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PAGE Washington City 3 The Capitol— General Description... 4-22 Providence Hospital 22 United States Coast Survey OflQce 22 Navy Yard 23 Government Hospital for the Insane.. 23 Marine Barracks 23 Christ Church 23 Naval Hospital 24 Congressional Cemetery 24 Institute for the Deaf and Dumb 25 Government Printing Office 25 Government Botanical Garden 26 Arsenal 27 Smithsonian Institute 27 National Museum 28 Department of Agriculture 29 Museum of Agriculture 30 Conservatory 30 Propagating Garden 30 Franklin Square 30 Columbian University 31 Wayland Seminary 31 Army Medical Museum 31 Masonic Temple 32 Patent Office 32 Post-Office Department 33 Judiciary Square and City Hall 34 Rock Creek Church and Cemetery 34 National Military Cemetery 34 Soldiers' Home 35 Hovcard University 35 Treasury Department 36 PAGE Cash Room 37 Department of Justice 37 President's House 38 Washington Monument 39 Lafayette Square 40 Corcoran Art Gallery 40 War Department 41 Navy Department 41 New State, War, and Navy Depart- ments 41 Winder's Building 41 Rawlins Statue 42 Signal Office 42 National Observatory 42 Georgetown 43 Arlington House 44 The Cemetery 44 Georgetown College 45 Convent of the Visitation 45 Georgetown High Service Reservoir... 45 Oak Hill Cemetery 45 Scott Statue 46 Louise Home 46 Thomas Statue 47 Great Falls of the Potomac 47 Mount Vernon 47 Alexandria 48 Churches 49 Hotels 50 Railroads 51 Street Cars 51 Theatres 51 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by W. H. & O. H. Morrison, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. STRANGER'S GUIDE. WASHINGTON CITY. ASHINGTON, the seat of Government of the United States, is situated upon tlie Potomac, at the head of tide-water and of navi- gation, at the confluence of the Anacostia. The Potomac is the broadest river in the Union, and one of the most beautiful. At its mouth it is 7w miles wide ; at Washington its width is Ij miles ; while the Anacostia at its mouth is about as wide as the main stream, A grand natural amphitheatre is formed by a chain of low wooded hills en- circling the city on the east, north, and west, the sides and tops of which afford commanding views. The site is one of the most beautiful in the Union, and admirably adapted to manufactures and commerce. But owing to the immediate vicinity of Baltimore and Alexandria, and the official gifts of the Government, the at- tention of the inhabitants has never turned toward the great natural advan- tages of the position for business enterprises. The city is contemporaneous with the Capitol. Prior to the location of the seat of government at this place, there was not even a village where the beautiful city now stretches its broad avenues. The act establishing the seat of government at its present location was passed July 16, 1790 ; and in 1800 the transfer from Philadel- phia took place. The grandeur of the plan of the city, and the distances of the public edifices from each other, with the slender aid afforded by Congress, have retarded its growth and the completion of the original design. But these difficulties are being overcome, and, since 1861, there has been new life infused into the sluggish spirit that made Washington known as " a city of distances." In 1870 the real improvements began in earnest, and Wash- ington, with its lovely parked streets and avenues, its completed and newly begun public buildings and elegant private residences, is, perhaps, the most beautiful city in the Union. The prosperity and comfort of the city is greatly enhanced by the munificent supply of water through the grand aqueduct recently completed. The consumption of water, daily, is over 24,000,000 gallons, the largest quantity proportionately to size of any city in the world, it is said. On the 21st of February, 1871, an Act of Congress was passed, declaring that all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia should be created into a goveirnment by tlie name of the said district, and that the executive power and authority in and over the same should be vested in a Governor, who should be' appointed by the President ; and the legislative power be vested in a legislative assembly. Under this act the President appointed Henry D. Cooke, Governor, who re- signed September, 1873, when Alexander R. Shepherd was appointed his successor, and remained in office until June, 1874 ; when the act of February, 1871, was amended by abolishing the executive and the legislature, and vesting the authority temporarily in three Commissioners. 4 steanger's guide According to an Act of Congress approved June 11th, 1878, a permanent form of government for the District of Cohimbia was established. It consists of three Commissioners, appointed bv the President and confirmed by the Senate. Under a provision of the Bill it is required that one of the said Commissioners shall be an officer of the Engineer Corps of the Army, whose lineal rank shall be above that of Captain. The Commissioners appointed by the President under this Act, and still holding office, are Messrs. Phelps, Dent, and Major Twining. The officers of the District Government are located in the Morrison Building, on 41- street, between Pennsylvania Avenue and C streets — N. W. By the direction of Congress a Census of the inhabitants of the District was taken in the summer of 1878, when it was shown to have a population of over 160,000 ; a steady and healthy growth from the date of the general census in 1870. Under the provisions of the Bill for establishing the permanent govern- ment, the Government of the United States assumes a fair and equitable share of the general expenses of the District and of the cost of all improve- ments ; the effect of which has been a more rapid advance in material pros- perity than ever. It is now believed that in a short time Washington will become in every respect worthy the great nation whose Capital it is, and that in a fewshoi't years it will sit crowned the Queen City of the Continent, the delight and pride of all Americans. FIRST DAY. THE CAPITOL AND ALL EAST OF IT. THE CAPITOL. GENERAL DESCRIPTION.— The Capitol has a noble and com- manding situation upon the brow of what is known as Capitol Hill, in about the centre of the plot of the city, and a mile northeast of the Potomac. The beautiful white dome springing so airily into the sky, is visible for miles around, while from it a magniticent view of the surrounding country may be obtained, amply rewarding the exertion of climbing to the outlook. The river is seen to emerge from the narrow gorges of the hills in the di- rection of the Blue Kidge ; suddenly it turns from a nearly eastern to a southern direction, and meeting with ine ocean tides it widens into a bay, a mile in width, whose placid waters mirror the elevated slopes which wall it in on either side. The Capitol, like Rome, was not built in a day. It has gradually grown with the country, and like the country, it was modelled upon a grand scale, and with an eye to future enlargements. The corner-stone of the old building, which now constitutes the centre of the new edifice, was laid on TO WASHINGTON CTTY. tlie 18th of September, 1793, by General Washington, in the presence of a large concourse of citizens, and with imposing ceremonials. The ])lan was drawn by Dr. Thornton, and the work executed under several successive architects (Messrs. Hallet, Hadfield, Hoban, Bulfinch, and Latrobe), but was not complete when it was destroyed by the British army, in 1814. It was rebuilt in the course of the succeeding ten years, but after a quarter of a century it was found inadequate in many respects to the public conve- nience. It is 352 feet 4 inches in length. The width of the wings is 121 feet, and the width of the centre, including the portico and steps, 290 feet. This whole structure, including centre and Avings, became the centre of the new building. The corner-stone of the new wings was laid by President Fillmore, on the 4th of July, 1851. Mr. Webster delivered an oration on the occasion. The wings are connected with the main building by corridors, each 44 feet UNITED STATES CAPITOl, in length, and 55 in width. They are eacli 324 feet in length, from east to west, including porticos and steps, by 152 feet 8 inches, from north to south, including porticos. The total length of the whole edifice is 751 feet 4 inches. The material of the old building is yellow sandstone, which has been painted white to beautify and preserve it. The Avings are of white marble. The architecture is Corinthian ; and the style of finish, exterior and in- terior, is elaborate. The new dome rises 241 feet above the top of the building, and 396 feet 4 inches above the level of the grounds, or only 4 feet less than St. Paul's, and 36 feet less than St. Peter's. The iiiaterial of the dome is cast iron, and the entire roof is of copper. The architect of the extension was Thos. U. Walter, of Philadelphia. The entire amount appropriated by Congress, since 1800 to date, for the construction and preservation of the Capitol, is over $13,000,000. The white marble monument, at the Avestern entrance to the Capitol Park, is a contribution from oflicers of the Navy to commemorate the restoration of the Union in 1865. It was executed in Italy, by Franklin Simmons, and erected in 1878. It is supposed that the visitor will approach the Capitol throjgh the west grounds, and after ascending the terrace and interior stairways, enter the Rotunda through the Avest door. 6 stranger's guide THE ROTUNDA is 96 feet in diameter and 180 feet high to the Can- opy, which is 65 feet in diameter. This Canopy is decorated by a fresco by Brumidi, representing a deification of Washington, with Freedom on his right, and Victory on his left, while thirteen female figures in the fore- ground represent the original States. At the base are six groups designed as an allegorical representation of the Revolution. The artist and his assistants received $39,000 for their work, and the cost of the material is estimated at over $10,000. A nearer view may be obtained from a platform immediately beneath the Canopy in ascending to the top of the Dome. The circular wall about the sides of the Rotunda is divided into eight panels, occupied by historical paintings. Four of them are illustrative of Revolutionary events, and were executed by Colonel John Trumbull, of Connecticut, an aid-de-camp to Washington. They represent the Declara- tion of Independence ; the Surrender of General Burgoyne, at Saratoga ; the Surrender of Cornwallis, at Yorktown ; and the Resignation of the Command of the Army by General Washington to Congress, at Annapolis, at the conclusion of peace. The other paintings in the four opposite panels, are, respectively, the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, by Weir ; the Landing of Columbus, by Vanderlyn ; De Soto's Discovery of the Mississippi, by Powell ; and the Baptism of Pocahontas, by Chapman. The paintings are all by American artists. PAINTINGS IN THE ROTUNDA.— These paintings contain many portraits painted from life, and deserve a special description on account of their value as truthful representations of noted people, and episodes in our history as a nation. DECLARATION OP INDEPENDENCE.— The hall, with its furni- ture, and the dress of the figures, are correctly pictured in this portrayal of SIGNING OP THE DECLARATION OF INDEPEXDENCK. the memorable moment of Signing the Declaration of Independence. The persons represented are, beginning on the left and continuing to the right, 1, George Wythe, of Virginia ; 2, William Whipple, and 3, Josiah Bart- TO WASHINGTON CITY. 7 lett, of New Hampshire ; 4, Benjamin Harrison, of Virginia ; 5, Thomas Lynch, of South Carolina ; 6, R. H. Lee, of Virginia ; 7, Samuel Adams, of Massachusetts ; 8, George Clinton, of New York ; 9, William Paca, and 10, Samuel Chase, of Maryland ; 11, Lewis Morris, and 12, William Floyd, of New York ; 13, Arthur Middleton, and 14, Thomas Heyward, of South Carolina; 15, Charles Carroll, of Maryland; 16, George Walton, of Vir- ginia ; 17, Robert Morris, 18, Thomas Willing, and 19, Benjamin Rush, of Pennsylvania ; 20, Elbridge Gerry, and 21, Robert T. Paine, of Massachu- setts ; 22, Abraham Clark, of New Jersey ; 23, Stephen Hopkins, and 24, William Ellery, of Rhode Island ; 25, George Clymer, of Pennsylvania ; 26, "William Hooper, and 27, Joseph Hewes, of North Carolina ; 28, James Wilson, of Pennsylvania ; 29, Francis Hopkinson, of New Jersey ; 30, John Adams, of Massachusetts ; 31, Roger Sherman, of Connecticut ; 32, R. L. Livingstone, of New York ; 33, Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia ; 34, Benja- min Franklin, of Pennsylvania ; 35, Richard Stockton, of New Jersey ; 36, Francis Lewis, of New York ; 37, John Witherspoon, of New Jersey ; 38, Samuel Huntington, 39, William Williams, and 40, Oliver Wolcott, of Connecticut ; 41, John Hancock, of Massachusetts ; 42, Charles Thomson, of Pennsylvania ; 43, George Read, of Delaware ; 44, Jonathan Dickinson, of Pennsylvania ; 45, Edward Ratledge, of South Carolina ; 46, Thomas McKean, of Delaware ; and 47, Philip Livingstone, of New York. SURRENDER OP BURGOYNE.