Class Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSm ALFRED ASKIN WRIGHT SPIRITUAL SCIENCE THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION BY ALFRED A. WRIGHT A Student of the Ocult, etc. ALFRED A. WRIGHT PUBLISHER NEW YORK 146 Central Park West Copyright, 1917 By ALFRED A. WRIGHT V SEP II 1917 A470999 n^fr ( DEDICATED To the memory and spiritual co-operation of my Mother whose love is daily made known to in many ways. IMMORTALITY The Soul of man is immortal, God breathed the attributes within, Concentrate and nurture each one to grow, Radiate and help your brother to win. A. A, W. AUTHORS AFFIRMATION I hereby, in the presence of God consecrate my energies to the cause of Spiritual Science, the Universal Religion. To co-operate with the spirit forces, and give to the world the truth. I agree to be a willing instrument in their hands. I to have the best inspirational forces that can be obtained, and not to be influenced by any elementary forces, except to help and up- lift same. I am not to be put under control whereby my senses will be asleep, having at all times an even mind, with a full knowledge of all that transpires around me. I am also to be an instrument in their hands vii for healing, with the power of God pulsating through my organism, with the guides co-oper- ating with me in all cases of sickness, or infirm- ity, simply by the laying on of hands, or con- centrating the spiritual healing forces by thought, thereby effecting a cure. The physical powers to be exhibited by the spirit forces, are to come in the forms of rap- pings, trumpet, table moving, and all other forms of physical demonstrations, when they can be used to demonstrate the spirit com- munion, also automatic, inspirational and slate writing. I am clairvoyant and clairaudient, as time will develop these senses or powers to be more positive. Alfred Askin Wright. V1U SPIRITUAL SCIENCE CONTENTS PARTI CHAP. PAGE I Scientific Analysis . . • .11 II Trumpet, Spirit Voices and Seance . 32 III Spirit Photography . . . .40 IV Clairvoyance and Clairaudience • 42 V Independent Slate Writing . . 46 VI Automatic Writing . . . .49 VII Dreams, Visions and Astral Traveling 52 VIII Premonitions . . ... .63 IX Materialization and Science . . 65 X Spirit World . . . . .74 XI Healing* Obsession and Spirit Guides 79 xii psychometry, motherhood and Conclusion 88 ix THE MYSTIC SCIENCE DRAMA CONTENTS PART II PAGE Cast of Characters 101 ACT I Prof. Williams Drawing Room Riverside Drive, New York . 102 ACT II Margaret Hibbard's Dining Room West 58th Street, New York . 124 ACT III Same Scene as Act I One week later . . . 141 ILLUSTRATIONS Alfred Askin Wright . . Frontispiece FACIKG PAGE Spirit Photograph of Relatives and Spirit Guide of Frank Montsko . 38 Spirit Photograph of Dr. J. R. Newton and Two Spirit Guides of Frank Montsko . ... .• . . 40 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION CHAPTER I SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS To elevate the nations of the earth to a higher plane of spiritual thought, and recog- nition of a supreme spiritual power, should be the aim of all branches of culture and the heads of educational bureaus and colleges. With this end in view : The creating of one true and universal religion, or standard, for all hu- man kind to strive with, one purpose to know God and know thyself in a way that will satis- fy any earnest soul who is trying to find the 11 12 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE truth, they will enable each one to see the light, pointing out the right road to soul happiness, and shed more light upon the trying and rough pathway of life while in this mundane world. This will be constantly before our minds as we try to set forth some truths that have been handed down from generation to generation, but are seemingly misunderstood. We sense that now is the time when the world should real- ize the vast need of harmony, and peaceful pur- suits for every living mortal, for each is en- titled to know what is his by birthright, as every human being born into this world has powers or faculties lying dormant within his grasp, if he only knew how to bring them to the surface. This should be the object of all schools of learning, to be the motive power which is to help bring this about, and not leave it all to the churches; for these latent possibilities in each and every student, if properly aroused and brought into action, are as much to be THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 13 sought after as any other studies in our schools. It will be a great task, but what a mighty power this old world would be, if every mortal should awaken some morning and come into their inheritance, by perfectly understanding themselves, realizing that they have always had these powers, which were hidden for the lack of education. Letting in the light upon these secret chambers of their inner selves, they have now become another person, more powerful, because they have realized they are immortal, and the soul forces will have a chance to grow, becoming elevated, and not be left to grovel in the ignorance and superstition that has held back this world of ours for so many centuries. Every mortal has a spark of divinity in his soul, that will be awakened when the proper vibrations shall strike the vibratory cord of sympathy that awakens in the soul a sense of growth, and like the seed buried in the earth, when the proper conditions are made it will come to life. 14 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE LILLIES OF THE VALLEY Lillies of the Valley, Wondrous work of God So pure and very pretty Even to the tiny pod. Reared in nature's garden, Bathed in the morning dew; Life's it's dainty body Puts on it's brightest hue, Rain and sunshine both combine, With mother earth to rear Such saintly bits of beauty, That brings Heaven, Oh, so near! A. A. W. What a blessing to this weary world, if such an awakening came! Then the thoughts of war would vanish, to give way to the hand of friendship and help to our brothers across the seas. We would all be doing here what the saint is doing in the realms of spirit life, THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 15 trying to do his best for his fellows both in spirit life, and on this sphere of ours, remem- bering we are our brother's keeper just as much in this life as it is expected of us to be when we cross the Divide. When a mortal body is born into this world the soul of that body has attached itself at time of conception. The individual soul is from now on the life of and demonstrating power which will build that body into any con- dition that soul has awakened to. Perchance that soul has cultivated a sense of spiritual at- tainment, this development will then manifest through the everyday life of the person. It is possible for many souls to have had several births into this world, at stated periods, perhaps two thousand years separating these entrances. Some souls cannot complete what is alloted them in one earthly existence. Suppose a soul was born two thousand years ago and lived a life of moderation in a 16 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE general sense. At the time of transition it would enter the spirit realms, abiding there and progressing just the same over there as if here in the body. At the end of one thousand years, or any number of years, when the time is right for his soul to come again to earth, power and permission is given to be born again. Taking a new body to manipulate over again like the one he had discarded a thousand years ago, perhaps he may have better opportunity for working through this house of clay, than he had prev- iously. His hereditary conditions may be better, or the body of a finer texture and the brain more perfectly attuned to his highly de- veloped spiritual attainments. After all, his soul always retains the same individualities, but the body loses by the change and utterly vanishes and goes back into chemicals or its original elements. To come back to this earth is considered in the spirit life, a great privilege, and is not optional with us but with God, working THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 17 through psychic laws, that work just like na- ture's laws, when year after year the tree bears forth fruit. In the winter time it seems to die, but when spring time comes again, it comes to life, speaking to all the world in a language more beautiful than words can express, this great truth of evolution and progress. As the tree grows larger each year, so does the soul, at each reincarnation. But it would not be safe for the mind to live more lives than one at a time, therefore, nature has put a cloud over our past lives, and the only apparent re- sults exhibited in the second or third birth is the stored-up knowledge that speaks through this organism in our everyday work of life. 18 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE THE SOUL The soul is a part of the Infinite God, Wafted from the realms of time, To enter this mortal body of ours With aspirations of love divine; In childhood it seeks to express The innocence and purity of mind. Sincerity and trust are the virtues shown, Oh! Why are they left behind! Through sorrow and trials the soul unfolds, Like the dross from the gold is severed. Each victory is a blazing brand of truth That the storms of life have gathered. Victory is his, when the soul can proclaim, As the mortal body is laid to rest, "Well done, good and faithful one, You truly have done your very best." A. A. W. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 19 The master souls who have come from time to time on our planet no doubt were heri number of times. If we could understand the laws that re- quire this birth time and again, perhaps we would not wonder at its strangeness. Could you or I in one existence, attain the height of a master in bringing to the world some great truths that our own souls must know and ex- perience before they can impart them to others ? If you lived in a house that you were not satisfied with, you could move out; that is the same with the soul. But psychic laws make it only possible for the soul to vacate the body when it has reached certain conditions, then it can go on, unhampered by the defective body that perhaps handicapped it in this life. When I read that Christ asked the disciples, whom the people thought he was, it created in my mind a thought that he understood the laws of reincarnation. The answers came, some thought he was John the Baptist and 20 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE some Elias, indicating that even at that time they believed in reincarnation. Christ said to the disciples that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elias, as he no doubt was, for his manner of living bore out that statement. It is possible for a mortal while in this world to have some insight into his previous existence if he is developed in the psychic laws, and has the power to travel in the astral. At night, when the body is asleep, is usually the time he goes out. Most mediums can remember their visits to the other world when they awake. But I know of one, who, while in that psychic condition can be told something concerning his past life, in the form of actually living over again some parts of his previous lives. Proof of previous existence can be seen when a young child read- ily becomes a master musician or an artist. He can develop much faster if he has had some knowledge of art in his previous existence, as THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 21 the soul forces have cultivated the brain from birth along certain lines; then, perhaps, in later years the brain was overworked and the soul could not function properly, as in the younger days when it demonstrated freely. This is seen daily in all branches of business. Some readily adapt themselves to a new trade, learning the lesson over again. Is it not truly wonderful to think of our soul as living for ever? After all, several lives lived here take only a short time 'compared with eternity. Think what good you might do if you real- ized your mistakes and learned the value of personal service. What a pleasure it would be to a soul to have the privilege to come again, and to have the assurance before he came, that all would be well, that he would be a saviour to mankind. This would dawn upon the brain when the time came for the soul to awaken in the mind the message it wanted to convey to the world. No doubt Christ, only fully real- 22 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE ized in his later years, His mission. If a saviour was in our midst, do you think he would know just when the time for his enlightenment was at hand? Many saviours have come, and perhaps many more will come. They are all children of God, for every one of us is a joint heir with Christ, as He so taught us in the wonderful life He lived while sojourning here in our midst. It is true we are not to judge one another, and for us to say some souls are marked to go to eternal death, seems not in accordance with the facts of psychic laws, and even natural laws. Can you imagine a father condemning his own son to eternal torture ? Much less then can you imagine God, whom we are all taught is a God of love, as condemning many souls to everlasting death. It is about time for some of us to awaken and realize that we are living in the twentieth century instead of in the past. If we would know Christ better we would get in touch with the spirit world ; then His divinity THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 23 will shine more into our souls and His love for humanity will co-operate with our hearts. We will not do the things we once did, but will feel the presence of one whose life has been an in- centive to us for better things and we will try and follow Him, for He was a light to the whole world. But, do your best here, then you will be well taken care of hereafter. What glorious times we all shall see when every soul that ever lived will be at last in a state of realization of his own powers ! It may take millions of years, but I believe that that passage of the Scriptures which reads, "Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess" means this state of everyone being saved, or coming into his own birthright, as all are the children of the living God. He is Lord of all, He is Our Father, as Christ taught us to pray. He did not mean only a few, but all children in all conditions. Perhaps the saint of to-day was a very wicked man in his previous exist- 24 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE ence, so we must withhold judgment and try and help others to better themselves. We must believe in progression hereafter for every soul, that is the law. Experience is, after all, the best of instructors, all of us have been through some such school of learning, and we consider it a blessing after we have passed that stage and are able to master certain conditions. Be lenient to all whom you may think are below you, for Christ knew this condition. He did not condemn Mary Magdelene, but gave her His love and land words, something altogether different from the system that is in force nowadays amongst Christ's followers. Awake and help all to realize the time is at hand, when we will not be allowed to sit still and let our weaker brother live in ignorance of his true existence. Start with a new resolve that you will be a saviour of mankind, and be up and doing, for to-morrow may be too late. Sometime, somewhere, every soul will realize THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 25 the truth, and the truth will set them free. What joy it is to have the truth implanted in our hearts, and to have the conscious feeling that all is well, for God rules, and all souls are immortal. 