264 U8 R7 / L - ^ 1 ^^'^@^=0^--0==@=^=©'--^=^=©==©'=©^=^=©=^=^^=^€^^0^=@-^^ V|f/ ilNGLE COPIES, 50 CENTS EACH. DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH * WINSTON-SALEM. S /TO ,I0?'.4.VT,167>S ,1A7) SURROUNDINGS, f KERNERSVILLE, ETC. ? COMPILED UNDER AUSPICES OF THE Z I Chamber of Commerce, | I /7?6>3/ .1 MATTER OF FACT STANDPOINT, f BY ID. JP. lE^CBBIiTS, ILviC. ID. (j^ $ • (J) t (8) WINSTON, N. C: SKNTINEL JOB PRINT 1888. The sender of this pamphlet mils your attention to pages.. 1.3..., TABLE OF CONTENTS. P Banking Interests, 23 (g) Churches, 16-17 |gj Chamber of Commerce, 97 T Drugs and Paints, 76-77 y Electric Light Company, 22 (§) Forsyth County, 11 ^\^ Fries, F, & H., Manufactories, 24-5 jf Gun and Locli:smiths, 54, 81 It Groceries, Confectioneries, etc., 78-80 1^ Hardware, Stoves, etc., 75-76 fltjj Healthfuhiess and Salubrity, 5 jf Historical and Geographical, 4 w Hygiene in Brief, 65 (^ Hotels, History, etc., 45 rfjj) Iron Working Interests, 26 T Ice and Coal, 78 P Jewelry Stores, 77 (§) Kernersville , 84-93 ^ Legal Fraternity, 49-51 M Livery Stables, 68, 95 ^ Mercantile Interests, 70 ^) Manufacturing Inducements, 2, 7, 82 M Moravian Church, 15 ^ Miscellaneous Manufacturing, 30,55,80 ¥ Medical Profession, 51-53, 80 ^ Merchant Tailoring, 55 ^ Millinery Stores, 78 Ik Northern Capital Coming South, 2, 3 w Newspapers, Job Printing, Etc., 20, 21 $ ' Photograph Artists, 54 A Public Schools, 14-15 I Post-offices, 21 ¥ Public Buildings and Officials, 46-49 $ Piailroads, 44,66-68 ^ Real Estate and Broker, 54 dk Salem Female Academy, 13 P Salem Merchandise etc., 69-70 ^j) Settlement of Salem, 9 rfj) Stokes County, 12 Z Societies, 18-19 ¥ The Twin-City, 10 (P Tobacco Literests, 31-44 ^ Valuable Statistics, ...57-64 rih Wagons, Carriages, etc., 29 ¥ Winston Merchants, 71-75 9 "Wood Working Interests, 27 Compiled under auspices of the ChLamber of CommLerce. The Leading Manufacturing- and Mercantile Enterprises, Public Men, Schools, Churches, Railroads, Advantages and Surroundings Properly Portrayed. In the following pages ^ve shall not go into lengthy details of pri- vate enterprises or fulsome praise of individuals, but it is the purpose of the compiler and interested citizens of this place, to present in a con- venient shape for preservation, and in as brief a manner as is consist- ent with an intelligible description of the facts, (yet withal so inex- pensive and easily mailed as to be sent far and wide by the promoters of this section), a sketch of our advantages and surroundings, which shall show forth to the world the undoubted superiorities of our city and that our progressive men are ready to welcome any legitimate indus- try. A summary of these advantages will demonstrate to the reader that Winston and Salem are equalled bv few cities in the South. Read the following pages and refer them to the manufacturer and capital- ist, as well as to those who seek after health and comfort, beautiful sur- roundings, educational and social advantages. It is not proposed to write much of our city's past history, however full it is of tender memories, of pleasing reminiscences, of high achieve- ments, and of solid enterprises ; however replete with the private hero- ism and the public heritage of noble men and saintly women, who have done their allotted parts and passed away to live only in their works that have not perished. The story of this glory is foreign to the purposes of this publication. Let the dead past burv its dead. Honoring it highly; cherishing it tenderly; accepting gratefully the lessons it teaches of moral and economical import — of ethics, education and business — let the record be laid aside. Let the present be grasped and so wisely wielded and worked that we may go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly hope. The purpose of this pamphlet is to exhibit in a condensed form, in logical order of arrangement, and with strict regard to the truth, the resources and advantages of this city and country as a place of residence and a business mart. The object is to show accurately its railroad resources, religious, educational, industrial ; its banking and mercantile facilities ; its hygienic advantages and general attractions, extenu- ating naught and setting down nothing in exaggeration of the facts of the case. No boom — fit word of recent usage to express exaggeration, false statements and fallacious reasoning, to come back like an Australian missile weapon, with inevitable reactionary force, is here designed; but on the contrary, with confidence even in such wounds as the truth gives to say nothing of the power that it ever carries, it is intended to give a plain, unvarnished exposition of our real condition and reasonable expec- tations. Fortunately for us, we have a cause that can stand upon its real merit — a case that is good in court — requiring no artful declarations, no labored plea, and no technical support. DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH MANUFACTURING INDUCEMENTS. While the mercantile interests of a community are an essential fea- ture and the professional talent a necessary part of a city, it is gener- ally admitted that thriving manu- facturing industries are the great (lesideratv/m, and give more perma- nency and rapidity of growth to any place than all other interests combined. The merchant brings to us the commodities of commerce and is usually generous in dividing his profits to charities and enter- prises of public good, but the leg- itimate manufacturer opens a permanent investment for capital at remunerative rates, gives employ- ment to the laborers of a commu- nity, and enhances the values of all firm products in his immediate section. The Twin City, with her coming railroads and healthy loca- tion, offers superior inducements to those who may desire to make investments within her borders. Lands are cheap, laborers plenty, educational advantages of high grade, her citizens noted for their culture, hospitality and generous welcome toward good citizens from other states or countries. The growth of the South in a few years past has been wonderful, and this place is awakening to her im- portance as a central city. A North- ern journal says : "The summary of industrial statistics, which has been made by a Southern trade jour- nal, discloses a progress along the lines of diversified developement, which will be a surprise even to those who have fancied that they appreciated the changes which are in progress in that section. Twenty- two factories for making agricultur- al implements ; 23 car works ; 147 cotton and woolen mills ; 184 foun- dries and machine shops ; 73 blast furnaces; 504 mines and quarries and 23 rolling mills. These are a few items in a long list of indus- tries begun or established during a single year in thirteen States." Such an industrial development as this, so rapid and so varied, shows the necessity of recognizing the new impulses and conditions which pre- vail in the South, and is changing the character, traditions and aspir- ations of the people of this section. NORTHERN CAPITAL COMING SOUTH. The statement given forth by Northern journals that one hundred and sixty millions of Northern capi- tal Iras found investment in the South within the past year raises the question as to what particular industries have absorbed so large a sum in this section of the country. # Undoubtedly a large amount has \ l)een employed in the construction and improvement of railways and the development of mining, mill- ing and manufacturing interests, but it has been shown that consid- erable capital has also been used in a comparatively new direction. The cutting down of forests in the South by saw mill owners has opened up large tracts of land which are grad- ually being turned into farms. Much of this land, when fertilized, is capable of yielding as good crops of cotton, corn, fruits and vegetables as Western or Gulf State lands. The opportunity thus offered to secure homes in the South, where the climate permits out door work the year round, and where the rig- ors of a severe winter are escaped, has been seized upon by many small capitalists in the North and West. A number of well-to-do tamers from Northern Ohio, tried the experiment in Southern Geor- gia last year, and their experience in Exchaji^^j Duke UniversitjfT JUL 1 2 1933 OF WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. is said to luive been very satisfac- tory. It is becoming plain that the South must look to the farmers and mechanics of the North and West for the increase of its white indus- trial population. Immigrants from Kuro})e cannot compete with the negro in unskilled labor and, there- fore, will not go South for the pres- t^nt, failing to realize the vast ad- vantages; which this regit)n offers agriculturally. Thus, to the North- ern or Western man who has the means for investment, this new l)ranch of small farming in the South ofiers inducements unequal- ed perhaps l)y those of any other country. Certainly the great West- ern States and Territories, gi'cat as their advantages undoubtedly are, utter no liner chances to men -of small capital and enterprising pur- jxise than the 'New South' presents. It is an encouraging fact that a con- siderable jmri of the capital which is now pouring into the South ha.*^ found employment in the way we have indicated, contributing thus to the diversifications of Southern industries, and to the wi-ll"are of the country at huge." THE SOUTH I.NSTK.M) OF Til 10 WKST. The stereoty})ed idea that the tide of immigration follows natural lines from East to West, has receiv- ed a rude shock from the interest evinced by people in all parts of the world t(» know more of the vast mineral and agricultural re.'^ources of the Southern States, and it is now certain that a tide of immi- gration has commenced, which, al- tliough small at first, is steadily, healthily and rapidly increasing. It is now everywhere recognized that there are in the South, more and better opportunities for people of moderate means than in any other section of the United States, and it is not at all surprising that there is such an eager incpiiry from all directions. Since 1S80 the ])ro- gress of Southern agricultural pur- suits has been very great. This is explained by the fact of improved cultivation of the soil, diversifica- tion of crops, l)etter lal)or, better vit'lds. In I'^SO the crops of the South were .S(;i2,27S,olS ; in 1887 they had risen to S745,OoO,(iO(); an increase of 22 per cent. Cotton is still the largest item, constituting one-third of the whole yield. Fruit and garden ci-ops have in- creased 813,tXK),0(^J, and the value of stock 8247,o2o2,2] 1,787 : •'><) per cent, against an increase of i>n|iul;ition of 17 i»er cent. During this |)eriod the South has advanced in w.alth S9o3, 104.097. or 42 per I'ent. In 1880 the assessed value n{' property ])er capita was •SlWMiO: in 1887,S19o.8o ; increase sn2.7o. Alabama lias increased threefold in its manufactories since 1880; (leorgia has nearly doubled. Ken- tucky ailded oO millions to her manufactjiring capital; Tennes.'^ee 2.S millions : North and South Caro- lina al)outl7 niillit)ns each. There were o4,56o factories in the South in 1880 and l.S,S7 showed 54,176 with an increa.^ed capital of 8192,459,000 and 172,;)2'S more hands employed in the latter than in the former year. DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH The building of railroads has been a great factor in Southern prosper- ity , ten years ago communication with the outside world was difficult and expensive ; now the}^ have ex- tended their iron arms in all direc- tions, giving access to a ready mar- ket of the products of millions of acres of land which had heretofore been worthless, and converting into countless wealth those vast forest of timber which have been undis- turbed for so many centuries. NORTH ct SOUTH CAROLINA. HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL. The Carolinas were explorea by the French in 1563 and named in honor of Charles IX, (Carolus) King of France. Sir Walter Ral- eigh received a patent in 1584, and made the first English settlement in the United States, the colony soon afterward abandoning the State. A second futile attempt was made in 1587, and a few years later Raleigh was beheaded by order of James I, on a charge of treason. About 1640, and afterwards, the county of Albemarle, N. C, was settled by refugees from religious persecution, who had left New England and Virginia. In 1663 Charles II, King of England, made various grants and the old French name Avas continued in honor of the second Charles. But for further details we must refer the reader to history and pass on to present issues. The Carolinas, claiming their original sovereignty, entered at the head of the Southern States in the recent armed protest against the predominance and sectional legisla- tion of the Northeast. The fortunes of war decided against them, and thev have accepted the result in good faith. No States in the Union are more faithful or truer to their pledges. The system of slavery (originally forced upon them and repugnant to the moral and relig- ious sentiment of the world,) has been abolished and these States are now on the highway to manufact- uring and industrial success. The Carolinas lie principally be- tween 32° and 36|° north latitude. The coast lands are interspersed with numerous bays, sounds and inlets, and are too flat to be attrac- tive or healthy. The low countr}^ of the eastern portion of these States are covered with a small growth of pine, and the middle country is comprised principally of the low sand hills which have a clay subsoil and give good rewards to the husbandman. West of this is a belt called the ridge, where the land rises abruptly and continues to ascend, exhibiting beautiful alternations of hill and dale, till it terminates at the ex- treme northwest in the Blue Ridge, the highest peak of which is Mt. Mitchell in North Carolina that has a greater elevation than any other point east of the Rockies. MINERALS, PRODUCTS, ETCETERA. The granite and limestone forma- tions are numerous and beautiful. Copper, iron, lead and bismuth are found in the various sections and the richest deposit of bone phos- phate on the continent comes to the surface in Charleston county, S. C, South Carolina has its sulphur and magnesia waters at Glenn Spring, in Spartanburg County, and its picturesque cascades at the Falls of Saluda, in the mountain coun- try, where the waters have a de- scent of from 300 to 400 feet, and North Carolina has within her bor- ders the most famous mountains of OF WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. the Blue Ridge and a great diversity of scener}^ and climate. The products of the State are di- versified, the low land being adapt- ed to rice, corn, cotton; the oak and pine lands of the interior to cotton, corn, potatoes, tobacco, etc., and the pine uplands to fruits and vegeta- bles. Bordering on the mountain range of the Blue Ridge, Avheat, bar- ley, corn and oats flourish, while apples, peaches, pears, plums,grapes, and small fruits in general grow luxuriantly. The fig tree thrives up to an elevation of about 1,000 feet. The principal soil of the State, excepting on the coast, is a red clay with slight admixture of sandy loam. HEALTHFULNESS AND SALXTBRITY. Statistics show three-fourths of the days as clear and pleasant while the climate in general is very equa- ble and excelled in this respect by few States in the Union. The cen- tral and high lands of the State are timbered with walnut, pine, elm, oak and hickory. The average daily range of temperature on the coast is a fraction less than at Santa Barbara, Cal., the heat of summer seldom exceeding 95°, and but few weeks inwinter remaining at the freezing point. In point of health- fulness, picturesque scenery, and prospects for future developments the Piedmont 1'egion of this State is very desirable. Salem is located in one of the healthiest sections of the United States and is fast gain- ing a reputation as a favorable re- sort for invalids. This section of the State is emi- nently salubrious, presenting as it does a favorable exhibit of all the features essential to health, such as elevation, drainage, dryness of air and exemption from epidemic and malarial visitations. Situated so high on sandy and porous soil, which drinks in the rain and pre- vents humidity of atmosphere and the noxious influences consequent upon the decomposition of vegeta- ble and animal matter and remov- ed far from the miasmic generation of stagnant marshes and ponds, this place is comparatively free from, zymotic diseases, and absolutely so from those of a malignant or epi- demic character. Innumerable wit- nesses testif}' to the advantages to be derived from a residence here in the treatment of that class of dis- eases which depend for their cure upon climatic influences, such as pulmonary affections, (including consumption, bronchitis, and asth- ma), or upon a change of climate, as dyspepsia, liver and kidney dis- eases, and rheumatism. The city is among the healthiest of its size in the United States. SOCIAL STATUS, DESCRIPTION, ETC. The geographical situation of this place makes it one of the most pleasant localities in the State ; the topographic conformation, equable and salubrious climate, clean, high and shaded streets, the ample, high- ly cultivated, and tastefully arrang- ed grounds that surround its dwell- ings, conspire to attract to and make this one of the most desirable and inviting places of residence in the State; and the number who are allured here from year to year, to escape the rigors of a Northern winter are steadily increasing. In order to create a city, in the true meaning of the word, it is necessary that its inhabitants should regard it with pride and affection, and also as something of which they are a personal part. The nationalit}' or / nativity of no man is questioned here. Whether he comes from the North or the South, or the East or 6 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH the West, he will be gladly received, if he only possesses and practices the virtues thfit are essential to good citizenship. The Twin City with its coming railroads completed, will have grand distri))iiting advantages, and should make a great wholesale centre. It will then be an active railroad cen- tre, and no idle dream that she is, in- deed, a progressive city. In nearly every article of this sketch, although may have a personal heading, will be "found some interesting fact or conclusion to Ije drawn. We invite you to read the entire work, as some point of information obtained may 1>e valual)le to you at present or for future use. This city will bear the closest scrutiny, and in the name of its progressive citizens, we invite all to come and spend a week,in vestigate the merits of this favored section, and we are certain that before the l)lizzards of another winter arrive, you will have concluded to take up a permanent abode here. Situated in the uplands of the State, with several railroads com- peting for its freights to the tobacco markets, manufacturing centres of the North, and ports of exports to all parts of the world, this place will have advantages unequalled V)y any interior city of the South for the handling of all staple products. These new railrcjads concentrating here will secure a low rate of freight to Norfolk. Baltimore, New York, Boston and Philadelphia. This competition secui'es that^ling of reverence comes over us and we can only recall the memory of those hardy A'eterans and gaze upon the Avork they have accomplished with the most profound respect. \\'e find much embi-aced in their personal history that would interest the gen- eral reader if s]>ace would permit, l)Ut the bounds of this article and the important pressing pre.sent, forbids our enlarging on those early scenes. The industrious habits oi tlie early settlers laid a good foundation for manufacturing and it is not surpris- ing that with the advent of the rail- r o a d , i n d u s t r i a I esta blishments sprung up on all sides and thegrowth of Sfdem"s young otispring — Winston — has been marvelous. The \\'achovia Society believed in making the children learn useful trades and it is worthy of note that the first substantial hou.se built in Salem, — 17()() — is still in use as a pot- tery and has some of the (plaint old moulds dating back to 1771-. The Salem water works built in 177X were in use up to ten years ago when the demand foi* a larger supply brciught the present system. It is said that the water works were much adnured bv President Washino-ton 10 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH on his visit to this place in 1791. There are very many interesting- rem- iniscences of the past, some of the most prominent of which will be in- corporated in subsequ^mt articles, but as indicated on our introductory page, the present is our special theme and we pass to a consideration of WINSTON-SALEM. In 1848 Forsyth county was form- ed and a year later fifty-one acres of the Wachovia tract adjoining Salem was sold, for the new court-house and village site, at |5.00 per acre. This was platted and named Winston, in honor of Col. Joseph Winston, who represented this section of North Carolina in the Patriots' meeting of colonial days. Winston is superbly located for a manufacturing center as the entire county is well watered, contains broad fields of meadow and bottom lands, and many streams of good water power. Fifteen years ago the surburb of Winston (adjoining Salem, but with business center a third of a mile from its boundary), had less than 500 in- habitants. About that time she be- gan a rapid growth and to-day her ])opulation is over 8,000. Every block is filled to the mother town, so that only a street divides the two, and as both live together in unity, they should be considered as one. The Twin-City has been accepted as the proper cognomen, although each place still retains its postoftice and separate municipal government. The old town now has a population of about 3,000 inhabitants, and the combined population of the two (dties is estimated at 11,000. THE TWIN-CITY. Excepting in locating a specific bus- iness or street in all our writings," when we say this city or this place, we mean both Winston and Salem, as they are practically one, and in- separable in all their movements of progression, social position, &c. There are immediate prospects of two new railroads, the exact develop- ments of which we shall give before closing these pages. These, with con- tinued progress in manufactories, etc., give to this place an exceedingly bright outlook, and it is no stretch of imagination to suppose that we shall have a population of 25,000 within less than ten 3'ears from the })resent date. Taxes are low, real estate has not reached a speculative boom and the large amount already invested in factories and machinery will ever be a prevention from a re- trograde movement. With the best graded schools in the state, and the oldest and best Female Seminary in the South, together with several pri- vate schools and excellent religious advantages, the high social and mor- al standing of the Twin-City will al- ways be a laurel in its crown of pro- gress. The business men liere are wide awake and pushing. While ready to welcome Noi-thern capital and immigration, they are not Mi- cawber-like, waiting for something to turn up, but are progressive. But few cities of this size can boast of as many men who are rated in the hun- dreds of thousands, and the number of brick residences or costly' frame mansions clearly demonstrates that we have a large per centage of well- to-do citizens in this handsome and healthful city. Winston had about 400 inhab- itants in 1872, but the N. W. N. C. R. R., now a part of the Richmond & Danville system, reached here that year, and the first tobacco warehouse was opened by Maj. T. J. Brown. This caused a new era in the develop- ments of this section. Although to- bacco had been grown for a dozen years with good success there was no immediate outlet for the product and but little nmnufocturing was done. MANUFACTURING DEVELOPMENTS. In 1875, Winston had about 1,500 inhabitants and property valued at ( ) F W I .\ST()N-SA LEM , N . ( '. 11 |;i()0,()()(), with five tobai^co lactoiies liavin<>' an aji'g'ivo-ato capital of less than |1()(),()(H). In ISSO there were nlpven factoi icH with an invested cap- ital of. f 417,. lOO, and jiivin«>- an an- nual product of .i?7r)(),()0(). The pres- ent status sliows ov(n-thirtvfa(toiii's and invested capital of .f2,()()(), ()()<). 'i^hc animal product is above .ft, 000,- 000. This is a ji'reat tobacco niai'ki^t and several hundreds ofwajionsconie weekly, sometimes daily, from the mountains and surroundinlums, chei-ries, go(jseben-ies, currants and small berries. -More than a hundred difterent var- ieties of trees are found in this and surrounding counties. Mi<'a, iron, manganese, asltestus, and traces of gold are hei-e: marble, grariite. soa])- stone and sandstone are alumdant, and the entire county is fairly settled up with an industrious, and peace loving coniunmity. However there, is room for a population three or four times as great. Lands are clieap and good citizens from any section of the country will be wel- conie(l. An admirable feature of the agricultural lauds of this section, is the susceptii)ility of the day .subsoil for retention of fertilizers to a degree unsurpassed by any kind of soil. Tracts that are much worn are thus easily i-evived ar.d made to produce 12 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH {ijood ciopf^. Tlip county has over 50 grist nnd saw mills, twelve wagon shops, eiglit tanneries, four potteries and a number of tobacco and other minor factories outside of the Twin- City. There are ten villages, among- the largest of which is Kei'uei'sville, eight miles east of tliis place on the TS.'W. N. C. R. R., and which town has al)OUt l.OOO inhabitants. STOKES rOrXTV. ETC. Our mother countv — Stokes — was ibnned from Sun y inl7s7,and nam- ed after a revolutionary colonel. It lies north of Forsyth and has an area of 440 square miles. It is generally quite level but becomes l>roken around the Sauratown mountains, l^'hieh cross the county diagonally and form a picturesque scene, in plain view from AVinston. Mocjre's Knob is 2,58':5 feet in height and was used by the signal corps of the Enited States Coast Survey in 1875-7. Dan Eiver, the longest in the State, flows centrally through Stokes and with its net work of tributary streams gives excellent water privileges. It produces a fine grade of tol>aeco and about tldrty factoi'ies ai-e in the county. Stokes county is adapted to all kinds of products raised in this coun- ty, and in some respects has eA'en bet- ter agTicultural advantages. It has seTeral valuable iron mines some of T^luch have been worketl in a limited way for seventy years. Recently the Pepper Iron Mines have lieen pur- chased l»y Oliio ca])italists at :flO(),- OOO and smelting furnaces will doubt- less be established in the vicinity of Danbury. Tlie c>res found here are the Fed and lirown lupmatite and the tnagnetite. They are admirably u'lapted for making a fine grade of iron and steel. Developments in mining and manufacturing are mucli needed in tliis section. There are outcrops of semi-bitnnunous coal in the county and feldspathii- clay for fire bricks is found near Danbury, and soa]istone. Mica mines have been worked four miles from Daid)ury. Limestone and marble are found in the county and the great need of this country is railroad transportation facilities. Danbury, the county seat is a thriving town, and there are several other good villages in Stokes county. Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Davidson and contiguous counties are similar to Forsyth and Stokes in location products, etc. What all this section needs most for a rapid deA'elopment is RAILROADS. This vast region through to and around Cumberland Gap, with its ac- knowledged mineral wealth and many fertile valleys, might weli be termed, the railroad desert of America, for there is no other section that has been known to the white man so long and with so many valuable features of commendation that is still lying undeveloped. No thoughtful man can examine this region of hundreds of acres of unmined coal, with its moun- tains of iron ore, abundance of fire clay, etcetera, without expressing the greatest of surprise that it has not come to the knowledge of capitalists long before this and been a manufact- uring district, with its thousands of blast and coke furnaces, rolling-mills, cotton manufactories, and a million of attendant inhabitants. Throughout all this vast country ai'e immense forests which have scarcely known the woodman's axe and the great desirability of making a permanent outlet to its natural wealth cannot well be overestimated. From "Winston to Cranberry is about one hundred miles, and a road could there connect with those now build- ing to the Gap, where they will tap the air line across Kentucky. This connection would place Winston within less than 500 miles of Cincin- nati with her twenty-eight lines of railroad, radiating to every point of the com})ass. It is strange indeed if a corporation cannot be formed to take hold of these advantauvs. OF WI.XSTO.N-SAl.EM. 13 FEMALE .