— This painting represents Bur- goyne at Saratoga, October, 1777, as he is offering his sword to General SURRENDER OF BURGOYNE. Gates, who declines to receive it, and invites the conquered General into his quarters. Beginning at the left, the portraits are of— 1, Major Lithgow, of Massachusetts ; 2, Colonel Cilley, and 3, General Stark, of New Hamp- shire ; 4, Captain Seymour, of Connecticut; 5, Major Hull, and 6, Colonel Greaton, of Massachusetts ; 7, Major Dearborn, and 8, Colonel Scammell, of New Hampshire ; 9, Colonel Lewis, of New York ; 10, Major-General 8 STRANGER S GUIDE Phillips, of the British Army ; 11, Lientenant-General Burgoyne, Com- mander of the British Forces; 12, General Baron Beidesel, of the British Army ; 13, Colonel Wilkinson ; 14, General Gates, Commander of the American Forces ; 15, Colonel Prescott, of Massachusetts ; 16, Colonel Morgan, of Virginia ; 17, Brigadier-General Rufiis Putnam, 18, Lieutenant- Colonel Brooks, of Massachusetts ; 1 9, Reverend Mr. Hitchcock, of Rhode Island, Chaplain; 20, Major Robert Troup, of New York; 21, Major Haskell, of Massachusetts ; 22, Major Armstrong ; 23, Major-General Philip Schuyler, of New York ; 24, Brigadier-General Glover, of Massachusetts ; 25, Brigadier-General Whipple, of New Hampshire ; 26, Major Clarkson, of New York ; and 27, Major Stevens, of Massachusetts. SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. — The surrender of Lord Corn- wallis at Yorktown, Va., October, 1781, was the close of the long, bitter contest, and was attended by peculiar circumstances. When General Lin- coln had surrendered to the British at Cliarleston, S. C, some time before, Lord Cornwallis refused to permit the Americans to march out with flying colors as was usual. When Cornwallis surrendered. General Washington SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. appointed General Lincoln to oversee the manner in which the British should submit, Avhich was with arms shouldered and colors lowered. On the right of the road leading to Yorktown are the American troops, and opposite are the French troops, while Cornwallis and his officers are passing the American and French Generals. The persons represented are, beginning on the left : 1, Count Deuxponts ; 2, Duke de Laval Montmorency ; 3, Count Custine ; 4, Duke de Lauzun ; 5, General Choisy ; 6, Viscount Viomesnil ; 7, Marquis de St. Simon ; 8, Count Fersen ; 9, Count Dumas ; 10, Marquis Chastellux ; 11, Baron Viomesnil ; 12, Count de Barre; 13, Count de Gra&se ; 14, Count Rochambeau, General-in- J TO WASHINGTON CITY. 9 Chief of the French Forces; 15, General Lincohi ; 16, Colonel Stevens; 17, General Washington ; 18, Thomas Nelson ; 19, Lafayette ; 20, Baron Steuben ; 21, Colonel Cobb ; 22, Colonel Trumbull ; 23, Major-General Clinton, of New York ; 24, General Gist, of Maryland ; 25, General Wayne, of Pennsylvania ; 26, General Hand, of Pennsylvania ; 27, General Muhlenberg, of Penn- sylvania ; 28, Major-General Knox ; 29 Lieutenant-Colonel Huntington ; 30, Colonel Timothy Pickering ; 31, Colonel Alexander Hamilton ; 32, Colonel Laurens, of South Carolina ; 33, Colonel Walter Stuart, of Pennsylvania ; 34, Colonel Nicholas Fish, of New York, RESIGNATION OP GENERAL W ASHINGTON— This scene transpired in the State House at Annapolis, Md., December 23, 1783. The portraits given are of the following persons, commencing on the left : 1, Thomas Mifflin, of Pennsylvania, who was President of Congress ; 2, Charles Thomson, of Pennsylvania ; 3, Elbridge Gerry, of Massachusetts ; 4, Hugh Williamson, of North Carolina ; 5, Samuel Osgood, of Massachusetts ; 6, Edward McComb, of Delaware ; 7, George Partridge, of Massachusetts ; 8, Edward Lloyd, of Maryland ; 9, E. D. Spaight, and 10, Benjamin Hawkins, of North Carolina; 11, A. Foster, of New York; 12, Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia; 13, Arthur Lee, of Virginia; 14, David Howell, of Ehode Island; 15, James Monroe, of Virginia; 16, Jacob Eeed, of South Carolina; 17, RESIGNATION OF GENERAL WASHINGTON. James Madison, of Virginia; 18, William Ellery, of Ehode Island; 19, J. Chase, of Maryland; 20, S. Hardy, of Virginia; 21, C. Morris, of Penn- sylvania ; 22, General Washington ; 23 and 24, Colonels Walker and Hum- phreys ; 25 and 26, Generals Smallwood and Williams ; 27 and 28, Colonel Smith and Howard, of Maryland ; 29, Charles Carroll and two daughters, of INIaryland ; 30, Mrs. Washington and her three grandchildren ; 31, Daniel Jenifer^ of Maryland. THE BAPTISM OP POCAHONTAS, 1613.— This Indian princess is receiving the Christian sacrament of baptism. At her side is John Eolfe, 10 STRANGER S GUIDE her future husband. The following portraits are introduced, beginning on the left: 1, Standard Bearer; 2, the Page ; 3, John and Ann Laydon; 4, Sir Thomas Dale ; 5, Alexander Whitaker ; 6, Hans Spilman ; 7, Pocahontas ; 8, Mr. and Mi-s. Forrest, first settlers ; 9, John Kolfe ; 10, sister to Pocahontas ; BAPTISM OF POCAHONTAS. 11, Nan tequas, brother to Pocahontas; 12, Opechancanoagh ; 13, uncle to Pocahontas ; 14, Richard Whiffin. DISCOVERY OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER— This painting is intended as a representation of the moment when De Soto discovered the Mississippi, May, 1541 ; but is not considered historically correct, as the DISCOVERY OF THE MISSISSIPPI BY DE SOTO. party was ragged and broken down, and felt little elation when at last the ■waters of the great river broke upon their view. The figures are De S6ta TO AVASHINGTON CITY. 11 mounted, and some soldiers and Indians. De Soto, it will be remembered, died from fatigue, and was buried in the river. LANDING- OF COLUMBUS.— This represents Columbus, October 12th, 1492, in the act of proclaiming possession, in the name of the king LANDING OF COLUMBUS. and queen of Spain, of the island which was the first land discovered. The figure of Columbus is easily recognized, and the remaining figures explain themselves. EMBARKATION OF THE PILGRIMS.— This picture portrays the Puritan fathers embarking for the wilds of America, from Delft Haven, Holland, July 21, 1620, in the hope of finding their religious liberty. EMBAKKATION OF 'J HE PILGRIMS. The following are the portraits, commencing on the left: 1, boy of Mrs. Winslow; 2, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow ; 3, Mr. and Mi-s. White; 4, boy of 12 STRANGER S GUIDE Mrs. Winslow ; 5, Mrs. Brewster and child ; 6. Elder William Brewster ; 7, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller; 8, William Bradford; 9, Governor Carver; 10^ Nurse and child; 11, Mrs. Carver and child; 12, (William Eobinson), pastor of the little flock ; 13, Mrs. Bradford ; 14, Captain Keynolds; 15, boy of Governor Carver; 16, Miles Standish and his wife Rose. Above the four entrances to the Eotunda are four groups of sculpture in high relief, also illustrative of events in the history of the country. That over the north door represents William Penn in the act of making a treaty with the Indians under an elm tree. On the opposite wall, Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky, is represented in a desperate conflict with some Indians. Over the eastern doorway is a group representing the land- ing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Bock. The boat has just touched the rock, when the Englishman is met by the Indian with an offer of an ear of corn, as a symbol of hospitality and friendship. The child of the white man seems to beg his father not to venture on shore, while the mother looks with trustful eyes to heaven. Over the western door, Pocahontas is shown in the act of shielding Captain John Smith, the pioneer colonist of Virginia, from the savage ferocity of her father, Powhatan. These groups are by Italian artists and cost $3500 each. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.— The principal door of the Library is directly opposite the west door of the Rotunda. This Library consists of a hall 91 feet long, 34 feet wide, ^iffPll "I ''1---~^LI ' "■■ and 38 feet high, with a wing on the north, and one on the south end of the main hall. These wings are each 95 feet long, 29 ^ feet wide, and 38 feet high. These halls are considered to be perfectly fire- proof, the entire shelving and walls being built of iron, and the floor laid with encaustic tile. It is the only fire-proof library in the Avorld, and the largest and finest in the United States. It is for the use of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, Judges of the United States Su- CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY. preme Court, and heads of the departments. It consists of about 375,000 volumes, and 150,000 pamphlets. The number increases at the rate of 15,000 volumes and 5000 pamphlets annually. It is peculiarly rich in books and maps relating to America, and, very properly, more information of the history and topography of America is to be found here than in any other library in the world. A magnificent view of the city can be obtained from the balcony on the west side of the library. All persons of not less than sixteen years of age, can obtain books, to be read only in the library, by filling one of the blank forms lying on the table, and handing it in at the librarian's desk. Tlie law branch of the library occupies a room formerly used by the TO WASHINGTON CITY. 13 Supreme Court of the United States, and is immediately under the present Supreme Court room. This law library is the largest and most valuable collection of the kind in the United States. COURT ROOM. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES.— (Old Senate Chamber.) Eeturning to the Eotunda, the visitor, in passing to the Senate wing, through the north door of the Rotunda, will find the door of the Supreme Court room open- ing on the right from the vesti- bule. The second Monday in October has been fixed by Act of Congress, January, 1873, as the day for the opening of the sessions of the Court. This room was formerly the United States Senate chamber. Continuing north, tlie visitor reaches the corridor of the Senate, opposite the entrance to the floor of the chamber, then, turning to '^^^^^^^^ ^'^^"^^^ ^'^°'^- the right, he follows the corridor until he reaches the vestibule of the main entrance to the Senate wins:, where is found the Crawford or SENATE BRONZE DOOR.— This beautiful work of art was placed in its position at the eastern or main entrance to the Senate wing in Novem- ber, 1868. It is 14 feet 6 inches high, and measures in width, including the jambs, 7 feet 6 inches. It consists of two valves, the one on the right commemorating War and its fierce conflicts ; that on the left. Peace and its attendant triumphs. In the upper panel of the right valve we have the Battle of Bunker Hill, and the Death of Warren ; next the Battle of Mon- mouth, and General Lee, who meditated betraying the American Army, receiving the scathing rebuke of Washington ; next comes the Siege of Yorktown, with the noble and gallant Hamilton at the head of the storming party ; and finally we see a Hessian soldier attacking the homestead of a Colonist, and receiving his death-wound from its brave defender. In the lower panel of the left valve we have the allegorical representation of Peace ; in the panel next above is the Ovation to Washington, at Trenton, N. J., as he was on his way to New York to assume the office of President ; the panel above this represents the Inauguration of Wasliington as first President of the United States ; and in the upper panel we see the Laying of the Corner- stone of the Capitol by Washington, in September, 1793. This door was designed by Crawford, and is generally considered to be equal to the Rogers door, besides having the merit of being a home produc- tion, as it Avas cast at the Chicopee Foundry, in Massachusetts, by the Messrs. 14 STRANGER S GUIDE Ames ; it was the last work by the lamented Crawford. The entire weight of the door is 14,000 pounds ; the cost of construction was $56,000, of which the artist received $6000 for the model, and the remainder was for casting. Above the door are two figures in American Marble, by Crawford, repre- senting Justice and History. Passing through this door the visitor emerges upon the portico of the Senate wing. The tympanum of the pediment of this portico is filled with sculpture by the late Thomas Crawford. He endeavored to represent by a single group the history and condition of the United States. In the centre stands the figure of America holding in her right hand some laurel wreaths which she offers as rewards to those of her citizens who have justly earned such honors. She is supported by the eagle and by the rising sun, typical of the strength and youth of the nation. On her right are the emblems of civilization and progress, which are the fruits of liberty and re- publicanism. The soldier stands with his hand on his sword ready to defend ; the merchant, with his hand on the globe, advances commerce ; the youth, from the public school, comes ready to serve his country and promote her industry by educated application to trade, to manufactures, to diplomacy, or to arms ; the teacher instructs the youth ; the mechanic rests from his labor with hammer and wheel, and occupies his place between the emblems of agriculture aud commerce, and public instruction and employment. On the left hand the conquest of the wilderness and of the savage are pre- sented. The pioneer levels the forest. The youthful hunter, loaded with game, looks askance at the clearing of the new settler. The Indian warrior, in an attitude of deepest despondency, contemplates and laments the gradual extinction of his race, and his wife and children recline behind him, and separate him from the grave, which here is typical of the end of an inferior race, which is giving place to culture and education in a higher order of beings. This is considered by many to be the greatest work of Crawford and one of the loveliest adornments of the Capitol. Re-entering, the visitor will see at the foot of the stairs leading to the East Gallery of the Senate, the statue of Franklin, by Powers. Cost $10,000. Above the first landing is the painting of Perry's Victory over the British on Lake Erie, by Powell, of Ohio. Cost $25,000. This staircase is of highly polished Tennessee marble, and is exceedingly beautiful. THE SENATE RECEPTION ROOM opens from the north of the east vestibule of the Senate wing. This room is 60 feet long. The ceiling is vaulted and divided into two arches. The north half is embellished with frescoes representing Liberty, War, Plenty, and Peace : and those in the south half represent Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Strength. These are by Brumidi, as is also the painting under the arch in the south wall, portraying Washington in consultation with Jefferson, Secretary of State, and Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury. On the east a door opens into the Post-Office of the Senate. The fresco on the ceiling is by Brumidi, and represents History, Geography, Physics, anti the Telegraph. Adjoining is the Room of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. On the walls are four designs representing the Secession War, Union, and Peace. TO WASHINGTON CITY, 15 liiiiffiMiiiiiBiiJtliiwiililiimilitiiffilifi^^ ' 4;3H5a":'.;',!V.a: "^ ■ The west door of the Reception Eoom leads into the vestibule of the Senate Lobby. A private staircase on the left is guarded by a beautiful bronze rail- ing. On the west side of the Lobby is a similar staircase. These, though lovely and elaborate, are but little noticed, owing to the darkness of this portion of the building. Passing into the Senate Lobby, which is open to the public when the Senate is not in session, the first door on the right opens into the Vice-President's room. Peale's painting of Washington is in this room. The second door on the right of the Lobby leads to a small vestibule, from which opens the Marble Eoom. The ceilings and columns are of white marble, and the walls