26 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE IMMORTALITY There is no death, Why should you weep? Only mortal clay that rests The soul, its friends to meet. From all eternity I was, And now and ever will be, Spirit and soul united, Loved ones always near me. 'Tis God's own precious gift, Children His are we, Endowed with loving attributes, Born for all eternity. Come, friend, look upward, Time for you to see All nature around you speaking, God's life in bird and tree. Seek to know the truth, Then satisfied you will be, Joy and sunshine will be yours, You shall then be free. A. A. W. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 27 But this knowledge should not make us care- less, for what a man soweth here that shall he reap in the next world. If we don't progress here then it only holds back our advancement that much longer over there, so start here and now. Have that knowledge, so you can be able to go ahead with clear vision, when you go to the other side. Don't stop at being a Christian, but go as high as you like. It remains with you just to what height, or even to what depth, you may go, for all the angels in Heaven were at some time or another men like ourselves, only they learned their lesson before we did. But take hope friends, we may all become angels, if we only take the right way, and climb daily up- ward. The disciples asked Christ if they could sit with Him in Heaven, He answered, yes, if they could be baptized with the same baptism he was baptized with, meaning, soul unfoldment. He 28 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE gave us all hope of sitting next to God, if we are faithful and true. When each soul enters the spirit world it takes up the same mode of life (or has those same ideas) as it had when living in the body. Sometimes a soul does not realize he is dead for many days, and returns to the old home place like one walking in one's sleep, until he is finally brought to realize the fact when some friend or relative is there to tell him the truth. To avoid all those unpleasant states, be good here and your friends will meet you with love and outstretched arms over there. All is happiness to the good souls who try, to do right, and I know much misery is in store for many souls, who in this life neglect to bring about an understanding with their true selves. They are in a condition on the spirit side, resembling or contrasting to their condition here. Do you think a wicked soul would find happiness in company with angels? You can fully realize it is not in harmony even THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 29 with common sense to think of this, but hope on, someday we will get light. In spiritland the soul needs no food as does the mortal body, but takes its nourishment from the atmosphere. The Scriptures say "we have a natural body and we have a spiritual body." Most psychics can help themselves when they go over to the spirit side, as they are more or less living out of the body when in this lif e. Thus it is only natural for them to go right on where they have been so many times before. If you in- tended visiting some distant land, you would naturally inquire about conditions before you started out, well, is it not so with our future life? What there is for you to know, it is not wrong to try and find out. We are told "Seek and ye shall find," "Knock and it shall be opened unto you" meaning, this doctrine of psychic laws. There are many cases when the spirit is seen 30 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE leaving the body at the time of transition. Then it is seen standing nearby, feeling grieved at the distress of others, who think that this is the last of the dear departed. If the spirit could only make known its pleasure in arising from a bed of pain to a perfect spirit body or soul, free from all pains, what a comfort it must be to that soul if he is able to realize the exact state of affairs at the moment of going over, and the wonders of the spirit homes. Christ says, "There are many mansions pre- pared for you." Many a time it has been my privilege to talk with the departed and hear from them of the wonders and beauties of this spiritland. Some of these communications were held in the homes of persons who had not the courage to tell their friends, only a few mortal guests were assembled and we met there (without the possibility of fraud or deception) to stand face to face with our loved ones. Sometimes they don't take the trouble to build up a body THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 31 so we can see it, but talk right out in the air to us in their own voices, which we can easily recognize, and so understand it is their true self. Almost every home can have its own com- munications, if it wishes, and if it will observe and faithfully attend to the rules set down. You invite three or four of your friends to your home at a certain time, twice a week. Sit. for three-quarters of an hour, quietly, and reverently ask your spirit friends to manifest in some way, to let you know they are there. Then you may expect to get some answer to your faithful sitting, in some form or 'other. CHAPTER II TRUMPET,, SPIRIT VOICES AND SEANCE The spirits might manifest their presence in the form of rappings or as voices through a trumpet, whereby the spirits' voices are magni- fied so you can hear them very distinctly and follow the conversation. This form of communication has proven without doubt to many thousands, that contact with the spirit world is an actual fact. We heard many wonderful lectures that were instructive and helpful. The medium I .refer to, was in a western city, and was taken under complete control by her guide. The first to speak was the trumpet guide, who usually opened the meeting like any ordinary sacred meeting. He would announce that the 32 THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 33 guides or friends had assembled and would try and get through as many messages as could be done in a limited time and that it was a pleasure on their part to be able to be the means of hold- ing converse with us. To me, this is a great truth, that is not taken advantage of, for many people look upon these seances with distrust and are afraid of being defrauded, but that is the wrong way to go to any meeting. To go with a doubt always puts a discord or inharmony in the circle. For two years I attended a trumpet circle four times a week, so, one can form an opinion after having attended so long. I can truth- fully say I did not detect any fraud at any time, but rather received much good advice and spiritual knowledge regarding the psychic laws, which I am now trying to give to the world. But this method of receiving instructions has not been my only source of information, but also through my own organism, and I am 34 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE now writing partly under the inspiration or influence of my guides and helpers. The voices from the trumpet were in the spirits' natural voices and manner of delivery. Even the childrens' voices could be recognized. Many a pleasant hour we spent in their com- pany, when we could sometimes see them walk- ing or standing in the circle or seance rooms. When speaking, each would take their turn in giving to us his or her own message, no two being alike. Many times the children (our relatives) would touch us or sit upon our knees and would talk and act just as natural as in life. Some- times three or four of the children would be talking at once as happened upon one occasion, when a lady brought to the circle a package concealed under her coat. When the lights were turned off, she placed it in front of her on the table in the middle of the circle. Dur- ing the course of the evening, we heard some spirit open the paper and the joyous exclama.- THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 35 tion of four or five children, all joining in their childish talk about what the contents were for, when it was seen to contain a lot of small pieces of different colored silk, then each child was heard to say, what pieces they would like to have. This was the time when they all talked at once, and as we were all grown up men and women at this seance it was really delightful to be in the presence of these happy and innocent souls who had perhaps passed out of life before they could learn to talk. Their progression had kept right along, and the only difference was, as the law is, on this point, that every mortal who passes over and comes back to speak to us, that just as they are instructed in the spirit schools to talk, that is the way they come. My little niece who was only six months old when she passed over was always known to me when she announced herself by always call- ing her own name. She always called me Uncle Alfrecj. It was with such a sweet and 36 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE spiritual voice that it reminded me of an an- gel who spake, and you can surely be convinced when you hear them talking. No earthly voice can justly imitate them, so tender and full of love. Your very heart goes out to those dear souls. I always spoke to my niece as "sweet- heart" and was proud to think I had on my staff of helpers such good influences. Then the grown spirits, they often sang loud enough for all to hear in the next room, and playing a guitar over our head at the same time, and touching each one of us to convince us it was in the air. But I have only given you a sample of what I have seen or heard. Perhaps it may be a help to you to know that all seances are not ridiculed, and some of the books I have read on spiritualism, seem to be rather doubtful in the summing up of the evidence. But I can assure you of the true methods of the ones I attended. At one seance I placed a canvas drawn THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 37 tightly between two embroidery hoops as we were told perhaps some artist would draw some figures upon the canvas at this circle. In the course of the evening the spirit guides would tell us just what progress was being made in the drawing. We had no paints, nor any pen- cils on the tables to draw the color from, so the artist drew them from the chemical in the carpet. When the seance was over, sure enough, there was a head drawn in the inside of the canvas, and if you held the canvas away from you about a foot, you could see the head of a man with collar and lapel of the coat, and complete bust. We were told that it was the first this artist painted in any circle, so we might expect to see even better work at the next attempt. The chemist in spirit life, can extract out of chemicals just the same as if he were on earth, for he really is half mater- ialized when he comes to the circle. After all is said, can you realize that the body, which, if placed in a tank of acid, will 38 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE in a few days, have disappeared into ether, so going back to the chemicals from whence it came. Why cannot the spirit build up a body again from the ether? Many highly spiritualized souls often talked to us, and told us many truths we could get no where else. We received many blessings and help, and it was good to have been there. When any of our friends passed over it was usually a week or two, sometimes less, that we were able to hold a short conversation with the newly arrived soul in spiritland, and the stronger guides would combine their strength and permit the new one to speak. Sometimes the new spirit would almost be unable to re- member just where they had passed out, or what city. But if you were in a state where, only having so recently passed into a different world, is it any wonder to you that they would be confused, while others who were more familiar with the psychic laws could speak up Frank Montsko, medium, in center (living); Andrew Montsko. his grandfather, on left; Alary Montsko, his grandmother, above; "Elizabeth.*' a spirit guide on right; Marie Kline, his aunt, below. The four named are spirit pictures as no photographs were brought to America. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 39 clearly, almost without help the next few days after passing over. One spirit guide of mine whom I knew before he passed over, often came and told me things that he and I knew about and this was most convincing. More knowl- edge can be obtained in this way than by at- tending many scientific lectures, or in the course of years of study. Can any of the churches give us an absolute proof of a hereafter as clearly as I have tried to write it in these few instances? CHAPTER III SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHY Spirit photography is another proof of the existence of our departed friends and that they come back and are seen in pictures by posing in front of the camera. The sensitized plate takes the picture, while the human eye cannot detect their presence, but any clairvoyant can readily see the forms of spirits and there is truth in what we call "ghosts." I have seen many proofs of half a dozen heads in one group appearing on one picture. While the picture may have been taken under a tree, or out in the sunlight, there the camera caught them, but the eye did not. The likenesses, one could always recognize as friends of the sitter for the picture. 