F 264 .Rl B32 Copy 1 C c_ d «S'.c <^ « cc cc - dc: <^/ ■ S^ ■ CTCCCC ^55 ^ c^^ ^ ^^ lev c ^r cc^t Jl CJC4. "•.•'it: «: c c m. c CT' c C eC ^\ cc: C^, SKETCHES OF THE EJLK.1-."^ HIISTOE.^^ OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH, CENTENNIAL ADDRESS. FOURTH OF JULY, 1876, BY / HON. kp:iMP p. battle, DET.IVKRKD AT THE RKQUIOST (IK THE HC)AKI> OF ALOIOHMEN. RALFJGJI: THE HALEIOH NEWS STEAM JOli JMUNT. 1877. SKKTCHES OF TJIE E^IE^Il.'^ HIISTOI^IZ" OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. CENTENNIAL A DDRESS, FOUETH OF JULY, 1876, TIY HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, PEMVEREI) AT THK RKQUEST OK 'J'HE i{OAH]> OF ALDERMEN. RALEIGH : THE RALEIGH NEWS STEAM JOB PEINT. '^1877. V CORRESPONDE NOE. Raleigh, N. C, July 5th, 1870. Hon. Kemp P. Battle. Dear Sir: — In behalf of the Board of Aldermen and the citizens of Raleigh, we respectfully ask for a copy of your excellent address on the 4tli inst. for publication. Very respectfuhy, J. C. S. LUMSDEN, JouN Armstrong, Wm. E. Anderson, Jos. H. Green, P. C. Flemming. Raleigh, July 6th, 1870. Messrs. J. C. S. Lumsden and others, Committee, Gentlemen : — ^Your comnnmication, requesting a copy of my address of the 4th inst. for publication, is to hand. Though the address was prepared while I was under great pressure of business in other matters, and is not so full as I could have wished it, I herewith send you a copy thereof, which you are at liberty to use at your discretion, Very respectfully, Kemp P. Battle. REMARKS OF DR. GRISSOM. Mr. Battle was introduced to the audience by Dr. Eugene Grissom, Superintendent of the Insane Asylum of IS'orth Carolina, in the following language, in substance : Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : — "We have a,ssembled here to-day in obedience to a solemn recom- mendation of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, with executive approval, and in concert with millions of our fellow-citizens, to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of the Declaration of Amer- ican Independence, and to dedicate a page of histor}^ to the progress of an hundred years — an independence pro- claimed by the people and statesmen of an age charac- terized by purity, patriotism and ability, and achieved iifter a pn)tracted contest in which the resources of the country, both of blood and treasure, were freely otfered and well nigh exhausted. Whatever of glory or of good attaches to that event is largely shared by North Carolina. And whatever of gratification for the material prosperity flowing therefrom, to any part of the common countr}^ is a legacy of com- mon inheritance. I congratulate you that the task of analyzing the his- tory of this locality has been assigned to one so well qualified for its performance, and so acceptable to public approval ; to one whose well-merited reputation for scientific attainment, literary acquirement and profes- sional ability, together with all the accomplishments and graces of tlie patriot, the gentleman, the scholar and the (6) christian, extends far beyond the limits of state linesy and is eherislied as the common pride and common prop- erty of the community in which he lives, and the section that gave him birth. Hon. Kemp P. Battle, whose name a household word, will address you. Let us hear him r. MB. BxVTTLE^S ADDKESS. Fkllow-Citizens : — I appear before you, designated by the Board of Aldermen of the city of Raleigh, in accord- ance with an Act of Congress and the proclamation of the President thereupon, to deliver an address on the history of the city of Raleigh. The time allowed me has been short, tilt' materials for the construction of such a sketch are not easily accessible, and the difficulty of the under- taking is increased by the destruction of the records of the city in 18G5, when Sherman's army entered Raleigh, Still, believing that if I should refuse, probably the v.'ork would be undone, I have, as far as other demands on my time which could not be omitted or postponed, allow- ed, done my best to aid in perpetuating facts in the histor}' of our city which neitlier we nor our posterity siiould allow to be forgotten. Tne task is all tlie more difficult because it is demand- ed to compress these facts about the past into the limits of a single address — material worthy of a volume into a slender pamphlet. It is within the spirit of this (Centennial [)eriod to recall events long since passed. I therefore will not chronicle recent transactions, within your own memories. I will ]iot attempt a complete history of our city. I will only endeavor to perpetuate what is in danger of passing into oblivion. HISTORY OF WAKK. It is to be regretted that no special effort is to be made to unfold the history of Wake county. I hope this will (8) be done hereafter. The Centennial of Raleigh has not yet arrived. The Centennial of Wake has passed. The county of Wake was born in stormy times. A little over one hundred years ago, on the IGth of May, 1771, the roar of cannon in battle was heard for the first irae in the forests of Middle North Carolina. One army, 1,200 disciplined troops, "was led by the Governor of the Province, and under him were able officers. On the other side were 2,000 half-armed men without experienced ■officers, unprovided with artiller\'. In tliis fight between Royalists and Regulators the victory was with the former, and in Hillsboro, where now are the beautiful grounds of Mr. Paul Cameron, six of the leaders met the fate of felons on the gallows. Their deluded followers were dis- persed and the war of the Regulation was ended. What was the cause of this fratricidal contest? Of all forms of oppression the hardest to bear patiently is the payment of onerous taxes and other exactions to alien officers, to be expended at points distant from the tax payers, and for objects for which they have no sympathy. Such levies in our Saviour's time, for the sensual luxuries of Roman Emperors, caused the names of tax gatherers (or publicans) to be synonymous with robbers. It w^as the hard and grinding sheriffs and other officers, with an occasional lawyer like Fanning, who drove so many from Granville to the mountains into the war of the Regulation. I'revious to 1770 the county of Rowan covered nearly all the territory west of the Yadkin, and a portion east of that river. Orange adjoined it on the east and was of extensive area. The Regulators were widely scattered throughout all this country. To prevent combinations among them, Gov. Tryon, who had great abilities as a statesman, procured the incorporation of four new oounties. On the east, out of parts of Orange, Johnston and Cumber- land he erected Wake, and called it after the maiden name of his wife — " the Countv of Wake and Parish of St. Mar- (0) garet's." Tradition hath it that her sister, Miss Estlier "Wake, was the chief lobhy member who so turned the heads of our impressible ancestors by her rare beauty and accomplishments, that they voted $100,000 out of tlieir meagre stores for a grand Governor's palace at Newbern — a measure so unpopular afterwards as to be one of the principle causes of the disaii'ection to the government. It was a proof of the gallantry of our forefathers, even in the midst of war, that when, in 1770, they expunged trom the list of counties the hated name of Tryon and substituted those 4)f Rutherford and Lincoln, they allowed the name of the beautiful Miss "Wake to remain. In the same vear, notwithstandins; the sriant arm of Pitt was no longer wielding the forces of England, from mo- tives of policy, Governor Tryon gave to the district through which flow the waters of the Haw and Deep rivers, as a peace offering, the name of Chatham, with its county seat at Pittsborough. While Tryon thus conciliated one party, he neglected not to pay court to the rising sun. He called one of the other counties created then after the Earldom of Guil- ford, of which the new prime minister, Lord North, was the heir apparent, and the fourth after the sliire of Surry in England of which Guilford is the county seat. Our county thus formed, although honored with the name of the Governor's wife, did not hesitate to cast in her lot with the other colonists. At the Provincial Congress of 20th August, 1775, which took measures for effectual resistance, appeared her delegates: Joel Lane, John Ilinton, Theophilus Hunter, Michael Rogers, Tignal Jones, John Head and Thomas Ilines, honored names in our county, many of whose descendants are among us now. But time does not allow me to detail the part taken by the county of Wake in the great struggle, suffice it to say that our county sustained without faltering the great cause of independence, sharing in the dangers and privations of (10) the period, rejoicing with her whole soul in the final victory. A copy of the charter of Wake county may be found recorded in our Clerk's office. It is signed by Gov. Tryon at Newbern, May 22, 1771. The first court was held in a log building, on the open ground fronting the residence of Miss Kate Boylan, on the 4th June 1771. The place was then called Bloombury. Probably some poetical sentimentalist of the day coined the name but the times were too stormy for flowers and blooms and soon we find the county seat is called " Wake Court House," and this so cr>^ tinned until it merged into " Raleigh" in 1794. But I mu-t hasten to my immediate task. A MIGRATORY CAPITAL. The settlement of North Carolina has one striking pe- culiarity. In most of the States, streams of emigrants arrived successively at the same ports and flowed into the interior along the same highways. But the early settlers of North Carolina came into its limits along dif- ferent routes and made divers centres of colonization. They spread from those centres on the right hand and on the left, by natural increase and by accessions from abroad. Thus the emigrants from England eitlier direct- ly from the mother countiy, or from Virginia, spread over the Northeastern or Albemarle section, and as far West as the upper waters of the Tar and the Neuse. Ger- mans and Swiss under DeGraffenried transferred the ]iame of Berne to tlie town at the confluence of the Neuse and the Trent. Cavaliers iVom England and l/uguenots from France swarmed along the lov/er Cape Fear and pressed northward along the Pee Dee and the tri- butaries of the Santee. Kinsmen of tiie brave Scotch- Irish, who defended Londonderry with a heroism unex- ampled for human endurance, and Lutheran Germans, (11) who had fled from the atrocities of Louis XIV iu the Palatinate, took possession of the larger parts of the val- leys of the Haw, the Yadkin and the Catawba. Flora McDonald with her countrymen from the Highlands of Scotland, heart-broken from Culloden, found new homes on the Upper Cape Fear and the Lumber, and Moravians, worn out with persecutions in the old country, fondly hoped to rest in a home of Peace— a blessed Salem — among the hills between the Yadkin and the Dan. Hence, North Carolina, wathin whose borders are representatives of the Teuton and the Celt, the Anglo- Norman and the Frank, the Scandinavian and the Cym- ric — Cavalier and Roundhead, Episcopalians and Pres- byterians, Catholics and Huguenots, Lutherans, Mora- vians, Quakers, Protestants of every denomination, and those who, like Gallio, care for none of these things, has never been a homogeneous State. All great enterprises have been accomplished, and can only be accomplished, by conciliation and compromise — from overturning a government to building a railroad, from founding a State to the location of its capital. The places of meeting of the General Assembly, and of the officers of the executive branches of the govern- ment, were always in early times chosen by the operation of these principles. Under the Proprietary government which lasted until 1731, and then under the Colonial government which lasted until the flight of Governor Martin in 1775, the place of assembling of the Legislatures depended chiefly on the will of the Governor. The town of Governor Eden, which looks on the tranquil waters of Albemarle, New- bern, set like an emerald between the Neuse and the Trent, Wilmington, so named from the Earl of Wilming- ton, Secretary of the colonies, the home of a refined, chivalric and hospitable people, destined to be leaders in the fierce struggles which were to follow, were most 12) favored by the court favorities, fresh from the old world, who liked not the rough life of the interior wilderness. After the expulsion of the Royal Governor, and the new- born State had started on its own career, the Legislatures, whether called Congress or Committee of Safety or Gen- eral Assembly, for long time convened at their own will at different points, sometimes during the war to avoid danger from the enemy, butoftener like our Church Con' ventioKS for reasons of convenience and mutual accom- modation. "We find Newbern, Kinston, Halifax, Smith- field, Wake Court House, Hillsboro, Salem, Fayetteville, Tarboro, all honored, some of them several times, with being for a few weeks the seat of government. To this pernicious practice we owe it that so man}- valuable documents have been lost or are so arranged that they cannot be made useful without great expenditure of labor and time. How could public business be intelligently transacted when the officers of the State were located as they were before tlie birth of Raleigh ? Take for example 1789, when Martin, of Guilford, was Governor ; James Glasgow, of Greene, was Secretary of State ; John Haywood, of Edgecombe, was Treasurer ; John Craven, of Halifax, was Gomptroller, and James Iredell, of Chowan, was Attorney •General — all the chief ofiScers of the State residing in different counties hundreds of miles apart. One, who at this day, holding an account against the State, grumbles because he cannot get his money in an liour after its presentation should note the trials of a claimant in what the venerable James T. Morehead called the " chaotic times." The evil became insupportable, and notwithstanding the jealousies of conflicting sections, the General Assem- bly of 1787, in providing for calling a Convention to con- sider the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, recommended the people of the State to instruct (13) their representatives to " fix on the place for the un- alterable seat of government." This convention met in 1788 at Hillsboro. After re- fusing to adopt the new Constitution by one hundred majority, they proceeded to carry out the instructions of the people in regard to the seat of Government. After debate it was determined to select by ballot some- point in the State, and leave it to the General Assembly to designate the exact spot within ten miles thereof. The plantation of Isaac Hunter was on the North side- of Crabtree, on the great road between the North and the- interior of South Carolina and Georgia. His residence, at the fork of the Louisburg and Forestville roads, was a