of Tennessee marble. It is used as a private reception room by the Senators. This is considered the most beautiful room in the Capitol. ^^^^^^ ««°^^' ^^^^^™- Returning to the Lobby, the two doors on the left open into the SENATE CHAMBER, which may be visited at any time when the Senate is not in session. SENATE CHAMBER, This chamber is 113 feet 3 inches long, by 80 feet 3 inches wide, including the galleries, which extend all around, and will accommodate about one thousand persons. The space under the galleries, on the east, west, and south sides, is partitioned into cloak rooms for the Senators, and on the north side is the Senate Lobby. The area of the floor is diminished by these rooms to 83 feet 11 inches long, by 51 feet 1 inch wide. The Vice-President presides over this body. His desk occupies a raised 16 STRANGER S GUIDE platform on the north side. The floor will seat 74 senators. Many of the desks in use were used in the old Senate Chamber, more than half a century ago. The portion of the gallery over the President of the Senate, is devoted to the reporters of the press. On the south side, opposite the Reporters' Gallery, is the Diplomatic Gallery, for the accommodation of foreign repre- sentatives. The Ladies' Gallery is east of that portion assigned to the diplo- matic corps and reporters, while that on the west is for gentlemen. In the northeast vestibule of the Ladies' Gallery may be found two of the finest paintings in the building, viz. : " The Grand Canon of the Yellow- stone," and ''The Grand Canon of the Colorado," both the work of the emi- nent American artist, Thomas Moran. THE LADIES' RETIRING ROOM is on the north, directly back of, and opening from that portion of the Ladies' Gallery adjoining the Re- porters' Gallery. It is for the exclusive use of ladies, and is complete in all requirements, and is attended by a woman employed by the Senate. The Senate Chamber is lighted by a skylight in the roof. At night the gas jets along the glass panels above the ceiling are ignited by electricity, and the light is quite like sunlight. The ceiling is of iron, with glass panels in the centre to let the light into the hall. These panels are painted in symbols of the Union, the Army, the Navy, and the mechanical arts. Again, returning to the Lobby, we pass into a small vestibule on the west. On the right is the PRESIDENT'S ROOM, where the President sits during the last hurried days of the session, to be nearer the Senate, in order to sign the bills as soon as passed by the Senate and House of Representatives. The walls and ceilings are hand- somely decorated. Portraits of Jefferson, Secretary of State ; Henry Knox, Secretary of War ; and Alexander Hamilton, Secre- tary of the Treasury ; Edmund Randolph, Attorney-General, and. S. Osgood, Postmaster-General, Washington's first Cabinet, are on the walls, as is also a portrait of Washington. The four corner frescoes overhead represent Co- lumbus, or Discovery; William PRESIDENT'S ROOM IN THE CAPITOL. Brcwstcr, Religlou ; Americus Vespucius, Exploration ; and Franklin, or History. The four pieces be- tween these represent Liberty, Legislation, Religion, and Executive Power. All by Brumidi. After leaving the west vestibule a corridor to the left leads to the west staircase ascending to the galleries. This staircase is in beautiful white marble, and is usually considered much finer than the east staircase of Ten- nessee marble. TO WASHINGTON (TTY. 17 Opposite the foot of the stairs is a statue of Jolin Hancock, by Stone. Cost 15500. At the first landing is a painting by Walker, of New York, the Storming of Chapultepec under General Scott. Cost $6000. BASEMENT OF SENATE WING.— The steps leading down below the east and west staircases are to the basement. All the passages are hand- somely painted and richly decorated. The rooms are chiefly devoted to Committee and Folding rooms. These Committee rooms are richly adorned and frescoed, and will reward a walk to them ; over the entrance to the Committee room on Foi-eign Relations is a fresco of the Signing of the Treaty of Ghent. And on the entrance to the Committee room on Patents is a full length fresco of Eobert Fulton, both by Brumidi. Admission may be obtained by application to a Senator or Ser- geant-at-Arms. The Heating and Ventilating Apparatus is in the basement, in the south- west portion of the Senate wing, and is always open to visitors. The engineer will explain the principle upon which fresh and hot air are forced into the Senate chamber. The rooms in the basement that are worth seeing the most, are those oc- cupied by the Committee on Indian Affairs (this was intended for the Com- mittee on Agriculture and is decorated with American fruits and vines) ; the Committee on Naval Affairs ; and the Committee on Military Affairs. These two are frescoed emblematicallv. Many of the other rooms are very beauti- ful. The Official Telegraph is in the Senate basement, and the wires connect with the Executive Departments and Government Printing-office. The Crypt is to be found in the basement, under the Eotunda, and on tiie way from the Senate wing to the House wing. The forty columns that support the floor of the Eotunda are here, and the exact centre of the Capi- tol is the star in the centre of the pavement. The Undercroft is beneath the Crypt. It was the original intention to lay the remains of Washington here. A portion of the bier which held the re- mains of Lincoln, Thaddeus Stevens, and Chief-Justice Chase, is here. An officer of the building will open the Undercroft for visitors. Continuing south from the Crypt we reach the BASEMENT OF THE HOUSE WING.— The arrangement is simi- lar to that of the Senate basement ; a restaurant, where all kinds of refresh- ments may be obtained, is found here as well as in the Senate basement. The heating and ventilating apparatus is the same also. The Room of the Committee on Agriculture is one of the handsomest frescoed rooms in the building. It is near the foot of the west staircase on the House side. The fresco is by Brumidi. On the east wall is a representation of Cincin- natus called from the plough to become Dictator of Eome. On the opposite wall is Putnam called from the plough to join in the battle for liberty. A medallion of Washington and a Harvest in the Olden Time are on the south wall, while opposite is Jefferson and a Harvest with Modern Improve- 18 STRANGER S GUIDE nients. On the ceiling are representations of Flora, Ceres, Bacchus, and Boreas, symbolical of the four seasons. The Bath Boom, for the use of Members of Congress, is here in the base- ment, and is worth seeing. The visitor may now ascend the east or west stair, leading to the floor above. The House wing is, in general, the same as the Senate wing, only the Hall of Representatives is larger than the Senate chamber. The east staircase, the same as that of the Senate, leads to the east galleries. At the foot is a statue of Jefferson, by Powers, which cost $10,000. Over the first landing is an equestrian portrait of General Scott, by Troye. The corridors south of the House are similar to those north of the Senate, and the House is also similar to the Senate lobby. Opening from it are the Members' Keception Rooms and the Speaker's Room. These are open when the House is not in session. At the foot of the west staircase is the head of an Indian warrior, Buffalo, from nature. Over the first landing is the picture of Westward Ho ! by Emanuel Leutze ; cost |20,000. It is a party of emigrants, and explains itself. The galleries are like those of the Senate. THE HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES.— Is similar to the Senate chamber, but differs somewhat in the style of painting, and has desks for over three hundred members. It is 139 feet long, by 93 feet wide in its greatest extent. The floor is 113 feet, by 67 feet. The galleries will accommodate some fifteen hundred persons. Upon the wall, east of the Speaker, is the full-length portrait of Washington, by Vanderlyn, 1834, and on the opposite side a portrait of the Marquis de HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Lafayette, by Ary SchefFer, 1822. In the panel just east of the Washing- ton is a painting by Bierstadt, the " King's River Cailon," while occupying the corresponding panel on the west, adjoining the Lafayette, is the " Dis- TO WASHINGTON CITY. 19 covery of the Hudson," by the same artist, both works of decided merit. Ad- joining the last named is a fresco, by Brumidi, representing Washington at Yorktown. The Speaker's desk is of white marble, and very beautiful. The hall is lighted, heated and ventilated in the same manner as the Senate. NATIONAL HALL OF STATUARY (Old Hall of Kepresenta- tives). — After leaving the House wing follow the corridor leading north until this room is reached. It was formerly used as the House of Represen- tatives. It is said to have been modelled after the remains of a Grecian theatre, at Athens. It is semicircular. The roof is supported by columns of variegated marble, or pudding-stone, from quarries on the Potomac. Over the north entrance is a beautiful clock, in marble, representing History, seated in the winged car of Time, by Franzoni. The car is on a globe, upon which are cut the signs of the zodiac. July 2d, 1864, Congress passed an act setting apart this beautiful chamber as a Hall of Statuary, and inviting each and all the States to furnish statues, in marble or bronze, not exceeding two in number for each State, of deceased persons who have been citizens thereof, and illustrious for their historic re- nown, or from distinguished civic or military ser- vices. Up to this time the privilege has been accepted to a limited extent, which is greatly to be regretted. Rhode Island has sent a marble statue of Nathaniel Greene, Major-Generalin the Revolution- ary army, by H. K. Browne, of New York. This is considered by many the finest statue in the Capitol. The second statue from Rhode Island is of Roger Williams, by Simmons. Connecticut was the second to respond, and has placed here statues in marble of Jonathan Trum- bull, and Roger Sherman, both by Ives. New York came next, with a bronze statute of George Clinton, of Revolutionary fame, and Vice-President of the United States, by H. K. Browne. The second contribution from New York is the Robert Livingston, also in bronze, the work of that genial gentleman and artist, E, D. Palmer. Next in order follows Vermont. She sends to the National Gallery, first, her grand old warrior of Revolutionary fame, Ethan Allen, executed in marble, by Larkin G. Mead, himself a son of Vermont. The statue is colossal in size, and represents the old hero at the time when, in the name of the ** Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress," he demands the sur- render of Fort Ticonderoga. The second gift of Vermont to the nation, a statue of her eminent ex-Senator and jurist, Jacob Collamer, is now being executed in Italy. Massachusetts follows next, having placed in the Hall her statue of John Winthrop, the first Governor of the Colony, done in marble, by Richard S. Greenough. The Governor is represented as in the act of land- ing and first pressing foot upon the soil of America, bearing with him the OLD CLOCK, HOUSE OF R KPRESENTATIVES. 20 STRANGER S GUIDE Great Charter, which he holds in his right hand, in tlie left carrying the Bible. The second contribution from Massachusetts, the statue of her great Revolutionary leader, Samuel Adams, by Miss Whitney, of Boston, is ad- mired as a work of art and a striking presentation of the great Republican. New Jersey has ordered the following : Richard Stockton, marble, by H. K. Browne. Major-General Philip Kearney, killed in the rebellion, bronze, by H. K. Browne. Maine contributes the statue of her first Governor, William King, by Franklin Simmons, one of the most impressive statues in the United States. The much-talked-of Abraham Lincoln, for which Miss Ream received $15,000 ; a bust of Lincoln by Mrs. Ames, $2000 ; a bust of Kosciusko, in marble, by Saunders, |500 ; bust of Crawford, the sculptor ; bust of Crittenden, by Hart ; the bronze statue of Jefferson, by David, which for many years stood in the park north of the President's House ; and II Penseroso, by Mosier, |2000, are also here, as well as the magnificent statue of Alex- ander Hamilton, by Stone, $10,000. A collection of paintings has also been begun. There are portraits of Henry Clay, by Neagle ; of Charles Carroll, by Chester Harding.; of Gun- ning Bedford, of Delaware, by Stuart ; one of Joshua R. Giddings, by Miss Ransom, $1000 ; and a mosaic of Lincoln, presented by Salviati, of Venice, to the Government of the United States. The visitor, proceeding north, will again enter the Rotunda and pass through the door to the stairway leading to the Dome. TH!B DOME. — Is ascended by a stairway inside the first door to the left of the north entrance of the Rotunda, in the passage leading to the Senate wing, and though the way is intricate, it repays the visitor who ascends. The Dome is surmounted by a thoulus, upon which is placed a colossal statue of Freedom, in bronze, 18 feet high, said to weigh 15 tons. It was designed in plaster, in Italy, by Crawford, and cast in bronze from this model by Clark Mills, at Bla- densburg ; the cost was about $23,800. Descending from the Dome, and return- ing to the Rotunda, the visitor will pass out of the east entrance, and reach the Bronze Door, opening upon the main portico. BHONZE DOOR.