LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. -^ 975 ©l^jt. Jr?\ ©opgrigf;! Ifc- UNITED STATES OF AMEEICA. s o CO Q J n J2 > „ oi ^ (4 w '> 53 H o pq If! Q § z m < g ^ & ' ^ u h3 ffi a >. w ^ ^ 5i » o D^ O "d X § J < t, jH a o 6 Qi !/) H t- ti H X g s s n CO Oi Ui ^ a X A TRILMISH ON HOG CHOLERA CHICKEN CHOLERA WHAT THEY ARE, IHEIR CURE AND PREVENTION. BI^EIIEIDET^S^ ZDIIElIEaTOIR,-^. / By O. EVANS HORNFDY, M. D. DAVENPORT, IOWA: '^ '^r v>^ '\^^ 1-:GHERT, FIDI.AR, k CHAMBERS, PRINTERS. 1879. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1879, ^^y O. EVANS HORNTDY, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ;r=> TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. 7 Hog Cholera, General Remarks, Name of the Disease, Symptoms, Post-mortem A])pearances, Natnre of the Disease, Its Similarity to other Diseases of Animals, General Causes, Local Causes, Worms, Prevention, Proper Food, . . . ^ Treatment, Reasons why the Disease should be Prevented, 50 Analysis of Various Kinds of Food, How to Make Cheap Pork, Chicken Cholera, ... Cause, 7 9 10 15 20 22 25 27 37 39 40 42 52 55 • 57 58 Symptoms, . . . , ^^ Post-mortem Appearances, . 5, Preventives, . ^ ' • • • .62 Food, . . 1 reatment, . r • 64 Breeders' DrRECTORv, • ... 60 k T^cs -Lr-H isf^ HL lie raise uni zire: jf :&t SsesBe aflsHTKaiaiL _ e^rr Same&m^ __ r TaBgirTiT»°''fip°'^ BUT X SHE: jfnTpriy 31 iznre x TtoesL nmf 3X inis imj«irr:»ii Triniv»r % ; rxTjses if ins nsease isn ±e Inisn gr in ire TTnlfmrr ctvt^ ^chl ijr 3^ imLncEsna. .naL scmeimia: is ione tt jitaKSU in insw. n: ~ iay. isnsmnniEe :fne: =«nne iamiisL viQservTsi iiL ~fiTs cuttii&niL. :&e arrninr :fsainm?x mif iai'.'iny^ nnL iie Tmt?=^ :&e :ianBf JoncsEiaiirr^ zr :._ -- •ftar vne Trjm x xr-xayi lb nmsw "iW-r., iit iir_r ir_r 6 PREFACE. symptoms of the disease, and a thorough study of remedies, could but result in giving us a cure. This the author has done; and he desires to urge upon those who use his remedies that they do so fully and thoroughly, observing at the same time the sanitary precautions given. This being done, a cure is assured. The Author. HOG CHOLERA GENERAL REMARKS. The disease to which the name of " Hog Cholera " has been generally but improperly applied, has prevailed more extensively in this country than most persons are aware of. The first appearance of the disease of which I have been able to find any notice, was in Kentucky, about the year 1852 ; it was then called quinsy. It prevailed in sev- eral localities in that State, and in some was quite fatal. About the year 1856 it first made its appearance in some localities in Southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. I was 8 HOG CHOLERA. living in Southern Illinois when it first made its appearance in that portion of the State, and I well remember the consternation it produced among the hog raisers. It swept whole herds of hogs out of existence. It has continued to a greater or less extent since that time, in our Western and South- ern States, in nearly all of which it has at some period attained the character of a fatal and wide-spread epizootic. Its victims in those States are numbered by the hundreds of thousands, if not by the millions. During the last fifteen years this disease has at times prevailed in some of the more Eastern States ; as in Western New York it has been quite fatal in limited localities. But in the Eastern States it has originated with, and been confined to, hogs imported from the West. I think that in no State east of Ohio has the disease attained the character of a wide-spread epizootic. In the vicinity of Providence, Rhode Island, it has prevailed to some extent, but only in herds of hogs that have been shipped from the West. It is evident that a subject of so great im- HOG CHOLERA. 9 portance to the agricultural interest of the community deserves attention. It is also in- teresting to all classes of the community, owing to its relation to the epidemic diseases that afflict the human family, and on account of its effects on the supply of animal food for cities. For these reasons I have spent much time and labor in the last fifteen years. I have visited many localities in districts where the disease prevailed. I have examined the bod- ies of many hogs after death ; have made in- quiries of those who have had the care of hogs, in relation to the symptoms; and have obtained information as far as possible from those who have seen the disease in its worst forms. The result of these investigations of the subject I propose to give briefly in the following pages. NAME OF THE DISEASE. The first question that arises in the minds of most persons is this: What is the dis- ease? And the question is asked with a special desire to have it answered by a spe- lO HOG CHOLERA. cial name. This cannot be done. There is no name which would convey — even to phy- sicians, and certainly not to others — a pre- cise idea of the disease. SYMPTOMS. The symptoms, as described by persons unaccustomed to such observations, are ex- tremely variable. By combining the informa- tion of others with the result of my own ob- servations, the symptoms during life of the animals are as follows: 1. Refusal of food. This is the first symptom usually noticed by those who have care of the animals, though, as will be seen hereafter, this symptom by no means indi- cates the beginning of the disease. The re- fusal of food, after it is first noticed, usually continues through the whole sickness. Food of every kind is mostly refused. 2. Great thirst is usually constant, and large quantities of cold water are swallowed if it can be obtained, but not always ; some animals even refuse to eat or drink. HOG CHOLERA. II 3. After a time, the length of which varies very much, the animal begins to show signs of weakness, reels, staggers, and falls down. '4. In some cases there is a diarrhoea, with copious discharges of dark, bilious, and very offensive matter; in other cases the dis- charges are hard, black balls ; in other cases there is no discharge whatever from the bowels. In some of these cases the offensive fluid is found in the small intestines after death, while the large intestines are empty. 5. In a few cases there is vomiting, but this is not often the case, nor does it con- tinue for any length of time. 6. In other cases the animal is in appar- ently good health, eating his food, when he will throw his head up, turn round a few times very quick, squeal, and drop dead with his mouth full of food. Others will be in apparently good health, and will commence bleeding at the nostrils, and will bleed to death in a few hours. 7. In other cases the jaws will commence to enlarge, great knots or carbuncles will 12 HOG CHOLERA. form, causing the upper or lower jaw to turn up or down, or to one side ; their ears will swell up very large and crack open, and sometimes slough off. 8. But the most common symptom at the present writing (1878), among the animals where the disease is prevailing, is a general lassitude ; a drooping of the head and ears ; the hair looks dead, is quite loose on the skin, easily plucked out ; a drawing up of the back, falling in of the flank; a wasting away of the flesh ; costiveness of the bowels ; and in the last stages of the disease, a re- fusal to eat or drink.- 10. The duration of the disease in fatal cases, after the first symptoms are noticed, is extremely variable. I have seen some that died in a few hours, and others that lived many days. It is difficult, however, to fix the time of the appearance of the first symptoms. The first noticed in many cases is the refusal of food, while others show symptoms and still eat; in fact, some die while eating, as has been stated. Such are the symptoms as obtained by observa- HOG CHOLERA. I 3 tions in all the localities that I have visited. In corroboration of my observations, I give the observations of Dr. George Sutton, of Ayrora, Dearborn county, Indiana. Dr. Sut- ton made extensive and careful observations of the disease as it prevailed in Indiana, and his article is of much value. His description of the disease is as follows : " The hog appears weak, his head drops ; and sometimes after these symptoms diar- rhoea commences ; there is frequent vomiting. In some cases the discharges were serous and clay - colored ; sometimes very dark, also bloody and mucous, resembling those of dys- entery. The urine was, at first, small and highly colored, but as the animal recovered it became abundant and clear. This was one of the symptoms by which the men who were attending them at the distillery ascer- tained that they were recovering. In a large number of cases the respiratory organs ap- peared to be principally affected, and there was coughing and wheezing and difficult res- piration, and in some instances the lost the power of squealing; and the larynx 14 HOG CHOLERA. was diseased, there was frequendy swelling of the tongue and bleeding at the nose. In cases where the respiratory organs were the seat of the disease, there was no diarrhoea or dysentery. In many instances the disease appeared to be confined to the skin ; some- times the nose or ear, or side of the head, were very much inflamed, the ear swollen to twice its usual thickness ; this inflammation would spread along the skin, and sometimes over the eyes and produce complete blind- ness ; sometimes one or more of the legs of the animal was inflamed or swollen, and the inflammation extended along the body. The skin where it was inflamed was red and swollen ; some had large sores on