notable country tavern in those days. After balloting be- tween several competitors, this was chosen as the centre- of the ten mile circle within which the sovereignty of" North Carolina was to find a local habitation. The mandate of the Convention the General Assembly was in no haste to obey. Fayetteville, and the friends- of that old town, having their due share of Scotch te- nacity, and using no doubt the blandishments of social life, succeeded in deferring the execution of the scheme- In 1790 the vote was so close that the proposal was tied in both Houses, the speaker of the House of Commons, an- eastern man, Stephen Cabarrus, of Chowan, voting in- favor, but the speaker of the Senate, a western man, Gen. Lenoir, of Wilkes, killing the measure. The General Assembly of the following year, 1791, con- vened atNewbern, out of reach of the plucky *' Macs," of the Cape Fear, and at this session the ordinance of 178S was carried into effect. Ten commissioners were appoint- ed to locate and lay off the city in accordance with the ordinance. At the same time five commissioners were ap- pointed to erect a State House. (14) THE LOCATION AT WAKE COURT HOUSE. The day of meeting of the Commissioners was the 4th of April, 1792. Only six attended. Their names were, Frederick Hargett, Senator from Jones; Willie Jones, member from Halifax ; Joseph McDowell, Senator from Burke, one of the gallant mountaineers who gained the battle of King's Mountain ; Thomas Blount, member from Edgecombe, afterwards to be promoted to a seat in the House of Kepresentatives of the Union ; William John- ston Dawson, member from Bertie, grandson of Gov. Gabriel Johnston, soon to be a member of Congress, and James Martin, member from Stokes, who,. as an officer of militia, had marched against the Cherokees in. 1776, and against Cornwallis in 1782. They were among the best men of the State. Jones was the most active and in- fluential, had been dn ardent patriot of the Revolution. His body lies, without a stone to commemorate him, in the North East corner of the land he aided to buy, in the garden of the St. Augustine Normal School. The plantation of Joel Lane, adjoining Wake Court House, was so plainly the best place within the limits assigned that the Commissioners hesitated but little and on the following day, April 5th, 1792, a deed was execut- ed by Lane to Alexander Martin, Governor, for the use of the State, of one thousand acres of land of an irregular shape, about one mile, three hundred yards from north to south and. still more from east to west. The tract thus purchased was tiien mostly in forest. The oak trees still standing, as well as tradition, show that nearly all east of Salisbury street was in original growth. Where the State House rears its lofty dome was a noted "stand " by which a deer running from the dense forests of the Crabtree to the dense forests of Walnut was sure to pass. The " old field pines," a few years ago standing on Gallows Hill and (15) the Rex Hospital land and in the North West Reservation showthatthey were oncecult.vated fields, whiletheravines opening into Pigeon House and Rocky Branches, starting from the water-shed of the Capitol Square, were for some time covered with beech and poplar of large growth. The giant trees which have given us the name of City of Oaks, are remnants of the forest which sheltered the venerable men who, eighty-four years ago, chose tlieSeat of Government of North Carolina. The site is certainly most favorably situated. The rail of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road is 303 feet above the sea level. The surface of the ground at the West door of the State House is 42 feet higher, so that the highest point of Union Square is 345 feet above the Atlantic, The latitude of the capital is 35° 17' N. Tiie longitude 7S° 41' West from Greenwich. Its isothermal line (line of equal temperatures) enters Europe a little North of Lisbon, passes through Madrid, near by Genoa and Floreu'ie, leaves Europe not far from Constantinople, y)asses near the spot designated by tradition as the Gar- den of Eden, then tiH'ongh Cliina ami Southern Japan hard by Shanghai and Yeddo, and strikes the American continent South of San Francisco. Its climate is there- fore the climate of the grape and the fig, of cotton and tobacco, of corn and wheat. Its compromise character is apparent in many lespects. Its average temperature for the year is 69° 1'. Farenheit. That of the whole State is 59°. lis spring temperature is 58°, its summer 78°, its autumn 60°, its winter 40°. The State is a little le.ss in each of these seasons. Its rainfall is 48.2 inches ; that of the State, including the mountains and sea coast, is 53.1 inches. It is near the centre of the central county. It is near the line between the lands which grow cotton and the lands which grow tobacco. The census tables show that on a single acre in lialeigh can be grown, and profitably grown, not only every product of North Caro- (16) lina, but of the United States, with the exception of oranses and sugar cane. PLAN OF THE NEW CITY. The commissioners lost no time in carrying out the other branch of their duties. They proceeded to lay out a plan for a city, to comprise, besides streets, 276 lots of one acre each, the whole making four hundred acres, I am inclined to think that the true acre (208.67 feet square) was adopted and the faihire to follow this and the practice of using the conventional acre (210 feet square) are the causes of the dis- putes about boundaries and encroachments on streets. Besides Union Square, which the old maps call 516 feet square, four other squares of four acres each were left for the use of the public. Reservations at each corner of the' city were left open, not included in the city, so as to pro- vide for a future extension of the corporate limits. Four streets radiate at right angles from Union Square 99 feet wide, viz : to thelSrorth, Halifax ; to the East, New- hern ; to the South, Fayetteville ; to the West, Ilillsboro; all the others being 66 feet wide. It must not be supposed that these names were given in order to express ideas of superiority of those towns. The roads from Wakelishment of Kaieigli. Tlie streets adjoin- ing Union Square on each side were laid out through the length and breadth of the cit3^ Tliey were honored with the names of leading towns in the State, two east and two- west. Running north and south we have Wilmington on the east and SaUsbury on the west ; running east and west we have Edenton on the north and Morgan on the south. In those days the name of the beautiful county scat of Burke being written Morgan Town, the selection of this name in preference to other western towns was doubtless in compliment to Gen. McDowell. (17) The other north aud south streets to the east were Blount, Person, Bloodworth and East. To the west were McDowell, Dawson, Harrington and West. The other east and west streets to the north were Jones, Laue and North, and to the south, llargctt, Martin, Davie, Cabarrus, Lenoir and South. The cit}' of Raleigh was named after the great historian, soldier and statesman, whose energies were so long directed to the settlement of North Carolina. The appellation of " city " was given because it was to be the home of the sovereignty of the State, derived from Civitas. I have told you whollargett, Jones, McDowell, Blount,. Dawson and Martin were. Of the others. Person street commemorates Gen. Thos. Person, long a member of the Legislature from Granville, wlio was one of the first Brigadier Generals of the Revolution ; was an ardent patriot, a liberal benefactor of the University. Ileenjuyw the triple honor of giving his name to a Hall at Chapel Hill, a street in Raleigh and to a gallant little county carved out of Granville. Timothy Bloodwoitli is a striking example of the ephemeral nature of political fame. He was a very \)V(t- minent man in his day ; was member of the Legishiturc from New Ilanover, Sj)eaker of the Senate, and attained the high dignil}^ of Senator in Congress. He is said to have lost a portion of Ids popularity in consequence of giving the casting vote in. favor of Raleigh, aufS fairly earned the honor of l>eing handed down to posterity in connection with one of its streets. Davie street commemorates one of thu most accom- plished men of the day, Wm. Richardson Davie, after whom the county of Davie is called, a gallant oflicer iu the Revolution, member of Congress, Ambassador near the Court of Napoleon, one of the founders of tlie Univer- sity, and a true friend of the education of the })eople. (Cabarrus street commemorates Stephen Cabarru'^, after (18) whom a flonrishins^ county is also named ; was often Speaker of the House, was member of the Legislature from Ohowan, a genial and popular man. Gen. Wm. Lenoir was a .distinguished soldier of the Revolution ; was senator for many years from AVilkesand was Speaker of the Senate. He likewise gave a name to a county in the Enst and to a town in the AVest, as well as to a street of Raleigh. Lane street was after Joel Lane from whom the land was bought. The four squares of the city are named in honor of distirjguished men of the Revolutionary period. Caswell Square, as well as Caswell county, hands down the name of the great General and Governor, Richard Caswell, of Lenoir; Moore Square, of Alfred Moore, who, after emin- ent services for Korth Carolina, was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States ; ISTash Square, of Abner Nash, and Burke Square, of Thomas Burke, both Governors and eminent statesmen of Revolutionary times. The plan thus laid off was reported to the General As- sembly of 1792, and adopted. The language of the act should be carefully noted as Ijeing of imjiortance to the inhabitants of the city. " The plan of the city so laid off and reported to the General Assembly by the Commissioners aforesaid, shall be and the same is hereby received, confirmed and ratified by the name of the City of Raleigh ; and the several streets represented in the plan, and the public square, whereon the State-house is to be built, shall be called and forever known by the names given to them respectively by the Commissioners aforesaid ; which plan, together with the deed for the land purchased, with a plat thereof annexed, shall be forthwith recorded in the Secretary's office." Section 3. "The public square composed of Nos. 246, (19) 247, 262, 203, shall be called and known by the name of Casvs^ell Square," &c, &q. And lots were sold by order of the Legislature fronting on these squares. Proposals have been made in the CJeneral Assembly to sell to the highest bidder the public squares of the city, except that on which the State House and the Deaf and Dumb Asylum are situate. I contend that according to ' plain principles of law, those who have purchased lands in the city, and especially those loho purchased lots on the MCjiuares^ have legal right to prevent such sale and insist that according to the pledge of the State they shall be perpetually " Public Squares." The streets of the city of Raleigh are under the pro- tection of the law. The city authorities^ may and shall improve them, but they cannot enclose or discon- tinue them. The same rules of law do not apply to the reservations in the corners of the city, but it is important that the city authorities shall as soon as practicable carry out the provisions of chapter 205 of the Acts of 1871-72, so as to found by enclosing and improving a valid claim for se- .curing the Nash and Moore squares as valuable breath- ing places of the citv. At the session of the General Assembly of ]Sr)C>-'o7, the corporate limits were extended one-fourth of a mile each way. This was resisted in the Courts by persons livii.g in the included portion, but the Supreme Court sustain- ed the action of the Legislature. Within this new part of the city, other streets have been laid out: East of the the Capitol, running nortii and south, Swain street named after the distinguished ex-Governor and President of the University, David L. Swain ; Linden Avenue, a fancy name, west of the Capitol ; Boylan street, after the late Wra. Boylan, who was in the beginning of the cen- tury editor of the M/uerva, the rival of the I^rt/istcr, (20) and was for over sixty years one of our most enterprising: citizens ; Saunders street, after the late eminent ex-Judge Romulus M. Saunders, once minister to Spain. Then north of the Capitol, running east and west, is Peace street, after AYm. Peace, in old times a leading merchant^ the founder of Peace Institute, one of the best of our men; Johnson street, after our worthy fellow-citizen,. Albert Johnson ; Polk street, after Col. Wm. Polk, who' will be more particularly mentioned. And south of the- Capitol are Smithfield street, after the town of Smith- field ; Cannon street, after Robert Cannon, once a lead-^ ing citizen ; and Manly street, after our late distinguished ex-Governor Charles Manly. SALES OF LOTS. The same Commissioners who laid out the city made'- sales of the lots. I cannot find their reports to the Leg- islature, and the Registry books of that period have been! burnt, but I can state some of the early subsequent sales^ which are a measure of the value of property in that day- In 1801 one quarter of an acre of No. 160, on Fayette- ville street, above Ilargett, sold for S(>0. It is worth now $12,000 to $15,000. In 1801 W. & J. Peace bought a lot nearly opposite the- above, on Fayetteville street, above Ilargett, part of No.. 147, fronting 21 feet and running back 60, for $165. In 1797 W. J. Humphries sold to Matthew Machlim the west half of No. 173, on Newbern avenue where .J. J.- Litchford lives, for $30, which was probably what wasi paid for it. Dr. R. P. Haywood tells me that it appears from the- account books of Joel Lane that he advanced for afriendi $79, to pay for No. 216, now the residence of W". J. Hicks.