— This is the main door leading into the Rotunda from the grand eastern portico. It is the most mag- nificent work of the kind in the world. In- cluding the casing, it is 19 feet high, by 9 feet in width, and weighs 20,000 pounds, and cost $28,000. It is ornamented with a symbolical history of Columbus and his dis- ' coveries, in high relief. The four figures facing represent Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Tlie TO WASHINGTON CITY. 21 name of Kandolph Rodgers, the American artist, and the date of the design, 1858, are on one side, and that of F. von Muller, of Munich, who executed; it in bronze in 1861, is on the other side. The door is divided into eight panels ; the lower one on the left represents Columbus unfolding his plans of discovery before the Council of Salamanca, which rejected them ; the next panel above it represents Columbus's de- parture from the Convent of La Eabida, near Palos, which received him and his little son Diego when in great poverty, and the Prior of which, Juan ., Perez, introduced him to the notice of Queen Isabella; the third panel rep-j resents the audience he received at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella ; the fourth represents Columbus sailing on his first voyage from Palos ; the fifth I represents the first encounter with the natives of the West Indies ; the sixth, ' his triumphal return and entry into Barcelona ; the seventh panel shows us Columbus a prisoner in chains, by order of Don Francisco de Bobadilla, who . was sent to the West Indies by the Court to investigate charges against Co-j lumbus ; the eighth and last panel, at the bottom of the door on the right, represents Columbus on his death-bed. The door is also ornamented with statues of contemporary sovereigns, discoverers, and warriors, whose names are associated with the discovery of America, The transom panel over the door represents the first landing in state on the island of San Salvador. The door is also ornamented by the heads of distinguished historians, European and American, who have written upon the discovery and explor- ation of this Continent, with various other emblematic devices. Passing through this door the visitor will emerge upon THE MAIN PORTICO, which is 160 feet in length. On the tympa- num of the pediment is a group, by Persico, representing the Genius of America. The principal figure is America crowned with a star, and hold- ing in her hand a shield with United States of America emblazoned on it, while behind her rests a spear, and at her feet an eagle. Her head inclines towards the figure of Hope, and her finger points to Justice. The figures are seven and a half feet in height, but cannot be well seen from their raised position without the aid of a field or opera glass. On the southern abutment of this Portico is a semi-colossal group, also by Persico, representing the discovery of America. Columbus is holding aloft a globe, while an Indian girl crouches terrified at his side, gazing at him in amazement. The artist is said to have copied to a rivet the armor in which the figure is encased, from a suit at Genoa, which Columbus actually wore. This group cost |24,000 and five years' labor. ' The corresponding northern abutment is occupied by a group, by' Greenough, representing Civilization, or the first settlement of America, j On the left a mother holds in terror her child, while the father arrests the \ murderous arm of the savage, as it is raised to give the deadly blow. The dog looks on the conflict with eager interest. This group is greatly admired, and consumed twelve years in executing, and cost $24,000. In the niche on the north side of the great Bronze Door opening into thej Rotunda, is a statue of Peace, a copy from the antique, by Persico. Peace' is a maiden who extends the olive-branch to War on the opposite side. Her garb is simple, and her expression one of womanly sweetness. 22 STRANGERS GUIDE War, in the opposite niche, also from the antique, bears the determined, powerful look fitting such a subject, and is in appropriate contrast with his sweet sister Peace. These pieces are finely finished, cost $12,000 each, and were five years in execution. Over the Bronze Door is a basso relievo, representing Fame and Peace placing a laurel wreath upon the brow of Washington. CIVILIZATIOX. tliiliiPiiM:'."'" GREENOUGH'S WASHINGTON. Directly east of this portico, in the east park of the Capitol, which has been recently enlarged, is the colossal statue of Washington, by Greenough, about which there is such a diversity of opinion. It cost for work, freight, etc., $44,000. Edward Everett regarded it as one of the greatest works of sculpture of ancient or modern times. Statue of Greene. — In the park, at the intersection of Maryland with Massa- chusetts Avenue, half a mile northeast from the Capitol, stands an equestrian statue, by H. K. Browne, of General Greene, of the Revolution. It is an ad- mirable work and well worthy of a visit. PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL.— This Hospital is owned and cared for by the Sisters of Charity. It is open daily from 10 to 12 a.m., and from 2 to 4 P.M. It can be found by leaving the east gate of the east park of the Capitol, and going east along Pennsylvania Avenue to Second Street. It is on the corner of Second and D Streets, S. E., two squares south of Pennsyl- vania Avenue. It was incorporated in 1864. Through the influence of Thaddeus Stevens, the ''Great Commoner," of Pennsylvania, Congress ap- propriated $30,000 towards the building. Any one applying is taken in. There are excellent accommodations for patients who pay. UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY OFFICE.— South of the Capitol, and within a few minutes' walk of it, pleasantly located on New Jersey Avenue, in a handsome and commodious brick building, can be found the United States Coast Survey Ofiice. Besides carrying on the work of its own proper sphere — the survey of the coasts of the United States — this oflSce is also, under the laws, the custodian of the standard weights and measures of the country. The rooms containing TO WASHINGTON CITY. 23 them, as well as curious instruments for testing the same, will be found well worth a visit. Application to do so must be made to the officer in charge. NAVY YARD. — Eeturning to Pennsylvania Avenue, the visitor may- enter the horse cars for the Navy Yard, wliich is situated at the terminus of the line. It is open from 7 a.m. until sundown. A permit may be obtained from the Commandant, admitting the bearer to the shops or on board any monitors that may be anchored tliere. Two ship-houses, a copper-rolling mill, a naval storehouse, founderies, and shops for the manufacture of almost everything necessary for fitting out a vessel, are to be found here. In the ordnance founderies and shops, the manufacture of guns, shot and shell, is usually going on. In the Museum is a curious collection of muni- tions of warfare ; among them, on the first floor, is a Spanish gun, cast in 1490, brought by Cortez to America, and used in the conquest of Peru ; also, a small mortar, captured from Cornwallis, and many historical relics of the late war are stored here. THE GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE lies east of the city, and can be seen from the Navy Yard on the opposite side of the river ; it may be included in the first day's sight-seeing by an industrious visitor. It is only open on Wednesday, from 2 to 6 p.m. Leaving the Navy Yard and taking a street car of the Anacostia & Potomac Kiver K. R., which passes close to the gates, a ride over the bridge and through Uniontown to the terminus of the road, and then a walk of about a fourth of a mile, will take one to the Asylum, situated upon the summit of a commanding eminence. INSANE ASYLUM. The grounds comprise over 400 acres, which are cultivated for the use of .the institution, many of the patients aiding in the labor. A wall of 9 feet incloses nearly 200 acres, in which the edifice, 750 feet in length, is sur- rounded by trees, shrubs, flowers and grass-plots. The eminence on which it is located is one of the highest in the vicinity, and affords the most superb view of the city to be obtained. ! THE MARINE BARRACKS are two squares north of the Navy Yard, j on Eighth Street, between G and I Streets. In the armory are some interest- ! ing flags. The best time for a visit here is on Monday, at 10 a.m., when the band plays and general inspection of the corps takes place. There is guard mount every day at 8 a.m. in summer, and 9 a.m. in winter. ' CHRIST CHURCH, the most venerable church edifice in the city, is on G Street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets, a square and a half from 24 STRANGER S GUIDE the Marine Barracks. It was erected in 1800, and for many years was tlie only place of Episcopal woi-ship in the city. It was attended by Jeffereon and Madison. Services are still held here regularly, THE NAVAL HOSPITAL is between Ninth and Tenth Streets, and E Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, two squares from the Marine Barracks. It is open each afternoon. It is for the officers and men of the Navy and Marine Corps. THE CONGRESSIONAL CEMETERY is beautifully situated on the banks of the Anacostia, or Eastern Branch, about a mile above the Navy Yard, It is easily accesible from the Naval Hospital by following E Street east to the gates, which is a walk of about three-quarters of a mile. It will amply repay the visitor to take the walk. It is not, as its name would indicate, and is generally supposed, the prop- erty of the Government, but is the property of Christ Church, above referied to. It comprises about 30 acres, and was laid out in 1807, A number of sites are reserved for the inter- ment of members of Congress, in return for donations by Govern- jnent ; and, though few are buried here, there are 147 plain cenotaphs erected in memory of those mem- bers of Congress who have died daring the term fur which they were elected, Tiiere are some monuments of interest here ; among these is one erected to George Clinton, in the northeast portion ; near by is one to mark the spot where lies Elbridge Gerry, of Massachusetts, erected by Congress ; one to a Choctaw Chief; one to William Wirt is further on. Near the fountain, on the left of the carriage drive, is the grave of General McComb, the pre- decessor of General Scott as Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Near by lie the remains of General Jacob Brown, In the same portion of the grounds is the grave of A, P. Upshur, Secretary of State undei- Tyler. General Gibson, General Archibald Henderson, and Commodore Isaac Chauncey, are also buried here. The Wainwright Vault is in the southern portion of the grounds, also the tomb of A, D, Bache, Not far off is the monument erected to the young ladies who were killed by the explosion in the Arsenal, The bodies of General Taylor and Mr, Calhoun reposed for a few days in the plain old vault, near the centre of the grounds. North of the lodge are the oldest graves — those of the Mather family — 1804. There is a public vault erected by Congress, near the centre of the grounds. The Army and Navy Magazines are directly east of the Congressional Ceme- tery, The Washington Asylum adjoins the grounds of the magazines on the north. It is a workhouse as well as an asylum for the indigent. North is the new jail. CONGRESSIONAL CEMETERY, TO WASHINGTON CITY. 2o Massachusetts Avenue leads directly from tlie Asylum to Lincoln Park, in a northwesterly direction, at a distance of over half a mile from the Asylum, and one mile from the Capitol, at the intersection of Massachusetts, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee Avenues, and East Capitol, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Streets. The Park is beautifully laid out and planted with trees and shrubs. A statue of the lamented President, for whom the park was named, the offering of the Freedmen of the country, is erected at the western end. The pedestal is of Virginia granite. The East Capitol branch of the street railway runs from this park directly to the Capitol, and on through the city to Georgetown ; but, if the visitor desires to see the beautiful cemetery, Mount Olivet (Roman Catholic), and the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, a walk of three fourths of a mile will lead out Tennessee Avenue to Fifteenth Street, east, and thence to the terminus of H Street, and of the Columbia Street Railway, and thence a short distance on the turnpike to Mount Olivet. It consists of 70 acres, and was incorpor- ated in 1862. Among the graves of interest are those of Mrs. Surratt, exe- cuted for being a party to the assassination of Lincoln, and of Wurz, keeper of the Andersonville prison pens, executed in Washington, in 1865. THE INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB may be found by returning to the terminus of H Street, and following the boundary one- half mile northwest to "Kendall Green." It was incorporated in 1857, and has been sustained by the (xovernment, for deaf mutes of the District, and of the army and navy. It has a collegiate department open to both sexes. The Columbia Street cars run along H Street one-half mile south of the Institution, and will carry the visitor to the Government Printing Office, corner of H and North Capitol Streets. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE.— Visitors may enter this office at any time between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., by stating to the watchmen their purpose. The building is 300 feet long on H Street, 175 feet on North Capitol Street, and is 50 feet deep and four stories high. Tlie printing and binding authorized by Congress, and the Executive and Judicial Dej^art- ments, are done in this building. It is the largest establishment of its kind in the world. Among the works printed here are the Medical and Surgical History of the War, the Observations of the Naval Observatory, tlie Reports of the Paris Exposition, and the Catalogues of the Libraries of the United States, and of the Surgeon-General's Office. Entering a car, going west at the Printing Office, the visitor will be re- turned to the centre of the city, and thus end tlie first day. 4^*^ 26 STRANGERS GUIDE SECOND DAY, ALL BETWEEN PIRST AND PIFTEENTH STREETS, AND THE SIVER AND SOLDIERS' HOME. The visitor can most conveniently commence the second day's sight- seeing at the Botanical Gardens, which he may easily reach by the Penn- sylvania Avenue street-cars. THE GOVERNMENT BOTANICAL GARDEN is situated imme- diately west of the Capitol Park, between First and Third Streets, west, and Pennsylvania and Maryland Avenues. The main entrance fi'onts the cen- tral gates of the west Capitol Park, and is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The grounds comprise 10 acres, and are adorned with trees and shrubs, and flowers of every clime. The Conservatory is constructed entirely of glass and iron, resting on walls of solid masonry, faced with beautiful white mar- ble. In the central building, a circular stairway of iron leads to an Observ- atory, which affords a fine view of the Capitol and the plants below. Permission to ascend can be obtained of the Superin- tendent. The entire building is 300 feet long, the diameter of the centre is about 61 feet, and the width of the wings 31 feet. In the central building, where the temperature is highest, is a fine collection of palms ; among them, the date, fan, oil, Panama hat, ratan, and sugar palms. Here also are the screw pine of Australia, with its funny cork- screw leaves, and roots in the air; the cinnamon tree, the banana, and the dumb