*..( AI»E.MY. SALEM. N. C. .\ii •■(IncaticHi.il insti- nuioii rliat lias been successfully couductecl (■()]• S4 years should be a just pride to the city in which it is located, and revered by its numer- ous and widely scatter- ed ;ilniim;t'. The Salem Female Academy was opened as a boardinj"; school in 1804, having ever since continued it* educational work with- out intei-ruption. Buv- ino' this time moi-e than (j.OOO of its ;iluwihv have <>one foith to do their alloted ])art in life's field The children and id(lle I'niversity, of Chai'lotte, is principal of the colored schools and is assisted by two male andfoui- female teachers, J. E. Foster, J. C. Albright Mrs. C. B. Martin, Mrs. Bettie Cash. Misses Sallie Wangh and Emma Mc- Adoo. The l)nilding for these schools is a frame structure in the eastern part of the city,Avhich was comjjleted last fall at a <-ost, including grounds and fixtures, of |H,r)00. The enroll- ment of the graded schools is nearly 1,100, about ecjually divided between the races. MORAVIAN CHURCH. THE brethren's UNITY. In comiection with the settlement of Salem we have given some Mora- vian history as the church had con- trol of the land matters here for a hundred years after the ])urchase of the Wachovia ti-act. The first settlers of Salem arrived in January and February, 1760. They were George Holder, Jacob Steiner, Michipl Zeigler, Melchoir R;isp. of Pennsylvania, and Gottfried Pia'zcl, Niels Peterson, Jens Smith IG DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH and John Birkliead, from Europe. These were reinforced by additional eAiigrants from Pennsylvania in the eoming fall, accompanied by Rev. Richard I'tley, who became the min- ister of the parish. A two stor^^ church building- was erected in 1766 which served a half dozen years as a house of worship when a more sub- stantial church took its place. In 1772 a bell, weighing 2,758 pounds was brought overland from Pennsyl- vania, and which served as a town clock by tolling the hours. A two stop organ was also made that year antl took the place of the trombones which had been brought from Europe with the first settlement of the place. The 1772 structure sei'ved as a "meeting house" until the present remarkable edifice was completed in 1800. A large pipe organ was built in the new church in 1799, which is still in acceptable use there. The church structure is an imposing brick edifice which would probably cost 120,000 to duplicate at the present time. It was erected by the individ- ual labors of the brethren and a large donation from Brother Fred- erick Marshall, the leader in the Mo- ravian settlement, but no record was kept of the total expense. The super- structure is surmounted by a town clock which strikes not only the hours, but the quarters as well. It has a convenient seating capacity for 800 people, and will hold on pressure a thousand souls or more. It is heated b^^ furnaces, has kitchen at- tachments, pastor's conference rooms a large Sunday School Chapel, and is a credit to the people who worship there. The simplicity, industry and moral integrity of the Moravian Brotherhood has been widely felt in its refining influence over this section of country. The SalemFemale Acad- emy was established by the South- ern Synod of the Moravian Church in 1802. The organizations of this sec- tion are Salem and its four mission churches, Eden, FricdJtind, Friedlmrg, Hope, Macedonia, New Philadelphia, Olivet. Old Town, Bethania, Mt. Bethel, Providence and Oak Grove, numbeiing over 1,600 communicants — of whom, about 600 are in Salem parish. For eleven years past the Salem Church has been under the spiritual charge of Edward Rond- thaler, I). D., of Pennsylvania. Af- ter graduating at the Moravian Theological Seminai-y, at Bethlehem, Pa., Rev. Rondthaler was a student on the continent for some time. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was con- ferred upon him at Chapel Hill, in this State. CENTENARY M. E. CHURCH. The first Methodist organization in this vicinity was at Pleasant Grove 2% miles west of Winston by Rev. John Alspaugh. about 1836. A few years later a church was built at Jerusalem a mile north of the city. In 1852 the place of worship was moved to the court house, a lot was purchased and soon afterwards a small brick church was erected on the site of the present edifice. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Winston was continued under the ad- ministration of Rev. W. W. Albea in 1854, and the present elegant edifice was erected about four years since at a cost of 127,000. It'is one of the most commodious houses of worship in this State and would grace a met- ropolitan city. The style of archi- tecture is modern and the building- will accommodate 1,500 persons, the seating capacity of the main audito- rium reaching about 1,000 and the annex, which opens out direct to the pulpit with rolling doors, will seat 500 more. The membership numbers about 550, among whom are many of AVinstons able and influential citi- zens. Outside of the main congrega- tion there are three Sabbath Schools and mission stations connected with this church, under the charge of Rev. <". W. Robinson. Hex. W.C. Norman, the pastoi-, is a native of Davidscjn OF WINSTON-SALEM. 17 county, gTaduated from Trinity ( "t)l- leg-e and has been fifteen years in the ministry, eoming-from RahMgh, where lie had reinained four years, to Wins- ton, De('end)er, 1S87. On a succeed- ing- page we hope to give an ilhisti-a- tion of file above handsome struct- ure. THE PHESBYTERIAX CHTRCH, of tins phu-e, was organizt'd in 1(S()2 and now lias 165 members. The buihling erected the year of organiza- tion is entirely inadequate to present convenience and $11. ()()() has been subscril)ed towards a new place of worsliip which has already been com- menced. There is a handsome pai-- sonage on the lot which with the grounds is valued at about ."|(),0()(). The chur(th is well organized, liaving a full corps of mission and aid societies,. Sunday School, etc. The Ladies' Aid Society has accumu- lated neaily $1,400 in three years past, with wliicli to purchase an or- gan for the new church. Rev. E. P. Davis, pastor, is of Rutherford coun- ty, this State, and graduated fron> Davidson College, subse(]uently tak- ing a course in the Theological Semi- nary of (\)lunil)ia. S.C. and has been eleven years in the ministry, occupy- ing but two charges before coming to Winston. BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptist Society was organized in 1871 and the present building- erected five vears later at a cost of $4,000. Several hundred dollars of additional improvements have since been made and others are in contem- plation. A couple of yeai's since a mission chapel was built on Hroad Street at a cost of $2,r)00 and Houi- ishing Sabbath Schools ai-e held in each house. The church niembershi]» is 235. Rev. H. A. Brown, born in Rockingham county, this State, has been pastor for eleven years past. He is a graduate from Wake Forest College and served for three years as pastor at Fayetteville. .\. C.. before <*(jniingto Winston, wlicicjiis caiiiest laboi-s have built up a large and in- fluential church membership. METHOniST PROTESTANT. The Methodist Protestant church was organiz<'d in ler 27, 1880 and has a present membership of 36. Meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays, over Salem post-offiee. T. B. Douthit, protector; C. E. Crist, past protector; C. B. Pfohl, secretary. Salem Lodge, No. S6, I. O. O. F., meets in Odd Fellow-Masonic Hall, Tuesday evening-s. It was organized in 1852, burned out in 1880, now has about 60 members. J. C. Bes- sent, N. G. ; T. E. Reynolds, V. G. ; H. T. Foucht, Sec. Salem Encampment, I. O. 0. F., meets at above Hall, 1st and 3d Thursdays and numbers 31 members. W. H. Hall, C. P.; J. C. Bessent, Scribe. Winston Lodge, 167, A. F. & A. M. meets 2d Mondays. It was estab- lished December 8th, 1854, with P. A. Wilson, Sr., W. M.; Peter Fetter, S. W. ; Jno. W. Hunter, J. W. P. A. Wilson, Jr., is the present W. M. ; H. W. Foltz, secretary, and the member- ship 93. Postmaster S. H. Smith is Deputy Grand Master of the State. Winston Chapter, No. 24, R. A.M., holds conyof-ations 1st and 3d Mon- day eyes. It was organized in 1853, I. P. Gibson, H. P.; Wni. W. Sted- man, King, and Dan F. Dalton, Scribe. D. P. Mast is the present H. P., and Wm. A. Blair, Secretary. Piedmont Commmandery, No. 6, K. T., holds regular conclaves on the 4th Monday. It was organized in 1884 and has about 21 uniformed Sir Knights. H. T. Bahnson, E. C, N. S. Wilson, Recorder. Knights of Honor, No. 1673, or- ganized June 1879, and has a pres- ent membership of 55. It meets 2d and 4th Tuesday night in Johnson's Hall. T. B. Douthit, Dictator; H. T. Bahnson, Reporter. Lilterty Council, No. 3, Junior Or- der I'nitpd American Workmen is a beneficial society and was organized October last. It has about 40 mem- bers, and meets at the Masonic Hall in Salem every Monday- evening. J. P. Stanton, Conn., R. A. Hauser. Y. C. ; W. L. Morgan, Secretary. Winston Assembly, iVo. 6485, Knights of Labor was organized December, 1886, and has 160 mem- bers although many of them are not in present standing. This society meets in the Gray Block, Friday evenings. J. J. Robertson, M. W. ; L. N. Keith, Secretary. A. L. Assembly, No. 6655, K. ofL., (colored) organized May, 1886, has 30 members. Meets at Knights of Labor Hall in East Winston, Tues- day nights. A. Gates, M. W. ; J. H. F. Dabney, Secretary. Salem Orchestra consists of 14 performers of high merit and has re- cently had a thorough training under the directorship of Prof. Robt. L. Carmichiel, who has gained a promi- nence in that line. The Salem Cornet Band has 12 in- struments and is under the leader- ship of C. M. Levister, billing clerk at •the Salem depot. G. H. Rights, of the Republican office has served in the capacity of special instructor of this musical organization for some time past. The band was organized over 50 years ago and has since been in constant service. The Salem Philharmonic Society is under the leadership of Prof. Geo. F. Markgraff, of the Academy, and this, with the orchestra, band, etc., has given to Salem a reputation for a high order of musical talent. Twin-City Cornet Band was organ- ized January, 1887, and has seven- teen performers, a majority of whom are experienced musicians, under the leadership of Dr. J. A. Blum. D. T. Crouse, a musician of prominence, of- ficiates as musical director, and his training ability has given to the or- ganization a high order of merit. The band meets Friday nights at ^^'ins- ton Fire Company's head(}uartpr« lor drill. OF W IN ST ON -SALEM. 19 CLUB ROOMS. Tlip Club Rooms of Winston ;irt' an honor to tlie city and have none of the innnoral tendency so often found in pbices bv tliat name. Dr. H. F. Gray, Mr. \\. A. Whitaker and others consulted upon tlie proi)riety of this matter and decided that properly conducted rooms providinfj- for even- ing recreation would enhance the morals of the city and a definite ])lan was consumatcd. The Twhi-City Club was oro-aniz(Ml in Febrnary, ISHo, with Mr. Whita- ker as first president and Dr. Gray has officiated as one of the executive committee since its commencement. The favor bestowed u])on this resort after more than three years of con- tinuance, is evidenceof the wisdom of the movement. The club has su- perb rooms in the 8d story of the Gray Block, brilliantly lighted by electricity and elegantly furnishe(1. More than a hundred mend)ers of the city p/ife are on the rolls and the in- stitution is governed V)y a high mor- al sentiment. A magnificent dance hall, admirably arranged reading room, card and l)illiard tables, lava- tory, etc., are part of the institution, but no profanity, betting oi' drinking is allowed nor anything offensive to the liberal nnnded('hristian. .1. (". Buxton is president aiid B. B. Owens secretary. Tlif Gernuiu Club lias adjoining- rooms to the Twin-City Club, but is a separate organization. B. L.Craw- ford is president, and E. C. Stray- horn secretary. An entertainment for those who trip the light fantastic toe is given every two weeks and the rooms are arranged to open out with the Twin-City Club rooms when so desired. The German Club is govern- ed under like stringent mor;d regula- tion and has about forty mend)ei-s. 7^he Twin-City Tpiupcnuirp lipfonn dub was organized Novend)er, ]SS(). as a missionary temperance work, without political affiliation, with a nondnal a diuission, and small uioiit li- ly dues. It has an interesting read- ing room, well furnished by friends of the enter])rise and presents a strictly moi'al place for recreation. The or- ganization is between 800 and 400 strong, having a branch at Fnion (Jrove in North AVinston and is con- tem])lating one at Waughtown. .1. (2. A. Barham is president, and C. 1). Hunt secretary. S. H. Snuth was one of the jjrinie movers and its fii-st president. The Forsyth Rifieuien was first or- ganized at Gei-manton. Stokes county, in 1S12, by Col. Benj. Foi-- sytli, re-organized in iS-tO for duty in the Mexican war and again in LSfH by Col. Belo. The present oj-ganiza- tion was effected June 7th, 1SH4, as Company A, 3d Regiment, North Carolina State Guard. Ca])tain, W. T. (irav; 1st Lieut, J. C. Bessent : 2d Lieut., F. T. White. There are forty-three active- men, equip])ed, with regulation uniform. Thp Lfuifl Office management, offi- cially styled the Board of Provincial Elders of the Southern Province of the Moravian Church, is a corporate body that has charge of the real es- tate matter of the Wachovia tract. About 1.000 acres of this remains and for the mo.st part is good tobac- co lands, in ])rice from .f 12.r)0 to f 15 per acre. .1. T. Lineback has charge of the office and is secretary and treasurer of the company, having been connected with the business since 1^55. He is also Treasui-er of the Salem Congregation, which has large real <'state interests, and in that department is assisted by his brother, .1. A. Lineback. , The Twill-City Hospital Associa- tion was organized June 28th, 1S87, foi- the charitable object of establish- ing .-1 hospi<^al for Winston-Salem. A ))niiding was leased b}' the commis- .-iiMiers oi th'- two places and through *1; • '-xertions J the ladies, was furn- ished and opened December last. 20 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OA'er 20 patients liave been admitted and success has crowned the efforts of those wilhng- workers for the ji'ood of humanity. The hospital is support- ed by the 10 cent month dues of the 180 members and generous contri- butions from others. Mrs. Jas. A. Gray was first president and Mrs. Gen. Boggs officiates in that capacity now. Mr.s. W. A. Lemly, vice presi- dent, Mrs. J. W. Fries, secretary and Mrs. J. F. Shaffner, treasurer. The Twin-City has the full comple- ment of literary, missionary, ladies- aid and other societies usually found in a progressive and refined city. PRESS, ETC. The influence and progressiveness of a community may be largely esti- mated by the nunilier and character of its public journals and the Twin- City gives a good showing in that respect. Blum's printing-house was one of the first in the state having been started in 1827. Through its papers almanacs and other publications it has wielded a wide influence and to some of these we are indebted for valuable dates. The excellency of its present work shows it yet to be on the progressive plane. The Peo}jlf\s Press, published by L. V. & E. T. Blum, is now in its 36th volume and retains many of its early subscribers. The Blums have a book business in connection with their publishing house and various other interests in Salem. The Weekly Gleaner was the name of the first pa- per started in 1829 — and next year changed to Farmer s Reporter nnd Weekly Cjii'ojiirle. The Cniolina Gh- zftfe was started fn 1841 to be sus- pended two years later. The Press was established in 1851 and still con- tinues. The Western Sentinel was begun in 1856 by F. E. Boner and James Col- lins. J. W. Alspaugli subse(piently Ix'camt' owner and was su<'ceeded bv G. M. Mathes, Edward A. Oldham, and the present publisher, Vernon W. Long. Mr. Longis a graduate of the State University, at Chapel Hill and has shown a marked ability with the scissors and quill. The Sentinel has an extensive circulation and in addition to its newspaper fittings has been recently put in good con- dition for job work and these pages are printed from its new self spacing type. The Union Republican was estab- lished in 1872 by Walser & Walker, and was a few months later purchas- ed by J. W. Goslen, a native of the county and a graduate of Trinity College. The Republicin office is well fitted as a newspaper and job office and a credit to the Republicans (jf Western North Carolina. It has a large circulation clearly demonstrat- ing the fact that there is no ostra- cism on account of political prefer- ences in this section, but that both parties are represented by an intelli- gent and reading commiinity. The Twin-City Daily was started four years ago and has met the re- quirements of om- people as an organ for current events. It was commenc- ed by Uoub & Whitehead, making- several firm changes before it came into the hands of its present propri- etor, Jas. 0. Foy, who first engaged as a partner with P. A. Snider in the publication of the Daily, from whom he afterwards purchased his interest. The Daily has advocated every move- ment for the city's good. The Southern Guarrlsnian, a papei- on militiiry Hiid musical matters was established in 1885 by Edward A. Oldham, at that time Adjutant 3d Regiment, North Carolina State (iuard, was suspended for a time and revived again in May, 1888, by Will X. Coley, 1st Seargeant, Company A., 3d Regiment, North Carolina State Guard. The Guardsjnan is the official oi-gan of the State militia. OF WIXSTOX-SALKM. 21 Tin* Srhooltecichfrii^. an »'(lucation- al journal now in its second volunio. an'd al)ly Klited by Prof. W. A. lUair, a prominent teacher in onr j^-raded .schools. It is a model of neatness and a great auxiliary to the pro- o'ressive teacher. The Acndeniy is in its tentli volume and is published in the interests of the Salem Female Academy. It is an index of personal happenings around the school, lettei-s h-om the alumna:^, literary writings, etc. Miss Emma A. Lehman, the editress has a wide reputation for the high chai-ac- ter other scholarly ai-ticles. JOB PRINTl.Nd OFFICES. C. G. Liinier has at this writing, one of the most complete job j)rinting outfits in Western North Carolina and employs several hands in turn- ing out the various classes of com- mercial pi'inting. Williamson t^ Mor- ris began the book tiade here in 1(S(S2, connecting therewith job print- ing which de])artment has been add- ed to from time to time to meet the re(iuirements and three ])i-esses are now run by steam, with all the auxi- laries neetled forrapitland first-class work. The book store comprises a large line of school and miscellaneous works, news stand, blank books, stationery and show case goods. The entii-e ])usiness is conducted in tlie Liberty Block and was purchased from W. l'>. Williamson by ('. (J. La- nier a few months sinc<'. Mr. Lanier is a native of Davie county and has been a resident of Win.ston foi- the ])ast six years. The Auchor. edited by Mrs. Mary ('. AVoody, of (Jreens- boro, is printed at this office, and the Schooltenclifv. before uKMitioned. Stf\v;irt's .Job Other is a credit to the enterprise of its ju-oprietoi-s, who are natives of this (-(Unity, and have spent several years in the larger cit- ies ])erfecting themselves in the ])rint- iug liusiness. In 1X8.") tliey fitted uj) their ])i'esent enterpi'ise in the (Jray bU)ik. foi- commercial, liook and news work. These gentlemen have had a wide range of experience and orders for any class of j)rinting entrusted to them will be executed in good style. I'OST-OFFICKS. Tlie p()st;d statistics of an\- com- munity is a very good iiKh'.x to the gi-owth and pros])erit\' of the place, and we are pleased to note that both Salem and Winston have had a steady growth in the volume of business done for several years past. The list of post mastei-s in Salem is a long one and the connec- tion of names has not been pieserv^d. T. B. Doutlut, the present incund)ent is a native of Davidson comity, and a resident of Salem for thirty years ])ast. He was in nuM-cantile trade prior to taking charge of the ])ost-of- fice in August, IcSH."). Mr. Douthit arranged a new office and has a very convenient system of box delivery. He has also plac(^d a colliH-tion box on Main strec^t, near the Winston city line for the convenience of Salem citizens. The office is third clasH with a sahiry of |1,2()() and the bus- iness has increased 25 pei" cent in the past three years. W. ('. Crist, a na- tive of Salem has olticiated as assis- tant since the advent of Mr. Douthit to the office. WINSTON F()S'r-( ) F Fl( ' V. . A])()st-otficewa8established in ^^'in- ston shortly aft(M- it was made the county seat. .1. P. \'est'still residing in the Twin-City was tli(» first po.st- inastei- and was succeed(^(l by Na- thaniel Bannei-, H. K. Thomas, J. A. White, and Mode Faircloth. During war times the (^ftice wiis discontinued for a couple of vears, after which W. W. Albea,W. A. Walker, and J. F. Hc^len had charge prior to the a[t- pointment of the present incumbent. Samuel H. Smith is a native of Wadesboro, N. C.,andengagvd in the (li-ug trade here about a dozen years ago. He was chosen Mayoi- of Win- ston by the Commissoners. upon the resignation of -I. C. Buxton, who had 22 DESCRirTlVE SKETCH been elected to the Senate, and later elected by the people. In August, 1X85, Mr. Smith resignied to take charge of the post-otRee. The office has steadily increased in receipts and salary and will next month be rank- ed as a second class ^Yith a salary of 12,000 and additional allowance for clerl: hire, rents, etc. This is the dis- tributing point for five star routes in addition to its double daily railway sei-vice. About G,000 letters are handled daily and the aggregate mail matter per month reaches 1 4, 2."')0 pounds. The postal notes and nnjn- ey orders handled average 532 per month, aggregating a sum of $5,- 000. John R. AValker. a native Win- stonian, has been four years in the office as assistant postmaster, and Wm.H. Hitt, of Danville, Va., has had a long experience at the delivery window. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND MOTIVE POWER COMPANY. Nearly every progressive city has an electric light company and Wins- ton's e ffi c i e n t Electric Light and Motive Power Company was in- corporated in August, 1887. A good brick building was erected on 5th street which together with the mach- inery and fittings, has made the plant cost nearly |25,000. The system used is the Brush Electric. The arc dynamo is of 45 light power and is taken to nearly its full capacity. This requires about 10 miles of wire and the incandescent system with 4-50 light dynamo has nearly 15 miles of wire in use. A Ball engine and Erie City Iron Works boiler, l)oth of 80 horse power, and manu- factured at Erie, Pa., are in place and are doing satisfactory work. J. W. McEarland, for sevei-al years con- nected with the Brush Company, at (Jleyeland, Ohio, is superintendent and electrician; 1). P. Mast, secretary arid treasurer; W. A. Whitaker, pres- ident. The system has proven popu- lar in Winston and has been highly complimented on its successful work- ing. Salem Gns Worka was erected in 1859 by F. & H. Fries is still owned l»y the firm and supplies a jiortion of Salem's public and private houses with th(^ illuminating fluid. FIRE DEPARTMENTS. Both cities have a well organized and effective fire department, thoroughly manned and in good working order. The Winston Fire ('omjviny. No. 1, has about 25 well drilled men in charge of Capt. A. J. Gales. This company has a La France steamer, and lOOO ft of hose, purchas- ed in 1882 at a cost of |3,800. W.F. Keith, engineer. The Salem Rough and Ready has 40 men, a Button steamer bought two years ago at a cost of $8,000, and is promply on hand when an emergency requires. Jno. Schott is Captain; F.H. Vogler secretary, T. E. Davis, Engineer. There are two fire inspectors appointed for each ward and all flues and other flre traps are carefully looked into at stated intervals and to this fact Salem doubtless owes 'much of her special exemptions from disastrous fires. Salem has the oldest fire engine ex- tant, which was manufactured in England, brought herein 1785. It was in use for many years. Salem Water Works first started in 1778, was changed to present sys- tem in 1878. A brick reservoir holds ()0,000 gallons and the iron tank, 450,000 both being supplied from two large wells from which the pumps, run by water power, convey the fluid to the reservoirs. F. H. Fries is president, L. N. Clinard, sec- retary and C. A. Fogle, superintend- ent. These works were planned, sur- veyed and their construction super- intended by the private enterprise of the individual members, with the smallest amount of cash outlay and furnish an excellent su])ply of pure soft well water. OF WINSTON-SALEM. 28 The Winston Water Reservoir is sitiiatf'd oil the sniiniiit wIihi-p itji'ivcs g'ood pressure and holds 1, ()()(), ()()() et- ting a surticient amount of stock tak- en. The reservoir was completed in 1883, and over 4:% miles of mains have been laid. The wells hold a quarter million g-allons and the wat- er is superb in all respects. It is fi'ain- ing- in ])opular favor and will in time supplant the ])rivate wells which in the thickly settled part of the city soon become impure from surface drainag'e. The city has 43 fire hy- drants. T. J. Wilson is president of the company and G. W. Hinshaw. Secretary Treasurer and Sujxm- intendent. BANKING INTERESTS. The banking- interests of a commu- nity are of great importance to the general welfare, and the standing of the men at the head of these institu- tions is a matter which concerns e^-- ery person in the city. We can coiiti- dently refer to the banking officers of this city en mfisse as a strictly relia- ble, conservative, and enterprising set of men. The banks here are back- ed by good capital, judiciously man- aged, and a suspicion of unsoundness in any resjiect has never resteil upon them. This condition of matters adds largely to the general standing of the Twin-rity but the banking (jq^ital is less than half a million and it might with {uopriety be increased to double that amount. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK was organized March, 187(5, with a capital of |5(), ()()(), which wasshortly afterwards increased to |1()(). ()()(*). The bank has a present surplus and undivided profits of over .f()5, ()()(). has regularly- declared 10 per cent. BANK. was established in June, 1879, by W. F. Bowman, Win. A. Leinly, Jas. A. (iray, E. Belo, J. W . Hunter and others, with a capital of .f 100, 000 which was increased to |1. '50,000 about two months later. The sur- plus and undivided i)rofits at the presiMit time amount to about .fl 00,- 000, and the annual di^■idlMlds of 8 ])er cent ])er annum compare ver}' favorably with the best monetary in- stitutions of the land. Mr. Lemly, the pi-esident is a native of this coun- ty and has been in the ])ankiiig busi- ness for twenty years. He was elect- ed to the res])onsible position as cash- ier of the First National Bank of Sal- em. whiMi but 10 years of age and af- ter ofhciating there a dozen years was chosen as cashier of the Wach- ovia upon its opening and held that 24 DESCIIIPTIVE SKETCH position until the death of Mr. Bow- man when he was elected president and Jas. A. Gray succeeded as easli- ier. Mr. Gray was born in Randolph county, came to Winston in child- hood and was in the mercantile trade here for several years. He commenc- ed with the Wachovia Bank as Assist- ant Cashier when the corporation was formed and Avas promoted to his present position upon Mr. Lem- ly's election as president. The di- rectors are the president and cashier. J. C. Bu.xton, Eugene E. Grav, W. A. Lash, N. D. Sullivan, and J. W. Hun- ter. E. S. Graj^ and G. H. Brooks are book keepers and Wiley (i. Gib- son, messenger. The bank is popular among our people and holds average deposits of a quarter million dollars, the transactions aggregating nearly twenty million dollars annually. The new rooms being fitted up on the cor- ner of Main and Third streets oppo- site the court house square are in the center of trade and will have every requisite for convenience and safety. KORSYTH 5c. SAVINGS BANK. This organization was incorporat- ed in February last and has recently commenced a banking business. It is established under the State laws, which provide for tlie welfare of the depositors by restricting the loans to first-class securities, inspection by the State Examiner, and other wholesome protection. The Forsyth Bank is officei-ed by honorable and conservative gentlemen and will furn- ish a good place for the deposit of small savings, each time — deposi- tor becoming practically one of the stockholders. Eugene A. Ebert, a Salem manufacturer is president; J. M. Rogers, B. J. SheppardandDr. H. T. Bahnson, vice presidents; E. A. T'fohl, treasurer and Y. W. Long clerk of the board. The trustees are C. Hamlen, H. E. Fries, G. W. Hin- shaw, S. E. Allen, C. A. Fogle, J. V^' . Hanes, W. W. Wood, R. J. Reynolds. C. A. Hege, Y. (). Thompson,' C. J. Watkins, R. D. Brown and A. J. Gales. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. On pages 2, 3, 6, 7, and 11 we have given some valuable ideas and sta- tistics, regarding our manufact- iiring, clearly demonstrat- ing the superiority of the South for industrial developments and the im- portance which these institutions are to any progressive city. It is but proper that we should begin the spec- ial descri])tions of that line in the Twin-City with the firm which com- menced prominent manufacturing in \Yinston-Salem over ' 40 years ago and Avhich continues imder the origi- nal name given to it in 184G. F. & H. FRIES, COTTON AND WOOLEN FACTORIES, Flouring Mills, Etc. Francis Fries, deceased in 1H63, be- gan wool carding in 1840 and a year or two later added spining and hand looms for the manufacture of Salem Jeans, a product which soon received a wide notoriety. Henry W. Fries, a brother of the above, who still con- tinues an interest in the enterprise. 1)ecame a partner in 1846, making the firm style F- &• H. Fries, which remains unchanged. In 1848 this firm built a cotton factory, princi- pally as an adjunct to supply the woolen mills with warp. This was equipped with 528 spindles and con- sumed nearly 100,000 pounds of cot- tcm for its second year. Improve- ments were added from year to year to both the woolen and cotton mills and the consunq:)tion of raw material at the commencement of the wiw was about 150,000 pounds of cotton and over 80,000 pounds of wool. A cot- con factory had been built in 1837 by the Salem Manufacturing Com- pany, which under reverses and bad management suspended operations about 1856. The building was after- wards fitted up as the Wachovia Flouring Mills and later purchased by the Frieses, who have it in success- ful operation. These mills have 6 brakes of rolls turnino' out 50 barrels OF WINSTON-SALKM. X. ('. of flour daily and a paii' oT l)urrs liaviiij;' capacity for lialf us iiiucli more. Two pairs of com rocks grind about 200 bushels of tliat cereal daily and both a nterchrint and cus- tom business is conducted. In -. The fii-ni was foi-med in IHTI, as l)nihlers and manufacturers -e number of laborers and mechanics have secmvd homes l)y havinji' lon<>- time payments that could not have done so otherwise. All kinds of doors, sash and buildine- material is turned out, i-ecpiirine- about 100 car loads of hnnber an- nually in addition to that purchased in this section. Besides builders" material this fii-m manufactures .")().- 000 to G."), 000 tobacco lioxes annu- ally: givinloved and Miller Brothers deserve a full share of credit for the imitrovements and architectural beauty of the Twin-City. .\. C. FIKNITURE COMPANY. SALEM-WINSTON. N. C. Wliolesalo and Ret ail Furniture. The devel opnient and success which has attended wood manufacturing in North Carolina dui-ing the present decade is sufficient to wan-ant us in expecting more rapid growth in that direction than we liaveheretofor(> at- tained. R. Stevens of Pennsylva- nia opened up a retail furniture store in "Winston a couple of years ago. Being a practical cabinet mak- er he concluded to manufacture goods for his custom, a vear since ftn-med 28 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH an alliance with the proprietors of the Salem Iron Works^ andooniraenc- eci the entr'rprisp. It was at first only designed to supply the home demand, but the proprietors added the best of wood working machinery from month tomontlumtil they now liO-Ye one of the best equipped furni- ture factories tliat is to be found in the South and are securing an ex- tensive wholesale tradt- in the Caro- linas and Virginias. The luuiber is principally secured in this section of country and with the advent of rail- roads into the forests of Western North Carolina, walnut, poplar and oak will be cheaply and easily pro- cured. The North Carolina Furni- ture Company have a retail store at the corner of Third and Liberty streets in AVinston, under the man- Ki,gement of J. C. Simmons and the manufactury is at the Salem Iron Works, where the advantage of saw p.iill, planers and special machinery perfected for this business gives them every facility for rai)id and good Tvork. CICERO TISE. MAIN STREET, WIXSTOX. Furniture and Undertnkiug. Cicero Tise is a native of AVinston ai>d was for a dozen years employed ui the merchandising. In 1877 he Kommenced the furniture trade and Sias added to the Imsiness until he now has one of the most complete assortments in this section of coun- try. Jacob Tise, father of the above, erected the handsome galvanized ci'ou. front building, on Main street, opposite the court house, in 1887. Tliis structure is -10x100 feet, three stories and basement and its archi- tectural beauty Avould grace a metro- politan city. Six months ago the basement was fitted up with ma- ii'hinery for pro.lucing the ordinary grade-? of fin-niture and several hands, ai'e now em])loyed in that work by Mr. Tise, under the superintendency «f H. D. Holcomb. of Pennsylvania. X. H. Pt^grain an experienced man. has charge of the undertaking de- partment and every requisite for burial service is furnished from this well known house. In addition to all kinds of furniture, from the com- mon grades to expensive parlor suits, Mr. Tise also keeps a full line of hous:' furnishing goods, carpets, wallpaper, refrigerators, stoves, china vases, etc., and carries an assortment of buggies as well. A steam elevator runs from basement to garret and a finishing room 40x50 in an adjoin- ing building opens into the second storv. A. C. VOGLER & SON, SALEM, N, C, Undertaking and Furniture. A. C. Vogler is a Salemite, and after a five years apprenticeship with the venerable John D. Seiwers, he opened up a cabinet shop on his present site, thirty years ago. Mr. Vogler added ready made goods to meet modern progression, now has a good assortment of furniture, (order- ing the finer grades by sample, wlien desired. This hou.se manufactures <-ommon coffins and furnishes fine caskets to meet his demand in under- taking. In this line his trade s])reads out over a^ ^wide territory, and with a quarter of a century's experience, evei-y requisite to the last sad rites is carefully looked after. AVith Jan- uary "87, Mr. \. admitted his son ' Frank H. as a partner. Frank has since I'eceived a diploma from the Oriental School of Embalmers, and is secretary of the North Carolina Fndertakei-'s Association. The trade of the firm extends out foi' a radius of twenty miles or more, and needs no further comment from us. AA'INSTON AGRICULTURAL AV'KS, DEPOT STREET. Tate's Victor Grain Separator. The AA'inston Agricultural AA'orks was incorporated in 1884 for th^ manufacture of Tate's A^ictor grain and seed separator, a most useful in- vention for the farmer, as from its OF WIXSTON-SALEM. ■2{) simplicity, it is eminently pi-;u'tic;i])lf. We hope to see the ma mi fact lire of this machine pushed to the extent of its merits. Wagons, Carriages, etc. GEO. E. NISSEX c^- CO., SALEM P. ().. 1 \ \i u,<>h to u7i ]Vn!j;on M;i ii ufnct niers. Jolin P. Xissen, fatlier of George E. and Wm. M. Xissen, of tlie above firm, commenced the waiion trade two miles southeast from Salem P. 0., in 1834-,and up to the time of his death in IS 74, had sent out more than 5, ()()() wafions. The l)usiness continued to increase, now averaging .lOO to TOO wagons yearly, and mak- ing a total output np to the present time of over 11,000 wagons of tlu^ J. P. Xissen brand. The firm owns a, mill at Panthei- creek, in Yadkin county, and purchase besides a large amount of lumber fi-om the mills of this and surrounding counties. The factory comprises a number of build- ings, the most conspicuous of which is the mill, whose tall smoke-stack is noticeable miles away. A 4.") horse- power Westinghouse engine runs the machinery, which comprises s])oke and hub lathes, circular saws, planes, shaping machines, tenoning devices, and other inventions suited to the business in hand. Another small en- gine supplies the blacksmith sho]) with power. This shop is a ])eculiar shaped building, presenting twelve sides and contains twelve forges. There are two wood working sho])s. two paint shops, besides minor build- ings and sheds. The business gives employment to some fifty or sixty workmen — were it not for the labor- saving machinery employed this force would necessarily l)e very much greater. Material is kei)t on hand for three or four years supply, in or- der to have it thoroughly seasoned. The hardware stock is of superior quality, and the required sizes and lengths to work advantageously, is made by a Pittsburg iron firm. Th.e copartners have grown uj) in the fac- tory, and wagon making lias been the business of tlipir lixcs. J. A. WHITK^ SOX, LIBERTY STREET, WLXSTOX. Thi- Heel Curt, CmTiuges, ct Buggies. Jas. A. White began the carriage trade 25 years ago with J. T. St-ein- er in Salem, and in 1S71 started bup- iness in Winston, latei-, accepting his son, .1 oseph O. , as pa rtner. All kinds of carriages, buggies and rejtair work is attended to. but the great special- ty 'of the firm at present is their own device, patented January . 1SH7, and known as the •'Tar Heel KoadCart." This vehiclH is ]><)ssessed (jf man_v features of merit, and is made with double or siiiiile seat at prices -from 130 to 140. ' The firm have sohl about 150 of these in this State alone and when rightly found out this patent should bring to J. A. AVhite tt Son a comfortable fortune. A factory for s])oke, hub and nent works here and another well e(]uipped for the maimfaeture of the "Tar Heel" alone, would pay well. F. ('. MEixrxc;, S.VLEM. X. C, ('iiwinges. Buggies, Etc. Henry E. Meinung, deceased, com- menced the carriage business in Sa- lem over half a century ago, and A. E. Giersh, who began blacksmithing for the shop in 1S37. is still at the forge. The businc^ss was turned over to the son, F. C. Meinung, four years ago, and he continues the old hand- made goods at the sign of the "Ked Wheel."' in Salem, giving sj)ecial at- tention to custom and repair work. There are several wagon repair and lilacksmith shojts in the Twin-CMy, but ourspace is limited, and we M;;st pass on to other matters. You should preserve this ]u\\\ \v\' • for future use. 30 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH Miscellaneous Industries. SALEM HOSIEKY MILLS. ELM STREET, SALEM. A. G. Hough iSr Co., Proprietors. The Salem Hosiery Mill was start- (hI some four years asio and the firm has recently erected a two story brick structure on Elm Street. They have machinery for tui-ning out about 50 dozens of seamless half ho-e and g'iA'e employment to some 30 g-ii'l.s. The product althoug'li of excellent grade goods was at first hard to dispose of. l)ut now finds a ready sale in the Ncjrthern markets at paying prices and has become one of the established industries of Salem. Mr. Hough is a native of Davidson county, having been va- riously engaged in firming, official positions, editorial work, etc. R. A. Spaugh, the other partner, was born in this vicinity and officiated as book-keeper in the Salem Iron Works ior a long time. SALEM PAPER MILLS, SCRAXTON & LEE, PROPRIETORS. Jhinilhi ^jnd Grey Wrapping Paper. The Salem Paper Mill was first started in 1885 and came into the hands of its pr-esent proprietors about a year since. It is fitted up for the manufacture of wrapping pa- pers, making from rags, about a ton each day of manilla, or grey shades and which is sold to North Carolina dealers. It is run by steam and gives employment to some ten hands. Both the partners are from New- York state and Mr. C. F. Lee, the manager has been for 10 years in the paper manufactui-ing trade. The small manufactorips all lend assist- ance to th cities" gi'owth and we hope to see many more of them come. SALEM BROOM FACTORY. MALN STREET, SALEM. W. <). Senseman A' Co.. Proprietors. The manufacture of l)i-ooms was begun here in a small way a cou])le of years ago, but the demand is ex- tending, and the above firm have during the past month put out about 250 dozens of this indispensable household article. The firm ship their broom corn from Chicago, pay- ing high freights, and as there is much land in this section thoroughly adapted to its growth, some of our farmers would consult their own in- terests by planting out a sutticient acreage to meet the home demand at least. The above firm will be glad to advise with those who contem- plate growing the product. I. W. DURHAM, FOURTH ST.. Marble and Granite TFo/A-.s. I. W. Durham is a native of Char- lotte and learned the marble cutter's trade there, coming here a dozen years ago and shortly afterwards commencing- iu the marble and gran- ite trade. Mr. Durham handles all kinds of desirable, domestic and im- ported marbles and granites. Native granites of good consistency and taking a fine polish are found in abundance from four to twelve miles from this place, and Mr. Durham has superior fVicilities for meeting every demand of his trade. J. A. Bennett, of Salem, also has a similar marble business on Main street, opposite Brown's warehouse. SALEM BONE MILL AND COTTON GIN. Dr. J. F. Shaffner, Projmetor. The acreage of cotton raised in this county is small, and the only cotton gin in Forsyth, owned by Dr. Shaff- ner, gins but little more than 100 bales per year. This was established in 1882, and the doctor has since added a bone mill, which makes a market for old bones, and on ac- count of the scarcity of raw mate- rial, is limiter. In 1884 Dr. S. built a tobacco factory in Salem, 55x80, three stories in height, which, is now used as n leaf house bv Edmunds A: Gilmer. OF WIXSTOX-SAT.EM. 31 THE TOBACCO INTERESTS. On pjijivs ])ri()i- to tliis we liavr mentioned tlie t()l>a''c(» interests of this locality, iriusti-a.tinu' on pa<2,v (> the (lesii-ability ofthe Piedmont to- bfveco and on pa<>,'e 11 fi'ivinu,' some ao-o-veo;)te statistics ofthe Twin-City mannfactoi'ies. It now remains foi- ns to wi'ite a more exhaustive sketch of "the weed" and inider notice of the leadin-i"ades are inferior and the net yield in dol- lars and cents is moT-e here than in sections of country that ji'row a f»:rea t- er number of pounds to the acre. To- bacco foi- domestic use has been rais(>d in this region foi- a half cen- tury, but a new inipetus was given to the business about 20 years ago. Guthrie, Marshall and Kirby, exyx^- rieni-ed tobacco growers from Vii-ginia had located in Forsyth county sonu^ years pnn-ious and by judicious till- age had fully demonstrated that western Nofth Cai'olina could be made to produce as fine It-affoi-ihew- ing tobacco as any s(>ction of the globe. There are but few states, if any, where the soil has been found to be as well adapted to the su])ei-ior grades of yellow and mahogany leaf as this, so that we now iTi-actically have the mono])olyand there is every reason why this industry should con- tinue to develop. The fine textured tobacco will thrive up to an elevation of perhajjs 4-,000 feet altove Uw sea, and way up on the cliffs of the r>lu'' Ridge are found the hardy nionn- taineers who grow a small "crap of t ()l)acker,"' which is indinereiitly cai'- ed for, dried in the sunshine, and what he has above his own needs is brought to market with which to purchase a few necessary articles of merchandise. The more thrifty far- mer who pliints out a fair acreage of the favorite kinds and looks after the proper cultivation, curing and mai'ketinii' with care, often i-ealizes from |i?()() to -ir^OO per acre for hi;* l)roduct and as these high lands can l)e purchased chea])lymany northern emigrants will doubtless soon en- gage in this kind of agriculture. From year to yeai'the business has rapidly widened and now within a radius of.'JO miles from this place, the annual vield as which we give as beuvj; ;i pproxirunti'lyvovvert Sovw'f^ endeavor as far as possible to exclude all over drawn statr'nient-*. As a mark^'t foi- leaf tobacco, Winston has rai)idly risen to the front and the success of the manufacturers is large- ly tlependent uj)on the fact that they hav(^ daily access to the warehouses tlmt furnish the finest grades of leaf for chewing tobaccos, in the world. The vast im])ortance to Winston-Sa- lem of this industry cannot well be ovei- estimated. TOU.VITO W.MtKHorSKS. To any one visiting Winston for the first time, its tobacco warehou.ses become objects of decided interest. Especi;dly is this the" case if a big "break" is in progress. Then can be seen gathered togethei- 20 to 30 or mori^ keen-eyed, thorougldy educated 32 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH buyers— men who^e senses are so trained as to enable them to tell to the fraction of a cent what this, that or the other grade of leaf is worth to the manufacturer (u* shipper. From 5,000 to 15,000 feet of the warehouse floor is covered with piles of tobacco leaf, rang-inj: from 25 pounds to 1,000 pounds or more; the stentor- ian voice of the auctioneer is heard, a score of farmers are waiting- with keen suspense, all anxious to know what his particular heap will bring. A halt of 15 to 20 secondsismade at each lot while the buyers examine the grade of goods and in turn puts in his bids, the weed is "knocketldown" and the surging crowd pass on to the next pile. Winston has four tobacco ware- houses and in older to avoid too much repetition, we will say that all of these have basements, furnish am- ple storage for tobacco, stalls lor horses, office accommodations and camp rooms for larmers. The ( oun- tryman^ who drives to Winston has only to bring his iorage ibr horses and provide something for his own sustenance, when he can live quite in- dependent of hotels or livery stables, as the warehouses fuinish ample rooms for roughing it, or "camping'" as it is called. The annual sales of the four AVinston houses aggregate 11,000,000 to 14,00(),()()0 pounds yearly or about |1, 500, 000 in cash transactions. Prior to 1872 no eflort had teen made to systematize the marketing of tobacco, the curing and handling Avere indifferently done and growers placed little dependence on the article as a staple crop. Maj. T. J. Brown, a native o Cas- Avell county, residing in Davie for some time, became impressed with the needs of Western North. Carolina lor a tobacco market and alter pros- pecting at Madison, about January-, 1872, decided to try A^'inston. By hi.? request, (i. W. Hiuf-hawexttmpo- rized a warellou^e bom a stabie on Liberty street, and Maj. Brown ojieii- ed up piiblic sales in February of that year. Col. J. W. Alspaugh, Wilson «t Gorrell, Dr. Shaflner and others uniting with Maj. Brown in the ideas (jf }n-ogression, cametrj his assistance in the erection of the old Brown's warehouse on Church street, which was completed in 1872 and which the major subsequently purchased entire. This was the real opening movement of making Winston a great tobacco mart. The daily auction sales brought together the buyer and seller, created a regular law of supply and denmnd and made a sta- ple product of "the weed." brown's avarehouse. Lash's warehouse was erected in 1873, and continued in use for sever- al years. The Planters' (now Pied- mont) the same year and others sub- sequently. Brown's old warehouse did good service for a dozen years, the transactions under its roof ag- gregating several millions of dollars. W. B. Carter, of Rockingham coun- ty, accepted a partnership with Maj. Brown, about 14 years ago and in 1884 the firm built Brown's ware- house on Main street which is a- mod- el structure of its kind and deserving of more extended comment than our space will allow. The nmin building is 90x200 feet the salesroom cover- ing 18,000 .'•quarefeet, without post, pillar or other obstruction. The building with grounds *is valued at •f 2(.),()()(;) and the enterprise is in ev- ery way a credit to its proprietors and to the city Avhich gave it birth. J. Q. A. Barham, an auctioneer of twenty years experience nets as sales- man and has few superiors. P. A. Wilson, Jr., has officiated as book- keeper for several years past. THE farmers' warehouse. Col. A. B. Correll was identified Avith tlv^ first decided tobacco moA'e- ment in AVinston. Avas for sometime book-keeper and later a jmrtnerAAith Mai. Ib'OAvn. TI'p rol(,r,. i is n rative ( ) F WIN STON-S A LEM . :V\ of Greensboro but cMiue to Winston at an early age, and was a mercluint of this city foi' several years. He has served our people as mayor, al- derman, school commissioner and been closely connected with many progressive movements. G. \\\ Hin- shaw, (a public spirited Winstonian, who will have further mention in the mercantile department), and others joined Col. Gorrell in 1881 for the erection of the Farmers' warehouse, which is a handsome and commodi- ous structure on Liberty street. The Colonel gives his strict personal at- tention to the business and the Far- mers" warehouse has made a steady increase in sales from year to year, which is gratifying' to its proprietoi-, and evidence of his good business tact. G. E. Webb, of Durham has officiated as auctioneer- of this house for three years. N.S.Wilson, a Wins- tonian is the efficient book-keeper. PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE. This structure was erected in 187H by a stock company and was origi- nally known as the Planters". It was leased in l87()byM. W. Norfleet, Iju'ge additions made and the name changed to tlie Piedmont. The pres- ent building is (50x1 00 Avith an E 40 x7(). Mr. Norfleet is a native of Cas- well county, was engaged in Mer- chandising in Winston foi- a year or two, prior to commencing the tobac- co business as projirietfjr of Pied- mont warehouse. The sales of the house have increased tenfold since Mr. Norfleet came to the business in 1876. H. J. Crute, auctioneer, is a Virginian and has been with the Piedmont for four years past. The entire force of em])loyees are atten- tive to their respective duties giving general satisfaction to both buyer and seller. THE OKINOCO is a fine brick structure 90x200 at the corner of Main and Second sts. It was built by a stock company, opened November 10th, 188-t with -too piles of tobacco on tlieHoorand has ever since been in successful oper- ation. The firm operating the (Ori- noco is Gilmer, Wilson, & Co. Of ('apt. Gilmer we shall elsewhere write in connection with the oidy exclusive wholesale house in town. He is also a leaf dealer, (-firm of Pxlmunds & (iilnier). His partner, Mi*. E. H. Wilson, is a native of this comity, and the management of the business of the warehouse largely falls to him. This position is ciiaracterized by a, class of work that calls for adminis- trative and executive ability. The firm have the services of C. S. Mat- lock, an efficient ;iuctioneer, and J. B. Taylor, of Heiu-y county, Va., as book-keeper, besides tlie full corps of expert assistants usually reipiired in tlie business. MANUFACTIJU:!) TOBAC(;0. Some manufacturing was done in this vicinity prior to the advent of' warehouses, Maj. Hamilton Scales having been first to start the busi- ness in Winston. .1. A. Hitting was by far the largest buyer in the leaf niMi-ket during lS72-'5, shijjping his purchases to (ieorgia for manufact- ure. From year to year oui" enter- prising business men discovered that a good leaf market ju-esented extra induiements for the manufacture of ])lug and twi.st, and to-day the Twin- City has a world-wide rejiutation from her success in this industry. Our tobacconists as a I'vde are men of whom tlu' Twin-City may well feel ])r()uti. (lenerally starting withsmall means they have by sagacity, indus- try, and jierseA-erance hewn out then- own success and beconie the ai-chi- tects of the competency with which they are surrounded. Theirdealings with customers and em])loyees Irive been characterized by liberality and for generous aid to ]iul)liienter])rises no class of our citizens (-an be so uni- versally relied ujjon. Without their bountiful assistance it would scarce- ly liave been possible lor solargi.'and 34 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH complete an edition of this descrip- tive sketch to liave been issued. Yet most of these libertil donors would nave been satisfied, if the general g'ood had been properly covered, that we pass theml)}' without a spec- ial mention. We have however decid- ed to make brief personal reference to each important establishment; but in order to not occupy too much spjice we will generalize our matter as far as practicable. The attentive reader by this time must understand that Winston and Salem lie side by side and Winston being the city of latest developments has the larger share of tobacco factories, because building sites wei-e here found to be more accessible. There are over 30 firms engaged in the trade and two- thirds of tliese have fine large struct- ures, four to five stories in height, ful- ly equipped Avith modern machinery, steam and hydraulic attachments, elevators, and every recjusite for suc- cessful manufacture. Nearly all of these establishments use principally the tol)acco grown in this State. The trade of our manufactni-ers covers most of the South and is rapidly gaining a foot hold in Penns^dvania, Ohio and other northern states. The larger firms manufacture their own tobacco boxes and caddies amount- ing to several thousands each year. ,The tobacco business here is con- ducted upon a systematic basis, un- der wise regulations, by a Board of Trade, Avhich confines its delibera- tions entirely t(j tobacco matters. Col. A. B. Gorrell is president, Frank A. Coleman, secretary; M.A.Walker, treasurer, and the committe of arbi- tration is B. J. Sheppard, J. AV. Hanes and W. W. Wood. T. Barbei- is supervisor of sales. P. H. HANES cV CO. Winston's Largest Manufactory. In commencing the tobacco inter- ests tliere are so many fine buildings and real large fii-ms in the Twin-City that it is ditHcult to know where to begin ; but we believe that even the competitors of P. H. Hanes & Co., accede to the claims of this firm as having the largest tobacco manufiac- tory here. H. Scales, T. L. Vaughn and one other firm, (since gone out of business) wei-e operating tobacco hei-e when the above firm started in 1873. Hanes & Co., suffered by fire the loss of their buildings and and equipments in 1877 and soon afterwards erected about half of their present factory. Later an L was at- tached and subsequently another wing. It is a four stoi'y structure, fronting 125 feet on Chestnut street and extending back 155 feet. In or- der to get an adequate conception of the different features of manufacture it is necessary to take a tour through one of these establishments when the work is in progress and several hun- dred busy hands making plug and twist from the tobacco leaves. We will here onl_y say in brief however that the leaf purchased from the warehouse is recured, packed again in piles, sorted for the diffei-ent grades, stemmed, sweetened with licorice and sugar, to meet the re- quirments of different tastes and brands, made into twists or plugs, pressed, (in tobacco parlance prized) boxed and shipped to the ti'ade. This firm employs over 300 hands during the tobacco manufacturing- season. Last vear their purchases of leaf was more' than 1,200,000 lbs., of sweeting fifty tons, and after the loss from stems and otherwise the Tiianufactured product made a net figure of nearly a million pounds. The favorite brands of P. H. Hanes & Co.. arethe "Missing Link," "Man's Pride," and the "Greek Slave" al- though, as with all other fsictories here, a nund^er of other popular brands are made besides the leaders. The Haneses aie from Uavie county and have a thorough training in the tobacco trade. The monthly pay roll foots up nearly |5,000 and this disbursement serves as a verv im- OF WINSTON-SALE-M. 8: portant f'actoi- in tlip prosjM^rity of our city. RJIOWX & BKOTHEK. Plug, Twist, Xhv,v iiiifl Sinokiiii:,: One of our larg'pst and most ])roin- inent tobacco Tuannfactui-injitii-nis is that whose name lieads this article. Dr. AV. L. and R. I). Brown first beg'anniakinvnolds tV: Co. From '2~A) to .'