^ iiVA'U ^DNStlTUTiCM- )FF1CERSV'""" 1 A "w^mmmT'^ ka\ Class. liooK .3 A l /B^ PRESKNTICI) i;V ^--TS^f^^ , SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENERAL REGISTER OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS A. D. 1911 PUBLISHED BY DIRECTION OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL NEW YORK 1911 ./;•'.: r^m 6 JAN 191 3 e^ This volume is published in accordance with a resolution of the General Council of the Society, adopted at its meeting in Portland, Me., June loth, 1910, which provided that during the year 191 1, a second supplement to the General Register of 1899- 1902 be published under the authority of the Secretary-General giving the names of those who have joined the Society or have filed supplemental lines since the first Supplement to this Gen- eral-Register was issued in July, 1906, together with the accom- panying genealogical data. The Secretary-General during the autumn of that year issued a circular to the officers of the State Societies calling attention to the coming publication of the Second Supplement, requesting that preliminary data be forwarded to him and fixing the date as of which the volume would appear as February 2nd, 191 1. During the Spring of 191 1 it became evident that on account of lack of interest in the publication displayed by some of the State Secretaries it would be inexpedient to publish the Sup- plement as of February 2nd, so the date was moved forward to July 1st, and a notice to that effect was issued. As the summer months progressed, it became evident that the only way to obtain reports from the delinquent State Societies was by an active letter campaign, which was inaugurated, and after considerable efforts the last data was submitted about the middle of November, 191 1. As many corrections were found necessary in it the volume did not actually go to the printer until late in February, 19 12. The loose way in which the records of some of the State Societies had been kept became plainly evident when the data was submitted. Many of the dates, names, etc., as submitted in this data conflicted with those appearing in previous publica- tions of the General Society. This state of facts forced the adoption of the rule that where the data submitted by a State Society conflicted with any information previously published, the old name or date w^ould be retained and the new date dis- regarded unless it could be shown by quoting authorities that the data as heretofore published was incorrect. Between five and six hundred cases. of this sort were returned to the State Secretaries for correction. In many cases the Secretaries in re- turning the same quoted no authority, but merely reiterated the statement that he knew the data as first submitted by him was correct. In order that no surprise might arise when this Sup- plement is distributed, a further notice was issued to the State Secretaries calling their attention to the strict enforcement of the rule and giving them an opportunity to recall any data for further correction if they had any doubts about having brought themselves within its requirements. It was found impossible to return the papers a second time unless specifically called for. All this data in regard to the disputed cases was returned upon specially prepared blanks of uniform size, and it is the intention of the Secretary-General to have these original blanks bound and deposited with the Registrar-General for further reference. Furthermore, in regard to the dates, names, etc., that had not appeared in any previous publication, the same are printed in this volume as received. No attempt was made to verify their correctness, as the expense attending such verification would have added a prohibitive cost to this volume. The Secretary-General leaves this to the Editors of the sub- sequent publications of the Society to change the same when next it appears if it is found to be incorrect. In addition to the above appears a list of the officers of the State Societies on July i, 191 1, and a necrology since the pub- lication of the First Supplement. Following the First Supplement an alphabetical list of all members of the Society on July i, 191 1, is inserted. It was thought best not to publish a Corrigenda. It was thought desirable not to have inserted the Seals of any of the State Societies that had been published before, so those that appear in this volume do so for the first time. The Secretary-General takes this opportunity to thank the officers of the several State Societies that have assisted him in obtain- ing copies of the illustrations that appear and which ought to add much to the value and attractiveness of the Supplement. The Secretary-General has departed from the usual custom of printing under the head of the General Society the usual matter appearing in former publications by adding to it a list of the former General Officers, together with the dates of their terms of office, a brief record of the origin of the General Society, with a list of the delegates and alternates to the First General Assembly, and a chronicle of its doings from that time. The Secretary-General has labored earnestly to verify each date, but if errors have crept in he would be much obliged if notice of the same be given to him in order that they may be corrected on his books. He thought it was important that this information be preserved in printed form, particularly as he found the General Society's records in many instances in- complete and had to supply the omissions from outside sources, which information would have been harder to obtain as time goes on. As much of the data was submitted so long after July i, 191 1, and a long time consumed in returning the same for cor- rection, the proof received from the printer was not returned to the several State Societies for correction but was corrected from the data as finally submitted. The responsibility for the correctness of the data rests with the State Secretaries or Registrars and the comparison of the same with the printer's proof with the Secretary-General. To those Secretaries and Registrars who promptly sent in the data of their States and who have cheerfully aided in the corrections of any errors in previous publications of the Gen- eral Society, the Secretary-General returns his hearty thanks. He also wishes to acknowledge the faithful services of Mr, Ferdinand M. MacDougal, the Librarian of the New York Society, for the aid given by him in the preparation of this volume. Clarence Storm, Secretary-General. CONTENTS. PAGE Officers of the General Society 2 Officers and Delegates present at the Fifth General Assembly 6 Origin of the General Society 15 Chronicle 17 Constitution of the General Society 20 In Memoriam, Arthur J. C. Sowdon, Governor General, 1905- 19" 35 New York Society 39 Pennsylvania Society 85 Maryland Society 93 Massachusetts Society 100 Connecticut Society 130 District of Columbia Society 139 New Jersey Society 145 Virginia Society 153 New Hampshire Society 155 Vermont Society 160 Illinois Society 165 Missouri Society 172 Ohio Society 181 Nebraska Society 185 Minnesota Society 187 Kentucky Society 193 California Society 196 Colorado Society 204 Iowa Society 207 Georgia Society 209 Michigan Society 211 Wisconsin Society' 214 Delaware Society 216 Rhode Island Society 221 Washington Society 226 Maine Society 22S Indiana Society 232 Alphabetical List of the Members of the General Society, July i, 1911 235 Index of Ancestors with Services and Descendants 311 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Arthur J. C. Sowdon Seal of the General Society Insignia of the Society Louisbourg Monument LouisBouRG Medal New York City, 1740 Tablet, Wall Street, New York City Tablet, Crown Point, Lake Champlain Memorial of the Swedish Settlements on the Dela- ware IN Philadelphia Memorial of the Dutch Settlements on the Dela- ware in Philadelphia Calvert Statue, Baltimore, Md Seal of Maryland Society Charter Oak Memorial, Hartford, Conn NiNiAN Beall Boulder Braddock Boulder Portrait of Frederic W. Huidekoper Tankard and Chalices, Hyaatsville Presbyterian Church, Md Portrait of Gilbert Thompson Tablet on site First Court House, Somerset County. Plan of Fort Saint Frederic Room of Vermont State Society Seal of Missouri Society Seal of Iowa Society South Porch Old Swedes Church, Wilmington, Dela- ware Sir William Pepperrell Seal of Indiana Society Frontispiece Facing page 28 30 32 34 48 64 80 86 88 94 96 132 138 140 14c 144 144 150 160 162 176 208 216 228 234 THE GENERAL SOCIETY. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS. 1911. Governor-General. Arthur J. C. Sowdon, Died June 3, 191 1. Vice-Governor-General. HowLAND Pell, 7 Pine Street, New York. Secretary-General. Clarence Storm, 45 William Street, New York. Deputy Secretary-General. * Henry Gansevoort Sanford, 45 William Street, New York. Treasurer-General. William Macpherson Hornor, Room 5, 430 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Deputy Treasurer-General. Francis Howard Williams, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Registrar-General. ' George Norbury Mackenzie, 1808 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Historian-General. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, 45 William Street, New York. 2 Chaplain-General. Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, D.D., LL.D. 74 Vandeventer Place, St. Louis, Mo. Surgeon-General. Justin E. Emerson, M.D. 128 Henry Street, Detroit, Mich. Chancellor-General. Hon. Henry Stockbridge, Baltimore, Md. DEPUTY GOVERNORS-GENERAL. Nezv York. Major-General Charles F. Roe, New York City. Pennsylvania. Richard M. Cadwalader, Philadelphia. Maryland. J. Appleton Wilson, Baltimore. Massachusetts. Rev. Charles L. Hutchins, D.D., Concord. Connecticut. Hon. Morris B. Beardsley, Bridgeport. District of Columbia. William Van Zandt Cox, Washington. Nezv Jersey. John Eyerman, . Easton, Pa. 3 Virginia. Hon. Richard T. W. Duke, Jr., Charlottesville. New Hampshire. Prof. Charles Lathrop Parsons, Durham. Vermont. Theodore S. Peck, John Smith Sargent, Hon. John B. White, Illinois. Missouri. Ohio. Alvin M. Woolson, A'ebrgska. John Prentiss Lord, Minnesota. Hon. Ell Torrance, Kentucky. George T. Wood, California. Hon. Frank P. Flint, U. S. Senate, Washington, D.C. Colorado. Burlington. Chicago. Kansas City. Toledo. Omaha. Minneapolis. Louisville. loK'a. JuDSON Keith Deming, Georgia. John Avery Gore Carson, MicJiigan. Theodore H. Eaton, Died November 6, 1910. Dubuque. Savannah. Wisconsin. Wyman K. Flint, Delaware. Thomas J. Craven, Rhode Island. Prof. Wilfred H. Munro, J. Kennedy Stout, Fritz H. Jordan, IVasJiin^ton. Maine. Indiana. William B. Wheelock, Milwaukee. Salem, N. J. Providence. Spokane. Portland. Indianapolis. GENERAL OFFICERS AND DELEGATES Present at the Fifth General Assembly held in Louisville, Kentucky, May 8, 1908. Vice-Governor-General. HowLAND Pell. Secretary-General. Samuel V. Hoffman. Deputy Secretary-General. Clarence Storm. Treasure7'-General. William Macpherson Hornor. Registrar-General. George Norbury Mackenzie. DEPUTY GOVERNORS-GENERAL. New York. Walter Lispenard Suydam^ Pennsylvania. Richard McCall Cadwalader. Connecticut. Hon. Morris B. Beardsley. Michigan. Theodore PL Eaton. Rhode Island. George C. Nightingale, Maine. Fritz H. Jordon. 6 DELEGATES. Nczv York Society. Major-Gen. Charles F. Roe, Henry G. Sanford, Frederick Dwight, Amory S. Carhart, Silas Wodell, Pennsylvania Society. S. Davis Page, G. C. Gillespie, Edward S. Sayres, Joseph B. Godwin. Maryland Society. Samuel H. Sheib. Massachusetts Society. Walter K. Watkins. Connecticnt Society. Lucius A. Barbour. Vermont Society. Charles A. Converse, S. P. Jocelyn. Missouri Society. Henry Cadle. Ohio Society. Howard S. Winslow, Jackson W. Sparrow, Ethan O. Hurd. Kentucky Society. Joseph A. Stewart, George H. Wilson, George T. Wood, John B. Atkinson. Michigan Society. Edwin M. Gibson. Delazvare Society. J. WiLKINS COOCH^ , WiLLARD SauLSBURY, Charles B. Evans. Rhode Island Society. Amory Austin, Rowland G. Hazard Maine Society. Edward C. Jones. Indiana Society. W. O. Bates, Rev. C. S. Sargent. GENERAL OFFICERS. May 9, 1893— July i, 191 1. Governor-General. Frederic J. de Peyster, 1893- 1905 Arthur J. C. Sowdon, 1905-1911 Vice-Governor-General. Rowland Pell, 1902-1911 Secretary-Gen cral. HowLAND Pell, 1893- 1899 Walter L. Suydam, 1899-1902 Samuel V. Hoffman, 1902-1908 Claren ce Storm, i 908- 1 9 1 1 Deputy-Secretary-General. Edward Trench ard, i 893-1 896 Frederick E. Haight, 1896-1899 Howard R. Bayne, 1899-1901 Francis F. Spies, 1901-1902 Wm. Bleecker Seaman, 1902-1905 Guy van Amringe, 1905-1908 Clarence Storm, • 1908- 1908 Samuel V. Hoffman, 1908- 1909 Henry Gansevoort Sanford, 1909-1911 Treasurer-General. Satterlee Swartwout, 1893-1895 Edward Shippen, 1895-1904 Wm. Macpherson Hornor, 1904-1911 Deputy Treasurer-General. S. Victor Constant, 1893-1896 Walter Chandler, 1896-1899 Seymour Morris, 1899- 1905 David Lewis, 1905-1907 Francis H. Williams, 1907-1911 R egistrar- General. George Norbury Mackenzie, 1893-1911 Historian-General. Dr. Francis E. Abbott, 1893-1896 Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L., 1896-1899 T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, 1899-1902 Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L., 1902-1905 Dr. Thomas Page Grant, 1905-1907 T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, 1908-1911 Chaplain-General. Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L., 1893-1895 Rt. Rev. John Williams, D.D., LL.D., 1895-1896 Rt. Rev. Henry B. Whipple, D.D., LL.D., 1896-1899 Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L., 1899-1902 Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., 1902-1908 Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, 1908-1911 Surgeon-General. Samuel Claggett Chew, M.D., 1893-1896 Charles S. Ward, M.D., 1896-1898 V. MoTT Francis, M.D., 1899-1905 James G. Munford, M.D., 1905-1908 Justin E. Emerson, M.D., 1908-1911 Chancellor-General. Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, 1893-1896 Hon. Roger Wolcott, 1896-1901 Hon. Charles Upham Bell, 1901-1902 Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey, 1902-1908 Hon. Henry Stockbridge, 1908-1911 DEPUTY GOVERNORS-GENERAL. New York. Hon. Charles H. Murray, 1893-1896 T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, 1896-1899 Rowland Pell, 1899- 1902 Walter L. Suydam, 1902- 1908 Major-General Charles F. Roe, 1908-1911 Pennsylvania. James Mifflin, 1893-1895 Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.S., 1895-1896 Richard McCall Cadwalader, 1896-1911 Maryland. General Joseph Lancaster Brent, i 893-1 905 Hon. Henry Stockbridge, 1905-1908 John Appleton Wilson, 190S-1911 Massachusetts. General W^illiam F. Draper, 1893- 1896 Dr. Francis E. Abbott, 1896- 1899 Arthur J. C. Sowdon, 1899-1905 Rev. Charles L. Hutchins, D.D., 1906-1911 Connecticut. Nathan G. Pond, 1893-1894 Hon. William Hamersley, 1894- 1896 Hon. Frederick J. Kingsbury, 1896-1900 Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey, 1900- 1902 Charles E. Gross, 1902- 1905 Bela Peck Learned, 1905-1907 Morris B. Beardsley, 1907-1911 District of Columbia. Rear-Admiral Francis A. Roe, A.S.N., 1893-1899 Charles F. T. Beale, 1899-1901 William Baker Thompson, i 902-1 905 Thomas Hyde, - 1905-1908 William Van Zandt Cox, 1908-19 11 New Jersey. Malcolm Macdonald, 1894- 1899 George S. Wylie, i 899-1 901 General E. Burd Grubb, 1902- 1905 Emory McClintock, 1905-1908 John Eyerman, 1908-1911 Virginia. Hon. Richard T, W. Duke, Jr., 1894-1911 New Hampshire. Hon. Henry Oakes Kent, 1894- 1902 Prof. Charles Lathrop Parsons, 1902-1911 Vermont. Colonel Edward A. Chittenden, 1894-1902 Robert Noble, i 902-1 908 Daniel W. Robinson, 1908-1910 Theodore S. Peck, 1910-1911 Illinois. Josiah Lewis Lombard, 1894-1902 John Smith Sargent, 1904-1911 Missouri. Henry Cadle, i 894-1 899 Clark H. Sampson, 1899-1902 Hon. John B. White, 1902-1911 Ohio. Michael M. Shoemaker, 1895-1899 Ephraim Morgan Wood, i 899-1 902 Achilles C. Pugh, 1902-1905 Michael M. Shoemaker, 1905-1908 Howard S. Winslow, 1908-1910 Alvin M. Woolson, 1910-1911 Nebraska. Hon. J. Sterling Morton, 1895-1902 Dr. J. P. Lord, 1908-1911 Minnesota. RUKARD HURD, 1895-1899 Henry P. Upham, 1899- 1905 General James F. Wade, U.S.A., 1905-1908 Hon. Ell Torrance, 1908-1911 Kentucky. David May Jones, 1895-1899 Daniel Lynn Gooch, 1899-1908 George T. Wood, 1908-1911 California. Spencer Roane Thorpe, 1896-1906 Hon. Charles P. Flint, 1906-1911 Colorado. Arthur S. Dwight, 1896-1905 Frank Trumbull, 1905-1907 Iowa. Rt. Rev. William S. Perry, 1896-1898 F. M. HuBBELL, 1899-1902 Samuel F. Smith, 1902-1905 Judson Keith Deming, 1906-1911 Georgia. John A. G. Carson, 1897-1911 Michigan. Truman H. Newberry, i 897-1 902 Samuel T. Douglas, 1902-1905 Theodore H. Eaton, 1905-1910 J4^isconsi7t. Philip Reade, 1897- 1902 Wyman K. Flint, 1906-1911 13 Delazuare. Hon. Ignatius C. Grubb^ Henry A. Dupont^ Hon. George Gray, William A. LaMotte_, Thomas J. Craven, Rhode Island. Hon. Elisha Dyer, Hon. Hunter C. White, George C. Nightingale, Prof. Wilfred H. Munro, I 897- I 899 I 899- I 902 I 902- I 905 I 905- I 908 1908-1911 I 897- I 902 I 902- I 905 I 905- I 908 1908-1911 Washington. J. Kennedy Stout, John M. Glidden, Fritz H. Jordan, Alexander F. Fleet, Maine. Indiana. 1898-1911 I 898- I 906 1906-1911 1903-1911 14 ORIGIN OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS. The General Society of Colonial Wars was organized on May 9 and lo, 1893, in the Governor's Room, City Hall, New York City, by delegates from five States and the Dis- trict of Columbia. A Constitution was adopted on May 10, 1893, subject to the approval of a majority of the dele- gates present at an adjourned meeting of the General As- sembly, and the General Officers were then elected. An adjourned meeting of the General Assembly was held at the Hotel New Netherland, New York City, on December 19, 1893, and the Constitution as amended unanimously adopted. The final session of the First General Assembly was held in Congress Hall, Philadelphia, May 7 and 8, 1896. DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO THE FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. STATE OF NEW YORK. Delegates. Frederic J. DePeyster, Frederic H. Betts, HowLAND Pell, William G. Davies, Charles H. Murray, Howard R. Bayne, T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, Frederic Gallatin, Thomas Ludlow Odgen, Philip L. Livingston. Alternates. Edward Trenchard, Frederic E. Haight, Maturin L. Delafield, Jr., T. Waln-Morgan Draper^ John Schuyler. 15 STATE- OF PENNSYLVANIA. Delegates. Edward Shippen, M.D., U.S.N., T. Chester Walbridge, James Mifflin, Wm. MacPherson Hornor, The Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L. Alternates. George Cuthbert Gillispie, William Fisher I>ewis_, Thomas H. Montgomery. STATE OF MARYLAND. Delegates. George Norbury Mackenzie, Gen. Joseph L. Brent, Edwin Harvie Smith. Alternates. John Appleton Wilson, John Philemon Paca, Thomas Marsh Smith. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. Delegates. General Wm. F. Draper, Francis E. Abbot^ James Atkins Noyes. STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Delegates. Nathan G. Pond, Satterlee Swartwout. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Delegates. Charles Edward Coon. Lieut. T. B. M. Mason, U.S.N., Edward Sturges Hosmer. i6 CHRONICLE. A. D. 1893 — May 9th and loth. First General Assembly Meeting in the Governor's Room, City Hall, New York City, of delegates from the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia. A constitution was adopted subject to approval at adjourned meeting, and first General officers elected. A. D. 1893 — December i8th. First Meeting of the General Council held at the Hotel New Netherland, New York City. A. D. 1893 — December 19th. Adjourned session of the First General Assembly held at Hotel New Netherland, New York City. Constitution as amended unanimously adopted. A. D. 1894 — May 8th. Meeting of the General Council held in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. Society in the State of New Jersey admitted. A. D. 1894 — November 12th. Meeting of the General Council held at the Insurance Club in New York City. Socie- ties in the States of Virginia, New Hampshire, Vermont, Illi- nois and Missouri were admitted. A. D. 1895 — May 13th and 14th. Meeting of the General Council held at the "Flag Room," City Hall, Baltimore, Md. Societies in the States of Ohio and Nebraska admitted. A. D. 1895 — June 17th. Louisbourg Monument erected by the General Society unveiled at Louisbourg, Cape Breton, with appropriate ceremonies. Louisbourg medals struck from an old French cannon to commemorate the event. A. D. 1895 — December 19th. Meeting of General Council held in the office of the Society in the State of New York, in New York City. Societies in the States of Minnesota, Ken- tucky and California admitted. A. D. 1896 — May 7th. Meeting of the General Council held in Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. Societies in the States of Colorado and Iowa admitted. 17 A. D. 1896 — May 7th and 8th. Final Session of the First General Assembly held in Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. A. D. 1896 — November 19th. Meeting of the General Council held at the residence of Frederic J. de Peyster, Esq., 7 East 42nd Street, New York City. Society in the State of Georgia admitted. A. D. 1897 — May 13th. Meeting of the General Council held at the Quinnipiack Club, in New Haven, Conn. Socie- ties in the States of Michigan, Wisconsin and Deleware ad- mitted. A. D. 1897 — December 21st. Meeting of the General Coun- cil held in the Hotel Brunswick, in Boston, Mass. Permanent Fund established. Society in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations admitted. A. D. 1898 — May 6th. Meeting of the General Council held at the office of the Society in the State of New York, in New York City. A. D. 1898 — November i6th. Meeting of the General Council held at the residence of Edward Shippen, Esq., 1207 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Societies in the States of Washington and Maine admitted. A. D. 1899 — May 9th. Meeting of the General Council held at the Hotel Rennert, in Baltimore, Md. A. D. 1899 — May loth. Meeting of the Second General Assembly held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Balti- more, Md. Constitution amended. A. D. 1899 — November 28th. Meeting of the General Council held at the residence of Frederic J. de Peyster, Esq., 7 East 42nd Street, New York City. A. D. 1900 — November^ 26th. Meeting of the General Council held at the residence of Edward Shippen, Esq., 1207 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. A. D. 1901 — May 3rd. Meeting of the General Council held at the office of the Society in the State of New York in New York City. A. D. 1902 — May 20th. Meeting of the General Council held at the Hotel Somerset, Boston, Massachusetts. 18 A. D. 1902 — May 21st. Meeting of the Third General Assembly held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Massachusetts. Con- stitution amended. A. D. 1903 — May 26th. Meeting of the General Council held at the Hotel Cadillac, Detroit, Mich. Society in the State of Indiana admitted. A. D. 1904 — April 1 2th. Meeting of the General Council held at the residence of Frederic J. de Peyster, Esq., 14 East 66th Street, New York City. A. D. 1905 — May 3rd. Meeting of the General Council held at the Down Town Association, 60 Pine Street, New York City. A. D. 1905 — May 3rd and 4th. Meeting of the Fourth General Assembly held in the Governor's Room, City Hall, New York City. A. D. 1905 — May 31st. Special Meetings of the General Council held at the residence of Howland Pell, Esq., 450 Madison Ave., New York City. Mr. Arthur J. C. Sowdon elected Governor-General to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. de Peyster. A. D. 1906 — January 17th. Meeting of the General Coun- cil held at the Hotel Somerset, Boston, Mass. A. D. 1906 — December 13th. Meeting of the General Council held at the residence of Richard M. Cadwalader, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa. A. D. 1907 — November 21st. Meeting of the General Coun- cil held at the Metropolitan Club, New York City. A. D. 1908 — May 8th. Meeting of the General Council held at the Flotel Seelbach, Louisville, Ky. A. D. 1908— May 8th. Meeting of the Fifth General Assembly held at the Hotel Seelbach, Louisville, Ky. Consti- tution amended. A. D. 1909 — April 19th. Meeting of the General Council held at the Hotel Somerset, Boston, Mass. A. D. 1910 — June 10. Meeting of the General Council held at the residence of Fritz H. Jordan, Esq., Portland, Maine. »9 CONSTITUTION. Adopted at a meeting of the First General Assembly of the Society, May lo, 1893, subject to approval at an adjourned meeting, and unanimously adopted as amended at such adjourned meeting on December 19, 189.5. Amendments adopted May 10, 1899, May 2 I, 1902, May 8, 1908. Whereas, It is desirable that there PREAMBLE. , i , , , 11- should be adequate celebrations com- memorative of the events of Colonial History, hap- pening from the settlement of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775: Therefore, The Society of Colonial Wars has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of those events, and of the men who, in military, naval, and civil positions of high trust and responsibility, by their acts or counsel, assisted in the establishment, defence, and preservation of the American Colonies, and were in truth founders of this nation. With this end in view, it seeks to collect and preserve manuscripts, rolls, relics, and records ; to provide suitable commemorations or memorials relating to the American Colonial period, and to inspire in its members the fraternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and in the community, respect and reverence for those whose public services made our freedom and unity possible. The Society shall be known by the article i, name and title of the General Society ^'''"'• of Colonial Wars. Any male person above the age of article ii. twenty-one years, of good moral charac- membership. ter and reputation, shall be eligible to membership in the Society of Colonial Wars, who is lineally descended in the male or female line from an ancestor : (i) Who served as a military or naval officer, or as a soldier, sailor, or marine, or as a privateersman, under authority of the Colonies which afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain which participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged, or in which they enrolled men, from the settlement of Jamestown, May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775 ; or (2) Who held office in any of the Colonies between the dates above mentioned, either as (a) Director-General, Vice-Director-General, or member of the Council, or legislative body in the Colony of New Netherlands ; (d) Governor, Lieutenant or Deputy Governor, Lord Proprietor, member of the King's or Governor's Council, or legislative body in the Colonies of New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware ; (c) Lord Proprietor, Governor, Deputy Governor, or member of the Council, or of the legislative body in Maryland and the Carolinas ; (d) Governor, Deputy Governor, Governor's Assistant, or Commissioner to the United Colonies of New England, or member of the Council, body of Assistants, or legislative body in any of the New England Colonies. One collateral representative of an ancestor such as above specified shall be eligible for membership, provided there be no existing lineal descendant, and provided that such person be the oldest collateral representative in the male line of such ancestor, or has filed with the Secretary-General of the Society written renunciations from all other persons having nearer claims to representation. No State Society shall adopt any rule of eligibility for membership which shall admit any person not eligible for membership in the General Society. But any State Society may, except as to members transferred from another State Society, further restrict, at its discretion, the basis of eligibility for membership in its own Society. ARTICLE in. The General Society of Colonial General SociETv. ^^^.g g|^^|l ^onslst of the SocletlcS now existing in the States of New York, Pennsyl- vania, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and District of Columbia, and such other State Societies as may from time to time be duly organized and authorized by the General Society. Whenever the word '* State " occurs in this Consti- tution it shall be held to include within its meaning the Territories of the United States and the District of Columbia. The officers of the General Society of article iv. Colonial Wars shall be : A Governor- off'cers. General, a Vice Governor-General, a Deputy Gov- ernor-General from each State Society, a Secretary- General, a Deputy Secretary-General, a Treasurer- General, a Deputy Treasurer-General, a Registrar- General, an Historian-General, a Chaplain-General, a Chancellor-General, and a Surgeon-General. With the exception of the Deputy Governors-General, the above officers shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present at a General Assembly of the Society. Vacancies occurring by death or resignation may be filled by the General Council for the unex- pired term. Each Deputy Governor-General shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present in the General Assembly from the State from which said Deputy Governor-General is chosen. The above officers shall serve until the next regular meeting of the General Assembly and until their successors are duly chosen. A General Assembly of the General article v. Society shall be held every three years, at meetings. such time and place as the preceding Assembly shall appoint, or authorize to be appointed. Special General Assemblies may be held upon the order of the Governor-General, or upon the call of the Secretary-General or Deputy Secretary-General, issued at the request of the Governors or Acting Governors of three State Societies, or else at the written request of five Deputy Governors-General. General Assemblies shall be composed of the 23 members of the General Council, and five delegates from each State Society, to be chosen by the State Councils respectively, or otherwise as may be pre- scribed by the respective State Societies; and all vacancies arising from any cause in any State Dele- gation may be filled for the unexpired term by the State Council concerned. The term of service of the delegates shall be for three years and until their successors be elected. Delegates or General Officers representing seven State Societies shall constitute a quorum of the Gen- eral Assembly for the transaction of business ; the proceedings shall be in accordance with parliament- ary law, and only the votes of those present shall be counted. The order of business shall be : 1. The calling of the General Assembly to order by the Governor-General, Vice Governor-General, or in their absence by the Secretary-General. 2. Prayer by the Chaplain-General. 3. Reading of Minutes of last General Assembly. 4. Report from Secretary-General. 5. Report from Treasurer-General. 6. Reports from Committees and Officers. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. New Business. 9. Reports from State Societies. 10. Election of Officers. 11. Benediction by the Chaplain-General. The minutes of each Assembly shall be read before its final adjournment. 24 Each State Society shall annually article vi. transmit to the Secretary-General a state socht-hs. circular letter stating the number of its members, general matters of interest, and any suggestions which may be deemed of advantage to the Society. Each State Society shall, in the month of January in each year, pay to the Treasurer-General the sum of $25.00. The General Society shall have sole ^^^j^^^e vii power of action in the national, as dis- powers of the - 1 r-> rr • r ^ General Societv. tmct from the State anairs 01 the organ- ization. It shall have jurisdiction to pass upon all questions of eligibility referred to it by the Registrar- General ; but shall not otherwise interfere in the reg- ulations or government of any State Society, unless by a plurality vote of the General Assembly, when the surrender of a State charter may be demanded, should an investigation show that such action is necessary for the welfare of the Societies at large. It shall have power to grant charters to States other than those in which the Society is already organized, provided that at least nine persons duly qualified to be members make such application. It shall issue the insignia and the diploma of membership. It shall publish the Year-book with the co-operation of the several State Societies ; and the cost shall be defrayed by the latter in proportion to their membership. The General Council which shall be composed of all the General Officers shall exercise the powers of the General Society (except those of demanding State charters, and of amending the Constitution) be- 25 tween meetings of the General Assembly, to which latter body it shall' regularly report all its transactions. ARTICLE VIII. The Governor-General, the Vice- govkrnor-genehal. Governor-General, or in their ab- sence a duly selected temporary presiding officer, shall preside at all General Assemblies and meetings of the General Council of the Society. The Vice-Governor-General Vice-Governor-Ghneral. 1 11 r ,i i .• r ^1 shall perform the duties ot the Governor-General in case of the death, absence from the country, or inability of the Governor-General to act and generally assist the Governor-General in the performance of his duties. ARTICLE IX. The Secretary-General shall be Secretary-General. I^qq^qj- q( the Great Seal of the Society, and of the General Society flag, and of the diploma. He shall conduct the general correspond- ence of the Society and keep a record thereof. He shall have charge of the printing and publications of the Society. He shall give due notice of the time and place of the holding of all meetings of the General Assembly, and of the General Council ; and shall keep full record of their proceedings. Deputy The Deputy Secretary-Geueral secretary-general. ^^LaW perfomi the duties of the Sec- retary-General in case of the death, absence from the country, or inability of the Secretary-General to act, and generally assist the Secretary-General in the per- formance of his duties. 26 The Treasurer-General shall col- article x. lect and keep the funds and securities treasurkk-general. of the Society, and deposit and invest them subject to the direction of the General Council. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the General Council. He shall keep a full account of his receipts and payments, and at each General Assembly, or when required by the General Council, shall render an account of the same. He shall be custodian of the die of the insignia, and may issue the insignia and rosettes. For the faithful performance of his duty, he may be required to give such security as the General Council may deem proper. The Deputy Treasurer-General DEruTv shall perform the duties of the treasurek-gkneral. Treasurer-General in case of the death, absence from the country, or inability of the Treasurer-General to act, and generally assist the Treasurer-General in the performance of his duties. It shall be the duty of each State article xl Society to file with the Registrar- R-^'^'strar-general. General a duplicate of the application of each mem- ber. The Registrar-General shall receive and file all duplicate applications upon which membership has been granted, with a list of all diplomas signed by him, and all documents which the Society may acquire. It shall also be his duty to submit to the General Coun- cil any application for membership which, in his opin- ion, does not fulfil the requirements of Article II, of this Constitution. 27 ARTICLE XII. The Historian-General shall keep Historian-General. ^ detailed record of all historical and commemorative celebrations of the General Society, and shall edit and prepare for publication such his- torical addresses, papers and other documents as the Society may decide to publish. ARTICLE XIII. The Chaplain-General shall be an Chaplain-General, ordained minister of 3. Christian Church, and it shall be his duty to officiate when called upon by the proper officers. ARTICLE XIV. The Chancellor-General shall be a Chancellor-General, lawyer duly admitted to the bar, and it shall be his duty to give legal opinions on matters affecting the Society when called upon by the proper officers. ARTICLE XV. The Surgeon-General shall be a Surgeon General. practising physiciaU. ARTICLE XVI. The Great Seal of the General So- greatSeal. ciety shall be : Within a beaded An- nulet, a title scroll, " 1607, General Society of Colonial Wars, 1775 ;"and in base the motto : " Fortiter Pro Patria." surrounding diaper charged with nine mul- lets. Over all a shield, surmounted of the crown, bearing American Colonial seals quarterly of nine : I. Virginia : Argent, a cross gules between four escutcheons each regally crowned proper, the first and fourth escutcheons France and England quarterly; second escutcheon, Scotland ; third, Ireland : II. New York : Argent, a beaver bendways proper, on a bordure tenny, a belt of wampum of the first: III. Massachusetts : Azure, on a mount between two 28 The Great Seal of the General Society of Colonial Wars pine trees vert, an Indian affronte or, belted with leaves of the second, holding in his dexter hand an arrow paleways, point downwards, and in his sinister hand a bow paleways, of the third ; upon a scroll proper, issuing from his mouth, the legend, " Come over and help us." IV. New Hampshire: Quar- terly, first and fourth grand quarter of France and England ; second, Scotland ; third, Ireland ; over all an escutcheon of pretence ; azure billetee or, a lion rampant of the second, for Nassau. V. Connecti- cut : Arofent, a dexter hand issninsf out of clouds in dexter chief, holding a double scroll proper, fesse- ways, bearing the legend, " Sustinet qui transtulit ; " in base fifteen grape-vines, six, five, four, leaved and fructed proper. VI. Maryland : Quarterly first and fourth paly of six or and sable, a bend counterchanged, for Calvert ; second and third, per fesse and per pale argent and gules, a cross bottony counterchanged for Crossland (seal of Lord Baltimore). VII. Rhode Island: Azure, an anchor in pale or. VIII. New Jersey : Quarterly, first, England impaling Scotland ; second, France ; third, Ireland ; fourth, per pale and per chevron ; first, gules two lions passant guardant in pale or, for Brunswick ; second, or, semee of hearts, a lion rampant azure, for Lunenburgh ; third, gules, a horse courant argent, for Westphalia ; over all an inescutcheon o-ules, charo^ed with the crown of Charlemagne. IX. Pennsylvania: Argent, on a fesse sable, three plates ; (Arms of Penn.) The insignia of the Society shall article xvii. consist of a badge, pendant by a gold insignia. crown and ring, from a watered silk ribbon one inch . 29 and a half wide of, red, bordered with white and edged with red. The badge shall be surrounded by a laurel wreath in gold and shall consist of : Obverse : A white enameled star of nine points bor- dered with red enamel, having between each star-point a shield displaying an emblem of one of the nine orig- inal colonies ; and, within a blue enameled garter bearing- the motto " Fortiter Pro Patria," an Indian's head in grold relievo. Reverse : The star above described, but with gold edge, each shield between the points displaying a mullet, and in the center, within an annulet of blue bearing the title, " Society of Colonial Wars, 1607- 1775," the figure of a colonial soldier in gold relievo. The reverse of the crown of each insignia shall bear an engraved number, corresponding to that of the registered number of the member to whom such insignia has been issued. The insignia shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble as such, for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony. It shall be worn conspicuously on the left breast ; but members who are or have been Gentlemen of the Council of a State Society, may place a rosette of regulation pattern upon the silk ribbon from which it is pendant. Members who are or have been General Officers, or officers of a State Society, may wear the insignia with three jewels in the crown, and suspended from a regulation ribbon around the neck. Members who are or have been Governors, Deputy Governors or Lieutenant-Gov- ernors of State Societies, or officers of the General 30 Obverse and Reverse of the Insignia of The Society of Colonial Wars Society may, in addition to the insignia so suspended, wear a ribbon of the Society's colors, three and one- half inches in width, extending from the right shoulder to the left hip. The insignia shall be worn only as above prescribed. The undressed insio^nia shall be a rosette or button of the size now in use, of red watered silk with white thread edging, like the insignia ribbon. On ordinary occasions members may wear this rosette in the upper buttonhole of the left lapel of the coat, provided it be not used at the same time with any other insignia of the Society. The diploma of this Society shall article xvin. bear the followinor words : diploma. General Society of Colonial Wars. To All WJiom it May Concern. Greeting : Know ye, this is to certify that on the day of , in the year of our Lord , and in the year of this Society the Gentleman, was duly elected an Hereditary Member of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of by ricrht of his descent from In Wihtess Whereof ; We have hereunto signed our names and affixed the Great Seal of the General Society. Officers of the General Society. _ _ Governor- General. Secretary-General. .._ _ „ Registrar- General. 31 They may be removed for cause, and their office shall terminate upon the organization of, and grant of a charter to, a Society in their State. They shall com- municate with and receive communication from the Society through the Secretary-General. The General Council shall elect to article xxi. Members of State Societies. membership only charter members of members of new State Societies ; whose membership shall be ipso facto transferred to their own State Society with the grant of its charter. No State Society shall elect to membership persons resident within the territory of another State Society, except upon written consent given in advance by the Council of the latter Society. But members changing residence from one State to another, or coming within the jurisdiction of a new State Society, may at their option retain mem- bership in the State Society in which they were orig- inally admitted. A member of any State Society maybe admitted to membership by action of the Council of another State Society, within the bounds of which he is resident, upon satisfactory proof of his membership in good standing in the Society from which he comes, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Society he enters. No alteration of or amendment to ^ • r^ ■ • ARTICLE XXII. this Constitution shall be made, unless alterations 1 . . . , ■y r^ 'If AND Amendments. proposed in writing by the Council oi a State Society, or by the General Council. The Sec- retary-General shall send a printed copy of the pro- posed amendment to each State Society, naming the 33 time when and place where it will be voted upon. At least ninety days' notice shall be given to each State Society. Whenever any amendment is under consid- eration in the General Assembly it shall be open to any modification or change germane to the proposed amendment. No such change or modification shall be made, nor shall any amendment to this Constitu- tion be adopted, unless the same shall receive the votes of two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly present when the vote is taken. 34 /^HVEKSE and reverse of the l.ouisbDiirg Medal struck by the General Society in commemoration of the i5oih anniversary of the capture of Louisbourg on June i7tli. 1745. I'he metal from which these medals were struck was from an old bronze cannon found in the wreck of a French frigate supposed to be " Le Celebre " iunk in Louisbourff harbor. Hn flDcmoriam, ARTHUR J. C. SOWDON, Governor-General, 1905-1911. 35 Since the last meeting of the Council, the Governor-Gen- eral of the Society has passed to his rest; and for the second time in its brief history the Society mourns the loss of its honoured head. Arthur John Clark Sowdon died in his apartments, Bea- con Street, Boston, on the third day of June, 1911, at the age of seventy-six. A native of Boston, where he was born March 6, 1835, Boston was always his home. He was graduated from Harvard College in the class of 1857, a class well remem- bered for the large number of its members who in after life attained distinction in their several professions. He con- tinued his studies in the Harvard Law School, and was ad- mitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1861; but his subsequent practice in his profession was limited, as he found attractive and profitable interests in the real estate business, from which, however, he retired in 1872, having accumulated or inherited a comfortable competence. Living modestly, he was, for his means, through all his subsequent life, a cheer- ful, judicious and generous contributor to many charities, and at his death bequeathed to objects dear to him, including the Massachusetts Society of Colonial Wars, a portion of his moderate estate. Possessed of leisure, his interests developed in many direc- tions. In his early professional life he joined the First Corps of Cadets, and after his retirement from the service, he became and remained a member of the Veteran Cadets. Mr. Sowdon always took a keen interest and for many years an active part in political affairs. As early as 1863 he represented his district in the Gubernatorial Convention, and gave his support to John A. Andrew for Governor of the Commonwealth. Accepting the principles upon which the Republican party was founded, he was not afraid to act in- dependently, and outside the party lines when his convictions compelled him to the belief that the party was departing from those principles. And it was this independence of party when principle was involved, and his oppositon to the spirit of intolerance which manifested itself in the treatment of the South after the Civil War, that gave him prominence 36 in the Councils of independent Republicans and Democrats for many years. Mr. Sowdon had little desire for public office; and the only one he ever held was that of representative from Boston in the Massachusetts General Court of 1879 and 1880. In municipal affairs, especially when there was a "citi- zen's movement," he took an active part, believing that all party lines should be ignored in a contest between honest government and a system of grafts and spoils. In the many campaigns of this character in Boston he could always be found doing valiant service on the right side. In his later years political ties were less strong; and on a national question like that of the tariflF he was a supporter of democratic principles. On the question of civil service re- form he was one of the earliest to give his aid. As a member of the Committees appointed to raise the necessary funds for the building of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Memorial Hall at Harvard, Mr. Sowdon did efficient and appreciative service. Not less useful was he in the ecclesiastical affairs to which for many years he gave much of his time. A member at an early day of the Episcopal Church, he cheerfully devoted to its interests time and labor and financial support. The value of his services was recognized not only by the parish of whose vestry he was so long a member, and by the diocese— which elected him year after year to its Standing Commit- tee — and to other offices of responsibility and honour but also by the General Convention of the American Church, in which for several triennial periods he sat as a delegate from Massachusetts. Mr. Sowdon also was connected with many other organiza- tions, — social, civic, economic, patriotic, religious, — among them the Union and St. Botolph Clubs, the Reform Club, the Bostonian Society, the Bunker Hill Monument Association, the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, the Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Men's Christian Union. But in no organization, except the Church, did he take larger interest or find greater pleasure than in this, the Society of Colonial Wars. Here he enjoyed the birthright of his honoured ancestry. It knit him to the past 37 with its glorious memories, and in it he entered into the life of those who made the Society, who made even the nation possible. As one of the early members of the Massachusetts Society he was of great assistance in the adoption of principles and customs which have been maintained to the present time and have added largely to the usefulness of the Society to its members, and to its influence in the Community. Chosen Governor of the State Society in 1896 and holding the office until his election as Governor-General on the death of the lamented de Peyster, he gave, in both of these high positions, unstintingly of his time and strength to maintain and further the highest aims of the Society. We have lost the leadership of our head — the companion- ship of our friend and brother; but we cannot lose the ex- ample and influence of his cultivated and refined character, strongly imbued with religious faith. Fortunate and happy has the Society been in its two Gov- ernors-General de Peyster and Sowdon ; worthy were they of the regard and affection of those who knew them; worthy of the honour and responsibilities they bore ; worthy may we be of their memory. At a meeting of the General Council of the Society of Colonial Wars held at New York City, November 2ist, 1911, the following resolution was carried unanimously by a rising vote after the reading by Dr. Hutchins of the foregoing obituary notice. Resolved that it is with the deepest emotion that we note upon these minutes the death of our late Governor-General Mr. Arthur J. C. Sowdon, and that the obituary notice just read be spread in full upon the minutes of this meeting and that the Secretary-General be instructed to have the same printed and a copy sent to the General Officers and Secre- taries of the State Societies and also to the family of Mr. Sowdon. The meeting then took a recess out of respect to the memory of Mr. Sowdon. 38 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Governor. William Cary Sanger. Deputy-Governor. William Whitehead Ladd. Lieutenant-Governors. Henry Gansevoort San ford, Amory Sibley Carhart, De Witt Clinton Falls. Secretary. Frederick Dwight. 45 William St., New York City. Deputy-Secretary. Edward Coleman Delafield. Treasurer. Clarence Storm. Registrar. Edward Nicoll Crosby. Chancellor. William Graves Bates. V ice-Chancellor. Samuel Howland Hoppin. 39 NEIV YORK. Surgeons. Faneuil Suydam Weisse, M.D., J. Bayard Clark, M.D. Historian. Edward Tren chard. Chaplain. Rev. Dr. Howard Duffield. Genealogist. Eugene K. Austin. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term Expiring December, 191 1. Clarence Winthrop Bowen, William Henry Folsom, Bryce Metcalf. Term Expiring December, 1912. John Francis Daniell, Henry Eglinton Montgomery, Arnold Wood. Term Expiring December, 1913. Walter Lispenard Suydam, Lea McIlvaine Luquer, Maj.-Gen. Frederick Dent Grant, U.S.A. 40 NEW YORK. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY, RESIDING IN NEW YORK. (Ex-officio Members of the Council.) Rowland Pell, Vice-Governor-General. Maj.-Gen. Charles Francis Roe, Deputy Governor-General for New York. Clarence Storm, Secretary-General. Henry Gansevoort Sanford, Deputy Secretary-General. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, Historian-General. 41 NEIV YORK. MEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT IN 1906 TO THE LAST GENERAL REGISTER OF 1 899- 1 902. State Society No. General Society No. 1524. Allen, Oliver Field, New York. 4582 8th from Quartermaster George Colton. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 8th from Zechariah Field. 7th from John Allen. 7th from Stephen Paine. 7th from Sergt. Samuel Field. 5th from Capt. Moses Field. 1465 Appleton, Francis Randall, New York. 4386 6th from Major Samuel Appleton. 1374 Austin, William Morris, New York. 4026 8th from Col. Robert Livingston. 1442 Bangs, Francis Sedgwick, New York. 4277 6th from Capt. Jonathan Bangs. 1457 Bangs, Lemuel Bolton, M.D., New York. 4353 6th from Capt. Jonathan Bangs. 1466 Banks, Warren Sanford, New York. 4387 9th from John Tripp. 1398 Barnes, George Edward, M.D., Herkimer. 4105 7th from Capt. John Dodge. 7th from Capt. Daniel Howe (How). 7th from Capt. William Goodhue. 6th from Col. Richard Stillwell. 4th from Isaac Hunter. 4th from Corp. Thomas Barnes. 42 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1544 Bartholomew, James Ripley, New York. 4682 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 1449 Benedict, Russell, New York. 43^3 7th from Hon. Richard Russell. 143 1 Benedict, William Leonard, New York. 4209 7th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 1372 Benkard, Harry Horton, New York. 4024 6th from Blaise Vinton. 1548 Benson, Arthur Davis, New York. 4702 6th from Capt. Johannes Benson. 1479 Bicknell, Eugene Pintard, New York. 4448 7th from Rev. Gregory Dexter. 141 1 Bicknell, George Augustus, New York. 4141 8th from Joris Jansen de Rapalje. 8th from Obadiah Holmes. 8th from Humphrey Turner. 8th from John Brown, ist. 8th from Capt, John Whipple. 8th from William Ballard. 8th from Rev. Chad Brown. 7th from Rev. Gregory Dexter. 7th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 7th from Joseph Jenckes, 2nd. 7th from John Brown. 7th from John Cooper. 7th from Capt. Ailing Ball. 7th from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 6th from Gov. Joseph Jenckes. 6th from Major John Dexter. 4th from Surgeon John Constable. 1443 Blye, Joseph Napoleon, Yonkers. 4278 4th from Lieut. Thomas Swords. 43 NEW YORK. State Society No. * General Society No. 1 5 17 Bond, Walter Huntington, Brooklyn. 4576 7th from John Bigelovv (Biglo). 1545 BoYNTON, Chester Clark, New York. 4683 7th from Nathaniel Richardson. 1379 Bradish, George Johnston, Charlottes- ville, Va. 4035 7th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Dr. John Johnstone. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 6th from Col. Peter Bard. 5th from Lient. Jacob Walton. 1476 Brett, Philip Milledoler, New York. 4445 6th from Lieut. Roger Brett. 1399 Brookfield, Frank, New York. 41 16 8th from Capt. James Avery. 1437 *Brown, Frederic Tilden, M.D. 4244 8th from Capt. Peregrine White. 1423 Bryant, William Sohier, M.D., New York. 419S 9th from Atherton Hough. 9tli from Emanuel Downing. 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 8th from Com. Tristram Coffin. 8th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 8th from Capt. Edward Bangs. 8th from Rear- Admiral Thomas Graves. 8th from John Doane. 8th from John Jenney. 7th from Ens. Erasmus Stevens. 7th from Thomas Nichols. 7th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 7th from Thomas Paine. •Deceased. 44 NEJV YORK. State Society No. General Society nJo. 7th from John Doane, Jr. 7th from Moses Cleveland, 7th from Thomas Pope. 7th from John Bates. 6th from John Dexter. 6th from Joses Bucknam, 6th from Lieut. Arthur Mason. 6th from Josiah Cleveland. 5th from John Sawyer. 5th from John Smith, Jr. 4th from Rev. Ebenezer Cleveland. 4th from Capt. -Lieut. David Mason. 1549 BuRRiLL, Edward Livingston, New York. 4703 6th from Ebenezer Burrill. 138S Bush, Charles Homer, New York. 4087 8th from Gov. Wm. Bradford. 1474 Campbell, Douglas, New York. 4414 4th from Lieut. Samuel Campbell. 141 3 Cann, John Woodward, New York. 4143 6th from John Cann. 6th from Benjamin Woodward (Wood worth), 1 501 Carr, William, Jr., New York. 45^3 9th from Dep.-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Cushman. 1483 Catlin, George de Grasse, Capt., U.S.A., Fort Snelling, Minn. 4487 8th from Sergt. Cornelius Barentsen Sleght. 8th from Matthiew (Mathese) Blanshan. 8th from Nicholas Du Puy. 8th from Lieut. Hendrick Jochemsen Schoon- maker. 