cane of South America, which possesses the strange power of taking away speech if the sap of the root is tasted. BOTANICAL GARDEN. TO WASHINGTON CITY. 27 In the east wing and range the temperature is lower. It contains, among other interesting plants, the india-rubber, the passion flower, the bread tree, the coffee plant, and a large variety of cactus. The temperature in the west wing is lower than the centre, and here are many Chinese and Japanese plants. The camphor tree, from Japan ; the tea plant ; the tallow tree, from China ; the papyrus, or paper plant, of Egypt ; the guava, the vanilla, St. John's bread tree, and many other famous and curious plants are to be seen here. South of the main conservatory are ten smaller conservatories ; one is devoted to camellia japonica and one to orchids, or air plants, and others to propagation of plants of various kinds. The nucleus of the collection was formed from those brought home by Commodore Wilkes. The entire establishment is under the skilled care of Mr. Wm. R. Smith, whose faithful and intelligent efforts are making the gardens so beautiful and successful. The object is education of the people and the dissemination of plants among them. Each Member of Congress receives a share of plants and seeds. THE ARSENAL. — Leaving the gardens by the west gate, the visitor may walk from Third to Four-and-a-half Street, along the drive Avhich ex- tends from the White House to the west entrance to the Botanical Gardens, and, at Four-and-a-half Street, take the street-cai-s going south to the Arsenal. These buildings and grounds are located upon a point which is the most southern portion of the city, at the foot of Four-and-a-half Street, and is surrounded on three sides by the Potomac. The grounds are open to visitors from sunrise to sunset. The old Penitentiary building, made famous by the assassination trials, formerly stood here ; beneath one of the cells of which the body of the assassin Booth was for a time buried. The other conspirators were also buried here, but have all been removed and reinterred elsewhere. The large building at the end of the main drive is the residence of the Chief of Ordnance. In the store-houses are stored vast quantities of ammunition and arms. There are also a number of workshops. Twenty-one girls were killed here, in 1864, by an explosion in one of the laboratories. The visitor will return by the same route which conveyed him to the Arsenal grounds, and leaving the car at Seventh Street, will see the Centre Market Hoiise, which is the largest market in the city. It is directly south of Pennsylvania Avenue, between Seventh and Ninth Streets. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION.— The Seventh Street en- trance to the grounds of this Institution is just south of the point at which the visitor leaves the street-car. The grounds are on the west of Seventh Street, opposite Armory Square, and extend to Twelfth Street, and from B Street north to B Street south ; they comprise 52 acres. James Smithson, a gentleman of education and a scientist, an illegitimate son of Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland, England, died at Genoa, in 1828, and bequeathed his property to his nephew, on the condition that in 28 stranger's guide the event of his nephew's demise without heirs, it should go to the United States, "to found, at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian In- stitution, an establishment for the increase and difiusion of knowledge among men." His nephew, then in a hopeless stage of consumption, died without heirs, and the property, estimated at half a million of dollars, passed to the United States, Congress accepted the bequest on the 1st of July, 1836, and the fund was received by Eichard Rush, of Pennsylvania, who was authorized to collect it, and deposited in the Treasury, September 1, 1838, where it gathered interest until 1846, when, after a long discussion, a law was passed establishing the Institution as it now is ; and on May 1, 1847, the corner-stone was laid. President Polk and his Cabinet were pres- ent, and the orator was George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania. The building was completed in 1856, and cost |450,000, In 1865 a fire destroyed the upper portion of the main building, so far as it was not fire- proof. It was restored in a fire- proof condition, but many things could not be replaced that were consumed ; among them record books, scientific corres- pondence, the famous Stanley gallery of Indian paintings, apparatus, and some of the per- sonal efifects of Smithson. The object of the Institution is scien- tific research and publication. It is built of red sandstone, and was planned by Mr. Ken- wick, of New York. The style has been variously called Roman- esque, Norman, and Byzantine. It consists of a centre building 250 feet long, and 55 feet wide ; two connecting ranges and cloister 60 by 49 feet each ; and tAvo wings, each 40 by 80 feet. The entire length is 450 feet. The north entrance passes under two towers, the higher one 145 feet high. Over the south entrance is a large square tower, massive but not high, being 37 feet square, and 91 feet high. The main building is flanked at each angle by a tower, while the wings have smaller towers, making in all nine towers. The most pleasing beauty of the building is, that while it is regular and symmetrical, it has no two parts similar. It never wearies, and affords all the variety and symmetry desired by the most critical. The grounds were designed and partly laid out by Downing, the celebra- ted landscape gardener, whose death precluded the consummation of his plans. In the northeast portion of the grounds is a vase erected by the American Pomological Society to the memory of Downing. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM occupies the Avhole lower story of the main hall, west range, and west wing. It is open to visitors from 9 A.m. to 4 P.M. The Institution is supported by the income from the fund, and the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. TO WASHINGTON CITY. 29 INTERIOR OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. Secretary, Professor Spencer F. Baird, has everything under his direct charge. The Museum is sup- ported by the United States ; Professor Baird is its head, and United States Fish Commissioner. The collections are very interest- ing, and will need no special guide, as many of the specimens are labelled. In the west hall is a fine collection of minerals, ar- ranged by Dr. F. M. Endlich, of Pennsylvania, who is the miner- alogist of the Institution, and very entertaining in his explanations and descrij)tions. In the vestibule south of the main entrance, and on the second floor, are several objects of inter- . est. Indeed so much is to be found here to enchain the interest, that a whole day may be passed in thoroughly seeing the rare and curious collection. The Library has been incorporated with that of Congress. The National Museum of Art, a very large structure, covering two acres, stands in close proximity to the Smithsonian. When completed it will contain the art treasures presented to the United States, by many nations, at the close of the Centennial Exposition of 1876, and valued at $800,000. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.— Directly west of the Smithsonian grounds are the beautifully arranged grounds of this depart- ment, extending from Twelith to Thirteenth Streets. Open daily, except Sundays, from 9 a.m. to 3 P.M. The upper and lower gar- dens are divided by a terrace, the former devoted exclusively to flowers and the latter to drives and walks shaded by trees and shrubs. The building was completed in 1868. It is 170 feet long, and 61 feet wide. It consists of a fin- ished basement, three full stories, and a finished attic story. In the basement is a steam heating apparatus, which heats and ven- tilates the building. The packing-rooms are located here also. The main entrance, on the north, leads to a vestibule decorated finely with fresco, and opening into the main hall, upon which are located the oflice of the Commissioner, the library, rooms for clerks, and the Chief Clerk's room, which is decorated with American wood-hanging-s. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. 30 STRANGER S GUIDE THE MUSEUM OF AGRICULTURE is on the second floor. It shows the diflerent agricultural productions of the United States, and how they are affected by climate, soil, animals, birds, and insects. All will be explained by an attendant. In the room west of tlie Museum is an entomological collection. The Herbarium and Taxidermist's Rooms are on the third floor. On this floor the seeds are as- sorted and put up for distribution. THE CONSERVATORY is west of the main building. The principal structure is 320 feet long and 30 feet wide, with a wing 150 feet long, extending south. In the centre pavilion are palms, pine-apples, and other tropical plants. In the others is a collection Avorth seeing. The south wing is the grapery, containing 100 varieties. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing, erected in 1879, on Fourteenth Street south of Monument Park, is a solid, fire-proof structure, admirably adapted to the purpose of its construction. This Bureau is under the con- trol of the Treasury Department. INTERIOK OF THE A&RICULTLRAL DEPART- MFNT. PROPAGATING GARDEN. CONSERVATORY, AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. This Government garden is situated on the banks of the Potomac, southwest of the Agricultural Department, and comprises eight acres. A nursery con- nected with the garden supplies many of the trees and shrubs planted in the public parks. With the Propagating Gar- den, the visitor has seen all the objects worthy of note in the southAvestern portion of the city ; and he will now advance north along Fourteenth Street, crossing Ohio and Pennsyl- vania Avenues to Willard's Hotel ; continuing north, he passes the Ebbitt House, corner of Fourteenth and F Streets, crosses New Yrok Avenue, and reaches FRANKLIN SQUARE, which lies between Thirteenth and Fourteenth and I and K Streets, N. W. The Government purchased this square, in 1829, to gain possession of the spring in it, which furnishes by underground TO WASHINGTON CITY. 31 pipes the drinking-water to the President's House. It is a cool, shady re- treat in summer, and is beautifully ornamented witli trees and shrubbery. Franklin School House is opposite, on Thirteenth Street, and is said to be one of the finest buildings of the sort in the United States. Some of the fine residences front upon this square. When at Franklin Square, the visitor may, if so inclined, take a car upon Fourteenth Street, on the west side of the square, and ride to within a short walk of Columbian University, beyond the terminus of the Fourteenth Street railway. COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY was opened in 1822 as a college. In 1873 it was created a University. There are Law and Medical Departments connected with it. About 40 acres of ground are attached to the property, and the total value is $400,000. WAYLAND SEMINARY,— A short walk to the westward from the University buildings will bring the visitor to the Wayland Seminary ; an Institution established by one of the societies of the Baptist Church, for the education of young men of color for the Christian ministry. Returning by the Fourteenth Street cars, the visitor will alight at the corner of Fourteenth and H Streets, and entering the Metropolitan or F vStreet cars, ride to Tenth Street, and proceed to the Medical Museum on Tenth below E and F Streets. THE ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM.— The history of this building is more romantic and thrilling than one would imagine from its plain and unpretending appearance. It is located on Tenth Street, west, between E and F Streets, north, and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is three stories high, 109 feet deep, and 71 feet front. It was originally a church, and was afterwards converted into a theatre, and used as such until April 14th, 1865, when it was the scene of the tragedy of the assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln. It was then at once closed by order of the Government. In April, 1866, it was purchased by Congress for $100,000, and remodelled, and made fire proof, and assigned to its present use. The first floor is used by a division of the Surgeon-General's Office. The surgical records are on the second floor, and in the offices of the Surgeon- General on this floor, in the south wing, are portraits of some celebrated physicians, among them an original, by Peale, of Dr. Physick. The Museum is on the third floor. It contains the finest collection of Surgical and Medical pathological specimens in the world, and is carried on in the interest of medical science, and is resorted to by surgeons and physi- cians from abroad as well as from this country. A portion of the vertebrae of the neck of the assassin Booth is in the Surgical Section. No medical man should neglect to visit this museum. The library of the Medical Mu- seum contains nearly forty thousand volumes. The house opposite. No. 516, is the house in which President Lincoln breathed his last. The Medical Department of Georgetown College adjoins the Museum, and through its corps of experienced professors and admirable facilities offers rare opportu- nities to the student of medicine. By returning to F Street and proceeding east one block, the visitor will reach the 32 stranger's guide MASONIC TEMPLE. It is located on the corner of Ninth and F Streets, N. W. It was erected by the Masonic Hall Association. The cor- ner-stone was laid in 1868. It is built of granite and freestone, and cost 1200,000. The first floor is ocoupied by stores, and ^ ^ ----^^_ the second by a public hall, 100 feet long and 48 feet wide, with retiring rooms. Some of the most brilliant balls and state sociables given in the city have been held in this hall. On the third floor are the blue lodges of Masonry, and on the fourth floor are the Royal Arch Chapters. Directly opposite the Masonic Temple is the PATENT OFFICE. The Patent Office is situ- ated between Seventh and Ninth, and F and G Streets. ' The length of the building is 410 feet, and the width is 275 feet. The style of architecture is Doric, and, although the finish is plain and simple, it is greatly admired for its majestic grandeur. The same plain finish and grandeur will be observed in the interior. It is built of sandstone painted white, and the extension is of white