}()() hands areem- ])loye(l, thusgivingdisbursement to a ])rincely sum of cash which sjieedly finds its way to the c()ft"ers of oui- mei-chants and mechanics. Some of the leading brands of this factoi-y are the National, R. .1. K. (trade mark), rind World's Choice. ]\Ii-. Reynolds deals exclusively with job- bers and has no salesman on the i-oad, the merit of goods being a suf- ficient advertisement to bi-ing sale for all the manufacture of the house. T. L. VALGHN. •'Tlw Chnmpion Tohncco M.iunf'r."' Manufacturing had been conducted hereto some extent j)rior to 187^^ but T. L. Vaugh erected the first factory expressly for tobacco making in that year ancl has ever since held a |)rominent j)lace in the trade. It was a business iii which, in one form or another, hehad been familiarsince childhood, and he was adapted to make a success of his projected enter- ])rise. His business during the years since intei-vening for<-ibly illusti-ates this fact. The old l)uilding is now occu])ied by Vaughn, Locket cV Co. Mr. Vaughn erecting his present tine structure in the fall of LS,s;{. It fronts 36 DESCKIPTIVE SKETCH 100 ft. on Oldtown street and is 150 ft. in depth, and, inchisive of the base- ment has Ave flooi's. In thearrang-e- ment of this factory tlie practical ideas of a practical man were iem- bodied — and the result is complete- ness so far as we can judge. The capacity of this factory is esti- mated at a million pounds per year, but the out-put thus far has not ex- ceeded about one-half that amount. Mr. Vaughn's leading lirands are the Broad Axe. Big Auger and Old Kover. The nmrket sought and obtained l)y Mr. Vaughn does not differ mate- rially from that of most of the facto- ries here. His customers are largely located in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. A growing trade is held in Tennessee and a very consid- erable business is being built up in Ohio. Nearly all of Mr. Vaughn's customers are jobbers — he has some trade among retailers, but it is rela- tively small, Avhile it is equallr true that no traveling salesmen are em- ployed to reacli eitlier wholesale or retail patrons. MODEL TOBACCO WORKS. B. F. Hanes, Proprietor. Perhaps no man in this place was better cal<-ulated to build a model factory than B. F. Hanes whose ef- forts led to the completion of a fine structure on Chestnut street early in 1886. A dozen year's prior expe- rience, in the business with his brothers, P. H. c^- J. W. Hanes, had consummated his plans for a practical workshop, and no means was spared in making this factory convenient and complete in all its workings. The building is a brick structure 53x 153 ft., and, including the garret, has five floors. It is thoroughly lighted and ventilated. A 50 horse engine and 40 horse boiler, of Richmond make, runs the machinery, which al- so has hydraulic attachments. This house makes a siiecialty of the finer grades of goods, and confines it,s lous- iness entirely to the jobloing trade. The leading bi'ands are Benjamin Franklin, Carolina's Favorite, Gold- en Chain, Our Senator and others. With the second year Mr. Hanes ac- cepted his brother Phillip as a part- ner, but left the firm name unchanged. More than 150 hands find employ- ment here, and the output of the es- tablishment for its two first years aggregated about 750,000 pounds which was nearly all sold before the commencement of this season's work, paying in these two years a revenue of'|GO,000 to the Government for tobacco stamps. The Haneses ai"e both practical business men in every sense of the word, and are reaping the merited reward of a well planned industrial enterprise. BAILEY BROTHERS. Plug and Twist Tobacconists. Eight years ago M. D. and P. N. Bailey added another to the long list of tobacco factories in AAlnston. They were in earnest — had come here to stay — and in '82 erected their substantial brick building on Chest- nut street, 50x136 ft., four stories, and fitted up with engines, boiler and all other needed appliances. The father of this firm was a manufactur- er, and the Bailey Brothers had been in the business at Statesville a half- dozen years before removing to Win- ston in 1880. Some twelve or fifteen regular brands of plug and twist to- bacco are made, beside special brands. Among the leading and best known of the regular brands are Natahala, Old Bob, Ellen Fisher, Planter's Choice, O. K., Clipper, Silver Moon, May Queen and Lilac ; in brief, all sizes and shapes are made that the public calls for. The leaf is purchased in the Winston warehouses by M. D., who gives his special attention to that branch, of the trade and office matters, while P. N. is general super- intendent of the mechanical work. In this as with other well I'egulated factories every care is made to grade the goods satisfjictoVil.y to custo- OF WI.NSTOX-SALKM. -{' incis, which brings juhlitional or- ders. About loOhjiiuls are emphjved and the annual output is :50(), (')()() ])ounds. RED ELEPHANT TOHACCO WKS. H. H. Reynolds Proju-if'tor. It is foreig'n to the purpose of tliis pamphlet to laud iM-ivate enter])iMst's or their })r()i)rietoi's, but a more t'ruil - t'ul field tor df^sei'ved pucouiunis tliaii the above could not well be found. H. H. Reynolds was raised in the finest tobacco se<-tion of Vir^'inia, and much of his time in boyhood was occupied inssfully com])eting in Baltim)r(»and the northern mark- ets. Thebi-andsare, Revnolds' Best. 12 in. .'V'^, Red Eleithant, J) in. 4"s, Red Elephant 7's, Honey Dew, Pea- body, City Talk, Excelsior, Reaper. Twin City, Honey Condi (8 ply twist) and others. Mr. Reynold's chief manager has been with him since 1(S(S() and his book-keeper since 188?», while many of his iiands ha\c remained in his emjthjy since he came to Winston. The personal attention given liy the proprietor to every detail of busi- ness, insures for this establishment a continn.-iuce of its well nuM'ifed suc- t -(^'SS . EOCKETT VAr(;H.\ c^i CO. M;innf}icti]rers of Plufj; Tohnccos. E. L. Lockett, originally from Yan- cey ville, X. ('., come to this ])lace from Danville, Va., where he had been manager of a leadingfactoi-y for sev- eral years. He was with Brown Bros, foi- some time. Bitting & Whitaker two years, and came to this partnership in .S4. L. A. Vaughn is a native of Stokes, and has been i-aised in the tobacco trade, having several years been manager for his l)rother,'T. L.Vaugn. Follin Broth- ers, of Charleston, S. C, wholesale tobacconists, purchased an interest in the business a year since and are holding a large riui on the goods t)f this manufactory throughout their field of trade. One of the brothers is an active partntn- in the Winston house. This establishment gives em- ])loyment to from l.'O to 200 hands, tlie l)uilding has a cajiacity of a half million ])ounds and the annual out- put in ])lug alone is nearly ;500, 000 ])ounds. The territory tributary to the factory constantly increases, and every indication ])()ints to growing ])i()s])erity for this enterpi-ise. The leading brands are. Linuted. lied Meat, Our Peach, and Brown .lug. and t lie force of the establish- ment is principally enqiloyed in sup- ])lying the demands of the trade for these special brands. W. A. WHITAIvER. '• Liirilli-" mill Other Tolvicros. W. A. Wliitaker is a native of Yad- kin county, and has had a wide ex- jierience in handling tobai-co. His factory, on the corner of Church and r>th street, was originally built for a leaf house, is 44xHG. having five 38 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH floors, and with recent additions, is thoroug-hly equipped throughout. He employs about 150 hands, and has a capacity of fully half million pounds annually. Mr. Whitaker uses only the leaf grown in the Piedmont section of this state, believing that this is the finest tobacco in the world for chew- ing goods, and that its superiority is largely what has made the Twin- City tobaccos so rapidly acquire a wide reputation wherever introduced. He is an expert buyer, and in his fa- mous "Lucille" claims to have a pro- duct that cannot be excelled. White Wings, Coronet, Zip, Golden Slipper, Twin-City, Empress, Dick Graves, Peach and Honey, Olive Branch and Otter of Roses are among the favor- ite brands of this establishment. Mr. Whitaker is a progressive citizen as Avell as tobacconist, and has done much for the school system of Wins- ton-Salem. The elegant system of electric light which AVinston has, its magnificent club room, and various other public entei'prises are largely indel)ted to his fostering care. BITTING & HAY. Mcinuihctuvers of Plug and Twist. .1. A. Bitting, President of the First National Rank, was one of the heaviest purchasers of leaf in the AVinston market for a year or two after the business commenced here. In 1876 Mr. Bitting engaged in the banking business, and subse(|uently commenced tobacco manufacturing as Bitting & AA^hitaker. A coui)le of years since ^Y. J. Ellis & Son built and equipped, with improved ma- chinery, a tobacco factory 50x120 feet, four stories and basement, on Cherry street. This property was purchased by the firm of Bitting ct Hay, January; '87, and for the flrst year turned out nearly a quarter of a million pounds of plug and twist. It has a capacitjv' for double that amount, and is running about 150 liandii!. The i)roduct is i)rincipally sold in the southern states, and their leading brand is the Zebra, "although several other ])opular styles are made. AV. S. Hay, the jimior part- ner, is a native of Rockingham county, and came to AA'inston in 1880. He was employed witli Bit- ting & Whitaker until accepting an interest as partner in the above en- terprise. Mr. Hay is thoroughly conversant with'the requirements of the trade, Mr. Bitting is an old to- l)aceonist, and there can be no ques- tion as to the solidity and success of this comparatively new firm in AVinston. W. AV. WOOD clishment uses about a quarter of a million pounds of leaf yearly, the product l)eing more largely sold in Georgia than any other state. "Maud Muller" is a special favorite, while any style of plug and twist is made to meet the demands of trade. It has steam equipments, and gives employment to over loo hands. OGBURN HILL & CO.. Manufiieturers of Plug Tobacco. The firm of Ogburn, Hill & Co., was OF WIXSTOX-SALKM. :V.) formed 10 vfiirs jiii'o hv ('. .1. O^Z'IniT-n. ;i nativp of'tliifs countv, wiio li.-id been raised in tobacco maimfactni-- ing-, and W. P. Hill, of Stokes countv. formerly in business for some time. The enterprise was conducted on Old Town street until 1SS4. when the requirements of their trade de- manded better accommodations. — January 1st of that year ('. D. Ogburn was admitted, a new luick, 45x120 ft. five floors, was erected on ('herry sti-eet, and occupied in No- vember, 1S84. Some of the favorite brands areO.H.ct Co's Choice, I)ixi(\ (lold Leaf, Winston Leader, Engle, Minnie Og-burn. l)i-ummer and others. Mr. C. J. Og-burn attends to the buy- ing and prizing, and Mr. Hill to tlfie classing of leaf. The office is ])i-inci- pally in the hands of C. U. Ogburn, and by this division of labor among the copartners the Ix^st and most practical results aiv obtained. The specialties of the firm ai-e tine and fancy 12 in-.Ts. foi- wlii<'li lliey have a large demand. Al)out 100 hands ai-e emj)Ioyed and over 200,000 pounds of leaf handled yearl3\ HODGIN BROTH LRS S: LLNX. Plug Hud Twist Tobncro. Messrs. Payne, Lunn «.\: Morris erected one of the tine large factories on riien-y street which weiv built ii.\ 1SS4, The size of this sti'uctui-e is 50x135 feet, four stories in height. ]Messrs. Payne and Moi-ris withdrew from the firm, and L. L. Lunn, in company with .1. M. and (J. D. Hodgin, formed the ])resent firm with this year. Thenew partnei-sliijt employs over 100 hands, and ex- pect to turn out 200.000 pounds or more of manufactui-ed ])i-oduct. .Mr. Lunn is from Salisbury, and tin- Hodgin brothers natives of this place, J. M. having been raised in the tobacco business, and (1. D. has been for the pa.st half dozen years con- nected with the First National bank of Winston. This factorv is bv 15 feet the liirgcst of tlie Big Five, and its output is a material assistance in swelling the aggregate of the Twin City tobacco transactions. P.LACKBFRN, DALTON & CO., Mninif'-irtiiivrs of PIiiu; mid Twist. Oi'ganized in 1S,S3, thisflrm ei'ectes all his stock in the Winston markets. ( IftAU F.VCTOUV. L LEOPOLD'S Winston Cigar Manufactory. BoiMi in th(^ Enq)ire City, I. Leopold was for ten years employed at the cigar trade in New York before he came to Winston. Five years ago he engaged with V. (). Thompson cV: Co., as manager and superintendent, and a year or two since, believing there was a field for the business here, he opened up cigar making on his own 42 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH account, and since the retirement of his former employers has the entire held to himself, 'in 1887, his first year of manufacturing', the output showed 532,000 cigars of which a half million had been sold at the end of the year, and the indications are that the "trade of 1888 will double this record. Mr. Leopold is full of enter- prise, has equipped his factory with modern cigar machinery, and em- ploys about 20 hands. He occupies every foot of space over the entire length of the Winston Postoftice building, and with his present rate of increase will doubtless be compelled to erect a large factory two or three years hence. The men who are liberal with printer's ink and furnisli reliable goods to their customers, seldom fail of success ; and one thing which speaks highl}^ for this house is the fact that a large majority of our local dealers have found it to their interest to pat- ronize him. Mr. Leopold has a good trade over theCarolinasand is reach- ing out for business into Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida. His standard 1 cent goods are Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and Iron Prince. In 5 cent brands, Leopold's Havanas take the lead, while Twin- City, Maggie Brown, Our Chum, Pine Logs, Zebra, North State Belle, Leo- pold's Ponies and a score of other brands are made. Success to the Winston Cigar Manufactory. LEAF AND STEM DEALERS. M. N. WILLIAMSON, Leaf Tobacco and Stem Broker. The standard market value of to- bacco in Winston is largely main- tained by our leaf dealers, and their regular attendance at the market Avith the manufacturers creates a steady and permanent demand for all grades of goods. M. N. William- son is a Virginian, 14 years in Win- ston, and for ten years past in the leaf tra de. His business made a rapid increase and in 1881 he erected the large factory on Old Town Street, 40x90, four stories. This is fitted with the Triumph Summer heat sys- tem, which plan retains the flavor and toughness, and Mr. W. has a large number of customers in the Northwest who recognize the supe- riority of North Carolina tobacco for flavor, color, and chewing qualities. The average annual output is a mil- lion pounds, nearly half of which is shipped to Europe. Employment is given to 20 or 30 hands, and this is entitled to rank among our largest leaf tobacco firms. J. B. MOSELEY, Tobacco Leaf Dealer. J. B. Moseley is a Virginian, and was for some years engaged in the tobacco business in Danville. He is an expert buyer, and when the mark- ets are low is ready to purchase, re- cure, sort and hold the goods until the manufacturers or distant custom- ers need the product at an advanced figure. Mr. Moselej' has been doing- business in a rented house on 4)^ St., but is now adding to his capacity as well as to the architectural beauty of our city by erecting a four story brick 40x90 on Cherry street, fronting the Big Five factories . Every perm anent addition to the Winston manufacto- ries is deserving of recognition, and Mr. Moseley will doubtless receive a just business reward for his enterprise. A. A. SMITH & CO., Leaf Tobacco Dealers. A. A. Smith is a native of Lynch- burg, Va., and came to Winston about a dozen years since. He en- gaged in the tobacco leaf trade, and was subsequently a partner with M. N. Williamson, as one of the firm of Williamson and Smith. Later Mr. Smith engaged with R. J. Reynolds, our well known tobacco manuftictur- er, in his present enterprise, making the firm name of A. A. Smith & Co. The Butner factory is used by the new firm for storage and prizing- rooms, and this leaf house does a fair OF WIXSTOX-SAT.EM, N. C 48 slinre oftrade in that line. Thesjx'- cialty of the firm is N. C. brifrht nia- liogany wrappers, which from their tine texture and rich body, are eager- ly sought for by western and north- ern dealers. M. w. norflep:t & sox.. Dealers in Tobacco Lent'. M. W. Norfieet has lorseveralyears past operated as a leaf dealer, and three years since accepted as a jtart- ner in that department his son, Jas. K. The firm have a brick factory •'i5x80 feet, with four floors, on ord street, and have a capacity for hand- ling a million pounds of leaf annually, which is principally sold to the ex- port trade. COLEMAN BROTHERS. Leaf Dealers and Brokers. The Coleman Brothers are fi-om Hali ax county, Va., and came to Winston in Xov., 1884 to engage in the tobacco trad(". Their principal purchases are of such colors or grades as are used least in the AVinston manufactories, thus assisting in giv- ing a staple value to such kinds of tobacco as would be dull in this market. B. J. SHEPPARl) c'c CO., Lt^af Tobacco Dealers. B. J. Sheppard is a native of Rich- mond, Va., and in the tobacco busi- ness continuously since the war, hav- ing been in AVinston for the ])ast doz- en A^ears. In 188'3 he built the large factory at the corner of 4th and Chestnut streets, 5()x9() and four stories, which is fitted with all the steam drying attachments. EDAfUNDS & GILMER. Tobacco Leaf Dealers. E. C. Edmunds of Halifax county, A^a., came to AVinston some 5 years ago to engage in the leaf trade, and a ctniple of years since associated with himself Capt. Gilmer under the ab(ive title. The firm occupy the Shaffner factory in Salem as a leaf house, getting their mail at \A'inston. F. G. SCHAl'M, liuvf'r for Marburg Bros., of Bnlto., Has been many years in the busi- ness, and thoroughly understands the values and grailes of leaf. He first came to AVinston in 1875, was sent to other maikets for a time, but returned to tins city five years ago, and makes heavy purchases for the above hou.se. There are one or two other leal firms, and a score of "'pin hookers'" who purchase, on speculation, from the planters direct. So the tobacco trade is well represented in all de- |)artments. AnjACENT F.\(^TOHlES. REYXOLDS BROS.. Centcrville— Winston I'. (). One mile Southeast from the Salem I'ost-office, in the subni-b of Center- ville is found tlie Reynolds Brothers tobacco factory which was erected in 188:5. It is 4'oxl.",7 feet, two and four .stories in height, having an ex- tension of 40 feet for the boiler, en- gine and box manufactory. The Reynolds Brothers, C. A. and T. E.. are natives of Roi'kingham count}', and have been in the tobacco busi- ness for fifteen years. They employ over 100 hands and the annual pro- duct approximates 200,000 pounds. The Reynolds Bros, are young men of push and enterprise, have a fine dairy farm adjoining the factory, and a private water-works system con- nected with the e>;jtring water to all parts of tlie factory. Hose attach- ments for fii-»^ protection have been made on every floor, and the estab- lishment is thoroughly equipped throughout for plug, twist and smok- ing products. The leading brands are, Reynolds I'rothers" Best, Fruit of the Farm, Minnie Reynolds, Little Pearl and (Jld Ratler. In smoking, their leader is Top Notch. Careful selection, good business tact and persevering industry have brought a large trade to the Reynolds Bros. 44 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH S. J. NISSEN,■ T^fl!Jg7ifoTy7J — Salem P. 0. The name of Nissen is well known in the Twin-City, anHst wishes for your soiial and individual happi- ness, (i. Washington." The Home.— Fiider th*^ heay cedars of a century's growth. Odar Alley in front of this sacred spot, is canopied on both sides by the o'er-spreading cedar spires, and is one of the hand- somest and pleasantest walks in the city. The CWwefwj".— Crossing a ravine to the eastward from the above, is found among the original forest trees the peoples' cemetery. This has a number of handsome monuments, and could be made an attractive spot, but as yet has had little care be- stowed upon its surroundings . Those having the matter in charge would do well to spend a little more towards beautifying this sac-red spot. The Mineral Spring, on Marshall Street, produces a most excellent chalybeate water and it is singular that more persistent effort should not have been taken to advertise this a':'knowledged fountain of health-giv- ing properties. A goo FR.VTKUMTV. The Bar of Winston has evei- had. and still retains a fail* shar(> oi able lawyers. Judge D. H. Starbuck and Col. Joseph Mast en, deceased, were among the first in practice here. Hon. T. J. Wilson was born in Stokes county (now Forsyth) in 1815, ad- mitted to the practice of law in "41 and in "47 erected the brick house di- agonally across Main Street, from the Orinoco Warehouse, which was the first house built in the original plat of Winston. The Judge was the first attorney of this city and still continues in the profession. He was elected Judge in 1874, but from some irregularity in the time of holding the election, officiated on tlie 1 tench onl^' six months. Judge Wilson lias been Maj^or several times. Hon. A. H. Sheppard practiced at this bar Ix^ween his terms in Con- gress. Col. J. AV. Alspaugh was ad- mitted in 1857 and practiced for ten years after the war. WATSON & BUXTON, Attorneys and Insurance Agents. Hon. C. B. Watson is a native of Forsyth county and after the usual I)reparations, began the practice of law in 1870. In 18,S() he was Senator from the :{2(1 district of X.C. and has made a i)rominent record both in ])ractice and in politics. Hon. J. C. Buxton is a native of Aslieville, graduated at Trinity Col- lege, of Hartford, Conn., read law in (Jeneva, N. Y. and was admitted to ])ractice in January, 1875. He was Mayor of AVinsto'n in 1883-4, re- signing on his last term to be elected to the State Senate of whi"h body he was an honored mend)er in '85. "Mr. i{uxt(m was a delegate to the Nation- al Convention at Chicago in 1884 and liis name has been ])rominently mentioned as a candidate for Con- gress at the coming election. The firm of Watson & Buxton was form- ed in 1885 and occu])ies rooms iji the First National Bank liuilding. Be- sides doing a large law praitice they write insurance for tlie Royal, of Liv- erpool, London and Lancaslure. Pbenix and Orient, of Hartford: Fire Association, of Phihideljiliia: (Jei-ma- nia and Fnderwriters, of N. Y. The Xorwich Fnion and (ieorgia Home. In life insurance the old reliable Mu- tual Life of Xew York is represented. (iLEXX & GLEXX, Fourth Street, Ojjp. Court House. ^^'. B. CJlenn, tlie senior partner of the above firm, is a native of Yadkin County, graduated from Princeton, X. J., read law undei- Chief Justice Pearson, and was adnntted to tlie bar in 1872. He practiced in Yadkin for a time, and was for many years a partner in the firm of Watson & Glenn. He was a member of the Leg- islature in 1874, Democratic elector 50 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH in '76, and in "81 served again in the General Assembly. R. B. Glenn is from Rockingham County, attended Davidson College, the University of Virginia, subse- quently read law under the instruc- tions of Chief Justice Pearson, and was admitted to practice ten years ago. He was sent to the Legislature from Stokes County in 1881, was Democratic elector in '84, and Avas Solicitor for the 9th Judicial district, in 1886-'87. The alliance of Glenn & Glenn was formed in 1885, and the firm practices in all the adjacent Courts. ELLER & STAR BUCK, Attorneys at Law. Judge D. H. Starbuck practiced law here from the time Winston was made a county seat until his death a year ago. A. H. Eller was born in Wilkes county, reared in Ashe, re- ceived the degree of A. B. from the N. C. University in 1885, read law with George N. Folk, of Caldwell county and after his admittance in '86, en- tered the office of Judge Starbuck. H. R. Starbuck graduated from the State University at Chapel Hill, in '87, was admitted to practice within the present year, and has recently formed a partnership with Mr. Eller. The new firm have the law library which Judge Starbuck accumulated during his long practice, and are just arranging to make large additions. The firm do a general insurance busi- ness, representing the St. Paul Fire & Marine, Washington and Connec- ticut Mutual Life and other i-eliable Companies. Special attention given to collections, nogotiation of loans, sale of land and management of es- tates. R. B. KERXER. .1 ttoinpy—Bittiiifj^ Block. Born in Kernersville, R. B. Kerner, after the common schools, attended the University at Chapel Hill, and taught for four vears in the Salem Boys' School prior to his majcjrity. He then attended Dick & Dillard's law school at Greensboro, was admitted to the bar, and in '83 was appointed as Solicitor for the Inferior Court, officiating there until that Court was abolished. Mr. Kerner, although a young man, has been City Clerk and Treasurer, and on both the Board of City and School Commissioners. He has a good library and convenient office rooms in the Bitting block. E. E. GRAY, Attorney and Insurance Agent. Eugene E. Gray is a native of Win- ston, and was educated at Emory & Henry College, Va. He attended Judge Strong's law school, of Raleigh, was admitted to the bar here in Jan. 1879, and has since continued to practice in this place. Mr. Gray's rooms are over Wachovia National Bank, and in addition to a general law and commercial practice he also writes insurance. Mr. Gray has tak- en special pains to accept none but reliable Companies, and he represents several leading ones in tnis and the old country. J. S. GROGAN. One Boor South of Vaughn S: Pepper. J. S. Grogan is a native of Rock- ingham county, and came to Winston in 1873. He took a literary course at Bingham's School, attended Dick & Dillard's law school at Greensboro, was admitted to the bar here in '84, and has since been in the practice of law in Winston. His office is up stairs, next door to Vaughn & Pep- per's store, where he does a general practice. L. J. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor. Lewis J. Williams was born in Yad- kin, and is a son of Xicliolas L. Wil- liams, who was well known through- out the State, and died a couple of 3'ears since, aged 86. His father. Col. Jos. Willia nis, of Revolutionarv note. OF VVIXSTOX-SA T.KM. r.i was one of the pioneers of ^^'estenl N. C, settlin<2;at Panthei-Creek, prior to the war with the mother country. L. J. Williams who resided on the old homestead, was burned out .Mareh '85, and desiring- to secure better ed- ucational advantages for his fannly, moved to AVinston. He read law with different members of the Bar of this place, and was recently admitted to practice, having office rooms in the Bitting block. E. A. GRIFFITH, Over Clark & Ford's Store. E. A." Griffith is a native of this county, took a literary course at Chapel Hill, was admitted to practice Oct. '84:, and has since been in prac- tice in Winston. Mr. Griffith tiives spettial attention to the collection of claims, and negotiates loans on good security. There are some other attorneys, and a half dozen magistrates which we have not had time to interview, and we have no further space to de- A'ote to leffal matters. MEDICAL FRATEUNITV. Salem has had a long and able list of medical advisers. Dr. Schmnan, and the senior Dr. Keehln ]>i-acticed for many years, and two of its prom- inent physicians, Drs. A. T. Zevelv and T. F. Keehln, left the stage (if action about a dozen years since. Among the early names of Winston phvsicians we find Drs. Fries, H. Sin- gleton Belt, J. B. Britton,(J.K.(iray, King, Westmoreland, Mot singer and perhaps others for a short time. Some fifteen years ago Dr. Preston Koan located permanently in Wins- ton and continued in active practice until his death, Novend>er 8th. 1S.S2. The medical fraternity as now- made up in the Twin-City is a credit to the profession and we are pleased to say that they indorse wliat we have to say on page 5 and elsewhere regarding the healthfulness and salu- brity of this sei'tion of counti-y. .1 J'hy.sicians' Association of Win- ston-Salem was organized some foiu' years ago and is conducted in an in- foi'Mial nmnner. The ]>lace of meet- ing is changed each we^k, and mat- ters of general interest to the profes- sion are discussed. This, besides its social feature, has a tendency to cieate uniformity of action and good will between the mendx^rs of the fra- ternity composing the organization. DR. J. F. SHAFFNER. i'HVSKiA.N AND DHUCHJIST. There is but one di-ug house in Sa- lem and this, located on Main Street, contains a large and well Jissorted stock, kept by Dr. Schaffner, a native of the place, who graduated from the .leff'erson Medical College, of Phila- delphia, in 1800. A year ortwo later the Doctor was in the ConffMlerate Army and in 'Go began practice in Salem, shortly afterwards, jmrchas- ing his pres<»nt drug stand which he has now conducted for 20 years. The house keeps drugs, paints, druggists sundries, etc., and tlie Doct(^r spends a portion of his time in practice. Dr. Shaifner has been Mayor of Salem and interested in manufacturing. In that department we made a note of his bone-mill and cotton gin which have since burned, but the Doctor in- forms us that he will rebuild the structure on a larger scale. DR. H, T. BAHNSON. OFFICK AND HFSIDKNTE NEAIt AOAUEMV Henry T. Bahnson was born in Lancaster, Pa. brought here in child- hood, graduated from the medical nt age. Be that as it may, we should make the best of what we have, anil preserve the natui-al teeth intact as long as possible, for no ai-- tiflcial setcan be a perfect substitute. The best rule fi)r]treservatioii, bi-iefly given, is the rigid enforcement of ab- solute cleanliness. Thoroughly rinse out the nu)utli upon rising and re- tiring, and every time after eating. The quill pick, a good brush and equal quantities Oi prepared chalk and powdered orri.