Puskey, daughter of StorfPel Puskey, by whom he has seven children: Milton B. ; Leonard L. ; Mary Ella, Mrs. Frederick Foster; David C. ; Melvern A.; Jennie, and Louisa A. October 26, 1861, he enlisted in Company H, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was honorably discharged July 1, 1865. He was sergeant of the company and received wounds at Harper's Ferry. He is connected with Andrew Jackson Post, No. 299, G. A. R. , of Coopers- town, and a member of the borough council. L. L. Ray, sheriff of Venango county, was born in Cornplanter town- ship, December 15, 1852. He received his education at Cooperstown Acad- emy. He learned the blacksmith trade with his father and has since fol- lowed that business. In 1878 he married Mary Etta Strohecker, daughter BIOGRAPHIES OF JACKSON. 1073 of Colonel T. S. Strohecker, of Jackson township. To this union has been born one daughter, Emma Grace. He is an active member of the Demo- cratic party, and in 1889 was elected sheriff of Venango county. He has served as burgess and councilman of the borough of Cooperstown. May 29, 1885, he was elected captain of Company E, Sixteenth Regiment National Guards of Pennsylvania. He belongs to the A. O. U. W., the K. and L. of H. , and the Methodist Episcopal church. John Bo\l, deceased, came from Centre to Venango county in 1888, and purchased a farm of two hundred and fourteen acres in Jackson township. He was a carpenter by trade, and combined that vocation with farming. In politics he was a Democrat, and in religion a member of the Presbyterian church. He died March 20, 1885. His widow (formerly Miss Isabella Huey), survives, and six of her seven children are living. Elizabeth, the eldest, married W. AV. Andrews of Crawford county and is the mother of seven children. William married Caroline Record of Crawford county, by whom he had live children. He was a soldier in the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry during the civil war. David C. , who served in the Sixth United States Cavalry three years, married Sarah Fetterman and they have one child. George, a physician of Beaver county, married Miss M. E. Doyl and they are the parents of six children. R. N. H. Boal, farmer, was born August 21, 1812, and is a farmer of this township. Politically he is a Democrat with strong Prohibition pro- clivities, and has filled various township offices. August 22, 1878, he mar- ried Mattie Harvey, and they are the parents of four children: Rachel B. ; Bertha L.; Lizzie A., and Laura O. He is an elder in the Cooperstown Presbyterian church. John M. and Mary I. Boal reside with their mother on the old homestead. The former was born April 13, 1846. He received his education in the common schools and has always been engaged at rural pursuits. He is a Democrat with temperance sentiments. He has been school director and auditor of the township, and belongs to the Presbyterian church. John Fettebman, farmer, was born in Plum township, this county, De- cember 24, 1808, son of John and Barbara (Frank) Fetterman, natives of Juniata county, Pennsylvania, who were among the early settlers of Plum township. John Fetterman was a soldier of the war of 1812, a Democrat, and for many years a justice of the peace. He and wife belonged to the Lutheran church. Both died in Oakland township. They reared a family of ten children: Hannah, wife of Robert Russell; Rachel, wife of Jonathan Lesh; John; George, and six others who are deceased. Our subject was reared in Plum township and assisted in the clearing of the homestead. In 1836 he married Miss Levinah Grove, a daughter of Jacob Grove, and settled upon his present farm which he has brought to a productive state. To this union ten children were born: Julia, Mrs. Henry Weber; Mary Jane, 1074 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Mrs. David Buchanan; Angeline, Mrs. R. W. Davison; Arvilla, Mrs. AVill- iam Gates; M. B. L. ; Electa, who died at the age of eighteen; Joseph; Marian; Sarah, deceased wife of David Boal, who left one daughter, Alice Boal, and she has been reared by her grandfather, John Fetterman; and Loretta, Mrs. John Pritchard. Mr. Fetterman is a Democrat, and has filled various township offices. His wife has been long a member of the Sunville Methodist Episcopal church. His son M. B. L. was born on the homestead May 9, 1853, and was educated at the township schools. In 188B he was married to Miss Ellen Ray, daughter of John Ray of Polk. He is a strong Prohibitionist, a member of the I. O. O. F., and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. William Cowan, deceased, was a native of Rockingham county, Virginia. Before leaving Virginia he was married to Catharine Pickering, who died in Trumbull county. Ohio, leaving two children, one of whom is living, Ro- hannah, widow of P. G. Welsh, of Plum township. He married Catharine Mcintosh, his second wife, in Trumbull county. In 1823 he came to Venango, where he purchased a farm in Plum township. He began for himself with little else save a willing heart and strong hands and ere his death became one of the well-to-do farmers of his neighborhood. He was a Democrat, and served one term as county commissioner. He was twice elected as a justice of the peace, but refused to serve. His wife died in 1872 and himself in 1875. Three of their children are living: Mary Jane, Mrs. James Richey, of Plum township; William H. F., and Andrew Jackson. William H. Cowan, farmer was born in Jackson township, December 13, 1828, son of William and Catharine (Mcintosh) Cowan. He attended the . common schools of his neighborhood and remained on the homestead until thirty-three years of age. In 1862 he married Mrs. Isabella Brown, daughter of John Richey, and she died in 1863 without issue. He was again married, to Miss Sarah Ehrhart, daughter of Jacob Ehrhart. In 1861 he enlisted in Company I, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served a short time. He is a Democrat in politics and has served in various township offices. He is a member of Andrew Jackson Post, No. 299, G. A. R., of Cooporstown, and belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. His wife is attached to the Presbyterian church. Samuel O. Small, farmer, was born in Jackson township February 22, 1828, son of Samuel C. and Isabella (McLaughlin) Small, natives of Ire- land, who immigrated to America, locating successively in Philadelphia, Dauphin county, and Venango county. The father was a man of fair edu- cation and became a teacher after locating in this township. He was a member of the Baptist church, and a Democrat in politics. His death oc- curred April 3, 1880, his wife having died September 6, 1869. Of seven children born to them five are now living: W^illiam C, of Bradford; Mary, wife of H. R. McClintock, of Meadville; R. A., of Pleasantville; Samuel O., BIOGRAPHIES OF JACKSON. 1075 aud Moses G., of Crawford county. Our Hul)j(>ct was reared to farm life, attending the district schools at intervals. In LSoO, he married Miss Alice Weber, daughter of George Weber, a native of Centre county, and has reared the following children: Mary E., wife of William Bradley; Lincoln H. , of Glentield, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania; Curry S. ; Hamilton G., and John W. He has been a Repul)lican since the organization of the party, and is a member of the Presbyterian church. T. S. Strohecker, farmer, was born May 12, 1829, at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, son of Jacob and Susanna (Snyder) Strohecker, the former a native of Berks county, born in 1800, a farmer and brick maker, and now deceased; the latter still resides at Lewisburg at the advanced age of ninety years. Our subject received his education at the Lewisburg Academy. In 1858 he moved upon his present farm. In 1861 he recruited Company I., Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, of which he became captain, and was subsequently promoted to the lieutenant colonelcy. He retired from the service in consequence of a wound received at the battle of Fred- ericksburg, and has since devoted his attention to farming and oil producing. He is a well-known writer on agricultural subjects and ranks with the most progressive and successful farmers of the county. Colonel Strohecker was married in 1850 to Catharine Bachman, of Middleburg, Snyder county, Pennsylvania, and they are the parents of four children: Wintield S., of Cranberry township; Susan M., wife of G. W. Bower, of Kouseville; Mary E. , wife of L. L. Ray, of Cooperstown, and Gertrude. He is a member of the G. A. K., and was the first commander of the post at Cooperstown. Robert W. Davison, farmer, was born in Butler county, this state, son of Isaac M. Davison. At the age of three years he was taken into the fam- ily of his grandmother Armstrong of Lawrence county, with whom he lived until fourteen years old. He then joined his father in Venango county. In September, 1862, he enlisted in Company E, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, and was honorably discharged June 14, 1865. He was corporal of his company. Since the close of the war he has been engaged in farming and running a threshing machine. In July, 1867, he married Miss Ange- line Fetterman, daughter of John Fetterman, by whom he has four children: Gertrude B. ; Hattie May; John Harrison, and Cora. He is an active Repub- lican, and has served as assessor of the township. He belongs to Albert H. Jackson Post, No. 299, G. A. R., of Cooperstown, and the I. O. O. F. of that borough. He and family are members of Sunville Presbyterian church. Isaac M. Davison, farmer, was born in Mercer county, this state, July 8, 1816, son of Isaac and Jane (Kenney) Davison, natives of Huntingdon county and of Irish extraction. About the year 1819 they removed to But- ler county, and there purchased a farm. Our subject was married in But- ler county in 1840, to Margaret Jane Armstrong, daughter of Archibald Armstrong of Lawrence county; she died leaving two sons: W. H. and R. 1076 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. W. August 19, 1850, he was again married, to Miss Rebecca Hays. daiTghter of Samuel Hays, a native of Ireland, who settled in Plum town- ship in 1835. The children by this marriage are: Maggie I; Mary E. ; Fannie S. , wife of Charles Gray of Franklin; Wilson S. ; Elmer H. , of Franldin, and Edwin E. Mr. Davison is a Re2:>ublican and with his family is connected with the Presbyterian church. Israel Ferringee, farmer, was born in Clarion county, this state, December 25, 1837, son of John and Magdaline (Hannah) Ferringer, natives of Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, and among the early settlers of Clarion county. They subsequently removed to Cranberry township, where they died, the parents of nine children, eight of whom are living: Lydia; Caro- line; Eli; Jessie; Matilda; Israel; Paul, and Emanuel. Our subject was reared in Clarion county. February 9, 1864, he married Miss Hannah Keister, daughter of John Keister of Clarion county, by whom he has eight children: Emma May; William; Charles F. ; Harry; Ettie; Lena; John, and Lilly. In 1877 he located in Siigar Creek township, this county, where he resided until 1887, when he purchased his present farm in Jackson and settled thereon. He and family are members of the Lutheran church. He is a Democrat and one of the school directors of the township. A. P. Miles, oil producer and lumberman, was born in this county March 4, 1845, to Thomas and Catharine (Proper) Miles. His great-grand- father, Thomas Miles, a soldier of the Revolution, emigrated from Mary- land to Plain Grove, Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, and from him the family in Mercer county is descended. Louis, third son of Thomas, Sr., and grandfather of our subject, was a soldier in the war of 1812. Thomas Miles, father of our subject, came to this county in 1839. Of his family of ten children seven are living: Audelia, Mrs. J. D. Grove; L. M. ; Rachel, Mrs. John Peoples; James; Lizzie, Mrs. James Miles; Mattie, and A. P. Their mother died in February, 1875. Our subject was educated at the public schools and Edinboro Normal. He began his business life by farm- ing. January 13, 1869, he married Miss Lizzie, daughter of James Davison of Plum township. Three children have been born to them: O. E. ; Nellie, and Elda. Mr. and Mrs. Miles are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is connected with the I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., and E. A. U. He is a Republican in politics, and has served as member of the borough council at Cooperstown. William A. M(!Kinzie, farmer, was born on the farm where he now lives December 24, 1845, son of Alexander and Isabella (Wilson) McKinzie, natives of this county. The parents of Alexander McKinzie immigrated from Scotland in 1796 and first settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They afterward removed to Crawford county, thence to Venango, and are men- tioned in the history of Sugar Creek township. Alexander, the father of William, died in 1847 and his widow in 1867. They were the parents of BIOGRAPHIES OF ALLEGHENY. 1077 three children: Christina A., Mrs. Doctor J. J. Looney of Utica, this county; William A., and Jennie, Mrs. A. M. Gay of Michigan. Our subject was educated in the common schools, academy of Cooperstown, Edinboro Nor- mal, and Commercial College of Wheeling, West Virginia. He began his business life as a farmer, kept a feed and provision store on Oil creek, and was in the oil business for some time on that stream. He was clerk to the county commissioners for three years, and was a candidate for county treas- urer on the Democratic ticket, when, although defeated, he ran ahead of his party vote. At the present time he is serving as justice of the peace. January 17, 1874, he married Maggie Black of Canal township, who died June 17, 1888, and was the mother of four children: Jennie; Mary; Edith, and Drew. Mrs. McKinzie was a member of the Presbyterian church, to which organization he is attached. He belongs to the A. O. U. W. and is a stanch Democrat. CHAPTER LII. BIOGRAPHIES OF ALLEGHENY, CORNPLANTER, PRESIDENT, AND OIL CREEK. ALLEGHENY. ISAAC CONNELY, a pioneer of Allegheny township, was born in Ire- land in 17-47. He acquired a classical education and became a teacher of languages. Emigrating in early manhood, he located at Philadelphia, where he kept the well-known Black Horse hotel on Market street between Fourth and Fifth during the Revolution, after which he removed to Centre county, where he engaged in merchandising, and thence in 1803 to Venango, where he resided until his death, July 4, 1823. He was three times married. By his first wife, Mrs. Rebecca Garrigues Robinson, he had sis children: William, Susan, Rebecca, Hannah, Isaac, and Rachel. His second wife, Mrs. Margaret Robinson, died without issue. His third wife, Rachel Huey, was the mother of seven children: George, Eliza, Mary, Sarah, Jane, Rob- ert, and Nancy. John Lamb, deceased, was born near Belief onte. Centre county, Pennsyl- vania, June 13, 1808. His parents, John and Nancy (Sparks) Lamb, were of Scotch- Irish descent and were among the first settlers of Centre county. John was the youngest of eight children, three sons and five daughters. His father died when he was about fourteen years old. He was appren- ticed and learned the tanner's trade. In 1829 he came to Allegheny town- 1078 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, ship, Venango coimty, and purchased a small piece of land in the woods, on which he built a log house, started a tannery, and began clearing up a farm. He began with no capital but strong hands and an energy and spirit of determination to succeed. The farm grew to be one of the largest and finest in Venango county, the little home to be a popular, well-known way- side inn in the old stage-coach days, and the tannery expanded into an ex- tensive mercantile and lumber business. On the discovery of oil he en- gaged in the production and refining of that commodity in a limited way, as the oil business was only in its infancy at the time of his death. He was zealous and active in political affairs, and was a Democrat until Lincoln's nomination for president, when he became a Republican. In April, 1833, he married Mary Bailey Smith, daughter of Captain William Smith, of Waterford, Pennsylvania, to whom were born five sons and two daughters. She died in November, 184U, and he was again mar- ried, in 1851, to Miss Annie May, daughter of Reverend Hezekiah May, of Tionesta, Pennsylvania, to whom was born a daughter, now Mrs. W. J. Bleakley, of Franklin, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Annie May Lamb died in No- vember, 1877. Of the first family, William, the eldest, died when an in- fant; Henry R. died in 1887; the others are all living — John, at Silver City, Idaho; David, at Pleasantville; Mrs. Sam Q. Bi'own, in New York; Miss Sarah K. , in Philadelphia, and Alfred, on the old homestead. Mr. Lamb was a man of fine presence and genial disposition. He was prominent and well known for his enterprise and business qualifications, and everything that had a tendency to build up the community in which he re- sided received his encouragement and support. A member of the Presby- terian church, a school director, and an active business man, he did much to build up the moral, educational, and material interests of the county. His house was a welcome home to friends and strangers alike, and his hospitality knew no bounds. He died in November, 1863, in the fifty-eighth year of his age. John Haworth, retired miller, was born in England, May 5, 1797, and came to America in 1820, leaving his wife and one son behind. After secur- ing a farm in Venango county, Pennsylvania, he went back to his native land for his family. Soon after reaching them his young wife sickened and died. Her maiden name was Nellie Whitworth and her only son, William, some time subsequent to her death accompanied his father to America and is now a resident of Kansas. In 1825 Mr. Haworth was engaged in the coal business in Pittsburgh, in which city he was married to Susan Short, and to this union six children were born: Thomas; George; John; Jane E., Mrs. S. W. Stewart; and two other daughters, who are dead. The second wife of Mr. Haworth died and he was married for a third time, to Mrs. Harriet McCullough, and now resides near Pithole where he was for many years en- gaged in the millingf business. BIOGRArHIES OF ALLEGHENY. 1079 Asa Lovell was born in Touipkin.s county, New York, December 7, 1809, son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Crosby) Lovell, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. They settled at Pleasant- ville in 1819, cleared a large farm, and reared ten children, six of whom are living; Sarah, widow of Aaron Benedict, of Pleasant ville; Asa; Jane. Mrs. Daniel McCaslin, of Crawford county; Abraham, of Warren, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth, Mrs. J. Chase, of Crawford county, and Joanna, widow of Doc- tor Thomas B. Shngert, of Ploasantville. Our subject has resided in this county since the age of ten years, and has been principally engaged in farm- ing. He was married in 1835 to Eliza Irwin, daughter of Samuel Irwin of Cherry Tree township, who died September 1, 1851, and has one surviving child, Eliza Jane. Ho subsequently married Rachel E. Allen, daughter of Charles Allen of Crawford county, who died February 10, 1885, and was the mother of one daughter, May I- Mr. Lovell was fifteen years schocjl director and has tilled other township offices. A strong Prohibitionist, he has been active in the advocacy of that party, and is a member of the Pres- byterian chui'ch. Samuel W. Stewart, farmer and oil producer, was born in Venango town- ship, Butler county, this state, June 29, 1820, and is a son of William B. and Isabella (Craig) Stewart. His father was a native of Butler county and his mother of this county. John Stewart, his grandfather, settled in Butler county about 1810, and was later appointed a justice of the peace by the governor of the state. In 1820 he moved to Harrison county, Ohio, where he lived until his death. His son, William B. Stewart, remained in Butler county, purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land and improved the same, building the first frame house in that county. He died in 1822 and his widow was again married, in 1830, to Thomas R. Kerr. She removed with her husband to Venango county, where she lived until her death. Three children were born to her first marriage, two of whom are living: William B. , a Presbyterian minister and secretary of the American Tract Society, who resides in Philadelphia; Samuel W. is the other. The children of her second marriage are Mrs. W. R. Crawford and Miss Elizabeth Kerr of Frank- lin. Our subject, after the death of his father, remained with his grand- father Craig, and afterward with his step-father, until sixteen years of age, when he was apprenticed to McNair Brothers of Butler and learned the mill -Wright trade. In 1840 he returned to Venango county and built several mills in various parts of the same. He located on his present farm in 1850 and erected the mill known as Stewart's mill, which he operated suc- cessfully for many years. He has been an oil producer from the beginning of its discovery and now owns one thousand acres of oil land and several acres in the Bradford field. In 1851 he married Miss Jane Elizabeth Ha- worth, daughter of John and Susan (Short) Haworth, natives of England and settlers of Washington county. By this union they have three sons and 1080 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. two daughters: Belle, Mrs. William H. Wood of Titusville; Ferris C, at home; William B.. in a Warren savings bank; James B. , a physician of Bradford, and Mary, at home. Mr. Stewart is an ardent Democrat. For many years he was president of the Oil Creek Agricultural Association, and is a director and stockholder in the Pleasantville Bank. His family are members of the Presbyterian church, and he is one of the wealthiest and most influential men of the county, enjoying the respect and confidence of the community in which he lives. James Vanderlin, farmer, was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, April 14, 1829, and is a son of Stephen and Eliza (Seaton) Vanderlin of that county. He was reared on the homestead, and learned the trade of a plasterer and bricklayer, which he followed for twenty-six years. He set- tled on his present farm in 1857. In 1852 he married Miss Nancy Kerr, daughter of John Kerr of Butler county, and has six children: Matilda, Mrs. Robert Graham of Forest county; Stephen, of Butler county; Willie, at home; J. M. ; Eli, and Effie. Politically he is a Democrat, and was elected commissioner of Venango county in 1875. He has also tilled town- ship offices. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Albert Tyrrell, farmer, was born in Ulster county, New York, Decem- ber 20, 1830, son of James N. and Maria (Dewitt) Tyrrell, who came to Venango county in 1844, and located on the farm where our subject now resides. John N. Tyrrell was a carpenter and joiner and in partnership with two brothers built a mill on Pithole creek. He was a Whig and Republican in politics, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and held various township offices. He died in 1877 and his wife in 1864. They reared six children, four of whom are living. Our subject conducted a sash and door factory at Pithole Center seven years, but has been principally engaged in farming. He was married in 1854, and has three living children: Emma F. ; James H. , and Ernest A. He is a Republican in politics, served as township clerk and postmaster for some years, and in 1878 was elected county commissioner, serving three years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and F. & A. M. H. J. Dunham, farmer, was born in Warren county, Pennsylvania, June 18, 1842, and is a son of William and Susan (Knight) Dunham, natives of Cayuga coimty, New York. His father moved with his parents from the state of New York, and settled in Allegheny township, this county, when a young man. After his marriage he settled in Warren county, and there engaged in the lumber business. Our subject was their only child, except one by adoption— Lina Steele, Mrs. G. B. Spangler of Pleasantville. H. J. Dunham was reared and educated in Warren county, and settled on his present farm in 1868. He was married in 1863 to Miss Nancy E. McCaslin, daughter of John McCaslin of Oil Creek township. To this union have been born four children: Myrtle; Herbert M. ; Mary Edna, and Jennie Belle. BIOGRArHIES OF ALLEGHENY. 1081 He is a Republicnu, and has fillod various towQship offices. He is ruling elder in the Presbyterian church of Neillsburg, and is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees. J.\MES H. Clark, farmer and oil producer, was born in Cambridge, Washington county. New York, May 11, 188(3, and is a son of Jerothman and Dorcas (Smead) Clark, natives of New York and Connecticut, respect- ively. The parents moved from Washington to Erie county. New York, where the mother died and the father still resides. James H. Clark was reared in his native county until eight years old, and lived in Franklin county, the same state, until nineteen years of age. In 1864 he came to Oil creek and was employed as general superintendent of the Perry Oil Company for three years. He then returned to Erie county and managed a saw mill for three years; in 1870 he located in Allegheny township upon his present homestead, and has three prodiicing oil wells. He was married in December, 1865, to Miss Alzada V. Dean, daughter of Joseph Dean, of Erie county. New York. The fruits of this union are four children: Ida May; Cora Bell; Roy Manley, and Carey A. Mr. Clark is an active mem- ber of the Republican party and has held his present office, that of consta- ble and collector, eleven consecutive years. He belongs to Seneca Lodge, No. 519, I. O. O. F. , and the Knights of the Maccabees. J. W. BoTSFOED, farmer, was born in Allegany county. New York, Sep- tember 18, 1841. His father, E. H. Botsford, was a native of Cayuga county, New York, and his mother, Lydia Franklin, a native of Steuben county, New York. His grandfather, Ezra Botsford, was a native of Massa- chusetts and a soldier in the war of 1812. He settled in Cayuga county at an early day. The father of our subject, after his marriage, located in Allegany county, New York, where he became a prominent farmer, and also served as county treasurer. He died in that county in 1876 and his wife in 1887. They reared five children, three of whom are living: Marion, Mrs. J. T. Severance, of Genesee county. New York; Harriet, Mrs. C. F. Mason, of Rushford, Allegany county, New York, and our subject, who was reared and educated in his native county and has followed the occupation of a farmer. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, First New York Dragoons, and served until the close of the war, after which he came to Venango county and located in Pinegrove township. April 12, 1866, he married Mrs. Susan McBride, daughter of Jacob Karrs, of Pinegrove, and settled on his present homestead in 1868. Seven children were born to this union: Lydia, Mrs. J. S. Sacorcy, of Zeno, Biitler county; Ezra H. ; Blanche; Jennie; Maud; Mamie, and Floyd. Mr. Botsford is a member of Titusville Post, No. 50, G. A. R. Politically he is a Republican. DoAXE Burrows, farmer, was born in St. Clairville. Chaiitauqua county, New York, July 4, 1845, and is a son of Andrew and Mary (Bronson) Bur- rows, natives of that county. His parents came to Venango county in 1847 1082 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. and located in Alloglieuy township, where the father was engaged in farm- ing and working at his trade, that of cabinet maker. The mother died in 1850 and Mr. Burrows was again married, to Nancy Woodcock. In 1866 he moved to Erie county, where he still resides. Two children were born to Andrew and Mary (^Bronsou) Burrows: Doane and Willard, the latter a resident of Erie county, Ohio. Our subject was reared and educated in the common schools of this county, and has devoted his principal time to farm- ing. In 1867 he married Miss Catharine Shelmadine, daughter of Nelson Shelmadine, by whom he has three children: Arthur E. ; Nathan N., and William Earl. He is a Rej^ublican, a member of the E. A. U., and of the Knights of the Maccabees. Nelson A. Shelmadine, farmer and oil producer, was born on his present homestead, February 3, 1859, and is a son of Wesley and Margaret (McClune) Shelmadine. His father was born and reared near Titusville, and settled where our subject now lives about the year 1857. He enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Forty- Second Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was probably killed at Gettysburg, as he was never afterward heard of from the time of that battle. Our subject was the only child, and was educated at Pleasantville and a commercial college at Pittsburgh. He resides on the old home place with his mother, and now operates six oil wells. He is a Republican in politics with Prohibition proclivities, and for six years has been auditor of the township. CORNPLANTER. John Wallace, deceased, was born July 12, 1839, in Ireland, son of Hance and Jane (Scott) Wallace. The father came to America in 1850, and now resides in Cornplanter township. John, our subject, saw service in the English army in the war with Russia, before emigrating to America, in 1857. He first located for some time at Pittsburgh, where he was employed at hauling coal by Francis Orderly. From there he went to Cincinnati, and there worked in the moulding department of an iron foundry for one year, coming thence in 1859 to Franklin, this county, and after a period of employment as a laborer, he started a grocery store at Rynd Farm, which he continued until 1874, selling out at that time, and giving his entire attention to the production of oil, which he had also followed in connection with the store business. He began his business career with little means, but by careful dealing he became the possessor of a large fortune before his death, July 31, 1880. He was married November 10, 1863, to Anna J. Young, to which union were born six children: William H. , married to Lizzie Cooper; infant, deceased; John S. ; Jennie Y. ; Daisy R., and Robert L. William Young, the father of Mrs. Wallace, was a native of Donegal, Ireland, and camci to this country at an early day. He kept a store and BIOGRAPHIES OF COllN PLANTER. 1083 the postoffice where Oil City now stands, about the year 1838, and was the father of five children: Nancy K. ; Anna; Kobort; James, deceased, and William, deceased. William Young died in 184U, and his wife in 1843. Geoege p. Espy, farmer and oil producer, above Petroleum Center, was born at Kittanning, Armstrong county, this state, December 9, 1817, and his father, who died in 1803 at the age of seventy- live years, was Josiah D. Espy, a farmer by occupation. The senior Mr. Espy was an early settler of Venango county, coming here from Crawford county. He reared three sons and three daughters, and the subject of this sketch was his second son. George P. was reared on the farm, alternating the seasons of his boyhood with attendance at the public schools. He was thirty -six years of age when he moved upon the farm where he now resides. In 1860 he started his first drill in search of oil and early in 1861 he struck a " gusher " in the Buckeye well — one among the iirst great flowing wells on Oil creek. During 1861 and 1862 he had wells producing an aggregate of fifteen hundred barrels per day, and he is now pumping wells drilled in 1869. On his farm he has but eight or ten wells in operation, while he has at least one hundred and fifty acres of as fine oil land as can be found in the county wholly untouched. As an agriculturalist he is painstaking, careful, and successful, as is evident from the condition of his farm. Mr. Espy was married in Franklin, Penn- sylvania, in April, 1853, to Miss Mary Jewell and has two children: Kate D., wife of W. P. McCray, and Geo. R., student at Philadelphia. Joseph Ross, oil producer, was born in Pittsburgh July 7, 1812. His parents, Daniel and Mary (Phillips) Ross, were natives of Scotland and Pennsylvania, respectively, and had eight children. Joseph is the only one living and was educated in the common schools and a college at Pittsburgh. After teaching school eight years he went into the grocery business in his native city. He was elected prothonotary of Allegheny county in 1868 and served a term of three years with credit and ability. Five years of his life were spent in Kansas and he bought the farm where he now lives during the summer seasons, in Cornplanter township, this county, in 1863. He however did not begin to spend his summers on this farm until 1880. Upon this farm are twenty-one producing oil wells. He was married October 17, 1844, to Jane Brown, a native of Pittsburgh, by whom he has had the fol- lowing children: James; Emma J. ; Anna M., wife of George Robinson of Pittsbiu'gh; William, a clerk in the Pittsburgh postofiice ; Thomas, deceased; Elizabeth, deceased; Joseph, a professor of music, and Edward, who enlisted as a soldier in the United States army. Mrs. Ross died May 7, 1869. Mr. Ross has always been an active member of the Republican party; he is a consistent member of the Presbyterian church and an honest, upright citizen. James Leach, merchant and justice of the peace, Plumer, was born in Lan- castershire, England, November 16, 1825, and came with his parents to Amer- 1084 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. ica in 1843. His father, Reverend Daniel Leach, was a superintendent of print works in England; in the United States he became for a time a farmer. He settled first in Frankford, Pennsylvania, and thence removed to Block- ley, where for fonr years he superintended a print works. From Blockley he moved to Jefferson county and followed farming until 1865. In January of that year h(> moved to Plumer, and here died September 24, 1873. He was fifty years a local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal church. His wife died in Jefferson county in 1864. Of their two sons and two daughters James was the eldest. He was educated in England and at the schools of Philadelphia. In Jefferson he followed farming until 1865, and in March of that year came to Plumer in charge of some oil wells. In 1873 he em- barked in the mercantile business; in 1875 he carried his merchandise to Beaver City, and built the first storehouse of that ])lace, sold goods there fifteen months and retu.rned to Plumer, where his family had remained. He was first elected justice of the peace in 1877, and his present term expires in 1891. He was married in this place February 24, 1866, to Mary Ewing, and their childi-en are: Daniel J.; Elizabeth M. ; Sarah Grace; Frank C. ; John W. ; Margaret J., and Willie M. Mr. Leach is a stanch Republican and temperance advocate. Adam Weber, merchant and oil producer, Plumer, was born in Kirch- berg, near the river Rhine in Prussia, December 31, 1825, and in 1851 came to America. He was educated in his native country and served three short terms in the Prussian army. His parents, Francis Jacob and Charlotte (Schueler) Weber, reared six sons and one daughter, all of whom except Adam are in Europe. The senior Mr. Weber died in 1862, aged sixty-five years; his wife died in 1839. Adam Weber spent his first two years in the United States in Wisconsin, and in 1853 and 1854 worked in the press rooms of the Young American (Chicago) and the Chicago Tribune. From there he went to Pittsburgh; he visited Germany in 1856, but returned to Pittsburgh and engaged in the hotel business in 1858, 1859, and 1860, and October 3, 1862, enlisted in Battery H, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, and served to the close of the war iu the Army of the Potomac. He was discharged at Camp Reynolds, June 19, 1865, as a corporal. He returned to Pittsburgh and in the same year came to Plumer to work on the Hum- boldt refinery. This, then the largest refinery in the world, soon after- ward closed and he gave his attention to masonry, working thereat in the employ of H. Wilbert for some years. We next find him for five or six years manufacturing cigars at Plumer, a business which merged, in time, into merchandising. Since 1877 he has been producing oil. Mr. Weber married in Pittsburgh, Augiist 1, 1859, Miss Eliza Frasch, and has had ])orne to him nine children. The living are: Lotta, a teacher in the public schools; Adam, a mechanic; Anna, and Florence. The deceased were: an infant daughter; George, aged six mouths; Louisa, aged three and one- BIOGRAPHIES OF CORNrLANTEIl. 1085 half years; Fraucisca. a^ed one aiul oiu* half yf^ars, and Laura, aged one year. The family belong to the Lutheran church, and Mr. Weber is a lueiu ber of the G. A. R. Philip M. Hatch, farmer, was l)orn in Crawford county, PeniiKylvauia, May 25, 1833, and is a sou of Lucien and Varnera (Bly) Hatch, the former a native of Washington county, New York, born August 24, 1808, the lat- ter born in February, 1811, in Chautauqua county, New York. The father received a common school education and moved to Crawford county in 1818, with his parents, Philip and Arethusa (Snow) Hatch, who had the following children: Lucien; Horatio; Flavy; Elijah; Caroline, and Cordelia. Philip and Arethusa Hatch were members of the Baptist and Congregational churches, respectively. Lucien Hatch lived in Crawford county until 1844, when he was employed at the Clapp furnace, located at the mouth of Hemlock creek in Venango county, whither he removed his family and remained seven years. He then settled on a farm along Allender run, in Cornplanter township, where he lived several years. He and his wife now reside in Cattaraugus county, New York; their children were ten in number: Myron B., living in Dakota; 'Philip M. ; Mary L., deceased; Arethusa, married to Otis Copeland, who was killed in the late war; Henry S., residing in Kansas; Eunice E., deceased; Willis M., a resident of Georgia; Lucien H., living in Potter county, Pennsylvania; Tryphenia M. , who married James Gibson, of Mead- ville, and Herbert W., living in Cattaraugus county. New York. The par- ents were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Philip M. Hatch was educated in the common schools, receiving the larger portion of his instruction after reaching his majority. He came to Venango county in February, 1851. and remained with his parents until March 20, 1856, when he was married to Mary P., daughter of Abraham and Sarah (McCalmont) Prather, who are mentioned in the historical chap- ter on Cornplanter township. Mr. Hatch settled immediately after mar- riage on his father's original farm on Allender run, where he remained until 1879, at which time he moved to the homestead of Abraham Prather and is the owner of that valuable property. During the time he lived on the Allender run farm, he was engaged under the firm name of Prather Brothers & Hatch in operating a saw mill; he also conducted a refinery at Oleopolis, situated at the mouth of Pithole creek, for three years, the firm being Hatch & Prather Brothers. He built the first frame building in Pithole City, it being a store and dwelling house. After keeping a line of general store goods in this house for one year, he removed to New Wilming- ton, Lawrence coiinty, this state, bought a hotel and farm, and four years later returned to Plumer and ]iurchased the Prather farm. Here he resided until 1883, when he removed to Dakota, and there engaged in farming and stock raising until the fall of 1889, w'hen he returned to Plumer. His 1086 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. children are as follows: Emma J., wife of Doctor S. B. Hotchkiss, of Edin- boro, Erie county; David .M., married to Katie L. Harrington, of St. Joe, Missouri, and residing in Dakota, and Sarah E., wife of John R. Robertson, of Strabane, Ontario, Canada, a resident of Cooperstown, this county. Mr. Hatch has been school director and road commissioner; he is a member of the F. & A. M., at Rouseville, and of the G. A. R. ; he was postmaster at Plumer fi-om 1878 to 1885, and was a trustee for some time of Plumer Methodist Episcopal church. He enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Forty-Second Pennsylvania Volunteers, and after seven months' service was discharged because of physical disabilities. In politics he is a Republican. Henry Wilbert, hardware merchant, of Petroleum Centre, was born in Germany, December 9, 1884, son of Peter and Katharine Wilbert. The father died in June, 1887, one year after celebrating his golden wedding. Henrv was educated in Germany, and learned the mason's trade in that country and Lewis county, New York. He came to this county in 1862, and worked at his trade about ten years. In 1864 he had his first ex])eri- ence in the oil business. He opened a hardware store in Petroleum Centre, in the year 1879, and has since enjoyed a prosperous business. He is the owner of five hundred acres of land in this county, including the site whereon Petroleum Center is located, with twenty-five producing oil wells thereon. He was married in November, 1865, to Barbara Strahl, a native of Germany, bom December 4, 1846, and who came to America when six years old. To this union nine children have been born: Caroline, John, Lizzie, Peter, Mary, Maggie, Charley, Barbara, and Henry Lawrence. Mrs. Wilbert died August 10, 1889. in her forty-third year, and was laid at rest in the Catholic cemetery, at Erie, Pennsylvania. She was a worthy mem- ber of that church, to which faith Mr. Wilbert also belongs. He is a mem- ber of the C. M. B. A., and one of the most active, enterprising citizens of the township. Cyrus Dickson Rynd, an oil producer on the Rynd farm, and at the station of that name, is the great-grandson of Ambrose Rynd, the grandson of John Bynd, and the son of John Rynd the second. Ambrose Rynd, a native of Ireland, was born in 1738, came to America in 1799, and located, first, in Westmoreland county, this state. He was a woolen factor in Ireland, and brought with him to this country, as the product of the sale of his plant, one thousand two hundred dollars in gold. In Westmoreland he labored for his daily bread, hoarding carefully his small fortune for investment when opportunity should present. In the year 1800 he found his way to the mouth of Cherry Tree run, and there purchased of the Holland Land Company a tract of land, containing five hundred acres, and lying on both sides of Oil creek. He here erected his cabin, and, as far as known, spent the rest of his life in contentment. The wife of his early manhood died in Ireland, and his son, John, was ever after BIOGRAPHIES OF CORNPLANTER. 1()S7 his only household companion. He lived to be ninety-nine years of n^e, and left behind him a name and reputation that reach down to the third and fourth generation of his house, and softens and brightens their lives as they recount the legend of his manifold virtues. John Kynd, his only son, was born in 1777. He married Nancy Mc- Caslin, of Allegheny township, reared five sons and three daughters, and died in 1849. In transmitting the estate of his father to his own children, the old homestead on the west side of Oil creek fell to his son, John, whom for the sake of identity, we denominate John the second. The elder John was a thrifty man; he added much to the estate of Ambrose, and gave unto his sons each a good farm, and to his daughters an equivalent in money. The daughters are all dead, and only two sons are living: James, in his eighty-sixth year, at Tarentum, and John, in his seventy -fourth year, at Perryville, this state. John Rynd, the second, lived at the mouth of Cherry Tree run until 1865. He was born in the old log cabin, in 1815, and at the age of thirty married his cousin, Nancy McCaslin, the name of his mother. He reared three sons and four daughters; but two of the latter are living. Cyrus D. Rynd, his eldest son, was born in Cornplanter township, "Venango county, and the common schools of Pittsburgh, Beaver Academy, and Duff's Commercial College, supplied him with an ample education. He began business in Pittsburgh, as a general agent for the Wilson Sewing Machine Company, remained with them six years, farmed two years in Fayette county, and in 1881 took charge of the Rynd farm. Here he was five years a merchant, and from 1882 to 1887 the postmaster. He was married in Pittsburgh, April 30, 1874, to Miss Eliza Blair, who has borne to him two children: Nancy, born July 23, 1876, died December 18, 1877, and John Dickson, born January 5, 1878. The Rynd family are Pres- byterian in faith. Walter Siverly, of the borough of Siverly, has been many years a familiar figure around the Oil Exchange of Oil City and is known as an en- terprising and successful petroleum broker. His father, Philip H. Siverly, now about eighty-six years of age, resides in Philadelphia; an uncle, Milton T. Siverly, now about eighty-four years of age, lives in Davenport, Iowa, and Elhanan W. Siverly, another uncle, is over eighty-two years of age and resides at Morning Sun, Iowa. An aunt, Alzira Mary (Siverly) Witherspoon, over eighty years of age, resides at Siverly, Ohio, and another aunt, Ann Dorothy (Siverly) Purdy, more than eighty years old, resides in Rockland township, this county. His grandfather, Abram Gr. Siverly, came from New York city in 1819 and settled in Pinegrove township, this county. In 1820 or 1821 he located in the immediate vicinity of the village of Siverly and it was for him the place was named. In 1839 he emigrated to Iowa and there spent the rest of his life, dying near the town of Wapello^at the age 1088 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. of about seventy years. He reared a large family of children, the only sur- viving members of whom are enumerated in this sketch. Philip H. Siverly married Mary Elderkin on Tionesta creek, resided at Siverly from 1848 to 1865, and reared one son and three daughters. Mary Elderkin Siverly died in 1884. The Siverlys came originally, and at an early date in the history of this country, from Germany. The nationality of the Elderkin family is not known to the writer; but it is evident that they were among the pioneers of New England. Walter Siverly was born at Newton, then Venango county but now Forest county, Pennsylvania, January 29, 1832. He was educated at the common schools, followed farming as a boy, subsequently dealt in lumber some years, and later on became an oil producer. For the past ten years he has been an oil broker. He is one of the most proficient mathema- ticians of the state. His contributions to scientific papers published both in America and Europe, on problems and solutions in higher mathematics, have attracted the attention of the learned and won for him the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This distinction was conferred upon him in 1888 by the North Carolina College of the Evangelical Lutheran church. He is therefore at this time entitled to supplement his name with Ph. D. He was married at Oregon, Chautauqua county, New York, December 8, 1870, to Miss Lucy Dimond. William Charles Tyler, M. D., Rouseville, Pennsylvania, was born at Hiram, Ohio, January 6, 1838, and is a son of Calvin Tyler, a native of Greene county, New York, a farmer by occupation during his active life, and descended from English ancestors. The family name of the doctor's mother was White and her first ancestor in America came over in the May Flower. The doctor' s father, now ninety- two years old, lives with the son ; the mother died in 1886 aged eighty-two years. They reared three sons and two daughters. William C. received his literary education at Hiram College, Ohio, and while there was at one time a student under James A. Garfield. Leaving college he taught school in Ohio for about five years. In 1862 he entered the University of Michigan and was graduated there- from in the following year with the degree of M. D. He began the prac- tice of medicine at Munson, Ohio, and from there in 1864 came to Rouse- ville, where he at once took rank as a first-class physician. In addition to his professional practice he is interested in the production of oil, and has in Rouseville a first-class drug store. Though an ardent Republican he is no place seeker; the only office he has ever held is that of township commis- sioner, in which office he is now serving his second term. Doctor Tyler is a thirty-second degree Mason and a member of Bloomsburg consistory. He was married in Rouseville June 4, 1873, to Ella Conant, who died on the 6th of July following. The present Mrs. Taylor, to whom the doctor was married at Morenci, Michigan, October 19, 1875, is Angle, a sister of his former wife. The doctor has three children: Ella, Rowena, and Edith. BIOGltAPHIES OF CORNPLANTER. 1089 Doctor E. P. Crooks, Plnmer, is a native of Crawford couuty this state, a sou of Aaron R. and Esther E. (Hellyer) Crooks, and was born May 22, 1842. His father, h farmer l)y occupation, was born in Chester June 20, 1798, and his mother in Bucks county, this state. With their eldest child, then one year old, they removed from Doylestown, Bucks county, to Craw- ford couuty in 1827. The family came from Crawford county to Venango in 1850 and located in Jackson township. The father died in July, 1888, at the age of eighty-five years. His wife, to whom he was married January 20, 1824, was born July 4, 1804, and died October 17, 1879. Both are in- terred in the Franklin cemetery. They reared four sons and four daughters of whom three sons only are living: Anderson B.. in Jackson township; An- drew Wilson, in Crawford county, and E. P., the subject of this sketch. Nathan H. died May 24, 1880, aged fifty-three. Of the daughters, Martha G.. wife of James S. McCray, died March 4, 1889; Mary Jane, wife of Walter Bell, died May 12, 1884; Sarah Ann, wife of Charles Coxson, died March 2, 1877, and Araminta died October 9, 1843, aged foiir years, three months, and three days. E-. P. was educated at the common schools, read medicine in Petroleum Center, completed his professional education in Canada, and began practice in Cornplanter township where he has since remained. From 1873 to 1875 he dealt extensively in oil at Petroleum Center, also had a production in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, and in 1877 moved to Plumer. Here he kept the Plumer house ten years and is now proprietor of the Stone House hotel. During all these years he has kept up his practice of medicine not- withstanding the other various lines of business in which he has been en- gaged. The doctor was married in Petroleum Center, February 28, 18 <1, to Miss Margaret J. Alexander, and has four children: Martha Elva, an ac- complished teacher of select schools; Frank A., Harry P., and Daisy May. John N. Martin, superintendent of the Imperial Refining Company at Siverly, was born in Beaver county, this state, March 27, 1844, and his parents were Jesse and Eliza (Moore) Martin, natives of Pennsylvania, of Irish and Scotch extraction, respectively. He was educated at the common schools, and at the outbreak of the late war was working at the blacksmith trade. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Lawrence county as a private soldier in Company I, One Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, and served nine months in the Army of the Potomac, participating in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. In 1872 he came to Oil City as still-man for the Imperial (then but just built by Mr. Gracie), was soon afterwards made foreman, and in 1879 was promoted to his present position. Mr. Martin has been twice married, first in 1864 at New Brighton to Miss Wiley. She died in 1870, and in 1874, at James- town, this state. Miss Anna Rankin became the present Mrs. i\J,artin. By his first wife Mr. Martin has four children: Robert J.; Antoinette M. ; 1090 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Gertrude J., and Sadie A. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and Mr. Martin belongs to the G. A. R. Charles E. Claeke, foreman of the Tidioute and Titusville branch of the National Transit Company, Rouseville, was born in Monroe county, New York, December 9, IS-t-t. He received a common school education and January 10, 1862, at Rochester, New York, enlisted in Company C, Fourth New York Heavy Artillery. He served three years in the Army of the Potomac, taking part in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. At the end of the term of his artillery service, he joined Company I, Sixty-Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry, and served from April 6, 1865, one hundred days, leaving the army as orderly ser- geant. Soon after leaving the service, Mr. Clarke came to the oil region and has been here ever since, excepting, perhaps, about two years spent in Butler county. Here he has operated in oil for himself and other parties, and in 1878 accepted the position he now occupies. He was married in Ontario, New York. July 4, 1871, to Miss Hattie Sanders. Mr. Clarke is a member of Oil Creek Lodge No. 303, F. & A. M., of Titusville; Oil City Chapter. No. 236; Talbot Commandery, No. 43, and Captain William Evans Post, No. 167. G. A. R. Alfred B. Armstrong, merchant, Rouseville, was born in Crawford county, this state, November 25, 1835. His parents are William and (Hickernell) Armstrong, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish and German extraction, respectively. The senior Mr. Armstrong, now residing in Craw- ford county, in the seventy-third year of his age, was formerly a carpenter and joiner. His wife is now seventy-two years old. They reared five sons and five daughters, of whom four sons and three daughters are now living. The subject of this sketch, the eldest of the family, and a brother, Will- iam L., were in the army during the Rebellion; the latter is now an oil producer in Clarion county. In regard to his education, Alfred B. is prin- cipally self-taught, and that he has made the best of his opportunities is manifest. In early life he learned the trade of carpenter, and followed it about ten years. In October, 1862, he enlisted at Meadville, in Company H, One Hundred and Sixty-Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served nine months in the Army of the Potomac as second lieutenant. Prior to 1870, at which time he engaged in mercantile business at Rouseville, he was vari- ously employed at Shamburg, Rynd Farm, etc. Mr. Armstrong is a K. of P. and a Mason. He was married in Saegertown April 21, 1855, to Abi- gail Woodriiig (originally sjielled Wotring), and has twelve children: Mary E., Mrs. C. A. Myers; Frank W. ; Ida E., Mrs. Huston McCombs ; Clara E., Mrs. Jerry Ghering; Charles B. ; William Joseph; Margaret; Alfi-ed B. ; Abigail; Nancy J; John, and Thomas. Joseph T. Fry, was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, March 28, 1836, and his father, George Fry, was born in 1811, where the town of BIOGRAPHIES OF COKNPLANTEll. lO'Jl Greenville now stands. The old gentleman spent his life in Mercer county, dying in 1888, at the age of seventy-seven years. His wife, whose family uame was Moyer, died in 1853. They reared three sons and throe daughters. Joseph, the second son, was brought up to farming, and at the common school acquired the rudiments of an English education. At the age of twenty-one years he engaged in the coal business at Clarksville, and fol- lowed it until 1860. In that year he came into the petroleum country, pur- chased an oil well on Moody run, and became a producer. In 1880 he came to llousevillo and engaged in mercantile business. At the present time he is associated with his son in the grocery business. He is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, and a Kepublican. He was married March 22, 1800, at Sharon, Pennsylvania, to Miss Jane McAllen, and has one son, Frank L. Fkank L. Fry, merchant, Rouseville, was born in Shenango, Mercer county, this state, July 8, 1802, and is a son of Joseph T. Fry. He was educated at the common schools and at the age of eighteen years began the grocery business at llousevillo as a clerk. In 1888 he embarked in business for himself and so far has met witn flattering success. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, holding the office of collector, of the E. A. U., and of the Methodist Episcopal church. He united with the church when fom-teen years of age and is now its secretary and treasurer and superintendent of its Sabbath school. Mr. Fry was married in Rouseville January 13, 1885, to Miss Dora M. Dull and has one child, Josephine. Lincoln H. Willitt, proprietor of the Rathburn hotel, Rouseville, was born in Erie county. New York. May 25, 1800, and his father was Homer Willitt, a hotel man, who came to Rouseville and purchased the Rathburn house in 1879. Though he subsequently sold the hotel to his son, he con- tinued with it as manager until the time of his death, January 5, 1885. He was first associated with his son, John L. , in the hotel, and after selling his interest to Lincoln H., the two brothers ran it till 1885. The widow Will- itt purchased the property, and through her it comes into the hands of our subject at this time. The hotel has twenty-four sleeping rooms and is oth- erwise amply equipped for the entertainment of both "man and beast." In addition to his hotel business, Mr. Willitt, our subject, is one of the pro- prietors of the Oil City Chautauqua Ice Company, and is largely interested with others in valuable real estate property at Rouseville. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of the Royal Arcanum. His wife, to whom he was married at Franklin, Pennsylvania, in 1881, was Miss Alta Sparks, daughter of John Sparks, of Rouseville. They have two children: Homer and Harley. F. J. Hanna, deceased, was born in Ireland November 1, 1831, immi- grated to America with his parents in 1834, and located in Philadelphia, where he learned the machinist trade. In 1800 he opened a machine shop 1092 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. in Petroleum Center, in company with a Mr. Murphy, which enterprise was burned, and rebuilt by Hanna & Company. He moved to Kane City, where he died February 8, I88i). While at Kane City he was interested in oil pro- ducing. He took an active part in educational matters, having been at various times connected with the school board, and was a member of the Masonic order of Philadelphia. He was married October 27, 1856, to Elizabeth McKinley, a native of Philadelphia, and by her had two children: John F. and Joseph. The former of these sons married Clarissa J. Dodds, and has the following children: Francis J. : Elizabeth J., and Albert J. H. E. Whittlesey, valve-cup manufacturer. Petroleum Center, was born June 11, 1838, in Massachusetts, to Federal and Caroline (Churchill) Whit- tlesey. He received his education in the common schools and began his business career as a grocery merchant, drifting from that into the shoe busi- ness. In 1865 he came to Venango county and began the oil production. He bought the valve-cup factory in 1875 from A. Leggett and in 1879 was joined by D. K. Jones in the business, which partnership continued until 1885 when Mr. W^hittlesey became the sole owner and still continues the manufacture of this important article, together with casing cups and steam pump cups, making the majority of each used in this part of the oil country. Mr. Whittlesey enlisted in May, 1861, in Company G, Sixty-Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry, subsequently being transferred to the Ninety- Eighth New York Volunteer Infantry. In November, 1862, he was mus- tered into the Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry as second lieutenant, was pro- moted to first lieutenant, then to captain, and during battles had three horses shot from under him. He was married in 1855 to Isabel Cram, a native of New Y''ork, by whom he had two children: Harry C. and Mary R. His wife died September 20, 1865, and he was again married in 1869, to Elizabeth Wilson, a native of Albion, New York, and to this union were born three children: Federal E. ; Seward C, and Clara I. Mr. Whittlesey is a member of the A. O. U. W. and the E. A. U. ; in politics he is a Re- publican and with his wife belongs to the United Presbyterian church. Edward G. Twitchel, postmaster and farmer, was born in England, Jan- uary 10, 1881, to Edward and Mary (George) Twitchel. Edward, Sr. ,was a weaver by trade while in England; he immigrated to America in 1882 and worked at joining in the carpenter trade. Our subject was educated in the common schools and learned the trade of shoemaker. He came to this county in 18f)2 and in 1876 he opened a general store in Pithole, which he conducted until 1887. He has been postmaster at this place since 1876. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. J. W. Gardinek, of the firm of MeCollom & Gardiner, coal miners and operators. Oil City, came from Sharpsburg, Allegheny county, to this i)lace in 1861 and engaged in the production of petroleum, a business in which he has since been regularly interested. In 1808, as a member of the firm BIOGRAPHIES OF CORNPLANTER. 1093 of Reynolds, BrodheHcl & Company, b»> entered the mercantile trade, and followed it about live years. From 18()8 to 1876 ho devoted his wliole tiiuc to oil production and in the latter year formed a partnership in the lumber and coal trallic Avith B. T. Borland. In 1882 he organized the Oil City Lumber and Coal Company, from which he withdrew in 18><7 and organized the Venango Lumber & Coal Company. Retiring from the latter concern in March, 188U, he embarked in his ])resont enterprise. In addition to his coal interests he is largely engaged in the manufacture of lumber in Cran- berry township, and is the special agent for the Erie City Iron Works. In the last named line he is handling specially the famous boiler and engine known to the trade as the " New Economic. " Mr. Gardiner was born at Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania, March 14, 1842. His father, Thomas Gardiner, a merchant in his life-time, was a native of Ireland. He died at Sharpsburg in 1850, at the age of thirty-five years, leaving a widow, one son, and three daughters. The widow succeeded to her late husband's business and in it brought up her son, the subject of this sketch. She yet resides at Sharps- burg. Mr. Gardiner was married December 25, 1863, to Miss S. J. Siverly, of Siverly, and ha^tive childi'en: H. H. , a grocer at Siverly; Maude; Grace; Florence, and Donald. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. H. T. Gillespie, farmer, was born in Canada, August 5, 1846, son of William and Hannah (Rodhouse) Gillespie. He came to Venango county in 1865, and like the greater portion of the incomers, commenced to assist in the production of oil. He was united in wedlock January 27, 1870, with Miss Annie J., daughter of Robert and Frances (Bartholomew) Shaw of this county, and the result of this union has been four children : Robert W. ; Charles F. ; Harry P., and Lilian P. Robert Sh.a.w was a native of Sugar Creek township, Venango county. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812. Robert Shaw was a ^Vhig and took an active interest in the Underground railway in the transportation of colored fugitives to Canada. He cleared up a farm which afterward was famil- iarly known as the Shaw farm — noted for its great oil production. He was the father of el even children: James W. ; Robert L. ; Adelia A. ; Sylvester I. ; Anna J. ; Emeline U. ; Sarah E. ; Frances A. ; AVilliam P. ; Margie, deceased, and David, deceased. James W., the eldest, served in the late war as a mem- ber of the One Hundred and Fourteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers and lost his right arm at the battle of Gettysburg. He served as recorder of Venango county nine years and held the same position for three years in McKean county. He is now practicing law at Bradford. Robert, Sr. , died Decem- ber 25, 1884, and his widow died in 1887. H. B. HixoN, retired oil operator, was born April 1, 1818, in Emmitts- burg, Maryland. His father, Henry Hixon, was of English extraction, a native of Maryland and a soldier of the war of 1812; he was with General 1094 HISTORY OF YENAXGO COUNTY. Jackson on his campaign through Florida. Mary (Blackburn) Hixon, the mother of our subject, was also a native of Maryland and of German ances- try. She had only one child, H. B. The father was married a second time, to Mary Crabster of Taneytown, Maryland, and had one child, William. H. B. Hixon was educated in the cOmmon schools and at the age of twelve years began working in a woolen mill in his native town; at eighteen he removed to near Winchester, Virginia, and there continued his trade until reaching his majority, when he went to Franklin county, this state, and worked there for one year, afterward following the same business at Quincy, in that county, for another year. At the close of the last mentioned period he took charge of a dyeing and carding establishment for John Cavode of Ligonier valley, Westmoreland county, then a resident of Chambersburo-, whose Inisiness he managed in the Ligonier valley for two years. January 3, 1839, while at the last mentioned place, he was married to Eliza, dauo-hter of Irvin Elliott, and to this union were born nine children: Henrietta, deceased; Mary A. ; William H. H. ; Augusta; Edward; Lucius, an oil oper- ator in the West Indies; Florence L., and two others who died in infancy. The mother died August 19, 1885, and was buried at Oil City. After mar- riage Mr. Hixon' s whereabouts became somewhat transient, one of the prin- cipal locations being at Johnstown, where he erected a large brick woolen factory, which withstood all attempts of the late flood to wreck its walls, and is still standing. In 1863 he came to the oil country, from Kinsman, Ohio, and in 18(35 began the production of oil, to which he gave his attention for fourteen years. He then retired to the Shaw farm in Cornplanter town- ship, where he yet resides. He served as collector and assessor of Corn- planter township for eleven years and held other township offices. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, located on the Shaw farm. For many years he was class leader of this organization and at the present time is assistant superintendent of the Sabbath school. He became one of the early members of the Whig party and drifted from that to the Eepublican party. He is one of the upright, intelligent, and worthy citizens of Corn- planter township. C. C. Dale, oil producer, was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, to David and Catharine (Henlen) Dale who immigrated to this country in 1859. Our subject began his business life in oil producing. He was mar- ried in 1809 to Henrietta Hixon and had three children: L. G. ; Loe, and Floridale. Mrs. Dale died in April, 1882, and he was again married to Lizzie Irwin of Plumer, this county, by whom he h^s three children : Randle; Roscoe, and Catharine. A mention of his father's family will be found elsewhere. William J. McCray, oil producer and farmer, was born on what is known as the "McCray Hill " about one mile from Petroleum Center, June 6, 1831. His father, William McCray, one of the pioneers of Cornplanter, improved BIOGRAPHIES OF COllNPLANTER. 1095 aud developed the agricultuiiil resources of the well-known McCray fariu. He was first married to Elizal)eth Story, by whom be bad eigbt cbildrea: James; Elizabetb, married to Henry Sedors; Nancy A., married to Joseph McCaslin; Mary E., married to J. M. Gondy; William J.; Margaret, de- ceased wife of Jobn Wilson; Isabelle, deceased wife of Gilson Eakin; Rachel H. , who married Robert Eakiu ami after his death, C. M. Carmer. The mother died in 1841 and the father married Miss Mary Prather, who died in 1867 without issue. The senior McCray died in 1801 at the age of sixty- four years; he was a Democrat and a life-long member of the United Pres- byterian church of Plumer. William J. McCray, whose name forms the caption of this sketch, is the youngest of the sons. He was educated at the common schools and trained to manual labor as a farmer's boy. During the autumn of 1860 he turned his attention to the production of oil and on the well-known Buchanan farm struck a "gusher" which led to the development of that prolific field. He is now operating a number of paying wells and is a farmer of more than average success. He was married in Erie, Pennsylvania, in October, 1867, to Miss Annie McCray, daughter of John McCray, and has had the follow- ing children: Clara Emma; James B. , deceased; Lora May, deceased; Edna and Earle (twins), deceased; Anna Mary; William L. ; John, deceased; Martha B. ; George R., and Robert S. Mr. McCray once owned and oper- ated a refinery at Petroleum Center which he sold to the Standard Oil Com- pany in 1876. He is a Democrat and with his wife belongs to the United Presbyterian church at Plumer, of which he has been an acting trustee for over twenty-one years. He is also a member of the E. A. U. W. P. McCray, oil producer and farmer near Petroleum Center, was born on the old McCray farm November 2, 1857, and is a son of James S. McCray, late of Franklin, this county, and at one time one of the most ex- tensive oil operators and producers in the world. W. P. McCray, the eld- est of two sons, was educated at Franklin, and in 1874 engaged in the pro- duction of oil on the old homestead. From that time to the present he has been in the oil business, though not exclusively; for three or four years he was postmaster and engaged in mercantile business at Petroleum Center. In 1879 he purchased and moved upon the place he now occupies, known as the McElhaney farm. He now has eight wells in operation and about two hundred acres of promising undeveloped territory. On his place are wells producing forty barrels each per month that have been in operation twenty-two years. In 1881 he became owner of a half interest in the lands formerly in possession of the Central Petroleum Company, but two years later disposed of this to Henry Wilbert. Mr. McCray was married March 20, 1879, to Miss Kate D. , daughter of George P. Espy, aud has one child, Lottie May. Henry R. Davis, oil producer near Petroleum Center, is a native of Will- 1096 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. iamsburg, Blair county, this state, and was born February 23, 1835. His father, Andrew Davis, removed to Iowa from Clearfield county, Pennsylva- nia, some twenty years ago, and his mother, whose maiden name was Susan Hoover, is not living. Henry, the eldest of nine children — five sons and four daughters — after his school days worked in the blacksmith shop with his father. At the age of twenty-one years he engaged in the lumber busi- ness at Lumber City, and in 1861 came to Titusville. Later he came to Pe- troleum Center, and about here has remained. Mr. Davis was married in Lumber City, Pennsylvania, January 24, 1864, to Miss Ruth J. Thompson, who was born February 10, 1847, and has two children living: Emma and Clara. Flora died May 28, 1871, at the age of seven years. Mr. Davis and family are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Jacob F. Neely, oil producer, was born in Clarion county, this state, November 22, 1837, to Paul and Elizabeth (Myers) Neely. Paul Neely was a native of Westmoreland county, moved to Clarion county about 1830, and to Venango county in 1847. He served in all the regimental offices of the state militia and was orderly sergeant of the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, enlisting in 1861 and serving eight months. He was fifty-two years of age at the time he entered the war and the father of eight chil- dren: "William; Samuel; John; Joseph, deceased; Mary A ; Jacob F. ; Clara, deceased, and Mahala. He died in November, 1883, his wife having preceded him to the grave in 1875. Our subject received a common school education and began for himself in the lumber business in Elk county, this state. In 1861 he caught the oil fever and now has a farm of one hundred and twenty- four acres with thirty producing wells thereon. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic order, was a charter member of the tii'st I. O. O. F. lodge of Oil City, and has served as township committeeman for the Demo- cratic j)arty. He was married January 1, 1862, to Matilda Milnor, a native of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, and to this union there have been born seven children: Tona; Dora; Murdith; Maud; Nevoda; Frank P., and Herbert. A. Jackson Kirkwood, oil producer, was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, March 12, 1839, to Isaac and Elizabeth (Kaple) Kirkwood, natives of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Isaac Kirkwood died Octo- ber 12, 1874, and his wife preceded him to the grave about the year 1849. Our subject was married in 1858 to Charlotte Mortimore, a native of Butler county, and to this union have been born eleven children: Levina, wife of John W. I^irkwood; Sadie; Andrew; John; David; Al; Anna; Charley; James; Frank, and Willis. In company with his son, Andrew, and son-in law, John W. Kirkwood, ho owns a farm of one hundred and six acres of land with nine producing oil wells thereon. David T. Borland, oil producer, Siverly, came to Oil City from West- moreland county in 1864 and the two succeeding years was superintendent BIOGRAPHIES OF CORNPLANTER. 1097 of the Eldorado Oil Company. From that ho turnod bis attention to the production of oil, and followed it excluHively for sonjo years. From 1876 to 1884 he was in the lumber and coal business; since the latter date he has been a producer. Mr. Borland was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, April 4, 1839, and is a son of the late Thomas Borland. He was educated in the common schools and reared to manhood on the farm. In Juno, 1862, ho entered the army from his native county as a corporal in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served nine months in the army of the Potomac, participating in the battles of Antietam and Fredericksburg. At the latter place, December 14, 1862, he received a gun-shot through the thigh. Leaving the army he soon afterward migrated to Kansas, returning thence to Westmoreland and later to Oil City. When about twenty-two years of age Mr. Borland married Mary A. Kennedy, of Westmoreland county and has had borne unto him five children, viz.: Bertha, Mrs. C. W. Downing; William K. ; Emma; Walter, and Anna. Mr. Borland belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic, is an active mem- ber of the Sons of Temperance, and, together, with his family, worships at the Methodist Episcopal church. A. B. Straub, oil producer, was born in Appalachicola, Florida, Novem- ber 13, 1839, to Nicholas and Dorothea (Babst) Straub, natives of Germany. Nicholas Straub died in May, 1888, and was the father of nine children, only three of whom are living: Elias, hotel landlord at Sheldon, New York; Sophia, wife of Bernard Fisher, of Buffalo, and A. B. The last named was educated in the common schools and came to Venango county in 1865, purchased the Rochester house of Squire & Greely, which was located on the famous Johnnie Steel farm, and conducted it for two years. He then came to where he now lives and has since been producing oil. He has also a lumber and coal yard at Rynd Farm. He was married January 7, 1862, to Mary J. Kuster, a native of New York, and to this union have been born seven children: Charles A. ; H. Frank; Andrew T. ; Clara B. ; John W. ; George B., and Lena M. Mr. Straub and wife are members of the Catholic church. R. E. Knapp, oil producer near Kane City, was born in Hamburg, New York, April 18, 1844. His father, Gershum Knapp, a native of Connecti- cut, farmer by occupation, is now seventy- two years old and resides at Ham- burg; and his mother's family name was Gwinn. She died in June, 1889, aged sixty-five years. The old people reared seven sons and five daughters and our subject, the eldest of the twelve, was reared on the farm and schooled at the public institutions. He came to the oil country in 1865, worked two years in the refinery at Petroleum Center, and five years at drilling and tool dressing in that vicinity and at Pithole. In 1872 he came to where he now lives, a place then known by the euphonious name of Allemagoozaleum and a village of some pretensions. Here he began the prodiTction of oil as a business and thereat has been reasonably successful. Mr. Knapp is a 1098 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. member of the F. & A. M., A. O. U. ^Y., E. A. U. , and the Royal Arcanum. He was married at Boston, Erie county, New York, December 12, 1872, to Miss Hortense Lake, daughter of the late Samuel Lake of that county. David Barckoft, oil producer, Kane City, was born in Pittsburgh in 1844 and is the fourth son of William Barcroft, a carpenter, who reared five sons and a daughter, and died in Pittsburgh. David attended the public schools of Allegheny county when a boy and early in life started out for himself. He came to the oil region in 1865 from Ohio and was first employed as a tool dresser on the Columbia farm. Up to 1877 or 1878 he was operatino- wells for others. At that time he formed a partnership with J. W. Kirk- wood and began business in earnest. They purchased several fine produc- ing farms in rapid succession and are now reckoned among the leading pro- ducers of the township. He located at Kane City about 1879. He was married in Sherman, New York, in 1885, to a Miss Kirkwood and has one child, Grace. J. W. Kirkwood, of the firm of Barcroft & Kirkwood, oil producers, Kane City, and treasurer of the Producers' Torpedo Company, is a native of Butler county, this state, a son of James Kirkwood, a farmer of this township, and was born June 13, 1853. He was educated in the common schools, and has been in the oil business since he was seventeen years of ao-e. His family moved into Venango county in 1867. From here he went to Forest county in 1870, and there drilled unsuccessfully for petroleum. Four years later he tried again for oil, this time with better results and he sold his interest to his partner, Anderson. From 1874 to 1877 he followed drill- ing, farming, and mining, and in the latter year turned his attention again to producing oil. Soon afterward the partnership existing with Barcroft was formed, and the firm own and operate some of the richest oil lands in the county. Mr. Kirkwood is a Mason and a K. of L. He was married in Eouseville September 80, 1885, to Miss Lovina J. Kirkwood and has two children: Minnie May and John Howard. W. H. Hoffman, manager of the Columbia farm, near Petroleum Center, was born in Birmingham, now a part of Pittsburgh, April 7, 1845. He learned the trade of nail cutting and followed that occupation for a number of years. He came to this county in 1869 (the time of the location of the Columbia Company in this and McKean counties), and has been its man- ager for the last nine years. He was married in Pittsburgh in August, 1869, to Mary Slocum and has seven children: George; Jose|Dh; Ralph; Thomas; Charley; May, and Guy. He is a member and 'secretary of the A. O. U. W. J. P. McCracken, oil producer, was born in Mercer county, December 31, 1845, son of Alexander and Eliza (Setley) McCracken. Alexander was born in Mercer county and was the father of four children: Theodore, de- ceased; Joshua; Mary, wife of D. L. McQuiston. and Alexander. Our sub- ject was educated at common schools and began life in the oil business. He BIOGRAPHIES OF PIJE8IDENT. 