7th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 45 NEW YORK. State Society No. - General Society No. 7th from Gerrit Decker. 7th from Moses Du Puy. 7th from Capt. Jochem Schoonmaker, 6th from Lieut. Garret Wyngaert. 6th from Nicholas Du Puy. 6th from Capt. Richard Brodhead. 6th from Lieut. Hendrick Schoonmaker. 5th from Benjamin Schoonmaker. 5th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 4th from Lieut. Garret Brodhead. 1534 Catlin, Brig.-Gen. Isaac Swartout, U.S.A., Ret., Apalachin, N. Y. 4651 6th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 1538 Chamberltn, Emerson, New York. 4667 6th from Thomas Chamberlin. 1429 Chambers, Walter Boughton, New York. 4204 8th from Lieut. Jonathan Lockwood. 1375 Chandler, Walter, Jr., New York. 4031 7th from Col. William Chandler. 1525 Chapman, Edwin Nesbit, New York. 4583 loth from Gov. Roger Williams, loth from Francis Cooke. 9th from Rev. Obadiah Holmes. 9th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 9th from Richard Borden. 9th from Hon. John Alden. 7th from Capt. Robert Chapman. 1450 Church, Elihu Cunyngham, New York. 4324 7th from Samuel Belden (Belding). 1527 Clark, Frederick Hamilton, Yonkers. 4597 4th from Ensign Joseph Stebbins. 46 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1550 Clarke, Charles Edes Fletcher, New York. 3201 8th from Capt. John Waite. 1361 Cook, Joseph Tottenham, M.D., Buffalo. 4006 7th from Edward Culver, 1497 Coolidge, Howard King, New York. 4515 8th from Ensign John Coolidge. 1 55 1 CowDiN,WiNTHROp,LiEUT.,U.S.V.,Mt.Kisco. 4704 3rd from Capt. Thomas Cowdin. 1382 Crossett, Frederick Melvin. 4081 7th from John Stratton. 1502 Crowder, Rev. Frank Warfield, Providence, R- I. 4533 7th from Col. William Burgess. 1438 Crumb, Leverett Finch, Peekskill. 4245 6th from Daniel Crumb. 1503 Dall, Horace Holley, New York. 4534 8th from William Phelps. 1426 Dana, Richard Turner, New York. 4201 8th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 1404 Daniell, Griswold Boyce, New York. 41 21 4th from John Hopkins. 1383 Dearborn, Frederick Myers, M.D., New York. 4082 5th from Reuben Dearborn. 1389 Delafield, Edward Coleman, New York. 4088 9th from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 8th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 47 NEW YORK. State Society No. * General Society No. 8th from William Hallett. 8th from Lieut. William Beekman. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 7th from Col. Johannes Schuyler. 1440 Delafield, John Ross, New York. 4275 9th from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 8th from William Hallett. 8th from Capt. Johannis Pieterszen Van Brugh. 8tli from Joris Woolsey. 8th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 8th from Lieut. William Beekman. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 7th from Capt. William Hallett. 7th from Capt. Peter Van Brugh. 7th from Col. Johannes Schuyler. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Schuyler. 7th from Col. Henry Beekman, ist. 6th from Col. Philip Livingston. 6th from Capt. Johannes Schuyler, Jr. 6th from Lieut. Robert Livingston, Jr. 6th from Col. Pieter Schuyler. 5th from Hon. William Smith. 5th from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Capt. Pieter Schuyler, Jr. 1462 Delano, Mortimer, New York. 4375 8th from Hon. John Alden. 1400 Denison, Egbert Cook, New York. 41 1? 7th from Capt. George Denison. 1477 Dennis, Edward, Ossining. 444^ 7th from John Devereux. 1484 Depew, Chauncey Mitchell, Jr., New York. 4488 9th from Matthew Mitchell. 48 ■^EW YORK from the southwest in 1740. reprochiceil from Valentine's Manual of 1S5S. The view shows in the foreground Fort George, on the site of which now stands the United States Custom House, facing the lower end of Broadway. In front of the fort is the Batterv walk, as it was then known. Subsequently land was filled in 10 m.-^ke what is now Battery Park or The Batterv. ^-■> /i A'' lik Hi -'■— -'**^*'>sw*-'' NEJV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1 39 1 DiCKERMAN, William Carter, New York. 4098 9th from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 9th from Thomas Gregson. 8th from James Hosmer. 8th from IJeut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 8th from Henry Burt. 8th from Henry Kenney (Kinney). 8th from Deacon Francis Chickering. 8th from Lieut. William Buss. 7th from Commissary John Root. 7th from Stephen Paine. 7th from John Scott. 7th from Thomas Kenney (Kinney). 7th from John Smith. 7th from Joseph Buss. 6th from John Melvin. 5th from Capt. Eleazer Melvin. 1528 DiTMAS, Charles Andrew, Brooklyn. 459?' 7th from Jehu Burr, ist. 1504 Driggs, Frederick Elliott, New York. 4535 4th from Bartholomew Driggs. 1505 Driggs, Lawrence La Tourette, New York. 4536 4th from Bartholomew Driggs. 1452 Du Fais, John, Newport, R. L 433^ 6th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Pierson. 1435 DuMONT, Charles Gregg, Rochester. 4213 7th from Wallerand Dumont. 1506 DuTTON, Leland Turner, New York. 4524 8th from Joseph Plummer. 8th from Thomas Wood. 8th from Ens. Thomas Tenney. 49 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Benjamin Pearson, 7th from John Wood. 7th from Daniel Tenney. 1458 Eaton, Frederick Heber, New York. 4354 9th from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 9th from Thomas Gregson. 8th from Lieut. William Buss. 8th from Deacon Francis Chickering. 8th from Henry Burt. 8th from Henry Kenney (Kinney). 8th from James Hosmer. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr, 7th from Stephen Paine. 7th from Joseph Buss. 7th from Commissary John Root. 7th from Thomas Kenney (Kinney). 7th from John Scott. 7th from John Smith. 6th from John Melvin. 5th from Capt. Eleazer Melvin. 1 5 18 Eaton, George Luther, Rochester. 4577 9th from Gov. John Webster. 1410 Elder, Thomas Lindsay, New York. 4140 4th from Capt. John Knox. 1425 Elliman, Lawrence Bogert, New York. 4200 9th from Gen. Johannes de la Montagne. 9th from John Harmon. 9th from Richard Scott. 9th from Ens. Thomas Cornell. 9th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 9th from Capt. John Underbill . 9th from Dr. Gysbert G. Van Imbroch. 50 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Capt. William Lawrence. 8th from John Scott. 8th from Capt. John Seaman. 8th from Col. John Jackson. 8th from Jan Peeck. 8th from Anthony Morris, 2nd. 8th from Col. Richard Townley. 7th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 7th from Col. Thomas Willett. 7th from Ens. Joseph Lawrence. 6th from Richard King. 6th from Richard Lawrence. 1507 Ends, Alanson Trask, Jr., New York. 4525 9th from Richard Borden. 9th from Edward Howell. 9th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 9th from John Leonard. 8th from Capt. William Trask. 8th from Nathaniel Dickinson. 8th from Major John Howell. 8th from Sergt. Benjamin Waite. 8th from Thomas Welles. 8th from William Smead. 7th from Corp. Edward Allen, Jr. 7tli from Eliezer Hawks. 7th from William Arms. 7th from Sergt. Robert Bardwell. 5th from Eliakim Arms. 1530 EsTES, Webster Cummings, New York. 4634 7th from Lieut. Return Strong. 1434 Fernald, Frederik Atherton, Washington, D. C. 4212 9th from Dep.-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 51 NEW YORK. State Society No. " General Society No. 8th from Lieut. John Sanborn. 7th from Richard Sanborn. 6th from Ensign John Sanborn. 142 1 Fletcher^ Henry, New York. 41 75 8th from James Rogers. 1387 Floyd, William, New York. 4086 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 6th from Col. Richard Floyd. 1454 Fox, Noel Bleecker, New York. 43 5^ 9th from Edmund Freeman. 9th from William Patten. 9th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 9th from William Denison. 9th from William Hutchinson. 8th from Thomas Patten. 8th from Maj. William Johnson. 8th from Joris Jansen Rapalje. 8th from Thomas Stanton. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from President John Sanford. 8th from Gov. William Coddington. 8th from Evert Duyckinck. 8th from Abraham Isaacsen Ver Planck. 8th from Hon. Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- derwoerdt. 7th from Capt. Jan. Jansen Bleecker. 7th from Ens. Richard Baldwin. 7th from Antoine L'Espenard, 7th from Sergt. Thomas Canfield. 7th from Nathaniel Chesebrough. 7th from Rev. James Noyes. 7th from Capt. Andrew Canon. 7th from Gov. Peleg Sanford. 52 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Capt. Anthony Lispenard. i^th from Capt. Hezekiah Baldwin. 1368 Frothingham, Francis Eaton, East Hamp- ton, Long Island. 4022 7th from Nathaniel Frothingham. i486 Gardner^ John Charles Fremont, New York. 4490 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from John Tisdale. 7th from Capt. John Gardner. 7th from Lieut. Job Winslow. 1463 Geer, Danforth, Hoosick Falls. 437^ 6th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 1445 Geer, Olin Potter, New York. 4308 6th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 1444 Geer, Walter, New York. 4^79 7th from John Spofford. 7th from Lieut. Abel Wright. 7th from Capt. John Pease. 7th from John Hopkinson. 7th from Lieut. William Bushnell. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 6th from Capt. John Spofford. 6th from Robert Pease. 6th from Thomas Abbey. 6th from William Chamberlain. 6th from Corp. Daniel Shed, Sr. 6th from Thomas Eaton. 5th from John Shed. 5th from Ens. Jonathan Danforth. 4th from Benjamin Allen. 1447 Giles, Murray Ogden, New York. 4310 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 53 NEW YORK. State Society No. * General Society No. 1384 Gilpin, Rev. William Bernard, New York, 4083 4th from Hon. Benjamin Chew. 1485 Goodrich, Henry Wickes, New York, 4489 6th from Ensign William Goodrich. 1392 Gould, Charles Judson, New York. 4099 8th from William Tiittle. 1446 Greer, Charles, Rye. 4309 3rd from Robert Buchanan. 1508 Haines, John Peter, New York. 4537 9th from Corp. Henry Botsford. 8th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 8th from Capt. John Wakeman. 8th from John Ogden. 8th from William Swaine. 7th from Col. Richard Townley. 7th from Jasper Crane. 7th from Adj. James Evetts. 7th from Johannes Van Gelder. 7th from Ens. Samuel Kitchell. 7th from Ens. John Woodruff. 7th from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 6th from Jasper Crane, Jr. 1453 Hall, William Hunt, Jr., New York. 4333 5th from Col. Edward Ward. 1395 Hallowell, Thomas Jewett, New York. 4102 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from John Ripley. 1359 Halsted, Pennington, New York. " 4004 7th from John Ogden. 54 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1493 Hamilton, Henry De Witt, New York. 4509 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 1 5 19 Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., New York. 457^ 9th from Andrew Ward. 9th from Sergt. Robert Lockwood. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 8th from Capt. John Wakeman. 8th from Dr. and Ens. WilHam Ward. 8th from Jehu Burr. 7th from Adolph Meyer. 7th from Capt. Johannes Benson. 6th from Capt. Joseph Wakeman. 4th from Capt. Abraham Hatfield. 4th from Corp. Jeremiah Fowler. 1509 Helmuth, William Tod, M.D., New York. 4526 6th from Ensign Elias Van Benschoten. 1417 Hicks, Samuel Chudleigh, New York. 4171 9th from Thomas Halsey. 7th from Justinian Holden. 1402 HiGGiNS, Edward Everett, Tarrytown. 41 19 8th from Capt. George Denison. 1365 Hinchman, Frederick Barnard, New York. 4014 7th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 1377 Holbrook, Clark, Red Bank, N. J. 4033 6th from John Holbrook. 1419 Hoppin, Hamilton Louis, New York. 4i73 8th from William Dyer. 8th from Hon. Samuel Lathrop. 8th from John Tilley. 8th from Samuel Edsall. 8th from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 55 NEIV YORK. State Society No. - General Society No. 8th from Capt. Thomas Clarke. 8th from Capt. Edward Hutchinson. 8th from Rev. John Wilson. 7th from John Rowland. 7th from Thomas Makepeace. 7th from Philip Bill. 7th from Benjamin Blagge. 7th from Capt. Thomas Soiithworth. 7th from Johannes Van Gelder. 7th from Richard Haiighton. 7th from John Gager. 7th from Joseph Clarke. 7th from Gabriel Bernon. 7th from Capt. John Gardner. 7th from John Wilde. 6th from Rev. Grindal Rawson. 6th from Simon Huntington. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Howland. 6th from Timothy Day. 5th from Samuel Dunn. 5th from Timothy Day. 4th from Lieut. William Jones. 4th from Philip Hone. 1420 HoppiN, Samuel Hov/land, New York. 4i74 8th from John Tilley. 8th from Hon. Samuel Lathrop. 8th from Samuel Edsall. 8th from Capt. Edward Hutchinson. 8th from Rev. John Wilson. 8th from Capt. Thomas Clarke. 8th from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 8th from William Dyer. 7th from John Howland. 56 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Benjamin Blagge. 7th from Richard Haughton. 7th from John Gager. 7th from Johannes Van Gelder. 7th from Capt. Thomas Southworth. 7th from Capt. John Gardner. 7th from Joseph Clarke. 7th from Phihp Bill 7th from Thomas Makepeace. 7th from Gabriel Bernon. 7th from John Wilde. 6th from Simon Huntington. 6tli from Rev. Grindal Rawson. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Howland. 6th from Timothy Day. 5th from Samuel Dunn. 5th from Timothy Day. 4th from Lieut. William Jones. 4th from Philip Hone. 1407 HosMER, James Ray, New York. 41 37 4th from Capt. Stephen Hosmer. 4th from Daniel Hawes, Jr. 1460 Howe, John Bigelow, Rochester. 4356 6th from Joshua Bigelow. 1 5 10 Howell, Charles Fish, New York. 45^7 8th from Major John Howell. 1360 Hubbard, Walter Comstock, New York. 4005 7th from Benjamin Burr. 1461 Hungerford, Victor William, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 4374 5th from David Hungerford. 57 NEW YORK. State Society No. ' General Society No. 1535 Hunt, Ridgely, Jr., New Haven, Conn. 4652 loth from Col, Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt. 1546 Ide, Robert Leonard, New York. 4684 7th from Nicholas Ide. 1432 Ingraham, Phoenix, New York. 4210 9th from Gov. William Leete. 1494 Jay, John, New York. 45 10 5th from Capt. Walter Rutherford. 1539 Jennings, Walter, New York. 4668 6th from Lieut. -Gov. Nathan Gold. 1406 *JoHNSON, Tristam Burges. 4^-3^ 5th from Capt. James Gibson. 153 1 Jones, Walter Rysam, New York. 4635 6th from Major Thomas Jones. 1498 Joy, Russell Tamerlane, Brooklyn. 4516 4th from Nathaniel Joy. 1393 Kellogg, Edwin Welles, M.D., New York. 4100 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 1459 Kellogg, George Casper, Plattsburg. 4355 loth from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 9th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 8th from Isaac Morgan. 8th from Capt. Epenetus Piatt. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 7th from Capt. Stephen Noble. 6th from Capt. Samuel Moore. 5th from Capt. Zephaniah Piatt. 1363 Kuhn, John Joseph, Brooklyn. 4012 5th from Capt. Jacob Morgan. "Deceased. 58 e e XT ^^^ YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1409 Lawton, Daniel Lathrop, New York. 4139 8th from George Lav/ton. 7th from Isaac Lawton. 8th from Samuel Lathrop (Lothrop). 9th from President John Coggeshall. 8th from Dep.-Gov. John Coggeshall, 2nd. 9th from Gov. Nicholas Easton. 8th from Gov. John Easton. 7th from Gov. Joseph Jenckes, 3rd. loth from John Alden. 6th from William Anthony. 9th from William Ballard. 9th from Lieut. William Baulstone. 8th from Capt. Johannes Martinse Beekman. 8th from John Brown. 9th from Hugh Caulkins (Calkin). 8th from Joshua Coggeshall. 9th from Isaac De Forest. 9th from Sam.uel Eddy. 9th from Alexander Lindsay Glen. 8th from Lieut. Jacob Sander Glen. 7th from Edward Gray. 7th from Benjamin Hall. 8th from Richard Haughton. 9th from Thomas Hazard. 8th from Robert Hazard. 9th from Obadiah Holmes. 6th from Capt. Daniel Hyde. 8th from Joseph Jenckes, 2nd. loth from Hendrick Kip (Kype). 9th from William Pabodie (Peabody). 9th from Robert Paddock. 8th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 8th from John Rogers. 59 NEW YORK. State Society No. - General Society No. 8th frorfi Philip Sherman. 8th from Edward Smith. 8th from Edward Thurston. 8th from Hendrick Gerritsee Van Wie. 9th from Resolved Waldron. 9th from Maj. Pieter Winne, 8th from William Wodell. 1362 *LlBBEY, OCTAVUS BaILEY, 40I I 4th from John Manning. 1427 LuDLAM, Percy Clifford, New York. 4202 8th from Capt. George Denison. 1478 LuKENS, Alfred Brandriff, New York, 4447 8th from Dep.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 1422 LuMMis, Benjamin Rush, New York. 4^97 7th from Edward Lummis. 1540 Lummis, Charles Augustus, New York. 4669 7th from Edward Lummis. 1430 Lummis, William, New York. 4208 7th from Edward Lummis. 1369 Lyman, Walter H., Mt. Kisco. 40-3 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Major William Bradford. 7th from Rev. James Fitch. 1487 Manning, Frank Orlando, M.D., New York. 4491 8th from Major Simon Willard. 7th from Ens. Samuel Manning, 1456 Martin, James, Philadelphia, Pa. 435^ 4th from Capt. Alexander Culbertson. 1499 Mayhew, Zeb, Jr., New York. 45 ^T 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. * Deceased. 60 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1408 McAlpin, Milo Frederick, New York. 41 3S 8th from Isaac Graves. 1373 Merriam, Henry Parker, New York. 4025 6th from William Merriam. 151 1 Merritt, Alan Douglas, Rhinebeck. 4538 loth from Com. Thomas Gregson. loth from Abraham Cruttenden. 9th from Anthony Thompson. 9th from Gilbert Opdyke. 9th from Matthew Mitchell. 9th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 9th from Lieut. Griffin Craft. 9th from Major Aaron Cooke. 9th from Hugh Caulkins. 8th from William Douglas. 8th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 8th from Elder John Strong. 8th from Henry Sewall. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 8th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 8th from Daniel Hudson. 8th from William Hough. 8th from Samuel Gorton. /th from Aaron Cleveland. 6th from Lieut. -Col. Simon Lothrop. 5th from Lieut. David Sutherland. 1439 Merritt, Robert Gwathmey, Washington, D. C. 4079 7th from Major Joseph Wickes. 13S0 Meyer, Blakeman Quintard, New York. 4036 8th from Lt.-Col. John Talcott, Jr. 61 NEW YORK. State Society No. - General Society No. 1418 MiNTON, Telfair Marriott, New York. 4172 4th from David Grim. 1364 Moore, Thomas Channing, Bronxville. 4013 5th from Col. John Moore. 1 48 1 Morris, Lewis Gouverneur, New York. 4450 6th from Gov. Lewis Morris. 1488 Murphy, Hon. William Dennistoun, New York. 4492 4th from Benjamin Cornish. 1385 Murray, William, Brooklyn. 4084 7th from Capt. George Denison. 1500 Palmer, Charles Howard, 2nd, Rochester. 4518 8th from Lieut. William Allis. 1520 Palmer, Henry Brew^ster, Rochester. 4650 loth from Gov. John Webster. 1424 Pardee, Ensign Bennett, M.D., New York. 4199 8th from Elder William Brewster. 1433 Peck, George Leete, New Haven, Conn. 42 11 8th from Gov. William Leete. 1 37 1 Perry, Alexander, New York. 4030 9th from Gov. William. Bradford, 9th from Nicasius de Sille. 9th from Balthasar De Wolf. 9th from Joshua Raymond. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 9th from Gov. Benedict Arnold. 1397 Perry, John Prince Hazen, New York. 4104 loth from Gov. Thomas Welles. 9th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 62 NEiV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Capt. Richard Osborn, 8th from Capt. Wilham Curtis. 8th from Major Thomas Leonard. 8th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 1 541 Phelps, Livingston, Paris, France. 4670 7th from Sir John Pell. 1401 PiERSON, James Rhodes, New York. 4118 6th from Lieut. -Col. Henry Pierson. 1521 PoiLLON, Arthur, Capt., U.S.A., Fort Totten, N. Y. 4579 9th from Teunis Gysbertse Bogart. 8th from Capt. Cornelius Corsen. 8th from Lourens Andriessen Van Buskirk. 7th from Capt. Jacques Poillon. 7th from Lieut.-Col. Christian Corsen. 7th from Hendrick Croessen. 7th from Abraham Van Tuyl. 7th from Daniel Perrine. 6th from Ens. Jacques (James) Poillon, Jr. 5th from Cornelius Corsen. 1522 Poillon, John Edward, New York. 4580 6th from Capt. Jacques Poillon. 15 1 2 Poillon, William, New York. 4539 9th from Joris Jansen Rapelje. 8th from Teunis GA^sbertse Bogart. 7th from Lourens Andriessen Van Buskirk. 7th from Capt. Cornelius Corsen. 6th from Capt. Jacques Poillon. 6th from Hendrick Croessen, 6th from Daniel Perrine. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Christian Corsen. 6th from Abraham Van Tuyl. 63 ^'t ' ■*9lS^USmS^' NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1376 Schuyler, Philip Van Rensselaer, New York. 4032 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 6th from Lieut. -Col. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer. 14 1 2 Seabury, William Marston, Phoenix, Ariz. 4142 9th from Gov. John Winthrop, ist. 8th from Gov. John Winthrop, 2nd. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Gov. Joseph Dudley. 6th from Gov. Gurdon Saltonstall. 6th from Col. Leonard Lispenard. 1482 Seaman, Frederick Augustus, New York. 4451 6th from Captain John Seaman. 1475 Secor, Horace, Jr., New York. 4415 7th from John Fay. 14 14 Shaw, Prof. Charles Gray, New York. 4144 8th from Hon. John Alden. 1416 Slauson, John Whiting, Middletown. 4154 8th from Major William Whiting. 1441 Sloane, John, New York. 4276 6th from Dep.-Gov. John Berry. 1529 Smith, Clarence Wilbur, Major and In- spector-General, 2ND Brigade, N. G. N. Y., New York. 4633 4th from Lieut. Daniel Roe. 15 1 5 Smith, Dwight, M.D., Port Chester. 4541 7th from Stephen Hopkins. 6th from Hon, Nicholas Snow. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Rogers. 65 NEW YORK. State Society No. . General Society No. 1473 Smith, George William, New York. 4413 9th from Thomas Halsey. 9th from Thomas Skidmore, 8th from Hon. Matthias Nicoll. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Roger Ludlow. 7th from Col. Richard Floyd. 1532 Snow, John Livingston, New York. 4681 9th from Ensign John Whitman. 1464 Snyder, Louis Virtue, Mt. Vernon. 4385 5tli from Johannes Wilhelm Schneider. 1381 Stearns, John Noble, Jr., New York. 4037 6th from Shnbael Stearns. 1396 Stoddard, Francis Russell, Jr., New York. 4103 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 1480 Stone, Charles Francis, Jr., New York. 4449 loth from Richard Warren, loth from Capt. Ralph Earle. 9th from William Tuttle. 9th from John Tripp. 9th from William Wodell. 9th from Jonathan Gilbert. 9th from John Lattimer. 9th from Sergt. Richard Church. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 9th from Richard Borden. 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 8th from Stephen Richardson. 8th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 8th from Thomas Burgess. 8th from Rev. James Noyes. 8th from Thomas Stanton. 66 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Edward Jackson. 8th from Lieut. James Treat. 8th from Wihiam Patten. 8th from John Borden. 8th from Edward Gray. 7th from John Coohdge. 7th from Deacon John Stone. 7th from Joseph Tainter. 7th from Joseph Stanton. 7th from Benoni Learned. 7th from Sebas Jackson. 7th from Nathaniel Patten. 4th from Corp. Fanning Learned. 1495 Taylor, Evving, M.D., Riverdale-on-Hudson. 451 1 8th from Ma j. -Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 1403 Terry, Rev. Eliphalet Bradford, Brooklyn. 4120 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 147 1 TowNSEND, Edwin Somarindyck, New York. 4392 7th from Capt. John Underbill. 1472 Townsend, Isaac LIolbrook, New York. 4393 8th from Capt. John Underbill. 1533 Tredwell, Henry Hewlett, East Williston, N. Y. 4636 8th from Hon. John Alden. 1405 Trumbull, Frank, New York. 1506 7th from Lient. Phineas Upham. 1543 Tuckerman, Bayard, New York. 4671 5th from John Tuckerman. 1523 Van Nostrand, Benjamin Tredwell, Brooklyn. 4581 8tb from Hon. John Alden. 67 NEIV YORK. State Society No. ' General Society No. 7th from Capt. Epenetus Piatt. 6th from George Hewlett. 6th from Capt. Thomas Tredwell. [4th from Surgeon Benjamin Tredwell, Jr. 1552 Walker, John Baldwin, M.D., New York. 4705 6th from Thomas Sawyer, Jr. 1394 Washington, William Lanier, New York. 410 1 8tli from Col. John Washington. 1469 Wells, Frederick Howard, Albany. 439^ 4th from John Streeter. 1428 Williams, Harrison, New York. 4203 8th from Lieut. Isaac Williams. 1 5 16 Williams, George Lombard, New York. 454- 8th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 1451 Winchester,HenryCarroll,Jr., New York. 4325 6th from Capt. Stephen Hosmer. 1496 Witthaus, Guy Henry, New York. 4512 8th from Isaac Lewis. 1553 Wood, Arthur King, Ardsley-on-Hudson. 4706 8th from George Maris. 1490 Wood, Eric Fisher, New York. 4494 loth from Gov, Roger Conant. lotli from John Prescott. loth from Gregory Stone. loth from Capt. Ralph Earle. loth from Elder William Brewster. 9th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 9th from Judge Henry Green, 9tli from Lot Conant. 9th from John Smith. 68 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Thomas Sawyer. 9th from Ellis Barron. 9th from John Hntchins. 9th from Capt. Samuel Stone, Sr. 9th from John Blanforcl. 9th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 9th from Sergt. Thomas Pierce. 9th from Thomas Browne. 9th from Ma j. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 9th from Richard Borden. 9th from Isaac Chittenden. 9th from John Coolidge. 9th from Capt. Richard Davenport. 9th from Rev. Gregoiy Dexter. 9th from Obadiah Holmes. 9th from Major William Phillips. 9th from Cornet Robert Stetson. 9th from Capt. William Trask. 9th from Capt. John Whipple. 9th from Richard Williams. 9th from Jonathan Brewster. 9th from Humphrey Turner. 9th from John Newgate. 9th from Capt. William Tyng. 9th from Thomas Brownell. 9th from Thomas Harris. 9th from Rev. Chad Brown. 8th from Nathaniel Robbins. 8th from Jonathan Byles. 8th from John Chase, ist. 8th from John Haynes. 8th from Lieut. Nathaniel Wilder. 8th from John Folsom. 8th from Capt. John Oilman. 69 NEW YORK. State Society No. ' General Society No. 8th from Sergt. John Emery. 8th from WilHam Patten. 8th from Samuel Stone, 2nd. 8th from John Conant. 8th from David Stone. 8th from Josiah Whitcomb. 8th from John Adams. 8th from John Goodspeed. 8th from Samuel Rigby. 8th from Samuel Sterns (Stearns). 8th from John Turner. 8th from Capt. Peter Oliver. 8th from Capt. Thomas Brattle. 8th from George Brownell. 8th from Thomas Field. 8th from John Brown. 7th from Justinian Holden. 7th from William Shattuck, Jr. 7th from Lieut. Peter Folsom. 7th from Nathaniel Ladd. 7th from Samuel Colcord. 7th from Joseph Grant. 7th from Nathaniel Patten. 6th from Edward Clarke. 6th from James Ordway. 6th from John Calef . 6th from Capt. Daniel Ladd. 6th from Lieut. Abijah Haynes. 6th from John Sawyer. 5th from William Browne. 1491 Wood, William Benjamin, M.D., New York, 4495 9th from Gov. Roger Conant. 9th from John Prescott. 70 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Gregory Stone. 8th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 8th from Judge Henry Green. 8th from Lot Conant. 8th from John Smith. 8th from Thomas Sawyer. 8th from ElHs Barron. 8th from John Hntchins. 8th from Capt. Samuel Stone, Sr. 8th from John Blanford. 8th from Lieut. Heni^y Adams. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Pierce. 8th from Thomas Browne. 7th from Nathaniel Robbins. 7th from Jonathan Byles. 7th from John Chase, ist. 7th from John Haynes, 7th from Lieut. Nathaniel Wilder. 7th from John Folsom. 7th from Capt. John Gilman. 7th from Sergt. John Emeiy. 7th from William Patten. 7th from Samuel Stone, 2nd. 7th from John Conant. 7th from David Stone. 7th from Josiah Whitcomb. 7th from John Adams. 6th from Justinian Holden. 6th from William Shattuck. ]r. 6th from Lieut. Peter Folsom. 6th from Nathaniel Ladd. 6th from Samuel Colcord. 5th from Edward Clarke. 5th from James Ordway. 71 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 5th from John Calef , 5th from Capt. Daniel Ladd. 1455 WooDiN, William Hartman, New York. 435 1 9th from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 9th from Thomas Gregson. 8th from Lieut. William Buss. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 8th from Deacon Francis Chickering. 8th from James Hosmer. 8th from Henry Kenney (Kinney). 8th from Henry Burt. 7th from Stephen Paine. 7th from Joseph Buss. 7th from John Smith. 7th from Thomas Kenney (Kinney). 7th from Commissary John Root. 7th from John Scott. 6th from John Melvin. 5th from Capt. Eleazer Melvin. 1492 *WooDWARD, James Thomas. 449^ 8th from Lieut. Philip Thomas. 8th from William Braithwaite. 7th from Col. Ninian Beall. 7th from Thomas Sprigg. 1537 Woodward, William, New York. 4654 8th from Col. Ninian Beall. 1470 WuRTS, Pierre Jay, New York. 4391 8th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 1366 Wyckoff, Charles Rapelyea, Jr., Brooklyn. 4015 9th from Lieut. Nicholas Stillwell. 6th from Capt. Jeromus Remsen. * Deceased. 72 NEIV YORK. State Society No. ^ General Society No. 1367 Wyckoff, Clarence Johnson, Brooklyn. 4016 9th from Lieut. Nicholas Stillwell. 6th from Capt. Jeromus Remsen. 1386 Yeomans, George Dallas, Lawrence, L. L 4085 loth from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 73 NEJV YORK. ADDITIONAL LINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. 963 Bartiiolf, John Henry, Lieut. -Col., U.S.A., Ret., Plattsbiirg. 2637 4th from Col. Abraham Peter Haring. 200 Bassett, Charles Franklin, New York. 200 9th from Gov. Edward Winslow. 1227 Bates, George Butterfield, New York. 345^ 8th from Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves. 8th from Elder John Strong. 8th from Ens. James Cutler. 1067 Bates, William Graves, Col., N. G. N. Y,, New York. 2947 8th from Ens. James Cutler. 8th from Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves. 8th from Elder John Strong. 1059 Benedict, Walter St. John, Brooklyn. 2932 7th from Dep.-Gov. William Jones. 122 Blunt, Stanhope English, Col., U.S.A., Springfield, Mass. 122 8th from Dep.-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 8th from William Ballard. 7th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 6th from Hon. John Frost. 1266 Brown, Benjamin West Bonney, New York. 3619 8th from Thomas Flint. 7th from Lieut. John Flint. 689 Brown, John Barker, New York. 1457 nth from Nathaniel Morton, loth from John Tilley. 74 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 9th from John Howland. 8th from Sergt. Jonathan Bliss. 8th from Daniel Rea (Ray). 8th from Nicholas Ide. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 7th from Lieut. William Barrett. 276 Bryant, Percy, Al.D., Railway, N. J. 276 9th from John Tilley. 8th from Cornet John Buck. 8th from Capt. Edward Bangs. 7th from Sergt. John Barker. 7th from Eieut. William Merrick. 1 145 Bussing, John Stuyvesant, New York. 3132 6th from Claude Le Maistre. 5th from Capt. Arent Harmanse Bussing. 41 Carhart, Amory Sibley, New York. 41 8th from Capt. James Blount. 5th from Capt. Benjamin Blount. 1211 Dos Passos, Louis Hays, New York. 3374 8th from Johannes Vermilye. 8th from Adolf Myer (Meyer). 1247 D WIGHT, Frederick, New York. 3600 7th from Lieut. Thomas Trowbridge. 7th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 7th from Capt. Giles Hamlin. 6th from Hon. John Hamlin. 5th from Capt. Amos Hitchcock. 8th from Major William Whiting. 9th from Nathaniel Foote, ist. 8th from Lieut. Robert Foote. 75 NEW YORK. State Society No. , General Society No. 8th from William Tuttle. 8th from John Moss. 1300 Ends, Alanson Trask, New York. 3764 9th from Sergt. Robert Lockwood. 9th from Ephraim Stiles. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from William Tuttle. 8th from Robert Parke. 8th from Hon. Thomas Welles. 8tli from John Prescott. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 8th from Anthony Hawkins. 7th from Benoni Learned. 7th from Joseph Rice. 13 17 Howard-Martin, Edmund, New York. 3860 7th from Shubael Stearns. 329 Howell, Willl\m, Corning. 329 6th from Edward Howell. 354 Innis, Hasbrouck, Poughkeepsie. 354 8th from Corp. Coenradt Ten Eyck. 8th from Mathese Blanshan. 7th from Louis Du Bois. 6th from Lieut. Soloman Du Bois. 801 Jackson, James H., M.D., Dansville. 1886 8th from Elder William Brewster. 826 JuDD, Orrin Reynolds, Brooklyn. 2045 6th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 885 *KiMBALL, Harold Chandler. 2270 9th from Major Thomas Henchman. 658 Koop, Eugene Jackson, New York. 1368 8th from Edward Jackson, 7th from Sebas Jackson. •Deceased. 76 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. '865 Lane, Francis Titus Luquer, New York. 2250 9th from William Adrianse Bennett, 9th from Wolfert Gerritsen Van Couwenhoven. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Hurlbut. 8th from Joris Jansen Rapelje. 8th from Nicasius De Sille. 8th from Henry Burt. 8th from Conrad Ten Eyck. 7th from Capt, Pieter Praa. 7th from John Tisdale. 7th from Johannes Van Gelder. 7th from Lieut. Paulus Turck. 7th from Lieut. Hendrick Ten Eyck. 7th from Jacob Arianse Bennett. 7th from Jan Gerritsen Couwenhoven. 7th from Charles Fonteyn. 7th from Jacob De Key. 6th from Ens. Tunis Dirckse Woertman. 6th from Abraham Luquer. 6th from Rem Remsen. 6th from Pieter Conselyea. 6th from Lieut. Johannes Hoagland. 6th from Jacob Ten Eyck. 6th from Jacob Bennett. 6th from Nicasius Janse Couwenhoven. 6th from Capt. Francis Titus. 5th from Capt. Charles Duryea. 1308 Lines, Harvey Klapp, Flushing, L. L 3775 4th from Ebenezer Lines, Jr. 6th from Judge John Ailing. 8th from Lieut. Francis Bell. 8th from William Tuttle. 8th from John Cooper, 7th from Richard Sperry. 77 NEJV YORK. State Society No. ^ General Society No. 1258 McGuiRE, James Clark, New York. 361 1 7tli from Major John Catlett. Jr. 1056 McKesson, Irving, New York. 2913 loth from Wolfert Gerretse Van Couwenhoven. 9th from Nicasius de Sille. 9th from Joris Jansen de Rapelje. 1257 Moffat, R. Burnham, New York. 3610 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Lieut. John Holhster. 6th from Capt. James Judson. 1246 Moore, Howard Parker, Albany. 3599 8th from John Raymond, Jr. 1256 Palmer, Lucius Noyes, New York. 3609 7th from Thomas Stanton. 15 Pell, Howland, New York. 15 9th from Gov. Nicholas Easton. 8th from Maj. John Albro. 1326 Pratt, Alexander Dallas Bache, New York. 3869 loth from Gov. Roger Williams. 9th from John Sayles. 9th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 1299 Primrose, John Selby, New York. 37^3 9th from Lieut. William Spencer. 908 Provoost, John Moffat, Buffalo. 2467 7th from Sergt. David Provoost. 4th from Capt. David Provoost. 1002 Reed, Latham Gallup, New York. 2754 loth from John Tilley. 9th from Hon, John Alden. 9th from John Howland. 78 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society SWEDfSJ ...... mm-mss mmmin'MiiSMSi GO.... mmMm '1 r/' V '.'iK'i MSU' PENNSYLVANIA. MEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT IN 1906 TO THE LAST GENERAL REGISTER OF 1899-1902. State Society No. General Society No. 269 Baird, Oliver Hopkinson, Philadelphia. 4189 5th from Thomas Hopkinson. 278 Barratt, Norris Stanley, Philadelphia. 4470 8th from John Curtis. 280 Brown, John Douglass, Philadelphia. 4564 4th from Ens. John Douglass. 281 Cadwalader, Thomas, Fort Washington. 4565 4th from Dr. Thomas Cadwalader. 279 Castle, William Henry, Philadelphia. 45 13 3rd from Capt. Zebulon Butler. 259 Curwen, Samuel Moore, Philadelphia. 41 12 4th from Rev. Charles Beatty. 255 Elliot, Richard McCall, Bryn Mawr. 4054 4th from Ens. Asa Elliot. 261 Fahnestock, James Frederick, Jr., New York City. 41 14 8th from Gov. George Wyllis. 287 Fisher, James Henry, Scranton. 4645 7th from Maj. John Mason. 264 Fiske, Louis Samuel, Philadelphia. 4148 4th from Nathan Fiske. 256 Furber, William Copeland, Merchantville, N. J. 4052 6th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 260 Gest, Alexander Purves, Trenton, N. J. 41 13 5th from Capt. Thomas Cooch. 5th from Gayen Miller. 87 PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. ^ General Society No. 270 Gilpin, Francis Hopkinson, Philadelphia. 4235 5th from Thomas Hopkinson, 273 Godfrey, Lincoln, Philadelphia. 4362 5th from Col. George Godfrey, 272 Hall, William Penn-Gaskell, Philadelphia. 4327 7th from William Penn. 277 Harris, Clinton Gardner, Philadelphia. 4469 7th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 258 Hatfield, Henry Reed, Philadelphia. 4056 7th from Capt. Albert Heymanse Roosa. 6th from Col. Henry Pawling. 5th from Lieut. John Pawling. 283 Horner, In man, Philadelphia. 45^7 6th from Col. Gerard Fowke. 282 Krumbhaar, Alexander, Philadelphia. 4566 6th from Capt. George Brent. 274 Landreth, David, Bristol. 43^3 6th from Maj.-Gen. John Bradstreet. 275 Lennig, George Grossmann, Philadelphia. 4377 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 276 Marston, Lieut. John, 3d, Portsmouth, N. H. 4436 5th from Lieut. John Marston. 290 Meredith, Philip Taliaferro, Harrisburg. 4658 7th from Gov. Thomas Smith. 265 Milne, Caleb Jones, Jr., Philadelphia. 4i49 7th from Jedediah Allen. 7th from Walter Newberry. 291 Milne, David, Philadelphia. 4687 7th from Walter Newberry. ' I 'ABl.ET erected by the Society in the Commonwealth of F'ennsylvania at the south entrance of the City Ifall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in commemoration of the Dutch Settlements on the Delaware, 1623-1664. The Tablet was unveiled with a[)propriale ceremonies on I'f-brnary (ah, iqng. .aiQ&Wi^-'^ PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 286 Perkins, Rowan Penrose, Philadelphia. 4632 7th from Tobias Leech, 262, Phillips, Morris Shallcross, Wynnewood. 4146 5th from Ens. John Ormsby. 267 Raymond, Henry Warren, Philadelphia. 4187 8th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 257 RuNK, Louis Barcroft, Philadelphia. 4055 loth from Henry Andrews. 9th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 9th from Anthony Stanyan. 9th from Capt. John Gallup. 8th from Col. Jeremias Rensselaer. 8th from Capt. Johannes Pieterse Van Brngh. 8th from Peter Hill. 8th from Lieut. Roger Plaisted. 8th from Capt. John Pickering, Jr. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Wheelwright. 8th from Capt. John Tuttle, Jr. 8th from Sergt.-Major Charles Frost. 8th from Capt. Henry Hodges. 8th from James Leonard. 7th from Capt. Hendrick Van Rensselaer. 7th from Maj. Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck. 7th from John Quimby. 7th and 6th from Capt. John Hill. 7th from John Plaisted. 7th from Col. John Wheelwright. 6th from Elisha Plaisted. 6th from Col. Thomas Wallingford. 6th from Maj. John Hill, Jr. 6th from Col. George Godfrey. 5th from Capt. John Ten Broeck. 5th from Capt. Elisha Hill. PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. . General Society No. 266 Silvester, Learoyd, Philadelphia. 4150 9th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 8th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 5th from Capt. Hezekiah Hutchins. 284 Smith, Albert York, Pittsburgh. 4568 8th from Thomas Miner. 285 Smith, Thomas Kilby, Philadelphia. 4631 9th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 7th from Chief Justice Arthur Cooke. 7th from Capt. William Brown, Jr. 7th from Ens. John Kilby. 7th from Jedediah Allen. 7th from Chief Justice John Symcock. 7th from Col. Samuel Checkley. 7th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 6th from Cornet Peter Ayer. 6th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 6th from Maj. John Bowles. 5th from Rev. Nathaniel Walter. 5th from Benjamin Lynde, Jr. 3rd from Dr. Gottfried Christian Schmidt. 288 Stevens, John Conyngham, Rydal. 4646 4th from Capt. Zebulon Butler. 268 Wain WRIGHT, Clement Reeves, Philadelphia. 4188 5th from Capt. Richard McWilliams. 271 Williams, David Evans, Bala. 4236 6th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 262 Williams, Reed Augustus, Jr., Philadelphia. 41 15 7th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 289 Wright, Harrison Baldwin, Bala. 4647 5th from Rev. Samuel Whittlesey. 90 PENNSYLVANIA. ADDITIONAL LINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. 79 Brice, Philip Howard, Philadelphia. 674 5th from John Brice. 7th from James Frisby. 7th from Matthias Vander Leyden. 7th from Samuel Yoimg. 6th from Dr. Charles Carroll. 6th from Richard Tilghman. 6th from James Lloyd. 5th from Matthew Tilghman. 5th from William Tilghman. 177 Cox, John Lyman, Philadelphia. 2 171 7th from Ens. Erasmus Stevens. 7th from Lieut. Daniel White. 5th from Lieut. Benjamin Lyman. 5th from Maj. Moses Deshon. 6 HoRNOR, William Macpherson, Philadelphia. 144 4th from Lieut. Joseph Stout, R.N. 62 Prime, Frederick, A.M., Ph.D., Philadelphia. 459 7th from Capt. James Sands. 71 Starr, Isaac, Jr., Philadelphia. 469 9th from Maj. Thomas Savage. 7th from Samuel Levis. 5th from Richard Saltar, Jr. 4th from Lieut. Lynford Lardner. 250 Tyler^ George Trotter, M.D., Owens- boro, Ky. 2916 6th from Robert Carter Nicholas. 91 PENNSYLVANIA. Hn riDemoriam. 73 Francis Olcott Allen, died Dec. 3, 1909. 95 Henry Hobart Bellas, Capt. U. S. A., died July 3, 1906. II Edwin N, Benson, died April 18, 1909. 98 William Foster Biddle, died Aug. 10, 1910. 33 John Hill Brinton, M.D., died March 18, 1907. 205 Charles Percy De La Roche, M.D., died March 13, 1907. 52 Henry Kuhl Dillard, died March 7, 1907. 169 Persifor Frazer, M.D., died April 7, 1909. 193 Greville Edward Fryer, died July 28, 1908. 277 Clinton Gardner Harris, died Feb. 24, 1910. 155 Frank Haseltine, died July 18, 1910. 142 W, Wharton Hollingsworth, M.D., died Dec. 14, 1907. 61 John Marston, died Jan. 31, 1910 126 Thomas David Pearce, died May 30, 1907. 63 Washington Bleddyn Powell, died April 26, 1910. 145 Alexander Wilson Russell, Rear Admiral, U. S. N., died Nov. 26, 1908. 247 Dallas Sanders, died May 27, 1907. 46 Rear-Admiral Edward Shippen, M.D., U. S. N., died June 16, 1911. 170 Clement Grubb Smith, died March 11, 1910. 163 Major Albert Laurence Wetherill, died June 25th, 1908. 131 John Price Wetherill, died Nov. 9, 1906. 66 Charles Williams, died Nov, 10, 1910. 262 Reed Augustus Williams, Jr., died March 28, 1908. 192 Samuel Williams, died June 18, 1908. 92 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND. Governor. Henry Barton Jacobs, M.D. Deputy-Governor. William Bowly Wilson. Lieutenant-Governor. George Norbury Mackenzie. Secretary. Murray Peabody Brush, M.D. 1019 No. Calvert St., Baltimore. Deputy-Secretary. Edward Ferguson Arthurs. Treasurer. William Mozart Hayden. Historian. Andrew Cross Trippe. Registrar. Richard Mareen Duvall. Chancellor. McHenry Howard. Surgeon. Walter Brewster Platt, M.D. Chaplain. Rev. Henry Branch, D.D, 93 TdARYLAND. MEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT IN 1906 TO THE LAST GENERAL REGISTER OF 1899-1902. State Society No. General Society No. 166 Barroll, Lewin Wethered, Baltimore. 4642 7th from Lieut. Gunning Bedford. 143 Baughman, Edwin Austin, Frederick. 4066 nth from Gov. Leonard Calvert. 167 Berry, Jasper Mauduit, Jr., Baltimore. 4643 9th from James Berry. 152 Berry, Thomas Lansdale, Baltimore. 4328 9th from James Berry. 9th from Richard Duke. 8th from William Berry. 8th from Capt, Thomas Claggett. 8th from Hon. John Dorsey. 156 Branch, Rev. Henry, D.D,, Baltimore. 4465 9th from Christopher Branch. 5th from Capt. David Bell. 4th from Henry Bell. 149 Colston, Frederick Morgan, Baltimore. 4080 8th from Col. George Mason, Sr, 142 Gibson, George Thornburg Macaulay, Balti- more. 4028 8th from Tobias Leach. 146 Gregg, Maurice, Baltimore. 4069 loth from William Barton. 9th from William Hungerford. 8th from Capt. William Barton. 6th from Basil Lucas. 95 IIARYLAND. State Society No. , General Society No. i6o Hancock, James Eichelberger, Baltimore. 4569 8th from Stephen Hancock. 141 Hendrick, Calvin Wheeler, Baltimore. 2198 7th from Lieut. William Winston. 165 HoDGDON, Alexander Lewis, M.D., St. Mary's Co., Maryland. 4641 loth from Maj. Simon Willard. 157 Howard, John Duvall, Baltimore. 4466 5th from Benjamin Chew. 163 Hull, John Baker Thompson, Baltimore. 4554 9th from Col. William Ball, Sr. 144 Jones, Arthur Lafayette, Baltimore, 4067 8th from Maj. -Gen. John Hammond. 8th from Col. Nicholas Greenbury. 7th from John Moale. 162 Lee, Howard Hall Macy, Baltimore. 4553 loth from Maj. Edward Dorsey. 148 Merritt, Robert Gwathmey, New York City. 4079 9th from Major Joseph Wickes. 153 MiDDLETON, Nathan Atherton, Baltimore. 4382 9th from James Harrison. 161 Morgan, John Hurst, Baltimore, 4552 loth from Hon. John Dorsey, 145 Payne, George Houson, Baltimore, 4068 5th from Capt. William Edmonds. 151 Payne, George Houson, Jr., Baltimore. 4252 6th from Capt. William Edmonds. 155 Peirce, William Henry, Baltimore. 4384 7th from Major Nicholas Shapleigh. 96 Seal of the Society in the State of Maryland MARYLAND. State Society No. General Society No. 164 Pennington, Josias, Baltimore. 4599 loth from Edward Lloyd, ist. 147 Sheib, Samuel Henry, Nashville, Temi. 4078 loth from Anthony Elton. 9th from Samuel Cole. 9th from Robert Heaton. 9tli from George Mount. 8th from William Budd. 8th from Lieut. Richard Mount. 8th from Maj. William Combes, 8th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 8th from Daniel Sexton. 7th from Capt. John Davis. 7th from Samuel Cole, 2nd. 154 Stockbridge, Henry, 3rd, Baltimore. 4383 loth from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 159 Sutton, Eben, Baltimore. 4468 6th from Richard Sutton, 168 Thompson, Eustis, Baltimore 4644 8th from James Saunders, 150 Waters, John Seymour Taliaferro, Balti- more. 4251 9th from Lieut, Edward Waters. 9th from Nathaniel Littleton. 8th from Col. Southey Littleton. 8th from Lieut. -Col. William Waters. 5th from Thomas Barbour. 158 Williamson, Thomas Wilson. Baltimore. 4467 loth from Christopher Thomas. 9th from Duncan (Derek) Williamson. 9th from Joris Jansen Rapalje. 97 TI^ARYLAND. ADDITIONAL LINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. 139 DuvALL, Richard Mareen, Baltimore. 3890 9th from Lieut. Philip Thomas. 9th from Col. Thomas Sprigg. 9th from Capt. Richard Warfield. 9th from Col. Ninian Beall. 8th from Capt. Samuel Magruder. 8th from Francis King. 112 Tyson, Malcolm Van Vechten, Baltimore. 2662 loth from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 9th from Jellis Fonda, 9th from Cornelise Slingerland. 98 MARYLAND. 11 n riDcmonam, 124 General Louis Victor Baughman, died Dec. 29, 1906. 74 Charles David Fisher, died Nov. 29, 1906. 113 Daniel Coit Gilman, died Oct. 13, 1908. 137 Frank Sherwood Hambleton, died Aug. 17, 1908. 66 Julian Henry Lee, died Jan. 25, 1911. 76 James Wilson Patterson, died June 20, 1908. 34 John Ludovicus Reed, died Feb. 15, 1908. 16 Thomas Marsh Smith, died April 4, 1908. II John Savage Williams, died Jan. 17, 1907. 120 William Thomas Wilson, died Dec. 5, 1907. 99 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Governor. Joseph Grafton Minot. Deputy-Governor. Nathaniel Johnson Rust. Lieutenant-Governor. Roger Wolcott. Secretary. Edward Webster McGlenen. 5 Old Court House, Boston. Depnty-Sccrctary. Walter Kendall Watkins. Treasurer. Charles Sherburne Penhallow. Registrar. Paul Mascarene Hubbard. Historian. Barrett Wendell. Genealogist. Walter Kendall Watkins. Chancellor. Hon. Charles Upham Bell. lOO MASSACHUSETTS. Surgeon. Charles Montraville Green, M.D. Chaplain. Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Henry Morton Lovering, Moses Greeley Parker, M.D., William Crowninshield Endicott, Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow, Dawes Eliot Furness, Desmond Fitzgerald, Charles Henry Taylor, Jr., Samuel Hammond, Thomas Kittredge Cummins. lOZ MASSACHUSETTS. MEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION IN 1906 OF THE FIRST SUPPLE- MENT TO THE GENERAL REGIS- TER OF 1899-1902. State Society No. General Society No. 655 Aldrich, Talbot Bailey, Boston, 43 iS 7th from Capt. John Woodman. 700 Appleton, Charles Brooks, Brookline. 4665 6th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 702 Atherton, William, Boston. 4676 7th from Maj. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 648 Atwood, Luther, Lynn. ^291 8th from Samuel Winsley. 8th from Ens. Orlando Bagley. 8th from Lieut. John Weed. 7th from Capt. Robert Wadleigh, 7th from John Huntington. 7th from John Martin. 7th from Capt. Philip Nelson, 7th from Robert Swan. 6th from John Ash. 5th from William Whitticker. 611 Baker, Frederic Wallace, Bridgeport, Conn, 4039 8th from Richard Baker. 8th from Capt. Peter Hunt. 634 Ballard, Willis Dana, Holyoke. 4221 8th from Capt. William Carpenter. 7th from William Ballard. 7th from Joseph Houltorf. 649 Beardsell, George Richardson, Lynn. 4292 8th from Sergt. John Plympton. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 703 Benton, Everett Chamberlin, Boston. 4677 7th from Joseph Chamberlin. 650 Berry, Henry Newhall, Lynn. 4293 4th from Joseph Breeden. 677 BoARDMAN, Waldo Elias, Boston. 4441 7th from Capt. Jonathan Poole. 695 Bond, Charles Parkhurst, Waltham. 4528 4th from Nathaniel Harrod. 647 BoTSFORD, Harry Gordon, Boston. 4264 9th from Richard Warren. 8th from Lieut. -Col. Samuel Miller. 692 Breed, Francis Stewart, Lynn. 4570 7th from Ebenezer Burrill. 661 Breed, George Herbert, Lynn. 4344 7th from Capt. William Bassett. 4th from Richard Sutton. 673 Brooks, Frederick, Concord. 44^5 9th from Capt. Myles Standish. 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooks. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 7th from Dr. Thomas Boylston. 7th from Lieut. -Col. John Gorham. 6th from Capt. Samuel Brooks. 4th from Hon. Nathaniel Gorham. 704 Brown, Harry Lamprey, Boston. 4^7^ 6th from Hon. John Sanborn. 667 Bruce, Webster, Lynn. 4367 5th from Capt. Thomas Cresap. 662 Butterfield, Charles Buckingham, Boston. 4345 4th from Nathaniel Nason. 103 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society So. 6i8 Cameron, Donald McLennan, Westford. 4126 5th from Lieut. John Flint. 635 Chester, Walstein Roath, Boston. 4222 8th from Elder William Brewster. 636 Childe, John Healey, Boston. 4223 5th from Joshua Bigelow. 601 Clark, Eliot Albert, Pittsfield. 4003 7th from Sergt. John Clark. 9th from William Bradley. 9th from Capt. John Johnson. 9th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 9th from Hon. John Alden. 8th from William Pabodie. 681 Crane, Roy Elwood, Medford. 4453 9th from Hon. John Alden. 9th from Thomas Buckland. 8th from John Allen. 8th from John Porter. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 7th from Lieut. Jonathan Crane. 612 Crawford, Rev. George Artemas, Chaplain, U.S.N., Ret., Brookline. 4040 8th from Robert Page. 668 Crocker, David, Barnstable. 4368 7th from Col. Edward Bacon. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 7th from John Howland. 6th from Lieut. John Howland. 6th from Nathaniel Bacon. 6th from William Crocker. 104 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 637 Cummins, Thomas Kittredge, Milton. 4224 7th from Isaac Ciimmings. 631 Daniels, Edwin Alfred, M.D., Boston. 4168 loth from Capt. William French. 9th from William Bassett. 9th from Lieut. Richard Ellis. 9th from William Crouch. 8th from Capt. Thomas White. 5th from Capt. Jeremiah Daniel. 670 Daniels, Richard Holbrook, Boston. 4406 nth from Capt. William French, loth from William Bassett. loth from Lieut. Richard Ellis. 1 0th from William Crouch. 9th from Capt. Thomas White. 6th from Capt. Jeremiah Daniel. 697 Dickerman, Frank Eliot, Boston. 459^ 8th from Hon. John Alden. 699 Dorr, Alfred, Boston. 4604 6th from Capt. Ebenezer Dorr. 609 Durrell, Harold Clarke, Cambridge. 4020 5th from Capt. Benjamin Durrell. 682 Eldridge, Daniel Gorham, M.D., Dorchester. 4454 6th from Col. John Thacher. 663 *Falkner, Rev. William Howard. 4346 9th from Stephen Hart. 638 Fall, George Howard, Maiden. 4225 8th from Anthony Emery. 8th from Deacon Thomas Lynde. *Deceased. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. " General Society No. 7th from Richard Tozer (Tozier). 7th from James Emery. 7th from Elder William Wentworth. 5th from Capt. Samuel Lord. 684 Foot, Augustus Richards, New York City. 4480 5th from Adonijah Foote. 685 Foot, Homer, Jr., New York City. 4481 7th from Quartermaster Nathaniel Foote. 613 Fuller, Percy Whitney, Newtonville. 4041 5th from Lieut. Jeremiah Fuller. 658 Gage, Herbert Edwin, Wellesley. 4321 9th from Humphrey Bradstreet. 8th from John Prescott. 7th from Dr. Caleb Moody. 7th from Capt. Jonas Prescott. 6th from Maj. Joseph Varnum. 4th from Capt. Amos Gage. 664 Garfield, Harry Augustus, Williamstown. 2929 7th from Capt. Benjamin Garfield. 639 Gay, Warren Fisher, M.D., Boston, 4226 9th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 632 Glover, George Edward, Boston. 4169 7th from Hon. John Glover, 6th from Gov, Thomas Hinckley. 678 Goodrich, Hazen Barnard, Haverhill. 444^ 7th from Lieut. Edward Woodman. 616 Grafton, Rt. Rev. Charles Chapman, Fond- du-Lac, Wis. 4095 6th from Capt. Timothy Phelps. 106 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 659 H.ALL, Oliver, Hingham. 4322 7th from Lieut. Richard Hall. 640 Hammond, Samuel, Boston. 4227 9th from Nicholas Simkins. 8th from Capt. Phineas Fiske. 7th from Jeremiah Dummer. 6th from Col. John Chandler, 2d. 6th from Dr. Johann Kasper Richter von Kronen- schildt. 6th from Lieut. Ambrose Dawes. /"-•o Harlow, Arthur Franklin, Salem. 4679 9th from Gov. John Endicott. 674 Hawks, Frederick Elliott, Greenfield. 4426 8th from Capt. Samuel Sears. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 7th from Maj. Aaron Cook. 6th from Capt. Aaron Cook, 2d. 4th from John Barnard. 4th from Lieut. -Col. John Hawks. 610 FIeathfield, Herbert D'Estimanville, Brook- line. 4021 8th from Thomas Hastings. 8th from Gregory Stone. 8th from Lieut. John Hammond. 7th from Capt. Samuel Stone. 5th from Joseph Warren. 5th from Samuel Warren. 641 Hitchcock, Thomas Barnes, New York City. 4228 6th from Capt. Luke Hitchcock. 646 Hough, Benjamin Kent, Brookline. 4263 4th from Capt. Nathaniel Balch. 107 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 651 Hubbard, Phineas, Cambridge. 4^94 9th from Sergt. John Perkins. 9th from Robert Page. 9th from Capt. Christopher Hussey. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Wilham Sanborn. 8th from Lieut. John Sanborne. 8th from Deacon WilHam Crocker. 8th from Thomas Ford. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 7th from George Hubbard. 7th from Dr. Jasper Gunn. 7th from Andrew Warner. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 7th from Thomas Nash. 7th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 7th from Thomas Coleman. 7th from John Porter. 7th from Nathaniel Foote. 7th from Major Aaron Cooke. 7th from William West wood. 7th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Dr. Caleb Moody. 7th from Deacon John Leavitt. 7th from Rev. Samuel Dudley. 7th from William Sanborn. 7th from Richard Sanborne. 7th from Samuel Robie. 7th from John Bronson. 7th from Thomas Riggs. 6th from Ens. Daniel Warner. 6th from Zachariah Field. 6th from Sergt. Benjamin Wait. 6th from Lieut. Timothy Nash. 108 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Lieut. Philip Smith. 6th from Capt. Aaron Cook, 2d, 6th from James Carr. 6th from Moses Leavitt. 6th from Hon. John Sanborn. 6th from Ensign John Sanborn. 5th from Capt. Joseph Field. 4th from Jonathan Field. 688 Johnson, Charles Hudson, Lynn. 4519 6th from Joseph Rawlins. 642 Kimball, Clarence Houghton, Boston. 4229 9th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 617 Lachmund, Ralph Henry, Cambridge. 4096 6th from Arthur Patterson. 701 Lawrence, Harris Hooper, Boston. 4666 8th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 6S9 Litchfield, Wilford Jacob, Boston. 4520 9th from Dep.-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 9th from Richard Bowen. 8th from William Arnold. 8th from Hugh Clarke. 8th from Deacon Edward Collins. 8th from Jacob Hewins. 8th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 8th from Nicholas Ide. 8th from Henry Loker. 8th from Deacon Ralph Monsall. 8th from John Rogers. 8th from Gregory Stone. 8th from John Tower. 8th from John Upham. 109 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Richard Waterman. 8th from Capt. Thomas White. 8th from Gov. Roger WilHams. 8th from Ensign Thomas Wilmarth. 7th from Rev. Nicholas Baker. 7th from John Bigelow. 7th from Lieut. Isaac Buck. 7th from Thomas Clark. 7th from Samuel Collins. 7tli from Thomas Green. 7th from Nicholas Ide. 7th from Abiel Lamb. 7th from Isaac Larned, Sr. 7th from Lawrence Litchfield. 7th from Zachariah Rhodes. 