marble. It was designed simply for the Patent Office, but the Interior Department occupies a portion of the building. The lower stories are divided into de- MASONIC TEMPLf PATENT OFFICE. partments suitable for the various offices of the Department of the Interior, such as the Indian and Public Land Offices. On the second floor are the Model rooms, which up to 24th September, 1877, contained a model of every patent issued by the United States since 1836. As each case is provided with a card designating the contents, it is unnecessary to enumerate here. Near the entrance are some historical relics of interest; such as Franklin's Printing Press, Washington's Tea-set, and otlier personal property used by TO WASHINGTON CITY. 33 Washington. In case 23 is the original of the Declaration of Independence, also a model patented by Abra- ham Lincoln in 1847, and a pair of gloves which belonged to Presi- dent Lincoln. The east and west halls are each 271 feet long and 64 feet wide. The north and south halls are a little smaller, being about 145 feet in length. In 1836 the building which was used as a Patent Office was destroyed by fire, with all the models it had received for nearly fifty years. The first patent issued was to Samuel Hopkins, in 1790, for making " pot ashes." Again, on September 24th. 1877, a great fire occurred, which, besides doing great damage to the building, almost utterly destroyed the contents of the Model room in the north and west wings. The loss was almost incalculable, as many articles of great value were burned which it was impossible to replace. The building is now being restored, and is to be made entirely fire proof. This bureau is self-supporting, the expenditures not equalling the receipts from fees. The cost of the building was about $2,700,000. It contains 191 rooms. It was designed by W. P. Elliott, and executed by Eobert Mills and Edward Clark. THE POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— The first building erected for the accommodation of this department, and in which the business of the INTERIOR OF PATENT OFFICE. POST-OFFICE. Patent Office was then transacted, was burned in 1836. The foundation of the present edifice was laid in 1839. The E Street portion Avas designed and finished by Robert Mills, and is built of marble from New York. The 5 34 STRAIS^GER S GUIDE extension was designed bv T. U. Walter, and built of Maryland marble. It was commenced in June, 1855. The style is a modified Corinthian. It covers the entire square bounded by Seventh and Eighth Streets, west, and E and F Streets, north, and is im- mediately opposite the Patent Office. The entire building measures 300 by 204 feet. The interior is divided into apartments suitable for the business of the department. To obtain admission to the Dead Letter Office, it is necessary to procure a permit from the Postmaster-General or the Chief Clerk of the Finance office. Visitors should inquire for the book of post-office accounts kept by Dr. Franklin, the first Postmaster-General of the Colonies, The City Post-Office occupies the lower story of the north front. JUDICIARY SQUARE AND CITY HALL.— Leaving the Post- Office by the north front on F Street, the visitor can ride or walk down F Street to Judiciary Square. This square comprises about 20 acres, and ex- tends from the intersection of Indiana and Louisiana Avenues, on the south, to G Street, on the north, and from Fourth to Fifth Streets. The south front portion is occu- pied by the City Hall. On the east side was erected the immense building used for the inauguration ball, given in honor of President Grant's second inauguration. In the City Hall the several courts of the District hold their ses- sions. The present structure is over 200 feet in length, and is but one wing of the building as designed by George Hadfield. It was be- ciTY HALL. S^^ "^ 1820 and completed in 1849. A statue in marble of Lincoln stands directly in front of the portico. It was erected by voluntary contribu- tions of some patriotic citizens, and was executed by Lot Flannery, a self- taught sculptor. The statue is about 9 feet in height, and is erected upon a marble column 27 feet high. Eeturning to Seventh Street, the visitor may enter a Seventh Street car going north, and ride to the terminus of the road ; and thence, by the Silver Springs horse-cars, to within a mile of the ROCK CREEK CHURCH AND CEMETERY.— The cemetery lies near the Soldiers' Home, on the north ; the church lies on the west, and is St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Eock Creek Parish. It was erected in 1719, with bricks imported from England, and, although the church was rebuilt in 1775, and remodelled in 1868, the main walls are those erected in 1719. The Bible used is an Oxford edition of 1727. The oldest graves are east of the church. A fine monument is over the grave of Peter Force. THE NATIONAL MILITARY CEMETERY is east of Kock Creek Cemetery, and north of the Soldiers' Home, which it adjoins. It contains 5124 ^'aves. TO WASHINGTON CITY. 35 SOLDIERS' HOME. — This attractive place adjoins the Military Ceme- tery, and is open every day, except Sunday. It is one of the most attractive drives around the city, and is much resorted to in pleasant weather. The property comprises about 500 acres, and is beautifully laid out in drives, of which there are 7 miles, and in lawns, meadows, gardens, and lakes. The buildings consist of the main building, used as a dormitory, the hos- pital, residences of the governor, surgeon, and officers of the Home, a gar- NATIONAL CEMETERY AT SOLDIERS' HOME. dener's cottage, and a beautiful chapel built of Seneca stone. There is a new hospital some distance off, and near it are the buildings used by the farmer. The Home was originally only a Military Asylum, and was founded through the efforts of General Scott, who procured the assignment to this purpose of a portion of the money levied by him upon the Cityof Mexico, when he took possession of it. The fund is increased by the forfeitures and fines against soldiers, and by a tax of 12 cents per month on each pri- vate soldier in tlie regular army. The Home was the favorite summer residence of President Lincoln. HOWARD UNIVERSITY is open daily to visitors. It is on the left of the Seventh Street road, on the return to the city from the Soldiers' Home. It is open to all, without regard to sex or color, but is attended by colored pupils only. The University Building is four stories high, and is quite complete. Miner Hall, on the northeast, is named after Miss Miner> a lady who taught colored children in the days when slavery still existed. The property is valued at about $600,000. The visitor can return to the city by the Seventh Street horse-cars, and thus end tlie second dav. HOWARD UNIVERSITY. 36 STRANGER'S GUIDE THIRD DAY. ALL WEST OF riPTEENTH STEEET, INCLUDING GEOEGE- TOWN AND AELINGTON. The visitor can nio8t conveniently commence the third day at the Treas- ury Department, on the northwest corner of Fifteenth Street and Pennsyl- vania Avenue, whicli may be reached by the Pennsylvania Avenue cars, TREASURY DEPARTMENT.— This department may be reached by the street cars, on Pennsylvania Avenue, or by the Fourteenth Street or the Columbia Street cars. It is open to visitors from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is on Fifteenth Street, east of the President's House. TREASURY. The portion fronting on Fifteenth Street is the old building, whicli was commenced in 1836, upon the site of the old Treasury building, which was burned in 1833. The foundation of the extension was laid in September, 1855, and is a great improvement upon the old structure. It was designed by Walter, begun by Young, and then was continued by Kogers, and finally completed by A. B. Mullett, Supervising Architect of the Treasury Dej)artment. The east front consists of a colonnade 336 feet long, with thirty Ionic columns. The extension flanks the old building at each end with massive granite masonry, and makes beautiful terminations of the north and south fronts, which break the monotony of the long colonnaded portico of the old building. The walls of the extension are composed of pilasters, resting on a base, which rises twelve feet above the ground on the southern side. In the centre of the southern, western, and northern fronts are magnificent porticos, and on either side of the platforms and steps of these porticos are courts or parterres, which, in summer, are lovely masses of flowers and shrubs. The whole building is of the Grecian Ionic order, three stories high, with two basements and an attic, and the building is surmounted by a massive granite balustrade. TO WASHINGTON CITY. 37 The granite was all brought from Dix Island, on the coast of Maine. The columns are monolithic, 31 feet high, and 4 feet in diameter. The entire building is 466 feet long — exclusive of the porticos — and 266 feet wide. In the courts are fountains, and directly opposite the western portico, at the entrance to President's Park, is a fountain, the basin of which is built of massive granite. Before the north entrance is a tessellated platform, the centre of which is occupied by a fountain, consisting of a boldly designed tazza of granite, from which the water falls into a broad basin, escaping iinally through four lions' heads, into as many smaller basins surrounding the larger one. The objects of special interest are the Cash Room and the Vaults. CASH EOOM, TKEASURY DEPARTMkKT. THE CASH ROOM is dirctly opposite the north entrance, but the best view is to be obtained from the interior balcony, which may be reached by ascending either stairway in the east and west angles of the north side. The walls of this room are of the most beautiful marble. It is two stories high, divided on the level of the second story floor by the balcony upon which the visitor stands. The floor is tessellated in white and red mar- ble. The marbles are as follows: In the lower story, stylobate ; base, black marble from Vermont ; mouldings, Bardiglio, from Italy; stiles, Dove, from Vermont ; pan- els. Sienna, from Italy ; dies, Ten- nessee. Above, stylobate, pilas- ters, white-veined ; stiles. Sienna, from Italy; panels, Bardiglio; cornice, white-veined Italian. Upper story, same as lower, except the panels above stylobate, which are Sarrangolum, from the Pyrenees. The vaults in which the gold is kept may be seen upon a written permit from the Treasurer, whose office is in the northeast corner of the first floor. The Secret Service Bureau may be visited by any one who is introduced by a known party. It contains the plates and dies used by counterfeiters and has also a rogues' gallery. A complete Ku Klux suit is also in this office, which was taken off a man who was captured by detectives. In the basement may be seen the money as it is cut in half in the Redemp- tion Bureau, previous to being burned. A messenger will be sent with visi- tors, by the Treasurer, who will conduct them to all places of interest which the public are permitted to visit. THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is immediately opposite the Treasury, on Pennsylvania Avenue, between Fifteenth and Fifteenth-and-a- half Streets, on the second floor of the Freedmen's Savings Company's Build- ing. 38 stranger's guide The Attorney- GeneraVs Office is near the top of the stairs. There are a number of portraits of different Attorneys-General in this room. THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE.— The Executive Mansion, or White Plouse, is on Pennsylvania Avenue, west of the Treasury Department, the WHITE HOUSE— NORTH FRONT. grounds of the two buildings being divided by Executive Avenue. The grounds comprise about eighty acres, and are nearly midway between the Capitol and Georgetown, being one mile and a half from the former. Two large gateways constitute the entrances on the north, connected by a drive and a foot-walk, which sweep in a semicircle past the White House. The WHITE HOUSE — SOUTH VIEW. grounds are laid out in walks, mounds, trees, fountains, and drives. South of the house the grounds are divided by an inclosure of the private grounds. Directly in front of the south portico is a stand, from which the Marine Band discourses music for open air concerts, every Saturday afternoon, which are free to the public. TO WASHINGTON CITY. 39 The house has a rustic base, which on the south side is entirely above ground, and gives a fapade of three stories. The main building is 170 feet long, by 86 feet deep. It is of sandstone, painted white. On the west are the conservatories. The main door on the north opens into a spacious ves- tibule 40 by 50 feet. A door on the left opens into, a passage at the foot of the stairway leading to the anteroom. Across the passage is the East Room, which is used for public receptions. It is 80 feet by 40 feet, and 22 feet high. It is richly, though not extravagantly furnished and finished. It is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The rest of the rooms are private. On the west is a door opening into the Green Room, which opens on the west into the Blue Room, 40 by 30 feet. It is finished in blue and gold, and is used as a recep- tion room by the President and his wife. From this room opens the Red Room, which is the fam- ily parlor, and which opens into the State Dining Room, 40 by 30 feet. The Executive Office is on the second floor, also the library and the seven sleeping apartments. WHITE HOUSE— EAST ROOM. THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT —South of the President's House are the Washington Monument grounds. They are connected by an avenue with Executive Avenue, and form a con- tinuation of the drive which winds around the Monument and enters the grounds of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, at Fourteenth Street. The design of the Washington Monument, as prepared by Robert Mills, contemplates a shaft 000 feet in height. The marble obelisk, resting on a foundation of gneiss 17 J feet high, is 55 feet square at the base. This foundation is 81 feet stpiare, and extends 8 feet below the surface. The wall of the obelisk is 15 feet thick at the base, and gradually tapers on the outside. The inside of the wall is perpendicular, and the inclosed space is 25 feet square. The wall of 15 feet will ascend until the gentle taper reduces it to 10 feet in thickness. The interior walls will be ornamented by the in- sertion of the numerous specimen pieces sent from all parts of the world. Among these tributes to the memory of Washington, are some from Mount Vesuvius, China, Bremen, Swiss Republic, the Temple of Cai-thage, Greece. Japan, and twelve bricks from the birthplace of Washington. For many years the Monument had stood in an unfinished condition, nor a Monument to the memory of Washington, but one to the indifference of the American people and to them a disgrace ; but in the summer of the WASHINGTON MONUMENT. 