1000 was married June 13, 1877, to Adelia Dodds, a nativo of Butler eonnty, Ponnsylvania. To this union there have been born live children: Elizabeth; Lee; Milo, deceased; Eliza, and Mamie. Mr. McCracken has fourteen pro- ducinc' oil wells and is agent for the Painter, Leightty & Shape Oil Com- pany. He is a member of the school board, the I. O. O. F., and A. O. U. W., and has been master workman of the last mentioned. He is an active and enthusiastic Democrat. Petek Berry, oil producer, was born in Erie county, New York, April 15, 1846, to John and Elizabeth (Bergtold) Berry, natives of Germany. John Berry was a weaver by trade, immigrated to America in 1832, and set- tled in Clarence, New York. Here he pursued his avocation in connection with farming until his death in 1878, his wife preceding him in 1863. Our subject was educated in the common schools and Fredonia Academy, Chau- tauqua county, New York. In 1868 he began dressing tools at Tidioute, "Warren county, Pennsylvania, and became first interested in the oil business in 1872 at Fagundus, and in 1876 became associated with Grandin Brothers and J. M. Clapp. They opened up the famous Balltown field in 1882, drill- ing nine wells before getting oil, and then struck a well that produced one thousand barrels a day. He is yet interested in the fields spoken of and other territory in Forest and Warren counties. He came to this county in April, 1889, and purchased six hundred and one acres of land upon which developments are in progress. He was elected to the legislature from For- est county in 1884, receiving the largest majority ever given any man for that position by the voters of that county, and that, too, during the year of the Republican defeat for president. He was married September 28, 1882, to Annie L. Maidens, a native of Lockport, New York and has two children: Leland T. and Ada I. He is a member of the Masonic order and a stanch Republican. PRESIDENT. Reverend Ralph Clapp was born in Middlefield, Massachusetts, in 1801, and died at President, Venango county, Pennsylvania, in 1865. He was a Methodist minister of great ability and considerable celebrity. He enjoyed and retained the intimate, unreserved, and warm friendship of the late Bishop Matthew Simpson, and many other noted and eminent ministers of the Methodist Episcopal church. July 4, 1853, he addressed the citizens of Franklin, Pennsylvania, and then predicted the building of a railroad to the Pacific coast, and though this assertion was then looked upon by many as chimerical and visionary, his prediction has long since been verified by the completion of no less than three railways to that distant coast. In 1854 he was elected a member of the Pennsylvania legislature and served in that office during the session of 1854-55. During the war of the Rebellion he was one of the Union's most earnest and able advocates and supporters, never flagging in his fidelity to its cause and faith in its complete and satis- 1100 HISTOIJY OF VENANGO COUNTY. factory success. His wife, Sally Hubbard, was born in Steuben, New York, and died in Asbury Park, New Jersey, in 1886. She was an eminently faithful Christian woman, respected and loved by all her extensive acquaint- ance. They were married in Champion, New York, January 2, 1824. and settled in Venango county in 1846. They had a family of six children: Edwin Emmett; Charles Carroll; Emeline Frances; Caroline; John Martin, and Ellen Gennett. Edwin E. Clapp was born in Watertown, New York. He has lived in Venango county during the last forty years, except a short time that he resided in Dubuque, Iowa. He has been a large producer of petroleum, and is still engaged in that business, living at President, near where his father resided and died. Charles C. Clapp died in 1843, aged sixteen years. Emeline F. Clapp was married to E. E. Shankland, and died in Dubuque, Iowa, in 1865, leaving a family of four children. Caroline Clapp was married to J. L. P. McAllister, and they have a family of five children. They now reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan. John M. Clapp was married in 1865 to Anna M. Pearson of New Castle, Pennsylvania. They had four children, three of whom are now living. John M. Clapp recruited a company for the army in 1862, and went out as captain in Colonel Chapman Biddle's regiment, the One Hundred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, where he won for himself a first- class record as a soldier and an aljle and worthy officer. He would no doubt have been promoted to higher position and rank had he not been compelled by failing health to resign and leave the service, which he did in August, 1863. He has been extensively engaged in business, and proved his ability in that line by his successful management of whatever he undertook. He is now a resident of Washington city. Ellen G. Clapp was married to James McLain. They had a family of five children, three of whom are now living. They now reside in New York city.-^E. E. C. Hugh McCrea was born June 24, 1813, son of Patrick and Flora (McGir- rel) McCrea, both natives of Ireland. His education was obtained principally under his father, for whom he worked until the age of twenty-five, when he began farming and has lived all his life upon the land originally seated by his father, except 1864 and 1866, when he resided near Williamsport, Pennsylvania. He now owns one hundred and eighty acres of land. His present house was built in 1861. It is the third he has built; the first was burned two days before his marriage, which occurrred in 1844, his wife being Patience, daughter of Samuel McGirrel of Warren county. Five children are living; John W. : S. P. : Mrs. Charity Masterson; Mrs. Clara O'Brien; Mrs. Margaret Dykins, and Mrs. Matilda McGirrel. deceased. The family adhere to the Catholic faith, and Mr. McCrea is a life-long Democrat. V j &. ^.AlcL^i^. BIOGHAPHIES OF PRESIDENT. 1101 John M'. McCrea, merchiint, postmaster, and station atjfoMt, EagUi Kock, was born at Eagle Rock, September 15, 1858, son of Hugh and Patience McCrea. His grandfather, Patrick McCrea, was the first settler (jn the river between Franklin and Warren. John W. was bronght np here, and attended the local schools. At the age of seventeen he taught one term in this township. In 1874 he went to the West and Southwe.st, visiting Colo rado, Texas, Arkansas, and other localities. He taught one term of school in Comanche county, Texas, and another in the vicinity of Hot Springs, Arkan- sas, and worked for some time on a cattle ranch, returning in 1878. He at once learned telegraphy and entered the employ of the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad Company. At the same time he bought the gen- eral store of Patrick Masterson, and assumed the duties of postmaster. In 1878 he married Ellie, daughter of Robert Adams, and has a family of five children: Lilian; Alice; Lawrence; Patience, and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. McCrea are members of the Catholic church, and he is a Democrat in politics. Isaac Baker, farmer, was born in Massachusetts, January 9, 1811, son of Artemus and Sarah (Nichols) Baker. The father was a farmer and cooper in Worcester county, where Isaac Baker was brought up. In 1853 he removed to Cattaraugus county. New York, and in 18f35 came to this county, where he engaged in keeping a boarding house, working at the various branches of the oil trade, and acting for some years as superintend- ent of the Walnut Bend Shoe-Leather Petroleum Company. He then on- gaged in farming, and in 1878 bought the farm of sixty- live acres upon which he now resides. He was married in 1850 to Martha Hinsdale. Robert Adams, . farmer, was born in Armstrong, now Clarion county, Pennsylvania, October 18, 1820, son of John and Jannet (Young) Adams. John M. Adams was born in 1796 in Penn's valley, Pennsylvania, and came to Clarion county in 1804 with his father, William Adams, who was one of the first four settlers between Red Bank creek and the Clarion and Allegheny rivers. Robert Adams has been engaged in lumbering, and in the various branches of the oil business. He has now been farming for fifteen years. He married in January, 1845, Annie Day, daughter of John Day of Clarion county. Eight children are living, three dead. Three sons are in Dakota, one in Iowa; three daughters and one son are in this town- ship. George Fox, farmer, was born in Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, De- cember 19, 1822, son of Michael and Elizabeth (Harpst) Fox. They moved to Cranberry township and died there. Both are buried at the Ten Mile Bottom church. George Fox was brought up in Lawrence county, where he attended school, and at the age of twenty-three, having moved to Venan- go county, he was employed at President by Robert Elliott. Several years later he bought a hundred acres of land, all uncleared, paying two dollars 62 1102 HISTOllY OF VENANGO COUNTY. per acre. He first built the log house still standing, and gradually reduced the farm to cultivation. His present house was built in 1887. In 1846 he married Rachel, daughter of George Heckathorn. Six children are living: Amos; Charles; George; ^Villiam; Melissa, and Rachel. P. W. O' Donovan, farmer, was born in County Cork, Ireland, October 9, 1837, son of William and Hester (Tobin) O' Donovan. They immigrated to America in 1856, coming to this county in 1862, where two hundred and eighty acres of land were secured, now owned by P. W. O' Donovan, who has lived here ever since. He was married in 1867 to Elizabeth, daughter of John O'Hara, a native of Londonderry. Of a family of eight children, live are living: William; Patrick; Daniel; James, and Timothy. The family is connected with the Catholic church. Mr. O' Donovan is a Democrat. In 1888 and 1884 he traveled through the West. J. A. Ford, farmer, was born in Grafton county, New Hampshire, September 4, 1832, son of Cyrus and Jerusha (Bullock) Ford. The grand- father on the father's side, Elisha Ford, was of Irish descent. He lived and died in New Hampshire. Cyrus Ford died at Portsmouth. George Bullock, the maternal grandfather, was also of Irish origin. J. A. Ford was the third of a family of six children. He was brought up in New Hampshire, and in 1853 began farming in his native county. From 1860 to 1865 he was employed in a gun factory at New Haven. In 1865 he was employed by a New York firm to perform certain diities in connection with their interests in President township. From 1872 to 1888 he superintended E. E. Clapp's road constniction in this township, and in this capacity twenty miles of the best road in the county were built under his supervision. In 1885 he bought the farm of one hundred and fifty acres upon which he now resides. In 1884 he married Miss Fatilda Mimm, and has one child, Roy E., born November 3, 1885. Politically he is a Republican. He has been constable, assessor, and collector of President township twelve years. John Booher, farmer, was born in Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, August 27, 1832, son of Daniel and Susan Booher. Daniel Booher was brought up in Huntingdon county, this state, and in that locality his father lived. The maternal grandfather, David Crosby, was a Revolutionary soldier, and died in Lawrence county. John Booher was brought up six miles from New Castle, and had small educational advantages. After be- coming of age he learned the trade of carpenter, pursuing this calling for more than thirty years. He lived in Sandy Lake township, Mercer county, from 1 852 to 1 888, when he bought the farm of four hundred acres upon which he now resides. He married Hester Ann, daughter of Thomas Mar- tin, and has a family of five children: Alena, wife of Peter B. Adams of Mill Creek township, Mercer county; Thomas; Charles; Thaddeus, and Leonora. Mr. and Mi*s. Booher are Methodists, and he is a Republican. Bartholomew O'Brien, foreman of construction, National Transit Com- BIOGRAPHIES OF I'ltESIDENT. 1103 pany, was boru iu Vermont, January 7, 1850, sou of Johu and Johanna (Harrington) O'Brien. John O'Brien was a native of Ireland, son of John O'Brien; he emigrated at the age of twenty-eight, locating at Kochester, New York. He was engaged all his life as foreman in the construction of canals, railroads, etc. In this capacity he was employed on the Erie canal. For seventeen years he was section foreman of the Warren and Franklin rail- road, now known as the Western New York and Pennsylvania. He is now living in retirement at Millerstown, Pennsylvania. Bartholomew O'Brien formed his first acquaintance with the oil business in 1808 at Pleasantville, this county, working as a laborer, from whicli he has advanced successively to the positions of gauger, field foreman, and foreman of construction. He has been stationed at Millerstown, in the Bradford fields, at Pleasantville. at Lima, Ohio, and since 1887 in this county. In 1889 he married C. Clara, daughter of Hugh McCrea. Politically he is a Republican, and is connected with the Catholic church. T. J. EicHARDs, gauger, was born at Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, August 8, 1864, son of James and Mary (Loftus) Richards. He had a common school education. At the age of sixteen he entered the employ of the American Transfer Company in Lycoming county, and has been engaged at the various branches of the oil trade ever since, principally in loading oil, walking lines, operating pump stations, etc. In the latter capacity he has been stationed at Four Mile and Ashford, New York, Tally Ho, Rockland, and since May, 1889, at President. He married in 1882 Miss Hettie[ daughter of Enos Tilden, and has two children: Winfield and an infant as yet unnamed. C. C. Joy, oil operator, was born at Gratton, Tompkins county. New York. May 16, 1857, son of Thaddeus and Emmeline (Clark) Joy. His father removed to Titusville in 1865, where the subject of this sketch received a common school education. Since attaining his majority he has been engaged in the various branches of the oil industry with the fluctuating fortunes characteristic of the business. He has been associated w^th the development of new territory in various portions of the oil regions— among others, the Grand Valley district; the Tiona district, near Warren, of which he opened an extension; the Sugar run district, in A^'arren county; Ihe Shamburg district, which he was among the first to reopen, and where he demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of heavy charges in stimu- lating the flow of oil from deep wells. Here also he developed his theory as to the existence of oil in paying quantities in districts supposed to have been exhausted years ago. The correctness of his views has been prac- tically established by the success of the Walnut Bend enterprise, of which a detailed account is given elsewhere in this work. Mr. Joy was married in 1878 to Miss Ella J., daughter, of Reverend F. L. Senour, a Presl)y- terian clergyman of Pittsburgh. 1104 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. OIL CKEEK. S. L. Fleming, farmer and oil producer, was born in what is now Oil Creek township, Venango county. May 25, 1829, and is a son of Samuel and Jane (McClintock) Fleming. John Fleming, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of England; he came to America, participated in the Kevolutionary war, and finally settled in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, where he died about the year 1780. His widow and six sons came to Ve- nango county prior to 1800 and took up a tract of land in what is now Oil Creek township. Here Samuel Fleming grew to manhood and married Jane, daughter of Hamilton McClintock, Sr. , an early pioneer of the county. All the other brothers died in Venango county except two, one of whom re- moved to Missouri and the other to Ohio. Samuel, after marriage began at once to clear up the farm and became a prominent farmer and lumberman. He was drafted in the war of 1812 but was released on account of sickness. He was a Democrat, and he and his wife were pioneer members of the Pleasantville Baptist church. His death occurred in 1859 and that of his wife in 1865. Their family consisted of eleven children, of whom the fol- lowing are living: Sarah, Mrs. Lytle of Oil Creek township; Louisa, Mrs. Edward Seeley of Kansas; G. W., of this township; S. L., and John S., also of this township. S. L. Fleming, by his own efforts and the aid of the. township schools, secured a fair education, after which he engaged in teaching and also worked in the lumber business. He may be considered a pioneer oil man, having been through various "excitements." In 1881 he located on his present farm and is producing oil from eleven wells. In the last mentioned year he married Miss Hannah Stahl, daughter of Enos Stahl of Union county and has one child, Maud May. Politically he is a Democrat, and is one of the school directors of his township. He was elected a justice of the peace in 1886, and has filled other minor offices. He is now serving as township treasurer and holds the same position on the school board. He is a member of Phoenix Lodge, No. 153, A. O. II. W. His wife was born November 11, 1848, in Union county, this state. Her parents, Enos and Hannah Stahl, had two children: Leah and Hannah. The mother died in Union county; the father was again married to Lydia A. Johnson and with her removed to Mercer county about the year 1859, where he settled on the farm now owned by the Devlin Brothers in Jefferson township. In 1865 they came to Ve- nango county, where the father died October 7, 1884, and his widow lives in Bradford. To this second union were born twelve children, ten of whom are living: John N. ; J. C. ;Anna C. ; James E. ; Ida E. ; DoraE. ; Fannie A. ; Charles E. ; Harry E. , and Ulysses G. The father was a member of the Evan- gelical Association, his first wife of the Lutheran church, and the last of the Methodist Episcopal church. , John S. Fleming, oil prodiacer and farmer, was born in this township, BIOGllAPHIES OF OIL CREEK. 1105 October 5, 1880. Hero ho was rearod and educated and lias Ijeea engaged in farming, lumbering, etc. In 1853 he married MisH Hannah liobecca Jamison, daughter of James and Hannah Jamison of Venango county. To this union have been born seven children: 8. P.; Joseph; Lily, Mrs. R. J. Heald; George; John L. ; Gilbert, and William. He is a Democrat with Prohibition proclivities and has tilled various township offices. He is a member of the Koyal Templars of Temperance and the A. O. U. W., and with his family belongs to the Baptist church. G. W. Fleming, farmer, was born in Oil Creek township October 20, 1821, where he was reared and educated. So far he has spent his life in farming and lumbering. In 1848 he was married to Miss Hannah Stewart, daughter of Elijah Stewart of Cherry Tree township. She died leaving one child: George S., now a resident of Montana. Mr. Fleming is a member of the Koyal Templars of Temperance and is a Republican. William Pook, a native of Massachusetts, migrated to Crawford county in 1817 and thence in May, 1818, to Allegheny township, Venango county. He married Ritta Ann Dart, a native of Connecticut. They purchased and settled a homestead in Oil Creek township. He was a shoemaker by trade and followed that in connection with farming, and by his earnest efforts he made a financial success. At the beginning of the oil excitement he sold his farm and removed to Ohio, settling in Jefferson county, where he and his wife died. He was a Jeffersonian Democrat, and filled various township offices. He was a member of the Baptist church. Seven of their ten chil- dren are now living: Alonzo; Pomeroy, of Ohio; Nancy, married to Richard Watson of Titusville; Lovisa, married to Henry Gillon of Erie city; Levi, of Illinois; Lydia, married to J. P. Henderson of Ohio, and J. B., of Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania. Three daughters are deceased. Alonzo Poor, farmer and oil producer, was born near Titusville, Craw- ford county. January 1, 1818, and removed with his parents, William and Ritta (Dart) Poor, to this county in May of the same year. He received an ordinary education and learned the carpenter trade. He settled on his pres- ent farm in 1841, and two years later was married to Miss Elizabeth H. Henderson of Oil Creek township, Crawford county. She died March 3, 1882, and was the mother of three children: Cornelius L., who married Sarah M. Goodban, Mfirch 20, 1867, and is an attorney of Burlington, Iowa; Mary, married to C. C. Matheson of Titusville, April 29, 1879; and William B., who married Ellen Nash, April 1, 1879, and has two children: Lee and Glenn. Mr. Poor has always been identified with. the Republican party, and served one term as county auditor. He has also been a school director for over thirty years. He is a member of Oil Creek Grange, No. 400, P. of H. , and of the Freewill Baptist church. George McBride, deceased, was born January 11, 1806, in the Mohawk valley, Montgomery county, New York, son of Alexander and Tryphena 110() HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. (Ladd) McBride, the parents of five children: George; Fannie; Margaret; Betsey, and Mary A. John Ladd, the father of Tryphena, was a popiilar Presbyterian minister for many years. George McBride was educated in the common schools and brought up at rural pursuits. September 27, 1831, he was married to Matilda Soules, born September 10, 1803, in Albany county, New York, daughter of Nathaniel and Catharine (Coonly) Soules, natives of New York state, who were Baptists, and died in Madison county. New York, the parents of nine children: Phoebe; Polly; Ruth; Matilda; Malissa; Julia A. : Nelson; Gilbert, and Amelia. Mrs. McBride received a common school education. Five days after marriage she started with her husband for Chautauqua county. New York, making the journey by canal and wagon; they located in the green wood, improved a farm for seven years, and then removed to Cattaraugus county, the same state. Three years later they came to what is now Oil Creek township, where they rented and then bought one hundred acres. There they remained until 1865, when they returned to Chautauqua county, New York, locating at Sheridan Cen- ter, where he died August 17, 1872. He was buried at Sheridan by the Masonic order, of which he was a prominent member. He was a man hon- ored and respected by the community in which he resided. His widow sur- ^vives (October, ISSU), in her eighty- seventh year, retains her memory to a remarkable degree, and expresses her faith in the doctrine of the Close Com- munion Baptists. In 1887 she removed from Sheridan, New York, back to the old homestead in Oil Creek township, Venango county, to spend the re- mainder of her days with her daughter, Catharine A. His children are: Henry G., who was born June 15, 1833, enlisted in the Twelfth Hlinois Cav- alry, after which the family lost all tr-ace of him; Davila, who was born De- cember 4, 1834, enlisted in the One Hundi-ed and Fifty-Fourth New York Vol- unteers in 1861, was fatally shot by sharpshooters in the battle of Atlanta, while in the discharge of his duties and defense of his country; Franklin G., who was born January 15, 1837, and died December 29, 1853; Cathar- ine A., who was born September 5, 1838, married John M. August of Youngsville, Warren county, this state, son of William H. and Elizabeth (Gregg) August, who was born July 16, 1835, received a common school education, and enlisted in Company K, Eighty- Third Pennsylvania Volun- teers, in August, 1860, was wounded at the battle of Malvern Hill, and sub- sequently honorably discharged. In 1872 he settled on the George Mc- Bride farm, and is operating seven wells. His children are named William G. and Nellie. He is a member of Aaron Bendict Post, No. 429, G. A. R., and of the E. A. U. John Wilson, M. D., Pleasantville, was born in Jackson township, Venango county, in 1820, son of John and Catharine (Sutley) Wilson, the former a native of Ireland and a pioneer in the valley of Sugar creek. His literary education was obtained at Allegheny College, Meadville, and his BIOGHAPHIES OF OIL CREEK. 