7th from Moses Simmons (Symonsen). 7th from James Taylor. 7th from Samuel Tyler. 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 7th from Resolved Waterman. 7th from Capt. Joseph White. 7th from Samuel Woods. 6th from Capt. Samuel Green. 6th from Isaac Larned, Jr. 6th from Capt. Richard Moore. 6th from John Rhodes. 6th from Ensign John Thompson. 6th from Capt. Samuel Tyler. 6th from Sergt. Joseph White. 5th from Ensign Noah Fuller. 5th from Ebenezer Lamb. 5th from Nicholas Litchfield. 5th from Lieut. Moses Tyler. 4th from Ensign Samuel Litchfield. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 695 Litchfield, William Elias, Boston. 459^ 8th from Lawrence Litchfield. 669 Lowell, Payson Tucker, Boston. 4409 5th from Abner Lowell. 643 Macfarlane, George Sidney, Lynn. 4230 loth from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 7th from Dep.-Gov. William Jones. 628 Montague, Henry Watmough, Boston. 4160 5th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 690 Morrell, George Corydon, Boston. 45^1 9th from John Tilley. 8th from Ma j. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 8th from Capt. William Carpenter. 8th from Judge Henry Green. 8th from Samuel Hinckley. 8th from John Howland. 8th from John Moulton. 8th from Roger Shaw. 8th from Capt. Benjamin Swett. 8th from Samuel Winsley. 7th from Thomas Barnard. 7th from Elder John Chipman. 7th from Elder Henry Cobb. 7th from Dr. Renald Fernald. 7th from Judge Nathaniel Fryer. 7th from John Libby. 7th from Lieut. John Weed. 7th from Elder William Wentworth. 7th from Kenelm Winslow. 6th from Hugh Cole. 6th from Hon. Robert Eliot. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. - General Society No. 6th from John Hinckes. 6th from John Martin. 6th from Lieut.-Col. WilHam Pqpperrell. 6th from Lieut. Job Winslow. 5th from Lieut.-Gov. John Wentworth. 4th from Capt. William Wentworth. 696 NicKERSON, William Emery, Cambridge. 4590 7th from William Nickerson. 619 Odell, William Herrick Lovett, Boston. 4127 8th from Maj. William Hathorn (e). 624 Park, Lawrence, Groton. 4132 8th from Maj. Thomas Savage. 630 Pettingell, Frank Hervey, Colorado Springs, Colo. 4157 7th from Nicholas Noyes. 675 Prince, Charles John, Boston. 4427 9th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 8th from Capt. Randall Holden. 8th from Dep.-Gov. John Greene. 7th from Capt. Matthew Fuller. 614 Richardson, Samuel William, Chelsea. 4042 5th from Stephen Richardson. 665 Richardson, William Streeter, Boston. 4347 9th from Capt. Joseph Llills. 8th from Capt. Richard Leach. 8th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Francis Wyman. 7th from Stephen Swett. 7th from Ensign Richard Kettell. 7th from Corp. Joseph Herrick. 7th from Sergt. John Emery. 6th from Sergt. Samuel Kettell. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Henry Bodwell. 6th from Sergt. John Badger. 5th from Sergt. Joseph Richardson. 629 RoTCH, William, Boston. 41 5S 9th from Thomas Gardner. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Thomas Macy. 8th from Edward Starbuck. 7th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 6th from Col. Thomas W^illett. 620 RucKER, William Colby, M.D., U. S. Hospital Service. 4128 4th from William Colby. 693 Scott, Henry Edwards, Medford. 4571 7th from Capt. John Thaxter. 6th from Col. Samuel Thaxter. 5th from Lieut.-Col. John Kingsbury. 4th from Maj. Samuel Thaxter. 4th from John Scott. 666 Sears, Frank Irving, Webster, 434^ 8th from Richard Sears. 644 Snow% William Brown, Maiden. 4231 9th from John Gallop (Gallup). 657 Sprague, George Everett, Lynn. 43-C> 9th from Hon. John Gilman. 9th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 7th from Jonathan Sprague. 706 Sprague, Rufus William, Boston. 4691 6th from Capt. John Sprague. 687 Stevenson, John Mcx\llister, Pittsfield. 45^4 4th from Lieut. Marshall Newton. 113 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 679 Steinmetz, Spencer Janney, Boston. 4443 8th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 683 Stiles, James Arthur, Gardner. 4455 4th from Lieut. Jacob Stiles. 621 *SwAiN, Charles Elwood. 4129 7th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 622 Swain, William Newman, Boston. ' 4130 7th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 686 Taylor, Ezra Wilmarth Bartlett, Haver- hill. 4482 6th from Thomas Dustin. 625 Thurston, John Henry, Cambridge. 41 51 6th from Daniel Thurston. 645 Upham, Henry Warren, Maiden. 4232 8th from John Upham. 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. • 6th from Deacon Phineas Upham. 694 Ver Planck, Edward Durbrow, Brookline. 4572 5th from Ensign Philip Ver Planck. 608 *Wade, Joseph Morrison. 4009 3rd from Asa Plummer. 652 Wardwell, Walter Chalk, Cambridge. 4295 4th from Aaron Banks. 653 Warren, John Broadfield, Cambridge. 4296 7th from Jacob Warren. 615 Wellington, Jonas Francis, SomerviHe. 4043 7th from Corp. Roger Wellington. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Pierce. 7th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 6th from Capt, William Reed (Read). 6th from Capt. Samuel W^alker. •Deceased. 114 MASSACHUSETTS. ^TATE Society No. General Society No. 680 Westfall, John Henry, Allston. 4444 loth from Gov. John Webster, 9th from Henry Woodward. 8th from John King. 8th from John Starr. 8th from John Strong. 8th from Sergt. Samuel Wright. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 707 White, Joseph Foster, Brookhne. 4680 8th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 676 Whitmore, Charles Edward, Cambridge. 4428 7th from Col. John Lane. 626 WiGGiN, Arthur Meserve, Roxbury. 4152 9th from Gov, Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov, Thomas Wiggin. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 656 Wild, Benjamin Franklin, Boston. 4319 6th from Col, Edmund Quincy. 623 Willcutt, Levi Lincoln, Jr,, Brookline, 413 1 8th from John Beal (Beale). 62y Wilson, Arthur Hervey, Boston, 41 59 8th from Thomas Flint. 672 Winslow, Arthur, Boston. 4408 7th from Capt, John Stark, 5th from Col. Edward Winslow. 691 Woodruff, Frederick Orr, Weston. 45^2 7th from Thomas Abbe (Abbey). 5tli from Lieut, David Woodruff, 654 Woodward, Frank Ernest, Maiden. 4^97 8th from John Alden. 115 MA SSA CH U SETTS. ADDITIONAL LINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. 310 Bennett, Larkin Everett, Wakefield. 2121 8th from Capt. Henry Dow. 8th from Elder William Wentworth. 7th from Capt. John Abbott. 7th from Ezekiel Wentworth. 6th from Capt. Abraham Lord. 6th from William Sanborn. 29 Bent, Samuel Arthur, Boston. 527 7th from Sergt. John Oliver. 3rd from Capt. David Bent. 3rd from Joseph Barrett. 540 Booth, Charles Edwin, New York City. 3576 8th from Sergt. Joseph Easton, 7th from Corp. John Skinner. 7th from Sergt. Samuel Loomis. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Bancroft. 6th from Sergt. Jonathan Deming. 5th from Sergt. John Norton. 581 Chapin, Clifford Samuel, M.D., Great Bar- rington. 3818 9th from Dep.-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cooke. 8th from Lieut. William Clark. 7th from Elenry Burt. 7th from Rev. Isaac Cushman. 7th from Lieut. Moses Paine. 4th from Capt. Caleb Chapin. 116 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No, 289 Clarke, George Kuhn, Needham. 2019 8th from John Adams. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Rand. 135 Crafts, John Chancellor, Boston. 11 16 7th from Lieut. Griffith Craft (s). 7th from Robert Seaver. 6th from Lieut. John Sharp(e). 479 Cutler, Elbridge Gerry, M.D., Boston. 3268 8th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 20 Dorm AN, William Barnes, Everett. 518 8th from Capt. Anthony Eames. 7th from Henry Sewall. 7th from John Denison. 6th from Capt. Tobijah Perkins. 5th from Capt. Joseph Gould. 593 Eldridge, Edric, Boston. 3943 9th from John Tilly. 7th from Yelverton Crowell. 6th from Col. John Thacher. 507 Fall, Charles Gershom, Boston. 34^5 9th from Sergt. John Perkins. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 8th from Henry Sewall. 8th from Joseph Loomis. 8th from Anthony Emery. 8th from Dep.-Gov. John Davis. 440 Farwell, John Whittemore, Boston. 3079 9th from Edward How(e). 8th from William Bassett. 8th from John Stow. 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooke (Brooks). 117 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Ens. Thomas Lynde. 8th from Edmund Rice. 100 FiTz Gerald, Desmond, BrookHne. 950 8th from WilHam Arnold. 8th from Gov. Roger Conant. 7th from Zachariah Rhodes. 7th from Thomas Walhng. 167 Freeman, James Goldthwaite, Boston. 1264 8th from Elder William Brewster. 588 Gerrish, Orville Knight, Lakeville. 3853 5th from Col. Paul Gerrish. 4 Green, Samuel Swett, Worcester. 209 8th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 7th from John Rowland. 501 Guilford, William Wallace, West Medford. 3345 6th from Samuel Hodley, Sr. 5th from William Guilford. 5th from Ens. William Richards. 4th from Samuel Marble. 4th from Sergt. Benjamin Guilford. 4th from Eliphalet Hodley. 580 Hicks, Rev. Lewis Wilder, Wellesley. 3817 7th from Deacon Samuel Chapin. 6th from John Parkhurst. 6th from John Thurston. 6th from Ens. Jacob Towne. 3rd from Israel Phillips. 315 Holbrook, Levi, New York City. 2185 7th from George Giddings. 7th from William Goodhue. n8 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from John Whipple. 6th from Capt. John Grout. 6th from Capt. WilHam Haskell. 5th from Joseph Grout. 148 Howe, Edward WiLLARD, Boston, 1219 7th from Henry Willard. 503 Kent, Daniel, Worcester. 340i 8th from Hon. Peter Bulkeley. 7th from John Hoar. 7th from Josiah Winslow. 6th from James Draper. 6th from Daniel Waldo. 5th from Capt. Samuel Adams. 403 Ketchum, Rev. Charles John, Boston. 2737 8th from Thomas Ford. 8th from John Stow. 7th from Lieut. Walter Filer. 7th from Elder John Strong. 6th from Ebenezer Dibblee. 3rd from Ens. Jonathan Ketchum. 361 Lamson, William George, Boston. 2544 5th from Leander Nelson. 367 Lea, James Henry, South Freeport, Maine. 2250 9th from Gregory Stone. 8th from John Bent. 8th from Capt. John Capen. 8th from Thomas Flint. 8th from Capt. Hopestill Foster. 8th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 8th from Thomas Hosmer. 8th from Edward Howe, 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 119 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Lieut. Edward Oakes. 8th from Stephen Paine. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Pierce. 8th from Thomas Standish. 8th from Capt. Samuel Stone. 8th from John Sunderland. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard 7th from John Belden. 7th from Peter Bent. 7th from Thomas Brintnall. 7th from Lieut. John Flint. 7th from Lieut. James Foster. 7th from Capt. John Griffin. 7th from John Lay. 7th from Nathaniel Paine, ist, 7th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 7th from John Stone. 7th from Capt. John Waite. 6th from Thomas Brintnall. 6th from Col. John Chandler. 6th from Capt. Timothy Clark. 6th from William Jenkins. 6th from Nathaniel Paine, 2d. 6th from Thomas Pascall, Sr. (Paschall) 5th from Hon. John Chandler. 5th from Walter Fawcet. 5th from Nathaniel Paine, 3d. 5th from Thomas Pascall, Jr. (Paschall). 5j.th from Joel Clap. 4th from Hon. Timothy Paine. 510 Lord, Calvin, Flingham. 34i9 loth from Robert Driver. 9th from John Burrill. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Corp. Robert Porter. 8th from Richard Knott. 8th from WilHam Hooper. 7th from Thomas Martin. 321 Lord, Charles Edward, Newton. 2215 8th from Edward Larkin. 8th from John Woodbury. 8th from Ens. Robert Hale. 8th from Thomas Low (e) . 8th from Thomas Boreman. 8th from Capt. Wihiam Dodge. 396 LuNT, William Wallace, Hingham. 2672 8th from Quartermaster WilHam Hartwell. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Rand. 8th from Ens. James Heard. 7th from Capt. Joseph Whittemore. 66 Morris, Seymour, Chicago, 111. 823 8th from John Johnson. 7th from Capt. William French, 7th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 6th from Lieut. Henry Bowen. 6th from Lieut. Edward Morris. 4th from Lieut. Edward Morris. 602 Morse, Rev. Glenn Tilley, Boston. 3994 loth from Richard Treat, loth from Stephen Hopkins. 9th from John Bronson. 9th from Matthew Marvin. 9th from John Steele. 105 MosELEY, John Graham, Boston. 958 9th from James Bates. 8th from Henry Burt. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Sergt. Francis Nichols. 7th from Thomas Modsley. 4th from Increase Moseley. 3rd from Lieut.-Col. Increase Moseley. 202 NiCKERsoN, Rev. Thomas White, Pittsfield. 1626 9th from William Arnold. 8th from Stephen Arnold. 8th from Cornet John Buck. 7th from Capt. Francis Barker. 7th from Nicholas Snow. 604 Pearson, Arthur Emmons, Boston. 399^ loth from Thomas Ford. 9th from Cornet Thomas Dewey. 9th from Edward Culver. 9th from Isaac Morrill, 9th from Ens. Thomas Wells. ^ 9th from Sergt. Thomas Hale. 8th from Lieut. John Smith, Jr. 8th from John Batchelor. 8th from William Titcomb. 8th from Richard Swan. 8th from Thomas Wood. 8th from Joseph Jewett. 8th from Sergt. Josiah Dewey. 8th from Nicholas Noyes. 8th from John Pickard. 8th from Richard Currier. 7th from Capt. Joseph Boynton, 7th from Maj. Jeremiah Swayne, Jr. 7th from Joseph Jewett, Jr. 7th from John Page. 7th from Sergt. John Heald. 7th from Ensign Nathaniel Lawrence. 122 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Simon Gates. 7th from Lieut. Richard Hunnewell. 7th from Nathaniel Bullard. 7tli from Thomas Tolman. 7th from Henry Poor(e). 7th from John Pickard, Jr. 7th from Ens. Abel Platts. 7th from Ephraim Brown. 7th from John Nutting. 6th from Thomas Nichols. 6th from Benjamin Mills. 6th from Jonathan Gay. 6th from John Rice. 6th from Ephraim Brown, Jr. 5th from Timothy Barron. 5th from Moses Platts. 4th from Emmons Stockwell. 4th from i\bel Benjamin. 4th from Ephraim Currier. 605 Pearson, William Henry, Boston. 3997 9th from Thomas Ford. 8th from Cornet Thomas Dewey. 8th from Edward Culver. 8th from Isaac Morrill. 7th from Lieut. John Smith, Jr. 7th from John Batchelor. 7th from William Titcomb. 7th from Richard Swan. 7th from Thomas Wood. 7th from Joseph Jewett. 7th from Sergt. Josiah Dewey. 6th from Capt. Joseph Boynton. 6th from Maj. Jeremiah Swayne, Jr. 123 MA SSA CH USETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Joseph Jewett, Jr. 6th from John Page. 6th from Sergt. John Heald. 6th from Ens. Nathaniel Lawrence. 6th from Simon Gates. 5th from Thomas Nichols. 4th from Timothy Barron. 3rd from Emmons Stockwell. 508 Porter, Alexander Sylvanus, Jr., Boston. 1568 8th from Col. Samuel Thaxter. 8th from Col. John Otis. 606 Robinson, Roswell Raymond, Maiden. 3998 loth from Francis Cook(e). 9th from Ma j. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 9th from Gilbert Brooks. 9th from Samuel Edson. 9th from Edward Jackson. 402 Rowe, Arthur Everett, Gloucester. . 2736 6th from Lieut. John Giddings. 571 Rumrill, Frank, Roxbury, 371 1 8th from Lieut. Joseph Rogers. 8th from Capt. Michael Peirse (Pierce). 7th from Lieut. Isaac Buck. 7th from Maj. John Howell. 4th from Simon Rumrill. 3rd from Aaron Rumrill. 375 Short, Rev. Charles Lancaster, Worcester. 2601 7th from John Plumb. 6th from Lieut. John Lyman. 6th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 6th from Medad Pomeroy, 124 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 579 SoLis, Andrew Jackson, Wellesley Hills. 3816 7th from John Harrington. 68 Sprague, Frank William, Brookline. 825 8th from Josiah Winslow. 7th from Col. John Thacher. 6th from Peter Thacher. 6th from Capt. Thomas Dimmock. 6th from Josiah Davis. 589 Stearns, Foster Waterman, Newton. 3854 9th from Robert Waterman. 7th from Lieut. John Lyman. 478 Stevens, William Studley Bartlett, Boston. 3267 7th from John Howland. 247 Stone, William Eben, Cambridge. 1764 9th from Ezekiel Richardson. 6th from Jonathan Wood. 494 Swan, Reuben Samuel, Brookline. 3325 8th from Col. Philip Eliot. 8th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Pierce. 6th from Sergt. Matthew Johnson. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Reed. 6th from Capt. John Withington. 395 Thayer, Charles Irving, Boston. 2671 8th from John Alden. 7th from Lieut. Griffin Crafts. 6th from William Hersey. 578 Tyler, Edward Royall, Nice, France. 2614 8th from Nicholas Simpkins. 125 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. _ General Society No. 7th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 6th from Joseph Royall. 6th from Capt. Benjamin Swett. I Watkins, Walter Kendall, Maiden. 208 7th from Lieut. John Lewis. 160 Wead, Leslie Clark, Brookline. 1232 8th from Andrew Warner, 7th from Capt. William Curtis. 6th from Lieut. Jonathan Curtis, 6th from Ens. Samuel Newell. 6th from Samuel Scripture, 4th from Jonathan Lawrence. 607 Weld, Rev. George Francis, Hingham. 3999 9th from John Field. 9th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas. 9th from Lawrence Wilkinson. 9th from Nicholas Jacob. 9th from Thomas Angell. 450 White, William Roland, Westfield. 3189 9th from John Plumb (Plum) 8th from Robert Parke. 7th from Thomas Parke. 6th from Robert Parke. 6th from Capt. Nathaniel White. 301 WiLLCUTT, Levi Lincoln, Brookline. 2073 7th from Nicholas Byram. 6th from Lieut. James Lewis. 6th from Lieut. Timothy Tileston. 5th from Joseph Garnett. 5th from Sergt. John Porter. 3rd from Isaac Burr. 126 MA SSA CH U SETTS. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 300 WiNSHip, William Henry, Maiden. 2072 8th from Corp. John Green. 8th from John Sargent, 7th from Lieut. Hananiah Parker. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Burditt. 6th from Corp. John Stone. 590 WiNSLOw, Erving, Boston. 3887 7th from Maj. Thomas Savage. 4th from Lieut.-Col. Benjamin Pollard. 127 MA SSA CH U SETTS. Hn nDcnioriam, 219 Henry Franklin Amsden, died May 14, 1910. 65 James Bourne Ayer, M.D., died May 14, 1910. 238 Henry Nelson Bigelow, died Jan. 15, 1907. 366 Elias James Bliss, died Aug. 15, 1906. 551 Charles Henry Bond, died July 3, 1908. 485 Charles Osborn Bouve, died Nov. 3, 1907. 189 Frederic Huntington Brackett, died March 29, 1908 188 Sidney Lawrence Brackett, died Nov. 11, 1910. 44 David Henry Brown, died Feb. 21, 1908. 168 John Appleton Burnham, died Nov. 2, 1910. 210 Herbert Leslie Bxjrrell, M.D., died April 26, 1910. 116 George James Carney, died April 24, 1906. in Frederick Banker Carpenter, died Nov. 14, 1907. 553 Daniel Emery Chase, died July 13, 1907. 330 John Eugene Cheney, died Sept. 25, 1906. 277 John Howland Crandon, died Dec. 12, 1906. 181 John Clarence Cutter, M.D., died Feb. 27, 1909. 5 Hon. William Franklin Draper, died Jan. 28, 1910, 663 Rev. William Howard Falkner, died June 15, 1909. 237 Charles Partridge Flagg, died April 28, 1911. 18 Albert Alonzo Folsom, died Dec. 24, 1907. 474 James Browne Gardner, died June 30, 1910. 305 Charles Harrington, M.D., died Sept. 11, 1908. 292 Charles Harris, died May 6, 1909. 427 James Hewins, died July 10, 1906. 275 Sylvester Baxter Hinckley, died Aug. 26, 1906. 138 Joshua Bennett Holden, died June 23, 1910. 499 Charles Bradley Holman, died Dec. 30, 1910. 466 Edward Jenkins Howe, died Feb. i, 1911. 204 James Wells Hull, died Feb. 2, 1911. 227 William Jackson, died June 30, 1910. 548 Charlie Arthur Jones, died Feb. 3, 1910. 307 George Henry Leonard, died Feb. 10, 1909. 444 Frederic Augustus Merrill, D.M.D., died Jan. i, 1910. 406 Thomas Lawrence Motley, died Dec. 3, 1909. 94 Charles Dana Palmer, died Sept. 25, 1909. 128 MASSACHUSETTS. 313 Lewis Frederick Rice, died April 12, 1909. 28 James Rogers Rich, died July 17, 1910. 308 Andrew Robeson, died Aug. 18, 1906. 125 Walter Scott Sampson, died Feb. 2, 1908. 33 Arthur John Clark Sowdon, died June 3, 191 1. 273 Henry Crosby Stetson, died April 16, 1907. 621 Charles Elwood Swain, died Jan. 8, 191 1. 59 Robert Thaxter Swan, died July 26, 1907. 127 Nathaniel Thayer, died March 21, 1911. 442 Robert Hay Upham, died June 26, 191 1. 608 Joseph Morrison Wade, died May 21, 1909. 460 George Huse Waterman, died Feb. 2, 1911. 129 William Sawin Whiting, died April 9, 1908. 191 Joseph Willard, died April 27, 1908. 415 Robert Breck Williams, died May 20, 1911. 153 Samuel King Williams, died Feb. 8, 1909. 142 Harry Young, died June 21, 1909. 129 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Governor. Louis Richmond Cheney. Deputy-Governor. Arthur Reed Kimball. Lieutenant-Governor. Charles Frederick Brooker, Secretary. Lucius Albert Barbour. Hartford. Treasurer. Ralph William Cutler. Registrar. Frank Butler Gay. Historioji. Rev. Williston Walker. Chaplain. Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce Brewster, D.D. 130 CONNECTICUT. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term Ending 1912. James Junius Goodwin, Francis Rexford Cooley, Edward Williams Hooker. Term Ending- 1913. Walter Lippincott Goodwin, Francis Taylor Maxwell, Morris Beach Beardsley. Term Ending 1914. Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, Winslow Tracy Williams, Frederick John Kingsbury. 131 p CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society Xo. 237 Cook, Ansel Granville, M.D., Hartford. 4594 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 229 CooLEY, Charles Parsons, Hartford. 4462 loth from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 216 *Davenport, John. 4092 4th from Abraham Davenport. 224 De Peu, Rev. John, Bridgeport. 4259 9th from Maj. John Mason. 226 Ely, Grosvenor, Norwich. 4338 9th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 220 Enders, John Ostrom, Hartford. 43^7 9th from John Cowles. 9th from Timothy Stanley. 9th from Thomas Bunce. 9th from Thomas Meekins. 8th from Wilham Pitkin. 8th from Samuel Hale. 8th from Capt. Caleb Stanley. 8th from Joseph Loomis. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Spencer. 8th from George Hull. 8th from Thomas Burnham. 7th from Capt. Roger Pitkin. 7th from Josiah Hull. 241 Farrel, Alton, Ansonia. 4662 8th from Maj. Nathan Gold (Gould). 239 Frost, Russell, South Norwalk. 4660 6th from Thomas Frost. 4th from Amasa Frost. 243 Fulton, William Edwards, Waterbury. 4664 9th from Isaac Mixer. 9th from William Ward. •Deceased. CONNECTICUT. Statk Society No. General Society No. 8th frjDm Maj. William Chittenden. 8th from Matthew Marvin. 8th from William Woodbury. 8th from Andrew Warner. 8th from John Moore. 8th from Robert Cross. 8th from Thomas Ford. 8th from George Chappell. 8th from Capt. John Bissell. 8th from Sergt. John Woods. 8th from John Cogswell, ist. 8th from William Phelps. 8th from Thomas Wright. 7th from Ens. Daniel Warner. 7th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 7th from William Eager. 7th from Nathaniel Bissell. 7th from Capt. Richard Seymour. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 7th from Francis Wainwright. 7th from Ens. William Goodrich. 7th from Ens. Samuel Jennison. 7th from Daniel Howe. 6th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 6th from Abraham Eager. 6th from Col. David Goodrich. 6th from Samuel Strong. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Stebbins. 6th from Thomas North. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Cogswell. 6th from Sergt. Nahum Ward. 5th from Capt. Bezaleel Eager. 4th from Elisha Goodrich. 134 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 219 Gross, Charles Welles, Hartford. 4190 5th from John Barnard. 231 Hooker, Tliomas Williams, Hartford. 4464 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 221 Hubbard, Elijah Kent, Jr., Middletown. 4191 loth from Ma j. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 235 Kingsbury, Frederick John, New Haven. 4543 8th from Rev. Mark Leavenworth. 242 Maltby, Julius, Waterbury. 4663 4th from William Douglas. 230 Marvin, Loren Pinckney Waldo, Hartford. 4463 Sth from Lieut. Reinold Marvin. 228 Maxwell, William, Rockville. 4461 5th from Capt. Hugh Maxwell. 225 Northrop, Otis Smith, Waterbury. 4337 Sth from Maj. Nathan Gold. 238 Trowbridge, Rutherford, New Haven. 4^59 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. Sth from Maj. William Whiting. 7th from Rev. John Whiting. 6th from John Lee. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Trowbridge. 5th from John Russell. 5th from Daniel Hayes. 4th from Capt. Amos Hitchcock. 217 Whitmore, Franklin Gray, Hartford. 4093 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 7th from Sergt. Francis Whitmore. 6th from Capt. John Carter. 5th from Lieut. James Fowle. 5th from Col. John Lane. 135 CONNECTICUT. ADDITIONAL LINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. 1/6 Brewer, Arthur Henry, Norwich. 3146 7th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Isaac Morrill. 7th from Sergt. Abraham Doolittle. 7th from Josiah Winslow. 7th from John Hall. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 6th from Daniel Brewer, Jr. 6th from Thomas Hall, 6th from John Tracy. 6th from Ens. Thomas Leffingwell, Jr. 6th from Capt. Richard Bushnell. 5th from Capt. Benajah Bushnell. ^.th from Isaac Tracy. 45 CooLEY, Francis Rexford, Hartford. 586 8th from William Westwood. 8th from Gov. John Webster. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 40 Hart, Rev. Samuel, Middletown. 581 8th from William Hubbard. 7th from Capt. Giles Hamlin. 6th from John Hamlin. 138 HoLCOMBE, John Marshall, Hartford. 1991 9th from Capt. John Wakeman. 9th from John Talcott. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 136 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Thomas Gardner. 8th from Lieut. -Col. John Talcott. 8th from Sergt. John Griffin. 8th from John Bronson. 8th from Edward Griswold. 8th from WilHam Phelps. 7th from Samuel Wilcoxson. 7th from Capt. Nicholas Olmsted. 7th from John Pratt. 7th from Lieut. Nathaniel Holcomb. 7th from Lieut. John Buttolph. 6th from Sergt. James Heaton. 137 CONNECTICUT. 1ln nDcmoriam* 15 Gen. George William Baird, died Nov. 28, 1906. 77 Timothy Huggins Bishop, M.D., died Dec. 25, 1906. 130 Charles Stedman Bull, M.D., died April 17, 1911. 24 John Cropper, died Dec. 6, 1906. 214 Frederick Perry Curtis, died Aug. 9, 1909. 60 William Gibbons Daggett, M.D., died Sept. 18, 1910. 216 John Davenport, died Sept. 19, 1910. 142 George Herbert Day, died Nov. 21, 1907. 84 Rev. Samuel Fermor Jarvis, D.D., died Oct. 24, 1910. 52 Frederick John Kingsbury, LL.D., died Sept. 30, 1910. 61 Bela Peck Learned, died March 14, 1910. 163 Orange Merwin, died Nov. 21, 1907. 94 J. Deming Perkins, died March 19, 1911. 79 Edward Villette Reynolds, died Jan. 26, 1910. 25 Col. George Bliss Sanford, died July 13, 1908. 73 Prof. Samuel Simons Sanford, died Jan. 6, 1910. 174 Prof, Thomas Day Seymour, died Dec. 31, 1907. 56 Hon. Nathaniel Shipman, died June 26, 1906. 143 Stewart Woodruff Smith, died May 10, 1907. 42 George Edwin Taintor, died April 17, 1909. 153 Harry Grant Thompson, died Nov. 24, 1910. 87 Col, Augustus Cleveland Tyler, died No. 27, 1908. 35 Col. Henry Walton Wessells, died Sept. 26, 1909. 152 David Willard Williams, died June 8, 1909. 8i Joseph Gurley Woodward, died March 5, 1908. 138 •"piJE Ninian Beall lioulder. This memorial was erected to Colonel Ninian Beall by the Society in the District of Columbia and unveiled with appropriate ceremonies on (October 30th, iqto. The Boulder is placed ill Cicorgetown, IHstrict of (Jolumhia. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Governor. Judge Job Barnard. Deputy-Governor. Henry Lowry Emilius Johnson, M.D. Lieutenant-Governor. Joseph Cuyler Hardie. Secretary. Joseph Burr Johnson, 1630 Sixteenth St., Washington. Treasurer. John William Henry. Registrar. Dr. Albert Charles Peale. Historian. Caleb Clarke Magruder, Jr. Chaplain. Rev. Roland Cotton Smith. Chancellor. Frederick Carlos Bryan. Surgeon. Dr. John F. Anderson. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term Ending December, 191 1. Term Ending December,i9i2. David Rittenhouse, William Van Zandt Cox_, Dr. Frank Austen Swart- Thomas Hyde, wouT, CoMMO. Richard Graham Robert Connell. Davenport, U.S.N. Term Ending- December, 1913. Dr. Marcus Benjamin, William Marbury Beall, Duncan Clinch Phillips. 139 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. MEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT IN 1906 TO THE LAST GENERAL REGISTER OF 1899-1902. State Society No. General Society No. 158 Albert, William Stone, Washington. 4167 6th from Francis Yarnall. 173 Barnard, Ralph Putnam, Chevy Chase, Md. 4585 8th from Thomas Macy. 154 Beall, William Marbury, Washington. 4147 6th from Col. Ninian Beall. 174 Blackwood, Norman Jerome, M.D., Surgeon, U.S.N. 4586 7th from Capt. Reynold Marvin. 157 Bradford, Ben Bogland, Washington. 4166 6th from Col. Edward Hill. 168 Clephane, Alan Ogilvie, Washington. 4440 7th from Lieut. -Col. John Talcott, Jr. 153 Coolidge, Louis Arthur, Washington. 4047 9th from John Coolidge. 8th from Ens. John Coolidge. 156 Courts, James Carson, Washington. 4165 6th from Col. John Courts. 178 Dent, Alfred Barbour, Washington. 4^93 8th from Thomas Strong. 172 Dent, Louis Addison, Washington. 4584 5th from Capt. John Dent. 140 ' I *HE Uraddock Boulder. This memorial was dedicated by the Society in the District of Columbia November loth, 1907, and is placed in the Cathedral Close, Washing- ton, District of Columbia. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 163 Gerald, Herbert Parvin, Washington. 433^ 8th from Rev. Obadiah Holmes. 6th from Benjamin Stratton. 6th from Lieut. John Ogden. 6th from Thomas Parvin. 6th from Jonathan Fithian. 5th from Capt. John Ogden. 5th from Josiah Parvin. 152 Hill, Edwin Allston, Washington. 4046 8th from Gov. Theophihis Eaton. 7th from Dep.-Gov. Wihiam Jones. 5th from Ens. Isaac Jones. 4th from Parker Jones. 177 Hills, Ralph Warren, Washington. * 4657 7th from Capt. Jonathan Hills. 169 HuiDEKOPER, Frederic Louis, Washington. 4562 4th from Col. Joseph Shippen. 159 Hyde, Frederic Bulkeley, Washington. 4256 6tli from Capt. Samuel Marshall. 151 Johnson, Frederic Ernest, Washington. 4051 7th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 149 Johnson, Joseph Burr, Washington. 4049 7th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 167 Johnson, Lucius Warren, M.D., Surgeon, U. S. N. 4439 9th from Lieut. Francis Bell. 150 Johnson, William Goodyear, Washington. 4050 7th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 176 Kirk, Edwin, U. S. Geological Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. 4588 loth from Gov. Roger Williams. 141 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No, 175 Lewis, Fulton, Washington. 4587 7th from Jonathan Hayes. 6th from Evan Lewis. 170 MooRE, Clarence, Washington. 4563 7th from Dep.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 171 MuNCASTER, Steuart Brown, M.D., Washing- ton- _ 4573 8th from Lieut. PhiHp Thomas. 7th from Col. Ninian Beall. 6th from Capt. Samuel Magruder. 5th from John Magruder. 164 MuNSON, Frederic Granville, New York City. 4424 9th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 148 Owen, Hon. Robert Latham, U. S. Senate, Washington. 4038 4th from Lieut. James Hughes. 160 Parsons, Francis Henry, Washington. 4257 6th from Joseph Barnard. 165 Suter, Henderson, M.D., Washington. 4437 6th from Col. George Reade. 161 Thompson, Royal Wheeler, St. John, Kan. 4334 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Anthony Thompson. 7th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Lieut. William Clark. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 6th from Ensign Timothy Baker. 6th from Col. Philip Wheeler. 6th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 142 FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER (;overnor of the Society in the District of Columbia igoo-iqoi DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 5th from Lieut. -Col. Valentine Wheeler. 5th from Capt. Samuel Thompson. 4th from Lieut. Jeremiah Wheeler. 166 Wells, Walter Augustine, M.D., Washing- ton. 4438 9th from Lieut. Philip Thomas. 8th from Col. Ninian Beall. 8th from Thomas Sprigg. 7th from Capt. Samuel Magruder. 6th from John Magruder. 6th from Mareen Duvall, 6th from Capt. Daniel Clarke. 5th from Nathan Magruder. 162 White, Fletcher, Washington. 4335 6th from Thomas Janney. 155 Withers, William Alphonso, West Raleigh, N. C. 4164 5th from George Rutledge. 143 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ADDITIONAL DINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. loi CoNNELL, Robert, Washington. 2836 6th from Norton Claypoole. 123 French, Leon Le-Lanne, Searchhght, Nev. 3471 7th from Capt. WilHam French. 137 Magruder, Caleb Clarke, Jr., Washington. 3848 9th from Rice Hooe. 8th from Col. Ninian Beall. 7th from Capt. Daniel Clarke. 5th from James Barbour. 5th from Col. Joseph Belt. 5th from Judge Nathan Magruder. 82 Moses, Zebina, Washington. 1866 8th from Sergt. John Curtis. 7th from Ens. Thomas Curtis. 126 Root, Cyrus, Laurel, Md. 3531 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Josiah Churchill. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 6th from John Wadsworth. 6th from Cript. Samuel Welles. Ifn nDemoiiam* 80 George Bell, U. S. A., died Jan. 6, 1907. 139 Edwin Lyon Chapman, died Jan. i8, 1911. 47 Frederic Wolters Huidekoper, died April 29, 1908. 85 Van Leer Kirkman, died Jan. 28, 1911. 12 Edward Augustus Moseley, died April 18, 1911. 103 Elisha Francis Riggs, died July 6, 1910. 6 George Roe, died Sept. 15, 1909. 15 Gilbert Thompson, died June 8, 1909. iiJiiiiiiiiiMaBmiMnimni 144 '"PANKARD and Chalices presented to the Patuxent •'■ (Maryland) Congregation by Colonel Ninian Beail in 1707. Now in possession of the Hyattsville Presby- terian Church. Uvattsville, Maryland, GILBERT THOMPSON Historian of the Society in the District of Columbia I 900- I 909 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Governor. Hon. Charles Wolcott Parker. Deputy-Governor. Prof. William Libbey, Sc.D. Lientenant-Goz'ernor. Henry Arthur Griffin, M.D. Secretar^i. John Lenord Merrill, 517 Park Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey. Trcasiirer. W. I. Lincoln Adams, 32 Llewellyn Road, Montclair. Registrar. Edward Everett Clapp. Historian. Robert Munro Boyd, Jr. CJiancellor. William Ford Upson. Chaplain. Rev. Cornelius Brett, D.D. Surgeon. HiiNRY Leber Coit, M.D. 145 NEPV JERSEY. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term Expiring 19 12. Franklin Murphy, Jr., Prof. Charles Greene Rockwood, Jr., Farnham Yardley. Term Expiring 191 3. Edward Olmsted, Benjamin Shepard, Edmund Le Breton Gardner. Term Expiring 1914. Bradford Darrach, William Armstrong Halsey, Hon. William Fellowes Morgan. 146 NEIV JERSEY. AIEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT IN 1906 TO THE LAST GENERAL REGISTER OF 1899-1902. State Society No. General Society No. 107 Adams, Prof. Edwin Plimpton, Ph.D., Princeton. 4^53 9th from Sergt. John Plympton. 113 Baker, George Fales, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. 4207 loth from Capt. John Gallop. 9th from Maj. William Bradford. 9th from Hon. John Alden. 9th from Capt. Myles Standish. 9th from Joseph Warren. 9th from John Shaw. 9th from Cornet Robert Stetson. 9th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 9th from Edward Gray, Sr. 8th from Nathaniel Paine, Jr. 8th from William Peabody. 8th from Thomas Little. 8th from Thomas Clarke (Clark). 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Reynolds. 117 Boyd, Robert Munro, Jr., Montclair. 44^9 9th from Gov. Robert Treat. 129 Clark, Alexander Bayard, Elizabeth. 4690 9th from Col. John Wheelwright. no CoiT, Henry Leber, M.D., Newark. 4108 8th from Ensign Cornells Nevius. 126 Foster, Rev. Daniel Requa, D.D., Trenton. 4673 9th from Maj. John Freeman. 147 NEW JERSEY. State Society No. General Society No. io8 Griffin, Henry Arthur, M.D., New York City. 2261 9th from Capt. John Carter. 9th from Lieut. James Converse. 8th from Major James Converse. 8th from Lieut. John Richardson. 124 Hall, Samuel Stickney, Montclair. 4546 5th from David Hall. 116 Hance, Irwin Howell, Lakewood. 4^55 7th from John Hance. 115 Hance, Rev. William White, Lakewood. 4254 9th from Sergt. David Provoost. 8th from David Provoost. 8th from Evert Van de Water. 7th from John Hance. 7th from William Provoost. , 6th from David W. Provoost. 122 HoLDEN, Edward Packard, Madison. 4434 loth from Gov. John Webster. 119 PIoLDEN, Horace, Madison. 4431 nth from Gov. John Webster. 123 Hutchison, Rev. Charles Edward, East Orange. 4688 6th from Samuel Watts. 118 Keim, George de Benneville, Edgewater Park. 4430 9th from Thomas Wright. 105 Lawrence, Frank Walter, Summit. 4010 8th from Hon. John Dorsey. 121 McGregor, Graham Bradford, Newark. 4433 loth from Gov. William Bradford. 148 NEir JERSEY. State Society No. General Society No. 111 Murphy, Col. Franklin, Jr., Newark. 4076 loth from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 120 Parmly, Jay Frank, Newark. 4432 9th from Jasper Crane. 127 Parrot, Hon. George Townley, Elizabeth. 4674 9th from Col. Richard Townley. 106 Peck, William Hazen, Glen Ridge. 4027 loth from Lieut. William Pratt. 125 Perkins, Merritt Greenwood, Newark. 4672 9th from Capt. George Denison. 112 Robertson, James Morris, Upper Montclair. 4077 6th from Gov. Lewis Morris. 114 Schuyler, Sidney Schieffelin, New York City. 4233 8th from Capt. Filyp Pieterse Van Schuyler, 128 Smith, Stephen Munn, Orange. 4689 loth from Gov. Robert Treat. 149 NEiy JERSEY. ADDITIONAL LINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. 63 Dix, William Frederick, East Orange. 2923 loth from Capt. John Gallup. 9th from William Ward. 8th from Maj. Samuel Fells. 34 *Greene, Charles Arthur. 1744 loth from William Thomas. 65 Libbey, Prof. William. Sc.D., Princeton. 2961 9tli from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 93 Merrill, John Lenord, East Orange. 3838 , loth from Tristram Coffin. 9th from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 46 McClintock, Emory, Ph.D., LL.D., New York City. 208S loth from Lieut. Samuel Smith. loth from Sergt. Robert Lockwood. 9th from Joseph Hawley. 9th from Ensign William Ward. 9th from Capt. Matthew Sherwood. 9th from Lieut. Samuel Morehouse. 9th from Capt. Richard Osborne. 9th from Capt. Philip Pinckney. 9th from Ensign Henry Lindon. 9th from John Warner. 9th from Sergt. Edward Hinman. * Deceased. T~'ABLET erected by the Society in the State of New Jersey, in co-operation with The Somerset Histo- rical Society, to mark the site of the First Court House of Somerset County, dating from 1 716. On November i:ih, icjio, during the bi-centennial of the organization of the Reformed Church of I-ranklin Park, some six miles southwest of New Brunswick, the Tablet was un- v«tiled as a feature of the Church celebration. The site of the marking stone upon which the tablet is ei it near the Church edifice. <.^:^-' NEIV JERSEY. State Society No. General Society No, 8th from John Banks. 8th from Capt. Jehu Burr. 8th from Daniel Belden. 8th from WilHam Arms. /th from Capt. Moses Dimon. 7th from Sergt. William Belden. 7th from Capt. Ebenezer Warner. 6th from Capt. Daniel Bradley. 6th from Capt. Benjamin Warner. 6th from Capt. Samuel Castle. 5th from Benjamin Warner. 88 Parker, Hon. Charles Wolcott, Jersey City. 3592' nth from Rev. William Brewster, loth from Thomas Welles, Jr. loth from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 9th from Nathaniel Chesebrough. 9th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 9th from John Griswold. 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Capt. William Ely. 7th from Maj. Daniel Ely. 71 Strong, Alan Hart well. New Brunswick. 3307 8th from Gov. William Brenton. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 79 Truman, Henry Hertel, Orange. 335<^' loth from Tristram Coffin. 151 NEJV JERSEY. •flu nDcmoriam, II William Morris Deen, died Oct. 7, 1909. 43 Colonel Dudley Evans, died March 27, 1910. 76 Joel Francis Freeman, died Nov. 16, 1910. 34 Charles Arthur Greene, died Jan. 3, 1911. 90 Rev. Charles Harris Hayes, D.D., died Aug. 16, 1910. 51 Augustus Lefebvre Revere, died May 20, 1910. 35 Colonel Mason Whiting Tyler, died July 2, 1907. •^ OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA. Secretary. Thomas Bollixg. Jr. Registrar. John Garland Walker. 1!n flDcmoriaiiu I Joseph Bryan, died Nov. 20, 1908. 17 Henry Guy Carleton, died in 1909. 15 Edmund Pendleton, died April 5, 1910. 12 Nathaniel Pendleton Dandridge, M.D., died Nov. 6, 1910. 153 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Governor. Henry Moore Baker. Deputy-Governor. Justin Harvey Smith. Lieutenant-Governor. Arthur Oilman Whittemore. Secretary. George Bridge Leighton, Monadnock. Trecsurer. James Minot, Concord. Registrar. *Edson Cummings Eastman. Chaplain. Rev. Jesse Murton Durrell. Historian. Joseph Burbeen Walker. Genealogist. Irving Allison Watson. *Deceased. NEIV HAMPSHIRE. Chancellor. William Dickinson Griswold Smith. Aiiditor. Granville Priest Conn. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Fred. Winslow Morse, James x\lbert Wellman, John Calvin Thorne, Jared Irving Williams, Harold Winthrop Brown. MEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT IN 1906 TO THE LAST GENERAL REGISTER OF 1899-1902. State Society No. General Society No. 97 CiLLEY, Harry Bouton, Manchester. 4575 8th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Sr. 93 Watson, Irving Allison, M.D., Concord. 4217 6th from Daniel Thurston. 156 NEIV HAMPSHIRE. ADDITIONAL LINES OF MEMBERS WHOSE NAMES HAVE BEEN RECORDED IN PREVIOUS REGISTERS. State Society No. General Society No. 79 Smith, William Dickinson Griswold, Castle- ton, Vt. 3354 nth from Gov. John Winthrop. loth from George Calvert, loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Gov. Leonard Calvert. 9th from Gov. Edward Digges. 9th from Gov. Robert Brooke. 9th from William Collier. 9th from Capt. James Neale. 9th from Rev. Samuel Dudley. 9th from Thomas Ford. 9th from John Gallop. 9th from Thomas Judd. 9th from Joseph Loomis. 9th from John Paebody. 9th from Gov. Roger Conant. 9th from Maj. Edward Dale. 8th from Hon. John Alden. (Sth from Dep.-Gov. Henry Darnall. 8th from Dep.-Gov. William Burgess. 8th from Dep.-Gov. William Digges. Sth from Hon. Baker Brooke. Sth from Hon. Henry Sewall. Sth from Gen. Constant Southworth. Sth from Col. Nicholas Guyther. X Sth from Lieut. Ralph Hall. Sth from Lieut. Samuel Loomis. Sth from Lieut. Anthony Neale. 157 NEW HAMPSHIRE. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Nathaniel Dickinson. 8th from Elder John Strong, 8th from William Beardsley. 8th from John Bronson. 8th from Edward Griswold. 8 th from Thomas Joy. 8th from William Peabody. 8th from Capt. Thomas Carter, Sr. 7th from Dep.-Gov. Nicholas Sewall. 7th from Col. John Bradford. 7th from Maj. Thomas Brooke. 7th from Thomas Chesley. 7th from Lieut. Francis Griswold. 7th from Cornet Andrew Burley. 7th from Sergt. Obadiah Dickinson. 7th from Dr. Samuel Seabury. 7th from David Alden. 7th from Thomas Burnham. 7th from Michael Humphrey. 7th from Samuel Joy. 7th from Fearnot King. 7th from Gary Latham. 7th from Capt. Thomas Carter, Jr. 6th from Capt. John Smith. 6th from Samuel Griswold. 6th from Capt. Charles Ellis. 6th from Abel Bingham. 6th from Richard Burnham. -,th from Hon. Thomas Millet. 158 NEH^ HAMPSHIRE. 1 7 27 41 6 72 73 1fn fIDemoriam. Frederic Lincoln Bangs, died March 21, 1909. Edson Cummings Eastman, died March 9, 1911. George Frederick Evans, died Jan. 10, 1908. Henry Oakes Kent, died May 21, 1909. Henry Rust Parker, died Dec. 28, 1909. Hiram Americus Tuttle, died Feb. lo, 1911. 159 VERMONT. MEMBERS ADMITTED SINCE THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE FIRST SUPPLEMENT IN 1906 TO THE LAST GENERAL REGISTER OF 1899-1902. State Society No. General Society No. 90 Adsit, Elbridge Senaca, Burlington. 4379 7th from John How. 85 Allen, John Johnson, Brooklyn^ N. Y, 4269 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 6th from Samuel Allen. 5th from Capt. Timothy Johnson. 80 Allen, Marion Shaler, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4135 9th from Capt. Myles Standish, 7th from Samuel Allen, 6th from Capt, Timothy Johnson, 92 Barnes, Cornelius Abbott, Missoula, Mon, 4404 4th from Corp, Thomas Barnes, 81 Barnes, Monroe James, Burlington, 4248 4th from Corp, Thomas Barnes. 86 Benjamin, Samuel Greene Wheeler, Bur- lington. 4317 7th from Ens, John Whitman. 97 Brewer, Gardner, Burlington, 4475 6th from John Brewer, 99 Brown, Thomas Stephen, M,D,, Burlington, 4639 7th from Nathaniel Batchelder. 6th from Jacob Brown. 6th from Samuel Batchelder. 82 Caswell, Frederick Taylor, Derby Line. 4249 5th from Sergt. Nathaniel Bingham. 4th from Nathan Caswell, i6i VERMONT. State Society No. General Society No. loi Dewey, James French, Montpelier. 4648 loth from Hon. John Alden. 102 Dewey, Maurice William, Montpelier. 4649 loth from Hon. John Alden. 84 Edgell, George Stephen, New York. 4268 6th from Ebenezer Eastman. 78 Greenleaf, Edward Everett, Huntsville, Ala. 4044 8th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 79 Hazelton, Willard Carpenter, New York. 4045 9th from John Coolidge. 91 Kingsley, Harvey Roberts, Rutland. 4380 7th from Capt. William Hodgess. 98 Meigs, Henry Benjamin, Baltimore, Md. 4589 5th from Capt. Janna Meigs, 5th from Maj. Simon Willard. 93 Mower, Charles Herrick, Burlington. 4471 5th from Ens. Ephraim Herrick. 100 Peck, Warren, New Haven, Vt. 4640 8th from Richard Warren. 95 ScAMMON, Charles William, Cleveland, O. 4473 8th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 96 Shaw, Henry Bigelow, Burlington. 4474 nth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 83 *Smalley, Bradley Barlow. 4250 7th from Philip Sherman. 94 Stickney, William Brunswick Curry, Bethel. 4472 3rd from Benjamin Stickney. *Deceased. 162 (^'l ■J^y^ - ' »-»■ 'O r-> ■^ ■V^ »-+ t> J3- o •<^ J-, n --^ 2, -^ o ^ •-^ Gowanus, N. Y. In Maj. Peter Schuyler's Co., detached out of the Counties of Westchester, Richmond, Kings, Queens, Suf- folk and Ulster, 1692. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Bennett, William Adrianse, 1644, Gowanus, N. Y. In War with Indians, 1643, under Kieft's administration. Lane, Francis T. L,. 77. Benson, Capt. Johannes, 1665-1715. Member Committee of Safety. Lieut., 1689. Capt. of Albany County Militia, King William's War, 1690. Benson, Arthur D., 43. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Bent, Captain David, 1730-1798, Rutland, Mass. Sergeant in Captain John Phelp's Com- pany, Colonel Ruggles Regi- ment which marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, August 9, 1759. First Lieu- tenant of Captain Gates' first Rutland Company, Colonel John Murray's Regiment of the Wor- cester County Militia, 1771. Captain of Rutland Company formed March 13, 1775. Bent, S. Arthur, 116. Bent, John, Sr., 1596-1672, Sud- bury, Mass. In Maj. Simon Willard's Troop, Expedition against Ninigret, 1654. Lea, James H., 119. Bent, Peter, 1629-1678, Marlboro, Mass. In garrison at Marlboro, King Philip's War. Lea, James H., 120. Benton, Samuel, Sr., 1658-1746. Served in Expedition against Canada. Benton, Arthur B., 202. Bernon, Gabriel, 1644-1736. Re- ceived a commission as Capt. of New Oxford, Mass., to resist the ravages of Indians, July 7, 1702. Erected the "Old French Fort" in Oxford Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Berry, James, 1657. Member Md. Assembly, 1654. Berry, Jasper M., Jr., 95. Berry, Thomas L., 95. Berry, Dkp.-Gov. John, 1640-1713. Deputy and Acting Gov. of N. J., 1672. Sloane, John, 65. Berry, William, 1635-1691. Mem. Md. Assembly, 1671-1674. Berry, Thomas L., 95. Bigelow, John, 1617-1703, Water- town, Mass. In Pequot and King Philip's Wars. Bond, Walter H., 44. 318 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. BiGELOvVj Joshua, 1655-1745. In King Philip's War. In Capt. Davenport's Co.; also in Capt. Sill's Co. Childe, John H., 104. Howe, John B., 57. BiGELOW, Samuel, 1653-1732, Water- town, Mass. Representative, 1708-1710. Bates, Daniel M., 217. Bill, Philip, 1620-1689, Groton, Conn. In King Philip's War in Connecticut Forces, i675-'76. Narragansett grantee. Bill, Charles G., 132. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Bingham, Abel, 1669-1745, Wind- ham, Conn. Deputy to General Assembly, 1721-1724. Smith, William D. G., 158. Bingham, Nathaniel, 1704-1767. Private and Sergt., French and Indian War, 1755-1757- 4th and 3rd Regiments, Conn. Troops, 1758-1762. Caswell, Frederick T., 161. Bishop, Dep.-Gov. James, 1691. Sec. of New Haven Colony, i66i-'65. Gov.'s Asst., Conn. Col., i668-'83. Dep.-Gov., 1683- '91. Giles, Murray O., 53. Judd, Orrin R., 76. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Thompson, Royal W., 142. *Young, William H., 81. Bissell, Capt. John, 1591-1677, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1648, et seq. Under Capt. John Mason, 1657-1658. Soldier in King Philip's War. Capt. of Windsor Troop, 1676. Fulton, William E., 134. Bissell, Nathaniel, 1640-1713/14. Trooper at Windsor, Conn., 1676. Fulton, William E., 134. BiXBY, Sergt. Joseph, 1700. Sergt. of Rowley Train Band. In Capt. Brocklebank's and * Deceased. Capt. Appleton's Cos. in King Philip's War. Bixby, William K., 174. Blagge, Benjamin. Member of Gov. Leisler's Council. Sent by him to England as Delegate. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Blair, Dr. Archibald, 1660-1735, Williamsburg, James City Co., Va. Justice, 1714 and earlier. Burgess, 1718 to 1723. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Blair, Hon. John, 1687-1771, York Co. and Williamsburg, Va. Jus- tice, 1724 el ante. Naval officer Upper James River, 1728. Audi- tor General, 1728-1771. Bur- gess, i736-'40, etc. Member of Council, 1745-1771. Pres. Coun- cil, 1757-1771. Acting Gov., i757-'58 and 1768. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Blanford, John, 1611-1687, Sud- bury, Mass. In garrison at Sudbury, King Philip's War, 1676. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Blanshan, Mathese, 1695. Served under Capt. Martin Cregier in t'ne rescuing expe- dition after the massacre of Esopus. Member of Hurley Military Co., Capt. Paulding, 1670. Catlin, George de G., 45. Innis, Hasbrouck, 76. Shirley, Rufus G., 79. Weisse, Faneuil S., 80. Bleecker, Capt. Jan Jansen, 1642- 1732. Commissioned as Capt., Dec. 15, 1684. Capt. in Indian War of 1689-1690. Member Provincial Assembly, 1698-1701, Mayor of Albany, N. Y., 1700- 1701. Fox, Noel B., 52. Bliss, Sergt. Jonathan, 1625-1687. Sergt. of Militia at Rehoboth, 1684. Brown, John B., 75. Bloetgget (Bloodgood), Capt. Frans Jansen, 1635-1676. Chief 319 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Military Officer of- Flushing, Heemstede, Rustdorp, and Med- dieburgh. Privy Councillor to the Gov. for the surrender of the Colony to the English, 1675. Magistrate, 1673. Deputy to New Orange, 1674. Hargitt, Robert P., 182. Blount, Capt. Benjamin, circ. 1725- 1790. Capt. of Militia, North Carolina, i754-'58. Member of General Assembly from Tyrrell Co., 1766, et seq. Carhart, Amory S., 75. Blount, Capt. James, circ. 1620- 1686. Capt. in the Life Guards of King Charles I of England. Member of the Great Council, North Carolina, 1671. Carhart, Amory S., 75. BoARDMAN, Samuel, 1615-1673, Wethersfield. Gov.'s Asst., 1670, Colony of Conn. Bronson, Edward P., 175. Smith, Howard C, 79. BoDWELL, Henry, 1654 . Bloody Brook, in Capt. Lathrop's Co., King Philip's War. Richardson, William S., 113. Bogart (Bogaert), Teunis Gys- BERT3E, Wallabout, N. Y. Rep- resentative from Brooklyn to the Flatbush Convention in 1664. Member Council of War under Gov. Colve. Magistrate of Brooklyn, 1663, '67, '73. Foil Ion, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 63. Borden, John, 1640-1716. Active in trying to avert a war be- tween King Philip and the English, i675-'76, acting under instructions of General Court of Plymouth. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Borden, Richard, 1601-1671, Ports- mouth, R. I. Gov.'s Asst., 1653- 1654. Treasurer, 1653-1655. Commissioner, 1654, '56, '57. Deputy, 1667-1670. Chapman, Edwin N., 46. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Wood, Eric F., 69. Boreman, Thomas, circ. 1601-1673, Ipswich, Mass. Representative, 1636. Lord, Charles E., 121. Bosworth, Nathaniel, 1693-1745. Commissioned to enlist volun- teers for expedition against Cape Breton, 1744. Served in expedition and died on return march. Bosworth, Orrin L., 222. Botsford, Henry, 1639-1686. Cor- poral, Expedition against the Dutch, 1654. Haines, John P., 54. Bourne, Richard, 1682, Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1639, et seq. Member of Council of War, 1675. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Bourne, Thomas, 1581-1664, Marsh- field, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, i642-'45. Baker, Alfred L., 169. BouTON, (Boughton), John, 1615- 1705, Norwalk, Conn. Deputy, 1669, ^t seq. Hargreaves, Fred W., 190. Bowden, John, 1710-1765. Enlisted March 12, 1760, as private in Capt. Jacob Tilton's Co., Col. John Goff's Regt., and served in the invasion of Canada. Dis- charged at Albany, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1760. Deering, Frank C, 229. BowEN, Lieut. Henry, 1634-1724, Roxbury, Mass., and Woodstock, Conn. In Great Swamp Fight. Morris, Seymour, 121. BowEN, Richard, 1600-1675, Reho- both, Mass. Deputy, Plymouth General Court, 1651. Litchfield, Wilfcrd J., 109. Bowles, Maj. John, 1685-1737, Rox- bury, Mass. Representative, Mass., i729-'36. Major of Rox- bury Regt., 1730. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Boylston, Dr. Thomas, 1645-1695/6, Brookline, Mass. Under Capt. Thos. Prentice, King Philip's War, i675-'76. Brooks, Frederick, 103. 320 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BoYNTON, Capt. Joseph, i 645-1730. Prov. Forces of Mass. Bay. Deputy from Rowley, 1693, et seq. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. Brackett, Capt. Richard, 1611- 1691. Commander, Militia of Braintree, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1636. Deputy, 1655-1680. Tyler, Edward R., 126. Bradbury, Capt. Thomas, 1610- 1695, Salisbury, Mass. Ens., Salisbury Train Band, 1647. Cap., 1661. Deputy, 1651-1657. Brown, Philip G., 231. Fall, Charles G., 117. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Bradford, Col. John, 1726, Prince George's County, Md. Capt., 1711. Col. 1726. Dele- gate to Session of 1711, Md. Assembly. Smith, William D. G., 158. Bradford, Gov. William, 1589- 1651. Gov. of Plymouth Col- ony, 1621, et seq. Asst., 1634, et seq. Bartholomew, James R., 43. Blatchford, Paul, 166. Burton, Clarence M., 212. Bush, Charles H., 45. Chapin, Clifford S., 116. Doniiell, Murray C, 229. Floyd, William, 52. Fobes, William H., 189. Hallowell, Thomas J., 54. Lyman, Walter H., 60. Macfarlane, George S., in. McGregor, Graham B., 148. Newcomb, Clarence F., 178. Perry, Alexander, 62. Rogers, Fordyce H., 213. Smith, Harvey B., 191. Stoddard. Francis R., Jr., 66. Terry, Eliphalet B., 67. Bradford, Major William, 1624- 1704. Deputy, 1657. Member of Council of War, 1657, '58, '67. Assistant, i658-'8i. Major, commanding Plymouth Colony Forces, Great Swamp Fight. Treasurer, i679-'86, '89, '90. Dep.-Gov., Plymouth Colony, i682-'86, '91. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1683, '84, '86. Member of the Council, i69i-'98. Baker, George F., 147. Collins, Holdridge O., 202. Hallowell, Thomas J., 54. Lyman, Walter H., 60. Mersereau, John D., 198. Newcomb, Clarence F„ 178. Bradley, Capt. Daniel, 1704-1765, Fairfield, Conn. Ens., 1743. Lieut, Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745. Capt., 1747. McClintock, Emory, 151. Bradley, William, 1691. Deputy from New Haven to the General Court of Connec- ticut, 1675, i678-'8o, 1683. Clark, Eliot A., 104. Bradstreet, Humphrey, 1594-1655, Ipswich. Representative, 1635. Gage, Herbert E., 106. Bradstreet, Major-Gen. John, 17U-1774. Lieut.-Col., siege of Louisburg, 1745. Gov. of St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1746. Capt, 60th Foot, Royal Ameri- cans, 1757. Lieut.-Col., York Regt., 1757. Col., 1758. Deputy Q. M.-Gen., 1760. Col., British Army, 1762. Maj.-Gen., 1772. Landreth, David, 88. Bradstreet, Gov. Simon, 1603-1697, Salem, Mass. First Sec. of Mass. Bay Colony, 1630-36. Assistant, i630-'78. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1643, '63-'66. Dep.