their flanks or sides from three to six inches in diame- ter. In one instance at the distillery, the in- flammation extended along the fore leg, the foot became ulcerated and sloughed off, and the animal recovered. Some appeared delir- ious, as if there was inflammation of the brain. Sudden changes in the weather, par- ticularly from warm to cold, appeared to in- crease the fatality of the disease." HOG CHOLERA. I 5 The symptoms, as described by Dr. Sutton, are somewhat similar to those I have already given ; yet it seems his observations were made on hogs fed on still slops; and it is a fact well known among hog raisers, that hogs fed on still slops are more liable to take the disease than those fed on dry food, and it seems to be more fatal. But the descrip- tions already given are sufficient to enable any one to recognize the disease wherever it prevails. It will be noticed that there are a very great variety of symptoms described, and that they affect nearly every part of the animal. This would be expected from the nature of the disease, as will be seen here- after. POST-MORTEM APPEARANCES. Having described the symptoms as seen in the animal while living, I will now give, briefly, the appearance found on examination after death. During the last year I have examined bodies of a large number of hogs that died with the disease. I have examined a great I 6 HOG CHOLERA. many in the last thirteen years, but as I have found the symptoms much the same in the past, I will only give my last year's experience. During last spring I examined the bodies of seven hogs, and here give the condition of the organs as I found them. Lungs. — In two cases the lungs were in a healthy condition ; in the remaining five cases, one or both lungs were inflamed, hav- ing a liver-like appearance, called hepatiza- tion ; in some cases the inflammation was more advanced, and the substance of the lungs was breaking down into a mass of dis- ease. In some cases there were tubercles or consumption in the lungs. Stomach. — The stomach contained large quantities of small worms that would aver- age from two to three inches in length. The stomach, in some cases, was distended with an offensive mixture of food, and in two cases the inner surface was ulcerated to some extent. Large Intestines. — The inner coat of the large intestines was generally inflamed and HOG CHOLERA. I 7 softened with ulceration to a greater or less extent, and in all cases more or less large worms were found, a great many with their heads protruding through the intestines. In some cases the intestines were entirely empty except the worms. In other cases they would be filled with a hard, black, tarry-looking sub- stance, in balls, with the worms between them. On account of their diseased condition, their inner coat was frequently discolored. Kidneys. — These organs, in all cases, were much paler and more yellow than natural ; this condition was well marked. Liver. — The liver, in all cases, was more or less diseased, and, in some, small worms were found from one inch to two inches in length. I took from one liver five hundred of these worms. They were very slender, hard, and sharp at both ends. Bladder. — The bladder was usually found in a healthy condition. In some cases water was found in the cavity of the belly and chest, and in the membrane surrounding the heart. I examined quite a number that died very 1 8 HOG CHOLERA. suddenly — apparently in good health a few minutes before they died — found but little diseased condition of organs as given above; but on examining the brain found it in a blood-shot condition, and some appearances of inflammation ; could not tell what pro- duced this condition, except it was trichina, as these were found in the membrane sur- rounding the brain. I examined a few that bled to death at the nose. Their organs were somewhat more affected than those that died so suddenly ; but on examination of the head and nostrils, I found them in a blood-shot condition ; also found a great many small worms, from a half inch to an inch in length. These worms were, without doubt, the cause of the blood- letting. My next examination was of the blood of those that died with the prevailing symptoms. Of those that died costive I found their blood in a most impoverished condition ; and on examination with the microscope, found it a living mass of trichina. Such are some of the most important HOG CHOLERA. 1 9 appearances which are found on examina tion of hogs that have died of this disease. It will be noticeable that four of the diseased conditions that I have described are promi- nent, important, and such as would be most readily recognized by the most ignorant ob- server : First, inflammation of the lungs ; second, quantities of large worms found in the stomach and bowels ; third, costive con- dition of the bowels ; fourth, diarrhoea. One or more of these diseased conditions will be found in every case ; and, perhaps, in a ma- jority, three of them will be present in every animal that is diseased. Another and im- portant symptom, not so noticeable to the novice, is the impoverished condition of the blood ; this is the case in all those that have costive bowels. This symptom reveals itself in post-mortem examination. Dr. Sutton, of Indiana, in the article from which I have already quoted, gives an inter- esting account of the post-mortem appearance in hogs dying from this disease ; and it is evident from his article that he had the op- portunity of examining the disease in its 20 HOG CHOLERA. most malignant forms. He mentions every diseased condition that I have described, ex- cept the impoverished condition of the blood. Why he should overlook this and its cause, I am unable to say. And, again, he says nothing about microscopic observation at all ; but he certainly did not examine the head and nostrils, or he would have found those worms that I have described. If he had ex- amined the flesh and blood with the micro- scope, he would have found the presence of the trichina. With the description already given of symptoms and post-mortem appearances, most persons, without medical knowledge, will be able to recognize the disease. It remains for us to consider briefly its nature, causes, prevention, and treatment. NATURE OF THE DISEASE. Sometimes in the human subject — particu- larly w^hen portions of the body are under- going inflammation and suppuration — pus and other diseased products are absorbed, and, entering into the circulation, poison the HOG CHOLERA. 21 blood, and produce the condition of the sys- tem known as pyaemie. In such cases the general poisoning of the system is shown by a low form of fever, great weakness, and prostration of the vital powers, frequently ac- companied by vomiting and purging, and often resulting in pleurisy, with inflammation and deposit of matter in the lungs, superfi- cial swellings and abscesses, inflammation and suppuration in the joints, and other diseased phenomena ; so in severe forms of typhus or ship fever, and in malignant cases of some other diseases, when the whole system seems to be filled with a powerful poison, and utterly prostrated, the same or similar effects are seen. So, in this disease among hogs, there seems to be a general poisoning of the blood, producing local inflammation and ulcerations in various parts of the sys- tem, though more frequently in some parts than others. This, then, is a general disease of the whole system, and probably its most prom- inent causes resulting from some poisoning of the blood; the inflammation of the lungs. 2 2 HOG CHOLERA. the superficial ulcers and swellings, and other effects I have described, are only the local effects, and are the results of the gen- eral disease. The diarrhoea that exists in some cases, and on account of which the name of " Hog Cholera" has been given to the disease, is probably caused by the local inflammation of the intestines, and worms that are found present in them. The name " Hog Chol- era" is, therefore, entirely improper, as it only represents one of the several promi- nent symptoms. The disease might as cor- rectly, or incorrectly, be called "Pneumonia." ITS SIMILARITY TO OTHER DISEASES OF ANIMALS. In this connection it is proper to notice the similarity that exists between this dis- ease in swine and some epizootic diseases that prevail among cattle. The disease known as "Texas Cattle Fever" is one that has very similar symptoms to that of the disease of swine. In 1873 I was in Missouri, on the line HOG CHOLERA. 23 of the M., K. & T. Railroad, when a great many Texas cattle were being shipped on that line. The native cattle along the line were dying, supposed to be the result of their coming in contact with the Texas cat- tle at feeding stations. I had the oppor- tunity of examining quite a number that died. The symptoms in the first stages of the disease were very similar to that of the general symptoms in Hog Cholera — first a refusal to eat, stiffness of move- ment, drooping of the head, and in some cases diarrhoea, but in other cases costive- ness. Post-mortem examination showed slight inflammation of the throat, acute inflamma- tion of the stomach, with some ulceration of the coat ; intestines somewhat inflamed, with a slimy appearance of the inner coat. The kidneys were much more pale and yel- low than natural. The lungs seemed healthy, but the liver was very pale. I think this was owing to the fact that the blood was in a very impoverished condition. Any one who reads this and other descrip- tions cannot fail to notice the striking simi- 24 HOG CHOLERA. larity between that disease among cattle and the disease among swine which we are now considering. The same is true of the disease which has caused so much excitement in New England in the last few years, under the name of " Pleura-pneumonia." Its symptoms and post- mortem appearances, so far as described in the reports I have seen upon the subject, are very similar to those observed in the disease among hogs which I have examined. The conclusion at which I have arrived is, that the " Hog Cholera " which I have de- scribed, and the "Pleura-pneumonia" of New England, and "Texas Cattle Fever," are sim- ilar diseases, having the same general fea- tures, producing similar diseased changes in the body, and are the results of similar causes. If a definite name is required, let us call it '* Murrain',' which is derived from a Greek word which means to waste or weaken. HOG CHOLERA. GENERAL CAUSES. 