1107 professional studies, begun uiuler tlio snporvision of Doctor Samuel Axtoll of Mercer county, weie pursued at the Cleveland Medical College, from which he graduated in 1848. He has since practiced at Pleasantville and in the vicinity, and is well known in northwestern Venango and the adjoin- ing counties. In 1S51 he married Elizabeth Brown, a native of New York state. The doctor is Democratic in his political affiliations. John F. Carll, geologist, Pleasantville, was born in Brooklyn, New York, May 7, 1828, a ?on of John and Margaret (Wallace) Carll, natives of Suf- folk county, New York. His education was principally obtained at Union Hall Academy, Jamaica, Long Island. He formed his first acquaintance with the oil regions in 1865. In 1874 he became engaged upon the second geological survey of Pennsylvania, and from that date has resided at Pleas- antville. The results of his investigations are embodied in the published state reports and are a valuable contribution to the scientific literature of the oil regions. B. Co'RwiN, merchant, Pleasantville, was born in Orange county, New York, March 6, 1838, son of William and Lydia A. (Smith) Corwin, natives of that county and the parents of six children, of whom our subject was the fourth in order of birth. He was reared on the homestead farm and learned the tinsmith trade, but after an experience of three years in the hardware trade at Warwick, New Y'^ork, came to Pleasantville in March, 1865, where he has since been engaged in bis present business, dealing in general hard- ware, oil well supplies, etc. He is also interested in oil property and tim- ber lands, and in 1887 established the Commercial RecorcU which has since been published at this borough with fair success. Mr. Corwin was married in 1864 to Sarah V. Dolson of Orange county, New Y'ork, who died in Octo- ber, 1866. In 1868 he married Martha A. Beebe, and they are the parents of one daughter, Martha Helen. Mr. Corwin is an elder in the Presbyterian church, a member of the borough council, a Democrat in politics, and is connected with the F. & A. M. and Royal Arcanum. He is one of the en- terprising and successful business men of his adopted town. W. F. House was born in Cortland county, New Y''ork, August 20, 1839. His parents, Chester and Elizabeth (Webster) House, were also natives of that county. In 1854 his father removed with his family to Pleasantville, where he engaged in manufacturing carriages and wagons. Here the mother died in 1853 and the father Avas again married, to Susan Mayhew. Ho died in 1863, and was the father of five children by his first marriage: Warren, of Pleasantville; Marinda, wife of Lot Nye of Cortland county, New York; William F., and two deceased. Two children were born to the second mar- riage: Emma and Louisa, the last named being Mrs. VanWike of Grand Valley, Warren county, Pennsylvania. Our subject learned the wagon maker trade with his father and has since followed that occupation. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Eighty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served 1108 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. two years, receiving wounds at Gaines' ]\Iills, Virginia. In 1865 be was united in marriage with Miss ]\Iary A. Benedict, daughter of Aaron Bene- dict. Jr., a son of Aaron Benedict, Sr.. a native of Massachusetts, and one of the pioneers of Pleasantville. By this union they have four chil- dren: Frank, of Colorado: Jessie: Ella, and Ed. Mr. House is a mem- ber of Aaron Benedict Post, No. 4*29, G. A. R. Politically he is a Eepub- lican, and is the present postmaster of Pleasantville, having been appointed in 1889. His family are members of the Presbyterian church. li. M. Davidson, merchant, Pleasantville, was born in Buffalo, New York, September 28, 1852, and is a son of Charles and Jane (Milne) Davidson, natives of Scotland, who immigrated to America in 1850 and located in Buffalo, New York. His father was a cooper by trade and about the year 1859 removed to Pleasantville, where he established the first cooper shop in that town and also made the first iron-hooped oil barrels ever manufactured. He was a Republican in politics, and the organizer of the Presbyterian church of Pleasantville, Pennsylvania. He died in 1876, preceded by his wife in 1858. Their children were nine in number, three of whom are living: Jane H., Mrs. Alexander Asher; Margaret, Mrs. John Hamilton, and R. M. The last named came to Pleasantville when six years old and attended the town- ship schools until the age of fourteen, when he entered the mercantile store of Brown Brothers, subsequently engaging in the business for himself, hav- ing succeeded one of the brothers and become a member of the firm of Sam Q. Brown & Company. In 1879 he became sole proprietor. In 1878 he was united in marriage to Miss Clara H. Willoughby, daughter of C. A. "SVilloughby of Pleasantville, and by this union has one living child, Clara. Mr. Davidson is also an oil producer and at the present time owns several oil properties near Pleasantville. He is a prominent member of the Pres- byterian church, being an elder and Sabbath school superintendent of the same. He is a strong believer in temperance and is an ardent worker in the cause of prohibition. D. M. LocKwooD, of the firm of Lockwood & McCulloch, merchants, Pleasantville, was ))orn in Oil Creek township, January 24, 1862, and is a son of Henry and Rachel (Shelmadine) Lockwood, residents of Pleasant- ville. He rec(Mved his education in the Pleasantville schools and in 1883 established his present grocery business under the firm name of Main & Lockwood, which continued for some time. At the withdrawal of Main he conducted the business individually until March, 1888, when the present firm was estal)lished. He also produces oil from five wells. His marriage oc- curred in October, 1887, to Miss Kittie Connely, daughter of Isaac Connely of Pleasantville: they have one child. Donna. He is a member of Seneca Lodge, No. 519, I. O. O. F., and of the E. A. U. Politically he is a Re- finl)lican, and is at present auditor and school director. John Gregg, farmer, is a son of Richard and Mary (Ward) Gregg, who BIOGRAPHIES OF OIL CHEEK. 11<^^ emigrated from Ireland to America about 1S12 and lirst located on a farm neai" Dempseytown, Venango county, this state. They took up a tract of land, which they cleared and improved, and became one of the prominent families of the township. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom the following are living: Martha, Mrs. John Fink; Sarah, Mrs. Han- cox; Ann, Mrs. llobert Moffett; Eliza, Mrs. Joseph McNutt; Martm; Robert, and John. Mr. Gregg was born March 2, 1886, and remained on the homestead farm until sixteen years of age, when he started his busmess life as a laborer, sawing and farming. He was drafted in the war of the Rebellion, but furnished a substitute. He was married in 1857 to Miss Sarah, daughter of Frederick Redlield of Oil Creek township, and in 18(51 they purchased the farm where they have since resided. They have reared two children: William, who lives at home, and Caroline, Mrs. John Mc- Laughlin of Titusville, Pennsylvania. Mr. Gregg is a Democrat in poli- tics. A. M. Barnard, farmer, was born in Livingston county, New York, Sep- tember 9, 1842, son of Jacob and Olive (Dodge) Barnard, natives of that county, both of whom died there. Mr. Barnard was reared and educated in that county. In 180:] he came to Venango county, engaged in drilling oil wells, and experienced the " ups and downs" of the oil excitement, after which he settled upon his present farm, in Oil Creek township. In 1867 he married Miss Sarah Twining, daughter of Chester Twining, of Yates county. New York, and has one child, Bertram. He is a member of the Royal Templars of Temperance, and politically a Republican. He and family are members of the Baptist church, of which he is a trustee. G. H. Dunham, oil producer, was born in Warren county, Pennsylvania, October 27, 1854, and is a son of M. B. and Mary M. (Pearson) Dunham, now residents of Warren county, the father being a prominent oil producer and lumberman. Oiir subject received his education at Chamberlain Insti- tute, Randolph, New York, and Mount Union College, Moimt Union, Ohio. He began his business life in the lumber trade in Warren county, which he continued until 1888, when he came to Pleasantville, Venango county, and engaged in the production of oil. He operates forty wells, and has an interest in as many more. In January, 1885, he married Miss Fannie E. Crosby, daughter of Benjamin Crosby, of Steuben county. New York. She died October 4, 1889. He is a member of North Star Lodge, No. 241, F. & A. M.,of Warren, of the Warren Commandery, K. T., and of I. O. O. F., lS[o. 389. C. L. Wait, oil producer, was born in Allegany county. New York, August 2, 1838, to C. L. and Miranda (Dorritt) Wait, natives of New York and Connecticut respectively. Our subject was reared and educated in his native county, and at the age of sixteen years went to Michigan and found employment as a laborer. In 1803 he married Miss Martha Cole of Saline, 1110 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. "Washtenaw county, Micliio-an, came to Venango county, and has since been producing oil. In 1809 ho settled upon his present homestead and now reaps the benefit from eight producing wells. Mr. Wait is a Republican, and has filled various township offices. WiLLi.\M White, oil producer, was born in England, February 12, 1841. His parents, Uriah and Hannah (Orm) White, were natives of that country and died there. Mr. White was educated in England, where he was mar- ried in 1863 to Miss Elizabeth Moss, and in the year 1868 immigrated to America. For the first six months they lived in Providence. Rhode Island, where he was employed in the Providence Engine Works at his trade, that of engine building. In July, 1869, they came to Venango county and located at Shamburg, in Oil Creek township, where he established a machine shop and conducted the same for one year. He than became superintend- ent of the machinery department for Emery Brothers of Bradford, Penn- sylvania. He subsequently became interested in oil production, which he has continued to the present time, and is one of the prominent well-known oil producers of his township. His children are named as follows: James William; Lena Alice; Nellie Harriet; Elizabeth Louisa, and Jesse Henry. He is a member of Pleasantville lodge of the Masonic order and the coun- cil and chapter at Titusville. Politically he is a Democrat, and with his family attends the Episcopal church. David S. Oiler, oil producer, was born in Cumberland county, Penn- sylvania, September 21, 1852, and is a son of Andrew and Mary (Shover) Oiler, of that county. He was reared and educated in his native county and learned the carpenter trade. He came to Venango county in 1869, and began pumping oil and running engines. He then became an oil producer and is now the owner of nine wells. In 1874 he married Miss Catharine Taylor, daughter of Erastus Taylor of Union county. New York. She died April 13, 1889, leaving five children: Fred; Carl; Clayton; George, and Ida. He is a Democrat, constable and school director, and a member of the A. O. U. W. S. A. Lytle, oil producer, was born in Oil Creek township November 8, 1852, son of William and Sarah (Fleming) Lytle. John Lytle, his grandfather, emigrated from Ireland and was one of the early settlers of Venango county. He took up a tract of land which he cleared and im- proved, and also erected a saw mill on West Pithole creek. William Lytle was a carpenter by trade and followed that in connection with farming. He was a Democrat, and a prominent member of the Baptist church of Pleasantville. He died November 12, 1865. His widow still survives him and lives on the homestead farm. Three sons were born to their union: S. A., our subject; Mortimer, of Edenburg, Clarion county, and William, of Warren county. Our subject was reared and educated in the township, and for several years has been engaged in the oil business. November 25, BIOGRAPHIES OF RICHLAND. 1111 1875, be married Miss Emma J. Fohvoll, dau^'litor of Nathan Folwoll of Venango county. They have one child, Loota. He is a Democrat in i)ol- itics and has filled various local offices. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. W. P. Black, oil producer, Pleasantville, was born in Tidioute, War- ren county, Pennsylvania, March 1, 1855, son of William and Sarah A. (Neill) Black, who now re.side in Balltown, Forest county. Mr. Black moved to Pithole when six years of age with his parents. His father was one of the pioneer oil producers, and he was virtually reared to the bus- iness. He received the benefit of a common school education, and for eight years engaged in mining for gold and silver in the vicinity of Denver and Salt Lake City, in which he was quite successful. In 1886 he returned to Pleasantville and has since drilled one hundred and fifty-eight wells, deal- ing extensively in oil production and territory. February 17, 1885, he mar- ried Miss Edith H. Harris, daughter of James Harris of Creston, Iowa. He and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. Politically he is a Re- publican. CHAPTER LIIL BIOGRAPHIES OF RICHLAND, ROCKLAND, PINEGROVE, AND CRANBERRY. RICHLAND. WILLIAM NICKLE, deceased, was born May 12, 1807, and was long a prominent citizen of southeastern Venango county. He served as justice of the peace, as postmaster at Nickleville a score of years, and in other responsible capacities. He was the founder of the village that bears the name of his family, and a resident of that place at the time of his death, June 1, 1884. He married Elizabeth Anderson, and of thirteen chil- dren born to them eight lived to maturity: Hannah J. ; John A., who en- listed in Company I, One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was killed at the battle of the Wilderness; Emily, deceased; Glenn M. ; Mary E., deceased; Ann Eliza; William S., of Chicago; and Joseph M. Joseph M. and Glenn M. are engaged in the mercantile business at Nickle- ville. Daniel D. Nickle, farmer, was born April 15, 1818, in Centre county, Pennsylvania, son of William and Hannah (Auld) Nickle, natives of Ireland who came to America in 1801, and settled in Clarion county (then Venango) in 1821. William Nickle died in 1843, his wife in 1863. They were the parents of twelve children, four of whom are now living: Elizabeth, wife of 1112 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. "William B. McDonald; Andrew, of Mercer county; Hannah, who married Eobert Criswell. and Daniel D. Our subject received his education in the common schools, and has been a farmer since engaging in business on his own account. March 18, 1845, he married Mary A. Myers, and has had eight children: George S. ; Ellen B. ; Jane, wife of John Donaldson; Will- iam M. , a merchant of Brookville; O. H. and Solomon M., Methodist Episcopal ministers, and two who died in infancy. Mr. Nickle is a Prohi- bitionist in politics, and a member of the Presbyterian church. Thomas K. Gardner, hotel keeper and farmer, Nickleville, was born June 27, 1815, in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, son of George and Cath- arine (Karnes) Gardner, who settled near Nickleville in 1831, and were pio- neers of that locality. Our subject was married May 10, 1839, to Betsey Jolly, who died in 1838. In 1839 he married Sarah Donaldson, who died in 1882, having been the mother of one child, Mary E., deceased. In 1884 he married Josephine Karnes, daughter of Abram and Mary (Mays) Karnes. They are members of the Presbyterian church, and in politics he is a Republican. Maurice B. Shannon, farmer, was born February 3, 1818, in this county, son of John and Jane Shannon, natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania, re- spectively. They came to this county in 1817 from Centre county. John Shannon was a shoemaker during his early manhood, but followed farming while in this county. He cleared up a farm of one hundred acres, and served in the war of 1812. He died October 22, 1872, at the age of eighty- five, and his wife died January 11, 1852. in her sixty -ninth year. His father was a Revolutionary soldier. The children of John and Jane Shan- non were named as follows: William M. , deceased; John; Alexander, de- ceased; Maurice B. ; James; Jane, wife of James H. Borland; Elizabeth, deceased, and Sarah, deceased. Our subject received his education in the subscription schools of this county. He was married December 15, 1842, to Sarah Ann Borland, who died February 6, 184G. He was again married August 0, 1847, to Mary Singleton, a native of this county, and to this union there were born fifteen children, thirteen of whom grew to maturity: Sarah A., wife of Joel Home; Alexander B. , of Kansas; Mary J., wife of John P. Wigton, of Kansas; John W. ; Araminta E., wife of John A. Ne- vil; G. W. ; Carrie C, wife of C. B. Mortimer, of Kansas; Irena V., wife of Thomas W. Marshial; Emery E. ; Ada I., wife of W. T. Samsell; Cora V. ; William AV. , and Maurice B. , Jr. The mother of these children died November 8, 1876, and he was married a third time, to Sarah J. Campbell, December 0, 1877. He has filled the office of county commissioner one term, and has been a justice of the peace for twenty-three years. He has also filled all of the township offices except constable and road commissioner. He is a member of the Evangelical association, and has always been an act- ive worker in the Democratic party. BIOGRAPHIES OF IJICHLAND. 1118 A. G. Downing, farmer and stock raiser, was boru Jniie G, 1816, in this township, to James and Ann (Gilchrist) Downing. Tlie former, born in Ireland in 1773, immigrated to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1780, with his parents; the latter was born in Westmoreland county in 1774, and they came to Venango at an early date. They reared eight chil- dren, three of whom are living: Jane, born in 1797, and now residing at Emlenton; Ann, wife of Samuel Snllinger, and our subject, who was mar- ried March 5, 1839, to Leanna Walters. They have had live children: Walter, deceased; James D. , president of the Bank of Eldred, McKean county; George; Charles, and Mary, wife of James Cribbs. Mr. Down- ing is a member of the Presbyterian church, and in politics a Republican. Samuel Jones, manufacturer of stoneware, brick, and tile, was born June 6, 1820, in Vermont. His parents, Alpheus and Harriet (Davenport) Jones, were natives of the same state, and the former came to this county in 1824; he settled on a farm and devoted his time to rural pursuits and blacksmithing. He died in 1876, and his wife in 1844. Their children were six in number, three of whom are now living: Timothy S. , who has a pottery in Akron, Ohio; Sarepta, and Samuel. The last named received a common school education and began for himself as a miller. However, at the age of twenty -one he turned his attention to making stoneware. In 1850 he pui'chased a half-interest in a pottery at Pleasantville, this county, which he and his partner, Daniel H. Parker, managed until the oil excite- ment, when he began producing this fluid, at which he continued until he established his present business. This he operates by the use of natural gas, and during each year manufactures about one hundred thousand brick, twenty-five thousand feet of tile, and fifteen thousand gallons of stoneware. He was married in 1847 to Eliza Jolly, a native of this county, who has blessed him with five children, but one of whom is living: Julius M. , born February 17, 1854, and married to Martha J. Davidson, daughter of Will- iam and Hettie (Shaner) Davidson, by whom he has had four children: Victor H. ; H. Myrtle; Florence M. , and Willie C. Julius M. is an elder in the Presbyterian church of Nickleville. Samuel Jones, our subject, has served twelve years as school director, and with his wife is also connected with the Presbyterian church. He is a strong Prohibitionist. Alexander Grant, farmer, was born September 23, 1824, in Butler county, Pennsylvania, to Alexander and Eli?,abeth (Say) Grant, natives, the former of eastern Pennsylvania, and the latter of this county. Their chil- dren were thirteen, ten of whom are living: David; Alexander; Margaret; Elizabeth; James; Johnston; Ebonezer; Mary A.; Cynthia, and Sarah. The other three died in infancy, the father in 1877, and the mother in 1847. Our subject was educated in the common schools and began his business life as a carpenter, which vocation he followed for six years. In 1855 he went to California and there worked at gold mining for eighteen 1114 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. months. He then returned to his farm in Richland township, where he located in 1849, and has since resided. He was married in 1849 to Jane Jolly, a native of this county, by whom he has had eleven children: Ermi- nie, wife of John Bashline; Crawford, oil producer in Clarion county, this state; Samuel A., of Grand Valley, Pennsylvania; James R., of Findlay, Ohio; Thomas B. : Lulu J., wife of AV. M. Nickle; Nannie, wife of J. W. Long; William A., merchant at Sharpsville, Pennsylvania; Charley; Nellie, and an infant, deceased. Our subject has served as justice of the peace for nine years and for six years was school director. He and wife are mem- bers of the Presbyterian church, and he is a Repul)lican. Samuel Donaldson, farmer, was born July 29, 1825, in this county, son of John and Nancy (Adams) Donaldson, natives of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, and among the pioneers of southeastern Venango county. They were the parents of nine children: William; Andrew; John; Samuel; Josiah; Isabella, deceased; Ann, deceased; Sarah, deceased, and one who died in infancy. Our subject has been a farmer all his life. February 13, 1850, he married Sarah E. Myers, and to this union were born nine chil- dren: Ermina; James A. ; Aldine; Emery B. ; Priscilla; Mary A. ; Laura B. ; Samuel P., and Jessie M. Their mother having died in 1875, he married Mary J. Gardner, March 21, 1878. She is the daughter of David Gardner, who came to this county in 1831. Mr. Donaldson is a member of the Presbyterian church, and in politics a Republican. W. L. Keefer, merchant and woolen mamafacturer, was born July 28, 1828, in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, son of Solomon and Elizabeth (Long) Keefer, natives of Germany and Huntingdon county, respectively. The father died in 1838, and the mother in 1835, and their children were named as follows: William; David; John, deceased; Eveline; Elmira, de- ceased, and Moses. Our subject was educated in the common schools, and at the age of twenty years engaged on the coverlet and carpet business in Huntingdon county. He spent about two years in Illinois, returned to his native county, and was married March 31, 1853, to Mary A., a daughter of Reverend Andrew Spanogle, and to this union were born two children: Catharine E. and Delia S. His wife died February 1, 1859, and he was again married, May 7, 1862, to Mary A., daughter of William David- son, a native of this county, and to this union were born seven children: Benjamin F. ; Virginia W. ; William E. ; Maria E., deceased. ; Willis J; James R., and an infant, deceased. His second wife died June 2, 1887. Mr. Keefer built the Good Intent woolen mill in 1856, and has carried on the business ever since. He spent one year in the oil business. He has filled the office of school director for six years, and is serving his fourth term as township treasurer, having been elected by the Republicans. He was post- master at Porterfield postoffice a score of years. John Davison was one of the county commissioners during the con- BIOGRAPHIES OF HIGHLAND. 