40 Frank Montsko. medium, in center (living); Indian "White Cloud." a spirit guide, on left; Indian maid "Turtle," a spirit guide, on right. Dr. Newton, a spiritual healer, above. The three named are spirit pictures. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 41 I would advise anyone owning a camera to examine all pictures closely as I have detected spirit faces in snapshots that were not recog- nized as spirit faces until pointed out, then they were easily recognized as friends who had gone to spiritland. Perhaps you may be a medium, whom the spirit guides can use in taking a spirit picture. . „.i CHAPTER IV CLAIRVOYANCE AND CLAIRAUDIENCE Clairvoyance or second sight is rather more common to-day than most people realize. One can see living spirits that can walk and run or float just as natural as life (all except floating. I hardly think that is a thing any human per- son can do). Did you ever fly away in your dreams? That is the way you do when you become a spirit, free from the body, but always bear in mind that you are now a spirit, just as much as you will ever be, only you will then be freed from this body of yours (that's all the difference). When giving tests sometimes I can actually see a spirit and can see the color of dress, and 42 THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 48 tell when that spirit passed over. At other, times I can describe a spirit, without actually having the vision presented before me, and the description is just as though I actually saw the spirit. These impressions I get from my guides or spirit workers, that is why I can describe them so accurately. I have described a scene that was actually taking place in an- other part of the city, and then I went out in the street and heard the boys crying aloud the extra news and the next day of meeting the very participants who figured in the affair ; but all this through my guides giving me the information. I hope that I will never be in a position, when I will have to be a witness to condemn anyone, through my powers of clairvoyance. I would rather help them than convict them, but, it has been shown me many times, what lives my companions have lead. I can understand now many things when I read the Scriptures (through this added knowl- U SPIRITUAL SCIENCE edge) that heretofore I thought were miracles, now I can see they were only natural laws or psychic laws being carried out, by one who understood how to handle them. When Christ told the Woman at the Well, that she had five husbands, he told her through his developed psychic powers, and we know how wonderful were his miracles, and parables ; but the miracles of Moses' time (when the rods were turned into snakes) were they not equally as miraculous as any of later date, even to re- storing to life the young son of the widow,, who was stricken on the field by sunstroke; this was done by one of the prophets of the Old Testament. Then the disciples could do the many won- derful works that Christ did, and he said "Ye shall do even greater things than I do," plain- ly showing he knew the latent powers of all men. As the fishermen were chosen from the ord- inary walks of life, and after three years of THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 45 constant companionship they nearly all became clairvoyant. Clairaudience or clear hearing is another phase of mediumship. This is a gift a number possess and they can hear the spirits talk to them just as plainly as you and I can hear one another conversing, it is quite annoying some- times to those who don't understand the laws^ and they think they are going crazy, but usually they are impressed to investigate further in the psychic laws, and see if they can make better use of their gifts. CHAPTER V INDEPENDENT SLATE WRITING Independent slate writing is another phase. This is truly wonderful and most convincing under positive test conditions by some mediums. I will relate one case where we had test conditions, and given under strong gas light where the following rules were observed: Slates of good size were brought out and thoroughly washed and dried; then all of us wrote or had written our message at home and brought them to the meeting. We deposited them in a receptacle, and set fire to them, de- stroying them without having the medium touch them. Then the medium would put two slates together and put a gum band around 46 THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 4T them to hold them with a clip and hang them upon a wire overhead, all the time keeping everything in full sight, never leaving the room all evening. After he had paired all the slates and hung them up, he would talk about his past experience, and would shortly tell us that his guide told him the writing was done; this only took about ten minutes. He would take down the first two slates releasing the band that held them together, and on the inside surface of each slate would be found a com- plete message to some one of us, with our full name and beautiful flowers sometimes entwin- ing the written message. There was no pencil between the states, so, how the spirits can do this is a wonder. Sometimes the messages would be in Ger- man, Italian or any language the person hap- pened to be familiar with who got the mes- sage ; then the message itself was in answer to what he wrote, and was signed by a spirit, usually the one we asked to come in our note, 48 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE but sometimes a different one, relatives or a friend whom the medium did not know, nor had any way of finding out. A most convinc- ing test, as the handwriting was done with such remarkable clearness sometimes with such pre- cision that no human hand could do as well. These slates could not have been prepared be- fore hand. These seances were the means of converting many to the cause of Spiritual Science, and teaching us that our spirit friends are in close touch and know all the details and trials, and often help us to avoid dangers, that without their help we may suffer. CHAPTER VI AUTOMATIC WRITING Automatic writing is another phase of mediumship. This exhibition of spirit control is made when the medium places a slate before him, and holds the pencil in a position, that the free use of the arm can be used by the spirit guides, then I have seen the arm move the pencil and write independently of the medium, for every spirit who took control of this medium (whom I am writing about) wrote through her organ- ism, their own style hand writing, and most of the time they used her left hand, and usually wrote backwards, upside down, so a person wishing to read the message had to take a look- ing glass and read the message in the glass. 49 50 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE If you think this is an easy thing to do just try a sample for yourself. This was the means of giving to me partly through my helping the guide, and through writing by this medium a very important invention that only took one hour to accomplish, while many learned men have been trying to solve it for years, but I can't go into detail now, until sometime later, perhaps, when I make this invention known to the public. It was all worked out scientifically and to the inch. I had only to put down what was given me through my mediumship and partly through the hand that wrote or controlled the other medium. This is a fair sample of what can be done if we have a band of faithful work- ers and those whom we know are always to be depended upon to keep us truthfully informed. There are a number of good examples of this phase that have come to my notice. A Ger- man guide would come, and in his own half- broken style would write his message in the THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 51 same style as he would talk to you or I, if we had met him on the street. This demonstrates that they have the same characteristics over there, as they had while in the body. In fact, the soul is the real man and this body of ours is only the instrument which the soul can speak through. The soul is the seat of memory in- stead of the brain, for when the soul departs at transition, the thoughts of our life and all our actions are stored up in the soul, while the brain is of no more use than the hand. It was only the instrument for the soul to express through, but it is possible to have a counter- part of the soul in the brain while it inhabits the body, and possibly we can still say the brain may retain some memory. A defective brain cannot get through a clear message of the soul, so don't condemn some mortals. Their brain may be defective, and the true self or soul may be much more highly developed than their acts would indicate. CHAPTER VII DREAMS., VISIONS AND ASTRAL TRAVELING Dreams to me mean much, especially when I can tell a trance dream from a dream caused by a disordered stomach. I can only write of what I have myself experienced, then I know it is correct, and I can write with a full share of confidence in my work. In fact, all that I have written bears my own test of truthfulness, therefore I hope that my readers will pardon me if I refer to myself so often ; but after all, if a person writes what he knows to be facts, in- stead of taking another's word for it, he can prove all he writes at any time. A vision came to me one night very clearly, and I remembered every detail the next morn- ing when I awoke. 52 THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 53 I saw a boy, who was riding a bicycle, fall under the wheels of a street car ; he was crushed so badly, that I knew he could not survive this accident. It impressed me so much that when I reached the breakfast table I told what I had seen, and asked the young man who sat near me to look and see if this accident was in the morning papers. As we were in the country, the papers came by train and there was no chance of my know- ing of any accident, so it was just as I related. A boy in the next town, fifteen miles dis- tant, had met with an accident, and had died that day. The next night I had another vision. This time I was teaching a child to clog dance. When I got to the breakfast table the next morning, a young lady who was a boarder at this same cottage said to me, before I had a chance to utter a word about my dream, that she saw me clogging last night. Now, can you see anything significant in 54 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE two of us seeing the same thing the same night? Well, she was a medium, and her powers were more or less developed, so she could see what the guides were showing me, at the same time. The third day in succession I had another experience. I was resting on the bed, when be- fore me on the wall opposite, appeared the bust of a man, who had a long, white beard. This bust was in a frame, that was clearly shown, but upon arising I saw the wall was empty of all pictures, then I knew I had seen a vision. Half an hour later I attended a trance lec- ture, given by a well-known medium, and as I was sitting well up in front, I could come in touch with the vibrations and aura that sur- rounded the medium. He stopped his lecture long enough to point to me and say a spirit wanted to state that he came to me as a guide, and gave his name (which I will not mention here) but, as I had not met the gentleman in life, I did not know what he looked like, until THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 55 a lady turned to me and said, "There is the man referred to over on the wall." I looked, and he was the very person I had seen in my vision. A confirmation quickly realized. Another vision: I was in a strange city, hurrying along a street; it was dark, the wind was blowing fiercely, but no rain had fallen. As I looked ahead I saw a pillow coming out of a window, if fell across the street. I went and picked it up, taking it to some persons who were looking out of a window, I asked them to whom the pillow belonged. They re- plied, "It belongs to the man on the fifth floor." I threw the pillow to them, then my vision was over. The next day I was impressed by my guides to go to a certain lady and relate to her what I saw. I did so, and she was very much surprised to learn where I got the inform- ation, as it was all true, and had happened ten years before, while she was living in the Middle West, as she remembered the cyclone 56 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE that had struck the town and had blown the pillow across the street as I had described. I then asked her about the fifth floor. She replied, "Where you found the pillow, there was a factory, and on the fifth floor my father was employed." Was that a coincidence or a spirit message? Another vision : I was taken to see a forest fire extending over quite a space. The flames and smoke made a very startling vision. The next day I was impressed to ask a lady about such an occurrence and she told me that on the previous afternoon she had visited a friend and they both really did see this same forest fire that I had described; it was at a distance of five miles away. I had had no way of finding out about this strange event that actually hap- pened some distance from where I was then stopping. There were many such visions given to me, that I know were not ordinary dreams. Another vision was given me shortly after the time of the Mexican trouble, when the raid THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 57 into the United States took place One evening while attending the trumpet circle previously mentioned, I told my guides that I would place myself into their hands to do what they could with my astral body in bringing about a recon- ciliation with Mexico, as I saw much danger to the welfare of our people if we really started a war, so the vision I got was not shown to me until two nights afterward. I was taken down to Mexico; could see the Mexican cities and towns and mud homes*, and was eventually taken to an isolated location in the mountains. There a wooden structure came into vision, we entered, for I had a spirit messenger, and this little soul was none other than a relative of the man whom I now had the pleasure of visiting, for at that time many conflicting reports were current that this leader was dead, but he was alive as we soon found on entering through a trap door to a basement room. I will never forget the startled look he gave me, as I walked up to