25 In this and other similar diseases among animals, as well as in epidemic diseases in the human race, the universal tendency of the human mind is to ascribe their propaga- tion to contagion. Dr. Sutton says: ''Al- though this disease must occasionally have a spontaneous origin, yet, when once produced, will spread rapidly by contagion." It is comparatively but a few years since the belief was universal that yellow fever and cholera were contagious, and the most op- pressive quarantine restrictions, based upon this belief, were enforced, to prevent these diseases, in every port of the civilized world. But the enlightened opinions of the medical profession and sanitarians of the present day have decided that yellow fever is not conta- gious ; while the idea that cholera is conta- gious is abandoned, so far as I know, by all intelligent physicians at the present time. So, I firmly believe, it will soon be with reference to this and other similar diseases of animals. They are not contagious, and 26 HOG CHOLERA. the belief that they are is productive of great injury in the adoption of measures for their prevention. But this disease among swine is an epizootic disease, as much as cholera or yellow fever is an epidemic in the human family. If, then, this be an epizootic disease, its causes are similar to that of other epidemics. The following, then, as I understand the sub- ject, are the causes, not only of this disease among swine, but also of the disease among cattle referred to, as well as of epidemics in the human race, viz : 1. An epidemic, atmospherical poison. 2. The local condition adapted to receive and propagate the poison existing in the atmosphere. With regard to the first cause, very little is known. It may be an animal or veget- able existence, or a chemical or electrical change in the atmosphere. Nor is anything known of the differences in the condition of the atmosphere by which such dissimilar epidemic and epizootic diseases are produced at different times. But, judging from their HOG CHOLERA. 27 effects, I conclude that these primary causes of epidemics probably exist in the atmos- phere; that they progress over a greater or less extent of country, in accordance with laws with which we are not acquainted, and, alighting upon the earth, produce their ef- fects wherever they find the local condition adapted to their propagation. LOCAL CAUSES. The local conditions, or causes, of this dis- ease among swine, are not so obvious, or so well understood, as they should be. A par- tial cause of its malignant character is, no doubt, owing to the impure air arising from the filth with which the animals are sur- rounded ; the location, and want of venti- lation of the pens in which the animals are kept; the use of improper food, and the want of pure water. Common sense teaches that cleanliness, good food, pure air, and pure water are as important to prevent disease among animals as in the human family, though the fact is generally ignored by those who have care of these ani- 28 HOG CHOLERA. mals. But there is another condition, not essential to produce the disease, but which has much to do with it — that is, the crowd- ing of a large number of animals together. It is a well established fact that the severity and fatality of cholera and other epidemic diseases in the human family is in direct proportion to the density of the population. The co-existence of both the causes given — viz, the atmospheric poison and the local conditions — are necessary, to some extent, for the extensive development of the disease. When both of these causes are present in any locality, and healthy animals are brought into it, a portion of them, if not all, will contract the disease. But this important fact is to be remembered : That both these causes may be present in a locality whether the animals are present or not. Perhaps I have said more than some may think necessary in relation to the cause of the disease, but the subject is of the utmost importance in its relation to preventive measures. If this and other similar diseases are not contagious, but arise from causes HOG CHOLERA. 29 which may or do originate wholly and inde- pendently of the presence of animals, it is manifesdy absurd to attempt, as some have done in some cases, to prevent and eradi- cate them by the destruction of the animals. You might, with the same propriety, put an end to the epidemics that prevail in over- crowded cities by destroying the inhabitants. Yet it is well understood that proper san- itary precautions will make the epidemic less fatal. I have given in the last few pages the common acceptation of the cause of the dis- eases of swine, the pathological and post- mortem appearances, although I have not arrived at any definite results; and, much as I believe that the disease is brought about by atmospheric influences, impure air arising from filth, location, want of healthy food and pure water, there are some other important matters to look after in this connection : 1. The breeding of the animal. 2. Food for breeders. 3. Pasturage, or range. 30 HOG CHOLERA. 4. The practice of cutting or ringing of the nose. 5. Trichinae. Breeding. — In the last fifteen years much importance has been attached to the breed- ing of swine ; and one of the grand objects to be attained is to get to market hogs of the ereatest weiofht with the least feed and age. This is very commendable, but in doing it the hog-raisers have lost sight of some very important facts : First, keeping on their places too long the same breed, thus breeding in and in the same blood, reducing the consti- tution by consanguinity. Comparative anoto- my teaches that the hog is nearer like a man than any other animal ; and it is well under- stood by anatomists and physiologists that intermarriages of cousins produce enfeebled minds and weakened constitutions. And I am under the impression that its effects on swine are somewhat similar; yet its direct influence may be to give them a feeble constitution, re- quiring more care and better treatment. It does not interfere with a quick growth or the fattening process, but weakens their power to HOG CHOLERA. 3 1 throw off disease. My own experience in breeding is that where I changed or crossed my stock often the disease did not prove so fatal, and yielded more readily to treatment. Food for Breeders. — This is a matter of much importance. In order to have strong, healthy pigs, they should not be fed corn in any shape, from the fact that it does not produce muscular strength, or strong, healthy stomachs and intestines. Where this article of food is used exclusively, these organs are very tender and fatty. The greatest value that corn has is to produce fat — it probably excels all other food for swine in this re- spect. If you want a good, strong, well-muscled, and solid-boned hog, never feed corn until you want to feed for market. Never feed your breeders corn, either male or female. Every farmer should be his own judge of the time he wants his pigs to come, but the best time to change them is as soon as they can get to them. Another important matter in breeding is to have well ventilated brood rooms — not 32 HOG CHOLERA. a low-roofed affair, nor a small pen, that the sow can just turn round in ; but give her plenty of room, and at least enough above her head so that you can walk in without knocking your hat off. Range of Pasture. — Twenty - five years ago the farmers in the Western States had a large range of pasture for their stock ; such a disease as hog cholera was not known. They allowed their hogs to run at large on the commons. The grade was very inferior to the present grades, although much hardier. It was a common thing among hog-raisers to let their hogs run on the range throughout the whole year. They fed but little corn, except in the fattening season. It was not then, as now, a market any time of year. So, when I take in con- sideration the healthy condition of swine at that period, their feed and care, I can arrive at but one conclusion — that is, their healthy and hardy condition was owing to their food and range of pasture. It is very probable that if the farmers of twenty-five years ago could have had the fine stock of hogs of the HOG CHOLERA. 