40 STRAN^GEKS GUIDE Centennial Anniversary and Exposition, Congress passed an act, approved August 2d, 1876, creating a commission for the purpose of completing the Monument, and also making an appropriation of $200,000 to continue the work of construction ; under the provisions of the above act, the Society which had so Jaravely undertaken the erection of the gigantic structure, deeded their rights in the same to the United States, so that now it is the property of the nation. The work of construction has been resumed, hut SO far has been confined to the strengthening of tlie base, which had been pronounced defective by a Board of Engineers. There is every reason to believe that the original plan will be abandoned, and one more in keeping with the modern style of architecture will be adapted. The present height is about 170 feet, and it cost, before the transfer to the Government, $230,000. LAFAYETTE SQUARE. — Opposite and north of the President's House is the public square of the above name. It contains about 7 acres, beautifully laid out in gravelled walks, and adorned with trees, shrubbery, and flowers. The equestrian statue of General Andrew Jackson is in this square. It is the work of Clark Mills, and is cast from the brass guns and mortars captured by Jackson. The statue is one-third larger than life, weighs 15 tons, and cost about $50,000. Tlie horse is poised upon his hind feet, and is not secured in position by bars or rivets, but the tail and hind parts of the horse being cast solid, the statue keeps its place by the laws of gravity. It is probably the only instance of the kind in the world. The artist has simply copied nature, after finding the position a horse naturally takes in rearing. This monument to the hero of New Orleans was erected on the 8th of January, 1853, the anniversary of the battle in wliich General Jackson routed the British forces. Stephen A. Douglas delivered the oration. CORCORAN ART GALLERY.— This building is on Pennsylvania Avenue, one square west of Lafayette Square. It is a donation from Mr. W. W. Corcoran, of this city. It is 104 by 124 feet, and is constructed of brick with trim- mings of Belleville freestone. The roof is slated Mansard, and the general style of the entire building is elegant, yet chaste. The cost was $350,000 for the building alone. The entrance is on Pennsylvania Avenue, and leads to a vestibule, from which ascend the broad stairs of freestone to the floor above. On the first floor are the janitor's rooms ; two rooms which are intended to be used as a school of design ; the trustee's room ; the library ; and the sculpture hall. STATUE OF JACKSON. CORCORAN ART GALLERY. TO WASHINGTON CITY. 41 _ The picture galleries are on the second floor, and are all lighted by sky- lights, which are so arranged that the light can be regulated as desired. There are three small galleries fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue; the centre one is an octagon. In the rear of these, along each side of the building, are two galleries, 19 by 44 feet. The grand picture gallery is at the back of the building, and is 45 feet wide by 96 feet long. The galleries are all connected with each other by lofty doors. The ceilings and cornices are richly orna- mented with representations of American foliage. The building was' begun in 1859, but from 1861 to 1869 it was occupied by the Quartermaster-General of the United States. In 1869 Mr. Corcoran formally conveyed it to a board of trustees. In the octagon room, which was specially fitted up for this work of art, is Powers' s Greek Slave; also, some busts of celebrated men, and the Veiled Nun, which is rather curious as a Avork of art. A numbered catalogue may be procured of the janitor at the door, which will designate each picture. Mr. Corcoran donated his own private collection, which cost upward of $100,000. Mr. Corcoran is a wealthy retired banker, who was born in Georgetown in 1798. _ He is still living and in excellent health. Oppasite the Art Gallery there is now being erected the massive structure known under the name of the new State, War, and Navy Department Build- ing. The southern and eastern wings are already finished, the former being occupied by the Department of State. The east wing is occupied jointly by NEW STATE, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENTS. the War and Navy Departments, a temporary measure until the completion of the north Aving. It will be a magnificent addition to the public buildings of Washington, when completed. It was designed by A. B. Mullett, Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department, and was commenced in 1871. It will measure 253 by 471 feet, and including pavilions and steps, 342 by 567 feet. The greatest height will be 128 feet. WINDER'S BUILDING, corner of F and Seventeenth Streets, opposite the Navy Department ; open from 9 A.M. to 2 p.m. The .&;st floor is occu- 42 STRANGER S GUIDE pied by the Ch ief Engineer of the Army. The last room on the corridor, lead- ing to the right, is the Battle Record Room. The floor above is occupied by the Judge Advocate General of the Army, and the Ordnance Office. On the third floor is the Second Auditor's Office. Passing through the Ordnance Office, the Ordnance Museum may be reached. The objects of interest are captured Confederate flags ; United States Army uniforms, complete ; Jeff" Davis's rifle ; shells picked up on bat- tle-fields; accoutrements used in the army from the earliest dates, guns of every kind, batteries, projectiles, etc. RAWLINS'S STATUE. — A walk of a square from the State Depart- ment, westAvard, along New York Avenue, will bring one to the statue of the late Brigadier-General John A. Kawlins, for a time Secretary of War, situated in a beautiful little park bearing the same name. The statue is in bronze, cast from guns captured in battles in which the deceased General took part ; Congress donating the same upon condition that when finished the title should vest in the United States. The principal cost of the work was borne by the friends of the General, prominent among whom was President Grant, It is generally regarded as a correct likeness and fine work of art. Height, 3 feet : pedestal of Richmond granite, in height, 12 feet ; designed by J. Baily ; cast in Philadelphia by Wood & Co. SIGNAL OFFICE. — Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This office is under the charge of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, familiarly known as *' Old Probabilities," and occupies two adjoining buildings on G Street, west of the War Department. It is plainly designated by the various anemome- ters, vanes, and wires above the building. The chief interest is in the Instrument Room, on the fourth floor. THE UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY.— This is one of the leading observatories in the world, though only founded in 1842. It is at the foot of Twenty-fourth Street, and may be reached by a short walk after leaving the Penn- sylvania Avenue cars at Twenty- third street or the Circle. It is open from 9 A.M. to 3 p.m., though sometimes night visits are permitted when the work is not pressing. The grounds are about 20 acres in extent, and are quite beautiful. On the bank of the Potomac is Braddock's Rock, so called from the fact that in 1755 Braddock's troops landed here. The main building is 50 feet square, consisting of a basement, 7 feet above the roof, and 23 feet KATIONAL OBSERVATORY. two stories, crowned by a revolving dome, TO WASHINGTON CITY. 43 STATUE OF WASHINGTON. in diameter. The two wings are 26 by 21 feet, and 18 feet high. East of this east wing is the residence of the Superintendent. The library, embracirig nearty six thousand volumes, is situated in the main building. They are mostly works of the highest standard value, astro- nomical and meteorological observations and discussions, some being as old as the year 1482. In the dome of the main building is mounted the equa- torial telescope, purchased in 1845, at a cost of §6000, made in Munich. It has an aperture of 9.62 inches, and a focal length of 14 feet 4.5 inches. In the eastern wing is the chronometer room, where all the chronometers used in the Navy are tested and regulated. It is from this room that the exact time is furnished daily at 12 m. to the departments in the city; also to the Western Union Telegraph Office for dispatch throughout the country. The new dome, in which is mounted the new great equatorial instrument, is located in the rear of the main building. The dome is 41 feet in diameter; 40 feet in height; the telescope, of steel, made in three sections, is 32 feet in height, and weighs, with its me- tallic base, about six tons. The object glass has a clear aperture of 26 inches diameter; only one other making a near approach to it, that of Mr. R. S. Newhall, of England, whose telescope has an objective of 25 inches. This magnificent instrument was made and successfully mounted in 1873, by A Ivan Clark and Sons, of Cambridgeport, Mass., Congress having ap- propriated §50,000 for the telescope and §14,000 for the erection of the tower and dome. Returning to Pennsylvania Avenue at the Washington Circle, the visitor may view Clark Mills's equestrian statue of Washington. In 1853, Con- gress appropriated §50,000 for this statue. It was cast out of guns donated by Congress, and is fifteen feet high. It represents Washington at the crisis of the Battle of Prince- ton, when he rallied his troops in the face of the enemy. The horse is shrinking back from the fire of the enemy, but Washington sits calmly erect and surveys the fear- ful scene. The likeness is consid- ered very faithful, being from a bust by Houdon, taken in Wash- ington's lifetime. GEORGETOWN.— Entering the cars going west at the Wash- ington Circle, it is but a short ride to Georgetown. The visitor may ride to the end of the route, and turning toward the river, a short- walk AQUEDUCT BEIDGE, GEOKGETOWN. 44 STRANGER S GUIDE will bring him to the Aqueduct Bridge, where the Alexandria Canal crosses the Potomac. This bridge is 36 feet above high-water mark, and is about 1400 feet long. Crossing this bridge, a walk or a drive of a mile brings the visitor to ARLINGTON HOUSE, situated upon Arlington Heights. It was the home of George Washington Parke Custis, General Washington's adopted son, and in later years it was the residence of General Robert E. Lee, who married a daughter of Mr. Custis, and who abandoned his home when he joined in the rebellion. The estate was sold under the Confiscation Act in 1863, and was taken possession of in 1864 by the Government, and 200 acres set apart as a National Cemetery. The house consists of a centre building, 60 feet long, and two wings, each 40 feet long. A portico 60 feet long and 25 feet wide extends along the centre building. In the rear of the house are the kitchens, slave quarters, stables, etc. The house is situated upon an eminence about 200 feet above the river, from which a lovely view is to be obtained of the Capitol. THE CEMETERY was formally established in 1867, and now the bodies of about 16,000 soldiers repose in this lovely home for the dead. The white soldiers lie in the west cemetery, and the colored troops in the AKLINGTON HOUSE. NATIONAL CEMETERY AT ARLINGTON. MONUMENT TO UNKNOWN SOLDIERS. nortli grounds. In the eastern portion of the west cemetery are the graves of Mr. and Mrs. Custis. Upon the monument erected to "them are their names and dates of death ; Mr. Custis having died in 1854,' and Mrs. Custis in 1853. South of the house is a granite sarcophagus, placed over the bones of 2111 unknown soldiers, gathered from the battle-fields of Bull Run and the route TO WASHINGTON CITY. 45 to the Rappahannock after the war. The monument is surmounted by cannon and balls, and bears the following inscription : BENEATH THIS STONE Repose the bones of two thousand one hundred and eleven Unknown soldiers, gathered after the war From the fields of Bull Run and the route to the Rappahannock. Their remains could not be identified, but their names . And deaths are recorded in the archives of the Country, and its grateful citizens Honor them as of their noble army of martyrs. May they Rest in peace. September, A. D. 1866. The vault beneath, in which the remains are placed, is 30 feet deep, and 20 feet in diameter. GEORGETOWN COLLEGE. — Returning to Georgetown, the visitor can proceed to Georgetown College, west of the city a short distance. It is the oldest Roman Catholic College in the country, having been founded in 1789. It is under the care of the Jesuits. Boys of all ages are received. It has a law and a medical department connected with it, and has an astro- nomical observatory. In the library are many rare and curious books, some dated in the fifteenth century, and some manuscripts even older than the printed books. There are a laboratory, and a museum containing a collec- tion of coins and relics of Commodore Decatur. The College may be visited every day excepting Sunday. In the year 1879 the large and elegant stone building, surmounted by a lofty spire on the north side of the quadrangle, was erected at the cost of $200,000. It contains the library, hall of instruction, and many other apart- ments. THE CONVENT OP THE VISITATION is on Fayette Street, a short distance from the College. It w'as founded in 1799. It is not open to visitoi-s, but the academy connected with it may be visited on AVednesday or Saturday after 12 m. In a vault at the Convent are the remains of the daughter of General Winfield Scott, and of the daughter of Madame Yturbide. Ascending Market Street a short distance, at the head of the street is the GEORGETOWN HIGH SERVICE RESERVOIR, 120 feet in di- ameter, and capable of holding 1,000,000 gallons. Continuing east, a short walk along Road Street leads to OAK HILL CEMETERY. — It is open every day. It comprises thirty acres, ten of which, together with an endowment of $120,000, was the gift of Mr. W. W. Corcoran. It is an exceedingly beautiful resting-place for the dead. Its situation is very lovely, being upon Georgetown Heights, at the foot of which runs Rock Creek. The chapel is very picturesque. In the northeast portion of the ground is the Corcoran mausoleum, and in the east portion is