E 711 .9 .R5 Copy 1 A PRESENT PERIL. ADDRESS BY joh:n^ k^icpiaeds, Solicitor-General of the United States, AT THE FOUNDERS' DAY BANQUET OP THE UNION LEAGUE OF PHILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER 23, IDOl. .9 iN BXCHANQK. IVIAR 1 3 1916 T A prese:n^t peril. Address by JOHN. K. RICHARDS, Solicitor-General of the United States, at the Founders' Day Banquet of the Union League of Philadelphia, November 23, 1901. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Union League: Before turning to the subject of my address, I can not refrain from expressing my grateful appreciation of the honor of being invited to be one of the speak- ers at this dinner in honor of the Founders of the Union League. From the days when the regiments raised by this patriotic orga>iT(i'a