1115 structioii of the court house and the county poor house. He has served as director of the Venacgo County Agricultural Society a number of years, was a delegate to the state convention of 1888, and at the present time is president of the school board of Richland township. He and his estiuial^le wife are members of the Presl)yterian church, of Nickleville. He is one of the representative citizens of Venango county, and in politics is a Repub- lican. William Hagerty, farmer and oil producer, was born near Anderson's Mills, in Scrubgrass township, Venango county, September 29, 1884. His father, James S. Hagerty, was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, July 17, 1806, and at the age of twelve years removed with his parents to Rock- land township, Venango county. In 1844 he located in Emlenton. His father was a millwright, and from him James S. learned the trade which he followed for more than half a century. He was married October 18, 1832, to Miss Sarah Webster, who bore him nine children: Ann; Miranda, married to Matthew McCasland, of Colorado; William; George, married fir.st to Sarah McCain and next to Lizzie Gault; Adaline, wife of James Pat- rick; Miles, married to Mary Coax, and three who died in infancy. Mr. Hagerty is still living, retired, in Emlenton. At the age of seven William Hagerty removed with his parents to Falling Springs, Venango county, and thence to what is now Gicring's. In 1844 he removed with his father to Emlenton, where the latter erected the Exchange hotel, on the site of the present St. Cloud. Our subject attended school both in the country and Emlenton, and worked for a time at the carpenter's trade, assisting his father. In 1857 he engaged in lumbering in Forest county, and continued at the same until 1870, in which year he removed to the farm where he now resides. In December, 1858, he married Miss Caroline Weller, of Emlen- ton. From this union have sprung seven childi-en: Carrie M., wife of Christopher Malt; Sarah A., wife of E. L. Godfrey; Curtin A., married to Libby Calvert; Mary E., wife of Harvey A. Robertson; Harry W. ; Maud M. , and James S. Mr. Hagerty is a Republican, and a member of the K. of L. He is actively engaged in farming, oil producing, and coal mining. John Persing, farmer and oil producer, was born February 18, 1839, in this county, son of Abram and Mary (Walters) Persing, natives of eastern Pennsylvania, who came to this county about the year 1829. They settled on a farm and became the parents of ten children: Daniel; Susan; Mary A. ; Sarah J. ; Hannah; Amelia; John; Levina; Rachel, and William. They moved to Kansas in 1869, taking with them seven of their children, some of whom returned. Our subject was educated in the common schools and has devoted the greater part of his busy life to farming, and threshing grain during the season. He has also devoted some time to the sale of farming implements. He was married in 1860 to Anna Eliza, daughter of Henry and Frances Weeter, of Clarion county. By their union thev have had ten 1116 HISTOKY OF VENANGO COUNTY. children: William, married to Allies Wenner; Mary, wife of H. G. Weaver; Emma, widow of P. Q. Myers; Alice, deceased; Nora E., deceased; Cora; Luella; Bertha; Myrtle, and Florence C. Cyrus R. Portekfield, farmer, was born August 7, 1833, in this county, son of Joseph and Hannah (Hall) Porterfield, the former a native of West- moreland and the latter of Venango county. They were the parents of seven children: John C. ; James; William; Cyrus R. ; Priscilla; Samuel, deceased, and Sarah, deceased. Cyrus R. was married in 1856 to Nancy Davidson, daughter of William Davidson, and they have had seven children: Clinton; Frank; Grant; John; Carrie; Effie, and Flora. Our subject is a Democrat in politics and has served as constable of this township. He is a member of the Masonic order, and his wife of the Presbyterian church. W. K. McMuRDY, a farmer and mason, was born August 7, 1836, in this county, son of Samuel and Mary (Karnes) McMurdy, natives also of this county. Samuel and Mary McMurdy became the parents of three children that are now living and five that are now deceased. The living are: John; Annie, wife of James A. Caldwell, and William K. Mrs. McMurdy died in 1866 and Samuel was again married in 1867 to Maria Hale, a native of this county and to which union were born four children; F. P., deceased; Amanda, wife of Charles King; Mary A., wife of William Burrel, and George. The father of the above named children was one of the leading Democrats of this township for many years. His son, W. K. McMurdy, re- ceived a common school education and began his business life as a stone mason. He was married February 16, 1862, to Mary E. Wingar, a native of this county, and to this union live children have been born: Louisa, wife of Elmer Mangel; Sarah A., wife of J. T. Stover; Samuel H., married to Jennie, a daughter of William Frye of Clarion county; J. J., and Berdie E. M. Mr. McMurdy has tilled most of the township offices and is now serving as constable. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., No. 644, and in politics he is a Democrat. With his wife he belongs to the Methodist Epis- copal church. S. F. Weeter. farmer, was born March 26, 1838, in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, son of Henry and Frances (Frey) Weeter. natives of the same county, who still reside where our subject was born. Their children are as follows: Samuel F. ; Sarah, wife of E. B. Shafer; Anna, wife of John Per- sing; William; Harriet, wife of John Wingard; L. C. ; Frances, wife of Joseph Shiery; John; Ellen, wife of Harry King; Amanda, wife of Reuben Laugher, and Mary. S. F. Weeter was married February 29, 1860, to Susan, a daughter of S. J. and Tena Knaus, and to this union there have been born eight children: Frances C, wife of B. M. Kribbs; Sarah F., wife of John Beris; John J., deceased; Mary E., wife of R. Pierce; William H. ; Laura B. ; Harvey F., and Lizzie M. Mr. Knaus was born in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, in 1812, came to this county about 1832, and is the U'Ji^. BIOGRAIMIIES OF RICHLAND. 1117 father of seven cliildren: Freitta, wife of Robert Shively; Amanda and "William James Franklin, twins, deceased; Caroline deceased; Margaretta; Mary, deceased, and A. J., deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Weeter are members of the Reformed church, and in politics he is a Democrat. D. B. Levier, farmer, was born in this township April 10, 1839, son of John and Jane (Maitland) Levier. The former was born at Slippery Rock, Butler county, in 1799, son of Danit-l Levier, a native of France. The mother was a daughter of Andrew Maitland, one of the early settlers of Rockland township. John Levier came into this township in 1827 and bought land of the Bingham estate. D. B. was brought up on the farm where he now resides; he had limited educational advantages. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volun- teers, and was in the service until the close of the war, participating in the campaigns of the Army of the Potouiac. He was successively promoted to the position of first lieutenant and captain, serving in the latter capacity when mustered out. After several years in the oil regions, he engaged in farming in 1867. In 1869 he married Miss S. M. Gardner, a school teacher in Oil City, and a native of Callensburg, Clarion county. Of five children born to them, three are living: ClifFord, Herbert, and Helen. The family are connected with the Presbyterian church of Nickleville. James Levier, who was born in 1796 and died in 1887, also settled in Richland about the year 1828. Christopher C. Middleton, farmer, was born October 26, 1843, in this county, son of John and Mary (Phipps) Middleton, natives of Centre and Clarion counties, Pennsylvania, respectively. Mrs. Mary Middleton is a full cousin of the celebrated Matthew Simpson. She was married in 1823, and to her were born twelve children, seven of whom are living. Mr. Mid- dleton was one of the first settlers of the locality in which he lived, an ear- nest worker in the Methodist church, did much for the advancement of so- ciety, and died January 4, 1881. His son, Christopher C. Middleton, re- ceived a common school education, and was married January 31, 1870, to Anna M. , daughter of Robert Gr. Porterfield of this county, and to this union have been born three children: Myrtle M. ; Lucy W. , and AVillard Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton are members of the Methodist E|)isco- pal church of Emlenton. He was a charter member of the Royal Templars of Temperance of Emlenton, and is an active worker in the Prohibition cause. W. Martin Porterfield, farmer, was born July 21, 1844, in this couiitv, to Robert G. and Lucy (Lyon) Porterfield. Robert Porterfield was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, and came to this county about the year 1805. Here he followed lumbering in the early part of his life, then engaged in farming, and became the father of a family of eleven children: 1118 HISTOliY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Sarah M., who died in 1851: T. James; Clara C. ; Lucy J. ; Robert A., who died in 1888; Annie; Joseph, who died June 23, 1838; Mary L. ; John W., who served four years in the war of the Rebellion and died June 22, 1876; W. Martin, and Albert W., who died September 1, 1851. The father built the first frame house in Richland township. He died February 19, 1875. Our subject was educated in the common schools. He was married Septem- ber 21, 1870, to Cynthia J. Grant, a native of Butler county, Pennsylvania, and to this union have been born six children: Ernest R. ; Blanche; Aus- tin T. ; Clyde H. ; Emoy M., and Clair L. Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Democrat, and belongs to the I. O. O. F., No. 641. Montgomery Criswell, farmer, was born September 20, 1848, a son of Robert and Hannah (Nickle) Criswell, the former a native of Centre county aud the latter of Venango. He was married September 28, 1874, to Ellen Weaver, and of four children born to them three are living: Pearl E. ; Blanch P. , and Royal G. Mr. Criswell is a Republican and a member of the I. O. O. F. He has served as township collector and school director. Silas Criswell, farmer, is a son of Robert and Hannah (Nickle) Cris- well, and was born February 6, 1852. Ho was educated in the public schools, taught school three terms in this county, and has followed farming ever since. March 30, 1876, he married Lucinda Reath, and they are the parents of six children: an infant, deceased; Myrtle; Fleming; Nellie; Mary, and Edith. Mr. Criswell is a Republican in politics and with his wife a member of the Presbyterian church. Charles W. Shaner, farmer, was born in Beaver township, Clarion county, Pennsylvania, April 21, 1845, the son of Charles and Mary (Biery) Shaner, native of Lehigh county, Pennsylvania. The brothers and sisters of Charles, Sr., were: Henry; Samuel; Dinah; Susan; Hettie; Sally Ann, and Jeremiah, all of whom are dead except Hattie and Jeremiah. Charles came with his mother's family from Lehigh county early in the thirties and settled in Richland township, his father having died in the East. In 1840 he was married to Mary Ann Biery, from which union sprang these chil- dren: Henry H. , deceased; John B. ; C. W. ; Milton B. ; Susanna; Mary M. ; Francis A., and James O. The parents located in Clarion county after marriage, but in 1857 returned to the farm on which Charles W. now lives, where the father died July 5, 1874, and his widow November 3, 1887. Our subject enlisted in Company M. , Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry, February 23, 1864, and served until August, 1865, when he was discharged. He was married July 26, 1866, to Mary G., daughter of Philip Crotzer of Richland township and has five living children: William H. ; Ida B. ; Harry H. ; Clem ent C. , and Minnie. Mr. Shaner was engaged in the oil business until 1870, then followed butchering until 1878. During 1876-79 he was constable, collector, and assessor of his township, and mercantile appraiser of the BIOGKAl'HIES OF ROCKLAND. nr.t county in 1879-80. He acted as deiuity HherilT I'roni 1880 to 1883. He is a member of the G. A. R. and votes the llepublicaii ticket. TiLGHMAN A. GiERiNG, miller, was born Sei)tembor 10, 1845, in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, to Lewis and Louisa (Knass) Glaring, who came to Venango county in 1855. They had five children: Sophia C, wife of Ab- salom Beary; Herman L. ; Tilghman A. ; Mary M., wife of William Bishop, and Albert E. The mother died in 1884, the father May 29, 1888. Our subject was married in 1870 to Eva Lovier, daughter of John Levier, and they had five childi-en, three of whom are living: Louie J. ; Lewis H., and Irene. Mr. Giering has been identified with the milling business nearly all his life, his present mill having coiue into possession of his father in 1857. He is a Democrat in politics, and the present postmaster at Porter- field. Mr. and Mrs. Giering are members of the Presbyterian church. John Adam Weller, farmer and oil produce)-, was born in Emlenton, Pennsylvania, January 10, 1853, and is a son of Joseph and Angeline Weller, a sketch of whom appears in the biographical chapter on that borough. He attended the public schools of his native village and spent his early life in the store and on the farm aiding his father. He was married November 11, 1873, to Miss Mary E., daughter of William and Catharine (Billingsley) Kerr of Pittsburgh. Five children were born to this union, four of whom are living: William J. ; Wallace W. ; Harry E., and Nellie G. Mr. Weller is a stanch Democrat and with his wife belongs to the Reformed church. ROCKLAND. Andrew Maitland, a deceased pioneer of Rockland township, removed from Butler county early in the present century to a farm now in the pos- session of John Hetzler near the village of Freedom, and later located in the vicinity of Barr's Corners, where he died at the age of seventy-seven and is biu-ied in the cemetery of Rockland Methodist Episcopal church. He reared the following family: John; Andrew; Alexander; Nancy, Mrs. John Gra- ham; Ann, who married John O'Neil; Margaret, who became the wife of Silas Brown; Sarah, Mrs. John Webster; Polly, who married James Redick. and after his death John Hendershott, all of whom are deceased except Alexander, still a resident of the township. Andrew Maitland, Jr., married Jane, daughter of William Elliott of Callensburg, Clarion county, Pennsylvania; he died May 12, 1883, at the age of seventy-one, and was preceded to the grave by his wife January 26, 1871, her agehaving been sixty-two. They reared six children: Major John B., of Oil City; Sarah J., wife of Stephen Burgwin of Clarion county, Penn- sylvania; William A.; Sylvester, who died in childhood; Caroline, wife of William Moore of Salem City, Cranberry township, and Ellen. William A. Maitland, county commissioner, was born in Rockland township, June 22, 1842, son of Andrew and Jane (Elliott) Maitland. He 1120 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. obtained a common school education. In 1866-68 he resided in Richland township, part of that time engaged in the store of Shippen & Maitland at Stapley furnace. In 1869 he located permanently in Rockland and engaged in farming. In 1887 he Avas elected county commissioner, and is president of the board. He has also held various township offices, and is a Repub- lican in politics. In 1867 he married Miss Anna N., daughter of Samiiel Echelberger, then of Rockland later of Mill Creek township, Mercer county, Pennsylvania. They are the parents of three children: Cora J., a graduate of McElwain Institute, New Lebanon, Pennsylvania; Samuel E., and Avanella H. The family is Methodist in faith. John Sullingek, a deceased pioneer of Rockland township, was a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. He married Lovina Judge of that county, and in 1805 came to Venango county and settled upon a four hun- dred acre tract of land in this township. In 1813 he brought out his wife and family, consisting of twelve children: John; Alexander; Peter; Samuel; James P.; Jacob; Andrew; Daniel; Annie, who married Captain William Karns; Elizabeth, who became the wife of Adam Karns; Mary, who married James McDonald, and Catharine, who became the wife of James Hoffman. All are dead excepting Jacob, who resides in Elizabeth, Alleghehy county, Pennsylvania. John, Sr., was a soldier in the Revolution, and followed the trade of weaver. He died about 1845, at Warren, Ohio, at the ad- vanced age of ninety- one years. His wife died some years previously. James P. Sdllingek, fifth sou of John, Sr. , was born in 1808. He learned the blacksmith trade,, at which he worked in early life, subsequently removed to Richland township, where he purchased a farm and engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was constable and collector of that township some twenty years. He married Susan Christy, of Westmoreland county, daugh- ter of James Christy. The children born of this union were: Andrew, of Rockland township; Jane, widow of Alexander McDonald; Francis D., principal of the Third Ward school, of Franklin; Lovina, wife of Thomas Hylaud; Daniel; Alexander H. ; James C. ; Samuel; Leanna, deceased wife of James Robbins, and Zila, deceased wife of James Cox. The mother died in February, 18813, her husband surviving her until the following July. Elihu Chadwick, deceased, was born in New Jersey, September 8, 1805. The ancestry of the family is traced to John Chadwick, of England, who died June 20, 1789, and Johanna Reynolds, his wife, who was born in Ber- muda and died September 20, 1739. Their son, John Chadwick, born March 12, 1713, immigrated to America and was killed April 18, 1783, by Hessian refugees. His wife's maiden name was Ann Martha Jackson, who was born December 29, 1713, and died October 22, 1799. They had seven sons and four daughters, one of whom was Elihu Chadwick, born in New Jersey, May 27, 1759. He served through the Revolutionary war, being succes- sively promoted from the rank of lieutenant to that of lieutenant colonel of BIOGRAPHIES OF ROCKLAND. 1121 a New Jersey regiment. He died August 30, 1887, at Smethport, McKean county, having moved to that part of the .state and settled at the mouth of North creek within the present limits of Cameron county in 181 "2. He was twice married and was the father of sixteen children. Rebecca Jeffery, his second wife, was born February 1. 1774, and died May 18, 1841, the mother of fourteen children. The subject of this sketch, a son of Elihu and Kebecca (JefPery) Chadwick, was born in New Jersey and came to Pennsylvania with his parents at the age of seven years. He was educated in the commtm schools and at an academy in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, then in charge of his older brother, Richard Chadwick. He studied more particularly survey- ing and civil engineering, acquiring a high degree of proficiency in these branches. In 1884 he came to Venango county in the employ of the general agent of the Bingham estate to make re- surveys of their lands in Venango and adjoining counties. Within a few years he was appointed local agent for the sale and survey of the Bingham lands, and acted in this capacity until all their holdings in Venango county had been disposed of, discharging the duties of this responsible position in a spirit of fairness to all concerned. In 1836 he married Isabel, daughter of John Jolly, his predecessor as agent for the Bingham estate and a pioneer of Rockland township. They were the parents of nine children, six of wliom arrived at maturity and are now living: James D., attorney at law, Franklin; Francis C. ; Miles B., municipal judge, Owatonna, Minrnesota; Clara; Bingham Hale, of Jacksonville, Florida, lately connected with the Times-Union of that city, and Leroy Shippen, physician, Cleveland, Ohio. In 1806 Mr. Chadwick removed to Cleveland, Ohio, where he resided until his death, October 3, 1882. William Smith, retired farmer, was born in Centre county, Pennsylva- nia, in 1813, and came to this county with his parents, Daniel and Mary (Leasher) Smith, pioneers of Rockland township, where Daniel Smith was postmaster at Rockland postoffice and an early justice of the peace. They were the parents of a large family, twelve of whom grew to maturity. The father died January 13, 1874, at the age of eighty-three, and the mother May 20, 1875, at the age of seventy-five. Our subject received his educa- tion at the schools of the neighborhood, and engaged in farming on his own account at his present residence, when this part of the township was yet a wilderness. He has been identified with the schools of the township, both as teacher and director, has served as justice of the peace, and as county commissioner. He was married November 20, 1834, to Elizabeth Arm- strong of Clarion county, and has had eleven children: Mary J., wife of James H. Askey; Robert; Daniel S., who served during the late war in Company F, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry; William T. ; Charles W. ; Sarah E., wife of Charles Collingwood; Miles B. ; Steadman A. ; Annie M. ; John R., and George W\, deceased. Mr. Smith is one of the oldest members of the Methodist Episcopal church in this county. 1122 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. John D. Smith, farmer, was born April 25, 1820, in this township, son of Daniel and Mary (Leasher) Smith, and of their numerous family the fol- lowing are now living: William; John D. ; Daniel; Martha; Maria; Ellen; Jane, and Henrietta. Our subject was married March 24, 1842, to Nancy Huglies, a native of this county, and to this union were born fourteen children: Sarah; James K. ; Mary A. ; Nancy J. ; Daniel W. : Maria; Foster O. ; Lovina; Walter L. ; John D. ; Frances E. ; Jennie M. , and two who died in infancy. John Hetzler was born May 12, 1818, in Monroe county. New York, son of John and Elizabeth (Troutner) Hetzler. The former was born in Centre county. Pennsylvania, of German origin. He was the father of four children: Mrs. Elizabeth Bly; John; Frederick, and Daniel. The family located in this township in 1819; from 1832 to 1837 they lived in Monroe county, and with this exception Mr. Hetzler has passed his entire life in this township. Here he obtained a common school education, and during his stay in New York studied surveying. He was engaged at the furnaces of this vicinity for a number of years. In 1845 he began farming on the farm originally settled by his father and now owned by himself, in addition to which he owns four other tracts in this township, the home farm being in the well known Ked Valley oil district. In 1843 he married Maria, daugh- ter of Daniel Smith, one of the early settlers of this township. They are the parents of three children: Elizabeth, wife of A. P. Dale, of Oil City; Daniel, and Henry, farmers in this township. Mr. Hetzler was elected to the office of county auditor on the Eepublican ticket, the first person elected by that party in this county. He was also elected to the offices of constable, assessor, collector, and school director, and served in each with credit and ability. He was appointed deputy sher- iff by P. R. Gray, and retained by the two succeeding sheriffs, Henry Herpst and C. S. Marks, and discharged the duties assigned to him with en- tire satisfaction to all concerned for three full terms. He was also ap- pointed and served two terms as mercantile appraiser and as tipstaff of the court under Judges Campbell and Trimkey. At the breaking out of the late civil war he was beyond the age required by the government, but showed his loyalty to his country by taking his team and spring wagon — the only vehicle of the kind in his neighborhood — and hauling soldiers to distant railroad stations. He transferred in all about seventy-five men — those from Captain Duncan's company, to Pittsburgh; from Captain Clapp's com- pany, to Kittanning; from Captain Hosey's company, to Callensburg, Clar- ion county, and from Captain Ridgeway's company to Franklin and other places. During these trips Mr. Hetzler often paid his own expenses. Of these seventy-five men all returned from the service but ten. He was com- missioned captain of a Pennsylvania militia company by Governor David R. BIOGRArHIES OF KOCKLAND. H^B Porter, and held the same until the old militia orgarUzutions of the state .vere abandoned. He has been engaged in nnrveying in this locality for some years, and has mad. a map of the lied Valley oil d.str.et. It nas been ^^'S'S^tzler, Sr.. was a soldier in the .ar of 1S12; at th. battle of Black Rock he was captured by the British, and after three months impris- onment at Montreal, exchanged. James Jolly, farmer, was born in this township May 22, 824 son of James Jolly, larmer. wn^ uuxii ... ..-- r^ ' ' , , 1707 David and Elizabeth (Adams) Jolly, the former born September 4, 1/87, the latter in January, 1796. They were among ^^-J^'-^yf'^^'' ""^l township, and the parents of eleven children: WiHiam ^^'^^"^ Jones; Thomas; James; Mrs. Rebecca Shannon; David; Mrs. Isabella Stout; JohnN.; Mrs. Nancy J. Graham; Mrs. Rachel Karnes and Emme^ line Barr He had a common school education, and lived on the farm with his parents until their death, inheriting the farm originally settled by his father, from which he has never been absent more than a month at one time in his life. March 30, 1871, he married Eliza C. Ross, daughter o Samuel Ross, formerly of this township. They have one son, Howard Thomas, born May 30, 1872. Mr. Jolly is an elder in the Presbytenan church of this township. 