him and his quick action of defence, as 58 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE he drew his knife, but I held up my hand and told him to put up his knife as I only came to him as a messenger, trying to do a good work in the interest of humanity. He then sat down, but in the meantime the little spirit who conducted me, stood as if afraid at the head of the stairs, while I talked with this leader. He told me his name, which I will not repeat, but we had quite a chat and after promising to be good, I tried to win his heart over to keep the peace, and asked God to help him. Per- haps in his waking moments he would remem- ber this visit, for since then he has not at- tempted any more trouble. The messenger and I came joyfully home, feeling we had done some wonderful work, and I really believe we did. It was truly a mission of spiritual influ- ences, so the next night I attended a seance at the same place and before I said anything about my astral trip, the guides told me about them taking me to Mexico and asked me if I THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 59 remembered all that took place, they seemed happy that they could use my astral body and magnetic force, as it seems they have to come in contact with the human body to get the necessary strength to do these wonderful things, pertaining to the other inhabitants of the earth they want to reach. Another vision was given to me about two weeks afterwards. I was elated with my last success so I had an understanding with my guides to try to do some missionary work across the waters, as the foreboding war clouds were hovering over the United States regarding the submarine sinkings. I waited for two nights, then the guides took me on this journey over the ocean. I could see the deep swells of the waters, we went over European cities and at last reached a railroad depot. Here I met a man, who told me I was to be his special guest for the time being. We took train just like ordinary persons. All this was very real to me. The train was sent forward, I saw some 60 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE of the stations as they seemed to flash by, some persons were waiting to take the train as it might stop at their respective station, but my guide told me we would not stop until we reached the front. I rememberd no more, as a cloud was put over my vision for reasons best known to the guides, but at the next meet- ing they told me of this visit, and that they had accomplished a good work. Three days afterward we had the satisfaction of reading in the newspapers that we need not worry any longer about the submarine terror, as an agree- ment was signed that would guarantee safety to American ships. Whether my visit helped things along remains a fact known only to the spirit world. Perhaps you or I may find out some day when we reach that land of prom- ise and have a better understanding with our brothers. Another vision: I was taken out and came to a place where I saw two locomotives stand- ing with steam up. I could see men with Ian- THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 61 terns walking about as if they had averted an accident, that was the impression I got at the time, so, when I attended the seance, I was told by my guides that they had used me again to impress the engineer of the on-rushing train to slow up and stop. He got the warning in time to avoid a terrible accident, as a tree had fallen directly across the track. He had to be put almost under control before he realized that the engine must be stopped. My vibra- tions, while still a mortal, were stronger than the spirit guides, who were free of mortal body. That is the psychic law, acting like a connect- ing electric wire with a strong battery, so my vibration was the connecting link needed in time of great danger. I have only recorded these few instances to let the general public know how much good can be done if a mortal is able to give his strength and knowledge with spiritual co- operation to help even the humblest of down trodden human souls. 62 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE Many a time I have visited the slums in my astral visits and tried to touch some despondent creature, who was perhaps brought up under adverse circumstances, or who did not have a mother's love to guide him right. Would you not like to do this work of the Master? CHAPTER VIII PREMONITIONS There came a time in my life one summer, when I thought of taking a trip to Germany; that was about one year before the war. I planned everything, gave up my position, went down to the steamship office to get my berth and the clerk had started to show me the loca- tion of same, when the silent voice came to me and said, "I should not go." The clerk asked me if I had decided or not. I told him not to make the ticket out as I could not go, but on leaving the office I went into another office of a different line and the same thing happened. I left the office feeling rather blue that I was not allowed to take the trip, but upon reaching Trinity Church, I strolled in there, taking a 63 64 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE seat. Very soon the thoughts came to me why I was not permitted to go, so I followed my impressions, taking a different view, making new plans. I attended for the next two months a school (like a Chautauqua course) where the Spiritual Science was demonstrated, giving to me wonderful comfort ; and starting me up- on my future work, which you, my readers, are gaining with me as I try to note these impres-. sions and truths that we all hope will be of benefit to humanity. CHAPTER IX MATERIALIZATION AND SCIENCE Materialization is another phase of medium- ship, which I think is perhaps the most wonder- ful, having witnessed many times this mode of communication with the spirit world. I re- member when in my room one night as I lay partly entranced, I saw coming toward me a tall figure dressed all in white; only the eyes were exposed. The figure was of a man. He extended his hand to me, which I took and felt the warmth of a natural hand. I did not feel the least bit afraid,, as no words were spoken on either side. Finally the figure melted away, then I looked toward the window in the dim light and saw the outlines of a figure and was impressed it was my brother. 65 66 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE Then all became normal again, and I went to sleep peacefully as though nothing had oc- curred. The guides told me that they often had trouble in the early part of my development when they took me out, for I did not want to come back, and once or twice they had to force me to return to my body. I have a dim recollection of just such an oc- currence, but one gets so accustomed to such visits, that after being there perhaps in other incarnations one feels at home, when coming in contact with former modes of living. I have witnessed some forms of material- ization that were startling; have seen spirits come out of the cabinet fully dressed as they were accustomed to dress when in life, one, a figure of a nun, beautiful face, a full regalia and a string of pearls around her neck. Her face was illuminated, no face in the circle was like hers, for the medium was a man. I will not enumerate many instances like the THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 67 above, but if the Bible can record cases of materialization long ago, why not now? Was not Christ materialized when he appeared to the two disciples on their journey to Emmaus, also appearing to Mary at the tomb, and to the twelve disciples where they met in a room, when Thomas doubted it was Christ; and on the mount when Christ was transfigured with Moses and Elias who were talking with him. All the incidents mentioned where I was concerned, I can truthfully vouch for, so I can give first-hand testimony, like the prophets of old, when they recorded their visions. Per- haps some of those prophets are among us to- day, being reincarnated; who can tell? Don't you think it is about time some great teacher was due? Some one who can show us the truth in all its true aspects, relating to our daily mode of living and our stored-up capabilities, and powers. That will be the aim of the next great 68 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE teacher, and to help the masses, the weary- ones. Spiritual Science can do this if taken up properly and explained to the people, using common sense in all things, that will promote a world-wide religion for all to take as their own as far as they become enlightened into the mysteries of the science, and their own powers. It would be worthy of any man to aspire to lead. Someone will make the start, and this work will be the means possibly of giving this science a wider circulation. If each reader will do his part and help individually, what a mighty power can be given the cause, launch- ing the new Spiritual Science, the Universal Religion as a melting pot for all other religions. It is broad enough in its scope to take in all classes, all denominations, all creeds, as each soul will then realize it is for the uplift of soul and soul culture, thus becoming acquainted with God, THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 69 Then within each one, will arise a call to the banner of peace, and good will to all. When you are visiting the country on your next vacation look around and see if you can contemplate God's handiwork. Sit down be- side the cool running stream, notice the green hills, the meadows, the cattle grazing content- edly. Do you not see some great power work- ing silently, with such precision, such beauty, that the soul thrills when we contemplate its grandeur? How vast are the store houses of the Al- mighty when seen through nature's beautiful flowers, trees, skies, and the millions of other worlds that we call stars. So vast that we fail to grasp the greatness of the universe, when we know this planet of ours is one of the smallest of all the others. What power controls them? What holds them in their places? In the vastness and grandeur of this crea- tion, with the mysteries slowly unveiling be- fore us. Spiritual Science will dp more to 70 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE unravel the mysteries than all the scientists in the world, because it is a soul science and cannot be handled in the same manner as the scientists usually do. SPRING TIME How joyous is the spring time, When to gentle warmth delight; Gladdens the heart of the toiler, Who works out into the night. The morning's brightest sunshine, Oh, what joy it gives to all, To see its dancing sunbeams, Giving life to great and small. Bye-and-bye we see the fruits, Springing up from its quiet berth, When little bits of gentle life, Mount slowly out of Mother Earth. Where the blossoms bright and fair, Radiant with beauty for all to see, Then how sweet is nature's treat, When it gives sweet essence to you and me. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 71 What is the secret of it all, Can you not fail to see? It is the omniscience of our God, Speaking through all life on land and sea. A. A. W. How; perfect is nature in bringing to life the beautiful flowers, the lily, the rose. Even in a leaf, if you will stop long enough to ex- amine it, you will find wonderful lines and curves. To try to duplicate nature, would be like putting up an arc lamp in place of the sun, which alone can give the gentle warmth, creat- ing life in the seed sown, bearing its varied colors and forms. Each soul is like some plant, some yield one hundredfold, some fifty. Some are like the rose and some are like the cactus with thorns to hurt anyone coming in contact with them. Each soul can attain to any height of unfold- ment and beauty, becoming radiant like the 72 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE angels through progression and earnest effort.' Each may bud and blossom, bearing fruit, by following the laws of Spiritual Science to guide us day by day as a beacon-light, that points the true way, instead of following the path that leads to darkness and despair. Take hope, we are all God's children and will ultimo ately serve God. The Prodigal Son chose the way that took him from the love and affection of home life. Why do young men and boys go wrong? Is it a natural desire implanted in every human to abuse the body, as many do, or is it lack of unfoldment? Perhaps if the soul was un- folded, it might throw off the yoke of habit and bondage, and not eat the husks of ignor- ance, but return like the prodigal, receiving the welcome which every wayward son will ex- perience, when he resolves to come home. "Be good and be happy" is a good motto for everyone, it pays in the long run ? and it will pay in the next world, too? THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 73 Go into your own room, lock the door and ask God, your Heavenly Father, to quicken the seed of knowledge and love, that it may shine with the pulsation of life and blessing to all who come in contact with its radiance* It will be yours or mine if we only know how to go about it, and here is the starting point for many who may be touched by this appeal: To help others to join in the uplift of every soul to right living, and sympathy for the down-trodden. These are some of the percepts taught by all the great masters. If we are able to grasp the true meaning of life, then it- is wise to prac- tice daily. CHAPTER X SPIRIT WORLD The laws of the spirit world are not partial to any creed or dogma, nationality or color. Each soul has a divine right to live his or her way, but it is no fault, except one's own, if he finds upon entering spirit life, that the church he attended did not give him a passport into the highest heavens of bliss and love. No, dear one, you create your own heaven or your own hell, no one judges you, but you gravitate to where you belong, through the rate of vibrations your soul has attained. Your aura will be your judge. It will tell to others just where you will be placed. Any advanced spirit, coming into a circle of faithful sitters, who are seeking the truth, 74 THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 75 can tell by looking over each one, just how many times each soul has reincarnated, and progressed, so we can't hide our true selves when we go over to the spirit side. All vibra- tions of one order will be in their own place of abode, otherwise inharmony would prevail. A highly advanced soul can reach down to the lower spheres