33 present day, they would have taken more care of them than they did of the stock they had then, yet the result might have been the same to some extent — that is, provided the food and pasturage had nothing to do with their healthy condition, but no doubt it had much to do with it. The hog, like all other animals, is naturally his own ''doctor;'' allow him the freedom of his will, and when he gets sick he will root and procure his own remedies. But this is out of the ques- tion now in most of the hog-growing dis- tricts, from the fact that the range of pasture that the farmer of twenty-five years ago had are now cultivated fields, and the remedies that swine would procure when sick are ex- hausted; so they have become dependent on their masters not only for food and shelter, but, when sick, for medical treatment. I can remember when it was thought healthy for hogs to have a mud-hole to wallow in in hot weather ; and a farmer was considered lucky if he had running water or a pond on his farm that his hoo^s could run to at will. But with the present breeds of swine, with 34 HOG CHOLERA. their weakened constitutions and constant ex- posure to atmospheric poisonous influences, it is neither prudent nor safe to allow such habits. The hog is not naturally a filthy animal unless you rear him as such. With the weak constitution he possesses now, cleanliness is necessary to keep him in a healthy condition. It is an old saying, and a true one, "that filth breeds disease." So the pasturage, food, and general care has much to do with the animal's health. I do not think these things have everything to do with propagating the disease, but have much to do with its ma- lignancy and fatality — just as much so as crowded cities, with filthy streets and bad sewerage, has to do with the malignant forms and fatal results of epidemics in the human family. The reader should not lose sight of the fact that swine are, according to com- parative anatomy, more nearly related to the human family than any other animal. • Cutting and Ringing the Nose. — All know^ that it is the nature of the hog to root, and the practice of cutting or ring- HOG CHOLERA. 35 ing the nose makes him much more depend- ent on his master for support, and it has a direct tendency to make the disease more malignant, as well as to prevent his procur- ing his own treatment by rooting. If you have to mutilate the animal's nose, do not do it during the months of July, August, or Sep- tember, nor at any time when the disease is prevailing in your neighborhood. If you do, the wounds will not heal up. I noticed dur- ing the last fall a large number of herds of hogs that had the ring put in their noses in July, yet in October had not healed up, and the disease was more malignant in its character upon such herds. TRiCHiNyE. — I am aware that in presenting these as a normal condition of swine, I will have to contend with many conflicting theo- ries and speculative ideas. But as I do not wish to lengthen out this little work with quo- tations of these theories and ideas of others, I will simply give my own. I hold that trichinae are natural to swine, and all have them to a greater or less ex- tent; that they increase or propagate ac- 36 HOG CHOLERA. cording to surrounding influences. If the influences are healthy, the trichinae remain in a dormant or encysted condition. But the causes above enumerated will bring them into active life, and cause their increase to that extent that the lean portion of the body and the blood will become a living mass. What this has to do with the fatality of the dis- ease, I leave every one to judge for him- self. I have examined the bodies of hogs in every stage of health with the microscope, and never failed to find trichinae present — always in the throat, and, in the first stages of the disease, along the tenderloin next the spine ; in more advanced stages, in the blood. In all the pathological theories that I have ever read, not one has given us any information regarding the presence of trichi- nae in the hog being one prominent cause of the fatality of the disease, yet all acknowl- edge their presence to some extent. Nor do I, in this treatise, design giving their exact relation to the disease. Their tendency, with- out doubt, is to impoverish the blood, and HOG CHOLERA. 37 weaken the spine, thus producing an inactive condition of the whole body, and hastening death. WORMS. These are, as has been already stated, found in the head, stomach, bowels, liver, and sometimes in the flesh. They present themselves in the different organs in differ- ent sizes. Those found in the large intes- tines, sometimes quite numerous, are large — from six to fifteen inches in length ; in the small intestines, not so large, but from three to six inches. Those found in the nostrils are small, from one to two inches. Those found in the liver are much the same as those found in the head. I have no doubt but these worms have much to do with the fatality of the disease under consideration. They are there, I know; and, as the disease advances, they increase very rapidly. Those in the laro-e intestines, no doubt, produce that inflamed and ulcerated condi- tion found after death ; those in the small intestines have a similar effect, while those 3 38 HOG CHOLERA. in the stomach and Hver would produce in- digestion and torpidity, and the tendency might be constipation or diarrhoea, owing to the condition of the food in the stomach and intestines ; while those of the head and nos- trils have other tendencies. Those of the nostrils, probably, in their migratory course tap blood vessels, and thus hasten death by blood-letting ; while others, nearer the brain, tap that organ, and produce very sudden death. I have, in as brief a manner as possible, presented the various causes and symptoms of this disease among swine, and some of the ideas may be somewhat speculative ; but I am conscious of one fact: If they are, I am not the first in the field, for I find already stated many conflicting theories, and some very speculative ones. And, as has already been said, as it is not the intention to specu- late, nor discuss the theories or speculations of others, I will proceed to give what I un- derstand to be the course that hop: - raisers should pursue to prevent the fatality of the disease among their swine. HOG CHOLERA. 39 I do not hold that the disease can be en- tirely prevented, but I do hold that, with proper sanitary precautions and treatment, jche duration of the disease can be lessened, and the fatality diminished. PREVENTION. Bearing in mind the causes of the disease as I have given them, the measures neces- sary for prevention are obvious, and may be stated in a very few words: First, remove as far as possible the local causes. The general causes, existing in the atmosphere, cannot be reached ; nor can they be avoided, except by the removal of the ani- mals beyond the limits of the influences in- dicated above. This is not usually practica- ble, but the local causes can to a very great extent be removed, and, without these, the general causes cannot produce any serious results. The first thing necessary is to procure a more hardy animal. Keep the animals from mud and impure water, especially during the hot season. Keep them on as elevated 40 HOG CHOLERA. grounds as possible on your place. They can be separated and isolated in lots as far apart as possible. They can be allowed an abundance of pure air, and pure, cold water. They should be supplied with nourishing food. PROPER FOOD. The matter of food is one that I wish to impress on the mind of the swine-grower, for this has much to do with promoting the health, and giving a strong, hardy constitu- tion to swine. I have already stated that stock hogs should not be fed corn ; and the ques- tion comes very readily from the farmer — *' What shall we feed ? " So it is proposed to give a chapter on the best food for stock hogs. The soil of the Western States is well adapted to the growth of all kinds of veget- able roots. Among the most valuable for feeding young swine is the artichoke, and which is probably the most prolific. It will yield from three hundred to five hundred bushels per acre; in some districts in llli- HOG CHOLERA. 4I nois eight hundred bushels per acre have been gathered. They will grow in fence cor- ners, waste lots, or any place you have a .mind to plant them. The next in value are carrots. They will yield from two hundred to three hundred bushels per acre. Plant in rows, from eighteen inches to two feet apart. Turnips and potatoes are excellent food for young swine. These vegetables are far cheaper to feed than grain of any kind, and much more healthy. They will not produce fat so fast, but a better growth of muscle and bone, and then they have a tendency to strengthen the system and throw off dis- ease. If you must feed grain, feed oats, rye, or barley. Another important matter to be considered in this connection, is the sanitary arrange- ments to be observed. Do not let your hogs run to or sleep in rotten straw or manure. Burn up all your cobs or trash in your hog lots ; sprinkle salt upon the ashes, and your hogs will eat them all up. Burn up all their bedding at least four or five times a year. Keep your pens 42 HOG CHOLERA. clean ; and at least once a week sprinkle fresh slacked lime in the pens, beds, and feed-lots. Stock hogs should have at least one ounce of good salt every other day, throughout the year, per head ; feeders, two ounces each three times per week. The salt not only gives strength to the muscle, but makes good, solid bone, and recent experience teaches that where swine have salt at regular periods throughout the year, they will weigh from forty to sixty pounds more than those that have it at irregular times. If the above sanitary treatment and rules are observed, when the cholera makes its ap- pearance it will be of a mild form, and will readily yield to treatment. TREATMENT. There is probably no disease in the United States that has prevailed in the human fam- ily, or among animals, that has had as wide range of treatment as hog cholera, and with as little success. The whole country where the disease prevails is overrun with " hog HOG CHOLERA. 