1 • a + Abraham D. Koch was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, August 99 1807, and died June 9, 1867; Harriet (Fritz) Koch, his wife, was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, September 19, 1817. He was a miller by trade, and in 1840 moved from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania to Claiion county He followed the milling business there, and during 1846 moved to Venango county, Pennsylvania, and built a mill at East Sandy. He was postmaster at East Sandy for a number of years. Their children were ten fa number: Caroline, who died in infancy; Hannah, who was ^^-/j^-^^^^ 10 1837, and died May 20, 1860; John, who was born September 29, 1839, ^ enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Fi^h Pennsylvania Volun^^^^^^^^ was promoted to second lieutenant, and died May 19, 1864, ^^^ B^lle 1 lams, Virginia, while in the service; Alfred, who was born August 20, 1842, en- listed in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volun- teers, and serwed' through the war, was married to Elizabeth Schmelz y, July 4 1867, is a miller by trade, and followed that business until 1887, when he was appointed United States ganger and store-keepei-, and is now running a mill in Clarion county, Pennsylvania; William, who was born September 15, 1844, a miller and distiller by trade, married to Mary E. mTcIu, September 17, 1874; George, born April 6, 1847; Sarah, who was born September 13, 1849, and died June 16, 1864; Aaron^ born FeW arv 9 1852; Jerry H., born June 21, 1854, and married to Mary J. Ewex, September 1, 1886, who died November 17, 1887; and Ocella I., born Sep- tember 14, 1857, and educated in Carrier Seminary. George, Aaron, and 1124 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Jerry H. were educated in common schools and at Duff's Commercial Col- lege of Pittsburgh. George has followed the oil business since old enough; in company with his brother AVilliam and Doctor Knight he drilled thirty- one oil wells in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, and in company with his brothers William and Jerry H. , and in several cases with others, has drilled seventy- four wells, making one hundred and five wells, ninety-six of which were good producing wells. He edited the Fern City Weekly Illuminator, and was a candidate for the Pennsylvania legislature in 1886; he is the in- ventor and holds a patent on the full sized drill, doing away with the rimmer, which lowered the cost of drilling three-fourths, and in company with his brother William, has a patent on solid rim bull wheels, which has been of great service to the trade. He and his l)rother William have eight United States patents, mostly relating to the oil business. Charles Linn, farmer, was born April 18, 1826, in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania. His parents. George and Elizabeth (Batholomew) Linn, had sixteen children, nine of whom are living: Elias; William; Silas; Charles; Annie; Sarah; Leah; Hester, and Eliza. The family came to this county about the year 1845, and the father followed farming until he died. Our sul)ject had the advantage of a common school education, and began for himself as a stone mason. He was married August 30, 1848, to Catharine Eumberger, a native of this county, born in 1830, a daughter of Levi and Nancy Rumberger, who were born in the eastern part of this state. Her father died in 1863, and her mother resides with our subject. Mr. and Mrs. Rumberger have had live children: Catharine; Cunningham; Mary A. ; Margaret, and George, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Linn are the parents of nine children: Elizabeth, deceased; Jeremiah; Mary J.; Martha, wife of Reverend Oliver Nickle; Beatty P., a Methodist minister; Maggie D. ; Frank; Boyd, and Minnie, deceased. The entire family are members of the Meth- odist Episco])al church. Mr. Linn has been ten years a school director, and is a Republican in politics. John H. Starr, farmer, was born August 28, 1831, in this county. His parents, Michael and Catharine (Cook) Starr, were natives of Maryland, came to Armstrong county, this state, and thence to this county at an early day. They reared a family of eleven children: Elizabeth, deceased; Jane; Daniel; Michael, deceased; Jacob, deceased; Mary A. ; Eva, deceased; Polly, deceased, Rachel; infant, deceased, and John H., who has been a farmer all of his life. He was married to Sarah Mitchell, daughter of William and Peggy Mitchell, both of Clarion county, and to this union have been born eight children: John T. ; William J. ; Daniel W. ; Mary A. ; Wesley S. , de- ceased; George H., deceased; Michael Emilius, deceased, and Charles V. Our subject and wife are members of the Evangelical church, in politics he has been a Republican, but now throws his interests and influence with the Prohibitionists. BIOGRAPHIES OF ROCKLAND. 1125 Franklin Flowers, minister of the Church of God, Coal City, was born in 1833 in Union county, this state, son of John and Hannah (Solomon) Flowers. John Flowers came to this county in 1845, and was the fatlun- of nine children: Abraham; Polly, deceased; John, deceased; Charles; Henry; Peggy, deceased; Samuel; Franklin, and Elizabeth. Franklin Flowers was educated in the common schools. In 18G1, he enlisted in Company L, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, with which ho was engaged three years and nine months. In 1854 he was united in marriage to Susan Snyder, a native of this county by whom he has had ten children: Absalom I. ; Johnnie, de- ceased; Lizzie; Frank M. C. ; Jennetta; Charles A. ; Romelda; Charles B., deceased; Minnie, and Jacob M. Mr. Flowers is pastor of the Church of God at Emericksville, Jefferson county, Pennsylvania, of which church he and wife are members. In politics ho is a Republican, and one of the worthy citizens of Venango county. Ernest E. Fichte, farmer, was born May 1, 1833, in Dresden, Saxony, Germany, to Godfried and Dorothera Fichte, the parents of three children: Herman, Amelia, and Ernest E. The last named, by occupation a cutler, immigrated to America in 1854, and settled in Pittsburgh until 3859, when he came to this county. He located on the farm in Rockland township where he now resides and has since remained. He enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, in August, 1862, and was in active service for three years. He was married in 1858 to Sarah R. Nunemacher, daughter of George and Sarah Nunemacher, natives of Clarion county, Pennsylvania. Her father died in his native county, and her mother in Venango. Their children were twelve in number, eight of whom are living: Henry; Emmeline; Sarah R. ; Charles; George; Mary; William E., and Alvin. Our subject is the father of two children: M. Emi- lius, residing on the farm with his father, and Emma S. , wife of Charles Rossman, in Emlenton. Mr. Fichte is a member of Koch Post, G. A. R. , and is a Republican in politics. Davidson McElphatrick, oil producer, was born December 5, 1833, in this county, to John and Margaret (McClaran) McElphatrick, natives of Centre and Venango counties, Pennsylvania, respectively. John McEl- phatrick was born in the year 1804, and came to this county in 1820. He was engaged for a number of years in the iron business, and was the father of ten children, six of whom grew to maturity: John; James; Davidson; Robert M. ; Mary, wife of Martin Bensinger, and Martha. The father died in 1857, and his widow in 187U. Our subject received a common school education, and was employed at iron works in his younger days. In No- vember, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Third Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, and after serving nine months was discharged because of disability. He was married in 1865 to Margaret, daughter of John Morri- son, of this county. To this union there have been born three children: 1126 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY. Mary, wife of George B. Witlierup; Johu, deceased, and Gustie D. Mr. McElphatrick is a member of the Good Templars and Protected Home Circle. He is a Prohibitionist, and, with his wife, belongs to the Chnrch of God. Wilson Cross, merchant at Scrubgrass, was born in 1843 in this county, son of Samuel W. and Jane (McCutcheon) Cross. He started in business where he is now located in 1867, and has had a remarkable patronage ever since. His main building is twenty- four by one hundred feet, and the attachment is thirty six by fifty, both being well filled with the general stock demanded by a country community. He does a business of about twenty-five thousand dollars a year. He has also dealt largely in railroad ties for the use of the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company. He is a mem- ber of the K. of H. and K. & L. of H. He is quite active in the interests of the Democratic party, and has been the efficient postmaster at Scrub- grass for thirteen years. He was married in 1866 to Emily West, a native of this county, and has eleven children : Maude : Sadie ; John F. ; Charlie E. ; Flora B. ; Rosa; Addison; Walter; Samuel M., deceased; Clarence, deceased, and an infant, deceased. He and wife are members of the Cu.m- berland Presbyterian church. James H. Ckoss, merchant, is in partnership with his brother Wilson in the general mercantile business at Scrubgrass. He was born in 1854 and was married in October, 1874, to Bunavista Font, a native of Indiana, and to this union there have been born five children: Hessie; Ralph; Dora; Roy, and Homer. Robert A. Myers, farmer and oil producer, was born March 3, 1850, in this county, son of William and Jane (Armstrong) Myers, the former born in 1816 in Venango county, the latter in 1820 in Clarion county, Penn- sylvania. They had the following children: John; James; Robert; Plumer; Sarah E. ; Cynthia A. , and Mary F. William Myers died in 1884. Our sub- ject was educated in the common schools and was brought up at farming. He was married April 30, 1874, to Mary Jane Linn. To this union have l)een born three children: Charlie; Celia, deceased, and Maude. Mr. and Mrs. Myers are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he adheres to the Democratic party. Marion A. Myers, miller, was born December 16, 1854. in this county, son of Solomon A. and Catharine J. (Weaver) Myers, both natives of this county and the parents of fifteen children, nine of whom are living: Clara M. ; Marion A. ; Eleanor E. ; Vernon J. ; Ora E. ; Jennie B. ; Solomon K. ; John S., and Edith Grace. Our subject received his education in the com- mon schools of Venango county, at Reid Institute, Reidsburg, Clarion county, this state, and at Smithfield (George's Creek Academy), Fayette county, also in this state. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. , No. 952. Rockland. For two years he taught school in this county, and is now serving as school BIOGRAPHIES OF ROCKLAND. " 1127 director. He has followed tlu> milling' l)i;siiioss since 1S75, and is h stancb Democrat. David K. Buchanan, ferryman at Scruhgrass, was born IMay 12, 1850, to William M. and Henrietta (Kling) Buchanan, in Chester county, Pennsyl- vania. William M. Buchanan was the father of six children, but two of whom, J. C. and David K., reside in Venango county. Our subject came to this county in 1872, and engaged in the oil business. In 1884 he pur- chased the ferry across the Allegheny river at Scrubgrass. He was elected justice of the peace in 1883, and has served with ability and credit, being re-elected in 1888. For five years he has been serving as school director, and for four years has been president of that board. He has also gained some fame as a writer, his contributions to the columns of the Oil City Derrick under the nom deplume of "Uncle John" and "The Corporal " having elicited considerable favorable comment. He was married January 27, 1876, to Marietta McElroy, a native of Ohio, and to this union seven children have been born: Henrietta M. ; William C. ; Bertha E. ; Edna H. ; Herbert E. ; Ethel F., and Leonard J. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan are mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Addison H. Bowser, physician and surgeon, was born February 18, 1862, in Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, son of D. S. and Lydia (Mc- Colum) Bowser, natives of Armstrong county, and the parents of nine daughters and three sons. He was educated at Worthington Academy, Armstrong county, and Reid Institute, Clarion county, Pennsylvania, taught school several terms, and began the study of medicine in 1882 under the instruction of Doctor S. C. Johnston, of Greenville, Clarion county, Penn- sylvania. He was graduated fi'om the Western Reserve Medical University of Cleveland, Ohio, February 25, 1885, and first located at Salina, this county, in March, 1885. From there he went to Centerville, this county, where he practiced for two years, and November 22, 1887, he located at Freedom, Rockland township, where he now enjoys a lucrative practice. He is a member of the Venango County Medical Society, and also of the alumni of the Western Reserve University. July 6, 1882, ha married Sadie H. Booth, a native of Greenville, Clarion county, Pennsylvania, and by her has had two children: Ira D. and Bertha E. Both he and wife are consistent members of the Baptist church. William E. Askey, professional teacher, was born November 1, 1862, son of Harrison and Mary J. (Smith) Askey, natives of Centre and this county, respectively. They were the parents of the following children: Clara, wife of L. Stroup; Mary, deceased; William E. ; Edwin N., also a professional teacher; Jennie, deceased; Burton, and Ida. Harrison Askey came to this county with his parents about the year 1836, is descended from Scotch-Irish ancestry, and was a farmer by occupation. His son, William E., was married October 3, 1886, to Jessie W., a daughter of Major J. B. 1128 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. Maitland, of Oil City, and to this union have been born two children: Edgar; Ernest, and John Maitland. Mr. Askey began teaching in 1880, and has continued ever since with remarkable success, being considered one of the most efficient teachers in Venango county. He and wife are active members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of the Sabbath schools of which organization he has been superintendent for five years, and of which he is class leader. PINEGROVE. Samuel Speechley, farmer, was born November 1, 1832, in England and is a son of Samuel and Maria (Webster) Speechley, natives of the same country and the parents of five children: Adelaide; Samuel; Emma, deceased; Maria, and Charles, deceased. The father was for many years engaged in the hotel business in Newmarket, Cambridgeshire, England, and with his wife belonged to the Episcopal church. Samuel, our subject, received a common school education in his native country, and at the age of fourteen years he began learning locomotive building and marine engi- neering in Newcastle-on-Tyne; at twenty he was sent to China by the firm of Robert Stephenson & Company to join a steamer plying between Hong Kong and Calcutta in the opium trade. He continued at that for about three years, then entered the Chinese government service for the purpose of putting down piracy on the coast of China, which was very rife at that time (1855-56); in 1857 he started the first engineering business in China at Hong Kong and conducted it for thirteen years. In 1872 he visited Amer- ica, and after one year's residence in Cranberry township decided to stay. He settled on his present farm of one hundred acres — the seat of the great Speechley gas district, mentioned elsewhere in this work. He was married in China (1864) to Margaret Galbraith, a native of Ireland, and has two children: Emily, born in China, and Adelaide, born in America. Mr. Speechley was brought up in the faith of the Episcopal church. Mrs. Speechley' s parents, James and Janet (Patterson) Galbraith, were of the old Scottish Covenanter faith, in which they reared their children. George W. Powell, farmer, was born February 5, 1819, the son of Samuel Powell, and first white child born in Pinegrove township. He engaged in farming on his father's place at the age of twenty-one, and was also employed at surveying and school teaching. In 1852 he went to Cali- fornia and remained until 1858, working at lumbering and mining. In 1860 he went into the oil business, continuing at this until 1877, when he resumed farming. In 1861 he married Maria Williams, daughter of Rich- ard Williams, who is the mother of six children: Samuel; Elizabeth; Nettie; Ellen; William, and May. He is recognized as one of the most intelligent men of the township, succeeding in this respect to the position held by his father. The latter was exceptionally well informed considering the time and circumstances in which he lived. He corresponded with Jackson, Clay, BIOGRAPHIES OF PINEGROVE. 1129 Ciilhouu, Hiul other promiuont public lueii, and represented the towuship in tlie first public school convention ever held in Venango county. James McKissick was born in Center township, liutler county, ri-miHyl- vania, January 10, 1820, son of John and Sarah (McCandlessj McKissick. He was brought up on a farm and had limited educational advantages. In 1844 he began farming in Slippery Rock township, and removed to Pine- grove township eight years later. Here he bought laud, of which but live acres were cleared, and now owns two hundred and forty-seven acres, of which nearly one hundred are under cultivation. In 1844 he married Eliza- beth, daughter of J. W. Turk, born July 2, 1822, who is the mother of eleven children, of whom nine are living: Samuel, who was injured two years ago cutting timber; Robert, who studied medicine at Cleveland and Toledo, and has a promising career before him; Margaret; Sarah, wife of William McKissick; Rebecca, wife of George Lauffer; ElizaVjeth, wife of A. F. Korb; Marietta, wife of C. C. Stover; Martha, wife of Thomas McLaugh- lin, and Mary H. , at home. Two sons are dead — J. H. , who did not live to maturity, and John, a lawyer of Franklin, who died at Marietta, Georgia, March 18, 1883. Mr. McKissick was justice of the peace and school director many years. In politics he is a Democrat. J. S. McPherson, farmer, was born in Armstrong county, now Clarion, April 11, 1825, son of David and Hannah (Anderson) McPherson. Joseph McPherson, father of David, was of Scotch-Irish descent, and settled in Northumberland county, where David McPherson was born. In 1804 the latter removed to Armstrong county. He was drafted during the war of 1812. He helped to lay out the pike from Bellefonte to Waterford, and while engaged at this work learned at Clarion of sickness in his family. He hastened home, to tind a daughter dead of consumption. He and wife died in 1851 and are buried in the town of Clarion. His mother was Mary Steele, of French descent. Our subject had such education as the district schools afforded, and at the age of eighteen began work at iron furnaces in Clarion, following this two years, when he learned the moulding trade, and pursued this vocation until obliged to quit it three years later on account of his eyes. He then went into the lumber and boat building business on Clarion river. In 1855 he removed to Venango county and kept hotel at President four years. Since that time he has been engaged in farming, having lived at his present residence twenty-one years. He was one of the first coroners of Clarion county, served as borough constable of the town of Clarion seven consecutive terms and as deputy sheriff six years, also as school director in President township, and has been justice of the peace in Pinegrove town- ship since 1873. June 23, 1853, he was married to Susan E. McCalmont, dauc-hter of John B. McCalmont, the first school teacher of the township, who removed to Illinois in 1859, where he died February 24, 1882, in his seventy-seventh year. The children of Mr. and Mrs. McPherson with dates 1180 HISTORY OF YENANGO COUNTY. of birth are as follows: Johu, 1854; Elliott, 1856; Edwin, 1858; William L., 1861; Samuel, 1863; Alfred, 1865; Byron, 1867; Annie May, 1869; Frederick, deceased, 1871, and Blucher, 1875. Mr. McPherson is con- sidered a fine performer on the violin, and is known and esteemed by a wide circle of filends. An uncle of his father was president judge of North- umbei'land county a number of years. Isaac Fertig was born July 27, 1807, in Chester county, Pennsylvania, the son of Abraham and Susan Fertig. His father removed to Schuylkill county in 1809, and died there some years later. Isaac Fertig' s schooling was very limited. At the age of seventeen he began boating on the Schuylkill canal, and also worked on the Susquehanna canal. In 1832 he crossed the mountains, and worked at his trade of carpenter in Tionesta. In 1834 he removed to this township, then a wilderness, where he bought land, improved and cleared gradually, working in various other ways in the meantime. He was married in 1832 to Hannah Stover, daughter of John Stover, an early settler in this neighborhood, buried at the Centerville cemetery. Of a family of twelve the children now living are: Joseph, of Hyde- town; John, of Titusville; Samuel, of Titus ville; Peter, in Kansas; Jane, at home; Frank, at Toledo; Caroline, wife of John Millikin, in Kansas; Amanda, wife of M. W. Quick, of Titusville; Sarah, wife of Sebastian Henne, and Charles. The oldest, Rebecca, wife of Jacob Kinch, died of consumption, and the youngest, Hannah (Jones), was burned in a railroad wreck at Brad- ford. The postoffice at Centerville, which bears Mr. Fertig' s name, was established largely through his efforts. Mrs. Fertig has been a consistent member of the Methodist church more than forty years. Henky Kapp was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1810, son of George and Hannah (Kuntz) Kapp. He was brought up on a farm, with no educational advantages. At the age of nine years he moved with his father's family to Fryburg, Clarion county. When he be- came of age he returned to Lancaster county, and worked at various pur- suits more than a year. He th^n returned and entered into partnership with his father in the purchase of one hundred and sixty-five acres of land, and upon his father's death succeeded to his interest. He also bought sixty acres adjoining. In 1882 he opened a store at Lineville, and in 1884 re- moved to Centerville. He was married in 1832 to Catharine Eickeubrode, daughter of an old resident of Clarion county, and of a family of ten chil- dren born to them, eight are living: Mrs. Leah Rankin; George F. ; Henry W. ; Eli; Mrs. Sarah Weaver; Mrs. Minnie Male; Samuel, and John, all of whom are residents of this or the adjoining county. The two children dead are Jacob, who died in childhood, and Mattie, wife of Daniel Kinch, who left a large family. Mr. Kapp gave his children liberal assistance in estab- lishing themselves in life. His death occurred in 1889. TuoM.\s A. Fulton, deceased, was born, in 1817 in Centre county, Penn- BIOGRAPHIES OF riNEGKOVE. 1131 sylvauia, the son of John and Margaret Fulton. He was hnnitjht up near Bellefonte aud attended the schools of the neighborhood. In 1811, at the age of twenty- four, he came to Venango county, where he had relatives, and stayed with his uncle, Samuel McKinuey, several months, working at his trade as a collier, at which he continued until the furnaces began to use coke. February 25, 1862, having enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, he left home to join the regular army. He was engaged in the severe fighting around Richmond, and served through the campaigns of this and the following year. In 1864 he re-en- listed in Company K, One Hundred and Third Pennsjdvania Volunteers, and May 21st of this year with his whole regiment he was captured at Plymouth, North Carolina, and consigned to Anderson ville prison. Letters written there in May did not reach Mrs. Fulton until the following winter. After undergoing all the hardships of gradual starvation he died June 17, 1864, and rests in an unmarked grave under the southern sun. April 80, 1844, he married Phoebe A., daughter of William and Catharine (Lovell) Dixon of Rockland township, formerly of Centre county. Their family is as fol- lows: Mrs. Mattie J. Aiken, who lives at Richburg, New York; James Hutchison, who served in the army sixteen months, and is a farmer in this township; Mrs. Amanda Goodman, who resides at Lineville; William O., of Washington; Curtis C, of Washington, Pennsylvania; Thomas A., and Mrs. Dorleska Booth, of Washington. Mrs. Fulton owns one hundred acres of land in her own right and receives a government pension. James Anderson, farmer, was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, March 31, 1819, son of John and Jane (Welsh) Anderson, the former a native of Washington county, the latter the daughter of Valentine Welsh, who lived south of Pittsburgh. They removed to Venango county about 1830, locating in Rockland township, but afterward removed to Pinegrove where James was brought up, attending the schools of the district. At the age of twenty-one he began work at iron furnaces, lumber mills, etc. In 1845 he bought one hundred acres of land, upon which he now lives, paying therefor two dollars and twenty-five cents per acre. He now has more than fifty acres under cultivation. His present house was built in 1881, the barn in 1884, to replace one erected in 1872 aud burned by lightning in July, 1884. In 1860 he married Rebecca Stover, widow of Daniel Stover, and daughter of George Blosser, an early settler. Four children are living: William A. ; Mary J. ; John H. , and Francis L. Mr. Anderson served as constable in 1852-55, and has held various other local oflfices. Politically he is a Republican. H. H. Schwab, farmer was born December 21, 1829, in Washington township, Clarion county, Pennsylvania, son of Henry and Catharine (Liliah) Schwab. The grandfather on the father's side was born in this country, and on the mother's side in Germany. Mr. Schwab had limited educational ad- 1132 HISTORY or VENANGO COUNTY. vantages. At the age of twenty-one he learned the trade of carpenter, working at this four years, when he began farming on the Knight farm, this township. He sold this place during the first oil excitement and bought lots in Lineville with the intention of starting a store, but never carried out this idea. In 1866-67 he bought the Johnston farm; eight years later his present farm of one hundred and fifteen acres was secured, and has been brought to a high state of cultivation. He was married in 1856 to Margaret, daughter of Adam Greaer, of Ashland township, Clarion county, and of a family of ten children eight are living: William F., a farmer; Mrs. Fannie Sigworth; Andrew C, school teacher; Agnes L. ; Wesley M. ; Albert N. ; Seward v., and Lily N. The family is connected with the Lutheran church of Fryburg. In politics Mr. Schwab is a Republican. George Smith, farmer, was born in Bavaria, Germany, August 3, 1830, son of Casimir and Appolonia Smith. His grandfather was eighty-two at death, his father eighty-four. The latter served eleven years in the armies of Napoleon, and was at the burning of Moscow. He immigrated to Amer- ica in 1840, landing in Baltimore, whence he proceeded to Pittsburgh. Here the family stayed over winter, and George, a boy of ten, heard Presi- dent Harrison make a speech, of which he could not understand a word, and shook hands with him. In March, 1841, the father having bought a farm in this township, the family removed thither. At the age of twenty George began life for himself, cutting cordwood, and in the course of five or six years had earned enough to buy one hundred and fifty acres of land, half of which is now under cultivation, with large orchards. The barn, built in 1875, and the house, built in 1879, are among the most substantial in the township. Mr. Smith was married in 1856 to Annie Silzle, daughter of John M. Silzle, a native of Germany, who died in September, 1878, at the age of seventy-five. Hannah Laufer, his wife, was born in Wurtem- bnrg, and died August 28, 1879, aged seventy-four. Of a family of nine children six are living: John, a well driller. Canton, Mississippi; Cornelius, derrick builder; George; Anna; Mary, and Alfred. Henry Smith, brother of George, enlisted in 1861 in company I, One Hundred and Fifth Penn- sylvania Yolunters, and died in a hospital at Alexandria in January, 1862. Geokge W. Miller, merchant, was born January 27, 1849, in Washing- ton township. Clarion county, son of Adam and Ellen (Halt) Miller. The former was born in Germany. The paternal grandfather was Andrew Mil- ler, who emigrated to the vicinity of Fryburg, where he is buried in the Lutheran cemetery. George W. attended the schools of his native town- ship until the age of sixteen, when he learned the trade of carpenter, work- ing at this thirteen years. In 1881 he removed to Union ville and .built his present residence. He also owns about one hundred acres of land. He en- gaged in mercantile pursuits in 1881, and has built up a flourishing trade, averaging seven thousand dollars a year. The stock consists of general %.K,.. -#?