- Mr. David Royster, in 1802, bought of Oliver Fitts, of Warren, two acres Nos. 142 and 143, on Moore square,.. (21) where David L. Royster now lives, for .S]00 and a break- fast table. On the east of Moore square Mr. Roj'ster, about the same time, bought two acres for $50 — afterwards sold one for $40, and was considered to have ]nade a great specu- lation. On October 10, 1801, J. Harvey sold to Stephen Hay- wood the two acres where Mr. Wni. Dallas Haywood lives, for "$120 in silver dollars," or $60 per acre. In 1801 Nat. Jones sells to Dugald McKeethan No. 27(), fitN. "NV. corner of North and Lane streets for $51. Many of the first sold lots were purchased b}' those who •did not intend to make Raleigh their home. Some of the leading politicians of the day were purchasers — such ^s Bloodworth, Ashe, Davie, Hawkins, Dawson and Lane — who bought on speculation and lost mone}' on the re- sale. Four acres owned by the wealthy descendants of Tho^'. D. Bennehan are the only instances of continuous owner- ship in any family from the beginning, and Mr. Benne- ham was a resident of Orange. The foregoing sales are mentioned because they atlbrd standards of comparison as to the general rise of values, the prices now being from fifty to seventy and eighty times as high as at the dates mentioned. Near the busi- ness centre, however, lots have been sold at the rate of nearly $200,000 to the acre, or five and six thousand times the original cost. SALKS OK ]8!3. In 1813 the General Assembly appointed Ilenr}' Potter, Henry Seawell, Wm. Hinton, Nathaniel Jones, (Crabtree) Theophilus Hunter, and Wm. Peace, to sell the lands of the State south, west and north of the old corporate limits. The first named had been a Citv Commissioner. He was (22) Judire of the District Court of the United States for about sixty years. Henry Seawell was a member of the Legis-^ lature from "Wake, elected at that time Judge of the Su- perior Court, an able lawyer. Wm. Ilinton was repeated- ly Senator from Wake. Nathaniel Jones, father of the late Kimbrough Jones, called of "Crabtree" to distin- guish him from Nathaniel Jones of" White Plains," near Cary, the ancestor of the late Wesley and Alfred Jones, had been often Senator and member of the House from Wake. Theophilus Hunter was the respected and hospita- ble owner of "Spring Hill," which adjoins Raleigh on the west. Wm. Peace has already been described. The commissioners were ordered to reserve lots around the different springs in the State lands, and on this ac- count it is that Rex Spring on the north, and the springs near the Governor's Mansion and the colored Deaf and Dumb Asylum, are public property. It was at this sale that John Rex bought the land de- vised by him to provide a comfortable retreat for the rich and the afflicted poor. The money bequeathed by him for the same purpose had accumulated to over $20,000, when by the contingencies of the late war a great part of it was lost. The object is a noble one, and the name of John Rex, the tanner, should be honored among us. The proceeds of the sale of 1813 were devoted to the erection of what is by a kind of grim joke called "the Governor's Palace." Before that time the acre where the Raleigh National Bank is located, No. 131, having on it a two-story house of wood, which was removed about 1859, was the Executive Mansion. Governor Miller, of Warren, was the first occupant of the new mansion. It has been the scene of many gay festivities. In the good old days it was the custom for the governors to give fre- quent entertainments. The members of the Legislature and officers of State, and all decent people of the city, as well as strangers, were generally invited to attend. The annual " i)artie.s " of the Governor wcie looked forward to and enjoyed by young and old. The '•• Palace " continued to be occuttied by the Execu- tive until April, 18(15, when Governor \'ance yielded the occupancy to Gen. Sherman, who took possession of it as his headquarters. Alter the officers of the army left it in 18(38, Governor lEolden declinina- to leave his own handsome residence, and Governors Caldwell and Brog- den preferring hotel life, it was for several years rented to the highest bidder. It is now used for a flourishing graded school, undo- th(> superintendency of Mr. .]. E. Dugger. SALE OF 1810. In 1819 the lands of the State east of the city, except the llock (Quarry, wei'e ordered to be sold, the commis- sioners being Duncan Cameron, .John Winslow, Joseph Gales, Wm. Robards and Henry Potter. Of these Dun- can Catneron for many years was one of the most trusted men, not alone of Raleigh, but of North Carolina, lie was an eminent lawyer, a Judge of the Superior Courts, Senator and Member of the House from Orange, from 1829 to 1849 President of the leading 'oanks in theState, and was considered of highest authority in the State on matters of hnances. .John A\'inslow was member of the House from the borough of Fayetteville. Josej.h Gales was Intendant of Police of Raleigh for over twenty years, was an able editor, the founder of the JlaleUfh licf/isfrr which was a leading paper of the State for fift}' years, the father of the distinguished editor, Joseph Gales, of the National Intelligencer^ in Washington, and of Western R. Gales, his successor as editor of the Rccjisicr. Mr. Robards was of C!ranville, an excellesit man, Treasurer of the State. Henry Potter has been mentioned. The proceeds of tlie sale were applied to repairing and (24) enclosing the State House, which was well done under the supervision of an able architect, AV^m. Nichols. This was the last sale of the lands of the State. The sales of 1813 were low according to our standard. For example, John Rex bought the land given by him for a hospital, $481 for 15| acres. The sales of 1818 were called "very good." This ap- plied chiefly to the land in theN, E. part of the city com- prising thf noble forest owned by the late Henry Mor- decai, which brought filOO per acre. The lots along New- bern Avenue west of the old grave3^ard averaged about $50 per acre, while those on the south side of Hargett op- posite the old graveyard, commanded from ^40 to $70 per acre ; the broad slopes of Vinegar Hill were rated at about $50 per acre, and all this on a credit of one, two and three 3'ears, without interest. Some persons of speculative turn of mind and im{ier- fect knowledge of the law have cast hungry eyes at the unoccupied lots belonging to the State around the city with a view to take possesion of them under the Enti'y Laws at I'ii- cents per acre. But counsel "learned in the law" have quickly informed them that as the land had been once entered by and granted to .Joel Lane, the re- purchase by the State did not restore them to the class of " vacant and unappropriated lands," which are only sub- ject to entry. THE EARLIEST DAYS. The growth of the city was slow. The State House, an ugly pile of brick and wood, without porch or ornament of any kind, said to have been built by Rhody Atkins, ^vas finisiied in 1794, so that tiie General Assembly met in it for the first time in November of that year. Richard Dobbs Spaiglit, of Craven, met the Legislature as Gov- ernor, and on the first day of the succeeding .January, ( 25 ) Sani'l Ashe, of New Hanover, took his phxce. Tlie first settlers were State ofRcers, and hotel (then called tavern) keepers, followed of course by the "country merchant." Ill February 1705, the General Assembly appointed as \I!ommissioners, a board of seven, who (as would be said in our neighboring town of Durham,) were, the (jemdne original "Fathers of the city ; viz: Jolm Haywood, of Edge- combe, Treasurer of the State ; John Craven, of Halifax, Comptroller; John Marshall and James Mares, Hotel- keepers ; Dugold McKethan and John Pain, whose busi- ness I cannot discover ; Joim Rogers, a member of the Legislature from Wake, not a resident of the city. In 1801, the Legislature added as Commissioners, Joshua Sugg, a very respectable farmer. Col. AVni. Polk, who had lately become a resident, whom I shall mention again more particularly, and Theophilus Hunter, Senior, wlio had served the State in Revolutionary times. The buildings, with the exception of the State House, were for years all of wood. Covernor Swain, in his in- teresting Tucker Hall address, says that the Kagle Hotel of Charles Parish, now the National Hotel, was the next house of brick built after the Ccipitol. The old State Bank, now the Episcopal Rectory, the Bank of Newbern, now Dr. F. J. Haywood's dwelling, wsre built in the following year. As late as 1803, Henry IL Cooke advertises that living ut " Wake old Court-PIouse, about a quarter of a mile of the State-House, he can accommodate 10 or 12 gentlemen with board during the session, and will take a few horses to feed at 2s.Gd. (25 cts.) a day." But in r^ecember, 1803, the banner of the "• Indian Queen " is thrown out as the best stand in the city, with 13 rooms, of which have fire-places ! This was on the site of the new Federal Court-House and Post-Oftice. This was followed by Casso's tavern, in 1804, on the N. E. corner of Fayetteville street, next the State House ( 20 ) square, Oi)e]ied by " the })ublic'y juost obedient and humble servant, Peter Casso," who enhances the attract- iveness of his tavern by announcing that " the ISTorthern and Southern stages leave iiis door three times a vveek.'^ The hotels (or tavern?, as they were called.) were of a primitive nature. A gentleman tells me that many years ago he was at Cooke's Hotel, when besides himself Chief .Justice Mar- shall and Judge Cameron were the onl}' guests. A trav- eler drove up and asked for quarters. I'he answer was, " I can't take you, I am full." The furniture of Judge Mars!. nil's room consisted of a l)ed and bedstead, two split-bottom chairs, a pine table covered with grease and ink, a cracked pitcher and broken bowl. The next morn- ing wlien breakfast came on, the host, disdaining the use of forks, transferred from the d\A\ to his {date pieces of the dismembered fowl with his fingers. TERMANENT CPIARTER. The charter of 1795 was superceded by a permanent charter granted in J803, by which the election of Intend- ant and seven Commissioners was given to the people. The c|uali{i cation of such officers was that they should be seized in fee of land in the city, with a dwelling house thereon, and should be actual residents. Any free male of full age, resident for three months, or owning land in the city, whether a resident or not, could vote. The cor- porate name of the government was "The Commission- ers of the City of Raleigh." The public lands being in forests, for their protection a Ranger was appointed. Tije } ower of taxation was doubled, i. c, raised to fifty cents on the ^100 value, it having been twenty-five cents under the act of 1795. A poll tax as high as $1 was authorized on all male polls and on male slaves between twelve and fifty. Under ( -^7 ,) this cliartei' the inhabitants were not conipolled to work on the streets in person. On failnre to pay the tax on a lot on or before the first of August the coniiiiissioners were authorized and directed to sell the whole lot. It is remarkable that no right of redemption was allowed, no saving of the rights of infants and others under disability. This seems hard. It was probably caused by the fact heretofore mentioned that many of the lots were bought on speculation by those who would neither improve nor allow others to improve them. It is said that the large estate of the late Dr. Cooke was greatly attributable to the purchases b}' his father and grandfather at these tax .sales. It seems strange, too, as land was so very abundant and cheaf), the charter of 1804, as well as that of 1794-95^ should have contained stringent regulations in regard to encroachments on streets. They were required to be an- nually measured and entered on the city journalfj, and a tax was required to be imposed not over fifty cents a foot's width. These regulations were propably aimed chiefly at shop-keepers and tavern-keepers, who built in this manner to attract the attention of pa.ssers-by. Most of the "stoops"' and cellar-doors, which are an offence and stumbling block to so many were constructed in these ancient days, when much of the city was in forest and oak trees waved their boughs in our most populous streets.^ The charter of 1803 did not divide the city into wards. This was done in 1800, five commissioners being author- ized from the Middle ward, three from the Eastern, and one from the Western, showing that the western half of the city was settled more slowly than the other. The taxes of each ward were to be expended by its commis- sioners in that ward, and nowhere else. The commis- sioner of the Western ward had a pleasant office, being a full board all by himself, so that he could in truth say, as an eminent public man of this State once announced, "I (28) have convened for business," the solitary instance in municipal government where the voting was always unanimous. This was remedied in 1809, by giving three commissioners to the Western ward. A difficulty occurred about the act of 180G, which shows that our ancestors were troubled about ward divis- ions, as we have lately been. By that enactment, " all east of Wilmington and Halifax streets constituted the Easterri ward ; all west of Salisbury and Halifax streets constituted the Western ward, and all the residue of the •city was the Middle ward." The following preamble of an act of 1811 shows at once the trouble and the remedy. It is a curiosity of legislation. I copy it literatim, with all its blunders. Note how evidently its draughtsman was an ill-tempered and unlearned " Middle ward man :" "■ AN ACT TO EXPLAIN AND AMEND THE FIRST SECTION OF AN ACT PASSED IN 1806, AS FAR AS RESPECTS THE DIVISION OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH INTO THREE WARDS. Whereas^ It is found and discovered that the division of the cit}^, as prescribed by the aforesaid act of 1806, is unequitable, and the boundaries of each ward not so pre- cisely described as to prevent disputes, and that said division into wards is not nor neither can be as was in- tended, viz : that the Eastern and Western wards should receive all the taxes, and leave the main street North from the State House, called Halifax street, for the Mid- ■dle ward to keep in order ; and as the division now is, the commissioners of the Eastern ward do collect and receive all the taxes on the East of said street, leaving the naked street for the Middle ward to keep in order, .although the commissioners of the Eastern and Western wards acknowledge there is no equity for them to receive the taxes and leave the naked street for the Middle ward (29) to keep repaired, and consider that they are bound to act agreeable to the law of ISOG; the commissioners of the Middle ward have always been willing to act justly, to give them the taxes, and they will keep the street in repair, &c." Two 3'ears after thin, in 1813, the evil of having four boards, one general board and one from each ward, was remedied, and the commissioners reduced to seven, three from the Middle and two from the others, were consti- tated into one board. The injunction to expend the taxes of each ward, not needed for general purposes, in the ward whence they were raised, was continued until 1856. In the same year the constable of the city was vested with the powers of the constable of the county. There was only one constable. Tthc inhabitants of the city were compelled to serve as a city watch. This was done with- out fee or reward until 1813, the best citizens generally in person, though substitutes were allowed, taking their turn in patrolling the streets at night. It grew into a custom, which had the force of law, that the captain of the guard should adjourn his men to a restaurant and till them with Dutch courage to enable them to perform their dangerous duties and drive away sleep — hence a glass of brandy and water received the name of " eye- opener."' WATER WORKS. In 1815 the