-! root are also good adjuncts, b'ing careful to al- ways reach every i)nrt of each tooth. For tartar, irregularity, de;'ay or other special conditions consult a competent dentist. Do not neglect the teeth till they ache, and always have a tooth filled if it can be saved. It is a good plan to have a dentist examine the mouth once or twice each year, as pronq)ttreatm<'nt saves much troulile and expense. DK. .1. A. BUM, FOtHTH STREET, WINSTON, Is a native of this place, gi-aduated from the Philadelphia Dental ("ollegf in 1870 and has since been ])racticing his ])rofessi()n. He resides at the corner of 4th and Spruce Streets and is at present the oidy dentist in Win- ston. DH. J. W. HUNTER. OFFICE HUNTER IJLOCK. Born in this county. Dr. Hunter be- gan dentistiy in]8.")l, having now been 37 years continuously in prac- tice, and his office shows that he keeps squarely abreast of the times in dental literature, etc. In 1874 Dr. Huntfn- purchased the hall and store formerly erected by Messrs. Hege, where he now holds "his office. He operates for the Academy stu- dents and spiMids a portion oi" each day at that institution DBS. WATKINS & CONRAD. M.VIN STREET, S.VLEM. C. .1. Watkins was boi-n in this county, and has been in tlie dental practice for 22 years. He graduated at the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, ])racticed for several years in Philadelphia , and has been in Salem since 1874. W. J. Conrad was also boi-n in For- syth, graduated from the above school in l87t), and has since oper- ated in this county and Virginia. He joined Dr. Watkins in practice •Ian. 188(). The firm keep a supply of dental goods, and both are mem- bers of the State Dental Association. DR. H. V. HORTON. .NO. 1 , CITY KL.\.TS, SAEE.M. H. V. Horton is a native of \\'ilkes- boro. and graduated with high hon- ors from the dental department of th^ Universitv of Marvland. A\'heu 54 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH he came to the Twin City he coukl find no suitable apartments in Win- ston, and finally secured an elegant suite of rooms in the City Flats of Salem. The doctor contemplates moving to Winston when the Wacho- via Bank corner is completed, and as there is no dentist in the business portion of the city, and he has every requisite for successful dentistry, we think such a moTe Avould be appreci- ated by the progressive people of the place. Photograph Artists S. E. HOUGH. Main Street, 0pp. Merchants Hotel. E. K. Hough fitted up convenient rooms for photography some years since and a year ago sold his busi- ness to his brother, S.E. Hough, who is a native of N. Y., and has served as an artist three years in the West Indies and twelve years in New York City. The rooms are well adapted to the business, and pictures are finished up in all styles of the art. A large accumulation of negatives are on hand. H. A. LINEBACK, Opposite Land Office, Salem. Salem has but one photograph gal- lery. H. A. Lineback is a native of Salem, and after taking instructions at several prominent galleries in Pen- sylvania and Ohio, opened up the photograph business in Salem in 1866, and two years later built his present stand, where for twenty years he has turned out acceptable work. Pictures are finished in the desirable styles, and frames are carried to meet the demands of his customers. Broker and Real Estate Agent. H. MONTAGUE, Broker and Real Estate Dealer, Was born in Wake County, grad- uated from Wake Forest College in 1880, and after two year's course at Dick & Dillard's law school at Greens- boro, was licensed to practice law in October 1882. He settled at Wades- boro where he practiced his chosen profession about two years, dealing extensively in negotiable paper and real estate in the mean time. Owing to a partial failure of vision he was compelled to abandon the practice of his profession, and in Jan. 1885 set- tled in Winston, having since been engaged successfully in the above oc- cupation. He has a well arranged business house in the center of the city, and deals extensively in loans and discounts, bonds, mortgages, stocks, real estate, &c., and this mention could have properly been made under the head of banking. He handles real estate on commission, and by bi-inging the buyer and seller together assists in keeping up the standard values. The proprietor is not only under a justified bond of .f 10,000, l)ut gives as reference the banks of Winston, and quite a num- ber of bankers and other persons of note throughout the State. Gun & Locksmiths. T. VOGLER-, Gun and Locksmith. Gun making was carried on by Vogler and Foltz at an early day, and Timothy Vogler, who was born in the place, August 2nd, 1806, began the trade with his father at 13 years of age. He has worked at his present stand near the lower end of Main street for 55 years. Mr. V. although for nearly 70 years at the gunsmith's bench, has fair health, and attends to business as occasion requires. WM. DETTMAR, Gun^smith, Main Street, Salem, Is a native of German^', learned the locksmith trade in the fatherland, came to Salem in 1850 and engaged with T. Vogler in the gunsmith busi- ness, remaining with him 18 years, when he started a shop further up town. Eight years ago Mr. D. built his present brick shop, where he does evervthing in the gun-smith line. OFWIXSTON-SALEM. Miscellaneous Manufacturing. [continued from pace 30.] P. A. WILSON, THIRD STREET, Custom Clothier. The description of manufocturing interests would be inconi]ilete with- out a notice of ( lotliiii ])lace, and .Mr. J. sends his goods to iiiiiny distant States. A large stock of foreign and domestic cloths are kejit on hand, and the class of work done is a creilit to the pi'oprietor and the jjlace. (!. A. HLICH. Boot iiiid Shoe Mnker. (i. AdoljjJms Reich, is a Salemite by i)irth, and nearly 40 years ago began his trade at the shoe-makei-'s bench and continued in tlie trade till the war. Later lie operated as cutter for l)i-ominent tii-ms in this State, and al.so in J'hiladeli)hia. In 1875 he en- gaged with his brother as a ])artnei- in tlie firm of H. C. Reich cV: Co., and five years later, cm the dissolution of tliat firm, moved his head(piarters to liis present location near the lower end of Main street, in Salem. Mr. Reich is a good judge of leather, a good workman, and has many cus- tomers that have been using his work for a dozen years or more. IRVING BLUM, Grocer, Tin nnd Cojtpersniith. On the old Blum homestead, near the north end of Winston, is found the tin and copper works of Irving- Blum, who was raised in this line of trade, and has copper work sent for rei)airs, to his shop, from long dis- tances. A yea I- ago Mr. Blum started a grocery business near by, and kee))s a line of fancy and ])lain arti(-les in that de})ai-tment of trade. Win. H. Hull began candy making in Salem 35 years ago, and excepting a few montiis during the war has been at it continuously since. He is now turning his attention largely to bees, having over 1)0 stands in his apiary. The S:ih>ui (irist Mill commenced business in 1825. and continues to grind both corn and wheat under the proprietorship of C. P. Sides. [continued on i'.V(;e 05.] AN KPITOIvlK OK AND GENERAL INFORMATION. IXTRODL"CT(JKY. Ill order to make this pnmplilot of value t.<) every iwr.son who nxieive.s it, we incorporate in this de- partment many facts and dates wliich have recjuired great lalK)r and expense to prejjare. These dates are so valuable that no one c;in attbrd U> destroy them and hence the Ixwk will be preserved with absolute wirtiiinty whctlicr the reniaiuiiis jiages are ot in- terest to the reader or not. This book will \>e con- venient for reference and conUuninj; so many interesting facts and dates will lie preserved in the library for months and years, thus nuiking it worth from a business standixjint, a circulation of twenty tinu« as great a number of newspajK^rs. THK WOULD IN A XUT SHKLL. CIIHONOIyOOICAL DATES. The liistory of the world up to the time of the del- uge and for many ye^irs alterwurds is only to be found in the l>rief narrative given In the" .sacred writings, although the Chinese claim t.o have records dating back to a period long before "Adam was tK^n/" T}IK IIEBRKVVS. IVluge B. C. TinO: Abraham calle; Jei)tha, Judge, 12.S.S; ICli, Judge, 12.'i{j; .Samp.son, 12:{7; Siimuel, 1220; Saul King, IV.l'r. David King, ll.'j.j; .Solomon King, 111.5; Temple dedicated 1101; Solo- mon died l(»7."i; division ol Israel 1('.58; Elijah and ElL-iha j)iMph(;ts, SSS; Jeru.salem taken by Jehoash .S2(>; Ilexekiah and Isaiuli in Judah 726; Jeremiah prophet G41; Jerusalem taken by Nebuchadnczz;ir, (>0C; Jerusalem de.siroyed, 5HH. EfjYIT. Little or nothing is known of the history of Egypt prior to the time of Josei)h. At that time however, it was one of the most powertul nations of the world. The dynasty of the Pharohs, B. C, 1300; Pyramids built by Cheops, 10S2; Shishak ruler, 07.S, Judea wmquered and the t<^mjile i>lunderwl by him 971; Egyjit devastated liy Nebuchadnezzar, .572; end of the hrst Egyptian monarchy .52.5 and for over 2iX) years it was" in obscurity, but revived again by the I^tolemys aUjut three trnturies l>efore Christ. CHeo patra lived B. C. -15 wnd Egvpt wa.s again sutxlued B. C. ;J0. MACEDON wa-s subdued by Darius, B. C. SOS; Philip II crowned .>59; Alexander in Macfion S:i«; invadwl Persia :«4; battle of Aralx'lu3:Jl; Alexander dieil at Babylon of strong drink, agetl 32, B. C. 324. GKKECK. By valor and refinement, (irooce Uxuime the next nation in importance. Troy was t^iken B.C. 11S4. lonians settled in Asia 1(>4:"{; Homer the poet, wrote alxiut 8SS; tirst Olympliian period from which the Greeks reckon time, 770; 0)de of Draco (i24; Solon, Athenian law-giver -594; fcjocratcs 429; war with Macedon .'iS.s; Kepublic reestablished 297; Coi-inth taken 14rouil, .534: Brutus old; c:iiicinnatus dic- tator 45i); great famine 440; invaded by the Cauls 391; first Punic war 2<;5; se<'ond Punic war 2IS; third war 149; Carthane destroyed 140; Cicero t)3; C;e.., 54; Jerusalem destroyed hv Titus 70 rebuilt 137; Persian war 2:51; jHTsecution of Christians TM): Constantine emperor 323; Conncil at Nice, when the books of the New 'l'estani',>nt were voted in, 32.5; Boiuans driven from Spain 409; with- drew from Britian 419; battle of Chalons 4.^1; <) the macedons 4:r>. EASTERN- EMPIRE, ETC. A. D. 447, Attilla king of Huns exacts tribute from Theodoslus II: ravaged by Persians .502; Justi- nian code .52".); Midiameil preaching 612; Persians take Syria lil4; the Hegira 022; Saracens In'siege Omstan- tinoplc 673-9; tlieir second siege of Cl<' 718; Michael II. .^20: John Zimi.sct^ 969; Turks tiike Jeru.salem 106.5; Crusaders take Antioch 109,s, and Jerusalem 10:19, and Acre 1104; Venice in lier glory 1125; Latin emporers 1204; Empire recovered bv Greeks 1261; Turkish Empire. Ossman I, 12<>9: Sup- pression of Knights Templars 1311; general pes- tilence 134.^; Empire excepting Constantinople taken bv theT\irks i:J91: Union ot Denmark, Swwnlen and N'orn-ay 1397; invention of jirin ting 14-10; C^mstanti- nople captured by Turks and end of Empire 14.53; Ferdinand and Isal>ella In Sjiaiu 1474; C56: Cadwallader last king ot Briton.s 67S; Charles Martel duke of France 714; battle ol 58 VAT.X'AULE STATISTICS Tours 732; Danes in Englaud 787; Charlemagne cin- porer of the west SOO; Cliarles the Bald in France 841; Rollo the Norman 912; HuRh Capet 987; Henrv I lO'.I; Pliilip I lOGO; tirst cnisade 1095; war with Ens- land 1U98; Louis the Fat 11U8; Louis VII 11:^7; Philip II 1780; Louis IX (St. Louis) 1226; Louis X lyU; House of Valois lias; Charles V l;S64; Joan of Arc enters Orleans 1428; France ridden of Euglisli 1451; French take Milan 1491; Hugeuot war loOO; massa- cre of St. Bartholomew 1572; House of Bourlion 1589; t'ardinal Richelieu 1624; invasion of Holland 1672; Louis XV 171-i; France aids America 1778; revolu- tion 1790; republic 1792; Napoleon consul 1799; Em- porer 1804; campaign in Russia 1812; fall of Na- poleon 1815; conquest of Algiers 18:50; Louis Napol- eon president, 1848; Napoleon III emperor 1852; French in iMexico' 18615; war with Prussia 1870; Re- public; Thiers president, 1871 Jules (irevy president 1879; occupation of Anam and trouble with China 188:5. rr.^LY AND C0TEMl'Ol{.\KV. Lombards take Italy A. I). 596; defeat Constans II 6 52; and comiuered bv Charlemagne 774; the Cru- sAdes 1000 to 1,:5,K»; wars of (Jliarles V in Italy 1527; cai)ture of Kome 1527; order of Jesuits founded 15:55; calendar remodeled l)y pope Gregory XII 1582; Peter Great in llu.ssia 1689;' Frederick II "in Prussia 1740; Fn-ncli in Siiain 1808; Mo.scow burned 1812; (ivr,"T ind.'iiiiident 1827; siege of Sebastopol 1854; Victor i;in;niucl King of Italy 1861; revolution in Spain 1868; Russia-Turkish war 1877; Humbert King of Italy 1879; assassination of Alexander II of Ku.s- .sia 18,si; Alxeander III crowned 1S8:5. tiEKMANV. Hou.se of Fi-ance 814; Henry I defeats the danes 9:54; war with the Saracens 107:3; Frederick I invades Italy 1151; destroys Milan 1162; Hou.se of Hapsburg 1273; revolt of Swi.ss and. Wm. Tell 1307; House of Luxemberg 1343; John Huss burned bv Sigismond 1415; llouscof Austria 14:58; Maximilian I 1493; ref- ormation by Luther 1517; Maxinialian II 1564; bat- tle of Pi-ague 11)20; Leopold I 1659; Hou.se of Lor- raine 1 J 4"'. Pl^US.SIA. Takes Hanover 1801; war with France 1813; Ger- man Confederation 1815; war with Denmark 1864, and Austria 1806, invasion of France 1870, William made emperor 1871 and died 1^88, succeded bv Fred- erick March 13 1888. AUSTRIA. An empire 1800, war witli France isl:5. with Hun- gary 1848, with France and Italy 1859, withdrawal from the confederation 1870, international exhibi- tion at Vienna 187:!, agreement with Germany on Eastern question Ls80. ENGLAND. Anglo Saxon Kings 825, Egbert 828, Alfred the great871, ravages of Scotland 933, Danish ivirigs 1016, Saxons restored 1041, English languauv origin- ates from the Saxon, Dani.sh, British, Welsh, Nor- nuin, Latin, I'rench and (ii-eek A. D. 1000 to 1500, Noiiuan Dynasty 1066, con(iuestof Ireland 1171, con- quest of Wales 1282, battle of Bannockburn 1314, House of Lancaster 1399, war with France 1413, House of York 1461, Ilimse of Tiulor 1485, battle of Flodden 1513, Ann ISoleyn beheaded 15:56 and Marv of Scotts 1587, lIou.se of Stuart 1603, Oliver Cromwell li;49, Stuarts restored IGliO, great London lire 1666, battle of the I5oyne 1690 House of Hanover 1714, w;ir with Sj)ain 1739, with France 1756, war with col(miesl7/5. Union with Ireland 1801, war with U. S. 1812, battle of Waterloo 1815, Victoria crowned ec taken 1759, Canada ceeded to Englaud by the Frenclt '61, Revolutionary war '75 Declaration of Indei^en- dence July 4th. l77.i; surrender of Cornwallis '81, treaty of peace '83, eon.stitution adopted '87, Wash- ington made president, '89, Louisiana ceeded to U.S. 18l13, war with England 1812, Florida ceeded '20, Buenos Aj'res independent '16, Mexico '21, Texas '36, annexed '45, war with Mexico '46, civil war '61, Maximilian euii)eror '64, U. S. buys Alaska '67, war in Cuba '71, («hili-Peru war '81, Mexico building railroad '82. ADDITION OF .STATES. Vermont admitted 1791, Kentucky 1792, Tennessee' 1796, Ohio 1802, i-.ouisiana admitted '12, Indiana ad- mitted '16, Mississippi '17 Illinois '18, Alabama '19, JMaine '20, Missouri '21, Arkansas ':56, Michigan '37, Texas annexed '45, Florida admitted '45, Iowa '46, New Mexico and California purchased '48, Wiscon- sin admitted '48, California '50, Minnesota '58, Ore- gon '59, Kansas '61, West Virginia '63, Nevada '64, Nebraska '67, Southern States re-admitted '68, Colo- rado '7ii. With the exception of the years 1821 to '36 the United States has never before in her history of a century been so long without admitting a new State. Dakota, Wyoming and Utah are knocking for admission and with some le.gal technicalities re- moved will probably soon 1)e within the fold. INTERNAL AND FOREIGN. Wayne's victory at Maumee 1794, Jay's treaty '95, with France '97, Government removed from Phila- deli)hia to' Washington, D. C, '99, trial of Aaron Burr for Conspiracy 1807, Perry's victory Sept. 10, '1:!, Washington burned '14, battle of New Orleans '15, Missouri compromise '20, Lafayette's visit '24, John Adams and Thomas Jetf'erson, 2d and third l)residents died July 4 '26, protective taritt' bill ])assL'd '28, treaty with Turkey '30, Blackhawk war ':')2, Seminole war '35, financial crisis '37, veto of bank bill '41, gold in California '48, Taylor died July 9th, '50, Kansas trouble '55, treaty with Japan '54, Mormon insurrection, Drecl-Scot decision '57, John Brown's insurrection '59, South Carolina seceded Dec. 20 'GO, Miss., Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Tx., Va., Ark., Tenn. and North Carolina follow and Jeffer.son Da- vis elected president of the Southern Confederacy' '61, bombardment of Fort Sumter and battle of Bull Run '61, Antietum, Ft. Donaldson, Pea Ridge, Shi- loh, 3d Bull Run, Corinth, Frederick.sburg, '62, Emancipation Proclamation Jan. 1, '63, battles of Chancellorville, Vicksburg, Getty.sburg, '63, Wilder- ness, Petersburg and. Sherman's ilarci\ to the Sea, '64, battle of Five Forks, surrender of Lee, Johnson and Kirby Smitli and end of war '65, impeachment and aciiuittal of President Johnson '68, Fifteenth Amendment 70, great iiro in Chicago '71, Modoc war '73, Custer mas.sacre and Centennial Exposition '76, great railroad riots '77, resumption of specie pay- ment '79, treaty with China '81, general strike of telegra]ih operators '83, World's Exposition New Orleans '84-5, great flood of the Ohio Feb. '85, earthquake at Charleston, '86, great railroad disaster at Chatsworth, Illinois, over 100 persons killed '87. Ex-Senator Conklin and Chief Justice Waitedied'88. G E N ERA L r N F( ) R .M A T I O N V.) CANADA, 0U2 NOETHESN NEIGHBOE. The govt'niUK'Ut of C'aiKula is siilijcct lo the Brit- tish crown but is setui-iiKleiicinleiit, its liistoiy dat- ing hack to the sixteentli century. Jac<|ues (.'artier; a Kreucli sea captain planted lii's standard on the shores of New Brunswielv in l."i:;4 and claimed it for France. Later he di.scovored the river St. Law- rence. General Wolfe's forces captured tiuelx'c in 17-")ii and the entire country was claimed for the British. During the Uevolutionary .struggle for in- dependence the ('anadian settlements reniaind true to tlie king and alter and during the war many tor- ies fled from the colonies to fjiper Canada," now called Ontario, while the eastern province is known as Quebec, or Lower Canada. ('anada ])roper coveis :i7i,ni)0 square miles and has a po|udation of about :i,7.">i',i)0il inliabitants while the remainder of the Brittish Possessions in Kortli .inurica covers an area ten times as great and has only about one-third as many inhabitants. In lS2ri Ontario had a |)opulation of ir)>S,027: ''>'2, !).52,OU4 and in 'S(> about two millions. The Canadian Paciiic railroad now more than half eompletetl, will open to settlement an immense trad of country and be the fourth iron highway across the continent. The Ckjntral Bacilic comi)leted in 18(iS having made the first through connection from the Atlantic to the Pacitic ocean. Canada projier is the most lerlile and salubrious of the British .Vmeriean territory; even the frigid regions of the Northwest Territory and Manitoba are gaining in population. Winnepi'g the capital city of the huhr country is rapidly rising to prominence. The summer seasons allhougli short are warm and the gr(]Wth ol vegetation marvelous. MESIGO, OUS SOUTHEEIT BOSDEH. The history of Jle.xico up to the time ot its cou- (luest by Corten is almost unknown. When DeCor- dova discovered the country in 1.517 he found the Aztecs Nation in pos.session of the lancL The.se people were far in advance of the aboriginals wlio occupied the territory now behmging to the U !S. They had a mouarchial government, cities aiul agri- cultural lands, were ver.sed in astronomy and the working of metals, jiottery, etc., yet liad nothing but tradition as to their aucefstry or origin. .Some writ^-rs consider them ot the highest type of Indian civilization while others believe them to have de- scended Ironi a diflerent source. Their habits and numners make it reasonable to infer tliat tliey were coutemiioraries with, and perhajis the same race as the .Mimndliuilders of the Ohio Valley, whose tumuli still remain as nu)uuiiients to their skill and devotion. Montezuma was momirch of the Aztecs when the country was taken by Fernando Cortez lolil-21 and thenceforth for nearly :VH) years Me.\ico was under Spanish rule. The revolution of isio by the natives was a most bloody scene and resulted in the destruction of thousands of lives. Don Augus- tin Iturbide a native Mexican Spaniard ten years later led a successful revolt and the Independence of Mexico was established in 1S21. Since then the government has had numerous changes l)ul is at present essentially like the U. S. in form. Mexico covers an area of 741 ,r)8i) square miles and has a iKipulation of about ten millions of inhabit- ants. Its table lauds are .salubrious and fertile and with two through railroad lines from Texas, this easy going republic will doubtless fall into the rapid nutrch of enterprise and retinenient. CUBA, 0U2 ISLAND NEISHBOE. The greatest of Spain's colonial possesions was discovered by Columbus in 14'.>2, and in loll Yela.s- qnez conquered the natives. Havana was founded l")i;>. Cuba has been UKU-e jirosperous since the ad- vent of Las Cassas as governor-general in 17!»0 biit has had numerous bickerings and revolts. A seri- ous revolt occurred in lS(i8, which caused the sacri- fice of oii,000 Cuban soldiers and cost the Spanish governnu'ut more than twenty millions of dollars to quell. It is still tributary "to Spain hut groans under the yoke and longs forannexation to the U. S., from which it is separated by less than 100 miles of ocean. The limit of these i)ages will not permit of giving detailed facts regarding Central and South America; but our relations with the mother country are so intimate that we shall appropriate some space to her consideration next. GEEAT BKITIAN, OUS KCTHEK O0UNTE7. The history of (ireat Britian properly coniiuenees with the comjuests of Ciesar B ('."),)." The Honiaii rule lasted till 420 A I). The Scots, Hunns, Danes and other tribes ravaged the country and internal di.ssensions continued until the establishment ol the Norman line A DloiKi. The first parliament was con- vened in 121).") and thirty years later a .session of commons was added, these being a concession wrung from the Kings by the Barons. King Charles at- temjjted to dispense with jjarliament, Vuit was over- thrown by Oliver Cromwell in K.^.'i. Tlje Habeas Corpus Act was pa.s.sed in I(i7!i on the return of the Stuarts to the throne. The government isa constitu- tional monarchy, the executive ])ower being vested in the sovereign and the legislative in i)arliment. The area of (ireat Britian including Ireland covers 121,.")7I S(|uare miles and has about :i(),(i(H),Ol/0 jieo- ])le. The entire British Possession covers an area of 7,7SS,:;47 square miles and having a ])opula- tcon of over :WO,'iou,(JUOof inhabitants, or about one- fourth of humanity. Other European countries de- serve a separate mention but we must refer the read- er to more exhaustive history. EIGHTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES In thoWorld'2 History. -Marathon liy MiltaoclesB C4'.K), Athenians— Per- sians. Syracuse by (Jlippus BC 414, Syracu.sans— Spartans. .•Vrbela by Alexander B C '-iM, (J reeks — Persians. Metaurus by Nero, B C 207, P.omans— Carthagin- ians. Winfeldlippe by Arminius A D 9, Germans- Romans. Chalons bv Aetius, 4.t1, Romans, etc — Hunns. Tours by C'harles >rartel, 732, Franks— Saracens. Hastings by William, lOiill, Normans— Anglo- Saxons. Orleans by Joan of Arc, I42!>, French— English. Armada by Effingham, I.ISS, English and Dutch- Spaniards. Blenhein by Marll)orough, 1704, English and Aust. — French and Bavarians. Valmy by Kellerman, 17ii2, France— Allied Power. Pultowa by Peter (Jreat 170!), Russia — Sweeden. Saratogo by (iates, 1777, Americans -English. Waterloo by Wellington and Blueher 181"), English and Prussian — French. Sedan '70, Pru.ssiati.s — French. Seba.stopol '.")4-5, Eng, French Turks — Rns.<0,000 6.3 38 Aubuni New York 22,924 .530,000 13 .32 Augusta Georgia 23,023 1,961,319 IS 58 60 VALUABLE STATISTICS Austin Texas 10,960 ion, 744 9 74 Baltimore ^Maryland... 3:52,190 27,a!>-2,(;yo Si dT, Baiigur Maine 16,827 2,f;tn,(MXi lo8 llj l-iiiv Citv .^lichigan 20,(593 4:^,100 20 9:5 Bii"ighauit/>n New York 17,:«5 2<»9,.")0<) 17 29 BltMjiuington Illinois... 17,184 221,46:! 12 as Bostijii Mas.sachusetts..:io2,5:^ 28,244,017 77 90 Bi-ideeport Connectic't 29,14-5 .S'.l.OOO 28 51 Bnxiklvn New York....T(;6,r>M) ;W,040,(KKJ 07 13 ButtalJ New York 15,3,i;i7 8,211,9:W 52 m Biu-liiigton Iowa 19,450 12.s,0ti2 6 r>8 Caiubrklge Ma.ss 52,740 3,403,72:! 64 5;^ C'aiiiileii New Jersey... 41,658 l,l(!4,'.t00 27 96 Charleston S Cwolina.. -:!9,<);« 4,129,11/2 82 58 Chattan(M.gaTennes.see 12,892 71,-5<3(; 5 oT, Davenport' Iowa 21,8:^4 2<10,(;75 13 :n Evan.sville Indiana 29,280 :i5 46 Houston Texas "... 18,646 l,5(ll,.'-,;il St) 5:3 Indianapoli.s Indiana... 75,074 1,9]4,5(!0 2.5 50 Kansas Citv Missi> 60 NewOrleans Louisiana 216,140 Norfolk Virginia 21,966 2,187,371 90 57 Newport Kentnckv 20,4:« '.mO.Ols 42 41 Nashville Tennes.se€... 43,461 1,606. 2(Xi :!(> 95 Oakland California ;34,5onc<_' Rhode Is. ..104, 8.50 Patterson New Jersey.. 50,887 l,:;-'^0,.=-^Ni 2r! 71 Portland Maine 83,810 4,:;:52,ir>4 128 13 Pe3,452,773 55 18a:'..Pierc'e King 59,803,117 70 1857..Biichanan Breckenridge ... 28,699,831 85 1861..Lineoln Hamlin 90,580,873 72 1SG5.. Lincoln Johnson 2,680,647,869 74 l86(i..Johnson Foster 2,773,236,173 69 1869..(h-aut Colfax 2,489,002,480 58 18';:3..(;rant Wilson 2,147,818,713 57 1877..Haves Wheeler 2,060,158,223 26 18.Sl..Gariield Arthur 1,840,598,811 98 1882..Arthur Davis 1,688,914,460 72 lS8{i..Cleveland Hendrick.s l,417,15(i,S62 00 Brief Biography of Presidents. George Washimjton, l«irn Ya. 17:32, diehn. Adams, born Ma.ss. 1735, died 1826, first vice- president and 2d president U.S. defeated Ijy Jeti'ersou in 1800, one of tlie foundere of the Republic. Thomas Jejfersvn, of Va. 1743, died 1826, in Colon- ial C^mgress 1775, drafted Declai'ntion of Indepen- dence '76, governor of Va., '79, minister at Paris '85, See of btate '89, vice-president '96, president 1801-9. James Madison of Va. born 1751, died 18:36, one of the founders of the Federal piirty. Elected congi'ess '89, sec. of State 1810, president 1809-17. Jirmes Monroe, of Va. 1758, 1831, elected to con- gress 178:3, governor of Va- 1799, Envoy to FYanee i802, secretary of state '11, president '17-'25. John Qubwy Adam^, of Mass., 1767, 1848, president '2.5-'29, defeated by Jackson '28. elected to congress ':30. His oratory gained for him the title of "Old Man Elofiuent." Andrcir Jackson, of S. C. 1767, 1845, was rather illit- erate, in congress ]7i>6, U. H. senate 1797, distinguish- ed at the battle of New Orleans, president '15, '2i>-37. Martin VanBnren, of N. Y. 1782, 1862, eJectev si>eci!il commis- sion 8 to 7 anth. Che^stf-r A. Arthur, of Vt. 18:!1, 1886, N. Y. lawver, collcetorof jiort of N. Y., '71, elected vice-president '80 and succectled tii the |)resideney on the death of (rartield. Grmy-r n-rHomI, of N. .T., 18:i7, teacher In X. Y. Wind Asylum, lawyer in Ikttl'alo, sheriir'8(l, nuivor '81, eW'ted governor of N. Y. by 1!)2,000 majority '81, pre^i\vn I'oint. BfTiedict ArruM, 1740, 1801, American general ami triritor, lator colonel in Britisii army. John .Js<' rapidly to wealth in N. Y. merchandise. Founded the Astor Library. Francis Bitcon, 1561, 1626, English statesman, jur- ist and pliilosopher. tiueen's oouusel at uge ol 2S, s(Ji(Jtor-general 1()07. Sir Snmvl Baker, 1821, English African explorer' author gt>ographic4il and literary worlt.s. Niithitiihl ]'. Banks, 1816, ,VmerI«in general mid lioliticiari, congress '.52, governor of Mass. 3 t<.Tm.s. BPTkj. I). Bmcmsfidd, 1804, 1880, English states- man and novelist, cluuicellor of exchequer, prime minLster '68. P. T. O. Bcaurcijard, 1816, cf>nfederato genend at Ft. yumter, IJull Kun and Shiloh. rhos. 11. Benicn, 1782, 18.5^ of Hillslxnx), N. C Electtxl to U. iS. senate irrjm Mo. 1820, and congress '52. Jamux <}. Blaine, of Pa. 1830, congress frfjm Maine '(2, U. .S. .senator '77, se<'retary under (Jarlield, csm- didate for presidency '84. Daniel B(Mm<-, of Pa. 17:}.5, 1820, pioneer Ky., Ind., LU. and Mi.s.souri. Prominent Indian fighter. ,/ofin C. Brech'nrid/)!', of Ky. 1821, 1875, vi(T> jin^-s- ident under Buchanan, candidate for i>resident '60, L. S. Senator '61, resigned! and entered confedenite siTvice as general and later secretary of war for the cioifederacy. Jiifin Bnnrn, of Conn. 1800, zealous alxilitionlst, lieadwl negro insunx'tion at Harper's Ferry '59 and was hange*! by Gov. Wise, of Va. the same year. IhM Bunw,i, 1759, 179t), .S,'ot«hman and autJior of uHiuy jiwrninent poems. Aarrm Burr, 17.56, 1836, lawver and statesman, vitx^-presidcnt under Jetlerson, killed Hamilton in duel, was tried for tre;ison but ac]>hi'r Cnlumhiui, of (ienoa, Italy, 1436, 1500, Siuknl from Palos Aug. 3, 1492, reached .San Salviulor Oct.' 12 of that year and gave the natives the name of Indians, dise the chief end of man. Two- thirds of the human race for 2,:!