the Van Ness mausoleum, which once stood on H Street, 46 STRANGER S GUIDE OAK HILL CEMETERY. between Nintli and Tenth. Chief Justice Chase, Secretary E, Stanton, and other prominent men, are buried here. Taking the first street descending to the city, at West Street the visitor may enter tlie Metropolitan street cars and return to Washington. Alighting at the corner of Con- necticut Avenue and N Street, THE SCOTT STATUE may be seen in the Square at the inter- section of N and Sixteenth Streets and Massachusetts and Rhode Island Avenues, two squares dis- tant from the street cars. This statue was ordered in 1867 by Congress, and was placed in its present situation in the year 1874. The General is represented in full uniform, mounted upon a charger. Holding a pair of field glasses resting against his side, he is calmly surveying the field. The pedestal is 14 feet high, and the statue 15 feet. The statue weighs 12,000 pounds, and cost $20,000. It was designed by H. K. Browne, and cast by Wood & Co., of Philadelphia, out of bronze cannon captured by the General in Mexico, It is much admired, and is considered one of the very finest statues of the kind in the United States. The pedestal is in five blocks of Cape Ann granite, the largest ever quarried in this country, if not in the world ; that of the platform being 26 feet long, 13 feet wide, and 2 feet thick, and weighing over 119 tons. A statue of Farragut, designed by Mrs. Vinnie Ream Hoxie, has recently been erected (1879) on Farragut Square, between J and K above Seventeenth Street. This statue was cast at the Washington Navy Yard. THE LOUISE HOME is on Massachusetts Avenue, be- tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets, less than a square from the Scott Statue. It is open to visitors every day, except Sun- days, after 12 noon. It was erected in 1871, by Mr. Corcoran, as a home for educated refined women reduced to poverty, and is a monument to the memory of Mr. Corcoran's wife and daughter, both deceased, and bears their name. It can accommodate fifty-five people, who are invited there by the board directors. It has an endowment of $250,000, and cost in all $200,000. THE LOUISE HOME. TO WASHINGTON CITY. 47 THOMAS STATUE. — Upon leaving the Home, a walk of a few minutes, eastward along the avenue, will bring the visitor to the Circle at the intersection of Massachusetts and Vermont Avenues and Fourteenth Street, N. W. Plere stands the statue of Major-General George H. Thomas, designed by J. Q. A. Ward, and erected in 1879 by the " Society of the Army of the Cumberland " to the memory of their illustrious leader. By universal consent this is regarded as the finest equestrian statue in this country. From this point the visitor can return to the heart of the city, or the hotels, by the aid of the street cars which pass the spot. GREAT FALLS OF THE POTOMAC— If the visitor has the in- clination to drive to the Great Falls of the Potomac, distance about 15 miles from Georgetown, it will prove a delightful diversion. The water which supplies Washington is carried by aqueduct from the Great Falls to the Distributing Keservoir, a distance of twelve miles. The scenery along the road is picturesque, but particularly so when near the Falls. The water makes a descent of 80 feet in IJ miles, in a series of cascades, the highest being about 40 feet. The visitor has now ended the third day, and been guided to all objects of interest in the city and itg vicinitv. FOURTH DAY. DOWN THE EIVER TO MOUNT VERNON AND ALEXANDRIA. MOUNT VERNON.— A steamer leaves daily, except Sunday, at 10 A.M., from the foot of Seventh Street, for Mount Vernon, and returns at 4 P.M. The Seventh Street horse-cars terminate the route near the landing. The fare for the trip is $1.00. Mount Vernon is about 15 miles down the Potomac, and aside from the interesting ride down the river, and its own beautiful location, it possesses the attraction of having been the home of the Father of his Country, and the spot made sacred by his grave. A fine view of the Arsenal grounds and the Insane Asylum is to be had shortly after leaving Washington. At Alexandria a short stop is made, another at Fort Foote, and another at Fort Washington. Landing at Mount Vernon, on the road from the wharf to the house is the vault containing the marble sarcophagus in which repose the remains of 48 STRANGER S GUIDE Washington. By it is another containing the ashes of Martha, the consort of Washington. Near are the monuments to others of Washington's family, and on the left of the path to the mansion is the old vault in which the body of Washington was first placed. The house is of wood, cut in imitation of stone. The centre was built by a brother of General Washington, and the Avings were added afterward by the General. Along the lawn are the kitchen, laundry, smoke-house, butler's cottage, gardener's lodge, servants' hall, and other buildings. The garden is as laid out by Washington, and on the lawn are trees planted by him. In the hall is the key of the Bastile, presented to Washington by Lafayette, In the east parlor are relics of Washington. In the dining hall are some portraits of Washington, and the painting by Rembrandt Peale, of Washing- MOUNT VEKNON. TOMB OF WASHINGTON. ion before Yorktown. In the west parlor is an old picture of the attack on Carthagena, 1741, Admiral Vernon in command, with whom Lawrence, brother to the General, served. On the second floor, at the south end, is the room in which Washington died, December 14, 1799. It is a small room, and was the one used by the General and his wife. Opening from it are a dressing-room and a storeroom. The bed is the one upon which Washington died. After his death his widow closed the room and occupied a small room in the attic until her death. On this floor, also, is the room occupied by Lafayette. A fine view may be obtained from the cupola which surmounts the building. The house and grounds are the property of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, incorporated in 1856. Returning as far as Alexandria the visitor may leave the steamer, and after a visit to this ancient city, return by ferry-boat or steam cars to Wash- ington, distant six miles. The boats and cars run every hour from 6 a.m. to 7 P.M. ALEXANDRIA was founded in 1748, and called Bellhaven. It has a population of over 13,000. At the corner of Washington and Cameron Streets is Christ Church (Epis- copal), begun in 1765 and completed in 1773. It is built of bricks imported fr om England. Washington was one of the vestry of this church, and his p ew, No. 59, is still as he occupied it. Pew No. 49 was used by General TO WASHINGTON CITY. 49 Robert E. Lee, who came here to worship from Arlington. In the church- yard are some quaint old tombstones. A National Cemetery is near the city, which contains the bodies of nearly 4000 soldiers. An old building in the court of the Mansion House, on Fairfax Street, is called Washington's Headquarters, as it is said he occopied it when in Alex- andria. CHURCHES OF WASHINGTON. JS'p^copnZ.— Christ Church, Navv Yard, G Street, E., between Sixth and Seventh Streets, S. St. John's, Sixteenth and H Streets, N. W. Ascension* corner of Twelfth and Massachusetts Avenue. Epiphany, G Street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, N. W. Trinity, Third and C Streets, N. W. TRINITY CHURCH. NKW YORK. AVKNUli CHURCH. St. Mark's, Third and A Streets, S. E. Incarnation, Twelfth and N Streets, N. W. St. Paul's (Ritualistic), Twenty-third Street, south of Circle. St. Mary's (colored), Twenty-third Street, between G and H Streets, N. W. Presbyterian. — First, Four-and-a-half Street N. W., near City Hall. Fourth, 'Ninth, between G and H Streets, N.W. Assembly, Fifth and I Streets, N. W. New York Avenue, New York Avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, N. W. (colored). Fifteenth Street, between I and K Streets, N. W. Congregational. — First, Tenth and G Streets, N. W. Unitarian. — All Souls, corner of Fourteenth and L Streets. Roman Catholic. — St. Peter's, Second Street, N. E., near Pennsylvania Avenue. St. Alovsius, I and North Capitol Streets, N. W. St. Dominick's, Sixth and F Streets, S. W. St. Patrick's, Tenth and F Streets, N. W. St. Matthew's, Fifteenth and H Streets, N. W. St. Stephen's, Pennsylvania Avenue and Twenty-fifth Street, N. W. Immaculate Conception, N Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets, N. W. St. Martin's (colored), Fif- teenth Street, near L Street, N. W. Methodist Episcopal.— Wesley Chapel, Fifth and F Streets, N. W. Metro- politan, Four-and-a-half and C Streets, N. W. McKendree, Massachusetts 50 STRANGERS GUIDE Avenue, near Ninth Street, N. W. Hamline, Ninth and P Streets, N. W. Foundry, Fourteenth and G Streets, N. W. Asbury (colored), K and Eleventh Streets, N. W. Methodist Episcopal, South. — Mount Vernon, Ninth and K Streets, N. W. Methodist Protestant. — Ninth Street, between E and F, N. W. Friends. — Orthodox, Thirteenth Street, between R and S, N. W. Hicks- ite, I Street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth, N. W. Oerman Beformed. — First, Sixth and N Streets, N. W. Baptist— Y\YS,t, Thirteenth Street, between G and H, N. W. Shiloh^ Massachusetts Avenue, between Ninth and Tenth Streets, N. W. Calvary ^ ST. ALOYSIXJS. METROPOLITAN. H and Eighth Streets, N. W. E Street, E Street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets, N. W. First (colored), Nineteenth and I Streets, N. W. Christian. — Vermont Avenue, above N Street, N. W. Hebrew.- — Washington Hebrew Congregation, Eighth Street, between H and I Streets, N. W. Services, Friday, 7 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. Lutheran. — Trinity (Unaltered Augsburg Confession), Fourth and E Streets, N. W. St. Paul's, Eleventh and H Streets, N. W. Memorial, Four- teenth and N Streets, N. W. Universalist. — Masonic Hall, Ninth and F Streets, N. W. HOTELS. Arlington. — Vermont Avenue, near H Street, N. W. $4.00 per day. /:E66i«.— Fourteenth and F Streets, N. W. $ii»© per day. Willard's. — Fourteenth and Pennsylvania Avenue, $3.00 per day. Imperifd.—E Street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, N. W. $3.00 per day. St. Marc. — (European), Seventh Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. Metropolitan. — Pennsylvania Avenue, near Seventh Street. $3.00 per day. National. — Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street, N. W. $2.50 per day. St. James. — (European), Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street, opposite National. Miggs. — Corner of Fifteenth and G Streets. ' . X^/ X d>' ^"^ /^ -^z * TO WASHINGTON CITY. 51 EAILKOADS. Baltimore and Potomac. — For north, south, east, and west. Depot, corner Sixth and B Streets, N. W. Baltimore and Ohio. — For north, east, and west. Depot, corner New Jersey- Avenue and C Street, N. W. STKEET KAILEOADS. Washinaton and Georgetoivn. — From Georgetown to the Navy Yard, con- necting with the Fourteenth Street and Columbia lines, at Fifteenth and Penn- sylvania Avenue. Exchange tickets given here for Fourteenth Street line ; with the Metropolitan line at Ninth Street; with Seventh Street branch at Seventh Street — exchange tickets given here. At the west gate of the Capi- tol, change cars for the Baltimore and Ohio Depot ; the cars turn to the right for the Navy Yard and Capitol Hill. Fourteenth Street Branch. — From New York Avenue and Fifteenth Street to the boundary. Exchange tickets given for Pennsylvania Avenue lines. Seventh Street Branch. — From the boundary to the river. At Massachu- setts Avenue they connect with the Columbia line, and at F Street with the Metropolitan line, and at Pennsylvania Avenue with the Pennsylvania Avenue line, for which they give exchange tickets. Metropolitan Railway. — From Seventeenth Street, south of Pennsylvania Avenue, to Senate wing of Capitol. Intersects the Fourteenth Street and the Columbia lines at Fourteenth Street and New York Avenue ; the Ninth Street branch (for which exchange tickets are given) at Ninth and F Streets; and the Seventh Street line at Seventh and F Streets. The Georgetown and East Capitol Street Branch of this line runs from George- town to Lincoln Square. The Ninth Street Branch. — From terminus of Ninth Street northwest to the Arsenal gate. Silver Spring Branch. — From terminus of Seventh Street northwest to the road leading to Soldiers' Home and Rock Creek Church. Columbia Railway. — From New York Avenue and Fifteenth Street to boundary, east. At Ninth Street they intersect the Metropolitan, at Seventh Street, the Seventh Street line. The Capitol, North Street, and. South Washington Railroad, popularly known as the Belt Line, passes the western park of the Capitol, northwardly, to O Street; to Eleventh Street; to Pennsylvania Avenue, passing National Theatre; down Fourteenth Street, passing Agricultural Department and Washington Monument, thence eastwardly to Capitol again. Anacostia and Potomac River. — From the wharves at foot of Seventh Street , N. W., eastward along the river front to the Navy Yard, thence across the eastern branch through Uniontown to the foot of the Insane Asylum hill. THEATRES. National Theatre. — E Street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets. Fo7-d's Opera House. — Ninth Street, south of Pennsylvania Avenue. A.^ ^ V Mi STRANGERS Visiting our city are cordially invited to visit the large Book AND Stationery Store of W. H. & O. H. Morrison, No. 475 Penn. Ave. (Publishers of Morrison's Stranger's Guide), where they will be certain, amongst the following articles always kept in stock, to find a suitable present and memento to take home with them. *' Stereoscopic and Photographic Views," Russia Goods, including Backet Books, Card Cases, Dressing Cases, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Cabinet and Card Frames, Work Baskets, Photograph and Autograph Albums, Sc; Glass Inkstands, Paper Weights and Ornaments, Travellers^ Inkstands, Gold Pens and Holders, Gold Pencils, Children's Games, Fancy Stationery— in Boxes, Paper and Envelopes and Correspondence Cards; Books of Fiction, Science, Art, and Law, handsomely bound; Small Views of Public Buildings, Decorating Japanese Goods in large variety, White Wood Goods with Views of^ Public Buildings upon them, A perfect willingness to show our Goods to Strangers, and always glad to have them visit our place of business, at all hours of the day. W. H. & O. H. MORRISON, Law Booksellers and Stationers, 475 Penn. Ave., Washington, D. C. i^ ALL OBDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY FILLED. s^' ^-^^■, 'm. *??: liiui'