question of supply of water was mooted, and for its introductionfor the first time in the historj' of the city a public debt was authorized. A dam was erected on Rocky Branch, east of the Insane Asylimu The working of a water-wheel forced the water into what was called a " AVater Tower," situate on the hill cast of Syl- (30) vester Smith's house, whence the unfilterecl water was car- ]-ied by wooden pipes by force of gravity to Hargett street, thence down Fayetteville street. There were spouts at various points along the street. The engineer was an inge- nious mechanic, Sam'l Lash, of Salem. The water was of great convenience to the citizens of the Middle ward, but on tlie whole the scheme was a failure. The pipes became frequently clogged with mud, and leaky, sometimes burst by the pressure, and there being no filtration, whenever there was rain the water became of the hue of the " Yellow Tiber." To crown the whole, there were great heart-burn- ings among the citizens of the section of the city not bene- fitted. Alter a few vears — seven or eis-ht — the oldeno-ineer died. His son, who succeeded him, took to intoxicating liquors, and the more he drank, the less freel}' the water ran. The water-works failed. The first money our city l)orrowed was buried in the ground ; the first debt incurred was for a profitless work. It was not until that genera- tion passed away, about the year 1845, that a second debt was incurred, for transferring the new market-house from Hargett street to its present position. The year 1817 is memorable in our history as being the time when the General Assembly allowed incorporated towns to lay a tax on dogs. In the early state of the coun- try, these canine pests were useful, but at present they are a fruitful soui'ce of poverty. The taxation on dogs in our city has always been un- equal, paid by a few, who are aifiicted with consciences, while the rest go scot free. Few have the tender regard for truth of a good old citizen of sixty years ago, who, in giving in liis taxables, stated that he had one dog. After he had finished, the list-taker handed him a Bible. "What! have I got to swear to my list ?" " Oh, yes, sir !" " Then," with a heavy sigh, '^'put me down another dog." The charter of 1803, amended in important particulars IVom time to time, continued until the charter of 1856, (31) which was drawn, with liis usual ability, by lion. B. F* Moore, then city attorney. By tliis the name of the In- tendcnt of l^ohce was changed to Mayor. By direction of the Commissioners an amended charter was prepared by myself as city attorney in 18(3<), Init the (general Assembly made its going into operation dependent on a vote of the people, and because it increased powers of taxation it was defeated. A compilation of the charter of 185G incorpor- ating subsecpient amendments, was made by Mr. R. 11. Battle, in 18G7. In 187G, Fabius II. Busbee, Esq., city attorney, at the instance of the Board of Aldermen, made an able compilation of all the laws relating to Raleigh, now in existence, with reference to those which are obsolete also all the ordinances of the Board now in operation. Bv an act passed by the Cieneral Assembly of 1874-'75 the city is divided ir. to live wards. This lias been attack- ed in the courts on the grounds of unconstitutionality, the plaintiffs alleging amouir other things that the lines of the wards were ran in order to give voters of one polit- ical part}' more weight than those of the others in the government of the city. Four wards elect three Alder- men each, and one dec's five, making a Board of seven- teen The matter is still in litigati(>n. • CORPORATION OFFICERS. It is creditable to the public spirit rif our ])cople that for over half a century tbe Intendants of Police served without compensation. iSome of them, particularly Jos- eph Gales, and Weston R. Gales, his son, were conspicu- ous for their generous hospitality, and the elegant style with which they entertained strangers and supported the dignity of the city. In 1831 the former removed to Washington city, but returned in 1830, and was imme- diately elected to his old post, which he held until bis death in May, 1848. The charter of tbe city was amend-. (32) ed in January, 1843, giving to the Intendant the judicial powers of a Justice of the Peace, and autiiorizing the cor- poration to pay him a salary. Under this authorit}'^ the commissioners voted the venerable editor who had served the city so many years, whose time and talents and means had been almost from the beginning of the centu- ry expended liberally on every great public enterprise, the paltry salary of $100 per annum, which he lived only a few months to enjoy. I have taken great pains to ascertain all the Intend- ants and Mayors and Commissioners, from the beginning of the city. It was a difficult task in consequence of the destruction of the records, as heretofore mentioned, and I have not met with entire success. From the fact that Treasurer John Haywood was first mentioned of the commissioners appointed by the Legis- lature in the charter of 1795, I assume that he was the first Intendant. He was Treasurer of the State from 1787 to 1827, one of the most hospitable, kindly and popular men who ever lived in tlie State. The first Intendant elected by the people was AVm. White, the highly esteem- ed Secretary of State, whose excellent wife the daughter of Gov. Caswell, survived to our own times. [ can not. learn who held the office in 1801, but in 1805 the intci - dant was Joseph Ross. In 1806 it was William Hill, \. '.'• was clerk in the office'of the Secretary of the State, who.~c; stern integrity and devotion to duty were such that he- was elected to the office of Secretary of State continuous- ly from 1811 until his death in 1857, nearly half a cen- tury, amidst all the mutations of parties. For many years the most prominent and influential citizens were known as the " five Williams," viz : William Polk, William Peck, William Boylan, William Peace, and William Hill, of whom the three hitter were living when I began the practice of law in the city in 1854. After the Intendancy of Mr. Ilill, we find in succession (33) Dr. Calvin Jones in 1807, John Marshall in 1810 and 1811. John S. Raboteau in 1812, Sterling Yancey in 1813, then Joseph Gales until 1832, then Thomas Cobbs, Weston R. Gales, Wra. C. G. Carrington, Thomas Loring. Mr. Wm. Dallas Haywood was a very popular Intcndant for many years, and so was his successor Wm. II. Har- rison. Messrs. C. B. Root, Wesley Whitaker and .Joseph W. Ilolden have of late years held the office for one or two terms, and the list is closed by the present worthy incumbent. Major Basil C. Manl3% The list of Commissioners is most instructive. In the earlier days, when the population was small, it shows the names of the founders of the city, and in the large ma- jority of cases it contains very fair representatives of the business talent and integrity of our people. We see among those gone to their last homes Wm. Boylan, John Craven, Charles Parish, William and Joseph Peace, Henry Potter, Southey Bond, Robert Williams, Wm. Peck, Benj. S, King, Robert Cannon, AVesley Whitaker, Richard Smith, Thomas Henderson, Sherwood Haywood, Wm. Henry Haywood, James McKee, Wm. Shaw, Alex. Lucas, David Royster, Charles Manly, James F. Taylor, Thos. G. Scott, Wm. F. Clarke, Wm. Tliompson,'Ste- piien Birdsall, Ruffin Tucker, Dirk Lindeman, Henry M. Miller, Benjamin B. Smith, Beverly Daniel, Alex- ander J. Lawrence, F. H. Reeder, E. B. FreemaiK .lohn Christophers, John O'Rorke, Wm. Ashley, H. J). Turner, Daniel Murray, James Litchford, John Ilutchins, John Primrose, W. II. McKee, S. W. Whiting, David W. Stone, A. M. Gorman, Edward Yarborough, Silas Burns and many others who enjoyed the confidence and respect of their fellow-citizens. And we find that some of our best elderly men now living, who have lost the taste for municipal office life, such as Dr. F.J.Haywood, Jordan Womble, Alfred Williams, Sylvester Smith, Wm. W^hite, Geo. W. Haywood, and John J. Christophers, at (34) an earlier period of their lives consented to serve the city in this capacity, in which, as in all other cities, the in- cumbents are liable to abundant and sharp criticism, with no possibility of pay, and little possibility of praise. And Mr. Christophers should be especially remembered for his long- and faithful services as clerk of the city — services only paralleled by those of Mr. James IT. Murray^ as City Constable. The Intendant of Police originally was only what thev name implies, viz: a Superintendent of the Police force,;, without judicial powers. The powers of a Justice of the- Peace were conferred in 1843. The name was changed to "Mayor " in 1854, and the name " Commissioners" to> " Aldermen," in 1875. These names "Intendant of I'olice " and "Mayor'" show not only the composite nature of our language, but call to mind interesting liistorical facts. The former is^ a French official name, taken from French municipal! government, at a time when America greatlyadmired ite ancient ally. The word " Mayor," same as "'Major," has a splendid ancestry. It came into England with the jSTormans whc conquered the countr}' at Hastings s©ve«- hundred years; ago, and the Xormans got it from the majestic Romans^ the conquerors of Gaul, whosedescendants intermarrying with the natives of tiie land, were in turn subjugated by ihe adventurous northmen. So that after the lapse of over half a century, the foreigners 'Tntendant of Police"' gives place to the ISTorman " Mayor," and the name "Commissioners" likewise yields to the Anglo Saxow "Aldermen " (or Elder-men), which emigrated to Eng- land from Germany with Ilengistand Ilorsa. FOURTH DAY OF JULY. Among the first Commissioners appointed by the Teg.-- (35) islature in 1801, was a colonel of the Revolution, with the wounds,scarce healed, of Germantown and Eutaw Springs, long a leader in Raleigh society, Col. Wm. Polk, who re- moved to Raleigh from Mecklenburg county. It was with him not only a duty, but a pride, to keep alive the glories of 177C). The celeln^ation of the 4th of July filled so lare-e a space in the minds of the peoj)lc of that day, this ad- dress would be incomplete without an attempt to recall them. With our fathers this celebration was no idle holi- day. It was in vivid reality to them the birthday of the- nation — the day of deliverance from slavery, the great Passover, keeping in remembrance the staying of the hand of the destroying Angel. The day was ushered in by tiring of cannon. Then at sunrise there was prayer at the Presbyterian church. ]jarge numbers attended and thanked with devout hearts the Almiglity for his blessings on the country, a custom kept up until the breaking out of the great civil war, but revived, I re:joice to see, on this da^^ At 12 o'clock there was a Federal salute, as it was called — one gun for each State in the Union. Then a proces- sion was formed at the Court House, and moved to the music of fife and drum to 1 he capitol square. There an ode was sung. Then the Declaration of Independence was read. Then an ode. Then the Oration, which was followed by an ode. These odes, sung with spirit, were far more soul-stirring than the brass bands of these days. At 12 o'clock a good dinner was set. There were two tables presided over by President and Vice President. Toasts were drunk, followed by speeches and convivial songs. Here are specimens : '•The sriKiT of 1776, encircled by Wisdom and reclin- ing on Peace, but possessing tiie eye of the Eagle to dis- cern and the arm of a Lion to avenge our country's wrong." (36) " Tl)e PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, ma\' they become tiioreand more in feeling and fact, a band oe p.rotiieks; whilst they remain in principle and conduct a l)and of PATRIOTS and thus prove themselves Americans without alloy." A participant enables me to give an account of one of these scenes, which is a iair sample of all. Gov. Holmes presided at one table, Col. Polk at the other. Three Judges were appointed to decide which table furnished the best song and the best speech, viz: Joseph Gales, the distinguished editor. Chief Justice Taylor and Judge Hall of the Supreme Court. The lavorite singer at Gov. Holmes' table was one Reeder, a tinner, v/ho bad gallantly run " for bis country's fame" at Bladensburg. The cbam]Mon of the other table was Leonidas (or Lonny) Polk, son of the Colonel, afterwards the great Missionary ]^>ishop of the South-west, the soldier Bishop who was killed at Chic- amauga. By the vocal powers of the future Bishop the Judges awarded the victory to the table of his father. The prize of tlie victory was the privilege of taking the occupants of both tables to the home of the victor and treating them to new viands. The crowd hurried tumult- ously, singing and shouting as they went, to theresidence of Col. Polk, following him as a leader, dragging a can- non as they went. An ample table was found spread for them, new toasts were drunk, new songs sung, the cannon was fired, and amid shouts and hurrahs for Col. Polk and Independence, the patriots, their bosoms too full for ut- terance, meandered to their homes. At such seasons "King Bragg" reigned supreme. The following poetry copied from a newspaper of a later date shows the proud boasting of the patriotic heart : " Of one thing, reader, be thou sure — the Yankee eagle one day Will stretch his wings from Behring's strait beyond the bay of Fun- day. And from the pole to Panama, when sleeping I and you lie Will all belong to Uncle Sam, some future Fourth of -July."" Every great event was celebrated in those days of clieap "hog and lioinony," (spelt, I niciitioii for tlie information of boys and girls und spelling l)ee>) h-o-ni-on-y, and I nmst add of cheap li(jn()i', and in the exnlicrance of spirit. tlie toasts soared to the skies and got lost in the clouds. Here is one given at a dinner during the war of 1(S]2, on Oct. 2i)th ISI;:;: " Lawrknck and Ludlow ; at the tremendous thunder of whose cannon the Fates in astonishment snapt their thrciid and left a nation drowned in tears." I'his { icture of the giiiu P'/rtv?6' losing their self-|)OS- session at the sound of cannon in asea-fight and sna[>ping off life threads at random, is above anything in lEonier or Yirgil. At the same dinner was given a toast which shows liiat our fellow citizens from OKI .l^i'in were then, as they ai-o now, friends of edneation. " Tne Kalkigii Academy — May the sons of St Tam- many and the sons of St. Patrick dance hand in baud to the music of the Iiisii harj), new strung by the ;:oddess of liberty." But I cord'ess with slnnne that in blood and thunder sentiments Raleigh was beaten by our sister, Wilming- ton. At afeast given in honor of the Father of his coun- try at that good city Feb. 22nd 1813, the following toast was given and enthusiastically apjdauded. "The American Fi,ag— Wra['pe(l in a blaze of boan- less glory, like the resplendent