*••'■■'' BIOGRArHIES OF PINEGROVE. 11 '33 merchiindiso to the amount oi" about three thousand dollars. Mi'. Miller was married in 187() to Elizabeth Fraihn, (l!iu and wore the parents of eleven chil- dren: Lizzie; Minnie; John M. ; William F. ; two infants, deceased — Charles H. and jMary; Jacob, deceased; Katie, and August, deceased. Our subject was educated in the common schools of Clarion county, and was married September 24, 1880, to Louie, a daughter of John R. Lindsey, a farmer of Clarion county. Mr. Deitrich began the oil business in 1884 l)y drilling the tirst well in the Cogley oil field of Clarion county, Pennsylvania, and came to Venango county, in September, 1886, where, in company with G. H. Kline, H. M. Hess, Jacob Sneidley, and a Mr. Myres, he drilled the first well in the gray sand oil field, near Salina. He subsequently bought the interests of the other members of the firm and has drilled twelve wells, seven of which are good producers. At pres- ent he owns six producing wells and two gas wells. Ho is a member of the I. O. O. F., and in politics a Republican. J.\MES H. Ross, oil producer, was born February 22, 1858, in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, son of John H. and Isabella (Stright) Ross, natives of Mercer county. John Ross was born November 2, 1829, and was the father of ten children: Fannie; James H. ; William J. ; Charles W. ; Hattie; Clement; Nellie; Lydetha; Frank M., and Hortense. Our subject was edu- cated in the common schools and at Edinboro Normal. At the age of nine- teen he came to Venango county and went into the oil bvisiness, which voca- tion he has followed ever since. He was married September 26, 1878, to Susan ShafPer. Her parents had the following children: Sarah E. ; Mary C ; Susan; Elsie; Julia; Charles; Lizzie, deceased, and Warren, deceased. Mrs. and Mrs. Ross have had five children, two of whom are living: King J. and Edna. Mrs. Ross is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Ross is a Prohibitionist. J. H. Williams, contractor and driller, was born October 11, 1858, in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, son of Samuel P. and Elma (Ross) AMlliams, also natives of Mercer county and the parents of the following children: J. H. ; W. W. ; J. L. ; E. H. ; H. L. ; Vinton, deceased; Claud, and Frank. Our subject was educated in the common schools. He was married August 1, 1882, to Sadie Smith, daughter of John and Margaret (McNutt) Smith, natives of this county. Her father died in 1S88. She is the mother of one child, Bertha Maynard. Mr. Williams came to this county in 1879, and went into the oil business. In 1882 he began contracting and drilling and has drilled about one hundred and fifty wells. He belongs to the Knights of Maccabees and is a Republican. Mrs. Williams is connected with the Methodist Episcopal church. W. M. Stanton, petroleum ganger, was born May 28, 1859, in War- ren county, Pennsylvania, to Hamilton and Sarah (Wilson) Stanton, the parents of nine children: Wilson, deceased; John; Charles: Susanna; 1154 HISTORY OF VENANGO COUNTY, Laura; Adelaide; Mary; Eveline, and W. M. Our subject was educated in common schools and began life as a telegraph operator. He was married July 2, 1883, to Joanna Bremley, a native of Clearfield county, Pennsyl- vania. To this union there have been born two children: Harry and Ger- trude. Mrs. Stanton is a member of the Catholic church, and Mr. Stanton of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a member of the Masonic order and Knights of the Maccabees, and in politics a Republican. Biographical Index, Page. Adams Family 563 Adams, Jaiiios K 1013 Adams, James 1{ 1045 Adams, John 1012 Adams, John E 830 Adams, John Q -124 Adams, Ro1)crt 1 101 Adams, Welden 1013 Adams, William 1033 Adams, William S 1013 Addison, Alexander 150 Aleorn, James 590 Alexander, Benjamin 765 Alexander, Henry 1040 Allelmeh, Henry •.»33 Allen, Joseph 537 Allen, Joseph A 959 Allender, Joseph ■• 649 Allison, Thompson 184 Allison, William 034 Alsbauii-h, A. W SS8 Anderson, James 553 Anderson, James 973 Anderson, James 1131 Andcrton, Thomas 918 Areher, Elisha 590 Armstrong, Alfred B 1090 Ash, Isaac 881 Askey, William E 1137 August, Benjamin 598 Ault, D. W 1003 Ayres, Jonathan 176 Ayres, Robert 364 B Bailey, Samnel 355, 763 Baird, James 986 Baird, J. M '^>^^'> Baird, Thomas 709, 986 Baish, Joseph 950 Baker Family 537. 9.5() Pam;. Baker, George 10 Bleakley, James 355, 7Si> Bleakley, John 691 Bleakley, William J 786 Boal, John 1073 Boal, John M 1073 Boal, R.N.H 1073 Booher, John 1103 Booth, Henry 1072 Borland, David T 1096 Borland, I. H .S36 Borland, John R 816 Botsford, J. W 1081 Bowen. Frank W 8.59 Bowman, Andrew 3.50 1150 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Page. Bowser, Addison H 11'27 Boyle, Jacob M 1141 Boyle, Owen liri-i Boyle, Patrick C s:)S Braden, Glenn T '.):H', Bradley, H. E '.1411 Bradley, Robert : . . . tUH Brandon Family &22 Brandon, Thomas GTG Brecht, Christian 8HT Bredin, James M S(« Bredin, Stephen L. C .S14 Breed, Josejih "iltt, 59.3 Breed, Roswell 10411 Breitscliuh, (inslavns C SS5 Briiiliam, Geoi-ge Hr)5, 703 Britting, F. C 1)07 Broadfoot, John ,S41t Brown, John 7:37 Brown, William ;2G3, Vm Buchanan, David K 1137 Bnltington, Josejih 163 Bullion, Thomas .530 Bumg-ardner, Absalom .' lOO.'j Burrows, Doanc 1081 Bushnell, N. R 181 Buttertield, Thomas 1141 Byles, Ehenezer ,5311 Byles, M. M 300 c Cain, John I! 7<,)7 Calvert, Rol)ert 701) Campbell, James 104 Campbell, John R ,S4(; Carll, John F II07 Carr, Hugh 71)S Carter, Francis 2(>'A. 084, 0)1)0 Cary, ( J, W 200 Cary, Xathanitd 349 Cassidy, Daniel II 9(;,3 Cather, William \o:v.} Chad wick, Elihn 1 i:>o Chaml)ers, Fred X ,si)4 Chambers, Wesley SDl) Chajjuian, John ,503 Chickering, Kenton ,s.54 Church, Gaylord 1,5S Clancy, Jeremiah ;i(;o, 703 Clap]>, Edwin E 1 100 Clapi>, John M 1 100 Clap]), Ralph 704, lOlt!) Clark, .lames II lOSl Clarke, Charles E lODO Clulow, II 1023 Cochran, Charles L 7(J0 Cotlnian, David II 11.50 I Page. I Coll)ert, Robert S70 I Cone, Andrew 842 I Connely, Geori^e ^V 193 I Connely, Isaac 530, 1077 ! Connely, William 3,50, 700 j Connor, .J. II ^76 Coope, A. F 805 Cooper, Charles A 849 ! Coo])er, William 2()3, 691 ! Corn])lantcr 09 j Corn well. Aspen wall 2()3, 536 i Corwin, B iio7 I Coulter, Cyrus R loOO Coulter, .lohn 199 Cowan, William io74 Cowan, William II 1074 Cowell, Thomas R 885 Craig', James ,550 Grain, B. F 1015 Grain Family 690 Craton, Patrick 948 Crawford, A. H., Jr 940 Crawford, Alexander B 938 Crawford, Carlisle J 968 CraAvford, David :\I 9O8 Crawford, Ebenczer 907 Crawford, E.J 939 Crawford Family > 966 Crawford, James 606 Crawford, John P 968 Crawford, Robert 199, 1070 Crawford, Samuel W 9.39 Crawford, William 551 , 967 Crawford, William R 819 Criswell, David S 904 Criswell, Get)rge S SIQ Criswell, Montgomery 1118 Criswell, Robert W 859 Criswell, Silas ms Crooks, E. P 1089 Cross, James H 1126 Cross, Ro])ert 995 Cross, William 995 Cross, William 996 Cross, William C 990 Cross, Wilson 1 1 20 Crumley, Andrew 945 Cubbison, E. H 940 Cubbison, John R 945 Culberson, John 1043 Cul|), Isaac 1051 Cunningham, Henry L 1005 Curry, Jonathan T 1046 Curry, Robert 1046 Custaloga 36 Cutehall, G. C 1033 Cntshall, Philip D 1003 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1157 Daily, John 1S() Daily, Rolan lOCC Dale, C. C lO'.t-i Dalo, David T .S« Dale, Henry J. 805 Dale, Samuel 278, 3rj2, 745 Dale, Samuel F 747 Dauiilierty, Constantino <>24 Davidson, Areliibald 708 Davidson, Tatriek 708 Davidson, R. ,\[ 1108 Davidson, William 52(5 Davis, F. F 8(54 Davis, Henry R 101)5 Davis, John W '.(18 Davison, I. II 1020 Davison, Isaac M 1075 Davison, J. A 1054 Davison, James F 1054 Davison, Jolin 1114- Da vison, Robert W 1075 Davison, W. W 599, 1054 Dawson Family 53(5 Dects, Joseph (537 Dects, Samuel 10(55 Deitrich, J. M 1152 Dempsey, Lawrence (580 De woody, Andrew 35(5 Dewoody Family 07(5, 740, 1037 Dewoody, John 1037 Dewoody, John C 1037 De Woody, Perry 829 Dickson, Cyrus 77(5 Dickson, William (523 Dille, J. M 199 Dinsmore, Adam 525 Dobson, Michael 921 Dodd, Levi 351 Dodd, S. C. T 186 Donaldson, John 583, 606 Donaldson, Samuel 1 114 Donnelly, J. R 943 Donnelly, Thomas 905 Doty, Joseph 8(58 Donds, John .M 818 Dout, John 1029 Downinjr, A. (i 1113 Downing, J. 1) 875 Duljl)s, Jacob 7(55 Duffield, John 1063 Dullield, John G 1010 Duffield, John L 1011 Duffield, William. . 563, 1010 Dunham, David 2(53, 536 Dunham, G. II 1109 Dunham, II. J 1080 Pa'.i:. Dunn, Robert W HIO Durban, K. S 248 Dwyer, ^V'illiam S71 E Eakin Family 9S6 Eakiu, Thonuis J 941 Eaton, James (523 Eaton, S. J. M 776 Eiehner, Frederick ^ 923 Eldred, Nathaniel R 158 Elliott, William 7(5(5 Emery, W. N 834 Epley, W. M 822 Espy, Georo-e P 1083 Espy, George R 191 Espy, Tliomas S 176 Evans, John 243 Evans, John II 926 F Fair, II. II 923 Farr, Elial 590 Fassett, Lewis II 795 Faulkner, Peter 191 Fearis, James 551 Fcrringer, Israel 1076 Fertig, Isaac 1130 Fetterman, John 599 Fetterman, John 1073 Fichte, Ernest E 1125 Findlay, A. Y 831 Fisher, Harley W 884 Fleming Family 724 Fleming, G. W 1105 Fleming, John 1 104 Fleming, John S 1104 Fleming, S. L 1104 Flowers, Franklin 1125 Forbes, AVilliani H 812 Ford, J. A 1102 Foster Family 635 Foster, James I(i2i; Foster, John lOiiO Foster, Robert A 1026 Foster, William 1060 Fowler, George 85, 345 Fox, GeorgeT 1101 Fox, Michael 113S Frazier, Alexander 1061 Frewen, Thomas J 830 Fry, Frank L lOid Fry, Joseph T 1090 Fulton, Thomas A 1130 115S BIOGKAPHICAL INDEX. Page. Galbraith. David C S14 Galbraith. John in Galey, John B lloO Gardiner, J . W 1*W Gardner. Thomas K Ill- Gaston. Arthur B 1017 Gasion. Frank D lOlS Gates. A. D iW) Gates. George '.'10 Gates. William 1*10 Geary, Michael !^ Ghost. John V^So Ghost, Philip "26:3. 70i\ OS'S Giering, Tilghman A lllv Gilbert, A >7(^ Gildersleeve. Samuel 7:>1 GilfiUan, Calvin W 1S7. 7>< Gillespie, H. T lO-.X^ GiUett. Buekland 1V»-' GiUilaud Family 5tv.. 101 1 Gilliland, Joseph A 1055 Gilliland, Joseph P 101-2 Gilliland. William K li»55 GUmore, Alexander 'AVI Gilmore Family i*5i Gilmore, Jefferson '.^55 Gilmore, William H v<55 Glenn, John B >17 Glenn, Robert I1H.1;* Glenn, Robert F M2 Glenn. William M 10o Gootmiller. Gvorge v24 irordon, Isaac G Ito Gordon. Joseph 1(.>52 Orordon. John 5 Orormley. James 1141 Gormley. Patrick 1141 Gowe. James 512 Graham Family «>77 Graham. Hutrh C S7S Graham, John lt>27 Graham. Robert 102> Grant. Alex.ander 1113 Grant- James R S34 Grant, L. D 891 Greenfield, A. J 853 Gregar. John 1U>> Grieshaber. George 360 Grimm. Daniel 7v*4 Grossman, Philip S37 Grove, James R lC>5t5 Guiliuger. Selh UCSl Guvasuiha 27 H Page. Hackenberg, John E VUT Hagerty, William 1115 Haggerty, John tiOT Hale, Edward S5, 347 Hale, L. M i»42 Hallet, John F jiOS Halyday. Francis ^50 Hamilton, Chauncey 935 Hamilton, E. W n>46 Hamilton Family 5M> Hamilton. James 5 Hare. Michael 2«S> Harris, Frank L li<52 Harris, Will H St>3 H.art, Henry 10i>4 Hariwell. Charles F S,5<> Hasson Family 564. UXH Hasson. Hugh 2(>1 Hasson. William 1Ckv> Hatch. John P l(>2i» Hatch. Lucien 10n5 Hati-h. Philip M iON5 Haworth. John 107S Hays. Alexander 277 Hays. F. W sS3 Hays. James J W21 Hays. Samuel 347 Hays, Samuel 51>.» Hays. William 6S4 Hazen. John H 106S Heckert. Philip Iii3!» Heivly. J. H 013 Henderson. Ajidrew J iftc^ Henderson Family 737 Henderson Family i«93 Henderson. John i«51 Henderson. John B 90;> Henderson. Richard. 961 Henderson, Thomas 993 Henry. John 703 Heron. James G So. 170. 2W. ;>13 Heizler. John ^?7 Hetzler. John 1122 Heydrick, Charles H IOCS Heydrick. Christopher KKQ Heydrick. Christopher 1S5 Hilands. AMlliam SIS Hill. Joseph G 1144 Hill. Samuel R 114.5 BIOGUAPHICAL INDEX. 1151> Pagk. Hill, W. E 1145 Hill, W. II lOTO Hillier, Joseph 107^ IlillicT, S. B 1072 Ilixun, 11. B 1«»:^ Hoffmiin, James 710 Hutfimiu, K. M '•«»7 Hi)ffiimu, K. M '■»'•»>"* Hoffman, W. II 10*-»8 Hoge, Thomas «3l Ilogue, Joseph lH(i Homau, Andrew J^ 1043 Homan, Henry 1042 Homan, Thomas R 1043 Hood. Charles B 10<)7 House, W. F 1107 Houser, Cornelius fi23 Houser, John P 264 Houser, Washington B 102<.) Hovis, David '•••>2 Hovis Family !'91 Hovis, John 710, 991 Hovis, John 962 Hovis, John N 992 Hovis, M. Z 992 Hovis, Samuel 1038 Howe, John W 173 Hughes, Henry M 794 Hughes, William A 1144 Hughes, William Aaron 1144 Hughes, W. Harvey 1143 Hughes, Roland 1143 Hulings, Marcus 85, 349 Hulings, Willis J 882 Hunt, Sprague E 873 Hunt, Warren G i>07 Kurd, James J 1023 Huster, Charles 920 Hutchison, Robert A 1002 I Irvine, David 171 Irwin Family 588 Irwin, II. May 802 Irwin, James 589 Irwin, John 170, 589 Irwin, Ninian 589 Irwin, Richard 170, 353, 757 Irwin, Samuel 588 J Jack, M. A 836 Jackson, W. H. H 867 James, Henry F 1044 Jennings, Jacob 598 Vai.k. Jewel, Scth 264 Jewel, Zelotus 623 Johns, Walter R 8.57 Johnson, Robert 553 Johnson, Samuel P 175 Johnston, Alexander, Jr 10.59 Johnston, D. K 902 Johnston Family 635, 10.59 Jolly, David 606 Jolly, James 112:? Jolly, John «06 Jolly, Samuel 551 Jones, Albert M 962 Jones, Robert 962 Jones, Samuel 1 113 Jones, Stephen 961 Joy, C. C 1103 K Kahle, Frederick L 813 Kapp, Henry 1130 Karnes, Jacob 1147 Karns Family 824 Karns, Samuel T 827 Kaufmann, George 924 Kean, George 684 Kean, Joseph 1<^7 Keating, John 513, 930 Keefer, W. L 1114 Keene, James P 800 Kees, Philip 2(>4, 684 Kennedy, Joseph 622 Kennerdell, Richard 716, 994 Kephart, Essington 1026 Kern, J . P 887 Kerr, James K 184 Keverline, A.J 1135 Kilgore, Andrew J 9.57 Kilgore, John J 527, 9.56 Kingsley, James 691 Kinnear, Francis D 1^2 Kinnear, James 171, 350 Kinnear, Rol)ert 764 Kinnear, William 354 Kinsley, Nathan P 820 Kirkwood, A. Jackson . . ' 1096 Kirkwood, J. W 1098 Klein, John S 914 Koch, Abraham D 1123 Knapp, R. E 1097 Knox, John C 162 Kramer, William J '• 896 L La Fever, David 171 Lamb, John 539, 1077 1160 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. FAfiK. Laiiil)crton, Edwiu II T84 LainlK'rton, Ileur.y W 185 Laniberton, Robert 3r)4, 781 Laiiiberton, Robert G 784 Lambertou, William H 184 Lancaster, S. W 1051 Lane, David T 833 LaMley, Thomas 1 145 Lawrence, Simeon W 1148 Leach, James 1083 Leadenham, Josei:)h W 815 Lee, Alexander 1032 Lee, James 1031 Lee, James W 809 Lee, Silas 806 Leslie, H. R 974 Leslie, James 974 Levier, Cyrus R 920 Levier, D. B 1117 Lewis, Edward 925 Lewis, James N 938 Lewis, John A 933 Leyda, David 1024 Lindsay, John r)'>3 Lindsay, Samuel 2(i4 Linn, Charles 1124 Lockwood, D. M 1108 Long, J. S 1152 Long-well, W. H 848 Loouiis, Charles M 848 Loots, William S74 Lord, George B 822 Loucks, Erastus F 905 Lovell, Abraham 725 Lovell, Asa 1079 Lovell, Peter CM Lovell, W. B 977 Lovett, Samuel 2(54 Lowentritt, Myer 903 Lowrie, John 9(58 Luplier, Barnett 1061 Lupher, Jacob 637 Lupher, John 359 Lytle, S. A 1110 IVI Macdougall, John E. S 929 Mackey, Charles Washington 768 Mackey, Charles W 770 Mackey, James F 770 Mackin, N 947 Magce, W. B 8s8 Magill, Thomas F 365 Maitland, Andrew ()06, 1119 Page. Maitland, Andrew, Jr 1119 Maitland, William A 1119 Major, Richard E 1006 Maloney, George 833 Mallory, Frederick E 1133 Mallory, John F 1134 Mallory, Sidney T 1134 Manson, Patrick 364, 676 Marsh, John 1050 Martin, David 527 „ Martin, James 67("> Martin, John 562 - Martin, John N 1089 Mattox, John L 8S4 Mawhinney, Andrew S 1064 Mawhinney, John 1063 May, Hczekiah 364 Mayer, Ludwig ^73 Mays, George W 1028 Mays, Hezekiah 960 Mechan, James 835 Merrick, Austin 726 Metz, Charles 889 Middleton, Christopher C 1117 Middleton, Francis A 976 Middleton, John 976 Miles, A. P 1076 Milf ord, Thomas 552 Miller, Charles 791 Miller, George W 1132 Miller, William H 1146 Milton, John 1136 Milton, Leander 1136 Minich, John 836 Mitchell, Forster W 7S7 Mitchell, John L 787 Mitchell, Robert 171 Moff ett, Byron 839 Monjar, Richard 526 Monnin, Joseph 830 Moore, E. W 815 Moore, Jesse 157 Moore, William 350, 7.59 Moore, William 998 Moore, William B 978 Moran, Daniel O 8.52 Moran, John F 852 Morau, T. A 940 Moran, Thomas 851 Moran, Thomas J 8,52 Morgan, D. W 823 Morris, Jonathan 52(5 Morrison, R. C 1151 Myers, Henry 264 Myers, James S 1 79 Myers, Marion A 1126 Myers, Rol)crt A , 1126 BIOGRArHlCAL INDEX. 1101 Mc Page. McAllister, J. B •. 8S3 McBride, Geori-e 1105 "J McCall, Ezra 349 McCalniont, Alexander Kil, 172, 350 McCahuout, Alfred B 182 MeCalmout Family 545 McCalinoiit, Henry C50 McCalniout, John 2(34, 700 McOalmont, John S 103, 181 McCalniont, Joseph : 1042 MeCalmout, Samuel P 183, 701 McClarau, Johiv 710 McClellan, James P 1025 McClelland, Frank M 1019 McClelland, (ieori^e 741, 749 McClelland, George C 775 McClelland, J. M 945 McClintock, C. A 10(59 McCllntock, Fnincis 047 McClintock, Hamilton <547 McClintock, Homer 803 McConnell, Francis 964 McCool, John 023 McCormack, J. T 1148 McCormick, Robert S 181 McCracken, G. G 891 McCracken, J.P 1098 McCracken, T. A 891 McCray, William J 1094 McCray, W. P 1095 McCrea, Hugh 1100 McCrea, John W 1101 McCrea, Patrick 703 McCulloch, T. C 865 McCune, James 636, 1060 McCuue, William 1060 McCurdy, James 2(34, 690 McDaniel, Francis 1044 McDowell, Alexander 344, 346 McElhaney, Alexander 536, 677 McElhaney, James 1027 McElhaney, William E 1027 McElphatrick, Davidson 1125 McFadden, Edward 527 McGarry, James S 828 McGill, H.J 1003 McGough, Thomas 811 McGuigan, James 895 Mcintosh, William 691 Mcintosh, T.J 1057 McKay, W. A 1018 McKean, Thomas 552 McKee, Thomas 170, 708, 983 McKee, Thomas 983 McKee, William P 984 McKecver, James A 1134 PA'iE. McKlnley, James 1000 McKinley, Nathaniel H 1000 McKinuey, Samuel (m, 1140 McKinney, Samuel II 1140 McKinzie, Angus 544 McKinzie, William A 1076 McKissick, Aaron 677 McKissick, James 1129 McKuight, Henry G 860 McLaughlin, James M 917 McLean, Daniel C 1(J04 McManigal, Hugh 527 McMillan, Andrew J 191) McMillan, J. B 996 McMillin, Daniel 741 McMillin, Joseph H 1040 McMullen, Archibald 1034 McMurdy Family 525, 953 McMurdy, George 953 McMurdy, Isaac 525 McMurdy, James 9.54 McMurdy, John 954 McMurdy, W. K 1116 McNair, William 877 McPherson, J. S 1129 McQuaid Family 1042 McQuiston Family 552, 972 McQuiston, Cyrus E 973 McQuiston, David H 972 McQuiston, John 972 N Naylor, Harry 924 Neely, Jacob F 1096 Neely, R. B 1068 Nesbit, Thomas 1014 Nichols, George T 869 Nicholson, Thomas II 908 Nickle, Daniel D 1111 Nickle, William 583, 1111 Nicklin, George D 1149 Nolan, Thomas 927 o Oberly, George S 919 Oberly, J . H 855 O'Brien, Bartholomew 1102 O'Donovan, P. W 1102 Oiler, David S IHO Orr, Joseph P 890 Osmer, James H 804 P Paden, John 360 Park, Myron 354 Parsons, John T 907 Patcliel, Edward 356 1162 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Page. Patterson, Peter 565 Payne, J. H 8,56 Pearson, Joliu J 173 Peebles, James 1048 Peebles, .Tames L 1049 Peebles, John M 1049 Peebles, Robert 1048 Peebles, Stewart C 1048 Peebles, William O 1049 Perriue, Alonzo F 978 Perrine, J.N 863 Perry, Moses .552, 975 Perry, William 976 Persing, Jolin 1115 Petit, James 200 Phi])ps, David 980 Phipps Family 709, 979 Phipps, John, Sr 709, 979 Phipps, John 981 Phipps, Joseph 981 Phipps, Porter 982 Phipps, Robert 981 Phipps, Robert J 797 Phipps, Samuel 980 Phipps, Samuel A. W 977 Phipps, William C 982 Plumep', Arnold 749 Plumer, Benjamin A 171, 75() Plumer, Samuel 185 Pliimer, Samuel 690 Poor, Alonzo 1105 Poor, William 1105 Porter, Alexander 710, 990 Porter, George 892 Porter, James 990 Porter, John A 991 Porter, Samuel 990 Porter, Snowdeu D 999 Porter, Thomas V 990 Porter, William 726 Porterfield, Cyrus R 1116 Porterfield,. W. Martin : 1117 Powell, (ieorge W 1128 Powell, Sanuuil 617 Power, (ieorge S4, 264, 842, 744 Pratlier Family 648 Prather, Henry .590 Print/-, A 830 Projjer, Jaeob G 1053 Pro])er, Samuel 26.5, 598 Purtill, James 1047 Purtill, Michael 1047 Purtill, Thomas 1047 R lianisdale, Robert 831 Kay, David 1072 PA(iE. Ray, L. L 1072 Raymond, Aaron W 767 Raymond, Charles 184 Raymond, Charles H 1035 Raymond, George W^ 1034 Raymond, Philetus W 764 Raymond, William 3.54, 7(vj Reagle, Samuel W 1032 Reamer, Jaeoli W 799 Reed, L. R ',129 Reed, William 684 Reese, Samuel 1 151 Reid, Joseph • 919 Reinl)old, Charles 876 Reinbold, J. B 872 Rembold, J. C 1148 Reno, Jesse L 277 Renwick, Robert H 911 Reynolds, C.J 914 Reynolds, John J 1069 Reynolds, William 587 Reynolds, William S 1050 Richards,. T. J 1103 Richey, John : . . 10.53 Richey, William T 1070 Rickards, William 817 Ricketts, James 644 Riddle Family 984 Riddle, James P 977 Riddle, John K 985 Riddle, Matthew 265, 708 Riddle, Robert 185 Riddle, Samuel 182 Riesenman, Joseph C 827 Ritchey Family 582 Ritchey, J. A 864 Roberts, Ebeuezer 544 Rodgers, L. D 184 Roess, Louis 900 Ross Family 607 Ross, James H 11.53 Ross, Joseph 1083 Ross, Oliver P 1045 Rossmau, David 1044 Roth, William H . 871 Rouse, H. R 666 Rowland, Jacob 937 Rowland, James W 937 Runniuger, Jacob 564 Russell, David 265, 975 Russell, David, Jr 975 Russell, James 1024 Russell, Thomas .564 Rynd, Ambrose 647, 1086 Rynd, Cyrus D 1086 Rynd, John 1087 Rynd, Jolm, Jr 1087 BIOGIlArillCAL INDEX. 1103 Saltziiiann, Albert. j?iiHzi»!vnn, .'olin .1. John, -T Smith, Thomas Smith, William Smithman, John B Snuillin, Horace L Saltzmann, .lonn, • • ^^^ i g,„^,iii„^ j. w Say, David ^^^,^ Snowden, James 11 Sayers, Francis A ^ ^'^^^ Snowden, Nathaniel U Sayers, Henry J 1131 Snowden, Xatlianiel 1) Schwab, 11. H. . . . ■ ,^^,l Snowden, S . (Justine . . . . Schwartzeop, Louis ^^^ Spceehley, Samuel Scofield, Gleuui W . . , Scott, James Seber, Christopher.. Seely, R. P Selders, Abraham . . . Sellew, S. W Shaffer, James Shakely, Isaac Shauer, Charles W.. Shannon, Alexander Shannon, Maurice B '^'^^^- | g^^^^^^g^ Edward C Sharp, F. W ^^^^^^ | gtevens, 11. K Shaw, Robert Shaw, William Shaw, William Sheffer, G. M Shelmadine, Nelson A Shepard, Charles H . . Shively, J. S PA(iK. .. fSTT .. 8TT .. 877 551 . 550 . 1069 . 1057 . 849 . SOS .1147 . 94(; .uis . 633 ,1112 Spencer, Theodore Spofford, II. G Standley, Andrew J Standley, John Stanton, W. M Starr, John II Steele, John R Steele, O.B Stephens, Lunuin.. Sterritt, Robert M . 545 (550 ' " 942 "_[[[ 1082 902 ][ 906 ... 157 Shippen, Henry ^^^^ Shorts, Robert C _^^ Shorts, William ^'^^^ Shoup, Charles E Shugert, John W Shugert, Thomas B Sibley, Joseph C Simcox, James Simmons, M. S Simpson. Robert Singleton, John Siverly, Abram G Siverly, Walter Sloan, Leslie Sloan, Uriah Sloan, William B Small Family Small, Samuel O Smiley, E.W Smiley, Thomas Smith, Albert H Smith Family Smith, George Smith, James Smith, John D - Smith, Joseph H 8mith, Millard F Smith, Patrick J Smith, Sherman R 240 200 792" 1035 871 S(JO 359 6(58 1087 . 974 . 940 . 974 . 090 .1074 . 801 . cm . 918 . 007 .1132 834 1122 . 824 905 . .5iM '.100 Stevens, John Stevenson, Charles Stevenson, S. O Stewart, Elijah Stewart, Samuel W Stewart, William Stewart, William E Stover, John Stover, Matthias Strain, Alexander Straub, A. B Strauss, R. M Strawbridge, John Strohecker, T. S Strong, O. II Stubler, John Stubler, Joseph Suhr, Henry Sullinger, F. D Sullinger, James P Sullinger, John Sutherland, W. J Sweeney. II ortonC Sweeny, Edward •^'•>^- ^^'} Sweeny, Edward Sweet, Henry Svnionds, T. (^ Pack. 191 1121 K99 1143 1142 174 3(>4 191 193 112S ■ 180 017 1138 1137 1 153 1124 893 799 883 963 1005 94S 07(5 2(55, 683 1016 .590 1079 170 10.52 000 000 023 1097 105^ 588 1075 1137 895 V 873 '' 917 '. 821 1120 ..205, 600, 1120 921 ... 927 1071 799 190 Tarr, George W Taylor, Charles E Taylor. Frank II Temple Family "^"^ Tenncnt, John 1050 107 858 565 11(54: BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. PA(iK. Thacher, S. M 11M Thomas, James M 900 Thomas, Luther 636 Thom])sou, James Kii), 173 Tlioiiipsoii, William 544 Tlioru, Solomon 1001 Thoru, William N 1001 Trax, David L 895 Truby, Jacob 512, 930 Tniby, James 931 Trunkey, John 165 TiK-ker, J. L 1153 Turner, A. M 901 Turner, Samuel 684 Tuthill, James 588 Twitchel, Edward G 1093 Tyler, William C 1088 Tyrrell, Albert 1080 V Vaudergrit't, Jacob J 838 Vauderlin, James 1080 Vogus, James 999 Voi:;us, John 708 w Wachtel, Moses 839 Wait, C. L 1109 Waits, John W 905 Wallace, John 1083 Walz, Louis 914 Wareham, John 1040 Watt, John 605 Weaver, C. H / 873 Weber, Adam 1084 Weber, George K 1067 Weeter, S. F 1116 Welch, Theodore J 903 Weller, John A 1119 Weller, Josei)h 931 Pack. Welsh, Walter S 813 Whann Family 737, 1030 Whaun, Francis 1031 Whann, Robert S lO.Sd Whann, Walter L I'.i; Whitaker, All)ert P 800 White, J. II 835 White, William mo Whitman, Abraham B 1041 Whitman Family 1041 Whitnum, Jacob 544, 636 Whitman, James U)4;> Whitman, John J 1041 Whittlesey, H. E 1093 Wick, W. S .^^ 0>' x\' •/'. '>- V- nV ^ ■ ^" 'OO' ,0 '' O ■. V '^ ^'-" '''^^ o_ -0' ^ "■ V' ' ^ ^' -J. . \ '<'* ,--\' "oo^ ' J- V" \> o^ -n^ ' •^;p ,sAv o : ' ou'*-' o A->' .,^^' % o v^^^ ^>. r I .^> -^-t .-.y ■J.r>V: :i':;;Si?i::fs:iil|if!;^^|§