but a lower or under-developed soul cannot ascend to the higher spheres, until he has reached that unfoldment through psychic laws in course of time. But to prog- ress there, one has to have a desire to do better and must aspire to rise, otherwise he stays in the same place until he gets thoroughly aroused, and wants to come into the light. Some lower places are dark and gloomy, but there are no fires like the old creeds used to preach about. The conscience is the thing that troubles one over there, that is where the real suffering is developed. When such a soul asks for help and upliftment it is heard in the higher 76 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE realms, then to that soul is given a helping hand and words of encouragement, to lead to higher spheres. In due time they all will go higher. There are cities both large and small, with rivers, lakes with fish, grass, trees, birds and animals of all kinds in the animal kingdom, and there are homes and schools of learning over there, just like here, only more real, and churches and houses of knowledge, where every invention is worked out beforehand, and then given to mortals, through inspiration, by guides when they can find a medium or anyone who will be able to correctly interpret the full sense and scheme of the invention. It has been tested in my own case, so I know what it is, and can truthfully say that there are many new things ready to be given to this world as soon as we are able to receive them. Christ said, he had much more to tell his disciples, but they were not ready to bear them at that time, but since then some things He wanted to convey, have THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 77 come to us in many ways. So live in the pres- ent as much as possible, take all the lessons of the past and profit by them, but expect new things, and do them. The man that amounts to anything to-day, is the man who can do something new and not be a tool of someone else. Try out your initiative powers, see if you can startle the world by being able to contact with the spirit forces, and learn what they have to give, perhaps it will be in one way or an- other, you may not recognize it at the time (but will perhaps later) what assistance you or I might receive from the unseen forces, who are always ready to help. But the man who is living on the lower plane can only expect to attract lower spirit forces and they can not be very elevating. For instance, a man who loves drink will still crave drink for a time, after he goes into the spirit life, he will even return to his usual haunts, perhaps a saloon, and get the essence of the liquors through others, even 78 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE tempting others to drink, so he can satisfy his craving. Some such souls were shown to me in a vision, some who have no mouths, and who look ashen and most miserable. They would put forth their hands in supplication to be helped, but you see they brought it all on themselves, and to purge themselves, they must learn where they can get better conditions, and be brought to realize that to serve one's self, will not raise one very high; but self-sacrifice is the only remedy for such souls to go higher. They are given a work whereby they may work out their own salvation in fear and trembling, as the Scriptures tell us. CHAPTER XI HEALING, OBSESSION AND SPIRIT GUIDES The same power for healing as in the days of the apostles, can be seen and realized in this present day. Some remarkable cures are rec- orded daily through spiritual healing, but in my work as a medium, I have found that the pains some people suffer, are not their own pains, but are conditions thrown upon them by spirits, who come in contact with the aura of that person. When I first got into the psychic work I often felt the influence of my mother (who went out of this life with a cancer located in the spine). I usually felt the same pain that she suffered, in the same place, but since I have progressed and understood more fully the 79 80 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE psychic laws, I was able to throw off any influ- ence that might come into my aura. One can build up a strong defense against being influ- enced by controls who may want to take pos- session. A great many cures are reported by people as wonderful, when if they only knew the exact cause of the supposed pains, they would have known that the healer was power- ful enough to send the obsessing spirit away, thereby relieving the sufferer. Of course, all cases are not like this, but I dare say many are, so by learning how to control one's self, learn- ing the laws that are plainly seen, when once the soul realizes its unfoldment, then we are more than fortunate and have gained a victory. One case I know of that really was a pain that came from acute indigestion, was cured in five minutes, by simply applying the hands of the medium, one hand in front of the stom- ach, and the other on the back of the patient. No garments needed to be removed, but im- THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 81 mediate relief was felt, and after two years no return of the pain was ever felt. Previous to the cure the patient was a sufferer for over a year by frequent attacks every few days. At the time the cure was made, the medium was under the influence of a strong healing power from the spirit side. Most successful healers are those who recognize the God spiritual power as the only power to do this remarkable work. Never give credit to one's own power 2 for I have been told many times by spirits that as soon as a healer thinks he is the power* without the aid of God's power, then the cures are not realized, but spiritual realization is the true spiritual healing. What remarkable strides our medical fra- ternity has given to the world, even raising the dead like the prophets of old, when they brought back the spirit into the body, which our professional medical experts sometimes do, as in cases of drowning, and many other ways. When treating cases I have known where 82 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE some mediums have been able to see the doctors practice on the spirit side of life, just as they would here, only they manipulate through the organism of the medium. And it has been seen by these same clairvoyants or healers, just where the trouble with the patient was located, and a true report would be given, which was often verified by examinations in hospitals, etc. A true healer can get a sense of location and the trouble almost as soon as he comes into vibration with his patient. Sometimes the location of the pain is thrown upon the med- ium, by a similar pain affecting him, but only for an instant to notify him what is the cause and location. I have many times been so ad- vised by having been through it myself. If I had not known the causes, I might have thought I was the sufferer instead of the patient. This should be investigated further by men of science. The asylums of the insane no doubt contain many patients who are obsessed by an unde- THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 83 veloped spirit, who has taken hold of the af- flicted one, impersonating someone else. It would be advisable to study these cases where the ailment is impersonation, then those pa- tients could be separated from the others, and a strong medium or healer could no doubt re- move the influence from that one. Just because they do not know these psychic laws, that will not make them less liable to be under their influence but rather the opposite, for when you do know the laws, then you know how to handle them properly. From now on^ treatment of the insane will no doubt take a different course. It will be the aim of this new society of Spiritual Sciences to see what relief can be obtained in such cases. The Bible tells of Jesus casting out an obsessing spirit and it was none other than an undeveloped spirit who took hold of the boy and made him go through those convulsions. How many such cases would Jesus find if he would visit the asylums to-day? Have our 84 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE scientific men investigated insanity from this new basis? This may be news to those men who have never given the spiritual side of life much thought in their work, except a few who have of late years given absolute proof of spirit communion, and it will help us all to read those books, where, even the scientists can say, it is the truth. When a medium goes into a dead trance some guide takes possession of his body and he talks, acts and lives just like the spirit who has taken possession. If the spirit was a col- ored girl, then the medium will act out the part of the colored girl, and talk just like the girl did when in life. Perhaps the obsessing spirit was in spiritland twenty years, that would make no difference in her talking just like a little colored girl and acting like a little colored girl, instead of a larger girl, who had been in spiritland twenty years. It is the law, that when they come in contact with the earth's vibration, the spirits assume just the same con- THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 85 ditions as they had when here on this earth, even after an elapse of two thousand years there is no differences except added knowledge. But the little colored girl advances because she is accustomed to coming to the medium, and has perhaps been with her for many years, or shortly after having passed over. All guides gain progression by doing this spiritual work. Pentecost Day in the Bible, was the day the apostles were given the power of tongues. They could speak different languages by some spiritual guide who took possession of them on that day, and it was the same law that can ob- tain now if rightly used and not abused. Mediumship can and will help all who are for- tunate enough to be developed to a stage that they are fully protected. This can only be through development, and a medium need not be put under control to demonstrate his powers, but if he waits long enough before he makes his public appearance, then he can have full possession of his senses, and do better 86 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE work than the medium who has to be put under a trance condition to do the work in either trance speaking or healing. Who influenced the apostle Paul in his ministry, was it not Jesus ? Jesus came to him when he was breathing out threatenings against His followers, but he changed as soon as the influence of Jesus touched his vibration. Paul took up the work where Jesus left off, as Jesus did not have the time to complete what was to be made known, but through the mediumship of Paul he could continue the work, and if one reads the 12th Chapter of First Corinth- ians, he will find all these phases of medium- ship that I have enumerated, there. Spiritual Science was known through all ages, and in the future, more will be known to the general public. They will flock to the colors where comfort is given to every soul and satisfactory evidence produced to prove what Spiritual Science teaches. To obtain more knowledge on Spiritual THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 87 Science I would advise all to attend good lec- tures on the subject, read books like "Ray- mond" by Sir Oliver Lodge, and others, that give an insight into spirit life. Then if each one would get in touch with his spirit helpers, he would be impressed how to proceed. Would advise forming societies, then churches, when properly organized, but above all keep an even mind in your development. Don't sit for three hours in some medium home to get message from the spiritland, be your own message bearer. Sit quietly in your own home twice a week from half to three-quar- ters of an hour, then you will get some results. Go to some medium and see what phase is best suited to your constitution. Would advise weak persons to attend less frequently unless there was a healer, who could give them the benefit of his magnetic forces. If we were to take Spiritual Science out of the Bible we would not have much left, as it relates mostly to the future life, CHAPTER XII PSYCHOMETRY, MOTHERHOOD AND CONCLUSION Psychometry is another phase of medium- ship. Only a few can do the work, as it is only known to those who have studied this subject; but many could be taught to demon- strate this wonderful gift. It is simply read- ing articles that you pick up. A medium can tell you all about the owner of the article, even give you your name, though not knowing it before. If many articles are placed on the table, the medium usually is out of the room when they are so placed. He does not know to whom the articles belong when he picks them up. When I am asked to read such art- icles, I always want to be out of sight when the articles are brought to the table. Then 88 THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 89 I feel an influence like a very slight charge of a battery going through my system, so I place my hand over the articles and let the guides pick up any articles they select. I have no choice in the matter, but my hand is forced to pick up the one they select. I can feel a pull- ing toward the article and many times the hand makes a quick motion like a flash for the art- icle, for, if I were to pick it up without my guide's assistance, I could do no better than anyone else, and would get no results, but when they pick it up, then I know they can read it. The way they get the information is this: The person who brought the article that the spirit guide wishes to read. The relatives or friends of the owner of the article are right there in spirit on the scene of the seance or circle, ready to tell my guide, who impresses me what the friends wish to say to the one who is getting the reading. That is the process, and if I did not have any article, I could get a message through just the same, as the same 90 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE process could apply; but if I was impressed to give a reading to someone in the audience, others in that audience might think I had met the one I was reading for or had given one or two readings before to the same person. They would think that it was a case of knowing all I had to tell through intimate acquaintance with all those I would read. That can't be said if I read an article that I don't know to whom it belongs, and give a complete reading before I find the owner, thus you will agree, there is more chance to convince skeptics in this way. I have even picked up pieces of blank paper some one had put up and got all correct, or I would pick up a one-cent piece that was handled by many, I would get results just the same, only it would apply to the one who brought it up. Sometimes I have felt a pain in certain parts of the body when I was reading an article, then I knew my healing guides wished me to tell the owner just where their pain was, and was always correct. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 91 One day I felt a pain in my left hand while I was sitting in an auditorium listening to a lecture. I asked those sitting near me if it be- longed to them, they said it did not, so the next day I met a young couple, who stopped me and told me about an accident that happened to the wife. She had a sharp instrument run in- to her hand in some accidental way, and told her husband about it, so they both tried to stop the swelling, and the wife said at the time, "If the swelling does not go down we will have to see Mr. Wright about it." I'inquired of her about what time this happened and it was ex- actly the same time as I felt the pain, when I was quite a distance away from the one who suffered. Now to explain the problem, my guides threw the pain upon my hand to let me know someone was sending out the thought that I should heal them. They caught it and telegraphed it to me or were near me at the time, as a medium is never left alone, for the risk is too great to be left open to any strange 92 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE spirit or elemental, who might try to attach himself to my person or aura. Everyone is guided and protected, but some more than others, especially when a medium is developing. Some mediums when giving a reading do not see the spirit or hear the spirit voices, but they can be impressed just what to say, and this is the highest form of mediumship. It is a proof of advanced mediumship to give tests without manifesting any signs of control, but seemingly in a perfect condition, which is the way I allow my control to take me. I speak of my own mediumship quite fre- quently in writing this work, but my readers will understand that if I were to take anyone else's word, and tell how they feel, could I give a true account as I have just done? I can prove all the statements I make, because I have ex- periencd them, and know their real value, which should meet with every critic's approval, whether he believed what I say or not. I know of one case, where a medium would THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 93 be blindfolded, then a bundle of ballots would be placed before her, most of them in sealed envelopes. This medium could tell just what part of the pile a certain one was located, and she would reach into the pile and produce the one she spoke about, and give what was written both inside the envelope and the marks on the outside, which were always correct. Then she would proceed to pick up one after another reading both envelope and the contents before opening and handing to others nearby to veri- fy, always with the same result. These gifts of mediumship are only recorded here to help all to understand the way Spiritual Science is operating with all of us, and to place before the public the truth about these seances, and gain the confidence of all, that they may in- vestigate for themselves. Motherhood Let me say a word to all mothers for their edification and guidance. I have learned that 94 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE the soul becomes attached to the child shortly after conception, and thereafter it is an entity or individual soul. If at any time thereafter it fails in maturing a human body and passes out in any unlawful or unnatural way, or whether it is born naturally but does not breathe life when born, these souls take the form of angels in all purity, when they hold communion through any mode of communica- tion with the spirit world and this world of ours. If the mothers could only realize this true state, they would not try to interfere with na- ture's laws, and obliterate the true existence of any unborn soul. This truth could be sent broadcast to all, then no excuse should be taken if the letter of the natural law is not sacredly upheld, unless the guilty ones wish to suffer the consequencs of an pvert act in the spirit world. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 95 Conclusion Would you love to hear your mother's voice or feel her presence near? Or, the child that went out of your life, come back to you and whisper its name with a joy fulness that makes your heart beat faster, or your wife, or one whom you love dearly? She is very often by your side. Or, a kind father (dear old soul) ; how he used to read to you, when you used to cuddle up in a warm spot on the hearth, and he told you stories. Well, he will tell them to you again. What a comfort to know we shall all meet again, but we need only meet those whom we love, no enforced meeting, only love tends to draw us on, one to another, so don't grieve, dear ones, I am now giving a message to each one who reads these lines. There is not a soul who has not got some of their dear ones over in the spiritland. Give them your best thoughts, they can feel them, and they appre- ciate them, when sent with loving remem- brances. 96 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE I hope I have impressed some at least that there is within every one's grasp this knowl- edge. I hope they will be helped by the con- fidence I have tried to instil in my writing. The value of study and expansion, to be broad- minded and tolerant, seek the company of all good souls, and follow the principles Christ taught. If you have to suffer persecution for Truth's sake, then do so, as the martyrs have done. Spiritual Science was demonstrated by all the great teachers. They believed in spirit communion, recognizing one supreme power, God the Father, and all human kind His chil- dren. When this perfect realization comes to all, then Spiritual Science the Universal Religion, will be firmly established. THE UNIVERSAL RELIGION 97 THE TITANIC Proudly and swiftly the Titanic sped on, Giant racer of the deep blue seas. Security and peace was felt by all, As they lay in their berths at ease. Suddenly a terrible blow was felt, The shock sent a terrifying fear, As each living mortal tried to escape The death they felt was near. Swiftly and surely the lifeboats were off With the women and children dear, Some were torn from the embraces of love, Of the men who stood bravely by, in the rear. Each moment was heard a frightened cry From a poor, weak soul awaiting doom, But the good and true, they looked above To God, whom they would meet so soon. As I looked around my heart was thrilled With emotions of grief and with pride, I beheld an elderly couple close by Who calmly said ? "Death us cannot divide/' 98 SPIRITUAL SCIENCE Music was heard above that great roar, Coming sweetly to my ears that night, As each hero played the hymn so dear, That gave peace to the soul in its flight. Awaking I found I had entered new life, Amid flowers and loved ones near, They came to welcome me over the bar, Saying "take comfort, dear one, don't fear." Alfred A. Wright. the END THE MYSTIC SCIENCE DRAMA IN THREE ACTS BY ALFRED A. WRIGHT Copyright, 1917 By ALFRED A. WRIGHT THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 101 CAST OF CHARACTERS Prof. John Williams Thos. Finley Rev. Wm. Newton Geo. Walker Capt. James King Jos. Cameron Louis Gautner Charles Latham Mr. Henry Lathrop Margaret Hibbard Fiance of Prof. WilUams Scientist His guest Minister Retired Army officer Senator Servant Harpist Opera Singer Esther Williams Jane Hibbard Rose Haller Sadie Adamson Mme. M. Simpson His daughter Mother of Margaret Automatic Writer Servant of Margaret Opera Singer 102 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Time: Present Place: New York ACT I : Prof. Williams' Drawing room, Riverside Drive, New York. Tuesday, early in June, 10 A.M. ACT II: Margaret Hibbard's Dining room, West 58th Street, New York, 7 P.M. same day. ACT III: Same Scene as Act I. One week later, 8P.M. Time Scene: ACT I Present, 10 A.M. on a Tuesday, early in June. Prof. Williams' drawing room on Riverside Drive. Elegantly fur- nished, fully equipped, also typical of a man of scientific temperament with piano left, writing desk on left center, table with bric-a-brac, large desk on right, sideways to THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 103 audience, arm-chair for Professor in front of desk, the audience to get side view of Professor when he sits at desk. The scene opens with Esther (his daughter) a young lady about 24 years old of striking appearance, should be a blonde type. She is sitting at the writing desk, looking over same letters just handed her a moment before the curtain arose. She has selected one of them to answer immediately as it is an in- vitation for herself and her father to dine with Margaret Hibbard, her father's fiance. While Esther is writing, we turn to her father, Prof. Williams who is a man about fifty years old, is good look- ing, good head, manly and with a scientific temperament, coming in- to the room immediately after 104 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE curtain rises and goes to his desk, sits down, draws the chair up to desk, begins writing (as he has been writing a book on a scientific subject) . Esther (Looking up, calls softly) Father! Professor (Stops writing, looks up) Well, dear? Esther Margaret wants us to take dinner with her to- night at 7 P.M. Shall I send her a telegram to let her know, or phone her? Professor She is probably not at home at this hour so you had better send her a telegram. Have Louis call a messenger at once. (Esther rings a bell on desk) Louis (Enters, dressed in servant's attire)' THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 105 Did you ring, mam? Esther See that this message is sent off right away; ring for a messenger. Louis (Bows and says) Yes, mam. (Leaves room) Esther (Goes to desk of her father, she leans over and asks him) Father, can you imagine what Margaret will do with her beautiful home when she is mar- ried. Is she going to bring her mother here to live with us? I have not asked you many questions concerning your plans, but you might tell me all, for I know I'll get along with Margaret; but do you think her mother would prefer to stay and keep her own home? I know she will feel awfully worried not to see Margaret every day, for she has been such a comfort to her. 106 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Professor My dear, I have talked the matter over with Margaret and she said she would do just as I wished. So I have been thinking over the matter very carefully and have about made up my mind to let her mother abide in her own home, while I know it will be rather lone- some for her, yet I think in the end it will be best, at least for the time being. Esther (Relieved somewhat goes and sits on the arm of her father's chair and caresses him fondly) Dear, daddy. Do you think you will love me just as much as ever, when Margaret comes? For I have had a feeling lately that you will not think as much of your little girl as you do now, but will neglect me in trying to be at- tentive to Margaret. Professor Nothing can make me think any the less of you, daughter. Why should you think so? Surely THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 107 I will not love you less, under any new con- ditions that may arise. Esther We have been so happy together, haven't we, daddy. Professor Yes, little sweetheart. (Brings her closer and kisser her) Esther (Then walks to the piano, picks up a pic- ture of Margaret, looks at it attentively, re- places it, sits down to the piano and rund. over the keys, if she can play then a few chords will do, she then goes to the window, looks out, while her father continues writing after having lit a cigar) Esther (Is about to leave the room, is near the door when she meets a Mr. Finley who is entering the room and stops her. Mr. Fin- ley is a guest of Prof. Williams. He is a man of 45 to 50 years, rather medium 108 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE height, but a bachelor. Has been there some weeks, sort of one of the family, but does not attend any of the functions. Why, Mr. Finley. We are going out to din- ner this evening to our friend, Miss Hibbard's, so you will be quite alone, why not come with us. I know Margaret will be delighted to have you. Finley Thank you very much. I don't thmk 111 go out this evening as I wish to go over some im- portant papers and specifications that will take up most of the evening. Esther You will be quite comfortable to stay alone? Finley Quite, my little lady, and I want you to tell Miss Hibbard to get that new type car she talked to me about the last time I saw her for I have looked into the matter for her and would advise her to do so. THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 109 Esther I'll tell her this evening, Mr. Finley. Finley Thanks. (Esther goes out of the room) (Finley slowly walks toward the desk of Prof, and stops there) Well, Professor are you still at the same old problem or have you got any new ideas since I last talked with you about that invention you had in mind? Professor Oh, you mean the submarine problem? Finley (Sitting down) Yes. Do you think anyone will ever get any further with a satisfactory solution to get rid of the undersea terror? Seems to me surely there are some ways of dealing with that problem. Professor Some of the brightest minds in the world 110 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE have tried to solve it but as yet no real remedy has been found. But that question of yours has put me to thinking of a new way or plan. I might try and see if it will bring results. Some time ago I heard of a woman who had wonderful powers which she manifested in an unusual way, her method was auto- matic writing. She could take a pencil in her left hand and hold it in a position to write upon a slate, then some force or spirit power would take hold of her arm and write upon the slate. She would not know what the hand was writing for it usually wrote upside down and backward so she had to hold a look- ing glass up to the slate to read it in the glass. Now if she got some clear message through why couldn't I get a message through which might hit upon the solution to the submarine