shield of Jove, shaken aloft in the skies. May it flash lightning in the faces and strike terror into the hearts of its enemies and in every confiictmay it triuniphantly wave ov^r continued streams ofincessant i)eals of destructive-, all subduing thunder, until it renders itself a free pass and an inviolable i)ro- teetion to every citizen who may sail under it.'' It is needless to add that the music which followed this toast was — Yankee l^oodle. (38) I here remark tliat the division between Federalists and Repul)licans, the friends of peace and the friends of war, was sharply defined. At this anniversary of the birth of AVashington, in Wilmington, the Federalists called by pub- lic advertisement for a separate celebration hy " Federal- ists and the friends of Peace," and were sharply repri- manded therefor by the Raleigh Registe)'. The division was not so marked in Raleigh, as the evils of the war did not fall so heavily in the interior towns, but it is certain that there was mucli opposition to the war here and in the county of Wake. Notwithstanding his military temperament, Col. Polk refused a Brigadier Generalship, tendered him by President ^Madison, and the late venerable Wm. Boylan, a staunch Federalist, always in the minority before, was elected to the Legislature from Wake during all the time of the war. Still there was no factions oppo- sition. The people of Raleigh seem to have done their whole duty. A Raleigh company volQnteere(h On July 4th, 1812, they held a separate celebration. In a papei of that day I read : " The Raleigh Yolunteer Guard, and a nundjcr of citi- zens, (all dressed in home-spun,) mot at Rex's Spring to celebrate the Da}^ Capt. Wiatt was President and Allen Rogers Vice-President. After plain but plentiful dinner the following toasts were drank in home-made liquors," &c. The toasts were in good taste, entirely free from the fire and fury I have just given you — the toasts of men going to the battle, rather than of "bomb-proof," stay-atdiome men boasting of the deeds of others. And I find that on the 4rh of July, 1813, the usual firing of cannon was dispensed with, the reason given be- ing that " the [)Owder was needed for the war." The services of the Raleigh Volunteer Guards were ac- cepted and they were ordered to Beaufort, but they had DO opportunity to show their valor. A company of draft- ed militia of the countv was sent to Norfolk. Mi'. James (3!)) D. lioyster, to whom I am indebted for much information, remembers well this draft, which was held at the north St. Petersburg, Calcutta and Japan of the day before. I have in my hand copies of the rival news})apers of the day — the Raleigh Hegister and the Jlinerva — furnisli- ed me by my friend, jNIajor Gales. The Bcyister is dated April 12th, 1810. The latest news from Congress is March 30th, a speech from John Randolph. Under the head of Foreign Intelligence, we read: "Norfolk, April 2. By the ship Portia, Cab. Tabb, we have received Lon- don papers to January 24." In a postscript we have accounts from Cadiz to lOth of February. The news of the battle of New Orleans was not heard in Raleigh until the 17th of I'^ebruary. As we read these papers we seem to be among a differ- ent people. It may interest you to give some idea of the kind of newspaper literature, which amused and in- structed the Raleigh man of seventy odd years ago. Here (40) is a co[)y of the Treaty of Am-eriens in 1802. In another column is an account of a lottery had for the University — 1,500 tickets at $5 each — the highest prize, $1,500, drawn hy Gen. Lawrence Balcer, of Gates. The lucky number is 1,138. In Aict, all through the paper we see notices of lotteries — for schools, for churches and other objects. Here is an account of a negro insurrection in Bertie, about wdiich all Eastern N. C. was excited to mad- ness. Horse stealing seems to be common, the country being thinly settled, and there being no railroad or tele- graphs, escape was easy. Amusements they had, some- times in the Court House, sometimes in the Capitol. Here are some grand wax figures — " Washington and Lady — Gen, Bonaparte — 1st Consul — The late Gen. Butler, who fell in St. Clair's defeat, represented as wounded in leg and breast, and Indians rushing on him with toma- hawks." Big tales, too, they tell. AVhat do you say of this as a specimen ? "William Weldon, of Warren, saw a hern (as a heron Avas called), seized by a turtle, and went to relieve the hern, when it darted its bill into the socket of Weldon's eye, and holding it by the ball, suspended itself and the turtle, hanging to its legs. He will probably lose the sight of the eye." And here is a correspondent who waxes wroth at a re- cent announcement of the State Treasurer that £5,847^ 10s of " ragged money," have been burnt. The corres- pondent says such contraction will ruin the country. It should be duplicated and re-issued. And they had anecdotes in old times. Sir Walter Raleigh, while at a nobleman's house, overheard early one morning the nobleman's wife ask the servant, " Have you fed the pigs ?" At breakfast he said to his hostess, with a meaning look, " Have the pigs been fed ?'' " Yes," said she, " all but one strav/jc jiig, and I am about to feed (41) him noAv." A boy in this day of cant would say "she was heavy on Sir Walter." The election news, too, see how slowly it comes in ! The election was on the 1st Thursday in August. August 1(), heard from 11 counties; August, 23, 18; August 30, 19; September 6, 7 ; September 13, Tyrrell; September 27, Guilford comes creeping in. Duels are common. In one paper there was a des- perate tight between Clinton and Swartwout, between Peter Van Allen and Crawford. Van Allen was killed. Then the duel between Stanly and Spaight on the out- skirts of Newbern with many lookers on, in which Spaight was killed. I am proud to say that I find no record of any duel fought by citizens of Raleigh while they were such, although blood was hot and spirit high here as elsewhere. Here is an advertisement of the opening of the Uni- versity with Rev. Joseph Caldwell, Professor of Mathe- matics, and Rev. William Bingham, (grand-father of Col. William and Major Robert Bingham,) Professor of Langu- age : " Tuition, $20 per year. Board at Steward's Ilall, $57 per year. Grammar schools hereafter to be separated from the college." And here is an account of the pre- sentation of two handsome Globes to the University by the ladies of Raleigh. The names of the donors are not published. Our forefathers shrank from putting the names of the ladies into print, as I grieve to see is be- ginning to be the abominable custom now. What indignation and disgust the announcement by our Supreme Court that attornies should not be allowed to practice before the Court would cause among our lawyers, yet we find such a notice by the Court of Con ference in 1802, made in pursuance of an Act of As- sembly. Xor does the present time, with its Kuklux trials and its " Kirk-war " habeas corpus cases, Swazey suits, and (42) •Self special tax bonds mandamus, have the monopoly of great forensic displays. In January, 1805, came on be- fore Judge Potter, Chief Justice Marshall declining to sit for personal reasons, the grand ejectment suit, in which the Lord Granville of the day endeavored to establish title to the magnificent territory granted to his ancestor, one of the Lords Proprietors, stretching from about the latitude of Raleigh to the Virginia line, from the Atlan- tic to the Pacific. We read that on Thursday Gaston ■" spoke at great length and with much method, perspi- cuity, eloquence and strength. The defence was con- ducted by Cameron, Baker and Woods, with great inge- nuity, skill and force, and the argument was closed on Saturday by Mr. Harris for the plaintiff with much learning and ability." The case was decided against the plaintiff, and the appeal to the Supreme Court of the LTnited States was never prosecuted to a hearing. On February 21st, of 1803, there was a great fall of snow, eighteen inches to two feet on a level. This was equalled, I think, in January, 1857, when there was great suffering among us ibr want of fuel, and there were traces of snow on the north sides of walls six weeks after- wards. And how grateful subsequent events have proved the coal owners of Pennsylvania have been for the following advice editorially given in 1802: " We recommend the people of Eastern Pennsylvania to adopt the practice of forcing the earth for pit coal. We are credibly informed that ill England coal has been discovered at a depth of 120 fathoms — 720 feet!" Since then coal has been profit- -ably mined at 2800 feet. How delightful it Avould be to road as of July 4th, 1876, this announcement made June 29th 1802. "To- morrow will die, unregretted by the American people, the death awarded them by Congress, all our Internal Feder- al Taxes, consisting of duties on stills and domestic (48) spirits, on refined sugars, license to retailers, sales at auc- tion, carriages, and all stamped duties. May they have an eternal sleep." What spicy news tins is of the loth May 1802, just re- ceived on July 12th 1802: "Bonaparte has at last reached the acme of his ambi- tion. Before this time it is presumed, he has been de- clared Perpetual Consul." The editor annexes the notice of the Mayor of Havre that a vote will be taken on this question on the 2oth Floreal (15th :\[ay). For the benefit of my school-boy hearers, I state that Pizarro's speech by Sheridan so familiar to them, l>cgin- ning: " AJy brave associates, partners of my toil, my feelings and m}^ fame," was first received and printed at Raleigh, October 24th 1803. And for the benefit of my older hearers, I state that this speech was circulated throughout England as an attack on the ministry. It is amusing to read how fiercely the editor assails so distinguished a cliaracter as Noah Webster, who edited a paper in Connecticut, for complaining that Jefferson prefers the society of mechanics to that of men of man- ners and education. "We would like to know which is the most useful of the two, the inventor or maker of a mathematical instrument, for example, or the mechanical compiler of a spelling book."' He declares his opinion that Webster's writings "might have required industry but not half as much ingenuity as is necessary to con- struct a quadrant, clock or watch !" In justice to the editor, (by the bye in those days "editors " were called " printers "), I state that, when this was written, "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary" was only in (lie brain of its great "mechanical compiler." (44) INSURRECTIONS. It is impossible for us to imagine what terror minors of iiisurrectiohs among slaves caused among our ances- tors. They created a wild panic in which reason and sense had no part. We find such rumors common in the early part of the century. The most notable w^as in June 1802 when the discovery that one Frank Sumner had embodied a company of 13 men under his leadersliip as Captain, threw the whole country from Tar River to the Atlantic into consternation. Volunteer companies were orgaiiizod for patrolling and for arresting suspected per- sons. Martial law reigned supreme. The writ oi habeas corpus was suspended in practice, though not by law, as to the negro rase. At the time 100 men were locked up in Martin county jail. Poor Captain Frank Sumner for his ill-timed ambition was promptly hung by judgment of a special court and his deluded followers were glad to escape one with the loss of his ears, one with branding, the rest with flogging. A similar panic about that time occurred in Franklin county, but after great excitement in all middle ISTorth Carolina and many arrests, the accused were pronounced by the court hastily convened for the emergency, to be not guilty. When ISTat. Turner's massacre of fifty-five persons oc- curred in Southampton, Virginia, in 1831, the whole of Raleigh was placed under arms. The able-bodied were divided into four companies, each to patrol the streets every fourth night. The old men were organized as Silver Grays. The fortress was the Presbyterian Church and it was agreed that whenever the State House bell should sound the women and children were to hasten to its protecting walls. At last one night O'Rourke's black- smith shop took fire. It was night — says my informant — (45) liisliair is iVosled now ;ljat he remembers as vividly us it' it were yesterday, the women with dislieveled hair and in their ni^ht clothes running for life through the streets. It was no laughing mattei- lo them. One of our most veneral)!e and intelligent old ladies (and she is an un- coniinonly bravo woman), although she disbelieved tlie stories, yet when she heard the loud clangor of the bells at midnight, drew her children around her, determined to beg the enemy to kill them first so that she might see them safe in death rather than be the first to die, leaving them to brutality and torture. But her son, then a mere boy, brandished his deceased father's sword and jirepared to defend the household. I hope he will pardon me for mentioning an act so much to his credit. It was our Raleigh poet, James Fontleroy Tayloi-. The negroes were frightened more than the whites. They lied and hid unfler houses, in garden shrubbery, la}' between corn rows — anywhere. There never was a time when the colored people of Halcigh would have risen against our people. It is greatly to the credit of botli races that notwithstanding- party animosity and sudden emancipation, the kindly personal feeling between the whiles and their old servants lias never been interrupted. CON T A G 1 L'S DIS K A S ES. A similar terror in regard to smallpox often seized the city. When this disease jn-evailed, the city was actually in a state of blockade. The country })eople shunned it as an object of horrible dread. Ropes were stretched across the infected streets. Many families would not al- low their inmates to leave their lots for an}- cause. An old citizen had a colored man who, he discovered, had made a forbidden visit to one of his ohl cronies. On his return he was :-nioked with tar aiMl feathers to kill the (46) pestilence. The same citizen owed a neighbor some mone}'. He handed it to him tiirongh the fence with a pair of tongs. The doctors were kept busy with vaccina- ting. A nurse who had been attacked and cured of the disease could command any price. A country woman came into tvown to sell a bushel of potatoes, sitting on the bag on horseback. She called at Mrs. Royster's and ask- ed her if she wished to buy her potatoes. "Yes," said Mrs. Royster, "I would like to buy." Before alighting the woman said, "Mrs. Royster, I wish you would tell me honestly whether the small-pox is here?" "Yes," said Mrs. Royster, "Don't you see the ropes across the streec yonder?" She started with a scream, put whip to her horse and raced him for miles, carrying the potatoes w.th her. I record it to the honor of old Mr. Wm. Peck-, whose strong sense of justice was remarkable that, when lie was the only grocer who had flour for sale, he refused to sell it by the quantity but retailed it, a few pounds to- each, to the families known to be needy. Scarlet fever aroused a feeling almost as intense a-s small-pox. I myself remember when a camphor bag. suspended around the neck was as nece-sary an adjunct to a school-boy as a "shining morning face" or as an Ele- mentary Spelling Book- PRICKS OF NECESSARIES. It is interesting to note the pri(;es of ai'ticlesin ordinary us'^. I have examined the account liooks of W. & J- Peace, for 1S05 and 1814, kept in a beautiful manner, page after page without erasure or blot or interlineation, kept in pounds, -hillings and })encc. ; |2 to the £; 10 cts> to the shilling. The war of 1812 did not cause such rise in values as I expected : Salt in 1805 $1.75, in 1815 $4.75 per bushel ; Calico iii (47) 1805 87i cts. per yd, in 1814 $1 per yd; Xails (8d) in 1805 20"cts. per 100, in 1814 25 cts. per 100 ; Shot in 1805 20 cts. per ft, in 1814 37|- per it) ; Tea in 1805 $2.50 per ft), in 1814 $3.20 per lb; Loaf Sagar in 1805 37^ cts. per ft), in 1814 50 cts. per lb. The prco of advertisements in the newspapers of the city continued for years, unafFocted by wars and financial panics, "not over twenty lines, for the first insertion, half a dollar ; for each succeeding insertion, a quarter of a dollar." During our late civil war the following were the prices^.. in February 18()5, when gold was selling at $1 for $50 Con- ' federate currency. Nails $3.50 per pound, in gold 7 cts ; Flour $500 per' barrel, in gold $10 : Quinine .