(K) years liave given great crempaiiied I-;ifayette to Am. 1777 and kiileii at bat- tle of Camden S. C. '80. Uimiiixihinux, H. C. .'>.s5, :-!22, .\thenian orator, oji- ik^imnI Philip of .^Iacedon against whom he delivcri^'d his "Philippics." Oration on the crown his greatest , achievement. .Suieideti by pj)ortold to a shipbuilder ':>2, csiiipe»l to Ma.ss. and a.ssumixl the name of I>venjden, 1G:11, 1700, English jKK't, critic and dra- matist, wTote 'iOde on Alexander's Fe^tst." 3fwe. Dndercnt, 1804, '76, French novelist, mar- rieil at is, 10 vears later .sepaniteal<>us catholic to lilieralist, adopting man's attire and denotincing the marriage system. Thm/ws A. Kdi.ym, 1S47, -Vm. electrician and in- ventor i>f improved telegraphy, telephone, electric light, jihonograph, etc. Geo. F. Fdmtind.-:, of Vt. 1S2.S, U. .S. senator 'tM5, re-elecfe, ir.lT, daui^litcr of Chief I'owliat- an and saved life of Captain Jolm ^>niitli, married English gentleman Eolfe. Isriifl Putnam, 171S, '1)0, Am. revolutionary gen- eral, prominent at Bunker Hill. Pythaiionix, R C (JOO, .")1(), (ireek philosopher, taught the doctrine of transmigration of souls. John Randolph, of Va., 177.'!, l.s:5o, politician anil orator, congress 17!)!), senate 18^4, minister to Ilns- sia ':?0. Peyton Randolph, of Va., 172:i, 177.5, president of the first American congress. Ji'dn Jiiijiifx Rousseau, 1712, '7S, French philoso- pher and writer. Johatuie Schiller, 17.59, 1S0.5, most popular of (Jer- inan poets. Sir ]VaUer Seat/, 111\,1S:',2, .Scottish novelist and poet. Wm. 71. Seuard, 1801, '72, secretary of state '01-!', nearly assassinated the same night that Lincoln was shot. Horatio Seymour, 1811, '8G, governor of N. Y. 'iS'l, reelected '(Vi, democratic presidential candidate '('>8. William Shakespeare, \'>M, l(il(>, greatest English dramatist and famous author. Philip H. Sheridan, 18:il, general in Federal army and commander-in-chief, '83. Henry W. Shaw, (Josh Billings) 1818, '8"), Ameri- can humorist. John Sherman, 1823, Secretary of treasury 1877-81, resumed specie payment. Win. 2'. Sherman, 1820, Am. general, made the celebrated 'ifarch to tlie Sea.' General of army 'I'lii. Cai>t. John Smith, 1.579, 1G31, English explorer, founder of Va. first circumnavigator of the globe. Charles H. Spnrgeon, 1834, English pulpit orator and evangelist. Alet. If. Stevens, of Ga. 1812, 'S3, statesman, con- gress '43, vice-president of the confederacy author of history U. S. and War between the States. Thos. D. Talinaije, ls32, noted preacher in New- York city. Samuel J. Tilden, 1814, 'CM, governor of N. Y., democratic candidate for president 1x71!, had popu- lar majority of a (|uarter million, and was given by the 'elector'ial commission' 184 of the 3(;!) electoral votes. '.So*'*' Tweed, 1823, '78, politician, mayor of New York, and embezzler. Matthew Vassar, 1792, 1808; founder of Vassar col- lege. Voltaire, 1694, 1778, French author poet, dramatist, historian, philosopher and skeptic. James Ul7«, 1736, 1819, Scottish engineer and in" veutor, improved and completed steam engine. Noah Webster, 17.58, 1843, spent most of his life as a lexicographer. Daniel Webster of N H, 1782, 18.52, lawyer, orator, talesman, congres.s 1812, senate '28, secretary ol ate, candidate for i)residenl '34. Arthur W. Wellingtm 1769, 1.8,52, Brittish general and statesman, parliament 180.5, sec of Ireland '07, defeated Napoleon at Waterloo '1.5. John G. WhittinroiUass, 1807, poet and author of famous ballads. Wm. Wadsu-orlh,\"n, 18.50, English jmct. ririrh Zwimjle, 14.84, 1.531, Swi.ss reformer, killed in Irattle. .STANDING AKMIKS. Italy has an army of 214,000 and 2,47-5,000 trained men available. France keeps under arms 50o,00() men, one-fourth cavalry, has ls.5o lield guns and lOo fortress batteries, (ic^inany's land forces are 4r)8,- OOit and she can muster about four times that num- ber. — .Vustria's standing armv numbers 2s9,000. — The English army 131,000, aild in Brittish India 189,000. Its navy' is 700 shii>s— The Ilussian Em- pire keeps standing 974,000 and and can muster in war time over 2,00o,il(l0— The Turkish standing army has 3.50,000 men— China has 300,(ioo soldiers. Our form of government makes it praetical)lc to main- tain peace with a very small force and we tind the U S with only about 25,000 regular soldiers. THK CIVIL WAR. During the civil war from first to la.st 2,600,000 men were mustered in bv the U. .S. There were on dutv Jan l.st, '(;i 14,61)3 I'nion soldiers, July '61 183,- .588," Jan 'i'>2, .527;201, Jan '63 6!)8,S()-2, .Tan '64 611,2.50, Jan '6.5, 62 i,!»24,May '6.5. 7!I7,S()7 and about one mil- lion on the muster rolls at the close of the war. Many <)r the Union soldiers were mustered in for short periods and none for a longer tinu' than three years without re-enlistment. The Confederate troops were mostly engaged dur- ing the war and at the close their armv numbered but little over 1.50,000 although 6imi,(ip0 bad been on the muster rolls. The loss Ironi battle on both sides was about 200,000 and from wounds, disease and sub- seiiuent deaths together with those totally disabled foots uji nearly four times as many, thus making a sacrifice of nearly a million men and over eight bil- lions of property, in one of the most remarkable civil wars the world ha.sever known. MA.SON AXIJ DI.\0N'.S LINE. .\ name given to the southern boundary line of the Free State of Pennsylvania which formerly sep- erated it troiu the Slave States of Maryland and Virginia. It was run — with the excejition of about twenty-two miles— by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, two English mathematicians and surveyors, between Nov. 1,5, 1763, and Dec. 26, 1767. During the excited debate in Confrre.ss, in 1.S20, on the ques- tion of excluding slavery from Missouri, the eccen- tric John Randolph of Uoanoke made great use of this i)hra.se, which was caught up and re-echoed by every ncwspai)er in the land, and thus gained a ce- lebrity which it still retains. NKW YORK AND nnOOKLYN URTDOE. Fii-st talked of by Colonel Julius W. -Adams alwut 1.86.5. Act of incorporation passed .\pril, l.s(;6. Sur- vey begun by John A. Koebling, ]86'.i. Construction begun .Fanuary 2, 1870. First rope thrown acros.s the river August 14, 1876. Master Mechanic Far- rington crossed in a boat.swain's chair August 2.5, 1876. Depth of the New York foundation below high water mark, 78 feet 6 inches. Depth of the Brooklyn foundation below high watermark, 4.5 feet. Tlie New York tower contains 46,94.5 eubie yards of nuusonrv ; the Brooklyn tower, 38,214. Weight of the Brooklyn tower, about 93,()7!t tons. Weight of the New York tower, about a third more, .size of the towers at high water line 140x.59 feet ; at roof course 136x53 feet. Height of tower above high water 276 feet 6 inches. Height of roadway in tlie clear in the middle of the East River 135 feet. Grade of the roadway 3 feet 3 inches to Irto feet. Width of the promenade in the center of bridge 16 feet 7 inches. Width for railway on one side of the prom- enade 12 feet 10 inches. Width of carriage way on the other side of the promenade, 18 feet 9 inches. Width of bridge 85 feet. I.*;ngth of main span 1,595 tect 6 inches. Length of each land span 930 feet 64 VALUABLE STATISTICS. Length of the Brooklyn approach 971 feet. Ivcngth of the New York approach l,/>t)0 feet. Ijcngth of each of the four great cables S,578 feet (i inches ; di- ameter 15% ineiies ; nuiiiter of .skH?l galvaniiied wires in each cable 5,4W ; weight of each cable at>out SIX) tons. Ultimate strength of each Kihle iri,OCiO toJLs. Weight of steel in the suspended sujierstiiic- turo 10,iKJ<) tons. Total cost 15,000,000 dollars. Op- ened for trafflc in l.S,S;3. RAILWAY St'SPENSION BRIDOE, NIAGARA FALLS. Engineer, John A. Itloebling. Height of towers on American side ier of cables 4. Diameter of c-ables 10 inches, containing alK)Ut4,0Oi) miles of wire. Ultimate crt- lia<:uty of the 4 cables 12,400 tons. Total weight of bridge 8(K).tons. Distance between railway track aiid carriage road below 28 fe«t. 0>st of consti-uo- tion 500,000 dollars. Bridge first opened for raih\-ay traffic March 8, ISo.i. Estimated depth of water in the channel l>eneath the bridge 2.50 feet. Vebxity of current 20 miles per hour. Velocity of WhirliMjol Iiapids27 railed per hour. Quantity of water par- sing through the gore per minute 1,500,000,000 cubic feet. NEW CAPITOL BUILMNG AT ALBANY, N. Y. It was decided to erect the N ew Capitol on the lirst day of May, IS'65. (_)n the ninth day of Decem- Iwr, 18(;7, the work of excavation commenced and jn-octieded to a depth of sixteen feet below the sur- face. On the .seventh day of Julv, ISOO, the first .stone in the foundation wa-s laid. 'Die corner stone was laid on the twenty-third day of June, 1871. The size is 300 feet north aud south by 4u0 feet east and west, and with the porticoes will cover throe acre,s and seven square feet. Tlie walls are 103 feet high from the water titble. Total cost of the build-' ing up tOTES FOR POISONS In case where the other articles to be used as anti- dotes are not in the house, give two tablesi)oonfuls of nnistard mixeonfui of each; follow with a quantity of sweet oil, butter or milk. For antimonial wine or tartar emetic — drink warm watej to enajurage vomiting. If vomiting df>es not stop give a grain of opium in water. For oil vitriol, muriatic acid or oxalic acid — Mag- nesia or .soap dis.solved in water. Give every two minutes. For caustic soda or caustic potash — drink freely of water with vinegar or lemon juice in it. For carbolic acid— give flour and water or glutin- ous drinks. For chloral hydrate or chloroform— pour aAd wat- er over tlie head and faf'c, with artificial respiration, galvanic battery. For (^rbonate of soercha tissue to exclude air. •STRENGTH OF ICE Two inches thick — will supiwrt a man. Four inches thick — a man on horseback. Five inches thick — an eighty-iwunder cannon. Eight inches thick — a battery of artillery. Ten inches thick— will support an army. HOW TO MIX INK AND PAINTS FOR TINTS Red and black makes Brown Lake and white makes Rose Umber and white makes Drab White and brown makes Chestnut Re' hyt>ienic rules, wliieh after 20 years' (Experience as a physician and hyg-ienist, we Ix^lieve about covers the tiehl : First of all the foundation of good health should be started by correct j living' on the part of our parents be- '/ fore our birth, so that we may come into existence with an inborn consti- tution of stamina. In infant life, with strenuous effort, avoid the giv- ing oi any nostrums or much food of any kind, excepting- that prepai-ed by nature, or the simplest and plainest substitutes for it. Above all things do not begin to create a morbid taste by giving a hiihy tea, coffee, s})ices, fat meats, paregorics, soothing syrup, and the like all of which derange and destroy the nerve forces. As early as possible establish regulai- habits. A babe should have a sponge bath in the morning, a sun bath at noon, and a massage treatment before re- tiring. This latter, kneading of the muscles and gentle exercises of the limbs, prepares it for ivfreshiiig sleep. Even the time for nursing sliould be guaged by judgment, and not by a child's cries. Begimiing with two hours at the age of six months, it should be our hours between meal times, and solid food should nev^er be taken by children or adults nearer than flvehours nor oftener than three times a day. A habit once formed is very difficult to break, and astobai'co and strong drinks are certainly inju- rious, especially so before the system has come to full maturity, feed a child arsenic and strychnia in pi-efer- enee to tobacco, wine, or beer. Every person should have plenty of exercise, plenty of pure air and sun- light, a proper observance of deiinli- ness, simple abstemious diet, and the avoidance of all licentiousness or ex- tremes of anv kind whatever. By regular exercise we do not mean work to fatigue for half an liour once a a week ; but if you are engaged in mental or sedent;ir.\- ('iii])loyment, spend at least fifteen minutes three times a day in gymnastic or t)ther pro])er exercise. Walking is good, riding is better, sawing or chojjping wootl is fii'st-rate, and if you have no conveniences for any of these, you can, by a vigorous swinging of the arms, striking, kicking, etc., leaning foi'wards and backwards, take a suf- ficient gymnastic exercise in your bed-room without aid of (hunb-OelLs or Indian clubs. This should cer- tainly be done morning and evening, if you do not get sufficient exercise :n some other manner, as you need the first to prepare your digestive powers for breakfast, and the latter to give refreshing sleep. Pure air and prop- er ventilation of rooms is absolute- ly necessary to health, and the na- ked exposure of the entire body to tlie sun is also very import:uit to persons wlio do not get much out-of- door exercise. A comfortable room and south window at noontime are the re(]uisites for this exiiiliarating bath, i-oUing on the carpet and rub- bing the surface of the body in order not to sunburn, but to keep up a brisk circulation. Every person should take a sponge or hand bath once, twice, or thi'ice a week in order to keep the millions of 'pores open. Hut few persons need this every day, and some may do well enough on once a week. Our habits are every second or third day, and a wash bowl and towel with a i)roperly warmed bed-room and moderately cold water, serve our purpost» most of the time as well as the bath tub; but in bath- ing as well as in diet, every person must, t, !iUii j'. ^oui ^p.e -imens analyzed the low^est showed 49 and the highest (')') pel- cent, inetailic iion. Passing tlie six miles, you ai-e at Danbury, a village noted for the healthfulness of its <-limate, with Iteautiful scenery on every side, wiiile within ci radius of five or six miles are at least twenty mint ral spring's, possessing- valuable medicinal prop- erties, which from Ma.y to Novendier would bring- not only hundreds. l)ut thou,sands, of pleasure and health seekers. Now we leave Danbury in the direc- tion of Germ.anton, cutting- i-ight through a hill of magnetic iron -ind manganese at one iriile. passing- with- in half a mile of jirobabl^' as fine granite as can b:^ found in Greenwood cemetery. Wecross the foot of Little Flatshoal creek and mountain, and find the real lead of nmnganese. an article used in the manufactur*- of steel rails, or Bessemer steel for other purpose.s, and which, Just at this time, is in very great demand, owing to the supplies running short in many places. This -vvill furnish to the H. eVi: S. R. K. tons of freight. In the same neighborhoo.l we find magnetic iron ore and graphite, a.l- most pure plumbago. This is about six miles north fi-om Germanton. all in the s-ame neighborhood. Tiuee miles fui-ther on are the different lime (juarries, which have been worked for years. Then we come to the coal on Town Fork, the veins of which at more than two or three planes are 18 inches to 2'i. feet thick, and not more than 15 feet from the surliice. Crossing the line into Forsyth, you have liirie and a heavy deposit of .serpentine, that in the near future will furnish many tons of freight to the Roanoke & Southern Railroad. Between this and Winston are many out<-rops of iron. maugan<^.se. limestone aiid otlur minerals, whose extent has never been investigated, and whose richness has never been tested. There is <'onsidernble iron at 68 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH Urfjew's Creek, wliile a little to the uo-th and east, 18 miles i'rom Wirs- ton-Salem is an outcrop of coal, which is fchought to be invaluable and inex- hasistible. Tlie State of No]"th Caro- lina, has appropriated Sl.OOO for ■developing these coal flelds. and a ■mining expert is investigating- them. Ail over this section, says Judge K-eily, ff Pennsylvania, there are ores, ■the finest his eyes ever rested en, nsinerals, timbei's and water powers that, ought and will mak^ this the bj^utiful Piedmont section. one of the richest and most prosperous coun- tries m the world. All it needs is capital, and this it will get as soon as 4 capitalists know its resources. Home of this section may be west of t}1je powte followed by the Roanoke »!c iSouthern, but most of it will be trib- utary at least to that road, and in Sbddition to -» aluable minerals, it has thousands of acres of fertile valleys yet juideveloped, and which good transportation facilities wouhl cause to be developed at once. The construction and completion «!>f the Roanoke & Southern will bring many email miscellaneous manufac- turing enterprises here, and these assist .greatly in the prosperity of ajoy city- Winston-Salem is progres- :mye,. and every indication points to a inight future and confined pros- pjwijtj'. We believe that no better time for investment in real estate •evei- psresented than the present, and if j'Oudesire a residence or manufac- turing' hSte the Twin City presents snany advantages. The professional stnd mercantile departments are well 3"e) jTi-sentfi 1 al i-eady . LIVERY ST.\BLES. CRITTCHFIELI) & M'ARTHUR. €hureh Street Livery. ■ The Mvery business is not so abso- lutely- essential to public progress as :ab\'e railroads, but they are a great 4iOMvenien(;e, and Winston, as other Jive citi-'S, has a full quota of liveries. JP. G. Crntchfield was born in Orange county, and served as conductor for six years after the road was first opened to Salem. Eight years ago he op(Mied the livery, and two years later accepted R. M. Mc Arthur, of Virginia, as partner. The firm have a fine brick stable, run the transfei- line to all trains, and are fully equipped throughout. BARHAM & HOLLAND, Livery, Feed nnd Sale Stable. Barhani & Holland op ned up in the livery business in February, 1887. and keep from eight to twelve horses, the usual line of buggies, carriages, phaetons, etc. N. B. Barham is son of the well known auctioneer at Brown's warehouse, and ft\miliar with horses for man.y yeai's. John ^Y. Holland was born in Forsyth, but has spent most of his life in agricul- tural pursuits in Davidson county. Good turnouts are always at the call of customers. • J. M. ROBINSON, Livery and Sale Stable. J. M. Robinson was reared in Clin- ton county, and five years since established the livery, sale and feed business in Winston. His stables are on Third stree't, between Church and Chestnut, where he keeps from eight to ten horses, and all the requisites of livery, besides purchasing and sell- ing all kinds of desirable horses to meet the wants of customers or the demands of trade. The roads in the vicinity of the Twin-City are being macadamized antl recently a new bridge has been put across Salem Creek. Geo, H. Craft of Atlanta, Ga., was awarded the r-on- tract for the building, while the work was done under the supervision of J. A. McCorkle. The material was fur- nished by the Smith Bridge Co., of Toledo, Ohio, the total cost of the bridge and all work connected with its construction was $1,-1:19.17. The approaches to the bridge on either side for some distance is being nicely macadamized with crushed granite. OF \VI.\ST().\-SALEM. Gif SALEM MERCHANDISE, ETC. W. P. OI{]\[SI'>Y, Ovgnns, Pi;inos, Seiving M.-irhiiu's. Win. P. Orinsby is a iintivc of Fa\}x- land, has been a rosi C!inai*d & Brookes. I). A. SPAFGH. (jiorPi-y and LivHv Stalilc. 1). A. Spa ugh is a native of David- son county, and has bet^n in trade at Salem for fourteen year.s. Mr. S. keeps a full line of groieries and u stok of gener.al merchandise. He makes large shipments of fresh fi-uitR and produce, and is a progTessive merchant. At his livery stable in rear of Hun- ter block Mr. Spaugh keejjs seven to ten good hors'es ami a full outfit of bug'gies, carriages, ph.vtous, etc. His merchandise trade is principally rv- tail. but he does a fair line of jobbing of well. W. O. SEXSEMAN & CO.. Stovfs. Tinnnji'. Etc. Stoves, tin, and sheet iron merchan- dise has lieen conducted at the >f|gn of the Bu; Cottee Pot in Salem for the ])ast (juarter of a century, and three year- agoit wasininhasctl V»y Giei-sh. Senseman ».S: Co.. the .senior partner retirint"- from the trade with Jan '88. 70 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH leiv-'es the tinn name as above, H. E. Frips being- the "Co." Tobacco flues are one of the specialties of the firm and tin ware at wholesale and re- tail. A line of grates, heaters, cook- stoves and house goods are kept by the firm and the wants of the (ms- toniers carefully looked after. W. & E. PETERSON, Cabinet Shop — Salem. Karsten Pet-rson, of Denmark, ca.me to the Southern States in 1806 as a missionary to the Indians. About ten years later he located in Saiem, and opened up the cabinet trade in a store house that had been built a quarter of a- century before, and this, although having seen the storms of a hundred winters, is still occupied by W. & E. Peterson, the former lieing past 70 years of age and still working with the saw and plane on the spot where he was born. H. W. SHORE, Groceries and Confectionerv. H. W. Shore was born in this vi- cinity and has lived in Salem over 35 years. He was for a long time a clerk in the post-office and served for thir- teen years as postmaster. In Dec. 82 he opened his stock of merchan- dise at the corner of Main and New Shallowford St. where he keeps a full line of family and fancy groceries, queensware, confectioneries and ci- gars. Mr. Shorehas a large acquaint- ance throughout the i-ounty. MRS. T. B. DOUTHIT, Millinery and Fancy Goods. For 20 years Mrs. T. B. Douthit has administered to the millinery waiits of Salem ■ and right well has she done this, to hold a. large share of the custom in that line i)i a city of this size. Mrs. D. is an experienced milliner and also keeps expert hands in the custom depa.rtment. The line of ribbons, fancy goods etc.. is exten- sive, and she is to be c(jngratulat<^d upon 20 ypars of successful trade. MERCANTILE INTERESTS. Winston-Salem is a central point for a large section of country, Salem having- before the days of a railroad been a mercantile town of large im- portance, while Winston of more re- cent and rapid development now takes the lead in merchandising. The superior richness and flavor of fruits grown in this section has nmde for us an extensive dried fruit demand and in an exeeptionallj' good year more than 100 -i-ar loads, aggregat- ing over two million pounds have been shipped from the Twin- City to the northern aiid western markets. The average yield is 40 car loads of dried apples, 20 of peaches, and 30 or more of blackberries, pears, cher- ries, raspberries, huckleberries, etc. There are ahvays those who are willing to look on the dark side and decry our progress. While the l)uild- mg boom of Winston two or three years since may have been pushed be- yond a healthy growth, an intimate acquaintance with the leading mer- chants and manufacturers, warrants us in saying that lousiness is st;->adily increasing and the output of 1888 will show a decided improvement on that of last yea/. This place has more than a hundred mercantile firms and as our work is now on its last third we shall necessaril- skip some minor concerns and make very b'.-ief reference to others. We do not claim it to be a complete index, but hope to give a fair representation to all houses of special prominence and we do no injustice to others by start- ing with one of the oldest houses in trade as it is also among the largest. It is our purpose to give merited prominence in the various lines of trade to those houses which add most to the importance of the city as a trade center. The postage on these panq^hlets will be 2 cents each. Mail them to vour friends and customers. f OF A\'L\ST( HINSHAW & MEDEA KIS, (h'nenil Wholesale hikI Ri'tnil Mcr- cJinnts. The above firm ai-e (ies,>i-vin7. The firm style was llinslmw kVo. at first and has since made several changes. The present large structure was erected by llinshaw Hrothei-s about ten years ago, has three Hoors 70x70, comprisiniieU'veii apartments all well filled. Two elevators are in use and as it is easier to tell what the firm does not keep than to give their lonff list of wares we will simply say that ever\'thing that comes under the head of general merchandise, (clothing- and millinery alone except- ed,) is found in the wholesale and re- tail emporium of llinshaw cVc Medea- ris. N. H. Medearis is a native of Forsyth county, began as salesman in the house ten years ago ami last year be<'ame a partner. Mr. Hinsliaw as before noted has taken an interest in the tobacco develo])ment from its incipiency he having fitted up the first ware room foi- tobacco sales. He was prominent in the first move- ment for a graded school, has be(>n connected with the city government and as chairman of theconimittee on internal improvement has taken an active part in the development of railroads. This firm in company with F. & H. Fries, and by the assistance of dis])lay room from Col. (lorrell, for three' years conducted a wheat and cattle fair in Winston. In addition to an extensive n'tail )X-SALEM. 71 trade in all general lines of goods the firm of Hinshawi' .Medearis do a large jobbing traile for a radius of a hun- dred miles oi- more from Winston. Their aggi-egate sales reachinu' about |;2:>0,0()0. The firm gives omjiloy- ment to a dozen hands, carries .'^:{r).- 000 to .if."iO,000 in stock, purchases lai'ge quantities of produce and dried fruits and from its liberal ami pro- gressive' spirit contributes a full share towards the importance of Winston as a coTiiiiiercial cciitei-. W. T. CARTER .V CO.. Dry (roods, Grocprif.s, Fi^rt ilizt^rs He, Sagacity and good judgment is as certainly necessary for comm<>i-cial success as it is for professional or manufacturing- |)i-os])erity statistics show that more than oi\e half of all who engage in mercantile pursuits fail or abandon the business during the first five years of trade. W. T. Carter began merchandising in 1S7-t and nineyears ago moved to Winston. Five years since he consolidated with Brown & Carter, of warehouse fame, in the pi-e.-^-nt mercantile venture. A comjilete line of dry goods groceries, millinery, notions, etc. at wholesale or retail is found here, larg(^ assort- ment of fine shoes, gents furnishing goods, in fact all the requirements of trade, clothing and hardwai-e except- ed. The firm occupy a finely lighted room in Bi-own's Opera House block, corner of Main and Fom-th streets, having a large basement storage and two warehouses. They are extensive dealers in fertilizei-s kee])ing this jiro- duct as well ;is other heavy storage in theirrailroad wai-ehouse. Messrs. C;H'tei-s and Hrown are among our most infiuential citizens and the firm is solid in every resjiect. The part- ners have largely been intei-ested in developing the commercial interest of Winston and the transactions of the house compai-e favorably with other leading- mercantile establish- ments. 72 DESCRH'TIVE SKETCH The lioiij^e of Vaughn &: Pep- per may well he classed among our leading' mer- chants and its rapid increase in trade is a sure in- dication of the elevated com- mercial standard o n w h i c 1) t li e operations are based. J. B. Vaug'hn is a- na- tive of Rocking- ham county and l)eg'an business in Winston as one of the firm of Vaug-h & Prath- er some 14 years ago. Ldter, with Maj, Brown he started the Geneinl Merchi hardware business now conducted by Brown, Rogers cV: Co. and about five years since in company with T. R. Pepper of Stokes county, for many years merchandising in Danbury, the present business was entered into. The firm at first occupied the Ogburn corner, but their buiness had a rap- id increase and a year ago they completed the fine brick structure of which we give a correct illustration above. The building is 30x90 front- ing on Liberty and having an entrance on Fourth street. The first floor is occupied with the retail trade, and it is a dull day indeed, when the clerks are not busy here. The second and third floors are entirely taken up with the wholesale trade while the basement is used for heavy storage. A warehouse in the rear and another near the depot are filled with their merchandise. The output of busi- ness the first year was about 125,000 and that'of 1888 will prob- ably be ten fold that amount show- ing a phenomenal increas(^ for five years of trade. A dozen persons find indise at Wholes.