43 doctors," who offer all sorts of compounds and patent nostrums ; and many of the farm- ers have become so disgusted with their fail- yres that, rather than try anything new, they will let their hogs die. These vendors of quack nostrums are usually men who know but little about the hog or his diseases, or the chemical effects of their own compounds — their compatibilities or incompatibilities. I give below one of the many formulas that have been placed in my hands. It is a fair average of many more given me. The farmer who gave me this said to me very confidentially, " I paid ten dollars for this and got it filled, and gave it to my hogs that were sick, and they all died : " I ft) Sulphur ; I ft) Saltpetre ; ^ft) Gunpowder ; J^ft) Rosin ; I ft) Copperas ; I ft) Charcoal ; ^ft) Black Antimony. This was to be well mixed and given in doses from one teaspoonful to a tablespoon- 44 HOG CHOLERA. ful, according to the size of the hog. This is simply given to show what ignorance is displayed in compounding remedies without any respect to their chemical agencies. Edwin M. Snow, of Providence, R. I., in a lengthy article on the disease, its preventives and treatment, says, at the close of his val- uable paper: "In the treatment of a disease of this character, we have little to expect from the specific or direct action of medicine of any kind. The most that we can hope to do is to support the system so as to enable nature to overcome the disease. This, faith- fully done, would be the most important step towards recovery." I agree with the Doctor in regard to supporting the system with all sanitary meas- ures practicable. But as I believe in specific agencies, to some extent, I know that there are agents that have a specific effect in con- trolling the disease under consideration, al- though there are many symptoms to meet in the treatment of the various phases of the disease ; yet the indications to be met are not so numerous as one would suppose. HOG CHOLERA. 45 After the necessary- sanitary^ precautions have been observed, as laid down in this work, you can use the following treatment with per- fect success : First, separate the sick hogs in as small numbers as convenient ; put them in good, clean pens, with plenty of fresh slacked lime sprinkled in them : then give them the fol- lowing preparation — to full-grown hogs, one teaspoonful to each one twice per day; pigs, one-half the amount: i^tb Chlorate of Potash (pure) ; I ft) Sub-carbonate of Iron ; I ftj May-Apple Root (powdered) ; I ftj Prussian Blue: I ftj Worm Seed (powdered) : 12 oz. Arsenious Acid (pure). This should all be well powdered, and well mixed. The above compound will meet the follow- ing indications in the disease : The Iron is a tonic and stimulant to the blood, and increases its red corpuscles : also acts as a febrifuge to allay the fever. 46 HOG CHOLERA. The Chlorate of Potassium is used to allay any general or local inflammation present; and perhaps there is not another remedial agent that has so powerful an influence over the disease as this. May-Apple Root we simply use for its ca- thartic, cologogue, and alterative properties. Prussian Blue, or Prussiate of Iron, is used for its anti-peHodic and tonic effects. Worm Seed is used as a worm destroyer in the stomach and bowels. Arsenious Acid assimilates with the irons and is carried to all parts of the body, de- stroying the trichinae and small flesh worms. It is also a powerful alterative. The above treatment will meet all the indi- cations in the disease except diarrhoea; where that is present, give to each hog one-half tea- spoonful of powdered alum, once per day, until the bowels check up, in connection with the above treatment. The treatment should be varied according to the season of the year. During the sum- mer months, when the lungs are not much affected, you can use fresh slacked lime by HOG CHOLERA. 47 getting them in close quarters and dusting it in among them, causing them to breathe it freely, but it should not be used when the lungs or nostrils are badly affected, as it has a tendency to irritate them. As soon as you see that your hogs are the least bit affected, if you are feeding corn, take it away from them ; give them nothing to eat but boiled vegetables, if you have them ; if not, boiled oats, rye, or barley. The best way to feed the medicine is to make troughs with six-inch boards, strew the food along in the trough, then sprinkle the medicine along on top, and cover with more food. Feed the medicine at least twice per day for three days, then once per day until your hogs are well. To use as a preventa- tive when cholera is prevailing in the coun- try, first comply with our sanitary treatment, then give the medicine three times per week. The treatment, as given above, is one that I have practiced for a number of years with remarkable success ; and I am satisfied that all who will follow it will save their hogs. But the important fact to be remembered is, 48 HOG CHOLERA. that It is to the interest of the owner of these animals to use every possible means to prevent the disease, as prevention is of infinitely more importance to him. than treatment ; but if the disease becomes established, it should be treat- ed in a rational manner, not forgetting that nature, when properly aided, will do as much to cure as medicine, if not more. I do not wish to lengthen out this little work with superfluities, with this opinion or that, as given by other parties. I know that there is much being said at the present time. Government has taken up the matter. Con- gressional appropriations have been made to investigate the disease. The Commissioner of Agriculture has appointed a board of examin- ers, and they are already in the field at work ; but what they will do in the two months that are allotted to them to investi- gate the causes of the disease, I cannot tell, but it is to be hoped that their efforts may prove successful in bringing to light some new features in the case that will be beneficial to the public. But when I take into consideration my own experience in the HOG CHOLERA. 49 matter, I cannot think they will be able to come to any other conclusion with regard to the causes of the disease than those given in this little work. As regards the treatment, any board of scientific men that the Commissioner may appoint to concur in a treatment for the disease, that treatment must be of the same nature and character of my own. They may adopt other agents, but they will have to meet the same indica- tions. Before I close, I wish to caution all those who may use my treatment, to be sure, in buying drugs, that they get a chem- ically pure article. Tell your druggist, if he has not got good drugs of full strength, to send and get them for you. Another matter that I overlooked in the proper place: It is a common practice among the farmers to feed coal slack to their hogs. This will do, if you can get it clear of slate, as the hard slate has a ten- dency to irritate the stomach. There is nothing in the slack that does the hog good except the copperas and sulphur, and it is 50 HOG CHOLERA. much better to give these articles in food without the slack. Charcoal is an excellent promoter of di- gestion, and a good appetizer ; you can feed all you have a mind to. REASONS WHY THE DISEASE IN SWINE SHOULD BE PREVENTED. In the first place, it is a well established fact that, in all the hog-growing States, the raising of hogs is the best source of money- making ; and the loss of hogs by cholera, in the last few years, has crippled more farmers financially than any other misfortune. It is estimated that Illinois, alone, last year, lost $2,000,000 worth of hogs by cholera ; and it is probable that the loss this year will reach $3,000,000. In the second place, it is very unhealthy to have dead hogs laying around all over the country, decaying, and filling the atmos- phere with an obnoxious stench. Last, but not the least, is to have good, healthy hogs to send to market ; for, when we take into consideration the fact that HOG CHOLERA. 5 I thousands of hogs are shipped daily to mar- ket half dead with the cholera, hurried into the slaughter - pens, killed, salted, packed, smoked, and sent to all parts of the country to be consumed by the pork-eater — much of it a living mass of trichinae and other re- sults of the disease — it is, in all probability, the cause of one-half of the ailments of the pork-eater, that defy the skill of the best physicians. Then it is time that this matter was looked after in all its bearings, and either stop the consumption of pork, or pro- duce healthy hogs to make it. We are glad that the Government is wak- ing up to an interest in the matter, and hope that something may be done to give us relief. 52 HOG CHOLERA. ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS KINDS OF FOOD, SHOWING THEIR RELATIVE VALUES FOR STOCK. i en i id Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Corn, Potatoes, Parsnips, 1 82 Turnips, . . . . . Peas, Artichokes, .... Mangel-Wurzel, . . Carrots, 15 10.8 66.3 4.2 2.0 15 6.3 6.4 4.9 2.4 i.S 12.6 58-4 5-4 5-6 15 8.0 69-5 3.7 2.0 14 II. I 64.7 0.4 8.1 75 2.1 18.8 3-2 0.2 82 i.i 9.6 5-8 0-5 91 T.2 5-T 2.1 0.0 15 23.0 55-4 2.0 2.1 70 2.6 17.7 10.7 0.7 80 1.2 10. 