$200 per oz, in gold $4 ; Mor^ phine $800 per oz, in gold $1(). These prices were terrible to salaried men and mechanics,, whoso compensation by no means rose as Confederate* pciees depreciated. THE RALEGH ACADEMY. The attention of the people of Raleigh was early directed to the subject of education. The most active- man in inaugurating schools was Joseph Gales, the editor of the Register^ one of the most enlightened of the fathers of Raleigh. The following is the list of the Trustees elected March 27th, 1802: .Joiin Ingles, Wm. White, Nathaniel Jones^ (of White Plain), Henry Beawell, Simon Turner, Wm.. Boylan, John Marshall, and Joseph Gales. Nathaniel Jones, who had donated $100, Avas chosen. President, and Joseph Gales Secretary. One month afterwards $800 is reported subscribed and soon an academy is built b}' permission of the General Assembly, on ]>urke square, one building for the males^ one for the females. (48) This Academy became a power in the land. It ground- ed tlie education of nearly all the boys of that day in central Xortli Carolina. It was the pride and glory of Raleigh for the third of a century. The Academy began in grand style. In 1804 we read an advertisement which announces the teachers as fol- lows : Rev. Marin Detargney (late of Princeton, and of the college of Maryland) as Principal. Chesley Daniel, graduate of the University of jSTorth Carolina, and late one of the Tutor's assistants. Miss Charlotte Brodie, Teacher of Needle Work. Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Mathematics, with ap- plication to the system of the World, Astronomy, Navi- gation, etc., all at $5 per Cjuarter. A less amount might be had for $4 per quarter. The English branches for $3 per quarter, and Needle "Work free. Such array of all the sciences seems to have been above the demands of young Raleigh, and in 1810 it is an- nounced by William White, the Secretary of the Board? that the Trustees of the Academy had engaged the Rev. William McPheeters, from Virginia, a gentleman emi- nently qualified for the undertaking, to become the Principal of the Academy and " Pastor of the City." The leaders in the great contest with the social and political evils of the day, those who must drill the young to their full powers and enable them to cope with the active adventurous, nothing fearing, all daring spirit of this age, are the teachers of the land. Our people cap- tivated by the eloquence of the statesman, or the brilliant achievements of the warrior do not fully appreciate the grandeur of their calling. We honor with abundaut praise that man by whose in- vestigation into the laws of nature, rich harvests of golden grain beautify the sterile heath, fat cattle crop a grateful food on a thousand barren hills. How much more worthy (49) of histing glory is the luun l)y wlioso aid heavon-boni ideas spring up and flourish in a desert mind, principles of noble •conduct in a moral "waste, high aspirations for the beautiful and sublime in the place of low and vulgar prejudice. Dr. Wra. MePheeters was one of the best of his class, pains-taking, conscientious, thorough, parental and kind to the dutiful, but a terror to the truant — high-minded, brave frank, abhorring all meanness, he not only instructed the minds of his boys, but he trained their consciences to aim at his own lofty standard. He was, too, pastor of the city for several years. Tlis ministrations in the Commons Hall were attended by all, iiud Episcopalians and Baptists, Presbyterians and Metho- dists, in their triumphs and their sorrows, on the bed of sick- ness, and in the hour of death, found in him a sympathiz- ing friend, a safe counsellor, a true, tried, well-armed Oreat-Heart. Under this remarkable man the Raleigh Academy grew and nourished, and the Kaleigh people insensibly looking up to him as a common guide, were a united community, mipretentions, sociable, cordial to one another and cordial to strangers. Dr. MePheeters did not consider his responsi1)ility for the morals of the children under his care to cease with the dismissal of school on Friday evening. On Sunday morn- ing they were called to assemble at the Academy for Sun- day School, and after the Presbyterian churcli was built in 1816, a procession was formed with the assistance of the female teacher, Miss Nye, and all marched to the Presby- terian church. On Monday the roll was called and woe to the chap who could not give a good reason for non-attend- ance. He firmly believed in 'nnoral suasion," provided it was rul)l)ed in with a little hickory and chin({uapiri oil. As illustrating his management, as well as displaying his grim humor, one of our best and most dignified citizens tells me that, when a bov, he with two others concluded 4 (50) that hunting birds' nests on Pigeon House Brancli was- more agreeable than learning the Shorter Catechism. Ac- cordingly their handsome faces were not found for severaE Sundays in the procession marching from the Academy to-^ the church. One morning the good Doctor drjdy observed,. "I have noticed that several of these boys are affected with jg. new disease — the Sunday fever — ^I have a sovereign remedjr for it and for fear it may prove contagious, I will now pro- ceed to administer it." Whereupon he drew forth his- stout hickory and gave them such a dose as cured the fever* never to return. He was no respecter of persons ; regardedl neither position nor the age of badly behaved boj's. Om one occasion he was about to whip a large youth, weighing; 175 lbs. The boy expostulated, "Dr. I am too old to be- whipped." The reply was, "As long as a boy misbehaves' he is young enough to be punished." It is to the credit of the Ancient Freemasons that they' were the first benevolent organization to occupy Raleiglr.- They even preceded any religious denomination. The first Lodge of Ancient Freemasons in the city ot" Raleigh was organized February 11th, 1793, at the house" of Warren Altord, under the charter granted by tlie Grand Lodge, Friday, December 14th, 1702, styled Democratic Lodofe, No. 21, with John Macon, Master; Rodman At- khis, Senior Warden ; and Gee Bradley, Junior Warden,- This Lodge existed for two or three years. Iliram Lodge- No. 40, was established under a dispensation of Wm. R Davie, Grand Master^ dated the 10th day of March, 1799 ., with Henry Potter, Master; John Marshall, Senior warden!; and Robert Williams, Jr., Junior warden. Its charter' bears date 15th of December, 1800; was signed by Wm. Polk, Grand Master. The names of many of the men who> composed the early membership of this Lodge are promi- nently coimected with the history of Raleigh, either from;*^ its foundation or from a date not far remote from it. Tlie* names of Henry Potter, Theophius Hunter, John Marshall. \ r^l ) William Boylan, William Hill, Calvin Jones, William W. Seaton, and many others are remembered now by the Masonic Fraternity with fraternal reverence. Tlie Grand Lodge of Masons, after holding its commun- ications alternately in Tarborongli, Tlillsboro, Newbern and Fayettcville, met for the first time in Raleigh, on the 3rd day of December, 1794. It has since held its Annual Communi- cations in Raleigh. Many of our worthy citizens, some of whom are now living, have been and are 3'et active mem- bers of this body. There are many interesting facts con- nected with the history of this order in Raleigh, which I regret cannot be given to you on this occasion. CJIUKCHES.. ¥oY a long time after tlie foundation ol the city the people worshipped in the Statediouse or the Court-iiouse, only too glad to listen to the teachings of the missionary of any denomination who might tavor them with his mini- ■i>trations. The great Methodist Bishop Asbury records- that he officiated in the former place in 1800. When, in. ISIO, Dr. Wm. B. McPheetei-s was employed as prin- cipal of the Raleigh Academy, it was announced that he was likewise engaged as "■ Pastor of the City," and traditioin hath it that for years he actually exercised this great charge with a wise and fearless hand. The tirst church edifice in the city was erected by Rev. Wm. Glendenning, a half crazy O'Kellyite parson, who made money enough by trading on week days to sup[)ort himself in preaching on Sundays. Thi.s was wiiere the residence of Mr. X. S. Harp is now. A Methodist church of wood was next erected on the site where the present building now stands, as we learn from the excellent address of Prof. A. W.Mangum,on the liistory of the Methodist Church in Raleigh. A Baptist church was built in 1813 which had a singular history. (52) It was at first on a lot east of the Moore square, ''once called Old Bapti.it Grove), was afterwards moved to the square and was used by all the Baptists of the city until 1835. A lady friend remembers when each ])ious mem- ber, whenever services were conducted at night, carried his or her individual tallow candle to aid in the illumi- nation of the l)uilding- — ^which illustrates the wonderful growth of that denomination in the city. In 1835 there w-as a division in this church and the majority holding the building joined themselves to the sect called "Chris- tians." They gradually dwindled until since the war, Mr. Mark Williams, being the last survivor, sold the building to a colored congregation who removed it to a part of the city known as "Ilayti." The minority built the church at the corner of Wilmington and JNIorgan streets, which was afterwards ])urchased by the Catholics when the Baptists erected the handsome Salisbury street building. The Presb}' terian church, the first of any architectural pretensions, was finished in 1817, and is the only build- ing still occupied by the denomination which erected it. It was used with true christian liberality as the llouse of Worship, not only by the Presbyterians, but by others. In the Farish Registers of Christ's Church, we find an entry by Bishop Ravenscroft in his own hand-writing of the baptism in the Presbyterian church, in presence of the congregation, of an infant son of Episcopal parents, who is now one' of the most trusted officers of Christ churcli. The first Episcopal church was built in 1829, the con- gregation before that time occupying a house known as the "Museum." This was erected by Jacob Marling, near where the Citizens' Bank stands, for the exhibition of phantasmagaria, minerals, insects, mechanical inven- tions and curosities, for a visit to which 12A cents a head was charged. The Episcopalians sold their building to (53) tlie colored Methodists, after erectiiiii their j)resont hand- some .c;ranite structure. FlfiKS. It was in iS-il that hre c()m[)auies were lirst authoriz- ed, and in I8-26 provision was made for drafting in case tliere were not snflicient volunteers. An engine had, lonank reminds us that the time was when monev could be borrowed at six per cent, interest, and excepting one other house, have been swept b}' fire, some parts twice, others three or four times. The first great fire on record was in ISIG, on the east side of Fayetteville street, extending from Martin street to Ilargett, and thence nearly' to AVilmington street. Zach. Miller owned a store on the corner of Ilargett and (54) Wilmington streets. He hail in liis house ten harreis of vinegar stored. Not having water vvherewitli to encoun- ter the advancing fiames, he dashed upon them and on his smoking walls the precious apple juice, and stayed their progress. My informant, our old friend, John K. Harrison, tells me he remembers well how strangely the yellow fluid looked as it streamed over the planks and spluttered in the flames. The ill-fated water-works here- to mentioned were the result of this fire of 1816. In 1821 a second fire broke out near the site where the market house stands, an.d, without interruption, the flames rushed to Hargett street, sweeping all in tlieir r»ath. Here they leaped across to the opposite corner and levelled to the earth all the buildings on both sides of Hargett, two dreadful jxirallel columns of tire to Wilmington street. I'hey likewise hurried north with unchecked fury, until stoi)ped by the unconquerable energy and pluck of a Avoman. This lady deserves especial mention on an occasion like this. Her house stood, a two storied wooden buihl- ing, where Tucker's handsome hall rears its iron front. It was about 20 feet from the nearest house on the south and a little further from its next neighbor on tin North. She was a widow, sister of our venerable old friend still living (Mrs. Lucas) the daughter of Casso, who has been mentioned as keeper of one of the principal hotels. By lier unaided exertions in keeping a private boarding ;house she w;is rear.ncr the large familv. the niembei-s of ■wdiich are among our best citizens. Not only in the conflagration of which I speak, but afterwards when the fire demon, starting from tlie corner luxt to Capitol squitre, moved down, levelling all the liouses on its way, and assailed her from the north, did this heroic woman stand like a bulwark against the on- ward march of the flames. While the hearts of others failed, hers stood firm. While strong men gazed, helj>- (55) ^ess and despairing-, at ihe grand but awful sight, she sprang forth to active conflict with the danger. She :Spurrcd on the lagging, she animated the faint hearted, she heeded not the advancing column of the liames, the falling cinders, the suffocating smoke, the crasliing tim- bers; she forgot for a time the natural timidity of her sex. Armed with "wet blankets and hastily filled buckets, siie stood in the very jaws of the terrible heat, until others, .