-Gov., 1672-1679. Gov., 1676-1686, '89. Cooley, Charles P., 133. Cooley, Francis R., 136. Wiggin, Arthur M., 115. Braithwaite, William, St Mary's Co., Md. Member of Assembly, St Mary's City, Md., Jan. 25, 1637. Three times Commander of the Isle of Kent, with juris- diction over the Eastern Shore of Md., 1638, '40, '44. Capt, St Mary's Co. Commissioner, 1644. Commander and His Majesty's Collector and Re- 321 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ceiver, 1643. Acting Governor of Province of Md.,' 1644. *Woodward, James T., 72. Branch, Christopher, 1595-1682. Henrico County, Va. Justice anterior to 1639 and for many years as late as 1657. Burgess, i639-'4i. Branch, Henry, 95. Brattle, Capt. Thomas, 1624-1683, Boston, Mass. Cornet, Suffolk Troop, 1670. Lieut., 1675. Capt., 1676. King Philip's War. Dep- uty, i67i-'72-'78-'8i. Wood, Eric F., 70. Breeden, Joseph, 1736-1807, Mai- den, Mass. In Capt. Heart's Co., Nova Scotia Expedition, 1762. Berry, Henry N., 103. Brent, Capt. George, 1641-1704, Stafford Co., Va. Capt. of a Troop, 1670. Ranger-Gen. of the Northern Neck. Krumbhaar, Alexander, 88. Brent, Lieut.-Gen. Giles, Treas. Prov. of Md. mander of Kent Island. Gov. and Lieut.-Gen., 1644. Lord of Fort Kent Manor. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Brenton, Gov. William, 1674. Dep.-Gov. of R. I. and Provi- dence Plantations, 1663-1666. Gov., 1 666- 1 669. Member of Troop of Horse, 1667. Brentc!;, Cranston, 132. Strong, Alan H., 151. Brett, Lieut. Roger, c'lrc. 1665- 1720, Fishkill, N. Y. Lieut, in Expedition against Canada, 1711. Brett, Philip M., 44. Brewer, Daniel, 1624-1708. A. & H. A. Co., i666. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Brewer, John, 1691, Sudbury, Mass. Suffered great damage at assault of Indians on the tov,'n, April 21, 1676. Brewer, Gardner, 161. Brevv'ster, Jonathan, 1593-1659, Duxbury, Mass. Representative Mass., i639-'4i-'42-'44. Dep- uty, Conn., 1650, '55-'58. Mem- ber of Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co. Military Commis- sioner, Pequot War. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Wood, Eric F., 69. Brewster, Love, 1650. Mem- ber Duxbury, Mass., Co., 1643. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Brewster, Elder William, 1566/7- 1644. Fourth signer Alayflo^uer Compact. Member and Chap- lain of the first Military Co. organized at Plymouth under Capt. Myles Standish, and served against the Indians. Deputy, 1636. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Brown, Frederick L., 197. Brown, John B., 75. Browne, John D., 132. Chester, Walstein R., 104. Cole, Amedee B., 176. Freeman, James G., n8. Harris, Williams C, 212. Hills, Joseph L., 163. Jackson, James H., 76. Pardee, Ensign B., 62. Parker, Charles W., 151. Perry, Alexander, 62. Rop;ers. Edward S., 167. Wood, Eric F., 68. Brice, John, 1705-1766, Annapolis, Md., Member of Council, Prov- ince of Md. Brice, Philip H., 91. Bright, Sergt. Henry Wstertown, Mass. Military Co., 1664. Clark, Byron N., 163. Brintnall, Thomas, Lieut. William Hasey's Co., and Capt. John Whipple's Co., King Philip's War. Lea, James H., 120. Brintnall, Lieut. Thomas, 1669- ^733) Sudbury, Mass. Lieut., 1723- Lea, James H., 120. Brinton, William, 1666-1751. Mem- ber Prov. Assembly, Penn., 1713. Harvey, Le Roy, 217. Broadhead. See Brodhead. I 602-1686, Sergt. in In 322 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brocklebank, Capt. Samuel, 1627- 1676, Rowley, Mass. Capt. Row- ley Foot Co., 1673. Killed at Sudbury, Kiiig Philip's War, April 21, 1676. Silvester, Learoyd, 90. Williams, George L., 68. Brodhead, Capt. Daniel, 1667. Officer, service of Charles II., under Co!. Sir Richard Nicolls, 1664. I.! ejipedition against Fort Orange, uiider Col. George Cart- v.-right, 1664. Commander of the Forces at Esopus, 1665. Catlin, George de G., 45. Catlin, Isaac S., 46. Harris, Clinton G., 88. Erodhead, Caft. Daniel, 1693-1755. Private, 171 5. Capt., 1737, Foot Company of Militia, Marble- town, N. Y. Catlin, George de G., 46. Brodhead, Lieut. Garret, 1733-1804. Serg. in Capt. Stephen Notting- ham's Co., 1758. Lieut, in Capt. Cornelius Wynkoop's Co. of New York Provincials recruited in Ulster Co., 1760. Catlin, George de G., 46. Brodhead, Capt. Richard, 1665- 1758. Capt., Ulster County Militia, 1703-1738. Catlin, George de G., 46. Bronson, John, i 600-1 6S0. In the Fequot 'War. Deputy from Farmington, Colony of Conn., 1651, et seq. Bronson, Edv.ard P., 175. Holcombe, John M., 137. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Morse, Glenn T., 121. Smith, William D. G., 158. Brooke, Hon. Baker, 1628-1679. Member of the Council and Survej'or General of the Pro- ince of Maryland. Smith, Willam D. G., 157. Brooke, Gov. Robert, 1602-1665. Commissioned by Lord Balti- more as Commander-in-Chief of a new county in Maryland, and a member of the Council. Commander of Charles Co., 1650. Appointed, 1652, by Crom- well's Commissioners, President of the Council and Acting Governor. Smith, William D. G., 157. Brooke, Major Thomas, 1632-1676. Major Maryland Forces, 1660. Served in Expedition against Indians, 1667. Member of As- sembly for Calvert Co., 1663- 1676. Smith, William D. G., 158. Brooks, Gilbert, 16 12 , Marsh- field, Mass. Deputy, 1679, et seq. Robinson, Roswell R., 124. Brooks, Capt. Samuel, 1672-1735, Medford, Mass. Representative, 1723, Capt. of Medford Mili- tary Company. Brooks, Frederick, 103. Brooks (Brooke), Capt. Thomas, 1667, Concord, Mass. Dep- uty, 1642-1662. Capt., 1643. Brooks, Frederick, 103. Farwell, John W., 117. Brown, Rev. Chad, 1650. One of the 13 signers of the com- pact, Pi-ovidence Plantations, R. I. Bicknell, George A., 43. Wood, Eric F., 69. Brown, Ephraim, 1650-1693, Salis- bury, Mass. Saw service under Robert Pike in 1676. Pearson, Arthur £., 123. Brown, Ephraim, Jr., 1680-1751/2, Salisbury, Mass. One of Capt. Henry True's snow-shoe men in Essex County, 1709. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Brown, Jacob, i 653-1740, Hampton, N. H. Soldier in the Indian Wars. BrO'Aii, Thomas S., 161. Brown, John, ist, 1584-1662, Swan- sea, Mass. Comm'r to the United Colonies, i644-'56. Assistant 1636, et seq. Member Council of War, 1642, et seq. Patentee, with Edward Winslow, of Reho- both, Mass. Bicknell, George A., 43. Brown, John, 1630-1706, Provi- 323 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. dence, R. I. Gov.'sAsst, 1665- '66. Bicknell, George A., 43. Burlingame, Edwin A., 225. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Wood, Eric F., 70. Brown, Peter, 1633. Signer of "Mayflower Compact." Served in Capt. Myles Standish's Co. in defense of Plymouth and in expeditions against the Indians. Talbot, Archie L., 231 Browne, ThOxMAs, 1607-1687. New- bury, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Appleton's Co., King Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Browne, William, Jr., 1639-1716. Capt., Mass. Troop of Horse, 1678. Council of Safety, 1689. Deputy, 1675-1680. Assistant, 1683. Andros' Councillor, i688. Assistant, 1693-1713. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Browne, William, 1682-1768. Sol- dier from Reading, Mass., against the French and Indians in Nova Scotia and Canada, 1711-1712. Wood, Eric F., 70. Brownell, George, 1646-1718. Dep- uty from Portsmouth to the General Assembly of R. I., 1699, 1702. Assistant, 1706- 1711. Wood, Eric F., 70. Brownell, Thomas, 1665. Commissioner, 1655, '6i-'63. Deputy, 1664. Wood, Eric F., 69. Buchanan, Robert, 1734-1818. Served in Capt. Clinton's Com- pany, Ulster County, N. Y., 1760, Old French War. Greer, Charles, 54. Buck, Lieut. Isaac, 1695, Scituate, Mass. Lieut., Scituate Company, 1670, and commanded the same against the Indians in their attack on the town in King Philip's War, 1676. Dep- uty, i663-'64, '65-'95. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Rumrill, Frank, 124. Buck, Cornet John, 1697, Scituate, Mass. Cornet of First Body of Plymouth Horse. Bryant, Percy, 75. Nickerson, Thomas W., 122. Buckingham, Thomas, 1657. Deputy, 1657, New Haven Colony. Bronson, Edward P., 175. Buckland, Thomas, Windsor, Conn. In the Pequot Fight, 1637. Crane, Roy E, 104. BucKNAM, Joses, 1641-1694, Maiden, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Wheel- er's Co., King Philip's War. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. BuDD, William, i649-i72i-'22. Member West Jersey Assem- bly, 1685. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Buel (Buell), Capt. Samuel, 1641- 1720, Killingsworth, Conn. Ens., 1708. Capt., 1718. Deputy. Ward, Christopher L., 219. BuGBEE, Joseph, i 640-1729. Soldier in King Philip's War, 1675. Monnette, Orra E., 199. BuLKELEY, D.D., M.D., Rev. Ger- shom, 1636-1713. Surgeon and Chaplain, Conn., King Philip's War. Bulkley, Frederick C, 175. Treat, James W., 179. BuLKELEY, Major Peter, 1643-1688, Concord, Mass. Deputy, 1673- '76. Bearer of address to the King, 1676. Speaker, 1675, -'76. Councillor, 1685. Assistant, i677-'84. Second Commissioner for United Colonies, i682,-'83. Commissioner in reserve, 1684. Capt. at Concord, 1677. Com- mander of a Middlesex Regt., 1680. Cadle, Cornelius, 175. Kent, Daniel, 119. BuLLARD, Nathaniel, Lynn and Dedham, Mass. Saw service under Captains Davis and Cor- win, and later under Quarter- master Swift. Pearson, Arthur E., 133. 324 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BuNCE, Thomas, 1683, Hart- ford, Conn. In Pequot War, 1637. Enders, John O., 133. BuRDiTT, Lieut. Thomas, 1683- 1758, Maiden, Mass. Lieut, of the Maiden Military Company, 1737- Winship, William H., 127. Burgess, Thomas, 1603-1685, Sand- wich, Tvlass. Deputy, 1642- 1668, Plymouth Colony. Mem- ber of Militia, 1643. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Burgess, Col. William, i 622-1 686. Burgess for Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1659-1660, 1669-1682. Member of Council, 1682-1686, and Dep.-Gov., 1684-1686. Lieut., 1659; Capt., 1661; Maj., 1675; Col., 1676; Militia of Anne Arundel Co. Com- mander-in-chief, 1677, of Mary- land Forces against Eastern Shore Indians. Crowder, Frank W., 47. Smith, William D. G., 157. BuRLEV, Cornet Andrew, 1657 , Ipswich, Mass. Soldier in Kini^ Philip's War. Smith, William D. G., 158. Burlincham, Roger, 3d, 1692-1768. Served in 3rd Co., 2nd Regt., of R. I. Militia, i725-'26. Burlingame, Edwin A., 225 Burnham, Richard, 1654-1731, Hartford, Conn. Soldier in the Narragansett Expedition, 1675. Smith, William D. G., 158. Burnham, Thomas, 1617-1688, Hartford, Conn. Soldier in King Philip's War. Enders, |ohn O., 133. Smith, William D. G., 158. Burnham, Lieut. Thomas, 1623- 1694, Ipswich, Mass. Soldier in Expedition "for service to the Indians," 1643. Ens. in Gen. Denison's Regt., King Philip's War, 1675. Lieut, in Capt. Samuel Appleton's Co., 1683. Deput}', 1683-1685. Monnette, Orra E., 2co. Burnham, Lieut. Thomas, 1646- 1728. Ensign of Ipswich, Mass., Militia, 1675. Lieut., 1702. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Burns, John, 1725-1800, N. H. Soldier under Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell, Col. John Hart's Regt., Second Expedition to Crown Point, 1758. Burns, Samuel A., 133. Burr, Benjamin, 1681, Hart- ford, Conn. In Pequot War, 1637, under Capt. Mason. Hubbard, Walter C, 57. Burr, Isaac, 1736-1787, Hingham, Mass. In Capt. Ebenezer Beal's Co., 1757. Under Capt, Jotham Gay, 1759. Willcutt, Levi L., 126. Burr, Jehu, 1st, 1600-1672. Dep- uty from Fairfield, Commis- sioner for the United Col- onies, 1664. Ditmas, Charles A., 49. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Burr, Capt. Jehu, 2d, 1625-1692. Member of Conn. Council of War, 1675-1676. Deputy for Fairfield, 1660-1691. Lieut., Conn. Militia, 1673. McClintock, Emory, 151. Burrill, Ebenezer, 1679-1761. Councillor or Assistant, 1732, et seq. Representative, Lynn, Mass., 1726, et seq. Called Capt., i73i_. Breed, Francis S., 103. Burrill, Edward L., 45. BuRp.iLL, John, 1631-1703, Lynn, Mass. Representative to Gen- eral Court, 1691-2, 1697. Served in Narragansett War. In Captain Isaac Johnson's Company and in Captain Sam- uel Erocklebank's Company. Also ser^-'ed in Lynn Militia Company. Lord, Calvin, 120. Burt, Henry, 1615-1662, Dor- chester and Springfield, Mass. Member of the first Military Co., Springfield. In 1657 Clerk of the Co. Chapin, Clifford S., 116. 325 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dickerman, William jC., 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Moseley, John G., 121. Woodin, William H., 72. Burton, Jonathan, 1741 - 1811, Middleton, Mass., and Wilton, N. H. Private in Capt. Gid- ding's Co., Col. Bayley's Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1759. Burton, Ward C, 189. BURWELL, ArMISTEAD, 1718-1754. Member of Va. House of Bur- gesses. Garland, Hugh A., 219. BuRWELL, Sergt.-Maj. Lewis, 1625- 1658. Sergt.-Maj., Va., 1651. Garland, Hugh A., 219. BuRWELL, Lewis, 1710. Mem- ber Colonial Council, Va., 1702. Garland, Hugh A., 219. BUSHNELL, BeNAJAH, 1681-1762, Norwich, Conn. Deputy, Con- necticut, i72o-'24, i729-'30, i734-'36- Capt., Train Band. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. BusHNELL, Capt. Richard, 1652- 1727, Norwich, Conn. Ens., 1693. Lieut., 1698. Capt., 1701. Deputy, 1691. Member of the Council, 1703. Commissioner in the Mason Controversy. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. BusHNELL, Lieut. William, 1683. Sergt. of Train Band at Saybrook, Conn., under Lieut. William Pratt, 1661. Lieut, of same, 1679. Geer, Walter, 53. Buss, Joseph, 16.19-1680, Concord, Mass. In King Philip's War under Capt. Nathaniel Daven- port and Capt. Edward Tyng. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Vv^oodin, William. H., 72. Buss, Lieut. William, 1613-1698, Concord, Mass. Ens., Capt. Simon Willard's Co., King Philip's War. Later, Lieut. Dickerman, \^'!lliam C, 49. Eaton. Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Bussing, Capt. Arent Harmanse, 1718. Magistrate at Har- lem, 1673. Schepen, 1673. Corp. 2nd Co. Night Watch at Har- lem, 1676. Bussing, John S., 75. Butler, Ebenezer, Sr., 1733-1829. Served with Conn. troops against the French in the French and Indian War. Bro%vn, Lewis, 233. Butler, Capt. Zebulon, 1731- 1795. In the French and In- dian War in 1758, on the Can- adian frontier and at Fort Edward, Lake George, Ticon- deroga and Crown Point; also in the Havana Expedition, 17C2. Ensign, 1758. Lieut., 1759. Capt., 1760-1762. Castle, William H., 87. Stevens, John C, 90. Buttolph, Lieut. John, 1640-1693, Wethersfield, Conn., Deputy. Holcombe, John M., 137. Butts, Sergt. Richard, 1694. Sergt. in Capt. John Withing- ton's Co., Dorchester, Mass., v/hich marched against Que- bec, Oct. 3, 1690. Mersereau, John D., 198. Byle3, Jonathan, 1647-1734, Bever- ly, Mass. In King Philip's V/ar. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Byram, Nicholas, 1687, Bridgewater, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1676. Willcutt, Levi L., 126. Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, 1707- 1779. Member of the Coun- cil, Province of Penn., 1733- 1776. Chairman Board of War, 1759-1762. Member of Capt. Bathe's Independent Foot Co., 1756. Cadwalader, Thomas, 87. Calef, John, i754- One of the "Snow-shoe Men" of New- bury, Mass., under Capt. Noyes, for service in the In- dian troubles, 1709-1710. 326 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 72. Calkin (Caulkins), Hugh, 1600- 1690, Gloucester and Lynn, Mass., New London and Nor- wich, Conn. Deputy from Gloucester, Mass. Bay Colony, 1650-1651. From New London and Norwich, 1652, et seq., Colony of Conn. Commissioner to enlist men for expeditions against the Indians, 1653-1654. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Calvert, Sir George, 1580-1632. Secretary of State of England, i6i9-'25. 1st Baron Balti- more, to whom the Province of Maryland was granted, 1632. In 1622 he was one of the 18 Councillors of the New Eng- land Co. Smith, William D. G., 157. Calvert, Gov. Leonard, 1606- 1647. 1st Gov. of Maryland, 1634- 1647- Baughman, Edwin A., 95. Smith, William D. G., 157. Campbell, Lieut. Samuel, 1738- 1824. Under Sir William Johnson at the Battle of Lake George, 1755, and at Fort Ed- ward, 1757. Commissioned En- sign by Gov. Henry Moore, Oct. 15, 1768; Second Lieut., by Gov. Tryon, Fort George, N. Y., July 20, 1772. In the old French War, 1772. Campbell, Douglas, 45. Canby, Thomas, 1668-1742, Buck's Co., Pa. Member of Pa. Assembly, 1721, '22, '30, '33. Canby, Henry M., 217. Canfield, Sergt. Thomas, 1689. Sergt. Milford, Conn., Train Band, 1669. Deputy from Milford, i674-'76. Fox, Noel B., 52. Cann, John, 1721. Served in King Philip's War under Captains Henchman and Oliver, and Lieut. Swett. Cann, John W., 45. Cannon, Capt, Andrew, 1711. Capt. of Militia, Richmond Co., N. Y., 1693. Fox, Noel B., 52. Capen, Capt. John, 1613-1692. A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Dep- uty from Dorchester, Mass., i67i-'73-'78. Cant, of Militia, 1683. Lea, James H., 119. Carpenter, Capt. William, 1605- 1659, Rehoboth, Mass.. Deputy, 1645. Cant. i6j2. Ballaid, Willis D., 102. Morrell, George C, iii. Carr, Gov. Caleb, 1616-1695. Com- missioner for Newport, 1654, et seq. General Treasurer of the Colony, 1661. Deputy, 1664, et seq. Assistant, 1679, et seq. Justice, 1687-1688. Governor. 1695. Chapman, Edwin N., 46. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Pratt, Alexander D. B., 78. Prince, Charles J., 112. Sprague, George E., 113. Carr, Caleb, Jr., 1657-1700. Dep- uty to the General Court, Colony of R. I., 1684. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Carr, James, 1650-1726, Salisbury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Carroll, Dr,. Charles. Member of Md. Assembly, 1738. Brice, Philip H., 91. Carter, Capt. John, 1616-1692, Woburn, Mass. Ens., 1651. Lieut., 1664. Capt. in King Philip's War. Griffin, Henry A., 148. Whitmore, Franklin G., 135. Carter, Capt. Thomas, Sr.. Lan- caster Co., Va. Capt. in Va. Militia. Member of House of Burgesses. Smith, William D. G., 158. Carter, Capt. Thomas, Jr. Capt. iii Va. Militia. Commissioned by Gov. Spotswood, Apr. 7, 1711. Justice of the Peace for Lancaster Co., Va., continu- ously for 24 years. 327 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Smith, William D. G., 158. Castle, Capt. Samuel,' 17811 Conn. Capt., 1754. McClintock, Emory, 151. Caswell, Nathan, 1740-1824, Brompton, P. Q. Private, 6th Co., 3rd Regt., Campaign of 1755. In Capt. John Perkins' Co., Campaign of 1757. Caswell, Frederick T., 161. Catlett, Maj. John, Jr., 1724. Member of Va. House of Burgesses for Essex Co., Va., 1700-1702. Major of Militia, Essex County, 1699. McGuire, James C, 78. Caulkins. (See Calkin.) Chamberlain, Willlam, 1706. Soldier in Sergt. Hill's Gar- rison House, Billerica, Mass., Oct. 8, 1675. Geer, Walter, 53. Chamberlin, Joseph, 1655-1721, Sudbury, Mass. Soldier, Nar- ragansett War under Capt. Poole. Took part in "Great Swamp Fight. In garrison at Westfield, 1676. Benton, Everett C, 103. Chambei^lin, Thomas, 1700. In King Philip's War. Also in garrison at Chelmsford, Mass., 1691-1692. Chamberlin, Emerson, 46. Chandler, Henry, 1667-1737, Conn. Ens., Andover Co., 1720. Benton, Arthur B., 202. Chandler, Col. John, 2d, 1665- 1743, Worcester, Mass. Lieut, 1702. Capt, 1708. Col., 1724. In 1722 went as Major in com- mand of Scouts from Worces- ter to fight Indians. Deputy, 1711, et seq. Member of His Majesty's Council, i727-'32. A. & H. A. Co., 1725. Hammond, Samuel, 107. Lea, James H., 120. Chandler, Col. John, 3d, 1693- 1762, Worcester, Mass. Mem- ber of His Majesty's Council, 1 743 -'62. Deputy from Wood- stock, Conn.. i732-'35 ; from Worcester, i738-'39, 'S2-'53. One of the Commissioners to treat with the Five Nations, 1754. Judge, 1754. Chief Jus- tice, i757-'62. Col. of Militia. Capt., 1736. A. & H. A. Co., 1734- Lea, James H., 120. Chandler, Col. William, 1685, Maryland Provincial Forces. In command of the Charles Co. Company, 1681. Chandler, Walter, Jr., 46. Chapin, Capt. Caleb, 1736-1825, Bernardson, Mass. Capt. un- der Maj. Burke, 1758. Chapin, Clifford S., 116. Chapin, Deacon Samuel, 1675, Springfield, Mass. Ap- pointed by the General Court of Mass. Bay Colony to gov- ern Springfield. At its burn- ing in King Philip's War. was a participant in repelling the attack from fortified houses. Benton, Arthur B., 202. Hicks, Lewis W., n8. Picher, Oliver S., 178. Chapman, Maj. Jedediah, 1703- 1764. Lieut, of West Saybrook Co., Conn. Troops, 1733. Capt., Cape Breton Expedition, 1745. Maj., 7th Regt., 1757. Dep- uty, Saybrook, i735-'63. Clarke, Chai^ncey H., 176. Chapman, Capt. Robert, 1616-1687, Conn. Served in the Pequot War under Lieut Lion Gardi- ner, and in King Philip's War. Capt, 1675. Deputy from Saybrook, m.any years, and Assistant, 1681-1684. Chapman, Edwin N., 46. Chapfell, George, 1709- Served in Pequot War. At Fort Fight, 1637. Fulton, William E., 134. Chase, John, ist, 1655-1740. Under Capt. Turner in Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Chase, Thomas, 1654-1732, New- bury, Mass. In Maj. Apple- 328 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ton's command, King Philip's War. Conner, John S., 183. Checkley, Col. Samuel, 1653- 1738, Boston, Mass. Appointed Ensign of Capt. Wing's Co., Feb., 1685-86. Maj. of the Boston Regt., 1702. Lieut. - Col., 1706. Col., i7io-'i2. Sergt, A. & H. A. Co., 1685, '86. Lieut., 1694. Capt, 1700. Representative, 1702, '07. Smith, Thomas K._ 90. Cheever, Richard, 1709. Soldier in King Philip's War under Capt. William Turner. Favor, Otis S., 170. Cheseborough, Nathaniel, 1630- 1678. In King Philip's War. Fox, Noel B., 52. Parker, Charles W., 151. Chesley, Thomas, 1644-1667, Dover, N. IL Killed by In- dians at Oyster River, Nov. 15, 1667. Smith, William D. G., 158. Chester, Major John, 1635-1698, Wethersfield. Trooper, 1658. Lieut., 1672. Capt., 1677. Dep- uty, 1678-1689, Colony of Conn. Averill, John C., 132. Chew, Benjamin, 1722-1810. Member of the Council, Prov- ince of Penn., 1755. Comm.is- sioner of Defence of Philadel- phia, 1761. Attorney-General, 1755' Speaker of the Assem- bly, 1756. Chief Justice Su- preme Court, 1774. Gilpin, William B., 54. Howard, John D., 96. Chew, Col. John, 1590-1655. Mem- ber House of Burgesses of Virginia from Hog Island, i623-'24-'29, and from York Co., 1642-1644. Boogher, Frank, 174. Boogher, Howard M., 174. Boogher, John H„ 174. Boogher, Lawrence, 175. Carleton, Murray, 175. Chew, Col. Samuel, 1634-1677. Member House of Burgesses, 1659, a;,d Gov.'s Council, 1669-1677. Chancellor and Secretary of Province. Colonel Provincial Forces of Mary- land, 1675. Boogher, Frank, 174. Boogher, Howard M., 174. Boogher, John H., 175. Boogher, Lawrence, 175. Carleton, Murray, 176. Chickering, Deacon Francis, 1658, Dedham, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1649. Deputy, 1644- 1653. Ensign. _ Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Childs, Richard, , Barnstable Mass. In King Philip's War. Ganson, George H., 182. Chipman, John, 1615-1708, Barn- stable, Mass. Deputy Ply- mouth Colony, i663-'66, '68-69. Morrell, George C, iii. Chittenden, Isaac, 1676, Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Deput}'-, 1658, ei seq. Killed at Scituate, Ki.ig Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 69. Chittenden, Major William, 1593-1660, Guilford, Co;:n. In 1643 elected principal military man of New Haven Colony. Magistrate of the Plantation. Deputy, 1643, et seq. Sergt., 1648. Lieut., 1653. Fulton, William E.. 134. Church, Col. Benjamin, 1639- 1718. Commanded the party by whom King Philip was killed. Commander-in-Chief of Expedition against the Eastern Indians, 1689. Munroe, Addison P., 223. Munroe, Lyman F., 223. Church, Sergt. Richard, 1608- 1668, Plymouth. In Pequot War. Member Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Stone, Charles F., Jr., G6. Churchill, John. Member of the New Plymouth Co., 1643. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Churchill, John, 1657 . Served under Capt. Joshua 329 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Scottow in King Philip's War. In Blackpoint Garrison, 1677. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Churchill, Josiah, 1686. In Wethersfield Co., of Troop, Pequot War. Picher, Oliver S., 178. Root, Cyrus, 144. Claggett, Capt. Thomas, 1640- 1703. Capt. Calvert Co. Md. Militia, i683-'96. Berry, Thomas L., 95. Clap, Joel, 1726-1770, Sudbury, Mass. In Col. Jones' and Col. Ruggles' Regts., ' 1759. Lea, James H., 120. Clapp (Clap), Capt. Roger, 1609- 1692, Dorchester, Mass. Lieut., Dorchester Co., 1644. 2nd Sergt., A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Lieut., 1655. Capt. Dorchester Co. Capt. at the Castle, 1665- 1686. Deputy, i652-'73. Arnold, Luther B., 189. Clark, Caft. Christopher, 1753. Virginia Militia, Han- over Co., 1727. Evans, Charles C, 176. Greve, Clifford, 177. Clark, Daniel, 1622-1710. Lieut., ist Troop uiider Capt. John Mason, 1657-7658. Capt., 1664- 1680. Sec. Colony of Conn., 1658-1663. Deputy, 1656-16611. Magistrate, 1 662-1 664. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Short, John C, 182. Clark, Israel, 1734-1810. Private, Conn. Troops, 1761, '62, '70. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Clark, John, 1614-1674. Private in Pequot War. Dep. for Hart- ford, 1641-44; for Saybrook, i649-'6o; for Milford, i666-'68. Clarke, Chauncey H., 176. Clark, Sergt. John, 1673, Saybrook, Conn. Sergt., New Haven Colon}^, 1642-1644. Clerk of Train Band, 1647. Clark, Eliot A., 104. Clark, Thomas, i 599-1 697. Dep- uty, Plymouth Colony, 1651- 1655. In Pequot War. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Baker, George F., 147. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Clark, Capt. Timothy, 1657-1737, Boston, Mass. Capt. of the North and South Batteries, Representative, 1700. Lea, James H., 120. Clark, Lieut. William, 1609-1690. King Philip's War. Chapin, Clifford 8., 116. Thompson, Royal W., 142. Clarke, Capt. Daniel, 1696. Capt., A_nne Arundel County forces, Md., 1696. Magruder, Caleb C, Jr., 144. Wells, Walter A., 143. Clarke, Edward, 1712-1799, Med- way, Mass. Served under Capt. Nathaniel Whiting and Capt. Edward Clark, in the French and Indian Wars of 1745 and 1754. In garrison at Crown Fort, 1754. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Clarke (Clark), Hugh, 1613- 1693, Roxbury, Mass. Mem- ber of the Roxburv Artillery Co., 1666. Litchfield, Milford J., 109. Clarke, Joseph, 1618-1694. Named as Governor's Assistant in the Rhode Island Charter of 1663. Assistant in 1658, et seq. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Clarke, Joseph, 1642-1702. Dep- uty to the General Court of Mass., from Medfield, 1696. Callender, Harry R., 197. Clarke, Capt. Thomas, 1683, Boston, Mass. Capt., A. & H. A. Co., i653-'65. Commis- sioner, 1652, et seq. Gov.'s Ass't., 1673. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Clarke, Gov. Walter, i 639-1714. Deputy, 1667, et seq. Assist- ant, 1673, '74, '99. Deputy- Governor, 1679, et seq. Gov- ernor, 1676, et seq. Councillor, 1686, under Andros. Lieut. - Col., 1711. 330 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rotch, William, 113. Clarkson, Matthew, 1666-1702. Conimissioned in 1689 by William III. Secretary of the Colony of New York. Du Bois, Ernest B., 198. Claypoole, Norton, 1688. Member of the Assembly of Pennsylvania for Sussex Coun- ty (Delaware) in 16S6. Conn ell, Robert, 144. Clement (Clements), Robert, 1590-1658, Haverhill, Mass. Deputy, 1647-1653. Moimette, Orra E., 199. Cleveland, Aaron, 1655-1716, Wo- burn, Mass. Of Capt. Cut- ler's Co., at Sudbury, Lan- caster and Marlboro, King Philip's War. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Cleveland, Rev. Ebenezer, 1725- 1805. Chaplain of a Mass. Regt. in the French and In- dian War, i75S-'6o. Expedi- tion to Canada, 1759. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Cleveland, Josiah, 1667-1709, Wo- burn and Chelmsford, Mass., and Canterbury, Conn. In the Indian War, 1688-9; ^'so in the garrison in the West Regiment of Middlesex, 1691-2. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Cleveland, Moses, 1624-1701/2, Woburn, Mass. Member of Militia, 1676. In garrison at Chelmsford, Mass., 1675. In King Philip's War. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Jordan, Charles P., 166. Cobb, Henry, 1679, Barn- stable, Plymouth Colony. Dep- uty, 1645, et seq. Morrell, George C., iii. Teed, Freeman G., 201. CODDINGTON, GoV. WiLLIAM, l6oi- 1678. Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony, i630-'37. Treasurer, i634-'36. Deputy from Bos- ton to Mass. General Court, i636-'37. Judge (Chief-Execu- tive) of Aquidneck, 1638, and of Newport, i639-'40. Gov. of Portsmouth and Newport, i640-'47. Assistant, 1647. Presi- dent of the four united towns, i648-'49. Commissioner, 1656- '63. Deputy, 1666. Assistant, i666-'67. Deputy-Governor, i673-'74. Governor, i674-'76, '78. Fox, Noel B., 52. Coffin, Tristram, 1605-1681. Com- missioner at Salisbury, Mass., 1655. Chief Magistrate for Nantucket under Gov. Love- lace, 1671. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Gardner, John C. F., 53. Mcgrath, John, 183. Merrill, John L., 150. Rotch, William, 113. Truman, Henry H., 151. COGGE?H\LL, PRES. JOHN, 159I-1647, I\. I. Pres. Colony and Prov. Plantations, 1647. Gov.'s Asst., 1640-1644. Moderator, 1647. Deputy, Mass., 16^41637. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Topham, Theophilus, 225. Coggeshall, John, 2nd, 1618-1708. Dep.-Gov., 1686-1690. Gov.'s Asst., 1663, et seq. Major of the Island, 1683-1685. General Recorder, 1676, et seq. Gen- eral Treasurer, 1664, et seq. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Coggeshall, Joshua, 1623-1688. Governor's Assistant, R. I., 1669, i672-'76. Deputy, 1664, et seq. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Coggswell, John, ist, 1 592-1669. Deputy, i634-'37. Fulton, William E., 134. Cogswell, Caft. Jonathan, 1661- 1717. In the Expedition against Quebec, 1690. Fulton, William E., 134. Colby, William, 1740 , Haver- hill, Mass. In Capt. Edmund Moore's Co., Col. Jonathan Bagley's Regt., 1758. In Capt Henry Brown's Co., 1760, '61, '62. ZZ^ INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rucker, William C, 113. COLCORD, Samuel, i655-'i736. Lieut. Representative, 1682. In gar- rison at Oyster River, 1696. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Cole, Daniel, 1614-1694. Member of Yarmouth Militia, 1643. Deputy, Plymouth Colony, 1654, ^i ^^1- Cole, Amedee B., 176. Cole, Hugh, 1627-1699, Swansey, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, i673-'75, '80, '83-'86, '89. Morrell, George C, in. Cole, Samuel, ist, 1693. Member of Assembly, Prov. of N. J., i683-'85. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Cole, Samuel, 2d, 1728. Member of Assembly, Prov. of N. J., i72i-'23. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Cole, Capt. William, 1678. Capt. of Md. Provincial Troops,- i674-'75. Boogher, Howard M., 174. Carleton, Murray, 176. Coleman, Thomas, 1600-1674. Ap- pointed to procure men and necesaries for the expedition against Ninigret, Narragansett War, 1654. Deputy, Conn., i65i-'54, '56. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Collier, William, 1670. Gov.'s Asst., 1634-1665, Plymouth Col. Comn-.issior.er to United Col- onies, 1643. Representative, Member Council of War, 1642, et seq. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Brown, Philip G., 231. Smith, William D. G., 157. Collins, Edward, 1603-16S9. Dep- uty, Mass., 1654-1670. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Collins, Lihut. Nathaniel, 1709- 1785. Lieut, in Col. William Pepperrell's Regt., Mass. Troops, 1744, and served at the siege and capture of Louis- burg. Collins, Holdridge O., 202. Collins, Samuel, 1636-1696, Mid- dletovvn, Conn. Deputv, 1672. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Colt, Capt. John, 1658-1751, Lyme, Conn. Ens., 1709. Lieut., 1717. Capt,, 1723. Deputy, 1712, '19, '22-'26, '2S-'3I. Bagley, George C, 189. Colton, Quartermaster George, 1699, Springfield, Mass. Q. M. Hampshire Co. Troop, 1663. In King Philip's War. Deputy, i669-'7i-'77. Allen, Oliver P., 42. Combes, Maj. William, 1690, Talbot Co., Md. Lieut., Tal- bot Co. Militia, 1678. Maj. of Horse, 1689. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Conant, John, 1652-1724, Beverly, Mass. In King Philip's War, Capt. Appleton's Co. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Conant, Lot, 1624 , Beverly, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Gardi- ner's Co., King Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 68. Wood, William B., 71. Conant, Gov. Roger, 1592-1679, Beverly, Mass. Gov. Colony at Cape Arm, 1625-1626, and Salem, 1627-1629. Deputy, 1634. Fitz Gerald, Desmond, 118. Prentiss. Nathaniel A., 64. Smith, William D. G., 157. Wood, Eric F., 68. Wood, William B., 70. Conselye.'V, Pieter. Private in Capt. Francis Titus' Co., Kings County Militia, 1715. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Constable, Surgeon John, 1728- 1785. Surgeon in the British Aa-my, French War, 1762. Subsequently Surgeon, ist Regt.. Prov.^ of N. Y, Bicknell, George A., 43. Converse (Convers), Dea. Edward, 1590-1663, Woburn, Mass. Dep- uty, 1660, Mass. Bay Colony. Blagden, Edward R., 174. Thompson, Mackey J., 191. Converse, Lieut. James, 1620-1715, ZZ2 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Charlestown and Woburn, Mass. Lieut., King Philip's War. Deputy, 1679. Blagden, Edward R., 174. Griffin, Henry A., 148. Converse, Major J.^mes, 1645- 1706, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1679-1693. Speaker, 1699, 1702- 1703. Commander at defence of Storer's Garrison, 1691- 1692. Major. Blac;den, Edward R., 174. Griffin, Henry A., 148. CoocH (Gooch), Capt. Thomas, 1788. Capt. Del. Colonial Militia, French and Indian War, 1756. Gest, Alexander P., 87. Cook(e), Major Aaron, 1610- 1690, Westfield, Mass. Mem- ber of Windsor Troop of Horse, 1658. Maj. of Hartford Troop, 1658. Deputy, 1668. Ens., 1676. Capt. of garrison at Westfield in Fs^Ing Philip's War. Chapin, Clifford S., 116. Hawks, Frederick E., 107. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Cook, Capt. Aaron, 2nd, 1641- 1716. Ens., 1663. Capt., 1678- 1713, Hadley Militia. Deputy, 1689, et seq. Hawks, Frederick E., 107. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Cook(e), Mordecal. Burgess, Vir- ginia Assembly for Gloucester Co., 1702, 1714. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Cooke, Arthur, 1699. Dep. to the General Court of R. I., 1681. Member of Provincial Council of Pa., 1686, '88, '90. President of Council, 1686, '92. One of the five Commissioners appointed by William Penn to govern the Province of Pa., 1688. Speaker of Pa. Assembly, 1689. Assistant to Gov. Mark- ham, i696-'99. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Cooke, Francis, 1583-1663. The 17th signer of the Compact on the Mayfloiuer, Nov. 11, 1620. Member of Myles Standish's Co. and in expedition against the Indians. Member of Ply- mouth Military Co., 1643. Chapman, Edwin N., 46. Robinson, Roswell R., 124. Coolidge, John, 1604-1691, Water- town, Mass. Deputy, 1658. Coolidge, Louis A., 140. Hazelton, Willard C, 162. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Wood, Eric F., 69. Coolidge, Ensign John, 1630-1691, Watertown, Mass. Ensign, serving in King Philip's War, 1676. Clark, Byron N., 163. Coolidge, Howard K., 47. Coolidge, Louis A., 140. Coombs, Francis, 1633-1682. In Lieut. John Tomson's Co. in garrison at Middleborough, Mass., at outbreak of King Philip's War. One of the Council of War. Talbot, Archie L., 231. Cooper, John, 1689. Member New Haven Militia, 1643. Corp. under Lieut. Robert Seeley, Dutch and Indian troubles, i654-'55. Deputy, 1661, '62, '65, '66, '71, '74. Signer of the Compact, 1639. Governor's Assistant and mem- ber of Council of War. Bicknell, George A., 43. Lines, Harvey K., 77. Cooper, William, 1632-1710, West Jersey. Member Legislature, 1682, and Assembly, 1682, et seq. Member of the Council of Proprietors, 1688. Ware, Edwin M., 191. Ware, George B., 191. Ware, Howard F., 191. Ware, Robert L., 191. Cornell, Thomas, 1595-1656, West- chester Co., N. Y. Ens., Ports- mouth, R. I., Militia, 1642-1644. Served under Gov. Kieft against Indians. Delafield, Edward C, 47. Delafield, John R., 48. 333 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Elliman, Lawrence B., 50. Cornish, Benjamin, — ^— 1736. In Capt. Daniel Stevenson's Co., Newtown, Queens County, N. Y., in 1715. Murphy, William D., 62. CORSEN, LlEUT.-COL. CHRISTIAN, 1765, Ensign in Capt. Au- gust Graham's North Co., Richmond County, N. Y., 1715. Lieut.-Col., Richmond County, 1738. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 63. CoRSEN (Corson), Capt. Cornelius, 1645-1693. Capt. of a Co. at Brooklyn, Apr. 9, 1685. Capt. of Foot, North and East part of Staten Island, Richmond County, N. Y., 1689. Mersereau, John D., 198. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 63. CoRSEN, Cornelius, 1731-1789. Pri- vate in Capt. Abraham De Forest's N. Y. Company, Cam- paign of 1761, French War. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 64. Courtney, Lieut. Thomas, 1641- 1706. Council of Md., 1675. Cornet, 1676. Lieut., 1678. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Courts, Col. John, 1655-1702, Charles County, Md. In the Protestant Revolution of Md. Member of the first Governor's Council of Md. Courts, James C, 140. Couwenhoven, Jan Gerritsen, 1639 . Member of Leis- ler's Council, 1689. Member of the Court of Exchequer, 1690. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Couwenhoven, Nicasius Janse, 1681-1749. Soldier in Col. Stillwell's Kings Co. Regt., 1715. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. CowDiN, Capt. Thomas, 1720-1792, Fitchburg, Mass. Sergt., Louis- burg Expedition, 1745. Bearer of dispatches prior to French and Indian War. In Nova Scotia Expedition, 1755. Ens., 1756, under Capt. James Put- nam, drafted from the Hamp- shire and Worcester Co.'s Regt. for Crown Point and Lake Champlain. 2nd Lieut., 1756, Capt. Simon Sefferd's Co. Capt., 1761, in Col. Rich- ard Saltonstall's Regt. Cowdin, Winthrop, 47. CowLEs, John, 1675, Farming- ton, Conn. Deputy, 1653-1654. Enders, John O., 133. Crabb, Ralph, 1694-1734. Member of the General Assembly of Md. from Prince George County, i7i9-'33. Monnette, Mervin J., 198. Monnette, Orra E., 20x3. Craft, Lieut. Griffin, 1609-1689, Roxbury. Deputy, i638-'63-'67. Sergt. of Militia, . Lieut., i653-'75-'76- Crafts, John C, 117. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Monnette, Orra E., 199, Thayer, Charles I., 125. Crane, Jasper, ctrc. 1605-1681. Deputy, 1653-1658. Governor's Assistant, 1662-1667. Deputy Provincial Assembly, East Jersey, 1667-1673. Haines, John P., 54. Parmly, Jay F., 149. Crane, Jasper, Jr., 1651-1712. East Jersey Provincial Forces, 1675- 1676. Haines, John P., 54. Crane, Lieut. Jonathan, 1658- 1734. Ens. and Lieut, of Mili- tia at Windham, Conn. Dep- uty, 1 701, et seq. Crane, Roy E., 104. Crawford, David, 1662-1763. Mem- ber of Va. House of Burgesses from New Kent County, 1692. Rodes, Joseph H., 179. Cresap, Capt. Thomas, 1702-1788, Old Town, Md. Capt. of a Company against the Indians, 1755- Bruce, Webster, 103. Croessen, Hendrick, 1760/61. 334 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Private in Capt. August Gra- ham's North Company, Rich- mond County, N. Y., 1715. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 63. Crocker, William, 1612-1692. Scituate and Barnstable, Mass. Deputy, Mass., iCyo-'ji-'j^.. Member of Lieut. Thomas Dimmock's Co. of Barnstable, Mass., 1643. Crocker, David, 104. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Cross, Robert, , Ipswich, Mass. In Pequot War. Fulton, William E., 134. Crouch, William, i 627-1 678, Charlestown, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War under Capt. Joseph Sill, 1675. Daniels, Edwin A., 105. Daniels, Richard H., 105. Crovvell, Yelverton, 1 643 -1 683, Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony. Deputy to General Court, 1663- '66. With Yarmouth Troops at Mount Hope in June, 1675. Eldridge, Edric, 117. Crumd, Daniel, 1713. Soldier from Conn., King Philip's War. Crumb, Leverett P., 47. Cruttenden, Abraham, 1683. Governor's Assistant, Colony of New Haven, 1639, and Treas. of Conn., 1675-1680. Merritt, Alan D., 6i. CULBERTSON, CaPT. ALEXANDER, 1714-1756. Capt. of a Co. in the 2d Battalion, Provincial Troops of Cumberland Co., Pa., under Col. James Bird, ^755"'56. Also Capt. of a Co. under Col. John Armstrong, and was killed in an engage- ment with the Indians at the Battle of Bloody Run, some- times known as the Battle of Sideling Hill, Pa., April 2, 1756. Martin, James, 60. Culver, Edward, 1600-1685. One of the English Volunteers in the Narragansett War. Served in King Philip's War. Cook, Joseph T., 47. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. Cummings, Isaac, 1633-abt. 1721, Ipsv.'ich, Mass. Private in the Narragansett War. Cummins, Thomas K., 105. Currier, Ephraim, 1741 , Ches- ter, N. H. At Crown Point, 1755, in Capt. Thomas Tash's Co., Col. Blanchard's Regt. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Currier, Richard, 1617-1687, Salis- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Curtis, John, ist, 1698. Mem- ber First Assembly, held by William Penn at Philadelphia, i683-'84-'86, and of the Coun- cil, 1688-1697. Barratt, Norris S., 87. Curtis, Sergt. John, 1611-1707. Sergt., Stratford, Conn., 1675. In King Philip's War. Burton, Lewis W., 194. Moses, Zebina, 144. Curtis, Lieut. Jonathan, 1644-1681, Stratford, Conn. Lieut, of Train Band. Wead, Leslie C, 126. Curtis, Ens. Thomas, 1648- 173 6, Stratford, Conn. Ensign, Wal- lingford Train Band, 1704. Deputy for Wallir.gford to Conn." Ger.era! Court, 1689, 1717, 1718. Moses, Zebina, 144. Curtis (s), Capt. William, 1702. Capt.. Traia Band, Strat- ford, Conn., 1673. Capt. Forces of Fairfield, Conn., i673-'75. Member Com. of Safety, 1673. Deputy, 1667, et seq. Perry, John P. H., 63. Wead, Leslie C, 126. Cushing, John, Sr., 1627-1708, Scituate, Mass. Deputy, Ply- mouth Col., 1674, et seq. Gov.'s Asst., 16S9-1691. Deputy, Mass.. 1692. Cutler, Fred A., 189. 335 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. CusHiNG, Hon. John, 2d, i66o- 1738. Member of Governor's Council of Mass., lyio-'zS. Smith, Frederick E., 224. CusHMAN, Isaac, 1647-1732, Plymp- ton, Mass. Deputy, i690-'9i. Chapin, Clifford S., 116. CusHMAN, Caft. Nathaniel, 1712- 1793, Plympton, Mass., and Lebanon, Conn. Capt. of Leb- anon troops, Campaign of 1759, French and Indian War. Carr, William, Jr., 45. Cutler, Ensign James, 1606-1694, Lexington, Mass. Ens., Lex- ington Military Co. In King Philip's War. Bates, George B., 74. Bates, William G., 74. CuYLER, Major Hendricic, 1637- 1691. Major of all Foot Com- panies in the City and County of N. Y., French and Indian War, 1689. Clinch, Richard F., 166. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Van Schaick, Harrison L., 168. Cuyler, Johannes, 1661 , Al- bany, N. Y. Justice of the Peace, 1699. Member of Assem- bly, 1705, ei seg. Indian Com- missioner, 1706, et seq. Mayor of Albany, 1725, 1726. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Dale, Maj. Edward, 1694, Lancaster Co., Va. Member of Va. House of Burgesses. Maj. in Va. Militia. Smith, William D. G., 157. Danforth, Capt. Jonathan, 1628- 1712, Billerica, Mass. Lieut, 1675. Capt., 1683. Dwelling Ui^ed as a garrison, King Philip's War. Deputy, 1685. Bryant, James S., 189. Geer, Danforth, 53. Geer, OHn P., 53. Geer, Walter, 53. White, Joseph F., 115. Danforth, Ens. Jonathan, 1658- 1710, Billerica, Mass. In gar- rison at Billerica, Mass., King Philip's War. Geer, Walter, 53. Daniel, Captain Jeremiah, 1720- 1806, Medvvay, Mass. In Cap- tain Nathaniel Whiting's Com- pany, 1745. In Captain Jona- than Adams' Company in ex- pedition under Lord London, 1759. Ensign, Captain Thomas Metcalf's (Medway) Company, Colonel Gridley's Regiment (First Suffolk Regiment), 1766, Captain, First Medway Com- pany, Colonel El'phalet Pond's Regiment (First Regiment of Militia in Suffolk County), 1771. Daniels, Edwin A., 105. Daniels, Richard H., 105. Darnall, Dep.-Gov. Henry, 1711. Col. of Horse. Dep.- Gov. of Md., 1684, et seq. Smith, William D. G., 157. Davenport, Abraham, 1715-1789, Stamford, Conn. Member of committee to furnish supplies to Stamford, Conn., 1758. *Davenport, John, 133. Davenport, Capt. Richard, 1665, Boston. Ens., 1634. Lieut., 1637. Wounded in Pequot Ex- pedn. Capt. of the Castle, 1642- 1665. A. & H. A. Co., 1639. Representative, 1637. Wood, Eric F., 69. Davis, Major John, i 634-171 8, York, Maine. Capt. by 1665. Deput3'-President of Maine, i68o-'85. Lieut., Capt., and Sergt.,-Maj., for the Province of Maine. Fall, Charles G., 117. Davis, Capt. John, 1654-1717. Capt. of Foot Co. for Talbott County, Md., Militia, i689-'96. Justice, i692-'94. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Davis, Josiah, 1656 , Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. In Captain John Gorham's Company in King Philip's War. Grantee in Township No. 7, Gorham, Me. Sprague, Frank W., 125. * Deceased. Z2,^ INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Davis, Simon, 1740-1818, Acton, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Davis' (Acton Co.) Company, April 22, 1757- Allen, Frederick W., 222. Dawes, Lieut. Ambrose, 1642-1705. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1674. Lieut., King Philip's War. Wounded at Fort Pemaquid, Maine, 1692. Hammond, Samuel, 107. Day, Timothy, 1653-1748. In the garrison at Chelmsford, Mass., 1676, in King Philip's War. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Day, Timothy, i 680-1757, Glouces- ter, Mass., and York, Me. On Sept. 21, 1707, he was one of eight men and a boy in two shal- lops at Winter Harbor, Me., who were attacked by a large force of Indians in many canoes. After a hot fight, the Indians were re- pulsed with a loss of about thirty. Under Ensign Wm. Hilton, Nov. 8, 1711, aided in recapture of sloop taken from York Harbor by French and Indians. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Dearborn, Reuben, 1707-1790. Trooper in Capt. Nathaniel Drake's Mounted Scouts, King George's War, July and Au- gust, 1746, in and about Not- tingham, N. H. Dearborn, Frederick M., 47. Decker, Gerrit. Member of Capt. Johannes Vernooy's Co., Col. Jacob Rutsen's Regt., in service against the Indians, 171 5. Catlin, George de G., 46. De Forest, Isaac, 1616-1674, Har- lem, N. Y. Burgher Corps, 1664. One of the Nine Men, New Amsterdam, 1652. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Sanford, George D., 64. De Key, Jacob, 1691. Killed in the Leicester troubles. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. DE la Montagne, Gen. Johannes, 1596-1670. Commander at Man- hattan Island, i640-'45. Sent to defence of Fort Good Hope, 1641. Supreme Councillor under Gov. Kieft, i638-'46. Member of Stuyvesant's Council, ^647- '56. Vice-Director Fort Orange, i656-'64. Member of Conven- tion of 1653. Commissioner of Fortification, 1654. Elliman, Lawrence B., 50. De la Noye, Philip, 1602-1681. Duxbury, Mass. In Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. In Co., raised by Lieut. Wil- liam Holmes, Pequot War, 1637. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Deming, Sergt. Jonathan, circ. 1639-1700, Wethersfield, Conn. Sergt. in Wethersfield Train Band, . Booth, Charles E., 116. Denison, Capt. George, 1620-1694. Capt. New London Co. Forces, King Philip's War, under Major Mann and Major Tal- cott. Second in command to Major Treat, Great Swamp Fight. Served on the frontier. Captured Indian Chief Canon- chet, 1676. Capt. of the Volun- teers, 1689. Chosen, with Ma- jor Mason, to assist the Pequot Chiefs to govern their tribes. Assistant and Deputy from Stonington, Conn. Brown, John B., 75. Cadle, Cornelius, 175. Denison, Esjbert C, 48. Fox, Noel B., 52. Harris, Williams C, 212. Higgins, Edward E., 55. Ludlam, Percy C, 60. Murray, William, 62. Perkins, Merritt G., 149. Denison, John, 1683, Ipswich, Mass. In King Philip's War. Under Captain Thomas Loth- rop at "Bloody Brook," Sep- tember, 18, 1675. I" Major Samuel Appleton's Company at Great Swamp Fight, De- cember 19, 1675. Wounded 337 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. there and left at Rhode Island until "recovery."' Narragan- sett grantee. Dorman, William B., iiy. Denison, William, 1586-1653. Dep- uty, 1634. Member Roxbury Militia, 1636. Fox, Noel B., 52. Dent, Capt. John, 1660-1711/12, St. Mary's County, Md. In the Expedition against Susque- hannock. Indian Fort, i68o-'8i. Capt. of Train Band, Chap- tico Hundred in St. Mary's Co., Md., i689-'9i, '94-'95. Dent, Louis A., 140. DE Rapelje, Joris Jansen, 1665. Representative from Waal-boght, 1641. One of the Twelve Men. Magistrate, 1655- Bicknell, George A., 43. Fox, Noel B., 52. Hargitt, Robert P., 182. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. McKesson, Irving, 78. Poillon, William, 63. Williamson, Thomas W., 97. Deshon, Maj. Moses, 1710-1779. Maj., Mass. Militia, 1756. Cox, John L., 91. DE SiLLE, NiCASIUS, 160O-1694. Council, 1653-1660. Schout Fis- cal, New Netherlands, 1658- 1660. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. McKesson, Irving, 78. Perry, Alexander, 62. DevereUx (Devericks), John, 1643- 1694. Soldier in King Philip's War under Capt. Hunting. In Sudbury Fight. Dennis, Edward, 48. Dewey, Sergt. Josiah, 1640- 173 2, Lebanon, Conn. Sergt. at West- field, Mass., during King Philip's War. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. Dewey, Cornet Thom >s, 1648. Cornet of W^indsor, Conn., Troop. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. DeWitt, Andries, 1657-1710, Kings- ton, N. Y. Member of Capt. Hendrickus Beekman's Co. of Troopers, Kingston, 1686. Capt. Kingston Co., Associated Ex- empts. Roosa, DeWitt, 64. De Wolf, Balthasar, 1623-1696, Lyme Militia, Conn., 1668. Perry, Alexander, 62. Dexter, Rev. Gregory, 1610-1700, Providence, R. I. Commissioner, i65i-'54. President of the Col- ony, i653-'54. Deputy, i654-'55. Bicknell, Eugene P., 43. Bicknell, George A., 43. Blount, George D., 210. Wood, Eric F., 69. Dexter, John, 1639-1677. Soldier from Maiden in King Philip's War, 1676. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Dexter, Major John, 1652-1706. Deputy, 1680, '84, '85, '86, '90, '94, '96, '97, '98, i7oo-'o5. Town Council, i688-'89, i700-'oi. As- sistant, i690-'9i. Speaker, House of Delegates, i704-'c5. Lieut., Regt. of M::inland, 1698. Capt, i698-'99. Major, 1699-1705. Bicknell, George A., 43. Cadle, Cornelius, 175. Dibblee, Ebenezer, 1641-1675, Windsor, Conn. In Captain Samuel Marshall's Company, King Philip's War. Killed at the Great Swamp Fight, De- cember 19, 1675. Ketchum, Charles J., 119. Dickinson, Sergt. John, 1676, Wethersfield, Conn. Sergt., 1657. Slain in Falls Fight. Smith, Henry E., 191. Dickinson, Nathaniel, 1615-1676, Conn. In Hampshire Guard under Capt. John Pynchon, 1663, against the Indians. Dep- uty, 1642. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Smith, William D. G., 158. Dickinson, Sergt. Obadiah, 1641- 1698, Hatfield. In Hampshire 338 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Troop, 1663. Captured by the Indians, 1677. Smith, William D. G., 158. DiGGEs, Gov. Edward, 1621-1675. Member of Council, 1654. Gov. of Va., i656-'58. Smith, Willam D. G., 157. DiGGES, Col. William, 1698. Member Md. Councl, i68i-'89. Dep.-Gov. of Md., 1684. Smith, William D. G., 157. DiMMOCK, Captain Thomas, 1664- 1697, Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. Captain of a Company which fought the Indians at Winagaiits where he was killed, 9 September, 1697. Sprague, Frauk W., 125. DiMON, Capt. Moses, 1673-1748. Lieut., 1709. Capt., 1711, Fair- field, Conn. Deputy, 1722. McClintock, Emory, 151. DoANE, John, 1591-1686. Governor's Assistant, i632-'33-'39. Member of Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Deputy, Plymouth, 1639-1642; Eastham, 1649, et seq. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Farrand, Jacob S., Jr., 212. Doane, John, Jr., 1635-1708, East- ham. Deputy, Plymouth Col., 1685, et seq. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Dodge, Capt. John, 1636-1728, Bev- erly, Mass. In Troop of Horse under Capt. John Whipple in King Philip's War, 1676; also under Capt. Curwin. Capt. of Beverly Troop, 1690. Repre- sentative, 1693, et seq. Barnes, George E., 42. Favor, Otis S., 170. Dodge, William, 1604-1692, Bev- erly, Mass. In King Philip's War under Capt. Curwin. Favor, Otis S., 170. Dodge, Captain William, 1640- 1720, Beverly, Mass. Served against the Narragansetts in 1675. Selectman of Beverly, 1684. Representative from Marblehead, 1699. Captain, Lord, Charles E., I2i. Doolittle, Sergt. Abraham, 1620- 1690, Wallingford, Conn. Member of Vigilance Com- mittee, King Philip's War. Deputy, New Haven and Wallingford. Sergt. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Dorr, Capt. Ebenezer, 1687/88- 1760, Roxbury, Mass. Capt., Roxbury Military Co., 1733- '34- Dorr, Alfred, 105. Dorsey, Major Edward, 1705. Major of Militia, Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1694. Lee, Howard H. M., 96. Dorset, Hon. John, 1663-1714. Commissioner, Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1694. Burgess, 1692, 1701-1703. Member of Coun- cil, 1710-1714. Berry, Thomas L., 95. Lawrence, F. Walter, 148. Morgan, John H., 96. Dotey (Doty), Edward, 1599-1655, Plymouth. In "First En- counter," Dec. 8 (O. S.), 1620. Member of Capt. Myles Stand- ish's first Military Co., 1621, at Plymouth. Also 1643. Greve, Clifford, 177. Douglas, William, 1742-1777. Served in expedition which re- sulted in the surrender of Que- bec, 1759. Maltby, Julius, 135. Douglas (s), William, 1610-1683, New London, Conn. Com. of the Army, Prov. of Conn., King Philip's War. Deputy, 1672-1675. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Douglass, John, 1713-1804. Ensign of Pa. Militia, 1756. Member of Pa. Assembly, 1756, 1761- '63. Brown, John D., 87. Dow, Capt. Henry, 1634-1707, Hampton, N. H. Ens., Hamp- ton Military Co., 1689. Capt., 1692. Bennett, Larkin E., 116. Downing, Emanuel, 1585-1658, 339 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ipswich, Mass. . Assistant, 1639-1649. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Drake, Capt. Francis, 1687, New Piscataway, N. J. Capt. of Military Forces, i675-'73. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Drake, George, 1663-1709. Mem- ber General Assembly of N. J., 1688. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Drake, John, 1656-1739. Deputy to General Assembly of N. J., 1693. y Monnette, Orra E., 199. Drake, Joseph, 1681-1751. Private in Col. Thomas Farmers' N. J. Regt., 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Draper, Capt. James, 3d, 1654- 1698, Dedham, Mass. In King Philip's War. Kent, Daniel, 119. ^ Drew, Corp. Eben, 1709-1756,' Kingston, Mass. In Crown Point Expedition, 1755-56. Hills, Joseph L., 163. Driggs, Bartholomew, 1745-1811. Served in Capt. Robert Dur- kee's 9th Co., Lieut.-Col. Put- nam's 1st Regt., Havana Cam- paign, 1762. Driggs, Frederick E., 49. Driggs, Lawrence L., 49. Driver, Robert, i 592-1680, Lynn, Mass. Served in Narragan- sett Wars. Lord, Calvin, 120. Du Bois, Louis, 1626-1695. Led expedition against the Indians, 1663. In the Colonial Forces against Indians, 1670. Innis, Hasbrouck, 76. Stewart, Ralph W., 200. Du Bois, Pierre, 1674-1738. Fish- kill, N. Y. In Capt. Barend Z. Van Kleeck's Co., Dutchess Co. Troops, 1715. Du Bois, Ernest B., 198. Du Bois, Lieut. Solomon, arc. 1669-1759, Hurley, N. Y. Lieut. Ulster Co. Militia. Innis, Hasbrouck, 76. Dudley, Gov. Joseph, 1647-1720, Roxbury, Mass. Deputy, 1673- '75. Assistant, i676-'85. Chief Justice Supreme Court, Prov. of New England and N. Y. Pres. of New England by com- mission from James II., 1685- '86. Pres. of the Council, i687-'89. Member of Andros's Council. Gov. of Mass., 1702- 1715. Chaplain on Gen. Josiah Winslow's Staff in King Phil- ip's War. Seabury, William M., 65. Dudley, Samuel, 1610-1683, Salis- bury, Mass. Deputy,i64i-i645. Associate Judge at Salisbury, N. H. Lieut, there under Capt. John Underbill, i63i-'32. Chap- lain, King Philip's War, under Winslow. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Smith, William D. G., 157. Dudley, Gov. Thomas, 1576-1653, Roxbury, Mass. Second Gov. of Mass. Bay Colony, 1634, et seg. Dep.-Gov. 1630, ei seg., ad int. Gov.'s Asst., 1635, et seg. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1643, <*' seg., and twice Pres. of United Colonies. Maj.-Gen., A. & H. A. Co. Edwards, Maurice D., 189. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Seabury, William M., 65. Shaw, Henrv B., 162. Smith, William D. G., 157. Treat, James W., 179. Wiggin, Arthur M., 115. Duke, Richard. Member of Md. Council, 1637-1653. Berry, Thomas L., 95. DuMMER, Jeremiah, Boston, Mass. Councillor, 1689. Hammond, Samuel, 107. Dumont, Wallerand, 1640-1713, Kingston, N. Y. Cadet in com- pany of soldiers sent by Dutch West India Co. to Director- General Stuyvesant. Member of Military Council in second Esopus War. Dumont, Charles G., 49. Hibben, Paxton P., 233. Ketcham, David M., 233. 340 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dunham, Capt. Benayah, 1640 . Appointed Capt. at Pisca- taway, N. J., 1673, by Council of War. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Dunham, Benayah, 1684-1742. Private in Col. Thomas Far- mer's Regt, N. J. Militia, 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Dunham, John, 1589-1689, Ply- mouth, Mass. Deputy, 1639. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Dunn, Samuel, 1698/99-1740. Com- mander of one of His Majes- ty's Companies of Foot from R. I. against Carthagena on expedition of Admiral Vernon in the war that had been de- clared against Spain, i739-'40. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H, 57. Du PuY, Moses, 1657 . In Capt. William Hide's Co., Al- bany, N. Y., i697-'98. Catlin, George de G., 46. Du PuY, Nicholas, 1691. In Capt. Cornelius Steenwreck's Co., 1673. Enrolled for ser- vice against the English. Catlin, George de G., 45. Du PuY, Nicholas, 1682-1745. In Capt. William Nottingham's Co. of Militia at Marbletow^n, Col. Jacob Rutsen's Ulster County Regt., 1715. Catlin, George de G., 46. Durrell, Capt. Benjamin, 1710- 1784, Arundel (Kennebunk- port), Me. In Capt. Jonathan Bean's Co., Saco, 1750. Capt., Upper Co., 1775. Durrell, Harold C, 105. Dui^yea, Capt. Charles. Kings County, N. Y., Militia. Pri- vate, 1715. Capt. in Bushwick, 1738. Lane, Francis T, L., 77. Duston, (Dustin), Thomas. In Capt. Benjamin Swett's Co., King Philip's War. In gar- rison at Haverhill, Mass., in the Indian attack, 1697, when his wife Hannah Dustin, was captured and afterwards es- caped, killing her captors. Taylor, Ezra W. B., 114. DuvALL, Mareen, 1694, Anne Arundel County, Md. Fought against Nanticoke Indians prior to 1678. Commissioner for laying out towns, 1683. Wells, Walter A., 143. Duyckinck, Evert, 1702. In garrison at Fort Hope, Conn., 1640. Fox, Noel B., 52. Dwight, Capt. Timothy-, 1639-171&, Dedham, Mass. Cornet of Horse and Capt. of Foot. In ten Indian expeditions. Dep- uty. Dwight, Austin W., 215. Dyckman, Jacob, 1692 . In Capt. Gerard Stuyvesant's Co., N. Y. Troops, 1738. Underbill, Frederic E., 80. Dyer, William, 1677, Provi- dence, R. I. Sec. Providence Plantations, 1639. Colony of R. I., i640-'42. Gen'l Re- corder, i647-'48. Commissioned at Newport to act against the Dutch, 1653. Com.missioner to the Assembly from Providence, 1655; from Warwick, 1661; from Newport, 1662. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 55. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Eager, Abraham, 1670-1734, Marl- borough, Mass. In Howe's garrison, Marlboro, 171 1. Fulton, William E., 134. Eager, Capt. Bezaleel, 1713-1787. Capt., Westboro, Mass., Co., Alarum List, 1757. Seven Years' War. Assembly, 1760- '61. Fulton, William E., 134. Eager, William (Ager, Agur), 1690. Cambridge and Marlborough, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Prentiss' Co., "Mid- dlesex" troopers, Mt. Hope Campaign, and under Lieut. Oakes, i675-'76. Fulton, William E., 134. 341 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Eames, Capt. Anthony, circ. 1595/6-1686, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, i637-'38, '43. Capt. of Hingham Military Co., 1644- '45. Dorman, William B., 117. Earl (Earle), Capt. Ralph, i6oo- 1678. Capt. Troop, Colony of R. I., 1671. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Wood, Eric F., 68. Eastman, Capt. Ebenezer, 1689- 1748, Concord, N. H. When nineteen, in Expedition against Port Royal. At twenty-one, commanded a Co. of Infantry under Admiral Walker. Com- mander of a Co. at Louisburg, 1745. First settler of Concord, N. H. His house was a gar- rison, 1746. Edgell, George S., 162. Eastman, Philip, i 644-1714. In Capt. Benj. Lovett's Co., King Philip's War. Clark, Byron N., 163. Eastman, Lieut. Philip, Jr., 1682 . Lieut., Train Band, Ash- ford, Conn., 1733. Representa- tive from Ashford for several years. Clark, Byron N., 163. Easton, Gov. John, 1624-1705. Gov. R. I., 1690, et seq. Dep.- Gov., i674-'76. Att.-Gen., 1656, et seq. Att.-Gen. of Ports- mouth and Newport, i653-'54. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Com- missioner, 1654, et seq. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. E.'VSTon, Sergt. Joseph, 1688, Hartford, Conn. Sergt. in Train Band. Booth, Charles E., 116. Easton, Gov. Nicholas, 1593-1675. Pres. of R. I., 1650, '51, '54. Dep.-Gov., 1666. Gov., 1672- '73-'74- Gov.'s Asst., 1640. Deputy, i665-'66. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Hazard, Thomas G., Jr., 223. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Pell, Howland, 78. Easton, Peter, i 622-1 694. Deputy, i666-'7i-'77. Commissioner, i66o-'6i. Assistant, 1667. Gen- eral Treasurer, i672-'77. Attor- ney-General, i674-'76. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Eaton, Gov. Theophilus, 1590-1657. Gov., New Haven Colony, 1639-1657. Hill, Edwin A., 141. Macfarlane, George S., iii. Eaton, Thomas. Served under Capt. Poole in King Philip's War. Killed by Indians. Geer, Walter, 53. Eddy, Samuel, 1608-1688. Member of Plymouth Co., 1643. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Edenden, Edmund, , Scituate and Boston. Deputy from Scituate, i64i-'43. Member Scituate Co., 1643. Favor, Otis S., 170. Edmonds, Capt. William, 1734- 1816. Capt. of Co. for Fau- quier C'ty, Va., in French and Indian War, 1761. Payne, George H., 96. Payne, George H., Jr., 96. Edmonstone, Capt. Archibald, 1667-1734. Capt. under Col. Ninian Beall and Maj. Sam- uel Magruder, of Md. Knight, William W., 177. Edmonstone, Capt. James, 1701- 1753. Capt. of Militia, Colony of Md. Knight, William W., 177. Edsall, Samuel, 1630-1706. Esopus War, 1663. Member Gov. Car- teret's Council, Prov. East Jersey, 1668, et seq. Indian In- terpreter, New Castle, on Delaware, i675-'76. Council- lor under Leisler, Prov. N. Y., i689-'9i. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 55. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Edson, Samuel, 1612-1692, Bridge- water, Mass. Member of the Council of War, 1666, '76. Deputy, 1676. Robinson, Roswell R., 124. Eells, Major Samuel, 1639-1709, Milford, Conn. Sergt., 1669. 342 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lieut, 1676. Commanded Gar- rison at Dartmouth, Mass., King Philip's War. Deputy, Milford, 1678, ei seq. Capt., 1683. Commissioner, i683-'87. Representative, from Hingham, Mass., i705-'o6. Dix, William F., 150. Eldredge, Jehosaphat, 1655-1733. Soldier in King Philip's War. Kingsbury, George N., 223. Eliot, Col. Philip, i 602-1 657, Rox- bury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Col., Mass. Militia. Dep- uty, i654-'57. Commissioner for Roxbury. Swan, Reuben S., 125. Eliot, Robert, 1643-1724, New- castle, N. H. Member Gov. Cranfield's Council, i6o2-'86, and Gov. Allen's, 1692, et seq. Member, from Scarborough, of last Assembly of Me., 1685. Morrell, George C, iii. Ellenwood, Ralph, 1657 . In Narragansett War, and re- ceived grant of land at Am- herst, N. H., for his services. Favor, Otis S., 170. Elliot, Ensign Asa, 1727-1768. Against French and Indians. Ens. 1st Co., 4th Regt., Conn. Troops, 1756. Elliot, Richard M., 87. Ellis, Capt. Charles, 1719-1759, Albemarle Co., Va. In ser- vice on Frontier, i755-'56. Smith, William D. G., 158. Ellis, Lieutenant Richard. 1694, Dedham, Mass. Deputy, 1692/3. Ensign, 1686-92. Lieu- tenant of the Dedham Com- pany, 1694. Daniels, Edwin A., 105. Daniels, Richard H., 105. Elmer, Edward, 1610-1676, Cam- bridge, Mass. Killed by In- dians, King Philip's War. Picher, Oliver S., 178. Elton, Anthony, 1606. One of the Proprietors of West New Jersey, i667-'86. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Ely, Maj. Daniel, 1693-1776. En- sign, 1728. Lieut., 1733. Capt., 1738. Maj., Conn. Regt., 1739. Parker, Charles W., 151. Ely, Capt. William, 1647-1717. Capt., 1697. Member of gov- ernor's Council, 1703-5-8. Parker, Charles W., 151. Emery, Anthony, Kittery, Me., and Portsmouth, N. H. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1772. Fall, Charles G., 117. Fall, George H., 105. Emery, James, 1630 , Kittery, Me. Deputy, Mass., i693-'95. Fall, George H., 106. Emery, Sergt. John, 1629-1693, Newbury, Mass. Under Ma- jor Samuel Appleton in Great Swamp Fight. Richardson, William S., 112. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Endicott, Gov. John, 1588-1665, Salem, Mass. Gov. Mass. Bay Colony, 1629, et seq. Deputy- Gov., 1641, et seq. Pres. of United Colonies, 1658. Col. Third Regt. Mass. Militia, Pequot War, 1636. Gen. in- command of Block Island Ex- pedition, 1636. Maj. -Gen., i645-'49. Harlow, Arthur F., 107. EvETTS, James. Adjutant of Foot under command of Maj. Henry Cuyler in the City and County of New York, Canada Expedi- tion, 1690. Haines, John P., 54. EwEN, Major Richard, 1660. One of the commissioners to govern Md. under Cromwell. Member of Assembly and Speaker, 1657. Member House of Burgesses, i659-'6o. Capt, 1655. Maj., 1658. Boogher, Frank, 174. Boogher, Howard M., 174. Boogher, John H., 174. Boogher, Lawrence, 175. Carleton, Murray, 176. 343 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Fallowell, Gabriel, 1^84-1667. In Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Farnsworth, Matthias, 1612-1689, Groton and Lynn, Mass. Served in 1675 with Maj. Willard. Paine, Waldo G., 227. Faunce, John, 1654. Plymouth, Mass. Member Plymouth Co., 1643. Greve, Clifford, 177. Fawcett, Walter, 1705, Ches- ter, Pa. Representative, 1695. Lea, James H., 120. Fay, John, 1648-1690, Marlborough, Mass. In Marlborough garrison, King Philip's War. Secor, Horace, Jr., 65. Feake, Lieut. Robert, 1610-1663. Lieut., Capt. Patrick's Co., Co- lonial Forces, 1632-1636. Gen- eral Court, Col. of Mass. Bay, i_635-'36. Elliman, Lawrence B., 50. Fenner, Arthur, 1622-1703, Provi- dence, R. I. Commissioner to the Assembly, i6s3, et seg. Dep- uty, 166s, et seg. Assistant, 1657, ei seg. Commander King's Gar- rison, Providence, 1676. Power, Charles M., 190. Power, George C, 190. Fernald, Dr. Renald, 1656. Surgeon in John Mason's Col- ony in N. H. Court Commis- sioner at Portsmouth. Capt. of a military Co. at Portsmouth. Morrell, George C, 111. Field, John, 1686, Providence, R. I. Commissioner to General Assembly, 1663. Deputy, 1677. Weld, George F., 126. Field, Jonathan, 1697-1781, Sunder- land, Mass. Representative, 1750. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Field, Capt. Joseph, 1658-1736, Hat- field and Deerfield, Mass. Capt. in Indian Wars. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Field, Capt. Moses, 1722-1815. Sol- dier in the French and Indian War at the Siege of Louisburg, 1745- Allen, Oliver F., 42. Field, Sergt. Samuel, 1651-1697. In Falls Fight, King Philip's War, under Capt. William Turner. Killed by Indians. Allen, Oliver F., 42. Field, Thomas, 1648-1717, Provi- dence, R. I. Deputy, 1670, et seg. Assistant, i673-'74. Wood, Eric F., 70. Field, Zachariah, 1596-1666, Hart- ford, Conn., and Hatfield, Mass. Soldier from Hartford in Pequoit War. Allen, Oliver F., 42. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Filer, Lieut. Walter, 1683, Windsor, Conn. Lieut, in the early forces of the Conn. Col- ony, . Ketchum, Charles J., 119. FiNCK, Ens. Andrew. In N. Y. Mili- tia under Sir William Johnson at Fort William Henry, 1757- 1763. Ens., 1758. Finck, William M., 212. Fiske, Nathan, 1672-1741, Water- town, Mass. Deputy, 1727, et skg. Fiske, Louis S., 87. Fiske, Capt. Phineas, 1673, Wenham, Mass. Capt. of Wen- ham Co. Deputy, 1653. Hammond, Samuel, 107. Fitch, Rev. James, i 622-1702, Bock- ing, Eng., and Norwich, Conn. Chaplain of the Conn. Forces, King Philip's War, under Maj. Treat, 1675, and Maj. John Talcott, 1676. Fitch, Winchester, 183. Harris, Credo F., 194. Lyman, Walter H., 60. Fithian, Jonathan, 1743- Pri- vate in Capt. Joseph Seeley's Company of Militia, Cumber- land County, N. J., 1715. Gerald, Herbert P., 141. FiTzHuGH, Henry, 1686-1758. Mem- ber House of Burgesses, Va., 1736. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Fleming, John, 1729-1795. Lieut, and Surgeon, Sandy Creek Ex- 344 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. pedition, 1756. Capt. under Col. Forbes at the capture of Fort Du Quesne, lyso-'sS. Commanded a Va. Regt. at the Battle of Point Pleasant. Sullivan, Andrew M., 179. Fleming, Col. Willl\m, 1729-1795, Va. Ens., Lieut., and Capt., in Washington's Regt., which he entered in 1755. Col. of Regt. under Gen, Andrew Lewis, 1774, and was wounded in battle of Point Pleasant, Mem- ber of House of Burgesses from Cumberland Co., Va. Gettys, Francis M., 194. Flint, Lieut. John, 1687. Lieut, in Capt. Thomas Hinch- man's Co., 1677. Deputy for Concord to Mass. General Court, i677,-'79-'8o,-'82. Brown, Benjamin W. B., 74. Lea, James H., 120. Flint, Lieutenant John, 1720- 1820, North Reading, Mass. Lieutenant in Captain Arche- laus Fuller's (Middieton) Com- pany, Colonel Benjamin Pick- man's Regiment (First Regi- ment of Militia in Essex County), 1766. Cameron, Donald McL., 104, Flint, Thomas, 1603-1653, Concord, Mass. Magistrate, Concord, Mass. Representative to the Mass. General Court, 1638- 1641. Governor's Assistant, 1642-1651, 1653. Brown, Benjamin W. B., 74. Lea, James H., 119. Wilson, Arthur H., 115. Floyd, Col. Richard, i 665-1728. Lieut, 1700. Col. Suffolk Co, Militia, Canadian Expedition, 1709, Floyd, William, 52. Smith, George W., 66, Fogg, Deacon Samuel, 2d, 1699- 1786. In Capt. Nathan's Co. of Mounted Troops, King George's War, 1745. Robie, Guy S., 234. Robie, William J., 234. Fogg, Seth, 1666-1756. At Fort William and Mary, New Castle, Volunteer in French and Indan Wars. Private, 1708, Also in Queen Anne's War. Robie, Guy S., 234. Robie, William J., 234. FoLSOM, John, 1615-1681. Mem- ber of Militia at Hingham, Mass., i644-'57. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. FoLSOM, John, 1641-1715. Repre- sentative to Provincial Assem- bly of N. H., i688,-'94,-'95, Jones, Charles F., 230. Nichols, Willard A., 202. FoLSOM (Foulsham), Lieut. Peter, 1649-1717, Exeter, N. H. Ens., 1692. Lieut., 1710. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Fonda, Jellis. Served in Frontier Wars of Albany Co., N. Y., 1689. Tyson, Malcolm V., 98. Fonteyn, Charles. One of the soldiers sent to Albany, 1690. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. FooTE, Adonijah, 1729-1795, Col- chester, Conn. Served in French and Lidian War, 1757. Foot, Augustus R., 106. FooTE, Nathaniel, ist, 1593-1644. Deputy, Conn., i64i-'44 Burton, Lewis W., 194. Dwight, Frederick, 75. Hubbard, Phineas, 108, Picher, Oliver S., 178. Foote, Q. M. Nathaniel, 2nd, 1647- 1703. Q. M., Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Foot, Homer, Jr., 106. Foote, Lieut. Robert, 1629-1681. Lieut., Branford, Conn., Militia, 1677. Dwight, Frederick, 75. Ford, TThomas, 1676, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1638, et seq. Fulton, William E., 134. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Ketchum, Charles J., 119. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. 345 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pearson, William H., 123. Smith, William D. G.,"'i57. Foster, Abraham, i 659-1741. Sol- dier from Ipswich, Mass. Wounded in the military ser- vice of the colony, 1697. Roe, Charles F., 79. Foster, Capt. Hopestill, 1621-1676, Dorchester, Mass. Ens., 1646. Capt. Deputy, 1652, ei seq. Lea, James H., 119. Foster, Lieut. James, 1651-1732, Dorchester, Mass. Sergt., i688. Lieut., 1700. Lea, James H., 120. Foster, Joseph, 1650-1721. Served under Capt. John Lane, in relief of Dunstable, 1706. Given charge of garrison in Billerica, Mass., by Selectmen. *Richards, Jeremiah, 79. Foster, Sergt. Thomas, 1684. Sergt., against Weymesit In- dians. Flouse used as garrison, Billerica, 1675. In Capt. Wheel- er's Co., King Philip's War, Groton garrison, 1676. Foster, Charles S., 222. Foster, Joseph H., 222. Foster, Timothy, 1741-1822. Sol- dier in French and Indian War. Militia officer in Worcester County, Mass. Carr, Frederick D., 222. Chambers, Robert F., 222. FowKE, Col. Gerard, 1669. Burgess from Westmoreland Co., Va., 1663. Member House of Burgesses of Md., 1666. Homer, Inman, 88. FowLE, Lieut. James, 1641-1692, Woburn, Mass. Lieut, of the Woburn Co. Whitmore, Franklin G., 135. Fowler, Corp. Jeremiah, 1730/1 . Corp. in Capt. Jonathan Fowler's Co., Westchester Coun- ty Troops, N. Y., Old French War, 1758. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Freeman, Edmund, 1590-1682, Sand- wich, Ma ss. Assistant, 1640- * Deceased. 1645. Member of Council of War, 1642. Deputy, 1646. Fox, Noel B., 52. . Freeman, Henry, 1672-1763. Sergt. in Col. Thomas Farmer's Regt., N. J. Militia, 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Freeman, Major John, 1627-1719. Ens., Waltham, Mass., 1654. Major, Expedition against In- dians at Saconet, 1677. Member Council of War, 1667-1676. Capt., against Indians at Taun- ton, 1675. Major, Barnstable Troops, 1685. Deputy, Eastham. Cole, Amedee B., 176. Foster, Daniel R., 147. Rogers, Edward S., 167. Freeman, John, 1698-1761. Private in Col. Thomas Farmer's N. J., Regt., 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. French, Capt. William, 1604-1681, Cambridge and Billerica, Mass. Lieut., 1647. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Junior Sergt, 1643. First Sergt., 1646. Ens., 1650. Lieut, in King Philip's War, garrison dut}-, 1675. Capt., 1681. Rep- resentative, i66o-'63. Daniels, Edwin A., 105. Daniels, Richard H., 105. French, Leon L., 144. Morris, Seymour, 121. Frisby, James. Member of Md. Assembly, 1678-1683. Member of Governor's Council, 1696. Brice, Philip H., 91. Frost, Amasa, 1717/18-1795. French and Indian War, 1757. Frost, Russell, 133. Frost, Sergt.-Major Charles, 1632- 1697, Kittery, Me. Deputy, Mass., 1658,^/^^5-. Capt, 1668, Member of Council, 1680, et seq. Sergt-Major, Prov. of Me., 1689. Runk, Louis B., 89. Frost, Hon. John, 1681-1732. Mem- ber of Council, Prov. of N. Hamp., 1724, et seq. Blunt, Stanhope E., 74. Frost, Thomas, 1647-1724. Private from Cambridge, Mass., in 346 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt. Joseph Sill's Co. of Mili- tia, under command of Maj. Daniel Gookin, King Philip's War, 1675. Frost, Russell, 133. Frothingham, Nathaniel, 1640- 1688, Charlestown, Mass. Under Capt. Syll, 167s; Capt. Cutler, 1676. Frothingham, Francis E., 53. Fry, Thomas, 1632-1704. Deputy from East Greenwich to the General Court of R. I., 1684- 1690. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Fryer, Capt. Nathaniel, 16 — 1705, Boston, Mass., and Portsmouth, N. H. Deputy, Mass., 1666. Commissioner to treat with the Indians, Casco, Me., 1678. Royal Councillor, Prov. of N. Hamp., 1683. Dep.-Gov., 1693-1702. Lieut, 1678. Capt., 1689. Com- mandant, i692-'97, at Castle (Fort William Mary). Morrell, George C, iii. Fuller, Lieut. Jeremiah, 1743. Soldier in King Philip's War. Lieut., Newton, Mass., Co. Fuller, Percy W., 106. Fuller, Capt. Matthew, 1610-1678. Sergt. under Myles Standish, 1643. Lieut, at Barnstable, 1652. Lieut., Capt. Standish's Expedi- tion against Manhattoes, 1654. Chairman, Council of War. Lieut, of the Forces against the Saconet Indians, 1671. Surg.- Gen., 1673. Capt., King Philip's War. Bassett, Austin B., 132. Greve, Clifford, 177. Prince, Charles J., 112. Fuller, Ensign Noah, 1712-1786, Attleboro, Mass. Ensign in Capt. Samuel Tyler's Co., 1757. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Fuller, Lieut. Samuel, 1675, Barnstable, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Michael Pierce's Co., King Philip's War. Killed at Rehoboth Ambuscade. New and 1658- Greve, Clifford, 177. FuRNESs, Capt. John, 1733-1810, Boston. Capt. in General Tim- othy Ruggles's 2nd Worcester Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1759. Major. Furness, Alexander R., 176. Gage, Capt. Amos, 1718-1792, Pel- ham, N. H. Capt. of a Co. at No. 4 (Charlestown, N. H.). Gage, Herbert E., 106. Gager, John, 1703. Under Lion Gardiner, at Saybrook Fort, Pequot War. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Gallop (Gallup), Capt. John, 1616-1675, New London, Conn. Capt. of the ist Co., Conn. Forces, Maj. Robert Treat, Great Swamp Fight. Baker, George P., 147. Clapp, Moses E., 189. Dix, William F., 150. Runk, Louis B., 89. Teed, Freeman G., 201. Gallop (Gallup), John, 1650. Boston. In a fight with the Pequot Indians off Block Is- land, 1636, called the first naval engagement in New England waters. Cadle, Cornelius, 175. Smith, William D. G., 157. Snow, William B., 113. Teed, Freeman G., 201. Gardiner,»Ens. George, 1677, Newport, R. I. Deputy of Rhode Island, 1662. Ens., 1644, Sergt., 1642. Hart, Richard H., 205. Gardiner, Lieut. Lion, 1599-1663, Gardiner's Island, N. Y. Lieut, in English Army. Engineer in construction of fortification on Fort Hill, Boston, i635-'36. Constructor of fort at Say- brook, Conn., i636-'37. In com- mand of same against the Pequots until 1639. Assisted Capt. Mason in his assault on Mystic, May 26, 1637. Gay, Warren F., 106. Lennig, George G., 88. 347 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Libbey, William, 150. Yeomans, George D., 73. Gardner, Capt. John, 1624-1706. Commissioned by Gov. Love- lace of New York, seven times, 1673, ^f ^^1- Capt. of Militia, 1680. Civil Magistrate. When Nantucket passed, in 1699, under Mass. jurisdiction, he was made Judge of Probate. Gardner, John C. F., 53. Hoppin, Hamilton, L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Gardner, Thomas, i 592-1 674, Salem, Mass. Deputy, 1637. Holcombe, John M., 137. Rotch, William, 113. Garfield, Capt. Benjamin, 1643- 1717, Watertovvn, Mass. Capt. of Militia, in command of 2nd Military Precinct of Water- town. Representative, 1689- 1717. Garfield, Harry A., 106. Garnett, Joseph, Scituate, Mass. Soldier in Lieut. Gillam's Co., 1676. Willcutt, Levi L., 126. Gates, Simon, 1645-1693, Cam- bridge, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War. Pearson, Arthur E.. 123. Pearson, William H., 124. Gay, Jonathan, 1653 , Ded- ham, Mass. Service under Cap- tain Moseley of record 25 January, 1675/6. Pearson, Arthur E._ xf'i,. Gerard, Thomas, 1600-1673. Mem- ber of Assembly from St. Mary's Hundred, i638-'39. Member of Council, 1643, et seq. Commissioner of Pro- prietary, and Lord of St. Clem- ent's Manor, Prov. of Md. Garland, Hugh A.. 219. Gerretson, Capt. Gerret, 1659- 1703. Lieut., Nov. 10, 1692, in Capt. Gerdrand Claeson's Company of N. J. Troops, Hudson County, N. J. Mersereau, John D., 198. Gerish, Col. Paul, i 674-1743, Dover, N. H. Capt., 1717. Major, 1729. Indian wars. Representative, i726-'4o. Gerrish, Orville K., 118. Gerrish, Capt. William, 1617-1687, Newbury and Boston, Mass. Capt., Military Co. of New- bury. Capt. in King Philip's War. Commanded garrison at Newbury. Deputy, 1650, et seq. Senter, William, 230. Gibbon (s), Dep.-Gov. Ambrose, 1600-1656. Dep.-Gov. of N. H., 1630. Capt., Portsmouth Alarm, 1643. Blunt, Stanhope E., 74. Fernald, Frederik A., 51. Gibson, Capt. James, 1700-1752. Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745. With five men he towed the fire-ship against the ene- my's fleet and the West gate. *Johnson. Tristam B., 58. GiDCiNGS, George, 1608-1676, Ips- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1646, et seq. Holbrook, Levi, 118. Giddings, Lieut. John, 1639-1690, Ipswich, Mass. Lieut, of Militia, 1675. In campaign against Narragansetts. Dep- uty, i653-'55. Rowe, Arthur E., 124. Gilbert, Jonathan, 1618-1682, Conn. Cornet, 1668. Deputy, 1677, '78, '81. Messenger in Indian Wars, to Sequasson, Chickwallop, Manasanes and other Chiefs. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. GiLMAN, Capt. John, 1624-1708, Exeter, N. H. Lieut., 1669. Capt., . Member Council Prov. N. Hamp., 1680. Assem- bly, 1693-1697. Speaker, 1695. Sprague, George E., 113. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B.. 71. Glen, Alexander Lindsay (San- der Leendertse), 1610-1685. In service of the Dutch West India Co., Fort Nassau, on the South River, 1633. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. * Deceased. 348 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Glen, Lieut. Jacob Sander, 1645- 1685, Schenectady and Albany, N. Y. Lieut., Albany Co. of Foot, 1684. Ensign, 1672. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Glover, Hon. John, 1600-1652. Representative, Dorchester, Mass., 1636-1652. Assistant, 1651-1652. Capt., A. & H. A. Co. Glover, George E, 106. Godfrey, Col. George, 1721-1793, Taunton, Mass. Capt. of Troop against the Indians, 1762. afterwards merged in the Bris- tol Co. Regt., Col. Samuel White. Major, about 1771. Col., 1774. Godfrey, Lincoln, 88. Runk, Louis B., 89. GoFFE, Col. John, 1701-1781. Rep- resentative to the General Court of N. H. three terms. Lieut., 1746. Capt. in command at Fort William Henry in 1757. Maj. of the Ninth N. H. Regt. in 1768, and subsequently promoted Colonel. Moore, Charles, 212. Gold. (See Gould.) Goodhue, Deacon William, 1613- 1699, Ipswich, Mass. Repre- sentative, Mass., 1666, et seg. Holbrook, Levi, 118. Goodhue, Capt. William, 1645- 1712, Ipswich, Mass. Capt. in Col. Appleton's Regt. Rep- resentative, 1691-1711. One of the Committee to consider the surrender of the Charter to Governor Andros. Tried, imprisoned, and fined £20 for so doing. Barnes, George E., 42. Cogswell, John F., 229. Goodrich, Col. David, 1667-175 5. Lieut., Capt. Matthew Allyn, Expedition against Indians, 1704. Capt., Hampshire Co., March, 1712. Adj. and Q. M., Wood Creek Expedition, 1709. Capt., Father Rasle's War, i723-'24. Col. and member of Council. i724-'29. Fulton, William E., 134. Goodrich, Elisha, 1712 . Pri- vate in Capt. Josiah Lee's Co. of Farmiagton at the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Fulton, William E., 134. Goodrich, Ens. William, 1676, Wethersfield, Conn. Ens. under Capt. Samuel Welles. Deputy, i66o-'66. Fulton, William E., 134. Goodrich, Henry W., 54. Short, Charles W., 182. Short, John C, 182. Goodspeed, John, 1645-1719. Barn- stable, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 70. Goodyear, Dep.-Gov. Stephen, 1658. Deputy, New Haven General Court, 1641. Dep.- Gov. New Haven Colony, 1643, '44) '46, '53-'57. Commis- sioner for the United Colonies, 1643, '46. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Johnson, Frederic E., 141. Johnson, Joseph B., 141. Johnson, William G., 141. Gorham (Gorum), Capt. John, 1621-1676, Barnstable, Ply- mouth Col. Deputy, 1653. Lieut., 1673. Capt. 2nd Barn- stable Co., under Major Wil- liam Bradford, Great Swamp Fight. Bassett, Austin B., 132. Brooks, Frederick, 103. Reed, Latham G., 79. Gorham, Lieut.-Col. John, 1652- 1716, Barnstable, Mass. In Great Swamp Fight, King Philip's War; Canadian Expe- dition, 1690, and second in co.mmand under Col. Church, 1703. Deputy, 1688, et seg. Brooks, Frederick, 103. Gorham, Nathaniel, 1738-1796, Charlestovvn, Mass. Repre- sentative, 1772, et seg. Speaker. Brooks, Frederick. 103. Gorton, Samuel, 1592-1677. Assist- ant, 1649. Commissioner to the 349 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Narragansett Indians. Deputy, R. I., 1651, et seg. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Gould, Capt. Joseph, 1677-1753, Topsfield, Mass. Capt., Tops- field Military Co., 1725. Dep- iit}^, 1726, et seq. Dorman, William B., 117. Gould (or Gold), Major Nathan (Nathaniel), 1694. Assist- ant, i657-'62-'94. Major, 1666. Member of Committee of De- fence against Dutch, 1662. Representative to the first Col- onial Congress in N. Y., 1690. Major of Dragoons, 1675. Farrell, Alton, 133. Northrop, Otis S., 135. Gould (Gold), Lieut.-Gov. Nath- an, 1663-1723, Fairfield, Conn. Dep.-Gov., 1707. Chief Justice Supreme Court, 1712. Lieut.- Gov., 1708-1723. Jennings, Walter, 58. Gove, Ebenezer, 1671-1758, Hamp- ton, N. H. In King William's War. In garrison at Fort William and Mary, 1708. Clark, Byron N., 163. Grant, Joseph, 1646-1722. In King Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 70. Graves, Sergt. Isaac, 1620-1677, Hatfield, Mass. Killed by In- dians at attack on Hatfield Set- tlement, Sept. 19, 1677. Sergt. in Colonial Militia. McAlpin, Milo F., 61. Graves, Rear-Admiral Thomas, 1605-1653, Charlestown, Mass. Rear-Admiral, English Navy, 1653. Killed in action with Dutch, July 31, 1653. Bates, George B., 74. Bates, William G., 74. Bryant, W. Sohler, 44. Graves, Capt. Thomas. Repre- sented Smythe's Hundred in First House of Burgesses of Va., 1619, et seq. Graves, Carroll S.. 227. Graves, Clyde M., 227. Graves, Frank H., 227. Graves, Jay P., 227. Gray, Edward, i68i. Soldier in King Philip's War. Dep- uty for Plymouth, 1676-1679. Baker, George F., 147. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Green, Judge Henry, 1620-1700, Hampton, N. H, Commis- sioner, 1689. Councillor, 1692- '97- Morrell, George C, iii. Wood, Eric F., 68. Wood, William B., 71. Green, Corp. John, 1650-1709, Maiden, Mass. Corp. in King Philip's War, under Lieut. William Hasey, i675-'76; under Major Willard and Capt. Oakes, 1676. Corp. of the Maiden Military Co., 1678. Representative, i692-'94,-'96. Winship, William H., 127. Green, Capt. Samuel, 1670-1736, Leicester, Mass. Capt. of First Military Co. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Green, Thomas, 1630-1672, Mai- den, Mass. Trumpeter, Maiden Co. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Greenbury, Col. Nicholas, 1697. Member of the Council, 1692. President, 1694. Acting- Go v., Prov. of Md., 1693. Comm.-Gcn. of the Prov., 1692. Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal, i692-'94. Field Officer, Anne Arundel Co., 1694. Jones, Arthur L., 96. Robinson, Arthur L., 195. Greene, John, 1597-1658, R. I. One of the original Proprietors of Providence. Commissioner to England, 1644. Commis- sioners to the Court of Com- missioners, i654-'57. Magis- trate, 1655, '56. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Greene, Dep.-Gov. John, 1620- 1708. Commissioner to the Gen- eral Court, i652-'63. Atty.Gen., i657-'6o. Assistant, i66o-'90. Colonial Agent to England, 350 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1670. Member of Gov. An- dros's Council, 1686. Deputy, i664-'8o. "Major for the Main," 1696. Dep.-Gov., 1690- 1700. Capt, 1676. Maj., 1683. Col. of R. "l. Cannon, Charles E., 222. Carr, Charles R., 222. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Prince, Charles J., H2. Greene, Thomas, Sr., i 628-1 717. Commissioner to Gen. Assem- bly, 1662, et seq. Assistant, Colony of R. I., i678-'8o, '84, '85. Cooke, Thomas F., 197.. Greene, Thomas, Jr., 1662 , R. I. Deputy, 1698. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Greenleaf, Capt. Edmund, 1600- 1671, Newbury. Mass. Ens., 1639. Lieut., 1642. Capt., 1645. Conner, John S., 183. Furness, Alexander R., 176. Greenleaf, Edward E., 162. Richardson, William S., 112. Greenleaf, Capt. Stephen, circ. 1628-1690. Ensign, 1670. Lieut., 1685. Capt., 1686. Drowned during Expedition against Port Royal, 1690. Cilley, Harry B., 156. Furness, Alexander R., 176. Silvester, Learoyd, 90. Greenleaf, Capt. Stephen, Jr., 1652-1743, Newbury, Mass. Commanded against French and Indians, Wells, Me., 1690. Furness, Alexander R., 176. Gregson, Thomas, 1646, New Haven, Conn. Assistant; Treas- urer; Commissioner for the United Colonies, i643-'46. Commissioner to Parliament, 1646. Lost in the Phantom Ship. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Woodin, William H., 72. Gridley, Thomas, 1596-1655, Wind- sor, Conn. In the Pequot War. Gilbert, Payson H., 190. Hart, Richard H., 205. In Capt. Co., of In Capt. Flush- Griffen, Jacob, . Jonathan Wright's Flushing, X715. Winant, Frederick, 81. Griffen, John, 1742 Jonathan Wright's Co. ing, L. L, 1 71 5. Winant, Frederick, 80. Griffin, John, 1681, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1670. Tempo- rary Commander, at Simsbury, 1673. Sergt., 1675. Holcombe, John M., 137. Lea, James H., 120. Grim, David, 1738-1826. Of the privateers King of Prussia and General JVolfc, 1757-1758. Minton, Telfair M., 62. Griswold, Edward, 1607-1691, Conn. Built "Old Fort," Springfield. Deputy, Windsor and Killings- worth, Conn. Deputy, 1656- '63, i667-'89. Bailey, Edward P., 169. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Holcombe, John M., 137. Smith, William D. G., 158. Ward, Christopher L., 219. Griswold, Lieut. Francis, 1635- 1671, Norwich, Conn. Lieut., Train Band, i665-'66. Dep- uty, i664-'68-'7i. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Clarke, Chauncey H., 176. Smith, William D. G., 158. Griswold, John, Conn. Soldier in Narragansett War. Represent- ative from Killingswcrth, 1697- 1702. Parker, Charles W., 151. GRisVi'OLD, Samuel, 1665-1740, Nor- wich, Cc:in. Deputy, Oct., 1707. Smith, William D. G., 158. Grout, Capt. John, 1619-1697, Sudbury, Mass. Sergt., 1643. Ensign, 1667. Lieut., 1686. Capt, 1689. In the Sudbury Fight, 1676. Holbrook, Levi, 119. Grout, Joseph, i 649-1 720. Water- town, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Prentice's Troop, Great Swamp Fight. Holbrook, Levi, 119. 351 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Guilford, Sergt. Benjamin, Dan- vers, Mass. In Capt Fuller's Co., Col. Bagley's Regt., at Frontenac and Louisburg, 1758. Guilford, William W., n8. Guilford, William, 1699 ,V Salem Village, Mass. In Capt.'' ^ Edward Hartwell's Co., 1748. Guilford, William W., ii8. GuNN, Dr. Jasper, 1610-1671, Mil- ford, Conn. Deputy, 1663. Hubbard, Fhineas, 108. GUYTHER, COL. NICHOLAS, 1625-1680, St. Mary's County, Md. Lieut., . Capt., 1652. Col., 1680. Sheriff of St. Mary's Co., 1650, et seq. Member Lower House of Burgesses, 1664. Smith, William D. G., 157. Hale, Capt. Joseph, 1671-1761, Boxford, Mass. Ens., 1714. Lieut, 1720. Capt., 1728. Dep- ut}', 1 714, et seq. Hale, Clarence, 230. Hale, Ens. Robert, 1659, Charlestown, Mass. Ens., Train Band, 1658. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Lord, Charles E., 121. Hale, Samuel, 1610-1693. In Pequct War. Deputy, Conn., i656-'59. Enders, John O., 133. Hale, Sergt. Thomas, i 606-1 682, Newbury, Mass. Sergt. of Militia from i6$2-$j. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Hall, Capt. Asahel, 1717-1795. Ens., 9th Co., Wallingford, Conn., 1757. Capt., 2nd Co., 1764, French and Indian War. Hall, Henry B., 190. Hall, Benjamin, 1650-1730. Gov- ernor's Assistant, R. I., 1701- '02. Deputy, 1699, ^t s^l- Lawton, David L., 59. Hall, David, 1705-1755. Capt. Street Hall's Co., N. Y. Killed, Battle of Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755- Hall, Samuel S., 148. Hall, John, 1606-1676, Conn. In the Pequot War. Deputy, 1653- '61. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Hall, John, 1681-1760. Deputy from North Kingstown, R. I., 1739. Burlingame, Edvvin A., 225. Hall, Lieut. Ralph, 1619-1701, Exeter, N. H. Lieut., Dover Co., 1656. Deputy, 1680. Smith, William D. G., 157. Hall, Lieut. Richard, 1691, Dorchester, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. John Capen's Co. of Foot, Dorchester, 1683. Hall, Oliver, 107. Hall, Capt. Samuel, Ashfield, Mass. Lieut, of Militia, 8th Co., 6th Regt., 1761. Capt, 1766. Quartermaster, 1768. Then went into cavalry, and was commissioned Cornet in 1771, Lieut in 1775. Ranney, Frederick T., 213. Hall, Thomas, 1649-1731, Wall- ingford, Conn. Deput}^, 1697- 1700, '03. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Hall, William, 1613-1678. Com- missioner from Portsmouth in 1654, '56, '60, '63. Deputy, 1665, '68, '72, '73. Burlingame, Edwin A., 225. Hallett, William, 1616-1706, Flushing, L. I. Deputy, 1664. Magistrate, i662-'64. Delafield, Edward C, 48. Delafield, John R., 48. Hallett, Capt. William, 1647- 1729. Capt of Foot Co., New- town, L. I. Delafield, John R., 48. Halsey, Thomas, 1592-1681. Adjt, Train Band, 1650. In Indian Wars. Deputy from South- ampton, Colony of Conn., 1664. Denman, A.bram C, Jr., 197. Hicks, S. Chudleigh, 55. Smith, George W., 66. Hamilton, Ens. Nathan, Brook- field. In Capt Dalrymple's Petersham Co., 1756, and in Capt E. Bemis' Spencer Co., 1757; Sergt in Capt Upham's Co., 1750. Private in Capt. Paige's Hardwick Co., Crown 352 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Point Expedition, 1769, and in Capt. McFarland's Co., 1761- '63. Hamilton, Alexander, 233. Hamlin, Capt. Giles, 1622-1689, Middletown, Conn. Deputy from Middletown to General Court of Conn., 1666-1668, 1670-1684. Assistant, Conn., 1685-1687, 1689. Dvvight, Frederick, 75. Hart, Samuel, 136. Sparrow, Jackson W., 183. Hamlin, Hon. John, 1658-1732/3. Deputy from Middletown to Conn. General Assembly, 1690- 1693. Assistant, 1694-1729. Member of Governor's Coun- cil, Conn., 1707, 1710-1727. Dwight, Frederick, 75. Hart, Samuel, 136. Hammond, Capt. Benjamin, 1621- 1703. Sandwich and Rochester, Mass. Capt. of Colonial Militia. Deputy from Roches- ter. McGrath, John, 183. Hammond, Lieut. John, 1627-1709, Watertown, Mass. Lieut., . Heathfield, Herbert D., 107. Hammond, Maj.-Gen. John, 1643- 1707. Col., Forces of Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1699. House of Burgesses, 1692. Maj.-Gen. of Western Shore, 1707. Mem- ber of Council, and Judge, High Court of Admiralty. Jones, Arthur L., 96. Hance, John, 1709/10. Dep- uty to N. J. Assembly, 1680 Hance, Irwin H., 148. Hance, William W., 148. Hancock, Stephen. One of the Military officers for Anne Arundel County, Md., 1694. Landed at St. Mary's, Apr. 9, 1664. Hancock, James E., 96. Hardenburg, Gerrit Janse, 1667 . Commissioned July 8, 1690, by Gov. Jacob Leisler. Commander of the Sloop "Roy- al Albany" to sail up the Hud- son River against the French. Stewart, Ralph W., 201. Hardenburg, Col. Johannes, 1670 . Maj. of 3rd Regt., Ulster County, N. Y. Militia, under Col. Jacob Rutsen, 1717. Col., ist Regt., 1757. Stewart, Ralph W., 201. Haring, Col. Abraham Peter, 1704-1771, Tappan, N. Y. Col. of the Regt. for the south part of the mountains (Orange, now Rockland County, N. Y.), i74i-'63. Bartholf, John H., 74. Harlan, George, 1650-1714. Mem- ber of Colonial Assembly of Pa. Hale, Alton T., 233. Hale, William B., 233. Harmon, John, Scarborough, Me. King Philip's War. Elliman, Lawrence B., 50. Harrington, Capt. Edward, 1702- 1792. Corp. in Co. of Capt. John Cutting's Troop of Horse, Mass., 1748. Private in Capt. Coolidge's (Watertown) Co., Col. William Brattle's Regt. in Expedition against Crown Point, 1755. Capt. of a Co. in Expedition against Crown Point, 1755. Ludingion, Elliot K., 178. Harrington, John, 1651-1741, Watertown, Mass. Served un- der Capt. Richard Beers, King Philip's War. Wounded twice in fight at Northfield. Solis, Andrew J., 125. Harrington, Jonathan, 1741-1793. Private in Capt. John Taplin's Co., Col. Frye's Regt., i759-'6o. Ludington, Elliot K., 178. Harris, Lieut. Gibson, 1694-1761, Norwich, Conn. Lieut., 6th Company, Norwich, 1739. Harris, Williams C, 212. Harris, Thomas, Sr., 16S6. Commissioner for Province, 1652, et seq. Lieut, 1654. Dep- uty for Providence, 1664, ct seq. Governor's Asst., 1666. Wood, Eric F., 69. 353 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Harrison, James, 1626-1687, Bucks Co., Pa. Member'of the First Council called by William Penn, i682-'83. Middleton, Nathan A., 96. Harrison, Capt. John, 1675-1724. Deputy to General Court of N. J., 1703-1716. Capt. in Col. Thomas Farmer's N. J. Regt., 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Harrison, Richard, i 600-1653. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Harrison, Sergt. Richard, Jr., 1620 . Sergt. of Newark, N. J., Militia, 1665-1675. Monnette. Orra E., 199. Harrod, Nathaniel, 1701-1765, Concord, Mass. Sentinel in Lieut. Samuel Wright's Co., 1723. Bond, Charles P., 103. Hart, John, 1651-1714. Member Penn. x'lssembly, 1683, '84. Gignilliat, Leigh R., 210. Gignilliat, Thomas H., 210. Hart, Capt. John, 2d, 1655-1714, New Haven, Conn. Ens., 1695. Lieut., 1703. Capt, 1707, de- fense of the frontier. Served in Hampshire, 1707-1708. Dep- uty, 1702-1705. Auditor, 1705. Hart, Richard H., 205. Hart, Stephen, i 605-1682. Cam- bridge and Farmington, Conn. Under Maj. John Mason, Pe- quot War. Deputy, 1647, et seq. *Falkner, William H., 105. Hart, Richard H., 205. Hartvvell, Q. M. William, 1613- 1690, Concord, Mass. Corp., 1671. Quartermaster, Middle- sex Co. Troops, Capt. Thomas Wheeler, 1673. Soldier in King Philip's War, i675-'76. Cornet in Troop of Horse of Middle- sex Co. Lunt, William W., 121. Haskell, Capt. William, circ. 1620-1693, Gloucester, Mass. L'p"^ of Train Band, 1681. * j^ei. eased. Afterwards Capt. Deputy, 1672, et seq. Holbrook, Levi, 119. Hastings, Thomas, 1605-1685, Watertown, Mass. Deputy, 1673. Clark, Byron N., 163. Heathfield, Herbert D., 107. Hatcher, William, 1614-1680. Member Va. House of Bur- gesses, 1644, ^' ^^1- Clark, Edward H., Jr., 194. Hatfield, Capt. Abraham, 1720- 1775, Capt. of Militia, West- chester Co., N. Y., in the Old French War, 1758-1760. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Hathorne, Major William, 1607- 1681, Salem, Mass. Deputy to Genl. Ct. 1635, et seq. First Speaker, House of Deputies, 1644, also Speaker, 1645, ^^ ^^Q' Gov.'s Asst., i662-'79. Com- missioner, United Colonies, i65o-'54, '73. Capt., Salem Co., 1645. Maj., 1656. Member of Committee on Articles of Con- federation of United Colonies, 1648. Member of Coinmittee for Preservation of Charter, 1661. Asst., i662-'79. In charge of Military affairs. Marble- head, 1666. Judge, i667-'78. Odell, William H. L., 112. Haughton, Richard, 1682. Volunteer at siege of Fort Uncas, Narragansett War, 1657. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Hawes, Daniel, Jr., 1684-1763. Officer, Mass. Colonial Forces, French and Indian War, 1757- '59- Hosmer, James R.. 57. Hawkes, Asa, 1732-1801. Soldier in French and Indian War. Shepherd, Edward H., 224. Hawkins, Anthony, 1674, Farmington, Conn. One of the Patentees of Conn. under Charter from Charles II, 1662. 354 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Deputy, i665-'67. Gov.'s Asst., i668-'70. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Hawks, Eliezer (Elizeur), 1655- 1727, Hadley, Mass. In Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Hawks, Lieut.-Col. John, 1707- 1784, Deerfield, Mass. Sergt., 1746. Lieut., i754-'57. Capt., 1758. Major, 1759. Lieut.-Col. under Amherst, 1760. Hawks, Frederick E., 107. Hawley, Joseph, 1603-1690. Dep- uty, Conn., i665-'87. McClintock, Emory, 150. Hawley, C.'vpt. Joseph, i654-i7ii- Capt. of Snow-shoe Men from Northampton, Mass., i7o8-'o9. *Young, William H., 81. Hayden, William, i 600-1 669,Wind- sor. Conn. Deputy, 1667. In Pequot War. In Maj. Mason's Troop, i657-'58. Sparrow, Jackson W., 183. Hayes, Daniel, 1686-1756, Wind- sor, Conn. In Queen Anne's War. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. Hayes, Jonathan, . Member of Assembly, i689-'97. Prov. of Penn. Lewis, Fulton, 142. Haynes, Lieut. Abijah, 1701 , Sudbury, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Josiah Richardson's 2nd Foot Co., Sudbury, Mass., 1757, French and Indian War. Wood, Eric F., 70. Haynes, Gov. John, i 594-1654, Hartford, Conn. Gov., Mass. Bay Colony, 1635. Gov. of Conn. Colony. Pres., First Gene- ral Court, 1637. Gov. alternate years until death. Commissioner of United Colonies, 1650. Col. of Regiment raised against the Indians, 1636. Treat, James W., 179. Willcox, Charles H., 210. Haynes, John, 1621-1692. Com- mander of garrison house at Sudbury, Mass. In Phips' Ex- pedition, 1690. Representative, 1668. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Hazard, Robert, 1635-1710. Mili- tary Commissioner for Ports- mouth, R. I., in command of Boat Patrol. Recruiting Mas- ter, Ordinance Officer, King Philip's War. Deputy, 1664- '65. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Hazard, Thomas, 1610-1680, Mid- dieburg. Governor's Council, 1654. Magistrate, i652-'55. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Hazen, Thomas, 1657-1735, Box- ford, Mass. In Major Samuel Appleton's Co., Narragansett Campaign, i675-'76. Great Swamp Fight. Gregg, Henry S., 190. Heald, Sergt. John, 1689. Un- der Maj.Williard, King Philip's War, 1675. Sergt., Concord Co., raised for French and Indian Wars. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 124. Heard, Ensign James, 1675/6, Kittery, Me. Ensign of the Kittery Company, July, 1659. Lunt, William W., 121. Heaton, Sergt. James, 1633-1712. Sergt. and Ens., New Haven Militia. Representative, 1696- '97- liolcombe, John M., 137. Heaton, Robert, 1716. Mem- ber of Assembly, Pa., 1698, 1700. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Thompson, Henry B., 218. Hedge, Capt. William, , Yar- mouth, Sandwich, Mass., and Lyme, Conn. Ens., 1653. Capt., Yarmouth Co., 1659. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Helme, Sergt. Christopher, 1650. Sergt. of Train Band, Warwick, R. I., 1647. Justice of the R. I. Court of Trials, 1648. Collins, Holdridge O., 202. 355 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hempstead, Capt. Joshua, 1678- 1758. Deputy to the General Court of Conn., 1718, et seq. Ensign, 1721. Lieut, 172+. Capt., 1726, serving until 1739, Second Company Train Band, New London, Conn. Harris, Williams C, 212. Kennett, William P., 177. Hemsley, Col. William, 1736-1812. Member of Md. Council, 1770- '71. Col., 20th Battalion, Queen Anne County Troops. Emory, Edward H., 176. Henchman, Major Thomas, 1703. Lieut., commanding at Chelmsford Garrison, King Philip's War. Maj. of Middle- sex Regt., King William's War. Kimball, Harold C, 76. Herrick, Ensign Ephraim, 1692 . Confirmed Ensign of 3rd Co. of Preston, Conn., by Gene- ral Assembly at New Haven, Oct. 8, 1735. Mower, Charles H., 162. Herrick, Corp. Joseph, 1645-1717, Salem Village, Mass. King Philip's War. Great Swamp Fight. Corp., 1692. Richardson, William S., 112. Hersey, William, 1600-1657, Hing- ham, Mass. In Militia, 1644- '45- Thayer, Charles L, 125. Hewins, Jacob, 1711, Dor- chester, Mass. In garrison at Hadle.v, 1676. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Hewlett, George, 1770- In Capt. Joshua Cornell's Co. of Foot, Queen's County, N. Y., 1715. Van Nostrand, Benjamin T., 68. Hicks, Capt. Thomas, 1640-1741. Under Capt. John Hicks, Fort Neck, 1653. Capt. of Militia at Hempstead. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. HiGGENSON, Capt. Robert. Com- mander at Middle Plantation, 1646. Received grant of land for services against the Indians. Garland, Hugh A., 219. HiGGiNs, Richard, . Member Plymouth Military Co. Council of War, 1653. Deputy, 1647. Monnette, Orra E., 199. HiGGiNS, Thomas, 1677-1702. Dep- uty to General Assembly, N. J., 1694-1695. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Hildreth, Sergt. Richard, 1605- 1688, Woburn and Chelm'?fcrd, Mass. Sergt. in the Military Co. prior to 1663. Served until 1664. Walton, Charles S., 203. Hill, Col. Edward, i 637-1 700. Member of House of Burgesses of Va. Speaker of the House and member of Council. Com- mander-in-Chief in Henrico and Charles City Counties in 1656. Bradford, Ben B., 140. Hill, Capt. Elisha, 1709/10-1764. Capt., York Co., Mass. (after- wards Maine) Militia, 1757. Runk, Louis B., 89. Hill, Capt. John, 1666-1713. Ens. in King William's War, 1689. Lieut., 1692. Capt., 1693. Com- manded Fort Mary at Winter Harbor to 1700. Runk, Louis B., 89. Hill, Major John, Jr., 1703-1772. Ensign, Maine Militia, 1727. Lieut., 1729. Capt., 1744. Major, 1754- Runk, Louis B., 89. Hill, Peter, 1667. Member of Assembly of Lygonia, 1648. Assistant of same. Runk, Louis B., 89. Hills, Capt. Jonathan, 1683, East Hartford, Conn. Capt., 5th Company of Train Band, Hartford, 1738. Hills, Ralph W., 141. Hills, Capt. Joseph, 1603-1688, Newbury, Mass. Deputy from Charlestown and Speaker of the House, 1647; from Maiden, r650-'56, '6o-'64; from New- bury, 1667, '69. Capt. Maiden Military Co. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Lea, James H., 119. 356 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Richardson, William S., 112. HiNCKES, John, . Councillor, 1683. Assistant, 1686. Mem- ber Sir Edward Andros' Coun- cil, 1687. President of Coun- cil, 1692. Morrell, George C, 112. Hinckley, Samuel, , 1662. In Lieut. Thomas Dymoke's Co., Barnstable, Mass., 1643. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Morrell, George C., iii. Teed, Freeman G., 201. Hinckley, Gov. Thomas, 1618- 1706, Barnstable, Mass. Dep- uty, Plymouth, 1646, et seq. Asst., i658-'8o. Commissioner of Plymouth Col., i675-'76. Commissioner for United Colo- nies, i678-'92. In Great Swamp Fight. Dep.-Gov., 1680. Gov., i68i-'92. Councillor of Prov- ince, 1686. Member of Council under Gov. Andros, 1687. Com- missioner from Plymouth Co. in charge of Military Forces against King Philip, i675-'76. Assistan*:, Prov. of Mass. Bay. Crocker, David, 104. Glover, George E., 106. Rosa, Nelson W., 64. HiNMAN, Sergt. Edward, 1681, Stratford, Conn. With Capt. John Underbill, under Stuyve- sant, against the Indians. McClintock, Emory, 150. HiNMAN, Capt. Titus, i 656-1 736, Woodbury, Conn. Lieut., 1710. Capt., 1714. Averill, Nathan K., 132. Hitchcock, Capt. Amos, 1724-1791. Commanded 6th Co., 2nd Regt. of Conn, forces in French and Indian War, Campaign of 1758. Dwight, Frederick, 75. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. Hitchcock, Capt. Luke, 1655-1737, Springfield, ?vlass. Under Capt. Turner in the "Falls Fight." Hitchcock, Thomas B., 107. Hoagland, Lieut. Johannes, Trooper under Col. Dongan in Expedition to Albany, 1688. Lieut, of a Troop of Horse under Capt. Johannes de Pey- ster, 1700. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Hoar. John, 1704, Scituate and Concord, Mass. Member Scit- uate Co., 1643. King Philip's War. Kent, Daniel, 119. Hodges, Capt. Henry, 1652-1717. Representative, i704-'i3-'i5- 'i6-'i7. Capt., 2nd Military Co. Selectman. Member, Town Council. Runke, Louis B., 89. Hodgess, Capt. William, 1682-1766, Taunton, Mass. Capt., 3rd Military Co. of Taunton. One of the founders of New Taun- ton, now Westminster, Vt, /735- Kingsley, Harvey R., 162. Hodley, Eliphalet, 1719-1763, Amesbury, Mass. In Capt. Richard Kelley's Co. Guilford, William W., 118. Hodley, Samuel, Sr., 1655 > Amesbury, Mass. Member of the Train Band, 1680. In King Philip's War. Guilford, William W., 118. HoLBRooK, John, 1673-1740, Sher- born, Mass. Representative to the General Court, i7i4-'22. Soldier in 1690 Expedition to Canada under Sir William Phips. Holbrook, Clark, 55. Holcomb(e), Lieut. Nathaniel, 1648 . Deputy, Simsbury, Conn., i703-'o6. Lieut, 1716. Holcombe, John M., 137. Holden, Justinian, 1691. Under Capt. Daniel Gookin in King Philip's War. Hicks, S. Chudleigh, 55. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Holden, Capt. Randall, 1612-1692, Warwich, R. I. Marshal and Corp. at Portsmouth, R. I., 357 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1638. Asst., 1647, ei seq. Capt., 1664. Deputy, i666-'86. Prince, Charles J., 112. HoLLiDAYj Lieut. James, 1757. Commissioned Lieut, in Second Battalion, Penn. Troops, under Lieut.-Col. John Armstrong, March 25, 1756. Died in battle near Loudon Mts., Penn., June 9, 1757- Holliday, William P., 212. HoLLiSTER, Lieut. John, 1612-1665, Wethersfield, Conn. Deputy, Mass., 1644; Conn., i645-'56. Lieut., Hartjford County Militia, 1657. Moffat, R. Burnham, 78. Root, C3'rus, 144. Thompson, Royal W., 142. HoLMAN, Capt. Solomon, 1697- 1785. In Capt. James Smith's Co., Col. John Greenleaf's Regt, Crown Point Expedition, 1754. Served as Capt. of "Men from Sutton," 1755 and 1761. Decker, Wilbur F., 189. Holmes, Obadiah, 1607-1682. Mem- ber Special Governor's Coun- cil, King Philip's War. Rep- resentative, at Newport and Portsmouth, R. L, 1656. Bicknell, George A., 43. Burlingame, Edwin A., 225. Chapman, Edwin N., 46. Gerald, Herbert P., 141. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Thomas. Robert M., 80. Wood, Eric P., 69. Holmes, Samuel, 1733-1803. Sol- dier in French and Indian War, 1758. Holmes, Daniel F., 223. Hone, Philip, 1743-1798. In Capt. Tobias Van Zandt's Co., N. Y., 1759. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Hooe, Rice, Va., 1599-1655. Mem- ber House of Burgesses, Shir- ley Hundred Island, i632-'33, and Charles City Co., 1644- 46. Magruder, Caleb C, Jr., 144. Hooker, Rev. Thom.as, i 585-1 647, Leader of Expedition which founded the Colony of Conn., .1635. Bicknell, George A., 43. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 55. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Spencer, Selden, 179 Hooper, William, , Marble- head, Mass. Served in Nar- ragansett Wars. In Captain Henchman's Company, 1675. In Captain Wadsworth's Com- pany, 1676. Lord, Calvin, 121. HooPES, Joshua, 1723, Buck's Co., Pa. Member Assembly, 1686, et seq. Hoopes, Wilford L., 223. Hope, Lieut. Thomas, 1777- Lieut, in one of the two Asso- ciate Regiments of Chester County, Pa., i747-'48. Cunningham, William C, 233. Hopkins, Lieut. John, 1665-1732. Sergt., Conn. Colonial Troops. 1714. Ens., 1715. Lieut., 1716. Hopkins, Forest, i66. Hopkins, John, 1735-1823. In Capt. George Brewerton's Co., N. Y., 1758. Daniell, Griswold B., 47. Hopkins, Stephen, 1644. In the "First Encounter" with the Indians at Great Meadow Creek, 1620. Member under Arms, Capt. Myles Standish, 1621. Member of Governor's Council, i633-'36. Council of War for Plymouth, 1642. Vol- unteer in Pequot War. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Cole, Amedee B., 176. Morse, Glenn T., 121. Smith, Dwight, 65. Watrous, Charles L., 208. Hopkinson, John, 1646-1704, Row- ley, Mass. King Philip's War, Capt. Brocklebank's Co. Geer, Walter, 53. Hopkinson, Thomas, 1709-1751. Council, Prov. of Penn., 1747. Baird, Oliver H., 87. Gilpin, Francis H., 88. HosMER, James, 1676. Killed 358 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. at the Haines Garrison House, Sudbury Fight, King Philip's War, with other Concord vol- unteers. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. HosMER, Capt. Stephen, 1704-1758. Capt., Hartford Company, 1755, French and Indian War. In garrison at Pantusick until Sept. 8, 1755. Deputy for East Haddam, 1744. Deputy for Hartford to Conn. General Assembly, 1752, '53, '55, '56. Hosmer, James R., 57. Winchester, Henry C, Jr., 68. Hosmer, Thomas, 1604-16S7, Hart- ford, Conn, "epresentative. Lea, James H., 119. Hough, Atherton, 1650. Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony, 1635. Deputy, 1637, 1638. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Hough, William, 1619-1683. En- gineer at New London. In King Philip's War. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Houlton, Joseph, 1621-1705, Salem, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Gardi- ner's Co., 1675. Ballard, Willis D., 102. How ( e ) , Edward, 1 644, Water- town, Mass. Deputy, 1635, et seq. Farwell, John W., 117. Lea. James H., 119. How(eJ, John, Sr., 1687, Marlborough, Mass. Com- manded a Garrison House at Marlborough, King Philip's War. Adsit, Elbridge S., i6i. Howard, Lieut. John, 1625-1700, Bridgewater, Mass. Ens., Bridgewater Military Co., 1664. Lieut., 1689. Deputy, 1678-1683. Henry, George F., 208. Howe, Capt. Daniel, 1658-1718, Marlborough, Mass. In gar- rison at Marlborough, March, 1692. Afterwards called Cap- tain. Barnes, George E., 42. Fulton, William E., 134. Howell, Edward, 1585-1656, Lynn, Mass., and Southampton, L. I. Gov.'s Assist., i647-'53, Conn. Colony. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Hov.'ell, William, 76. Howell, Major John, 1625-1695, Southampton, L. I. Deputy, 1662-1664. Governor's Assist- ant, 1664. Command against the Dutch, i673-'74. Major of Troop, 1684. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Howell, Charles F., 57. Rumrill, Frank, 134. HowLAND, Lieut. Jabez, 1628 . Lieut, Capt. Benjamin Church, in King Philip's War. Howland, Carver, 198. HowLAND, John, 1592-1673. "First Encounter," Great Meadow Creek, 1620. Gov.'s Asst., 1633- 35. In command of Kennebec Trading Post, 1634. Deputy, 1 641, et seq. Bassett, Austin B., 132. Brown, John B., 75. Cadle, Cornelius, 175. Cannon, William W. H., 222. Crocker, David, 104. Doten, Elmer A., 229. Green, Samuel S., 118. Guild, Frederick T., 223. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Morrell, George C, iii. Reed, Latham G., 78. Stevens, William S. B., 125. LIowLAND, Lieut. John, 1627 , Barnstable, Mass. Ensign in the Military Co. at Barnstable, King Philip's War, 1675. Lieut., 1683. Crocker, David, 104. Howard, Lieut. Joseph, 1704, Plymouth. Lieut., Plymouth Co., 1679. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Hubbard, George, 1683. Dep- uty, Conn, and Mass., 1637, et seq. Hays, James A., 227. 359 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Hubbard, William, 1594-1670, Ips- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1638, et seq. Hart, Samuel, 136. Hudson, Daniel, 1697, Lan- caster, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Philip's War. In garrison, i69i-'92. Killed with wife and children, Sept. II, 1697. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Hughes, Lieut. James, 1766, Augusta Co., Va. Lieut, in Militia, i756-'6o. Owen, Robert L., 142. Hull, Benjamin, 1639-1703. Pri- vate in Capr. Robert Mason's Troop of Horse, 1679. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Hull, Benjamin, 1680-1732. En- sign of Militia, Piscataway, N. J., 1713- Monnette, Orra E., 200. Hull, Lieut. Cornelius, 1626-1695, Fairfield, Conn. Lieut., King Philip's War. Messenger of Council of War, 1675. Lieut., Maj. Treat's Life Guard, 1675. Deputy, 1676. Benton, Arthur B., 202. Hull, George, 1659. Assist- ant, 1654. Deputy previous to 1654. Member, Gencial Court of Conn., 1637. Enders, John O., 133. Hull, Rev. Joseph, 1594-1665, Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, Mass., from Hingham, 1638; to Plymouth Col., 1639. *Hull, John C. F., 198. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Hull, Josiah, 1675. Deputy from Windsor, Conn., 1659- 1662. Deputy from Killing- worth, Conn., 1667-1674. Enders. John O., 133. Humphrey, Michael, 1695. In Windsor Dragoons, 1667. Deput}' from Simsbury, Conn., 1670. In service at Windsor, i675-'76. Smith, William D. G., 158. * Deceased. Hungerford, David, 1709-1758. In Capt. Eldad Lewis' Co.. 2d Conn. Regt., i755-'58, French and Indian Wars. Hungerford, Victor W., 57. Hungerford, William, Charles County, Md. Soldier in Md. Militia, i747-'48. Gregg, Maurice, 95. Hunnewell, Lieut. Richard, 1703. Scarborough, Me. Lieut., under Capt. Joshua Scottow, Black Point Garrison, King Philip's War. McGrath, John, 183. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Hunt, Captain Peter, 1610-1692, Rehoboth, Mass. A first settler of Rehoboth. Lieutenant of Rehoboth Train Band, 1654-82. Captain, 1682-92. Member of Council of War, 1658, 1685. Deputy to Plymouth General Court for fifteen years as Com- mander of Rehoboth Train Band, he assisted Captain Henchman in the pursuit and defeat of King Philip upon the latter's flight from Mt. Hope. Defended town of Rehoboth when same was attacked and burned, March 28, 1676. Baker, Frederic W., 102. Hunter, Isaac, 1740-1816. With Capt. Eleazar Warner's Co., of New Braintree, Mass., un- der Gen. Webb, 1757, and with Capt. Andrew Dalrymple's Co., under Col. Jedidiah Preble, 1758, French and Indian Wars. Barnes, George E., 42. Huntington, John, 1642 , Amesbury, Mass. Snow-shoe man, 1708. Atwood, Luther, 102. Huntington, Simmon, 1659-1736. House used as Arsenal, Nor- wich. Indian Wars. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Hurleut, Lieut. Thomas, 1671, Wethersfield, Conn. Un- der Lion Gardiner in the Pe- quot War. Clerk of Train 360 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Band, 1640. Deputy, 1644. Lieut, at the Saybrook Fort. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. HussEY, Christopher, 1595-1686. A Member of Council, N. Hamp., 1680. Representative, Mass., i658-'6o. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Robie, Guy S., 234. Robie, William J., 234. HuTCHiNs, Francis, 1698. Member Md. House of Assem- bly, 1694. Boogher, Frank, 174. Boogher, Howard M., 174. Boogher, John H., 175. Boogher, Lawrence, 175. Carleton, Murray, 176. HUTCHINS, HeZEKIAH, I727-I796. In Capt. Thomas Cheney's Co., 8th Mass. Regt., Louisburg, 1745. Lieut., Major Stephen Miller's Co., Co. Jonathan Bayley's Mass. Regt., Fort Wil- liam Henry. Capt., Engineer at Fort Frederick. Silvester, Learoyd, 90. Hutchins, John, 1604-1685, New- bury and Haverhill, f/Iass. In King Philip's War in 1675. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Hutchinson, Capt. Edward, 1613- 1675. Mass. Capt., A. & H. A. Co., 1657. Deputy, 1658. Capt. of "Three County Troupe," i659-'74. Capt. of Expedition against Nipmuck Indians, and died from wounds received in fight, Aug. 2, 1675. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Hutchinson, Gov. William, 1586- 1642. Representative to Gen- eral Court of Mass., i635-'38. Gov. of Portsmouth, R. I., i639-'40. Fox, Noel B., 52. Hyde, Capt. Daniel, 1694-1770, Conn. Capt., 3rd Norwich Co. Militia, 1746, ei seq. In French War, 1748. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Ide, Nicholas, i 620-1 690. In King Philip's War, under Major William Bradford. Brown, John B., 75. Ide, Robert L., 58. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Ide, Nicholas, 1654-1723, Attle- boro, Mass. Representative, 1714. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Jackson, Edward, 1602-1681. Dep- uty from Cambridge, Mass., 1647, et seq. Koop, Eugene J., 76. Robinson, Roswell R., 124. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Jackson, Col. John, 1735- Long Island Militia. Member of Assembly. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Jackson, Sebas, 1642-1690, Newton, Mass. In Capt. Poole's Co., King Philip's War. Koop, Eugene J., 76. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Jacob, Nicholas, 1657, Hing- ham, Mass. Deput}', 1648-1649. Weld, George F., 126. James, John, 1641-1676. Wounded in fight with Indians and died from his wounds. Baker, Alfred L., 170. James, Se'rgt. Thomas. Member of Capt. Mosely's Co. at Mt. Hope, 1675. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Janney, Thomas, 1634-1696. Mem- ber of the Council of Penn., 1683-1686. White, Fletcher, 143. Jay, John, 1745-1829. Member of Continental Congress, i^j^-'-js- Member of N. Y. Provincial Congress, 1775. Chief Justice of United States. Du Bois, Ernest B., 198. Jenckes, Joseph, 2d, 1632-1717. Governor's Assistant of R. I., 1650, et seq. Bicknell, George A., 43. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Jenckes, Gov. Joseph, 1650-1740. Dep.-Gov. of R. I., ijis-'zj. 361 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gov., i727-'32. Major of the Main, lyoj-'ii. Bicknell, George A., 43. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Jenkins, William, 1648-1712. Member of Assembly, 1690- 1695. Member of Council, Prov. of Penn., 1691-1692. Lea, James H., 120. Jenney, John, 1643/44. Sol- dier in King Philip's War. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Jennison, Ens. Samuel, 1645-1700, Watertown, Mass. Ens. in Militia. Fulton, William E., 134. Jewett, Joseph, 1609-1660/1, Row- ley, Mass. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court, 1651-54, 1660. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. Jewett, Joseph, Jr., 1656-1710, Rowley, Mass. Served with Major Appleton in the Narra- gansett Campaign, 1675. Also under Captain Joseph Gardi- ner. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 124. Johnson, Captain Edward, Sr., 1599-1672, Woburn, Mass. One of the founders of A. & H. A. Co., 1637. Ens. in Capt. George Cooke's Co., 1638. Lieut, of Middlesex Co. Troop, 1643 ; Capt., 1644. Surveyor-General of the Military Stores of the Colony, 1659. Deput}', 1643- '47, '49-'7o. Speaker, 1655. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Cutler, Elbridge G., 117. Fox, Noel B., 52. Kimball, Clarence H., 109. Johnson, Capt. Isaac, 1615-1675. Capt. A. & H. A. Co., 1667, and of the Roxbury Militia, 1653. Killed in Narragansett Fort Fight. Morris, Seymour, 121. Johnson, John, 1600-1659 Rox- bury, Mass. Was "Surveyor of all ye Armyes." Deputy to the General Court, 1634, et seq. Clark, Eliot A., 104. Morris, Seymour, 121. Johnson, Sergt. Matthew, 1633- 1696, Woburn, Mass. Sergt., 1663. Deputy, i689-'92. Swan, Reuben S., 125. Johnson, Capt. Timothy, 1679- 1771. 7th Co., Col. James Stevens's 4th Mass. Regt. Ex- pedition against Louisburg, 1745. Representative, 1737- 1745. Capt. in French and In- dian War. Allen, John J., 161. Allen, Marion S., 161. Johnson, Maj. William, 1629-1704, Woburn, Mass. Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony, i684-'86, '89-'9i. Member Council of Safety, A.ndros troubles, 1689. Deputy to the General Court, 1674, '76-'83. Maj. of Militia under Lieut. -Col. Joseph L^ynde, King William's War. Fox, Noel B., 52. Ludington, Elliot K., 177. Johnstone, Dr. John, 1661-1732. Member of King's Council for Prov. of N. J., 1686-1690, for N. Y., 1716-1723. Represented Middlesex Co., in the General Assembly. Speaker. Bradish, George J., 44. Jones, Ensign Isaac, 1702-1759. Ensign in Col. Elisha Wil- liam's Regt., Conn. Foot, 1747- '48. Hill, Edwin A., 141. Jones, Parker, 1734 . Private in relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Hill, Edwin A., 141. Jones, Robert, 1746. Member of Pa. Assembly, 1711, et seq. Thompson, Henry B., 218. Jones, Robert, 1633 , Ames- bury, Mass. Under Capt. Tur- ner in Falls Fight, King Phil- ip's War. Bailey, Edward P., 169. Jones, Maj. Thomas, 1665-1713, Oyster Bay, L. I. Capt. Queen's Co., N. Y., 1702. Major, 1707, Jones, Walter R., 58. 362 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Jones, Dep.-Gov. William, 1624- 1706. Assistant, 1662-1664. Dep.-Gov., 1664-1665, New Haven Colony. Assistant, 1665- 1691. Dep.-Gov., 1691-1698, Colony of Conn. Benedict, Walter S., 74. Hill, Edwin A., 141. Macfarlane, George S., iii. Jones, William, 1723-1759. Mas- ter's Mate on Privateer "King George" of Newport, R. I., 1744. Second Lieut., 1747. Quartermaster, 1747. Master on Privateer "Ranger" of Newport, R. I., Oct., 1744. First Lieut, on Privateer "Duke of Marlborough," 1759. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Jordan, Dominicus, 1703, Spurwick (Falmouth), Maine. Killed by Indians at his home in Spurwick, and wife and six children taken captives at out- break of "3rd Indian War." Kept Garrison House at Spur- wick. Favor, Otis S., 170. Jordan, Rev. Robert, 1612-1679, Falmouth, Me. Member of the Council of George Cleves, Deputy Pres. Prov. of Lygon- ia, 1648. Appointed by the Commissioners of Charles II. as one of the four to govern the Prov. of Me., 1665. Had one of the garrisons at Spur- wick (Falmouth). His House destroyed by Indians, 1675. Chaplain of the garrisons at Spurwick and Scarborough. Favor, Otis S., 170. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Jordan, Samuel, . Of "Seven Islands," Buckingham Co., Va. Capt., 1753. Presid- ing Justice and County Lieut., 1761. One of the Commission- ers to examine the Militia ac- counts, 1758. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Joy, Nathaniel, 1734-1763. Served in Capt. Edward Ward's Co., Col. Joseph William's Regt., 1758; and in Col. Thomas' Regt., 1760, both for the reduc- tion of Canada, Old French War. Died in service. Joy, Russell T., 58. Joy, Samuel, 1639-1671, Boston, Mass. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1665. Smith, William D. G., 158. Joy, Thomas, 161 1-1673, Hingham, Mass. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1658. Smith, William D. G., 158. JuDD, Tho.mas, circ. 1608-1688, Far- mington. Conn. Deputy from Hartford to General Assembly, 1646, et seg.; from Waterbury, 1662,^^ j^<7.;from Farmington, 1667, et seg. Smith, William D. G., 157. Judson, Capt. James, 1650-1721. Lieut, of Dragoons, 1690, Strat- ford, Conn., 1697, King Phil- ip's War. Capt., 1698. Dep- uty, 1689-1706. Moffat, R. Burnham, 78. Judson, Sergt. Jeremiah, 1621-1700. Served on committee of fortifi- cations, Stratford, Conn., Nov., 1675. Burton, Lewis W., 194. Judson, Lieut. Joseph, 1619-1690. Ens., Stratford, Conn. Com- mittee to defend the coast, Stratford to Rye, against the Dutch, under Adm.iral De- Reuter. Lieut., 1672. In King Philip's War. Lieut., Wood- bury Train Band, 1684. Dep- utj', i684-'86. Parker, Charles W., 151. Perry, John P. H., 62. Keep, John. Slain by Indians, March 26, 1676, in King Philip's War. Pveep, Chaunce}', 166. Kellogg, Lieut. Joseph, 1627-1707. Lieut at Hadley, 1662. Sergt. in Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Kellogg, George C, 58. Kendall, Isaac, 1686-1773. Deputy 3^3 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. to General Assembly of Conn., i736-'42. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Kenney, Henry, 1624 , Salem, Mass. In King Philip's War under Capt. George Corwin, 1676. Dickerman, William C, 49, Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Kenney, Thomas, 1656-1687, Salem, Mass. In Thomas Gardiner's Co., 1675, at Great Swamp Fight, King Philip's War. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Ketchum, Ensign Jonathan, 1714- 1790, Norwalk, Conn. Ensign, Norwalk Train Band, 1749. Ketchum, Charles J., 119. Kettell, Ens. Richard, 1615-1680, Charlestown, Mass. Sergt. of Foot Co. of Charlestown. Ens., 1678. Richardson, William S., H2. Kettell, Sergt. Samuel, 1642-1694, Charlestown, Mass. Ens. under Capt. Hammond. Drummer. Sergt., 1688. Richardson, William 8., 112. Kidder, Ens. James, i 626-1 676, Bil- lerica, Mass. Ens., Lieut. Dan- forth's Co., Middlesex Regt., 1675. His dwelling used as a Garrison House, King Philip's War. Thayer, Edwin A., 191. Kilby, Ensign John, 1668-1722, Boston, Mass. Ensign, A. & H. A. Co., 1705. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Kilham, Thomas, 1653 . Under Maj. Samuel Appleton, King Philip's War. Sawyer, Isaac H., 179. Kimberley, Thomas, 1673, Stratford, Conn. Marshal of New Haven Colon)-, i653-'6i. Deputjr, 1639. Bronson, Edward P., 175. King, Fearnot, 1655-1703, West- field, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Smith, William D. G., 158. King, Francis, circ. 1690 , Prince George's Co., Md. Militiaman in Capt. Samuel Magruder's Co., 1749- Duvall, Richard M., 98. King, Capt. John, 1629-1703. Lieut., 1692, Northampton, Mass., under Capt. Preserved Clapp, Indian attack on Quabogue. Capt. Deputy. Westfall, John H., 115. King, Paul, 1701-1760. Soldier in French and Indian Wars. King, Samuel B., 166. King, Richard, 1718-1775, Scar- borough, Me. Commr. of the Troops destined for Annapolis Royal, i745-'48. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. KingjBury, Lieut.-Col. John, 1718- 1764. Capt. and Maj. in Col. Plaisted's Regt., 1755/56 ; Lieut.- Col. in Col. Bagley's Regt., 1755/ 56, at Crown Point and Lake George. Scott, Henry E., 113. Kingsbury, Capt. Joseph, 2nd, 1682- 1757) Norwich. Deputy, 1731, et seq. Ensign, 17 19. Lieut. 1727. Capt., 1748. Graves, Clyde M., 227. Kingsland, Capt. Isaac, 1648-1698. Governor's Council, N. J., 1684- 1698. Governor's Council, N. J., i684-'96. Capt. Militia. Robbins, Le Roy K., 178. Kip (or Kype), Hendrick, 1576 . One of Nine Men. Mem- ber of Council of New Amster- dam. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Kirtland, Nathaniel, 1686. Private in Capt. Nicholas Man- ning's Co., King Philip's War. Clarke, Chauncey H., 176. Kitchell, Ens. Samuel, 1633-1690, Guilford, Conn., Ens., 1665. At Newark, N. J., 1673. Haines, John P., 54. Knapp., Lieut. Samuel, 1668-1739. Ensign of Train Band, 1713, 364 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1716. Lieut., 1716. Deputy to Assembly, 1716, 1721, 1722. Smith, Orson, 167. Knott, Richard, 1684, Mar- blehead, Mass. Surgeon of the Massachusetts Regiment in the Narragansett Campaign, 1675. Lord, Calvin, 121. Knox, Capt. John, 1722-1790. Capt. in the 43rd British Regt. under Wolfe, and engaged at Quebec and in other battles. He was the author of "Knox's Historical Journals," of the Campaigns of 1755 and 1759. Elder, Thomas L., 50. Ladd, Capt. Daniel, 1686 , Exeter, N. H. Scout in Capt. Nicholas Oilman's Co., 1710. Commanded Co. in pursuit of Indians near Lake Winnepe- saukee, 1724. Capt. of a Co. which he organized for scout duty to protect Canterbury and Rumford (Concord), 1746. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 72. Ladd, Nathaniel, 1651-1691. Pri- vate in King Philip's War. Private in King William's War, 1690, and died from wounds received in fight at Maquoit, Me., Sept. 22, 1690. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Lakin, Ens. John, 1697, Gro- ton, Mass. Ens., 1692. Com- mander of Garrison at Groton. Sergt., King Philip's War. Walton. Charles S., 203. Lamb, Abiel, 17 10, Roxbury, Mass. In Capt. Isaac Johnson's Co., Great Swamp Fight, 1675. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Lamb, Ebenezer, 1736 , Ox- ford, Mass. In Capt. Jeremiah Larned's Co., 1759; Capt. Wil- liam Paige's Co., 1761. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Lane, Col. John, 1661-1715, Bil- lerica, Mass. Lieut, 1693, King William.'s War. Capt., 1699. Maj., West Regt. of Horse and Foot, 1711, Queen Anne's War. Deputy, 1702. Col. of Mass. Militia. Whitmore, Charles E., 115. Whitmore, Franklin G., 135. Lane, Capt. John, 1708 . . Commissioned Lieut, of the i2th Co., 7th Conn. Regt., by the General Assembly of Conn., 1752. Commissioned Capt., 1754. Lane, George B., 190. Lardner, Lieut. Lynford, 1715- 1774. Receiver-General, and Member of the Council, Prov. of Penn. Lieut., Philadelphia Troop, French and Indian War. Starr, Isaac, Jr., 91. Larkin, Edward, 1652, Char- lestown, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1645. Lord, Charles E., I2i. Earned, Isaac, Sr., 1623-1657, Chelmsford, Mass. Sergt. of Train Band, 1656. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Earned, Isaac, Jr., 1656-1737, Framingham, Mass. Under Capt. Syll and Capt. Daven- port, Great Swamp Fight. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Latham, Cary, 1613-1685, Groton, Conn. Deputy to General Court, 1 664-1 670. Smith, William D. G., 158. LaTHROP 'V. LOTHROP. Lattlmer, John, 1662. In Capt. Mason's Wethersfield, Conn., Co. Troops, 1658. Smith, Howard C, 79. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Lawrence, Jonathan, 1703-1789, Littleton, Mass. Soldier in 1748. Wead, Leslie C, 126. Lawrence, Ens. Joseph, 1666-1759, Flushing, L. I. Ens. Queens Co., Militia, 1684. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Underbill, Frederic E., 80. Lawrence, Ensign Nathaniel, 1639-1724, Groton, Mass. En- 365 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. sign, 1673. Representative, i692-'93. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 124. Lawrence, Richard, 1691-1758, Tews Neck, L. I. In Capt. Jonathan Wright's Co., 1715. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Lawrence, Capt. William, 1623- 16S0. Queens Co. Militia, 1665- 1680. Commanded Flushing Co. at surrender of N. Y. to the Dutch, 1673. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Lawton, George, . Gov- ernor's Assistant, R. I., 1680- 1690. Member, Council of War, 1671. Deputy, 1660, et seq. Member Court of Trials, 1648. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Lawton, Isaac, 1650-1731. Gov- ernor's Assistant, R. I., 1690- 1691. Deputy, 1696, et seq. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Lay, John, Jr., 1633,1696, Lyme, Conn. In King Philip's War, wounded in Great Swamp Fight. Lea, James H., 120. Leach (see also Leech). Leach, Capt. Richard, 1639-1687, Salem, Mass. Richardson, William S., 112. Lear, John, i6(>5. Member Colonial Council, Va., 1683. Member House of Burgesses, 1666, '85, '88. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Learned, Benoni, 1657-1738, Sher- born, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1676. Deputy, 1701. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Learned, Corp. Fanning, 1733/34 . Corp. in Richard Grid- ley's Co. at Crown Point, 1756. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Leavenworth, Rev. Mark, . Chaplain, Col. Nathan Whiting's 2d Conn. Regt., Ex- pedition against Canada, 1760; Montreal, 1761. Kingsbury, Frederick J., 135. Leavitt, John, i 608-1691, Hing- ham, Mass. Deputy, i658-'64. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Leavitt, Moses, 1650-1731, Exeter, N. H. In garrison, 1696. Rep- resentative, 1693, et seq. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Lee, John, 1657-1711. Westfield, Mass. In Capt. William Tur- ner's Co., King Philip's War. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. Leech, Tobias (Toby), 1651-1726. Member of Penn. Assembly, 1713, et seq. Gibson, George T. M., 95. Perkins, Rowan P., 89. Leete, Gov. William, 1613-1683, Guilford, Conn. Deputy, 1644. Secretary, 1646. Gov.'s Asst., New Haven Colony, 1653-1658. Dep.-Gov., 1658-1661. Com- missioner for the United Colo- nies, 1655-1679. Gov., 1661- 1665. Gov.'s Asst, Conn, Col- ony, 1665-1669. Dep.-Gov., 1669-1676. Gov., 1676-1683. Burbank, Eugene D., 166 and 197. Ingraham, Phoenix, 58. Peck, George L., 62. Strong, Alan H., 151. Leffingweli, Lieut. Thomas, 1622- 1714, Norwich, Conn. Deputy to General Assembly, 1661- 1710. Rendered important aid to Uncas when besieged by hostile Indians. Ens., 1672. Lieut., 1676. In King Philip's War, and Capt. Denison's Co. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Ely, Grosvenor, 133. Parker, Calvin D., 210. Leffingwell, Ens. Thomas, Jr., 1649-1724. Ens., Norwich, Conn., Militia. Deputy, 1716. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Le Maistre, Claude, 1610-1683. Cadet against Esopus Indians. One of the 30 provided with pound of powder each for ser- vice at Harlem. Bussing, John S., 75. Leonard, James, circ. 1643-1726. 366 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Deputy to the General Court of Mass. Bay, 1701, '08, '21. Runk, Louis B., 89. Leonard, John, 1676, Spring- field, Mass. Killed, King Phil- ip's War. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Leonard, Maj. Thomas, 1641-1713, Taunton, Mass. Ens., 1665. Capt, 1690; afterwards Maj. in command of Bristol Co., Mass., Troops. Deputy, 1680- '90. Perry, John P. H., 63. Levis, Samuel, 1649-1734. Mem- ber of Pa. Assembly from Chester County, 1686, '89, '94, '98, 1700, i7o6-'o9. Member Provincial Council of Pa, 1692. Starr, Isaac, Jr., 91. *Warner, John, 218. Lewis, Brig.-Gen. Andrew, 1730- '81. In Va. Indian Wars, 1754- '76, with Washington at sur- render of Fort Necessity; at Braddock's defeat; Sandy Creek Expedition, 1756; Brig.-Gen., 1774; Comm.ander-in-Chief at Point Pleasant. Stewart, Joseph K., 195. Lewis, Evan, 1677-173 5. Member of Prov. Assembly of Penn., 1706, ei seq. Lewis, Fulton, 142. Lewis, Isaac, 1656/7-1691, Charles- town, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War, and a "soldier grantee" in the Narragansett Township No. 2. Witthaus, Guy H., 68. Lewis, Lieut. James, 1637-1713. Lieut., Barnstable Co., Mass., 1678. Brown, Philip G., 231. W^illcutt, Levi L., 126. Lewis, Lieutenant John, 1631 , Lynn, Mass. In Captain Daniel Henchman's Company in King Philip's War, 1675. Under Captain Nicholas Man- ning and also under Captain Scottow in 1676. Watkins, Walter K., 126. * Deceased. Lewis, Capt. Leonard, 1730. Capt. of Foot Co., N. Y., 1700. Member of Assembly from N. Y., 1699-1701, from Dutch- ess Co., i7i3-'26. _ Roe, Charles F., 79. Lewis, Thomas, 1718-1790. Mem- ber of Va. House of Burgesses, 1732, et seq. Lewis, Charles, 182. Lewis, William, 173 1, New- town, Pa. Member of Prov. Assembly, Pa., 1710, 1718. Thompson, Henry B., 218. LiBBY (Licbey), John, 1602-1682, Scarborough, Me. First Select- man, 1669. Bore arms in de- fence of Scarborough, 1675. Defended Black Point against Indians, 1676. Morrell, George C, in. LiNDON, Ensign Henry, 1660. Ensign of Artillery, 1648. McClintock, Emory, 150. Lindsay, Christopher, 1669. Soldier and wounded in Pequot War. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Lindsay, Eleazer, 1669. Served in King Philip's War in Capt. Jos. Gardiner's Co. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Lines, Ebenezer, 1718-1798. Served in Capt. Peck's Regt., 17 days. In I St Co. 2nd Regt. under Maj. Hubbard "in ye late alarm for ye defense of Fort William Henry and Parts Ad- jacent," 1757. Lines, Harvey K., 77. LiPPiTT, John, 1669. Commis- sioner to form government un- der a Charter, May i6, 1647, Colony of R. I. and Provi- dence Plantations. Burlingame, Edwin A., 225. Lispenard (L'Espenard), Antoine, 1643-1696. Bearer of military despatches from Gov. of N. Y. to Gov. of Canada, 1687. Re- turning alone in the dead of winter, he warned the English of the French Expedition, 367 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. known as the "Saow-shoe Ex- pedition," which resulted in its defeat. Fox, Noel B., 52. LiSPENARD, CaPT. AnTHONY, 1683- 1758. Capt. of a company raised at New Rochelle, N. Y., to take part in war against Spain, r740-'42. Fox, Noel B., 53. LisPENARD, Capt. Anthony, Jr., 1709-1740. Commissioned Capt., N. Y. Colonial Forces, July 5, 1740, to take part in war against Spain. Suydam, Walter L., 79. LisPENARD, Col. Leonard, 1715- 1790. Capt., French and Indian War, 1759. Member N. Y. Colonial Assembly, 1759-1768. Member First Colonial Con- gress, 1765. Seabury, William M., 65. Litchfield, Lawrence, 1614-1657, Barnstable and Scituate, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1640, and of Lieut. Thomas Dymoke's Co., in active service with the In- dians, i643-'44. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Litchfield, William E., in. Litchfield, Nicholas, 1680-1750, Scituate, Mass. Representative, i738-'42. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Litchfield, Ensign Samuel, 1715- 1804, Scituate, Mass. Ensign in Capt. Benjamin James' Co., 1762. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Little, Thomas, 1671, Ply- mouth and Marshfield, Mass. In Ph'mouth Co., 1643. Baker, George F., 147. Littlefield, Francis, 1619-1712, Wells, Me. Deputy, General Court of Mass. Bay, from York, Me., 1660; from Wells, i665-'76. Sawyer, Isaac H., 179. Littleton, Nathaniel, 1654. Chief Magistrate of Northamp- ton Co., Va., 1640. Member of Va. House of Burgesses, 1652. Member of Council, 1652. Waters, John S. T., 97. Littleton, Col. Southey, 1645- 1679, Accomac Co., Va. Col. Va. Forces, 1676. Served against Indians, and under Gov. Berkeley, Bacon's Rebel- lion. Waters, John S. T., 97. Livermore, Corp. John, 1606-1684, New Haven, Conn. ^ Corp. in the New Haven Co., 1647. Clark, Byron N., 163. Livingston, Col. Philip, 1686-1749. 2d Lord of the Manor. At capture of Port Royal, 1710. Col. of Provincial Forces. Member of Council, 1725-1749. Secretary for Indian affairs, Prov. of N. Y., i72i-'49. Delafield, John R., 48. Livingston, Col. Robert, 16 54-1 728. 1st Lord of the Manor of Liv- ingston. Member of Council, Prov. of N. Y., 1698-1701. Member of Assembly, 1709- lyn. Austin, William M., 42. Delafield, Edward C. 48. Delafield, John R., 48. Du Bois, Ernest B., 197. Livingston, Lieut. Robert, Jr. ("the nephew), 1725. Re- corder of Albany, 1710. Mayor of Albany, i7io-'i9. Commis- sioner of Indian affairs, 1715- '20. Member of General As- sembly for Albany, I7n-'i5. Delafield, John R., 48. Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt S., 80. Livingston, Col. Robert, 1708- 1790. Capt., Militia, "Seven Years' War." Served on Fron- tier and Fort William Henry. 3rd Lord of Manor. Member Provincial Assembly. Delafield, John R., 48. Lyoyd, Edward, 1615-1695. Burgess from Lower Norfolk Co., Va., 1644-1645. Commander of Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1650. Commissioner to make treaty with Susquehannock Indians, 368 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1652. General Assembly, 1654. Council, 1658-1666. Pennington, Josias, 97. Lloyd, James. Member of Md. Assembly, 1712, ei seg. Mem- ber of Governor's Council, 1722-'23. Brice, Philip H., 91. Lloyd, Capt. John, 1728, Salem County, N. J. Capt. Foot Co., 1715. Thompson, Henry B., 218. Lloyd, Dep.-Gov. Thomas, 1640- 1694. Member and President of Council, and Dep.-Gov. of Prov. of Penn. during William Penn's absence. Chief Magis- trate of Prov., 1684-1693. First Master of Rolls, and Keeper of Great Seal. Lukens, Alfred B., 60. Moore, Clarence, 142. LocKWooD, Lieut. Jonathan, 1639- 1688, Norwalk, Conn. Colonial Forces of Coim. Deputy. Chambers, Walter B., 46. LocKwooD, Sergt. Robert, 1658. Sergt., Fairfield, Conn., Regt., Capt. Nathaniel Seeley. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. McClintock, Emory, 150. Seymour, Harry P., 230. Logan, James, 1674-1751. Member Provincial Council, Penn., 1702-1747. Acting Gov., 1736- 1738. Coles, Walter D., 176. Hilles, William S., 217. Logan, William, 1718-1776. Mem- ber Governor's Council, Penn., 1747-1776. Coles, Walter D., 176. Loker, Henry, 1688, Sudbury, Mass. In Sudbury Fight, King Philip's War. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Longley, Deacon John, i 682-1758. Representative from Groton to General Court of Mass. Cap- tured by Indians in a raid, 1699, and held prisoner for five years until ransomed. Pollock, Edwin T., 203. 1674. 1711, in Longley, Joseph, 1724-1758. En- listed for French and Indian War, 1758. Mortally wounded at Battle of Fort William Henry and died at Greensburg, N. Y. Pollock, Edwin T., 203. LoOMis, Joseph, 1590-1658, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, i643-'44. Enders, John O., 133. Smith, William D. G., 157. LooMis, Joseph, 1616-1687, Windsor, Conn. Member of the Wind- sor Troop, King Philip's War. Fall, Charles G., 117. LooMis, Capt. Matthew, 1703-1764. Bolton, Conn. Ens., 1752. ist Lieut., Invasion of Canada, 1758. Capt., 1761. Baxter, James P., 229. LooMis, Lieut. Samuel, 1689, Westfield, Mass. Ens., Lieut., . Loomis, Charles J., 167. Smith, William D. G., 157. LooMis, Sergt. Samuel, Westfield, Mass. Sergt. Westfield Train Band. Booth, Charles E., 116. Lord, Capt. Abraham, 1699-1779, Berwick, Me. Capt. York County Troop, Col. Sir William Pepper- rell's Regt., 1757. Capt. of Blue Troop of Horse. Bennett, Larkin E., 116. Lord, Captain Samuel, 1689-1762, , Me. Captain of the Ber- wick Company, First York County Regiment commanded by Sir William Pepperrell. Fall, George H., 106. Lothrop, John, 1584-1653, Barn- stable, Mass. Member of Mili- tary Co. under Capt. Thomas Dimmock, 1643. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Monnette, Orra E., 198. Lothrop, Judge Samuel, i 620-1700. Member Barnstable Co., 1643. In Maj. Willard's Expedition against Ninigret, 1654. Relief of Uncas, under Lieut. James Avery, 1657. Hart, Richard H., 205. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 55. 369 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hoppin, Samuel H.^ 56. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. LOTHROP, LIEUT.-COL. SiMON, 1689- 1774. Commanded a Conn. Regt. at Louisburg, 1745. Merntt, Alan D., 61. Lowe, Thomas, 1632-1712, Ipswich, Mass. In King Philip's War. Lord, Charles E., 121. Lowell, Abner, 1711-1761, Pema- quid, Me. Ambushed by In- dians at Fort Pemaquid and wounded, May 26, 1747. Lowell, Payson T., in. Lucas, Basil, 1718-1779, Prince George's Co., Md. Soldier in Capt. George Beall's Co., 1748. Gregg, Maurice, 95. LuDiNGTON, Capt. Henry, 1739-1817. Private in Capt. Foote's Co., 2nd Conn. Regt, at Battle of Lake George, Sept. 8, 1755. Private in Col. Andrew Ward's Regt., Crown Point, Apr. 19, 1756. Private in relief of Fort William Henry, under Col. Newton, Aug., 1757. Private in Campaign of 1759, Quebec, Sept. 13, 1759. Appointed Lieut, by King George II, 1760. Com- missioned Capt. by Gov. Will- iam Tryon, Feb. 13, 1773. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 168. Van Schaick, Harrison L., 168. Ludlow, Dep.-Gov. Rogers, 1590- 1665. Gov.'s Asst., Mass. Bay Colony, 1630. Dep.-Gov., 1634. With Mason in Pequot War. Dep.-Gov., Conn., 1639. Com.- in-Chief of Conn. Forces in anticipated conflict with Man- hattoes and Dutch. Smith, George W., 66. LuMMis, Edward, 1606-1682, Ips- wich, Mass. Served in Pequot War, 1637. Lummis, Benjamin R., 60. Lummis, Charles A., 60. Lummis, William, 60. Luquer, Abraham, 1764. In Capt. Francis Titus' Co., Kings County Militia, 1715. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Lyman, Ljeut. Benjamin, 1674- 1723. Lieut, in Northampton, Mass., Co, Cox, John L., 91. Lyman, Lieut. John, 1623-1690. In command, after death of Capt. William Turner, of Northamp- ton soldiers. Falls Fight, 1676. Brockway, Willam S., 132. Short, Charles L., 124. Stearns, Foster W., 125. Lyman, Lieut. Jonathan, 1684- 1753, Lebanon, Conn. Ens. of North Co. of South Society in Lebannon, 1726. Lieut, of same, or Train Band, in the First Society, 1729 Parker, Calvin D., 210. Lynde, Benjamin, Jr., 1700-1781. Governor's Assistant, Mass., 1737, ei seq. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Lynde, Joseph, 1652-1735/6. Mem- ber of the Middlesex Troopers under Capt. Thomas Prentice, Narragansett Campaign. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Lynde, Thomas, 1594-1671, Charles- town, Mass. Deputy, i636-'37,- '45-52. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Fall, George H., 105. Lynde, Ens. Thomas, 1615-1693, Maiden Mass. Sergt., Maiden Co., 1658. Ens., 1675. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Farwell, John W., 118. Lyon, Thomas, 1673-1720. In Robert Hunter's Co., Fusileers, 1711, Frontier service. Lyon, John H. H., 190. Lyon, William, 1620- 1692. A. & H. A. Co., 1645. In King Philip's War, 1675. Lyon, Hiram R., 190. Macy, Thomas, 1608-1682, Salis- bury and Nantucket, Mass. Commissioner and Representa- tive from Salisbury to General Court. Chief Magistrate Nan- tucket, 1675. First Recorder of Deeds Nantucket. Barnard, Ralph P., 140. Rotch, William, 113. 370 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Magruder, John, 1694-1750. Rep- resented Prince George's County in House of Burgesses, i728-'45. Muncaster, Steuart B., 142. Wells, Walter A., 143. Magruder, Nathan, 1786. Associate Judge, Frederick County, Md. Circuit, 1749. Member of House of Burgesses, i750-'53, i76o-'63. Delegate to Provincial Congress of Md., 1774- Magruder, Caleb C, Jr., 144. Wells, Walter A., 143. Magruder, Capt. Samuel, 1654- 1711, Md. High Justice and Capt. of Militia, Pr. George's Co., 1696. Member House of Burgesses, i704-'o7. Commis- sioner, 1697. Duvall, Richard M., 98. Knight, William W., 177. Muncaster, Stewart B., 142. Wells, Walter A., 143. Makepeace, Thomas, 1666/7. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1638- '39. In Narragansett Expedi- tion against the Indians, 1654. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Manchester^, Capt. Matthew, 1720- 1801, Providence, R. I. Capt., 1747-48. Manchester, Harry S., 167. Manning, John, 1731-1780. Soldier under Capt. Benjamin Ballard and Col. Timothy Ruggles in the first Crovv-n Point Expedi- tion, 1755. Re-enlisted under the same Capt. in the second Crov/n Point Expedition, and in this service was a Corporal. *Libbey, Octavus B., 60. Manning, Ens. Samuel, 1644-1710. Representative, 1695. Ens. in the Militia, Colony of Mass. Manning, Frank O., 60. Marble, Samuel, 1729-1799, Dan- vers, Mass. In Capt. John Put- nam's Co. Guilford, William W., 118. Maris, George, 1632-1705. Mem- ber Prov. Council, 1695, Prov. Penn. Wood, Arthur K., 68. Marshall, Capt. Samuel, 1675, Windsor, Conn. Repre- sentative from Wind?or, 1637. Killed in attack on Ft. Narra- gansett, King Philip's War. Ens., 1675. Capt, 1675. Hyde, Frederic B., 141. *Young, William H., 81. Marshall, Capt. Thomas, 1613- 1689, Lynn, Mass. Capt. of Militia Co., 1664. Deputy, 1659, et seq. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Marshfield, Samuel, 1630-1692, Springfield, Mass. Deputy, 1680- '83-'84. Picher, Oliver S., 178. Marston, Lieut. John, 171 5-1786. Lieut, in Timothy Ruggles' Foot Co., 1740. At Louisburg, 1745. Marston, John, 3d., 88. Martin, John, 1651-1693, Ames- bury, Mass. At Garrison in Chelmsford, 1675. Atwood, Luther, 102. Morrell, George C, 112. Martin, John, Jr., 1657-1703. En- sign of New Piscataway, N. J., Militia, 1675 and 1681. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Martin, Thomas, Marblehead, Mass. One of the soldiers as- signed to the Marlborough Garrison in Oct., 1675. Lord, Calvin, i2i. Marvin, Matthew, 1600-1678. In one of Winthrop's outposts on the Conn., i636-'37. Deputy, 1654. Fulton, William E., 134. Marvin, Chancellor S., 167. Morse, Glenn T., 121. Short, John C, 182. Marvin, Lieut. Reinold (Rein- hold), 1633-1676, Lyme, Conn. Sergt., Saybrook Train Band, 1661. Subsequently Lieut. Dep- uty from Lyme, iSjo-JS. Marvin, Loren P. W., 135. * Deceased. 371 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Marvin, Capt. Reynold, 1669-1737, Lyme, Conn. Deputy represent- ing Lyme in the General Court for thirteen years between 1711- 1728. Capt. of Militia, 1718. Blackwood, Norman J., 140. Mason, Lieut. Arthur, 1674 . Second Lieut, of Grenadiers in Col. John March's Regt., Nova Scotia Expedition, i7o6-'o7. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Mason, Capt.-Lieut. David, 1726- 1794, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1754. In the French and Indian War. Lieut, under Capt. John Tapley, of Salem. Com- manded a battery of six brass pieces at Fort William Henry. Gunner in Capt. Jeremiah Green's Co., Boston, 1758. In 1763 organized the first train of Artillery in Boston, of which he was Capt.-Lieut. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Mason, Col. George, Sr. County Lieut. Stafford Co., Va., 1675. Represented his Co. in Bacon's Assembly, 1676. Espoused the popular side in the House of Burgesses. Indian Wars, 1675- 1684. Colston, Frederick M., 95. Mason, Col. George, 3d, 1690-1735. County Lieut. Stafford Co., Va., 1719. Member Assembly, 1718- '28. Burgess, r7i8-'26. Mem- ber of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe Expedition under Gov. Spotswood. Robinson, Charles B., Jr., 195. Mason, Capt. Hugh, 1605-1678, Watertown, Mass. Lieut, of Train Band, 1645. Capt., 1652- '78. Deputy, 162s, et seq. Coun- cil of War, 1676. Commander of Volunteers against "the Mon- hatoes," 1664. Commanded com- pany in Sudburv Fight, King Philip's War. Lea, James H., 119. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Mason, Maj. John, 1600-1672. Lieut, under Sir Thomas Fairfax in the Netherlands. Commanded in Fequot War, 1637. Asst, 1641- '59. Dep.-Gov., i659-'69. Com- missioner for United Colonies, i647-'6i. Dep.-Gov. under Char- ter from Charles II., 1662. Maj. and Commander-in-Chief of Conn. Militia. Organized first Troop of Horse in the Colony, _i657-'58. Bissell, George P., 217. De Peu, John, 133. Fisher, James H., 87. Maverick, Sergt. Elias, 1604-1684, Rumney Marsh, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1654. Sergt., 1658. Walton, Charles S., 203. Maxv\'ell, Capt. Hugh, 1733-1799. French and Indian Wars, 1755- '64. Prisoner at Fort William Henry, 1756. Lieut. Co. of Foot, Col. Joseph Ingersoll's Regt., 1762. Maxwell, William, 135. Mayhew, Gov. Thomas, 1592-1681^ Deputy from Watertown, Mass., i636-'37. Gov., i647-'8i and Commander of Martha's Vineyard, Prov. of N. Y., under commissions from Govs. Love- lace and Nichols. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Cook, Ansel G., 133. Mayhew, Zeb, Jr., 60. McGrath John, 183. Mayo, John, 1676. Barnsta- ble Co., Plymouth Col., Lieut. Thomas Dymoke, i643-'44. Greve, Clifford, 177. McCollester, Isaac, 1736-1814, Marlborough, N. H. Appears as sentinel on muster roH, dated Hatfield, Sept. 26, 1755, of offi- cers and men in his Majesty's service under command of Israel Williams, Crown Point Expedition. Entered service March 15, 1755, and served until June 3, 1755. McCollester, Lee S., 212. McDowell, Capt. John, 1742. Killed in battle with Indians at Timber Ridge Church. Bruce, James W., 194. 372 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. McIntosh, Capt. John Mohr, 1700- 1761, Mcintosh Co., Ga. Capt. Highland Light Infantry, under Gen. Oglethorpe, against the Spaniards, 1740. Wounded and captured at Fort Moosa, Florida. Winston, Bertram M., 168. McKee, Col. William, 1732-1816. In Braddock's Expedition to Fort Duquesne. Capt. at battle of The Points and Point Pleas- ant in 1774- Wilson, George W., 233. McMillan, Col. Andrew, 1731- 1780. Received Lieutenant's Commisson from Gen. James Abercrumby "In the Independ- ent Company of Rangers," June 26, 1758. Served in Expedition against St. Francois, 1759. Re- ceived grant of land from Pro- vincial Government for services in Old French War, 1767. Col- onel of nth N. H. Regt., 1774. McMillan Frank G., 190. McWilliams, Capt. Richard, 1781. Capt. Co. of Foot, Del. Militia, 1757. Wainwright, Clement R., 90. Meekins, Thomas, Jr., i 643-1675, Hadley, Mass. Scout attack on Hadley, King Philip's War. Enders, John O., 133. Meigs, Capt. Janna, 1672-1739, Guilford, Conn. Capt, 1717. Deputy, 1716-1718. Meigs, Henry B., 162. Melvin, Capt. Eleazer, 1703-1754. Served under Capt. John Love- well against the Indians, 1725. Capt, French War, 1745-1747, serving in several campaigns, and at defence of Lunenburg, Mass. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Melvin, John, 1652-1726, Charles- town, Mass. Under Captains Joseph Sill and John Cutler, King Philip's War. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Meriwether, Nicholas, 1647-1744. Burgess for New Kent Co., Va., 1702-1714. Meriwether, William W., 178. Merriam, William, 1689. Trooper in Capt Curwin's Troop, Narragansett Cam- paign. Merriam, Henry P., 61. Merrick, Timothy, 1704-1784. Soldier from Methuen in Capt. Daniel Bodwell's Co., Lieut.- Col. John Osgood's Regt. Kreider, George N., 166. Merrick, Lieut. William, 1602- 1689. In Duxbury Co. under Capt Myles Standish, i636-'43. Ensign, Military Co., Eastham, Mass., and Lieut, of same 1663. Council of War, 1658. Bryant, Percy, 75. Merritt, Thomas. Deputy to Gen- eral Assembly, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 12, 1699. Merritt, Henry K., 233. Meyer, Adolph, 1711. Private in 3rd Company, raised to de- fend Harlem against Indians, 1663. Corporal of the Harlem Night Watch, 1676. Dos Passos, Louis H., 75. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. La Bach, Paul M., 166. Miller, Abraham, Sr., 1672-1749. Soldier in Father Rasle's War. Wounded at North Hampton, Mass., August, 1724. Miller, Robert F., 178. Miller, Abraham, Jr., 1720-1785. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1754, in Berk- shire Co., Mass., Militia. Pri- vate under Maj. Seth Pomeroy, Expedition to Canada, 1747. Miller, Robert F., 178. Miller, Gayen, . Pa. Assembly, 1714. Gest, Alexander P., 87. Miller, John, 1632-1711, Yar- mouth, Mass. Deputy, Ply- mouth Colony, i67i-'82. Coun- cil of War, 1676. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Miller, Lieut. John George, 1715- 373 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1762. Lieut.-Cel., James Burd's Regt., Prov. Forces, 1760. Law, Robert D., 166. Miller, Lieut.-Col. Samuel, 1696 . Lieut.-Col., 1st Regt. of Horse, 1736. Botsford, Harry G., 103. Millet, Hon. Thomas, 1689-1761, Dover, N. H. Representative from Dover, 1731, et seg. Speaker of the House, 1755. Judge of the Sup. Ct., i740-'43. Captain. Smith, William D. G., 158. Mills, Benjamin, 1651 , Ded- ham and Needham, Mass. Served under Captain Thomas Brattle, of record 24 August, 1676. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Miner (Minor), Capt. Thomas^ 1608-1690, Pequot, Conn. Sergt., 1649. Deputy, i650-'5i, et seg. Capt., King Philip's War. Chief Military Officer at Mys- tic, 1665. Miner, George L., 223. Reed, Latham G., 79. Smith, Albert Y., 90. Mitchell, Matthew, i 590-1 645. Deputy, 1637, when was voted that "There shalbe an offen- sive warr against the Pe- quoitt." Asst., 1638. Served in garrison at Saybrook Fort under Lieut. Lion Gardiner, Pequot War. Indian Fight, Conn. River, 1636. Depew, Chauncey M., Jr., 48. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Mixer, Isaac, 1655. Water- town, Mass. Clerk of the Train Band, 1654. Fulton, William E., 134. Monnette, Orra E., 199. MoALE, John, 1695-1740. Member Lower House of Assembly, Md., from Baltimore Co., 1735, et seg. Jones, Arthur L., 96. MoDSLEY, Thomas, 1706, Dor- chester, Mass. Soldier in gar- rison at Punkapog in King Philip's War, June 24, 1676. Moseley, John G., 122. MoNSALL, Ralph, 1657, Charlestown, Mass. Deputy, i636-'38. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. MooDY, Dr. Caleb, 1637-1698, Newbury, Mass. Deputy, 1677- '78. Sergt. Newbury Co. Gage, Herbert E., 106. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Moore, Sergt. Isaac, 1622- 1705, Farmington, Conn. Sergt., Train Band, 1649. Deputy, i657-'58. Hart, Richard H., 205. Moore, Capt. John, 1674-1730. Capt. in Col. Thomas Farmer's N. J. Regt., 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Moore, John, 1677. Deputy to the General Court of Conn., 1653, et. seg. Fulton, William E., 134. Moore, Col. John, 1686-1749. Alderman, N. Y. Citv, i730-'37. Capt. of Militia, N. Y. City, 1738. Col., 1738. Member Gov.'s Council, i745-'49. Moore, T. Channing, 63. A4ooRE, Capt. Richard, 1670-1767, Oxford, Mass. Capt., 1720. Deputy, i72o-'2i. Litchfield, Wilford J., 110. MooRE, Samuel, 1632-1688. Dep- uty to General Assembly of N. J., 1668, '71, '82, '88. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Moore, Capt. Samuel, 1705-1786. Lieut, of 1st Co., Salisbury, Mass., 1752. Capt., 1756. Dep- uty, i759-'65. Kellogg, George C, 58. Morehouse, Lieut. Samuel, 1687. Lieut., Conn., 1686. McClintock, Emory, 150. Morgan, Isaac, 1652-1706. In the Falls Fight, 1676, under Capt. William Turner. Kellogg, George C, 58. Morgan, Capt. Jacob, 1716-1792. Capt., i759-'65. French and In- dian Wars, Prov. Forces of Penn. Kuhn, John J., 58. Morgan, Capt. Miles, 161 6-1 699. 374 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Built a block house which he defended against the Indians, sacking of Springfield, Mass., 1675. Barbour, Lucius B., 132. Morrill, Abraham, 1662. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1638- Monnette, Orra E., 199. Morrill, Isaac, 1588-1661, Rox- bury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. Morris, Anthony, 2nd, 1654-1721. Prov. Council of Penn., 1695- '97. Justice Supreme Court, 1694. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Morris, Lieut. Edward, ist, 1630- 1689, Roxbury, Mass. Deputy, i677-'87. First Military Officer of Woodstock, Conn. Morris, Seymour, 121. Morris, Lieut. Edward, 3d, 1688- 1769, Woodstock, Conn. French and Indian Wars. Morris, Seymour, 121. Morris, Gov. Lewis, 1671-1746. Chief Justice of New York, i720-'38. ist Gov. Prov. of N. ;., i738-'46. Morris, Lewis G., 62. Robertson, James M., 149. Morrison, Dr. Normand, 1700-1761. Surgeon of the Conn, troops in the Louisburg Expedition. 2nd Lieut, in Capt. Whiling's Co., 1746. Isham, Norman M., 223. Morton, Lieut. Ephraim, 1623- 1693, Plymouth. Lieut, of Ply- mouth Military Co., i656-'64. Deputy to General Court of Plymouth Co., i66o-'76, '78, '86. Representative to Mass. Gen- eral Court, 1692. Council of War, i68i-'88. Brown, Philip G., 231. Morton, Nathaniel, 1613-1710. Secretary, Plymouth Col., 1645- '85. Council of War. Awas- honk uprising, 1671. Brown, John B., 74. MosELEY, Increase, 1712-1795, Woodbury, Conn. Represen- tative, i75i-'79. Moseley, John G., 122. Moseley, Lieut.-Col. Increase, 1740-1811, Woodbury, Conn. Ensign in the Thirteenth Regi- ment of Connecticut Militia, 1760; Lieutenant, 1762-64; Captain, 1774; Lieutenant-Col- onel, 1774. Moseley, John G., 122. Moss, John, 1604-1707, New Haven and Wallingi'ord, Conn. Troop- er under Maj. John Mason. Representative, i66'j-'j'i- Dwight, Frederick, 76. MoTT, Capt. James. Capt. of a Co. of Foot, Mamaroneck, West- chester County, N. Y. Mott, John G., 233. Moulton, John, 1599-1650, Hamp- ton, N. H. Deputy, Mass., 1639. Morrell, George C, iii. Mount, George, 1705. Dep- uty to First General Assembly of N. J., 1668. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Mount, Lieut. Richard. Lieut, of Fifth Co., Middlesex Countj^, N. J. Militia, 1715. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Munson, Capt. Thomas, 1612-1685. In the Pequot War under Ma- son as Sergt., 1642. Ens., i66i- '64. Lieut., i664-'76. Under Capt. Treat in King Philip's War. Capt., 1676, New Haven Co. Militia. Clark, Eliot A., 104. Munson, Frederic G., 142. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. Tuttle, Henry 8., iSo. Myer . See Meyer. Mygatt, Capt. Eli. 1742- 1807, Conn. Capt. of ist Co. Train Band, 1 6th Regt. Conn. Colony Troops, 1774- Adams, George D., 182. Nash, Thomas, New Haven, Conn. Deputy, 1640. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Nash, Lieut. Timothy, 1626-1699, 375 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hadley, Mass., and New Ha- ven, Conn. Lieut., Hadley Mili- tary Co., 1678. Deputy, Mass., 1690, '92, '95. Ensign. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Nason, Nathaniel, 1740-1S05. In Capt. Timothy Hamont's Co., Col. Saltonstall's Regt, at Crown Point, 1762. Butterfield, Charles B., 103. Neale, Lieut. Anthony, 1659-1723, Lieut, in Capt. Brandt's Militia Co., Charles Co., Md., 1686. Smith, William D. G., 157. Neal, Capt. James, 1615-1684. Prov. Council, 1643, et seq. Member House of Burgesses, 1666. Commissioner of the Treasury, 1643. Capt., 1661, to raise troops against the Dutch. Smith, William D. G., 157. Nelson, Leander, i 724-1 820, Ports- mouth, N.H. Volunteer in Louis- burg Expedition, took part in the storming of the island bat- tery and for his sufferings and loss was voted £,1 9s. 6d. by the N. H. Legislature, 12 Aug- ust, 1746. In Captain Samuel Hale's Company, Colonel Sam- uel Moore's Regiment. Lamson, William G., 119. Nelson, Capt. Philip, 1636-1691, Rowley, Mass. Lieut., 1673. Capt. in Expedition to Quebec, 1690. Atwood, Luther, 102. Neville, Capt. George, i 695-1 774. Capt., Va. Militia. Knight, William W., 177. Nevins,Ensign Cornelis, 1661-1711. Ensign, 1689 , Foot Co., Staten Island, Queen Anne's War. Coit, Henry L., 147. Newberry, Thomas, 1636. Deputy, Mass. Bay Colony, i634-'35- Monnette, Orra E., 199. Short, John C, 182. Newberry, Walter, 1646 , Newport, R. I. Assistant, Col- ony of R. I., 1686. Member of Gov. Andros' Council, 1686, 1688. Milne, Caleb J., Jr., 88. Milne, David, 88. Newcomb (e), Lieut. Andrew, 1640-1708, Edgartown, Mass, Lieut., 1691 ; in command of the fortification there. Newcomb, Clarence F., 178. Richer, Oliver S., 178. Newell, Ens. Samuel, 1660-1753, Farmington, Conn. Ens. of the Farmington Train Band, 1707. Wead, Leslie C, 126. Newgate, John, 1580-1665. Dep- uty Mass., 1638. Wood, Eric F., 69. Newhall, Ens. Thomas, 1630-1687, Lynn, Mass. Ens., 1687, Baker, Alfred L., 169. Newton, Lieut. Marshall, 1729- 1783, Shrewsbury, Mass. Lieut. in Capt. John Fay's Co. against Crown Point, 1755/6; in Capt. Artemas Ward's Shrewsbury Co., 1757. Stevenson. John M., 113. Nicholas, Robert Carter, 1728- 1780. Member Virginia House of Burgesses, i756-'6i, i'j6s-''76. Tyler, George T., 91. Nichols, Sergt. Francis, 1650, Stratford, Conn. Training, Sergt. for Stratford, 1639. Moseley, John G., 122. Nichols, Thomas, 1737, Read- ing, Mass. Under Capt. Nath- aniel Davenport, King Philip's War. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Pearson, William H., 124. Nichols, Thomas. Member of Train Band, Amesbury, Mass., 1680. Nichols, Willard A., 202. Nickerson, William, 1646-1719, Chatham, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Nickerson, William E., 112. NicoLL, Matthias, 1621-1687. Sec- retary Prov. of N. Y., i664-'8o. Member King's Council, 1667- 376 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. '80. Speaker, Prov. Assembly, 1683. Judge, Court of Admi- ralty, 1686. Smith, George W., 66. Noble, Capt. Stephen, 1686-1755. Capt. of Militia at New Mil- ford, Conn. Twenty years' ser- vice against the Indians. Dep- uty, 1725, et seq. Kellogg, George C., 58. North, Thomas, i 649-1712, Farm- ington. Conn. In Narragansett Campaign, Hadley Garrison. Fulton, William E., 134. Hart, Richard H., 205. *Wright, James N., 213. Norton, John, i 657-1725. One of the Brookfield Garrison, 1675. Representative, i68o-'8i-'82. Hart, Richard H., 205. Norton, Sergeant John, 1684- 1752, , Conn. Sergeant in Train Band, . Booth, Charles E., 116. NoTT, Sergt. John. Commanded men from Wethersfield, Conn., Pequot War. Webb, Henry W., 163. Webb, James W., 163. Webb, William S., Jr., 163. NoYEs, Capt. Cutting, i 649-1734, Newbury, Mass. Lieut, and Capt. of Militia. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. NoYEs, Rev. James, 1640-1719. Chap- lain in Capt. George Denison's Expedition that captured Can- onchet, Chief Sachem of Nar- ragansett Indians, 1676. Fox, Noel B., 52. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Notes, Nicholas, 1614-1701. Dep- uty, 1660, et seq.. Colony of Mass. Bay. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Pearson, Ariliur E., 122. Pettingell, Frank H., ri2. Nutting, John, 1676. Killed while defending his garrison house, Groton, Mass., King Philip's War. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Oakes, Lieut. Edward, Concord, Mass. Representative, i659-'8i- '8v'84-'86. Q. M. of Troop, 1656. Lieut, under Capt. Prentice, King Philip's War. Lea, James H., 120. Odell, Thomas, 1721. Mili- tary officer for Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1697. Hadley, William L., 177. Ogden, John, 1609-1682, Elizabeth Towne. Magistrate, 1656. Up- per House, General Court, Conn., i66o-'6i, King's Coun- cil, N. J., 1665. Schout and Acting Gov. of English Col. in East Jersej', 1673, Dutch Occu- pation. Du Bois, Ernest B., 197. Haines, John P., 54. Halsted, Pennington, 54. Smith, Howard C, 79. Ogden, Lieut. John, 1671-1745. Lieut, in Fairfield, N. J., Militia, 1715. Gerald, Herbert P., 141. Ogden, Capt. John, 1706-1759. Capt. of the Fairfield Com- pany of Militia, Cumberland County, N. J., in Col. Nicholas Gibbon's Regt. of Foot. Com- missioned April 9, 1748. Gerald, Herbert P., 141. Oliver, Sergeant John, , 1642, Newbury, Mass. Deputy, 1637- 8. Sergeant, . Bent, S. Arthur, ii6. Oliver, Capt. Peter, 161 8-1 670, Boston. Cornet in Suffolk Co. Troop of Horse, 1652. Lieut, in Narragansett Expedition under Maj. Willard, 1654. Capt, A. & H. A. Co., 1669. Wood, Eric F., 70. Olmsted, Capt. Nicholas, 1684. Corp. 1st Troop Col. of Conn., Capt. Richard Lord, under Major John Mason, i657-'58. Deputy for Hartford, 1672. Lieut., Train Band, 1673. Capt. of Militia, 1675, defence of New London and Stonington. 377 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hart, Richard H., 205. Holcombe, John M., I37. Olney, Thomas, Sr., i 600-1682, First Treasurer of R. I., 1638. Asst. Prest., 1649, et seq. Dep- uty, 1665, et seq. Root, George F., 64. Opdyke, Gysbert, 1605 . Com- mander at Fort Good Hope succeeding Sergt. David Pro- voost. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Ordway, JAxMES, 1687 . One of the "Snow-shoe Men" of New- bury, Mass., for service in the Indian troubles, 1709-1710. Wood, Eric F., 7c. Wood, William B., 71. Ormsby, Ens. John, 1720-1805, Pa. Ens. under Gen. Forbes, Expe- dition against Fort Duquesne, 1758. Commissary and Pay- master at Fort Pitts, i759-'6o. Phillips, Morris S., 89. OsBORN, Capt. Richard, 16 12-1686, Windsor, Conn. Pequot War. 1637. McClintock, Emory, 150. Perry, John P. H., 63. Otis, Col. James, 1702-1778, Barn- stable, Mass. Commander of the County Militia. Chief Jus- tice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1764-1776. Member of the Provincial Legislature, 1768. Speaker of the House. Greve, Clifford, 177. Otis, John, 1621-1684. I'l King Philip's War, in Capts. Hench- man's and Moseley's Cos., 1675. Greve, Clifford, 177. Otis, Col. John, 1657-1727, Com- mander of Barnstable Militia. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1702, et seq. Councillor, 1708, et seq. Representative, 1692-1700, i703-'o4, i7o8-'o9. Greve, Clifford, 177. Porter, Alexander S., Jr., 124. Otis, Col. Joseph, circ. 1725-18 10, Barnstable, Mass. Representa- tive to the General Court, 1774. Greve, Clifford, 177. Pabodie (or Peabody, or Peabodie), William, 1620-1707, Duxbury, Mass. Litlle Compton, R.I. In Capt. Myles Staadish's Co., 1643. Depty, 1654, et seq. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Baker, George F., 147. Brown, Philip G., 231. Clark, Eliot A., 104. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Smith, William D. G., 158. Paddock, Robert, 1650. Mili- tary Co., Plymouth, 1643. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Paebody, John, 1590-1667. In Duxbury Military Co., under Capt. Myles Standish, 1643, Smith, William D. G., 157. Page, John, 1630-1711, Watertown, Mass. Deputy, 1700. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 124. P.AGE, Rorert, 1604-1679, Hampton, N. H. Representative Mass., i657-'68. Crawford, George A., 104. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Robie, Guy S., 234. Robie, William J., 234. Paine, Lieut. Moses, 1690, Boston, Mass. Deputy, i666-'68. Ensign and Lieut. Member A. & H. A. Co. Chapin, Clifford S., 116. Parker, Edward H., 213. Paine, Nathaniel, ist, 1630-1677/8, Rehoboth, Mass. Representa- tive, i676-'77. Lea, James, H., 120. Paine, Nathaniel, 2nd, 1661-1723, Bristol, R. I. Councillor, 1703, et seq. Baker, George F., 147. Lea, James H., 120. Paine, Nathaniel, 3rd, 1688-1730, Bristol, R. I. Representative, 1724, 1729. Lea, James H., 120. Paine, Stephen, 1629-1677. Served under Maj. William Bradford, Plymouth Colony Forces in King Philip's War. Allen, Oliver F., 42. Dickerman, William C, 49. 378 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Paine, Stephen, 1679, Reho- botli, Mass. Deputy, 1647, '49- '59, '63-'66, "7o-'7i- Lea, James H., 120. Paine, Thomas, i 612-1706, East- ham, Mass. In King Philip's War. Deputy. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Smith, Thomas H., 170. Paine, Hon. Timothy, 1730-1793, Worcester, Mass. Representa- tive, 1755, et seq. Councillor, 1763, et seq. Lea, James H., 120. Parke, Robert, 1651-1707, Wethers- field, Stonington, New London, Preston, Conn. In King Phil- ip's War. White, William R., 126. Parke, Robert, i 573-1 662, New London, Conn. Colonial Assem- bly, 1642 and 1653. Selectman, 1651. Enos, Alanson T., 76. White, William R., 126. Parke, Thomas, 1709, Weth- ersfield, Stonington, New Lon- don and Preston, Conn. In King Philip's War. White, William R., 126. Parke, William, 1606/7-1685. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Represented Roxbury, Mass., in the General Court, 1635-1667. Surveyor- General of Arms and Ammu- nition for the Colony, 1660. Harris, Williams C, 212. Parker, Lieut. Hananiah, 1638- 1724, Reading, Mass. Ens. in Capt. Swayne's Foot Co., 1680. Lieut., 1684. Deputy, i683-'84. Representative, 1695. Winship, William H., 127. Parker, John, circ. 1643-1684/5, Roxbury, Mass. Soldier in Capt. John Holbrook's Co., King Philip's War, i675-'76. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Parkhurst, John, 1644-1725, Sud- bury, Mass. In Great Swamp Fight, 1675. Hicks, Lewis W., n8. Parsons, Cornet Joseph, 1618-1683, Springfield, Mass. Cornet Capt. John Pynchon's Hampshire Co. Troop, 1672-1678. In the early Frentli and Indian Wars. Fulton, William E., 134. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Parsons, Capt. Joseph, 1647-1727. In King Philip's War. Dep- uty, 1693, et seq. Fulton, William E., 134. Partridge, Samuel, 1645-1740. Quartermaster, Major John Pynchon's Troop, 1688. Dep- uty, 16S3, et seq. Dwight, Frederick, 75. Short, Charles L., 124. Sikes, Frederick G., 167. Parvin, Josiah, 1761. Private in Capt. Joseph Seeley's Com- pany of Militia, Cumberland County, N. J., 1715. Gerald, Herbert P., 141. Parvin, Thomas, 1663-1743. Priv- ate in Capt. Joseph Seeley's Company of Militia, Cumber- land County, N. J., 1715. Gerald, Herbert P., 141. Paschall, Thomas, 1634-1718. Assembly, i6S5-'89, Prov. of Penn. Lea, James H., 120. Paschall, Thomas, Jr., Assembly, 1717, Penn. Lea, James H., 120. Patten, Nathaniel, 1643-1725. Soldier in King Philip's War. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Wood, Eric F., 70. Patten (Patton), Thomas, 1636- 1690, Billerica, Mass. In War against the Weymesit Indians, his house used as garrison, 1675. Member of Militia, Bil- lerica, Mass., 1664, and there- after. Fox, Noel B., 52. Patten, William, 1668. Mem- ber Cambridge Militia, 1636- 42, Pequot War. A. & H. A. Co., 1642. Fox, Noel B., 52. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. 379 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., yf. Patterson, Arthur, i 697-1763, Pa. Member of the Provincial Assembly, Lancaster Co., Pa., i744-'54. Collector of Excise appointed by George II., 1745- '48. Lachmund, Ralph H., 109. Pattishall, Capt. Edmund. Dur- ing King Philip's War the General Court of Mass. ap- pointed Capt. E. P of Sagadahock, Maine, one of a Committee entrusted with "superintendence and military power over the Eastern parts, and to furnish themselves the necessary munition of war, June 24, 1675." Favor, Otis S., 170. Paul, Joseph, 1717, Philadel- phia Co., Pa. Member of Pro- vincial Assembly, Pa., 1687. Thompson, Henry B., 218. Paull, Capt. George, 1733-1778, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Served in French and Indian Wars. Vv'as at Braddock's Defeat. In command of Fort Burd. Torrence, George P., 233. Pawling, Col. Herny, 1692. Schout at Esopus. Capt. and Col. of Militia, i674-'88. Hatfield, Henry R., 88. Pawling, Lieut. John, Ulster Co., N. Y. Lieut, of Militia, 1711. Hatfield, Henry R., 88. Peabody, Lieut. Francis, 1614-1697, Topsfield, Mass. Lieut., 1668. Brvant, W. Sohier, 44. Berry, John P. H., 63. Peabody, William. (See Pabodie.) Pearl, Richard, 1727-1780. Private in the Alarm list. Second Com- pany of Boxford, Mass., 1757. Private in Capt. Chadbourn's Mass. Company stationed at Albany, 1760. Haggott, Ernest A., 198. Pearson, Benjamin, 1658-1731, Rowley, Mass. In King Philip's War. Dutton, Leland T., 50. Pease, Capt. John, 1630-1689. A. H. & A. Co., i66i. Sergt., 1665. Freeman of Salem, i668. Capt., 1668. Collins, Holdridge O., 202. Geer, Walter, 53. Pease, Robert, i 656-1744, Salem, Mass. In King Philip's War. Geer, Walter, 53. Peck, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1699-1756. Lieut, in Colonial Forces. Peck, Frederick S., 224, *Peck, Leander R., 224. Seymour, Walter F., 224. Peeck, Jan. Burgher Corps of New Amsterdam, 1653. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Pell,Majcr John, 1643-1702. Styled Sir John Pell in New Rochelle Records. Second Lord of Manor of Pelham, 1669. First Member Assembly, i69i-'95, for West- chester Co., Prov. of N.Y. Com- mittee for Defence of Frontier and Chairman of the Grand Committee. Capt. of Horse, 1684. Maj., 1692, French and Indian War. Phelps, Livingston, 63. Thompson, Henry B., 218. Pengry, Moses, 1610-1696. Deputy to General Court of Mass., 1665. Monnette, Crra E., 199. Penn, William, 1644-1718. Paten- tee and Founder of Pennsyl- vania and West Jersey. Hall, William P. G., 88. Pepperrell, Lieut.-Col. William, 1647-1733, Kittery, Me. Capt. of the Company of Provincial Militia, 1714. Commandant of his Majesty's Fort at Kittery Point, 1714. Subsequently Lieut.- Col. of the Provincial Militia of York County, Me. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, i7i5-'30. Deputy to the Gen- eral Court of Mass., 1696, et scq. Father of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart. Blunt, Stanhope E., 74. Furber, William C, 87. * Deceased. 380 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Montague, Henry W., iii. Morrell, George C, 112. PerkinSj Sergt. John, i 590-1654, Ipswich, Mass. Sergt. of the Allied English and the friendly Indians under Masconoma at Agawam (Ipswich, Mass.) in the War with the Tarratines, 1631. Deputy, 1636. Brown, Philip G., 231. Fall, Charles G., 117. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Perkins, Capt. Tobijah, 1646-1723, Topsfield, Mass. Quartermas- ter, 1698. Lieut., i702-'o3. Capt. Deputy, 1695, et seq. Dorman, William B., 117. Perrine, Daniel, 1672-1745. Private under Lieut. Nathaniel Brittain, Richmond County Militia, N.Y., 1715. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 63. Pkelps, Capt. Timothy, 1639-1719, Windsor, Conn. Lieut, under Col. William Whiting, Queen Anne's War. Capt. of Train Band, 1696. Grafton, Charles C, 106. Phelps, William, 1599-1672. One the Eight Commissioners ap- pointed by the Bay Colony March 3, 1636, to govern the people of Connecticut. Gov.'s Assist., i636-'42, '58-'62, and Member of Council, 1637. Pe- quot War. Dall, Horace H., 47. Fulton, William E., 134. Holcombe, John M., 137. Phillips, Israel, 1737-1800, Oxford, Mass. In Col. John Chandler's Regt. for relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Hicks, Lewis W., 118. Phillips, Major William. Com- mander, York Co. Forces, Maine, 1663. King's Commis- sioner and Justice for settling the affairs of New England. Major Commandant, Military Forces, Province of Maine, 1665. In the Indian troubles in 167s, his house and mills at Saco were burned, and his garrison sustained a long and terrible siege. Wood, Eric F., 69. PiCKARD, John, 1683, Rowley, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1661. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. PiCKARD, John, Jr., 1653-1697, Rowley, Mass. Served under Captain Nicholas Paige, and also under Captain Nicholas Manning in the Narragansett Campaign. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Pickering, Capt. John, 1640-1721, Portsmouth, N. H. Capt. of the Portsmouth Company, 1689- 1692. Member of the Assembly, 1684-1709. Speaker, 1697, ^/j^y. Runk, Louis B., 89. Pierce (Peirse), Captain Michael, 1615-1676, Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Ens. under Capt. James Cudworth, 1673, for service against the Dutch. Capt., com- manding force of whites and friendly Indians, and killed in ambuscade near what is now Central Falls, R. I. King Philip's War, 1676. Pierce, Edward E., 224. Rumrill, Frank, 124. Pierce, Sergt. Thomas, 1608-1683, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1658. Sergt., i669-'82. Corp., 1683. Trooper in King Philip's War, under Capt. Thomas Prentice and Capt. Thomas Brattle. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Lea, James H., 120. Swan, Reuben S., 125. Wellington, Jonas F., 114. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71, PlERSON, LlEUT.-COL. HeNRY, 1652- 1701. Lieut. -Col., Suffolk Co. Militia, 169S, Prov. of N. Y., and under Earle Bellomont, 17CK). Speaker 4th Colonial Assembly. du Fais, John, 49. Pierson, James R., 63. Pike, Major Robert, 1616-1706. 381 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lieut., Salisbury Troop, 1652. Capt., 1659. Major, Military- Forces Norfolk and Piscataqua Cos., 1670. Commander-in- Chief of all Military Forces North and East of Merrimac River, in War against French and Indians, 1690. Deputy, i648-'82. Gov.'s Asst., 1682. Committee of Safety, 1689. Commissioner to treat with Indians, 1690. Brown, Philip G., 231. Burrows, Charles W., 182. Favor, Otis S., 170. PiNCKNEY, Capt. Philip, 1618-1688/ 9. Capt. of East Chester Mili- tia, 167 -1681. On Committee to treat with Indians, 1681. McClintock, Emory, 150. Pitkin, Capt. Roger, 1662-1748. Capt. 3d Co., Hartford Militia, 1698. Ens., 1704. Enders, John O., 133. Pitkin, William, ist, 1636-1694. Deputy, 1675-1690. Atty.-Gen., 1664. Treas., 1676. Asst., 1690- '94. Commissioner for the United Colony of Conn., 1678. Enders, John O., 133. Pollock, Edwin T., 202. Plaisted, Elisha. Representative, Mass., for Berwick, Me., 1714, et seq. Runk, Louis B., 89. Plaisted, John, 1659 , Ports- mouth, N. H. Member of As- sembly, 1693, et seq. Speaker of the House, 1696-1727. Mem- ber of Council, i702-'o8. Runk, Louis B., 89. Plaisted, Lieut. Roger, 1627-1675. Deputy, i663-'64, '73- Lieut., 1670, Capt. Charles Frost's Co. Killed by Indians. Runk, Louis B., 89. Platt, Capt. Epenetus, 1640-1693. Capt. of Suffolk Co. Foot, 1684. Sent in command of East End Men to demand surrender of Fort at N. Y., 1689. Kellogg, George C, 58. Van Nostrand, Benjamin T., 68. Platt, Capt. Zephaniah, 1735- 1807. Ens. in Capt. Joseph Lewis' Co., Huntington, L. I., 1758. Capt. Co. of Foot, N. Battalion, Dutchess Co. Regt., Col. Martin Hoffman, 1760. Kellogg, George C, 58. Platts, Ens. Abel, 1690, Row- ley, Mass. Ens. in the Rowley Co., Expedition against Canada, 1690. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Platts, Moses, 1707-1745, Rowley, Mass. Died at Siege of Louis- burg, 1745. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Plowden, Sir Edmund, 1659, Gov., Capt.-Gen., and Earl Palatine of New Albion. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Plum (Plumb), John, 1594-1648, Conn. In Capt. Mason's Co., Pequot War, 1637. Deputy from Wethersfield, i636-'42. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Short, Charles L., 124. White, William R, 126. Plummer, Asa, 1742-f/rc. 1810, Haverhill, Mass. Private in John Moody's Company, Col. Bagley's Regt. at Louisburg. *Wade, Joseph M., 114. Plummer, Joseph, 1630-1683. Trooper with Capt. Appleton, King Philip's War. Dutton, Leland T., 49. Plympton (Plimpton), Sergt. John, 1620-1677, Deerfield, Mass. Sergt., 1674. Captured by the Indians and killed, 1677. Adams, Edwin P., 147. Beardsell, George R., 102. Plimpton, Hov\'ard D., 215. PoiLLON, Capt. Jacques (James), 1720. Capt. of the South Company, Richmond County Militia, N. Y., 1715. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, John E., 63. Poillon, William, 63. Poillon, Ensign Jacques (James), Jr., 1681-1732/3. Ensign in Capt. James Poillon's South * Deceased. 38^ INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Co., Richmond County Militia, N. Y, 1715. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poiilon, William, 64. Pollard, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin, 1696-1756, Boston. First Com- mander, Governor's Company of Cadets, 1741. Winslow, Erving, 127. POMEROY, Medad, 1638-1716. Dep- uty, Mass., 1 677, ^/ j^g. Served from Northampton, Mass., under Capt. Turner in the Falls Fight. Benton, Arthur B., 202. Short, Charles L., 124. Pond, Lieut., Daniel, 1698, Dedhara, Mass. Sergt. and Lieut, in Dedham Militia, 1672. Parker, Edward H., 213. Poole, Capt. Jonathan, 1634-1678, Reading, Mass. Appointed Q. M. by General Court, 1671. Cornet of Three County Troop, 1674. Capt., Reading Co., 1677. Deputy, 1677. President of Council of War, i675-'76. Boardman, Waldo E., 103. PooRE, Henry, 1650-1741, Newbury, Mass. Under Major Appleton, Narragansett Campaign, 1675. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Pope, Thomas, 1608-1683, Plymouth, Mass. In Volunteer Co. under William Holmes and Thomas Prence, Pequot War. Li ser- vice, 1643. Bryant, W. Bonier, 45. Porter, John, Sr., 1590-1648, Wind- sor, Conn. Deputy, 1639, ef seq. Crane, Roy E., 104. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Porter, John, Sr., 1600-1648, Wind- sor, Conn. Deputy, i646-'47. Short John C, 182. Porter, Sergt. John, 1667-172^, Weymouth, ^lass. Sergt. of Weymouth Military Co. Willcutt, Levi L., 126. Porter, Nathaniel, i 680-1 710. Served in the Canada Expedi- tion, i7o8-'o9. Died at Fort Anne. Hart, Richard H., 205. Porter, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1704- 1759. Under Capt. Israel Put- nam, 1756. Indian Scout. Hart, Richard H., 205. Porter, Corp. Robert, 1630-1710, Lynn, Mass. Corp. in Lynn Military Co., 1689. Served in Narragansett War. Lord, Calvin, 121. Porter, Capt. William, 1695-1749. Capt., Penn. Militia, i747-'48. Porter, Augustus D., 64. Praa, Capt. Pieter, 1655-1740, Brooklyn. Capt. of Foot Co., Kings Co. Regt., Col. Stephen Cortlandt, i7oo-'i3. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Pratt, Daniel, Hartford and Col- chester, Conn. Trooper in 1st Conn. Cavalry, 1658. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Pratt, John, 1655, Cambridge, Mass., and one of the founders of Hariford, Conn. Deputyfrom Hartford, 1639, and later. Holcombe, John M., 137. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Pratt, Lieut. William, 1622-1678. Lieut. Saybrook Forces under Mason, Pequot War. Deputy, 1666, et seq. Council of War, 1642. Clarke, Chauncey H., 176. Peck, William H., 149. Pratt, Capt. William, 1653-1718. Lieut, of Conn. Troops in 1709, and Capt. of the ist Co., Saybrook, Conn., 1717. Spencer, Selden, 179. Prence (Prince), Gov. Thomas, 1 600-1673, Plymouth. Asst, Plymouth Col., 1635, ^t seq. Gov., 1634, et seq. Member Council of War, and served against Pequot Indians, 1637. Commissioner for United Col- onies, 1645, et seq. Brown, Frederick L., 197. Cole, Amedee B., 176. Lawrence, Harris H., 109. Rogers, Edward S., 167. Scammon, Charles W., 162. Prentice, Capt. Thoma.s, 1621-1710. Lieut., Mass. Troop, 1656. Z^Z INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt., 1662. Pequot and Nar- ragansett Wars. Prentiss, Samuel L., 190. Prescott, John, 1604-1681, Lancas- ter, Mass. Served in Garrison at Lancaster against Indians, 1675 and 1676. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Gage, Herbert E., 106. Huse, Artiiur H., 230, Wood, Eric F., 68. Wood, William B., 70. Prescott, Capt. Jonas, i 648-1723, Groton, Mass. Capt. Groton Co. in King William's War, 1689. Deputy, 1699, ^^ ^^7" Colony of Mass. Gage, Herbert E., 106. Prescott, Jonathan, 1675-1755, Kensington, N. H. At Fort William and Mary, 1696; un- der Capt. John Gilman, 1710. Prescott, Frank C, 203. Preston, William, 1729-1783. Mem- ber of Va. House of Burgesses, 1751. Commissioner from Va. to treat with Shawnee and Dela- ware Indians, 1757. Coles, Walter D., 176. Provoost, Sergt. David, i6o8-'56. Commander at Fort Good Hope, i642-'47. First of the "Nine Men," 1652. Sergt., Blue Flag Co., Burgher Corps, New Amsterdam, 1653. First separate Schout at Breuckelen, 1655. Schout and Sec. of Breuckelen, Amersfoort and Midwout until his death. Hance, William W., 148. Provoost, John M., 78. Provoost, David, 1642 . Mem- ber of Assembly, 1699-1703. Member of Council, 1708-1711. Hance, William W., 148. Provoost, Capt. David, 1695-1781. 2nd Lieut, in Capt. Cornelius Van Home's Co., 1737; ist Lieut, under Capt. Paul Rich- ard, 1738. Capt. of a Co. of Troops, 1740, Spanish Expedi- tion. Provoost, John M., 78. Provoost, David W., 1702-1776. Appointed in charge of mili- tary affairs, Bergen Co., Apr. 18, 1740. Hance, William W, 148. Provoost, William, 1679-1746. Governor's Council, N. Y., *723-'35. Governor's Council, N. J., 1734-1741. In charge of military affairs in N. J. Hance, William W., 148. Pruyn, Samuel, i 677-1752. In Capt. Rooseboom's Co., Al- bany, 1715. Sanford, George D., 64. Putnam, Maj.-Gen. Israel, 1718- 1790, Brooklyn, Conn. French War, 1755, he raised a com- pany at Fomfret, Conn.; Capt. in Lyman's Regt. ; Lake George and Crown Point. Rogers's Rangers, 1755. Maj., 1757. Lieut.-Col., 1759. Havana Ex- pedition, i76i-'62. Col., 1764. Putnam, Douglas, 182. Putnam, Lieut. Thomas, 1614- 1686. Lieut., Troop of Horse, Lynn, Mass., 1662. In King Philip's War. Putnam, John B., 64. Quackenbos, John, 1742-1824. In Capt. John Peter Smith's Co., 1758, Old French War. Quackenbos, John D., 64. QuiMBY, John. Member Hempstead Convention, 1665. Runk, Louis B., 89. QuiNCY, Col. Edmund, 1627-1698, Braintree, Mass. Deputy, 1670, et seg. Member of the Coun- cil, 1689. Capt., Military Co. at Braintree, 1684. Major, Suffolk Regt., and Lieut.-Col., 1694^ Colonel, 1695. Wild, Benjamin F., 115. Rand, Sergt. Thomas, 1627-1683. Sergt. in Capt. John Cutler's Co., 1676. King Philip's War. Clarke, George K., 117. Favor, Otis S., 170. Lunt, William W., 121. Randolph, Isham, 1687-1742. Mem- ber House of Burgesses and Adj.-Gen., Va. 384 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Thomas, John L., 179. Randolph, Lieut.-Col. William, 1651-1711. Member House of Burgesses, lyoo-'os- Capt., Hen- rico Co. Forces, 1680. Lieut.- Col., 1699. Atty.-Gen. and Member Royal Council of Va. Thomas, John L., 179. Rapelje, Joris Jansen See de Rapelje. Rawlins, Joseph, 1702 , Exeter and Hampton, N. H. At the Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Johnson, Charles H., 109. Rawson, Rev. Grindal, 1659-1715. Chaplain of the Fleet, Port Royal Expedition, 1690. Hoppin, Hamilton, L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Ray, Capt. Symon, 1635-1712. Com- manded New Shoreham Co., R. I., defense of Block Island, 1705. Thomas, Robert M., 80. Raymond, John, Jr., circ. 1650-1725. Served under Capt. Samuel Appleton, Narragansett Cam- paign, King Philip's War. He claimed to be the first soldier to enter the Fort in the Great Swamp Fight. Moore, Howard P., 78. Raymond Joshua, 1639-1676, Salem, Mass., and New London, Conn. Deputy from New London to General Assembly, 1669. Ap- pointed Cornet of the New Lon- don Troopers, 1672. Com- missary in King Philip's War. Perry, Alexander, 62. Raynes, Capt. Francis, 1625-1693. Ensign, 1652. Lieut., 1654. Capt., 1659. New Hampshire Troops. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Rayno, Elias, 1715-1787. Private in Col. Nathaniel Meserve's New Hampshire Co. in Expedi- tion against Crown Point, 1756. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Rea, or Ray, Daniel, Danvers, Mass. In King Philip's War. Brown, John B., 75. Read (Reed), Captain William, 1662-1718, Lexington, Mass. Captain of a Company of Dra- goons, 1706. Representative to the General Court, 1714. Wellington, Jonas F., 114. Read, Captain William, 2nd, 1693- 1778. Capt. of the Lexington Military Co. and served with his company in French War of 1755 under Gen. John Win- slow. Selectman eleven years. Representative to the General Court seventeen years. Beatty, William T., 166. Reade, Col. George, 1600-1671. Colonel of Va. Militia. Sec, Colony of Va., 1637. Acting Gov., 1638. Member House of Burgesses, James City Co., 1649; York Co., 1656. Member Royal Council, iSsj-TS.. Suter, Henderson, 142. Thomas, John L., 179. Redfield, Levi, 1749-1838. En- listed 1762 at Killingworth, Conn., In Col. Putnam's Regt., which sailed from New York in June, 1762, in the Expedi- tion against Havana. Mersereau, John D., 198. Reed, Lieut. Joseph, 1741, Wo- burn, Mass. In Expedition to Canada, 1690. Sergt. in Wo- burn Co., i70i-'i3. Ens., 1713- 15. Lieut. i7i6-'4i. Swan, Reuben S., 125. Reid, John, 1655-1723. Surveyor- General of East Jersey, 1703. Presiding Justice, 1711, '15, '19. Sargent, Christopher S., 234. Sargent, George P. T., 234 Remsen, Capt. Jeromus, 1705-1781. Newtown, Long Island. Pro- vincial Forces, N. Y. Capt. of a Company in the French War. Wyckoff, Charles R., Jr., 72. Wyckoff, Clarence J., 73. Remsen, Rem, 1685-1752. Soldier in Capt. Joshua Cornell's Co., Queens County Militia, 1715. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Reynolds, Capt. Nathaniel, 1708. A. & H. A. Co., 1658. Lieut. 4th Co., Suffolk Regt., 385 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Maj. Thomas Clarke. Lieut, and Capt., King Philip's War. Command of Chelmsford Gar- rison, i675-'76. Baker, George F., 147. Rhodes^ John^ 1658-1716, R. I., Deputy, i702-'o4, 1708. Litchfield, Wilford J., 110. Rhodes, Zachariah, 1603-1665, Pro- vidence, R. I. Commissioner, i658-''63. Deputy, 1659, '61- '65. Fitz Gerald, Desmond, n8. Litchfield, Wilford J., 110. Rice, Edmund, 1594-1663, Sudbury, Mats. Deputy, 1640, et seq. Farwell, John W., 118. Rice, John, , Needham, Mass. Service under Captain Mose- ley, of record 10 December, 1675, 24 April, 1676. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Rice, Joseph, 1637-1685, Marlboro, Mass. Owned a garrison house. King Philip's War, 1675-1676. Deputy, 1683. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Richards, Ens. William, 1707-1797, Stoughton, Mass. In Capt. Ben- jamin Johnson's Co., Col. Mil- ler's Regt., 1757. Guilford, William W., n8. Richardson, Ezekiel, 1602-1647, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1635. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Stone, William E., 125. Richardson, Lieut. John, 1639- 1696, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War, and Phips' Ex- pedition. Lieut, in Militia. Griffin, Henry A., 148. Richardson, Sergt. Joseph, 1655 , Newbury, Mass. Sergt. of Newbury Military Co., circ. 1700. Richardson, William S., 113. Ricpiardson, Nathaniel, 1651-1714, Woburn, Mass. In Capt. Pren- tiss's Co. Wounded in the Great Swamp Fight. In Lieut. Ha- sey's Three County Troop, 1676. Boynton, Chester C, 44. Richardson, Stephen, 1652 , Stonington, Conn. In King Philip's War, i675-'76. Richardson, Samuel W., 112. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Richmond, Capt. Edward, 1632- 1696. Leut. in King Philip's War. Capt., 1690. Deputy, R. I. Assembly, 1678, et seq. Kennedy, George C, 208. Lawton, Daniel L., 59. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. RiDGELY, LIEUT.-CoL. HENRY, 1708. Member of Assembly, 1692. Member of Gov.'s Coun- cil, Maj. and Col. of Militia, Anne Arundel Co., Md. Com- missioner, 1683. Lieut.-Col., i694-'99. Boogher, Frank, 174. Boogher, John H., 175. Boogher, Lawrence, 175. Hadley, William L., 177. RiGBY, Samuel, 1641-1691. In King Philip's War under Maj. Sav- age. Wood, Eric F., 70. RiGGS, Sergt. Edward, 1619-1669, Roxbury, Mass. In Pequot War, 1637. Riggs, Royal E. T., 64. RiGGS, Thomas, i 632-1722, Glou- cester, Mass. Representative, 1700. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Ripley, John, 1684. In Punk- apauge Co., 1676, King Philip's War. Hallowell, Thomas J., 54. RoBBiNs, Nathaniel, 1648-1719. Under Capt. Poole, King Phil- ip's War. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Roberts, Gov. Thomas, 1674. Last Colonial Gov. of New Hampshire, 1640. Monnette, Orra E., 198. Wood, Eric F., 68. Wood, William B., 71. ROBIE, ICHABOD, 1680-I753. In garrison at Exeter, N. H., 1696. Aided in construction of Fort William and Mary, New 386 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Castle, N. H., 1697. Received warrant in 1733 to enlist com- pany of cavalry in Hampton and Rye, N. H. Member of Assembly, 1735, '36, '39, '41. Drew, Charles W., 189. RoBiEj Samuel, 1659-1717, Hamp- ton, N. H. In King William's War. Hubbard, Phineas, loS. Robinson, George, 1630-1703, Mass. In Maj. Clarke's Co., Boston, 1681. Favor, Otis S-, 170. Rockwell, Capt. Joseph, 1670- 1733, Windsor and Middle- town, Conn. Deputy, i-jiz-'i^. Lieut. Middletlown Train Band, 1712. Capt., 1717. Burton, Lewis W., 194. Roe, Lieut. Daniel, 1740-1820. Lieut . in French and Indian Wars under Capt. Daniel Griffin. Smith, Clarence W., 65. Rogers, James, 1615-1687, Conn. Deputy, i662-'66, '73. Commis- sioner for New London, 1660- '61. Commissioner to treat with Indians. Served in Pequot War, 1637. Fletcher, Henry, 52. Rogers, Jesse, 1740 . In Capt. Thomas West's Co. in French War, 1760. Expedition to Canada. Rogers, Edward S., 167. Rogers, John, i66r, Wey- mouth, Mass. Deputy, 1659. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Rogers, John, 1692, Duxbury, Mass. Member of Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Deputy, 1657, Plymouth Colony. Lawton, Daniel, L., 59. Rogers, Lieut. Joseph, 1678, Eastham, Mass. Member of the Duxbury Co., under Capt Myles Standish. Lieut, in Capt. Mat- thew Fuller's Co., 1647. Mem- ber of Council of War, 1658. Rumrill, Frank, 124. Smith, Dwight, 65. RoosA, Capt. Albert Heymanse, 1679. Militia of Hurley and Marbletown, Ulster Co., N. Y., 1673. Hatfield, Henry R., 88 Root, John, 1642-1687. Commis- sary at Westfield, Mass., King Philip's War. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Root, Thomas, 1605-1695, Hartford. In Pequot War. Bronson, Edward P., 175. Rose, Hugh, 1743-1797, Virginia. Member Amherst Committee of Safety, 1775. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Rose, Thomas. Deputy. General Court, Conn., 1695. Swisher, Benjamin F., 208. Royall, Joseph, 1728, Charles- town, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Tyler, Edward R., 126. ROYCE, Robert. Deputy from New London, Conn., 1661. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Rumrill, Aaron, 1800, Rox- bury and Dorchester. In Cap- tain Solomon Whitney's Com- pany, Colonel Bagley's Regi- ment, Lake George Expedition, 1759- Rumrill, Frank, 124. Rumrill, Simon, 1696 , West- ford, Mass. On New Hampshire frontier, i745-'49. In Westford Snow Shoe Company under Captain Robert Richardson, 1725. In Captain Jeremiah Clough's Scouts at Canterbury, N. H., 1745. In Lieutenant William Niles' Scouts, 1745. In Captain Daniel Ladd's Com- pany for scouting at Canterbury and Rumford, 1746. In Cap- tain John Goff's Company for scouting on the frontier of the province of New Hampshire, 1748. Rumrill, Frank, 124. Russell, Lieut. Benjamin, 1677- 387 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1754. Lieiit. of Ashford, Conn., Militia, 1722. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Russell, John, 1686/7-1757. Deputy to General Assembly at 45 sessions between 1714 and 1753. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. Russell, Philip. Member of Coast Guard at Cape Henlopen, 1697- 1701. Saulsbury, Willard, 217. Russell, Hon. Richard, 1611-1676. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Deputy to Mass. General Court, 1642, '46, '48, 'so, '55, 57, '58. Speaker for the House of Depu- ties, 1648, '50, '54, '56, '58. Treas. of Mass. Bay Colony, i644-'76. Assistant, 1659, '60- '76. Benedict, Russell, 43. Mickle-Saltonstall, Andrew H., 79- Rutgers, Harman, 1711. Burgher Corps, New Amster- dam, 1653. Mickle-Saltonstall, Andrew H., 79- Rutherford, Capt. Walter, 1723- 1804. Capt. of Grenadiers, 4th Battalion, Royal Ameri- cans, Old French War. Also paymaster of a battalion, and Major of the Royal American Regt. Served at the Battle of Ticonderoga. Received terms of surrender at Fort Niagara, and the keys at the surrender at Montreal. Jay, John, 58. Rutledge, George, 1719 . Priv- ate in Capt. Samuel Coburn's Co., 1745. Called into service of the Colony of N. C. in de- fense of Brunswick and other settlements on Eastern coast of Colony from attacks of the Spaniards. Withers, William A., 143. RuTSEN, Col. Jacob. Ens. Co. Foot, Kingston and New Paltz, 1685- '87. Lieut. -Col. Regt. Militia, Ulster and Dutchess Counties, 1700. Col. Ulster Co. Militia, 1715 and '28. Stewart, Ralph W., 200. Saltar, Richard, Jr., circ. 1699- 1763. Provincial Councillor of N. J., 1749, et seq. Starr, Isaac, Jr., 91. Saltonstall, Gov. Gurdon, 1666- 1724. Gov. Colony of Conn., 1708. Seabury, William M., 65. Sanborn, Lieut. John, 1620-1692, Hampton, N. H. Ensign, 1677. Lieut, Hampton, N. H., 1679. Representative for Hampton, 1685. Served in King Will- iam's War. Clark, Byron N., 163. Fernald, Frederik A., 52. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Sanborn, Hon John, 1680-1767, Hampton, N. H. Representa- tive, 1722, et seq. Speaker (pro-tem), i745-'47. Brown, Harry L., 103. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Sanborn, Ens. John, 1681-1727, Hampton, N. H. Soldier at Fort William and Mary, New Castle, N. H., June and July, 1708. Sergt. in Lovewell's War, 1724. Subsequently En- sign. Fernald, Frederik A., 52. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Sanborn, Richard, 1655 . Sol- dier in the Garrison at Oyster River, 1696. Fernald, Frederik A., 52. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Sanborn, William, 1622-1692, Hampton, Mass. Under Maj. Samuel Appleton, King Philip's War, 1675-6. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Sanborn, William, 1650-1744, Hampton, N. H. In Garrison at Oyster River, 1694. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Sanborn, William, 1682-1718, N. H. Private in Capt. Woodman's Co. from Hampton at Oyster 388 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Riv'er. Private in Capt. Wal- ton's Co. at Fort William and Mary, 1708. In Capt. Dana's scouting party, N. H., troops, 1712. Bennett, Larkin E., 116. Sands, Capt. James, 1622-1695. Dep- uty, New Shoreham Co., R. I., 1665. Assistant Warden, 1676. Commanded the Militia Co. in King Philip's War. Prime, Frederick, 91. Thompson, Henry B., 218. Sands, Capt. John, 1649-1712, New Shoreham Co., R. I., Troops. Deputy, i678-'8i. Thompson, Henry B., 218. Sanford, Pres. John, 1653, Portsmouth, R. I. Cannoneer for Fort at Boston, i634-'36. Committee as to Ordinance, Boston, 1634. Surveyor of Ordinance and Ammunition at Boston, 1636. Disarmed, 1637. Constable, 1640, at R. I. Lieut., 1644. Gov. 's Asst., 1647- '49. Pres. of Portsmouth and ISlewport, 1653. Fox, Noel B., 52. Sanford, Gov. Peleg, 1639-1701. Capt. of R. I. Troop of Horse, 1667. Assistant, R. I., 1667- 1669. Deputy to the General Assembly, 1670-1677. Major, King Philip's War, i67S-'76, and in 1679. General Treas- urer of the Colony, i678-'8o. Governor, R.L, i68o-'83. Lieut. - Col., 1687. Member Andros' Council, 1687. Judge of Courts of General Sessions and Com- mon Pleas, 1687. Fox, Noel B., 52. Sanford, Seth, 1735-1805, Redding, Conn. In Capt. Bradley's Co., Col. Andrew Burr's Regt., in the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Sanford, Frederick F., 182 and 213. Sargent, John, 1639-1716, Charles- town, Mass. Served under Lieut. Gillam, King Philip's War. Winship, William H., 127. Saunders, James, 1707. Mem- ber Assembly, Md., 1692-1701. Member of the Council, 1701- '07. Thompson, Eustis, 97. Savage, Major Thomas, 1607- 1682, Boston, Mass. Lieut. A. &H. A. Co., i64i-'45. Capt. of same, 1651, et seq. Capt. of Suffolk Regt. before 1655. Maj. commanding the Mass. forces in the Mount Hope Campaign, King Philip's War, 1675. Dep- uty to the General Court, 1654, et seq. Speaker, 1659, et seq. Assistant, i68o-'8i. Park, Lawrence, 112. Starr, Isaac, Jr., 91. Winslow, Erving, 127. Savage, Capt. William, 1668-1726, Middletown, Conn. Lieut. Mid- dletown Co., 1717. Capt., 1719. Deputy, 1715-1726. Whittemore, Lawrence J., 213. Saw\'er, Francis, 1681-1756, Wells, Me. Representative, Mass. Bay Colony, i72o-'2i. Sawyer, Isaac H., 179. Sawyer, John, 1688 , Newbury, Mass. Soldier against the Mer- rimack Indians, 1709. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Wood, Eric F., 70. Sawyer, Thomas, 1616-1706. At Lancaster garrison. King Phil- ip's War. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Sawyer, Thomas, Jr., 1649-1736, Lancaster, Mass. Lancaster garrison, King Philip's War, i675-'76. Taken prisoner to Canada, 1705. Deputy, 1707. Walker, John B., 68. Sawyer, William, 1656-1718, New- bury, Mass. In Major Apple- ton's Regt., King Philip's War. Representative, 1707, et seq. Sawyer, Isaac H., 179. Sayles, John, 1633-1681. Commis- sioner for Providence, R. I., i^SSi '55> '57» '59- Assistant, 1653. Treasurer for Provi- 389 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. dence, 1653. Warden for Provi- dence, General Council, 1658. Deputy, 1669, '70, '71, '74. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Pratt, Alexander D. B., 78. ScAMMON, Capt. Humphrey, 1727. Capt. of the Military- Co. at Saco, Maine. In 1641, during Kiiig William's War, was carried captive by the In- dians with his wife and five children, to Canada. After a year's time, during which they suffered many hardships, a treaty was made and they were returned safely to Saco. Favor, Otis S., 170. ScHissLER, Conrad, 1786. Priv- ate in Lieut.-Col. Joseph Ship- pen's Pa. Regt., 1760. Monnette, Mervin J., 198. Monnette, Orra E., 2co. Schmidt, Dr. Gottfried Christian, 1730-1791. Surgeon in Col. Ricliard Saltonstall's Regt., French and Indian W^ar, 1761- '63. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Schneider, Johannes W^ilhelm, 1682-1768. Volunteer Co. of Palatines Expedition against Canada, 1711, from Annsberg. Snyder, Louis V., 66. Schoonmaker, Benjamin, 1719- 1779. Delegated by Gov. Mor- ris, of the Prov. of Pa., to at- tend a conference with the Indian Chief Teedyuscung, Dec, 1755. Member of Capt. Van Etten's Co. in service against the Indians. Catlin, George de G., 46. Schoonmaker, Lieut. Hendrick, 1683 . Ens. and Lieut, Capt. Whittaker's Co., Col. Jacob Rutsen's Regt., Ulster County Militia, I7i5-'i7. Catlin, George de G., 46. Schoonmaker, Lieut. Hendrick Jochemsen, 1681. Lieut. in Capt Thomas Chamber's Co. At Fort Orange and Esopus War. Member of Council of War. Severely wounded at Wittnych, 1663. Catlin, George de G., 45. SCHOONiVIAKER, CAPT. JOCHEM, 1658- 1730. Capt Ulster Co. Militia, N. Y., against the Indians, 1700. Catlin, George de G., 46. Schuyler, David, 1690, New York City. Magistrate, 1673. Alderman, i686-'88. Member of Convention that assumed government of the City, 1689. Appointed Justice of the Peace by Gov. Dongan, 1683. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Schuyler, Col. Johannes, 1668- 1747. N. Y. Forces, French and Indian Wars. Delafield, Edward C, 48. Delafield, John R., 48. Schuyler, Capt. Johannes, Jr., 1697 . Commissary at Oswego, 1733, et seq. Delafield, John R., 48. Schuyler, Capt. Philip Pieterse, 1628-1683. Capt, N. Y. Pro- vincial Forces, 1667. Capt. of Foot at Schenectadv, 1669. Delafield, John R., 48. Robbins, Le Roy K., 178. Schuyler, Philip Van R., 65. Schuyler, Sidney S., 149. Schuyler, Col. Pieter ("Queed- er"), 1657-1724. Lieut of Horse, 1685. Commanded a Co. at Schenectady, N.Y., 1689. Commanded Fort at Albany, 1689. Delegate to Councils of Five Nations. Led expedition which ended in capture of Fort La Prairie. Pres., King's Coun- cil, 1662-1720. Acting-Gov. of the Prov., 1709. Delafield, John R., 48. Schuyler, Capt. Pieter, Jr., 1698- 1771. Capt. at Fort Seneca, 1721. Commissary at Oswego, 1741. Delafield, John R., 48. Scott. John, i 640-1 677. Wounded at Pawtucket, ^King Pl|jilip/s War. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Scott, John, 1690. Soldier in 390 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. King Philip's War under Capt. Johnson. In Falls Fight, 1676, under Capt. William Turner. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 72. Scott, John, 1756, Lunenberg, Mass. Private in Crown Point Expeditions, i755-'56, under Captains Joseph Whitcomb and James Reed, Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regt. Scott, Henry E., 113. Scott, Richard, 1607-1680. Wound- ed at Pawtucket, King Philip's War. Elliman, Lawrence B., 50. ScRiBNER, Samuel, 1716-1794. Priv- ate in Col. Samuel Moore's N. H. Regt. at Louisburg, 1745 ; Col. Nathaniel Me- serve's Regt. at Crown Point, 1756; Major Thomas Tash's Battalion, 1757; and in Col. Hart's Regt., 1753. *Hull, John C. F., 198. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Scripture, Samuel, , Concord, Mass. Under Capt. Joseph Sill, King Philip's War, 1675. In King William's War, i69i-'92. Wead, Leslie C, 126. Seabury, Samuel, 1640-1681, Dux- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1676. Ens., 1678. Smith, William D. G., 158. Seaman, Capt. John, 1610-1695. In Indian Wars, i66Z-'j6. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Seaman, Frederick A., 65. Sears (Sares), Richard, i 590-1676, Member Yarmouth Co., Lieut. William Palmer. Deputy, Ply- mouth Col., 1662. Sears, Frank I., 113. Sears, Capt. Samuel 1663-1741. Lieut., 1706. Capt. Hawks, Frederick E., 107. Seaver, Robert, 1608-1683, Rox- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Crafts, John C, 117. * Deceased. Sebring, Jacob. Sergt., Kings County Militia, "In service against all enemies, rebels and pirates on land and sea," 1715. Adjutant, 1728. Weisse, Faneuil S., 80. Sedgwick, Maj.-Gen. Robej.t, circ. 1613-1656. Appointed Capt. for Charlestown, Mass., 1636/7. Deputy to the General Court, i637-'49. Commander at the Castle, 1641. Capt., A. &H. A. Co., 1640, '45, '48. Commanded the Middlesex Regt, 1643, and was first Sergt.-Maj. command- ing this Regt., 1644. Com- mander-in-Chief, 1652. Chos- en, with Capt. Lever ett, 'to organize an expedition against the Dutch in Manhattan, 1654. Commanded fleet of four ves- sels against Acadia, 1654. Com- manded a Regt. to occupy the Island of Jamaica, 1655, and appointed Commissioner to gov- ern the Island. Commissioned Major-General by Cromwell, _i656. Taylor, Ewing, 67. Severance, John, 1682. Mem- ber A. & H. A. Co., 1641 and 1654. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Sevvall, Henry, 1614-1700. New- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1661, et seq. Dorman, William B., 117. Fall, Charles G., 117. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Sewall, IIenky, 1 620-1 665. Princi- pal Secretary of Md., 1661-1665. Deputy, 1 661, et scq. Gov.'s Council, 1661. Smith, William D. G., 157. Sewall, Dep.-Gov. Nicholas, 1655- 1737. Member and Secretary, Prov. Council, Md., 1686. Dep.- Gov., 1689. Major of Militia. Smith, William D. G., 158. Sexton, Daniel. Member of Brook- haven Co., Long Island Mili- tia, 1715. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Seymour, Capt. Richard, 1655, 391 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hartford and Farmington, Conn. Capt. Seymour Fort (Kensington). Fulton, William E., 134. ShapleigHj Major Nicholas, 1680 . Representative, Mass., for York Co., Me., 1733. Capt. and Major of Co. Troops, 1733. Peirce, William H., 96. Sharp(e), Lieut. John, 1643-1676, Brookline, Mass. In Capt. Wadswortli's Co. Killed at Sudbury Fight. Crafts, John C, 117. Shattuck, William, Jr., 1653 , Watertown, Mass. In Capt. Prentice's Co., King Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Shaw, John, 1694. Plymouth Militar}' Co., 1643. In King Philip's War. Baker, George F., 147. Shaw, Roger, i66i. Deputy from Hampton, N. H., Mass. Bay Colony, 1651-1653. Morrell, George C, iii. Robie, Guy S., 234. Robie, William J., 234. Shed, Corp. Daniel, Sr., 1708, Billerica, Mass. Billerica gar- rison, King Philip's War, 1675. Corp., 1679. Geer, Walter, 53. Shed, John, 1655-1736/7. In gar- rison of Rev. Samuel Whiting, at Billerica, Mass., Oct. 8, 1675. Under Major Simon Willard, 1675. Geer, Walter, 53. Sherman, Philip, 1610-1689. First Sec. Providence Plantations, 1639. Court of Commissioners, 1656, Deputy, i66s-'6j. Council, King Philip's War. Hart, Richard H., 205. Lawton, Daniel L., 60. *Smalley, Bradley B., 162. Sherwood, Capt. Matthew, 1643- 1715. French and Indian Wars- Ens., Conn. Militia, 1685, Lieut., 1690. Capt., 1690. * Deceased. McClintock, Emory, 150. Shippen, Edward, 1639-1712. A. & H. A. Co., 1669. Speaker of Assembly, 1695. Member Pro- vincial Council, Penn., 1696- 1712. Dep.-Gov., 1703. Pres. Provincial Council, i702-'o4. Canby, Caleb H., Jr., 166. Shippen, Col. Joseph, 1732-1810. Col. Penn. Troops, Provincial Army, French and Indian Wars. In Braddock's Expe- dition against Fort Duquesne. Capt., 1756. Brigadier-Major, 1758. Lieut.-Col., 1759. Huidekoper, Frederic L., 141. Shotwell, John, 1658-1719. Capt. in Capt. August Graham's Richmond Co., N. Y., Militia, 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. SiLVERWooD, Joshua, 1654-1698. Im- pressed as a private in Capt. Daniel Henchman's Co. at Boston, Dec. 3, 1675, for King Philip's War. Monnette, Orra E., 200. SiMKiNs, Nicholas, , Boston, Mass. First Capt. of the Castle, 1634. Member of the A. & H. A. Co., 1650. Hammond, Samuel, 107. Tyler, Edv/ard R., 125. Simmons, Moses, 1689, Plym- outh, Mass. Member of Dux- bury Military Co., 1643. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Skidmore, Thomas, 1684. Agent of Gov. Winthrop in planting of Saybrook, 1635. One of Associates of Lan- caster, Mass., 1643. One of Patentees of Huntington, L. I., r666. Deputy from Hunting- ton, 1673. In service during King Philip's War. Smith, George W., 66. Skiff, James, 1688, Sandwich, Mass. Deputy, 1645, ei seq. Member Governor's Council. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Skinner Corp. John, 1637-1690, Hartford, Conn. Corp. in the Train Band. 392 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Booth, Charles E., ii6. Sleght, Sergt. Cornelius Barent- SEN, 1671. Sergt. Military Co. which built Esopus Stock- ade. Member first Board Schep- ens, 1661. At Indian attack on Wiltvvyck, 1663. Catlin, George de G., 45. Suydam, Walter L., 79. Weisse, Faneuil S., 80. Slingerland, Cornelise, 1753- Served in frontier wars, Albany Co., N. Y., 16S9. Tyson, Malcolm V., 98. Slye, Capt. Gerard, 1654-1703, St. Mary's Co., Md. Capt., St. Mary's Co. Militia, 1675. Com- mander at Fort Susquehannock. Member of Coinicil of War, 1676. Of the Quorum, St. Mary's Co. Court, 1679, ^"d Chief Justice, 1680. High Sheriff of the County, iC'jj-'jg. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Slye, Capt. Robert, 1615-1670. Commissioner, ProV. and Coun- cil of State, Md. Member As- sembly, St. Mary's Co. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Smead, John, 1673-1720. Soldier in the Meadow Fight, Deer- field, Mass., Feb. 29, 1703, Queen Anne's War. Hedgcock, William E., 177. Smead, William, 1635-1704, North- ampton, Mass. In Falls Fight, under Capt. William Turner. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Smith, Arthur, 1655, Conn. In Pequot W^ar. Deputy, 1643, '46. Hart, Richard H., 205. Smith, Benjamin, 1687-1731. Priv- ate in Col. Thomas Farmer's N. J. Regt., 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Smith, Edward, 1675. Gov.'s Asst., R. I., 1654, ^' •^^?- Mem.- ber of Council, 1658. Deputy, from Newport, 1655, et seg. Lawton, Daniel L., 60. Smith, Rev. John, 1614 , Mass- and N. J. Member of Lieut. Thomas Dimmock's Co., Barn- stable, Mass., 1643. Deputy, N. J. Assembly, 1669, i67i-'72. Assistant, i67o-'7i. Greve, Clifford, 177. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Smith, John, 1637-1676, Hadley, Mass. Soldier under Capt. W^illiam Turner, Falls Fight. Slain by the Indians at "Hat- field Meadow," Ma_y 30, 1676. Dickerman, William C., 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Woodin, William H., 73. Smith, John, Jr., 1678 . In Capt. Noyes' Co. of Snowshoe Men, 1704. Bryant, W. Sohier, 45. Smith, Lieut. John, Jr., 1706, Reading, Mass, Deputy to the General Court, 1669. Lieut., Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. Smith, John, 1708, Dorchester and Sudbur>', Mass. In King Philip's War under Major Willard, relief of Brookfield, 1675 ; 3'so under Major Richard Walderne, Capt. Samuel Wads- worth, Sudbury Fight, 1676; Capt. Turner, Falls Fight, 1676 ; Capt. John Cutter and Capt. Parker, 1676. Wood, Eric F., 68. Wood. William B., 71. Smith, Capt. John, 1669-1744. Oyster River, Dover, N. H. Capt. of Co. at Oyster River. Held his garrison against the French and Indians at the Oyster River Massacre, 1694. Smith, William D. G., 158. Smith, Lieut. Philip, 1633-1684, Hadley, Mass. Lieut., Town Troop and Troop Hampshire Co., 1678. Deputy, i68o-'84. Hubbard, Phineas, 109. Smith, Richard (Bull Smith), 1692. T/iis was Richard Smith of Smit/itoivn, commonly called "Bull" Smith. He ivas not a Major, and had no Colonial JVar service. "Bull" Smith 393 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. lived at Southampton, L. I., and afterwards at Smit/)'toivn, lufiic/i he founded. He died in 1692. {Pelletreau's Smithtoivn, pp. VU-X). Major Richard Smith lived at Narragansett. A full account of him ivill be fonnd in Austiji's R. I. Genealogical Dictionary, p- l8£. He had interests in Neiv Amsterdam and at Ne^v- toivn, L. I., and has been con- fused ivith "Bull" Smith. Major Richard also died in 1691 or l6g2, leaving no issue. Smith, Lieut. Samuel, Sr., 1602- 1680, Hadley, Mass. "Antient Serjeant" at Wethersfield, Conn., and Deputy, i64o-'6i. Lieut, of Hadley Troop, i66i-'78, and Deputy to General Court of Massachusetts Bay, i66i-'73. Commissioner to the Mohawks, 1667. Benton, Arthur B., 202. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Encs, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Hawks, Frederick E., 107. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. McClintock, Emory, 150. Smith, William W., 183. Stockbridge, Henry, 3d, 97. Woodin, William H., 72. Smith, Samuel, 1644-1719. Mem- ber N. J. Assembly, 1709, 'i6, '18. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Smith, Gov. Thomas, 1648 , South Carolina. Gov. S. Car- olina, 1690; also of N. and S. Carolina, 1693. Meredith, Philip T., 88. Smith, Hon. William, 1697-1769. Atty.-Gen., i75i-'52. Member of Council, 1753-57. Deputy Prov. Council, 1754, and one of the Committee to draft the Bond of Alliance. Judge of the Supreme Court of the Pro- vince of N. Y., i763-'69. Delafield, John R., 48. Smith, Lieut. William, Cumber- land Co., Pa. Lieut, in Capt. Richard O'Cain's Co., Col. Ben- jamin Chamber's Regt., 1747- '48. Torrence, George P., 233. Snow, Nicholas, 1676. Ply- mouth Militia, 1643. Deputy from Eastham, Mass., 1648, et seq. Nickerson, Thomas W., 122. Smith, Dwight, 65. Snyder, Lieut. Johannes, 1720- 1794, Kingston, N. Y. Lieut, of the First Co. of Militia, King- ston, 1756. Served in Old French War. Taylor, John M., 79. SouLE, George, 1680, Duxbury, Mass. In Lieut. William Holmes's Co., Pequot War. Represent- ative, 1645. Brown, Philip G., 231. Miller, Robert F., 178. Southworth, Gen. Constant, 161 5- 1679, Duxbury. Li Pequot War, 1637. Ens., Duxbury Co., 1646. Deputy twenty-two years. Lieut., 1653. Deputy Treas. of Ply- mouth Colony. Member Coun- cil War, 1658. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1668. Commissary-Gen., King Phil- ip's War. Baker, George F., 147. Brown, Philip G., 231. Raymond, Henry W., 89. Smith, William D. G., 157. Traphagen, Frank W., 205. Southworth, Capt. Thomas, 1616- 1669, Plymouth. Lieut., 1648. Commander, i659-'69. Deputy, i65i-'53. Assistant, i652-'69. Commissioner for the United Colonies, i659-'62, '69. Gov. of Kennebec, 1654. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Spencer, Isaac, 1678-1751. Dep- uty, Conn., 1734. Spencer, Selden, 179. Spencer, Ens. Jared, 1614-1685, Haddam, Conn. Commissioned, 1656. In King Philip's War. Representative, 1674, ^' seq. Clarke, Chauncey H., 176. 394 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Spencer, Selden, 179. Spencer, Sergt. Thomas, 1686. Under Major John Mason, Pe- quot War. Enders, John O., 133. Spencer, Lieut. William, 1640. Lieut., Newtown (Cam- bridge), Mass., 1636. Deputy from Cambrid9;e to Mass. Gen- eral Court, i634-'38. Deputy from Hartford to Conn. Gen- eral Court, 1639. One of the four founders of A. & H. A. Co. Primrose, John S., 78. Ward, Christopher L., 219. Sperry, Richard, , New Haven, Conn. Proprietor, 1685. Member of the "Night Watch." Lines, Harvey K., 77. Spofford (Spafford), John, 1648- 1696, Rowley, Mass. In Capt. Prentice's Troop, Narragansett Campaign, King Philip's War, i675-'76. Geer, Walter, 53. Spofford, Capt. John, 1678-173 5, Rowley, Mass. Prov. Forces, 1721. Geer, Walter, 53. Sprague, Capt. John, 1627-1692, Maiden, Mass. Capt., 1685. Deputy, 1690. Sprague, Rufus W., 113. Sprague, Jonathan, 1648-1741, Hingham, Mass. and Provi- dence, R. L Deputy, R. I., 1695-1714. Speaker, 1703. Sol- dier in King Philip's War un- der Captains Henchman and Mosely. Sprague, George E., 113. Sprague, Lieut. Ralph, i 603-1 650. Deputy for Charlestown, Mass., 1635, et seq. Sergt. in Capt. Underbill's Co., 1634. Ensign for Charlestown, 1646. Lieut., 1637-1641, 1647-1649. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1637. Green, Samuel S., 118. Lea, James H., 120. Sprigg, Thomas, i 630-1704. Fought against Nanticoke Lidians prior to 1678. Commissioner for Cal- vert County, Md., 1661. Justice, i667-'69-'74. Presiding Justice, 1674. Sheriff and High Sheriff, i663-'64. Wells, Walter A., 143, *Woodward, James T., 72. Sprigg, Col. Thomas, 1670-173 6. Member of General Assembly of Md. from Prince George's County, I7i3-'i5. Major, 1713. Lieut.-Col., 1715. Colonel, 1716. Duvall, Richard M., 98. Monnette, Mervin J., 198. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Stacy, Mahlon, 1704- Mem- ber of Assembly, N. J., 1681, et seq; House of Representa- tives, 1697-1701. Member of Governor's Council, i682-'83. Member of Council of Propri- etors, 168S. Bancroft, Joseph, 217. Bancroft, Samuel, Jr., 217. StandisHj Capt, Myles, 1584-1656. Signer of "Mayflower Com- pact." He received the first military commissian given in this country. He had previously held a commission from Queen Elizabeth, and served in the Low Countries in aid of the Dutch. Assistant, 1624, et seq. Member of Council of War, Plymouth Colony. In 1649 ap- pointed General-in-Chief of all the companies in the Colony. Allen, John J., 161. Allen, Marion S., 161. Baker, George F., 147. Brooks, Frederick, 103. Copeland, Charles, 217. Crane, Roy E., 104. Hamilton, Henry DeW., 55. Standish, Thomas, 1612-1692, Wethersfield, Conn. In the Pequot War, 1637. Lea, James H., 120. Stanley, Capt. Caleb, 1642-1718. Lieut., Conn. Militia, 1683. Capt., 1689. King William's War. Deputy, 1683, '84. Assist- ant, 1691-1700. Enders, John O., 133. Stanley, Thomas, 1663, Hart- * Deceased. 395 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ford, Conn. Deputy, Mass. Bay Colony, 1635, '43, '49. Short, John C, 182. Stanley, Timothy, 1603-1648, Conn. Deputy, 1641, et seg. Enders, John O., 133. Stanton, Joseph, 1714. Soldier in King Philip's V/ar. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 6j. Stanton, Thos., 1616-1677. Indian Interpreter to John Winthrop the younger, in Conn., before Pequot War. In Pequot War, and rendered valuable services at Saybrook Fort. Indian In- terpreter to the General Court of Conn, in all controversies between the whites and In- dians. Deputy, 1666. Fox, Noel B., 52. Palmer, Lucius N., 78. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Stanyan, Anthony, Hampton, N.H. Deputy, Mass., i654-'8o. Rep- resentative, N. H., 1680, '84. Runk, Louis B., 89. Starbuck, Edward, 1604-1690, Do- ver, N. H., and Nantucket, Mass. Representative, Dover, i643-'46. Rotch, William, 113. Stark, Capt. John, 1728-1822, Man- chester, N. H. Lieut, of Roger's Rangers, 1755. Capt., 1757. Winslovv, Arthur, 115. Starr, John, 1704, Duxbury, Mass. Served under Capt. Samuel Wadsworth, 1676-7; in garrison at Mendon and Wren- tham, King Philip's War. Westfall, John H., 115. Starr, Dr. Thomas, 1616-1658, Mass. Surgeon of Forces against Pecjuots. Dana, Richard T., 47. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Stearns, Samuel, 1638-1683. In King Philip's War. W^ood, Eric F., 70. Stearns, Shubael, 1655-1734, Cam- bridge, Mass. King Philip's War. Howard-Martin, Edmund, 76. Stearns, John N., Jr., 66. Stebbins, Lieut. Joseph, 1652-1728. Ensign, 1694. Lieut., 1707. Deputy, 1707, '17, '21. Fulton, William E., 134. Stebbins, Ensign Joseph, 1735-1794, Ridgefield, Conn. Ensign in the Sixth Co.. Capt. Thomas Hobby, in Col. Nathan Whit- ing's Regt, Campaign of 1761, Old French War. Clark, Frederick H., 46. Stebbins;, Lieut. ThOiMAs, 1620-1683. Lieut, in Capt. Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Prilip's War. Allen, Oliver F., 42. Fulton, William E., 134. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Westfall, John H., 115. Steele, John, 1665, Hartford, Conn. Deputy to the Massa- chusetts General Court from Cambridge, 1635. One of eight Commissioners appointed by the General Court of Massa- chusetts to govern the Connecti- cut Colony for one year from March 3, 1636. Secretary of the Connecticut Colony, 1636- 39. Deputy to the Connecticut General A.ssembly, 1637, '39, '40-43, '45-48. Member of the Upper House, 1636-37, when war was declared against the Pequots Morse, Glenn T., 121. Stein, Ens. John Abraham, Ens. in Capt. Caleb Grayden's Co., 1st Battalion, Pa. Regt., com- manded by Hon. John Penn. Stein, Simon G., 179. Stelle, Benjamin, 1683-1759. Priv- ate in Col. Thomas Farmer's N. J. Regt., 1715. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Stetson, Cornet Robert, 1613-1703, Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Dep- uty, 1655 ei seq. Council of War, 1661, '71, '81. Cornet, First Body of Plymouth Horse, 1659. Press Master, 1675. Baker, George F., 147. Wood, Eric F., 69. Stevens, Ens. Erasmus, Marble- 396 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. head, Mass. Ens. Co. of Foot, Stockton, Lieut. Richard, Flush- Capt. Samuel Ward, 1683. Bryant, W. Sohier, 44. Cox, John L., 91. Stevens, Sergt. John, 161 i- Sergt. of Salisbury Militia. Favor, Otis S., 170. Stewart, William, 1737-1802. Member Paxtang Volunteers, Wyoming Valley, Pa., 1770. Miller, Robert F., 178. Stickney, Benjamin, 1739-1801, Rowley, Mass. Private in Capt. John Pearson's Troop of Horse, May 31, 1757. Clerk of the Co. Stickney, William B. C, 162. Stickney, Moses, 1677-1756. Priv- ate in Capt. Noyes' Co., North Regt., Essex, Mass. Clark, Byron N., 163. Stickney, Lieut. William, 1592- 1665. Rowley, Mass., 1639. Lieut., i66i. Clark, Byron N., 163. Stiles, Ephraim, i 645-1714, Strat- ford, Conn. Deputy, i686-'96. Court of Elections, 1695-1708. Committee of Safety, Fairfield Co. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Stiles, Lieut. Jacob, 1737-1829, Lunenberg, Mass. Private, Re- lief of Fort William Henry, 1758/9. Lieut, in Capt. Aaron Willard's Co., 1759. Stiles, James A., 114. Stillwell, Lieut. Nicholas, 1612- 1671. Organized a Troop in Va., 1644. Captured King Opechancanagh, successor to Powhatan. Lieut, under Capt. Martin Kregier, second Esopus War, 1663, Schepen, 1650, '51, '54, '55, '57. Schout of Graves- end, 1663. Wyckoff, Charles R., Jr., 72. Wyckoff, Clarence J., 73. Stillwell, Col. Richard, 1677- 1758. Capt., 1713. Col., 1715. Commanded the Kings County Regt. from 1715 to 1757. Mem- ber of Assembly, ijzs-'zj. Barnes, George E., 42. ing, N. Y., and Princeton, N. J., 1606-1707. First Lieut., 1665. Flushing, L. L, Troop. McGrath, John, 183. Reed, Charles A. L., 182. Sheib, Samuel H., 97. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Stockwell, Emmons, 1741-1819, Lancaster, N. H. Was one of Major Rogers's Rangers, . His first service in the French and Indian Wars was the means of obtaining his release from apprenticeship, the gov- ernment making this offer to 3'ouths bound out for service, to recruit the ranks. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Pearson, William H., 124. Stone, David, 1704. Trooper from Middlesex, Mass. King Philip's War. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Stone, Gregory, 1590-1672, Cam- bridge, Mass. Deputy, Mass. Bay Col., 1638. Heathfield, Herbert D., 107. Lea, James H., 119. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Wood, Eric F., 68. Wood, William B., 71. Stone, John, 1618-1683, Cambridge, Mass. Deputyto General Court, i682-'83. Lea, James H., 120. Stone, Deacon John, 1635-1691, Watertown, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Stone, Corp. John, 1663-1713, Lex- ington, Mass. Corporal, Lex- ington Military Co. Winship, William H., 127. Stone, Rev. Samuel, 1602-1663, Hartford, Conn. Chaplain, Pe- quot War, Capt. John Mason. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Stone, Capt. Samuel, 1635-1715, Lexington, Mass. Trooper under Major Willard against Nini- gret, 1654. Capt., Lexington Co. 397 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Heathfield, Herbert D., 107. Lea, James H., 120. ~ Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. StonEj Samuel, 1656-1743, Con- cord, Mass. Under Capt. Prentice, King Philip's War. Wounded at Great Swamp Fight, 1675. In Capt. Thomas Brattle's Troop, Mt. Hope Ex- pedition, 1676. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. Stout, Lieut. Joseph, R. N., 1773. Lieut, in the British Navy, 1773. Hornor, William M., 91. Stowe (Stow), John, 1595-1643, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Deputy, 1639. Farwell, John W., 117. Ketchum, Charles J., 119. Stratton, Benjamin, 1665-1716. Private in Capt. Joseph See- ley's Company of Cumberland County, N. J., Militia, 1715. Gerald, Herbert P., 141. Stratton, John, 1691. Under Maj. Appleton, Narragansett Campaign, i675-'76. Crossett, Frederick M., 47. Streeter, John, 1732-1810. In the Fourth Co., under Capt. and Major Nathan Payson, First Conn. Regt., Col. Phineas Ly- man, Campaign of 1755, French and Indian War. Also under Capt. and Lieut.-Col. John Payson, same Regt., Maj .-Gen. Phineas Lyman, Campaign of 1756, Crown Point Expedition. Wells, Frederick H., 68. Strong, Elder John, 1605-1699. Deputy, 1641, £/ j^^r., Plymouth Colony. Bates, George B., 74. Bates, William G., 74. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Fulton, William E., 134. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Ketchum, Charles J., 119. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Smith, William D. G., 158. Strong, Harry C, 191. Thompson, Royal W., 142. . Westfall, John H., 115. Strong, Lieut. Return, 1640-1726, Windsor, Conn. Cornet of Troop, 1689. Deputy, i689-'9o. Lieut., 1692. Estes, Webster C, 51. Strong, Samuel, 1652-1732. Wound- ed, captured and carried to Canada by Indians, Aug., 1711, Fulton, William E., 134. Strong, Thomas, 1630-1689. Under Major John Mason, 1658. Dent, Alfred B., 140. Strycker (Stryker), Capt. Jan, 1615-1697. Member Great Land- tag, New Amsterdam, 1664. Member Hempstead Conven- tion, 1665. Schepen, 1673. Capt. Military Co. at Midwout, L, I. Deputy, Great Conference at New Orange, 1674. Haines, John P., 54. Kellogg, George C, 58. Sumner, William, circ. 1604-1688, Dorchester, Mass. Deputy, 1658, et seq. Clerk of the Train Band, 1663. Jarves, Deming, 212. Nichols, Willard A., 202. Sunderland, John, 1618-1703, Bos- ton, Mass. Member A. & H. A. Co., 1658. Lea, James H., 120. Sutherland, Lieut. David, 1722- 1794. Lieut., Militia Regt., Dutchess Co., Prov. of N, Y. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Sutton, Richard, 1736-1825, Ips- wich, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Peevor's Co., in the Regt. com- manded by Col. Brattle, Expe- dition against Crown Point, 1755, and Quebec, 1760. Breed, George H., 103. Sutton, Eben, 97. SwAiNE (Swayne), Major Jere- miah, 1643-1710, Reading, Mass. Wounded in Narra- gansett Fight. Lieut, and Capt. in King Philip's War. Major and Com. -in-Chief, Expedition against Kennebec and Eastern 39S INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Indians, 1689. Representative. Governor's Assistant. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. *Svvain, Charles E., 114. Swain, William N., 114. SwAiNE, Capt. Samuel, 1610-1682. Lieut., Conn. Colonial Forces, 1663. Newark soldiers. Capt. Robert Treat, i667-'73. Capt., East Jersey Prov. Forces. Dep- uty, Conn., 1663. Deputy, and "Third Man," Provincial As- semblj' of East Jersey, i673-'76. Haines, John P., 54. Murphy, Franklin, Jr., 149. SwAiNEj William, 1585-1664. Dep- uty, Mass. Bay Col., 1636. Commissioner to establish and govern the new Colony of Conn., 1636. Asst., First Gen. Court, 1637. Deputy, New Haven Col., i653-'57. Haines, John P., 54. Swan, Richard, 1678, Rowley, Mass. In King Philip's War and Expedition to Canada. Deputy, i666-'77. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. Swan, Robert, 1628-1698, Haver- hill, Mass. In Great Swamp Fight, Lieut. Benjamin Swett's Co. Atwood, Luther, 102. Swett, Capt. Benjamin, 1626-1677, Hampton, N. H. Ens. Newbury Co., 1651. Lieut, commanding militia in King Philip's War. Capt., 1677. Killed by Indians at Scarborough. Morrell, George C, iii. Tyler, Edward R., 126. Swett, Stephen, 1620 . New- bury, Mass. Member Maj. Samuel Appleton's Co., King Philip's War. Richardson, William S., 112. Swift, William, 1644. In Lieut. John Blackmer's Co., Sandwich, Mass., 1643. Swift, George D., 191. Swords, Lieut. Thomas, 1738-1780. * Deceased. Ensign in 55th Regt. of Foot, under Gen. Abercrombie, 1756. At Fort Ticonderoga and pro- moted to a Lieutenancy on the field. Also served at Fort George and other important points. Bhe, Joseph N., 43. Rogers, Edward K., 64. Symcock, John, 1629/30-1702. Mem- ber of Provincial Council of Pa., 1683, ei seq. One of the five Commissioners appointed by William Penn to govern the Province of Pa., 1688. Speaker of Pa. Assembly, 1696. Presi- dent of the Provincial Council, 1686. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Symonds, Dep.-Gov. Samuel, 1595- 1678, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, i63o-'43. Asst., i643-'73. Dep.- Gov., i673-'78. Dickerman, William C, 49. Eaton, Frederick H., 50. Kellogg, George C, 58. Merrill, John L., 150. Woodin, William H., 72. Tainter, Joseph, 1613-1689/90. Served with three of his sons in King Philip's War. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Talcott, John, 1600-1660, Mass. and Conn. Deputj^, Mass., 1634- '36. Conn., 1st General Court, i637-'54. Assistant, i654-'6o. Treas., i652-'6o. Comissioner, i656-'58. Holcombe, John M., 136. Talcott, Lieut.-Col. John (Jr.), 1620-1688. Ens., 1650. Capt, 1660. Sergt.-Maj. Conn. Col. Troops, 1672. Maj., 1673. Com- mander-in-Chief, Colony of Conn., 1673. Lieut.-Col. Dutch Restoration, King Phillip's War, 1675. Gov.'s Asst. and Treas- urer, i662-'76. Asst., i678-'87. Council, 1663, et seq. Commis- sioner for United Colonies, 1663, et seq. Clephane, Alan O., 140. Holcombe, John M., 137. Meyer, Blakeman Q., 61. 399 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. TatEj Ens. Magnus, 1732-1808. Ens. in the Va. Militia during French and Indian Wars, 1758. Tate, Magnus A., 183. Taylor, Asa, Sr., Narragansett, Mass. In Capt. Asa Whit- comb's Co. of Col. Bagley's Regt., 1757, reduction of Can- ada. In service, 1758 and '59. Taylor, Lloyd B., 167. Taylor, Col. George, 1711-1792. Col. of Regt. of Va. Colonial Troops under Gov. Dinwiddle, 1755. Orange Co. Committee of Safety of 1774. Member of Va. Convention of 1775. Mem- ber House of Burgesses of Vir- ginia, 1748 to 1758. Jacob, Donald R., 194. Jacob, John I., 194. Taylor, James, 1713, Marl- boro, Mass. In King Philip's War. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Taylor, Capt. Othniel, 1719-1788. Capt. of Charlemont, Mass., Militia Co. Commanded Fort at Charlemont during French and Indian War. Sergt., 1756. Pollock, Edwin T., 203. Temple, Abraham, 1652-1739. In Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Co., 1675. Temple, Herbert M., 191. Ten Broeck, Major Dirck Wes- SELS, 1638-1717. Major, 1688. Dispatched to Canada. Served under Gen. Winthrop, Cana- dian Expedition, 1690. Mayor of Albany, 1696-98. Commis- sioner Indian Affairs, 1691. Major, 1700. Runk, Louis B., 89. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Van Schaick, Harrison L., 168. Ten Broeck, Capt. John, 1790. Capt., N. J. Militia, 1759- '62. Runk, Louis B., 89. Ten Broeck, Lieut. Wessels, 1636- 1704. Ambassador to Canada under Gov. Dongan. Commis- sary, 1689. Lieut, of Foot Co., 1700. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Ten Evck, Corp. Coenraet, 1687. Lance Corp. 3d Co., Burg- her Corps, New Amsterdam. Innis, Hasbrouck, 76. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Sanford, George D., 64. Ten Eyck, Lieut. Hendrick. Lieut, of Foot, King William's War, 1689. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Ten Eyck Jacob. Served in Capt. Johannes Shepmoes' Hurley Co., 1715. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Tenney, Daniel, 1653-1748, Row- ley, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Brocklebank's Co., King Phil- ip's War. Dutton, Leland T., 50. Tenney, Ens. Thomas, 1614-1700, Bradford, Mass. Sergt. and Ens. of Rowley Foot Co., 1677. Dutton, Leland T., 49. Th.atcher (Thacher), Colonel John, 1639-1713, Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony. Ensign of the Yarmouth Military Company, 1674. In King Philip's War, 1675. Commanded sixth expe- dition sent to pursue the Indian Totoson. Lieutenant, 16S1. Member of the Council of War, 1681. Captain, 1685. Major, 1697. Colonel, 1697-1704. Dep- uty, 1668-71, '73-74, '76, '78-80. Representative, i692-'93. Asst., 1682-86, '89-'9i. Councillor, 1694-1707. Eldridge, Daniel G., 105. Eldridge, Edric, 117. Sprague, Frank W., 125. Thatcher (Thacher),. Peter, 1665- 1736, Yarmouth, Plymouth Col- on}'. Councillor, 1729-31. Judge, Court of Comon Pleas, 1729- '31- Sprague, Frank W., 125. Thaxter, Capt. John, 1626-1687, Hingham, Mass. Ens., 1675. Lieut. 1664, under Capt. Hud- son. Capt. against the Dutch at N. Y. Capt. of Cavalry. Deputy, 1666. 400 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brown, Philip G., 231. Scott, Henry E., 113. Thaxter, Col. Samuel, 1665-1740, Hingham, Mass. Col., 1725. Deputy, 1697, et seg. Asst, Member of Council. Commis- sioner on the Canadian Em- bassy, 1724. Porter, Alexander S., Jr., 124. Scott, Henry E., 113. Thaxter, Major Samuel, 1723- 1771, Hingham, Mass. Capt. in Col. Grid ley's Regt., Crown Point Expedition. French and Indian Wars, 1755. Major, 1756. Fort William Henry. Scctt, Henry E., 113. Thomas, Christopher. Member of 1st and 2nd Assemblies of Md., i637-'38. Williamson, Thomas W., 97. Thomas, Cornelius, i775- Member Va. House of Bur- gesses, ij6i-'yi. Thomas, John L., 179. Thomas, Capt. Nathaniel, 1610- 1674, Ens., Plymouth Colony, under Capt. Myles Standish, 1640. Lieut., 1643. Capt., 1644. Pequot War. Thompson, Henry B., 217. Thomas, Capt. Nathaniel, 1643- 1718, Marshfield, Mass. Repre- sentative, 1672, et seg. Capt. King Philip's War. Gov.'s Council. Weld, George F., 126. Thomas, Lieut. Philip, 1600-1675, Maryland. Lieut, of Provincial Forces prior to 1655. High Commissioner governing Md., i656-'58, and one of those effect- ing the surrender of the Pro- vince to Lord Baltimore, 1658. Boogher, Frank, 174. Boogher, Howard M., 174. Boogher, John H., 174. Boogher, Lawrence, 175. Carleton, Murray, 175. Duvall, Richard M., 98. Muncaster, Steuart B., 142. Wells, Walter A., 143. *Woodward, James T., 72. Thomas, William, 1573-1651, Marshfield, Mass. Gov's. Ass't., Plymouth Colony, 1642, '43, '44, '47, '51. Member of Council of War. Deputy, 1640, '44. *Greene, Charles A., 150. Thompson, Henry E., 217. Thompson, Anthony, 1612-1647. Signer of "Compact" with Gov. Eaton and Rev. John Daven- port, at New Haven, 1639. Soldier in Lidian Troubles, 1642. Merritt, Alan D., 61. Thompson, Royal W., 142. Thompson, Ensign John, 1667-1749. Ensign of Mendon, Mass., Co., 1718. Sergt, I7i5-'i7. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Thompson, Capt. Samuel, 1669- 1749, New Haven, Conn. Lieut, and Capt. of First Co. Dep- uty, 1716. Thompson, Royal W., 143. Thornton, Francis, 1682-1752. Member of Va. House of Bur- gesses from Spottsylvania Co., 1723-1726. Meriwether, Willllam W., 178. Thornton, Ens. Timothy, 1646- 1726, Boston. Ens. Boston Co., 1689. Ens. A. & H. A. Co., 1691. Representative, i694-'9S. Emery, George A., 230. Throckmorton, John, 1631-1687. One of the original proprietors Providence Plantation. Dep- uty, i664-'74. Topham, Theophilus, 225. Thruston, Rev. Charles Mynn, 1738-1S12. Lieut, of Va. Pro- vincial troops under Washing- ton, at Fort Duquesne, Old French War. Ballard, Charles T., 194. Ballard, Samuel T., 194. Thruston, Rogers C. B., 195. Thurston, Daniel, 1693, Newbury, Mass. Under Capt. Samuel Appleton, King Phil- ip's War. Thurston, John H., 114. Watson, Irving A., 156. Thurston, Edward, 1617-1707, * Deceased. 401 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rhode Island. Commissioner, 1663. Deputy, 1667, et seg. Gov.'s Asst, 1675, et seg. Lawton, Daniel L., 60. Thurston, Theodore P., 191. Thurston, John, 1635-1712, Med- field and Dedham, Mass. In King Philip's War. Represent- ative, 1697, 1702. Hicks, Lewis W., ii8. TiLDEN, Ens. Joseph, 1670. Served in the Scituate Military- Co., and was appointed Ensign of that Co. by the General Court of Plymouth Colony, June 29, 1652. Rogers, Arthur R., 190. Rogers, George H., 191. TiLESTON, Lieut. Timothy, 1637- 1697, Dorchester, Mass. Dep- uty, i689-'92. In Capt. Wads- worth's Co., under Maj.-Gen. Winslow, King Philip's War. Ens., 1689. Lieut., 1694. Willcutt, Levi L., 126. TiLGHMAN, Matthew, 1718-1790. Member of Md. Assembly, 1751, et seg. Brice, Philip H., 91. TiLGHMAN, Richard, 1672-1738. Member of Md. Assembly, 1698-1702. Member of Govern- or's Council, 1711-1738. Brice, Philip H., 91. TiLGHMAN, William, 1711-1782. Member of Md. Assembly, 1734-1738. Brice, Philip H., 91. Tilley, John, 1621. Under Myles Standish in first en- counter with the Indians at Great Meadow Creek, Dec. 8th, 1620, three days before the landing of the Pilgrims. Brown, John B., 74. Bryant, Percy, 75. Eldridge, Edric, 117. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 55. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Morrell, George C, iii. Reed, Latham G., 78. TiLLSoN, Edmund, 1699. In Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Monnette, Orra E., 199. TiNGLEY, Benjamin, 1741-1828, Soldier in French and Indian War. Dexter, Theodore E., 222. Tinkham, Sergt. Ephraim, 1685. Sergt. in Lieut. John Tomson's Co. in the Garrison at Middleborough, Mass., at the outbreak of King Philip's War, 1675. Talbot, Archie L., 231. TiSDALE, John, 1675, Taunton, Plymouth Col. Deputy, 1674. Killed by Indians, 1675. Gardner, John C. F., 53. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Titcome, William, 1676, Newbury, Mass. Deputy, 1655. Clark, Byron N., 163. Pearson, x'\rthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 133. Titus, Capt. Francis. Capt. of Kings County, N. Y., Militia, 1715. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. ToLMAN, Thomas, 1633-1718, Dor- chester, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Thomas Swift. Pearson, Arthur E., 123. Tower, John, 1609-1702. Of Tow- er's Garrison House, King Philip's War. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. TowNE, Ens. Jacob, 1632-1704, Topsfield, Mass. Ens., 1687- 1704. Hicks, Lewis W., 118. TOVVNLEY, CoL. RiCHARD, 1628-1711. Capt. Elizabeth Town Train Band, 1686. Col. before 1690. Took part in defeat and ar- rest of Gov. Leisler, 1690. Member of Gov. Lord Neill Campbell's Council, East Jer- sey, 16S6. Member of Gov. Fletcher's Council, N. Y., 1692. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Haines, John P., 54. Parrot, George T., 149. ToziER (Tozer), Richard, 1675, Kittery, Me. Served un- der Capt. John Wincoll, King Philip's War. Killed by the Indians, Oct. 16, 1675. 402 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Fall, George H., io6. Tracy, Isaac, 1706-1779, Norwich, Conn. Deputy, i74i-'75. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Tracy, John, 1642-1702. Norwich, Conn. Deputy, 1694, '97, '99, 1701. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Tracy, Lieut. Jonathan, 1646-1711, Preston, Conn. Lieut, of Preston Train Band, 1690. Deputy from Preston to the General Assem- bly, Hartford, Conn., 1699-1700. Deputy to the General Court, 1710. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Tracy, Lieut. Thomas, 1610-1685, Norwich, Conn. Ens. ist Co. Militia, Conn., 1666. Lieut., New London Co. Dragoons, 1672. Member of General Court. Commissary, King Phil- ip's War. Deputy, 1662, et seq. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. Parker, Calvin D., 210. Trask, Capt. William, i 587-1666, Salem, Mass. Capt., 1632, et seq. Commanded Salem Co. in Expedition under Col. John Endicott, 3rd Mass. Regt., against Pequot Indians, 1637. Representative, i635-'37, '39. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Wood, Eric F., 69. Treat, Lieut. James, 1634-1709, Wethersfield, Conn. Trooper Indian War, 1658. Gov.'s Coun- cil. Smith, Howard C, 79. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 67. Treat, Hon. Richapj), 1584-1669, Wethersfield, Conn. Deputy, i637-'44, for Wethersfield Co. Asst, i657-'65. Patentee under Charles II. Charter, 1662. Gov. John Winthrop'ri Council, 1663- '65. Hart, Richard H., 205. Moffat, R. Burnham, 78. Morse, Glenn T., 121. Root, Cyrus, 144. Smith, Howard C, 79. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Thompson, Royal W., 142. Treat, James W., 179. Treat, Gov. Robert, 1622-1710, Milford, Conn. Lieut., 1654. Capt., 1661. Commanding at Great Swamp Fight. Maj. com- manding Conn. Troops, Hadley and Spriiig;field, 1673. Dep.- Gov., i676-'82. Appointed Gov., 1683. In the encounter with the Indians at Bloody Brook, Sept. 18, 1675, his arrival on the scene of action with the Conn. Forces turned the tide. Col., 1687. Boyd, Robert M., Jr., 147. Smith, Stephen M., 149. Tredwell, Benjamin, Jr., 1735- 1830, Hempstead, N. Y. Sur- geon on privateer-ship "Her- cules," commanded by Capt. Samuel Bayard, on a voyage against the French, 1756. Van Nostrand, Benjamin T., 68. Tredwell, Capt. Thomas, 1722. Capt. of Militia, Hemp- stead, Queens County, N. Y., 1715. Van Nostrand, Benjamin T., 68. Tripp (e), John, 1610-1678. Com- missioner, 1655. Deputy, 1648, et seq. Asst., 1670, et seq. Banks, Warren S., 42. Burlingame Edwin A., 225. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Trowbridge, Lieut. Thomas, 1632- 1702. New Haven Troop, Capt. William Rosewell, King Phil- ip's War. Dwight, Frederick, 75. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. TucKERMAN, JoHN, 1655-1735, Bos- ton, Mass. Under Captains Henchman and Wadsworth in King Phiiip's War. Tuckerman, Bayard, 67. TuppER, Thomas, Sr., 1578-1676, Sandwich, Mass. Founder of town, 1637. Capt. and Mem- ber of Council of War. Deputy, 1644, et seq. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. TuppER, Thomas, Jr., 1637-1706, Sandwich, Mass. Capt. Barn- 403 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. stable Co., 1690. Deputy, Ply- mouth Col., 1679. Deputy, Mass., 1692. Chilcott, Langdon S., 229. TuRCK, Lieut. Paulus. Lieut., 1689. Lieut, of Foot, New York, King William's War. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Turner, Humphrey, 1673, Scituate, Mass. Representative, Plymouth Col., 1640, et seq. Private in Military Co. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Bicknell, George A., 43. Brown, Philip G., 331. Wood, Eric F., 69. Turner, Elder John. Member of Military Co. of Scituate, 1643. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Turner, John, . One of eight men from the town of Scituate, Mass., in expedition against the Narragansetts, 1645. Wood, Eric F., 70. TuTTLE, Capt. John, 1646-1720, Dover, N. H. Representative, 1692, 1698-1701, 1707. Lieut., King William's War, 1689/90. Capt., 1692. Member of the Council of War, 1707. Runk, Louis B., 89. TuTTLE,WiLLiAM, 1609-1673. Served on the Night Watch at New Haven, 1646. Dwight, Frederick, 76. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Gould, Charles J., 54. Lines, Harvey K., 77. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Tuttle, Henry S., 180. Tyler, Lieut. Moses, 1722-1804, Attleboro, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Jacob Ide's Co., 1771. Litchfield, Wilford J., 110. Tyler, Samuei., 1655-1695, Andover, Mass. In King Philip's War. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Tyler, Capt. Samuel, 1695-1780, Attleboro, Mass. Representa- tive, i747-'49- Capt., 1757. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Tyng, Capt. William, 1653, Boston and Braintree, Mass. Capt. of Militia at Braintree. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Ens., 1640. Treasurer of Colony, 1 640- '44. Commissioner New England Colonies, 1643. Dep- uty from Boston, i639-'43, '47. From Braintree, i649-'5i. Wood, Eric F., 69. Underhill, Capt. John, 1600-1672. Officer, A. & H. A. Co. In Pequot War. Gov. of Exeter and Dover, N. H., 1641. Led the Dutch Troops against the Simaroy Indians, 1644. Elliman, Lawrence B., 50. Townsend, Edwin S., 67. Townsend, Isaac H., 67. Upham, John, 1600-1681, Wey- mouth and Maiden, Mass. Deputy, i636-'39. Litchfield, Wilford J., 109. Upham, Henry W., 114. Upham, Lieut. Phineas, 1635-1676, Maiden, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Wayte's Co., King Philip's War. Lieut. 4th Mass. Co, under Capt. Isaac Johnson, in the Great Swamp Fight, 1675. After Capt. Johnson was shot took command until wounded. Died from effect of his wounds in Oct., 1676. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Trumbull, Frank, 67. Upham, Henry W, 114. Upham, Phineas, 1659-1720, Mai- den, Mass. Deputy, i7oi-'o2, '05, '16, '18. Upham, Henry W., 114. Van Benschoten, Ensign Elias, 1679 . Ensign in Capt. Wessel Ten Broeck's Ulster Co. Company, Canada Expedi- tion, 1711. Helmuth, William T., 55. Van Brugh, Capt. Johannis Piet- erszen. Corp. Blue Flag Co., Burgher Corps, i652-'53. New Amsterdam. Prest. of the Bench, 1662. Provincial Envoy to Amsterdam, 1664. Burgo- master, i673-'74. Capt., New Orange, i673-'74. 404 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Delafield, John R., 48. Runk, Louis B., 89. Van Brugh, Capt. Peter, 1666- 1740. Mayor of Albany, N. Y., 1699-1700, 1720-1723. Member of Assembly, 1705, et seq. Capt. at Fort Orange, 1715-1722. Delafield, John R., 48. Van Buskirk, Lourens Andriessen, 1694. Appointed mem- ber of Governor's Council, N. J., Mar. 18, 1672, and served many years. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 63. Van Cortlandt, Col. Oloff Stev- ENSEN, 1600-1684, New Amster- dam. One of the eight men to adopt measures against the Indians, 1645. Col., Burgher Corps, 1649, '55-'64. Burgo- master, New Amsterdam, 1655, '56, '58, '60, '62, '63. Schepen, 1654. Commissioner to settle boundaries between New Neth- erland and New England, 1663. Commissioner to surrender New Netherland to the Eng- lish, 1664. Hunt, Ridgely, Jr., 58. Runk, Louis B., 89. Vander Veer, Edgar A., 80. Van Cortlandt, Col. Stephanus, 1643-1710. Kings Co. Regt., i67i-'93. Member King's Coun- cil, 1680-1700. Schuyler, Philip Van R., 65. Van Couwenhoven, Capt. Jacob Wolfertse. One of the "Nine Men," i647-'53. Capt. ofBurg- hery in Netherland. Weisse, Faneuil S., 80. Van Couvvenhoven, Wolfert Gerretse, 1662. One of the "Eight Men"; also one of the "Twelve Men" under Gov. Kieft, i643-'44. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. McKesson, Irving, 78. Weisse, Faneuil S., 80. Vander Leyden, Matthias. Mem- ber of Md. Assembly, 1709, '13, '15, '16. Brice, Philip H., 91. Van de Water, Evert, 1714- Quartermaster of a Troop of Horse of a Regt. of Militia in New York City in 1700, and again in 1702 on the arrival of Lord Cornbury. Hance, William W., 148. Van Gelder, Johannes. Musketeer in Fort in New York, June 12, 1689. Haines, John P., 54. Hoppins, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. Van Imbroch, Dr. Gysbert G., 1665. Surgeon in Esopus War. Member of Court at Wildwyck. Elliraan, Lawrence B., 50. Van Rensselaer, Capt. Hendrick, 1667-1740. Capt. 2d Co. Manor of Rensselaerwyck, 1717. Runk, Louis B., 89. Van Rensselaer, Col. Jeremias, 1632-1674. The 2d Patroon. Member Colonial Assembly, and Speaker, 1664. Col. Mil- itia. Runk, Louis B., 89. Vander Veer, Edgar A., 80. Van Rensselaer, Lieut.-Col. Kil- lian, 1663-1719. Second Lord and 4th Patroon of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Capt. Al- bany Co. Militia, defence of Schenectady, 1693. Member of Assembly. Member of Pro- vincial Council, N. Y., 1693- 1719. Schuyler, Philip Van R., 65. Van Schaick, Capt. Anthony,i682- 175-. Commissioned Lieut, by Gov. Hunter, 1717. Commis- sioned Capt. of the "Manor of Rensselaerwyck" by Gov. Bur- net, Oct. 26, 1725. Served in Indian Wars. Held prisoner by the French in Quebec. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 168. Van Schaick, Capt. Anthony, 1721-1782. Commissioned Capt. by Gov. Shirley, June 23, 1755. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 168. Van Schaick, Anthony Sybrant, 405 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1681-1737. Comini^sioned Cor- net by Gov. Hunter, 1717. Served in French and Indian Wars, Albany, N. Y. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Van Schaick, Capt. Goosen Ger- RiTSE, 1676. Lieut., Albany troops, 1670. Capt., 1676. Magis- trate, Fort Orange, 1648, et seq. Delafield, Edward C, 47. Delafield, John R., 48. Tyson, Malcolm V., 98. Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt S., 80. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Van Schaick, Harrison L., i68. Wurts, Pierre J., 72. Van Schoenderwoerdt, Hon. Rut- GER Jacobsen, 1665. In- dian Commissioner. Fox, Noel B., 52. Mickle-Saltonstall, Andrew H., 79- Van Schuyler. (See Schuyler.) Van Slichtenhorst, Brant Ar- ENTSE, 1610-1668. First Resident Director of Colony of Rensse- laerwyck, i646-'48. Commander of Fort at Rensselaerwyck. Parker, Charles W., 151. Robbins, Le Roy K., 178. Vander Veer, Edgar A., 80. Van Suydam, Lieut. Rick, 1675- 1741, Flatbush, L. I. In service against all enemies, pirates or rebels, on land or sea, 1715. Weisse, Faneuil S., 80. Van Tuyl, Abraham, ^73 5- Private under Lieut. Jacob Corsen, North Company, Rich- mond County Militia, N. Y., 1715. Poillon, Arthur, 63. Poillon, William, 63. Van Wie, IIendricksee Gerritsee, 1691. Soldier, Expeditioln to Canada, 1690. Wounded at La Prairie. Isham, Norman M., 223. Lawton, Daniel L., 60. Varnum, Maj. Joseph, 1672-1749. Representative from Dracut, i72i-'22. Capt., 1721/22. Major, 1722/23. Gage, Herbert E., 106. Vaughan, George, 1632-1694. In Capt. John Tomson's Co. in the garrison at Middleborough, Mass., at outbreak of King Philip's War, 1675. Talbot, Archie L., 231. Vaughan, George, 1650-1704, Dep- uty, 1684, '98, '99, 1704. Served in a cavalry company, 1687. Burlingame, Edwin A., 225. Vermilye, Isaac, 1601-1676. Com- manded Harlaem Volunteers in Expedition to Esopus, 1663. Hutchings, De Witt V., 198. Vermilye, Johannes, 1632-1696. Member Gov. Leisler's Coun- cil, 1690. Dos Passes, Louis H., 75. Hutchings, De Witt V., 198. Ver Planck, Abraham Isaacsen, 1680. One of the "Twelve Men," 1 641. Fox, Noel B., 52. Van Schaick, Arthur P., 167. Ver Planck, Ensign Philip, 1695- 1771. Ens. Col. Vetch's Regt., Mass. Colonial Forces, 1711. Commissioner to Six Nations, 1746. Commissioner for forti- fications, 1755. Member N. Y. Provincial Assembly, i734-'68. Ver Planck, Edward D., 114. Vincent, John, Lynn and Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy to Gen- eral Court, 1638, et seq. McGrath, John, 183. Vinton, Blaise, 1654-1716. Soldier in King Philip's War. Benkard, Harry H., 43. Von Kronenschildt, Dr. Johann Kasper Richter 1711, Salem, Mass. Surgeon on privateer "Dolphin," 1694. Hammond, Samuel, 107. Wade, Capt. Jonathan, 1637-1689, Ipswich, Mass. Capt. of Three County Troop, King Philip's War. Clark, Byron N., 163. Wadleigh, Capt. Robert, 1702, Exeter, N. H. Deputy, i68o-'8i. Councillor, i682-'83. Atwood, Luther, 102. 06 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wadsvvorth, John, 1689, Farinington, Conn. Commis- sioner of United Colonies to meet at Pl3'mouth to dispose of lands, etc., after the Indian Wars, 1678. Root, Cyrus, 144. Wainwright, Francis, 1609-1692. In Pequot War. Bloody Brook, King Philip's War. Fulton, William E., 134. Wait, Sergt. Benjamin, i 647-1704. Under Capt. Turner, Falls Fight, King Philip's Vv'^ar. Re- lief of Deerfield, and slain in the Meadow Fight. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Waite, Capt. John, 1618-1693, Mai- den, Mass. Deputy, i666-'84. Speaker, 1684. Ens., Maiden Train Band, 1651. Lieut., 1654. Capt., i662-'84. Led detach- ment of soldiers to Marlbor- ough, 1675, and served subse- quently in Maj. Pynchon's com- mand, King Philip's War. Baker, Alfred L., 170. Clarke, Charles E. F., 47. Lea, James H., 120. , Waite, Capt. Samuel, 1680-1740, Maiden, Mass. Representa- tive, i735-'36. Capt. Baker, Alfred L., i7o. Wakeman, Capt. John, 1598/99- 1661, Conn. Signer New Haven Compact, 1639. Deputy, 1641, ei sea., New Haven Col. Capt. of Colonial Forces. Treasurer, i655-'6o. Haines, John P., 54. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Holcombe, John M., 136. Wakeman, Capt. Joseph, 1670- 1726. Lieut., 1704. Capt., 1708. Comm.ittee of War, 1709. Asst, i7.i4-'25. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Waldo, Daniel, 1657-1737, Pom- fret, Conn. Deputy, 1720. Per- formed mounted guard duty against the Indians at Dun- stable, . Performed garri- son duty at Chelmsford, Mass., 1691/2. Kent, Daniel, 119. Waldron, Resolved, 1613-1690. Commissioner to Md. to vindi- cate the Dutch title on the Delaware. One of the Night Watch, 1675. Llargitt, Robert P., 182. Lav.'ton, Daniel L., 60. Walker, Israel, 1648-1694. Pri- vate in Mass. Troops. Called Ensign. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Walker, Capt. Richard, 1592-1687. Reading and Lynn, Mass. Dep- uty, 1640, et seq. Lieut, defend- ing Lynn, 1632. Ens., 1637. Pequot War. Capt., 1656. Mem- ber of the A. & H. A. Co., i622-'38. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Pollock, Edwin T., 203. Walker, Capt. Samuel, 1615-1684, Woburn, Mass. Capt. of Wo- burn Co. At Black Point with Capt. Scottow, 1677, King Phil- ip's War. Monnette, Orra E., 199. Swan, Reuben S., 125. Wellington, Jonas F., 114. Walker, Capt. Samuel, 1655-1712. Cornet, Lieut., and Capt. Un- der Major William Bradford, King Philip's War. Deputy, Plymouth, Mass., 1705. Brown, John B., 75. Walling, Thomas Providence, R. I. Commissioner, 1657. Deputy. FitzGerald, Desmond, 118. Wallingford, Col. Thomas, 1697- 1771, Portsmouth, N. H. Rep- resentative, 1739, et seq. Capt. of the Military Co. of Somers- worth, N. H., 1746. Colonel, 1747. Runk, Louis B., 89. Walter, Rev. Nathaniel, 17 ii- 1776. Chaplain, 6th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1744. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Walton, Lieut. Jacob, 1703-1747. Lieut. Capt. Cornelius Van 407 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Home's Co., N. Y. Militia, 1737- Bradish, George J., 44. Wanton, Gov. Gideon, 1693-1767. Governor of R. I., 1745, '47, '56. Robinson, Edward W., 234. Ward, Hon. Andrew, circ. 1597- 1659. One of the Commission- ers appointed by the Mass. Bay- Colony to govern Conn., March 3, 1635/6. Magistrate of Conn., 1636, '37. The Court of 1637 ordered an offensive war against the Pequots. Deput}'', 1638, '39, '53-, 56, '58. On com- mittee to press men for the ex- peditions against the Dutch, 1653, 2nd the Narragansetts, 1654. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55. Ward, Col. Edward, 1694-1766. Col. in early Colonial Wars, North Carolina. Justice of the Quorum, Onslow Co., N. C, 1744. Hall, W. Hunt, Jr., 54. Ward, Sergt. Nahum, 1684-1754. Sergt. of Scouts, Middlesex Co., Mass., 1722. Fulton, William E., 134. Ward, William, 1597-1687. In gar- rison at Marlborough, Mass., Oct. I, 1675, King Philip's War. Deputy from Marlbor- ough, 1666. Dix, William F., 150. Fulton, William E., 134. Ward, Dr. and Ensign William, 1675/6. Appointed by the Gen. Court of Conn, as Sur- geon to accompany Fairfield Co. Troops in Expedition against the Narragansetts. Lost his life in attack on the Indian Fort, Great Swamp Fight. Hatfield, Abraham, Jr., 55, McClintock, Emory, 150. Ward, Col. William, 1680-1767, Southboro, Mass. Capt. of Ar- tillery Co., 1724. Colonel, 1742, 1748, 1751. Holt, Frank W., 212. Warfield, Capt. Richard, 1703/4. Military officer, Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1696. Duvall, Richard M., 98. Warner, A.ndrew, 1610-1684, Hart- ford, Conn., and Hadley, Mass. In Troop, Maj. Mason, 1658. In Hampshire Troop, Capt. Pynchon, 1663. Fulton, William E., 134. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Wead, Leslie C, 126. Warner, Augustine, Sr., i6io- 1674. Burgess from York Co., Va., 1652; Gloucester Co., 1655. Council, i659-'74. Thomas, John L., 179. Warner, Augustine, Jr., 1642- 1681. Col. commanding Colo- nial Forces and receiving sub- mission of Bacon the rebel, 1676. Speaker of the Va. House of Burgesses, i67s-'77- Mem- ber of Council, 1680. Thomas, John L., 179. Warner, Capt. Benjamin, 1709- 1765. Lieut., 1754. Capt., 1755. McClintock, Emory, 151. Warner, Benjamin, 1739-1817. Soldier at relief of Fort Wil- liam Henry. Enlisted, 1758. Enlisted Lexington Alarm. McClintock, Emory, 151. Warner, Ens. Daniel, 1643-1692, Hadley, Mass. Ens. Foot Co., 1674. Fulton, William E., 134. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Pollock, Edwin T., 203. Warner, Capt. Ebenezer, i755> Conn. Lieut, 1722. Capt., 1738. In command of "Grand Scout" in 1724. McClintock, Emory, 151. Warner, John, Sr., 161 5-1679, Far- mington, Conn. Served in Pe- quot War, and received grant of land for his services. McClintock, Emory, 150. Warren, Jacob, 1642-1723, Chelms- ford, Mass. Member of gar- rison in West Regt. in Middle- sex. Chelmsford, 1692-3, under Lieut. Ephraim Hildreth. Warren, John B., 114. 408 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Warren, Joseph, 1629-1689. Mem- ber of Council of War, 1675. Baker, George F., 147. Warren, Joseph, 1745-1808, Graf- ton, Mass. In Captain Ebene- zer Cox's Company, 1763. Heathfield, Herbert D., 107. Warren, Richard, 1628. Sign- er of Mayfloiver Compact. In "First Encounter" with Indians at Great Meadow Creek (East- ham), Dec. 8th (O. S.), 1620, three days before the landing at Plymouth. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Botsford, Harry G., 103. Peck, Warren, 162. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. Warren, Samuel, 1703/4-1775, Watertown, Mass. Command- ed a Company in the expedi- tion for the relief of Fort Wil- liam Henry, March 25, 1757. Heathfield, Herbert D., 107. Washington, Col. John, 1629-1677. In House of Burgesses, Va., from Westmoreland Co., 1666, 1675-1677. Col. of Va. troops, Indian War of 1675. Washington, William L., 68. Waterman, Resolved, 1638-1670. Deputy, R. I., 1667. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Waterman, Richard, 1590-1673. Deputy, R. I., i655-'56-'58. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Waterman, Robert, 1652, Marshfield, Mass. Representa- tive to Plymouth General Court, i643-'5o. In Plymouth Militia, 1643. Stearns, Foster W., 125. Waters, Lieut. Edward, 1630. Lieut, of Va. Aiilitia, i628-'29. Justice of the Quorum of Eliza- beth City, Va., 1628. Waters, John S. T., 97. Waters, William, 1689. Lieut- Col. in Va. Forces. Burgess for Northampton Co. in Assembly, 1654, '59-'6o. Waters, John S. T., 97. W.ATSON, Thomas, 1737, Buck's Co., Pa. Member of Pa. Prov. Assembly from Buck's Co., i704-'i2. Smith, Joshua E., 217. Watts, Samuel, Speaker of Great and General Court of Massachusetts. Member of Council of the Colony 1742- 1763. One of the Peace Com- missioners, who met represen- tatives of Indian Tribes in 1753 and satisfied Falmouth treaty of 1749. One of the Commissioners in charge of prisoners transported to Massa- chusetts from Nova Scotia (Arcadia). Hutchison, Charles E., 148. Weare, Nathaniel, 1630-1718. Councillor, N. H., 1692, 1698, 1699-1715. Soldier in King Philip's War. In garrison at Woodcock's, July 24, 1676. Weare, John, 168. Webster, Ebenezer, 1667-1736. Private in Capt. Gilman's N. H. Co., 1710. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Webster, Gov. John, 1590-1661. Deputy, 1637. Gov.'s Asst., i639-'55. Commissioner of the United Colonies, from Conn., 1654. Dep.-Gov., 1655. Gov., 1656. First Magistrate, 1657- '59- Cooley, Francis R., 136. Eaton, George L., 50. Hart, Richard H., 205. Holcombe, John M., 136. Holden, Edward P., 148. Holden, Horace, 148. Hunt, Philip B., 190. Isham, Norman M., 223. Palmer, Henry B., 62. Westfall, John H., 115. Webster, Lieut. Robert, 1677, Middletown, Conn. Lieut., 1654. King Philip's War, 1675. Hart, Richard H., 205. Gesner, Anthon T., 189. Weed, Lieut. John, 1689, Amesbury, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War. Atwood, Luther, 102. Morrell, George C, in. 409 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Welch, Philip, 1638-1700. Soldier in King Philip's War, 1675. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Welles, Capt. Samuel, 1625-1675. Deputy, i637-'62. Command- ed a company. Great Swamp Fight. Hinchrnan, Frederick B., 55. Root, Cyrus, 144. Welles, Gov. Thomas, i 598-1 660, Wethersfield, Conn. Magis- trate, i637-'6o. Asst., i639-'54. Second Treas., i639-'5i. Sec, . i640-'48. Gov. pro tern., 1651. Dep.-Gov. 1654, ei seq. Gov., i655-'58. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1649, et seq. Bronson, Charles F., 132. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Hart, Richard H., 205. Hooker, Thomas W., 135. Kellogg, Edwin W., 58. Perry, John P. H., 62. Welles, Thomas, 1620-1676. In King Philip's War. Enos, Alanson T., Jr., 51. Welles, Hon. Thomas, i 627-1668. Q. M., 1658. Deputy, 1662. Asst, 1668. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Parker, Charles W., 151. Wellington, Corp. Roger, 1609- 1698, Watertown, Mass. Corp. in Watertown Co. Wellington, Jonas F., 114. Wells (Welles), Ensign Thomas, 1605-1666. Ensign of the A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Nichols, Willard A., 202. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Wentworth, Ezekiel, 1651-1711. Deputy from Dover, N. H., 1711. Bennett, Larkin E., 116. Wentworth, Lieut.-Gov. John, 1671-1730, Portsmouth, N. H. Council, 1711. Lieut.-Gov. N. H., i7i7-'30. Morrell, George C, 112. Wentworth, Elder William, 1616- 1697, Dover, N. H. Saved Heard's garrison, 1689. Bennett, Larkin E., 116. Fall, George H., 106. Morrell, George C, 111. Wentworth, Capt. William, 1705- 1767, Kittery, Maine. Served under Col. William Pepperrell in various expeditions. Morrell, George C, 112. West, Bartholomew, 1673/4, ShrevN'sbur}', N. J. Deputy to General Assembly of East New Jersey, 1667. McGrath, John, 183. West, Matthew, Newport, R. I. Member from Providence to the Court of Commissions at Portsmouth, R. L, 1655. McGrath, John, 183. Westcott, Stukely, 1592-1677, Providence, R. L One of the Founders cf the Providence Plantations. Deputy, 1650. Com- missioner, 1651, et seq. Gov.'s Asst., 1656 . Topham, Theophilus, 225. Weston, Edmund, Sr., 1605-1685. In Capt. Myles Standish's Dux- bury Co., 1643. Miller, Robert F., 178. Westwood, William, 1607-1669, Commissioner appointed by the General Court of Mass. to govern Conn., 1635. Deputy. Cooley, Francis R., 136. Hubbard, Phineas, 108. Wheeler, Lieut. Jeremiah, 1731- 1811, Rehoboth, Mass. 2d Lieut, in Capt. Valentine Wheeler's Co., Col. Wm. Bullock's Regt., 1761. Thompson, Royal W., 143. Wheeler, Maj. John, 1630-1694. Major, Charles Co., Md., 1680- '89. Garland, Hugh A., 219. Wheeler, Col. Philip, 1698-1765, Rehoboth, Mass. Capt., 1747. Major, 1758. Colonel, 1759. Thompson, Royal W., 142. Wheeler, Lieut.-Col. Valentine, 1725-1791. Major in Col. Bow- er's Regt. of Militia, Bristol, Mass., 1762. Lieut.-Col. under Col. William Bullock, 1767. Thompson, Royal W., 143. Wheelwright, Col. John, 1664- 410 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1745. Garrisoii House, Wells, Me. Under Major John Con- verse. Stationed at Fort Mary on the Saco. Deputy, Mass., 1693-1743. Meniber of Council, i7o8-'33. Indian Commissioner, I7i4-'4i. Clark, Alexander B., 147. Runk, Louis B., 89. Wheelwright, Lieut. Samuel, 1635-1700. Lieut., 1665, Mass. Bay Col. Militia. Gov.'s Asst., i695-'99. Runk, Louis B., 89. Whipple, John, 1596-1669, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, 1640, et scg. Holbrook, Levi, 119. Whipple, Capt. John, 1617-1685. In King Philip's War under Capt. Roger Williams; com- manded an expedition into the Indian country. Oae of de- fenders of Providence when it was attacked by Indians. Dep- uty, 1666, el seq. Bicknell, George A., 43. Wood, Eric F., 69, Whipple, Capt. John, 1626-1683, Ipswich, Mass. Cornet in Capt. John Appleton's Troop, 1668. Lieut, in Capt. Nicholas Paige's Co., Mount Hope Campaign, King Philip's War, 1675. Capt., Ipswich Troop, 1676. Marched against Indians, Marlborough, 1676. Engagements, Quabog and Salisbury, 1677. Deputy, 1674, et seq. Whitmore, Franklin G., 135. Whitcomb, Josiah, 1638-1718, Lan- caster, Mass. Deputy, 1710. Commanded garrison there, 1711. Wood, Eric F., 70. Wood, William B., 71. White, Lieut. Daniel, i 639-171 3. Lieut., Hatfield, Mass., Co., 1692. Cox, John L., 91. White, Catt. Joseph, circ. 1635- 1706, Mendon, Mass. Sergt. in command of scouts in King Philip's War. Sergt., i68i-'88. Capt., 1689. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. White, Sergt. Joseph, i 662-1757, Mendon, Mass. Sergt., 1716. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. White, Capt. Nathaniel, 1629- 1711, Middletown, Conn. Dep- uty, 1659, 1661-1710. Lieut, 1679. In King Philip's War. Capt., 1690 and 1699. White, William R., 126. White, Capt. Peregrine, 1620-1704. Capt. of Mass Troops. Plym- outh Council of War, 1675. *Brown, Frederic T., 44. White, Resolved, 1614-1690, Plym- outh, Mass. In Scituate Co., 1643. White, Edwin, 191. White, Captain Thomas, 1599- 1679, Weymouth, Mass. Cap- tain of the Weymouth Military Company, 1635. Deputy, 1637, '40, '57._'7o,_ '71- Daniels, Edwin A., 105. Daniels, Richard H., 105. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Whiting, Rev. John, 1635-1689. Chaplain. Hartford Forces, King Philip's War. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. Whiting, Major William, 1647. Deputy to General Court, 1637. Asst. and Treasurer, Conn., i64i-'47. Maj. in Col- onial Forces. Dwight, Frederick, 75. Slauson, John W., 65. Sparrow, Jackson W., 183. Trowbridge, Rutherford, 135. Watson, Charles P., 80. Whitman, Ensign John, 1603-1692, Weymouth, Mass. Ensign of Foot Co. Led the Weymouth men in the march against Nini- gret, 1654. Benjamin, Samuel G. W., 161. Snow, John L., 66. Whitmore, Sergt. Francis, 1625- 1685, Cambridge, Mass. In Maj. Simon Willard's Com- mand, King Philip's War, 1676. Whitmore, Franklin G., 135. Whittemore, Captain Joseph, * Deceased. 411 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1667-1746, Charlestown, Mass, Captain of the Charlestown Military Company, . Lunt, William W., 121. Whitticker, WilliaMj 1685 , Haverhill, Mass. Snow-shoe man under Col. Saltonstall, 1710. Atw'ood, Luther, 102. Whittlesey, Rev. Samuel, 1686- 1752. Chaplain of Conn, forces in Expedition against Port Royal, 1710. Wright, Harrison B., 90. WicKES, Maj. Joseph, 1620-1692, Kent Co., Md. Member Mary- land General Assembly, 1654- 57. Burgess for Kent Co., 1659- '60; for Talbot Co., i669-'76; and again for Kent Co., 1678- '84. Capt., 1655, and Major, 1678, Kent Co. Militia. Justice and County Cornmissioner, 1651-83, and Presiding Justice from 1675, Kent Co. Merritt, Robert G., 61 and 96. WiGGiN, Gov. Thomas, 1667. Gov. Upper Plantations, N. H., under Lord Save and Sele and Lord Brooke, i63i-'36. Deputy, Mass. Bay Colony, 1645, Hamp- ton, N. H. Gov.'s Asst. 1654- '60. Wiggin, Arthur M., 115. WiLGOx, (Wilcoxson), Samuel, i7-3i Simsbury, Conn. Deputy, i688-'89, 94,-1701, '10- '12. Holcombe, John M., 137. Wilde, John, 161 8-1 705. In Fequot War. Floppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 57. Winant, Frederick, 80. Wilde, Richard, 1698 . In Capt. Jonathan Wright's Co., of Flushing, L. I. Winant, Frederick, 81. Wilde, Corp. Thomas, 1718-1776, White Plains, N. Y. Corp. in Capt. Isaac Corsa's Co. Winant, Frederick, 8i. Wilder, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1650- 1704, Charlestovv'n and Lan- caster, Mass. Lieut, at Charles- town, 1704. Killed by Indians. Wood, Eric F., 69. Wood, William B., 71. Wilkinson, Lawrence, • 1692. Deputy, R. I., 1667, '73. Weld, George F., 126. Willard, Henry, 1655-1701, Lan- caster, Mass. Was with his father (Major Simon Willard) at the relief of Brookfield, Mass., in 1675. Commanded the Garrison at Still River (Lancaster), in 1692. Hc.ve, Edward W., 119. Willard, Major Simon, 1605-1676, Concord and Groton, Mass. Deputy, i636-'54. Gov.'s Asst, 1654-1676. Commander-in-chief of the Expedition against Nini- gret, 1655. Battle of Brookfield. Commanded the Middlesex, Mass., Regt. in King Philip's War. Enos, Alanson T., 76. Hodgdon, Alexander L., 96. Lea, James H., 120. Manning, Frank O., 60. Meigs, Henry B., 162. Wilcox, Reynold W., 80. Willett, Catt. Thomas, 1610-1674. Capt., Plymouth Col. Militia, 1648. Council of War, 1653. General Council, 1672. First English Mayor New York, 1665. Served on Expedition which captured New York from the Dutch, 1664. Bicknell, George A., 43. Smith, Thomas K., 90. Willett, Col. Thomas, 1645-1722. Commander, Queen's Co. Mili- tia, 1683-16S9. Member of Gov- ernor's Council, Prov. of N. Y., i690-'98. Elliman, Lawrence B., 51. Rotch, William, 113. Williams, Capt. Isaac, 1638-1707. Lieut., Cambridge Foot Co., 1677. Capt., 1692. Deputy from Newton to Mass. General Court, 1692, '95, '97, 1699-1702. Williams, Harrison, 68. 412 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Williams, Richard, 1599 . Representative, i646-'43, '50. Wood, Eric F., 69. Williams, Richard, 1606-1693, Taunton, Mass. Deputy, 1646, et seq. Manley, Samuel C, 230. Williams, Robert, 1608-1693, Rox- bury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Harris, Williams C, 212. Kulp, John S., 202. Williams, Gov. Roger, 1599-1683. Capt., Providence, R. I., King Philip's War. Gov., i654-'56. Asst., 1647, et seq. Deputy, 1667. Brown, Paul, 170. Chapman, Edwin N., 46. Cooke, Thomas F., 197. Dennis, John R., 222. Kirk, Edwin, 141. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Pratt, Alexander D. B., 78. Prince, Charles J., 112. Sprague, George E., 113. Taft, Orray, 224. Williamson, Duncan (Derck). Soldier in New Netherlands against the Indians at Esopus, N. Y., 1660. Williamson, Thomas W., 97. Willmarth, Ens. Thomas, 1665- 1690. Ens. Rehoboth, Mass., Militia. Council of War. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Wilson, Benjamin, 1653-1694. Soldier in Capt. Isaac John- son's Roxbury Co., King Phil- ip's War, 1675. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Wilson, Rev. John, circ. 1583-1667, Boston, Mass. Pastor of First Church, 1630. Military Chap- lain in Pequot War under Capt. Israel Stoughton, 1637. Hoppin, Hamilton L., 56. Hoppin, Samuel H., 56. Spencer, Selden, 179. Wilson, Sergt. John, 1687, Woburn, Mass. In King Phil- lip's War, under Capt. Samuel Moseley, at Mount Hope, 1675; under Capt. Richard Beers, i675-'76; under Capt. Samuel Brocklebank and Capt. John Cutler, 1676. Sergt. Walton, Charles S., 203. Wilson, Dr. John, i 660-1 724, Braintree, Mass. Deputy, 1698. Spencer, Selden, 179. Wilson, Joseph, 1717-1775. Private, Conn. Troops, 1755, '56, '61. Monnette, Orra E., 200. Wilton, Lieut. David, 1678, W^indsor, Conn, and Northamp- ton, Mass. Ensign, Windsor Troops, March, 1657/8. Dep- uty to Conn. General Court, i650-'56. Ensign, Northampton, Mass., 1661. Lieut., Hampshire Troop, 1663/4. Deputy to Mass. General Court, 1665. Member of the Council of War, Hamp- shire Countv, King Philip's War. *Young, William H., 8r. Winne, Pieter, 1696. Town Major in Miilitia, Albany, N.Y., 1689. Commissioner to treat with Indians, 1690. Magistrate, 1650. Lawton, Daniel L., 60. WiNSHip, Lieut. Edward, 1613- 1688, Cambridge, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Ens., 1647. Lieut., 1660. Deputy, 1663, et. seq. Wellington, Jonas F., 114. WiNSLEY, Samuel, 1663, Salis- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1642, et seq. Commissioner, 1652. Atwood, Luther, 102. Morrell, George C, in. Winslovv, Gov. Edward. Came to Plymouth in the Mayflower, Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1633, '36, '44- Bassett, Charles F., 74. WiNSLOw, Col. Edward, 1669-1753, Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1700. Sergt., 1702. Lieut., 1711. Capt. i7i4-'29. Maj. of Boston.Regt., 1729. Col., 1733. Winslow, Arthur, 115. WiNSLOw, Major Edward, 1680- 1760, Rochester, Mass. Capt. * Deceased. 413 TNDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. of Militia, 1724. JVIajor of County Militia. McGrath, John, 183. WiNSLOW, Lieut. Job, i 641-1720, Freetown, Mass. In Fight at Swansea, 1675. Deputy, 1692. Gardner, John C. F., 53. Morrell, George C, 112. WiNSLOW, JosiAH, 1605-1674, Marsh- field, Mass. Deputy, 1643, et seq. Baker, Alfred L., 169. Brewer, Arthur H., 136. Kent, Daniel, 119. Parker, Calvin D., 210. Sprague, Frank W., 125. WiNsLOW, Kenelm, 1599-1672, Marshfield, Mass. Member of the Marshfield Military Co., 1643. Representative, i643-'44, i649-'53. Morrell, George C, iii. Winston, Stephen, 1733 . Private in the Company of Capt. Eldad Lewis of South- ington, Conn., Campaign of 1760. Miller, Robert F., 178. Winston, Lieut. William, 1707- 1799. Hanover, Va., Troops, French and Indian Wars, i735-'90. Hendrick, Calvin W., 96. ■J Winthrop, Gov. John, 1587-1649. First Gov. of Mass. Bay Col- ony, 1629, et seq. Asst., 1635 and 1641. Dep.-Gov., 1636 and 1644. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1643 and 1645. Col., Suffolk Regt., 1636. Nichols, Willard A., 202. Seabury, William M., 65. Smith, William D. G., 157. Winthrop, Gov. John, 1606-1676. Gov. Conn., i657-'76. Lieut.- Col. Essex Regt., 1636. Seabury, William M., 65. WiswALL, Capt. Noah, ist, 1638- 1690, Newton, Mass. Marched to relief of Casco, now Port- land, Me., 1690. Killed at Wheelwright's Pond. Cadle, Cori.elius, 175. Withington, Capt. John, 1649- 1690. Dorchester Co. Phips' Expedition, lost at sea. Swan, Reuben S., 125. WoDELL, William, 1693. Spec- ial Councillor, Col. of R. I., King Philip's War. Deputy from Portsmouth, R. I., 1664, et seq. Commissioner for Ports- mouth, 1656, 1663. Lawton, Daniel L., 60. Stone, Charles F., Jr., 66. WoERTMAN, Ensign Tunis Dirckse. Soldier in Albany Expedition, 1690. Ensign in Capt. Francis Titus' Co., Kings County Mili- tia, 1715. Lane, Francis T. L., 77. WoLCOTT, Gov. Henry, i 578-1655. Deputy, 1639. Magistrate to Asst. Gov., i643-'55. Sparrow, Jackson W., 183. WoLCOTT, Henry, Jr., 1610-1680. Representative, i655-'56-'6i. Gov.'s Asst., 1662. Council of War, i675-'76. Sparrow, Jackson W., 1S3. WoLCOTT, Gov. Roger, 1679-1767, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1709. Commissary, Expedition of 1711. Councillor, 1714. Dep.-Gov., 1741. Commander of Conn. Forces, Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745 ; Maj. -Gen. Gov., 1750. Kinzie, Julian M., 198. Wood, John, 1656-1735. Rowley, Mass. In King Philip's War. Dutton, Leland T, 50. Wood, Jonathan, 1651-1676, Sher- born, Mass. In King Philip's War. Killed during Indian attack on Medfield, 1676. Stone, William E., 135. Wood, Thomas, 1635-1687, Rowley, Mass. In King Philip's War. Dutton, Leland T, 49. Pearson, Arthur E., 122. Pearson, William H., 123. WOODBRIDGE, ReV. JoHN, 1613-1695. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Gov.'s Asst., Mass. Bay Col., i683-'84. Treat, James W., 179. Woodbury, John, 1580-1 641, Con- 414 / INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. stable at Salem, 1630. Dept., ''^ss-'sy-'sS-'sQ. Selectman. Lord, Charles E., 121. Woodbury, William, 1589-1677. Served as pilot under Capt. Lathrop in the Port Royal Ex- pedition, 1654. Fulton, William E., 134. Woodman, Lieut. Edward, 1613 . Lieut, 1637. In Pequot War. Deputy, 1636, et seg., Mass. Bay Col. Goodrich, Hazen B., 106. Woodman, Capt. John, 1630-1706, Oyster River, N. H. Capt. of Woodman's Garrison before 1690. Aldrich, Talbot B., 102. Woodruff, Lieut. David, i 699-1 767, Southington, Conn. Ensign, 1742. Lieut, 1743. Woodruff, Frederick O., 115. Woodruff (Wordrof), Ensign John, 1637-1691. Ensign of Militia at Elizabethtown, N. J., Sept 14, 1673. Appointed High Sheriff, Essex Co., N. J., 1684. Haines, John P., 54. Woodruff, Capt. Nathaniel, 1687- 1758. Ens., 1733. Lieut., 1736. Capt, 1738, 1st Co. Foot, Little- field, Conn., Regt Woodruff, Thomas A., 168. Woods, Sergt. John, 1678. Sergt of a Marlborough gar- rison house, 1675. Fulton, William E., 134. Woods, Samuel, 1718, Groton, Mass. In garrison, 1692. Litchfield, Wilford J., no. Woodward (Woodworth), Ben- jamin. Killed in King Philip's War. Cann, John W., 45. Woodward, Quartermaster Henry, 168$, Dorchester and Northampton, Mass. Quarter- master of the Hampshire Troop, 1663. Westfall, John H., 115. WooLSEY, JoRis, ''George," 1610- 1698. Cadet Burgher Corps. Delafield, John R., 48. WoosTERj Sergt. Edward, 1622-1689. First settler of Derby, Conn., 1651. Constable, 1669. Sergt. of Derby Train Band, 1681. Collins, Holdridge O., 202. Wright, Lieut. Abel, 1631-1725. In Indian Wars. Deputy, Mass. Bay Colony, 1695. Geer, Walter, 53. Wright, Capt. Jon.athan, 1743. _ Capt of Regt from Flushing, L. I., 1715. Winant, Frederick, 80. Wright, Sergt. Samuel, 1630-1675. Sergt., King Philip's War. Killed at Northampton, Mass. Westfall, John H., 115. Wright, Thomas, 1610-circ. 1670. Member of the Mass. Court of Assistants before the Colonial Government was established at Boston. Fulton, William E., 134. Wright, Thomas, 1 705. Signer of the Concessions. Member of Assembly of N. J., 1682. Keim, George de B., 148. Wyllys, Gov. George, 1602-1645, Hartford, Conn. Trooper in Pequot War. Gov.'s Asst., 1639. Gov., i64i-'42. Fahnestock, James F., Jr., 87. Treat, James W., 179. Wyman, Francis, 1617-1699. Un- der Capt. Thomas Prentice, Mount Hope Campaign, 1675- '76. Richardson, William S., 112. Wyman, Col. Isaac. At Fort Massa- chusetts and in French and In- dian War, i747-'48 and 1760. Lieut, 1754. Capt, 1755. Com- manded Fort Massachusetts, 1756. Representative, N. H., 1773. Rainforth, Selden I., 64. Wyman, Lieut. John, 1621-1684, Charlestown and Woburn, Mass., 1640. Cornet in Capt. Thomas Prentiss' Troop, Mount Hope Campaign, 1675; Lieut. Narragansett Fight. Ludington, Elliot K., 177. Wyman, Capt. Seth, Sr., 1665- 415 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1715, Woburn, Mass. Lieut. Woburn Militia, lyof-'ia. Capt., I7i2-'i5. Ludington, Elliot K., 178. Wyman, Seth, 1717-1808. Corp. in Troop of Horse, 3rd Regt. of Militia, Middlesex and Worcester Counties, Mass., under command of Capt. Ben- jamin Eager, 1757. Corp. in the Co. of Lieut. Stephen May- nard for relief of Fort Will- iam Henry, 1757. Ludington, Elliot K., 178. Wyngaert, Lieut. Garret. Lieut, in Capt. Wessel Ten Broeck's Co., Albany County Militia, 1709-1711, in defense of the frontiers. Catlin, George de G., 46. Wynne, Dr. Thomas, 1630-1692. First Provincial Assembly, Pa., i682-'83,'88. Speaker, i682-'83. Steinmetz, Spencer J., 114. Williams, David E., 90. Williams, Reed A., Jr., 90. Yarnall, Francis, 1721. Mem- ber General Assembly from Chester County, Pa., 171 1. Albert, William S., 140. Young, Samuel. Member of Md. Assembly, 1700. Member of Governor's Council, 1722. Brice, Philip H., 91. DOUGLAS TAYLOR & CO., PRINTERS, NEW YORK