problem. It is worth while trying — suppose you and I go over to see this lady some day or better still have her come here. THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 111 Finley We might try it and see what we can get. Professor I have often felt if I got in touch with some one of that nature or development, I could then get some messages through myself. You don't know about my other inventions and scientific studies — I have unravelled by the aid of my psychic powers. I have in my own quiet way studied this subject quite a great deal and know there is unlimited depths or heights one can delve into and learn that way, where books cannot go half so far. I'll phone her right away, let me see if I can remember her name. Yes I have it right here. (Taking down the receiver of phone after looking up the number in the phone book) Hello! Central. Give me 325 Schuyler. Hello! is that Miss Haller? You will pardon me if I take the liberty and state that my friend Mr. Wallace, whom you no doubt will remember, told me you would be pleased to show to the 112 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE scientific world this wonderful power you pos- sess. I'm Mr. Williams, 646 Riverside Drive. Now could you come over some time soon? You say you could come over right away, that's so, you only live around the corner from here. Yes. I'll have my daughter and a friend. We four will make the party. Thank you, good- bye. Well, I got a chance quicker than I expected. Finley It would be rather strange if this automatic writer could give you the key to your invention. {Finley and Prof, are both smoking and in deep thought. Finley gets up and is walk- ing up and down the room. Prof, folds up his manuscripts and puts them away in a drawer in desk) Professor (Walks toward the door, then stands out- side and is listening to a man who is play- ing the harp. He then invites him in, and he is seen coming into the drawing room THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 113 with Prof. Williams, who shows him to the front of the stage) Now we will have a little music before our writer comes. You can play anything you care to. (Then Prof, takes a seat) Latham (Plays music on harp, one or two selections, leaving harp after first or second selection for an encore if necessary but at final takes harp with him and leaves room. Prof, goes to door with musician and hands him one dollar, closes door, turns to enter) Professor (Returns to Mr. Finley) I think music from the harp is wonderfully pleasing to the ear — rather soul inspiring. Finley It seems to strike a sympathetic chord in my nature, too . (Door bell rings) 114 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Professor (Goes to the door. Miss H alter enters. Neat appearing but not stylish^ a young lady about 25 years. Extending her card which the Prof, takes) Professor Miss Haller, come right in. (Prof, introduces Mr. Finley, who ac- knowledges the introduction) Miss Haller I am at liberty now to go ahead with my demonstration. I have brought my slate and pencil ; we can proceed at once if you are ready. Professor With pleasure. I'll call my daughter immedi- ately. (Prof, leaves room) Finley Miss Haller, when did you find out you had this strange power to do this writing? Miss Haller About two years ago. I was suddenly taken THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 115 hold of by an unseen force and my hand was controlled to pick up a lead pencil that was lying on the table. I was forced to write upon a pad of paper nearby and when the spell went away I found I could not read what I had written except by looking into the looking glass, then the meaning was quite plain. I could read it without any errors in the writ- ing. Finley Remarkable! To what do you attribute this power, Miss Haller? Miss Haller I know it is a spirit force that controls my hand. (Prof, and Esther enter room) Professor Miss Haller, this is my daughter. I want you to have a nice visit with us to-day. Esther Seems to me I feel a strange power myself and feel some remarkable work will be done. 116 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Father is so interested in his research work and if you can only find a solution to this problem of the submarine menace you will then prove to all of us your powers are a spiritual gift. Why father and I are afraid to go to Europe on account of the danger of being torpedoed. Professor We are at your service Miss Haller any time you care to begin. Miss Haller I'll sit next to Mr. Williams, then your daugh- ter and Mr. Finley can sit opposite. You can rest your left hand on my right hand Mr. Williams and we don't need to turn down any of the lights for I can write in the light just as well. If you will concentrate your mind on the subject you want me to write or draw upon the slate perhaps it may help things along, but be passive and see what happens. (Miss Haller holds pencil in a position to write with her left hand then relaxes) THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 117 Professor Esther, will you bring me a pad and a lead pencil as I am impressed to write in conjunc- tion with the psychic. (Esther leaves the room hurriedly and en- terSj gives the pad and pencil to Prof.) Are conditions all right, Miss Haller? Miss Haller Yes, I feel conditions are good. ( Then she poses her arm again in a writing position with her left hand and waits for the spirits to move her arm) (Prof, takes up pencil and holds it in post- tion similar to Miss Haller when suddenly he begins to write. He is highly interested in some idea, he removes his left hand from Miss Halter's right and puts all his energy into his work, he draws a diagram of the invention he so anxiously wanted; all now seems clear to him. Some wonderful power has come to him through the magnetic power of Miss Haller. Now his face is all aglow 118 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE as his hand writes very fast, almost jumbles the letters together in such haste. He looks up) Professor I have it at last. (Then looks at the psychic) Miss Haller (Draws a diagram) Professor Is the diagram in connection with what I have drawn? Miss Haller (Hand writes) Yes. Professor Are the dimensions the same as I have on my sheet. Miss Haller (Hand writes) Yes. Professor Shall it be three or two. THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 119 Miss Haller (Hand writes) Three. Professor (Comparing the two drawings and at last sees the connection, thus solving the prob- lem) I have the complete invention and can now go ahead with assurance of success, the psychic is wonderful. This must be kept a secret until we can get it before the proper authorities at Washington who can then decide if it is to be used or not. At last science can give to the world something that will combat the sub- marine and curb the dangerous weapon. Miss Haller (Relaxes and sits bach into seat, looks at Prof.) Did you get what you desired. Professor Yes. Even more than I ever expected to get ; it's perfectly marvelous, your power seemed to 120 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE contact me when I touched your hand, but I get my writing in more of an inspirational way than you do with your automatic writing. Miss Haller Now I must be going as I have an engagement soon. (Arising) (Puts on her hat, shakes hands with all) Esther I would like to have you come over again soon. Now you must promise me you will do so, as I am very much interested myself — besides I want you to write for me about my future. Miss Haller Only too glad to do so, but I'll let you know. Finley Do you often feel inclined to write as you have done to-day, or draw diagrams or pictures? Miss Haller Quite often I feel the forces trying to get me to write. Perhaps I should let scientific men investigate some of the work I am capable of THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 121 doing, with the assistance of this spirit force working through me, as many more problems will have to be solved now the war has such a firm grip upon the whole world. Perhaps if we looked to the spirit forces for enlightenment we might find a quick solution to all our serious problems. (Bids all good-bye and leaves) Professor I see I have a work to draft this thing in shape . . . (Taking the diagram and putting it in his pocket) so I'll do it right away with everything fresh in my mind, and when we go to Margaret's to-night for dinner, I will send for Senator Cameron, who lives on the same street as Mar- garet, and have him take it up with Washing- ton authorities. Professor (Now moves to the desk, arranges his pa- pers so he can get busy with the drawings, 122 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE and bids all to leave him alone for the rest of the afternoon) Esther Now, father, don't overtax your strength over this invention. Do try and be ready for the auto by 6 P.M., won't you, daddy? Professor Yes, I'll be ready, but call me at 5 P.M. if I am not through by then. Finley (Standing up ready to go) Professor, when you have your sketches made, would you mind letting me see them? Professor I'm afraid I can't do that, as it would not be right to let anyone know for fear of the enemy getting the secret, and then they would be able to combat this new invention with devices of their own — so you will excuse me if I don't show them. I would not even tell Esther, but I will have to submit them to some one who is in authority, and I think Senator Cameron will THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 123 be just the man — he can have them tried out. I'll get real busy now, so, excuse me. Finley Certainly. Come along Esther. (Both leave the room) Professor (Seated at his desk busy at his work draw- ing diagram. The Curtain drops on this scene) End of Act I. 124 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE ACT II Scene Margaret Hibbard's dining room on West 58th Street, New York, room elaborately decorated, with round table with six chairs. Time: 7 P.M. same day. Dinner about to be served. (Margaret enters — she is medium height, brown hair, stylish, in full evening dress, is about 30 to 35 years old. She looks around to see if the table is ready, crosses over to the door to the left, opens it and an- nounces ee dinner is ready' to all in that room. She remains standing at the door to receive Jane Hibbard (Margaret's mother) , tall, partly grey hair, neatly dressed, full evening dress, 55 years old, stylish appear- ance. She is accompanied by Prof. Williams who leads her to her seat, next to Margaret on the right facing the audience. Next fol- THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 125 lows Capt. King,, an army officer 1 in full army uniform, about 30 years, good appear- ance, manly — a friend of the family. He en- ters on the arm of Esther. Geo. Walker, friend of the family (a retired man of 60 to 65 years, stately, with full grey hair) , who enters last when Margaret conducts him to his seat. Margaret shows each to his or her seat, then she seats herself at the head of the table right hand, with profile to the audi- ence) (General discussions — order of seating as follows, Margaret at right hand, her mother next to her right, Walker next, Esther next Capt. King, Prof. next. The circle is com- plete) (Sadie enters with soup — all guests partake of soup) Margaret How perfect this day has been. Mother and I have been down to our country home on Long Island to see if all things are in place. You 126 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE know I make these two places my abode, giv- ing about half my time to each one. Professor My dear, I am so glad you can adapt your- self to city life even in this summer season, for I am more inclined to stay in the city than living exclusively in the suburbs or country estates. But you can do just as you have done when we are married, for I know you and your mother have been inseparable. Jane When Margaret becomes Mrs. Williams, she shall go to her husband's home and be a duti- ful wife in the full sense and meaning, and I think it is the proper way; although she and I have been so much together, it will fall heav- ier on me than upon her, but I have been through just such an experience myself and can truthfully state facts. Professor Have you then decided to live here alone after Margaret leaves? THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 127 Jane Yes — Margaret and I had, an understanding to-day. Esther When I get married, I want daddy to come to my home often. Jane Oh, yes, I'll come often, but you know the old saying about mothers-in-law, and I'll not put myself in the path of anyone's happiness, for I think all wives will do well to place all their love on their husbands, and the husbands do the same with their wives, for I know when the wife is provoked she would run immediately to her mother and seek consolation ; but I think it is the duty of the husband to be the one to smooth away all tears that may come to the bride, thereby winning the affection of the one he pledged to protect and cherish. Capt. King I heartily agree with Mrs. Hibbard, but as much as I love my mother, I would think it best 128 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE to abide by the decision of the one I select for my wife. (Esther looking up shyly into his face — Capt. looking with tenderness in his eyes toward Esther) Professor I have sent word to Senator Cameron to come over after dinner. You have met him, dear. (Turning to Margaret) Margaret (Looks up surprised) I know him quite well. Mrs. Cameron has been here quite often. I understand he's go- ing to Washington in a day or two. Professor By the way, dear, I have invented some won- derful method to fight the submarine success- fully. While it has not been tested yet, only having come to me this morning, yet I feel the whole plan is just what we want. I'm go- ing to ask the Senator to take the plans to THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 129 Washington, and see what can be done to give them a test. Margaret How in the world did you ever get such a wonderful invention? Esther Indeed, Margaret, a woman helped him. (She smiles at Margaret roguishly) Margaret Well, I'll not worry about that, just so he got some invention that will be worth while. Professor I had an automatic writer come to our home this morning, and through her influence I was able to see my way clearly to invent this de- vice. She partly confirmed all the points that would arise, sometimes