1 7.1 0.6 83 1-3 8.4 6.1 0.1 1-7 2.0 3-0 1.8 1-7 0.7 i.o 0.6 2.5 1-3 1.0 I.I The above table has been prepared with great care, and shows what kind of food con- tains the most nutritive matter for sustain- ing animal life. It will be seen by the table that some articles of food contain more ma- terial for fat than others ; while others are adapted to building up the bone, muscle, and other constitutional parts of the animal. It will be noticed that corn contains more fat than any other food, yet its consdtutional strength is lost in its lack of sugar, salts, HOG CHOLERA. 53 and albumen ; consequently, an animal fed upon It exclusively, will have a weak, fatty muscle, with an open, porous bone, tender, fatty stomach and intestines, and will readily become a victim to any epizootic influences that may be carried to him in the atmosphere. The pea contains more nutritive matter for bone and muscle than any other food, and excels all others except corn and oats in fatty matter. Although in this country the crop is not a profitable one, owing to the labor required to produce them, yet we would advise breeders of choice sw^ine to feed them in preference to any other food, if they want a good, strong constitutioned hog — one that will not be subject to disease. The next article of food for swine, espe- cially in point of value, is the artichoke. From the large amount of sugar it contains, with its starch and salts, it Is easily con- verted into material to supply the bone and muscular systems. Every farmer ought to have a few acres for his hogs. They can be raised for one cent a bushel. In theoretical value, they are worth for stock one-fifth of 4 54 HOG CHOLERA. corn; practically, they are worth from one- third to one-half. Hogs can be turned into the artichoke field about the middle of Sep- tember, and will do well until the ground freezes solid. They can be turned in again in the Spring, as soon as the frost is out a few inches, and can remain until the first of May. Not only the cheapness of the arti- choke, but the time of year they can be fed, should be considered in estimating their practical value. As soon as the hogs are turned out, it would be well to give the ground a good coat of manure, and a thor- ough plowing ; but they will do well without either. Plant two bushels of seed to the acre. Mangel -Wurzel is a root in very high fa- vor among English stock-raisers, on account of the immense yield — sometimes over forty tons per acre — the ease with which it is gathered and stored, and the relish with which all kinds of stock devour it. It pos- sesses about two-fifths of the nutritive value of artichokes, is easily touched with frost, re- quires very rich soil and considerable labor HOG CHOLERA. 55 in cultivation. Five pounds of seed is suffi- cient for an acre. Carrots are a very excellent food for young stock of any kind; from the amount of sugar they contain, with their salts, are well calculated to eive a vioforous and healthy constitution. They should be planted in rows, from two and a half to three feet apart, in a deep, loamy soil, and cultivated like corn. Three pounds of seed will plant an acre. As regards the balance of our table, their principal values as food are pretty well un- derstood by stock-breeders. HOW TO MAKE CHEAP PORK. For seventy-five hogs, you want twenty- five acres of land, divided as follows : The first five acres put in blue grass, the second five in clover, ten in oats and peas in Spring and rye in Fall, and the fifth five acres in artichokes. Have one movable fence across the field. As soon as the ground is thawed on top in the Spring, let your hogs in on the arti- 56 HOG CHOLERA. chokes. About the first of May take them off the artichokes, and keep them on bhie grass till the first of June. Then turn them on clover until your oats and peas are ready, and about the first of October turn back on artichokes, and keep on until the ground freezes solid. In the meantime you can dig a thousand or two bushels, and put into the cellar for winter feeding. Your rye will make good pasturage in the Fall for young stock. If this course is pursued, you can make pork for three cents per pound ; and if you will carry out the sanitary handling of swine as given in this work, with the above course of feeding, you will forever banish that dreaded calamity — Hog Cholera — from your farms. CHICKEN CHOLERA. This disease among poultry is probably as little understood as that of cholera among swine, and made its appearance about the same time in this country, and has prevailed in all sections of the country where cholera has been amongst hogs. But the most re- markable feature of the disease is, that it very rarely occurs on a place at the same time, but either precedes or immediately fol- lows it. I remarked for a number of years that, if I had the chicken cholera on my place in the Spring, I was sure to have the hog cholera in the Summer or Fall, or vice versa. That there is a similarity in the diseases, no one who has investigated will 58 CHICKEN CHOLERA. deny. But the organism is so dissimilar that the different phases of the disease that present themselves in the hog are not found in the fowl, although it is quite as fatal among fowls as swine, often destroying whole flocks. Cause. — It is thought by some that the importation of fine breeds into this country has had much to do towards bringing on the disease. This may have something to do with its fatality, from the fact that the dif- ferent breeds that have been imported have not the hardy constitutions of the "old dung- hill" breed of twenty-five years ago. But the fact that twenty-five or thirty years ago we had no chicken cholera in this country, is not proof that the disease of the present day is the result of changing the breeds any more than the importation and changing of the breeds of swine have to do with the production of hog cholera. And yet, no doubt, these changes have something to do .with its fatality. Another great cause of its fa- tality is unhealthy food, stale water, and filthy hen-houses. It is just as necessary to CHICKEN CHOLERA. 59 the health of fowls to breathe a healthy, pure atmosphere, as it is to the human family, and cleanliness and disinfectants are jijst as necessary to procure pure air. Yet all these precautions will not prevent the disease from attacking your flocks. But you may, with proper sanitary measures and dis- infecting agencies, reduce the malignancy of the disease, so that it will readily yield to proper treatmxent. For the general causes of this disease we quote from that given as the general causes of hog cholera: " I . An epidemic or epizootic atmospherical poison. " 2. The local condition adapted to receive and propagate the poison existing in the at- mosphere. "With regard to the first cause, very little is known. It may be an animal or vegetable existence, or a chemical or electrical change in the atmosphere. Nor is anything known of the differences in the condition of the at- mosphere by which such dissimilar epidemic or epizootic diseases are produced at differ- 6o CHICKEN CHOLERA. ent times. But, judging from their effects, I conclude that these primary causes of epi- demics exist in the atmosphere ; that they spread over a greater or less extent of coun- try, in accordance with laws with which we are not acquainted, and, alighting upon the earth, produce their effects wherever they find the local condition adapted to their propagation. '•Then the co-existence of both the causes given — viz, the atmospherical poison and the local conditions — are necessary for the exten- sive development of the disease. When both these causes are present in any locality, and healthy animals are brought into that locality, a portion of them, and sometimes all will, con- tract the disease. But this important fact is to be remembered, that both these causes may exist in a locality, whether any animals are present or not." SYMPTOMS. The first symptoms noticeable in this dis- ease of fowls, is a sleepy, languishing look, w^ith the head drawn down to the body, the CHICKEN CHOLERA. 6 1 feathers ruffled, comb pale, eyes weak and half closed, a constant thirst, and usually, but not always, diarrhoea. In the first stages of the disease a small amount of food is taken into the craw, but in the last stage the fowl refuses to eat. The duration of the disease varies very much ; sometimes the fowls living but a few hours, while others live many days. But few recover without treatment. POST-MORTEM APPEARANCES. In most cases, after death, the flesh has a bluish color. The small intestines are either empty or filled with an offensive fluid, with a soft and spongy condition of the inner coat, with a much darker color than natural, showing the presence of inflammation in death. The Liver. — This organ, after death, is found much paler than natural, and is very flabby and soft. The Craw — Is usually empty, with a slimy condition of the inner coat. The Gizzard. — This organ, answering the 62 CHICKEN CHOLERA. purpose of larger intestines in hogs, is usu- ally full of hard, indigested food, with a very offensive smell. PREVENTIVES. To prevent a malignant type of the dis- ease, you should have good, warm hen- houses in the Winter, well ventilated at the top. In the Summer fowls should roost in the open air. Keep good, pure water handy for them to run to at will. The best plan is to have a good-sized trough near your well ; take a pound of assafoetida, put it in two or three places in the bottom of the trough, nail leather over it, and keep it full of water for your fowls to drink. Keep your .brood and setting-houses clean, and once per week sprinkle carbolic acid around in them ; and once per month use fresh slacked lime all around your chicken yards and in the brood and laying-houses. These things are excellent disinfectants, and have a tendency to destroy the animal or vegetable poison that may be in the atmosphere. CHICKEN CHOLERA. 