-ile unci Retail. employment and the firm does a flour- ishing retail and jobbing Inisiness throughout western North Carolina. J. E. GILMER, An Exclusive Wholesale Bouse. AA'inston has a number of jobbing- houses in connection with the retail business, but as yet has only one house devoted exclusively to the wholesaling of general merchandise and that is the above. Capt. J. E. (lilmer is a native of Greensboro, and commenced the mercantile trade in 1867. Fifteen years since he came to Winston and opened up a stock of general merchandise, doing both a retail and jobbing-trade. Tlie whole- sale business soon became a promi- nent feature, and in 1881 he closed up the retailing and turned his at- tention entirely to jobbing. From time to time the Captain has ouilt additional room, until his stoi'e now fi'onts 55 feet on Main stre^^t and his last structure has both basement • and upstairs room, besides a large warehouse for heavv groceries on the OF \vl\st().\"-sali:m. 73 rear end oftlie lot. A full assort iiicnt of grooeries, provisions, drv goods, shoes, trunks and evei-ything coniing under the head of general luerchau- dise is carried by this house, the trade reaches out over Western, N. ('. and adjacent counties in other states. We have previously nuMition- ed Capt. Gilmer as a partner in the Orinoco warehouse and in the firm of Edmunds ii: (Jilmer leaf dealers. He is one of Winston's progressive mer- chants, whose enterpriseand business tact has brought him to the front and his vai'ious intei-ests are import- ant factors in the general wclfan' of the city. ROSIvVHACHKH I'.ROS., Dry Gooih Clothing and Furnishing. The separation of different lines of trade is an enterprise that enables a firm to cany a lai'ger and moi-e com- plete assortment in a special branch and give closer attention to its de- tails, and the above firm has done its share to.vanls the division of th(^ various lines of trade in this city. Three separate stores are conducted by this house. The clothing and gents" furnishing house occupies the double front liu.Kton building 4()xSr» feet and is said to be the largest room and best assortment of clothing to l)e found in the state of North Caroli- na, comprising all sizes and (pialities demanded in the trade. Two rooms of the tine (Jray block, 2r)x85 each, and communicating by an archway, are filled with a complete assortment in their lines. One department com- prises dry goods, carpets and millin- ery, the other is dcn-oted to hats and shoes exclusively. The shoe store is thoroughly tilled with everything de- sirable in foot wear. We cannot go into the minutia of this extensive concern, but will sinqily say that Hosenbacker Bros, are shrewd buy- ers, are fully alive to the interests of their customers and there is nothing that a lady could desire in diy goods, domestics or notions but what th(\v endravoi- to kecj). A dozen clerks tind employment in these three stores and a large business is transacted. The jtartners are of (}erman nativity and in trade at Areola four years prior to engaging in the trade of this place in ISMO. BEE HIVE CASH STORE, W. I). Baity S' Sons, Projuii^tovs. It has long been anestablislu-d fact that UKMrantile houses ba.sed strictly upon the cash system can afford to sell goods at a closer margin than credit stores, as they have no bad debts to cut down the average per- rentage. save the time of a book keeper, collector and loss of intei-est on delayed payments. Such tii-nis usually ])Ui'cliase, as well as to .sell, for spot cash, thus .securing good bargains and saving heavy discounts. To some deah^rs tln' establishnifMit of a strictly cash business appeai-s ini- liracticable but the large trade of the Bee Hive Cash Stoiv which was ojjened in the IJuxton-Shelton block on Main Street opposite the Court hou.se, by W. 1). Baity c't Sons, of Yadkin county, April first of this yeai-, is a sntficient evidence that peo- ])le who pay cash ap])reciate tliese advantages. This tii'in haslong been conducting a store in Yadkin county and have recently closed that out in oi-der to put their entire energy and capital in the enterpriseat this ])lace. Theii- stock is one of the general mer- chandise, which nneives daily addi- lions in order to keep it fully up to tile i-e(pnrements. The three months of trade here has fully reached the most sanguine expectation of the })artners and W. I). Baity & Sons are welcomed to the Twin-( 'itv as men who.se live spirit of business will ad- vance (nir commercial interests. .1. TISK&CO., Cif'W'val Mt'Vihandise Housf^. .Jacob Tise was born in Davidson county but located hei-e l)etoie Win- ston was coinmmenced. Mr. Tise 74 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH was one of tlie early mayors of Win- ston and in 1865 in company with S. A. Ogburn he began merchandising as Tise & Ogburn. Changes have been made in tlie firm several times, but Mr. J. Tise still remains, with C. H. Tise now as managing partner. Jacob Tise erected the row of a lialf dozen stores from the origi- nal room on the corner of Main and Fourth street to and including, the fine galvanized iron front which bears his name. This store of general mer- chandise does a large trade and has been in business for 23 years. C. H. Tise has been connected with the house from boyhood. He is the pat- entee of an improved well fixture which has become very popular in this section from its great conven- ience and absolute safety for children to handle. Mr. Ti.se should make a fortune on this if its merits were ful- ly known. There are thousands now in use and room for hundreds of thousands more. Manufacturers would do well to correspond with him it they desire to produce a useful and good selling article. D. S. REID, Genera,! Merchandise. Among our large dealers in general merchandise the name of D, S. Ileid should have a prominent mention. Mr. II. is a native of Guilford county, came to this place eleven years ago and began merchandising.' The bus- iness has had a steady increase from the first and to accommodate his large stock in trade, the convenient two story brick 25x95 feet at tUe corner of main and second streets was built by him and first occupied in Jan. 1885. This has an elevator and other conveniences. Mr. Keid holds an extensive retail trade and does a fair share of jobbing. The stock comprises e\-erything usually classed underthehead of general mer- chandise clothing and millinery alone excepted. A warehouse for storage of fertilizers, in which he has a large trade, adjoins the rail- road track and Mr. Reid has gained a wide city and country custom in his eleven years of trade here. RACKET STORE And Cheap John's Quai'ters. D. D. Schouler, proprietor of both the above houses was brought up in the mercantile trade of New York city and five years ago located in this place. He keeps a large line of dry goods, millinery, fancy goods, notions and stationery next door to the post-ofiice, a few months since on account of his extensive ladies' trade having removed the gents' furnish- ing, clothing and goods in that line to a store room across the street in the Liberty block where auction sales are conducted every night. The dry goods house is furnished with the el- evated cash system, the counter sunk unique show case plan, and is con- veniently arranged throughout. Mr. Schouler is well satisfied with his suc- cess in Winston and has invested in real estate and buildings to the im- provement of this place. THORNTON & CO., General Merchandise. R. L. Thornton is a native of Washington, N. C, and was in mer- cantile pursuits there for several years. He was for a time in the mill business at New Berne, coming from there to W'inston in 1885. Mr. Thornton bought out the stock of J. F. Prather in the Bitting block, made large additions, and his salesroom, 26x90, is filled with everything that goes to make up a general merchan- dise stock, hardware alone excepted. To many persons it is a decided con- venience, to be able to purchase their dry goods, staple and fancy groce- ries, boots, shoes, hats and clothing in the same establishment. Mr. T. not only keeps these, but crockery, house-fi;rnishing goods, an;vi:hing for men, women or children's wear, and the endless variety of notions so essential in the family. OF \vi\st().\-sali:m. JOE. JACOBS. Main Street Clofliier. Born in Pruhisia, Jo.sppl) Jii(()l)s emigrated to Ampricji in ISfil) and was in the clothing' trade at different places prior to locatino- in Winston abont a dozen years tigo. V>y integ- rity and intelligent bnsiness denling Mr. Jacobs has ascended the bid- der of mercantile fame nntil lie holds a high position and carries a good stock in all the b'nes of men's Itoys" and youths" clotliingas well as a gtMi- eral line of gents' fnT-nislung goods jewelry etc. Mv. J. has served \A'inston faithfully as a commissioner and been honored witli a reelecti(jn to the ofHce. His rooms are at the conier of Main and Third streets in tlie bns- iness center of the city. H. A. WATKINS&BRO.. Dry Goods. Shoes and (iroreries. H. A, AVatkins ^.^ Hro. are both natives of Davidson county the sen- ior partner having commenced mer- chandising in Lexington ten years ago and been for six years past in the trade of AVinston. Jos. J. Wat- kins, a teacher for many years in Davie and Yadkin counties has recent- ly ])uurchased an interest in the es- tablislunent and the firm title has been changed to the above. II. A. Watkins tV: Bro. kee]j a good outlay of dry goods and clothing and are just preparing to add a lull line of groceries for the accommodation of thir customers. The house is on Main street near s(H-ond. H. A. HESTER c*c SOX. General Stores. H. A. Hester is a native of this county, has been lo years in trade and with the present year acce])ted his son as a partner in the business. They have a st^-ck of mercliandise on North Liberty street, AVinston. and have recently established a store at the lower end of Main street, Salem, thus being prepared to cai^ture the trade from either direction. \V. L. FBAMvLLN c^c <<).. Shoe and Notion House. \\ . L. l-'raidclin is a native fif Car- teret county, and has been three years merchandising here, having been in the trade for half a ilozen years at Durham prior to coming to tins place. The hrm oc(aij)v a double fr-ont store on Liberty street, and k"ep a full stock of shoes and hats, besides an endless variety of no- tions. FULLEB cV' DURHAM, Drygoods, Notions, Etc. T. S. Fuller is a native of Franklin county, and came from Raleigh liere in 1(SS-1:. I. W. Durham is noticed elsewhere as a marble dealer. Th«^ firm have been in business since April, 1880, and occupy the granite fionl Stein block, with their assort- ment of drygoods, shoes, hats, etc. CLARKE & FORD. JJry Goods. Groceries, Etc. Both A'irginians, and commenced in the trade of AA'inston in 1875, at the corner, which was first used in merchandise by Harman Millershort- ly after the village was started. Clark I'c Ford keep a general stock of merchandise, and have done a fairly successful trade. Hardware, Stoves, Etc. BROWN, ROGERS.^- CO.. Hardware, Machinery, Agr'l Inipl's. A'aughn, Brown «.V' Carter under the firm name of A'aughn cV: Co.. started the hardware business in 1S7S and eight years ago J. M. Rogers ])urclias- ed the interest of Vaughn and the business has since ])eeurun as Rrown. Rogers «.\: Co. .Mr. Rogers is fi-om Charleston, S. C. and Messi-s Brown ».^ Carter are our well-known ware- house men. The firm have a double front store under the Opera House and a large basement to the same. Tlie building is IH) f(>et deep and the t)Utlav in all lines of hardware is com- 76 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH plete, the business ha viny,- been great- ly extended under Mr. Rogers' management. A splendid assortment of stoves is kept and just at present special attention is directed to the Gauze Door Range which has many features of merit for roasting, baking etc. Agricultural implements and farming machinery embrace a large part of their business. Geiser thresh- ers, horse powers, grain di'ills, Mc- Cormick mowers and binders, steam engines, mills supplies, belting, Wads- worth's Silicia paints (iised by the U. S. Government,) white lead and oils are sold by them. A large and varied stock of buggies and all kinds of carriage material are found here and the special wants of the farming com- munity have been considerately cared for by Brown, Rogers & Co. in the make up of their large stock. R. R. CRAWFORD, Hardware, Farming Machinery, Etc. R. R. Crawford was born in Rowan county reared in Charlotte and since the war had been in the hard- ware trade at Salisbury until he re- removed to Winston in 1883. Mr. Crawford has given special care to the requirements of the farming com- munity and is widely known in West- ern N. C, his travle in machinery, ag- ricultural implements, fa r m e r s " supplies and iiouse furnishing goods extending over Forsyth and adjoining counties. In grain ma- chinery he makes a specialty of the well known Deering Twine Binder, keeping also the Deering and Meadow King Mowers. The business occupies four floors in the Ogburn •corner, at Fourth and Liberty streets having a double sales- room on the first floor. In addition to machinery and general hardware. Mr. Crawford keeps wagons, buggies, carriages, supplies, mechanics' tools, sporting goods and the endless varie- ty of sundries which go to make up a tirst-class hardware establishment. Institutions of tlii-; magnitude at- tract business to our city and assist in making the Twin-City an import- ant commercial center. S. E. ALLEN, Hardware and Crockery. S. E. Allen is a native of Granville county and has been in trade at this place since 1876. His accommoda- tions and stock are much the same as the two above houses, with the addition of crockery. Since compil- ing our article on Electric Light, Capt. Allen has been elected as secre- tary of the company. He is also sec- \ retary and treasurer of the Piedmont ; Springs Company which has been formed with the design of advertising the fine chalybeate waters in Stokes county. G. STEWART, Tin Manufacturing and Stoves. Is a native of England, in America from childhood, and five years in his present business. He keeps stoves and manufactures any kind of tin and sheet iron ware. He also does roofing, spouting and the whole line of trade. Drugs, Paints and Sundries. DR. V. (). THOMPSON, Drugs, Paints and Drug Sundries. Dr. V. O.Thompson is from Warren county, N. C. Pie graduated from the University of Penna in 1859 and served as assistant surgeon in the late war, returning to Warren county where he practiced for several years. Jan. 1st 1874 Dr. Thompson com- menced in the drug trade of Winston was burned out Dec. '79, rebuilt in 1880 and in just one year from his first conflagration sulfered the second loss by fire. He then purchased his present stand on the street opposite the ('ourt house where he keeps a full line of drugs, medicines, paints and sundries in all their varieties. Dr. Tliompson has an elegant wall soda. OF WLNSTON-SALK.M. apparatus which cost $1,500 and in which the combination of forci<>-n marbles gives a hiii'lilv artistic cftt'ct. Dr. Thompson is th(^ oldest drn- id and successful trade in his two years of stay in this place. H. J. WILLIAMS v"c CO.. Bakers nnd (iioi-ers. Bread is the staff of life and every city must needs have its bakery. The above Arm has recently commenced business at the corner of Fourth and Main streets and aie delivering to customers anywhere in the city, fresh bread, cakes and pies every morning, H. J. Williams is a native of 1*. I. removing to Virginia 25 years ago and for 12 yea.s past at Greensboro. G. J. Stan* is of English descent and well known to our i)eople. The firm besides bakery and confectionery goods k^eps groceries and produce in general. J. G. YOrXG. Mevchn ndise Broker. Maj. J. G. Young "w;is raised in Charlotte, N. C. and for eight years was connected with the transporta- tion-department of the Pi<'dmont Air Line. He located in Winstiui five years ago in the brokerage business represents the packing house of Ar- mour & Co., of Chiciigo, in meats, lard, etc., deals entensively in grain, flour and coal, the annual transac- tions averaging about .f 100, 000 and making an important output of Winston. j. F. FULTON. Merchandise Broker, Is a native of Stokes county, came to Winston in ISS"), was salesman for 1). S. Roid and Maj. Young prior to engaging in the i)rokerage and commission business in 1Ss7. Mr. Fulton i-epresents t he ( hicaoo I'.u |<- ing and Provision ('omi)any, and fleals in lard, meat, pi-ovisions and grain with monthly sales amounting to nearly .f."., ()()(). His office is next dooi- to Hinshaw & Me- he has a fine garden plante'' :ie s;";ui"d j- I v.inch business in '^O DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH Winston and still conducts both houses. He has a bakery with all its requinites, keeps a full assortment of confectioneries and manufactures his plain candies. He is an extensive manufacturer of ice cream, keeps a restn urant ; beer, and oysters in sea- son. N. T. WATKINS. Dry Goods and Shoes, A native of Halifax county, Va., N. T. Watkins commenced business here 13 years ago, and has recently de- cided to retire from trade. He has yet quite a full stock in dry goods and shoes which he is closing out at cost to go out of business, and ofters bargains in everything which he has for sale. A. HUBAND, Grocer and Confeetioner, Was born near Baltimore, and came to AVinston five years ago. Three years since he started a grocery and confectionery stand at the corner of Fifth and Church streets. Most of our large houses have had their start in small beginnings, and Mr. Huband hopes to increase in stock and pa- tronage. R. F. GRAHAM, Fruits and Confectioneries. R. Frank Graham is a native of Rowan county, and was in mercan- tile ti-ade at Salisbury for some years. He located in this city in 1882, and has since kept a fruit stand on Fourth street, opposite the court- house. Tropical and native fruits, confectiomeries, tobacco, cigars, etc., are his merchandise. JONES & WILSON. Grocery Store. J. P. Jones of Caswell county and Thos. A. Wilson of this place opened up a neat grocery assortment one door south of Hotel Fountain in April 1888. Their stock speaks for itself. There are several other small man- ufacturers, mechanics, dressmakers, meat markets, plenty of saloons, barber shops and small grocery houses, that we have not reachecl, and there may be other firms of greater importance, and wliidi prop- erly deserve a mention here, tluit we have inadvertently omitted. [Professional, manufacturing, etc., received too late for classification.'] DR. J. G. ECTOR, Liberty St. Bet. 6th. and 7th. Through an inadvertency Dr. Ec- tor's mention was, we regret to say, omitted from the professional pages and as "it is better late than never" we will atone for the oversight by saying that he is a native of Ala- mance. N. C. attended the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, in 1857, and began practice shortly be- fore the war. Dr. Ector removed to Winston seven years ago and has since been doing his share of practice his residence and office being on Lib- erty street north of the M. E. church. G. C. HINE, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer, Is a native of this county, and is suc- cessor to a business which was estab- lished 15 years ago by L. I. Hine, father of the above. In 1880 he pur- chased the business which, as of yore, is conducted opposite the Starbuck block. Saddles, light and heavy har- ness and horse goods are carried in otock, or made up to the order of customers, several hands l)eing em- ployed in the trade. J. W. Shipley, of Baltimore, has for two years past conducted a similar establishment on Main street, near Third. SPACH & CRANFORD, Blacksmith and Repair Work. Edward Spaugh was born in Da vidson county, moved to this vicin- itv in 1841, and ten vears later com- OF WJXSTOX-.SALKM. N. ('. 8] ineneed his line of business in Wins- ton. Wm. G. Cranfoi-d is from Rowan county, and joined Mr. S. in business two years ago. The firm has recenth' moved into a new brick shop on Church street, next to Brown's warehouse. Genernl black- smith work, horse-shoeing-, wagon and factory repair woi-k are cared I'or by this firm. There are several other blacksmiths in the city, but la'*k of space forbids further mention. J. H. STOCKTON, Livery and Sale Stnbles. J. H. Stockton was born in Rock- ing'ham county reared in Kernersville and in 1861 came to Salem. Four years later he commenced in th<' trade of Winston, and was one of the firm of Pfohl & Stockton for many vears. With this year, Mr. Stockton lias opened up a livery barn in rear of Clinard & Brookes' store, where he ket turnouts, and is prei)ar- ed to accommodate his customers to anything needed in the livery line. SINGER SEWING MACHINES. W. B. McWborter. The agent for the Singer Manufac- turing Company, in Winston, isa na- tive of Lewisburg. W. Va., and came to the management of this office in 1887. The Singer is too well known generally to recpiire any long- spa<-e from Tis. Its sales avertige over a half million of machines eacli year, which are sent all over the civilized world. The Singer Co. have tlieir principal wood works at South Bend, Ind., and have extensive nianufa<- tories of the machinery at Eliza betli- town, N. J.; ^lontreal, Canada; and Glassglow, Scotland. W. F. HAILV. Shoe Mamifnctiirer. Is a native of Davidson county, and commenced the shoe trade twenty yea»^ ago having ever since been m- dustriouslv at the ben.-h. Recently Mr. H. lias moved to Winston and his shop is on Liberty street o])j)osite the (ii-ay Block where he is prepared to make any kind of ])eg-ged or sewed shoes to the order of customers. W. E. HECK. (inn nnd Locksmith, Learned his trade with Wm.Dettmar in Salem, worked seven years there, and four years ago started his shop in Winston. His ))la<-e is on Main street, opposite Bi-own's warehouse, and Mr. Beck has evei-y recpiisite for the business. H. C. McCADDENS Harness Shop. Near Brown's warehous(> on Main street is found the harness shoj) of H. C. McCadden who has been several years in the business of Winston and turns his principal attention to cus- tom work. CARE OF THE EYES. An Important Organ. Nothing is more important to fi man's comfort, haj)piness. and suc- cess in life than good eyesight, and it is every ])erson's duty to take care of these organs. The general health has much to do with the power and endurance of the eyes. Whenever any ])redisposition to weakness or irritation is shown, late hours and working- by artificial light should be studiously avoided, and the eyes I)athed fre(piently in salt and'water. On retiring- a st)ft cloth di])ped in modei-ately cold water and partially wrung out. laid upon the eyes and fi-e(piently turned over, or redi})ped, is of great benefit to inflamed eyes. Many irregularities of sight are found, that need the expeiience of a skilled optician to accurately fit the proper lens, and we are gla»l to note that E. Foster Newkirk, at Hotel Fountain, has every neccs.sary appli- ance for measuring-irregularities and making jiroper adjuBtments. From personal experience we can fully re- commend him. 82 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH SUMMARY AND REVIEW. THE FACTS IN A NUT SHELL. Read This if Nothing More. In order to give a detailed state- ment and substantiate our testimony, we have taken up a goodly number of pages in this sketch, and as some of our readei-s may not have time to carefully go through it aJU we desire in brief to call your attention to the spooial features of prominence. In the first eight pages we Imve present- ed conclusive eA'idence that the tide of immigration had turned from the West to the South, and in the salu- brity, healthfulness, agricultural and mineral advantages, of this section, given good reasons for our claims of superiority. On several pages we have referred to the fact that manu- facturing industries are an essential feature to the permanent prosperity of any city, and we believe that the Chamber of Commerce, as well as the city authorities and our public spir- ited citizens in general, are impressed with this fact, so that any new entei"- prise of importance to the place would receive a liberal encouragement. On their behalf whether your line of in- dustry be small oi- great, if you de- sire a location in this favored section, we invite you to let us know your needs and wishes and we will make every reasonable effort to accommo- date you. The progi-ess of AVinston is well, illustrated on pages 10—11, showing it to behfteen times as large to-day as it was 15 years ago. These figures we are prepared to substan- tiate, and hope to keep a hke record for many years to come. Do you de- sire a city with metropolitan com- forts, shaded streets and grassy lawns, at a healthful altitude and with salubrious clime? Come and dwell with us and we will do you good. Our schools, as shown on pages 13-15, are unexcelled, church and society privileges, (pages 1(5-19), are superb, printing offices and bank- ing accommodations good. Our manufacturing pages disclo.ses the fact that we have ample conven- iences for foundry and repair work. There are hard woods and valuable timbers in every direction so that nearly any description ofwood work- ing industries may be made profitable here. A chair ftietory with modern styles is especially desirable, spokes, hub? and carriage bent works, and ma.nj^ other kindred industries might be suggested. The cotton and wool- en mills so long in successful opera- tion here are a sufficient proof of the feasibility of manufacturing indus- tries in that line. The admirable kaolin, superb pottery clay, fire clay, granite, limestone, etc., of this vicini- ty, would suggest the propriety of oc(?upations requiring these articles. Our tobacco intei'ests, which give employment to 5,000 persons, have been fully written upon, (pages 31- 44), and comprise a leading feature of the place. This is fully represent- ed with the exception perhaps of snuff" mills and cigarette factories, which might each find here the material and facilities for successful operation. Under mercantile interests, page 70, we gave figures illustrating the magnitude of the dried fruit product of this section. As the lands of Wes- tern Noi'th Carolina seem to possess the property of imparting a peculiar- ly fine flavor not only to tobacco, but to large and small fruits, there is eve- ry reason why a canning factory of mammoth proportions might be made a profitable investment in this place. We have before made men- tion, page 11, of the lands of Forsyth county, but we especially desire to emphasize the fact that, it has al- ready been clearly dewonstra ted that the soil of this section has a peculiar tenacity in the retention of fertilizers, and that however poor the land may appear to be, it is easily revived and jmt in condition to bring forth an abundant harvest. The apparently p'oor sections are found to he perfect- J3' adapted to the growth of all kinds OF \V1\ST(».\-SAT.K.M. X. ('. s:\ t of tVnits and ben-it^s. tlif natural lionie of the g'rape, i-aisiny- tlir liiicst \vim> pvoduciiifi- vines to l)e found in the States. No better section of thi^ world (-an be touud for conuiion or hig-h bred ponlrry. and its never fail- ing- .streams, witli al)undanct> of nu- tritions grasses, and liealthful atmos- phere, gives to We.steni X. (". as tine a country as the far famed " Bhu' (irass liegion" of Kentucky, in whicli to breed blooded cattl<> and horses. There are several small herds articular line, and to them we i-efer yon for special in- fornnition. The South will never realize its full meastn-e of gi'eatness and prosperity imiil it is more densely po]Julate(l. and although f)ur resources are supei-b and our natural advantages almost illimitable, still the measure of our prosperity is the measure of our ability to develop those resources. It isjustaswell, therefore, that intelli- gent and industrious men from other sections of tlie country* should be in- vited to come among us and aid ns in the work ofdeveloiniient. And this invitation should be based upon a truthfui I a-esen tat ion of the facts, and not founded u]K)n those gorgeous ex- aggei-ations which read like circus ])osters and which have nn(piestiona- l)ly hurt the cause of immig-ration elsewhere, and ]ierha])-^ to some • x- tent in the South. Some featui'es of intei-est we have yet failed to mention. The niuseuni of Anticpiities. in connection with the Salem Boys" School, is worthy of no- tice, the Southern l-X]»ress here is conducted by .Mayor Buford. Since compiling our school pages .las. A. (Jray has taken the jjhn-e of Col. (Jorrell on the Board. The name of Bev. C. H. Wiley, who was early in the school movement and Chairman of the first Board, was in.advertently omitted. Brof. W. A. Blair has been eln-ted Superintendent. In mention of the organization of the Forsyth Riflemen, the reader might infer that the pre.