-shamed into action by the recklessness of her daring, lushed to her aid. Twice she conquered. Twice did she save from destruction her own propert}' and long rows of ilier neighbors' houses. Among her contemporaries her praise was in the mouths of all. Let our young men and young women remend)er the deeds, and honor the name ■of Mrs. Hannali Stewart. It will grieve you all, I know, to learn that, twenty years afterwards, when old age had diminished her strength, she was again assaulted by her ancient foe, and .this time defeated. A fire broke out in Depkin's shoe :shop, the nearest house on the north, and from sudden - ^icss of the attack and the direction of the wind, her •dwelling, so often s-aved, was destroyed. The flames .again swept down to and along llargett street, until checked within one house of Wilmington street. The Jiose of the engine was burst soon after it was brought into action. The water llowed on the ground and mix- ing with earth formed an improm])tu imitation of Fay- •etteville street, as once macadamized by the transcendent genius of our city "commissioners, with thick layers of soft red clay from the basement, of the market house. The ready witted firemen gathered this plastic material by handsfuU and buckets full, and dashing it against tiie walls of the threatened store, formed a non-conductor, im- pervious to heat. The fire was extinguished and the grateful citizens dultbed, I should say (hmbcd, this heroic (56) band as the " mud company," and this well-earned name stuck fast up to the day of its dissolution. Those tracing titles to propert}^ are often perplexed by inability to find records of deeds made over forty years ago. This is in consequence of the loss of twenty registry books in a disastrous lire, which originated in the store of Richard Smith, the county Register, which was located at the corner where an excellent friend of ours, A. Creech, sells goods. This fire was caused by an incen- diary, Benjamin F. Seaborn, who kindled the flame in order to hide his theft of the money of his employer. On this occasion all the buildings on the west side of Fay- etteville, from Hargett street to the Capitol Square were destroyed, except the Newbern banking house, now the residence of ^r. Haywood. It will be a great satisfaction 10 the lawyers, when groaning over thel oss of the registry books, as it was to the citizens of Raleigh, to know that Seaborn, afler removing hi? trial to Fayetteville, and ob- taining, by an appeal to the Supreme Court, an excel- lent opinion against him from Judge Ruffin, was hungv as he deserved to be. BURNING OF THE CAPriOL. In 1831 occurred an event of momentous consequence to the people of Raleigh, which not only caused great loss of itself but, according to tradition, came near ruining the city. This was the burning of the Capitol. The old State House way constructed'in 1792. It was described as whol- ly without architectural beauty, an ugly mass of brick and mortar. Ii was repaired in 1822, under the supervision of Capt. AVm. Nichols, an experienced architect, who covered its dingy walls with stucco, and rendered it more sightly by the addition of porticos and a dome. The form of the building was similar to the present noble granite structure (r>7) which, by its unpretending but stately beauty, fitly repre- sents the soUd virtues of North CaroUna character. By a freak of liberality, unusual in those good old days, when the State never spent over $90,000 a year for all purposes, when taxes were six cents on the $100 value of real estate only, and personal property was entirely exempt, the General Assembly had placed in the rotunda a magnificient statue of A\'^ashington, of Carrata marble, by the great Canova, It was the pride and boast of the State. Our people remembered with peculiar pleasure that La Fayette had stood at its base and commended the beauty of the carving and the fitness of the honor, to the great man under whom he had served in our war for Independence, and whom he regarded witli a passionate and reverential love. The carelessness of an artisan engaged in covering the roof, lost this great work of art to the State. On the morning of the 21st of June, 1831, while the sun shone bright in the heavens, flames were seen issuing from the roof The owls and flying squirrels, which had built their nests among the rafters, hastened through the ventilator to escape from the doomed building, followed by thick smoke and then by bright flame. With no such power- ful machine as the Rescue engine,the progress of the fire was unchecked. A few citizens, incited by a gallant little lady, Miss Betsy Geddy, who had all the spirit of her Re- volutionary fathers, endeavored with frantic haste to re- move the statue. But its great weight was too much for their strength. They were forced to witness its desiruction. Fort}^ years have not erased from iheir memories the splendors of the closing scene of this drama. For man}' minutes, like its great original, serene and unmoved among the fires of Monmouth or of Trenton, the statue stood, the central figure of numberless blazing torches, untouched and majestic, every lineament and feature and graceful darpery white — hot and of supernatural brill- (5S) iancy and beauty. Then suddenly the burning timbers fell, and the master-piece of Canova, was a mass of broken fragments. ROCKY EKANCII NAVIGABLE. I have said that, according to tradition, this tire came near raining our city. Haywood was in old times an ambitious little village, situate as you know, at the con- fluence of the Haw and Deep rivers. The digging of the Erie canal across the State of New York, and the great increase to the commerce and wealth of New York City, caused thereby, aroused a wild, speculative fever on the subject of canal and navigation works throughout the whole country. Civil engineers could not be manufact- ured fast enough to supply the demand. In this State, so eager were the statesmen of the day, headed by Judge Murphy, President of the Board of Internal Improve- ments, to realize, the vast benefits to accrue from the navigation of our water courses, that Peter Browne, the eminent lawyer, then in Scotland, wasauthorized to send ■out an engineer at any price for which he could be ob- tained. In those days of low salaries, when the Secretary of State and Treasurer received only a few hundred dol- lars per annum, the Intendant of Police in Raleigh noth- ing, and all the Clergymen of the county of Wake put together only received i?3,.500. Mr. Browne, an able, hard- headed, long headed and 5^7 ware-headed Scotchman, was obliged to pay $6,000 per year in gold, salary to Mr. Hamilton Fulton, for his services. Great works were pro- jected. Tar River was to be made navigable to Louis- burg. The corn and wheat of the Yadkin Valley as high as Wilkes, of the Broad River, in Rutherford, of Haw River in Alamance, of Neuse River, up to Orange county, of the Roanoke and Dan, up to tiie county of Stokes, of Deep River to the interior of Randolph, were to be trans- (59) ■ported to the ocean in ennal boats. A dam across Koa- iioke Sound \va=! to force the water to re open Nag's TTead Inlet. T have before me tlie estimate for connecting Kocky Branch at tlieFayctteville road crossing, at Tucker's Mill, with the ocean, by way of Walnut creek and Neuse river. The fall from the I'^iyetteville road to Neuse river is ■seventy-four feet three inches. The distance is ten miles four furlongs and eleven rods. From the mouth of Walnut creek to Major Turner's ferry (below Smithfield) the des- cent is 60 feet, S inches. The distance is .'51 miles, (! fur- longs 8 yards. 1 have also the survey from the Kimbrough Jones l)ridge down Crab tree to Neuse river. The descent is oidy 23 feet 10 inches, the distance 8 miles furlongs, 11 ynrds. The engineer advises against making Walnut creek and Rocky branch navigable for 4 reasons. 1st, the sinuosities, 2d, the number of dams and locks required to overcome the fall, od, the flatness and width of the val- leys, 4th the purchase of tlie lowlands flooded. But Mr. Fulton sees no difliculty in making Crabtree navigable. I have his estimates includiiiiz a rail road from Raleigh to the creek at thelvimbrough .Jones bridge. Total $35,25.",. The Engineer seems to recommend a railway (or tram- way) from Raleigh to Neuse river 9 miles, making the total cost of connecting Raleigh with the ocean $27,87'^>. To us who have witnessed so many failures in naviga- tion works it seems strange that sensible men should have credited these estimates, yet they were credited and acted •on. We had a Neuse River Navigation Company in which our people took stock, paid in their money and elected their oflicers. They built boats and launched them. Mr. James II. Murray so long known among us i\s the fearless and incorruptible Constable of the city, as (60) Captain of a flat-boat, made one trip from Stone's (now W. R. Pool's) mill on the Xeuse to Newbern, and after many and tedious da}' she retuined. And that was the end of makin.2; Raleigh a seaport town. To those who indulged in all these visions, Ilaj'woody •at the confluence of the Haw and the Deep, seemed to be the exact spot for building a new London, or Paris, Liver- pool or Glasgow, New York or Philadelphia. It was a central point, certainly to be joined to the ocean, tlie land high, health}^ and suitable to the location of a city. It seemed so certain that Haywood should be the metroj)- olis of North Carolina that many of the leading men of that day bought lots and hoped to be millionaires. When therefore after the burning of the Capitol in 1831, the General Assembly was called on for appropria- tions to re-build, in such a manner as not to incur the risk of loss by fire, the new State house, Hugh McQueen, of Chatham, put in a claim for Haywood. It is true Raleigh was fixed, unalterable except b}^ a convention of the people. But then a new convention was shortly to be held. It is firmly believed among our old people that Haywood failed by only one vote. I must confess that I am unable to verify this legend. It is true that in Dec. 1831 the proposal to rebuild the Capitol in Union square was voted down 68 to 65 in the House of Com- mans, but that does not prove that a |)ro})Osa] to build at Haywood would have been carried b}' the same vote. Certain it is that in Dec. loth 1831, the bill to appro- priate $50,000 towards rebuilding the Capitol here passed the House by 73 to GO and the Senate by 35 to 28. KEBUILDIX(i OF S'I'ATE-HOUSE. The State house of Raleigh (the old acts call it by this name,borrowed from our Holland allies, thenameCapitol borrowed from Rome is of later growth), is a signal ex- (CI) nmple of Legislature;^. " building better than they knevv." It was well known at the date of the first appropriation that the inexperienced members of the interior counties fully expected that the sum of $50,000 would complete the new edifice and have it ready for occupany in a year or two. The old building of r7*.>2, of brick from the })ul)lic brick-yard on lots No. loS and lol was, by the act, to cost onl}^ S20,00(). The repairing of the same, the ad- dition of porticos, it c, in ISli) was paid for out of the sale of the public lands east of the city and that cost was not known. If $20,000 could build a house in 1792, why could not $50,000 in 1832? The first commissioners were among our strongest and best men, "William Boylan, Duncan Cameron, AV'illiam S. Mhoon, Henry Seawell and liomulus M. Saunders. They were succeeded by such eminent men as Samuel F. Patterson, Beverly Daniel, Charles AHuily. Alfred Jones, Charles L. Plinton. These commissioners were enlightened men and de serve great credit for their jierservance and courage in giving us a building worthy of the State. Demagogues criticised them, Legislative committees carped at them, but they were in all respects sustained not only by the Legislatures, but bv the people. I am enabled to give you the cost of the building as finally summed up in 1S40, viz: $530,084.15. I have found and copied a full description by David Paton, who, after the first year or two, became the architect. 1 will not I'cad the whole but will mention now that the building is 100 x 140 feet. It is 04.] fee^ high to top of dome; to apex of the j)ediment, G4 feet. The columns are 5 feet 2\ inches m diameter and 30 feet high. The entablature, including blockinL^ is 12 feet high. The columns and entablature are Grecian-Doric, copied from the Parthenon at Athens. The dome is de- corated after the manner of the monument called the (02) Lantern of Demostlienes. The lobbies and bull of the House of Representatives have columns and antiis model- ed after the Octagon Tower of Andronicus Cyrrhestes, and the plan of the hall is that of a Greek Theatre. COMPLETION OF K. ct G- R. R. The same year that the Capitol was finished, the lirst lo- comotive steamed to Raleigh over the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. The name of the locomotive, the Tornado, ex- pressed fitly the wild excitement which swept through the bosoms of the people. It was determined to hold a cele- bration in honor of the double event, the completion of the Railroad and completion of the Cnj>ito!. For three days in June was this celebration held.. Everybody's door was thrown wide open. From distant counties, from the cities of \^irginia, men, women and children flocked in to see the new wonder. Rufhn's; Richmond band discoursed sweet music for the occasion ,. The Tornado wao constantly employed in making ex- cursion trips into the country for the delectation of visit ors. A grand procession under the marshalling of Gen.. Beverly Daniel, marched IVoui the Court house to the; depot. There, on tive tables each 90 feet long, wasspre"! i. mighty dinner, j^repared by the best etfbrts of Mrs. liui nab Stewart. Gov, Dudley wn.s President. AVeston R.. Gales was toastniaster. The Vice-Presidents were Gas- ton, Iredell, Branch, Bryan, Ilinton, Mordecai, Patterson^ Dr. Jos. AV. Hawkins, Dr. Watson Dupuy. There weie- 13 regular toasts, and 70 volunteer toasts. Speeches grave and gay, eloquent and witty, were delivered. -ludge- Gaston's speech was worthy of the finest orators of the- century. At night thetrees of the Capitol square were illuminated; with colored lamps, and similar lamps on P\ayetteville (63) street made a splendid vista oi'brilliaiicy, terminated by the Capitol and the Governor's Mansion, whoreevery window was a blaze of light. Every important house in the city was illuminated. Gorgeous transparencies could be every where seen. One was a representation of the Capitol, an- other of a Locomotive, another of mountains and the sea. Gay couples danced in Commons Hall under the light of the old chandelier, while in the Senate chamber the