63 FOOD. This is a more important matter in the Winter than Summer ; as fowls in the Sum- mer procure their own food, especially on farms. In Winter, feed any kind of grain, but remember fowls must have gravel or coarse sand to run to any time of the year, as these articles are as necessary to aid digestion in the fowl as is gastric juice to the human stomach; thus it is necessary, in a Northern climate, to provide these things handy for their use in Winter. Give at least once per week, throughout the year, to each dozen fowls, one teaspoon- ful of Cayenne pepper, in any kind of food handy, as this has a tendency to stimulate the system and aid digestion. Hens with their broods should be fed nothing but cooked food until the chickens are weaned. A small amount of Cayenne pepper should be given in their food every day. 64 CHICKEN CHOLERA, TREATMENT. The important fact to be remembered is, that it is for the interest of the owner of fowls to use every possible means to prevent the disease from assuming a malignant type. This is of infinitely more importance to him than treatment, from the fact that the co-ex- istence of the local and atmospherical causes produces its malignant type. The atmos- pheric cause can be removed to some ex- tent by the use of disinfectants ; but the lo- cal causes may be removed almost entirely with proper sanitary measures. Yet if the disease becomes established, it should be treated in a rational manner, not forgetting that nature, when properly aided, will do much towards a cure. As soon as it is discovered that the dis- ease has made its appearance among your fowls, give the following composition : I ft) Chlorate Potassium (pure) ; ^ ft) Capsicum ; i^ ft) Alum ; ^ ft) May-Apple Root (powdered) ; I ft) Bi-carbonate of Iron. CHICKEN CHOLERA. 65 This should be well powdered and mixed, and to each dozen fowls one full teaspoonful, mixed in a pint of well cooked corn mush, three times per day. This should be fol- lowed up as long as you see any signs of cholera on your place. The chlorate of potash will remove all in- flammation ; the capsicum acts as a stimulant ; alum acts as an astringent and alterative ; May-apple acts upon the liver, and moves off all offensive matter from the intestines ; the iron enriches the blood and gives it tone. With the above treatment, and proper sanitary precautions, you will be able to save all your fowls. A. C MOORE & SON. ■ We are raising- over 500 Pigs for this season's trade. Progeny of Hogs that have taken more and larger sweepstakes and pork-packers' premiums, than can be shown BY ANY OTHER MAN ON ANY BREED. StOck all healthy and doing well. Having made a specialty of this breed for thirty-two years, those desiring the thorough-bred POLAND-CHINA should send to headquarters. Our breeders will be registered in the American Poland- China Record. Pedigree sent with each sale. Photographs of twenty-five breeders free. Swine Journal, 25 cents. Price Down to Suit the Times. Address A. C MOORE & SON, CANTON, ILLINOIS. THORNTOWN, INDIANA, Berkshire and Poland-CMna Swine. STOCK FOR sAr.£:. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BERKSHIRES. 22 SOWS BRED. Sir Dorchester Cardi, 509, at the head of the herd. Imported English Lady and Nona, finely bred SaUies, in the herd. A few Substantial Short-Horns, Bulls and Heifers, at low prices. Baron Lyndall at the head of the herd. Fa7mlies — Ilhistrious, Delight, Loiiafis, Elizabeth, Etc, W. C. NORTON, DURANT, IOWA. BREEDERS' DIRECTORY, H. C. CASTLE, Wilmington, III., breeder of Poland- China Hogs. Good stock always for sale. Prices reasonable. E. F. JACKSON, breeder and shipper of pure Essex Swine. Pigs choicely bred. Prices low and satisfac- tion guaranteed. Sperry Station, Iowa. RICHARD M. HOE, Morrisania, N. Y., importer and breeder of small Yorkshire Swine. Stock for sale. Correct pedigrees given. Address for price, Geo. W. Harris, Manager "Brightsides," Morrisania, N. Y. CHESTER WHITE PIGS.— I am breeding and have for sale pure blooded pigs of this fine breed, at my farm, near Donnellson Station (Lee county), Iowa. James Stevens. HEWER BROS., Belvidere, III., and Seven Hampton, England, importers and breeders of pure English Berk- shires of the best strain. The finest stock always for sale. GEORGE KYGER, Oxford (Butler county), Ohio, breeder of Pola?id-China Hogs. Stock for sale at rea- sonable prices; shipped to all parts of the country. 5 7o BREEDERS DIRECTORY. H. H. GRIMSHAW, Paola, Kansas, breeder of pure Essex^ Berkshire^ and Poland-China Hogs. Young stock for sale. Correspondence solicited. EMORY & SAYERS, Osceola, Iowa. Very best Berk- shires and Poland-Chinas for sale cheap. Try us. SAMUEL H. WILSON, Pleasant Grove (Des Moines county), Iowa, breeder of Poland-Chi7ia Swine of the purest and best strains. Young stock for sale. PHIL. D. MILLER, Panora, Iowa, breeder and shipper of Berkshire and Pola?id-China Hogs, bred from the best stock in existence. I guarantee satisfaction in every sale. G. H. KIMM, breeder of thorough-bred English Berk- shire and Poland-China Swine, Robin (Benton county), Iowa. D. M. MORSE, Eldora, Iowa, breeder of the pure Berk- shire, of the Sallie, Sweet Seventeeji, and other noted famiUes. Young stock for sale; prices low. Corres- pondence solicited. J. N. STOAKS, Traer (Tama county), Iowa, breeder of thorough-bred Berkshire Swifte. My stock has been selected with care, from the herds of S. A. Knapp and Eli ElHott. E. H. SEYMOUR, Danville (Des Moines county), Iowa, breeder of Berkshire and Poland-China Swine. Stock for sale. Correspondence solicited. CHARLES ROBINSON, De Witt (Clinton county), Iowa, breeds thorough-bred Berkshires. Sires, Crowfi Prifice 17 and Bob Lee. Twenty sows. Accurate de- scriptions furnished. breeders' directory. 71 E. WAIT &[ SON, La Grange (Walworth county), Wis., breeders of t^wyq Fola?id - China Swine. Our stock is descended from the herds of B. F. Fowler, of Wiscon- sin, and D. M. Magie, of Ohio. J.'GILMORE, Bonny View Farm (one-half a mile south of Vinton, Iowa). Breeding of superior Poland-China Hogs and light Brahma Chickens a specialty. I will show my breeding herd against any in the state. PHILO HAYNES & SON, Iowa City, Iowa, breeders of Chester White Swine, from the purest blood in the country. Young stock for sale. Residence, one-half mile north of the city. H. S. VAN BUREN, Brandon (Buchanan county), Iowa, breeder of pure Essex and Berkshire Swine, Pigs for sale at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited. VALENTINE HICKS, Lee Center (Lee county), III., breeder of pure blooded Poland-Chifia Hogs. Pigs for sale. Correspondence solicited. CAMPBELL & POWLES, Mt. Union (Henry county), Iowa, breeders and shippers of Pola7id- China Hogs. Choice breeding stock for sale. Orders promptly filled by freight or express. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. W. MILLER & CO., South English, Iowa, breeders of choice, pure bred Berkshire and Poland-China Hogs, of the most improved type. Pigs for sale within the reach of the farmer. Letters of inquiry promptly an- swered. W. H. KRAMER, De Soto (Dallas county), Iowa, breeder of pure Poland- Chi?ia Swine. Choice stock for sale at all times, and at reasonable rates. 72 BREEDERS DIRECTORY. E. H. & S. NICHOLS, Millersburgh (Mercer county), III., breeders of thorough-bred Poland-China and Berk- shire Swine. Our stock is selected from the best in the country. We also breed Meriiio Sheep. Young stock for sale. R. STEVENS, Martelle (Jones county), Iowa, breeder of thorough-bred Short-Horn Cattle^ Berkshire Swine, and fine Horses. A. A. WENTZ, Vinton, Iowa, breeder of Short-Horn Cattle, Poland- Chi?ia and Jersey Red Switie. Corres- pondence solicited. PLINY NICHOLS, West Liberty, Iowa, breeder of Short -Horn Cattle a,nd Poland -China Hogs. Animals of both sexes, desirable for foundation of herds, and plainer bred ones, all at reasonable rates. A few young bulls, nicely bred by Peri, Duke of Oneida, 20,582, on hand. A. J. ROGERS, Sublette (Lee county). III., breeder of thorough-bred Short -Horn Cattle and Berkshire Swine. Stock for sale at low prices. Correspondence solicited. THOMAS T. TURNER, Normandy, Mo., breeder of Herd Register Jersey Cattle, Trotting Horses, Shetland Ponies, Shropshire Sheep, and registered Berkshires. Correspondence solicited. A. & G. DAVIDSON, Monticello (Jones county), Iowa, breeders and shippers of Clydesdale Horses and Berk- shire Sivine. First-class stock of both sexes constantly on hand. L. RAWSON, Oak Creek (Milwaukee county). Wis., breeder of thorough-bred North Devo?i Cattle and South Down Sheep. Young stock for sale. Correspondence solicited. BREEDERS DIRECTORY. 