-^ent otticers were its organizers, while our worthy po.stmaster, S. H. Smith, was a prime mover and t)ie first Captain. KERNERSVILLE. FORSYTH COUNTY'S SECOND TOWN. Its Progress, Business Interests, Advantages and Surround! np-s. OF ki:k.\i-:h8ville. 85 KERNERSVILLE. FORSYTH county's SKCOM) TOWN. Its Progress, Jhishiess Inti'ivsts, Advantages and Surroundings. How many Inindi'fHls of ])eoy)]e in tho northern tier of these United States, who suffer from the weekly recurrence of friuid waves, foi- six months of tlie year, sometimes com- ing with such intensity as to freeze the mercury and ruin constitutions of natural vigor, would gladly accept the manifold advantages of this fav- ored clime if the;, but knew them? How to convey the real facts with- out exaggeration, in a shape to be preserved for months and years by those who are its fortunate re- cipients, has been the study and aim of the compiler and projectors of this pamphlet. rerha])s no. handsomer site could have been found in the State for a ]>1easant village than the location of Kernersville, and, of its history and surroundings we shall proceed to write. About the year 17()() this neai-ly level plateau, upon the county's wa- ter shed, was selectod by Caleb Story, an Irishman, who, it is said bought 400 acres for four gallons of rum. a few 3'ears later Story sold his inter- est to a Mr. Dobson, the ])la was in agricultural pursuits near Friedland before removing to this place in 181 s. and at his death inlM;M> he owned about 1.1(10 acres ai'ound thest' cor- ners, which fell to his heirs, John V. Philip and Salome. The daughtei- married Ap]H)lis Hai-mon, of Connec- ticut. Mr. Harmon died in 1S44, leaving his intt-rest to his sons.Kufns and Julius wlio have s])ent their lives here as millwrights, farmers or in car- pentering. John Frederick Kei-ner i-aised n family of six sons and three daugh- ters, all stiU living. Phillip Kernel- has five living "liil- dren. J. G. is an artist of la re ability whose unique house on Main street, erected at acostof al)out .*.'),()()0,has excited much comment. It is a square brick, with(iothic ; oof, and coml)ines parlors, dining-room, kitchen, ball- room, bed-rooms, furnaces. Dutch- oven, smoke-house, wood-house, wag- on-house, hay-loft and luuse-stalls all under one roof. It comes from the ideas of genius, and its ceilings and walls are elaboi-ately decorated with rare designs of ornamental painting, which wouM grace the costliest man- sion in the land. Kernersville was a quiet country hamlet of about 100 inliabitants in 1870, but railroad matters began to be talked of, and the placi^ was ini-or- porated in 1S72, including an area of ly, mile in diameter, with the acade- my building as the central i)oint,and in this territory weie found 147 in- habitants. The citizens donated, al- most too liberally, and graded foin- miles of the railroad, which reached here in 1878. The census of 1880 showed about oOO inhabitants, and the estinmte of to-day ])laces the population fully double these figures, thus showing it to be ])rogres.sive. There ai-e more brick residences, stores ami factories, in K'M'iiersville, than any other town of its size in the State, thus showing it to be substan- tial. This is an excellent brick clay, and the dirt from the cellar is often used at once to make the brick for till' superstructure. 8G DESCRIPTIVE SKET(!H TliR plateau upon whii/h the village is built excites the admiration of all who consider its features. Not in any sense mountainous, it is the water- shed of this region, having perhaps the highest altitude of any non- moutitainous point in the State. It lies 1100 feet al.ove the sea. 150 feet higher than Greensboro, 70 above High Point, 50 feet higher than For- syth Court-house, and about the same above Mt. Airy depot. On this eminen(;e, Pilot and Sauratown moun- tains, 30 mile.s to the northwest, can be plainly seen, and the Blue Ridge Ridge peaks on a clear day are dis- cernable as a misty veil in the dim distance. From this place :he wa- ters flow in all directions, the rivulets going to assist in formin.o Belew's Creek, Abbott's Creek. Muddy Creek, Reedy Fork. Haw River and Deep River, thus giving a natural drain- age and insuring a salubrit\ and healthgiving atmosphere. The winds for a few davs in Winter are quite bleak, but so mild and tame when (Compared with a northern or western blizzard as to almost be called spring- like. The unobstructed elevation gives a pleasant breeze for the hot- test* day in summer, and insures re- freshing sleep for the night. CHURCHES, SCHOOLS. ETC. The Kei'uers and early settlers here were Moravians, a brief history of whom we gave on pages 9, 15-16. il- lustrating their traits of integrity and persevering industry, and this was a place for occasional preaching early in this century. Rev. C. L. Rights, the present Presiding Elder of the Southern Province of the Mo- ravian Chu]-ch, preached his first ser- mon liere in 1846. He was born in Salem, in 1820, served a printer's ap- prentice in Greensboro, and at Salis- bury, worked in Blum's printing liouse several years before entering the ministry. The Kernersville Mo- ravians had tlieir church hous • at Freidland until 1867, when the pres- ent neat brick structure was erected in this place, largely by the generosi- ty of Dr. E. Kerner. Rev. Rights came to this charge 16 years ago, af.d has b^en a faithful spiritual shepherd. The M. E. Church South, erected a comfortable brick structure here in 1877 to take the place of the old frame struL'ture which had been built here in about 1810. The Baptist Organization were for- tunate in having the philanthropic Mrs. Alonzo Brown in their midst, and her efforts brought forth a com- modious brick house of worship in 1886. The Methodist Protestants erected their brick edifice last year, were gen- erously assisted by J. C. Roberts, and nave a good place for worship. The Presbjtei-ians have an organi- zation, but as yet no spiritual home. They have the privilege of tlie Mora- vian church' when occasion requires. There is a colored A. M. E. and Baptist church, both having houses for worship. The public schools of the State are accomplishing much good and those of this place are flourishing under the principalship of Rev. J. W. Pinnix a native of Caswell county, who has been teacher and preacher for a dozen years past and came to the charge of our schools four years ago. The en- rollment at the last term was over 100, and Mr. Rush of the eolered free schools had nearly as many under his charge. Prof. Pinnix is assisted by Misses Mary McKaughan and Lucy Perr r. He has charge over christian churches in Randolph and Guilford counties. A private school has been conduct- ed, by Mrs. C. L. Rights, in the Mora- vian vestry, Avith good succe-s for ten years past. The Academy was built by a stock company in 1859, and has lor the past ten years been run under auspices of this Conference of the M. E. Church South. Prof. H. OF KKKXKKSVil.LH. S7 L. Coble, from Randolph coinitN-, the nc!\vly elected Principal, will tiike chacg-e this month. He comes liijrhly recommended, and will endeavor to put the school on an (^levatcd ])Iaiie, so that Keniersville will ottei not on- ly one otthe sin-htliest. healthiest and most pleasant locations in the State, but high educational, moral and so- cial advantages. Prof. John S. liny is (hair- man of the County Board of Educa- tion, has achieved a literary standing worthy of r-^cord. He came to tlie charge of our Academy in 1870, and was teaclun" hei-e for sevei-al years. Mayous, Etc. — The venerable -Jo- seph Armtield, born May (>, ISOO. was first Mayor of this place, and was succeeded by Pr. A. IX Lindsay, who, after his third election, retired in favor of Prof. J. S. Hay, who held the position for several terms. A. H. S. Beard, Dr. E. Kerner, J. C. Roberts, J. N. Guyer and L.E.Grif- fith have serA'ed the incor])oration. Mayor \j. F. Davis, the present in- cumbent, m a nativeof(Juilford coun- ty, and for three years past in tner- cantih' trade here, under whicli heading he will have furthei- notice. (^OMMissu)NKRs, Et<". — J. M. (Jreeu- field, J. H. Hester, J. S. King, J. N. Leak and W. A. Lowrey, all enter- prising business men of the place, serve as Commissioners. Mr. Lowrey off! -iating as Secretary and Treasur- er. W. A. Linville is town ])oIice. 1. H. McKaughn is deputy sheriff and tax collector. The T77;.sfee,s to the Academv are Dr. B. J. Sapp, J. F. Plunkett. W. A. Lowrey, R. P. Kerner, W. A G.-ittith. The School Cowinissioiiers are 1. H. McKaughan, Henry Perry ami Pinkney Ballard. The Post-Office at this ])lace has recently been given to DeWitt Hai-- mon, by request of J. H. Lindsay, who has just resignecember L^t, of that year. He was teacher and in farming ])ur- suits hei'e before acce])ting the rail- road business. In additioji togeneral freight and passenger traffic, the agent here also has charg(» of the Southern express and Western I'nion telegrajth tivide, being assisted in these matters, especially tf'legraphy, by his son. John G. Fresh fruits by express, manufactured tobacco. gran- ite and dried fruits by freights a re the princi])al shii)ments. Whiteoak tim- l)er for switch ties and briiige tind)er is iilso a valuable pi'oduct of the |>lace. Till' Keniersville Xewn was started by T. A. Lyon and H. C. Edwards, Apr. 1st "Si as a 5 col. folio after- wards enlarged to a (5 col. folio and finally to 7 cohuus. It was at first print.'d on a small hand press. It was liought by J. H. Lintlsay July 1st IHS.T and" all the old type has been i-ephiced by new — also new cases, stands and jobbing outfit added. A year ago by the aid of citizens, he se- tured a Caniitbell Power Pi-ess, to pivvent his acce])ting a jtosition el.>erhaps un- excelled as a fieneral fruit raisin^' sec- tion, and Forsyth and adjoining- counties, as shown an page '■il. abound with excellent tobacco lamls of which none are superior to this ridge. What we have said on page 8*i regarding the raising of fine stock, nutritious grasses and abundance of the best water in the world, is ap})li- cable in ever sense to this section. Springs come forth from nearly ev- ery hillside, and wells of the purest water can be tapped at a few feet be- low the surface. Th"6 place is in need of a bank to accommodate the monied int+*rest of our merchants and manufactureis, and some enterprising man would do well to invest a few thousantl dollars in that direction. Mr. J. AV. Beard, one of the largest real estate and business dealers here, offers handsome sites for manufac- turing, adjacent to the railroad, free to any one who will erect substantial factories. He will also give free resi- dence lots to any person who will build a good dwelling house. Mr. Benrd owns a quai'7'y of superb gran- ite, only a quarter of a mile from the depot, which he will sell or lease on easy terms to parties desiring to de- velop the same. BUSINESS INTERESTS. What has been said of the tobacco interests on page 31 has a direct bearing upon the sui-roundings of of this j)lace, as some of the best to- bacco lands in the country are found in tliis vicinity. Kernersville nlso has two warehouses and five mainifacto- ries, which will be mentioned in de- tail. The outcrop of granite in this vicin- ity is superb, and the sample monu- ment, near our depot, with many tons thnt have been shipped, are the best of testimony ns to its superior (juidity and capacity for s])l<"ndid finisli. I'nlimited quarri(»s aie found here in close proximity to the depot, and present a fine field for develop- ment. \N'hat we have said on ])ag(^ 70 re- garding dried fruits and their flavor is ])articularly api)licable to this sec- tion, as the surrounding hills and dales are perfectly adajjted to abun- dant fruit cro])s of the finest flavor; hence this ])lace would make a favor- able site for a canning factory, and th(> citizens offer libei-al inducements towards the (>stablishnient af any en- terprise of that kind. Numerous liberal offers are given to actual settlers for resipting tropical fruits, will thrive on these hills, or in the fei-tile A-alleys. Fruit evapoiators have been run here for several years l)ast with good success, having been introduc(>d in 1.sn;{ by iMr. Hatch, of New Yoj-k. and two years later nine evaporators Avere in use in the vil- lage. L. F. DAVIS & SON, Genernl 3/en -hn n clise. L. F. Davis was raised in agricul- tural pursuits, and ten years since commenced merchandising at De(>p River, in (Juilford county. Three yeai-s ago he moved to this place, bought real estate, built his present store building, and in company with his son. E. (Jrant, conducts a general merchandi.se .store, keeping the usual retpiisites of stores in that line. The firm is located near the depot, and in three years of trade havt^ secured a fail" share of the business. Mr. Davis owns several lots in the village on which he will give bargains to actual settlers, and a nul(> south of town he has a 7<)-acre farm, which he offers on easy terms, as he does m)t care to again engage in farming. N. W. SAPP, Geiifv:) 1 Mmlui ndito'. Guilford county line comes within one mile and a half of this village, and N. W. Sapp was born three nules fiom here in that county. He was clerking in the place for Mr. Hester 92 DESCRIPTIVE'SKETCH prior to the war, and after the close of hostihtios continued with his old employer for a time, bnt in 1869 opened up trade for himself, and has since been at the oldest grocery cor- ner of the place. Mr. Sapp keeps a well assorted stock of g-eneral mer- chandise, and his many years in trade has given him a wide acquain- tance. Seven years ago he engaged in manufacturing with W. H. Leak, later becoming one of the firm of Brown, Sapp & Co., mentioned else- where. Mr. Sapp is one of the coun- ty commissioners, having been re- elected in June. B. A. BROWN & CO., General Merchn ndise. B. A. Brown is a native of Guilford county, and in 1880 engaged in to- bacco manufacturing here, later be- coming the senior partner of Brown, Sapp & Co., tobacconists. D.A. Bo- denhamer is from Davidson county, and for several years was in the liv- ery business here. About Christmas last the firm opened up a large stock of general merchandise, keep a full stock of dry goods, groceries, cloth- ing, hats, shoes, and the usual re- quirements of familj' supplies . Their quick appreciation of the public wants and readiness to suppl3' them has brought them a large share of trade. J. S. KING, Grocery mid Provision Store. J. S. King, like many other busi- ness men of this place, was born in Guilford county, and began clerking for his brother at his present corner fourteen years ago. In 1879 John L. King built tiie handsome brick corner where the business is now con- ducted, and three years later the present proprietor purchased the stock which he has since replenished from time to time with all the re- ■quirements of a gHuei-al grocery and provision stow. Mi-. King also keeps a stock of boots and shoes. KERNER&CO., At the Main street "Y," adjoining the old Kerner House, a stock of gro- ceries, confections and fruits was opened out in May by 3 young men of the village name. 0. W. Kerner is the industrious bookkeeper at Vaughn & Pepper's wholesale and retail house, Winston ; J. F. is operator at % this station, and the management of the stock is in charge of J. G., the jun- ior partner. APPLE & HUNT, Milliners and Mantua Makers. The milliner's trade and making of ladies' wearing apparel are necessary adjuncts to our social features, and Miss Mary Apple, of Reidsville, has been for several years in the trade. Mrs. C. W. Hunt, of this village, was fomerly in the trade, and the twain last year opened up a good stock of millinery, keeping also notions, fancy goods and a few dress patterns. J. W. CREWS, Flour, Feed and Guano. Artificial fertilizers have become an important feature in the agricultural productions of all sections of the countr^' . and the farmers here on the lighter grade of upland soil fully ap- preciate its value. Mr. Crews sells the Navassa guano. R. A. DUGGINS, Barber Shop. Here is another business unclassi- fied, but essential to comfort, and supplied in this place by R. A. Dug- gins, a native of the village, who has been thirteen years in the business, and la^^t year built a convenient shop near the depot. R. A. JORDAN, Livery Stable. This business comes neither under merchadise or manufacturing, but is yet important to any progressive vil- lage. R. A. Jordan is a native of the place, and owns quite a large num- ber of lots in the village, which can be OF KERNERSVILLE. 93 bon^ilit for improvement ;it low fig- uren. He has been fornineyearspast in the livery Inisines.s, and keeps all kinds of stock and turnonts necessa- ry for the acconiniodation of the people who desire livery hire. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTIRIXG. ^ The pei-nianency of any place is greatly enhanced l>y miscellaneous mannfactnring. Even though the}' be but small, and employing hut few hands, they open a field for develop- ment and give values to raw materi- als. There are a number (^f fields in which miscellaneous nianutacturing appears to hold out inducements here. Living is cheap and laborers plenty, and this village, as all other enterprising towns in the south, will give capitalists a heai-ty welcom<\ HlFFcV- STFAKT. Cn rriHge 3/;/ u uin ctu ring. F. K. Hutt'is a native of this coun- ty, and has had over a dozen of years expei'ience as a carriage upholster, trimmer and painter. He was for five years a partner with Mr. I^ewis, as Lewis Si Huff, and a year since, in company with J. R. Stuart of Forsyth, county he opened up trade south of the depot. The firm erected a neat two story building, equipped with' el- evator and modern requisites, where they are i)n^|)ared to turn out all kinds of ( iistom work in the most ap- proved mannei-. Mr. Stuart has had nine years experience as a blacksmith and superintends that department which is conducted in a detached l>uilding neai- the factory. Many of his well-wrought hamiuers and other tools are of his own manufacture evincing genius at the forge. The new firm are j)r(^pared to do good work and will si)are no effort to meet the re(]uirements of trade. A. LKWIS. Cfi rriage Ma n v 1h c t iirei: Mr. A. Lewis is a native of Davie county this State and commenced the carriage business in IS.")! opening up a shop in this village where he has now been industriously engaged in turning out vehicles for 31 years. Several hundreds have went foi-th from his establishment and his bug- gies and carriages can be found in many baruH of this an year.mei-cury rising to l()-5 (U'gn'es above. {Extremes of cold and heat. 127 degrees. January had the greatest innnber of days in which snow fell, there being 23. October had 14 rainy days, while July and August wer* equal in the nund)er of fair days, each having 24; rain fell on 7 days each of the last named months, but rather light. OAK RIDGE INSTI- TUTE. In writing- np Win- ston-Saleiu, a briff outlook into the in- dustries and institu- tions of the surround- ing country nuiy not be uninteresting-. Tak- ing the .Salisbury and Danville road from Kernersville toward the north-east, s i x miles drive through one of the finest wheat and fruit growing sec- tion of Pieduiont, Is. C. brings us in view of one of the finest High Schools of the South, Oak Ridge Institut<\ We say one of the fin- est, and we mean what we say, for it may jusrly be so termed, by its reputation for honest, conscientious thorough work, by its first-class 1( u i 1 d i n g s and equipments, by its large roll, compris- ing for the pa^st year 219 names, represent- ing six states and two territories, and by the prominent posi- tions its students arc taking and holding in the actual every day business affairs of the Country— This school lias beeu ()^\n('lge lu-titu'je must be seen and pa- tronized. Herewith we present you with a fv,t of the Institue. Those Vvisii- ing information about the Institute or surrounning country should Address, Profs. J. A. and M. H. Holt, Oak Ridge, N. C. OF WlXSTON-SAl.lvM. '.).", SENTINEL Jol', OFFICE. Fitt(-(l in First-Chiss OrtFi: Tilt' Sentinel job office Iims ;il\v;iys been the lar^ivst in tlie Twin City. and recently it has been ])nt in ^ood sliape. Modern and beantit'nl faces of job type, the b\r.st ])a]>er cntter in tlie city, and otln-r in)])roveinent.s ha\'e been added, and skilled work- men, with years of experience in job work, have acce])ted positions witli ns. AVe are now turninii' out as hand- some printinfi' as is done in theState. and onr prices are as low as is con- sistent witi! fir.st-class work. School and catalogue ])rintine. thirty to thirty-five fonts of job type, metal furniture, and every thin<;- ])rac- tical. Orlando is thepioiiiessivecily of South Florida, and Oranjic, the banner county of the State. (Jood reasons jiiven for sellinji;. Address. 1). P. Rohbins. Erie, Fa., or Orlando. Fia. FLORIDA LANDS. Town Lots or (ivove Tvncts. Havinjj; .secinvd thiough advertis- in<;', and varit)us tradinji', town lots and tracts for jirove i)ni'po.ses in a half dozen different counties of Floi-- ida, 1 have bar oranars in the State, and have selected my pur- chases in the mo.st desirable portion of the peninsula, viz., Orange, Lake, Sumter, Pasco, Hernando and Polk counties. 1 have town lots worth from .'^1.') to ."ik^OO each, orange lands |10 to 5!) per acre. To those desiring iiifoniiat ion aliont Florida or the ])i'('S('i-vation of health, my j)ublishe(l book on Health, lla])i)iness, Hygiene, and Florida, is worth many times its cost. Well Ixjund, ry. The writer of this special edition cannot dose without exlending to th;' business men and citizens of this section in general his sincere thaids's for their very cordial reception of this enterprise, and the genei-ous assis- tance which they have rendered in the work. Ouj- duties have been ar- duous, but Were made very much lighter by the kind reception with which we have beiMi met by Forsyth count\' hospitality, and while our work is nece.ssarily imperfect in many l)articulars. we ho])e it will not be unworthy of the wide distribution which its friends have already guar- anteed, and that it will redound to the future good of this section. We have made very many pleasant ac- (luaintances, and wherever our lot may be ca.st in the future, we shall always have a kind remembi-ance of the unselfish interest displayed to- ward tlie Descriptive Skt>tch of ^^'ins- ton-Sale!n. which is a sufficient guar- antee that any legitinmte enterprise will ha vet he generous (Micouragement of the good ])i'ople of this city. Suc- cess to the tobacco city of North Car- olina with all her enter j)ri.ses. and may her natural wealth, beautiful sun-oundings and generosity be fidly ap]ireciat('tl ! Every year the South is becoming more pojnilar as a place for health, comfort, and business. Till' older this book becomes, the more valuable it will be for reference. 96 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH [ Winston matter received too late for class! fica tion . ] Contractors and Mechanics. J. C. MILLER, Carpenter and Builder. Was born on the west side of Wins- ton, assisted in grubbing the court- house square, and has lived in the city since it was made tlie county seat. Mr. Miller has helped to build a large majority of the business blocks, factories and residences of the new city, having been foreman of outside woi'k for Miller Bros. 15 years, and for two years past in con- tract work for himself. He has a planer and wood-working shop on North Liberty street. W. F. KEITH Is a native of Raleigh, and has been a plasterer for 16 years. He came to this place in 1875, and has done his fuH share of service in both plain and ornamental designs, and has given full satisfaction as a mechanic. A. J. GALE Is a native of Bristol, England, and has been in this city for a dozen I years. He is a contractor and brick mason , and was one of the promi- nent workers on the M. E. Church graded school building and a score of other business blocks. North Carolina has an area of ter- ritory about as large as England, and within her borders are resources such as the latter country never knew. Her rivers and streams abound with fish of almost eve}' known description and unequaled for food. Her forests contain all sorts of game, besides timber in almost inexhaustible abun- dance, of the most valuable sorts, and in the bowels of her earth are mines of untold wealth, such as the world has never dreamed- of, and which science will bring; to the surface and pour into the waiting and willing lap of commerce. From the great difficulty in secur- ing the concluding facts in any de- partment under consideration we have failed to make the arrangement as systematic a-i would have been de- sirable, but by consulting the table of contents on inside cover page nwy article may readily be found. "WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. STANDARD AHD BEST. 3000 more Words and nearly SOOO more Illus- trations than any oiiier American Dictiouary. Among the supplementary features, original with Webster's Unabridged and unequaled for concise and trustworthy information, are A Biographical Dictionary Containing nearly 10,000 names of Noteworthy Persons, with their nationality, station, profes- sion or occupation, date of birth and death, (if deceased), etc., A Gazetteer of the World Of over 25,000 Titles, locating and briefly describ- ing the Countries, Cities, Towns, and Natural Featurejof every part of the Globe, and The Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the names of l(^ Noted Fictitious Persons and Places, such as are often referred to ia literature and conversation. The latter is not found in any other Dictionary. WEBSTER IS THE STANDARD Authority in the Gov't Printing Office, and with the U. S. Supreme Court. It is recommended by the State Sup'ts Of Schools of 36 States, and by leading College Pres'ls of U. S. and Canada. It is the only Dietrionary that has been selected in making State Purchases for Schools, and nearly all the Swliool Books are based upon it. An invaluable companion in every School and at every Fireside. Specimen pages and testi- monials sent prepaid on application. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. -:- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE -:- — OF — Winston-Salem, N. C. THIS organization was founded in 1885, its objects being to advance the mercantile and manu- facturing interests of Winston and Salem, to promote internal improvements, encourage im- migration, collect and distribute information to the interests of our cities, and co discuss and regu- late commercial usages, adjust diflerences and disputes in trade. In order to diffuse general information regarding tliis place and the surrounding country, its fea'tures and advantages, this pamphlet has beeu compiled under auspices of a committee from our body and its general information has been careluUy supervised to prevent exaggerations or mis- statements. The compiler has been very conservative in his statements, and the general advantages have not been overdrawn. Persons desiring special information about this section of country, with the view of locating here, will be cheerfully responded to bv addressing the Chamber op Commerce, Winston, N. C. The following list of names of the officers and committees comprise many of the most influen- tial business men of the Twin-City : OFFICERS: J. C. BUXTON, Pres. J. W. FR[E=;, First Vice-Pres. W. A. WHITAKER, Second Vice-Pres. J. D. PAYLOR, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS: R. D. BROWN, H. E. FRIES, R. J. REYNOLDS, C. A. FOGLE, JNO. W. HANES, C. A. HEGE, JAS. A. GRAY. ARBITRATION COMMITTEE: C. HAMLEN, T.J.BROWN, C. H. FOGLE, P. H. HANES. COMMITTEES of the Chamber of Commere to serve from Oct. 1st, 1S87 to Oct. 1st, 1S8S. On Information, Statistics, Telegraphing and Letters, W. A. WHITAKER, J. W. FRIES, TAYLOR BYNUM, A. B. GORRELL, C. A. HEGE. On Trade and Transportation. J. W. HANES, J. E. GILMER, J. M. ROGERS, F. H. FRIES. On Internal Improvements and Immigration. G. W. HINSHAW, C. B. WATSON, H. E. FRIES, S. E. ALLEN, R. D. BROWN. On Finance. J.M.ROGERS, C. A. FOGLE, W. B. CARTER, Jr, On Membership. P. H. HANES, H. E. FRIES, R. J. REYNOLDS. On Rooms. W. A. WHITAKER, C. A HEGE, R.J.REYNOLDS. On Constitution. J. W. FRIES, W. A. WHITAKER, G. W. HINSHAW. \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII W. A. WHITAKER, Proprietor Among some of the popular brands of this well known manufactory are : "Lucile", "Gold- en SHpper", "Olive Branch'', Twin- City, Marsh Mallow, White Wings, Billie Taylor, Dick Graves, Carrie Lee, Eldorado, Empress, Coronet, Long Tom, Peach and Honey, Royal Gold Bars, Sprig of Acacia, Twin-City Club, Sheila, Jefterson's Choice, Zip. TWISW W®BAOO®i ;'# Black Fat, Buzzard Wing, Falcon, Otto of Hoses, White Wings. SiyiOKlNG BRAND-WHITE WINGS. These Tobaccos are made of the choicest leaf grown in the Piedmont belt which is une- qualled in the world for its fine texture, deli- cacy of flavor and fine chewing quality, manu- factured with great care and sold at bottom pri- ces. If you want the best selling line of goods on the market write for samples and prices.