more staid talked over the great wonders of the Iron Horse, the splendid architecture around them, the Presi- dential Campaign on which they were entering. THE FIRST RAILROAD IN NORTH CAROLINA. One of the toasts given at the grand dimior was sent b_y" Mr. Wm, I'eck. Tt was " to the distinguished female who- suggested the construction of the Experimental Railroa(.l.. She well deserves a name among the benefactors of the fetate." The Kaleigh Experimental Railroad Avas the first at- tempt at a railroad built in North Carolina. It was a cheap strap iron tramway, costing $22p0 per mile. It was the suggestion of Mrs. Sarah Polk, the widow of Col. Wm. Polk, and the mother of Bishop Polk. She l)ecame the principal stockholder, which showed lior liaancial judgment, for it paid over three hundred per cent. Capt. Daniel H. Bing- ham was the Engineer, an accomplished scholar who taught a mihtary school in Saunders' house, on Ilillsboro street, and was assisted by two of his advanced students — Dr. R. B. Haywood, of this city, and Col. Wm. C. Abbott, of Mississippi. The road ran from the east pociUfn of the Capitol to the stone quarry, turning to the right at the' Ilutchings House until it reached the middle of the ridge^ a hundred yards south of Xewbern Avenue ; thence down said ridge to within iifty yards of Camp Russel ; thence bending to the right, ruiming under the site of Lambright's- (04) Beer Garden, and so on to the qnany. Quite a deep cut was made in the Capitol square, which was afterwards filled np with the debris of the yard. A six foot embankment was raised in front of Dr. Little's residence, and a part of the embankment is yet visible at the Hutchings House, a row of elms having been planted on it. It was finished January 1st, 1833, and a handsome car was put on it, as was announced, "for the accommodation of such ladies and gentlemen as desired to take the exercise of a railroad airing." The motive power was a good old horse that was warranted not to run away. People came from the adjoin- ing counties to avail themselves of this opportunity, and the passenger car often interfered with the regular car for iiauling stone. REMOVAL OF THE MARKET. The market house was, in the early part of the century, a small octagonal house in the middle of Fayetteville street. It was afterwards on Hargett street, between Fay- etteville and Wilmington. Shops for the sale of spirit- uous liquors clustered around it in such numbers that tliis portion was called " Grog Alle}^ " — the scene of much drinking and disorder, of many a fisticuff figlit and oc- casionally a homicide. A party was formed for the re- moval of the market to its present location, which party after a fierce struggle,succeeded in carrying the municipal election in 1840. The conquerors were so elated that they marched through " Grog Alley " with torches and shouts of victory. This so irritated the valorous inhabi- tants of that place of resort that a bloody riot ensued, the only riot in the history of the city. Brickbats and other missiles flew so furiously that the victors retreated in great disorder without the loss of a man. It was in this battle that the expression "who struck l>illy Patterson," arose. Patterson being a noted free negro of stuttering fame, who Avas smitten b}' an unknown assailant. (Ga) This new Market liouse was burnt in 1865 and the "Market house debt" of $50,000, now afflicting the city, was incurred in erecting the present building. GROWTH OF THE CITY. The increase of population and risein value of property since the beginning of the century need some mention. The total population in 1807 was 726. In 1810 this had increased to 976. Thirty years after, in 1840, we find the population 2,240, very little over twice as much in thirty years. In 1850, however, we find the population 4,518, having increased as much in ten years as it had done before in thirty. This increase was probably due to the certainty of Ral- eigh's continuing to be the seatof Government, caused by the completion of the Capitol and to the increased communication caused by the finishing of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. But the city seems to have stood still in the decade from 1850 to 1860, increasing only to 4,780 in the aggregate. Indeed as the corporate limits were extended in 1856, the inference seems to be that there was a positive decrease. In 1870, however, the number is proved to be 7,700, and in 1876 it is generally supposed to be over 10,000. In 1870, Raleigh township, being a square whose sides are distant one mile from the Capitol, had 2,379 inhabi- tants, besides those in the corporate limits, so that the population of Raleigh, including those living in its out- skirts and contributing to its wealth, was 10,169. In 1860 this outside population was very small in com- parison to that of 1870. I conclude that Raleigh more than doubled in the de- cade from 1860 to 1870, nearly all of which increase was (GG) after 1865, and certainly there has been a marked in- crease since 1 870. The increase in the value of property in Raleigh has been striking, especially in localities near the market house. The lot on the corner of Martin and Wilmington, streets, on part of which the Adams' building rears its imposing front, 140 by 120, was bought for $2,500 in November, 1851. In February, 1874, nine-fourteenths of it were sold for $15,050, at the rate of over $22,000 for the whole. The ground where the Citizens' National Bank stands was bought about thirty years ago for $2,200. It was sold at auction in 18G8 for $8,200. The southeast corner of Fayetteville and Martin streets was bought by Dr. F. J. Haywood in 1 838 for $750, and sold in 1872 for $10,000 cash. It has been rented as high since the war as $1,200 per year and generally at $800 $1,000. The lot fronting 105 feet on Fayetteville street, owned by the late E. B. Freeman, was bought about 1858 for $3,500. It was sold in 1875 for $7,100. Various vacant lots,worth before the war, $400 or $500 to $800 have been easily sold since the war at $2,000 to $3,000 per acre. The half acre where Dr. Wm. Little lives between Newbern,"" Blount and Edenton streets, was bought in 1838 for $500. It was sold two or^three years ago for $2,- 000 cash. The Bank lot, including this half acre, sold for $4,500 in 1838. In 1867 it brought $11,025 at auction. The increase of the trade of the city has been as as- tonishing as the rise of property. The cotton trade of Raleigh has increased from 500 to 600 bales 10 years ago to bales in 1875 and during this year the trade will handle over 40,000 bales and the receipts are increasing (07) . ever}' year — about fifteen counties sending their produc- tions to us. Tile dry goods trade lias advanced in astonishing ratio. "When in 1852 AV, II. & R. S. Tucker, who have been pioneers in mercantile adventure knoclied out the parti- tion of their old store, now used by the Express Corn- pan}', and increased its length to 100 feet, they were looked on as so daring that an old kinsman refused on this account to be surety on their papei". When after the war in ISGG they further dared to construct Tucker Ilall, the finest store in the State, they equally defied what some thought the rule of prudence. But in each case the success justified the venture. Their sales have been .300 per cent, over what they were before the war. The noble buildings along Fayetteville and Martin streets, the Briggs Building, the Fisher Building, the Holleman Building, the Adams Building, the State Na- tional Bank, the Andrews Building, the Citizens' Bank Building, the enlargement of the Yarborough House, the ISTational Hotel, the completion of Peace Institute and Baptist Seminary, and many smaller, but in the aggre- gate, very important edifices, and the magnificent private residences on Blount and other streets, together with countless cheaper dwellings in all parts of the city, the homes of the rich as well as of our mechanics, show that we have entered on a new era of prosperity. The gener- al grocery and hardware business have grown so enormously that it may be said they have been created within the last ten years. And all this improvement is in despite of the want of banking capital. The total banking capital of Raleigh is only $(300,000. As the bonds required under the National banking act for the issue of currency were of necessity bought in New York, and as the maximum currency allowed to be issu- ed is ninety per cent, of the bonds, the banks actually (68) sent out of the community considerably more money than they brought in. The Bank of North Carolina had $2,500,000 capital, and after parceling off to thebranches what they required could, before the war, reserve for Ral- eigh what our people needed. In those days a solvent man could always get money in bank on proper securit}^ at six per cent. Since the war the percentage has been as high often as 18 and 24 per cent, and frequently can not be had at any price, not even with the best collaterals. Great foitunes measured by a North Carolina standard, have been accumulated b}' industry and thrift in Ral- eigh. For the encouragement of young men I will give some striking instances, not mentioning any living per- son. The late William Boylan must have been worth nearl}* a million when he died. The foundation of it was laid here. Part of this however was in the increase of slaves, which in some instances was very great. In the first place the intrinsic value advanced. The highest price I can find paid for the best man about 1801 was $425. In 18G0, $1,500 was not uncommon. But the natural in- crease in the number of slaves was often enormous. Mr. Boylan some years ago gave $300 for a young woman and talked about suing the seller for her unsoundness. That woman had twenty-four children, fifteen of whom grew up and were valuable. Gov. Swain had a woman who was a grand mother at the age of twenty -six. But there are striking cases of great accumulation of wealth where it was not in negro property. Mr. Ruffin Tucker came into Raleigh as a clerk at a salary of $25 per year. He was obliged to furnish his own candles. His employer thought sunlight cheaper. He died possessing a large estate, part of which was the very store where he had commenced life so j)lainly. William and Joseph Peace made all their large estate bv merchandising in Raleigh, and the rise of city prop- (GO) erty. And Richard Smith started life as an humble clerk. The real estate he left is worth largely over $100,000. And there are divers men in Raleigh, worth now from $50,000 to $80,000, who at the end of the war had not a twentieth part of it. Let my young friends remember that it is extravagance which ruins so many fortunes. Micawber sums up it up exactly: "Annual income £20; annual expenditures £19.10.^. Result, happiness. Annual income £20 ; annual expenditure £20.10s. Result, misery. The God of Night goes down on the cheerful day. In fact you are floored. I must bring this series of .sketches to a close, leaving much unsaid of great interest and value. It would be a pleasing task, if I had time, to continue the history of the institutionsofour city to the present. I would like to tell of more of the great and good men who have resided among us, learned divines, members of the bar, of the medical fraternity, of the counting house, of the woikshop ; of the ladies who were distinguished in church, in the social circle, in charitable work, in the instruction of youth. I would like to give the history of the Tress of Raleigh from the Register^i\\Q 3Iinerva,ihe Star, down to the news- papers of our day ; of the schools, male and female, which, since the days of McPheeters, have done so much good in the land ; of their teachers, especially of those, my preceptors, whom I remember so afFectionatel\% Rev. Edwin Gier, John Y. Ilicks, Silas Bigelow, and that nestor of the school-room, still pursuing his honorable calling, J. M. Lovejoy ; of the Episcopal school for boys, under the late learned Librarian of the Astor Library of Xew York and Rev. Dr. Curtis, distinguished as a bota- nist among all the savans of the world — and then of St. Mary's school for girls, which, under Rev. Dr. Smedes, has been shedding abroad its light for thirty-five years, and of those other excellent schools of more recent origin. Peace Institute, under Rev. Dr. Burwell,and the Baptist (70) Female Seminary, under Prof. Hobgood. I would like to describe the beginnings and progress of the societies of Raleigh ; the Masonic order, the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Sons of Temperance, Friends of Temperance, Good Templars — the Fire Companies, Military Compa- nies, Insurance Companies. A sketch of the Banks of Raleigh, of the progress of the Churches, of the Cem- eteries, would be instructive, and then I would like to narrate the trials of our people in the great civil war, of its occupation b}' the armies of the Confederacy and by the armies of the Union, of the part taken by our boys in that great strife, their victories, their defeats, their sufferings, their deaths. And then I would give — I give it now, with my whole heart — -a sentiment uttered with great enthusiasm at a dinner had March loth, 1815, after peace with Great Britain was declared : "To THE HEPxOES ON EACH SIDE wlio havc fallen in the late war. The memory of the brave is consecrated by the love of their countrymen and hallowed by the ad- miration of the world." The great civil war is like a mighty flood between the old time and the new. The habits and ways of the Raleigh of thirty years ago are becoming unknown among us ; they are mere matters of tradition to our children. They are passing away, those dear, good, kind- ly-loving people of the old school. Many have crossed the deep and dark river, and have been lifted up the farther banks by the angels of light. A iew still linger, their feet almost touching the swift water as it rushes past. Let us who are taking their place among the old folks of Raleigh strive to follow their virtues and reap their reward. I have known Raleigh well for thirty-six years. She has been a loving mother to me. Her people have been to me as brothers and sisters. Stern, imperious duty will soon demand my most active labors elsewhere. I feel I (71) will carry your good wishes with me. I know I will nev- er abate my good will and affection for you. If I have contributed in any degree to arouse your feelings of city pride, to infuse into any of you one glorious resolve to be worthy of our good city's past, to lift her to a higher position among the foci of civilization and religion, I will have reaped my reward. ERRATA On page 34, for ^^ seven hundred" read '^ei(/ht hundred." 40, for " Americus " read " AilllLllb. " 6'^t.W<-^<-C*<-^C'^4*^ " 47, for " Confederate />r?ces " read "Confederate c'!frre?«^y." "• 57. for "carrata" read "carrara." " 63, near the bottom, for "east portion " read '• east portico." ^. / -^m <:; V'-< :0<<.c:. <^~ '^■<"^;fe.'^ :