73 JOSEPH MORTON, Oxford (Butler county), Ohio, breeder and shipper of Poland- China Hogs. "Young Perfection" at the head of the herd. He was shown, in the fall of 1877, at the following fairs, and was success- ful both in his class and sweepstakes: Paris, Ky., Indi- ana State Fair, and Butler county, Ohio. W. E. McQUILLIN, Sunnyside, North Hadley, Mass., importer and breeder of BerksJm-e Figs, Ayrshire Cat- tle, Oxford Doum Sheep, and English Game Fowls. SAMUEL DYSART, Franklin Grove (Lee county), III., owner and conductor of the "Pines Stock Farm." Choice, pure-bred Short -Hoi'7i Cattle, improved Berk- shire Swine, bred and for sale at prices within the reach of the farmer. WILLIAM HASTIE, Summerset (Warren county), Iowa, breeder of Short-Horn Cattle, Leicester and Cots- wold Sheep. Good stock of each variety. FITCH B. STACY, Stacyville (Mitchell county), Iowa, breeder of Short-Horiis, Cotswold Sheep, Berkshire Swine, and Fartridge Cochi?i Foidtry. Stock for sale. Correspondence solicited. EDWARD FRIES, Sherrill's Mound Stock Farm (Sher- rill's Mound P. O.), Iowa, breeder of Essex, Suffolk, Berkshire, and Foland-Chiiia Swine, Cotswold and Lei- cester Sheep, Cashmere Goats, Shepherd and Neivfound- land Dogs. MAIN VALLEY U.Y.^V>.— Short-Horn Cattle and Foland- China Swine. Address Chandler Jordon, Waubeek (Linn county), Iowa. JACOB STARRY, Olin (Jones county), Iowa, breeder of choice Devoji Cattle, Leicester Sheep, and Foland- China Hogs, of the most improved type. Stock for sale. 74 breeders' directory. WILLIAM M. RUGGLES, Walnut Grove Farm (five miles north of Mechanicsville), Iowa, breeder of Short- Hor7i Cattle, Poland-China Sivine, and Cotswold Sheep, all of pure breeding. Young stock for sale at reason- able prices. JOHN MITCHELL, " Poplar Hill Farm," Fairfax, Iowa, breeder and importer of Leicester Sheep and Berkshire and Poland-Chi?ia Swine. Stock always on hand and for sale. J. P. McCULLY, WiNFiELD (Henry county), Iowa, breeder of pure Short-Horn Cattle and Poland-China Hogs. B. M. ROBINS, Osceola, Iowa, breeder of Short-Horn Cattle and Poland-Chi7ia Swine. Choice stock for sale at all times. Address, for particulars, as above. D. W. McCROSKEY, " Blue Grass Stock Farm," Tipton (Cedar county), Iowa, breeder of Short-Horn Cattle, Berkshire Swine, and Cotswold Sheep. Correspondence solicited. W. R. WILLS, PiTTSFiELD (Pike county). III., breeder of Short-Horn Cattle and Cotswold Sheep. Stock for sale at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited. W. H. LEAVITT, Cedar Valley (Blackhawk county), Iowa, breeder of pure Pola^id-CJmia Swine and Short- Horn Cattle. S. R. PRICE, breeder of Short-Hor?i Cattle and Poland- Chifia Swine, Belle Plaine, Iowa. Stock sold and shipped. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. B. GILBERT, Lewisville, Ind., breeder of pure Po- land-Chifia Hogs. Stock for sale at reasonable rates. Correspondence solicited. BREEDERS DIRECTORY. 75 SAMUEL L. DRAGOO, Edinburg, Ind., breeder of pure Polatid-China Hogs. Stock for sale. Correspon- * dence solicited. LLOYD MUGG, Center, Ind., breeder and shipper of pure Poland-China Hogs. Stock for sale at reasonable tates and satisfaction guaranteed. G. W. HOMAN, Portland Mills, Ind., breeder of choice Poland-China Swine. Young stock for sale at reasonable rates. F. M. PITZER, KoKOMO, Ind., breeder of thorough-bred Poland-China Swine. Stock for sale in pairs not akin. "Perfection" is at the head of herd. J. H. HAYNES, Delphi, Ind., breeder of pure Berkshire Swine and Swiss Cattle ; also Toulouse., Bremen., Black African, White Chifia, Ho?ig Kong, and Sebastapol Geese. J. W. SHELL, Thorntown, Ind., breeder of thorough- bred Berkshire Swine. Stock for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. W. x\. MACY, Lewisville (Henry county), Ind., breeder of pure Poland-China Swine of the best strain, and Devo7i Cattle. Stock 'for sale at reasonable rates. TURNER & FOSHER, Fincastle (Putnam county), Ind., breeder . R. KING, "Prairie Home," Marshall (Saline county), Mo., breeder of pure Short-Horn Cattle. Stock for sale at reasonable rates. J. S. LATIMER, Abingdon (Knox county). III., breeder of Short-Horn Cattle and Poland-China Hogs. Stock for sale. Correspondence solicited. S. CHAPMAN & SON, Ontario (Knox county), III., breeders of Holstei?i Cattle. Young stock for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondence sohcited. J. BRANARD & SON, Ontario (Knox county), III., breeders of Short-Horn Cattle and Poland-China Swine. Young stock for sale. All letters of inquiry ])romptly answered. ILLINOIS BREEDERS' DIRECTORY. Cattle NAMKS. Aldricb. v.. lU'aty, J. 11.. . l>o'j:gs, A. (\. Beideii, F. AV., Bond, John, Bvram, Mrs. E., Black, William, Bnrrnss, Geo, L. c^ Son. Brown. S. S., Brown. J. jS'.'s Soni- Campbell, J. L., Crane, A. A., Clark, J. G., Chrisnian, H., Car .son. Andrew, Cum mill us. Win., Crowder. Thos. H., Center, J. H., Cripj)en, S. L., . Deyes, Samuel, Dun lap, Stei)hen, Elliott, Georjie, Eunk, A. C, Green. C. H.. Gillham. J. C, . Gillham, I). B., Halloway, Robert, Hiogiiis, B. B., Houston, Rigdon, Hoiilton. J. iSc J. E., ilawkiiiK, Enoch, Houston & Lyon, . Hills, Samuel, lies, Edward, — Short-Horns. POST-OFFICE. Tiskilwa, Bureau (Jounty. . Nokoinis, Montoomery " Princeton, Bureau " Kaneville, Kane " Abingdon, Knox " Abingdon, Knox " Carrollton, Greene " . Carrollton, Greene " Galena, Jo Daviess " . Berlin, Sangamon " Abingdon, Knox Osco, Henry " Champaign, Champaign " St. Augustine, Knox " Aniboy, Lee " Bnda, Bureau " Marrowbone, Moultrie " Ottawa, LaSalle . Camp Point, Adams " Sciota, McDonoiigh " Jacksonville, Morgan Harristown, Macon " lUoomiugton, McLean ** Ottawa, LaSalle . Lincoln, Logan " Alton, Madison " . Alexis, Warren " Dixon, Lee " Blandinsville, ^IcDonough " Jackson Corners, AVarren . Hermon, Knox " Pontiac, Livingston " Lamoille, Bureati " . Springfield, Sangamon '' 86 ILLINOIS breeders' DIRECTORY, NAMES. Jones, Nelson, Kepple, J. & D., Lahman, J. C, Lewis, E. C, Latmer, J. S., Lippincott, C. E., Lowman, David, Lowns, J. & Son, Moffatt, W. & K., Mix, James, McKey, W. J., . Noel, Wm., Niccolls, C. M., Nelson, H. C, Olmstead, H. D. & So Otley, George, (3tley, Robert, . Owens, J. R., Pickrell, J. H., Pickrell, W. & W., Prather, S. E. & G. Potts, J. H. & Son, Patterson, J. A., Porter, J. D., Powers, A., Rarasej^, J. C, Rvburn, J. B. C'ves, Samuel, . . Sciota, McDonough " Klfiott, Geo., . Harristown, Macon " Funk, A. C, Bloomington, McLean " Franeis, John, . New Lenox, AVill " Gillham, D. B., . . Alton, Madison Gore, D. & Son, . Carlinville, Macoupin " Hewer Bros., . Gray Willow, Kane " Higgins, B. B,, Dixon, Lee " Plighmore, John S., Rochester, Sangamon " Hunter, Geo., . . Carlinville, Macoupin " lies, Edward, Springfield, Sangamon " Jones, N. N., . . Normal, McLean " Kepple, J. & D., . Bardolph, McDonough " Lahman, J. C, Frankhn Grove, Lee " Lippincott, C. E., . Chandlerville, Cass " Moffatt, W. c<: R., . Paw Paw Grove, Lee Mason, I. W., . . Burnside, Hancock " Maxham, H. N., . Diamond Lake, Lake " McCov, M. D., . Rochester, Sangamon " Mills, Chas. F., Springfield, Sangamon " Noel, Wni., . ". Paxton, Ford Niceolls, C. M., . LeRoy, McLean Parks, C. C, Waukegan, Lake " Peiffer, J. M., . . Rochelle, Ogle Pickrell, J. H., . . Harristown, Macon " Pickrell, W. & W., . . Mechanicsburg, Sangamon " Prather, S. E. & J. F., Springfield, Sangamon " Potts, J. H. & Son, . . Jacksonville, Morgan " Powers, A., . Sterling, Whitesides " Roach, J. E., . Lincoln, Logan " Rvburn, J. B. & Bros., . Bloomington, McLean " Scott, J. R., Champaign, Champaign " Snoad, Charles, Joliet, Will Springer, F, K., Sprinsfield, Sangamon " Sudduth, James, . . Windsor, Shelby " Shelly, J. R., . Shannon, Carroll "' Stewart, AVm., Franklin Grove, Lee " Smith, Samuel, . Rushville, Schuyler Smith, William, . Lexington, McLean " Stei)henson, J. W., . Bruceville, LaSalle Stookey, M. J., . Belleville, St. Clair Tunison, H. & J. D., Whitehall, Greene Tewill, E., . Clayton, Adams " Thompson, S. M. & J. F., . . Canton, Fulton " True, George A,, . . Utica, LaSalle Voorhies, W., . . Milmine, Piatt " Wise, A. H., Freeport, Stephenson " ity 90 ILLINOIS BREEDERS DIRECTORY Poland-China. NAMES. POST-OFFICE. Brooks, R. G., . . . . Brimfield, Peoria County, Carey & Otto, Canton, Fulton " Corzett, S. E., . . . . Canton, Fulton Campbell, J. L., .... Abingdon, Knox " Clark, J. G., . . . Champaign, Champaign '' Carson, Andrew, Am boy, Lee " Cushman, J. S. & H. R., . . Abingdon, Knox " Emery, D. F. & Sons, . . . Canton, Fulton " Hunt, M. W., Mokena, Will Houlton, J. & J. P., . . Jacksonville, Morgan " Hodgson, L. (;., . . . . Ottawa, LaSalle Higgins, B. B., Dixon, Lee " Johnson, A. M., .... Gerlaw, Warren " Lahman, J. C, ... Franklin Grove, Lee " Lawrence, D., . . . Prairie Center, LaSalle " Mason, J. W., . . . Burnside, Hancock " Orton, B. J., .... Cambridge, Henry " Owen, J. L., Mokena, Will Penlield, Josiah, . . . Tremont, Tazewell " Russell, W. H., , , . . Sandoval, Marion " Raley, E. V., .... Granville, Putnam " .Stoll, Henry C, . . . . Frankfort, Franklin Tunison, H.& J. D., . . Whitehall, Greene Vaught, G., Baileyville, Ogle Chester Whites. Francis, John, . Kercheval, Chas. E., Kimberly, R., . Lawrence, D., Olmstead, H. D. & Son, Searles. F., . New Lenox, Will County. Johet, Will . Green River, Henry •' Prairie Center, LaSalle " Freedom, LaSalle " . Hadley, Lawrence " Essex. Longshore, J. G., Neely, W. J., Overholt, J. S. R., 8chooley, J. P., Wilmington, Will County. Ottawa, LaSalle Streator, LaSalle Ottawa, LaSalle Aldrich, v., Allen, R. C, Bishop, James, Carson, Andrew, Elliott, George, Sheep — Cotswold. . Tiskilwa, Bureau Countj. Harristown, Macon " Randolph, McLean " Amboy, Lee " Harristown, Macon " IIJJNOIS HREEDERS DIRECTORY. NAMES. Gillhani, J. C, . Moffatt, W. tt R., . Parks. C. C. Ryburn, J. B. & Bros., Stewart, AVilliam, Sudduth, James, Wendell, Thos. & Sons, POST-OFFICE. Lincoln, Lo