adding detail that I was not quite sure about. Margaret Why, I have heard of those psychics. They must have help from an unseen force — they 130 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE claim it is the departed spirit friends that help them. Geo. Walker Professor, I am glad the scientists have some faith in the supernatural, as they call it; but I think they are only natural laws properly car- ried out. Professor I am firmly convinced now that all of us have such powers, but as yet we have not used them to any extent. (Dinner is over — they all arise. Jane is busy seeing to have the dishes removed. If the table can be lifted bodily and taken out that way, it perhaps would be better, but it may be too big for the doors) (Prof, and Walker are seen in quiet dis- cussion on this subject — they sit down and smoke) (Capt. and Esther are seen talking together — she laughing at something he said) (Margaret approaches Prof, with a smile) THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 131 Margaret Would you gentlemen like to step out into the other room while the table is cleared. Professor With pleasure, but we are coming back, as I prefer this room to see the Senator. (All leave the room on left. Prof, and Mar- garet go together talking, as the servants clear the table and put on an elaborate cover and lamp and other bric-a-brac) (Margaret comes into the room alone. Door bell rings. She goes to a door back of scene in another room — leaves room to answer bell, Margaret enters with Senator Cam- eron) Margaret It is quite a surprise to see you. How is Mrs. Cameron? Senator Quite well, thanks, 132 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Margaret iWon't you sit down? I'll call Prof. Williams ^— I believe he wants to see you. Senator Yes, I received word to come over here as he had some business matter he wanted to discuss with me. Margaret From what I hear it seems to be very import- ant, but I'll call him. (Excuses herself and leaves room) (Prof, enters room, shakes Senator's hand) Senator Glad to see you. Professor Thanks. Senator, I want to talk to you in regard to some invention of mine. I drew a sketch of ft this afternoon. (Taking some papers from inside pocket — both draw their chairs to the table and with faces to audience) I want you to look them over and read wha£ THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 133 I have to say and see if you think it quite plain, so you can explain to the Washington authorities about my invention. Senator (Looking over letter and examining sketch — appears elated — turns to Prof.) By jove, Professor, you've got the right idea. I know it will work, for I can see the scheme. It seems simple after one has the plans before him. Professor Yes, that's just the trouble — it was something different from the usual technique employed, that's all. Senator I can see all the good points of your inven- tion, and I'll gladly see what can be done to give it a good try-out. I'll be in Washington day after to-morrow. Professor You will not tell anyone except the proper au- thorities. That is the reason I selected you 134 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE to be my messenger, as you can do more on this matter than I can. Senator I believe so, too, as I may get a bill through to have some civilian put on the consulting board that handles those matters for the gov- ernment, but I'll see you are protected and your patent put through correctly. Senator (Arising as if to go) Professor Don't be in a hurry. Won't you stay and visit a while? Senator Thanks, but I'll have to be going. Professor I'm trying to do my bit like all the rest in these war times. We need harmony and co- operation to solve these great problems thai; daily come to our notice. Senator I'll do all I qan in the matter, trust me. THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 135 ( Walks to door with Prof, who opens door — goes out in other room and departs) Professor Good-night and thank you. (Closes the door — enters the room again) (Margaret enters room and meets Prof. Esther and Capt. enter room together. All four walk over to the piano) (Speaking to Margaret) Suppose we leave the young folks to themselves for a while, as I have some interesting news I want to tell you. Margaret Come along then. (Smiling as both leave the room) Capt. King (Smiling at Prof, and Margaret) Delighted! (Turns to Esther with a slight gesture to- ward the piano) Miss Williams, won't you play on the piano? 136 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Esther (Takes a seat on piano stools turns to piano and runs over the keys for a minute or two. Capt. sits down comfortably near by) Esther (Turns toward Capt. King) Captain, will you sing if I play for you? Capt. King (Rises and goes toward Esther) Have you any music that I can select from? Esther Yes, look these over. (Handing him several pieces of music she takes from top of piano) Capt. King (Selecting one, putting rest on piano) Let's try this one. (Naming song he will sing) Esther 1 (Begins with piano part) w THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 137 Capt. King (Stands near Esther, with face to audience, sings) (If successful one more song of a different character as encore) Geo. Walker (Enters room, looks surprised) Beg pardon, am I intruding? Esther (Turning around) No, indeed, come join us. (Geo. Walker takes seat near Capt) Mr. Walker, were you ever in the army? Geo. Walker No, I was never connected in any of the branches of the government, but have been in the manufacturing business in England in my younger days. Capt. King I think for a man to serve one's country, when that country is at war, that should be his high- est attainment. 138 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Esther (Smiling approvingly) So do I, but if he were to be taken away to fight, don't you think it would be hard for the loved ones left behind? Geo. Walker There's no doubt of it, but we have all to share in this war and all the burdens are divided amongst us so we can be in sympathy one with another. Capt. King I will go to my regiment to-morrow, as I only had a four-day furlough. We expect to cross to France soon to be in the fight. All the boys are anxious to go and no doubt it will try their metal. (Prof, and Margaret enter room, walking toward the group) Professor Daughter, get ready to leave, for the auto will be here in a few moments. (Jane enters and takes seat) 1 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 139 Esther Oh, father, Captain King expects to go to the front soon. I wish I were a man so I could go, too. Professor Your duty is right at home, my dear, holding the home ties together. If you were a nurse, then I would have no hesitancy in letting you go, if you so desired, for that work is as much needed as the man at the gun — otherwise it is a man's war and men will have to fight it out. Let us hope a way may be found that will tend toward peace and good will to all mankind. Capt. King Mr. Williams, may I have the honor to cor- respond with your daughter, as I believe I may have that pleasure with her consent. (Looking toward Esther) Professor It rests solely with her, Captain King. I cer- tainly will not interfere with her wishes. (Margaret, smiling, walks over toward Cap- 140 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE tain King, engages in consultation, but not aloud. Esther joins Captain King and Mar- garet. Geo\ Walker and Jane arise, shake hands with Captain and Esther when the curtain drops) {Orchestra should here play "America") Curtain THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 141 ACT III Scene: Time: Same as Act I. One week later. Prof, and Margaret are to be mar- ried at 8 P.M. with wedding sup- per ready to be served. Table should be set bach of stage to the right, elegantly arranged with flower decorations on table and plants around room; desk should not appear in this scene but an air of elegance should prevail. Scene opens with Geo. Walker and Mr. Finley in full evening dress standing talking to one another. Rev. Newton enters, minister {garb of minister) with glasses and gloves and ministerial looking, per- haps 50 years old. Neat black 142 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE clothing with book in hand, he goes to Geo. Walker and Mr. Finley. All three shake hands. (Geo. Walker and Mr. Finley leave room after excusing themselves. Prof, and Mar- garet, Esther and Geo. Walker, Mr. Fin- ley and Jane follow immediately after in bridal costumes enter arm in arm. She has a bouquet of flowers on her bosom with bridal veil upon her head — both walk toward mini- ster. Both face about with Jane at side of Margaret and Mr. Finley at side of Prof. George Walker and Esther stand to left of group — all in full dress) (Here orchestra should play wedding march softly and stop playing when minister turns with his back to audience to marry the couple; when he reaches the point where the ring is to be given Mr. Finley should be the one to produce it from his vest pocket en- closed in a jewel box, open it and offer it to the bridegroom, who takes it out of the box THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 143 and puts it on the bride's finger. It should not be a long ceremony but long enough to seem real. The words of the minister could be heard by the audience, but some of the ceremony could be left out so as not to make it binding. After wedding then the usual greeting and congratulations are in order. All take action. Jane should be seen with a tear in her eye as she kisses Margaret, as all mothers feel they have lost them when they get married. Esther appears normal and kisses the bride and her father. After all have shaken hands and talked long enough on the subject of the wedding, have Mar- garet now assign all to their respective places at the wedding table {which should be cor- nered large enough to seat 7 persons and should set lengthwise) . The assigning of the places should be perfectly natural not to be in a stereotyped way but all to be perfectly natural as possible — order of each person at the table. After all are seated should be 144 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Margaret at head right-hand. Profile to audience, on her right should be Prof., then Mr. Finley, then at opposite end of table place the Rev. Newton, next him at the side next to audience Esther, then George and Jane. Wine should be served in small glasses at each plate on the table before the curtain goes up. The soup is brought in — each should partake of some) Geo. Walker {Arising) {Offers a toast, holds a small glass of wine in right hand, half turns toward bride, and in a clear voice for all to hear) May love and happiness, Abide in this home always, Is my fervent wish. {Then all raise their glasses and repeat in unison) All May every home thus be blessed. THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 145 (After all have eaten and arisen from the table the table then can be moved by the serv- ants toward the door in right hand corner of stage. I would suggest leaving table intact as it was with all the decorations instead of clearing off. The guests then can take seats around room or remain standing talking to one another. Would suggest some seat them- selves, others standing in pairs and talking in a jolly mood, Margaret, with veil re, moved, if not already done so) Professor Suppose we all have a dance — say a minuet! Esther I think that would be real jolly. (Walking toward centre of room) Geo. Walker (Turns to Esther) Suppose we start the dance. (He takes her as his partner, orchestra can then play a minuet if not already begun at the suggestion of the dance) 146 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE Professor (Walks toward Margaret) Will you try this with me? Margaret Certainly ! (Both dance together) (Mr. Finley asks Jane to dance, she com- plies. All dance this dance through to the end) (After dance ladies can be seen with fans talking to partners or walking about room to cool off j, some should take seats and a general conversation should be here indulged in) Professor I have a surprise for all of you. (Announcing with a mysterious air, then turns to door on left, goes out but immedi- ately returns with two singers, male and fe- male who are in full evening dress, having just previously arrived in the next room as Prof, had instructed the doorman to take THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 147 them into parlor and notify him when they came. He introduces both to all the guests who return introduction either shaking hands or bowing graciously. Then all are to take seats around room or I would suggest the men (one or two) stand in rear part of stage listening attentively. He leads the two sing- ers to the front of the stage and after a mo- ment or two talking with them announces to the guests in tones loud enough for all the audience to hear) Madame Simpson will sing — (Name song) (Male singer can be seated nearby until Madame has finished her song) (Prof, takes seat. All should remain quiet except ladies could be seen fanning them- selves, xdth smiles of approval to one an- other, but in a perfectly natural manner as the occasion may require) (After Madame sings she may give an en- 148 THE MYSTIC SCIENCE core if song is acceptable but only a short one) (Then Prof, walks toward Madame, bowing and seating her nearby, then turn- ing to Mr. Lathrop) Mr. Lathrop, will you favor us with a selection? Mr. Lathrop (Bows, rising) Certainly! With pleasure! (At proper moment orchestra should begin his song) (Prof, previously having announced to the guests title of this selection) (Prof, takes seat after doing so) If song is acceptable, short encore to be indulged in. Then Prof, walks to both sug- gesting that they sing a duet. They both arise and after a moment or so indulge in their selection which they have previously agreed upon as final encore. This song title should be announced to the guests but in announcing this song and the other songs THE MYSTIC SCIENCE 149 I would suggest the Prof, anounce it to the audience in such a manner that the audience would hear distinctly the titles of each song rendered) (After duet all should applaud vigorously, those that are seated coming forward with congratulations to the singers. Enthusiasm displayed by guests, here slow curtain should descend) END OF PLAY Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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